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 Dictionary of English Literature 
 ALLIBONE'S V*"^' '^ nthehi..-, 
 i-'fSf2.:?..A.'5?>-- '^ 
 » > u. 
 VOL. II. 
Copyriglit, 1891, by J. U. Liim-incuit Cosii'Any. 
 y J. B. LiPPINCOTT COMPANV, Phiiadeiphi*. ' 
 Hn(i({).|iM'ii, SophiiN. (Tmns.) Mcthoila an.l Tho- 
 oriM lor the Solution of I'mbloms of (iuometri™! Con- 
 8triiction. I,y Julius Pulcrsen, I,nn., IH71), Svo. 
 IIiiiis, lOriiNt Anton Mux, I'll. I). CatuloKuo of 
 Ninsknt MU.l l>„ii li„„k, |n ,|,o iJiitj,!, Museum, I,on., 
 llnbberton, John, b. lSt2, in lirooklvn, X.V. ■ 
 was liU'iiiry .•.lii,,,- „f the Clirialiun Union l^7l-7s, un.l 
 has sinuc been on tho editorial stuff of the Nciv York 
 Ifnil.l I. H,,bi,.,. By thfir l,«tt.>t Vicliu,. 
 lio.-t., INO 8,|. |,i„,o |,„,| svo. Anon. (More. Hum 
 one hunJruil „n,l liCy tl,.,„s,in.| ....pies huve been soi.l.) 
 i. Iho liaiton Kxpcrinicnt, \. York. Isrn, Himo. :!. 
 rho Jencho U.m.l: a .Xtor.v of Western Life. Chie.. 
 lS7fl. sni. Ito. 1. (K,|.) Select Uritish,s, (vol 
 1. :) f|ieetator, (.■^ulecte.l Papers,) by Ad.ji.son I'm.l .Steele; 
 with lntr»,ljict(uy K.ssuy and liioKraphienl Sketches, 
 , • •"''*: J '\' "•■■"I' '-'""• ■'. lirown-Up Jii.bies. Illust. 
 -on., Ih,,, isino. (i. My Motber-in-Uw, Lon., Is77, 
 Um,> , (K,l.) Sir K„.er ,lo Coverley : con.istiuK 
 ot tho I'apeis rolatin- to Sir Roller dc Uoverlcy 
 publisbed in tho ".Speelalur:" ,vith an Ii.tioduelory 
 ts.say, js,7 Svo. S. Other People's Children, N. York, 
 '" '•."'I- '"""'• J- Tl'« ^'-ni'lureClubof Valley iiesl 
 or, Sketehes of Everybody's Neighbors, X. York, I,H77, 
 m. l»mo. in Somo Folks, nuist. N. York, l,S77 
 i^n. '■ I''"IV'''"-.V. IlliHt. N. York, l87.M2nio: 
 ,-• ^''"-'■' }^:^",1'''\,''''"" "-"N >vo. I.!. Tho Crew of 
 10 ••Sam \\ e ler," \. York, I>7S, sq. lOuio. 1 1. .Just 
 One Day I!„st., I,s7il, liinio; „e>v e,l.. entitled "Mrs. 
 Maybnrn.s Iwins." &c., I'hila., 18,-<:', Svo. 15. The; 
 Worst ii"y in lown. Illust. N. York, 1880, sq. 
 biiio. 1(>. Who was Paul Uraysony Illust. X.York, 
 r 1 1 r,'- ' ""•, '"• '■'''" ""W'bam l'u/.2le.- a Novel: 
 also] My Priend Moses: a Story, \. York, Isst, IL'iuo! 
 8. (,e,.rj;e «"shinKt.m, (17:iL'-l 7UU,) (•• Lives .,f A.ner- 
 lean "''rtliies, ) N.York, IS8t, Itimo. 1». Urueton's 
 Bayou, Pliila., 18.80, Svo. 
 "[".oriKliiality of motive, in fresliiii'ss of treatment and 
 11, a wiimiiit; pal leli.. ^.raee wliieli is not a i u v , ,r, I'l e 
 ol the story, hut is wrcuiL'ht iiitc its verv lUbi'k' ' 111' m"s 
 Bayon stands al,u,eamon«reeent„c.vels.'_7c-;,,/.^ 
 20. lountiy Luck, [a novel,] Phila., 1SS7, U'mo. 
 Ilubcrslion, .Mutthcw Henry. Tho Wave of 
 ^<•epllel^nl and the Hock of Truth : a Keply to "Suuer- 
 Uiitural lieli^'ioii," Lon , |s7a, p. Svo. ' 
 Ilabfrshon, Samuel Osborne, M.D FRCP 
 iv.'j-l.ssil, b. at Uolherham; studied mcdieine at Gily's 
 Hospital and at the University of London, where 'ho 
 graduated 18IS: physician to Guy's lL)spital ISBC-SU' 
 vice-president of ihu Royal Collcgo of Physicians 1887, 
 fa. 1. A Catalogue of tho Models of Diseases of the 
 Skill 111 the Museum of liuy's Hospital, Lon., 1854, Svo. 
 ^. lalhologieal ami Practieal Observations on Diseases 
 oltbe Abdomen, l,..n., 1857, Svo; Ith cd., 1888. 3, 
 Meaioal Scienee in its General Aspects and .'^tudy • a 
 l.cctuie, Lon., 18,V.), Svo. 4. On the Injurious ElVeets 
 01 Mercury in the Treatment of Disease, Lon., IS5'J p 
 8^0. D. On Disease of the .Stcmiaeh : the Varieties of 
 U.vsiicpsia, their Uiagnosi.s and Treatment, Lon., 1866 ' 
 p.-vu; :id ed., 1S7II. (i. On the and Tieat- 
 liieiitul some Diseases of the Liver, (Lettsmnian Lec- 
 tures, 1S72,) Lon., isri', 8vo; 2d cd., I8S5. 7. On tho 
 l'atliii|.,;ry „t (ho Pneumogastric Nerve, (Lumleian Lec- 
 tures, is, I,,) Lon., 1877, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1885. ,\ The [ 
 Adviinccinent of Seieiire by E.xperimontal Research : 
 the IhirvTian Oration, l-<8;!, Lon., 188.!, or. Svo. 
 Hiibirslion, William <;., and Gladstone, 
 Tlioums H., Ph. I), ilM.) Hymns for tho Use of 
 l^liristiaii Associations, Lou., ISC),'), lUino. 
 Hal)ii>.|ittW, Fredciick. Catalosuc of the Diato- 
 "laeca. |:,|itod by R. Ilit.hcock. N. York, 1881, 4to. 
 Mack, .Uiiry Pryor. I. Consecrated Women. By",t|.-nid.j Lon., is-ii, p. Svo. 2. Self-Surremler': 
 a hecon.l .-.ries of Oonseciated Women, Lon., 18S| n 
 8vo; new ed., 1888. :i. Christian Womanhoo,!, Lon.! 
 188,1, p. s,„, 4, Faithful Service: Sketches of Chris- 
 tian Woo,,,,, Lon., 18S5. p. ^vo. 5. Mary Prvor: a 
 l-ih3.htoiy Ml ,1 Hundred Years Ago, Lon., 1887, Svo ^ 
 Muck, Stephen. Horsc-Shoos and Horse-Owners • 
 or.The Why and Uooause of Broken Knees and Uns. und 
 Lefts, Lon., 1874, Svo. 
 Ilncker, J. II. Memoirs of Thomas Smith Thom- 
 son, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Medical Missionarv of .Neyoor, 
 Iravancore, South India. Illust. Lon., l,-'s7, cr. ,svo. 
 Ilncker, M. E. n illinm. Guide for the Order 
 ol High Priesthood. Portland, .Mo., L-tU. 12mo. 
 Iliiekett, I'^rnnk Wiirren. I. Memoir of Wil- 
 liam Henry Young llackett: with Selections from his 
 AVritings, P,,,.tsmoutli. \.||., 1S711, svo. Privately 
 pritited. 2. llie Geneva Awanl Acts : with Notes and 
 Relerences to Decisions of the Court of Commission of 
 Alabama Claims Host., 1882, Svo. :!. (Kd.) Porlsmouth 
 Records: with Notes, ISSli. 8vo. 
 Ilnckett, Ilev. Hornlio Biilih, D.D , LL D 
 L"W,, vol 1., add.,] d. IS75: resigned his chair in New' 
 ton Iheologieal institution in |s(;y, „nd in ls7li was 
 appointed professor of New Tc.-tameiit Greek in lioclies- 
 ter Iheological Seminary. Cliristinn Memorials of the 
 "ar; w,lh Historical .Notes, Lost., 18,14, l2mo 
 llackett, Jnnies Henry, Imiii-I87I, b. in New 
 iork City; a popular actor, specially noted lor his im- 
 personation of Falstair. Notes and Comments ui,on Cer- 
 taiii Plays and Actors of Sl,akespe„,e : with Criticism.s 
 and Correspondence, N. York, l>,;:), 12mo; .'M e,l.. 18(14 
 Ilnckett, M. (Trans.) Life of St. Klizabeth of 
 lluiigary. Duchess of Thuringia, by C. ,le .Montalembert, 
 N. \ork. 1878, I (lino. ' 
 Ilnckett, Iticharil It. Wirksworth and Five .Miles 
 round: an llistoricil Sketch, Wirksworth, Isil.i, Svo 
 Hackhonse, Allretl. The .Suceessful Pole- 
 Climber: a .Memoir of .I,din Wilco.'i, Late Corporal, 
 Niiiety-Si.xth Regiment, Lon., 18511, Svo. 
 llackleton, Mrs. M. \V. .Jamestown of Pama- 
 gmd : a Poem, N. York, IsiW, 12mo. 
 Ilnckley, Charles Elihu, M.D., b. is.ifi, at 
 Lnaihlla, N.V. : graduated at the Medical .School of 
 the I niversity of Pennsylvania IsliU; served through 
 t be civil war ns surgeon in the U.S. cavalrv, and was 
 c inical professor of diseases of the eye and ear in the 
 W omen's .Mcilieal College, New York, l,'<7ll-76 I (Ed ) 
 'rrcatise ,m Diseases of the Eye. liy C. Stellwag von 
 Cai-ion. Lon ISliS, r. Svo. 2. (Trans.) A Text-Rook 
 ot Iractieal Medicine, by V. von Niemeyer, Lon., 187.1, 
 8vo; newed., 1881). X (Trans.) (Jeneral .Surgical Pal 
 tho ogy and Iherapeutics, by Dr. The. dor Rillroth : with 
 A,lditioii9 by Dr. A. von Winiwart l..,n., 1871», 8vo 
 Iluckman, Kev. AlCred, X. ... -sil-ls/i, b. at 
 *ulha,ii. neiir London ; gra.luated at CI list Church, Ox- 
 lord, l,^.l,; chaplain of Churcl. I8;!7-7:1; vicar 
 ^Lo"-",'"^' /'"'" ,'■'•*'■'•■ ""b-librarian ,.f tho R eian 
 {,^-rr- , A Catalogue uf the Collection of the Tanner 
 MS.s. in the liodleian, O.vf., |S6l), 4to 
 Hnckner, Kev. Hillibald. Socialism and the 
 th,ircli: "'■,_Henry George ,». Archbishop Corrignn, 
 N. York, 1887, |2mo. 
 Hackwood, Frederick William. 1. Notes of 
 Lessons on Moral Subjects: for Teachers, ic., Lon, 
 88,,, p. Svo 2. The Wednesbury Papers, Wednesbury, 
 v ,' ',"■ ^ History of Darlaston, near Wednesbury, 
 >i eilnesbury, IS87. Svo. 
 Iladdan, Uev. Arthur W est, B.D., L8li',-187,T 
 b. at Woodford, Esse.\ ; giaduated, lirst class Lit. Hum ' 
 at Trinity College, O.vfonI, |8;i7, an,l elected to two Fel- 
 lowships; ordained 18411, and in the same year was 
 eurato to ,). II. Newman: dean of Trinity foV several 
 years, and afterwanls vice-president; rector of Barton- 
 on-Ieath, Warwickshire, from 1857. He edited tho 
 works ol Archbishop Bramliall and of Herbert Thorn- 
 dike m the Aiiglo-Catholie Library, and wrote some of 
 the es.says in " Replies to Essays ami Reviews." 1. Apos- 
 tolic Succes.sion in the Church of England, Lon., 1809, 
 svo; new ed., ISS;!. 2. (Tr:u!S.i St. An-usfin^ fl.i the 
 irinity, (1 he Works of St. Augustine, vol. vii.,) Edin., 
 D.C.L., Bishop of Brechin. Lon., lS7(i, Svo 
 tblil,,?,'!.'.'^','? „'■"",'■''-' !'"■''■'' '} "'i''^ ''••'>'>. '""1 «re classified 
 1.1 the t,^,leure,mV^,t^\rn,U.r;hei;ea;iJ"f'.^ I^^^^il 
 'JZ:.. 1. ,''","'t' \\','"''<Si' ■ Ecclesiastical llislorv;' 
 ■criptu.,,. .„„„. 
 i )'f-'l.'ii''''r*iV'"'''''''H'l ' •'*''^'^'''"'''-'"''S■' ''"'I ■ Ge'nen'il iiistilry'' 
 i)f all ol these siihjccts Mr. Haddan had something to say, 
 lull II was in ppclcsliiRtlrnl lilstury Hint liu was iniwt at 
 licpini'."— .-(I/. Hi I., xlll. :iiil. 
 Willi SnniiH, Wii.i.nM, (oil.) Coiinoili' nn.l Kcclc-ins- 
 ticMil DmMiiiioiilii ri'liitiiig 111 (Iriijit Diiliiin iind Iri'liinJ, 
 Kijilecl iilltr ,S|iolniiiii aii'l Wilkiiis. O.vl'., lMill-71, 3 
 V(ll!<. SV". 
 '■'Ilii' wcirli Is rnilly a (rroiil niic. worthy of tlio vast 
 laliiiiir wliicli liax turn sprtil ii|niii ii, wiirtliy, ui' may 
 mill, 111 liif many yi:i\v iluriiin whiili MliiilarH liavi> bet'ii 
 waning; lnr il." -Siil. A'ri,, xxix. HI'.', 
 Iluddail, .1. I,. I. |,ni,i|„n Cabi: tlio " Cimriic" 
 Syslcm, a» iippliuil tn LoimIihi or any liaruic Cily, I,iin., 
 18B7, tto. 2, KcunuiiiiiMil Ori;-lliiil'HftilHiiy (»i' Iinlia, 
 the C'liliinien, and S|mr(ifly-l'o|iiilatii(l Ciiuntricii, .lo., 
 l.iin., I>71, Svn. 
 Ilatidiiii, 'riKiiiiiiN Henry, M.A., li.C.I.., 1h||. 
 lH7:i, brollicr of Uev. A. \V. Ilmldan, »ii/./(i .■ Ii. in 
 don ; Kraduati'd with a dimliir .rsl ulass at llraKi-nii.ic 
 CnMcue, llxlbrd, |N;i7; Fflliiw i.f Kxuter Ciiilegc ls:)7- 
 4o, and Ki'in'd a Vinerian KelliiH>hi|i l>47 ; called to tho 
 bar at tho Inner 'l'ern|ili' IMI, and prartisfd an a ciin- 
 vcyanccr; was the uriginatiir and lnr n I'ho.t limecililnr 
 of the (iuardian. 1. The I.iiniled l.ialiiiity Aet, ISo.i; 
 with I'rei'edents and Niites, Len., Isij, p. Svn. 2. Out- 
 lines of the Administrative Jurisdiction of llie Court of 
 Chancery i bein^ the .Substance of a Series of Lectures, 
 Lon., I.srt2, p. SV". 
 Ilaildcii, J. Cutlibcrt. I. Mendelssohn, ("(ircnt 
 Composers," Lon., ISs.t, fp. svo. 2. Handel, ("(Jreat 
 Composers,") Lon., l.sSf<, I;'ino. 
 Iladdi'ii, Hv\. Itolicrt Ilviiry, graduated at 
 Merlim College, Oxford, IS77; curate of .St. liotolph, 
 Bishup^Mte, London, issil-s,s, and since then vicar of 
 .St. liotolph, Aldgnte, London. 1. An liasl Knd Chrin- 
 iolu : St. (ieorgo'a in the East, I'nrisli and Parish Church : 
 with Introduetion by ILury Jones, Lon., I s,SII, IL'mo. 2. 
 Church and Chapel : .^ermonson theCliureli of Kn(.'l.ind 
 nnd Dissent: with Introduelion by A. P. Stanley, Lon., 
 1881, Svo. ,See. also. lioiiKiis, Hv.v. William, iu/'in. 
 Ilndden, nilliHiii llaiich, .M.l»., M.U.C.i'., nhy- 
 sioian to llic lioyal llosjiilal for Women and Children, 
 London. (Trans.) Lectures on the Localization of Cere- 
 bral and Spinal Diseases, by J. ,M. Charcot, (New ."yden- 
 httm ,=oc.,l Lon.. ls.-i,;, Svo. 
 Haddock, Frank C. Life of Rev. George C. 
 Haddock, N. York, l,SS7, s((. 12mo. 
 Haddock, Joseph W. Somnolism nnd IVyohism ; 
 or, The Science of the Soul and the IMienmuena of Ner- 
 vation as revealed by Vital Jlaguelism, Lon., ISJl, fp. 
 8vo; new ed., 1S57. 
 Haddoii, Alfred Cort, .M.A., F.Z.S., jirofessor of 
 zoology at the Royal College of Science, Dublin. An 
 Introduction to tho Study of Embryology. Illust. Lon.. 
 ]8,>*7, r. Svo. J . bj 
 Iladdon, Miss Caroline, sisler-in law of .lames 
 Hinton, iii/ni, 1, A Law of Development: an Ks-ay to 
 illustrate some Mens from the I'npublished Writings of 
 James Hinton, Lon., ISSIi. or. .svo. 2. The Larger Life: 
 Studios in Hinton's Ethics: with some Unjiublislied 
 Letters of James Hinton, Lon., I8S6, p. Svo. 
 "She has given lis a faiilifiil and niulistortea reflex of 
 the main cyiles of Hinton's thought. . . . Tu wuuld-bc 
 stiideiils this book may serveiis an admirable introdiietury 
 primer,"— .Iccii/., xxx. 1. 
 .'i. AVhore docs your Interest come from ? a AVord to 
 Lady Investors, Manchester, 1880, 12ino. 
 Haddou, John, M.D. Notes from Private Prac- 
 tice, Edin., 1SS7, .svo. 
 Haden, Francis Seymour, F.R.C.S., b. 1818, in 
 London; educalid at University College, London, and 
 at the Sorbonne, Paris; becan.e a member of the Koyal 
 College of Surgeons in 1.M2 and a l-'ellow in ISd". Jle 
 is dieiinguished as an etcher, and U president of the 
 Society of Painter-Eicliers. ]. Earth to Earth : an An- 
 swer to a Pamphlet on "Cremation," Lon., 1S75, |2uio; 
 new ed., enl., same year. 2. About Etching: Part I.', 
 Notes on a Collection of Etchings by the (ireat Masters ; 
 Part II., An Annotated Catalogue of the Examples ex- 
 hibited of Etchers'and Painter-Engravers' Work Illust 
 Lon., 1879, 4to; ;id ed., 18SI, Svo. 
 '•Ho is an ndniirablo special pleader, and would fain I 
 persuade us by lorcenf eloquence Unit the moment the; 
 early jiaintors discovered thai it was possible to aet uiion 
 the plate by an Implement wielded liko n iw^iiri! tiiev 
 ceased at oiK'o to use the burin, and became painters. . . 
 the slight eiitieal notes on etchers and palmerengriivers 
 ainoiig the old masters are piquant and often valuable."- 
 Aa(. Jx'ei'., xlviii. J'jtj. j 
 "This work conlai: s the notes of Mr. Haden uiion a re- ' 
 cent exhibition of etched work by the great masiers from 
 I his own rollectinn, to whh h was adiled a series of exam- 
 ples Id' Ills own hanillwork. lint. In adilitloii lo these 
 notes, he gives its sixteen rac-slmllesof s euf the lliiest 
 of these examples, (excepting, larhaps, one or two of the 
 niiniber:) and these reiiruduetlons are prhctieallv as line 
 in elleel as the originals IhemnelveN."— .sy/t'l■^l^,r, 111. Il'i."i0. 
 ;t. The Etched Work of Uembrandi : a .Monograph : 
 .villi an .Appendix, Lon., 1871). 
 Iladcrniann, Jennncitt! It. See Walwoutii 
 .Mils, J. U„ /„/,•„, 
 lladtit'ld, .Mrx, i;. 1. Sprays from the Hedgerows, 
 [verse.) Lon., IS.'in, l2mo, 2. Poetical Weeds, liy E. 
 H. Lon., is.iil, Irtnio. 
 Iladlicid, II. 11. Treatise on PerKpectirc: with 
 Diagiaiiis, Loll., \X:i>*. p. Svo. 
 Iladlicid, William, |s(iii_|ss7, was engaged from 
 an early ago in cnuimercial business in South America; 
 was seerelary to the liuenos Ayres (frciit Southern Hail- 
 way, and In I8ti:i founded in London Tlie South Ameri- 
 can .loiiriial and Ilrazil and Hiver Plate JIail, of which 
 be was chief editor till his death. I. Ilra/.il. tho River 
 Plate, and the Kalkland Islands: with the Cape Horn 
 lioule to Australia: including Notices of Lisbon, Ma- 
 deira, tho Canaries, and Capo Verde. Illust. Lon., 
 is:,\, svo. 2. lirazil and the liiver Plate in 18118: 
 showing the Progress of those Countries since IS.'i:), 
 Lon., L'^lill. Svo. :i. Hrazil and the Liver Plate IS70- 
 711: with Supplement, Lon., 1.H77, Svo. 
 Iladlcy, Amos. 1. New Hampshire Superior 
 Court Ucporls, vols. .\lv. -xlviii.. Conoo,-d, I .srtj-fiK, 4 
 vols. Svo. 2. Life of Walter Harrimai, : with Selections 
 from his Speeches au'l Writings, Host,, ISSS, Svo. 
 lladley, Arthur Twining,!). ISafi, at New Haven, 
 Conn.; son of Professor James lladlev, in/'m ; gradu- 
 nled at Vale in 1870, and, after studying at the I'nivcr- 
 sity of lierlin, becaiuo a tutor at Viile in IX'V, lecturer 
 on political science in ISSIl, and professor of political 
 science in 188(1. Railroad Transportation: its History 
 nnd its Laws, N. York, ISS,"), ]2nio. 
 lladley, Caroline. I. stories of Old; or, Bible 
 Narralives, Lon., 18(12, two series, 12nio; new ed., 18(18, 1 
 vol. 2. Children's Sayings; or. Early Life at Home, 
 Lon., 18f)2. s(|. Iliuio; new ed., 1885. S. Stories of the 
 1801, ISnio; 
 ok, Listen, and 
 Apostles: their Lives and Writings, Lon., 1801, ISnio; 
 new ed., iMis. 1. Woodside; or, Look, 
 Learn, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 lladley, James, 1S2I-1872, b. at Fairfield, N.Y. ; 
 gradualeii at Yale in L><1L', and entered tlie Theological 
 Seminary, but left that institution to become tutor in 
 mathematics at .Middlebury College; tutor in clcssical 
 history at Yah; |S-|j-4S; assistant professor of Greek 
 181S-51, and from then prolesjor. I. A Greek Grammar 
 for Schools and Colleges, X. York, 1801, p, Svo ; now ed., 
 I rev. and re-written by F. de F. Allen, Lon., 1881. 2. 
 Elements of the Greek Language: taken from the Greek 
 ■ (Jrammar, X. York, I.s7li, Svo. ;!. Introduction to Roman 
 ' Law: in 'Twelve Academical Lectures, N.York, IS73, 
 Svo, Postb. ' 
 "Admirable an introdnelioi 
 leetimvs are, it was inevitable -n their plan that they 
 should eiiiivey to the stuilciits w „ heanl them or who 
 may read tlieni an exceedinglyerr.iiieous impression upon 
 iiiaiiyimiiortam points, and tbalwiihoiit aiiv actual errors 
 ol slalenieiil. , . , In such an outline eove'riug so much 
 groiiiulilie element of time is iiractlcallvlidl out. . . . Hut, 
 with 111 these ilefecls,or rather omissions, the book Is most 
 , admirable, —.\(i(/HH, xvii. 17U. 
 ■I. Essays. Philological and Critical, selected from the 
 Papers of James lladley. [Edited by W. 1). AVhitney.l 
 ■ N. York, 18711. IVsth. 
 "The scholar who is cnmpctent to Judge will be im- 
 pnwed, as be reads one after another, with the wide range 
 ill reading and rellection and tiie sound .H'lise and com- 
 prehensive uidgiuent whiidi are evervwhcre shown In 
 tiieni. . , .Most ol these essays were prepared for some 
 learned society or perioilical ; but thev are, if not exactly 
 popular, eertainly very iileasaiit and easv readiiig."-- 
 x\(itiiin, xvii. HSK, • " 
 "AiYf'iV!"-' "'f I"'l«-'''s of a very high order."-,<a(. liev., 
 XXXVlll. o]4. 
 5. A Brief History of the English Language, Loa., 
 lS7it, 12mo. 
 I Hadley, John Uell. The Daily Walk: a Scleo- 
 . turn of Original Poems, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 Iladsell,0. I>. The Heroine of Manassas; or, 
 The Feiiialf Volunteer, K.iiamazoo, Midi., IS70, Svo. 
 Hadwcu, J. Lovel. (Trans.) The Nomads of Ihe 
 North, by G. U. Mellin, 1871, Svo. 
 I Haeseler, Charles H., M.D. Across the Atlantic; 
 ; Letters from Franco, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, nnd 
 ; England, Philn., 1868, 12mo. 
II soiics (if t'Xiim- 
 illillllllll til thOM' 
 'Hllll' III' till' tllll'St 
 nil' iir Uiu III ili(. 
 iriii'ili'ullv 118 lliit' 
 tTliilur, 111. W*). 
 : It .Miinugriipb : 
 See Wa I. WORTH, 
 I the Ili'ilgoriiwn, 
 WiciIh. IJy K. 
 emiiectivc ; with 
 n« ongngcil frmii 
 South Aiiiri'it'u ; 
 t Simthcrn liiiil- 
 11! Sciutli Aiia'rl- 
 .' Miiil, (if whidi 
 Im/.il, Iho Itiver 
 tho Ciipe Horn 
 I iif liii'liiin, Ma- 
 inii.'<t. I,on., 
 Plate in ISliS: 
 ■ii',1 fiiu'o ISS:), 
 icr I'hiti- IS70- 
 ishire Suiierior 
 iii'd, l'<ii5-flll, 4 
 with S>t'lu(,'tiiin» 
 MSS, 8vu. 
 , «t Now lliivcn, 
 , iii/rn ; f^niilu- 
 ftt tho I'liivcr- 
 !i ISTil, loi'turcr 
 !Mor of jiiiliticnl 
 on; it9 History 
 Old; or, niblo 
 newcd., ISliS, 1 
 Mfe lit Home, 
 Stories of the 
 n., lf<(U, ISiiioi 
 k, Liiiten, and 
 ■•"iiiificld, N.Y.: 
 the Theological 
 x'coiiie tutor in 
 tor in uli'ssioal 
 essor of (ireok 
 lieck (irainmar 
 I. Svo; now ed., 
 Lon., 1HS4. 2. 
 fidui the Greek 
 I'tiiin to Koninn 
 X. York, 1873, 
 an liiw as these 
 iilaii that they 
 I Iheni iir Him 
 iiliressiiin npon 
 iiyiu'tuiil errors 
 eriiig so much 
 It out. . . . Hut, 
 lie book is most 
 Bcted from tlie 
 . 1). Whitney.] 
 je will be im- 
 the wide range 
 ense anil com- 
 icre shown in 
 lared for some 
 , if not exHc'tly 
 sy reading."— 
 \vt."—Sat. Kev., 
 ngunge, Lo.n., 
 i'alk ; a Seleo- 
 Mantt.«sn8 ; or, 
 , IS70, Svo. 
 Nomads of Ihe 
 8 the Atlantic ! 
 ny, Italy, and 
 M<i» I. -II., (IHjii-H!,) .<»;in Kran., I877-'*!, Hvn 
 ,n,,l'*'t"u\ ' ^,n /^•'"',\'V«i»i" •■^''Proiuo (;„art Ko- 
 th'sw,^.'!, vV""; *!•' '■'"":""' ""'^""" "'"•"""" "f 
 n"rrv':fk,''iH'iT''''^- •^'■'■)wi'.,uth„woridi.o: 
 ^ IliiUiirty, \. M,,nncli«iu and Ilmlth, l„in., 187:).„, .|„h,. rr.-li,.Kl„,y,cii. m.„„ry of 
 I rin.^.tuii „„,| ,t., Ii^niutioiH, I'liilii., IS71I, i; v„]i 8vo 
 llaKfiiiiiii, s. Mlilfr. l. .^ik.„,.,., n v,„.k ■,„-• 
 «>". 4to. 2. Oreenwood, and other I'oem-NVork 
 INi>. -il. Illmo. ,1. Saint I'aul, N. V„rk, \mV, Ji-mo' 
 4. I In™: a Novel, \. York, 1881, ll!mo. 
 bei^'T,?' ""''.""f"" '^"B'""'''- I'^l-. itt Kiinigs- 
 uiovi'.l r"'i'""' •■;''l'-'"^"' "' '•">«<"" "niversitie.s: re- ' 
 niovi.,1 „ ,h„ I „,„.,| .xtate.i to a...-i»t l',ofe..»,ir Alm..!,, as 
 en ,,,„,, .„t at tlu, M„,,„„„, „f Coni|,a,ulive Zoolog" 
 Caml M, «., and ,„ 187(1 „a, made profe,-.,,,- „f eorn,,aia. 
 of V ;; ,y "' ":"■""■''■. I. Catalogue of the .Speeimen. I 
 Mu.m ''""." i"'™'' '", "'« t'"ll«'ion of the liriti.h | 
 Alii-euai.- I'art I., Termitin.i, I,on., l8,-.8, ll'mo 2 ' 
 Li""!,'f'H,','' ''"• ''^''''"■"l""" »•• N'"r<l' Anierioa; with a 
 l-ist ol tho .-.outli Aiuoriean Spe.'ie.., Wi.,-h., IS(12, 8vo 
 CambnT/"'", "'' "'" ^T^'' '^'''^'''i™" Astaiidie. Illust.' 
 J>eloni,itie... Illu,t. Cambridge, 187(1, 4to. 
 The V,'*,''"', .',"'" t'ole. Footprints of Truth; or, 
 tt» Z I ".';""'""^' '""■•"• N. York, |85;t, .^.i,. 
 .1 J.*' ^' •'• "l'"fy- (Trans.) The Confessor- from 
 Hngt-rl, Henry Schell, 182t!-lss5, b. in Phila 
 A ''« '.''"'"es. Poems: with Memoir by Charles 
 A. I.igen, I'hila I88rt. Privately printed. ^ 
 bv \l f1" ' 'Vlf,^**' ('l'™u8') Counsels of a Mother, 
 by .Ml leh ione,i.s A . T. do Lambert. 1 88u, 8vo. 
 .i " ••'fti^u'','"- uVy^"= "S:'^^" ""'•'"f "•« K'«t = 
 "vo- n;.;le,l." 'l Mt"" "'■' '" ^''"' '■"""''• ^"''■' '»^^' 
 in "a? l',',i,*!l'l '■;■*•'';"•"*, '•'• '• ^ ""oof R'^i'way 
 Fac an, •v"t?>l""., Lou., I8(itf, Svo. 2. Kai.way 
 tacts nd Lower Faros, Lon., 1801), Svo. .'I. Renmrks 
 upon ,1,0 Acuisition of Kaiiways 'by the StatirLon,! 
 iiall, .Noi „lk, tug.; son of W. M. K. Haggard ,»/V,, • 
 aecoiupamod .^ir Henry Uulwer as secretary "oNaln 
 scMiu nth iioi," .'''*''■■'''' """""i'-ioner, and was sub- 
 T a" ,v al ' : u-o ,""""«.'■ '■' "'« "'«>' C<»"-t of tho 
 onu lUurned o tngland, and was called t. : bar at 
 bou ' IrZ "''i '• '"''r'^y" »"■' h- >' '.: .V igS! 
 n" taV an 1 ITt^' "" ."f"'" '^^••''"« *" Mainland, 
 iJiatal, and the Transvaal, Lon., 1882, or 8vo- 2d ad 
 rev., wuh a new Introduction, 1888 ""'■ '"^^ ed., 
 Dawn, Lon., 188), 3 vols. or. Svo 
 HA I 
 fami rilui?ks?,fi;!:i\f "';f,'.;?"' '""•> '^-^r ™anyof the 
 write a'rea ly'fc^, ;, ' ,^t'er'' c"tf ',1"'" "°»-»' "" "« i" to 
 ,^ luii} (,uo(l ii„\ol. -(,. bAINTSBl-RY: .4C(1(/., x.\v. 
 a. The Witch's Head. Lon., 1,S84, .■! vol- n 8ro i 
 King bolomon's .Vim.,, Lon., I.S85,p8v^ new ed 1888' 
 sh<iiil.l).t,ni!lv II i I: ''^■>>>re that, llie lust of wat»l.->r 
 that men ■ ?i ' ^.o ;';'•::v,';^i'''"'«•'y■'«'i'''"i: ^^ 
 that shall leave Ihemsut^ci'enil. 'or'lt'mr ?'"»'•'"""« 
 "ently.astonisl,ed."-.s>X„r!ivili. 1^' ""^ *"* """"'■ 
 I u!'oeHa\'lVul'i'rn''''''''''"'ri '"- "irreelatlon of spi.rt, 
 i»|i(liilly with lilg KHuiiM hi, iistmi »|,|iig liuailioiih.ii 
 ' f„. ,. ; m''"'""'" 'V '"■ "■'"'.t'o a reader. .r -viii ., iil,. 
 f"n<'>,)lhi„.are the ,|imlllle» a man ailmlres I ■ "|, • f 
 II. .le-^ Lon., 1H87, ;i voN. p. 8vi); new ed., I8S8 7 
 Allan (iuatermain: being an Aceount of hi. KnrthiT 
 Adientiin.s and Hiscneries i„ Company with ,<ir llenrv 
 turlH, Dart., Commander John (il,o,i: |t.N„ and < im 
 luHopogaas. Illu-t. 1x87, or. 8vo; al,o Lrie 
 I"I7, •■■':• ' •:■''"" 'I-' -pies. 8. .M iwa'. leverage: 
 0.1 lie War of the Little Hand, Lou., I>sm, '"^,1 
 iZ 8v'o'""','; 77 ■?;:• "• ^^'^ *'™""''' "'ii'. i-". 
 try Life 1,., • iVsr^' '^i'""''"''' "■'■''■■ " '''"''' "f <•"""' 
 IIilKKiiril, Hilliiiiii l)..l,„niiiri.. I, Oh.erva- 
 Mi'liumoMl' '''(•''";' '"' \'""""""' ""> i'i-ula iig 
 Muilium ol thi- l,ounto-; 2d ed,. Lon., 1817, 8vo ■> 
 .Miscellaneous Papers, Windior, I81IO 8vo ' "' 
 of*lI"Tll^ "V""'" "'•'">' •»«»v.'-t"n, brother 
 01 II 1(, Haggard, «„/„„,. |,. isKI; seeietarv to the 
 III "' '-""knifin- " '•"■'i''" I'liiy, Lon.. I>82. 8vo 
 h I s??'""^, ""*"■" '» Kider, LL.M 
 M- .• ' .''"''"' '" ""' ''"'• "' ''incolu's Inn 1842 The 
 I8!-i7,'8vo"' '"'l"""'"™'"'»t''"""'""ional Force, Lon., 
 HHKK„rd, WilliH,,, N. ,v„,„io„ as a Diviao 
 I^te •■'iV" ' 7"^"'pl'"i"» Tre«.i.-„ coneerning (he 
 w:"i's78. z. """'" """'" """ "' ''"""""' *••••' 
 sohlivi'k'iirM*''"""? ^ J-'"^y "'"°^y "' F"ii» »f 
 Schuylkill, .Manayunk, ,Vc., l>hila., Isfiy 8vo 
 of R?f"will'^'""Ii"'' ''• .'■'•?"• "' """""• •^'"^'•' «"" 
 field sVienI ''"'1 i*'"''i'"'''''' '"'™"'"' "' ""' ■^l""- 
 ntlii N-ientihc School, and at (iorman 'iniverMiies • bus 
 been eonnecteil with the Geological Survey of ho'LS 
 government, and has contributed largely^to scien itlo 
 I of'c«lib;n'a''n"'«^ and li.liology. f. 'Lo VolCino 
 1 Iek"of"a:;. ','^«'"^'"^'' ''''■ '■ ''^"« Volcanic 
 : Lon'.''fs"S,'l"no.'^''"' '""'<'-''=I'«'-«''""' Travellers' Guide. 
 Hnguf, James Uuiican, b. 1836, in Boston 
 Alass.; ,«on of Kev. William Hague, niAr,:.' educ,U« aJ 
 ^0 Lawrence .'^cientilic School J Harvard and in (or- 
 wi 1/ 'tlaH!"^" ",'!""i'"^ "1*'"J""' ""•' ''"« '«"'" connected 
 Tl e ,0 „f .;; ''" "«."-•" ;?»"«y- Mining Industry, 
 ■ Pa aMe f '.'^''p^'-'°'»8'™l I^M'loration of the Fortieth 
 larallcl, in " Papers on Piaetical Engincerinir " nub 
 .shed by U. .^ Gov't,) Wash., 1870, 2 volf. W h Ekcker 
 Fami7f"*'rif'*"'i*'"i'* Antoinette. A Blockaded 
 w'::';,"i;(;st!:'[8S8:i2r'"'^" '^'""^■"^ """"« "■« ^'-' 
 18j?'*l^8-^'l"''y-,"i?"*'""' »•»- ["""•- vol. i., a<l,L,] 
 I8U8-I88,, b. at Pelham, Westchester Co., N.Y held 
 pastorates in Boston, Providence, and New York Citv • 
 vas made professor of homiletie in theZptist Theo' 
 amr umor'or "' '^'""''«" '" ''''' «"'' "f^rds be- 
 came jiastor of n congregation at Orange, N.J. 1 The 
 2 'ri's^irx^^P'^^"''?;;'''''"' ^''"--"''"Sabbath I8O3! 
 Chri ani Ph."l''","r- F'"'!',"''" "^ "■" ^ew Testament 
 Minister h'i.„'-' '*'' ''i 'l' Christian Greatness in the 
 D D B ,;t 88"n"' "'i',"'" ^"'" "f ""'"" "^ber Noale, 
 ^-......„., ". viuu, VIII., l-^n.), f<V0. 
 I ,.,?,'"'.-'*""« E. Summer Assembly Pay., or 
 : tl qua wfth 1' "r^J- -"''.Felt at the Nebraska^Chau-' 
 S^'Vss" l2m"o '"'™'*"''""'' ''^ K-v. A. E. Dimming, 
 llul... fni.__"_.^,. _. _ 
 n of tho Grey 
 the Supreme 
 Kui-.., icinn, lilmo. 
 Oo""i,II,' (T.nfT''*'"/' P'i-D-, custodian of tho Grey 
 B^^'z.^'KJ:^s;ifLn!T^2?r' '"^ ^"•'"- 
 P.e"'!."u^i'ae:'{;^!:.;i^lj fC-V. The' officer. Co. 
 IlnlKt l''fli>[ Thncki'rny. Nnlcs i<n th« Rivor i jiml ilf II««ii: wllb ii r>o«orl|ili(iii at ilia I'siloua Liniti 
 S'nv i((iiliun« cif Ncir-lh An 
 Frnino, IHiW, I Urn 
 lliliKt Jiliiics, .M.A., li. |N|:i ; )i,|unit(Ml i.t Trinlly lliiliii>i, Hrv. j%lniiN(>ii Austin, li. In.iii, ut 
 Cullunt'. Dublin I millciltii tlio liiir iit lilnouln'n Inn I^IIM, liiiiiiliiir'K. N..I.; |Mi»lijriirii I'nv.bni'riiin iliurch In lliiit 
 1. I'liilusi)|iliy i nr, The Holnnne of Truth: i. Tri'iitiiiB liiwiii fmnuirl)' I'liniilnln of llic l.iili Ntw JiT-ey H«)(l- 
 im Kir*t I'linilpluii, Mi'nlul, I'liyslinil, innl Verliul, I,on„ imiit. Ilinlcirv of tlic I'lltciiilli Kcninu'nl of Ni'w Jur- 
 Isill, p. Mvo. :;. SynilioliKin: ur. Min.l — MuI'.it— I,nn- 
 uiiiiKu iH lliu Klcnionts of 'I'liinklnx iinil Hi'iiKoning, Ac, 
 Kilill., 'Hllll, |,. Xvo. 
 IIiiiKfl'iniON Uiivid. A Lint of llookK prinli'il In 
 KnKliiixl prior lo lliu Vi'iir MIX', In lliv I.Hiriiry of llie 
 llonouriililo SoL'iuty of Kln;;'ii Iiiiik, Dnblin, Dublin, 
 l.l.iS, >vo. 
 ililiKh, Arthur lOliiin, M.A., Knulniiteil at Coriiuii 
 Chrisli Collcui'. (Ixfor.l, I'^VH; Iri'lnrcr IM7H-s;t; IVllow 
 of llcrlfonl College 1n7S->*I). 'X'bo I'olltl.'iil Tbi'orloK of 
 Diinio, (Siiinhopd l'ri/.u Ksmy, \X7>*.) O.xf., IMTS, Hvo. 
 Iliiiuh, Itcv. Uniiirl liciiry, Ishi-Ik7:i. b. ut 
 Itriri'iMll lliill, luMr Choricv, l.iiiiuii'iiliu : wiis for •'oiiic 
 timv in liu-iMi"Oi lit liOi'ih; vliollol with a view lotakin); 
 orilorn in tliu (,'liiiroli of KuKliiml, but, bavins' b«eoiiiu a 
 Uoiniiii I'liljiolic, -lu'lii'il III l)Ki:olt, iiikI wan oribiiniiil 
 priest ill ISIS, anil uri'uli'il miil I'mlowcil St. Anxumini^'s 
 Clinri'li at KiilliiKtoii, near Itinnii.Klniiii. llii was iIIh- 
 tlnniii.ilii'il a." III! aniii|iiariaii. I, An K'say on tlic Xu- 
 niisnialii' History of tin. Anciunt Kin^'loin of Ibi' Ka^t 
 An)(lt'9,'iN, IM.i, r. Svo. L'. Uii tlio Frajjincnln of 
 Cro.isen cliscovoroil ut 1,l'i'iI« in In:1s, Ijecils, |s'7, Mvo. .1. 
 Tliu Coni|ii('.<t of llriialii by tlm Siixons i a iiarinony of 
 llm '' llistoria liritoniiin," tli" \Vriliii){< of liiblas, tlio 
 " Unit," anil the Saxon Clironicli', Willi Ui'l'i'iencu lo llif 
 Kvents of thii Kiflli and Sixth (Vnlnrics l.on., iMil, 
 Svo. I. Till' An;;lo-8axon Saga.'i ; an Kxiiiniiiation of 
 thoir Valiiu as Aiils to lliiilory, Lou., IStil, Svo. 
 " Mr. IIiiIkIi MppcMiB to bclinii,' to the iniiinrlanl class of 
 persiiii> rtlio liiivc rcail iiioro Ibiiii l.s un.,il fur llicni. . . . i 
 Ik' liiis worki'il Willi tilt' iiio-'t priiiM'Wiu'iby <lllli;< ini' upon i 
 I' vrry Miuill iiortioii of lii>lory. Iiiit la- li'iis no iiolloii ii!' 
 liNtury us II wIhiIl'."— .' il. I!ir., xiii. 2ii;l. I 
 lltliuli, Ui-clcs. Tbo l'olato-I.)iiiea»i.MinJ theCurl- 
 Disi'iise in I'otiitois ; I lioir Causes anil Prevention, Lon., 
 1S7.I, p. Svo. 
 lIiliKli* ilciirv .\ll)>li. 1. A Plain .statement of 
 tlic Laws relal'ii^' lo Labor. Helroil, ISSil, Svo. 2. .Man- 
 nal of Law anil Forms : a Prai'tii'iil llaH'l-liook of llie 
 Law ami liiisiness Forms for the L'fe of the Industrial 
 Classes, Detroit, ISs7, Svo. 
 IlllifCht, C'llllllitr. Country Life in Ciinada Fifty 
 Ycar,s .'\),'o: Personal Uecolleclionii anil Heminiseenees , 
 of a Sexii);eniiriiin, Toronti, lss,">. I 
 Ilailc, Kllcii. 1. Three Brown Hoys, iinil other' 
 Happy Cliil.lri'ii, Lon. and .\. York, IS7y, (to. 2. Two 
 Gray tiirU and their Olijio.sile Neighbors. Illust. Lon. 
 and N. York, Isso, Svo. .'1. lla/.el-\iit and hor 
 Brotheri!. Illuit. Lon. and X. York, lss|, gq. 8vo. 
 IIllil(!»i, Nathailicli The Soul's Journey : a Met- 
 rical Fantasy, Adolaiile, IS.'ill, Svo. 
 Ilailsiiail, >Villinin fi, I. Outlines of a System 
 of Objeet-Teachin);, prepared for Teachers and Parents: 
 with an IiitroiliU'lioii by, I. X. .McKlli^'ott, X. York, IsiiV, 
 Svo. 2. Kinder)?arteii Cultiiri' in the F'liiiiily and Kin- 
 dergarten : a Coiiipinte Sketch of Fioelicl's .Sysleiii of 
 Early KMiiciUion. aiiupted-to Aineriiiin Institutiiiiis, Cin,, 
 ls":t, l^iiio. :i. Twelve Leclures on the History of Ped- 
 agogy, Cin. and N.York, Is'l, Svo. -I. Four Leoturoii 
 on Karly Cliild-t^'iilture. iMilwaiikee. IsSII, 12iiio. 5. 
 Friiiii Pestiilo?,zi to Froebel, iMilwaukoe, ISSO, Svo. ((. 
 Primary Method, N.York, ISS", l2ino. 7. (Trans.) The 
 Kdueation of Man, by F. Froebel. N. York, 1S87, 12ino. 
 Hailstone, Kdivnrd, IsiS-lSltO, a .solicitor at 
 liradford, Yorkshire ; afterwards rosiilent at Walton Hall, 
 near Wakelield, where he accumulated a remarkable eol- 
 lection of aiiliiiuities and books. (Kd.) The Costume of 
 Yorkshire, Illustrated by ii Series of Engraving.s, with 
 Descriptions in English and French, Leeds, 1.SS5, fol. 
 Hailstone, Herbert, .M.A. 1. (Trans.) Homer's 
 Ilinil, Douks XIII.-XV.. XXL, in F.nglish Prose, 4 
 Parts, Lon., ISSl). 2 (Trans.) The I|ihigeiieia among i 
 thoTauri, of Furipides, 1884, Svo. I',. Granlie Imagines: ' 
 Thirty-Si.x Sonnets, Cainbrid 'o, 1SS6. 4. Xovm A run- 
 dines; or. New Marsh-Melodies in XXXVI Metres, Cam- 
 bridge. Svo and IL'mo: 2d ed., ISS", .^i, Faseicnlus : a ! 
 Song-Dnndle, .Manchester, I8S7, 12mo. 0. (Trans.) The i 
 Plutns of Aristophanes, IS87, Svo. 7. Sertum : a Song- ' 
 Garland, Miinchostcr, 18S3, fp. Svo. Also, several trans- 
 lations of classical works for the Pitt Scries, Ac. 
 Hailstone, Thomas. The Inverted Slide Rule 
 Key \'oluiileerK, .\. York, 
 Haini-N, llelOaniiil H. Digest of the Aniorlenn 
 ! Law jli'gisler, 1877, Svo. 
 I lliiiiK'N, ('. It. A vindication of Kngland'a Policy 
 as to ihe Ojiiuiii Trade, Lon., Iss.l, cr. 8vo. 
 ilaini'N, KlUah Middlehrook, I, Lawn of 
 Wisconsin concerning tlu' Drgaui/ation and Gov, rninont 
 of ToHiiH, ,(ie.. Chic., ls5S, Svo. 2. Treatise lor .lusticei 
 of lb. Peace In the State of Illinois; ,',lli ed., (hie., 18(111, 
 Hvo; Otii ed., rev,, 187:t. H. Lawn of lllliioiii relalinii tl 
 Cities and Vlllageii: with Notes and", ,lc., t'lilo., 
 18711, Svo. 4. (Fd.l C piliition of the Laws of Illi- 
 nois rehiling to Township Orgnnizalion and Manage- 
 ment of County AlVairs: with Forms iind Notes; new 
 ed., enl., Chic, I88:t, 8vo. .'i. The American Indian, 
 (riinisbln-nabn,) Ohio., 1S88, r. Svo. 
 Haines, F. K, II, .lonua King, Missionary to 
 .Syria and G'ceci'. Ily F. F. H. IL X. York, IH71I, l2mo. 
 Haines, Itev. ilerhert, M.A., lS2i;-1872, grad- 
 iiiited III Exeter College, Uvfonl, |s.|ii; chaplain to the 
 (Jloucesler County Lnnatio Asylum from 1854. I. A 
 Manual for the Study of Monumental Brasses, Oxf., 
 IS4S, Svo. 2. A Manual of Moniiiiienliil Brasses; eoin- 
 prising an Inlrodiiclion to the Study of these Memoriali!; 
 with a List of Ihose remaining in the llritlsh Isles, 
 Illust. Oxf. and Lon., I88l,2 parts, Svo. (This is u 
 rcciist of I ho eiirlier work.) 
 ■ lie bus prniliu'i'd a biiok which socms torontnln, In u 
 slraighiforwanl anil syslvinutle sIibih', all that there Is to 
 say iiboiil Ihe subject vhk'h he has taken In hand."— .Si(. 
 Ji'/r , xl.lilT. 
 '■i. A Guide to the Cathedral Cliurih of Gloucester, 
 embracing a Itescripion of the Painted Wimlows, Ac, 
 (iloiicester, I8(i7, Svo. 
 Haines, I,ieiit.-C'ol. I'cter «'., I' •'^•A., b. 18411, 
 in Pliiliidclpbia ; groliiiilid at the I'.S. Military .Acad- 
 emy ISIil, iind iippo • ted lo tlic engineer corps; served 
 in the civil war, Ae. (Trans.) Memoir upon the Illuini- 
 niitioii and Beiiconagc of the Coasts of France, by !•'. L, 
 Hi'Viiaud. Tbirty-Xine Plates. X. York, Is7(i, 4to. 
 Ilaines, Itev. I'hilip FroKt John llird, vicar 
 of Si. George's, AVigan. 1. lUibert Stephenson of the 
 Akbar, Isiil. 2. Letters on Canon Law, IsOS. ;i. 
 National Education, IS72. 
 Haines, It. II. The Fruit-Grower's Fiieiid, N. 
 Y'ork, ISMI, Svo. 
 Ilaines, Itev. Samuel Charles, Ph.D., ordained 
 Ls.ill; vicarof West Droiiiplon lS(lli-78. 1. The English 
 Catholic Church better than the Uoman Catholie Schism : 
 in Answer lo M. Capel, Lon., 1872, Svo. :,. Anglo- 
 Catliolio Sermons, Lon.. |87;t, ]i. Svo. 
 ilaines, William '1',, and Young, W. V. K. 
 Essays for llie People; Two Prize Essays on Liberiilism 
 in Fngland and its Demoralizing I'iU'ects on our National and Liberties, Lon., 1881, 2 parts, Svo. 
 Ilaines, Zenas T. Letters from the Forty-Fourth 
 Regimi'iit M.V.M. 18(12-(i;). By Corimral, [pseid ] 
 Host., lsi;:i. 
 Hair, James. Building, Drainage, and Mcasurc- 
 menl of Lund, Lon., IS78, 4to. 
 Hair, James T. I. Imva State Gazetteoi ; em- 
 h ..eing Descriptive and Historical Sketches of Coun- 
 ties, Cities, Towns, and Villages, Chic, 1865, Svo. 2. 
 Gazetteer of Madison County; containing Historical 
 and Descriptive Sketches, Alton, 1S6I3, Svo. 
 Hake, Alfred T.gmont. 1. Paris Originals: 
 with Etchings by L. Ui, lieton, 1878, Svo. 2. Flattering 
 Tales, Lon., is's2, cr. Svo. ,'i. The .Story of Chinese 
 (lordon, Lon., 188H, Svo; Ulh ed., with Additions by 
 II. Craig, LS84, 
 "Without wearying hi.s renders by describing at lenglli 
 event's which areas fainiliar in our iiiinillis as hoiischuld 
 words, be contents himself with giviiii; n light sketch of 
 tliom, and tills In the iiiciurc with a per.sonal narrative 
 which to most people will be entirely uvw."—Sat. l\'ci:, 
 Ivi. »;!U. 
 Vol. ii., 1885. 
 " C'liitahis as clear and coimcrtcd an account of all the 
 clrcuiiistaiice.s of the tragedy of the Soudan as we can at 
 present hope to obtain.' —*(i(. licv., lix. B19. 
 4. The Unemployed Problem .Solved, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 With LiiKEimK, .1. G., The New Dance of Death, Lon., 
 1884, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
ha I'urioua Lliiiti 
 lit tho Aiiiork'nn 
 ""'"'»'rhoiiin«IJorJoii,M.ri„M.ll.(M'„b imdb. 
 took lux iiiii.lioiil ilr^rmi i.: tlii' riiiviirtlly of (li,i,»„w 
 i»ll; riKhlo- a! Fulliiiiii, I oii.Iom. |. I'oiiio I,n„ul7r». 
 Ki's Fiieud, N. 
 c, uDil Mcasurc- 
 ,, ■ -, " • "iuiini, I ■ I oiuo i,uoulirii- 
 L»n., I S.N, I :■„,„. 2. A TrBtttine ..n V«rio(w, t'ui,l||,irle. 
 ft»con-liimlii;<.lioSt--uuturouf Ciircliiui,,,. „rilir.||,.|,ii,iu 
 moni.Orlgln „i.l tliotl.noral l,aw«of It* Mol»ii,or|,l,„.«- ■ 
 wlllnui A|.|Hn,lix, r,on., |H(17, Ifliiio. 1. MmlHiii' • will, 
 other I'imin. iin.l i'liruhlri., I.oi,., |,S7|, ., Svo 
 "I lie lii.lUMiiullly of Ihi' wriKT II.., ^n |,JN (l.-..|, svio 
 uimniiu.. „lien .,,,„lm, l,ut lor tile i„„.i imrl i ' ■ * 
 Hif omm, enllllLMlMHil Moi.lH I.) M,-h,r ll lint Kit i,.,|,;.r 
 ,tv, [•".'" ;';''"'I''V"' "m.mcT, l.ut lew will <1mui' iT^ . 1 i' 
 •'• l'iirjilile« unci Tales: with llliiatrutiona by Arihur 
 llu«h,.<, !,..„., IH?;;, I). Hvo. ' 
 HiikVi',„""r' ''r •'"»'''• "» "»• Olio hiiiMl llml III tlme» Dr. 
 •iiiKi Mi.„l,., ,,f ,..,|,re-i>loii lire still uneiiiml lo lil» Mcih 
 ''"'"> " .-" I"' Hmnue.l lliHt he, olleu ,||v.|om..s i'I , i i he 
 ,1'.,.?"'" '"'>''"''"'''• ('""'i'.] i'on., 1S75, |i. sv„, 
 ,..„.i' '■""'■'' ',"'"'' ''roalhesii |.;ireaiiil e itiHiiir Inllii- 
 n ■ v^.u'; ',■'"."," r'f"""l> 'r1 '"'",' "■','' "'"•-^"«<l" I 
 luii , . , jl.'i.iHtlie lilulieit priMil of niai; naive laiiillvan./ 
 [;',".!!i'-'l,l;';'v^!;f '^;,«|X|.res,lo'i. that It, ariihor l,a"y"i ■■ivl'll 
 ". I.e-,.||,|.H of thu Morrow, [vorse,] Lon., IH7S, p. Svo 
 B. .Mjii.1,11 {■;e..<ta»y, (verno,) Lon., IHSO, »i,. Iiiino 
 ■»'lli"iii,'h he Isorten siilitlGand orlKliml In hNeini,.,,,. 
 '',' l"V ' ""i"'^' '""■ l>i't 'lell.;rttu toiii' I of nature .,r feell lu 
 a u,.e„r ,y of narra-lye . .arrest, his rca.iers , ^^ 
 „f , K r i"'" ''"'IK'"'*".* vIrKlnal love, white thu burden 
 ol ollierMsromorseorilusiiiirr."— ,1(A,, .\(,. jTji, """"" 
 11^ Tho Serpent I'lay : a Uivinu Pastoral, Lon., 1H83, 
 "lir. link,. iHone of llie most earnest ■Mid orlKlnal of i„,..i« 
 „n, r "'''■" '""I'';"-' fn"" his eni,,ei,p,,ms, I ,',■,« 
 ,',:;' ".,""r"«^' forhimnelf, and has {■hoseii to, eli;"^ 
 11 lit, riiMliat are wholly Ills, >wn, . . . He leerns l.lin 
 T ;, ' '"' '""'"""ble <„lirs,.s of ||,|„,„„ ,|,.stlliy 
 II at tl s IS so Is a reason wliv his work sliniiM I . .riw'nvJ 
 nleieslinK', as It Is also a rea:;-,,, why It si ,ii, I, !„,"'',',? 
 ';::. '"'1 ih'r. . . . Ho h.vos t,. synih,,llze ,e ,1 es n t 
 Xin^^:i.u:'^,l^%^'"'"" """" •'" "pi'r"pri,i,rj;;;f 
 Xkfn'h"";' ''"'',!!?'",'' *"•• »^'|"'»n««- 1- Ve Historical 
 .>Kcl, ti.,1 y„ Ohio London Strceto: whoreii. iiro niinv 
 (JiNivyn,.,.,, L„u., 18S5, obi. Hvo. ■>. In Lottei.- of t)o',l: 
 ft Novel, |,„n., IMHrt, ;! vols. ,,r. Svo 
 Ilakewill, Arthur William, 1S08-I8,,«, son of 
 Jainos l[,,k.nvill, („„„. vol. i.,) was, liko his father, an 
 «.r ;,i ■ f ■ ^" Anology f„r tho Architectural Mon- 
 stros los „f |,„„d„n, Ln.. I8.3i>, Hv,. 2. Mclorn Tombs : 
 or, Uleamnss troni tho Public Cemoterk..? of Lomlon 
 Lon, Sou, 1,0. If (Jonoral Plan and External Details 
 with I ictures,,uo Illustrations, of Thorpe Hall, Petorbor 
 ough, ,„„.. ,s,02 fol. 4. Arehitectu'ro of the Soven- 
 teeth Century. Parts I.-III. Lon, 1 85H -,■)», f„| 
 llRkcwill, Edward Charles, 1812-1872 an 
 arehltect. fh.. Temple: an E.ssay oa tho Ark, the T. ber 
 naelo, and tho Temple of Joru.salem, Lon., IS.Il r 8vo 
 Hakt.w.ll, lames Kidgway. Athletiea :' Co„. 
 dense, .M„„„a „„ the Practical Theory of Several 
 llBlbert, William Morton. An E.xposition of 
 Leoiiomioan,! liminoial .Science based upon a Cycle of 
 Seasons in Each Doeado, Lon., 187,s „ a'o 
 Ilalcombe, Uev. John Joseph, Jl.A., gradu- 
 I8.,7 , reader and librarian of the Charterhouse 1862-7J • 
 rector of Halsham, Cambridgeshire, since 1874. 1 
 Cluirch Koa.ling: containing the Morning, Evening,' 
 and (ommiinion Services of the Church of Englan.l ; f, 
 which are „|,pen,led Ilemarks on the Errors .lost usual y 
 eoniinittcd in rea,l ng these Services, Lon., 1858, C 
 2 Thespeake." at Home: Chapters on E.xtempor. anc 
 Mei ion or .speiiking ; fabo] On the Physiology of Speech 
 by W. II Stono Lo-,., 1,85!»; lid ed., 1874, 12nio. ' 
 Stranger than I'lction Lon., 1872, 12mo. (An account 
 4 / I ".:'=■"""'' r"''-;"™'' i" British Columbia, A„.) 
 (*■;'••) 'I"' Church and her Curates : a Series of h mv 
 on the Need for More Clergy, and the 'iest Means of 
 supporting them, Lon., 1874, Hvo. 5. (Ed ) The eU 
 C' ^Sn"'." """'«*■:.' "'' f^^^"^"' »f Missionary Id ei 
 Lon., 1874, 8vo. 6. Gospel Difficulties due to a Dis- 
 plne<-,| .Se.nion of St. Luke, ('miibrhlKi., I«srt, t,. Nvo^ U 
 «,!,, L<.n.. IHN8. Also, slugl,. sermon.. Ao. 
 Ilnldnnr, J. W. v., c.i.;. „„,, m.K. Civil nn<l 
 M,M h„„i,.„| l,,ig|,„.oring Pupuhirly „n,| .Socially .•on.l.l. 
 •■red lust. Lon. and N. Vork, iSM7, Hv„. ' 
 ,Mr llahlaiH'B' liilintloii,' ash,, hill, -idfsnv" 'linslH. i, 
 to 'ry lo liilere«l every one' In Ih,. hist, ry ,' f ifu's, ,ii,'e I 
 wlil.h he Is a pra.ikal |,rorl,.|,.|„ . < il,i. w , , 1. 
 has »,|i„|rHldy , arrh-l or-' hS,;tion,"-.;;;^ )', I^lilv' 
 } ilaldnn.". Hi. H,.*. .!„,„,., |i„|,e„ Al.«nn. 
 U.-r <'hlliu..ry., LL.M., I),l)., „rdain..d |H,m ",. 
 leumbeiitol .allaehulish an,l (llencoo lN7l)^«,'i • hon 
 [eanon ol <'athe,lral of Argyll IH71I, ,l„„n I8h|-n:|, an,| 
 I - nee then llishop „f Argyll „n,l the Isles. The Scottish 
 tommunloanl : a (iuioe to the Worthy Hecelving of the 
 llu'r" .■^"';!;""""!' • '". "hieh i, an,„.x,.d The Onl,.r for 
 he teh.bration of the Holy C, ,„i„„ recording lo Mio 
 i '•""' ' '•• ^'""I'l' Church, Edin., I,m77. Svo , ;I,| e, 1." 
 1884. Also, eharg,H, I,s,s;)_,s7 ' 
 Clin!,?,'^'""''!."-, *'•,. f'-b-Tropieal Cultivation «„,| 
 (III lates a l|„ok f„r Planters, C,d,misls, an,| 
 I S,'ttlers, Edin., \Hst\, p. Svo 
 I llaldane, Hirhard liurdon, ,.I.A., h. iHSTi 
 ;o,luea.., at London I'niversity: ,.„l|,.d ,o the bar n 
 , H85 "11/"^'^';"' t^^V'" "'"'''in«'".Hhiro since 
 880. ,ifo of A,lam Smith. (" Ureal Writers,") Lon., 
 Jo IV, M.A.. (tnins.) Tho aVoH,! as Will an,l Mea, b^ 
 I Arthur Seh.iponhaiior, Lon., I8,s,1-h7, H vols. .Hvo. 
 iNt""! "r* ^'*"'"* ^^ ^'""■"°' f" '"'*'''''l ^'""•' 
 ,V?'^f,T'?"' ^'"""•'I Ntehman, \„„0; v.V t„ 
 ';;hl.,l 18I2-IS,H„, h. at Locust Grove, I.anciLl, r^ 
 !'■ ' '1'^'"' ,'"" >■'•"•■'' "1 llickinson College, hut left 
 without grailiiiiting, an,l was employed ."or some time on 
 1"%"' '«;<"'' ^"""y "!' I'fnnsylviinia. He was nia.lo 
 prolessor of natural sciences in the I'nivorsily of Penn- 
 s.ylvania in 1851, was app,dnte,l to a similar position in 
 ^"'!'""'" «>■ in 18.-,.'i, an,l in 18(111 aetepted tho 
 ehair of eompaintivo philohigy in the University of|vania, whi,,h h,' heM until bir death. 1. Ele- 
 men s ol Latm Proiiuneiation, Phila., 1851, 12mo 2 
 Analyti,. Orthography: an Investigation of the Sounds 
 ol the \ oieo, au,l their Alphaheli.'al Notati,m, including 
 he of Speech, an,l its Hearing upon Ely- 
 ',: T' ""'',';:,'""• ■'•"• '^^ T'"'" <'<• " Chess Knight, 
 1 r,.,lronius, liibliography of the Chess Knight's Tour, 
 Ph la 1,8 11 2 parts, Ifimo. 4. in their Origin 
 and Application Phila., 18(1.5, 12mo; new cd., IS.s,!. 5. 
 l,ynio.s of tli« lyis. liy y^x Ago, [pseu.l.) Phila., 
 11.08. f, Pei.nsylv.„i„ Dutch : a Dialect of South Her- 
 man, with an Infusion of Kuglish, Lon., Is72, Svo. 7. 
 Out ines of Etymology, Phila,, In", 12mo. 8. AVord- 
 f""''"K> ^"^ ^^0 U«e of Classes in Etymology, Phils., 
 Ion I , I Jino. ' 
 „„Vn''','..*n?^; Management of Children in Sioknesa 
 an,l Health, Phila., IS80, l8mo. 
 Ilalc, Anne U. I. Eanny and Robbie, Ilost., 18(16, 
 ii»i ,^:"'^l;Mi"'k'8 Amaranths, Dost., 1881, 12mo. 
 1858 sf' '^''"' "'■''*■''' "f ""f Fathers, Lon., 
 Hale, Rev. Charles Reuben, S.T.D., b. at 
 Lewistown Pa.; graduated at the Iniversity of Penn- 
 VY"",'5-n -.' r""-Af ■^'- J"''"-' Church, Auburn, 
 ..y., 18,0-, 6; dean of Davenport, la., since 18S(3. 1. 
 XI ,.-. ^'"'' ""'' ^''^"V^ "f the Holy Eastern 
 the Holy Orthodox Church of the East, N. York, 1872 
 •i. Sermons, N. York, 1874. 4. An Eastern View of the 
 lionn ( onferenee I ;iea, N.Y., 1S70. 5. Tho Mozarabio 
 Liturgy and the Mexican Branch of the Catholic Church 
 f,-*;!"'' ,'";'' ■'•^'"^ Christ Militant upon Earth, N. York, 
 8,0 (,. Innocent of Moscow, the Apostle of Kamchatka 
 and Alaska, 1877. 7. An Office for the Holy Commu- 
 nion, arrang,>d from the Mozarabic L,turgy, Dalt., I87a. 
 ^;k ^n '^ ""> I^»P'i»>». -arranged from the Moza- 
 Colle^ t ^^rV"; "T'-"' '■'''*• '•'• (T™"'') Mozarabio 
 Collects tri-nslated and arranged from the Ancient Lit- 
 urgy of t'le Spanish Church, 1.881, 12mo. 10. The 
 Eucharistic Office of tho Christian Catholic Church of 
 Switzerland,,! and compared with thi.t in the 
 Alissale Komanoruni, N. York, 1882. 11. The I'niversal 
 H'JvT„'llfV''ni'''":^'u"''''''' ^''' ""<• "i^hops in the 
 '"'y "-f ''"'"-■ Cl'ureh thronghout the World, Baltimore, 
 t»H^. 1-'. Speeches and Adilresses, 1885. 
 Co7re^'.^'p"7'-^*";'*f'*' *'-^- B^duated at Emanuel 
 College, Cambridge, 1850; ordained 1851; became as- 
 sistant mivstor of Eton College. Tho Full of the Stuartu, 
 anil Westoni P^uropo from 1678 to 1697, ("Epochs of 
 Uiitory.") Ma|is. Lon., 1876, fp. 8voi 2a od., 1878, 
 Hale, Rev. Udwnrd Everett, S.T.D., [unic, vol. 
 i., 11(1(1.,] is still (1888) pastor of tho South Congrega- 
 tional Church in Boston, Under tho auspices of thf- 
 American Unitarian Association ho fouiulod, in I86',i, 
 Old and Now, a monthly magazine, of which he was 
 editor till it was merged 
 ioo. Illuat. Bost., 1885, 8vo. 4. The Story of Spain, 
 ("Story of the Nations.") Illust. N. York, I8S6, 
 12mo. With Lk Bauox, F., (trans.) Lamartino on 
 Atheism: Atheism among the People, 1850, 12mo. 
 With W1LI.IAM.S, Rev. John, (od.) The President's 
 Words, Bost., 186.^, 16mo. 
 Hale, Edward Everett, Jr. (Ed.) Noto-Book 
 kept by Thomas Lcchford, Esq., Lawyer, in Boston, 
 lergcd in Scribner's Monthly, now tho [ Massachusetts Bay, from June 27, 1638, to July 2!', 
 Century. In 1886 he founded another journal. Lend a ! 1661, Cambridge, Mass., 1885, 8vo. 
 Hand ; a Record of Progress and Journal of Organized 
 Charity. 1. Letters on Iris'i Emigration, Bost., 1852, 
 8vo. 2. Ninety Days' Worth of Europe, Bost., I860, 
 16mo ; new ed., 187'J. 3. If, Yes, and Perhaps; Four 
 Impossibilities and Si.t Exaggerations, with some Bits 
 of Fact, Bost., 18611, 8vo. 4. The Ingham Papers: 
 Some Memorials of the Life of Captain Frederic Ingham, 
 Bo.<t., 1861), 12mo. 5. Syburis and other Homes, Bost., 
 18611, l6mo. 6. Ten Times One is Ten: the Possible 
 Keformati(jn, Host., 1876, 16mo; new ed., 188H. 
 "A Utopian .sketch of the ell'eiM which might be pro- 
 duced on mankind by the widening inlluence of a single 
 life."— .Vod'oii, xi. lili.'), 
 7, Daily Bread, and other Stories, Bost., 1870. 8. 
 His Level Best, and other Stories, Bost., 1872, 16mo. «. 
 In His Name: a Story of the AValdenscs, Boat., 1873, 
 16mo. 10. Christmas Eve and Christma= Day : Ten 
 Christmas Stories, Bost., 187.3, 16mo. 11. Ups and 
 Downs: an Every-Day Novel, Bost., 1873, 16mo. 12. 
 Workingmen's Homes. Illust. Bost., 1874, l6mo. 13. 
 A Summer Vacation : Four Sermons, Bost., 1874, 8vo. 
 14. One Hundred Years Ago : How the War began, Bost., 
 1875, 8vo. 15. Our New Crusade: a Tompcranco St(ry, 
 Bost., 1875, sq. ISmo. 16. Philip Nolan's Friends: a 
 Story of tho Change of the Western Euipire. Illust. 
 N. York, 1876, l2mo. 17. O. T. T. ; or. The Wonderful 
 Adventures of a Pullman, N. York, 1877, 16mo. 18. 
 How to Do It, Bost., 1877, l2mo. 19. What Career? 
 Ton Papers on the Choice of a Vocation and tho Use of 
 Time, Bost., 1878, 12mo. 20. Mrs. Merriam's Scholars: 
 the Story of One of the Original Ten, Bust., 1878, 16mo. 
 21. Back to Back: a Story of To-Day, .V. Y'ork, 1878, 
 32mo. 22. Emigration to an Address, Best., 
 1879, 8vo. 23. The Life in Common, and Twenty other 
 Sermons, Bost., 1879-80, 8vo. 24. The Man without a 
 Country, Bost., 1879, 16mo. 25. The Bible and its Re- 
 vision, 1879. 26. Crusoe in New York, and other Tales, 
 Host., 1880, 8vo. 27. Stories of War told by Soldiers, 
 Bost., 1880, 16mo. 28. Stories of the Sea told by Sailors, 
 Bost., 18S0, Kimo. 29. The Kingdom of God, and 
 Twenty other Sermons, Bost., 1881, l2ino. 30. Stories 
 of Adventure told by Adventurers, Bost., 1881, lOmo. 
 31. June lo May: the Sermons of a Year, Bost., 1881, 
 12mo. 32. Stories of Discovery told by Discoverers, 
 Bost., 1882, 16mo. 33. Our Christmas in a Palace Car: 
 a Traveller's Story, N. York, 1883, l2iiio. 34. Seven 
 Spanish Cities, and the Way to them, Bost., 1883, 16mo. 
 35. The Fortunes of Rachel : a Novel of American Life, 
 N.York, 1884, 12mo. 36. Christmas in Niuragansett: 
 Stories for Christmas, N. York, 1884, 12rao. 37. Lights 
 of Two Centuries, N. York, ISS", I2mo. 38. The Life 
 of Oeorge Washington studied anow, N. York, 188.8, 8vo. 
 39. How they lived in Hampton : a Study of Practical 
 Christianity applied in tho .Manufacture of Woollens, 
 Bost., 1888, 12mo. 411. .Mr. Tangier's Vacations: a 
 Novel, Bost., 1,SS8, 16mo. 41. The History of tho 
 United States: written for tho Chautauqua Reading 
 Circles, N. York, 188.S, 12mo. 42. My Friend the Boss: 
 a Story of To-Day, Bost., 188S, I2mo. 43. Tom Tor- 
 rey's Tariff Talks, Bost., I88s, 12mo. With Hale, Ed- 
 ward EvKiiKTT, Jr.. Friinklin in France: from Original 
 Documents, mont of which are now published for the 
 First Time, Bust., 18S7, Svo; Second Series, 1888. 
 " The render who cares less about history than personal 
 details will llnd in this work many intere.stinK details. 
 Lnlortuiintcly.t' ; translaiiuiis from the French aru faulty, 
 and a knowlcilKo of French is noccssiiry for tlio under- 
 standing of the Knglish."— /K/i., No. 3116. 
 " The papers and letters comjirised in this sociind and 
 conclu.lliig jiart of the Messrs. Hale's collection coNer the 
 period Irum 1781 to 17.v>, with a few .supplementary chap- 
 ters devoted to the live remaining years of Franklins life 
 alter his return to this cmiiitrv. Their iiHcre-t Is even 
 greater than that of those contained in the first part of the 
 work. '— ..VddVm, xlvill. 10'.'. 
 With Hale, Sisan: I. A Family Flight through 
 France, Germany, Norway, and Switzerland, Bost., 18.s|, 
 4to. 2. A Family Flight over Egypt and Syria. Illust. 
 Bost., 1882, sq. 8vo. 3. A Family "flight through Mox- 
 " As to the editing of the volume, the less said the 
 better."— .V(i(/oH, xlli. llio. 
 Hale, Edwin Moses, M.D., b. 1829, at Newport, 
 N.H.; graduated at the Cleveland Homa'opathio Med- 
 ical (College 1859; held professorships of materia mcdica 
 and therapeutics successively in the Hahnemann Med- 
 ical College, Chicago, and Chicago Honueopathio College, 
 where he became professor emeritus in 1884. 1. Homa'o- 
 pathio Materia Medica of tho Now Remedies; 2d ed., 
 Detroit, 1867, 8vo; 4th cd., rev. and enl., 2 vols. 8vo. 2. 
 Lectures on Diseases of the Heart. In 'Three Parts. 2d 
 ed., enl., N, York, 1877, 8vo. 3. Medical, Surgical, and 
 Hygienic Treatment of Diseases of Women, N. York, 
 1878, Svo. 
 Hale, George Silsbee, b. 1825, at Keene, N.H. ; 
 son of Salma Hale, (q. c, <tiile, vol. i. ;) graduated at 
 Harvard 1844; was admitted to tho bar I8.')0; practised 
 in Boston. Digest of Decisions of tho United States 
 Courts of Common Law and Admiralty, vols, xvi.-xix., 
 Bost., 1858-59, 8vo. 
 Hale, Gertrude Elizabeth. Little Flower-Peo- 
 ple. Illust. Bost., 1887, 12mo. 
 Hale, Horatio, [(niir, vol. i., add.,] has resided 
 since 1856 at Clinton, Ontario, engaged partly in the 
 practice of law and partly in scientific pursuits. (Ed.) 
 The Iroquois Book of Rites, (" Library of Aboriginal 
 American Literature,") Phila., 1883, 8vo. 
 Hale, J. Complete Dictionary of Poetical Quota- 
 tions, Phila., 1851, 8vo. 
 Hale, .^Irs. J. A. Poetical Meditations, Lon., 
 1871, 4to. 
 Hale, J. E. California Supremo Court Reports, 
 vols, xxxiii.-xxxvii., (1867-69,) San Fran., 1868-70, 
 Hale, John Peter. Trans-AIIeghany Pioneers: 
 Historical Sketches of the First White Settlements West 
 of the Alleghanies, 1748 and after, Cin., 1887, 12ino. 
 Hale, £. J. Miriam and Joanna of Naples, Lon., 
 1850, 12mo. 
 Hale, Lonsdale Augustus, R.E. 1. The Prin- 
 ciples of Outpost Duty considered, in Lectures deliv- 
 ered to the Officers of Dover Garrison, Lon., 1871, 8vo. 
 2. (Trans.) Light Cavalry Outposts, by A. F. do Brack, 
 1876, 8vo. 3. Tactical Studies of the Battles of Colum- 
 bey-Nouilly and Viop-.iiie: compiled and arranged from 
 the Official Aoco'i.its, Lon., 1877, Svo. 4. What to 
 Observe, and How to Report it : for the Instruction of 
 Non-Commissioned Officers in Reoonr.aissanoe, Lon., 
 1883. 5. The Army and the Franchise, Lon., 1886, Svo. 
 Hale, Miss Lucretia Peabody, b. 1?20, in Bos- 
 ton, Mass. ; daughter of Nathan Hale, LL.D., (7. r., mite, 
 '■"' i.) 1. (Ed.) Seven Stormy Sundays, 1858, l8mo; 
 5th ed., 1868. 2. The Lord's Supper, and its Observancej 
 Bost., 1866, 16mo. 3. Service of Sorrow, Bost., 1867, sq. 
 16mo. 4. The Struggle for Life; or. Board Court and 
 Langdalc: a Story of Homo; 4th ed., Bost., 18«7, 12mo. 
 5. Art Needle-Work, Bost., 1878, 12mo. 6. (Ed.) Plain 
 Needle-Work, Bost., 1878. 7. More Sketches in Deco- 
 rative Embroidery, Bost., 1879, 12mo. 8. The Peterkin 
 Papers, Best., I8S0, 16mo. 9. Art of Knitting, ("Needle- 
 work" Ser.) Illust. Bost., 1882, Svo. 10. Tho Last of 
 the Peterkins, and others of their Kin. Illust. Bost,, 
 1886, 16mo. II. Fagots for the Fireside: a Collection 
 of More than One Hundred Entertaining Games for 
 Evenings at Home and Social Parties, Bost., 1888, 12mo. 
 12. Point-Lace: Guide to Lace- Work. Folding Plates. 
 l2mo. With Bvnner, Enwt.i Lassetter, An Unolosotcd 
 Skeleton. Best., 188,S, 24mo. 
 Hale, .Mrs. M. Lives of the Queens of England 
 before the Norman Conquest, Phila., 1854, Svo. 
 Hale, Mntt. A?nat(>nr ('•.Idicr? ; or. The Voluntcera 
 of Great Britain, Lon., 1886, l2mo. 
 Hnle, lit. Kev. Matthew lllngden, D.D., grad- 
 uated at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1835; ordained 
 1836; Bishop of Perth, Western Australia, 1857-75, and 
 of Brisbane 1875-85, The Transportation Question ; or. 
 Why Western Australia should bo made a Reformatory 
the less snid tlie 
 Little Flower-Peo- 
 if Poetical Quotii- 
 leditations, Lon,, 
 Colony, inste.1,1 of a Penal Settlement, Lon., I8J7. cr 
 Svo. AIho, single sermons. 
 v'f"'/'' '!•• '"• ,.'• '" ""> '^'"'' """l Iron Counties of 
 .„'"■" '^"T;,?"; *'"!'• Ki'leigh, N.C., ISs.l, I2mio. 2. 
 tVoo.U und limbers of North C.rolimi : from the itotnn- 
 loal and (Jcological Iteporls of Urs. Jurti,^ Kmmoii.^ and 
 Ken, Ae. Ma,,. Ual.igh. iss.i, 12,110. 
 . Mole, Robert. Iland-liook of Elementary Draw- 
 ing : with Pnietieal Suggestions on the Formation an.l 
 Conducting ot Drawing-Classes in Publie Schools, Lon., 
 Hale, Ilobert Douglas. 1. Four Leetuics on 
 Practical Mediuino and Iho lloma'opathio Tiuatiiieiit of 
 Bronchitis, Laryngitiy, I'leuri.-y, and Pneumonia, Lou., 
 tS7», 8vo. 2 Light Lectures on the llomieopathie 
 Trea ment of Acute and Chionie Ilionohitii., Laryngitis 
 and Pericanlitisi 2de,l., Lon., 18-7, Svo. 
 ,-.,"■'.**,'"■"'' ''•' '"'" teacher of method in St 
 Katheni.e s Irainlng College, Tottenham. In.flmt School 
 iManagemeni, l,on., IS8(i, p ,Svo 
 ITsJ^i's^tI'^'?" n'"*^!' Jus^Pha. ["""■- vol. i., add.,] 
 Vn-t" iJ ., ^""■"["'H 0"t; or, «orne..tio Life, N. 
 York, 18n 0. .'. Receipts for the Million, Phila., 12mo. 
 i. Juvenile.s ten numl)er,^ lOmo. 4. Keeping House 
 and Ilouse-lvecping : a Story of Domestic Life, X. York, 
 S4j, 18mo. ..Lessons from Women's Live.-, Kdin., 
 ioniniv ui /;• '\';"""-'!f' <"•• W"PI>y Homes and (Jood' 
 Soc etyAll the \ear Kouud, Host., 1867. 12mo. 7. A 
 Mothers Legacy to her Unborn Child, Phila., 1S6!I, »- • 
 l6mo' ' '"'' ^^'""""''' J-'es'iny, I'liUa., 1 
 Hale, Miss Sii.san, b. 18:!8, ii Boston, Mass.:, 
 ister ot Uov. li. K. Hale, .nj>ru ,■ was for man; years a i 
 teacher in Boston, but has since become a teacher of 
 water-color painting. Life and Letters of Thomas (lold 
 Appleton, .N. \ork, mi, 12mo. See, also, Halk, E. E., 
 Me'uw t!. "i'",'",!"' *r'^- '^'■^'''i™ on 'he Mechanical 
 ;if.o'' ''^ "''"''' ^'-■^*«'3 ""-e propelled by Steam, Lon., 
 Me" hlfll, Ifii'o''*'"" ■'^''"^ ^"'* '" ^""S, Biddeford, 
 f. ""fl; >*''<.'«m Gardner, professor of Latin in 
 Cornel I niversity. 1. The Artof lleading Latin: how 
 to teach 1- Best. 1887, l«mo. 2. Aims and Methods of 
 Classical Study, Host., 1888, 18mo. 
 iTw."'w' ^*"- **',*|"a'" Hale, M.A., [.nue, vol. i., 
 Co le™ V.t'.' ';■' w,''--^ i;<J5-I87U, graduated at Orie 
 tollege U.xtord 1817; vicar of St. lilies', Cripplegate, 
 1847-07; archdeacon of London, canon of St. Paul's 
 and master of the Charterhouse from 1842. I The Duties 
 01 Deacons and Priests in the Church of England com- 
 pared : with Suggestions for the E.vtension of the Order 
 of Deacons and Ihe Establishment of an Order of Sub- 
 Deacons, Lon., I80,., 8vo. 2. The History of the Jevs, 
 fmm the rime ot Alexander the (Ireat lothe Destruction 
 of Jerusalem by Titus, Lon., I80O, p. 8vo. 3. Some A° 
 count of the Early History and Foundation of the Hos- 
 pital ,/f Kmg James, founde.l at the Solo Costs and 
 Charges of Ihoiuas Sutton, Esq., Lon., 1854, 8vo. Anon 
 Privately printed 4. Some Account of the Hospital of 
 Lon., 8d,,, r. 8vo 0. Intramural Burial in England 
 not injurious to the Public Health; its Abolition i^u 
 nous to lleligion and Morals, Lon., 1855, Svo • 2d ed 
 Slime year. 8 (Ed.) The Domesday of St.' Paul's: 
 w h a,, Introduction Ac, (Camden Soc. Pub.,) Lon 
 18.)8, 4to. ,. Ihe Abolition of Church Rates a Meas 
 ure preparative to the Overthrow of the Established 
 Church as a National Heligiou: a Charge, Lon., 85U 
 tation ;f p" ^T' •"' ,'^^'i'"""'«''"» as respects the V s- 
 in, mnhl r • '" ?■;""■ '" "'" ""I""'' »f Chancels 
 and Glebe- Houses: an Addres.^ Lon., 18(!;i, Svo '» Pro 
 posals for the E.Uension of the Ministry in the cliuich 
 of hngland, by the Revival of a Lower Order of M is 
 \Z "svl ^i''%^'';",V"" ;"' ''"^™«''" m.hoU"Z. 
 IMi4, 8vo. 10. (Ell.) Registru.,! sive Liber irrotularius 
 et consuetudinarius Prioiatus Beata, Maria, Wigorn 
 ensis : with Introduction, Notes, and Illustration.., fcmi - 
 den hoe. Pub., Lon., 1865, 4to. 11. The Proc:.Hinl 
 rcia tivo to the Pulling Down and Sale of the Cliurc~h 
 ofSt^ Benet, (Iracechurch, London, Lon., 18B5,8vo I- 
 .An Inquiry into the Legal History of the Supremac"; 
 erenee to the Church .,. the Colonies, Lon., I8li7, r. Svo 
 J. Ihe Doctrine and Uovernment of the Anglican Church 
 under the Supremacy of Henry the Eighth oonsnlered' 
 ! Lon., 1S80, Svo. With Ellacommk, H. T., (ed ) Ac 
 count of the E.tecutors of Richard, Bishop of London 
 l.iO.., and '>[ the E.xecutors of Thomas, Bishon of E.\e- 
 ter, i;illl, (Camden Soc. Pub..) Lon., 1874, 4to 
 Hal V, >V ill jam P. "The Oude Question" stated 
 and considered, hUIi Reference to Published (Ifficial 
 I Uoi-uiiieiits, Lon., I S57, 8vo. 
 [ Hales, (ieorge. Spiritualism considered in Ac- 
 cordance with the Divine Teachings and the Writings 
 ot Lmanuel Swedcnborg, Lon., 1864, Svo. 
 : Holes, John Dixon. 1. Romish Versions of the 
 Libe: i-acts and Arguments for the Consideration of 
 Lib Societies, Lon., 185li, Svo. 2. The Bible or the 
 Bible .'■ociety.' Ihe Corruption of (iod's Word in the 
 Ita mil \ersion of Martini, as published bv the "Jrilish 
 and Foreign Bilde Society, E.xiiinined and E.xposed, 
 j Lon ISbl.Svo: ncwed., 1>()2. With f^ir.viiT, Ci.aiiknte 
 i h., A I rotest against the Circulation uf the Papal Latin 
 : Y"f"',° l'"'^' ;'>! Versions by the British and Foreign 
 Bible Society, Lon., 1S57, Svo. 
 Hales, John Wesley, b. I,s;i(i, at Ashhv-de hi- 
 jCouch, Leicestershire; educated at (JIasgow and Cam- 
 bridge univer,«itics; was elected Fellow of Christ's Col- 
 lege, Cambridge, in ISfill; called to the bar in 1867, and 
 appointed professor of English language and literature 
 at kings College, London, in 1877, and examiner in 
 liuglish language, liteiaturo, and history in London 
 I niversity ltS2 1. Longer English Poems : with .\otes, 
 Philological and E.xplanatory, and Introduction on the 
 leaching of English, Lon., 1872, 12mo. 2. Notes and 
 Essays on Shakespeare, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. (Reprinled 
 articles: ■'From Stratford to London," "Round about 
 Stratford in 160..," "Chaucer and Shakespeare," "Shake- 
 .spcare s Greek Names," " King Lear," " The Porter in 
 Macbeth, ' Ac.) 
 ''^"."''",f iiileresting matter."-.lcn(/., xxvi. 69 
 With It ii.yiVAi.L, F. J., (ed.) MS. Ballads and Ro- 
 mances of Bishop Percy, Lon., 1S68, 3 vols. Svo Wiin 
 V ''"*"• ,t-'"A«iKs Stiu.vgek, (ed.) The London Series 
 of hnglish Classics, Lon., 1876-79, 8 vols. p. Svo. 
 . ? f?; ",•-"*'• "'Chard Cox, M.A.,b. 1817; grad- 
 uated at Magdalen College, Oxford, 1840 ; ordained 1841 • 
 rector ot Woodraancote, Sussex, 1860-88 1 Six Ser' 
 uions : to which are added Prayers for Particular Occa- 
 sions Oxf., 1852, U'mo. 2. (Trans.) A Series of Tale, 
 tor ( hildren, by J. C. von Schmid, 1S5!I, p Svo 
 k u*''»^ S^'* •'*''"' *» illiani, b. I8:i4, atTufton- 
 Dorough, N.H.; graduated at Dartmouth College ISiiO 
 and at Andover Theological Seminary 1864; held va' 
 nous pastorates 1864-72; instructor in Hebrew and 
 Greek in the Amherst Summer School of Languages 
 ISSa and 1886. I. An Examination of Alleged Dis- 
 crepancies of the Bible : with an Introduction by A 
 Hovey, Andover, Mass., 1874, p. Svo; 3d ed., 1876. '' 
 Suppheium .Kternum :" The Hereafter of Sin : what it 
 will be: with Answers to Certain Questions and Obieo- 
 tions, Andover Mass., 18S1, ]2mo. 3. (Ed.) The Book 
 01 tsther: a New Translation: with Critical Notes, Ac 
 By the Lowell Hebrew Club. Maps, Plans, and Illust. 
 Andover, Mass., 1885, Svo. •■ ' ' 
 Haley, William D. Words for the Workers : in 
 a Series ot Lectures (o Working-Men, Best., 1855, Svo. 
 Halford, Frederic itt. Floating Flies, and how 
 to dress them. Illust. Lon., 1886, Svo. Also, large- 
 paper copy. ' ° 
 Hallord, Frederic William. The Angel: an 
 Idyl. Lon., 1871, l2mo. * 
 Halford, George Britton, professor of anatomy 
 in the Lniversity of Melbourne. 1. Action and Sounds 
 01 the Heart: a Physiological Essay, Lon., 1860, Svo. 
 A Um the Time and Manner of Closure of the Auriculo- 
 J entricular Valves, Lon., 1861, Svo. 3. Not like Man 
 Biiuanous and Biped, nor yet Quadrumunous, but Chei- 
 ropodous. Illust. Melbourne, 1863, Svo 4 On the 
 Comlition of the Blood after Death from Snake- Bite, as 
 a I robable Clue to the Further Study of Zymotic Dis- 
 eiises and of Cholera especially, Melbourne, 1867, Svo 
 i or private circulation. Also, pamphlets. 
 Edin 'I'ssrt'"'""' ""^''' '• """""' '" "'""cspu", 
 wno luilll.s tlie oHieo ot sponsor to these reallv exeollonf 
 !en'l".,n?!"f^ lyrics, tliey'are the prodiietio„s\if a'-'Z ' 
 lCttHek:''l:JlV.':'2i',J.'S^""''y '" '- '-■'"-"J with him o'f 
 2. "For Puir Auld Scotland's Sake:" Prose Essays, 
 Ao., Edin., ,888, p. Svo. 
 Haliburtou, Robert Grant. 1. New Materials 
 for tho History of Man : ilerivea from n Comparison of 
 the Calendiir.s iinil Fostivala of Nations, Jlulifux, X.S., 
 ' ^""^ i'rivately printed. 2. Intercolonial Trade 
 our only Safeguard against Disunion, Ottawa, 1H68, «vo. 
 Vo-, ■'"''' "•' J^f"'"'' l>iploinacy and its Fruits, Lon., 
 Halibiirtoii, ThomaH Chandler, D.C.I,., r«„^, 
 vol. i„ add.,] 17'J7-18«o. Judge llaliburlon reaijjnud 
 Ills oHioe in 1.S44, and tliereafler resided in England, 
 where lie was M.P. for Launccston lsoi)-tij. i. Wise 
 Saws and Modern fnstanees. lS5;i, L vols. p. 8vo; new 
 . cd., lSa',1. 2. British North Ameriea : its Condition, io., 
 liOn., 1S57, Kvo. 3. The Season-Ticket, Lon., 1S»0, p. 
 8vo. (Articles rejirinted from tho Dublin University 
 Halibiirtoii, W. W. (EJ.) County Directory of 
 Scotland, l.on., isfig, ,svii. 
 Ilalidav; Charles,, ir.xU-lSfiB, a mer- 
 chant in Dublin; ]uiblished several pamphlets. The 
 .Scandinavian Kingdom of Dublin. Edited, with some 
 Notiee of the Author's Life, by John P. Prendcrgast 
 Dublin, 18,S1, r. 8vo; 2d ed., 1S8-I. 
 '• It owes much of Us inlerest and laithorilv to the learned 
 }l?„^,n'''' "■''.''.^•^'''■'''■'^''"''•'''K"'*': "■'"1'^' lii*^ memoir of 
 tlie author eiiable.s us lo appiveiute the amiile and liltlu 
 kiiciun materials wliieli .Mr, Ilalidav had cofleeted for his 
 puriiiise, and ilie judtjiiieiit with which lie has used llieni. 
 ;,;,' , , ',■ ;,' ','; '"■ l'"^' "'"■'^ ''^ '" "'^ witiie.s.s to the great 
 e.\teiit ol he Danish power trom the ninth to the elerenlh 
 centuries. —.^pcdfUar, Iv. 'J!>7. 
 llalilil.v, M. C. 1. After Long Years, Lon., 1S74, 
 or. Svo. 2. Gilberf.s First Voyage, and other Stories, 
 Lon., 187a, p. Svo. 3. Among tho Welsh Hills, [a novel,! 
 Lon.. 1878, p, 8vo; new ed., 1883. 
 Ilalkett, C. H. Craigie. A Peerless Parliament ; 
 or, Iho House of Common Sense. By C. H C H 
 Lon., IS.s.i, ,Svo. 
 Ilalkett, George K. 1. Xotes to the Royal .So- 
 ciety of Artists' Autumn K.\liibiiion, Birmingham, 1878 
 Illust._ Birmingham, 187S, ,Sto. 2. The Walker (lal- 
 lery Notes, Livcrpocd. 1878, 8vo. ,'i. Notes to the Seven- 
 teenth Exhibition of the (ilasgow Institute of Fine Arts, 
 18,8, '' ttsgow 1878, Svo. -1. Notes to the Exhibition 
 of the « orks of Modern Artists at the Uoyal Manchester 
 Institution, 1878, Manchester, 1878, Svo. 3. The Uoyal 
 fccottish Academy Notes, 1878. Illust. Edin., 1878 8vo 
 ! Hall, Mrs. Anna Maria, (Fielding,) [„„ie, 
 I vol. I., Hali., Mhs. Samuel Cahter, add.,] 18(14-1881 
 celebrated her golden wedding with Mr. 8. C. Hall in 
 ! 1874, and it has been remarked that "five years later 
 j her golden wedding with literature might have received 
 a similar honor," Hfty years having elapsed since the 
 ! publication of her Sketches of Irish Character. 1 The 
 I Lucky Penny, and other Tales, Lon., 1837, p Svo 2 
 A Woman's Story, Lon., 1857, 3 vols. p. Svo. 3. Daddy 
 . pacre'.s School : tt .Story for the Young, Lon., 18511, 8vo. 
 4. Can Wrong be Right ? a Tale, Lon., Isfi2, 2 vols Svo 
 ?L J''^„ ^''""^,'' ,?'""'""J = 'files and Sketches, Lon.,' 
 ,tA' ,r' ,• V.":?" v-"'""''' ""'' ""'"■ «'»"«'. I-""- 
 SH Jmo. 7. Xelly Nowlan, and other Stories, Lon. 
 m.i, 2mo. 8 Ronald's Rea.son ; or. The Little Cripple 
 Lon.. 1865, sq Ibmo. !l. The Prince of the Fair Faniilv 
 a H.iry-Tale, Lon.. 1S66, Svo. 1 0. The Way of the World, 
 and other Stones, Lon., 18fi«, 12mo. 11. (Ed.) Animal 
 Sagacity. Lon., 1 Still, lOmo. 12. The Play- 
 fellow, and other Stories, Lon., 1868, 12mo. 13 Alice 
 ?,'."? '"^^"•"1 ,»"'<•■'• «'">•'«'. Lon., 1868, 12ino. 14. The 
 I'ight of Faith : a Story, Lon., I8(li», 2 vols, p Svo 1", 
 Digging a Grave with a Winc-(ilass. lilust. Lon "l87l' 
 12mo ; new ed., 1883. Hi. Boons and Blessings : Stories 
 and Sketches to Illustrate the Advantagesof Temperance, 
 i lust. Lon., 18,4, p. Svo; new ed., 1SS4. 17 The 
 Ilalkett, Samuel, keeporof the Advocates' Library, 
 Edinburgh, (d. 1S71,) and Laing, Uev. John, libra- 
 rian ol the New College Librarv, Edinburgh, (d. 1880.) 
 A Dictionary of the Anonymous and Pseudonymous 
 Literature of Great Britain, including the Works of 
 foreigners written in or translated into the English 
 Language, Edin., 1882-SS, 4 vols. Svo. (Mr. Halkett 
 having died belore the work was suflicientiv advanced 
 tor jiublicatiun. it was continued by Mr. Laiiiir who 
 completecl the third volume, but died belore publication. 
 The work was completed and edited, from the materials 
 left by the authors, by Miss Catherine Laing. Besides 
 the ordinary edition there is one on large iiaper, 4lo, of 
 which only .il) copies were printed.) 
 »)■','.■ m'.'i' '/^''"""•'~'f"'' '•"'•''■ "'■^' notfew-upon Its head, 
 tlio new die lomiry is weloome. ... It is a work th t m 
 scliolar can be witl,oui,"-.lW„ No 3181 
 -ii'i/.'"to'.'''l'i v'','ii'[ ""''■'''"' ''''*"-''""'-'l' ""J '""""e accuracy." 
 T.i'*"!'!,'**."* I'." ^"*'="'' " >'''»'^1 •■ founded on the 
 Ila,y ol the Same Name by Victoricn Sardou, N. York 
 and Chic, lss,s, i no. 
 iv'i*f "V^'"'v''?'", ^^'''^^y- '• A Keview of the 
 A\ebstorCase, .N.iork, 1850. Anon. 2. The Manhat- 
 taner in New Orleans; or. Phases of -Crescent City" 
 L.le, N. iork and N. Orleans, 1851, 12mo. 3. The 
 Congressman s Christmas Dream, and the Lobby Mem- 
 ber s Happy Now \ear; a Holiday Sketch, N.York, 
 N.'vmk', isso. '■ """"'" ''' """' ^'''^'^' tP^uJ.] 
 Hall, Alexander Wilford. The Problem of 
 Human Lile; embracing the Evolution of ,S,und, and 
 Evolution evolved; wich Reviews of Danviii, Hux?ey 
 ^'otissol'svo.^'' """""•""- '""' '"'>■"-• --«<»"^': 
 L^t^i.;"^"^:^^, i8'2:i«2'"""'- ^'"^'""^'"-^ " 
 Hall, Amanda H. Within, Without, and Over: 
 or. -MemoriaLs ot the La.i.e.-t Life of Henry Clay Hall 
 Aorthampum, Mass., 187S, sq. lOmo. Anon. ^ ' 
 Hall, Mrs*. Angus W. (Trans.) Mythology, Greek 
 Ion.! 1,885" i. Z "' ""'"'"" "' *^"'^''™'' ^V Nfi/selt, 
 Merchants Daughter, and other Stories, Lon 1874 
 I2mo. 1,8. Grace Huntley, and other Stories. Illust! 
 Lon., 18,4 12mo. 19. The Daily Governess, and other 
 Stories. Illust. Lon., 1874, 12mo. 20. The Old Story • 
 a Temperance 'Tale in Verse, Lon., 1875, p. Svo' 21 
 Chronicles of Cosy Nook ; a Book for tho Young,' Lon.! 
 Izli' ,''o"- ^-' ,^""'"' ^'=''''"' ""'1 «'!'" Stories Lon., 
 S,7, 12mo. 23. The Whisperer, E,lin., 1881. 24 
 Uncle Sam, Lon., I,8S1. 25. AMce Krrol, Lon., 1881. 
 Mith Foster, Mas. Jovathan, Stories and Studies from 
 he Chronicles and History of England, Lon., 1847. 
 2mo; new ed., entitled "Stories and Studies of English 
 History," 18,)il; <Hh ed., enl., Edin,, 1868 
 Hall, Miss Arethusa, [see ,u,t,; vol. i,, under 
 Hali,, Miss A., and Junn, Rev. Svlvester,] b. 1802,at 
 Norwich Hampshire Co., Mass.; became a member of 
 the family of the Rev. f^ylvesler Judd, the father of the 
 authorof" Margaret," about 1811 ; was principal for some 
 time of the Haverhill Academy, where the poet Whittier 
 was among her pupils, and from 1 849 to 1 860 was a teacher 
 in Brooklyn, N.\ 1 (Tians.) Thoughts of Blaise Pascal, 
 Andover, ,846 2. Memorabilia of Sylvester Judd, Sr. 
 Northamjiton, Mass., 1882. Privately printed 
 nf's/*V'. "f;'- A'thlir C. A., M.A., of the Society 
 T 1 ,, ," ""-' l^'i"iS«l"''; leetor of the Church of St. 
 John the Lyangelist, Boston, Mass. 1. Confession and 
 the Lambeth Coiileience, Best., IS79, Svo 2 Medita 
 tions on the Creed, N. York, 1880, 32mo. ' .'i.'The E.x- 
 ample ot the Pa.ssion ; Five Meditations, N. York, 1SS2 
 32mo. 4. Notes for Me-litation upon the Collects for thJ 
 Sundays an, Holy Days; Part 1., Advent to Trinity" 
 Milwaukee, I8S7, 16ino, ^ 
 ,,"""'/'■"'"'■ "• '• (Tnins.) Prince Zilah : n 
 ,V [''";'' ''""'""'^« '•/'■''!» H'<^ French of Jules Claretie, 
 Chic, 188,, 12mo. 2. (Trans.) Mar,-a ; the (iypsy Bride 
 IieTeJ ISS?"." ' """"" ^'"'"""' ''''""•' l^^M2mo; 
 Hall, Augusta, Lady Llanover, daughter and 
 H""",'s'''r/ ^*"'Jr"" "'"'l''i"g'"n. "f Llaiiover, mar- 
 led 18M, to Sir Benjaniin Hall, Bart., who was created 
 Lord Llanovcr in 1859, and died in 1867, when the title 
 became extinct. 1. (Ed.) The Aiitobiogi iphv and Co ? 
 respondence of Mary tininville, Mrs. Delany ; with In- 
 IZlT'A Re">">iscei.ees of King George the Third and 
 ^01 ,Vfi9 ■'"• \"'"- "^'"'/' ^•"'■^' ''•»'• ^'"""^ Series, 
 voli'.) '"'■ *'^"'' "'"'""• '^I*'""' """■i 
 "The letters arc chiefly intere.'^tiiiK as sDeelnipnsof 11,0 
 eat^^d^ri") ''\'"'','^';y,J"'"'t.'-'i"='l, 11"'! liecipes communi- 
 «■,'.'.!,',",',' J'".''^' Llan.'ner shows us how to cook good dishes 
 ,n f ;:' ''.■'"'■■ '"•' >"il.v .leleet is that the V's,sou.s are 
 1856, I'm"' ■ ^"^^ '"' '^"''' ■'"'"> C'-k, N. York, 
 co,^t*a1,',!^ J*^"^"'"'" *'• '; '^'"' Land-Owner's Manual ; 
 York Ohfo "rn r""'S,"'^ i^'".""" KeS-lati-ois in New 
 York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ac, concerning 
(Fielding,) [,„tte, 
 !H, adil.,] ],sii4-lssi, 
 th Mr. S. C. Hall in 
 liat ''five years later 
 might littvc received 
 ig elai)8eil since the 
 h Character. I. The 
 on., IS5r, p. 8vo. 2. 
 I«. p. Svo. 3. Daddy 
 ung, ],on., 185',l, 8vo. 
 )n., isfil!, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 mil .Sketches, Lon., 
 olher Stories, Lon., 
 other Stories, Lon., 
 r. The Little Cripple, 
 ! of the Fair I'amilv: 
 heWayof tlieAVorid, 
 • II. (Ed.) Animal 
 DO. 12. The Play- 
 3S, 12mo. i:!. Alice 
 !68, l2ino. 14. The 
 , 2 vols. p. 8vo. ]a. 
 lilust. Lon., 1871, 
 d Blessings : .'^tories 
 ;agesof Temiierance. 
 od., 1881. 17. The 
 Stories, Lon., 1874, 
 her Stories, lilust. 
 iovcrnees. and other 
 20. The Old Story : 
 1875, p. 8vo. 21. 
 ur the Voung, Lon., 
 other St(u-ies, Lon., 
 Ivlin., 188 1. 24. 
 Krrol, Lon., 1881. 
 es iind Studies from 
 iglaiid, Lon., 1847, 
 1 Studies of English 
 lilt'-, vol. i., under 
 VKSTER,] b. 1802, at 
 L'ume a member of 
 d, the father of the 
 18 principal for some 
 •e the poet AVhittier 
 O1860 was a teacher 
 lits of Blaise Pascal, 
 Sylvester Judd, Sr., 
 y printed. 
 ■ A., of the Society 
 I' the Church of St. 
 1. Confession and 
 I, Svo. 2. Medita- 
 2uio. ;i. The E.\- 
 ons, N. York, 1882, 
 the Collects for the 
 Idveut to Trinity, 
 Prince Zilah : a 
 of Jules Clurelie, 
 : the Gypsy Bride; 
 :;hic., 1885, 12ma; 
 'er, daughter and 
 )f liliinover ; mar- 
 ;., who was created 
 ■!B7, when the title 
 ograjihy and Cor- 
 Delany : with In- 
 •ge the Third and 
 ■0 ; Second Series, 
 INV, Mauv, ante, 
 s specimens of the 
 he eiglitoeiith ceil- 
 tccipes coinmuni- 
 of St. Oovcr, Lon., 
 3 cook good dishes 
 at the les.sons arc 
 's of one thousand 
 xxiii. oil. 
 I Cl'k, N. York, 
 ■Owner's Manual : 
 julations in New 
 n, ic, concerning 
 Land-Titles, Deeds, Morlgug.v, < , Auburn, N.Y., 1847 
 12mo. 2 Ed.) Official Ou -.ns of the Attorneys- 
 Ocneralof the United Statts: wiih Notes' vols i -v 
 Wash 1852 8vo. 3. The Republican Party and its 
 Presidential Candidates : comprising an Accurate His- 
 torv of the Republican Party in the United States, from 
 Its Origin in 179t'> to its Dissolution in I8;)2; of the Wliiir 
 and Democratic Parties during the Interregnum, and of' 
 lis Reformation in 1850, N. York, 185(i, 12mo. 4 Meth 
 odisiii • Its Source and the Secret of its Power, Lexine- 
 ton, Ky., LS70, ,S2mo. ^ 
 Hall, licnjaniin Ilonicr, [r,„i,;, vol. i., Hail 
 Bknjamis ,>dd.,J b. 18;i0,in Troy. N.Y.; brother of Fit2' 
 e<lwar.l Hall, „,/,„; educated at Harvard, and admitted 
 to llic bur in 185fi. 1. A Collection of College Words 
 iS^« 'o"",'.'.', I.'""'"'''^ee, Mass., 1851, Svo ; new ed., cnl., 
 „,: r- "ilJliography of the United States : Vermont 
 N /iork. I860. H. (Ed.) Tribute of Respect by the 
 Citizens uf Troy to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. 
 Iroy. ISd.',, Svo. 
 ic?^""' *^ • **• Cupid's Curse, and other Tales, Lon., 
 Hall, Charles, better known as Charles U est- 
 nall, the pedestrian champion of England. The Modern 
 Method ..1 Training for Running, Walking, Rowin"' 
 and Lo.vmg: including Hints on E.\erci8e, Diet, Oloth- 
 "ig. .tc-., l.„n., 1803, Kimo. 
 Ilnll, Mrs. Charles. Katie Summers, Lon., 1874 
 sq. loiiiti. > ' ) 
 Hall, Charles Cuthbert. Necessity and Advan- 
 tages (,l Popular Education in Church Music, N. York 
 ',,',; """"• yi'^l' I^'^'"*"' SiOLsMisn, (ed.) Evangeli- 
 C'll Hymns, with Tunes, N. Y..rk, 1880, cr. Svo 
 Cnn?"' ^i''?''!''* *^' 1- The Geology of Philadelphia 
 County and uf the Southern Parts of Montgomery and 
 Bucks, lilust. (Second Geological Survey of Penn- 
 sylvania, ) Phila., 1,881, Svo. 2. The Geology of Lehi.-h 
 and .Northampton Counties: Itinerary Survey of the 
 juountains, (Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania.) 
 ,J^k",! '^''"•'■'.^s Francis, 182I-187I, b. at Roches- 
 xer, is.n : was in turn blacksmith, stationer, and en- 
 graver Becoming interested in the fate of Sir John 
 iranklm. he devoted himself for years to the study of 
 Arctic mutters, and made two expeditions fitted out by 
 private subscription, and in 1871 sailed on the " Polaris'' 
 in coniiiiand of an expedition fitted out by the V S eov- 
 ernment, but died in October of that year. Arctic Re- 
 searches and Life among the Esquimaux : Narrative of 
 *.xpe<litioii in Search of Franklin in 18fi0-(i2 lilust 
 and Maps N. York, 1804, Svo ; Eng. ed., entitled " Life 
 with tl.c Iv-quiuiaux," &c., Lon., 1864, 2 vols. Svo. For 
 account of the " Polaris" expedition, see Davis, C H 
 snjiru, ' '* 
 Hall, Rev. Charles Henry, D.D., b. 18''0 at 
 Augusta, «a.: graduated at Yale in 1842; studied «t 
 the 1 rotcstant Episcopal Theological Seminary in New 
 Xork ; was ordained in 1845, and became rector of Holy 
 Irinity, Bnmklyn, N.Y., in 1809. 1. Notes on the Go.s- 
 pels, iV \ork, 1857-71, 2 vols. 12mo. 2. True Prot- 
 cstant Uiluiiiism: being a Review of a Book entitled 
 The Law ,d Ritualism," Phila., 1S07, Svo. 3. Spina 
 thri,sli ; or, .Musings in Holy Week, N. York, 1875, 32mo. 
 4. riie Cluircli of tile Household, N. York, 1877 lonio 
 Hall, Charles Uadclyffe. Torquay in i'ts Med- 
 eal_Aspect as a Resort for Pulmonary Invalids, Lon., 
 Ir^'")! , p. Svo. ' 
 Hull, Charles W. ]. Arctic Rovings; or. The 
 «n.?" 'i',-T ,".! " ^7 ,?"'"■•"■'• ^"y «" ""^™ "nd I^nnJ, 
 n.„„ ' ,;'-',';"■• ■ ?• l'""" ''^"^^" ■■ "" Historical Ro- 
 mance of the British Maritime Provinces, Bost., 1867, 
 Ifimo. ,i. Adrift in the loo-Fields. lilust. Bost IS77 
 12mo. 4. Drifting round the World: a Boy's Adven- 
 tures by ,V,i and Land. lilust. Bost., 1881, Svo. 
 M I. „ ,'^*'\,V.'''"'''»"e. Memoir of Marshall Hall, 
 fli.l>. ByhisHidow. Lon., ISOl, Svo. 
 „„'l,.'I'i '''i''^'"*" Il'ill was a remarkable man. Wore It ' 
 ki wlclil "',Mh "•',' *";'5' I'I'>7i<'l"Ki-«t to gain a sclentifi" 
 (I Z *" "llho luiu'tioii of the spinal marn.w-a step ^ 
 • H r V 1 i"' Hr"" '"-'V',' ';""'^^''' «« ■^«''"'"' «"'y to llmt 
 xli Ml *"" "''' '^<^«''"e u rceord,"-,s'n<, ftr., , 
 Hull, Hev. Christopher Newman, LL.B.. 
 Ouitc, vol. I., Hall, Rkv. Newman, add.,1 • . isjs, at 
 Maidstone, Kng. : son of J. V. Hall, (o. r.. ,„ • , >,„ i •) 
 wag educatcil at Highbury College, ami gradu ■ „ at the 
 University „r London, where he gained the law Fellow- 
 ship. In IM2 be became pastor of the Albion Congro- 
 gational Church, Hull, and in 1854 entered upon the 
 charge of Surrey Chapel, now Christ Church, l,ondon 
 He has twice visited the United States. He has a wide 
 popularity as a preacher, and the circulation of some of 
 his writings is counted by millions. 1. Divine Social- 
 ism ; or, Ihe Man Christ Jesus, Lon., 1851, l'>iuo 2 
 Seventy Scripture Chants; 3d ed.. 185,i, 1 2mo. 3 Con- 
 gregationalism for Christ, Lon., 1855, lOmo. 4. Hymns 
 and Songs for Bands of Hope, Lon., 1855, 24mo ■■)' 
 Sacrihce; or. Pardon and Purity through the Cross, Lon,,' 
 I8o6, 18mo. 6 Hymns composed at Bolton Abbey, and 
 her Rhymes Lon., 1851, p. Svo. 7. Hints on Preach- 
 iiig, Lon., l,8oS, 12mo. 8. Now! Lon,, 1,S58, 12mo- 2d 
 ?l^.'n ?»• "• '^"''"'''' ""' "'« Spirit; new ed„ Lon., 
 1859 18mo. Ill The Day of Salvation, an.l othei- 
 rracts. Lon., l8o!), ISnio. 11. The Voice of Jesus, and 
 other Tracts, Lon., 1859, ISmo. 12. Christ for Every 
 One, Lon., ISbO, ISmo. 13. Plain Truths Plainly Put'' 
 the Sermons to the People of London, preached in St. 
 James's Hall and the Theatres, Lon., 1861, lOmo. 14. 
 the Holy Catholic Faith. Lon.. I,'<fl2, lOmo. 15 The 
 Assassination of Abraham Lincoln : a Lecture, Lon., 
 Ifch,. lOuio 16. The Cardinal and the Encyclical, [of 
 Mb Dec, 1864 :] a Lecture to Young Men, Lon.", 1805, Svo. 
 7. Ihe Antidote to Fear, Lon , 1866, Svo. Anon Is 
 oiucward Bound, and other Sermons, Lon., 1809, p. Svo' 
 J. lilgrim Songs in Cloud and Sunshine, Lon,, 1n7u 
 1^1110. 20. Liverpool to St. Loui.s. Lon., 1870, f 1869 1 
 .1. tonflict and Victory: an Autobiography, Lon., 1874, 
 12mo. 22. Prayer: its Reasonableness and Efficacy 
 Lon 18,5, 16mo. 23. The Lord's Prayer: n Practicai 
 Meditation, Lon., 1883, Svo. 24. The Coming of the 
 Lord Lon,, 1884, lOmo. 25. Songs of Heaven and 
 Earth, Lon. ],sS,,, p. Svo. Also, many single sermons, 
 lectures, and addresses. 
 .1 ",«"», '♦'"•Christopher Newman. 1. Through 
 the lyro to Venice, Lon,, ISOll, cr. Svo. 2. Sketches 
 and Recollections, lilust. Lon., 1879, p Svo 
 Hall, Clara OaKey. Sweet Bells Jangled: a 
 Dramatic Love-Tale, N. York, 1S70, Svo. 
 Halj, p. New Hampshire Superior Court Reports, 
 vols. Ivi.-lyii., Concord, 1876-77, Svo. 
 Hall, E. Munster Fireside; or. The Barrys of 
 Reigb, Lon.j 1S75, 12mo. ' 
 M**?'!? j^'.S,* .'*?• '''''e Kui'ipean in India with 
 Mnirs Medical Guide: U cd., Lon., 1878, or. Svo 
 Hall, E. (iarnett. Bay Leaves: a Tribute to 
 hnglands Heroes, [verse,] Lon., 1878, 12mo. 
 1 JJ^.M' ^' "• '^""tional Tax as Amended, N. York, 
 loo3, I2nio. ' 
 Hall, Rev. Edward Brooks, [antr, vol, i.. add 1 
 Sermons, 1832-66: with Memoir, Bost., 1867. lOnio. 
 Hall, Ilev. Edward H., a Unitarian minister. 
 1. ten Lectures on Orthodo.w and Heresy in the Chris- 
 tian Church, Bost., 1883, 161110. 2. Lessons on the Life 
 ot St. laul, drawn from the Acts and the Epistles; 2d 
 cd., Bost,, IS.xo, 16mo. ' ' 
 w"m m' n ''*n.'"''„"^J'P'«' ^-S"'' !'"»: ''"'•the 
 West!!, the Traveller and Emigrant's Hand-Book to 
 Canada and the Northwest States of America, Lon., 
 1^850, Svo ; 3d ed., 1858. 2. The Great West : Emigrants' 
 Settlers , and Travellers' Guide- and Hand-Book to the 
 States ol California and Oregon and the Territories 
 of Nebraska, Utah, Colorado. Idaho, Montana, Nevada, 
 Washington, and Arizmia, N. York, 1864, lOmo; new 
 ed.. Lon., 1867. 3, Ajipleton's Han<l Book of American 
 Iravel; the .Southern Tour, N. York, 1800, 12mo; 9th 
 annual ed., 1869. 4. The Summer Tourist's Viiflition- 
 Guide to American Watering-Places. Maps, fc N 
 iork, 1,S69, ISmo. 5. Page's Hand-Book to Brighton 
 and Its \ icinity : with Short Tours to East and West 
 Sussex, Lon., 1871, Svo : new cd., rev. and enl,, Brighton, 
 , , J^'^ Picturesque Tourist: a Handy Guide 
 round the World, Lon., 1S77, p. Svo. 7. Coffee-'Taverns, 
 (ocoa.Houscs, and ColTec-Palaces: their Rise, Progress 
 and Pro.spects, Lon., 1878, fp. Svo. 8. Lands of I'ienty : 
 British North America for Health, Sport, and Profit 
 Lon., 1S79, p. Svo. 9. The Homo Colony: a Guide fo^ 
 investors ami Settlers in Newfoundland, Lon., 1882, Svo 
 f ,,•*''.' .*^j!**'«''d I*""cr. (Trans.) Eorly Sources 
 -.1 hngiisri Initarian Clirisliunily, by Gaston Bonet- 
 Miiury : with a Preface by James Martineau, Lon., 1SS4. 
 Hall, Rev. Edward Vine, M.A., graduated at 
 Magdalen College, Oxford, 1859; ordained 1861; vicar 
 "r trii*.",™*''-'' *''>'JI««<!X, 1870-78; curate in charge 
 "1 St. Nicholas, Worcester, 1879-81 ; minor canon, pre- 
 centor, and sacrist of Worcester Cathedral since 1877. 
 1. Tho Waiting Saviour, and other Sermons, Lon., 1S75, 
 IJino. 2. Sermons prcaehocl in Worewter Cathedral, 
 Lon., 18S-, l2uio. li. Fourteen Short Seruions, Worces- 
 ter, 1SS-, i2mo. 
 " Hall, Elfin," (Pseud.) ,Seo I'Eiiitv, Miis. E. C, 
 Hall, Eugene J. I. Poems of tho Farm and Fire- 
 side, Chio., 1,S74. 2. Lyrics of Home-Land, Ohio., 1881, 
 sq. 8vo. 
 Hall, Fitzedward, V.C.L.. b. Ikl'.^, at Troy, N.Y. ; 
 griuiuuted at Harvard in 1SJ«, a:ul went to India, 
 where in 1850 he became tutor, and in \S5:'. profissor, in 
 the K'uvcTnment college at Denares. In 181)2 lie went to 
 London and was made profe.-.-or of Sanskrit and Indian 
 Jjri,.<|irudenoo in King's College. Since ISO!) he has 
 ^ resided at Alarlesford, Suffolk. Ho has (Mlited Sanskrit 
 J te.\ts, ccmti-ibuted on philological .subjects to reviews 
 and iierio.lieals, and assisted in the prefiaration of tho 
 .New English Uiotionary. I. A Contribution towards 
 an Inde.\ to the Uibliogniphy of the Indian Philosoph- 
 ical , Systems, Calcutta, 18,511, Svo. (Published bv order 
 of thu government of tho Xurthwest Provinces.) 2. 
 (Trans.) A Rational Uefutation of the Hindu Philosoph- 
 ical .Systems; from the Original Hindi of Nflakaatha 
 Sristn, Lon., 1S«2, Svo. ,!. (Ed.) Ane Compendious an.l 
 Uryue Iractiite [m verse] concernyng >•« Office and Dewtio 
 ot Kyngis. Laitlio oouipylit by \V. Lauder. (Early Eng. 
 Text Soo.) Lon., 1SH4, Svo. -1. Benares, Ancient and 
 Mediieval: a Monograph. Hertford, ISliS, Svo. 5. (Ed.) 
 The Historic of ano Xobil and Wailzeand Sqvvor Wil- 
 liam Meldrum. Coinpylit by Sir Dauid Lvn.lesay of tho 
 Mont. (Early Eng. Text Soo.) Lou., l.K'«S-(i9,2 parts, 
 8vo. fl. (Ed.) I'oetical Works of William Lauder, Lon., 
 18(0. .*<vo. 7. Kecent E.Memijlitications of False Philol- 
 ogy, X. \ork, \A7-2, l2mo. 
 Or.',n,"vvi!l?'''-''"^'"Pi"-r"!"''nls« phllology is Mr. Richard 
 SuiVi J .' •''^' ,"" ^■■'<''',l'i'i"{? Iiimself in the volume . . . 
 entitled Words and their Pses.' . . . Dr. Hair-- criticisms 
 . . . are throughout pungent and ah\e:'—Xaliun, xvi. 3*4. 
 8. Modern English, Lon., l,"?:!, p. Svo. 
 " An attempt to show how tho English of to-dny differs 
 from that of our grandfathers, and to vindicate the change 
 as proper growth, , It is a hard pre,s.scd pack of facts. 
 ni'oAr 1. .'i 'f '" '"'''i^'' ^'"'' ""^ f'"^^'* '"■« ,seleclcd with 
 m«»,''^ iV''"""';'""^ -sound judgiaeiu and that the 
 .Trfint ,i J'"," '""■' "''"' »i"I,«itli«"- supplements in im- 
 pprtant particulars or contradicts our best dictionaries 
 fi^r", .M,"-' '"*','"■>■ ;jf familiar words, every student.lf Ei g 
 ,. Ill f M "'"l' ';." ",'-^'" "'« ^""^ ""<! "«es 'he author 
 no stinted thanks."— AWwn, xvlii. TiS. 
 • He does not criticise; lie reviles. He seems to be in a 
 passion from one end of his book to the ,jther. . The 
 book has its use in one way. as anv collection of obsolete 
 i"ti'r'^ii';;a."Lr\ixr'.v""' '"^""■"'"^ "^ ^^'"^^^^^ 
 its V /Ah "'"' 'u"rT T^ i;7P,t't..«lly i.uleavoursto fenew 
 no,?t ;.•.;,■." '"* '"'V'?' "''"U'lJs with a rich store of 
 ?v ,n Vi , i?'i ' "" '"1 'V'<'"'" '^'-''-'" equalled. For every 
 wi'ilKlrw! s;!L^lT"r!.™''r? r ""^''^ "^ reference.-I 
 enc; ^'iSit to^'is",';."'!:' """ 'P""' «•"''■ 
 rare^forihI."'hii!!?rv'?'?""""', '"" """""grapli to such a-s 
 not'nllu- n'r"!!,',.''"' H''''K''"»' !"wk .leserves the admiration 
 1 s!?"i'9' '"'"r-lf,''*' ,""W'e- 1. f^oeial Customs, Bost., 
 the Author of "Social Customs." Bost., ISS8, 24mo 
 Hall, Frederic, a legal adviser to Ma.ximilian, 
 Emperor of Mexico. Life of Maximilian I., Late Em- 
 Sr"l^"ri,"^or. 2.r " " ''"""" "' "" ^"'^"''' •^^"'°""' 
 ro^^i' n^.r'. '?,?!!^"**''. ^^-^^ S'-a<luated at Jesus 
 College, Oxford, I8h2; ordained 186,1 , cur;-te of St 
 Marys, Wolverhampton, lSfi;i-fi5; rector of Pryern 
 Burnet, diocese oi Loudon, since 1 882. ! ASh'"tHis 
 torioal Account of tiie Collegiate Church of "st'peter 
 Wolverhampton. Illust. Lon., 180,5, Svo. 2. Fast „s 
 Reception of the Blessed Sacrament, a Custom of the 
 Church Catholic, Lon., 1881, 12ibo. i ■" ot me 
 Han, Mrs. Frederick J. i. The Next of Kin ; 
 3 vols. p. Svo. 2. The Knave of 
 i a Novel, Lon., 1851, _ ... , .. ,„^. „,„^^^ ,^j 
 I Hearts; a Novel, Lon., ISa.s, ;i yolg. p, ,Svo. 
 I Hall, Frederick James, and Twells, I'liiiin 
 ; Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Iliili 
 Court of Chiinetry during the Time of Lord Chancellor 
 I tottenham, Lon., I8,")(l-;)|, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Hall, G. C. Causes of Blindness in India- Treat 
 meiit and Cure, Allahabad, 1881, Svo. 
 I Hall, George, M.D. An Excursion from Jericho 
 to the Ruins of the Ancient Cities of Oera?.a and Amman 
 ; in the tountry East of tho River Jordan. By |t 
 ; Lon,, IS,i2. ■''Vo. "^ 
 : Hall, George Barnes. Historical Sketches and 
 h.vcnls in Ihe Colonization of America and tho Out- 
 grmnh of our Country. Illust. Minneapolis, 1S88, Svo 
 Hall, t«eorge Berringer. Records of St. Al- 
 phege, London Wall; compiled from its Ancient Docu- 
 ments, Lon., ISS2, Svo. 
 Hall, George James. ■•Sought and leaved; a 
 rize Essay on Ragged Schools and Kindred Institutions, 
 Lon., ISoj, l2nio. ' 
 Hall, Granville Stanley, I'h.D., b. 1,S45, at Ash- 
 held, Ma,-^,* ; graduated at Williams College 1887- 
 studied at Berlin, Bonn. Heidelberg, and Leipsic; pro- 
 fessor of psychology at .lohns Hopkins University l-SS'- 
 S,N and since then president of Clark Univer,-^itv, Wm. 
 cester, Mass. 1. (Trans.) Hegel ns the X'ational 
 Ihilosopber of Germany, by J. K. F. Rosenkranz, St 
 Loui,., Mo., IS74, Svo. 2. Aspects of German Culture. - 
 a, Volume of Essays and Criticism, Bost,, IS.M, 12iiio 
 ,p (J'd-) Pc'li'gogical Library, vol. i. : Methods of 
 reaching History. By G. Dieslerweg, Professors II. 1!. 
 AdauLs, C. K- Adams J. W. Burgess, E. Emerton, W. 
 ; ,!!!L ""i-'.- w- "'gginson. Bost., ISS3, 12mo ; 2d 
 ed 1SS5. With MANsFiKi.n, .John M., Hints toward a 
 Select and Hescriptive Bibliography of Education; ar- 
 ranged by Topics and indexed by Authors, Bost., I88fi. 
 IJmo. * ' 
 Hall, H. T. 1. Shaksperean Fly-Leaves and Jot- 
 tings; new e<l., cnl., Lon., 1871, Svo. 2. Shnkspere's 
 Plays the Separate Editions of, with the 
 done by \ iirious Hands; 2d ed., Cambridge, 1S80, 8vo 
 u" I,' rn'"'''* Manual of South African Geog- 
 '■«phy,_On^e Town, I85it, Svo. * 
 all, Henry, a journalist. I. American Naviga- 
 tion .- with some Account of the Causes of its Former 
 1 rosperity and Present Decline, N. York, 1880, Svo. 2. 
 Report on the Ship-Building Industry of the United 
 States, (Tenth Census,) Wash., 1SS4, 4to. 
 Hall, Henry, assistant surgeon. War Department. 
 Vooabnlary of 'lechnioal Terms, in Eight Languages, 
 Lon., I860, ;! parts, obi. Ifluio. fc 6 > 
 T.^u"'p^**'' T^f.'.''^ Armstrong, educated at 
 Trinity College, Dublin, and King's College, London; 
 ordained 18,6; vicar of Holy Trinity, Bristol, ISSO- 
 80 ; vicar of Spring (jrove, Heston, since 1888. Advent 
 Counsel, and other Sermons, Bristol, 1880 
 s„'?''r'{./*'^"!' Herbert Byng. 1. Spain and tho 
 , Seat of War,a, Lon., I8;i7, p. Svo. 2. Scenes at 
 Home and Abroad, Lon., 1839, p. Svo. 3. Highland 
 Sports and Highland Quarters, Lon., 1847, 2 vols p Svo 
 4. txmoor; or, Footsteps of St. Hubert in the West! 
 Lou 1840 5. (Ed.) The Sportsman and his Dog; or 
 Hints on Sporting, Lon., 1850, 12mo. Anon. 6. Scot- 
 tish Sports and Pastimes, Lon., 1850, 12mo. 7 The 
 West of England an.i tho Exhibition of 1851. Illust 
 Lon., 1S5I, p. Svo. S. Brooklands : a Sporting Biogra- 
 phy Lon., 1802, 2 vols. p. Svo. 9. Mary ; a Daughter 
 I "i •''«, ,?"8'"'' I'easantry, Lon., 1853, 3 vols, p Svo. 
 ' 10. Soldiers and Sailors in Peace as in War, Lon' 1855, 
 «'"«"■,, ','?'\m' •"■• '^'"^ ^"""^' '» "'o East, Lon., 
 1 8o6, 12mo. 12. The Queen's Messenger ; or. Travels in 
 the Highways and Byeways of Europe, Lon., 1865, p. 
 Svo ; new ed., 1S7J. 13. Sport and its Pleasures, Phys- 
 ical and Gastronomical ; 2d ed,, Lon., 1868, 8vo 14 
 Adventures of a Bric-iiBrao Hunter, Lon,, 1S6S. n Svo- 
 new ed entitled "The Brie-ii-Br.c Hunter; or. Chap' 
 ters on Chinaniania." IS73. ' 
 th'e^''u™,lV'nf 'If''' •'"".'■'"■."""'y.-^'ears he has followed 
 i.rL'i ■ V- "^ " ^"'IPc'or throughout the length and 
 ptriormaiices in most unpreteiidinir fashion .-nntrive" to 
 x'rviii!'l329™ " **""'^ '''"'' "' "''""natl">>-''-*"t(a(o° 
 15. The Pigskins Abroad, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 16 
 Luoiillus ; or Palatable Essays, Lon., 1878, f vols. p. Svo. 
 Hall, lllland, [,.„«,■, vol. i., add.,] 1795-1885, gov- 
 ernor of Vermont 1858-60; president of the Vennont 
3. 2. The Knave of 
 i. n. Svo. 
 d i'wellH, IMiilip. 
 riuincd in the iligh 
 lu of Lord Chancellor 
 lesa in India: Trcnt- 
 L'ursion from Jericho 
 Oernzii and Ainmnii 
 Jordan, liy (J. il. 
 torioal Sketches and 
 iierica and the Oiit- 
 inneapoli.", ISSS, ,Mvo. 
 Kccords of St. Al- 
 n its Ancient Docu- 
 iij,'lit nnd leaved : a 
 iindred Institutions, 
 .D., 1). 1S45, at Ash- 
 ani8 College ISB"; 
 !, and Leipsic ; pro- 
 ins University |n,s2- 
 rk University, Wor- 
 I as the Nalioniil 
 F. K<isenkranz, Si. 
 jf German Culture : 
 , Bost., 18S1, 12nio. 
 I. i. : Methods of 
 ?(.', Professors II. I). 
 !ss, K. Emerton, W. 
 ist., 1888, 12mo; 2d 
 M., Hints toward a 
 f of Education ; ar- 
 lUthors, Bost., I88(i, 
 ?ly-Leaves and Jot- 
 0. 2. Shnkspere's 
 illi the Alterations 
 (bridge, 1880, 8vo. 
 uth African Geog- 
 American Naviga- 
 uses of its Former 
 .'ork, 1880, 8vo. 2. 
 3try of the United 
 , War Department. 
 Eight Languages, 
 >ng, educated at 
 * College, London; 
 lity, liristol, 1880- 
 nce 1888. Advent 
 1. Spain and the 
 8vo. 2. Scenes at 
 ivo. 3. Highland 
 1847,2 vole. p. Svo. 
 ibert in the West, 
 and his Dog; or. 
 Anon. 6. .Scot- 
 )0, 12mo. 7 The 
 1 of 1851. IlluBt. 
 I Sporting Biogra- 
 (lary : a Daughter 
 ^^, •'! vols. p. Svo. 
 1 War, Lon., 1855, 
 to the East, Lon., 
 !er; or. Travels in 
 pe, Lon., 1865, p. 
 < Pleasures, Phys- 
 I., 18BS, 8vo. 14. 
 Lon., 1868, p. 8vo; 
 lunter; or, Chap. 
 •s he has fidiowed 
 the lengtli and 
 of hiuLselt and Ills 
 <hlon, contrive" to 
 latlon."— *;^a'(«<or, 
 llistoriottl Society. The History of Vermont from its ' 
 Discovery to 1701, Albany, 1868, 8vo. Also, sing o 
 speeches and addresses. ' ■""»'" 
 Hall, Ilev. Ililkiah Bedford. I. Proofs of 
 the Divinity of Christ, Lon., 18,«, I2mo. 2 T «m the Authorised Version of iho New Testament • 
 being Lmendatory Notes with Explanatory Observations; 
 Lon., ISj,. 8vo; 2d cd., rev. and enl., lS(i| •< Ti ' 
 hpist le of Paul the Apostle to the Colossians .■ a rovised 
 Translation Lon., 1850, 8vo. 4. •»*.„ i.,o,^,r,,. John i : being a Course of Advent Lec.ur,;, Lon., Ls'wj 
 8\(). 0. 'H eV.*<i«ia .uayytAi., : The Fulness i,f the Miin- 
 .festation of Jesus Christ : being a Course of Ei.h.ha "y 
 Lectures, Lon., Lsfi.i, 12mo. i 'l'"any 
 Hall, Hubert, b. 1857, at llesley Hall, Notting- 
 hamshire; educated at Shrewsbury School and privatelv ■ 
 appointed to a post in the Public Record Ollice 1870 -a 
 lellow of the Society of Antiquaries and of the Koval 
 ills i.ncal .Society, and a member of the Pipe Roll and 
 Selden Societies, Ac. 1. The History of the Custom 
 Revenue ,n Lngland, from the Earliest Times tf. the 
 t-^"l ,;',:' • ™'.»l;;l«J,<-'''olusively from Original Authori- 
 IKS, 1.011., IMS.-), 2 vids. 
 „,"-^'','}"'"'i"''' bave liecii able to test liiswork if sn<..n« 
 almost iree from iiiacc,ira..y."_^(/,., No. 3017 
 -!. Society 111 the Elizabethan Age. Illust. ISSfi 8vo 
 Contents: The Landlord , the Steward; the Tenant j 
 e Burgess; the .Merchant ; the Host; the Courtier 
 the Churchman; the Official ; the Lawyer; Appendices. I 
 tr.r. .'.':'* " """I'lete master of the comnle-x economic lif>i ' 
 of i"'l M^ili'irir^ IV;',',' '-^ """'"•■ 'Tt.''^l'^v"rl"u,"nJ i't 
 livni; «f (V r " V. V"^'"" " millVKlUa VCS. . . . TllO 
 Klvnmi ''""","• ' "I'"'"'"' • \V'ld' Darrell, liislKi i:, .x f 
 nfVl , II i "''' '""""■ "K"™».tt'-e iUumi inte.1 n a lust 
 K,r'»"?;' ,«,'■,"!..''"■•' "^■;V- ; Wild' .Darren is iii's „Te 
 Svo. 16. 
 378,2 vols. p. Svo. 
 ] 1795-1885, gov- 
 . of the Vermont 
 .w.\,r,r ""ll.iioiilesses, the liero of a book otherwise 
 ^l™/.'x.\'xi'":;.''"''B' ""'"-■'• "'"" '""king, reputations"^ 
 Hall, Isaac Hollister, b. 18.37, at Norwalk, 
 Conn.; s(m of Edwin Hall, D.D., (.7 ,• n,,ie vol i 
 graduated at Hamilton College ISi;!, and at Columi;ia 
 Law School ISO.-,, was for two years a professor in the 
 Protestant college at Beirut, .Syria, and since 1884 \Z 
 Unnersity 1. American (ircek Testaments: Critical 
 Bibliography of the Greek New Testament as published 
 n America: with Two Fao-Similo Illustration's, Phila, 
 18.!.i, I.'nio 2. (Ed.) Reproduction in Phototype of the 
 S.vrian Antilcgomcna Epistles, Ac. Plates. Bait., LSSfi, 
 Hall, J. 1. Legends of the West, Cin., 1869, 12mo. 
 uTn"u "^ V'^'i"'"' "'■■""•y- *"- Cin.; 1869, I2mo. 
 1888 l'?uo '' Ulimpses of Ureal Fields, Lon., 
 0.,"?s,s'r'*,„*'' •*'"'''<'8])eare vs. IngersoII, Cleveland, 
 name^thni*"'^!' ^^^-J''""-, vol. 1., the nfth of the 
 New York S,''*; M "''' '"^'^■'^ ^"' ^'""' <"^™'»' "f "'« 
 Sh, . „ 1 -T" ^I"'*"™ ^i"ce 1866, and is also the 
 of Nliv !"v V- Contributions to the Pateontology 
 Si ,M .^ %^- '\^ ',"'''• ' **"• 2. Natural History of the 
 Sate ol New \ork: Pahvontology, vol. iii mrt i 
 Pl„,», a\1 ' "'*",n'"'»gy. vol. iv., part i. Text and 
 Plates. Albany, 18(17, 4to. 4. Descriptions of New 
 Speciesof Fossils from the Niagara Formation at Wal 
 dron, Indiana, f. Urk, 1879, Svo. With W.iit.vrv, 
 logical Survey of the State of Wiscinsfn'! N. York, 1 S62; 
 Hall, James, of Nantwich. A llistnrv of fi,o 
 Town and Parish of Nantwich, or WictMbS, in th 
 v^ypr^nl:;;."" "' ''"'"' ^''^"'"''' '«^''. ^'o- i-'i- 
 I. all. Rev. John, D.D„ LL.D., b. 1829, in County 
 Ariungi Ireland, and educated at Belfast cilloge was 
 licensed preach in 1849, and, after servin- as mission 
 ary in the west of Irelan.l, and holding pastote"n 
 Ariijagh and Dublin, removed to the Uniied Sa n 
 1S6,, become pastor of the Fifth Avenue Pr^byt^H. ," 
 ^ The Chief End of Man: an Exposition of the First 
 Answer of he Shorter Catechism, Phila., ISmo. rFam 
 lar Talks to Boys, N. York, 12mo. 4. How to S udv an 
 International Sabbath-Sehool Lesson, PhiTa., 16 no " 
 Minor Characters of the Bible, Phila., 18mo. 0. TheOnly 
 .^„ «K ? ,.' •. '"'.E.xpoailion of the Second Answer of 
 the Shorter taiechism, Phila., 18mo. 7. Sabbath-School 
 Theiilogy; or, Conversations with a Class, Phila., ISmo. 
 8. The Sower and the Seed, Phila., 18mo. 0. (Ed ) 
 Family Prayers, f,r Four Weeks, N. York. ISfiS, 12mo 
 0. tare cast upon the Lord, N. York, ISliO, "4mo' 
 . lapers for Hoiiie Reading. N. York, 1871, 12mo.' 
 I.'. Questions of the Day, X.York, 187:), 12mo. L) 
 Ireaching: Manner and Matter, N. York, 1874, 12ino' 
 4 Ihoughts for the Old Year and the New, N. York, 
 18,4 .i2mo. L..,Why Wecpest Thou? N. York, 1874 
 ^-..10. 16. Gods \\o:d through Preaching, (Lyman 
 Beecher Lectures^,, e College,) X. York. 1^7.5 12m 
 7 Momormls of Wesleyan Ministers fiom 1777 to 
 840 Lon 18,6, svo. Is. V„„ „„,, ,.,„„ ei.ildren ; or, 
 Happy Homes, and how to make them, 1877. 10 
 f°"ndatio„ Stories for Young Builders, Lon., ISSl,' 
 ! 8mo. 21. A Christian Homo: how to make ami how 
 o maintain it Lon., I8S4, l2mo. 21. (Ed.) Fan Uy 
 Prayers for Working- People, for Four Week . E 1^^^, 
 88. sm. er. Svo With C,v,,,,i,, T. L,. and Bkk.uki, 
 wui a *'"""'"^*/"' I'renching, X. York, 1871, ISmo. 
 With Stuaut, GKoncK H., The Ameriean Eva;gelists 
 fr'pi;,;,! N^^ ""J' ,1™ "• ^""^'y' '" ^•'"'^ ""'"in »nd 
 Ireland, JS. iork, 12ino. 
 r.,"","',,*^''*'' •'"''II, Independent minister of Union 
 Chape Bri.xton. I. Mi.ssions at Home: the Christian 
 atriots Reined.y for his Country's Danger, Lon., 1856, 
 ,-'"": „?■, ^'"^ 'ielievcr's I'eaee: In Memoriam of hii 
 Uoj^il Highness the Prince Consort, Lon.. 18ti'> Svo 
 Hall, John, M.R.C.S. Drink-Thirst; its' Medical 
 Treatment, Lon., I8S1, Svo. 
 Hall, Kev. John, of Trenton. Henry Martyn and 
 hi- Missionary- Work in the East, I'nila., 18s:i, iBuio. 
 Hall, John Carey, educated at Queen's University, 
 Ireland; called to the bar at the Middle Temple LSSl • 
 ossistant Jajianese secretary at Tokio l,sS2. (Trans ) A 
 General View of Chinese Civilization, by P. Lahtte, 1887, 
 Hall, John Charles. 1. Bedside Sketches; On 
 the Treatment of Thoracic Consumption, Lon., 185(1, Svo. 
 2. Prevention of Cholera; 2d ed., enl., Lon., 1853, Svo 
 .1 Hints on the Pathology, .tc, of Thoracic Consump- 
 ton. Illust. 3ded.,enl., Lon., lS5(!,12mo. 4. On the 
 1 revention and Treatment of the Sheffield Grinders' Dis- 
 ease, Lon., 1857, 8vo. 5. Medical Evidence on Railway 
 Accidents, Lim., 18(18, Svo """"j' 
 n„»»''"','''i?''" JF'!."''*"'' "-A- ^- is:i7; educated at 
 ?imU"'T'.r°-'"'."''' """'^'' to the bar at Lincoln's 
 inn 1S)2. A Ireatise on the Law relating to Profits 
 a Prendre and Rights of Common, Lon., 1871, 8vo 
 Hall, John K. 1. Master Workman and Masonic 
 Monitor, Bost, 1864, 12mo. 2. Master Key to thoTreas 
 ures of the Royal Arch, 18fc6, 24mo. ; ^ Freema m,'s 
 Monitor : a List of All the Lodges in the St.ife of Mas „ 
 i8?n:sq: IT' '""'' '""°' -*• *'"^""''-' *'^"^"^' ^-"•' 
 Ci Jh" n' *'f ''" V^?-^?"- ""'''•' '" "'* Three Services, 
 Civil, Naval, and Military, Lon., 1860, 12moj 2d od., 
 h nfli-' •',?''"„^*"e' [?'"'■''■'■'• '"'«''^-] l"4-186n, 
 b. at Diss, Norf^^dk; a bookseller at Maidstone 1814-50. 
 1 he Sinners Iriend," mentioned cmir, vol. i., was first 
 published in 1821. It has bee.i translated intrthirty 
 languages, and has readied a circulation of nearly three 
 mil ions of^ copies. Conflict and Victory : the Autobion- 
 raphy of the Author of " The Sinner's Friend." Edited 
 by Newman Hall. Lon., 186,i, p 8vo 
 Hall, John William. The Coal-Mines Regula- 
 tmn Ac , 1872 : with Explanatory Introduction and Notes, 
 Wolverhaimiton, 1872, Svo. ' 
 ri,!f»?-"n ,**«"'• Jo.seph, M.A., graduated at Corpus 
 Christi College, Cambridge, 1844; ordained 1844; reJtor 
 of Knockholt, Kent, 1855. 1. Earnest Lovelate, Lon., 
 S tL pTi =; H",."."'" Tongues, Lon., 1864, 18mo 
 LoJ ISfii 9 ''•'"f ll'r'.^"''"'"-' "l'™" Narrative, 
 Lon. 1,864, 121110. 4. What is the Good of Confirmation? 
 a Question Answere.L Lon., 1864, 16mn. 5. Eden's 
 Symbols, Lon., 18(15, Ifimo. 
 Hall, Rev. Joseph, Wesleyan Methodist n.ini.- 
 .,%l,.v .""n"'\"^."''"''"y"'' Alethodist Ministers ; 
 or. The \early Death-Roll from 1777 to 1840, Lon., 1878 
 I ;.; „f .1 , • ' Circuits and Ministers: an Alphabeticai 
 List of the Circuits in Great Britain, with the Nemes of 
 ho Ministers stationed in each Circuit, from 1765 to 
 I8S0, Lon., 1886, Svo. 
 Hall, Joseph Sparkes. Book of the Feet: a 
 History of Boots and Shoes; 2d ed., Lon., 1847, 18mo: 
 new ed., IS50, 12mo. ' > » . 
 Hall, Julia «. The Dream of Home, and other 
 Poems, l,on., IstiS, Hvn. 
 Hall, Julius. Praetioal Snggestions to All In- 
 ventors and Patentees and Purchasers of Patents, Lon.. 
 1.S72, dvo. 
 Hall, L. A. 1. Prejudice I,o8t and Love Won, Lon., 
 I2mo. 2. The Story of a Pebble, Lon., 12mo. .■!. Which 
 was the liravest? and other Stories, Lon., 181)4, 12mo. 
 Hnll, Lewis A., M..'). The Farmer'.f Railroad ; or, 
 A 1 realise uniting .Mental with Corporal Efforts in the 
 Iniprovement of the Farmer and the Farm, Trenton, 
 lyjii, 8vo, 
 Hall, Louise Gardiner. Manna, Niirht and 
 Morning, N. York, l,s,S:t, 2luio. 
 Hall, Lymau W. Elementary Outline of Mental 
 Philoao|ih.v, Columbus, 0., 1S50, 12mo. 
 Hall, M. (Trans.) A Perilous Venture; from the 
 Oeinian of (). von Mu.vern, Lon., l8St, p. 8vo. 
 Hall, M. D. I. Suggestions for the Repression of 
 Crime, Lon., 1.S57, 8vo. 2. Our E.xernplars, Poor and 
 Kieh: liiographioal Sketclie.'', Lon., 1861, 12mo. 
 Hall, Mrs. M. G. C. A Lady's Life on a Farm in 
 Manitoba, Lon., 1.S84, fp. 8vo. 
 .?f "',',' '^*'"'''** '^"'Jo to English Orthography, Lon., 
 Hall, .Mrs. Marie, (8ibree,) [,i„ie, vol. ii., Sidrek, 
 Maiiie, add.] 1. A Roraan Painter and his Model, Lon., 
 18,11, p. 8vo. 2. Andrew Marvell and his Friends: 
 fetory of the Siego of Hull, Lon., 1871, p. 8vo; 4th ed., 
 I>84. ;i. (iabriella; or. The Spirit of Song, Lon., 1878, 
 l-'mo. 4. The White of Dereham, Lon., 1S7.8, 12mo. 
 5. Noble, but not the Noblest, Lon., 188:i, p. 8i-o. 
 Hall, Mary L. Preparation: a Novel, N. York, 
 188;{, 12nio. 
 Hall, Mary Stuart. Blanche's AVandorings ; or, 
 The (luiding Hand, Lon., 1857, 8vo. 
 Hall, Mrs. Matthew, [<tiii,; vol. i., add.] The 
 Royal Princesses of England, from the Reign of (icorge 
 the First, Lon., IS.i.s;, ,,. Svo; new ed., 1871. 
 Hall, Miranda. Fairy Spinner, and "Out of 
 Date or Not," Lon., l,-!74, 12mo. 
 Hall, R., M.B. I. .Mclern Spiritism: its Origin, 
 ClaiULs, and Ultimatum, .Melbourne, 1878, 8vo. 2. Signs 
 of the Times : a Pioplietic Study of the Eastern Ques- 
 tion and its Ultimate Results: the Whereabouts of the 
 Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, Melbourne, 1878, Svo. 
 Hall, R. A. Swcdenborgianism; or. An Assault on 
 Christian Dootrine, Lon., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 Hall, Rev. Robert, Independent minister, of Bir- 
 mingham. 1. The Half-crown and his Philosophy; or, 
 lales and Dialogues for the Young, Birmingham, 18o9, 
 •^vo 2. A Book of Varieties : consisting of Original 
 iaWes, Narratives, Letters, Odes, Ac, Lon , 188:i, |2mo. 
 Hall, Rev. Robert, .M.A., graduate.l at Christ's 
 College, Cambridge, 18ol) ; ordained ISoi; vicar of Fla.Y- 
 ley Gloucestershire, 187li-.83 : rector of Saul, (Jlouces- 
 tershire since lss:i. On the Doctrine of Typical Rela- 
 tion in Holy Scripture, Lon., 1871), l2oio 
 Hall, Robert. I. The Highland Sportsman: a 
 Coinpendious Sporting (}uide t.) the Highlands of Scot- 
 land. Maps and Illust. Lon., 18S2, p. 8vo. 2. The 
 Highland .Sportsman and, Lon,, 1S8J, p. ,Svo 
 nJ,l]\ 1"^'!^' PK'^^T"' ""'' '^"""■''■- " Complete 
 Guide to Scotland, Ac, Lon., 1887 8vo 
 Hall, Robert W. The Fothergill Dry Process in 
 Photogiaj.hy : its Simplicity and Certaintv, Lon., ISHO, 
 or. Svo. ' ' ' 
 Hall, S. J. Morning Studies and Evening Pas- 
 times, Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 Bo*f'*l's'iii'»''l6V '^'''''"'"'' "'' <5eology and Mineralogy, 
 . Vifl'' ^/?Y' P® I">'">f Impersonation as applied j 
 to Abstract Meas, Lon., iSlil. 
 Hall, Salem. I. On a Candlestick, Lon., 1880, ,,n. ' 
 lt)iuo. 2. Mistress Mary's (iardon, Lon., 1881, p. Svo ' 
 ■i. Made on Purpose: a Story of Russian Life Lon.j 
 188, ISnio With Ropes, M.vrv E., Seven Steps Up^ 
 ward: Stones, Lon., 1884, Svo. ' 
 Hall, Rev. Samuel. Solomon and Ezekiel 
 monized; or. Tw,. Critic,! Portions of Scripture cnm- 
 pareil and explained, Lon., IS."),-,, 12ino 
 1801-1889, called to the bar nt the Inner Temple in 
 1841 ; began Ins professional career as a gallery reporter 
 for the New Times. In 1825 he established the Amulet, 
 740 ' 
 of which he was for many years the editor. In 18,10 ho 
 succeeded Campbell as editor of the New Monthly Mait 
 azinc, and in 1.830 established the Art Journal, which 
 he cdite,l till 1880. '. Poems, Lon., 1850, 4to. Printed 
 for private circulation. 2. (Ed.) The Royal Gallery of 
 Art, Ancient and Moilern ; Engravings from the Private 
 Collections of the Queen and Prince Albert and the 
 Heirlooms of the Crown, Lon., 1858-50, ;( vols fol I 
 A Book of Memories of (Jrcat Men and Women of tlio 
 /*ge: from Personal Acjuaintance, Lon., 1870, Svo 4 
 Wimbledon : Illustrative Details concerning the Parish • 
 with Descriptions of the Wimbledon Park Estate, Lon ' 
 18,2, 8vo. 5. fho Trial of Sir Jasper: a Temperance 
 rale, in Verse, Lon., 1873, sq. lllmo; new cl., 1S83, 
 l2mo. () An Old Story : a Temperance Tale, in Verse 
 Lon., 18,5, Svo; 2d ed., IS7fi. 7. A Memory of Thom,« 
 Moore Lon 8,9, 4to. 8. Rhymes in Council: Apho- 
 risms Versified Lon., 1881, 4to. 9. Retrospect of a Lng 
 Life, from IMa to 1883, Lon., 1883, 2 vols. 
 "A curious medley of rcmini.sceiiocs, tea table cnssin 
 j^;!site.'e!:s:'^iS:™'J""«'"^"'"' «-' '■--«' 
 10. The Use of Sjiiritualism, Lon., 1884, Svo. With 
 Hall, Mrs. Maria: 1. The Forl,)rn Hope: » 
 Story ol 01,1 Chelsea, n. d., 4to. 2. Book of Royalty 
 Chaiaclenstics of British Palaces, 1838, r 4to 3 Ju/e 
 nilo Builgit of Little Stories, 1838, llinio. 4. .\ Week 
 at Killariiey, Lon., 1.S4.'?, or. Svo; new ed., 1805. 5. The 
 Swan s Egg, Lon., 1851, l,«mo. 6. Hand-Books to Ire- 
 land 18o4, 4 vols. fp. Svo. 7. Ailventurc of Biddv 
 ,<,1', S*''' V'"" ^^■''' '2'"°- *^- ^ W'"nnn's Story, Lon' 
 1857, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 9. The Lucky Pcnnv, and othe^ 
 Tales, Lon., 180,, 12nio. 10. Daddy Dacre's School for 
 the \oung, Lon 1858, ISmo. II. Boys' Book, 1859, p. 
 8vo 12. The Book of the Thames, from its Rise to its 
 _*all, Lon., I8a9, 4to; new eds., 1804, 1806, I8(i9 13 
 lenby : its History, Antiquities, Scenery, Traditions, an,i 
 Cust.mKS Lon., 1860 ; 2d ed., rev., 1873. 14. The Book of 
 f««, .-^^ '"','!"'. ^^^'^ ""'•"'« ^'""^t- I""^t. Lon., 
 860, Ip. 4to. lo. Juvenile Forget-Me-Nots, Lon., ISO'' 
 16mo. 16. A Comiinnion to Killarney. Illust. and 
 u"?-, ''m"',', '"•"' ^''"- '*^''"> JkWK.TT, LLEHEI.I.VV, 
 Haddon Hall: an Illustrated Ouiile: with Notices of 
 Lu.xton Bakewell, and other Places in the Ncighbour- 
 liooil, Bu.xton, 1871, Svo. 
 , ',f""'„^'""?"'' K"">«lly. ^Vesleyan minister, d. 
 M .1; .^""-"[''t'vo Kecords of John Wesley and Early 
 Methodism, Lon., 1856, Svo. For biog., see Nighti/- 
 GALK, 1. 
 rr'^'J'.^^^^n^'' ''• Wessons from Women's Livca. 
 i!-uin., l.sOo, I2mo. 
 Hall, Spencer, F.S.A., 1806-1875, b. in Ireland: 
 was librarian of the Atheminim Club, London, 1833- 
 is,;). 1. Suggestions for the Classification of the Li- 
 brary now collecting at the Athenauim, Lon., 1838, Svo 
 1 rinted for jirivate circulation. 2. Letter to John Mur- 
 ray upon an ^.sthetic Edition of the Works „f Shake- 
 speare Lon. 1841, Svo 3. Echyngham of Echyngham, 
 Lon 8oO svo. 4. Notices of Sepulchral Memoiials 
 at Etchingham, Sussex, an,l of the Church at that Place, 
 Lon.. I8,)l, 8vo. 5. (Ed. and trans.) Documents from 
 Simanoas relating to the Reign of Elizabeth, (155,8-68-) 
 trom the Spanish of Don Tomfls Gonzales, Lon., 1865 
 Svo. (,. Francesca da Rimini, Lon., 1874, Svo. (Trans' 
 luted from Dante.) 
 Hall, Spencer Timothy, 1812-188,), b. near Sut- 
 ton-in-Ashlield, Nottinghamshire; became a printer an,l 
 tjooksellcr, a lecturer on mesinerisni, and a homoeopathio 
 tloetor Ills mesmeric cure of Harriet Martineau is 
 related in her autobiography. 1. The Forester's Offer- 
 ing Lon, IS4I, l2mo. 2. Phreno-Magnit, and Mirror 
 of Nature. Lon., 1x14, 12n,o. 3. Mesmeric Experiences, 
 Lon., 184,,, 12mo. 4. The Upland Hamlet, aii,l ..the; 
 looms, Lon., 1847, 32mo. 5. Life and Death in Ire- 
 land as witnessed in 1849, Manchester, 1850, 12mo. 6 
 Honuoopathy : a Testimony; 2d ed., Lon, 1852, 12mo. 
 '. I he 1 eak and the Plain : Scenes in Woodland, Field, 
 and Mountain, Lon., 1853, 12ino. 8. Days in Derbvl 
 si,l,''i p"; ^","-, '^''■^' I'' ■'^■O' "• liiogniphicil 
 Skeiclies „f Remarkable People, chieflv from Pergonal 
 Recollect_i,m : with Miscellaneous Papers and Poems, 
 inli''i' .', '"; '*'• ^''="'""<' "'" "'"' ''» Surroundings, 
 including Burnley and its Boundaries, Lon., 1877, l2iuo 
 ]l--I'T T "'® ^'"^'''' ""J ""'•^'' I'oems, Rochdale, 
 18,8, Svo. Also, guide-books. 
 I. !!."!■' ?»■?'!"'/ **""•■• Sketches from an Artist's 
 lorttolio, [with desoriptive letter-press,] Lon., 1875, foL 
ho editor. In 1830 ho 
 he New Monthly Mag- 
 he Art Journivl, which 
 'n.,IHJO, 4to. Printed 
 The Uoyul (Jallory of 
 vings from the Private 
 'rince Albert and the 
 ^M-b\>, ;i vola. fol. ,■!. 
 en nnd Women of the 
 e, I,on., 1870, 8vo. 4. 
 oncerning the Parish : 
 Ion Park Estate. Lon., 
 asper: a Temperance 
 lliHOj new eil., 1S83, 
 lernnco Talc, in Verse, 
 A Memory of Thomaj 
 eg in Council : Apho. 
 . Retrospect of a Long 
 t, 2 vols. 
 'Mces, tea-table gossip, 
 ijmcnts, and personal 
 )n., 1884, 8vo. With 
 ho Forlorn Hope: a 
 2. Book of Kovalty: 
 l8;f8,r.4to. S.Juvc- 
 ^ Itlnio. I, A Week 
 ewed., IStio. 5. Tlio 
 Hnnd-Books to Ire- 
 Adventiirr of liiddy 
 H'ljuian's Story, Lon!, 
 ky Penny, and other 
 dy Uncre's School for 
 Boys' Book, 185», p. 
 ', from its Rise to its 
 ■li-l, 18C.6, 1809. l.'t. 
 inery, Traditions, and 
 73. 14. The Book of 
 'oast. Illust. Lon., 
 Me-Nots, Lon., 1802, 
 Inrney. Illust. and 
 le: with Notices of 
 s in the Neighbour- 
 esleyan minister, d. 
 a Wesley and Early 
 biog., see Nigiitix- 
 )in Women's Lives, 
 1875, b. in Ireland; 
 -lub, London, 1833- 
 'ificiition of the Li- 
 iim. Lon., 1838, 8vo. 
 Letter to John Mur- 
 le Works if .Shake- 
 lam of Ecliyngham, 
 •pulchral Jlemoiials 
 liurch at that Place, 
 <■) Documents from 
 lizaheth, (I.toS-68:) 
 onzules, Lon., lS6j, 
 1874, 8vo. (Trans- 
 !-188,5, b. near Sut- 
 -■came a printer and 
 and a homceopathio 
 rrict Martinciui is 
 'ho Forester's Offer- 
 lagnet, and iMIrror 
 'uieric Experiences, 
 iliunlet, and other 
 and Death in Iro- 
 er, 18,i0, 12mo. 0. 
 , Lon,, 1852, 12mo. 
 n Woodland, Field, 
 1 Days in Derby- 
 9. liiogniphical 
 efly from Pernonal 
 apers and Poems, 
 I its Surroundings, 
 , Lon., 1877, 12mo. 
 Poems, Rochdale, 
 s from an Artist's 
 IS,] Lon., 1875, fol. 
 Wall, T. I. The Cloud of Witnesses. 2. Things 
 Old and Now; or. The lOvnrigeli.-t nnd Missionary's 
 Hiind-liook : Essays and Discourses, Lon. 1884 8vo. 
 Hall, "I". UwiKlit. Huds(m and 'its Tributary 
 Region, Hudson, Wis., 1857, I2iiiii. 
 Hall, Theodore Hall, .\I.A., b. 18,-.4; graduated 
 nt 1 nivorsity College, O.vtord, lS7i;; callcil to the bar at 
 Lincoln's Inn I8S3. I. The Law of Allotments: being a 
 I'reatise on the Law relating to tlie Allotment of Land 
 lor the l.Mb.'iiiing Poor, Lon., Isso, Svo. 2. The Albit- 
 ments Act. ISi7: with Regulaliuns, Ac., of Local Uov- 
 ernment Board, Lon., 1888, r. 8vo. 
 Hall, 'rheopliiluH ParMoiiN. (Ed.) Oenoalogi- 
 ciil X(jtcs relating to the Families of Hon. Lyman Hall 
 01 lieoi-gia, Hon. S. Holder. Parsons Hall of liinghaur- 
 torr, .New York, and Hon. -Vatlr.rn Kclsoy Hall of Buffalo, 
 New \orli. Illust. Albrrny, l,y<(i, ,Svo. Printed lor 
 private distribrrtion. 
 Hall, 'I'heresa Oakey. I. A Christmas Journey, 
 and other Stories. N. York, Is;:', lOmo. 2. Nuts for 
 Christmas Ci-acki.rig. Illust. N. York, 1871, so. Svo. 
 3. Her .Mother's Farrcy, Bost., 1870, iL'irro. 
 Hall, 'I'hoinas Uartlctt. I. Three Articles on 
 .^lodorri Spiritualism. By a Biblo Spiritualist. Bust., 
 I^lii. 2. Legal Status of Patents, Clevelnnd. 0., 1882, 
 ^l-^riro. 3. .Modern Spiritualism ; or. The Upeirirrg Way, 
 Bost.. ISMi, 12U.O. 4. A Treatise ,m Patent Estate: 
 coirrprclrerrdrng the Nature, Condiliorrs, an.l Limitations 
 ot Interest in Letters Patent, Clevelaml, O., 188,8, l2mo. 
 Hall, Rev. Thomas Mifflin, b. ISOO, in Phila- 
 delplrra: cdroMited irt the I'niver-sity of Pennsylvania- ! 
 ad.irrttcd to the bar iu 1827, brrt gave up the practice of ' 
 liiw, arrd rri ISIl was ordained pirstor of a Pro.-,bytorian 
 Ohur-clr in Trorrton, N.J. 1. Translation of Milton's 
 Latin Letters, Phila., 1829. 2. Histor-y of the Presby- 
 torran Church in Trenton, New Jersey, N. York, 1859, 
 12mo. :i. K,„ty Years' Familiar Letters of James w! i 
 Ale.xanilei-, ll.l)., Isiio, 2 vols. 
 Hall, Thomas Wright, M.D. 1. New Theory ! 
 ot Ualvirrrrsm: the Eiectro-'fbermology of Chominrv 
 Ac., Edrn.. 1872, 12mo. 2. .-In and' Earth as Great 
 forces rn CIrcnristr-y, Lon., 1874, p. Svo. 3. A Correla- 
 tion Ibeory of Chemical Affinity and Action, Lon., 1888 
 8vo. > > 
 Hall, Townshend M. The Mineralogist's Direc- 
 tory; or, A iJuole to the Principal Mineral Localities in 
 Ureat Britain and Ireland, Lon., 1808, |i. 8vo. 
 T,,'*""'.^''''""t'"C «. Lawn Tennis in America. 
 Illust. N. \ork, IS88, 12mo. 
 Hall, W. E. A Plan for the Reorganization of the 
 Army, Loir., |S07, 8vo. 
 Hall, Walter «. The Sculptor of Bruges, Edin . 
 L'^iO, 12mo. ° ' 
 Iho Story of \ anda Rosondahl, Edin., 1871, 12mo. 
 Hall, Whitmore. I. The Principal Roots of the 
 Ur-eck Langurrco sirrrplilleil by a Display of their In- 
 corporation intr, the Bnglisb Tongue, ton., 1850, 12iiio: 
 ..d ed.. 1S..9. 2. Reasons for n New Version of the 
 Bible: bcirrg the Preface ami Introduction to the Now 
 Testarrrcnt: translated from the Original Greek accord- 
 1800 s"'? '''""' ''""'" "'' "'" '^"="''' f'""g"''S<'. Lon., 
 Hall, Wilhelmina L. Boarding-Out as a Method 
 ot 1 auper Education ami a Check on Hereditary Pau- 
 perism : a Paper: with Appendi.x, Lon., 1887, 8vo. 
 Man, William, an artist. A Biography of David 
 u, ■ .".",!' .''"-■'"'"•l'--' "" I'i-' Works and (Jenius. Edited 
 with .Vdditions, by J. T. Bunco. Lon., 1881, Svo 
 cnronn if !!"■?'" <:"»'a"'P'»'S"- Legal Forms: 
 compiled for the Lseof Attorneys an,l Solicitors, Lon., 
 Hall, William Edward, b. 1830: graduated at 
 I mversity College, O.xfonl, 1859; called to the bar at 
 Lincoln's Inn IsBl. 1. The Rights and Duties of Neu- 
 trals, Lon., 1874, Svo. 
 ),„'Jm, '** fl'w'"' '"'|1 I'l'Sht with ailvairtagc be cxpaiuleil 
 ^cr. .xx'xWii'.'lsi.""' ^'''"■""•'" "'■'■■ I""" admirable."-IS(: 
 prefaie t.f lirj"inn"L.^' ""'' ^i"! ^^''"'"'» "<in'"urt. I" the 
 prelate to I Is well-known ' H sicir cus' letler-i 'on tho 
 rfl n "!"' '.'""^-^''f ^•'■Mtr«ls, IbuirUed ni, a "mnd .„ ' t 
 be wr Vten' ""''m'!:"!','",', 'V"" -I"'""'"' ''"'ision. has yet to 
 oe wiittcn. . . Jir. Hall has, we th nk. filled the voOl 
 Wairtc^triri'.-'' J""!"!''" "'"'.'""^"'"ly' coluHbution tj 
 itgai literature. —.8pcc(((tor, xlviii. V'Sl. 
 2. International Law, Oxf., 1880, Svo; 2a ed., entitled 
 A Ireatise on International Law," 1884. 
 '■ Mr. Hall's exposition of Irru-rnalioiral law illvides It.-elf 
 Into tliree iiiair brairclres, relating to 1 11 ■ tire law goveriiiirg 
 states 111 then- normal ri-latloirs;' rj) -the law goverrrlrrg 
 states ill the relation or war;' (:!) 'the law goverrriirg slates 
 111 llie re atloir (d ireutriilily.' Kxceptlnrr may be tiikoir to 
 a pr-oi«isillon or an argiiirreiit here iiinl llrere, but the 
 '^^'"!j.^'.L"-'' " "■''"''-' '""il« '•■•* imrp( meritoriously."— vKA., 
 lon,J.yi"i' '''»'",'•;'< 'I' baii.l. an Kirglish lawyer rreed no 
 longer be alrnld to speak rrr the gate with airv of the 
 Anierlean orcorrnireiitul aiith.irilic,s"-.vo/ /,',,■ fi -it 
 ■ lire preserrt work. In whli-lr the Inrirrer oire' , ■• KlL-lrls 
 arrrl Imtresol Neritrals"! Is ineoriK.ratcl, with so rre ad i" 
 lions ami mocllllcat sof f,„„,,ls a coirrpletet -alls,',' r 
 prrblie Iriter-mrtiorrM law, rairklirg In exterrt arr.l Ihon.rrgh- 
 "i.x II '"'""' ''hillimore, orTwlss,"_.lco.". 
 Hall, William II. Practical Experience at tiro 
 Drggrngs of the (iold-Fields of Victoria, Lon.. |S02 
 ."'VCJ. ' 
 Hall, William Henry Kiillock-, (miginalK 
 IfUlloek; iissumcl tiro addilbmal surname „( Hail 
 INi.',) b. |s37; educated at lialliol College. Oxloid; 
 called to the bar at l.irrcoln's Inn 1872. I. Puli-^lr Ex- 
 periences during the Insiirrccliun of l.-03-lj Lon 1>«1 
 er. Svo. 2. Across .Mexico in l,s01-5, Lon., 1800, j,. Svo' 
 3. (.leanings in Irelrrnd rrltcr the Laud Acts, Lon., I8S3' 
 p. Svo. ' • » 
 Hall, Sir William Hutehcon, K.c.B., [„i,ie, 
 vol. r., Cut. William H., R.N.. a,ld.,l 17'.J7'- 
 1878, eirtered the navy Isl I ; vlcc-adurin'i'l, rctircl. 'is'oil • 
 admiral 1875. I. Sailors' Homes, Ac: their Origin ,urd 
 regress, Lon., 1852 ; 2d ed., enl., 1,S54. 2. Our N^rtioual 
 Delcrrccs, Lon., IS70, Svo. 
 T, '*.""' "«*■•, V •',''»"• John, M. A., graduated at 
 V'i'^^., "'''';' •^'""'■"■idgi', 1853; ordaine.l 1853; rector 
 ot St. Clement s, Eirstchcap, Lombm, since 1805; minor 
 canon ot St. Paul's Catb(,i-al 1802; lecturer of St. 
 ticment s, Easlcheap, ls82. I. Senrrrms on Various Sub- 
 jec s, Lorr., ISbO p. Svo. 2. Some Sceptical Fallacies of 
 Lortrriu .Modern Writers examined, Lon., Isso, lOmo 
 1 ,1?,"'^ ',',"'?'" "''iUy,M.D., [„„/,, vol. i., add.,] 
 cl. 1S(I>. I. Health and Msea.-e as allected by Constiprr- 
 norr, iind its Inmedicinal Cure: a Book fur the Peoijle, 
 N. \»rk, IsOri, I2mo; sg, thousan.l, l.rm., 1871. 2 
 Fun better than Physic, ]2mo. 3. Consumption; ncv 
 v"r ;}..",■"'*,'„ '''"^' '-'""• •'• ^I'-'-l'i Jtb Jd., rev., .\. 
 iork, 1804, IJmo. 5. Guide-Board to Health, Peace, and 
 lompetence, Springfiebl, Mass., lS70, Svo. 0. Heallh 
 by Goo, Living, N. York, 1870, 12mo. 7. Works, IS7II- 
 <a, 6 vols. 12mo. 8. Coughs an,l Colds ; or. The Preven- 
 Uon, Cause, and Cure of \-arious ABVctions ot theTlrr-oat. 
 N. York 18,1, Svo. 1). Health at Home; or, Ilalfs 
 Faurily Doctor, 1872, Svo. 10. How to Live Loirg: or, 
 Health .Maxims. Physical, Mental, Ac. N. York. 1875 
 2mo: otir ed., 1881. II. Dy.spepsia, and its Kindled 
 Diseases, Icji-onto, IS70, cr. Svo. 
 Hall, Wraxall. Poems, Lon., 1809, I2mr.. 
 Hallam, Ebeiiezer Charles Uelhlehem. 
 Oriva Grammar h.r English Students, Calcutta, IS74, Svo. 
 ■ f M ,","' •,*'• '*■"»'<"» Sketches of the Parish 
 ot Mar-ylcbone, l.iur., 188,), p. Svo. 
 Hallam, Kev. Hubert Alexander, D.D.,ST.D 
 [m,l,; vol. 1., ,,,1,1.,] ISC7-1S77, b. at New Lon,lon Conn.' 
 rector ol tt James's Church in that city from Is35. I 
 sermons. Plrrla.. 1850, 12mo. 2. Moses: a Course of 
 Lectures ,leliver;cd in the Chapel of St. James's church, 
 New Lon,l,ni, N. \ork, 1800, Ifimo; new ed., I .79. 3! 
 Sketches of 1 ravel in Europe, N. York, 1800. 4. Sover- 
 L,m',lo"i '' ^'"~^'' ^' '^"'"*'' "'' ■"'■ •'»">«s'^. -N'fiw 
 I ?" n"'"' T'l""""^' Four Dialect Words-Clem, 
 Lake, Oss, an,l Nest, (Eng. Dialect Soc Pub.,) Lon. 
 Hallard, Frederick. 1. Thoughts on some Points 
 P,Hn"'' tlT" "' ■'."'""'"' ''""■«'"■■«• iiy a Lawyer. 
 Edin., soS, svo Anon. 2. The Inferior Jurlgo in 
 fr ,"„" ; ^ "•; ^'IV'"'- ^- ■'■'«' Catalogue (Question 
 OpH f^*T™*,M-'"'"''""y' " K^'t'"-~P''L't. By One of 
 theDefeated. Eilin.. 1872, Svo. Anon. 
 Ton l's^'''i^''""''*'**^- ^*''l''"" Stephens: a Novel, 
 ijon , laf)( , 12mo, 
 Hallalt, George Wilson Tuxlord. Hints 
 ArolritecturrrI Drautrlrtsmnnship Lon '8«1 
 „. "«"«' Hughes K. V. Fraser." Letters 1^ ,rin 1 
 and Botanical relating chiefly t,. Places in the Vale 
 Lo„rfs5Vl^mo'"'"'' ^'""^"S'o Notices by Dr. Croker, 
 Halle,' Miss Mary. (Trans.) "Faust:" a Dra- 
 matic Legend, by Hector Berlioz, 1880, 4to. 

 1 11 
 Ilallrck, Fitz>(Jreeiie, [nnir, vol. 1., odd.,] 
 ITyil-ISUr. For liiog., sec, Jahbs Giiant, mili; 
 yiil. 111. I, Young Amerlcii: a I'oem, N.York, IMill, 
 Iflino. 2, The I'uctii^al Writings of Fitz-Orccno Hallcck : 
 with Extracts Ironi those of ,J. K. Drake. Kdited by J. 
 O. Wilson. N. York, JSIW, ,Svo: now cd., 1873. 
 Iliillci-k, IHivior-den. Ilciirv Hnger, LL.D., 
 [""/<•, vol. i., IIai.lkck, I,t. ]I. W., add., J lHI,-.-l.s72, b. 
 f'a^,"."''"'"''''"®' ^""'"J" <'"■• -^'-Y.! graduated nt tlio 
 L.S. Jlilitary Academy ls.!!l; nerved in tlio JIo.\ican 
 war; resigned from the military service lS,il, and i)rac- 
 tised law in .San Francisco. At thf3 outbreak ol the 
 civil war he was iippcinted miijor gineral, and in 1801 
 took command of the l)e|iiutiiient of Alissouri, and was 
 commiinder-in-chiof of the r.rmies of the Initcd .States I 
 from 18ti2 to 1S(U. 1. liitnmen ; it.t Varieties, I'rofierties, i 
 mid Ises. I'ub. by f.S. Gov't. Wash., IStI, Svo. 2.! 
 A Collection of Mining Laws of .SpHin and Mo.xico, 
 1839. ;i. (Trans.) De Fooz on the Law of .Mines: with ' 
 Introductory Remarks, I8(iil. 4. International Law; or, 
 Rules rcguliitiiig the Intercourse of .States in Peace and i 
 War, .'Jan Fran., ISrtl, 8voi now cd., rev. by Sir ^. i 
 Baker, I„m., 1878. ;>. (Trans.) I,ifc of Napoleon Bona- 1 
 parte, by A. II. de.lominl. N. York, 1881, 4 vols. Svo; 
 new ed., 1885. (1. Elements of International Law and 
 Laws of War: abridged for the Tso of Colleges from the 
 Larger Work, I'hila., Isfiii, ,svo. 
 IIiillen,Rnv. Arthur Washington Cornelius, 
 M.A., F.S.A. Scot., graduated at .St. John's College, 
 Ciimbndge, 1858; ordained I8o8; incumbent of St. 
 John's, Allon, Scotlaml, since 18(i2. 1. The (^leen of 
 the Ilc;lly Jlu"h : Christiniis . Sketches, Edin., 18(il, 18mo. 
 2. An Account of the Family of Ilullen or llallan, (De 
 Jlirabelle dit Van Ilulen of Malines,) from A.I>. 1280 
 to A.D. I88J: with I'edigrcesof Families of ll.itton of 
 JSewent, Shakespeare of Strntfoi '-on-Avon, and Weight 
 of Clingre, Eclin., 188.-., 4to. Only 100 copies, iirivalely 
 printed. ,'!. (Ed.) The Transcript of the Hogistcr of 
 liaiitisin, Muthlll, Perthshire, 1887, 8vo. 
 By on Ootogonnrlan. Halifax, 
 The Retention of India, 
 llallett, Caroline n, ' 1. Parish Lending Libra- 
 ries: how to maniigo and keep tliein up, Lon., 1880, 
 1-mo; newcd., 1887. 2. Rest by the Way; or. Plain 
 Readings for the Sick and Troubled, Lon., 1882, l8mo 
 S. Lectures on Health, for Women's nnd (Jirls' Classes, 
 Lon., 1S82, 12mo. 4. The Fpward Path: a Itook for 
 Boys, Lon., I8s;j, ISmo. o. The Service of the Kin"' 
 Ten Plain Readings, Lon., 1884, 18mo. li. How to be 
 «ell: a Few Words to Working-Women, Lon., 1885, 
 hvo. ,. Through the Darkness; or, Thouglits lor the 
 Perplexed, Lon., 188li. p. 8vo. 
 .u i'"^f,*» '*'"* *^' *'• >''''t"lio; or, A (Jem among 
 the Sea-Weeds. By Ferna Vale, [pseud.] Andover, 
 Mass., 1S;)8. ' 
 llallett, Rev. Gerard Ludlow, B.C.L., gradu- 
 ated at Innity College, Cambridge, ISOO; ordained ISfiO; 
 rector of Dunkerton, Somersetshire, since 1874. .Samar- 
 itans, nnd other Sermons, Lon , 187:!, p. Svo. 
 llallett, iUoses. Colorado Suiireme Court Re- 
 ports, vol. i., (18(14-72,) Sun Fran., 1872, Svo. Same, 
 vo^ i.-ii., (1804-7,5,) San Fran., 1805-70, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Hallett, Thomas George Palmer, M.A., edu- 
 cated at London fniversity ; formerlv a member of the 
 Indian civil service; called to the bar at the Middle 
 Temple 1878. The Tenant-Right Question, Ireland, 
 1796-18, (,, b. at Bhickheath, Kent: became an Inde- 
 jiendent minister 1822; settled at Manchester 18.'!9-,57- 
 principal and professor of theology at New College, Lon- 
 don, 185,-02. For biog., see IIai.i.kv, Rouk,,;, j„. 
 Lancashire: its Puritanism and Nonconformity, Man- i 
 Chester, I,SO!», 2 vols. Svo; 2d ed., 1872. \ 
 wliok? when V.|'I,"^'"""1 ■ '■"! """'I'n'"^ "Titer.and on the ' 
 fii, ,!i ' f , ' '•'l»^^0 «"d bishops arc not too temntiiiB for 
 lion w ?,?i, ' '.'"■'?* """ "ibuiteiies,s of local informa- 
 he I, .P il . ,1 ', ' ' '■' '"■ ^ "Vlck's • Herts.' (1884,) but 
 ser , s ,? I,? ' '"^' ""■ ."""fniif'Tiiiist annalist, and de- 
 !«S;„?.xxi».ilo. "*'' '''""■'" i''-^'""'"'«-"-"'<-'- o/^■ul. 
 A 'i.,"".*'?;? ""hert, Jr., M.A., son of the preceding. ' 
 A Short Biography of Robert Ilallcy, D.D. • together 
 with a Selection of his Sermons preach,.,! in Manchester 
 .111.1 elsewiiere, Lon., I,s79 p 8vo i 
 i>.,".*"r'I"";'°'!' ^" Brcnton, 177.1-1860, b. in 
 Rhode Island ; chief justice of Nova .Scotin. For bioe 
 see Hji I,, Rkv. U. W., /,,/•,„. Reflections on Passing , 
 ' Events : a Poem. 
 Ilalliday, Alexander 
 Lon., 1872, p. Svo. 
 Ilalliday, Andrew. See Dntr, AnnnKw IIalu- 
 DAV, MUftril, 
 Ilalliday,*;. First Course in Meohonicol Drowinir 
 Lon , 1888, 4to. *' 
 Ilalliday, John Gustavus. (Trans.) The Life 
 of Samuel Hebrieh; from the German, Lon, 1870 
 Svo. ' 
 irallida.v, Mrs. Maria, of Glenthorne. A De- 
 scription of the Monument and Elligies in Porlock 
 Church, Somerset. Illust. Torquay. 1SS2, Svo. 
 I ",?,''"'J"':,'i!'!'"'""' • • • "■'*-' ^■^■'•y curious and vulunblc." 
 I — Afft., 2^^^. JfMil. 
 ! Ilalliday, llobert J. Practical Camellia-Culturc. 
 Illust. Bait., 1880, 12mo. 
 Ilalliday, Rev. S. M., for many ycora assistant 
 of 1 ev. Henry Ward Beecher in Plymouth Church, 
 Brooklyn. 1. The Lost and Fouml ; or, Life anion" the 
 Poor, N. Y'ork, 1859, I2mo; new ed., 1876. 2. Win- 
 ning Souls: Sketches nnd Incidents during Forly Years 
 of Pastoral Work, N. Yiuk, 187.'j, 12mo. 
 Ilitllilay, Richard, .'ailed to the bar nt the Middle 
 lcm|ile 1809. I. liueslions in Conveyancing, Lon., 1856, 
 12uio. 2. A Digest of Examiniition Questions in Con- 
 V ynncing. Common Law, nnd Efiuity: with Answers, 
 n'T," 'r:.^''',^™' •'■"' •■''•• '■nl'tlfd "Digest of Questiims 
 at the Final Examination of Articled Clerks in Common 
 Law, Lon.. 1874; 15th ed., 18,86. .'i. An Elementary 
 Mew of the Proceedings ,d' a Suit in Chanceiv. Lon , 
 ISo,, l2mo. 4. The Articled Law Clerk's Han.i-Rook • 
 containing a Course of Study in All the Brnnchcs of the 
 Law ; als,) the Law rclnting to Articles of Clerkship Lon 
 18.^9, Svo; new cd., by Geo. Radliam, 187:1; oih ed!,' 
 1.881. 5. A Concise Tic;ilise on the Law and Practice 
 of Conveyancing, Lon., 188;), Svo. 0. A C.mcise View 
 ot the 1 roccedings in an Action in tlic Chancery Division 
 of I be Higli Court of Justice; 2d ed., Lon., 1884. Svo. 
 Ilalliwell, T. An *xnniini,tion and Refutation of 
 Phrenology, Duncdin, 18111, Svo. 
 Ilalliwell, William. The .Solicitor.s' Handy Book 
 of lonveyancing Cists under the Act 44 nnd 45 Vict, 
 c. 44, Lon., 1882, Svo. 
 Ilalliwell. IMiillipps. See Pnii.i.ipps. 
 llalloek, Charles, b. 1,8;J4, in New York: edu- 
 i cntcd at Inle nnd at Amherst; founder of the Forest 
 I and SffKini, nnd proprietor ]87;i-Sll, and has engaged in 
 various economic scbemcs. 1. The Fisliing Tourist- 
 ! Anglers Guide and Reference-Book. Illust. NYork 
 i ]^i";i, cr. Svo. 2. C p Life in Florida: a Hand-Book 
 I for S|,ortsmen nnd .Settlers, N.York, 1875, 12mo. 'A. 
 I Ihc ."-portsman's Giizctteer ami (iencral Guide • the 
 I Game Animals, Birds, nnd Fishes of North America- 
 I together willi a Directory of the Principal Game-Resorts 
 ol the ( ountry. Maps and Illust. N.York 1877 Svo 
 I 4. Our New Alaska ; or. The Scwnrd Purchase Vindi- 
 cated, N. York, 1880, Svo. 
 i ^ ''"'.'*"^!*' ™"^«' JWnO Angeline, b. at Rowc, 
 I'lankin to., Ma.-^.-^.; married, ISO.s, to William Allen 
 i Hallock, ,„y,n. 1. I'he Sweet Story of Old, N. York, 
 1800, lOiiio. 2. Child's History of the Fall of Jerusa- 
 ; lem, N. -iork, 1809. lOmo. 'A. Beasts and Birds of 
 , America, Europe, Asia, nnd Africn, N. York, 1S7(I, sm. 
 4to. 4. Child's Life of Daniel, N. York, 1S70, ISmo. 
 ■>■ The I-^ill of Jerusalem, N. York, 1870, ISmo. fl 
 ( bild's History of King Solomon, Lon., 1S74, so. lOmo. 
 ,. The .«tory of Moses; or. Desert Wanderings from 
 Egypt to Cnnann : illust. ed., Pbila., 1SS8, 12nio. 
 Ilallock, R. T. The Road to Spiritualism : being 
 a Series of Four Lectures, N. York, I85S, Svo. 
 Ilallock, Rev. William Allen, D.D., [a„tr, vol. 
 1.. a,ld.,] 1794-1880, b. at Plninlield, Hampshire Co., 
 Mass.; graduated at AVillinms College 1819, nnd at An- 
 dover Theological Seminary 1822; corresponding score- 
 taryof the Americnn Tract Society ls2o-77; editor of 
 Ihe Americnn .Messenger, The Venernble MayhewB 
 nn,l the Aboriginal Indians of Martha's Vineyard, N 
 lork, 1S74, ISiiio. ^^ ' 
 Ilallock, William II. Life of Gerard Ilallock: 
 Illustrated in Bi,igraphy, Professional Writings, Corre- 
 spiwlpn.v, Controvcnsics, ica., N. York, 1S09, I2mo. 
 Jlttllonin, Alfred Lourence. Wae Yiing Jin : 
 Eight Months Journal during Visits to Loochoo, Japan, 
 and Pootoo, Lon., 1S50. p. Svo. 
 IlBlloran, Henry, C.M.G., b. ISIl. l. Ode on 
(onarlan. linllTux, 
 Uelonlion of Inilia, 
 ■p, ANimKW Halli- 
 leohanical Drawing, 
 (Triini.) The Life 
 sriniin, Um., 1 87(1, 
 llenthorne. A Do- 
 illigios in I'orlook 
 . 1SS2, 8vo. 
 Ions HiKl viilunble." 
 il Cnuiolliu-Ciilture. 
 iny years nssUlnnt 
 I'lyjiioiitli Cliuroli, 
 or, Life an]im<; ilic 
 il., 1H76. 2. Win- 
 luring Forty Years 
 e Imr nt tlie Mlildle 
 nDi'ln;;, l,on., l^'JB, 
 (iuwlidiis ill Oon- 
 ty: witli Answers, 
 liBcft of Questions 
 Clerks in Coniinon 
 i. An Klenientary 
 n Cliiinccry. liOii., 
 erk's Ilnnf'l-liook: 
 10 lininc'hcsi of the 
 of C'ierkshi|), Lon., 
 im, IK7:i; ;'ilh oil., 
 Law and Practice 
 • A Concise A'icw 
 Cliancery Division 
 Lon., 18S4, 8vo. 
 and Refutation of 
 iters' Hanily Hook 
 ; 44 and 45 Vict. 
 New York : edu- 
 dcr of tlio Forest 
 lid has engaged in 
 DIuft. N. York, 
 hi : a Unnd-Book 
 , L'<7o, 12ino. 3. 
 era) (iuidc : the 
 North America; 
 linl (iiinie-Resorts 
 . York, IS77, Svo, 
 Purchase Vindi- 
 le, b. at Eowo, 
 lo William Allen 
 of Old, X. York, 
 ^ Fall of Jerusa- 
 :s and Birds of 
 . York, 187(1, sin. 
 'ork, I.S70, ISiiio. 
 1K7(I, I8mo. (!. 
 , 1674, sq. Ifimo, 
 I'anderings from 
 SS, 12ino. 
 ritualism : being 
 S, 8vo. 
 D.D., [niite, vol. 
 Ilaui|i6hire Co., 
 I«lit, andnt An- 
 ?s|)onding seorc- 
 !o-77 ; editor of 
 irablc Mayliews 
 I's Vineyard, N. 
 lerard Ilallock : 
 rt'ritings, Corre- 
 ISOg, ]2mo. 
 \Vac Yiing Jin : 
 Lioochoo, Japan, 
 1. 1. Ode on 
 ne"v ' ISS?" ^o"""'''"''"';;'' I""'' of the Queen's Statue, Pyd- 
 ney, 18SI. 2. I'ocms, Odes, ,S„nirs, .^^vilnev Issr 
 daughter With I'ortraits. Host., INSI, 12, o 
 contrl luiloii U o hlsioW- i.r i ,.. J "',' '",",',' ,''"l"irtaii( 
 oniie ieadiii^.^ii,rl;ls';;Ptf;i ^:;;,;;;o;v^^^.i;;iy-i^;i;i;' 
 tlio"io','i?,*r„'r' ".""J"'"*", "f Maryland, minister of 
 ' ed 1 if LZ"t '• .""■'« '•""""'•' Manual, 
 1S8; s'vo ' ■ '• '^"'"'''"B'-apl'y, I'hila., 
 affect f,„is„|idated .'^tatujes for U ,,,e Camul a and Co 
 sol.datcd .-Statutes of Canada, Toronto, ls.i;i. I2m„ 
 llallowell, John K. (iunnison, Coh.rado lio- 1 
 naiii^.i loinity, [gcologic.,i monograph,] Denver, ]88;i, i 
 „ .„V'i''""m''I"'''' "'' ^'f'fKheii's works, or of enifrnvlnM In 
 geneial, will !„. Kralelul t.. lum.--.V,,V/„„, xli 110. 
 deMl!','"!*'""' "i^hnrd Price, b. m5, in Phila. 
 „'"•'■;• ';f.™'"" "■ wool-morohant in Boston in 1859- 
 was .d..ntilied with the abolition movement, and ha 
 anrthrvr:"p'^"T' "/hv"" "'""^ "'■'■''"""•^ ^^^^"^ 
 I Tl 1.^7 "'"""•'' Women's Suffrage Association. 
 121110 ^ Invasion of Massachusetts, Bost., 188.S, 
 ti.'.'.'^ffJ '"".','"■''" ''"I* ••'•wely studied the whole snbinrt of 
 2. The Pioneer (Quakers, Bust., 1887, 8vo. 
 «,„,,". I'V'^",'?^"- **«■•"'' ^- 1- On the Church 
 Oirii ;"",".-"' f "• '■ ^'*'""' "'" New-Fashionod 
 <iiri, Jiost., 1S7(, p. 8vo. 
 Airn,lI,T"'..''"''"r *''■'""'" '^«°''e. The End of 
 All 1 lungs : a Poem, Lon., 1872, 8vo 
 Halls, John James. Two Months in Arrah in 
 INJ, Lon., ISOO fp. 8vo ; 2d od. same year. 
 Svo '' ""** ""'®'' ''"•""*' '^'Jin., 1S75, p. 
 ^.""'Pl,"". Charles Graham, ("Private Miles 
 ?, ,'-;'>,' I'-"',"'-) 1«29-I8(i8, b. at Oldcastlo, County 
 Meadi, Ireland; graduated at Trinity College, Dublin 
 a ourna'li'r H "" ^'"j"",' '^"^"'^ in'^I852,a^d becain 
 a journalist, lie served through the war, and on his 
 ^Tifnuei-s" '".,"h' '"':: "^'"^^"^^ brigadie'r-g";e™i '"; 
 C? ,i„ ■ '" ''f" ''"'™"'' "'•i""- "f'l'o New York 
 Lyries By the Letter H. N. York, 1854. 2. Life and 
 tvZ ;i^?,\f'""'' S^^'^o'. -^n'' Speeches, of Private 
 Ml es Ue.ny, Forty-Seventh Regiment, New York 
 P,?i""f^' N-„^"!-l<. '884. 3. Baked Meats of the 
 Funeral : a Collection of Essays, Poems, Speeches Hi", 
 tones, ami Ban-,uets, N. York, I8«(i, 12mo.'^ 4. Poetical, George. 1. Queen Lceta and the Mistln 
 ,, , _■ r,....v...i ... ,,1111. — .MIIIKH, .\|1. 110. 
 1 UoliT?' '«.""•, •'"';''"''• l'"»KregHti.,nal minister. 
 .UolMng, Stones in the Chuiclies; or. The Beli.'ioiis 
 i Life as affected by the Migratory llnhi.s of . S 
 Sel.?'.'r.- '^";'2»'". 2. Pul|d.(ll,.„„ii,g,: b'" 
 Selected Extracts from Sermons, l.on.. |,h7II, F21 ,o f 
 1 isestablis liinont and Disendowme,,, : Two .Siiidav 
 Evening Addresses to Worki„g..Men on .<ocial and P Mt 
 ical Questions. Lon., l.s.sH, sv,,, ' 
 'J„?i!"'?"v ' 'v 'P^" ^''""'' "f '''""Kliannuck, in the 
 IlalHCy, Uev. Leroy Jones, b. ls| (loooft- 
 i:; ch;;;:>:^.'^' vH^n r^ ;;l ihe Tiieidl':;' 't^ """"""°^ 
 ti.e xoniiwjt, Chic:;,! in. "si^^e 'i^^;' ;:,^r-^ 
 '• Literary Attrnetions of the Bil.le- or A 
 p»e;:::i;r^-^t;a^;,:;^l;:,i:^'',--.,.^-soot v. 
 ; IIal.stea«l,>Vi||i„„,niiey. TheFutu're IteliL'ious 
 Ilalstcfl, Byron David, D.Sc.,b. 1852, at Venice 
 iVVi graduated at the Michigan Agricuitu a Conege 
 unarmed : a Series of Letters to the FirslLo d of the 
 Admiralty, Westminster, 1S.M. 8.0. Privately printed 
 .i. i he Navy unarme,! stiH. an Aj.peal to Both lIo, es 
 Ha sted, George Brnce, Ph.D., b. IS5S at 
 f'iV" '/„'••' '"" "f 0- «• ""'»'<^'l. '■"/'•''• formerrv 
 nro r "^P""™'"" '">'' of Johns Hopkins Un ver ity^ 
 professor of mathematics in the Tniversity of Texas l' 
 fc"T mo"'r'¥he ?[""". Z «--™tio""Bost'.; 
 188,'; r.'svo. t'enients of Geometry, N. York, 
 Halsted, H., M.D. Exposition of Motornathv a 
 New System of Curing Disease by StatuminS V?ti,l 
 ■ zing Motion, Rochester, N.Y., 185.S 12mo ^' ""'" 
 Halsted, O. Full Account of the New Method of 
 Curing Dy.M,epsi„, N. York, 18(U,, l2iiio. ^ 
 Halsted, Oliver Snencer. 1709 1977 u 
 "'re f^iil f:;;^'7"^'V'"^^' '" ■^'' "'""'"^ 
 n ''1 ,:„?'•*'. "."',^/' '" ^'"^■'^"■•k' ^:-T-. where he held 
 2. Agatha: a Fanciful Flight for a Gustv Niirh In" i v • ""''f "« I"^'" •'her and its Own Interpreter- F va 
 Pastoral and other Poems, 
 pies and Practice of Sculpture. Illust. Lon lS8n ' 
 Edin 1886 4t„ ^^« "w"^ ^-'^ ''V'"''' t^'^^^-J I""»t 
 1887,"2v^ls;,l";Svo.''- ''"'""« ^''"'■- " N"->' I'""- 
 Halse, Mrs. George. 
 Lon., 1859, 8vo. 
 le""'""'' *'''»''^*«- Two of Us, N. York, 1879, 
 Tn!'''"^^ Chnrles Storrs. An Etymology „f 
 Latin and Greek, Bost., 1882 ]''mo '""""Ky 01 
 Halsey, Frederick Robert. Raphael JVIor ''■ 
 olZt tC^?""" "■"'^" V ''^i"g ''"''^'crinti've catalogue ! 
 given at full length, and the variations of the states - 
 cisely set forth, accompanied by biographical and ott, 
 Sn t%rn"' "•'"" "/ "'* o-g^ver." N.' York, " 885r4 
 Only 250 copies printed. ' ' 
 Th7Zk "'n ,'^' K^"*^'""'^' ^'''■"^' 1866, 4 2. 
 Notes IsTs"^:'' •^"'" "■*"" "'« J'«''™'': "ith FooU 
 Halsted, Bev. Thomas Daniell. M A i?radn 
 mt;'of^St"Tf ^'"'?'''<'i,»»!'»». 18-',i,."o'rdain;d' 4 ': 
 rector of St. fhomas s, Birmingham, 1870-88: vicar of 
 HisTorv f ?/" n ■''".'"' ^'''- Our 'Missions b L a 
 "ondo^ If; ^P'"T^ Missionary Transactions of fhe 
 London f^ociety for Promoting Christianity amone^^t the 
 Jews from Us Foundation in 1809 to the Present W 
 Halste.l, Hllliam H. Little Piec. Ve'-e ■,nd 
 Projc, Norfolk. Va., 1808. Addo. '*^- •'''=•■•= ■'"') 
 ««»»". Kichard Joseph. Short Lectures on 
 ■ lamtary Subjects, Lon., 1874, 8vo ^•"=^"rei on 
 le I'on ''*fj«- ^""i"'^'" "■''"''''« "f Montncute: a 
 le, Lon., 18(1 J, 2 vols, i vo. 
 „„ J*n^ George Thomas. 1. Notes for the Quid 
 ance of Troops and All proceeding into the Hill Tricts 
 of tho Northern Circars, Ciilcuttii, IS,,5, Svo. 2 The 
 Abr«inl,mKx,.o,lltmD ,,,,,! tho ManiiKeinont of Tro„,,H 
 In thu H..|,l in rnhtiilthy l,.iualllit.«. Illu«t. Kov. o<l., 
 Loii., 1HB7, Svo. It. Khitnd : ii llunil-Uook on the Ho- 
 «ouruoa of Indin. I'„rt I. H„v. od.. l,.,n., 1872, Nvo. 
 (No irioro |iubli.-<hcil.) 
 .1 *'"r"?.' *i'"?'',''"' "• ''^'"""i'' TmininB: tho Sohi- 
 turn of thuSooiiil iinil Inilu^trhil J'robloiiiii. Ilium. N 
 xork iind Lon., Issfl, I2in.). 
 Iliim, Ucoriie I». I. Uevomio nnd .Meroiintilo 
 Viido-JIocuiii; iin Kpitoino of tho Uws and Praelluo of 
 OuHtoniH, Iiiliinil Itovcnue, imd .Mtrciintllo Miirino, Lon., 
 1.S78, p. Hvo. 2. 'ri>url.<tV (luidc (Oroiit Uritnin mid Iru- 
 land)Hnd Civil .Service ai'd (Juiioral Directory to I'ur- 
 sonaily-Keoommendod HotuJH, Ac;,, Lon., 1881, Sv) 3 
 .Merchandise .Marks Act, 1S.S7 : .AIarl(ct for Kurclifn 
 \Vntoh.t,ine», l,on., IS8S, p. Svo. 1. l)i(;oat of the Cus- 
 tmua and Inland Ucvenuc \Varohon«in|{ RcKulations. 
 Ivllled l.y 0. U. II. J. Macdormld. Lun.? isss, Svo. 
 .,?"''.,'*•'*'••'"'"'"' l'""'»<>n. I. Mlu and Death; 
 or, Iho lheolo;;y „(■ tlio llii,lo in Rcli.tion to llumnn 
 Immortality, Lon., ISI9, 2. Tho (Jencrations 
 tiathered and (lathering; or, Tlie .Scripture I^oetrino 
 oimcurninK .>Iiin in Death, Lon., I85l(, iL'iiio. ;i. The 
 thnstian Lite: Two Sorinons, Lon., IsBO, Svo. 4 Tho 
 ■n, ,;''' f'," *^'''"''"'' • "" '''""'J'' ''»"■. '«8', p. 8vo. 5. 
 The liridal Har : a .\ovel, Lon., 1S72, :i vols. p. Svo. 6. 
 frumpod with tho Douco: a Novel. Lon., IsV.I, ;t vols 
 !l',*i*'"v /■ ■i'''",'*"'!''' "i"l tl'e Stage: Four LccturcH : 
 with Xoies. must. Lon., 1878, l2mo. 8. Tho Vni- 
 turianCrisiSi or.The Dilemma of Christian Kaith and 
 Church Kolationship: Three Disco.irses, Lon., ISS:', Svo 
 , "",' „?**'*'• ■'«»'"'» Bii|>tiat minister. A liio- 
 Snipliical Sketch of tho Life and Labours of tho Late 
 Kev. W. P. Crook, Lon., 1S5I, ISuio. I 
 Ilainilii, Rev. Smniiel, Kraduated at Trinity Col- 
 lege, Duhlin, is:!!!; ordained 1841; ,octor of Douglas, 
 diocese of Cork, IS72. I. Annals of Youghal, Coilntv; 
 Cork: tirst .series, I81S; Second Series, 18M : Third 
 v!."! 1' , n'.- ' /'",'"■"' ^''"'"- '''■"• 2. Account of 
 Youghal Church, IS.i). 3. Ancient Religious Kounda- ■ 
 ;»«.>" "^ ^i'l'Sl'"'. I«54; new els., IS.J,-,, ISSil, ISBI, 
 188,i. 4. lo-Day : its Duties and its Supplies, IS.Hi. .i. 
 Time and feachinj?, ISBO. B. (luide to Voughal, Ard- ' 
 more, and tho lilackwater, IsiiO; now eds., 1S«1 1875 i 
 7. A Country Pastor's Kevorios, 1871. S. Papers from 
 rS7i' n";,.'."; ^':"«""'- <"•• 'fl'" Divine E.xamen, 
 iR-r J" *\'""'*"','""'''' •■ "'• Feeding the Flock of Uod, J-o '^^""""•'"l" "f Voughal, Ecclesiastical and 
 BiM "'"m'^'',?.' •'■"'l"" f"'^'""'«» in Vindication of tho 
 Bible as the Wor,l of Ood, Lou., ISfil, siu. p. Svo 
 fhT?'""?*''"^' '^'•!l'"»ore. 1. Report regarding the 
 Chinese Lnion at Ioug-Ko„g, Hong-Kong, lS3l,^8vo. 
 Lin" V'T' "' 1 ""S-;^"'-T-''uen, and Origin of the 
 Kwang-Si Ins.irrect.on, Hong-Kong, ISol, Svo. 3. The 
 Chinese Rebel Chief Uung-Sin-Tsuen, and -le Origin 
 of the Insurrection in China, Lon., 18.55 12mo 
 Hanibleton, (JoUfrey William, licentiate of tho 
 K ng and (iueen's College of Physicians, Ireland. I. 
 « Hat IS Consumption.' Lon., IS8B, p. Svc. 2. The 
 ^S.SB .Svo ' '''™"""" "f t'™«'""l"i<.r.. must. Lon." 
 qkof,!^,'"i'"i?'""'.-'',V'""' P""'"ey- A Biographical I 
 Ske ch ol Henry A. Wise: witli a History of the Po itical 
 Campaign m Virginia in 1S55, Ac, Richmond, Va., 18.58, ! 
 Hnmbleton, Rev. John, M.A., [,„„e, vol. i i 
 C'.l""" 'ffM "V"-' ^""I"" "f "^"'o Islington 
 The t OSS of Christ considered, in Seven 'SerincMis, Lon., 
 their ObiTt- A-,h"'-, "v' '^""''""■"■^ considercl as to 
 2mo •T P """"l'"-*'' y««\'""' Sufficiency, Lon., 1S50, 
 ed fon T-f"'l" " ^".^ ^^^'-■■■"''.Ju'lgment. Ae., new 
 eu., Lon., ISO,, l.'iiio. 4. Lent Lectures: Historv of 
 the, Soul, Lon., ISoil, I2mo. 5. Seven Lecture i7vin. 
 .l.eation ot tho Kiblo „s the Pure Word of (iod, , n Sub- 
 cl::^'!^ ,!^,:^.^:»'— titled "Essa;^ 
 Hambleton, John, a Bible-distributor. 1 The 
 mZ"" "^ "".^".'' ^''>''' ''™- '«6^. l'^""'. 2. Buds 
 . "_i- oi lin.i m tne-f i.;i«t Days, Lon.. 1870 .^vo 
 tio"anl''vrr*"H''.-'"''rP"- '• ■'^I'-iuiens of Tra'r s .u 
 tion and \ ersihoation, Lon.. 1851 i, Svn •> n„ii ■ ■ 
 7M ^ ^P""S M»rai»g'8 Dream, Lon., 1S60, 
 f p. Svoi with Somniloquence, ami tycipwu<i> ("Wide 
 iiwako,") [vetse,] Lon., I8«(l, Svo. 
 ,, "«',",«"• ,'''t'",« Unrurave de, b. 1838, son of 
 (•olLX Jo In Limel, „,/,„,• called to the bar at the Inner 
 ..".'■-'''''i 1"; ',""'. '^I'"-!' "f"'" b"""! »f trade since 
 188, i ehiel clerk since 1878. 1. Interniitional Law in 
 Connection wuh Municipal Statutes roluiing to the Com- 
 merce, Righle,tt,id Liabilities of the Subjects of Neutral 
 Maes pending Joroign War: considered with Reference 
 to tho Trial ot the (.ase cd' the " Alexandria," Lon ISC.) 
 rV' >*■ },!' ','"","'"""« '" "i'mili.iu in tho United 
 Church of Lnglan.l and Ireland : with I'ractioalMugges- 
 tions, Lon., 1S88, IL'iiio. "* 
 llainci, I'Vlix John, [„utr, vol. i., add..] late so- 
 licitor to W.M. customs. 1. Proleslantisin in Peril- a 
 Comiiieutary on the Traetarian Tendencies of tiie Age. 
 I-""-; 188a. Svo. 2. Tho Laws of the Customs consoii- 
 , dated: with Practical Notes, Lon., IS7fl Svo 
 llnniel, Leopold. (Trans.) K. Tegnii's Fiilhiofs 
 Saga ; from tlie Swedish, 1S74, Svo 
 Ilanier, Kthvard, and Lloyd, II. U . The His- 
 torv ol the Parish id l.hingurig, Lon., IS75, Svo 
 ,„"""'•'■■' •'«•'"': ■''''« Smoker's Tcxt-Hook,' Leeds, 
 l.'-ti.l, (iJnio: new ed., 1878. 
 , *'"'"•:'■»,**«'•'»'' SPlina. 1. Christine's Crook 
 Lon., 188,,l2ino. 2. Phyllis Kcvmond, Lon., IS87 i, 8ve 
 llanier.ley, John W. (Trans.) Clieniical Clmiigo 
 in the Liuharist; from the French of J. Abadie, 1887, 
 Ilamcrsly, Lewis Randolph, late lieutenant in 
 the I f« Marine Corps. 1. The Records of Living Olli- 
 eers of the I nited States Navy and Marine Corps, Phila., 
 Y?k,i;8V,ui."''-'''''^- --^''^'" '^-y^'4.edia,N. 
 j Ilamcrsly, Thomas Holdup Slevens. 1 
 I Army Register of the United States, (I77« to 1871). \ •>,■ 
 n:U i'. '■■' i'^".'.^'";- -■ ('-""'POt'" i>lete Army aiid 
 ' rsa»y Register ol tho Lniled States, 1778-1887. N. York 
 , INSS, Svo. ' 
 llamerton, Mrs. Eugenie, wife of P. 0. Hamei - 
 : on, „,/,,,. I ,Jcaiine Laraguay : a Novel, Lon., 1881, 
 ■ \i- ,■ in" *'"■!;'"■ "'' '^'''""'' "nJ """^i' Marvellous 
 . I lust Lon., 1874, p. Svo. 3. Ooldcn Me- 
 diocrily : a Novel. Host., ISSfi ,8vo 
 I Ilamerlou, IMiilip Gilbert, b. 1834, at Lane- 
 Jde, near .Shaw, Lanoasliire; educued at Burnley and 
 Donoaeter Oiammar-Schools ; went to Paris in 1,855 to 
 'in".sft',""'l "^'-i ^"n"" ■'" '""'^'' "' I""'"' Awe, but 
 in 1861 returned to fiance, living first at Sens nnd after- 
 wards ntMir Autun and acquiring that intimate knowl- 
 edge of French life which appears in his writings. He 
 had begun early to contribute to periodicals, and in 1888 
 he became art-critic to the Saturday Review, but re- 
 ^^T'., '""' '"" ^■""" '""^'•' i-e'iiining his connection 
 witn th'- liiiper as an occa.sional contributor. In ISti'J he 
 cstabli- a new art review, the Portfolio, devoted 
 chiefly I aching. He has also contributed to the Fort- 
 night y the Fine Arts Quarterly Review, and other 
 I T,';"!'?'"'-r.."u'' " "" honmary member of the Society 
 I of Painter-Etchers, and in 1882 received from the French 
 ; governnient tho university decoration of nn 0/firln- 
 o -'"".'■'"'.;■ '• Obs'.'rvations on Heraldry, Lon.. 1,851, 
 Svo. . Ihe Isles of Lodi Awe, and other Poems of my 
 I Wh, Lon., 1805 12mo. 3. A Painter's Camp in ,|,o 
 i Highlands, and 'Iboughts about Art, Cambridge, 188' 
 , French Painters : an Essay with S.Uecn Photoglapbic 
 I Illustrations, Lon., 1887, 4to i 2d ed., 18i;i». 
 „ '!.A lively and elegant miiKrie on nrt, in' which short 
 5. Painting in France after the Decline of Classicism • 
 an L.ssay. Illust Lon.. 180,8, 4to. 0. Etching and 
 Etchers. Illust. Lon.. 1888, Svo. 
 i„"."Jfi''''^l'-,'."" "'"? '> "■'''"^^'' "1" i'i"t "Pproaehcs his siibleet 
 In sospieiititicii sii r tof iiuiulrv iroHr.;! ■.-..i,, , /.'"J'^'-' 
 pabilitie» of this ilarticiilar !i"i. i„,l onimnM i^ .^ 
 against all others that are in use, in van' i. k nds , f'n , rk- 
 , t r , , ' ''""'T '■.'?'! * '"-■"^•'' Pi-iidiiecd l.v it than 1 v a nv 
 ^onl'^t siiSi^^.K"!^ ;""" '■ -t "f iim wii^l^iiVo^; ;^ 
 ,p f..n I,;. I """^ '"^ '■"" '"■' I>n"Inced cciuaHv well or 
 iw!;s. tt^risii^g i;!;^;;:i,^t !!;sih.i;i;£ 
il tyupviity {" Wlile- 
 lie, li. I83H: mu of 
 I) till) bar at tlici InniT 
 >imril of trnilc »ince 
 Iiileriintioiiiil Law In 
 * reliitiii;{ to lliu Com- 
 10 Siil)ji.,t« of Nciitmt 
 iilcrcd with Ut'ron'noe 
 axiinJriii," I,on„ IS(;;i, 
 iitliaiii ill thu UnltiMl 
 nith I'riiotioul 8iig|;i>H. 
 'ol. i., nclJ..] Into no- 
 uliintisiii in I'oiil : a 
 mleniMei) of the Age, 
 thtf Cuntoim coimoll- 
 l«"fl, 8vo. 
 K. TognJir's Fiilhinf's 
 I, II. H'. Thollis- 
 m., IS7,-,, 8vo. 
 H Toxtliook, Lcc(U, 
 Christine's Crook, 
 id, Lnn., I8S7, |]. 8vo 
 i.) Chfiiiical ChiiTi({o 
 of J. Abiiilii), IMIV, 
 h, Inte lieiiteniint in 
 ords of Living OBi- 
 Inrino Corps, I'hilu,, 
 I Eneyulopicdiu, N. 
 up Sieven§. i. 
 (1771) to IS7D;) 2(1 
 L^u plole Army nnil 
 I776-1,S87, N. York, 
 ifoof P. (!. Hniiier- 
 Novel, I,on., I8IU, 
 d other Miirvellous 
 >o. 3. Golden Jle- 
 b. 18."i4, at Lano- 
 eil at Burnley and 
 to Paris in IsSo to 
 at Ijoch Awe, but 
 It at Sens and al'ter- 
 at intimate knowl- 
 I his writings. Ho 
 idieals, and in TSiia 
 y Ueviow, but re- 
 ling his connection 
 luilor. In IXini he 
 Portfolio, devoted 
 ibuted to the Fort- 
 {i.'view, and other 
 iher of the Society 
 ed from the French 
 on of an OJirin- 
 nildry, I,oii., ISJl, 
 Jther Poems of my 
 ler's Cauip in I ho 
 , Cambriilge, IStii', 
 4. Contemponiiy 
 eon Photographic 
 rt, in wliicli hhort 
 , II '111 aiiei'dotes of 
 :l Ktimate of their 
 tow';ic'h theysev- 
 line of Classicism ; 
 6. Etching and 
 ■onohes his subject 
 irst woiKlis tile cii- 
 Ills kinds (d'miirk- 
 iiied what special 
 by it than by any 
 artist will) ii|>|ilie's 
 u etcher, t.j u. dia- 
 who only obtains 
 d c(|ually well or 
 ertiui's inquiry ia 
 •mine the position 
 t of etching Itself 
 :. 210. 
 ihir'et"' ,''"''"''•■ » **'"'■' "f I'«nc»shlr« and York 
 8vo • ,1 , "•^i"«" "f I>l»™v.ry. Illust. Lo„., 187. " 
 kU' n; , , i "'■'• P' ?"/ »• ■•''"' '•^''■''"■s Kill d-l o ,k 
 ?e«,..^ ''"Account of the Old Proccw, and tlo I ,,' 
 ■'*"• '"■ XXX i"'|.'-"" '"'">*''«-'dKC and critical Ins g| t ''^ '""<"<•• x-xxlv. 51H. >?»■ a i I," j n, \ 1 ' 'i'"''"-'"'"" - 
 n.irZ.;!i;i:rr,,l;;!:x:;:!!;;i^r:i" ''?';"■''-'- v^^ 
 'V '■""vey «n iMitlre rr K {' n «™/;,' '■ "' ,'" K^'mTiil 
 cbnracterlstl(s,,idcsl«niii,i,,. ;';,';'''," ' "'^' """"ai 
 iiK, drawing, ,,n,| engr ,Vl "g v ,'"„', T'T""''" " "'"""• 
 ^^:;r:^;:;^!\^r;'i ''!;^^^'-'--.<ra,,,:!;.v.'''-'-''. What Mr. 
 I'ho Intelle 
 111 lll.n r . . I """"" T'" ""■' Ifi"" truth-eiiilal V tr 1.1 
 ' '1 ■ ,'r"wli cl'iTh '""."rr"'"' "">"""' III* pre • "" 
 -■I"| . nV, il?" ''*'' "''' '""»ldo "pecttttor takes no lieiu.'' 
 Raoiil l> ih ,r wi.h ■^■/;"""\"'"'" "'" Note-Book of 
 Arti^l-, l',,n. i8T(i! '^' ^ "'" '^""""' """^ »"""• 
 the I!;;;.,';' ;:'/,';''; '''i';;"'i' ,'» •-•'"'■fly made un „f „„,,« „„ 
 trees I i, . ^ ^ ", ii ' a Mh'" "''•"^'T "'""-' >-""-!t o 
 ters lilniirv „r U Ic or 1 te "".I: ''.'''['''•l'^'" "fTinto mat- 
 the n,,..„i„V„f h^'d^isle ■ i In, ':''! ">'' "■'"' <''"»i>TOi 
 Worth „v,T ibe lo*..r ...",.,;,,',?''"''. '''"'^?'"« *vith Words 
 I'm., 1884, fol. 2^ landlt^o p "7""'' '''l'''K"H'\ 
 i> tl..^ l-xl, and the as ertoif'i,V,'',w V''' "■,'■','"'' ^'^>''-<' 
 •:i''lifrs; has hi'eii blie, Hi I'vtn ",',','''' ' '•"■'l'"« ■""' 
 I", liroduelng this mov, ,;„,,' '''".'r'''^ *■''''"' '"'"'"a 
 subleet, he has levutwl i \" t, v' ''"'' '■•i'"-" a noble 
 pat/enec to its treat let,,, ,u I "■"'" "'"' """'""liable 
 imbllsh.Ts with SI 1, 1 1 . ' ,, ' .',;, 'V^'" «^''.on,le,| by i,|S 
 that the superb iliii iebef„-V,L , ,,**'■• ?S'''' "'"' ""'to 
 *. liir as ,1,!. . y;.n ed r:";;''' '"/^'ITtwut, 
 <y.K.Kraphy, and taae in bi;^;];;^'a|'|i;;l™|ii-;,'lr;i;™;^n; 
 8««i';''^r';i^;"'^«:"i'^'""'"ti..;?. must, j^„., 
 "The pSrt. 
 1880 fol ; 2d cd., 1887. (IteprinlcCfr';; 
 foho," ,.ith adilitional illustrations.; 
 K'«m),u;;s^^?!;;:;,;l^i:^tii'!^,l"'i!if';'''''''" i", ""> "md. 
 imlar memory, and he stcon I M ,' ''"^ "''''''' '^ ''""Pla 
 and fusing reinniibere 1 ima?.e ' ,1 '''""•''■, ".' S"V"''"'"K 
 ■ • . .Scattered litTc and t^r^ i''',,V"V''5 '"'''"'"''''' " 
 where it is least ex|,ecte,l wen,, . '" '"'"' *"J"iotime« 
 of Intermediate kinds „flm',i,"'" ",""'^ ',""' MnU 
 "lime (lav he will work upo his , I i;,*"'' "''^^ '"'ft' 'l""t 
 nn,nner.''_Cos.Mo Mo.NKLot'.sJ'l S', ' Vixrf,;: ^>-«"-'»'«'lo 
 drc1\nd"l;'ru'i:i':,,'";';r,'' y^^'^^r """ "- "- 
 "ndtheASa^n'fpo 'r"''r ''^,i"-l''' J'->-ll 
 187\ p. svo. An,m. 
 he is ll?r',i'i';-h|!.'';!!,,'"''^'''*« ."".'""c NHsoeptibilltles while 
 trciiHlvla;.,iiiatinL',iml,. ,,i,,!f„i""," ""*''^'' **'''''''> I" ex- 
 xlv. .'i;,. '"■'""*. aiideiiuuently plcture.siiue."-s<i/. Her. 
 17. .M 
 I ■'''78. p. 
 Frenchmen : 
 Five Biog.aphies, Lon., 
 llve''t^i;■n.,'^■';.'"™^?'S•• ;?■ "■■■ "'""-"-'"n tolmve their 
 like y ,o,„, lorgotteu,"I>V,['& Vx?v 7ffl ■■'" ''"'''■ "* *"" 
 i.i:^i.''::„!'th:/L/'BiJ^i^"-^= ^"•' ^'- 
 8vo. ^ "'^"'"o'i'obaine.s, Lon., 1879; p. 
 |.-':nh;;:;;;i!f?,S^;;!!;,[;-?^-^an,,clear. earnest- 
 lerya.hiM.' ilieerfuliiess a lieahhr,, i,' ' *-''™l"'^^»ce. and a 
 ^",''..*'^''j<^''' 'natter (TiimeV's 
 • ''"'•'"Slitrnl throughout."-.s>„rt,„„,, 
 and mk';ji;;;?i^;K moj^ fuil^I/i^l;',;'^",'"^ '" ven 
 thor,' W,'f^88!';':T.'' """ ^'<"-" P-'-'t of the Au- 
 K,n^^i;:;;lr,^;i,?^j;^i;3^,a,qnestio,, „„, advances his 
 armed. Indeed, his ^ ' ir r, l,i 1 ' "PP"^''"'^t Is dls- 
 Ihrow light on ail sides,,)' as hi. ;T"" '" be rather to 
 mystery."_,vu(, lier.J^ m> ■' ' "'"" '" Pe'"-''rate its 
 tion," i,. York, 188r' " ^""""^ "^ Elocu- 
 Kingd"','s°"il-nd*'W„^''''">'''^ '" l'"'-"' «^ery 
 LontlSoh l",n; "™ '" "■« Known World, 
 iii>...:i«„~ ; . .. 
 with a Memoir, hon., 1877 crTsvo -i n .""<;'" ■:"- 
 frnm Queen Elizabeth tn lir. a Quarter Sessions 
 till 1) 
 , MUvt Kiny, ; Mil'lr«(('« Cudet : nn Triitlin In Uouxh Shncl l<li)iii««, l,i'wi,(un, Mv., 8vu, .'t. 
 Point, Plillii,, issr, () i''>fio. 2. On» 'if Ki'.v t.i.Sill-liii|iripvi.nient ntnl i(ii|>|iin(n«, Ivtrnf,] l.rwii. 
 toil, Ml'., l2iiio, I My H"iil'« llili(<iuii!. Ill.iiir.v, (vi'iKB, 
 Novel, I'bilii.. iSM'i I 
 linmlltoti, lllail Mll.lllie,, I.. ISI^, »( l.ewl«t.m, M«., IL' 
 Oro'ikljn, N.V.i ,1 xnin.lm.ii of AIi'XiiihUt I( .M.illcin l.i'Wi«l"ii, Me., IL'ino. ri, Aiitoli 
 A, \( hill 'hull \ti> lli>l 
 ll'VB.' VITH 
 {niift, vol. i., >econ<i of the it'"oe tlivrw iiit!ii(ii<"<' I 
 grii'luiite.l jit tho N'w Vork ('oll<xf of I'hyslciiiii!. mii' 
 Surn.unK in Into, an I |]riH'li.«e.| In Niw York ('il.>. 
 IIM IlKllK'tl 
 il./ > speulalty of ni'ivoii- <l 
 of Meiitiil Sttii'iii'i', whfiHK (until) ia Ihr Will, ii'iij 
 'p ('oin|ili'tioii U lliB I'i'r.'fiimlilv, llo»t,, l^,';), Nvo. 
 llHiiiilloii, Oiivitl Jnini-N, .M.ll,, I .It.i'.s. IMiu 
 I* 11 phyMiumii 
 to |,i 
 llv ol AblTclci'O, 
 Ibt l',|((l«|itiuuiij I'limlylie ll...| ii^il, llhii'kHi'ir- Inliuiil. viT^ll.v 
 1. Clinifiil Eltctro-TliiTii|it'uti(;», U.^liwil iiihl -iircieiil, Ciiliinlml I'niMiiiioiiiii, Tulicrrlc, mid Alliud l.tnoin of 
 |Milliolo){ii;iil iiimioiiiv n the I'lih 
 Uii thi' I'litliolo^y lir llMincliili 
 lal ill, 
 •-'. Ni' 
 CV'tU,* lIMi'll.-'t'M 
 M I'd., IMS 
 i.'ii|ifi'in II 
 .■I. 'Ivi't 
 Id |i' 
 •*<m1 (Juidc in tho Phynii'iil IliiiKiioiil 
 I, thii lliiiiiiin l.iiiiK, I, on., IssM, Sv 
 ilitiiiiltoii,'iil.><'o|. DoiiRlna. I. Id' 
 nil till' ."ihi'liirov llill,^ : I 
 iHWoiniiMn >■ II ,>«('rii'K ufSkftcliei, 
 .\. York, I-^m:!, ltd. I. .Miiiiioil of MiidniK, |Mi2. :'. lli|iorl on tliu I'liliij Mmmtniii!' r to 
 .(. Hi 
 ilurii-iirudi'iv'^ii : with .■^|H'''iiil Kifi-rcncii to iJin'ini'ii iind iil'i'oiii|iiiii.v 
 Injurii'it '■(' till! Nervoii.i .Svsti'in, \. Vork, l>>l, 
 nnv fd., Is.ST. !i. 
 L.I.I., IssM, r. Illiii 
 Olid .S' 
 iif Ski t.hi'S, Mii'lr 
 I. ■'fit, 
 The .Mod.rii 'I'rciitnit'nt of llt'iidii''ht'a, Moiintniiis .Mmlni.-, Isilil, M 
 |iiirl on thi' IliKh Itiiiigi'Hof tho Anniiinulhiy 
 IIiliiiiltDii, K. J. Inch' ,lohn In llio A 
 liiliililtiMl, AlldretV. .-i.xlci'n Moiith.i in the miU'iK tho l''roi'diiii'n, N. Vork, 1M17, 1:! 
 l)iiiii-h lull'", I, on., l-^.i;.', ;! vols. p. M 
 lliiiiiiltoii, AiMlrt'W 
 borji : Mcaioriiilii of «iii, I 
 llaniilloii, K. I*. Thf Kiijfliah Uoverncn^ 
 ^(■'1, I'Jino. 
 riiiy iind 
 in Him- 
 I'riiii'u Henry of rriii'aiii, I, on., Ilnilliltoii, Kilwnrd, M.I)., iihyKJciiin to the hon 
 don lloiiiii'i|iiiih ■ III .-|iit!il. I. (iiiide to tlit I'riictlcc 
 Freili'riok tlii' liinil mid 
 18.SI), 2 vols. svo. 
 "A Work full iif I'lileriiiliiniunt. ftiid by no iiii'uns de- 
 villi! of liiMtrui'tl.iTi. III!' -iiliji'il nf whii'li bus iilrnidv Ihtii 
 III piirt iiipli.ii^lv ili'iiiLrh incidi'iiliillv trnili'd bv ii inii-li'r 
 liiuid , . . .Mr. Iliiniilh'ii loi'. I'oiitrlV'I'.l lo«lvi' u'l.roiilli of 
 lIliTiuy llfi' t'l tb,' ib'M'l piihiiT bv 111!' bike, iiiid, bv brliii.'- 
 llitf Ills si'eiii'ry biniH' In ii» uiili .s|ii«iiliir skill, In iiiiike 
 ci'itiilii |»i.ssii({es of blstorinil bl.iKriipliv, iniuiii'iitiirilv at 
 li', iiiiire vivid tbiiii even .Mr, I'liilyle'si M'bniioiisu.-e 
 of bonks bil'l iiliule Ibelll.' — .^V|^ A'.i'., .xllx. ;iHi. 
 Illltiiilloii, Arllilir. I.iiwrcnee LofleHiilde: nTiile, 
 1,011., I.S77, .'f vols. cr. .svo. 
 IIiiiKiltiiii, Iti'v. Arthur llaviic, ^.Tuduiiteil nt 
 Pt. John's College, (l.vfoid, l.'^ll: onbiineil |S|.S; reetor 
 I the Iji 
 of .->t. .Miiry Arehes, K.veler, since ISIirt; cimpliiiii of the Uv fhi 
 llonio'opiilliy, l.on., |sil, iL'ino. L'. A .^ihort lli'toryof 
 IheCholeni: with 11 Few Hints iis to its I'revei'iion by 
 lloinu'opiilhic 'rreuiiiient ; 2d od., I, on.. ISIS, Svo. '. 
 'I'lie Flora Honici'opathii'M ; or, Illiislr.itions and Deserip- 
 lions of the Medieiiml I'lants nsed as lloiiiii'opiithio Kein 
 edies. I, on.. I s,-C'-.^):t, U vols. r. Svi. I. .\ Catalogue Hai- 
 Sonne of the Kntfriiveil Works of ,"^ir .l.i-lina Hevnolds 
 from 17,).^ to IS2(I: to wliieh is aibled 11 ,'<liort liiograph- 
 ioiil .'^koteli of eiu.'h Fngraver, ton., |S7', Mo; new ed„ 
 cnl.. I -SI. .,, A Meiiiidr of F, II. F. (,iuin, JI.U., Lon., 
 ls7i/, Svo. 
 Iliiiniiton, Kdwartl. Tlie bcalb of our Minotaur. 
 I'niversily .Missions in Ziin/ihar ISS.)-Sl. I. (KM.) In 
 Aid of Cliiiieb .Mis.-ioiis in the Dioeesu ol (Irahaiiislown : 
 Sernioiis for Holy Week, l.on., Is.'il, >vo. 2. .Mmi'- 
 Chiiiii to liiiiiiortality, 1-71. :t. Four Plain Leelurcs on 
 JI 111. Iieiith, Life, and (iud, I,on., 1S7,S, Svo. 
 Hill liltuii, .Mrs. V. U., {•• V. (".. II.") I. The Cu- 
 rate of Idiuvood, 1,011., |,s|.'), IJuio. 2. .Margaret Wiilcle- 
 grave J or, Tlie I'ower of Trutli, l.on., IS III, 8v". .;. 
 Amy Harrington: or, A Sister's l.ove, Lon., ISIS, Svo. 
 Anon. I. Constani'e Lyu'lsiiy ; or. The Progress of Error, 
 Urn., 1 8 111, Svo. 5. Norman Leslie: a Talo of Seottish 
 History in the ."ii.xteenlh Century, Lon., Is.'iO, 12mo. ti. 
 Carlington Castle: a Tale of the ,Ie.suit», 1S.")2. 7. (Ed.) 
 Tho Unihiiuiod Daughter: 11 .Mvstery of our Own l>av, 
 Lon., IS5:i; 2d cd., Until, n. d.,'svo. S. The E.\ilcs lif 
 Italy, Ellin., Is,i7, Svo. 
 Ilniinltuil, C. (i. After a Dark Night— the Sun; 
 a Ninel, Lon.. ISSil, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 IllunilKili, C. II. II. Oraiumar of tho Modern 
 Iri.-h l,aii;,'uii,L'e. Lon., ISIill, er, Svo. 
 Hamilton, C. J. I. The Flynn.^ of Flynnville, 
 T, in., I8SI), er. svo. 2. Mr. liiiriraiii's Daughter: an 
 I vory-Dny Story, Lon., I8S2, p, Svo. ;i. True to the 
 Core: a Itoinance of 'US, Lon , ISS:), 2 vols. er. Svo. 
 Ilainiltoii, .lli.'^s C. T. Kivais ut School; or, A 
 Le-'son for Life. Lon., ISSS, p. Svo. 
 'ens. Ibi-t.. IHIis. 
 Ilnr.iiltoii, I'ltlwarti, M.ll., professor of anatomy 
 lit Dr. Steeveii-'s Hospital, liiiblin. The Present .^tiite 
 of the Army Mcdieal Service as a Life Career for the 
 Surgeon, Dublin, Is75, Svo. 
 Iliiinilttiii, Kdwnrd. A Federal Inion not a 
 Nation : an Examination into our Systems of (Jovcrn- 
 Mieiit. Ilo-t.,, |2ino, 
 llaiiiilKiii, Kdward, M.I)., F.L.S., vice.pre,^blent 
 of the Zoological Society. Uecollections of Fly-Fishing 
 lor Salmon, Trout, and (irayling: with .Notes on their 
 Haunts, Habits, and History, Ac.,, lsS4, Svo. (lie- 
 sides the ordinary edition, a largo-paiier one, limited to 
 101) cop; 2S.) 
 '•A iileasiinlerlionk on a plea.'^aiiler tuple liii.s nut been 
 liubll.shed lor years."— .S(i(. /,',,■.. h-iij. TCj, 
 Uainiltoii, Ed«vard John. 1. Tlie Human 
 Mind: a Treatise in Mental Piiilosophy, .\. Y'ork, ISs:), 
 Svo. 2. Mental Science ; a Text-Book for .Schools and 
 Colleges, N. York, ISSo, Svo. 
 Ilamiltuii, Edwin. The Moderate Man, and other 
 Verses, lllust. Lon., IS8S, .|to. 
 Hamilton, i>liHs Elizabeth, d. Iss2j the only 
 diiiiglitor of Sir William Hamilton, (7. r., milf, vol. i.') 
 With Jo.sKS, Miss E. Co.vstanck, of (Jirton College, 
 (trails.) Mierooosmus: an Essay concerning Man and 
 I his Kelation to the Worl 1, !.y Heruninn Lot?.e, Edin., 
 Hamilton, .Mrs. Cclia V. 1. Woven of Many j l^S.'i. 2 voLs. Svo. (Tho li.u slatiun wa- oegun by Mis 
 Tiireads, Post., 1871, Svo. 2. The Crown from the Sj." u , Hamilton, and completed, after her d : 1. and the who!' 
 Host., IS72, Svo. 3. Hopes of Sand, Boat., lS7.i, H\o. 1 revised, by .Miss Jones.) 
 4. .My lionnie Lass, Is77. Svc. :>. The Lily of San Mini- I " '■"" ", "V^"- ''«S''«e "t 'H' 'iracv the 1 iinlatlon adds a 
 nto: aNovel, N.York, IS7.S, Kimo. | Krnee wlueb is, perhaps, . ' v-i'.j; ' -Ja.«i..sScllv : Jrai/., 
 pion F'' v^i.'a 
 Jledita'.'i,',, f.,,u 
 its Birt 
 ;;i.> ti»enly-Thir(' P il 
 IH.l?, 2lmo ' ~ 
 'liiri_' P-iJm, and other which has ever since rendered him incapable of physicai 
 ■ '■ /'J'' .•''™>t"''o= exertion, and whicli does n'lt allow of his reading or 
iwi-lin, .\U'„ Hvd. ;i. 
 plni»«, I Vfrnc.l 1,1'wli- 
 i(iiiii» lli.iiirv, [nT»is 
 II ttii lli'lii've ? |viir-i', 
 y : nil liiiliictlvi' t<v« 
 llllo ia 111,. Will, il'llij 
 V, ll„»t„ l.s.M, ,Svo, 
 M.ll., I .R.C.S, K.liii., 
 iiniili'iiiv II tlio I'lil- 
 .liiil,,«.v III' liruni'liitii, 
 ml Alllvil Lt'iiiiiiii (if 
 oiiiilni. I, Kciiort 
 v II Scrii's uCSkctalioi, 
 I'liliii .MimiihiliiH : to 
 iti Inn, .Mii,lrii». IM()4, 
 iiK III llio Aiiiiuiiiullu; 
 III In I lie Army iinil 
 17, Vi 
 all (JiivcracxK In Itiia- 
 ili}'»lcliin tn the Lon- 
 iilo to the I'rnctlcc uf 
 i. A .<lini-t lli'turyof 
 III ill" I'rtiveriim by 
 l,oii., lf<l,H, Mvo. ,;, 
 tr.iliiin^ iiiul l>t'iicii|i- 
 < lllMII(l'ci|,.ithlo lU'lll- 
 I. A riitiiliiKiii' Hiil- 
 'ir .I'i-Ih;ii He.viiiilj!! 
 I'll 11 ,-<liiirt liiii|;i'a|ili- 
 , 1^"', Smi : new I'll., 
 1''. (Juin, M.D., 1.1111., 
 Diilli of iiur Jllnotaur. 
 irofi'si'iir of iiniitiiiiiy 
 Tlic IViseiit i^tiito 
 Ijl'e t'lirour for the 
 rili'iiil rniiin not a 
 iSyjitt'iim of (Jiivcin- 
 '. 1„S., vii;e-|ircslili.nt 
 tliiiisof Fly-Flnhiiig 
 with Xotf,! on their 
 .1111., \XM, Hv(i, (l)e- 
 uper one, llmitoil to 
 r topic lins nut licrii 
 I. Till' Iluniiin 
 ipli.v, N". Viirk, iss:), 
 uok for iSchoolii nnd 
 orate Man, and other 
 , d. 1HH2; the only 
 1, ((/. I'., iiiilv, vol. i.) 
 of (Jirton College, 
 onccrning Miin iiiiil 
 nnnnn hot?,e, Eilin., 
 nil- ucfjun by Mi? 
 in.', and the who!' 
 trill inlatlon adds a 
 JA.MiaSL-LLv: Acad., 
 1 Uninia, b. 1821; 
 fort i married, 18 H, 
 (Triiiis.) Louis Pii8- 
 on-in-Law, Vallcry- 
 Lee-, b. 184o, in 
 I and (ierniany ; wan 
 ■f, l8(U-(i«, and then 
 li ho was obliged to 
 relii'o-.''pinal disease 
 neapable of phypieal 
 ■ of hill reading or 
 ein.s have been com- 
 p,-l, RH'! lutv»; been 
 tiftecn years he hi? 
 anseript.i, Kdin. and 
 , and Men, [verso.] 
 '..S81. :i. The Now 
 oni.'i'i",i,'.N.'",'lr '«'l'ilrem«iit. .Mr. l.«oH»mlltriir, x„i„„,» i. 
 w« . I I I '*" '■l'""'«'i- Vi'l with all It. .Iii,ri.'.,ii.hur" * ' 
 clrar m ." '" '; * »"1""»' il veil..' « lib a -'lui";, 
 ill I I, "\'"' '"•» "" hlx Imek HllirfrliiK the iiir.,nl.i ,'? 
 »» llHUIIll.l,. >|,||,|,| ,||«.»i.v."-.l(/i., No. 'JKn "*"""■'» "' 
 p. 8v,f '"'"" "'"' *'"'■'>»»>'""' """Br I'udm,, I .,«., |,sii4, ' 
 Illuil. Adelaide, |.irt|, |'.',„oi 
 ntw cil,, 
 tifiliii," l",""' 7'll':ii' i|iiallty»t-('ni« In 1„. a in.wiTi.r i.len 
 Ilaiiie , I ,.v^'; . "".' !'"■"'"/'■': iiMliMial elreiiiii 
 ■'"I'',. <\vll. 71 '"""■*■ "'"'I'lallon.'-J. A, SVM„.M„; 
 ['■ liiiaginnry .Xiinnetn, I.on., ISXM, |«|„„. 
 '■-'■ek- iM shiiw iiM p,.r»,iiia)(e» lamniis either In liU. 
 l-i'irt. sw,. 
 auil at Ciirpu. Cbri-.i f„ll„ge, (».,fi,n|, 1^27, J,,,^ „", 
 I '"-'8: chaplain .,( Haul Isvjl^r xh- 
 ? !' ,mi'.'',;:'.*'.'!''.".f ,V''',',^''^''''V''' "^» '«"«"•'' loe^ 
 fill, 8vi>, 
 iig.v. I _intemplat.i| by It, Conrpiler-. I,„n., I 
 lliini.lton.l.rm'e. Ilebiml the Cloud. 1 
 a Mtiiry 
 or, T!io 
 l.,rv ..II -Niin 111 perwi 
 1.1,1] 11 ' ''•«'l"l.l"l'll.-.'lll.'ll 
 '',.'»" ': >■ llieiii i-iiea 
 1 III a »iiprenii' iiiiinient 
 viilif. .'ii i.iri.w ,, '""" '"•■'•■••'"y;} III iiieiriiHii 
 .1. Mlh„|„:. I l||,||,||,|,„„,^ 1,,,,,^ |.;;,.,^ |,|||^,,^ 
 'MM'".',i''V"' !;>!""' """""B". M.O, |,r,.l)., 
 Coloite ',i'' "'""""."«'""■ '^'■' Kraduated at rniiin 
 |.iX„i\ ' '^^""■'^■Ivaiiia IM,'.; appointed In Isj.l 
 ,i^' . r ' "'"■f'-y."' "'" ""fi'l" M'-'Ji^'i.l College; in 
 In Hi ;",';" I'"'"-''!'!"- "'"' pruotloo of singery, and 
 lit, , ;.'. ","""y "\'«'"y' '" '"'■'« '-I'""' (-■.iib'go I,". 
 nil.;.,, :,,''" i""^;'"'"' '""^''"^ "'"' "^ U.,'^. medical' 
 «hi| tl ' ' , IS- "",'"'" ™'l'. '«'mu,g hh profc,»„r. 
 i li t 11 :T:" "».'•■•'»""•- ""'• UL^hioation... 
 .,, vli|.. •: "^""' '^"' i •'"' «''- '^f*!'. 2. A Treatise 
 in its' m'','!:;;!'.'"" .'•1;'""f '," "'•' ■•^"Wry of the War 
 V I, I-'.' '''*■" "'"' '•'■""ti™ of Siiigery. Ilhist V 
 linn.V"l< '"'l!'' ''*?"'••<■•'"• Sir Frederick Wi|. 
 '!^'vi!;if',^ :!;;,:.|;''«»:';'r;:■''';''''''•««'^•• 
 l8.•^l-l;(|. <„nv',l iJ Vi. , '• ""- "'■'^^"'"lii'r liuiirds 
 niii-e,,. VI ,mT ' ' **' = '"•" ""iiiister extniordi- 
 "■i.,, ,,, must, iion., 1S7I-, I, ,) vols. Svo. 
 self I, I'l ,; ;'",';'",'" '"■t'V'il'T he eiii|,l„yei ll.u.' 
 us have 1,..,.,, ivm-triletiil.'^- tM No ■•m""' """ '''■■'"™ 
 covenlim.: ■.;::, i^s.s:;svir ^"""^ "" "■" l»" "'■ 
 Am«""":;;„',""' *•«*'•" ^P-"'') ^ee Doo«E, JUnv 
 Fu".u"n''!','":i*'''r,':''''' "'" ^''«''' Academy. 1. 
 ^"man'Tl^lricVi::; .';;;ti2r^ 'r'^i^e?''''^^^ '"1 
 Ure^k'Ne,,aMve M„ 1 on., t^Vo'^'i 'tU^^S r ""^ ' 
 iir;;:^:'^::^7:^8er^'^r :l;^"i^r^'^i 
 Ureek and Latin .<ynt.i.x U„ 1 ^ , ' s • , ^7^'""^ "'^ 
 Sou.ion of the tiieek and "Lati;;' S yifnefit^Lof 
 Eelr, '■liv't- l"^':^ ^"'«>' '-n-slat^a in , ' L ii; 
 "rsbi,;, L„„., l,s:t 8v"; ';^,J"h"'f ';P''K"gli»l>Schol. 
 and .hctJro'kof ho ';eek^T^^Wi °^ '^? ^"""' 
 'd' VillMg.. l,U..s, |„,„ |.S7(», p, 8vo 
 <i. V!s";,!!,'i"',':,n";so"' s " ^ •'' ■ ^'"'''''■••"' '" 
 relating to h.,a;l:^ of-ail'il;!,^:!":";;;;^;';^*;,'"^;!' 
 2r''''w;'th'.-';i"'"'' 'r«""«'^^ »•''''''■• '-"'••■• ix'« 
 X Voi'k"'Vs'' • iV,"""'.: ,,!: AM.crl.a;„nd other Poems. 
 I lliimiltoii, II,.„ry H. 1. A Lexieon of thctireelc 
 ' l-iienis, Ilb.'si. "Li.n.rVs ';' f^: ' "'"'J'' ""^ 
 Ilninilloii, iHiay. a .•^plemUd H„| 
 a, l„,n., 1887, p. Svi,, 
 IlHii.ilton, J. A. Life of Dan 
 ( NntesMien ,Ser.,l I,„n., 1,HX8, p. 8vo 
 >oje that le ,n the aneient Cyreniiiea.) L'. 
 S'.fZ r'""''''.'^ Wanderings around ,1 
 lace d the Prophet and across the Ethioniii 
 In.,,, .Siwakin to Chaitum, l,„n., 18 "7, Syo ' 
 811-18!,, 1. I.e.sscns liom the Great Iliograpl. . 
 I8j7, l.'mo; new ed., 18B1. •_>. fE,| , Oiir'i 
 Classies: Headings from the Best Uivines: with 
 llographieal and Critical, I.on., 18:,7-.V.i I vo ' 
 m, ' ?Hrt'i oV ^ 'M"'n"i8 bi'-'i'io the Lak,. of ( 
 .on., 186.i, 24111,, a. Light on the Path ; ,, -w ed 
 ■Mb, 18mo. (1. The Psalter and llymn-Book 
 I.eetures Lon., 1 86.^, 8vo. 7. I'arable of the Pre, 
 Nm: with Notes and Illustrations, l,on., Isoft Sv. 8 
 Memoir and Keniain.s of J. D. Burns, Ln.! .si9 s.^' 
 ». W orks, Lon., I.soii.j;,, ,., ,,„,, ^^ "• ' ,7',, ^^"j 
 o Parables: Niites on Lnkex.-. Il-.i2,ion.,l,s0« /C 
 . Moses he Man of ,;„„ • Leetnies, Lon., 1870 '.2m"r: 
 Lon iW^'lSmo!- ''"'"^■"■''"'"''K' TTee Serniom.; 
 Hamilton, James, I7!i;i-1873. of Carlisle p.. • 
 X r""'The"wr["r 1 'n ^""^^ "" '■-P'-" Is" 
 Hamilton, Uev. James. D D \i7.i ^ r„ iu 
 of the Rev I H„,„ir. »t . ,. '*■''•' '° Memory 
 Doulting Somers ., «!„„„ „„;_ , Ti.'h^' Yon"*^ 
 Wh>^ and'n^^,,, it ^o^^tT ^^'^""^ 
 a Story of 
 ised are 
 iiKii, the 
 . 1.011., 
 ■ 8vo. 
 .. " ""'w'Ck cftr.l.^^'.'"'""!!^'' LL'D., 1788-1878, 
 J. »u i>ew lorK tity ; third son of Ale ' 
 Alexander Hamilton : 
S r'l 
 graduateil at Columbia Colleue 1S05 
 of luilit'- ■- ■' - - - 
 an.i V. 
 .''h1:,,i:;!— ':-'\"-"!^--;n.o;^:^!.e; 
 served ns au ofBcer | Hamilton, Kate W 
 I. I! 
 .einiiiisoencTii of J 
 vents, lit Home mill Abroad, d 
 limes A. lliiinilto 
 <if II ('('llliiry, \. Yorli. Isfi!! 
 uring Three-Quii 
 eiifctadv, IS'.Y. ; 
 , ("FIcetii," pseud,) b. at 
 contributed tu |Mi|iers and 
 en magazines, and iiubli.-lied a number of s„mi , i! , 
 pm books. 1. ThoI!M»r,,,l,J,. . im" ?i '"""djiy-school 
 If tile Koiieral read 
 illK of wliiol 
 I Wnlllil t,o illl 
 I'l; will liiid tills Work 
 liiiil ,,„^ 
 tor.y Hilllinil it ol)];'i',''at'vi'i'l 
 ami liv II 
 ililc if ilic 
 me tl 
 of CI 
 1. The liluo rmbrclla, I'll 
 lannyford, I'hila., I I'm 
 libi., 18mc. 2. Cliinks 
 ;i';,7il'v';:'i"""''""i. '!'<'Mii,iei'ii,;f 
 art of skipiiliiL' 
 our (luli 
 L-V, ?,",''" ' ''"'n-i|ile" and Interest, 1 
 'liiiii., I 
 ■f. I'rederlok Gord 
 ion ; or, 
 art in \'ii: ]i 
 ton's t'ondui't as > 
 N. York, 1S70. ,Sv 
 Miieiui.-orinimiiiyiiblo ilrvi 
 les " ■" 
 itiiill'lii's*: "■:• '^'!l?.^\'}y by "'bieli He led thco; 1 
 The 01(1 ]! 
 rown H 
 Norah Ne 
 'hilu., I,S|, 
 '— .V((//«.i, ix. :;.');i! I3ino. I!. The Sbmlinv ot 
 linn's Calumnies licimdiated : lliiioil- The Jirave II 
 mse; or. Jlotber's liirthday. I'liil 
 iiniv (if fi... i>. i_ 111 .. y_ 
 leretury of the Tre 
 eart, I'liila., Isiis, 18in 
 the Uuek, J'bila., 1 811 
 IlHiiiiltoii, .Mrs. Janet 
 ■ \'indieateil, Vasliti hethby's Heritage, p'liila. 
 'CiiMlieriil _ 
 , ir'.l.)-IS7:i, knn 
 Three, I'hila., I.srr, Kin 
 8. (; 
 if*r(i, 10 
 rcyclilTe and 
 he Illuet. i'hila., IS? 
 111. The Old I'ciit 
 b. lit Ciirshill, .Shotts I'arish, : ""ilt- Illust. I'hil 
 ICmo. 11. The II 
 y. We 
 and will 
 John II 
 •I'otlaiid; iviis the daughter of 11 sl 
 very young ii.nrried her futlii 
 : \'ii'tn 
 Illust. i'hila 
 1880, Kinio. 12. Vagab. 
 ouse that ,Jaek 
 a lull 
 .1 by 
 ■istant, <-'orner8 In Ke/.zie i) 
 IS8II, 1 
 ■.she I 
 no edm-ation save what she !)*• l'"ity Dodge mid her i 
 l.i. The iiiiyal S( 
 . I-'I. Tr.pgl 
 ■iseoll's Life, I'hihi., 18sS 
 >ond and 
 'es and 
 1 (inio 
 began earlv t 
 write verses, and at 
 ,,. ,.,,,.; 1 ■; ., '^ .' ^■' ""L^ seises, iiniiiu ; •'""". i.^. ji 
 luind eniitribu ed niiiny poems to Cassell's Work- I «"^-t.. L'iSr, 12 
 atterns. IHiut. l>hil,i igs}, 
 ing-.Man's I 
 1. 1 
 oenis and Ks 
 lienl. Ill horoldagesheb 
 Subjects of (ieneial'l 
 .vs of a .Miseella 
 lei'aiiie quite blind, j '888, II 
 11). Woiiil, II 
 ir, The King 
 I'oems of I'l 
 ant Life and Chaniete 
 of Loon I Seenoi 
 goiv, ISii.V 12m 
 nterest, (ilns 
 ■pose and .^ketoh 
 ineoiis Character 
 ow, iMi:!, fp. Svo. 2. "Jm 
 I'oeket-liook, mid 
 Willi I'liA-rT, Miis. f 
 iiy, and .Stubble. I'hihi 
 I.I.KN FaIIMA.V, 1', 
 other btories. IMust. Uost., 1878 
 ifs in I'rose of .^eottish I Hamilton, Ker JIaillie, C 
 and Ch 
 ir in Auld L.ingsyne 
 ductory i'apers by ( 
 ]8(i,s, 1 
 1871, 8 
 " Well 
 I. I' 
 yo ; new c 
 :i. Poems and Ualhuls 
 }. tlillillan nn.l W. Wall 
 oeiiia, .^ketclie.- 
 I., ISSj 
 with II (Jlos.sary, Uliis- 
 witli Iniro- 
 ace, (ilusiriiw. 
 various eoloniiil sm 
 » C.U., b. 1804; held 
 il Es 
 isay.s, (ihisgov 
 Worthy alteiitiiiii 
 , I. 
 in., 181 
 governorships 1828-113. Our Saddle 
 Hamilton, lU-v. L The Future Pti 
 te and Free 
 porsiiii, with oiiiv tl 
 IIS an c.Miiiiple of how an iin- F 
 Law : 
 a Co 
 our Sermons, San Fran., I,s69, 8.„. 
 , l>f o,..d«s Le Cenci. 1. Me 
 use that power (I'nMing tli'mi-h 
 press herself in iilnmst i,,f|v ,7] 
 10 power of readlii-'. ciuk 
 iuipilation „f .Mexican LegisI 
 oreigners, Ae., Lim., 188 
 Hamilton, J 
 , Jessie. (1 
 It to it ins to be aiile 
 yiiie."— .IW,, .\,,. 22H-2 
 to e.\- 
 n you Blame her? from the I' 
 rans.) Serge Pa 
 nine; or, 
 p. 8v 
 rench of G. Ohnet, I 
 Hamilton, Joli 
 , , . -n, of St. Er„ 
 covery and Ireland's Health, Dubl 
 nns. I. Ireland'.s Re 
 in. 1S48, 12iii, 
 the Fpie of linbvlon 
 He lias elide 
 vol. i., Lon., 1884, 8 
 ,^ lation allectir 
 2. Ishtar and Izduba 
 ■ayouved to reennstniet th 
 loll, ada|iled, of ei.urse, t 
 raiislatiiiiisgiven'bv .\ssv 
 on., tablets beliiiigiiig to 
 e ancient oplc of 
 ' niodeni la.stes, from the 
 3. M 
 it."— .4c«,;. 
 e.\ican Hand-Iiook : a ( 
 XXV. 865, 
 the^mi ie;t'l' .■ Isll-M "I ? ''T\^'' '"'" r'^''"'' "' 
 Thoughts on U^a'^r^i''^-,!;,:^''"--^^'""... 
 le "'l;ul!l'in"lV"''^' /"'"l' «'■'"'"'"-"' "' 'J'""itV Col- 
 0- the Hepublio of .Me 
 the I'rineipal Business 
 Matter tends to Rotation 
 xieo, and a C 
 Vimpleto I)e.scription of 
 ircial _ „. „. 
 Lon., 1884, 8vo. 4. All 
 ilaiiiill,,,,, J„|,„ cHiircli,' r,„;. ,„, I , 
 Hamilton, Col. John Pnitor r . 
 otee;vLi^ril^?^;:^l";i^;;?,^;;/>i"- '»V'""! «•"' *"'• «"i 
 every pm-i ,,f iCuV.ine ■,1,1,1111 1'" , ' ' "",V»"'s i" nlmost I 
 peace for 
 w"";" w''"^ ""V ••»!•" >Villiam 
 "nL"e '',7; f!'r''"'",r '^^'"hn.y Stephen 
 Had "^shire V A n'-'v""^'' ^'""'"' "^ "'« 1"='"^^ for 
 of Cei'tii'ii « [. ^'.'""'T' «liakspere, Foliii, l();i2, and 
 l^ueuee. „f threat Ilritain and ll-ii^li: U:./^^8;";l 
 IlHm.Mon,Hev.R.,„nhe Presbyterian Church, 
 . Kobert, F.K.v...^. ^,, 
 leotioua Diseases considered, 
 Lon., ISS3, 8v 
"leetii," pseud ,) b. nt 
 uled tu impere anil 
 bcr of .Sunday-school 
 ilii., I Sine. 2. Chinks 
 frederiek Gordon; or, 
 "lo. J. Norah NeillJ 
 ice, PhUa., ISnio. 6 
 it's IJiithday. Phila., 
 M-M, I'hila., I8nio. 7. 
 10. «. (ircyclifToand 
 < 1^*7(1, IL'iiio. y. Wo 
 le Old I'ordiinnteau. 
 he Hon."!; that Jack 
 . 12. Vaj^nbond and 
 I". !•■!. Tr.rir|e..i and 
 I'hihi., 18,s;i, liiuio. 
 liliiet. I'hila., I8,'i4, 
 I-, The King's .Seal, 
 nnd .Stubble. I'hila., 
 ,i.i:.\ Faiima.v, IVup's 
 Illust. Uo.^'t., 1878, 
 Mi., b. 1.S04; held 
 J8-H3. Our Saddle. 
 iiiro .Stale and Free 
 in., I,s69, 8vo. 
 eilci. 1, Aloxican 
 iCgislation aireeling 
 Ishtar and Izdubar, 
 .S84. 8vo. 
 t Ihcaiiciontopioof 
 I'l']! lasifs, In.m ihe 
 sol the Iragnientarv 
 Icte Dcseriplion of 
 Jcroial Ilirectory of 
 IS-*!, 8vo. -1. AH 
 of Kncrgy : a New 
 nil the Phenomena 
 iS8, 8vo. 
 ssell, M.A., 1823- 
 xford, 1,S45; curate 
 iiiion.s ton., 1866, 
 11 Church History; 
 iioh, .tc, to which 
 Kings. I,„n., 1S6S, 
 s of Kiigland, from 
 collateral liranches 
 ey to the Study of 
 : a Story for Chil- 
 !y Stephen Ar- 
 of the pence for 
 English. German, 
 parts, I2rno. 2. 
 he Corrections in 
 B, Folio, ni;i2, and 
 kenise published 
 d.) The National 
 id, Lon,, I,S6,s, 3 
 IS upon a Union 
 .'", llulifa.x, N.S., 
 1 as a Field for 
 rces of Arizona;' 
 i Territory, Pros- 
 lyterian Church, 
 It and Years of 
 lining Peace; 2d 
 il» Game. By 
 il, 8vo. 
 iiliurgh. 1. The 
 •dine's Natural- 
 True .Scriptural 
 I. A History of 
 I., isre, 2 vols. 
 lingwood, Aus- 
 Face; or, The 
 l.-^ll, I6mo. 
 nipulsory Noti- 
 Lon., 1,S8H, 8vo. 
 Hamilton, Robert S. 1. Present Status of the 
 Phllo,,,,,!,, , y„„i,j,_ B^ ,^„,„„j ^ ^ 01 h 
 ^- i"rl,, ixilii. 2. Present Status of Social SdJnco , 
 S Vo:i;,",l'r;j,7S'' "' ''''""'"" '" «°'='''' l'''''"'"P'iA 
 Na"'!,"","""' «i\V""">: '-The Resources of a 
 v-j.iu I I ,,, ,.|Hcr and Indian Currency, Lon ]S78 ,Svo 
 Inh,"',",:','"^ "^V "'■>"",'!'•'« «tars: IleavLn, ' 
 ' ' ''""^ Occupations, and Lile, I,on,, ],s,Hs p si-„ 
 '>< -^A;:;^,i^i^l«j[:;r^^hr.'r"'''''''''■■"^'"''"' 
 Orfli?,'",!"""' "'•'*'• '^'""nas. Our Rest-Dav: its 
 Hamilton, VerekerM.,and Fasson, Stewart 
 itiur.|„,..-s 1,1 verse.] Lon., 18.S1, 4to. ' 
 m"";" '"'i;^^; «o,r'"' '"''""'"""' '"' '^-'-^ 
 llai.i.lton, W. R. Official Decisions and Chan-es 
 ^'^<Z,!t^^;':^^:,^'^^^^^' "y the ^Ur 
 Hiimilion, Walter, F.K.G.S. I. A Memoir of 
 George Criiikshank. Illust. Lon.. IS7,S 8v„ 2, ed 
 same ,v,.,,,. 2. The Origin of the Offl'ce of Poet Lai^eat '' 
 rt;,f'l ,7"-, '•;;'™'«I.V!;Hnted. ;!. The Poets La, .' 
 La. r, '?'"'' ■ >'";t\'; "''""■>■ "f ""> Office of Poet- 
 ■LiaiiK.iK'. biographical Notices of its Holders an.l ,1 
 dir ;;:.;;";,.:;, '1^ ^"'r i^:!«™-. and'^^n^^in^ 
 iiirciiMi .i^Minst them, Lon., 1879, Svo 
 s.-l'. !.'l" i""-'""^"" Movement in England, Lon., Lsso 
 of Fn",' '1 '",'"? y'""'- ^' (''''^•> •'"'■'"lie.s of the Works 
 tate^ ° ,' "'■"' '^"."'.'•'""" '^"''""■«' ^''"•""^rt and Anno 
 Choivi, (1 (• I ^rnold at Lalcham, and at Christ 
 Hu IV '■''■;';,,"■'''''? V S™J""'-'. fi"t ohuss Lit 
 jiuin. i^..\ : Fellow of Merton Collot'e lS'i2-4'), ,„ 
 danied Is:,;,, vie„ of St. Peter's in tl. Ea?, Oxford" 
 1, Mc excited much controversy by his uttnrnn,..^ 
 on pnesil, absolution, the real presence, Ac. n charge 
 vice'';,; "fT '"t."":- !• •^'"■•"'"^ ""-lEve i^gSe? 
 vices fo 1 very Hay in the Week, and other Pravnrs • 
 ^"fl!;;'','"' i;- of Families, 0x1^, l^tl2,^ 2! 
 Fra. ■.„hutb in the Pre.scnt Hi.stress maybe used in '• 
 1) I'oc,'-. ■'<" ■ • ^.C'largo to the Clergv of the 
 j,on.. ,.s,,,,, M ,. 4. A Charge to the Clergy and Church 
 vi i/ ';;;:„" s If ^rr "f.^'i-'-ury a?\i;^/:^'i 
 \ K i.uiu,,, l^, s Salisbury, l.SoS, Svo. .'i. A Charge -, 
 Charge at his Triennial Visitation ' ' * 
 1861, sj, . . -. 
 , „, -; in 1864, .Salisbury, 
 is"""';';':;::, V'lr"' '^'«*«"«>er nnillie., b. 
 jn ^- :;|v^2; i^fSsS'l/uii^i-Lr^ ^: 
 .h"llV'''n'"f Vnlf''?'" "»"Bl««. I. Outlines of 
 ^^f ;^i:i;aj;i4o::r':T^^^^ri';'^'?-r 
 Lon^^Iri'l'l^m^i'n' w e'j.,'m6'" 'TEd ) A'r'r'''''^^ 
 of England during the Reigns'o'f tht ^udoLf f^H'.t 
 1485 to I.W9, By Charles Wriothesley, Windsor Her 
 a d. Edited .-rom a MS. in .he Pos.sessi,1; of Lord H li" 
 M. Percy. ^Camden Soc. Pub.) Lon IS7i 77 V,, i 
 4t„. 5. of History, Ar""l i a" tuV ifl 
 Hamilton, Hev. William T u ii e n u-, 
 I Ala. The Friend of Moses ; or A Hd'en™ rf tl . '. ' 
 teuch as the Production of Mos'es, an Un Ins i'l^d it"" 
 , ur A^si::^;^;:; " k!;;;;!. t^r r" " '"^ """'' '""^" -^ 
 Hamilton-Gordon. See (ionnov. ' 
 Kdin:':^!,Y,!n.?'?^;!,: p^lr'- ^"'-'^ -'I Navies, 
 ^^^Ilamley, Charles. Wassail, N. York, 1879, 
 k'cMT^'m';'"!'-,'^^'^"-.^"- Edward Bruce, 
 :.=!.':. t. Sirs,,™ c,,!:;jt™'' ■""■'' 
 mandantof the Staff College .-^71 ' 77 ch cf o"f , ,' 
 iv mI::;:^^^^*'^^ """"''"^r ;'■■■ '''''^- -^ Anne™:;;; 
 iiontiirs 1^7«-»l); a division in the V\,v„ 
 .an war of !s82. He has contributed l,"r,; y ,.! Bl'ick 
 I terras',;,lR,™;,',',,^;,!!!L«5P"'«'W nil technical;ocs,i;v;i;vi«ted''?;,';;!,.^i!i^;;,;'"<.;;'ii^^^^ 
 t..c\^:;ii^ ""pniy^:^;:^;:;;;^^;!-;;''-' r'i'n,ssia --^ 
 i?9i^f;:'n^;a;:;iiSH ;E:^?-- 
 j an these laiiLu^ bl^So*!;^^^; "^"-^i/f^^;^ "« '"'or 
 FdTn I's- T,"^'''"rV " I"l"l-- Es'say ■ ,||ust 
 1 87 ""n Svo T;J;.^ '■''"!"" "" 0'"l'osts, Edin 
 l«..i, p. Svo. 5. (Ed. Stair College Kxe cisos 1S-1 
 ' the'f'in'a" ICHr'TV ^''^TT'^"^'^^^' ^""^'^ 
 q' , ,' ,rV,"' ' ! ""- Couisc of that Year, E.lin 1875 
 Field *u''* ^'-^"'"S^'" J'-- Essays oi'i Ziy,,',^ 
 01 i.eld Manoeuvres best adanted for eM.,l,ii„» 
 Troops ^, meet a (^.ntinental Ari y loi n., S f ''? v„7 (•'Fo..eign Classics,") Lon., S77, s" Thfi 
 ]^7m "o't, «{-\'-1">''" Sue-S'and'hl's, [pseu" 
 Hainley,Miyor.«eu. William GeorcP n v 
 entered the army l,S.i;;; retired I.S72 A*N%4a 
 and an Old Land : being Papers suggested by a V^it"4;'! v;;rn.r;';.r ■"■"" '•■ '^^'•■■ 
 Criticism ,,|,pl,ea to the New Testiniicnf, Lon., m"; 
 Haiiiliii, Charles, b. 1,S27, at Hampden, Me.; e(l-2,rc!i'''''l8'7'('i' I2mo ■' (v.i ^ i-. ■'"'.' ' ""^i 
 ne«te,l at Bow.luiii : admitted to the bar ISiS, served Western >th N"te; ami L.ii ^'^"'f'- E"-«tern and 
 throuKli the civil war and was brevetted bri««d er-gen- : Am endiK 879 j ^V,i\ Z ^'^': 'r'-"-' '''•"' l'' »™- 
 era ul volunteers in 1SB,% and has since held city offices ' u Urrin^,,f he Te'vts'J'iH,l n '"', ^"^"'S"''-- >«•'!"« 
 Clank iorms, Portland, Me,, 1878, 8vo, 
 w""""!"' «cv. Cyrus, D.D., li.D., b. 1811, at 
 Watcrford, Me.; Kraduatcl at Jiowdoin 18.i4, and at 
 liun^'or Congregational Theological Seminary 1837- 
 missionary ot the American board in Turki-y 1837-60- 
 president of Robert follege, Constantiiioi-lc, 1860-76 
 prolessor of dogmatic theology in Ban n " 
 lS77-,'<0; president of Miildlcbiiry ColFc 
 gioal Glossary, 0.xf., 1878, 8vo. 4. (Ed., The Anc e t 
 Liturgy of Antiocli, Ac., Lon., 1879, , 8vo 
 HaiiiinoiiU, Mrs. E. H. I. lie,- Waiting Heart 
 By Louisa Capsadell, [pseud.] N. York, 187^, p,„ 
 :■}} °'"''° « S«f,'-^''V «■■' »"" '» be Beautiful, N. Vork', 
 •-' '*"'; '2"10.j, »th ed., 1877. 3. Georgian,,: a Story of 
 Seminary Southern Life, (" Kound Robin" Ser.,) Bost., 18SI linw 
 :o 1880-85. I Anon. 4. A Fair Philosopher, X. York I8S2 Pu,; 
 Among the Turk.s X. York and Lon^ 1877,° vo. Hammoml, Kev E^ard Pa^so'^^'b ^Z . 
 of .^\^;^l^;^;^:;'^^f;!^r^^f,{/;^P-;-' experience ! ^"';;«'"?"' 'i""" ' graduateJ*" Will"r":it ' 58 
 key, chielly inV^/nstam , Jpl ! V, ^'-iv .« « riic^ame i r," 'h i" ^"'°° theological Seminary, and atUio Free 
 t"iMliL'''wUir';^^',';;Jr-^ .n.d s',ories,'.!ir,',V;;.'i,i;!{, Z ^Zt E "m^ an'rr-' '" ^'"-'""■gl' -• "'^<^^ - »» ey.'nge ? 
 case ni-c 11 l/, , m '"l^'rL-mv.s ^vhi(:h, in many ''' 1863, and has since preached in the United State« 
 P.nicularly ,l,r, llamiiu^ irinllnlstworibv ai" a gS 
 ™e '«• ith whi .ir"'"W""'i! '"^""'ti"" m 1 i nop e, 
 Hamlin, Mario' Caroline Hatso... t,»„„„,.= Ch d;.n"''rl''-, t'^-,....'' ^I'^^i Lambs :_Storie. fo, 
 • ^.v, L.' .f,''*,';"''-^ ^•'"•' 18"'' I-'""- 2. Little Ones 
 in the iold, Cost., 1862, 18mo. 3. The Child's Juide to 
 i„w7„"'f ?'••; \"''' l"™"- ■•• The Uetter Life , d 
 how to find ,t Lon., 1867, p. 8vo ; new ed„ issi. " 
 (id.) Hymns of Salvation: a Collection ■ "-Newnvmns 
 and Tune, especially adapted to Seasons of Dee f e 
 ,£'.""' }I'^S^''}'_ ^"""Z ,!'r«7, 16...0. 6. Children and 
 of t„'"n''/"'/^'Ml''"' *''?'"»'"ne Hatson. Legends 
 of Le Detroit. Illust. Detroit, Mich., 1884, 12ml 
 dS'":^"-,^^':1^*"'^«'-- a Politician's 
 i«?"i!"''",f ',"*'*'• i-eonidas Lent, D.D., 1807- 
 ,niti':i ; ,. 1 '^''T' ^'"""- • ■^•'""^■'' '^»'' ^nJ was ad- 
 the Methodist Church about I82!t, and in 1844 elected 
 failing heal h lie was editor of the Western Chri^^tian 
 Advocate 836-40, and of the Ladies' Repository 8 - 
 Hinnfun f'';' ^".°/'^'-"f"> W- C, ("We, vol. I,) and 
 Jliin,ui, K ..,„(/«,. 1. Sermon.s. Edited by Rev, 
 bvW P run'"-',''' :^ '-'"''• 2- W".ks. Edited 
 by Rei. F. C. Hibbani. Cin., 2 vols. 12nio. 
 lS^,To,*'"' ^^"''^- ""^"<= I"""'"', e^'venport, la.. 
 „n!l'r '"r'?''w' ?r "•' '"^'-D- The Family Physician 
 and Guide to Jlealth, St. Louis, I860 Svo 'J'^"-'"" 
 at NeXor? Vi'i^'a^P^^ m ""'"'■•*"' •»'•' " ''°<"'""l" 
 ac iMuypurt, K.I. A Contribution to the Biblio.nanhv 
 and Literature of Xewport Rhode Island: con.r.ris' n^ 
 Hainmick, James Thomas, b. 1819- called to 
 the bar at L ncolii's hm 18,15; secret, r; of e r,^ is a 
 general's office, Somerset House 1870 -<) '", '•='"'™'- 
 Uons for the Collection and A,^„:;gJ:;:!;Vof L.alS: 1 
 Hamilinnd- ''liarlf*- l ' l - r L 
 the Sexenth Circle in the Spirit World, N. York, I852" 
 ri,ii,i_„„ T ■'.(",;._"■.„ " ■"=="= ijamcs : otones for 
 Children Lon. 1867, 16mo. 8. Sketches of Palestine' 
 t^onTfri-"' ^'f to 'l>« Holy Land; with Introduc: 
 or Th^ Phi 'r "f.' •',"";' ';?'- '«"'"• »• •^"■""^ "'e Way ; 
 or, The Chi d e (iuide to Heaven, Lon., 1868, 12mo 10 
 ,Iesus and the Little Ones : showing how Little Cli Idren 
 have learned o Trust and Love th?Savlour, Lon ,1868 
 I6mo , new ed., Stirling, 1886. II. Familiar Ta Iks w li 
 Children, Lon., 1870, 16mo. 12. Eight Weeks' Work n 
 San Francisco, 1875, 16m«. 13. The Conversion of Chil 
 dren, Lon., 1878, p. gvo. 14. Jesus the Lamb l\ G J 
 Lon., 188,, p svo, 13. Gathered Lambs, Lon., 1883 
 p. 8n. and r. 18mo. Hi. How to be Happy; a Guide 
 for Children and Youth, Stirling, 1886,'^'p 8vo 17 
 ,ff Two Travels; or, Scenes eonne?ted with the Journey 
 of Iwo Bovs in Foreign Lands, Lon., 1886, p. 8vo ^ 
 tlo" LoTTsvl '^r""'.; »»"B'««- 1- Keconcilia. 
 ;. H?,'.,„i r , ' '^"'P- 2- ^'"■'" servants and Agri- 
 ion I on iTry •""[ ')','"'"' '""' «'-"'«'o"« Cond - 
 tion, Lon., 18j6, Svo. 3. Jlemoir of Captain M M 
 nammond, Lon., 1838, 8vo; 3d ed. same year 
 Hammond, Henry. Mrs. Smallbrine's Lodgers • 
 a { hristmas Tale, Lon,. 1887, '."ougera . 
 Hammond, Rev. Heiirv I, w™ st„ • r 
 an Old Book^ (^iblica, cKlr/lCit '^^.^'^t^^^ 
 ™c,:ndx:^:r^^8,i:Vsv;,''"-^''"^^'"- ^"-'- 
 Hammond, James. The Co-Onerator's CntA 
 mine' ""'''•^•„""'',TI'.ee Years' E,Kperi^n e o v C™ I 
 mittec-.Man, Harwich, 1879, ,8vo. 
 Hammond, James Ilpnrv ikht is«i ■ 
 s.r.-i; ' V ''™'"'' """"• "f "'e Southern Times 18; ^ 
 er,ed in (ongres. 1835-36; governor of South ('aiol na 
 1842-44, and senator 1857-60. 1. The Pro-Slavc'rv Ar 
 gunien : letters addressed to Thomas Clarlson^ ill 
 English Abo It on Kf f'l,,...i„o.,.„ lo.-.., ., ,. "'."'® 
 M,?'m„",''-" '",',"?,'''-'«"' li^iuiranentsconnected'wit'h !■£.,, ,,■-,• ,T;"-" •■""■•-•">'" to xnomai 
 the Matnmonia Contract, Loii,, 1,^7:1, ,2,„o; 21 e ^'''t'l''^'' Ab.ditionist, Charleston, 1853. 2, Selections 
 isirins, i>uUlis, and JIarriages, and the Duties of Reikis 
 r873;"l2mo.'^'"^ "■'"' ^'"■•"''"^tion, Xot^es^VJ., lT.; 
 r ° , ' '^'■' --""riesion, ir<.);i, :;. (< 
 limii Letters and Speeches, N. York 1866, 8vo 
 T),/T""",'l*'', "*'*'• Jonathan Pinkney, DD 
 The Army Chaplain's Manual : designed as a leln to 
 Chapa,n,s in the Discharge of their Duties; con an nL 
 phiia:!"^3:i:!;no '^'^^"""'""^ '" «^«-'' i"Ch4;;ii:f; 
 ^^^Hammond, Joseph. Funeral Reform, Lon., 1875, 
 ^ Hammond, M. E. Florence: a Talc, Edin., 1858, 
 Hammond, Samuel h'. Huntlli Adv' 
M.D. Medicn: Infor- 
 iclectie anil Kcforiucd 
 s Edward, M.A., 
 )rl, 1858, ftnd elected 
 iiicil 18(il ; rcetor of 
 !-('■'',• vicur of Men- 
 Outlines of Textual 
 9tiiiiient, Lon., 1872; 
 turgies, Eiictern nnd 
 ly, Un., 1878, p. 8vo. 
 :nt Liturgies: being 
 inal or Trnuslnted, of 
 of the Cluiroli from 
 'n. Notes, ninl Litur- 
 • (Eil.j The Ancient 
 ', p. 8vo. 
 Her Waiting Heart. 
 '. York, 187."), l2uio. 
 1 lieautiful, N. York, 
 orgians : a .Story of 
 '.,) Host., 1881, r2„,o. 
 York, 1 882, 12uio. 
 'nyson, b. 18:il, at 
 Mams College 1858; 
 iary,and at iho Freo 
 lained as an evangol- 
 1 the United .'^tates, 
 Men : a Narrative. 
 111). 2. Little Ones 
 rhe Child's (luideto 
 le ]ietter Life, and 
 ; new eil., 1885. 5. 
 ition ( •■ New ilymns 
 Basons of Deep Re- 
 • 6. Children and 
 t Jesus, Lon., IStlT, 
 Lambs: Stories for 
 Itches of Palestine: 
 id: with Introduo- 
 9. Jesus the AVay ; 
 1., 1868, I2mo. 10. 
 tiow Little Children 
 •aviour, Lon., ISliS, 
 Piuiiiliar Talks with 
 !ht Weeks' Work in 
 Conversion of Chil- 
 thc Lamb of (Jod. 
 .anibs, Lon., 1S8,0, 
 3 Happy: a Ouide 
 1886, p. 8vo. 17. 
 i with the Journey 
 . 18SB, p. Svo. 
 8» 1. Kcconcilia- 
 ervants and Agri- 
 1 Religious Condi- 
 if Captain M. M. 
 mo year. 
 Ilbrane's Lodgers ; 
 New Stories from 
 1 Modern Titles :) 
 . Vincent. Illust. 
 -Operator's Cate- 
 irience of a Com- 
 807-1861, gradu- 
 ; admit led to the 
 lern Tinjes ISaO; 
 of .South Carolina 
 ) Pro. Slavery Ar- 
 as Clarkson, the 
 ■'. 2. Selections 
 ^66, 8vo. 
 Pinkney, D.D. 
 led as a llelp to 
 ities; containing, 
 aril to Chaplains, 
 3form, Lon., 1875, 
 lalo, Edin., 1858, 
 rio Light in our 
 :h ed., 1884. 
 ng Adventures In 
 HA 31 
 wr,o,fs:N:"^r',i<Vs";v;' ^^'"p "• '"» ^""'-"^^^ 
 Il.iiiiiiioud, Wiiiinn, Alexander, M.D., b^ 
 mtmel, ".'"ir l-' '■*'■'•' Si-a'luated at the Medical Do- ' 
 jMrtment ol tlie Lniversity of New York City, and be- i 
 came an assistant surgeon in ,ho C.S. army in^LS.y in ;' 
 ■, k . iThV",' ""•o"-'»''-K'^ncralof the army, with the : 
 o f ho „ n7 T"*-'""-"'"'- "" "•"" l"-"f«^'-^oi-if diseases ' 
 Vol ,^„ s"' ", , '""'<""' »>■»'«"> in Bellovuc Hospital I .school s,i7_7;,, held a similar chair in New ' 
 Marti r,7% -^'^'^ '™' '^o''™' '"•■-^2, and has since 
 c a edi .r^^'T ^"'k Po^t-tJraduate Medical School. 
 lie na.s edited and contributed to medical journaN. I 
 Physiological Memoirs, Phila., 186.i, Svo. 2. A TVoali-e 
 vL^.^i!m""' r''.': ^^"""^ liefeience to the Medical Sei- 
 oie's I ;!,- , :■; '"•■ ■'■ ''^"""^'-^ '"' ^■«"'-'™' I>i«- 
 Ol ninn : I ;• '"■'""">■ '" it- Medico-Legal Relations 
 Op nion e,„ ,v„ t „,e Testamentary Capacity of the 
 Late J. Johnston, N. York, 1866, 8vo. (i. Robert 
 18 :"n o'-^ '-"rtrV' '"r ""f"}''; " •^'"-'' '■"''■'• 
 I)a,i,.l V 1- V , *{^'''i''"-'-eg'»> .Study of the Case of 
 Uaiiicl .Mcl-arland, X. York, 1867, Svo. S. Sleen an,l 
 Phvtl""="-'"'r.'^' '''"'"•' ''"'' '"'">■ '•»• l'''y«- nd 
 Clin , T ', •■^l""'";'li»'". ^'- Vork, 1870, 12mo. 10. 
 w h V ^'""■?,t ';■; '^i''™^'^^ "f "'« ^^""•ous .System: 
 with V,t.s by 1. M. li. Cross, N. York, 1871, 8vo. 1 
 X Y ls""l ^'T'' ".',">«, J^'<"'vou.s .System. Illust. 
 exte"slv™mfil\v'ih''"'-''t'''''l 'sPij-itU'Histic' phenomena is 
 his i iii,,,,;,.. •' ." ^'""'^' ""'' iiiipiirtaiit part of them 
 voVs s ■" .,, r I'""",!',"",'''' » i"i nl'iiorinal suites „f the lie" I 
 ^Srxxml I,;:;''"''''"' """ '" '''-■'" '-"'y suueessfullV.-l 
 14. Cciehral llyperajmia, the Result of Mental Strain 
 or Lmotional Uisturbanoe, X. York, 1878, Uimo " 
 York"ls"r'>.; ""''^ I'hy^iology ami Pathol,^;, x! 
 StU(L a' ;, r'""- „'"• 'T-^-^l^gie..! Contribution; of 
 studies and Case Reconls, X. York, 1879, Svo 17 
 L'b ^;r'","''{ '» "« «'■"■'"- to Prac'tical Me, .• 
 Inust N V t *'"^'"'= "'"' -'*'""-"' ■'"'' Additions. 
 Ner-;,„ i. • '"'• '^' ^" '^"■'■'"" CoH'litions of 
 Hvsteril H'i7"»"^".'r'' ' Somnambulism-Hypnotism- 
 Hysteria— 11,. tcinid Alfections, X. York, 18s|. V^mo- 
 MTnt";! IV """'' "'"' '^P'""""i''"' «"J other P^-ms of' 
 \ York I SSI ''''s'"'' ^''^-r '■•'■ Dr.Grattan: aXovel, 
 Pino •' ' V'"- ,?"■ ,^fi, " N""'-''' ^'- ^'"'^' ''^84 
 ii XT \'^ '^tiong-Mimled Woman; or, Two Years 
 W-l v'v"^„'''';o'''"»- 22. Mr. OldmiU.: a 
 a^'^'-'cl^x! v!,:,',^,^7:';2l ''■ °" '"-^-^-hanna: 
 M.fn.o,'?'""', """'■*'• ^"'^ ^'"'^ S'™k Exchange 
 ent .Moile, ot .N.ccilation, X. York, 1865, l2mo. 
 Ilaiiioii, I'otei' UiistHvtie n, .• 
 S,iijal and Ches, I^' .mi":!"!::^ isij'^"'"" °" 
 bartl"'rs-",'ss,.'r'- '^"S''*"'" Charles Ho- 
 ,'!,.,''• '*"'"»" "s Hobart Pasha, tbini 
 Z:\n'".r'"r "If '"Sh-li^hire; ente^tu^^ J^ 
 navy in is,,i,: retired from active service in 1860- com 
 Never Caiigl,,: Personal Adventures conneced with 
 Twelve Suc.cssfal Trips in lilockinle-RnnningduHn 
 l-mo. ,1. .sketches from my Life. Lon., 1886, p. 8vo 
 recommend tlu.n, and had l' m tV he I InT^t a klulbr' 
 Ha.Mpdcii, tnlhcriiie Aiiiicsley Hobart- 
 car"i^im,,";'R'''V """"""-•.■• ;"■ «' h" n-n,:: 
 r u ' .. , ' "' I^oinbay; iiiarr cc . Is.jti, to Fr<.,l..ri,.lf 
 John Ho art- Hampden, afterwards naron Hc:;.art. stond 
 ' avs e r "■" "^ •'^"•'',''' Huckinghamshire. (Trans) 
 j^M;;U;'S';'i7ri;;n;o'^^'^^ ^'"'''^^' ''^^'"'"'" 
 I Hnii,,,d..ii, Mis.s Henrietta, daughter of Iiisi,„„ 
 llie !H;!;::M.,4-i-«- 
 hinir- ? 'par;;;i::::,'i:;r:'!:^;^";{! xT '""'"" "^ ''"^- 
 Ilainpden, John, of Swai'don, Wiltshire 1 Ze 
 tetic .Astn.nomy. liy Parallax, [p;eud.l Lm..is65" 
 fs not ConvtTV",".'!"'-''''""''^ """ "'« '^"'face of wl e^ 
 is not Convex, but Horizontal, Lon., Is70, Svo ;) Tim 
 UiMi "':""; s"'. '"";.'■",' <:<-""«'■» d,y or,Outl te o,- 
 tl e < uiera System of the Iniveise, L(m., 1877 Svo 4 
 II ;';.'' .'" "-'.f ™^"i"". -t-, I^on.. 1 SSO, Svo 
 IIa..,,dcn,I.„cy Pauline Hobart-" dau-hter 
 ied-l 6? 1' I'r n'^";^,"" ,"""• ^'"ttingba„lshirc"=,,i .! 
 l„ liinds of ,Jod and other Religious Poe'i:i;'"L;!ri-SS i 
 H;r;s.Lt;n!.'i'8,i:i!'27,2 '""' "f °"' ""'1 ^--'i" 
 ^m^T^C'^yf'IZ:, ^—'"- Tale, Lon.. 
 ..shment .or .Murder: an Essay, Lon. 186 .sT"'..'^'.": 
 Hieiard Cobden, Lon., 1.867, 8vo. 5 Kra'i n i^' 
 Miwlras 1870, Svo. Privately printed. 0.lCs".ltTx 
 in .Southern India: Letters, L()n 1S7S sin 7 v 
 pulitics.^-*vU,i,,V. hYii fw' ^' '""'"»'■«• "■>»"™. .iiid 
 Hampden-Jones. See Jonks 
 licl"g*Zo"H,:i„rr «'"'" 1^""""°--' "f Mathematics: 
 .err:5;:jr^"^':;:-,^n;:!- '-''-- ^«- 
 .Hampton, Richard. See CH'n.sTo;.,;:;;,, s. W., 
 I Ra\^"'',v-.,'' «'1"«"-'" (P^eud.) See Thomas, 
 ^ ««":^"'S^k^:^jasr!':;!:^ri^"^i, <^r""V ,?■ 
 versalist a irch Jf T ^'"'^ • '™' ""'"'""^' '-' t''« Uni- 
 or, Truth Sought and Found, Ph1i.;.,'f85-r. M'tZZI 
 of liiMiks, and its History, Phila., 1S57, Idmo. 4. Our | Hancock, John Webster. 1. (Trnns.) Concern- 
 MartjTfil I'rf.siilurit : Ahrftlmiu Lincoln, [a poem,] Bost., ' ing Heaven nnil Hell, by Swedenborg, Lon., IS.OU, Svo. 
 18(lj, >v(j. 5. Kriink Nelson ; ur, The Kunftwny boy, t 2. A System of O nveyuiuMng : eouiprising tlie I'rin- 
 liost., 1 sH.'j, Kimo. (i. The Young Captain; a Memorial ciples. Forms, and Laws whieh reguliite the Transfer 
 of Captain K. C. Derby, Host., 1S85, Svo. 7. Field, (iun- of Property in Canada, Toronto, 18(il, Svo. .•!. A 
 boat, n(].sidtal, and I'rison ; or, Thrilling Hccorils of ; Synoptical Index of the Con olidated Statutes of Canada 
 Heroism, Enduninoe. and Patriotism displayed in the and Upper Canada : with Notes of the Later Aids which 
 I'nion Army during the Oreat Rebellion, Host., I Sfifi, nll'eet ihem, Toronto, I860, 8vo. 4. The Cares of the 
 ]2mo. 8. Life of (Korge Peiibody, Host., 186ti, 12mo 
 !». The Soldier's Daughter. Hlust. Host., 18(;0, Itimo. 
 1(1. From Shore to Shore, and other Poems. Port, liost., 
 L87(l, l2mo. II. Women of the Century. Port. Host., 
 1877, Svo. 12. Abraham Lineidn ; nis Life and Public 
 Services, ("Famous Americans" Ser.,) Host., 1881, 
 12mo. 1;!. Life and Writi:igs of Charles Dickens, 1882, 
 12mo. AVilh MiiKS, .Miss F. F., (od.) Our Home beyond 
 the Tide, [])oetry,] Dost., Kimo. 
 Ilanhury, Ueii.jaiiiin, {miic, vol, i., add.,] 1778- 
 18(14. The Christian .Merchiint: a Practical \\'ay to 
 make " the Pest of both Worlds," exhibited in the Life 
 and Writings of Joseph Williams of Kiddermiuster; 3d 
 cd., Lon., 18o:i, 12mo. 
 Ililiibiiry, Cornelius. The Shepherd's Sorroiv; 
 or. War at Variance with Christiauity, Lon., 1860, Svo. 
 Ilanbiiry, Daniel, F.L.S., 1825-187.'), b. in Lon- 
 don ; became a pharmacist. Science Papers, chiefly 
 Phurniiicological and liotanical. Edited, with Memoir, 
 by J. luce. Lon., IS7C, Svo. 
 Hanbiiry, Lionel. Long Judicial Errors in the 
 Law of Patents for Inventions : the Erroneous Construc- 
 tion put by the Courts on the Statute of Monopolies, 
 and its Consequences, Lon., 1868, Svo. 
 Iliinbury, William Ilatenian liateman-. 
 Baron Ilatenian, b. 182(1; succeeded his father in 
 1815. 1. Plea for Limiteil Protection 
 in Free Trade: a Letter, Lon., 1877, Svo. 2. The 
 Millions : How to Kuise them and Relieve the Income 
 Tax, Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 Hnnce, Alicia Mary. The Penalty Paid: a 
 Storv. Lon., 18S4, 1 vol. cr. 8vo. 
 Il'ancc, E. II 
 World, Lon., 187li, cr. 8vo. 
 Hancock, .llrs. La 'I'ouche. Go to-Red Stories. 
 Ilhist. Lon., 188(1, Ito. 
 Hancock, S.J. I . The Rainbow round the Throne, 
 Lon., 18.':7, ISmo. 2. Confession: a Tale of the Stars 
 and Clouds. Lon., 1858, 12mo. 
 Hancock, Snilie J., of Kentucky. 1. Etna Van 
 de Ndir: a Romance of Kentucky, N. York, ISrtM, IL'mo. 
 2. Montanos; or, Under the Stars, N. York, 1860, l2mo. 
 3. Rayon d'Amonr: Pcjcms, Phibi.. 186i(, Uimo. 
 Hancock, Selina. 1. Annie Jlerton ; or. Child 
 of Jlercy, Lon., 18()2, Svo. 2. Corncille; or, Self-Will: 
 a Story for Chililren, Lon., 1862. 18mo. ?,. Daisy: a 
 Story for Children, Lon., 1862, 12mo. 4. The Mistake 
 of a Life, Lcm., Is62, lOmo. 5. The Pride of Rose 
 Lynn, Lon., 1802, ISmo. 0. Eve Godsmarke, Lon., 1803, 
 ISmo. 7. Our Father hciirs ; or. The Story of Isola, 
 Lon., 1803, 24mo. 8. Our Little Kathleen, Lon., 1S03, 
 lOmo. y. Ada's Birtliday, and what came of it, Lou., 
 1805, lOmo. 10. Eleanor's Praver, Lon., 1S05, lOrno. 
 Hancock, Thomas, 17x0-1805, b. at Marlbor- 
 ough, Wiltshire; founded the india-rubber tnide in Kug- 
 land about 1821. Personal Narrative of the Origin and 
 Progress of the Caoutcliouc, or India-Uubber, Manu- 
 facture in Engbinii, Lon., 1857, 8vo. 
 Ilnncock, Ilev. Thomas, ordained 1801 ; curate 
 of ,St. Stephen's, Lewisham. 
 1867-75; lecturer of St. 
 Recipi-ocity i Nicholas Co'e Abbey, London, since 1884. 1. The Peeu- 
 lium: an Endeavour to throw Light on some of the 
 Causes of the Decline of the Society of Friends, espe- 
 cially in Regard to its Original Claim of being the 
 Peculiar People of (iod. Lon., 1850, iivc. 2. The Re- 
 turn to the Father: Sermons on a Part of the Parable 
 Physicians' Medical Compond and ! of the Prwligal Son, Lon., 1873, Svo. 3. Christ and the 
 Phiirmaceulic:il Formula, Phibi., ISOSI, 12m 
 Hnnce, Edward .>!., and Morton, T. N. His- 
 toric (ileaiiings: viz.. Extracts from the Registers of the 
 Parish Church of St. Hilary, Wallasey, Cheshire, and 
 Transcripts of the Burgess Rolls of Liverpool, Liver- 
 pool. INSO, Svo. 
 IlHUcliard, J. A Sketch of the Life of Bishop 
 Kin:;. Lon., 1880, 8vo. 
 Hnnchett, Ucury G., M.D. 1. Elements of 
 Modern Domestic Medicine: a Plain and Practical 
 Hanil-Hook, describing Simple Diseases, their Causes 
 People : Sermons chiefly on the Obligations of the Church 
 to the State and to I'l.manity, Lon., 1875, Svo. 
 Ilnncock, William. "An Emigrant's Five Y'ears 
 in the Free States of America, Lon., 1860, p. Svo. 
 Hancock, William Neilson. 1. Three Lectures 
 on the (^lestions. Should the Principb.'S of Political Eoon- 
 (Uny be disregarded at the Present Crisis? ,Vc., Dublin, 
 1847, Svo. 2. Impedimentsto the Prosperity of Ireland, 
 Lon., 1850, 12mo. 3. What are the Causes of the Dis- 
 tressed State of the Highlands of Scotland? (Belfast 
 •ocial Inquiry Soc. Pub.,) Belfast, 1852, Svo. 4. What 
 Prevention, and Safe Home 'ireatment, lie. Revised by | are the Causes of the Prosperous Agriculture in the 
 A. 11. Laidlaw, M.D. N. Y'ork, 1887, 12mo. 2. Sexual | Lothians of .Scotland? (Belfast Social Inquiry Soo. Pub.,) 
 Health: a Plain and Practical Guide for the Peojile in j Belfast, 1852, Svo. 5. Report on the Suiiiiosed Pro- 
 All Mutters concerning the Organs of Reproduction i grcssive Decline of Irish pf 
 in Hotli Sexes in All Ages. Revised by A. H. Laid'aw, 
 M.D. N. York, 18S7, 12rno. 
 Hancock, Mrs. Almira Kussell. Reminis- 
 cences of WinOeld Scott Hancock. Bv his Wife. N. 
 Y'ork, 1887, Svo. 
 Hancock, Anne. Sacred Songs, Lon., 1857, ISmo. 
 Hancock, Charles. 1. AcirnvMnerrasqute. or a 
 Cataplasm of Columbo-Root : a Satire for the Times, 
 Lon., 1854, Svo. 2. Gaieties and Gravities for Holy Days 
 and Holidays, Lon., 1857, Svo. 
 Hancock, E. (Trans.) .blaster Bioland and his 
 Workmen, by Berthold Auarbach, ("Leisure Hour" 
 Ser.,) N. York, 1883, 16inn. 
 Hancock, E. Camiibell. 1. The Anntteur Pot- 
 tery and Glass Painter. Hlust. Lon., 1870. Svo. 2. 
 China Colours, and How to Use them, Lon. I8S0, l2mo. 
 Hancock, II. J. II. Archery: with Rules for a 
 Club, Lnn., 1806, 32mo. 
 Hancock, Henry, F.R.C.S., d. 1880. 1. On the 
 Openition for Strangubiteil Hernia, Lon., 1851), Svo. 2. 
 On the Anatomy and Physiology of the Male Urethra, 
 and on the Pathology and Strictures of that Canal, Lon., 
 1852, Svo. 3. On the Operative Surgery of the Foot and 
 Ankle-joint, Lon., 1873, Svo. 
 Hancock, Sir Henry James Btirford Hit!'- An 
 Cord-, son of Henry Hancock, mijirn; b. 1831); admitted Hal _._ 
 to the bar at the Inner 'Temple 1866; held various offices Chic, 188: 
 in the colonies 1870-81; knighted 1882; assumed tl 
 additional name of Burford 1881. A Treatise on lute 
 national Fishery Laws, Lon., 1866. 
 port on tne ."'up|ii 
 rospcrity, Dublin, 1863, Svo. 
 With O'M.iiinvv, T., (Ed.) Ancient Laws of Ireland, in 
 English and Irish, Dublin, 1805, Sv . 
 Hand, George H. (Ed.) Dakota Revised Codes, 
 1877: comprising Codes and (Jeneral Statutes jiassed at 
 the Twelfth Session, and All General Laws remaining in 
 Force, Yankton, Dak., 1877, Svo. 
 Hand, Samuel. Report?, New York Court of 
 Appeals, vols, xl.-xlv., (1^00-72.) Pub. by the State. 
 1872, vols. Svo. 
 Hand, Thomas J. (Trnns.) Milch Cows: Treat- 
 ise upon the Bovine Species in General, by F. Guenon, 
 N. York. 1882, 12mo. 
 Handcock, William. (Ed.) Burning Questions 
 of the Day: or. Plain Truths on Certain Fatal Errors: 
 being a Course of Sermons iireachcd durin(f Lent. By 
 F. S. Cook [and (jthers.) Lon., 1882, Svo. 
 Handcock, William Uomville. The History 
 and Antiquities of Tallught, Cminly Dublin, Dublin, 
 1877, Svo. 
 Handcock, William J. Exposition of the First 
 Epistle n( Si. .Iidm. Lon.. IMII, cr. Svo. 
 Haiidi'ord, Thomas W. 1. Earlv Life and 
 Piblic Services of Hon. Grover Clevelanil ; also, The Life 
 of Hon. T. A. Hendricks, N. York, 1884, Svo. 2. (Ed.) 
 mals :ind Hirds ; Stories and Stn.lie 
 : the 
 e colonies 1870-81; knighted 1882; assumed the] Illust. N. York and CI 
 Its of Aiiimals and Birds. Illust. N. York and 
 ■"8, Svo. 3. (E(L) Belford's Annual, 18S,8-l.s89. 
 I88S, 4to. 4. (Ed.) Christ- 
 nms Day : Stories, Legends, aiul Poems of the Merry 
 i Christmastide. Hlust. N. York and Chio., 1888, sq'. 
 1. (Trans.) Cuncern- 
 iborg, Lon., \t<M, Svo. 
 comiirisiiig the I'rin- 
 rcguliito the Transfer 
 a, 1861, 8vo. 3. A 
 eil Stnliites of Caniuln 
 the Later Acts which 
 4. The Care8 of the 
 B. Go-to-Bed Stories. 
 bow round the Throne, 
 a Tale of the Stars 
 itiicky. 1. Etna Van 
 N. York, ISHI!, 12iiio. 
 N. York, 18fiC, l2mo. 
 . ISIill, Kiino. 
 lie Mcrton ; or, PhilJ 
 ■ncille; or. .«elf.Will : 
 If'uio. H. iJiiisy: a 
 no. 4. The Mistake 
 . The Pride of Idise 
 odsiiiarke, Lon., 18li3, 
 Tlio .Story of Isola, 
 Kiithleen, Lon., lS(i3, 
 hat came of it, Lou., 
 , Lon., ISti.J, llirno. 
 I8i;.i, h. at Marlhor- 
 ■niblier trade in Kug- 
 ive of the Urigin and 
 India-Uubber, ilanu- 
 rdained 1801 ; curate 
 -7J; lecturer of St. 
 1884. 1. The Pecu- 
 ght on some of the 
 ety of Frienil.--, espo- 
 t'laim of being the 
 >V, Svc. 2. The Re- 
 Part of the Parable 
 0. :i. Chri:'t and the 
 gations if the CliurcU 
 ., 187o, 8vo. 
 migrant's Five Y'ears 
 ., 1860, p. 8vo. 
 la 1. Three Lectures 
 lies of Political Eoon- 
 Crisis? .vc, Dublin, 
 LM'ofjpcrity of Ireland, 
 e Causes of the Dis- 
 ' Scotland? (lielfast 
 1852, Svo. 4. What 
 Agriculture in the 
 1 Inquiry Soo. Pub.,) 
 the Supposed Pro- 
 s', Dublin, lS6:i, Svo. 
 Laws of Irelaud, in 
 ikota Revised Codes, 
 il Statutes passed at 
 1 Laws remaining in 
 icw Y'jrk Court of 
 Pub. by the State. 
 Milch Cows ; Troat- 
 neral, by F. Guenon, 
 Burning Questions 
 eriiiin Fatal Errors : 
 cl during Lent. By 
 2, Svo. 
 illf. The History 
 ity Dublin, Dublin, 
 position of the First 
 \. Early Life and 
 iland ; also. The Life 
 1 884, Svo. 2. (Ed.) 
 lulies ooiiccrniiig the 
 lliist. N. York and 
 Annual, 18S.8-18H9. 
 0. 4. (Ed.) Christ- 
 oenis of the Merry 
 nd Chio., 188S, sq. 
 ViL, '• N v'!lr "*■■ ^!l!.""'' \1}J""^' °J "^"^ ?y""!^!«>- I ""J f^""""' ■■ Tales from the Arabian Nights. Lon 
 ,^j., o - I ■". iiiiio irom uio iiraomn i> Ignis, iion., L86R, 
 .,„r„« I. ''"■^N sq. 8vo 6. (Ed.) I p. Svo. With Thkobali., William, (od.| Conchologia 
 -•tures : I oeuis and Legends from (he Old | Indica : being Illustrations of (he Land and Fresh-Water 
 -i?«n , • . '■'' ""'' •^''''°- '**'*^''' '^'i'=ll9 of ""tisl' Inili". I'cn., 187()-76, Ito. 
 tlanlon, John. (iambetta : Orator, Dictator, 
 .lournalist, Statesmiin, Lon.. 1S8I, 12mo. 
 Ilnniner, Anthony John. Submission to the 
 Cathcilic Church, Lon.. l.''.ill, 12mo. 
 ^ Ilann, James, KH'.l-lS.'.fi, b. at Washington, near 
 (latishead, Eug. ; niathciniitical master at King's Col- 
 lege School, London. 1. A Short Treatise on the Steain- 
 Er.gine, Lon., 1847, 12mo; new ed., ISiili, p. Svo. 2. 
 Theoretical and Praciical Mecliiinics, Lon., ISIS, Svo; 
 new ed., 18?;!. ;j. The Elements of Plane Trigonometry', 
 Lon., 1849: :ld ed., ISI>7, l2mo. 4. The Eleiuents of 
 Spherical Trigonomelry, Lon., ISP.I, 12mo. 5. E.vam- 
 liles on the Integral Cali'ulus, Lon.. IS5II, 12mo. 6. A 
 Rudimentary Treatise ou Analytical (ieouietry and Conic 
 Sections. Lon., IsiO, 12mo; new ed., rewritten and cnl. 
 by J. H. Young, Lon., 1871, 12mo. With (Ik.vkr, P, and 
 J., The Steain-Engine for Practical .Men, Lon., I8,i.|, Svo. 
 Ilanil, >Villiam. Chapel and other Trust Debts: 
 Letters showing the .Means jf .Management and Certain 
 Liquidation, Lon., IS64, l2nio. 
 IlHiinn, J. Mar^hnll. The Acts of Kings: a 
 Biblical Narrative of the Acts of the First and Second 
 Kings of the First Province, once Virginia : including 
 (he Doings of the First an.l Second Tycoons (jf the City 
 of Richmond, from the Surrender to the Present Time, 
 X, York, ISCiS, Svo. 
 Ilanna, Sarah R. Bible History, N. Y'ork, 18,19, 
 Ilauna, Kev. William, D.D., LL.D., 1808-1882, 
 .son of Dr. Samuel Ilanna. professor of theology at Bel- 
 fast : was eduei'tcd at lOdinburgh I'nive-sity, and'ordained 
 in I8;<.1. He followed his falher-in-Iaw, Dr. Chalmers, in 
 the Free Kirk movement of ISIH, and in 1850 became a 
 colleague of Dr. (Juthrie in the Fn e St. John's Church, 
 Edinburgh, a charge which he was compelled by ill health 
 to resign in Isiil. He was for s<ime years ed'ilor of the 
 North liritish Review. I. Notes on'a Visit to Ilavti, 
 Lon., I8:i6, 12mo. 2. On Religion, Lon.. 18.jr, p. .Svo. 
 .■i. (Ed.) Essays by Ministers of the Free Church of 
 .Scotland, Lon., 18.J8, p. svo. 4. Wyclitle and the Hu- 
 guenots: or. Sketches of the Rise of the Relbrmation in 
 England, and of the Early History of Protestantism in 
 I France, Edin., 186(1. cr. Svo. b. The Last Days of Our 
 Lord's Passion, Edin., 1862, 12mo; new ed.. I NTS 6 
 ! The Forty Days after Our Lord's Resurrection, Lon., 
 I 1863, 12mo; ;.th ed.. 1878. 7. 'J'lie Earlier Years of 
 : Our Lord's Life on Earih. Edin., |n(;4, l2mo: new cd., 
 l^TS. S. The Passion Week, [sermons,] Eilin., 1866, p. 
 ; Svo; 6th ed., 1878. 9. The Ministry in (iaiilee, Kdiii , 
 i 1S6S, |2mo. 1(1. Our Lord's Life on Karlh, Edin., IsliO, 
 li vols. 12mo. 11. The Close of the .Ministry, [of ,Iesus 
 Christ,] Edin., 18611, ]2mo. 12. The Wars of the Hu- 
 guenots, Edin., 1871, p. f<vo. Widi Noams, .Ions Pil- 
 KixnTox, C.\N0\, The Patriarchs, Lon., 18711, p. Svo. See, 
 also. Ciialmp:hs, Thomas, iiidf, vol, i. 
 Hannal'ord, Kbene^er. The Story of a Regi- 
 ment: Sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Cin., 1868, Svo. 
 Ilannat'oi'd, Samuvl. 1. Flora Tottonensis- ^ 
 Catalo ' 
 Illust. N. York and Chic 
 Poetry and Pictures: Poe 
 AVorld and the 
 sq. .Mo. 7. (Ed.) What Jesus ,«aid : the Words of (he 
 Lord Jesus E.xpounded, Classified, ami Arranged. Illust 
 N. York and Chic, ISSS, sq. Svo. 
 Ilandlcy, J. K. England invade.l by the Army 
 of Starvation, Pauperism, Beggary, and Crime: Reasons 
 fur a National System of Emigration, Lon., 1868, Syo 
 Illtndlin, H'. \V. American Politics: a Moral 
 and Political Work treating of the Causes of the Civil 
 Mar, the Nature of Govarninent, Ac., N. Orleans, 1S64 
 JIandN, Rev. Arthur, a .Methodist minister The 
 Church's Need in Time of Peril, Rochdale, 1S70. 
 Hands, Joseph. 1. Will-Ability; or. .Mind, and 
 its Varied Conditions and Capacitie.s": a Dissertation, 
 Lon., 1875, 8vo, 2. Beauty and (he Laws governing 
 Its Develo|,ment, Lon., 1882, Svo. ;i. New \'iews o/ 
 Matter, Life, Motion, and Resislanoo :, An Inquiry 
 into the .Materiality of Electricity, Heat, Light, Colours, 
 and Sounii, Lon.. 1884, Svo. 
 Hands, l.ydia. (iolden Threads from an Ancient 
 Loom, Das Nibclungenlied, adapted to the Use of 
 Viung Readers, 1880, 4to. 
 Ilandsr Thomas. Numerical E.tercises in Chem- 
 islry, Lon., ISSI, cr. Svo. 
 Handy, Isaac W . K. United Stales Bonds; or. 
 Duress by Federal Authority: Journal during an Im- 
 prisonment of Fifteen Months at Fort Delaware, Hlust 
 lialt., 1874, Svo. 
 Handy, H. 1). and J. H. Cincinnati Superior 
 Court Repiorts, 1854-55. Revised and edited by Louis 
 E. Mills. Cin., 1855, 2 vols, in 1, Svo. 
 Handyside, F. D. Shall I Study Medicine? from 
 Smiles and other Authors, Lon., 1877, i2ino. 
 Handyside, Henry. A Treatise on an Improyed 
 Method !or Overcoming Steep Gradients on Railways. 
 Lon., 1874, Svo. •' ' 
 Handyside, .'♦Irs. h. The History of India: 4th 
 ed., iMadras, 1865, Svo; 8th ed., 1878, 12ino. 
 Hanes, John L. Digest of Criminal Decisions 
 contained in United States and State Reports, N. York 
 1856, Svo. ' 
 Hanger, Charles Henry. Proverbial and Moral 
 Thoughts: in a Scries of Essays, Lon., 1857, 12mo. 
 lianham, Krederi'-.k. 1. Natural Illustrations 
 of the British Grasses, Bath, 1S46, fol. 2. Practi™! Ob- 
 Bcrvations on Cholera and other Epidemic and Contagious 
 Diseases, Bath, 1850, Syo. ,■!. A .Manual for the Park ; 
 or, A Botanical Arrangement and Description of the 
 Trees, ,lc., in Victoria Park, Bath, Lon., 1857, l2mo. 
 Hnnhart, Nicholas. A Treatise on the Law re- 
 lating to the Property of Married Women, Lon., 1 872, Svo 
 Hankcy, aiiss. The Old, Old Story. Illust. N 
 York, 1870, ..q. ISmo. 
 Hankey, Thomson. 1. (Trans.) Remarks on 
 the Production of the Precious Metals, by Leon Faucher, 
 Lon., 1852, Svo. 2. The ''rinciples of Banking: its 
 I tility and BVonomy : w: n Rcniaks on the Working 
 and Management of the Bank of England, Lon., 1866, 
 8yo; :id cd., 1876. S. Suggesli(ms for Improving the 
 Management of Public Business in the House ' ^ 
 ue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns growing 
 , - — -- of Com- i Wild in the Vicinity of Totiies, Lon,, 1852 Svo 2 Joi 
 nions, Lon., 18,6, Svo. 4. London Dinners; 2d ed., j tings in Australia : or. Notes on the Flora and Fauna of 
 ''^"'- I Victoria. .Melbonrn 
 Hanks, Henry, M.R.C.S. Edin. 
 , „ „ „. , ^ „, . l8.-,6. l2mo. ;i. The Wild Flowers 
 „r I ,..,,,- -, ,. „ - '• "" leething of Tasmania; or. Chatty Rambles, Afloat and Ashore 
 t'"';, !?' V' '^'' H *:'' ' '■,'^.;.. K^" Tobacco in the I digenous Ferns. Illust. Melbourne, 1866, Svo. 
 Treatmentof Neuralgn.. and lie Douloureux: shouid i Hannah, John, of Diss. Posthumous Rhymes, 
 Sutferers from Neuralg.a Smoke ? Lon., lS7;i, Svo. 3. 
 Crnsumption: its Treatment and Curability, Lon., IS74! 
 Hanks, Rev. Stedmnu W. 1. Light on the 
 Ocean. Best., ISmo, 2. The .Mutineers of the " Bounty ;" ..,« ..v, • 
 or Influerees of the Bible at Pitcairn's Island, Host., | the Life. Ministry, iind Correspondence of the Rev. T. 
 8mo. .1 .Sailor Boys ,• or Light on the Sea, Best.. ISC,.'^, [ Lessey, Lon., 1842, Svo. 3. Mei^ioir of Mrs. Ilincksman, 
 ISmo. 4. Iho Blaek A alley: the Pailroad and the I Lon., 1S61. Svo, 4. Infant Baptism Seriiitural and 
 infl^g;,;; B^t.^'s?"" 16mo''' ^■■'''"''""''"" "^ '^''''''' ^ i -^^^^^^^ 
 Hanlev, Mrs. IsHhella: Affeetion's Offering- 
 [verse,] (Jravesend, 1868, 16mo; new ed., 1874. 
 Beeiles, 1S54, Svo. 
 Hai'nah,Hev. John, D.D., 1792-1867, b. at Lin- 
 coln, Eng. : became a Wcsleyan minisler 1814; tutor at 
 the Theological Institudon, Didsbury, from IS42. 1. 
 Memoirs of the Rev. D. Stowe, 1S2S. 2. Memorials of 
 tizing, Lon., 1866, I2mo. 5. Introiluotory Lectures on 
 the Study .if Chris'inn Thetilogy, Lon., iS72; 2d cd., 
 IS7.2, p. 8vo. Also, single sermons, Ac. 
 ¥In nl M * 1 n ,---.. .^. ..,|..vj,./, llBi,, l.|ligieseilUOnS,AC. 
 llanley, 1 I'ter. I. Random Recollections of the I Hannah, Ven. John, D.C.L., 1818-1888, son of 
 issf' Prfvl'Jli y^Pf""- ,H"l-^**'^',^',»' 2J C'lo^the preceding, was educated at Corpus Christi College, 
 T nn -QST « ^ printed. 2. A Jubilee of Playgoing, I Oxford, where he graduated, first class Lit. Hum., 1837 
 ijon., 1,187, Svo. j „nj „„„ elected Fellow of Lincoln Colleze He suc- 
 Hanley, Sylvanus, [„„i,; vol. i., add.] Caliphs | eeeded Bishop Wordsworth in 1854 as warden of Trinity 
I I : 
 t?„"l'f.'s7n'""'''r'",'' S«""""''; '«":»'ne vicar of nrish- 
 .In." l"''''»;"''?'-y »f Chichclor in im, »nJ arch- 
 rZuLT"" "w '/".• '• I*'-«»""B« .... th'o Fall ,uul 
 ,e ni? ' '"'"••, ■'•^^' 12">"- 2. Tl>o Uclati.m between 
 tie Divino anJ )Iu,u„n EleaiontB in Holy Sfirii.turo- 
 Bun,|,l„n I-ec.uro.. mu, I,on., I86;t. Mvu. I. A I' I'o fo 
 Th ,l„gy „, the Cmpktion „f Science, K.lin., ISfi7. 4. 
 T„. T",T' N'lrrmvness, ,u.d Fear: Warninga from the 
 fplWh ',"''';, ^.'J"'" ''"•'"^'^^■^' '^'>"- '«'■'». '2">«- 5. 
 frm,!''h w'-,^-^''-' 1*"'°='' ""'' "•"""": with .Selections 
 r, 4m ' "" '-'"istianity clone for the Poorir 
 tlas..os.' Three Lectures, Lon., Is?:,, Sv„. 8. The Best 
 Keading for liusiness-Men, Lon., IX'S 
 12U10. 2. Ihe Uocks of QuiJi, [verse,] Lon., 185(1, 
 „ Tf""!."!,",'.*^''','""'^"'' PR.Q-S. A Swallow's Wing: 
 a lalo of I'ekin, Um., ISS7, p. Svo. 
 Hai'iiuii, Josephine. I.Tol.lin the Gloaming; or, 
 Uur .Wena, an,l how wo niaile it, Dublin, I SSI, l2mo! 
 Il'l, ,? n M-" S'a'"'"' ^^I"'""'K. inJ "thor Tales, 
 iliust. Dublin, ISSli, Ito. 
 be ha(e.l? an A|i|,cal to Young .Men, Lon.. 1,S77, l2mo 
 isf?""'!!";' *^ '"."es Jnmes Jenkins, .M.A., b. 
 INiS; calle.l to the bar ut the fnner Temple I Sti;!. Enit- 
 tTr,l """"!"« «'gl"'»!; Iielli,'orent.. as betwUn 
 then »elves, their Allies, an,l Neutrals, as recognized by 
 1-nKlish .Mant.nio Courts, Lon., ISBI, l2mo 
 A I,n''T?,f'', ""*'■?•> ""^ "f J'""0^ Itannay, n,/™. I. 
 Admiral IJIake, (•' English I'/orthies,") Lo, ., 1S,S« , 
 8v«. 2. Keats, ("English Worthies,"/ Lou. IS,'",' ^ 
 i w // "'.""P?? ""^"'^ ''""J "f Seott. must. Lon , 
 T nn i^^y <; '" '^*'"'8^ .Smollett, (" Great Writers." 
 ijon., I,ss7, p. Svo. ' 
 prociui";i".'!'|? "Hii!.';i7",?l'-'*?'' » P"!]'"'"' «"ies he has 
 Ilannny, James, [imie, vol. i., add. 1 lS27-lS7'f 
 ran,"' T,^:^^T ''" '™^ "'"'"^ "^ ">« ^ 'i"»u^h Cou-- 
 oelonn ^" ,' »i 1? ""V'f'P"'""^^'' ''"'i^h consul Tit Bar- 
 celona. L Blackwood r.Carlyle: a Vindication. By a 
 Carlylian. Lon., 1850. Paunvh. 2. .^^ketchos in Ultra 
 marine: Nautical Tales, Lon. IS5;J, 2 vols p. Svo T 
 Essays frou... The Quarterly Keview," Lon.. l8(i|%vo 
 4. A Briet .Memoir of Mr. Thackeray, Edin.. ISiU Svo 
 Lon Islff'iV""'' ^r^T:r '■ " «""'' "f Mi'^oollanics; 
 Lon" S ;•' T'- 1- i''"'>'-"> '>'■ J^-'Sli^Ii Literature 
 Lon., 1SI,(,, p. Svo. 7. Three Huu.lrel Years of a Vor 
 man House: the Barons of „ournay from the Tenth ^ 
 nie. I Ts«' '^'-■"'"^- >n'\.'^«"^"'"Si«"l Miscella- 
 ?s«o r ' o '^'■- **!"• **• Studies on Thackeray, Lon., 
 wiekTsI"''' •'""?•"'' ''.• '" Kichibuoto, New Bruns- 
 wick, 184.' • was a journalist for a time, then studied law 
 and was adm tted to the bar in New Urunswl k i IS67' 
 1. Reports of Cases argued and determined n the 
 Supreme Court of New Brunswick, vols, xii.-xiv S.i?! 
 7S. 2. History of Acadia from its First Discovery to 
 Jonn, iN.U., In,)), Svo; Lon., 1S80 
 of die"^''''*'','^''- i'^':'"'""' ""'' <" "i-^torical Sketch 
 ot the Secession ('hurch in Wigtownshire • with a Bio 
 graphical .Votice by .J. luglu, i,i:,i„., isj^Svo 
 Ilnnniiy, llobert Cutlar Fergusson I 
 Rhymes and Sonnets, Greenock. IsiiO. '^,"'|""-,,„, ; 
 Palaces, and other Essays, Lou.. I88:i, 8vo 
 Hannett, John. The Forest of Ardcn • its Town, 
 Village-s, and Hamlets: a Topographical and ist" cal 
 Account the District between and around ilenleyi^ 
 Hal 'Ovford' f '. "'■^"''."-'.'•I' gra.luate'd at St.'.AL, v' 
 pie.-point Sussex, 1875-82 crst-craed nlshr^f "".uT 
 rGtiV"'F%',T'' """■"-'""•«" 'y tin'auv!^-":f- 
 jnd A^UJ; if c:;iti:;V^^^ii;:'^^;i--'^,,j;,;-il 
 ratives^of a Journey through' Palestinf t 18,S4?and a 
 Journey through the Masai Land and Usoga in 1885 
 Edited by C. E. Dawson, M.A. With Illuatn.tions from 
 the Bishop's own Sketches, Lon., Is8fi, p Svo 
 Hanover, JW. D. A Practical Troluise on the Law 
 of Horses; 2d ed., enl., Cin., l87.->, Svo 
 Hlllisnrd, Joseph. The History, Topography, and 
 ^rr3,"ls7,"'.'^v'o'! "^ ""^ '^"^ "'■ wi.erfofd.^Cn 
 Haiisborough, George W. Kenorls, Virginia 
 Suijrenio Court of Appeals, vols. l...xvi..Vx..v i. ?8S2- 
 81,) liichmond. lS8(i, 2 voN Svo ■■•, i>o.-i 
 I ls?!7ssr"' "«y-,K*'"«r'' Ilnlifux, M.A., B.D., 
 .Clow ?si-'' ■'^""'°' "'* "«''"'^''' (-'"""S^ Oxford IS.SH 
 lellow 184,-,,,i; ordained ISDU; rector of Enst Ihlev 
 Berkshire, from 8.15. 1. Notes on the First I ssay f,! 
 the Series called " Essays and Reviews." L,m., IStll, Svo 
 2. N,,vum lestamentum Qra'ce, Lon., IS64, :i vols Svo 
 .1. The .^orrow, of the Cross: Bodily Pain, iidicule In- 
 gratitude, Lon., ISSO, er. Svo; 2d cd., IS8I. 
 ..I,- ?"''^"' ''•, L™'"'«» on the Chief DilTerrnces 
 Cact iX"". " '^""'■''''"'' "^ ""'"" "'"' ^''-'SI'^'j! 
 Hansen, George P., d. 188.3; b. at Oderse Den- 
 mark ; removed to the United States and settled at CM- 
 cago; appointed by President Lincoln U.S. c^msnl , t 
 LIsinore and Copenhagen. The Legen.l of H,, ,|e 
 Prince of Denmark, as found in the ^Vorks S xo 
 ur.'issr^t^'in'o "''"■■ "■'""" "*' ""^ '^'»«""' *-^—" 
 Hansen, Maurice G. The Reformed Church in 
 I'li^^r'sstitif'''-'^''''-"^''"^' "'''»-"' «^«'^''^^ 
 Haiishew, T \V. A Wedded Widow; or. The 
 Love that Lived. N. York, 1887, l2mo 
 lectarbl'Vlfri'^r 'r''''" ^''r'"'^= '''"' ''o^'"' «<=- 
 cctal by Christine Forrest. Illust. N. York, 1888, 
 ' Z III • ' ' 
 mVm"^""' .^"■'■ert. >^- 1816; called to the bar at the 
 s^ n iutleTi'if. '" ' r,':"'""'"" "'■ '"^-y "nd succes? 
 sion duties at Somerset House since 181)5. 1. The Sue 
 cession Duty Act, I85H. Lon., IS65, 12mo. 2. The Acta 
 D^luh^Drea""^ t'^'' "'^'""^^i -^*' '» '""^- 
 IS^li S ° " "° ^""■'«'"<'""'' »nd >.'otes, Lon., 
 the^vZ^Th^' ^' ,<^°™I'""y Drill Simplified, for 
 he V 1^ 5 « *-'" "" r -^""-Commissioned ()liice;s of 
 the ^ (.lunteer Service. Lon,, 1S70. Ifiuio. 
 n^'^W' •^,'"V'*'' "«""■»'• '• stories of the 
 Day ot King Arthur. Illust. Lon.. 1882, so. iCmo 
 2 Homer's Stones Simply Told. Illust. Lo. , 8S2 
 sq. ibmo .i. The Siege of Troy, and Wnnderin.-s of 
 Ulysses. Lon., ,88;i, sq. 16mo. 4.-"stories of Old Rome • 
 the Wanderings of .Eneas and the Siege of Troy 
 T " h -»"■• ■'^8-'. -"q. Ifimo. 5. The Land of Greece 
 Described. Illu.«t. an,l Ma|,s. Lon., 1SS5, r Svo 
 '!ho;,'"lrM' *'f "^e A. (Ed.) Old Kent : the Eastern 
 Shore of Maryland : Notes illustrative of the JW 
 .t'Tnew^^ri'sn. '"'"' '"""'^' ''"''"""'■ '^'"'■' '«■"«' 
 Hanson, Mrs. George H. I. Beauty, an Allegory 
 flar'V ""••"»"»•■= "i'h a Few Minor Poems.Ton ' 
 pI„ ' r''' *"'i '^-.^ ^^'"■''' "' ^^■''■- "»J -i World at 
 Peace [verse :] with a Preface by the Rev. Father lena 
 tins Brighton. 1872, Ifimo; new ed., I8,S0 ^ """^'^ ^B"'»- 
 Hanson, Hannah Maria. The Sacred Moun- 
 tains, and other Poems, Lon., 1859. 12mo 
 18"l.To°"' ■'• '^'" ''"t'"-T^''o''«r System. Lon., 
 Fd"rr'ofre''.w''V "^--'r'"- „'• ''"° ^^'"^^ '" "'« 
 I l.litorof the Wesleyan Tunes" on the Methodist Class- 
 I .Meeting and the Condition of Church Memheiship, L n , 
 ^ n <■ T ■ ^""■^'""='1. «"'■"« I-aw Tracs, Lo, . 1857 
 'fil- ISS ,T,r\'\'\" Working-Classes, Huddersi 
 htld. ISiS, 12no 4. Infant Salvation; or. Words of 
 Lon '1S64" "«' '^""^"'l concerning Little Children, 
 .on. 1864, .«irio. 0. Sincere Profession ; or, " The 
 Heart Sprinkled and the Body Washed :" a S;ries of 
 Private Meditations, Lon., 1864, 8,0. «. Think Aeain 
 or Anniiilationism Defined and Disproved, i\, a FrTter' 
 Hanson, Rev. John H., [„„,<., vol. i. add 1 
 Hanson, Rev. John Wesley, D.D., [,,„(., vol. i., 
 [I'l nnd Usogft in 1884, 
 With Illusiriitlons from 
 IsSR, p. Kvo. 
 cMil Troatiiie on the Law 
 .'>, Svo. 
 ''toi7, Topogrnphy, nnd 
 ily of Wutcrlorii, Dun- 
 V. Roportg, A'irginia 
 Ixxvl., Ixxvii., (1882- 
 Iliilifax, M.A., D.D., 
 1 CiUege, O.xInnI, IS.Sfi; 
 rector (,f Kiist Ilsluy, 
 on the First Kssiiy in 
 ■ iow?," Lon., Isiil, Svo. 
 .on., IS64, ;i vols. .^vo. 
 ily Pain, Kiilicule, In- 
 cd., I.SSI. 
 the Chief Differences 
 Uoine luiJ Eugliind, 
 <3j b. lit Odense, Den- 
 te.s nnd settled at Chi- 
 ineoln IJ.,S. consul at 
 1 Legend of Hamlet, 
 1 the W(jrk.s of .Sa.\o 
 the Twelfth Century, 
 Reformed Church in 
 rt Ilistoricnl Sketches, 
 led Widow ; or, Tho 
 Jrs : with Poems se- 
 Uft. N. York, 1 888, 
 llcJ to the bar at tho 
 of legacy nnd succes- 
 ■0 \8iii>. 1. TheSuc- 
 , 12mo. 2. The Acts 
 uccession Duties; 2d 
 re. 3. The Revenue 
 ey relate lo the New 
 ion and Xotcs, Lon., 
 Drill Simplified, for 
 nissionod Officers of 
 1. Stories of tho 
 on., 1882, s(|. Ifimo. 
 Illust. Lon., 1882, 
 nnd Wanderings of 
 !toric8 of Old Rome: 
 tho Siege of Troy. 
 ho Land of Greece 
 ., 1885, r. 8vo. 
 d Kent: the Eastern 
 nitivo of the Most 
 arylnnd, Dult., 1876, 
 Beauty, an Allegory; 
 Minor Poems, Lon,, 
 ir nud n World at 
 ! Rev. Father Igna- 
 , 1880. 
 The Sacred Moun- 
 her System, Lon., 
 wo Letters to the 
 lie Methodist Class- 
 Menibeisliip, Lon., 
 ■ Traels, Lon., I8o7, 
 ;-Clns,-e», lludders. 
 ion ; or, Words of 
 ! Little Children, 
 ession ; or, " Tho 
 lied :" a Series of 
 0. Think Again; 
 roved, in a Frater- 
 hite, and A. Jlur- 
 '"'', vol. i., add.] 
 Christian Hanson, 
 D.D., [mile, vol. i., 
 Ha.nson Rkv, J. W., add..] pastor of the "New 
 enant, 'Jncag... III., fr„n |sil9 till 1884. 1. Hist. 
 ^Lriitxli i<r tl... fill ... • ... 
 'New Cov- 
 m, . i r .i" ' ',',"' " "" '""" "" """">■•• '• Historical 
 fckctch ot the (lid ,'<ixlh [Massachusetts] Volunlcers 
 cJiiring Its Ihrec Campaigns in LH61-M, Rost., 18t;tl, Z. AioN-Aio.vios: the Greek Word translated 
 bverliistnig, l.ternal, shown to denote Limited Duration, 
 th.c, ls,Ji, Sv„. ;i. jjibic p,„„|-, „f L-niversal .Salvation, 
 Una., 18, ,, IJmu. i. 'ihe New Covenant : vol. i., The 
 Juur (.ospeLs, ]i„st„ l,ss4, 12mo. !,. Tho Leaven at 
 "orK ; or, Someot the Concessions of Orthodo.\v in the 
 Wiicelion ol rnivcrsalisui. Il„.<t., 1-<S,S, ItSmo. ' 
 liniisoii, Sit- lliohnrd Uavies, chief justice of 
 .N.uth An.-tral,,.. I. Law i„ Nature, and other Panor.s, 
 read l,e|„rc the Ad..|„ide Philosophical .Society, A.lelaide 
 1Mb, svo. 2. The .lesus of History, Lon., IMill, Svo! 
 Anon. .,. Letters to and from Rome in the Years A.D. 
 Ill, 1... and i;:;, ,Sel„,.tcd an.l Translate.l by ('. V. S 
 Lou., Is,.,, 8v„. 4. The Apostle I'aul and the Preach- 
 ^ng 01 thnstmnity in the Primitive Church, Lou., I87j, 
 D.^ln"s-V «;;:; ''■"<""«« I-oader. Scru.ons, 
 llaiison, Willinm. " A Rea.son for the H.,pe that 
 IS in you; „r, What tho Baptists Relieve, and Whv, 
 F,^J,?r'r*".l'' .",',•■''• '■ C^'""'-) 0'""'^' Dorn: an 
 Lpisode oj the J huty Years' War; from tho (fermnn, 
 hvA' si!" iJ-' ,-■ '■'"'■""•' 'i'''° L'aptain's Daughter 
 lilct. ; "1l ,'"• '"'"•' '■'<^». >''■'>■ 3. (Tnins.) 
 Duchos Roheniia; from the German of J. C. A 
 Musaeus, l.on.. ISIWi, |n,„„. 
 Tl,!^,l""f' n ""' "• '^" Elementary Treatise on the 
 Bcwt!! issf, i^^;;;'-"'""""""'^: a Xcxt-Rook for Colleges, 
 Iliipgood, i.sabella Florence, b. is,5n, in Bos- 
 188t''8v7 ' •'■ ''■"•■«»««■• Francis J. Child, N. York, 
 ''A valuable nnd interesting wnrk."-^W., No. 300.-,. 
 Z [ Irans.) Mi.vl,tations of a Parish Priest, by Joseph 
 i^ nn l"''f"'""" ,hy I'i'ul Marieton, N. York, IS.'ll, 
 Cm n ; t ..'r''"--) <,'''"'"""'J' B"J1'"'>J, and Youth, by 
 ^.aH« 1 ^'v^^• ^'"^' '»^"' '2mo. 4. (Trans.) 
 ?TTra, w-" ^l^ •• 'Z'^"^' ^- Y^^k, I88fi, 2 vols. p. 8vo 
 G„J, V V ; ■';'''"' ^^"i '■'■'"" "'« R"«-''ii"' of N.V. 
 from the 1 ussuni ol N. V. Gogol, N. York, 1887, p. 8vo 
 of M,!!!'"''' V v' '," ^" ■ '^''-''-'Slits evoked by the Census 
 of Moscow, N. \„j.k. 1SS7, 12mo. 8. (Trans!) Les MisC- 
 rabies; from the French of Victor Hugo, N.York, 1887 
 T '' u"' ,.'■'• <'^'""'-' ^""'•<' ■■ "" Kalian School-Roy's 
 Tran .) Life, by L.j-of K. Tolstoi, N. York, 1888, 12mo. 
 11. (Irans.) The Man who Laughs; By Order of the 
 Y,;';i''l 'rV'", ')?''' "f ^'-•^'■- ""/o. Illust N Vic. >r Hugo. Illust. N. York, 1888, 2 vols 
 .'mo. l.i (Irans.) The 'Toilers of tho Sea, by Victor 
 r vfn' ^ T\\ ^- ^'"'^' '»^»' 2 vols. 12,„o. u' 
 (trans.) At Home and in War, 18.53-1838: Reminis- 
 188™'! 2mo '^""°''°"-''' ^^ ^'''■''- Verestchagm, N. York, 
 „ril^« 'm?'"''t ""'!"""• Ancient Psalms in Ai.nro- 
 prutte Metres. Lon., 1807, Svo. 
 llaraszthy, Agostiii, 1812-1809, b. in irun-rarv • 
 was superintendent of tho San Francisco mint in^LSiV 
 and afterwards engaged in grape-culture ; remove,! o 
 Mir^N.' Y,;^^;sots';r'"'"^^' ''-'^'' -^^ ^'- 
 HarbawRh, aev. Henry, 1817-1807, [a„^., vol. 
 ^, add.,] professor ol theology at tho Mercer.sbur.^ Pa 
 Seminary from 1 80;i until his death. 1. Christoh .. cai 
 Iheology, lOmo. 2. The Future Life, Phi, 
 ce:^;^'l^l!-,!^,r2';::;,.''"''^"'«- ^-^^^^^^ 
 MiVM'','"*"^M', '''''"'!',»« Chalmers, b. 1849, near 
 Middletown, .Md.; resides at Casstown, Ohio. Maple 
 Leaves, [verse.l Cin., I88.S, Iflmo; 2d e,L 1884 ' 
 ,s4o"v v"' 'rr"7',„'- "'"«'•* C'"ealalor, Lon, 
 T^ ' /™,V -'' '"■^■' '■^""- 2. The Discount Guide • 
 lablcs for Merchants, Manufacturers, Ac; new ed 
 LiUU., |S((», Svo. '* 
 Harbert, Mrs. Lizzie B. Out of her Sphere 
 Dcs Moines, la., 1871, demy 8vo '-puiri., 
 Harbison, J. S. The Bee-Keeper's Directory; 
 ' or, The Theory nnd Practice of Bee-Culluro : with an 
 iitruductory Essay by 0. C. Wheeler, ,«an Fran., l.s(;| 
 l-'nio. ' ' 
 Harbord, Ucv. John Uradley, M.A., graduated 
 "t .St. .lohns College, Cambridge, 1S52; ordained 18,-,;i- 
 served as a chaplain in the royal navy from l^,'i.•i . chai,^ 
 ; ain ol the fleet 1882-8,8, ami since then hon. chaplain 
 I 10 the (jueen. I. Glossary of Navigation, Lun 80'! 
 I p. Svo ; 2d ed.; ISS.'!, sq. Iflmo. 2. Short .-eru.ons f'„; 
 ilospitals and Sick Seamen, Lon., I8O.1, 12uio ;i Deli 
 ' iiilions in Astronomy anil Xavigalion Made Easy,'Edin 
 '• .Cii^ 'i'.','.. u" *"""""'',*' l"^^'"'! i" '"y Training-ship,' 
 .1,1., I8OS, 8vo 5. Manual of Common Prayer at Sea 
 on ^^eek-Days, Portsmouth. I8,S0, Svo 
 Ilarcourt, Alfred Iredcrick Pollock. 1 
 Ihc.Vwt.uidc to Delhi, Allahabad, IsfiO, Svo; :;d cd 
 en ., Lahore, I87:i 2. The Himalayan Districts of 
 Uooloo, Lah<iul, nnd Spiti. Illust. Lon., 1^71 p 8vo 
 •i.^ Ihe Shak.'peare Argosy: Wealth of Shak.speare',s 
 isdom and W,t, Lon., 1S74, 8vo. 4. Down l.y tho 
 Drawlo Lon 878, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 5. The Roval V,,,. 
 hrella, [a tale.] Illust. Lon.. 1879, p. Svo 
 ,,"'"'''«"!'•'„'*"'''"*'•""* <'e<»ige Vernon-, b. 
 Prl ;• 1 ,'1' ''"'■'';' ""■"■"^' ^''"""'■' Iv'^-i-.'i-cs in 
 ractici.l ( henusto-, Lon., ISCO, p. Svo; 4th ed., rev. by 
 II. (i. iVladan, 1SS7. •' 
 Ilarconrt, Unteninn. 1 index to the liank- 
 ru|. ley Act, 1809 1 on., 1809, 4to. 2. Index to tho 
 Debicrs Act, ISO'J, Lon.. Is09, 4to 
 Ilarcourt, C. G. Vernon. (Ed.) Legends of St. 
 Augustine St. Anthony, and St. Cuthhert. painted on 
 lie Rack of the Stalls in Carlisle Cathedral, fwith Ex- 
 planatory Notices,] Carlisle, ISOS, Svo. 
 Ilarcourt, Edward Vernon. 1. A Sketch of 
 .Ma.leira: cntaining Inf..riuation for the Traveller or 
 Invalid \is.tor Lon, l.s.^l, p. Svo. 2. Sporting in 
 Algerui, Lon., 18.09, p. 8vo. 
 Ilarcourt, £dward Milliani, M.A., b. 1825- 
 eldest son of Rev. W. Vernon- Ilarcourt, hi/h,.- M.P. for 
 Oxfordshire 1878-8,5, and for South Oxfordshire 188i-s0 
 I. (Ld.) Ihe Ilarcourt Papcr.s, Oxf., 1S8I), Svo 50 
 copies only, printed for private circulation. 2. '(Ed ) 
 The Life of the Renowned Dr. Preston, Writ by bis 
 I upil. Master Thomas Rail. D.D., Minister of North- 
 ampton in the Year 1028. Now fir.«t published. Oxf., 
 18.^.), Svo. ' 
 "This delightful little volume."— .Spertotor, Ivlii G76 
 (Allibone [,„„r. vol. i. p. luS] .says that Rail "pub- 
 ished a l.fe of his tutor. Dr. John Preston, and Pas- 
 torum ropugiiaculum;" but in tho Dictionary of 
 iSationnI Biography (vol. iii. p. 79) we arc told that 
 he printed only <me book npparcntlv, naincly," the 
 Pastoruui Propugnaculum.) ;). (Ed.) The Life of Mrs. 
 Godolpbin. Ry John Evelyn. Lon., I8SS, Svo. 
 Ilarcourt, Helen. 1. Bertram Raymond; or. 
 The Cruise of the "Dolphin," Phila., Is72', 12mo. 2 
 f Sli' ■„^'""''''' ""'' ''""■ '" ""'<' ""-■"'. Louisville, Kv., 
 ISS.I, 12mo; enl. ed., 1886. " 
 Ilarcourt, Mrs. J. A Friend in Ten Thousand; 
 a .Novel, Lon.. 1884, 2 vols. cr. S\o. 
 Ilarcourt, Leveson Francis Vernon-. 1. 
 (Irans.) loundations, by Jules Gaudart, N. Y'ork, 
 QQo' o """• ■• ^ Ti'^'ise on Rivers and Canals, Oxf., 
 IH8J, Z vols. Svo. (Tho 2d vol. consists of plates.) :i. 
 Ilarboursnnd Docks: their Physical Features, History, 
 lonstruction, Equipment, and .Maintenance: with Statis- 
 tics ns to their Comniereial Development, Lon 1885 2 
 vols. Svo. (The 2d vol. consists of plates.) ' 
 " A very important nnd interesting work."— vl end., xxviii. 
 Ilarcourt, Levcson Vernon-, [,n,ic, vol i 
 add..] 178.S-1S00, son of Archbishop Harcourt, of York! 
 On the Connection of Chemistry with Agriculture: Its 
 Uses and Abuses: 2d ed., Lon., 185,7, Svo. 
 Harcourt, R. Rambles through t''o Rritish Isles, 
 N. \ork. 18711, 12uio. 
 Harcourt, Sir William <;eorgc Granville 
 w f-"'',!'"' Vernon-, M.A., Q.C., b. 1S27, son of Rev. 
 «. \. Harcourt. i„/m ,■ graduated nt Trinity College, 
 Cambridge, with high honors, 1 85 1 : called to the bar nl the 
 Inner lemple 1854: M.P. for Oxford ls«,x-80, and since 
 then for Derby; solicitor-general 187:1-74; knighted 
 1S7.1; secretary of state for tho H.mic Department 1880- 
 80; chancellor of tho exchequer 1S,><0, While iiractising 
 law he was a frequent contributor to the Saturday Re- 
 view, and contributed letters on international law to the 
 London Times over the signature of " Historiciis," 1. 
 The Irish Church, n. <!., 8vo. Anon. 2. tetters by HU- 
 torious on some Questions of iMternationiil Law : re- 
 printed from "Tie Timei-," with Consideriiblo AdJitions, 
 Lon. nnd CiimbridKe, l,S(i;i, «.„. Anon. 3. American 
 Aeutnility. liy lli,.ioriciis, Lon., istl",, ,Svo. ». Our 
 Wiival and Military Kstablishments regarded with Kefer- 
 enuu to the Dangers of IiivaMi;n, Lon., 1872, Hvo. 5 
 Iho Approaching (ieneral Kleclion: Speeches, Lon.i 
 1H79, 8vo. Also, single speeches. 
 Ilnrcoiirt, Rev. William Viriioii-, .M.A.,, 1,811-1871, son of Archbishop llarcourt; gradu- 
 ated at Christ Church, Oxford, 181 1; rector of Whel- 
 drake ISL'I, and of lioltoi. Percy 1887 ; canon of York 
 trom 1821. Ho was the chief founder of the liritish 
 Association, of which hu was elected general secretary, I 
 and in 18.;u president. I. .Symmetrical Psalmody; or, 
 lortions of the Psalms and other Scriptures, translated ' 
 into .Metrical Stanzas; with Corresponding Accents in 
 Corresponding Verses for .Musical Cse, Lon., 18aj, 8vo. 
 -.What IS Truth? a Poetical Dialogue on the Philos- 
 ophy of Natural and Uovealcd Religion, Lon., 18Ca, 8vo. 
 ■i. Sermons: with an Introductory Preface by W. F 
 Hook, Lon., 187.!, Svo. 
 .^^',"5""?' ^^'•"'n'n. «■ mngistrato in. South Australia, 
 li-d.) houth Australia: its History, Hesourees, and Pro- 
 ductions. .Maps and Illust. Adelaide, I87li. 8vo. 
 Ph'ihy!'S".''^"','f'' ;^"''"'"li'i' sent her to the 
 Tim n 1 ir^ Kxhibitloii, it was s,■«^-osled that 
 nl ,, ,1 ';'i"i'l'l lu prepared t(j Hceunipanv and ex- 
 ?l,,V,?P''''l''i"V'' '■'•■'' ''"'"^''''' ''"'''''''''^'ii'-ll'r''du('ts. 
 lliat land.|,ook is liereexpaiided int.. tlie proportions of 
 fvl I'mm'",-'"''',- ,■ „•■ "■'-■'«'.">■ "■'"' iiif^nnali,,',,, .■nnvded 
 teiK"^!i^SJ:i'i!:;i!' ^""' '^^'^' "vcmowingwith dc 
 Iliirdacre, lienjamiii. .Miscellanies in Proso 
 and \orse, Lon., 1871, Svo. 
 Pi,?'";^'',*'"*''' ^^' ^' Essentials of Vaccination, 
 i^uio., ISSli, iL'ino. 
 Ilurdcastle, Cliarlotte. 1. Constance Dale: a 
 btory, Lon., ISIil, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 2. The Cliffords of 
 Oakley, Lon., 18«2, .i vols. p. Svo. ;i. Family Troubles, 
 1^;' . ^,' - ''"''• P' ^'"'- *■ A Country Visit, Lon., 
 18H.t, .i vols. p. 8vo. b. Poeais, Lon., 1805, p. Svo. 6 
 A Iroublcd Stream: a Story, Lon., 186ft, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 7. A Song of Consolation, and other Poems, Lon., 1868 
 1-mo 8. Wolves and Lambs: a Story, Lon., 1868, 2 
 vols. 12nio. ' 
 Hanlcastle, George. Wanderings in Wensley- 
 dale, Yorkshire, Sunderland, 1864, Svo; new ed., enl 
 by t Horner: with a Chajitor on Angling, In- F. M. 
 Walhran, Ripon, 1887, Svo o b> j 
 Tr^nu"^nV"^' ,"'',"''>'♦ •^'•■^- *>• "*": «'"""""> -It 
 Irinity College, Cambridge; called to the bar at the 
 Inner lemple ISOH. I. The Law and Practice of Elec- 
 tion Petitions: with an Appendix containing the Par- 
 Iiametftary Elections Act, 1S68, Lon., 1874, 8™; 3d ed.. 
 188.) 2. A Iroatiso on the Rules which govern the 
 Construction and Effect of .Statutory Law, Lon., 1879, Svo. 
 Hardcastle, Mark. The Arrandel Motto: a 
 i>ovel, Lon.. IS7I, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 Hardee, Lieut-Gen. William J., d. 1873; b. 
 about 1817, at bavannah, Oa. : gr.iduated at the U.S. 
 Military Academy 1838; sc .cd in the Mexican war' 
 tered the Conledcrate service. I. RiHe and Light In- 
 fantry Tactics, Phila., 185.0, 2 vols. 12iuo. 2. Rme and 
 vice ns a. Branch of the Army of the Reserve, Lon.. 
 '':ardillff, Chester, 17«2-lS«n, b. at Conway. 
 .Mass. : became a house-painter at Pittsburg, Pa., ailJ 
 altorwards a portrait-painter, nnd was very popular 
 in this capacity both in America and in England Mv 
 I Egotistigraphy Prepared for his Family and Frieinla 
 ! by One ol his Children, [Mrs. M. E. (Jlardinit) Wl i e 1 
 I Cambridge, 1866. Privately printed ^"*'"'"«' " """-J 
 Harding, Claud, R.N. l. Ferndyke, Lon IS'j 
 p. Svo. 2. Old Shipmates: a Novel, Lon., 18S7,'p. Svo' 
 I FiehirLr ; Ts 's"; If ""« ^^•^•'•^""^ ">• '"'"'" -1 
 iLa!^Un"^^.^:r"8r"- ''"«"'^"" "■"' '^'""•'-' 
 Harding, Kdward John, b. 18,^1, in England: 
 resides in New York. Cothurnus and Lyre: Poems, N 
 lorK, ISjS, 12iiio. 
 Harding, Emily Grace. 1. Leoline; or. Cap- 
 tured ami Rescued, Lon., 1S77; new ed., 1888 2 A 
 U,TTu'"7' '">"- .l,«"**- 3 Svo; niw ed., 
 188,). .!. Hazel J or, Perilpoint Light-House, Lon., 1885 
 Harding, F. E. Practical Han.l-iiook of School 
 I Management and Teaching, Lon., 1S72, 12mo 
 I T *",''!'-V'^' '''"••ence. Marjory's Faith ; a Novel, 
 I Lon.f IM(0, cr. Svo, 
 Magdalene College, Cambridge ; called to the bar at Lin- 
 coin s Inn 1S61 ; puisne judge of the Supreme Court of 
 ! Queensland since 187il; acting chief justice 1883-84. 
 Svo 2d d?" Ecclesiastical Law, Lon., 1860, fp. 
 Harding, H. Rowland. The Worship of Inno- 
 1875%™ '"""" °''^^'''™' I'*"-'"'"' Merthyr-Tydlil, 
 I "".'■j','."?"'" ^' '• Principles and Practice of Art. 
 Lon 184;), imp. Svo. 2. Picturesque Selections, Lon. 
 Harding, Rt. Rev. John, D.D., [„nir, vol i 
 add,] 1805-1874, b in London , g'raduat:.! at Wo e tor 
 College, Oxford, 1826, liishop of liombay 1851-69. 
 Texts and Thoughts for Christian Ministers, Lon., 1874 
 ''■« ■ ,^'"'' '"""y '''-'"""ns nii'l charges. ' 
 • n",?' "?''• J"*""' gi'uluated at Church Mis- 
 sionary College, Islington, 1842; ordained 1846; vicar 
 ol Martin, Wiltshire, 1872; formerly a missionary in 
 Iravaneore, India. 1. " Pence unto the Heathen," and 
 other Seriiions Lon., 1866, p. 8vo. 2. The Four Who's; 
 or, Fourlold Appeal on Behalf of Missions, Lon., 1868 
 Svo .1 Household Worship; or. Family Prayers for a 
 ioHnight, Lon., 1 878, fn. Svo. Also, single sermons. 
 n Ge "■ ■ - 
 T,^h, r c : .r: .'■ ' ""■'• '-'uo. ;;. iiiHe nnd 
 v;,Tk' is^z^"'"'' *"■ •''^"•'"' '" ">" «--''• N. 
 IS^'VltT*"'' "'' ■'■ ^""^' ^"' "'" '^"'"''•'"■•y, Lon., 
 the"l'!.'i'I'"''n''"!"' ^»'''.'i«"'- 1- Scripture Proofs on 
 the Lea. ing Doctrines of the Gospel. Lon., 1S73. 32mo. 
 2. Questions on the Leading D.)c:trines of the Gospel 
 Trhfi?v"!fM' "«y- Kalph William, gia.lunted at 
 rrinity College, Dublin, 185!); ordained 1861; derica 
 secretary of the Society for Promoting Chr stianity 
 among ho Jews since 1876. 1, The Untended Flo k, 
 1 8811. 1. Israel not in Russia, 1882 
 andi^/fr"""*"".!*^.!;"''''* '^''"' Eli'lonic of 1878 
 JJisc,ise, by A. II. Hardeustein, N. Orleans, 1879, 12m,) 
 Silonfn "*",' *'f "'■*^"' ^■"- ■^■""■' ''-^ "'e WaJside: or 
 Bileiit I ,,,ughis forl^iiet Hours, Melbourne, 1860, 12mo 
 No^s ,^,^'f ' ► '""•;?u •"'"""' \'»'i«-Moeum: Cneise 
 4th el m"'"^; n;y"""°«'' '^•"•g'^'-y. "nJ Chemistry ; 
 4tli ed., Glasgow, 18S2, 8vo 
 Harding, Charles, F.R.S.L. The Volunteer Ser- 
 Harding, John George. Fiosculi Literarum : 
 Svo •Te.r'lSft " '''' "'' '^" '^'""^' ^"''•' ^^^'^' ''P- 
 t'''*m''i'"?' '^«a"'ey. The Amateur Trapper and 
 Trap-Maker's (iui.le. Illust. N. York, 1875, llhno. 
 Harding, Rev. Thomas, of Uxbridge. Exposi- 
 to■^v Lectures on the Book of Jonah, Lon.. 1856, 12mo. 
 Harding, Rev. Thomas, Methodist minister. 
 Mary R-Scrs ; or, A Short and Simple Annal of the 
 Poor. Cross-Hills, Craven, IS59, Iftmo 
 Harding, W. M. Trans-Atlantic Sketches. By 
 I'orle-Plume, [i.send.] \. York, 18711. ^ 
 ISfiJ"! 1'^' ^J""''Ce J. Bright To-Morrow, Lon., 
 1869, .) vols. p. Svo. ' 
 is!?''i'''*V'.?'; I^'cut-Col. William, F.G.S., 1792- 
 1881), b. at Pilton, Eng.; entered the army 1812; served 
 in the Icninsular war; retire.1 in 1841, and after 1866 
 resided on his estate of I'peott, Pilton. The History of 
 liverton. Tiverton, 184,0-47. 2 vols Svo 
 Ie,!!'"n''r"'^V J.**!'!"'" *- '• ■J'l'o American Ath- 
 eto. Rues of Training nnd Regimen of Physical Cul- 
 ture; [nhso] Short Sketches of Athletes, illust N 
 IZl' ?m' ?"• 2. Champions of the American Prize- 
 Rmg. Illust N. York, 1,S81,, Svo. :!. Edward Han- 
 mn, Americas Champion Oarsman, Ac. Illust N 
 h.^,''^ T\ ^™; T,;'' •'"''" ""S'"-'^'' Champion Pedes-' 
 trian. Port, and Illust. N. York, ISSl, 16mo. 
 Hnrdnige, B. Original Formation of Gold from 
 Its Silicious nnd Sulphurous Oxides, N. York. 1868. Svo. 
 narduiKu, .Mrs. Belle Boyd, a Southern woman 
 who acted as a Confederate spy .luring the civil war. 
 WiVh »„^ .'",*'"".'P ""'' ^""'"' ^^'■*"«" by Herself. 
 With an Intro.luction by a Friend of the South. Lon., 
 18().,. 2 vols, p. Svo; Amer. ed., with an Introduction by 
 George Augusta [„cj Sala, N. York, 1865, 12mo. 
of tho Reserve, Lon., 
 -IHOn, b. lit Ccmwiiy, 
 at I'ittaburg, I'n., and 
 mil IVI18 very |i(i|iular 
 mill in En),'lanil, Jly 
 lis Family and I'rionilg 
 . E. (llariling) While.] 
 Fcrndykc, Lon., IH>:,, 
 vcl, Lon., ISS7, p. 8vo. 
 cuidenta by Floud and 
 iignetiu and KIcctrioal 
 b. ISJl, in England! 
 and Lyre: Poems, N. 
 1. Iieollno; or, Cnp- 
 new lid., I8S,S. 2. A 
 ols. er. «vo; new ed., 
 ^lit-llouae, Lon,, 1886, 
 Hand-iJook of Suhool 
 1X72, 12mo. 
 )ry's Fuith : a Xovel, 
 b. 1840; educutod at 
 lied to the bar at Lin- 
 tlie .Supreme Court of 
 liiel' justice 1883-84. 
 Law, Lon., I860, fp, 
 be Worsliin of Inno- 
 em.«, Merthyr-Tydlil, 
 s and Practice of Art, 
 {ue Selections, Lon., 
 D.D., [fiH^f, vol. i., 
 iiduiited at Worcester 
 f IJoinbay IS5I-0SI. 
 liniftcis, Lon,, 1874, 
 I urges. 
 iited at Church Mis- 
 iidained 1S46; vicar 
 rly a missionary in 
 tbc Heiithen," and 
 2. The Four Who's ; 
 Mis.iions. Lon., Ks68, 
 family Prayers for a 
 0, single sermons. 
 Fliisculi Literarum ; 
 ime, Lon., 1869, fp. 
 lateur Trapper and 
 ork, 1875, Itimo. 
 U.\bridge. Exposi- 
 , Lon.. I85(i, 12mo. minister, 
 niple Annal of the 
 nlio Sketches. By 
 ' To-.Morrow, Lon., 
 nni, F.G.S., 1792- 
 arniy 1812; served 
 <ll, and after 1866 
 II. Tho History of 
 le American Ath- 
 ■n of Physical Cul- 
 ilctes. illiist. X. 
 le American I'rize- 
 .'i. Edward llan- 
 1, &o. Ilhist. X. 
 Champion Pedes- 
 i81, Kimo. 
 tion of Gold from 
 if. York, 1S68, Svo. 
 a Southern woman 
 ing tho civil war. 
 i^rittcn by Herself, 
 the South. Lon., 
 nn Introduction by 
 1865, 12mo. 
 IlnrdiiiRe, Emma. See Biuttk.v, .Mns. Emm.v, 
 (HAIllllMiK.) «ll/«((. ' 
 T "",'L'',V'!"' "• <-'■•«""<"'• " I'oem, In Si.T Cantos, 
 Lull., IMS.f, .Svo. ' 
 IlDrdingc, William Henry. Narrative in Proof 
 of the I iiinterrnptnl (■.,n>ccmti,mal Descent of the 
 IJi.ihups lit the Church of Ireland, Dublin 1867 Svo 
 llnnlinge, William .Money, i. , lii,,,,,', u,; 
 a llomunce ot .Modern Lite, Lon., IsSl ii Svo 2 
 Eugenia: an Episode, Lon., IS.s;i, ;j vols' er 8vo 
 The Willow-Oarth : a .N'ovel, Lon., |ss6 2 vols er 
 4. Out of the Fog, Lnn., Isss, 12mii ' 
 IlHrclingham, tJi-orge (iatton .■Molhuish. 1 
 Practical Aeronautics : a Paper. Lon., 1871 p Svo " 
 Trade.. Marks: Notes i,„ the Uiitish, Foreign and Colo- 
 nial Laws relating therein, Lon., 18S| Hvo 
 Ilardmun, Frederick, |„w,, vol. i.,' add.,] 1814- 
 =''■'■ .'c'^II'u "■■' "" "'"'■"' "■'"' ""-• •^"'i-l' L*^«i"n in 
 Spain 18,14; became a loreign correspondent of the Times 
 about ISol), and succeeded Laurence Oliphnnt as chief 
 correspondent at Paris in 187.!. 1. (Tlans.) Pictures 
 A"," -V;. ,','^""'''''""'"' ''y ^- >Jerrinann, Lon., l,s,^2. " 
 (Ed.) Hidden Ireasures; or, The Heir of Hohenberg, 
 Lon., «;:;.8vo ;;. llie Spanish Campaign in MoroceS 
 Lon., ISliO, cr. Svo. 
 Ilnrdiiinn.Uev. Joseph William, LL.I)., grad- 
 uated at Iriiiity College, Dublin, 1S5:,; ordained lsj7; 
 vicar of Fellon Common, .-Somerset, I87S-S5; licensed 
 preacher of the dioeese of Bath and Wells since 1885. 
 1. Ihe Best Method of giving Prominence to tho Holy 
 tommuniim as the Principal .Service of the Church, 
 Lon., 878, Ip. Svo. 2. A Trip to America: with Map 
 Lon., 1884, p. Svo. .'l. Stories and Teaching on the Lit- 
 any Lon., 1885, 2 parts, p. Svo. 4. Lights and Shadows 
 of Church History, Iroiii tho Apostolic Times to the 
 Present Day a Series of Short Sermons, Lon., 1S86, p 
 Svo. 5. Parsons Perplexity: What to Preach About: 
 being Short Suggestive Sermons for the Hard- Working 
 and Hurried, I-on^l8S7, p. Svo. (!. Caught and Taught; 
 or. New .Nets for Fishers of Men, Lon., 1S8S, i, Svo 7 
 "Mark Well her Bulwarks;" or, " Fortilications of the 
 Fai h, Lon., IsS.s, p. Svo. 8. Plain Sermon : the Death 
 ot the Emperor of Herniary, Lon., 1888, Svo. 9 Stories 
 and reachings on tho Matins and Evensong of Common 
 Prayer, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 ,,,"«'',''"">"»„William. The Wine-Growers' and 
 J\ me-Loopeis Manual : with Plans and Alcoholic Tables, 
 Lon., IS( 1^, Svo. 
 Ilardwich, Sara M. Plutus Adonis: a .Mythical 
 Hero,, issij, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Ilardwich, llev. Thomas Frederick, educated 
 at the University of London, Ac; ordained 1861 ; vicar 
 ol Shotton, Durham, since 1867. A .Manual of Photo- 
 graphic Chemistry, Lon., 1S55, I2mo; 7th ed., edited 
 by (i. Dawson and E. Hadow, 1864; 9th ed., by J. T 
 laylor, ISSII. ' ' 
 ilardwick, Uenjamin. The Lock-Out: Consid- 
 erations on the Ueeent Struggles between Capital and 
 Uibour in the North, Lon., 18(>j, Svo. 
 add ] ISJl-l,^ , 1,. „t Sliiigsby, Yorkshire; graduated 
 hist senior optinie, at St. Catharino's Hall, Cambridge 
 IS 4. and elected Fellow; ordained 1846; appointed 
 lee urer in divinity at King's College, Cambridge, 1855, 
 and archdeiieon of Ely in 18,09. 1. History of the Chris' 
 "!'." ^''"'■"^ in the Middle Ages, Lon., 1853; 2d ed 
 .d.ted by W. Stubbs, Lon., 1872, p. Svo.' 2. Chris, atld 
 other Masters : an Inquiry into some of the Parallelisiiis 
 and Contrasts between Christianity and the Keligious 
 Systems ol the Ancient World, Lon., 1855-58, 4 nart- 
 Svo; new ed., rev., with Prefatory Memoir by Rev f' 
 ■riK..,or, Lon I87.i, cr. Svo. 3. A History of the Chris-" Church during the Reformation, Lon., 1856, p. Svo- 
 Jd ed., by F. Proctor, 1S65; 3d ed., by W. StublJ, lS7:i; 
 Ilardu-icK, Charles, 1817-1 SS9, b. at P;cston 
 became a portniit-paintcr; was a founder and vice-presil 
 lont ot the .Maiichesier Literary Cluli. 1. History of 
 the Borough of Preston and its Environs in the County 
 ot Laiicasler, Preston, 1857, Svo. 2. The History, Pres- 
 ent Position and Social Imporlance of Friendly Socie- 
 Mes L„n.. 1S5», 12,,,.,; ;;,! .,!., Manchester, lss4. 3. 
 Insolvent Sick and Burial Clubs : tho Causes and the 
 Cure; or, How to Found a Reliable Friendly Society, 
 M,,ncliester 1S63, 12mo. 4. The Present Insurance 
 criss: the Government Action: Mr. Cave's Bill, Man- 
 Folk 7' '^i,-':,"'"; *• 'l^"'""""^. '""perstitions, and 
 *olk-Lore, (chielly Lancashire and the North of Eng- 
 land:) their Affinity to Others in Widely-Dlitrlbuled 
 Localities: their Eastern Origin and Mythical Siirnili- 
 cance, .Manchester, 1872, Svo. 
 "Mr. llarilwick Is right In the main, we liolleve, when 
 he cuniiects l,is I.aiica.sliire Miperslillou.s wltli the Ideas of 
 fcaslern ivllKi.aj ; but his uiiliesitntlUK acceptance if eer. 
 alii rather wild theiirles on the subject mikes us ,„,ibt 
 "w, ' """^^ crillcal irpliiloiis.'-.KA., No. 
 (1. On some Antient Battle-Fields in Lancashire, and 
 their Historical, Legendary, and .Esthetic Association!, 
 Manchester, 1SS2, r. Svo. 
 Ilardwicke, Herbert Junius, M.D., phvsician 
 to t 13 Sheftield Puldic Hospital lor Diseases of tlu- Skin 
 1. Guide to European Universities: containing the Reg. 
 [ ulations for obtaining the •' M.D." at .Most of the Euro- 
 I',™" •'"?",';*•■'"",' I'niversities; also, A Directory of 
 British .Medical Practitioners possessing Foreign or Co- 
 loninl Degrees or Diplomas, Sheffield, 1878, Svo 2 
 Ilardwicke, of County Stallord, ("Family History,") 
 Sheffield IS, 8, Svo 3. Medical Education and Practice 
 111 All Parts of the AVorld, Lon., 18SI), Svo. 4. ,Skin 
 Eruptions: their Causes and Pievention, Lon., Issi 
 '■**:"• .^- ^'"■'' """iiina: Singing from a Medical Point 
 ot \ lew, Lon., IsSl, ISmo. 6. llealth-Uesorts and 
 7'""',^!;'.. '„"""'"""'' "yS''^n'° Treatment of Disease, 
 Lon ISS.j, 12mo. 7. The Popular Faith Unveiled, Lon. 
 1S84, Svo. s. Evolutnn and Creation, Lon., 18S7, Svo 
 Harduicke, William, M.D. 1. Life and Health 
 Assurance for the, Lon., 1864, Svo 2 
 On the Moral and Physical Advantages of Baths' and 
 Wash-llouscs, Lon., Is74, Svo 
 Hardy, Mrs. Frank Blake the Trapper: a Tale for 
 Boys. Illust. Lon., 188(1, Svo. 
 Hardy, Arthur Sherburne, Ph.D., b. Is47, at 
 Aiidover, Mass. ; graduated at tho U.S. Jlilitary Academy 
 IS()9; became a lieutenant of artillery, and was for a 
 short time assistant instructor of artillery tactics in the 
 M, - ry Academy. He retired from tho army in 187(». 
 and, after holding a professorship of civil engineering 
 '.'"in !ll'l'''^''^ mathematics at Grinnell College, Iowa, 
 IS, 0-,,^ and studying engineering for a year in Pari.s. 
 was made professor of civil engineering in the Chandle^ 
 ftieientihc School of Dartmouth in 1874, and in 1S7S pro- 
 fessor of mathematics in Dartmouth College. 1. Fran- 
 cesca of Rimini. By A. S. H. Phila., 1878, 12mo. ■' 
 Elenients of Quaternionii, Bost., 1881, Svo. 3. But Yet 
 a Woman, Bost., 1883, 12mu 
 wi'lUln,i''al7hit I'.T'-',"'"' '"■'*'''"'", ""'""l- The re.uler 
 will niid a 1 his coniectiires us to p ot not disappointed 
 bu contradicted aii,l'surpas.sed."-.V«(/„„. .xxxvil 4U5 ' 
 ■.. Ihe Wind of Destiny, Bust., 1886, 12mo. 
 will Mfllar.ivim ,"■■'' .''« ^•'•''■'t "' Ktov, impatien 
 wiin .Ml. lianl^ s little epis, ides ol love at llrst siirht hia 
 nicoiiseciuent s,.uati,,i,.s, his excess „f art ,M,d itick of 
 belfJia bad ^^^^^xilL ^lll^f ^.^"^^''■'^' '^ '"^ ^'- 
 I "'.V.K"''''k'",'^ '""" "'■ Kci,ius."-.spf,v,,,,„., lii. 82,, ^ '" 
 ,1, . I ...,""',• • ■ ''oiitains not meivlv asniall librarvof 
 ,'). Passe Rose, Bost., 1SS9. 12nio 
 Hardy, Miyor-Gen. Campbell, R.A., b. 1831; 
 letircd iss:,. 1 Sporting Adventures in the New World ; 
 or. Days and Nights of Moose-Hunting in the Pino 
 Forests of Acadni, Lon., 1S55, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 2. Forest 
 Lile in Aeadie : Sketches of Sport and Natural History 
 in the Canadian Dominion, Lon., 1869, Svo. 
 rcmhTs'^^UiIli,',' n'?'-''' «''l'",i-rcnce of useless siangliter, and 
 U, be , IcHv ^ ? , " """.^'''.'''iK '|f 'be geiiuiiie enjoyment 
 xxviiLm "'blenicss ot .\ova H(;utla."-Su(. A'eii., 
 Hardy, Edmund Armitage. Our Horses: being 
 Anecdotes from Personal Experience of Individual 
 I Horses, Lon., iS78, I2mo. 
 I .""'■.'JV' «ev. Kdwai-d John, M.A., graduated 
 ; ^'. Jr ">ty College, Dublin, 1871 ; ordained 1874; chap. 
 I lain to H)n ri\rni>a oln,.,. IC't i ii . . .. <^ 
 am to the forces since 1S87. 1. How to be Happy, 
 though Married. By a Graduate of tho University of 
 Ma rluu,n^^ Lon., 1SS5, p. Svo. 2. Uncle .!oh„'« Talks 
 M.l'vrY^''".'T'' ^"."^ "***''' !'• s™. 3. "Manners 
 Miky h Man," Lon., 1886, p. Svo. Anon, 4. Faint, 
 yet lursuing, and other Sermons, Lon., l:.86, p. Svo 
 new ed. 1888. 5. Tho Five Talents of Women, Lon. 
 tsss, p. Svo. ' 
 Hardy, Miss Elizabeth, [ante, vol. 1., HAnnv, 
 Miss,add.,J 1794-1854, b. in Ireland, 'l. Michael Call 
 J'''?.; "■•;, '!'''« f'"'"'!?" U..nle.u.r, Lon., M>t:,, 12inn. Anon. 
 2. J h« Conlo.-«„r : „ J.,.uit Tnlr of tho Timf., fonn.lcl 
 on Fuct; HUh a I'lolu™ by th„ Hov. C. 11. Tayl.T, 
 M.A., Um., IS5I, IL'iM". Anon. ' 
 llarily, Kriie^t <;cor«i-, .M.A., nnl .>Iniiii, J. 8., 
 ;M.A. (Iruns.) I ho Anti.iuilics of OimM.-Thi. State- 
 ■ nmi 111,' (iiirnian of o. K. Schiiiiianii. l.Mn.. Is^ll m,, ' 
 Iliirdv, l'r.'.l<.ri,.. |. V™iiil,„|u,.i,i .Ma.lo Ma.y : 
 ';;. '"""•>' ""'' ''';"<"i''o of th,. Art cvvhibil.,!, I.„n., 
 . ';;• "".'"• ,-'■ A 11 Cof Ilillianls. l,»n., Isdil, :ii'„,„. 
 •f. ( li.-s tor H,.tfinnei-y, l,„n.. Isiiil, ;i2„,„. |, (Vii,l,uKe 
 mnl 1 oinmoe^ l,un., Isfu. :;2,„u. ft. I'uHnur .MnL'i.', 
 ;"ii., I>'.., ;:i;i,m. With W.viu:, J. U., Th« Mo.lurn 
 lloylc, !,un.. 1S7II, I2raii. 
 ,„ V.','"',''. "'"•«"" >flHOU. Th,. I.on.jon Hospitals 
 "i'lthe.Juhil,.u: h,.in« l.i,« .Sliiij;.. i'lizu K-*av on llo,«. 
 I'llnN, Must,,!, 1SS7, si,,. 
 1, '''"■|'V'^'«''«.lza l>llirns,daushtui-of.«;i,. T Mv 
 I'ulliis lianiy, ,„„„. I. s,.t l.v,sily .U,,h„i., 1,„„., I.S72, 
 J vol.-. p. Sv,). L". IlijtiT,^-!, Tivo Fires, I,„n.. IST.I. :' vol«. 
 p. ^vo. ;t. (Jiuneaini, l,,)n , InTT, ;1 vols. ),. svo. 1. Unlv 
 o l.,,vf..'<l,ov, l,.,M., isrr, ;! vols. or. Nvo! now cl., Iss,;. 
 5. |"i;tli,-iM.| l.ov,.V,.^ako: « Story, I,„n., I,s77, iL'ino, 
 '• A liroken l.„,th, I.oii., IS7,s, ;( vols, p. Svo. 7. Kricml 
 1. ,,.ver, I.,,,,., |v8„, ;, v„ls. p. svo. H. Love, Honour, 
 iin.l Ob..y I,o„., ISSI, .-i vols. p. Svo; nov iM., Issl. «. 
 iiutvv,.,.n livoOfcans; or, Sketches , if Anicri,.Mn Travel, 
 I.on., I^.M, Svo. 10. The (,ove that he Pas.e.l Dv : a 
 inle ol .Sinlana City, l,on., ISSI, .1 vols. er. Hv,)." 11 
 Jleiirls or a Novel, Lon., ISS.V 2 vols I2' 
 Onina,.sa.i.lAlli-al„rs: Sketehes of .S,„th Mfe,' 
 Lon., 18M1. p. Svo. I.l. The Westhorpe Mvsterv : . 
 Mttriy, l.on., IJS7. ;! vols. er. Svo. I j. Love in lai.«,e.,s : 
 a^Mory ol a Winter In Flori,la, Lon,, ISS7, 3 vols. er. 
 of !•"!■,'' V. '^''■■V, •',"""'•' «•»«•«•"■«.) '• The Connella 
 ot ( asile Lonnell, l,„n., IStW, o ,.„,,^ _ f^^,^^_ j Cham 
 I'"'"' "'';'•■ Ki-lonnation: the Stories of their Lives, 
 f r, ' ' '"';'•,""• ■'• '^''"' •^l'""'-'l' In,,iiisitlon : its 
 Heroes an: .Martyrs I ., |,S71I. l2,„o. .l! Ja,.,,„eline : 
 ?o ^^ ^/'f.n""' "'-■'"'•"'"'i"" ill llollan,!, I !, |S72 
 -ino. 5. i.e .Story of a Xoblo Life: „r. Zurieh «„,! it^ 
 Kefo,-,„er, Llneh /winj^le, Lon , 1S7I, ll'ino. «. Afloat 
 »n,l Ashore with Sir Walter llalei^4., Lon.. lS7(i I2m„ 
 in.- of the"u"-'f 'J;'."'^V-"■■ ■^'l'." *'"'"-' "»•' "'" '^ink-' 
 ng of the (J,,o,l sliip ",t„.o." llliist. |,„„., |s7r 
 Jonn n-., the Colonist; or. The A.lventiires of a Voun^t 
 SeotehiM.n, m South Afri,.,, 1-Min., ISS-I, i:',,,,, ^ I 
 eecon',l'',vi*iv *)'«.■■>■' •'«1yv''""«'"" -"' «• MaeJowell, ' 
 1 e Ueath ol her : .isban.l she visile,! thi Unite,! States ^ 
 with her , laughter. 1. War Notes from the Crimea ' 
 Lon., ISoo ,Svo. 2. The Artist'3 Familv ; an llis ,^ ." 1 : 
 a .V„el 1, ,„ , ,,1 „,, F„,t, Lon., IStili, 2 vols. p. Sv,.. 
 4. A lleros Work, Lon., ISA", ;! vols, , . Svo. I Pan 
 Aimers saeriliee, Lon., 1S69, 3 vol«. {,. «vo; new ed , 
 iiiortmaK.?aS'n,";v;M?" '"'^r. "'« '""''I""? «"<"■ "o 
 sum ner Pa U Vv, '\', ''; ' "i "''""!'>' '*"■"""» '"'"^«;>' <! 
 lofty .',ile,^M"u,.^^^,;.^^,/;:;;^::;;';j;-. -^ exeelle.,t; a 
 are all m,„e or less weak .lll^l ..l-eii!'.::^:;,.',,, i^,? '-- 
 6 Daisy Niehol; a Xovel, Lon., IS70, .'I vols „ s..,^ 
 -.A Wouian s Triumph; a Xovel, Lon., IS72 s'^'ol'. i"' 
 W,]s,8,.ivof.. p. Svo. 10. Iteryl Forteseue. L„7, ' 
 itmlV 'stetel';; T "; '^'''r""Sh Cities an,l Prair e! ' 
 i,ans. Sketehes ol an American Tour, Lon Issi Sv„ i 
 i^he i.s one of those who may be sal It, run an^ wriV, ' 
 I-!- Down South, Lon , 188.1, Svo. 
 .«on*ii,'*'''2iff;','l!-',,r''''""''!'-''-'; '" "i*-' fecoii,strueli,m of the 
 ts" t,,au , nil,:;" 
 nisiial ton, us „V h- .'("V^'ller. \vli.;e the outlines aiul 
 stn'i l^' I'r'^^H^, H.,,';,\;'?'-^ sum,.|ei,t to bring into 
 A Dangerous E.Nperiment ; a Novel, Lon.. ISSS .3 voi« 
 HnrUy, Philip Dixon, [o»/c, vol. i., a,l,l 1 1 The 
 I Causeway Lon. I Sfi I, fp. Svo. .1. Dublin an,l WIekh.w 
 ami the lis, llighlan,ls, Lon., Isilj, f,,. .m-,,. ,., jhc 
 Lake, of K,l|arre>s Cork, .te„ Lon., Is'tll, ip, Sv, . 8 
 (1;.,.) Ihe Now IVslanont : Matthew an,l Uomani 
 with Nolo,, L,j|i., iSilS, Svo "omani. 
 , if m'i ""'","";•' """'^"■'' '" ""■ Wesb.yan M,,, 
 '■■list lhur,.h in Is2,,; missionary in Ceyl,,,, f„r «ia"v 
 .years; ni,.,i,l,er of the ltou.1 Asiatic Soeiey 7 
 Manua ol li,„|,||,isiii in its Mo.lerii DevelopuHm^- Inns 
 hilo.l Irom Singhalese .AISS., L,m., lN,o:) Svo o,| "f" 
 -4'>'irri"''"",'I,','„"f'""'"'"' '■'""i"l""'t "f ila'worti;; 
 ^■of'^h ];;;,: :t:'-;.;„r::,^;^^iJ-',v^;::;;::-- 
 .i,;.,b;iital H,.,,,arks on some I'ropeltie^'^f Li^^i.r 'boi,^ 
 I "It \ . 01 an L,.say 0,1 Vision, Lon., Is,-,ii. Svo ;i Doilv 
 as Cieator, Si.stuiiier, „n,l Iser of Nature, i,oi,;, Tszi; 
 !.','!,'' I'l^;; "t'"'"^ ?;• '• "''''" "'"<"". [-•TM.,] 
 is '1 im, ' I'V'V' ,-i'::f ^ "'""■" l''li'la.V«.(ilasgo, 
 ri ' ''''■ ""■' ( li'inicter in an OM City paiisi,' 
 :'''"■■ ,-'>■'.>:'' '• T,m, Telfer's Sli, I, w ; i^S, y , f 
 i lie Last ol the I ■ nemos, K,n., ISSI 1. s. , 11 1 „„i ■ 
 12mo « Fi,.kle Fortune, E,ir„„ ■ ^ i"' ' ,' i' '' ,t' 
 Itncla's First Lc.-s„n. I" Wav to Win" s. . to ' 
 E,lin., ISS7, ls,„„. Wul SWA^, vvt^S ^ m ^^r 
 Jk.s8,k J . F,, Vita \-inctis, FMi,',., ,S8 p.' s";' ^^c"^' 
 I tains stories in pro,e an,l poems ) ' ' "" 
 ! Tb. ir'*'' '^f''",: •'*«""""• ''lie .Sohlier's Dream ; or 
 ! lS7r,, sv,r' ■"'^' '■'''■ "'''^"""' ""•"'•ards, lion ; 
 ' sb""F'!,^' '''''';"'«*• \ '•^■<»- "t a village in Dorset- 
 tiiin. 1 bomas j|,„, |^ ,, ,„„^,^,,,_ „^ "V 
 ele i, V;""l"'-''i"'"' "■'■^ "I'lTcnlice,! at sLxteen ,0 a ec 
 a prue lor design. He nl,.o wrote art criticism At 
 ;"';,':'" ""i?S".»f "lirty he fouiul his t u, ein in the 
 : J',^';- -on., 1S71, n vols. p. svo. Amm ' 
 pleni;^^?;?;? K'umlllui, ;!;;;:'«:> "■ ^■""'^ respects „» ,111. 
 caiiiiot de, i lis . at c 1 v' , ,', ,',"-y, l"'"y'l"l one. We 
 of the iiuth,,r .T J .| J./',, ',',V'i*'V ','!'''' • "" """ ^ex 
 foiiii,! ill the, 1 «1 c nr eu,^:'"''' "', .''V' ''ook will be 
 piirKc liiinself of this w, v .. m.V'.,; " "'V "'.'"""• »'" 
 not write novels ,, Iv a iiit e if' at 11 t",'" f''-'' ''^' "''">"'' 
 of Uiepresent Keiien^tio;,.''_;.,tt"'xi;;':,.V,;,^''''"'- '" ">« U-st 
 I -■''ri".^S"lrS'„';i;;'n^/?;;^r!;"'t,;"'^ genuine eol. 
 one at times of s,ii J , l' I ■ ' ', .J i,,' 'u"'^'"'*'''* reminding 
 thea,' ■•-.<„/, /to,, .xxxiv, 417 Heriiiann and Doru- 
 •". A Pair of Ulue Eves Inn Hi-Q u 1 
 new ed., 1877. ^ ' '"""' ^*"^' ^ *'»'«- P- Svo; 
 > if m'.t'a velVsubSbli ^Hl^, '"">■ ',''f " ^'^O" distinct, 
 ■ i'l'liviiiualUy ft -^ " t V','™ ™f'e;-»"^ "'eie is no lack of' 
 ■ Hftniys feni nl "i, e. is'm '1 nf.v' M™''".'""'' ^"''- -^"•• 
 tractive, as the ^toly slIiAvs "- ' f ^?,^].lgi' Perilously at- 
 I p 4.Jar from the Madding C^wdlV^fn^ ,S74, 2 vol. 
 I oi;ht^,/I;j';!!'io'\«;;,^'y;, Se'i;. 'r™^ ^SPeninps we 
 : order of ni , eV,, V l sh ,' '",'■' .'"•' P'""'"' '» "ic 
 ,tn>uble, and is not "i a |,ur'-. .."".'"■''.■"'«•..; : .■ Ho takes 
 lativo, drawn 
 rrv to work off his skel 
 from the inside, and liigliTy 
 •■'■ I>iibliii un<i Wleklow 
 1. iliilwuy, C'Diiiiumiira, 
 '■^"1, 1): xy'<. ft. The 
 l.iin.. iHrtl. ||,. Hm,. (I, 
 liilliiuw and l(iiii],in«! 
 I llie VVi'.-l.ynn Muh- 
 V in C' fur iniipy 
 ABiiilii' Suciety. |. A 
 II l)t'veli)|.iriint ; tnini'- 
 iii., In,.:), ,Svii| :M ,.,|.^ 
 iiiiiihiTit (if lliiH<ir(li, 
 'lie l-i'iti'iiil!" mill Thfii- 
 with lli,.t„ry 1111,1 .Xci- 
 'I' '111''L' mill .Svntcin 
 • "^in I 2il uil,, l.s'sl, 
 llillf. I. 'I'rnvels in 
 »<, Imh,, |s2!i, .Mvii. 2. 
 I'llicx (if Light : biMng 
 • 1 l^.'lll, ,'<vii. :',. Doily 
 3f Niiliire, 1,1111,, !,i<74, 
 'liin niiioiii, [rorni',] 
 n'K Hpliilays, (JinsgijH, 
 friis.s ii.iiiirt Hem; or 
 II mi 0,i.| t'ity l'ail.«h, 
 '« iShi li IV ; a ,'^tory of 
 o, ft. lilciiiiirlle, or, 
 I.1-. '-i'b «. ,\ro!iiu: 
 I o'lior .StDi-ics, lOdin., 
 inburh Tmvii, hMin., 
 I Iiii.-sio, Kilin., l.ssft, 
 •. ' "^H, IJiiio, 1(1. 
 Will" Kur.) IMuKt. 
 .vnibS, ami Saxiiv, 
 !■"<**", Ji. Svo. (Con- 
 iSolilier'a Oronm ; or, 
 il iJruiikiirds, Lon., 
 a village in Dorset- 
 wliich Kolson's cap- 
 went 111 ,«chool in his 
 at !«i.\t,'eii to mi ec- 
 iinii. On ciiiiiing of 
 leml a.iaptmleiit of 
 , "nil btrmne a puiiil 
 iiiliilii, ¥.f:A. lie 
 In.ilitiilf of lirilish 
 Colouieil IJrieli and 
 Iso in the (laine year 
 8 nit ciiticisin. At 
 is trim vein in the 
 inoe miilnly devoted 
 Jar Dorrhestcr, Uor- 
 iny of the scenes of 
 Is have been tians- 
 ir from the Madding 
 "I- in l,s-!i mill |„.u. 
 . l»e.-i|icrate ileiue- 
 inie rcsiiecl.i nil uii- 
 piiweiful (iiif. We 
 n niiiiil, (111 tile .sex 
 III the honk Hill he 
 • If thenmliiir will 
 nsoii why lieshiuilil 
 inlerinr to the best 
 liunil I'ainting of 
 " Uesjieiale Keuie- 
 e nnd genuine eol- reniliullng 
 lerniuiui and Boru- 
 3, 3 vols. p. Svo; 
 lias n very dl.stinct, 
 there Is im lack of 
 iirroiiiid her. .Mr, 
 nigh periluusly at- 
 jon., 1S74, 2 vols. 
 "i or, perhnp.s we 
 1 he placed in the 
 «ts. ... Ho tnke.s 
 ^ 111! hl.s sketche.s. 
 inside, and highly 
 am I; 
 ■liter of the novel to Ihl.s e.xte ,,'",'"•' *"'"• 
 ;| "1' wilh iiiinsnal skill and cm, ■ , ' "'">' !"^' 
 -I'll, and, within Us own llnilis i, ,,,'''.'''''«'''' '! 
 into the Mory like pleee.^ (d V. '„ , l"'' -^',"' 
 » ""n Ihev are-so -Itlid In, an V^Viiiv:,'';;!,!',',^,^^ 
 » lien they i 
 ,^x\i.K. ,'if. 
 It "i I ,."'"■,""""■'■■ II has a fatal hii k r „, V''^''''>' 
 an.iii .,'■-," "' ;'» ifr.'he hollowncssoi' ' """'' 
 'i','V.:',?/y.''.'.''" >■'.',«:" h>:twv,^u it aii'l ti, 
 in Chapters 
 lhnc.«n,lsn;:i;pp,J-'^';,,;;;^';; '"kiv* II,;, pr,,..,,,^^ 
 his characters ; Inu'ii,, i,iiiL',,s i,'" "" '" ""' lircseut for 
 |iii,l» til. „i„ posi lo s w 111 " '""■'"" ^ 'I" Ihlngs.n 1 I 
 «tleastl,ctb,Mig\i,v,r!V^;,,,V'^ |1 ';;;l,.Wii>>sil.le,''w 1, 
 i"«''rt!"i.' m '■v.TvdaiiyVr!!'^','';;;.'^'!!,",';:;!!;,^ '>!« i™.!- 
 Mir Hli 
 '' Tm li ".'.'""""lacii 
 -If liMmili M,ii;i""!i'^u';:'^,,^;i^;i'«j^''w-fil;;lal knowledge 
 "II lie :min|H, he has nte,i?.h.!.,'„ ','"*"'"">• '""' Hie lo 
 ■iiiiiii'cnr ! ;;":"'«'' '" ''"Kfi've i,,iiiv"i':,v.7',','.:,".' ''■"■■■;■ -■•hi'ini sho».s 
 i""ii^"'t la- , ;;*ii!.''.v,'" . — ... ..,.• ,o , ,,,__, 
 ?i2".?;,L" «.»««*. .' 1.:™.."; F,";;,, .,;,.v,^ ■! 
 S(i!l-Si; -I ...1. ' - .... '."■'■*.) 
 a St 
 'it Tii 
 •■ i:viry ineident e^Trihu "ei' to',, V- ', *■"'?• ^ ''■"■ "-'^ rf '°^ '^''- 'i'- »• Hard;, ;,,;,;„ 
 ">e authorwolllo^r^ 
 'e him be. The | kee| 
 the braneh Keeord Offlct ' theT ^■"'' :,'?"• "ntered 
 his brother 8ir T D Hn rd^ """ "' ''""don with 
 lively keener of Vl,« R^^f f.' .':''A''\''"'^. ^'-•''"'■'e suoces- 
 of Lancaster, 
 'l>er of the Public R 
 I'cr, an office from which 
 coords, and di 
 e retired in Lssii. rfrans 
 ami I'll.) The Chnrtem "f tlio Duihy of I-anonnlcr. 
 I.iin., iHJ.'i, Hvo. With ll,\iiiiv, KiiwAiii>, r,.C.I'., K.S.A.; 
 I. (Triiin.i A Collccilon of tlia ChroniiJoi niid Aiicieiil 
 JllitorliiH 111' llroBt llrllain, now ciilliid Knuliiriil, by Juhn 
 iIb Wiivrlii : voii. l.-ij., I,„ii., I8M1_,S7, r. Hvo. 2. (IM.) 
 Roeiicil lion Chri)iiii|uc» et HiK^hloiines Iiiti>riei< do In 
 (Iriint Itri'tttlgno : ii prosont iiuiiiiiiii KntfioterrB. I'lir Je- 
 r . lie Wiiuiln. (Ilword OfBcu I'lib.) l,on., IHUl, 4 
 vijIk Svo. 
 Hardy, Williiiin, of llurninuU'. Life iiml Eloo- 
 trlflty in llinilth iiml I)|»e»i>u ■ Ijuiiig ii (luiclo tii (ho I'io 
 of Kleclriuily in Dinoiinc, lliirrojjiitf, |Mtl2-0S, a luirta, 
 Hvo. ' 
 Ilnrc, AuKiiHtiiH John Ciithbvrt, [nni,-, vol. I., 
 ftilil.,)b. 1S:(.|, lit tlio Villa Siroi/,i at lloiufi son of 
 Franiin (JiMir/jo llaro, ami niphcw of Aii^uatiin U'illliim 
 llaro anil Jiiliun ('harlcs llarr, (y. t:, am,, vol. I.,) umi 
 iiiloiiteil by .Mr». .Maria Hare, in/,,,. II.. viiih cilueatcd 
 lit Hiirrow, unil at rnivfri-lty Colle^p, U.\ri)ril, ami I'or- 
 liHTly rosiilcil at tlio family homo of lliir.miionoiau.x, but 
 HftcrwarclH reiiioveil to llolmhur.^t, near ilastingn. 1. 
 K|>ila|)li8 for Country Cburohyanlfi, Colloolo.1 and Ar- 
 runxi'd. Oxf., IH.iO, Mvo. 2. Winter (it Montonc, Lon., 
 ISHL', 12mo. .). Wulka in Rome, Lim., IS7I, 2 vola. n. 
 >*vu: IL'th cd., INS7. ' 
 "He liHssunpllcil Ina iileawiiiterancl mere Intellectual 
 Inrm-bui with the prarlh'iil ilrawl.aek of tilllnL' i»c,«onie- 
 « 1ml bulky vulumts-an eiilamud Murray for Koine."— 
 Sit. lilV., XXXll. liK). 
 4. Jlcmorittla of a Quiet Life, Lon., 1.^72, 2 vols, n 
 t^vo; l«th eil., ISS4. "^ 
 " Krancl.s, Au(,'U«tus. Julius, anil .MariMi.s Hare, 'the niiwt 
 hrotherly (il brothers,' mh Lundor calleil them, are prnnil- 
 iient IlKUres here: but the central character of Ihe bonk Is 
 Mrs. AuKUslus Marc, of whoso life we have minute partle- 
 ulars Ironi cMlldboud to old aKe, and from wIiobu diary 
 copious extracts are tfiven."— .S'/«c(ri/r,r. xlv. Um 
 Iwu very thick volumes expended on theoulet llfeot 
 n clerKynian .s widow unknown to lanie nilnht test even a 
 steady render fl powers to the utmost. . . . Impatient liirn- 
 II K of the leaves produces only disconraiieinent ; but be„'ln 
 at Ihe bcKlnnlntr, and the wdl-prlnclpled ellort Is re- 
 wii riled by (orni ni? acnualnlanee with a really li|«h. 
 minded, unworldly, mid iiitellcctiial j;roup of people i7re- 
 seiuin),' a picture ol aims, pur.siilis. and habits which 
 them .Millicient v above onllnary folks and their doliiKs to 
 make Iliein well worib knowing. "-.sVi/. /,■,,., xxxv "1 | 
 a. Wanderinga in Sjmin. lilust. Lou., 1873, ii? ivo: I 
 .!d ed., I.S7I1. ' I 
 whi'.'r'' '" ,','"* ''.'P**.' ''""k.of trnvel In Spain: the book 
 which exaitly anticipates the rei|uirenieiits of everybody 
 «lio is iorlnnate enoii(;li to be hoIul' to that enelmnteri 
 wlilcb ably eonsole.s those who are not so 
 I ln«plri'd. In the majority of Instance", by a p«-r»(onal ami 
 even Inlliinili' aci|iialnlance wlib llie loi'nlltfes ibscrlbid 
 He ulves Us 111'" I I -■■' ' 
 at all elsew 
 on and unldance not lo be olilaliiuii 
 , to be eoUwted with dlllleully." 
 hind: the book which ably i 
 »'X: ';-'7ll''l''>'l"-;. ','''■' ''''''Bi"»ii"'''fr"nV'the'"irailiiiest 
 and most dclliMoiisol its stores. . . . The book sei/es iirHui 
 one', mind will, a ft.sclna i like that of the 4 ffi 
 with its miiiKlcd dcilKlit in K'rand nature, and Its sulnle 
 distant human sympiiihy with a and a present (inlte 
 " One of the charms of his volume is the :iiimlier of le- 
 fi. Days near Kouio. I| Lon., I87j, 2 vols. cr. 
 Hvo: M ed., |s.^4. 
 r,n'i,'! ^"-''il" '*P''''i"'ly "f Home's surroundings, and of the 
 Parle nro t'of'ryiv"^""" V"'''\ '"">' '"-' "'"It.'rlake.i w b 
 iart,e prollt of relrc-hmmt and inlomiaiion by any one 
 possessed ol niodenite health, luodenile means an l,? 
 moderate .spirit of aiiventnre."-,sVOT(Xl xlvUi jV 
 WiVh pT'"'.'."''"''' n,*^"'"' ''''"' ^''Pplomi^^ntary Volume, 
 'l:"!, F'f'>',-^«*«" l'li"tograph.s. Lon., 187fi, p. .Svo. 
 Ibis volume is Kiven in accordance with the earnest 
 luiaii represenuitlon ol the puces and of the nersons 
 mentioned in ■ Memorials of a (Juiet Life ' lie a 
 irom [lie unpuhlisjicd Idlers and jounini of Mrs Aiiioisinu 
 Harcvind a icvv of the lettei-s of Aridide,u\li, |fr,re."-!;Jt 
 inwh;ch'u:;^'''l^^''''''r''''"'^''^'"'''""'''^ '^ 
 ,,. i, V-^ ever lived, iiolwitlistandiiiK that is 
 not 1,; at all rein.irk,, ne eitiier in the faces or lie lioi Js 
 or,.tliis aUirmuiKly well-known family."-.v.,./V,/o,', .xlLv 
 8. Cities of XortliDrn and C'entinl Italy, Lon., 1870, 3 
 " Willi one or two excerilions, . . . we have scareeU- 
 havel.;'!! 't"-"' '™'"' V "^■«'"I'li"" "r infornml', f„ ami ^ -^ 
 hajeeollated a good many) witli which a student f the 
 red oook [Murrav's " ilMiid-iiook tor NortliiTrn Inll'M 
 "His^Rceounts of 'scenery and travelling are obviously 
 rmatli _ 
 here, or, at leant, 
 : —Speetali)r, xllx. \a>i\. 
 tf. Walk, in London, Lon., IS78. 2 voli. p. Svo: Alb 
 "So much of laie yearH Iihk Iweii written alMint London 
 tmt a new work on Ihe Mibject Is not likely lo cou, 
 much orltflmi iiiatler; but Ihe author has uoncoverll 
 Kroni.d ifinself. in adilit to a careful slmfy of a lib, r|. 
 Ie« and persoiiBl observation hiu. ciiab blin bi use b I, 
 u" l'i'™»"l 1" well as lor relcrence."--'v"cM/or, II. 
 III. Tho Life and Lellcrn of Frances, Baroness Hun- 
 fen, Lon., I87S. 2 vols. Hvo; :|,l cd , I.HH2. 
 (.."..m'';.'!,''"',!'"",' "" ""' whole.exerclsed a'wise discretion 
 I ;;,u ff, ''•' '!''"■''" '" "■ll,"r'l'-"Wii story. 1,1,1 be n ih 
 will, ailvanla^e laye curtailed a llltle both at llio beulii- 
 lilliK and the eml of ll„; Issik."— .l(/i., \o. -'(u'l 
 II. Cities uf youthorn Italy and Siolly, Lon., 1883. 
 cr. 8vo. " ' ' 
 "It iH pleasant lo have set la^fore us. by means of Mr 
 I, val".mrr ,';■''' »';r:'l'Hliltln«. the many cla.>sli ani nie b 
 I llv ,« ,, "" "" ! "■'"■'' "'^''' 'll'lrhls abound, es. 
 ;ei lally as I ese antli|niirlan s,ibject« are every now and 
 .n'Tc'i'.'Jl'',' o'."''*' '-■""^■■"■'' l'.v " of romanT^i" I"." y 
 Ivli ii7 ''"■'* "f "'" '''I" '"I'l miKlern life."«(<i/,>,-, 
 i 12. ('ities of Central Italy, Lon., l^Sl, 2 vols, i,. 8vo. 
 I 3. \enloo, Lon., 1884, ,,. 8vo. 14. Florence, L„n., 
 ' .i'"' ■,'"•'. 2'' /''•• "*''''• '*• Sketches in liollnn.l 
 an, I Scandinavia, Lon., ISC.',, p. 8vo 
 b,it tli'ev''I,'n."vi,Tr "■"'>■,""" l''^'^« Sketches are slight: 
 . 1,1. * ■"" *'* '■ "'"' I'Iclnresiiiie. and convey a more 
 dlsllncl impression of llollami and .sicandliiavli I an 
 I many larwcr work»."„rto(or, Ivill. hkw 
 ; Jfl. Sludics in Knssia. Illust. Lon., 188.1, p. 8vo 
 .„•■ ,. ^"'""V' .which may be read Willi pleasure, and may 
 : prove uselul to travellers who Inlend to visit he sceies 
 I L" " 'If •■•''*''• • ■ • lleui.rilcd as a li,iiid-b,«,k lii.s wi rk 
 deserves to be coinmeiided.'—^KA., Xo {iiHXi 
 ' in'J" wir"' 'T' '''•''- !'• **"»• ''"*• !'">« n^'"- »''"'iS 
 : Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 I v."*?'"'*'' it!"' «•"*'.>■," (PsOUd.) ,Soo JOHMSON, 
 I iMns. Lai'iia W., iii/ni, 
 \ n.i*''J,'V' ?'• ^' *-'• '• '••'''" '^'surnnce Maile Easy ; or. 
 Ihe taluulalion of Nett Kates explained by Simple 
 Arithmetical demonstration, Lon, I87II 8vo ■> 
 ionufos: an Aiil to the Seleolion of a Life Oflico, Lon"; 
 188.1, Svo. .1. ^^Illiam Fair, Lon, 1883, 8vo. 4. Life- 
 insurance Manual, Lon., I88fi, Svo. 
 Hare, HobHrt Aiiiory, M.D.', clinical professor of 
 iliseiisesol children in Ihe Univer.-ity of Pennsylvania. 
 ';„,,' ' 'iy*">l»«'oal and I'alboloKical Ellects of the Use 
 of lobiicco, I'hila., 1885, Svo. 2. Questions and Answers 
 on the Kssen la s of Physiology, prepared especially for 
 Students of Medicine. Illust. I'bila,, 1888. |2m„ 
 Hare, John Middleton. I. Familiar Clloimics 
 between ,1 Father and his Children, Lou., 1802, 12mo. 
 -.The Ministry and Character of K. H. Hare, Lon., 
 18,4, p. Syo. ' * 
 Hare, Maria, (Leycester,) d. ' <70, wife of Uev. 
 Augustus Milluun Hare, („„„; vol. i.) Fo,- hiog., fee 
 ii.v,iK A. ,). (^., „,/„■». A True and .'^ad Story of ISli2, 
 Lon., istjj, llinio. 
 Hare, Thomas, M.A., [n„^.,yoi. i.^ndd.,] b. ISOfi; 
 educated at (Queen's College, Cambridge; called to the 
 bar at the Inner remple 1833; an inspector of cliarities 
 since lS5.i. 1. A Treatise on the Elcclion of Kepresen- 
 atives, Parliamentary and Municiiml. Lon., 1S5«, 8vo- 
 th e,l„ 1873. 2. The Development of the Wealti, of In^ 
 ;lia : with Notes, Lon., I8BI, Svo, ,i. Us,|i,e „,l Cadum : 
 Ihoughts on the Dwellings of the People, C'hiiritablo 
 I'.stiiies. Iu,provenient, and Local Ooveinuient in tho 
 Metropolis, Lon., I8t)2, Svo. 
 , ","/'''' V" '*• "" ""'•"earch for a Dinner, [irans- 
 lated from Hie Fiencb.] Lon,, 1857, l:!,no. 
 Hare, Capt. William Aldworth Home, R.E. 
 I. (Iran.s) Ihe Armed Strength of Italy ; fi-,„, the 
 erman, Lon., 1875, p. Svo. 2. (Tnins.) The Dmics of 
 the ueneral .staB, by Major-(Jen. lironsart von Schellen 
 dorf. Lon., 1877-80, 2 vols. 8yo 
 Harford, Uev. Frederick Kill, grnduated at 
 New Inn Hall, Oxford, 1855 ; minor canon of Wcstmin- 
 [verse,] Lon., IHaO, I2iiio. ' 
 vn^V"''?>''*f'i :"„"''" •'^^■'•"•''••■tt. U.C.L., F.R.S., [ante, 
 nnl ;'r "l ' nl'"*""' ''' "' ^"'''"1 ! «'lueated privatelj- 
 ami , It Christ .s College, Cmbridge, but took n,', degree; 
 resided at lllaise Castle, near Bristol, and was a magis- 
liii liH'iilltli'ii <li'M rllii'il 
 mv mil Id livnliiKliicd 
 llwtuil wlllullllk'ulty." 
 8, 2 vc<li. |i. Nvo; Stb 
 wrllU'ii iiljiiiit I^iiiiliiii 
 nnt llkrly III I iiiiii 
 liiir liitK uiiiir iiviT Ihf 
 rfhil Klmly nC iiulhnn 
 IIIiIiIimI hllll III IIHO IiIh 
 ViilkK III biiiiliiii' In li 
 cri'ijcu."- ■^iiirliiliir, II. 
 itncen, Ilnrunt'Kii Iliin. 
 .. IHH2. 
 I'lHl'll a Hist' iliMTl'llllll 
 v.L Kliiry, liul Uv inluht 
 til' hiilh lit lliu Itviilli- 
 ., Nil. ai72. 
 a «lolly, Loll., 188;i, 
 UN, liy means nf Mr. 
 imiiy rliL-i-lrHinl mt'il- 
 illMlrlrts hIiiiiiiiiI, vs. 
 Ik iiri' evrry iiiiw uiiil 
 mil' riiiiiuiitli' Hi'i'iicry 
 KluriilUi;."— ,s;,,fc((i(ijr, 
 l>«l, 2 voln. p. Svii. 
 14. Kliirenec, Lnn., 
 Sketohea in llullanil 
 Hki'lclioK nrc sllglil; 
 Hiid c'linvt'y a more 
 (1 Si'uiiilliiaviu tliim 
 ,on., 1ss.\ p. Svo. 
 Ii |ilcHMire, mill niiiy 
 111 III \ lull tllf SWIU'S 
 liaiiil-lKHik, hiswiirk 
 11. ;«KKi. 
 X, Uiiys near Pari.", 
 uil.) See Jon.vsoN, 
 ince Maile Easy ; or, 
 [plaineil by Hiiiiplo 
 1., IH7II, >t\o, 2. 
 ' a Lil'e Oflioc, I,iin., 
 I88;i, 8vo. 4. Lll'o- 
 dinlca! profes.ior of 
 ty ol' Pennsylvania, 
 il Kll'eeta ol tho I'.-o 
 ;.«lliins ami Answers 
 pared e.-pecially for 
 a., I8SS, I2mii. 
 Kainlliar C'ii|loi|uii'.4 
 , I-on., 181):.", 12niii. 
 R. H. Hare, Lon., 
 . ' <7fl, wife of Kev. 
 I.) For blog., fee 
 t^ad Story of ISliL', 
 1. i.,ndd.,] b. 18ll«: 
 Idgej called to tlio 
 'pector of clmritii'8 
 ■or inn of Keprescn- 
 il. I.nn., 1S5<J, 8vii; 
 r I ho Wealth of In- 
 Us(|iie ad Ca'luni : 
 People, C'hiiritablo 
 overnment in the 
 • a Dinner, [lriin.<- 
 rtli Home, R.E. 
 I' Italy ; fr-iin the 
 ns.) The Ilnlicn of 
 i.iart von Suhellcn 
 ill, (graduated at 
 anou of Westinin- 
 yons and Vienne, 
 3.1,., F.R.S., [nii(«, 
 L'ducnied privately 
 it took no degree; 
 and was a magis- 
 trate < 
 Willi II 
 . f ,1 w 
 Whull. , 
 jpiity lli'utfniinl for Uloiieiniii'rwhl 
 ilu wan liiliiinittf with VV. W 
 ire, and "im the heroof "('iiduli 
 iierfiiri'B ami Wl.^l 
 Hnd I,. 
 .■I. Il, 
 ed., I'. 
 I. Me 
 Illualniti'il In 
 li, Irtn 
 n( the H. 
 >■• Uifbard Ch 
 1.111. I 
 III rriiiinphanl, IH.',h. .1. i|,ri,(i„n l( 
 rtallona, ISA8, 2. Trm 
 Splcnt Li'ltom and ,S 
 iipl'lo l,.iri| ,Ji„u 
 « Chrint 
 I Ive 
 iiren on Ihe .Serond Advunt 
 Ith T 
 of Oil 
 Ihe LIfr 
 niion», Sulii,.,.(,, Worii...|er, I.Htl.l, m 
 f >|, I ■...■.,,,r-, '^it Mirer ", 
 I,. ■'","! '*"'«''l" llnrl. 
 "oriuoui on Important 
 with iriiii-liitlona of Many ol bj. |„„„„ 
 ■'»o,« if Savonarola, Ituhhiul ami 
 111 I. /in 1 ■ 'i ~ 't ..,.1.. u— .. . ' . • ' 
 ' 'liinna, I,on , I 
 ''"liiiim of W, 
 vol*. Hv„, 2,1 „,| _ 1^ 
 y, Niiiiuon Wmilu.r, D.D., (.,„,,. v.,1 i 
 Ky In Ihe |inlver«ity of Illjnoia 
 mill.. I priifemor of thool, 
 l^iJO «fl. I, Val 
 n« of an I' 
 H'ilberforoe duri 
 with III let Notiuea of koi 
 ni( maily The Lull, 
 2. Jii^tlllealion by Faith 
 ngelieal Minl.liy, 185 
 I'ln and Ciiiileiii 
 le of his I 
 porarjoi, Lon., Ihiii 8 
 leran Dnetrine of il,o 1 
 II" laiiuhl by |,||t| 
 III'!- Mfe, Phila., 18)5, 
 . Kiibvrt 11. N. Vollow K 
 "".iMI llHrkin, Ur.Al* 
 Xllldi'r. The .Vat 
 ever: ||a Hhij 
 filjiii I'. I I'leviintion, Plijlii., I8N1, 8vo 
 ^•iiii ,..,u,. (.|,„„,.^ J«nie», |,l,.i,., I'uti 
 V«r.ilv r, II '","'";•''■■>'• "'■"'■ '•™'li'; '•ilneuled at I'ni' 
 ouiiil,.,,., I.' ,' ;'l'l"""t';' » ooiiiinissloner under the I„. 
 nuLr ' '"" •^'••'(f''"'"'"!) I!*". Ilo lonlrihiit I 
 Sii, ,;:'''';':,"'?' rr" "■,"-' ^-^"^ ''ii'. 
 - '^::Mr;r2^V-:,^;rl'^li'--'-"'•- 
 ^^^_lurKr..,,v,.,, „. ,,,„,,,,„ ^ ,, ^^,,^^„,,_^ ^.^.^^_ ^^^^ 
 Vi"'!,nY7^"' ''!"'!' *''■.",'•"•'• The Blunder, of 
 '■"M., l',-„, p 's;.,,"'"' """' ■'^-"•Aotlng C'bastisenien.s, 
 "|"^'^',;;^:;%'""^«'<'^|"''• ^ ''rivetical Ma„. 
 <»"i,';^ ';•'•:•. 5"";»,"' '''Y- A V'oyago round 
 llii.', .. ■ "" ' '"'■"'• '■""■' ""<•'. i-'r. Svo. 
 I'ri. ,: m".*''"! "*'"•«'". '. Revelations from 
 yeov'i'r.r'l '.''''•"• I- "'" Anonymous .-^ysieiu 
 Lon. rli; \",:'.';""'J; "■"' '"'lependeneo of the^■reL y 
 source- ii;.. \ •' r ', •■ ■',"""' ""'"■ ^- '-•'"• Wasted Ro- 
 Vork I s ';t"''"« ';',"^'","'^• T"'"!'""""" Roforni, N. 
 II,,,,, ■ '"'" '""I" " iliH'.-, Lon., 1882, 8vii. 
 2 Xot,. , '^"■''""^'-''i -'' <-'il-. I'un., 1,^:18. I", „„ 
 Adiirl;:" 'rV'r\ ■"' ."r/'^-'-^ '''"'-'»« Kss,ys' i : 
 rHri'r.: v:,!. \:"^l"'"^'"'^^ Kditcdby.;. Hargrove. I.i,;.; , 
 Oileulla ;, J |';i''","'"''" '''^'"*-5»; missionary at 
 ByC. ..^ II i'^'";u,l- ',^"ni?«3 upon Church I!„||«. 
 All*!" ''"",''',"' ;'?'■". «• »• '• An Apology for the 
 poradic and Kpidcmlo Choi, 
 lire and Troat- 
 ' lliirl'i .... ill. ""',"" • '""•'"». '•""■. If'MS, Mvo. 
 n.M II. rs*>'» ..I \! 1 \ ' ''*''^*' ""'^ vo. I., 
 IIarkiu>«N, llev. Ilenrv l.nw mi 
 I .vt Hi. .lohn's <^iiio«e: "*!:;; ,'^^;,.*;;^;;,«:»j|'^5a 
 ! rector ol St. Kwithin's, Woree.ter .inn, 18" J i' 
 isi""". '■?""■"• ,:'■ i'»p-'-''t Tr:;. ' ,11 .v^'i' r; 
 'i^\o;^:, 8^; 'iivo'^^r ;;:! ''r ''-• '•'■"'-'• 
 .he.voung: u;.S87;; loJTtu 'i:;? '(^^rr; ^ 
 7. Soul Prosperity, |„ „., 187- «,,,' mV.m '.,"''• 
 IliirkiiegR, idnruiiret i i 
 i th;'M.:;:„,ei''i[j.':';",'!..'r'; '\t """'^^ "^•^""•"""« 
 Alle°vm."''o' .'!'';!"""'• '"'"1 Niiholson, lleiiry 
 Kc"on n'lsfls'l^/'"'"^ '" !''" "i^i' '"«« naval s,i" 
 ^ K;s I; r,,*!:, ;:::;';!;;;r;^;:j-:!; --Z';;:;-'."- 
 connected with the navaUbseiva v Mairn .1 n'l 1 " 
 I ■',' I ti..;Ti. ■'^'"''"■■"'"""ii'iii-- iS 
 ocrnin,Mli,. r,„^ii,iiif!,„Vi; ."""■'" ^Ppundi.x "con- 
 tional aii.l I! , I ^ ^ iif .Union between the Congrega- 
 ¥I..J- - a .Novel, I.on., \SM, „. 8vo 
 IlllrillL-liiii. kii.. lj;..K. ' . • !'• ' »u. 
 to the lu,:,t l.ini-ol, -; I „ n 8 s V" ">'«. ""lord : called 
 since l>r:'. ' ' e Exi j « \-'"''8''."f "'""ty ™urts 
 ™nsi,lc,-,.,l, »it la \C^to rReV" ''"""'^ ''""'' 
 t'ourls .,r ,l„.ii,.» T,.. .-;' " '*'-'^""'' "' the Local 
 t'ourls i.r ,1,,.,,™, Lon., IS-ii; Svo! 
 Paul's (1,111, , IVov NY w',,-^" /«'""'■ "f St- 
 Lent iJii.ns X V;,rkl"s8fiu- ''■''"' ""^ ^'"'''- ^"^ 
 w"" :"::;■; i ^"''; •• (;F'»-;M ^xtemporoona 
 Aut,iiu„,,r'|',,, by^''7/o:i^"l°', ''"^''«». ?"in the 
 CafmI*iI"T,'ir ■ i}'''VJ'^"gli'<'' Standard of Weisht;!, Sv,,: '^" '^^'*"'-''' •^^«''" l^y'tem, Lon., 
 Vicar of .nu„u.nSii;^;S&„!r^i:^,tr'"?:'S: 
 e.,..~5.u. I,, .N.. v,,,r ,.";i'K,';,.;!»,;'i'r;;';,i ; 
 usician 8 Story, N. y„rk, l,S8o 
 P-Xvo. 2. Mis.Pei.xada, 
 N.York ISSC Ifim-o. ;,. The UiHlof "u^^.rN^Wk' 
 Ilarland, John, F.S.A., I8n6-is6,8, b at llnii 
 paper Hc';^:a'L^^bi^^-;!S;„ ;;---t^ -- 
 ,^niri^!^en.^,::;^--;!j;— 'vtr?'""^ 
 i4. len Bays in Paris, IS54, ,8vo 5 (lil T w if 
 i h" 1 Chelb"'""?" "' i'"' Shuttlewort s 'o « in o'p: 
 lEd ; aI^ I'"" T'' Manebester, lS;^.i-58, 4 vo T 
 I (Ed.) Autobiography of M'illiam 'stout of' Lnca.ter; 
 (l(ifi5-|-32,) Maiicho3tor, 1857, 8vo. 7. (Ed,) The Lan- 
 eashiro Lioutenunc.v under the Tii.lors and Stuarts : the 
 Civil and Military U.>verninent of the Cuuntry, as Illus- 
 trated by a .Scries of Koyal and other Lctturs, (Chetham 
 hoe.,) .Manche.<ter, KSMt, 2 parts, 4to. 8. (Ed.) Maine- 
 costic: boinj; Chapter.' from the Karly Uncorded History 
 of the llarony ; the hordship or .Manor: the \'ill, Bor- 
 ough, or Town of Manchester, (Cliotham Soc.) .Manches- 
 ter, |Slil-(!2, ;! vols. ,Svo. il. (Ed.) A Volume of Court 
 Leet Hceords of the Manor of Mantdie.-ter in the Six- 
 teenth Century, (Chetham Soc.) Manchester, 18lil, (to. 
 10. (Ed. I Continuation of the Court I-eet Uecords of llr; 
 Manor of Manchester, .^.I). i:iS(i-iij02, (Chetham .Sio.,) 
 Manchester, I Sti.i, .(t„. 1 1 . The Sonjrs of the Wil.s.,ns, with 
 uMemoiroflhcFamily, ls()3,8vo. 12. (Ed.) li.illadsand 
 bongs ol Lancashire, cliicHy older than the Nineteenth 
 Centuiy. I.on., ISOo, 12mo,- liirgc paper, Uo ; 2d ed., cor- 
 rected and enlarged by T. T. Wilkinson, 1875, Svo. \ 
 •■ There seems to be no rea.soii tu doubt that this is a very ; 
 eonipleto colleetioii .if the soiipi ,.r Lancashire. , The 
 editors are rattier insatiable, and all seems to be erist that 
 is Ijrouglit to their som; and ballad mill. It is so with the 
 SOIL'S ol the Cotton Famine. . . . Xeverihcless it is in 
 these and tile other ballads and songs in tlie dialect of the 
 fouiitry that llie true force and pathos of the volume lie " 
 ~>l)erlal(ir, xlviii.;i7S. 
 L'i. (Ed.) Lancashire Lyrics: .Mo.lern Songs and Bal- 
 lads ol the County Palatine, Lon., ISIiti, 4to.' It. (Ed.) 
 Collectanea relating to .Manchester and its Xeighbour- 
 lood at Various Periods, (Chetham .Soc.) .Manchester, 
 J';ii(.-(>7, 2 parts. Uo. 15. (Ed.) (iregson's Portbdio 
 oJ Fragments relative to the Historv anu Antiquities 
 ol Lancashire: .^d ed.. ISIW, fol. 111.' (Kd.) Three Lan- 
 cashire Documents of the Fourteenth and Fiflecnih Cen- 
 turies, (Chetham Soc.) .Manchester, 18ti,si, Jto. 17. A 
 Glossary of Words used in Swalcdale. Yorkshire, (En- 
 Dialect Soc.,) Lon., 187.3, 8vo. IS. (icnealogy of the PiT- 
 kingtons of Lancashire, (PilkiiiLCton, Kivini'ton Kur- 
 haiii, Sharpies, Preston, St. Helens, aii.l Sutton ) Edited 
 by M. K. A. Axon. Manchester, 1.^7,,, .Uo, With Wii,- 
 Ki.vso.v, T. T.. F.H..\.8.: 1. Lancashire Folk-Lore: Il- 
 lustrative of the Superstitious Ueliefs and Practices, 
 Local Customs of the People of the County Palatine, 
 Lon., IS07. 12mo; new cd., 18S2, p. Svo. 2. Lancashire ' 
 Legends, Iradilions, Pageants, Sports, .tc. Lon., 187:! 
 p. 8vo. With IIkki-oho, |{i:v. liaooKE, (cd.) Baines' 
 History of Lancashire. lsi;7-7i!, 2 vols. 
 "Ilniianil, Marion," (Pseud.) See, 
 Mn.s. Mauv v., iii/'r,,. 
 Ilarle, MiMiam Lockey. 1. A Career in the 
 Commons; or, Letters to a Young .Member of Parlia- 
 ment on the Conduct and Principles ucccssarv to consti- 
 tute him an Enlightened :iiid Eflicient Representative, 
 ,"";' '.I'.'"'. !'• *''■"• -• -^" Argument on the Inutility 
 01 the Uistinction between Barrister and Attorney, Lon.. 
 J.Sol, Svo. 
 Harley, Dr. A. J. The Young Crusoe; or. Adven- 
 tures of a Shipwrecked Boy. Ijlust. Host., 18(31, 12mo. 
 Harley, Oeorge, M.D., F.R.S., b. 1S2!>, at Had- 
 dington. East Lothian, .Scotland; graduiited M.D. at the 
 ( nuersity of Edinburgh IS5U, and studied scientific 
 medicine for 'ivc years in French and German universi- 
 ties. In IS.,.-, he was appointed lecturer ou practical 
 physiology and iiistology in Universitv College, London 
 where he became professor of medical jurisprudence in 
 l.saa He IS a mcaiber of sciontillc and medical socie- 
 ties, hnglish an.l Continental ; was president of the Pa- 
 risian Medical Society in Is,-,;!, ,ind in 1801 .cce'ved the 
 triennial prize of the Royal College of Surgeons for an 
 es.say on the suprarenal bodies. I. Jaundice: its Pa- 
 thology and rreatinent: with the Application of Physio- 
 logical Chemistry to the Detection and Treatment of 
 Diseases of the Liver an.l Pancreas, Lon., IS(!:; Svo '' 
 Diaoetcs: Its Varhms Forms and Different Tre:itmcnts; 
 Lon., ISi.b, p Svo. :i. .Ubiiminuria with and without 
 Dropsy: Its Different Forms, Pathology, and Treatment, 
 Lon, 1 SOI, p. .svo. 4. Histological Demonstrations: a 
 Guide to the .Microscopical Examination of the Animal 
 lissucs in Health and Disease. Edite.l by GeorEc T 
 Bnnyn. Lon., ISiiil, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1877. 5. The CrinJ 
 and Its Derangements, Lon.. IS72, p. ,Svo. 0. The Sim- 
 plihcation of English Spelling, Lon., IS77 Syo 7 R., 
 tiunal Spelling : a Conservative Scheme for Reform, 
 i.nn., ,y.,» s-,,j, ^. The AuM Kirk o" Haddington, the 
 Lucerna, the Lamjias Lau.loniaj of History : a Critioue 
 on an Article on the " Kcclesiastioal Build'ings in lla.l- 
 Jington," Haddington, IS7.8, 8vo. 9, A T>eatise o,> 
 Diseases of the Liver, with and without Jaundice, Lon., 
 I 1882, Svo. 10. Inflammations of the Liver and their 
 I sequelie, Lon., 18S6, p. ,Svo. 
 I Harley, John, M.D. The Old Vegetable Neurotics, 
 \ Hemlock, Opium, Belladonna, and Henbane: their Phys- 
 iological Action and Therapeutic Use: bein" the Oul- 
 stonian Lectures fe- 18ti8, extended, Lon., IsiTy Svo 
 Harley, Itev. Timothy. 1. Chri.aian' Poems; 
 2d ed., enl,, Lon., 18t,7, Svo. 2. The Pleasures of Love 
 [verse,] Lon., ISS2, Svo. X .Moon-Lore, Lon.. 1885, Svo' 
 . 4. Lunar Science, Ancient and Modern, Lon., 1886, Svo 
 5. Southward Ho ! Notes of a Tour to and through the 
 state ol Georgia in the Winter of 188.^-S(i, Lon 1886 
 l2ino. ' ' 
 Harlow, H. F. (Ed.) Delinquent and Forfeited Acts ol the Legislatures of Virginia and West 
 \irginia, Ac, Lewisburg, W. Va., IS77, Svo 
 Harlow, Miss Lizzie K. Christmas' Mineo-Pie, 
 with .-hakespearcan Spice. lilusi. Best., 1888 
 Harinan, F. E. The Agricultural Position of 
 Mysore prior to the Famine of 1870-77, Madras, 1877, 
 liarman, Henry M. 1. A Journey to Egypt and 
 the Holy Land in I,S6U-1S7II, Philn., 1873, cr. Svo 2 
 An Introduction to the Study of the Holy Scriiitures x' 
 lork. 187(1, Svo. 
 Hnrmaii, Thomas T. 1. Langley Grange: a 
 Romance of the Time of Charles the First: Noted from 
 Old Documents of the Period, Oldbury, 1885 8vo 2 
 ShowclPs Dictionary of Birmingham: a History 'and 
 Guuli.. alph:,bctieally arranged, Birmingham, 1885, Svo 
 Harmon, Henry C. A Manual of the Pension 
 i Law,s ol the 1 nited States of America: embracing All 
 the Laws under which Pensions and Bounties are now 
 granted, AVasli., lsR7, Svo. 
 Harney, UcorgeE. Barns. Out-Buildings, Gates, 
 and I'cnees: with Plan.s. Ac, N. York, 18711, r. 4to 
 .Harney, (Jeorge Julian, an Englishman by 
 birth; was editor of the Jersey Independent, the Demo- 
 cratic Review, ic. ; afterwards removed to the United 
 States. 1. Feudalism in Jersey, Jersey, 1S57. 2 The 
 Anti-Turkish Crusade: a Review of a Recent Agitation: 
 with Reflections on the Eastern Question, Best., 187G Svo 
 Harney, Ilev. Gilbert t. The Lives of Benja-' 
 nun Harrison and Levi P. Morton, Providence, R.I., 
 18S|, 12uio. ' 
 Harney, IticharU J. History of Winnebago 
 n7,"^i ^r""""' ""^ Early History of the Northwest, 
 Oshkosh, ISSt), 4to. 
 Harold, John. Farming and Railroad Interests 
 , in Anieriea, Lon., 188(1, Svo. 
 I Harpel, Oscar Henry. 1. (Ed.) Poets and 
 1 oetry ol Pnntcrdom : a Collection of Original, Selecte.l, 
 and tugitive Lyrics written by Persons eonneere.l with 
 Printing. Illust. Loekland, 0., 1875, Svo. 2. Rustic 
 l(iia'"'*^ ""'' '*""'^"'" l"'yi"e8, Loekland, 0., 187(1, 
 Harper, Edward. 1. Protestantism on its Trial ■ 
 being a Series of Letters to the Bishop of London, &c., 
 Lon., 1S60, Svo. 2. Rome, Antichrist, and the Papacy • 
 being a Series of Letters addressed to Dr. Manning- 
 with Appendix, Notes, Ac, Lon., 1862, Svo ' 
 Harper, Mrs. Frances Ellen natkins,("Effie 
 Alton, pseud.) Eventide : a Series of Talcs and Poems, 
 Dost., lso4. ' 
 Harper, Francis' B. The Revelation of St. Joiin 
 E.Mionnded, Lon., ISiil, 2 vols. Svo 
 i Harper, Uev. Francis >Vhaley, M.A., grad- 
 I ^SM "• "'• ■^c'L°>i ^"l'"''"'' Cambridge, ls;j7; ojdained 
 I IN44; vicar of Selby, Yorkshire, since 1,S50; canon of 
 ; \ork and prebendary of Barnby since 1869. 1. The 
 ; lower of tlie Greek Tenses, and other Papers, Cam- 
 I bridge, 1841, Syo. 2. Sermons preached before the 
 Iniversity of Cambridge, 1847. .'t. Dialogues on Na- 
 tional Church and National Church Rate, Lon 1861 
 svo. 4.__Church Teaching for the Church's Children,' 
 Lon., 18,,, LSiiio. 5. The Pai-.-on and the Publican: 
 J. wo feernions, L(m., 1877, Svo 
 Harper, Ilev. Frederick, .M.A., graduated at 
 (ucen'.s Co ege Oxford, 1874; ordained 1875; rector 
 o llinton-Wahlrist since 1880. 1. Addresses for the 
 f,.I', n''f i'"" •''"="''' ^T' ''*^''-"-'' I'- «*"'• 2. A Voice 
 fioii Oxford : or, .Snnie Wonls for Christ and Tfuth Lon 
 S72, p. Svo. 3 The .Sinner's Welcome, and other 
 Papoi-8, I-on., 1876, l2mo. 4. Echoes from a Village 
 Church, Lon., ISSO, l2mo ; new and enl. series, 1887. 
 nteel, N, iork, 1SS6, I2mo. 
of tho Livor and their 
 1(1 Railroad Interests 
 evelation of St. John 
 Harper, Henry A. I. Illustrated Letters to my 
 Cluldrun from the Holy Land, Lim., I SSI), r. Svo- 2d 
 ed., ISSI, 4to. 2. Walks in Palestine. Illust. Lon., 
 ISSS, r. Jto. Also, an dlition ile hijce, limited to Kill 
 Harper, J. C. The Law of Interstate Comnicree 
 especially as applied to the Act to Regulate Commerce' 
 apnrovid February 1, 1SS7. Cin., IS87, Svo. 
 Harper, James P. Homoeopathy tested by Facts- 
 Cases Illustrative of the Homoeopiithic Action of lie- i 
 niedial Agents; 2d cd., Edin., 18iS, Svo; 3d cd., Man- 
 Chester, Issg, ' i 
 Harper, John, F.R.S.S.A., [nnie, vol. i., add 1 
 Olimpses of Ocean Life; or, llock-l'ools, and the Lessons I 
 th^V tench. Illiist. Lon., IStiO, sm. cr. Svo. 
 • , ?''l'Sf» l-. .Mississippi Agricultural and Geolo^'- ' 
 loal .burvcy: Preliminary Report on the Geology ai?d I 
 Agriculture of Mississippi. Ptib. by the State, jilekson, 
 Harper, Malcolm McLachlan. Rambles in 
 ni„'''""y.- '"I'^t'iaphical, Historical, Traditional, and 
 Biograpl,,,.-,!. Iliust. Kdin., ISrC, Svo. 
 , **".fP"' Olive. The Tame Turk: a Novel, Lon., 
 lSi7, .i vols. cr. Svo. 
 Harper, Hev. K. D. The Church Manual: con- 
 taining rmp„i|„„t Historical Facts and Reminiscence ' 
 ?WM, v'"'. "'" ■•^''■'«'""' ""'' Associated Reformed ' 
 Lnurciies, .\i>niii, ii., isfin. 
 Harper, Hev. Namuel Ilrowii, curate of Dalton. 
 tng and o„ lie half „f ,|,eir Church. By an niglish 
 Iriest. I.„n., isoi), 4 aos., Svo. 2. A Few Urgent 
 fTht r! .^'';,r-' ^'"--^JJressed ,0 the CatlX ! 
 Anon. Also, .s,„gl„,e„„„„s and addresses. , 
 Harper, Hev, Thomas Xorton, b. 1S21 in ' 
 Church ol'T"-'"' •■,"•;"•"" '^''' "l' joined' the 
 of Jesus f"'^';''""'^ became a member of the Society 
 isjo ^9 "1" •" "'" Cross: Nine .Sermons. Lonf. \ 
 ?' sl^!""'x P -^ '■','■'' *■"'• ^'"'l'l« Toleration, Lon! 
 inh ;;»!.„ ^T" ":''""Sh '1>" Truth: or, Essays on 
 Subjects connected with Dr. Pusey's Eiren con : Two 
 Scl'mol- vols ■'•"'-,"•. ^V '■ 'ri'e Metaphysics of thJ 
 ISsThv,;. "" "■' '■'''''*'' "°'- '"•• l»^' '- ''">"- 
 ,l^Trf ■'*^',"} C*"™'^''- C. M., Lupus: a Pathological 
 am Uinical Investigation into its Origin, Development. 
 and frcatment, Lon, IsstS, Svu. 
 Harries, John, of Haverfordwest. 1. Tho Wreck 
 of the"K„y„i Charter," and other Poems, Lon LS6t 
 p. Sv„; 2d ed. same year. 2. Welsh Patriotism; or The 
 Landing of the French at Fishguard on the 2''d of 
 February, 1797, Haverfordwest, 1875. Svo 
 Harries Hev. John. New Idea of the Sabbath: 
 Lm,.,'?8S6l sto"''"™ ^"^'"^'^'''"^""nsand Nations, 
 Harries, Ov.en. A Local Board Manual: In- 
 ormation respecting Five Hundred Local Boards, Lon.. 
 ISSl, Svo. ' * 
 Harriman, Waiter, 1817-18S4, b. at Warner, 
 -N.., governor of ^ew Hampshire in IS67 and IsBs! 
 I. History of Warner, New Hampshire, 1S79. 2. Travels 
 ami Observations in the Orient, and a Hasty Flight in 
 the Countries of Europe, Bost., ISS;! l'>u,o 
 Harrington, Countess of. .See StAVHorE 
 Harrington, Adelaide L. The Afterglow of 
 European Iravel. Iliust. liost.. LS82, 12nio. 
 ^i ",?•',!'.•"«*""♦ Ben'ard J., B.A., Ph.D. Life of 
 •Nr Wilimm E. Logan, Kt., LL.D., F.R.S.. FGS Ac 
 18,8?' ^vr'" "'' "'° "''"'"S'"''' Survey of Canada, Lon:; 
 valnS'l'niof,, '"'""' 1, monument to the reputation of a 
 D""er."c"F'"'V4,*i''m:'*-''- ''"""""'"^ '^^ ^"^or^io, 
 Harrington, Charles F. (Ed.) The Revised 
 Statutes of Nova Scotia, Halifax, ISfil, Svo 
 Onlv'"'r'"i^'"m' '•''•"•'"'«e. (ieorgie'ilerton; or, 
 Onlvat.irl. I||„5t. Lon., ISSfi, p. 8vo. 
 I.".."«""^""','. ♦•eorge !•*.," (Pseud.) See 
 f„r .h"V'^""'',V''""'«'' Fellows. 1. Desideratum 
 vlw ■ x^^l ?• '^'"'"'"''^ Dialogue, wherein the First 
 Principles which constitute Nature are explained, Lon., 
 I-.'I, l.-mo. J. Systematic Philosophy, ami New Theo- 
 mill [Ii..>* I ..» T.irn .. ' ...... 
 huimmr' '''"'Z %ZTm """^ ?' ''^1'= ""'' "'' "" ^"'"" 
 with FathcrHarUim I,:. ■,,;"'''' <\^^^»^P}.^ 'o grapple 
 icisnVof"lCsyIu.,'?.''';"t,'' '1','" '■-■'^li^'l'. "ith such crit- 
 ^oi^tLgi^SiVuuid- ,;;;iui,''i«iL. {^'^s'""" '"" "' 
 Also, single sermiins, ,{■,. 
 Harpiir, Alexander. The Nature of Visible 
 , Umle "i''ihe''i.^■'r■•'''"r •>>' "'>'"'' "^ Kelalive Ma]' 
 le Son ar I '"•'" ',""' "'-' '^''■-'''""' Magnitude of 
 the Sun are determme.l, in the Received Ash-onomical 
 Harpur, ( harles, l-;|2-l8(i-<. 1 The n,i«h 
 vind Llh ^''^i';l"'••'"• tl'e Dream, [verU,] ^yt 
 iicy^and Melbourne, ISoo, 12mo. 3. Poems, MelbiurL, 
 Ic " D?blin' Vs^r* *'7"-"'';' K''»''»"'e'l «t Trinity Col- 
 in V, ..' '•'■'"■,'."'''""*■■'' '^5«! vicar of North Clif- 
 i- "^s^!^,ai;:-:i-;a[:;!^^nr^-^-' 
 Harrer, Charles. 1. (Trans.) The Baths and 
 ':2Xy^ Moiiogniphlimll^d on Pc^iotil-Sf 
 vat ons by Edward Levinstein, M.D., Medical Director 
 ton"""" *'" "'""^■' Schoneberg, Berlin, Lon ,187^ 
 Harries, Arthur John. (Trans.) A Manual of 
 Vail,,'"' •'""/.'""• '"•«™'''«' by Considcrati.ns fn 
 \accination ,n (Jen.ral, by E. Warlomont, Lon., I8S5 
 on Fie -^ VvV^?'' '"'"•• ■■^"' «vo. 3. Northam,,- 
 Biadlaugb Atheism against Christianity, Lon.. ISSl, 
 W,wn7'!'^"", ' •'°''"- ^- 'r*'" Abbey and Palace of 
 ^\es,minster photographed, [with explanatory letter- 
 S n'v- ""^ '■",'• ur ^-'' '"^'"-S^'" ''''"I"-'!. WinJ-'or: 
 Lghtecn Views by the Woodbury Process : with Descrip- 
 tne Letter- Press, Lon., IS71, Uo 
 Harrington, John A., ("John Carboy," pseud.) 
 I. Between he Crusts. Iliust. N. York, 1S75 s'vo. 2 
 A Strange Woman. Iliust. N. York, lS7(i Svo 
 l>h^h!"'i!<-f V;."' •*"'*• Centennial and other Poems, 
 , i nilu., IS/fi, IL'nio. 
 Harrington, Mark Malrod, b. 1818; graduated 
 the Inucrsity .d- Michigan 186S : became director of 
 he ol^serv,,t„ry there. I. The Analysis of Plants: in- 
 l^n 'V"ti '''f","'' '."."' ''""''■-"-'■*• •■^"" '^ '■'""■■ Mich., 1876, 
 ti on nl f f V/'""'"'";"",""'! Microscopical Examina- 
 Arbo^! Mi^;!! i;;^f i'!;!"""'^ ^■'■'^<^'"'"« ''^'»'-'«. A- 
 Harrington, Ralph. A Few Words on Swim- 
 ning: with Practical Hints t„ Bcginner-s, Lon., 18fi", 
 12mo: new ed., with a Bibliographical List of Works on 
 lITZ't^^r '''""■ "'""■^'' Hinlpb Thomas,] 1870. , I J''".'"«s, of Fclthani. I. llarriofs 
 Cha ilenge: leetotalisn, and tho Maine Law repudiated; 
 01, Ihe Social Customs of England and their Practioa 
 Uemcy, Lon., 1855, l2mo. 2. The Day of Judgment 
 Lon 1S59, Svo. .S. The Mosaic Theorf; The Bible in' 
 inity with .science; An Exhortation to the Biblical Re- 
 yisers, Lon., 18711. Svo. 
 «e,?Hl!I^'iu' ^•■*'V '"'^■•"Rb'pliical Standards rcpre- 
 To 1 f "\ '^7'" '"VV^^d to bo Nomes and 
 Toparchies, Lon., 1S52, Ito. Privately circulated. 
 Harris, Alexander. 1. Settlers and Convicts; or. 
 Australian Backwoods, Lon., 1817,2 vols. ISmo. Anon 
 ..A (.uide to Port Stephens in New South Wale?, the 
 Colony o, the Australian Agrioultural Company, Lon., 
 IMl), Ihmo. !. The Emigrant Family; or The Story 
 M„ '• '^"''";"'"'" Settler, L,m., 1819, 3 ,'ols. p. Svo. I 
 Harris, Alexander. 1. A Geographical Hand- 
 Book, Lancaster, Pa., 18112, 12mo. 2. A Biog „ l!^al 
 History o, Lancaster County, Lancaster, 1872, ,Sv'.l 3' 
 A Review of the Pulitical Conflict in America, from tlio 
 Comnieneemcnt of the Anti-Slavery Agitation to the 
 Close of the houthern Heeonstriiotion, X. Vork. 1870, Svo. 
 Harris, Miss Aiiiuiida Unrtlett. 1. Sumner's 
 Auto-n,|,h8 13yA. B. II. N. Yorlc, 1875. 2. How wo 
 went liM■lli.^e..ting: Kiel J, Wood, and Meadow Uam- 
 bles Illust. liost., 18SU,s(,.Svo. 3. (Kd.) Autograph 
 Jiirthday-13ook for Young Folks. Illust. liost., ISM 
 sq. 2(Tno. 4. Wild Flowers, and where thev (irow! 
 Illust. Host., 1,'*,S2, sij. Svo. :>. Door.vard Folks, and a 
 H inter Oarden. Illust. Bost., 1S83, 12juo. li. Pleas- 
 ant Authors for Young Folks, ("Little Biographies.") I 
 Illust. lioat., ISSI, 12mo. 7. American Authors fori 
 \oiing Folks, Bost., ISSS, 12ruo. s. The Luck of Kden- ' 
 hall. Illust. Host., IsSS, Kinio. 
 Harris, Rev. Croasdaile Edward, educated at 
 Kings College, London: ordained 1885; chaplain at 
 \\ eiinar since 1888. Sermon Sketches on the Creed ; or. 
 Plain Outlines for Instruction in the First Principles of 
 the Christian Religion, Cambridge, 1SS7, 12mo. 
 Harris, Uavid, F.S.S. 1. "We Help those who 
 try to Help themselves:" a Plea for Industrial Brigades 
 as Adjuncts to Ragged Schools, Glasgow, ISTH, Svo. 2. 
 True Xoblcs and Heroes, and other .Stories, Edin.. 1885 
 p. S\ o. > > 
 Harris, David George. The Oak'.s Congress; 
 or, " All for the Best," [a laic,] Lon., lS8(i, Svo. 
 Harris, E.B. Description of Buddhist Remains 
 Uiscovered at Sooltangunge, on the River Ganges, lS(i2- 
 0,). Illust. Lon., 1S84, 4to. 
 „**»".'*' *'«*ward D. Genealogical Record of 
 Uaniel Pond and his Descendants, Bost., 1S73, 8vo 
 Harris, Elisha, M.D., 1 824-1 884, graduated at the 
 JVew \.u;k College of Physicians and Surgeons 1S4U, and 
 held various government medical olHces l8o5-lS7R i 
 lohacco : the Effects of its Use as a Lu.vury on the Physi- 
 cal and Moral Nature of Man : a J>rize Essay. X. York 
 18jJ, Svo. 2. Cholera Prevention, ic, X. Y'ork I867' 
 Svo. I). Cleanliness and Disinfection, 1879, ItSmo. 
 Harris, Emilia Marion, b. in London, of Jewish 
 descent and faith. 1. Four .Messengers, Lon , 1870 n 
 T™" t"V;„~-^''^''^'- %''-«■"• (Three Stories.) 
 i.on., 18,1, IBmo. 3. T,vilight and Dawn, 1872, lOmo 
 Anon. 4. Clemfine. Lon., 1874, 12mo. 5. Aleroer's 
 Gardens, Lon., lS7(i, p. Svo. Anon. 6. Estelle, Lon., 
 87Q 19'' 'f 1?™- i"""- '■ ^"'""^' Only. I'on-. 
 1879, I2mo. 8 Verses, Lon., 1880, 12mo. <J. Within a 
 Circle, essays,] Lon., 1880, 12mo. 10. The Lieutenant 
 ofthelower, Lon.,1881 p.8vo. Anon. 11. Benedictus, 
 1887, 2 vols, cr 8vo. 12. The Narrative of the Holy! 
 Bible, Lon., 1888, sq. or. Svo. 
 lemo**""' *^'"'''' '^* J^of'lia's Journal, Bost., 1869, 
 Ad^id'eiVsf;. ^"f™"""">-«-rd. By a Pioneer. 
 Bse^,n "t"' ,vlf'^' .'"»«Crendy, (" Hope Ledyard,""' V v^u S'<;;-»^V'"'' ^'"'"''' f'"- Young People. 
 1878 ISnfl "/ A x?' '^""?."N. yU, 
 12mo "■ ^' '^'■''"•'''"''«. N. York, 1879, 
 Harris, Mrs. G. A Lady's Diary of the Siege of 
 Lucknow, Lon., 1858, Svo. * 
 Harris, Georse, LL.D FSA r,,,-, ,. ,1 • 
 add.,] 1809-IS90, en^ter'ed theB;itfsh-,t-/' •:n;i hip: 
 tTr'bar'iL 'l8n'" T""'•"^"' ''-l">' "as ZtHo 
 Com,,, r , r ; "°""S J'""-'" "f "'« Birmingham 
 fh„ p ^ ^""/'J'",'*"" y"""' ""'' »no of the registrars of 
 the Court of Bankruptcy lS.i2-fiS ; vice-president of the 
 laii ■;„ •. i;'*^''""'""" eonsidered as a Science, in Ro- 
 is'l'r 8vo ''^' '" ^''"'"^""' '""•> it« J-^n'i, Lon., 
 i ,iu' !'"'"' ,',T'!«',"''y,"'' "'e Art.s' is of about the ynme profun. 
 (llty as Ulair's 'Lectures on the Belles-Lettre" and 1 , ri 
 Karnes's ' Elements of Criticism.' "-.s„^ A'tr xxix Itvi 
 0. Supernatural Phenomena: Te.-ts adapted to deter- 
 mine the Truth of Supernatural Phenomena, Lon 1874 
 Svo. ,. A Philosophical Treatise on the Nature and 
 Constitution of Man, Lon., 1876, 2 vols. Svo 
 ■'The author seems t„ be vliolly uiiawaru' of tlic vast 
 giill, wlueh divides his views respecting ni. ii's 1 iture am 
 origin from those eiilertaiiied l.y the largo ai.rtvd-t 
 exjwiiems 01 modern bcieiice.'^-jA.vE,s^Wu.v: Ilw,/;. i 
 , 8. Autobiograiihy : with a Preface bv B. W. Riohard- 
 '"u^l^riJT' '•■ '*■»•,, '•""'"■I for private circulation. 
 Harris, George, 'rucker, >V. J., and Giezeii, 
 E. K. Hymns of the Faith : a Hymn- and Tune-Book 
 for Congregational Ise, Bost., 1S8S, l2mo 
 >n^Vu'^' «ev. (.'eorge Collyer, M.A., 1834-1874, 
 son d Rev Joseph llemington Harris, ,»/>„; gr»,luated 
 at L..eter College O.xfor.l, 1856 , prebendar • tf E.xete 
 S60: viear of St. Luke's, Torqiay, from 1867. I 
 Lessons Irom St. Peter's Life:^i Course of Lectures 
 preached during Lent, Lon., 1865, l2mo. 2. Church 
 Les;sons and Present Times : Sermons, Lon., Is67, 12mo. 
 3. The Golden Steps : being Recollections of Lectures 
 to Communicants' Cla.»ses ; 2d ed., Lon., 1873, 32mo 4 
 Sermons: with Memoir by C. M. Yonge, Lon., 1873, fp.' 
 ovo. Also, single serniona. ' 
 Htirris, George E. I. Chronological Register of 
 American Law and Equity Reports of the United States 
 Courts, Wash Iss.i ,Svo. 2. A Trea.ise on the Law of 
 Contracts by Married Women, Albany and N. York, 1887 
 8vo. With SiMRAU,, G. H., Mississippi Law Reports 
 vo^xlix.-l„( 1873-76 ) Pub. by theS.ale. 4 vols. 8vo 
 Harris, George F., F.G.S. Granites, and our 
 Granitelndustries. Illust. Lon., 1888, p Svo 
 Harris, <;eorge Frederick. The Snider Rifle : 
 1 ,/'""„""'' '^"""unition : being a Few Notes oom- 
 IMled lorRegimental Instructions, Lon., 1868 Svo 
 Hams, George Washington, 18I4-I869,'b. in 
 what IS now Allegheny City, Pa.: was apprenticed to a 
 jeweller in Knoxville, Tenn., and was aftef wards captain 
 of a Tennessee River steamboat: eontributcl numerous 
 stones to the New Y'ork Spirit of the Times under the 
 gna ure of S-l. Sut Lovengoo,! : Yarns Spun by a 
 Xatral Born Burned Fool:" Warped and Wove for 
 Public Wear, N. York, 1867, l2mo. 
 Harris, Rev. Henry, M.A.. l,„,ic, vol. i., auu.,1 
 graduated at Magdalen College, Oxford, 1841 ; ordained 
 842; rector of « interbourne-Bassett, Wiltshire, since 
 IS08 1. Scepticism and Revelation, Lon., IS6I, cr. Svo. 
 T«fl"' c" ^„" '*'","" ""'1 '^'''"«"' Kcvelntion, Lon,, 
 186, p. Svo, 2d ed Oxf., 1885. 3. Tho Cla ms of 
 — ^^nlay 
 and oflmmai. govennn™i:''-5S?:')ta" xli M'» 
 AnaIvs[s",Tf''ibe''Fr '^'f ""' ' "r- '^" Kxamination and 
 ^nu;^o^ r^n" ?nrtT '^'\r^''i-'r r'' 
 lirTifflm,, '-on., i«tis, s\o. 4. Memoir of Lor,l 
 T „i 'b • ■ /H'"""^'! "■""> 'b« " Law Magazine and 
 Law Review," Lon., 1808, Svo. .^, The Thewy.^f the 
 Arts, or, Art in Relation to Nature, Civilization and 
 Man : ccunprising an Investigation, A^alyt cal InScrU 
 An 'ii'" ? ""^ ?"«'"• Ri««. Province, P in ,de. aid 
 Application of Each of the Arts, Lon. 1869?2'vois. 
 tlie 1 riesthood considered, Lon., I86S, n. 8vo 4 Thn 
 IsTn Seo"'1.>^'",'''^ '" "^"'"r- '^''-t •^'-■'■"'"■'«. Lon. 
 18,0, p. 8(0, 2.1 ed., rev. and enl., 1886. 5. The Two 
 I lasphemie.s : Five Sermons on the Blasphemy against 
 lon rV°i ?,"" ""J ''"L '"""Pl'eniy of tl/e Holy Ghost, 
 Lon.. 18,4, ]2mo. 6. Death and Resurrection: with 
 'lon ■sNi'^To'"" "" n''" }■"'"" "'' '^'■'"^'•'"'' Evidence, 
 Lon., l-'-so, 12mo. 7. Outskirts of Revelation, Oxf., 1885 
 , "p,- ^■. ^1" '^"'r'uie Doctrine of the Atonement and 
 Its Place in the Christian System, Oxf., 1887, 12mo. 
 Harris, Henry, Primitive Methodist minister. 1. 
 I he Great Love-ieast in Heaven, Lon., 1S67, Svo. 2 
 Graphic Sketches , or, AVanderings in the Field of Truth ; 
 2d ed., rev., Lon., 1807, Svo; new ed., entitled "Sacred 
 1 ictures; or, Graphic Sketches," Lon., 1872 Svo 
 Harris, Rev. J. L. 1. a New Age for the New 
 C^iuroh, X. York, 1860, Svo. 2. Law and Grace : Note^ 
 and Lectures on Galatians, Lon., 1873 l^nio 
 Hisf-^^'T"' ■'• ^<au ,?" '^"''"•" »f S^i'-'nee io Revealed 
 History, Lon., 1866, 12nio. 
 hr,!i?"r"M '"?>*'•,-'?'"<'*' *'"*•' graduated at Pem- 
 broke College Oxford, 1842; ordained 1842, rector of 
 laglesham, l-.ssex, since 1860. 1. An AlnhaheticHl 
 i?.Tw'"VV';l""-' "'"""• ^""- '«»»• 2' D3t Chanci 
 It . a Word of Warning, 6th thousand, Lon., 1860, I2mo 
 Win ^'"'■""'' y'^r'i"'' of the Litany, Lon., 1867, 12mo. 
 With H,AT,.i,, H. J., and Wiseman, J. F. T. : 1 The Pa 
 Komancn, R.wlifijfd, IS70, jto. 2. Logs for the Christ 
 mas lire: a Selection of Tales in Prose and Verso, Rid- 
 ilies Charades, Jokes, Ac. Illust. Lon., 1876, 8vo 
 in,,r s!i,"*i'?.?'".**' ''''?'^"'" ■"""■"''"'<' <^'»"'eJ'-»'"ram- 
 iiiar-hchool Che.ster. 1. Idiomatic Phrases in French 
 and English Lon., 1859, 12mo, 2d ed., 1870. 2. May 
 Flowers : a Popular and Scientific Description of the 
of about the same profuii. 
 ftBellesi-I.ettros' iiiui Lord 
 . —ydl.Jx'ci:, xxix. iiyj. 
 : Te,-ts ndiipteU to dcter- 
 I I'honomenu, I,on., 1S74, 
 itise iin the iXiituic ami 
 "fi, 2 vol.-*. .S\-o. 
 lolly uiinwaro of tlie vast 
 'Pectint; inair.s imtnro aii<l 
 • the large niajoritv of the 
 — Ja.mes .Sn,i.Y: Amd.. x. 
 reface by B. W. Riolianl- 
 k1 for iirivate oirculation. 
 r, W. J., and Ulezeii, 
 I Ilyiiin- and Tuue-Jiouk 
 SSN, l2aio. 
 illyer, jM.a., 1834-18-4, 
 Harris, iiijhi/ graduated 
 11 ; iirebcndary of Exeter 
 jrquay, from 1867. 1. 
 : : a Course of Lectures 
 1865, l2mo. 2. Church 
 ■mons, I,on., I,s(i7, l2nio. 
 ecollections of Lectures 
 d., lion., 1873, 32uio. 4. 
 I. Yongo, Lon., 1873, fp. 
 hrnnologieal Register of 
 )rts of the United States 
 Treatise on the Law of 
 Ibany and N. York, IS87, 
 ississippi Law Reports, 
 )y the State. 4 vols. 8vo. 
 .S. Granites, and our 
 n., ISSS, p. Svo. 
 ck. The Snider RiBe: 
 !ing a Few Notes com- 
 s, Lon., 1868, Svo. 
 ?toil, 1814-1869, b. in 
 : was api)renticed to a 
 I was afterwards captain 
 ; contributed numerous 
 if the Times under the 
 rod : Yarns Spun by a 
 Warped and >Vove for 
 i., ["lUc, vol. i., au,i.,] 
 3xlord, 1841 j ordained 
 iassctt, Wiltshire, since 
 on, Lon., 1S6I, er. Svo. 
 ical Revelation, Lon., 
 5. 3. Tb3 Claims of 
 1868, p. 8vo. 4. The 
 Short Sermons, Lon., 
 il., 1886. 6. The Two 
 :he Blasphemy against 
 ny of the Jloly (ihost, 
 d Resurrection : with 
 if External Evidence, 
 Revelation, Oxf, 1885, 
 of the Atonement and 
 Oxf., 1887, 12mo. 
 lethodist minister. 1. 
 I, Lon., 1867, 8vo. 2. 
 in the Field of Truth; 
 ed., entitled " Sacred 
 [.on., 1872, 8vo. 
 Few Age for the New 
 law and Orace: Notes 
 873, 12mo. 
 if Science to Revealed 
 graduated at Pern- 
 ined 1842; rector of 
 1. An Alphabetical 
 )». 2. Don't Chance 
 nd, Lon., 1860, I2nio. 
 ny, Lon., 1867, I2mo. 
 J. F. T. : 1. The Pa- 
 of Fact, Fiction, and 
 Logs lui tlie Christ- 
 >ro8o and Verse, Rid- 
 Lon., 1876, 8vo. 
 "the Cathedral Orani- 
 3 Phrases in French 
 1 ed., 1870. 2. May 
 Description of the 
 Wild Flowers of the Month, Chester, 1872, Svo. Also, 
 flurrist Jnines. (Trans.) Rhys Lewis, MinL-tcr 
 of Bethel : an Autobiography ; from the Welsh of Daniel 
 Owen, [a story.] Lon., 188S, p. 8vo. 
 Hnrrisy James Howard, third Earl of 
 Malmeiibiiry, G.C.B., D.C.L., 1807-1880, b. in Lon- 
 don ; educated at Eton, and at Oriel College, Oxford, 
 where he graduated 1827; succeeded to the title 1841; 
 secretary of .-^tate for foreign affairs 1852 and ISaS-.'iO; 
 lord privy .«eal 1866-68 and 1S74-76. 1. (Ed.) Official 
 Correspondence on the Italian Question, Lon., 1859, 8vo. 
 2. (Ed.) A Series of Letters of the First Earl of Malnies- 
 bury, his Family and Friends, 1745-1820, Lon., 1870, 2 
 vols. Svo. .'). Memoirs of an E.x-Jlinister : an Auto- 
 bi.igraphy, Lon., 1884, 2 vols. Svo; 4th ed., 1885. 
 " No inore iiiterostiiiK compilation of the kind has been 
 piililishfd in illustration of the history of the present 
 reiiiu, and in the latter part of the work f^ord Malmesbury 
 has the Held to himself. . . . The style of the journal is 
 spirited, easy, and attractive; and the matter is extraordi- 
 narily copious and varied."— .SVir. Kcv., Iviii. tiOO. 
 Harris, James Ueiidel, M.A., Fellow of Clare 
 Ccillege, Cambridge, and professor of Biblical literature 
 at Haverford College. 1. New Testament Autographs : 
 Sajiplement to the "American Journal of Philology." 
 Illust. Bait., 1883, Svo. 2. The Teaching of the Apos- 
 ties and the Sibylline Books, Cambridge, 1885, Svo. 3. 
 (Ed.) Fragments of Philo Judieus, Lon., 1886, 4to. 4. 
 The Origin of the Leicester Codex of the New Testa- 
 ment, Lon., 1887, 4to. 5. (Ed.) The Teaching of the 
 Apostles: froai MS. of the Holy Seiiulchre, Cambridge, 
 18.H8, 4to. 
 Harris, Joel Chandler, b. 1848, at Eatonton, 
 Ga. ; was apprenticed to a printer, and afterwards 
 studied law, and practised at Forsyth, Ga. ; editor of 
 the Atlanta Constitution, 1890. 1.' Uncle Remus: his 
 Songs and his Sayings ; the Folk-Lore of the Old Plan- 
 tation : with Illustrations by Frederick S. Church and 
 James H. Moses, N. York, 1880, 12mo. 
 " Mr. Harris ... is a literary artist, and his thlrtv-four 
 tales ... are ingeniously and charmliiKlv .set in ah epi- 
 sodical imrrative, in which • I'ncle Henms' figures as the 
 eiHiteur and a little boy as the rapt auditor. . . . The work 
 has five divisions: the fable.s, plantation proverb.?, I'nele 
 Hemus' i songs, a true story of the war, and Uncle Uemus's 
 sayings."— Aaton, xxxi. 398. 
 " Deserves to he placed on a level with ' ".eineke Fuchs' 
 for its quaint humour, without rel'orence to the ethnologi- 
 cal Interest posses-sed by these stories, as indicating per- 
 haps, a common origin for very widely-severed races."— 
 SpeckiOir, liv. 445. 
 2. Nights with Uncle Remus : Myths and Legends of 
 the Old Plantation, Bost., 1883, 12mo. 
 "The mine of which he first fairly revealed the richness 
 has, meamime, been still further opened up, . . . until in 
 addition to the thirty-four of the former series we have 
 seventy-one new tales placed before us."— A'o/ioii, xxxvii. 
 3. Mingo, and other Sketches in Black and White, 
 Bost., 1884, 12mo. 
 "His perception is subtler and more truthful than Bret 
 Harte.s. . . . Both authors have keen imstincts and insights, 
 but Harris s are the finer and deeper. Harte's characters 
 are by far the more picturesque, liis incidents are more 
 thrilling, but Harris ■: people wind themselves about our 
 hearts and owe little to circumstance."- -Vo/ioh, xxxix. 115 
 4. Free Joe, and other Georgian Sketches, N. York! 
 1887; newed., 1888, 12mo. 
 Harris, John, F.R.II.S., 1820-1884, b. near Cam- 
 borne, Cornwall ; was a working miner for nearly twenty 
 years, and afterwards resided at Falmouth. Besides the 
 works mentioned below, ne wrote a large number of 
 tracts in verso and prose, and contributed to religious 
 periodicals poems ond records of his experiences in the 
 mines and among the poor of Falmouth. He was gen- 
 erally known as "the Cornish poet," and was awarded 
 pensions from the Literary Fund and the Royal Bounty 
 Fund. For biog., see Hariiis, John HowAim, infra. 
 I. Lays from the Mine, the Moor, and t' e Mountain, 
 Lon., 1853, l2ino; 2d ed., enl., 1856. 2. The Land's 
 End, Kynance Cove, and other Poems. Lon., 1859, Svo. 
 3, The Mountain Pi.ophet, The Mine, and other Poems! 
 Lon., 1860, 12mo. 4. A Story of Carn Brea, Essays 
 and Poems, Lon., 1863, 12mo. o. The Shakspere Ter- 
 ccntary First Prize Pnem, Coventry, !861. 8yo. ?Thci 
 original MS. is preserved in the museum at Stratford.) 
 Shakspere's Shrino, An Indian Story, Essays and 
 Poems, Lon., 1866. 7. Killa Rock, the Maid of the 
 Moor, Ponryn, 1867, Svo. 8. Luda, a Lay of the 
 Druids, Hymns, Talen, Essays, and Legends, Lon., 1868, 
 12mo. 9. Bulo, Reuben Ross, A Tale of the Manacles, 
 ' Hymn, Song, and Story, Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 10. The 
 j Cruise of the Cutter, and other Peace Poems, Lon., 1872, 
 I p. Svo. II. Wayside Pictures, Hymn.s, and Poems: 
 I with a Portrait of the Author, Lon., 1871, 4to. 12. 
 ! Walks with the Wil.l Flowers, [verse,] Lon., 1.S76, l6mo. 
 13. Tales ami I'oeuis, Lon., 1877, Svo. 14. The Two 
 [ Giants : with an Autobiography of the Author, Falmouth 
 j and Exeter, 1870, Svo. 15. Monro, [and other Poems,] 
 I Lon., 1879, Svo. 16. Linto and Lancer, [verse,] Lon., 
 j 1881, p. Svo. 17. My Autobiography, Ac, Lon., 1882, 
 I Svo. 
 I Harris, John, of Montreal. I. Kuklos: an Ex- 
 jierimental Investigation into the Relationship of Cer- 
 j tain Lines, Montreal, 1870, 4to. 2. The Bible read by 
 theLight of Ideal Science. By Kuklos. Montreal, 1874, 
 Svo. 3. The Circle and Straight Line, .Montreal, 1S74, 
 Svo. 4. A Review of Macaulay's Teaching on llie Rela- 
 I tionship of Theology to the Science of Government. By 
 Kuklos. Montreal, 1874, Svo. 5. Centrifugal Force and 
 <i.-avitation, Montreal, 1875, 5 parts, Svo. 6. Supplement 
 toTheidogy and Science of Government : being a Review 
 , of a Book by Immanue! Kant called "Critique of Pure 
 Reason," Montreal, 1877, Svo. 
 Harris, John, of tha Kent Archieological Society. 
 The Parish of Erith in Ancient and .Modern Times. 
 Lllust. I.on., 1885, Svo. 
 Harris, Rev. John Andrer.s, D.D., rector of 
 St. Paul's Church, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Princi- 
 ples of Agnosticism applied to the Evidences of Chris- 
 tianity: Nine Sermons; to which is added a Tenth, on 
 tlie Christian Doctrine of the Trinity, N. York, 1883, 
 Harris, John Howard, son of John Harris, supra. 
 (Ed.) John Harris, the Cornish Poet: the Story of hia 
 Life, Lon., 1883, 12mo. 
 Harris, John M, Annexations to Sierra Leone, 
 and their Infiuence on British Trade with West Africa, 
 Lon., iss:!, Svo. 
 Harris, John Oberlin. A Comprehensive Man- 
 ual of Elementary Knowledge; 2d cd., Lon., 1884, 4to. 
 Harris, John Tindall, of Englefield Green, near 
 Egham, Surrey. The Rifle Club: being a Manual of 
 Duty for Soldiers, whether Regulars, Militia, or Volun- 
 teers, Lon., 1852, Svo. Anon. 
 Harris, Joseph. 1. On the Pig: its Breeding, 
 Rearing, Management, and Improvement, N. York, 
 1870, 12mo; new ed., 1883. 2. Talks on Manures, N. 
 York, 1878, 12mo. 3. Gardening for Young and Old. 
 Illust. N. York, 1882, l2mo. 4. Gardening : Cultiva- 
 tion of Garden Vegetables. Illust. N. York, 1883, 
 Harris, Kev. Joseph Hemington, D.D. 1. 
 Auricular Confession not the Rule of the Church of Eng- 
 land : a Letter to the Lord Bishop of Exeter. By Pres- 
 byter Anglicunus. Lon,, 1852, Svo. 2. The Baptismal 
 Covenant: Eight Lectures, addressed chietiy to Candi- 
 dates for Confirmation during Lent, Lon., 1861, fp. Svo. 
 3. Sir Morton Peto's Burial Bill. By Presbyter Angli- 
 canus. Lon., 1862, Svo. 
 Harris, Josiah, b. 1821, at Mevagissey, Cornwall: 
 editor of The Bath Herald, The Western Luminary, Ao. 
 1. A Diabgue in Mevagissey Church-Yard, Bath, 1855. 
 2. A Voice froni the Ocean Grave. By a Philanthropist. 
 Truro, 1859, Svo. 3. The Pulpit of Cornwall : its 
 Preachers and their Teachings. By Ishmael. Penzance, 
 1859, 3 nos., Svo. 4. A Tear and a Floweret, Truro, 
 lS71,Svo; 3d ed, Bristol, same year. (Contains a biog- 
 raphy of Rev. J. W. Etheridge, Ac.) 
 Harris, L. P. Mohuii. What the Swallows told 
 me, Lon., 1878, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1880, 12mo. 
 Harrit, Lee O. The Man who Tramps: a Story 
 of To-Day, Indianapolis, 1878, 12mo, 
 Harris, Lillie. 1. Mamma's Fairv-Tales, Lon., 
 1878, p. Svo. 2. Our Married Ladies, Lon., 1886, 12mo, 
 3. Our Young Ladies, Lon., 1886, 12mo. 4. Our Mar- 
 ried Men, Lon., 1887, n. Svo. 
 Harris, Mrs. Lily C. and Thomas Lake. 
 Hymns of the Two-in-One : for Bridal Worship of the 
 New Life. By Chrysanthea-Chrysanthcus. Salem-on- 
 Erie. 1876. 
 Harris, Luther Mctcaif. Robuit Harris and his 
 Descendants : with Notices of the Morcy and Metcalf 
 Families, Bost., 1861, Svo. 
 Harris, Mrs. Miriam, (Coles,) b. 1S34, at Do- 
 sons, L.I., and educated at St. Mary's Hall, Burlington; 
 married to Sidney S. Harris, of New York City, 1864. 
 1. Rutledge, N. York, 1860, 12mo. Anon. New ed., 
 ISfif). 2 The, X. York, 1862, l2mo 3 
 Louies Last Term ,it 8t. Marj^'g, N. York, I8«;i, ISmo;' 
 ?2m, './'•■ \^"'"^ Warrington, xl York, I8(i3 
 IJmo 5. Louie Atterbury, N. York, 1866, 12.uo. 6 
 Rounilhearts, N York, 18(17, l2aio. (Republished, with 
 Cln v'v'"u-\oJ- ''"""y fo' Leit: Devoiionai 
 V i' ,i;, ;„ ^- '''"hard Vandormark: a Novel, N. 
 lork, 1871, I2ino. 9. A Perfect Adonis, N. York, 1880, 
 it ■ I?- J{'iPl'y-«o-Lucky, N. York, 188], I2mo. 11 
 BoT',.;.^",'''' '*';*?• i-"'"- '2. Phoebe: a Novel, 
 f88 ",9 • 'f,""";. '"*,• ^' '"'"''l''^' "<»' »d., Boat. 
 188a, 12ino. 14. Novels, liost., 1885, (i vols. I2ino. 
 Harris, N. E. 1. Digest of toe Decisions of the 
 bupreme Court of (ieorgia, reported in the Ten Volumes 
 fn^.h n '"• '■•*'*'"«"". «"- '«"«. Svo. 2. Supplement 
 to the Georgia Code .■ containing Public Acts pa/sed since 
 187,1, and the Conslitiition of 1877: with Annotations, 
 Side Relerences, Ac, Macon, 1878, Svo 
 M- 1 ,?''T,'''' 't'chnrd, b. !8,t;i, called to the bar at the 
 Middle lomple 1861. 1. Kefleetions from Nature, School- 
 ,^% Jioin'n'soences, and other Original Poems, Lon.. 
 ISo.i 12,no, 2 The Knglish Press and its Poets : a Satire! 
 «,v Cordrao \ erdello, [pseud.J l.on., 1856. .3. The 
 biegoofCandia:an Kpic Poem, Lon., 1859-60, 12 part" 
 1^010. 4. New Nobility : a Novel. By Benedick \Vhip-' 
 \ni'l 'T'"'^ xT^"",-' '■'*"' '^ ""'' '-'mo. 5. Mayfttv to 
 M bank : a Novel, Lon., 1870, ;i vols. p. Svo. 6. Nine 
 Litte Poems, Lon, 1877, Svo; 2d ed. same year. 7. 
 H ntson Advocacy. By a Barrister. Lon., 1879, Svo- 
 Mh ed, 1887. 8. Recollections of a Night at Brackley 
 Nor h..mpton, 1880, 8v.,. 9. .Mr. Bumpkin's LawsuU ' 
 or, How to Win your Opponent's Case, Lon., 1S8;1, Svo- 
 -•(i ed entitled "The Humorous .Story of Farmer 
 Bum,,k,„., Lawsuit," 18S.i. io. Illus.rations in A "o 
 ,S K ?;■ '^/^ 'i r'"- ^ ' • ^'^'"■'' '^""1 ■■ '^''"t should be 
 done by Client, Solicitor, and Counsel, from a Barrister's 
 Point «t \ lew: together with a Trer.tise on the Defence 
 of Insiinity, Lon., 1886, Svo; 2d ed., rev 1887 
 Hams, Ilicliard Donalid. Hymns on the Epi. 
 xiunf:ris6s! i":' "'' '™"""° ^"'^''■•' 1-"=-'-""- 
 f'^arris, Richard Julian. Life through the 
 Lotos: ii Riiniance in Poetry, Lon., 1884, p. 8vo 
 ■,7;io,'7'*V*,*"n^l''' '^".'""^"-•'■. •■?'• P.iul's' School, 
 wiH,rri >fote-Book on Plane Geometrical Drawing 
 Sf P. C lapler 0,1 scales nn.l an Introduction tc UraplHc 
 otatics, Lon., isso, p. Svo. 
 Harris, Uev. .Samuel, D.D , b. 1814, at Ea«t 
 Machias, Me : graduated ,it liow.loin College I8;i3 and 
 at An.lover ri.c.logical .Seminary 1838; was profuss;,r of I 
 systematic theology in Bangor .Seminary 1855-67; pre<.- i 
 ident of Bowdo.n, and professor of mental and moral 
 phiosophy in that college, till IS7I, when ho 
 pro lessor of systernMio theology at Yale. 1. z'.cchcu ' 
 ?L r'P!"'".'. '''ii" "f "'-•"-■"i-^""". N'. vork is".; 
 I . "o^*^''""' • ™y<"" '"'■ "'e Death of hi . Re 
 <Ieemed, 186:i. 3 The King.lom of Christ on Earth; 
 Blstof Th -r' ''""V,"*^'.'*™- ^- The Philosophica 
 Hasiso Theism: an E.Mamination of tho Personal ty of 
 Oo^/x^Ylt-KssT^'sv:™- '-'"^ «elf.Kevelatio'„^;[ 
 dainedl8..3; vicar of .'^t. James, Kennli igt m, ;i,l ' 
 1841-1^^), b in Autauga County, Ala.; ordained m n ' 
 novel.] I^ CI ristopl,er^^y;;;^-tp,i-4''t^^,r^ 
 (Th ni', ? Isolation of Christianity to Civil S,)cietv 
 KKV. UK. and Others, Cooperation in Christian Work 
 BC*rh",'«.^*'''- ,'^^>'""""" Frederick, M.A, ' 
 18?2 'iii f / ' K™' ""'eJ "t Worcester College Oxford ' 
 lH^i'illi '" !'"' I^""' "'« I""er Temple I. 87.";; or-^ 
 dained IS,,, vicar ol Bt. Michael and All AneeN' ( 
 Blackburn, Lancashire, since 1884. 1. The Element of ' 
 «rT.i"'';?""""""^«''' I-""" 1875, 8vo. 2. Pr nd. 
 pies of the Crimmal Law, Lon., 1877 8vo; Amcr ed , 
 [ with Notes and Ailditions by M. F. Force, 1880 ; 4th ed 
 I rev. by Aviet Agabeg, 18S6. ' 
 ' T "*,Vo'o'.*"»"''"'* '• Old Coaching Days. Illu,. 
 i ms.'svo.' "• ^- '''" '^"""'""K Age.* IllLt. Lot; 
 : Old piif ,f:;:i^{|;^j['-^?^j;i;- -v:;:^;^i^^[;j;i^ 
 i can be rescued from the wreck of il?,. , ,>,,ch!,„ I. ', T^ 
 even the general rentier will U,'aCse,l"-';::i'^'*"iV5' 
 3d"u'iS'l^r"o.'""""«''^°""'' ■ "^ '^""-■' 
 ; Harris, Thomas, F.R..S.L,, architect. Victorian 
 Archi ecture: a Few Words to show that a xNatim . Ar" 
 ehitccture adapted to the Wants of the Nineteen hCen 
 tury IS attainable, Lon., 1860, Svo ""i«teentn Len- 
 Harris, Thomas, M.D. Lond., M.R.C.P., patho 
 : logical registrar of the Manchester Royal Inii ma v 
 assistant lecturer and demonstrator of pa^hol, gy ri?e 
 : Owens College, and honorary assistant 'physician t", he 
 Manchester I os,,ital for Consumption and Diseases of 
 duct 1 oTVr ^^'f "^"'.™ ""nd-iook ; or, How to Con- 
 duct Post-Mortem L.xaminations for Clinical and Medico- 
 Legal Purposes, lllust. Lon., 1887, p Svo 
 Harris, Thomas Frederick. Hand-Book of 
 Aeoasties, for the Use of Medical .Student^ Lon.riSSr, 
 1 JJ"V'p' '•"''•""as l-al^e, [n„te, vol, i. add.,! b 
 ^82^i, at lenny .'^tralford, Eng. ; removeil to the T, ted 
 States while young. He was first a Calvinist, then a 
 and a e! I ;"'•■'''•' '','!^' '° "'" •''«"■"« " ^PiH'ualisf^ 
 and alter lecturing in Great Britain established a com- 
 munity kn.nvn „s the Brotherhood of the New Lili n 
 Dutchess County, N.Y, of which Laurence Oil h„nt 
 HeTald oV'lT'hr- ,"V";f «''''«J "^ J— 1 calle'd ?he 
 Herald of Light. I. Letters upon the Repeal of the 
 Fugitive Slave Law, Wash., 1851, Svo. 2. The \nsdoiu 
 of Anges. Parti. N. York, 1857, 12mo. 3. Hy ns 
 for Spiritual Devotion, N.York, 1858, 12mo. 4. .Vrcrrm 
 iai!/' N"v-'-'/'V:r«'"'.^'=''^* of the Divine W„r L 
 lait 1. X \ork, 1858, Svo. ,5. The .Song of Satan- 
 Days, N. y„k, 1860. Svo. 7. Modern Spiritualism- 
 Sermons penehed ^n Stove Street Music H. II, Lon m 
 I 'rwe'.v," Di ■ ^ "'■''' 'fV-r- »■ The Milleni'iial Age 
 Inelvo Discourses, N. York, IS6I), !2mo, 9. Truth and 
 Life in Jesus : Sermons, Lon, 1860 p. Svo. 10, Tl e G ™ 
 ,R.p.j^, ,c : a Poem of the Sun, N. York, 1867. I2mo 
 ito l'» A ''"'' ",",0 ^^ "" '■ "" ^'"^y- N- Vork, 1867 
 r 1 ;• 1 l: *-■""" "' < '■"■'tianily : an Unfolding of the 
 Celestial Sense of the Divine M-or,l, N. York, 1,868 2 
 I vols. 8vo. l.-i. The Wedding-Gue.n ; Jesus „-Yes'sa 
 Fountain Grove, Cal, 1878, Svo. 14. A Voice IV, in 
 Heaven, lountain Grove. 1879, 8vo. 15. The Holy C v 
 Lift 88 'to "'r'?n"^S> f "• '«• The "".'.in.n;^ 
 ,„'; « • ' • „' '• I'''' W'"'''"" of "'« Adepts : Eso- 
 8v ■*,7"°f' "'"'">" Jli^tory, Fountain Grove. 1884, 
 i,lv P . ,^0"'"'- «■ i'oeiu of the Woman's Mys- 
 M ' l"lvc'", '"■'• ""•'.?J"^ ''"■ "'"h IlAunis, 
 T) i' , r '(■ ';•;•"/"'■",) The Lord: the Two-in-One 
 Declared and (ilorilied, .Salem-on-Krie, 1876, Svo 
 Harris, Vincent Dormer, M.D, FRCP nhv 
 St" '"tH. '^Im "':.'';';■". ,""^'''1'" '"■• Dise'as-eso/ 1 ; 
 Chest Tie Student's Guide to Diseases of the Clict • 
 nicluding tnc Principal Affections of the Pleuru., Lun.. 
 PerieaidiuiM Heart, and Aorta. Hlust. I,,,,, l,.?s 
 lolT'l r V"' !"""■]'' ^'^'"■^■' *'"""'" for "'e Physio-' 
 logical Laboratory, Lon., 1880, p. Svo; 4th ed, 18.88 
 Harris, Rev. W., of Camberwell. 1. Six Lectures 
 on Questions indicative of Character, Lon., 1875, 12mo. 
 2. Hoim etical Commentary on the Books of Samuel. 
 Harris, W. A. Titles to Mines in the United States • 
 w, I. the Statute., ..nd References to the Decisions of tl ^ 
 Courts relating thereto. Lon., 1S77, Svo 
 „rn, "i"'*!^"'* f • V"-' ''"""'" ^*'''^«'' «■"' ''o*" it goes 
 around: a Compote Description of the Manufacture of 
 Pottery in Arjierica. Hlust. Trenton, N.J., 1886 Svo 
 Own ""'f V T-r, ^'''^ "'«'" "f I'roperty and the 
 Ownerslripof Land, Bost.. I8S7, Svo >■ •' 
 hi"""'"' ♦^i'lia'ni ot :alesowen. Clentine Ram. 
 bles a Description of IL.gley, Clent, and the Surround- 
 ng Scenery. Rev. an.l enl. by W. Stephens. Ac. Stonr- 
 Oi'Hi-c, i,--,o:i, .-ivo. ' 
 Prf J"',-"' ^*'!',I,'«'"' M.R.O.P. Insanity : its Causes, 
 Prevention, a^nd Treatment, Lon, 1882, p. Svo 
 0„Mi^L"V« "''■ **""«■"' l-resbyterian minister. I. 
 Outlines of Sermons on the Miracles of the Old Testa- ' 
F. Force, 1880 ; 4th ed., 
 ment. By a London Minister. Lon., ]87,S Svn 2 
 <J.f:' •'^^'•i""'" ("'■ li"y9 .mil Girls, by William HuVris' 
 Wilbcrlorco Newton, iind Eilgar Woods: toirelher with 
 Fifteen Ten-Alinuto tiermons to Children, I,„n isso 
 8vo. .!. llomileticiil Commentary on the Hook of' I'nn' 
 erbs. Lon., I.SSL', 8vo. 
 HarriN, William. The History of the Rn,li,..ii 
 l'"rty i„ l',„li„„,„„t, l„jn., iss.,, 8vo. "' 
 ..„ ' ,'.' '" ''''" " history tliiiii h chronicle, .sottlne forth with 
 ?t .Jl.'.'''' ;""l V;i>lV"in,nen,lable freedon, fron> , ", '^ 
 (liirilm r, 1 '"''""■"'/'•''""nt'rs in luid out of l',irli„nK. u 
 (Uiriiig nitlier more than a eeutury."— j(/i,, Xo. J'jiii 
 ,l„.,""'*V **'"'""' <-'•' "''''•■''"nt eommissioner of ' 
 lie |,o Mou „f the metropolis. 1. Questions and Answers 
 pZu i" "'", 'P^'""^""n °f I'onstables on Joining the 
 Pol ee Lon Istin, i2mo; 2d ed., I8(;s. 2. Manual ol' 
 IZrno "-"""'y "I'l District Constubles, Loi,., ls(;2, 
 in " e^T.^l' '''T- "■*'"«'" C., IJ.S.A. Prison-l.ife I 
 HI ';'"',, ^."'^""■'' Warehouse at Richmond. By a Ball's ' 
 Bluir Prisoner. I'hila.. 1862, iL'mo. J' "■ "a'l s | 
 Ga7DHe!iI*'',-^y,"''J"!' ^- '^ ■'«!'-■'•'» "iuido "Id Tourists' i 
 imdclnL;: v'V^'^'' "'[-^''n'"" "f "•« ^■■""••^' States 
 anu 1, .N. \ork, I,S8,5, 12ino. 
 tio""^*,'/)'?."-?'" "'»'■'■>'• C""le-F«"i A,lulter,a- 
 Jil Cake flh, ;"■' V '"■•'"' ^'"""'^ '" "'« ^'"^'='""» "'■ 
 Hnrr; «'• •• '^'"■""'"'rton. 18fi:i, Svo. 
 Bee its V ,".'}'" M«"'«"ngt»"- The Uoncy- 
 „"«""' "ev. William L., D.D., LL.D., b. 1817 
 KiicoHl'I'l ';.'•■• •>-"'- -»ini.^ter^f the Method J 
 Th! ilii., "!,!!' ,*;.''.'I™''..'''.'- 18«;^. N. Vork, I8B:!, Svo. 2. 
 In Hours of Leisure, [verse.] 
 Ti,; ,;,..'■"■ V'""-" '"!■ I8B.5, iN. Vork, I8B:!, Svo 2 
 ^1 ^t<^^o::^i!^^ ^'"- -'' '■"-'-- Act. i.rl . 
 i.,"dd"/'iVp ',"-''!*'•'" 'j?"»'^' F'Rs- ["'"^ vol. 
 tide inventions f„r , ^ '"?=o «f feurjjeons; made so en- 
 a reeei 'T the ^'7'"'^ f 'M^ f™»' lightning, ic, 
 NlllurecT under ;';L"\:'','' '"„"*'';'; '• «'' "- 
 teetin- li.Hld"r.' ;!".'' "'' "" "'" ^'<"^"'' of Pro- 
 Construction in hV . '^ ^'""""^ ^'"'° "f N»val 
 Pro: eS™lymout^ ^l^r^r^ 'rT^ai"^ '^"'■" 
 tional Electricity. Edited with :y,';™"? ""/'i;'- 
 Journal of .Speculative II, 1, "i,' ,••'''""■• <>' "'o 
 Lecture St. Louis I. isv ;•'.,"' '*'"^'"' ■''=''="™ ' '^ 
 licn.'al civil .service Li'l ' t, , ,'v l',?i' ''"■p""r""'J'"'' 
 .^l-ne IVotn the Bladder, L.n., is/o, 8vo. ^■^"•'"^"'"' "^ 
 Ilnrrisoii, .\. stpunrt ti n „ . 
 and others,.,,^,... l!^" "'tn. ^^^rT ^'^'"^ '^-""' 
 ^^lI«rn.„„,A«..c.. Martin, Vine^lr^L Lon., 1872, 
 land, from the Norumn Con'o le wT.h't'l'''" n"'' ^"S" 
 ;Mr Births, coro„,uio„s,M.r,:s,;;:::;i:^-i:::-,;ji; 
 Of "r^^•n^""I^,„*:,^r.rp•. svi'^^'"''^ "" ""> ^"'-'' 
 Harrison, Charles. 1. Theatricals and Tableauv 
 \ .van s for Amateurs. Illust. Lon., 1,.S2 8™ 2^ 
 The Prmco nn,l the Penny: a Fai y-Tali Il'lusf 
 ' Harrison, Clilford. 
 Lon., I8«7, Svo. 
 .Jf""'?.""' Mrs. Constance Cary, b about 
 iaslMoned Fairy-Book. Illust. ' Lon sst sq | ,'^" 
 t Ha,!,"".'' ^^"'^ ^'".'•=-'' ^""^'' ''<■"•■ IS.^^ p 8vo 
 0. Bar Harbor Days. Illust. N. York, 1887, liimo 
 Harrison, David. A Voice from the Wishing 
 toman Home, Best., 1860 I'^mo 'v.isning- 
 a '""e"Lon"'.8?'8- fl"''""'- ' '• '^^ ^-J "» «,dd: 
 a Juic, j^on., I8i8. l.smo: new ed ISSl 9 ii«- \r 
 a" All *R,^.f ^ n-' ,"'?• '^""'' "'■" '^" '>*'" "u 
 it All Kigbt? a Tale, Lon., I.XSO n Svo j (■„.. 
 Howers; or. Simple Sunday StoHe's,'',i;-,ss^-, p" ' .? 
 J- Lnder Canvas: a Tale, Lon ISS'l i, ><,■ ,', . ' 
 lc,■:L;^.'v;ius^ ":::^*:^j^8y'p'^:r f'^vi.'''" 
 a Tale Lon issi lo ■!.'•'?,■ "' •'• S«ond Best : 
 ' der. 'l lu t" Ion "• '^'"'""'^H" •• >» Mne-Days' Won- 
 Harrison, Fanny. Our Teacher's Stories Ton 
 ISN). s(|. Ibmo ; new ed., (ivf., iss.s '-'""e". '-on., 
 Harrison, Uev. Frannis \i i ■ , 
 7 ,_,nc,nbcr of the royal commission on tr dtZ, i ^ 
 Ke:."of s-iiiw^s;:;.-;;^ p;^:t:r:;nr '^-i "'^ 
 An-theCouticilof Legal EdliJ^on ^f' t :'7S"i: 
 coi'inc"!! iss^'lL"" ''''''■:7"'" '" "- f-ondou CHI ,v 
 »i- ••.mti;;ui'n!:;:'i^;,^",^i'r^';r"' '''"'"•' '""''^^ 
 ■1. Martial Law in Kabul, Lon, 1,S86 Svo 1 Tl,„ 
 a1a!',to :; L „.' 8'":;%'" ^«^l;V 'J, !-"«>■ to Mr.' 
 a.d other'l iterar^'fe^; ^^l., '.^^ "p ^^ ""A^rt:; 
 edition on large paper, Svo, and a Po^iula^'eu'iulin;:" 
 I;re.,ch Kev.dutlon ai^^Tl rde^t urn c .'Is';!? Tl^ "' '"« 
 tliut.cisi.i, the Law CourtVa. I m,„'i ' niMloni le-s- 
 -Alhfiil.mi Jl»eu.v„oi. to any intelligent reader.'' 
 Lon.,^1888:p''8vr"' '" '"^'^^ ^■"«'''" Statesmen,") 
 to'be\o^c,T"l!^t''f;;l'f.™^tf,'fl '!'/, "•-"" """V " - «"" 
 h.iwever .irran,;,,! tiu ,,f,?l,,'"7,'''-' Kari.erod; he has, 
 well as by whnt he gives. lie has shown that every slep In 
 that wiin.lerful career Is familiar to him."— ^1(A,, No. 3109. 
 1 he merit (if the hook lies in the liilnes.s, llueney, and 
 (on the whole) (jf it.s narrative of I'aets."— .va/. lia:, 
 !xv. Sd'J. 
 !xv. Wi 
 Harrison, Giibriel, b. l.S2j, in Philailclphia; 
 was an actor and manager, and later bci'anic a teacher 
 of elocution in Brooklyn, N.Y. 1. The Stratford Bust 
 of William Shakespeare, and a Critical Inquiry int.. its 
 Authenticity and Artistic Merits. Illu.-t. Brooklyn, 
 ISe:!, 4|o. Only 7:, copies printed. 2. The Life and 
 Writings of .lohn Howard I'.iync, Albany, 1,S75, r. Svo; 
 new ed., entitled " John Howard I'ay'nc, i. aniatist, 
 I'oet, Actor, and Author of 'lloiuo, Sweet Home!'" 
 Phila., ISS4, Svo. , 
 Hnrrisoii, (Jcorge. Memoir of WiNiam Cook- 
 worthy, formerly of I'lymouth. By his Grandson. Lon., 
 1.S54, 12mo. ' ' 
 Harrison, (ioorge. Treatise on the Greek I'rep- | 
 ositions, I'hila., l.Ha.'', ftvo. | 
 Harrison, tieorge. Two Months in Brittany ; 
 with my Knapsack ami Fly-lio.l, L.m., IS(),><, 12rno. ! 
 Harrison, George Harris<<a Rogers. A i 
 <lcnealogieal and Historical Account of the Maitland i 
 Family: compiled from Charters, Deeds, &o., Lon.,] 
 IS"' 4to. Privately printed. I 
 Harrison, George Henry De Strabolgie 
 Neville I'lantagenet. I. Fac-.Simile of the Origi- 
 nal Domesday-Book: with Translation, I,on., 1876, fol. 
 2. The History of Yorkshire, [and Yorkshire Families :] 
 vol. i., Lor., and Aylesbury, 1S79, fol. (No more pub- 
 Harrison, George Leib, ISIl-I.Ss.i, b. in Phil- 
 adelphia, Pa. ; was for several years president of the 
 Pennsylvania Board of State Charities. I. Chapters on 
 Social Science as connected with the Administration of 
 State Charities, Phila., 1 877. 2. The Remains of Wil- 
 liam Penn: Pennsylvania's Plea, the Mission to England, 
 Visit to the (Jrave, Letters, Ac., Phila., I8S2, 4to. Pri- 
 vately printed. 3. Legislation on Insanity : Collection 
 of the Lunacy Laws of the United States to the Y'ear 
 188;!, inclusive; [also] England, Canada, anil Portinns 
 of the Lunacy Laws of Uennany, France, Ac, Phila., 
 1884, 8vo. Privately printed. 
 Harrison, Rev. H., of Hackney. A Guide to the 
 Ihrone: a Daily Guide to Family Devotion. Illust 
 Lon., 1857-61, 4to. 
 Harrison, Rev. Holl, b. IS.r, in Anne Arundel 
 v'iV , ' ««'''«'»'" master in St. Paul's School, Concord, 
 iN.lI., 18()5-79, and since then rector of St. John's Elli- 
 ccJttCity, Md. I. Hugh Davey Evans, LL.D.: a Me- 
 moir founded upcn Kecollections written by Himself 
 l.artford, 1870, 12mo. 2. Life of the Right Reverend 
 J"hn Bishop Kerfoot. D.D, LL.D.. First Bishop of I 
 Pittsburgh : with Selections from his Diaries and Cor- > 
 respondenoe. Illust. N. York, 1886, 2 vols. Svo. 
 fn"!'"^ ^"'l'^ K""I "■'''<-'h "'"' '""''»' its principal appeal , 
 whM?-?„ '!;''" 5'"l ">em.selves in places simi ar t"> ha ' 
 i ,ri«,,'?''i?''.^'"'^"''', "pcupi"'. "'"1 tc those profound y 
 hpscopal Church l),u to read his blonrapln-, . is 
 to be made aware that his ('hri.stiaiiiiy and his niaiiho'od 
 traiiscondcd his particular opinions."- .Vo^Vm, xliii "ic, 
 1 his IS an interesting and profitable bo,ik. It depicts a 
 c aracter sniKularly .levoiit.'manly, lovable, an,rener^ 
 EUlc And It nieidentally .-hows us soniethliigof the faith 
 the eiitcrnrise, the unworl.llineKS. which are the most a ■ 
 trictive ell iraeterisliesof an orthodox communion wholly 
 independent of the statc."-6Jjfda(or, Ix. 359. ' 
 ic!**'"'''*""' Harry. Poems, Clapham, Y'orkabire, 
 io8(, 8vo. ' 
 HorrisoM, Henry William. The Battle-Fields 
 and Isaval Exploits of the Republic from Lexington to 
 the City of Mexico. Illust. Phila., 1857, Svo; new 
 ©u., 1877. 
 T Harrison, I. Henry. 1. (Trans.) The Death of 
 Ivan the Terrible; from the Russian of Count A. K 
 Tolstoi, 1869, p. Svo. 2. (Trans.) Krilofif's Original 
 fables, 1883, Svo. 3. Complete Course of VolapUk : with 
 Grammar and Exercises, and a Vocabulary of I'wo Thou- 
 sand Five Hundred Words; adapted from the French of 
 Irof. Aug. kerekhoffs; 2d ed., Lon., 1888, I2mo. 
 lojf "/"*""'•'• Manual of the Type- Writer, Lon., 
 J.^.^.>, ij,. Svo. 
 Harrison, J. Bayford. A Good Copy, and other 
 Stones, Lor.., 1884, p. Svo. 
 Harrison, J. J. and E. On the Culture of the 
 i each. Nectarine, 4o., Lon., 1860, Svo. 
 Harrison, James, of Gateshead-on-Tyne. I. 
 Oxford Theology; or, Romanism in the Church of En.'- 
 land, Lon., IS75, I2mo. 2. The Everlasting Kingdom 
 and the Life Eternal, Lon., 18S0, Svo. 
 Harrison, James Albert, b. 1848, at Pass Chris 
 tian. Miss.: gnidualed at the University of Virginia 
 1866: professor of Latin anil modern languages in Han- 
 dolph-Macon College, Va., IS7I-7tl, and since then i)ro- 
 fessor of English and modern languages in Washington 
 and Lee Iniversity, Le.\ington, Vii. 1. A Group of 
 Poets and their Haunts, N. York, 1875, Svo. 
 "He has an excellent sclectluii of subiccts —subjects 
 wliicli are a oroofot his having real lilcrafv and aslhet^c 
 i.redilectioiis. He has apparently made a" long stay in 
 hurope.and spent his timetliere in a sullicientlvseholarlv 
 manner. . . . lie is biiieii wilb the mania of beiiiir pict- 
 uresque at any eo.i^t, in seiuson and out."— .\ tliuii xx ."'JiJ 
 2. Greek Vignettes: a Sail in the Gn ck Sens in the 
 I Summer of 1877, Host., 1878, ISmo. ;!. Spain in Pro- 
 I file : a Summer among the Olives and Aloes, Bust., 1879, 
 ' 16mo. 
 "Mr. Harrison'.s sketches are not only very agreeable 
 reading, but they have a distinct charm. He has in a very 
 perceptible it not very coiepicuons. ihrree the quality 
 i'L!l!\l\ll'^K\ ''.''• '^SV ,V"»!!M'icture.s,niely. and describes 
 them jympathctically."— J\^i((o,i, xxix. 63. 
 4. .Spam, (Sketch of the Historv of Spain.) Illust. 
 Best., 1881, 12mo. 5. The Story of Greece, ("Story of 
 the Nations,") N. York, 1885, I2mo. 6. .Autrefois: 
 Tales of Old New Orleans and Elsewhere. N Y^ork 1888 
 12mo. With Baskkuvill, W. M., A Handy Dictionary 
 ot Aiglo-Saxon Poetry: based on Grosohopp's Grein. 
 Editei;, Revi ed, and Corrected: with Grammatical Ap- 
 pendi.\, Ll.stof Irregular Verbs, and Brief Etymological 
 Features. Best, and Lon., ISSli, Svo; now ed., N. York, 
 Harfison, James Bower, M.D., M.R.C.P., 
 F.R.C.S., gradu; 1 in medicine at the University of 
 St. Andrews; hoiiierly surgeon of the Ardwiok and 
 Ancoats Dispensary, and a.ssi8tMnt |ihysician of the .Man- 
 chester Royal Infirmary. I. Some Remarks on the Con- 
 tamination of Water by Poison of Lead, and its Eftects 
 on the Human Body, Lon., 1850, 12mo. 2. Popular 
 Medical Errors, Lon., 1851, 12mo. 3. The Medical As- 
 jicets ol Death and the Medical Aspects of the Human 
 Mind, Lon., 1852, 12mo. 4. A Few Remarks on the 
 Perforating Ulcer of the Stomach and Bowels, Lon., 1856, 
 12mo. 5. Familiar Letters on the Diseases of Children, 
 Lon., 1862, l2mo. 6. A Vision of Asmodeus, and the 
 Reflections of Dr. Anselmo, Manchester, 1880, p. Svo. 
 Harrison, James Carter. I. An Epitome of 
 the Laws of Probate and Divorce, Lon., 1880, Svo; 3d 
 ed., 1886. 2. An Epitome of the Criminal Law, Lon., 
 1882; 2d ed., Lon., 1885, Svo. ,i. A Selection of 
 btatutes for Students : with Notes and Cases, Lon.. 1S85 
 r. Svo. ' 
 Harrison, James Hargrave. (Ed.) Postwiok 
 and Rela'ives: written in the Early Part of the Eigh- 
 teenth Century by Thomas Harrison, of Great Plum- 
 stead. Illustrated with Notes. Great Yarmouth, ISoS 
 4t<^ 100 copies printed for private circulation. 
 Harrison, Miss Jane Ellen. I. Myths of the 
 Odyssey in Art and Literature. Illust. Lon., I SSI, 
 Svo. ' ' 
 iin thography of her subject ; to the uninitiated, u promise 
 I'i'i- Vi'"*''^ '" ''"'ne--- 1 (■<"'.. XX. i«9 
 tbooi'if I ,nT?".''* '"'''i=.i'«''^'"'it. lint for the mythologist, 
 wR .1, 11,? '^''^ ''" '.'""■,'»" for the student of the ar 
 of h nan ,w'^>'' ^'"-'"il"* '^'""!'''l ','"" ™mnion materials 
 01 Human lancy. . . . Her main object is to show how 
 Greek artists conceived of the Homeric legends We 
 are not acquainted with any book pn.duced by any man 
 atelther university which does so mieh for the tnowledge 
 rmihrui'/.'' i"* ^H""""^ 'oyawonittii fronT oi e ot' tfe 
 Cambridge colleges for women."— .I(A., No. 2830 
 ,„?•- Introductory Studies in Greek Art. Illust. Lon.. 
 I88o, Svo. ' 
 " The book .she has published displays in an eoual 
 degree the instinct of address and the insthK' If VSeareli 
 ;„V 'hV™',''^^'' »• ''^'""slamly encounter serious and 
 earnest thought, wide knowledge, and a vivid exposUion' 
 —A. h. Ml iiiiAV : Acad., xxix. llfi. 
 Harrison, Jennie. I. The Right Way, and how 
 ^F^^J,"/"^' ^''*"*^'' '" "' N. York, 1863, ISmo. 2 
 The Children's Wreath, N, York. 1S65. 6 vol?. ISmo 3 
 on the Ferry-Uoat, N. York, 1S65, ISmo. 4. Morning-' 
 Glory Stories, N York, 1865, ISmo. 5. The Boys' 
 Watchword ; or. The Story of the Old Back Room, Lon , 
 18<2; new ed., 1876, 12mo. 6. Little Boots, and the 
 bleps they trod in, Lon., 1874, 12mo. 7. "Little 
Qateshcad-on-Tjiic. 1. 
 sill in the Church of Kujj;- 
 ho KviTliisting IviiiL'il'mi 
 ■1(1, Svo. 
 rt, 1). 1X4S, ftt Pn«s Chris 
 University of Virginia 
 iiciilern languages in Itiin- 
 1-71), unci since then pro- 
 hinguiiges in Washington 
 ui, Va. 1. A (irou)) of 
 rk, ISTi, Svo. 
 inn of sulj.lcots —subjects 
 ; real liternrv and lesthetic 
 Illy made a long sWy in 
 I in n snllicienlly scholarly 
 Uie niuniii of being )iict- 
 id out."— ;\ llioil, XX. ."iw. 
 n the Griek iSeas in tlio 
 IKuio. ;). Spain in I'ro- 
 es and Aloes, Dost., I.STU, 
 not only very ngreenblo 
 eliarni. lie has in a very 
 ■nous, det;reu the quality 
 •turewiuely, and describes 
 xxix. 63. 
 story of Spain.) Illust. 
 ■y of (ireoee, ("Story of 
 5, 12ino. 6. Autrefois: 
 ;isewlicre. N.York, 18S.S, 
 JI., A Handy Dictionary 
 1 on Gro.schopp's Qrcin, 
 : witii Orammatical Ap- 
 , and lirief Etymological 
 , Svo J new cd., N. York, 
 iver, M.D., M.R.C.P., 
 ne at the University of 
 in of the Ardwiok and 
 nt physician of the Man- 
 lue Rennirks on the Con- 
 of Lead, and its Ktiecta 
 850, 12mo. 2. I'oj.ular 
 10. 3. The Medical As- 
 I Aspects of the Human 
 I Few Ueinarka on the 
 1 and Bowels, Lon., 185t), 
 he Diseases of Children, 
 1 of Asmodeus, and the 
 nchester, 1880, p. Svo. 
 !r. 1. An Epitome of 
 rce, Lon., 18S0, Svo; 3d 
 he Criminal Law, Lon., 
 ). .!. A Selection of 
 38 and Cases, Lon., 1885, 
 rave. (Ed.) Postwiok 
 arly Part of the Eigh- 
 rrison, of Great Plum- 
 Great Yarmouth, 1858, 
 lie circulation. 
 len. I. Myths of the 
 . Illust. Lon., 1881, 
 :ra acomn(c-rcn(,'u of the 
 le uninitiated, a promise 
 [X. a")9, 
 not for the mythologist, 
 iir the student of the art 
 i the common nmterials 
 object is to show how 
 imeric legends. . . . Wc 
 4 proilueed liy any man 
 much for the knowledge 
 voman from one of the 
 Ath.. No. :>830. 
 ek Art. Illust. Lon., 
 ;d displays in an equal 
 the instinct of research, 
 encounter serious and 
 uid a vivid exposition." 
 a Kight Way, and how 
 I'ork, 1803, ISmo. 2. 
 1865. ft vols. IKmn, .".. 
 '->, 18mo. 4. Morning- 
 ISuio. 5. The Hoys' 
 Old Back Room, Lon., 
 Little Boots, and the 
 ;, 12mo. 7. "Little 
 a Sbjry. Ijlu^t. 
 Dunham's Choice 
 Northern Lily ; Five 
 Boots" grown Older; or, The Soldier of the Cross. Lon 
 1874, 12mo. 8. Paul Thurston and his Little IJools' 
 new cd., Lon., is'.'i. 1'. Marty and the Milo-lloxes' 
 Lon.. I,s7,-,, 12nio. 10. Little Oranges; or, The Friend' 
 of the Friendles.s, Lon., 1.''75, lOmo ; new cd., l.sSj. 1 1 
 Choir-lioys of Chcaivick, 1870. 12. Doctor Will, isso' 
 13. Jean -Maodonald's Week : 
 •York, iSS.',, liino. 11, Roger 
 York, I vH7, K'nio. 
 Harrison, Joanna. A ^,.. ^,,^ . ^ivs 
 Years of an Uneventful Life, [a novel,] Lon., 18S6 cr 
 Svo. ' 
 Harrison, John, F.R.C.S. i. Weights of Spirits 
 per Imperial Gallon, him., ISal, long Svo. 2. The Pa- 
 thology and Treatment of Stricture of the I'rclliru Lon 
 18J2, 8vo; 2d cd., 1858. 3. The Pathology an.l Treat- 
 ment of Venereal Diseases, Lon., ISOO, Svo. 
 Harrison, John. ThoLainlof Restalrig's Daugh- 
 ter : a Legend of the Siege of Leith, Edin., ls;,7, i2mo 
 IIarri§on, Ilev. John, D.D., ordained l-,)i; viear 
 of Feiuvick. Vorkshirc, lsii7. 1. An An;idote to the 
 leaching of Certain Anglo-Catholics conccrniTig Wor- 
 sliipping Eastward, Lon., ISOO. 2. Whoso are the 
 Fathers .' or. The Teaching of Certain Anglo-Catholics 
 on the Church and its Ministry contrary alike to the 
 Scriptures, to the Fathers of the First Six Centuries, 
 Ac. Lon., IS(17, Svo. 3. On the Primitive Mode cf 
 making Bishops : being an Enquiry as to whether they 
 were created chiefly by those over whom they were to 
 pre.«ule or by one or more of their own Onler, Lon., 
 ISiO, 8vo. \. An Answer to Dr. Pusoy's Challenge re- 
 specting the Doctrine of the Real Presence, Lon., 1S71, 
 2 vols. Svo. j. An Answer, in Seven Tracts, to the 
 Jiucharislic Doctrine of Romanists and Ritualists: in 
 which it 13 shown that their Teaching is contrary to Holy 
 Scripture.^ Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 6. The Fathers cf.,«,„ 
 Dr. Pusey : an Exposition of his Unfair Treatment of 
 their i-vidcnce on the Doctrine of the Real Presence, 
 Lon., 18(3, p. Svo. 7. The Eastward Position I'nscrip- 
 tural and not Primitive and Catholic, Lon., 1876, p. Svo. 
 Harrison, John. Three Ballads: The Clipper 
 Screw, Maximilian, Trafalgar, Lon., ISK9, 12mo. 
 Harrison, Jolin. Imaginary Loves, [verse,] Bir- 
 111 ngham, KSso, |,. Svo. " •■ ' ■■ 'J 
 Ilarrisonj John. Oure Tounis Colledgc : .Sketches 
 of the Early History of the OM Colledgc of Edinburgh : 
 with an Appendix of Historical Documents, Edin., 1884, 
 Svo. ' 
 Harrison, John, of Edinburgh. The Scot in 
 Ulster: the Story of the Scottish Settlement in Ulster, 
 Edin., 1888, cr. Svo. 
 ,„?*"":"»"? ,I»ev. John Denby, Ph.D., ordained 
 ist,7 ; vicar ol Barton, Lancashire, 1870. The Identity 
 nl I ,/-".'''''' 'ho Anglo-Saxon, and the Catholic 
 Harrison, Hey. Jonathan Baxter, b. 18.35, in 
 ■ "NoI, -*''■'■""' "•'»'"'«' at Franklin Falls, N.H., 
 since 1860. i Certain Dangerous Tendencies in Amer- 
 ican Life, ond other Papers, Boat., 1880, 12mo. Anon. 
 TLq, ,» Studios on Indian Reservations, Phila., 
 1887, I6mo. ' ' 
 Harrison, Joseph, 1S10-I874,b. in Philadelphia; 
 became a mechanical engineer and inventor, and was 
 employed by the Russian government to construct loco- 
 motives Ac., l84"-52. 1. An Essay on the Steam 
 Boiler Phi a ISfi-, lOmo. 2. The Locomotive Engine, 
 and Philadelphia's Share in its Early Improvements 
 rev. ed., Phihv., 1872, Svo. 3. The Iron-Worker and 
 King Solonion: with a Memoir and an Appendix; 2d 
 cd rev., Phila., 1860. Printed f,.r private circulation. 
 Harrison, Rev. Joshua Clarkson. The Offi- 
 cers, Services, and Institutions of Park Chapel, Camden 
 rown : with the Re,K,rt8 for I85S (l,S(i|) and an Address 
 to the Church and Congregation, Camden Town, 1850- 
 01, 2 vols. 12mo. Privately printed. Also, single ser- 
 mons and addresses. 
 Harrison, Rev. Lawrence John. Sermons 
 preached on Various Occasions, Lon., 1867 p Svo 
 Harrison, Mrs. M. B. (Trans.) a (ireat Ladyj 
 K^hn 1 ?*''°"',').-''i •'• *:'"• ^*«"i"- [pseud, for August 
 huprtne,] Lon., InjS, p. svo. 
 Harrison, Mrs. iMary, daughter of Rev. Charles 
 Kingsley, ,«/ra/ wife of Rev. William Harrison. Her 
 books and her contributions to periodicals have been pub- 
 lished under the pseudonyme of " Lucas Malet." 1. Mrs 
 Lorimer : a Sketch in Black and White, Lon., 1882. 2 
 vols. p. Svo, 
 "Not only brimful of cleverness, profuse and careless 
 cleveriii'ss, as of one rich in inlelligenci', ami of geniiine 
 softly reflective himiniir, such as critics hive, but of power 
 of a kind so separate that it is Imrd to characterize wlthuul 
 quoting in justltieation the wIkjIc book."— .sWc/u^,,-, Ivi. 
 2. Colonel Enderby's Wife: a Novel, Lon., 1885, 3 
 vols. cr. Svo. 
 " We cniinot doubt that this sturv will live ainoiiL'vt ibe 
 great tictions of ibis ceiiliu'v. For it moves In the 
 higher imaginative world wiibmit iiiiv ileliciciicv in real- 
 ism. There is lUible poetry in it wii'hoiu ilreaiiiiiicss or 
 want o, grasp lor the truth of hunmii imlure."— .s;)iv(o(or 
 ivlit. /in. ' ' 
 3. Little Peter! a Christmas .Morality, Lon., 18S7, so. 
 16uio. 4. A Counsel of Perfection. Lon., ISSS p. Svo 
 Harrison, Miss .llnry. The Skilful Cook: 'a 
 Pcaotical Manual of Modern Kxiierience, Lon.. 18S4 
 cr. Svo. ' 
 Harrison, Nellie I'ortrscue. 1. For One Mans 
 Pleasure: a Novel, Lon.. Iss.l, 2 vols. cr. Svo; new 
 ed., 1S85. 2, So Runs my Dream: a Story, Lon., 1S85, 
 2 V(ds. p. Svo. 
 Harrison, Octavian Baxter Cameron, M.A., 
 b. 1819; graduated nt Trinity College, Cambridge. 1841 ; 
 called to the bar at the Inner Temple 1S51 " 1. The 
 Summary Procedure on Bills of Exchange Act, 1855, 
 Lon., ISjo, 12ino; 2d ed. .same year. 2. The Practice 
 of the Sheriff's Court of the City of i.ondon, Lon., 1800, 
 or. Svo. 3. The Registration (Occupation Voters) Act, 
 188o, Lon., ISS.), Svo. 4. The Representation of the 
 People Act, 1884: Notes, Lon., 1SS5, p. Svo. 
 Ilarrison, Oscar. The Comic Guide to the Isle 
 of Man. Illust. Lon., 1881, Svo. 
 Harrison, R. E. What is Congelaticm ? or. The 
 Benumbing Influence of Cold in proilueing Insensibility 
 to Pain in Dental Operations popularly explained, Lon., 
 1858, 12ino. 
 Harrison, Reginald, M.D., F.R.C.S., surgeon to 
 the Liverpool Royal Inlirmary. 1. Clinical Lectures on 
 , Stricture of the Urethra and Disorders of the Urinary 
 Organs, Lon., 1878, Svo. 2. Lectures on the Surgical 
 ^ Diseases of the Urinary Organs; 2d ed., enl., Lon., IssO 
 I Svo; 3d ed., 1887. 3. The Prevention of Stricture and 
 of Prostatic Obstruction, Lon., 1SS2. 4. On some Recent 
 Advances in Surgery of the Urinary Organs: Address, 
 Lon., 1883, .Svo. 5. Observations on Lithotomy, Lithot- 
 rity, nn<l the Early Detection of Stone in the Bladder- 
 witli a De.-cription of a New Method of Tapping the 
 Bladder, Lon., 1883, Svo. 6. Some Points in the Surgery 
 ot the Irinary Organs: Lettsomian Lecture, Lon., 1888. 
 IlBrrison, MiMor-Gen. Richard, R.E., C.B., 
 C.AI.G.. served in the Indian Mutiny. China war, Zulu 
 war, Egyptian exiiedition, Ac. 1. A Practical .Scheme 
 lor the Reorganization of the Armies of Engh nd By 
 an Officer. Lon., 1871, Svo. 2. The Volunteer, the 
 Militiaman, and the Regular .Soldier. By a Publio- 
 S^chool Boy. Lon., 1874, Svo. 3. The Officer's Memo- 
 randum-Book for Peace and War, Lon., 1877, obi. 32mo; 
 4th ed.. 1SS5. 
 Harrison, Robert, librarian of the London 
 Library. 1. Notes of a Nine Years' Residence in Russia, 
 from 1844 to 1S53. Lon., 1S55, p. Svo. 2. Colonial 
 Sketches ; or. Five Years in South Australia, Lon., 1802, 
 12mo. 3. (Trans.) Lorenzo do' Medici the Magnificent, 
 by A. von Reumont, Lon., 1876, 2 vols. Svo. 4. Cata- 
 logue of the London Library ; with Appendix containing 
 List of Members, Contents of Voluminous Collections, 
 AInhabetical List of Tracts, and a Classilied Index of 
 Subjects; ;)th ed., Lon., 1888, 2 vols. And see GosT- 
 WICK, ,'H, eupra, 
 Harrison, Robert Alexander, D.C.L.. 183.3- 
 1878, b. nt Montreal, Canada: admitted to the bar 1855; 
 represented West Toronto in Parliament 1S67-72, and 
 became chief justice of Ontario in 1875. 1. Digest of 
 Cases in the Queen's Bench, Upper Canada, from 1823 
 I to 1851, 1853. 2. The Common Law Procedure Act, 
 j [Canada,] and other Acts relating to the Practice of the 
 j Superior Courts of Common Law and tlie Rules of Court • 
 , with Notes, Toronto, 1856; 2d.ed., 1870, Svo. 3. Statutes 
 ; ol Upper Canada to 1856, 1857. 4. Sketch of the Legal 
 Profession in Upper Canada, IS.i?, 6 Manual of Ct"ts 
 in County Courts, 1S57. 6. Rules of Practice and Plead- 
 ing in the Courts of Upper Canada, 1858. 7. Munieiiial 
 Manual of Upper Canada, 1859. 
 Harrison, S.Francis. Crowded Out, Ottawa, 1886, 
 Harrison, Samuel, of Sheffield, Eng. A Com- 
 pete History of the Great Flood at Sheffield on March 
 II and 12, 186L Illust. Lon., 1804, Svo. 
 HarriRon, Rev. Samuel, of PittsfieM, Mass.] 
 An Apneiil of a Culoroil Man tc his Fcllow-Citi/.cn8 of a i 
 Fairer Hue in tho L'nitod States, I'ittsfiuia, 1H77, 16mo. 
 IIiirriMUli, Sniiiiiel 11. Alunzo yo Brave ami jo i 
 Kayre hmigunu: an Hysterical Drama, in Three Aets, 
 [verse,! Liverpool, 1S70, Hvo. . .1 
 Harrison, Uev. T. Three Hundrcl Testimomes 
 in Favor of Religion ana the Uible, by Distinguished | 
 Men and Women, (in., 1S88, 12nio. . 
 Harrison, Rev. W. How to take a Holiday in 
 the Tyrol fur £21 : with an Account of a \ isit to Ant- 
 werp, Ac, Manchester, 1S8R, p. Svo. 
 Harrison, W. B., editor of the American Artisan. 
 The Muchi.nio'9 Tool-llooli: with l>racticul liules and 
 SuggestioLS for the r.^-e of Machinists, Iron-Workers, 
 and Others, N. York. ISliS, l2nio. . 
 Harrison, W. C. liees and Uoo-Keeping, N. York, 
 18(10, 12nio. , , , , 
 Harrison, W. II. The Fossil lirido : a Legend ot 
 Folkestone, and other Verses, Lon., 1S6S, Svo. Privately 
 ''"Harrison, W. H. How to get rich in the South : 
 Telling what to do, how to do it, and the Profits to be 
 realized. Chic, 18S8, 12mo. 
 Harrison, W. P. 1. Theophilus Walton ; or, Tlie 
 Majesty of Truth ; a Reply to " Theodosia Earnest, 
 Nashville, Tcnn., 12mo. 2. The Living Christ, 18.S,!, 
 Harrison, Lieut.-Col. Walter, 46th Regiment, 
 U.S. army. Pickett's Men: a Fragment ol War His- 
 tory, X. York, 1870, 12mo. 
 Harrison, Rev. William, M.A., rector of Birch, 
 Essex. [a„lc, vol. i., add.] 1. The Light of the Forge, i 
 or, Counsels drawn from the Sick-He.l of L. M., Lon.. < 
 1853, 12mo: 2d e.l., ISlU. 2. Conlirmation : a Duty to 
 God and a Choice of Service, Lon., 1S()2, 12mo. Anon. 
 3. The Reality and Eternity of the Future Punishment 
 of the Wicked, Lon., 1865, 8vo. 1. Daily Readings for 
 Holy Seasons: Lent, Lon., 1876, 12mo. „ ,- , 
 Harrison, William, 1802-1834, b. at Salford, 
 Lancashire; resided in the Lsle of Man from 184.), and 
 was a member ..f the House of Keys, and chief lounder 
 of the Man.K Society. 1. Bibliotheca Monensis : a Biblio- 
 graphical Account of Works relating to the Isle of Man, 
 (Man.'C Soc Pub.,) Douglas, 1861, Svo; now ed , l>,(i. 
 " (Ed) .Mona Miscellany: a Selection of Proverbs, 
 Sayinus, Ballads, Customs, and Legends peculiar to the 
 Isle of Man, (Manx ,<oc Pub.,) Douglas, 1,869-71, two 
 series, 8vo. :i. (Ed.) Man.K Miscellanies: vols. i. an<l ii., 
 (Manx Soc. Pub.,) Douglas, 1871, 1880, 8vo. 4. (Ed.) 
 The Old Historians of the Isle of Man : Camden, Speed, 
 Dugdale, Co.v, Wilson, Willis, and (Jrose, (Man.x Soc 
 Pui).,) Douglas, 1871, Svo. J. (Ed.) Record o' the 
 Tvnwald and St. John's Cliapels in the Jslo ol Man, 
 {.Manx Soc Pub.,) Douglas, 1871, Svo. b. (Ed.) Rec- 
 ords of St. Mark's Chapel, Isle of Man: complied from 
 the Papers of J. T. Clarke, (Manx Soc. Pub.,) Douglas, 
 1878 7 (Ed.) An Account of the Diocese ot Sodor 
 and Man and St. German's Cathedral : al,so, A Record 
 of the Bishops and a Statement of the Rectors, Douglas, 
 1S7'J, Svo. ,^, ^ , ,. 
 Harrison, William, solicitor. The Law relating 
 to Chief Rents and other Kent-Charges and Lands as 
 affected therobv, Lon., 1884, 12mo. , 
 Harrison," William A. A .Manual of Physiogra^ 
 phv. lllust. Lon., 1880, l2mo. 
 Harrison, William George, 1827-1883, gradu- 
 ated at St. .lohn's College, Cambridge, 1850; calle.l to 
 the bar at the Middle Temple 1853. With C.m'K, (.koiigk 
 A., Jh., The .loint-Stook Companies Act, ISoO : with 
 Remarks and Index, Lon , 1856, Svo. 
 Harrison, William II., quartermaster, (irans.) 
 Studies in Troop- Leailing: The Cavalry Division; from 
 the German of J. von Verdy du V ernois. Edited by t. 
 W. Bowdler Bell. Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 Harrison, William Henry, editor of The fapinl- 
 ualist. 1. The Lazy Lays and Prose Imaginings, Lon., 
 1877 cr. Svo. 2. Spirits before our Eyes : vol. i., Lon., 
 187!)' cr. Svo. 3. (Ed.) Psychic Facts: a Selection from 
 the W'-itin"" "f Various Authors on Psychicnl Phe- 
 nomena, Lo"n., 1880, Svo. 1. Mother Shiptoii Investi- 
 gated: the Result of Critical Examination in the liritish 
 Museum Library of tlie Literature relating to the York- 
 shire Sibvi, Lon.. 1881, Svo. T.I.I 
 Harrison, William Hopkins. Ireland to be 
 paoifiod by True .lustice and Policy, Lon., 1868, Svo. 
 Harrison, William Jerome, F.O.S., science 
 demonstrator for the Birmingham school b""''^ ;'»,'« 
 curator of the Leicester Town Museum. I. The (itology 
 of Leicestershire and Rutland. I'"f,„^°"" "o^ " 
 Svo. 2. Practical Geology, Lon., 18,8, 12II0. •*-i"»' 
 ogy of the C(mnties of England and of North and South 
 ^^^'tly'^one Ivlth'tlMs'nmniml in hand "."y readily ac- 
 ,|,iai ,?l.iniseir with the nature "f '''^.^Vh^%o I'l try 
 ,M,m'.n"ng wliich lie may need ii,l(,rmallon. -Sal.Ra.. 
 '"^.''Elementary Mechanics; or. First V^"'""".'" ^'"'; 
 ura History, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. :.. 'he Science of 
 Ule Life: 'a Text-Book of Domestic ••^"""•'"'y; I^"™'; 
 188' D Svo. 6. Elementary Lessons in the 1 rim pies 
 ■f AgLulture, Lon., 1883, Svo. 7 A "'•"';>■.)•;'''';;- 
 tography : written as a Practical Guide and an In n,. 
 dm.tion\o its Latest Deve opinents Bradford, Lng^, 
 1888, Svo. 8. Photogrni.hy for All, Lon., 18^8, p. S^o. 
 With Wakf,FIK1..., 11. U0W1..VN1., Earth-knowledge: a 
 Text-Book of Elementary Physiography, Lon., l>-»i, 
 '"Harrison, William Uandle. 1. Ihe H..nd- 
 Book of Alphabets and Ornaments, Lon., I8b0, cr. Svo; 
 6th ed., 18(3. 2. Suggestions for Illuminating, Lon., 
 1861 ito 3. A Practical Guide to Decorative Painting 
 f„r Walls, Panels, Screens, Ac. : 2d ed , Lon., l/''''^. '-'""• 
 Harriss, Julia Mildred. Wild shrubs of Ala- 
 bama; or. Rhapsodies of Restless Hours. By the Min- 
 strel Maiden of Mobile. N. York, 1852, 8vo. 
 Harrisse. Henry. Bibliotheca Americana \ etu»- 
 tissima: a Description o', W»'1<\J'^^''.''*"8 ,'" ,f '''''™'' 
 published between 1402 and laol, N. \ork, 1866, r.Sui. 
 Additions, Ito the foregoing.] Pans, 1872. 
 Ilarriison, Mrs. A. M. Gethsemane, and other 
 Poems, Lon., I85fi, l2mo. . 
 Ilarrisson, John. I. An Essay on Pbysioal Edu- 
 cation, Lon., 1866, Svo. 2. Athletic Training and 
 Health: an Essay on Physical Education, Lon., ISBtf, 
 '"llarrod, Henry, FS.A., 1817-1871, b at Ayls- 
 ham, Norfolk: a.lmitted an attorney 1838 , was Kr 
 twelve years secretary of the Norfolk and Norwich 
 Archtcological Society; settled in London as a profes- 
 sional anti.,uary 1865. I. Gleanings among t'« ";"■"«« 
 and Convents of Norfolk. lllust. Norwich, 18,,, , 8no 
 " (E.l.) Calendar of the Court Rolls of the Borough ot 
 Colchester: witli Lists of Bailiffs and Mayors to the 
 Present Year. 1865, Colchester, 1865, 4to. 3. Keper ory 
 of the Records and Evidences of the Borough of Colches- 
 ter. 1865. Colchester, 1865. 4to. 4. Report on the Records 
 of the Borough of Colchester, 1865. Colchester, 186.,, 4t,.. 
 5. Report on the Deeds and Records of the Borough ot 
 King's Lynn, King's Lynn, 1874, 4to. a,,,:,. 
 Ilarrold. Charles. Directions for Torres Straits, 
 '"Harrop, Kobcrt. Bolingbruke: a Political Study 
 and Criticism. Lou., 1884, Svo. 
 ■• .V larK,. proporthlii of his pages is rtlled with Pure ""- 
 rative.-wiih il narrative of events that are not Irii gl t 
 with much interest to l''«-?'-'''t-'l|.'>:.r™''''''^ '';''','"" V,,f/' 
 readv been liaiulkMl by writers ot lar greater powers than 
 Mr ilariup can claim to possess."— ."'jicrtdfoi-, Ivii. 0o4. 
 narrower, Henry Draper. Captain Glazier and 
 his Lake: an Enouiry into the History and Progress ot 
 Exploration at the Head- Waters of the Mississippi since 
 the Discovery of Lake Itasca, N. York, 1886, Svo. 
 Harry, James Spence. 1. (Trans.) fhe Right 
 to Fly, by Nadar, [pseud.,] Lon., 1866, p. Svo. Z. 
 Trans.) Atala. by Chateaubriand, Lon., 18b,, 4to. 
 Harshu, David Addison, [-,„((, vol. i., a,ld.] 
 1. Life of Philip lloddridgc: with Notices ot some ot 
 his Contemporaries, and Specimens of his Style, Albany, 
 1864, Svo. 2. The Star of ■ ablehem : a Gunle to the 
 Saviour. Chic, 1864, 12mo. 3. Life of Rev. James 
 Hervey, Albany, 1865, sm. 4to. Only 50 copies i)rinted. 
 4. (E,i.) The Christian's Present for A I Ages: contain- 
 in,' DevotionalT'houghts of Eminent Divines, N.York, 
 1S66. 12mo. 5. Life of Rev. George Whitetield, Albany, 
 1886, 4to. Only 50 eoiiies printed. 6. Life of John 
 Bunyan : with Notices of some of his Contemporaries 
 and .Specimens of his Style, i'hila.. 1S71, !2mn. 
 Harshn, Rev. John W. 1. The Nature, Effects, 
 and Pardon of Sin, N. York, 1853, 12mo. 2. Song of 
 the Redeemed, Salvation to (lod and to the Lamb, I hila., 
 1870. llimo. „ . 
 Harsha, William Justin. A Timid Brave: the 
 Story of an Indian Uprising, N. York, 1886, Svo. 
 Practice, Pleading, ami Evi- 
 II ' lornia, San yrun., 1M78, r. 
 Ilarston, E. F. li. 
 dence in tlio Courts o'' ' 
 Ilnrstoii, Hev. IJd .ard, M.A., grniluiitcd at 
 Ciiiro iliill, Cinnbriilgc Ih.i4; olmjilain of lii»lio|i No- 
 villc'a II(»^|iili>l and v],Mr of kSlierborne. Diiri<et.''tiire, 
 l.H.iJ. 1. I'ettT Wall<ing on tiio Sea, and other Sermons, 
 I, on., 1816, 12mo; new ed., IS6H. '2. Sermoiid, Lon. and 
 Oxf., 1S54, Svo. .1. A lland-Book lo tlie Abbey Churih 
 of St. Mary, Sherborne, T,on., IMo8, ISnjo: L'd ed., enl., 
 l-'lVi. 4. Wolsey's 13e!l in Sherliorno Abbey Church, 
 Sherborne, 18(1(1, 8vo. b A Ilaml Book anil (luide to 
 Sherborne; 5tli ed., enl., Sherborne, 1SS4, 8va. Alao, 
 tiini;le germons, Ae. And sec Inhki.ow, ,Ikan, infin. 
 Hart, A. The California Code of Civil Procedure, 
 aiiicnikd in 1873-71 and 1875-711: with Keferencea and 
 A|i|iendi.\, San Fran., ISnio. 
 Hart, Mr». A. Lilian St. Clair: a Novel, Lon., 
 \SM, :i vols. cr. 8vo. 
 Hart, A. M. (Trnn.i.) Manual of Pathological 
 Histology, by Cornil ami Hanvier. Illust. 2d ed., rev. 
 and enl., Lon., 1S,S2, 2 vols, demy 8vo. 
 Hart, At H, Eloioentary Treatise on Hydrostatics 
 and llydrodynamii'S, Lon., 1863, 8vo. 
 Hart, Adolph-ds M., 1813-1S79, a lawyer in Can- 
 f.du. 1. A Jliatory of the Discovery of the Valley of 
 the .Mississippi, Cin., 1853, 12mo. 2. My Own Lan- 
 guage; or, The Elements of English (jr.ninmar. Mobile. 
 Ala., 1853. 3. Life in the Far West, N. York, 180(1. 4. 
 Practical Suggestions on Mining Rights and Privileges in 
 Canada: with an Appendix containing the Uold-Miniiig 
 Kogulalions, Ac, Montreal, 18(17, 8vo. 
 Hart, Alban J. X., L817-1879, b. in England; 
 educated at Stonyhurst College; was a teacher in the 
 Sedglcy Park School, ami afterwards for some years in 
 tho I'nited States. \. The Mind and its Creations : an 
 Essay on .Menial Philosophy, N. York, 1853, 12mii. 2. 
 My Own Language; or, The Elements of English Gram- 
 mar, IJalt., 1860, i2mo. 3. The Hermit of the Alps, and 
 other Poems, Lon., 8vo. 4. Catholic Psychology ; or. 
 The Philosophy of the Human .Mind, simplified and .sys- 
 tematized from the Most Approved Authors, Lon., 18(17, 
 p. 8vo. 
 Hart, Charles Henry, b. 1847, in Philadelphia; 
 addiitled to the bar 1868; historiographer of the Nu- 
 mismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia. 1. 
 Remarks on Tabasco, .Mexico, Phila., 1867, 8vo. 2. Me- 
 moir of W. H. Prescott, Host., 1868, r. 8vo. 3. Histor- 
 ical Sketch of National Medals, 177(1-1815, Phila., 1869, 
 8vo. 4. A Tribute to the Memory of Hor. W. Willis, 
 of Portland, Maine, Phila., 1870, 8vo. Privately printed 
 5. Uiograjihical Sketch of Abraham Lincoln, Albany, 
 187 . 6. Turner, the Dream-Painter, 1879. 7. Biblio- 
 griiphia AVebstcriana, 1883. 
 Hart, Charles Porter. 1. Repertory of the New 
 Remedies : based upon Hale's " Special Therapeutics and 
 Symptomatology," Phila., 1876, 8vo. 2. Diseases of the 
 Brain and Eye. Tables and Illust. Detroit, Mich., 
 1878, 8vo. 3. Diseases of the Eye. Illust. Detroit, 
 1878, 8vo. 4. Diseases of the Nervous System; with 
 Clinical Illustrations, Phila., 1881, 8vo, 
 Hart, Charlotte I. (Trans.) The Will-o'-the- 
 Wisps ; from the German of Mario Petersen. Illust. 
 Lon., 1883, cr. 8vo. 
 Hart, Cheyiiey. The Christian Common Prayer- 
 Book,or Universal Liturgy : founded on the True Gospel \ 
 Principles of Charity, Benevolence, and Liberty, and 
 adapted to the General Use of Every Society of Christians, i 
 Lon., 1861, 8vo. Anon. i 
 Hart, David Berry, M.D., F.R.C.P. Edin., leo- | 
 turer on midwifery and diseases of women in the School : 
 of Medicine, Edinburgh. 1. The Structure of the Female 
 Pelvic Floor: a Thesis. Illust. Edin., 18811, fol. 2.1 
 Atlas of Female Pelvic Anatomy, Edin. and Lon., 1884, j 
 fol. 3. Topograjihical and Sectional Anatomy of the 
 Female Pelvis, Lon., 1885, fol. With Bahboih, Ai.kx- ! 
 Ax»KK HiQFi Freeland, M.D., F.R.C.P. Edin., Manual j 
 of Gyna'cology. Illust. Lon., 1882, 8vo; 3il ed., 1883. 1 
 Hart, E, J. History of the Fortieth Infantry ! 
 Regiment, Cin., 1864, 12mo. 1 
 Hart, Edward. A Hand-Book of Volumetric I 
 Analysis. Illust. N. York, 1878, 12mo. I 
 Hart, Ernest Abraham, b. 183(1; passed through ; 
 the Medical School of St. George's Hospital, London, ' 
 and practised as a surgeon, but subsequently devoted 
 himself to iiublic work in connection with sanitary re- I 
 form, and became editor of the Londor. Medical Record I 
 and the Sanitary Record. I. On Diphtheria: its His- 
 tory, Progress, ,«ymptoms, Treatment, and Prevention, 
 Lon., 1859, 8vo. 2. On some Forms of Disease of the 
 Eye, constituting the Condition commonly called A u- 
 i-isis, Lon., 1864, 8vo. 3. The Trutli about Vaccination : 
 an Examination and Refutation of the Assertions of the 
 Anti-''i'''einator!^, Lon., 188(1, cr. 8vo. 
 l'-' Mrs. fanny, (Wheeler,) wife of Rev. 
 Dud.ey )lar(, rector of Stretford, Miinclicster. 1. Try, 
 i and you AV'ill : a Story fur Youth, Lun., 1859, 12mo. 2. 
 Yule-Tide: Faces in the Fire. By a Clergyman's Wile. 
 .Manchester, n. d., 12mo. 3. .Mrs. Jerningham's Journal, 
 ' I verse,] Lon., 18(19, I2mo. Anon. 4. The Runaway : a 
 Story for the Young, Lon., IS72. p. 8vo. Anon. New 
 ; ed., 1860. 5. A Very Young Couple, ]s7;i, ,,, ,Svo; new 
 ed., 1875. 6. Mls« Hitchcock's Wcdding-Dress, Lon., 
 1875, p. 8vo. 7. Harry, |verse,] N. York, 1877. 8. 
 Freda, Lon., 1878, 3 vols. |i. evo. 9. Verv Genteel, 
 Lon., 18S0, cr.Svo. 10. Three Epochs in the Life of a 
 Woman, Lnn.,' j,. 8vo. 
 ilart, Fred. II. The Sazcrac Lying Club: a 
 Nevada Book ; 2d ed., San Fran., 1878, 8vo. 
 Hart, (George. 1. The Violin: its Famous Makers 
 and their ImKators. Illust. Lon., 1875, 4to; new ed., 
 '■ The title of this buok dues not fairlv indicate its inter- 
 I cstiiiK ciuitents. The vuliinie Is vahial"iU< to the violinist; 
 It IS nislruetiveforllie anialeur; ami iiiiseellaneous nuilter 
 liMij- lie found in it ealculaled to lix the atlentiun of the 
 Bciieral reader who is disposed to dive into tlie records of 
 ihe lii.stiiry and development of art."-.4tt., No. 2498. 
 2. The Violin and i(s Music. Illust. Lon., 1881, 
 4to : new ed., 1884, 8vo. 
 "The broad rsnKc of interest in the hook, which appears 
 at the very liegiiinint;, and >lie evident aiipreeintimi of the 
 romantic as well as the pviictieal side of llie quesliim. 
 shows that the man is mil nu rued in the specialist, and 
 that onisiders as well as exjieKs may look to lind amuse- 
 ment as well us iiislnietliin tlieiein."— ^a(. t!(i:, Hi. 'J41. 
 *» Hart, Gerald," (Pseud.) Sec, Thomas 
 J., ill/ fit. 
 Hart, («crald E., president of the Montreal Society 
 for Historical Studies. The Fall of New France, 1755- 
 1760, Montreal and N. York, 1888, 8vo. 
 Hart, H. 1. Alcohol: under Six Aspects, Lon., 
 1878, 8vo. 2. Drink Atrocities: a Word to Education- 
 ists, Tradesmen, and Rate- Payers, Holloway, 1878, 8vii. 
 Hart, Henry Chichester, naturalist to Sir G. 
 Nares's Arctic expedition and Prof. Hull's Palestine 
 expedition. 1. A List of Plants found in the Island of 
 Arran, Gnlway Bay, Dublin, 1875, 8vo. 2. The Flora 
 of Ilowth : with Map and an Introduction to tlie Geology 
 and other Features of the Promontory, Dublin, 1887, 
 ]2nio. 3. Scripture Natural Historv : vol. ii.. Animals 
 of the Bible, ("By-Paths of Bible Knowledge,") Lon., 
 1888, p. 8vo. 
 Hart, Very Rev. Henry Martyn, M.A., grad- 
 uated at Trinity College, Dublin, 1861; ordained 1863; 
 dean of St. John's Cathedral, Denver, Col., since 1879. 
 1. (Trans.) The AVorld of the Sea; from the French 
 of Moquin Tandon. Illust. Lon., 18(19, r. 8vo ; new 
 ed., 1874. 2. Elementary Chemistry, Lon., 1870, 8vo. 
 3. The Children's Service-Book for Church and Home, 
 Lon., 1875, 12mo. 4. A Preacher's Legacy to his Con- 
 gregation and their Children: Sermons, Lon., 1879, p. 
 8vo. 5. Manual of Chemistry, for Advanced Stuilcnts, 
 N. Y'ork, cr. 8vo. 
 Hart, Henry Wjatt, b. 1854; graduated at St. 
 John's College, Cambridge. 1873; called to the bar at 
 the Inner Tem)ile 1877. Bankrujitcy Law and Practice, 
 Lon., 1881, 8vo. With Eii.oAnT, Ernest, loterrogato- 
 ries : Rules relating to the Law of Discovery and In- 
 spection now administered in the High Court of Justice, 
 Lon., 1879. 8vo. 
 Hart, Herbert William. How to return Mem- 
 bers to Parliament without the Corruption at iircsent 
 attendant on General Elections, Lon., 1868, Svo; 3d ed., 
 rev.. Lon., 1872. 
 Hart, J. A. X. Four I'surpations in Society : Ded- 
 icated to the Houourablc W. E. Gladstone, Lon., 1873, 
 Hart, J. B. A Treatise on the Practice of the 
 Courts of the State of California: carefully adapted to 
 the Existing Law, Albany, 1853. Syo. 
 Hart, J. Coleman.' Designs for Parish Churches, 
 in the Three Styles of English Church Architecture: 
 with an Analysis of Each Style, Ac, N. Y'ork, 1857, imp. 
 Hart, James Morgan, M.A., LL.D., son of John 
 fcsaur of rhetorio iiml Kn^li.^li pliil 
 bftfl coritrihutud nuiiieroiiH iirticle.- 
 (Triins.) Thi^ Auiii/.nii.i ; t'niiii the 
 I)inxfl«tcilt, N. York, isiis, \2uiu. 
 of Tt'iicliiii({ Colors, by K. t'nvt', N' 
 3. (Tnini>.) Knjjhuid, Political ami 
 gy at Cornell. Jc> 
 to |iurioilleala, I. 
 Ilerijiiiii uf Fraiiz 
 .'. (TraiH.l .Metlioil 
 York, 1X1)1), liirrio. 
 Social, hy Au)(u^te 
 S. Itiirt, iii/n, ! b. IH.Ifl, at Princeton, N..r. ; (jrodiialed | the Actrcj.-, and Thomas Otway, Lon., 1S«K, 4to, 4. 
 at Princeton IHIKI, and at (JiittinKen l»(ll; iidmitled to , (l-.M.i A Kegistur of the I.hikIs held by Catlioll ■» and 
 the bar in New York ISHt); a»i(ii<tant iirofcssorof ukkI- Nonjurors in the Counly of Kent, in the Kelnii of King 
 on; hin«uages at Cornell Univeisily lstl,S-7:>; p',)les«or , (leor^e I., I.on., IS7II, Hvo. j. (Ed.) Selection, from tho 
 of modern lanKuaKos and Knglish literature in the Ini- : Corres|i(jndence of 11. Ulooiiideld, l,o IM7I, Svo. H. 
 ■ersity of Cincinnati Is-fl-iMi, und then ap|iointod iin. | Inde.\ K.xpur«atoriua Annliuanus; or. A Descriptive Cat- 
 aloKUo of the l'rinci|>al liooks printed or published in 
 Kngland wliich liave been suppressed, I, on., i8"2-7H, Hvo. 
 7. All Kni|uiry into the Tenure of Lands in the Parish 
 j of Uravesend, County of Kent, more especially with 
 I Hegaril to tlieii (iavulkind and Non-(Ja\olkind (Quali- 
 ties, (iravesend, l«7:i. Svo. s, (Kd.l Kecorilsof OravcJ- 
 end, Milton, Denton, Chalk, Norlhllcet, .Southfleet, and 
 llleld; with Illustrntivo Notes, Oravesend, 1878, Svo. 
 With LvoNH, Hr.v. I'onsonbv Anvksi.kv, (eil.) Cliartu- 
 lary of the Ancient Benedictine Abbey of Hamsey ! 
 i vols. i. ii.. l,oii., issi-sfl, imp. Svo. 
 Hurt, Uilliam U. 1. The KternnI Purpose: a, of the Scrip'ure Doctrine of Immortality, Pliila., 
 [ ISSI, IL'moi 2d eil,, with Supplementary Kssay (m Iiife, 
 Temporal and Internal, 1 SS2. 2. The Unity of the Faith, 
 i Phila., IS82, 12mo. 
 Hartc, rriiiiciN Mret, b. 183(i, at Albany, N.Y.; 
 removed to California in 1S54; became a oompositir in 
 a prinlinK-oHice, a contributor to newspapers, and in 
 isiis the first editor of the Overland Monthly, in which 
 he published "The Luck of Koaring Camp" and other de- 
 lineationsof Californian life. In 1870 he was made pro- 
 fessor of recent literature in the University of Califor- 
 nia, but in the followin); year he re.-igned this position, 
 as well as the editorship of the Overland, and removed to 
 New Y'ork, becoming a con triljutor to the At Ian tie Month'y 
 and to Scribncr's Magazine. He was C.S. consul at Cre- 
 Laugel, N. York, IS7I. 12mo. 4. (ierman Iniversities 
 a Narrative of Personal Kxperiences ; together with He- 
 cent Statistical Information, Practical Suggestiors, and 
 a Comparison of the (ierman, Ei.gliah. and American 
 Systems of Higher Education, N. Y'ork, M74, 12mo. 
 "In thi.s excellent little volume the amb..r hits told with 
 sliigiilnrcl^.irness, lldelily, iiml siinpllclty Ihoslnrv of his 
 student life in (oitti:igeii, Leipzig, and Berlin.'— A'li/ioii, 
 xix. IIIIJ. 
 .). (Ed.) Herman Classics for American Students: with 
 Notes and Glossary, N. York, 1875-78, 4 vols. IBino. Ii. 
 Syllabus of Anglo- :xon Literature; adapted from Ber- 
 nard Ten Drink's "(iescbiohteder Englischen Literatur," 
 Cin., ISSI, Svo. 
 Hart, Uev. James Williiim Tusker, M.A., 
 graduated at University <" llegc, Durham, l,-i7l; or- 
 dained lS72j vicar of Xe» Swimlon, (lloucestorshire, 
 since 18SS. The Autobiography of ,Iudas Isouriot: a 
 Character-Study, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 
 Hart, John. I. A Practical Treatise on the Con- 
 struction of Oblique Arches, Lon., 1836; lid ed.. 1808, 
 imp. Svo. 2. Description of a New Method of Treating 
 the Sewage of Towns, Lon., 18i;«, Svo. I '"'J. (iermany, 1S7S-S(I, and at Glasgow 18S0-85, and has 
 Hart, John 8eely, LL.D., [mih; vol. i., add.,] ' s'loo then resided in England. I. Condensed Novels, 
 181(1-1877, was made professor of rhetoric anil the Eng- ! ""'' "•''<"' Papers, N. Y'ork, 187(t, 12mo. 2. " The Hea- 
 lish language at Princeton IS72. 1. Mistakes of Eilu- '""•'" ^'l""™' t'crse.] Illust. Chic, 1870. (Published 
 cated Men; :id cd., Phila., Sfi2, 12mo; 4th cd., Isii7. j originally in the Overland Monthly, under the title of 
 2. The Bible as an Education Power among the Nation , 
 Phila., 1862, l«ino. 3. Counsels for the School-Hoom] 
 Phila., 1864, l2mo. 4. The liolden Censer: Thoughts 
 on the Lord's Prayer, Phila., I8li4, lliiuo. a. Thoughts 
 on Sabbath-Schools, Phila., ISii4, 12ino. 6. In the 
 School-Room : Chajiters in the Philosophy of Education, 
 Phila., 1808, 12mo. 7. How to Select a Library, Phila., 
 1870, lijino. 8. Manual of Composition and Rhetoric, 
 Phila., 1S7U, 12o. ). 9. Removing .Mcmntains : Life 
 Lessons from the Gospels, N. York, 1S70, Iflmo. 10. 
 Sunday-School Idea, Phila., 1870, 12mo. 11. Manual 
 of American Literature; a Text-Book for Schoo's and 
 Colleges, Bost., IS72, p. Svo. 12. A Brief Exposition of 
 the Constitution of the United States, Phila., 1873, 12mo. 
 Uart, Joseph J. The Sunshine of Home; or. 
 Hearts and Homes, Lon., IS79, Svo. 
 Hart, Ludovico Woolfgang. Photography Sim- 
 plified: a Practical Treatise on the (.'ollodion and Albu- 
 men Processes, Southampton, 18.57, 12mo. 
 Hart, Mary II. The Children of the Street : Mary 
 Carpenter's Work in Relation to our Own, Lon., 1880, 
 Hart, Rev. Richard, [nntt; vol. i., add.,] vicar of 
 Catton. The Apostolical Succession of the English 
 Clergy traced from the Earliest Times, and in the Four 
 Dioceses of Canterbury, London, Norwidi, and Ely, con- 
 tinued to the Y'ear M.DCCC.LXII., Lon. lS(i2, Svo. 
 Hart, Rev. Samuel, M.A., D.D., professor of the 
 Latin language and literature in Trinity College, Hart- 
 ford, Conn. 1. (Ed.) Bishop Seaburv's Communion 
 Oftice: with an Historical Sketch ami Notes, N. Y'ork, 
 1874, 12mo; new ed.. ISS.i. 2. (Trans.) Mozarabio Lii- 
 urgy for the First Sunday in Advent, N. York, 1S77, 
 Hart, Rev. Virgil C, a mi.ssiimary of the Amer- 
 ican Methodist Episcopal Church ; sent to China in 1865, 
 and appointed superintendent of tile mission at Kiu- 
 Kiang 186U. Western China: a Journey to the (Jreat 
 Buddhist Centre of Mount Omoi. Man and Illust. 
 Bost., 18S8, 12ino. 
 " Not only a plea-siiig record of travel, but a tlnielv pic- 
 ture of one of the least known yet most valuable portions 
 ot the earth s siirtftoe."— .V(i(ioH, xlv'.i 442 
 : " Plain Talk from Truthful James.") :i. The Luck of 
 Roaring Camp, and other Sketdiea, Host , 1870, 12mo. 
 " We eannot safely infer that a man who can throw iiir 
 these vigorous eicliinKs is capable of eoinposliig more am- 
 ! bllidiis pictures with eipiiil success. ... At the same time, 
 lie shows .so iiuieli unmistakable talent in the story we 
 : have noticed that we laiiiiot but hope that be will turn 
 his powers to some account in future, and that ive may 
 have to eongratulate California on producing a geimiiie 
 teller of stories with a strong local flavour.^'— ^(i(. Jteu., 
 xxxl. 811. 
 4. Poems, Host., 1871, 12mo. 5. "The Heathen 
 Chinee," and other Poems, Lon., 1871, Svo. (1. East and 
 West Poems, Host., 1871, 16mo. 7. Stories of the Sier- 
 ras, Bost.. 1872, 12ino. 
 "In none of Bret Harle's stories, whether In prose or 
 verse, are the charaoterlHilcs of his genius more striking 
 than in these of the Sierras."— .s>crtutoc, xlv. l.'w?. 
 8. Mrs. Skaggs's Husbands, and other Sketches, Bost., 
 1872, 16mo. SI. M'liss: an Idyl of Red Mountain, N. 
 Y'ork, Svo. 10. The Poetical Works of Bret Ilarle : 
 Complete Edition. Illust. Lon., 1872, Svo; Bost., 1873 j 
 Lon., 1880; Host., 1881; Lon., 1885 j Lon., 1886, with 
 an Introduction by H. II. Ilaweis. 11. Complete Works 
 in Prose and Poetry ; with Introductory Essay by J. 
 M. Bellew, Lon., I87;{. 12. An Episode of Fiddletown, 
 and other Sketches: with a Memoir, Lon., 1873, Svo. 
 13. Kehoes of the Foot-Hills: Poems, Bost., 1874, 16nio. 
 14. Tales of the Argonauts, and other Sketches, Bost,, 
 1875, lOiuo. 16. Gabriel Conroy : a Novel, Lon., 1878, 
 3 vols. 
 " Any one who ha.s skill in (he art of skliming may find 
 his account in reading this novel for the sake of the good 
 pieces of description and dialogue to be found in it ; but 
 we, who have wandered through all its mazes, can only 
 speak of it as a most disappointing book."— Sa(. Jtev., xi. 
 16. Thankful Blossom; a Romance of the Jerseys, 
 1779. Illust. Bost., 1877, sq. I6mo. 17. Two Men of 
 Sandy Bar: a Drama. Bost., IS77, sq. 18mo. 18. The 
 Hoodlum Band, ami other Stories, Lon., 1878, 4to. 19. 
 The Story of a Mine, Bost., 1S7S, ISmo. 20. Drift from 
 Two Shores, Bost., I87S, 18mo. 21. The Twins of Table 
 Jlountain, and other Stories, Bost., IS79, sq. IBmo. 22. 
 An Heiress of Red Doi;, and other Tales: Poems, Lon.. 
 187 ------- 
 Hart. Wiliinm Hpiirv F «! i "!i" laoa i, i i ■ ''**'"' P' ^*'"' ^''- "^"^ Briggs's Love-Story, and other 
 to""I':,f 0,'lb^Pu"^' Z!,.'^in^^^^^ If,"' •?•"''• 2'. Complete Vorks: Col- 
 Short Accnnnt of tl,» t?n,.i„ \i.„ f . ? ;'°''' '\^ | lected and Revised by the Author, Lon., S80-81, 5 vols. 
 Account of the ^^^ ^ '^'''""f- -'■ "f "npowder | , Ri,,. ^j^ edition, Bost.. 1882. 2.0.'Flip. and Found 
 in England, Lon., 1S55, Svo. 2. (Ed.) H 
 tulariuin Monasterii S. Petri (Jloucestr 
 ) Historia et Car- ,,( jji 
 Lon., 1863-67, imp. Svo. 3. Memorial of Nell Gwyn 
 vols, i.-iii., j w„ods, B 
 azing Star, Bost., 1882, 24mo. 26. In the Carquinez 
 ost., 1S8;1, IRm 
 ' It is in its way a powerful story, and Its tragical finale 
 ihmvii inif lIl.Tnry ffflliiK; liiit We c«n bui feel ihRt the 
 27. Oil tliB Frontier, Uu»t., 18H1, |H,„„. 2M Cilin.r- 
 niiinhturl«», l,on., lfiS4, p. Svi>. 211. Miirujii, Hint |hs5 
 Klinii. " ' 
 like tl Ik . liiKl lie uppnuiili to ,i lruK..,|y 1„ |,,"t ,iei r 
 eiw.iiKh to keep oiiu's Interim pltelieil IiIk1i."-A«(I"h ill 
 :iO. Uy Shore imil Soil«e: An Apoa.le of tlio T„k.« ; 
 "Siirah Walker;" A Ship of '411, It,„t., Iss.i, Klmo 
 " Ihrec very sIIkIU -.kefehea. . . . iiiiirke.l by iheir iiii- 
 thormisimlexlniviiKiiiice."-.V,i/,«H, xll l,-,7 '"^"^ "» 
 ;ll. The (jueeii of the Pirate Isle, llluatriitod by Kiite 
 . leenawiiy. Host., IHS.l, ,i„. Uo. ,)2. Snow-Houml i.t 
 tiigles, Host., 18H8, 8vo. :t:i. Devil's ForJ: ,i Novel 
 ;""•; ^f' I'- 'Ir"' ■■'•«• -^ Mlllionuiro of HoukIi .,„j 
 Uettdy, Loii , 188/, 8vo. :(;,. The friisa.le of tlie " Ex- 
 celsior ; ft Novel, I,on., I8M7, 2 vols. er. 8vo. 3U The 
 ArgonautJ of North Liberty, Host., IMSS Mm,, t; 
 A Phyllis of the Sierras; [also] A Drift from Ke'dwooj 
 (amp. Host., I88M, 24nio. 
 (Iknkhai. CiiiTK ism: 
 mer Mlnrants : an Account of the Mliralorv Blrdii 
 which piui, the .Summer in the Ilrltisb Islands.' lUust 
 Lon 187,^, new eil., 1881. m. Ilriti.h An .1. Kxtinc 
 W 1 ."ll' ':"<"" ,"""" ■■ ''i"' """"• Acrount of Mr till 
 HiM White Cattle, lllusl. I.on., 1880, 8vo. 
 "Weoiili,. auree with Mr. Hartliu- In tbIiikliiL' thni ii... 
 .1.^ .Maimnals aii,l lllpls' aii,| the b^K iii of I ellH 
 ibj'i rSFS 
 note as heTias soiiiiiled lliroUL'liAiit the" U ti c4 whle 
 iiiaile his reputalloii. In these lie foritcts all , 1 er 11 er, 
 tiire, 1111,1 sees ami Is possessed solely hy the 11 bwhl '• i 1 o 
 pj.rtrays. So vlKorous and veraelous'ls the e^. ii'eial, Vi h at 
 .111 extraiieoiis aiHl. relleete.l mutter Is left Smi Is .' 
 -T'Waio?,'lMb riij'.''"'' "" ^'^J"^'"' "he" It'rysialli^Js:^ 
 '■ Helms plenty of Imnionr, both artltluial ami real and 
 plenty ol true ima«lnative wit ; he lias a s re eye for (liar 
 ,„■ er of a .•ertalii sort, an excellent faculty ,,f.1eserlptl„n 
 both dklacllc Aii,l dramatic, uml a very iniisterfid ai m ' 
 ieiislonoreir..ct; he Is capable of patli.V aiM he sTi na 
 ble o ilrMina; he ha.s ImaKi.ialloii of the riVht r, iiiam l, 
 quality : he Is an adept In certain siirts of p"s^ m i", ' I. 
 has abun.lant kii.AvledKe of .vruiiii classesc.f t'lve lie 
 s hanlly ever laiiltlcss ; f,,.- evi'ii when lie Is at is best ad 
 highest It IS never clear that a touch of iiiivemeity a tr" ice 
 of the practised Ma«e inuiiiiKer, a bliimler lii tacV a disc r,1 
 '!' Ti"!"';:'' Y'" '"" "l 'II' "'■' li" ""w iiUheii K oes 
 sIralKl t lo the heart for all that, and within hi "nitatrre 
 i^s_no lIviiiK writer who can iuipr,.ve upon hln,V™i7A" xS: 
 nllhl^^,^ ""' ""wt.cniiiic 'tly distinctive feature of Mr 
 u' I,'? 'b'7> "'"",",'"' '".""KK-e.-lfvencss, a quail ty ii which' 
 we think, his writing is hardly to be siirniusseil. By his 
 ■' ,1s '"" "wi'/i""''-'? "f «"«i^--^ti,.« dellnit,'.,"; .rt lule hit . 
 . i' ■ >• ^^'," " '"'■'' '"^i^i-'s. thrown as It were by accl 
 .lent, he describes remote or trivial consen J ices .so as t , 
 (jurry our iIioukIu at oiii^e to the centre of tie actloi Nor 
 lio we come to resent this as a trick of mail iier • i art'lv I ,^^ 
 cause .Mr. I ret Harte knows h,.w t., apply it w t I ilTnlTo 
 ,11 be ; uil '•''.•'V™""'-' " '".'•'^""y '»'' »" ftlcial, bu f, "1 
 on the truth ol human nature. . . . The nun Iv liiinir,i...iiu 
 aspect of .Mr. Hret Harte's wriliiitjs is 1, tli 1 it^nms fail m r 
 The curious iroiiy-usiiiK the w,.rd in its oriitinal sense 
 of uiider-stau;ineiit-wliieli runs through the wl , le h ge- 
 neric ratlier than Individual, But our Lt .or ,"ii ,?,lle?^t 
 H lu i,„ I ";l"'i''"l'l>;. • . . His Califoriilan tales, bev,'ii 1 
 their interest as works of Action, have a truth wlK if 
 lor ml' mVtl""'"'-!.*; '"•'"''■^ "'"" """•'"hat" asses f, ' 1 Is*; 
 tori al truth. . . . Uiey give us a picture, everywhere so 
 1 "^'.V::^',^,'*^^*' ^' '• (Ed.JUoMenLove. Illust. 
 ^on-'lsTs^'l '""■ ^' (EJ-)ChaplctofGem8. Illus 
 iiOIl., lon.Sj l.^ruy. 
 P '?'?V.f ' '^**'; " illiam. .Sermons preached in the 
 Parish (;ii,iroli of lilandford, Lon., ISfil, 12mo 
 I.- 1 |Mn'',„^"'"*""*' R<=voIution, and other Poems, 
 tdin., I85II, 12iiio. ' 
 Hurting, James Gdmiind, F.L.S., b. lUl in 
 London, and eilucatcJ at Downside College, near liath, 
 1 V^L^r''^''"y "f t"""'""' ProctUl as a soli- 
 citor till 18 1, 8, since when he has devodcd himself to 
 /ooogical inyestigutions. In 1871 he became editor 
 ot the natural history columns of the Field, and in 1877 
 e,litor of the Zoologist I. The liirds of Miildlesex ; a 
 Ion ''l8"fi;"° '8° ""',^»'»^''l History of the County, 
 Lon., 1860, p 8vo 2. Hints on Shore Shooting : with a 
 Chapter on Mjinning and Preserving Bird.s Lon., 1871 
 p. 8vo. .(.The 9rnithology of Shakespeare Critically 
 Examined, Explained, and Illustrated, Lon.. 1S7I 8vo 
 :■ ,? «"'"i Bo"!: "f British Uirda : showing the liistri- 
 bution of the Resident and Migratory Species in ho 
 British Islands, Lon., 1872, 8vo. 5. (Ed.) White's Nat 
 1S7 ^io°'^« of Solborne;' Revised, '.itli Note^W, 
 Fro^h W„; • ^.-J-''^''^'" Search of Shells, Land and 
 l-resh-Water. Illust. Lon., 1875, p. 8vo. 7. Our Sum- 
 Ion' t M? r "^ n',"'. *"^"' """"'' ""'' ""l-i'^' Il''"'t. 
 ,,, "" ',;,■'• ^'°-, '"• .^■"'"y "" ■■^l'"" '""1 Natural His- 
 tory. Illust L,ui.,l 88;), 8vo. II. Hints on the. \Ian- 
 ageiiien of Hawks, Lo„, ,884. 8vo. With Kohkht, L. 
 liius..' ''i::,n.:'l8'';:'f,.^.''"'' '"'^'"^"" ">• •*- -^ '■--'• 
 IJarliiiKtoii, Mar.iuig of. .See CAVKveisn. 
 Hartley, Mrn. I ll||,ia and I; a Novel. Lon., 
 8,4, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 2. Spi.leisand Flies : a Novel, Lon. 
 vol's f 8V,,''' '■' '■ '*' ^"^ ""■ '^""'"' ''""■' '**"- 2 
 Hartley, Benjamiii. Ouide to Cullodio-Etehina. 
 Illust. ami Phit.s. .V. York, I88'> "•"■"«. 
 I«'„Vs'w7'i'.T','r.".- . '• ''"■" ■">'• Adventures of 
 Lewis Metzel the Virginia Ranger, l2mo. 2. Life of 
 the Empress Josephine. Phila., l.Hfid, i2mo. .1 Life ,-f 
 trancis Marion : with .Sketches of other Patriots'. 
 Phila 12mo. 4. Lives of the Three Mrs. .fmlsons, the 
 Female Missionaries, Phila., l2mo. ;,. Hunting Sports 
 m the Uest Illust. Phila., 12mo. II. Life of l.Lniel 
 Boone, the Great Western Hunter and Pioneer; to which 
 him„ if o^'i' Autobiography complete, as ,lictated by 
 Bible Illustration, Phila., IS61», l2mo 
 Hartley, Charles. I. Elocution Ma,le Easy for 
 ?"^^9""c^ y\^V<"'^"', "nd Headers, Lon., 1870, 
 till' f o '■"'u"'^ ^'"'* ^"'y- * "•"''" '" t''« Coinposi! 
 ca? «I''"-'^ ''• ^""- !!"•'' '2"'o- 3. The tJrammat- 
 ical Remembrancer: Aids in Correct .Speaking and 
 ist . a Co lection ol the Finest Passages of Poetry and Elo- 
 quence Lon., 1872, 12mo. 5. The Speaking Voice ; 11 „ 
 to Cultivate, Develo,,, Mo.lulate, IHanage; Strengthen, 
 and Preserve It; witli Passages for Practic;, Lon.,^87" 
 Lon., 18,S4 12mo. 7. The Book of Recilati<,ns; a Col' 
 lection of Passages from the Works of the Best Poets and 
 Dramatists, Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. 
 Ilo^J^h"!,'^.', "'"• *^'l'*"'- '• "0™ Kemper: or, 
 llow the liitier was made Sweet. Illust. Phila., 1879 
 8M ,«, '''r'';^'',,°^,/'"' I'o-^^'i'l'out Society, Phila. 
 W! Issuer. 8vo ^"""■"'' "' "■' Willoughby Boy.,' 
 Mp^f?T'7' ^'^- , '; ''"' Measurement nu,I Oas- 
 Meter Testing; 3d ed., Lon., 187.S, 4th ed., 1882. 2. 
 Ihe Gas Analyst's Manual, Lon., I87i», p. 8vo 
 Hartley, Fountain J. The Sun.lay-School Army ; 
 US losition and Progress, Lon., 1884, p. 8vo 
 l?,V7 m7^' "*m' ^*'""' Sinithson, D.D., son of 
 Robert Milham Hartley, /„/,„, b. 1830, in New York • 
 graduated at New York University 1852, and at AnI 
 dover Theological Seminary 1856; since 1871 pastor of 
 he Reformed Church at Utica, \.Y., and in 187.! founded 
 the Vedder lectureshii, at Rutgers College. I. Prayer 
 and its Relation to Ivio.lern Thought and Criticism: 
 Vcddcr Lectures, 1874, N. York, 1875, 12mo 2 His- 
 tory id the Reformed Church, Utica, N. York 1880 i 
 Memorial of Rev. Philip H. Fowler, D.D,,' N. York,' 
 ;^ .L °''' ^°'*- Setuyler in History, 1884. 6 
 rf.^^P'ilc." P^"^'"'* "'"<^' = ^'""'^^ ffom Various Authors, 
 Hartley, Kev. Jolin, Wesleyan minister. 1. Hid 
 Treasures, and the Search for them : Lectures to Bible- 
 Classes, Lon., 1859; 4th ed., 18751. 2. Let Us Go Up • 
 Incentives to the Pursuit of Holiness, Lon., 1872, 16mo 
 ■,'LoV, ,!','"'^ on Holiness, Expository and Practical, Lon., 
 Hartley, John, F.S.S., F.L.S., b. 1839, at Halifax, 
 Yorkshire, and educated at the Park Place Academy 
 there; was for twenty years a designer of upholstery 
 goods lor a firm in Halifax. In 18«6 he began the pub- 
 l.cation of he Clock Almanack, the circulation of w'hich 
 exceeds 100,000 annually. In 1872 he removed to 

 Aiiii'rii!«. AM()it of liU |iroilu«tloni are written in the 
 Yorkuliire illaloot. I. Annie l.iiiii, the Monrlniirl Fle)wer, 
 2. A llolling Stone; ii Tiile dl' Wronn" uiij Keven^o, 
 Wiiitofluld, ll'iiiii, :t. Yurl<i<hiro Ditticn; Iwo »orle.», 
 lH72. -1. Yiirli»lilru Tiik^ ; two scries. 5. Punnuc 
 I'ociris anil HtarlliiiK Stciric", \'*7n, I2imo. (). Sect* i' 
 l.uuiliin : It Yiirli,«liiremun'H Ten Dnyf' Tri|i, l,(iii., Is;)), 
 K'udi. 7. Orlmes' Trip to Aiiierini: Ti'm l.cltcrs I'rom 
 Summywell (Irinien to Jolin Jomck Sinitli, Waltotleld, 
 I'*"', iL'ino. S, Yorksliir I'uildin' : u Collcr'lion of the 
 Most I'lipular Dialect Storiei. Irdiii the IVn of John 
 Ili.rdcv ; two -loili'*, l,on., 1^77, IJnio. 
 ■Mr. Hiirlli'y Is a writer i if rcMil |iiiwi'r, limli ilraumtU' 
 fliiil liiiTiiiininH. Ill' is not ilfvulii ciiluir, of |iail.ii». . . . 
 fhi' iiiToiaiiciit viiliic lit 111!' Iiiiiili (•iiii«i>(s In Its ini'liiri's 
 of HiirliliiK-iiicii's IIIV mill thiiiiKlit in Uiv Vnrksliire uC tlic 
 liiiii'iii'Mili I'lMiliiry. Wliciv, Hllliiiiii simliiliiK aliiT Inn. 
 Mr, llarllf.v I'unllinis liiiu-iif In IruihiK .siiili jili'Iiiri-s anil 
 li'ltlni.' Ilif hiiniiinr llmv niilnnillv nut nf lluMii, liis work 
 nnuiship Is of Its klml slniiilv iicrlVi't, ami riMnliiils oni; of 
 iMilhlnH 80 miu'li as nl a llim rati; Tenlcrs."— .Sjjfrtii/ur, III. 
 11. Many a .Slip: a Domestic llomanoe, 1S7S U'nio. 
 10. Sccl.s i- Palis, |N7», lliiuo. I!. A .-ilieaf from the 
 Moiirlami: I'ocms, 1S81, !2ino. 12. .Scets i' Ulackpooi, 
 Flcetwoiiil, Lytham, ami .Smithport, lss2, 12mo. 
 Hartley, h. Industrial Thrilt; or, liil'o Assurance 
 and I'lnMoiis, Ac, l.on., I.SM7, |2ino. 
 Hartley, Mrs. May, (Lallan,) b. in Diildin ; 
 wile of AV. N. Hartley, i;/yVri. I. liogan, M.l'. ; a 
 Novel, I,iin., 1.S7I1, 2 vols. er. 8vo. Anon. 
 " We have seldom read thmuKli a nindiTii novel which 
 lelt n Worse taste lielilinl It than this. At the saiiie time, 
 weiNUiniit liiit iiiliiill Unit the antliur shows ii.nslileralile 
 power In hiiii.lliii); his materials. His eanviis, indeed, Is 
 erowde.l In siieh nil e.Meiil that tlii' sketehe^ are of the 
 HllK'lUesI; bill epiili eliaraeler stands on lis own feet, and 
 Is not merely 11 lay llnnre,anil the '•torv.siicli as it is, never 
 naKs. our ohjeition l.s nut to the liandliiiK of theui, Imt tu 
 the mulerials tliemselves."— .s;»c((//oc, .\11.\. lOK!. 
 2. The Honourable Miss Fenard, l.on., 1877, 3 vols, 
 or. 8vo. 
 • Doubly worth reading, for Its pictures of manners 
 are as entertaining a.s ilie story Itself."— Sa(. Kn\, xUv. 4(13. 
 :i. Flitters. Tatters, and the Counsellor, Lon., 1879, 
 12mo; new ed., 18.><.'i. 
 "No work of (ictlon that we have seen for n Inns time 
 lias such splendid hiininiir and deep pathos us ilils little 
 shilling honk."— .^■/l(l■/((^l^, III. 11(1. 
 4. Cliristy Caiew, I<oii., l.SS(l, :) vols. or. Hvn. 
 " Whatever may lie the political or religions hhis of the 
 reader, he can hardly fail to lliid so life-like a sketch of 
 society in an iniportanl pnrtinn of the realm hnth timely 
 and inteiestiiiK. . . . Xeitlier patlios nor humour is laek- 
 iii),'."— .I//1., No. J7'.'H. 
 !>. Tlie Game Hen, Dublin, 18S0, ]2mo. 0. liaubie 
 Clark. Kdin. and l.on., 18,>*0. I2mo. 
 "The simide tale Is told with so much vividness and so 
 much knowledge of the nutlylnK corners of liiimaii nature 
 that it will not easily he I'nrK'ntten."— .Icuci., xviii. 438. 
 7. (Trans.) No Kelations, hy Hector Malot, Lon., 
 1880, 3 vols. or. 8vo. 8. A Singer's .Story, Lon., 1885, 
 12mo. 9. Ismay's Children, Lon., 1887, 3 vols. p. 8vo 
 " t......... ,»,.. _.. ..!-_. ... . . „ .. 
 Hartley, W. ii. A Handy Book of Kille Volun- 
 teers. Illiist. Lull., I8S9. ISino. 
 Hartley, Halter Noel, F.C.H., dt nstrator of 
 cheinistry and lecturer on 1 honii'try in the Kvening 
 Class Department. King's I'olleKe, London. I. Air, and 
 its Kelations to Life: lieing. with some Additions, the 
 .Substance of a Course of Lectures delivered at the lloyal 
 Institution of (Ireat Ilritain, Lun., l-^T.'i, l2inoj 2d «d., 
 " Mr. Hartley has tn>aled the siililect very sklirnlly. . . . 
 Mr. Hartley devnies a cniisldcralilc part nf his linnk to n 
 i/miiiii' nf the varlniis experlmeiits made by I'asteur, 
 •'Schwann. Schroder, llastlaii. and otiiers, himself Included, 
 oil spnnlaneniis Kelieratlnii."— ,lcui/., I.k. iL'ii. 
 2 Water, Air, and Disinfectants, ("Minuals of 
 Health,"! Lon., 1877, 12mo. 3. S| ectrum I'hotogrnphy 
 and New .Methoils of (jualiiative Analysis. | I'liilosoplii- 
 cal Transactions,) Lon., I8s|, 410. 4. Uesearches in 
 .Siieotrum I'hutography, Ac. : Quantitative Analysis, 
 (IMiilosophical Transactions,) Lon.. IN85, 
 _ ...... ..................... ........ , ,.-u, ,t.,. ... ^.J- 
 sorption Siieclra of the Alkaloids, (IMiilosophical Trans- 
 actions,) 1,011 ,, 4to. (I. Course of liuanlitative 
 .Analysis fur Students, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. With Aiik.nkv, 
 , Wave '.engths id' Lines of High Uefrangibilitv, 
 ( I' Tninsactiims.) Lon., 1884, 4to. 
 Hartley, Wiiielieiiiiibe Savillo. The I'hiloso- 
 pliv of the Human Mind, Lon., I> 'H, l2ino. 
 llnrtinaii, (i. A. The Turkish Cavalry Drill: in 
 Turkish and Kiiglish. Lon., I8.'it!, l2ino. 
 Ilartinan, William l>.,and Mecheiier, Ezra. 
 Concholonia Cestrica; the Molluscous Animals, and their 
 Shells, of Chc-ter County, I'a. Illust. Pliila.. 1874, 12iuo. 
 Ilartniaiiii, Franz, .M.D. 1. Report of (J.iserva- 
 tions made during a Nine .Months' Stay at the Heail- 
 (iuarters of the Thcosophieal Soch'iv at Advar, Madras, 
 iss.l, 8vo. 2. Magio, Wliite and Ilhick ; or,"Tlie Science 
 of Finite and Intinite Life: contiiining Practical Hints 
 for htiidculs of Itccultism, Lon., l8Sii, p. .Svo. 3. The 
 Life of Philippus Tiieophrastus Kombast, of Ilohen- 
 oivn by the Name cf Parueelsus, Lon., 1887, 
 be'iii, kno 
 or, Varieties of 
 Ilartmann, T. Charitv Green; 
 Love. .\. York. 180(1, 12mn. 
 Ilartncll, II. C. '. Illustrated Gossiping Guide 
 to the Irish National Kxliibilion of 18.S2: witli a His- 
 torical Catalogue of Irish Manufactures and Industries, 
 Dublin, 1882, Kiiiio. 2. Illustrated Guide to the Cork 
 International Kxliibition of 1883, Cork, 1883, 8vo. 
 Ilartog, IHarciis JManuel. (Trans.) The Natural 
 History of Plants, by 11. Ilaillon, Lon., 1871-81, 7 vols, 
 r. 8vo. 
 Ilartough, Mrs. S. M. The Curse of Mill Valley, 
 N. York. I,s77, Iflmo. 
 Ilarlranl't, HiifiiK t. 1. Pockct-Ouide and 
 ILiiid-lii.ok lor the City of Phihiilclphia. Map and 
 Illust. Pl.ila., 18,84, 24IIIO. 2. Tin .lournal of Solomon 
 Sidesp liter: AVitticisins. Phila.. l.ssl, 12nio. 
 MartridKe, (iustavu!*,, surgeon to tlie 
 Royal Wcstuiinster Ophtlialioi, Hospital. The Uefrac- 
 tion of tile Eye; a Manual lor Students. Illust. Lon.. 
 1 OQ I .. u ■) J - 1 . n.>> ' 
 The Danes : a Prize Pi 
 '.\monK the coniemiinrary chroniclers of the realities — 
 of Irish liio the aiithnr nf • Hiwiu, M.P.,' occupies a prom- 1 1884, p. 8vo; 3d oil.. 1887. 
 iiient place, and her latest venture will greatly enhance ' Hartshorne. B. F. 
 a deservedly high reputation. ■ l.simiy's (Jhlldrcu' opens Ijv i! p ij wnj 
 ndmirably, and imprcivra on closer lU!qllaintanl•,^ lieltig :•„•..■ r '„ ^,. . 
 marked to a singular extent hy a combiimtioii 111' iiiiallties ^ •larlshorne, Kev. Charles Henry, M.A., 
 rareiii female writers,— strength, breadth of hnmuur, and i *''''-A.. laii^, vol, i., ndd..] 18112-181!,'), b. at Broselev 
 ,.nK."',lH'i," ;'A" T"-' "■,'"' '■''„a",x'"',"* '" '"thorn the : Shropshire; graduated at St. John's College, Cambridge, 
 enlKiiia ot the character will Ije deterred bv such 182.)- ordained ls2fi- rector of r,„rBnh„« is'm ^. .V, 
 considerations "Ilihcriiicisms" in the style, Ac] from the ,'.,.,,,,,' ^^., ' Logeihoe 18.l.'<-o0, and 
 careful study of what we have no liesitatinii iii,'",. [™" ''''"''' l'"'J™''y' '"•"'''''amptonshire. 1. lioekiiig- 
 nounclngtobe the most valuable and dlspas.siniiate cmi- i "'"" t^astlo: its Antiquity am History. Oxf., ls.')2, 8vo. 
 trlbutinii towards the snlutlon nf that pmblem which has I'rinted for private distribution. 2. Memoirs Illustra- 
 -Z'' No 3P"i Sf-'"™'""" '» the domain of lictioii." : live of the history and An quitics of Northumberland, 
 ■'AnWMhc\voungerKeiierationofiiovellstsyvcknow!i!f:, t' '^',':L''',? Itinerary of King Edward the 
 none who writes .so manifestly from the heart and at the **™'>d. l,on., 1801, 4to. Privately printed. 4. A Guide 
 sametiniefullysalisliesthedeinanilofthecrlticforliterary lo Alnwick Castle. Illust. Lon., I8('j(>, p 8vo 
 grace, whether in her longer or her shurter pieces."— ^lc«(i •.--•-.- - ' 
 XX. 3111. '' 
 Hartley, Oliver C. and R. K. Texas Supreme 
 Court Reports, vols, xiv.-xxi., ( lS.-,5-58,) Houston, 18:)fi- 
 S8, 8 vol- 
 k» .1 T» . - mm-.M vicwei »Tora irom Uli 
 Hartley, Robert Milham, 1796-1881, b. at letter-press,] Lon., I881) 
 .ockcrliioiith. I'.nff.r ri.,iif.v.i,l »,. \n^a^i»„ :^ ;„<• . *w_ L. l_ »• 
 Cockcrmouth, Eng. ; removed to America in infancy 
 founded the New York As-sooiation for Improviii:.' the 
 Condition nf the Poor 1842. and issued f::r it tbirt-J-f.-.r- 
 octavo volumes of reiiorts. 1. Historical, Scientific, and 
 Practical Essay on Milk. N, York, 1841. 2. Inteuiiier- 
 onoe in Cities and Large Towns, X. York, 1851. 
 Hartley, W. In a London Suburb, Lon., 1885, 3 
 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Hartshorne, F;niily Sophia. ' 1. Enshrined 
 Hearts of Warriors and Illustrious People, Lon., 1801, 
 Svo. 250 copies printed. 2. Memorials of Iloldenby, 
 Lon., 18fi.'<, 8vo. 3. Designs of Church Embroidery and 
 Crewel Work from Old E.vamples, [with descriptive 
 Hartshorne, Henry, M.D., [laiir, vol. i., add.,] 
 became professor of the practice of medicine at the 
 Universiiy c." rcnnsyivania IS39; pioluooor of hygiene 
 in the same institution 1866, and of organic science and 
 Dhilosophy at llaverford College 1807. 1. Woman's 
 Witchcraft; or. The Curse of Cotjuetry. By Corinne 
 L'Estrange, [pseud.] 1854. 2. Memoranda Medica; 
 or, Note-Book of Medical Principles, Phila., 1860, 12mo. 
 S. A Mmiograph on (llycerlii iinil il» V„u ph||, 
 IJuici. 4, nuiniiier K .. .. ■ 
 4. (,'tiiilHra : ita Nat 
 4. Huiniiier Hong: ]ly ||, n. 'i||,„i/' , 
 IHfl.l, I Our Cruliio In ll ( 
 Phil,.., inmi, iHn,.,. «. K^m ; ; ■ ll,:"' 1,^ ':S I 
 ji 11 . •»?•"'. '-"I"' '■ '■"'"''.V A.hi.Hr nna 
 I'Ui anil lliii l.nlmiioii, l,oii., IXHI, IL'm 
 lyiiM.r.'i" with II Vhit to Daina 
 <) ir Iloiiie*, (" AiiioriiHn : ' , ";' '"'*•,'*»"• L .Miuiolr of Wllllinn Hun. 
 II. nisi ; ,. oiun.u lit till, I '"!.'•„ ';:'''•' y fV"""' "• !l"H'hi-wi„k I'ri'n. I,„„„ ""fl. 
 olii«y, I'lilhi., ismi, 12mo. Id 
 lli'iilth I'rliiu.m,") I8H1), I81110. ., ,„ 
 liolil Manuiil „(■ MfilidMi,, .Sui^.ry, N„,Hi„«. ,„," ',y. 
 Kiunu, lor Diilly |r,e i„ ih« I'ro.i.rvi.tin,, .,f | ,,, ||, "L 
 .r« of tl,« .Sick i.„,l |„Jur.,ih ,vi,|. ,„, In ,1 
 I "si "v!; '""""^ ""'* ''''^''"'"»y' ll'»«'- ''biLi., 
 I.o""''*!!"'"":,"'''''''- '^^»'"'"« "■•"• J-lf" ' » Novel, 
 llnrlt, niiirlei. I'rcdcri.-k, b. at 
 IriHlonc'toTi, Ni« llruiiHwIik ; L'lii.liniteil ill A,.,i, la rnl 
 M.i,,«uio of fo,i,,,,,r,itiv« Zoology i„ Cinb, i,l«,., ,„„1 „i , 
 in ISrtji wiiH inii.lo |,n.t...yn,- „f g,.„|, „y ,i,„| nhv«ioiil 
 K..Krii|,l,y„t Cor,,,.!! I„ ISHS.imJ cfhii.f *? „," 'oi^li 
 llurvry, lU-v. Kdiiimid (JcorRe, 1828-1881 h 
 «inl.r.lK,. I860, iiilor of Truro l.siirMl.',, „„,l {n,ul 
 tl.en viii.r o( Mullyon. 1. Our Crui.,. in tlio " " |i„, " 
 Jouriml of an l.:„«|,,,, |,„i,..o„, k, , .i,,,,' ';;,••, 
 triinuc, I>ru««iii, .V,.. Ity the Ciiiitiin Ui, J. 1 '^ 
 b,onoof,Mir.,vo,. i.oi,::%li:';*;:r- An,;i!"i!'tii! 
 K...Kni|il,ynt •„rn,.|| l„ ISHS.unJ "111,^::? the Oo'ol„: "> «■««; of 0,.r„.|voH. I.oi,., |,m.v, svo. A on '■ Mufi 
 >urvey.H ol ,-,u,| in 1875. |. ,)« ^y „„,, fhy^U, ' y;'" \ "» """"■•y. I^™"".v, ami Auliouiti.* Mar. und 
 (Jcogru,,hy ol lra,.il. (Thayer K,,,,edltion.) lllust ^J " I','.-,,,'^'-"?"""""'". I«rs, 1,„, ^ -M'T "nd 
 .Miips. Host., S7M. 8vo '"uoi. uuu Wrltli'ii I iroUK loiii wltli 11 sr„i„i.,n, . , 
 , •'•he fiumu;, of'an.sVi;: ,H.r,.c,„„.,i „r pl.turoscne 111,,, """v'l">' ""'",""' '" ""''<" ''nlli:';' 1 "^l '!!! T™,')"' /'.IT'^^ 
 a V'',';:,;,.:::i:^;:;;:lf;i"!;'''. !'!'"• -rui;!^^'!;;^,::!!'^^'!';;;; .,/:"•-'«'" ^'^'""'"" "■"' »'•''"--. mu^ioi'reolo. 
 uiiM Hi\L» iiLoiiiM 01 their iftfo 1)1/ ('111 ('liAriii'ti'r n.i.ii! 
 in tliu I'aHo lift 10 fiissilln.rnMM sti- ,7,. 1 ,. r. . ' ,' ' • """'' 
 II rL' carofiillv iinti.,1 vvTii .",',"" '"^ "Wnilc roiiia us 
 |.h.v of tho howor Amazuns, Buffalo, |,S71. ;) Ami 
 «.n,an rorloi.o Myth., Rio ,1„ Janeiro, |,s75, 8^0 " 
 lM?v'",'o """' ''• ^''■■"'''' Cruikshanks. N. York, 
 llartw.-ll, Mary. See Catherwood 
 Hnntvl, J. c. (Ed.) Christian r 
 V ,"''',L'^'*,'^ AJilrcsscs by America,, i 
 \mk, I8.S4, 12uio. 
 Hartzel, Jonas. 1. Divinity 01 I'hrist and the 
 u,.l„y of SUu, o.kaloo,a. Io,va, ls'71, l'',„„. .■ chu ,h 
 lliscpline, Oskalooaa, 187.'., l2mo. ;. Hapt.Jnvl Con 
 tn,ver.Hy: i,H E.Keeeding Sinfulne,.. O.kLlru, ,S7«; 
 Maiiv H 
 Harvard, Stephen P. ihristinn Baptism • it. 
 Moral an, I eliKio„« 8i,.nifien„oe educed f,o, 1 e A, ! 
 peal, to .t ,n the New Testament, Manohesler, I^S'*; 
 Harvey, Abraham. A Hand-Book to the Guild 
 mil and the Various offices „f the Corporation of 
 London, ton., IS60, Mvo; ncwod., I8(i" ' 
 Harvey, Alexander, M.D. 1. Trees and thnir 
 Niiture; or The Bud an,l its Attributes- n a Serie of 
 Let ers .0 his Son, Lon., 1856, 12mo. (Written 7, 'm 
 lort of a the..ry that all plants are strictly ..nnu I an d 
 i,,r"tbo^ '''m"?"^" '"■'"■•"'" "'" l"->»^ 'ailed m,m 
 anil those oiilled perennial is that the fonner prod,,ce 
 ttie latter produce both seeds and buds.") 2 Te.tim,.„v I'm ' ""1 "' "• ' '" 
 "f Xature to the rdontily between 1 udand'st™! 7 ^ "''•'' '""-'•"" "" Kverl: 
 l.'*.i7, l2mo. .i. FourLeUersto^rrc,''"'^*"''' ''»."•- nu.tant Class on Labou 
 iterative Reform in Re ,;hln„'lfj;;l\,?.',1..r ;)''»'•"■ ! P^i- J- Interest of M„ 
 sitions, .to. " ' ^ ' ' '""""''^''- "i"«ieal compo 
 ! Harvey, K||t:i |,„„iHa. ,. The Legend of a 
 Summer Day : „ .N„,,|,crn Uream, (vers.^^l y g l' 
 , i>y 1.. 1-. II. With a Preface by A. (i., Ilisbo,, of In 
 j "mea. Lon.. l8f,2,8vo. :,. A Cl,ri.,t,i,as\ 1 1 „ AM 
 V"IV' l/"^. ■•'vo. I'nvately printed. 4. Sonir^ of the 
 ^:; :«''iii:i;l;:!i-^!;;;'s^:A-:;--;£ i'/^ 
 Harvey, Franeit., of Verulam. Aut„bi„,-rai,hv 
 I .d.n! kT'V *'"^''"«',«- I- (EJ-) The Life of J. sher- 
 iarv;„ n" ■"' ?.'"'■'; l"-iv"lel.v printed. 
 Cheddington, Buckingbamsbire, sinn. 1869 dio°esan 
 "Tai Ll W- 'T'' '"' 'I"' -'---"'O-xford si, 1S?° 
 . Hu.nted \\,n,lows: a Lecture, L..n., ISfiii, p 8vo 2 
 in|rrr'>^e,«r^?;8oSr ^'"— ^°- 
 Harvey, Sir (Jeorgp, l>05-|87B,b. at St Ninian's 
 er,!.f,"r::;.^',fjr;e- •^^^^"'"•".ecampj^.'B:;: 
 Harvey, James, vice-president of the '"ti-Mo 
 new e,l., |,s«.,. ;, ,-,„,; ,,, Seou'rge of N^lio;:; 
 lasting Ta.\ jevied by the An- 
 ■ . :. ,. ' ■■ '■'"> *'^-Ln;iD lu r>,r ,j. uiarK on Ailinin I jq'ti . t - "" ' "'"*' Lon., 1S70, Svo: new ed 
 ,,tn,t,veRefor,n in Relation to the MedicriSe,;:,,;^^^^^^^^^^^ 4. Interest of Money a Legalised Robbery, Ac: 
 l-ei^greo^ilumanTot Jil^"-""?."" '?■ ^'""-- '""' "^^ ! Z'fQ.JlZ'lt'j "^tH:^::.. ^'Ji^M Bishop B^rke- 
 '^"r. Kdin., Is(13, 8vo. .5 
 CO unique in Nature, and bi^ ^ leV'sQu'eri t nn^Vb ' pJm' ";• ^- ^^''^■1 ^''^"V ««■•'"'- 
 "an. By a University I'rofes- ! 8vl T^Ur Ex, en 1 •"'""'r.''^,,"'; '^'"'"'y' I""'- '8'«. 
 ., First Lines of Therapeutics. I 7 iJ!:JZ,ty^\T^T- *'^?' ' '""• ''""- 1^". ^vo. 
 ^! ...Cesses of Healing as oc- i bv tb,' <;,„t. .,^.1 '"r ["^^ "} "-''"iKiatnii, : an Issue 
 ,Dv,:k, M.D., Syllabus of Materia Mediea, for the t'se of 
 Harvey, Mrs. Annie Jane of lokwell-Bu y ' 
 12mo. "P"' "^ ^°"' ^"^'ds, Lon., 1858,' 
 Harvey, John, M.D. 1. The Signs and Minor 
 Diseases of Pregnancy, T.on., 1803, 8vo. 2. The Pa- 
 thology of Consumption, Scrofula, and Cancer, Lon., 
 1884, 8vo. 3. Corpulence: its Diminution and Cure, 
 Lon., 1864, 8vo. 4. The Renewing of Lift; or, Tlio 
 Blood and its Impurities, Lon., IHfio, p. 8vo. 5. A 
 Letter on Flatulence and Indigestion, Lon., 18(15, 8vo. 
 6. Restoration of Nervous Functions, Lon., 1865, 8vo. 
 7. How to Get Fat; 4th ed., Lon., 1866, Svo. 8. Com- 
 plexion the Barometer of Health: how to restore and 
 preserve it, Lon., 1868, Svo. 
 HRrvey, John, chairman of quarter sessions for 
 the County of Bedford. The English Game Laws con- 
 sidered and compared with the Game Laws of other 
 Countries: with Suggestions for their Improvement, 
 Lon., 1872, 8vo. 
 Harvey, Minnie L. Louisa Van Benthusen : a 
 Novel, 18S2, 12nio. 
 Harvey, Rev. Moses, F.R.O.S., b. 1820, near 
 Armagh, Ireland, and educated at Belfast College; en- 
 tered tlie Presbyterian ministry, and was minister of a 
 church in St. John, Newfoundland, from 1852 till 1878, 
 when he gave up his charge to devote himself to scien- 
 tific studies and to lecturing. 1. Thoughts on the Poetry 
 and Literature of the Bible, St. John, Newfoundland, 
 1853. 2. The Testimony of Nineveh to the Veracity of 
 the Bible, 1854. 3. Lectures on the Harmony of Science 
 and Revelation, Halifax, 1856. 4. Lectures on Egypt 
 and its Monuments as Illustrative of Scripture, St. John, 
 Newfoundland, 1857. 5. Lectures, Literary and Bio- 
 graphical, Edin., 1864, p. Svo. 6. Across Newfoundland 
 with tile Governor, St. John, Newfoundland, 1878. 7. 
 Text-Boole of Newfoundliind History, for the Use of 
 Schools and Academies. Map and Illust. Bost., 1885, 
 Svo. 8. Where are we, and whither tending ? Three 
 Lectures on the Reality and Worth of Human Progress, 
 liOn., 1886, Svo. And see Hatto.v, Joseph, in/™. 
 Harvey, Peter, 1810-1877, b. at Barnet, Vt. ; was 
 a merchant in Boston, and an intimate friend of Daniel 
 Webster. Reminiscences and Anecdotes of Daniel 
 Webster, Bost., 1877, Svo. 
 " From the intimate relations between Mr. Harvey and 
 Mr. Webster, ... we anticipated finding in his friend s 
 recoUeetioiis a valuable colleotiuii of anecdote and remi- 
 niscence. Hut it is only too evident after reading a very 
 few iiages of tlie book that the author was not equal to ins 
 task. . . . The picture he give.s of .Mr. Webster is . . . 
 neither accurate nor characteristic."— AWwn, xxvi. 81. 
 Harvey, Pliilip, M.D. Footprints of Life; or, 
 Faith and Nature Reconciled, [verse,] N. York, 1868, 
 Harvey, Robert. The French Mind ; or, A Physi- 
 ological Outline of the French Intelleat and Character, 
 Lon., 1870, Svo. 
 Harvey, Robert, M.B. Report on the Medico- 
 Legal Returns received from thi. Civil Hurgcons in the 
 Bengal Presidency, 1870, 1871, 1872, Calcutta, 1876, 
 Harvey, Thomas. Asiatic Cholera: its Cause 
 and Cure discovered and demonstrated, Lon., 1853, 
 Harvey, Thomas, 1812-1884, b. at Barnsloy, 
 Yorkshire; educated at the Friends' School at Ack- 
 worth; became a chemist at Leeds; Wiis an active ))hi- 
 lanthropist, and made two visits to Jamaica to inquire 
 into the condition of the blacks. 1. The Hebrew Dis- 
 pen.sation a Light to the Gentile World, n. d. 2. On the 
 Book of Job; its Place in the General Plan of Salva- 
 tion, n. d. 3. The Polynesian Slave-Trade ; its Character 
 and Tenilencie.s, Leeds, 1872, Svo. With Bukwin, Wii,- 
 LIAM, Jamaica in 1866 : a Narrative of a Tour through 
 the Island : with Reunirks on its Social, Educational, 
 and Industrial Condition, Lon., 1867, Svo. 
 Harvey, Thomas Chapman. Olticial Reports 
 of the (Jut-Islands of the Bahamas, Nassau, 1858, Svo. 
 Harvey, Thomas Ilingston, 18:;i-1872, b. at 
 Penzance, Cornwall ; became a barrister, and resided at 
 Constantinople in an oflicial capacity from 1863. The 
 Tourist's (iuide through Cornwall by Uoad, by River, 
 and by Rail. Illust. Truro, 1861, 12mo. Also, several 
 short pamphlets, 
 Harvey: W- .Six Loi'tnrRs on Questions indicative 
 of Characti.T, Lon., 1875, 12mo. 
 Harvey, \V. .1. (Ed.) List of the Principal In- 
 habiljints of the City of London, 1640, Lon., 18S6, 8vo. 
 Harvey, Walter. China Painting; its Principles 
 and Practice. Illust. Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 Harvey, William, F.R.C.S. 1. On the Excision 
 of the Enlarged Tonsil, and its Consequences in Cases of 
 Deafness, Lou., 1850, Svo. 2. Rheumatism, Gout, and 
 Neuralgia as affecting the Head and Ear, Lon., 1852, 
 Svo. 3. The Ear in Health and Disease, Lon., 1854, 
 Svo; 4th ed., rev., 1865. 4. On Rheumatism, Gout, 
 and Neuralgic Headache, in Relation to Deafness, 
 Noises in the Ear, Ac., Lon., 1857, Svo; 4th ed., 1865. 
 5. On Corpulence in Relation to Disease : with some Re- 
 marks on Diet, Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 Harvey, William. The Old City, and its High- 
 ways and Byways. By Aleph, [pseud.] Lon., 1865. 
 Harvey, William Frederick, M.A., b. 1853; 
 educated at Hertford College, Oxford ; called to the bar 
 at the Inner Temple ISSl. A Brief Digest of the Roman 
 Law of Contracts, Oxf., 1878, p. Svo. 
 Harvey, William Henry, M.D., [ante, vol. i., 
 add.,] 1811-1866, b. at Suuimerville, near Limerick; be- 
 came a botanist, settled for a time at Cape Town, and at 
 a later period visited America, India, and Australia; 
 jirofessor of natural history in the University of Dublin 
 from 1856. A memoir of him, with selections from his 
 correspondence, was published in London, 1869, Svo. 1. 
 Atlas of British Sea-Weeds, Lon., 1857, 4to. 2. Phycolo- 
 gia Australica; or, A History of Australian Sea-Weeds; 
 containing Coloured Figures, Generic and Specific Char- 
 acters, Synonymes, and Descriptions of the More Charac- 
 teristic Algie of New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, 
 Ac, Lon., 1858-63, 5 vols. Svo. 3. Thesaurus Capensis; 
 or. Illustration of South African Flora, lS5>J-63, 2 vols. 
 Svo. 4, Index Generum Algarum; or, A Systematic 
 Catalogue of the Genera of Algoc, Marine and Fresh- 
 Water, Lon., 1861, Svo. 5. Charles and Josiah ; or. 
 Friendly Conversations between a Churchman and a 
 Qualser, Lon., 1862, Svo. Anon. With So.vdeh, Orra 
 WiLHELM, Flora Capensis : being a Scientific Description 
 of tli-3 Plants of the Cape Colony, Caffraria, and Port 
 Natal, Dublin, 1850-65, 3 vols. Svo. 
 Harvey, William Marsh. The History and An- 
 tiquities of the Hundred of Willey in the County of 
 Bedford, Lon., 1872-78, 4to. 
 Harvey, Rev. William Wigan, M.A., B.D., 
 F.S.A., 1810-1883, b. at Great Stanmore, Middlesex; 
 graduated at King's College, Cambridge, 1S33; ordained 
 1 833 ; became a Fellow and divinity lecturer of his col- 
 logo; rector of Burkeland, Hertfordshire, 1844-72, and 
 of Ewelme, Oxfordshire, 1872-83. 1. Ecolesia) Angli- 
 canffl Vindex Catholicus, Lon., 1841, 3 vols. Svo. 2. 
 Pra-deotio Academica in Prov. viii. 22, Oxf., 1848. 3. 
 Sermons for Young Men on the (Jraco of Christ : preached 
 before the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 1853, 
 Svo. 4. The History and Theology of the Three Creeds, 
 Lon., 1854, 2 vols. p. Svo. 5. (Ed.) Sancti Ireniei Libros 
 quinque adversus Hicreses, Lon., 1857, Svo. 6. Sermons 
 upon the Principal Doctrines and Evidences of the Chris- 
 tian Religion, Cambridge, 1859, 12mo. 7. The Assess- 
 ment of Tithe-Rent Charges, Lon., 1863, Svo. 8. (Trans.) 
 Royslon Winter Recreations in the Days of Queen Anne, 
 by Thomas Wright, M.A., Royston, 1873, Svo. 
 Harvie-Brown. See Bhown. 
 HurwooU, Rear-Adniiral Andrew .Allen, 
 U.S.N., 1802-1884, b. at Settle, Bucks Co., Pa. : com- 
 mandant of the navy-yard at Washington, and of the 
 Potomac flotilla 1862-64. The Law and Practice of 
 United States Naval Courts-Martial, N. York, 1867, Svo. 
 Hai'wood, Annie. See Holmwen, Mrs. A.vnik 
 HaRWOOD, ill/l-<l, 
 Harwood, Edwin, and Wildes, George I). 
 In Memorv of W. A. Muhlenberg. O.D., LL.D., N. York, 
 1877, Svo." 
 Harwood, Gabriel H. The Lily and the Rose : 
 a Tale of the Untruth of a True Heart, Lon., 1870, 3 vols. 
 p. Svo. 
 Harwood, George, M.A., b. 1845, at Bulton; a 
 Lancashire nninufacturer ; " born and bred a Dissenter ;" 
 "spent such spare lime as the successful management of 
 a large business left at his command in hard study ;" grad- 
 uated with distinction at the University of London ; was 
 called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn, and afterwards or- 
 ('ained deacon of the Established Church ; head of the 
 firm of Richard Harwood & Son, cotton-spinners, Bol- 
 ton. 1. Disestabli.ihment; or, A Defence of the Princi- 
 ple of a National Church, Lon., 1876, p. Svo. 
 "The main object of the book ... is to defend the na- 
 tional principle. . . . We know of no recent work so likely 
 to provoke Ijoth Churchmen and Dissenters to reconsider 
 the ordinary, ready-made opinions wliich pass muster on 
 both .«ides of this great controversy."— .Spec/ufov, xlix. 865. 
 2. The Coming Democracy, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 "He accepte aemocracy as partly present with us and 
 still more as coming upon us, and priceeUs In a "omforw 
 l)le nialfe-tlie-best-of-lt niooil to ii iniire what it win ,„ 
 Ills volume diyides itself into thrLi bool^^/ll [. u'emoc: 
 J!"i^..''"w/".''f'«" l'".'i'icN' 'The I'enioeraey and Home 
 ■A(i(. Rev., liv. 
 c|al, ) and The Democracy and Keiigiou 
 3. From Within, Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. 
 "The suliject ... is more than an exposition of nhilo- 
 sophical idea ism. It is i.iealism consfdere as an ev^ 
 denceof reveati.m . It is dealt with by X r Harwoo 1 
 ma peculiarly fresh and vivid manner."-:icu rf, xxxlv! 
 Harwood, Isabella, ("Ros.s Neil," pseud 1 d 
 1888, daughter of Philip Harwood, editor of the "Lon- 
 don Saturday Review 18«8-8;i. She published dramas 
 under the above pseudonyme, two of which, Inez, the 
 Bride of Portugal, and Elfinella, were played at London 
 '.,?'7'-„.^''"' "'"'"'* "«™ published anonymously. I 
 Abbots Cleve: a Novel Un., 1864, 8vo. 2. Carleton 
 i"'''"*fj«? ^"'" • "y "■* *""""• "f " Abbot's Cleve." 
 Lon 1868, A vo s. Svo 3. Raymond's Heroine, Lon., 
 I8(.7, p. 8vo. 4. Kathleen, Lon., 18«i», Svo. 5 The 
 lleir Expectant Lon., 1870, p. 8vo. 6. Lady Jane (irey ; 
 "Mf'.r- {*"? ""'l'' °f Portugal, Lon., 1871, p. 8vo. 
 If the choice of really dramatic subjeetmalter «.id n 
 treatment as sound and delicate as ts com letelv free 
 l^rom alfectation. are worth appreciation, these two nlavs i 
 deserve a sincere welcome, 'rheir literary place s in tlie 
 elas« to which the dramas of sir Henry Tay£r belong i 
 Both are «' written as to illustrate historv, and to I len;ifv ■ 
 7. I'lays: The Cid; The King and the Angel; Dulce 
 '^".'i x.^jy \ ."'■• T*"^ ^''""'' "<■ Brussels, Lon., 1874, p8vo 
 ".Marljed by the same qualities of vigorous simi. Ic (J 
 an(l artistic linish wlilcli dlstinguishersir Ross No K 
 earlier elIorts."-A-(i(./Jc,..,xxxvii.o<J,^ J". «oss .Neils 
 8. New Plays : Elfinella, and Lord and Lady Russell, 
 Lon,, 18,6, cr. 8vo. «. Arabella Stuart; The Heir of 
 Linne, -Tasso : Plays, Lon., 1879, p. 8vo. 10. Andrea 
 Lo'nr'l'mp A". ''' ^^'''""'' *'"''''' '-"ndora: Pluys^ 
 .h'iiT""!!' f •^' ^'"■'^ "'"1 Rollors: aGuide to 
 the Skating-Rink, Lon., 1876, fp. Svo. 
 lS4il, 12ino. 2. The Bridal and the Bride; ox; Our 
 Honeymoon-Trin in the Kast in 185U, Lon., issi ,"vo 
 Anon. 3. btamtoul and the Sea of Gems, Lon., 1852' 
 2mo. Anon. 4 i'aiconbeck Hall: a Novel, Lon.,' 
 1804, 3 vols p. 8vo. 5. The Serf Sisters; or, Russi 
 f ^".-"ty!,^"?" '»55. p. 8vo; new ed., 1801. V,. Lo d 
 Lynn's Wife, Lou., 1864, 2 vols. p. 8vi. Anon New 
 8 ' 8 Vn'^Ti -'k^"^ Flavia,''Lon.,-186r3 vol^.^ 
 8vo 8. Odd Neighbours, 1865, 3 vols. p. 8vo. Anon 
 9. P ain John Orpington, 1866, 3 vols. ,. 8vo. Anon! 
 10. Lord Ulswa er: a Novel, 1867, 3 vols. p. 8vo. U 
 Miss Jane, the Bishop's Daughter, Ton., 1,S6V, 3 vols, p 
 8>o. 12. Sir Peregrine's Heir, Lon., 1875,3 vol8,p.8vo. 
 l.i. Helena, Lady Harrogate: a Tale, Lon., 1878,3 vols 
 vo i5 Th * t' '^?"?.■ ^'"r"""' ^™" 18^^ 3 vols! 
 8vo. 15. Iho renlh Karl, Lon., 1880, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 
 6. \oung Lord Penrith. Lon., 1880. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 1? 
 Ihe Merchant Prince: bein^ the Fortunes of Bertram 
 Oakley, L<m 1882, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 18. One False Both 
 Fair, .^ or A Hard Knot, Lon., 1883, 3 vols, cr Svo'. ]i^ 
 Ralph Uneburn and other Tales, Lon., 1884, 3 vols, p' 
 cr™8v„ '"'■' ^'■''■"y- ""••' ^""•' 'SS^ 3 vo's- 
 HBsbrouck, J. The Insurance Laws of Califor- 
 nia: einbraciug All the Statutes, Repealed and Unre- 
 pealed, Sun Fran.. 187:;. Svo 
 liritiflfi'.^'"' A*'"!'.'"''!-* Frederick. Notes on the 
 British Pharmacopoeia: showing the Additions in he 
 1879, IBmo; new ed., 1884. 3. Calderon, (de la Barca 
 foreign Classics for English Readers,") Lon., 1879 
 T 1 «o ,'«• ' " ^^"'"'g" Classics for English Readers,") 
 Lon., 1882, 16mo. 5. Bible Partings, Edin., 1883. p. 
 Ilaselwood Cecil. Dead Lilies: a Novel. Ed- 
 ited by Mrs. H. Kingsley. Lon., 1879, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Hasen, Syed J. First and Second Hindustani 
 , Reader, Lon., 1873, 2 vols. 13mo. 
 Haserick, E. C. Secrets of the Art of Dyeing, 
 Ac., Cambridge, Mass., 1869, 8vo 
 I Haskell, B, D. Tekel : an Examination and Ref- 
 utation o the Materialistic or Dead-Sltening Theology, 
 Haverhill, Mass., 1875, 16mo 
 ni^r f n''r'^'"r'V*^* ''• '^''"' Housekeeper's Encyclo- 
 p«!diaof Useful Information, N. York, 1860, 12mo 
 Haskell, 'Thomas Hawes. 1. Reports on the 
 Judgments of Hon. Edward Fox, United States District 
 Judge for Maine District, First Circuit : vol. i., Portland, 
 ill n • ^^Z ^'loueester Centennial : Historical 
 Address, Remarks, Record of the Falmouth Convention, 
 li i4, ic, Portland. Me., Svo. 
 Haskins, f. H. The Galvanometer and its Uses : 
 V i"",^^. "^J i-leetricians and Students. Illusl. N. 
 lorK, 187.i, 16mo. 
 Haskins, Rev. David Greene. 1. (Ed.) Selec 
 tions from the scriptures. 1861, i2mo. 2. What is Con- 
 liriuation, or the Laying-On of Hands? N. York, 16mo. 
 vA 1 «-, ^,"™""' ?^ "'" L-niversity of the South, N. 
 Jjlh a'^' P'""' •''; ^'"'P'' ^^''''1° Emerson: his Ma- 
 ternal Ancestors : with some Reminiscences of Him, N. 
 1 OrKj ion/, OVO. 
 Haskins, Edmund Henry. The Problem 
 Solved; or, A Practical Scheme of Decimal Coinage for 
 the Pconle, Lon.. 1858, Svo. 
 Haskins, George Foxcroft. Travels in Eng- 
 ,. . _ 1 — '* • "•'"" Miji iiiu niiuicions in thn 
 Hnselduie, G. A. How to Win an Election' a 
 Manual written tor the Use of Candidates; 2d ed! Lon.! 
 M aTis".?* ' r'«*'«"«i', K"e«ler Haselfoot, 
 W.A., b. 1828; educated at University College Oxford- 
 called to the bar at the Inner Temple 1855, fs umed the 
 mune ot Haselfoot in lieu of li'is patro^vmic. Cock 
 i h'Tinl r"T'' ^r"' f"""^'- 1" Ter.a-Rim,'v, Eng- 
 lisn liine lor Ltno. Lon.. 18H? Hv-. 
 of*r"w'Ii '^m'*!''!!",'' J"''a» 18;M-1887, daughter 
 01 b. W. Hasell ol Dalemain, Ullswnter, Eng. , was an 
 "ccumplished scholar, versed in the literature of S ain 
 lortugal, and Italy, and contributed to Blackwood's 
 Maga/^ne and the London Athenaium. 1. The Rock 
 and other Short Lectures on Passages of Holy SoHp' 
 !..„ 1 p -7 — ---•B'- - wA«,n.ii. iraveis in Ji 
 land, France, Italy, and Ireland, Bost., 18,^6, 12mo. 
 Haskoll, H. Oavis. l. M -.hods of Railway 
 Construction. Illust. Lon., 1857, . /ols. imp. "o^ 
 Second Series 858, 2 vols. 2. The Practice of Engl 
 and iJf if 'ff "'*'•"'''•"'"' '" '^""J' "yJrographIc, 
 and Hydraulic Surveying and Levelling. IHust Lon. 
 I8o8, Svo ; 2d ed., 1871, 2 vols. 3. Ranging Curves an 
 Setting Out Railway Works, Lon., 186^1! Svo ,M e":^ 
 •„':': *• .R'i'lwn.vs in the East and High Thermo- 
 M^lil V^'""'' V"" '•"'•■'' '■ '''"■ ■'■ The Engineer's, 
 Mining Surveyor's, and Contractor's Field-Book for Ex- 
 pediting Field-Work Operations, Lon., 1864, 12,no, new 
 tfZjil r \, ""'"^'Z "'■ ^"'^1'"' «»<' ^'i"Juet Con. 
 truction, of Masonry, Timber, and Iron, Lon., 1864 
 hd ; new ed 1867. 7. Land and Marine Surveying, ir^ 
 wajs, Ac, Lon 1868, Svo; 2d ed., Lon., 1886. 
 Haslam, John. The Paper Currency of England 
 dispassionately considered, Lon., 1850, 8vo 
 Joseifh^^P **"?"*' "»"*er, and Edwards, 
 ISSl^p Svo "" '"'°"""' "•™"-'J lieometrically, Lon., 
 Bv*^*V"l7'' u?r "^.'J' '^^° ^^"""^"'s Advocate. 
 tiy I. J. il. Dublin, 1874. 
 Haslam,Rev. William, M.A., [,n,ie, vol. i., add 1 
 graduated at I niversity College, Durham, 1842; ordained 
 1842 mission priest of the Church Parochial .Missions 
 Society since 1878. 1. The Threefold Gift of God, 01 
 Jesus Christ the Object of Faith, Hope, and Love, Lon ! 
 !</6, p. Svo; new ed., 1S86. 2. Personal E.vper^euce • 
 being Lectures on Banyan's "Pilgrim's ProgrcL," Lon.; 
 877.181110. 1. A Personal Christ. Lon., 1878, Svo. 4 
 Building from the -I'op, ,,nd other Readings, L^n., 1878 
 p. «vo. 5 From Death into Life, or. Twenty Years 
 of my Ministry, Lon., 1880, p. 8vo: ne^ ed., 1883 6 
 1882 8vo: new ed., 1883. 7. "Full Salvation" as 
 seen in Banyan's" Pilgrim's Progress," Lon., 1883 > Svo 
 8. Ibe Lord 18 Coining: a Plain Narrative of Prophetie 
 I'.vcn ts in heir Order, Lon., 1S85, cr. Svo. 9. Gleanings 
 fn.m the Harvest, [,i tnle,] Lon., 1887, p. 8vo ""*'"""«' 
 Mancl.elfn'l'' h'"''"' '»"■'*- IS'^'t. b. at Carrington, near 
 Th, , n t. \ 7u'"" ';,P"l"'«r »" '^I'in'^ ""d en.mel. 
 Prodmaiot.^tn!;'r?7B.t7^ the Workmen and their 
 It i.u!;is'-;:;;ik:"i';.^,'^'^^l''™'}i!7,!«''» '"e subject wm nnd 
 and'Fn'f '' S''i"'''".''- ' ■''''" Meobanies', Machinists', 
 an Engineers' Practical Book of Reference, N. York 
 18j6, I2mo; new ed., 1864. ' 
 Haslcwood, Frances C. Poetry and Frnguients 
 of CiirrcBponJcnoe, I.oii., 1S7,S, 8i-o. 
 IlHslcwood, llev. Fraiicix, I'.S.A., grnduiited nt 
 King's Ccillege. Loniion, lS(i:i; onliiined isii.'i; rector 
 of St. MiiltliL'w's, Ipswich, Sutfolii, since IST'i. 1. Tlip 
 Antiquities of Smnrdcn, Ivciit, Lon., lsi;i'), 4to. 2. The 
 Mommientiil Inscriptions in the Parish Church of St. 
 Matthew, Ipswicli, Ipswich, 1.S84, Svo. Privately 
 printeil. 3. Memorials of .Sninrden, Kent. Ipswicli, 
 l.S.sfi, (to. Privately printed. 4. Chislet, Kent: its 
 Monuments, Vicars, and Parish Officers, l'*X7, Svo. Also, 
 some gcnealoglciil pamphlets. 
 HaMlop, Alice. Xcllie's Visit to Urool'. Jlouee, 
 Lnn.. IS74, l2mo. 
 Ilaslope, L. L. llcpoussfi Work for Amateurs. 
 Illust. Lon., 1SS(), Svo. 
 Ilnsllick, Paul N. 1. I,allic-Work : a Practical 
 Treatise on the Tools employed in the Art of Turnini;. 
 Illusl. Lou., 1881, p. Svo; .'id ed., 1855. 2. The Metal- 
 Turner's JIand-Iiook. Illust. Lon., 1S82, .Svoi 2d ed., 
 I8S7. 3. Pattern-Maker's Handy liook, for Founders. 
 Illust. Lon., 18S7, p. Svo. 4. Watch-.Jobber'.s Handy 
 liook, Lon., 1887, ji. .'<vo. 5. Wood-Turner's llanily 
 liook, Tools, Appliances. &c,, Lon., 1SS7, p. Svo. (i. 
 8crcw-Tlireads, and Methods of producing thcni, Lon., 
 1SS7 ; 2d ed., 1SS8, 04iuo. 7. Mechanic's Workshop 
 Hamly Book, Lon., 18S8, p. Svu. 
 Ilasluck, Samuel L. Elocution j a To.\t-Book 
 of Definitions, Kules. Ac, Lon., ISSti, 12mo. 
 Has§all, Arthur. Life of Viscount Bolingbroke, 
 ("Statesmen" Scr..) I,on., L'<8.'<, p. Svo. 
 Hussall, Arthur Hill, M.D., [ante, vol. i., add.,] 
 founder uf, and consulting physii'ian to, the Unyal 
 National Hospital for Consiiniptiou and Diseases of the 
 Chest, Ventnor. 1. Adulterations Detected ; or, Plain In- 
 •structions for the Discovery of Frauds in Food and Med- 
 icine. Lon., 1857, Svo; 2d ed., Isiil. 2. Tlie Irine in 
 Health and Disease, Lon., 1S5!), Svo; 2d ed., i '■1)2. .'!. 
 Food: its Adulterations, and the Methods for their De- 
 tection. Illust. Lon., l'<7(;, 8vo. ( A diferent work from 
 the one mentioned ifiiie. vol. i.) 4. ,Si;.i lieuui and the 
 Western Riviera Climatically and Medically considered. 
 Illust. Lon., 1S7'J, or. Svo; new ed., ISs:i. 5. The In- 
 halation Treatment of Diseases of the Organs of Uespira- 
 tion, includiTig Consimiption, Lon., 1S,S5, Svo. 
 Has!$all, Richard. Cholera: its Nature and 
 Treatment, Lon., lS5t, Svo. 
 Hassan, W. J. English History Dates upon ,: 
 New Plan, from B.C. 450 to A.D. ISOI, Ljn., 1S7S, l2mo; 
 new ed. to 1SS2, 1883. 
 Hassuni, A. Arabic Self-Taught: tragonmn for 
 Travellers in Egypt, Lon., 1SS:I, 12mo. 
 Hassan, A. B. Contributions to the Rhymes of 
 the War. liy A. B. II. Belt., lSli5. 
 Hassard, Annie. Floral Decorations for the 
 Dwelling-House : (Juidelo Home Arrangement of Plants 
 and Flowers; with Illustrations, Lon., 1875, 12moj Auier. 
 cd., rev., 1S76. 
 Hnssnrd, Francis Charles. My First Ring. 
 By F. 11. I). P.>eins, llublin. I'-l. 12mo.' 
 Hassard, .lohn K(>se (;reene, 1S3C-1SSS, b. in 
 New York City; graduated at St. John's College, Ford- 
 ham, N.Y., in 1855; wa;- editor of the Now American 
 Cyclopa'dia 1857-('3, and of the Catholic World in IS05, 
 and in IStili became connected with tile New York Tribune, 
 first as editorial writer, afterwards as musical ; nd literary 
 critic. I. Life of Most Rev. John Ilujhes D,D., First 
 Archijishop of New York: with E.xtracts fr lu his Pri- j 
 viite Correspondeucn, N. Y'ork, ls()ii, Svo, 2, The King ! 
 of the Nibelung, 1877. 3. A History of the I'nHed I 
 States of America, for Schools, N. Y'ork, 1S7S. l2mo; ' 
 8th ed , abridged, 1887. 4. Life of Pope Pius IX., n! 
 Y'ork, 1S7S, l2mo. 5. A Pickwickian Pilgrimage, Bost., j 
 ISSl, 2lmo. 'I 
 I charming, and altogether instructive book is built. There 
 I is scarcely any point as to which the average or the ciiltl- 
 I vatcd reader inight desire to be infornieil that the author 
 [ has omitted in graphic pages. . . , The author is not 
 only cognizant of Ills subjei'l, but has it well in hand, 
 knows especially what to select and what to reject, aiul 
 ; withal is a capable observer anil a trustworthy narrator." 
 —ynliou, v. 477. 
 j 2. The Secret of the Andes: a South American Ro- 
 mani'c, Cin., 1879, I2mo. 
 Ilassell, Joseph. 1. The Duties of a Christian 
 Teacher in Connection with the Spread of the (iospel, 
 Lon., 18(i2, Svo. 2. From Pole to I'ole : a Hand-Book 
 of Christian ;\Iission?, Lon., 188(1, 12ino; new ed., 1S72. 
 3. The Elements of the Christian Faith: or. Huin, Re- 
 demption. Regeneration, and Revelation Logically Stated, 
 L(>n,, IS74, Svo. 4. Common Things and Elementary 
 Science in the Form of Object-Lc.ssons, Lim., 1883, ]>. 
 Svo. 5. Zoological Photographs; Short Cha|iters on 
 Natural History, Lon., 1S84, p. Svo. 0. Scripture Biog- 
 rojihy and its Teachings. Lon., I8S5, p. Svo. 7. What 
 and How ; a Guide to Successful Oral Teaching, Lcoi., 
 1887, Svo. -8. Play in Work and Work in Play: Kin- 
 dergarten Occupotions, Lon., 18x8, cr. Svo. 
 Hasted, Rev. Henry. Sermons for Lent and 
 Easter, also Asci iision Day and the Three Following 
 Sundays, Lon., IS52. Svo. 
 Hastie, Rev. \V. I. Hindu Llolatry and English 
 Enlightenment : Si.t Letters addressed to Educated Hin- 
 dus, containing a Practical Discussion of Hinduism, Cal- 
 cutta, 1S82, Sio. 2. (Trans.) The Philosophy of Art; nn 
 Introduction to the Scientific Study of ^Esthetics, by 
 Hegel and C. L. Michelet, Edin., ISSfi, Svo. 3. (Trans') 
 Kant's I'liilosophy of Law, Edin., 1887, Svo. 
 " Mr. Hastie lias done his work in a very satisfactory 
 nuiiiiier."— .4co(/,. .\.Kxiii. 41, 
 4. (Trans, nnd ed.) Outlines of the Science of Juris- 
 prudence; from the Juristic Eneyclopiedias of Puchta, 
 Friedliinder, Faick, and Alirens, Edin., 18S7, Svo. 5. 
 (Trans.) History of the Christian Philosophy of Re- 
 ligion, from tlie Reformation to Kant, by B. Piinjer: 
 with a Preface bv Robert Flint, D.D. ; "vol. i., Edin., 
 Hastings, Anna. The Russel Family. Illust. 
 N. York, IS5fi, ISiiio. 
 Hastings, David R. Maine Supreme Judicial 
 Court Reports, vols. I.xi.\., Ixx., (1879-SU,) Portland, 
 ISSll, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Hastings, Frederick. I. Sundays spent about 
 the ^Vorld. Bristol. 1S75, p, Svo. 2. Clericalism, Illus- 
 trated from the 1-ife of Haflreingue, the Originator of 
 Railway Pilgrimages, Lon., 187.S, 12nio. 3. (Trans.) 
 Tlie (Jospcl in Paris : Sermons; from the French of Eu- 
 gene Bersier : with Personal Sketch of the Author, Lon., 
 1SS3, Svo. 4. Obscure Characters and Minor Lights of 
 Scripture, Lon., 1SS3, p. Svo. 6, (Ed.) The Atonement: 
 a Clerical Symiiosium on " AVhat is the Scripture Doc- 
 trine of the Atonement?" Lon., 1883, Svo. ti. (Ed.) 
 inspiration: n Clerical Symposium, Lon., 1884. 7. The 
 Background of Sacred Story : Life-Lessons from Less- 
 Known Characters of the Bible, Lon., ISSli, cr. Svo. S. 
 (Ed.) Papers on Preaching, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 9. Back 
 Streets and London Slums. Illust. Lon., 1888, or. Svo. 
 Hastings, George Woodyatt, LL.B., b. 1825; 
 called to the bar nt the Middle Temple 185(1; general 
 secretary to the National Association for the Promotion 
 of Social Science lS57-(i.s, and chairman of the council 
 1S6,'*-S3. History of the Social .Science Association: 
 new ed.. 0.\f.. Isfi3, Svo. 
 Hastings, Harriet B. Pebbles from the Path 
 of a Pilgrim : an Account of Siieoial Providences, Ac. 
 Lon., |.><si,12mo. 
 1. Signs of the 
 as it is, Bost., 
 Hassard, Rev. Richard Samuel, MA., gradu- 
 ated at tjueen's College, O,\for'l, ISIlil; ordained 1801 ; ^ 
 vicar of Holy Trinity, Dalston, diocese of London, since 
 IS79. The Illustrated Manual of Holy Communion, for 
 English Churchmen, Lon., 1884, l2mo. 
 Hassaurek, Friedrich, 1S32-1S85, b, in Vienna; i 
 removed to the I'nited States in LMS ' was U,S. minister i 
 to Ecuador from !S(il to !Sti5, whnii h.-> (.(.oame editor of 
 the Cincinnati \'olksblatt. 1. Four Years among Span- 
 ish-Americans, N. Y'ork, 1807, Iflnio; 3d ed.. IS.-^I. 
 '•A journey from the .sea-coast to the inlcrlor, n soiourn 
 attiuito, and a principal excursion into Northern Ecuador 
 — such Is the Irame upon which this agreeable, almost 
 Hastings, Horace Lorenzo. 
 Times; or. A (JIance n! Cliristcndoi _ _ ._, , 
 1X52. 2. The Great Controversy between God and Man : 
 its Origin, Progress, and End. Bost., 1858. 3. Reasons 
 for my Hope; or. The Tokens of Speedy Redemption, 
 Bos-t., 1860. 4. Thessalonica; oi Th« Model Church: 
 a Sketch of Primitive Christianity, Bost., 1S6I. 5. 
 Social Hymns, Original and Selected, Host., 1865. C. 
 Ebene/.crs; or. Records of Prevailing Prayer, Bost., 
 Issi, 12mo. 7. (Ed.) The Guiding Hand for, Provi- 
 denlm! Direction. Bus;., 1F.H|, U',,,,,. «, Kc;uU:ig5 for 
 Leisure Moments; a Scries of Brief and Pointed Paiiers, 
 Bost., 1S.S2. 12ino. !i. Two Hundred Gathered Gems of 
 Song and Story. Illust. Bost., 1882, 24ino. 10. Fire- 
 side Readings for Happy Homes, Bost., 1882, 12mu. 
 11. The Babe of Bethlehem: a Children's Rhyme of the 
 Oliicn Time, Lon., 18.12, Hvo. 12 Tnlpn nf T- » r 
 miel Testimony concerning the' Truth of t'ho liibi"; 
 1883, lo. Athei:*m and Arithmetic, Host ISs) 
 8vo. Ih, ^„rru|,t...n, of the New Testamen , Bost ' 884 
 r=j.r?£vit,,»=,Ti: "--%'";; ,, ,, , ,.,,,.„.,. 
 ..??.:&ir'Sfe;:''j:-,vi;.i:"E: t,r„'* 1 4; ;r,f 7;°" "'"'• °"- "'"■ 
 I ] 1'] 
 j Institutions, l'„,n„ I8,sr Svo 
 • power it "exhibil of Tieivi il /^V^^^ ''/"'« 
 I I). StililJi'fl in 1i:K1i....l />_. I ^ „ . 
 vention, Cheltenham, IMoi), ISmo i U,irln= f iV." in" "" 
 ;^^^"^n^t'"vT"' ''7' ^^"^<^^'^%X^z 
 ISr., Umo. C A Uiographiciil Kutrospect of Allonathv 
 ;";^.'?8™Tt^.;!;i^.""' '-^' ^'-'^ ^-""^K 
 T "'"'?"''*'^' James. 1. Hartley Hall: a Xovel 
 Lon., l,So8, p. .tvo. 2. A Collection of u, war Is of 
 Eleven Hunclrci Proverbs, Wise Saws, and 'ilhy Say 
 ings, Manchester, 1865, 16rno. ^ ^' 
 Hastings, John, M.D ' IT R iv it. 
 Yellow Fever, Phila., 1848 'i2moo ,V- «"'''' "" 
 Dressings, Ae.', Phila.', is's,' la':",";- '^ *''""^ ^--S^y' 
 ..f^!*?'/".^.^' :?/"?."' M.?,..['-'^. vol. i., add.] An In 
 (K.l.) liible "eadings, i<ost., 
 quiry into ^'^ Im{.u2v;.^o7 Z ^^LfU 
 .tiles^in Phthisi, and some othe"' Dta'eTun"! fZ] 
 " ' ' "^ * • - ^"•- ' 'ly Ginnt, Lon., 1882, p. 
 Hastings' .Minnesota Cita- 
 _..._. ^„„a ,,, ,im same 
 ■i-i.,, vols. i.-.\xxv.,St. Paul, 18sr, 
 Hastings, Lev 
 tions : a Manual of 
 of Minnesota am 
 Court: M'lnesota Jo, 
 ; • ,.'• ,. ir'^""»« oil the Law of Torts and the LeLl for their Hedress, Lon., I8,S5, Xv" 2 ifof, 
 a Concise Statement of the Con, non and Statute l-lw 
 relating thereto, Lon., 1886, t2mo ;i A Shnrf'lv. .'• 
 on the Law of Fraud and Misrepresen'ai'l'tnl^i'^'rs 
 ^"rk/r.s^iV'nr''''' '^i-'--"fi'''ttie. must. 
 _^Haswe.., S. B. The Social s"o'virei^n: 1 York, 
 Haswell, Kev. James M., n.D Hio-lS7fi h 
 om l.-<,>(,. (.rauimaiical Notes and Vocabulary of ho 
 I'egiian Language. Rangoon, 1874. 8vo ^""""^ "' "'« 
 Haswell, .lames M. The Man of his Time • Pnrt 
 .. Ihe htory ot the Life of Napoleon II Part II 
 i^u^;i:7:t r<'r'' """"■'^^ carica[;,;i:.::\.^^:; 
 f,,.. i>i...':..r,^ ."".." •♦ '"•!'■ The Constitution of 
 Hatch, Susan L. 
 18,N0, lljmo. 
 7, , head warden of St. Paul's College, S ony S.Ta fonl 
 cl'l~:t' "2 ^""" "'"" '■'■»""• «'■ lii- changer Early 
 i> I J, e\o. .J. ihe Jlora Phi osonhv of AvUi„n„ 
 -ting of a Translation of the Vi'^oL^c utr cs^nd 
 .ed i.the s;;p;.n;= i J^!?' --- -^^"^^ Vo^^h^ir^;:^- 
 other Cases in the same i Hatchard, Fanny Vincent Steele, d I'lSO- 
 uZte 12m:. '"^''■^ ^'"'^^' "^'^ ^'«'''-' ^-ing^; 
 Hatchard, Louisa. Talet of Old Times in Fn„ 
 land, for the Young, liath, 186(1, fp. Svo ^" 
 Hatchard, Ut. Hev. Tllomas Goodxvin, 
 ford'^'^'v "' "'■''• ^**"*an' E., D.D., b. LS.^s, in Bed- 
 1 8S7, 1 2m; With H.T,';^ : , Mn, V^^7'J^\u'''\' 
 of ,he 1 ife and Writings of a'. «. Wn B D..''p; ^e": 
 If^*:-! ;." '*":'""•""' C»ll^«i'. Va.. lialt., 188r ivt, 
 in^po:)'t:;i::^::^'iri>ar :i!::^!^ j:rri^f 
 m^lAli"^:^"^ '"^i!;!?:? ?™;"' h'= ''«s become a pro- 
 iav7 • *•■' H""'"'"en at I'oinbroko Collcifo C 
 ■n Theology: an Ad,lress, Lo„., 1885, 12iuo. TTn 
 Yo ris7'2- ?." ?"-!;f "-Vmn.Hook: wi,h% , 'n! 
 rork, 18,2, s-vo. 8. The Chapel Hymn-Hook, I87,i. 9. 
 Tho Poets of the Church : a Series of IJiogrnphioiil 
 Sketches of Ilymn-Writers, with Notes on their Hymns, 
 N. Yorl<, 18S5, sin. t<vi). 
 Hatfield, Miss Julia. The IJrjant Homestead 
 Hook. Hy the Iille Scholar. X. York, ISIlU, 4to. 
 Ilatiield, JUnrciis P., M.D. Tho I'hyslohigy and 
 nygiene of the House wo live in, N. York, \><X7, 12nio. 
 Hathaway, B. A. IIIOI Questions and Answers 
 on United States History, (Jcograpliy, English (irani- 
 niiir, Arithmetic, Theo.y and Practice of Teaching, I'hys- 
 iulogy, and ]Iygiene, Cleveland, 0., ISSH, (i vols. Itinio. 
 Ilatliaway, Ueujamiii ■). in Ciiyuga Co., N.Y. ; 
 com|iosud poems which ho w- ,,e vith ilialk on liinel- 
 hoiids wliile working as a coo,/er. He al.-o followed the 
 business of nurseryman and fanner for thirty years. 
 1. Art-Life, iiml other Poems, Host., I.S77, 12mo. 2. 
 The I,eii;;ue of the Irocjuois, and other Legends from the 
 Indian JIuse. I'ort. Chic, I8S1, iL'mo. 
 Hatliawuy, Timothy. 1. llclirew Moods and 
 Tenses; or, A Series of Kules iida|itpd to all the Pas- 
 sages in the Hebrew Uiblo peculiar to Oriental Construc- 
 tion, Lon., 1M4K, 8vo. 2. Gospel Melodies; or Portrait- 
 ures of Our Saviour, in Verse, Lon., 1S56, 12mo. 
 Hathaway, W.J. Meditationes Sacra' ; or, Devout 
 Musings, in Prose and Verso, Lon., 1852, 24mo. 
 Hatheway, Mary E, N. 1. Tohnny's Vacations, 
 and other Stories. Illust. Host., 187S, Itimo. 2. In 
 the Fields, [poems.] Illust. Host., |-<81, U mo. 3. 
 Cats with (iloves catch no Mice, P.ost., 18S7, obi. .■12mo. 
 Hathorn, F, G. A Hand-Hook of l)ur,jeeling : 
 with V icf Notes on the Culture and Manufacture of 
 Tea, and Kules for tho Sale of L'nassessed Waste Lands, 
 Calcutta, ISC).-;, svn. 
 Uathornthwaite, Rev. Thomas, LL.U., edu- 
 cated at Trinity College, Dublin; was incumbent of St. 
 Anne's, Lancaster, Kng. 1. Poemata Latina duo, liOn., 
 1818, 12mo. 2. (Trans.) D. M. Ausonii ex Kphemeride 
 Oratio: a Prayer, Ac, Lon., 1848, 12mo. I). Lancaster, 
 (a Retrospect,) and The Seasons : a Translation from the 
 tireek, [verse,] Lon., 1873, 12nio. 
 Hatt, George. Sketches of a Tract Missionary, 
 N. Y'ork, 18o2, Kinio. 
 Hattersley, Mary Emma. 1. Nehemiah : a 
 Poem, Lon., 1877, 12mo. 2. Norstono; or, The Ilifts in 
 the Cloud, Lon., 187y, p. 8vo. 
 Hattoil, A. L. 1, The Law and the Prophets, 
 Lon., 1861), 18mo. 2. Present Communion of Saints, 
 Lon., 18«6, 18rao. 
 Hatton,E. Finch-. TheMilitiaand the Recruit- 
 ing Sei vice : with Suggestions for their Reorganization, 
 Lon., 1859, Svo. 
 Hattoil, Frank, 1361-1883, son of Joseph Hatton, 
 iiifm,h. at Horlield, near Bristol; educated at King's 
 Colle;:e School and the Royal School of Mines; went to 
 Borneo in ISsi as mineral explorer to the British North 
 Borneo Company. North Borneo: E.vplorations ana Ad- 
 ventures on tho Equator : with Blog.aphical Sketch and 
 Notes by Joseph Hatton, and Preface by Sir Walter 
 Medhurst. Illust. Lon., 1885, p. 8vo. 
 "The diaries of his journe.vs in North Borneo, though 
 not reduced to form, contain some intereslinf; niineralnj,'!- 
 cal matter, along with many natural and graphic notes of 
 adventure."— .^IokZ., .xxi.x. 7. 
 Hatton, G. Noel. Whom Nature Leadeth, [a 
 novel,] Lon., 1883, 3 vols. ji. Svo. 
 Hatton, <;eorge James Fineh>, eleventh 
 Earl of Winchilsea, (see Wlviiiilsea, uute, vol.iii., 
 add.,) d. 1887. 1. Flying Childers his Cruise, [verse,] 
 Lon., 187U, 8vo. 2. Tho Tommiad, Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 Anon. 3. Voices through Many Y'ears, [verse,] Lon., 
 1879, 3 vols. 8vo. Privately printed. 
 Hatton, Hon. Harold Heneage Finch-, b. 
 1856, son of the tenth Earl of Winchilsea. Advance 
 Australia: an Account of Eight Y'ears' Work, Wander- 
 ing, and Amusement in Queensland, New South Wales, 
 and Victoria, I. n., 1885, p. 8vo. 
 "Full of most disastrous chances, of moving accidoids 
 by flooii and Held, which hear the stamp of a genuine ex- 
 jjerleiicc."— .S'(i^ Kei:. lix. Sdll. 
 " A very lively and amusing hno]i."—Acad., xxvUl. yi. 
 Hatton, Joseph, b. 1839, at Andover, Derbyshire; 
 hiis edited several provincial and London papers, and in 
 l'-;0S-74 was editor of (he Uentloman's Maguzine. He i 
 has several times visited tho United States, and since I 
 his first visit in 1876 has acted as London correspondent ' 
 of the New Y'ork Times. He has contributed to perioci- j 
 icals, and ndnpted plays and novels for the stage. 1. 
 Provincial Papers: being a Collection of Talcs ami 
 Sketches, Lon., 1861, p. 8vo; 2d ed., 1806. 2. Biutor- 
 Sweets: a Love-Story, Lon., ISB5, 3 vols. p. Svo. 3. 
 Against tho Stream, Lon., 1806, 3 vols. p. Svo. 4. The 
 Tallants of Bartim : a Tale of Fortune and Finance, 
 Lon., 1867, 3 vols. p. Svo. 5. Pippins and Cheese, Lon., 
 IS()S, p. Svo. 11. Christopher Henrick ; his Life a, id 
 Adventures, Lon., 1869,2 vols. p. Svo. 7. With a Show 
 in the North : Reminiscences of Mark Lemon, Lon., 1871, 
 p. Svo. S. The Valley of Poppies, Lon., 1871, 2 vols. p. 
 Svo. 9. Kites and Pigeons : a Novelette. Illust. Lon., 
 1872, 12mo. 10. In the Lap of Fortune: a Story 
 "stranger than tiction," Lon., 1873, 3 vols.; now ed., 
 1877, I vol. 11. Clytie: a Novel of Modern Life, Lon., 
 1874, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 " By dint of being the subject of a lawsuit . . . the novel 
 called 'Clytie' has attracted an amount of attention which 
 its merits assuredly do not warrant. . . . 'i' who are 
 already acquainted with the luitureand the main facts of 
 a peculiarly disagreeable slander case which created much 
 scandal not very long ago will iiardlywish to refresh their 
 nicuuiry by reference to .Mr. Hatton's novel. Those who 
 are not acquainted with these facts will scarcelv care to 
 learn them m the form into which the author of 'Clytie' 
 has put thcm."--^'(^^ Kev., xxxviil. 'S. 
 12. The Queen of Bohemia: a Novel, Lon., 1877, 2 
 I vols. p. Svo. 13. Printing, ("British Manufacturing In- 
 I dustries;") 2d ed., Lon., 1877. p. Svo. 14. (Ed.) Not in 
 Society, by V. Morgan, and other '■'ales, by J. Hatton, 
 j Lon., 1877, 12iuo. 15. Cruel London : a Novel, Lon., 
 I 1878, 3 vols.; new ed., 1879, 1 vol. cr. Svo. 16. Three 
 j Recruits and the Girls they left behind them, Lim., 
 1880, 3 vols. p. Svo. 17. To-Day in America: Studies 
 I from the Old World and tho New, Lon., 18S1, 2 vols. 
 I p. Svo. 
 j " It is a weary book, a book which should not have been 
 I written; its conclusiiuis ring like the echoes of common- 
 ' place talk ; it tells us ncuhing new."— .8(i(. liev.. Hi. 58. 
 "The whole work is . . . brightly and lucidly written; 
 and thouirh a considerable iHirtion of the two .slender 
 volumes might have been oraltteo without depriving the 
 reader of anything really valuable, the digressions and 
 i ampiiflcations are harmless and entertaining."— .Si;cc(a(or, 
 ! Iv. 2-J. 
 j 18. Journalistic London: being a Series of Sketchea 
 of Famous Pens and Papers of the Day, Lon., 1SS2, Svo. 
 19. " The New Ceylon ;'* being a Sketch of British North 
 Borneo, or Sabah, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 20. A Modern 
 Ulysses, Lon., 1883, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 21. Henry Irving's 
 Impressions of America, narrated in a Series of Sketches, 
 Chronicles, and Conversations, Lon., 1884, 2 vols, cr. Svo ; 
 new ed. same year, 1 vol. 
 " In the five'hundred and seventy pages of Mr. Hatton's 
 two volumes a diligent search would perhaps reveal ten 
 pages which mijjht fairly be described as Jlr. Irving's im- 
 pressirus of America. 'Ihe remainder is the mo.'t hetero- 
 geneous collection that it lias over been our fortune to 
 meet in the shape of a book. . . . Mr. Hatton's descriptions 
 of places and incidents are often graphic and racy."— ftoec- 
 tator, Ivii. 955. 
 22. Behind a Mask : a Romance of Real Life, Lon., 
 1SS5, Svo. 23. John Ncedhaia's Double: a Story 
 founded on Fact, Lon., 1885, Svo. 24. The Old House 
 at Sandwich : the Story of a Ruined Home, as developeil 
 in the Strange Revelations of Hickory Miiynard, [a 
 novel,] Lon., 1886, 2 vols. or. Svo. Anon. 25. The Ly- 
 ceum " Faust," Illust. Lon., 1886, Ito. 20. The Gay 
 World, Lon., 1887, 3 vols. p. Svo. 27. The Park Lane 
 Mystery : a Story of Love and Magic, Bristol, 1887, 
 12mo. 28. The Abbey Murder, Lon., 1888, cr. Svo. 29. 
 Captured by Cannibals : S.iine Incidents in the Life of 
 Horace Durand. Illust. Li.n., 1888, Svo. 30. Remi- 
 niscences of J. L. Toole, the Comedian : related by 
 Himself and chronicled by Joseph Hatton. Illust. 
 Lon., 18C8, 2 vols, demy Svo. 
 "The greater part of the c(mtents are cast in the form 
 of conversations or intervicw.s, for the accuracy of which 
 Mr. 'roole has gone bail. . . . .Mr. Hatton hius fullllled his 
 peculiar and not very dignified tindertakiiig very credit- 
 ably. . . . He has put together in a reaclable form a great 
 mass of anecdotes- .someof them quite excellent— bearing 
 on the life of a popular actor on and off the .'^tiige; and he 
 has certainly contrived to give us . . . a clear notion of 
 the individuality of the central figure."— .8>('c(a/or, Ixi. 
 With Hahvkv, Rkv. Moses, Newfoundland: the Old- 
 est English Colony, Lon. and Bost., 1883, p. Svo. 
 ^_^' A most entertaining and useful book."— Spectator, Ivll. 
 "Good and interesting and thorough and well written." 
 —^at'un, xxxvii. 495. 
 Hatton, Mark. The Cruise of the "Humming- 
 Bird;" or. Notes near Home, Lon., 1864, p. Svo. (Short 
 stories of Irish life.) 
 Hatton, Murray Edward Gordon Finch-, 
 tweinh Earl of Winchilsea, b. 1851 , sucoee.lcd hi, 
 !hrNiie;"i.,',:;:i,«:^,';r'°" '""''■''"''' "' ^"''■"' ^- 
 Hatton, Thomas. 1. Water-Colour without a 
 Ma^tar Lon., looo, ini^ 4;o. 2. Hints for Slietching 
 Trees .roiii Niiture in Wator-Colours, I,„n IS-^? i, 
 8vo ; Amer. ed., Ironi Kith Lon. cU., by S. N. Ciirtcr,"l881!,' 
 „,,"»"""' ^*1\?'',' ."'"' »'««. Walter Edward. 
 aheClmrehesof Yorli.shire. Illust. Vol. i., Lon KSSt) 
 lt(.. (No more |nibli..heil.) ' ' 
 Hang, Martin, I'h.U., 1827-IS-8, b. at Ost.Iorf, 
 WiirtemoerR; edneatcj at TUbingen and Gottinj/en • 
 l,eeamo professor of Snn.l^rit ut i'uonah ISoU, and u 
 Alunich IHliH 1 Essay, on the Sacred L/inguage 
 Writings, and Religion of the P,.r.-ees, Bombay, 18^2 
 8v„; .id ed enl by E. W. We.t, with a u.e„,oi?'of the 
 author by E. 1>. Evans, Lon., MiHi. 
 • "Allw;hoare intorcsU'd In the .studvof ancient InnLMiai-c 
 and .ineient i-eliKimi will I„„li fbrwa'rd will e ■ -t S 
 I'^f.VetxW.'ll"'- """*-''' <'""ti"ued inve'stlgattons.'-- 
 2. Outline of a Grammar of the Zend Language, 
 ^;ta^;,'r^fo,^H:;. ^- ""'^^ "" '"« ^'""-' ^-'-«^ 
 18"'*"^SvJ""' '""• ^" " ^^'"t^hire Valley, Lon., 
 Uaugliton, Edward, >f.D. i. The Facts and 
 Fallac es of the Turkish-Da'th Questi,,,;, or! Wli, C 
 of Bath shall we have? Dublin, Istio.Svo! 2. On the 
 s'srsvo /tT'^H «»■"»", «at"« in England, Lon.! I 
 Lon. I8fil 8vo. f On the Ti.-ory of Vital Force; or ' 
 Ihe riue Basis of Medical Science, Dublin, 1802, 8vo | 
 , 2( ed., enl as -The Law, of Vital Force in Health and 
 Disease," L«„., l.Sfla. j. The Threefold xVatnreof Hea 
 and Disease ; or, The First Lines of Neurodynamic Me li 
 cine, Lon. 866, p 8vo. 6. Practical Biop.uhy ; or, T e 
 Liiws of Life, and the Art of Healing f 2d ed., Lon'! 
 Haughton, G. W. Free Salvation ; or, God's Gift 
 of the haviour, Lon., 187,1, ;i2ino 
 Haughton, Kcv. George Dunbar, graduated at 
 8 rrOn"i''''"' ?h'^"u-' ,'?-"' •=""'« »f Mottisfo^ 
 376. 1 On Sex in the World I Come: an Essay, Lon., 
 w:/8t;,°i2mo.""' ''"''''-''"' "' ^^^'"j"' [--.i 
 ^u?"",?*"""? ^"^"'r, ^'"' DeP'-ession of Agriculture : 
 with a Proposal lor its Remedy, Lon., 187«, 8vo 
 1817-1S87 b. in Dublin ; cnlcreu the Bengal army 18.i- ■ 
 served in the first Afghan war, and afterwards held civil 
 VZTrTc^, ^^''^-I'o-Kar.and Service there with he 
 Fourth (joorkha Regiment in 1841 : an Episode of the 
 l.rst Afghan War, 2d ed., Lon., 1879, 8vo 
 Haughton, Ptolemy. Hatred is akin to Love, 
 [a story,] Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. ' 
 Haughton, S. M. l. Precious Truths for Every 
 One, Lon 186,), 18mo; new ed., 18S7. 2. Faith and 
 what it does, N. York, 1870, 2Jmo. 3. A Sav our ?o 
 I ou: a Word to Every One, 3d ed., Lon., 1873, "21,10 
 u n ^fiJfJ""' ^'""''' ■"■' J«»"S Only, Lon., 1881 n' 
 Luigtsr.'r ''"''-'" ''"•• •'''^'-^- «-"'- 
 uated at Trinity College, Dublin, 1814, dained fsjc- 
 iro lessor of geology ii^Trinity College, Dublin, slice 
 ■on 1863 sir 1 "m "" ^''^r^."^ *'"'°"''''- Action, 
 i.on., jHOd, svo. 2. Manual of Gcoloirv l.nn in«-. 
 2,no; 2d ed., rev 1886. 3. NaturarSs^y' P Z.' 
 h.rly Explained, Lon., 1867, p. 8vo, new ed.', /s7o"'^4 
 Inivers.ty Education in Irefand, Lon., 1868 8vo, 5 
 Ihe Three Kingdoms of Nature. Illust. Lon., 869" 
 e!l lI 'ut"??' "f T'-l- i'"'! Tidal Curren"s,r,; 
 • I., Lon., 1(69, 12mo. 7. Principles of Animal Mo-, Lon 1873, 8vo; 2d ed. sa'me year. 8. Meinoi 
 L P M- """8^°" = "»h Extracts from his Priva r 
 and Published Letters. By bis Son. Dublin, 1877, p 
 I.SSO 8vo """" "" ^"y''"'" «c<'«'-''Phy, DubliS, 
 I i!!*"*,''"i"'„?'''o"'""«' "' "-e Blue Coat Hospital 
 to r„- v/; ^^^ Sovereigns of England, from E^be 
 to Queen Vlctorm, Lon., 1871; new ed., 1884, 12mo i 
 ■ I'on"^ ^^f-fl' "'"■ "''"""y' "f ""> «"««'' l8'">"I», 
 I Prin" iV""^' ^ .P""' '-'""• "• A Summary of the 
 I Principal Events in English lli.-ory, Lon., 1875, 12mo 
 4. A .Synopsis of the Principal Events in English Is-' 
 His'^rv""i'n"p'''7"'"-,. '■ -;'"'"°'y ^^-i^ - English 
 Tl « Sm , ,. i""''- '"■''' ^- I""'-. '871!, 12mo 6. 
 llie Student s .Summary of the Principal Evmts in 
 Lnglish H,.«to,y: with Xote.". Lon., 1,SS7 n. 8vo 
 i> V'"'l'"."V' "«•""• William, 1811..1S83, v'icar of 
 Barton Turf, Norfolk, tiom 18(1«. 'Tithe, Xati^n^r'w 
 * Lwi Uo "" ''"'^"^ '^'"'^ '■'"■ ""= ^""^l'"' I-""- 
 ; Haupt, Herman, [an(,., vol, i., add.] 1. .\ Con 
 Haupt, Herman, Jr., Ph.D., M.D., son of the 
 fslti'imo. ' '^■^■"""■■^"'"" ^^'"i»n"l I'^k" Phila." 
 burJ*P,?"' ''^'y'?, ^'"'"enbcrg, b. 1844, at Oettys. 
 the tr^ ^^- ? "^ '"■■;""" """P'- '"J"-"' graduated at 
 chil ,f; I '"P ""',''""■'' '^'''' '»''"""« professor of 
 cm and .ncchanical engineering in the University 
 aLlfW •')■""' n,"'^- ,'• Engineering Specification^ 
 Dr Hinl ,'• !""'•■ , ^^''^^■' ''^^S' Svo. 2. Working 
 llraHiiig : how to make and use them, Phila,, 1881 
 i-'hila IsT^"""'' ■ '''" ''^'""""^* ""'^ Instruments, 
 I ».'nJ^:i:k^^^rl^^2„^'° "'""" ■^-^ "^ ^'-•'"'' 
 ties •> by .1. Selden, Phila., 18,so, 12mo. ^ 
 Haiiteville, Mary de, I. (Trans.) The Little 
 i King, bv S. Bl„n,ly, 1S76, p. 8vo. 2. (l"rans.) Rarnbles 
 I in the New World, by Lucien Biart. Illust Lon.^Ts 7 
 Ilu^r^Vor^'- «,'?"''•' 7r ^"""''»- ^y ''-ei-n Biart 
 C liarLr. ?■' T-y- '"'."»• •*• '1'™"'-) The.Sernent- 
 Yo?k iS Q «'" "'" ^fr"'' "f ^- """"'elet. must'. N. 
 V:rt,'f883,';;"8vo' '"^'"""^ '^'''=«"™ K-^y-by Jules 
 na"r,'sn^.n:,*'l°8S'p. IT'"' """"""' = ''"" °"^'- 
 Ha velock. Allen. See 
 a. ' rr8"'8 m"- VT' (^I-^'.^y*) [""'^ vol. i., 
 Ti " '»-»-18b.S. 1. Loss and Ga n ; or, Maritarft'a 
 "r- ^- Wh- ''.r- . '■ ^.""'"'y "' Oatlar'ds N.Tork 
 S.n 7 9 '>f« here's a Will there's a Way N. Yorit 
 York ', ouio *r ^^ ^"^ "''"^' '"'^' »"'^^ S'torie,, N 
 lork, lOmo 0. Cousin a. ice: a Memoir of AMct- B 
 "er'di'ar^-^^ "«"'«'''.' '«""°' '^'"'•'"- P"-g- 'Vom 
 York 1867 iL. "t l\eP»rt : Lessons for Le-t, N. 
 I2°no. ' ^- """* ^'''"'='' N- York, 1869, 
 or"v"o'"'2' a'"I''* • '• 'V^"'^go-- » Novel, Lon., 1881, 
 1882 e'r. 8vo ^""'"'""' ^"^"""i'' "■"! «'!'">• Tales' Lon., 
 .n'^^iy^r"'.*^'""** Pfactici'I Phonography : adapted 
 1883, 8vo" ■"""'"-'" ""'' ^"'''""' ""J '^"''«8es, Phlia!! 
 Haven, Rev. Erastus Otis, D.D., LT, d t,n,ie 
 N feTM^^""" T\, '• K'"''"'-ic: aTcxt-Book, 
 «. loik, 1869, I2mo. 2. Th^ National Hand-Book of 
 American Progress, N.York, 1876, 12mo. 3. Aut Xiog. 
 £v' r'^'k B : r '•' ^^f^v^tratton : with an Introductio^n 
 oy J. M. Buckley. N. York, 1883, 12mo 
 rf.„ J^"' '*'•'';• *'«"'»ert, 1821-1880, b. at Mai- 
 den. Mass., graduated at Weshyan fniversity 1846' 
 is" an.^w'"""''^ "^''f New England CoLrence 
 iSol, and was pastor of churches in Massachusetts; in 
 1867 he became editor of 'iion's Herald and pastor of a 
 bis" on ha in 'T- "t '"/'". r' '''"""^'^ ""^ ""'-"«" 
 bishop, having h,s residence at Atlanta, Ga. 1. 
 its JustL''rn„"'.'"li"" V^" M«">odist Episcopal Church: 
 PilS Wall f ?'"''«»''?' B»^'- I««4. 12io. 2. The 
 Iilgrims Wallet, or. Scraps of Travel in Eneland 
 lermol''"'^"''""""^^^- ^'"''' "«», l«mo. 3. n"1 onai 
 f! 1 n \v ^"™""'' Speeches, and Letters nn S!av"ry 
 ophv and" Th '",'•' ""a' T '™- '■ ^'^iies in Philos^ 
 7.1 n v^-^Ll^^' Andover, 1869, 12mo. 5. Our 
 fnd IMust' N^ y"V 7«-^ ^'""'^^ '" Mexico. Map 
 T„o„A» F iU- r\ '"^' *"■ 8V0. With RUSSBLL, 
 Haven, Rev. Joseph, D.D., LL.D., [a,„e. vol. i , 
 V '4 
 add.,] 1816-1871, b. nt Dennis, Mn.«9. ; grndimtcd at I Edited by C. Bullock. Lon,, 1883, l«mo. 31. Letteri, 
 Amlierst ls:i5, and at Andover TheologionI Seminary | Edited by her Slater. M. V. G. II. Un., 1S8,*), p. 8vo. 
 '""" was pastor of ii chu.oh in Hroi)kline, Ma»8., and i 32. Snngs of the Mn«ter'.s Love, Lon., 18S5, 4lo. ,S3. 
 editor of the Congregatioiialist in lS46-3(lj professor of 
 mental and moral piiilosophy at Amber."t lM5l)-J8; of 
 systematio tiieology in tlie CliiuagoTlieologiual Seminary 
 IH.VS-Td i in I87.'t beuunio acting professor of mental and 
 moral philosopliy in the Chicago University. I. Moral 
 Philosophy : including Theoretical and Practical Ethics, 
 Bost., 1861), 12mo. 2. Studies in Philosophy and Theol- 
 ogy, Andover, 1869. 3. History of Ancient and Moilern 
 Philosophy, N. York, 12mo. 4. Systematic Theology, 
 Bost., 1875. 
 Hnven, Samuel Forstcr, 18U8-1SSI, b. at Ded- 
 hani, Mass. ; graduate! at Amherst in 1820; became a 
 lawyer, ami was librarian for many years of the Ameri- 
 can Antiquarian Socictv, Worcester, Mass. Archieology 
 of the United States, Wash., is.ia, 4to. 
 Hnverlield, Mrs. Kliia W. Enlightened Women, 
 Chic, IS82, 12mo. 
 HaverHeld, Thomas Tiinstall, B D., [unte, vol. 
 i.,add.,] 179S-186I!, graduated at Corpus Christ! College, 
 Oxford, 1807; rector of (lodington from 1826. 1. 
 Charles Koussell; or, Imlustry am! Honesty. Adapted 
 from the French of J. J. Porchat. [,on., 1833, ISnio. 
 2. The Fugitives of the Cevennes Mountiins. Adapted 
 from the French of J. J. Porchat. Lon., 1860, p. 8vo. 
 3. The Old Oak Farm, and what of its Sunday 
 Work. Illust. Lon., 1869, ;2mo; now ed., 1883. 4. 
 Kindness and Fidelity. Adapted frjm the French of 
 J. J. Porcluit. Lon., 'lS74, p. 8vo. 
 Havergal, Cecilia. 1. From Morn till Eve. Il- 
 luminated by M. A. C. Lon., 1886, 32mo. 2. Wayside 
 ■Pearls. Illuminated by A. Uanslip. Lon., 1887, sq. 
 16mo. 3. Untold Mercies : Selection of Poems, Lon., 
 1888, sq. 16ino. With Smith, J. 1).. Everlasting Love : 
 Selection of Poems, Lon., 1888, 4to. With others: 1. 
 Fulness of Joy; now ed., Lon., 1887, sq. lOmo. 2. 
 Serving the King: Poems, Lon.. 1888, [6mo. 
 Havergal, Frances Kidley, 1836-1879, daugh- 
 ter of Kev. William Henry Havergal, iii/ni; was born 
 at the rectory or Astley, Worcestershire, and educated 
 partly at the Luisensohule in Uiisseldorf. She had 
 begun at the age of seven to write hymns and letters in 
 verse, but published nothing till 1860, when she began 
 to contribute to Good Words. She was a musician, and 
 composed the music for several of her hymns. 1. The 
 Ministry of Song: a Book of Sacred Poetry; 2d ed., 
 Lon., 1871, p. 8vo; oth ed., 1874. 2. Bruey : a Little \ 
 Worker for Christ, Lon., 1872; new ed., 18811, cr. 8vo. ' 
 3. The Four Happy Days, Lon., 1873, 16mo; l.ith thou- 
 sand, 1883. 4. Under the Surface, Ao.: Poems, Lon., ' 
 1874, or. 8vo. 5. Morning Bells ; or. Waking Thoughts f 
 for the Little Ones, Lon., 1874, 32mo. 6. Little Pillows; j 
 or, Good-Night Thoughts for the Little Ones, Lon., 1874, ' 
 32mo. 7. Our Work and our Blessings, Lon., 187t), 
 24mo. 8. Koyal Commandments; or, Morning Thoughts i 
 for the King's Servants, Lon., 1877, 18mo. 9. Royal j 
 Bounty; or. Evening Thoughts for the King's Guests, 1 
 Lon., 1877, 18mo. 10. My King; or. Daily Thoughts i 
 for the King's Children ; new ed., Lon., 1877, 18mo. 11. 
 The Royal Invitation ; or, Daily Thoughts on the Coming 
 to Christ, Lon., 1878, 18mo. 12. Loyal Responses; or, 
 Daily .Melodies for the King's Minstrels. Lon., 1878, 
 18um. 13. Morning Stars ; or. Names of Christ for his 
 Little Onts, Lon., 1879, 32. o. 14. Rcd-Letter Days: 
 Register of Anniversaries and Birthdays ; 2d ed., Lon., 
 1879, 32mo. 15. Royal Grace and Loyal Gifts, Lon., 
 1879, vols. 18mo. 10. Under his Shadow: the Last 
 Poems of F. R. Havergal, Lon., 1879, 32mo. 17. Kept 
 for the Master's Use, Lon., 1879, ISmo. 18. Echoes from 
 the Word, for the Christian Year, Lon., 1879. 32mo. lit. 
 Songs of Peace and Joy; 2d ed,, Lon., 1879, 4to. 20. 
 Life-Chords. Illust. Lon., 1880, p. 8vo. 21. My Bible 
 Study for the Sundays of the Year, Lon., 1880, sq. 18mo ; 
 new ed., 1886. 22. Specimen Glasses for the' Kings 
 Minstrels, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 23. Daily Text-Book: 
 Scripture and Verses, Lon., 18S1, 32mo. 24. Starlight 
 through the Shailows, and other (Jleams from the King's 
 Word, Lon., 1881, 16mo. 26. Messages for Life's Jour- 
 Treasure-Trove: Extracted from Unpublished Letters 
 and Bible Notes, Lon., 1S86. lllmo. 
 " In her poetical work there Is a lack of concentration, 
 and a tendency to nioanlngless repetition of phrase, but 
 sipnie of her liymiis are excelluiit. ami will pernmiieiuly 
 preserve her ni\me."—Dict. nj yitl. Wiiij., xxv. 180. 
 Havergal, Kev. FruiiciH 'I'ebbg, M.A., D.D., 
 1829-1890, son of Rev. W. 11. Havergal, iiifm ; gradu- 
 ated at New College, Oxford, 1852: ordained 1852; 
 sub-treasurer of Hereford Cathedral 1866; chaplain to 
 the Bishop of Hereford 1.M73; vicar of Upton-Bishop 
 from 1874; prebendary of Colwall, in Hereford Cathe- 
 driiJ, from 1877. 1. The Visitors' Hand-Guiile to the 
 Cathedral Church of St. Mury and St. Ethelbert. Here- 
 ford : 3a ed., Hereford, 1869, 12ino; 6th ed., 1882. 2. 
 Fasti Hcrefordensos, and other Antiquarian Memorials 
 of Hereford. Illust. Edin., 1889, 4to. 3. Hereford 
 Mappa Mundi, 1872. 4. Monumental Inscriptions in 
 the Cathedral Church of Hereford. Illust. Lon., 18s|, 
 4to. 5. Records, Historical and Antiquarian, of the 
 Parish of Upton-Iiishop, Herefordshire, Walsall, 1883, 
 4to. 6. Description of the Ancient Glass in Credenhill 
 Chureh, Herefordshire, representing Thomas H Becket 
 and St. Thomas de Cantelupe, Bishop of Hereford : 
 together with a Dcsoription of Credenhill Camp, ami a 
 General View of the Roman Stations in the County, 
 Walsall, 1884, 4to and fol. 7. Ancient Glass at Brinsop, 
 1886. 8. Herefordshire Words and Phrases, Cclloquial 
 and Archaic, Walsall, 1887, 4to. 
 Havergal, Maria Vernon Graham, d. 1887, 
 daughter of Rev. W. H. Havergal. uij'rii. 1. Pleasant 
 Truths from the Cottage and the Class, Lon., 1870, 
 12uio. 2. Frances Ridley Havergal: the Last Week, 
 Lon., IK79, I6mo. 3. Memorials of Frances Ridley 
 Havergal, Lon., 1880, p. 8vo. 4. Outlines of the Gentle 
 Life; a Memorial Sketch of Ellen P. Shiiw. Edited by 
 her Sist'.r, M. V. G. Havergal. Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. 5. 
 Cripple Joseph: a Story of Grace, Lon., 1887, 12nio. 
 6. Autobiography and other Memorials. Edited by her 
 sister. Mi . Jane .Miriam Crane. Lon., 1887, or. 8vo. 
 Havergal, Kev. William Henry, M.A., 179.!- 
 1870. b. at Chipping Wycombe, Buckini;hamshire; grad- 
 uated ut St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford, 1816; ordained 
 1816; rector of .^stley, Worcestershire, 1829-45, and of 
 St. Nicholas, Worcester, 184£-60; vicar of Sharcshill 
 from I860; honorary canon of Worcester Cathedral. For 
 biog., see Bii.lock, (.'.., aujirn. I. Sermons: chiefly on 
 Historicol Subjects from the Old and New Testament, 
 Lon., 185.3, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 2. A History of the Old 
 Hundredth Psalm Tune : with Prefatory Note by Rev. 
 J. M. Wainwright. Bost., 18i4. 3. A Wise and Hidy 
 Child: an Account of Elizabeth Edwards, Lon., IS56, 
 12mo. 4. Six Lectures on the Ark of the Covenant, 
 Lon., 1868, p. 8vo. 5. Pyruiont : an Eligible Place for 
 English Patients ; 2d ed., Lon., 1871, 8vo. Also, many 
 mu^ii il compositions. 
 Hiivers, Alice. Bumblebee Bogo'a Budget : by a 
 Retired Judge, N. York, 1887, l2mo. 
 Havers, Dora. See Boulgkh, Doha. 
 Haverty, Martin, 1809-1887, b. in County Mayo, 
 Ireland; educated at the Irish College in Paris; was 
 connected with the staff of the Freeman's Journal 1836- 
 50, and was afterwariis sub-librarian of the King's Inns, 
 Dublin. 1. Wanderings in Sjiain in 1843, Lon., 1844, 2 
 vols. 12mo. 2. The History of Ireland, Ancient and 
 Modern, Dublin, I860, 8vo; 2d ed., enl., 1885. 
 Haviland, Alfred. 1. Climate, Weather, and Dis- 
 ease: being a Sketch of the Opinions of the Most Cele- 
 brntcd Ancient and Modern Writers with Regard to the 
 Influence of Climate and Weather in producing Disease, 
 Lincoln, 1855, p. Svo. 2. "Hurried to Death;" or, A 
 Few Words of Advice on the Danger of Hurry and Ex- 
 citement : especially .ddressed to Railway Travellers, 
 Lon., 1868, 8vo. 3. .oarborough as a Health-Resort, 
 Lon., 1884, Svo. Also, single lectures, kc. 
 Haviland, E. W. A Table of Cases aflirmed, re- 
 versed, modified, overruled, or otherwise criticised and 
 ney. Edit. 1 and arranged by Jane Peck, Lon., 1881, I cited in All the Reports of the State of New York from 
 32mo. 26. Poetical W,)rks, Lon., 1881, 3 .ols. 32mo. | 1880 to 1887, Rochester, N.Y., 1887, 2 vols. Svo 
 Cran« '1^ 'T««I"'''^'J''"" ''°'''", fi'^^'^^L^-^^' Huviland, Laura S. A Woman's Life-Work 
 trane. Loi.., 1881, p. 8vo; new ed., 1883. 28. Ben " ' 
 Bright- Boot ■, and other True Stories, Hymns, and Music, 
 Lon,, 1883, 12mo. 29. Lilies and Shamrocks, Lon 
 1883, sq. 16mo. 30. Footprints, and 
 S. \ Womon's 
 Labors and Exjiericnees of L. S. Haviland, Cin., 
 12nio; new ed., 1887. 
 , . . Haw, William. Fifteen \' ears in Canada : 
 Living Songs." a Series of Letters, Edin., 1850, Svo. 
 Hawe.s, Uev. Hugh U^gina.'; X„ b. ,«;,,, 
 linn i.f miiui.. ...1.1. ' ""."-'"uomto aiiilysLs of tile eoiiiiee 
 "■•^XC, I2nio. ^''^U'^ng-'urisdietion, San Fran., 
 i«g"?Mr«Vl*J;iM2,n?""'" "^ ^'''"^'' States Survey- 
 int'^^^-'r^l/.^t'i^-fro^ Captive Boys 
 Wawfs, ilev. Joel, n n' r - 
 7. Current Coin, Lon l,S7« „ o., ,., 
 Arrows in the Air, L?„ 1,7^;?°^ ^"^''^ ''"^SI. 8. 
 '.'. Poet3 in the P^lnUrl,.!!'.'.^ ^■°! *}^ «'I., 1881 
 Jeleginph Code, Lon., 18SS, ;i2nio 
 •hough it turneVonfdow":!..^:^:"' ^:':.l 'f-r-D««", 
 I'"n., lS,i7, 8vo. 
 e." —Spectator, Ivii. an 
 Library,) Lon":, 1886, IsL'^ 'i '^r''™', ' ""'"^ (World 
 stone, Lon., 1SS6, L Zm 1 « ''/ '^''^P,'"- ''^^'"2- 
 ( World Library,) Lo,? ,""«;,. ir "^''^ ,'^1^ U'lHaJ^ 
 of E. A. Poe : Seleoted, Lon '^islT-J^- "^^^ ^ales 
 Lon. 188.t ^^;"• {•li"'"'',-'""' '■""« "f Sorip..,,,.; 
 Ho...i, ' « •*'*"' 'ngle sermons, Ac. 
 gaired the Nei^di" f f' /' ';, O^'-A ''here ho 
 ompen, and graduated i'n 1828 i; „e,| ^8.,?"""' "" 
 of A.or>,v, Cornwall, fr„n.J88':""]i^ ir^;i^-f 
 u..Uer of Tho„,„s I SS ^fr t J^''^^'^;^ "^'p:;ii^"o^. Cornish 
 ., , . »•) ■^■^t. UIM I.I), 15. B.vniNG-, 
 »Srove,joy, a we -known l<'n,/M,.|. .• . J-nomas ; oaijad. For bioi: «c,. (:,„.,„ a ,?"" o'-- Oornish 
 .0/ Beauty. I, t' rZ' ^V.'i '.'''' "»• 2. The Reeords of C7^.J^^!"'''>^J^^ ^^'^^'"a Series of 
 Art of Heautv. 
 thaucer's Reads : 
 Poem. Cl'anrth;Fim. ExeteT'l8"flVu ^""i^"'" = » 
 P-ted. ,N„ morepailistir'/r^'hrdorn^ita^ 
 lails, anil other Poems: including a Second Edition of 
 "The liuest of the Siingi-niil," hon., IH89, fp. Nvo; new 
 C(l., 1884. 
 ■■f'liiitemplatldn of imtiiri', iind un car allvt to lotieiul 
 and tnidilloii, have aiman-iitly litu-d tiiiii to bo tlu; hatlad- 
 ist of ('nriiwall. . . . lliicl liiMmim.Mii'.d all local data lii'un 
 waiilliit!. . • ■ «'!' ^llollld have known the aiillior lor one 
 who dwelt where roek aiLiI river, liosky eonilie, and rnde, 
 wild oi'ean are not far apart, in a laml lull of ani'ient 
 towers and shrines, cairns, holy wells, anil the like, tlie 
 nurses of [Mietic I'aiicy."— ."hi/. liti;, xxvii. liis. 
 1.'). Footprints of Korinor .Men in l'"ar Cornwall,, 
 IS70, p. Svo. 15. Poolical Works: now first Collected 
 and Arranged, with a Prefatory Notice, by J. (1. Uodwin, 
 ].on.. I871t, p. 8vo. 
 "Welcome as a presentation of nuieh reniarkahic work 
 which was formerly oidy to he K'ot liinether witli consider- 
 alile pains and tronhle. "—.!(/;., No. -'(WH. 
 Iluwkes, (ieorgc. The Publican's Ouidu for 
 redueinj; .Spirits from Five to One Hundred Ciallons, 
 Lon., 18118, Svo. 
 Ilnwkes, Ilev. Ileiiry. 1. Tlie Passover Moon ; 
 2il ed., Ijon., 1878, IL'nio. 2. A Service for coninicmo- 
 rating tlio Anniversary of Our Saviour's In.-tituting the 
 Lord's .Supper, l,on., 18SI), p. Svo. :i. An lOvening .Ser- 
 vice I'or solemnizing tlie Lord's Supper, Lon., 18S2, cr. 
 Svo. 4. Uecollections of T„li!i Pounds, Lon.. 1SS4, p. Svo. 
 Ilawkcs, John. I. A Steam Trip to the Tropics; 
 or, A Description of a Visit to tlie West Indies: in- 
 cluding Part of Central and South .\iuerica, Lon., 1804, 
 p. Svo. 2. On theOeneral Management of I'uhiio Lunatic 
 Asylums in lingland and Wales, Lon., 1871, Svo. 
 Hawkes, Alervyii L, A Primrose Uamo: the 
 Story of tlie Election, Uristol, 18811, l2mo. t 
 Hnwkuy, C. The Shakespeare Tapestry woven in 
 English Verse, Edin., 1880, er. Svo; new ed., 1881. 
 Mnwkings, James. The 'Tradesman's (iuidc to 
 Superlicial .Measurement, Lon., IS54, l2iuo ; :iil eil., 1884. 
 Hawkins, A. E. Poems, Lon., isiiy, l2iuo. 
 Hawkins, Ilenjainin Waterhouse, F.L.S.,, b. 1807, in London; was a |iupil in art of the 
 late W. liehnes, the Englisli sculptor, bi;t has devoted 
 himself to natural history, and especially to geology and 
 paliBontology. In 1852 ho was appointed by the Crystal 
 Palace Company to make the life-size models of ctdnct 
 animals, many of them of colossal proportions, e.xhibited 
 at that institution. In ISrtS he visited New York and 
 lectured on scientific subjects a ""> Cooper llr.ion. He 
 was afterwards employed in that cicy in m.iking models 
 of extinct animals for Central Park. 1. 'The Science of 
 Drawing Simplified, Lon., 1841!, Svo. 2. A Comparative 
 View of the Human and .Animal Frame, Lon., 1860, fol. 
 3. The Artistic Anatomy of the Horse. Illct. Lon., 
 1865, Svo. 4. 'The Artistic Anatomy of Cattle and 
 Sheep. Illust. Lon., 1867, l2ino. a. The Artistic 
 Anatomy of the Dog and Deer, Lon., 1376, 12mo. 6. 
 Comparative Anatomy, as applied to Purposes of Artists, 
 Lon., 1883, 12mo. 
 Hawkins, Ciesar Henry, M.U.C.S., F.R.S., 1793 
 -IS84, b. at Bisley, Gloucestershire; surgeon to St. 
 George's Hospital 182y-61 ; sergeant-surgeon to the 
 queen from 1862; president of the Royal College of 
 Surgeons 1852 and I86I. 1. The Hunterian Oration, 
 Lon., 1849, Svo. 2. The Hunterian Oration, Presidential 
 Addresses, and Pathological and Surgical Writings, Lon., 
 1874, 2 vols. Svo. Printed for private circulation. 
 Hawkins, Itev. Charles Halford, M.A., grad- 
 uated at St. John's College, Cambridge. 1861 ; ordained 
 1862; assistant master and chaplain in Winchester Col- 
 lege. (Ed.) Noctes Shak.speriana> : a Series of Papers, 
 Winchester, 1887, Svo. (Contains thirteen essays by 
 nieinbers of the Winchester College Shaksperc Society.) 
 " Tlie reader will tind in all the papers facts and sugges- 
 tions that will well repay him for his labour."— .Spccra/or. 
 irl. ■.1)6. ' 
 tl" tvkins, Daisy Waterhouss. Old Point-Lace: 
 lo ■ • . copy and imitate it. Illust. Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 
 Hawkins, Dexter Arnold, 1825-1S86, b. at 
 Camden, Me. ; graduated at Bowdoin in 1S48- studied 
 law ot Harvard, and at the Eoole|des Droits, Pari-s, France; 
 travelled for two years under a commission from the 
 governor of Maine, to examine European methods of 
 instruction, and in 1854 began the practice of law in 
 New York City. 1. Traditions of Ovcrlooii Mountain, 
 1373. 2. Education the Need of the South: an Address, 
 1875. 3. Archbishop Purcell Outdone! The Roman 
 Catholic Church in New York City, and Public Lond 
 and Public Money, N. York, 1880, Svo. Also, numerous 
 addresses, &e, 
 Hawkins, Edward, F.R.S., F.S.A., F.L.S., [ante, 
 vol. i., aildt] 1180-1867, b. at Maecleslleld, Eng. ; 
 keeper of anticiuities in the Uritish Museum 1826-60. 
 •Modallio Illustrations of the History of (Ireat Drilain 
 and Ireland to tlie Death of George II. Compiled by 
 the Late Edward Hawkins, F.R.S., and edited by Au- 
 gustus W. Franks, F.R.S., and Herbert A. (Irucber. 
 Printed by Order of the Trustees of the Uritish .Museum. 
 Lon., 1S85, 2 vols. Svo. 
 " We have heartily to coinnienil this work— which Is 
 obviously destined to boa stanilaril one— to the attention 
 id' nuinismallstsand historical Ktndcnt.s."— /l"i., No. 3017. 
 HawkinK, Ilev. Edward, D.D.,[oiiti'. vol.i.add.,] 
 17S1I-ISS2, b. at Dath ; graduated, double first class, at 
 St. John's College, Oxford, Isll; vicar of St. .Mary's, 
 Oxford. 1823-28; provost of Oriel College, rector of 
 Purleigh, and canon of Rochester, from 1828; Ireland 
 professor of exegesis 1847-61. I. Notes upon Subsci'ip- 
 tion, Academical and Clerical, Oxf., 1864, Svo. 2. Ad- 
 ditional Notes on Subscription, Oxf., 1S66, Svo. 3. 
 Considerations upon the Alhanasian Creed and the Pro- 
 posed Synodical Declaration : with a Sujiplenicnt and 
 Appendix, Lon., 1874, Svo. 4. Notes on Church and 
 Stale, Lon., 1874, Svo. 5. Additional Notes on Church 
 and Slate, Lor 1877, Svo. Also, single sermons, Ac. 
 Hawkins, Kcv. Edward, graduated at Corpus 
 Christi College, Cambridge, 1S4S; ordained ISJO; vicar 
 of Walton, diocese of Carlisle, from IS75. Notes on the 
 Greek Testament, IS.'il. 
 Hawkins, Kev. Edwards Comerrord, M.A., 
 graduated at Exeter College. Oxford, 1840; ordaine.1 
 1S54; head-master of St. John's Foiimlation School, 
 Lcathcrhcad, 1861-83; vicar of St. Bride's, London, 
 since 1 883. Spirit and Form: Sermons ]ircach(d nt 
 Lcathcrhcad, Lon., 1881. p. Svo. « 
 Hawkins, Kev. Ernest, G.D., [miir, vol. i.. add.,] 
 1802-1S6S, b. at Lawrence End, Herffordshire; graduated 
 at Balliol College, Oxford, 1824 : secretary of the Society 
 for the Propagation of the Gospel 1843-64, and from 
 then canon of Westminster. 1. The Book of Psalms: 
 with Notes. Lon., Is.')7, 12nio; new ed., 1S6S. 2. Sick- 
 lied Services, coni|iiled from the Holy Scriptures and the 
 Book of Common Prayer: Willi a Selection of Hymns, 
 Lon.. 1867. Svo; new ed., 1886. 
 Hawkins, Francis Vaugban, M.A., b. 1S33; 
 educated at Trinity College, Cambridge; called to the 
 bar at Lincoln's Inn 1856. 1. A Concise Treatise on the 
 Construction of Wills, Lon., 1S63, Svo 2. Optional Mo- 
 bilization of Land : a Scheme for Simplifying Title and 
 Land Tronsfer, Lon.. 1869, Svo. 
 Hawkins, Frederick W., b. 1849; a London 
 journalist; cdilor in 1877-79 of The Theatre, and mem- 
 ber of the editorial staff of the London Times. 1. The 
 Life of Edmund Kean ; from Published and Original 
 Sources, Lon., 1869, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "Our hopes have been completely disappointed by Mr. 
 Hawkins's volumes. With the excejilioii olu few particu- 
 lars of Kean's illness. . . . the 810 pages we have waded 
 throneh have told us nothing that we knew not before we 
 read tnem ; have Kcnerally ' marred a curious tale in the 
 telling,' have thrust improbabilities upon lis. have per- 
 verted facts, have exhibited ignorant prejudices to an 
 amount we hatl fondly believed inipo&sible."— Su(. Hev., 
 xxvii. 782. 
 2. Annals of the French Stage, from its Origin to the 
 Death of Racine, Lon., 1884, 3 vols. Svo; new ed., 1885, 
 2 vols. 3. The French Stage in the Eighteenth Century : 
 with Portraits, Lon., 18S8. 2 vols. Svo. 
 " His book is trustworthy, readable, and entertaining. 
 . . . Highly interesting chapters upon Voltaire and upon 
 lieauinarchais include .some late discoveries with regard 
 to those authors."— J//i., No. 3172. 
 Hawkins, Rev. Henry, M.A., graduated at Exe- 
 ter College, Oxford, 1848; ordained 1S49; chaplain of 
 Middlesex County A.«ylum, Colney-Hatch, from 1867. 
 1. "Work in the Wards," by Asylum Attendants, Lon., 
 1874, Svo. 2. A Friendly Talk with a New Patient, 
 Lon., 1878, Svo. 3. "Time tryeth Troth ;" " A Friend 
 and Companion never meet amiss ;" " Visiting Day at 
 the Asylum," Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 Hawkins, I. (Trans.) On the Teelh of Wheels, 
 by M. Camus ; 3d ed., Lon., 1868, Svo. 
 Hawkins, J. Louisiana Supreme Court Reports, 
 vols, .xix.-xxiv., (1867-72.) I'ub. by the State. laflS- 
 72, 6 vols. Svo. 
 Hawkins, James. 1. The Physical, Moral, and 
 Intellectual Constitution of the Deaf and Dumb : with 
 some Practical Remarks concerning- their Education, 
 Lon., 1863, p. Svo. 2. On the Desirability of National 
 HawkiiiN, nev. James, simrt Vi,,.. i ' 
 Illui-t. Lon., I,ss6, or. 
 :"'Do HyJ. K:'ii."-'i,,r„;;'i'8f8,:i2>no 5 
 on the fiihernncle of Israel, r,„„„ l,;,s:i i"„,o 
 S •;: sia-K ~? Si 
 "I-:, their I-nnte,.., X. York a„,l S,' Is^'," 'o ^ ^^""-'■^„tury^,r..sjj;'"^'l^ H^;!;^^ '- ? "^ -iy „f. 
 (Ihis artido IS nniinly taken «,, with a .le^nco of Vr 
 {Ies.el,s_s work on Uutenberg agaiLt the at,ietu"e: o"f ll'r. , 
 fla»ykins, Thomas, F.R.G s isin is«o i 
 l-ight of the S,Tii,tMr,..,f, 1 •.•■.""*''''*'''''' '" "'« 
 --.1 Taste, X ITkH-V ■';•'" ^■'^Vfji'-'"'.''^, an,l „f 
 F"ith; or, A t ele ,f' n i- •' "'"• ^- "■« •^'"'•■I'l "f 
 s.a srSsHS'^-K- L„n., |sr,s, svo 
 I'rotits made b^ many Ketail 
 t Inion The io.':i?„1"s, :':""'",'!'"« ^^'Megc 1840, an,l 
 Lon IS44^ Svo. «. Victorian"vj;^;; 'L^'^/s^s'tl 
 National FreoJman I8.L«8, Vn h ,; b™n'en ,'•' 
 *"nestie missions. 1. Life of Vol n iF w "^f "?' '" 
 H".«t., IStio, ]2n,o. - lunlri I ' ^- """kins, 
 ilelper fronl Xorth Caroli 'rB s ' IS^'^:^' '^.;'"''- 
 Ilaivks, Rev. Francis listed, D D r r n 
 lina:\ith CrL'^i 'r^?."",. '•."'^""7 "f North Caro' 
 R<nai F,ri^;:'ron.,7i!;,"rC ''''°'*' -'"■'"'"' °f "">^'Vo^k'.'THS^" i'.r^ "' '"^"^ ^^^''""- '" 
 Ilawley, Giles P. " ' 
 Chic., 1.S7S-82, ,•! vol.s Svo 
 ^^sty Qneen Vie^ria on'her sliti^^^i^,.!];! j^; 
 lina: ,vith"Ma;,7an"d nhl'^rn',- ""'""J; "^ N"--"' Caro- ! and Sinmr's Cim!?!".' **: „I>i8''«"'f Nevada Lporla, 
 -h.. P. ..r T ;;"'' Ill»«trat.ons: vol. ii.. Embracing ' Cases, .torSan^W H'i'^M"'"'''' = '""' "^ Table of 
 I.o„ .'*;S83!avo,l^;.'^vo. '""■■ " •'"""^ «""'"">'«. 
 "r mv Children 1«J7 .J A.. 1; „„,-:''•?*''• -!• Puemi 
 espeare. 1887. 
 n-::j^r';^!'°-'n.!- !*;,«•''' <^-"''-) «- Ho.,.0. 
 Phifa^LSHTimo^'*""- """'^ "^ Remarkable Birds, 
 EMiV"r'?"!"r' *^'""'''" <''^«"''-) See Carles. 
 ol^T\lT,^;i„^?.?.'«« ?'"••'«. M,D. 1. A New 
 Hawthorne, Julian, i). IS|8, in Boston, Mass.; I nyrnei., N. York, IS88, Kliiio, 30. Sinfirei fnlsol Duugliii 
 son ()1 Nathunicl Hftwllioriif, iu/n, ; went to i;uro|ni , buiini', by IMgiir Fiiwictt, I'lillii., 1888, U'mo. 
 with hi« imrenta in Is.,;), an<l alter their return entered 
 Harvuril in 18(1:), but ill. 1 not Kriiduate, lie bexan the 
 stncly of eivil engiiieerinj; iit tlio Lawreiiee SeientiHo 
 School of liurviird, iind was a ctuilenl in Dresden, (Jer- 
 inany, in 18fi8-ru. From \x-» to 1872 he wan employed 
 M 11 hydrugrapliio engineer in tlie department ot dockn 
 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, [mite, vol. I., add.,] 
 18l)|-|Hi)4. In 1m;,7, alter retirinx from the con»nl»liip 
 at Liverpool, Hawthorne travelled on the Continent, 
 making a lonK "tay in Italy, lie returned to Kngland 
 in 1851), and in 18til (18H()?) to .\meriua, wher<' he again 
 took up his residence at C(]ncord. He ilioil at I'lyiuouth, 
 in Now Y..rk. In 187:' he went abroad, spent two years j N.ll., while on a trip to the White Mountains wit 
 in Dresden, ami from 1871 till 1881 re.^idcd in London, 
 where he was for two years on the staff of the .Spcctiitor 
 and eontril>uled to reviews and magazines. In I88:i he 
 returned to New York. I. Urcasant : a llomanee, Lon., 
 187:t, 2 vols, p 8vo. 
 "Wr aruKlail to find that Mr. Julian Hawthorne's first 
 work i.iisasutlleient (■liara<'ti'rof Its own tr> uuirk It oil' 
 from lliii writings of that nio>t orlsitnil of \mericaii au- 
 thors, his lather. . . . While wu I'roelv coneude great merit 
 to ' llre.ssanl,' we nin^tal thi'same linie admit that its faults 
 arc still greater. 'Ihe aiiniiruble 
 ume is not fullilled in the seeond.''— .S«/. A'ee., xxxv. STil. 
 1.'. Idolatry: a Konnmce. Lon., 1871, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 '•That the yimnger Hawthorne Is gifted with a power 
 which, Judged liy the standanl of ordinary novels, is great, 
 cannot he ilouhted. Nor can it be (loubled that hu has 
 misused that power."— .sVi/. Itci:, .xxxvlU. .'ilo. 
 .'t. Saxon Studios, Lon., 18711, p. 8vo. 
 '"Saxoij .'-itudlcs' are Just one string of lm|icrtlnences, 
 four hundred pages long, against the people who, with 
 greater kindness than wisdom, allowed the author to live 
 among them for some years."— .S(i(. J/a:, \\i. 780. 
 " It Is hardly to lie wondered at that ■ .«axi>n Studies' have 
 caused great otlenee In Dresden, hut thev might bo entitled 
 ' slbernin studies' for any likeness they bear to the people 
 therein described."— .M, BKrin.M-Euw.unxs : .Irad., ix.aOS. 
 4. (larth i a Novel, Lon., 1877, 3 vols. p. 8vo. I 
 "'Garth' strikes u.s as a decided Iniprovetnent upon I 
 Brcssaiit and ' Idolatry ;' It is a verv much ripe, u-'.l wi-ser 
 work. W e must add that we use these terms in a strictly 
 nlatlve sense; for .Mr. Hawllmrue's standing fault seems 
 to beacerluin Incurable Imnniiuriiy and crudity."— A'dfjon. 
 x.:iv. 36U. 
 President Pierce. For biog., see, .(rLnv, 
 Hiijjni, and James, Hkniiv, iii/rn, 1. The Marble Faun, 
 Bolt., 18(11), 12moj Kng. ed., entitled " Transformntlou ; 
 or, The Romance (d' IVIonte Ueni," Lon., 18(111, 3 vols. 
 "It has a great dial of beauty, of Interest and grace; but 
 It has, to my sense, ii slighter value than Its I'ompanions, 
 and I am hn- from regarding It as the nia.sterplece of the 
 amhiir. a position to which we sometimes hear it assigned. 
 The Milijeci is udmlrable, and so arc many of the details; 
 , but the whole 1 lilng Is le-ssslmiilc and complete than either 
 romise of the tlrst vol- '• "' the three tales ol American life."— Henkv ./amks ; JIaw- 
 ■ ■ ■■ "■ "'"'""f. I" .''.'"ff'wA .«<«"/ /.ffto-o."! Anier. ed., p ICiO. 
 2. Our Old Home, Host., 18113, Klino. 3. I'ansio : a 
 Fragment: the Last Literary Effort of Nathaniel Haw- 
 thoric , Lon., 1864, l2mo. 4. Passages from the American 
 Note-Books of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Ilosl. and Lon., 
 I8fi8, 2 vols. 8vo. ,/. Passages from the English Note- 
 Books of Nathaniel Hawthorne. [Edited by bit Widow.) 
 Bost., 1870, 2 vols 12mo. 
 "Thei> remain to be noted the occasional hrcwdnesa 
 of (ibserviiiion; some anecd.ites of men like iiuclianan, 
 Ihackemy, .Ferrold, and Lord Houghton; a lew good de- 
 .scrinlions of show-places in England and Scotland, and, 
 tinally. the general readablcness, In virtue of the writer's 
 celebrity, as well as of the skill with which he docs the 
 work in hand, and the Intrinsic Interest of the things ho 
 writes about."— .Viidoii, xl. o!). 
 B. Passages from the French and Italian Note-Books 
 of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Lon., 1871. 2 vols. 8vo. 
 "His Journals throw but very little light on his personal 
 feelings, and even less on his genius per se. . . . They 
 deepen our sense of that genius, while thev singularly Uf- 
 ^ M,. n,.i„„i .. 1.- . o X, ,. , '"'"',;h our impression ot his general intellectual power 
 ,0,0 .T' U""'*''">i""S'i a Diamonds; a Story, N. York, . . . These volumes of Italian notes, cliamilng as thev are 
 1878, Klino. j. S;ba8tian Stromc : a Novel, Lon., 185 U, '"'e o" the whole less rich and substantial than those of 
 3 vols. p. 8vo. 
 " Find wh^t fault with the story we mav, and It Is uu- 
 questiona'jly a story of vi-ry litful and uneven iiower, there 
 Is a ore. ol passion and genius In the book which it is im- 
 possible to Ignore."— .SMtrf<(/or, 111. 147(1. 
 7. 'I'ne Laughing Mill, and other Storie.s, T.,on., 1879, 
 p. Svo. 8. ArchibaM .Malmai.son. Lon., 1H71», p. ,Svo. 
 "Strong as the telling may he. it is so bluntlv, boldly 
 worked out as to be only horrible."— .Vii/io/i, xxxviii. 4IU. 
 9. Ellico yuentiii, and other .Stories, Lon., 1880, 2 vols. 
 p. 8vo. 10. Yellow Cap, and other Fairy Stories for 
 Children, Lon., 188D, p. Svo. II. Prince Saroni's Wife, 
 and other Stories, Lun., 1882, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 12. Bea- 
 trix Randolph : a Novel, Lon., 1883, 3 vols. p. Svo. 13. 
 Dust: a Novel. Illust. N. York, IS83, 12mo. 14. 
 Fortune's Fool, Lon., 1883,3 vols. Svo. 1.5. Nathaniel 
 Hawthorne and his Wife: a Biography, Bost., 1884, 2 
 vols. Svo. 
 "By the help of his father's very copious notes of the 
 sayings ami doings and looks of the children. . . . and 
 \yith his own recollections of boyhood to draw upon be- 
 sides for the later period, he has taken us into the intimacy 
 ol the hon.sehold, and conllded the charm and dignity and 
 wisdom of Hawthorne's fatherhood. . . . The biographv 
 IS like Mr. .hunes's ' Hawthorne' in that it fails to give any 
 history (jf that immortal part of the man in which the 
 world takes interest."— .Vu//';;.' ' ' ' 
 10. Love — or a Name, Lo; 
 Cadogna: a Komance, Lon. 
 Blood, N. York, 188.0, 12mo, 
 N. York, IsSfi, Klmo. 20, 
 xx;x. ai). 
 1883, p. Svo. 17. Miss 
 1885, p. Svo. 18. Noble 
 IH. John Parmelee'a Curse, 
 „ The Trial of (Jideon, and 
 Countess Aliuara's Murderer, N. York, 18S(i, 12mo. 21. 
 Confessions and Criticisms, Host., 1880, 8vo.' 
 "Hecoiitesses . . . the vital principles of hi's intellectual 
 Alo;,!}!l,'.V'*H!H',l''.'_r''.',','5.'°"'*' *'"' .philosophical creed. His 
 KiiKland. The theme In this case Is evidently conge- 
 nial. . . . We seem to see hlin strolling through churches 
 and galleries as the Inst pure American, attesting by his 
 shy responses to dark canvas and cold marble his lovnlly 
 toa simpler ami, less encumbered civilization."— H. James, 
 Jk.; Saliuii, xiv. 17'2. 
 7. Septimius Fclton j or The Elixir of Life, Bost., 
 1872, 12mo. Eng. ed., entitled "Septimius: a Ko- 
 mance," Lon., 1872. (This was edited by Una Haw- 
 "Of course It cannot take rank with Hawthorne's fin- 
 ished works, but no other author of our time could have 
 written n."—Alli., No. sm. 
 " After making allowance for the incomplete state of the 
 story, we must confess that to our tii.ste Hawthorne apijcars 
 to have in this ventured rather too far Into the dim 
 dreamland of the grotesque and unnatural. The storv, 
 however. Is powerful and Interesting as it sland.s. . . . Tlie 
 art IS admirable, but we can hardly call it hcaithv. It will 
 commend itself, however, to the lover of the rar(.-r literary 
 essences, though it may probably remain cariiire to the 
 vulgar. •—Sal. A'tc, xxxiv. 8y. 
 . Talcs of the White Hills, Bost., 1877, l6mo. 9. A 
 Virtuoso's Collection, and other Tales, Bost., 1877, 16mo. 
 10. The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Host., 187il, 
 24 vols. 16mo. 11. The Complete AVorks of Nathaniel 
 Hawthorne : with Introductory Notes by (1. P. Lathrop. 
 Illust. Host., 1883, 12 vols. Svo. 12. Sketches and 
 Studies, Best., 188.1, I6mo. 13. Dr. Grimshawe's Secret : 
 a Homanoe. Edited, with Preface and Notes, by Julian 
 Hawthorne. Bost. and Lon, 188:^. p. Svo. (A fragment.) 
 " The publication of ' Dr. Grimshawe's Secret.' though it 
 contains delacheil pn.ssages wiiicii'nr'e full oY Hawtiij'irne's 
 tliought and style, cannot add to Hawthurne's reputation." 
 —Sill. Iter., Iv. 'Jo. 
 „,,,, , ., -r .w i;,ce... HIS '■J^'h"'^i'«houiids in passages marked by all the beauties 
 criticisms, 111 theiiisclves. arc a slight matter, though there 1 of Hawthorne s besi writing, itisasawhofecrudeand raw. 
 are brilliant and incisive remarks sown thron..'h them."— i :.■ •. ''" ',"^''''' "''•'""""'"i'; will be glad to find in the fact 
 .\(i/ion, xliii. ;*,. i that the book required 'editing' a Justification for do- 
 ctor ' '^'"""B to wcome interested in it. at feast until he knows 
 P„n i ™"'''-'„l'"'''"'.*''y " 'i"t 'he limits of the editor's labors 
 from the Diary of InspectorByrne^rLon.'and n! i ^''" "" ""°"' ^''^'- •^'• 
 22. A Tragic Mystery ; from the Diary of Inspect^ 
 Byrnes, N. York, 1887, Iflmo. 23. An American Pel 
 York 1887, n. Svo. 24. The Great B„^nk:Robb;-;y7?rom \ Lo^Tsslr'^iTo',,""'?,^'^- .'•th^'^r?',"'';'.' r'^'""' 
 he Diary 0/ Inspector Byrnes. Lon. and N. York,' 1887, ' Novel of Real Life ^^ ' ^^ ^^' ^"''' ""''"""^ ' " 
 p. Svo. 25. Another's Crime; from the Diary of In 
 spootor Byrnes, N. York, 188.S, lOmo. 2B. David Poin- 
 dcttcr's Disappearance, and other Tales, N. York, 1888, 
 Ifimo. 27. A Dream and a Forgetting: a Novel, n' 
 lork and Chic, ISSS, 12mo. 28. The Professor's Sister- 
 a Romance, N. York and Chic, 1888, 12mn. 29. Section 
 558; or, The Fatal Letter; from the Diary of Inspector 
 Lon., 1,858, 3 vols. l2mo. 
 Hawthorne, Robert, Ph.D., professor in Argyll 
 Col Pge. I'nnehg.ini, India. The Student's Manual of 
 Indian History, Lon., 1885, Svo. 
 Hawthorne, Sophia, (Peabody,) 1810-1871, 
 b. at Salem, Mass.; married, 1842, to Nathaniel Haw- 
 li"™",'.,'"'^""' Notes in England and Italy, N. York, 
 .wtlmnic's fln- 
 le could have 
 11 tlie beauties 
 ruileiUKi rnw. 
 lull In the fact 
 atioii fur (le- 
 ntil he kuows 
 Jitor's labors 
 ) 1810-1871, 
 haniel Haw- 
 Jy, N. York, 
 "iHu,lo«i..aiWork,E,riteTri •';?'' '•'''^^^^^ ^'> - 
 iiay, c. A., and Jncobt. If •? it , r^ 
 I'Mla., IS75, 8v(), ''""'^'■«''. by lleinnoh Schmid, 
 n,iy, uAviU. I. Dninestio Servants 
 up;m ,i,em by the An;;:;i':;,;^;™iM'- ■■^;:-;.„^-t"wed 
 •i r : >Ai 1. 
 worth's Poetrv a I (Lir r ^""'•"°""""ii'9 of Words- 
 ^JMIay,EIzey,-(l,eud., SeeA.L.s, P..v.vv, 
 '^ijhop Strain; Ed|'„., .sV'r-Ts.-r ^'o ^t'.V^^^"-'"^ 
 .".?y' .*'«'9'Ke, of Arbroath ' -" 
 .Madeline Heathoute, Edin., 1873, 
 llliy, William, 1. DociilnnK '>n the Vuor- I.nw of 
 Biiotlnnil in thu Court of Mvaaloii.i, iirj>l Awards hy Arbi- 
 tration, Lon., IHVi, Hvo. 2. Dceiiiions of (In Supremu 
 rourtu of Knxliu, I an-l Scollnnil on the I, nihility of I'ro- 
 |irletor». Mintiis ami SBrvaiit.< for Ueiuiration of In- 
 jurlop., Kclin., l><iil), Svo. 
 Hay, William Deliiile, K.U.O.S. I. Tha Doom 
 of tUv (iii'iil L'lty : Writlen A. I). 11(42, l,on., ISHII, p. 
 Nvii. 2. Thri'H lliinilrril Voarn llenco i or, A Voire from 
 Poi'tcrity, l,on., ISMI, 1). Hi,,, It. Drixhtor Britain ! or, 
 Settlor anil Maori in Northern New Zualunil, Lon., 1S82, 
 2 voU. p. Hvo. 
 " Brisk, frank, and clu'cry In the tone of dii"^" volumoi', 
 and they iir wrllliMi with sciise us well a^ sniri "Suecla- 
 4. Kluiiuntar.v Ti'xtnoiik of Dritlsh Fiin({l. lllust. 
 liOn., IH87, X\i>. . The FiingiH-IIunlcr'd (iuiile ami 
 Field Memoraiidiun-Hook : with Analytical Key to the 
 Ordorn and tiunera, and Notes of Iniportiint .-pcoiei, 
 Lon., I8sr, |,. ,Si-o. 
 '"riu'iiutliur In RH plausible as the ouleoine of his work 
 In lulsi'hlevous."— IlKNIiv T. WilAliriiN ; Jem/., xxxil. 2"i 
 11. DIood: a Tragic Til lo, I, on., I8H7, p. 8vu. 
 Haycock, H'illiam, h. at lluddcrstield, Vorkshiru, 
 Kng. ; d. ahout Irt72. I, Klenu'iitci of Veterinary lloinie- 
 o|iiiiliy; or, A Treatise on thr iJi^niisoa of the Horse and 
 C'o«, Lon., 18i)2, p. ^vi>. 2. On Hysteria in the .Mare, 
 Lon., 1S54, Hvn, ,j. Treatisi! on the I'rineiplea and 
 Practice of Vule-inary Modieinn and .*<urgery, Lon., 
 1868, 8vo. 4. The Hontloinan's ,<tiiljle .Manual : the (!on- 
 struetion of the Stable, the Feeding and tjrooiniiig of 
 Horses, ,te., Lon., 1859, Xvo. i. Jlorses ; huw they 
 ought to b« Shod, Lon., I8»<>, 4iii. 
 Ilaycrart, Margaret. I. Songs of Peace, Lon., 
 18s;i, isiiio. 2. the New Jlead-Master : Little .Silecd- 
 well's Victory, Lon., 188(1, p 8vo. ;t. Jtiiys and Kain- 
 bows; a Story of Thanksgit ing, Lon., IN8(i, p. 8vo. 4. 
 Wiiyside Chimes, Lon., 1886, 18nio. 5. (luiding Lights, 
 lllust. Lon., I88,H, 4to. 6. Ilurnpty-Uumpty Silver 
 Uells, .te. lllust. Lon., 1888, p, 8vo. 
 Ilaycrofi, .\atliuiliel. I. The Cry of tho La- 
 bourer; or. All Appeal (o tho Churchos for the Better 
 Support of their Pastors, l.on., 1857, IL'ino. 2. llerooi 
 and Lo.ssons of St. Bartholomew's Day, A.U. I(!il2, Lon., 
 1802, I2ino; 2d ed. same year. .'!. .Moses and Colensu; 
 or. The Uivino Authority of the Books of .Moses, and tho 
 Objections of Dr. Colenso, Lon., I8(i:i, 8vo. 
 Ilayden, Fenliiiand Vandevecr, M.D., LL.D., 
 1827-1888, h. lit WoatliclJ, Mass.; professor of miner- 
 alogy and geology in the University of Pennsylvania 
 186.')-72; was connected with the (Jeologieal and tleo- 
 graphical Surveys of the I'nited Stales from 1859 to 188(i. 
 1. (Ed.) United Slates Geographical and (ioological Sur- 
 vey of tho Territories: Reports i.-viii. Pub. by U.S. 
 tlov't. Wash., IS(17-7(), Svo. 2. Sketch of tho Origin and 
 Progress of the United States Geological and Geograph- 
 ical Survey of the Territories, Wash., 1877, 8vo. 3. The , 
 Yellowstone Nationul Park and the Mountain Regions i 
 of Idaho, Nevada, Colorado, and Utah. lllust. and Maps. ! 
 Wash., 1877, fol. With Sef.wys, A. R. C, North 
 America, ("Stanford's Compendium of Geography and 
 Travel.") .Maps and lllust. Lon., 1883, p. 8vc). i 
 Hayden, II. Henry. Autobiography, N. York, ' 
 1880, 8vo. " ' ■> > 
 Hayden, Jabez Haskell. Records of the Con- 
 necticut Line of tho Hayden Family, Hartford, 1888, 
 8vo. 1 
 Hayden, Kev. John, Independent minister. 1. 
 The Walk and Triumph of Faith, exemplified in the 
 Life and Death of A. Wright, Lon., 1852, 8vo, 2. A 
 Letter on Family Worship. By ,J, H. Lon., 1853, 
 12mo. 3. A Sketch of a Tour in Switzerland, Lon., 
 185!), Svo. 4. Sketch of the Life of the Lute S. Weston, 
 Minister of tho Independent Church, Woburn, Buck- 
 inghamshire, High Wycombe, 1857, Svo. 5. Biographi- 
 cal Sketch of Cornelius Berry, Lon., 18(55, p. 8vo. 
 Hayden, John J. Tile Baion of Eppeifeld; or, 
 The, Poor Clare ; a jMedianal Roinunce, Lon., 1878, cr, 
 It.iyden, iHarie I,. Through Fire; or. At Home 
 and Abroad, N. York, 1882, l(o. 
 Hayden, Sidney. Washington and his Masonic 
 Compeers, lllust. X. York, IS(5(i, 12m.-,; new e.!., 1875. 
 Hayden, Mrs. Sumner. Vella Vernell; or, An 
 Amazing Marriage, X. York. 1887, 12mo. 
 vols. With Ciii'iiiK, FnANri.x ItiriUHn, Report on tho 
 Cholera Kpidemlc of I8(t(l, Dublin, I8fl7, Svo. 
 Hayden, Milliam. A Very Close Amiroaoh to the 
 (ieonieirical (iuudrnture of the Circle ; lieing a Con. 
 •truolion wherein no Krror Is found oo Invesligadon, 
 Chlchesler, IH72, 8vo. 
 Hayden, William Hcnjamin. I. Science and 
 Revelation ; or. The Bearing of .Modern Sclcntldo D«- 
 velopinenO upon (he [ntorpretullon of the First Kleven 
 Chapters of Genesis, Host., 1852, l2nio. 2. On the Phe- 
 nomena of Modern Spiritualism, Host., 1855, I (lino. 3, 
 Ten Chapters on Marriage, Its Nature, ['lief, Duties, and 
 Final Issues, BosI,, 18(13, KInio. 4. Tho Apocalyptic 
 Dispensation : Ten Lectures on the Book of Kevelallon, 
 Host., 1805, 12ino. 5, Light on (he Last Things, Lon., 
 1801), l2iiio; new ed., rev., 1877. 0. Dangers of .Modern 
 Spiritualism; 4th ed., N. York, 1870, l2mo. 7. The 
 Heydons in Kngland and America; aFragiiionI nf Fam- 
 ily History, Lon., 1877, Svo. 8. Our Heavenly Father's 
 Book: a Comjiiliition of Truths and Facts about tho 
 Bible. Part H., New Testament. N, York, 1888, 24iiio. 
 Haydn, II. C. 1. Lav Klfort : its Range and 
 .Methods, N. York, 1877, sq. IBino. 2. Death and Be- 
 yond, N. York, I87H, 12mo. .'1. Amusonieiits in tho 
 Light of Reason and .Scripture, N. York, 1880, Ifiuio. 
 Ilaydon, Frank Scott, 1822-|ss7, son of Ben- 
 jamin Robert Ilaydon, (</. r., aiiii; vol. i. ;) was assistant 
 keeper in the Public Record Olflco. (Ed.) Euloyiiim 
 (Historinrum sivoTomporis;) Chronicon abOrbe Condito 
 usque ad Annum Domini 1330: .Monacho quodam 
 Malmesbiriensi exaratum : vols. i. li., and iii„ Lon., 
 I858-B3, 8vo. 
 Ilaydon, Frederick WordMWorth, 1827-IS8«, 
 son of B. li. Hnydon. (ond, vol. 1.;) seivi ,1 in the navy, 
 and was dismisfcd in 1867. Benjamin Robert Ilaydon: 
 Correspondence and Tablo-Talk : with n Memoir, Lon,, 
 1870. 2 vols. 8v". 
 "The niassof (lie nialter , 
 lnteres( (iiiiiiil in ii:'—.Sal. J'tti- 
 Haydoil, H, H. 1. Five Years' Kxperience in 
 Au.-tralia Felix. lllust. Lon.. 1840, r. Svo. 2. The 
 Australian Immigrant: a Rambling Sdiry, Lon,, 1801, 
 2 vols. r. Svo. 
 Hnye, Anthony Onenl. 1. The Mirage of Life, 
 and other Poems, Edin., 1800, 12mo. 2. The Persecu- 
 tion of the Knights Templars, Edin., 1865, p. Svo. 3. 
 The Sabbath. By a Late Scots Eniscopalinn. Edin., 
 1870, Svo. 
 Ilaye, T. D. 1. (Trans.) English Positivism, by 
 H. Taine, l.on., 1870, p. Svo. 2. (Trans.) On Intelli- 
 gence, by 11. Taine, Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 
 Hayes, Miss. (Ed.) Songs of Fronce, with English 
 Words, Lon., 1879, r. Svo. With Kai'I'F.v, , (ed.) 
 Songs of Germany : Volkslieder, Geiman and English 
 AVords, Lon., If<77, r. Svo. 
 Hayes, All'red, M.A. 1. The La.) Crusade, and 
 other Poems, Biniiingham, 1S80, p. Svo. 2. David 
 Western, [verse,] Birmingham, 1886, p. Svo. 
 " Mr. Hayes has the virtues of sincerity of mind and 
 loftiness of aim ; he looks at nature with a nui.-t eonsiiiiit 
 heart, howheit he ha.s an all too Teiinvsoiiian east In his 
 eye ; he has plenty of thought uiiil plen'ty of words."— .S(((. 
 Jill:, Ixv. 17,5. 
 HaycN, Augustus Allen, Jr. 1. New Colorado 
 and the Santa FC' Trail, lllust. N. York. 1875, Svo; 
 new ed., IS80. 2. The .lesuit's Ring: a Romance of 
 Mount Desert, N. York, 1887, 12nio. 
 Hayes, Charles Wells. William Wells of South- 
 old and his Descendants, A.D. 1638 to 1878, Buffalo, 
 N.Y., 1878, Svo. 
 Hayes, Con. F. Ida: aMonodrama, rverse,! Lon.. 
 1882, Svo. ■' 
 Is out of proporiion to tho 
 xll, 211. 
 Hayden, Thomas. The Disea.scs of the Heart 
 and ol^ (he Aorta. lllust. Dublin, 1875, Svo; Phila,, 2 
 " Hayes, Henry," (Peeud.) See Kiiik, .Mas. E. 
 W., Ili/ni. 
 Hayes, Henry. What is Baptism ? Is it a Fic- 
 tion ? Considered by a No-Party Man, Holloway, Eng., 
 1859, Svo. Anon. 
 Hayes, Isaac Israel, M.D., 1832-lSSI, b. in Ches- 
 ter Co., Pa.; look his medical degree at the University 
 of Pennsylvania in 1853, and sailed as surgeon of the 
 second Grinncll expedition under Dr. Kane. In 1800 
 he sailed in coiniimud of an expedition fitted out by pub- 
 lic subscription for the discovery of an open polur sea. 
 During the civil war lie ivascouimissioned surgeon of vol- 
 unteers and brevetted lieutenanl-colonel, and in 1809 he 
 again visKed Greenland. He received the founder's 
 medal id' the Royal (Jeographioal Society in 1867, and 
 the gold medal of the Paris Society in 1869. 1. An 
 AroUo Bo.t.Joi rney In the Aiilumn of 18*4 
 II.. and f..n iM.m, Vim.,-, n.w „,|., J., mi 
 .U>ry 'reTi'''Xr'; ,l|{',';,'''l.|;i';'.'',;:.l!!' .!*'"<"; 'I","", ,.|H 
 nimt. I tha^e, L„n., IHJi, i2„,o, 
 Hetnll Miuninon j or, Th« 
 e^rgloa VirKllil. " ],/, '",•/ '"f^- •^';'- •'• (K.I.) 
 Ituoolloa! till, II 1,: -V ;• y'-i '^■'^- •«. 
 1877, I2m„. " "'" *'l«'^^"-°-Thern„.l Balh, Chlo., 
 «vo. 2. Veterinary Ne^lorfn n - ^"''"""'' '■'^"' 
 Practical FIor;..,„ Hhi.. m . "",'' ^'"°'' ^"untry 
 Kx.u„inatlon. Il|„,t. T^fi^rl "T"' '""'"' '" 
 Hayes, Margaret E ■ -'■ 
 rector „r Anin « ," / h " 1 .V""'"*,7 V"!"'"' '«'» 
 I. Annals „( YoubI,.i r,,,,'' ," "^''^ ! ™non of Cork. 
 un.l l(..eor,l, of fo An in, l^'ir', ''■'',:''• ^' N"te, 
 YouKhal, |.,,4. . (Jul t... V *"';"", '■■""'''"!""« "t 
 • ""'''^ '" ^"UKlii'l, Nrdinorp, and 
 Itholjlackwatcr. M.. p Zd iflU:""i ^1; "^''^rf 
 I vo.,„.i, i8«i. 6 Mo , i, iH*-;: ''.f,'"': ""^"''' •'^•••"t 
 I"u. ../inn. „t VouKha',,v-'^"°''''' '''■''«'""» 
 Abom Koot«t<.t,«- ir -r I J,'" ^'i'"'".V, 186.1. 7, 
 • •-. 2d cd.is7\p\vr,T'''''™r«"'' *''■''""' 
 i ".»r.,dac...-Hook, Dullin, is; f iew"«7 f,'l"' » t'"'" 
 II. C'riloriii; or, The I)i>i„„ 't. "J-, l."*,!), p. Hvo. 
 ""w .'d., |s7fl ,,' ;" "','"». ^.VHiiien, Dublin. IS;;); 
 tl.e Flock of ,l4 Oublin -^^^^nrer^,^-^ '^"'i'"* 
 , W. I.s-,i, 2d 0,1 ,7877,"8vn •'"'"'■S'"^'k Manual. 
 I Iluyilioiul, C, and lliiroh » ». „ 
 I C'odo „f ,,.i H lVoeo.^uro, an" .^fLi;:*--,,.^"''?'"''" 
 tatod. ,San Fn.n., 187(1, 2 vols. |„ %', ^* "'" ^ •^°""- 
 .«"7^?6^'b.'^.?%a;^r'i"c''' t';"'%7'' '•. -•>''..] 
 H^ "f .South •■arolina cntir^d ' "1 ""'""^ '" "'« <-'"'- • 
 but gave it up fo " tira^u o M tl^ ^'T'"!"^ ''"'' 
 "•:';■ '""> ""ler I'ocnjs, Lon 18S4 ., Z 
 L'"llt>go, O.vfonl wh,.r„ , ' ';'""'<"'' »n'l at St. .John's 
 l«'H-55;'.'.'.rt'n'^trrft"-''""' 'f''^ '""* " *^«"- 
 laar-School, Southwark Ph.lf i ^ '^'- ^''"'^ ^ f™'"- 
 St. Andro«'« foM^Brndft "'"."« ^'•^■'"""'•.School, 
 -.74, and,.,, then ;ect ^r of ^m'"'' k""«''^ ^'='"'«' '«"» 
 or the Early Chu h TRome l! T" • '' J*r'^""«'"'« 
 ' "»">e, II., Syria; III., Car- 
 Equity^-L-tu-re;:u:■^s.'^'';;«',V, .'-Outline, of 
 l.S8(l. 2, Th» «nirro.» f... . <.Pr , ' ^'" «'!•. Lon., 
 With Xote,:i:,,;!'TS74 r"8vo •f"r'""-'^'^'"^' '«" = 
 DelVneeof I>urnh,.«. f,;/v.?,?:u,:*-J ^"."""""s "n the 
 DelVneeof Purchase foVvaluahlor ''''."''".""' "" ">« 
 ^■"tico, Lon., I.', Svo ^"■'"*^''' '^""''"'eration without 
 n&rVkJ:ihTf";K/!^'"™\f-" Prison-Life: aa 
 Bo..t., 186!M2mo. Massachusetts State Prison, 

 Ilnyncs, John Ili!«lio]i. n»w to 8u])ply the | tions, 1S78 
 Agiiimll'inil Labourer with Leer iit a Imvi I'riec, in- ' 
 vulving uii Argument for tlie Keiieal or Heduetiou of the 
 Mult Tax, Lon., iNfia, Svo. 
 Hayiiex, John Edward. IViiilonyins of Au- 
 thors: including Anonyms and Initiiilisms, N. York, 
 l.><82, Svo. 
 Ilnyncs, Hi'v. John Frederick, LL.D., or- 
 dained 187(1 ; vicar of Clacton-on-Seu, Essex, since 1887. 
 I. The Student's Statutes; being the I'rincipal Pro- 
 visions <if some Important Acta of I'lirliament in a Con- 
 denjc'l Form, Lon., 1875, 8vo; lid ed., Iss-I. 2. The 
 Student's Loading Cases: being some I'rincipal De- 
 cisions in the Courts of Coiistitutionnl, Common, and 
 Criminal I,aw: with N(Jtes, Lon., 1878, Svo; 2d ed., 
 l'-84. :). The Practice of the Chiinocry Division of the 
 High Court of Justice anil on Appeal therefrom, Lon., 
 187y, Svo. I. The Student's (iuide to the Law of Uank- 
 ruptcv, Lon., lS8.-<, Svo. :>. The Student's Guide to the 
 Practice of the Su|)rcine Court, Lon., 188:j, Svo. li. 
 Lectures on liankruplcy, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. With Nki,- 
 iiAM, Thomas Amiiiiosk, The Honours K.xamination Di- 
 gest, Lon., ISS:i, Svo. 
 Ilnyncs, itt. S. (Ed.) Right to the Point: from 
 the Writings of T. L. Cuyler, ("Spare Minute" Ser.,) 
 Host., 1884, 12mo. 
 Ilnyncs, S. It. The .American Farrier and Horse- 
 man's Companion, Phila., 18f),'), Kimo. 
 llayncN, Stanley. Healthy Homes, Lon., LSSl, 
 Hayncs, William. My Log: a Journal of the 
 Proceedings of the Flying Squadron, Devonport, 1871, 
 Hays, Frances. AVomenof the Day: a liiograph- 
 ieal Dictionary of ^'otuljlc Contemporaries, Lon., Issj, 
 II. Svo. 
 Ilays, George 1». Every-Day Reasoning; or, 
 The Science of Inductive Logic, Phila., 1877, 12mo. 
 Hays, Mrs. Helen. I. Aspirations, N. York, 
 ISSli, 12mo: ling, ed., entitled " Lillo an.l Ruth; or. 
 Aspirations." Lon., 1887. 2. Her Loving Heart, Lon., 
 ISSN, p. Svo. 
 Hays, Matilda M. 1. Helen Stanley, Lon., 184fi, 
 p. Svo. 2. (Trans.) Mauprat, by (Jeorge Sand, Lon., 
 1851, p. Svo. .S. (Trans.) Fudette, by George Sand, Lon., 
 1851, j). Svo. 4. Adrienne Hope: the Story of a Life, 
 Lon., 18B.), 2 vols. |). Svo. 
 Hays, Mrs. W. J. I. Princess Idlewavs: a Fairy 
 Story, lllnst. i\. York, 187!), sq. Ifimo. 2. The Do- 
 mestic Heroine : n Story for (jirls. Illust. N. York, 
 1882, 12ino. ;j. The Loving Sister: a Story for Big 
 Uirls, N. York, ISS.'i, 12nio. 
 Haytcr, Sir Arthur Divctt, Bart., M.A., b. 
 ISao: junior lord of tlie treasury 18SU-S2; financial 
 secretary at the war otKce 1882-85. F.ssays on Produc- 
 tion, anil its Increase by the Freedom of Commerce and 
 the Rest Distribution of Capital and Labour, Lon., Is(i4, 
 S. T'.ie Art of Dining; or, Gastronomy and 
 Gastronomers, Lon., 1852, Svo. Anon. New ed., 1883. 
 4. Lord Chesterfield, his Life, Character, and Opinions; 
 and George Sclwyn, his Life and Times, Lon., 1SJ4, or. 
 Svo. 5. More about Junius: the Franciscan Theory 
 Unsound. Lon., ISliS, Svo. 
 " Kxhibits the sagacity of an astute lawyer and of an 
 accomplished critic. '—>'«(. Jin:, xxv. 87. 
 I <i. The Second .\rinada : a Chapter of Future History, 
 Lon.. 1871, sm. Svo. Anon. 7. Riographical and Crit- 
 ! ical Essavs. Series II. and III. Lon., 187;i-74, .'t vols. 
 I Svo. 
 '■ -Mr. Hayward's K.ssay.s . . . rather gain than lose liv re- 
 prodiK'tiun In a collective furni ; for the reader liecoiues 
 accustomed to Mr. Hayward's mode of treatment, which is 
 cliaracteristic, though it is exempt from mannerism."— 
 Sil, Iter., XXXV. 184. 
 I "A niiusler of the processes by which half a score of 
 huge books may be Ijoilcil ilouii into a single article, he 
 puLs his facts into the coiuisest language, and, having 
 made a point, leaves it to commend itselt. Hence comes 
 the defect of .some of his |>apers ; a redundancy ol anei'- 
 dotes which (iiil to produce a satisfactory etlcct, because 
 they thrust one aiuither out of the reader's memorv."— 
 Alh., No. 2;iCiH, 
 " He is popular because be overflows with anecdote and 
 personal story. It would be unjust to ^sav that lie is iiolh- 
 iiig if not anccdoilcal. , , . lint, were it not for their re- 
 dundancy of gossip about memorable iiersoiis. his volumes 
 would (ill'er few attractions to ordinary readers."— ,!(//.. 
 No. 2408. 
 " An inexhaustible knowledi;e of good storle.s, combined 
 with the rarer power of telling them well, and a great 
 familiarity with the lighter 'literature of modern times, 
 make these essays very eiijovable reading for an Idle hour. 
 Whether they have cost Mr. Havward nuicli thought, or 
 whellier that w bich has not cost the aiiilior niucli ihought 
 can be of any real service, are questions wbicn it is per- 
 haps as ridic ilniis to ask as it would be to ask wlietlicr a 
 moss rose wire good to eat."— Sami'ki. K. Gaiuji.s-ku : 
 Acml., V. 2.-)U. 
 S. Goethe, ( ' Foreign Classics for English Readers,") 
 Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 
 " He has attemiited to describe for tis a great man— nay, 
 one of the greatest men that ever lived— bv giving us, so 
 lo speak, his dimensions in feet and inches, tin' color of 
 his cyi s and hair, his weight in pounds avoirdupois."— 
 ^(itiuii, xxvii. 18'2. 
 1). Selected Essays, Lon., 1878, 2 vols. ]i. Svo. 
 " There is no better or more pleasant wav of describing 
 people than by recording their best sayings and most cliar- 
 a(:teristic actions, and there is noboifv in our generation 
 who has shown such a power as Mr. flavward of extract- 
 ing titbits Inun biograpbical memoirs, siringing them in 
 a natural order and supplementing them from his own 
 sources."— .icdii., xv. Dl. 
 10. Sketches of Eminent Statesmen and Writers: with 
 other Essays, Lon., 1880, 2 vols. Svo. Also, paiuiihlets. 
 And see Pioz/i, Mks. H. L., ante, vol. ii., and, 
 Miss F. W., .(/!/(, vol. iii. 
 Hayward, AIniira L. 1. Illustrated Birthday 
 Rook of American Poets. Illust. New ed., Rost., 1881, 
 24ino. 2. (Ed.) Chimes and Rhymes for Holiday 'limes. 
 Illust. Host.. 1882, 24mo. 
 Hayward, Hen. 
 Uayter, Henry 
 Eden Vale, Wiltsliiic; 
 lln.'tnr ■,<■..>■« c„ Tj i^ ., I ""»"■•■«■, «v-ii. All of Xo Avail : a Novel, 
 Uaytci, I' lorn, see Rehesfoiid, Floha Hayteh, j Lon., 188S, ;i vols. cr. Svo. 
 Hayward, Mrs. Caroline. The ll.ittlcs of the 
 Criiuea: with other Poems on the Incidents of the Cam- 
 pi,. „'n. Port Hope, Camiilii, 1S55, Svo. 
 Hayward, Edward Dykes. 1. Legislation. Ry 
 E. D. H. Lon., ISo'J, Svo, 2. Can a Warrior be a Leg- 
 islator;' Ry II. Lon., 1801, 8vo. 3. Reasons against 
 Martnil Law, CourtE-Martial, Ac. Ry E. i). 11. Lon.. 
 1800, Svo. ' 
 Hayward, Uev. Edward Fnrwell, b. I85i,at 
 Lowell, Mass. ; graduated at Harvard 1851 ; a Unitarian 
 minister. 1. Willoughby : a Poem, Rost., IS71I, Iflmo. 
 2. Ecce S|)iritus : Statomcntof the Spiritual Principle of 
 Havwnrd AlirBl.nnV V ■;'' ' i" ■ .. i , ,., I r*", "'"'"•■''""'"'■'''''«' I*"-'*-. L881, I2mo. ;!. Patrice: 
 1884 rarwm^i Wil? ,i'J'' ' ' ;• l",'"'''"]'^ '- '."^'•I'-'^-«»»'J"'"'-k: I'oeni, in Fou; Parts, Rost., ISS.'i, 
 i.-^i>4, u. ai Wilton, \>iltsliire; was articled to a solio- ' Svo ' > i 
 called "o t"htbaH';'ns"n",r' ;,'',''" '"'''''"> ,■'""'"'•■• ;"'« Hayward, Elwcs R. C. The Neapolitan Exiles ; 
 tain-ii [o lue oar in is.iii, and bee ■■ • queen s counsel in | a Poem, Lcm.. 185!l, p. Svo. 
 HayAVnrd, Henry Howard. Dental Practice in 
 Relation to Medical .'Jcience, Lon., 1800, Svo. 
 Hayward, J. Henry. (Ed.) Poetical Pen-Pic- 
 tures ot the War: selected from our Union Poets, N. 
 \o\U, I8(i:i, l2mo. 
 ,J*'»''W'»''«1» J"l>" Williams, M.D.. M.R.C.S.. b. 
 is--^, at Stookjpoii, Chesliire; took liiE medical degree at 
 St. Andrews; practises at Liverpool. I. The Vale of 
 Conway Spa: its Nature, Propertv, and Uses, Lon., 1805, 
 Svo; 2d ed., under the title of "Guide to Trefriw and 
 the \ ale of Conway Spa," 1S72; 3d ed., 1881, p. Svo. 
 Heylyn, C.M.G., b. 1S2I, at 
 emigrated to Victoria in 1852, 
 and was for many years employed in the department of 
 the registrar-general, at the head of the statistical 
 branch, which in 1874 was erected into a separate d. ■ 
 partment, with Mr. Hayter at its head, under the title 
 of government statist. 1. Notes on the Colony of Vic- 
 toria: Historical, Geographical, Meteorological, and Sta- 
 tistical, Melbourne, 1S75, Svo; 2d ed., 1870. 2. Hand- 
 Rook to the Colony of Victoria, .Melbourne, 1S84, Svo; 
 2d ed., rev., 1 885. :;. My Christ- -as Adventure, Car- 
 boona, and other Poems, Melbourii., 1SS7. 
 181.). Though the founder of the i.iiw'Magazine, which 
 ho edited 1 82,8-44, niid a special student of the literature 
 and history of law, he had only a small practice, and 
 was known cbiefly as a literary man and nuiilini: 
 He was for many years a constant contriiiutor to the 
 Quarterly Review and to ,r!ier periodicals. For hi"?, 
 Pce CAI!L!S!.E. llKXiii- K., .,:pr„. 1, ,S.-,,„6 Avv.rUllt • : a 
 Journey across the Alps: in a Letter to a Friend, Lon., 
 1834, 12mo. Anon. Printed for private circulation. 2. 
 Verses of other Days, Lon., 1847, sm. Svo. Anon. 
 ''''"'-'„''"' l"''*"'o circulation. lU'iirinted, with addi- 
iwyer and of an 
 lish Kcailers,") 
 vail ; a Novel, 
 :)olitan Exile:! : 
 2. Taking Cold, (the Cause nf li,.if , t^- 
 «™; -tl. e,l.,enl., m; ' ""* ^'"■''' '"'"- "*«^% !'• 
 Velimt Lee. Host, fioifimt ' ""'" ""'' '"^''- ■'' 
 aeSTe I't, *;ro, : i.-ll» 'VLo'T. f ^" V 
 .\.J., ]8(<1, I61110 ' ^"*'"'-'^'*.) Jersey City, 
 W.'l'i'^^to"- "• '^"« «"'--''« Pocket-Book, I 
 a Tale of the (ireat Ameri an Wn/ Un Is •S^^;''''' 
 ..ewe.l., I8S1 4. The Bemona of the Sol, ' lI' ^fZ' 
 I2ino; new ed., ISSl "i T,..., ,,,:,,"' '^'"'■> ''^nn, 
 the D^ep Sea, Lon., 1888 i2u>o fi xf \T i' ?"'« '"' 
 or The 'c,.ui.e of the '' ml^boyu^JIm to""'-' 
 The Diamond Cos., and how I won it Lo„ i's'<iS ?9 '' 
 8. Lord Soatterbrain • or Tli„ nl 1 n- ' ^' '2""'- 
 Lon., I,S69, p. 8v„ a Eolall, = !,.u'";i'°"'^ I'olished, I 
 Hose;, Lon.fl8,9 p 8vo °l' T;i^''%".f ","'' ^^''i"^' 
 Wonderful. Lon., 1870 r2mo„i''V"' " "'^ "'"' 
 lilack Angel, I on 1871 "IJ,/^;'.,'^''^'- "• 'Jl'''« 
 CiM-oline: a Novel. Lon., 1875, n Svo is I'v. \ A '"■ 
 a Novel, Lon., 1875, 1, Svo iV T '^"":' «ray .• 
 W«rld, Lon.. 1875, p. 8vo is' M„ ) ?"" "«"'"'' "'° 
 venture, an'd vleiasi ud^,";;' t^"''!'^"' ^ i'^' '^J" ' 
 The Thr™ S d ,C- a Ce'l V""" Vl"' ''• '^"- ^i^ 
 .'"l-n Hazel's Vengeance Lon 1 8S0°".^' "'o''" *'»• 23. 
 ":i-X':l5;;£':5'f: s•T'tl;:; 
 .r Ten Years a Rover Eon 1882 fomr".^, ^.,';^'''J<'^■^ i 
 IN.M, 12mo 35 o2 1" T "'" ^^1"'"'»'' Mi'in, Lon.. 
 , .50. Unoin a 1 housand. Lon HS", 19,,, ' 
 -^' the Tangent ^.Z^ZZ ^ isl^'^1^'"'""" 
 ^Xi^iz:";^,^ "witiytt'^f" v'" ''^'"''--■■ 
 i'ies. Host., 18,8« Tfi,„o /^,, ''-'*^'"""' "'•■'''''•'«'^' '\"thor- 
 l^r'l, l2a,o. """a'n *'• Our Children, N. York, 
 4S^?1^1, «--^7» of Leisure Hours: a 
 D "'rD."{;.,^L:t"e'*irofls"''T'j,"' ">« «-• •'■ ^--■- 
 Economy in Brown tin ?w?'' "^ ""•'""'■^ ""'' l'"'i'i^'»l 
 tn-.s. Journals on,? w • "^ ' ™»'Piled from his Let- 
 l"«i"riend":Bost";',j8^:"ll:/"'^ '"« ««™"eotio„s of 
 'V..l'Vith'ulii^^;!„^i;|';;^^ ''•«.' these pages c,,ntain; . . . 
 sous of him in irfiterarjM l?;/,,fi\'"r J""''"'"',''"' ""Pres- 
 tion days."-.Vn(io,,, xiiv JJ ""^••"»' ''rief notlcesof vaoa- 
 l'o""'p,';K^?]'';«'.|;; Autumn Musing, and other 
 v.— 50 ' 
 i ""^nrd, Kowinnd Gibson. MA irn r 
 vol. 1., a(h .,1 d. I o'l; '''•"•' r""'«. 
 Articles on tl e Fi,„nni„l '^"J y^-"":'""'" " Tories of 
 Mind in Willing- or K-irv I'i •.. "• *'™'»'» "f the 
 Firs, Cause, x"f-;;k '1^ r •■. ,?''■ '"!' '^'"^ " ?.'-'"""<' 
 and Hoars of Labor, X York Ism ' J'-'-y^ »» ^ inaneo 
 every man has a w ie ,'l fou ' in , , '" ^ 
 sues, feelings, Ae,,wl,i,.,,',r,P''r'."' sensiuions, do- 
 tl.nmgh,';!,^'^^;!,,,;:'//;,.,/,:;-,'^^^^^^^^ e«re, and showing 
 judgn,ent."-.s;(, J,"'!' '-™i';"': . i'"»ers of observation ,3 
 UariV,^!y^^,^;^:;^:'^'^^-N';«^yO:, l;om,we,l (j-on, a groat 
 "lingo : and it des .rilK's a' on,l 1""-' '■"""" '"' '*'"■ ""- 
 experiences of tran- tl 'r" , k- '' ',"V,""-T "'eiiiKhor's 
 «i;!i;;;;s'-r;;;";/iSi g-s,;s^^^^ 
 JdTvsfA,rV'''TnAT'n'\' f -" •. 
 Illustrated in t e Ex,,,. ^"'^"1."/ ^'f"' «raphicali; 
 viduals. Bos", 870 's', 7'iil ^f"^^" """''r«l Inili- 
 niasphimers? le-O hodox'^ir"'^'-' ^^?''' "" ""> 
 i.its"? Best., 1871 12„io Tpf ^''""•'"is "r ".Spiritual- 
 , 1871, I2n,o 4 Me iu,,,;a^,l\7 r'^'';'*'''^''^i'''B''^t. 
 f 12mo. 5. (Ed ) S,,i , ,, "n *J«'''»|"»'"I'. «"^"t., 1871, 
 INTB Ifinio fl H^' , . Co'iiiuunion Tracts, Bost 
 Sl.e,;hlr;rn.™d""' 187^'"" "' °'"^" ^""-- ^^ ^0';; 
 A,"^'a''n'L:u!ies".!r,d''ren!i ''"".''^'; "^ P'-''"« = '"e 
 I'l-ila., 32n,o r The JL ". v "a7 ' ^""^ "^ Etiqucte, 
 Cow: their llUtory l«UrP' ^x^^^' """^ ^uernse; 
 Phila.. 1872. 8v,'i Ii ,♦' "''■ *'""''ge>»«nt. Illust. 
 the Ee'st Me hod -for P due n!i an P"«T"'^'^'"e-- »"» 
 ISrr, 12n,o. 4. An .^rif ?.■' M',":'*«t,ng it, ]>hila., 
 vania in the bid i Ti,,' "st ' m -.""^ ^1^'""'>"- 
 (Conudetion of J. F IV, L>/1" , ^yt' '""•'' **™- 
 I " ilazel, Ilarrv ' " ' ^?''=' ""^ I'l'ilndelphia.) 
 I ,•«/,„. ' "UTJ, (I'sciid.) See Jo.VKs, Ju.sTit,, 
 Hazeland, iMrs. R * . ,t, 
 Mag,lalen, by J B Jl t'„ . • " 'Trans.) St. Mary 
 ti:i^i^-\o^;;-oir > f "^^.- -■ -5: 
 Ii"ugaad. Lon., isifi, ,, sto^'"^" ""^ ^'' *'«"*'=''. by E. 
 I8-"""t'!,""'"'-"' «'-ellaneous Rhymes, Lon., 
 Au"nrs!.'.'n'cX,1es' "f,,'?"^.''*"' "««'«'1. The 
 L<»1., 1887, 8vo (A re„o!: *- .""°" "",'' Colonization, 
 '"ittee of namgement'of Vhe T -"""^T "'' 'lie com-' 
 Office.) ""fceiient ol the Emigrants' Information 
 faa^'Me'l'S'uafeTrt ^j^'"'«'»f""' ''• ''*•"' »' ««'" 
 ljeca,ne litcary editor of tl„. \w v , I ' "'"^" •"> 
 B,-ev tv and Brilliiinni. i„ ,', \; r."- "'''"> ''^"lu. 2. 
 Hj «im uiiM,iincy ,„ ( less. N VorU mart 10 
 Uo" 1,88": sJ; • """"•^' "f "'"'"■'=''. Massachusetts, 
 Village. Illust 'lios't 6„ " I'tT m'^''^' '" '^"" 
 ..nd the Cargo it bro. giit B t t,i„!o° f 'V"'^' '""''- 
 D.^r^::^ir;T!f;k„s:';sa;t'.""'' ^-- -^ 
 Ilazeii, Biig. -Gen. William Babcock, 
 U.S.A., l8.1ll-l,s.H7, b. ill West llurtl'ord, Vt.; gmdiiuled 
 at thu U.S. Milititry Acndcmy in Ii^dA; watj ii|i|iuinted 
 professor of infantry tactica at the U.S. Military Anuleniy; 
 served tlirough the i.'ivil vior; was in France during 
 the Franco-Prussian war, and was U.S. military attach6 
 at Vienna during the Uu.-so-Turltish war. In 18.S0 
 he was a)i|iiiintod chief signal officer. 1. The School 
 and the Army in Germany and France: with a IMary 
 of Siege Life at Versaille.i, N.York, 1872, 12mo. 
 "Replete with matter of great interest and value both 
 to the soldier and the statesman. The informatiiui it con- 
 tains respecting the military and the educational institu- 
 tions of North (iermany and of France is as uiU and ua 
 Oetalled as can be desired."— .Vi((i«H, xvi, ;!«, 
 "To the report of this remaikablc conversation [with 
 Bismarck | succeed several chapters of the author's impres- 
 sions of the siege of Paris; and where these are fonnded 
 on liis own observations, tlicy a.'-e fresh and iiiterestinj.' in 
 a high degree."— .S«(. Hcv., .xxxv. ;iy4. 
 2. Our liarren I,an<ls; Interior of the United States 
 West of thu One Hundredth Meridian and Hast of the 
 Sierra Nevada, Cin., 187.'), 8vo. li. A Narrative of Mili- 
 tary Service. Illust. Host., ISx.'i, 8vo. 
 "(ieneral Hazen's book will have a very considerable 
 value among the contributions to a (inal history of the 
 war. . . . The parts which relate to the ttrganizinion and 
 Internal discipline of his own coinma'id will rank high. 
 We suspect that the rest will be regardecj as a curiously 
 uiu'0usci(ius discUisurc-of hi.-i subjective traits of charac- 
 ter, more than a strictly objective presentation of real 
 facts."— .Vd/ion, xli. 3X1. 
 Ilit/lchurst, George S. The Invisible Telegraph 
 of the Future, l.on., 1887, 8vo. 
 Iluzlerigg, Hev. Grey. 1. The Voice of the 
 Bridegroom and the Voic^o of the liride: Five Seiiuons, 
 liOn., 1809, 8vo. 2. Letters to a Mother: with u Brief 
 Sketch of Earlier Experiences, Lon., 1880, 8vo. Also, 
 tingle sermons, .to. 
 tiazlett, Helen. 1. The Cloud with a (jolden 
 Border, I'hihi., I80ll, l2mo. 2. The Pastor's Son, Phila., 
 180."), 18mo. .'!. (ilennair: or, Life in Scotland. I5y H. 
 M. Tateui, [p.seud.] Phila., 1809, 12uio. 1. The Heights 
 of Heidelberg, 1871), 18ino. 
 Hnzlewood, Uttvitl. 1. A Compendious (iramnmr 
 of the F'eejean Language: with Examples of Native 
 Tdioius, Vewa, Feejee, I86(|, 8vo. 2. A Feej^an and 
 English Dictionary, &q., Vewa, 1850-52, 2 parts, 12iuoi 
 2d ed., L()n., 1872, 8vo. 
 Hazlitt, >V. I. Dictionary of Ancient Geography, 
 Sacred and Profane, Lon., 18.)1, p. 8vo. 
 Hazlitt, William C'arew, [mil)', vol. i., add.,] 
 b. I8:jj; eduoated at Merchant Taylors' School, and 
 called to the bar at the Inner Temple 1801. He has 
 edited the works of Lovelace, Ilerrick, and other old 
 authors, Warton's History of English Literature, &c. 
 I. (Kd.) Diana: the Sonnets and other Poems of Henry 
 Constable, Lon., I8,)9, p. 8vo. 2. History of the Vene- 
 tian Republic ; her Kise, her Greatness, and her Civili- 
 zation, Lon., ISliO, 4 vols. 8vo. 
 " Some time back ho published the first two volumes of 
 the prescniwork; they showed a great ileal of indus'rv, 
 but they were full olthe 11. ost hidicrous blunders, . , , i'"e 
 criticised him scvcri'ly. and by way of answer ho has re- 
 written his two voluuics from bei.'iiiiiiug to , , , We 
 have, on the strength of this reform, nmdo a second at- 
 tempt to read throni;li .Mr. Hazlitl's history, and we have a 
 second time broken down, , , . lie knows what the chr^ni- 
 U'lers ti'll him, but to try those chrouici' '.y the received 
 laws of historical criticism is a thor.f;iii ,iich never oc- 
 curred to liiiii. ... It would bo eiidle,>^s to enumerate all 
 the mistakes which one comes across In turidng over Mr. 
 Hu/litt's pages."— .Sii(. A'ti'., xli, H'J, 
 ;j. The Great Gold-Fiolds of Cariboo: with an Au- 
 thentic Description of liritish Columbia and Vancouver 
 Island, Lon., 1802, l2ino. 4. (IvJ.) Old English ,Iest- 
 Dooks, Lon., ISOi, 3 vols. Svo. 5. (Ed.) Remains of the 
 Early Popular Poetry of England, Lon., 1801-60, 4 vols. 
 12nio. 0. Sopliy Laurie: a Novel, Lon., 1805, :i vols. p. 
 8v>, 7. Jlemoirs of William IJa/.litt ; with Portions of his 
 Correspondence, Lon., 1807, 2 vols. 8vo. 8. Hand-Uook 
 to the Popular Poetical ami Dramatic Literature of Great 
 llritain, from tile Invention of Printing to the Re,«tiira- 
 tion. Loll,, 1807, Svo. 9. (Ed.) The Ro.\burglio [.ibrary, 
 Lon., 1808-70, 8 vols. tto. 10. Popular Antiiiuities of 
 Great nritain, Lon., 1809, :! vols. 8va. 11. (Ed.) Eng- 
 lish Proverbs and Proverbial I'hrases, Lon., 1809, r. 8vo; 
 2d od., enl., 1882. 12. (Ed.) Inedited Poetical .Miscel- 
 lanies, l,iS4-l7'lO: selected Iroui .M.'^S. chictly in Private 
 Hands: with a Few Explanatory mid Illustrative Notes, 
 Lon., 1870, 8vo. 50 copies, privately printed. (Con- 
 tains a preface by Henry Hutli, from whose library ihu 
 material was mainly selected.) \3. (Ed.) The New Lon- 
 don Jcst-Book, l.on., 1871, Svo. 14. Anecdotes and 
 Reminiscences of Illustrious .Men and Women of Modern 
 Times, Lon., 1872, I2nio. 15. (Ed.) Prefaces, Dedica- 
 tions. Epistles, selected from Early English Hooks, 15IU 
 -1701, Lon., 1874, Svo. 50 copies, privately printed. 
 (Contaics an introduelory notice by Henry Hutn.) 10. 
 Collections and Notes, 1867-70, Lon., 1870, 8vo. 
 '"'he books noticed by Mr. Hazlitt in this volume are all 
 rar,'. . . . Perhaps it would be safe to. «ay that three-fourths 
 of the books named in it are unique. . . . There are very 
 few tliat are worth reailing ; , , . ami wo may look on the 
 mania for collecting them as a harmless form of the prev- 
 alent Insanity, To such collectors .Mr, Hazlitl's book is 
 simjily indisiiensable; nor will it bo alisolutclv useless to 
 the student of tlie history of English literature.' —*'«/. Rev., 
 xli. ,')00, 
 17. Second Series of Bibliographical Collections ami 
 Notes on Early English Literature, 1474-1700, Lon., 
 18-^2, Svo. 18. Offspring of Thought in Solitude: Mod- 
 ern Essays, Lon., 188-1, cr. Svo. 19, (Ed.) Jests Old 
 and New: containing Anecdotes of Celebiilics Living 
 and Deceased, l,on,, I'^SO, 12ino. Also, 100 special 
 copies, interleaved. 20. Old Cookery Books ami .An- 
 cient Cuisine, Lon., 1880. 21. Gleanings in Old Gar- 
 den Literature, Lon., 1SS7, 12iuo. 22. .Schools, School- 
 Itooks, and School-Masters : a Contribution to the History 
 of Educational Development in Great llritain, Lon,, 1887, 
 p. 8vo. 
 ! Head, Barclay Vincent, Ph.D., D.C.L., b. 1S14, 
 at Ipswich, Kng. ; educated at t^uecn Elizabeth's Gram- 
 inar-Scbool in that town; entered the British Museum 
 as assistant in the department of coins and medals 1864, 
 and was appointed assistant keeper 1871. His honorary 
 degrees were conferred upon him by the Universities of 
 Heidelberg and Durham in recognition of his services to 
 the science of auuiismatic.<, he having been the first to 
 inelhodize the classification of Greek and Phoenician 
 coins according to their chronology and styles of art. 
 He is a corresponding member of the Imperial German 
 Archieological Institute, honorary secretary of the Numis- 
 matic Society of London, and joint editor of the Numis- 
 matic Chronicle. Three of his works have been crowned 
 by the French .Academy. 1. On the Chronological Se- 
 quence of the Coins of Syr.icusc, Lon., 1874, Svo. 2. 
 Metrologioal Notes on Ancient Elcctrum Coins, Lon., 
 1870, 8vo. 
 " ,\ valuable monograph on a ,'lttss of coins too little 
 studied, , , , Historically the iiiaiii value of the laboui 
 Mr, Head has mulergoue in thc-c liiquines consists in the 
 [iroofs atforded by them of the extent of the early com- 
 merce of antiquity, and of the great lines along which it 
 moved,"— -It/i,, No, i!o3S, 
 H. The Coinage of Lydia and Persia, from the Earliest 
 Times to the Fall of the Dynasty of the Achiemenidie, 
 Lon., 1877, 4to. 4. Catalogue of Greek Coins: Mace- 
 donia, Lon., 1879, p. 8vo. 5. The Coinage of Ephesus. 
 Illust. Lon., 1880, 8vo. 
 " No one can study this interesting volume, with its fine 
 photograph.c (autotype) .dates, without being astonished 
 ,it the certainty to which the science of numismatics in the 
 hands of such scholars as Mr. Head has attained, and the 
 amount of artistic, mythological, historical, and even eco- 
 nomical knowledge that is to be derived from the iiatient 
 .study of the monetary scries of a Greek city."— .s'uf. A'cti,, 
 0. A Guide to the Principal Gold and Silver Coins of 
 the Ancients, from circa B.C. 700 to A.D. 1, (Brit, Mus. 
 Pub.,) Lon., 1881, Svo; new ed., 1886. 7. Synopsis of 
 the Coins and Medals in the British Museum. Issue I. 
 (Brit. Mus. Pub.) Lon., 1881, cr. 8vo. 8. Catalogue of 
 Greek Coins: Central Greece, (Locris, I'hoois, Boeotiu, 
 and Euba-a.) Illust. Lon., 1SS4, 8vo. 9, Historia 
 Nummorum: a Manual of Greek NumiBuiatics. Illust. 
 Oxf„ 1887, Svo. 
 ■' "Vhat Mr, Head has succeeded in doing Is to iiroiUice 
 an excellent introdULtion to the study of Greek com iiii'll 
 its liraiicbos,— a thing for wlii,'h coiiicoUectors, foreign 
 and Englisli, have iieen sighing for the last half-century," 
 — (', O.M.V.V: .lc(i((., xx.'il. 119, 
 111. Catalogue of (ireek Cuius; Attica — Megaris — 
 ..Egimi. Lon.. ISSs. 8vo. 
 Head, Sir Kdmund Walker, Bart., K.C.B., 
 1),C,L,. F,R,S,, [.(, vol i,, add,,] 180,)-I80S. He u. 
 signed the governor-generalship of Canada in 1861, and 
 on his return to England was appointed a civil servici 
 commissioner. 1. Shall and Will; or, Two (^hapters on 
 Future .\uxiii:iry Verb,-. Luu,, l.-iiO, p. Hiu; 2d ed., enl., 
 " The book Is clear in expression, and abundant In In for- 
 mathm. It Is also Ingenious. . , . When we have read Iho 
 book we feel that we have got Into our mind a good deal 
 tii'ii — Mcgaris— 
 of L. 
 aij(l 1 
 nm.,j ./,".i-l,s,j. 1. aesoi'i.ilivn !,'.„...'.'-,.. ' .'■ I'lieliusctts in t)iB »„i,..ii:,. .,.,.''''.*' '2i'io. ?. Mas 
 gincor. r,(m., I,m;!I, .svo ■'• •'M'- 1. Hie Koyal En- 
 Ul,inslructiv•t^••,?/A^^, x-:vi' llf,''''"'- ""^ ^^i'l">l not 
 j- A Sketuh of ihp l,ii'» ,in,i jT ii ^ , 
 'ho C.ust.' thereof c"i*H^li"s"'''°""'' ^"«»«ni'^. "nU 
 limn: bei„gaSy"teL,,f VL" ""v T''" ^'"'"''•'« by 
 i^tauite,, L„,T., ixfr ;!^.;/ ''•^«'"""" Tcehnica applied to 
 K»Hifi"uloI,';T?oi.|!!-,^,l^," ^r "" - New System of 
 HeaU, Percy Heudeil V„„ n i r ■ 1 fl'eir Chanicierii 
 lleiKl. H-.I.J.. p" 7'"»'«. ) Lon., i8-y, o. svo i Headv W « 
 Con.h.,on P.... „_..." -^t^^Z: vtj""" "' "*""= I'''«"'«. or the Like, 
 Head, Kobert c..^ T T^'"'"',-.-' *^""-' ^^''-^^ i'- ^vo. 
 Iii;'oo.of,h,sr^, '6he«li4T?wn'p*' T^ ''™-^'""'^ " 
 ^, Headiuglev, Ado phe s .n "*^'n'""' ""' ■'™' 
 Iirmllau>tl,, Lon . 18s" c'rsvo „ ", ^">>^'"Vi'y of C 
 Hoadiiietoii I '»■'*"*"''>*' •''I. enl., 1 8S,i 
 (E.I.) liuok of ;,,„•. /\7 '^;:^,.*'-"',"^'"'. Joseph. 
 Heacilam, ilrs. BpRtrn„ »'"""• '**^'''' '-"'o- 
 D. Jleadh,,,,, ,'/--" Shim *" "•• ""■" <"■ ««>'■ ■«• 
 ogy. Lon., isrsf p.'svo ' ^'■■'■^""■' ■" Christian Theol- 
 Headlain, llev. StPMa^t n . 
 atoM at Trin ty Co U^l v'l »"«kwort}i, 
 1870;ounuo of Sim .dl, '" VlsV f f' '.'""= "''"'"ncd , 
 Catechism and the K nvnehntion ,7 " k'" ^i'" ^'"'^'••'' 
 ;,'n.l other Senno!,; Lon., Yss " tl'T "^ V"',"''"''-^' i 
 fmnitheCros..;" irBn' n' . ™.- ''• '"'^'ons 
 on (iood Friday, ss;;/,;^',.", '"' "''' ^'"""^ 
 of '^'""■"''lUferbein..S ude8in;h„rr- t J''" ^""'^ 
 Lon., IS.SS. er. Svo "'"^"'s '" "'o Church Catechism, 
 I. Thou;;hls and JVav -s r .; ■ " '"^ •'^"■"''. ''• I^- : 
 Lon., ls,!ii |9„,, -.,"','!;'"""r' '""' ^-"I'li'iiatory Notes 
 Headii ,d" :-redericT- Wh'; ■■^' ^""- ■■^•'6. '2n u, ' 
 [""'^ vol. i., a, d 1 AM. 11 T ''",'"' •^'•I>-.1''.K.C.J'., 
 toCler,.y„,e'„, ,,;;,[, tnl'tl^""'^-"""^ ' "•"" "i"'-^ 
 lion: a Hi,. <■ ., _.'■! '>^'''- •!. IheOieat Rebel 
 -'ohus.u; inth^iSSii^;.':'^!' '^"f. '2""'. riHa : 
 i-osition of th. c™^;: ;.;,.;^'^-V'Vh,'^-"^^'"'-' 
 Heroines of the Hible- or Tl, vr ' I '''' ^™- ''^• 
 '"■•y, iio..t., I,s,i7 ISn'o Vt. ,'"'" °f SaeredHia- 
 Il>"vid, IJost., ISfi.s T";. ''■ ^'-o.^ourt and Camp „f 
 Veara of the Old Norsemen, If ^"".%',"''' ^ Thousand 
 '8-^. '2mo. l;;. (Cmnn 1 I „h,""1', •'^■«-"*'^- N. York, 
 ^"piiit in the Life and ["h.r^^ 'J't ^ '"'' "^ "'o "oly 
 Vork, LS8J, ,svo ''"'"'"" "'^ ^^- '•• Hau.mond, N. 
 , KiS''c'2g'e"l!!^do"n'*.td'!' Vir^«' <"'-"-'' "' 
 l'eter'«, Great Win"mi '«" " ' "r '?"";, ^'""te of St. 
 mentary ar.,1 1', "nar Vi .1'' r",'."';'"' "''''''■ '• Eie- 
 ^vo. 2. The Vital Prin '."'^ I'-eliHion, I ,n., 1871 
 e.t„hMshed in "^ e . h.f ch i";- "'•' '^^-'i""i'y. "b. 
 bH"Sing UentilnsanV , o^. in "r!"'' JV^'o'-'M^Uion, for 
 J. The Gospel, ti.e Crnori Vi, n ^T' ''""•' '«"•". «vo. 
 lion., 1874 8 -o 4 '■ ' '■"'' "'e Cross „f Christ 
 Lon., LS75. ' " ^""""^ Song: wi.h JIusie 
 tb "•^?;^;;;!;?I«;^^i««j;f • on I„^rnal Tumours : 
 bourne, 18-fi, Sv,. ^'"""=""'"' anJ Diagnosis, MoU 
 ,1, • „ ""i-vois. 8vo 4 I 
 ir'TK;'"'"''"-''^'>'-V".k, 1880, 8v„. new 
 Vork, isiir. 8v . 'nefv'':,',""' '","',''"'■''' Commander.. N 
 •'-".^.Vork,i8"8,S o"T'"n''"'- ,'!• f^"« of U.S. 
 "-M:x:vo;;";t'^;i'^1!;r '" ^■~ ^'-u 0/ 1,:!; 
 ^^ J>n^ia'!::;;2'";f?^ &!' t"'.'. vol. i 
 iliilt., ISfiH. ll»iii,^^ 
 and^Uct'n'.m'BHdge?™'/;?,:" V'"'^ f'"" Arehe, 
 Heald, Edmund T(,„- .^l'"- ""*^- ^vo. 
 Times of I'leGe"" .f: til Imich"'.''''''""^"^ ' »'■- The 
 "I'cd and established n Syria iX, ^"' '" '"' ''"*•«'- 
 Lon.. |s(|,o, m,„o '" '^i^""' J^abyloma, and Egypt, 
 ; CaJ'::?^';^,:;'!-^,^'V«o„, A Treatise on Vita. 
 I '••^72, ;' vols. 8v". ' ^''"'■"'' ««»''' or l-e»s, Lon., 
 I se;;^ lll^n?':;;?^^ •^m!?^;.'T^,'"« ^'^"" "istory, ana 
 abound infaini iaril u^'n'ii ,. ""V?- ■ • • !"«] laKes 
 generally kn,,w,,: '4,/^ N, 'ww "'*-■" "' '" '""a'"-'os not 
 Eu!;;!i!?^;f '^': <^,;;j,J^« ciirisUan Altar in Western 
 -'On, 1881, 8vo. 3 Tbn r 7" ""'■«' "'"l Ornaments, 
 of King.ston-upon-Thames ■; L, "'"'■^. f "'° Church 
 Of the Free Cllapel ."t Mr'M'' T',"' "■?. "'>^'ory 
 the Law and I'raetice relatio.r („ 7 i, . • ,^ Treatise on 
 tion of Joint-Stock (nuanu.! ^'V"^^' "^ '^^^ooia- 
 eJ.. enl., I,s8fi. "Panies, Lon., 1875, r. 8vo; 2d 
 ""-•'■ ^ ' ."-"■^•«>"- -•^',•'•':n^"na Sherman;: Law (Ireland, Act SSI Hiwh' i**'^- '• '''be Land 
 -1J..J ha^Veld palt'orates in ?he p"".'!'' t"'"'- ^<"- !•■ II. 
 Dublin, I,S82, Svo ■> I'lV'VT '""™ "'<-'reunder, 
 IS'ifi, Svo. With ju-ri'v V ' "^"^ I'-olni'l, Dublin, 
 Somerset, Ohio. A Short T. ■,'.',•" ^"'"I"''""' '"onk, of 
 Dovo, s ,0 the messed Vh-^rv 'v «J«,'«"-«"y : vlith 
 ■'"^,..AMa,f::|'J^,";'^:?"' -'-Cl'ttageiros- 
 Ilraiiley, llev. Robert Alarshnll, M.A., gnul- 
 untcd lit yueun'B CoMcko, Oxford, 1871 ; onliiineil 1S71 ; 
 hon. .-eciTtivry of the Universitiua' Central African Mis- 
 sion, niid rector of WainHeet, Lincolnsliiri, since I SSII. 
 A Memoir of Edward Steere. O.D., LL.U., Third Mis- 
 sionary Bishop in Central Africa. IlluRt. Lon., 1,S88, 
 cr. Svo. 
 Heap, Major David Po.-ter, son of (i. ]I. Heap, 
 iii/i'ii ; b. 18l:i, at San Stel'auo. Turkey; grailuated at 
 the U.S. Militai-y Academy 18(i4; served in the civil 
 war, and has since been engaged in various engineering 
 works. 1. History of the AppMeation of the Electric 
 Light to Lighting the Coasts of France, Wash., 18.S.S. 
 2. Electrical Appliiinces of the I'roscit Day, N. York, 
 L'<S4. X Ancient and .Modern Lights, Bost., 1887. 
 Also, nports, Ac. 
 Heap, (iwyiiii Harris-, 1SI7-1S87, b. at Chester, 
 Pa. ; became a clerk in the I'.S. government service 
 1S4B ; consul at lielfast 1Si'j6, and at Tunis 18117-78, and 
 then a])poiiited secretary of legation and consul-general 
 at Constantinople. Centrn' Route to ;he I'acilic, from 
 the N'alley of the Mississippi to California: Journal of 
 the Expedition of E. F. lieule and 0. ]I. Heap, I'iiila., 
 185,1, 8vo. 
 Heaphy, Miisgrnve. Glimpses and Gleams, Lon., 
 188:i, p. 8vo. 
 Heaphy, Thoma!«, l8l;i-lS7:); son of Thomas 
 Heaphy, an artist in water-colours and the first president 
 of the Society of British Artists ; followed his fathe.-V 
 profession, and was much employed as a portrait pa'nter. 
 He also contributed to periodicals. 1. The Likeness of 
 Christ : being an Enquiry into tV-\ Verisirailitude of the 
 Received Likeness of Our Blessad Lord. Edited by 
 Wyke Bayliss. Illust. Lor , 81. 2. A Wonderful 
 Qhoat-Story ; being Mr. H.'s ■ n Narrative : with 
 Letters of Charles Dickens to the Author respecting it. 
 [Edited by Mrs. Heaphy. 1 Lon., Iss2, 12mo. 
 Heard, Albert F., lormerly consul-general for 
 Russia at Shanghai. The Russian Cliurch and Russian 
 Dissent ; comprising Ortiiodu.\y, Dissent, and Erratic 
 Sects, X. York, I8S7, .8vo. 
 •' If Mr. Heard's work i.s to beplas.sitied as a compilation, 
 it IS one in the best sense of the word. He has per.jctly 
 mastered his sulyect, and has worked it up in the calmly 
 unbiassed temper of an historian, and in a stvle at once 
 clear and terse. He oilers no original t.'ieories, no new 
 views, but plenty of soun.l observations .'ud interesting 
 details, carefully selected."— .Vh/ioh, .\1v. 2;ib. 
 Heard, Franklin Fiske, [ante, vol. i., add.,] 
 1820-1889, b. at Wayland, Middlese.\ Co., Mass. ; grad- 
 uated at Harvard 1848; admitted to the bar 1850. 1. 
 liihel and Slander, Host., 1860. 2. The Legal Aoquire- 
 I lents of William Shakspeare, Bost., 1865, 4to. .5. Curi- 
 I sitics of the Law Reporters, Bost.. 1.S71, l2mo; new 
 id., 1881. 4. A Treatise adapted to the Law and Practice 
 01 the Superior Courts, and of Trial Justices, District, 
 Polne, anu Municipal Courts, in Criuiinal Cases, Bost., 
 1879, 8vo. 5. Principles of Pleading in Civil Actions, 
 Bost., 1880, Svo. 6. A Concis; Treatise on the Prin- 
 cipl.^ of Equity Pleading: with Precedents, Bost., 1SS2, 
 Svo. 7. Shakespeare as a Lawyer, Bost., 188:i, sq. 12mo. 
 8. (Ed.) Acts and Resolves, (ieneral and Special, of the 
 Massachusetts (Jeneral Court, 1882, Host., 1884, 8vo. 9. j 
 Precedents of Equity Pleadings, Bost., 1881, 12mo. 10. | 
 Precedents of Pleadings in I'ersonal Actions in the Su- I 
 perior Courts of Common Law: with Notes, Bost., 1886, 
 Heard, Isaac V. D. History of the Sioux War 
 and Massacres of 18(52 and l86;f, N. York, ISB.'i, l2mo. 
 Heard, James Arthur. The Life and Times of 
 Nathalia Boris<ovna, Princess Dolgorookov, Lon., 1857, 
 Roman Empire, viewed in Relation to the Evidences of 
 Christiani'y, Cambridge and Lon.. 1852, 8vo. 2. Now 
 Wine in Old IJottles : a Review of Maurice's Theological 
 Essays, Dublin, 1864, llimo. ?,. New Wine in Old Bot- 
 tles, [being a Reply to the " Essays and Reviews,"] 
 Lon., 1862, Svo. 4. The Pastor and the Parish; or, The 
 Minister as Preacher, Pastor. Catccbist, Lon., 1865, p. 
 8vo. 5. The Tripartite Natiir« of Man; Spirit. Soul. 
 and Body, Lon., i8(16, p. 8vo; 5th eii., Edin., 1882^ (i. 
 National Christianity: or, Ctesarism and Clericalism, 
 Lon., 1877, Svo. 7. Old and New Theology: a Con- 
 structive Critique, Edin., 1884, p. Svo. 
 I Hearn, Lafcadio, b. 1850, in Louoadia, (Santa 
 ' Maura,) Ionian Islands, of English and Greek parent- 
 age : ciiucatcd in England and France; a journalist in 
 Cinoinnati and New Orleans. 1. (Trans.) One of Cleo- 
 patra's Nights, and other Fantastic Romances, by Thc- 
 o|)hile Gautier, X.York, 1882, Svo. 2. Stray Leaves 
 from Strange Literature Stories reconstructed from the 
 ■ Anvari-.Soheili, Talmud, Ac., Bust., 1884, Svo. H. (Trans.) 
 I Gomljo Zhebes ; Little Dictionary of Creide Proverbs : 
 \ selected from Six Creole Dialects : with Notes, Ac, N. 
 Orleans, La., 1885, Svo. 4. Some Chinese Ghosts, Bost., 
 1887, 12mo. 
 " His style is ex(iuisitely polished, his vocabulary is the 
 cream of language, and his six stories arc tidd with literary 
 art."— .V(i(m», xliv. l.'il'i. 
 Hearn, Uilliam Edward, LL.D., 1826-1888, b. 
 at Belturbet, County Cavaii. Ireland, and educated at 
 the Royal School of Enniskillcn, and at Trinity College, 
 Dublin ; was ajipointed professor of Greek at tjueen's 
 College. Gahvay, in 1849, and in 1S54 became professor 
 of modern history, logic, i>nd [lolitical economy in the 
 University of Melbourne, Austnilia. In i87H he resigned 
 his professorship to become dtun of the faculty of law 
 at the university and a member of the legislative council 
 of Victoria. 11 was called to the Irish bar in lS5,'i,and 
 to the bar of Victoria in 1860. 1. 'i'ho Cassell Prize 
 ; Essay on the Condition of Ireland, L(m.. ?851, p. Svo. 
 I 2. Plutology; or. The Theory of the Kliorts to satisfy 
 Human "'ants, Lon., 1864, Svo; new ed., 1878. 
 " It is a very good ijook. ... a manual of political econ- 
 omy, not dilluring very niateriiillv, as far as we can judge, 
 from previous works on the same subject."— .8'(i(. Rei\, xvll. 
 H. The (lovernment of England : its Structure and its 
 Develo|jnicnt : Melbourne, Svdney, and Adelaide, Lim., 
 1867, Svo: 2d ed., rev., 1S87." 
 " Professor Hcarn's 'Government of England' has taught 
 me more than any other single work of the way in which 
 the labours of lawyers established in early times the ele- 
 mentary principles wbiidi form the basis of the conslltu- 
 tion.'— K. DicEV: Law of the Vdiutilution Preface. 
 4. Payment by Results in Primary Education, Mel- 
 bourne, 1872, I2nio. 5. The Arym Household, its 
 Structure and Development : an Introduction to Com- 
 parative Jurisprudence, Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 " We should say that he owes most to Sir H. Maine, 
 though he has looked at the structure of archnif -ociety 
 alsowlth theeye-s of .M. de C'oulanges. Vet it were grossly 
 unjust not to admit that Dr. Hcarn's work is one of great 
 learning, ability, and value."— .4W., :-'o. 2074. 
 6. The Theory of Legal Duties and Rights : an In- 
 troduction to Analytical Jurisprudence, Melbourne and 
 Lon... 1884, Svo. 
 " The Australian colonies have furnished, in the person 
 of Mr. Hearn, a most alile writer on jurisprudence His 
 book is modestly styled an Introduction; . . . but, as far 
 as it goes, it is complete and exhaustive."— Sa(. liev., Iviii. 
 Hearnden, Isaac. " Blower's Ghost :" a Legend 
 of Kent, Lon., Is.sii, 12mo. 
 Hearne, Edwin. 1. Thoughts on the Cholera, 
 Lon., 1853, Svo. 2. Cholera Non-Contagicms, and the 
 Absurdity of Quarantine Restrictions demonstrated, 
 Lon., 1866, Svo. 
 Hearne, .Mary Anne, ("Marianne Fa-ning- 
 ham,'' pseud.,) b. at Farningham, Kent. 1. Lays and 
 Lyrics of the Blessed Life, Lon., 1860, fp. Svo; 5th 
 ed., :S67. 2. Life Sketches and Echoes from the Valley, 
 Lon., 1861-67, throe serie.;, fp. Svo. 3. Poems, Loii., 
 1866; 2d ed., Lon., IS70, p. Svo. 4. Chats by the 
 Se,a, Lon., 1868, 12mo. 5. Little Talcs for Little Readers, 
 Lon., 1860, 12mo. 6. Home Lite, Lon., 1869, 12mo, 
 7. Girlhood, Lon., 1S61I. 12mu. 8. Boyhood, Lon., 
 1870, 12mo. 9. The Sunday-Schools of the Future, 
 Lon., 1871, 12mo. 10. The Cathedral's Shadow: a 
 Story, Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 11. Brothers and Sisters, 
 Lon., I.sr3, 12mo. 12. Leaves from Elim, [verse,] Lon., 
 lS73j^p. Svo. 13, Dell's New Year, Lon., 1S74, I2mo. 
 14. Sunday Afternoons with .lesus: Bible Readings, 
 Lon., 1874, p. Svo. 15. What of the Night? a Tern- 
 jicrance Tale, Lon., 1876, 12mo. 16. The Summer and 
 Autumn of Life, Lon., 1876, 12mo. 17. Songs of Sun- 
 shine, Lon., 1878, p. ,Hvo. 18. The Children's Holidays : 
 Out-of-Duor .Stories for Little Ones, Lon., 1878. 19 
 The Story of the Years: a Text-Book and Diary, Lon.. 
 1880, 32mo. 20. Homely Talks about Homely Things, 
 .on., Is.Sfi ,,. i*v.,. 21. Victoria: a .Souvenir of ll.e 
 Queen 8 Jubilee, Lon., 1887, 32mo. 
 Heartiey, Charles Tebbott. Our Cathedials 
 and their Jliision, Lon., IS55, Svo. 
 Ueasell, Anne. I. Studies on the Apocalypse; 
lost :" a Legend 
 new cu., r,on., I8a2, 12i]i() •} p„ i >. „, 
 Heasmaii, Alfred. Caiip f "**''' '^mo. 
 The Su»»ex Herd-Book : vol i I'g.t I ""s I^"""',' *^- 
 8vo. ' '"■^''-IsiH, Lewes, lS7y, 
 1868, ,i vols. p. «;„ " '"' ®"'°- " ^»v«l. I-on., 
 ■eotureron a„ar.„y:f :h^"fc X''HoSrsr^ 
 WW. Keen, illust'.'; mir'^.irT.hT i' T4 "^f j-'.^' ' 
 tndoseone a8 a Means tor th r," '*^- •'■ *Jn ""o 
 of Ureth'ral Di^el::,"'!,' .,'?,s«^"^r '^ "/' ■■^''•'"""»"" 
 Diseases uf I'le jnJ, , r „'. 1' ''^' : . ■*• rrijiiries and 
 Thoracic Aneurism by th„ DU^ '/ r ?^''"""""""'f ^'"™- 
 8vo. (i. A Cours Jo "™ve^ '«"'""■■ '""■- '""'' 
 'Irawn by .M. L^.veil 16 ' >, 'l 1^"^ ^ wi.h Plates 
 ^lo; 2ded., 18S4 7 Th« o ,J,^", '•"'"■' ■■'<77, imi.. 
 Uiagnosi., Lon. ■ 1S7!., ?2nu>"''2'd /'"w!^,'" ^"^''"™' 
 Cei.ain Diseases of the Jaws ni,,,,"' r ^f'"'''"' "" 
 Heath, Douglas i>eii.,rui 'T' '^^**' Sw- 
 eated at IVinitv ColltL r ? '■ '■•^•' ''• "*"; «''»- 
 at 'he Inner Te,*;;p,e^''k " "t'.gf if^':' '" '""k"" 
 county court T8tr-'i.-,. An KlBm.n. ^ I^'oomsbury 
 the Doctrine of Ener./v L „ "^ "'"^-'''ry Exposition of 
 . Heath, Rev. Uunba Is d^ri'' ["; r 
 1.. Hkath, D. J., add 1 181(i ISH^ ' > ••^- ^"""' *•"'• 
 College, Ca.nbr d^r W. K^ ' graduated at Trinity 
 Isle of Wiirht 184.^ L ' "'""" "''"'• "f Uniding, 
 hi. «ermonV 'oi .t'reriirorr '"I f'"' «-^P"-^^ions fn 
 Character, Lon., 18(i2 „ Svo ^ m '"!' ''"■"''^^^ional 
 Heath, Francis Ge'oree. b ISi'i „t t ., entered the civil servk'c in Hfi^' ^h'^'u'' ^7" 
 .".any years taken an active i^tereti,,!, ""^ '""' ^'" 
 of forests and the extens on of ,,»rL "'," l"-<^««''^'«ion 
 in the metropoli. In 8s'' V '""^ "1"^" ^l"''"^ 
 .(ournal of Forestry. , The" r' "'"'"' "^ "'« 
 Life in the West of Enghind Lon 1 s"T™ a "'' ^""""'^ 
 -a]., same year. '='°8"""'' ''on- '"^i, p. 8vo ; 2d ed., 
 -^^^'"^"^{^^Jif^^Z?^ v«cation.,our. which 
 present condition of the atr?,nif,,r,i'--^' ''''"'"'■' '"'" the 
 Ins native ..ounty, Sc er tn hi" ."""' '!;.""• '" ai'paruntly 
 •■"iibeeithbr mure imnortani or',;,;; '''-'w 'luostlons . . . 
 >"",l'l. allied to au Eg is K?ar "?/';,?!"' ^" "■' English 
 ^.,Th:z;;i^;ta:„?;r'L!!r^^^^s^-'- '«"- **-• 
 i™A""''"'^»'so;n^Iiha^^lr^"'^/'"«'^''-^S ''"" very 
 o"y-««didhisHttK, 'entiffl.^^^^^ • ■ " treo,^ 
 "r t Lile'-of that part of t he Vel. .r p 't"in«ii''e of I'eas- 
 -i^t- o. the vLi:i^y'i:?'^^:^^^,^^'^inu,. 
 LoL^^7^r-"tn^,^tf 7!^-'--^ ^-, 
 and at wy ra'tT^knan<Mk'?lt'tln'J ''f'"'P'''';''' '" " compact 
 niar and (Ilctl(>n.>rv of ?hn f.!r '^ '^"■"'l"' "'« whole Rram- 
 gra"!^:s''Z^exedKM!i'''f,' ■»««•» " rtl'Unet nee.l ; I,, en- 
 si"Kularh- aceumte , i b th uXf'V ",";? »"" ''-■allVL 
 Wdt™!re^-t-,:;;^-Si".ilo Letter IVon, 
 I the Kerns round Lon on.' Lon 'I'ssf'T' '^'"'P'" - 
 i '"''■'• 13. My Oardon WIIJ ' ! i' '""'• "<-'»' ««'•, 
 JVess Descriptions, ion ISSri'ol'",'-"''*" ■,"'"' '"="«- 
 i il'u.t. Lon.,^S85 p. 8;o 16' Tree t^ ^^''"','" "''"'"• 
 p. svo. '^ '"• ■'"« Gossip, Lon., lS,so, 
 -h"Mo,!rl^n? i.o:,^'"-EdUed b'T'^ "' n^'^^'^^ "™t^ 
 Pia er"^',,irtn""l''i'rPnl^*''^-■'''-^'-'^-t. 
 anS''L^*^:^^:'lS"^^,i>-'^-s: its Cause, 
 Heath, Kichard i' ^V''" /''.'^'"''S. l«o9. 
 Lit.^and^fritinr^'^i'^.r.s'sr-.r^o ''" ^"'^ 
 than lUemo' ?lL;;,l.l?M,'''ih'^u'i, ."r^ "I'T ''i-faphical 
 somewhat inerloaded i/ «■ u, ' folll.'i'f',' "' '"■"' '"'l™'! 
 «|mt ho IS pleased to ^'^^^^Hl^^l^^l^^^r!^;;^ ^_ 
 itt!''t::z is.s2"uo"'VTh''^"',"^'r ^-'-"-• 
 or. (ilimpses < f the Ililrv i.fTh ^'^'"? ^ '" ^^l-rosa ; 
 Lon., 1884, ,K,o 4 -n" ^i^.'"''-' •^S''>-'"''"ral Labourer 
 the Dawn if R;f„;„/.„ th„ r'"''"" '" ^''"■"'"'- from 
 -Nantes. (..Churenii ;^. ^eTT"/'::' V'c ""'''"l "' 
 grSj^at^L^rivS'^oiri'l"' f'-, '«^^-'«^^^. 
 Hertford College Oxford IS" i ® ' i^""''',"'' '**^^' ""d at 
 I Bishopswood fss" ,"^.i-fi;,':\';i'fr'"f '«"^! .vi^arof 
 p. 8vo. 2 (Tl■ans^ Mi^t 1 ?' * ,'"'-''" Artists,") 1879, 
 Heath" s:,"""'™' "<•«-. '.on :T888-p"8Tr'"^ 
 vofs' x^.^1 x"'*n^,^.- *?",'."« f "'"— Court Reports, 
 Heath ■ Thomas '\?,;;''"i'^' '**=«' ' -"•**>■<'■ 
 P"-"s,Sa,U>an,,";i.,oi''-" ^''^'"""- """^ "">" 
 dria r'^f stlurirthe Hi'V"' .^^'opha-'- of Alexr.n- 
 I'ridge, 1885, Svo '"'"''^ ""^ ^''"'<- Algebra, Cam- 
 ina,t!;iS''^lj;:l?'^;!??'!:j7i''"tion to the history of 
 NiL'e7or':7Ttle"'i:V.^''r'V«'- The Admiral', 
 He«ti rote Evai, aT' ^"^■•J»'^». 2 vols. 8vo. 
 or. Sv.,. ' ""* ^ Parson's Story, Lon., 1881, 
 b^y"rD^refo"p'm^nro1•t?'' '' •^"""«^- ^-'-Em- 
 j Tran.,actions7ir.:'i8l,/8'v"o " ""'"' (''''"'"«P''ioal 
 I BamorcXe'oxtd MliJn "* '7^^",°' «™''-'-' "t 
 ordained Isfj.V, recto/ West" n' '" "'" 'r"'^'"" ''^"'^! 
 since IS67. 1 Seven S»r,n Doq-'ng, Lincolnshi,^ 
 Heathcote, John Mnvpr id • • 
 [ Fen and Mere, Lon., 1876 r.^vo. ''«""■"«''<'"»«' of 
 lion goi'iu nV"ri?a,ld%avi','J h!mspii-'/'',"""'y °^ 'nforma- 
 ^ 2.^Scoop Wheel and Centrifugal plt,p, Lo,,„ ,877. 

 Ileullicote, 'I '. Tho Truth of God Defenilpd, 
 ic. : Tlircf Mi^iiys, . ., 1S72, 8vo, 
 Ilcillhcutc'W. t . (Trnns.) The Nature of lliir- 
 mony ami Jletri', by Mni:t7. Iluu|itmami, Lon., IHHS, Svo. 
 Heather, U. K. I. How to Play at liloek, l,cin., 
 IS'li, p, Svu. 2. (.'arda unJ Canl'i'riuki. lllust. !.■';;, 
 l^rn, |). Svo. 
 Heatlierhigton, Alexaiiilnr, F.O.S., d. IS.'ti, a 
 nulling aj^unt in ilulirax, .Nova ."^lolia, and Toronto. 1. 
 A I'rai'iical (iiiido lur Tmiri.-<t», .Minern, irnd Inve^toi ■, 
 and All I'er.-'on.s inU'rcstuit in tiio Ufvclii iiifnt of li.e 
 Oold-l'Molds of >;ova Seotia, .MontriMil. l'(JS, 12mo. '.'. 
 A I'lea for the (iold Industry of Xovo rfcotia, Lon., 18V J, 
 ]i. Kvo. 
 Ilenthertliwr yte, J. T. Niuniaj or, Voiecs fron 
 the Silent Land, i.on., I -^S.'!, p. Svo. 
 lientlininii, Jitines Henry. On the Preserva- 
 tion of Life and i'ronerty from Fiie, Lon., 1SS2, p. Svo; 
 new cd . itIS.i. 
 HentlMiiar , >\illiniii G. 1. Tlie Jews and their 
 lL.<tit^ti..tif, Lon., ISl", 12nio. 2. Travels in Switzer- 
 land ii> i'-M-,',i, 'Lon., IS.'),!, Svo. 
 Hfaiii."ii, Capt. Thomas liritlfSCH. 1. An 
 Organiy.atioii ,'.or a Popular Army, Lon., It', 1, Svo. 2. 
 Li^ht K'?rri^slini'nts ol liifi-rnt Sort.-, [prose nijd verse,] 
 Lon., 1-^ :, Sv.). 
 Heatiey, t»(!«rj;t; S, ' Tlio ilorie-Oiriier's Safe- 
 guard : a I'undy .Mcdieul t iliic, Kdii; , l.S,<2, cr. Svo. 
 2. The titooiv-()»-ner'.= Muule: i ifrii'.dy M di-/;>l Treatifv, 
 Edin., 1883, p. Svo. :;. Sheep-I'iirmilig. i.'Jii., LSSl, p. 
 i'vo. 4. Oui i)og3 iind their TUfiie.". Lon.. l-yR-i, p. 
 Svo; new eJ., Lssr, :k I'ractieal ■■\'t .,iMi-y Reuiodie.'! : 
 a Kand-Jiook oa .Mfdi;i!ie, Kdin., isji,;, p. Svo. f'<. The 
 Dog Kunuier's Friend: a Handy v.uido, Lon., IsS7, p. 
 Svo. *■ 
 Heatoii, Rcr. Arthur I'r.Mitrick, graduated nt 
 Clare College, Caiobridge. |S(;;<. o-dained ISOo; chap- 
 lain at St. Olave, Christiun.a, ISs:i. L The Church 
 Blilitant, Lon., IS76, Svo, 2. Hereafter, [verse,] Lon., 
 3SM, p. Svo. 
 Ifeaton, Charier William, professor of cheniis- 
 t''.\. The Threshold tn' Ciieiui.-itry : an E.\perimentttl 
 Introduction, Lon., LSlii. ji. Svo. 
 Henton, Ellen Marvin. The Octagon Club: a 
 '.. ha raiter Study, liy E. 11. M. N, York, 188U, Svo. 
 Hoaton, George, ALU. Rupture, Reducible and 
 lr''i;da'il>le ; also. Varicocele, N. York, 1877, Kimo. 
 i)!< «<on, Capi, Henry William. Notes on 
 Rifle .inuiing, Lon., 1864, 12mo. 
 Heivi;-!!, Isaac E. New and Decisive Evidence 
 of the Modi! of liaptism. Host,, 1875, Klino, 
 Heaion, J. Henniker. 1. Australian Dictionary 
 of Dates and Men of the Time: containing the History 
 of Australa.^ia from 1542 to Date, Lon., 18711, Svo. 2. A 
 Short Account of a Canonization at St. Peter's from an 
 l;nsiect4irian I'oint of View, Lon., 1883, 4to. 
 4Ienton, M. Compton. Corroggio, ("Great Ar- 
 tists,") Lon., 18S2, or. Svo. 
 Heaton, Mary Margaret, (Kymer,) 18,S6- 
 I8S3, married to C. W. Heaton (8H/;ra) in 18(i3. She 
 was a con»tant contributor to the London Academy, of 
 which for nine years no number appeared without some 
 article or note, signed or unsigned, from her pen. She 
 also contributed toother periodicals in the department 
 of art critieisui. 1. The Great Works of Sir David 
 Wilkie. Twonty-Six Piiotographs: with a Descriptive 
 Account of the Pictures and a Memoir of the Artist, 
 Lon., lSt)7,4to. 2. Masterpiecesof Flemish Art: Twenty- 
 Six Piiotographs : with Memoirs of the Artists, Lon., 
 1S88, 4to. 3. The History and tlie Life of Albrecht 
 Diirerof NUrnberg: with a Translation of his Letters 
 and Journal, and Account of liis Work. Lith. and Auto- 
 type, lllust. Lon. and N, York, 1S60, r. Svo; 2d cd., 
 ISSl, Svo. 4. Rouiledge's Album for Childrcri. and other 
 Juveniles, Lon.. IS7U-73,5 vols. sq. 12mo. > ^ Concise 
 History of Painting, lllust. Lon., 1873 ! 
 "The stylt is eniinentiv popular, the sto t Hags ' 
 in interest, and the materials are put so pi as» .. ogether 
 as to lead young people ohward to the more thorough 
 study ot art. . . . Tli'j work will have its siiliordinatt uses, 
 though it can never be quoted ns an authority."— .sut, Hci:. 
 x.xxv. 4:1!). 
 «. Hajipy Sprin,!^ i ime : in Pictures by Pletsoh : 
 with RhyiDPs for Mrtl^erf and Childreii by Mrs. Healou, 
 Lon., 1874, Svo J new ed., col. illust., 1875. 7. Sun- 
 day Album for Children, Lon., 1,S8I, sq. 16nio. AVith 
 liLACK, Chaiilks Cnnisroi'iiKii, M.A., Leonardo da Vinci 
 and his Works; eonsisti;ig of a Life of Leonardo da 
 Farmc- Green; or, 
 „ True Story, Lon,, 
 Vinci, an Essay on his Scientific and Literary Works, 
 and an .'\ecount ut his Most Important Paintings. 
 lllust, Lon,, 1S74, Svo, 
 Heaton, William, [mile, vol. i., ad',.'' 1 Tin' 
 Story of Robin Hood, lllust. l,on. and 'iN \.irk,]S"0, 
 I IBmi); otb ed., IssH, sq. Itimo. 2. (Kd '; •JusfoH's C n- 
 eise Encyclopa'dia. Illast. Lon., ISS:;, r. Svo, 3. The 
 Three Reforms of Parliament : a Historv, i8,'ti'--Si>. Lon., 
 ; 1885, )), Svo, 
 j Heatsen, Alice. (Ed,) On the Sea 81. ort Sc- 
 ! Iccled aiol Arranged, Illui t Lon,, U'^S. 
 Heaven, Mrs. S. M., ■' -Lucia No' I'll!,,' p.«i>i.j.i 1. 
 Youth's History of Califoi .-.a, ."-an i', 1SG7, Hiiuo. 
 I 2. Aldeane. Uv Liura Pn <ton, [jiseud.l San Fran,, 
 ! 1 siis. 
 Heaver, Thumas Teed. 
 j Ilo'jiitality and it:- Good Result: 
 i i:«'-, ISmo. 
 ! iKeaviside, (U'orge. Canoe Cruise I'^wn the 
 Learn, Avon, .'«evein. and Wye, Lon., 1871, Svo. Will- 
 Iji-INNETT, J. Edwin, t ,inoe < 'oise in I'- itral and North- 
 ern ' many on thu Fidda, 'iVeser, :nd Ueeste in 1874, 
 Leam::igton, 1875, Svo. 
 Heaviside, John T. <'. A'lerioan Aniiquitie 
 or. The New World the Old, ..d t!'u ' dd \Vor'.-i the No\.', 
 L:<n . 1868, Svo. 
 H^-Hvi§ides, Henry. 1. ^hcMill-trel^■;,■(■f I'.ritain : 
 a (ilance at our Lyi'ieal Poetry and Piycts from the Reign 
 of Queen Elizabeth to the Present Time: including a 
 Dissertation <in the Genius and Lyrics of Burns, Stock- 
 ton-on-'Tecs, 1860, Svo. 2. Courtship and Matrimony: 
 their Liglits and Shades, Ac, Sti'kton, 1884, Svo. 3. 
 The Annals of Stockton-on-Tec- : with Diographical 
 Notices, Stockton, 1865, Svo. 
 Heavlin, Mrs. R. A. The J^yHcries of Isis. liy 
 Uniche, (])seud.] N. York, IS.'iS. 
 Heavysegc, Charles, 1816-!s;6, b. in Y'orkshire; 
 emigrated in IS53 to Montreal, whi le he worked at his 
 trade of wood-carving, and wrote foi il^a press. 1, The 
 Revolt of Tartarus: a Poem, Lon., 1852, 12mo. 2. 
 Saul: a Drama, in Three Parts, Montreal, 1859. Anon. 
 2d ed., carefully revised and amended, i.on., 1S59, Svo. 
 3. Count Filippo; or. The Unequal -Marriigo: a Drama, 
 in Five Acts. liy the Author of "Saul.' Montreal, 
 1860, 12mo. 4. Jephthuh's Daughter; a Poem, Montreal, 
 1864, r. 16mo. 
 Hebbard, William Wallace, M.D. Will it 
 Come? a Story. By Leland Seacher, [pseud.] Hydo 
 Park, Mass., 1870. 
 Hebberd, Rev. Stephen Southwick, b. 1841 ; 
 held several pastorates in the Universalist Church, 1806- 
 74. The Secret if Christianity, liost., 1874, 12mo, 
 Hebden, Rev. Arthur Henry Ramsgate, 
 M.A,, graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1S55; 
 ordained 1856 ; rector of Ashford, Stati'ordshire, 1873-7il 
 1. Baptism; or, The Prayer-Book explaining itself, 
 Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 2. The Lord's Supper according to 
 the Bible and the Prayer-Book, Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 3. 
 Baptism : Are we Right? Lon.. 1874, p. Svo. 
 Hebert, Rev. Charles, M.A., D.D., graduated at 
 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 1831 ; ordained 1833; 
 vicar of Ambleside 1875-78. 1. The Book of Sports and 
 Archbishop Laud; or, 'The Anti-Sabbath Movement of 
 that Day, Lon., 1853, ]2mo. 2. Theological Colleges 
 and the Universities; or. What Special Training should 
 bo given to the Future Clergy? Burslcui, 1853, Svo. 
 3. The Atonement by Propitiation : a Fragment of the 
 Argument, Lon., I860, Svo. 4. Neology not True, and 
 Truth not New: Three Short 'Treatises, 1861, Svo. 5. 
 On Clerical Subscription; an Inquiry •' \lo the Real Po- 
 sition of the Church and the Clergy i 
 Articles, the Liturgy, the Canons i: 
 IS62, p. Svo. 6. Ritualism; or, T' 
 Lon., 1867, p. Svo. 7. Faith and I'f 
 and the Creeds, Lou., 1872 -o. ■ 
 Supper; Uninspired Teaching. ', , . .' 
 The New Testament Script ■ 
 they were written, Ac, Oxf., ' - 
 Hebert, George. Wilh ■ 
 1SC2, p. Svo. 
 Hechlcr, Rev. Williail: ►,!. . 'i , ccraduated at 
 Church Missionary College, Isiiugi-'i. : ordained 
 IS7U; ch.-iplain at Stockhotiu ISS;; i chaplain at 
 Vienna since 1885. l.TheJerusah .'<,. prlo : Docu- 
 ments with Translations, Lon., 18' ; ,0. 2. The 
 Restoration of the Jews to Palestine. . 1884, fol. 
 Hecker, G. W. Law Reports of Cases argued and 
 erence to the 
 'utes, Lon., 
 "ch Views, 
 ' 10., 'The Bible 
 ,d.) 'The Lord's 
 ,2 vols. Svo. y. 
 . Order in which 
 n, Tale, Lon., 
 ton ; 
es of Isis. l!y 
 a Tale, Lon., 
 deloniiinod in EnBlnncI nml the rnito,! «.„.„. ,.- 
 ran,, on the Sale of Pe™,n„l V^r'^^Zt MSr, ]^>, \ 
 Vow'i^o'Jk CifvTf'c''""" Thomas, I819-I888, b. in ' 
 Koman Catlmlio reliJ r«tudie,I I, , ™"'"'" '" ""^ 
 «a8 or,laino,l i„ l^C^n J c„ r 1 th5^;'' i""""'"-^' 
 order. In 1S5| he re urned to the I i, 1™''''""''' I 
 established .t oonuimnity known as Ihn *"'" •- ""'' 
 Si. I'aul, of which he was .suZh.r „ lsR^?'^T"\"[ 1 
 Ihe Cathnlio World, and beoa nn wi J,". '''*•','"' f"»ndcd I 
 of the Soul. N. Yo^ i8i5T2n o"\ I; (^.estions ' 
 •Vatare, N. Vork, sl?, l4,o' •) The r'^f'';-"""^ '"' ' 
 in the L'ni.ed, X Ck ■s/.s.^,""'^';/' "•,■■.*='" 
 and I'rotestants agreeing on the Ihi n' ''>"'"l'''» i 
 Vork, I.S8I, Svo. 5 Th„ pi?," V , ""' Question, N. ' 
 position of^lre•catho^c CWh Tn' V? w '"f.l ''"v'^'^" 
 and A.^pirations of .ho "nt ^JerN York "Jr^^^' 
 l.'iMo. Also, Single sermons, Ac. '**'*' i 
 -'d ed., N. York, 1806,"™ "'" ^"'"Pomments, &c.; 
 Ileckethoru, Charles Williain i u . 
 of All Ages and Co' n rie^, Lon is'r / 2';^?""' '^^'"^""^ 
 Irador in the Transvaal, I.on' IS82 ' ', Sv^ ^ ^""'^ ' 
 iDJIlir. froiii iim^.I , . I . • ■•"'Ct 
 kiiiK, togrooniinK liern'oilv "a„' i"™, '*V,,'-''''''i"'8. "'"' 
 Hint she was hurni 1 ^dan,l m ,i 1,,. ? ''■'""^ i'U'iilontally 
 iMcidenlallyalso t itsiio u In ^, \T I'^'"" '" I'""". amC 
 Transvaal. . She 1 as l'1™ ,«"' '" ''•'"'■," «"•"""« n the 
 ing b.K,k."-.t«ii., xxi'.4 "- ' "' '"' ""'"si'iS aiul interest- 
 Ilector,iMrs.Aiinie, (French. W Mr. ai 
 '!"," pseud.,) b. about IS25 in "ubl n ' Sh^'h *"■""" 
 Legend of the Golden Prayer ie TJ'' ''•-.'?• ^^ "T'"' 
 l''inn !! Ti.» H' ■ ,™J'"^> *o., [verse,! Lon.. 1872 
 I-.U0. 3. The o't? a Novel. Lon.', 1 87.3" 3 vols! , 
 wZnlyfy^no S.^'n^Ct'l^n "".^ P"''^^'"" ^-""8; I 
 <Iced,notieeably brlgh 'a VhTi unov^^^ "mv.kish; I?,: 
 phere of g,,,,,! tlniper hroiKl, ,VA^^ h^ """'«• 
 denlly below its own possg t/eJ n i . "'' ""»' '^ «^''- 
 author."-Sa(. Kev., xxxvi oia "'"^ ""^ l'"Wt-Ts of its 
 wiTfoi So""'^ f 1;"' '^n°"-' '*"' 2 vols. p. Svo, 
 vols. p. C: • ■""■ ^'""■^''' J^O"' Lon., 1876, 3 I 
 ot! 'm1^!'sZ'i?f tho°'s^l',1ef Sfwlr'lPr "« 7he Wooing 
 lacks life and ■ go "i-.s!l5 '^ef xTi -J^ '^ "'"^ '^'^ ""«•>, it 
 3 ^^is'^tr. "/o'TAlLd'^W'^K^.'^"'' f-"- '«". 
 ". Svo J now ed 1880 8 M 7,,^^"''"' ? Lon., ISril 
 gain .■ a Nove? I.on lS8rt ?9''' ^'T' '"• S'""™'^ Bar- 
 " Novel, Lon^I 86;'2 vo?s' erTo l^M^^T-'^ ^^" ^ 
 '' Novel, I,„n. 1887 3 vl." er.' 8vo ' i'/a lX T ?"'"? = 
 a Novel, Lon., 1888, 3 vols, or 8 "o Interest: 
 t" Wi^eitn-'the'-p''""'' """' """""y '■> I^dia : 
 and Purch se of tiie RaMw"""'""r^!"''"'"'"' P^-'blem 
 Lon.. 1875, 8vo 2 Twn 7^!'" ^'"'"'' *°- ^din. and 
 Hallways 'and' L.L!ldh?''l"d\"V1l?,««^«"- = 
 IMin. and LonriS77 8vo 4 ?J°ri'l„"S"T-'" ^."'"»' 
 I,on,. 1880 Sv" i'"?.""."" Administration in India 
 "''icy;TheDeadlnrk."ii"'?"ii'' "'"^ International Tur- 
 Lon., is'ss; super rsto^^''"'^' '" ^'"""' ^^o^'""' *"•. 
 Ju"daUt''„,,H?'''']:,'"V '• /?'••) ■"'■'ootions frou, the 
 man I'upm'ph.v',,, m^V"*. '^ !",""•' '^'"' 0''' «<"- 
 Notes, Lon iVsf ,, 8^„' '"*' •' "'"' I-'i-oJ-ction and 
 ocelesi'astical htto'y in t e^t >;' V,v ^''™'"«''"^"'''f' -f 
 of Oern,an ^n Ill^v^ d Co leg "n ;872"r'osi' '■""'' "'." 
 I saDie time his nastoratn i , 1.^ '" ."*"^;/«8'gning at the 
 Inquiries in tCo, fl . V'rnn r, '^'""o '• ""»"' 
 Religion, lio.t ISiiV 19 .' V 'J,?'""- 2- He'^'on in 
 of Ilebre'w Tradit on 'iw^issfl ^ '« ''""'""I ^Vorld 
 tlons, Bost., Ls-Tinn r'"5.'The Wa,?"?"tV'.'''"-'- 
 and other Ivs.-av^ ]i,„t w-- ,,^ ^ "' "'o ^l""'. 
 Poems, bo..t.' I8S8 Tfiu^o ' A^l •"' /^^""^'"'ions and 
 Hedges, Isaac A 1 - ' ""'''* '".''"'™''' ''"■ 
 Products, Culture and M„n,r. Sugar-Cancs : their 
 tioD by (i. Cwiielcw; "'',"■"• "'"' "" Int'oJue- 
 16mo. Jielcher; new ed., enl., St. Louis, 1881, 
 Telegraphic Engineet^lT: rA '/ ""^ ^""•'y "f 
 tical Elltrie LightTng I o,', V8-o'/"«"'''""l'';" "" '''"o- 
 nin^.•"•ffi."'^^*^tr^^7•2 "16"'°^'''?^?"'' ^^'-- 
 1 ".'itm?' ^- *'• ^'"' P'-y-o'^Sy of Children, Chic, 
 of &r,^K fs>0,'Sr ""^ '• -' ^"^ «"-- 
 the Gladstoie Government Issn 8, ""p"^ *'T'°^ 
 188B, 4to "'•"■iment, 1880-86: a Poem, Lon., 
 War. rilust T„„ ,- ?. *^ '*• Inc'Jents of the Civil 
 "'II. Jimst. Lowe/:, Mass.. 1888 4to 
 803 ' 

 1865, l2iiio. 2. Dublin at a Olance, I,on., ISfifi, 12u!0. 
 a. Ouidu I'lan of thu County of Wioklow, Lon., lS6fl, 
 6-lino. I. Killarnev at a Olance, Lon., IHtiR, l2mo. 
 IleidelberK, Dniiiel W. A Digest of Mi»»i88lp|)i 
 Re|)oit», from vols, xlv.-lxiv. inolusivo, (1H71-1!S87,) Al- 
 bany, ISSH, 8vo. 
 Ileighwny, ONburii W. Trenery, [ante, vol. i., 
 add.] Tlu^ Mornin); Land : a ramlly and Jewish Hin- 
 tory, Ijiin., ls,)|, Hvo. Anon. 
 lleiKliway, U'illiiun. 1. rractinil Portr.iit I'ho- 
 tograipiiy, Lon., I>i7<i, I2iii(i. 2. I'hotograijliic I'llntor's 
 Assistant, Lon., IM7',i. l2ino; .'M oil., ls>j. 
 lleilprill, Angelo, b. lS5.i, utSatoraIja, Hungary; 
 son of AlicliiU'l llcil|irin, iii/rii ; studied natural bi.-tory 
 at Kiiro|ioaii schools ; was n|>|iointed (irofessor of invur- 
 tobrati! paln!ontolo;{y at thu .\oadeiny of Natural Seiunees 
 in Pbilailel|diia ISMI, curator of the inuseuiu IHS.i, and 
 professor of geoloijy at Iho Wagner Free Institute of 
 Science 18S5. 1. Town (lecjlogy: the Lesson of the 
 Philadelphia Rocks: .Studies of Nature along the High- 
 ways and the Byways of a Metropolitan Town, Pliila., 
 18.><5, 8vo. 
 " Wo miss the literary quality of KiM(,'Rlev's ' Town Geol- 
 ogy. . . . but we have a valuable body of simple ob- 
 servable fads."— .V<i/i(»i, .xli, Ifj. 
 2. Explorations on the West Coast of Florida and in 
 the Okeechobee Wilderness. Illust. Phila., 1SS7, Svo. 
 3. The Geographical ami lieologioal Distribution of 
 Animals, N. York, 18H7, p. Svo. 4. The Animal Life 
 of tiur Sca-.Shore: with Special Reference to the New 
 Jersey Coast and the Southern Shore of Long Island. 
 Illust. Phila., IHSS, 12mo. 5. The Geological Evi- 
 dences of Evolution, I'hila., 1SS8. Privately printed. 
 lleilprill, Loui§, b. ISSI, at Miskolcii, Hungary, 
 son of Michael Heilprin, iii/ni. The Historical Refer- 
 ence-Book, N. York, 18S5, 8vo. 
 Heilprin, IMicliael, lS2:)-l.sss, b. at Piotrkow, 
 Poland, of Jewish descent; was engaged in the Hun- 
 garian revolution of 1,S48, and in ISsli emigrated to the 
 United States. The Historical Poetry of the Ancient 
 Hebrew, Translated and Critically Examined, N. York, 
 187«-sn, 2 vols. Svo. 
 " We have here the ripe result of a whole lifetime's care- 
 ful and enthusiastic study and InvestiKatiuii. . . . -Mr. 
 Heilprin has the advantage, which manv scholars have 
 not, of beiiiK eiiiiallv at home iu Jewish a'lid in Christian 
 studies of the Old Testament literature. He is entirely 
 catholic."— »Vri((o«. axiK. 60. 
 Heine, A. O. E. 1. (Ed.) Tales for the Four 
 Seasons, J,on., 1869, Svo. 2. The Evil Wedding: a 
 Tradition of the Druidical Monuments at Stanton Drew, 
 Somersetshire, [verse,] Lon., 1873, p. Svo. .'). The Past, 
 Present, and Future of the Crystal Palace, Lon., 1874, 
 Heinrich, Julius. The AVindow Flower-Garden, 
 N. Ycjrk, 1879, 12iuo; new ed., enl., 1887. 
 Heisch, C. E. William Tymlale, Lon., 1SS4, 12ino. 
 Heiscli, Charles. Elements of Photography, Lon., 
 ISB.'i, 12mo. 
 Heiskell, Joseph B. Tennessee Supreme Court 
 Reports, 1870-78. Pub. by the State. Nashville, 1871- 
 78, 12 vols. Svo. 
 Heiss, Most Kev. itlichiiel, D.D., b. 1818, at 
 Pfahldorf, Bavaria; removed to the United States 1842; 
 ordained priest in the Roman Catholic Church 1840; 
 Bishop of La Cro.sso ISliS; Archbishoj) of Adrianople 
 18S0, and of Milwiaikce 1881. The Four Gospels E.x- 
 ainined and Vindicated on Catholio Principles, Mil- 
 waukee, 180:i, Svo. 
 Heiton,John. 1. The Castes of Edinburgh, Edin., 
 1859; ;id cd., 1861. (Written, as the author states, 
 "chiefly with a view to introduce many curious anec- 
 dotes and bon-moli, collected during the course of 
 years.") 2. Old World and Young World, Edin., 1S65, Svo. 
 Heitznian, Charles, M.D., b. IS.iO, at Vinkovcze, 
 Hungary; educated in the universities of Pesth and 
 Vienna; removed to New York iu 1874; vice-president 
 of the American Dcrmatologicnl Society. Microscopic 
 Morphology : the Animal Body in Health and Di-soase. 
 Illust. N. York. 188:!, Svo. 
 Heldinaun, Bernard. 1. Dorrincourt : the Story 
 of a Term there, Lon., ISSl, p. 8vo. 2. Boxall School: 
 a Tale of School-Boy Life, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 3. The 
 Mutiny on Board Iho Ship " Leander ;" a Story of the 
 Sea, Lon., 1SS2, i2mo. 4^ Expelled: being the Story ! 
 of a Y'oung fientleinan. Illust. Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 5. < 
 The Belton Scholarship: a Chapter from the Life of 
 George Denton, Lon., 18S2, p. Svo. 6. Daintree, Lon., | 
 ISSH, p. Svo. 7. Solf-Conciuercd : a Chapter from the 
 Life of George Denton, l.on., ISSO, p. Svo. 
 Ilele, NicholUH Eeuwick. Notes or Joltings 
 about Aldeburgh, Sull'olk : relating to Matters Histor- 
 ical, Antiquarian, Ornithological, and Kntoniological, 
 Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 
 Ileley, A. A. Lines of Remembrance for Com- 
 memorating Events, Ac, Lon., IsSI, 8(|. ]6mo. 
 UelfeuNtein, Jacob. A Cumparalivo Grammar 
 of the Teutonic Languages : being at the ,Sanie Time a 
 Historical Grammar of the English Language, Lon., 
 1870, Svo. 
 Helleberg, Carl Gustar. (Ed.) A Book written 
 by the Spirits of theSoCallod Dead, through Mrs. L. S. 
 Green and Others, Mi^liums, Cin., iss:), 12ui(). 
 Heller, Thomas Edmund. The New Code of 
 Minutes of the Education Department, lyui., ISS2, Svo; 
 Ilth ed.. enl., IssO. 
 Helliar, A. The Paternoster Pilgrims; an Impos- 
 sible Sketch, Maldon, 1884, cr. Svo. 
 Ilcllier, A. M. What Work can Girls do for Christ? 
 Lon., 1SS;|, |6mo. 
 Uellier, Itev. BeiOamin, Wesloyan minister. 
 Memoir (d' M. C. Taylor: with Extracts from his Corro- 
 8|iondence, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 
 Hellis, Nellie. I. Bennie, Iho Bread-Winncr : a 
 Story of Lowly Life, Glasgow, 1881, p. Svo. 2. Martin 
 Drayton's Sin: a Story of Village Life, Glasgow, ISSl, 
 lOino. 3. Rob and Ralph; or, A Trust Fullilled, Lon., 
 |ss2, 18mo. 4. Roving Robin, Lon., ISSli, 12mo. 5. 
 Little King Davie; or, "Kings and Priests unto God," 
 Lon., 1884, Itimo; 4th ed., 1SS.5. 6. Little Gladness, 
 Lon , 1SS4, p. Svo. 7. Gipsy Jan, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 8. 
 Won OverJ: the Story of a Boy's Life, Lon., 1885, ISmo. 
 9. Three Little Fiddlers: or. Love Perfected by Trust, 
 Lon., 1886, 16mo. 10. The Story ho was told, Lon., 
 1887, 18mo. 11. Higher Tp, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 12. 
 Stories he was told ; or. Adventures of a Teacup, Lon., 
 1S8S, ISmo. 
 Hellniuth, Rt. Rev. Isaac, D.D., D.C.L., b. 
 1819, at Warsaw, Poland; ordaineil 1840; Bishop of 
 Huron, Canada, 1S71-S3; rector of Bridlington, York- 
 shire, since ISS.i. 1. The Divine Dispensations and 
 their Gradual Development: Eight Discourses, Lon., 
 1S66, Svo. 2. Biblical Thesaurus: Literal Translation, 
 Lon., 1S84, r. Svo. 
 Hellon, Henry George. 1. Lord Harrie and 
 Leila; or, A Romance of the Isle of Wight, and other 
 Poems, Lon., IStJO, 12mo. 2. Daphnis: a Sicilian Pas- 
 toral, and other Poems, Lon., 1S82, sm. cr. Svo. 
 Hellyer, S. Stevens. 1. The Plumber and Sani- 
 tary Houses: a Practical Treatise on the P''iniplcsof 
 Internal Plumbing Work; or. The Best Meajis of Ex- 
 eluding No.\ious Gases from our Houses, Lon., 187", Svo; 
 3d ed., 1884. 2. Lectures on the Science and Art of 
 Sanitary Plumbing, Lon., 1S82, p. Svo. 
 Helm, Alfred. Nevada Supreme Court Reports, 
 vols, i.-iv., (186a-«!l,) , San Fran., 1866-70, Svo. With 
 HiTTKLL, T. H., Nevada Supreme Court Reports, vols. 
 v.-ix., (1869-74,) .s„n Fran.. 1870-74, 8vo. 
 Helm, George Frederick, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S., 
 formerly dcmon^trator of anatomy in the Cambridge 
 Medical School. Short Sight, Long Sight, and Astigma- 
 tism : an Elementary Guide to the Refraction of the 
 Eye. Illust. Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Helm, H. J. American Roadsters and Trotting 
 Horses. Illust. Chic, 187S, Svo. 
 Helm, James I. 1. Memoir of M. T. Sharp, X. 
 York, 1853, 16wo. 2. (Trans.) Count Erbach : a Story of 
 the Reformation ; from the Gernum of Armin Stein, N. 
 York, 1SS2. 12mo. 
 Helm, T. B. 1. History of Allen County, Indiana : 
 with Biographical Sketches. Illust. Chic., 1880. tbl. 
 2. History of Hamilton County, Indiana: ivith Bio- 
 graphical Sketches. Illust. Chic, 1880, fol. 3. Ili.-- 
 tory of Madison County, Indiana: with Biographical 
 Sketches. Illust. Chic, 1880, fol. 4. History of Dela- 
 ware County, Indiana : with Biographical Sketches. 
 Illust. Chic, 1S81, 4to. 5. History of Carroll County, 
 Indiana : with Biographical Sketches. Illust. Chic, 
 1SS2, 4to. 
 Helnier, N. The Actor's Make-Up Book: a Prac- 
 tical and Systematic Tre:itise nn the Art of Making I'p 
 for the Stage Illust. N. York, 1888, 12mo. 
 Helmorc, Frederick. 1. St. Mark's Chant-Book: 
 Newly Arranged, with Additions, Lon., 1863, 12ino. 2-. 
 Church Choirs : containing Directions for the Formation 
8 and Trotting 
 Lon., 1S74,,,, ,Svo. ■''*"'"'"• ^'"K"". "nJ Stammerer., 
 Ueimore, Marsaret fit 
 Story, I.on., 187.!, 2 vW, p's 'j I-""''/, -^ M«r« I-ove- 
 L"ii., I.S7H, iL'in,, "^ "^ '"'"•-' "•^"Uth Flower, 
 llelinore, Rev. Tliomiis \i a r . 
 M..K.lalen Hall 6,,^ ' j'h""':"'"""' .K'"''"'"<"1 "t 
 eilited a liirgo number ..f collui'tmn. nf ' V ": "*-■ 
 A Catechism of Music Co.Vr .''','''',';'','"""'«-*<'• ' 
 ' Works, l.on.I 1H?8, , sir "''" '•''"'■■"■ ^ 
 Helms, Ijiidu'ie Vi>rn»r i. - t^ 
 he left in IS4!i. "i'mecrin.V^^'M ' v ^J"'""''. which 
 entertaiMlnK.",(. /!■,', '"lli'j* •,^,.V''""''K. "'"I execeaiiigly 
 Ilelmuth, Williiiii, 'r,w|" V n r 
 1. A Treatise on l>i ,t t heri!, iVv^' f""/.''' *■"'■ '•' '"•''•] 
 Homoeopathic Tre:ime ,-. Z2'",VT''"%'\- "'.'' 
 rev., 1,H04. 2 ,\r,.ili,.nl i)„. • ' "*^->»>'o; 2(1 ed., 
 must. Phlla.,' S7,"; Z;;. j';,^..^^'"'"' of Surgery. 
 Scratches of a SurL'em. <' T *• '- ""'■• "*''*7- •<• 
 Steamer-Book: t eDaiivlife^?,?'''T'""' l^'""' *• ^ 
 after Health, Hecrea;i:;^^fK: ,'^ J^-^'-''; S-ker 
 .«J:^r^jS:;^ fe» f?-. vol. i.. „.M.,] b. 
 at Buenos Ay res lS61-b7 a'^, ,"•' ^-P--'""' U.S. consul 
 'ively in Asheville, Nc a >V ?^ -^^"ce resided succes- 
 The Land of Gold, N York 'n 9 v >"'' ^'"y- '• 
 ^on for a Co„ti„^„ ) x "^vlrr ,|- ^'-'JlJI'-e : a Ques- 
 Negroes in Negroland Vh.' V ' '•^''^ "-'""• ;!. The 
 Negroes gonernliy X lo < 1*^, f ^ '" '^'"""™' "'0 
 of Andean J'i|dou acy ,"nd , ,h "' n "■'"• ■*• OJ''"'«nts 
 1S71I. 12mo. ^' "'' """-•^ Oddments, St. Louis, | 
 llSn't; b^J^lipbo^^rrr '^™"'-' "y ''"'her'e' 
 12mo. ^ ^'I'lio'iae do Lamartine, I'hila., 1876, 
 Helps, Sir Arthur, D.C.L Km r . 
 inil,nearStreatham,Sur,ev-vv^ ''- ?' "' """""" 
 at Trinity College, C.Hridi'-bp? "'"'''' "' ^""'' '""1 
 to Mr. Spring Kice:,t„''Z'ncclir:F7bf^ 'T^^'y 
 and was appointed commissionernf .^ the exchequer, 
 Spanish da ms. In lo.n',,'^''*'"^^ ■■<-'"«''. I>auish, and j 
 r.or,l Morpeth chief „tr„ T"'? '"■''"'» ^^^creta^y to 
 clerk of tie P i vy Coun,[n T/"' ^"'I'""*' ""'» '" 18^9 
 1- A Letter frou, 0„e „? L s. ^™^'""Kh"^^J in 1872. ' 
 ;!on on the Late ^a Ln o/'Teir h """"ff '° ''""- 
 Keep the Peace, Lon ISJS^v . '"« ^""'^^ ""' '» 
 Serf:aTragedv Lon''sv"' /"""• J. Oulita the 
 :i. Organisation in Da y Iff™' a^?"' '^7'"'-' l'*"-^- 
 Svo. Anon. 4 He mh r ' "", ^'^ay, Lon., lS(i2, 
 5. The Lifeof L„rS'.'H""A '""f' ^ ^»>^'- P- 8vo 
 1-on., 186S, s™ ""' "'" Ap'^'le of the Indies," 
 ffnn^Z ^^it-^^^lTlr^ ^'- "- lilV i» to 
 !"dcbtc( toniyson Kdnm id Ar I , , .•\'''''r''';- •"" ' »'" 
 i?i',| and added to it with niv.ilV .'''''''*'"■■ '"'ving util 
 result i.f lli„u^-l|-t an.f ex. eX , 'V,]' h,''''' "'"'< '» "'« 
 7thtd.,"l')i,;." '•"'"'-» "f Mr. Braasey, Lon,, Is72,Sv,„ 
 m>ud, n,„re a! T^r i , r.^ m HoJ.'^'r, •,• ''''"'I I'-' " "' 
 heelenuMUs,,rid»su(/x'ssVv,,, J/;r^ 
 ;il. Iscl,.„rly prove,l,y.s'r\ ,;",■,",' J"'" "•- i"l»'Heot- 
 occurrence of thcKln.u-, • Miucil,' Is Die rrcciucnt 
 of them no l„ngtT annov in ■ t V. n '""•"'•'frlze most 
 l.Hmo. ^ ■' '"^ '"' Children, Lon., 1881-8 1, 3 parts, 
 lMr"Tem"ns' U^V^" '^''•"'«' '«'--lsr6: son of 
 Italy tSV« ^ T'' l'""'''l "'"«' "f I'i'' m i» 
 I'atholic Italy • IW I* H ^'""'">^^»'"K'™I Society. ]. 
 Lon.. 18.10. 2 The Storv Jv "'"' "'« ''"pal States, 
 lier Environs, Florence ISfijV^'i""'"""'-'' '" '*""'« " ' 
 tory of Ancil4p|,ri ;•.'?''"''• ''^™- ^- A I. ^. 
 Lon- ■8H7!cr. 8vo. """"^ ""^ -"""«'' '^■■' i- Itab', 
 unable^, s,,,., ,, i^,,^^,'^^ Jlfclll'dl^l^i^i^ 
 r., Casimir Uaremnm !",„ 1S7^"."' ^'"'•' '««»' P' ^^o. 
 . ;,''e«'Uhor of -Friends ill's!, .ri '■■.I'- '*'"'• 
 St late 111 his literary care, r ' '?.■?,'« ''ome a iiovel- 
 boumhiry-line betwe4 dl^^^ ■:■:• ,1^ ^[^^^^--^e , 
 ;-■>^';w,^f^ii^r:';;-*■-;-^„{;' ''•;; ■"«,» „wect of the ' 
 ibonjht^nit schemi of elratinn '"."","•' '""' "'■•efulh- 
 n,.;.eadof,4ell{-< 1\ ,'^,,,\'^/;''"^^^^^^^ 
 1'. "vo. 9 rfinio-on.'"'"^ ' -"^I'lioiisms, Lon.. 1870 
 i-°n., 1871, I^IZ ''""' "■ ^^ "■• «■>•! Ooneral Culture; 
 dulnils a^'wheiV'therfl;^'!'' *"•" "» f'^^ f^'"" monotonv and 
 tioiis to theS.'f!^k"X"°"xx""47S!'^'' their lu'iijg;';! 
 I evei^ls'^d';:;;^!;;^!^, •!;:; tt^;^^:^,::}^'']' <■[ "- leading 
 ; If local Kimian « i" , oL,,/ h . n''.'" ^''^' ''"l-es an.! 
 Illustrated by the ni te k ... *' i *• "'^t "i"e euiiturie-i 
 I other «"ti<,uitles acq .t^dte\r «^^^^^^ monumental and 
 years a resilient In |J , ,'« il , ' " ? '"'■'' l"=oii for many 
 morials of tiie great (irsH.^T,' "fo.and historic me- 
 fataconibs, ,„i an e lu caud' , ' :;.'7''""'*' ospeeially , b e 
 i in'ftaV'A!r»"00-'l4t"l' 'ir^'T'^ """ «--'* '^^' 
 iSedl:Sr"'^-- "™'-^^-''; 
 Lc^.,'l^lr ^'"" --'■ «o"-^ndlll!ik, 
 R"h«Td:"'o*:iTe'^Fi^^u!'e';"f ^^ '"i" "«— . 
 Lon., 18«fi, 8vo '" "ater-bupply of London) 
 ofv^™z:*]j^,;:;rrs?^- ^';-vi^^'"-y 
 Herne"^ Vermont, I860,' 3 vol's. 8;o.* '^ "'^toncal 
 Branch^'ol'VhTHemen^av'^F^r^"'''*;'"''"' ^'"""""^ "f »"« 
 Hartford, Conn. So "to ^^' °'" ^^^^ '° '^8"' 
 PoeursS,' 1^7?,""^' "• ^'"' «»"' Speaks, and other 
 Heniiiieuav. J. II m w • . .„ 
 Reports, vols. Iv.-'l v n«?f\.i",'!^rPP' f'-P'-euie Court 
 Heiniiip, Jttrs.' Maria Hi.£ •"-■■'/"•• * '"''*• **°- 
 of Heat: Or ginal Obstv^^i "'^"^"•»- The Law 
 805 ' 
 • h.'. 
 Cttuibiiilge, 1814; oiilleil to the bar iit Iiincoln',< Inn 
 ISiU; Bliinilini; cuuniii'l t Ciuiibriilne I'nivcriiity elncu 
 187.0. I. An Kleiiiontiir> I'rentinr on tlio I)ill'i;rentliil 
 anil Inti'Unil ('iileulU!<, iliinibiiil^tc, ISIS, Svn: 2'\ ml., 
 enl., IS.'i'J, 2. First Hook on I'liino Trinononn 'ly, l.on., 
 1851, Hvo. H. (10(1.) Kiiuilv ('ii.-c« biil'ure iIk' .lunler of 
 Iho Holla nn'l tliu Xici'-Cliii^ .--llor, l.on., I.stl7, i', 
 ■I. I I-.4.) Cliiini.'ory 4|i|pcnl Ci'i'.", l,on., ISI17, 
 Wll'i MilLEIi, ;>i,KXANI>Ki: Kinniio, RepcH ,. s 
 nil)iiil(;i'il in t'.... High Court of (.'himou 
 I'.'WooJ, Vii'«.('lnin(.'ellor, lS«J-(li, I,ou 
 8vo, Ainl i<o(i .Idiinsov, II. K. V., .n/'. - 
 Ileiniiiiiig, Williiiiii l>oiigla>. 
 8tuilenl'- tluiilc, Koii., ls7H, 4tu, 
 Mt'ilicine iind To-xicolo^y, Lon., I'-iT, 
 Is.i.i. ;i. Qao:'tion3 iiml Answers 
 Mr 1 1 . 
 1. Tho MocliiMil 
 Ills to Fori'nHic 
 l2mo; Ith dl , 
 ■Materia Muilica, 
 Meilicinc, .MidHilcrv. I'ulliolugy, an I I'orfnsin Mwliclne. 
 Lon., 1HT7, I2ini); Lm eA.. bv 11. A. lluHbiiml, 1X82. I. 
 Otnrrliu'ii i or, lliselinrnc In. in tlu' Kars : its VarictitM, 
 CaiL^cs, Coiii|ili(;atioii.j, an<l iioatiiii'iil, l.on., 1S7'.', l2ino. 
 5. Throat Uiscasos ami tbo I'so of tin' Larynguseupe. 
 Ilhist. Lon., ISSI, I2II10. 
 Ilciiipel, ChnrleH Julius, M.U., [<(»(<, vol. i., 
 aiM..] ISIl-IS7!l. Umini; llic last years of his life he 
 ].rai'ti:^c(l atdranil H;i|iiii-, .Mich. I. The TrMe Organi- 
 zation of the New 01 on-'li. as in.lieated in tlie Writings 
 of Kiiianuol Sweilenb'i' ^ ami ileiuonstrateil by C'harle.s ; 
 Fourier, N. Yorli, \^-i'. 12mo. 2. A Xew ami Com- [ 
 prelieiisivo.^y.sleni of >i,iteria Meilica and Tliorapeulies, , 
 X. York, ISoO, 8\.); I'd en., rev. and enl., '-' vols, r. ,Svo. , 
 :i. iTrans.) ThH \ "n real Diseases, by (1. 11. (i, .lahr: I 
 with Additions, ? . V ork I -(is, Svo. 4. The Scienee of I 
 lloinii'opaihy ; or, A Critical and Synthetical lixpoaition I 
 of the lloetiine of the Homoeopathic School, ^. York, 
 1874. svo. 
 Ileiiiphill, liai'bHra, d. IS'iS, daughter of Uev. 
 Patrick Hare, rector of (lolding, 1 l()perary, married to 1 
 John Hemphill, (.1. ls;i;i.l I. liionel Ueorhurst; or, 
 Fasliionablo liife under tlie Ke;:cnoy : a Novel, Lon., 
 Is4li, :! vols. p. Svo. 2. The Priest's Niece; or. The 
 Heirship of Harnulph, Lou., Isij, 3 vols. p. Svo. '.i. 
 Frcida, the .fongleur : a Novel, Lon., lSa7, '• vols. p. Svo. 
 Hemphill, Hichnrd. (Jod in bis Works; or, 
 Kedcmption in Creation, Dublin, IS.)S, 12iuo. 
 Ileinpliill S.iiniiel. Tatian.. . Tho Diatessaron : 
 n Harmony of the Four Holy Uospols. compiled in the 
 Third Quarter of the Second Century: i.iw first cilited 
 in an English Form, with Introduction and Appendices, 
 Lon., 1SS8, Svo. 
 Ileniphill, >Villiniii Ucspard. Ptoreoscopio Il- 
 lustrations of Clonmcl and the Surrouii ling Country, 
 iiirluding Abbeys, Castles, and Scenery : with Descrip- 
 tive Letter-Press, Dublin, ISftO, 4to. 
 Hempstead, Fay. Uandoni -Arrows, [verse,] Phila., 
 1875, 121110. 
 Hempstead, Kev. T. Poems, ? Vork, 1860, 
 Hempton, John. (Ed.) The Siege an' Jistory of 
 Londonderry, Lon., IStil, 12iiio; new ed., ISiili. 
 Hemsley, William Uotting. 1. Hand-Book of 
 Hardy Trees, Shrubs, and Herbaceous Plants; bmeil on 
 the French Work of Messrs. Deuaisno and Na' .;, '.vn., 
 Is7;i, Svo. 2. Diagnoses Plantiirum novaruin vel minus 
 cognitarum Mexicanaruin ct Contrali-Ainericanaruiu, 
 Lon., 1S7S-79, 2 parts, Svo. He was one of the authors 
 of the volumes on Hotany in the " Biologia Centrali- 
 Ameriean:'," (see GonM.VN, F. DU C, supra,) and of ru- 
 port.« on botany in the "Challenger" Report. 
 Hemstree't, William. The Economical Euro- 
 pean Tourist: a Journalist Three Months Abroad for 
 $4:i0 : including Ireland, England, Fri.nco, Switzerland, 
 Italy, &u., N. York, lS7.'i, Svo. 
 Hcmyiig, I'hilip H, 1. The Sea as a Profession ; 
 or. How to Send a Uiy to Sea, Lon., 1SS6, p. Svo. 2. 
 Undeeoi.iii Heroes. Illust. Lon., 1886, ]2mo. 
 Hem sag, Samuel Bracebridge, called to the 
 bar at the .Middle Temple 1S()2. 1. The Curate of 
 Invinsk : a Clerical Biograjihy, Edin., ISfid, p. Svo. 2. 
 The Dark Cloud with tho Silver Lining, Edin., 1861, or. 
 Svo. 3. Gaspar Trenchard: a Novel, Lon., 18()4, 3 vols. 
 p. Svo. 4. Eton School Days. Bi an Old Etonian. 
 Lon., 1884, Svo. Anon. 5. The Orange-Uirl. Lon., 
 1?«5, 12m.",, «, r.Htler Burke at V.U-.n, l.Sll.i, p. .Svo. 7. 
 Called to the Bar, Lon., 1867, 12mo; new ed., 1883. 8. 
 Secrets of tho Dead- Letter Office, Lon., 1868, p. Svo. «. 
 Contesting the County, and other Tales. By an Elec- 
 tioneering Agent. Lon., 1868, p. Svo. 10. Secrets of 
 the Turf; or. How [ won the Derby, Lon., 1868, l2mo. 
 II, On the Himd : Talc told by a Commercial Traveller, 
 lion., 1S6S, 12mo. 12. The Danger .-signal, and other 
 Talcs, l.on., |S«S, 12iiio; now ed., ISSI. 13. The Fa- 
 vourite Soratcbod; or. The ,>.i|ii ler and the Fly: a Story 
 of tho Day, Lon., IMIH p. >vo. II. Held in Thrall, 
 '..iU., lSli',1, l2mo. IJ. The IJirl of the Period: her For- 
 luni" f lid .Mi.-1'ortunes. Lon., ls6U, i. Svo. Pi. The Man 
 o; lit I 'riod; or. The (iirl he Loved and tin' (Jirl he 
 .M ried, Lon., |S7(I, p. Svo. 17. The Season at Brighton; 
 j a Uoinance of Fashionable Life, Lon.. IS70. p. Svo. is. 
 [(Kil.) Curious Crimes, Lon., lS7l.,Hvo. 111. The Com- 
 ; mune in London: or. Thirty Years Hence: a Chapter 
 of Anticipated lli.-tory, Lon., IS7I. 12iiio. 211. Too 
 Sharp by Half; or. The Man uho made Millions, Lon., 
 I 1871, l2iiio. 21. Telegraph Secrets, Lon., Is77, p. Svo. 
 22. River Secrets, Lou., ISSO, fp. 23. On tho Rank; 
 or, The Adventures of a Cabman, Lon., ISSU, l2mo. 24. 
 Strange Journey ' ■" '"sil.fp, 2.). In tho Force : or, 
 Revelati. Iv I'olieeinan, Lon., 1880, 12ino. 
 26. The liondnge of linindon; a -ivel, Lon., Issl, 3 
 vols. p. Svo. 27. The Women of London : a Romance, 
 Lon., ls84,12mo. 2S, The Women of Paris, Lon., 
 Svo. 211. The Stockbroker's Wife, and other Sensational 
 Tales of the Stock E.xchange, Lon.. IsS.'i, p. Svo. 30. 
 Tried for bis Life; or. A .Mysterious Case, and other 
 Stories, Lon., ISS5, p. f<vo. 31, A Dead Heat; or. Neck 
 and Neck, Lon., iss;, 12ino. 32. The Demon Jockey; 
 or, A Run of Luck. Ac, Lon., 1S87, l2mo, 33. Sharks 
 of Society, Lon., 1S8S, p. fivo. 
 Heiicliie, E. J. \n Ehmenlary Treatise on Men- 
 suralion. Lon., Is^S, or. Svo. 
 Henderson, Mrs. 1. Aunt Mabel's Prayer, Edin., 
 18711, 12ino. 2. .Asriel ; or. The Crystal Cup ; a Tale for 
 the Young. Edin., 1^72. 12mo. 
 Henderson, A. G. (Trans.) Philosophy of Kant : 
 Lectures bv Victor Cousin, Lon.. 1S70, p. Svo. 
 Henderson, Alexander Edward. An Analyt- 
 ical Digest 1 •■ Cafes decided in tho Supreme Courts of 
 ScoHand, ai I on Appeal by tho House of Lords, 1S07- 
 IST., Edin., I87S. 4to. 
 Henderson, Alfred. Latin Proverbs ami y .cia- 
 tions: with Tranelalions, etc., Lon., ISfi'.l, Svo. 
 Henderson, Andrew, M.R.C.S. 1. Seventeen 
 Y'oars' Kxinrienee in the Treatment of Disease by 
 Means .f W:iier, Lon., 1S59, Svo. 2. Hydropathy and 
 llomoeopatby compared, Lon., 1860, Svo. 
 Henderson, Archibald. Palestine: its Histor- 
 ical Geograiihy. Maps. Lon., 1S85, p. Svo. 
 Henderson, D. M. Poems. Scottish and Amer- 
 ican, Ball., ISSS, 12ino. 
 Henderson, Daniel. Our Imbroglio, {theCrisis,^ 
 I and 111.' Way out of it, Milhourno, 1S6S, Svo. 
 Hender-^on, Ebenu/.er, LL.D., 1S09-1879, b at 
 I Dunfermlii ; nn astronomer and archuMilogist. 1. Life 
 of Jaine^ ' rguson, F.R.S., Edin. and Lon., 1S67, Svo. 
 "There , i Icrcst enougl t connected witli theisubjeii of 
 these Imperfect memoirs for the record at larne to form an 
 I emiiliatiu chapter in what we have lieen used of late to 
 call the history of selfhelp."--.S(i/. Hcv., xxv. 92. 
 2. The Annals of Dunfermline and Vicinity, A.D. 
 1069-1878. Illust. Glasgow, 1«7il, 4to. 
 "The valur uf the book does i ot consist so much in its 
 originalitv— although many curious faetsiire Iniroiliieed— 
 as lu Us being an ample and nictbodlcal presentutlon of 
 the materials conlaineiJ m the ' Kegistrun. dc Dunfcriue- 
 lyn,' and in ronni ' ilier ohartul.iries and trtatlses 'uore 
 or less rare."- .' '■ .'>o. o707. 
 Hender8u:t, Mrs. Emily, a daughter of Jolin 
 ■.. niitc, vol. i.) Recollections of the 
 iid Private Life of the l.alo John Adol- 
 ■nt Barrister nnd Historian: with Ex- 
 Harios, Lon., 1871, Svo. (Contains an 
 "inble, Barham, and other celebrities.) 
 H>-aderson, Florence Leslie, I I859,at Truro, 
 Eng. 1. Sketclies in Verse. By F. L. I Truro, I87S, 
 Svo. 2. Three Drawing- Room Plays: Cinderi'lla, Tho 
 Lady Help, The Story of tho Stars, Lon., 18S4, Svo. 
 Henderson, Mrs, Frances C. (Ed.) liunder- 
 viksborg, and other Tales : forming an Epitome of 
 Modern European Literature, Pbila., 1881, l2mo; 2d 
 ' ed., 1S83. 
 Henderson, Frank. 1. (Ed.) Six Years in the 
 Prisons of England. I'.y a Mcr.-'hnnt. !.".r.,. IfiiiH, Sv- 
 2. (Ed.) Sketches, Lilorarv and Theological : Selected 
 from G. QilfiUan, Lon., 18.s"l, Svo. 
 Henderson, G. U. The Story of a, Moorish Knife, 
 Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 ' 9, (?. 
 ; El 
 lom ' 
 of J,.l 
 II I ^^^ 
 kiic.wiic- V nil ri'im.«..iii „ii ?. . • ' ■ '"^^111. awe 
 Hii.rmllveurih,. j„,n' ' \v"/,^V; ""'l^V/'" 
 :■'■ II"' "'■'•"lint in,s S H / : M. ,^, v; '''T- ""^ "■'■"'-•'• 
 .Manual „f Agriculture, 
 ,1,.! MM m" V ""', *",*""■'■' ^""'■•'» ™"'"1 I" tlH. bar at 
 gnl^muc^rarwi'lli':'?,';',,''- '""' '" "-"l<'.vn,N.Y., 
 i^'s,^t!" '':?::." ''""•"«■ «-'•' '^««. '2-i i-n., 
 Ilenderxoii, J. t. 
 K'lin., IK71, isiu,, 
 New l>cvelo|iiiients of 
 See E.vuALt, 
 Uohhiu's Chiistrims Dream, I 'rii 
 HeiiderHon, Hiillard.' 
 tlllll., I'-T", M,i 
 I lleiid.TNon, Itoberl, af,"i,' ';;,,' ' 
 Tlio.,Soiaior- of Tl,r,.c Uno..i!. V . 'I ''""'•I'l"- 
 , A,|vo„,„r..s, I ., IM-M, ° vl , -^sv:'"""' "^ '■"'■''""''' 
 IIPHderHoii, ThtMiins. 
 Al«el.n, I'hiln., isrr, 12,„„. 
 its Htstor- 
 liini i-'^ '• — *'"' """"J "1 me («tli llin-h. 
 ..fUe IbH ,"' .rf"'"' '^*««««'.>naia. The History 
 iiieilicine at tla- riiv.VirnV I.' l'l;''''V" "''''' ""^ "' 
 and Concor ",r«f t V;,; ^Vv""' ^ ^''-'""nar, 
 ANo, ..veral controversial pau,,,hlet,s on hoja^^kthy; 
 a":"''Vw "''i'r^J, -• *,^^'- Cedar.: 
 8.^e,,eare^ % 'v. IriL^ r^ l^^^ -I ^f 
 Henderson, Very Rev. WvhI^.^ Vi^J^:^, 
 d 1- (K.i ^ iui.,..i. , .." I ""r"" "' l/arlisle 
 -■ -... . 111,-1 x'liuiiui 
 ;^. (Ed - ■ •■ - ' "■ 
 I'laincd, I Must. N. Yori< 1^ 
 Henderson, K.itUei 
 , , ■ ,\ " » uu., .\c\vca.«tlo, IS76 Svo 
 . Hendrix, Ilev. Eugene Riisspii nn i i^.- 
 in Howard Co Mo • 1,..»„,., "'?"?«"». "U; «• 184-, 
 Hendr\, John. W s 7 i i. 
 '" inir, i tlie Form „f t' ■ ^ .*•»"»»' "f Convey. 
 ■^^ s fd .1 rev .^ T ?'=?,'?'"ation.s Kdin., 1859, p. 
 of Do dVa ;/ln;,rlents in A • f"" ""• '■ ^"'^ 
 iruments m Accordance with the Titlej 

 to l.iinil (Scottinlil Ai'ti, IHAS anil IMflO, Ao. Ily n Tim- 
 vf.\ jiiioer. llovii'cii by a Miin'jer of tho Bftr. Eilln., 
 IHfll, sv(i. Anon. I'll oil., with aiilhor'n niiuio, 18(12. 
 Ami aci' MowiiiiAV, .). T.. in/ni. 
 Ileiidy, David I'untiiiK. llii|itUin ; or, Whiit 
 Saidi the .Scri|ptiiri) ? a I'oeni, Kcin., IHril, Itlino. 
 lleiicnKiN i'hiirlfN. iTriini.j Jmirnoy in the 
 Cbuousuk, I'lirsiB, .Vo., b.v Huron Mux vun Tiiiclmanii, 
 Lon., IHT'i, '2 vols. |i. Svo. 
 Ileney, ThoiniiN, of New South Wiileii. Fortu- 
 niile Diiyn, Syiliii'y, IH87. 
 llcili'ri'vi, Charlen. A Few Hinti on O.IoiirH ni< 
 iilHilicil to llie 'I'liili'l, DtroriitiniH of l.oiim-. ''iiibi'oiil- 
 ery, Fimey Wcirk, ciiiil thiOiirJin. Ily 0. II. IJrighton, 
 l.sils, |2rno. Anon. 
 Ileiirrey, Ilciiry Williiim, 1S62-1H,hi, son of 
 Arthur lliiilVey, [imh , vol. !.;] h. in Lonilon ; educated 
 at llri;{htoii College; wiiK a member of the Numlsunitie 
 ."Society of London, of the lirltinh Arclia'olo;(lcnl Akko- 
 olutlon, Ac. 1. A (luide to tho .Study and Arrangement 
 of KngliMli Coinf ; giving ii UeKcription of Kvory lie- 
 nomination of Kvery Iimue, in (iold, .Silver, and Cupiior, 
 from llie Conquest to tho I're.^ent Time: with All tho 
 Latei't Di.ieoverioH. l.on.. I "^711. Hvo; now cd.. rev. by C. 
 F. K( iry. ISS.'i. 2. N'iiini»noita Cnuiiwelliana : (jr, The 
 Medallie History of Oliver Cromwell : Illustruled by hl.i 
 Coins, Medals, and Seals. Published in I'arts. Lon., 
 I.H7", MlK 
 IleiiliHin, Bcv. William TnwiiNeiid, M.A., 
 graihmted at Clirisl's College, Cambridge, ISal ; ordained 
 l«51 ; vicar of .Strcatley, Derkshire, since 1880. i;>er- 
 luons, chiefly Practical, l.un., iHflU, |>. ^vo, 
 Ileiileyl Hev. and Hon. Robert, M.A., son of 
 thoseconil Uaron Henley; b. 1S3I ; grailuatcd at Ualliol 
 College, Oxford, lHo;i,and at Wells Theological College 
 1851; ordained 1851; vicar (jf Putney, Surrey, since 
 18(11. 1. Tho (Jrcat High Priest: Six lioctures, Lon., 
 I85S,p. 8vo. 2. Tho Prayer of Prayer.s, Lon., ISIil, fp. 
 8vo. a, Saintlincss: a Course of Sermons on tho Beati- 
 tudes, Lon., 18()4, l2mo. I. Pro More Lex: Some 
 Thought.s on (jur Position, Lon.. I8(il), 8vo. 5. Musings 
 on the Revelation of St. John the Divine, Lon., 1S72, 8vo. 
 Henley, T. C. A Handful of Paper Shavings, 
 Lon., I8iil, :iL'Miii. 
 Henley, William Ernest, formerly editor of the 
 Magazine of Art: becanio editor of the ."^i-ots (Jbserver, 
 a new weekly jjaper published at Eilinburgh, 1888. He 
 has contributed literary criticisms to the .Saturday Re- 
 view and other journals. A Hook of Verses, (Ballades, 
 Ron iids. Sonnets, &c.,) Lon., 188S, Kimo; also, a largo- 
 ]ia|icr eil. 
 " What Is more singular abont this writer's work than 
 its clever craftinaiislilp Is its ring of genuine and virile 
 hiinianity."— .'<Vi/. A'n., Ixv. 770. 
 Honn, Rev. Silas. I. Religion in Karnest : de- 
 signed to aiil in Forming and I'erfecting the Christian 
 Cliaracter, Lon., 1851, 12uio. 2. The Uurning Spirit 
 and tho Flaming Life; or, I,iving Religion E.xemplilied 
 in the Life and (Character of St. Paul, Lon., 185B. iL'mo. 
 ;i. Heart-Ye;nnings : or. Living Truths for Living, 
 licad, and llyingSouls, Lon.. 18511, 12mo. 4. Lightning- 
 Flashes ; or, Outspoken Truths to Professors of Religion, 
 I.nn., 1877, p. Svo. 5. The lieautiful in Christianity; 
 or, Entire Sanctification the (irand Centre of the Chris- 
 tian Religion, Lon., I8sii, 8vo. Also, single sermons, 
 lectures, ic. 
 Ilennah, Mr-s. Ann. I. Thirty-One Olil Testa- 
 ment Narratives in Verse, Salisbury, 187(1, p. Svo. 2. 
 Twenty-Seven New Testament Narra'tives in Verse, Sal- 
 isbury, 187(1, )i. Svo. 
 Hennell, .Uiss Sara Sophia. 1. Prize Es.say: 
 Christianity and Intidelily : an E.xposition of the Argu- 
 ments on Hoth Sides. Lon., 18.'j7, Svo. 2. Essay on the 
 Sceptical Tendency of Butler's Analogy, Lon., 185!t, 
 12mo. 3. Tho Early Christian Anticipation of an Ap- 
 proaching End of tho World, Lon., 1800, cr. Svo. 4. 
 Thoughts in Aid of Faith, gathered ohielly from recent 
 Works in Theology and Philosophy, Lon., 1860, p. Svo. 
 5. Present Religion, as a Faith owning Fellowship with 
 Thought, Lon., 18(15-87, 2jiarts, p. Svo. 
 Hennen, William IJ. A Digest of Louisiana 
 III I'orts, from the First Martin to tho Fifteenth Louisi- 
 nii.i Annual, Host,, 1852. 2 vols. Syo. 
 Hennessey, Henry. 1. On tho Study of Science 
 in its Relations to Individuals and Society, Dublin, 1858, 
 Svo; 2d od., 1859. 2. The Relations of Science to Mod- 
 ern Civilization, Lon., 18(12, Svo. 
 HenneRsy, Sir .lohii I'ope, K.C.M.O., Knight 
 of Malta. I>. I8;i4, nt Cork ; oulled to the bar at the tnner 
 Temple 1801 ; M.P. for King's County 1850 (15. He 
 has been go\ eriior of several colonial islands and seltlu- 
 j men's, and was transferreil In 18S2 to the colony of 
 [Mauritius. I. Napoleon III, and the Rhine, Lon,, 
 18(1(1, 8vo, 2. Sir Walter Ualoigh in Irchmd, Lon,, 
 ISH;), p. Hvo. 3. Lord lleaonnslleld's Irish Policy: Two 
 Kssays cm Ireland, Lon., I''S5, Kvo. 
 Hennesny, Williani .MannNcll,, 
 182S-18S1), li, at (,'astle (Iregfirv, County Kerry, Ireland ; 
 was one of the writers of the ^Jation nowspajicr 185,1-511; 
 ohljiineil a position in tho latter year in l)ublin Castle, 
 and in 18(18 cntored the Public Record office of Ireland, 
 of which he became asiistant deputy k> eper, 1. (Ed.) 
 Chroniron Scotorum : a Clironicleoi' Irish AH'alri from 
 the Earliest Ti(nes to A.D. 1 1,15, willi a Supplement, .Ic, 
 ("Rolls" Sor.,) Lon., 1800, 8vo, 2. (Ed.) Tho Annals 
 of Loch C(5: a Chronicle of Irish Affairs from A.D. 101 I 
 to A.D. 1500: with a Translation, (" Rolls" Ser.,) Lon,. 
 1871, 2 vols. 8vo. 3. (Ed.) Tho Hook of Feenagh, [text 
 and translation,] 1875, 4to. 50 copies, privatelv iirinled, 
 4. (Ed.) Poets and Poetry of Munster; 3d e.l., Irish 
 text, revised by W. M. II., Dublin. 1883. 5. (Ed.) An 
 nals (d' l.'Ister; otherwise. Annals of Senat : a Chronicle 
 of Irish Afhiirs from A.D. 131 to A.D. 154(1: with a 
 Translation and Notes, (" Kocord" Ser.. Ireland ;) vol. i,, 
 Dublin, 1887, Svo. 
 Henniker, Rev. Robert, d. 1880. 1, (Ed.) Stories 
 from English Uislory. lor Young Children, Lon,, 1801 ; 
 new >d., 18(18, l8mo. 2. Trifles for Travellers: being a 
 BoA^apioc t) itoxJ^Uiov, Lon., 18(14, 12mo. 
 Ilenningsen, Charles Frederick, 1815-1877, 
 b. in Engl.ind, of Swedish parents; served in the Carlist 
 army in Spain in 1834, and afterwards in the Russian 
 army in Circassia ; took part in the Hungarian revo- 
 lution of 1848, and in 185(1 joined William Walker in 
 Nicaragua, [luring the civil war he served in the Con- 
 feilerato army and was made brigadier-general. 1. Tho 
 Lastof tlieSophis: a Poem, Lon., 18:11, p. Svo. 2. Scenes 
 from the Belgian Revolution, Lon., 1832, Svo. 3. The 
 Most Striking Events of a Twelve Months' Campiii^-n 
 with Zuniiilacarregui in Navarre and tho Bascpie I'mv- 
 Inces, Lon.. 1^.10, 2 vcds. I2mo. 4. Revelations of Rus- 
 sia; or, Tho Emperor Nicholas and his Empire in 18(4. 
 liy One who has ^een and describes. Lon., 1844, 2 vols, 
 p. Hvo, Anon. ;;ded., 1810. 5. The White Slave ; or. 
 The Russian Peasant-Girl, Lon., 1845, 3 V(]ls, |). Svo. 
 Anon. 0. Eastern Europe and the Emperor Nicholas, 
 Lon,, I84fi, 12iuo. Anim. 7. Sixty Years lleuce : a 
 Novel, Lon., IMT, 3 vols. p. Svo, 8. Analogies and Con- 
 trusts : or, Ccmiparative Sketches of France and England, 
 Lon., 1848, Svo". 0. Kossuth and "Tho Times," Lon., 
 1851, 12mo. 111. T:.'o Past and Future of Hungary, 
 Lon., 1852, p. Svo. 
 Henrici, Olaus. Skeleton Structures, especially 
 in their Apjilication to the Building of Steel and Iron 
 Briilges, Lou., 1866, Svo. 
 Henriques, Alfred Gutteres, called to the bar 
 at tho Middle 'Temple 1853. On some Legal and Eco- 
 tioiuio (Questions connected with Land-Credit and .Mort- 
 gage Companies ; 2d eil., rev., Lon., 1864, Hvo. 
 Henry, Alexander, M.D, A Glossary of Scien- 
 tific Terms for (ienenil I'se, Lon., 1800, sin. p. Svo. 
 Henry, Alexander, M.B., of Edinburgh. Poso. 
 logical and Therapeutic Tables; containing the Doses, 
 Actions, and I'ses of the Medicines in the British Phar- 
 macopicia, Lon., 1875, si). Svo. 
 Henry, Rev. Ii. C, ten years a missionary in 
 China. 1. The Cross and the Dragon; or. Light in the 
 Hroiid East, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. (The first eight chap- 
 ters are descriptive of life and customs in China, and 
 the remaining eighteen treat of missionary enterprise in 
 that country.) 
 "An honest and satisfactory work, written bv a man 
 who deals only with facts that have come iiiiderhis own 
 notice, but deals with them exhaustively. "—.S;jcc((itor, Iviii, 
 2. Ling-Nain ; or. Interior Views of Southern China, 
 including Travels in the Hitherto Untravorsed Island of 
 Hainan, Lon., 1880, p. 8 
 " Mr. Henry does not p: ss to deal scieiiliflcully with 
 the ri.cesaiKl languagesof l,ing-Nam ; ho only writes right 
 on ol what ho himself saw nr,A heard,"— .-Irati., xxx. 13i, 
 Henry, Rev. Caleb Sprague, D.D., LL.D., 
 [ant,; vol. i., add.,] 1804-1884. 1. Dr. Oldham at Grey- 
 str.nos, and his Talk there, N, York, 1860, 12mo; new 
 ed., 1872. 2. Considerations on some of the Elements 
 Tract r.,r .(,.. Tl. :. " ' ,..'•.' ".""" ""'' "'" i'»\Al ■ 
 in V <. I.. I. I . . n, 
 Tract for lh« TIii.oh. llyunK;;;;" '"','',.,'"'' ''"''"' 'v" I '"■^•'' ' ' "" '" '"' "*' 
 ....n';'"::^:/:^r!r;v^' bnu^c „„„„„. 
 "i .m".; '\.f',','" ^' '■"••'» l'"'in-. l)ro..|,.„ 
 I he 
 B lo(.t.Joiirri(.y fro,., ('Mrl^riiho 
 '""•''""■ "*•''••• II. IIHijfi,,,,, 
 A I'rnotiual Trciit- 
 Henry, Frederick P., M d 
 l«'un Anioiiiiii, I'hil,,., ksht, 1"„„ 
 ii„.. V. . ' ' "■ I'- '*'■'"< ""w fl., IN79. 
 v.'"'e!.^^,,;;;r AS;.;;;,,': ,.,:-''-. 
 "K", iinu, wuii tins tind in V ow boiriin nlmi.i riiiu i 
 "rnin-, \vli„ i,,vid liii mii , „ ""^"i'' »l|li"iil Imrry 
 I'liyi'.iiinui f„|i i,,,„V,.. .-.., ^".• '"^- 'I'liiy" loimncM- 
 vi.nj ..i,. „,.V^;,,;!::^:;-;^--;^„ 'Sketch, of Alora- 
 I fi«'"ry, Jardine. 
 1 lib. .,1,0,,., |8;,6-,v,,, 2 ,„„. „, 
 1. The Oovernineiit Annullv 
 vol,. Hvo. 2. The l(,„i,l-l)o„k 
 An!!,';"';f:,.,^.::ri?',',' Jf:^., Kor.lsr-, „,. ...ninent 
 lleiiry, I^uvihii Kdunril < i.' i \ -"'->'"■"•"»". 
 A. .^ i.u,.„,.,,,,,. ,.i:|;r:^-, <^^|;) J;- > ;;.-j 
 ll-boOKH. " . ('• 
 : ISV.l, 18i„o. ' ''^ '■'"'>' ""bert of Lea, Lon., 
 eas"!'ri,l"- ,/• J'7 Tron.,,,e„tof Venereal Di«. 
 Vienna lU^^^l^tCklh^Z' m '" /"? 
 Varicocele by Exeision ,,(■ p i , „ • Jf''atiiicrit of 
 I'liih,., -12^0 "'^'''""'ant Scrotu,,,. lUust, 
 ■'• "..Dublin 184-' "'« T"h^''?^ '."""'^ ''""'^i° ''y 
 10. Notes of a Twelve Years' Voyage of 
 :iuu, Lou,, !,-;72, 1H„„,. 
 Dresden, 1853. 
 MahvA.I infn, Wseuu.J See Sevmoi:r, 
 appointed attorney-general of Pennsylvania 18!) I. Life 
 of T. A. Hendrieks, 1SS4. With Paiikkh, Okoiioe F., 
 Life and Publio Services of (Jrovor Cleveland and Tliiir- 
 inan, Phihi., 1S.M8, 12ino. 
 Ileiishall, James A. 1. liouk of the Black Bass: 
 comprising its Con;|)lete Scientific and Life History : to- 
 gether with a Practical Treatise on Angling and Fly- 
 Fishing. Illust. Cin., 1S81, 12ino. 2. Camping and 
 Cruising in Florida. Illust. Cin., l!<84, 8vo. 
 Hciishuw, Annie U. Amusements for Invalids, 
 lio.^t., 1870, ISmo. 
 Ilensliaw, Samuel. (Kd.) The Entomological 
 Writings <d' Dr. Alpheus Spring Packard, 1887. 
 Ilensliaw, Mrs. Snrah Edwards. Our Branch 
 and its Tributaries: being a History of the Work of the 
 Northwestern Sanitary Commission and its Au.\iliaries, 
 Chic, 1868. 
 Henshew, T. W. Young Mrs. Charnleigh ; a 
 Novel, N. York, 188.). 12mo. 
 Ilensley, Itev. Lewis, M.A., -vaduated at Trinity 
 College, Cambridge, 1811); ordained 18jl; vicar of 
 IHtchin, Hertfordshire, since 1856. 1. Steps to the 
 Practical Understanding of the Church Catechism, 0.\f. 
 and Lim., I8(')ll, 12mo. 2. Household Devotions; or, 
 Family Prayers for the Church Seasons, Lon., 1864, p. 
 Hvo. ;i. Hymns for the Sumlays after Trinity, Lon., 
 1S(U, 12mo. 4. A Few Words on Science, Lon,, 1878, 
 y>. 8vo. 5. Scholar's .\lgcbra, Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. (5. 
 Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. 
 Cotton, and the Want of it, Lon., 
 Scholar's .\rithmetie, 
 Hensluw, A. F. 
 1863, Kiino. 
 Henslow, Rev, 
 George, M.A., F.L.S., P.G.S., 
 graduated at Christ'j College, Cambridge, 1858 ; ordained 
 ISa'J ; lecturer on botany at St. Bartholomew's Hospital 
 since 1870. 1. The Theory of Evolution of Living 
 Things, and the Application of the Principles of Evo- 
 lution to Religion cimsidered as Illustrative of the Wis- 
 dom and Benclicenccof the Almighty, Lon., 187.1, p. 8vo. 
 2. Floral Uiasections Illustrative of Typical Genera of 
 British Natural Orders, Lon., 1879, 4to. H. The Stu- 
 dent's Catalogue of British Plants, Lon., 1870, 8vo. 4. 
 Botany for Children, Lon., 1880, p. 8vo. 5. Christian 
 Beliefs reconsidered in the Light of Modern 'I'hought, 
 Lon., 1884, p. 8vo. 6. Origin of Floral Structures 
 through Insect and other Agencies. Illust. (" Inter- 
 national Science" Ser.,) Lon., 1888, cr. Svo. 
 Ilenwlow, Rev. John Stevens, [miii; vol. i., 
 aild..] 17U6~l:-lt)l, rector of Hitchani, .Suffolk, from 
 18117. For bi jg., see Bi.omkfikld, L. Dictionary of 
 Botanical Term.;; new ed., Lon., 1861, fp. 8vo. With 
 ShKi'i'Kn, En\tr.s», Flora of Suffolk : a Catalogue of the 
 Plants found in a Wild State in the County of Suffolk, 
 Lon., 1860, r. 12mo. 
 Henslowe, J. R. 1. Dorothy Compton : a Story 
 of the Year 15, Lon., 1380, p. 8vo; new ed., 1881. 2. 
 While and Red, Lon., 1881, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. ,S. Duke's 
 Winton : a Chronicle of Sedgemoor, Lon., 1886, cr. Svo. 
 Ilensman, Alfred I'eaeh, graduated at London 
 University 18o:i; called to the bar at the Middle Temple 
 18j8; attorney-general of Western .\ustralia .■'inco 188:i. 
 Hand-Book of the Constitciion : being a Short Account 
 of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Laws of 
 England, Lon., I860, fp, Svo. 
 Hensnian, Arthur. Anatomical Outlines, for the 
 Use of Students in the Dissecting-Rooms, Illust. Lon., 
 1878-80, 4 iiarls, si'i. Ito. 
 Ilensman, Howard. The Afghan War of 1870- 
 80. Maps. Lou., |s8l. 8vo. 
 " Sir Kruderick KobcrLs says of the letters here pulilisjied 
 in a collected form that ■ nothing could be iiKjrc accurate 
 or graiibic' . . . Mr. IIen.snnui enjoyed siiinnlar advan- 
 tages (luring the lirst part of the war, for lie was the oiUy 
 special correspondent wlo) accompanied the force which 
 marched out of .Vli Kheyl in September, \fiy."—.Uh., Xo. 
 ilensman, John, attomey-at-law. The Oath and 
 the .Vccused ; or, d'lie Right of Every Man to give Evi- 
 dence in Courts of .lustico, Lon., 1862, 8vo. 
 Ilenson, William. The Dutchman's Family: a 
 Pociu : new cd.. Lon., 1873, ;i2nio. 
 Ilcnt, R. W. Forms and I'se of Blanks in Con- 
 formily to the Laws of Calirornia, and adapted for Ne- 
 vada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Arizona, 
 and I'lah, :-:ui Fr:iii., l-6il. 2 vtils. 8vo. 
 Ilcnty, <Tieorge Alfred, b. 18:!2, nt Trumping- 
 ton, Cambridgeshire; educated at Westminster School, 
 and at Caius College, Cambridge; has acted as special 
 war corresponilent of the London Staiiilarl in vari- 
 I ous parts of the world. He is editor of the Union 
 Jack, a journal for boys. 1. The March to Magdala, 
 Lon., 1868, 8vo. 2. All but Lost: a Novel, Lon., 1860, 
 1 ',', vols. p. -^vo. ,1. Out on the Pampas; or. The Young 
 Settlers: a Tale for Boys, Lon., 1870, 12mo; new ed., 
 ' 1881. 4. The Young Franc-Tireurs and their Adven- 
 ; tures in the Franco-Prussian War, Lon., 18i 1, p. Svo. o. 
 The March to Coomassie, Lon., 1874, Svo. 6. The Young 
 Buglers: a Tale of the Peninsular War. Illust. Lon., 
 187U, p. Svo. 7. In Times of Peril: a Tale of India. 
 Illust. Lon., 1881, p. 8vo; new ed., 1883. 8. The Cor- 
 net of Horse: a Tale of Marlborough's Wars, Lon., 
 1881, p. Svo. a. Winning his Spurs; a Tale of the 
 Crusaders. Illust. L(m., 1882, sin. p. 8vc. 10. Under 
 Drake's Flag; a Tale of the Spanish Main. Illust. 
 Lon., 1882, imp. 16mo. II. Facing Death; or. The 
 Hero of the Vaughan Pit: a Tale of the Coal-Mines, 
 Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 12. By Sheer Pluck : a Tale of the 
 AshantiWar. Illustrated by Browne. Lon, 1^83, p. Svo. 
 13. Friends, though Divided : a Tale of the Civil Wars. 
 Illust. Lon., 1883, p. Svo. 14. Jack Archer: a Tal<> of 
 the Crimea. Illust. Lon., 1883, p. Svo. 15. With Clive 
 in India; or, The Beginnings of an Empire. Lon., 1883, 
 p. Svo. 16. The Young Colonists, Lon., 1884, ]i. Svo. 
 17. True to the Old Flag: a 'Tale of the American War of 
 Independence, Lon., 1884, sq. 16mo. 18. St. (ieorge lor 
 England: a Tale of Cressy and Poitiers. Illust. Lon., 
 1884, p. Svo. 19. In Freedom's Cause: a Story of Walbieo 
 and Bruce. Illust. Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 20. Yarns on 
 the Beach: a Bundle of Tales. Illust. Lon., ISS.'i, p. 
 Svo. 21. Through the Fray : a Tale of the Ludilite 
 Riots, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 22. The Dragon and the 
 Raven; or. The Days of King Alfred, Lon., 188.', p. 
 Svo. 23. For Name and Fame; or. Through Afglian 
 Passes, Lon., 1885, p. Sro. 24. The Lion of the North : 
 a Tale of the Times of Guslavus Adolphu,s, Lon., IS.'-a, 
 p. Svo. 25. The Bravest of the Brave ; or, Witii Peter- 
 borough in Spain. Illust. Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 20. A 
 Final Reckoning: a Tale of Bush Life in Australia. 
 Illust. L(jn., 1SS6, ]i. Svo. 27. With Wolfe in Canada ; 
 or. The Winning <d' a Continent. Illust. Lon., 1SS6, 
 p. Svo. 2S. The Young Carihaginian; or, A Struggle 
 for Empire. Illust. Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 29. llonnie 
 Prince Charlie : a Tale of Fontcnoy and Culloden. 
 Illust. I.(m., 1887, p. Svo. 30. For the Temple : a Tale 
 of the Fall of Jerusalem. Illust. Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 31. In the Reign of Terror: the Adventures of a West- 
 minster Boy, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 32. Orange and Green : 
 a Tale of the Boyne and Limerick, lllustriited by Browne. 
 Lon., 1. '•87, p. Svo. :'3. The Sovereign Reader: Scenes 
 from the Life and Reign of t^uecn Victoria, Lon., 1887, 
 12iuo. 34. Sturdy and Strong ; or. How George Andrews 
 made his Way. Illustrated by R. Fowler. Lon., l.'-S7, 
 p. Svo. 35. Captain Ba.\ ley's Heir: a Taleof the Oold- 
 Fields of California. Illust. Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 36. 
 The Cat of Bubastes : a Tnle of Ancient Venice. Illu>t. 
 Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 37, Gabriel Allen, M.P., Lon., ls>s, 
 )). Svo. 38. The Lion il' St. Mark's : a Tale of Venice. 
 Illust. Lon., ISSS, p. Svo. 
 Henty, Richmond, the first white man born in 
 the colony of Victoria. .Australiana ; or, My Early Lite, 
 Lon., 18^6, 12mo. 
 Hentz, Nicholas IMnrcellns. Spiders of the 
 United States. Edited by E. Burgess: with Notes by 
 J. H. Emerton. Illust. Post., 1875, Svo. 
 Hepburn, A. V. Manual of English Rhetoric, 
 Cin., 1875. 12mo. 
 "Hepburn, Alice," (Pseud.) See Boiitei.i,, 
 MaUV Ki.I/.VHKTM CMKVAI.I.II-:!!, Klljirtl. 
 Hepburn, Duncan D., ("Emerahl Isle," pseud.) 
 Stiay Rhymes. Illu.-t. 2(1 ed., enl., Lon., 1SS6, p. Svo. 
 Hepburn, H. 1*. Reports of Cases in the ouprcme 
 Court, from 1852 to 1854, (California Reports, vols. ii. 
 , iv.,) Phila. and San Fran.. 1851-56, 3 vols. Svo 
 llepbnrn, James Curtis, r. A Jaiiancsc an/. 
 j English Dictionary, Shanghai, 1867, Svo; 2d ed., l.'-72. 
 2. A and En;;iish-Ja|iaiicsc Diction- 
 I ary : abridged from the earlier worli, N. York, 187.;, It". 
 I Hepplestone, Jane. What h r Face said : the 
 i Story of Five .Months, as related to a Friend, Lon., IS7ii, 
 1 p. Sv(j. 
 Heptenstall, E. The Great Bubble Co-Operative 
 Society : a P.ilitioal Satire, L(.n.. I.'JSO, er. Svu. 
 ' Ilepworth, E. N. .Ylolesworth. British Free 
 : Trade r. the World'>( Protection, Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 I Hepworth, Rev, George Hughes, b. 1833. in 
 j B(Jston, Ml.-'.-.; was pastor of the Church of the Unity 
 iiartment in 186.), Bust., Isiij IHino Tn •'.",■ 
 the Crime, the Penalty IWiSp- -■ ^1"- Criminal, 
 Hepworth, Mrs. George liuehes. Th« r i..i„ 
 Gentleman n Green Hv I'n,. I • r i''<* i^'ttio 
 lyfij. " "retn. Jiy Lna baviu, [pseud.] Boat, 
 Hepworth, T. C 
 -S,lrln': xxxi'i'/fi^H.^^'"''^""* ""'^"^ '" 'he South sea.." 
 ^^Ilerbert, U. S. Emblematical Sermons, Lon., 1,S50, 
 Eton, uiid at Christ tVille^e Ovfnr i . ,' ^^"oiite,! iit 
 0" their Keli.i,,,,, V^^nTI, 8 '^^''^TeT ,f "'^" 
 I niscences of Athens iin 1 .1., v. „ **"'•) ^'e""- 
 Journ.l of Tr -M " ."".1 '^ .'^''.>".''/ K^'n.ets from a 
 Hemud, Edith, l. Lecture „n Tennyson, Un., 
 i ^^. i;:^':';;i^i:'£-"'-'-^^-'^=tf ^S5^^ 
 1. (Trans.) Agamemnon of /Esohvlns T nn w-n 
 " 'I'ho »Pni...I,. *! * * * ' 
 .^,8,|2mo._ .. lheM,.ter.of Askdale: ^^^r,/ I.!;:; Lt.lX'ITS'C.^^ '» ^ 
 Hrraud, John Abriil.«... r , , • M""', xxx. :«5. ^ '"""• -*-• J>. A. JIimsiiEAii- 
 IS6«:8:o I.'th''' I'-A'-': ','": -^ I-y-'"' I^allad, Lon. ! Will' Wi'ld'^ood. If' E 'lv!;i;[']"«#1'""''f " ^''^^ ''^ 
 ne!?^l/i^ni;rr"^v"e',tl;,!'r :-".;:f^°'-^'^VS^''^-' "• '«^». 
 liurfiness Life in 
 il I! .. , ' ---(■■■••■•I*, IJIUltJflS 
 »-"llogr „l the City of Nuiv Ycirk 
 Ancient ILmiic, N. Vorlt, ISSd, n^.,,,,, 
 ii.,n^. • /I ""'SUt ol the DannebroB Order I Tim 
 e ".V^o^'n"''' .^'^""'•^ f'-""' Sandefborg r;,„'-,8"" 
 wood. Philn I*<«n * i> ' "*' " '" '» nu- 
 4 l''"««ff™"'.»nd other lC^.,\^r:x:^l'X':; 
 Herhert, John Bcrp«rnr i n- 
 nally John AIoopiTi ^f i "' i'"' """"^ ""« ""gi- 
 cr 8w, o n^'" .""r-"- '■"'" ^anuerborg, 1804 Temiilo IKJ- T? r'^ u""*-"' '" ""' 'j'*'- at the Middle 
 ^^'^'^^^^'^=X:^^^trT ''^i '^i^ates U^"l^--/"-'^ent» Act, 1.8;: 
 ^v,..,.,,v, L*uii,, io-*2 i::nio 'A 
 ■'' .^rouoloiibout his Soul, Lon.. ISS-J ,, Svo (A • 
 -'n 'y the i^'ite, Lo^ ' s'^" ,""'"'■"">' °/ ^"'"O"'" 
 l'..p_eivs Lon., ISS5, .Sro ' ' ' *"""• "• Anfi-Force 
 row, Lon., 1888, 
 J^ongs of Jlome, Reigate, 1880, 
 U...- Own kv m'„ 18?U v' ?r""?l"'^ "■'""^^■"f 
 Volln^^Mou^S:" "fC tl^'l^a r 'JT-' ^''^ 
 Klin., 187(1 ,s„n ■.'«,, "lench ol Uouniiid, 
 pHsIng tle's,orVofrt'"u ''''"""! ''^'"•'"'''^ ^ '^'""- 
 ;^Sr^-— lt^"K:■L..^te- 
 ^■"'f^"^ n'"7^;, ^;''^);!.''''^"-a''' - Novel, 
 '■■«'- 1802, ,,. 8vo.' • ^'^"'"' '^'l'«>-">": a Tale, 
 I*"nb?iT..' * irf^" """«''' CharlcH, Karl of 
 N- iiealaiid „mf^;, ^ li^'rVs ^'-S'"" = '--"-' i" ! 
 '•'■t^iiy of state for wn 1871 -■; i 7 ' "'as undor-see- 
 M e.l 
 p. 8, 
 Herbert, Marin. 
 Percj. E. Herb tr 1^76, Th'e ZT"^' \'T' '" '"'^ 
 of Holy Scrintu c wit , » i- ^J'l"-"'"""! Antitypes 
 Dean ol^ Her" r , ' L . I si'^lT"-''- ^•'^''■;'' ''^ '"» 
 Herbert, Mar,'Th^^r[o,'7S;^Vj,«'7-, 
 Lon., I860, p. 8.0 Aimn' "' i ' M';""t«in Hon,,, 
 other distinguisiied noi«on« In iJ' , ' ' "''' »"^ 
 man Ctholi., ,M,d hi" ' „" t ,^" '""^ fl'« became a Ho- 
 benevolence and J ti,:^"'l. ""!' ,"'Sagod in w„ri„ of 
 ^.n t'lif •>«;- ■ ""iiM«" DV 111 . "oin i_iitlioiii', und !i.|» o;„.„, i — ......v » ,,,,. 
 .^ariic y...|ir, 

 Svo; Itli fd,, lSfi9. 4. Im|irc.«sion8 of Spnin in ls(i6. 
 Illu?t. Lon., ISfir, Svo. .-.. L,)vu; or, Self Saoiifice : a 
 Story, Lim., isii-*, p. 8vo. (i. (Trans.) Abvssinia Mid its , „., 
 Apostle, [U. de Jacobi?,] Lon., I.S6s, Svo. 7. Muntana; eelliincous, Lon., ISTti, fn. «vo. 
 Herbert, >V. Treatise on Bulbous Roots. Illust. 
 liOn., iss:',. 
 Herbert, Wallace. My Dream, and Verse.i Mis- 
 and what bappeni'd before it, Lon., 1S6S, 8\ o. S. ( I'nuis.) 
 The Mother of St. Aiigiirtine. [abridged frmii tlie " Ilis- 
 toire de Salute Moiiiiiue," by the Abbfi Boiigaud,] I.oii., 
 ISI)8, p. Svo. <J. (Trans.) The Life of 11. Dovie, the Mar- 
 tyr, by Abb6 liaudry, Lon., ISliS, 12mo. 10. (Trans.) 
 The Apostleship of .Sufl'erinj,', by N. J. Lyonnanl, Lon., 
 ISTO, Svo. II. The Two Sisters : a Tiile for the " ()oo<l 
 Sliepberd," Lon., Is70, IKnio. 12. \T ans. i The Life of 
 Aladamo do lieanharnais de Miramion, by Count A. do 
 Uonneau Avenant, Lon., 1870, Svo. I 
 Ilerdinan, .'Ml. S. S. The Komance of the Ranks : 
 Keininiseenci's of Army Work, Stirling, iSSS, Svo. 
 , Uerdiiiail, W. A. A I'hylogenetio Classification 
 j of Aniiual.s, for the Use of Students. Illust. Lon., 188.). 
 I Herdniaii, Willinm (;a«viii, 18l)5-!a82, b. in 
 'Liverpool; an artist. 1. I'ictorial Relies of Ancient 
 I Liverpool : accompanied with Descriptions of the An- 
 tique liuildings, Liverpool, 1843, 4to. Rijirintcd 185li, 
 fob, for jirivato circulation. 
 ,,., ,.,, I — > •"■ 1 •' ....v,.„.vi..... 2. A Treatise on the Cur- 
 1 ii„ ,.f T \-„..i e ' .1 'i. L T ,'■■'.,"'■ S'il'nf'"" Perspective of Nature, Lor.., 185;), ,svo. 3. 
 Rebel Rhymes, and 
 de Cientelles, Lon., IS72, 16mo. 1.5. Wilfulness and its 
 Consecpienoes : a Talc extracted from the Diary of a 
 Sister of Mercy, Lon., I,S72, I2mo. 16. A Search after 
 Sunshine: or, Algeria in 1871, Lon., 1872, Svo. 17. 
 (ieronimo: a True Story, Lon., I,s72, p.Svo. 18. (Trans.) 
 Twenty-Five Years of uiy Life, and Memoir of my 
 Mother, by .V. de Laiuartine, Lon., 1872, 2 vols. p. Hvo. 
 19. Life of Mary Cli.Mubina Clare of St. Frmcis, Lon., 
 IS74,er. Svo. 20. (Trans.) A Ramble round the W.jrid, 
 !S7I,by Raron von iliibner. Illust. Lon., lS7l,2vols; 
 new cd., 1S7S, Svo. 21. iTrans.l Monscigncur Mermil 
 lod on the Supernatural Life, Lon., 1871, 8vo. 22, 
 (Trans.) Dorothea Waldeijravc: a Tale; from the <icr- 
 n\an of the Countess Hahn-ilahn, Lon., 1S75, p. Svo. 
 2:i. (Trans.) Life of .Mother Maria Teresa, by Abbe 
 llulst, Lon., lS7li. p. Svo. 24. Wives, Mothers, and 
 Sisters in the Olden Time ; from French, Italian, and 
 Latin Auihor.s, Lon., IS7.(t. 2 vols. p. Svo; new od., 1SS,5. 
 25. A Saint in Algeria, Lon., 1S7S, p. Svo. 2/t. (Trans.) 
 Life of the Venerable E. Canori Mora; from tlie Italian, 
 Lon., 1S7S, Svo. 27. ( Trans. i The Life of Doui Rar- 
 tholomew of the .Martyr.', Lon,, ISSO, p. Svo. 2s. True 
 Wayside Tales. I.oii,,'|ssO-s;i, two .series, Ip. Svo. 20.1 
 Fernando; or, Tlo. Mi.nitent Murderer, Lon., Isso, or.! 
 Svo. :I0. The I'ri.'t of the Eucharist: or, A Sketch of 
 the Life of I'ierre .lulien Eymard, Lon,, 1881, 8v", :il. 
 Edith: a Tale of the Present Day, Lon , 188], cr. Svo. - 
 32. (Ed.) The Problem Soiveil, [a story,] Lon., 1S8'>, i 
 Svo. :)3. The Two Cousins, and the Two S.-h«ol-Boys 
 Lon., 18S3, fp. .Svo. 34. Motlioosawny, ami other fndi;ui 
 Tales, Lon., 1883, fp. Svo. 35. Smily an.l the White 
 Necktie. Lon., 1883, fn. Svo. 3i!. (Trans.) Th.' Life of 
 St. John liaptist de Ho.«si, by E. Mongeot, Lon.. 1S83, i 
 Svo. 37. (Trans.) Esterina Antluori: a Sh(jrt Me- i 
 moir, L(m., lsS4, ISmo. 38. (Trans.) Life of Mon 
 Hi-ret'urd, Elizabeth J. 
 otluT Poems, N. York, 18SS, 12mo. 
 Herford, Rev. Brooke, a Unitarian minister. 
 I. Travers Madge: a Memoir, Lon., 1S67, cr. Svo; 3d 
 od., 18lii). 2. The Story of Religion in England : a 
 Book for Young Folk, Lon., 187S, p. Svo; now ed., 1883. 
 Herford, <'harles Harold, Litt.D., b. UJ3, pro- 
 fessor of English in Cniversily College, Aberystwith. 
 I. The Essential Characteristics of the Rouuintio and 
 Classical Styles : with Illustrations from English Litcr- 
 :iture. Cambridge, I.H8(1, ?m. Svo. 2. A .Sketch of the 
 History of the English Drama in its Social Aspects, (Le 
 Has Prize Essay,) Cambridge, 1881, Svo. 3. The Stoics 
 as Teac-hers, (Hare Prize E.ssay,) Cambridge, ISS2, Svo. 
 I. Studies in the Literary Relations of England and 
 Germany in the Sixteenth Century, Cambridge, 18SC, p. 
 " Mr. Herfonl has discovered a comparativoly unoccti- 
 pled Helil of reseiirch, and he has worked it witlt remark- 
 able diligence and sagacity,"— .IW., No, Ma. 
 With WinoKiiv, W. H.. The First Qujirto Edition of 
 Hamlet, 1603, (Harness Prize Essays for 1S8U,) Lon., 
 18S0, 12mo. 
 Herford, Ivan S. Andrew. Stirring Times under 
 Canvas, Lon., ISCi:.'. p. Svo, 
 Hering, Carl. I. Practical Directions for Wind- 
 ing Magnets for Dynamos, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 2. Prin- 
 ciples of Dynamo-Electric Machines : Designing and 
 Constructing. Illust. Lon., 1888, or. Svo. 
 Hering, Jeaiiic. See Acton, Mas. .Ikanie, (Hkf- 
 INC,) Kiijirit. 
 Heriot, Cuthbert. The Scudamore Chimes: a 
 Story for Church Roll-Ringers, Lon., 1S71, ICmo, 
 Herkless, W, H. 1. Scottish University Reform: 
 gneur Dupauloup, Rishop of Orleans, by the Abbfi F. ' '''« *^'"'» Problem and its Soluti 
 Lagrange, Lon,, 1SS5, 2 vols. Svo. .'iii, (Trans,) Th^ 
 Life of J. Marchnnd, by J. B. S. Marquand, Ijrm.. 
 ISSli, p. Svo. 411. (Trans.) Lucia ("I,' Valbriant.") 
 by Mrs. A. Craven. I.un., 1SS(>, 2 vols, p, Svo. tl, 
 TliekIa: an Autobiography, Lon.. ISs;, .v.j, lilnio. 4;'. 
 (Trans.) F. F. X. de Meroili'. Archbishop of Melitinensis : 
 liis Life and Works, by N. F. L. Re.sson, Rishoii of 
 Nisnies, Lon., ISS7, Svo. 
 Herbert, May. (Trans.) Early Letters of Robert 
 Schumann. Published by his Wile. Lon,. 1SS7. ]). Svo. 
 Herbert, i\lchola», private secretary to the Rt. 
 Hon. C, T. Ritchie. .M.P,, president of the Local Govern- 
 ment Roard. With .Iknkis, A, F,, The Councillor's 
 Hand-Book: being a Practical (iuidr to the Election 
 and Business of a County Council under the Local Gov- 
 ernment Act, ISSS, Lon., ISSS. Svo. 
 Herbert, Sarah and .-tiary E. Ihc iEolian 
 Harp; or. Miscellaneous Poems, Halifax, N.S., 1857, 
 Herbert, Sarah A. P. I. Trust; or, A Peep at 
 Eaton Parsonage, N. York, ISIifl, ISmo. 2. Weakness 
 and Strength; or. Out of the Deep, Phila., 1S68, ISmo. 
 3. May Bell; or. Duty before Pleasure, Bost., 1800, 
 Herbert, Thomas. The Law on Adulteration : 
 being the .Sale of F'ood and Drugs Act, 1S75 and 1S7S): 
 a Hand-Book for .Magistrates, Lon., ISSl, Svo. 
 Herbert, Thomas Martin, M.A., professor of 
 philosophy and church history in the Lancashire Inde- 
 pendent College, Manchester. The Realistic Assump- 
 tions of Modern Science K.vjunineij, Lon,, !s7ti. svu 
 "A solid and sober statement of orthodoxv, both In 
 phllo.sopby and reliitlon. as opposed to the phcnimieiuillsni 
 of nnnUrn science,'^— .4»i,, No. 2081. 
 ion, Glasgow, 1884, Svo. 
 i,on,. 18S4, Svo. 
 I, The Law of Estoppel, 
 Economics of Fair Trad' 
 Herman, Henry M. 
 Albany, 1S71, Svo. 2. Treatise on the Law of Exe'eu 
 tions, N. York, 1S75, r. Svo, 3. Treatise on Chattel 
 .Mortgages, N. Y'ork, |s78, n\u. |. Commentaries on 
 the Law of Estoppel and Res Judicata, Jersey City, 188(1, 
 I vols. Svo. 
 Herman, J. B. California Supreme Court Re- 
 ports, vol;;, xiii.-xv., (1S59-1S00,) San Fran., IStll, Svo. 
 Herman, William. See Rii.ofsk;.»(, William 
 HKnMAN, illfl<i. 
 Hermon, Harry. Hellerism: Second-Sight Mys- 
 tery : a Complete Manual for teaching this Reculiar 
 Art, Bost., 1884, 8vo. 
 Hernnman, Claudia Frances. The Crown of 
 Life: Verses for Holy Seasons, Lon.. IssO. sq. Itimo. 
 Heme, i\iall. The Minor Chord: the Organist's 
 Story, Lon,, 1SS7, 12mo. 
 Hernon, John. 1. Historical Dramas for the 
 People: Marcus Antonius; or, The Roman Vintner; 
 Andreas Hoffmann, ,fcc„ Lon,, lSo3, 12mo. 2. Cnbul: a 
 Narrative Pcom, founded on Incidents in the War in 
 Afghanistan; 2d ed., Kxeter, ISOO, Svo. 3. The tjuery 
 "Was Hamlet Mad?" fully answered in Original and 
 Critical Observations on Shakspeare's Hamlet, Ac; and 
 "The Patriot Peasant," a lirairui, in 'Three Acts, Ex- 
 eter, lsfi3, Svo. 4. Popular Mythology : a Collection of 
 Poems, Serious and .locose. Tor(|uay, 1871, Svo. 
 Heron, Denis Caullield. I. The Constitutioiml 
 Histmy of the Inivi of Dublin, Dublin, 1847, Svo. 
 2. An Introduction to the History of Jurisprudence, 
 Lon., Isiio, Svo. 3. The Principles of Jurisprudence. 
 I-on., 1873, Svo. "^ 
 Heron, Mrs. Emily Anstralic, b. in Australia; 
 daughter of Sir William Montagu Manning; married 
and other Poems, 
 , p. 8vo. 
 Rhymes, and 
 ig Times under 
 Jeanie, (il"-:p- 
 1873. The lialnnco „f I'ari 
 Au^tnilie, [paeud.] I,,,,,., is; 
 the Light i" ; -Z Teael n?„ P;K'''n' '''S>un'.:aU,n in 
 Lon., I8,s,s M-o ^<"«''""B »[ the TweUe Aiiostles," 
 O^^ZlJ^^ I'-l-^.^^ ^^^f^ Manual, or, 
 E.ery.-^ay tJ.e, I'lul;.. ,s!s2 r^^ «°f'-''-«nee Book fur 
 Templ^o IS r 'l '« c"t «a a m"/'" .'"f,'' '" "'« I'"""- ^ 
 18 K! 1). Svo S„ Ji"' "V r ""'"«'' «"'"nnee, I,,,,,., 
 fe'estions for a 'uIm; r"V '^"•'' ' '"• ''• i"i-thcr8us. 
 '.ishDiffioult;, „"d «Sot'tii°T' '"^' '^■''- ^- 'J'''^'' 
 Snperintcnden^c'o, Lon fscs " ^' '' l-^.'"-''!' •"'' ^"™' 
 and the I'eopio ■ Ind .i,v .' r /•,!''» 'iri-'tocraey 
 ^vstem of County Qrttn f .' ^"■""l''' ''""'>'''«1 »" a 
 ■il'nce, I.on., isrnf Svo"- " '""' ^"'"^ ■'^"perinten- 
 ^i.'-'m;!';8i»"'^:::'' ^""^^ "" "'«'^«' «? simke. 
 Andover'Theo,;::i;!u''L? „f,;;r; ;f,,;;'™";"', "t , 
 president of iS^'ni 1>^ A"'""''' ^^^^ "^'''"-" i 
 tjvi^n as!:rt:.'th"'^si:;™i'"-i'^,.^^^^ 
 tjvi^n as related to thr,C^4^r 
 tlio Individual. Host., IS70 Svo --•' ■' 
 I;aw and Practice of lorn' ami DakL""' ''■"'"'"' 
 . A,„endment, and Additt." fo the PrXt's "f .^" 
 ^t.: rhirrs^i.t.^''*-' ^-»'^-^'"' «-faiissrbi;: 
 so"iriS„',!j.7-. ^r"':.!', ^^f'"' "• ■■^'>. in 
 Princeton Semiii.ii.v'ls i' T'"' f '"''"*' "*59, and at 
 I^'H has been pa.' i ,ff p„ ' '\->- ""•'• ""'' -"ineo 
 llielsea, Mass."a„Tf,^ Boston ^-'T"",;" "'•"'"'■^^ '" 
 <"'lay,]io8t.,18s" nsvo rn; / "" ""''•'"''■^ "f Ve.-- 
 Wielif, Savonarola Ao ) '°"'"*'"'* *''''"'""« "■> 'i'^uler, 
 Monthly. :'m'T'f"''''^,"f ^""''^'"'^ 
 soone, N. York 1 "s< ! "J'''"' '^'fe under the .Mjcro- 
 flhist. N. York, ills, imno ^'"'^ '" ^"^^ ^S»^' 
 l.i"M';iifof'T'ow''i"„d",.tH,',;^il? '•»-■•?•, Duties, „nd 
 r";'s:^^::;t:ih:^---^^3^-.t — '- 
 ■i'.';Ch,.,sen, X. York, fssr Co '""'" °' '^''■•'""- 
 bysi,.r„„,„,^--' ;^;^:--,;;;;;';^- im,od,ie„;„ 
 l'"l lor' sr,e'YlI.''.;!;,i[,ffi''':^' "«^'>^ h'.ve' beei, written 
 , l-tter. from Abro.d / h I^im'. t o r'"- ' ''"' '^■"- -'• 
 the Itev. George CroF; w[th Fv^r;";'" ^^^'^f'^'^^'""' "( 
 and Writings, Lon sRl fn k 'H ''"'" '''« Speeches 
 I.on,, \s-4 I i' V.^ ''^''V^"- ■'• "" ""■ Telegraph.^ 
 : in Theory;,::;' Pr^^tiern ^''^^7"^ '^7'"'''^' 
 U "^Si;;;t^^::-,«j^!^«'-^';''a"Cis, graduated at 
 of To.xteth Park 1 ,no^ 'J •' ''''''''"'''' '^'"'•- "««■• 
 '■I'ih... 18 "' vI,Z' '*'''"' °" ''"■" '"«' Character, 
 ^.;|;.a^ica. Table of c^:-^^~,;;-^;^ti^; 
 «arkey;s Life and te, U"-' .?i,' ^j '■■'«"''■■ •'-' r.' 
 tween Cardinal I'ole and T I ',. I>nilogue be- 
 Soc.,) Lon., 1871-78, So 2 VilT 'imI'",^ ''"«• T"^' 
 bondrie: with a Ryme jndev M , l'"''"" "" ""«- 
 I.on., lSr3-7!», 2 part 'voi', F, "'■'-•?: *'"'^'- ^'''•^' ■""«-) 
 I Ji'ed Pointesof Ooo 1 JIus ;,n' •■' -di ■'"•"'"''''' '"■'■• """- 
 L™., 1878, Svo 4 !aXTv^^f^''^' I'ialeet,Soc.,) 
 of the tiesta Roman orum ■'(£„ iv^'^ ^' e"*-'''''' ^'"^^i'"'' 
 'lands, (Hunt ri,„ c'luV p,;;'",'',^'" "'"''''^ "f ^ "o'v-' 
 (E'l.) Catholicon A. glicim" , r'S'^', '?S». «". «. 
 I»-awbridge.. : Prino nl," ■ ,■ p •'"""""Ous Revolving 
 liost., 1876, 8vo 2 On V' ^"T^""''""' *"' ^"»«t 
 anate f.on, a Subme;.go,l Or !,>: N Vi""""/'-" '!"" ™- 
 the Eneyelopr clia Britanni'n,, ri'-'""'' \"-'"«''aphy ; from 
 Meteorology; from the '^' '^'"•' ''""' '->»o. 2. 
 Kncyclopa^,li„ Brila ,i,ic„ 'Edin ,siuf" "f-'' '™"' "'^ 
 E.s.-ay, entitled the Var 1 Hw i ' . 'V' '^''- **''''- '*■ An 
 considered in ReferVr o t ,,' 'n,''" ""'' ""'' ""•' M«t™. 
 I-ength, Lon., Is .' s, , Vv ^'T'^"' " Standard of 
 , tific Subjects. Lon.,'lsC6 ," ' s ""'"l"'',^'''''""-''^' "" '^"en- 
 of Homer, in Knglilh A • 'en . !,• U™"*-) '^''« Hiad 
 I8mi, 8vo. ^"fe"'"' Accentuated Hexameters, Lon., 
 andV^t;ro'„'dj|^c';,Tar,!;i„'-'",?"«'"«- ««"■-■•' 
 ■■^vo; 2ded!, 187r "" ""^"•^hel, Lon., 1876, 
 j;;i:jd?l^r!!^, -^^-!;;l'li,"r,-lume make up a 
 le g.ven |„ „„rk „! ■ ■ i,,', ' i"''.v po.ssible nne-Jf a 
 Palostine, Lon., 1S|;C iSu ' 2 T.""?? '" ^i'"" »"'' 
 Gentile Dispensation, Lon I S4s J> *'?'""">' "•■ "'« 
 ■«h Witnesses that Je us""u « chr ,t'"l"' ^•/^'^•^ J^'^" 
 now cd., 1855. 4. The Sta tn „i i l^ '"- "*'"• '^mo; 
 Jews, Lou.. 1854, 12^0 5 VVe An"'''.'"'"""" "^ "'« 
 position of the Tabernacle and it J '" '"""J' ^ "" ^x- 
 12,,,o. «. Strength in Weak, e"jk:^r,'"'=-^' ';""- '■'5»- 
 Ilersey, Chnrlps n ' .''"''"ations, Lon., ISfio 
 of the Hevolution,'wrce:.i\f ?:,.'"'■'"« ""-' ^ur 
 :' Jow, i„ ,.:,!g,„„j ,S. , ; Ch IS la, m,.,sio„ary „„,„„,, .h^ 
 the Talmud, Lon.. 1S6II )n',, .V <E'l-) F'Xtrnots f,-„m 
 cording 1,, the Talmu.i'- p!"; {a ^.''ntateu.h ,^o- 
 mentaiy and N„,e,, l„„ 87s k,""'!'' ': ""•= Com- 
 Miseelhny; or, A Thousand' .w^"',. ^- ^ Talmudic 
 Talmud, the Mi.lrasl.r ami t h , " 'n'V?'''' ^""" ^l'« 
 ^vo. 4. >Ofernth hat Imn . T? ''"'''^'""'"' ''"n., I8SI, 
 Order from A to L; compiled from the Bnbyloninn Tal- 
 luiid, nnd translated, Lon., 1881. 5. The Peiitalcuch 
 according to the Talmud: (Senesis; with a Tulmudical 
 Commentary, Lon., ls,S3, Kvo. B. (Truns.) T/.cunah 
 Ure^nah : a Kabliinieul Commentary on Genesis; from 
 the Judeeo-Polish : with Notes, Lon., 1S85, 8vo. 
 Hertford, A, C> Among the Heather : a, Highland 
 Story, l.on., IKSI, 2 vols. p. t<vo. 
 Hertford, Joseph. Personals; or, Perils of the 
 Period, N. York, IS7li, l2nio. 
 Ilertslet, Charles John Belcher, called to the 
 bar at the Middle Temple, 1850. 1. The Law relating 
 to Master and .Servant, Lon., lf<.)0, 12mo. 2. The Bank- 
 rupt Law Consolidation Act, 18 j2, 12mo ; 2d ed., 18o I. 
 H. (Ed.) The Practical .Statutes of the Session, 18-4S), Lon., 
 ]85:i, l2mo. 
 Hertslet, Sir Edward, C.B., F.R.G.S., b. 1824, 
 in Loudon ; son of Lewis llcrtslet, (q. i\, <nitc, vol. i. ;) 
 entered the Foreign Oflice in 18-10; became sub-librarian 
 18o,'i, and librarian and keeper of the papers 18o7. He 
 wa.i attaidied to the special embassy of the Earl of IJeac' 
 onsHcld and the Marquis of .Salisbury to the Congress 
 of lierlin in 1878, and was knit;hled at Berlin in that 
 year. 1 . The Map of Europe by Treaty, showing the 
 Various Political ami Territorial Changes which biive 
 taken place since the General Peace of 1814: with Nu- 
 merous Maps and Note;-. Lon., lH7'j, ^J vols. 8vo. 
 " Mr. llertslct has prodiued a treasure of reference for 
 nil HtudenUs of modern politics. ... He has brought it»- 
 gether in linglish Irnnslatioiis, Ulustrateii by cf.reful notes 
 and mails, four liniidrcd ami tilty-onc European treaties 
 and kindred diicinueius."— .l//i., .N"o. JofU. 
 2. Treaties and Tariffs regulatiog the Trade between 
 Gre;it Britain ami Foreign Nations, and E.\traets of 
 Treaties between Foreign Powers, &a., Lon., 1875-7!), 6 
 parts, 8vo. 
 Hertslet, Lanra. Facts and Fiction, in Prose and 
 Verse, Lon., 1 872, p. Svo. 
 Hertslet, Reginald H. Jerusalem nnd the Holy 
 Land in 1882, Lon., 188:i, Svo. 
 Hertz, Helen A. Short Readings from English 
 Poetry: with Xotes, Lon., IS7il, 18mo. 
 Hervey, .\lbert. Ten Years in India; or, The 
 Life of ft Young Olliucr, Lon., 1850, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 
 Hervey, Rev. Alpheus B. 1. Sea-Mosses: a 
 Collection, Guide, and Study of Marine Algae, Host., 
 1881, 12mo. 2. Wild Flowers of America; from Origi- 
 nal Water-Color Drawings, Bipst., 1881, r. Svo. .'). (Ed.) 
 Fairy Flowers from Ocean Bowers : Selected and Ar- 
 ranged. Illust. Best., lS8l'i, 12ino. 4. Wayside Flowers 
 and Ferns. Illust. Bost., 188ii, tto. With W.\iin, 
 KirtiAUi) Halstkd, (trans.) The Microscope in Botany, 
 by Julius Wilhelm Behrens, Illust. and Plates, Best., 
 1885, Svo. 
 Hervey, Mrs. Eleanora Lonisa, (.tlontagu,) 
 [iiiitc, vol. i., add.] 1. Adventures in Tartary, China, 
 and Kashmir, Lon., 1853, 3 vols. p. Svo. 2. Snooded 
 Jessaline, Lon.. 18(i5, 3 vols. p. Svo. 3. New Stories 
 and Old Legends. Illust. Lon., ISliS, 12mo. 4. Our 
 Legends ami Lives: a Gift for .\ II Seasons, Lon., ISiii), 
 p. Svo. 5. The Uock Light ; or. Duty our Watchword, 
 Lon., 1870, 12mo: new ed., 1883. 6. Children of the 
 Pear-Garden, and their Stories, Lon., 1873, l2mo. 7. 
 The Feasts of Camolot, and other Tales, Lon., 1871), 
 12mo; new ed., 1884. 8. .My Godmother's Stories from 
 Many Lands, Lon., I87fi, 12mo. 
 Hervey, Lord I'^ancis, .M..\., son of the second 
 Mar(|uis of Bristol; b. lS4(i; graduated at O.xford, and 
 elected Fellow of Hertford College; called to the bar 
 at Lincoln's Inn 1872; M.P. for Bury St. Edmunds 
 1874-80 and since 1SS5. Taking the Alba, and other 
 Poems and Triinslalions, Lon., 1S73, 12mo. 
 Hervey, George Winfred, [untc, vol. i., add.] 1. 
 A System of Christian Rhetoric for the Use of Preachers 
 and other Speakers, Lon., 1S73, Svo. 2. Manual of Re- 
 vivals : Practical Hints and Suggestions finm the His- 
 tory of Hi'vivals an^l Biographies r.f Hrviviilists, N. 
 York, I8S4, 12iii(i. 3. The .'^tory of Baptist Missions in 
 Foreign Lands, fiom the Time of Carey to the Present 
 Pate, St. Louis, ISSii, Svo. 
 Hervey, Rev. H. M. Historical .Sketches of the 
 Prosliyfcrian Church in Licking County, Ohio, Newark, 
 0., iMt'i, Sw). 
 Hervey, J. E. Stray Thoughts in Proi e and Verse : 
 Spring Blossoms : with a Preface by J. S. Howson ; ,2d ed., 
 Lon., I '61, iL'mo. 
 Hervey, Al. F. 8. Celebrated Musicians of All 
 Nations. Illust. Lon., 1884, imp. Svo. 
 Hervey, Rosamond. 1. The Aarbergs, Lon., 
 1864, 2 vols. 11. Svo. 2. Duke Ernest, a Tragedy, and 
 other Poems, Lon., ISOii, 12mo. 
 Hervey, Rev. Thomas, M.A., graduated at Clare 
 College, Cambridge, 18411; ordained 1841; rector of 
 Colmer, with Priors Dean, Hampshire, since 1853. 1. 
 A Plain Hymnal for the Use of the Services of the 
 Church of England, Lon., 185i), l2iuo. 2. Troubles of 
 the English Church, 185U-72, examined in a Selection 
 from Newspaper Articles, Alton, 187(i, Svo, Privately 
 printed. 3. 'I'he Bishops of Winchester in the Anglo- 
 Saxon and Anglo-Norman Periods, Colmer, 1877, Svo. 
 Privately printed. I. A History of the United Parishes 
 of Colmer and Priors Dean, Colmer, ISSII, 4to. Printed 
 for private circulation. 5. Life of the Rev. S. Settle, 
 Colmer, 18S1, Svo. Printed for private circulation. 6. 
 Varia: Papers upon Severa' Sulijects, Colmer, 1883, Svo. 
 Privately printed. 7. (Ed.) The Parish Registers of 
 Priors Dian and Colmer, to the End of 1812, Colmer, 
 18S6, 4to. Privately printed. 8. (Ed.) Some Unpub- 
 lished Papers relating to the Family of Sir Francis 
 Drake, Colmer, 1887, Svo. Privately printed. 
 Hesketh, Robert. 1. A Synopsis of the Metro- 
 politan Building Act, Lon., 1844, 8vo. 2. A Project for 
 improving the Communication of the Central Parts of 
 the Metropolis: with Plan, Lon., 1851, obi. 
 Heslop, Thomas Pretious. 1. The Realities 
 of Medical Attendance on the Sick Children of the Poor 
 in Large Towns, Lon., 1869, Svo. 2. Tiie .Abuse of 
 Alcohol in the Treatment of Acute, Lon., 
 1872, Svo. 
 Hessels, John Henry, (originally Jan Hen- 
 drik,) M.A. Cantab. 1. Henrick Niclaes: the Family 
 of Love, Lon., 18ll«. l2mo. 2. (Trims.) The Haarlem 
 Legend of the Invention of Printing by Lourens Jans- 
 zoon Coster, critically examined by Dr. A. Van der 
 Lindu : with an Introduction nnd a Classifieil List of 
 the Costerian Incunabula, Lon., 1S71, 8vo. 3. (Ed.) 
 Lex Salica: the Ten Texts, with the Glosses: with Notes 
 on the Frankish Words in the Lex Salica, by Prof. H. 
 Kern, of Leiden, Lon., 1880, 4to. 4. Gutenberg: Was 
 he the Inventor of Printing ? an Historical Invcsti;,'ation, 
 embodying a Criticism on Van der Linde's " Gutenberg, " 
 Lon., ISS2. Svo. 
 "While we consider that Mr. Hes,«els has performed a 
 very valuable nnd rather thankless service in thorongbly 
 silting all the evidence (in this siilijecl. nnd Inm dcniun- 
 slriited the weakness of niiidi id' the current cvidciiic, we 
 cannot think lliat his treatise answers in the negative ilie 
 question proposed in its title."— *'«<. Kiv., Iv. B35. 
 5. (Ed.) Ecclesia; Londino-Butavie Arehivum, Cam- 
 bridge, 18S6-S1I, 2 vols. 4to. 6. Hnnrlem the Birthplace 
 of Printing, not Jlcntz, Lon., 1887. Svo. 
 " Mr. Hessels wants neither ingenuity nor erudition ; he 
 has collected and iirriiiined with great .skill nil tlint wiis 
 ncces-siblc in ri.'gard to Coster nnd liie works nttribntcd to 
 him. More tlinn ever the singular position nnd real ini- 
 portJUicc of these works, the um'oubled mystery wliiih 
 surrounds their origin, arc iiiipri' >ed U[Htii us as we read 
 .Mr. llcsscls's ilinpters. Hut thi y do not force upon us 
 Mr. Hc^^scls's (Ingmatie conclusion as to the claims of 
 Haarlem.'— .1^/1., .No. 31bF. 
 7. (Ed.) Abraliami O.lclii ct Virorum nruditoruin ad 
 eundem et ad Jacobuni Coliuni Ortelianum Epistuhe. 
 Ex .Vutographis Ecdesiuj Londino-Bitava). Cuiubridgc 
 1887, 4to. 
 Hessey, Rev. Francis. 1. Hints to District 
 Visitors. By F. H. Lon., 1S5.S, 32ino; oth c^., 187S. 
 2. Papers for the Use of Candidates for Conllriuation, 
 Lon.. IS5<l_76, three series. 3. Catechetical Lessons on 
 the Book of Common Prayer: vol. i., Lon., ISliil, l2iiio. 
 I. .V Few Parochi il Sermons inenehed at St. Barnabai ' 
 Church, Kensington, Lon.. ISSl', ji. Svo. 
 Hessey, Ven. James .Augustas, D.C.L., [imti, 
 vol. i.. add..] b. 1814; educated at .Meicliant Tiiyloi-' 
 School, London, nnd at St. John's College, Oxford, wliei'' 
 he graduated, first class Lit. Hum., 1836; ordaincl 
 1837; head-master of Merchant 'I'liylorB' School 184.'- 
 70; prior to the Society of Gray's Inn 1850-79 : dcan':l 
 Middlesex since 1875. I. Sunday: its Oris;iii, History. 
 ;ind Present Obligation considered, in Eight Lectuns 
 lireached before the University of Oxford. (Bampl'ii 
 Lectures,) Lon., ISiiO, Svo: 4th ed., ISSO. 
 " N\--, -",•.311 prnisc i.-, -lu,, t-, the :tulinir tor iirr frttiik;!-— 
 In run:iiiig0(iuiiter to much of the popular and feeble ic 
 Unionism of the day."— .n'<i(. Ret'., xi. 72. » 
 2. The Restoration of Holy Places: Six Serimi 
 preached at Gray's Inn, Lon., 18112. 3. Biographic.- I 
Vlusiciiins of All 
 "'"/J" »-''-"'on», Ac. -'""• ^'"o, "'any Tr,.,le an,I tho Supj^v ,Tr,?t n ^i""""'^" "" 'I'e .Slave- 
 '»•. lf*S;i. or. 8vu "'"■* '^ >'■■''"> : » Novel, 
 Lon., I,ss;i, or. 8v<j. 
 Ilewett, James it ti, ir . 
 at Magdalen Colle-.Trrd^'/.'l^Jf'-^'j^. graduated I-" .--"^rerX;. •• " ^^^ ^- ''"'"^ A.rton: aNovel, 
 into Unbcl of: an AniiBiil »n Ti,- 1 • .. • 2. Driltinir Hewctt .Vo.i, ' '• '"'"o- 
 ' H"et.. „ ' ' '""■' ''''• ' -'^'"^"'•'X Mo™, '^^^^^^ b. ,«46, at Mi- 
 ..",f"V"''".'-y- AS3'«te,uof Tar^et.Pn»„.,-,.„. „._ I """•-■ "^«i''t"nt nr,,fe;.,r, f wl l-^.''' '«^'' l.'^''" ^ be- 
 Helheriligti, "charier 'l ■n''l^' '^''^' '«""^- 
 nn.l \e>v Ze;,l„n.|, l,o„ 1884 ' ■'"-'"'" '" Australia 
 I>""ur^*«;';. !«:'"'•' ^"^ Sure Meroi. of 
 came,,tant nrofes.,fr f ,1 '" ^mlicrst l,S(i9; be- 
 anU professor of XZ;„1 ,?"''''" ""''"■""" '" '•^''N 
 1883. 1. The Fri.«L™„"" ,""«""«« "."'' 'it>^^raturo in 
 , torieal S.udy, Ithncn, N Y fsTi« '"i""'"™: His- 
 a "ufd'e riwo, °' nd n,?,?" * i'^v"' '"''■• '^« ^'"""K : 
 Augustine Franc! ',7TD^"^'Jtr' (^%reU,ion 
 Conn.: gr.dua.ed at Ainherst in' Is.'tg ' ' m' .^"'^''f'''' 
 up for tlifoln„v „-,.:_.„,„.' "'udied law. but 
 2u'o. 7. Sermons „„ .:'\^,,,,^.y-/''„'"^';0-^'--; 1^69 ( 8 vo": 2. St<^:;hurst' C lei;:' ^'-r'?;^ '''■'^«'»"' «««, 
 •oversy 0.xf., Isri, 8vo. S l^rAthin ™V ^''"- ' ^'"'•™. '«™. 8vo '«" ^ "■'' ' "-^' ■""' I're.ent 
 lloasons for rejecting Mr. I.',v.,.!^..„ '^n!^""-""" ^reed : : Hcwitson, \vi|,i„„ .... 
 tsiadd.,] isotus'rs b t N-v n>"na"' (/""'■• vol. i., 
 .e I trntion« of New Specie' of Kv": '","," ''^'"«- '• I>'"»- 
 ^ ; f "Ptive letter-pS,l ll'^''' V- ' l!"?'«i«^^ [with de- 
 '■""••'«?», 8vo. 1() On P,w, ' " ?'"'''= Sermons, 
 -Sr?^t-Lt|;SS ?•---- 
 N"rL:;;..1j^'J*«.,*';„ ^""-Pties: a Book for 
 Hewes, Georue \Vh V.n ?'.• '"'' '-"»• 
 "ar, N. V,U, l",2'r',„,? ""?"'• '' ^"""^'^ "f t'>e 
 Holder., of the Unite I "n., ," ^"11""''""' '" "^^ ""mi- 
 Heivetson, Ilcnrir 1 i.- 
 "I Hevela.ion, elm, ,' /v'i i::'''''".'.""';" "f ""> Book 
 ■.."'ra':?!;,;..^'^^^^^^^^^^ ■. Nature 
 Hearts ',f .Men r ' ; " '"" ^ •''" "^■■"'" "P"" tl>e 
 1>7!I, ,><vo 1 Tl ' ''«'""r« «" <lrnitl,olo,;v, Ae., Lo„ 
 ■''•'I ^V^,rks of l),,h ' Vi '""■• '*''^». ■•'"■ •■!. The Life 
 "„i„g '1. 11. 'ir'r'';.^''-^ P-interand Poet 
 ^nnlin■,« /,;l,. Z''.' ..!''''i;'™'''''>* "f Drawing., „„d 
 ^mptue letter-pres.,,1 Lon l^v - r ,• 
 i IMu.-trntions of Diurnal I • ;":'-"■ ^ vols. 4t,). 2. 
 vol.,. in I .„„ ■!',"," '"■'l:"'"P'e'-a, I,on., |S,12_78 2 
 Speoies of'He^perfdas^::?*;"": ^ ""%"r''^^'" ^'- 
 of some New Species of LyctEni ,'n' V" , ^^"-""■'Pt'ona 
 Equatorial Lepidoptera iC" T^ i iV"'' r^*'"' '"""■ ■>■ 
 I-epidopterou.s In.ects f.^m ife r I » ' ^>'' ^'"'"'" 
 '''"'"''r^.,«^^;,^^;^|j-" Hepburn. For 
 and Remains. Edited bv I i!,' "T'i"- ^^''"•' ^'^''^'s 
 l^^.'i, 2 vol.^. I2mo. ^ "''■ "^"'"^ f^^i'l"'- Lon., 
 the"paru" la"'oF whilh"„?';"'' ^"''"''« "^ «"«'<••. All 
 AVorksof the Qrel.tes 'Ma"e,;'\,,.''«/-'"7' »i"' tbe 
 1S.'.8. and was a tou-h;; n ho%/^ l'l;.om,ngto„, m. ,„ 
 of 'vhi.h ho ha,, l.oe, .residonf " -^l""'""" '"iversity, 
 on Pedagogy, f„r YounTT k '"""' '**"«■ A Treatise 
 Hewitt 'Kdu-ar/ w" „*'? ?.'"V '*'^'' '-'""• 
 (Kd.) index of (lent "l n,'i *"■' *"'«''"«"' "'• «• 
 tlio «u.-,rtorn,„'.''' ,""^':'''"" ""'.' f'i'-euhn> aflectin.; 
 Li.iled estates Army7 
 Huido to Continental 
 I Degn 
 "U., IHda, cr. Svo. 
 lii'um. licjn., 1861 
 ration of 
 ■«y, and TreattnentW Di^,;,,^ otv^^^t^'^l^^ 
 W 4 
 ■on., l.sfls, 
 8vo; 4th ed., cnl., 1 882. 4. The Mochanioni Sys'ein of 
 Uterine Pathology : being the llnrveian licctures Tir 
 1H7T. Lon., I87S, Svo. 
 Hewitt, Henry iMnrniudiikc. 1. A Higcst of 
 Greek Liinguiige KxiiminMlion yuestimis, Lon.. 1877, 
 12ui(). 2. A Digest of Latin Liingiiii^u ICviiujinittion 
 Pnpers, Lon., I.';77. 12nio. 3. A Manual of our Mother 
 Tongue, Lon., 1S87, (.. Svo. 
 Hewitt, J. A. Summer Socgs, and other Poems, 
 Lon., ISSH, or. Svo. 
 Hewitt, J. «). ill. Our Liblo: Three Lectur. -. 
 Illusl. C'liii'., Is7.'i, lL>mo. 
 Hewitt, .lllllies, leeturer on geograjjliy at llie 
 Training rolkge. Ilaltersea. 1. (ioogrnphy of the liril- 
 ish Col(jnies ami Depenihncies : Physical, Political, His- 
 torical, and Commercial, Lon., I.Till, I2mo, 2. .Scripture 
 Geography: being an .Account of the More Inijiortant 
 Countries and Places mentioned in IIolv Scripture, Lon., 
 18112. Svo. 
 Hewitt, Jnines. A Hand-Hook to He.\ham and 
 it? .(ii.ii'iuitics. llc.Nham, |S7'.I, Svo. 
 Hewitt, Kev. ,lniiie»i Ale\tili<ler, D.C.L.. grad- 
 uated at St. Augustine's College, Canterbury, |sii7; or- 
 dained 1871; rector of Worcester, ('a|ic ('(.lony, South 
 /"Vica, since 1S8H. ."Sketches of Knglisli Church History 
 in South Africa, 171io to 1848, Cape Town, 1S87; Lon., 
 188s. U'mo. 
 Hewitt, John, [miii; vol. i., add.,! member of the 
 .■\i 'haoological Institute of (ireiit liritain. 1. Ancient 
 Armour and Weapons in Kurope: from the Iron Period 
 of the Northern Nations to the End of the Seventeenth 
 Century: with Illustrations from Cotemporary Afonu- 
 nients, Lon., I8.').i-0il, 3 vols. Svo. (The second volume 
 is devoted to the fourteenth century, and the final one 
 jrives a sketch of the gradual itisuse of defensive armor.) 
 " It is not a hook for eoiuinuons reftiling; but it will .scl- 
 <lom disap}M>int thestuiii ni who turn.s to it for occasional 
 Instruction,"— .Sri(. Her.. i.\. 4iio. 
 2. Ollicial Catalogue of the Tower Armories, Lon., 
 18.^0, I2mo. ;). Iland-liook the City of Lichlield 
 and its Neighbourhood, Lichlield, 1874, Svo: 2d ed., 18S4. 
 4. Hand-Iiook of Lichlield Cathedral ; .'id eil., enl., Lich- 
 lield, issti, 8vo. 
 Hewitt, John, solicitor. An E.xposition of the 
 Convevancing and Law of Properly .\ct, ISSl, Lon., 
 1882, r.'mo. 
 Hewitt, Oscnr. Poems. Lon.. 1887, 12mo. 
 HeAvitt, William, M.l). I. (In Costiveness: its 
 Causes, Consequences, and Cure. Lon., iMi.), p. Svo. 2. 
 Diseases of City Life : their Causes and Cures, Lon., 
 1870, Svo. 
 Hewlett, Kev. Alfred, D.D., il. 1883; educated 
 ut Hertford College, O.Kford; ordained ISIilj vicar of 
 Astley 1840. 1. Our Sunday-School : its Uise and Prog- 
 ress, Lon., ISli), ISnio. 2. Plain Sermons, Lon., 184f), 
 12nio. .'i. Anti-Millenarian Lectures, Allerton, 1854, 
 ]2mo. I. Sermons and Outlines, Lon., ISjS, Svo. 
 Hewlett, Rev. Ebenezcr, graduated at King's 
 College, London, 1852 ; ordained 18.52; rector of Charitcm- 
 on-.Medlock, Lanca.shire, since 1802. Sermons preached 
 at Calne. Wilts, Lon., lS.i8, 12mo. 
 Hewlett, Edgar. Personal Recollections of the 
 Little T.'W (ihost, L(m . 18.54. l2mo. 
 Hewlett, Henry Gay, keeper of the records of the 
 land revenue. 1. The Heroes of Europe : a liiographical 
 Outline of Ennipcan Ili.'tory, from A.D. 7011 to A.D. 1700, 
 Lon., ISfiO, 12mo; new ed., ISO'.I, 2. A Sheaf of Verse, 
 Lon.. IS77, 12uio. :i. (Ed.) Ilogeri de Wendover Liber 
 qui dicitur Florcs llisloriarum : vol. i.. Lon., 1880. 4. 
 Post-Norman liritain: Foreign InHuenccs upon the His- 
 tory of England I'nun the Accession of Henry III. to the 
 Revolution .)f 108S. (•' Early liiitain,") Lon,, 1S87. .'J. 
 The Wayfarer's Wallet, Lon., 1888. And see Chohlky, 
 II. v.. Mitijrti. 
 Hewlett, John Grigg, Ph.D., D.D. 1. Priscilla, 
 the Helper: it Memoir of .Mrs. Uawton, of Coventry, 
 Lon., 1841, 12mo. 2. Thoughts npcm Thought, Lon"., 
 IslH.Kvo. Anon. 5th ed., 18(i2. :!. Oracles Interpreted ; 
 or, Sorijiture Difficulties Exjdained, Lon., 1S51, 12mo; 
 new eil., 1800. 1. Facts without Fictio.t, Lon., 185t, 
 Svo. 5. Records of the Poor, L4>n., 1S62, sq. lOmo. 
 Hewlett, llichard Whitfield. 1. The Daths 
 of liormio, Lon., 1871. Svo. 2. St. Moritz as a Health- 
 I'cFort, Lon., iSvl, Sv,;. 
 Hewlett, Miss S. S. Daughters of the King: 
 with a Preface by the Uiehop of Lahore. Illust. Lon., 
 issfi, Svo. 
 Hewlett, Willinin Oxenhnm. I. Noleson Dig- 
 nities in the Peerage of Scotland which are dornmnt or 
 which have been forfeited, Lon., 1882, Svo. 2. Some 
 llc;ison3 against the Transfer of .lurisdiction of the 
 House of Lords in regard lo Scottish Titles of Honour 
 I" tlie Court of Session of Scotland, Lon., 1SS:1, Svo. 
 Hewson, Addhiell, .M.D., [anit, vol. i., aild.,] b. 
 1S2S, in Philadelphia. Earth as a Topical Application 
 in Surgery. Illust. Phila., 1872, Svo. 
 Hew»on, Hev. William, .M.A., |s(iO-lS70, b. in 
 London I graduated at St. .lohn's College, t'ainbridge, 
 is;ill; incumbent of tioatland frcjm 1S48. I. Tlie Obla- 
 tion and Temple of Ezckiel's Visions in their Relation 
 to tlie Uest'jratioii of the Kingdom of Israel, Lon., 1S5',I, 
 Svo. 2. "Thy Kingdom Come;" or, The Christian's 
 Prayer of Faith and Penitence, Lon., 185'.), Svo. .1. Chris- 
 tianity in its Relations to .Judaism and Heathenism : in 
 Three Tracts, Lon., Isiill, ,svo. 4. The Hebrew and Greek 
 Scriptures, compared with Oriental llL^tory, Dialling, 
 Science, and Mythology, Lon,, 1870, 7 parts, Svo. 
 Hewson, William, C,E. Principles and Prac- 
 tice of Embanking Lands from River Floods, as applied 
 to " Levees" on the Mississippi, N. York, ISOo, Svo; new 
 ed.. 1870. 
 Hexham, Lionel J. F. Harry Ruughton : Remi- 
 niscences of a Revenue Otliccr. Illust. Lon., 1858, p. 
 Hey, Ileliecca. 1. Sylvan Musings; new ed., 
 Lon., 1810, 121110. 2. The Moral of Flowers, T. -i., 1819, 
 I2nio. M. Holy Places, and other Poems, I, on., l.'<59, 12mo. 
 Heycock, Edwin. I. The E.\odus of the Israel- 
 ites out of Egypt, with other Subjects Illustrative of 
 Scrintiire, explained; 2d ed.. Manchester. 1871, 12mo. 
 2. The Prophetical History ol ;he Church and the World, 
 from the lievelation, Daniel, and Ezekiel, compared with 
 and cxplaincil by History, Lon., 1872, p. S'-o. 
 Heyden, Very Itev. Thomas. Memoir on the 
 Life and rhaiactcr of the Rev. Prince Demetrius A. de 
 Oallitzin, Halt.. IMiO, ISmo. 
 Heygatc, Ilcv. William Edward, M.A., grad- 
 uated at St. .lohn's College. Oxf(U-d, ISHO; ordained 
 1840; rector of liiightstoiie. Isle of Wight, since 1S6H; 
 hon. canon of Winchester since 1887. I. Piobalio 
 Clerica; or, .Aids in Self-Examination to Candidates for 
 Holy Orders, Lon., 1845, l2mo. 2. William Rlake; or, 
 The"Engli^h Farmer, Lon., 1848, 12mo. ;i. The Church 
 of the Holy Trinity, Kly, Lon., 1848, Svo. 4. Godfrey 
 Davenant: a Tale of School Life; new ed., Lon., IS49, 
 l8ino. 5. Godfrev Dsivenant at College: new eiL, Lon., 
 1850, ISmo, 0. The Wedding-Gill; or. A Devotional 
 Manual for the Mairieii, or those intending to Marry, 
 Lon., 1850, ISmo ; 2d ed., 1800. 7. Care of the Soul ; or. 
 Sermons on some Points of Christiau Prudence. Lon., 
 1S51, 12mo. S. Pierre Pioissiu ; or, The Thought of's Presence, Lou., 1S51, ISmo. SI. Speculation: a 
 Tale, Lon., 1851. 12mo. 10. The Manual : a Book of De- 
 votion, chieHy intended for the Poor, Lon., 1855, 32mo. 
 11. Ember Hours, for the I'sc of Deacons and Priests, 
 Lon., 1857, U'mo: new ed., by T. S. U-kland, 187:1. 12. 
 Catholic Antidotes : Essays, Lon., I^.>, p. Svo. 1.'). Sir 
 ilenry Appleton; or, Essex during the Great Rebellion, 
 Lon., 1858, 12mo; new eil., 1870. 14. The .Scholar and 
 the Trooper; or, Oxford during the Great Rebellion, 
 Lon., 185S, l2mo. 15. The Good She]iherd : Meditations 
 for the Clergy on the Example and 'I'eaching of Christ. 
 Lon., 1800, ISmo: new ed.. 1870. 10. Memoir of tin: 
 Rev. J. Aubone Cook, Lon., ISliO, 12mo. 17. The Even- 
 ing of Life ; or. Meditations and Devotions for the Aged : 
 2d ed., Lon., 1800, p. >v". ;^i. The Fugitive, and other 
 Poems. Lon., 1S70, 12ino. 19. Allegories and Tales. 
 Lon., |S7:i, |i. Svo. 20. The Eucharist: On its Types, 
 and other like Subjects, Lon., 1874, 12mo ; new ed., ISs::. 
 21. Talcs for a liible-Class of Girls. Lon., 1S75, p. Svo. 
 22. Why 1 am a Christian; or. A Few Reasons for oui 
 Faith, Lou., 1870, p. Svo. 2.'i. Why I am a Churchman 
 the Seiiuel to "Why I am a Christian," Lon., IS77. 
 12mo; 2d ed., 1879. 24. A Visitation Manual, Lon.. 
 1880, p. Svo. 25. Sudden Death, and other Stories. 
 Lon., isso. 12ino. 20. The Rrothers. and other Stories. 
 Lon , 1880, 12mo. 27. 01.1 Richard, and other Stories, 
 Lon., 1881, 12mo. 28. Parish Tales, Lon., ISSli, I vol. 
 Heyl, Lewis. I. Digest of the Statutes of the 
 Cnitcd .Slate.-, piescribiiig liio Rates of Diiites on Im- 
 ports. Dost., 1 807, r, 8vo; new cd., 188,3. 2. Statutes of 
 the t nited Stales relating to Revenue, Commerce, Navi 
 gation, and Currency, Host., 1868, 1. Svo. 
 Law «n,i E,,uity P,,.otico oV ' nr;„ ^n"^!.. "■"'""" 
 'Ifli-g, hnn. lVs-,J; ^'"\ '■'•,?'"" Alphabet of ()„,.' 
 ^ti|i»: with iiit« „V t' , '•»''''■" "iitP and Silver 
 'racle for 887 I.„„ lu.- ■.._ ' l^' 
 • f 
 Heywood, James, M.A. Pu« v p ,, « , ,..„ I '" " .>'.itc,,„l,>i„. pi .,...,,....,.. 
 educated at Trinity CollL,. r „,K ,' .''■^" ''■ "*'"! 
 .«™ior optiiue in 1833 but d^n''«P' "'l'"''-' '"' »•"« » ' 
 ■•^.-.r^af/erthoabo 1, on' by eo";; ,,,'','''' ^.". ''"i-"-™ "" i 
 form Act of the reliJious te"b ,? k "'' ^ '"'"''^y Re- i 
 a measure whi.h hel ad d ,ne , o f^"^ '''"'"'' '^'>^''''' 
 tlio bar at the Inner Te, , l" Iv 8 \r ^T'^Z' "'i"^^'' '» 
 ea.shire l,S-17_;,7 i ^\l"i"'- ''^■"* . MA', for North Lan- 
 '"."<; iiuinarks upon tlie lli<i^ , f in • n " "" 
 1882 8vo. I'rivately , "in '*- ' 'f ri'l'l'^; '■''S'""- 
 for the TirneB- R,.(i ."""'• •• (td. A .New Tract 
 Ilibbert, >Villinm i i v -m 
 ' tice of Medicine: a CaViJ/o;! a'.^X^T' T^ ''^"''- 
 Prevention of Disease, J ,u,dU' 'is-o'^J '^'"'f.' ""<' 
 r;:.'*;'- , ?: fern,o,„atiun: its Inivorsal PresJ^e^ 
 '■■" '""^ 12nio. 
 The Coa8t-i;uard's Secret, 
 c.Sr^rt'r.K;.. .j;/i --ftr'- Katydid, („r , s-^^i' 
 .."r^j^^'Tiinr""''"- "^"^-T p- n,ust.'t.s;"f:;««;^^ts. . 
 '■ ' ■' ■ ■"■^^ •^"''"- ..Experiment, on the Friction of the 
f ■'" 
 8vo. 2. The Virgin Widow, [vome,] Lon., 1857, 
 Ilickliii, John. I. The History of lieor-tonCnatlo, 
 C'liesliT, IS4a, Hvu. 2. Kxciirr-iiins in Norlli \ViiIl'.<, Lon., 
 1H17, 12ino. ;i. Tlie '■ Liiilifs of Llangollun," 1SI7, 8vo. 
 4. Lliiniliiilno iind its Vicinity, jssfi, IL'inoj new uil., 
 lHtl2. ,■). The llialory of C'lifstur Cathudriil, Chester, 
 Isfil, lliino. 0. lieinrusK.-i' (Juido to Miitliiel<, Ao.j M 
 ed.. L^n , IS? I, svo. 
 Hii'kliii, John. Cliureh itnd Siiile : Historic Fiiets, 
 Ani'icnl imd .Muili'rn, lion., l.S7.'t, ;i, Svo, 
 IliclilillK, (icorge. 1. Tlio Myctio Lund, and 
 otluM- I'oc'in.", liiin., l.Sjt), I2iuo. 2. The I'loasures of 
 Lite, luul otlicr Poems, Lon., l^lil, fp. 8vo. 
 " Ilickling, Williiiiii," ( I'soud.) See De Costa, 
 li. F., Huftnt. 
 Hickiiiitii, Williiiin, K.X. A Treutiso on the Law 
 and I'raitic^e of Naval Courts-Martial, Lon., IS.M, Svo. 
 Ilicl'tniin, Williniii. Sltrtehua on tlie Xipisaguit, 
 a lliver of New lirunMvick, [with deseriptivo letter- 
 press.] ILilifax, N..-f., 1S(',(I, lol. 
 IlickiilHll, Milliain, On .«omio Varieties 
 and Klfects of ('aneeroua Diseases of Done, (Listen 
 Clinical I'ri/.e Essay,) I-on., ISil.j, Svo. 
 Ilickmnii, William A. lirighain's Destroying 
 Angel. Illiist. N. Vork, 1S72, Svo. 
 Ilickmnn, ('apt. William Theodore. - I. 
 Wapperuiouth ; a N(jvel, Lon., I STB, :i vols. t. Svo. 2. 
 From Poverty to Wealth : a Novel, Lon., 1S31, 3 vols, 
 cr. Svo; new cd., LS83. 3. Tlie Nick of Time: a Novel, 
 Lor,, 1887, I2nio. 
 Ilickok, Kev. Lniireiis Per.seus, D.D., [unif, 
 V(]l. i. adil.,) 171IS-1S8S, In ■anie president of Union Col- 
 lege in ISIiii, hut resigned that post in ISliS and removed 
 to Amherst, Mass. I. Creator and Creation; or. The 
 Knowledge in the Reason of (lod and his Work, Bust., 
 1S72, Svo. 2. Humanity Immortal ; or, Man Tried, 
 Fallen, and Itedeemed, Host., 1S72, Svo. 3. Logic of 
 Keason, I'liiversal ami Kternal, Bost., 1871, Svo. 
 Hicks, V, Staiisl'eld. L Our Boys, and what to 
 do with them: The Merchant Service: what it is, and 
 how to enter it, Lon., 18Sj, p. Svo. 2. Yachts, Boats, 
 and Canoes : their Design and Construction : with Special 
 Chajitcrs on Yachts and Single-Handed Cruisers. Illust. 
 Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 "An admirable expositioiiof the whole subject."— .Icaci., 
 Hicks, Kev. Edward, M.A., B.C.L,, ordained 
 1S72; vicar of St. Stephen's, Sheffield, since 1883. 
 Church Music: its Origin, Development, and Present 
 Vse. Illust. Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 
 Hicks, Rev. Edward Lee, M.A., graduated at 
 Braaenose College,'ord, 18(!B; ordaineil 1870; Follow 
 and tutor of Ccjrpus ChrL-ti College iS06-73; corre- 
 sponding member of the German Archieological Institute 
 ISS'J; hon. canon of Worcester ISSl; principal of Aulino 
 Hall, Owens College, Manchester, since 1886. 1. (Kd.) 
 The Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the 
 British Museum, Oxf., 187 l-sfi. 3 parts, fol. 2. Manual 
 of Greek Historical Inscriptions, Oxf., 1S82, Svo. 3. 
 Henrv Bazeley, the Oxford Evangelist: a Memoir, Lon., 
 1886, p. Svo. 
 "A more touching book than the sympathetic record 
 which Mr. <;. [sic] L. Hicks lias given us of his friend . . . 
 we have seUloiu read."— .S;)ec(a(or, lix. 9!IL 
 Hicks, tieorge Borlase. 1. Epilepsy and its 
 Successful Treatment, Lon., 1879, Svo. 2. Alcohol in 
 Health and Disease, Lon., 1883, 12inc. 
 Hicks, George Montague. The Double Doom 
 of the Poor Debtor, Lon,. ISo.S, 8vo. 
 Hicks, Rev. James. 1. Catechetical Lectures on 
 the Incarnation and Childhood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 
 Lon., 184S, 12mo. 2. Plain Sermons on the Teaching 
 of the Church in her Sacramenis. Lon., 1856, 12mo. 
 Hicks, Jennie E. Sparkles from Saratoga. By 
 Sophie Sparkle, [pseud.] N. York, 1873. 
 Hicks, John, Wanderings by the Lochs and 
 Streams of Assynt, Edin., 1855, 12uio. I 
 Hicks, John liraxton. On Combined External | 
 and Internal Version, Lon., 1864, Svo. 
 Hicks, Rt V. John W ale, M.A., B.Sc, M.D., | 
 M.R.C.P., F.R.C.P,, graduated at the University of I 
 Loudon i8o2, aud at Sidney-Sussex College, Cambridge, 
 1870; ordained 1872; viear of St. Mary the Less, Cam- 
 bridge, since 1887. 1. A Text-Book of Inorganic Chem- 
 istry, (Local Examination Sor.,) Lon., 1877, 12mo. 2. 
 The Real Presence, Cambridge, 1885, Svo. 
 \ Hicks, Lewis E'/Cra. A Critique of Design-Ar- 
 guments: a Historical Review and I'rie Examination 
 of the Methods of Reasoning in Natural Theology, N. 
 Voik, I8S3, Svo. 
 Hicks, Rev. W. W. Story of Ike Cottle, the Tin- 
 Washer, .\. York, isns, ISnio. 
 Hicks, William Henry. A Concise View of tlie 
 Doctiine of the Baptismal Regeneratioin, Lon., lS5li, 
 Hicks, William lUitchinson, M.A.. b. 1 850, at 
 Launccston, Eng. ; graduated at St. .lohn's College, Cam- 
 bridge, 1S73; elected a Fellow 1876. I. Review of the 
 Un.seen Universe; or, Physical Speculations on fi Future 
 State, (reprinteil from the " British (iuarlerly Review,") 
 L<m., 1876, Svo. 2. Steady, Motions and Small Vibra- 
 tions of a Hollow Vortex, (Philosophical Triinsaetions,) 
 Lon., 1 884, 4to, 3. Researches on the Tlieory of Vortex 
 Rings: Part II., (Philosophical Transactions,) Lon., 
 I8S6. 4to. 
 Hick.son, Miss Alary Agnes. 1. Selections 
 from t.Hd Kerry Records, llist<iric!il and tlcneaiogicnl : 
 witli Introductory ^lemoir. Notes, and Appendix, Lon., 
 1872, Svo. 2. Ireland in tlie Seventeenth Century ; or. 
 The Irish Massacres of 1641-42. their Causes and Re- 
 sults : witli a Prctiice by J. A. Froiicle. Lon., 1SS4, 2 vols. 
 " Miss Ilick.soii hnsexamiiied tin- inithof the matter . . , 
 with the accuracy, acumen, and jwiiieiit impartiaiitv ofan 
 ideal hislDrian, Mr. Fronde, who .Mii.iils that he has on 
 fiirmer occasions smarted under her criticisms, acknowl- 
 edges that there exists Ihestriingest iiilliience to bias her to 
 the Irish view. ' She has no Knglish prejuilices, she is the 
 descendant of some ofUlie exileil ami transported Iri^h 
 anil ,\iiglo-lrish ol ItU'.i, she is keenly alive to tlie wroiiys 
 which her country has sntlered at Kiiglish hands, and on 
 siune points she is in lull syniiiathy with Irish Xatioii- 
 alisiii.' Vet, in the face of siich inlli'iences, Miss lliclt.siui 
 finds herself ciunpelled to give judgment in favour of the 
 English eoiiteiitioii."— .Sjjcrtntor, Ivili. Kill. 
 (For a between J. R. Gardiner, Miss 
 Ilickscm, J. F. Kcgan, and W. E. H. Lecky, in regard to 
 the statements in tiiis work, see .tern/., vol. xxvi.) 
 Ilickson, M. J. Silieated Groove (Siplionoglyphe) 
 in the Stomoda-um of Aleyonarians, (Philosophical 
 Transactions.) Lon., 18S4, 4to. 
 Uickson, ^iydney. Sexual Cells and the Early 
 Stages of Development in .Millepora Plicatii, (Philo- 
 sophi!al Transactions,! Lon.. 1888, 4to. 
 Hide, Albert. The Age to Come, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 Hicid, Mary. 1. Living Papers from Many Ages. 
 Illust. Lon., 1S79, 4to. 2. Glimpses of South America; 
 or. The Land of the Pampas, Lon., 1882, Svo. 
 HitTcrnan, John Michael. 1. Watch unto 
 Prayer; Lectures, Lon., 1S3!I, l2mo. 2. Life Sketches 
 from Scripture ; new ed., Dublin, 1854, 12mo. 3. Sketches 
 of Our Lord's History from Our Lord's Ministry, Lon.. 
 1856, l2nio. 4. Thoughts on the Parables, Lon., 1877. 
 12nio. 5. Tlioughts on Sacred Themes, Lon., 1878, 12nio. 
 6. Thoughts on Various Themes, Lon., 187S, 12mo. 
 Higgens, Charles, M.D., F.R.C.S., ophthalmic 
 surgeon to Guy's Hospital; lecturer on ophthalmology 
 at Guy's Hospital. 1. Hints of Ophthalmic Out-Patient 
 Practice, Lon., IS77, 12iiio; 3d ed., 1886. 2. Manual 
 of O^jhthalmic Practice. Illust. Lon., IS8S, p. Svo. 
 Higgin, George, C.K. Commercial and lildustrial 
 Spain, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Higgin, L. 1. Hand-Book of Embroidery. Edited 
 by Lady Mari;in .Ylford. Lon., 188(1, Svo. 2. Margaret 
 Grantley; a Study in Black and White. Lon., 1SS5, 2 
 vols. i'. Svo. 3. Art as applied to Dress and to Hai 
 luonious Colour. Lon., 1885, sq. Ifinio. 
 Migginbotham, J« J. Men whom India lias 
 known, Madras, ls7<V-71, S j»i,i<ts, Svo; 2ded., rev., 1S74 
 Higgins, Alvin S. Mishaps of Mr. K/.ekiel Pelter 
 Illust. 1S74. iL'nio. 
 Higgins, Charles. The Irish Land Questhm 
 Facts ati.i .\rguiiient8, Manchester, 1881, p, Svo ; .\ii'.n. 
 ed., Chi-,, 18S7. under the title " J me Rule," cic. 
 HiijiCtns, Charlotte M. The Angel Children : or. 
 Stories from Cloudland. Illust. Best., 1S54, 16mo. 
 Higgins, Clement, M.A,, F.C.S., b. 1S44 ; educate 1 
 at Downing College, Cambridge; called to tkc bar at tlu 
 Inner Temple 1871; recorder of Birkenhead since 1SS2. 
 1. A Digest of the Reported Cases relating to the Law 
 and Practice of Letters Patent, Lon.. 1 87.5-80, Svo. J. 
 A Treatise on the Law relating to the Pollution and Oh 
 struction of Watercourses ; together with a Brief Sum 
 miiry of the Various Sources of River Pollution, Lon , 
 1877, Svo. 3. A Concise Treatise on the Law and Prac- 
 tice of Patents for Invention, Lon., 1884, Svo. 
Cottle, the Tin- 
 Ex,,lorer»,,..V»„„.';p,,'"'V„ J'- A I!,,„k oC Amfrieun 
 18115. 8V0. ,;. !• 1 „„,,'.'"''"'""■' J"tlin«s, I,„„. 
 •^^ennl. „f Kind's l" Bun,'' ^ *""»^»' ( tM.) The 
 ''™^''S I'liila., 1858: tith "l "sfi, ^'^'"'"•kable Provi- 
 >^.ro;i!i"/;;,^;;^»|'j;i« |lizabe.h. Wo.e„ of 
 18«.>, 2 vols. 8v<>. Sixteenth Centuries, Lon., 
 "■pad's';,!!;;;- ™l:|;;^-vm not be roa,. withcu n„„.„' ! 
 '" ^^':"} ^■''■•'^•■'■-■^■''"J.'n. , liV fi',,'""' of ""small au"o,i„t 
 -teaK'se"!rVoi!'r"8'^";;'-' ';"-'^^'«'- s™-'- 
 Woroestershire. 1S3im'? Hi, ' ''"^''";^'nt "f Sto.ilton, 
 .;,)„„.,. .,_. ..• .'■i" •»■'. Kjtualisin Historieali.v con 
 {"■■s.") I'ort.. I8,st,],)„r''l l'"^™"" Men „f I,et. 
 United States of A n ie'a to .heTr ^"''"O' <>f the 
 Jaekson's Administration I||u-r i^'"'' "' ''■•««i<lent 
 2^-»o. ir. n ,us on w, ;■'''■'•''" 5 ^^■■^'"^ B'«t., 1887 
 American yf C TssTl."""""'^ ^ Epifodes n' 
 A en, N. York, 1888, lYimo i,'^'"": '''■ ^^^<>""-'" and 
 addrcs.sos, Ac. ' °- '^^'"' "'ng'e sermons and 
 its u'fs^-'and'l'ori'tcl'n ^^hlV^'^T V'' "''"'"« 
 8vo. '•"'' '^^81 he emjilo^-ed, Lon., 1867 
 "•ggs, Arthur Hibhle 
 -■-....„, ,oo.,-^,,. Kitu,,|i«,„ „. , , ,''''"'<^"°i'''oVford7r"l'"svn''' ^"''"y«"e-- aStudyand 
 C»n.t\!lf "'„„:, ,^*';,„";.,J'''« Names of the Stars and 
 K"'">'.i, Lon., 1S68 12L J^^ T^ '?■■ ^^"'•'''''■■^ Un.l..r- 
 '-^L;^ ".'oOresof Iron Lon"" ut'^T'"'''''^ "'^""•"- 
 • ••.. v,iv, u, iron, Lon.. I 
 18S8. obi. fol. • ^"^ ''"'<"• WoJtIing. Illust Lon 
 l«|'|fo'.' -"*"'"*• ^''=-' (" JIusic Primers,", Lon.,' 
 p"ti!fr-I,.f.fiff*V^„;,; [fei h'^^/r '^'«'"!"K= a Illus,. Lon.™;"! N f rk'"is%"'''"'^o'%^"»- 
 ti-ic Iri,ni.mi..8ion of Power •■,,!.' **!?■ "• ^'<'<'- 
 A^lvantages. Lon., I879.T 8vo 3 Th"'..f"^""'"' ''"'' 
 ^^'-':«-Lttft'"»^^-- Village in '--"^^^^' '' ' I^ -^'""^^ i^^^'**- 
 1-aton Norris T.."!:.- "'"":«'*'' 1807-1880, b. at 
 Hraton Norri, Ln^rC- •'«*":«••<«. I807-I8sn, b at 
 ; l-itarian, oLj:r^:t:j„'",-'f; "f r'^"'*"' S'-" 
 the Bible, Lon 18A.S s^ 9 ■ ^ ^^'''- '• f'le Spirit of 
 .Astro-Th;„,og";,.':^^R^e^Ai:fy- vo;2ded...,8?,3.'"' 
 ]2mo??d'ecL! I8!'l' '^'*°'''"™ '^"-■'f-Taught.'un.. I8r«, 
 ^ "'^^'.hrj^!:«::/ Tilt: j^'rr- ^"^- " 
 ;-:e.tcr_a„d U'orco. , Lon.,t8„ ""sT ' '''''''"'"'' 
 2. ,I;e«al^Kc'm''edi™^eM:... 1*87^ ^C"i°" ,'^V''"'"""^ 
 Law of rni„'„„,:„ ' 1" *'^-' •\8*- 2. A 
 vol.''. i. A Trc«H«. ' : °-i '874, 8yo; 
 iii . ■'' '^'"". 2ded., newod., 18S,'i • L/i; , , r™"' L""-. 1878. fn ■ 
 ^^I-ning,_Un., is^r's™.' ^:<' ^TJ^'^'^^^^'on ind its 
 Napoleon : an Enin Pnn',,,"""'"™! °'^' ^i"* *f's- 
 -IV. I.on.,18578v<r"7'a:" ^,r'^P Bool'^. 
 eiV and Discharge in Open Channels, 
 |V2mo7"- " '"""^ Lee's Inheritanc";'Lo„'lM?8; 
 ing (he Mean 
 Lon.. 1877 - 
 Amazon." Lon., 1852, ,Svo 5 Th» A ^^'^"^ "^ ">« ' "^ Subjects Lo„ ' s^ '^^ " "''''<"' * Classical Jndex 
 ;».|.-able Depths and ka;:ra,kI.L^ra:"LoJ%8';"/i^'r";^^ 2. Where to P,?,' J„td 
 ■' ^ ' I to th^urt7hVl,-f,!:,':\T,i,-LT8^''' %'^f ' -«<' 
 "•"* '881; aohief olerk in 
 rf i 
 the SoUuitor'n Popartnieut Inland Kev ntip. Snmur.^ot 
 llouic, 'Inuu 1S82. Suiiiiiiary Proeceilln^-s iii Inland 
 Rcvenuu CiiaoH in l)n{{lnn<l uml Walrx, Lon., 18S2, |i. 
 8vi>; '2d oil., IS'^I. 
 IllKlit, II. W. Iiiwa Siipionic Court Kunortii, vols. 
 Ivii.. Iviii., Ilssl-HL',) Ilun Muinu^ 1NH2, 2 vola. Mvo. 
 Iliglitoii, v.. (;illiurt. A V'oiue from tbe"L(in- 
 iliin." iin<l i|.^ KchcK'y, l.iiii., IHtlfi, Svip. 
 IliChtoil, Edwiiril. 'I'lu' KIitIiIi' Tok'^mph : itn 
 Ili-l»rv Mini I'nyri-.-s. Illii"t. I.iin., \^:>'2, I2iim. 
 IliKlitoii, lt(!V. Ileiirv, M.A„ IHI(I-|M73, gniMu- 
 ateil lit QiiuuiiV ('i)lli'(;o, OxfiirJ, ls:',7; iiaiiiKtant iim.-tnr 
 of Kugliy Sriiool ISII-.V,l; ]irini'i|ial nf f'heltenlmiii C'"l- 
 lego 18.'<!I-B2. I. KfliuiiiiiH Toiu'liliij;.'': Soriiinns iiiiil 
 AUdri'SSes tu lliiys at ii I'liblio Schiiol, I, on., ISlil, 12iiio. 
 2. A Ciitcoliisiii of tliL' Second Advrnt of Jcmis Christ, 
 I.on., IH.'il, l2iuo. :'.. A Koviscd Translation of the New 
 Testament, l,on., \^K, Xvo. I. Translations in Verse 
 from Viotor Hugo, Lon., Is7.i, Xvo. 5. Dean Stanley 
 anil Saint .Soenite.i : the Etliies of the Philosophor and 
 the l'hilusi)|iliy uf the iJiviiie, Lon., I87;i, t^vo. 
 Iligiubotliiitii, (feorge. I'ubliu InatruotloD : 
 S|ieeohos, Ac, Melhoiirne, It^()7, Svo. 
 IliKiiibolliiim, Josephine M, " I'na and her 
 Paupers:" Meinorinl.s of .Agiie.i Klizabeth tloiies, by her 
 Sister: with an Introduction by Florence Nightingale, 
 Lon., IS72, 12ino. 
 Iligiiutt, Ilev. George Edward, .M.A., gradu- 
 ated at linisunoso College, Oxford, IStSIl; onliiinod ISIl,'); 
 viear of lilaokburn 1877- ss. The t'huridi antl her Sea- 
 sons: being Short Headings for Ch' .chmon, Lon., 1872, 
 p. Svo. 
 HigNon, John, 1S2')-187I, h. in (lorton, Lanca- 
 shire. I. The Oorl.m Historical Recorder; or, A His- 
 tory of tile Chapelry, illustrating the Kise and Progress 
 of the "Mesne Manor" and its Inhabiliints, Uroylsden, 
 1852, 12ino. 2. History of Droylsden, I8.VJ. ;i. Explo- 
 sions in Coiil-Miiies, .Manchester, 1878, Svo. 
 Hilbert, C. .\. Annals of ■'■ Phuroh in Slaith- 
 waite, l.V.l.i-lsiU, Lun.. 1884, r^-lV". 
 Ilildebrniid, AliliaiiOUi'in^ I Western Lyrics, 
 Dublin, 1872, p. 8vo. 2. hntc ii.i.i; ' Land of the 
 Gael, lielfast, IS7'J, Svo. 
 Hildcbrmid, (i. 11, 'le .'tjipli.mtion of Prophecy 
 to the Crimean War: vol. i., i. i.. ' "U, p. 8vo. 
 Ilildcburii, Chiirles SiviS' Kiche, b. I8,),i, in 
 Philadelphia; librarian of the Atlj. iiuum ; one of the 
 commissioners to prepare and publish the .statutes at 
 large of Pennsylvania prior to HOll. I. (Ed.) Tlio In- 
 scriptions in St. Peter's Church-Yard, Philadelphia: 
 Copied and Arranged by Rev. W. W. lironson, Camden, 
 N.J., 187U, 12iuo. 2. A Century of Printing: The Issues 
 of the Press in Pennsylvania, 1685-1784, Phila., 1885- 
 80, 2 vols. 4to. 
 Hildebiirii, Mrs. .lliiry .Iniie, (Reed,) 1821- 
 1882, b. in Philadelphia. 1. Diiy-Ureiuns, Phila., 1851. 
 2. Money; or, The Ainsworths, Phila., 1800, Ifimo. 3. 
 Bessie Lane's Mistake, Phila., 18(i5, 16mo. 4. Flora 
 Morris's Choice, Phila., 1867, llimo. a. tioorgo Lee, 
 Phila., 1867, l8mo. 6. The Cray thorns of Stony Hol- 
 low, Phila., l8By, 12uio. 7. Frank Harvey in P.iris, 
 Phila., 1869, 18mo. 8. Pet Series, 18711,6 vols. H2mo. 
 y. Only in Fun; or, The Teasing lioy, Phila., ISmo. 
 111. Amy Hall Books, Phila., 6 vols. l8mo. 11. Archie 
 and Pussy Series, Phila., 6 vol-j, ISiiio. 12. The Discon- 
 tented Little (iirl, Phila., ISmo. Kl. Dr. Leslie's Boys, 
 Phila., l8mo. II. Far Away; or. Life at Tanna anil 
 Samoa, Phila., 18mo. 15. (ialfney's Tavern, Phila., 
 Hildeiibrand, Wilhclm. Cable-Making for Sus- 
 pension Bridges : with Special Reference to the Cables 
 of the East River Bridges, N. York, 1877, I6nio. 
 Hildigc, James (>. Medical Sketches in .\nstria, 
 Prussia, and Italy, Dublin, 1850, 8vo. 
 Ilildreth, Charles Lotin, b. 1856, in Now York 
 City ; educated at the College of New York ; a journalist 
 and contributor to magazines. 1. Judith : a Novel, 1876. 
 2. The New Symphony, and other Stories, 1878. S, The 
 Masque of Death, and other Poems, N. York, 1889, 12mo. 
 Ilildrelh, Emily E. Lessons from Daily Life, 
 Phila., 1869, 16mo. 
 Hildreth, Samuel Frescott, M.D., [iim^«, vol.i.. 
 add.,] 1783-186;i. Contributions to the Early History 
 of the Northwest: including tlie Moravi.m Missions in 
 Ohio, Cin., 1864, 12mo. With Woor>, J., Meteorological 
 Observations at Marietta, Ohio, Wash., 1867, 4to. 
 Hildyard, Henry John Thoroton-. 1. (Trans.) 
 I Studies In Troop-Loading i from the nermun of Col. 
 I Voruoin. Parts I. and U. Lon., 1872-77, Svo. 2. 
 I Historical Record of the Seventy-First Itixiinent Hlgh- 
 I hind Li/ht Iiifiiiitry, from its Foundati' n in 1777, Lou., 
 I lN76, 8vo. 
 ! Hildyard, itcv. JamcH, B.D., 1809-1887; odii. 
 I cated at Shrewsbury Scbool, and at Christ's College, 
 Cainbridge, where ho graduated in |8;W and was elected 
 Fellow and tutor; was rector of Iiigoldsby, Linenlnsbire, 
 1846-87. I. Five Sermnns on the I'arable "f Ibe Uicll 
 .Man and I,azarus, preached before the University of 
 Cambridge, Lon., 1841, 8vo. 2. Sermons; chielly Prac- 
 tical, Lon., 1845, 8vo. 3. Reply to the Bishops in Con- 
 vocation , . . on Lord Ebury's .Motion for a Revision 
 of the Liturgy, in a .''eries of Letters to the Church 
 Chronicle and National Standard. By Ingoldsliy, 
 [pseud.] Lon., I85N, 8vo. 4. The Ingoldsby Letters, 
 in Reply to the Bishops in Convocation and in the House 
 of Lords, on the Revision of the Book oi Common 
 Prayer, Lon.. 1860-62, throe series; ;)d cil,, Lon., 1862, 
 2 vols. 8vo ; 4th cd., 1879. Single sermons, ,S:c. 
 Hiles, Il.'nry, Mus. Doc, b. 1826, at Shrewsbury, 
 Eng. ; gra dilated Mus. B. at Oxford 1862; lecturer on 
 harmony and musical composition at Owens College, 
 Manchester. I. The Harmony of Som la, Lon., 1872, 
 p, 8vo. 2. The Oranimar of Music; ii I leatise on ilar- 
 niony. Counterpoint, and Form. Lon.. 1879. two books, 
 Svo. 3. Part-Writing ; or, .Modern Counterpoint, Lon , 
 1,884, 4to. 
 lilies, John, 1819-1882, brother of the preceding, 
 b. at Shrewsbury ; an organist and composer, 1, .\ (.'om- 
 plefe and Comprehensive Dictionary of 12,500 Italian, 
 French, (iernian, English, and other Musical Terms, 
 Phrases, and Abbreviations, Lon., 1871, l6mo; 7th ed., 
 1882, 2. A Catechism for llic Piano-Forte Student, 
 Lon,, 1871, llimo. 3. A Catechism of Harmony, Thor- 
 ough-Buss, and Modulation, Lon., 1872, Ifiiiio; 6th ed., 
 1882. 4. Catechism of Part Singing and the Choral 
 .Service, Lon., 1875, 16mo. 5. Catechism of the Organ. 
 Illiist. Lon., 1876, llimo. 
 lliles, Malcolm W. The Anatomist : being a 
 Complete Description of the Anatomy of the Human 
 Body, Lon., i860, Svo. 
 Hiley, Itev. Itichnrd Milliam, M.A., D.D., 
 graduated at St. Mary's Hall, Oxford, 1852; ordained 
 iNoli; principal of 'Thorparch Grange School, and vicar 
 of Wigbill, \orksliire, since 1863. 1. (Questions explan- 
 atory of the Books and Writers of the Holy .Scriptures ; 
 new ed., Lon,, 1866, Svo; 4th ed., enl., 1872. 2. The 
 Inspiration of .'Scripture ; an Examination into its Mean- 
 ing, Origin, and Theories thereon, Lon., 1885, Svo. 
 Hilgard, Eugene Waldeniar, Ph.D., LL.D,, 
 b. 1833, at Zweibriicken, Bavaria; educated at tiie 
 School of Mines, Freiberg, and at the Universities of 
 Zurich and Heidelberg; Slate geologist of Mississippi 
 1858-66; professor of agricultural chemistry in the 
 University of California since 1875, 1. Report on tlio 
 Geology and Agriculture of the State of .Mississippi, ,lack- 
 son, ISliO, Svo. 2. Preliminary Report of a Geological 
 Recounoissancc of Louisiana. Pub. by the State. 186St, 
 Svo. 3. Geology of Lower Louisiana, Wash., IS72, 4to. 
 4, Cotton Production in the United States: with A;;ii- 
 cultural and PhysicoGeographical Descriptions of the 
 Cotton .States and of California, (vols. v. and vi. of Reports 
 of Tenth Census,) Wash., 1880, 4to. With .Ionks, '1'. C, 
 and FrHN', R. W., Climatic and Agricultural Features, 
 itc, of the Arid Regions of the Pacific Slope : with Noto 
 on Arizona and New Mexico, Wash., 1882, Svo. 
 Hill, A. I'". 1. Our Boys : the Personal Experience^ 
 of a Soldier in the Army of the Potomac, Phila., ISill, 
 12nio. 2. .lolin Smith's Funny Adventures on a Crutcli, 
 Phila,, 1869, ISmo. 3. Secrets of the Sanctum : an In- 
 side View of an Editor's Life, Phila., 1871, 12mo. 4. 
 The White Rocks; or, The Robbers of the MonongaheUi, 
 Hill, Adams Sherman, Boylston professor ol 
 rhetoric and oratory at Harvard University, 1. Princi- 
 ples of Rhetoric and their .Application, N. York, 1878, 
 l2mo. 2. i)ur English, N. York, 1889, 12mo. 
 Hill, Mrs. .4gnes, (Leonard,) (" Mollie Myrtle, ' 
 pseud.,) b. 1842, at Louisville, Ky. j married, 1S68. to 
 Dr. S. E. Seanland, and subsequently to Samuel H. Hill. 
 1. Myrtle Blossoms, Chic, 1863. 2, Vanquished: a 
 Novel, N. York, 1866, i2iuo. o. Heights and Depths, 
 Chic, 1871, 12mo. 
 Hill, Alexander Staveley, M,A„ D.C.L., Q.C., 
 b. 1825; graduated at Exeter College, Oxford, 1852; 
 •''« Inner V;;.3m»!^;'!1- l^'te '''""'"';'''•''''- '•' 
 I'riiullci. »(• the CMiirl „f Iv [ ,'■ '* *'i"iuiil „f the 
 - N..rjhw„.t in the v::',^: '','"" """''"ri,,,./,, 
 xxvll.-n: ■ "" '""'" '» >vell worth rt4ia«^L'\';;"l'- 
 ■ >!■■• '1 1. fill,, 
 , "111, Allred, I, n s i i., „ 
 I'lroctory „n,i r,„™l I,i;,",,'; V'"-'^"'""' '■^■''"""(i!'' 
 ■n 'ireut Iirit„i„ .luring, ,"','''", I^ "«»'"' l"rofe8,i„„ 
 ilook''An;m'S,,"'s. ''''p ^;;";«"-""ve l',.liti„„, „„„j. 
 "HI, AtHHuer llav i i n ■_ . 
 Caiu., Coll,.go, ttu!^b, '".i'c; M ■.•,,;,'■ ?"'■ "''"■•"'«<' "' I 
 Teiuplo l,s(!4. | K„„t,„i„? .■,/'"' '""'""I"' Inner ' 
 Chelt..nh,„n, I „•'":'"" 'i* ';.^';'";' "'"- I'-o." i 
 Book lor 188.,, |,i,„ inm , J"" ' ,.•) '^'"'""'•ieal Yei.r- 
 I'oonis, Lon., ,S7(|, lLM,,o^^>,i /7'?;,,^''"n«'''. "n,| othtT 
 «ith Uoo,l K„„.o„;. NoJ I B 'v '• ,■'■<'•''•) "I'ymc's 
 a.:;.|','=.' --- *~:i;J-i'"£:: 
 Cj'ri.^ti College, C,u„bri I -'e Isu' *-"',"'."»'j'I »' Cor,.u, 
 uf I'roston Hill. Son„n r ' V '"'''uned N49. ..j' . 
 '• The IN.or Ma,' K",i "J"''- '-^'^Mre, ..i„eo \^ \ 
 'IK e>lucatio„al wir,. 87" ^"'-"""•^'^ '^'-''"K- '««"■' i 
 IIill, Arthur,'rii a' 1 i • I 
 ArolMteelure: Kilmalkedar; Co,, ntv "k"""' r-;i8h Ch,.,x.h 
 ■"»• •'. Aiieiont Iri-I, A,nk , . -^ Kerry, Cork, KSTo 
 Hill,ArtliurGeorire 1 1 . iVotiee»of tho Cliureiw.rT^'' ",''''''"''"' ""'I His- 
 bri.lge, U„..--,88r8 o ';'t'i,'''o''''' ''"""'^ "^ <^«'"- 
 pn» of the Middle Ages „„,i h '^'•«"n-''a«oi «„d Or- 
 hensivo Kssay on the I r?^ l'«"","'«"n'.e.- a Coinpie- 
 'I'n^t. Lon..^lS8"i Vol ^'' '^'■"■"•'ology of the Organ. 
 wotti!;vJ!^r;o^J!tr'V„V'''"r""'i "• '«'=^. ■" I 
 C" lege, Oxford, and „t St ,"f' ' ';'';™'"' '" I'incoln ' 
 '" ''« I'nileil States in 18«,S- «/, 1 • 'l ''"' '■'■'"i<»cd 
 ;'"'' wa.s ordained in 871 p '""""'"''"' P"'^""'""'!, 
 "™',,i„„al, X. York, 1877 li,,,,' "'■'""' ^"^otional and 
 Hall IK • '■>* ''IIIO, 
 III, lieiiiainiii t r . 
 Ecleetie SyMcMn ol S,^' ,.i'""'r'ir. ""n""" '^'""i'--"" 
 ■^-.'eY- Ilin,t. (■leV'elll'.ri,^^^':"'^""" ^-="-- "f 
 Hill, IJritton A. 1 n '. , I 
 K'^lerative (iovei-nmont I'hila , -'■< iJ""' '"'"^ "nder 
 l':*". 2. Absolute Money a'v,.:V '.""' "'' ^''- ^■"'•. 
 finance under a Co-Opora'tivo ro;^""" "'' ''^''"^"nal 
 , Uill.C.S - 
 Lord^^'^^f ^S[-y f ^ ^"H<in«.Men. 
 f;..- American" Commerce 'l,':?''^"' *'?""«■ » Voice 
 Kmho. "■"""'' •'il ed., rev., N. York, 1878, 
 Hill, Daniel H.Trvpv r , , . 
 '" iurk Distrii't 'in '','■'''''"'•'•, a'Iii.,1 b 1S2) 
 :»'-'^<ny 18 2 ''serVeJ fl™n""l'^'" '''« U-S M I tary' 
 ;n "0 C^nfodor'ateX 1, H"f,^J'!^.^'.";^'«"" -ar. anj 
 I I2in„.' '• '"'• ''• The CruelHxIon of Cl.ri,t, Hfi,!' 
 ;f"'''ionSo,h«t„,;,f\ ,,ttiv:'i';i''' "•"■";-•-'» Intn. 
 '''!""• 2 K'Iniiiimiw ,'i,L """'""!■'«. N.Vork I',-? 
 ■i-ok io,.-^:l:r;:: i,^s:'^";'"'i:''r''-"-'^«- 
 ' -N. York 1884. 12m„. , V', i,in', "'"'i' "''*' ""»' '"'■. 
 ™n Author,.", |.„,,. ^ W '8.';;", "■'»»■'-(" A n.eri- 
 «'thSp™i,il KeferoL „"■""' "'' <'l'ii.^'iMnity 
 '-Kl.olog^,N,V,. ,,',',;'-; ■• ll-Kle,nen,.. of 
 •ent I'i'eom.e,;, ilMV'"!','-'' P'""'" ' '"•■ "i*<-on. 
 i '''il/n''V /''''■'■ V'""' '^^ "- ^- Me.o,lie. Of 
 'fill, r.dward Jiit|w„„ ', ,, 
 H'-^'n'" and l'r„eti,.o /nu" li. vu:'T^ ?/"" •^""'- 
 -'• Clianeory Juri«dietion , M . ' ' "• " '"I-"' '''■". 
 ' ^'^■. ■■!. t'f.m,,endiu,n:f'„.' ";■;';" '" '"'""i^ <'hie., 
 Decision.-. Chie., 1873. 12,, „ , " ^I'^'-.v .Matute.s and 
 Illino,,, Chie., I,s7;i, 12„,o 5 .; ;^'''"";'l"'l <««l.ers of 
 I'/nctiee In Illinoi./chi" 187'^;.'; ^ " •'.'''■'■'''''•'i''n "nd 
 IVemoebyt:'ptX,^'-!.-" Klterl,.i„. ^i,,/': 
 f- ( I'rans.) V. Chopi,,'. , "'J ,;'•'• I ; '^vo: 2d cd.. I87!i. 
 M. Karu.owski, iJn isVo V,'"^' '''""••r.s and Woik., by 
 i-elhoven .lepieted by h ("o I ' ''• '\"- ■'• '''''■"n^-) 
 '•"".. l-^Ml, er. 8vo. • •^"n'cniporaries, by h. Nohl, 
 I j'.mhe; ™!v::,polr";r- , "'"^r.r':v'' """«'"- "^ 
 i "'0 Training of ;„,■,.,„ ."' ' "I'lien of the State ■ 
 I "ill, J'-mnl. I'ia ' , .r'Tls'.:,"" ':"•'• '-■""■ 
 Kraduated at L.anl,,', [■„:", ?,''',L^f' "' """'"n. Eng. ; 
 "cm to Ireland as eli or , ' be V ^ ''"",';'' '" ""-' '"'■• 
 , "'." ''Clil that post till v( B : " -^7"'c"' " liig in l.stio 
 ;, the hondLn Da vXcw. '■■','•'", '','"'""'" ™nneeted 
 I cl'H'f Iron, 1870 to 8^, ' ■"', ";'."-•'' 'f ""'^ oditor-tn- 
 »cter,, of ,ome of our I'nblu M n" . ''"'","'•'*•■ ''h"'- 
 •Anon. •> (;...„■„„/■■ .'""'" ■Men. I.oi,,, |87;j 1., 
 1^87. n;,;;""'*''^ '"""'"«■ (•• lingli-^h M'or.bie;,", Lon ■ 
 fonn : „o„ t he Kw' ,',"'-;.'^'""-' I'arlian.entary Ho. 
 TiAe;i,^'!^S''"" "•■''-'->--: it. 
 ^.".•. ''u::Z^;,,I!'<;^l^-;::^,/Ii-ryofthe«or. 
 broke College. O.'sfo,d 18^8.' *',' K™'luated at Pen,- 
 abl^l^,t;i,f:^-l';;C-Te.pondeneewith the Honour- 
 .ica : with P,eface. xVo?c" llLjT^} "'■ " '^'"•"' '« Cor- 
 P- f*™- 3. The Life of Sir « ^"'"»''"';;'"n, l,on., 187i), 
 , the in.,to,.y of Penny PoX^Tbrt^'ii'- V'^' ""d 
 I-""., !'--^0, 2 vol,. Sio -^ ' ^ ■' ^"' Rowland Hill,] 
 "lit the nnnie. Iir imi , "" "'""'noKniuhv in nil 
 make this lirst cdiiioi. of iV,L ' '"'? P''"'jably we tH 
 m m 
 lA III! 1.6 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 

 ■ ■:■ } 
 ]'■/;■ * 
 The Art of Di({C8ting iinil 
 subject He mav wry likely Imve nn iipP'Tlimty (if pre- ' IIlll, Ilenrj Wooil. f„, rivil Seivi™ 
 ^ ore pmuilaredllidii, 1111.1 then he w.iuld be well Tiibuhiting Aeiouiit? and Returns, for tivil benicc 
 ■ ■ ■ -•-■■■ - f .^i- w...- " , ■■—I. Svo, 
 I'liniiK II IIU..V j.w, , ,, 
 ii.lviyeil 1 inehiile (inly » lew exlriicts fnnii Hr K(iw 
 liiiicrs (iwii wiirk.anil, (.'ivini.' liis own share (il the biinK 
 iiitiutus 11 niiw is, til reliisbion the rest in the same style 
 niiil liirm."— >■»». A'cr, 1. 7;W, mi. 
 4. (I'M.) Colcini'l Oordon in Central Africa 1874-1S7!!: 
 from Ori^'iniil liCtteis ami l)(icu:uent8, Lon., ISSl, Svij; 
 2(leil., 18SI. 
 ■■The stdry of ('oliinel fii.r.l.iirs biyal allenipt t" carry 
 lint this pr.iK'niinnie |fiir the siippressidn iil the slave trade 
 ill theS„n,lan.ciic.l . . . is I.iM ip. the Vdlume liehirc lis, in 
 his iiwii w.inls ubly and jiulickiusly eJiteJ by Ur. Hill. — 
 .Ml/. Ili-r., 11. 7."i7. 
 :,. (I'M.) llist.iry (if Uas.<ela», 0.\f(ml, 1887, p. Svo. 
 fi. (Kil.) B(i3well'8 Life of Julinsiin : including lieswell's 
 •luurnal (if a '1 mir to the Hebrides, and Jolinson's Uiury 
 of a Jimniey into North Wales, O.vf., l.-^s*", 6 vols. .-ivo. 7. 
 (Ed.) Wit ii'nd Wisiloin of .Samuel Jolin-son : Selected and 
 Arranged,,, p. ,Svo. 8. (Kd.) Letters of David 
 Candidates, I.on., i>*' . 
 Hill, lli'V. Ilorbert. .Short Sermons on some 
 Leading I'rineiidcs of Chri.«tian Life, Lon.. L''5J, »/". 
 Hill, J. B. I'roecedings of the Centennial Cele- 
 bration of the iJne llundiedth Anniversary of the In- 
 corporation of the Town of .Mason, New Hampshire, 
 Host., 1S71I, Svo. 
 Hill, Mrs. J. B. I- The Highway I" Hommr, 
 Glii-gow 1S,'<I, lOiiio. 2. LitlleToni. (ilasgow, ISSl, Idiiio. 
 Ilill, J. G. Under her Window: I'oems, Lon., 
 18.S.S. llimo. 
 Hill, J. H. American Toets, Lon., IS.iS, Svo. 
 Hill, James Wootlward. Illustrated tuiide to 
 .Modern Agricultural Implements, Tools, .Machinery, 
 &c., Lon., ISSO, 4to. 
 Hill, John, principal of the Normal College, Co- 
 . , loinbo. \. Geography of India, Topogra|ilii(Uil and lie- 
 Ilimie to Williiiin ,<tralian. Now tirst Edited: with s(,|.j.,tivc, Lon., 187;), 12ino. 2. JIanuul of Indian His- 
 Autobiognipliv, Notes, Ac, 0.\f., 1S8S, Svo. 9. (Ed.) ,^ Descriptive and .Synoptical, Lon., lS7:i, 12mo. ;i. 
 tioldsinith's traveller. O.xf., IsSS, p. Svo. 10. (l-J-) , piicts and Features of English History, Lon., 187^, 
 Selei^t Essays of Dr. .lolinson, 18811. Also, solioid-books. ^^^^^^^ 
 Ilill, George Canning. 1. (Seneral Israel I'lit- 
 nani: i liiogniphy, N. York. 18(10, 12mo. 2. Home- 
 spun ; or, Five-and-THenty Years Ago. By Thomas 
 Lackland, [psoud.] N. York, 1S87. -i. Oi.r Parish: or, 
 Pcn-1'aintings of Village Life, Phila., 1S7-. 
 Hill, George Delgariio, [<iiii<; vol. i.. add.] 
 Wavfiring in Christ : Sermons, Lon., I Soli, 12nio, 
 Hill, George Jnnies. 1. The Story of the AVar 1 jgss. p. 8vo. 
 in La Vendi'o and the Little Chouanerie, liOn , 1856, 
 12nio. 2. History of Pop ami Hob, and other Stories, 
 Lon., ISIll, sq. Svo. .\iid see KiN(i, TiloM.vs H., I'/i./V". 
 Hill, Uev. George William, b. 1S2I, at Halifax, 
 N.S. ; ordained 1S4S; professor of , nstoral theology in 
 King's College lsi4, ami eharccllor of the University 
 of Halifax IS76. 1. Memoir of .Sir lirenton llalli- 
 bnrlon, ILilifnx, 1 864, Svo. 2. A Letter to the Parish- 
 ioners of St. I'aiil's, Hiilifax. Halifax, 18li6, Svo. 
 Hill, George William. History of Ashland 
 County, Ohio: with Biographical Sketches. lliust. 
 Cleveland. ISSO, 4to. 
 Hill, Georgiana. I. How to Cook Rabbits in One 
 Hundred and Twenty-Four Different Ways, Lon., ISlio, 
 12mo. 2. How to ( ook Eggs in a Hundred Different ; 
 Ways. Lon., ISfili, 12ino; new ed., lSS:i. .3. Onions 
 Diessed and Served in a Hundred Different Ways. Lon.. j 
 lsfi6, I2ino. 4. How to Cook Apples in a Hundred Dif- 
 ferent Wiiy.s, Lon., ISIiii, I2nio. .^. How to Cook Fish in I 
 npivards of One Hundred Different Ways, Lon.. ls66, 
 r.'ino ; new cd., ISSIi. 11. How to iJress Salads in a Hun- 
 dred Uitfercnt Ways. Lon., ISIir. 12ino. 7. How to Cook 
 (iame in a Hundred Different Ways, Lon., 1867, fp. 8. 
 How to Preserve Fruit in a Hundred Different Ways, 
 Lun., 1867, 12mo. 9. Cakes: how to make them in a 
 Hundred Different Ways, Lon., 1867. 12rao. 10. Pickles : 
 how to make tlicm in'a Hundred Different Ways, Lon., 
 1S68, 12ino. II. How to Cook Vegetables in One Hun- 
 df I Different Ways, Lim., ISfiS, 12ino. 12. How to 
 Stew. Hash, an' Curry Cold Meat and Fish in a Hun- 
 died Ways, Lon., ISIiil, 12ino. 
 Hill,' II. The Poacher's Sons, Lon., 187.S. I2mo. 
 Hill, II. E. England and Australia: a Poem, Lon., 
 Is,i2, )i. Svo. 
 Hill, Hamilton .\ndrews. Exemption of Church 
 Property from Taxations; Head before the American 
 Statistical Association, May .'), IS76, Svo. 
 Hill, Harriet S. 1. The " Bella" and her Crew, 
 Lon., 1S77, p. Svo. 2. The Lady of Trcfcrne: a Novel, 
 Lull., IS7S, :i vols. 11. 8vo. 
 Hill, llay. Brook and River: a Novel, Lon., 
 Is7i), '■'> vols. cr. Svo. 
 Hill, Henry. I. Southern Africa. N. York. 1s77, 
 Svo. 2. Uocolleetions of an 
 Hill, Henry Barker, h. IS40, atWallham. Mass.; 
 son of President Thomas Hill, in/ni ; graduated at Har- 
 vard IS60; assistant professor of ehemistry at Harvard 
 1S74, and professor since 18S4. Lecture-Notes on Quali- 
 tative Aiiaivsis, N. Y'"ik, 1S74, IHiti--., 
 Hill, Henry !''• The Seven Oolden Candlesticks; 
 Hill, John. Songs. Lon., Issl, 12mo. 
 Hill, John. 1. Wild Hose: n Romance, Lon., 
 1882, 3 vols. er. Svo. 2. The Waters of Marali : a 
 Novel, Lon., 1881!, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 3. Sally: a Novel, 
 Lon., ISS^i, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 4. The Corsairs: or. Love 
 and Lucre, Lon., ISSo, p. Svo ; new ed., 1888. With 
 Hoi'KiNS, Clkmknt. A Garden of 'Tares, [a story,] Lon.. 
 SS, p. Svo. 
 Hill, Lieut. John. (Trans.) The Coming Franeo- 
 j Ceriiian War: a Military Political Study; from the 
 German of Lieut. -Col. Koettscliau, Lon., 1SS7, p. 8vo. 
 Hill, John V. I. Hints on Bible P.erdings, N. 
 ' York, 1877, I2nio. 2. The Tabernacle, (Cliautau(iua 
 I Text-Books,) N. York. ISSl, 32mo. 3. Children's Scr- 
 i mon : with a Selection of Five Minutes' Sermons to 
 Children, I'hila.. 1S82. 16mo. 
 Hill, John Daniel. An Analysis of One Hnn- 
 1 dred and Forty Cases of Organic Stricturcof theUrelhrn, 
 Lon.. 1S71. Svo. 
 Hill, Uev. John George Henry, M.A., gradu- 
 ated at Eninianuel College. Cambridge, IS49; ordained 
 1S49; lector of IJuarley since 187:i. 1. Jesus and Jesuit. 
 2. Guide to llie Antiiiuities of Dieppe. ;i. Indices F.e- 
 clesiic : an Epitome of the Leading Suggestive Subjects 
 contained in the New and Old Lectionarics, Psalms, Col- 
 lects. Ac, Lon., 1872, 2 parts, Svo. 
 Hill, Rev. John Harwood, M.A., F.S.A.. 
 lS0y-IsS6; graduated at St. Peter's College, Cam- 
 bridge, 18,'i4; ordained 18;U; rector of Cranoe from 
 ls:i7, and vicar of Welhani, Leicestershire, from I84I. 
 He contributed to tlie Transactions of the Leicestershire 
 Arciiiteetural and Archieological Society, of which lie 
 was a secretary. 1. The Chronicle of the Christian Ages, 
 Uppingham, 1 842, Svo; new ed., enl., 18,^9. 2. The 
 Family of Langton, 1862, Svo. :!. The Archdeacons ot 
 Leicester, 18(i6, Svo. 4. The History of tlie Parish of 
 Langton, and n Portion of the (iartree Hundred of Lei- 
 I cestershiie. Illust. Leicester, I S(i7, 4to. 5. The Bish- 
 ops of Peterhoroiigh. 1870. 6. Notes on Rutlandshire, 
 1 1871, Svo. 7. The History of Market Harboruugh : with 
 I that Portion of the Hundred of Gartree, Leicestershire, 
 containing the Parishes of Baggrave, Billesdon, Bos- 
 worth, Ac. Illust. Leicester, 1875, 4to. 8. The Hun- 
 dred of Alstoe : being a Continuation of Blorc's " History 
 and Antiquities of the County of Rutland." IS8I, 4to. 
 Hill, John Spencer." The Indo Chinese Oiiiuiu 
 Trade, in Relation to its History, Morality, and Ex- 
 pediency, Lo'i., 1S84, 121110. 
 Hill, John W. A Manual of the Law of Fixtures. 
 N. York, lsc,7, Svo. 
 Hill, John Woodroffe, professor of vcterimuy 
 Octogenarian, Bost., 1884, ! surgery and medicine at the College of Agriculture 
 Downton. 1. The .Management and Diseases of tin 
 Dog. Illust. Lon., 1S7S, Svo; 2d ed., ISSl. 2. Thi 
 Relative Positions of the Higher and Lower Creations; 
 or,A Plea for Dumb Animals: Two Lectures, Lon., ISSI, 
 Svo. .'i. The Princiiiles and Practice of Bovine Medi 
 cine and Surjerv. Illust. Lon.. 1882. r. Svo; n<'w ed.. 
 I8S;). 4. The Diseases of Poultry: their Causes, Symp 
 or. The Fullllment of the I'roplietic Epistles of Christ i tonis, and Treatment, Lon., 1886, Svo 
 to the Seven Churches verifleil in the History of the 
 Christian Church, Host., 1877, 12mo. 
 Hill, Rev. Henry Thomas. Thoughts on 
 Churches and Church-Vards, Lon,, 18,06, Svo. 
 Hill, Kate Neely. 1. Poor Children's Pienif 
 Phiiii., 1877, I8mo. 2. That Horrid Sarah, Phili 
 1879. I6nio. 3. Doris Selwyn; or, A Girl's InBuoiue 
 Phila., 1888, 12mo. 
 IlAVN.V:,rk;i stir's.?'" ""'''"" •'■"-""tion anj 
 I. "''s-J:'''"!fn;. J^ "•'■■^ XeigLbou.: a Novel, 
 Hill, Miss I.iicy, ,|„„Khter of L«r. Hill, of MiiL'da- 
 Icn to) ego, O.vlunl. (JM Suinta ,,m,1 New bemont a 
 htory ,le.i,ea.e,l to the fimersity of Oxford, I,on.,"sS« 
 Lsso'svo *'"*'* ^' '"''"'' "'"""'"SS- Illiist. liojt., I 
 Hill, Matthew Berkeley. I. The Kssenth.h of ' 
 Ii«.„lag,„g: „„h Direc-tions for Mannging t" " ures 
 Mi^ s:;, •,';'" '";"'', '"'™' ^'"""Siou. Hisor-lers, Lon. 
 w ' , ,,J "''•• '**' '• •'■ i '■"■""lent of tho r,ick and 
 \,ou„ded Illustrated h.v Observations ,nade at the Seat 
 ■l.h c'l ! ■;;^J'^;'""'"f Venereal Disease., I,o„., 1877, ll'mo ; I 
 of t'w ]mi"'"^-**' •»«''?"l>ort, Q.C, ]7!I2-1S72, son ' 
 I't'ii ; ' '"•/''"'■;'".'' '"■"'I'er "f .«'r Howland Hill, 
 Iv.l II. (,y. ,.., <,H^., vol. 1. ,) was called to the bar in ls|c, ! 
 1™ V ; • '","?" 1'''",™' '"""■'^'"' <■»■• lvi"s?--l»n-u|,o„.|Iuli 
 Kn.2-.(I, and ,„ the latter year wa. appoiotedVeeorder 
 ol li.rm.ngham and c,)n,nii,..,ioner in I'a Uruntcy for the 
 l.r.sto d,,sir,et le held the lir.stof these ofli es U I I s 6 
 and the seeond till l,^6U. He was well known for h s 
 exertions tn promoting the establishment of reformatories 
 IWand lUoh Lo„.,Vs,il^2„^/^;v'e:^ L,^'^';"'T 
 laperson the I'enal Servitu.le Acts and the Uegulations 
 o he llotno I)epar.,„ent for earrying thetn Sv"' 
 Lon., lM,t, Syo With Hii.t., Fi.o»knvh; UvvKsrot-r 
 Journal of a Third Visit to the Co„vi.t-(Jaois, Kef es 
 and Hetormatories of Dublin and its Neighbourl^ 
 -on., Ihho, 8vo. With Wr.MoT, Sni John Eaiu.ikv 
 h«.n,tKy, I'apers on (irand Juries, Lon., lsi;5, .s™ 
 Also letters, charges, Ac. And see Hi,,,., T. W., ]„f,:. 
 H l,Micaiah. l. The Principles of the Pastoral 
 Fanction ,n the Christian Church: deduced frotnS \ 
 are Lon LSo.i, p 8vo. 2. Tho Sabbath n.ade l" Ma, , ' 
 ..lie Origin History, and Principles of the Lor," 
 ay lon 18,,7, p Svo. 3. Christ or (,'olenso, or, A Full 
 Ueply to the Objection., of the liish.ip of Natal o the Pen 
 alouch Lon. ISfi2, I2,„o. 4. Th'e Typical Tes in onv 
 to tie Messiah Lon., Ls62, Svo. With' Co„nuu,,.,s, c! 
 f>;>4! p. Sv".'" "'^' °° •^"'°""" I>'-'l"«l"^»ey, Lin., 
 iiiusi"' x;Jl;k, 'o.!'^s;r I'-i-'t:;.:;?::"'?' «'-• 
 O;,0hio. IlUisL Mt:vtn„n^'o1^:^,t,^T 
 P^es nt" iZsl v""*"'! n'"?'-^' 0I"« ^ its'Past and 
 H^?. „. ^'' -^''wark, 0., issi, 4to. 
 Uill, Miss Octnvia, b. about l,s;i8; has devoted 
 herself to work among the Lon,lon poor, and has bee 
 cress ul in carrying out a scheme fir the improveine 
 ■I the dwel ings of the poor which was suggested rher 
 .V Mr. Kuskin and has been widely adopted f, o,°do i 
 I. of tho London Poo,- Lon., l'75, Itiiu;; new 
 being vvoked mit."- j;.,;;) "^,7'l,':- »"-''"*"•■>-■ 'ts solution is 
 I IS04-.lSs2,b at Mazarion, Cornwall; rector of St. Kd- 
 , nion.l the King and Martyr. London, from KSliS 
 Poems on .Several Occasions, Penzance. 1S45, .^vo "' 
 A . ouruey through Palestine, Lon., lSo2, ,Svo. :i 'The 
 Ivahr War, Westminster, |S:^2, Svo 4 A V i. t 
 , Cairo. Lon.. 18.0:!, 12mo. 5. Modern 'llritish Poesy ■ a 
 ! La Iter Ha t ol the Ligbtcenth Century an,l those of the 
 IIlll, Uichard, of Spanish Town, Jamaica LiWits 
 and Miadows of IHnu|iea^listory. Ki'ngstoi, s.-,,'?'!" 
 jta;:::;^!'; "■"-^'= '"'--■•''-''-•• «'.^'-f- 
 atfonW""''',' <•"'■''"'*'■' ''^'•H.C.S., 1SI1-LS7.^ b. 
 at Louth, Lincolnshire; originator of a non-restra n, 
 s.vstem in tho treatment of lun"icv 1 \l " '." "^^f 7'"' 
 i •llii'v"* •■'-■- "="S':,r'""'- 
 on. 188,. Svo. W ith II iL,., Fi.oiiKX, K D.^vkvpokt ■ 1 
 hat we ,<aw in Australia. Lon., 1876, p svo " i',,' 
 Hm-rder of liirmiiighan, : a Memoir of' sVa-lew Dave 
 "i' Da,' i "■'"' ■','""■""" '■^""' '''- Correspond uluy 
 IMS Daughters. Lon.. 1878, Svo. 
 " It is Dot ruitkil 
 Hill,0»Uell Trnvers, F.a.G,.S. 1. En.Hish Mn 
 "-y^i'iiK its Rise and Inlluence, Lon!. 18(17 ^8 ' 
 -; (I'rans.) The Triumphs of tho Cross' f,o,„ .^„ 
 Kn:hi™l'lk:tT",'''^"?T'''^ """ N-Z 'andTfi 
 Kr.ipnical bketoli, Lon., 1868, 8vo 
 "111, Rev.Pascoe Grenfeil, [a«/«, vol. i., add.,] 
 ,".t 1 ' 1, St, IV il 1, ' '"'""; '""■ '■'■"">■ ''e """le a "art 
 tl , r,.,„,M „r ,,, f """'■ "'"' '"'"■ ""!>• I'i- bi'«rapl V is 
 l;^; ;^i!;^":^;;S!,'i!i.Vi!r »'""'>• ~iai'::j": 
 llill, lU. Kev. Ilowley, D.D.. 18.S6-],S87; crad- 
 nated „t Trinity College, Cambii.lgc. 18611; i .(^[ned 
 Shcffioin'"-T '"-■"' '"'■'^'■e'lield Lsll; rural dean of 
 Sheffiehl 18, 1 ; canon of V„rk Cathe.lral I87ti,an,l IJishoi) 
 n.^ni.'"' ""' 'Y,'!" ■" I ■'*"• 1 • .Sunday-School ' , ns Ex- 
 plain ng and llustrating tho Collects, Lon.. |8,),0, I2mo. 
 T8fir i.,"-^' ""' ,'•"'•"""" l-^l'l"'"'"!! the Oospels, Lon., 
 •on't ,"vie,/", ''""V';:.^'"-^'"'^""' '■•""' a's,.ript,ira 
 oint ol Viev, Lon 1 81,7, 8vo. 4. The Titles of Our 
 tWbis,?'. ',K?'r;„ •'• 1 ">■"■"'•• !""« on the Church 
 a belies ol Short Sermons, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 
 beHa''l!,„**'.f-7 .5'"",'' ""'•, '•' '"'''-^ '■ T™"'' i" Si- 
 of '. ''"•;."'■'■»' - ^0'^ I'- f^vo. 2. Travels on tho Shores 
 of the Daltie exten,le,I to Moscow, Lon., 1864, p. 8vo. 
 \-Jr't '" ,"'r ''^"'"'"'"'' "'"' ^^"eiety Islands, Lon 
 a v<fl's.''p 8';;, • ^'■"'"'^ '" *'«'■" '""^ *'''''''™. f'<">- l«l'«. 
 '_Hoii,,.st aii,l ,iiipreten,liiig." Rev . ix, 151 
 inir".i'M '" ''FP' "'"' •'^>'""- f'"n., I8r,5. Svo. 
 Hill, I heo|.l,i|i,s Hunter, b. 18.ifi, near Raleigh, 
 Ha^',;f No,,'.' r '"i-"-''' '!' -'!'" "-'''y' ""'' «•"" State libra- 
 nan ot ^orth Carolina 187 -"2. I. IIe«i,er n,„l otl,..r 
 "p^r.iit;'^"' ^•"•i'^f- 2- i'-"rK^-o^y!^i, 
 .i. lassion-Flower, „n,l other Poems, Raleigh, ISs'i 
 Hill, Rev. Thomas, D.D„ LL.D,, [o„„, v,d. i., 
 a,ll..]»^as president of Harvard College from l,8ti2 till 
 181,8 when he res,gnt;d on account of impaired health. 
 In 18, 1 he served in the Massachusetts legislature ■ later 
 ,e'drtion'll;"s'n'. •';"'■ ^*''"^^""" "- ^^--'Su.«ycx- 
 ,a ir f .1 "," .^"'.'""■". ""J 0" I'i" leturn he became 
 iC/M'".^ "'""""*" ^''"""'> "■ ''"itland. Me. ]. 
 • lio irn ".'.•'■'""""'o "f ^'*'"""-<^' ""■' """•'• Sermons, 
 ' m ntiri «' i"""' ^- "™'»'^"-y «"<! Faith; a Frag! 
 irr';',!;.',;'.'';'.^] •" d'".',"".,'^''"',^ "■•'^«?r'n^ ''"^'- 
 . w ' ' '^' •^'* ♦'■•<) ^ffi., i)u?t., ]r>32. i2iiio ■; 
 .Vatemeiit of tho Natural Sources of Theology, with 
 E s.^rr' r "'"?';•, '**"• '^"- ••• I" 'he Woods and 
 Elsewhere, [verse,] Host., 1888 
 I Fo"ii','bhTc. "'7": 4^ """"'" "' '""''' """ """--^^ 
 I Hill, Thomas Padmore. The Oratorioal 
 Trainer; a Sy.«tciii of Vocal Culture, Melbourne, 1S62, 
 lliino; lith ivl., IS7II. 
 Hill, Thomas Sinytli. (Eil.) The Registers of 
 the I'lirish of Tliorinatun, I-Jn., 1884, 8vo. 
 Hill, ThomilM Wright, 1703-l-<51, b. at KidJcr- 
 ininster; ii seliool- muster ; fatlu'r of Sir Uowlunil Ilill. 
 1. Ueniiiins: with Notii'es of liis l.ifo, Lon., IS.VJ, Svo. 
 2. SulcLtions from the I'aiiers of the late T. W. Hill, 
 Lon., 1800, Svo. 
 Hill, llev. Walter Henry, b. 1822, near Lebanon, 
 Marion Co., Ivy. ; grailimtwl at .St. Miiry'.s College, Ky., 
 ]8i:i, and ."tudicd medicine in liio St. Louis University ; 
 entered the Jvsuit order in L'-IT; was professor of logic 
 and nietajihy.-ies in St. Louis I'nivcrsity in L'^Gt-O.'i, 
 and again a ])r>fcs8or in that institution in 1871-84. 1. 
 of the Iluumn liody, Lon., \ti:>7, 18mo. 4. The Diseases 
 of London Residents i their Causes ""d Treatment, Lon., 
 1857, 12mo. :i. The Anatomist : a Cumj)leto Description 
 of the Anatomy of the Human liody, Lon., 18fill, I8nio; 
 new ed., 18S5. fl. The Kssentials of Physiology, Lon., 
 ISOO, 24mo; new ed., 1886. 7. The Pocket Anatomist, 
 1867, :i2mo. 
 Ilillgrove, Thomas. A Couii)lcte Practical Ouido 
 to the Art of Dancing, N. York, 1804, 16mo. 
 Ilillhoiise, John. The Annunciiition : a Poem. 
 Illust. N. York, 1808, 16mo. 
 llillhonse, William, M.A., F.L.S., professor at 
 the Mason Scienio College, Birmingham. (Ed.) Hund- 
 liook of Practical liotany : from the Ocrraan of E. 
 Strasburgor, Professor of Botany in the University of 
 Elements of Philosophy : comiirising Logic and General | Bonn, Lon., 188(i, Svo. 
 and Special Metaphysics Halt.. lS7:t, 12mo; 4th od., | HilliartI, Mrs. Lights and Sbndows in a tanine 
 188.x 2. Ethics; or, Moral Philosophy, Bait., 1878, 
 12mo. :!. Historical Sketuh of St. Louis University, St. 
 Louis, 187'.l. 
 Hill, Walter N. Notes on Certain E.\pIosivo 
 Agents, Bost., l;<7a, 8vo. 
 Hill, William. 1. The Memory of Language and 
 Rhyming Mnemonical E.\[iositor, Lon., 18.)2, 18mo. 2. 
 Memories for the .Million; or, How to Teach Students 
 to Remember, Lon., 1874, 12nio 
 Life ; with Sketches of Travel. By Ugly's Mistress. 
 Lon., 1871, II. 8vo. 
 Hilliard, Francis, [<iii(e, vol. i., ndd.,] 1S0,8_1S78. 
 1. The Law of Torts, Bost., 18,59, 2 vols. Svo; 4tb ed., 
 1874. 2. The Law of Injunctiims, Phila., 1804, Svo. 
 :id ed,, rev., 1874. H. The Law of New Trials, and 
 other Bchearings, Phila., 1860, Svo. 4. A Trea''se on 
 the Law of Bankruptcy and Insolvency; 2d ed., I'hila., 
 1807, Svo; :id ed., 1872. o. The Law of Uemodies for 
 Hill, Wil'littiii tJilberti' Family Record of Dea- I Torts, Lost., 1807. Svo; 2d ed., cnl., 1873. 0, The Law 
 cons James W. Converse and Elislia S. Converse, Ac, { of Contract.-, Phila., 1872, 2 vols 8vo. 7. I he Law <,t 
 Bost., 1S87, Svo. Privately printed. I Taxation, Bost., lS7o, 8vo. 8. Ameneun Law : a Corn- 
 Hill, William Hiiswell. A Nino Days' Ramble \ prehensivo Summary of the Law in its Various Depart 
 in the Lake District of England, Manchester, 18,52. I luents, N. York, 1S77-7S 2 vols._ Svo. 
 Hillam, S. A. Sheykh Hassan, the Spiritualist: a I Hilliard, Henry WaNhington, [aiKe, vol - 
 View of the Supernatural, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 Hillard, tieorge Stillmnn, LL.D., [on^e, vol. i., 
 add.,] 1808-18711. 1. Letters of .-'ilas Standfast to his 
 Friend .lotham, Bost., lS5:i. 2. Life and Campaigns of 
 G. B. McClollan, Phila., ISlil, 12mo. 3. Dangers and 
 Duties of the Mercantile Profession, Bost., 1800, Svo. 
 4. Political Duties of the Edui'ated Classes, Bost., 1860, 
 Svo. And see TirKNoii, (jKouiii:, iii/rt(, 
 Hillary, .Max. 1. Hunted Down, Lon., 188 j, p. 
 Svo. 2. Once for All: a Novel, Lon., 1885, 3 vols, 
 cr, Svo. 
 Hillcbrand, Karl .Vrnold, 1,820-1884, b. at 
 add.,] b. 1808, at Fayetteville, N.C. ; graduated at South 
 Carolina College 1826 ; ailmitted to the bar 1829 ; mem- 
 ber of Congress from Alabama 1845-51 ; U.S. minister 
 ti Brazil 1S77-S1. De Vane : a Story of Plebeians and 
 Patricians, N. Y'ork, 1865, 12ino. 
 Ilillier, George. 1. Remembrance of Bonchurdi, 
 Isle of Wight, Lon., 1849, Ifimo. 2. The Topngrajdiy 
 of the Isle of Wight, Lon., 185U, ISino. 3. A Narrative 
 of the Attempted Escapes of Charles the First from 
 Carisbrook Castle, Ac, Lon.. 1852, p. Svo. 4. (Ed.) The 
 Sieges of Arundel Castle, Lon., lS5t, 12ino. 5. The 
 Stranger's (jiiide to the Town of Reading: with a His- 
 Giessen, IJermany, and ediicaled at the university tliero ; j tory of the Abbey, Reading, 18,yj, 12mo. 
 was implicated in the revolutionary uioveiiient at Baden Ilillier, Henry Uentinck Cnrry. 
 ise on the Gout, Lon., 1848, Svo; new ed 
 nplicateit in tne revoiuuonary 
 in ISHt, and imprisoned, but made his escape and v.-;, it 
 to France, where he was secretary to lleinrich Heine. 
 He afterwarils became professor cif foreign literature in 
 the Universily of Douai. On tlie outbreak of the Franco- 
 Prussian war in 1870, he left France ami settled in Italy. 
 MosL of his works were written in German or French. 
 Si.\ Lectures on the History of (iermaii Thought, from 
 the Seven Years' War to the Death of Goethe, Lon., 
 18SII, p. Svo. (These lectures were delivered in England ' 
 in 1879.) ' 
 Ilillebrand, William, M.D,, a German physician ; | 
 resided about twenty years in the Hawaiian Islands. 1. i 
 Report on Supply of Labour to the Board of Immigra- 
 tion of the Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu, 1807, 12iuo. 2. 
 Flora of the Hawaiian Islands: a Description of their 
 Phanerogams and Vascular Cryptogams. .Annotated and 
 Published rter the Author'.s' Death, by W. F. Hillc- 
 brand. M,i|'s. Lon. and N. York, 1 888, Svo. 
 " The Work is a noUc iiiiiiiiimciit. "— .Vii'/o'i, Ixvi. 4-54. 
 Hiller, llev. Oliver I'rescott. 1. Practical 
 Sermons, Lon., 1S55, Svo. 2. The Pleasures of Re- 
 ligion: a Poem: with other Poem-'. Lon., 1850, Svo. 3. 
 English and Scottish Sketches. By an American. liOn., 
 1857, 8vo. 4. (tod Manifest: a Treatise on the (Jood- 
 ness, Wisdom, and l'ow«r of God, Lon., 1S5S, 12iuo, 5. 
 American National Lyrics and Sonnets, Bost., 180O, p. 
 Svo. 0. A Chapter on Slavery ; presenting its Origin 
 ami History, .tc. Lon.. ISOO, ,Svo. 7. Pocahontas; or, 
 The Founding of Virginia: a Poem, in Three Cantos, 
 Lon., 1805, Svo. s. Sermons on the Ten Command- 
 ments, Bost., 1807, lOmo. 9. Mcmcjir of Swcdcnborg, 
 Chic, 1867, sq. lOmo, 10. Gems from the Writings of 
 Swcdcnborg : with a Memoir ; 2d ed,, Bost., 1808, 2 vols. 
 ISmo. II. Notes on the Psalms, N.York, 1809, Svo. 
 12, Snnnnns on IheLonl's Prayer. Host.. 1871, 12mo. 
 Hilles, Malcolm William, licentiate of the Royal 
 College of Surgeons of Ireland 1831; formerly lecturer 
 on anatomy nnil physiology at the Westminster Hospital 
 1. A Treiit- 
 1,'<54. 2. A Popular Trcalise on Disease's resembling 
 Consumption and on the Nature and Treatment of Cnn- 
 suuiiitioii, Lon., 1854, Svo. 
 Ilillier, Thomas. 1. Iland-Book of Skin-Dis 
 eases, Lon., 1805, p. Svo. 2. Diseases of Children: a 
 Clinical Treatise. Lon., IS08, Svo. 
 Ilillier, William. Christianity, Science, ai 
 fidelity: a Series of Letters showing the Follies of 
 ism : occasioned by the Return of C. Bradlaugh rs 
 her of Parliament for Northampton, Lon., 1881, lOn.i. ; 
 2ded., 1885. 
 Hillis, John D., F.R.C.S,, M.R.I.A.. me Ileal so 
 periutendent i>( the (ieneral I.eper Asylum, Briti-h 
 Guiana. Leiirosy in British Guiana: an Account ■! 
 West Indian Leprosy. Illust. Lon., 1881. r. Svo. 
 Hillock, A. Klizabeth. Ned Melbourne's Mis- 
 sion, anil how he ilischarged it, liost., 18S7, 12mo. 
 Hillocks, James Inches. 1. So]ihia: a Talc, 
 Lon., 1S57, p. Svo. 2. Thoughts in Rhyme, Lon., IS.jO, 
 p. Svo. 3. Life Story : a Prize Autobiography. Lioi , 
 1801 : new ed., 1S7'. 4. The .Silibath-School, from a 
 Practical Poiiil of View, Lon,, 1S64, 12mo. 5. My l.ilV' 
 and Labours in Londiui : a Step nearer the Mark, I.coi., 
 1805, p. Svo. 0. Lite-Struggles: an .Vutobiogiapln^' 
 Record, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 7. The Gentle Prince: ii 
 Story for .Ml who desire the (jolden Crown of Life. (Ilu- 
 gow, 1879, 12mo. S. Hard Battles for Life and Uselul 
 ness ; an -Autobiographical Record, Lon., 1SS4, Svo; 24 
 eil,. 18S5. 
 HillN, Mrs. iMargaret Mortimer's Second llusbanl, 
 Lon., 1X75. p. Svo. 
 Hills, Alfred C. Macpherson, the Great Conf. i 
 erato Pliilos<ipher ami Southern Blower, N. Y'ork, ISil, 
 Hills, llev. George Alorgan, D.D., 1825-I>"|, 
 b. at .Auburn, N.Y'. ; graduated at Trinity in 1847; ri - 
 tor of St. Mary's Church, Burlington, N.J.. 1870-i"i, 
 1. Treatise on Hernia, Lon., 1838, Svo. 2. Treatment and lecturer on homiletics and pastoral theology in liti- 
 of Rupture, Lon., 1850, Svo. 3. Regional Anatomy: lington College. 1. Letters from Europe, 1801. 2. An 
 containing a Description of the Most Important Regions ^ Historical Sketch of St. Paul's Church, Syracuse, I8Ti). 
 0. .Jiihn liilbot, the First Uislioii 
 _.'„•, •'•. '^''"' Missions of the 
 7. Meiiio- 
 the Hopublic, ISTfi. 
 of Nor.h America, ,„„ ,„„ 
 ril;"of i;l'';?!"/?;;ir';s^"'^ '"^^^^' '«« 
 ,y'.">'""!'"e*'- Ktlwnrd Augustus, Kn.duite.l 
 Bt Cliiis ColleiTO, CiMiiljiiclge, IS.,:- .TMainwlls - 
 -or of Christ Ch,„-,.h, lielptr! Dor^^-X "n „ ' '7 A 
 .nS::±^'i ;!;!:?, >^:„^-th: its .eso..ree«^ 
 ' , "''«»".. Mrs. iWnrie. 1. the Treoho at Kiiteliir' 
 be,n«l"„rncuiar,, of its Formation an,l Inei,i n " of ,, 
 t"e ( reehe. Lon., IS7;,, Kimo. 
 Hilton, U. l>„e,„,, from Calvary: The llunter'a 
 ?imi;i2n,o "''"' "'■ "'° A..,erlean 'civil War,";!.: 
 I'ofiV.T'/'" '"" """^ Vi'«>">. Littleton. The 
 K^er'Lris:;"'-?;; is^t:*^ ,^^ ^ir'' ""--''"« ol Cominanil in Manceuvring a Ilu-iment of 
 f,«va:r.v a Battalion of Infantry, an,| a II tte y of A - 
 t.ilery, Urn., ,8<ili, 8vo. 2. The Minor Tactic^ of FieM 
 ,Ji;.^«rU,Te...le. A Modeof Cateohlsin. .on., ASpiir^^^r. .0. . r,;i.:r:„r;^;.s;;i;. 
 Ilillyard, William Heard. I. Hecollections of Pri.;,,!'' *^"v'^, ^"V"" '" "'« l!i''^^i"i'in!! (Mcstion! 
 lerf in tlio 
 I. f(>. Svo, 
 iears Praotice, I,on., 1S6I, fn. mvo. 2 Ta 
 Cabin: or, Nights on the Ocean, Lon., 1801, f,,. Svo 
 ■>. I he Captive's Uaugliter, and other Stores Lon 
 N York M,l,t- u'" ^'"> i^™''""^' """ ""'«^ '^t' -: 
 i';.„iT-i; """'''"»»• »• HeginaU Vernon; or. The 
 The Marable Family : a Novel, 
 Hillv.-r, Curtis Justjn. California Sunreme 
 ImI':) fi^rr' '"''■ ""-''•''''- ('««2-''^'i;^,) «HnTran.: 
 Ilillyer, Shaler 
 I'hila., 1S7II, 12nio. 
 in"!'o'n"'fsf.,'''I'"'' "^'!"«'- ^*J t» l*"™"'""! Visit- 
 inj; Lon., l,s.ii), 12mo ; oth ed., KS68. 
 V."!l°";s": ^' ''^'-■''°' H'^'-rioal Costumes, N. 
 Ililtoii, Henry. Reports of the Court of Common 
 IJ.m'"""' "'■ ^^^^''^"^ ■""! Anecdotes, Lon., 1S76, 
 FoWe V 1,.,^? r 5 '"«'•'«»' I^f-1'- liead-ma.ter of 
 I „• in 1 '- ' '"'"''"."^^''-'-.V' 1. An introdoeiion to the 
 Latin Language: with Appendiees, Lon., Ixr.H, 12m„ 
 -'. Intermediate .Schools in Ireland, Lon. Is;',! p8v' 
 to Voon ,•*■«"" '''-r^ "•; '"'"" ''"'"'^ "'""'"f- ("" i-esseci 
 : \" \""ng M,n, L„„_^ ,^^(1, p. Svo; 8th ed., I8.S4 -l 
 A hWiool-.Master's Kelrospect of Eighteen and a Half 
 l.t . an tssay to Chnslian Young s/.„, Lon., 188.",, p. 
 h^o. b. Home Edueut on ; „r, Irish ,■« Fn^rlisl, .•,•».., 
 niar-?ehools for Irish Uoy.s,' Lon., IssT p. "='"'' '""■"■ 
 DS^J,^1?,:!r ''■• ^"-'-"Vi«um:-a,.oem, 
 Hiine, Thomas Whiteside, l. (Trans ) ivt 
 tenkoier on Cholera: how to prevent and ret ti,' Lon 
 ."ri't :!^"^':'M::">"«'*' l^: ^^^^ *« Lancaster 
 Co., I'a ; ,^o.e;^.;reh.n".^ra.^ ^i " in dS' 
 „,v,...v„i... . M.^'S"^. "''^"i"t •^l'-. Hilton's eiithiisiaMo : Himes. John A. .St,„i,. ,.f m;..„_... „ , . 
 Authors and collected in Man; ^"S ^T IhV X" I Ph;:^S,^v"?^,^''^ j^ '-af-lVints; .n- •orim,;;;;-;f 
 cotibl i,nf,„„„i . , ', . > ""•_ I f "otography, 1868. 3. (Jrans.) Flame Heaul ions, 18(iS 
 Study of Milton's Paradise Lost, 
 Himes, John A. 
 I Phila., LSrs, 12nio. 
 ^^. Chron^;;ms Continued and Concluded, Lon., ,88, \ ^^l]:^^^:'^^ ^iiV^i^lS ^.^Z:^-}, Vl^U 
 nil. Ii-r into ,„any an unVl■,■,,Monted''lVv'.lmM,''■,';'r"'l,''i^ 
 iiy'"-:';;C:i^.''ii;;yr"'^ ^.'■-■ru.^^iin^ytlii.;;;; ^i 
 Hilton, James I'oord. 1 u„i,i„ tn p..,. 
 louinuirs, i.on., IS8I, .L'mo ; new cd., 1883. 2 C.itn on Company Training, Lon., 1884, 32mo; 2d ed t 
 . Hilton, John, F.K.S., 1807-1878. b «t Sible Hed 
 ■ i.'r-,>eho«l, and at IJoulogne-sur-Mer ; was a 'in,, 1 
 : -"onMrator in anatomy at (Iny'.s Il'osp it il, ' , , '^' 
 n I. 2S becoming subse,,uently in the sa ne institu on 
 , LT '""''"'""'"'"I "»"""".v, anatomy ami y 
 ol-gy, and on surgery, assistant surgeon, surgeon an I 
 .■onsuting surgeon. He was president of tile rZ 
 . c'S hurgeouso I^igland! and professoi ?,fS 
 ""> a the college. I. .Notes on some of the Devel, 
 Jlinclilitte, Ktluard. liarlhomlcy: in Letters 
 llineks, Hev. Edward., D.U., I7ii2-l.sftc b in 
 Cork, Ireland: was edueate.l ., Trini y uldin 
 where '- K.-'-te,. in 18,2 and was "made a"F'e!fow' ,' 
 and in " . i ' ,'"' '""i^";" ™"^''"' ^'''">^ "f Ardtrea, 
 I M ''•^"''""K"! >t for (hat of Ivillilea.'h, which 
 ■«-. held till his death. He was dislin-uishn for i, 
 <no,vledge of Egyptian and Assyrian inscr iion an 
 ;,';; rv;;;!..r^/:i!''^'^-i"'"^'-'>"'oTranr! 
 mi>si u i 1 r 1 ' '" '" 
 I. unong the Egyptians, Dublin, 186i,Jto. 
 , ,, .......o...ja.i loscnpuons, Uublin, 
 4. Report tothe Irustees of the liritish Mu! 
 "'"iL'rs and Terra-Cotia Tab- 
 A li' .' . ■' •-'""• "• O'l 'he I'olv|)hoiiv of Ihe 
 Assyno-Uabylonian Cuneiform AVriting," bubifn. 
 fc, . 'iii 
 i ' 'la 
 IliiickH, Sir Francis, C.n., Ac, lsn7-lS85, b. at ' 
 Cork ; eduuitiiil iit the Kciynl Itelfiiat Ini'titution ; re- 
 tn<>vc<l to Ciiniiilu in ls:{2. II« wiis sovcriil tiiiioa a mem- 
 ber of the Ciiniiiln A?.-<oiiibly ; ()reiiiier lS5l-.'il; gov- 
 ernor of liarbuilov!! nnil the WimlwarJ Inhinils 1S55-82 
 iinil of Itritish (iuiniia Isn2-('>'.i, ami rninislcr of finam^e 
 in Canada ISK'.I-T^i. I. Ciinaila : it.i Fiiiiinoial I'oKition 
 <nd isuiircor<. Lon,, Isili, Svo. i. The Seignoriiil 
 '<xei' oti : its I'resent I'uaiticjn. By a Member of (he 
 LeKishitive Asseinhly of 1|i|«t Caniida. Quehee, 1S51, 
 3. Ki'|ily to tlie Speech of the Hon. .loseph Howe on the 
 Uniim of the North Amerieiin I'rovinee.i, Iion., I Has, 
 Svo. 4. Keligious Eudowinenis in Canada : tlie ('lorgy 
 Reserve and Hoetory Questions, Lon., ISO'.I, Svo. i. 
 Ueminiscenees of my I'ulilii' liil'e, ISMt. 
 IliilckH, llev. Tliuiiins, b. 181S, at Exeter, Eng. 
 1. A History of tlie liritisli llydroid Zoophytes, Lon., 
 1S68, 2 vols." Svo. 2. A History of the IW ilish Marine 
 Polyzoa, Lon., ISSO, 2 vols. Svo: vol. i., text J vol. il., 
 Iliiul, Kdwartl. Poems, Lon., I8i>;l, l2mo. 
 Hind, Henry Yonle, K.Il.d.S., b. 182.1, in Not- 
 tinghiiin, Eng. ; ediieated at Leipsio and Cambridge; 
 settled in Canada in 1817; became professor of chemis- 
 try and geology in Trinity College, Toronto, 1851 ; held 
 various appointments in connection with the govern- 
 ment surveys, anil was made professor of chemistry and 
 natural history in King's College, Nova Scotia. 1. Es- 
 say on the Insects and Diseases injurious to the Wheat 
 Crops, Toronto, I8.)7, Svo. 2. N'orllnvest Territory: 
 Reports of Progress, together with a Preliminary and 
 Ueneral Report on the Assinihoino and Saskatchewan 
 Exploring Expedition, Toronto, ISait, 4to. ii. Narra- 
 tive of the Canailian Red River Exploring Expedition 
 of 1857. and of the Assiniboino and Saskatchewan Kx- 
 ploring Expedition of 1858, Lon., |S6l), 2 vols. Svo. 
 " There is a great ileal of really valuable matter in Mr. 
 Hlnils book, but every now and then heshow.s very olearly 
 that he has got heyoiid his ileiitli."— .SW. Ktr., xi. ■■i40. 
 4. Exploration.s in the Interior of the Labrador Penin- 
 sula, the Country of the .Montagnais and Nasquappe 
 Indians. Illust. Lon., lsii:i, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "tiiich a.s bis story is, Mr. Hind tells it well and simply. 
 . . . Its pieturesiiueiiess is niueli increased by tlio obviiius 
 accuracy of tlie iUustrations made by Mr. William Hind, 
 the (IraugbtMnau of the expedition."— .^'iif. Kce., xvil. 111). 
 Also, various geological reports. 
 Ilinde, Frederick. 1. Poetry: a Lecture, Liver- 
 pool, IS5S, 4to. 2. Essays and Poems: selected from 
 the Literary Remains of K. Ilinde, Liverpool, ISH4, Svo. 
 Hinde, George Jennings. I. Eossil Sponge 
 Spicules from the Upper Chalk, .Munich, 18S0, Svo. 2. 
 Catalogue of Fossil Sponges in the (ieologioal Depart- 
 ment of the Urilsh Museum, Lon., IS83, 4t.!. ■i. lied 
 of Sponge Remains in South of England tireensand, 
 (Philosophical Transactions,) Lon., 1SS8, 4to. 
 Ilinde, John Hodgson. I. A History of Nor- 
 thumberland : Part I., Containing the lle:ieral History 
 of the County; State of the District under the Ro- 
 mans; the Siixon and Danish Kings of Northumber- 
 land ; the Olliiial Earldom : with a Narrative of Events 
 connected with the County, from the Norman Comiuest 
 to the Accession of the House of Hanover, .Vewcastlo- 
 upon-Tyne, 1858, 4to. 2. (Ed.) Symeonis Dunelmensis 
 Opera et Collectanea, (Surtees Soc. Pub.:) vol. i., New- 
 castle, I8»S, Svo. 
 Ilindle, Frederick U. The Legal Status of Li- 
 censed Victuallers ; 4th ed., Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 Hindley, Cliiirles, of Booksellers' Row, Holborn. 
 1. The liook of Ready-.Miide Speeches, Lon.. ISfiS, |2mo. 
 2. lEd.) Miscellanea .\ntii|ua Anglicana : the Old-Book 
 Collector's .Miscellany, Lon., IS71-7:i, li vols. Svo. :!. 
 (Ed.) The Koxburghe Ballads, Lon., lS7;!-74, 2 vols. 4to. 
 4. Tavern Anecdotes ami Sayings: including Origin 
 of Signs, and Roniiniscences of Ta.crna, (jotfee- Houses, 
 Clubs, .tc, Lon., IS75, ]i. Svo; new ed., 1S8I. 5. The 
 Life and Times of .1. Catnach, late of Seven Dials, 
 Ballad-Monger, Lon., IS7S, Svo. Only 25 copies printed, 
 li. A History of the Cries of London, Ancient and Mod- 
 ern, Lon., 18S1, p. Svo; 2il ed.. 1884. 7. The Hi-story 
 of the Catnacli Press (and the Two Catnachs, John and 
 ■James,) Lon., ISSCi, Ito. 
 Hindley, Elizabeth. Only Sea and Sky : a Novel, 
 Lon.. l'<7!. 2 vols. p. Svo, 
 Hinds, Arthur. Some Topics in English Gram- 
 mar, N. York, IS8I, llimo. 
 Ilinds, J. I. U. The Use of Tobacco, Lebanon, 
 Tcnn., I.S82, Svo. 
 Hinds, Rt. Rev. Samnel, D.D., [«»('■, vol. i., 
 add.,] l7lt;i-IS72. Ho resigned the see of Norwich in 
 1857 on account of the somewhat rationalistic views 
 which he had embraced. 1. Free Discussion of Religious 
 Topics, Lon., IStlS-(SU, 2 parts, Svo. 2. Another Reply 
 to the Question, " What have we got to rely cm, if wo 
 cannot rely on the Bible?" Ranisgate, ISflB, Svo. ;t. 
 A Reply to the Question, "Apart from Supernatural 
 Revelation, wlint is Man's Prospect of living after 
 Death?" Ranisgate, 1S7(I, Svo. 4. A Reply to the 
 Question, "Shall I seek Ordination in the Church of 
 Enghind ?" Rai.isgatc, IS7I, Svo. 
 Hinds, William, M.I)., professor of botany at 
 Queen's College, liirmingham. 'Iho Harmonies of Pbys- 
 ieal Science in Relation to the Higher Sentiments, Lon., 
 t I85:i, p. Svo. 
 Hinds, William Alfred. American Commu- 
 nities: Brief Sketches of Economy, Zoar, Beth, 1, the 
 Shakers, and the Brotherhood of the Now Life, Oneida, 
 X.Y.. 1878, Svo. 
 Hiue, C. C. 1. Fire Insurance: Book of Instruc- 
 ' lions for Agents. N. York, I8fi5. 2. The Insurance 
 I Statutes of the Initeil States and Canada, N. Y'ork, 
 1S76, Svo. :!. Letters to an Agent from the Patriarch, 
 N. Y'ork, IH76, Svo. With Niiiioi.s, W,\i,Th;H S. : 1. 
 New Digest of Insurance Decisions, Fire and Marine, 
 N. York, 1S82, Svo. 2. The Agents' Hand-Book of 
 Insurance Law, N. Y'ork, ISS7, Svo. 
 Hine, Edward. 1. The English Nation idcntilied 
 with the Lost House of Israel by Twenty-Seven Idcntili- 
 cations, Lon., 18711-711, 5 parts, Svo. 2. The English 
 Nation identiiied with the Lost Ton Tribes of Israel, 
 Warrington, 1872, Svo. S. Forty-Seven Idcntilieations 
 of the British Nations with the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, 
 Lon., 18V4, Svo; lll5lli thousand. 
 Iline, niande Kgerton. Poems, Lon., 1885. 
 Privately printed. 
 ■'Th^:« poems in this llltlc volume which were written, 
 OS we are told, by a child of less than eight years old, aie 
 uniiiiestioiialily very marvellnus specimens of poetical 
 ptiwer in cbildbood.""— .><;)(iVii(or, llx, 18. 
 Hine, Thomas Chambers. Nottingham: its 
 Castle, a Military Fortress, a Royal Palace: with Notes, 
 Lon., IS7l!-7«, 2 jiarts, 4to. 
 Hines, Gustavus. Life on the Plains of the 
 Paoilic: Oregon : its History, Condition, and Prospects, 
 Buffalo, 1851, T2mo. 
 Hingeston, Francis. The Poems of Francis 
 Hingeston. Edited by his Son, [Rev. F'rancia Charles 
 Hingeston-Randolph.] Lon., 1857, p. Svo. 
 Hingeston, James Ansley. Topics of the Day, 
 Medical, Social, and Seientilie, Lon., 1861!, p. Svo, 
 Hingeston-Randolph. See RANnoi.pii. 
 Hingston, Edward Peron. I. The Siddons of 
 Modern Italy : Adelaide Ristori : a Sketch of her Life. 
 Lon., lS5(i. Svo. 2. The (Jenial Showman ; being Renii 
 nibcenccs of the Life of Artennis Ward, and Pictures ul 
 a Showman's Career in the Western World, N. Y'orli, 
 1 870, Svo: new ed., 18S1. 
 Hingston, James. The Australian Abroad : 
 Branches from the Main Routes round the World. 
 Illust. Lon., 187H-'<0, two series, Svo. 
 Hinkley, Edward Otis, [antf, vol. i., HrNKi.Ev. 
 E., add.] 1. The Constitution of the United States ; 
 with Notes, References, Ac, and Index, Bait., 185;), Svu, 
 2. .Maryland Constitution, adopted 1S67: with Notes 
 and References, Bait., 1807, Svo. H. Testamentary Law 
 j and Law of Inheritance and Apprentices in .Maryland, 
 I Bait., 1S78, Svo. With Cauteu, C. S., The Revenue 
 ( Laws of the State of Maryliind, passed since the Yciir 
 i 1S4II, Bait., 1S5I, Svo. With M.WKn, L., The Law "1 
 .Yttacliuient in Maryland, Bait., 1S69, Svo. 
 Ilinman, Walter N. Under the Jfaples: a Story 
 of Village Life, N. I'orlc imd Chic. 18SS, l2mo. 
 I Hinrichs, Cnstavus Detlef, M.D., b. IS.Sf,. m 
 I Luiiilen, Holstein ; graduiited iil tlie University of Cojieu- 
 I hagen ISfiO; removed to the United States ; was niiulf 
 I professor of physical sciences in the Iowa State 1,'nivii 
 ! sity, ami of chemistry and toxicology in the medical d- 
 partuient of that institution in ISli.l, and in 1808 up- 
 poinled chemist to the State (ieological Survey. 1. Tli'^ 
 Elements of Physics, Dav<'n|iort, 1870, 2. The Priiiri 
 pics '.f Pure Crystallogriii'hy, Davenport, IS7I, ^l. 'I'li" 
 Principles of Physical Science demonstrated by the Sin 
 dent's own Experiments and Observations ; Part I., Tli'i 
 Elements of Clieinistry and .Mineralogy; Part II., In" 
 Principles of Chemistry and Molecular Mechanics, Dav- 
 '• Tho First Course in Quiin- I 
 with a View of tho Tl,i (wn r„, • "■' "'' N"rtl.w..«t : 
 tl- Hcy,U Charter... 'aI:,:." '^?"-- -.--'''"tea b. 
 which it v„.™;;/es"u;M ''nr''i'M i'''''"^"M'i'"i' 
 -'mi .'v«'i!x;':; Jills; jf-:i'^™i<"M,h^i.„,,^ 
 m,.,t«ke t„ rcKanl ll°iiMf';rr ,,',',','' IV" " !'">"ei "us 
 IIULsUnle, Grace WebstPr i r ■ 
 ...">' •• .t Hook of Daily D.\oV,"n?r' ,.:„?""""« ''' ">« 
 .-<, iimcli iieL'(lu;i."_Cr((;(. X -"""^ " '-•umributioii, or oiiu ""^''*«'^' —-tcait., xxvi. Hi,;, '"'* '"'I'lnig i,n all ami 
 "■■-•■ •■■"■ I /iKNKHAI, CuticIsM: 
 thu i,r,l,„ari- -H'Ii.m. „f he v,r "T, ""''''^^ ">liil(er In 
 prophet, a seer. Ili.s thinkh "f, "'• "as rather . . a 
 j;il.'(tual,pn,,; an 'evti ,.,«.'' "'''■'"'"il, nut , , ,' 
 the profnuialest thenie.s_(i, ,|' Mi *•' "'"■" "'^■"Iveil r.,im,l 
 ■imiliiiiini; anil roiieeiVtmti," .i "' '",','"■ "'"' "'"'Ve all 
 Hiiitoii, Uev Inh.. I. ^ ■'""'> •'"'X- 1- 
 "'ons, Lon., I.s42 .m", 2 I •'"''"'•' "' '"""i""'* Se;. 
 IliiUon, Chnrltv, ILnvard m 7 , I "'"• 
 Honmneea: vv|,„t j., ,iie FnnH, i,' •^- '• S^'ontitio 
 l^.xl-HS, 7 no«., en ,s'! ','"''' (^'nension.' Ac, U„., 
 I.on., I8M«, cr 8vo ■<Z' S' \f "" ^''"' "^ ''"'"'"glU, 
 Hinton, Henry r s",' -V,"-"' •''*"^^-^' '■"■'''" I N. York, isfis s„n r Jl'storical Coaturuo... 1 "'o'"'. Lon., I,s42, 
 ,.„i „i_... ',. „, '. ■ ^"^ Also, annotated editions : sponsibility, I,on 
 , > ^ I perienee; or, The 
 l'^l« he went as .sur«e ,„ ,?r',,r"f"''""'|.'" "**'• I" 
 Jarnaiea, where he ro u"i„e, . . '1 '" '^""•'■" ''™'"' '<' 
 vi-ting the United sZZ I^V^^'T' "'""'""'' 
 practice i„ L„n,|„ „„,, •.,„}",;■'" ''". ''egan ,„e,lical 
 aural .surger.v, in .Wiie h Sj T;';"'''' ''''!'»«'f t" 
 reputation. Ho was loctur ■, 11 i*'" P'""'^"'^'' and 
 "■■spital froia l8il;i to i' . ' w" "7'' ^xi-gery at (Juy's 
 liv.iion tode>i,to hr,„«„i.- , , "" S"vo up hs pro- 
 i>i%'..-'e ir,;;!ci.t ut-'v; ;:r'.''r"' i-^ics. Wr 
 l-pwellin«.p,ae„;an L,; ; ,;^^^^^^^^^^^ •''"" ■">" 
 O-tobor, lS7;i: witltl.r^i' "'"'''"''>'''' "«'Pit''l, ^ ''''^' ■'^ifPle aid natural ,.^ , , 
 «e-*-.\aininc(, Lon , 1861 r> a ,. " ■"■->" 
 I'f tl'^' Kpistlo^o the 1 on ,;,P-,,^7;; ,".■ An Exposition 
 ; "re Parallelism, I„ „ "«■ t!'" ' '•'"'-•ipl'^s of .Scrip- 
 i Works, Lon., 186*4, 7 vois. p sl-o'^'"- "• 'ri'e"l"gical 
 <' "'"'""^ P^h!.^;":"^- ■ ^T'^ »"-' Organs: 
 2'' e-i.. enl., same year " °'^'"'' '"'"•' >«8-'. ". 8vo; 
 I U.a,e,,.(..,i,i„,. liiograp i,..".)'^ \- \"Sl;^h Radical 
 2- 'I'lie Hand-Hook to A r I , ,' ■.«''' '"•^' '"'""■ 
 and , Scenery. I„«,'" S, 'Fra„ •'Is-r'i'r^'^^' "'^'"'y- 
 in tngland, and (.ther Jii, ^ .'• *^''''"«'' Jesuits 
 Franco and Ireland, Lent ,S77 8vo ?', ■■'?:'' '''"« "f 
 phrases, and Jly„„ « („ t for ri i'*' .^""'"'^' I'lra- 
 M.; ern. Lon.. igrg, 'i,^'^ ^'" Churches,) Ancient and 
 '■' '■■ "■ ■! ;.;»,',? ;";";!; "-n™- wi 
 Mr. Hiiiton wn.i anoarenM,- . " 
 ; '""•"I ; we sh„,„,| s,^,^."", , ' f, '""'"■'•I' in earnest to he 
 I"" laiieli 111 eiiriiest'i ,,', u- v., -."-V '*'"""' PHradoxical 
 ,"■''• ■"" 'ntellecial. I .1 le ' , ''' ,'" *™"''' "'' w,Ls 
 ""'• x'lise, hi.s li.ihit „,• „„ ,,, ,„f, '"' ^*eii ti. excess in 
 ^l■l■^al interest i,, , , „th 'r „"^"-"' ".".'f-wei^'hted with 
 _-■. ...t., ,,„ ^eelll III tl 
 'ion to A;>ci;nt'ni,-t„T''L;,;;''^"'"-''' ""'' ""^^i'-Kol"" 
 Illustrated (i,ii,i., ... i..2' '".'!':> ''*'•', p. 8vo. .(. An 
 i A Text-K;k:fESX""{^, *•;;"'"«' '"^'^""0; 'l 
 f?l'Hle„ts, Lon., 1S8> r "vo '^''„"'' rgy.. f" the L'se of 
 I nnd a TeVt'l!„„i; /•'''";'"-'"' 5'etallurgy 
 .^tuilents,-an.f A."„yo- " ,sf ''" ^?"^ '^'^''''--''^'^ 
 , "'Pkins, Alfred James F s"a ^i """'• 
 stiuiiieni.s, Jlistoric Hn,-.. „ i r, —*• Musical In- 
 «■"' I'-eriptiveZV, 7/,:;,'; ,ej" •''''' ^. ^."-'"'"etio", 
 ■'"tes in Clour.s, ,lmwn hi Iv . !'^ " •"''•^'^ '^'' ''ilfy|. ' '™"" hy Alilliam Oibb. Kdinr, 
 JV^^r'fkem'!^«!;::,J'-(:'ine. the Spirit of the 
 Lon., ISS6, p. svo '"'"'"« " \ersion of the Narrative, 
 p. " :,';•'' •''""«''• A Voice from tho Muses, Lon. 1866 
 ■■ii' ...';'•""'■. xivii ^70 ' "'"""1.1 iiieiiita- 
 .vanii'the;;:;;^; :;^'-;->:;-M"vifii«^ 
 l."""'."'»liiif,' and benV,- jfvi' ' ' ' , ''J;;'''-^ "»'' everywl,,. ^ 
 "V'visan fiiU'lleit ^vlli(. 1 , ,u,-l,V . '"'"■ '"'"''• '» that 
 ;miiK forces in ei,nu^^',p,ra «',,'"■ ""^' "'' ">-' ^.'rellf 
 "' ""'''■-'^^'^'^'^^rfA^:^^':^^:^ Perliap.sasa killii ' wi.h Special' Kefer;,ce: 1 ^Z"'"'"^' ''"" «-'«"-. 
 , Louis, I8,s;!, 8v„, '"^"^ insurance Feature.s, St. 
 Hirschi, A. J. 
 Plate-Girder Construction, N.York, 
 llirNi, J. Crowther. Itirani fircg, l.on., IS81, 3 i 
 vol.-*. or. Svo. ! 
 IlirNt, Jcilili. Till' Ni'H KviinKC'linl : hciii); OutllneH 
 fnr Villiim? l'ri'ii(!lic'i>, ,ti'., Lull., ISIlS, I'-'iiio. 
 Hirst, SnillllcL I. Soi'iiil Seii'iici'^ (ir, i^iiuial Uof- 
 oriiiiiliiin, Lull., iN.'i'.l, I2inii. 2. Tlie l,iiiiili \<( tJoil : ii 
 iSacrcil I'liein, in Twolvu liiiiiki', lioii., ISIlj. cr. Svn. 
 IlirKt, TluMiias. 1. Tliu Aiitdbiogruiihy (if llio 
 liihio, anil iitlicr I'oems, I-»n., IsH.'). |i. f'vo. 2. John 
 Wiiiililcton; or, The. Tiiiimiih nf l'rinfi|ilu: a Story of 
 .Mcthoilislie Faol.«. l.on., ISTil, Svii. I 
 HiNci>x, Kc'v. Kdwiird T., b. IHU, at Wo.ilcrly, 
 H.l. : giailiiatoil at .Miolisoii rnivcrsity ISJ.i, ai il filtered 
 the liiiptisl ininisliy, I. I'lio ll.i| Cliiireh Diieetury : 1 
 II (liiidc to the OoVlriiies ami l)isi'i|illne if tlie Hap- 
 tist Churehes, X. York, Is5ll, Illnio. 2. llaiili.-t Slioit 
 Mi'lhiiil witli Imniirfrs aiiJ il|i|ioiii'nl«, I'liihi., I^SII, 
 ISino. ;(. TheSiar Hook : a .Ma-iiial for liiipli.-l Cliiireh- 
 MeiiiliiM..!, N. York, l.'<7;'', ISino. I. .Slur liook on C'liris- 
 tian liii|iti.-<ni, N. York, IS7(i, ISiiio. 
 IIiNlop, iti'v. Alcxiliider, luiniHtor of tho Kast 
 Free Clnin'h, .Arliroatli. I. The Li^ht of I'ropheey let 
 in on llie Hark I'laees of tile I'apauy : heiiij* an K.\pojii- j 
 tion of The.isaloniaiis IT., Chapter ii., KJin., IS4I1, 12ino. ( 
 2. The Ite.l Uepiiblie; or, Tho .'^earlel Colimre.l Iioa«t of ; 
 thu Apooalypi-e, Kiliii., ISI'.I, ISino. .'i. Tlio Two lialiy- I 
 lou.s, their Mentity, ami the Present Aniichriat iilm tlio 
 Last, Kilin., IS,)!!, Svo. 4. The Moral Llentity of liahyloii 
 iinJ Koine, 1,011., |Hj,"), 12iiio. Anon. .'i. Infant liap- 
 tisin aeeonlin;; to the Wonl of tioil anil Confession of 
 Faith, Kiliii.,, l2iiio. Ii. The Seriptural I'rineiplea 
 of the Solemn l,ea;^iiu ami (Nivonant, in their Hearing 
 on the I'rcsent ."^tate of the Kpiseopal Cliuruhus, (Jlas- 
 gow anil l.on., l.sjs, .Svo. 7. The Two Habylon.s ; or, 
 The I'apal \Vor.ship proveil lo bo tlie Worship of N'iinroil 
 and his Wife. Illiist. 2d cd., Edin., 18o,S; jtli ed., 
 ■' This is in nil respects a very extraordinary book. Per- 
 liap.s the tllle is as woiiderl'iil as aiiythin« else about it."— 
 Sal. Her., viii. :i:W. 
 Ilislop, Alexnilder, publisher. I. Tho Proverbs ; 
 of Scotland : Colleeted and Arranged, with Notes, E.\- 
 lihinatory and llluatrativn, and a Glossary, (ilasgow, 
 1802, Svo; lid cd., rev., Ivliii., 1^70. 2. Tho Hook of ; 
 Hood Devices. Hy (iodlVey Holding, [pse.-.d.] Edin., ; 
 IS6-. :i. (Ed.) Adversaria, Ana, and Talilo-Talk: ai 
 Literary Coniinonplace-Hook, Lon., ISliil, 8vo. I. (Ed.) 
 Tho liook of .■icotlish Anecdotes : Humorous, Social, 
 Legendary, and Historical, Edin., 1874; now ed., 187(1, 
 l2mo. ■ j 
 Ilislop, J. P. Medical Attendaneo on Sick Chil- : 
 dren of the Poor in Large Towns, Lon., ISlii). ' 
 HiNlop, Kev. Strphcn, lsl7-188;i, b. at Duns,; 
 Scotland; studied at the Universities of Edinburgh and 
 Glasgow, and in IS14 was ordained and sent out as a 
 missionary of the Free Church of Scotland to Nagpoor, 
 Central India, where he remained, e.veopt for one year, 
 till his death, liesides discharging tho duties of his 
 oltiee with much success, he contributed many valuable 
 ]iaper3 to scientific journals. For biog., soo Smith, 
 Gkoiiok, iii/i-fi. P.ipers relating to tho Aboriginal 
 Tribes of the Central Provinces. Edited, with Not j3 
 and Prefaeo, by Sir Richard Temple. Nagpoor, 18 iti, . 
 Svo. i 
 HisKcy, James John. 1. An Old-Fashicned ; 
 Journey Ihroiigh England and Wales, Lon., IS84, 8vo. 
 2. A Drive through Englaml: or, A Thousand .Miles of 
 Koiul Travel. Illust. Lon.. ISS3, Svo. H. On tho Bo.\ 
 Seat from London to Land's EmI. Illust. Lon., LSSti, 
 Svo. 4. A Holiday on the Koad : an Artist's Wander- 
 ings in Kent, ."^usscx, and Surrey ; with Numerous Illiis- j 
 trations from Sketches by the Author, Lon., ISS7, Svo. 
 "A book full of health)' eiilliusiasin and agreeable de- ' 
 seriptlon, . . . The luiiiicrous illu.-lraiioiis add greatly to ■ 
 tlie interest of the tvxl."—SiJi(i'ilor. l.xi. ."il.'i. 
 Hitchcock, Alfred, A.M., M.D., 1S1:!-1S74, b. in ; 
 Westminster, Vt., and educated at Phillips .Andover i 
 Academy, Dartmouth College, and Jefferson College, 
 Pa. ; practised medicine in Fitchburg, Mass. He pub- | 
 lished several monographs and addresses. Christianity | 
 and .Medical Science, Host., |SI)7. | 
 Hitchcock, Beiijamiii >V. Chronological Record 
 of the Amnri.-an Civil War, X. York, ISfifl, Svo. 
 Hitchcock, Charles Henry, PhD., b. isiifi, at 
 Ambci-6t, Mass. ; son of Kev. Edward Hitchcock, In/rn ; 
 graduated at Amherst 1856; studied theology at Y'ale 
 and Andovcr; licensed to preach 1801; becniue State j 
 geologist of New Ilampshirc 1868, and professor of gool- | 
 ogy and minoralogy at Darlmouth ISllll. 1. Natural 
 History and Ueology of the State of Maine, [two re- 
 jiorti,] Augusta, IS6I-I12. 2. Now Hampshire Geologi- 
 cal Survey : lieports upon tho Geology and Miiieralogy 
 of the Stale, Concord, N. II., l8ll«-7 1, 3 vols. 4 to. .'), Tho 
 Geology of Now Hamnshiro. Illust. Concord, N.H., 
 IS74-78, ;i vols. Ilo. Willi others, Ueport on the Geology 
 of Vermont, Claremont, 1861, 2 vols. Ilo. Willi llr.v- 
 tini;ton, j. II., and others, Mount Washington in Winter, 
 Bosl., Is7l, Svo. 
 Hitchcock, Kev. Ihiward, D.D., LL.D., [niil>; 
 vol. i., add..] l71IH-lsl'il. I. Kcminiscences of Amherst 
 College, Historical, Seientilie, Hiographical, Autobio- 
 graphical, Northamptoii, 18C.:), l2nio. 2. Supplement to 
 the Ichnology of New England. Host., |S6,'), 4lo. With 
 HiTillidi K, Cil.viii.Ks H., Elementary and Poiiiilar Treat- 
 ise im Geology. Illust. IS6II, IL'iiio. With HiTcii- 
 coOK, Eliw.vKi), Jii., Anatomy and Physiology. Illust. 
 1S6II, l2ino. 
 Hitchcock, Kthan Allen, [oa/», vol. i., add..] 
 I7U8-IS70, was major-general in the T.S. volunteer army 
 during the civil war, and stationed at Washinglon, serv- 
 ing on the eomiiiission for llie exchange cd' prisoners, 
 ,Vc. I. Christ Ihe Spirit: an Ailempt to slate tho 
 Primitive Views of Christianity, N. York, 18611, 2 vols. 
 121110. 2. Kcniarks <m the Sonnets id' Shakspeare, X. 
 Yrirk, ISO.'), Klino; 2d ed., 1807. '■': Spenser's I'oeiii en- 
 titled " Colin Clout's Come Home Agaiiie" E.xplainjd; 
 l{einark.s upon the .Amorelti Sonnets, Ac, N. York, 1806, 
 l2nio. I. Notes on the Vita Nuova and Minor Poems 
 of Daiile, N. York, 1807, lOiiio. 
 Hitchcock, Hnrvey Itexford. An English- 
 Hawaiian Dictionary, for the Use of Schools, San Fran., 
 1S87, 1211IO. 
 Hitchcock, Henry. American Stale Constitu- 
 tiiuis: n Study of their Growth, N. York, 1SS7, 12nio. 
 Hitchcock, James llipley Hclhnan, h IS57, 
 at Fitchburg, JIass. ; son of Dr. All'ieil Hitchcock, 
 aiipid : graduated at Harvard 1S77. and, having adopted 
 literalure as a |irofefsioii, setlled in New Y'luk. I. T'.ie 
 AVcstern Art Slovemenl, N. York, ISSii. 2. A Study of 
 George Jenness, I8S5. '■'<. Notable Elcliings by American 
 Artists : Text, including an Essay on the Etching of the 
 Past Y' ear, N. York, 1SS6, fol. 4. Etchings in America : 
 with Lists of American Etchers and Notable Collections 
 of Prints, N. Y'ork, 1880, Svo. T). Important New Etch- 
 ings by American Artists: with Text, N. York, 18ss, 
 fol. 0. Madonnas by Hid Masters: Photogravures, with 
 Text, X. York. 1888, fol. 
 Hitchcock, R. V. Poems: Fragmonls, Stanzas, 
 and Songs, Lon., Is,')2, 12mo. 
 Hitchcock, Itoniyn. Synopsis of the Fresh- 
 water Uhizopods : founded u|ion J. Leidy's " Fresh- 
 Walcr Rhizopods of North America," N. Y'ork, 1881, 
 Hitchcock, Rev. Roswell Dwight, D.D., 
 LL.D., 1S17-1887, b. at East Machias, Mc. ; educated at 
 Amherst and at Andover Theological Seminary ; or- 
 dained Is45; became Collins professor of natural and 
 revealed religion in IJowdoin College 1852, professor of 
 church history in Union Theological Seminary 1855, and 
 president of that institution ISSli. I. Life of FMwaid 
 Robinson, N. York, 180:). 2. Coni]ilete Analysis of the 
 Bible, ,lc., I'hila., 1 86il, 8vo. 3. Socialism, N. Y'ork. 1 s7'.i. 
 12ino. 4. Tho New Testament : with the Readings and 
 Renderings preferred by the American Comi.iittee in- 
 corporated into the Text, ISsl, Svo. C. F^ternal Atone 
 luent, N. York, 1888, l2mo. With Sihaff, Piiilii', 
 and Ennv, Zaihahv, Hymns and Songs of Praise, for 
 Social and Sabbath Worship, N. York, IS74, Svo. Willi 
 Biiow.N", FiiANi'is, (trans.) Teaching of the Twelve 
 Apostles : recently discovered and published by Pliil"- 
 theos Bryennios, Metropolitan of Nicomedia : with In 
 troduction and Notes, N. York, 1884, 8vo. With Euiiv, 
 Z.MHAiiV, and Midiik, L. W., Cnrmina Sanctorum, Is8;i. 
 Hitchens, Rev. James Hiles. 1. Behold the 
 Man ! a Word to the Unconverted, Lon., 185S, 16mo. 2. 
 The Face of the King; or, Seeing Jesus Man's Greatest 
 Pleasure, Lon., 1S07, p. Svo. 3. The Furnace; or. 
 Truths for Hours of Trial, Lon., 1809, p. Svo. 4. The 
 Penalty ; or, The Eternity of Future Punishment, Lon., 
 1878, Svo: 2d cd.. 1S82. 5. The Young -Men of Scrip 
 ture, Lon., 187U, p. Svo. 6. Eoce Veritas ; or. Modern 
 Scepticism and Revealed Religion Weighed, Lon., 188i>. 
 p. Svo; new ed., 1887. 
 Hitchiugs, Charles H. Poems, Lou., 1851, 
 K.(f.. I,,,,,., ,,s'rH, 2 vl Hn,I ""■ '"'" "f n™-"'"'l«l,l. viii'.,'l.;,n 
 ■«. (I'M.) Hielmr,l K liurill; k ' M^T' 'l''"'V"';'' "*"• 
 h.v Lmly Ilurlou.) fl»iI'tiT.«, w,re written 
 .lolcs ami ilM,,,-!,-.,,! st« , 1,,.,,,, "'"'",'"""'' """ii"!!!!. unec. 
 <linracl(,Tm](l liU.-»,,rk C v rv .1 .'"■",»-'"'"t tlH'in<',-the 
 luMii's vdliii.i,. ,. 1" ..''..."!'..^' r> "1- Kiiinl iimu,-.\Ir. llit,'|, 
 5. An Kxim^itioM nf Hu,„„„, ,1 ,j| , 
 . Ilonrc, cm.!. i',|u„ril s: 
 .uMir.f volume will'' m.v, r'ih.'P''''I'''''','.'' '""".-Mr. l'lit,.|,. •■.".-■.■. 
 ••,. k.„ _ . . '""'"'". Ul. «,|„rc.,i. 
 »"ij^^!s.":,:y'S^-!-;;^'>;;"iin. With ,. „,,„. ,„„„„ 
 V.-...V on tho Christian Clmr •! I , , ' Is^ -' ^''' ''• 
 'i"": its .\atur„"l.r.;l,t „ J tT""''- L>n-"".p- 
 laent. Lon., I,s5« I2,m) '' " ' "'""'•••«l«> Trmt- 
 M- -Vorth An erica:.:;;- Fran^ "s'.r/ l',!,,': '''-"f 'ate, 
 sources of Calfornia ■ 1 '• '"o Re- , >.,..-,.„b. 1. ,\ UiiM „fil,o<.i 
 ;i-.f iii.tor, of c,:,'; r^; N. YTk' s--; ';'"• "■ '^ 
 f Ju»tiiio,(i„n " An !,, "' ■^';'''l''"'-'' "rouna 
 «;ri|;.ur.,e,.n«:rni «■ , A li;:"^ 'llT " ""l^^T "' 
 Wato'rror,lli' \ ,, ^^{•'^''•■Kf;; '^,f ^n , ,l„a„ „f 
 -I'luroJ, Lon., ISII s" o .y'""",'"'- tlii' limes- ,.„n- 
 ?;:nr'?..;^,' ?ir^^^^ 
 I<o«t«, ami DorivaM;;,!; ,?,^' V s ^ ] ^::.„^-, 'if^'-'' 
 'isli AVord.s (li.rii-,.,1 fr, ,., i ."■ „ ''• '-^''H™ ; or, En^- 
 I>'.blin, lH.l:f bn, ' ^"'"" ^^""''■- '^''-•" l-'oturcB, 
 ! ^i''t?m:Vv';';;S'l^^!;;:!:ii!!;;'';;;:. '« <" kv "'^""i«" '■- r^""" 
 ' '."•»l>l'inu..sui,,,„ s ' ; |'hv:'T v'' "■"'■'1,» "luHi are, 
 any m,,M,^. „,„,,,, ';,."/;;r^1j;;;^;!i^u^!:;i;i^ j^ji' 
 of fted^^b. liirrn'SuMr*^'"',""'', ''■'■' -" 
 l_>llt'«'. Uubli,^' l.sfotdaui 7 ,•?"'"'"''' ■V?'""y 
 Kunt, l,sril-ss and sin.r.i'^^ • .' "''''or of Acrisc, 
 I ^ra, iNnn Ann ■",";"' ', '"■• ^"'^^'^ Fortune, !,„„., 
 Tale, L„„.. I.S7 "nnm ^'';""'^'-V!:Bg»" ^ " I.iverpoo 
 whate„u.;of thou,' ;., A r'p 8:„'7 ^^"y'T,'.'""' 
 Trevor's Training. Lon , sh' ,s°; "*?""■ '' -' T^ 
 tn-een tlie Lofka • n,. t . 1 ' ' "• -Anon. ,"1. He- 
 I^on., I8/lM2m ; Anon" '^i'T"'' "^ " ^^"'e'-P-'rty, 
 I.i«hFumi'n L ;, | ,"^0 „ 8;.o'"l""'™%'" '""'-reat 
 Enemy; or, Tho .s rm^„i' 'f w'uwP""- "■ '<'"^^ Carbon's 
 »• A JJrave 
 of Ca,ea .lotor.nined i„' (ho Su, r ; 'o r""', l' x?'''"'^'^ •'™'' I'lague Y 4' I """ "/Jiy"" I "^ '^ Tale of the 
 vols. v.-i.x., ,San Fran 1 W, ^X, T, "^ ^^'*'"''". ^-'is'" •' l^eing a Nana! «" r i. V,'"' *^*'"- "• ^ 
 fornia. 18,0(1-64: w No ts tr'n""™' ^""-^ "^ ^'"'i- William Lof/lno,"rT,n',\^'r^ ''"'''' "^ '^'"-'"^r 
 Sotutos, San Fran 1,^6° o £.?""!'" ""'^ ^'™'- !'"«'! f^teel /or-C^'ini' v -'','• '*°- '»• Tern- 
 Iloadley, J. c. ,v;,,„, „. , ^ Pilgrim,, Lon., Isl, p " "o ^^ ,V"'p ^^° """'« "f 'ho 
 .,. Vor..., 8.o»"— -™^o= a Kopor,, ^^^^^1 ^li^ ^^^ ^ ^ .^^^^ 
 '.SwMf&;8^« ^-^- Now Au. 
 a Volume of New Poems, AdehUdo"' ^'^''"''°' ^'"'^y ^ 
 a.'l""-:;^,^!;=^,J,;^-»-tion Afado Easy: 
 '""■ ed., 1S.SI f ,e" d SHS i'"S', '■",?/• '^^5- '-»"'.• 
 Mnehant's (Juide Lon ,4; ."m ^''? " "" ""'' ^l'^"' 
 "'"' I'ow to uso it ho,;' , sfiJ ,■"'"• • • J'"' •''"'''' K"le, 
 '"■" "'"1 Steel: i Ck iw 'tho" F ' '•\^''- '''*'• '' 
 l."n, and Office: fl h e,l r.":" I':;[««. ,^?unJry, Fae 
 l"..v, and Offieo, (ith ed., Un., IszT.' str'^r^'.-r" ' f T',?-''''' "'""•>'' '"'nker'. 1.' 
 Life: Pounds', Duncan Di?'t%l"'',T^-'" ""'""'^ 
 Hoare, Rev. George 'T„.;ke;' , ti '■,;"• 
 Museum, Lon., 1858, p. 8vo 2 A . ' \ ^^ '"ag« 
 •^■0 IVople, Lon., 1 S(iO,'^^v„ ;i (Ed ( T I " •'''' •■"■• 
 ""^.f;..".-:'."-"' .'"'■;.'«'^- 1. Outlines of Eeolesi„«. 
 (Originally published in 
 L"ii., 18,sr, l2mo. • 
 ' " .S^r[ ;:L^'::^o-fe Ji^ «-V;f ;-- ; „„«!:«- .^-V.^^. ^he Approeiatlon of «old 
 '-■1 Th, Light of I'ropheey bein J V 7'"' \T' '■ I ^«'"'' •-<™. ' "" ^'-'l"'"''*" of Trade, Lon., 
 From Adnm In Alirahnin : on dcnosli", Ch»|i8. I. to xiv., 
 I.un., IttsH, I '.'mil. , , , 
 iloare, Kcv. Willinm Henry, [■n,te, vi.l. 1., 
 a(l(l..l(l. IttSH, ii«f.l "N. I. ()iitli.)\cniuityoltheHook of 
 tlenosis : with tli.' l.ilo iind Character of tho IinplrcJ llii- 
 toriiin, Lon., infill, Mvo. '.'. I,«llur to llishop Colon^'o; 
 with Fuilhur lleply, I-oti., 18i!:i, Svc ; llh (i.l.niiiiio yiur. 
 Ilubart, Ilev. John Henry, D.I)., Ii. IS17, m 
 New York City i fon of Bishop ,(. II. riohiirt, («/• ''•, 
 iinl', vol. i.;) uruilimtcJ at Columbia Collego IS.IB; or- 
 dainoil in lliu I'rolestunt Kiiiscopal Ohureh IHIl ; roftor 
 of Trinity Church, Fishkill, N.Y. 1. Instruction unci 
 EncouniKoment for hent, N. York, lsr.!l. 2. Churel. 
 Uuforni in Mexico, ls77. :t. .Metliicval, I'lipaLiina Ultual 
 Princiiilc^ .-^tatfa an.l Ccmtrantccl, N. York, 1S77, l«mo. 
 Ilobiirt, Hcv. William Kirk, I,I-.U., grBduati!,! 
 at Trinity College, Dublin, ISfiH; onliiinc.l isfil; c lo- 
 cc»an curalo of Derry an.l Kaphoo sin.u l»xi\. Iho 
 Mclioal hanguagf of St. Luk" : a Proof from Interna 
 EviUenco that " Tlio (iospol according to .»*t. I.uko unit 
 "Tho Acta of the Apo.ities" woro written by the came 
 Person, an.l that tl. Author was a Medical Man, Dublin, 
 "lie has a w.,rk .>f great valueof a i-f^'C aj 
 kiml an.l su.'li as lew persons but hiMisell in the preseui 
 .lay eoul.l have exe.iule.l."— ^co.f., xxiv. 7J. 
 Hobart-IInnipden. tieo IIamiukx. 
 Hobbes, W. K. I*. Arithmetic of Electrical 
 Measurements: with lixamples worked, Lon., 18»7, p. 
 ikobbs, C. W. Lynn and Surroundings, Lynn, 
 Mass., ISSB, Svo. . „ , T, , c 
 Ilobbs, Charles E. I!.)tanical HanJ-Bojk of 
 Common, Local, English, Botanical, and IMiarmaooptfiial 
 Names, Bost., 1S7«, Svo. . . 
 Hubbs, Isaac H. Architocturo: containing De- 
 signs for Villa-s, Ac: with Rules for Criticism and Intru- 
 duoti.m, I'hila., 1872, Svo; 2de.l., enl, 187«. 
 Hobb8, J. S. 1. Sailing Directions for the Oult 
 and Kiver of St. Lawren>;e, l.on., IS4.5, Svo. 2. Sailing 
 Directions for I lie Islands of Uuornsey, .lersey, Ac, 18411, 
 Svo. ;i. Sailing Directions from the Toxel to the Horn 
 Reefs, 1S52, Svo. 4. Sailing Directions for the Bristol 
 Channel, Ac, 1855, 8v.). Other works of the same kin.l. 
 Hobbs, Capt. James. Wild Life in the tar 
 West: Personal Adventures of a Border Mountain Man, 
 St. Louis, 1875, Svo. 
 Ilobba, Samuel. Fireside Melodies: a Love- 
 Dream. By Sylvan, [pseud.] L.m., 1S51I. , „. . 
 Hobb!i, Samuel W. 1. One Hundred and Sixty 
 Culinary Dainties for the Epijure, Invali.l, and Dys- 
 pcjitic, Lon., 1SS4, or. Svo. 2. The Kitchen Oracle; or, 
 M.Hlern Culinary Art, Lon., IS86, Hvo. 
 Ilobbs, Ven. Stephen, eduouted at the Church 
 Missionary College, Islington ; ordained 1838 ; formerly 
 archdeacon of .Mauritius; curate of Tollorton, N.'tting- 
 hamshire, 1884-86. Tho Perfect Pattern of All Prayer : 
 Lectures on tho Lord's Prayer. Lon,, lss;t, Svo. 
 HobbH, Thomas Francis. The Subalterns 
 Hand- Book and Guide to the Military Examinations, 
 Belfast, 1859, Svo. 
 Hobbs, W. Fisher. Landlord, Tenant, and La- 
 bourer, Lon.. 18.VJ, Svo. 
 Hobby, Edwin. Treatise on Texas Land La-/, 
 St. Louis, Mo., 1883, Svo. 
 Hobday, Edward. 1. Cottage Gardening, Lon., 
 1877, p. Svo. 2. Fruit-Culture for Prolit, Lon., ISSli, 
 12mo. 3. Villa Gardening: a Hand-Book for Amateurs 
 and Practical Gardeners, Lim., 1SS7, p. Svo. 
 Hobhouse, Sir Arthur, Itaron Hobhouse, 
 K.C.S.I., b. 1S19; educated at Eton, and at Balliol Col- 
 lege, Oxf.ird; callcil to the bar at Lincoln's Inn 1845; 
 law member of the governor-general's council in India 
 1872-77; raised to tho peerage 1SS5. The Dead Hand; 
 Addresses on the Subject of Endowments and Settle- 
 ments of Property, l.on., ISSil, p. Svo. Also, single 
 lectures, .t.'. 
 Hobhouse, Rt. Rev. Edmund, M.A., D.D., 
 graduated at Balliol College, Oxfonl, 1S38; ordained 
 1841; Bishop of Nelson ISoS-tioj Assistant Bishop of 
 iichlield ISB'.t-Sll. 1. Sketch of the Life of Walter .le 
 Morton. Founder of Mcrton College, L^m., !-:A'.l, Svo. 2, 
 (Ed.) The Register of Roger de Norbury, Bishop of Lich- 
 field and C.iventry, from A.D. 1322 to A.D. 1358, (Wil- 
 liam Salt .•Vrchieological Society,) Stafford, ISSO, Svo. 
 Hobhouse, Henry, M.A., b. IS.OI; educated at 
 Balliol College, Oxford; called to the bar at Lincoln's 
 Inn 1880; M.P. for Somerset since 1885. (Ed.) Tho 
 Parliamentary Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Practices) 
 Act, 1SS3: with an Intr.iduction, .to., Lon., 1883, p. Svo. 
 With Fa.ssiiawe, E. L., The County a Guide, 
 Lon., 18H8, Svo. 
 Hobhouse, Walter. The Theory and Praetice 
 .)f Ancient E.lucation : being the Chancellor s English 
 Essay, iss.'), Oxf., ISSj, Svo. , 
 Ilobkirk, Charles P. I. Ilmldersfield ; its His- 
 tory and Natural Ilislory. must. 2d od., Lon., IHliS 
 p. Svo. 2. A Synopsit of the British Mosses: based 
 uiion Wilson's " Bryol.igia Brilannica," Ac, L.m., Is73; 
 2d ed., rev., 1HS4, p. Svo. With B.wwKi.L, H., Ihe Lon- 
 don (.I'ltaloguo Id' British .Moss.'S, !,.in., 1877, 8v.). 
 Ilobkirk, William, .'f.mndings in Sacred \\ aters ; 
 or, M.idern Calvinism the Great Moral Barrier to the 
 Pr.)greBs of Vital Christianity in Presbyterian bcolland, 
 E.lin., 1S54, p. Svo. „ , »■ 
 Iloblcr, Francis, formerly secretary of the .\umis- 
 niatio Society of London. Records of Roman History, 
 from Cnii'us Pompeius to Tiberius Conatantinus, as ex- 
 hibited on the Roman Coin collected by F. H., Lon., 
 1S6I), 2 vols. 4to. 
 Hobley, Henry. Five Years of Granny Glad- 
 stone's Rule, [verse,] Lon., ISS5, Svo. 
 Hoblyn, Anna Margaret. 1. Time's "Changes: 
 Pilgrims' Poems and Hymns, L.m., Is83, p. Svo. 2.'s Omnipresence ; The Gospel Plan of Salvation ; and 
 other Poems, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 
 Hoblyn, Miss Maria ThcreSB. The Fisher- 
 man's Daughter, and Dreams of the Past. By Thela, 
 [pseu.l.] Lon., 1889. . , 
 Hobson, Arthur II. B. The Amateur Mechanic s 
 Haml-Book: Tools, Work, Ac, Lon., 1877, l2mo. 
 Hobson, Ueixiamin, M.B. A Medical Vocabu- 
 lary in English and Chinese, Shanghai, 18.^8, Svo. 
 ilobson. Rev. Edwin, M.A., graduate.: at frinity 
 College, Dublin, 1870; ordained 1871 ; lirincipal .if the 
 Tottenham Training College for School-Mistresses sine.. 
 1S77 1. Aids to the Study of the Books of Samuel. 
 Books 1 and 2. Lon., 187B, 12mo. 2. Church-Teachinj; 
 for Sunday-Schools, Lon., 1882, 12nio. 3. Notes on the 
 Athanaaian Creed, Lon., 18S7, p. Svo. 4. With my 
 Father : a Plain Manual of Home and School Prayers, 
 Lon , 1887, 32mo. , , , . . o. 
 Hobson, Rev. John, British chaplain at Shang- 
 hai. Discourses to a Christian Congregation in a Heathen 
 Land, Lon., 1S5S, Svo. 
 Hobson, Rev. John Fhilip, M.A., graduated i.t 
 Worcester College, Oxford, 1872; ordained 1873; vu;ir 
 of Stanstead Abbots since 187S. 1. "From Death uiiio 
 Life,", 1877, Ifimo. 2. Scenes in the Life .1 
 David ; a Service of, Lon., 1877. 3. A Short Me- 
 moir of the Late Rev. G. Dawson Campbell, Lon., ISMi. 
 4. Scripture Echoes in our Church's Collects: willi 
 Hvmns, Lon., ISSl, p. Svo. ,„ ,. 
 Hobson, Mrs. M. A. Carey, a resident of .'^outh 
 Africa. 1. The Farm in the Karoo; or. What Charky 
 Vyvyan and his Friends saw in South Africa, l.on., 
 18S3, fol. 2. At Home in the Transvaal, [a novel.] 
 Lon., 1884, 2 vols. p. Svo. 3. S.mth African S' in.-, 
 Lon., 1SS6, 12mo. 
 Hobson, Richard. Charles Watcrton : his ■iie. 
 Habits, and Handiwork : Reminiscences of Nearly Th ,v 
 Years. Illust. Lon., IStifi, p. Svo; 2d ed., enl., ISi.T. 
 Hocliaday, John A., and others. (Ed.) Missouri 
 Revised Statutes. Annotated. Pub. by the State. ISTJ, 
 2 vols. Svo. 
 Hochhcimer, Louis. A Treatise on the Law re- 
 lating to the Custody of Infants, Bait., 1S87, Svo. 
 Ilochstrasser, Henry de. 1. Facts and Im- 
 pressions of England : the Views of a Naturalized For- 
 eigner, Lon., ISSO, p. 8vo. 2. Work and Save; or. J lie 
 True Story of a Reformed Continental Village, l.nn., 
 1S8I5, p. Svo. 
 Ilockin, Rev. Frederick, M.A., graduated iu .-t. 
 J.din'.s College, Cambridge, 1849; ordained IS41t: renter 
 of Phillaek since 1853 ; hon. can.m of Truro, and pr.i ut 
 in convocation. 1. John Wesley and Modern Meiliod- 
 ism, Lim., 1875, p. Svo; 4th ed., enl., ISS7. 2. .Mar- 
 riage with a Deceased Wife's Sister forbidden by the 
 Law of (!ud. ISSl. 3. Why we refuse to obey eiilicr 
 the Privy Council or Lord Penzance's Court, _188:'. 4. 
 Notes .m Re-Marriage after Divorce, Lon., 1SS7. 
 Hockin, John Brent. Practical Hints on I'lio- 
 togniphy : its Chemistry and its Manipulations, l.on., 
 ISliU, p. Svo. 
 Hocking, Joaculi i ii n i. ••■-., 
 niu... La....i88i .,,'.;,„ '^r-? "' *',","'''"«'"«'^ i.ii". 
 llockli-v Mil . ^ i.^' "'""• I'""., NS.S, i,.,Svo 
 im.^.l .i,.r ov«v?„," Jsf u 'a ^'^r ; i\\'.\T!T^^' '"" ''■■"- 
 n"»- prtwiito,! (o ,i„, |,„', He ^^ 1, ,'"""•, ""•' "'"rl''^ iw 
 liil "■|,r,.se,ilKll„„s „f ()ri ■ niiii •,.„,„',' "T':'"" "■"' '"'H'- 
 ^II.Kla«ewcb,U._AVoi™f>.,„. „i,hi„.,,,VaM. 
 I I'iMla.. IN,:, Sv„^vu,, ''''■•''■'"" ' '""'"Wio"! Theme. 
 acl.L.J 17«r-IS7M,c"khn,":i ,.'•• '' • '"""■' ^'''• 
 t'nMiea, „n'l of tho Even s ,?f h," ^^.'""1"' K" '» the .he ohair ,? emie, I tl' " "■*- ''" '"'J ^een ^iy^^ 
 (The author, a Polo byb r" JJ' ^^^''^ ''""- '^■-6. .li.lae.k. a,„l Ix '2 „ , t ,1 '''^ '", .""''''""" '" "'"t of 
 sian service, but .loserLl ., 'i i" '''°'^^'" '" "'^ Hus. pk-d. llj, o,| , ,?^„ ' "'eology, which he alrcaily „ecu 
 .h:>r;r;-i:ir;^l,^';;a;;i!y^^-/'{,;^i' ->-.-.. hear., 
 IloUder, Edwin h mia "•''■•"■•*-'• 
 -n IsC ,o,;- TloJuinor Clerk.- a Talo of Ci y 1 fe 
 j;^f!f!n !h;:\«l^!:':'',:":;i!.^-'i\i'"- -mio.i^.l'":?: 
 ";!,,, in'vo";;c:"i;,;„''''ii^«;ri>"'lj "V' ,*• '^''"' ■''""•>• 
 -tall-Ii„v of i.„. ,..."■".!' ''".1- ';-.«9.. '"<"». 7. Tho 1 Hodge, l)„viH t^ 
 with i'reia,;;;;N;;,« bv Jev w" .';'"" "'' "'* '•"'""•^■'' = 
 Cori„thi-.n.,"N T,rk |s«o J^" «T".,1 '"'''''"'« '» "'e 
 litT Tales, l,o„.. isr.s 1 •,,.,. ..•,.'°'''" '*'■'•■'. Hodge. Il«v. I. m ,.,..... 
 ""'NIehih: aStorvofth.Pv,; • ,-'""• '"• Ephraim 
 must. Vol.. i. and ii r 0°, -"'"«„'" '«'"-■" ""'' "'■'••• 
 vol. i., l.ssa }■> To, II • ; '^''*f"- ■•. Svo ; new od,, 
 a.lven',ure;,- J„ ; ,«" ^o ^i '^:':""'T"""' •^"- 
 llieir Origin, I'n.iress ami tC . ""-'" ""^ "'« ^^"--IJ •• 
 Hodge, r^^ V l.en.U ;,•,.,''*'''« or. Svo. 
 - "" fiseasos peculiar to 
 • 'J 
 I'l'iiinir Tlu-relshssL . 1 " '"f"'."! Hiu present 
 nii'iit. . . . We V,.,. iw r. ; /' . "■'* «'"" "1 this arranire 
 ^I<^ with s ^,^r^; ii I" '^•'li'-J- "^ "eknew 'ill^t 
 l'"ni.v and ul.ility, a^, 1 an l, f''!'' '"•'"/*■'''■' ''''» '" "U" ' 
 ti'ael,inK,,fthat.4Wh n'^.-'in h^^ '-f the spirit an.i 
 ""dll^rr'^eorgrV^;:?.''''";;!'^'''''*- ' 
 M,,:\,,„ |"4ri^,?' '•„^'*«''^'"''"' I'ife iindChar- 
 tl- tieneral A.eaibli:! 'is^^lss"' Phlhf ?^'';T "^ 
 N. York^,f„'d Chi;.,'t,"'7''1'.r' '"'"^ ''^"^ " «"^-'. 
 ^ CoS^V j^l'^S!^. f ;^-' 'i. •f'^ in Fork, Su!|iva„ 
 k'nton, la., Vsfifi-S2 The PeV; '-""I" ^"'""""'' ^'-'I'" 
 I"'"-. Iv,;,'l2nm <-atfchi.m of Fortification, 
 C.U "::^«^^,,'''»''«'" (t'^eua.) See ilclLVA.NH, 
 t i 
 .it--! q 
 iHr«, |>. Hvo. 
 HoiIkcn, Jnmi'Mi (iirinniiilnn of the (.runt \ io- 
 toriii \UAtii' in ('Miiii.l.i., \>*M. r. S«\. I 
 IIodKi-N, Joliii I'n-dcrick. I. FiiMt Slip:, k. ; 
 I'nicliculCliriiii'try, Idp Aniiculliiiiil Sliidciil*, \i'.. I."ii., j 
 IH.i", IL'iiic); :i(l eil„ If*.')'-. '2. OiilliiifH iif lljo Stnu'tiio I 
 mi'l I'li.vKiuldB.v cif tlii' \iiiiimli< "f tlio Funii, l.un., ImI:', i 
 K'.iKi; lMe.l.,'l^7«. ,, , 
 JlodRCN. NU'liolHK William, f■^,^, vol, i„ inl.l.] 
 Till' riiihiili.' llmi.Mloiik; ii Ili-tHry "I'llio Metri)|ioliliin 
 >Ii»»«, Ac. lllM-l. I,"n., Is.,", Hki. 
 lIotlKUK, llifhiud, M.I). On the Nalnrp. I'n- 
 tlioioKv, unilTii'iiiiiii^iii "I I'lii'i'iHTiil Ciinvulsiuns, I.iin., 
 18111, j..8v(i. 
 Il«dui-N, Itit'liiird .■>!., M.I)., of Ito.lon, Mimi-. 
 1. The H.\ci-ion nlMuinl*, itn.^t., |st!l,>v.i: '.Mnl., l.-lllt. 
 2. I'niclii'iil DiHi-ccli'ins; :M O'l., I'liili^, ll^iw, i'-'ino. 
 llodKCN, Sydiu-y. 1. l)iri{i. lor the liiiiii'il Dyke, 
 Lon., l!*.'.:', p. >vo. 2. I'liu Hiitilo of llii..|ipu<. aiol 
 i.tlie- I'oenis, I,on„ I".):!, K'nio. .'!. OcolfrfyV Wifo: n 
 Ucmlnisconoc. lUSliinlry Hope, [|ihihi.I.1 I,on., 1«TI, 
 2. vols. p. Svo. 1. A .Ni'" (iodivii. lly .Siiinlry Hope. 
 Lon., I^7«, ;l voir*, p. .Hvo. .1. .\inoiiK llic (libjixDi a 
 C'liiM'r! U.piniincu. Illiisl. I, on., I^-'I, '({. Hoao. «. 
 AiiKin;; tlu' Woblins: a L'liiM's Uonmnoo. lllui't. Lon., 
 I»^2, -llo. 
 Ilodgcs, Williniil. Ilapli^ni, tivteil by .Scripture 
 iukI lli:.torv, X. York. I.hT:), IlMmo; M <m1., IhTU. 
 IIodgl'itN, K. A. Ilriiyley. (Trans.) IVow.nal 
 Reniini.^L'cni'es of (iciiiMiil .-ii>ul)i;lciri from llio Uiiaaiiui 
 of V. I. Ncniirovili-li-l)iinlc;ln'nko, l.oii., I^^l. Svo. 
 II<n:(;vltN,J. I'n-dfrick. 1. "IIit hn^'lim.l ; II- 
 lll^tral^•ll by the An(.'l"->a.\on Antiquities in the liritisli 
 Mu,iunin, l,on., IMH4, two aeries, Mvo. 
 "The hook consist.- of a niUecllon (jf six lectures de- 
 llveml tivtiic author In the Kooui ol tho 
 Itrllish .Miiscuin, and n UKWt iiilerestini,' In.ok it s, lull nl 
 (lul-ol-llicwav Icuniiiik' uml of facts which it behooves all 
 who lovethi.s'Knullsli laml. and are curimis ahoiit the l.e- 
 Kiiiniiijisof its history, to know. .Mr. Ituskiii, whovviu- 
 Klcclioiis in Unlario; LM cl., Toronto, \x>*6. 
 Ilodilkillt Howard, M.A., h. Inj"; Kraduatc.l at 
 .lesiis I'olieKi, Cainbridxe, |S7!*i called to ihe har at 
 I,lnc(dn's Inn l.'^>2. Irish Land l.e){ishition and the 
 Uoyal Coniniis.-ionurs I a .^iiinniary of the Ueporti of the 
 Uoval Ci issioners. I.on., I-->I, Svo. 
 llod|{liill, Jolill Kliol. Monograms, .\ncient and 
 Modern: their llisloiy and Art Treatment. Ilhi.-I. 
 Lon., l-illl. I -mo. ' , ,, , , 
 IIodKUill, Tlioilias, M.D., [nnl,; v.d. i., add.] 1. 
 Blographieal .-Sketch of iJr. W. Sirou.l, Lon., ISj8, Svo. 
 2. Narrative of a Journuy to Morocco iu ISB3 and 1864, 
 Lon., I Mill, r. Svo. 
 IIodKkiii, Tlioinnx, D.C.L.. h. Is:il, at Tottcn- 
 ham, Midillesi.x, Koj^, ; eoucated at drove House School, 
 Totlinliaui. and at I'niversity ('.■llene, l.ioolon, and 
 Kradiiiited with honors at llie I'liiversity of London I."*.. I. 
 He is engaged in hiisiness as a lueiiilier of a hanking 
 tirm at Newcastle, and his historical work has liecn llie 
 I'liiplovment of his leisure hours. The honorary de^jrue 
 of IJ.C.L. vas 1 IVrred upon him liy liie Inivorsity ol 
 Durham in l~^:;, ami hy llie Inivcrsity of Oxford in 
 ISSIi. He lias eonlrihuted to the Kdinhuri!li lieview and 
 other periodicals, and to Ihe ninth edition of the Kncy- 
 elopiedia Hriiannica. I. Claudian : the l.asi id' the Id. 
 man I'octs ; Two Lectures delivi'red hefore the Literary 
 ami I'liih-.-ophical .Society, Ncwcastle-on-Tyne, New- 
 ca.-tle and I.on., |S7J, p. >vo. 
 •■ More iihle and appreciative tnatiiieiit than that which 
 Mr, !luil«klii (fives lo hi- sulijeeteoiilil not he desired. — 
 f-iniliihn. .\lviii. mil. 
 2. Italy and her Invaders: vols, i., ii., .37ii-176. U\f, 
 1S8II, 8vo'. 
 "The idea of the hook Is lodcscrihethe proees.sliy wliicli 
 the oM i;overiiiiicnt anil ch illzalioii of II ly were dc 
 ■.Iroved.aiidthe loiiinlalioiis laid for Ihe new evelopluciit 
 ofh'er niediaval lllc. . . . 'Ihe conception is a tine one, 
 Morlhv of Ihe loin; iiinl serious sludy which Mr. Hodnkin 
 has evidently Kiveii il . . . lie has I.een driveiito depart 
 prelly widely Iron' his original ' ' 
 1- mil .sn imich a hislorv ol ii*il.> liini mu ........ 
 (if the select few who listened to ilicse lectures, said lliiU I j;iveii us iml so iiiiich a history of Italy and the leiiton 
 tliev were a new revehilion of triilh and poetry lor linn ; nations that inviidcd her as a series ol pictures Iroin II 
 thai he had no Idea of llic wealth and heaiuv of ancient fiaiith and lillli ccnliiiies. . . . 'Ihe hook Is one ol ure 
 KiiL'llsh teachiiiL's iiiilil he heard them IVoiii .Mr, llod^ielts' and uiicoiiiinnn merit-. . . . There isa IreshnessaiKlhcMii- 
 llps' thai the laller had ovcrluriicd sunie of Ills most | jness ahoul il which makes H pleasant rcadlnt.' Irom Ih.- 
 elierisheil ooiiiions. hut had uivcn him a new Held of ; ilrsi pat;c lo the lasi. flic iiulhor has lived so loiij,' "-"oic; 
 thoUL'ht instead."— S(»r(>i'"'-. Ivii. 118. : ihe men of whom he write- thai lliey have become uuilc 
 ■' Kccentrlc .-peculations arc made Ihe text for mornllz- | real and liviiin lo him, and his lulerest eommuii caU- 
 inu discourses, which tonether take ii). Ihe urealer part ol ■ i,s,.ir to his readers, . . . His style is always simple, li'el.v, 
 the volume We should he Khul if we coiilil assent to Ihe ^.ranliic ; and if his Ireatmciil. and the occasional relic.- 
 hiuh praisj which the author iiuotes from I'rof Ituskin ti,,i,> nr illustrallons which he throws in. heconie oeeasloii- 
 anil oilier emiiieut persons who were anioiii; his hearers; \ u\\\ -omewhat more himlliar Ihan the last Kcneratl.iii 
 but the fact that such praise could be ,;iven onlv shows „o'iild have thoiinht eompalihle with the ditjnity of hi- 
 how urcally the edueated publie stands in need ol en- i.irv.lhis is, iillcr all, an error on the ni;lit side, an enm 
 llirhteiimeiitrespectlUK'Older I'.UKlaud.'"— .loi((., xxv.Jlll. wh'ich one is ilispo,«ed to praise when Ihe subject Is so rc- 
 2. The rhauipion of Odin; or, Viking Life in Uays iiiote and little known llial a dry and pnik-nial c luuii lii.i.' 
 of Old must.' Lon., 18S.^, p. slo. 3. The EnKlish in "' 't >s more than usually eerlain lo repel most ,peopK-, 
 the Middle A;;es, from the Norman Usu ■nations lo the 
 Days of the Stuarts, as Illustrate.l by the Mediieval Re- 
 mains in the Ilritish .Museum, Liui., ISS5, Svo. -L Ivan 
 Dobiotf: a Russian .<toi-y, I'hihi.. Is.sil, p. Svo. .'i. lid- 
 win, tho Hoy Outlaw : or, The U:i'vn of I-'rcedoui in Eng- 
 land, Lon.,'lsS7, \>. Svo. (). (irealer Knglaml; 'leing a 
 Drief Ae.'ount of the Various I'osses.sions of Hor .Maj- 
 esty in Kurope, Asia, Africa, America, .Vc, Lon., ISS7, 
 p. Svo. 7. Harold, the Roy Earl: a Slory of Old Kng- 
 land, Lon., 18S8, p. svo. 
 must. I.on., l.sss, p. Svo. !i 
 lllust. Lon., ISSS, p. Svo. 
 Ilodgiiis, John George, LL.I) . b. 1821, in Dub- 
 lin ; rcii.oved to Canada in ISIHi; secretary of the board 
 of education for Upper Canada IS-IU; adiuilled to the 
 bar 1S7II; deputy minister of e.Uioation for Ontario 1870. 
 1. (ieograpliy of Rrilish .-Vnicriea, Lon., ISoS 12mo. 2. 
 A .School History of Canada, ami of tho other liritish 
 Provinces in North .America, Montreal, ISfifi. p. Svo. :i. 
 Sketches and Anecdotes of Her Majesty the liueen, the 
 Late Prince Consort, and other Members of the Royal 
 Family, Lon., ISIIS, 12mo; :iil eil., lS7f). 4. .-'chool Law 
 It is lonn since we have come across a book nii 
 likelv to make history popular by true and honest methods, 
 —Siii.Jlti:, 1.211. 
 Vols. ill. and iv.. The Ostrogothic Invasion; the lui- 
 jierial llcstoralion, IS8,'i. 
 " Mr. IloilKkin has a story to tell which is In nil ways 
 one of the most I'ascimUiiij; w hiidi history alloiils. . . . He 
 has an excellent author expound in rrocopius.' I3e Hello 
 liothico.' and he spares no pains to exiract his authors 
 incaniiiL'. Mr. Ilo.lsikiii has (dearly rambled, wilh liis 
 Pr plus iu his hand, aloiiK the w line of the mar. Ii 
 , Richard I'limtajjenet. ; (,r Helisarius. He has i.l.'iitlried all the places which I'ln- 
 Tom's Nugget: a Story- i eopiiis mentions; he has examined every biiilleliehl. , , , 
 I His accoiiiit of llie pL.rics of ancieut lioiio- is the nio-l 
 vivid an.l the most inlelllnihle that we have ever rciid. 
 Not oulvdoes he reproduce the Forum and Ihe t'a).iliil 
 but the walls, the tjates, ami Ihe aiiueduels are made tin- 
 subjects of auimaleil ilcseription."— .Si', liii., Ix. ,i711. 
 ■•His stanihinl of hislorical performance has stca.lil.v 
 risen as he has gone forward with his task ; he has leiinit 
 how to mass and sroup his .subject, how to handle his iim- 
 lerlals n, the best advauUijie. and how lo rcstrniu some "t 
 ! that leiideney torash analogy and piclurcsiiuecomparisDii 
 I which is one of liie Hieiitesi snares of Ihe historian. . . , 
 The book . . . has not quile Ihe grip of Ihe great liisl.i- 
 I riaiis, but Mr. Iloiltjkin has industry, imaslnatiini, and iin 
 ^, , , , I attractive style."— -l^/i.. X''- am. 
 Lectures; being the .Substance of Lectures to Xormal i ■■ Thev tell once more those stories the centres of win. h 
 School Students, Toronto, 1872-73, 2 parts, Svo; new | are Theodorie and Totila, Helisariii.s and Narses, and tlmn 
 Iheau the lil-ii 
 tic, ... Mr, I 
 tice to his pre: 
 ■L The l,ui 
 Trunsluiion ol 
 Casalotlorus, ,H 
 "■Vli e.xeelh 
 aiilhor whow 
 his viTy liniii.' 
 Hearts, l„,n., 
 "<'y and |,l|i 
 With ClIAI'MA 
 .Vnalysls, Lon., 
 \w\Y, A. ,1., 
 Chemistry, bv , 
 Hod KIM II II, 
 iiii'l riiiiishmct 
 iivorlhrow of s 
 sillies Aruiy. 
 ■pon.liii),' nieml.i 
 ibu Legion of H 
 Uengal ami Lon 
 years at the cm 
 •oniu Sanskrit w 
 iiiej many nape 
 "f Uengal. j. 
 ■ind Religinn of] 
 Papers on the IJ. 
 ihoso Countries, 
 "The Work Is, ,, 
 sludenl than i,, n 
 Icrest'Ml In Tibet li 
 son 8 ' K.«ssays,' ai 
 second part of lii 
 conveyed in a plei 
 2. Miscellaneoii 
 I.on , I8SI1, o j,,,|^ 
 , " Kvcry chaplrr 
 jccfs and to phil. e.s,says, or 
 Ihe eomparailvu ii 
 ol some of the lee 
 >^liiitfilin', liv, 2,sy. 
 .■■This l.s a' ren'ia 
 ill a remarkable m 
 IIS. Ihoug), some of 
 men ol sixlv were 
 register the high-, 
 liimuistic kiiowled) 
 Hodg§oii, Ml 
 I.on., LSS7, p. Hvn. 
 Hodgson, It, 
 Sheet. 1. A .Missi 
 !siil, 12uio. 2. .M 
 Hodgson : „;th n 
 Fox, Lon., 1,S70^ 
 Hodgson, cf 
 niscenees of Aiistr 
 Life. Lon., IS4I1, p. 
 I.on.. 1 8 111, 8vo. ; 
 Travel, Lon., I.S-liP 
 uf Ihe Viscounts of 
 ivilh tho Life of tha 
 Hcsidciiee at .Vagus; 
 a Series of Letteis 
 cr. Svo. 
 Hodgson, I>. s 
 .S|iccial Points of In 
 Hodgson, Dec, 
 "I anatomy in the l' 
 lil.jiid and its Enlart 
 Hodgson, Hon 
 I' Llie, Lon., Is7ii ., 
 Hodgson, El'le 
 Hodgson, Fra 
 ^"^■c in India: an 1 
 lintish (iovernment 1 
 I'enty of thatCountri 
 |i, Svo. 
 Hodgson, Fred 
 ■Niiare and its \het 
 'Mecnanio's Slide Rule 
 uals,") N. York, 1881 
 we, and Abuse; hoi 
 T.._L_; . ''i"''in (If ( ii»«i,Mi(,rii»: i,.M.,, . . Il.i.i» • 
 Tr:„:i:i;:„:':;";;:,';^,.';:;7;;;-;-: ...« ,. ,.„„,,.„„„ 
 all 11! 
 M- v,Ty I|,„|„.,| Mu!" ,',;",''' ';' ','fl l'r..,,„r||M , , 
 llfi-rK l,„„„ |s7,', I,',,,,, • ''"""•^'^•"""'"'liUrKM 
 "uilKkiiiNoii ' >V. It. pre r 
 •Wmlysi,. L„„.,'.". J.l!:'.. ,",'"""" *..'^""lit"tiv« 
 ^- Si«lr.Buil,ii„^ .\|,„|„ Km,, N 
 i>;n.i„h.,i. 1,:,,., ,,';',',';; Vv'r ^ ""••■ "fiKin.1i „„,i 
 : '""'""«. ■*■•. : with , , I :';,'; '7;" '{,:•'•• •■'''""«. 
 iN.s.',, s,,,, ' '"' "^^"^ Agno,ti„ i,,,ii„f .M,„„,,,„j,;7 
 year, at th,. ,,:,r;v ^^^ " ^^: ^inji'-int/Tv'^ "'7 ^"' ''-''ii--'uit -^ j?'-^-" ''^^'^ 
 •I "I'nKal. I. r;,,avs n.V," ,'''''« •■^■''"''^ ■^"'•iety _ 5Io.lKM.n. Jn.,,. 1 
 '^ Lmf in tho Current, 
 ""•J '"uny paiior. to' , ' t ' , '/'""""■ ""'I contrib- 
 '■( I'l'nKaV n^,;,, ':;"'"''', "^ tlie A.iatie .Society 
 I'^-per, oS the ;re:i r' ,',;':,; j:«^'"',"«'"' <-< 
 iho«.. Conntrie... I,.m , iNr, iv" ''^' " *^"""'"-'i™ "f 
 M.nim Kl't'r ul.'';;^;,! 'i;;i'':'''i "''i'^"- -"-'^ i- ti». 
 Min's K^s^ay-.- any Va -1 l,. 1 V i ,> 1'' "•'"'""< Mr. II„,|„. 
 j;^f «l?i t'!;!;,^,:];!;;!;:;;,'"!;™;;^- ,1'' ph!i"i.«!cai sub. 
 "l..-tru«. csMiy's "r nin.t vail," ',..'' ",'"''>' ''!,'''i'i» '»>■ 
 llie eoiiiparailvo plUlul ,,;;',, ,'' .""laiilnnH tu 
 yii'v'iiltir, llv. 2SU. *■ "iiuntal lanKuamw."— 
 K'li of sixty ,,vre sliiri'/,y^a'!.l/T^ ''','' 'r'"'''' "I'^'i' ' ''■''^'' 'M- " ""^ "«^' -Cosmo .Monki.oisk : .i,,,,,/.' 
 r,„n Is"""".' ■'"'"' ■*"" 
 IIodgNon, John Kvnn. n \ 1. . 
 rian to the Uoyai Ac "l. mv ^ ? i" '^''f'' ""^ 'i''™- 
 ;;)n!f ol' v,S:?^:;::;r;:;;;, '57;;; '^^I'ans.s ,,f ,„e,, 
 "lik'h arllMs liav',. i/r , , " I r\ '''V''''"'''* ''"' i""l<T 
 pli.To, ii!lclle,.iunl an h', '',,;; l<V''''','li>^ ntinos. 
 »liiH, , „,y „.,,„, surrou I '1 • ''"''"''",' '"".' »<a'lal. I,y 
 Irral,.,! (i„. art-.vtiicl,.|it s 1 /.i;.' ' 1 *!""■ '" " »'>ril, 
 I'Miiits, an.l Wishes t, ,• an , '"'' ." '"' "'"''<'> "a'^'re ho 
 J'lMncMI MS „my l,e mil'''] i.v.i'r '''','''"• '""■'' '^'IiHkIiI; 
 I'K'ii of sixty were s il |, .'^^ ' V '"'<''* "'," Pi'Ho,! » |,e,, ( xxvl. 111. ""> "H'-'. .Mo.nki.oisk ' |«,7 
 l.on., I.s,s7, |,. sio. 
 I"'n.. I«-, ,,. ,s"„ "P'n'on* on tho Indian Army," 
 I C-"n!^'i^n::?',:J"^^i:'Vi;;|:^''t''^' ^"^ '^-"0 "f the 
 Yanooy: il SliMch oC 1; ^i ' ''""J'' Q"i'"ian, an.l 
 frotn the Format '„ of th^P I'^^'; ''"""™l "^'""7 
 Of s:?^Sr ■li'^S;';^]^- ly."- '.i^tory „f the doctrine 
 ■'^'U, 12mo. 2 Me 1 V '"/ ',''" ^"""«' '-""•. 
 to.x., \h:-2., svo ' '"-'("ob l.y Uev. (j. x. 
 Hodgson, ciiristopherl'cmbert.... . „ • 
 ni-ix'noM of Australia Hi, I, ,,V"'"«"«»". I. Horn - 
 ]■■'<■•■■ ';"".. is^, ^ 8 ,: '^- Tw::,:''" ^'^^t''" 
 l.'>n., I.StS), 8vo ;i n Vd • ''^""''eii^^r: a Poem, 
 Hodgson, EUeu. Kato', Mother, Lon., 1885, p. 
 , Hodgson, Frederick T i ti, r. 
 the Death of Mo e' ,850 ,.n 1 ^p" ''"'" ^^ » P'"=''' "" 
 Oxfonl,wl,erelVoKr.duUed "/"T,"^'^'''■'^'•C''l''^^g«^ 
 Fellow of Corpus Ci> isTi p i . '" "" honorary 
 Aristotelian sfciety^Le^vT' ";'■'' '^'^■^'^'^^' "^ "'« 
 "Phy- 1. Tin . and Spac a^Mol" ,"' "^'"^l "^ "'"'"»- 
 18li5, p. 8vo. i. ". ine?n e« ?',f' ''''y^'.™' Essry, Lon., 
 ■• We are i !' s^ki I » tii''.'"' '',""• '«'8. 2 vol.,. .Syo. 
 nre speakl,,,. wirhou M.fflViL, %^'f,;r ' « "»« """k we 

 ■ 1 ! "'-'f 
 fear ii K"<iiI nmny nf tlie rumU'rs wlio mlRlit dprlvo most 
 prolit fniin It will lie ropelled liy the excessive ilillienlty nl' 
 the style. . . . Mr. lluilp-un iimioimet's his aim tn be the 
 Cdiilimmliim cf the erilieal or aciiilyziiiK part ol' Kant's 
 work, with a \iew In lay fminilalioiis <i]| wliieh iihilos- 
 nphy may seeinelv laiihl herealler."— .SK. liiv., xlvi. liTli, 
 a 17. 
 5. Outcast Essays and Verso 'I'ranslatiims, I,on., l.ssl, 
 er. Hvo. (The Essays are termed " (Jutoasl" beeauso they 
 had been rcjeete ' by niaga/.ine cditers. Five of them 
 are iin IJe (Juineey, one on the f>n]iernatural in English 
 I'ciolry, one on the True Symbol of Christum Union, 
 anil one on English Verse.) 
 -The book eontainsnut a little earefal thinkinj;."— .'<j«c- 
 laliii; Iv. i-ll. . ,., . , 
 (i. The Relation of Philosophy to Jscienee, 
 and Psyeliologieal : an Adilress, l.on., 18S4, .svo. 7. Phi- 
 losophy and Experience- an Address, Lon., 1S85, 8vo. 
 .*<. The Ueorgani/iition of Philosophy i an Address, Lon., 
 l,-<Sti, Svo. 9. The Unseen World: an Address, Lon.,, 
 1887, Svo. 
 Iloilgxon, William, ['inte, vol. i.. thinl of the' 
 na:no there mentioned, add.] 1. The Lives, .-Sentiments, 
 and .Sutferings of sonic of the Ueforiaors and Martyrs 
 before, since, and independent of the Lutheran Kefor- 
 mation, Phila., lS(i;i, 12m». 2. The Society of Friends 
 in the Nineteenth Century : a Ili.<torical View of the 
 Successive Convulsions and Schisms therein during that 
 Period, Phila., 1.87.'), Svo. .1 
 Ilodgsoii, William, of the Fifeshire Journal. 
 Sketches: Personal and IVusive, Kdin., 1SS4, p. 8vo. 
 Hodgson, William llallaiityiie, LL.D., 1816- 
 1S80, b. in Edinburgh, and educated at the High School 
 and University of that city; was connected with the 
 Liverpool Institute from 18:!'.) to 1817, first as secretary 
 and uitcrwards as jirinoipal. From 1817 to 1851 he was 
 principal of the Chorlton High School, Manchester. 
 After resiiling for some time on the Continent and in 
 London, where he was conneclcd with the School Corn- 
 mission, he was elected in IS71 professor of coinmereial 
 and polit; eooiiomy and mercantile law in the Univer- 
 sity of Udinburgh. For biog., see Mkiki.k.ioiin, .1. M. D., 
 and Woodward, E., iii/rn. I. "Classical" Instruetion : 
 its Useand Abuse, L(m., 1854, 12mo. Anon. 2. Two Lec- 
 tures on Conditions of Health and Wealth Educationally 
 consiilcred, Edin., I8fil), p. Svo. .'i. The Education of Girla 
 and tlie Employment of Women of the Upper Classes 
 Educationally considered: Two Lectures; 2d ed., Lon., 
 lS()i), p. Svo. 4. (Trans.) Thoughts on Ireland, by 
 Count Cavour. Lon,, 18(59, p. Svo. 5. Turgot : his 
 Life, Times, and Opinions : Twj Lectures, Lon., 1870, 
 p. Svo. fi. Errfirs in the Use of English, Edin., 1881, 
 cr. Svo. Posth. 
 '■ Its chief use will be in very distinctly provhij? with 
 what woiiiierfiil or incompeteiiey the 
 language is treiiernlly written. For the examples of error 
 here broiijrlit together are not picked from ob.scure or in- 
 ferior writings. .Vnioiig the grammatical sinners whose 
 trespasses are here recorded appear many of our best- 
 known authors and publications. '— .l(w/., -xx. H'J. 
 Hodgson, William Earl. 1. (Ed.) Christmas 
 Gleams, Glasgow, 1884, Svo. 2. Unrest; or, The Newer 
 Kepublic, Lon., 1887, cr. Svo. 
 Ilodson, Kev. George Hewitt, M.A., graduated 
 nt Trinity College, Cambridge, ls:i7 ; elected Fellow ; 
 ordained 184U; vicar of Enfield, diocese of London, 
 since 1870. (Ed.) Twelve Years of a Soldier's Life in 
 India; being Extracts from the Letters of the Late 
 Major W. S. U. Hodson, Commandant of " Hodson'a 
 Horse :" including a Personal Narrative of the Siege of 
 Delhi and Capture of the King and Princes, Lon., 1859, 
 cr. 8vo; 4th ed., with a Vindication from the Attack of 
 Mr. liosworth Smith, 188;). 
 " Wliile it conlalns much indispensable material, it is 
 iierhaps needless now to say that on iirist of the matters 
 111 regard to 111 (son's character which had been inipui.'neil, 
 both from wbnt i-.savsaiid what it leaves unsaid, its author- 
 ity is next to wortliless."— 'f. U. E. HoI.MKs: Four Fniitaiis 
 S'lhticrs. ■J-'i'.. 
 Ilodsiin, James Shirley. An Historical and 
 Practical Guide lo Art Illustration, ' ' Connection wHh 
 iiooks, Periodicals, and General Hccoration, Lon., 1884, 
 Hodson, Kichai'd Edmond. Essny on the For- 
 mation !ind Management of Plantations, Lon., 1886, Svo. 
 IloUsoni Kichard G. (Ed.) Diivlogiies in Canar. 
 ese. liy Mur.shi Shrinivasiah. With an English Trans- 
 lation. 18rt5, ISnio. 
 Hodson, Hev. Thomas, Weslcyan missionary. 
 1. An Elementary Graminar of the Knnnada or Canareso 
 Language, Bangalore, 1801, Svo. 2. "Old Daniel;" or, 
 Memoir of a Converted Hindoo, lllust. Lon., 1877, p. 
 8vo; now ed., 1884. 
 IIoe,<Kobert. A Lecture on Bookbinding as a 
 Fine Art: delivered before the (Jrolier Club, February 
 20,1885. lllust. N.York. 1880, so. Svo. 
 Hoe, William. 1. Tlie Shaksiiere Treasury of 
 Subject (Juotations, Lon., Isii2, fp. Svo. 2. Fire Sta- 
 tistics of the Trade.'^ of Limdon, 1864, Lon., ISliO, led. 
 H. The New Testament Says, Lipn., 1S7S, Svo. 4. A 
 Dicticmary of the Fiddle and other Stringed Instru- 
 ments jdaycd with the liow, Lon., 1885, Svo. 5. (Ed.) 
 English Artists of the Day : a Technical Dictionary, 
 Lon., ISSS, Svo. 
 lloeber, E. W. (Trans.) Corimlence and \t' 
 Treatment on Physiological Principles, by W. Ebstein, 
 N. York, ISS4. loiiio. 
 Ilocrnle, Kev. Angustns Frederick Rudolf, 
 graduated at the Church Mission College at Islington 
 1861; ordained 1804; principal of the Cathedral Jlissioii 
 College at Calcutta since 1875. 1. A C(unparative 
 Grammar of the Gaudinn Languages : with Special Hel- 
 crence to the Eastern Hindi, Lon.. 1 880, Svo. 
 ■■ liv 'ilandian' are meant what Mr. Deaines calls the 
 luoiliTii .\rvaii languages of India. . . . The work . . . 
 contains ail extraordinary amount of information colli- 
 pres.sed into a comparatively small voUinie."— ^Icari., xvii. 
 2. (Ell.) The Prdkritalakshanam or Chanda's Gram- 
 mar, Calcutta, 1880, Svo. :i. (Ed.) The Uvasagadasao : 
 with iin English Translation, Calcutta. 1885, Svo. With, G. A., A Comparative Dictionary of the 
 Bihari Lnnguage. Part I. Lon., 1885, Svo. 
 Hoernle, Ilev. John Frederick David., edu- 
 ci ted at the University of Basle; ordained 186j; vicar 
 of Holmwood, Surrey, 'since I87S. Memoir of Christi.m 
 Theophilus Hoernle: compiled from his Diaries and 
 other Papers: with a Preface by Sir W. Muir, Dorking, 
 1884, p. Svo. 
 Hoey, A. E. B. Dedicated : a Tale, Lon., 18S2, 
 p. Svo. 
 Hocy, Mrs. Frances Sarah, b. 18M, at Bushy 
 Park, County Dublin, Ireland; daughter of C. B. Johns 
 ton; married, 1840, to A. M. Stewart, and secondl.,, 
 1S5S, to John Cashel Hoey. She is a constant contriju- 
 tor to periodical literature, writing criticism and lietioii. 
 and has translated a large number of works from the 
 French and Italian. 1. A House of Cards: a Novel, 
 Lon., 1868, ,S vols. p. Svo. 2. Falsely True: a Novel, 
 Lon., 1870, .'i vols. p. Svo. 3. (Trans.) The Outbreak of 
 the French Revolution; from the French of Erckmanii- 
 Cbatrian, Lon., 1S7I, p. Svo. 4. A Golden Sorrow, Lon.. 
 1S72, :i vols. p. Svo; new ed., 1880. 5. Buried in the Deep, 
 and other Tales; new ed., Lon., 187:), 12mo. fi. (Tran.=.i 
 The Fayoum : from the French of P. Lenoir, Lon., is?:;. 
 p. Svo. 7. Nazareth: with a Preface by W. Humphrey, 
 Lon., 187:'., 12nio. 8. (Trans.) Thorvalsden : his I.ilc 
 and Works, by E. Plon. lllust. Lon., 1873, r. Svo. '.'. 
 (Trans.) Sahara and Lapland: Travels, by E. (iolibl, 
 Count d'Alviella, Lon., 1873, p.Svo. 10. (Trans.) Jajian 
 and the Japanese, by Aime Humbert, Lon., 1S7:1; m w 
 ed., 1870, 4to. 11. Out of Court, Lon., 1874, 3 vols. p. 
 Svo. 12. The Blossoming of an Aloe, Lon.. 1874. :l 
 vols.; newed., 1880, 1 vol. 12ino. 13. No Sign, and otlicr 
 Tales, Lon., 1870; new ed., 1880, 12nio. 14. (Traii>.i 
 Camille Desmoulins and his Wife, by J. Claretie, I 
 1870, Svo. 15. Griffith's Double, Lon., 1876, 3 vols. cr. 
 Svo. 16. (Trans.) Life of Madame de La Rocheloii. 
 cauld, Lon., 1S78, p. Svo. 17. All or Nothing, Lmi., 
 1879, 3 vols. cr. Svo. IS. (Trans.) Tlie Heart of ll"l- 
 hind, by Henry Havard. lllust. Lon., ISSO, Svo. I'.'. 
 (Trans.) The Clients of Doctor Bernagius; from llie 
 ' French of Lucien Biart, Lon., 18S1, Svo. 20. (Trans. i 
 What micht have been; from the French, Lon., IsH, 
 cr. Svo. 21. The Question of Cain, Lon., 1882, :i V"N. 
 1 cr. Svo. 22. The Lover's Creed, Lon., 1SS4, 3 vols. p. 
 I Svo. 23. (Trnns.l 1794: a Tale of Ihe Terror; lioia 
 the French of .M. C. d'Hf-ricault, Lon., 18S4, p. Sim. 
 24. (Trans.) The Cat, Past and Present: from llie 
 French of M. ChainpHeury : with Supplementary Notis 
 and Numerous Illustrations, Lon., Iss5, p. Svo. 25. A 
 Stern Chase: a Novel, in Three Parts, Lon,, 1S80,:! vol-. 
 cr. Svo. 20. (Trans.) Shelley: the Man and the I'nei ; 
 from the French of Felix Rabbo, Lon., 1888, 12mo. 27. 
 (Trans.) Dr. Raincau: a Novel, by George Ohnets, l.'n., 
 1888, er. Svo. With Lii.i.ik, Joiix : 1. (Trans.) An In- 
 voluntary Voyage ; from the French of Lucien liiiut, 
 Lon., 1879, p. 8vo. 2. (Trans.) Memoirs of Mad;uiie 
 do Kemusat, 1802-8: vols. i. and ii., Lon., 1880, Svo. 
 man. (,on . 1881, 2 >•,.'. 'o '',•'' S;"'^' "''"•. ^■'ei8ch- 
 Fushinn in France .• or.D^e. of mrl^nT^ ^,1'""^ °^ 
 Roman Porio.l to t ho Pres, nt Thnl . ''"'" ''" ''"""■ 
 ""•I- IlluHt. Lon, isso ,",, 'r- b.V'lugu...inChalla. 
 crick tlio (ireat an M,,7i„ i ' ' "i "rans.) Fral- 
 of Paul Ccli^re,;-^1„;^;;\»„.^^;^;-;'- French ^ 
 -'- ^'n;'-.,!^:'f^:{;: s.^'^ "--^'^ ^^^^». »">! 
 l8?Mrm«lf";na"si;;!V'' '1^' ■^''""«'' Q"^'""" for 
 F "'^T'i^i^"i« Siltj/^^'-' '"■\^^''"« ^i"»:^ "f 
 188.!,, Sv„ Jintertainmg .Miscellany, Lon j 
 -c'o"of"A"l';'An'^^;r-cL''rr N^' ^-'--k, D.D., 
 Pan Fran., 1884. ^ ""'" ""^S" bounty, California, 
 KM,an.,ic Week, xr^X ISrol'liS ''"'^ ''"'' '^"^• 
 8i„5"\ v""' "'!"'" 'Thompson, b. is^. „t Sin. 
 Albany, 1872, Svo*"'" '^"P"' "^ ""^''-''-nor iloffman, 
 Horfman, Mrs. Marv Inno i « 
 or, Practical Vie.v. of 't^t^onclt'.^'x Vorl'Tse/i'""'" 
 2. Alice Murrnv: a Tnl« v v i .„ ' *'°'*' '^'no. 
 Feli.x Kent; or The nII v •. "■'■''' '^'"'' '^"'o. 3. 
 of the [New York] Code of p;„ 7'""^' ««>"edie8 
 Treati..c upon the Estate anj RiX^Ak''^ ^™- 3- 
 "I the City of x\ow York V # , ''L'i''' '^"P''™""" 
 J- I'igostof the StXte/»nfn •'■'?' '^^^^ ^ vols. 8vo. 
 Hoard of Su, erviso rnf »K n °«<"«'»"« ■'elating to the 
 6. A I)ige.«t'! ho ChattfT?.''''^''''"'^''''-^- '«"«• 
 "f and relating to the C^rn ' '^"•'"°/' ""'' 0>-'linnncea 
 Vork, N. York! 18C,«, 2 voliTo "• " r*''f ^''^ "^ '^''^'^ 
 01 (he Slate of New York. N Vor'k is. ^^""""^''11 '""' 
 '.aw of the Church • with it, 4^1- . ' *''"• '• ^itiial 
 "'Hi li„p(is,„„| offieesTx Y'rf'sVTT '" ^onununion 
 Vactico as to References ami i. "• **' I'""' ""J 
 licforees, N. York 187° sy '^ ''"'* ^"""s of 
 - "fj?;*:; Si^"-" "■»• '«2'. in New York City; 
 J^U; .erved'^^n the eivil'rV^™' "''♦'''' "' """'"d 
 London 1874 and H fi „ — .' '"""'^^'"S "f legation at 
 '■ '""'P. Cour and SI ""'"J° Denmark 188:i-s,^ 
 Adven.!.re „"„d' oL^S' l^"'^'^'^ J:^ Personal 
 l^r,5, 187(1-1871, r',ml8-- ^ ^"^ "■"■"' '-"«'- 
 "' iima^l^' ;?.;;;;;;^'";;^"^i -"^"'- hum ;;.r' .':':';^^j;;,s? 
 the State of x\ew York nnd P^t.:?;' ^'^^^'^^ """'y"' «» 
 I'h.l). A .Manual of ('hernial 4 n,' * '''"'«"<:'< «•, 
 the Examination of M^ri';ih^s::vv:!;i:'7i-!;' 
 : I'vo; .ill ed., I'hila., ISs.) i orK, 18(.j, 
 'HoHmniin, Frederick AuBiist i.rv .. . 
 tlie Art of .•Ringing • with H„i!. 7 .." „ ^ ""=e and 
 i 'he Voice, •.oi:Vs78 24m^%'''p '" '^'•'^i-'li'^" "f 
 Nature, and Jlistory, Lon ss4 q I'^o' '•" ^"1^'"' 
 sons in Rhyme for VotZ.' Pon .' "' *™- '^^ '*™- 
 ofSn'^'C*^!^-; . ^^« ilf':"i'"n or, Jottings 
 N. York, 186!) iC ^ " ^"'' '■"""'' "'e tilobe, 
 Berlin 1. On Am,L„i;T„ 'it L ;i^a"t1,: '."Tt '" 
 I'on., 18oM. 8vo 9 Fnt..,. i !• "'-■^"atnes : n Lecture, 
 E.x,.e'rin,en'.au;.d The" U "•'^Tl '", ""''%" ""^'ni^try 
 "res delivered in ,' xtov'^ 001^^0/".?, ^"'•'''•' ^'"'*- 
 'lon, Lon.. 186,^, 7 "J r""^J' ."/ Chennstry, Lon- 
 in Chemistry, fFar, • I „ . -"'f '^'fe-^^ork of Licbig 
 ...II,,, (ran. . ,• J^ecturc.) Lor.. 1S7« «i,n 
 Mogan, James Francis 1 i„ . . ,. 
 Christmas Collection: .Storit^ Sko. L= p '^"''™"''" 
 rrfn"?,^^'r ^""J^l^^jghls^",- r - e-e-^ to"Ton"! 
 18.07. 2. TheReVource^^f v" '""•^•/^""'^'St. Louis, 
 of Karly Western IMon^lr" f^'^T' Tr?" ^vl"* ''"■•'"'' 
 Methodism, 1860 '"-er ' t8a9. 4. History of Western 
 p. 8vo. ' "'""' "ew ed., Dublin, 1,880, 
 t-. '«13, to its Fift^.^ 1^:;;^-,^- -„ro..„da. 
 18""f2m'„"' ^"■'^'^ ^- »="- » "o'nance, Phila., 
 ofVh-'^^k'a-ntV.^:.. 'I'lTuft'^'N:-^^'-,^'-";- "-0- 
 HOBC, Hev Willin.,. I '^- ^ork, 1867, 8vo. 
 HI st» M»ev. "iiiiaiti Jaine,<«. iS'>i ibai u 
 nnipden-Sidnoy College Va • I ,»,,.■'; ''•,''• "™'" 
 appointed professorof liTblicai New t1 '"";:'' '""' 
 ■n Union -^heological s;.mrn:ly ^5 "'"I'X o'th '"if ' 
 of the civil war he return..,) ... .h '"' J"e outbreak 
 and Corres,.,nd:n^ce ''J,u:f e!^'' ™ •" p T "' ^"'^' 
 Hogg, rrniicis RoberU V^ 
 Sick Children: a LeoM.r, "b?,'^','^:' ^"rgeon-miyor. 
 ••'■■naKe in the Armv .M»,li;„M:.T' i? ' V'-' '^^"O- i^- 
 «vo. 3. Will item, Ir'^' ,"'•".?''''''■''•'• ^o"- 187.S, 
 Health and riVi'L^orE . 'ptf^ "T:™'"'"? '"« 
 Benares, 1877, 8vo 4 Tn.iilT 'I'lmilies m India, 
 Hogg, George Crawford 'mo^""/' IT ''• '">' 
 an Essay; 2d ed., Rombay WS 8vo "'"'^ ^"^""''y ' 
 " i '- ifi 
 IIoKR, Henry. I. Pncms, I-on., IS52, 12ino. 2. 
 SonjtK fur lliu Tiiiu'!', Lon., ISiili, l2iiio. 
 Ilogt;, Julio/, M.K.C'.S., [,,1,1-, vol. i,. iicl,l.,l Fel- 
 low (if tlio Miorosi'cipii'iil Sui'icly, first iiiTsidoiit 
 (if tlic Mcilieiil Micrimoiipical Sdcii'ly, London, .tc. : oon- 
 snltinu surgeon to llio llo.viil \Vost1nill^'ter (i|ililliiilinic 
 Il(is|iitiil, ,tc. Ilifl contributions In tlu' Lancet iind dllier 
 mcdionl journals are very numerous. I. A Manual of 
 O|ilillialnipsc(iiiio Surgery. Lon., lS(i:!. Svo. 2. Cataract 
 and its Troatnuint, Medical and Surgical, Lon., ISIlil, 
 ,Sv(i. 8. Skin Diseases: an In(|uiry into their I'arasitic 
 Origin and Connection with Kyc-AIVections, Lon., IS7;l, 
 11. Svo J 2d (mL, entitled " A Parasitic o'- (ierin Theory of 
 Diseases," Ac, LS7C, C.'ino. 1. Ini|iairi|ient or Liiss 
 of Vision from Spinal Concussion or Shock, Lon., ISTCi, 
 Svo. 5. The Cure of Cataract and other Kye- A flections, 
 Lon., 1^77, Svo; d ed, ISSii; new ed., ISSS. 
 IIuKg, .liliiii-H, publisher ; editor of KnKlish Society 
 nnd other periodicals. 1. (KiL) Men who liavo Uison, 
 Lon., LSjil, |i. Svo. 2. Urave Men's F.nlsteps, Lon., 
 1S72,1). Svo. H. (Kd.) Summer and Autumn: an Open- 
 Air Misoellanv, T,on.. 1SS7. Svo. 
 Hogg, John, MA)., lSii:i-ISSO, took his medical 
 decree at Kdinlnirnh. I. London as it is: being a 
 Series of Observations on the Health, llaliits, &a., of 
 the People, Lon., LSH7, l2mo. 2. Practical Observations 
 on the Prevention of Coiisnmptiun. Lon., LSlill, Svo. 
 Hogg, John, M.A., K.K.S., K.L.S. L A Catalogue 
 of Sicilian Plants: with some Kemarks on the (leog- 
 rnphy, Ac, of Sicily, Lon., IS12, Svo. 2. Letters from 
 Abroad to a Friend at Cambri.lge, Lon., ISlt, Svo. ^ li. 
 On the Sicilian and S.ivdinian Languages, Lon., IS5H, 
 Svo. 4. Supplemental .Notes on St. Ooiirge the Martyr 
 nnd on (ieorgo the Arian liisb.ip, Lon., ISiil, Svo. .'i. 
 On a Profane Styl()gra|ib of the Cnicilixion, at Home. 
 Lon., IsiiS, Svo. Also, luiuierous papers contributed to 
 the Transactions of learned societies. 
 Hogg, John, publisher. The Clan Campbell and 
 the .Man|uis of Lome: an Hpilomo of the House of 
 Argyll. l!v J. M. Lon., 1S7I, Svo. 
 liogg, John W. (Ivl.) Compilation of Laws rel- 
 ative to the Xavv. Marino Corps, ,4c., to March ;i, 1SS3. 
 Pub. by r.S. Oov't. Wash., ISS;i, Svo. 
 II«i(.'g, Kcv. LiMVis .Maydwoll, M.A., graduated 
 at Kmanuel College, Cambridge, 1S|2; ordained ISIJ; 
 curate of St. JLirk's, Toninay, lSo7-l3ll. 1. Memoir of 
 Count 0. Tasca, Lon., 1S74, Svo. 2. Letters and Ser- 
 mons, Lon., ISSt, Svo. 
 Hogg, .>!. tJ. 1. ALtrian Temple's Work, and 
 what came of it, Lon., ISii'.l, ISmo. 2. Mrs. (iibl)ons' 
 Parlour■.^Llid: an Kpiso.le in the Life of S. Clemens, 
 Edin., IS7I, 12mo. ;f. Doctor Dunbar, Elsie's Trial, 
 and Bell .\Liilland, Edin., 1S7:!, 12mo. 
 Iloggnn, Mrs. rriuices Kliznbelh, (Mor- 
 gan,) M.U., h. ISi:', ; began the study of medicine in 
 London in ISiKi: graduated at '/.nrich in 1S7II, and es- 
 tablished herself in London, becoming physician to the 
 New Hospital for Women; married. 1S74, to Dr. (ieorgo 
 Hoggan. In con.iunction with her husband she has 
 contributed numerous papers to medical journals. 1. 
 Education for (iirls in Wales. Lon., 1S82, p. Svo. 2. 
 Medical Women for India, llristol. 1SS2. 11 parts, p. Svo. 
 Hoggiiii, C'lipt. »illinm Urookc, U. A., adju- 
 tant 1st Shropshire and StalVordshire Volunteer Artillery. 
 Volunteer Artillery Drill-Ilook, L.m., ISS:;, si(. Kimo. 
 Ilogge, (JoofgO. ( Ed.) The Journals and Corre- 
 spondence of William, Lord Auckland : ' tli a Preface 
 and Intriidnctionby the liishopof Hath and Wells, Lon.. 
 1SI10-I'.2. 4 vols. Svo. 
 Iluko, Jacob. 1. The Ago we live in: its Dan- 
 gers and Duties, Dayton, I)., 12mo. 2. Holiness; or, 
 The Hig'i'T Christian Life, Dayton, 12mo. :i. Clusters 
 from Eshcol, >tc., Dayton. lSS2i lOmo. I. Guide to the 
 Haitle-Field of (iettysburg, Dayton, 18S7, Svo. ."i. The 
 Great Invasion of ISli:!; or. General Lee in Pennsyl- 
 vania, Dayton, 1SS7, Svo. 
 Holabird, Urig.-ticn. Snninel B., U.S.A., b. 
 1S24, in Connecticut; graduated at the I'.S. Military 
 Academy ISIil; served in the civil war, Ac. (Trans.) 
 Treatise on (irand Military Operations; Illustrated by 
 the History of the Wars of" Frederick the Great, by A. 
 U. de .lom'ini, N. York, ISO.i, 2 vols. Svo, and atlas. 
 " Holboai'h, Mi'iiry," (Pseud.) See Ua.vds, 
 AVil.l.IAM lilllOElTI.KV, il,lril. 
 Ilolbcrton, Wakemnn. The Art of Angling: 
 How and Whore to Catch Fish, N. York, 1SS7, IBino. 
 Holbrey, Joseph. Value: its Nature, Kinds, 
 Measuromont, nnd Methods of Transfer, Lon., 1S63, 
 Holbrook, Alfred, b. 1815, at Derby, (,onn.; 
 founded a training-school for teachers in Lebanon, 0. 
 1. The Normal J or. Methods of Teaching the Common 
 llranches. Orthoepy, Orthography, Gramiuar, Geography, 
 itc, N. York, is.'il), l2mo. 2. An English Grammar 
 ciuiforined lo Present Isage, Ciii., 1S7I, p. Svo. 
 Holbrook, Kdwili A. The Light of Prophecy ; 
 or. The Koligion of the Future, [verse,] Host., 1SS2, 
 Holbrook, J. 1*. School Management, N. York, 
 isiii;, Svo. 
 Holbrook, James II., 181'2-18«4. Ten Y'ears 
 among the Mail-Hags; or. Notes from the Diary of a 
 Special Agent of the Post-Ollieo Department. Illust. 
 Phila., ISd.'i, or. Svo. 
 Holbrook, Itev. John V. Prairie-Hreaking; or. 
 Scenes in the Work of a Western Pastor, Host., IStl:!, 
 ISmo ; new ed., lS(i',i. 
 Holbrook, Kennedy. How? or. Spare Hours 
 made Profitable for Hoys and Girls. Illust. N. York, 
 1SS7, Svo. 
 Holbrook, M. L. 1. Parturition without Pain: 
 Directions for avoiding most of the Pains and Dangers 
 of Child-Hearing, N. York, 1S70, Iduio. 2. Eating for 
 Strength; Itli ed., N. York, 1S7I, 12nio; new ed., ISSS. 
 ::. Hygiene of Hrain and Nerves, and the Cure of Nervous- 
 ness, N. York, 1S7S, I2ni(i. 4. (Trans.) Fruit and Hread : 
 a Scientilic Diet, by Guslave Sehlicklyscn, N. Y'ork, 187S. 
 12mo. .•!. (Trans.) Aids to Family Government; or, 
 From the Cradle to the Scho(d, according to Froebel, by 
 Hertha Jlcver, N. York, 187ii, I2m(i. i<. Jlarriago ami 
 Pa-enlage,'N. York, 1S82, 12nio. 7. How lo Strengthen 
 the Memory ; or. Natural nnd Scientific iMcthods of 
 Never Forgetting, N. York, ISSli, 12nio. 
 Holbrook, U. Hcber. Outlines of United States 
 History : a Hand-Hook of Heady Ucferencc, Danville, 
 Ind.. issn. 12uio. 
 llolcomb, Mrs. Helen II. Hits about India. 
 Illust. Pbila., ISSS, Kimo. 
 IloUonib, Thomas A. E. and Martha A. 
 Lyon. (Trans.) Fritbiof's Saga, by Esias TegniT, Chic. 
 lS7li, l2mo. 
 Holconibe, James Philemon, [.("'<•, vol. i , 
 add.,1 1S2II-187:!, professor of law in the University of 
 Virginia lS."i2-l'ill ; member of the Confederate Congre-^ 
 IStil-li.'i. Literature in Letters; or, Manners, Art, Crit- 
 icism, Hiograpby, Illustrated in the Letters of Eminem 
 Persons, N. York, ISIili. 12ui(i. 
 Holconibe, William Frederick, M.I>.,b. is'jj, 
 at Sterling, Mass. ; professor of eye and car diseases in 
 the New York Medical College lSii2. in the New York 
 Ophihalmic College and Hospital 180:1, and in the New 
 York Medical College for Women 1807. 1. The llistuiy 
 of .'Mount Sterling, Kentucky. 2. Genealogy of liie 
 Hush Family, of Watcrtown, Conn. :). History of the 
 Holcombcs in America. 1. I'aniily Records : their Im- 
 portance and Value. N. York, 1S77, Svo. 
 Holconibe, William Henry, M.D., b. 1S2.'), at 
 Lynchburg, Va. ; graduated in medicine at the Univer- 
 sity of Pennsylvania IS47 ; has practised as a homoo- 
 pa'thic physician at Cincinnati and elsewhere. I. Scien- 
 tific Hnsis of Iloiua'opathy, Cin., ISo2. 2. Poems, N. 
 York, ISOO, 12mo. ;i. How I became a IIom(vopiiili. 
 Lon., ISfiO, Svo. 4. Our Children in Heaven, Pliilii., 
 IS08, 12iuo. :,. The Se.xes, Here and Hereafter, Lon.. 
 • ISO'.l. U'mii. 0. In Hoth Worlds, Phila., lsi;ii, I'.'inc 
 7. The Other Life, Pliila.. ISI'.H, l2iuo. S. Southcii 
 1 Voices, [verse,] 1S72, P-'nio. \K What is Honiieopath.v .' 
 N. York, Svo. 111. Yellow Fever and its HomoeopalliiJ 
 Treatment, N. Y'ork, 12ino. 11. The Lost Truths of 
 Christianity, lS7il. 12. The End of the World: wiili 
 ; Glimpses (if the Philosophy of History, Phila., I-^I. 
 I I2mo. Li. Aphorisms of tb'e New Life: with Illn,-tr;i 
 I tions and Conlirmatioiis from the New Testament, Fi'ic- 
 i lon, Madame Giiyon, and Swedenborg, Phila,, Iss.l, 
 ; Uimo. 14. Letters on Spiritual Subjects, 1885. 1 i. 
 ' Condensed Thoughts about Christian Science ; 3d e4.. 
 Chic, 1SS7, 12in(i. 
 Ilolden, Austin Wells. A History of the T"»ii 
 of tiueensbury, in the State of New Y'ork : with Hi'- 
 graphical Sketches, Ac, Albany, N.Y., 1874, Syo. 
 ' Holdeil, t'. F. A Hook on Birds, Host., IS72. 
 I Holdun, Edward Singleton, LL.D., b. 1S40, at 
 St. Louis, .Mo; graduated at the seienlifio school it 
 i Washington University 1806, and at the U.S. Milil.ny 
 AciidiMiiy Isrn In uti i 
 .U..S. n„vyj in iHsi hvly2,Tl ■""tluMiialios :■., :, 
 >» tlio l'niver«i.v uf Wi . ' n !'7''"""'"' '"' '""•"»' 'V 
 '•■rn Ohserv,.t„rv. „ I „ ' ^IT' '''"'"'"^ "'' ">« ^■■'""•- 
 l'nivor,.Uy nC (^\l tun i, ,„ ' , :r''''';'''i''"';'"''' "'' '^'o 
 tion : its Defc,.,. „„, ,1 ,> '"'," ^"";"' "f l''-rti(l,,- 
 2- ''ataln^uoof ,1,., J ^J*"'!,'.','. '^'l ^ .'"''• '«'-' ''^-• 
 •l..n.,-v,i.,„.y, U'Msl,i„.(„, .',,'" '"";•'' '''"'o- ^..v,U 
 '■■■■ ■" ■ • '• '• '"" An^'lh'an ('ulc,.|ii,.t, I 
 I"'"-. I.SS.\ l^,„„ 2 An ..- ■ ,''''"' ^^"""''■"" <''""'''i-^i 
 cumtoof \Vliit,.|,ur,.|, s rV ' "' '"■''■'■nod l,SO(). 
 C'lm'u to |.,r„, r,„„.,'lMs,i p s'v" "'''"''-••""!;» In„„ 
 olio,.tcr,, sv„ -I Till' ,'.'''"«■''• '""■'t- 
 '!'» Arol.i...,.t'a,„ ■hi.'V ,: '^J ;'","" ;''' ^i'' "■' .'Unli ^^ 
 , Hold..,.,,i;c ';'"'":""•• '''' ■'^"• 
 «!., 18SS. 1'. Tho 11 „ *' ^'''' '"'"•■ "*''>• Sv,.: Jtl 
 ' >•• 
 I'll., 18SS 
 n!^^:"?".,!^- '"-i^'rs ---;-;. 
 IS?^";?!:::'' **• ^"o "« f, [ve.„,J U„ ' 
 is"""""'' ^'""-. Fourteen S,.„„et, Ph,,, ' ' 
 ■"'it' an,l to l™turi. I „ I ' '.""'"'■ '*' liKTMry , ur 
 "f Anitaal ,.,.. uLl" 7 Z^ fst''^- '• ^^'-» 
 E ;^---:'i;in'j';ii ?;-- 
 ''"'<'X lA^Uls: a Po, ,1 "4 *^- ^'"■''' '■"'^". '2">o. .1. I 
 ■^'"'-.v-Book of Nafurti I.- r *-"'.""''"""■'• '''"ley 
 '""■< N. vork, Is'i!^' '' :; 7 ^■: ,"->- a,ui „i;,; 
 Eli'iiii'iilK of /,„.!.. ,.^. /••{-' . ■ "'"' IJoi.nKH. J I! 
 rr"'"- '"■ invert b,^'i,f" '"'tVr'' ,"^'"''»' ^"'-■'>"« 
 "■ork-lln„s.., I,,,,,., is'-" I I , '" "'" ^'"'l'"! "fa L'nio,; 
 'JoldiiiB, fariu. •„-'"".,„ , . 
 " ^^.rv,.f Il^al ul:;l^[ tk ^^:!^''J: or. N,.„,be,. ,.,: 
 Lot!.. IHsc, ,, ,Sj.„ '""'"'•"1 taiioe-Criii.o. 111,,^ 
 -n':"':!^^'" '^'""'" "•"' (IVeuU.) See a,.. 
 ; '^''oloK.n.l Sonetv, I. m Vm Z '" ^' "'"-'len., of tbo 
 ! lr"n'l«: will,,lio,,,s,,,C,H .'■'''''' !''" ^'■'"■"'' 
 ; N t.|. ant other (i,.„r in I'm ,1^^ «L"""'""' ""' •''"'t-S 
 . ,"'^' '"IliM Ixiilvolll,,. ,,.,Ji • '"' '■ ■''VO. 
 ':'.uo. With (o™, 'i!ii""" "■;", '"'I"'.'!. Lon., ISs'" 
 l-';l'"i-b-. 1,0,,., |,S7-. II.,,,,,' • ■•"-'■ '"'"-■"'■s and Salmon- 
 M '>•>,, ti. ,Svo 2 Tl,„ t. '/•'^ '■""•' <^"untrv I,o„ 
 j:;''- l"bii«sop,;i;,:},;''^-^;;t;/-> i'» wo„.,n.^^ ^J^;:: 
 I ■'•V". -I. On tl„. i;.vten«ior -,1 '. ".""'J ''""- >««2, „ 
 "•'atl. tl.o Secondary 1"; ™,t','= /"'■'li^l' f"nl.F|c|,,« ,i' 
 i "l-S l^oes Coal exi.i X ' ,, '' v •^'''''"'''' '-'"''"'i''" ; 
 s"'on.,|, ,,„„^ ,,,.g^ ^^.J'l.T London/ (ieologicaMy. conl 
 S'atio,,. Hunting ,„ t ' 'vnr,;.'/ , ^?' '''"''"' "'"lo^- 
 ' &X;£'-fe^""":-"'''"^ 
 ; ^;-'' <';■a"^:^,^^''^»- ,^-';Jrew. oalled to the 
 ■^■•'.. l:'n,o. 2. The T„„r *'""'"' ''''"ice, Lon 
 ' '■;V"l,''i''n-.v, lit KS^ ';,„ --"'lord and Tenant'; 
 •'• Handy Iio„k of I'a i h Lmw r ' ""7 "''- '^'"'- '«7I 
 ;'•'■•■ ';"»., 1S...I, I2u„. i Thf/r''' ";,"«• '•-■•"ocitors, 
 .on., I, si; I, r,,. ^sVn B Tlw. r '"* "' Hankruotcv 
 ''a.-n A,.|. ,S70, j,,,, ',,s „; ,'.;„, "%'''L7'-",''">' l':'!"- 
 ,„!,.. .._ , ... . _• '-"">. s. Ihc Hoii.-ehold 
 'iiiido to Paiuily'„n,|";.'. ..; -.■r-"- ■'• ^"'' ll"N«.hold 
 «,l,iM,;,.. Lon.,^i72.,;8v ■'■''; V,''''''r> """ «-l"-'- 
 and'N,,,.:.. '.■....'"', 'i'l'^'-^inK Acts; 
 "'>'''" , ^ , ,, 
 with Introduction an,! N,,,,. . . -■-■'■' ^■".«...„ 
 i;"!'--y xotes, ci;;.,,!.': : •; , ""-:f„nge, i".,;;:^ 
 friendly Societies Act. 870 ^i I'ii '^"">- ''■'• 'ilie 
 oature Act... I.S7.3 ,„„, ,875 /, '" "".'i'^'l^'"" <■""'■' "f Ju.ii- 
 •^vo. 1,0. The Pr„.ti,.Ml r ' '" ' "'■'*' «<!.. 1^77 n 
 Inlonnation fo, ,,'•., ■ '"'^T ^ " """J-'iook of I ,' | 
 I p. «voi new c,|., 'ks' " 'fi; ^^"''T-''' ''''"• '-"'•■' s" 
 Act. 18?,s.. will, .v,„„;_ fj;- y^««;;igbtsand AIea.,nrc," 
 H''for,„ Act : with Xo c, an,! r 'l \ t""'' ''• '^'''« ^'"^ 
 '^•Ke. n,i„hridge IS4? , f,' .«''",''"at,.d at Trii, ty c" 
 '"'-•"iaslical l.iit, ,.y ,• ,•'■":"•-"' ">"i; ieeturor in ce 
 '•\ '■AHricl^li:^ 5;:,'^«F. f-ndon, si,^: 
 ; [t' A'ner. ed., with A.ldi 1,^' 'r'"""''^' '"'"•■ L^^i 
 Whcclcr, I!,,.,., „„,j ,2,;,„"--'"'' ''"■'•^^tl""-<byW.A. 
 ^^ubject-s of Contc.:,,,, , -art interLr '""""'' ^'"P«" <"> 
 K"troq,ectlve\' h 1 f t ,0 PI,?' 1 '; ,'"'"•• '"". Svo. ,'). 
 bracing the I'l:-, „„leJwhrnh '.!'', ■'""""" """><: <•■ »- 
 Conduct, ton., is;;'.';*:?, f i.:^" '' ^y'/;"' ""'■'- 
 •J. jjiio ot Arch* 
 h ■• 
 deacon W. Phclp, Urn., \H7\-T.\, 2 vuls. Svo. ft. Tlio 
 Miiinteniince of tlio Church uf Englaml as an l.etnbliMied 
 Church, Lon., 1874, Svo. 7. The Young ('hrji-tian 
 Armed; or, The Duty ho owes to God, Lon.. 1^(4, cr. 
 Hvo. 8. Sermons anil Short Studios, I.on., 18,i,,Svo. .1. 
 Principles of the Knglisli Church : a New Apology l"r 
 the Church of Knghind : a Scries of Letters, Lon., 18,7, 
 1, Svo. 111. Manual of the Hook of Comnmu Prayer: 
 its History, Ac, Lon., I8S(!, l2uio. 11. Karly Mi.ssion.s 
 to and within the llritish Ish.nds, Lon., l^^N 12ino. 
 Witli Dixon, K. W., and Li.ovi). J., Three Ivssays on the 
 Eslahlished Churcdi, Lon., lS7:i, 8vo. 
 Hole, Jniili-M. 1. Lectures on Social Science and 
 the Organi/.ation of Labour, Lon., |8ol, 8vo. 2. An 
 Essay on the History of Literary, Scientilic, and Mo- 
 elmnics' Institutes, Lon., 18,,H, 8vo. :!. "Light, .More 
 Idght'" on the Present State of Education amongst the 
 WorUing-Classes of Leeds, Lon., I8lill, f|>. 8vo; new e.l., 
 1811;;. 4. The Homes of the Working-Classes: with, 
 Sug"estions {.n their Improveuiont, Lon., 18li(), Svo. | 
 Hole, Very Kev. Samuel Ueynolds, M.A., 
 D.D.. grii.luated at Hrasenose College, (l.xlord, J8U ; 
 ordained 1844; chaplain to the Archl.ishop of__Canter- : 
 bury since 188:i: dean of Rochester since 18S, 1. A 
 Little Tour in Ireland : being a Visit U, Dublin, Galwae, ; 
 Conneiuara, Athlono, Limerick, Killarncy, l.lengarritt, 
 Cork, Ac. liy an O.vonian. With Illustrations by Jolin 
 Leech. Lon.^ 18.V.I, Svo. Anon. New ed., 1878. .. A 
 Book about Hoses : How to (irow and Show them, Ldin. 
 and Lon., ISB'J, Svo; 8th ed., 1884. X Tile Mx ol 
 Spades: a Hook about the Garden and the (jardener, 
 Edin.. 1872, sq. 16mo. 4. Hints to Preachers: with 
 Sermons and Addresses, Oxf., 1880, cr. Svo. 6. Nice and j 
 her Neighbours, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. i 
 Hole, \y, G. Prooris, and other Poems, Lon., 1886, 
 '''Hole, William. Quasi Cursorcs : Portraits of the 
 High Officers and Professors of Edinburgh I '>'*>'"','>■ f 
 its Tercentenary Festival, [with letter-press,] Edin., ISSS, 
 fol. Only 1011 copies printed. 
 Holeinan, F. U. Christian Poems, Claremont, 
 U.S., 1865, llimo. , , ,.,, 
 Holford, Kev. John Henry, M.A., 18.!«-1mi>; 
 graduated at Wadham College, Oxford, 1834 ; curate ot 
 Christ Church, Hampstead, from 18liO. A Memorial 
 Volume of Sermons: with a Short Biographical Preface 
 by E. H. Hickersteth, Lon., 1872, 12mo. 
 Ilolgate, C. W. An Account of the Chief Libra- 
 ries of New Zealand, Lon., 1 880, 8vo. 
 Holgatc, Jerome B., ['i"'e, vol. i., add.] l. 
 Noaohida' ; or, Noah and his Descendants, BulValo, ISliO, 
 8vo 2. Shortcomings of the Puritan Church, and Ke- 
 organi/.ation of Society, N. York, 1863, Svo. 
 Holl, Henry. I. The king's Mail, Lon., 186.3, 3 
 vols. p. Svo ; new ed., 18ti.i. 2. The Old House in Crosby 
 Square : a Story, in Two Parts. Lon., 186;i, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 a. More Secrets than One: a Novel, I'""'- l"*"'. 3j'"'»- 
 p Svo. 4 The White Favour: a Novel, Lon., ISbti, .i 
 vols. p. 8vo. 5. The Golden Bait: a Novel, Lon., 1871, 
 3 vols. p. Svo. . i,i,i 
 Holland, C. Aspasia: an Autobiography, Phila., 
 1861), l2nio. , ,, . 
 Holland, Kev. Charles, M.A., graduated at Uni- 
 versity College ISlli); ordaineil 1810; rector of Petworth, 
 Sussex since 185S1. The Scripture Expositor; or, Dis- 
 trict Visitor's Scripture Assistant, Lon., 1 850, 8 vols. 12mo. 
 Holland, C'live. The Golden Hawk; or. The 
 Wanderings of John Malcolm, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 Holland, Denis. 1. Ulio O'Donnell ; or, An Irish 
 Peasant's Progress, Lon,, 1860. 2. Donal Dun O'Byrne : 
 a Tale, Lon., 1809, l2mo. 
 Holland, Edward. Mabel in Rhymeland ; or, 
 Litt'e .Mabel's Journey to Norwich, Lon., 1884, 4to. 
 Holland, Kev. Frederick May, b. IsnB, in 
 Boston, Mass. : son of Kev. F. W. Holland, ,njni; gradu- 
 ated at Harvard 1850; ordained a.s a Unitarian clergy- 
 man 1863. I. The Keign of the Stoics: their History, 
 Religion, Maxims of Self-Control, Ac, N. \ork, ISiO, 
 12mo. 2. Sordello: a Story from Robert Browning, N. 
 York, 1881, 12uio. 3. Stories from Browning: with an 
 Introduction by Mrs. Sutherland Orr, Lon., 1882, 12mo. 
 " The physical clement, the Mieeeii and "eUoii of llie 
 <-harftck'rs, is given by Mr. Holland • . . . wh e Mr"- «" 
 . .. presents us with a eomprehenslve essay on tlicspiritua 
 clement and p»ycholo^^y of the P>;em.s. . . . Mr. H'Jll'iiKl 
 has done a difficult piece of work with fair success. - 
 ^1C(U(., xxli. 287. 
 ' 4. The Rise of Intoileotual Liberty, from Thales to 
 ■ ''"iThe"";/'.- ';''i;!'lr!5^'"". "« parts judieionsly pro- 
 rK.rtl'ned ami the relalfons of the .lillerent evenU and 
 dienomeiia ably broim'ht out. -r'^"""'! f 'V '•''■'; , ,,, , • , 
 Holland, Kev. Frederick >*c»t, b. isil, in 
 Boston, Mass ; graduated at Harvard 1831, and at the 
 Cambridge Divinity School 18:il. He resides at Concord, 
 Mass. : has leclurod on Eastern subjects, orgnimod 
 several religious societies, and contributed to the 1 re- 
 i eeediiigs of the New England Historic (ienealogical So- 
 ciety 1. Scones in Palestine. By a Pilgrim of 18.)1. 
 Bost 1852. 2. Sinai and Jerusaiem ; or. Scenes Iroin 
 Bible Lands. lUust. Lon., 187(1. 4to 
 Holland, G. Calvert, M.D. 1. The Principles 
 an.1 Practice of Medicine, Lon., 18;i4-:i8 2 vols. 8v,.. 
 '2 Exposition of Corn-Law-Repealing Fallacies, Lon^, 
 1840 Svo :!. Vital Statistics of Sheffield, Lon., 184.., 
 8vo ' 4 Diseases of the Lungs from Mechanical Causes, 
 Lon 1844, Svo. 5. The Philosophy of tne Moving 
 Powers of the Blood, Lon., 1845, Svo. 6. The Philosophy 
 of Animated Nature: the Nervous .System, Lon., 84S, 
 Svo 7. Practical Views on Nervous Diseases, Lon., 
 1850 Svo. 8. Suggestions for the Prevention of toii- 
 sumiition, Lon., 1x50, Svo. 0. Cases Illustrative ol the 
 ■' Curi of Consumption, Lon., 1850, l2mo. 10. Const.tu- 
 ticm of the Animal Creation, Lon., IS.ti, 8vo. 1 1. Ori- 
 ' gin and Nature of Disease, and tlie Hoinoeupalhic Treat- 
 ment Lon.. 1>6I, 8vo. 
 Holland, II. >V. 1. Wesleyan Methodism in Scot- 
 land. Leeds, 1804, 8vo. Anon. 2. Proposed Aminge- 
 ments for Primary Education; 2d ed., Lon., 18(0, p. 
 Svo. 3. Opening of the National Graveyard to Non- 
 i conformists, Lon., 1877. „ , ,, „ r . i ; 
 j Holland, Sir Henry, Bart., M.D [n.ic , vo . i.. 
 add 1 I7S8-IS73. 1. Essays on fecientifio and other 
 Subjects, Lon., 1862, Svo. 2. Recollections of Past Life, 
 Lor., 1871, cr. Svo; 2d ed., 1872. 
 "Four year- ago at the entreaty of his children, he 
 wrote down or tircin the story of his life, as he couhl then 
 rerall it. and printed it for a sma 1 priva e e.rcle (>1 h > 
 trie Is In his eighty-fourth year he is induced to g ve it 
 a wi er rage and publishes it for the w.,rld. It is singii- 
 arly ope 1 in its eoiitideiiees, and wins upon us like apcr; 
 sonal mirrative which we listen to from an (dd man s lips. 
 , "3. Fragmentary Papers on Science and other Subjects, 
 ' Holland, Kev. Henry Scott, M.A., b. 1847, ui 
 ' Ledbury, Herefordshire, ami educated at Eton, and al 
 i Balliol College, Oxford, where he graduated, first cla>s 
 1 Lit Hum, 1870; ordained 1872; became tutor at Christ 
 ■ Church, Oxford, 1872-85 ; hon. canon of Truro 1883-84. 
 : and since then canon of St. Paul's. I. The Apostoli.- 
 1 Fathers, (" The Fathers for English Readers, ) Lon., 
 i 1878 12mo. 2. Four Addresses on the Saorihoe ol the 
 ; Cross, Lon., 187H, Svo. 3. Logic and Life: with other 
 Sermons, Lon., 1882, er. Svo; 7th ed., 1884. 
 " ■■ The first throe sermons in this yolume. to say the least, 
 -and several of the others appromdi them 71 power.-ap 
 near to us serm.uis that deserve to rank high In the lieo- 
 otical literature of England, and that apiicar likely to 
 n mil ai tl eir place there as long as sermons on the 
 Greatest subjects that a licet human nature continue to be 
 ?.«.,.. ..iio.i n,i,l ri'inl " — Snrrhitoy. Iv. 596. 
 nreaclied and read."— Sj)tr((i(or, Iv. 596. 
 4. Good Friday: being Addresses on the Seven 
 Words delivered at St. Paul's Cathedral, Lon., 1S84, .,.. 
 Svo 5. Creed and Character: Sermons; 2d ed., Lun„ 
 '1887 er Svo. li. Christ or Ecolesiastes : bernions 
 ; preached in St. Paul's Cathedral, Lon., 1887, p Svo. 7. 
 On Behalf of Belief: Sermons preached in bt. Inui- 
 ; Cathec.ral, Lon., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 Holland, J. Simon. Office and Cabin 
 ion for Engineers and Officers of Steam Vessels, Lon., 
 : 1861, fp. 8vo; 2.1 ed., 1864. 
 1 Holland, J. W., M.D. 1. Diet for the s.- 
 ; Notes, Medical and Culinary, Louisville, 1880, Vnm. 
 1 2 On the Urine : Memoranda, Chemical and Microsco|.. 
 ical, for Laboratory Use. Illust. Phila., 1887, 12mo 
 Holland, John. The Bazaar ; or, Money and the 
 ! Church : a Rcjectod Offering, in Blank \ erse. Hy 11 
 * Christian Poet. Sheffield, 1861. „ ,^ , , ,; 
 Holland, Josiah Gilbert, M.D., [n,,i,; ol ., 
 add ^ 18>9-lS8l. Dr. Holland's connection with lie 
 Springfield Republican ceased in 1866 In 1870 he be- 
 gin the pun\ic:.tloi, of Scribner's Monthly (now the 
 Century,) of which he was editor and part owner, 1, 
 Gold Foil Hammered from Popular Proverbs, N. . <>i% 
 1859, 12mo. 2. Mies Gilbert's Career, N.York, l^M. 
 16mo. 3. Lessons in Life, N. York, 1862, 12mo. 4. 
 letler, to the Jonesc.. N. York IS«1 i, 
 •'»" 100,000 c.o,,i," arc « I f,f "''","'• •'*■»• (M"^» 
 - .^Th,^M,.hrt;!K«„j:7-,^-^^ 
 I;'. Tho Story of SevenoHks N V ,' Vjl'*' "*'-'' '2">». 
 Nicholas Minturn, X Trk IS-r', '■,'"' '-""'• >•'• 
 J'".v To,,i,.,, X. York, i.sre H2 I ', '-;'!"• '■•• '^"'""•y- 
 -• f ;^i;i 5ii?ttek;riyFlr ^'n -;^s,„ 
 f"i'li ojie oC wliom lu 1 ;/ ,TM "'I'.ltitiiUi; of readers 
 I^r-l.p..Svo.' '^''•""Ve- Wne.t Thought,, Un I 
 the bar at Linc7n?C^s1"^ "'J' ''• ''''' ->l«l to 
 ast>cal Courts Commiss on's K»i' ^""""'"y of Eeclcsi- 
 8yo. 2. Uemocrae; and the Kh'r'V-'. '-""•• '^•^-'. P- 
 ed., rev., Un., ihss Sto i-stablishcj Church; 2d 
 Holland, Tliomnii' i?-.! • 
 d.. en College, OxVord^a jl^ell " M '' :^."'7„' ''(' "' »«g 
 'l«len College oX I a V.ut " - •«- 
 and aCha„c?.ll'or'V;H;e o2o;rt'',;P,H"' .^"'«' ^olle^^'e. 
 Inn ISfi.i; Chichole , rofcs 1 ' r .* '"'■•. "t Lincoln- 
 Oxford since l,sr4. Th« A I '"'^'■"'"ional la„ at 
 •nges of Charitable Endowmon ," i"'"' "i"'' ^isadvan- 
 J>yu|,on Co,„p„.it"„7C"'%I'<'»-. 1,'^M, 8vo. 2, 
 Kssays upon the For , of?' t""'' "*"■*' J^nio. a. 
 (Kd.) Alberiei Oen. I T) t '''J'?,"- '^^O' f'vo. 4 
 o,;;<J^'^T:rtS"S'X'^f [:;■•" -i'-'on:; 
 ^otes, I,on.. 1,885, ,Svo With sLL "''''" '*'='»= with 
 C "e.I'?,^4!5^,t ^H^S- J.. C.B., .erved in the 
 ;lH> Indian Mutiny IS5?4s n Chinlf';^:?,'' ^'^8-"' '" 
 l'.atLakevlle,Con„ " f^T"?"' ^^-D- I8.'i2-18S9 
 »' Bro„n l-niCr; in*' ' r : M- ',''«/r'>tiflo course 
 »ay Advocate IS56-5r beol'nr ''"^- """"y'^ «'""- 
 b-ard for testing .ne ta U i„ srf "'T^ "^ »'"> ^'-S- 
 "lanufdcture of Ln and I? i ^ I*"** 'oclurer on the 
 01 Mines in 1,S7« , a1 "' "' "'« Columbia School 
 '■nKtice in the Ec n.^^ntaTcer'.'^''^'''"'"" ^^^'-^y 
 ^"rkandLon., ISfiO foi „L^T"!;'"'"'' "^ Steam, N 
 - Ordnance and A'rm V. T'ut' 'x\ -': ^Treati.e 
 ■ rans. The \Un „f o. • V'^'t. ^N. lork, 1805 Q 
 •Method ofWo Hn/ ll'', •'^"' ''""^t^-^'ivo Purposes." 
 iprovcmenls must 
 ! its History and 
 '872, Ibmo. 2. 
 tie' o'^tW "PanZ' nuaT"'; ^"!' 'k"'"''"'"'^ Chapters on 
 ! Co'n"^':''' I'^^.f,^:?'. ''■■'«-'^. ''' '^"isburg, Jefferson 
 Samanthaattherenenni ,;]„;,;■, V;'^ "'-' '^"'O- 2. 
 .. My Wayward I'ardne ' or My I'T"'' ':"«• '^^o. 
 Hartford, Conn., ls«u ,, ". 7 iT""'" "'"' J'^'iah, 
 York, 1887, ™ I2,,,„ 1m- ■•• 'o™'". Illust. N 
 ' Vork, ISS7, 12m» i a*' '^'"f •'""'"'' Qniltin", N 
 . Holliday, Kev. V f t^ t^ 
 'Un.r!!:;^?r'^"" «-'-''• ^anlndia^-^Xl J- 
 p. 'st""'«'" '■«"• Her First Impression, Lon., ,873, 
 King''co;?^:./,!^:j,,«f "•;Be^Sey„,o„ educated at" 
 and other periodicals, held the f' , p''? ^'^"'' «"'""'. 
 of tho Daily News an,.",! '. , 'T' "^ •'''amatic critic 
 I Under Ii«>v Bell" % „„ M^o^J'^"^' ^'^ ""^ "tage. 
 ';■> and outofCir"Lon •,«,?"• .^- ^'^'^ ^"""'"^^ 
 ''«Gilt off, Lon., 1860 iLo 4 'tV'"' ^- ""'''""S 
 ;''I,Lon.,186I,p 8vo 5 T; f ,! "^Sed London in 
 "Ok. must, ton ,'86?"r t/''^""""'"'''-- ''Story. 
 Underground London. Loi' ^ri, ""^ <■''- '88«- «• 
 '"'ory of the E.vhibin:"-'„'/V862 Lon \«t^'"'""' 
 **• To-Day ; Kssavs ,..,J in" ,, ^' '^""v '862, r. 8vo 
 •v,^- «■ SirnL*^'X'r^n'd"E''^''^'V^'"- 
 '«'■!, 3 vols. 8vo. 10 l>|a,"n Rn i°i, ,^'"'J'8. Lon., 
 I8S0. Waiting for he bift a'T""',.,^""''""' «'" '« 
 those who are about to it n„„« ?T ""'" Words to 
 B"«tol. I . The Holy i^ble'tl P r^'?' "^ '^'^ ^'''^^•■"ent's, 
 I.on., J866, 8yo.' An"n "" ^"^= "^ "^ Clergyman, 
 Mollis, E. B. 1 r„ , . 
 Ne-^t Thing. Iliun. ■l-hila^'i^tP'/^"''""^ ' <"•• The 
 Summer. Jllust. N. York i's«. ?^ '^""'- 2. Cecil's 
 Hollis, William Mm' '^™»- 
 Original and T^Sons Bv 'T '"! .!""'" ''""-^ 
 ler|. Lon., 1851, 12„,o Anon '"'""''"'°'- '» "ent- 
 'f'lMs'rrat^tvlll" ,"*?"•' [""". vol. ,., add 1 
 '8« ; was,^ "rf "ai, "rs ' ^r^^'-'e-J at Yal' 
 !,8««-69, and aftcrwardTre ided fi""""'"' '" "''yti 
 Oonnectiout. ]. Thomas ^tT . ".'' I"«''tise,l law in 
 other Poems, Bost.!, 86 I'mo'-''";'^''/ .^^-fy! and 
 i>oycI, N. York, 18,^2 I (in, ^- ^'"'"y Hollow; a 
 Hollister, o. J i' t>, .,. 
 I Springfield, 1867, 12n.o ->' n?/ r cT' ,'''" Colorado, 
 York, 1886, 8vo. *" ^'"^^ "^ Schuyler Colfax, N. 
 W,"''?."*!,: sfo! ^'"■"'"'' P'-e-Millennium Future, 
 18?6, .S2"no"*'2'*Tl,^*n '' /^ ^"''' '"'"■ " Look, N. York 
 P»^"j'Talri''f;rf ."„7j (*; I<"-««? a. Thomet,-' 
 I'hila., 1881, I2m„. ' '"^' Sl^etches of Garrison Life, 
 RoprSwrn! L„n!?867 g^j:'"""""". Taxation, and 
 Molloway, H. i a'-t ■ , 
 V' M. 1. A Voice from the Convict Cell, 

 Lon., 1877. 2. An Echo from Prison j or, My Mother ] Bland's Liitin Iloxnmetera and I'ontamotors, By 
 iind I, liOn., 1S77, 12ino, 
 Hulloway, Henry II. Mental (ieuinetry ; or, 
 Uonorftliziitions of (ieouKtiieiil Denionntraticins in I'lanes, 
 Solids, iind Hpherius, I'hila., 1884, 12ino. 
 IlolloWiiy, J. E.-Eiiyson the Indian Mutiny, Lon., 
 1865, p. Xvn. 
 Ilolloway, J. Ivathleen ; or, The Four-Leaved 
 Shamrock, Lon., 1H72, 12mo. I 
 Ilolloway, Mrs. Laura Carter, b. 1818, at 
 Nashville, Tenn.; married, I8t)2, to .J. li. Hollowaj, if [ 
 Uichniond, Ky. She has .•ontributei! to periodicals, \ 
 edited the Home Library Magazine in t'hieago. 111., and ! 
 acted for twelve years as associate editor of the Brooklyn , 
 Daily Eagle, l'. Ladies of the White House. Illust. 
 N. York, LH69, 8vo; new ed., 188(1. 2. .■in Hour with 
 Charlotte Bronte : or. Flowers from a Vcjrkshire Aloor, 
 N.York, l8S;i, l2mo. I). The Mothers of (Jrent Men 
 and Women, and Some Wives of (Ireat -Men. tllust. 
 N. York, lS8;i, 8vo. 1. The Hearthstone; or, Life at 
 Home, I'hila., L88:i. b. The Home in Poetry, 18S4. 6. 
 Chinese Gordon, 1885. 7. Adelaide Neilson; a Biog- 
 raphy, 1885. 8. A Buddhist Diet-Book, N. Y'ork, 1881), 
 Ilolloway, Thomas. / . Practical Surveyor, Lon., 
 1S81, 8vo. 2. Levelling in its General Application, Lon., 
 1887, 8vo. 
 Ilolloway, William. 1. Superstition : a Poem, 
 Lon., I8o0, Svo. 2. Scripture Questions in Rhyme, 
 Lon., ISli'J. 
 Ilollowell, J. II. The Royal Commission on 
 Education, 1886-88, Lon., 188S, 12mo. 
 IIolls, Frederick William, of the New York 
 bar. Sancta Sophia and Troitza : a Tourist's Notes on 
 the Oriental Church, N. York, 1888, 12mo. 
 llollway-Caltlirop. See Calthroi-. 
 Holly, II. W. 1. The Art of Saw-Filing, N. York, 
 1864, 16mo. 2. The Carpenters' and Joiners' Hand- 
 Book, N. York, 1S84, l6mo. 
 Holly, Henry II. 1. Country-Seats ; containing 
 Designs for Cottages, Villas, and Mansions, N.York, 
 1864, sm. 4to. 2. Church Architecture: with Thirty- , and Evening, Lon., 188i, 
 Five Lithograph Plates, Hartford, 1872, 1. 4to. 3. Mod- ; Holmes, Eleanor. 
 ern Dwellings in Town and Country, adapted to Amer- i Lon., 1S8H, 2 vols. or. Svo, 
 ioan Wants and Climate: with a Treatise on Furniture j a Tale, Lon., 188,^, p. Svo, 
 and Decoration, N. York, 1878, sm. Ito. 
 Hollyday, Mrs. II. C. Domestic Economy : New 
 Cookery- Book, Bait., 1882, Svo. 
 Holm, J. Cocoa, and its Manufacturo, Lon., 1874, 
 " Holm, Saxe," (Pseud.) Stories, N. Y'ork, 1873, 
 12mo; Second Series, 1878, 12mo. See Jackson, Mrs. 
 H. M. F., i/i./V«. 
 Ilolman, Rev. D. A. Comity of the Laws of 
 Marriage and Divorce, Ethnological, Ecclesiastical, and 
 Civil, Fort Worth, Te.\., 1885, 12mo. 
 Holmden, Mrs. Annie, (Harwood.) I. (Trans.) 
 Jesus Christ: his Times, Life, Ac, by E. Je I'ressensC'. 
 1866, Svo: new ed., 1871. 2. (Trans.) Stories from 
 Germany, by F. Hoffmann, Lon., 1S68, 16iuo. ,'i. (Trans.) 
 Busy Hands and Patient Hearts, by (i. Nieritz, 186.8, 
 Svo. 4. (Trans.) The Mystery of Sufiering, by E. de 
 Pressense, 18118. p. Svo. 5. The King'.s Daughters; or, 
 Educiitcd Women, Lon., 18611, l2mo. ; sq. 
 Harrow Tutor. Lon.. ls6:i, 12mo. 
 Holme, Uev. Christopher, M.A., graduated at 
 University College, Durham, I8.)l ; ordained ISS.O; rector 
 of Cathorpe since 1876. Annotations on the Got^el of 
 St. Mark, Lon., 1863, 12mo. 
 "Holme, Uaryl," (I'sooJ-) See Hkrbkrt, David, 
 '"'i'lolme, J. Stanford. (Ed.) Light at Evening 
 Time: a Book for the Aged, N. York, 187(1, 4to. 
 Holme, T. and J. Hymns and Sacred Poetry, 
 Lon., 1861, ;t2mo. 
 Holme, W. Maggie Bell ; or. The Lost Sister, Lon., 
 1864, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Holmes, A. Bromley, associate member of the 
 Institute id' Civil Engineers. 1. The Electric Light Pop- 
 ularly explaineil, Lon., 1882, l2mo. 2. Practical Elec- 
 tric Lighting. Illust. Lon., 188:), p. Svo ; 2d ed., 1884. 
 Holmes, Alice A. Stray Loaves, N. York, 1868, 
 Holmes, Uev. Baptist James, M. A. .graduated 
 at Halford Hall, Durham, 1864; ordained ls65: vicar 
 of New Mill since isru. Musings in Verse, 1874. 
 Holmes, C. The Teeth, and how to preserve them, 
 Manchester, 1S84, 12iiio. 
 Holmes, K. .M. 1. The Cruise of tlie "Petrel," 
 and other Stories, Lon., 1887, ISmo. 2. Tat's Dream, 
 Ac. Illust. Lon., 1887,1). Svo. 3. Winning his Laurels ; 
 or. The Boys of St. Raglan's, Lon., 1887, p, Svo. 
 Holmes, Edmond G. A. Poems, Lon., 1876, er. 
 Svo; Second Series, 1879. 
 "With the exception of Miss RossettI, almost no liviiik' 
 writ -r of religions verse.s equals Mr. Holmes in earnestness, 
 in poetic Insight, ami in music."— .4(/i., No. iUl. 
 Holmes, Rev. Edward Molloy, LLP., gradu- 
 ated at Trinity College, Dublin, 1851; ordained 185.'.; 
 rector of Marsh Gibbon. Buckinghamshire, since 1869. 
 1. The Conhrmation Class-Book; Notes for Lessons, 0.\f., 
 187.^, 12mo; 2d ed., IS83. 2. The Catechist's Manual: 
 with Introduction by Bishop Wilberforce, Lon., 1878, ]i. 
 Svo. 3. The Catechist's Prayer-Book ; Prayer, Morning 
 1. In Time to Come: a Novel, 
 2. Through a Relincr's Fire: 
 3. A Week in Acadia. Illust. 
 Lon., 1888, p. Svo." 
 Holmes, Enira, b. 1S39, at Cleevo, Somersetshire; 
 collector of customs at Fowey since 1877. 1. Tales, 
 Poems, and JIasonic Papers : with a Biognipliical Sketcli 
 of the Author by G. M. Tweddell, Stokeslcy, 1877, Svo. 
 2. Amabel Vaughan, and other Tales: with a .Masonic 
 Memoir of the Author by G. M. Tweddell, Truro and 
 Lon., 1879, 12mo. 3. An Unknown Watering-Placc ; or, 
 Fowey as a Holiday Centre and Hcalth-Resort, St, Blazey, 
 ISSl, Svo, 
 Holmes, F. Morell. 1. Faith's Father: a Story 
 of Child- Life in London By-Ways, Lon., 1880. 2. Tlic 
 Children of the Court, and Two Little Waifs, Lon., IsSl, 
 p. Svo. 3. Danger Signals: Volumes of Temperaiur 
 Tales. Illust. Lon., 1881, sq. 16mo. 4. Exeter ILill 
 and its Associations, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. ;>. History of 
 the Land League Impartially Reviewed, Lon., 1882, cr. 
 Svo. 6, Reggie's Boa.'t, and other Stories, Lon., 188:', 
 16mo. 7. Starlight Stories: Short Tales for tlic 
 8. Jack Marston',1 
 Words on Work t.. ......^ , , -.j •■ p^, 
 6, (Trans.) Early Years of Christianity, by E. de I'res- I Younger Ones, Lon., Is84, p. Svo 
 sense, Lon., lS69,8vo. 7. (Trans.) .Madeleine's T'rials, and | Anchor, Lon., I88« 
 other Stories, by .Madame E. do Pressense, IS70, p. Svo. 
 8, (Trans.) Martyrs and Apologists, by E. de Pre.ssensf, 
 Lon., 1871, Svo. '.). (Trans.) The Oneness of the Race 
 in its Fall and its Future ; from the French of Eugene 
 Bersier, Lon., 1871, Svo. 10. (Trans.) History of Chris- 
 tian Theology in the Apostolic Age, by E. Reuss, Lon., 
 1872-74, 2 vols. Svo. II. (Trans.) Heresy and Christian 
 Doctrine, by E. de Pressense, Lon., 1873, Svo. 1" 
 Holmes, F. S. The Phosphate Rocks and Marls 
 of South Carolina: their History, &ti., Charleston, IsTu, 
 Holmes, George. Farmer John, Lon., 1883. 3 
 V(ds. p, Svo. 
 Holmes, (George C. V., secretary of the Institu- 
 tion of Naval Architects. 1. TheSteam-Engine. Revised 
 throughout by Professor James Stuart, M.P. lllu-t. 
 (Trans.) Early Years of Christianity : vol. iv.. Christian ("Text-Book.-i of Science.") Lon., 1887, 12mo ; 2d cd 
 Lile and Practice in the Early Church, by E. do Pres- ■""' 
 sense, N. Y'ork, IS7S, l2nio, 13. (Trans.) Contemporary 
 Portraits, by E, dc Pres.«cnse, N. Y'ork, 1880, I2mo, 14, 
 (Trans,) A Study cif Origins; or. Problems of Knowl- 
 edge, of Being, and of Duty, by E, do Pressensl?, D.D., 
 Lon., 18S3, cr. Svo. 15. (Trans.) Coligny : the Earlier 
 Life of the Great Huguenot, by Eugene Bersier, Lon., 
 1S84, cr. Svo, 16. (Trans.) Palestine in the Time of 
 Christ, by Edmond Stapfer, D.D., Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 17. (Trans.) The Ancient World and Christianity, by E 
 de Pressense, Lon.. 1888, 8vo. 
 Holme, Cecil Frederick. A Vocabulary to 
 18S8. 2. .Marino Engines and Boilers. Illust. I.oii., 
 1S8S, er. 8vo. 
 Holmes, Capt. II. Old Rube the Hunter, .V. 
 York, 1866, Svo. 
 Holmes, J., .M.D. Diseases of Infancy and Child- 
 hood ; 2d ed., Phila., 1869, Svo. 
 Holmes, J. E. Hand-Book to Cotton-Spinning, for 
 Young Corders, Ac., Manchostor, 1837, 12mo. 
 Holmes, .1. G. 1. Ghost's Gloom; a Novel, Lon., 
 18SS, p. Svo. 2. Pearl Sutton's Love: a Novel, L"",, 
 1 888, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Holmes, J. S. Reporu of United States Circuit 
 Oour.. Fi„t Circuit, v„,. ,, ,,«,o.„, ,^,^^ ,^^^ 
 K^""ri<:!i:!;:i;„:L^"^-;^".i, near ,.e.«. .„H„ 
 cireuLuioM. ' '"-"• I'riiited fur privnlo 
 •Wl IfiiwcM, D.I).. (,, ,, „,,,'' '7'"--; " nicue of R„v. 
 IloluH'S a lawyer 'sho c idri .r,''' ",""''''■■'' '" D»ni«l 
 \oraiillcs, Kv an,l .. '"*"'" "for lier iiiarria.-o in 
 ^"rk, isfin. I2„,„ '1 7f',.r' ;, ■'• ^""''" Maud, N. 
 " ""I'-nBton : a \„vel, N. vt,,' 'f^;,, ' ;!;'»• "■ Hugh 
 lU'ss and IlavliL'hl- „ v v,' ' '"'^i '-"">• T. Dark ' 
 '■^liS, «,. i,s„|„ ,,, ,/• ^['^ Uinslmas Font, N. V„rk 
 H.,M..e in tl,o li'JtTa X, n'ef v'^l •\"-r^'^^ "'• 'i'"'" 
 M.lbank, X. Vork 1S7I i ' ^°''^' ''*'"'• '-'"lo. 1" 
 >;,• Vork, I.S72,lt„. ''•,'-;;':: ,'•■'• Edna lirowning,' 
 '■ '^t. Mark's, N. V.rk Is), ,'9'"'"'"',""'' "'« K"«(o 
 ;• Dais.v Thornton and Je 1 ('/,' ^""x" '■'^''' '2'»". 
 "-■";»■ 1«. Forest ilonse V V 'i^'";"' ■"•■ '^''"■''' '^'S 
 Ked-Bird: a linnvn On , ' J"'''' "^""- '2i"» ly 
 <o«, N. York isi.;; ,'2.'i '' -r'r,'2' «"-"'" ''otller.- 
 Holmes, Nathani- , , '' '^""'• 
 .^••'l.; gradu'ati^Iat^', ,*,,^, •',-,. :^'^./". i>«t«rhorough. 
 .n Uoston 18;fy; a jnd. eof ,1 i'o ' ' "''''""'^^'' '» "'e ba; 
 s fi8, H,3y^„ .rXsoV'fn:'':;"';.^'''''' ':''''''«■'''"" 
 I- ilie Author.«hinof,,,.^ », "»r™i''l lsnS-72 > 
 ■» support of the theory that 1 LL '• '.^" "S'nuen 
 2. Hea,,.ie Ideali.n in^.|:;i:!.JS'it:Sc ^ll^ll^^i^r^ 
 •It Harvard in I8S2 an,l i-,?l '^ """ '""J'oal school 
 -^. In KSSfi he paid"A.;* \TpTf T"''^"^"^ <""«'■'- 
 lyeception that testified o h ,fo"f, ""I ' '"^.n^^S 'vith 
 "f every class. His liternrv a-n' "."^' "■'"' ''^''^e'-s 
 '""lor the weight of f, ,. '^ a<-'tivity has diu)ini,.hod 
 'nbutes .--asi-Cli/t';; AU.f„T"'^' ^ ^"" <'- 
 •Iter productions, whether^ , " Monthly, and his 
 ittlo di".inutio„^ ■'"«;„&'"/''■'"• ""^•' «''»" 
 Wioitous e.xprosslon in wS L ", """■>' ""'' ''" ""'1 
 l^'laed to have no rival "uTo '^ 4'," '? SO'ierally acknowl- 
 f»st-Table, Bo»t. I,sr,;, V-mo \° 'p'"'"^^"'' «' ">« B-eak- 
 t i-rrents in Medical Science • with"'.?"";!'"' C'""'ter- 
 ''"'I, Kiuio; new ed.. °S82 •! i "'"'•'' ^''"y'' ""^t., 
 I"-^t- I.HHI, 16mo. 4 Fisif'v''- ^""K« '" Many Kev.; 
 irovmces of Me.iJcal Science R^^I^^V't"^" '" ">'»<' 
 ^X'- ^he«"ai.dianXl'Ho^"'?^;.?'n^- '^"^ -' 
 T \'.it-;ii ho h«,l,vritton nfr;, , ' ""' '""">• 
 I,2,',»;T'.o^l>oot at the Breakfa.»t-Table, Bost., ,870 
 --'si^^^d'^Sll^l.!:^- "(I'l;-^ '-worked .0 ,on« gives 
 'Muuch sterling „re s ,,, ; ..'•'^ '"■' ''"■•< ''ronght to TIl-M 
 jiig-tro, in place. „f ,„, „,„ iivein':;U;s:'"ii',::',;;»v;;;^^',i;';'j;^i 
 J"l' n Whmp'Ar.u""''^;"''''''.' ""■'•■• '«'■'. '''"no. ,2 
 ?;'- Inn, tiale, a .Pother I'or''-. ''"'•' ^''"' '2™". s' 
 '"«c.« from an Old v" „,„,"'•','' ""*'•• '«"*»• '«"'«. 14 
 ^^■'7-l.S8l, Bo.t., 1ss,"'h\':"" '•;«•• "'•■llection of Kssay. 
 ',^«'i. l2mo. 16 Ha,,, w' ,,,,„ ' i?'"'''™' '^'«"^^. Host. 
 ,itboco„a..s,,o,hvalnal,,;:„,^'; ,,'^',7,^^^ 
 "• A Mortal Anlinalhv ■ I'l . ^ —■^uliuii. x\. m. 
 l'V;lfolio, It„,,., |s,si 'i;i,,,V ^"'' •J|'e»i'ig of the Xew 
 ■s""iiil, Host., IS8S l",„"' "'"' """■'■ '"'^"'s. H.ieHv Ooca. 
 ^ wlio';;,,;^"!;;;^ ^ -Jf an 'ivlYB American writers, the one 
 professor in the law school ,f I, '"'' '"'"• elected a 
 «"'»e jear appointed a eif't,?''."'- ""'' "> "'« 
 Massaehnsetts. The Pn., , ■ "'" ^'"I'n'nic Court of 
 ls:».p. !,..' ""»' "•"'!■ 1" Ail CI,,.,,, I,,,, 
 ,^,„ me^.S. I''e Hook of the Goat, Un., 1879 p 
 Holmes, T. n k a h- 
 t'ny, and of the Dif/* ,,„ ''"'"P' "f "'o Indian Mu- 
 anions the CivM l^u 1^ -'wiTh' T ' "^ '"P'^nied it 
 Wans, .on.. ISS/j, 8^ / '"i 7ss8 "" '"'" ""'' •'^'•'' 
 He writes in an «nin,.u:„V;;,.',:'^lv . . . 
 ■^'I'l'iii. V. a:io, 
 ">;"i«hts, Bost., 1870,', «;„;,'.'• "'"' ^"'os and After- 
 """''x a'M!aehi'n,'.""'ni:i" '" substantiallv IImv1„v'.- t. . 
 ^^ookey.Son,erset,'hirc,linee 187? Tf ' .","'' ^''""' "f 
 t'-e l^^"'vorsi'ty',',."c" , Jr,,^^|. -R.C.S., fe-aduated at 
 to.M. George's I^.spi , & '/''i """'"ilting surgeon 
 '■""ey and Cl.ildhoJd, tJ^^^Z, ^Vo! "^Vi.irn'.'^,!';- 
 »H ' '' 
 > . iV 
 J, HIS WiiiTAKKR, VMS., (cd.) A System of Surgery, 
 Tlieorcticiil mid I'mctioiil : in Trciitiifs by Viirious Au- 
 thors, Lun., l^'fil-TO, 4 vols. 8vo ; 'M eil., ISSli, :i volii. 
 Holmes, W. Uoligioua Embleinn and Allegories. 
 lUust. Lon., I!<54, l.Sinoj now od., 1868. 
 Holmes, W. C Instructions for tho Manftgcmcnt 
 of Giis-Wurks, I-on., l.'<74, Svo. 
 Holmex, W. Uordon, M.D., a lictntiuto of the 
 Royal CollcKo iif Surnwins, Ireland, 1865, and of the 
 Royal College of Physician^ Edinburgh, 1871, received , ,- , . 
 hi8do«rce at Bru9:.eli! ■, iiliysioian to the Municipal Throat i Hubert » Daughter ; or, 
 and Ear Intirmary, London. 1. A Treatise on Vocal !;;">•. .'j***"; 1'-, o'','.„i',,' 
 Physiology and Uygicno : with Reference tu the Culti- - - - . 
 vation and Preservation of the Voice. Illust. Lon., 
 187il, or. Svo; 2d ed., 1»30. '2. The Science of Voice 
 Production and Voice Pre-crvation, Lon., 18S0, p. Svo; 
 new ed., Isn4. ;i. A (Juido to the Use of the Laryngo- 
 scope in General Practice, Lon., 1881, p. Mvo. 4. His- 
 tory of the Progress at Laryngology from the Earliest 
 Times to the Present, Lon., 1884. 5. The Hygiene of 
 the Throat and Ear. Illust. Lon., 188j, Svo. 
 Holmes, Sir W. K. Free Cotton: How and 
 Where to grow it, Lon., 181)2, 8»o. 
 Holmes-Forbes. See Fohbks. 
 Holms, J. The Brilish Army: its Administration 
 and Organization, Lon., 187.'i; new ed., lS7rt, 12mo. 
 Holms, W. Changes in Incidence of Ta.\ation on 
 the Kiohcr and Poorer Classes, Lon., 1877. 
 Hololiaii, A. W. The Student's Book of Scales, 
 for Rovttl Military Academies, Lon., 1881, 4to. 
 Holroyd, llev. John. Five Sermons on Christian 
 Baptism, Lon., \>*M, 12ino. 
 Holroyd, W. It. M. Hindustani Made Easy, 
 Lon., 187;i, I). 8vo. 
 Holroyae, Rev. James, M. A., graduated at Em- 
 manuel College, Cambridge, 1872; ordained 187:i ; vicr.r 
 of Stapleford, Nottinghamshire, since 1888. English 
 Scenery. Illust. Lon., 1884. 
 Hoist, Hermann Ertuard von, b. 1841, at Fel- 
 lin, Livonia ; educated at the universities of Dorpat and 
 Heidelberg; removed to the United States in 1866, and 
 settled in New York, where he contributed to the press 
 and became assistant editor of the Deutsch-Ainerika- 
 nisches Conversations- Lexicon. In 1872 be was made 
 professor of history in Strusburg University, and in 
 1874 professor of modern history at Freiburg. 1. John 
 C. Calhoun, (" Amerioan Statesmen,") Bost., 1882, 16mo. 
 '"May be described as a history of the slavery question, 
 with especial relation to Calhoun's participation in it. — 
 Xalion, xxxv. 79. 
 2. The Constitutional Law of the United States of 
 America, Chio., 1887. 3. John Brown ; with an Intro- 
 duction and Appendix by Frank P. Stearns, a Poem 
 by Mr. Wason, and a Letter describing John Brown's 
 Grave. Illust. Bost., 1888, 16mo. See, also, Lalou, 
 J. J., iti/ftt. 
 Holstein, Mrs. Anna M., (Ellis.) Three Years 
 in Field Hospitals of the Army of the Potomac. By H. 
 Phila., 1867. 
 Holt,Ardern. Fancy Dresses Described : What to 
 Wear at Fancy Balls. Illust. Lon., 1879, sm. Svo; 2d 
 ad., 1881, p. Svo. 
 Holt, Barnard. Immediate Treatment of Strict- 
 ure of the Urethra, Lon., 1863; .Id cd., 1868, Svo. 
 Holt, David, b. 1828, at Charlton-upon-Medlock, 
 near Manchester, Eng. 1. Poems, Rural and Miscella- 
 neous, 1846. 2. The Lay of Hero-Worship, and other 
 Poems, Lon., ISiO, 12mo. li. Janus, Lake Sonnets, and 
 other Poems, Lon., IS.")!!, 12mo. 4. Selections from the 
 above, and Ailditional Poems, Manchester, 1868, 12ino. 
 Holt, Miss Emily Sarah, b. 18;i6, at Stubbylee, 
 Lancashire. 1. Memoirs of Royal Ladies, Lon., 1861, 2 
 vols. p. Svo. 2. Mistress Margery : a Tale of the Lol- 
 lards, Lon., 1868, 12mo ; new ed., 18S.'i. :!. Sister Rose; 
 or, The Eve of Saint Bartholomew, Lon., 186!t, p. Svo; 
 new ed., 1884. 4. Ashcliffe Hall: a Tale of the Last 
 Century, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 5. Isoult Barry of Wyns- 
 cote: a Tale of Tudor Times, Lou., 1871, p. Svo; new 
 ed., 1880. 6. Robin Tremayne : a Tale of the Marian 
 Persecution, Lon.. 1872, p.' Svo. 7. The Well in the 
 Desert : an Old Legend of the House of Arundel, Lon., 
 1872, p. Svo; new ed., 1883. 8. Verena; or. Safe Paths 
 and Slippery Bye-Ways : a .".tory of To. Day, Lon., 1873. 
 p. Svo; new ed., 1878. 9. The White Rose of Laiigley : 
 a Story of the Olden Time, Lon., 1874, p. Svo ; new ed., 
 I87S. 10. Imogen : a Tale of the Early British Church 
 Spanish Armada, Lon., 1876, p. Svo; now ed., 1878. 12. 
 For the Master's Sake : a Story of the Days of Queen 
 Mary, Lon., 1877, 12mo; new ed., 1883. 13. Lcttice 
 Eden ; or. The Lamps of Earth and the Light ol Heaven, 
 Lon., 1878, p. Svo; new ed., 18S(). 14. Margery's Son ; 
 or. Until he Find it : a Story of the Court of Scotland, 
 Lon 187S, p. Svo. \:>. Lady Sybil's Choice : a Tale of 
 the Crusades, Lon., lS7it, p. 8vo. 16. The Maiden's 
 Lodge; or. None of Self and All of Thee: a Tale of (he 
 Time of Queen Anne, Lon., 1879, n. Svo. 17. Earl 
 The Polishing of the Pearl, 
 Joyce .Morrell's Harvest; or, 
 The Annals "of Selwick Ha"ll, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 19. 
 Red and White : a Tale of the Wars of the Roses, Lon., 
 1882, p. Svo. 20. At ye Greene Griffin : a Tale of the 
 Fifteenth Century, Lon., 1882, 12mo. 21. Not lor Him : 
 the Story of a Forgotten Hero, Lon., 1883, p. Svo. 22. 
 The Way of the Cross, ami other Tales, Lon., 1SS3, 
 12nio 23. Wearyholuie: a Tale of the Restoration of 
 Charles II., Lon., 1SS3, p. Svo. 24. The Lord of the 
 Marches ; or. The Story of Roger Mortimer, Lon., 18S4, 
 p. Svo. 26. Ye Olden Time: English Customs in the 
 Aiiddle Ages, Lon., 1SS4, p. Svo. 26. The Lord Mayor: 
 a Tale of London in 1584, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 27. John 
 de Wyoliffe, the First of the Reformers, Lon., 1884, r. 
 Svo. 28. A Tangled Web : a Tale of the Fifteenth Cen- 
 tury, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 29. In All Time of our Tribu- 
 lation : the Story of Piers Gavestonc, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 30. The Slave Girl of Pompeii ; a Tale of the First Cen- 
 tury, Lon., 1SS6, p. Svo. 31. All for the Best ; or, Ber- 
 nard Gilpin's Motto, Lon., 1887, 12mo. 32. In Convent 
 Walls: the Story of the Dispensers, Lim., 1887, p. Svo. 
 33. Our Little Lady ; or. Six Hundred Years Ago, Lon., 
 1887, p. Svo. .S4. The King's Daughters ; or, How Two 
 Girls kept the Faith, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 35. Out of the 
 Forty-Five; or, Duncan Keith's Vow, Lon., 1S88, p. Svo. 
 Holt, Henry. (Trans.) The Man with the Broken 
 Ear, by Edmond About, (" Leisure Hour" Ser.,) N. York, 
 1867, 16mo; new ed., 1876. 
 Holt, Mrs. M. A. 1. John Bentley's Mistake, N. 
 York, 1873. 2. Work and Reward, N. York, 1873. 3. 
 God's Way; or. Gaining the Better Life. Illust. N. 
 Y'ork, 1S75, 16mo. 4. Foiled: an American Novel; 
 [also] Seesaw, Marjorie Daw, N. York, 1882, 4to. 
 Holt, Mary Helen. See Meldhim, Mrs. Maiiy 
 Holt, Rev. Robert, M.A., graduated at St. John s 
 College, Cambridge, 1846; ordained 1846 ; vicar of Hille^- 
 den, Buckinghamshire, since 18BS. (Ed.) The Ormulum : 
 with the Notes and Glossary of Dr. R. M. White, Osf, 
 1878, 2 vols. ex. fp. Svo. 
 Holt, Robert B. 1. Kynwith, Lon., 1868, p. 8v(i. 
 2. Elfrida, Lon., IS6S, p. Svo. 3. The Scald, Lon., 
 1870, 12mo. 4. Peril Proves who Truly Loves, Lon., 
 1872, 12mo. 
 Holt, Robert Edward Hallett, b. 1853 ; called 
 to the bar at Lincoln's Inn 1874. A Handy Book on the 
 Registration of Title and Transfer of Lund: the Liinl 
 Transfer Act of 1875, Lon., 1876, p. Svo. 
 «» Holt, Sestertius," (Pseud.) See Cooper, Wil- 
 liam WlllTK, Klipril. 
 Holt, Vincent M. 1. Damages, [a tale,] Lon., 
 1885, 12mo. 2. Why Not Eat Insects? Lon., IS^.i, 
 Holt, W. Admiralty Court Cases on the Rule ' t 
 the Road, Lon., 1867, Svo. 
 Ilolte, F. Usher Life: Scenes Thrilling and Hu- 
 morous, Lon., ISSS, 12mo. 
 Holtham, E. G. Eight Years in Japan, 1S7:!- 
 1881 : Work, Travel, and Recreation, Lon., 1883, p. Svu. 
 Uolthausen, Dr. F. (Ed.) Vices and Virtue,-; 
 from the Unique Stowe MS. Part I. (Early Eng. Text 
 Soc.) Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 Holthouse, Carsten, F.R.C.S., [ante, vol. i., add.,] 
 consulting surgeon to the Westminster Ophthalmic 11"- 
 pital, Ac. 1. On the Cure of Inguinal Hernia, Lun,, 
 1858, Svo. 2. On Squinting and Paralytic Atfections "f 
 the Eye, Lon., 185S, 12mo. 3. On the Radical Cure "I' 
 Hernial and other Tumours of the Groin, ic, Lon., 
 1870, Svo. 4. The Proper Selection and Scientific Api'li- 
 cation of Trusses, Lon., 1871, Svo. 
 Holton, I. F, New Granada: Twenty Montlis in 
 the Andes. Illust. Maps and Index, N. York, \>'i\ 
 I Svo. 
 ! Holworthy, S. M. 1. Scylla and Charybdis: or, 
 Lilian Lane, Lon., 1876, 12ino. 2. Sunny Sund:i\>: 
 Lon., 1S75, p. 
 Svo. II. Clare Avery : a Story of the [ Hints for Conversational Classes, Lon., 1887, 12mo. 
 Seoulariats' .M 
 riages, Fiineri 
 ham, Eng., an 
 in that town, 
 as teacher of i 
 political and «| 
 part in [iroinot 
 education of t 
 cate a system v 
 the last person 
 ism, having be( 
 an answer give 
 ture. 1. The L 
 ist fear to Die 
 from the I'rincij 
 of Public Spoul 
 The History of ( 
 and Advocates, 
 Trial of Thoisii: 
 Lon., 1877, p. 8v 
 "I Every- Day L(j 
 Kaynor Stephen 
 iin Introduction 
 8. Among the A 
 Lon., Issi, i2mo 
 Tlirco Yearsof Co 
 I'art I., lSU-57 
 Sio; 9th ed., ent 
 "<■ Travels in .S 
 •V.uericaand Cam 
 ■He . . . coiitin 
 lamida lo.'^aniji F 
 "olyoakf is a .sliru 
 II. Self- Help a 
 •*vo. (Relates to 
 ing the Condition 
 Poor, established i 
 Holyoake, M 
 ures, Lon., 187(1, p 
 Hoi yoke, Ma 
 Late: Poems, Chic 
 Homans, Isa 
 llie Commeroial Lt 
 Homans, J. s 
 lory of Coinage, a 
 J;nited States, Sta 
 I'liila., 187.i, ,Hvo 
 "Home, Ceci 
 c:tSTA. iii/ni. 
 Home, Danic 
 fcilinburgh; remove 
 the ago of seventei 
 medium, and some y 
 K'iive exhibitions at f 
 private circles, maki 
 1,'enoe and culture 
 p, Svo. 
 ,hM!.'',',P'"e 's. aoeo 
 inc testiraoiiv of lii« 
 e<luaued, fainitical n 
 woiolerfiil stories, w/i 
 a whole atmospliere « 
 2. Lights and Shi 
 8vo; 2ded., 1878. 
 "5{r. Home bus com 
 frauds, blasijheiiiies 1 
 "/'■•'"Sign a,., 'of ',1 
 liL'y want. .Mr. H,„ 
 »i'I.Jtev., xliii. Gii; 
 Home, Mrs. «« 
 bile and Mission, Lon 
 "Her book, if it Willi 
 » ler bu.sband, is nU 
 Mrv Home is fvideiiil 
 Home, David i» 
 Muary of the Firth 
 •dm., 1871, Svo. •> 
 ""ter-Lines, Marine,' 
 Home, F. n,^'i 
 ^"n- '»78, p. Svo. 2. 
 '""v 1SS3, p. Svo. .s 
 L"". IS86, so. 18mo. 
 Home, (.'. Milne, 
the last person iuipri™,,. L I'i "■"'['"»<'>'■ He was 
 i«'". having b.o„ cum; t f^r .i'r,l ;;^ "'•'"«;•'' ""^o- 
 an answer given in .Iclm eat Vh„'i ^""' '" ''**' '"'"• 
 ture. I. The Logic if 0™ h or I'r "'^u" ^,f"'""'^ '"«- 
 1st (ear to Dio ? 12m , o tI, ; -'^ "''""'^ ^ 
 from the IVincM,,l„„f Free'thm h, ''i^.'" ""^ ''"'''• '''"'"^•«'l 
 "f I'ublic Speaking a„rr"«'''-''"o. '^^ KuJin.ents j 
 Ra^^nor Ste,ri,enriVe ol,'er , nVp "Iv "i ^"'' "' J "^<-Vb 
 an Intro,luction by J Son? .^Z ','"''' ^"'^'" ■ "!'•' 
 Three Year, of Co.O„eratio„ in H ? . 1 '""f " = '^''"''•y- 
 •;'vo, 9th ed., entitle,! "So f 1 el' ,';"V h'l"- '■'•'*2. or. 
 u.s.rfe/X"'''- "• '^"■•"■"" ■>' Pi..- 
 Homaiis, Isaac <*n,iii. w 
 The Con.„,eroial Law" Tf l" Vte';' [-'"^ r<"- '•• "J-L] 
 t-y of Coin^e a s/nlu^f ;h« M™";''r''''"8'' "'»■ 
 I'nited States, Statistio/nf ^l n """ ^■''>'=' "f the 
 I'hiht.. LS7,!,,hVo An?n ^' '^'"""S'^' *«• I"»«t! 
 .rsT."-">:: ^■''"''" (''^"'"J-) See Webst.,, Af- 
 Fi^!""1' 'Daniel Duiiglas. mt K>i« u 
 L.linburgh; removed to fh,. • ? 'S;'-1-ISS6, b. near 
 'he age of seventeen be a „e^"'otr"""^' ".' ''^"i at 
 I'ledium, and some vear, ?„.„ ' "'^ '^ "I'irituaiistio 
 K^ve oxhibi,io„r,7s: f' ho":"- '?i "^r"'*^' """« '"« 
 private circles, makinit conv««. '"'""'l''^' """rts and in 
 «ence and oult'ure?*ir.dent, '■?""« r"J"^ "'''"'<"»- 
 p. Svo. iiiudents in my Life, Lon., 1SB3, 
 .h^]!^-tim™?- ll/r :;',;,';«£ hiaow,, account and froj 
 awhole atmosphere ^n;i^|;-:finti^^;;:i^f''4? 
 Svo'-,.,',: -l'^ Shadows of Spiritualism, Lon., .87;! 
 fmijii; w^;^.!!;;!iSn!!ri^/;s':irir'^ <^»"''«">» of the 
 ,^IIome, •»• -^""tohe. o^f Cambridge, in V«r,e, Lon., 
 I ofYSo^i.ep!!:,';': ;.!;';'-,^e^-. ^ho Rise and Fall 
 ' Home, Col.H.. Vu 'h I.- '. T.i'- 1'' """• 
 her of the commission aii,'™ nted .in i "f, """ * »"""- 
 "er in to dehne the li 't" of H.M ■■ "'" ^"^'^ »' 
 Military Reports ad.lres el to th ""'K""-'"' > • ( Trins.) 
 hy liaron W offel, Lon isrs « * o'""*" ^^'"^ 
 n the French -V rmy j.. 1 l" r""' ^ i,^™""-" "eforms 
 1872. .See H.u, k/vb,m v C 'b ""^ Keoruiting, Lon., 
 llomi'ford, faleh m .' '"'""'■ 
 ercd, Lon., |,s7,', f27,',f * 'Patrimonial Union consid- 
 Homer, A. N ti. nr 
 I-""..,';i tls!*cr ,s^o" "•"'""' ''" '"^"d^ a Novel, 
 ..s."T.S "•''''"' '^^ '''•''^"V. Home Nursing, Lon 
 N'o''.r";f,"sf?;:;/y ««;"«; others Romance., a 
 Bo"^;?.: "Yrid'S'af ^r*""' ''^'^-ISSS, b. in 
 at.Andover alid' vl Thclgi:i';''^f '•" '''"' «""lie3 
 Oriental studies at I'aris Fr„^'' S«"""»'-'es- pur.,ued 
 missionary to Turkev of'th ?■ ^'•""'^ "*« "rdnined as a 
 afterward^ connected ^ t'h' h'e^A:^^'''^''""',"''^- "" "»^ 
 ?,'ons and with the dit, onml ^ ™" '"'""' "f '"is- 
 States, and in 1854 beZne "ItfnT'fl °^''''' ^'""^"'1 
 senior librnrian, of the Sta.n ''hrarian, in l,s78 
 1/ThoNeedof heYezedeeTof m"^ "' ^"'""y- ^V. 
 Observations on the Dpsi^n '^l^^^Potamia, IM42. 2. 
 Albany, lN6.i,.Svo 3 oT/Ln«^ .^"'K"' "^ ^^''^"1" 
 the Northwest Coast One n^„ . /'t^'' "^ California and 
 1870, 8vo. 4. The lla?„tine Fm-'' ^^"^ ''''""'. Albany, 
 '■09, Albany, 187?. h?!!""^ ^Tja'n'^TK" ?"S"""^ '" 
 Happiness; from the f urktsh ^f AiV ''" ^'"^'''''''y °f 
 '87.1, 8vo. 6. The \V,?.,Jl "^ '^'-"hazzali, Albany. 
 187« 7 TI, i/; "»ter-i>upnlo «f r. . '"V> 
 1 '11 honest sceptic 
 -- ".". - '" these pursuits."- 
 -onrvHUah"S?nl'*i'"?\"^'' R--n lady. 
 Life and Mission, Cn Isss ?"""' """^las Home : his 
 l'";h"M,rs prcteiisi!',; "L^'i'-r'^.f <J^,V"ut believer ai her 
 J"'"., 1878, p. 8vo. 2 LaV cl'nrT^^ °I " ^^"yfarer,' 
 ^■-"n., 1S.S3, 'p. 8vo. .V. The Wrath'"'^ *J?<' "'••" ^■"^■"^S 
 I"'",, i.-^se, sV iBmo ""■ "'^ ""' *''y- must. 
 "o."e,dMU„e. The First Successors Of the, 
 187«: "7:The"-F;'t:re"C"f"''P'y "' ConstanUuTZ' 
 State Library, IsYs 8 ^hlp ''"*"" "*■ "■« New York 
 j-[- "• Th^e Oo^r;ct\Ii:rfT.K,?r„?l\ttne. 
 M'Si::^p^^.r,^•/,-„v„«ophie. (Shaw,, (.. ,:.,„; 
 married to Norman Roger "1,'f?' t ^r^'"''^' ^<i-! 
 /lomos ,. Carrie iZ^VTng on """s'''' '''"'''''' ''"the^ 
 leans, N. Y'ork, 1857 •> ^p" ' '"^' Scenes in New Or- 
 Defended, [verse,] 1808, rimoTTw'" °J' ^'"' S°"th 
 I'hila., 1809, 12mo •^- ■* W reath of Rhymes, 
 Fn""ryr'a1^r;«,^4, IZ T'"' °^' ^"""^ - the 
 Hone, Ethel uf^'i, i ^"°-' '«««' ISnio. 
 3 vols, p.'svo •"• "'"8'°° ^"O'J ■■ a Tale, Lon., 186-J, 
 18""".'^vo.°'*'"" ^"■^ of '"e SpiritlWorld, Lon., 
 aaJ'""^/brFut^;e'^''L'*?-. ^'jr'?' f"'"'' -• '•. 
 ;i- A Short C«echism on^r"'«"""y' ^o"- l^'iS- -^vo! 
 8vo^ Also.chaJgtTc " '^°°«^tnation, Lon., 187,^ p. 
 into K::^,rs'h vS Vifgii^^/rt? •« ^ • ^™-'"«- 
 ton, 1859, 8vo. ^ *"'"^th Georgio, Leaming- 
 Revis"e'nt^tut"s' l^u'd^oV^he Ameilt > n'^^"?"' "^ ""> 
 New Jersey. Somerville, 1878 lOmo ^""«'""tion of 
 •oST^rrfh-^^^-^-'.^^;"- -•' r'8-.ies, (Geo- 
 J^^u-oiis Scotch ^^;.,^-|^-^;;^er^rlie: 
 Honeyivood, James i a d ■ ,., 
 Consumption, Lon , 18.?^ s^, 9 h"''"'" ^'■«'"'«« "t" 
 , nZfiCr±':,^\ ^«-. ^on., 188, ,2mo. 
 E.ast, Luu., lf<62, f-.' ""*. '""'^-f^'^'e Years in the 
 Hood, Airreu ti! r -, 
 Je-'iis, Lon., 1877, I 2" i;'f<L ""l Teachings of 
 ana his Message 1. L^^ ^'"P^^^ of N - " ^th 
 Hood, Donald Wii.iam '^a^es, MD 
 W3 ' 
 A miMlcl "f Hdriilt biiiikniiiklnu:. . . . Tlic ri'«ull, how- 
 ' over 1« III cipUim'I a liirnc miiiihiT iif cliiimfUTlNtlu iiiiec- 
 (liill'K ill It cullvrllliMlt I'lirill."— .I'/i., Ni>. '.ilKl.i. 
 II. Tho Worlil 111' I'rnvcrli uiiJ I'liuniU', Lon., IHn4, r. 
 Mvo 12. Thu Tlironi uf Illouuciu'e : (ircut I'miu'lu'ri, 
 .... 1 . I..U- .. u.... I'l Tt... I.*;..,.!.. 
 M. 11. C.I'., pliyiiicinii Id tlic W'mM Liindini Hnsiiitiil. Di«- 
 uimi'i ami thuir Coiniiienueiuunt : Ijcelurea In Tniincil 
 N'ursi'S, iluliveri'd lit tho Wist '.uudun lluMpitiil, l.iMi., 
 ISHIl, p. 8vii. 
 iluod, iti;v. Kdu'iii I'axtoii, [<i»le, vol, 1„ aild.,] 
 tS'.'ll-lsN.'i, b. in Woiliiiinslur, Mini I'diiciitcd prlvnlcly ; 
 licgaii lii.i ministry in lliu Ciinnre^.ihiiniil Cliureh in 
 i>*b'i; lii'lil piii-tDnitu^ in Loinlim : wiia lor mmiy yt'iirs 
 (jilitor of till) lOolectio Ueviinv, iin I rrmii ls;i-lS75 5d- 
 Knl till) I'ruiK'lior's Liintt'rn. 'I'liu fDllnwinu li^t oi' his 
 piililii'ittiona incliidi'S llie unlv une mi'iitiinii'il liy iiiiinu 
 iiiili; viil. i. : 1. 'I'lio \t(e iiml il.i AriOiilfi'l^ : Tun ('Imp- I 
 tcM on tliu Kiij^iisli I'lopli! in Kclutinn to tlic 'I'inu'r, I _ 
 lion,, IS,!)!!, I2iiii>. 2. Ouniii* mid Industry, l.on.,, I ■ 
 IHini). 3. I'lio Hood Old Tiiiica of yiiicn llesn, l.on., ^ bi'ulViiiiim iin'iid."— .Icm'.. x'xxl. J."!. 
 1S5I, isruo. I. Joliii .Miltiin, ilio I'alrii.l and I'.nt, Lon.. | IIooil, .Mrs. Kiniiia N«-Inoii. 
 IHdI, 121110. .'i. Till) l.iluniliiri) of Laljoiir. l.un., IS.'il, j otliiT lioariliT, I'liilii.. l'<>2, i'-'iiin. 
 121110. li. Old Kn^laiid: llistorii) I'iitiins l.oii., l^.-l, I IlootI, l'rniici-s IlailiiltOll. 
 ISino. 7. ,Self-Kdiicatiiiii, I.oii., Is.^l, 12uio. S. Tne 1 Nm iil, .Miii'on, (ill., 1 STi'i, 1 2inii. 
 Diirk Days of (iumu .Miiry, 1-on., IS5I, 12i 'J. Tliu Hood, Iloiiry John, .M.A., li. I.S45; Knidimtod at 
 Mental and Monil I'liiloaopliy of l,aii«litcr,, ls;,2, I llriiiienoi-e Colli'gi), Oxford, IMIS; nilled to Hid bar at tlii) 
 Klmo. 1(1. Tho V«v* of l!io«raphv, Lon., it<.i2, 12iiio. ; Inner Ttinple 1.h;(I. With ClI.U.l.M, Hf.niiv \\ ii.i.iam, 
 ;i. Common-Si'iiKii .\rKUincnt» in Anei'doti',-, l,on., ! The Conveyancing Acts, I "SI and I >S2, and tho -Settled 
 I.S,^2, l2ino. 12. Dreamland and (Ihostlainl, Lon., i8ri2, | Land Act, |H.s2 : with Commentariort ; 2d cd., with Sup- 
 r.'nio. |:i. Hauimers iind I'luughshiiret: a Hook for the plcinent, Lop., ISSI-firi, Svo. , tv , ■ ,i • 
 Laliourer, Lon., ls,-,2, l2mo. 14. Andrew .Manell, tho; Hood, Ilev. Jniiien >\alki>r, U.V., b. 1^-tl, in 
 Wit, .Stiitovmiiii, and I'oct, Lon., Is.^li, l2iiio. I'). Swo- 1 Kennett to\vn,-hip, Clioter Co., !'a. ; wii^i sent to North 
 denborj,': a. liioKraphy and an Kxpoaition, Lon., I S.-,f>, 1 Carolina in IMW as the Ural colored missionary to tin' 
 12mo. Hi. William Wonlsworth : a liiognipliy, Lon., j frecilmen, and in lH72was consecrated Kishop of the 
 l.HoB, 12nio. 17. The Kiirncst .Ministuri a Kecord of i African Methodist Epi.scopal Church. (Kd.) The .Negro 
 the Life, and Selections trom the Writings, of tho Kov. I in tho Christian I'lilpit, Ualeigh, 188 1. 
 ' Hood, John Bell, 18:)l.|s7il, b. at Owingsville, 
 Ky.; graduated at the l'..S. Military Academy IS.'i.'i; 
 ^.„^... ...„ . , . major-general in the Confederate army during the civil 
 isiiio. 211. Serf-Formation; or, .Mds and iielps to' Mind- ! war. Advance and Kelrcat : Personal Kxpericnces ■" 
 Ancient and .Modern, Lon., l^:,, ,,. Hvo. IH. The King's 
 Windows I or, Hlimpsca of the Woiiderfnl Works of (lod, 
 Lon,, lnx:>, »<[■ Hlmo. 1 1. The Vocation of the Preacher, 
 Lon., IHHIl, p. Svo. I'osth. (The second volume of an 
 intended series, of whicli "Tile Throne of i:ioi|Uence" 
 was the llrst. It contains chapters on tho " I'iiice of tho 
 I'liliiit in Poetry and Fiction," and similar subjects, and 
 biographical sk'etclies of Cardinal Newman, Dr. Faber, 
 and oilier eminent preachers.) 
 ills liiterestiiiL', .ililiire.-i|iie, vlvaeloils, tdoquent, from 
 ''— ^.l/'(l(/.. xxxi. "J.'l. 
 Dob Dean ; or. Our 
 .Maud Mansfield : a 
 B. Parsons, Lon., is.iil, 8vo. IS. A Hook of Tem|ier- 
 anco Melodies: with Airs; now cd., l-<.i~<, l2mo. 19 
 Havclock: tlie Hroad Stone of Honour, Lon., ISiJf* 
 Life, Lon., IS^Vs, l2iiio: 4tli ed., ISSH. 21, Sermons, 
 Lon., \^:>'J, p. Svo. 22. The Peerage of Poverty, Lon., 
 ].><5'.l-(il, two scries, p. Xvo; 5th ed., I.S70. 2:i. Ulind ; 
 Aiiios anil his Velvet Principles : Proverbs and Para- i 
 bles for Young Folk, Lon., ISJU, llimo; utli ed., 187(1. 
 24, Dark Sayings on a Harp, and other Sermons, Lon., 
 180.'), p. 8vo'; 2d ed., 1870. 2.5. Lamps, Pitchers, and 
 Trumpets: Lectures delivered to Students fir tho .Min- ! 
 istry, on tho Vocation of tho Preacher, Lon., 18(57, p.; 
 Hvo. (Tho author writes, " I have given to tills lecture I 
 this title, because words are lamps, are pitchers, and are ' 
 trumpets. Preaching to the intolloot ... is as a lamp ; : 
 , . . preaching to the conscience is as a trumpet; . . , I 
 preaching to the experience is as a pitcher.") 
 "The one qualilieatiiiii for a lamp, pitcher, or trumpet 
 seems to lie an uiilioiiiiiled How of nioilu r wit inid animal 
 spirits, with the power of eombiiiiiig iiiilimiteil full and 
 cnuir with Scriptural language and ideas."— .Si(. h'ev., xxv. 
 2li. Tho World of Anecdote : an Accumulation of 
 Facts, Incidents, and Illustrations, Historical and l!io- 
 graphieal, from Books and Times Hcoent and Remote, 
 Lon., 18(19, ]i. 8vo; new ed., 1884. 27. The World of 
 Moral and Religious Anecdote, Lon., 1870, p. 8vo ; now 
 cd,, I88.i. 2S. Hye-Patli Meadow, Lon., IS7II, p. Svo ; 2d 
 cd., 1885. 211. 'Thomas liinnev : his .Mind, Life, and 
 Opinions, Lon., 1874, p. Svo. 311. Tho Villages of the 
 Hible, Lon., 1874, er. 8vo. 31. Thomas Carlyle : Philo- 
 sophic Thinker, Theologian, Historian, and Foot, Lon., 
 1875, p. Svo. 
 "Tlie most vulgar, sensational, inipnibable .story that we 
 have been forceil to read in the course of this year docs 
 not bctrav a more complete absence of judgment or uf 
 culture tlian his book on .Mr. Carlyle."— -W/i., No. '248."). 
 32. Isaac Walts : his Life and Writings, his Home and 
 Friends, Lon., 187o, Svo. 33. Tho Romance of liiogra- 
 phy, Lon., I87(i, p. Svo. 34. Vignettes of tho Great Re- 
 vival of the Kighteenth Century, Lon., 1S80, sq. Ifimo; 
 new ed., 1887. 3,'). Uobort Riiikes of Gloucester, Lon., | for some iiictorial publications. 1 
 188(1, Svo. 3(i. The Day, the Book, and tho Teacher, ; tnrcs. Tllust. Lon., 1857, p. 8vo 
 the I'nited States and Confederate States Annies. I'Mited 
 by (iencial lieiiiiicgard. .N. Orleans, 1881), Svo. 
 •' It was cvlileiillv begun as an answer to the strictures 
 on (iciieriil 11 I> ninipalgn of 18(14 in (ieorgia and Ten- 
 IH.s^co wbich Hciieral .lo.seph K.,loliiislon bad made in his 
 ' Narrative.' and probably grew into larger proiiortioiis 
 than the liad lirst Inteiiiled. ... lie veliemently 
 insist.^ that lie deserved victory, if be (lid not achieve it. 
 His book must be judged lor wlia tit Is,— a very sincere 
 but coiitroversiiil defence of bis policy as all army eoiii- 
 niaiider, and not as a systematic conlribntioii to exact his- 
 tory II will have a permanent value of its own. and will 
 (as we think it shoulil) modify favorably the judgment of 
 the world upon bis last important campaign."— .Vu/ioii. 
 XXX. '23(i, ■J,')l. 
 Hood, iMaxwfll. Her Idol : a Novel, Lon., 187.i, 
 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 Hood, Peter, M.D., [n,,ii; vol. i,, add.,] I,80i.i-.i8ii(i, 
 b. at Gateshead, Fng. : received his medical education 
 at St. George's Hospital. 1. The Successful Treatment 
 of Scarlet Fev.?r: also. Observations on the Pathology 
 and Treatment of Crowing Inspi ons in Infants, Lon., 
 1857, p. Svo. 2. On the Treatii . of Sprained Ankle. 
 Lon., 1S5S, .'■vo. 3. A Treatise on Gout, Rheuuialism, 
 and the Allied Affections : with Jhaptore on Longevity 
 and Sleeii, Lon., 1S71, p. Svo; 3d cd., 18S5. 
 Hood, Uev. Ilobert, of the Kvangelical Chunli 
 Union, Bridgeton, Eng. A Run to Italy, Glasgow, 18>2, 
 Hood, T. Hi Notesof a Criiiac in H.M.S. " Fawn,' 
 in the Western I'acific, in ls62. Illust. Lon., 1863, Svo, 
 Hood, Thoinns, 1835-1874, son of Thomas Hood, 
 ((]. r., null , vol. i. ;) b. at Wanstead, Essex ; educated nt 
 University College School. Louth Grammar-Schoid, and 
 Pembroke College, Oxford, where ho passed the exam- 
 ination lint did not take his degree. Ho illustrate I sonic 
 of his father's comic verses and edited various editions 
 (if his works. In 18(15 he became editor of Fun. Be- 
 sides the books mentioned below, he furnished tho text 
 Pen and Pencil Pic 
 2. The Daughters 111 
 Lon., 1880, p. 8vo. 37. Robert Hall, (" Men Worth Re- ! King Daher, and oilier Poems, Lon., ISfil, fp. Svo. 
 membering,") Lon., 1881, p. 8vo. 38. Christmas Evans, j Quijis and Cranks. Illust. Lon., 1861, ji. Svo. 4. Tlic 
 tho Preacher of Wild Wales: his Country, his Times, I Loves of Tom Tucker and Little Bo-Peep: allhymiii.'i 
 and hisContemponirios, Lon., issl,p. 8voi 3d ed., 1888. I Rigmarole, Lon., 18(12, 4to. 5. A Disputed Inlieril- 
 "In Christmas Kvans, tho great Welsh iireaclier. Ills ance: the Story of a Cornish Family, Lon., 1803, |i. 
 times, and his contemporaries. Mr. Paxton-llood has found 8vo ; 2d ed., 1865. 6. Verc Vereker's Vengeance: a 
 a good subject, and has producecl an iiiterestiiig l.ook. ., . Sensation in Several Paroxvsms. Illust. Lon., isiil, 
 The story that .Mr, Hood has to tell, and the men and j^^^^^^. ^^^^ ^^^_ ^^^^^ . i.„i„|jo„.g Hest, and (Ulier 
 scenes he has t" dpscribc, lend theiuselves remlily to a 
 plcturesqneness of treatment tbiit would generally strike 
 us as strained and exaggerated."— Nj/ccdi/or. Iv. '.«io. 
 39. Oliver Cromwell: his Life, Times, Buttle- Fields, 
 and Contemporaries, Lon., 1882, or. Svo; 2d ed., 1884. 
 40. Scottish Characteristics, Lou., 188,3, p. Svo. 
 Stories, Lou., lS(i4, 12mo. -S. Jiugtes and Joke? for the 
 Little Folks, Lon., 1865, p. Svo. 9. Captain Master's 
 Children: a Novel, Lon., 1805, 3 vols. p. Svo. 1(1. A 
 Golden Heart; a Novel, Lon., 1867, 3 vols. p. Svo. II. 
 The Lost Link : a Novel, Lon., 1868, 3 vols. p. Svo. 12. 
 Coiuio Reiidlnj 
 2 vols. Il'iii,,, 
 Guide to Eng 
 cd., 1877. II. 
 Lon., 1870^ III, 
 isro, 3 vols. p., and tht 
 i^""- 17. Lovo 
 18. (Ed. I Tho 1 
 "lour. Wit, and 
 X'ho Book of 
 Scotch, Lon., U 
 North Polo. I 
 Lodgings. Iliu, 
 fccotlanii: Ucmi 
 lluiuoiirist, l,i)n 
 Fun Stories. I|| 
 (Mn.s. F. F. lino 
 Generation, Lon 
 Pu2/.lodoni, Lon 
 BiioiiKiiii., .Mils 
 iiood, ii,,;,; 
 tockliurn of thui 
 liirical Anecdotes 
 played a Conspici 
 Hood, n j,a, 
 Jiurjc-Sotling (Ml , 
 ment of Joints cr 
 Ilooe, Willi,, 
 of the Liieniry p 
 2. Sculjitors of th 
 I8S0, l,on., J 88(1 
 1880, Svo. 4. Ac 
 ■'^lyings common it 
 I'llo, Lon., Issi !•) 
 Hook, Anne" 
 i'lcry Day in the V 
 el., rev., Lon., 1804 
 Hook, Uev. t 
 •".{'■" .• graduated a 
 dained 1808; vicar 
 Idioohial Ollices, Lo 
 Hook, S. I». I 
 London Court of »„ 
 Ihc Ballot Act, I870 
 Hook, Stella "i 
 Homes in Meadows, 
 1S88, p. 8vo. 
 ■ Hook, Hev. >V( 
 '"./'■"/ graduated at 
 'Idined 1863; rector, 
 and since then of For 
 J^ishop Androwcs, &o 
 OxI., 1885. 2. The P 
 Accented, Oxf., I870, ) 
 tliciiis and Introits usi 
 fstcr, ls«6, 8vo. -(Vj 
 !«1.) A Church Diotio 
 eenlh Edition, adapt, 
 1 resent hay, Lon., 18 
 Hook, Very Rev 
 *■■'(.»., [,i,i^., vol. ;. I 
 e'iucated at Winchester 
 graduating in 1821 , 01 
 (.liiirch, Coventry, 1829 
 M Cliichester fron. I86() 
 ''f tlio High Church pa," 
 ,^<^ti«n of it which .'ho^ 
 (•IJuicli of Home, while 
 '"Otion of ..„,,„,„,, 
 he elevation of the labo 
 espect and admiration. 
 , ,' "• ^^- "'/'■". 1. Th. 
 f '!■':■, " Course of Lecti 
 Fain, y Prayer, Lon. ,! 
 F e. sermons preached b 
 ,•• '^•^^' '^vo. 4. The ' 
 -Ronian-Angliean, Lon 
 01 Uonii,h .Saints, and 1 
 «nc;es, Lon., 1849 Svo; 
 "■'■*• ^vo. 7. Lives of th 
 I-on.. 1860-76, 12 vols 
 v.— 53 
 "pr Wit. an,; w-: :„t'i;;: 'i'i^'r'' ;*n-i"t..i; 'C 
 ill" U'xjk or .M,„lun,\i'.'- '""'"• I". (Kil I 
 N"f" I'olo. Illu.;, L^' H7/'',T '^""''"0 t,. ,1,, 
 I"'J8l»H«. IMu»l, Un ls7- ' '-'""■ '''• '-ifu in 
 Fun.SionoH. Illu,t f ,,, •.„„"' ■^'""^ »■ T., (Jrcm 
 I'Mbh. F. K. U,.„" ;,, ,- '^-"'' ":'• "'i'l' ll'KM. j/v" 
 •e-'onuion, Lon , iu'M- V:';>*-'"'''J • f"'' 'lu, Ki in"; 
 ^.seu,,u.„ of ,i,e liay: ,' i,^;^V'"•,^'V"•'2'""• 
 '<■■'|^ l.on., l,sso, cr Nvo •! ii . "'" ' '•"I'.'^sion in 
 ■^".vings common („ |.,.i!„'n '''''''"' ''lii"-es, „n. 
 Hooli, Anne llt'Hcia « 
 '■•""•v l>„y i„ „,„ Vear rdi;.,l1''''ur 'y^'li'^tions for 
 iiuuK, Itov. Cpril \r i 
 ';!"■";• g.-lu,..e.l at ri,'i;';t'.:i;"n"f "'• *'• """k, 
 ;aine,l J.s.iS; vicar „f A S ,in 'r •''^^''■''' ^"'^^ ! "r- 
 Hook S !• ■» •"-'») ovo. 
 ';;""'""< '.u'rt" of'lia,"'/j!,';- '; The Praetioo of tho 
 J l;o Ballot Act, isro, lln's^o, •:,''""•' "'2, Svo. 2. 
 iJook, Sti>llii , ""■' "''-I l-'rno. 
 Hook, Kev. M'alier v i 
 '"/™; graduate! at Cl'ri.J Cln ;'/"?> "/ "'' ^^ ""»k, 
 'l"'"«.J I«fl3; .ectorof Woola in'-' « "'' '""''■ <"•' 
 Accented, Oxf ^O.^^l'^T^M^T T,,'" ""'^ ^^^'^^^^ 
 Aii'MlI,-AK^w;„;;'«!;;;^;'["';n /'-^iod, vui,. ,iu,. 
 '"■'"'la. N„„ s„ri,;,v',;.V'7/;' ;;•"•'' """'"' "»-»- 
 MirL';;;!;:^ ^•' ^-^-wi";'r'i:;;;rorri!' 
 m'w ,.,!., is^i ' "'""-'I- Hook. I,„n., isrii „ 
 "'" '^cienoe- |.;,,i,on,ized, jlon,; 
 ;-"•'. KUlUon. :d apToTTo tlfe^7• "^^ "»°''- ^-V: 
 ^"?fc.;^^vJi.««-,;Yl*^5 ,^'r"-' ^-^^ 
 LicateJ at Winchcsterrand at Ch • l"^,''' '" '^"'"J"" 
 (,aJuat,„g i„ ,,^2I; damned IS9.' ?'""'"''' "■^'"o'-'l. 
 t 'arch Coventry, 1829 Wear of ?' >"?' "^ ^""i'v 
 of t'Inohoster from 185!. He „f, "''' '■''-^:'; ''^'m 
 "f le High Church pa ty but TZ. ^f''^ "^ " '^d" 
 •ccfon of it which howe'd „n ' l""' -"'""^ ^""^ "'»t 
 CWch of K„„,e, ,vhile h,"\eal an ""k','" ^'"""•^' ">» 
 motion of "church cvtcnsion " T "^'"^ '" ">« P™- 
 'he elevation of the labor" "0!,.*'" '''^"''^"'"n, and 1 
 "^|H;ct and admiration i^^r bT\TT^ '"'" «''"'"•"• 
 i^'^.v,; a Cou4e ,.f ie^?. rC'ls';?-! '"'^"^ ^"^'"'^ « "- ' 
 Fimnly Prayer, Lon 18 ifl ' "'"• 2. A Ii„ok of I 
 I'u-e .Sermons preaohpd hf' ^""'' ""' '^''•. I8.« 3 ' 
 '^'f- 1837, 8vo'TTi?Thr'"eVi:f''"'^'r'''^- ""'^'''-': 
 -Koman-Anglioan, Un.,mrsvo T-n ' v!""'""'"'' 
 01 KoniHh -Saints Ld il,.! r ' ^''e -Vonpntity 
 \.-53 "■ ^*<"- 1., Anglo-Saxon 
 llouke, J 
 I '■'>">^. I "mo. 
 Nv"ri:'r*iv;!n?t!?'-T,"'^";''''' ■■''■- ''For ..'. 
 Ac I,on., IsrU.sVo ** ^'''™ Lectures on Ha" ji.'o, 
 JI«oker, I'anily, (•' Ernest I. 
 The .'Miin with Tiv„ «! ,""'■' "oven," pseuil \ 1 
 ' •'■';■ "-ker." iTin : ^'^^'i. "'"' A<ldi,ions b/si? 
 '"''-ns in l-lnne T «o ,,,mo^ i'V'"'";- I'X'odictory 
 Hooker. jMrs i .y' '■""•- I«''*S, ixnio 
 /'ichfield, Cont'^'d, ,; ,'e';"c''f V""'''"''' ''• '«22. nt 
 '/•.'■- "W., vol.^J)'': ! ''f '0"'"n lieecher. I) d" 
 .-. ^Womanhood Mr^:-.i.-;„;Ki;;:!SLi;i;r' 
 o"::;;?^::'^:;:-^„'^vs:i^l;;;;'^-sr'-- "^^i 
 A-y.-xxxviii., 1856-71 4 ,"1^'^™''? ^'«f""-'". vol, 
 ■•■:ea»eof;he colleelionT « ?„f,'" "'""^'l'-'^' '" "'^ in- 
 "f oi'orndon. ]|e reelEncnh " "^^."-^'fision ofi(,, field 
 l'r«i,le.l over the ri ih Vst ,i'T' '","'•'• ^» 'S^'S he 
 "n advocacy: and ,.o„ula ex !""' '''" "•'''™-''« t-eine 
 f^iet.v. 1. Hand-Book , 'tle"N'r7'''?"'-"f "'« """" 
 18«4. Hvo. 2. Icones Pi n " Zealand Flora, Lon 
 J^oHp.ive Char„iLrof'i!,!'e","„"^",' ••,;'■■• F;«nre,, wi.h'Z' 
 hewHcrbarinm. ThirdSe e" Is ,"'", ''"'"'from the 
 'he fir..t and .second series see' In' '';"''• '■•'*™- (I't 
 v"'. ..) 3. The 8tu,lentVFora " \l''' f,'" ^^'- •'■• ''""■- 
 Lon 187(1, I2„,o,. .■jj ed ,ssT 1 'l\'' .'""'' ^''''"''' 
 [nd,a. P„r,« I._x'. Lon ,"1 872-V) r^ 'if f '"™ "^ «"'i'h 
 nmers-) i„„,, Lon,S76-m;;.f.'"""^-'(" Science 
 , " "h Uai,l, Jo„^, Journa of a T "'w' "''' '«'^^- 
 'the Great Atlas: i„ei,,,Kn„ ,1 ^""' '" ^'o'weo and 
 I '^^,»eo'-ge X.„. a1 ,", fi ::. «7'%'.v "f Morocco: 
 "ltd inoM.sox, Tiiowio pr T ,. 
 ematic Account 'of t'h'ph.nto''f Jrrf,'- V t'"','" « "^ ^y,. 
 lintannica Lon., 1855, .Svo^ 2 p l'"^" '• BO'ologi^ 
 D«.(jrlpUon., Lon.. rt«t ♦> ,.. ritW. ^"y^" £?}: 
 oiire.1 t'licurei. (iii.l l.«,.. ... -."«', i-m., ISftll, "f"- With 
 BaKKIi, J. (1„ F.I,.S.. J,«..|i.ri8 Filioium; or, .»' P^lV'f 
 •ia of All Kn.,wn F'tw iwjooin(Mini<"l by Figmrei! repre- 
 ientlDK llio fc« .""V,. Chiimclor of Kueh «k-BU«, l."n., 
 1868, Hvn. , , , ,111 
 Jlookcf* W«nliiB«|«|i. [«../.■, vol. 1., iyl'l.,1 '" 
 18(17. I. \tlni V. ...k .« Cl.«,., try, N. ■Sork, IMrtJ, I..1 
 4ln| nt'W oil., I'-, -• i^ciencL' !'>' 
 Fivinily: I'lirt 1., S.- ---"1 Phil'iauphy 
 Ulry; Part III., Miu. ' ' "' 
 Lon., lHii;i-(l.^, 3 vul», 
 llookham, MrH. Mary aijii 
 Tiini'H of .Mnrgivrol of Aii,j"U, I^mi'D . 
 Friiiuii'; ami iif lier Kiitlicr, lienC- ' 
 lliu Kohoul nnil 
 I'lut II., Chom- 
 ,gy, N. York unil 
 1.; IS/-. 
 The l.lfo and 
 Kn)5liinil iinil of 
 i»« (IcmmI," Kln« 
 j?riini.'L'i uiiii wi tic, 1.....'., , v« 1 e ,1... 
 of .Sicily, Nuplow, iind Juriwilom : with Mouiuim of tin- 
 llou.^eor Aiijnu, l.nii., 1872, 2 vol*. Hv 
 ■•ShH»Jii«,,ln(ll«Tli.ilimltMi hern InmlM^^^ 
 «n.l, Willie slie .■vi.lrnlly i'i'''i»|' '" ''" "'"i"', '"''.'„" i,"; 
 oft.' 1 ri'iilly waters down the .•Imru.'tiTs ul llnw wlmlii 
 ^h^ !l".,lU l>y terms uf <V'-''''''»«''l'' ''"J',;,';' 'r.l^i.u.-r.' 
 Mrs ll.»,kl,«in has .ulkMte, her "'"If »"»,,', ,'"er 
 able a.wiaiiily ; hut she would have added «'" ,V,!. .1', lliv 
 valuehadshJlmt8hnwiiw>meerliv.ldls.erii ■ iwurtiy 
 of so inindi liidMslry. . . . ^>w hlnKraj.hles h we e^^ 
 more InlerestUm than Ihoij.' of Keue '''' ,„^' '{ J^^ ^'' 
 Anhiii and Mr*. 1 iHik ham hiiH made a readaljle I »m uy 
 mTly'tellli.rth" M.,ry ..f the«e two remarkable» to- 
 '''lloorefiiev. c'LrU-H Holland, M.A., Kradu- 
 atod at MaKdalcii VM\eg<i. O.xford, 1,H5U ; ordainod SB2 ; 
 lenlorntuJent .d' Christ Cluireh, O.xford, sinfu IKBI. 1- 
 An Anulvtieal l'ara|diraio) of the Kei.ublio of 1 lato, 
 Oxf IHtil ; 2d od., li^7.>. 2. Tho Church and the Metli- 
 odisln: a Few Remarks on Kecent Proposals for their 
 Reunion, I.on., I8«.S 8vo. J. (Trans.) Tho .shepherd 
 of llcrmas, in KnKhsh Verse, Lon., 1870. 4. (irans.) 
 Tho A|".stolie Fathers; the Kpistles of St. Clement, ht. 
 lanath St. Uarnabas, St. I'olyoarp; to«etber with tlio 
 Marty n of St. Ignatius and St. I'olyearp, Lon., 1 '7., 
 cr. 8vo , 1 od., 188i. b. St. Peter's Visit to Koine, l.on., 
 1873. B. Pooius anil Translations, Lon., 1S7&, IHmoi 
 new ed.. 1882. 7. llormione: a Tragedy, [,] Lon., 
 1877, Umo. (Includes sonnets.) 8. Tho Ketiirn ol 
 Ulysses: fa tragedy,] 1880. «. Tho Claa.sioal Llomont 
 in the New Testament considered as a Proof ot its 
 (ienuincness: with an Appendix on the Oldest Author- 
 ities used in the Formation of the Canon, Lon., 1.S88, nvo. 
 Iloole, Clarke. The Heir of Kegnault; a Novel, 
 Lon., 1871, p. 8vo. „, , , , 
 Hoole, ElUnh, ['<"(,■, vol. i., add.] The Lady a 
 Tamil Hook, Lon., 18M, 8vo. 
 Hoole, Henry. The Science and Art of Training . 
 • Hand-book for Athletes, Lon., 1888, 8vo. 
 Hooper, Alfred Bray. Songs of Louure Hours, 
 Bradford, 1867, 8vo. 
 Hoouer, Benjamin, b. 1807, in Worcester, Eng. , 
 resided in Manchester lor more than forty years. 1. 
 Stray Leaves from tho .Lurnal of a Naturalist. ^. Iho 
 Cruise of tho "Nelly," !.'^~i/. „ . „ 
 Hooper, Charles 1.. '.. Tho Mexicans: a Ro- 
 mance, [verse,] Lon., 188:), cr. 8vo. 2. Timoleon: a 
 Droma, in Five Act.", Lon., 1883, p. 8vo. 
 Hooper, E. Our Nurseries and Sohool-Kooins ; 
 Remarks on Home Training and Teaching, Lon., 1873, 
 ^'ilooper, nev. Francis John Bodfield, d. 
 1888: gradual.!: at Christ's College, Cambridge,; 
 ordained 1834; rector of rjiton Warren, Worcestershire, 
 183C. 1. The Old and New Dispenaatioiis Contrasted, 
 Lon., 1844. 2. Palmoni ; an Essay on tho Chronograph- 
 iciil and Numerical Systems in I'so araong the Ancient 
 Jews : to which is add-..', an A',.peni!ix, containing an hx- 
 nmination of the Assy.ian, Ej • .fan, and other Anciett 
 Chronographies, Ac, Ac, Lon., . Svo. Anon 3. A 
 Guide to the Apocalypse, Lo .., i - »"... '■ A quietus 
 for the Coming Struggle: w:"-; ft V - i- r ted A-'-.-er 
 to tho Question, Is cither Beast c5 As ''• •"« P j- -;y ' 
 15y a Presbyter. Lon., l'<53, ^v." b. ■ i ■ '■ •^-'''"f" 
 of Jesus Christ by John Exponaci<'l, i,. '. , ''i',. ■= vols. 
 8vo. 6. Reply to Dr. Wild: iv !>«.'i..-r "• the Bishops 
 and the Memorialists, 1881, 8,0. /. Ti.o Kmgdom of 
 tho Heavens, Lon., 1878, 8vo. 8. Endlo.;s Sufferings 
 the Doctrine of Scripture, Lon., 1877, 8vo. V. Reci- 
 procity: Over-Production v. Over-Consumption, Lon., 
 187», 8vo. 10. All Religiim Supernatural, Lon., ISiB, 
 8vo. 11. Daniel's Mysteries Unveiled, Lon., 1887, 8vo. 
 Hooper, Frederic E. E. The Indian Revolt : a 
 Poem. Part I. Lon., 1858, 8vo. 
 Mo«»vt, (jporfe, "821-1 81)0, b. at Oxford; becaiiio 
 a journ^ ^ in Lofi^Hon out 1844, writing successively 
 tor the Le«.««r, the S^"' alor,-of which he wis lor a 
 time .ub.edilor,- Ih. „,.».,.. and the Army •"' N'';/ 
 (llijotic, to whiet, h. 'billed a series .,f alicloi 
 dur.tig the civil war ii. .v„„.ri™. exj, auiing and fre- 
 ouently intioiiMiling the movemi Ms of the armies in the 
 >!eld In I8BH he went lo India, and edited the Ilombay 
 ,. , ,.tte for throe years. From 1872 lo the .nd "I 18f<ll 
 1„. „ -on the staff "f the Dally Telegraph, and after- 
 ward- wrote lor 111.' <llobe, the Spect.tor, and the Syd- 
 ney Morning ller.i'* He-hles the works mentioned 
 below, ho wrote ll» 'ant of the Crimean war and of 
 the Indian Mutiny in Cabell's History of l;»t!l"";;; '• 
 Tho Italian Campaigns of (leneral llonaparle ,n |llB-7 
 and 1800, L.ui., 18M1, i,. 8vo. 2. Water bo; llio Down- 
 fall of ibo First Napok'on; a History of the Campaign 
 of I8ia. Maps and Plans. Lon., I«62, 8vo, 
 •■ \ most valuable eoiilrlbutlon to Kimllsh historical llt- 
 ""Tl^'i::^ 'oxmildVlhe hatUoof Waterloo overwrit- 
 ten.' -.1(A., .So. ;di«. . _. ^, 
 3. Army Organisation, Lon., 1871, 8vo. 4. The Cam- 
 paign of Sedan ; the Downfall of the Socnd buiplre, 
 August-September, 1870, Lon., 1887, 8vo. 
 "Thouiih we think It nll^llt have been better done, and 
 defeelH n nmi"« oiis mafia' seen In it, It oertalnly l» the 
 lle'i history of the «reat 1;. Ihe KoKhsh lai.Kiiane. 
 — W t)'C(iN.NonM(iBl(i»; .lni((.,xxxll. 1/J. 
 &. Life of Wellington, (" Men of Action,") Lon., 188U, 
 '■ Hooper, Col. tieorge W. Down the River ; or. 
 Practical Lessons under the Code Duello. By an Ama- 
 teur. N. York, 1874. 
 liooper, Henry. Wash. Boltor, M.D.; or, Tho 
 Life of an Orator. By Diiedamo. Lon., 1872. 
 Hooper, Mrs. Jane Margaret, (Winnard,) 
 wile of (ieorge Hooper, ."/.ni. I. Arbell : a lalo l"r 
 Young People, Lon., 1847, l2mo. 2. Hecolloe ions ol 
 Mrs. AndorJon'. School, Lon., 1851 12iiio. .1. Little 
 Maggie and her Brother: a Sketch for t hildren, Loi,., 
 1801 fp. 8vo. 4. Fanny and Arthur, Lon., 1862, I6ni... 
 5. A Young Man's Lore, Lon., 1873, 3 vols. p. 8vo. I.. 
 Tho House of Kahv . "r. Our Lady of Darkness ; a 
 Novel, Lon., 1874, , . 8vo i new ed., 1884 7. Prince 
 Pertinax : a Fairj Tale. Illust. Lon., 1883, 4to. 
 Hooper, Kev. John Willmore, graduated .u 
 Ilatlieid Hall, Durham, 1805; ordained 1865; curate "I 
 Hexham 1866-70; rector of (iatcsliead Fell, Dnrhani, 
 since 1870. Sermons preached in Dexham Abbey Chunli, 
 Lon., 1870, p. 8vo; 2d ed., rev., 1872. , ,„, . 
 Hooper, Mrs. Lucy Hamilton, b. IH^S, lo 
 Philadelidiia; daughter of B. Muse Jones, a Philadel- 
 i,hia merchant; married, 1854, to Robert M. Hooper. 
 kie contributed to periodicals, was for a time assistant 
 editor of Lippincott's Magiuine, and Bineo 18,4 has re- 
 sided in Paris, France, whore her husband is U.S. vin- 
 con«ul-general. She ia a cortoapondent of several Amer- 
 ican journals. I. Poems: with Translations from the 
 German of (Icibel and Others, Phihi., 1884, lOino. -. 
 Poems, Phila., 1871, l2mo. 3. (Trans.) The Naboh ; 
 from tho French of Alphonso Daudet, Host., I8i8, lluii". 
 4. Under tho Tricolor; or. The American Colony in 1 i>i : 
 a Novel, Philu., 1880, I2mo. 5. The Tsar's -Hiiid t, 
 ("No Namc"Se-.,) liiat., 1881, 16mo. 
 Hooper, Mary, professor of domestic econ .my nt 
 the Crystal Palace School of Art. 1. Hand-Boo I •- in' 
 Breakfast-Table, Lon., 1873, cr. 8vo. 2. Little .JiUii . 
 how to serve them with Elegance and Economy, l.on., 
 1874, or. 8vo; 17th ed., 1883. „, . 
 "jjist tho book which Is needed In the English hou-^c- 
 hold."— .S/'frta(or, xlvii. 887. , „ ,. . f 
 3. Cookery for Invalids, Persons of Delicate Diges- 
 tions, and Children, Lon., 1875, p. 8vo. 4. \Vives and 
 H'>usowivc8: a Story for the Times, Lon., 1875, p. 5v«. 
 5. Every-Day Meals : being Economical and WhoIcMime 
 liecipas for lireakfast, Luncheon, and Supper, Lon.. 1 ''i i, 
 or. 8vo. (Many later editions.) 6. Ways and fnck' "I 
 Animi 's : with Stories about Aunt Mary's Pets, L'm., 
 18-i( -.,?vo. 7. Our Dog Prin. Illust. Lon., ^^IL, 
 12l^ . 8. Lily's Letters from the Farm, Lon., I">5t', 
 12mo. 9. liood Plain Cookery, Lon., 1882, p. 8vo. 
 Hooper, Rev. Richard, M.A., ^-aduatea at 
 Trinity College, Cambridge, IHU; ordained 1« '« 
 tor and vicar of Upton and Aston Upthorpo, Berkshire, 
 since 1862. 1. Music and Musicians (especially ing- 
 lish) to tho Days of H. Puroell, Lon., 1855, I2mr. ^. 
 (Ed.) Chapman's Homer: the Iliads; the Odyssey?; «»- 
 I'-HN, J vols., o„ 
 lor Henioiis and 
 Priost of the CI 
 Memoir, J,i,n., |s 
 eal 'I'leiitiNu on I 
 18611, Kiiiiu. ,,, ( 
 '872, 2 vols, 7, , 
 i'raylon, |s7fl, 3 i 
 Hooper, Nu, 
 Musf.; ,. 1),„|„|| 
 from IS.-, I. (.„„.,, 
 By a Merchant of 
 Hooper, M. | 
 ual of Marks on 
 Lon., I,s7rt, |,|,„„ 
 "Small MS Ihe I 
 amouiiioc Iniormat 
 Ilooper, Will, 
 the I em < of iho I, 
 HoopeN, JoRi 
 was one of tdo f,, .. 
 "f the Horticiiltura 
 J'-okof Ei.rgreen.s 
 "ii'.N. Yorl;. ls«s, 
 ,,"""1'P«II, Uv 
 toni Aautlcal College 
 I then reeb.r of lly„rs 
 ]■" facilitating the 
 Iroblem.s, I,on., |n6B 
 I Leading Doctrines u 
 ■ • A Praeti.'al Intr,,, 
 .Astronomy : being a 
 fcxorcises, preliminar 
 .Materialism : Ha, it ; 
 Lecture, South Shicl, 
 6. On tho Signidcatioi 
 lions "per Lineam \ 
 Di.seo very and Exp|„n 
 t'hields in 1875-76; w 
 '• The Biblo and Scioi 
 ^ vinovium, the Buii 
 Durham, as reveaind I 
 V. Discovery of n Pen 
 tlie County of Durhai 
 Durham, 18,S3. 
 Hoose, James ] 
 '\vraciisc, N.V,, |.S7(J 
 Methods of Teiiehing': 
 " .Bennett, Syracuse, 
 Hooton, i-\ c. 
 if. j'"""^ '""" of I'enn 
 i8i2, 8vo, 
 Wope.A.K. Cllu, 
 bami » i'rogress, Edin., 
 Hope, Alexander 
 f»rd.,LL.D., IM20-I8t- 
 Aniistasius, Ac, (y. ,..,„„ 
 jn. at Trinity cVlleg'e:'; 
 ■»4I; M.P, ,„r Al„i,j„, 
 Moke-upon .'rei » m\3-( 
 Cambridge '■,,.. |,S68. 
 froiuLH.SM. He was the I 
 ;ifiv 1. Poems, Lon., li 
 or th,. Church, Lon., I) 
 im, 2mo. 4. Letters o 
 from the "Morning Chr, 
 ■e"/hces and Metropolit 
 vo 6. The Commo'n S 
 1S58, 8vo. 7. The Englis 
 (^'"ory. I||,„t. u„«, 
 ,, Mr. Hercslbrd-Hom.'s ni 
 ,'-;.' ''ftlie Church irto ?, 
 8. riie American Disrun 
 mjsvo. (Tho three Lee 
 i'"";ly in tho same yea 
 "orM'.s Debt to Art;' a 
 "c Social and Political B^ 
 "H.''.., Lor.., iSii.3, ,, 
 Art Workman's Position: 
 «., 187;,, 8vo. -13. Strict! 
 '*'"' ^ ""Is- or. Svo; 3d 
 I'rient of ti,. ciiiir,,!, „c i' ' , V ""III'"."!!!. Hy » 
 (K'l.) l)ry,|,.„(A n i ., *^'""''' "^f- l^"». '*>o 4 
 ™i 'rn,„i,„ „„ Kv I Tiu J ■.",'; t; "•■''■' -* ''f"'ti. 
 INfll', 11:11,0. () ( K,l 1 V. , "y ^*'- •liil.-t. I,on 
 iioopor. «„„„„.,, 1' Is- ;";/'■; • -'' ■;' •• !"''■ ' 
 MU«M ., I)„,|„„ M„.,,.|„,, ,.„! ' •."' •^'"■■'ll"li™,l, 
 '■"n., isr,,, |,|,„„ '"""y "I'l i'.Tcoluin, .to. Illu.t. 
 "f^iimll UN III!' hook la . I 
 "rn,mm„C|„lnri,„u|,'„*..:';,,;„ ,' ■•■V,iI"Iim ,„, Imnieimo 
 1 1 00 lift r 11 lir __ ' "" • A I h. (;,rf), 
 •- ;v„?:',^'r?:T '^!!^:'\„:-,^;;- «« 
 ''*.A'. V.,l,'is«s i2mr ""' '^""""•' "" thoConlf! 
 ;■■" N.u.ioHl College, South s'l.i'e ,';';, '1 "'"•■^^'''''• 
 .billing Doctrin.., of ciirN ,''',"''' """«i"" ! or, The 
 ■ A I'ru.linil Intro, „ct on V ^' '"'"- "«'• !'■ '<>■"• 
 J.xorolse., ,,rolimi„„r„ e M ' " iV " ''"• ''-'"""I'l'-". an,l 
 .MiUeriiillsii : !/„, it nnv H 1 r. '""^^'^^''' ^"'"- "<7I. •» 
 I'Oetu^.^ South .Shie,: ?i' t';:"''''''"" /" ^-i-'ee?; 
 ';;,'»' "per Lin.",;: vj, ;.'• t^'"- "f 'h" «"."«; Sfv. 
 Jiiwoverynml Kxplorntlim ,,. li' ''''•""■ «. On the 
 *<• \inoviuni, the Iiu,i(.,l i, ,, '",7 "' ^ "fmnuo? IH7H. 
 i>. Oiseovcry of a I'erZi^ u' K-Mil'Tations, Isry 
 I'lirha,!,, 1S.S3. ' ""• '"• Koman Ebohceter 
 .•yracoae, N.V., is?,), ,,,„'• »'"'«» m .Artieulatlon, 
 ". iennett, Syracus^N Y "7 ' m''"'-'""'' ^y fharle. 
 tlK' KoaJ Law, of l-ennsvlnu!',""'''''- ?"''^'' ' Manual of 
 1«7-', 8vo. "nn-.vlMinia : with Decisions, I'hila,, 
 ^aJJ:?^;„^,«-K,;i!::'^i;i« '^«.'-Hor; o. Ton, Fai,^ 
 roJi-n;Li':rHTt',7-'r«^«ercsr„ra B...«,. 
 .;- at Trinity cJu.^^'l^l^Xi^;^ t^'lV' "l'""-' 
 Mok.'-upon .',1., t isil-, ,- '7'-'-^ and I857-j> fo- 
 Cmibricge ', , . mn ," "'."' f'"' "'« Universit; of 
 ''^^8vo. 7. The En«lirr,,»''u ^''V * Nocture L.,„. 
 tVntury. I|,„,t. iJ.n*, JS,,^'",'';''™' "f 'he Nineteenth 
 I'^f'-'. •<>•„. (The three iXtures hlR'"' ^-=«'"-e'. Lon., 
 ™l';'.v in the «n,„o vcrr in f ?•"''"''"'''<''' sen 1 
 1»H,1-. Debt to Art:',, Rehire"? '""','''"•) 9- T 'e 
 fl'e ,.N.e„.l an.l i-oHtioa! uLr "^'of "th- '• *"' ^"'- ' "• ' 
 iV' "'"rkman's Pcisition': a uiture"'/"""-.^ "• ^he 
 1-. Uorshipin the Ch.irch of Vn , ',H"°- '^^H 8vo. 
 '«'-". i vols. cr. 8vo; ad ed TssiV'' * N"""'- Lon., 
 ' *"•' "**!'• new ed., 1885, I 
 "• ''''• •'"""If Ih., Loo.. 1882, ,1 vol,, or. 
 I vol. l2nio, 
 ''"•"'""- I ' , xjiil ias """' " '•""•"led kleal I'f 
 ^J^..^W„r.hi,.«„dOrd,, ,.„„., ,«,,.,,„. ^,„^,.^^,^ 
 lllini. M. .'"'""> '-on., MN7, M Sv„ 
 Early .Miirtyr,. by V. il n i', """' .''"' ^"" "' "'o 
 I'll.. ls.,,s. 2:(Tr„„, ,TM ' '""''""ira, l,on., Is,,,'.. „ » 
 OalKairni, I„.„., |8«s, i.,,,,'- «" ', a I'relae,. by Father 
 '"nicKacoj Conver-i,nnf ,i ti '-".'"""•"n ..I the Ten- 
 ^"'->ry of .^. Phiii, .Ci „ ' H*'7''.l"'";"f "'" '"'"'J»n 
 /"'vor-ion of the 'reuton'io I "■■ s- *'.^''l"el •" tho 
 <»nver»ion»f ()„„„,.„...!:"'"-" ■..'"■ """'facu ,ind lh« 
 l>HlKHlrn», Un., 1,S72 « y .' '^^""' h Hev. ,r, j) 
 '""'I. Ini,., |,H7,s. ■ ''■•"'ie"'ea'i Martyr, in ICun-' 
 , "'p:r;io;^:^:;' !,«"""«• ■'^ee Mo..,.,,,,, ,,,„„ 
 , "of.: cS;i..:t:,r,."r\r"';; "••• ""■■• 
 Hope, (d. 1,-81.) 1. The II,.' '' /'Itninil Sir J„,„ej 
 1861), 8vo. 2. Sunh'ffht h, ? ^"'"^' «■ Tale, Un 
 ^«'"". .■«. 0„r^C,?,l{fe'R„' ".""V'^f^"""- '-"•: ^^"i'. 
 Ml ed. «anie year. 4 Vf,' , *' • ''""■• >S7tl. Svo; 
 «th a Prefae/by ho k,rl ,f «;""f T '^''«"™-K«om 
 I-'""-; ;id ed., I«78 5 r ' . . .^^''""''■'I'ury, I.on., 1,877, 
 8-4"nny Footsteps, o'r W, ,"""r"^' ''V»- l'^77, '.•i2,n, 
 '878, s,,. |,in,„. \ Lines nf?- ^u ""' * ''''i'J- L"n., 
 ground. Lon., IH7',., lCo h «!!m "",Vl^">k «aok- 
 ^cr.plure I'age, : 'a B"ok fo", i'"'^"'' ^'""'ers from 
 Children, Kdfn., 18S0, sq^ 16 no «"'^: ^T^""' «■"' 
 Hea, i^s^;:E; ;^:n« ;'^»-; "V Kar,yl,^i ^ 
 '■Hhe Month, I.on , i'^s''4 .SL'^trn'^.f'T. ''•'""■ !•"/ 
 Narrative of Facts from <<r.. .• ^"^ Ooldcn Key • a 
 P- Svo. la. The Guest r,.."" l"""^""-" ^-on. 1881 
 8vo. 21. Down („ the N^aM-.v ^ °",'" ' ^"°-' JS84, p. 
 J'lctures of .'Silver I„„ ,L'7.' ^°°-' "*'^5, p. 8vo 22 
 a \ illttgeWtory, Lon., I,s§5 l2mo o^^n?**" ""•' "orJe: 
 or, The Castle and the Coltil V„f •,^«^"°«'"' '^eenes , 
 Loving Work in the High ", ys „m. i5 **"' P" ^'•"- 28 
 p. 8vo. «'gn>vaye and Byways, Lon., 1887, 
 Ed"T.H * v"?.':''" /a-e. of Wardie Lo- -ear 
 lands. ■ EdUe,r"b7.^nne j""]?'' r ? ""'^•"'» ""^ Wool 
 p. 8yo. ' ■"■"« •^- «• Johnstone. Lon., 1881, 
 Hope, Mrs. Gcorsp f'li.i- 
t Ti 
 4. (E.I., Six Squari' Uovleys in Cmuliet, Lon., IMN two 
 scries. lf:no. ^'. M.V WuiUing Kn^n.!, I.on., l.!,.M. ItM.m. 
 C, Auni Anne'? Antiiime:is^iirs, Ihisting^ ^>^',, H'mo. 
 Hop.', (Jcorsje H. 'rill tl.e lh„Un- r..m«, nn.l 
 Urns t.i ik'l|. Him, 1.""., 1-7(1, ISino; AiiuT. «!., with 
 Ail.litimi.s N. Voik. IS71, lliin". _ 
 Ilo|)C-,lli'leii. Tliekhi'?Ueeisi.,ii: iihturyol UiT- 
 inan I.ilV, I,..n., l>-ii, 1' -vu. 
 llope, llestiT. Ituj-Jenliurst 1 a N"Vfl. I-on., 
 ^''^'liiope',''!.," (1'-™'!') Sec UnoMriKi.i.. Jamks, 
 '"'iiope, J. T. C.t,:n«uo „f n Cnlle»ti..n of Karly 
 Hope, .Inines IJarioii, I., isi;?, ,.l Norfom, ^ ..,™t'.a,it Willi,,,,, ,u,.l .M,„-.v Colk-e: l.vaet,.e,l lavv , 
 serve,! in tlie ConfckMale „>„,.v au,-„,)i llie oiyil w..., ,u 1 
 and other l>oe„,., I'lnl,,.. 18.-,7, 12mo. 2. A t" Uect " 
 „f 1'oeu.s Kiclnnond, Vn., IS.V.I Ihnio. ■!• 'V.' ; ;« j' 
 Oae, „nd other I'.KMns. NorlolU, 1^70. 4 ^ ! 'l--'" ' 'l^^ 
 Kmpirei or, Tl,e .-tory of Mudelon, >'«'-^;"^V^b liv> 
 ;,. Ar,n. „n,l th,. M„n, n,v\ other I'oe.ns. No.folk. ls>-. 
 llopf,.lnmcs L. A. In yiiest ut Coolies. Ulust. 
 ''"H'oporj«i««>''i'"<' ^"'-s^'"" •» ""-^ ™"!;'„ "'' """"'''■• 
 The llouJ^Bol- Sein.le.: „ Sketch, Lon 1^8. ,!'■ '^^■% 
 Hope, John Walter „n,l M. O. Ir""-) J' <; 
 Life of Cliri.t, by U. We.-, K'lin ' r''-'-*; ' ,'. v I on 
 Hope, Kate. 1. A I'lot ol the Present D.iy, Ln , 
 18SII. :' vols. er. 8vo. 2. Oor Utopiii : its U,>e au,l tall . 
 ,1 l',„Ye, in Two Acts, Lon.. 1 -SI. 12,110 
 Hope, Louisa Oetiivia. The Fen.,, e leaeher: 
 her (J,.,.lilioation.s ,„„! Do.ies. Lon., ls,,:i, 
 Hope, Lydia. A Mother's Idol, Lon., 1382, ,3 \ol.s. 
 "'Hope, M. J. Louis; or. Doonie,! to tlic Cloister: , 
 a Tale of Keliirioua Life in the Time ol Lou.s AlV.: 
 founded on Fact. L"':., 187it, ;l vols. ]). 8vo. ^ 
 Hope, Mark. (This is 8,.id to be a pseudonynie for 
 Eu.stiice Chile .i,ei,ville .Murri.y, <]. e., !"/"■■) • "•'''^ 
 and Light Stories. Lon., 187i<, 1). 8vo : new ed„ I8m1. 
 2. The l>ro,lig;,l Daughter: n Story of I'einale 1 rison ■ 
 Life, Lon., L>Sll, :i vols.],. Svo. I!. Ikcatiseol the Angels: 
 a .Novel. Lon., 1-8H, 2 vols. er. 8vo. 
 Hope, llobert (.harles. 1. ( Ld.) ll>e 1 "1' i 
 Kingdoiue o:- Keigne of ntten in Latin 
 Vers" by T!u„„„s Naogeorgus and Lnglysbed b. I ,,r- 
 nabe ti.'.oge, I57T1. Lon., 1>S1. 2. A I'rov':^'-;;^';, ''"•- 
 sary of Dialeet I'laee-Noinenelaturo. Lon.. I---: -'I en.. 
 1S8H «,,. ICuno. H. The Lawn-Tennis Co,le : Iteguhition.- 
 for Club Matches, ie., Lon., l.-so ,, 8vo. 1. An In- 
 v..ntorvorChur,di I'late in lUitland. Ilkis . Lon l.->8. 
 "liope, Stanley," (I'seud.) see IIougl.s, 
 '^i'lop'e, T. Hadford. A Visit to Jacniel, and the 
 Storv of Dian,', Leeds, l.-.)2, Svo. 
 liope-IOdwardcs. Sec EnwAiinKs. 
 Ilopgood, James. 1. Disest.ihlishment and Dis- 
 cudowm.'nt of the Church of England, L,.n., IS, o Svo. 
 2. An Attempt to dellnc Vnitarii.n Christianity, Lon., 
 ^'ilopgood, Thomas Frederick, surpon to the 
 Sunderland Infiriuary. Ac. Notes on Surgical Treatment 
 ami Minor, Lon.. 1SS2, p. Svo. 
 Hopkins. Alonzo. C.oraldine; a Souvenir of the 
 St. Lawrence, lio.^t.. ISSl, llln.o; new cd., Is.sT. 
 Hopkins, Alphonso A. 1. His l•rl^on- liars, atid 
 the Way of Lseape, [a story,] Uoche^ter, V\., Iw4, 
 12,110 2. Newspaper Poets; or, \\ ails and their Au- 
 thors, Kochester, N.Y., I S78, sq. Itimo; new ed., Bost., 
 188fl. 3. dobn Ikemm,, 1877, 12,uo. 4. (lur 
 .Sabbatli Evenings: Home Meditations in I rose and 
 Ver=e Host., 1881, lOmo. 5. Sinner and Saint : a Stoiy 
 of the Woman's Crusade: a Novel, Host.. Issl 12,,,,.. 
 6. The Life of Clinton Dowen Fisk : with a. Briel SketeU 
 of .lohn A. lirook.s, N. York. ISSS, r.'mo. 
 Hopkins, fasper Thomas, b. IsiO. at Allegheny 
 .■jlv, Pa., fon of lit. Kev. .1. 11. Ilopk,iis, ,„./n. .■,.ated at the Unive.-sity of 181,. and in 
 18111 went to California, where he cstiiblished an insur- 
 ance euu.pai.v. Manual of Amerier.n Ideas: for the 
 Instruction of Foreigners and Vseof Citizens, , San tran., 
 Hopkins, Rev. D. C. The True Cause of all Con- 
 tention, Strife, and Civil War in Christian Communities, 
 N. York, 186:i, 12mo. 
 Hopkins, Kdwnrd John. The Organ : its II.s- 
 torv all Construction: p.ece-le,l by an En .rely New 
 Worv ,.f the 0,gnn, Memoirs of the Most Eminen 
 liuildors, ic, by E. F. Kimbault, Lon., ISDU, Svo; 3,1 
 "'ilopkins, Evan, C.E., F..i.S. 1. (Jn thf ^n^';';" 
 „f (k.olovrv w th T-ern'strial Maguct.s,,.. Illust. L< ... 
 isll. mo: ::d e,l., ISC,.-,. 2. dn the < '^"'''f-V 'f,. ",^' 
 ,i„|,l.lU.a.-ing lio.'ks of the World, and the (..,l,l-l'.e . 
 „f Victoria. Melbou.-ne. IS.,:!, Svo. .1 A •M,o,t Mem.or 
 „r W.Stua.t. l-lyn,outh, 1>^';'.-™., ' , ' "^'"'^'"^.o "'' 
 The P,i„cipl..s of Tcr,cstrial Lon.. l-''''. '-'" ; 
 Hopkins, Kev. Kvan Henry, gnoluated ,.t 
 King'.s College. London, IS.).,; ordained l-f..: viear .d 
 lloh Triuitv, Kichmond, Surrey, since l-,n. 1. 1 he 
 ILilV Life: a Book for Chri.-tians seeking the llest ol 
 Faith. Lon., Is:,',. l2u,o: new ed.. Issl. 2 Thoughts 
 „n Life and (iodliness. Lon.. ";' l',''-"" ^ ';'/|' '''^•;: 
 ,S. Christ our Sanetilicat.on, ls,S 4. The L' " 
 Libertv in the Si-iritual Life, Lon.. lSs4 p. Svo. 5. The 
 Walk thai (lod, Lon, l-ST, s,,. IBn.,,. 
 Hopkins, Hev. Frank -awreiice, M.A- g " !^- 
 ntcd at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, ISjih onlained 80. ; 
 ' Fellow »n,l tutor of Trinity Hall. Elemenla.y O.-an.- 
 I mar of the Tu.kish Language; with F.-vcrcises, Lon., 
 I ilonkii'is, Frederick W. A Manual for u.e Kut- 
 ' lan,l County liar. Kutla..d, Vt., 1852, 
 Ilopkiiis, George. liali.h's Posscss.on, Host., 
 ' Hopkins, Hannah H. A Gray Cloud, Lon., 1878, 
 ''' liopkins, Harvey L. Law an,l Facts on Patents 
 and Inventions: a I'raetical and Legal Ik.smess Guide 
 for, Piiteiitii.g, Perfecting, Manufacturing, 
 nn.l Operating Inventh.ns, Cliic, 1SS7, lOiuo. 
 Hopkins, Henry. Three Lecture^ on 1-rcema- 
 soiirv. Lon., l2uio. 
 Hopkins, .Miss I. T. 1. Cozy-House Tales, lost.. 
 l.KOi) ISmo. 2. Christmas at the lieeches. Illu-t. 
 li„..t ISmo. n. Summer in the Forest. Ilkist. N.York. 
 1871, lliino. 4. Floy Lindsley. Illust. N. Yo,-k, ls,.i, 
 16ino. 5. Uuthie's Venture. Ulust. N.York, LnO, 
 Itimo. 6. Hariv Fennimore's Principles, Is,,, ]■ nio. 
 7 The Signal Flag, 187il. Hhno. S. lilue liadge lioys. 
 issO, Ifimo. \K Keady and Willing, 1S81, 12mo 10, 
 'Vp to the Mark, 1SS:1, l2mo. 11. Good i..iie flirls, 
 18*84, 12mo. 12. Arrow Head Light, N. Yiirk, 
 1SS7, 12mo. i:;. .I.idge Hav. sham's Will, N, York, 18ss, 
 "liopkins, .Miss Jane Ellice, daughter of Wil 
 liau. Ho), kins, a well-known mathematician. She has 
 been engaged for many years in philanthropical labors 
 for the inst.-uction ami elevation of the ],oorer eh.sse-. 
 1 (ii'ave Moral Questions addressed to tl.e Men and 
 .Women of Englaml. Lon., 18f>8, Kimo. 2. Home 
 Tho»"hts for Mothers an.l Mothers' Meetings, L..11., 
 ■ 181)11, I2m„. :i. Work among the Lost. Lon., 1870, siii. 
 Svo. 4. An Englishwoman's Work among Work.iiL'- 
 Men: with an Intro.luction by Eliliu liurritt, N, u 
 1 Britain, Conn., 187J, i2mo. :>. liose Tuiquand, Loo., 
 I 1871). 2 vols. er. Svo. C. ( Ed.) Life and Letters ol Ja„»:s 
 lllinton: with !in Introducti,in by Sir William Gull, 
 1 Lon.. 1878. er. Svo: new ed., 1S71I. 
 ' ".belies lliiiton's bi,,Knipby has fa.leii into good hand-. 
 I Mi,^s Ellice was llintoi.'s pers.miil Iriend. aic. 
 was able. l,v vktue ,d' tboroiigb .•ongeiiiiility ol dispn-i- 
 lion, to know what be k.iew, to led what he fe t, to '^• 
 'exaellvinto his pi,ii,t of view, and to act as ii.terp.,!. r 
 i between him ami the woild. . . . She wr.te.s well.-ii-t 
 onlv eh'.irlv, but with 1... elo.pieio'e which sumetiiiir- 
 risesali„,>.-t imopoi'tiy. . . . Sir WillianH.iiU also wa.Mhc 
 riglU man tosni.ply Ibo ■ liitr„d,i,:ti.,ii to James Ilmtons 
 bioeraiiliv, The lite ami b'lters nrv an illustrative and 
 corroboriitive , •online, it up,,ii Sir William s estimate i- 
 frieml. The book is fnU ,d' interest, and by no nicuiis 
 voiil ,d' instriu'ti,ai."— .-7,fe((i(or, li.444. 
 7. Christ the Consoler: a Book of Comfort for 11, c 
 Sick. Lon., 1-711, 121110. s. Work amongst WorkiuL'- 
 : Men, Lon., IS71I, 12n-..; 4th od., 1SS2, (This is an c„- 
 large.l clition of "An Englishwoman's Work among 
 W,,rkiiig-Men,") , .. 
 ■■ Miss ll,,pkins's book Is not exclusively ooiiceme,! \yiin 
 her own work. It cmtaitis many valuable 
 V ■'Oil other niiitters eoimeeted with the ehi.sK for, >la 
 ' ha.s d,,i.e ,so much."— .-';«, -ta/or. 111. l(>lt). 
 y. Notes ,m Penitentiary Work, Lon., 1879, 12n,o. 1". 
 i Occupation for the Sick ; or. Practical Suggestions to 
 Invalids and those who have the Care of them. l."ii., 
 i 1S7U, sq. llimo; 3d ed., 1884. 11. Preventive Work; 
 or. The Care 
 Early Traininj 
 ing-\V„nien, L 
 a Book of Lyrj 
 . ' There is a 1 
 miaginalion in 
 lis .some nieasii 
 the niakiiiH: ,,f 
 —■'<l>Mutiir, Ivi. ; 
 Hopkins, , 
 ler: a Tragedy 
 2. \V'or(ls on th 
 Keiuiniseence o 
 Nervous : a Far 
 Confederacy, Lo 
 Lon., 18li,i, |). 
 L867, p. Svo. 8 
 ,>• '*yo. <). Aia|, 
 1874, 2 vols. cr. 
 Certilioates: a P 
 Words ami J)ce 
 12. Two Turns o 
 Hopkins, It 
 ™l- i., ail,l.,] 171J 
 J. JI., ,■„/•,■,(. 1. 
 Duties, N. York', 
 siastical, and Hisi 
 12mo. ;j. lli.,tup 
 I8(i6, l2mo. 4. i 
 Uelation t,) the W 
 5. A Candid E.xai 
 Pope is the Great 
 Lon., 180,8, 8vo. 
 Hopkins, Re 
 Pittsburg, P.a, ; s,,, 
 I'niversity of Von; 
 logical Seminary, 
 the Protestant Epi. 
 prietor of the Chui 
 ity Church, Piatt 
 Church, Williiimsp 
 Or.ier of the Protes 
 York, I8fi:!, 12mo, 
 a Christmas Carol, 
 Times of John llenr 
 One of his Sons. N 
 Waysi.Ie, N. York, 
 Songs; 4th e,l., 188; 
 Hopkins, Joh 
 Georgia, Miieoii, Ga. 
 Hopkins, John 
 Lon., 1854, p. Svo. 
 Hopkins, Livii 
 Fnited Slates. Illu< 
 Hopkins, Mrs. 
 hood: a P„c,„, Ug,, 
 of the Earth ; Natu 
 lss;i, 24mo, ;i. Edu, 
 larents and Eduoat. 
 'Iiall my Child bo tau 
 Scenee of Teaching ] 
 Hopkins, Mnnli 
 "I'l- I. A Iland-li„ 
 en Arbitration, 1857 
 llie IVt, Present, an',, 
 nil Historical Account 
 ne.s,,.:) with a Pi^cf.ic 
 If^liS, Svo; 2ded., ,-ev, 
 '1 'I'lly of their ,,hysh 
 liisiory."_,sw. ft./,,^ ^y' 
 •;■ A Manual of Ma 
 L llie Port of Uefuge 
 tlie Master Marinerri 
 '■ llie Cardinal Numb 
 kr on Numbers genera 
 H<>pf<ins, Rev. i» 
 ,V,'!- '; ad,l.,] 18112-181 
 "iliams College in 18 
 »"' intellectual philoso 
 Md (hat of Christian I 
 alle. in 1,858. Ho reti 
 'liiirch till 1883. 1 I 
 ''!«-'. 12mo. 2. Baeoal, 
 Uisi'oiirses, Bost., 1863 
 '''»'' as a Law; or, J 
 ■n«-Wo,„e„, i:,n issj 7 ' ">V "" •M'Peal to Work- 
 i-^'miicin n.1i;'";^?,k^/;^'i,?":l' ■•;>'■ 't ■'""• -' -vi,l i 
 lis .Minu' iiioasiir,. ,,(■ ,1. ■ '.^iii". «h It'll ^-v .,k t, ,,,,.' 
 tlH. i,mki„« , r'Mi ' I l-,";;'"-'' ■'■".'•'■'•■ '" " i' H le , 
 ->/w/,,fe,,''ivi. 71.1 "'' ""Iiknis's bcvHlcLMii eurcer." : 
 Ho|ikiiis, John Maker I ti, v , ^ ! 
 2. Wonl,, on the '„ L, .'■'^•.^^"'■•J f-on., IS,->4, 8vo. I 
 ;Vorvou,s: a Faroe, L™' '"s" o 1?' '-™V, '' ^'"^ '" ''» 
 Lon., KSBa, „. vj..„ -''%'"• ";, A Keiisonablo Faith, 
 mj, p. 8;,,' 8 ^■h„'i..,,V; ::;"';;''■''',■' .^'"^'''"'"'■-' '•""■ 
 .'• -^'o. !.. Making ,l,e"fv', "^'I "tion Lon„ isiis 
 l"«, 2 vols. er. Svl |„ j ;i '/f , " ^ " Novel, Lo„. | 
 (-•ertifieates: a I'lav on Isr-^ '"','" '^ '"■• ^he Tw, 
 Wor,l« „„,i Dee,^ ,?■' s-o "\ "■ -^'il'i'i^iu : its 
 vo'W";f' 'i,!!!^^- i?::"? "--V, ao., f , 
 J. JI., ,•„/•-•., Tin \ *""«•• see Hopkins, Hkv 
 i-iastical, an.l Histonea! vVl 'nflj, ^^""l"'"'"!. felo- 
 Relation to'.h^v'o.^^.T,: Tt'v "1"?"""' '"''^ 
 5- A Candid Exan.inat on of h n ' ^"''''' ""''■ '2iiio. 
 I^on., ISfiS, Svo ""'"•""«' "f »cn|,ture, N. York and 
 Pi"b,S"i'a'.''so,:-o/?,!'" "«!"•"' D.D., b. ,.2n, in 
 l"Sical Seminary, XovVnrVr'/','''" ^"""""^ Tlieo. 
 'lie Protestant t^il^ C mrch'?'s5 ^".'."''''t^ '" 
 pnetor of the Chnrch .Journa IS-^^ R.' '""'" ''"j' I"-"- I 
 '<y Church, PlattsburrNY ,1;o • 'T'V^ '^""- ^ 
 '■hiirch, Wi|]iams,,„rt,'pa IsVe ,' tI"' p^ 5''"^' ^ 
 Order of the I'rotostant C urol nth Sr'" ,*"'"• ''"'' ' 
 Vork, I8fi;i, 12n,o, 2 The Thr,.„ r- ^"".'"' ■^''"<'''' N' i 
 ;. ChristmL Carol, X York Tsi'V'T "•">« Orient , 
 Times of John Uenry lt,,k „,' ni^ "'•""•,, ^^ I^"« "nd 
 One of his .Sons. N. "o f 7s«i^ i ' "^ ^."mont. By 
 ^^^•.vside, N. York, rsif'i.i';'"' 5^7- ^- i;»e".sbythe 
 ''^ongs; 4th ed., I,s8r '^'''"''' "yi'ms, and 
 <^|^??MSn:':i!f:,^3 4:-"'^"'^ ^«-' f-- Of 
 I-onT^r^.'^""^*'"'--' ^^f«thodi«tBob: a Tale, 
 1SS2. ''• ^""^"i ''^'o. 12njo; new ed. 
 hooJ:"::i:!:^.:«/i-,I'-'j;« Pa.^o„s. ,. Mother. 
 'ijill my Child bo tau.rh /p aetie'!' ,'. " '""• '' """ 
 •V'.e.u.eof Teaehing iTl sir, ,d ',/",' 'l,?'"^/ "^' ^he 1 
 Hopkins, Mauley, u i Vw ' "'""■ 
 history .•'■,/, ft,'., xiv »2 ' ' '" ""^ 'I"'''' "ationai 
 tlie Master Mar ,> '^ Lon ' IS"-;""' """^ ^''-'tn-'tions to 
 »• The Canlinal Numbers ' .i/h' P",' ™' ■''' '"'•• '8'^2. 
 •" "11 Xumbers gi'.t^ira'nVC^ ^".'Xr^'' ^"""- 
 v"u?t^:y«:;^:,^-^;^>.^/irM.D.,f„ , 
 Williams Col ego i'n SrV /T .^l"'' "« P'-esideney of 
 -[ ■•I'^'l'ectuafnhno ;i;y" ,^lf« '''V'?" "' '"""' 
 and that nf niri--tiin ', '•'.'^''""■'■■'he'l t"r him in I,-i;iii 
 called in ISS8 He ;eUi^::;^^^^ "> "'"eh he had been 
 '^I'lii-.d, till I88;i 1 rl"" i'''"''"^'"^ thooollego 
 .."T'x views of PrevidenV H r • '^' 
 j? One Sys.em;':;;!,'^ -;,,r--:r'-Body„ndMind 
 ,,I>.vernndthe Prayer-t;, r, Y V ; V"'"' "^'■•' ^■ 
 :jeu,,.eraneeand i^:,J,:t^ty: Y:!^' '^^i' l'^""' «• 
 llio .^eriplural fdea „f Man s;iv T . ' ""'■ '• 
 I'rinceton. X. York, lss;i ,'";,; .''""'^'''''' K'^"^" "' 
 2^H..wii^a„,ir.i:;r:^;|-;:^ "r^iV^^''-^-^ 
 6'.^ vols; svo: 2!red:! x'Voh! H^'^'"' ""''•' '«^»- 
 and Princeton ThooCi,", i i '".'^""e'-'^t and at Auburn 
 "f -^eelesiastica 1 t!^^^^^^^^ ' became professor 
 Theological .Semi,' ry ^ l"r T^ r''••^'" ■'"'^-" 
 l'"lity, Auburn, IS7s 2 o' ,^Mn""al „f Church 
 of Om„m;n Pra'yer, .V. Lk'^^'sIT'' ""' ^"""^ 
 Hopkins, .Sarah IV r •.• 
 their "',ongs and Chi,,,,* p,'^, ".'"""« "'« •''"'es: 
 N. Vork, I8s;i,r2m„. • ^^'^'^"'^ ''^ '^f"- "• Mann. 
 Hopkins, Selden R iv r. . 
 'lew od., 1S69. 2 On W;„l ', *i' '"^■' <'"^-' '854; 
 Kssay on the Weather „n,lt" V ""' • ^'7"'^-' "''"> »" 
 Hopkins, Rev 'rhomL «"'''■:• ^^""- I'*6i».Svo. 
 Loii., l.-ei, 12," * """•a'* '^larsland. Sermons, 
 Hopkins, Tiehp i t„ . 
 I-on., 1884, 12mo^? Tw 'vf t" *' "."'' """•''' ■''""■ie'- 
 Lon„ 188B p.svo '' , 7^^ t'V Duty : a Novel 
 I'^S.^ 2 voi;.'cr. Svo Freedom: a Novel, I.on., 
 and elected Fellow „n I „, College, Cambridge, 1S44 
 bon. canon of E^'fe'' -"'"^-''''K-bire. since KS66; 
 Boctrine conside,-ed, Cambr ijo 's40 """! "'' '-^''"■'"''° 
 A Series of FLaii-es Ft ,, , .-^ ' „'''' '■ '"'"■ -■ I Ed.) 
 'vith Notes, Un 1S5 1 '""V^ Oeo.uetrical Optics 
 Missions: Five "er, ,?„; , r ' /".'f ^"'- '^' Apostolic 
 of Cambridge Ion "sv.'sr.'.'"-'ir "'" ""'versity 
 by Christ -/p,,;, the'cnJ'.'^ .'.e/iTbe Words spoked 
 p. Svo. 5 TI,B Pn.,;, , ." Sermons, Lon., IStiti 
 !vi.h Ueferen«"t,r" '':?,;;" ,,I^'''.V "^ -^o'.-Abst'ain'.fs 
 8vo. 6. Holy Scriptu,^. t' nl ' ^'""''' '"'"- "'^*. 
 stinence, Lon , IS.sH, i'l,,,,', ^^""I'emnce, a„d Total Ab- 
 Hopkiiison, Miss A. >l i w , 
 T>on., 18S1, s vols cr Svo % iI ' ^^"'""K'- a Novel, 
 18S3, .■! vols, or 8v„ i VYT''^-- '' Novel, Lon. 
 Lon., ISS,0,;iv„ls c, Sv,; IV '^^"''•^'bel : a Novel 
 itnnce: a Novel L,m sss ' s"'" Thornleigh-s rnher^ 
 itnnce: a Novel, Ln„ , iss8,p s™ ^ ""'""•■'«"'« 
 Hppkinson, Alfred, AL.,Bcr his., 
 Univer,i,,. „V T ..'."•\'','-_b. isol ; gr,ld- 
 law at O.vford: Fellow of P^i ■.',"' '""' '" eivil 
 l-^r;i-S,l; called .;. he ba at n'" •'• ^l'"'^'' O'^'"''^''- 
 fessorof lawat Owens CoMo.e {; T''."'V'"." "'•*•• I"-"" 
 If^r.'. 1. The Facul?v , ,f r ° ' '•';"'"' ^ "'vc'sity, s nee 
 ehestor, 1875, 8vo/ vZlTRa' '''■'' f '""'' """" 
 Law, LSSi), Svo iJehnito Reform >n English Laud 
 Bo".?rs';; "i;,',':', '^"- ^^- ^^^ "mts f„r the Nursery, 
 Lo",Ts',;,J"^T.'„.""^"'-''- I^-e-s Matchless Might, 
 Hopkinson, Josenh i ti, ,i. , . 
 .*leam-Engine Exnlainod K„ „ T, " ^^ "k'"? of tho 
 •'-. -4 sv„-?;ir- ^^/i!" y:v;:et,r^iS- 
 !J ■!..) 
 M ffKS' 
HOP "^^ 
 w.phiaul,) I.on., ISTS. 4to. With IIopkin- 
 suN. K.. DynuuKi-Elei'triu Mr.uliinory, (l'biloso|)hicul 
 Tra'nsiiclimis,) I,i>n., ISS7, Ito. 
 Hopley, Miss Catlieriiie Cooper. 1. Life in 
 tlie Smith from the Comnieiicement "I tlie \\ ar. l!y a i 
 Anon. 2. Stonewall .liiekson: n Hiojuraphieiil >ketc, I l.>,0!),8v... . v v,„.k 1X7 1 er Svo 
 ^,1 an Outline of hi. Virginian aun,„.i.n. l,on . . , | Unitea States ^'-v. - ■ ,,^>;J-^;,^;^ ;; ^ 1;-;;,,, 
 ,,. 8vo. Anon. 3. Ai.nt Jenny's A.nenean Pel. In. \U. ',;;■,, .1, „ '/v the stui-y of a ,mrer and thier 
 Wilds of the Weft, Lon.. 
 Men, l.on., ISSO, i\i. (<v(i 
 AVonilers »!' Serpent l.ilV 
 •■.Miss Ilnpley's book 
 ' ^'"""office and Work of the Christian Ministry, N- York 
 Life of Andrew Hull Footc, Uear-Admiral 
 IS72, 1 smo. 5. Stories of Ked 
 0. Snakes : Curiosities and 
 I,on., ISS3, Svo. 
 is not a seieiititic work. . . . !-he 
 relates Ihe wonders and eurinsilic's of siiakelile with aU 
 file enthusiasm and mcility of the late •■ y'''' " i''^, 'i' ; 
 and with somewhat mure eaiv as tn n'ets ll a was sla n 
 by that amiable uaUiralint."-KmvAitl) .Nu . ACdU.. 
 x'xiii. 101, 
 7. lirilish hoptilcs and liatraehians, (" llie Voung 
 Colleotoi" Ser.,) Lon., ISSS, p. Svo , 
 Hopley, i;«lwnrd. Art, and how to enjoy it, 
 Hoiui'v/Ksiher. The Little Cowslip-Uatheror, 
 Edin., 1S7U. Iilnio. , , ,_, 
 Honli-y, lU'v. Ilowiird, ordained ISil; vicar 
 of Westham since Is.s.i. Inder Egymian i'll'"^ ! "ij- 
 Three Uachelors' Journeyings on the ^ile, l.on., i^oa, 
 p. ."^vo. 
 Iloplcy, Thomas, F.S.S. 
 Education of JLin, Lon., 18,i7, Svo. 
 i. Lectures on the 
 (.'V series of lectures 
 and l.iln-ary, Lon., IMi'^, Svo. . ,, . , 
 Hopnt-'r, Rev. Edmund Charles, M.A., ?radu 
 ated at St. . John's College, Cambridge, 1S711 ; ordaine 
 Ilcartli in 
 previously published singly.) 2. \\ rungs which c > lor 
 JRedress, Lon., ISoll, Svo. 3. Facts bearing on the Death 
 of U. C. Canoellor, Lon., L-^tin. l-'mo; Suppleinent, ISbJ, 
 8vo. 4. The llopley Divorce Case : a Cry to the Leading 
 Nations of Ihe World for Justice, and for the Souls of 
 my Wife and Children, Lon., 18li4, Svo. :,. Hints bear- 
 ing njion So-called Spiritualism, Lon., 18l,s, >vo. 
 Ilonper, Clarence. I. A Descriptive Account of 
 a Series „f Cliurch-Wardcns' Presentnieiits appertaining 
 to the Parish of Stratford-on-Avon, Loll., \^><-, ■''»• \» 
 copies ,,vinted. 2. A Catalogue of Hooks, \ ork,- o Art, 
 and Kelics, Illustrative of tlie Lite and W orks ot Shake- 
 speare, which are preserved in the Shakespeare Museum 
 and Library, Lon, 1M5.. „, ^^^^,^ 
 18711; missionary in Japan 1SS(I-S7. iind ■■'ince then 
 rector of Starstou. Some Account of the Parish of 
 Starston, Norfolk, Norwicli, ISSS, Svo. 
 Hopper, Edward. 1. The Fire on th 
 .Sleepy Hollow : a Christmas Poem of Ihe (Jldeii lime, 
 N York, IMll, lOmo. 2. The Dutch Pilgrim fathers, 
 and other Poems, N. York. ISIi.",, -• One \\ ife 
 Too Many, or, Hip Van liigham, >. \ork. LSI,,, Itimo. 
 4. Old Horse (iray and the Parish of Urumblcton, ^. 
 York, ISIiit, l2mo. 
 Hopper, M. (Trans.) Ave Maria Stella; Medit.a- 
 tions for Ihe Month of Mary : from the Italian of Kev. 
 Canon Agostino licrten, N. York. 1SS8, 2lmo. 
 Hopper, .Mrs. .Marsaretta, ,,,,,. 
 Song of Songs, which is Solomon's, X.\ork, SS7, 1 hn.o. 
 Iloppili, Augustus, b. 1S2S, at Providence, K.I.; 
 graduated at Brown Iniversity 1S4.\ and, alter studying 
 and i.raclising law for a time, devoted himself to art. 
 He has illustrated works by many well-known authors. 
 1. Carrot Pomade. lUust. N. York, IStll, 41... 2. On 
 the Nile. must., 1871, obi. lol. 3. 1 ps and 
 Downs on Land and Water: the Eur.-pean lour in a 
 Series of Pictures, Bost., 1871, obi. f.d. 1. Cr.issing the 
 Atlantic, I!, 1872, (.bl. fol. i. Jubilee Days. Illiis . 
 Bost., 1S72, Ito. fi. Hay-Fever,, IS73, obi. lol. 
 7. of Aut..n ll.mse. By C. Ant.m, [pseud.] 
 Illust. Host, lSsl,sm.4to. S. A Fashionable sutlerer ; 
 or, Chapters fn.m Life's Comedy, Bust., 1883, 8yo. 
 a. Two C.mipL.n Boys. Illust. Boat., 1884, Svo. 10. 
 Marriclfor Fun, B.isl.. ISx.'i. An.m. 
 Hoppiu,«eiljamin. (Trans.) Greek Hero-St.iries, 
 by (L 1! Niebuhr. Illust. N. York, l.S7il, sq. Ifinio. 
 ■ Hoppin, Itev. James Mason, D.D., i.. 1820, at ' plexed 
 Providence, R.I. ; gra.lmited 
 Echoes from the 
 0. Hoinilelics, N. York. I SSI. Svo. tl. Pastoral Tbc.jl- 
 ozv N Y.)rk 1884, Svo. (The two lasl-menlioned books 
 ari 'rewritten divisions of '• OIHce and Work of the Clins- 
 lian Mini-try.") Sec, also, Biiow.s, Hk.suy AnMiTT, 
 '"liopps, llcv. John Page, b. 1834, in L.milon ; 
 educate.l at the Bai.tist ('..liege, Leicester; a 
 minister of that den..niinalii.ii and co-pastor with l.eorge 
 Daws.,n (./. r., »M/.n, ) at liirmingham in 1.8j7; joined 
 the Unitarians in Isiill; has been minister at Shelheld, 
 Ulasg.nv, tn:, and is now settled at Leicester. In isso 
 ho conteste.1 the reiircsentation of South I'addingK.u 
 against Lord Kan.lolpb. He is a iMmtributor t.i the Con- 
 temporary lleview. .4c. 1. Seven Lectures lor the 
 People; 4th cd.. Lon., ISCI, p. Svo. 2. Ihouglits b,r 
 ' the Heart and Life; 2d ed., L..u., IS(',2 p. Svo 3. Dis- 
 courses of Dailv Duty and Daily Care, Lon., Isl..', p. s\... 
 I. Sermons for the Times, Lon., IS(i4, p. Svo. 5. \ crscs 
 by the Way, L.m., IM'.^'i, If.nm. 0. Prayers for 1 rival.. 
 Meditation; 2d e.l., Lon., IStlH, 12mo. 7. Ihe Parable^ 
 of Jesus: being Twenty Sunday Morning Me.litatioii- 
 thereuiM.n, Lon,, 1S(!7, 1.. Svo. 8. Ten Manchester Lec- 
 tures l,on., lSi;S, 12mo. it. The Liie ot Jesus, rewrit- 
 ten for Young Disciples, Lon., 1809, 12mo. 10. Sumi.u^r 
 Morning Songs and Sermons, Lon., Is, 1, p. .;^vo. 11. 
 Spirit-Life in (iod the Spirit ; new ed., Lon., IS, I, 8v.,, 
 12 First I'rinciples of Religion anil Morality : Iwenly 
 Lectures. L.m., 1874, Svo. 13. (Ed,) Hymns, Chanl.s 
 and Anthems, Lon., 1877, 8vo. 14. Besi.le Ihe Sttll 
 Waters, Lon., 187il, 12nio. 10. The Old \ ear ami tli.' 
 New ■ 'i'wo Sermons ). reached in the Ureal Meeting. Lei- 
 cester Lon., l>7y, 12mo. 16. Teachings of Cbannmg 
 concerning (iod, Man, &c. : Lectures, Lon., 1880 pSv,., 
 17. A Scicntilic Basis of Belief In a Future Lile, l..,ii., 
 1S81 Svo 18. The Revised New Testament : Two Lw- 
 tures Lon., ISSl.Svo. 1». Recdleetions of Twenty Sun- 
 day Afternoon Addresses, Lon., ISS2, cr. Svo. 211. '111.' 
 i Future Life, Lon., 1883, Svo. 21. Sermons of Symj.atliy. 
 Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 22. Forced into Dissent: a I iiil;.- 
 rian's Reasons for not cmforming to the State Church, 
 Lon IS'iJ, Svo. 23. Readings for Public Worship an. 1 
 the Home. L.m., ls84, Svo. 24. The Bible for B.^gin- 
 ners: the Old Testament, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 2.i. la- 
 ture Probation. Lon., ISSB. 20. Thus Saith the Lor.l : 
 Seven Lectures. Lon., ISh7, Svo. 
 ! Iloppus, John Devenish. Riverside Papers, 
 L..n.. ISS2. 2 V..1S. 
 i Uoppus, .Miss Mary A. M. bee Makks, .Miis, 
 ! M,vKV A. M., ,■„/"'■ ,. . ,„ ,,- 
 Hopson, Ella Lord. (Ed.) Memoirs of Dr. \\ ui- 
 Ihr.ip llartly Hops.m, Cin., 1SS7, 8vo. ,. , , , 
 Ilopton, Uilliam, b. ls23, at Carlton, Yorkshuc, 
 1 a collicry-nmmiger an.l Wcsleyan local preacher. 
 '■ versation on Mines, ic, between a Father and Son, L. 
 i 181)4, p. Svo; 8th ed., 18,sH. 
 Hopwood, Charles Henry, Q.C., b. 1820; 
 eatc.l at King's College. Loml.iu ; called t.i the bar at ili 
 Mid.lle Temple I8J3; .M. P. for Stockport 1S74-85. 
 I'liii.anicK, Fu;:nKnii'ii AnoM'urs, Registration Cases: 
 Reports, lSii3-lS(i7, L.m., IsiiS, Svo. With, 
 Fn.wi'is JosKi'ii, liegistration Cases; Reports, 
 1S7S, Lon., 1S72-70, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Horder, W. (Jarrett. 1 . ( Ed.) The Book of Pr:ii'c, 
 for Children ; from the Best English and Foreign llyii.n- 
 Writers, L.m.. 1S7S, Svo. 2. The Poet's Bible; N«v 
 Testament Section, Lon., 1S81, p. Svo; new ed., b-M. 
 3 Intiimiti.ins of Immortality; Thoughts for the I cr- 
 an.l Troubled, Lon., 18.S3, \i. Svo. 4. Cou-re- 
 i.,nal Hvmns. Lon.. 1884, Sy... ft, (E.L) The Ibaiie 
 Hvnins for those detained from Public 
 Svo, 6. 
 A C.n. 
 navy l,s,0S-,!O, ^icar of Lun !.„"„ '"-"^ '" "'« '■"^»' 
 1. henuotis prcnohcd to Soafarimi \f ,"' ""™ "*''«• tiorilo. A" II n "" ■•" """tM.on., 18,s.j Svo 
 vols. Svo. 
 Horo, F.Lo.S, a„ ' ie,,""*''?-'' »i'" "f Edward C. 
 C''a,r. .Mups and I'.rtn J ' ^^o ' f«"-^""' '" " ^"'">. 
 More, Henry l-ranc s " ' "• '^'"• 
 tion, Ac, „f the Irish l"i i ■• ^^''^''^V into LoKisIa- 
 «><Av,;.s, J., ,ed ) Th' I''^'.'""?^. I'""-, IM(», Svo. With 
 being Prc.ntn.ents made "n ,h„ ■ '^'"■"'.'■■n"' Ccnfurv: 
 --•■■g ■ '"'>-"iinents rnadn in ii.„ 1) ■ . 'uniiirv: Ilnrna 
 More ,:, P. Th„ „,.. ... 'M ' .;i'- *'^-°- 
 l«fi, Svo 
 Hore 7 p. Ti,n II- . 
 Annal.. „: ,:,„ 'j'urf wi ,' x7-' "'' ^'•■^^""'■•kot and tho 
 to the End of the Se „' "'h'r :*'■ -^'"V''''" '^'"^"'^ 
 V'>ls. ji. Svo. '•'O'lttenth Century, Lon., issii, a 
 Horr. Philin H i n 
 Tern,, and AleasJre,, o'f u",, '''''r"""" f Ancient 
 01<l IVnuros, Un., ISM, s^ Account of 
 frou/IIh'i^n^!;;,^;;,,,^'''^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 'I'o I'j'cific: a Journcv 
 "'■ ilounds, I.on:, 1852 Svi' o'^^' ''""'" Managen.ent 
 I'On., ISO I, i2mo. .) PrmZj , """"'T: a Tale, 
 "nd Sporting, l,on., Isfi-, ,svo ^"'^'""^ "n Hunting 
 W, <f'U^an!at'r Ph Lte -■;!^Collog<, «Jo„^.:! 
 '■•"Z; became pastor of a T ,,. """'"g'^n' Soininary 
 '"", S.C, 1S76 l! i'L pu"' '".™" ^h'-'-^h in Charles- 
 12"'o. 2. Historv of St r ^'.''""" ^«'"-' 1''"'"., IN?*! 
 <i" 1-^86, isse f 1^0 i.vl^">. Charleston, fr„„ ,74' 
 Hon., Kev. Georec Th'" ' "'"'^' ''^S'- 
 "t I'cnbroko College offord fs"""""' •^'•'^- Knuluntcl 
 t"r of ,st. Thomas, JWfor » J °"i'""'"i I«(i; rec- 
 Sermoiis, .'^elections „ 'Y n""'^''""'''' lS«6-r4. ]. Ed I 
 J-tters t^a Doub r,T8n 'fTl'/'p"-' "''' 1>' «™ 2 
 '^"te^ 1877. 4. A Manual of I) ' "'I'" J'»^"">« •■ with 
 ' ■ ' -.J^T^r'if^t^^^i-'^^'^pom 
 ,, ■•■;. 11 iianii-iiook. 
 . lloriic, Hubert T. M i.\.^ ,-.■., |.. -vo. 
 i^iuiuin; ,jr, A Ooni'i«i. r,-i^ 1 ir- ''■^P'-'''""fntum lirevis. 
 "'£;sSf ?7/?JS:" ■"•""" 
 •'urns, Lon , 185 s"; 2 Ph"? "'""' ""^ Teeth and 
 l«.^l, 12mo. ' '• ^- Chapters on Prophecy, Lon., 
 Iloriie, John, j' i a i- 
 Fore.., I'e/mrtment^rulfM '"■"'■ "^ !''? Woods and 
 <"■. An Ennuiry into (I „ ""^ '"l^"' . A Year in Fiji; 
 I'On., 1874, ;i vols. p^Svo % ';, •"'';" o>vs Ca.-t liefore, 
 •■•■■- - ■■ ''• "">■ 2. Carstairs, I.on., 1870, a 
 I voU^add.',]'"?,'-^^ """--v. f- Hengi.,,) [„„",.' 
 ISfiK.nnd in^874^v„?g;„n"da',r •'' '■^"""^-''">i'"'n 
 1 he substitution of " 11*1. "Yst" n,l'" n"" "?, "'^' "'^'l '''^■ 
 ""."0 seen,s to have b«^^ , s ol T^ "^ his middle 
 Anist; or, Seven Eyesight andn 'l^^'" ^- ^hc I'oor 
 S™. Anon. 2d ed wifh a Pr 1^ " ^''•"*'*' I'""- '•"'S", 
 f if of Vision in M n 1871 '„ 'n'"">' '^'^■'"•V "» Vari^ 
 I'o 1. 1850, Ifimo. ;t. Anst „li„n ^''"'"""•,'^» ofa London 
 " rs preli.xed thf thor^ AfV'"','' '''''■^''"•'■^ ^ '« 
 "Phy, ton., IS5II, „ s,' Au,-trulinn Autobiog. 
 "Justice can liardlv 1 . > 
 Masque Melbourne. -IS^^*- 4';""'-f?P^''''^,- '^ " ''Kii 
 Mad? being a Series of 'viH^'^ *^- "V'-' ""« "'""'et 
 Late W. Montgon,erv, 1.0, ?"7 "" ""' ^''i"*? of the 
 I'eaee-Mnker: a Sublnarin "Dia , ' ™V '■ ^'"^ •''■™t 
 ^ I.auraDibaho; „r The i'„V, ^ ^m'' ''""■• ''"2. «>„. 
 Lon., ISSO, 8vo 9 Tiii t ""»,' Martyrs: a Tragedy 
 Hahnnin.- The A.,oervh°i^ n*'"!''"-''' ' •'"''" "'« Ii"Ki ^' 
 /^cariot, a M^.^teri^c^Lon rHsi'" '"'''^ '''''' ^"^^ 
 the «tar-Stricken-' Tr„„ lat'ol ^•''■''°- '"■ '^i'l"-"" 
 b'an Manuscript, bv s'h, ,! 1 , "" "" ""'-ient Ara- 
 '"ereial Travellers . t'heir n"?1? 'tf- ^ ^i-" 'i^' •■ Con- IV:,!,,!;!/','--^'^ •^'"> '' «-' ""mu'IiF 
 eiples, and Customs on t le 1 oad ^i''^'''',«"»i"e«« I'rin- hi 1 .'','-r^nt were",'!' ' ' •l'<^''™ t iu 
 ditions for soienti.ic purMoseH f . ^"^"^ ''"'' "^P"" 
 ^■•e.ety of American lax ermis,ra"nr ,"•' J''" ^^"'i"""' 
 1' their.,s. National Mu cum i^' W i"''""^ ""*'''<"-"'i8' 
 Jears in the Jungle • Tb K' ^'•''''ington. 1. Two 
 iV'""»li«t in Inci^a,•cey;„^'^Tr"^;' """'"^ "nJ 
 "-neo. Maps and'niS^rV 'yo1"'';-L'\"'"^"'^ ""^ 
 The travel and evnew.,,, , ' '■^'^■'. '^vo. 
 ;;i!;i>ha.,ts, ana „ ^.;i;tellli!;''^:!;^":„s!'«^j\-v/ d 
 -."..Ml, to tile long and III .iK. ''"'"'■'''''"'' "t: "1 the "estores it Lon iv'-- ,.;' "'"" -"estroys, and what 
 J ':l>han,.s, „,H, t„ .^ai;teh^gl;'Slll„';^«^|:>^ "^^^^^^^ ■ ''''''--Phy of ";u,ing'.'o„''?i;'' ?i'' ^'^- ''«». ' 2."t,^ 
 Scripture HevHitio, „= Mature and Contents of 
 Lon., 18S0, cr. Svi. "eligious Life and Thought, 
 Horner, Frnnrie t- m. 
 ^Horner, Francis iniT;' '^' "'"'»■ 
 «eor.e. «ard^::^^/>,^!^^V;^;^^„_KiU.o„. 
 Horner. IMiss w„..- 
 teacher in Kansas " "n I^T ^' V ^"«'""in^'. Iowa; a 
 Horner, Jonah r ', ''',''"' '•'''•'*' '-'""• 
 ;■ "ealth.. 'what"? e^e ;;' \\r t 'i',"""'^^"' '■' '"'J-J 
 OS ores it, Lon., Is.^7 llm.T ■/. ^f '^"J'^' »'"' wha 
 I'hilosophy of lin hing -'on ?hi tr "'^7 J'*"-^- 2. The 
 ea.A.r in the HydroLth^S T^J^Jj^'^:'''^''''--^ 
 E"ays on Differential Limits, 
 Horner, Joseph. 
 I'on., 1850, Svo. 
 l4'"7'a'"^erfero?Note^"lrs!;\ J" '^"^'^ B^«'»l«y 
 ^;o. 2 Poetic Penoi iin'g Zt ^fclf «' L»"- '8«3, p^ 
 Akoroyd : a Yorkshire Ta ^ of th„ P ' '"'"2; ^- ^Jgar 
 !• Lon., 1805, Svo. ""^ 1 ^ent Time. p„t 
 ■J >i .-ij 
 r ' 
 from ! 
 Naples and Sicily, l.on , IsfiO, fp. 
 I'out, (iiuscppe Hiiifti, ami his Times, l.ou., isfil, p. Svo. 
 " A sterliiiL' and "pporuuie publicaliun. . . . Aiium!,' the 
 Italian pnels iif this eentury then' is iimie who, lur the 
 union of pnre nobleness of luelinK. concentrated powei'ot 
 expression, weight of siUire. and sheer poetical beaiitj, 
 can he placed above Uiuseppo (■insti,"— Mil. hn:, xvll. ;>.«. 
 4. liulina; or, The Actor's l).uigliter, I'hila., 1S7:'., 
 12mo. Anon. With Hoiinf.u, .Ioann'a 13., Walks in 
 Florence. Illiist. l.on., 1873, 2 vols. p. Svo; new ed., 
 enl., 1S84. , , ., ,. „ 
 ' TlTonghout we lind the most painstakiiiK compilation 
 jin die best authorities."— .Si(. lici:, xxxvi. W. 
 Horiiibrouk, Mrs. Kiiiina K. 1. Through 
 .Shadow to Sunshine, Lon., IS82, p. -svo; new ed., I88i. 
 2. Life's Music; or. My ChiMren and Me, Lon., 188;,, p. 
 Svo. 3. One Link in a Chain, Lon., 1885, 12mo. 4. 
 Worth the Winning, Lon., 188,i, p. 8vo. ii. Low in a 
 1885, l2nio. 
 3. The .Shadow of a Life, Lon., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 Honiibiook, J. Laurence. The Sha<low of 
 Nobilitv, Lon., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 Horiior, S. Stockton, [n„i,; vol. i. add. J 
 Value of lircad uiaile of Lnbolted Wheat .Meal, Lon., 
 1S56 12nio. 2. The Science of Cooking Vegetarian 
 Food: with a lirief Sketch of the Uise and Progress 
 of the Vegetarian Society, Lon., '85«, 12nu). ;i. T'ho 
 ! Vegetarian armed at all Points : in which the Theory i« 
 ' explained, the Chief Arguments advanced, and the Prin- 
 cipal Objections answered, Lon., 1856, 12mo. 
 Ilorwey, George, b. 181i)j called to the bar at 
 Gray's Inn, IS5I). 1. A Practical Analysis of the 
 Trustee Act, IS.'iO ■ with the Act, and Suggestions for 
 Forms of Proceedings under it, Lon., 1850, 8vo. 2. 
 The Probate and Administration Act, 1857 : with Kules 
 and Orders of the Court of Probaf 1857-5S, Lon., 
 1858. 12mo; 3d cd., 186S. 3. The Law of Property 
 and Trustees' Relief Act. ls5i), Lon., I860. 
 Horsl'all, Kev. Kicliard, graduated at Queen's 
 Manchester, 1^87, 8vo. Also, single lectures. 
 Horsfleld, Louisa A. Tlie Cottage Lyre : being 
 Miscellaneous Poetry ; 2d ed., enl., Lon., 1862, 12mo. 
 Ilorslord, Eben Norton, A.M., M.D., b. 1818, 
 Thoughts in Verse, Paris, lsii3, 12mo. 2. Rhyme and „( Moscow, X.V. ; graduated as a civil engineer at 
 Reason, [verse,] Lon., 1868, 16iuo. i Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1838; Rumfoid pro- 
 Hornxby, Samuel J. The Manual Exercise for , lessor of science applied to the arts, in Harvard Col- 
 the Long Rifle, Lon., 1863, 12ino. 
 Hornsby, T. N. Philosophy of the Christian Re- 
 ligion, Louisville, 1870, 18mo. 
 Horr, Norton T., and Beinis, Alton A. A 
 Treatise on the Power to Enact, Passage, Validity, and 
 lege, 1847-63; president of the Rumford Chemical 
 Works, Providence, R.I. 1. The Theory and Art of 
 Bread-Making, Cambridge, 1861. 2. The Army Ration, 
 N. York, 1864, 12mo. 3. The Discovery of America by 
 the Xorthmen : Address at the Unveiling of I he Statue 
 Enforcc'mTut of Municipal Police Ordinances, Cin., 1887, ! of i,„if Eriksen, 1887, Bost., 1888, 4to. Al'o, siui^lo 
 Svo. ! addresses, reports, ,tc. 
 Ilorrigan, L. B., and Thompson, Seymour j Horsford, John. 1. A Voice from the West In- 
 D. Select American Cases on the Law of Self-Defence, : ji^j . being a Review of the Character and Results of 
 St. Louis, 1874, 8vo. ' Missionary FtVorts in the British and other Colonics in 
 Horrocks, Capt. Charles. I. Horace Grant- (he Charibbean Sea, Lon., 1856, p. Svo. 2. Philan- 
 ham; or, The Neglected Son: a Novel, Lon., 1352, 3 throjiy the (ienius of Christianity, Lon., 1S62, p. Svo. 
 vols. p. Svo. 2. A Brief Career; or. The Jew's Daugh- j Uorsley, Charles Edward. A Text-Book of 
 ter, Lon., 1854, 3 vols. p. 8vo. ; Harmony, Lon,, 1876, cr. Svo. 
 Horrocks, James U. Zeno, a Tale of the Italian I Horsley, John. i. Catechism of Chemical Phi- 
 War, and other Poems : to which are added Translations jogophy, I,un.. 1856, p. Svo. 2. Medicated Cod-Liver 
 from Modern (ierman Poetry, Lon., 1854, 12nio. ■ Oil Historically and Chymically considered, Lon., 18,'i6, 
 Horrocks, Joseph. Railway Rates, Manchester, I i2mo. 3. The Toxicologist's Guide : a New Manual on 
 1883, p. Svo. I Poisons. Illust. i^on., 1866, 12mo. 
 Horry, Sidney Calder. 1. The Lord Chancel- ; Horsley, John, of Darlington. Stray Leaves froia 
 lor's New Bankrupt.-v and Insolvency Act : with Gen- \ the Banks of the Tec, Darlington, 1866, p. Svo. 
 eral Orders, Lon,, l^iJl, cr. Svo. 2. Every-Day Law for i Uorsley, Rev. John William, M.A., gra.luatcd 
 Every-Day Life, Lon., 1861, sra. p. Svo. 3. The New ! nt Pembroke College, Oxford, 1872; ordained ls7il; 
 Partnership Amendment Act, Lon., 1865, cr. Svo. j chaplain of the Middlesex House of Detention 1876-Mi; 
 Horsbur,.;h, Rev. Andrew, M.A., educated at , yicar of Holy Trinity, Woolwich, Kent, I8S8. Jottinj^s 
 the University of St. Andrews; ordained lS4h; retired ffo,,, j^ii . Notua and Papers on Prison Matters, Lon., 
 chaplain of the Calcutta Ecclesiastical Establishment . x.s,^;^ ,,. ;<vo. 
 since 18711. 1. Sketches in Borneo, Anstruther, 1858, p. . „ j[r Horsley . . . succeeds in holding ourattention by 
 8vo 2 Redeinntion : a Poem on the Last Days of Our the manifest earnestness with which he keeps bclorc bun 
 Loril KeNo 1870 ii Svo Uwo objects,-proveiitiou and reformation, -^cm/., x.vxi. 
 Horsburgh, James, ]>rovost of Pittenwcem. A 
 Glance at the Historical Traditions of Pittenwcem during 
 the Last Two Centuries. By an Old Inhabitant. Pit- 
 tenwcem, 1851, 12ino. Anon. 
 Horsburgh, John, 17'.ll-186;i, b. at Prestonpans; 
 With Dawes, Rkv. Nathaniki., Hints for Parocliiid 
 Missions, Lon., 1877; 2d ed,, 18S4, p. Svo. 
 Horsley, Victor Alexander Haden, -MB, 
 F.R.C.S., F.R.S,, assistant obstetrical physician at (iii\'s 
 1. Injuries and Diseases of the Neck, l>^i'i. 
 say; or, luo i.igh. .. — - , 
 Nothing to Do ; or. The Influence of a Life; new cd., i 1888, 4to. 
 Edin., 1862. 3. Labourers in the Vineyard ; Di.ramic 
 Il'orsnell, William, The Ice- Bound Ship and the 
 Legendary or L 
 English Text So 
 ccnccs, Phila,, I 
 "The author h 
 consul at .Munich 
 of experiences. 1, 
 witli the most idii 
 reward for all the 
 , Hort, .Mrs. ; 
 ''<"!•, ISli6, 2 vol 
 ,l'''86, .3 vols. cr. ,' 
 Snivel, Lon., 188 
 , Wort, Rev. ; 
 ',"28, in Dublin; 
 t.ambridgo, with 
 science, and f|,c „ 
 college from ls;,t 
 college living of f 
 Hcrllbrdshiro. Ir 
 being elected a F, 
 since resided tluTi 
 ho was elected i 
 thoughts on the i 
 poses and I'robabli 
 Memorials of the 
 F-'-.A., Ac, Lon., n 
 llie biography of JI 
 Dissertations : I ( 
 and Tradition ; if 
 and other Eastern C 
 bridge and Lon., Is 
 !' It is refreshiiiK to 
 arly, and in every w 
 tjonus niiniito indeec 
 "derable importance 
 See, also, Wkstcot 
 Horton, Caroli 
 Students. IHust. J 
 Hortou, Mrs. 
 Bost,, Is52. 
 Poems, Lon., KS7I, ,, 
 Horton, Fraiici 
 Jlissions: a Hand-B( 
 Answers, Phila.,') 
 Horton, George 
 - T''" ilorton Qcneal 
 Horton, James 
 sui^eon-major of the a 
 1- The Medical Tnp„gr 
 with sketches of its Bol 
 and .Medical Climate ai 
 "' -Urica, Lon., 1867,: 
 cunculus: its Sympto 
 Cure Lon., ISfl.S, Svo. 
 l;;»,|dcs, British and ^ 
 AIncan Race, Lon., 1; 
 1 ohtical Condition of tl 
 "• "rritory between tl 
 "><'"(«, Lon., 1870, Svo. 
 thniates and their Treat 
 "va'.on of Health in 't 
 I'^iV, cr. Svo. 
 Horton, Mrs. m. 
 Pi'la,, IS69, 12,110. 
 Horton, Hashmo 
 Vou 1,8 or People's III 
 United States ; 2d cd N 
 Horton, Richard.' 
 '^•' -'. P- Svo ; ncwed.. If 
 Horton, Robert F 
 -N^'w College, Oxford, Ls* 
 "ge of Conviction : Ad.In 
 ^^ae'^:.!^""- "" ^"^^^ 
 Horton, Samuel Di 
 "• M'crctai'y to the ,lelog, 
 f ,11 e . elegates to the sec. 
 ■• i'.- Monetary Situation 
 ^■Siher and Gold: their 
 "•^'"'"I'tion, now cd, Cin 
 ''»""■' and England's' Mi" 
 tete^-;^«"'"'^.'«^r. (A,,,., the Ear,, 
 Horstiiianii «' it 
 cencey, Phik., I,S8(i, '*:;„,,, "''>'• t'"nsi'lar Keminis- 
 " 'I ho nutlior has si.ri-mi i',,- . 
 cons.ilut ,^„,i,,/;'f^«7«>'^l scn^ fi,r .slxleei, year, s 
 of t.xpLTieia.,.s. I„„h ."rave ,1 '■'■*■'■ "'"' ''■'■•- '""' "M 'oris 
 Lon., lsi;6, 2 vol« , xt- .,';""• '"■' '''''"'i'l Tahiti 
 '^■^«, .'i voi«. or s ;„.p- 3'';;ia-'v^""«'' »'• ""ir, l™ ; 
 Tmvcl, L„„, I88-, p svo •^'™™S'"i-- a Sl<._.(„h „f , 
 ouuh,,,i«o. wi?h ri'; "■ ,;„',^ :^""';i'-"'yc„i,„',e;' 
 seicnoe, and the nitnr, 1 • " '"iithiMiiatics, i„„ra 
 college f,..„n I'S/i^' ^^^X^r' """ '^''""" "''''« 
 eollc-e livin.r „f S( r.,.V„r . ■. '™^ PieserKe.i (0 the 
 HerUonl.,hiro". InllT'Z';^^'''' !'--t Wj.u.ondl'oy 
 ^inee resi,le,l UaTe "„ I Itted'rH ''","''>"'' ""^ ''- 
 ho Was elccleil li?.i ' '^" "'eohiiry. In iMrii 
 Thoughts ol, t e &" (^IT'^fl .'"■ ''-'"itv. V i 
 Mem.)rial3 of the r„t„ wi ^"'"'"■'lise, I8B2, 8vo 2 
 F.8.A., .te.. Lo„ ;,8;r 7>^ I'" ««""■ M-not,, B.^; 
 •ho biography otMy.MJnh^^CT"""'' ^■^'"- '"•^' "''<"•« 
 Dissertation/: X (In m?.vA; "•"'"""rized.) ;!. Two 
 .■.n.1 Tradition; l'r,"o„'','^,^'^r,f^"2 SEoj in Scr ptuTe 
 "nd other Eastern Creed fn the"F""' .""';"'""»" '^-•eed 
 bridge and Lon., Is-,; Tvo "'"' ^'-"'""'■y. Cam- 
 ^ee, also, \Vkst(ott kVv ij ''""'•• "■ '«■ 
 Students, must. XYo^k' I s'^i'"'.']^"'"™ <■"■• Sonera] 
 Bost.. 1S52.' ""• *=• ^- The Teacher's Harvest, 
 -Mim together With the ni.tory„nheUni„e„.U„ 
 npaij5V,!;;V::U!-}-l,KJ;|Mlym,M.ed ,,y,,ev,,n. .,,,aJ 
 loual niinisfor. 1. Jin"?,,.', '''"''' " t'ongri^ra. 
 •Government, U.i./rsit o'n „ 2 T '''^ '^''"""■>' "■■' 
 Country, and Uovernm 4 L ,n K T'''-^- "'ol'eople. 
 True Theory of a Chureh ,!^ Tl, i', ' ,''• ^"•' •*• T''e 
 ! f™""" Confederation Eli [ei"''?" '""'"''''« '"' 
 .-n.^ f^onr/sti, 'p.^i':. '"-, -n the Kpi.tie to'the'-u;,-.' 
 "ig of the (Jospe ,',(• ch,:;,, • 1^^," ''"'"e.s of the J!le,.s- 
 lon 'he Eighth 'chapt^o- St 1 .^■'''^■'' '■■■': "'' ''«'""es 
 "inns, Lon , iS6j, p! Svo "' ' ^l"'^"^' '" 'he Ko- 
 Ilorivcll, II. W ii n. ■ 
 Horvvitz, Orvilie 
 l'"en.s, Lon.', , "™;.„ ^he Christmas Day, „n,l other 
 Horton, Francis Allen i. 
 JlHsions; a Hand-Uook nrrnn' .'''"Sress of Christian 
 Answers, Phila., I sg^ril^tu " ^"^ *''"' '^"^'"'■on' «"d 
 Kepo"s^7^,^«eXJ^'Zd?',"p'''' ''^««-'«««- l"- 
 2. The Horton Qenea'logy '^s ^ *^''"»'^. C^a.,] 18o«: 
 Horton, James African,., n . 
 -jurgeon^major of the armv „""" afdJf^**/^' *'-^- '"'« 
 '• jhp Medical l-pographyof tL W 'Tn'"*"'' ''O"''""' 
 w.h Sketches of i,^ Uotan/Un 1 .0'' ^"'''' <"' ^^ca : 
 and Medical Climate an 1 Vf , ' "'•'' '^^'°- 2. Phy..ical 
 "f Africa, f^on. '.8,r, svo'^fotf";."'" ^*'«^' ^o' is 
 "inniiu.: its Symp oms and ^V " ^ '""'"• <"■ O™. 
 J'eo|de.., British and .Vat vc and I V-° ,.^°"""'""' '""1 
 Afnean Race, Lon., 1868 ' "1" V"^"""'' "''the 
 IV ilical Condition of the UoMrlV ^- ^^^"«" '"• 'h ' ' 
 »• f«"''ory between he E°nli?,h '".""?."'« Kxchan^je 
 Cli'iiates and their Trealme;t wiih u""'" "^ Tropical 
 Horton, Ka.shmore r r 
 louth's or Peonle', Iti . ' f""'"> vol. i„ ,,,i,n 
 t'ni.ed S'atesr'2!r:d X ?:,k"'/^;.'-;, '^/r' ^^'"■- ' "' hi 
 Horton, Richnr. 'vu „ "• '-"'»• 
 '■^«. P- 8vo' "r ^l^-,,/,"" ^"'"Plete Measurer, Lon., 
 t'IScBe 5- [?-■ '•--"?- 
 "».-"""."' 1«;;'''«' »<»''«, b. 18.,, at Pomerov • 
 :''">■ -yoneC^'^on'r rrii;''':.' '"''P-'-^^^^nl 
 ?f .'J'c delogates^o (he 'eo ', p ' "'" '" '«'•'*. "id one 
 ,»'.l.p'ionrnlw'cd,"l!!-„'^*;'i''ir" '" 'he Problem ^f 
 The Wife's Messengers, 
 theCont7n"nt';^"','',''4,„ '' ",'-»;;hwood picked un on 
 Phila., 1855, 12m'o 9 •-""""«'-'».Tril. to tlio Old u' r 1, 
 eh'Jing Fracture:; Wou^r^D 1"" ."' '^"'Kei-y : 
 Coinpends.) Ulu,. 1- ""? ' ,s ij T.'""''' ''"• C^i^ 
 for Physicians and Studen s- 2d .,1 '"'"• '^^ •'^'"■«'='-y 
 , Horwood, Alfrpil I-!; .''•' ^''"- ''*'*6, p Sv,f 
 barrister-at-la;.*7.'?^ji»'"'"J ","-' '^'^'J'" Temple- 
 Edward I., Years 20-2T 21 V;"!;-f "»''»«'■ 'he Iteign of' 
 b<i>vard Xir., . 1.12, l^Vi ISfi'i 'T ' ^^-^■'' ■'■'-•«• ""J 
 logue of the ManuscrinN 1 I ' '^•' "■• ***'"- -'. A Cata 
 Soeiety of aray":'' rnrLo '"'fs«^; 'S "'^ """"-"bl'e 
 Commonp ace-Book of f \'...' ^^o. ;). (i,;j > . 
 embracing a Narniti,^ of LenN' T'^ 'T '■^™"«'-'^-- ' 
 James V. in 1542 „„tM .1, rr . '^ ^''oin the Death „f 
 f<>o ^--oaty oi Utrecht, Lon., 1882, 
 •^. Mary Stewait : a Brief sV^ '^"'- '*'• "»■ 
 Charges which have been hron, 1,1 "'"' '" "'« ''''Incipal 
 with the Ancvers to the ^Imc'' ' ,^''''''f J'.'!'- ^ '"««he.- 
 8vo. l>„st.,. '" ™mo, Lon. and XMin., 1888 p 
 le gruvcr charges JuJh ^h^ '■"".''''^''e wliieli 
 ;"'r ,K.'iioratin,r n 1,™' i*"™' "10 minds „f 
 '■«! his e«s;:••^^^^^^'"!' ''*l!-; 'J<mck 
 '1«^ th„roiiKi;iV prove 
 1 ' 
 III'''' 2 
 OuiiiK' Lineof-Biittlo-Ships, Lon., 1853, 8vo. 2. Ko- 
 marks on the l.iitf Win- with Riissiii. lion., IXji, Hvo. 
 a. Uuinarks on tlic \Ui\M Transit of Trdoiid to India, 
 I,on., ls:iS, 8vo. 4, Uuuinrks on tlio Inefheicncy ol tlie , 
 .«toani Navy for (Jciicral Sorviuc an.l the Turiiojes ot , 
 War, Lon„ \MI), Svo. 6. The Kelatiie Cost of llic Kn^- ] 
 lisli, Prussian, and Austrian Soldier, I.on., IS71, 8vo. H. [ 
 Ueuiavks on tlio flninnel I'as.sage and on tlie I'araruount j 
 Iraiiortan(.'e of Dover for Ollensive and Uelensivo War- 
 fare, Lon., IS7:i, Svo. 7. The .New Harbour at Dover 
 from a Strategieal and a Financial I'oinI ot View. Lon., 
 1874, Svo. , ^ . 
 Hoshonr, Samuel K. 1. Letters to Squire, 
 Pedant, liy Loren/.o Altisonant, [iisoud.] Ciii., ISjJ . 
 2. Autohiogniphy: with Introduction by Isaac Lrrctt, 
 St. Louis I SSI, 12100, . „ • , r 
 Hoskiar, OUo Viildeiniir von. 1. A Gun o lor 
 the Kleetric Testing .d' Telegraiih Cables, Lon., 1S7.1: 
 2d e.l., issn, II. Svo. 2. Laying and Uepairing ol 
 Electric Telegraph Cables, Lon., 1S7S, |i. Svo. 
 Iloskiug, William, [""i': vol. i., add. Some 
 Ohservatiiois upon llie Recent Addition of a Ueftding- 
 Ho.iui to the liritish Mu-seuin, Lon., ISas, f„l. 
 IlosUills, U. A., bu,tr, vol. i., add.] 1. Aceount 
 of the I'ablic Prison of Valencia. Lon., ISa'., Svo. -. 
 What .'had we do witliour Criuiinals ? with an Account 
 of the Prison of Valencia and the Penitentiary ot Met- 
 tray, Lon., IS5,'), Svo. :i. A Winter in fpper and Lower 
 Ee'vpt, Lon.. isii:i, Svo. . , r...- 
 ilosliiiis, tieorge (Jordoii. 1. Designs for Chim- 
 nev-Pieccs. Darlington, Ei.g., 1S71, r. fol. 2. The Uerk 
 of 'Works : a Vade-Mecuin for All engaged in the Super- 
 intendence of Huilding Operations, Lon., 1S70, 1-uio. 
 ;!. An Hour with a Sewer Hat: or, A I'cw Plain Hints 
 on House- Drainage and Sewer tias, Lon., 1S79, Unio 
 Hoskilis, John. I. The Loss of the '•Cornwall, 
 and other Poems, Swansea, ls71, l2nio. 2. Ibe Chiel- 
 tain of Masada: a Drama, in Five Acts, Swanse,i, iN B, 
 II Svo. ;i Lady Newraareb : or. The Normans in Wales: 
 a Drama, in Four Acts, Swansea, 1877, Svo. -L Mon- 
 taser the I'arrieide : a Drama, in Five Acts, Lon., Is7|i, 
 lomo. 5. Songs of Instinct and Reason, Swansea, is^., 
 11 Svo. B. Fleanco and Xesta, the Children of Destiny : 
 nDrama. in Four Acts, Swansea, 1SS4, p. Svo. 7. King 
 Henry the Seventh : a Drama, in Five Acts, Swansea, 
 1SS4, p. Svo. , „ , . 
 Iloskins, Samuel Elliot. Charles the Second in 
 the Channel Islands: a Contribution to his Biography 
 and to the Ilist.o-y of his Age, Lon., ISil, 2 vols, Svo. 
 Iloskins, Thomas II., M.D. What we lat : an 
 Account of the Most Common Adulterations ol Food 
 and Drink, Bost., ISO), 12iao. 
 Iloskinson, W. S. (Trans.) Chemical I roblems : 
 from the German of Karl Stammer, M.D.: with hs- 1 
 iilanations and Answers, Pliila., ISS.'i, 12ino. ; 
 Hoskold, H. U. 1. A Practical on 
 Minin.', Land, imd Railway Surveying: containing the 
 Errors of the Magnetic Needle- Practical Geometry and 
 Trigonometry, Ac, Lon., 1S63, Svo. 2. The Engineers 
 Valuing Assistant: being a Practical Treatise on the 
 Valuation of Collieries and other Mines, Lon., is, /, Svo 
 Iloskyns, Chandos Wren, [unie, vol. i., add.] 
 1. A>' Statistics, Lon., 18o6, Svo. 2. Oeca- 
 eional Essays, Lon., 18(i6, 12mo. 3. Land in England, 
 Land in Ireland, and Land in other Lands, Lon,, 1869, 
 Svo. 4. A Catechism on the English Land System, 
 Lon., 1873, 12mo. 
 Iloskyusj, John, M.D. A Comnientary on " The 
 Revelation of Jesus Christ." By a Physician. Dublin, 
 IS.V'i. p. Svo; now ed., I''i!3. 
 Hoskyns-Abrahall. See Ahumiu.t,. 
 Ilosiner, Ilev. Arthur Henry, M.A., graduated 
 at Oriel College, O.^ford, I Sift; ordained 1S47; priest in 
 charge of Fraserburg, diocese of Cape Town, since 18S3. 
 1. An inquiry into the Catholicity of the Church of Eiig- 
 laud in regard to the Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist, 
 Lon., lSo6,''l2ino. 2. Hearing Mass, and other Customs, 
 considered, Lon,, 1S7II, Svo. 3. A Catechism of First Prin- 
 ciples in Ecclesiastical Causes, to be learned by Every 
 Member of the Judicial Committee: with an Introduc- 
 tion, Lon., 1S71, 16nio. 4. Prayers for the Dead: a 
 Letter, Lon., 1S71, Svo. 5. Some Remarks on the Late 
 Judgniciit in llebbert r. Purc.has. Lon.. 1S7I. 8vo, 
 Hosmer, Hurr Griswold. Poems, Cambridge, 
 Mass., IStlS, Uinio. 
 Ilosmer, Frederick L. The Way of Life: a 
 Service Book for Sunday-Schools, N. York, 1877, 12mo. 
 With Ganvktt, C, The Thought of God in 
 Hymns and Poems,, I S8fi, 12mo 
 llosmer, U. H. Household Book of Practical 
 Medicine, Loii., 1879, 
 Ilosnicr, Hev. 
 People and Politics: 
 the Signiticance and 
 and Lon., ISSli, Svo. 
 Hosmer, II. L. 
 0., IstiO, 12uio. 
 lIoHuier, II. I 
 r. Svo, 
 c;cori;<- Washington. The 
 ir. The Structure of the Slates, and 
 Relation of Political Forms, Bost. 
 Adela, the Octoroon, Columbus, 
 . Bacon and Shakespeare in the 
 Sonnets. Siin Fran., 1SS7, 12mo. 
 Hosmi-r, Jnmes Ki-ndall, b. 1831, at ^orthfleld, 
 Mass ; ,rni<luated at Harvanl IS.-i.'i; held a professor- 
 ship in Antioch College lSi;fi-72; became l.rofessor o 
 Engli-h and German literature in the Lniversity ot 
 Missouri in 1S72, and was appointed to a similar posi- 
 tion in Washington Vniversity, St, Louis, Mo., ill 1^,1. 
 1 The Color Guard: being a Corporals Notes ot Mili- 
 tary Service in the Nineteenth Army Corii.', Bost., Isiil, 
 •• Will hohl a permanent iilace in cur li'-ratiire as an in- 
 te-e^tiiig. truthfiil.aiid aiiiiiiatcd desmii.ion of seryue in 
 our ariiiv iliiriiiK the war of the rel.ellinii. It is liy lar ll.e 
 best licHili of its kind,"— .Vo''"«.i.s'.i, _ 
 2 The Thinking Bayonet, Bost., Isiia. 12mo. 
 "llMnain interest springsMiot so ""'d' f"''",'',','^ .'^''n-| 
 of imaKiiiaryeliaracter.s as from us record of actual tail 
 and its account of real scenes "—^utiun, i, »J. 
 3. Sliort History of German Literature, St. Loul^, 
 1879, Svo. . 
 ■• A very readable and yaluable book, the best book lor 
 the Kcneral reader, tui a suliject extremely wearisome il 
 treated in iletail,"— .Vodoii, xxviii, 1-4, 
 4. Samuel Adams: the Man of the Town-Meeting, 
 (Joiins Hojikins rniversity Studies,) Bait., 1SS4, Sv". 
 a. Samuel Adams, ("American Statesmen,") Bost., Iss.i, 
 "' \ii Interesting and apiireciative Life of Adams,— one 
 that fairly sets fortli the man, his work, and Ins tunes, - 
 SaWm, xS, 4SS. ,....„.• i i 
 li The Story of the Jews in Ancient, Mediieval, and 
 Modern Times, ("Story of the Nations,") N. York and 
 Lon.. ISSIi. p. Svo. 7. The Life of Young Sir Henry 
 Vane, Governor of Massachusetts Bay, and Leader of the 
 Long Parliament: with a Consideration of the English 
 Commonwealth as a Forecast of America, Bost., Isss, 
 ' 'iiosmer, Mrs. Margaret, 1S3II-1S89, b. in Philn- 
 delphia; went to San Francisco in 1854, and was iinii- 
 ei[ial of a public school there, but in later years resoh d 
 in Philadelphia. I. The Morri-sons : a Story of Domic- 
 tic Life, N. York, ist54, 12mo 2. The Back Court: .ii, 
 ' How to Help the Poor, Phila., ISino. 3. Caddy's Three 
 ' Dresses, Ifiiiio. 4. Courts and Corners, Bost., llinio, j. 
 1 Dis- nil Castle Brightened, Bost., 16ii:o. li. The Stury 
 ' of a Week, ICmo. 7. The Subtle Spell: a Tempeiaiue 
 ' Storv, llinio. 8. John Ilartman. Illust. Idmo. 9. 'Ua 
 Years of a Lifetime, N.York, ISOfi, 12mo. 10. Lenny, 
 the Orphan; or. Trials and Triumphs. Illust. Pliila,, 
 18(19, llimo. 11. Juliet, the Heiress, Pliila., 18119, ISni". 
 12. Rich and Poor, Phila., 1870, IBmo. 13. Child V:\\,- 
 lives, Phila., 1870, ISnio. 14. Three Times Lost; ur, 
 Patty Korris, Phila., 1 870, ISino. 15. Little Rumc 
 Series : containing Little Rosie's First Phiy-Days: Little 
 Rosie in the Country : Rosie's Cliristmas Times, Phili'., 
 1S70, 3 vols. 16mo. I(i. Blanche Oilroy : a Girl's Story. 
 Phila., 1871, 12mo. 17. Lilly's HardT\'ords: a Smry 
 for Little People, Phil .., 1S72, ISmo. 18. The Sin ol ilie 
 Father, Phila., 1872, 12nio, 19. A Hough Boy's Sl"ry, 
 Pl ila., 1S73, Ifinio. 20. Cbumbo's Hut, lS.S0.,\Wth 
 Dixi.AP, Miss Jii.ia, Under the Holly ; or. Christmiis at 
 Hopeton House. By " a Pair of Hands." Illust. Pliiln., 
 18fi9, 16mo. 
 Ilns^feld, C. German-English and English-!. cr- 
 nian Dictionary, Lon., 1875, 2 vols. 32ino. With Damki. 
 L., How to Learn French without a Master, Lon., ISil, 
 5 vols, in 3, ISino. 
 Hotchkin, Ilev. B. B. 1. The Soldier's Scr.i|)- 
 Book, Phila., isii4, llinio. 2. Upward from Sin, through 
 Grace to Glory, Phila., 181)9, ISino. 3. Manliness, Isiiio. 
 4. Intidelitv against Itself, ISmo. 
 Hotchkiu, Kev. Samuel F. A Pocket Gizct 
 tcer of Pennsylvania, Phila., 1SS7, 12ino. 
 Hotchkiss, Jedediah, late captain and tiij'o- 
 graphical engineer. Second Corps, Army of Nortiarii 
 Virginia. The City of Staunton, Augusta County, Vir- 
 ginia, and the Surrounding Country, Staunton, ISTs, 4to, 
 With Allan, William, late lieutenant-colonel and chief 
 ofonlnaneo. Second Corps. A NV Ti t. , 
 ^ |W».» : Chancellorsvi le' M„,, " T''\?""l«=-FieM8 of 
 ■ The liost IjiMik nf It., , " '• '"•^ork, Isfir «,.„ 
 in"S'-';?!^L*:!^--vj;;?^^ - 
 Hotten'sn„moiH inser,.,|, „[,,,; l , V.f :'""• '"': ''- ^f'- 
 "^ wntten or ciitci l,v hi , T , J '7<in'y-live books 
 Ml the following li.-t. ,4j"n.lo"'' ""■'''''''"■'' "'""'«'! 
 '■ <■■■'•■> A '^irliiifaotch;. I ,.;''" ;"" "■"•"•'»etion. 
 '■'■fon. I,Mi,c,|° ,,| h*- T" '»'"■•« KHOM in any Col- I 
 II'^mW.] L„n., isiio sv„ ^Ti ^'^' ■ •'""''"'' •'Sylvester, . 
 ;','l-ii.) 2-Clmil„sl,i,Uen,. ,hi«." '"^"^''""'^'i «nle,' 
 "*"(', ■'^vo. Anon 'i T ;.f ' r," *"'"■>■ »f '■'» '■■f". I-on 
 n.Mres.,0,1 ,o Kurl'kan ; ri'^Ts'-^^J '''^■^■" •^^•"-■:^' 
 il'o <-'on-ori|,t: or The rn,!?" !' ^I;' ™' •'•(Trans.) 
 ;»"»"-Cliatri,,„, Un is-"TZ °f.*™"<=>-'. by Erok- 
 -' ■■ a Tale of tlio ,1„ Ure 1 bVZ P ^''^ •■""■'■) "'"tor- 
 ]■'.■"■• I^ri, ,,. ,Svo. fi^ JI {? \7 •''■'-•'^'""nn-Clialrian, 
 Amorican .Jokf-Uook. By rlth!!n ■'!'"!"""' ' " -'<''-•«■ 
 Kiliteii, wiel, Not„,;!-],;;,^, ;'■»■'« Carol, ami n^nj 
 ;y't;.e'i.>g of Qu,i!;;;, '";^,'---^.;.f TiJight'a 
 M'^'ern Authors, liy Theodo o T,„i r '^"'^"'"' ""J 
 'f'lSvo. II). (E,i.) The i.'in7.''-'f'''""''J f'»"- 
 i'lTvng .Men soM for a IVrm ^f vt ' ' P" ""^»' «obels, 
 and Olher. who went f om Gre°t IW "■' ' '""L*^"-^ I"'^-'«<'J 
 l'antati„„,<, Ifi()0-I7,„;?'" J.^' '""^'im to the Aiuericnn 
 «.l'^'.e .1)0,. foriueri; ii-J' '^ !'V^r' ",'« Lacalitio" 
 iSiimes of the .'•^hip/in .vh' I? .i '^^"""''•-Country, the 
 • Interesting I'l.rticf;., ^^^'^f. ^^'V^l'-'b-ked, and'^^thor 
 f-Mte J'aper DunarDnent o f ll^r Ix ' ''.""''^"''J in the 
 0<lieo,^K„,jland! I-n. isr, "r^'^l'J'""^- « ''"blio Reoord 
 V" nine of iii.porla.t,?J„e'''t'' ''''',',"■''. "»J Pro. c ed a 
 plare i,i i.v^.rv ,„ 1 <_ i „ i" '^.'""""-'ndod as w or iV r ,? 
 Clinreh, Lon., IS.OS, I:-,"" *^** '^I«"">"-8 of Charles 
 i..""':fJV2j:^^j'''l;':,«f"j«'r'".M.r>..f „,„ 
 "t l-Mion College is', ;,Utn'V^'',^?- ^md iZ, 
 IMS; served Ibr a tin^ i Cleveland iledioal Colleffe 
 «f!c.rwards scttied"u wvi, ^T;"? '" ""o civil war ,ut 
 soient.fio and historical s i.L V' «"",'"« ''i"»olf to 
 ol .Mcteorologieai Observ, ti V '^<'*ults of a .sJerios„ctions=of .1.71": rjfX'^'" °'''^'^'"™ "'"' 
 dry •■ oai^inies In the's „te „f V ^"{^T^y^ "t ,-;un. 
 l.SoO, (l,s,-,(l-6;(. with 1 In. 1 ^rnV"'-''' '>'»» ]S2,) 
 1' e,,omen,i to 1871 AlbinvSV -,"'"''''" ""'» «"'e)- i 
 fi'luting to the Islai,! ,f -Iv^' '^^^-'-', .1.0. 2. P,,n,,,., I 
 ^,^Wini to the o'J L;^ "t^f"^''' -"•> Doeu, ; 
 Alartha's Vineyard and nth ?",'""' "^ """ r.'land 
 l'il-1 from Offl'.iaT "cords A .""''' .^''J"*"^"' •' <•■'"' ' 
 »l'>e^ only, privately ,,rt;dn' V ■"'"• ""• '•'« 
 Cau;cs which led to IM i li ,1 rn J ' "^u^"""""^^ "f the 
 'f/'. % .John Knston ' vu' " " '"■ "^ »>r^ and 
 ^''K^^^'. Albany. I, s.-,,,,4„ o n ' , ^"'■"''"'■'i'-n and 
 l'r"Wa,nations for Thankslwv n ^ ^J""' l"''"'<'d- 4. 
 g"-s, Washington, and ft er- ''.^ '^?.'"'i"'"'tal Con- 
 Auctions. Jf. York, 1858, r SvL T 1 l^*""^'" Intro. 
 f""n y in the State of Ne» Vork \,\^'""'y °f 1-owis 
 ; W.) Diary of the SioXof n -tr'i ''""I' v""' «'<'• 
 »"!;ac; also, a Xarrativxof th^ P • '"■ "><> ^^'a'- with 
 "■'■ >iege, by Major RobcTt H ''""'''pal Events of 
 Trans.) On Military and Ca^.Tu' "^""'"y- J^^"«- T. 
 8. Proceedings of the Co.n.nis, 
 'sinners of ait • 
 Indian Titles'!r„,^'^!^!,'-^, 7 ">« K.v.ingui,hn,ent of 
 2 vols. 4,0. (,. History of lirvr' V"''*' •)"'"">■' '^"■^ 
 Can;i"..Kn in Virginia un ler Ooi,t\ ."■'*'""''-' ''"'"f ""^ 
 and under (lenoral MeCle Ian "s o '^'l'"' "'"'/" '^'"y- 
 unJer (Jcnoral liiCin „n rT.''^"" ""'' ^'■■«»^'l' ^'"-ck 
 Notesandrndeves ",""^. *'""" '''I-^taing, 1770. 
 (Trans.) I'oi.c hot's 'm. , ' '^- ^"''^' '«««• ^q. ^ vo is 
 Fleet and Army undci^ A, .iL '''•'*'"" ''>■ ""^ liritish 
 ton, .\. York, fsf," 80 r T "'"' ■''''' "enrvciln- 
 enniprising the (■on^titution of ^V"^'-'™" Consti.ulions ; 
 and of the Iniied .^. Ue ,- th" 1 '^""1 '" ""' l'"'"", 
 -Jependenee and Artie es of r,'"-' ^"■lara.ion of In 
 , ^Jl'any, 1S72, 2 vol 8;°^ ^ onlederation : with Xotes, 
 f^otes: being .Short \oti es ! ,,^"""7^. '"''«'"l'l)iea 
 J l'.".".; no. included in Al 'en's , r ."'l' 'ersons, ehiefly 
 Die lonaiics, Albany, 1? 5 sv'' V-'"" n', ^''"«''"I''"™' 
 ;;a"i Islands „f ,|,e R ver%r r '' *'^'''' '^'^'^ 'T''""- 
 )ork. l.s.M), „;„,„. ]s'\;,^*^ • I^awrence, .Syracuse, .v. 
 J/rmation concern)nLr ho D ''"" "^ Forestry: In. 
 Trees. IHust. cin*" Isso' ?""» ""'' Care ofKo'est 
 •^■^try. Pub. by lV&"''.Jo'v', ' w'"','' '"' ''''I""-' "n Fo 
 torie«l Ske.chesof the -ri "■"•' 'S'^-'.Svo. 2(1. H . 
 '■nited states, r Uni^'eriro '%'•'".' ''""'^ees o/the 
 L-K (Vov't. AVasli., I'.^^Xl "^ ^''^h'San. I'ub. by 
 «I>S^;f^::;7.^L^:«--^7;e Centre Of Power. 
 8vo. ^'"™«' Ipton, Esse.\-, ],ssj ,, 
 I ""'^^g™^:;'f^;^^f ''•?««•'. b ls:;fi, at Trile, 
 : '^'Se ls;,(i; astronomer nnd ■,life i r^""';:'' u"' ^'"'"" Col- 
 f-rvalo,y, Albany, X.Y f,, ' Tin. °. '1 ""'"'■•^' '^'^• 
 became di.Tctor of Hen b. ,n 01' ' " '''^' "''en he 
 Description of a New C^i.n ."''«"'atory, Chicago. 1 
 Alban/, ms, .C'' ' '1 e'S ""'' ^'^-'-ing Ma'chini; 
 .ieg.sie,-ingan,I Printing RarJ,', I'u "° ^""""atio 
 ■i.Annalsof Dudley ObstMv, Jor 4? ' ^'^T^'' '•"'■'^' 8™. 
 ^,. Tlie Ualvanic Battery. Alb '^f; ' f'-'^.J' '^'"«-' '- 2 vols. 
 l;c ipse of August 7 181 ) 1 'i' ,'"'"• 5. The Total 
 ^eloeilyof .he eL..; , ' ^"""'•>'' 1**^), ,svo fi Tl,„ 
 Albany! I87tsvi™"'^ '"'-" - er the Telegraj.h Wlr^! 
 I--;'^^3^^^I: 8y;"'^'tt^r"^^'- 1'— I,] 
 • • l;.nt,..ed for the !-,„,« "'a f.„,"'-'' ^o'.., I8<i5, 12m; 
 A Shepherd's Autobioffrn ,1 v r ' ?'" '■^"' '-'mo. 4. 
 vear of AVest Alving.'o'n' U,'™!;''; .'"""i ""'"'"^'l ISfi.^; 
 I endary of Salisbury Ca?luMlr,r''''.'o'"'-'° I'''"' preb- 
 our L'se of the .Moiins ■ /. "^ T" ^fo^' ^ ^''^'^ for 
 1-^-1. p. 8vo. ' •"• ^"'^"'^ ""J Translations, 0.vf., 
 fn V'"^'" "- °"'''' ' Ne'w K"^-' "'V"^^ »'■ "-' 
 (".ll.elm Eugen) Re„.»: r "^ Testament, by Eduai-d 
 ' Enlarged Oermal/lfa :„'■ [uh i^" ^"■"' K-ised 'a"d 
 >oaI Additions, Edin., 18,"4 "' f Numerous Ribliograph- 
 . Houghton, EUxvnrd P i ., 
 '<=.'ne, explaining Sy„ ZmA'nd T ^^'""^-^^""^ of Med- 
 S.ngapore, l.S7,87l2mo "'' I^fcatment of Diseases, 
 I • Songs from over^t le S a .4 Yo k ' itT'? ""I^' ''"^'"n 
 I-eaves, Rest., 1878, I6mo ■in -W' ''""'• 2- Album 
 of St. Oiafsklka's "'"'•'''; '2'""- '• The legend 
 •2L"o. 0. N,^gan;,:n, ';,?her"p'"'' Y^^"' ^"At, 
 Spiritual Sfianoe; Prefaced fn'd Wu'T "' """« '" 
 Specie, of Autobiography!'!,"; 7ss't Sv'o?""' "^ "^ 
 ident of tlio Stutc iiml Cminty lloiurjco|iiithio Mcdiciil 
 Socictios of New York. Lfcturcs on Cliineal Otology, 
 linst., 18S.-,. 
 Iloiightoii, Louise Seymour 
 of the Piiris Workiiieii'M Mis.-ion. 
 1871(, Kiinn. 2. Tlio Salibiitli Month: 
 Thoiif;!u.-< for VollIl^' MotliuiH, Phil.i., IhT'J, l8mo. :t. 
 (Trans.) Littio .Motiicr, by .Muie. Kli.-e ilo Presjcns<;, 
 Illiist. \. York, ISXO, liiino. 4. Kuitlit'ul to tlie Knil : 
 tlie Story of Hiiiile Cook's I-ifu ; niliiiitea from the Kronoli, 
 I'hihi., ISsI, lliiuu. 5. (Triins.) Their Mnrrieil Lives; 
 or, Tho llcivlitics of Domestic Life; from the Freneli, 
 Philiv., 1881, l2mo. fi. (Trans.) I.ittlo liana anil his 
 Biblo-Leaf, by Franz IlotViniinn. Illust. I'liila., 1S81, 
 16mo, 7. (Ell.) (l.)iaen Wonls of Holy Men, N. York 
 882, II. 8vo. 
 lloulhton, Willinni. 1. Tho Circle secerned fmni 
 tlio Square, and its Area gauged in Terms of a Triangle 
 1. Fifine: a Story ! common to Hoth, Lon.. 1862, 4to. 2. Inklings of Areiil 
 Illust. N. York, Autoiuetry. I.on., 1871, 18mo. 
 Iloulton, Ella Cutliiirine, 1. Questions iijion 
 Ilivinu Trutli, Lon., 1^60, p. 8vo. 2. Chance Thoughts 
 on Chance Subjects, Lon., 1861, 8vo. 
 House, EdwHrd Howard, b. I8:iri, in l!o.«t 
 Mass.; studied music from 1850 to 18.^:t, and jirodiu'id 
 some orchestral compositions that wore performed in 
 lioston ; was connected editorially or as musical and 
 dramatic critic with the lioston Courier and with the 
 New York Tribune and Times; professor of the Knglish 
 language and literature in the I'niversity of Tokio, 
 1888, li5nio. 8. ( Ed.) Silver Thoughts of (Ireat Minds, J^^.,„a, 1871-73; corresjiondent in Jujian and Formosi 
 N. York, 1888, Ifimo. 9. (Hd.) Words of Comfort and , „f j(,„ jjew York Herald IS74-76. 1. The Simonoseki 
 Hatred is akin to Love: a 
 Hope, N. York, Isss, Himo. 
 Houghton, Ptolemy. 
 Novel, Lon., I8-<T. p. 8vo. 
 Houghton, Koss (J, Women of tho Orient: an 
 Account of tlie Religious, Intellectual, and Social Con- 
 dition of Women in Jap.m, China, India, Egypt, Syria, 
 and Turkey. Illust. Cin., 1878, 12mo. 
 Houghton, S. .n. Living Waters, Lon., 1873, 8vo. 
 Houghton, Walter. Conspectus of tho History 
 of Political Parties and the Federal Government, N. 
 York, 1881, -Ito. 
 Houghton, Rev. William, ['in"; vol. i., tho 
 second of tho name there mentioned, add.,] 1812-1870, 
 b. at Preston, Eng. ; curate of Scnnen and St. Lcvan 
 1848-65, and from then vicar of Maiiaocan. 1. Ration- 
 alism in the Church of England : an Essay, with an 
 Appendix (jn " Essays and Koviows," 186;'., 8vo. 2. Tho 
 Doctrine of tho Church on the Divinity of Our Lord 
 •Tesus Christ, Lon., 1885, Svo. 3. Pauline Theology : an 
 Es.sav, Lon., 1867, 8vo. 
 Houghton, Rev. William, M.A., F.L.S., gradu- 
 ated at Brasenose College, Oxford, 1850 ; ordained 1852; 
 rector of Preston-on-thc-Wild-Moors, Shropshire, since 
 1860. 1. Some of Bishop Colenso's Objections to tho 
 Pentateuch and Book of Joshua Examined, Biiming- 
 hain, 1863, 8vo. 2. An Essay on tho Canticles, or the 
 Song of Songs : with Notes "and a Translation, Lon., 
 1865, 8vo. 3. Country Walks of a Naturalist with his 
 Children, Lon., 18(i'.l, 12mo. 4. Sea-Side Walks of a 
 Naturalist with his Children. Illust. Lon., 1870, 12mo. 
 5. The Microscope, and some of the Womlers it reveals. 
 Illust. Lon., 1872, 18mo. 6. Wonders near Home, 
 Lon., 1873, 12mo. 7. Sketches of British Insects: a 
 Hand-Book for Beginners in tho Study of Entomology. 
 Illust. Lon., 1875, p. 8vo. 8. British Fresh- Water ] Women 
 Fishes. Illust. Lon., 187!), 2 vols. 4to; now ed., Lon., I sidered 
 1884, fol. 9. (ileanings from the Natural History of 
 the Ancients. Illust. Lon., 187'J, p. Svo. 
 " Mr. llmightoii has limited his notice to such animals 
 as were familiarly known to the inliabitiints of KKypt, 
 Palestine, Assyria, (ireece, and liome. ... He is instruc- 
 tive and critical without being dogmatie."— .S'a(. Kev., xlix. 
 10. How to teach Botany, Lon., 1880. 11. Tho Nat- 
 ural History of the Commercial Fishes of Great Britain 
 and Ireland, ( Prize Essay,) 1883. 12. The Natural His- 
 tory and Cultivation of the Sole, (Prize Essay,! 1883. 
 Houlder, Charles Spencer. Tho Valuation 
 (Metropolis) Act, I86U, Lon., 1886, 2 parts, fol. 
 Houlder, J. A. Northeast Madagascar: a Narra- 
 tive of a Missionary Tour, Antananarivo. 1877, Svo. 
 Uouldey, Rev, William Ephraim, graduated 
 at King's College, London, I>*ii6; ordaineil 1866; vicar 
 of St. John the Baptist's, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1874. 1. 
 Ziska, the Blind Hero of Bohemia i a Sketch of the 
 Hussite Ilefonnation, Lon., 1871, p. 8vo. 2. History of 
 St. John's Church, Nowcastle-on-Tyne, 1875. 3. Church 
 Property, 1^76. 
 Honlding, Henry. 1. From Lancashire to Lon- 
 don on FootV Lon., 1867, 12mo. 2. Poems, Burnley, 
 1874. Privately jirinted. 
 Honlding, John Richard. 1. Australian Ca- 
 pers; or, Christopher Cockle's Colonial Experiences. By 
 Old Boomerang, [pseud.] 
 Affair; a Cha|itor of Japanese History, Tokio, 1874. It 
 2. Tho Kagosima Affair, Tokio, 1871. 3. Tho Japanese 
 Expedition to Formosa, Tokio, 1875, 8vo. 4. Japanefo 
 Episodes, Host., 1881, sq. 12mo. 
 '■ Even those who have been oll'ended with his vlole:.> e 
 a.s a looker-on in Iriins-l'acific politics will be elmrinicl 
 with his lively fancy, playful humor, and kaleiduscoi.ic 
 vocabulary."— A'udoH, xxxiil. 360. 
 b. Y'one Santo : a Child of Japan, N. Y'ork and Chic, 
 1888, 12mo. 
 House, Rev. Erwin. 1. The Homilist: a Seric-- 
 of Sermons, N. York, I860, 12mo. 2. The Missionary in 
 Many Lands. Illust. Lon.. 1861, 12mo; new ed., l>-7'.i. 
 3. Sunday-School Iland-Book, Cin., 1869, 12mo. 
 Housman, Francis. A Selection of Preeedent- 
 in Convevancing. Lon., 1861, 12mo. 
 Housman, Kev. Henry, B.D., F.O.S., educaitl 
 at St. John's College, Cambridge, and at King's Colle;:e, 
 London; ordained 1857; tutor in Chichester C(dliL'c 
 1879; Greek lecturer 1883; Hebrew lecturer 1884. I, 
 Readings in the Psalms; with Notes on their Musical 
 Treatment, Lon., 1873, 12mo. 2. Seven Sermon Storic, 
 Lon., 1875; 2d ed„ 1878, 16mo. 3. The Dignity ..i 
 Service, and other Sermcms, Lon., 1876, 16mo. 4. Tim 
 Story of our Museum: showing how wo formed it, :iiil 
 what it taught us, L(m., 1881, 8vo. 5. Hints to Tloo. 
 logical Students : with an Introductory Essay on the 
 Lord's Prayer, Lon., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 Housman, William. The Improved Shorthorn : 
 Notes and Reliections upon some Facts in Shorthorn 
 History, Lon., 1876, 8vo. 
 I Houson, Sophia. Love and Art; a Leaf froui 
 the Past, and other Stories, Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 
 I Houston, Arthur. 1. The Emancipation of 
 from Existing Industrial Disabilities, imi- 
 n its Economic Aspect, Lon., 1862, Svo, -. 
 Tho Principles of Value in Exchange explained and ex- 
 j pressed in Simple and Comprehensive Formulu), Lmi., 
 I 1866, 8vo. 3. 'The Fusion of Law and Equity, Dublin, 
 1867, 8vo. 
 Houston, J. D. Craig, B.D. Anno Domini; or, 
 A Glance at the World into which Messias was born, 
 Lon., 1885, cr. 8vo. 
 Houston, John, b. 1828; educated at the lli!;li 
 School and Ciiiversity of Glasgow; called to the b;M :it 
 the Middle Temple 1861 ; common-law lecturer to tlic 
 Inns of Court since 1873. Principles of the Law ..f 
 Stoppage in Transitu, Retention, and Delivery, l."ii., 
 1860, 8vo. 
 Houston, John W. Delaware Superior Court, 
 Court of Errors and Appeals, and Criminal Courts he- 
 ports, vols, vi.-ix., (1855-74,) Wilmington, Del., ISOil-T'i, 
 4 vols. Svo. 
 Houston, Rev. Thomas, D.D., [mile, vol. i., 
 adil.,] professor in the Reformed Presbyterian Churili in 
 Ireland. 1. A Practical Treatise on Christian Baptism, 
 Paisley, 1853, 12ino. 2. The Races: the Evils connivti'4 
 with Ilor.-e- Racing and the Steeple-Chase, ami their Di'- 
 moralizing Effects, Paisley, 1853. 12mo. 3. The Lonl's 
 Supper: its Nature, Uses, and Perpetual Obiigiiii"ii; 
 with an Exposure of Romanist and Ritualistic Perver- 
 sions, Ellin., 1878, or. Svo. 4. The Dominion and I 
 of the Redeemer, the Support and Confidence of 
 Lon., 1807, Svo. 2. Austra- j Church, and the Joy of tho Saints, Edin., 1880, cr 
 ■■ vols. p. 8vo. 4. Cyr r i,„; nt ' ".,''''""'• '■""- '•'<" '- ' 
 I'""-. i'<7::, ;) v„l" , J ' ' ' ^'"•, "■ I'lli'm'-* IVnimre 
 "•anling,!,,;, ;::,'• ^^^I^J-'JIV-'-. I^V'. , i". limb.";^ 
 I'"--'; -M ^"1., I.oh srrVvV ■ "• "™'-"l'^ I-Hl>our 
 Vour. in tl.o Vil. West • 'or Vir' '•'■ ';:''- '-• '''"^'"'y 
 i|.^.nl;fe'!''S^/;;;;''''^^«J« •"-■oh that ,« i,„or.sUns 
 vt-rsnl wretcliediici: l\l.r'' *-^ "'«' ciiiisi.s or the .ni 
 IKMKlishlcoumrvm;',^ r 
 taught in ii.SnaiT: a X„ve I ,n' i^^.'o"- '^™' '8. 
 III. The I'oorof the IWi , ' . " '' '*^' "^ ^"'s- "• '"vo 
 ln.ry, I,on., Is,',^ 2^'"": '-ea.^.s from „ ,,„,(„,;? 
 '"■"■. l^«-l, a vol,.;;, .s^r fi,'™- -"v A, Mad <;a,„e. 
 "Novel. I.on., I8,H5, iVmo O^JP/'"^^'', -^ "'oinau : I 
 >ovel, Lon., ..sS.-, ;i ^ollrc^-Svo" ' 'i^.^JX''''''' ' " 
 tevenge, Lon., I8S6, ;i vols, or °-„ " 9 j J "^nyard's 
 l^'-^r, .■! vols. cr. Svo 2rt f r ""''."•«: ^i ^ovol, Lon. I 
 ;< vol... e,-. Svo. 27.- Koco Is , r"i?= ^'"' L""'- '»«« 
 ^«avcd it, Lon., issPvLo TaV ^''"'- ^^ """ "''» ' 
 «"■! ""nviotionof Fran«8%tal'!^T""?' "'' "'" '""' ( 
 \>'7. and of the con ,, . ,u n r , ' "''"''-""Jer in 
 tho eirort.. of Mrs 1 u "'' «<'""">™ through 
 "oinan'.s innoeenee The n.'hr .•'''' ™"»'""='''l "f the 
 '" I'er, afe an im H. "'"" "'^ ""^ ^ook led 
 L"nlColeridge:„.h"hr]o-'i r'J^^^^^ 
 fi) iiilviaed.) o"">ii> irieu the ease, having 
 .e"T't'h'e'^:;;r,r .th^,!.'^^'' r«'^-«- '"*« -r- 
 i--^iJent of the HuLt^r ■ ." ei;^;?"";'' ,??'»"' ""d 
 "^DiL^^Te,!;;:^? %21^L^f "/^i^ ~''^ 'iti; , 
 i"'" the Keal Xature of ji\^t " .'' ■'• ^'' Muiry 
 Tl.e Power above J.atter ... /'l"; ^""V "^'"' ^^ M 
 5. V.aceination: ivith a View t,f r''- ''""- ''"'' '"vo. 
 an.i iM-ee from Objo on C -f ?," '^'"^^ Efteetual ! 
 C-ndi.ions of Xeura.rthen "r;:'' [l'""' «• 0".-"'e 
 --OIIIC Further Conditions nf \ ' , ' ^*'"- "• On ' 
 l»^i"al Stu,ly, Lon, lS™%;o -^""'"^""^"ia : » Psycho- 
 id.' 7^''',,"s';.f' ''^ '«"•'«• Soldiers' Shooting, 
 "'■^'1 Manager's S ide R ,Te?r "'•-' 'r' '• ^l-e I'rao- 
 , 'lovell, T. Mark, F R c^""!,";'.' f'°"' '««'•'• ■-'"■o- 
 ''"li« I-mdon iro.snit™ a; nn.K^l'"- """' »'"-Sc«u 
 »-'"lre. Lon., LS8.s 'svo' '^°- ^^ ""^ Treatment of Cj-slic 
 ^_^;;lI«ve„,Kn.est;"(P,eud.) SeellooK.n, Favvv 
 '^"Onc, Lon., isr') svo ^"'K™l'hy of its Founder, E. 
 Lo"T2,t"'-'-"- "n- Railways and NewStreets, 
 -"n:^:';^.«:''%*;,,^T-t Of Fnt.,re 
 "age,, and l),Mi„,t, in ,lo vHi'r^rT'"^"'- ^''^'■ 
 well, from l.'.SI, ( Harlo n s ,'' r'/ •''"'"■". Clerken- 
 .n»„; HoY,;: "m ':; '^'^^'^ '-"f ','"' ■":?■ 
 -f iiomeeV;'^.!;:;;;'^"-,,^;;- {Tn.,M Theo,?:: 
 ■^vo. I. The I if,. .,„ I '' ""ai'hra^e. Lou., 874, ex I'l, 
 ^ "Mms Sath.: a'l l"-- M :'Tm" ti^*""^- "" '^1'^-- 
 **-' , at (Jreene, Chena g r " 'vf' "''' '■; "'!''-] I^- 
 ,' partmouth 1,S44, ,„„| „( V,.,,,, „ ;;., ■^•/ • K'adnaled at 
 |'''<-<\"nd has leeie „,„.," !y''"W''al Institution 
 I I'l-olb,«sorof theologv a (■,•',":''', '''' i»-lil"<i"n as 
 "8 president. I. lla Stt.'^VV'-''' '"':' ■^'"'•^' '■"«»' 
 «««., Ls„„. „,„ ^,, ;.^ ' t' ;;' <io Inipemtent Dead, 
 IJ^ attested b,; ,|,e Kva,;«elis;, ^.^'l^;; 'Vr'' ^''^'^' 
 ilio .Scrip ura Laiv ,.c i7;. ' ,"■'•• ''""■I, l2mo. ;;. 
 Tholiibl^heOSanirN,?',. ''":•.• "?"' '"""'■ ' 
 'uty, (Aladison Avenue '..'''x^'"'- '", ";",".""<■ "nJ 
 ^•. 'i'"! with Is: or Th e ', ' , .'l'.'''' '"*"'• '-'mo. 
 : with an E.\amination n,' v- ' ""'' " "'•< "'' Christ • 
 ' "ell. ll-t..i." 2 1^ n,,M';'""-\f ''"'«'■'■■ '"•^- "• "- - 
 ; to Teach, lS7;i. 7 ■^^^"[1 T{^ 'T '''•■' ^- ^^'''"t 
 ISrj, l8mo. 8. Re igi.n,,;)"".'"^'"" "'■""'• I'l'Ha- 
 ■,^ liance? Ta.xation ^ ",,, , i 'V.^''^ i':^''/''"''"" "^ 
 ^he Doctrine of the luXll r\ """t-. l-'^rj, Svo. y. 
 with the Teaching of t'f 11,1 .'<'^'."'," ''''" ''""'Pared 
 , l"ti and in l.s7(rPhu. ,s-r ,'^'''^'- ""-' ^*"l"i-*ts in 
 S.vsteu,atic Theo L ' '„ -'c h!;.'^'"';',- , .' '• Ma'nual of 
 N'^vo. 12 (Fd 1 Tl,,i ,""" 'ethics, liost. 1877 
 Testament ; /:,'.! ''.'I'f, ''"';'.1".^"'">'''" ti,; N v' 
 j'iblical Eschalo :;;!". ,.f"'^^ ''';••' l«'^;i. ^vo. ,3 
 Ki:v. D.Ii.. (trans IT ifjf ' '-"'"• ^^iih Foiin 
 Perthes, I3,;st islii V;;;;/^"0-sostoui, by Friedrieh M.' 
 Hovey, Horni'e Carter r-.i. . , . 
 Cavorns: Mammoth, Wvan.loiL i '""''' ^'nerican 
 Svo. ' "Jamlol, and Lura.v, C'in., 18,s2, r. 
 Fa","phii:,sop|"'t"l /''■■;•■•'• '• C»"^0">'^ Fi'in 
 My^i-Peadi;:^';;^;,X^ri:n' ^':::!;; T' '""'° "• 
 is|Sas'^r^^;v;'^r !;:-.. nav, 
 U^;ir"jt^*::;^^^;-«';f,<iejn:.e ..I,.,„aained . 
 Church, Lon., I,s37 Yo^o ""'' *'=*^'i*-a'8 of the 
 How* SnmiiPi n oi 
 i New lirunswierx.j. 18o'''rS '"^' ''"'"'' ^^ ed., 
 I "**W, T|ioiiin« l» 11 ~. 
 I rev., X. Y„rk, ,"fl ifi'.o""" '"S"^' " ^''tent, newed., 
 !.^2^':^tfJ^;;:^,:'''«-;»^'sham, ,^ 
 j fchool, and at Wadha "cill g'"^; ,H ''''T^"^'"^ 
 S-l.',- ordained 184ii; rector of wi • •'' g™'luating 
 I 1«1 ; rector of .'^t. m'-va'I r ";""«""'""""-"l«^l'ir* 
 of ,Sl. Paul's 1,^71 -Is \^;H-''„^°"'';;"',""'ll''<'hen.lary 
 !«:».• Bishop of AVakelid ™?i^ ^r''",'; ."' '"^''fo'J 
 Prayers for Chnrohn.e, , Lm, s'^o 'io^'"'-^' '■'"'"^1^ 
 18r». 2. Plain Words nr« . c "' '-"'"' "^iv e.l., 
 75, f.,ur series, l'),r '; ,V^| "r ^"T"'' '"'"- I^Si/^ 
 with Illustrat ons, L'on 18 1 p'"" "^ ^y"'"^ Pie^s : 
 (-■ of .Seven Lp.!^?.n"«' "T"' -^^ ''-'aim LL • a 
 f*. l'a.stor in 
 n -;""' "J" cjcnoois. 
 laroohia, Lon., ISfis |.)„,„. „ • -, . ...sior m 
 18,s,3. U. Private Life an, \. "■."'•! '''"' 'M'Pendi.v, 
 Priest, Lon., 187 r,3C, , '^''"'"'■"i™^ of a I'arish 
 the Day of Interce's il V '-"F:'*'""* f'"' Ohserving 
 IjVordM-oChil.lrruL 'l T-'io''"'' "■"""■ "■ ''lai" 
 j "oly Communion Two Pa 1 "A" ' 'V' '^''•' ''"^'"' '2- 
 ' P"tri Compan";n. Lo.^''8^ •_«,''!.'; ,/•' P-Paration; 
 ■?f he Kubri,..,, Lon.,lsrs Svo 'iJ T n '•'• ''""^io" St. John: wi h r,,,,,!, ^"e Gospel accord. 
 l.i. The Panair ,1, ,J '"" "entary, Lon., 18711, p. 8vo 
 eording to St. Matthew^ w/h r"' '"■ ^''^ '^«»Pel ao- 
 ^- ir. Lecture. ^vJ^^^^^t^'lZ'^l. 
 ^ 111 
 n ';' 
 1' i 
 the Divinity 8chi)ol, Cambrlitge, 1S83, Lon., 1883, I2nio. 
 IS. Tli« Hoy ll«ro : a Stdry iDimiliil on Fiict. Illust. 
 Loll., l.HSl, (ibl. Svo. 111. NotfH on the Cliurch Ser- 
 vloo, 1.011., \X>*i. ;.'l'. Wonl- of UihmI CIioim', hoii., 1MH,5, 
 r.'mo, 21. Wii8 I,o*t unil i:< F.jnil : a Tulu of tlia Un- 
 Uon Minflion of 1,S74, in \ orse, l-on., 18S5, lllino. 22. 
 Vomio, 1,011., IHHil, p. 8vi,, 2:1. llyinnn, Lon., 18,srt, 
 12mo. 21. Hivlliiil of ttic Cnoristor lioy. Illunt. I.ou., 
 1SS7, s(|. Iiiui'i. '-'■'. 1,1'ltor llrookloti', Lon., IS8M, ;i2iiio. 
 Ilowiird, .Vdiih .M. I. Tlie Cliiia Wifu ; or, Miir- 
 ricil lit, SeluMil, .\. Vorl<, l'<SI, liimo. 2. AKiiinst lior 
 Will, un.l A ll.iiintiMl Life, .\. Yorli, 1S87, Kinio. :i. 
 LittloSunsliinc, X. Yorli, IH.S-*. l2nio. 
 HownrtI, All'rcU. C<iiiyriKlit .Miiiuml for Authors 
 and I'lililisliui-s. I,.in.. I'<S7, l2uio. 
 iluwnrd, .Miss Alllli'. 1. .Mary .*|ieneer : 11 fivlo 
 for tlif TimcK, Loll,, 1,-ill, jiliiiti. 2. Uiilley .-^uliloiii ; or, 
 Tliu Way lo Keep Lent. Lon., ISl.'i, Kliuo. .'). I'liilip 
 ivnil .<u9an; or, Twenty YiMirs At{o, Lon., IS5I, 12nio. 
 Anil ,<oo llow.viii), M viiv .Matm.d.i, I'n/ni. 
 Howard, .Mrs. H. C. Fifty Vnirs in a Maryland 
 Kiti'licii, Halt., is::;, iL'ino; noiy O'l.. ISSl 
 llowitrd, .Mis-i Uliinehe Willis, (now Mrs. 
 Teiiirvl,) li. I.S17, at Itangor, Mo.; .low resilient at 
 ."^tuttgart, Germany, where she oilit.s an Knglish niajsa- 
 zinc. I. OnoSuinMier, Dost., 187.'). l2ino. 2. Ony Year 
 Abroail, lio.»t., 1^77, ISuio. 3. Aunt Serena: a Novel, 
 Boat., 1S8I, liinio. I. (luenii : a Wave on tlio Breton 
 Coast, liost., 18,s:f, 8vo. 
 " • Ouenn' 1« one of those hooks that not only charm but 
 satl.sfy."— .loi((,, .\xvl, (i, 
 5.-Auln.iy Tower, Host., 1S85, p. Svo. H. Tony, the 
 Maiii : a Novelette, N. York, 18S7, llWno. 
 Huwnrd, C. C. Forms of Prayer for Use in Church 
 Schools; with a Table of Lo.ssons and Hymns for the 
 Christian Y'ear, Lon., 1 874, 32ino. 
 Howard, C Knislier. California Calculator : the 
 Newest, yuiokest. anil Most Complete In.struotor for All 
 who desire to bo " Quiok at Figures," San Fran., 1871, 
 Howard, Caroline. A Strange Family : a Novel, 
 Lon., IS7I), ;! vols. p. Svo. 
 Howard, Cecil Ilaiiipdcii Ciitts. 1. History 
 and Oenealogy of the I'utts Family. 2. Life and Public 
 Services of John Wolcott Phelps: a Sketch, Brn'tlo- 
 borough, Vt., 18S7, Ifinio. 
 Howard, Charles. 1. The Roads of England and 
 Wales: an Itinerary for Bicyclists, Tourists, Ac, Lon., 
 1882, p. Svo; Ith od., 1884. 2. Handy Route-Book of 
 England and Wales for All Road Travellers, Ac, Lon., 
 I8S0-8S, 2 vols. 12ino. ;!. An Itinerary and Road-Book 
 of Scotland, Lon., 1887, 12mo. 
 Howard, Charles F. 1. Essay- for the Age, 
 Lon., 1855, p. Svo; 2d od., Is5!t. 2. Perseus and his 
 Philosophies, Lon., 1855, p. Svo. .'!. Olympus, Lon., 
 1857, p. Svo. 4. Gilbert Midhurst, M. P., [a novel,] Lon., 
 1859, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Howard, Lady Coimtaiice Kleanora Caro- 
 line, daughter of the eleventh Karl of Winchilsca ; mar- 
 ried, 1S71, to Capt. the Hon. Frederick Charles Howard, 
 sonof the second Earl of Ellingham. 1. Mollie Darling: 
 a Novel, Lon., 18S2, 3 vols. cr. Svo; new cd., 1883. 2. 
 Sweetheart and Wife : a Novel, Lon., 1882, 3 vols, or, 
 Svo. 3. Only a Village Maiden, Lon., 1883, 2 vols. cr. 
 Svo. 4. Mated with a Clown: a Novel, Lon., 1884,3 
 vols. p. Svo. 5. Etiquette: what to do, and how to do 
 it, Lon., 18S5, p. Svo. li. Waiting for the Prinoo; or, 
 A Nineteenth-Century Cinderella, Lon., 18S6. 3 vols. Svo. 
 Howard, Conway R. Earthwork Mensuration 
 on the Basis of the Prismoidal Formulie. Illust. N. 
 York, 1874, Svo. 
 Howard, U. H. The Journey of the Israelites in 
 the Wilderness, Spiritually considered, Bost., ISIVI, Ulmo. 
 Howard, Edward, M.D. 1. Tho Centiad: a 
 Poem, Lon., 184), p. Svo. 2, Adam, a Mystery : a Poem, 
 Lon., 185(1, 12mo. 3. The Genesis: a Poem: with an 
 Introduction by George Qilfillan, Lon., 1856, p. Svo. 4, 
 The Reviewers Reviewed. By the Author of " The 
 Genesis." Lon., 1857, p. Svo. 5. True Forgiveness: a 
 Drama, in Three Acts, Lon., 1870. p. Svo. 
 Howard, Frank Key. Fourteen Months in 
 American Bastiles, Bait., 1863, Svo. 
 Howard, Rev. <ieorgc Broadlcy, graduated at 
 St. John's College, Cambridge, 1852; ordiined 1853; 
 secretary of the Clergy Friendly Society since 1S82, and 
 curate of Bcckenham, Kent, since 1888. 1. (Trans.) 
 The Christians of St. Thomas and their Liturgies : com- 
 twelve Apostles, Ma 
 prlaing the 
 of St. Jftinci', St. Peter, the 
 r blonysius. Mar Xystus, and Mar 
 Eranis: ti'igether with the Onlo Communis; from the 
 .'^yriac .MSS., 0,vr., IMll, p. Svo. 2. (Ed.) Tho Syrian 
 Christians at .Malabur. Bv the Cathainir Philipos of 
 Cotlayam, 0,\f., IMlU. 3. An Old Legend of .St. Paurs, 
 [verse,] Lon., 1871, I2mo. 4, The Future Supply of 
 Clergy for the Service of the Church of England, Lon,, 
 187,'i, Svo. 5. Hints on .Ministration, Lon,, ls,s3, p. 
 Howard, George WashinKton. The .Mmiu- 
 mcntiil City: its Past History and Present Resnurees. 
 Bait., IS73, Svo. ., . , . 
 Howard, tJeorKC William !■ rcdcriek, 
 seventh Karl of Carlisle, K.G,, [m/i(<', vol. i., 
 under Cuii.iM.K, add.,] 18tl2-IS6l. 1. Lectures in Aid 
 of Popular Education, Lon., |x52, Ulmo. 2. Lines on 
 Yorkshire, Lon., I Ml.), 4to. I'Oi-th. Privately p.inicd. 
 3. Speeches. Poems, .le,, Lon., IS6n, Svo. I. Poeais. 
 Selei-ted bv his Sisters. Lon,, 18(1(1, Svo. 
 Howard, Henry, .M.D., b. lsl5, in dmnly An- 
 trim, Ireland; medical sniperinteiident of tho I'rovineiiil 
 Lunatic Asylum nt St. Johns, Province of tiuebec, Can- 
 ada. I. Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of the 
 Eye, Lon., 1850, Svo. 2. The Philosophy of Insanity, 
 Crime, and Re.«Jionsibility, 1SS2. 
 Howard, Henry Charles, eighteenth Karl 
 of Sulf'olk and Uerkshire, h. 1833; succeeded Ins 
 father in IS7li. Racing and Steeple-Chasing. Illii.-t. 
 (Badminton Library.) Lon,, ISS6, p. Svo. 
 Howard, Very Rev. and Hon. Henry Kd- 
 ward John, D.D., [mn,; vol. i., add.,] 171I5-IS6S. 1, 
 (Trans.) The Rape of Proserpine, The Pliienix and thu 
 Nile; from Clandian, Lon., 1854, Svo. 2. (Trans.) The 
 Books of Exodus and Leviticus according to tho Versiim 
 of the LXX, Loll., 1855, 12mo. 3. (Tranf.) The Books 
 of Numbers and Deuteronomy according to the Version 
 of the LXX, Lon., 1857, i>. Svo. 
 Howard, Rev. Henry St. John, LL.D., grain 
 ated at Downing College, Cambridge, 184(1; ordained 
 1S4»; incumbent of Holy Trinity, Pitlochrie, Scolliiinl. 
 since lSfi6. The Rights of tho Laity in Kcdesiastiinl 
 Legislation, Edin,, 1873, 8vo. 
 Howard, Horton. I. Improved Sj t u of Bo- 
 tanic Medicine, (in.. 1S48. 2. Iinprove>l System of 
 Midwifery, Cin., 1852, Svo. 3. Domestic Medicine; or. 
 Family Companion. Illust. Phila., 187(t, Svo. 
 Howard, J. E. A Memoir of Robert Carr, of Al- 
 lahabad, Lon,, ISS7. 
 Howard, J. P. Gold-Chart, showing the Fluctua- 
 tions in Gold, N. York, 1 863, Svo. 
 Howard, J. Q. The Life, Public Services, and 
 Select Speeches of Rutherford B. Hayes, Cin., IsVil, 
 Howard, James. Continental Farming and Pea*- 
 antry, Lon., 187(1, Svo. 
 Iloward, James, M.D., and others. Practi'ul 
 Politics, Lon., ISSI, Svo. 
 Howard, Rev. John. Illustrated Scripture His- 
 tory for the Young, N. York, 1852, r. Svo; 3Uth eil,, 
 Iloward, John. Tho Astrologer of Leeds; or, 
 Tho Twin Crusaders of Pontefract Castle and KirksiMl 
 Abbey ; a Romance of the Twelfth Century, Leeds, I^M, 
 Howard, John, head-master of the Isliugdn 
 School of Science and Art. Practical Chemistry; new 
 ed., enl. and rev., Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 
 Howard, John. Respiratory Control for Vuoiil 
 Purposes: Inspiration — E.vpiration, Albany, 1883. 
 Howard, John Eliot. 1. Eight Lectures on tlio 
 Scriptural Truths most opposed to Pusoyism, Lon., I^l'', 
 12mo; 2d cd., 1847. 2. "Tho Island of Saints;" nr, 
 Ireland in 1855, Lon., 1855, 12mo. 3. The Shephenl, 
 the Stone of Israel, Lon., 1S57, p. Svo; 2d cd., I.uii., 
 1S79. 4. Illustrations of the Nueva Quinologia of l':i- 
 von. Illust. Lon., IS5il-62, 3 parts, fol. 5. Seven Lec- 
 tures on Scripture and Science, Lon., 1865, ji. Svo, ti. 
 The Quinology of tho East Indian Plantation. Plates 
 and Photo-Prints. Lon., 1869-76, 3 parts, r.fol. 7. The 
 Epistle to the Hebrews: a Revised Translation, «ith 
 Notes, Lon.. 1872, 12mo. 
 Iloivnrd, John H. Athletics and Gymnastio l-'f- 
 ereises. Illust. Lon., 1860, p. Svo ; 2d ed., eiiiitlod 
 "Gymnasts and Gymnastics," 1867. 
 Howard, Joseph. Corry O'Lanus; his Views 
 and Experiences. By Diubolus. N. York, 1867. 
 "--rj clilur of \I !p , ' ,,"'" """-"""linnry , nee 
 <'•"'■ My J. i-iH J/so,^, : 'jr' >l' " , '\F""">y "f, lS(l:i, Mv„. '> 1.M Ti"' '!"!''''''• "''•' ^''ti". 
 I.un., I.MW, ,s\o ^w I, P.. ■ '""I'^i'i" .^"e. |',b , 
 I'"'..,) l.on., InsoIh ..','!;'"''o'''' '"■'^' l""rlcMun S„c 
 "►•■v, lionKHT, «„„,„•,:„ i^'-V'-'**™- Witt, llovn.v. 
 K-n(,l.„„.,,ss7. ,' o '^7;, '^^'T "'« Visitation of 
 Howard, .>I„r ,„ "">■,""' '-'"Pf", privately ,,ri„ti.,l. 
 iN7(i, im„o. .,. I,, X , l'''^'^'' '"'I ''"■". I'I'il". 
 '""'% IMHI, lliioo "' ^"-^^'"Is »n.l their For- 
 H'lna of which, however li, vo h^! ' "'", '" '""'"S book., 
 Howard, ,„,„„. J TI ' II ''?" "■""■''"^'1 1'> MixH Ann. 
 Our me,,c.ll,orJ a^d their i . ^^;"'''? ""'' "'"'•'<- "l' 
 '^"», 2 vol.,. ,,. 8vo '", ,, T-"" '^^'' '^"i'y I'ifo, Lon. 
 .^torie., [.on., Is7l ^ .s,^," """"•"-'« ^^""«0 '".J oth"; 
 .■te:!A^^;-;fi"--U..;^.n The Code 
 Howard, M«i„r.7;p;.:^;.\';:.'!.' 'f?.^: ^™'_ 
 K'li".. IH7N,-,,Mvo""" ""^- "n.l Winter Kveuin;,'; 
 '■I'll., I.s():> io„.,,. „„ ■' V *".rmu» I'oint.- to l,u not,..| 
 '" '-".v "nd idi:'' '.cvi'Vorri'st" ""' '•'"'»" = "-' 
 "vilwar, w„« ooii,;„,>2'!,r'J^?-''^,'-'""'' "'rough the 
 !««.'-74, i„ eouinian of t^.l/ "," '''■'"'dmen'H liuroau 
 'V1-8I, and .u,,cTintend nt o'lh "H ",'"."'•' ^"'""^"^ 
 "/.y I.S8I-,S2, „n'd in "s, , aa not L ' '^'"""T ^"'"'- 
 ilivisionof the Pauido i r),„ i"^..^ coniinand of the 
 111' Ancestor-, hi.- Lan d" h h P, 'rf"'''' '' *" '^"'"""'t "f 
 4^'-i"T^B^:r^V^::^^;!S/^-P"""; 'Vom the 
 »';'-»., in their Cru'eltv to ttp'^'^M"'" "•"""'- 
 I'r..-»"tT«, IVovidencp HI ISHB t'^"''''' ^^ounded and 
 In., "lai" Ovfu'Jrrsfo'!''"^ ^'-A-^graduateJ at New 
 'I'-... Vorkghire sflfB7' ""^"'"P'^ "*^».- viear of Raw 
 l'"..edin «inJe'l87S '1"",'.!'"™''^ '" ">« Bi»hop of 
 »<■ Additional PubliJscholin v'b i"" Est.'blishment Mi.ldle Cla...e,, Lon IS-n ^"'"'''''''ro for the Upper 
 EnKlund and other UehViol'c' ml"' ■^^ ^'"' Churoli'of 
 Wtures, Lon., I8,S5 n sj' ^"""°"'"<"'» = " t'our.e of 
 Howard. Upv '/■!.„ 
 "f, M-. l''fn"lnai"Ztll 7:°' "' ''."'""'Sh. Isle 
 vul,.. fp. ,svo. " radical feermons, Lon., ISJO, 2 
 "".'' ''«n., .'nd oUier I'oe,,,, 'p,")''''!'^' '• ^l.e i 
 l--;...-. Newark, N.J. 1807? 2d'ed88s''"'' "'""'■ '■ ' 
 'lOWarth Will* "« wu., iot)a. 
 '"'he Ancient^ndS'Bor'otrr^r''''"'"" "'■'""g 
 ""^^l.. Ks«. 8vo. 2. Our Clo'Tn^'' S^ "■•'''""wici'. Green- 
 ""'i.S Lon., 188J n 8vo ^*',i'^'""" ""'' (-''earing- 
 ''Jjent, Lon., 1S,S6 ,Svo ■ «r<^enwieh, I'ust and 
 I'rev"Ta','i^;rt'tl"n.S"'f""''.' ^'•"•^■•^- "o. to 
 , Howat, Hugh -ra;;'!;'""' i^""- '««!• p- ;^vo. 
 »en«„f Meditafions on Uo'snelTf'""^^ ?"""•• " 
 I2mo. 2. F'.;-!. tiT TV ""'?<>' Themea, Kdin IHR', ' 
 «vo; ^ev:ed;''^'5""'3''^r^','>P'>et, Bdin.,";868 p. I 
 . ''»»■ 3 The of Life; 'or, | 
 H«wt', ProC. I» I. '.,1, •'','.-"'"' •'llied., is.s,-,. 
 <.r, Seven-Hour .■<VHtJin„'f (V '"''"'","" "' ''""Kuagei 
 ;<>" ed , Manch,..ter, N II /s-r""'"^' """'- '"'".'2.110; 
 Hone, Daniel Vvm ti, , 
 ..nil Indiiina Teiriiorien I "„ ^'"', '"'»■'' "f Northwo.t 
 f'ld I ''eo'inea printo? ",">• '?'' '" "'"b"-'' <'o., 
 "■«ber, proprietor,'. mi °li,;,|-';r n''? '"" '""-'" P"''' 
 f n, KansiU J.' tZ S « v "'" """i' "'"be, Atohi- 
 ixx:i. II.-.11... '"'^ "* " t-ountry Tow„, b„„^ 
 ;'• A Moonlight nov, IJ,„t tsa.i n 
 I""... IMDi', l"„o 2 ; ^""P .""•>"" 'be Hush. Illust 
 K"''''*^^ '."... '?S80 1 ';;"«'''"« " '" ^■'"' I>'e'"en's 
 Howe, Glisha P Vi \» 
 «M''..ini..g the Dulie.; of Di«trie"t^T'""";'.'^'"»='"^» = 
 ^('.te, and I'nited States' Offi..,^v v"'",' ^'^^^ ^'»»"'y. 
 "owe, Fisher, r,„"v,r I '^•^V';''' '««'- '«""'• 
 at Kochester, Vt, iVo Tn.o «:, •' '..'^A'-'l 17»8-I871, b. 
 gcstions relating to the R. "* "' ^"'^"'•J'. ""J Sug. 
 'Sn.Nvo, new^ed"'lss9 """""'• ""'■• ^^- '^■°^^, 
 Howe, Fraiii'pa n ' » ,-■ . 
 Homoof Louise "ueaurevLl'r" '° '.'"'^ 'J'""'"", 'ho 
 Halt., 1878, l2mo. ' '""''* "■»■" "'« "Ave Maria," 
 Howe, Uev. Oeorire n n ti 
 byterian Chureh in ^^^^' ^Xl^^l' -J ^^^^ 
 '. Th°;Ut'tle'u7r['r„'u'L't?.^"'?;.' f - -'• '•' ac.'..] 
 2Jmo. 2. Forty-K It M t " ^'"." ^'"'•^' ^on., 1852 
 -n., '•'^S^U^mri^^klm/'TK,'^'"''^^^ '" Children 
 ff"-" the Uerman, Lon!, 1855 I2„;",'"';m^''''^'"''^^'' 
 .•<.onary.IJo.x and its oJl ' 7 "' ■*• ^be Old Mis- 
 Katherino Woodri igton oT't^,""" '.?"• '«'"«• ^■ 
 18,)6, 12mo. 6. Sonfe hiL^ t'o A "" ^^-^K'^'^ted, Lon., 
 fp. «ro; now ed., Tsej V t ""™ S^""' ^""- ''*''" 
 ' Ho(vK'H'e^„t'^r'^°"'' ''^'^'-" ""'■' '"" 
 Death on h^:^:^; ^T' 2"a^:' "J'^'^ '" '^'f" -'"d 
 ments of Americans : a Scried „r v "f-"" "'"' '^ebieve- 
 he.r Heroism, Self Re ian'» /■ -''!'"at.ves Illustrating 
 , .l«atlan.l, Vt., 1858, 8vo 3 Th^ t""' "^'^ ^-'erprisc? 
 >n the \Ve..t, 1867. 4 O^er th„ W u'ul"! ""'' Kebiuioii 
 I P.i.>.phleta. "*ertho Morld, Phila., 1883. Also, 
 NM."rg'r,;i'u:i\'edaf^,^.!rcl,?'^-'?«=''''- "> Boston, 
 moved to Indian,! Lh ^ l-""ege, Hartford, 1832- re. 
 lature in 184t«„"d mc'sta;"" '^ T"^"' of the fjg . 
 '"S«c, L-ust., 1878, 8vo 2 Th d';! ?..llacic6; a Dia- 
 «reat Britain, the I'nit,.,! «.„. ^"J"'""' Economy „f 
 "f Money, Best , 1878 8 1 *'f '?V""'' ^^'""=« '" the Use 
 Metallism: the SciJnee „?\fi5""'',%",«"""«"> ""'l B'- 
 I8.U0. 4. The Comrnnn < '^'"""^'afy Values, Bost., 1879 
 Metaphysics Jf^Sy" B:st!:','8''8\*',t r^""' "°^ "^^ 
 llowr, JoM'ph «., M.Ii., IHIfl-Ismi, I., ill the I 
 jiruvini'i' 111' Now llniiii'wiok i KrinliiiitiMl ;il iliu iiii'illcal 
 ilr|piirliiicnt 111' till' I iiivcrnity ■■! Ilic idy nl' New Viiik j 
 IHI'iM. I. I';iii(^f)(t'iiiiv:<, iiikI liDiv tci lii'Ut llu'in, N. 
 Yiirk, IHTI, Svu; U nl., 1X71. 'J. Tlii' llniilli, iiinl tlm 
 lUsi'iuo* wliich Kin' il 11 Kei'' Hiliir, N. Vnrk, IS7I, p. 
 ••'vu. ;i. Winl.r llimii'ii tur liniilhln, X. Xxtk, \>*i:i. U'liio, 
 I. E.xci'n.iM' Vi'ni'iy, Ao., 1->'<I. !>. Minturliiitiun nml , 
 IinjpdKMii'i', N, Ynik, |NH7, su). 
 ilouc, Mro. Jiilin, (Miird,) ['mie, vdl. i., 'hM.,| 
 lia- liciMi II |.riiinitiriil nilvui'iili' d tViimli' i-iiHriim', |iii*iiii 
 rcriiriii, Ai'., .ic'llvuriim laiiiirrmin Ifi'liiic^ iiri'l iiiMichhi », 
 niiliii;( III lilt' I'niiimliijii of fiiuii'lli's, mill iifiinn »■> n lU li'- 
 ({iilc Id i'iiii|{iO!'i'fi< fill- the |iiiiiiiiiliim 111' llii'r't' i.lijci'li". 
 Slic Inn hi'i'ii iiirniik'iil 111 tli( Ni'W Kii^iliiiiil Wmniii'ii 
 I'liili niiioi' 1M72. Hit " lliitlld ll>ii r llii' Iti'inililii'." 
 wliii'li lias liDi'ciiiii! raiiHiu*, wan writlcii iliiiiiiKa \\*U In 
 tlic I'aiiiim near \Va-liin),' in i^DI. I. A 'rii|i In Ciilia, 
 lie.-! . If^iiii, lllinn. 2, l.nlvi- l-yrici", Hnsl., I^li", l-»ln| 
 new I'll , IHM7. ;i. Kiniii llnMhik tn llie (ili\i': a I'iiiin , 
 Ui'iioril uf a I'li'iinanl .InnriiL'v, llni-l., lstl^, IL'i I. 
 (Kil.) ."icx anil IMiifatiiin : a Ui'|ily In K. II. Clurku'.- 
 ".><c.\ in Kiluoiiliiin," lln:.t,, 1H7I, Hiiiin. .'i. Mi-ninlr nf 
 Hr. SiiiiiiiiiKiiiillt'V IliiHi': with iilluT .MiMiinriai TriliiiU's. 
 I'nit, Ild.'l., \^Uy I2II11). li. Mnili'iii ,<iicicly, lliifl., 
 l>-u, liiiiin. 7. .Miirnari'l I'lillur, (.Maicliosii Usauli,) 
 ('• KaiiimiB W c'n".«cr.,) Iin.<l., |ss:t, Iliiiin. 
 IltMVC, I, inn. ilakli'igli Manenlt : a Novel, Lun,, 
 l.>*il. 2 vnl.-. 11. Svn. 
 Howe, .MiilvtTd A. lU'tiilning-Walld I'nr Kartli; 
 tlie 'I'lienry im i|i'vi'ln|icil In I'lolc^Hnr .liu-nli .). W'ey- 
 raiiili : i;.\|ianiliil ami .<n|i|ilfimnti:il liy {'radical K\- 
 ainiili's: with Nnlc* uii Lalur InvcsliKnlinii". Hiu^l. 
 N. Vnrk, issi'i, lliiiu). 
 llouf, itt. Kcv. Mark Aiilhoiiy l)c WoKe, 
 D.l)., li. ismi, at IlriKtnl, U.l. ; .unnlnatiil iil llriiwn 
 I'niviM-sity IS2S; nriiiiinuil in tliu riiile,i|aiit K|ii»L-niial 
 Cliiiri-h ls:i:!; ri:i'lnr nl'St, Luke's Cliiireli, l'hiluilel|iliia, 
 IS'lO-li.'J, unci since tlieii lliHliii|i nl' Central Pennsylvania. 
 1. Unniestic Slavery: a Ue|ily In llislio|i llnpkins, I'liilii., 
 isri4. 2. Meninira of the Life and Services of Alonio 
 I'otlcr, I'hila., ISTl, er. .'<vo. Alsn, single sernions, Ac. 
 Ilcnve, .'»lnry A. I. The Kival Vulimleers : or, 
 Tlie lllack I'hiine llilles, N. Vnrk, I8IJ1, 12mu. 2. The 
 Meicluint-Mecliunic : a Tiile of the "Now Kn(,'hiiul 
 Athens," N. Vnrk, I -H.'i, 12iiin. 
 Howe, Miiiiil. See Ki.i.iott, Miis. Maid, mi/i/ii. 
 Ilowv, It. II. A|i|iittl I'loni a Cnuntryinan to tho 
 I'ninii Men nf the Smith, n. p., Isil". 
 Howe, Milliiiiii I'., ami Ilunnnel, A. II. In 
 Duntjer; or, Life in New Vork : a True History nf a 
 Great fity's Wiles ami Teniiitations, N. Vork, 1 >ss, l2nio. 
 Howe, Williltlll W. The I'asha Papers: Epistles 
 nf Mohainnieil I'asha, Uear-Ailiniral of the Turkish 
 Navy, written I'rniii New Vork, N. York, IS.'iU, l2ino. 
 Howell, A. iMichi)iiin Ueneral Stalntes, including 
 Acts of the Kxira Session of 1S^2: with Notes anil Di- 
 gests of Ueeisions, Chic, III., 1SM2-S:t, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Howell, Aj{»es Uoil!4. 1. Syhelle's Dream, and 
 other I'oenis on Pictures, illust. Norwich, 1S74, sin. 
 410. 2. Through the Woods: a Volume of Original 
 Poems, Norwich, lN7.i, Ji. 8vo. :). Fifty Years After: a 
 Tale, in Veise, Norwich, ISHII, Svo. 4. Kuphrosyne j or. 
 The Sculptor's liride : a Story : being the Story of Pyg- 
 malion, with a Seiiucl, Norwich. IS,"*!!, Svo. 
 Howell, Alfred. Naturalization and Nationality 
 in Canada, l.oii., 1>'<4, Svo. 
 Howell, Artliiir I*., of the Indian civil service. 
 (Trans.) Select Poems of Catullus, Calcutta and Lon., 
 1SS4, p. Svo. 
 Howell, C R. 1. Jesus All and in All, Lon., 
 1804, l8nio; 4th ed., enl., 1877; 5th cd., issl. 2. Jesus 
 Saves, I.on., 1M17. irniio. 
 Howell, Ciitliiiriiic Augusta. 1. Pages of 
 Child Life, liath, iMilt, 4to. 2. Pictures of Girl Life, 
 Lon., 18114, 12nio; new ed., 1881. 
 Howell, Cliniles. Alive or Dead; a Tale of St. 
 Crisjiin's Parish, Lon., ISflO, 1). Svo. 
 Ilowell, C'lini-les B. The Church aiid the Civil 
 Law; a Manual of Ecclesiastical Law: with an Ap- 
 jicndix of Forms, Detroit, 188li, Hiino. 
 Ilowell, Constance. 1. Daisy and the Earl: a 
 Novel. Lon.. 1877, or. ^vo, 2. A Tfioii;raphy of .Tesiis 
 Christ: written for Young Freethinkers, Lon., ISS.'i, p. 
 8vo. 3. The After-Life of the Apostles: written for 
 Young Freethinkers, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 4. A More E.\- 
 oellent Way, Lon., 1888, cr. 8vo. 
 How ell, K. J. A Coneiie lli»tnry of GnglamI to tb« 
 liiMlh of William IV., Loll,, IK7:i, ^vo. 
 Howell, <;eorKe. I. A Handy Hook of the La 
 hour La»ii, I ., IMTil, svo | 2il ed. name year, 2. The 
 ConlliilB of Capital ami l.nhour , llislorlcally and_ Kco- 
 niiiiiiiallv eonsideri'il ; being a llislory of '.he Trade 
 1 nioiis of (Ireat Ihilaiii, Lon , 1878, p. Svo. 
 '■ It ciiiislsl", wllh lliecxcepllniiciriiiieeliapter, iifa loin- 
 peralr and arciiriUe in I'miiil nf llio nrlnlii nl Iraile iMilnii«, 
 l|„.|r 1 Icrii (levrliipiiieiil.llulr iiliiis, ami the liii'llind.H hy 
 Willi 11 llie\ Work 111 attain lliiiii. "—.U/i., No. 'jrill, 
 "Mr lln'well's liiiiik . . . Is 111 Mllislilllee anil ill tniie nil 
 aiiniiiKitle wnrk wriiteii tn vindicate the Trade I'lilnm 
 fi'niii llic iinlavniiralile crlllclsiiis nf milslders, and espei i- 
 ally nl pnllllnil eniiiiiiiilslx. Few pciMiiis pii.-xess meiili r 
 (iniillllcnlliins for llieliisk wlilili In- liassel himself than lln 
 aiillinr, 'Hill we limy "av at niirc thai, imtw lllislaiiiliiiu an 
 necasliiiial asperity, . . , Ihe siiliject Is Ireiileil lliinUKliniil 
 111 a spirit nf fairness and i lerallnii Inrwlihli we weir 
 iiimli lens prepaii'd Ihaii llie alilllty nf llie rcasunlnu 
 and the vl^llMr uf Ihe style."— S/m'^i/or, II. mil. 
 Ilowell, Itev.Cieorue Ho|.'erN,b. Isil.i, at South- 
 iiiiiplnii, N.V.; educated at Yule, iiu'l at Princeton 'fl.eo- 
 logical Seiiiiiiarv. I. Tho Early llislory nf Snulliainp'oii. 
 L.I., New York: with Oeiieiilngies, N. Vork, IStill, >n.; 
 2il ed., Alhany, ls.->7. 2. liingniphical Sketch nf .1. 
 Miin-ill : to which is appen.led a (teneiilogy of the .Muii- 
 scll Fiiniily, by F. Muii.sell, (New Fiighiiid llist.-tleii. 
 Soe.,) Host'., 1,'<SII, .Svo. 
 Howell, Janiew, of Ilrlgbton. A Talc of the Sea, 
 Sonnets, ami olh-r Pnciiis, Lon., I87.'l, 12iiio. 
 Howell, itIrN, .lane I,. ,lustiue's Lovers. H.v 
 Vi.'h't Vane, |jiscU'l,J N. York, Is78. 
 Ilowell, John. Songs and Sonnets, Louisville 
 Ky., Iss;, li'imii. 
 Ilowell, John. Kosc-Leaves from an Australian 
 (lanhn, Adelaide. IS8I. 
 Il4iwell, John Kdwurd. I'oeins, N. York, Iscs, 
 2 vols. 1 211111. 
 Ilowell, Mary Hiilthard. I. Out of Ihe Shadow, 
 I'hila., 1887, U'mu. 2. In Safe Hands, Pbila., 188^, 
 Howell, .tloriimcr NIoper, C.I.E., b, 1841; i 
 menibor of the lleiigal civil service since 1802; dislii I 
 and sessions judge in the Nortliwest Provinces since l^sii ; 
 Follow of the universities of Allahabad and Calcutta. 
 Urammar of the Classical Arabic Language: Transliiled 
 and Compiled from the Works of tho .Most Approved -Na- 
 tive and Naturalized Authorities, Allalmhad, 1881-s|, 
 2 vols. 8vo. 
 "A iierfect tlicsaurns fur iidvaneed scliolars."— /Inid , 
 XX. l.'lS. 
 Ilowell, Hev. Ilobcrt Uoyte Crawford, isnl 
 18ii8, b. in Wayne Co., N.C. ; gradiialed at (^oluiiiliiiiii 
 College, Washiiigton, D.C., Is26; iiaslor of a liapli-l 
 church in Nashville, Tenn., 18:11-50, ami frmn I8;')7. I. 
 Deaconsbip: its Nature, yualilication, and Duties, Phib., 
 1841,18uio. 2. The Way of Salvation, CMiiuleston, Isl'.i; 
 4th ed., 1854, 12ino. 3. The Evils <.f Infant liiiptisiii, 
 1851. -l. The Cross, Charleston, 1854. 5. The Cmc- 
 nants, Charleston, 1855, 12ino. 11. The Early IlapliMs 
 of Virginia, Pbila., 187fi, 12ido. 
 Ilowell, Thomas. A Few Stray Thoughts in 
 Shakspeare, Lon., 1807, |i. Svo. 
 Howell, W. II., Ph.D., associate in biology at 
 Johns Hopkins Iniver-ity. Dissection of the Dog ;i,< a 
 liasis for tho Study of Physiology, N. York, ISSS, SV". 
 With DoNAi.iisoN, , The Heart of the Dog: Venous 
 and Arterial Pressure, Pulse-Kate, Ac, (^Pliilosophical 
 Transactions,) Lon., 1884, 4to. 
 Ilowell, Mrs. W. Stay. Ilcminisoenccs of Aus- 
 tralia : the Diggings and the Bush, Lon., 18B!I, Svo. 
 Ilowell, William, of the IJristol (ininimar-School. 
 1. The Two Worlds ; or. Hero and Hereafter ; an Epi'-, in 
 Five liooks, Lon., 18B5, p. Svo. 2. Tho True Theory of 
 tho Greek Aorist, Dristol, 18711, 12mo. 
 Ilowells, Miss Annie T, Popular Sayings, liy 
 Aitiaiche. 1877. 
 Howells, Milliam Dean, b. 1837, at Martin's 
 Ferry, 0. : was educated, according to his own stateiiiint, 
 in a printing-office, having learned as a child to set i.v|iL' 
 in the office of the Hiiinilton (<).) Intelligencer, of whuli 
 his father was proprietor, and writing verses whicli lie 
 printed liimself in tho newspaper office. He aften\^iri|s 
 became a journalist in Columbus, 0., and while resiiling 
 there contributed poems to tho Atlantic Monthly, ;iial 
 published a volume of verse ill conjunction with .l.'l. 
 ■-• K'll 
 Piatt, ((/. v., ante, vol. ii.) In 1801 be was appi 
 U.S. consul to Venice, where he resided till 1805, gaining 
 •n intlmata km 
 "Inro, On reli 
 "oiiif llriiii ail |., 
 "n<l a suliiricd 
 hecaiim ii»»|,iii,; 
 '"'III I IS 7 J to !>. 
 in iho liiitiT y,.,, 
 Since l.ssd |,„ I 
 Monthly, w|,„r„ 
 I'lillo'l " The E,|i 
 'levclops tho lit, 
 '■"er Work In Oct 
 I- Life of Aim 
 -. V'enolian Li 
 ''•Hi'. Uinicllsln 
 ","' 'ravelllm, ,.i, 
 ;•;• nililo In the ir, 
 llnUells pnss,.„„., 
 ready liu.niliiii|.,| , 
 P'Taini'iii, liiu,.||,;,, 
 iiinnilri'i'lln,. IK, 
 'i"V'''',W'lliil wnr 
 •■""'fieaii nf thi'ti, 
 '"''• "nil iini |,,„ 
 i'''iiice."_.v„/,„„, III 
 ;'• Italian .;,,urn 
 enl., Is.Sd. 
 "The reiKliT mak 
 l'"i;j' t" Padini „, "l 
 ..111 ..miiy p|„,,,, '„ 
 """'•Us 1,1 lialv „, 
 iliieti'eiill, cenllirv 
 "•K'llldllK to till', 'Ml 
 '■'!'''" Hew writer wi 
 '; '"■"''■'-• hlni a p 11 
 H";:"' In, .\merlcii, 
 I. No Lovo Lost; 
 \".rl<, Hfls, H^. i,i,„„ 
 •'■ Ihoir Woililinir 
 e.l., ISS2: neived., H 
 "■ •'^iihnrban Sketcl 
 leheil tho true strain 
 '■ I'oeiiis, Host,, 
 ' 'he styl,,. („ ,,,,|..,|. 
 "l''l",tn that ufl" 
 Aii/»/,i, xvll. ;^|o ' 
 I8,m,.-' ''"''"™ ^^1"' 
 '^itf,"'"?""" *^"'"'li 
 1 ■nimilcle,, nil ,,,,,/ ';■• 
 "7;;--l "'n^'i^;;;;;;;;!;; 
 J, '^ ■'^;'"''; of Iho Lifo 
 ;^ ■'.>cs;„l.s„,^,j,.. 
 j^^l-. lhel'arlop.Car,(."l 
 I^J'i. A Counterfeit Prese 
 1 ,,'„!; °'" "f ">o Quesfio 
 V _!,'/'•'«« of Clio 
 >.' 1 
 Monthly. „,|,„r„ ,,„ |,„; V ';' ' "■'"■ln' („ |,n,„,., 
 7'l'«;' " •I'll" K,M„,r'H .S, , y i* „"' ;,7'"""' 'l.h.r.,',,,.,.. 
 '"'"•■ »»rk i„ ,i,.,i!,„.'*^ "■i,>i..t„,n, ,i„„ „„,,,',,|i., „|| ;y^ 
 1-0.^'"" "•"«->■• VorM'A .;. .„.,.,, , 
 ;'!-?r'-iii^'i;i' /?:,;:• '> ■-.-r.Ki;^-^;^^^ 
 liMVo II i„.w wr .r „ ' '' " '"■""• lliHl ill Mr- ' ir ' ""-' 
 V"/l<. l^O.N «,. Id,,,,;. " """"""•« »f ■rmvcl, [vor,„,J .V 
 ^''■^^^^""^i^r''^,^''-' '^-'. '2-> «oJ 
 , ■''"I" 'III! iiimlNiv,.,! , ' ' ''' '-III"- ' 
 "I'll,, styl,. 1,1 '■'■ '-II'"- 
 ^V'l//™, ..vii.3'io:"'^''« '"•'-' """ w^'iliy '„l'":;!:.','r,;'^,,';;,','i» 
 ,.>• A Chanee A.quaintanao. I|,u,t, b,,.^ j'^',, 
 'i"ini'(',,n.i-_,ri,.;,V, "'»■ ■'^iiiinliiiii uiii, ii,.' ', '■," "n" 
 "-;./""'■'"''="''--'■-'•• c„.ea„ Bo... ,srr 
 ,„;• Out„f„,e Question: Coa,o,ly. Best., ,sr7 
 •^ *l"riua Sophia Wilh,.'l„ -'"'-'•''"»"- (Contents - i J 
 »h"l'. I .11 i„i ,"",', "'III'- ... I I U '""■'■ >liilil- 
 i«..; ,il::"""""i" m..-.,.. ,,*„„„.,„„„ 
 i 1=..,';. "' "»■'"■• '■"■."". . K.,„. „.,„ „„ 
 .w»/U' ', ",E '"■ ■ ,ta..'ia,';i,t:';:;:,;:;>„5.i' 
 ■:*;..■.;■ :J'S,^r;r;,»',-|-'"«'. I! 
 -''xxvii.JiW '" '"■"'< '■" '■'"' 111- >. ou ( .'.'■•i.^'^V'/'''- 
 ■)•( ( t' J \ A J ■ '""Hies, — Ad/ii,),.»e,i;f„ anir'f.;;:;;,:'--}^ "- OW *'"»'"- «i,h 
 2^- ThrooVLo/";? ''''-'■• '^'^^^ ^2'"". 
 -"- flip Hi|c,j „!■ w-, . 
 , "III 'Tilt. Hist, ,,fm',''"!''iiiiii. Doft., iss,', |o,_„ 
 lunllv. Kn,,,, n,,. ,""^ MiLJei.t hi,, ,,r,,vi, ' ,"" ''"''^t 
 Ujiic'lu'il Willi tlie sfiiiinu'Mt ot the imst. . ,„„h:i'« 
 i„)t tlu' sHic.lar's or tliu pnefs, l,ul llu' muaeru tourists, 
 of liowover liife'li ilugroe."— -Vtidaii, xli. 410. 
 2S. The Elevator: Fiiroe, Bust., l.SS!), Hiaio. 
 29. Indian Summer, licwt., l^x:>, l2rao. 
 ■' Mr. HmvoUs ahvavs fliocisi's t(i avoiil il rum a and deep 
 feeling; l.e lias a riwlit U> select, hut the '.'"^"''f ,"','':' '{VJ; 
 sistently iijncire.s both or moeks at both w a.s false to life 
 in a hn^ai^ way as the novelist vvho is always ■>> '[.^'^ L^^ 
 In 'Indian .<nininer' he has e.xpended his skill on tritlts 
 '^^■'^^TheNn't'ervTjavi'i'iK'on'lan and connterplan, the <;<>iit'"- 
 ual l.v-play in the nundsof p.'op lo leelmK ''*-''','" ,,',S' I ,p,l of the jjrace not to tell all they feel. "'J'^i^ ' ''^ 
 litlle plot really intricate and full to the brim of human 
 interest."— ('.-//le, v. I.'i4. , , ^„„ 
 30. The Minister's Charge; or, Ihe Apprentieeship jj^. r,4^ 
 of Lemuel Barker, Bost, lt<.'<7, 1 2ino. Howes, Barnabas. 
 'In this novel, as in ' .\ Modern I;istanee and Sihis 1 A,i,|ie|d, Massachusetts; 
 mot have alwavs tlie great merit ot absolute real U> 
 Ne\ he is true to his eliaraeters; they go wluther the> 
 are iJi und to go, up or down, hiking the imlural c.mse- 
 uueuee" ■ their let .ms and their lives. This reeoguition 
 lA writers of Nceessity or Consequeiiee in lietiun is.'vl"'";-' 
 as rare as its i,ereepti( n by ordinary people in lea lUe. 11 
 m. dd h It 1 e is t\,e,4ssor of a style wh eh is always 
 ileas g and unstudied, though eertamly the resuU il 
 Itu ly we Ive alreadv assigned him iinalit es whieh ui- 
 M re iiicCe™. He has eertain defeets; he lacks ,7«i(f <l< 
 Mur the natural liveliness whieh goes far to redeem al- 
 most every other fault. Yet he is not cyiiieal ; if he 
 lot laugh much, he never sneers 
 his stories have no plot. 
 not aug i muen, ne ue\ui .iiij;^,t.T , ^..« ..vy..w. ...-.- . 
 o situations to speak of, and not many nicidents, yet the> 
 e"' is conversations are .sometimes llippant an.l 
 sometiines in bad taste, yet they are natural. -.N>(. An'., 
 Lapham.'he sho'ws himself a imusterly realist, 1"1'"""« ji,,;,^., 18S7, 12mo, 
 under obvious restrietionsin h'l*V'.V':i'll" ,'i'.""'.,"V,,f, ". ' IIowps, Frederick William. 
 History of the Town of 
 vol. i., West Cummington, 
 character. . . . From Mr. Howells's later works the nfcr- 
 cnce is justiliable that he desires impartially aiid '^riessy 
 to record New Knglaud life both m its broad tendencies 
 and it,s detail. So far he has shown us that there is little 
 variety in the people.-tbat their proinment clntracteris m a 
 arc of a inean onler and strikingly disagreeable, —.\iiliuu. 
 ^ " There is nothing anywhere in the book that is not real- 
 istic, but the lirst half, that which deals with Lemuels 
 mild aspirations and .keen disappoiutraenls, his lirst ex- 
 periences in city life, his delusions and his awakening and 
 his falling back into apathy,-all this is touched with sym- 
 nathv the sympathy whieh means insight as well as ph<)- 
 togriiphv, tlie svnipalhy which creates the kind ol imagi- 
 liatloii that simplv sees Ixdiind a veil and describes things 
 that are real though invisible to the average man. -Crilic, 
 liL .Modern Italian Poets: Essays and Venetian Por- 
 traits, 1SS7, 12mo. (Contains sketches of eighteen au- 
 thors, from 1770 to 1S70.) 
 " It would probably be difficult to find, either m Italy or 
 in England, in one little volume eminently readable, so 
 1. Zoology and Food 
 An Atloii of Practical Elc- 
 with Preface by Professor Huxley, 
 Pyrrhus, the Epi- 
 rotc: an llistorieal^ira'gedy, in Five Acts, [verse,] Lon., 
 18.i7, Svo. 
 Howes, George Bond. 
 Fishes, Lon., \S»S, 8vo. 
 nientary Biology : 
 Lon.. 1885, -Ito. r.u otti 
 Howgate, 11. W. (Ed.) The Cruise of the "Flor- 
 ence ;" or, E.\tracts from the Journal of the Preliminary 
 Arctic Exjicdition of 1877-7S, Wash.. 1879, 8vo. 
 Howick, Daniel. The Serio-Comic Guide to Rich 
 mond : with a Pago about Petersham. By Moonraker. 
 Lon., 18S1, Svo. ,,,... T I 
 Howick, David. History of the First Lanark 
 Rifle Volunteers, (ihisgow, 1887, 8vo. 
 Howie, James, M.D. 1. My Homo, my Country, 
 and my Church, Glasgow, 1840, 12mo. 2. The Queen in 
 Scotland: a Descriptive Poem, Edin., 1842, 12uio. .1 
 Sketches in Britain, [verse,] (ihisgow, 1842, 8i'o. 4. llic 
 England, in one little volume eiuMienuj leuuuuii, .-.. . j^ketclies in tiritain, perso.j luur-g,..., i..^., >..«. ■. ■■■■ 
 ch accurate ami easy inf.irmation about the uatioi"" i Ti|„,tratcd Guide and Manual for St. Andrews, St. An 
 of Italy from Naindeon to Cttvour. -^(/i.. No.. }Ho. j , .ur,, lomo; 6th ed., enl., 1887. &. An HisMi 
 If the modern period is U> be treated as something ab- j tirews, i.-o.i, i.!iiio , ui , 
 itelv disconnected from the earlier age, no one could ical Aceouni of the Town ol Aj r tor tlio Last r iity 
 do it more felicitously than Mr HowcUs. . . . He has this 
 sure merit, that he makes his book attractive ; and Ins 
 ventures into the field of translation have a peculiar 
 charm. "—.VuduH, xlvi. 18. 
 :i2. April Hopes, Bost., 1887, 12nio. 
 " The pleasure it gives is almost entirely dependent cm 
 the possession bv the reailer of what may be called the 
 literary sense. That sense is deeply gratified by the irony 
 BO delicate that its freciuent ill nature is condoned by the 
 accurate expression of habits of manner and speech, ol 
 secret thought, and even of tlie haziest intellectual percep- 
 tion The gain to fiction from the author's allegiance to 
 that division of literature is not .so great as the loss to 
 metaphysics. All his exceptional (lualitlcs, not excluding 
 his wit, would shine more brilliantly in abstract eximsition 
 Stimulants and Nareotii.-, 
 Kilmarnock, ISfil, 8vo. 
 Howie, James Muir. 
 Lon., 1878, 121110. 
 Howison, Robert R., [ante, vol. i., add.] 1. 
 Fredericksburg, Past, Present, ond Future, Frederieks^- 
 burg, Va., 1880, Svo. 2. God and Creation, Rlchmoinl, 
 Va., 188,% Svo. 
 Howitt, F. H. Natural History of Lovers, l.on., 
 1850, 12mo. , „,.,.„. , 
 Howitt, Miss Margaret, daughter of William aiul 
 Mary Howitt, w/ra. 1. (Trans.) The Butterfly's OoMiH. 
 Lon, ls(!5, p. Svo. 2. Twelve Months with Frednkii 
 Bremer in Sweden, Lon., 180fi, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 3. Binls 
 After the death of her husband (see Howitt, Wii^i i I'l, 
 hifrn) Rho resided with her daughter Margaret at Mirim, 
 iii Tirol. She joined the Roman Catholic Church, nml 
 died in Rome, whither she had gone to spend the win- 
 ter and to take part in the papal jubilee. I. Illu?fi;iti'i 
 Library for the Young, Lon., 1857, 4to. 2. (Irmis.) 
 Trust and Trial : a Story from the Danish, Lon., 
 p. Svo. :i. (Trniis.) Father and D.iiighlcr. by 
 rika Bremer, Lon., 1859, 8vo. 4. Marian's Pilgi im- 
 age, and other Poems, Lon., 1859, Ifimo. 5. A I op- 
 ular History of the Inited States of America from tlie 
 Discovery to the Present Time, Lon., 1869, Id |;- 
 Adventures of Jack and Harry, Lon., 18(10, fp. 4t" '■ 
 could draw them with absolute perfection."— A'cifion, xlvi. 
 "Doubtless the scenes are common and the incidents 
 trifling, but thev are the subjects of a subtle, exquisite, rc- 
 liued Interpretation."— Mcrai'!/ WiirM, xlx. M). 
 33. Annie Kilburn : a Novel, N. York, 1S88, 12ino. 
 34. A Sea Change ; or. Love's Stowaway : a Lyrical 
 Farce, in Two Acts and an Epilogue, Bost., 1888, 24nio. 
 With Pehuy, Thomas Skiigkant, (cd.) Library of 
 Universal Adventure by Sea and Land : including Origi- 
 nal Narratives and Authentic Stories of Personal Prow- 
 ess and Peril in All the Waters and Regions of the Globe 
 from the Year 79 to 1888. Illust. N. York, 1S87, Svo. 
 (Jknkrat, CniTiciBM ; 
 "As an observer of his fellow-creatures Mr. Howells 
 Lo„., 1 800 ;; 's ; "• frt /;;'; ^-;"' • '^ ftory. i,,;,';. 
 ■Si.te.Mury, L„„., I's,), 'f,'' '.^ " H ' rfl tr " v "'^ 
 in 8wiUerlund an.l It, Iv l.vp;. •,«■'' ^"° ^*""'« 
 1861, p. .svo. n Tn.liT T "K" "'"'■"""•' f^on. 
 F. Briuao,-, Lon •/8li ' .'Is ^^'z Tt rn">"l^' '"'""' "^ 
 the Greeks, by F I),-,.„L r .J.,''-^ '''"'"-''' »'"' 
 Poet's Children iJ:T4/'S„;J'-^«'. !'•,;;,;•«■ 13. The 
 I.itele C,,.l, l.,m., 186.i oJ;"'"j,- ^-l I"; Story of 
 for Young Peonlo Ion IS^?' ';'■ ''"'""ctive Stories 
 (ir„n,lehiMre„, L„„., ml, ito Is Th.'V ^^ ?,".'''^'^ 
 gvvyn, LuM, lS(il,a vols n C' ''J;/ " <^'f «f (-'aor- ! 
 awaros.aml other Stores '^'Lon mri /.''^ ^''«°' ^'"- i 
 Four-FooteJ Friencb, Ton IHfiT a/' '-""'' .-"• ""■• 
 21. Vignettes of ." mer i^n" ll'i! ' """t' "'"\ "'■' l'^**'*- ' 
 22. John Oriel's S ah iff,. T ■■,'.?'''"■' '^''^' '^mo. ' 
 ...res from Nature lill"''-,'""-,,''^' ""• f^- P'e- 
 urul HistorvStories for nvT, I 'l',^'. '-""'• ^S. Nat- 
 "1. Ifimo. 27. ,Ws of An^rTy"/"*-'"''". Lon., IS74, 
 ./lustrations b;°oCL'lir"' i„''" i s^r^Tsn, ^'"^.^^ 
 (tJe^J^ ^^a^ fr^;:?"' '•'.-'"•.] '^92-1879. 
 vol. i.,an(l in biog apl/ical li o'.fr-^''"" "' ]J^' »""' 
 lia.B an,l Mary How t VonTTo i'"' S«nera!ly.) Wil- 
 thenceforth spent the^r winter in U^l'^'' '? .^^^' "-"l 
 porlation as the oily Mean'^'of Pff» ," ^''"«".™ T^ns- 
 D^v, Lon., 18,i,5, 2 vo " 8vo « w'^".!' '" ""> ^'^^"n' 
 Stuo-of English County We L„„ °8 -"'." ?""«"•• " 
 7. The Northern Heights of London n 'a-?'': ''• *'^°- 
 sc-ciations of Hanipstead HVh^ ,'r '"' "'«'»r'oal As- 
 ^ey, an,i rsMngtorLon'; "^f I'l!:' '''"^«'«"' «'"- Horn- 
 ||. Vr'^- -mp- a;:tl^?^i^;r 7"° ^^'^h f P"«^ess, 
 tlie better sort of K'«sii) ai I in,v,.i r '^""'V '^ selection ol' 
 «I".'hes lu tbis poriio on e utln.'.mn"* ''.''""■>■ '^''i eh 
 i^ei'., xxvii. Ml. '' '".-'fopi'litan suburbs."— Sa/ 
 '^■-o.^'l a'ra"s'rTho"R' !*"" "'""^ Po^^-^. I""'- 'Bri",l Abbeys^na Ca ■llesof Z'lV'.""'.'"' '^'""^ : K 
 61. t«o series, fp 4 o 2 T -» W ^"*^'"' '^""•' '«82- 
 »■"! .Vtles, Lon 8rt3 ifi'V'^^r '''.""i"""! Abbeys 
 Yorkshire. ' III," 'ion iZ, Z' '«'"•"' ^'''"'y^ °f 
 Abbeys of , be Bor,w!l^;.;i«V^^/«-o ''• «""'^'' 
 Jf.r.'-!'vi^<'«-ard. ..Ge„L,U.s.aranta,ai 
 llXyou'"'""'' '" ^"«"^^'' "««a-eter, N. York, .880- 
 ;4"5^"^^^;'^^r«.-^- -'- -^- 
 Howlcu, chard L'lsn"'""','" ^^'•,^--'<. ''^^S 
 College, Lon.i'm mJ r,!!- , , '■ ';'I"«>"'<1 "« King's 
 I p../,,) I-n., 18J4-8ti; ,"".o„''r'^r„'' '■' "^»™'-'' Office 
 , I-nclZ'-On' t""^V- ;"' ;^M''";'"Sr''l'bic Institution, 
 graphic^^n IW ^^l^f ,^r''"« ''"°'"- 
 ^'i...'ion, Lon., l,4r T'l 2 -r^ 'ho Englisb Con- 
 .o.fcTJt^'f/e^t'e'^ "vt•^^;f'^•^^'?•• >'-f-' ".- 
 ; I'if^-ry of Ne>v^:,^,ll::^ tri'^'^-il;'- ;/cclesiast'iea. 
 >.ewfoun(llanUers of il lermk ,vh^^^^^^^^^ "'"' '« 'he 
 knowledge of their "oun r ■ ,, , 1 ,V "'l '" '"''' ■'« 'heir 
 Jvorthyof,,,,,,,,ii,,^'ff^™mr> an^d^^h^^^ Hrst half of it is 
 bistory,-AVi//„H, .xlvii "'O "^ "' early .North American 
 ing".""ui:KTa^fi;a,',irnf''f°;b"""n""^ «" ''"'"'- 
 tures. Host., 1854 Svo " °'"'^''' "'' ^'o- 
 Li"7po" u^a?^L?e bl"f^,^' ^•'^■^•' *-' "' '«-'2. at 
 educated at HosiuSchoo am >;'?." '""'^'"'"ti ""B 
 Inner Temple 18«r but has .^^,.»"' ","V' 1^" »' 't>e 
 erature and' politics ;M P fo S„„' .?'«^ ^r ^""•"^'^ '» '"- 
 He has con ributod '"•^- ""^ South Salford since 1886. 
 ethnographCL^d " Ci°;i' "l-"T' "" '"^'o"™!. 
 inflnlte credif'^to I e"ZKcfr'S,';';'t' "'."J 'f '"•'^' ""'^ ''"^s 
 reference, not a book to re ,d"-;w//V,. ■"''',■'■' l" " ''<""' of 
 ^ "Marked by aprofnndi,vr,r7 ■'',"■•. xlii. 512, 
 detail, and «>. atnC," f ge^°uh e'rbn ,V,' ^';r?'*'"^"««>' "f 
 111 any recent English wrTter '1™." V"" '" "e met with 
 an immense storehouse of imnnrtl,"'.^-'''^'"'!'^ «" doubt, 
 'spectator, llii, i;ti9 ' ™POftant historical facts."— 
 JoMier and Statesman bdn, "a s'"' ^V,^- <^''''"' " a 
 •Military and Civil Ca"eer m H,w ". """"■^ "f ^is 
 of -North America: beinL^'a Con,, f /• '^'■''- ^- ^""a'» 
 P"r(ant Events in the Vn\,J%, , '^™,"""' "^ ""« I'"- 
 i;io-, an,l Jloxie" from thlTr f, *•''' "" """«'' ''^''v. 
 '^.ttie Voices: Poems, 1878. .3. (Trans.j 
 spectator, Uii. KtI9. - - -"* *av;w. — 
 fro;V[h^\try :frifor'r,'"'""'j ? ^"o^P' to -n- 
 •Jeology, Lon. fg/r 8"o ' ' "'"'' ""^ ^""^ "^ "^^nt 
 Boi;?iI f^™\'?":'rn;,r,i^'' ^'r "o« "imself to 
 ries became extinct "'"m""/^„'?.«">' of it» contempora. 
 the phenomena can o nly'be exn a n« 'i»''"^''^'. ' • "'"t 
 den cjitaelysm wbcn.i.v „ ... P "'"ed ".v mvokinir asnd. 
 ami Wide oVer.C'tf,'-,^,, fad ^^^h of ««ter. s.?ept'far 
 «hioh he supp,.rt.slus views nr?.,^;,' ' ' p.^'e arguments by 
 Hows, John W « r , 
 i nopsis of the "eolofv of I > '*"''''»y. •»• W. A Sy- 
 q"S'irrh'e'!.^ri"ncrpres%^.?r'^Vp'- ^ «™^ I- 
 , tU American Patert |ys l,,^"^'! ' '"\'^ P«*«'>t State of 
 i 2- A Brief Treatise on r^'tkd«r'' ^i^'"" '«"' 8vo. 
 ^ ''To^roV'?"'^v'^''"'^'« '-'-'''' '"' '"■ 
 ;ad.1*r",H',7l8'85'',7rad*^.I;/?r:'t ''•"•'/''"-.vol. i., 
 Trinity College, CambriZe is?7 ' "f ? ^ "««• Trip., at 
 e.pal of the Liverpoo r^oiUge /8r» «^"''*.''"' P"°- 
 .'-«. ^•-eaconeJ4^i2:«6Si5^^SeHes, 
 1 '• I 
 i4 >t r * '4 
 in Piii-ocirml Work and in CharitnlilL' Inslitutions I.on., 
 ISC" 1"mi(i :1. The Cliiinu'lcr of r'l. P""!, ( Hul.eiin 
 LirtuiTr:,) Lo„., l.-M, Svo; li.l cl.. ISTIi. 1. Ih.giu-nn.l 
 Anibiii ; ii Sermun : with Notes on Allegory, ln?l>in\tion. 
 nn.l I'.vhlunces, Lor.., IsfiA. Svo. i. Scenes lioiu the 
 Life of St. I'lUil, iin.l their lieligious Lespon.s Lon., IM.Ii, 
 imp. Svo. 0. The Meti>l>l"".^ of St. I'.ml, Lon.. IM.N p. 
 Sv'k new eJ., ISS:;. 7. The CoinpiinionH ol fct. 1 .uil, 
 Lnn I-^Tl, 1). «vo; now c.l., 1S8H. ^. Meditations on 
 the .Miniole.' of Christ, Lon., 1S71, ,> Syo ; Second Se- 
 ries 1-77 il (Kd.) EssinsonCiithedrals. liy \ Mrious 
 WrVtcrs. ' Lon.. ls7-',Svo. III. S;ieni.iientiil Confession, 
 Lon :s71, l2mo. 11. " liefuie the Tiible: ' an IiLiuiry 
 into 11, e True .Meniiinu'of the Conse,'i„lion Uubrie in tjiu 
 Comimmion Service of the Chnrch of lliigland, Lon ,1^,0, 
 8vo. 12. The liiver Uee ; its Aspect and History : hi h 
 Illustrations, Lon., 1-S75, -Ito. i:i. Tlie I'osiiion of l.e 
 Priest .luring Consecration in the i;nj;lisi Coiuniun on 
 Service: a Keply, Lon., 1S77, Svo. 11 ■Jhe Lv.dcut.a 
 Value .,( tlie Acts of the Apostles, (liohlen Lecture.- or 
 l^-li) Lon. ISSU, p. Svo. \i>. Iland-liook to tliestci 
 Cathedral: with Special Hefereuce to ils Uestoration 
 hetween ISCs and 1>7(1, Chester, ISsJ, Svo 10. Lvi- 
 dential Conclusions from the Four (i renter Lpistles oi 
 St. Paul, Lon., 1SS3. p. Svo. 17. Hone IVtrinx : or. 
 Studies in the Life id' St. I'eter, Lon., ISs:!, p. bvo. is. 
 Our Collects, Epistles, and (iospels : Twelve Meditation.-, 
 Lon., 1SS5, p. Svo. 111. Thoughts for Saints Days: 
 Shori Kendings. Lon.. L^S.\ Svo. 211. The Diaconate o 
 Women in the Anglican Church, Lon., ISSO 2mo. V ith 
 KiMMi-.u. Ai.FiiKii, Chester ns it was. Ulust. l-on., 
 1S72, -Ito. , ,. 
 ■• Dean H..wsnii has given us a KOod deal "f ^l'*^^;^'!;'' ,'''; 
 torvheie and there in his l''l"l<; '^"' >'^.''''\'.''; ,, ' , f, ,, 
 out the irraiid drama-for such it really is-<d the xarie.l 
 furtunes "1 Uie city.'-Sii/. AVi'., .x.\.M". -i. 
 Ilowsoii, Wnltt-r. The Story ol Harding, 
 Lon,, 1SS5. p. ^vo. c ■ . 
 lioyer, M. A. Little Margit, ind other Stones. 
 Illust. Lon.. 1SS7, 4to. , ,, .i r 
 Iloylc, I'Ulwnra. An Inquiry into the Truth o_t 
 Christianity, and the Doctrine of Necessity, Lon., ISO,, 
 '""iioyle, Willinin, h. is;)1, in the Vale of Uossen- 
 diile; resident in Tottiugton, Lanciishire. 1. Our -Na- 
 tional Resources, and how they are wasted : an Omit- 
 ted Chaiiter in Political Economy, Lon., IS,1, .Mo .. 
 Crime in Enghind and Wales in the Niueteentl; Cen- 
 turv Lou., lS7fi, Svo. 3. On the Causes of Had 1 rade, ^ 
 Loii 1S77 Svo 4. Crime and Pauiieriam : a Letter to 
 the lit. Hon. W. E. (iladstone. Lon., If.Sl, Svo. ... Keui- 
 edies for the I'overtv, Degradation, and Mi.sery which Letters to the "Times," Lon., LSS:! Svo. 6. Our 
 National Drink Hill as it affects the Nation s \\ el - 
 Being. Lon., 1SS4, p. Svo. 7. Band ol Hope .Melo.list. 
 Lon., isss, 32mo. 8. Temperance Hymns and &oc„s, 
 "iioyli',' William Kvnns, M.A. (Trans.) The 
 Parasites of Man and the Diseases which proceed Irom 
 them, hv U. Leuckart, Edin., l.'>s«, Svo. 
 Hoyt, Mrs. U. S., ("Marhm \\e.»t," Jiseud.) 
 Standing in Others' Way., 1.SS2, ICmo. 
 Hoyt, Henry Mnityii, LL.D., b. 1S30, at Kings- 
 ton. Luzerne Co., Pa.; was admitted to the bar; ferved 
 in the civil war: governor of Pennsylvania 187.S-83. 1. 
 Brief of a Title ill the Sovciiteeu Townships of the 
 County of Luzerne: a Syllabus of tlic Controversy be- 
 tween" Connecticut and Pei.ii-ylvania, Ilarrisburg, Pa., 
 LS71I, Svo. 2. Protection i. .«m« Free Trade, .«. \ork, 
 1SS5. IL'nio. „ . „. ^ 
 Hoyt, Rev. J. The Mountain Society : a History 
 of the First l'resbyteri:in Church, Orange, New Jersey, 
 N. York, IsiiO, 12mo. , „ , 
 Hoyt, J. K.. and Ward. Aiiim L. Cyclopa-dia 
 of Practical Ijuotations, English and Latin : with Ap- 
 pendix coiitaiiiiog Proverbs, Law and Ecclesiastical 
 Terms, Ac, N. York, ISSl, Svo j 4lh ed., 1SS2. 
 Hoyt, James S. Fifty Year.* of Church Life; 
 The First Evangelical Congregational Church, Ciim- 
 bridgeport. Host,, 187S, Svo. 
 Hoyt, Joseph (Jibsoii, LL.D., 181. •.-1S62, b. „l 
 Dumbarton, N.ii.; gra.lualc.l at Y«t.- \RW: «as in 
 structor in mntheniatics and natural philosophy in 1 liil- 
 Jii.s Exeter Academy lS.lll-58, and in 1-5'.' became 
 chancellor and professor of Oreek in Wasbiugton I ni- 
 versity, St. Louis, Mo. Miscellaneous Writings: Ad- 
 dresses. Lectures, Reviews, Bost., ISOl, Hvo. 
 Hoyt, .Mrs. K. C. Janet and her Friemls, N. 
 "il.'ivl' >liirtin U'., b. L-^.OO, at Northwood. N.H. ; 
 gradu t d- t D'"mo«.h College 1871. 'f'- 0"tlaWs 
 1 oom. llv Diadem Kli, [pseud.l N. York, IS^S.f, 12mo. 
 iloyt, ilev. UaylantI, U.D., b. .<Hs, "• CI;"'""' - 
 O. ; graduated at Brown Iniversily iM.O.and i"/!",' R'"^.''" 
 eslei Theological Seminary Isnii ; ordained ui the Bapti-t 
 Church, pastor of Ihe strong Place (huicli. Brook yii 
 1. llintsandllelp^lortbcthristianLile.N.YorK.lssO, 
 •Mmo 2. Present Le.s>ons liom Dislant Days. N. YoiU, 
 Issl. l8mo. ;i. (ileauis from Paul's Pii.mui : Studies tor 
 the Dailv Life iu the Epistle t..the Philil.iuans, N. \ ork 
 ISS;;, ICimo. 4. The Biook in the Way. N. \ork. Isss, 
 '^'ilo/i.T, col. Henry MontaBne, b. is:'2; for- 
 merly of the 2.1 Life, later ..I the Uoyal ,\rtil .'i.^ . 
 1 The Seven Weeks' War: its Antecedents ami its In.'i 
 dents Lon. 1*^1'". - ^"l^- ^'•'"- '"'"' *'''" ' *" , ' 
 British E.vpeditim. (o Abys^inia : compiled Irom Au- 
 thentic Documents. L.m.. ISC.'.l, Svo. 
 "The more the .i.ii.liu't of this eanii.aniii is exainii.j .1 
 ,„ele;, Ji'-'il'ViU be a,.prechiu.,l, and ^•^■il^HK^Z^'^tu^ 
 was .\-islaiit .Mililary Secretary to I-.U'l Napie . ""^ '.' ",',','- 
 Lmml-eiv vet., his. liefbv clearly iiulicalinf; the. Iitl. 11 - 
 Uc^ .d Ibe'.pei'iti.ui aiHlthe skilful measiires by whuh 
 they were suriu..uiite.l.-.Vi/. i.'<c., xxvui. uis^ 
 ;i (E.I.) The Franco-Prussian War: its, liici- 
 den'ts and Conse.ineiices : with the Topography ami H>s- 
 t.'rv U the Rhine Valley, by W. H. Davenport Adams. 
 L..ii.. 1S70-72, 2 vols. 4to. 
 •■ It niav be bef.iiva more instructive accniit i.l llic 
 wu-ai nils ill ..iir laugUMCu. aii.l, when sn.-li an aec.nml 
 a„es l' will hanlly prove more interesting in Us 
 dnv."— .Sif. Jlci., xxxi. 7IH. 
 4. (Trans.) The Campaign of ISfifi m (.eruian.v, Lon 
 1S7'' Svo. :>. The Invasions of England: a History ol 
 ihc Past, with Lessons for the Future, Lon., 1876, 2 vols. 
 '"^■"'will be rend with interest, and maybe ftudled with 
 ; •'^;'?^:,;i;;^;fl/;;^ie,'w;'nld have written >"'- et!eetivt.|y if 
 ; wellas Ibe imasiires. la.tli olVeiisive and delensive, we 
 sbonUl certainly adopt, ■-.'■yia'/.i'or, I. lis. 
 1 « The Russo-Turliisb AVar : including an Account ..1 
 the' Rise and Decline of the Power, and the 
 History of the Eastern Questi.m, L.m., '^'f',;, "'''•■ ,''■ 
 7 (Ed ) Life of Field-Marshal Cmnt M.dtkc, Ismi- 
 1S7S By Prof. W. Miiller. Lon., lS7i), cr. Svo. s. 
 Turcnne, ("Military Biographies,") Lon., ISSo, p. sv.j. 
 An.l.-ee HoLi.ANn. Tiii,vi;xi:.v J., M7J™. 
 Ilozier, William \\. Practical Remarks on Ag- 
 ricultural Drainage, .specially a.lapted to the Drainage 
 of Heavy Land: with some Observations on Subseqiuut 
 Management. L.iii., 1S7II. Sv.j. 
 Hubback, Mrs. CaUienne Anne. [See H. 1.- 
 „.«K, Mus., ,n,l,; V..1. i., add.,] dangbter ol \ ice-Ad. 
 ,„i,,,l Sir F. W. Austen, K.C.B., a br..lher of Jane 
 Austen, the novelist: married, 1S42, to John luhba.k. 
 barrister-at-hiw, (..afc, vol. i.) 1. Life ami lis Less..ii.- : 
 a N.ivel, Lon., IsM, 11 v.ds. p. Svo. 2. 'Ihe Mistakes..! 
 a Idfe: a N'vel. L..n.. IsfiC. H vols. p. Svo .!. Agios 
 Milbourne; or, " Foy pour Devoir," Loii., ISoli, 2 )ol,- 
 p Svo. 4. The Rival Suitors: a Novel, Lon., IS;.,,.l 
 vols. ]>. Svo. :<. The Stage and the Comi'any : a Novel, 
 Lon'.. 1S:,8, Ii v.ds. p. Svo. 
 Hilbbaril, Hela, b. 1S14, in llamilt.m, N.Y. ; g kcI- 
 uat.d at Hamill..n College ls:!4; was appointed assistant 
 Beol..gist.,f Michigan ls:;7. and adniittcd to the bar D- 1.. 
 Memiirials of a Half-Century, N. York, 18S,, l.'m... 
 (Consists of i.apcrs relating to the liistory, scenery, .Vc 
 of Miidiigan.) . , . .■ r 
 " This b.».k gamers only his M ohigan BlenmiiK^. ,^': 
 Is there a better bo..k ab..iit MiclugMii. liidee.l, h is 
 11.1 (.tbir which .'..vers Ihe same, or so .liversilie.bgioun.i. 
 —ynliiili. xlv. 1". ,„, ^ . 
 Hubbard, Cbnrles Euslis. The Campaigi. .1 
 the Fortv-Fiftb Regiment, M.V..M., (the Cadet llcgi- 
 uieut.) Post.. 1SS2. I. Svo. Anon. 
 Hubbard, Frederick Heuian. The Opmin 
 ' Habit an. I Al.'oholisiu : with Suggestions trentiiii! 
 V, Painful C.,mpli..ations, N. Y.irk, ISSl, 12m... 
 Ilubbnrdi (iiinliner Cireeuc. The E.lucaiMu 
 i of Dcuf-.Mut.'.- : Sluill it be by Signs m- Articalal.....' 
 i Isii7, Svo. 
 i Hubbard, James .llasearene, b. LS36, in li.!'- 
 ! t.m; gra.luate.l at Vale Collcgo Is.'ill. 1. Catalogue ..1 
 the Works of William Slnikcspeare, Original and Inins- 
 Willi,,,., Sh'.ke, ,ear; i, , l,?l';',';' ^ >';^^ •■'-■''"'"« '" 
 Iliibbaril, Lupiiki i i ^ 
 f'.r T.mrists. (|i,„, ' i^^"'li^ ;-"<''i«'l <.'»i.iu-l!u„k 
 '■'•1«'.^ of Maine: a T,-;, ,"'«'•'-,'"?; ,"• "'""•'« "■"' 
 vul^. Mv.-li. l" '^f ) ,;^ ;';";; f "|-'-<;"»- '^ou,-t Report., 
 the A,„l,o,- .,1- ;.si, , ' s , ..""j'o'"^''- liy I'f,- Mother 
 True S,o,.y of D,;' "j,; r, h^,'^" ^^ f ^'^'niajje : a 
 Si.m.,-,,„„„.ni, X. Vork.'ls.s^ ■|2„;"" -^'"■'■•'">-« "f the 
 T-on., I«1B Sv" T r'n "■ ".'"■^';" ""• 'My UospcN 
 l-"".,lS49,I2„o 4 I.vln;'.T' "'" '*'"-^ "f ^^■'^■'i' 
 "'■ En«lan,i, ur, Je,- Go T he V, iZf'^l, '';• '^''^ '''""■^•' 
 I'^il, I2„,;>. 7 , CM. lie J, 7''';'''™' ^"""""^ !>""•. 
 ''-'i.;.»n.rt.;e''A::;,^i,;,:/;^:-.7-'^t«;j^""- «• 
 M";:!'"::^^'■'^l;-"ei„^^''''f ?--'-^ 
 [--ii.^; vo,.. ,.^t .^i::.: 'Tvi:!^j^:;^ 
 I.^";!^l:^a;'jr^'i^- V,ehel,:aXove.,^ 
 [aul^l*^^:';:;^,*^;'!:!-"'. Th,.eeCh,.i.t,„a.Eve.J 
 " "'"\^"fer^r'M.t.^r:rr" "'""T -- 
 ;vanh; a .ue„,he;. of' o St^^'Z^^Ti::, I ''" "'" "^'- 
 l).iil.v Atlas. I. A i. ;?„-r i"''.,^'""'' <"■ "'« '!"^to„ 
 f."U. its Fi,>t Stie, ,,?,"!" ''"^"?,.»'.'st,„in.t..,, 
 ";•^'<er^, Hill, (■,,,;,b,';igt 1™!™'-"'"? "'"■ ".'l?'^ "^ 
 "I lli^' Town of .Murlboi", „l, ViVi II . "■ ''"'"'7 
 ehn.ett., Host., l.s,l" ■' f ''' ?'' '''r"'"' ^"'""■^- '^'"^«^''- 
 ['«in>;.on, Ma.saehu.Jl" .'V,., ' f ;i7,;", '^e Town "f ^ 
 :'"\: with a (ienoalo,.ica Uelto,,,/ ■""'"''"';;'" '» i 
 lie-s li">.t., ISiiS, Svo. "'•S'stoi ol Lexinjiton Funii- 
 JliHlson, Charles F. | Oeht „„ . n 
 liiti'^i to the lJo..,,i„o „f „ ...,'■ "^'''. .il'l Grace, ns ,-e- 
 ".an D..,i„,, I!o ,^ ,s, "."no, "•' '"\ '■ I'"" 
 Ccnoonhuiee of the Vew tLh ■" "'''"'' "'"' '''"«"«'' 
 Pl.^--1 b.v Ezra Al hot Bo. '"-'o' S '"'^r.' '""' ^■"'»- 
 •■»""""™ie.." im,' -Lon 'ms A"!"^^'-"' ,"■• ," "'h™' 
 ■ "ill ,.,„h„„„e,Mv he „c, o,',N. 1 M ' '"'"• •""• 
 IIiidNoii, Corrjp I 1 i> ' ■ 
 •■\'l"Mn,yt,a.ion, l.on.. lS7<i, Sv.. .;,„„. .""'..'"-"'•''■« "f ' 
 A ";'ty^.^l!::":;:^' t' V"'' •''■■''''■^'- "•' •'- 
 Ni";"or';.^!:f;:i^-;,'^f;:;l5^yi-^h-r.oi. „,.„ar„,,er. 
 , .vm>, l„.r rc.liK-lons lit ,e,- ■,,,,"; "'',''1'. "' ^a.ious pe,-. 
 ; '■)i-^t Chii.tiMn tiueen,") llsro '; Thf V 'r" "'■'',""'• "^ 
 , ') l.ou,.,,, (iuec„ of l-,.„.,i.; . "„., ? ""'' ^'""^^ 
 ■^•-n- -lories, ei.t';. ,. ,i',.'"" ""'■'''r '■l'n-te„i„«... ,, r^ 
 huve here a >horo.l,h,y-;!;s;^„;ll];;/;;,l-:^ .^ ■ |3 
 I -Jubilee, I,on., Is,M''f,, s™' " ' *"*■*• •*■ ••^'"ghnnl's 
 Wo-icians .T^;^:^^:' ^::l^"f'i % "- Coile«e ,;' 
 : fes.M.r of the prine nles ,;, I l'"'^ '^'>'' '^''' ' l""- 
 S2,i,nJofL'ene,-ai,„,,M„i -Y"^ "'-K Inhriiiary 1^72- 
 New vork'i.,";"!, •" r'is"' ''Vp^ '''"«""r^ "> "- 
 ot the fn,ligeMion., N Y rk fs'-fi i*'"?"'"^"" Kehitions 
 ""■I Ther„,,eu,ies, N Y ,k H" ^.■. ^;"'"r' "^'Si"".', 
 •■'■"ini-iS Weak Ches,,, N. Vo,l"-|s;'-; '^'f'';".'^"'■ ^^- 
 Hlldso,,, l.>„,.„^'"^^ ''""•- '8'^^'^r.Sv,.. 
 ; ?ehy,eeCla.^.s. L,"'"fsir;, l.'^^^S"""^ ^"^""^t,^ for 
 Hudson, riedpriri/ I'vio'i ..- , 
 'Ma.s.: wa./eon,e"eM^,^„ ""','."^' "^^ "' Q"in<'y, 
 ^"v York He , I ,'o ' ' ^ >" '"^'-V yea,-, with the 
 •'""rn»ii..m Inihe Un eU . , : V ■ w!,"'"' '" ''^""■ 
 Vork. 1878, er. Svo. "" ^'•"^ to IS72, X. 
 Hudson, .MisJ H n i. 
 , Hudson llev. iL^u,. v"""'' "°''' '8'-*' '«■"»• 
 ^ Sh,,!;:;:^^;-. ^', «'i:J/^;|;S::;,i.' every nbr«ry devote,, ,0 
 "km;: that »■(<■„„ re ,1 y,, • ?,,"'ii.V''''l, i.s so paiiis- 
 II >tyle ami e.xpressio,, * '''"";" '">■ ht'in- rai ler la.i.aic 
 B^if 1874: i;;„^'"r"i^,'iy^'v •«•■'. 4. Sermon,. 
 ' Rook of I'rose' with Voi^I ,' H'''' '-'""■ "• '''ext- 
 , Lives, I!„s,., IS r," 'J^„^"t* ,",'";','?,'■"-•;- "'■ Authors' 
 "f WilM«,n8l,akespea,e H.^vV.M-".' '■""'',''''"' "'"'•l'^ 
 81, 20 vols, svo s •• ■ ,1 i "-"l.'';' """• ""'t., I8S0- 
 lE^^says, Dost., ISSli ,2,no jj" i;^''"" '« ^ " ■""'ie^ of 
 English Stn.lies, „„,', ,Sh 'iTespeL Sf ^.''''''r''"'' 
 : Als,,, several s,.hool. hooks. ' **''' ''1- ""»»• 
 Hudson, James P ti,., d •, 
 Ipuhli". X. York, IS^r? s;„ ^'"' '>"'I»".V8 I'ua tl,e IJe- 
 ■•O.U1 nuuln^niJ^n 'uIVTO^I thc^present system of rail- 
 .Hi.s,'t„,e„ris se' Ui" „'= 'Tr " ■""'''• ''J' ^^' '"'J™'"- 
 i» I" ti.e mail, JMst,"_cw!feviTs '■"'''• "'" "'^^ '"-■"•••v« il^ 
 Hudson, .tiarv Ann '-,■', r. 
 I'oo,,,. on v.,,.;,,,, «,.'*""•, i'lo Heaeon of JIoi,e • 
 -Mass. While vcrv v , , " '"^'"'""O- i" Weslflehl, 

 ■V " -tl 
 Ei ( \ 
 dh/rceil in 1879, nml in 1S83 she was mivrried to Ed- 
 mun'l Uiulsim, mi/nn. .Slie was a corres|ion(leiit of tlio 
 New Viirk liulupunduiit, Ao. For liiog., nee lliiisoN, 
 EliMi.sii, «"/j/'i. 1. Vic'loriu, [ii novel,] N. York, 1S(U, 
 12mo. 2. Kireiie; or, A Woiniiii's Uight. N. York, 1S7I1, 
 8vo. 3. Ten Years in Wll^llingt^ll : Life and .-ieenes lit 
 the XiUiuniil Ciipitiil ii.s a Woman see? them. Illust. 
 N. Y'ork, |s;i,r.8vo. 1. Memoriiil of Alice imd I'bcebo 
 Ccry : nitli Iheir Later Poems, liost., IS7:;, er. Svo. 5. 
 Outlines 1,1 Men, Women, iind 'l'iiin;;s, ls7;i, llimo. (i. 
 His Two Wives, 1S74, 12riio. 7. I'oems of Xut'.ire and j 
 Life, l!o,t., 1SS2, 12mo. 
 Iliidsoil, Mary E. The TeacherV Mnniml of Drill 
 for (he Schoiil-Koom, &c,., Lon., 18^7, 12ino. 
 IIiul»iOii, .Mrs. .Miiry W. Esther, the UcntiU-, 
 Tojiikii, Kan., 18SS, svo. 
 Iliulsoil, Sailford A. Law for the Clergy : Coni- 
 jiarisoii lit Statutes in Various States, Chiiv, 1877, 12mo. 
 IIiuInoii, T. S, a Scamper through Amerien ; or, 
 Fifteeri Thousand .Miles of Oeean and Continent in Si.My 
 Uavs, l.un., I •-82. er. nvo. 
 iliulsuii, Tliomas, V.S.S. 1. liritish Associaiion 
 for the Ailvaneement of S.Menco, l.'<7.i ; Uceolloetions and 
 Random lielleoliuns, Lon., 187:), 8vo. 2. Temperance 
 Pi.uieersid' the West: Personal and Inoidcnlal Experi- 
 ences. I.ijn., 18-^7, |). "^vo. 
 IIlldKOII, W. II., C.M.Z.S. The Purple Land that 
 England lost; Travels and Adventures in Ilie lianda 
 Oriental, Soutli America, Lon., 188.^, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 (In an intnjductory chapter it is stated that " the real 
 autlujr is a young Lnglishman named Hicliard Lamb.") 
 ■• Whcilu'r real or lictilious, the scenes and characters 
 arc dcscrilicd n il.h surprising vigour and vivacity."— -IciKi., 
 x.xlx. ■'■:,. 
 Iiudson,>\asliiiiigloil. Practical Plane and Solid 
 (jcouKiry, I 'lU., l'^^l»8. '.*o. 
 Hudson. t«ev. V; illinin, a Wcslcyan minister. 
 1. This Tr'iusiiory Life: Seven Lectures, Lon., V'-7'i, 
 8vo. 2. The Life of ,). Holkind. of Shctlield Park. 
 Lou., 1871, 8vo. .'i. The Everlasting Sign; or, Chris- 
 tiaritv its Own Witless, i,on., 1875, p. Svo. 
 Hudson, >»illiilin II. SeaSickncss: its Cause, 
 Nature, and Prevention .ithout Medicine or Change of 
 Diet. \, Y'ork, ISSH. Kiu. . 
 Hiiehscli, SaiHue:. VolapUk : a Guide for Lcarn- 
 '.ngth. Cn^, -rsai Language, N. Y.jrk, 18S7, 12ino. 
 HuetO.r, rrci'z, (or r'niiicis,) Ph.D., 1815-1889, 
 b. at Milr-ter. Ge.many ; removed to England in 1809, 
 ."vnd estaljlishcd himself as a musical critic, in wliich ca- 
 liacily lie succeedeil .1. W. Davison on the Times in 1878, 
 and was the ''.rst to aivocate Wagner's music in England, 
 lie contriljuced to periodicals, wrote the lihrettos of two 
 operas by A. C, .Mackenzie, anil edited a series of biog- 
 ra|phies eiUiilcd "The '>eat .Musicians." 1. Richard 
 AVagner and the Music of t!ie Future: History and ^Es- 
 thetics, Lon.. 1874, p. Svo. 
 " Dr. Hii.l'er treats of Wagner as representing the dra- 
 mnlic, and Scluibcrt.Sehtiniann. Kranz, ami Liszt as ilhis- 
 trftt'ng ihe various shades of the lyrical, pliasc i>( modern 
 music. . . . Though it ciuitaiiisseveral things with which ' 
 we have been coiisciemionsly compelled to dill'er, it i.s 
 nevertheless a valuable addition to our musical literature." | 
 — Ehkniozkii PiKU'r; .Inui,, v 4:i',i. 
 2. (Trans.) The Life of the Greeks and Romans de- 
 scribed from .\ntique Monuments ; from the Gernnin of 
 Ernst Guhl and W. Koner. Illust. New ed., Lon., 
 1875, 1. cr. 8vo. H. The Troubadours: a History of 
 I'rovenfal Life and Literature in the Midille .\ges, Lon., 
 187S, .Svo. 
 " The book is full of various Information, and not only 
 gives fresh knowledge b\it destroys a few delusiiuis."— .'•'n/. 
 5eci'., xlv. 500. 
 " His knowledge of the subject appears to have become 
 even rnstv. if one may indge by the (iiiantily of inaecn- 
 racies whi"ch are to be" found in this volume. '—.Kft.. No. 
 ■ III spile of all the innate popularity of the theme, and 
 Its importance in the history of culiiirc. no trustworthy 
 volume on the Troubadours has hitherto been iMiblishcd 
 ill Kiiglaiid. It is not needl'iil (ti uive the iiiiine id' a very 
 worthless book that essayed to (ill this gap a few years ago ; 
 slightlv better thiui this was a later Ainerican publica- 
 tion, b'v Miss Harriet Preston, lioth are entirely siiper- 
 iieded bv tlii' wm'k mcv tinder review, by a schuliir who 
 has clone thoroughlv good work In the same line befiue, 
 and whose critical edition (d' the works of Gulllem de 
 < abcstanli is eiioogh to prove lils cj.iupeteiice and learn- 
 ing."— .^^/xcfator, li. 7:W. 
 4. .Musical Studies: a Series of Contributions, Lon., 
 18S0, p. 8vo. 6. Wagnor, ("Great Musicians,") Lon., 
 1881, cr. Svo. 6. Italian and other Studies, Lon., 188.!, 
 or. Svo. 7. (Trans.) Correspondence u{ Wagnor and 
 I.isnt, 1841-ls(ll. Lon., 1888, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Ilucinailll, <i. (Jrape-Culture and Vino-Making 
 in California. Illust. Lon., 18S8, cr. Svo. 
 Illiey, Pennock. A True Ili.story of the Charge 
 of Ihe Eighth Penn.sylvania Cavalry at Chancollorsvillc, 
 Phila., iss;), 121110. 
 HiigcssPK, Kdward lliigessoii linatclibiill-, 
 first Uaron Urahouriie, b. Is29, at Mcvsham Hatch. 
 Kent; .son of Sir Edward Knatchbull. (7. r., tiiih, vul. 
 i.;) educated at Kton, and at JLigdalen College, Oxfunl, 
 where he graduated in 18511; M. P. for Sandwich 1857- 
 SO; a lord of the Treasury 1859-llli; under-secretary of 
 state for the Home Department 181111 and l.sil9-71, and 
 for the Colonies 1871-71 : raised to the peerage ISSII. His 
 books for children have been among the most )iopular of 
 their class. 1. Stories for my Children, Lon., Is(i9, p. Svo. 
 2. Crackers feu- Christinas: More Stories, Lon., 1S7I1, p. 
 Svo. :i. .Moonshine: Fairy-Stories. Illust. Lon., 1S7I, 
 p. Svj. I. Tales at T'ea-Time : Fairy-Stories. Illust. 
 Lon., 1872, p. Svo. 5. Queer Folk: Seven Stories, Lon., 
 I>73, p. Svo. 0. River Legends; or, Father Tliames and 
 Father Rhine. Illust. Lon., 1874, p. Svo. 7, Whispers 
 from Fairy-Land, Lon., 1871 ; new ed., 1877, p. Svo. 8. 
 Higglcdv-Pigglcdv ; or. Stories for Everybody and 
 Fvervbo'dv's Children, Lon., Is75; new eiL, 1877, p. Svo. 
 9. The Life. Times, and Character of Oliver Cromwell : 
 a Lecture, Lon., 1877, Svo. lU. Incle .loc's Storiis. 
 Illust. Lon., 1878, ]>. Svo; new ed.. I8S2. 11. Other 
 Stories. Illust. Lon., I87il, p. Svo. 12. The Mountain 
 S|irite's Kingdom, and other Stories. Illust. L<m., 
 I8s(l, Svo. 1:!. Ferdinand's .\dventure, and other Slu 
 ries. Illust. Lon., 18x2, p. Svo. 14. (Fd.) Cnpub- 
 lished Letters of Jane Austen to her Relations, 171bl- 
 181 J : with Introduction and Notes, Lon., 1884, 2 vols, 
 er. Svo. 
 ) of purely family 
 '■ The staple of the Letters Is made up of purely fam 
 natters,. . . varied chielly by lively audsligbtlyniisehii 
 .>us descripti(Uisof /< iiiufhiiin. I* is in this last particu 
 that the main iiUiiest "iid the main value of tlie lettc^rs 
 lie. Thcv contain, it tlK: phrase may be ]>erinitted, the 
 nnitter ol' the novels in .Mdiition— in a very diluted and 
 not alwavsa verv unmixed solutloii-but still there. . . . 
 The liiiilt of the book siiiipl;- is that it jaits before the 
 reader, in a not over-well eilitei! lorm, a great deal of mut- 
 ter which is simply trivial.''— .Si/. Jlii:. Iviii. 637. 
 15. F'riends and I'^ocs from Fairy-Land. Illust. 
 Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 111. Facts and Fictions in Irish 
 History: a Reply to Mr. Gladstone, Edin., ISSf), Svo. 
 Iluggard, J. J. The Christian Artncil: in Verso, 
 Lon., 1^87, Svo. 
 Iluggins, Hastings Charles. (Ed.) The Laws 
 of Nevis, Lon., lMi2, Svo. 
 Iluggilis, Samuel. 1. The Course and Current 
 of Architecture, ISIl.'t. 2. (Coinp.) Liverpool Free Li- 
 brary Catalogue, 1872. 
 Iluggilis, William, LL.D.. F.R.S., h. 1824. in 
 London; presid.^nt of the Royal Astronomical Society 
 1S7I)-7S, and now foreign secretary of that society, 
 I Trans.) Spectrum Analysis in its Application, by Dr. II 
 Sehellen. Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 Ilughau, Samuel. Hereditary Peers and HercJ- 
 itarv Paupers : the Two Extremes of English Society, 
 Lon.. 18S4. Svo. 
 Ilughail, William James, b. 1811, at East Stone- 
 house, Plymouth, Eng. ; secretary of the Cornwall 
 Grange Lodge of Freemasons, grand mark warden "t 
 I-higland, grand mark master and iirovincial prior ■.I' 
 Cornwall, Ac. ; editor of the Devon and Ccu-nwall .Ma.-miic 
 Calenilar 1SI1.5-I1S, and of the Directory for the Provin,M;il 
 Grand Lodge of Cornwall 1x70-79. 1. Constitutions "t 
 the Freemasons, Lon., 1869, fp. Svo. 2. Unpuhlislic 1 
 Records of the Craft, Truro, 1871, Svo. Printed for pri- 
 vate circulation. 3. Masonic Sketches :ind Reprints. 
 Illust. Lon,, 1871-79, 5 parts, Svj and 4to. 4. 'lire 
 d Charges of liritish Freemasons; with Valuable .\|i- 
 lices, Lon., 1872, r. Svo. 5. .Metno'dals of the .Ma- 
 e Cnion id' IS|:i, Lon., 1871, Ito. II. A 
 and Nuinismatical Uegister of the Lodges which fornicd 
 the United Grand Lodge of England, Ac, Lon., I>7'.'. 
 4 to. 
 Hughes, A. Penelope, and other Poems, Lon., 
 1 874, l2mo. 
 Hughes, A. MeC. Idyls of the Bush, Melbourne. 
 Hughes, A. W. 1. Outlines of Indian History : 
 comprising the Hindu, Mahomedan, and Christian I'c- 
 riods, Lon., 1871, 12mo. 2. A Gazetteer of the Pruviiioe 
 A"e"u!'!v'r,:^''>?'V "•""' '*"«'" ^ P-''«- By 
 Aiiit ll.ilev, |ps,,,„i.] l,on., ISSS, 4to ^ 
 o-»S^Sr.'.«t2;;;;;;rSr "'•'■" '■'""- 
 >:!!^Pis,hJ:ri^:\s:." " •">' • ™-i 
 Svii ' ' "<-"'. Alelbourne, IS";) 
 t""!;!'?!^,,*'-,^^; ,,^;^!-'-- "f Fo,-ty Vears in, 
 ISsT p 's^'" ^''" ""''""il'ti"" "f the World/ LoD., j 
 .ixned J U ) ^^''^ '''^J'^'t'on to Mis8 MitforU is 
 Sfimons for All (La i • E'''"""' •• "■ Course of 
 vil" l"ino SonJiiys in the Yenr, Oxf., 1851, 2 
 I the Gospel of St. Luke, Mnnuhcler ]S8i 1!>m„ . 
 |.M. John: with Maps, Munohester, ISS( n 8 , « 
 ?;,„t,""'y»'" "',""> Book of Joshu..M cu.«;or'lH8!' 
 Hughes, Richard, M Ucs l Th„ if . v 
 or .Muscles. Lon., l,S5s IK , V A ';, • ''"''"'•^''"■«'*' 
 •■i'uaing l'o,.ter„r Anr^ "'n |.' " ' '■■''^"^'' "f <he .Spine 
 i l'!is, Lon 01 ,^ l'.".,oo ,o„, Abse..s, '„„,! 
 pLcr.' Lon.; ISS2.4"o. '"""""" "« " M'-'Jio"' I'Liloso: 
 ! Hughes, Uobert William, b iS2i ■„ d i . 
 I f^o., \ a • edit..,! (h,. i);„i """"'» ■'• 'S-i'i in Powhatan 
 Uiehards,i8857ftled ',8.^ t'^V'-, ™^- h' W. 
 Works for the Sullvof ri i . , , .''^■"'so on Water- 
 l2mo; new ej 1875 "I v' ' "?•'' 'r*'"' ''™' '"^B, 
 A Fe'w W^rds'on ille Pre :nt''p '%*'''"'',?"!"''" '' "'•' 
 Boards and the Public, L „ 1S58 ™ " ;',,"'%'"'™' 
 '»ej, i,H(,ii. with a Comuientarv. .tc Inn ixki .o 
 H^i^ii^rV J'"-I'"'"'r'^'^"''"«^^o.'"""• 
 | Bondage ^0 kest* ton 1 s'-. ^,f '" '" *^""'"'" ' ''^- ^rom 
 Hughes, V;.re,.ce'T,'rr 'T '"'- "'''• 
 ch""f.''''Aj?r't?,'';'"'-r''?^ r"' ""'"I'-y- "f 
 must. Chester; l^flfsvo.'"''^-"™^ '" ^''""^"^^ (-'"y- 
 rlm'^'rh''' u"^' J"««'i)h, perpetual curate of Mel 
 lid with lur" °\ "'« ^"''"''■'P of Me tla „ 
 th'V:S^^',;''V;^^^«7'V. The World. Fair and 
 s!;?§ ilJHS^^^^^ 
 Freed,5;n Ion. •„^?%T''" "^'^^ : i-.^ Functio^^ and 
 bershin in tl IV i ■ '.• ^^. **• ^'"' Condition of .Mem- 
 and Old relative to Lit, • 1 „i„ c ' ^'""8^ ^«" 
 Subjects, Lon., IS 1,,' Svo ^^^Th"' ■''" ^"'^^™' 
 Thought, Lou.; ISrVp 8vo. ^'"' '''^""'""y "f 
 '' KCiaBlii^rt^-?i '' ^^£'' ' 

 llnslir". Thomns, F.S.A., Q.C., I.. 182:i, nt U,,. j Enplish Wire Gauge : with Descriptive Tublen an.l Dm 
 rn. Thomas FrniiciN. Amiin« tlic 
 r Han 
 0U!< I'lirt:! oC Cliinii unii Formosa, 
 iiington," Ht'rksliirL.: fd'iicatu.l I't" ItiiKby, under Dr. i in},', Lnn., 1S80 Svo, 
 Arnold, and at Oriel College, «xf,nl, where he «radu- i 1IiikI;;«, Mr«.^- „ ^^- ^.^ ^,^_^^^, in \-. 
 atod 1S.|,^; ealled to the hiir at tlie Inner reiiiple ISIH; 
 M,l'. for hanihetli ISIi.^-i'.s, and (or I'ronio lSllS-71; 
 judge of eonnty courts fineo ISS2, He was as.'oeiatcil 
 with Charles Kingsle.v and 1'. D. Mauriee in the move- 
 ment for the iniprcjveinent of the e(jndition of the l,on- 
 don lioor whiidi was Itnown as "Christian Soeialisni." 
 In 1S70 he visited the I'nited .-^tates iiad delivered lec- 
 tures, and in ISSO he I'oun.led the " l!iigl>y Colony" in 
 Tennessee. I. Tom IJrown's ,Sel 1 Hays. llyanUld griul 
 Uuy. Cambridge, IS.)7, p. 8vo; 'Jd ed. same year ; sev- 
 eral later eds. 
 "The Ijoiik Is a thorciuulily English book, heartily "f" 
 qiiloseing in Kngllsb we.ys and tastes, espeeially in the 
 English system i>r imblie school e.lueaticiii. . . . Whether 
 the svstem be perleel or not the ' ( <h\ li.iy' dues not trouMo 
 himself to iiicpiire. lie lakes it as he liiids it. He neither 
 npoloKizes for it nor tries i,, iilealize it. . . . Many a boy. 
 who lm>. been allured fmin page to page by the racy .seliool 
 udventures of Tom liinwii, will pause, sobered ami .soii- 
 fiied. over the reallv noble pathos of the last (duipter. r' 
 which Tom Urowii, now an O.xford man, discovers alt 
 that .Vriiold ha.s been to him. but discovers ;t above Ins 
 grave."— .''cif. AVc iv. ;il:J, 
 2. The ."Scouring of tlie White Horse; or, The Long 
 Vacation Kamlile of a London Clerk. Illustrated by 
 Richard Doyle. Cambridge, lS,Jil, p. Svo. :i. .''.ccount 
 of the Lockout of Engineers : prepared for the National 
 Association for the I'romoliou of Social Science, Cam- 
 bridge, ISIlii, 8vo. 4. Keligio Laici, ("Tracts for Priests 
 .Map. I-on., l^sl, .'Svo. 
 lillgllfs? Tliomns P. American Ance.-try : giving 
 the .Names and Descent, in the Male Line, uS .\iiieiiciiiis 
 whosi' Ancestors settled in tlic United States previous to 
 the Declaration of Icdepcndeiicc, ITTH: vols, i.-ii , Al- 
 bany, 1887, .><vo. 
 liiidlit's, III v.Thoiiiiis i'litrick, B.D., M.R.A.,-". ; 
 „.aduatcd at the Cluircli .M'ssioiiary College, Lslingtoii, 
 Tsi)2; (O'daincd istll ; missionaryat I'eshawursiiicc I,-*!!! ; 
 Fellow id' I'uniab fnivcrsily since 188'.'. I. Notes on 
 Muhammadanism, l.on., |S70. sm. .'•^vo ; 2d ed., 1878. 
 "The liMok iL'i._'lit well be ealled 'a liielionary of Mo- 
 haiiimadaii Tlieulugy,' for we know of no English wia'k 
 which conibiiics a niethodieal arrangement . . .with liii- 
 iiessof inhirniatioii in so liighadegree as tlie little voliimo 
 oel'ore u»."--S. L. 1'ciolk: .lca((., viii. •■)71. 
 2. Translation of the Kalld-i-Afghfini, the Te.\t- 
 liook for the Pakkhto F.\amination, 1875, -Ito. :',. (Kd.) 
 (ianj-i-Pukhto; or, Pukhto Treasury: wiih a (ilossary, 
 l:<82, SvQ. I. Translation of the Canj-i-1'akkhto, 18S2, 
 I 8vo. .'>. A Dictionary of Islam; being a Cyclopiedia of 
 the Doctrines, Rites, and Theological Terms of the Mu- 
 hammadan Religion. Illust. Lon.. 18S5, r. 8vo. 
 '■s.ieh a work as this has been long needed, and it 
 would be hard to tiud any one bettor (imililied to prepare 
 it than .Mr Hughes. . . . His usual method is to begin an 
 article with the texts in the Koran r.datiiig to ttie subieii, 
 0-, - • , -^ - , ,„." ,• ..,, ,„.T„v I then to add the traditions bearing upon it. and to cone ude 
 and People," No. 1,) 18. >1; new ed., entitled A l..ay- „.|,|ni,,, ^,„„„„e„(J,„l■ the Mohammedan s(diollast.s and the 
 man's Faith," Lon., 1868, p. Svo. 5. Tom BrownjU 0.x- I criticisms of Western scholars. . . . There is something on 
 hool Days." nearly eveiv page of the ■ Dictionary' that will .nteresl and 
 instruct the student (d' Kastern (and pre<lom 'uintly In- 
 dian I religion, manners, and eustoras."--yl(/i., .^ TO17. 
 IIllgheM, \V. IIa.stillgs. A Shilling's- Worth of 
 Sherrv, (with Three Ha'p'orth ■>( Love thrown in,) Cin,. 
 ford. liy the Author of "Tom Brown's 
 Canitiridge, 18(il, ;i vols. p. Svo. 
 " The book is not only a failure, but is evidently written 
 by an author who knew tii.'it it was a failure. . . . 'j'heie 
 are many piussages in the de.-eri|ilioii (d" O.xtord which are , 
 excellent. . . . They are life-like, and, withoul an .itlecta- 1 .j^j^,, ^^^^^^^ 
 tiou of over-accuracy, are, in substance, very elleetive rep- j ,;',„„ 
 sj;^i!;^s^s;;.'i;'^f^f^\!i;;^;^^r':;i' hi; iJii^^s^^ ! t ""J^g^t.^ ot^ Tu„bridgc schoo,. .om ,820 to ,88.1 , 
 Hughes for which he has nci/wrfe,alioiit whudi hedoea not I nijo, Lists of Exhibitioners, ic, previous to 1S20, Read- 
 trouble himself, and through wliicli he drifts in a hope- , -^^^ ^^f^(■^^ ^y„_ 
 '"' I Hughes, William, 1803-1861, b. at Maker, Corn- 
 wall; barrister-at-law of Gray's Inn; auditor of tlic 
 Walter Oldhnm Hughes- 
 less, aimless way, which is very trying tu las readers, 
 Sal. liri'., xii. 611. 
 6. The Cause of Freedom : Which is its Champion in 
 America, the North or the Souths Lon., 1863, Svo. 7. 
 Alfred the Great ("Sunday Library,") Lon., 1869, p. 
 Svo. 8. Memoir of a lirother, Lon., 1873, p. 8vo. 
 "The .Memoir itself is but a sketch. . . .Those, how- 
 ever, who have a spare hour on their hands might well 
 spend it in studying the character of one who, m his 
 brother's words, 'was only a goial specimen ol Ihousanils 
 of Englishmen of high culture, high courage, high iiriuei- 
 ple, who are living their own quiet Uvea in every corner 
 of the kingdom.' "Sat. Jia:, xxxv. 5t)3. 
 9. The Old Church: What shall we do with it? [lec- 
 tures and speeches,] Lon., 1^78, p. Svo 
 " No religious man who believes that the separation of 
 Church aiid state is a sullieient and linal principle ot 
 ecclesiastical polities, whieb will really lea.l to the better 
 acknowledgment of truth and the earlier attainment ot 
 unity, .should leave this book unread."— i>pa'/u(or, li. hM. 
 10. fhe t.'ondition and Prospects of the Church of Eng- 
 land, (" Current Discussion," vol. ii.,) Lon., IS7S. 11. 
 The Manliness of Christ, Lon., 1879, p. 8vo. 12. Rugby, 
 Account of the Settlement 
 Poor-Law Union, District of Devon and Cornwall. 1. 
 Practical Directions for taking Instructions and Draw- 
 ing Wills, Le;i,, 1833, 12ino. 2. The Practical Angler. 
 ByPiscator. Lon., 1842, sin. 4to. 3. Fish: HowtoChii"-e 
 and How to Dress. By Piscator. Lon., 1843, Svo; 2d 
 ed., entitled " A Practical Treatise on the Choice and 
 Cookery of Fish," 1S:J4. 4. The Three Students ul 
 (Jray's'lnn : a Novel, Lon., 1S46, p. Svo. 5. The Prar- 
 tice of Sales of Real Property, Lon., 1846-47, 2 vols. ; 2d 
 ed., enl., 184!)-,')U, 12nio. 6. The Praetioeof Mortgages "f 
 Real and Personal Estate, Lon., 1848-49, 2 vols. 12mo. 7. 
 The New Stamp Act : with an Introductory Commentm v, 
 Ac, Lon., ISitl, Svo. S. Concise Precedents in Modirii 
 Convey, neing, Lon., 18dO-53, 3 vols. Svo; 2d ed., ls:'i,i- 
 57. 9. It's All for the Best: a Cornish Tale, Lon., 1802, 
 p. Svo. 10. The Practice of Conveyancing, Lou., IS.'iil- 
 57, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Hughes, William, F.R.G.S., [tmt,; vol. i., hist nf 
 the name there mentioned, add.] The (ieography ..f 
 British History: a (jeographical Descri|)tion of the 
 Tennessee: being some , , n i ,• i u..,,.o,. „..w.j . - „,..„..., — 
 founded on the Cumberland Plateau by the Board ot ij^ijj^), igiamis at Successive Periods, from the Ea 
 Aid to land Ownership, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 13. Me- .^..^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ Present Day, Lon., 1S63, Svo; 2d ed., 1-7.. 
 moir of Daniel .Maeuiillan. Lon., 1882, cr. Svo. . „ ^ ,ioscribes the geography of its history as it proceed-. 
 " Mr. Hughes has done his work well and unobtrusively, i ),„( j; js too general, and, in battles for iiistaiiec, ii i- 
 and iie hapiiens to have been exceptionally lortunate in ; ^ther that of tlie locality than of the battle. . . . Hut ii,e 
 his subject. . . . Daniel Macmillan's sto'-y is admirablu as ; principal defect of his book is. that it is not contciiip"- 
 anexample of what may be achieved uuder disadvantages ; f ,j„m,|,.i mul successive, but breaks up British history, u- it 
 -.1......... .1... {."—■S(i(. I „.^.rpi„t„ cubes. ... Nevertheless, the geography of en, li 
 that must have been extraordinarily depressing.' 
 tiono to Texas : Letters from our Boys, 
 (The "boys" are four nephews of Mr, 
 j section is coiiscieutionsly given."— .'<>cc(ii(yr, xlviii. 03li. 
 A<ev., liv. 320. 
 14. (Ed.) 
 Lon., 18S4. 
 " It Is not Intended to be anything more than a descrip- 
 tion of how they fared in first facing the woihl. and Is not 
 unworthy of the name they bear. It is just sucli a book a.s , ,„ , di i lu.ji- r i 
 those who aiv situated as they were four years ago will [ Blakeway's Work, Shrewsbury, 18S(^^ fol. 
 gladly welcome, "-.lend., xxv. 3<.iii. i Hughes, William Carter. 1 ho American Miller 
 Ij. James Eraser, Second Bishop of Manchester: a ! and Millwright's Assist.ant, Phila., 1851, 12ino. 
 Memoir, Lon., 1887, Svo. ! Hughes, William 11. On the Prineipjes iiml 
 Written from abundant knowledge and with a full ; Management of the Marino Aquarium, Lon., 187.), M'', 
 Hughes, William, tieologieal Notes of Irchnil; 
 4th ed.. enl., Dublin, 1882. p. Svo. 
 Hughes, William, librarian of the Free I'lililic 
 Library, Shrewsbury. The Sheriffs of Shropshire, \<'A 
 to 1S86, Ac. : being a Continuation of the Rev. .1. Ii. 
 heart, it seta its suhieet before u« wiHi roinarkable cl. 
 ness and viu'our, and, though It is the w .irk of a near irieiid 
 and of one in many things of like mind wi'h the bishoj), 
 it is free from extravagant eulogy ami from all obtrusion 
 of the writer's own opinion."- .8u(. Her., Ixill. l.'iH, 
 Hughes, Thomas, of Greenfield, Holywell. The 
 Hughev. G. W. !. Poiilicu! Romanism; or, The 
 Secular Policy of the Pajial Church, Cin., 1872, liiiao. 
 2. Papal Infallibility of the Pope, St. Louis, 1878, mo. 
 3. Beer as a Beverage: an Address, N.York, 1^79, 
 dactiiiii to lii.ulo 
 iliiguiiin, V 
 'he llosjiilal f„ 
 ' realise on .Myrl. 
 1'<I!I, Svo; 2d ed 
 of Hip Discise, 1 
 ••"S<>, Hev. 
 ^'radiiai(,,l at \\'u 
 "'est llaekney S 
 lueuiher of the o. 
 ■*"''iety „f Antioii 
 •■■lU'iliir bodies, all. 
 f.)rnie.|.,fthe worl 
 of Sermons on the 
 Dignity .if the n, 
 I'^Jfi, 12m.'. ;( X 
 County of Sonier<, 
 "*8^ «vo. 4. The 
 and Precentory in 
 ''^>'"'- 5. A Ra'mhl, 
 to the " Taunton 
 V'lrus: a 
 ■■''y: a Tragedy 
 de [.aval ; or. The 1 
 r^'ui., ls«5, Svo. 11 
 Lon.. IsiiK, Svo. l( 
 live Catalogue of the 
 Lon., istifl, Xvd. I 
 County of Soruerse 
 Lon., ISi;-, r. ,Sv„. 
 [verse,] Lon., Is6,s 
 jiressions of upward 
 with an Introduction 
 ':"' <■"'• 11. A Cal 
 lil'l".^' to the Rcotorv 
 "ey in the County of 
 2'> <;<'|des. ,:,, jii,,, 
 •'• h. Vaux-. |,„„,| 
 Hiliilekoper, U 
 I. Juilaism at Rome 
 1-ino; tithed, l,s,so. 
 to the Genuineness of 
 4th ed., ISS3 
 Huidekopcr, H, 
 nil c, ]'a. ; graduated ; 
 "vil wa,., a„j afterwar 
 sylvania, withcommis. 
 oral ; was postmaster 
 ■'■liiif Service, Mea.lvi 
 Huie, James A., 
 RoiuanisM, British ani 
 -.Leaders of Revival, 
 Hiiish, Marcus 1 
 Art from Isso | (■[ 
 »e-criptivo Cat'a|,>guc o 
 hom the li'rench of P| 
 ii.e Seuie an.l the Loir, 
 l.ue Line after Draivin 
 '"';, "■ /••ipan an.l its A 
 llii bort, Charles, 
 b-in Manchester, En,,.. 
 1)1 .'^lirewaburv, 1S37 
 •■*. Memoirs of- .SeventV ^ 
 Hulbert, Uev. Chi 
 at^'d at Sidney-Sussex 
 Janied 834; perpetual 
 Poetical Recreations, and 
 ok .,s; or, The Song „r t 
 J. I he Gospel revealed I 
 »;l I'raetice Illnstrate.l, 
 ,e'r'"-, •*• Annals of 
 ■"'■I luoras, (ehiody Uri.'i 
 f«^;;">- Circle. Hu^ldersH, 
 HiiiKe, John « hitt 
 ««»" '" the Hoyal Ophthal, 
 , Hiisliliii:;s, .1. ■> Ti, , . 
 -"ember of thV c,,;; |i\ ^ "« ™;, r"'" ''^''^ Ho wa, 1 
 f'Tincl „f the vv„r|.. , ,' , ' ,,'• "*! "'; ""'•■" C'He.-tinns ever 
 County of SoinerM.f F ' R,. ^"""'"" ''""'T in the 
 " the "T.iunton Cou e%' T " " '^"i^'^ "f Letter. ' 
 Van,,,: a Tr,.«e,|y, v".:'', /.«""'«" I.S«2, i2,no. J 
 -lel.aval.-or.AeTyn^ vlfp"" '''"^■'^^0. ,S. Je,.„ 
 Ion.. ISM, Hvo I) T ""■.•■■ "• ^'■''«e''y. Iver.el 
 '•- Cat,Uogue o-f tll^V 1 '^^T ' 'Y'^'Er ^ '"^^-'i P 
 I-on., 1.SII6, ,s,„. 11 tL,.,,' '"'•'• '^•'''■i^'l'- 
 County of Somer^ie ami n"'""' •''"""ones of ,he 
 l'„,, of u,,>va ,, "f Two tT"''' ^^''»''-Cut,s :":,„: 
 "•'!l' an I"tn.jl>etio„ , Del inH ""p ""',' ^^'""''-"loek. : 
 Huidekoper, llov ivo • "'•>" o'l- IS'^O. 
 1-mo; ijth eJ , l,s.s5 .,•/''! '^•^- ■ '». N. Vurk! 1876 
 ■NKnsKrKii'ri'i';- '■«•■ '■ """'■' 
 Hiue, James A r , ' . "• 
 ^."anism.Iirit'ht'dte:::;;,- "','.''•1 '• Mo.lern 
 De^-oriptive Catalogue of the wlk!r",V; ""'^ Complete 
 file .<eine and the foirl 1,, ■^' ^"'"•> "^^W. «vo •> 
 Pare U„e after 'iwTn.s b^i'T w'^r' ^' ^"^^-^'n,s fn 
 f"'- •• • .lapan and its aI- , Lm V. h"''""''; J^"" - 1886, 
 IIllllt(>rt, Clinrl»u r ' ' ' I'- ''*''•• 
 V",Maneh.L;^r 1^:^ ;/'-;• ™, ,, ,,.,] ,7:S-,.5r. 
 f Hireivahury, 'l,s;i7. ' •^ tW ■'■-''■: '^"I'^'- '• Histor; 
 •i- Memoirs of Seventy Y^ar ?. ''\^'^"*''''"''«'- "^'^''^ 
 Hulbert, Kev. Chnri!. . " •'''''^""ul Life, lSb-> 
 'Inuied I8;i4; nerne , .'i ""'">''' Cambridge, IS34. or 
 f"o, im-hTv^ /T:''" \'f Slaithwaite, Yo,^: 
 I'oetioallteereaiolH n rt ,"'"':"'^ ''™'" 1867 , 
 2. The "lost r,'::-,;:^ t'Vr^'"- ''""• '8i2;v ™ ; 
 ': ' "™- •»• Annals of the PI, ' ,'"^'^'".',''^-^- Cambridge, 
 P'-,s'^„f 't^ -c;;:\^l^ri^"'^? f^^^^""; 
 '•""■• 1"*^, 12nio fi {„ *- "''^'- Hubert .Meeke 
 ^ Ahnondbur^ vj;4 -'« ^ Jbo Chureb and S , 
 "'I' utber.s, Sabbath Ue'r^ati n ' , T- "''•'' 8™- I 
 ,^-, .. Ma.W te S.., _, 
 ;V^'."- 'W- ti -'r"; ^..-•■•'1.0, Fold T,^."-^^ 
 , 12ino. Anon. |. n,..,rt \r, , r^ ' Vietorv !" Ksili 
 '■.5.;;iy.pean|t,|;r:.!-!;--,;;" .be People in 
 Trfc Xar,anve,'i,o,:, 1 V^ "];;:, o^'il'T ,'" '''«'" ^ '^ 
 /^;r '"^■"-^-.^''euo;Pi;';iSu-::;;;:;o' 
 Hull, Kev. E r s 
 Clmpel, King's Lynn, tn.,?80r-'4 ';?"'■'""' '" ^-"'""" 
 : ^''•■""'■3', and Cultivation ,,|„;,"^''''-' "" l'b,v.siology, 
 I -|ee for Ceylon and th k^'grrl "v ?'"'" '''' «^''-- 
 2d ed., enl., entitled ■• Coffn, i.^ ^ ' '^'a'lnis, |,S(I5, ,s,.„. 
 : '""J. Ceylon," Lon., l,S7r, "J ',';"'".= .'," •^-',"'ern fndh: 
 I .^ "'"'.; "'\'i%'lo-Indian=.A',deSr;;.„ ".'^''"''"■''» '■> 
 I 8»o: .id ed., I,S7,« •) n„ . , ''"e"-""'. '-on., Is7| „ 
 , Lon.. 1 88;j, ,Svo. ' ''"«'""^' «"'" the Su4 ('ana'l 
 ! Hull, Edward, LL D p n v , , 
 I Ireland; was appoi'nted hi' fsM ,'■"• "-"' '"A„tri,n, 
 round the Dead Sea and fh, V II "■'' "'' ""•' ''■«"'" 
 Ibe Coal-Fields of ; J?u I r,> """'; "' ""• •'"'■''an.*' l 
 tuie, and Duration : vT, , N i " •' 'i""' '^ "'■^""■.v. .^.ru o- 
 otber of t,„ ^y^;, ™^, "^ ''" Cual-Fields of 
 rev., embodying the Heports„,' Vl, p ' ''', '*"•• '"' ed., 
 sion, imt. 2. A Tr,.„ti „ '"^ ^'"J'"' Coal-Comnii/ 
 ■"ental Stones of 5 eat BHtain " ^J''''"« "»'l On." 
 arranged aeeor.ling « heir t V" tY"'«" Countries, 
 'Mineral Character^ 11''^ 'l ,1, = Ts'a '^''■'""""" »"J 
 urt to hi. ho vo,d,--.s„/. AY,.;, xxxv .- '" " ''''•™t meas' 
 l.4?&^^;r^^--f^,f;i-.uring Indus. 
 , "":' "eulogy of Ireland -with U ^''T^ geography 
 ;' "i-s work, limited as IM^ ■ ^''^"- ^"»- ' '^Si, Sv^ 
 ■re I 1) ■'> 'laooatn KeiTeations • 
 2mo ; 4th od., enl., 
 - ' "" "u., em.. 
 Narrative of aSeSn' "p . "'r'""''" ''"'e^tine: bein^a 
 (l.'alestine Kxpl^ratio Fu^ 'p ' '""•. ""1- ""'• niu'^t 
 , Altlioiit;h written hv „ * ''""■• '88.-,, 8vo 
 ^"enliHe poi'u o "^£,^\Ke';:i,^;»!"lc traveller an I fZ, a 
 • S,r\":;." ^^'-'^r.-'-.l?,^. *;,:'- ^'^,„ely inlerestTng 
 ipi'ysieal (ie o , Jv „ ,d %'"" P"'r'i"e : Memoir on he 
 enee to the «ode' of I-Wmat io,'^^^^ "ofer-' 
 I^epre,«sion and the I)oTse /p 1 " ■'"'■''''"'^'•'bah 
 I Fund,) Lon., Iss,i, 4to ' 'Palestine E.vploratio„ 
 Hull, ('eurKe. ScftrliUim and Diplitticnu: with i 
 their ■Iriiitnii'iit iiml lli'iiieily. U<ti-, li^fi'l. **vii. 
 Hull, Hugh Munro, wms sCLTctar.v I" Ihc gmeinor 
 of Viin Diciiiun'a I.iinil in 1>I'-'. mid »ubHM,uently liel.l 
 Bcvcnil olhcr al.lMiinlinn.ts, iiu'liiiliiiK thai (il "'■'^"■t.iiv 
 to IhoM'a^inaiiian ('.immissiun of the tcntcnnial hxlii- 
 Inli.m in l'hila.lcl,.hia 1S7(I. I. Th. (luido to la.umnm, 
 lloliart Town, IS.'.S, Svo. 2. The Kxi.fnunue ot hortj 
 Y.^ars in Tasmania, T,on., 18.V.), I'.'nio. :i l'ra<;tu;ul 
 Hints to KniiKiant- intending to prococd to Tosinanm, 
 llobait 'l''.«n, l-ri, Svu. ^ , T,.,,>l(v 
 Hull, lli-v. .lohu Dawson, j;ra<iiiatca at 1 unit} 
 ha.nlj"n„l( ISilt. 1. Th..('hu.Thof (i,.d : a Book for the 
 Age. I-on.,ISI(M2nH.. '-'. llnnns ai.d >p.ruual ^on«s, 
 L,,n 1S.I4 :i:'ino. ;i. Hvmnsfor All llonr.s Lon., I.S.)0, 
 ISni.i. -l. Lava of Many Years, I,on., ISol, >vo. ;>. 
 The Cluster Crushed: an Kxposition of the If't H' " 
 of llusea, Lon., 1SH7,,,. Svo. (k The Song of » 'il« ."" 'oems, I.on., Is;:;, 1-m.i. ,. 1'"^^"/ 
 to Zioa: a Series of I'nl|dt Addresses, l,on., l>i N l'- 
 8vo S. A Chaid,.! for tlie Chureh : Original Chr.stiftn , 
 '"^'liunl'johllScotty'" Love's Heart-Chords: Poems | 
 Leeds, l,s87, p. Svo. . , ■ i 
 Hull, llev. Moses. 1. The Question >ettled : a 
 Conqmrison of liihlioal and M.«lern S|dr,tualiMn ost 
 180'.', 12mo: 2d ed., 1.^75. 2, Letters in Kc|dy to L der 
 Milei (iiant: hein,' a lievievv of ;; ^l.'"-''"'^'"'" , , ' 
 veiled," Ilohart, Iud„ 1S70, l2n.o. :i < ''"'i^'',' L.f ^""■ 
 geliealisui and Spiritualism c^i'Mf"'''' )"*'■,', ,,.',',,, u- 
 That Terrihie tin'stion, Host., 1S74. With IVU'Ki.i , « . 
 F, Vvhioh, Spiiitualisu. or Christianity ? Corre.spondenee 
 between II. and 1'., Host., l-^'o. „ . 
 Hull, Susanna E. The Edueation of the Deaf 
 and Dumb I'raetieally c<.iisidered, Lun., l>«o, M'o; _u 
 ed., entitled " Piaetical Remarks on the Kducation of 
 the Deaf aii.l Dunili," Kensington, 18(j7. 
 Hullah, John I'yke, 1-1-^., [""'^. vol, ... add 
 lSi:i-lSSl, b, at Woreesler, Kn-. ; was professor of Nocal 
 musieat King's College, London, and held pn.frssorsh.p.s 
 in Oueen's College, Bedford College, and the Koyal 
 Aeadeiuv u( Music, In 1872 he was appointed inspector 
 of inusi'e in the (loverniiient Training-Sohools. i:or 
 biog,, see llt'LLAll, Mas, M., i"/™- '• V''"'""'"t „ . 
 Yooal Music, Lon., 1S4H, r. .Svo. 2, lutroduetory Lec- 
 ture on Music, 1844, .svo, ;■„ (Jramniar ot Mus cal a.- 
 meny, 1832, r. Svo. 4, A Short Treatise on the M.ue, , 
 IS.-..-, r Svo. 5. Uudimentsof MusieaU.rammar, Is..,, j 
 Svo. fi. Arts an,l Edueation, 1808, Svo. 7. 1 ''«/ .>f"'->' | 
 of Modern Music: a Course of Lectures, Lon., Ish , c. ; 
 Svo. 8. Manual of Teaching Siiigi ig, 18t>-, Svo. .i, , 
 Grammar of Counterpoint, Lon.. 1SI)4, r. Svo. '»•. '^ 
 C.uirse of Lectures on the Third or ■fn'"-^'""" /'■""J , 
 of Musical History, Lon.. isfia, 8vo; 2d ed., 1^"- • 
 The Son.'-I!ook : Words and Tunes Irom the Lest 1 oe 3 
 and Musicians, ('• (Jolden Treasury" Ser.,) Lon,, 1 81. ,, 
 l-'mo 12. The Cultivation of the Speaking \ oice, Oxt., 
 lS7(l,'p. Svo. l■^. Music in the House, (" Art at Home 
 '^'liuMah, Mr'sr.M."'wife of John V. Hullah, H„,,ya. 
 1 -V Few Words about Music : containing Hints to ^ma- 
 tc'ur Pianists; to which is added a f 'igf /V m'V.Tc 
 Ske'ch of the Rise and Progress of the Art "f «">«■ 
 By M. H. Lon., IS,)1, 12uiu. 2. Life of John Hullah, 
 ^' Hullah,'' Mary K. 1. A Little Owl, and other 
 Stories Lon.. )8S:i, p. Svo. 2. The Lion Battalion, and 
 other Stories, Lon., ISS.i, l2mo. 3, Hannah lariie: ai 
 Storv, By the Author of " Mr, (ireysmith. Hlust. , 
 L.n 1885, 12,110. 4. PhiUppa, Lon.. 1886, p. Svo. 5, 
 Nauiesakes, Lon., 1387, 12ino. 6. The «'f '"'j; J'''' ^ ' 
 King- a Tale, Lon,, 1S87, Svo, 7, In Hot Haste: a 
 Novel, Lon., ISSS, 2 vols. cr. Svo, J 
 Hullutt, llov. John. 1. Sermons preached tor, 
 the Most Part in the Yillage Church of Allestree, Lon., ; 
 lSa.s-o9, two series, p. Svo, 2. The True Light, and 
 other Poems, Lon., ISfil, cr. Svo. , „, , ,,,„;, 
 Hulme, F. Edward, F.L.S. 1, Plants: their 
 Kalural (Jrowth anil Ornamental Treatment, L<m._, lSi4, 
 f,d 2. Principles of Ornamental Art, Lon., ISiS, 4to. 
 3, Bards and Blossoms ; or, The Poetry, History, and 
 hood .,f Marlborough. Hlust. Lon,, I8S|, p Svo. 7, 
 A Instruction in Kngland. Lon '«'^-' I2mo 8 Howej^ 
 Painliug in Water-Colour.. Illust. Lou, .ss2 s,1, t»o 
 ,,r Ito- Id ed. IS.s;i. It. Familiar Wild I- lowers: 
 Frth Seri , Lun. ISSII, p, Svo, I,. Myth-Land 
 Lorn, ISSO, 11. (Kd.) Wisdom Chips, gathered 
 toirethcr, Lon,, ISSB, ;i2mo. , ,^ ,, , 
 limine, Robert Tho«.a«. 1. (Trans.) On lal- 
 lucinations by A. Brierre do ".-."">". /-"•. f' ■'"!'• 
 •> (Trans.) Klemcnts of Medical Zoology, b\ 11. -B. A. 
 Moiuiu-Tandon, Lon., ISlll, Svo. ;*• .t-'""'"'';";""^, " 
 Dental Pathology: Calcilica.iou of the Dental Pulp. 
 To |S(i- Svo 4, The Teeth in Health and Disease, 
 I'llust Lon., lsf.4, 12mo. .'.. On the Ise of Artillcial 
 Teeth in the Prevention of Indigestion and the Cure ot 
 Lon., IStl7, Svi 
 . Sv.i. 
 4. Familiar 
 Associations of Flowers, Lon., 1871. ^ 
 AVild Flowers, Lon,, 1877-8.5, five series, p, 8vo. ,. 
 Ma hcmatieal Drawing Instruments, and how to use 
 them, ("Young Mechanic" Ser„) Lon,, 18,1). p. Svo: 
 new cd., 188(1. li. The Town. College, and Neighhonr- 
 Diseases due to Imperfect Nutrition. _ 
 li (Tran>-.) Atlas of Surgical and Toj.ogralihieal Anat- 
 oiuv. bv II. J. Bemud, Lon,. 18117, 4to. 
 iluluie, Samuel. 1. The Path of Peace; or, Ue- 
 pentanee, Fai ind the Witness of the Hoy Spiri . 
 explained to Seekers of Salvation, Lon., ISaS, Umn. 
 •'.Memoir of Uev. T. Allin: with Notes ol the Con 
 tninnorarv History of the Methodist New Connexion, 
 1X1881, p. s'o. 3. Memoir of the Rev. William 
 Cooke, Lon'., 1S.S6, p. Svo. , .,» i<9ii«fi<* 
 Hulme, Uev. Samuel Joseph, M.A.,ls24-18BS 
 .-i-.^duatcd at Wadhaiu College, Oxford, 184,'.; ordaii,ed 
 !s4S- rector of llourton-on-the-Water, (iloncesters lure. 
 from 1S72. 1. I'houghts in Sickness, Oxf.,, 2. Hue. 
 Sermons on some of the Tenets ,.f the Christadelphian,- 
 Oxf, 3. The Princij.les of the Catecliisni "' '''^'-''"': ' 
 „f England: Three, St,.w-on^the.A\olJ, Ss , 
 Svo. I. The Aeeideuee of the lireek \ erb, Oxf., ls>., 
 i '"ilulsic, (ieorginna E. Gertrude and Eulalie; 
 or, Sehocd-Dav Friendshij.s. l.,o,. 18,53, l2mo. 
 i Hulton, William Ailam, [o/if, vol. i., add.,] i., 
 ! 1S02- called to the bar at the Inner Temple 18., : jml;,'. 
 ■ of county courts since 1847, (Ed.) Docuinents relatii.- 
 to the Priory of Penwortham, and other 1 ossession.s m 
 ! Lancashire of the Abbey of Evesham, (Chetham So,-. 
 ! Pub.,) Manchester, 18.53, 4to. . a c , ,\ 
 ! Humason, >V. L. From the Atlantic Surf to the 
 Golden Gate, HartConl,, svo. 
 number, William, [.n,(., vol. i add.] I. A 
 Complete Treatise on Cast- and Wrought-Iron Biidp. 
 Construction, Lon.. 18fil,2 vols, r, 4to; 3d ed., rev. aa.l 
 enl., 1870, imp,4to. 2. A Record of ''1; >'"'fc"-f ^ V' 
 Modern Engineering. Illust. Lon., 18(14 Ac, 4 vol.. 
 imp, 4to. 3, A Handy Book for the Calculation ol 
 Strains in Girders and Similar Structures, Lon,, l-lo, 
 12mo; 4th ed., 1885. 4. A Cmnprehensive I realise u„ 
 the Water-Snpply of Cities and Towns, Illust. 1."m.. 
 '^iiumberstone, W. J. 1. The Friendship o( Je-us, 
 Lon., 187.5, Khuo. 2. A Crooked Woman made MraiL'i.l, 
 Lon., 1875, er. Svo: new ed., entitled "the Hea.ui!,' 
 Pc.werof Jesus," 1870. 
 Humbert, Uev. Lewis Macnaughtan, M.A., 
 graduated at St. John's College, Oxford, 1812 ; or.lame.l 
 ! IS43; master of St. Cross Hospital, Winchester, I s..j- 
 68: vicar of Hyde, Winchester, since 1878. 1, 1 i.'.vcis 
 and Devotions, Farnham, 1850, Svo. 2. Memorial.-- "f 
 the Hospital of St, Cross and Alms House ot Noble I o^- 
 ■' erty, Winchester, Illust. Lon,, lS(iS, 4t(). 
 I ilumble, Henry. I. The Recent Episc,.pal He- 
 I cisions, Edin., 1858, Svo. 2. A Letter to the Lisho|i •• 
 ' St Andrews on the Occasion of his Lordship s Let at 
 Charge. Lon., 1850, Svo. 3, Remarks on a Receiii De- 
 bate in Convocation in Reference to the Scotlisli L,tMi,.:y, 
 L(m., 1862, 121110. 4. The Nature of Ecclesiastiei.l hs- 
 tablishinents. Lon., 18B0. Svo. 5. The Rights ot tail liful 
 Lavmen in the Church (.f Christ, Edin., 18,0, 8yo, 
 ilumble, Uev. Michael Maufe'han, M,A., .nut. 
 uated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, IS33; or.lainM 
 1835; rector of Sutton, Chesterfield, sin'-e is.l.i. i. 
 Methodistic Catholicism : a Word of Exp..stulatiuU lo 
 the Rev. R. Aitken, i.i Answer to his Address o the 
 Clergy, entitle.l "Spiritual Vitality." Ry a 1 arish 
 Priesi. Lon,, 1852, Svo. Anon. 2. The C lur^-h of 
 England and the Fathers, Lon., 1854, Svo. .1. Crcien.i.i. 
 1S7'2. 4. Family Prayers, 1870. 
 Humbley, William Wellington Waterloo. 
 Journal of a Cavalry Officer: including the Mcoi..ran.c 
 Sikh Campaign of 184,5-1.846, Lon.. 1.S54, r. 8vo, 
 Hume, Uev. Abraham, LL,D„ »-C-l'o /■^.•;'' 
 M.R.I.A., [oM(e, vol. i., add.,] 1815-1884, b. at lliHs- 
 , I lui- " "'l VIL- 
 |"'"i, i^ii ; scoi-otiiry iif tliii ni-iii„' 1 • '"" 
 t'T'iti'- l»u..,l at II ,y ak ''1,; ";'■' "'r'- '' '''''« '\»- 
 .-■n. a( II,,,,,!,; ,„,",\ ,1„,.'';; •'•;"•■. '*"»• '■»•"• ■■!. Mi.. 
 ."liuc't.M uf Tw„ Locliiie' „„ t|,?. V. ^ ' M'""' ■*• Ah- 
 '-n«""Ko, I-iv.r,„„.,:",H!;,," ';,, "^f " '1- Kn«li»h 
 l;"ntfd. .!. C»„,li,i„„ „,■ Li .'.";,, V V ■"• '''■'^■""'l.v 
 l.>ver|Kml, |s.-,,s, s,,,. ^ { ,.'\r, '*'''''"■■'■'"'' •""'"■i''!- 
 •■"unt of tlie .\i,(i,.„itie., fn i , '' '"'• '*"'"o '^i-'- i 
 »^"; Suppi,.,,,,,,,,, isiiH. '• ■""' ^^'"l'»- l-oii., i,s«:i I 
 I'l thf Moisi.y ai,i| i|„. i,.,„ ,;.,'"■ "','iitl,>(,| II, I. .•>t„ai'il.s 
 ; e h..„ ,„„, I i.u„!:i,„;;;i,^'' , '^ . ™ 1;;;;; to ii,e la,!;!, 
 '"'I- • ■ . II,-, lliimo was ilii. i,J , , ' '"i"ilNi,,',ai, i,,. 
 f=.ViVMn I,ilo, |,„„., |""'|J,;, '"T^rP"^-'^-'- Poems of 
 [>fw,] Lon., isr.-,, I,;,„V - ■^''"Christian Hour, 
 ••al.utta, ISr9-Sl -itr'r Z""';";"''^^'""- ^''"''' 
 A., ,„/„.„, '""■ "■ '*>•"• And set. BiTi,i.;,i, E 
 s^"""^: ^::^!f:^;j"^ «-'-" of p„i„.,o„„„„ 
 ^^Hu.„e, lOU. ,.. K.„,ec:„Xove.,S..u„i,,sr9,' 
 Hume, Fergus W i t, ., 
 Cal., Lon., mr;v2mo 2 MjuZ^l^t'? "^ "^ """««"> 
 Hiiine. Cveorivfi t v- ^t- i 
 0.. ^■-•i-u.s'sub^l^ m-""' "/^""'■■>'' <"■' P"^"'^ 
 " "-...nanhoo,! „v A n^^ llr .'■'.'';,."• "• '^'''« ^aif. 
 tin... Is.Oo, svo. ""^ l nlortunatos;" 2d ed., 
 , Hume, Joliii Ferciisoii i i- ,, 
 J"nt.y; „r, Th,3 Days of T.m , '^'J'" ""nJ'-<!J Mn- 
 iiy a X..W yo,.k li,-oker. N. Vo,^ H8S if '"^•"""- 
 Hinne, J„.e„|, B„r„|ev ' i ' V'""' '^"""• 
 'MeiM'.rial, L„n., 18S5 "o '' "•''''' If*""": a 
 W.";^:V:^!^:J!i:j^' -'^thoPeael,[„„o.el,] 
 't j;'ai,„.,i the. Viutory, I„„^ ,'"■ ^^"^ 'V"""' «"'' ''"»• ' 
 „H"me, Hobert »V. Mv I'l""'." t''" "^■'' '«"'"■ ' 
 '■"-'i. l2i„o. """'"' •^J' Himself, N. Yoi-k 
 Hume, Robprt wm- ' 
 ^'>-i,i,,o„'f"eN"e-VT,"»"V r^^"^""-; o,-, "The 
 17V'l"»t of E,i,-t Tenncjoerii'''''™''^'' '-'''»'■«'': 
 iuc iiaton Boating. 
 jf|;^.l<,_fn,mI825,oEa„er, ,.„„, Eto„, ,.6,; j,, ,,,^ 
 I iiumiiiel. Rev rviii.,,: >> 
 ".e,i a, ^vo^.;M:.*^^M,'; :.,/si';^' -y'.-^- «-''"- 
 ' liHoniNi,,,, .\.r„,„ An^-.v I *'^^'' l**'^-^". With 
 I'"-., I,S7«, 12,n!,, '^"^'''' '"'^« fr"'" Latin Lyric,, 
 ('■ .Manuals nl T,',. ,, .10 '../■'""« '■' '''■•'"il" I''..bric8, 
 !"•, One. lO^ It .r, ',,.,.■•"• ''^^^.-'V!"' A„i,„a,„; 
 .n« a Kow.S„..,.„i„ „,oi ,"5, ^'','"}""A : ■■onlain- 
 I Iliimph'rey, I- \ " r V"'"" ,'■""" '"'"' "'<>■ 
 l'n.te..,a„t K|,is:.„,,aV(i;,,,.i ,,?''; "" ."'" '''""W "'' the 
 "tan. H„.|., |s,i] '' '" ■^'""'M. %a Church- 
 I ""mphrey, Sirs, |;. .i , «., .. 
 LHiiio. •* ' ''"• '^^I'-O- .M„tiny, Kost., I87S 
 >«»'"""';:;^iU,,'^:- .'^:'V'' '■•-••-, v,,. b' 
 A..dov..rTI,..olo.|.a|s „,';,'; '''"''"' '\'"''^''>' »nd at 
 ur^J;!7:!i^r'^.^::;-;^--:;A. ..T,,o,.hi,dre„ 
 I 'Iren, Chlo., I8SS i'.,,,,, ^'"■'""t' Authu,-.. for Chil- 
 'iWm^'^^^a^TF"-, ''"""<"•"■'" ''•■"^: 0.0 
 Theori./of .\,;, ihilaii"* .."""/"i" U.uonalion : the 
 J/-|.nncd, a,;;;' .h ' ^,, «'-^., Mniv,.,.sa,itm 
 ;','--stia,.ity and I, li e t'v ,."'Th '! ' ^'"r"'' "• '^'■ 
 --"rarr^7?^ s!f '"«''■"■-«-'' «uth, [a 
 niimplirey, .>Jr,s. M„rv l r, c 
 A """?:&„]*:- "•"•"•". S.J., b. ,8a„, a^ 
 Abcdeen- took" do ", 1^;^ :''''' '^'--ehal Colle,: 
 i .^ I'v.tig in Dundee: c e ed 1 'f'^" C'""'''''. «»d hcdd 
 '"""i"" in 18fiS, and fer ,,•""", '""'°"« '=0'"- 
 'dained in "sn , > •^'"'''' "' '*"""'• »vas o,-- 
 iM'ty .Sermons, Lon., Isri h, s ^ "'"KniOing (Jod : 
 J Panegyrics of Fathe^ Sol,:.,. ' r ,fn "'w.- '^'•"'"■* '^'''e 
 Written Word; or Co, .^d . , " '' ' '' '^"^^ ■<• 'i'lio 
 tares, Lon., 187rsvo 5 1,7,?" "'," ^^""™' '^-u'- 
 on St. Paul's En stle to t'he .^"''"-' " '' "'■' Lectures 
 «. The lieligiou.? S ,Ue • „%■,'""/' ""'- '■'"»' *<Vo. 
 Suarez, Lon., 1881,8 7 Tl fn' °^ ' ■' " ""^•'"»« "f 
 t«f to a Friend, Ac V^i, 'i ^l"' ^'""« teacher: a Let- 
 liil^le and Helief a Lett ., ' ^p"" '■^'^^' I'- •'™- '^^ The 
 «■ Ol.ristian M.frn'^aje'n'" 'isVc"?;-. ''""■• ''''" '^'-o" 
 Humphreys, Rev I)r n ', ""; 
 grcgational ,Soei Ity of "'•, "';''"-.\-»f the Third Con- 
 IStiii, Svo. ^ ' f^. t.ngheld, Alass., Springlield 
 |l4Te';^?M;---A,Ui„s„„, LL.n., 181,,- 
 ta,;y Academy l"], '' Is fnira'^r n" '"^ ^•■^- '^''"- 
 I Miss,ssi,,,,i delta and in otTcT en li , '■ """'y "' ">« 
 ; had charge of the Oftice of K • ,'"«'."<'""'g "orks, „n,i 
 ; the War De,,art„,enLrv„ "'"","" '""^ Purveys in 
 i chief top„g,.lp|,'ir".ngt.?,'oVtrA "" t'l '^" »" 
 j'i'ao LSfil, b,-ig,vdier-g°ne,.j ,?,, 1 ^""y "f the Poto- 
 ! 61, "o'nmnnderof the Secon r W"^ ''*''""''' 'S"''" 
 : bH«"'"<"--general orthe" If "''''' ^^'^^'''"' "PPointed 
 of the corps of enginee,' is.fft '"7, ""^ oom/nander 
 see Dk P^^sTK„, J. W. ,„ ,™ ' /"^'■'"' '«'8- ^'or biog., 
 (liiv't Pub.,) Wiidh., l^.^.i, J*vo. 2. Annual Report, Wnsh., 
 \sy.i, Hvo. ;i Kniiu (Ji'tlvKliurK tn Iho Itiiiiidiin i Army 
 of tho I'ut.mmc, ,(uly, l-ii:i, !<' April, \M\. Mu|H. N. 
 York, IHSIl, iL'iiic). 'l. 'I'lir Virnmi.i ('luiipiiign "f l'<i'>t 
 iinil l-<n,0: Ihc Army nl' ilio I'dtmniio iiml thv Aruiy nl' 
 tho JiimuH, ("CiiinpiiiBns (if tin,' <'ivil Wur,") N. Vcirk, 
 ISHi), I'jni.i. 
 " A rcpdsitiiry iif iliitii nf tlif LTiiiU'St vftlue. The iiarriv 
 tlvf U ve.v cloiir, cniiclsi', iiuil tiilr In spirit. It Is Icic; 
 rniwilfil, iiiiM wiilti'ii lc«i nuwli, pcrhiip!<. In lln' siyh' ul 
 an nItU'liil rcpnri, tn !»■ oiiUTlaLiiiiK lo tliu riiMiiil mnlur; 
 but lis int>'n'>t In the Miiilcnt nf llu' itrtat iainpiii>;n cil 
 INil-lM can Inirilly In' i'.NMi;«c.TalLMl."— .V.idDii, xx.wl. ^l-. 
 Willi Aniinr, IIkshv I,., Uepiirt upon the I'liyi'- ""J 
 Ilyaniiilii'H (if the Mis^i.-'Mi.pi lliicr, (I'.S. Ouv't I'u;..,) I 
 I'iiilu.. ISISI, Itii; new c.l., en!.. l'<"ll. , 
 IIiiiiiplireyH, « hiirlis Joliii. l'lithi»in Pulmo- j 
 nalis lunl ■[■uh.'ivuiar l'lllllisi.^ l.un., \h;AI, Hvo. 
 IIuiiililirt?v», ICdwaril Kiipcrt, IJ„1)., ['i"(', 
 vol. i., aiia.,1 b. IS2n, in Knghi 1, and udnnitud at thu 
 Unlver.iily id' Cauibridgi!; was hKi'l-iinii-ter of ('lielten- 
 haiii (li-amniai'-,<chool 1S,^2-5'.I, and president of tlie Cid- 
 lege of I'reeoptors, 1, on. Ion, Hjl-o'j; removed to the 
 I'nitud .-States and settled in lioston, 'vl- '» ho haa been 
 assistant editor of tho Boston Post I....I principal of 
 tho Boston Colle^iato School. I. "The \Varnin)j;a of the 
 War:" a Letter to tho lli^'ht Hon. Lord Palmerston, 
 Prime .Minister. P.y ".V llrili-h Commoner." Lon., 
 is:.,), ,Svo. Anon. 1'. England's Kdaeatioiial Crisis: a 
 Letter to Viscount Palmerston, Lon., Is.ifl, Svo. Anon. 
 3. IvUication of lJHicers, Preparatory and Professional, 
 Bost., ISt)2, Svo. 1. America: Past, Present, and Pros- 
 Iieetive, Newport. 11. r.,l.'<70.Svo. a. Frccmaaunry : the 
 llealerof tho Nation's Wounds, Newport, 1870, 12mo. 
 Iliiinphreys, ICIi/.a. Metrical Cc'iocts, from the 
 Booli i,r Common Prayer, Lon., 1S,">(!, 8v,.. Anon. 
 IIiiiiiphreyN, (JeorKt; II., M.D., and lliickley, 
 t'lllirll'N K., M.l). (Trans.) .V Tu.Kt-liool; of Practical 
 Medicine: with Particuliir Uel'erunce to Physiology and 
 Pathological Anatomy; from tho (Jormiin of Ur. l''eli.v 
 voii Niemeyer, Lon., 'lS7H, 2 vols. Svo; now od., ISSO. 
 lliimphreys, Huiiry. Tho .lustico of tho Peace 
 for Ireland: .'id od., Dublin, |St!7,8vo; 1th cd., 1871. 
 Uiiinphreys, Henry .\>el, [■ml'; vol. i., add.,] 
 1SIU-I871I, b. in liirmingimm, Kng. : resided for many 
 years in Italy, lie is be.-t known by his designs and 
 illustrations for books, but was also a contributor to peri- 
 odicals. 1. Diamonds iind Dust: being drains from 
 the Sand of Society, [a novel,] Lon., 1S5I!, :! vols. 12mo. 
 Anon. 2. Ktoricg by an Arclucologist and his Friends, 
 Lon., IS.'iCi, 2 vols. p. Svo. Anon. :i. The (ienera and 
 Species of British liuttorllies Describeil ami Arrangcil. 
 Illust. Lon., IS.V.P, 4to. t. Tho Uene.-a of British Moths. 
 Illust. Lon., 181)11, 2 vols. r. svo. :'). (ioetho in Stras- 
 bourg: a Dramatic Novelette, Lon., ISBil, or. Svo. 
 ■'Clever and neatly written, and not unamuaing."— .S«(. 
 Kir., ix. .^.70. 
 li. A History of tho Art of Printing, from its Inven- 
 tion to the Middle of the Sixteenth Century. Illust. 
 Lon., 181)7, fob; 2d cd., ISOS. 7. .Masterpieces^ of the 
 Early Printers and Engravers : a Series of FacS miles, 
 Lo..., 18611, Ito. 8. Rembrandt's Etchings, Illustrated 
 by a Selection of Specimens reproduced in Fiic-Similo : 
 accompanied by a Life of Rembrandt and a Brief Criti- 
 cism of his Works, Lon., 1871, fol. 
 Iluinplireys, Henry It. Morin. "Boot and 
 Saddle!" Bils of Soutli-African Life in liush and Bar- 
 racks, Melbourne, 1.873, Svo. 
 Iluinplireys, Jenuett. 1. "Growing Up:" a 
 Story of Girls which Boys may read, Lon., 188:i, p. Svo, 
 2. In Holiday Timo, and other Stories, Lon., 1887, sq. 
 16mo, ;!. Insect Wa;s on Summer Days, Ac, Illust. 
 Lon., 1887, )i. Svo. 1. .Maud's Doll and her Walk, Lon., 
 1887, sq. Itimo. 5. Old Dick (Iroy and Aunt Kale's Way, 
 Lon., 1887, sq. Uhuo. (i. Tales Easy and Small for the 
 Youngest of All, Lon., 18S7, ?q. 16mo. 7. In the Sum- 
 mer Holidays : a Chil.lren's Story. Illust. Lon., 1888, 
 Humphreys, .Mrs. Lnurn B. The Art of Reading 
 Music, N. Y'ork, 1871, Svo. 
 Humphreys, Uose. Grandmother's Tales, Lon., 
 188.-), Svo. 
 Humphreys, Thomas Darwin. A Complete 
 Treatise of Trousers Cutting. IMast. Lon., isn.!,4t.,. 
 Humphry, Alfred Paget. I. First Hints on Rifle- 
 Shooting, Lon., IS7B, IBino, 2. TheStudents' Hand- Book 
 to the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 1877, 12mo. 
 Humphry, Sir George Slurray, .M.U., b. 1820, 
 I at Sudbury, SulTolk ; studied at St. Bartholomew'ii Hos- 
 < pital, London, and took his medical degree at Cambri ,.•. 
 lie 1)01. Me professor of anatomy in ISOll, a member 
 of tho council of the College of Surgeons in ISIW, and 
 pr ilessor of surgery at Cambridge in ISS.'t. Hi' was 
 1 knighted in issl. I. Lectures on Surgery, delivered in 
 ; the .Medic:il School of Cand)ridge. Ac, Worcester, IS.'iL 
 8vi), 2. A Treatise on the Human Skeleton, includiiii 
 the .loints, Cambridge, l'*.'is, Svo. ;i. The Human Foot 
 and the Human Hand, Cambridge, iMll.fp. Svo. 1. lib 
 servatioiis in Myology: iiiclnding the .Myology of Cryp 
 tohranchs, Ac, (,'ambridge, 1872, Svo. h. The Hunteriiiii 
 Oration, IH7'.i, Lon., ls7S», Svo. (!. Vivisection: What (loo I 
 I has it done? Lon., :882, Syo. 7. Guide to Ciimbridgc 
 ' the Town. I'niversity, and Colloges : to which are udde I 
 I Notes upon the Villages within Ten .Miles, Ma|), (,'am 
 ' bridge, I'-s:'., Svo. ". Old Age and Changes incidental to 
 I it, [oration,] Cambridge, 1SS5, Svo. 
 I Humphry, Hugh Mi'Nuh, .M,A., son of ,1, T. 
 Humphry, iiit'r<i ; b, Isii.'i; graduated at Balliol Colligc, 
 'Oxford; called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn 1S7», Coin ■ 
 inon Precedents in Conveyiineing : together with tlic 
 Conveyancing and Law of Property Act, 1881,, to., Lon., 
 IsSl, Svo ; 2d oil., cnl., 1SS2. 
 Humphry, .losepJi 'I'liomas, b, ISlii; called i. 
 the bar at the .Middle Temple 1842. Registration of A- 
 suraiices Bill : its I'eculiar System and Practical Con>c. 
 iiucnces. Lon., IS.'ili, Svo. 
 Humphry, Kev. William Gilson, M.A., B.D. 
 [uHl'. vol. i., add.,1 ISI.'i-ISSS, b. at Sudbury, Sullolk ; 
 graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge, ls:i7, ;iii 1 
 elected Fellow; ordained 18-12; prebendary of St. Piiiii'.' 
 Cathedral ls,'i2; vicar of St. .Martin-in-tho-Field IS". 
 He was tt member of the New Testament Revision Coiii. 
 pany. 1. Eight Discourses on the Jliraeles, ( Boyle 1 
 »uro"s, 1857,1 Lon., 18,'i8, 12mo. 2. The Character ol>r, 
 Paul: in Eight Discourse.-', (Boyle Lectures, 18,')S,) Lon., 
 1S.')a, 12nio. .'). The New Table of Le>sons exphiiocl. 
 Lon., 1871, 12nio. 1, A Commentary on the ReviM I 
 Version of tho New Testament, Lon., 1 882, or, Svo; new 
 ed., rev,, ISSS. a. Occasional Sermons, Lon,, 1886, p. -i". 
 Ilumpidge, Thomas ^^unlnel, Ph.D., B.Sc. 1. 
 IS87, let, 34 ; studied ehcnii.-try in London and Hi idel. 
 berg, and for eight years jirevious lo his death was pro. 
 fcsso. of chemistry at the I'niversity College of AValcs, 
 Abf.rystwyth. 1. (Trans, and ed.) A Short Text-Book "f 
 Inorganic Chemistry ; from the German of Dr. Hoi maun 
 Xolbe. Illust. Lon., 1884, er. Svo; 2d ed., 1SS>-. 2. 
 Atomic Weight of (ilueinuni, (Beryllium,) (Pbilosophiciil 
 TranMictions,) Lon., 1884, 4to. 
 Hun, Henry. Guide to American Medical ."Stu- 
 dents in Europe, N. Y'ork, 1884, Svo. 
 Hun, .M. T. 1. Now York Supremo Court Ri I'll', 
 lS7;',-84. Albany, Is7li-S,i, 31 vols. Svo. 2. Rules ol .Ml 
 the Courts of Record of New York ; with Notes, Itctir- 
 ences, and Index, N. York, 1884, Svo. 
 Hundley, I>. 11. Social Relations in our Soullicrn 
 States, N. York, IsCII. 
 Hungerford, James. The Old Plantation, ami 
 what 1 gathered there in an Autumn Month, N. Vcrl;, 
 ISalt, l2nio. 
 Hungerford, Mrs. Margaret, (Ilauiilton,) 
 formerly Mrs. Argles, b. and educated in Ireland ; n-- 
 ident at St. Brendii's, liandon. County Cork. Her I lis 
 have all appeared anonymously, some of them in .icr 
 the pseudoiiyme of "'iho Duchess." 1. Pliylli- : ;i 
 Novel, 1877, 3 vols. er. Svo. 2. Molly Bttwn. liy llie 
 Author of " Phyllis." Lon., 1878, 3 vols. or. Svo. 
 " Full (if wit. spirit, ami gaiety, the book eiintaiiiK. iie(.T- 
 theless, tiiuebi's of the niiisl exuuisite pathos, and the in- 
 slglit iiili) the human heart shows that the unlhoi 1ms 
 studied the subject closely »nd well."— .4(/i., .'oi. 2i;.".:i. 
 3. Airy Fairy Lilian, Lon., 1879, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 4. 
 Beauty's Daughters, Lon., 18811, 3 vols. cr. Svo. .'.. .Mrs. 
 (ieofl'r'ey, Lon., ISSl, 3 vols. cr. Svo. fi. Faith and Viiliiitli. 
 1SS1,3 vols. cr. Svo. 7. Portia, Lon., 1882, 3 vol-, p. 
 Svo. 8. Loys, Lord Beiesford, and other Talcs, Lon., 
 1883, 3 vols. cr. Svo. SI, Rossmoyne, Lon., 1883, ", vols. 
 cr, Svo. 10. Doris, Lon., 18S1, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 11. 
 "0 Tender Dolores," 1885, er. Svo. 12, A Maiden All 
 Forlorn, and other Storie.", Lon,, 1885, cr. Svo, 1.:. In 
 Durance Vile, Lon., IS85, p. Svo. 14. Lady Ibiiiik.^- 
 iiipri', Lon.. ISSfi, 3 vols. c:'. Svo. 15. k Mental Simj. 
 gle, Lon., l'ss6, 3 vols. cr. Svo, 16. Lady Valworth's Pin- 
 ' monds, Lon., 18SB, p. Svo. 17. Her Week's Amusement, 
 Lon., l8S6,or. Svo. IS. Green Pastures and Gmy Griil', 
 I Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 19. A Modern Circe, Lon.. I "<:,:! 
 vols. er. Svo. 
 currents, Lon, 
 Is>s, ;t v„i,. 
 ISS.S, 2 vols. CI 
 "She can liiy 
 and she Iriisi.s i 
 iiilcresl.s iiC IK,. 
 '■ There K n, 
 Molly llawii,' 
 iiiier; lull ili,.v 
 pn.diieiiiK III,.', 
 ■ iliali;' (if eorlii 
 ■'•l"(l(ttnr. hill ■' 
 ography 111 III,. 
 The Lands of 
 laphy of ChiirU 
 ISsii, Hvo. 4, • 
 Illust. l!o,«t„'|: 
 "I'be aiilhor |i 
 mill reail ,,(' |„.,. i 
 the langiiMne of 
 'bi; story, i,ii,|,,|-, 
 "s lie has siuilioil 
 5. England's ( 
 •onal Obsorvatioi 
 .Monasteries, Ch, 
 tliiough the riiipi 
 Amer. ed„ (■■The 
 ill .stone." I Host., 
 " A nianmil i\,r' 
 of KiiKland wliicl, 
 ■ Whi'lbir as ,ii; 
 i; liM;....k for the 
 lol i-'elHTal reiiiliii. 
 Volume. "^r,-,y/,,., y 
 <''■ A Century o 
 l"»n, Massach'iise 
 loi'iirds, and I'l,,,, 
 'liiunieutt, II 
 Ion liistrict, S,C. ; 
 The Conspiracy Ij 
 Horrors of Secessiu 
 ""Ul, \. H. 
 diictions, .'ind A^ri 
 'iov't,! Wash,, ).s.H| 
 Hunt, A. i.i, 
 Kingdom of East At 
 liiing a Complete ai 
 Ilorough Town of T 
 lolk and Suffolk, Lo 
 "The history of 4 
 a really (ri,i„| sui,\uH 
 soiiiesinmgi.r haml i 
 ■Vl/. /I'ei'., XX xi. 17.^ 
 limn, Arthur J 
 •It the Inner Temi 
 b"anilaries and Fern 
 '-'»■ 2. The Law r 
 under the Statutes of 
 L"n., IS72, p. ,Svo. 
 IlHut, Uristou-, 
 i^if-'iis, and Trade-.Mai 
 . Hunt, Charles 
 ni--tono: with an i 
 -N. York, Svo. 
 Hunt, Chillingi 
 bun.. |S,S5, f|,. 8vo 
 Hiint,C'orneliui Confederate Cruii 
 Hunt, David. ; 
 'liilii., 1874, l2mo. " 
 .ilcdical Reform, Host 
 Hunt, De l'„re> 
 "ipliilieria. Grand Rai 
 ..Hunt, K. Liten.t 
 >"ili, 1 870, l2mo. 
 Hunt, Miy„r Edi 
 I'lvingston Co,, N,v . 
 ';caJemy 1845; servo, 
 f-mndations : n Study, 
 "f Science, N. York, Is 
 , """«, Eliza r.2t 
 •'."u-liier of Frederic 
 "'■'I. 1873, to Rev j,.| 
 fwilributed to the Day 
 'l^'s for the " Bow Bell 
 "•"'vel, Lon., 1870, p j 
 " ^l"n- of 01,1 Kun, ' j^ 
 vol-..or.8v„. 211. ThoDuoh^ 
 ourren ., !,„„., ,,,,s, a vo|«, . 
 (•OS, ,1 vci|». „r. «v„ o'l II, ..\i ""'.."""""• '''"i^ 
 iNS.s. OvolH.or. Sv„ """• '^''■''- ViTckur, l,„„. 
 J.on., issr. 21. r„,icr 
 '•>■'■. :•:■. Murvol, I,„„. 
 !••""... S.Ue,„, ().7l s.s "•„,„, '"" •" Kcop Hoy, „„ ,|,o 
 llillil, Help,, ' a , 
 -»-' or Ti,.I,.,.lj,.„;fi;,^:,«;;;'->..;.ure„^, Trent. 
 "..".., Arthur J„.p..,..K ..,. ... .,.;c:i,e,\wr.."".''';^"f'''^M,,„ors;;rrow'/ 
 Chrl«lliiiilly iiiHl ll» ri-lmloii u> ntluT rell({lnii« In llio 
 •prliiK (if IWi^l 1 hImhH'iI llio i..'lHiic» 111 111/ W'lrk in lliu 
 liitr I'mfi'i-Kiir Miiiirlrr. wlm hiiM ifiiu' iivcr liirKi' iinrtlnii'' 
 cil till' MUiiii' llflil, iiii'l wliiiM' MrlliiiK" liml 'h'i I uii'iit 
 »i'rvli.r 111 iiif. Tlif iirulf^Mir l.i.ikfil hvit llir |iiiimt, iiiul, 
 ri'turiiliiK 11. Nilii «llli nil lm■r^'llll^lll^ Miilli', ' ^mi lu'vi' 
 tWfiily yi'iir^' wmk ln'li.ri' ymi.' II.' ihIvImimI me l.ilry .iiii' 
 pan Ilk, iiii'i 111 K'l 1111 Willi till' ri^t ir llml mmciii'iUmI, 1 
 look hit iiilvii V. iiml 111 IMiii UiL' llrst iliiipUT, w lilrli wa» mi 
 Piuillul.Mii. hiul lioi'iiiiii'ii liiru'u M.liiini'. Ii'ii yi'iirt Inivi' 
 llHHSUll -lll.f lllllt rullMTMlliull Willi I'niliKMir .MllUllri'. 
 'I'lii' pri'vviii »i.ik l« iiiily 1 iiipli'iliin 111 tl|,' "'r""] 
 clmplVv, uiiil III;' IliMwIll Imvi' In l«' icwrlUuii, -hJtlrnd 
 '•Vh" I'lnU'i'iiiVii'i'iil'li'iii'tsliiiiililiiiit, I'OTlKriik'I'iil 111 the 
 lU^)llnllll^ UlUllMl- Willi \i\\-V> 11». Ill 11 M;rl<'^ "I MlllTNUlVl', 
 brli^r ,lak'im'iil», llu' ri'Milli* nf ImiK mu furi'liil iiiiici;>.m-i 
 of liiciiilry.liniilvliiu iiii iiiiiniiiit <il lull »;liiv'' "' ',''','"" 
 kliiiWHllHM'Xt.'lilnr.' (ifsiicli nirWul «nrk 111.' ""''< 1');- 
 fiir.' iiB «lvi'» iiiiil'l.' pr.Kil ; ttiul, wlu't » ii l.'ii»l n" li l;;r; 
 tant, 11 U till' wurk nf ii iiiuii nl jiuUclal mlii.l. ->;<«'<i'"r, 
 " " Ahii'l'il mill triistwiirthy lUNlury nf lu'iirly every iiniii. 
 111.' .lufell.'.' Ill' llie lililli mill .'ViTV pliiiM' n "'■'''"«'; 
 .limht (liirliiK till' lline .'.•iitiirles lliiU liillii«>:',' ' " ""- 
 Kelijrimilliiii."-.l. Hass ; Amit., vi. .ii!i._ 
 M. t'iiiiUMn|iijniry K.imiys in Tliciilii«y, I'.'ii.i I>t7:t, Kvo. 
 «. Tln^ (Invriil Hook of Soiipturu. lllmt. liOn., 1««», 
 I'ol. With .itli.Tt, The (looil Finlit ; or, Miiro thiin Cuii- 
 .lUiTiira: Slori.'s "I' Christiiin .Mmtyr» mi.l lU'ruoi<. 
 lUiist. Lon,. ISSfi, r. 8vo. 
 Hunt, J«>liii Warren. Wisconsin (laiettcer ; oon- 
 tftlning the NameH, liooadon, iinil Ailvanlii«e« of the 
 C.nintios, Cities, Towns. V-lliiges, anil Settleiuenta in the 
 Sliito of Wisconsin, Ma.lison, KSS:), J'vo. 
 Hunt, LeiRh II. (Trans.) Clinioivl Lootnros on 
 tlic Diseases uf Dlil A^e, by J. M. Cliarcot, Lon., lS82,8vo. 
 Hunt, IiB Mfsurier. I'.eps at liritlany, the Bre- 
 tons, iin.l Breton Literature, I..111., l!<0». p. !<vo. 
 Hunt, Louise i.ivingston. Memoir of Mrs. 
 Eilwaril Livingston, N. York, IS^fi, .Svo. 
 "The pictures nf slmpUeily In manners, of moJerate 
 amtjiUiin. iif .aliii ami leiiil.^r .luimiMie relatliins, . . . In- 
 spire reurel I'l.r sn iiiiu'li llmt .\iiierloaiis .seem ^) have out- 
 llve.i,"— .Viidoii, xlill. 111). 
 Hunt, Lucy U. Hand-Book of Light Gymnastics, 
 Boat., If^S I, 211110. 
 Hunt, Madeline Bonavia. I. Bravo Little 
 Heart, Lon., 1H7S, p. .Svn. '.'. Little Hin^ea. 
 Lon.,187(l, 12mo; 2il ed., l.-*.-*:!. :t. Aunt Tabllha 3 Waits, 
 Lon 1S8I1, p. Svo. 4. Little Kiuprcss ,Joan, Lon., ; 
 18811, p. 8vo. 5. The History of Five Little Pilehers 
 who had Very Large Ears, Lon., 1881, 12rao. 6. Pens 
 Perplexities, Lon., 1.><S;!, p. 8vo. 7. Margaret's Enemy, 
 Lon., IH8:i, p. ."^vo. 8. The Two Hnrdoaslles; or, "A 
 Friend in Need is a Friend indeod," (" Proverb Stories,") 
 Lon., l.'fSa, p. Svo. 9. Tbrou(,'h Trial and Triumph ; or, 1 
 "Th.'; Roval Way," Lon., lf<S«, p. Svo. 
 Hunt, Mrs. Margaret, b. 1831, at Durham, tng.; 
 daught.r of James Kaine, D.C.L., (7. r., ""<«. vol. ii.O ' 
 married, 1861, to Alfred William Hum, artist. Her first 
 three novels were published under the pseudonyme of 
 "Averil Beaumont." 1. Magdalen Wynward ; or. The 
 Provocations of a Pre-Rapliaelite, Lon., 1871, 2 vols. p. 
 8vo. 2. Thornioroffs Model,, 187:f, :i vols. p. Svo : 
 new ed., 1881, I2iuo. :i. Un.l-jr Seal of Confession, Lon., 
 1871 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 4. "This Indenture Witnesseth," 
 Lon.', 1875, 3 vols. cr. Svo. a. The Hazard of the Die, 
 Lon!| 1878, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. Ii. Basildon, Lon., 1879, 2 
 vols cr. Svo. 7. The Leinlen Casket: a Novel, Lon., 
 1880 :i vols. cr. Svo; new ed., 1883. 8. Self-Condemned ; 
 a Novel, Lon., 1883, 3 vols. or. Svo. 9. Barrington's 
 Fate, ("No Name" Ser.,) Bo.-t., 1883, I6ui.>. Anon. 
 10. (Trans.) Grimm's Household Tales; with the Au- 
 thor's Notes : with an Introduction by Andrew Lang, 
 Lon 1884, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 11. Our Grandmother's 
 Gowns, must. Lon., 1884, Svo. 12. That other Per- 
 lon : a Novel, Lon., 188R, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 Hunt, 11., M.D. 1. Popular Treatise on Colds and 
 Affections of the Air-Passag'.-s ami Lungs, N. Yin-k, 1887, 
 h " 
 16mo. 2. Popular Treatise on Binnchitis, N. York 
 1868, 16mo. ^ ^ ,^_„ 
 Hunt, H. T. Cause of Death m Fever, Lon., 1872, 
 liunt, Richard M. Designs for Gateways of South 
 Entrances to the Central Park : with Descriptions, N. 
 York. 1866. 4tn, ' ..,,.. 
 Hunt, Robert, F.R.S., \_nnte, vol. 1., auu.,] l.w.- 
 1887 Ho held the office of keeper of t! •' luinuig records 
 from 184,') to 188S, and during the gr iter part of that 
 period edite.i the annual volumes of .lineral ,- tatistios 
 of the United Kingdom, of which he was the originator. 
 Me alio (dited the fifth, sixth, ami seventh e.litions of 
 Ire's Dioliiinary of Arts. He wasacinslant .'ontrlbiit'ir 
 In seientifie porindii-als and a popular leeluier. I. ('nm- 
 iianinn In the Olliiiial CalahiKue ; .Synnji-is o the Cni,. 
 tenlsiiflho International Lxhihiliiui of 1862, Lnn., iMiJ, 
 Mvo " ILin.l lliHik t.i III" Iiiiliislrial Deparlmoiit nf 
 the' Inl.'rnalinnal Kxhibitinn, 1mi2, Lnn., 1862, 2 vols, 
 sv.i 3 Memoirs nf Ibe (leiilogimil Sneiety ot (Ireal 
 Britain, Lon,, 1863, 8ni. I. Popular Unmances nf lie 
 West nf Kngland ; or. The llrolls. Traililinns, and Super 
 stitimis of (lid Cornwall; with Illustrations by (leiir«e 
 Cruikshank, Lnii., |8r,;., 2 Mils. er. 8vo ; 3d ed , eul., I'-sl, 
 n Svii ;■). British .Mining; a Treatise on Hi.' llistniy 
 Diseiivery, Practical Developnienl, anil Future Prosi H 
 nf Metalliferous Mines In tlio United Kingdom. Illusl. 
 1 ., 1881, r. 8vn; 2il ed., rev., 1887. 
 "This luit-e mass of mailer I'nrms a valuiiliU' wnrk ni 
 ri-i'Teiiie, peeuliarly rieli In siatlslleal liilnrmalinii llui 
 U Is mm'li ninre llwii this, Mr, lliinfs wellkiiu»u U.Tuiy 
 skill enables him tn slate his laels mnl In set li.rtli his ar«ii 
 meiils In sn atlra.'llvo a : 'vie that iimny a pleasanl bit m 
 reailiiiK may b.' picked .m' "I'lils vnlnine, especially In Ilie 
 hlsliirieal pnrlliiii."-.b'iii'., xxv. '.Wr. 
 Hunt, llev. Robert, a clergyman of the Church 
 .if England; missionary in I'alajjnuia and ltupcrt< 
 Land, and r.'sident at Wnodehester. "xlni 1 
 shire. 1. The .Minislruliim nf the Spirit and Lile u| 
 Jesus Christ in All the LunK'uagcs of the lllitenii" 
 Heathen World by the Instrumentality nf the I luverMl 
 Syllabic Gospel; 2d ed., Lmi., 1870, 8vo. 2. The I 1.1 
 i versal Syllabic Gnsiicl: with Hiiglish Key. Lon., 18, 3, .sv... 
 Hunt, Rev. Robert Slinpland, M.A., gradual. 1 
 'at Exeter College, Oxford, 1811 ; ordaine.l 1841; vi^'iir 
 of Mark Beech .since IS52. I. The Coltagc Commen- 
 tary; the Gospel accnrding to St. Matthew; the Go'^pil 
 aceirding tn St. John. By U. S. 11. I860 2 vols. I2im... 
 2. Musings on P.salm CXIX. By K. S. H. Oxt., !>,>, 
 lliint, Saiidt'ord. 1. Hand-Book for Trustees ..r 
 Religious Corporations in thoStatoof New York, Bulbil ., 
 1873, 12mo. 2. Compiliitinn of Statutes .if the Stat.'s in 
 Relation t.i Incorporation and iMaint'inaneo of ReliKiniH 
 .Societies, N. York, 1876, l2mo. 
 Hunt, Mnrii Keubles. 1. Yusuf in bgypt mil 
 his Friends, N. York, 1878, lOmo. 2. Ma's Visit t.j 
 Virginia. Edited by W. G. E. Cunnynhani. Nashville, 
 1881, 18mo. , „, . , 
 Hunt, Shelley Leigh. On Duty under a 1 ri.pnal 
 Sun • Practical Suggestions for tlie Guidance of Travel- 
 lers. Lon.. 1882, p. 8vo. With Kknnv, Alkxamokii S., 
 Tropical Trials ; a Hand-Book for Women in the Trope-, 
 Lon., 1883, p. 8vo. 
 Hunt, -rheodore Whitefield, Ph.D., b. 1844, at 
 Metuclien, N.J.; irniduatcl at Princeton 1865 professor 
 of rhetoric and Knglish literature at Princeton siiiec 
 1874 1. (Ed.) Cffdnion's Exodus and Iianiol, i,'' Library 
 .if Auglo.Sa.xon I'm try,") Boat., 188::, l.'mo. 2. The 
 Principles of Written Discourse, X. York, 1884, 1. 1110. 
 ' 3. Representative English Prose an.l Prose-Writers, N. 
 York, 1887, 12mo. 
 Hunt, Thomas Sterry, T ..D., Sc.D., Kl!.>., 
 JM.,f,, vol. i.. add.,] was professor t chemistry in I.i.miI 
 University, Canada, 18,i6-62, and held a similar cluur .it 
 McOill University 1862-68. In 1872 he reaigiie.i his 
 iiosition as chemist and mineralogist tn the Genlngi- 
 Cftl Survey of Canada, and became professor of ge"ln;;y 
 in the Massachusetts Institute of Tecl lology, liol.lin^' 
 that chair till 1878. 1. Chemical ami Geological t^says, 
 Bost , 1874, cr. Svo; 2d ed., enl., 1879. 2. Oritjiu of 
 Metalliferous Deposits, Bost., 1874, cr. Svo. 3. Special 
 Report on the Trap Dykes and Azoic Rocks ol .'•"Uth. 
 eastern Pennsylvania, Phila., 1878, Svo. 4. Cna ami 
 Iron in Southern Ohio: .Mineral Resources of the ll.iek- 
 ing Valley, Bost., 1881, Svo. 5. The Domain of I'li.\-i- 
 ologv; or. Nature in Thought and Language; 2.: nl., 
 Bost., 1882, 12mo. 6. Mineral Physiology and Pliv log- 
 raphy ; or. Geological and Mineralogical Studios, Ln^t., 
 1887, I2rao. 7. A Xew Basis for Chemistry: a I lieiii- 
 ical Philosophy, N. York, 1887, 12mo. ,,,,,,„ 
 Hunt, fhornton Leigh, ['inte, vol. 1., add.,] IMU- 
 1873, a journalist, at one time editor of the Daily -Vifs. 
 (Ed.) The Correspondei nf Leigh Hunt, Lon., M)J, . 
 vols. p. Svo. „, ,, 
 Hunt, Vcre Dawson de Vere. 1. Th<^ Ifce 
 and his Master: with Hints on Breeding, Breakiiif,', ic, 
 Lon., 1S59, 12mo. 2. England's Horses for Peace an.l 
 War; their Origin, Improvement, and Scarcity, Lon., 
 1874, Svo. 
 I) """!; r&;. i;:;-'^-,"' I-. A F 
 lliiiil, llfv. nii'iiaiii' m"'i 
 i» Joint flitor will, F A i' ' "*''-'" '""I l'*'<l 8.'. lie 
 l^'»„. K Iiri,h.l ('m ,ri, T '""'.','''7. ) l-n., IMS,',, I 
 CiMireh lli,,„nv, I,,,,,.. ,:., ,!;,',',','," '^«^''' <" ^^l''"'" "f 
 '■."""'•.n'!;.'"!!:: i':!:'!';-"'"'"^"- ioth.r 
 l'"l'"r Work, Hull, ,i'":' ,, h\;, • ''"'^ ^«'"-»"f New,. 
 "line, Mrn. Wiiiinn, liolinan rhiii 
 Jerusalem : II ski'tili „(■ \r, 1 .!.'"• *-n"''ron nt 
 i^j».-.-.Hv„, „.;;;;i.;';,H?;'"'^''" '"'« "> «yri,., L,.n„ 
 Mc. t!!"i;;:,^o'V'H,.''f';;ir'':s''.^ v" '•"■"•••^i'"'« ""<' ''rao- 1 
 •Mi.-»ou,, Ho|,„r. , v i: f -1 ''^'.'"l '"""i =*• ''"'"-^ '" 
 Mt'/lical Contribut,," ,","'"? '""'.« "^ "-o Colonial 
 p:iM-. svo " "^«nt<, N. York, /»B6, ' 
 Svo. ' "y '^'JwarU Rcus8, Edin . 1883 
 f^on.ial Caleulu*8;Lon ms '"' '° ToJhunter'a Dif- 
 '"»lale, 1868, 12n.o 4 ""'Trapper's Companion, 
 veniriioquism, Hinsdale, 1870, 12mo. 5. 
 "-'?"''!,' o',''!,7,:;r\!';r''"^ '"""'"«'■ •^""" •• <■"'. 
 Va, H-n.lni, .",;"'■'">• ""« '"-IJct at Vinin™. 
 8v». Am..,,. ' '^"""l''»K"narlttn, n. p., |mi7,' 
 Iliiiilrr, Jaiiien J. |ii,t,.ri,.„i v .1 
 w. euro,, and .>ari.^!:t;:;;;!4i;:"i^^,:; •-'/; 
 .n"""!:7;,^!r:,;";!-:;;^,^iverto„ Kron,.,.eCra. 
 Hunt... 11 '■■*""" •'""III', l,(iri.. ,Mpi lu,„ . 
 ix;.;. (.. Nvo, .M ,M|., IH?; '"""' "^ "^■«-h"Ti"({, I.on., 
 ''/'""''^luu"!?*,,,'!!:'''"!' J''" <^''a,n„i.„,.„,.,r, 
 II ".Iter, Jo ■ Ke :;;"";, "V.'-TI' '"'■ , 
 "III. Ayrshire; l,..i,„n li, ' "*"2--l8,.l, I,, at Dundon- 
 l«orki„K a, hi .,f „\ ;,,r,? "'7'""k"r, un.l while 
 ; ''i''i"-"l at ll,„ It V w \ .n I '"""^ P"ii"ii,K, and ox- 
 i' „f hi,„„.|f 7 :"^';,;:';>/';'."»^kahl„ p„r. 
 Hunter, rni)t. It r v , , 
 s.oc.k,'n.o,!'i"; A'(iui;h.'-;'"M "',""• ■-•"""•^ ™"^'. 
 Hint, l,«n.. IS™, ,, svi ^ '"'"°'' ^'""•'■'" f-'f 
 o„V'o%r:J„V^!'fX'.^':f\ '• A Practical Treatise 
 ; '"ent by Inhalati ,, N V rk 18?4 'J""'" ^ 7'"' ■''^^■'"- 
 I'Cttera «„ the Xatur; C, ,,' ' ','"'"• -■ l'™''tical 
 'Sore Throat. lirom'h tistn , "' "."ul*-"" "f Catarrh, 
 Carbon Thc;ry ," Son,?;; "■' '■"^' ***"• '*• «" ">o 
 Treatment of On/unr ',?'''"'.'■ "" "'" ■'^"'■«<-''»ful 
 Catarrh by OxyKemt • "', 1 T,"'-'''^' '^"''■""' ""'I 
 I.on., iserfsv,;.^*' '" ' "'"' ■^'e'li'iHt«l Inhalations, 
 the"ws^y^7kttu'\^^;^;' ''•"•^- '^''"<""-' "t 
 "nai""! V.roei.l,rv '''"'''" '"'"Kl'oie, and re- 
 , "■'■ . to Soft and ?' Vr\r'''">^ '" '" l'«"l'l'. I'o 
 Nny, 18;)8. Lon Hfl" 10 "^ "'^ '''"«' I'"''" Com- 
 ■ion^'of the iV^e cburdroV I" h"""."? "^ ""' '^'i- 
 Africa, Lon,, 1873, or ivo ' 3 (tlX '? '"'!'" '""^ 
 Ciitionary : a New and n,i„i *, v' P^ Kn^yelopanlio 
 All the Word, in The Fn^?. I ^^"'^ "'' ««'"enc. to 
 Account of the? Ork-fn "m! ^""'^"''SO ' «ith a Full 
 U«e. must. Lon.;is7S'sK™"'"f'''''"""'"'^"'""'"nJ 
 ter, whose name does not'lnnt '" ^u^'"- '■^'^ ^'"n- 
 ha. since been SercoK??.'*'" ''''"-P''8« »'' '' 
 served as the oriiinal ba'sir. f7h "? '""'"'"' "'''«'' 
 of subjects. . . i vahuiili,. (■."':"""• o" - varletv 
 ! words now obsolele or r,Ir iv • " "'^ " \"»l number of 
 'huts or of ai,y I, rii™,i, '',',> ' V-'"'' ■, ■ ; ''ho ivaiit of 
 feets all these Ix r i ," f ,,'; ,1 "l V^r[<^<is, bowevor, in- 
 iincertaliity wh Cl ^r L l'.'^^ ""'''' ""'1 a" <'lemciit of 
 I'ost-Otfice since 1S82 ' The "pn? "'""p '" ">« ««°«™' 
 wi;h an Introduction AoL^"'"-^. ^s':"'' ^'='' '*"■• 
 Huntrr, Robert is^ ''"":•„!"■"'**■»• , 
 upon-Avon: a " Chroni^; „f tt''S:At «S~','>>;J; 
 Civ"""n*"„'eefs"'"n'e'Hrr?M°'^'''' ^"^»'""' »f 
 tion, and KconomioalC„n».^'.- '"""/""'"''«' Distribu- 
 Chester, 1878, TZ '^°°='""P"»n of Coal-Uas, Man- 

 I '^' 
 ': 1 
 state of HmUi^Jn the fYoTUiurjlistri('l;lnnii«llH; >;>;"'> tlm^ 
 1. An KUMiiciitMrv View of tliu 1'nn'eeiliii^'s in a Suit in 
 Iviiiity, I.»n., Is'pS, svo ; Otli cil., Ijy (i. W. I.invnini-e, 
 ISli'.'-'?:!. •-'. Tlie Aft to Amenil tlie I.iiw of I'mpeily iintl 
 to liclicvc 'I'rustees, I.on., IS.V.i, 12ino. :i. Tlie An lo 
 fuitlier Anienil tlie l.:i\v .if I'lopcity : with Intiuiliietions 
 :in<l I'liicliciil Nntis l,on.. l-lld, l-'ni". 1- A Uriel Me- 
 ninirof tlie l.iite .Iu.-e|,li lliiiiler, l-'.S.A.: with ii Deserip- 
 tivo Ciitulu^ne uf his I'rineipiil Sepiinite I'uhlioutions 
 mill rontrUiuliniistothe •• Arelii\;ol.>';iii." 1-on., I sill, Svo. 
 Hunter, Tlieixlorc, iin.l Fatten, Jiiivis. 1. 
 p.. It I ■li:ir"es mill i;i'i|uireiiieiils on Vessels in tlie \ iinoiii- 
 I'orts of the WoiM; new lev. e.l., .\. Vorli. ISSI, ,Svu. 
 Svo. 1. The In.liiin Miispuliiiiins ; Are they lioiiiui in Con- 
 .seienec to rebel iigiiinst the (Jueen ? I.on., 1S71, ^v-i; .""1 
 e,l IS7(i .■) Orissii ; being the Sei'oiiil iinil Ihinl Vol- 
 nines of the "Annuls of linrtil liengiil," I.on., 1^72, Svo, 
 " He writes with L-reiil kiinwleil).'e, j-'ieiit syiii]mlliy with 
 10 111. 1, nil noople, II keen miM qiiiel; iiiM'reeiiUimi ol nil 
 lilt i--lrikiii«inicl roiiiiiiitie in llieir liisiury iind cliiiiiie- 
 U.r.iin.l wilhii Howiiif,'""'! I'leinresoue Myle \vliieli (iirrie- 
 111.' reielor li„-lilly "Ver «n>nii(l wliieli in less skillnl limi'l- 
 nii-lil >eeni tedious lieyonaendurmic"'.' — >"'. Air.. .\.\.\iii. 
 Till mid Kd. 
 (i. I'liinine Aspects of Bcngiil Histricts. l.on., 1><4, p. 
 ^, Svo 7. A'eof the Eiirl of .Mayo, Kourlh Vieeroy ol 
 •J. Teleu'.iiphie Coilex, to iieeomininy the " I'ort Charges , j^ |.,^ |^.-^ ., ^.^^^ 
 of Ihe Worlil:" lid ed., rev., N. York, 1SS4, Svo. j .. i'^Vimm. in slnlement. faithful in portrniliire, uiid. il 
 " "■ L'li overlaid with details, —.mi'. 
 an Aid 
 , and 
 llnntiT, 'rhonias, ,<..!. An Knglis 
 the Life of Catherine ISiirton, I.on., 1S70, p svo. 
 Hnnter, Thomiis, editor ..f the Perth.^^hire Con- 
 stitutional. Woods, Forests, and I'slales of Perthshire 
 with Skelelies of the Principal l''iiiiiilies in the County 
 Ii;ii-.t. Pertll, ISS.l, p. Svo. 
 Hunter, Tlioinns. I Ed.) lloiiie Culture 
 toSo,-ial Hour- at Home, N. York, ISSli, P-'iiio. 
 Hnnter, William, F.S.A. .>^oot. liiggar and the 
 Iloii.-e of Fleming: an Aei'ount of the liiggar Distrii't, 
 ,Vc.. Edin., 1S(12, Svo; L'd ed., Isli7. 
 Hnnter. I,ient.-l ol. William. 1. Light In- 
 fantry Manual. Pint I. Lon., IS.'iS, l2ino. 2. ,Sug 
 geslions relative to the Keorganization. Uisei]ilinc, 
 Future Management of tlie liengal Army, Lon., 
 Hunter, William Alexander, M.A., b. ISI4; 
 graduated at the University of Aberdeen; called to the 
 bar at the .Middle Temple I'siKl ; iirofessor of Honian law 
 at University College. London, ISll'J-7S; e.\aiiiiner in 
 jiirisprudene'e for the I niversity of London Is7y-S4 ; 
 jl. P. for North Aberdeen since ISSa. I. A .Systoumlie 
 aii.l Historical Expo.-ition of Koinnn Law, in the Onler of 
 a Code: embodying the Institutes of (iaiiis and the In- 
 stitutes of .Justinian, translated into English by J. A. 
 Cross, Lon., lS7li, Svo; new ed., ISS'i, 
 •■It is full .d' good, s..lid work, thoroiiuhly and eoiisist- 
 onllv thniiglit .ml. and will allord to students who make 
 use of il not onlv a sl.uv of infoniiation. but no eoiilenipt- 
 ible discipline in method.''— .4//i., No. ;i'>44. 
 Introduction to Roman Law, Lon., I8S0, p. Svo; 
 h Carmelite: | ,.(,ntroversiiil. not too mud 
 .\li. 'IS. , .. 
 A .Statistical Account of liengal, ISio- 
 77, 2(1 vol- 
 It is one id' the local nccouiit.s which will, when eon- 
 deiiseil and comliincd in a iiiiitonn system, lorni Ihc Im- 
 perial tiazetleer of India.'"— .Uvi((., .Niii.lili. 
 '.I. A Siatistical Account of Assam, .tc, Lon., ISSI), - 
 vol" Svo Ml. Kngliinil'sWork in In.lia, Lon., lsSl,Sv,,. 
 •He here iiiiiiarts to us. as it were, in a iiraclieal Ion,: 
 the ripe Iruils of ten vears of labour beslowed upon Ihc 
 ■ Imperial loizelteerof India.' "— .tnW , xix. 1. 
 11. Tlie Imperial (ia'iottcer of In.lia, l.on.. ISSl, '.i 
 voN. Svo; new eiL, ISS.')-S7, 14 vcds. 
 "I)r Hunter has rendered lo the liidiiin (ioyernniciit 
 anil lo Ens-'lish jieople generally the hieiliesl serviei' a laili 
 lie servant could achieve, and one deserving ol the liit;li.-i 
 distinctions a giiitefiil niilioii can bestow, in at last nuiki'ii; 
 every Englishmaii wlio may consult Ins work leel inilcc.l 
 a citizen of India, and iireseiiting in Us true light n dc- 
 lenl empire, which for the most (d ii; 
 iiciidenl empire. 
 :.l., IS85. , , 
 iiisL'rettt work on ' liomnu Law, in the (Irderof a( ode. marked an einxdi lu the Kiigli-li study of the sub- 
 icit What he then did for advaneed .student-' Me has now 
 (lone for those who will never asjiire to more than ele- 
 meiitarv knowledge."— .Ica'(., xvii. I.'i4. 
 H. iliind-Iiuok of the Uoad and Bridges (Scotland) 
 Act, 187S, FMin.. ISS2, Svo. 
 Hunter, William C. Bil-s of Old China, Lon., 
 1SS5, p. Svo. (Containing reminiscences o( life in Can- 
 Hunter, William King. History of the Priory 
 of Coldingham. Edin . Is.'S, Ito. 
 Hunter, Sir William Wilson, LL.D., K.C., 
 .1.1., CLE. , b. ISIO; ediicaled at (ilasgow University, 
 at Paris, and at Bonn ; went to India in 1SI12, ami was 
 emidoyed in tlie liengal civil service. Ilo distinguished 
 Iiimseif by his successful supcrintenJcnce in Orissa ivnd 
 the southwestern division of Bengal during the famino 
 of ISUfi, and received llie tlianks of the government. In 
 IS7I he became director-general of statistics in India, 
 and in 1S82an additional member of the viceroy's council. 
 1. A Comparative Dictionary of the Languages of India 
 and High Asia : with a Dissertation, based on tlie llodg- 
 .-.011 Lists, OITiciiil Hecm-ds. and M.S.S., Lon., IsiiS, 4to. 
 •'Though the pages of nlossarv contained in this vidiime 
 arc not more than one liundrei! and eighty six. it niust be 
 pronoiineed a prodigious work,— the conception ol which 
 was courageous, the exeeulion laborious in the extreme, 
 and the rapid eomplelhin marvelloua."— iSaf. liev., xxvii. 
 J I. 
 2. The Annals of Rural Bengal, Lon., 1S6S, Svo; oth 
 ed., 1872. 
 "The account we liavo given of his oiienlng chapters 
 will show how comprehensive have been the preliniiniiry 
 researches hv which he has ."repiiri'd hiniself for his task, 
 'file narrative to which these researches serve ii~ the in- 
 dispensable iiitroduclion hardly bCKins in the iire.seiil vol- 
 ume. All that -Mr. Hunter attempts to do is lo paint the I er 
 has hilherlo 
 leeii hut a name associated with a vanue idea of distiuii 
 and harharie splendour."-. l//r, No. 'JNUI 
 •■ More than satislies all the reMmreiiieiitsot the gazetteci 
 at the same lime that il gives a complete aeeountol 1 he 
 history and polilical iiistitutioiis of the country. — .s;i(.'/.i- 
 '""The voriime devoted to India, No. VI. in the series, is 
 nerhaiis the most remarkable. It has some of the hi-l 
 features of guide book, bluediook. philosophicii trealiM' 
 administrative report, sporlsmairsdirectoiv, and 
 es-av. An experienced administrator Iresli Iroiii worlj iii 
 Ihe kasl has characterized it a.- a volume which eniililiv 
 the intelligent reader todispciise with several tomes ol Ihc 
 usual Anglo-Indian library."— .-•ii'. Ho:, Ixiv. i,<'J. 
 12. The Indian Emiiire : its llislory. People, nicl 
 Products, ("Trlibnor's Oriental" Ser..) Lon., 1882, Svn; 
 2ded., 1886. „ „ , . 
 "The single work now before us, to use Mr. Huiiters 
 own words, 'distils into one volume the essence ot llic 
 "Imperial (iazetteer" and 'certain of my previous other 
 works,' "Sat. Nn., liii. ;«4. 
 in. A Brief History of the Indian People, Lon., Iss.;, 
 1). Svo; Jth ed,. rev., 1SS4. . , 
 " Excellent as this little book is in some ways, its title is 
 misleading, and the work itself is disappointing as coiiui.l' 
 from one who can ilo and has done so much tor liidhni 
 hi.storv as lir. Hunter. , . . The present book, on examiDi 
 lion.lirovcs to be iiothiim more than aeondensation n llic 
 arlicleoii India in the ' Imperial (;iizetteerot India win. li 
 has already been reproduced under the title ol the In- 
 dian Eiiipii'c.' "— .4//i., No. 28»(>. „ . . , , 
 14. The llbert Bill : .■speech on Proper Criminal .luii-- 
 dielion over Europeans, Lcm., ISS:!, 4to. 
 lIunter-HoUgsou. See llonusos. 
 Huntingdon, Augusta. Married or Not Marricl .■ 
 a Novel, Lon,, ISIlll. :l vols. p. Svo. 
 Huntingdon, Itev. G. The Shadowy Land, ami 
 other Poems. N. York. ISfil, Svo. 
 Huntingtord, Kev. Kdward, D.C.L., [ '", 
 vol, i., add., J Fellow of New College, Oxford, 18;ls-|s; 
 ordained lS4:i ; vicar of Valley End, Surrey, since l".!'.. 
 1. A Harmonv of the Chronological Prophecies of Itnmel 
 on a New Principle, Lon., 1854, Svo. 2. The Sd 1- 
 Boy's Way to Eternal Life; a Course of Lectures. I."ii., 
 1857, I2nio. :i. The Voice of the Last Prophet: a Priic 
 ! tical Interpretation of the Apocalypse, I.on., IS.iS, p. 
 I Svo; new ed., 1871. 4. Advice to School-Boys ; .'-cr- 
 nions on their Duties, Trials, and Tcinplations, l."!!-. 
 I 1877, 11. Svo. :>. Divine Forecast of the Corruptioii ol 
 Christianity, Lon., 187!l, p. 8vo. (i. The Apocal.vjife; 
 '. with a C'oninientary and an Introduction, Lon.. Is'^l. 
 i Svo. 7. The Parabie of the Lock and Key, Lon., Is^b 
 Svo. 8. Popular Misconceptions about the Mist 
 .St..mfor,..Co„„oaieut,S°;;u},^,i'ls69-8'' ^'"""^y "f I 'h« SpoopenclykoO ■issT ' ™' "»'" «J- (" P"n with 
 ^'■"'- ■■■■• ;!""".r«»ere. Kmg o' Men : a Pro.e rdyll, Lon., 
 Church in ma, an,l was reoto'- "<■•''• ""''''' 
 Vorl^, 1872,16,0 8% Jn<,,'",.'°. " ""'^ ^ent, N. 
 .0 an' ln,ii'flwrt- Belie ;.4" Vo'u '?f-^'"' ^i^^T 
 Chrst anil the WnrM . s„ V . '^'*' ."''S, sm. 4to. 9. 
 rhurch, N. York '4;sm°4r"To'N- ''"f,'"^ "^ ">« 
 Holy Lent, N. York, mT\fil U r^ ""'•'^'nu'" " 
 «f Divine Service, N York h77' il ^"""'""^ Things 
 • len Lecture., IK78: The Fitness if n"- .•'-•■ ^^^ ^''^■ 
 Lon., 1878, 8vo. 3 Chris ,n H ^''"^.''""'ty to Man, 
 in the Life of Mln: "sc"!' ,"^" Y^ork "?S-8 T2 ""'' 
 >fcon(l Series, 18S1 u (}n„i'ni ■ • '"'''' 12nio; 
 ners Fine Arts; also a ltn«r ^''"""8 ?nJ Good Man! 
 tual Help #nd the Labor'^Pr, h, ""' o""'"' ^""^ "^ -^I"- 
 VorJ^hi;^ '|tS7a-t1r"lIfe1'l^'46"" "■ 1'^-^^' ?' """' 
 rector and vicar of Tenby ;i nee ,8^87 ' 72'""' '^^^' 
 the H.>iy Seasons of the Chu rh, Oxf 1856 «"":"' '^"^ 
 nos p. 8vo and 8vo; new ed 1870 9 tu",'/"" '*■ 
 li'id down hig Life for his ptf^ni r ^^ ^^^ **"" "ho 
 «o,ul News, Lon! [s 3' 2mrVT"he T' l.^"x^ '• 
 1" our Large Towns oVf i8«t" o *^''>"<''' s Work 
 "-ri. 5. Amusern^s and th«' % ^7 '" /'^ ''^•' «"'•' 
 Healthy RecroationsTor he Pel if T' °^„^»PP'ying 
 '•■• The Harvest, Lon° 1869 8v? "'/"'c- '*'"^' '^n-o. 
 ■ ino. n„n;_„. .'r- „ •• '"O"' *>>'o- 7. Sermon Aids 
 York and its Vicinity: a Ouide, 
 being Outlines of Sermons for Z'h ^^ ^r""" ^'^^ ' 
 tival of the ChrisUan Yelr i ^ ^c"''''>' ""<' ^«8- 
 Sleep and AwakeninLnf 1 xi .^"S^-' "*"'*' P' 8™- «■ 
 of the Lift of the He. ft' w'^-^^'' •'.''"'' » ^^"tiee 
 The Autobiography „ran'Z;?h''''''"r'^-'''''''"- »• 
 ^-^^y, Jons' JrdLtrJr^^' ^""•■^««^- See 
 ISSl, cr. 8vo. 
 ; II iintoii, James. 
 York, IS:,;,, 8vo 
 Iliiiittiiig, Teunis n Th i. V- '' ^™- in A.^'ericrH^.^n.'l'ss's" ,""-' "' """"■^^ 
 ! wi" p=,^^^!*r;olr'hrKe?■v"r•'rv '^—^ ^ 
 l.'<77, Svo ^ ^'"- ^fe'lcfck Arnold, Lon., 
 anJ'a^;?'?^:^!^'';'^-^; "Sir'cMnton 
 I County, Connect ieut • ^v'i.K "'""'y.of New London 
 must Phil" 1882 Svn. ,«'og''"P'iical Sketches. 
 tures In P'rucn™! J^S bZl13''']r''''' ■ ^- 
 troit, Mich., 1885, 8vo. 0"Jardm-Ueaumetz, Do- 
 wj-mi ci;ic.?i-8-i'8tVv!;r 8V0'"'""'' '"'"'"^' 
 ^s""«fi''.;^.{:.?s'•Th':'T^h'''^-■'';• '•• "^<'-3 "• 
 Ta""f"j't"|y^''-B**A,tt^jy:,,V'' f"^"f« Victim: a 
 Ifi^S 12mo. • ^'ton JIurlba, [pseud.J N.York, 
 Ilurlbert, J. Beniirnrt i t> •. . 
 onies, Lon., IS60 " o •' VL o,-"" "'" ?."'' ''«'• Col- 
 u.a"vrL^"o^fe!i;i^r^;/«-.vo..i.,add.] A Sec 
 Publie Schools, Albany, I87S ^8*0 ' ' "'" ^""'^ '° ""= 
 Hurlbut, Henry HicBins' isn ison 
 gaged in business in Oswe^n v v nu- "' ""' «"" 
 Chicago Antiquities. 188? /%M-!._^'"™.'*''' *«■ I- 
 Notes: with Pon-and Ink TMnl?"?""*!'* F'o^ntine 
 Lon., 1884, 4to Illustrations by the Author, 
 ad""?8J55l8"5' R^l^"*-'' V'»««"t. [-'e, vol. i., 
 Vori;;i860, I2mo. ^'''"""'y' "'' ^'t" »nd Death, n! 
 I-ilo-Journey from New En.IanJT"^' "'"'"'• T'""' : a 
 |h;One Catiolie ^iS^^^^^T^^^- 
 - ^Ameriean Soeilfrnd ^pXiL li^ Jf. YL£"f^^? 
 ("Si^^^^^ A- i History.' 
 Chr,st,('<cLutauauaTev l,,i."\?!S.''-„.2- ^'fo of 
 "=?a«a.te-s-.:. 3"is?Mi^x... 
 'Vork'Wo Id in 186^ anri'JT"}^'^ "'"" ""> New 
 1876 to I88.S, 8"nce which rt-TJ'l '"'""'•-i''-ohief from 
 Europe. 1. (TransTTh« A ^^ ^"t "'"'^•"^ "hiefly in 
 ganiz'ation, it Comn ander LTr^^''" ''""""''« = "» Or- 
 French of the PrhTe He J„1„vM,''' Campaign, from the 
 18H2, 12mo. 2 QcLral McC 1^ "'"\ Notes, N. York, 
 it8nri,ieii^,i/,- D ' '^""V^- '^''« Book Ann„,J. 
 "f til 'J"'.) oiiiiio jear, 
 great ,iIytof"l'rl'i'^„7Sit'i';,'?,,>:^",''« 'PvcUed over a 
 classes. . . With all \fr iJ.*^ .'"'orniatlon from men of all 
 facts, fairness of esu, fa io,^u>7st?..n:;'''''''* '"' ««"'"«» 
 does not attempt anri>rivii/.f. *..''"""""'' »e"8e. he 
 the Irish difficulty ™?gh'rK,;'L:^.'^^%^, ' ^1-^1^^^ 
 1885'";.'8'vo"' ^'"^- ^'"'•^l «"' ana^Lo'sT'l,;:., 
 " i :;. ■! 
 Iliiriidnll, Willinm Eviins, e.litor ..f the Shield 
 a,Kl S,,™r. Thought, h.v the W.iy I.u,,., ISTil, 1 H.uo 
 Hiriidoll, Rev. William Fovel. 1- "'^^^ 
 l'»nidigm,s Urn., lSliL>, 8vo. 2. Twelve Psalms Pointed 
 for Chiintiiig, Loll., l!<72, Ifiiiio. 
 Ilurrc-ll, Henry, l.l..l!.,b. IS- 9;grudu„tednt Inn. 
 ity College, Cuiihridge, ISTt ; culled to the h«r at t o 
 Inner Temple 1S73. With IIyiik, Claukjii."N (Jom in<> ■ 
 1. A Treatise on the Law of .loint-Stock UomimnioH, I,«n., 
 ISS;!, 8vo. 2. The Law of Direelors and Olheeri ol j 
 Joint-Stoek t'ouipanies. Loll , 1«.'<4, Svo. 
 Hurst, B. I&. History ol the l"U>-tcer,th Utgi- 
 mont Alabama Volunteers, Uiehiiiond, \ a., "^''■'' '-"";. i 
 Ilurst, Catheriiio li. 1. (Trans.) llenata ol Este . | 
 a Chapter from the History of the Kefoin.aliou m J ranee, , 
 by C.'stra.k, Cin., 1^7:!, IBnn.. 2. Ciueen 1-""'^;' "f 
 Prussia J or. Goodness in a Palace; from Gorman ^ourtes | 
 N York, 1874, lUiiio. .-). Klizabeth Christine. V, ife ot 
 Frederick the Great; from German and other !5uurces. 
 Illu.«t. N. York, 18S0, Ifimo. . 
 Hurst, (Jeorge, F.S.S. Kural Legends, Lon., 
 "iinrst', Jaiiies C. A Cmplet) Guide to Govern- 
 ment Appointments and to the Civil hervice Examina- 
 tions, Lon., I s.ili, I'-'ino. ,^ r. I t Tl h 
 Hurst, llev. John Fletcher, D.D., LL.D., b. 
 l.s'4,-. l^oichester Co., Md. ; gnulmited at Dickinson 
 College in 1851, and studied the.dogy at the umve - 
 sities of llalle and Heidelberg, Germany i «»"="■;'''!« 
 ministry of the Methodist Kpiscopal ^^."i;"" .'"• „ i„' 
 was instructor in theohigy in the Methodist Mis »" In- 
 stitute at liremen, Germany, 186f,-6'J; became prolessor 
 of historical theology in Drew Theological »«'".i"'"',>;; 
 Madison, N.Y., in 1871, president of that >n;;t'tut. n 1 
 187a, and in 1880 was elected bishop. 1. Why Ameri- 
 cana love Shakespeare: an Address, tfttskill, N.I., 
 135J 8vo. 2. History of Kutionalisiu : embracing a 
 Survey of the Present State of Protestant Theology, M. 
 york,^S65, p. 8V0, Uth od., rev., 1875 •>•;;;■;.,-) 
 John's Gospel: Apologetic L'^of^S' ^V.i- . >f h» 
 terzee. Edit.., 18(i8, p. 8vo. 4. (Traos.l History of the 
 Church in the Eighteenth and Ni»«t'^«n"' Centuries 
 by K. R. Hagenbaoh: with Additions, ^^ >«';''• >«•'' 
 2- vois. 8V0. '5. (Trans.) The Epistle of Paul to the 
 Romans (•' l-ange's Com.nontary^ 'l^-^" ■•,''' \*'"'„ '7- 
 fi. Martyrs to the Tract Cause, N. York, 18,2, l-'""- /• 
 Outline of Church History. Maps. N. York, 18, j^, 
 12mo. 8. Outlines of liihie History. Maps. N.York, 
 187:!, 12nio; eiil. ed., 187il. !». Life and Literature in 
 the Fatherland, N. York, 1875, 8vo 10. Our Theobgi^ 
 eal Century : a Contribution to the History "f ^''•«" "fy ; 
 in the Vnited States, N. York, 1877, 12ino. I. hM- , 
 otheca Theologiea: a Select and Class,ned «'bl'"gi;»P 'y 1 
 of Theology and General Religious Literature, N. York, 
 1883, 8vo! 12. Short History of the Reformation, N 
 York, 1884, 12mo. l.S. Short History of the Mediajyal 
 Churih, N. York, 1887, l2mo. 14. The Success of the 
 Gospel and the Failure of the New Theologies, N. York, 
 il'urst, John Thomas, C.E., surveyor to the War 
 Department. 1. A Haud-liook of Formuliu, lables, and 
 Memoranda for Architectural Su.-veyors, Ac^ N. York 
 18(i4, obi. 32mo; 14th ed., 1886. 2. Spon s Tables and 
 Memoranda for Engineers, Lon., 1870, b4mo. S. (M.) 
 Spon's Information foi Colonial Engineers: vol. '•. ^••'y- 
 lon, by Deane; vol. ii., Southern Africa, by H;.niy 
 Hill; vol. iii., India, by F. C. Dauvers, Lon., '..7, 
 Hursthouse, Charles Flinders, [.i«(.;Vo'. i 1 
 add.] 1. New Zealand; or, Zeahindia, the Bri ain of , 
 the South, Lon., 1857, 2 vols. p. Svo; 2d ed., 18bl. .. 
 "Australasian Independence;" Remarks in Favour ol 
 the Six Australasian Colonies, Lmi., 1870, 8vo. 
 Hurte, William. A Catccholiciil Commentary on 
 the New Testament, Lon., 1884, 8vo. ,. „ . ,„ 
 Hurler, Ferdinand. (Trans.) The Alkali-Mivker s 
 Pooket-Ilook, by G. Lunge and F. Hurtcr, Lon., 1884, 
 or. 8vo. (This manual was first prepared by a commit- 
 tee of the German Society of Alkali-Makers then con- 
 densed, arranged, and revised by Prolessor Lunge, and 
 afterwards translated into English by i. llurter.) 
 Hu»I>ai>U, Ucv. Edwafd, gr^d.utcd at St. 
 Aidan's; ordained IStift; curate of Folkestone 18,2-78, 
 and since then vicar of St. Michael's, Folkes one 
 Hymns for Catholics, Lon., 1809, Gvo. 2. AH the Year 
 Round with Jesus: a Series of Devotional Readings, 
 Lon., 1871, ISmo. 3. "A Wasted Life:" 6.1X Mission 
 Sermons, Lon., 1875, 12mo. 4. Good Days to Come, and 
 other Mission Sermons, Lon., 1884, 
 Husband, Henry Anhrey. 1. ^-J^""""'';,'"" 
 Questions in Anatomy, Physiology, Ac, Lon., 18, 1 
 Ismo: new ed.. 187C.. 2. Student'.s Hand-1 ,;ok of the 
 rmclicc of Medicine. Edin., 187.^, 12moi 2d ed., 18,8 
 .' The Student's ll.ind-liook of Forensic Medicine and 
 Medical Police, Edin., 1874, 12mo: 3,1 e, 1, ls,0. ^ 
 Sanitary l,aw : a Digest of the S.ui.tary Acts, Lngland 
 ami Scotland, Lon., 188:',, 12mo. I nne in Health 
 „nd Disease: with its Chemical Examination. Lon.. 
 I'lSl '("uio (i. Aids to the Analysis of I'ood aiiJ 
 Drugs, Lon'., 1885, 12mo. 7. The Monthly Nurse: a 
 Few Hints on Nursing, Lon., 1885, 12iiio. 
 Husband, William. Exp,.sition of a Methml o 
 PreservingVaecine Lymph Fluid and Active, Lon., 1800, 
 ^'Husbands, flenient M. Law of M,.r,ie,l Women 
 in Pennsylvania: with a View of the Law ot I rusts m 
 that .^tate, Phihi.. 1878, 8vo. . . ,., , 
 Husenbeth, Very Kev. Frederick Charles, 
 D D 1790-1872, b. at liristol, Eng. ; eiUicatcd at ^e.lg 
 lev Park School and at Oscott College ; ordaine.l priest 
 - 1820: viear-general and i.rovost of Northamptun Iro 'i 
 I ;,85'' 1. Defence of the Creed and Discipline ol the 
 1 Catholic Church, Lon., 1820, sin. 8vo 2. Twcnty-I'om- 
 Original Songs, adapted to Geriniin Melodies Nnrwiy ,. 
 182,, 8vo. 3. (Ed.) lireviarium Romanum, Lon., 1-.,", 
 4 vol's 32iuo. 4. Faberism Exposed and Rcluted, N,m 
 wich 18:iO, 8vo. 5. Emblems of Saints, by which tlH'V I 
 are distinguished in Works, Lon., 1850, 12iiio; ::d ed.. 
 bv A. Jossoup, (Norfolk and Norwich Arclneological S.c. 
 Pub ) 1882 Svo. 0. The llonian (Jueslion • a ReliUation 
 of ft Treatise professing to be " The Truth about ItunH, 
 I,„n., 1852, Svo. 7. The History ot Sedglcy I'ark >ch".il, 
 Staflonlshire, Lon., 1850, Svo. 8. The Convert Martyr: 
 a Di.imu, in Five Act-s ; arranged lioiii '' I allista bv 
 Permission of its Author, J. H. Newm.jn, [verse.] L"ii.. 
 IS'-i? or 8vo: M ed., 1879. 9. Our Rlessed Livly ot 
 Lourdes: a Faithful Narrative of the Illessed \ iinu. 
 M,.:7, Ac, Lon., 1858; new ed., 1870, 18,,io 1 „. 
 Life of the Right Reverend Monsignor \\eedall, 1)1).. 
 Domestic Prelate of His Holiness Pope P'"3 1^- ; "^"'- 
 General of the Diocese, and Provost ol the Chaiiter. "t 
 liirmingham, and President of St. Marys <-,)llegc. n.. 
 cott: including incidentally the Early History ot Oscutt 
 Cidlego Lon., 1880, 12ino. 
 '•Not .vithout interest, even to the general reader umx 
 picture of clerical life among our UuMiaii Catholic fell"«- 
 countrymen."— Sii'. AVi'., ix. 277. 
 11 The Life of the Right Rev. John Milner. D.U., 
 Bishop of Castabalo, Dublin, 1802, 8vo. 12. (Inins 1 
 History of the Blessed Virgin Mary, by the Abbe Orsmi, 
 Lon., 1872, fp. 8vo. Also, many pamphlets and smiiU 
 devotional works. , e .\ 
 Husk, William Henry. 1. An Account of the 
 Musical Jelebrations on St. Cecilia's Day in the .-i.v- 
 teenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries Lon., 
 I 1857, 8vo. 2. (Ed.) Songs of the Nativity, An.ieiit 
 ami Modern : with Notes, Lon., 18(i,S, 4to. 
 I Husniann, George. 1. The Cultivation ot ik- 
 , Native Grape and Manufacture of American W ine^ .\. 
 York, ;8C6, 12mo; new ed., 1880. 2. Grape-Culture ini.l 
 ; Wine-Making in California: a Practical Manual. .-1111 
 Fran., 1887, 12nio. 
 Uussey, E. (i. Home-Building: a Book ot 1 ;ici>. 
 Illust. N. York, 1875, 4to. . , ,. , 
 Hussey, Edward Law. 1. Accidents to \ ihin- 
 teers: a Lecture; 2d ed., Oxf., I860, 8vo 2. ""''f 
 from Various Authors, and iiagmenls of lable-hilk. 
 Afternoons at L»»s»«>»*»», (Littlomore Lunatic .\.<.v- 
 lum,) Oxf., 18":i, 8vo. Anon. 
 Hussey, J. H. (Ed.) The Century of Indciicn- 
 dence, Bost., 1876. Anon. , ,^ r. i„ 
 Hussey, llev. James McConncI, D.D., griJu 
 ated at Exeter College, O.\ford, 1843; ordained l.'il"; 
 vicar of North Brixton since 1865. 1. .!oy lor the Snr- 
 : rowful, Lon., 1855, 8vo; 2d ed., 18,50. 2. Hon.v: ;in 
 I Essay, Lon., 1H78, 8vo. 3. Sciindal and heandiil .M"ii- 
 ' gers.'Lon., 1879, 8vo. . ,, „ 
 I Huston, Mary E. A Summer Journey m Luropc, 
 I Bv Cimsiu Mary. Cin., 1881, 12mo. 
 i IIUHton, li. G. Journey in Honduras, and Jot 
 tings by the Way : Interoeeanic Railwoy, Cin., l^..^^"' 
 I Huston, Rev. Robert. 1. Letters on the Distin- 
 ! guishing Excellencies in the Character of H'!»>a'''ab 
 1 Scripture Personages, Lon., 1843, 2. UhLUs 
 'i»n« un,i ruu,K,„i«: j,;i' • ; ' ;. V •' """• ■»• ^'""■ 
 ,Sv(i. "uiiressed |„ tlio \,n,ng, Un., i.sflii, 
 Hutch, Kev. Hillitn^ i. n . ' 
 her Labour., „„,| thnr Krui./ 1. ,•',*'''''• ''" Lil'N 
 the Blossci Vi «i„\\ .!' i,tr'l ''T "^""' ^"»'i""" " 
 (Trans.) The ti^^vl;,,; ,.""'1 "•,,""•' '•'■^•^' **>'»■ ' 
 Iiiflnietions /or .Voiv rnnV, ^; '^•'i"'.-.) I'ruftieal 
 ,>;•. -^'-.Salvarori/LZ.frstTi 'T ^-^^ '"'""' "^^ 
 I'ra.-inetti, l.on., Imh; ""'" "" '■•">■<"•. by Joseph 
 Ilutclieoil, Mrs I r • I . ' 
 ''""- '•^r7,,,.Svo *2 (i i,nn'f'" r"','"'!. ""e Shadow., 
 " l-eaves froi.i a Jli-ion' ii„,, ' " ,*-"''•' '■'"^■> fntitloU 
 l'"li8ho,l Stones fro „ a 7) "- '" '"'""'" ''<«». 3 
 l.'<S2, 12n,o. '"'" " "™8'' 'i-'K-ry, [a tale,] Un 
 a |-"u::?;,^?:^';:,^--V. .^he Pett,sha,„, : 
 « Xove), I,on., 1 «ru :i V-oti ' n s. ^^ <^""«''t "' "• Trap : 
 Love-Storv, Un liri 9 "• '*• «he a„,i r -.' 
 Stories, Lon., ],s.s,i, ,' Sn, { ■n'^T" P'"''*' "'"' " I'er 
 If'St.or.Svo. fi. Frit/ an Ik! ';.';'"'■ ^""«'- I""«. ' 
 n|Ma;" or, Martin i.eij.-'s L lon^'iss,""' " '''""^- 
 He >cnang I'inite, an,l The U. Pi-.'^'**','' ™- «• 
 and how he dino,i with theA 1 n- . , '' ' '=^ Monltey, 
 111. Tcdfli/. (k V '"' "11! Ailnura! I.ji ' -J.S'i « u., 
 ji. icaay: liio story of a "Tit' .'.:„'' P- ***■"■ 
 I;"n., IHSfi, p. 8vo. il T-ewii, ■■• "Itst- 
 'ho Sargasso .Sea, Lon., I.S«,i . s " •''^"""•- '^ S'"^y "f | 
 of the Variou., Works r*«l„t;, 1 *"'"" "'"""s.ana.- List 
 from I4«8 to I.S.^s; Gl, «;:"'!;" .'^'^ "'""""' ^^""-« 
 Pnnte,, for private eircM,latior'- '^""''- ^» ""l'i«« 
 Hutcheson, William "i ir 
 gi"v. 1X57, p. 8v„. Apocalypse Opened, Ulas. 
 Hutchieson, J. r /pi\r. •■ 
 College, Dublin', ml. ordS, '^A'l^,""'^'' . "' trinity 
 clooney since Isr? (J ,,.,,„' ,'.'-' '''''^tor of Kii- 
 vioes of the Boolt of Com "n T ^"'""^ "" ""e Ser- 
 Belfast, im.i^.Hvo. " '™'=''' "ith Analyses, 
 CuHosity in Cal,fon,r IMu's, ""T"' f ^^'""^"^ "'"d 
 <'l;ed.,illu8t., 187B,j1„ """ F'-an., 1S62, 8vo; 
 I.«,no."^*' **"•""•-■'• I'-^'-f Wi.sdo,n, N. York 
 •• The Person and Work „f.l/e ^'T'l"."' '^'"^''shire 
 " Lectures, Lon., LSOy Svo %, ".'^ i'*"'''-' " •'^'"•i«'s 
 Aspects of the Cross: Seven Ditt'' ?'■•• ^- ^""'« 
 «Jv lS-6, p. 8vo. 3 The ?f„ ""'I.'"'' ''""- l'<72; 2d 
 ■ (Prans.) The Confessions of Sai^t a",?' 'f.«''P-8™- 
 188.i, 8vo. i(. (Trans.) Of the r,n .,.• '^'J'"""' I""'- 
 ThoNms 1 Ken.pi.,, j, ,„' , c "/7. '"""" "^ Christ, by 
 «• (T>ans.) Spi^itu'a iComiat L ""'V ""7- '"^- >88J- 
 Hu c-hin ""r^ ^">«'«-r„:;n''s' "^ '""f""'- "- «<•-, 
 '•■Hilling, Jamgg u I -ri o . 
 ;'<^' an Introduction, lo" Lor ■ ^ «f 7""^^ ^'='' '«"« •• 
 tultici which eyi.t in a^ „!.?!,' • ' ''"• 2. On iJifli. 
 ;-> Acts of I'urlianent L"r l'ji:'5^'*"'"".rf "'« «»"- I 
 »7 Powers and Duties of vrjlrf ' ' J"' ''• ^ *"« ^""i- 
 '■»n., 1809, 8vo. 4 Th! r , "' •^^"''•"" Authorities 
 ''»" and Use of Cana -VoZ T'X" "'», "egis.ra-' 
 A>.-t, LS8a, Lon., 1883, 
 Hv!'"''" "»''''■"«' (England) 
 .„, *'<-''> i "=l'i '"■■ hummer Tourists, Lon.^ Zh/o p" 
 ';t^rj^!::r;i^«-^ru,^„, ,,,^,^,,,,^^^^^ 
 to- of Chinee Philoio , fy'l^^^^^^^^ Ch.p.' 
 "f 'Mcncius; or, i'olit L.l .' ' ^- (Trans.) The Miml 
 ''"l-.I.!.y; frin-tirermlTo'/ „'"'""'-' "" '^•-"' 
 l-"n I,s82, 8vo. '"-i-nmn of Rev. Ernst Faber 
 iliitchiiison, c. f I I) ' 
 j teen Years' Experience lopekaTsT?^"^ ^"""'' ^ ^if- 
 "■• "n Indian jlesorve n llans.U r ' '"""'• ^- ^ ^"'"'^y 
 Ifiino. " '" '^»n«as, Lawrence, Kun., IS71 
 Hutchinson, C. r ti, „ 
 ' iood. Alcohol, an^l Hecf',',,,, 1 1'" ,^"''"'" ^""""-^s •• 
 Hutchinson, Mrs f«' ;..''*■ "• ''*'«■ 
 "f Cl'il.lren, Lon.! l'.'* l2mo ^''^ ^"'''^ ^^'^^^''tion 
 Tr":'!:^"C'x^S'i:;::;-*^^r-^- '■^'-^-e. 
 -Ny.wua : a Field for Mis" o„a ' Vr' '^''"' ^''='"'" 
 Hutchinson, Eiyn ti t. 
 B|"ls,?,!",ro: ^"- '^'--''a V. Songs and Lyrics,' 
 «o«t.. I.s«4, r.C ""'P'""" ''I'ioh r'elate to Music, 
 Hutchinson, Franri. i.- r^ 
 Lon.. 18-8, p. 8vo. ""• ''"» ^^- ■ a Biography, 
 'liitchinson (■ 'I'l. 
 f'i-on: ThriJ,'n;„',''in.i;r'- 'i <^'^-) ^^ Time 
 L<'n., 1887,4to. 2 ^K I 1 t r ?^ ""'' ^ "ot"- Illust 
 -"<" J'oem.' Iliust.- ^L „' Ts^J'^,''' ««' "»"'-■« in PTe tro 
 Hutchinson M„f„'' I, • '9- '^"'o- 
 late of the Si F?"''*^«"- «e«'ge, C.S.r CB 
 retired W6 ZmfT,'^'' ^'''■''^ '" 'ho A lut^y: 
 piled from Authe, tTc Kec/r,l, r""","'"* '" 0'"l«: oomj 
 , Hutchinson, H 1 r ' ^""•' ^*«»' !'• 8vo. 
 I quijy into the Xa'ture Growth" Rlr: " ^t"'' ^ "° ^n- 
 '•'">., 1886, p. 8vo '- Fi"n p '' "^ '^''Ps E.xplained 
 Text-no„ks7Lo„.!-l8:s8,^" h'v^"'-'""^"'^''" •• Note's on the 
 Hutchinson, Horace r' 1 » 
 rHiVchi;i:::;;^!^"W^^^^' """^""^' 
 !">•»•. '«n, i2„,„ „„„7j '•J''" *"1"'"^' "f Josus, 
 ! 'on., 187;;, ,2mo, new ed is'si \ ^r" ^''''^^ I"""! 
 [verse,] Lon., 1873, 12mo ' ■*• •'"'^ ''^0 J"U8, 
 Wheeh'','"i"r„"f',"{; ""••ert. .'• (Tr««s.) Fortune's 
 ingam, Pandit, Lo ."^ 887 T'k""' ^'t ''^ «• Virt"l 
 4^ 'b 
 V ' 
 Ilutchiiisoii, John, M.T). The Sinrometer, the 
 SUahciscoiie, iinil Sciilc Biiliinco: their Use in diacnmi- 
 niUini,' Disoiises of llic Chi'st, l.on., 1S52, 8vo. i 
 lIutcliiiiHuii, Uev. JkIiii, (.icfiitor of l,ichlicia 
 Catlicilnil. I'arish Kirolleetiuiis : a 1-ew IMain f-e;moii,< 
 on Certain Cliur.'h Olisorvanccs. l.ii'liliulJ, l.sji. Svo. , 
 IIutchiilNOli, John. Aric.nia ; or, Recollections | 
 of Wvesiilo: a I'ooni. l.on.. 1850, 12iiio. 
 Hutchinson, John A. l-an.l Titles in A irginni ' 
 nn.l West Virginia: inclii.ling Ta.v Sales, DeeUs, l-or- 
 feitures, Ac., ('in., ISS7. svo. 
 Ilntchiuson, Jonathnn, 1 .U.C.-i., !;-uit''>« "Pi- 
 geon to the I.on.lon llor-pital an.l lo the H^. -p'tal lor Ills- 
 case..- of the Slun. 1. .\ Clinical .M'-moir on Certain 
 Diseases of the Eve and Ear on-secinent on InlKMitea 
 Syphilis, l.on., isiili. Svo. 2. Leetnres on Chniei. .sur- 
 cerv L.'n., lS78-7il, Svo. ;!. Illustrations of Clinieal 
 Surgery; being I'lates, ,te., with lJeseri,,tive I.etler- 
 Press, Lon., IS7S-SS, 2 vols. lol. 4. The l>e,hgree ol Dis- 
 ease : being Six Lectures mi Teniperainent, Mios.ynera^v. 
 nn.l Diathesis, l.on., 1SS4, Svo. 3.,>h>l'_;; ;v.tli Eight 
 Chromo-Lithogi-aiihs, ("Clinical Manuals, ) Eon., l>»i, 
 'llutchinson, Joshua. A lirief Narrative of the 
 Hutchinson Kamily : Sixteen .Sons iin.l Daughters (jt tlie 
 " Tribe of ,Iesse." By .loshu.i., In7I, . 'no. 
 Hutchinson, Murgarite. (Trans.) A Uq.ort of 
 the Kingdom of Congo, Ac, by D. LopaJ ; edited by 
 T. Fdweil liuxton, Eon., I8SI, 8vo. 
 llutchinson, Peter Orlando, a great-grandson 
 of Go'-'crnor Thoin,.s Hutchinson, l-/. r., »„(-■, vol. i.) . 
 A Guide to the Land-Slip near Axuiouth ; 2d ed., bid- 
 luouth, 1840, I2U10. I. The (Seology of Mdmou h and ot 
 SouthJastern Devon, Sidmouth, lS4;i, 12ino. .!. Chron- 
 icles of (iretna (ireen. Eon., IS44, 2 vols. 12ino 4. 
 K Xcw (Snide to Sidmouth and its Neighbourhoo.l, 
 Sidinouth, lS,-)7, 1). Svo; now ed., 2 parts, ls6o. .>. , 
 (Ed ) T'he Diary ind Letters of His E.xeellency Ihomas j 
 Hutchinson, Governor of his Late Majesty's Province . 
 of Massachusetts Bay in North Aincriea; with an Ac- | 
 count of his Government of the Province, Ac, Lon., iss.i, 
 " ■■'Jlmn'ie been experienced ii. <^''i'lli«,^,?,«:''''l'^,,'','',I,'; 
 rendered the book more atiraclive )f ^^^' ^ IS,' h 
 important contribution to a part "'''"[., ''''7,,"'"o'.',t , 
 siill in groat need of ehnddalinii. . We know .In ricuit 
 work imi.-e valuable of ils kiml, with the exception of te 
 •HisKirvof Now York during the Revolutionary War, by , 
 Mr. .hisllee Jones. ■—.4r/i, Nil. 2917. .i„T„«nf 
 Hutchinson, Robert. Treatise on the Law ot 
 Carriers of Goods and Passengers, Chic, Es^J, 8vo. 
 Hutchinson, Robert Fame. 1. Thoughts on 
 the Book of Job, Lon., 1875. p. Svo. 2. A Glossary 
 of Medical and Medico- Legal Terms; 2d ed., Calcutta, 
 ^^^Hutchiiison, Thomas. Ballades and other 
 Khyuiesof a Country Book-Worm, ''»"•' "Jf"''-'™; 
 Hutchinson, Thomas Joseph, M.D. i.K.<i.So 
 F.K.S.E., [nnf, vol. i., add.,] b. 1820, at .Stoneyford, 
 County Kilkenny, Ireland; after taking his medical de- 
 gree, made several voyages to Africa as ships doctor; 
 was British consul for the island of Fernando PoISod-- 
 61, fo. Rosario in the Argentine Republic I861-i(), and 
 for Callao 187(1-7:!. E Impressions of West Afr'oa ; 
 with Remarks on the Diseases of the Climate, Ac, Lon., 
 ]SJ8 p 8vo. 2. Ten Veais' Wanderings among the 
 Ethiopians, Lon., 18(il, Svo. 3. Buenos Ayres and Ar- 
 gen.ine Gleaning.-, Lon., 1S65, Svo. 4 The Paranii; 
 with Incidents of the Paraguayan War, and .South 
 American Recollections from 18«l to ISOS, L.m., IsbS 
 Svo 5. Up the Rivers and through some Territories ot 
 the Rio de la Plata Districts, Eon., 1868, Svo. fi. /Two 
 Years in Peru; with Explorations of its Antiquities: 
 with Map by Daniel Barrera and Numerous Illustrations, 
 Eon.. 1874, 2 vols. Svo. ,, ^ „j 
 • FiUed with the experiences of a earefiil observer, and 
 enriched wit I the taslt- of a lover of the picturesque in na- 
 re and arc . . ks an antiquary lie i^JP^^'-^'V" ^'j^^'^!^^ 
 at times to take a critic's breaili away.' -M. hev . xxxv il. 
 ■'■''•Contains much useful Information, partly reprinted 
 from the volume of Consular KciM.rts I'f^vn^f ' ' , ' ^[1? 
 tncnt and from English newspapers In Peru, and partlj 
 Pn't'ed'for'th? fllsf tlnm . lAi. this -eful Portion is 
 works ?rSespeculati<,ns auddepreAtonofallpr^^^^ 
 writers of distinction on Peruvian history. -CLfcMtNTS k. 
 MARKHAM;./lcua., V. '222. ia7« « «,.« 
 7. Summer Holidays in Brittany, Lon., 1876, p. 8vo. 
 ■'xhe author . . . seems to have mastered one thing 
 thoroiiglily,-the style of a penny-a-liner. -Sat. Uev.. xliv. 
 ■'■^llutchinson, William. The Last Shilling; or, 
 PerJe'erIre Rewarded; 2d ed., S.ock.mrt, 87(1. 12,no. 
 llutchinson, WilUani. 'The Spirit of Bree- 
 masonry: with Notes by Rev. G. Olivei, N. \ork, 1S7I, 
 '"llutchinson. Rev. William, M.A., graduated at 
 Trinity College, Dublin. 1S4S; ordained 1848; vicar of 
 llowden .since I sf,2. The Making of the English Church ; 
 t.ild briellv, in Six Lectures, Eon., 188t). Svo. 
 llutchinson, tJcn. William Nelson, retired 
 I. Dog-lireaking; the Most Kxpeditnms Certain, and 
 Easy Method, Lon., 1848; 7th ed., em., 1SS2. 2. Bn- 
 ..ade Drill as established by Order and the 1 sage ol the 
 Service Eon., ls:).'i, Svo: new ed., rev., 1802. 
 iViitchison, Rev. J^nens Barkly, I\.D., gradu- 
 ated at (ioeen-s College, (^aiobri.lge ; >ncumbent o St 
 ■lames's, Devoniioit. I, Memormis of the Abbey ol 
 Dundrennan, in '(Jalloway, ExeU-, 18,^7, 4to. P"v;"^'l.v 
 iirinted 2. A Monograph of the History and Restora- 
 tion of the Parish Church of St. Mary, Callington, Eon., 
 '^il'u'lciiison, Frederick J., and Macgregor, 
 Ilcnrv (Jray. .Militarv Sketching and Reconnaissanoc, 
 r Milifarv Illnd-Books:' ) Hlust. Eon., 1878, 12,no. 
 Hutchison, G. A. 1. (Ed ) Cricket: n Popular 
 Hand-Book of the Game, Eon., ISS, p. Svo. 2 (Ed.) 
 Football: a Popular Hand-Book. By Irvine, AIcock 
 Ac. Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 3. (Ed.) In-Door Games and 
 Recreations: a Popular Encyclopa;dia for Boys, Lon., 
 "^ilntchison. Rev. George, of the Church of 
 Scotland. Sermons, Edin., 1872, p. Svo. 
 Hutchison, John. Hymns and Passages of Scrip 
 ture for Divine Worship, Dunferm ine, 18(il, lOmo. 
 Hutchison, Rev. John, D.D. 1. Our U,a- 
 Messages to the Seven Cliurches of Asia, Lon., S.Sl, p 
 Svo. 2. Lectures, chiefly Exiiository.on St. Paul s lu.-t 
 and Second Epistles to the 'i'hessalonians : with Notes. 
 i Lon 1884, 8vo. 3. Lectures, chiefly E.qmsitory, on M. 
 Paul's Epistle to tlie Philipidans, Lon., 1887 Svo. 
 Hutchison, John. The Practice cf Banking: 
 embracing the Cases at Law and in Equity bearing upon 
 ; 11 Branches of the Subject, Eon., 18S1-87, 3 vo s. b^o. 
 : Hutchison, John, M.A. CTrans.) The German 
 I Universities for the Last Fifty Years, by Johannes 
 Conrad: with Notes, L.m.,, Svo. 
 Hutchison, Rev. John Russell, D.D., IMi,- 
 1S7S, b. in Columbia Co., Pa.; graduateil at Jeffcrsnii 
 Colleee in 1820; held pastorates in Mississippi an.l 
 Louisiana; was professor of ancient languages in Ojik- 
 land College, Mi^-s., lS42-.'>4, and afterwards engage, ,n 
 mission work in Houston, Tex. Reminiscences, SketolHS, 
 and Addresses selected from my Papers during a Minis- 
 try of Forty-Five Years in Mississippi, Louisiana, an.t 
 Texas, Houston, Tex.. 1874, i2mo. 
 Hutchison, Joseph Chrisman, M.D., LED., 
 IS"2-IS87, b. at Old Franklin. Howard Co., Mo. ; gni.i- 
 uated in the medical department of the University ..1 
 Pennsylvania in 1848; surgeon to the Brooklyn Cit, 
 Hospital and to the Brooklyn Orthopredie Inhr.nary, an. 
 professor of operative and clinical surgery in Long l.slaiiJ 
 College Hospital, 186()-fi7. 1. History and Observa ..^as 
 on Asiatic Cholera in Brooklyn, New York, in 18.,1, N. 
 Y'ork 1854 2. Dishication of tin- lemur into tlio l^- 
 chiatic Notch. 3. Treatise on Phv-ioh,gy and Hygiene 
 N York 1870 12rao. 4. Contributions to OrthopoUn 
 Surgery.' Hlust. N. York, 1S80, cr. Svo. 
 Hutchison, Rev. Robert Pender, M.A., grad 
 uatcl at Corpus Christi (Jollege, Cambridge, 84.1 . .r- 
 dained 1843;' rcct.r of Martyr Worthy, W'"'^'';' ' 
 since 18P9. 1. Sermons to Children, Lon., 185.!, 
 2. The Lord's Supper a Feast of Reconciliation, L.m., 
 188,^, Ifimo. Also, single sermons, Ac. 
 Hutchison, William. Illustrated H'story 'f 
 Washington and his Times, Norwich, Conn., 18,2, svo, 
 "''Hntciuson, W. H. Florio, Pen and Pencil 
 Sketcnes : being Reminiscences during Eighteen ) a » 
 Residence in Bengal. Edited by Rev. John « ilM. 
 Lnn„ 1S83. Svo. , , f 
 Huth, Alfred Henry, b. 1850, in London ; son ,,! 
 Henry Huth, i„/ni ; educated at Rugby Sohool 1861-97 ■ 
 atendel lectures at' London University 1867--6S and » 
 the University of Berlin 1869-71. He trave led in lb 
 East with Thomas Henry Buokle, .upro, 1861-1)^, » 
 member of th. 
 Marriage of Ni 
 Laws of Natior 
 1875, 8vo: 2d 
 Humanoe Salvi 
 printed, 75 cop 
 on Marriage t. 
 Appendi.x to tl 
 IS79, Svo. 4. 1 
 Buokle, Lon., D 
 "It is not easy 
 ms as a philoc 
 shipped by 'tlii 
 considered Mr. It 
 have become aec 
 .l.iclrlne of evoli 
 'Hisloryof Civili 
 llathybius. \y to 
 coldness. He fou 
 r»'.sted uiiaildressi 
 eiices. . . , Mr. H 
 inth rare siiieerli 
 philosopher as hi 
 ^ "Mr. Huth'shfo 
 been made sliorte 
 Hulh is worth all 
 all that is wor'li 
 historian."— .-leaf/. 
 5. The Employ 
 6. (Trans.) Goeth 
 Metre, Lon., 188!) 
 Huth, Frede 
 Horses and Equi 
 Jli|»pology, Lon., 1 
 Huth, Henry 
 school; was a ban 
 the collector tii thi 
 the exception of L 
 his death came int. 
 I (Ed.) Ancient I 
 England in the Si 
 Lon., isr>7, 4to. 5. 
 Journey of an IrisI 
 Year 1.572, Lon., Is' 
 ■'■■ (Ed.) Fugitive ' 
 511 copies, privately 
 ll.UI.ITT, \V. C. 
 llntson, C'. W 
 N- York, 1888, I2in. 
 Hntton, Alfre 
 Lon., 1867, Svo. 2. 
 eing. Lon., ]8fi7, 8v( 
 Hutton, Rev. 
 tiated at Exeter C.W:, Lincolnshin 
 filic Church and enti 
 'i'lie Anglioan Minis 
 ti'in to the Cathidh 
 I'relace by his Eminc 
 " The book is extrei 
 Ijomts at issue with tt 
 Hutton, Barba 
 get tlirough it : prae 
 Lon., IS(i:i, LSmo. •' 
 Lon., ISfi7, I2mo. 3' 
 '•on., 1868, Il'mo. ' 
 Hlust. Lon., lS(i!i, 1: 
 the Saracens. Illu«t 
 Cross; or. The Vow'c 
 l-i"o; new ed., 1883. 
 'iiiis of Montrose.) 
 Hutton, Enoch. 
 ("ii.le to Poultry.Kee|: 
 Chur.'h: tho Wrong 
 . 8"'^•'<vo. 2. The (.'as: 
 Lon., 187,s, 8v„ 
 "( "a'ihani College, 
 ,»v.„t Oiinlen, from 
 f-'|'l.iniit.,ry, „„rt pr„, 
 "'burn. Isas [o,,,,. 
 and Last Six Dis'course, 
 ».* f. Hale, Lon., 1863 
 Mutton, Henry i 
 .'■ *'"'lern Warfare: its 
 '«y. I-on,, LSofl, 8v„. 2, 
 w <i . ' 
 ^ --riage tetwccn Near Ki^ "repHn'u ""'' ''"""^" ' 
 . " It Is not uasy u, . „j. „.)„ t is Mr K„.b, • »""=»"« "f Iml v I,o„ "^ 18,-^™".""' "^ ""« "^ •■"«» a"J 
 NJi pped bv '»hit.i-r.«. • I. v^' J^"'^'* «Ko he wim u'nr (. ^'^"'^'^ft'ind the MannPTiji^kf *i, i^ . .. 
 J. The Emploj,meiit of Womfin T.„„ "ti,„k„„, 
 1 NS2 
 olicrhurch and enteVed tLe oXTof t'^r,-" i""". 
 Hiitton, Ilarbnrn i ir < 
 l-on. 1868, 12^; '4''""!: ""he Crusades. Illust. 
 the Saracens.' Illu t ,"'„ Tsro V,"'' ' /" T^'e' of 
 f>»^s; or, The V»w of Mnn/rf ' ?!",'"■ •=• The Fiery 
 '-'"'".• new ed., "si "' "7f»'^o- ton., ml 
 'i"i«of Montrose!) ' biography of the tirst Mar^ 
 Hiittou, Eiinrli Ti. n 
 -"'"■■ -■'• dinc^ 7" Tracts for P,''™';''''" T^^ '''i"'"P'«'^ «f Evi- 
 y Morning: how ,„ , p. Svo. * 2. Thl Kel«tfvrv',""'^/^°»'''''") I""'-. lS<i2, 
 Housekeeping, Ac, plishu,ents n the Rduea "T "/»f.""''^^^ "nd AcconH 
 eir Heroes. Illust. Ur,., 1«62, «vo 3 s,," , " l*^ .""'""^n ■■ «■ Lecture, 
 Crusades. Illust. Sketohes of UadinVl ' i fi'" ' V""""^"' ^ -^ S-^ries of 
 Kssays, Theologtoa^and 1""'' .""- '**""' i'" "'o- "•• 
 ume deals with theological „,„,;' ■-'L '^'"' T' ™l- 
 of Goethe, Wordsworth Sh.llBvH ■ ^"""'"^ '""'s 
 Clough. HawthorL an.r t . -ro^rr?"';?,' ''T^" !='''"• 
 uient. A selection frun thn „ • if^ "'^ ""' "''' ^ei-ta- 
 thor was pubn.,„e:, u'n', c 'r'tiTro? ?.' vf " ">' "j". -"- 
 «ry Criticism," Phi|„ . |s7(i lOn'o!) ^^' '" ^''•^'■- 
 Church: (he AVronij and th.' H ' ;"• '• ^ho Irish ' i,.'^,',''- H|i"on is an eminJn l" t 
 8«^ «vo. 2. The Case of D oJtr'l^^' ' ^'^ <^''- ^on., i X .'.'.s' ll'' " *. ' i'tlo loo lu.i '„.,'& 
 •Lo"., 1878, Hvo. '" "^ D'»establ,shment in Scotland i vfgorZ: d?r""'"v'rp""'' ^^'">"''f 
 .ipreeiative and Intel- 
 cii toccrmin leniinine 
 thegraceiul tliaii the 
 6 i (r . ' < 
 ■ - -:on. Mrs. Ilichard Holt. H..lia»y Rnmbles I ISfil! he was elceteii pro(V.,s„r of cou.parutivo nni.Nm.y to 
 '"^uitonrii:;: itXrt Shaw, M.A. . ,. ^^ ^^:^^'^ ::s^z7.^:k:::^i 
 ltai„K l.y .or, Truths for a T>,„e ol Awakenmg (i ...- ; J 'f, "V;",, .^ se,,.:,| „f Loivnc, at S<M,>h,-. 
 gow ls;-,2 (Muu 2 A [--"',0^'^;';"; , .";,;', , ;" U laor, an,l was olcctecl president of the Uoy„l 
 Truths lor Karnest Times, Lon., 1802, cr. .--vo , ne» lm., ^ u^^^^ ,^^ ^^^^^ - ^^^ j^^. ^^^ ^^^ con.i.ellod bv overwork 
 I SSI, 12mo. 
 Illltton, S. K. Dessie I'cunimore: a lalo ot 
 L'ouiitry-Town Chihircn, I,nn.. IS.Hj, p. -Svo. 
 Illltton, C'apt. Thomas, of the V,m%\\\ nnuy. 1. 
 Tlie Chronology of Crealicui; or, (ieology an. I .S'npture 
 Heconcileil, l.o'n., IS.M.Svo; new ei!.. IStlO. 2. Israi'l 
 in till' I'list, tlie Present, and tlie Fnli'-i- ; or. Lectures on 
 the KestonUion of the .I.'ws, l,on„ ISJtl, 12nio; 2(1 cd^, 
 ISCitl, ;i. The I'onsuiumation, l.on., IMill, cr, 8vo. 4. 
 I're-Adaniilo Death proved to be a Ooologioal Delusion, 
 '^HuS,'nev. Vernon Wollnston, graduated U;eO,"u;es,,fthe^Pl.enmnena of Organic Nature, hein, 
 at Trinity <'olle;,'i-, Cambridge, l-^lll: ordained IMio 
 to resign ihat appointment together with his other offic,,-, 
 retaining only liis )iosilion at tlie t'chool of Scii'nce. lie 
 has conlribr'cd largely to the Tran?aelioiis .jf varioii-- 
 s.dcntitic societies and to leading Knglish reviews. I. 
 till the Kducational Value of the Natural llistm-y Si'i 
 enees, Loii., lS,il, Svo. 2. (Trans.) On Tape and Cysiic 
 Worms; with an InU-odiiclion on the Origin of Intestinal 
 Worms, by Carl Tlieodor von Siebidd, (Sydenliam .-^or. 
 Pub.,) lion., l.s.')7, Svo, 3. Evidence as to Man's Plaro 
 in Nature, Lon., IS(i3, Svo. 4, On our Knowledge ' 
 vicar of Sue ntoii, Nottinghanisl-.ire, isii.s. I. Conles- 
 sion and Ab.-ohitiun ; 2d ed., Nottingham, IS,0, Svo. L, 
 Ueasons for being a High Churchman: 2d ed., Notting- 
 ham, 1S70, Svo. ;i. " High Church :" What is it? Lon., 
 1S70, 8vii. 1. A Help to Uepentanec, I.on,, 1870, ;!2ino; 
 2J ed., 1S7I. .'i. Aids to a New Life, Lon,, 1871, :!2nio. 
 B, Church Authority: its Mode of E.xpression ai;.l its 
 Limits, Lon.. lS7.i, ■|2mo. 7. (Kd.) Aids to Communion , 
 with God: a .Manual lor Comniunicanis ; new e ... enl , 
 1S7!I, Ifimo. s. The Sun of Kighteousness : .Meditations 
 on the Karly Life and .Ministry of Our Lord and Saviour, 
 • on., 1SS7, p. Svo. 9. The Corn of Wheat : Miditaticms ; 
 on the Later .Miuislry, Pa.ssion, and Resurrection of Our , 
 Lord :ind Saviour, Lon,, 18SS, p. Svo. , 
 Ilutlon, Walter S., C.E. 1. The Works-Man- | 
 ager's Uand-liook of .Modern Rules. Ac, Lon., 1S84, 8vo; 
 3d ed.. enl., ISSIi. 2. The Miller's, Corn-Merchant s, 
 and I'a'rmer's Ready Reckoner; 2d ed., Lon,, ISSli, 12iuo. 
 ;i. The Practical Engineer's Hand- Rook, Lon., ISSi, 
 Svo: 2d eil.. enl., 1S88. 
 Hutton, William. Canada: its Present Condition, 
 Prospects, and Resources, Lon.. 1854, 12iiio. 
 Illltton, Kev. William Ilolden, graduated, first 
 class History, at .\Ligdalen College, O.tford, ISS.; 
 ordaincu I8S5; Fellow of St. John's College and lec- 
 turer in modern history since 1884. \. The Political 
 Disturbances which acemnpanied the Early Period ol 
 the Ref.irmation in (iermany, (Stiinhope Prize Lssay ) 
 0.\f., 1881, Svo. 2. (Ed.) The Misrule of Henry lU., 
 (" English History from Contemporary Writers,") Lon., 
 1887, ISino. 3. (Ed.) Simon of Montfort and his 
 Ct.Hse, ("English History from Contemporary W riters,") 
 'iiiitton, llev. W'yndham Madden, 18:)l-18s2; 
 educated at St. Edmund Hall, O.\fonl ; vicar of Plungar 
 18(i0-lil, of Tipton Isei-li'J, of Kirk-Christ-Lezayre, 
 lale of Man, l86',l-77, and from then of Twyford, Ac. 
 I. Poems. B7 a Member of the University of Oxford. 
 Oxf., 1851, 8vo. 2. liertha's Dream, and other Talcs, 
 rverse,"! Frome Selwood, 18()8, 16mo, 3, Gottfried's Pil 
 Si.\ Lectures to Working-.Men, Lon., 180:',, p. 8vo. ... 
 Lectures on the Elements of Comparative Anntomv : 
 vol. i., Lon., 1804, Svo. (No more imblished.) 0. An 
 Elementary Atlas of Comparative Osteology, Lon., ISDI, 
 fol. 7. Palie(intologialndica: Verteb-nte Fossils. Fasc. 1. 
 Lon., ISOli, r. 4to. 8. Lessons in Elementary Physiology, 
 Lonl! IsiiO, lOmoi rev. ed., ISS.'j, 12ino. 11. An Inti..- 
 duction to llie Classification of Animals, Lon.. 181)11, 8\... 
 1(1. I'rotoplasui : the Physical liasis of Life: reprinl. I 
 from the " F..rlnightly Review," .Melliourne. 1801), S\.,; 
 new ed., enlitled "On the Physical Rasis of Life," 111 
 "Half- Hours with Modern Scientists." II, Lay S.r- 
 mons. Addresses, and Rcvieus, Lon., 1870, Svo; 2.1 e.i.. 
 IS71. 12. Essays : selected from Lay Sermons, Ac, Lon., 
 IS7lj p. Svo: 2d ed., 1875. 13. .V .Manual of tlie Aiwi 
 imiy'of Vertobrated Animals,, 1871, 12nio. It. 
 tri'ti.Tues and A.ldrcssos, Lon., 1873, Svo. 
 "Ill this interesting ami instructive yoliinie tliirte.n 
 essays are eidleoled.orlgiiiMllv pul.lislie.l lietweeii 18i;<i imd 
 1871" but each certainly of permanent value, 'lliev wvw- 
 eate. as their aceoniplished aiilhor says, ' the liiKh-wiii.i 
 niiirk of the varicuis tides of oecupntion by wlileh he In - 
 been carried alone since the beginning ot 1870. . . . I .. ■ 
 oticning essays are ethical in their snbject-nialter; llic 
 l)!idv of (he work Meats of vari.uis bi.d.^icai ami palajonii.- 
 loL'ical or as we should rather say, ontogenetic, nuestion-. 
 and the closing essa' is on the Uerkeleian Metaphysics.' 
 -Mh., No. '^377. 
 15. A Manual of the Anatomy of Invertobrated Ani- 
 lualsi Lon.. 1S77, 12nio. 10. American Addresses: niili 
 a Lecture on the Study of Riologv, Lon., 1877, Svo. 17. 
 Physiograiihy : an Introduction to the Study of Natiir. . 
 Illust. Lon., IS77. 11. Svo; new ed., 1880. 
 "A very ('harming book. . . . The subject is introdiin d 
 by an iniaginarv visit t.i London liriilu'C, the observali.iii 
 <jf the llowing of the slreani uii.l the rise and fall o( ilic 
 tides and from Ibis starting-point the luitunil plicn..iMch;i 
 eoiin'ectc.l with rivers are lully traced. . . . Many siil.j. . i- 
 i arc iiitniducc.l wlileh sccni to have so little to do with \W 
 \ Thames that, on turning over its pages, it appears hlic 
 ' a of .'.elachcd treatises having little rehiiLiii 
 to one another.— elicmical experimciils, ineteoroloci.iil 
 charts, solar protuberances, ilcep-sea soundings, are all lu- 
 eluded,— but mi reading the book from the beginiiina. 
 begin will continue to the end,) it i 
 (and most wl ^t. — - • , 
 ^^Uim^T an' Alh:gory ; '3d edl, rev Dudley, 1808, 18nio | iJ-^J';^.,;;;',,^'^^ ^^, -'; ^^l^^^^S ^^^W inv 
 IIux, John Mod well. A Mirror of trance and ;;{;};[\,V,,",',,,„:S,„, i„ v.mmr neonlc an Interest in the rhc 
 Rel.'ium for the Present Day, Lon,, 18,^1, 18mo. 
 Hnxtord, Alfred Lear, an.l W ay, J. Albert. 
 Portsmouth Lyrics, Portsmouth and, 1S50, Svo. 
 Huxhain,'john. A New System of Short-Hand, 
 Lon., IS.iO. 12mo. , t r^ 
 Huxley, Thomas Henry, M.D., Ph.D., LL.D., 
 F.R.S., b. 1825, at Ealing, Mi.Mlosex : was educated 
 partly at the school in that town, of which his^ father 
 was one of the masters ; studied medicine at the Charing 
 Cross Hospital in London ; passeu the first e.vamination 
 for .^LB. at the rniversity of Lon.lon in 1845, with 
 honors in physiology, unil in 1840 took the diploma of 
 tlie Royal College of Surgeons and cntcre.1 the royal 
 navy as assistant surgeon. In 1847 he was appointed 
 to the " Rattlesnake," commissioned for the survey of the 
 barrier reef of Australia, New Guinea, and the Louisiade 
 In 1855 he was ap]iointed professor of 
 producing in yoniig people an Interest in llic 1 
 iionieiia of nature.''— .sjKc/nfor, li. 123. 
 18. Hume, ("English .Men of Letters,") Lon.. 1^:;', 
 '" Besides its value as an exposition of Hume's tluni'-'lK, 
 it will be found of great use as a first iiitroduct to 
 niodorii philosophy."— .Sa(. i;<T., xlyli. 'ill. 
 " .-Xs a wliole. it is a very successful piece of expos1ln.11 
 and criticism.''- James Amd., xv. 170. 
 lit. ..eionee Primers: Introductory, Lon., 1880, lsiii... 
 20. The Crayfish : an Introduction to the Study of /.• ■ 
 .dogy. Illust. Lon., I88II, Svo: 4th ed.. ls84. 
 " 'fhe reader (d' this valuable monograph will lay it .i"«:i 
 with a feelini; of wonder at the amount and varuiy n 
 matter which has been got (iiit of so sccniiimly slight ami 
 unpretending a subject.'— S'df. 7i'(r., xlix.2.')0. 
 21. Science and Culture, and other Essays, Lon.. psl, 
 What is the function of science in modern cultun? 
 Archii.elago. In 1855 he was appointed prole.ssor o. , .,,,„^'^"j;;' ,;;' i,','- ,i;-„Ji,V thcsubject' for discussion in 
 natural history at the Royal School ot Mines, and in tne ■, ,.„iu,jig ,„ ,nr „s it can be said to deal with any on. -ub- 
 same year Fullerian professor of physiology to the Royal 1 \^^^^ rj.|,^. ^^^^ f,,^^ essays deal directly witli it ui idii' 
 Institution, and e^,lminer in physiology and compara- 
 tive anat'jmv at the T'nivnrsity of London. On the pro- 
 mulgation of the r.o winian theory he became at once 
 its strongest suppc-ter; his influence both in bringing 
 about its aoceptane 1 in the highest scientific circles and 
 in m iking it popularly known has been very great '- 
 fion to education, scientific, university, technical, aial 
 domestic. Essays v., viil.. xi., and xli. deal with epi.^odcs 
 : 111 the iil.story of science coniiccfcd wilh the nsp-.js "i 
 rricstley, Aristotle, Deseartt*, the early evolulhmists. and 
 .Mr. Darwin. The sixth essay deals with seientlHc nuihoil 
 ; and is fiiunded (Ui a text given by Ycdtain'; tli 
 " 'lioloi 
 In i and tenth discuss problems of bio 
 igy and| iis 
 I iHis 11,0 v„lui,.o a "a « *'' 'v,rr,';T'V'' "',",' '"iMllflne. 
 "■- I'l.iniR.ciKiii Hill, oila., h'i'k ''.'"""li'ni .-cicnci. aii,l 
 '"•,li.];jl.y/-.l//,., Su ■x\l, '• "' '"'"""' llHmglit aiKl , 
 keen i„ 1 e t' ' f '^^"^^^^^ 'I'"-, -ut allol;! 
 22. Inaugural M.v n ,,■ , t f' -''"''''"'"M v. !.'(.«. 
 ■i'css I.„„.r l«sX M :,^Wi, "r^"''"'-^' '••"■'^'^'-•^^ A,l. 
 -TucMon in I3le,n7„, ,:v iii,: ,, ;"'r:„"' .'^L-'-"' I"- , 
 .,iS';M'?te,»;,'i;J«:/t Washington, D.C. ; 
 ""J ^'f the Ian on S ic^ ifil' i=T ,'^™''';'"^'' "' ^ale 
 oamo a curator in the E sov In f' .'"'■ "^ """"■•'' ! I'«- 
 IVSI has been curat r of 11^0 .?, "" '? u"^"' ■'"'' ''i"^" 
 rrofossor „f /ooln.ri,^ , '""■^e,'"" »f the sooioty anil ' 
 Water i'oly;,,,,,. II st £m .V '"''l';'''""' "" P''''^''- i 
 2o»lo,y. IMu,,t.' tamb fge 'SI" 'Is:^;'"!"™"? ' 
 .«|iuii 110. 4. About I'ebb e< 7!ii«t wo n. ' 
 5. Couirnereia and orhnr •>., J^ 't, ' '^'3, Itmio. 
 <i. tVantnon Hydro dO,rat'?^f ',","?'- ""'•'' '«'''°- 
 1^-", l".no. 7. The bv ler r ''•'^'""'"''^■■"'^ Host.. 
 M..!lu9k.,, Host., ISsS ill 'o J"';V""'' """"■ ^'"''»""' 
 8an W! is,l7,"7„o """''■'^o"'' 'o Grape-Culture, 
 Hyatt, Tliadilciis l ti,„ d ,™ ' 
 Ja.aes Jiuehanan, I're'ident of fh» r'T"","/ ^- "y"" '" 
 I'air of Kansas, Wash, I8fiO 11 -"'^t' n"""' '" "''■ ' 
 Hyd", Alexander. "? ,f "f' M''^^'-. '•'^Ss, 4to. 
 Ci''^'^>ts^'^l^-l^: '''';, g^Ouated at Corpus ;' 
 Ii'aorTemplc 1862. ,.;„■', "'J""'' '" ""« bar at the 
 Inner Te,np;o 1871- ' '," y^'n'''"™' *"- »' "'^ , 
 guod and detern.inodd„r;J,.\. '""■'' "f Cases nr- ' 
 in the High cZtot I'v^^'''^''"' '^'''- <">'i '8fi3 
 Bengal. CaleuUrls.i , 8v„ 2" T.,:' />'' "J"'"""' '" 
 A-f : with Introduction Sv^onti/ ^{"'"'" S»™''«»ion 
 J'kI,.; professor of mathematfcs nn,!^. / "'. '^'^^inaw, 
 clm|,l,,in of St. John's r '..'■' ""'"'"e*! 1.^78; 
 «nm« the Heart. Un.iSs? lYoio ' ^"'°"'" "" """■ ^ 
 V^^MiJA ^Z^^ .^t.'"^ «f ^'-t and I 
 - Hi.or„ Mode of CuU^u're, I^ k'vZ.XS:: 
 Sra^aled ti't UiriS^^lTn^a't .T'"' "'.^"^"''"'' ^-"- ^ 
 "'• tbo Iniversitv , l.' "If "'." '?'-""="l ''eparlmen 
 fkin and veneroar |i«.a eT ^,7/' ,^«» ! P-Uor of 
 lege, Chicago. I K, ,V' v ',"■ ',,„""«'' ^^'o'''™l Col- 
 Treatise on Disc, s.', of tin.' ^'^' m-',' ^^ ^ ''™'i«»l 
 Hyde, Jinneg -p . ., 
 "' Instruction, fur St, dents ,.nl ™'".?.',"' '"^ *'""»"' 
 q"itc,s. (.•hi,,.,lsN/iC, ' ""'" ^''""Shtful In- 
 'in,.., tl,e buslt.ess c,,,i,|,,H ,';,'V;, 'bat.,cvei, at the present 
 |;w..«™n interest it L '^:iu;e;^;l;i't|;-;;'-;-. -J^ij. i, JJ. 
 M,"?::l';„!!*y^/;'|^;;,;;^f^>vc,,e,,,,o,.gia„ ...i,,,,,,, ,[ 
 Vork, 1S57, 12, 2 , '"' ^'''"l^"^- Hlust. N 
 Student. Lon. ,'s,U 'i^ ^'^'r ""' """»^«- ^^ - «iblo' tI""",',-,'?' Character: its 
 1«J.S svo. Also,si,:^le",":i„,,^!f ';;;"''^«"'J^'nt. Lon., 
 catio?,t,:i-',::.ti"ery';,"';h?h ''''•f;l'r"---r of fortifl. 
 lege. Addiscoinbe!^ El" ,*'r '"'""" '^'ili'my Col- 
 W. Instil, ,.. .sv„;'2,l-ed.!enl7, l"""^''"' "'' """'""-.V, 
 I'ocn'^' %y ;;,';„^,; r,'^,,';;;"'""^ I^aylcrcam, and other 
 Hyde,Mnr e I ' i^ ^ ^'"'- ''^■^"' '-'mo. 
 I-n„ isrli, {"'re-;:8,'j™'"'"l"">"'eWate,-s: a Xovel, 
 I nl\itt^,:, i88n''e:."svr' "" '''"'" ""'■ c'"-"'" -f 
 l«y'^^o;^!;^:;;-,„Aj,-;J n-i„iam A Natural 
 Pronhets, ',„"!:, ,^85. pT,: ''""'"«-^ "" ""c Minor 
 ' SoufiriVom^^e'C' 'Jf "■•>■' P-R-S- Flowers of the 
 186. e. 4t. po:;is:Sar/d?„y'.fri^-:':rr' ''-•■ 
 of Ja.uuiea. 1. The IW, e ,f r » ?" ''• '" ••"■ '''""'^ 
 «f IS«:<. I'almyra. NJ 8-s ^f^^'''"^- "" Episode 
 Northern Talc, P„„,vr;' N I ' .'ji',',"'. ^- ^'''"'y^'J •• "■ 
 Grave of John 0d,.n4,ri' n' ' '""• ■*• ^^ove the 
 I Confedernt on, by H -L t ■^''^"'^ ','"' North-Gern, 
 2. The X«tio,,U or the p! r "'',''^'. I"'"-' l**'", P. Svo. 
 IWin? Lon.. 1880, Svo f at"' ^.^'^^ ''^'''^h ''hall 
 I the Holy Land : 2d ed Lon ts^r "'c'"'S>> Europe and 
 of the Public Career of the V 1 ' P-„^''°' *■ ^ ^^'"=^ 
 [•^r^^^^^^^^:;!;,,^^^^^- '8^2, graduated 
 the Pall Mall G«z;ite n t" e m Mat ' ^''-o.'""""'""! of 
 i one of the founders of the Li n ""'"""I'g" o*" 'SfiB; 
 in 1881. ]. The IncUan Fnn?i?I T'-'.^^A''" P<^deration 
 Lon., 1877, Svo. 2 The Te n ""'^/'ifC'-isi. in India, 
 ''■"^ for All. Lon ; I»81, 8 "-^'t^?,??^-^- Eog.' 
 of,;Soeialisra in England U« '88s ,? "'«"'"™' Bwis 
 K.JllS^^^}:ii^p^%^,^\,. views Of 
 the faults of ilarxl Kreat u rb""^' ["""t*; it has most of 
 "W.. Vet.tisaslne^e^a'l.VcoSaru.^KVK^lV;? 
 to the KngUsh reader a system nf tlinujjht which has had, 
 and Is likely to have, a eonslilerable Inliuence. "— vl«i<l., 
 xxvl. 41. 
 4. The Bonkruptcy of India: an Enquiry into the 
 Administration of India under the Crown, Lon., 1886, 
 Hvo. With MoKRis, William, A Summary of the Prin- 
 ciples of Socialism, Iion., 1S84, Hvo. 
 Hyndman, William. History of a Cavalry Com- 
 pany; a Complete llooord of Compiiny A, 4th Ponnsyl- 
 vania Cavalry, during the Late Civil War, Pbil^i., 1870, 
 Ilyneman, Leon, [>Mif«, vol. i., add.] 1. The 
 Fundamental Principles of Science: Throe Original 
 Kssavs, liOBt., 1876, Svo. 2. Freemasonry in Kngliirid 
 from"l.')rt7 to ISi;!, N. York, 1S77, l2mo. 
 Hyncman, MrN. Kebckah. The Leper, and 
 other Poems, Phila., 1853, 12mo. 
 Ilyslop, Janieti. Poems: with a Sketch of his 
 Life, .to., liy P. Mearns, Qlaspiw, 1SS7, p. Hvo. 
 Ilyslop, Willinm. (Ed.) Cheerful Words: Ser- 
 mons xpeoially adapted for Delivery before Inmates of 
 Lunatic Asylums, Lon., 1874-75, 2 vols. p. Hvo. 
 ' IKS ' y • 
 lams, F. M. 1. Behind the Scenes: Sketches from 
 Real Life. liy a Pastor. Cin., 1SS3, 12mo. 2. Before the 
 Footlights, [a defence of Baptist tenets,] Cin., 1885, 12mo. 
 Ibbersun, George. The Woollen Manufacturer's 
 and Overlooker's Guide, Lon., 18JH, l?mo. 
 IbbetBon, William John, M.A., Fellow of thi' 
 Royal Astronomical .Society, and of the Cambridge Phil- 
 osophical Society ; member of the London Mathematical 
 Society ; late senior scholar of Clare College, Cambridge. 
 An Elementary Treatise on the Mathematical Theory 
 of Perfectly Elastic Solids: with a Short Account of 
 Viscous Fluids, Lon., 1887, 8vo. 
 Ibbot80n,H. Walter. The Legal Prompter; or, 
 Statute Indicator, Lon., 1860, fp. 8vo; 3d ed., 1871. 
 Ibrahim Hilmy, Prince, of Egypt. The Litera- 
 ture of Egypt and the Soudan, from the Earliest Times 
 to the Year 188,i inclusive : a Bibliography, Lon., 1S86- 
 87, 2 vols. 4to. 
 Iddesleigh, Earl of. See Nokthcotk. 
 Ide, Kev. George Barton, 1804-1872, b. at 
 Coventry, Vt.; studied theology at Middlebury College; 
 was ordained in the Baptist Church 1830, and held pas- 
 torates in Boston, Philadelphia, and Springfield, Mass. 
 1. Green Hollow, Phila., 1852, 12mo. 2. The Power 
 of Kindness: a Story for the Young, Lon., 1854, 12mo. 
 3. Battle-Echoes; or. Lessons from the War, Bost., 1806, 
 12mo. 4. Bible-Pictures; or, Life-Sketches of Life- 
 Truths, Bost., 1867, 12mo. 
 Ide, Simeon. The Conquest of California by the 
 Bear Flag Party, organized and led by William B. Ide, 
 Claremont, N.H., 1880, 16mo. 
 Ideen, Marie A. 1. A Centennial Call lo All Na- 
 tions, Phila., 1876, 8vo. 2. Changing the Crosses and 
 Winning the Crown, Phila., 16mo. 
 lerson, Henry. 1. An Introduction to the Divine 
 Kingdom of Nature : Five Lectures, Lon., 1850, p. 8vo; 
 new ed., 1856. 2. The Decay of Traditional Faith, anf". 
 the Re-Establishment of Faith upon Philosophy : Two 
 Lectures, Lon., 1850, 12mo. 3. Epitome of Sunday- 
 Morning Lectures at Finsbury Chapel, Lon., 1854, 12mo. 
 4. Notes on the Amended English Bible, with Special 
 Reference to Certain Te.xts in the Revised Version bear- 
 ing upon the Principles of Unitarian Christianity, Lon., 
 1887, 8vo. 
 Igglesden, William. Poetical Miscellanea, Lon., 
 185S, 8vo. 
 Iglehart, Asa. 1. Indiana Treatise; Treatise on 
 the Low relating to Justices of the Peace and Constables 
 in Indiana, Cin., 1877, 8vo. 2. Treatise on Pleadings 
 and Practice under the Indiana Code of Civil Procedure : 
 with Forms, Chic, 1879, 8vo. 
 Ilbert, Courtenay Peregrine, M.A., C.S.I., 
 C.I.E., b. 1841 ; graduated at Balliol College, O.xford, 
 1864; Fellow 1 S6 1-74 ; called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn 
 1869 ; member uf the council of the governor-general of 
 India 1882-86. 1. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1876; 
 with, an In'roduction, Ac, Lon., 1876, 8vo. 2. The 
 Smjreme Co ii of Judicature (Officers) Act, 1879, Lon., 
 18SI', r. .•■'0. 
 lldrewe. lliss. The Language of Flowers; with 
 Introduction by T. Miller, Bost., 1866, l2n,o. 
 lies, E. 1. Guy Darrel's Wives: a Novel, Lon., 
 1884, 12mo. 2. Nell Eraser: a Novel, Lon., 1885, 3 
 vols. p. 8vo. 
 Ilitt, Bev. Frederick, M.A., graduated at Trinity 
 College, Cambridge, 1850; ordained 1857; rector of 
 Wombwell 1874-75. A Plea for a Revisal of the Bible 
 Translation of 1611, Lon., 1857, p. 8vo. 
 IlifT, George. 1. Chronology in Verse without 
 Numbers, Lon., 1855, 12mo. ,\non. 2. An Englisli 
 Eduealioii : what it means, Ac, Lon., 1858, l2mo. 
 Ilitl', J. E. Ham the Hunter, N. York, 1870, 18mo. 
 Ilitf, William TiiKn. A Layman's Thoughts on 
 Lay Parochial Work, Lon., 1871, 8vo. 
 Illingworlh, Thomas. Distribution Reform ; the 
 Remedy for Industrial Depression, Lon., 1885, 12mo. 
 Illsey, Isaac. Notes on the Usefulness of British 
 Birds. Lon., 1864, fp. 8vo. 
 Immisch, Moritz. Prize Essay on the Balance- 
 Spring, (Coutts Prize,) Lon,, 1873, 12mo. 
 Imray, James Frederick. 1. Pilotage Rates 
 and Regulations of the Principal Ports of the Unitel 
 Kingdom. Lon., 1858, 8vo. 2. Baltic Pilot, 1870, 8v„. 
 3. Sailing Directory for the Baltic, 1870, 8vo. 4. Sail- 
 ing Directions for the West Coast and Islands of Scot- 
 land, 1870, 8vo. 5. The South Coast of England, luel 
 General Directions for the Navigation of the Channel, 
 1870, 8vo. 6. Sailing Directory for the Island of New- 
 foundland, 1873, 8vo; new ed., 1876. 7. The Bay 
 of Bengal Pilot, Lon., 1879. With Rosser, William 
 Henkv, The Lights and Tides of the World. Illusi. 
 Lon., 1S66, 2 parts, 4to. 
 Imray, John. 1. Practical Mecbun'cs, Lon.,;. 
 p. 8vo. 2. The Steam-Engine and its Application, Li.n.. 
 1857, p. 8vo. 3. British Railways as they are and as 
 they might be, Lon., 1869, 8vo. 
 Im 'fhurn, Everard Ferdinand, M.A., gradu- 
 ated at Exeter College, 0.vford, 18i'5; curatorof the Brit - 
 'sh Guiana Museum, Georgetown, and editor of Timohri. 
 1. Birds of Marlborough : being a Contribution to tlie 
 Ornithology of the District, Marlborough, 1870, 8vo. -'. 
 Among the Indians of Guiana: being Sketches, chiellv 
 Anthropologic, from the Intcrjjr of British Guiana, 
 Lon., 1883, 8vo. 
 "Tropical scenery, tropical botany, and the manners nf 
 Frlmltlvc man In British Guiana make the themi' of Mr, 
 m Thurif's fascinating volume of tnivpl."— ,S'a(. Jiev., hi. 
 Ince, Henry Bret, Q.C., b. 1830; called to the 
 bar at the Inner Temple 1855 ; M.P. for Hastings 18^:;- 
 85. A Systematic Arrangement of the Trustee Ait, 
 1850, Ac, Lon., 1858, 12mo. 
 Ince, Joseph, F.L.S. The Latin Grammar ••( 
 Pharmacy ; with an Essay on the Reading of Latin I'le. 
 scriptions, Lon., 1881, p. 8vo. 
 Ince, Rev. William, D.D., b. 1825; eduentol at 
 King's College, London, and at Lincoln College, (l.vl i I, 
 where he graduated, first clues Lit. Hum., 1846, and be. 
 came Fellow of Exeter College, of which he was after- 
 wards a sub-rector. In 1878 he succeeded Dr. Mo/ley 
 as Regius professor of divinity and canon of Christ 
 Church. 1. Aspects of Christian Truth suited to the 
 Religious Thought of the Age : Three Advent Serunnj, 
 Oxf. and Lon, 1862, 8vo. 2. Holy Orders: Two Ser- 
 mons, Oxf., 1862, 8vo. 3. The Past History and I'res- 
 ent Duties of the Faculty of Theology in Oxford : Twj 
 Inaugural Lectures, Oxf., 1878, 8vo. 4. Past and I'ns- 
 ent Duty of the Faculty of Theology in Oxford, I. ii., 
 1879, 8vo. 6. The Restoration of the Outward Unity 
 of the Church ; Two Sermons, Oxf., 1887, 8vo. Also, 
 single sermons, Ac. 
 Inchbald, John. The Bank : what it is, and nliat 
 it dues, uiid the Laws which regulate the Price of ^loijey, 
 briefly explained, Lon., 1858, 12mo; new ed., entitled 
 "The Price of Money, Ac, 1862. 
 Inchbold, John William, 1830-1888, b. at LeeJs, 
 life on tho Continent i rmhlin " «''*""''' l""-t of l,ii 
 Ttm.,«„n, Brown .'g'/^^^^^f, »'""'' "«/« purohusoj i^ 
 " 00Il«Ist.M of liNt>r(..» «p. 
 l>"anMer. -.syj«(,^„,., | ^g,'*"'""""! iliftl(jii so dear to the 
 Inderinaur, John i » ... 
 An K|,itome of Lead nJ ", '„ ' ■*" '' ""' ''''•. 'N^O. 2 
 >-., 1873 8.0; ^Bt^JfirrrTlJ^l ^'''"''^ ^-^^ 
 the F.nal Exauiination.Lon Is:', *« f,'''-«l"'™tion for 
 ■». The Student's Ouido to ho's, ' *"" "''■' '*•«'. Hvo. 
 ture Act,, ,873 and l'?5 !,'„''„'' ^ZTZ ^""^^ '^•'"'''™- 
 of tho Common Uw, I.on I87fi n «' '^';' . *• P"»cipie9 
 A Manual of ,ho I'r aotico „f h:^' *''"''" ^"^ "•'• '8^ «. 
 cature, I.on,, |8rx ,s>„.^m' ', '^Pf'^'no Court of Judi 
 tion for the Intermediale kV "• "*''• ^- Self-1'repura 
 ;lth ed., 1886. 8 A Con^i"''i'"''' »". ''On., moXo- 
 Uw of Ui„, of Sale 'on Vs8T' S"' '^'""""o "n he 
 Jent's (Juids to Pride ax-'.' o ' '""'■ "• The Stu 
 «vo; 2a e.l., 1885 ".o^-Jj; tc,„v«y„„„i„^^ Lon., 1883, 
 fuptoy, Lon., 1884, p. 8vo. 2d er >«.'-'"'''' '" """k- 
 f3Tr;,2^n^^ '■- ^p'--.'witt: r^ wid'i.^'tt" 
 oan"d''foThV'tlr':.rtttn' ^r'"^^' <'-<^- "• me- 
 aye 1880-85. ] Tho Hi v"" ^^'"P''' '«5S; M.P f"; 
 Act, : with RuleaX^'Cm f ''""■""-' Cau'^ 
 Will, as '.Jmini,teed?n C,fu;tr?'p\^''"' '""^ 
 I'-fiS, 8vo. 3. Side-lJehts on V,» «. I''-"'>ite, Lon., 
 t.8ay., on the Stuart PeZj u'Z ^T'" \ "'"""«"' 
 S';iifti:i!;;^^r£3, 'Si """■- s 
 Sole Factor! and Ca,a^-, '• So°'«' Wealth: the 
 Appointment, N. York, 1885 8vo o '*«1'"'-«'"ent and 
 tics: a Compond of the Natural l"a«,;;r ?"?'""" ^')"'- 
 Jucl.on and E.vchan„e, N. Y„™k Y.^J^of/nJustrial Pro- 
 Insals, E. FletchPr '"["• '•^■^''. '2mo. 
 ajMi Treatment of Ui?^,'* „r/u"«A"" "'« Diagnosis Cavitie,. Illust To„ 188? 8 "' '^''™'"' "•>'' 
 Moth?ro'n\fe'c;rf7thefr-Chndf "?""'" '» ^»""« 
 Inge, Rev. William ita l„ h u";' ''"*'- '2"">. 
 first class Class. Trip..rttKin,r!,r,?"' '^'•^•' Kraduated 
 |>n<l elected ^'eno^lH^^^^.ZJ-A'i Catnbridge, 1882 
 "«• and lecturer of llertfordPjr "*^'*' """d «leeted Fel- 
 ""/ne umlcr the Oesirs ll' " 8 f S ' Z'^f''- «<""'''^ '» 
 'ngelovv, JMiss Jean, bl8ln' '''''"'■' ?'''^"- 
 ton, Lincolnshire, (or at I 'swioh .^/"'■f'''''''^'''^ »' ^o^- 
 "«eo„, a banke . She 'Z li'- f 7«'i'«'- "'' William 
 i-onilon. The following Lt"f ho,f 1,"^ '"'^ ^^^^ <■> 
 poems, novels, and short tor^P,.' ''"^ 'oat'ons includes I 
 especially, she has enjoyed" re»tn' '•■""• '^' " f""'- 
 '«n>l "nd in America ^^^ «/"" Pop."lur.ty both in Lgl 
 o.Jent»„nd Feelings. Edited bv p'?'"'^,*^^'""'"'" "^ I"- 
 l^'iMOmo. 2. Allerron and n '''■■''"''"'"''• ^on., 
 PlHnion. By the A , h„r T' A^rL" ' ?^' ^''^ ^^"r of 
 !A story.] Lon., 1851, 2 vo"s f„ 8v ^^".l'"* Chronicle.- 
 ^f'. 1880, fp. ^vo. ' 4 Po;m ■ r ■■J"^"' '"■O'-'-is. 
 cJ. same year' "*'"'' ^on., 1863, l2mo; 4th 
 comp;«itr^Tho''|i,rof '5e°„''''^'", """"■«"«» f-T poetical 
 ^ >o'^ p 8v^i^n'"or\;L°",«'j'r. ^'-'' ^-•. i«e^. 
 '« a Child, Lon., 1865 i 6m, 4''- "'"• «• S'orl^s told 
 -I'l ilome Scenes: in "in rp- '■ ""■"« Thou^ht^ 
 "^ •^o'.n Smith •Zo'n,'y«',irT6m^'*'^''''^"'^"'''«^''« 
 «"".lmother's Shoe, Lon 'lS67 ,« ^'""'- !«• The 
 '^^ «°'<'- Opportu-lity, 1:on'.:«,^6r?iTmo. ^A^-n. ii" , 
 I i^A"trr:jr::::ri^« -"■.'-.. «. 
 '"?■''- -«?.'rSo*^4"^'^«'^*^^ 
 ( «"'■ filvor Taiis,^;n d t"„„ i^^"' '^ The M|„„„;; 
 and I havea Kight, Un 18R8 ,1^" '^"''-Uuck-Shoot^r' 
 i er\%e.llours! L'on.,",^ s"'' l^ Z"""' "■ '^ » - 
 the Fairy, Lon., 1869 !>„' P' ^"- ^non. 18. A(„,,„. 
 Little Wondcr-IIorn • '„ V "L""* <"'•. "^ri. 1 ?l J" must. ' L?„ ^^rT,^."""^ of -Stories ,' i ,?: 
 Lon 1872, 4 vols, p 8vo \ ;r-.M^-o •?"" "'« «»""'«- 
 22. Poems. Second Serie, v 
 la-n". 2.i. Poems, Lon.^ I879 2 vT *''- ^""'■' '«-8. 
 from the 23d ed -vol > ' /"''• P- S™- (Vol i 
 "e.«erenger. Lot ^"7'^ , ^ ^ %''^ ^''•) ^4.' S^rah 
 „ A story of dopn „n,i' ,, ""• ": 8»o. 
 eiifS'li! Si^fiS^ ^» 
 new e.L.''|"88l?'"'-- " ''"'y' ''""- '«81, ^^ vols, p, 8vo • 
 u.ull^,a^,^"ttse" ^^iVn'!,': P^-^'o'^'sioal theory which „„' 
 oontnirv t,w.„ , "'""^*^s to ma nrHii. . .., ^ wnicn we 
 story."_.Sa,. i^«. , ijv. ;«3 "''''"■'''■""t 
 rd Series. r^„ ' iJ.,'. '.. 
 aiul\ cry interesting 
 •loh'njrrX'; J,''!f',d„S«H^^^^ '885, I2m„. ,7. 
 Beginning, Un., 1886 sm n I "^'^„» ^'«"' "it''"ut 
 12 vil^. im,*;;. '"■ ^'"' ^""« ^Vonder-lox, Lon ,' l'8T7' 
 12m'r"°"-^-J- ^"Health, Corning, N.Y.,, 8:7' 
 ?-l''6^2"Z'^„^tn?Hif,'"«'',' [.'""'•-'"• i-'add i 
 ical. and Social:".!, T, PI f'T ', ^'f "■"' »'°Vaphi 
 I ^;-'orac^,f„«' - J«je-, -" "fthe preceding, 
 of View, Phila., 1876 S^Jo "'^ American P„„Tt 
 I studied at Ob^rKll' ind;',",' ^f""^""' Mich.; 
 I Tu" 'i^ Comparative Zoo' o^v , ,^ 1, " ^"""'"■'dge Mu^ 
 of birds; served as nature liF' "'"'<"'K a special study 
 the West; h.« been connej e I T■/^ J'"^''"" ""^vey i^ 
 ■n'^"« on, and now resides in M„"'A^„ '"^ }r^- ^'^^ Com" 
 locations of the Canadian !&«' ",^'"'18 "■« P"!^" 
 and Eggs of American BirdT ?.,'''"'""'• ''Nests 
 187tf,8vo. 2. Cats. IHust " V '"''•, ^alem, Mass., 
 Bost 1879, IBmo. 3. I)± * t,^"'""' "'^'o^y" Ser.) 
 fory-Ser.) Bost., 1879, TeTo" 4 T- ,^'""'^"1 His- 
 .ng : (ilimpses of Amer can Natu^arit ^"'''^ ^""''^ 
 N. )ork, 1880,80. l6mo 5 kI, , L"'*'»'"y- IHo-'t. 
 I Book of Instruction, ^llust tt^'t^'^'^^- " """d- 
 !6. Knocking round thl p , .'*""' "a.^s., 1882, 12mo 
 l««2.8vo. ^.oid"'oc„„.^t:t n"T; ^•^^"■^> 
 8. Country Cousins • ShorV «, ■" . ""*'•' '883, Klmo 
 must / York, laHs'vo^' 9"'t', '\ ""T"'' "'^'-y- 
 for the Young. ' Illust'. N. itkiVsT ?;'""" ^ " ^""y 
 Uj;^-^M,a.,1886. ia'J^^Sa^^:^-: 
 wJr"!>!S„f:"^^» Dunuam ""-rian of the 
 "«"■<'" • " History Of the Ir'o^ li^r^^^^ ,1!:',^; 

 of Iiiwft to till' Vciluntoer Armies of Iho Unlim, Philii., 
 istm, Svii: :iil i"l., IHfi7. -'. The .Itmrniilist, Kcforincr, 
 unci I'liili\iillini|ii»l : Tlio l.ilV ol' Ilurin^i^ (iiccWy : ivilli 
 (iniiiliic Ndtifcs iif llistdi-icul Kvi'iiti. Illuxt. I'hilu., 
 I>7-I, r. Hv.i. :i. A llirttmy c»f llif Win- Dcpiirtincnt (il 
 the riiilcd States: willi iilonr. liliioiil Ski'tclii's of the 
 HeorelMiios. lllufit, Wnsh., 1'<7!I. Hvo. 
 "The llrvt iHTniiiiiciit coiilliuicnis record of tlie oHkiii 
 mid deveh.pmeiit of one of the most liiiporiaiit execu Ivo 
 (himrlnieiits of the netienil p.veniineiit. . . . Ill 1" I'lo- 
 LM-iinlilciil slielelies Ilie hook liiis Ininlly any viiljie li.^uiul 
 11 mere ivconl of uiiines iiiid d.iles. '— Ad/ioii. xxlx. II.. 
 lllKVI'NOll, Itohvrl (irceii, h. l!<3:i, iit Dresden, 
 N.V.; removed to the West in IS4;li studied hiw, and 
 ill \nb7 settled in I'eoi-ia. 111. I" 1^"^ lie became colo- 
 nel of the nth Illinois Cavalry, ami in IslllSwas ap- 
 iiointwl altorniy-j;eneial for Illinois. Ho i.' prominent 
 ns ft lawyer and" a pulitiial orator, and has exoiteil mnch 
 contri ■ "Vsy ljy his h.tures and artiele." in opposition to 
 the (hri.-tian religion. I. The lioils, and other Lectures, 
 Wash. r^Til, ISmo; 29th ed.. If<sl. 2. Some Mistakes 
 of Moses: a l.ectiir'-, Wash.. ISTH, 8vo; Mh ed., 1SS4. 
 li. The (ihosts, mid other I.eetiires. Wash., 1S:^2, Svo. 
 ■1. Leeliircs Ooniiilete, Wash., If^Sli, ,Svo. 5. Orthodoxy : 
 n I.eeture, Waafi., l.HSI, 12nio. fi. Proso I'oems an.l i 
 Seleetions, Wn.^h., 13SI, 4to. 7. (ireat Speeches, Chic, 
 ISS7. With others, The Christian Heli),'ioL : a '^eriesol 
 Articles from the "North American Review," N. \ork, 
 ''liiRhnin, .\llrcd. A History of Altrineham and 
 llowdon: with an Account of the liarony and House of 
 Dunham, Altrineham, I «7«, Ito. .. ,„u ., 
 Iiif:liaiii, Kdwuril, and Unvics, II. " Whe her 
 is Hi^'h or Low Pressure .Steam prelerahio m 1 oint ol 
 Kconomy?" a Di.scussion, l-un., liSliJ. !<vo. 
 Illglinill, Ilurvcy .\. Uh.d Tidings; or, A\ iilks 
 with the W.mderful: with Ijy Uov. W . L. 
 I'arsons, Uochester, N.Y., ISliS, ISmo. 
 IllRlinin, Hustings. Agriculture: its History, 
 Importance, anl Prospects, Lon., If*'*" 
 liiKliniii, Jane Miirson Cooper. 
 or. Poems, l.on., IS6.S, Ifimo. 
 Ingliiim, John. A T'empeianco Keading-Book, 
 Lon.. IS.'*!), ISmo. . 1 
 Inglium, Ucv. Ricl>.«r(l, ft Baptiiit ministor, Hal- j 
 ifax I'.ng I. Alirid;.".d Hand-lioDk on Christian Uap- | 
 tisiu, l.un., I8fil-7I. 2 parts, .^^vo. 2. Appeal to the 
 Friends on Chrisliar Daplism. l.on., ISBS, :''Vo. i. (bd.) 
 Church Estaldishieents considered, Lon., l.'<7./, Svo. 
 ing'iam, Sarson C. J. .. Adelaide's Ireasure, 
 Lon LS72, 16ino. 2. Ciedmin's Visi(jn, and other 
 I'ueins, Lon., 1H82, sm. cr. .Svo. li. Dr. lilandlord'.l 
 Conscience, Lon., IS.'fS, p. .-<vo. -1. The White Cross and 
 Dove of Pearls; new ed., Lon., lsa:i, p. Svo. .). Wnit- 
 inj?: an Allegorical Story, Lon., 18.H3, IBmo. fi. The 
 Archer's Chance Shot. Lon., IS.SJ, Ifimo. 7. Blind 
 Olive- 2d ed., Lon., 1 ».'<«, p. 8vo. 8. Laura Linwood ; 
 new ed., Lon., 18S7, p. Svo. i). .^oul-Ejhoes ; or, Ue- 
 llected InHuenee; 2d ed.. illust., Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 10. 
 Frank Armstronj;, and other Stories, Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. 
 1 1. Eleanor's Anil.ition, Lon., 18S7, p. Svo. 12. Duchess 
 Ilcneo; or, An Episode in the History of the Uoforma- 
 tion, Lon., 1S88, p. Svo. Li. An Inner-Court Worship- 
 per: .Memorials of Elizabeth Maw. Lon., 188S, p. Svo. 
 Ingham, William. Household Boiler Explosions: 
 their Cau.'O and Prevention, Lon., ls.82, 12mo. 
 Ingle, Kilward, b. istil, in lialtiinoro: graduated 
 at Johns Hopkins Iniversity 1SS2. !. Pu.i.!: Institu- 
 ton concerning Shftkospoare's >Sonn"l lift, Lon., l'J72, 
 8vo 8. Shakespeare's Centiirle of Prayse : lieing .Ma- 
 liriivls for a History of Opinion cm Shakespeare and bis 
 Woiks, culled froin Writers cd' the First Century a ter 
 his Kise, Lon., 1874, 4to ; 2d ed.. I87SI. '.<. The Still 
 Lion • an Essfty towards the Ileslcnatlon of Shakes|^^eare s 
 Te\t Lon . 1871, Svo I new ecL, enl., cntitlcil "."-hakc- 
 ' - .... 1^;-,^ |-|, I,,, (Originally 
 p. •lire Hermeneutics." .Ic, lS7.'i, tp. It". 
 'ubiishcd in the " Jahrhiichcr" id the tiiTinan .xlmke- 
 its Histc 
 Wild Flowers; 
 spearo Socdety.) . , , , , 
 "Oiiite Incoiitriivcrtlhle are the cftnonit Dr. Imjlehy nd- 
 vanc\'S a 1 an olcservaiiee of them would w iinow tc a 
 very small heap the niciimmlii of Slmkspeare hermclieii- 
 '''" I'lrim'iVi.ys'e.m -ervalive erltlidsm, bis mallitenaiiee 
 ,,f,i ,. oriilnaftoxt in various dimenlt l';'"^"f "•l"' «,'!>■ 
 iim-enions, and in not a few instance- Is decisively success- 
 ful."— EliW.viil> DoWliKN : -IC'"'., x, Js". 
 III. Shakespeare, the .Man and the Hook. 1 art the 
 Fiist Lon, 1877, fp. Ito. 11. Occasional Paper." coi 
 -iloikecpeare: beinif the .-Second Part of " Shakcspeiire. 
 the Man and the IJook," l.on.. 1S81, fp. 4ti.. 12. Shick,- 
 speare's Itones: a Proposal to Disinter them, Lcin., Iss... 
 em 4to l:i. (Ed.) Shakespeare and the bncdosure ol 
 Common Fields at Wolcombe : beinj,' a Fragment of the 
 Private Diary of T Ureene, Lon., 188;^ 4to. Only ..U 
 copies primed. 1 1, i Kd.) Shnkespeare;B Cymbeline : the 
 Text .\nncdaled, Lon., ISSli, 4to. 16. Essays. Edited hy 
 his Son. Lon., LSSS, or. Svo. (The subjects treated in 
 elude the authorship of the works attributed to hliake- 
 speare,-in answer to Mr. Dornudly,- liaecm. toleridge. 
 De (iuineey. Buckle, ' Law ui. 1 Kcligion," " Komanlu' 
 "'Mr^'iiL-leby's • F-s-says' deal not only with Hiibjects of 
 Interest In an interesting way, bill show iio small aniouhi 
 of originality of Irealmeiit. Iiidceil. their iiiclepeiicleiir,. 
 of view i« what uives the essays the eliarni they li"ss,ss 
 . He reallv knows the suljects upon which be writes, 
 and is aide t'ci make the fullest use of his materials. - 
 ■ Ingleby, Ilok'ombe, son of C. M. Ingleby,™/).-.!. 
 Echoes from Naples, and other Poems, Lon., 18S.S, cr. 
 Svo. And see Roi.KK, EisTACE Nkvii.i.k, liijni. 
 Inglcdew, C. J. Davison. 1. The History and 
 Antiquities of North AU.rton, Lon., IS.'jS, Svo. 2. 'llie 
 Ballads and Songs of Yorkshire: with Notes and a 
 Olossftry, Lon., IsiiO, 12nio. 
 Inglefield, Admiral Sir Edward Augustus, 
 K.C.B , D.C.L., F.U.S., ['Kite, vol. i., add.,] b. 1S2U. at 
 Cheltenham ; entered the navy 1834 ; served at St. .lean 
 d'Acre; commanded expedition to the Arctic re^rioiis 
 lS.^2-;'i4 : retired ISS.'i. 1. A New Tlieoiy of the Physnnl 
 Causes of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ac. Lon.,, sv., 
 2. A Summer Search for Sir John Franklin : with ft Peip 
 into the Polar Basin, Lon., 1833, Svo. (Mentioned nni,. 
 vol. i.) 3. A Few Words on Maritime Warfare, Lon., 
 18fi0, 12mo. 4. Words of Advice to Young Naval 
 Officers, Lon., 1sti4, 12nio. . 
 Ingli8,A. Percy. Consular Formulary: bcins: a 
 Collection of Forms and Precedents for the Use of Her 
 Majesty's Consular Officers, Lon., lS7it, Svo. 
 Inglis, Andrew. The Sunlit Valley and the Path 
 that led to it : a Memorial Sketch of the Rev. T. (i;udi- 
 ner, ,\berdeen, 187S, 12nio. 
 Inglis, fatherine Hart. Short Notes of a lour 
 through the South and West of Ireland, Castle Dou-Uis, 
 18,70, Svo. 
 Inglis, Charles. Warning; or. The BeginniMj,'of 
 the End, Lim.. 1866, 12mo. 
 Inglis, Henry. 1. Mnricnn, and other Poem?, 
 thms of .Maryland, (Jcdins Hopkins Unnersity Studies.) | ^^-^^ |j(5i^ ^vo. 2. The Briar of Threave and the Lily 
 Bait., issf, Svo. 2. Local Institutions ol\ irginia, : ^j. j,^||.j|^,_|^ . ^^ j[^,i,j^,^, j{yi,,„„ggKjin_^ ,S55, sq. svo. 
 (Johns Hopkins University Studies^) Bait., IS.Sj 
 Ingleby, Clement Manslield, LL.D., IS23- . 
 1886, b. at Birmingham; was educatinl at Trinity Col- | 
 lege, Cainbridee, and was for some time a partner in his . 
 father's firm of solicitors at Birminghiim. He contrib- 
 uted largely to periodicals and to the Proceedings ot so- | 
 cieties, particularly the Now Shakespeare Society. Ho , 
 was elected vice-president ot the Royal Society of Lite.- ] 
 ature in 1876. 1. The Stereoscope eonsidarod in Rela- 
 tion to the Philusoiihy of Binocular Vision, ' 
 Svo. 2. Outlines of Theoretical Logic, Camb 
 12ino. 3. The Shakespeare Fabrications, I 
 12mo. 4. A Complete View of the Shakes] 
 trovcrsy, Lon., 18(il, .Svo. 0. Was Thoma: Luiig 
 Actor ? an Exposition touching the Social Status of the 
 3. Death-Scenes of Scottish Martyrs, Edin., 1838, IGiuo. 
 4. Ballads from the (Jerinan, Edin., 1864, Svo. 
 Inglis, Kev. James. 1. The Bible Text Cyclo- 
 piedia: a Complete Classification of Scri|iture Texts iii 
 tlie Form of an Alphabetical List of Subjects, I ., 
 ISBl, Svo; new ed., 1881. 2. Home, Marrmge, aiiJ 
 Faniilv Relations in the Light of Scriiiture, 1870. liiii"; 
 "■"" ed., 1883. 3. The Shorter Catechism Popularly 
 Plavwrig t in the Time of Queen Eli/.abeth, Lon., ISfiS, ing is, jumes, inemoe 
 4to f An ""troduction to Metaphysics, Lon.. 1S6», ! and m.nistor of public in 
 8v«. 7. The Soule Arayed: a Letter to Howard Staun- I 1- T.rhoot Rhymes. By M 
 sq. Ifimo. 
 Inglis, James, member of the Legislative Assembly, 
 struotion. New South \\iile!. 
 aori. Calcutta, 1873, Svo. 2. 
 r ,■;," '"""I ■""".■.■ 
 • "ur Aii..i,-,.ii,... ...! 
 '',«" tliiit rolalliiK 
 ..■■■;;• -■■'■'.''.., XV, 171. ■■ ■- ■■' 
 lt''"V''i^-"eu.;!rV! 1,^/^1 ""'"Vo,,,/ Sporting '^'■:'' "^i'"in. l.o„„ Us' Z'.!!!"'"^ '™'li - of 
 ItciMHHv.Clli.UH „f I, 1 
 ti''rlM,tri,.t. III,,,,. 
 'II I- I . "■" '"' "II iiuiliMi II, ■«■>!, I 
 l'"il I- apt I 
 ■^/'"■I'llor. Ixii. S',, 
 A'"„ Ixvil 
 Isxl. s ||.',i , I, V ', '• '»" series, p. sj-o • i.l .„i 
 •.,V,^.. .-.) ' iss:'"'-'-^" "--in,;.' ^!-"*^^ 
 "iiil "f line Dliau,. ,>r I .,,',' M""' fiiK'rani I, as 'i,ik.„, ' .!!'..'*u"-_ . 
 lll-c Iif 
 I ■ •■'."■ "^- ~ "J " Vlllin.'. — fi^ 
 ■■■smm, .loliii Kpiiu III. , . 
 in^'iuUm Wen" iVi,,;,',; '%'!'''"'''"''' II»li,I..y.,. or, Cruis- "' '^'''"'"y <'"lle«.'. I nhl „ a ,', " ' ''' '-■' ' ».'nHl,mtH 
 E t:«.- « 4rSi|i£: ;sr;; (k3S- i^^^ 
 ni^cenoea of Missionary L fe a ,^ w ''"^'•'J'"' •• K«'ni- , ,' '^'' "l'lf"an,| ,.„„„■, ,' .Vl;"'^'- ' 
 i" \-.-o, .V vorki^sr^ :""!','.'""' "'"' "'""^ ■Ji-"ghu ' r^'"' -1;- ''y •'■ .f. Ell,,:: ',„■;;;';■ ';;"';;. ""/• '>• '^•".• 
 Inifohlsby, U..ltoi. '•'■;, , , ' '""" ,"'-'™"' '•'•""•"li..t.- of' h, in r '"'.' '■^'"''" <"> 
 iv.l. iL'M.o. '^'V'"'""- Il'o Kul.ber of lAt\>, hon ,''"»•.' '^71. '^vo. .). A HNtorvVili'""- V'""' »""""- 
 IngoldHbv. J iir„ ,. • '''^ '''■'''• 'Wtainan,! I,elim|-1 ■lI'i'«'''"'''*^^l'nion 
 ^^^IngoldHby, J. My eousin Niol.oh,,, Lon., imo ' l"!','" '"'« »-""'^' t" tlit.'„nVi„ai s „r 
 iflen M.. /.',i r, i -1. Iwn ri.,.^. ...,., , ... 'iracr, 
 Vori<, 1851), Svo, 
 Ingrnliaiii,'.>lr.s. Ellen M ^.> n 
 P."-'"'l.) lion,! an,t Froo a T,;. "'i u^'t"* J^-intner,' 
 ""I'"''"' '■'*''<2, l-'iao "'" "'^ "'" Suuth, India- 
 , igrnliam, Ilev.J. i» t i p. 
 or »',; K^*;-, '"V ' "if ;"\!'-''"'-\^ ' '■""•o-o'n 
 ';IK an.l other P'.en,, Un"/ r" if '''° ""''" "^ 
 li;l-"f Dinan, l,„„., l"ss ."k,';"'' '^mo. 2. Tho 
 Troat.v of I.iinerick, Lon ikss ''•'«'•''' ^ '"''■"i"" "f the 
 Iiimiin, Isaac M I'l >.' 
 »n,l other Poe,," S Vo'rk s"n ',';""' ^""''" ^'I'^^i'^ 
 '.■nKn"n/u;,n:ted':^'''}l,^^"'="';i.^I Exposition De- 
 , '"grain, John if "I'sij,^ '•'"•','""' ■"*'<»• 
 holds an anpointmeMfin'^ • ■, ' '" ''<""lon, Eng • 
 «/ib...„r to'ra„y":'h"i;,'iir """'••''• r'' '^ '^ "»"- 
 ■^"■erioa. Ho i .the e itor o 'the ' ^"' •'' -""'"'"' ""^ 
 (Ed.) Navisation' iin.i v„ \- ',"".' "'""' "^'o, i«««. 
 James In.m.n D.D."''it ,s!«,'^"r"'""y- ^^^ !'"•■ 
 «»d S^bil.'jIaneLte : ,V ', ^ Ifi."' "","'',;, "^- ^"^y 
 Anchor; or, Phi|i„ pm •,, 7 I' '•""°- 2. Tho .'<lieet- 
 Svo. 3.'Th[.Gui i'n/K. '""' ^>'Jf"-'. ^on., I8S4 , 
 I-on., 1SS5, ,,. Svo '' '^■^'' '"•' i>-<"" Darkness to Light, 
 Inman, 'fhomas.M.D Ls^n tj-r ^ .r . 
 noinenaolSninnlT.'f,;..^""- '?"'''.■''>"• 2. Tho Phe- 
 '•yn., IHSO, 2 vols, p 8vo "^ ""'' ""'s '^"ther- ^ X "w""-' '^•"•^""s Svst,., , p. 
 .rJ ^S/^::f""i!l«^>""tsof,hisLi,e.-,n.iH„ , fd.'^n^?!^!" ^ "^ Nature. Ca' 
 i^' volmnes that n^a'y b't^Zl \J!i,^1«^;!:;.r..!!!^'* ■" the I ''."^ I'ra,.,iee .It' Med-i,.ine I """"/'?.« '""^^"'^ '^''^"^ 
 •4' 4 
 Fnlthii iinil Moilirn : a DI«iBrtiitlon upon Worihlpi, i 
 l.rjjpnilii, Firi'l I>innilieK, K.liii. iiml \. York, 187(1, Hvo. ! 
 InmHii, l(<'V. TliuiiiiiN, <>f Wilham. I. Kira, i 
 the) I.imt l'r.>i.hit, I.oii., IHill, 12m. >. 2. An Kx|iliiiitii)n , 
 of K/mV (irenl I'wi'lvuWinK"''! KrkU', l.on., Is?", Hvo, 
 InnOt AlrxnildtT. 'rfm ('uim'roonn ami tliK Unp- 
 tint MiMion, l.ivcriiiinl, IMfl2. vo, 
 InncN, Alftniider. II. .urn aflor Toil i a Nt<w 
 I'ociii, ciiliM.Ml '■ CouiiHoln to Iho Hin({lo ami Hint! to the 
 iMiirrif.l," mill ollirr I'.iciiii', I.oii., i^Mt, ]>■ '<vo. 
 liincN, Ali-xantler Tiiylor, MA 1. Tho l.uw : 
 of ('roi'ilM ill Si'.illiin.l : a Triiiti»« on lli« l.i'ijal Koliitlnn 
 of ChiiriOicB ill S.'.idiinil, I'^tnl.llcliu.l aiij luit Kutab- 
 HkIioiI, to thfir D.iotrinul CmfiaHloni", I'Mln. ami I.on., 
 1X117, Svo. . , ' 
 "llic Kirk WHS fur tlirce coiilurli'-. tlic niii- MH'cctiHfiil 
 illi.l iiiiclmiiKliiu cnitxMllni.'iit ..f (MlvlnlBllc I'lirlliilildlil, 
 It wiLs II iiiitiiiiml I'stiil)! ImivMl. lis iioimlHr In IW cm'il 
 mill us liiK'h li. Its siiir il liliiTty iis iiiiv v.ilimtiirv seel, < 
 yvt us in'riiiamiiit in Its ,i...lrlno mnl as alik' t.. wli'lil |iiil>- 
 lie isiwor us till. Il.mmii Catlioli Clmrili of FraiH'O. S.i 
 atk'iist It swnif.l till rrcent <'liiim,'cs. To trace illsllnctly 
 anil acciirati'ly the conrM' an. I flTci'ts of tin. silont loaal 
 ri'voliitliins wfilcli liiivi' '.nniKlit iiImihI lliosf iliaiiui's In 
 tlu' oliJiM'l of Mr. Inn.'s's liu lias il.iiio Ills work 
 lulmlralily."— >'«(. AVr., xxvl. IM. 
 2. Tho .^cotoh Law of Establishment : an Answer to 
 lliB Two Now Positions of tho Duke of Argyll, Kdln., 
 I.S75, Svo. 
 IniieH, Arthur Clmrli-n, 1). ls;il ; M.l'. for Newry 
 lHfl.')-flH. Tcnant-Kight ami, Newry, 
 IS72, «vo. 
 limes, C h, Ciinterlmry Sketches ; or, Mfe from 
 thu Kitrly Days, liy Pil((iiui, (C. L. I.) Christohurch, 
 1H71I, Svo. 
 IlllieN, Cosmo, 179S-187t, b. at the Manor of 
 Durris, ou Duoslilo, Sc.itlanil j boi-anic an ailvoijute ; was 
 B|ipolntoil sheriff of Moray in ISIH, anil oleiliil |irofos- 
 sor of history at tlio Univcrsilv of Edinburgli in 1S4(1. 
 Ho was a moiiibor of thu Uannatyno Club ami other 
 antiquarian societies, and .dited many documents lor 
 their iiuhlieations. For bii.^'., see III iiton, Miis. .John 
 lliiA., Hiipiii. 1. Antiquities of tlie I'ariBhus of Scot- 
 land, (Dannatyne Olub I'lib.,) Kdin., 2 vols. 4to. 2. 
 (Kd.) Aberdon'iii' utriusquo llescriptiu : a Description 
 of both Tonus of .\benlecii. Ity Jaiiu'S (lonlon, Parson 
 of Kothieiniiy. [Trans, from the liUtin.] With a Se- 
 lection of thu Charters of the Uurgh. (Spalding Club 
 I'ub.) Aberdeen, IS 12, Ito. 3. Concerning some Scotch 
 Surnames, Edin., ISilll, Ito. 1. Scotland in the Middle 
 Ages: Sketches of Early Scotch History and Social 
 Progress, Edin., IStSd, Hvo. (Consists of lectures dcliv- 
 eied to his class at Edinburgh.) 5. Sketches of Early 
 Scotch History and Social Progress : Church Organi/.a- 
 tioii, the University, Homo Ijife, Edin., ISlll, Svo. 6. 
 liO.'tures on Scot.'h Legal Aiili((nities, Edin., 1S72, Svo. 
 "Tin' Dbjoct of this liiiiik is In lead the student of law 
 from the iliiilv iiractici — the trmle— of his professluii t.i 
 the hist.irlciil 'aii.l nrchieolojsical con.liti.nis connected 
 with its tecliniciilitics. . . . I' liines, with a niin.l 
 loiij! satnrateil, us It were, with the praclical kiDwlclne 
 of Scottish IcL'al undiiu.ilogy, liassli'jiiicil out of the rontinc 
 which even the learned .levolv'es ot this knowledge have 
 followed."— .I»i., .S'li. Si-'i^i. 
 lie was also the supposed author of "Notes from 
 Paris; or, Why are Frenchmen and Englishmen Differ- 
 ent?" Edin., ISrto, Svo. Anon. 
 Ilines, Emily, wife of .lames Innes, e.\-trea»urer 
 of Sarawak, collector and magistrate at Langat, in 
 Selangor. The Chersonese with the Gilding Off, Lon., 
 ISS.i. 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 "Mrs. Iniies'8 title naturally Invites pomparison with 
 Miss Hccimiit of the same region. In the work 
 itself the writer appears rathe;' to depiwate any such 
 coinpari.siiii, coiilra..-tinn— while she cordially te.stiHes to 
 the accnriicy of .Miss Bird's account— ' the lirilliancy ami of her descriptions' with 'the iluliiess and 
 gloom of mine.' . . . The picture presented l.y mu- author's 
 simple narrative would not he improved Ijy any anionnl 
 of H.inl-painting. "— -K/i., No. »KW. 
 Iiiiics, Gt'orge Itose-, a solicitor. Employers 
 and Employed: the Employers' Liability .\ct, I.SSU, and 
 tho Alterations in tlio Law effected thereby, Lon., 1S81, 
 Innes, Isabella. (Trans.) The Prussian Race 
 Etlinoloj^ioally considere.l, by .1. L. A. do (iuatiefuges, 
 Lon., 1S72, Svo. 
 Inues, J. f. A Week with Ciirist: Lectures in 
 Passion Week, Lon., ISaf, 12mo. 
 Innes, Licnt.-Gen. James John iUcLeod, 
 R.E., V.C, served in the Indian Mutiny j inspector- 
 general of military works, Simla, 1S81-85; retired 1886. 
 Rough N»rr«tlr« of tho Slega of Lueknow, Calcutta, 
 IH.'')7, Svo. 
 Innes, Hev. John llrodic, .VI. A., graduat.'.l ut 
 Trinity Coil.'ge, Oxfor.l, ls:il»; ordained |s:iil; curate in 
 ohargeof the Milton IJroiliu Mission since I.S71. Fiv. 
 Sermons preiu'he.l in Advent, ile., Lon., IS.72, I2ni.i. 
 InnuH, Lewis C'hHrle*. A Digest of the Engli-h 
 Law of Easements; 2d e.l., Lon., I SKI), p, Svo; M.l el , 
 Innes, l.lent.-Col. I'eter it. The llist.iry . i 
 the lleiigal Europi'iin llegimeiit, now the Uoyal Muiisl. i 
 Fnsilucrs, Lon., IS86, Svo. 
 >' Innsly, Owen," (Pseud.) See .Ikmmihok, Lr. i 
 W., iii/'.o. 
 Inskip, Itobert .tlills. Navigation and Nautical 
 Astronomy, Lon., ISHU; now e.l., IS7I. 
 Inslow, llo|ie> 1. The ,'Vlisor. Iltust. L.ii , 
 i-<l|8, 12mo. 2. The Village Innkeeper. Illust, Lon., 
 IS-o, 1 2m. I. 
 Inwiirds, Jnbe/. 1. Dvw-Drops, et Ou'tera, Lon., 
 I8S1, 12iiio 2. Temperance Keminiseeni'esi or, (ilinipsiM 
 of 'he Past, Epwoith, 1854, 12mo. .1. A CatechiMii 
 for Teetotalers, Lon., 1S55, Svo. 4. F I, Famine, iiii I 
 Drink, Lon , 18)111, l2mo. .'>, Temperance in Harm.niv 
 with Nature, Science, an.l the Laws of lleaiity, Luii , 
 IS()2, Kimo. «. Ilibl.' Temperance, Lon., 18(111, IJiim. 
 7. The United Kingdom Alliance and the Permissiir 
 Ilill, Lon., ISfltt, lOmo. s. Memorials of Tempcraii. c 
 Workers, [verse,] Lon., 187(1, cr. Svo. 
 Inwards, James. Cruise of the " Kingleader," 
 (Canoe,) Lon., 1S7I1, p. Svo. 
 Inwards, It. Weather Lore: a Collei'tion of Pruv 
 orbs. Sayings, an.l Hules concerning the Weather, Lmi , 
 18118, l2iiio. (Some copies have the title " Weatli.r 
 Wis. loin," Ac.) 
 Irby, Augustus Henry. The Diary of a Hunt, r 
 from the Punjab t.i the Karukoruin Mountains, L.m., 
 isiri, Svo. 
 Irby, F. W. Italy: Original Poems and Transla. 
 tions, Lon., 18(18, p. Svo. 
 Irby, Lieut. -Col. Leonard Howard L. I. 
 The (Irnithidogy of the Straits of (librailar, Lon., Is;.., 
 Svo. 2. liritish Key List, L.m., IS88, Svo. 
 Irby, llichard. Historical Sketch of tho Nottiuv.y 
 Grays, C.inipany G, Eighteenth Virginiii 
 Kegiment, Richmim.l, Va., 1871), Svo. 
 Irelnn,Juhn Itobert, M.D. Tho Republic; .r, 
 A History of the luitcl States of America in tho Ad- 
 ministrations, Chic., 1SS7-S8, 18 vols. Svo. 
 Ireland, Alexander, bookseller, Manchester. II.. 
 is frequently in the correspondence of Carlvio 
 and Emerson. 1. List of iho Writings of William Hi. /lilt 
 and Leigh Hunt, Lon., ISIlS, p. Svo. 2. Uecollecli..ii- "t 
 George llawson un.l his Lectures in Manchester in Isp;- 
 47, Manchester, lSS2,8vo. ;i. The Rook-Lover's Eiiclii- 
 ri.lion : Thoughts on Solace an.l Coinpani.inship of !!.i.ik<. 
 By Philobiblos, [pseu.l.] Lon., 1882, ;i2m..; 2d .il., 
 1S8H, (Preface sigiie.l A. I.;) 5th ed., I88S. 4. In Mo- 
 inoriam : Ralph Waldo Emerson: Recollections o.' hi* 
 Visits to England in lS:i:i, 1S47-4S, IS72-7:i, ani l-x 
 tracts from Unpublishe.l Letters, Lon., 1SS2, Svo; 2.1 .• (., 
 enl., entitle.l " Ralph Waldo Emerson : his Life, (iciiiiis, 
 an.l Writings." iss'i. 
 "An Knglish tribute to the uiiohtrnslvc hut O(i.smop.ililan 
 inllueiice .if tli.' great poet. . . . There is little tlnK is 
 new to Aniericiui rea.lers in Mr. Ireland's acc.miit"— 
 iViidim, xx.\v.U). 
 5. Hooks for General Readers: reprinteil from the 
 "Manchester t^narterly," Manchester, 1887, Svo. 
 Ireland, I''. <1. Pocket Classical Dictionary, N. 
 York, 1S79, 24IIIO. 
 Ireland, James. The Oilman's Calculator, l.nn. 
 and N. Y.irk, 187(i, cr. Svo. 
 Ireland, John, and Nichols, John. ILiginlli's 
 Works: with Life, and Anecdotal Descriptions of (he 
 Pictures, E.lin., 1 874, 3 vols. Svo. 
 j Ireland, John B. Wall Street to Ciishincr.'; ii 
 ' Journal of Five Years in Asia, Africa, and Europe, .V. 
 j Y'ork, LSliO, Svo. 
 Ireland, Joseph Norton, b. 1817, in New York 
 j City : a merchant there. 1. Records of tho New York 
 Stage from 175(1 to 1860, N. York, 18fl(i-67, 2 vols. Sv.). 
 ! 2. Mrs. Duff. Illust. (" American Actor" Ser.) Host.. 
 i 1S82, 12mo. 
 I " Mrs. Dull' was a great actress. It is well that .Mr. Ire- 
 I land has taken sueli great iniiiis to trace her career. His 
 inve.'> has been thorough, and his iiarrative i.s >im- 
 I pie and straightforward."— A'tiKoii, xxxv. 161. 
 '■\. A .Memoir 11 
 thorpe Cooper, ,\ 
 " '1 III' meniMtr 1. 
 fashl.iii. ami it )„ 
 parts "- Xiiliiiti. X 
 Ireland, lYIn 
 Co., M.l. I. 'li,, 
 I'hilii,, I8S2, I2iii 
 III.' (leriiian of d 
 (Tiiins.) I.on.diei 
 I'laiien ; from thi 
 l'"<s. Illmo. 
 Ireland, Itol 
 Last Sevi'ii \Vo|-,|.< 
 Ireland, Nidi 
 Teoi|.eraiii'e Lay, 
 Ireland, Uil 
 his nie.lhal ilogree 
 iviis assistant surg 
 lu.'.lical superinteii 
 tor [mboeile Clillil 
 fiiiiilar inslitiition 
 hiT of Ihe Psychiiil 
 L.'giil Society, ,Vc. 
 Ilv an Olli.'ci- who 
 Icii.ling Events h 
 'iicat Rclielllon of 
 loiii.lolpli Methyl ; 
 I'^'i^l, 2 vols. p. Hvo. 
 Isil-), Svo. I, Htui 
 I "^1:7, p. Svo. 
 'A iilea.siirit v.iliin 
 I rami.'. wIDi I, ().„. 
 I'uiik (if llie Hliliie 
 » eiinar."— ,s',i/. A'rc. 
 •T On l.liooy ami 
 111"' upon tho Rraiii 
 Ivliii. an.l L.m.. ISS 
 'A liookulioiil the 
 iiK some orlKliiul I. 
 listrale.l by exa j,. 
 liUtorlc liistani'cs oC 
 l.irsiK'clal lnv.'sil(jii(i 
 Sui'deiiborg, an.l Jou 
 'rish, A. II. cr 
 I' 'I'll, ("Leisure H.,u 
 Irish, William 
 the Service and Mii 
 "Iron, Ralph,' 
 Irons, L. C. Tl 
 Jli-I.iry and Present 
 Irons, >V. The! 
 Il"|ic and Colony of I 
 Irons, Hev. Win 
 Ill.iMS, WlLI^UH Jmiii, 
 tlio vicarage of Hroiii 
 ri' of St. Mary \ 
 I11..I been appointc.l a 
 mil was Bampton Ic. 
 piililications ore speci 
 m.' of single sermon 
 w hole Doctrine of Fini 
 IiKro.luotory Chapter o 
 l."M., IS.'Ul, Svo. 2. 1 
 thr.e series, Svo. .3 
 iiii.l ISt.'i, Lon., 1844, 8 
 in his Earthly Rel.'vtion 
 «vo. 5. The Theory 
 'm Svo. 0. KcclMh 
 J;o.. 7. (Trans.) Hy,,, 
 Mii«io by H. E. Hav 
 Uiristian Servant's Boc 
 Lfctiires on Synod, Di 
 l«5(l,8v.,. in. The Jul 
 li"ii, L.m., 18,')()-52, Svc 
 hfiiig a Series of Serm 
 *v.). Anon. 12. The M 
 Series of Sermons for t 
 fhe I'roposed Surrender 
 "vo. 14. Apologia pro 
 M-, Lon., 1884, 8vo. 15 
 Lon., 18(15, Svo; 2,!e'l 
 J'-'-us Christ, the Son c 
 "" '"'raolesandProphec 
 meats «f the Bible knd 
 Svo. 18. The Saored M 
 " I III' ll)(>lll(llr U u/rhl..i. I.. . 
 |."Hm'-Vaw^,h xiv, ill' '' •'* " '"II ll*l"f"n|,i.r'« 
 I'll la Vsm'.' |V, "'V , i' -'"■ik;!-" aiHl hi. Kr|,,„l,, 
 '!i-';iu;;\!r';:;,.,;t^:;:;;' !;;;;>•- ,':™^':7' '-if 
 (I'm,,,.) l,„,H.h..„'H r)r,,tlMT ,u,/l T ;; m • . '''■ ■'■ 
 |:!"r';,i..,:: '"" " " -"''"''"v i!:;;[^rl^; ■,:: 
 .f^"r«;7!,^;j;^'r.^r.y;:!:'-^ - 
 T«''::'r.';!!;!7:::.;^^--r'^«'"«^ -• 
 I'M- r.nboci'k. (m/iiiu :;>;;•'';'' ^'";"""i ''-'it'-.u 
 li'iM.lolhh M.ahvl- ,, 81,,-' • V ',''•'-!""■ Anon. 2. 
 H".l,2v„l,.,,Hv,. An 7 '^"Kl';- '■"l-n Ulo, l.nn., 
 I^n:,!,. h;„. """ ""^ " "'""'«rinK OI,.,Tv„r, Un„ 
 ^V,.|^■■-^v,^ A'^^; xxvl lli). ^^ '""''"'''■•"• ""'' »■ visit to 
 '■ A l»(M)k ulMiIlt till' ilf']ii^(iti>u *ir *i 
 Inu' noniu (>rlKliH,l™s,.i'^''''; "''"''''" <'"ntaln. 
 iuMmteil by,.x I, s Tr,u .■'j""'''',""" N't'Clllmlons, II. 
 , "Iron, Hal,.h,M (j.^ou,!.) Seo Scn..E,N«R, Ouv«, 
 111 *"in > »» ooinotli, London in i ^79 ii„ 
 l'"l'li""'i»n, arc .-pod Heel,,, " vo ' i aluin';?." "^ ,'"'' 
 Chri-tiKn^^e^ant'-a Booker :„,SVo'?f' ■"»• «• The 
 Jwiia Christ the Snn"„f'n ■ V"' ■'''° °''*>""J '^''"« of 
 Onl.T from the (lo«|,iil« I,,,,, |u,u i«. ,„ . 
 , t«r,.,, IH7 , ' Jf''V?r ' ''•'■" '■/"'• <"'"• "•'•■•■ 
 i-in-,-;:.!;:;:;;,^;.,:';:;;:';,'';;;^ ^^At"»- 
 "'''ei-'"!" n l„k.n« ||„lv o',,."' ' ,1 n, ' S""' 
 li'""l-, «» .iiDiilvln,/ I,., ir ■ ;■ ""il'l". 'ir lln.lhnr- 
 ^H-;;;':::"^" •'^"•'■""•n-ou,.h..,n!ts;:i;a,:;;;:,,„^:; 
 ! Irvln, I)., Lester, <j. .\ „„,. ,,,,, „, 
 I :.'„.„. ' • • • ■ ""«" ""'' «»»mno.,., do,, !,„„„ jsy^, 
 Irvine, Alennnder, F.n.s („„^ v„i i .1 • . , 
 thu ijuniu then. ni..iMi„l,..r 1 I, ", .''•'■"'''■'' "f 
 ' t"l"Ki-l. I I an I L J' I '''•• ".''"'"■ °f «t'o I'hv. 
 Ki!Z"^'^-,PV I /'"";";' ""•I'l-r.Se.Uof 
 'I'll- «!■'■ r: >•.,.,; Lon.si7%..""- ""*'' I'' "'•"■ «• 
 ^^In„,; r„„, a ChnltUrstory. L„n.. 
 pe«l,;ilv..! .^veno■o.T'"""^' •''''"''' ''''"""• ^ «-- 
 Irvf'oe Arv«.^^i. ^■"'l"'™''"i'. I."ii., l'<HO,,Hv„ 
 ! - Three' A:^t:"l,ont fe'" Vr"; '^""^''^ ''-": 
 iiiJ"'":!^^:;:^",^!:^^''--; '• K«„,tanatho 
 tieo of t',i.,tc., Lon 1851 1. «. .'" J'"""'^' "'"1 •'i-'"'- 
 In.lia, Un., IS^M ;, H^o P" **'"• •*• Tl'o Conunorce of 
 librari,,,, to lXveXTZ>' ''''-■»""•"' i "«» 
 wrote largely for the A L.?l I "r.'r ''-"-"'' ""J 
 The Hiatory of Sco "h ' , rv r l'. ' """"'y"* Cluh». 
 Carlyle, M.V. With a M^,?^. ^'^'^■' ,''>■ J"'"' Ailkcn 
 W(jrk ar,. shiirNunnarL ,./'''''"'' ''■ l""-llonfi of 'this 
 aii'l ■M'l>Ject.s.Xrt[.d ,,,'•' '"•'"'■ll'".! metrlp«l RU.rlel 
 Lon?VH'?^2^«r;-8,^*''''''""«'^*'"-'K-- » N,.e.. 
 |TrJ:blo"*'T"*!,%fi^f «'l'J«"^r '' <T""-' I" 
 ' Lon., I8,S3, ;i , ir„ 8;n *"!?• '^'■'"'' "><> D"'<^l'. 
 The Amazon, ( . , 'vi 'l fro „ h^'lf I' ,"^/a 2. (Tran.. 
 1B74, 8vo. 3 Brief i"''"*'-' of Historic Life, LoD. 
 2J odTlfo'^t^l^sT^lz" o'"' "'"' «"•'" •■ " ""-o «t«ry ; 
 M?rn'."vf'A?5;:,'rppr«(«' t-'f. ^'"- '■^'^OOO With 
 Keinton/'^caVGIast^bYrv- h^/"""''''' ''• '^^H, at 
 lessee and inanaOTr of th^- i "-I""'"' '" "^«; 
 and the leading Enilil .™„ ^^"'T J''"'". London 
 the name I vC fo his3,^"" °^ *''^''»y- «« addod 
 -ua„y desi^nati'd il klf^tZT u'^'t^^ ^l 
 Address nt IVrry liiirr, ISinninghaiii, Lon., ]8"8, 8vo. 2. 
 Kngllsh Actors; their Chiiraetoristics nnd their Methode. 
 Oxf., ISSCi, l2ino. (A leeture delivered at Oxford nt the 
 invitation of the vice-ehancellipr.) With Maushai.i., 
 Fhaxcis Al.liKIlT, (cd.) The Works of Sliulicspiarc. 
 Illust. I,on., 1887-90, S vole. Ito. (This is called the 
 " Henry Irving Edition," but Mr. Irving merely fur- 
 nished u supplement to the preface and a short paner on 
 " Shakespeare as a I'laywright." Mr. Marshall's health 
 havinj? tailed during the pro);ress of the work, the edi- 
 torial labor was eom|ileted by several collaborators.) 
 Irving, John Trent, [anir, vol. i., second of ihe 
 name there mentioned, add.,] b. 1812, at New York City. 
 The Van (i elder Paper.-, and other Sketches, N. York, 
 18S7, 12mo. 
 Irving, Jo§fpli. I. The History of Dumbarton- 
 shire, Civil, Ecclesiaslioal, and Territorial : with (ienea- 
 Icjgical Notices of the Principal Families in the County ; 
 the whole buseil on .Authentic Records. Public anil 
 Private; 2d ed., Duuibarlon, 18fill, 8vo. (The first edi- 
 ti(]n was printed iu 1S57.) 2. .\ Lennox (iarland, 18(i(l; 
 2d ed., 1871. :i. The Drowned Woman of Wigtown: a 
 Koinance of the Covenant : suggested by Mr. Napier's 
 " .Memoirs of Dundee :" with a Serici of Documents, 
 Glasgow, 181)2, Svo. 4. The Annals of our Time: a 
 Diurnal of Events, Social and Political, which have 
 ha|>pened in, or had relation to, the Kingdom of Great 
 Britain, from the Accession of Queen Victoria, Lon., 
 181)1), 8vo; new ed., 1871 ; vol. ii., (bringing the work 
 down to L887,) 18>9. 5. The Hook of Dumbartonshire: 
 a History of the County, liurghs, Parishes, and Lands, 
 .Memoirs of Families, and Notices of Industries carrieil 
 on in the Lennox District. Maps and Illust. Edin. and 
 Lon., 1879, ;i vols. Jto. (The third volume is chielly 
 pictorial.) 6. The Book of Scotsmen Eminent for 
 Achievements, Paisley, L88I, 8vo. 7. The West of Scot- 
 land in History : being Notes concerning Events, Family 
 Traditions, Ac".. Glasgow, 1886, 4to. KlU copies printed. 
 Irving, Kate. Clear Light from the Spirit World, 
 N. York, 18St, 12rao. 
 Irving, I'ierre Monroe, 180;i-1876, son of William 
 Irving, ((/. I., inilf, vol. i.,) and nephew of Washington 
 Irving; graduated at Columbia College in 1821, and was 
 admitted to the bar. He acted as his uncle's literary 
 assistant during the last years of his life, and collected 
 and edited his miscellaneous papers, Ac. (Ed.) The Life 
 and Letters of Washington Irving, N. Y'ork, 1802-C4, 4 
 vols. 12mo. 
 "It is written in a thoroughly unpretending manner, 
 . . . while the selections from Washington Irving's Diary 
 and ('orruspundeni'e are so chosen as always to help the 
 narrative." — Spectator. 
 Irving, R. E. Preliminary Discourse to Ben Ezra 
 on the Coming of Isaiah, Lon., 1859, Svo. 
 Irving, Itoland Uuer, Ph.D., b. 1847, in New 
 Y'ork City ; graduated at Columbia College School of 
 .Mines in 1869, and in 1870 became professor of geology, 
 mining, and metallurgy in the University of Wisconsin. 
 He has been connected with the U.S. Geological Survey. 
 The Copper- Hearing Hocks of Lake Superior. Illust, 
 (U.S. Gov't Pub.) Wash., 1883, 4to. Also, several minor 
 Irving, Theodore, ' L.D., [ante, vol. I., add.,] 
 1899-188(1. 1. A Tiny Footfall within the Golden Gate, 
 1865, ;i2mo. 2. More than Conqueror; or, Memorials 
 of Colonel J. Howard Kitehing, ^f. York, 187H, 12mo. 
 Irving, Thomas J> In the Rapids : a Romance. 
 By Gerald Hart, [pseud.] Phila., 1870, 12rao. 
 Irving, Walter. 1. Tennyson, Edin., 187.'?, Svo. 
 2. Charles Dickens, Edin., 1874, Svo. 
 Irwin, Anne. Coombe Flowers : Poems, Lon., 1879, 
 fp. 8vo. 
 Irwin, Edward. Poems, G-ave and Gay, Lon., 
 1S62, 12mo. 
 Irwin, Henry Crossiey, graduated ai. Queen's 
 College, Oxford, 1870; a member of the Bengal civil ser- 
 vice. 1. The Garden of India; or. Chapters on Oudh 
 History and Affairs, Lon., 1880, Svo. 
 " If Mr. Irwin's parallels art: not always just t his sug- 
 gestions of value, he has collected a great nnis . of very in- 
 tere.sting inforumtion upon a very interesting subject, he 
 has marslialleil his facts with care and not without skill, 
 and he has produced a decidedly readable hook."— Sited'' 
 iiir, iv. 193. 
 " I'erhaps the most Important contribntlnn to our kiinwl- 
 cdge of India that has appeared sin ^ Dr. Hunter's first 
 work, ' The Annals of Uural Uengal.' ' -.-Acad, xix. 310. 
 2. Rhymes and Renderings, Lon., 1886. 
 " A » cfcome contribution to the not large body of Anglo- 
 Indian imaginative literature."— II. G. Kenk: Acaii., xxx. 
 Irwin, M. E. The Three M's: Mind, Manners, 
 and Morals; or. How to Make Home Plea.'aut, Lon., 
 1880, p. Svo. 
 Irwin, Thomas Canltield. 1. Veraioles, Dub- 
 lin, 1856, 12mo. 2. Irish Poems and Legends, Glasgow, 
 1869, I8mo. 3. Songs and Romances, Dublin, 187'-, 
 12mo. 4. M'inter and Summer Stories and Slides cii 
 Fancy's Lantern, Dublin, 1S79, 12mo. 5. Pictures anl 
 Songs, Dublin, 1S80. 12mo. 0. Sonnets on the Pueti\ 
 and Problems of Life, Dublin, 1881, 12mo. 
 Isaacs, Abram S., Ph.D.; graduated at the I'ni 
 versify of Breslau 1877; professor at the l'niversit.\ f 
 the city of New York. A Moilern Hebrew Poet: Lit. 
 and Writings of Moses Chaini Lu/.zatto, N. York, 1>7\ 
 S(|. Illmo. 
 Isaacs, Ilev. Albert Augustus, M. A. ,graduntnl 
 at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 1850; ordained 
 1850; vicar of Christ Church, Leicester, since 1856. 1. 
 The Dead Sea; or. Notes and Observations made during' 
 a Journey to Palestine. Illust. Lon., 1858, Svo. 2. A 
 PictorialTour in the Holy Land, Lon., 1862, 12ino. 3. 
 Hiograi)hy of the Rev. Henry A. Stern, D.D. Illu^t. 
 Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 Isabell, Ilev. John, ordained 1879; rector ><( 
 Scnnen, Cornwall, since 1880. 1. Eight Cornish Tem- 
 perance Tales in the Cornish Dialect, Truro, 1883, Sv,). 
 2. By the Cornish Sea, Lon., 1885, 2 vols. or. Svo. 
 Isliam, Rev. Arthur, M.A., graduated at Chri-t 
 Church, Oxford, 1832; ordained 1833; rector of Weston 
 Turville 1837-76. 1. Jacob and Israel, Ephraim an I 
 Judah; or. The Discrimin:itive Use of these Titles 
 Lon., 1854, 12iuo. 2. Ecclesiastical Outlines; or, .-^vi:;- 
 gestions, Scriptural nnd Historical, fur the .Abateiunit 
 of Disunion and Schism, Lon., 1857, Svo. 
 Isham, Charles. The Fishery Question : its Ori- 
 gin, History, and Present Situation : with a Map of tlio 
 Anglo-American Fishing-tJrounds and a Short Bibli- 
 ogra))hv, N. York, 1S87, 12ino. 
 Isham, Sir Charles Edmund, Bart., M.A., b. 
 1819; educated at Brnsenose College, Oxford. 1. llc:il- 
 ing by the Hand and AVill, Lon., 1862, Svo. 2. Tli.. 
 Food that we live in, [verse,] Northampton, 1879, Svo. 
 Isham, F. Stewart. A Twice-Seen Face, [u 
 novel,] Bristol, 1SS7, 12mo. 
 Isherwood, Beiyamin F,, entered the U.S. navy 
 as assistant engineer 1S61 ; chief engineer since l-'"-3. 
 1. Engineering Precedents for SteamMachinery,N.Yn]li, 
 1858, Svo. 2. Expeiimental Researches in Steam En^'i- 
 neering, Phila., 1863-65, 2 vols. 4to. 3. Vedette-Boats 
 constructed for the British nnd French Navies. Illust. 
 (Pub. by U.S. Gov't.) Wash., 1882, Svo. 
 Ismay, Albert John. The Life-Boat: a Com- 
 panion Poem to Falconer's " Shipwreck," Newcastle. 
 on-Tyne, 1887, 16mo. 
 Ivatts, E. B. 1. A Hand-Book of Railway Sta- 
 tion Management, Liverpool, 1861, Svo. 2. Carriirs' 
 Law relating to Goods and Passenger Traffic on Rail. 
 ways, Canals, and Steam-Ships, Lon., 1883, Svo. 3. 
 Railway Management at Stations, Lon., 1885, Svo. 
 Iverach, James. 1. The Life of Moses, Edia., 
 1881, ISmo. 2. Is God Knowable? (Theological Lit. i 
 Lon., 1884, p Svo. 3. 'ihe Philosophy of Mr. Ilcrbcit 
 Spencer Exau.ined, (" Present Day Tracts,") Lon., l!'>4, 
 12mo. 4. The Ethics of Evolution Examined, (" Pres- 
 ent Day Tracts,") Lon., 1SS6, 12rao. 
 Ive8.> Charles, [aule, vol. L, add.] The L-iles uf 
 Summer; or, Nassau nnd the Bahamas. Illust. "). 
 Haven, 1880, 12mo. 
 Ives, Charles L. The Bible Doctrine of the Snul ; 
 or, Man's Nature ami Deftiny as revealed ; new nl., 
 Phila., 1878, 12mo. 
 Ives, J. Electricity: a Medicine for Family I .-c, 
 and Mode of Application, N. Y'ork, 1879, 12mo. 
 Ives, Joseph C. 1. Memoir to accompany a .Mili- 
 tary Mnp of the Peninsula of Florida South of Tau]|i!i 
 Bav, Wash., 1856, Svo. 2. (Ed.) Report upon the Col- 
 orado River of the West, Explored in 1857-68, Wash., 
 1861, 4to. 
 Ives, R. A. Military Lnw and Procedure of Mili- 
 tary Courts, Ao., N. York, 1879, Svo. 
 Ivey, Lieut. -Cul. George James. The Club 
 Directory: with Anecdotes, Lon., 1879, p. Svo; 2d cJ,, 
 entit;.d "Clubs of the World," 18S0. 
 Ivnis, William N. Machine Politlca and Muncy 
 in Elections in New York City, N. York, 1887, lliuiu. 
 Jack, Rev. Alexander. D n « 
 Jack, Georee. rr„!,i '. ?'' '^^"' I'- ■'*vo. 
 Egypt n^cl, he yZ; Lan/t : " „!^,/-™ey th 
 h rough 
 '«»,'' «.'.'IoK.v. I,..„ , !;sf'' ,■;; """J-Book of Queens. 
 ^on^^i^Tl":,,-!- ^- ^'"' '^--. anJ other P„e., 
 l'K3f«-Mn'nteri^'^'''^''^.M' "" '^">>- books 
 ^-^!;i;url:2'';;J;|;!-;-^">,^he He.oration to 
 ,,;.....», A,U.. p. 'Mi, ,,,„.,., ,„„,^^ J J.» T,„^ 
 Jackson. Rfiv. 4 ,.• ___ , -feAMUEL R. Gahi.Txeh : ,/",f ix''^"'"' ■'' "^ "'f "-orW '• 
 (Ed.) Yorkshire Diariu«' in tl,n c 
 »..„„.!. ^, . »"i^ '" '"c Seventeenth and 
 Eighteenth Centuries, "CteL" Sof p'l'?'^.''""' ""^ 
 Jackson, C'hnrln'a i,"i,- 
 tical Arbi.rat'or: a Irea'tise n'"^ "'"''^'''- ^he Prac- 
 I^^e of Lay Arbitrators I.o„ mo r"""'"'^ <■»■• '"o 
 i.. I _ -■■<". ii«-., XIV 
 Jackson, Rev. Arti>...<< 
 curate of St. Thonias^ R r"^*^""'''' onlained 1868 
 1. The Mis;:,, :^"jl'„^,,ff"'^'i-'. London, 1875-82; 
 12".". 2. The H,.to y "st Thl';'"!'"n!' ''""- 1«?6. 
 •Mreet, Lon.. 1881, 8vo! 3 The m'' '■ ^^"''"^'' ^"S^^i 
 ^inr''":e%^;„^^^„:ron°7?Ed^7^'rr^ the '^e'of LayTrbitr:t„;nr "'879^0 '"" 
 the Plants oultivateil in ,h n ^■,^'^^-> ^ Catalogue of Jackson, Rev fh„>, ' ...' °'o. 
 •to. 2. Ouide the L ter w"''"V; ^- «''™rdf J8-6, at lirasenose CollLe' Oxford ?..',*""' "•'^•' graduated 
 Classified Selection of ^1^1 S t T'lK' "^'"^ a I of Wold Ne«ton K^slili^'^l"'''' ''^^'^ •• rector 
 I'"!).,) Lon., 1881,. (to T Tr™ A'; 'f"'^" Soc. " o'ds of Our Urd fro„, ih;p '"'!;' '^"'"ons on the 
 Cinchona-Cultur by ivtrel W ^V ^ """''"Book of Jackson, Rev. ChaHP.n'' .^"'"•' ''*''*'' '2-no. 
 towards a Bibliograthv of J''^'"'"'»gy = a Contribution I'. Suffering Here-Gli v'h ""r'"''"'^' •""'■ '^'"■■k. mt 
 Soo Pub.,) Lon.,'l8s'r4to ^""""""-'a' Botany, (IndeJ N. York, lS71,loL,.^^",:^ "«7^"«r . Lenten Semon,, 
 ^^Z^Xi^'riS^r: ^i-' «-""-" at ViSroVli'e fSr;^"!-' ^"•''•e". A 
 St. BartholomeVx Cr pnle^ateTl'nH"^ ^^'^^ ' ^««'" "f ministration, Lon.! 186? Svo ^''"'"''«'«'« Indian Ad 
 The Forgiveness of Sins' amJoH, c^°"' ''"™ 1««^. ' ' Jackson. R. i 7' r""' 
 Svo. 2. The Death of crrUTh '?°'"' ^'"'•' '^^ 
 1.876, 8vo. Also ZJ -Jtl' ^.«°"'» Sermon 
 !i;i,ur 01 — ."--iMiuon, L,on., 1865 Hvn »uuian Ad- 
 183. 1. Jackson, E. A l ' r n ,. « 
 ., J87U, I'ories, N York, is'j/ l^'cZ/^'' ^ike It, and other 
 irmons, ,S'ones. Ulust. n. y : ^?"''™?? Tapers, and other 
 'Thornton; or, Who is myV- .'h "r^. ^- t-'bri'tine 
 -' • I l6mo. "'^ '..hbor.' N. York, ]87(° 
 ' E.vamination of "The «',„: .L '•. f"'"' "r Fancy 
 I-m., 18767 8vo Also ,in ','' ^ ^''""' ^™ — o"- 
 Jacksoii r'™/}. '.^'"«'" sermons, Ac. ' 
 "'■.srf4o"^^^feiT(n8^-';^6\''?"?' '^A'^y -i^- 
 nnes and Letters of Sir GeoVl r- ^' - ""^'^ '''''« ^i- 
 Peace of Amiens to the BatUeof tT' '^-'V'- •"'■"" 'ho 
 vol.s. 8vo. "aitieol lalavera, Lon., 1872, 2 
 »e™;r^"4'5!vor"c^'^^\,^'^d'r;;''''-^' •"""■■« the public 
 I "'I with Nap,,Ie,,,,ie 'Frknce ""•'.^'''^''t struggle of ft i? 
 N dmry we see the .same shrmvH "'"? ',''« ^™t entryY?, 
 Jackson, Fr'anci^nift'^if'-' '«'""• 
 ,r6siri„n, „«■ ♦....."•'.■»? "f'l'-lSai, b. at Newton, Mass. 
 «» E.vami„atio„ „; "The Ga.ef a" ';, f """ "■• I''"°»/? 
 vofttr.:^\«?s^;,f t-,'«j,Du«.,e,, B.C.L., ,,„.; 
 mum, Turkey', „her"hislL"^^;»"'''' '''"' ■" Erzc- 
 aries; removed to the Un ed^t^^*'*-'^'??"™'' ""ssion- 
 at Amherst in 1870, and i^ee 'w h" ^t"^ ' S^-'-ated 
 the Boston Latin School. I 1 m.."^:" '""'." "'"'tor in 
 phy, N. York, 1873, \,"mo. '„ /''t''?"'atical (ieogra- 
 ;n Space: a Manual 7^A^,±L^'!^'"^' ".The E^rth 
 ■}■ Fair Lusitania. 
 ii.„r decorative Design, 
 Jackson, Frederick J ti n""' '"• 
 Lon., IHfiB, p. «vo. Anon. 2(J ed., abridged, 1S7,1, Iflmo. 
 2. Chimiis from Hcavtn's Belfry, Lon., 1H70, yi. 8vo. 3. 
 Till' Sculptor, and other I'oeiiis, Loll., KSTIi, 12mo. 
 JackMoii, Kcv. (ieorge Anson, gniduutod ut 
 Yule 1S()S; CongregiitionttI minister iit Swiunpscott, 
 M1188, Karly Chrisliim Literature lyiniers. Kditud by 
 <i. 1'. Fi.«hcr. X. York, L'<7y-8I, 4 vol.-. IBiiio: 1. 
 Apostolic Kiitber.s and Apologists of the Second Cen- 
 tury j 2. Fathers of the Third Century; If. Post-Nioene 
 (Jrcck Fathers; -1. I' Latin Fathers. 
 Jackson, George Frederick, Is.ifi-lStiO, b. at 
 Plyijiouth, Kng. ; a ."olicitor. Ucsurgaiii, and other 
 I'oi'ins. Kdited, with a .'^hort Hiography, by his Brother, 
 Rev. H. M. Jacki'on. Lon., 1871, ilinio. 
 Jackson, (leorge ItiisKell. Ambergris Island; 
 or. The New Eldorado ; a Tale of Love and Adventure 
 in the Southern Seas, Hosl,, \SS2, IBruo. 
 Jackson, (^eorge '!'•, M.D, Diseases of the Hair 
 and .Sculp, must. X. York, ISJG, ]2mo. 
 Jackson, Miss Georginn F. Shropshire Word- 
 Book ; a (ilossary of .\rchaic and Provincial Words, Ac, 
 used in the County, Lon., L-'7'J-n1, 'i parts, .Svo. 
 " ThisKlossarv will take a liigh rank in dialec-tlitcraturc : 
 indeed, nn Kii(,'lisli work of the kind is more thorough."— 
 Alli.. No. ■JOai. 
 " II i.s certainly one of the most amusing dictionaries in 
 existence." — vlc(i(/., xx. lliu. 
 Jackson, Mrs. Helen Maria Fiske, (" U. H.,") 
 Lh:)1-18S5, b. at Amherst, Mass.; daughter of Prof. 
 Nathan W. F'iske, (</. r., unle, vol. i. ;1 was educated in 
 the Ip.swich (Mass.) Female Seminary, and in 1852 
 marricii Edward B. Hunt, 'nite. Under the signa- 
 ture of " H. JI." Mrs. }lunt lieoanio a well-known con- 
 tributor of verse and jirose to periodicals. The stories 
 publisiied under the pseudonyme of " Saxo Holm" in 
 Scribner's Monthly, and afterwards in book form, were 
 attributed to her pen, but their authorship was never 
 acknowledged. In 1S75 she married William S. Jacksou, 
 a bank'.r of Colorado Springs. She became warmly in- 
 terested in the cause of the Indians, and in 1883 was 
 appointed special commissioner to inquire into the con- 
 dition of the Mission Indians in California. 1. Versos, 
 Best., 1870, llimo; new ed., enl., 1873, 
 " She lia.s more thought than went to the making of 
 many a poem that will outlive manygenerHtionsof 111011 ; 
 she has fancy; the has force of feeling, and of natural 
 feeling, though it too wholly and too strenuously 
 her; she has some imaginative insight, and apparently 
 some spiritual insight ; she has a cultivated mind, and ap- 
 parently a wide experience of life. , . . Neverlheless, . . . 
 the book is one of^ verses, and not of poems, though the 
 author is a verse-maker of an exceptionally high oh^ss, and 
 ciccasionallv strays into the region of poetry."— .Vu((0)i, xii. 
 2. Bits of Travel, Boat., 1872, sq. 16mo; new ed., 
 "An extremely readable book, and more especially en- 
 tertaining in the first half."— -Yadon, xiv. 407. 
 3. Bits of Talk about Home Matters, Bost., 1873, sq. 
 " Our author's chief concern is with the treatment of 
 children, and her remarks are addressed to Oiot to say 
 aimed at) a clasps whose means permit them t« take sum- 
 mer board in the country, to iro abroad and settle in Eng- 
 lish lodging-houses, ... in short, to gratify most of their 
 wants. . . . The chapters on children are fruitful of sug- 
 gestiim, and are unexceptionable in spirit as they are 
 agreeable in style."— .Vo(ioh, xvi. 373. 
 4. The Story of Boon, [verse,] Bost., 1874, sq. Ifimo; no** 
 ed., 1S7U. 5. Bits of Talk, in Verso and Prose, for Young 
 Folks,, 1876, sq. 18mo. 6. Mercy Philbrick's 
 Choice, (" No Name" Ser.,) Boat., 1876, 16ino. 7. Hetlv's 
 Strange History, ("No Name" .Ser.,) Boat., 1877, U'l 
 8. Bits of Travel at Home, Boat., 1878, sq. 18mo. .1. 
 Nelly's Silver-Mine; a Story of Colorado Life, Boat., 
 1878, Hiino. 10. Letters from a Cat. Illuat. Boat., 
 1879, sq. 12mo. 1 1. Mammy Tittloback and her Family : 
 a True Story of Seventeen Cats. Illuat. Boat., 1881, 
 sq. 12nio. 12. A Century of Dishonor: a Sketch of the 
 I'mted Statea Ooverniuent's Dealings with some of the 
 Indian Tribes, N. Y'ork, 1881, 12mo. 
 " Mrs. .lacksoii seems 10 have written her ' sketch' under 
 the impulse of a recent championship of the Poncas. in 
 wlilcti «h<' had entered into some controversy with the 
 SccreUvry of the Interior regarding the proposed return to 
 Dakota of :he band now settled in the Indian Territ<»ry. 
 . . . Ita influence will work towards disunion among phil- 
 anthropic people when there ought to be the utmost soli- 
 darity of crtort."- .KrJiiirt. xxxli. iK 
 13.' The Training of Children, N. Y'ork, 1882, 16mo. 
 14. Ramona, Bost., 1884, 12mu. 
 " The first half of the book is a series of most picturesque 
 deacriptluns ot summer life ou a great California estate, Pi 
 which are mingled, as episodes, traditions and Incidents 
 from the history of tlie missions in the days of their glory, 
 . . . Ttie second half . . . contains the exposure of the 
 wrongs the Indian has suffered. . . . PIcaseil as the reader 
 may he bv the fair land.M'ape spread out before him, he 
 cannot believe that the ligurcs are alive, that cither their 
 sulVerings or their Joys arc real."— .Vudon, xl. 100. 
 15. The Iluntir Cats of Connorloa. Illust. Bost., 
 1884, sin. 4to. 16. Zcph : a Posthumous Story, Boat., 
 1H85, 12ino. 17. Glimpses of Three Coasts, Bost., 1S86. 
 12ino. IS. Sonnets and Lyrics Bost., 1886, 2lmo. 
 '■ llcrvery [loen.s are certainly among the strongest 
 she over wrote. . . . This volume, as a whole, is more un- 
 equal Ihun ' Verses.'"— iVu(/oH, xliii. Ml. 
 lil. Between Whiles, Bost., 1887, U'ino. 20. The Pro- 
 cession of Flowers in Colorado. Illustrated in Water- 
 Colors. Bost., lS87,4to. 1110 cojiies only. With Kin.vkv. 
 .\iiB0T, Condition and Needs of tlie Mission Indians of 
 California. Pub. by U.S. Oov't. Wash., 18S;i, Hvo. 
 Jackson, Henry, d. 1879. I. A First Friendship, 
 Lon., 1863, 11. Svo. Anon. 2. Gilbert Uugge, Lon., 
 istsij, 3 v(ds. \i. 8vo. Anon. 3. A Dangerous Guesi, 
 Lon., 1870, 2 vols. p. 8vo. Anon. 4. Hearth Ghosts, 
 Lon., 1S71, p. 8vo. 5. Argus Fairbairn; or, A Wrong 
 Never Righted, Lon., 1874, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 Jackson, Henry. 1. Annlytioal Index of ficorgi;i 
 Reports, vols, i.-xl., Macon, 1872, Svo. 2. Georgia Su- 
 preme Court Reports, vols. Ivi.-lviii., (1876-77,) Macon, 
 1877, 3 vols. Svo. With Limfkin, J. 11., Georgia Su 
 jireme Court Reports, vola, llx.-lxvi., (1877-81,) Macon, 
 8 vols. Svo. 
 Jackson, J. M. The Bono-Setter's Mystery ; an 
 Explanation: with Directions, Lon., 18S2, 12nio. 
 Jackson, James Caleb, b. 1811, at Manlius, 
 (Onondaga Co., N.Y'. ; successively a farmer, lecturer, 
 editor, the founder of a hydropathic establishment on 
 Sk:ineatelc3 Lake in 1S48, and of Our Homo Hygienic 
 InF'.itPte, at Dansville, N.Y'., in 1858. 1. Hints on tin: 
 Repioauctive Organs: their Diseases, Causes, and Cure 
 on Hydropathic Principles, N. Y'ork, 1852, 12mo. L', 
 The Sexual Organism, and its Healthful Managenienl, 
 N. York, 1861, 12iiio. 3. Consumption, how to Prevent 
 and how to Cure it, Bost., 1862, Svo. 4. Tobacco, iind 
 its Effect upon the Health and Character of those who 
 use it, 1868, 16mo. 5. How to treat the Sick without 
 Medicine, Dansville, 1868, 12nio; 7th ed., 1874. li. 
 Dancing: its Evils and its Benefits, 1868, 'Hmo. 7. 
 American Womanhood: its Peculiarities und Neces- 
 sities, Dansville, 1S70, 12iuo, 8. The Training of Chil- 
 dren, 1872, 12ino. 9. The Debilities of our Boys, and 
 the Early Decay of our Y'oung Men, Dansville, 1S7'.', 
 12mo. 10. Christ as a Physician, 1875. 11. Morning 
 Watches, 1882. 
 Jackson, Kt. Rev. John, D.D., [ante, vol. i., 
 add.,] 181 1-1886 ; became Bishop of London 1868. God's 
 Word and Man's Heart: Sermons preached before ihc 
 University of Oxford, Lon., 1864, 12uio. Also, charges 
 and niiiny single sermons, 
 Jackson, John. The Practical Flyfish ; mnrc 
 particularly for Grayling or Umber; ,3d ed., Lon., IssO, 
 Jackson, John Davis, M.D., 1834-187.5, b. at 
 Danville, Ky. ; graduated at the medical department of 
 the Univ, rsity of Pennsylvania 1857. 1. (Trans.) Aa 
 0;ierative Manual; Ligation of Arteries, Cin., 1^71, 
 I !2ino. 2. The Black Arts in Medicine: with Anninr- 
 ^ sary Address. Edited by L. S. McMurtry. Cin., I'-sil, 
 I 12ino. 
 ' Jackson, Rev. John Edward, M.A., F.S.A., 
 graduated at Brasenose College, Oxford, 1827 ; ordained 
 1834; rector of Lcigh-Delamere since 1845; viciir of 
 Norton, Wiltshire, since 1846, and hon. canon of Bristol 
 since 1855. 1. The History of the Parish of Gritliclim 
 in the County of Wilts, Devises, 1843, 4to. 2. A Guide 
 to Farleigh-Hungerford, County of Somerset, Taunton, 
 1853, Svo. 3. History of the Ruined Church of St. 
 Mary Magdalene. Illuat. Lou., 1853, 4to. 4. Allies- 
 ton House, Bradford, Devizes, 1854, 4to. 5. .Maud 
 Heath's Cauaey, (with Particulars of her Life,) Dcviz,'s, 
 IS54, 4to. 6. History and Description of St. George's 
 Church, Doneaster, Lon,, 1855, 4to. 7. On the Hungor- 
 ford Chapok in Salisbury Cathedral, Devizes, 1855, Ito, 
 8. A Guide to St. George's Church, Doneaster, 1856, -Ito. 
 9. The History of Longleat, Devizes, 1857, Svo. i". 
 The History of the Priory of Monkton Farley, t'ooiiiy 
 of Wilts, Devizes, 1857, 4to. 11. Swindon and its 
 Neighbourhood, Devizes, 1861, 4to. He has also edited 
 the " Topographical Collections of John Aubrey" for 
 Uisfaso of th- Nervous Sv,?I- "\"™"'' '• t'ascs of 
 BrnpMcal n.l Mot™ oS, 7,'"'" "'">'J' '' •■- A Topo- 
 Materia MeUioa. Pi^AliSv^Z^ -^^^ '''•.': ™- ^: 
 "' »"«'•'-'' .'=.v..l.ilis, Lon., sfis 2„o V,'",'^""J°f « BrnpMcal rn.l Mofco logiea, r " • ,">'^' ' , •' ^ Topi- 
 '>i.;easo, Lo„., l8r!.,c..,s,o '''"'"'■""''''"P*'" ''''^^''b™! i Materia jtll pjfa;:;!*'','''' ^'""V '"«■' !'• ■'^™- ^• 
 Jackson, Johu Os aid. I R„n . '^"I'l'lemuntrUn or 7 ^^y- r,'' ?''""'''="•''••»• ''"' 
 '•on., 1845. i2mo. 2. JoZ Onll r '"""" c.msi,]orc,l, an,i ThiTapeutt.. i ,"" H"'^""' l''">""acol,i ■ 
 IMhSi,lestheBorderal"„',?e,K'e;™X ','■'■'• 'f.',""' '■ I '■^'^". p. "". "" ' *' '"■' '"'■' ^-li"- l'^-' ; 4,h !l 
 ot Keliirioiis I.if„ i., .1... r „ '. "'"Ago; „r, (J|i,„„.eH .C.-i,-,... .._. _ ' 
 The Ulian«eoi ^vimii neec8.sary 
 «" "■ nn ^reson, la. ilie Muuntain, I'hiia., 
 Jackson, John P. i ti,„ /.'k ' '"• 
 Jackson, John William it.. 
 meri.M, Dublin, ;8oI, 12mo"' 
 I860, 12ino. 
 and'^f^I';^'^;,:"!;^: J^i; "'..or, of the To,vn 
 ISSS, Svo. ' ^■"■">i'J. ui \orlisl„re; 2U eu., Lon., 
 vi '"mX'oS'co' 'r,^""' ^i^'' ^ '■^•^^. at Mina. 
 and became a n, "Zy l^?^*^'?' '^^'^-y ^^^-' 
 O.S. gonor..,, age,, :"e"'i^;at 'n . A, ',\r" ."'Tr'-l"" 
 ».-i,M,,,s,onson t:,o Xorth I.aeinVc™'".' M„t'""iJ' 
 -,-.,-',-,;" '■"". '-'mo, 2 The P..,, „« r i. "^'" ""'' Missions on tV Xorth 'r n ^"- '■ '^ 'a^'^a 
 t.notion of Lan.lIonliMn. Ion A " 8 .r '" "'' "-' '^^■ 
 Jackson, Taliow i j •■ ' • 
 nisfie to Ho aeo Wnne^'^ r ^""'.''""'^ -^ited antr.go. 
 Habeas Corpu. PM"rVK6^n'""'"''""f, »" "'« ^-'n't of 
 what is n?\nhlT;^^'ti^~\ni,^"'}t ^'""••• 
 "b^rl!^;^-^---^. ""n4.a, ',:;'- ^«^;^:; 
 2. The Duties of Chr.nian "v' T ' k"",',' '•'^^' '^mo. 
 t callv consi,lere,i, L n 857 Vf'' ',? ''^ ""'' !'"'«■ 
 The ProviJen.e of Tv • ' ^,- • ™ ' ''' «J-. >-*''''. 3. 
 ture, Lo„.. S2, ?, s™" T"-?)^ '" '^'' ^-Sht of .«erip. 
 •i. ( xrans.) The \ew F«rmuIa"forM,Mr'v'?".: '" "' ' """"^ exhibited n -heir ^nrit, ^"'^'^"l'-'"^ o( Chrin- 
 I-.^eiiarge of Rivers, by W R K m, r r ^^1"*-^ »' i "'8. '-"n., 1868 ivo (r fP'""' "'"* I'ntctioal Bear- 
 t. Canal and Culve t Table' tk Pv.T- ' ' "' '^™' "J- ^on., 1872 8 B t) 1, ""^^ ■^"''" «""''»'" ! 2d 
 '""I E.vau.ples, Lon., 1 879 ^ ' Sv, ,'"?"'"'■•'' Te.U I and Times. Klited h!",. .f"";""" "^ »'.v -"vn Life 
 Aid to Surve. IWiee' ri,u.V'Ar%'"*" '?'.'• *• ^on., rs7;^ 8vo '"^ ""^ '''« ^^"' ""^"jamin fratikland! 
 of thc'Sd^ ««^;.„,?^^^«-««. M.A., lS12-,88r., son 
 1S34; '.rdained^'sfr eetor of i; u"T """' ^^fo^J- 
 l'-<52,„nd prebendarvof Jt Pa.F . ^"^^^'ngton from 
 "ions, p-ac hed ehiet^v on" >,.,■„' Ail"'", ^=1'- '• «- 
 IS.ix.l2mo. 5. Kc«tatre,'o7'^"'" '"'•n. ' 
 6. KthnoloBv and Phnn 1 "•'"""' ''''''"■. I'<5i), Svo 
 tiijiogy ana i'nonoloffv as an 4w) ♦,. .1. t»- , * . 
 ^on.. IS62, p. 8vo,. ne,v ed., IS7T 7'' i.v ''" "'stonun, 
 ^"Utli, and other l'oemsLm,8fii , "' '^'''"" '"y 
 '■"nternnhitcd Phvsieav \ \, r' '-'""• •''■ '^-'an 
 ^Pi.ituf,lly, Lon ,^ snV2 2"? ^.' ^"'^''-^-^tually, and 
 "ith Memoir, lS7o ' ^ '""'''" P' «'•»'• ""w «!., 
 pht^'r.'^i/rTovf t,Ti-r '^"" »"^ ""^' -. 
 Jackson, Jose hine " '^v^;'. '"''■' '^'no. 
 i".^atchel",s'er.,)N?o" ?Ssn .! i« " ""^ ^''"'Of? 
 jack,*on, j»iisV I, F H ' A-. .";";''• 
 Book to M'e..:„n's':,:er^Mfi;,^Vost ;'-,'s r'-^'s'"' '""" 
 Jackson, LoiiJis D'Agui'ar r v '. ,r ■ 
 ■Manual, Lon., 1875 2 i,a,?« , I ' , u '• ".vJraulio 
 2. •^iuiplified WeKht-'Td'lf. '"• '"} «J- enl., I88;i. 
 , -■ ■"■ ^""ert Tab' 
 I'iKl ft.vamples, Lin 1870 .. o ' - '■•' 
 Aid to Survey I'mM.^'r;,'''' "<5''' ed., 1881. 5 
 onr-F,gure Logarithn^,. a^d other 'I es/hof Is f 
 !i™n,i^^!;;l-.r'i^"=>- Manual w;;;;:!^^;: 
 ""io's Penance: a Tale, Lon IH^^o --."auu Skilli- 
 J';;;l .Sketehe. in the S^'eet Sou LoV" S-'''' Z"' f 
 -I Mi;iperon's Cares Lon is-a o , ' l»i.'. •"'vo. 4. 
 av.. „„uk. their appeamn oV ■„ ''''''r'"';''''.'''''' » '"oli 
 ' t'H'.it day. It is' ■„11 ,,(■ H, "i , V ''" I'ost times 1,, the 
 f- l-,ph.ot. and ':^^nlX,:;t^:Z.;^.I^;X^XIlf 
 .i»v u;'''!!'^ ^'•^f «• To America and I.aek : a HoM. ! 
 J'<"kson, Itichard' Charles. 1 The n„M 
 Ti^e Hir n,:"",;""'-- J'--«^'^' 18«M 8n ""r. 
 is^r . ,, ' '"onias I 
 «eholar,.hip at W^l am C , el"' "'^'1' '^•^'^^''•;' • *?-"-' « 
 elected Fell„„. of Wa Iru I8«i ' «'"'"'"aled Is.os; 
 l'"*''^2,. was a pupil of Si ill'', •s"."';; .""-""■'"■^' ''"""w 
 came an arehitect. I , f. '• " ' '"^■-*-'il, and be- 
 '■estoratiou of the liodlp'i., 1 '""' """'^ includes the 
 ) variou. public tidil:''t 'l^^ ""1 ";" --<-» "f 
 ! '"« deslgus have gained „?' ill 1 '!'"' "'Twl'-Me, and 
 I at several exhibition, I u ^ ""'' '"'■'orable mention 
 '-on., I87;i, p. 8vo 2 r" '^f''" Architecture, 
 r«tria, with 'ce,tiV„e f„ ,4 ;;""• '!'« .yn^mero, and 
 d,,stry a,'d n.'™'!^; i^;';;:!;!;'!':'S ^'•ork.a'mo„„mcn, of i„. 
 liMory, Knido I, «k a ■,,",'"' ',"'"" Interostlrig intorl 
 }•'. '/.no, these Ihre^' ,. *•;;!■?', ,»"'l anli,,u«,i'?u, "lie, 'e 
 Also, pamphlets, lectures, .to. 
 Jackson, Rev. W. T. Seneca nn.l Kant ; or, An 
 Exiiosition of Stoic and Rntionalistic Kthica : with a 
 Comparison and Critici.»m of the Two Systems, Dnyton, 
 0., 18S1, 12mo; new ed., ISSfi. 
 Jackson, Walter H. Zilplia : a Story of the 
 Now Forest, I.on., I J<f<7. ''''»"• , , , 
 Jackson, Kcv. William, M.A., Kradunted nt 
 Queen's College, Oxford, IS42; ordained ls»2 ; vienr of 
 lleatlifleld lt<5H. 1. Stories and Catcchisings in Illus- 
 tration of the Collects, Lon., 1852-5;), 3 vols. 12iuo. 2. 
 Sermons preached in Village Churches, ton., 185.t, 
 12mo 3. Stories and Lessons on the Catechism, Lon., 
 1S5G 3 vols. 12mo. 4. The History of Confirmation, 
 Lon., 1877, p. Svo ; new ed., 1881. 5. Parochial Ser- 
 mons, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. , „ , f T> 
 Jackson, William, secretary to the Earl of Uun- 
 donald. Olil-Fashioncd Wit and Humour: in \erse: 
 with a Prefatory Letter of Approbation from the Late 
 Eminem Poet, (ieorge Crnbbe, Lon.. 18(111, 12mo. 
 Jackson, Uev. William, M.A., I'.S.A., gradua «<! 
 at Worcester College, Oxford, 1841; Fellow 1844-48; 
 resides at Weston-super-Mare. 1. Positivism : a Lcoturc, 
 Lon lf<71, 12mo. 2. The Philosophy of Natural Ihe- 
 ol' ■'v ■ an Essay in Confutation of the Scepticism o. the 
 Prffi^ent Day, which obtained a Prize at Oxford, Lon., 
 1S74, Svo. 
 ■■ If this is not a great book, it i? certainly "vfY re- 
 markable one The present writer would stake ^ere 
 his critical reputation, whatever that may '<-' "'""h • o" t"- 
 H.ssertion that few in our day have done better ser\ ice than 
 Mr. Jackson by furnishinjs as he does so """'y ."'W " 
 " e end consilient, linesof arKumeiit w hicfi in- 
 dent, but in tlie eiiu eoonuivui, moco.^. >..«.....-.... ••;•■----. 
 evitably lead up to the e.mclii.s on that the laws ot naturo 
 and the. conscience of man, who is yet a part of nature. 
 must have had a raMonal and moral origin. —Spectaloi . 
 " V'Tho' Doct'ine of Retribution: Eigt Lectures 
 preached before the University of Oxford i- the \ear 
 1875, (Bampton Lectures.) Lon., 1876, 8vo , ed., 1884. 
 " Mr. Jackson has supplied us with one of th 'blest de- 
 fences of the Christian Faith, by his careful consideration 
 of the human nature to which that Faith brings its mes- 
 sage."— .'<(jec(a(or, xlix. 37u. 
 4 (Ed.) Memoirs of Dr. Richard Gilpin, of Soaleby 
 Castle in Cumberland, and of hif Poserity in Two Suc- 
 ceeding (ienerations. liy Willii.m Gilpin. Carlisle and 
 Lon., 1880, 8vo. a. The Golden Spell, and other Poems ; 
 2d 'd., Lon., 1885, 12ino. Also, single sermons. 
 Jackson, William Kobert. Vendors and Pur- 
 chasers : a Short Epitome, Lon., 1857, 12mo. 
 Jackson, Rev. William Walrond,M. A., grudu- 
 ttted at Balliol College, Oxford, 18till; ordained 18i,6 ; 
 Fellow and tutor of Exeter College 1863-87, and since 
 then rector of that college. With others, (trans.) A His- 
 tory of England, principally in the Seventeenth Century, 
 by Leopold von Ranke, Lon., 1875, 6 vols. 8vo. 
 Jacob, Archibald Hamilton, M.D., F.R.C.S.I., 
 late chief si rgeon of the Dublin Eye and Ear Infirmary ; 
 surgeon oculist to the lord lieutenant of Ireland, Ac. 
 The General is'edioal Council : Whom it Represents, and 
 How it should be Reconstructed, Lon., 1880, cr. 8vo. 
 With Gi.ASCOTT, John H., 'An Ilistorioi-l and Genea- 
 logical Narrative of the Families of Ja<'ob, Dublin, 1875, 
 8vo. Private! iirinted. 
 Jacob, Ar'thnr. 1 . On the Designing and Construc- 
 tion of Storage Reservoirs, Lon., 1867, Svo ; new ed., 
 rev., 1888. 2. Practical Designing of Retaining-Walls, 
 Jacob, Edith S. 1. The Gate of Paradise: a 
 Dream of Easter Eve; 7th ed., Lon., 1882, sq. 16mo; 
 8th ed., 1884. 2. The Vision of the Holy Child : an Al- 
 legory, Lon., 1882, sq. liimo. 3. Crump and Smiles: 
 the Story of Two Bears. Illust. Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Jacob, Ephraim A An Analytical Digest of the 
 Law and Practice of the Courts of England : comprising 
 the Reported Cases from 1756 to 1886, N. York, 1879- 
 86, 11 vols. Svo. 
 Jacob, Eustace Wilberforce. (Ed.) Some- 
 thing New ; or. Tales for the Times. Uy Several W riters. 
 Lon., 18153, p. Svo. , , „ 
 Jacob, Mtvjor George Adolphiis, of the Bom- 
 bay Stair (^rps, inspector of army schools. (Trans.) .\ 
 Manual of Hindu Pantheism: the Vedftntasara: with 
 Annotations, Lon., 1881, Svo. , ^ ■, 
 Jacob, Rev. George Andiew, D.D., graduated, 
 first class Lit. Hum., at Worcester College, Oxford, 1829 ; 
 ordained l»3l; head-master of Christ's Hospital, Lon- 
 don, 1S53-68. 1. The Presence of Christ: Four Ser- 
 mons, Lon., 185S, 121110. 2. The Ecclesiastical Polity ot 
 the New Testament: a Study for the Present Crisis in 
 the Church of England, Lon., 1871, p. 8vo; 2d ed., 1.8S4. 
 3. A Friendly Ke|ily to the Seventh of Dr. Harrison s 
 Tracts on the Euchoristio Doctrine of Romanists and 
 Ritualists, Lon., 1874, 8vo. 4. The Sabbath made for 
 Man, (Prize Essav,) Lim., 1.880, cr. Svo. 5. The Lords 
 Supper Historically considered, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. AUo, 
 school-books, single sermons, Ac. 
 Jacob, Sir George I.e Grand, K.C.S.I., C.B., 
 : served in the Persian campaign of 1857 and in the In- 
 ' dii:n .Mutiny. 1. Report upon the Ocieral Condition il 
 i the Province of Katteewar in 1842, Bombay, 181,'i, 8vo. 
 2. English Government of India on the Principles lai.l 
 i down in Her Majesty's Proclaniiition shown to be nece- 
 ' sary, Lon,, 1860, Svo. 3. Western India before nn.l 
 during the Mutinies; Pictures drawn from Life, Lon., 
 1871, p. 8vo. 
 Jacob, Miss Gertrude L. The Raja of f-rawak : 
 an Account of Sir . Limes Brooke, K.C.B., LL.D., given 
 chiefly through Letters and Journals, Port, and Maps, 
 Lon., 1876, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "The" book is accurate, and shows marks of consciin- 
 tlousness and care."— .Si(. licv. xlni. 488. 
 Jacob, .Mojor-Gcn. John, C.B,, 1812-1858, of the 
 liombiiy Artillery; served with distinction in the Indiiin 
 Mutiny. 1. Rilie Practice, Lon., 18,"i5, Svo; (th ed,, 1858. 
 2, Tracts on the Native Army of India : its Orguniznti'.n 
 and Discipline, Lon., 1868, " ,o, 3. Letters to a Lady on 
 the Progress of Being in the Universe, Lon., 1S58, !2 
 Jacob, Rev. John Alexander, M,A„ grndua,.' 
 at Trinity College, Dublin, 1847; ordained 1848; r';.M"r 
 of St. Saviour's, Ba.h, since 1884. 1. Building m .Si- 
 lence, and other Sermons. Lon., 1S75, 12nio. 2. True 
 and Faithful : Four Sermons on the Book of Ruth, Lon., 
 1878, Svo, 
 Jacob, Philip Whittington, a. 1890, at. -4. 
 ^Trans.) Hindoo Tales: Adventures of Ten Prini:is; 
 from the Sanskrit of the Dacakumarachuritan, l.on., 
 1873, i2ino. 
 Jacob, T. Evan. The Bliss of Revenge, [a novel,] 
 Lon,, 1886, p. 8vo. 
 Jacob, W. J. My Personal Recollections ot Rome, 
 Lon,, 1871, Svo. 
 Jacobi, Abroham, M.D., b. 1S30, at Hartmn, 
 Westphalia, and educated at German universities ; i e- 
 movjd to the United States in 1853; became prolcssnr 
 of diseases of children in the New York Medical (al- 
 lege in 1861, in the medical department of the I'nini- 
 sity of the City of New York in 1867, and in the Col!'i;e 
 of Physicians and Surgeons in 1870. He has Imi, 
 president of the New York State Medical Siciety, ,U'. 
 1. Dentition and its Derangements, N. York, M',;, 
 12mo, 2. The Raising and Education of Abnndioi.i 
 Children in Europe, 1870. 3. Infant Diet. Revltel 
 and Enlarged by M. P. Jacobi. N. York, 1875, Svo. i. 
 A Treatise on Diphtheria, N. York, 1880, Svo. 5, Tlie 
 Intestinal Diseases of Infancy and Childhood : PliyM- 
 ology. Hygiene, Pathology, ind Therapeutics, Detroit, 
 188T, 16mo. 
 Jacobi, Charles Thomas. The Printers' Ilnml 
 Book of Trade Recipes, Hints, and Suggestions rclatiiij, 
 to Letter-Press and Lithographic Printing, Lon., Is>7, 
 cr. Svo. 
 Jacobi, Hermann Georg. (Trans.) Gmna 
 Sfltras; from the Pri'krit. Part I. ("Sacred Books ot 
 the East," vol. xxii.) Oxf., 1S84, Svo. 
 Jacobi, IW'..ry, (Putnam,) M.D.,b. 1842, in Lon- 
 don; daughter of George P. Putnam, "life, vol, ii,; 
 studied medicine in the Philadelphia Woman's .Mimical 
 College and the New York College of Pharmacy, iinl was 
 the first woman admitted to the KcoledeMfo3cinc, Paris, 
 where she graduated ISfl. In 1873 she married Dr. 
 Abraham Jacobi, Hupya. She wag professor of inalL-ria 
 niedica in the Woman's Medical College of New York 
 Infirmary, and later became a professor in the .Now 
 York Post-Graduate Medical School. 1. The (iucstioii 
 of Rest for Women during Menstruation : the lioylston 
 Prize Essay of Harvard University for 1876, N. York, 
 1877, Svo. 
 "To the discussion of the subject the author liniiiiS a 
 large aniount of erudition as well as of original re.Hnrcli. 
 —Nation, XXV. 1"2. 
 2. The Value of ire, N. York, 1.879. S. I'^--:'?* •><> 
 Hysteria, Brain Tumor, and other Cases of Nervous Dis- 
 ease, N. York, 1S88, l2mo. With White, ViiToiiii A-, 
 Use of the Cold Pack, followed by Massage, in the Treat- 
 ment of Anicmia, N. York, 1880, Svo. 
 The (Ireok-Letter Societies, 
 Jncobs, Albert I' 
 I'Mmit, l,S79, |fi,„o - ->->,.^v„:o, 
 Jacobs, Rev. Henry Kyster T. r> 
 AI. Jacobs, ,„/•,„ . (,, I SJ4 „,,?„,, i' ' ■^•' '"" "f Rev. 
 ouled at Pennsylvania CV.'lill^,*''"'''''' ''"• '""' edu- 
 Seininary in (Je ty " L 'ITi ""'' "* "•" T''e"logical 
 <f hen he became profe .or ^7 . " >''"<'S'= 1«7"-N;i, 
 I;utheran Seraina'r; in 'hiladerhrr'!? '1"""'^^ '» "'« 
 the C,m„„c„tary on Gab ^,n ' !?i , '" ^as fan.sluted 
 American edition of Me "l P ' ''l''"'^'''"' i" the 
 Doctrine of the Min ...» •*? p""mentaries. |. The 
 ;:^ 'he r-uth::r{!;;;:;^-^-«'>t ;^ t^. Do^n^uc^!;^ i 
 lonoord; or, Symbolical u I :■ ' -"'o li"ul< ofl 
 Lutheran Church \v'h,is"ort'u 'r" , '^'' '-""^elio^" 
 .tc, Phibi., 1882-m;^ 2 ": s f!'";'"''"-''!"". Notes, I 
 nnd Exegetiual Uiind-Iiook V„ '>hl' p ^'■""•■^•) Critical j 
 from the German of Fri°driol? mJ'^'v^T"" "^ "'"''" = 
 ;N;"tes, X. Vorl<. ISsV"^!^' ^''^^f;:'^'^'^' ^'-^^^ ■■ with I 
 Trans.,) Comi).n,i „f i .u '"' Simkkkr, (j. p 
 iiutter.'Vhil ,''^r '„"^5''" '""■•J" Theology, by Leon' 
 ' "'•" *ee, also, ilAy, C. A 
 Water: a Necessity and a Danger, 
 Jacobs, J. H. 
 L""-, ISrS, Svri. -.-augBi 
 (KJ.) The t°.rlest En^'lis bV '•^""•i'**"' «'•«• 2. 
 liiJpai, "The Mo all Phil^olh"'°"f "/ ""^ ^"''l«'' "f 
 Catalogue of the Angli-Jew.M, r "•"''!'' '^""•'' ■• '• 
 London, 1887, Lo„ fss^ k ' "'V"""'' Exhibition I 
 .'uJaica: a Bibli "g^ph 'al G."ide / ""'"""'oc. Ang?o' I 
 tory. Lon., 18SS, ,svo ° ^^ '" Angl..Je,vish His- | 
 wiSr.:ufh' P„'''';*\''«'' »-0-. 1808-,87., b at ! 
 ^.iU^anio^^;^-, ';j:[:x;^ '?;^i5r ""^1- ^ ^ 
 Jacobs, iWichae^" Wi, •■' ' '^'"°- 
 Jacobs, ,»;,v;"'b"'!,^/ aM e ,??" '•"" "^ ««-• M. 
 bar 1S7I. ^A Treatise V,,etfwo"f''!)\ "'■",'' '^/' '» '"e 
 Qiia,.i-Xational, and i ,"'""'''- National, 
 I>eoi,ions of the liritish in 4 •"'' '"'''"'j' "P"" the 
 18N7, 8vo. " ""'' Amerioan Courts, Host., 
 Jacobs, Sarah « r . 
 Oak and its Neighbor..., Vos.r.s6.;" 2 j-^ '"'1-J ^hite 
 Jacobsen, Jmiu. tL « , 
 Court Interpreler,''i'."t„f ,««e«-i«mo'"'' "' " '''"'"«- 
 Settling the Labo.Tr;ubltohfc"8"8H 'r*^ '""""^ 
 tai-ies ar, included in a n«w nTr ^''T""^ oommen- 
 '-'■■•>".) t The Chris fan's irri,"""'.'"'-^8' * vols, 
 ^M' an Unfinished Auob,o:n,fi' ""** 'i^''^^ ««"n»n8 
 ^ewkirk. N. York, 1,S78 l2m°o '''''^- ^'1"<"1 b^ M. 
 Jacocks, Abel H 'r , ' . 
 Collc;|;r'*c^."bn^d'f '■*"'=»«» graduated at St. John's 
 bemg Variations in\Many Keys A- {, »''''« M"«ic; 
 from &cn,,ture, Lon., IS??- nri ' ,""',«. isicnl Themes 
 Cues from All Qua ters o. T-.*''- ''-^^' "'■ »^'>- 3. 
 ■Ifioal Recluse, Lon. f 871 ; slo'"^ '""^'"8' "^ "^ 
 '•^r. 4. AsDec , rr i .u ', • *^°- -Anon. New ed 
 liook-Makers t„. 18^2 ne^'''i -^/'.B-""^ Mark! and 
 ^isl'tfall and Mi ni^'ht' M "*•' '■"' P- ■'*»■»• «• A 
 '"•'.p.8.0,- newed.%7*''"""»^ """ °"''. I".n ! 
 I). Iniitnof Charii-t .' '^ "■■»> 1. >.ll. 
 f'ory. Lon.."l87,S. „. sV" 7 q'"? "' '";"''•""« '" Bible 
 to Hamlet, Lon,. 1877 «,.„ o cj'j ,. 
 Texts, Lon., |,H77, p H. o '"<'e-I"ght8 on Scripture 
 -en-I^Z':,:',!:--, «r^,«-,,';„J''-^,'^'7''« ^ a Poem, in 
 and .Shadows: with other Poem. Fdf; .'T-'-' ','■' "«bts 
 Jacques, |>. „., A, D IS"! is--"' ^""'• 
 agricultural ii„„er cilLi t1 i;'*-'^,,, sdited an 
 llint,.towar.lspLica Perf ? ""'" Carolinian. 1 
 Human Bcauty,T \wl I^^ '"IV "■■• ^'"' P'>"»^"phy of 
 ■ '^'"nual of Prac ic-U n, w 'i^""'- 2- The Garden : 
 '«"«, a.The'La n V™ "y T' "'^ "^^ ^'-^'^ 
 Horse „n,| ,Sl,eep Husbandry X Yc k Is';- " ,f ^''"''■• 
 I ihe iarm : a Manual of i>,-, .■ , . '*' '^'"'' '"mo. 4. 
 N. York, l»r,6, 1 imi 5 Th„ m" '^^"'"""■re; rev. ed 
 Arclntecture; 'rev. ed., N. York H^V '1^"'"""" «' ""■•"' 
 as a Permanent Home I,,nt= ' , '' '^""•- "• Florida 
 i to (Jrow IlandsomrN. Yo,^'Ts7 %o'""' 'l""' '• «»'^ 
 or,''j*u'!rsn: a1>!j C?r,^;ra'nitv '"",r" """' "> R«"gion , 
 a Popular Researei"tothe'T:Ve';rr"^-'''''"''''=««"'^ 
 N. York, 187;^, l2mo '"^ Religion of the Bible, 
 Jasger, Mrs. .liarv A 1 i r 
 b.'"'ratB'odm"'"E'n "''''r' »*«--' 'M.R.C... 
 versity'of London' rsA' ?:"■' ""l"'^ '■*'«• « the Uni- 
 '«4». I. The Ancient I'an^'"' "' '''y"'e"th since 
 physician to the Truro n!», J; ' ^^*'^' eonsulting 
 Royal Institution of Comw Tc '^ T'f""' "^ "'f 
 and Structures as Mutual Pvi' . '• ^°"'"'' ■''pectres 
 '«58,Svo. 2. E,„„,tc, witrr'n-' ''?''•«"'!««: I.on., 
 and Medicine. Lon., Ys«Vn8vo "'"' '" I'^y^iology 
 , J«go, WilliH,, , b 'l5- 1 at A, . 
 lecturer and teacher at th„n •. '""raJion. Cornwall; 
 of Science, 1. Wa„i pk'''^ """ ""'' Hove Schoo 
 I'raoacal : an ilemenfa?;Te.r'Booi;^'T''''"7''"™' ""^ 
 pXt' Ta *c ^'^r"'''St^- Man'ul;''")'?:rsV 
 &lour"supply^„r'7h tn'red P^l °" "-"viieit' ^'d' 
 Millers, liakers, and Corn Fa^,'"^''p" ^ /"^ ">« ^'«« "f 
 H. Chemistry of Wheat pJn.r"! S"g''ton, 1884, 8vo. 
 ogj Of Bre J.Maki^rBrfe"l^8tro.""'' ^-''-'- 
 18Sb^ cr" sfo! ''""" ■'y Matrimony', [a „ovel,] Lon 
 DaftT^f Pali^a^rf "^'J.• J«masp.Asa„a' 
 ■^7 ■ -'«■ ■-ii':B:i;bi^:^artf "'^"' "^"-- 
 students "I etEcr w/",r i" reCereiice lor a Pahfn i 
 pieced ••--j<.a,/.,xil.M,w' ' ^^'■ropeaii, as soon £T„"„\I 
 ' I8?7,1^r' '"■"""'"' "•« Nayjot Ceremony, Bombay 
 "iSe^'P"'"'""''"'" ^'""'" '" *'''^''°-^^'"'' 
 Indian Ho'useholdltf*,!!' !!"' ^'!°'* '• ^ Guide to 
 I»;li;.n Industrie,' L'^r,"f8 "i;:';'' 'C'' '"«' P" "-• => 
 thepeopfe." uwl^kviirei ^^''^'^'I'V "Hh the „^'„7 
 ^""•..'[ssi'r ."8'r ^;=""or s"' ^-'-^-Keeping. Hlust. 
 an'" ours to them, Lon' LsS'f p"S ' "'"''" ^""^^ »" "^ 
 Iprem^.J^^^J.^I^-Jl-i^-^/oporrof Cases in the Su- 
 James,Alexaiider M n i i-^P-' '""' 8vo. 
 "". .'1.0 institutes of S ^e^;' ^^i.'^i''.''- fdin, lecturer 
 Eumburgb ; „,si„„„t physicia^ to tl,?"pT- u ^\'>'^''"'"^«, 
 infirmary. 1 Hnw L i • r "'" '^''■nburgh Roval 
 for the People .'frdir uZ ^"".f' '" "™'"' Leclu^e 
 and Clinicu'l Stidies, id "n 'iSgs 's" ^^ P^siological 
 {^^^■-;.- Etiology PatL^^^^„iL^|--y 
 « iislrftliiin Eiuiijrant 
 Cuiu- I 
 Tlio " City which hiith 
 • - Fut' ■!-■ State, Lon., 
 ■J I'.'hr'.-'ti'in Counsels: 
 ' 1 I'' ;,; ion, Ijiin., \'^'-, 
 ■.,2: 2.1 e.l., 1S70, 
 Miinuiil uf llevci- 
 Jaines, Anne. The 
 paniun, Lcm., IS!)',!, 1 •mo. 
 Jnmvs, Arnbellii M. 
 Foundations :" or, Thonghts o" ' 
 1S71, I'Jnio; new ed., onl., 1S7''. 
 .'^elections ami TransliUions Cro' i 
 l'2nio. li. The .Service of Line, Lii 
 18mo. I. The Coveniint of I.ove 
 tion for tlio Siek unci Sutfcrinf,', l.un,, V ;■>: 2(1 c<l., 187S. 
 rjnio. .'). The Upwunl I'litli; or, iloiiness unto the 
 liunl, I,on., IS",'), ISnio. 6. True I'onsccrut', n ; or. 
 Close Aliidin;! of the Heart in (lo.l, Lon., ISTii, l2ino 
 7. Hymns of Love anil Th'Mikfulness, Lon., 1S7S, scj, 
 Kiiuo'. 8. The Life of FellowHhi|i; or, .Moilitation.s on 
 the Fifteenth Chapter of the (xi)i\K\ 'f St, John, Lon,, 
 1S7S, rJnio. 
 James, B. I'artners ; or, Fair and Easy goes fa; 
 in the Day, Lon., 1S,'p7, 12i«o. 
 tialloping Days at the Deanery; 
 Poems ' nd Fragments, Paisley, 
 A ItJinanee of the Queen's 
 '* i;' end,) Curiosities of law 
 James, C. 't. C 
 Lun., ISSS. 12mo. 
 James, Chiirlcs. 
 ISSl, |). svo. 
 James, Cliarl<"<. 
 llounds, Lon., ISSS, 1.' 
 "James, Croakt' 
 and Lawyer.'', Lon,, I'S'j. ■ vi . 
 James, Kev. ij. Hloo.-nfielil. Thought* about 
 Homo: Three Serni.-i!.- !.jii., 1S7.'j, iliuio. 
 Jnmes, Kdmuii<i .Im v>, Ph.D , b. IS5.'), at Jaok- 
 siuiville, 111.: gn.iuited al ■lalle !S77; professor uf 
 finance and aduiini?ti; :(.n in th<; UiiivorHJiv of Penn- 
 sylvania since ISS:!, 1. (Traiif.i Panegyric^ of Ijokrr- 
 tes, Cambridge, Mass., 1874. 2. The Ko': i" >i of tho 
 Slo.lern Municipality ic the Ga.^-.-upplj 
 Economic A.isociation Pub.,) N. Yorii, lsS6, Sv,). 
 "Itisastinlyupon tliepnM'''r!ini.lsuf siaieinlorforonoi' 
 . . . .\t every jioint II ;h'/oi7 n'Hsoiiiii'.' ami histiirlc') 
 cation are a"ptly put to.wtliei. sci h> ii, Mistaiu oaei 
 and the cuiiciu.sii.n " — .Iccni.. x.x.\". Wi. 
 James, Etlwaril. The Modern Oarsman: i Coui- 
 pend of Informatiou ^n Rowing, .-culliMjf, &<:.. X. York, 
 J '78, 12mo. 
 James, Edwin, Q.C., [tvHf, vol. ;,. add,,] 1S12?- 
 l^'s?; nailed to the bar ls;ifi; recorder of Ilrightou IS.'i.^: 
 M.P. for .Maiyl"bone 18.')'.t; appointeil solicitor-general 
 Ibfll, but immeiliately expelled from the 
 society of the fiiner Temple; rci'.wned to the I'nitod 
 States, pv.T.jtised for some years in i.' "iv York, and after- 
 wards ret irnvd to Kuglaml. 1, The JAinkrupt Law of 
 the Unitci: i'ci'es. Ls()7 : with Notes, iti., N, York, LS67, 
 Svo. 2. The rolitioa! Institutions of America and Eng- 
 land, Lon., !.-.-'. 'ivo. 
 James, .>Irs. Kd win^ 1. Wandering.^ of a Beauty, 
 X. York, lSii:i, I2riM. 2, Muriel: or, Social Fetters: a 
 Novel, Lon., lS(i7, |, vo. 
 James, EHa. i' -t and Last, Lon., Isss. 
 James, .Mrs. Florence Alice il'rice,) ("Flor- 
 ence Wurilen." ]iseud.,) married, Isss, to (ieorge E, 
 James. J. The Hou.«e on the Marsh, Lon., 1.SS2, p. Svo. 
 Ar.on. New ed., 1SS4. 2. At the World's Mercy, 
 Lon., :S84, p. Svo, 3. A Vagrant Wife, Lon,, ISSii, p. 
 8vo. 4, A P.-nec of Darkness. Lon., 1SS5, Ii vols. er. 
 Svo. J. A Do>; wilh A liad Xame, Lon., lSS,i, :J vols, 
 or. Svo. 6. Doris's Fortune, Lon., ISSB, p. Svo. Anon. 
 7. Schchcrczado • a London Night's Entertainment, 
 Lon., 1SS7, ;i vols. or. .Svo. .S. A Woman's Face : a Novel, 
 L(ui., ISSS, :i vols. cr. • vo. '.t. The Witch of the Hills: 
 a Novel, Lon., I>ss, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 James, Frank Linsly, M.A., F.R.(1..S. 1. The 
 Wild Tribes of tl'c Soudan ; an Account of Travel and 
 Sport, chielly in the liase Couutry. Illust, Lon., 18S,S, 
 Svo; 2d ed.,' cnl.. 1SS4, 
 ■'The iKink is essentially a record of a sporting tour. 
 There is little else ihat is interesting In it."— .Sii^ Hew, \\'i\. 
 2. The Unknown Horn of Africa : an Exi)loration 
 from Berbora to the Leopard River : with Additions by 
 J. (i)dfrcy Tlirupp. .^^K.l'.S.; the Map by W. D. .James 
 and Percy Aylmcr; tlie Narrative Illustrations by Rose 
 Hake, and the Drawings of the Fauna by K. Keuleman, 
 from Specimens chielly collected by E. Lort-Philli|i~- 
 Lon., ISSS Svo. Three e.litiuna: 1, with the illustri. 
 tious unc. lored ; 2, witii the illustrations of faun 
 colored by hand: 3, large pa|ier, (.Japanese,) \.itL 
 nineteen plates in duplicale; uf this only 21 copies 
 |irintcil, of which 14 ofl'ered for sale. 
 "It is never dull, ami leaves behind, when ilnished, a 
 desire for more. The Uluslratioir )f all kinds are adnii- 
 r.Lble, fip i I'y are really llliislrntlons. Thc'explorersadded 
 several ii< iv species and sub-species lo the ciillueliuns of 
 ■H'lence, ni.l these are beautifully lignred in colours, and 
 aulhenticu'lv descrlbeil. The result is a book done as 
 books sho'.ld \wr—Siifcl»Uif, l.\i. l.VJO. 
 Jumes, II. F. Abolitionism Unveileil, Cin., ISifi, 
 James, Miuor-Cien. Sir Henry, F.R.S,, ISOH- 
 |S"7, b, in Cornwall; educated at the Royal Military 
 Academy, Woolwich; entered the engineer corps 1S25; 
 director' of the Geological ,'Survoy, director-genorul 
 of the Ordnance Survey, Ac, He discovered the at: 
 of phofo Zincography, and employed it in producing 
 fac-simi'c.i of many manuscript documents, inclu l;rig 
 Dumesdu;- Rook. 1. Pholo-Zincograidiy, Lon., I'-fil., 
 Svo. 2. Instructions for taking .Meteorological Ohserva- 
 lions, Lou.. ISIil, r. Svo. 3. Plans and Photograidis of 
 .-itonehen,.-!- and of Turusachan in the Is:' ml of l.evi>: 
 with Note relating to the Dri.ids, Ac, .- lutham- ■ >u, 
 1SB7, 4to. Also, reports, ubslracts, ,tc, 
 James, Henry, [""/-■, v(d. i„ a.ld,,] /sn-lSS2, b 
 at Albany, N.Y.; graduated :i' Union C.^go ISHli, 
 studied tlicol"!." at I'rincctiui »i.l allerwards ir. K' Hand, 
 and adojited S.n.icnborgian \ic).- without booming a 
 member of tht \'ew .lerusaicm Miurch. He resided 
 many years in New York, afiovwards at Newport, R.I,, 
 anil liii.ii!y at Cambridge, Mass. i. The t^'d and Niiv 
 Theology: Two Ltc'ures, Lon-, I 'iil. fp, ^\o. ') . .Nub- 
 j stance and Shadovc or, Moraliiy • \\\ Religion in their 
 ' Uelation to Life, host,, lsfi3, Svo, 3, Tiie Seiiret of 
 I .s'wedeuliorg : being an Elucidation of hS Docfrlne of 
 the Divine Natural Hunumily, Bosi,, ISfi;-, Svo. 
 I ■• We regard as one of the more /emr.ikablu booKs 
 i i>\ the day. It is ni, elaborate, earnct essay, tndci.vunii!.' 
 , »., .• ... . ' Hi rieoncllo tdillusoiiby and tlienlugy, in nuudi the .■aiiir 
 , \!,)cnflio ■ [in,. „r tbo'iKlit which tlie author followed in bis l.nnlc- 
 .ntltled ■( liilstlnnity the l.uiiic uf Creation,' and -.-ill,- 
 I sliitu'i.' and .sliadow.' but, as it seems to us, is much nioiv 
 Iti- i Klvar HU.l satisfactory."— .Vii//im, ix. 4;W, 
 "' f ! 4. Si •iety the Redeemed Form of .Man and the I'arncsl 
 I of UoiVs Omnipotence in Human Nature, Bosi., Isril, 
 ,svo. .'i. Literary Remains: with an Introduction by 
 ! William .Tames, IJost., ISS.'i, 12mo. 
 I "The substance of this vnlume is metaplmicil in 
 : thought and mystical in religion. ... In his life, a^ well 
 as in his works. 'Mr. James was engaged wilh the nici;c ot 
 evil,"— »Vii(ii)», xl, (10, 
 j James, Henry, b. 1S43, in New Y'ork City; soa if 
 1 the preceding ; was educated under Ills father's sujh r- 
 vision, for the most part in Europe, where he spent • , 
 years ls,"i,i-ji(. In ls()2 he entered the Harvard i,-\ 
 School, and in ISOd began to contribute sketches to |.c., 
 odicals. During the next ten years he published in ilic 
 Atlantic Monthly a number of short stories, wdiich gaim 1 
 i him a definite, though not extensive, rejputation \vU ; 
 he entered upon his career as a novelist. .Since Isfj',' ii,- 
 has passed most of bis time in Europe, and of late li;i> 
 taken up his icsidence in England. He has conliili- 
 uted articles, sketches, and stories to nmny periodiciils 
 including the Kevue des Deux Mondcs, and mn-t uf 
 his novels appeared originally as serials in the Alliiii- 
 tic Monthly and other maga/.ines. 1. Transatlantic 
 Sketclies, Bost., 1S75, 12mo. 
 " H's sketches give us the very marrow of sensitive iiu- 
 pressiun, and are posilivcly better than the actual piluTiai- 
 age."— Ai://o/J, x.\. 42.'). 
 2. A J'ussionate Pilgrim, and other Tales, Bost., l«7.i, 
 "They are careful studies of character thrown into 
 dramatic action, and the undercurrent uf motive is, us ii 
 should be, not in the circumstances, but in the characters 
 tliem,selves,"— ,.V'i/i«H, xx, 42,"). 
 3. Roderick Hudson. Bost., IS75, 12mo, 
 " The .serious iiuention to do the author's best is every- 
 where felt in Ibis story, and it | roduces most excellent rc- 
 suUs, The simplicity and ilircclness and quietnessoi tlic 
 plot make the interest of its gradual dcvclopmenl a noiliir 
 of verv consideralile artistic skill, since it relies wlmlly on 
 the phases ami transformation of the characters involvcil.' 
 —Xiilion, xxii. Ili4. 
 4. The American, Bost., 1877, 12mo. 
 " The dltferent threads are managed with" 
 The best thing of all. in our opinion, is the deiicai 
 which Madame lie Cintre is drawn, with her sliyii 
 i-racious delicacy, 'fhe success here, attained as .v 
 at apparent simplicity which is the h ' ' t of a 
 - novel a i)lace annuig the best n.o.' ,: .i. ut 
 - olv,"— .V((//oH, xxiv, 32,'>. 
 . Watch and Ward, Bost,, 1S78, 12me. 
 We CRUu.-.t is"e what Pud Mr, James prc.i, •. l.i hi'.aself 
 In this book. An interesting book may bt v.. " '" "boat 
 uninteresting people, but it i,s t)y illustratint ':i u'. ^onie 
 touch of nature that makes the whole wo;Id Hm. or liy 
 analysis that .searches below every veil of . irci'sa-iiitic" 
 and at last dra 
 sire (o keep all 
 b.v llliing one 
 whereby ihey e 
 0. French P 
 ". The Europe 
 Bost., 18711, I2i 
 , " It is the best 
 the ('(unpletesi 
 or liniilations. 
 niicouimon, bul 
 bones live, are c 
 bonea iiio not , 
 cohere nud niovi 
 Daisy Is sncriiic 
 '{rawifi^M ,.,,,„,„,,, 
 tlelri l)!it;h,i,is 
 like ii;i:,iiii,| in 
 "• ■«!! inlcriii 
 1(1. H:iiflhorne, ( 
 p. 8v6. 
 '' Mr. James tel 
 "tds are vague,' , 
 I'littoluild u.o.sei 
 somewhat agitate 
 '■'' '>'"■", .'■•"ii.ioeteb 
 He holds tlu; sea 
 I'\'"'i *•''•'',' ' ' !"•'■' 
 '>h;ch in him nun 
 aid troubled reei 
 ■•cvertbe.ess. ij„„ 
 ,la;ilC„. dues sul,s(„ 
 Migu ex.epiinns," 
 ... "'• (■IIS made a 
 literaiy iortrait. . 
 ■innally u biograii 
 (liananyof i|.s1,ri,', 
 ■Niiuraied wilh the 
 ;?'""".' 'it'lpthiiikii 
 iby with Hawthorn 
 ;'"l"i'J>''l with Ha^ 
 "issol Jii.s .snrroiini 
 "" .'■."'■'spicuouslv lo 
 wcbelK.vnoijL. tin! 
 I'-ssenimlly unln 
 """Kimitive enoiiKh 
 111 a H^ay that comni, 
 Allies he knows Xeu 
 iiii.ves at will hetwei 
 l-.uropean ; and he is 
 '!• 'i'he Madonni 
 L.>"., lS7y, 2 vols. CI 
 ■■ j\ ,stuclv rather th 
 no liesanr, areveryi 
 '■'• Diary of a M 
 betters, N. York, Iss 
 ""St. N. York, IS, 
 baiiy. Bost., Lss|, ]2 
 ".Ui important worl 
 ills far written, and 
 ," i-»""li}- of study, 
 a 1 lie loo important - 
 ■rmcism to l,^. „ X'l,«sion Mi Uy t 
 .1 k id ot eiuertaiiinieii 
 on III an intcresii 
 ' c Iceling su,,orvene.s 
 , :^|;l'ya|itit,ldeti,rm, 
 arc l„. ,„„„.i„i ii, „^>„'; 
 » ili.c same minute am 
 fine oc 1,1, I ' " "ecaii 
 " "- so, lieseem.s atone 
 and lie ei Is ihev'r""' ","",»' 
 *'/"■' lii! 5?^ '"''"" "" 
 nnd at Inst drnw-! I,liw„t . i . ■ 
 ? ; ■ ,-■*'""'". xxvii. 3H7 *- ""^^ •'""i^'s <it Ills 1 
 , ''-.l'!? 'M''"'''> of the K ;^; '•„_, .. ._ 
 II Th,.\i'^ •*■"'■ J^'I'-xUkm ''^™I'""1"»1 lint- , 
 '-"■ly. Host., i.ssi, umo iZ' s . 1 *■* '"'■"■"" "'• I' 
 , III .some resnecK ' Ti, L', ' "' ''mo. ' 
 ,..«;/^;r^""--'^'' Three Act, „., 
 Meeting,^, lu,st, Isx.^, i Co ' ^ ""^ °'^ »"'^; ^'^ur 
 ' V,'/ ->• York, 1 vol. *•'' ^''"•' l««ti, 3 vols, p 

 Wiirning, N. York, 1888, I2mo. 27. The Roverberfttur, 
 Liin., isss, 2 veils, or. 8vo. 
 " Hi- hus bet'ii iirceil tiv its evcr-lriorcnsliiK imxlciusnesa 
 t(i tiiki' up tlif ciKlK'fls iiKiiliif^t 'sdclfiy JiMinmllsnr uiid 
 slKHv up Us infamy with nil llie puwur of lii» iulmitftble 
 tti't."— OiVic, X. 12.1. 
 " .Mr. Henry Jiimts Is ci.rtaliily ft very rciuiirkable illus- 
 trotinu iif the nuileucv iif dur ajte to sulnUviile in the 
 (luest wav the ahiadv rather extreme divislnu of lnli<iur, 
 till a very hluli perlectimi is attained in iirudueiiiKurtieK'S 
 <if the m"ist c-uri'mslv .speelalized kind, tliiiu>;h apparently 
 without the power cd' produeinj; anytliing oulside of that 
 kinil. For a lone lime we liave had novelists who are 
 wonderfnllv skillid innpnrllcnlar lorm<if novels, but wlio 
 seem almost unable to master more tlnm one form tor them- 
 selves Hut ..!i ■' -irv ,lanies, iliouKh he has ftttiuned ft 
 verv Kreat perlV<'tion in his own line, seems not to aim at 
 anvthinc iiidte so considerable as a story of human hie ol 
 nnv .sort. He es(diews a story. What he loves is an ' epi- 
 sode '—if., soniethint? which bv the nature of the is 
 rather a fraRment nit out of a life, and iio(a lair or aver- i 
 BKC specimen of it, nor even such a part as would Kive you ! 
 the best essence of tlie whole, but rather an eddy in it. 
 Which lakes vou for an interval out of its main eurrent, 
 and only ends as you get back Intothe main current nuain, 
 or at least at the point at which you miudit K'et back into 
 the main current ajiain, if siinie event (accidental in rela- i 
 tlon to the art of the storvi did not occur to cut olt at)- \ 
 rnptlv tlie thread Id' the niirrutive, . . . No doubt there is 
 a wonderful skill in the writer who, avowedly relnsini; to 
 tell vou what can ]iroperlyl>e called ft story .—loviiiK above ' 
 nil things to depict excursions of the heart mid mind 
 which fade awav and end in notliinij,-can yet interest volt 
 60 dceiily as he does In his dellneiUKui of these unliilfilled 
 intentions of men, these muiiqiii and tentative deviations 
 hito regions not adapted for embodiment into tlie sub- , 
 BtHiice lit life. Due minht iierliaps say that Mr. Henry 
 James has discerned in relation to literature what has long ; 
 been known in relation to art,-tlmt with artists ot any 
 genius 'sketches' are apt to lie more satisfying than tin- | 
 [shed iiictiires. But then tlie skcti-bcs we like so much in ! 
 artists studios are, though unllnished jiiotures, still pic- j 
 turesof what the painter has la-en most struck with, i.lctures [ 
 in which he has given all that struck him most, and lelt \ 
 onlv what did not strike him to be lilled in by the fancy 
 of the public. Now, Mr. Henry .lames docs not give us 
 sketches of the .striking features in wliat he sees of hutnan 
 life and passion, so much as llnislied pictures of the little 
 nooks anil bavs into which human caprice occasionnUy 
 drifts, when the main current of lil'e's deeper interests has 
 left us for a moment on one side and rushed past us. He 
 dees not half-paint what Is striking; he prefers rather to 
 paint with wonderful care and precision what is not strik- 
 ing, or only striking bv its contrast with what is usually 
 thought so. . . . Jlr. rfeiirv .lames is not so much a novel- 
 But he is 
 ist as an episodist, if such a term be allowable, 
 a wonderfiil episodist."— .''>cc(a(or, lii. -JT". 
 " If -Mr. James be not incapable of describing passion, at 
 all evenls lie has still to show that he is capable of it. . . . 
 He has introduced us to manv characters who seemed to 
 have in them capacities for the highest passion, . . . and 
 vet he has never allowed them to bring tn -se capRoities to 
 the proof. He uniformly evades the situation ; but the 
 evasion is managed witli .so much ingenuity and plausi- 
 bilitv tliat, altiiough we may be disftpp<iinteii, or even irn- 
 t«tei\, we are deprived of the right of giving those emotions 
 satisfactory expression,"— .sjifrtii/or, lii. 48. i 
 " The stvle in wliich he has succeeded is adapted well 
 enough for gentle salire on human weaknesses, for tender 
 analvsis of such elements of interest as exist in common- 
 place characlers; it fails altogether when it has to deal 
 with the really dark places of human nature."— -K/i., No. 
 James, Henry Alfred. Hand-Book of Perspec- 
 tive, I.on., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 James, Henry Amnion, b. 1854, at lialtimore, 
 Md. ; graduated at Yftle 1874, and at the law gehuol 
 1S78, and has since practised law in New York City. 
 Communism in America, (Yale Prize Essay,) N. York, 
 1879, sq. 4to. 
 James, Henry Evan M»irchison, a member of 
 the Bombay civil service. The hong Wiiite .Mountain; 
 or, A Journey in Manchuria: with some Account of the 
 History, People, Administration, and Religion of that 
 Country. Slap and Illust. Lon., 18.S8, 8vo. (An no- 
 count of a, journey made by the author and Lieut. G. J. 
 Younghusband (</. )-., i'"./V(() in 1S,s5-S().) 
 "Readers in search of something new, students, |ioliti- 
 clans, and geographers, may all proilt by the peruNil of 
 this latest report on the country, people, products, ana 
 condition of Munchuria."— .s^(/a'(a/or, Ixi. HS'.l. 
 James, Very Kev. Herbert Arniitage, M.A., 
 b. 1844; graduated, first class Lit. Hum,, at Lincoln 
 College, Oxford, 1807; ordained 1870; Fellow of St. 
 •John's College 18P,<!-87; hen.i-mnsti>r of Uussal! School 
 1875-86; dean of St. Asaph 1886-8i); head-master of 
 Cheltenham since 1888. 1. Notes on the Morning and 
 Evening Prayer and Church Catechism, Cambridge, 
 1866, 8vo. Privately printed. 2. School Ideals : Ser- 
 mon preached in the Chapel of Rossall School, Lon., 
 1S87, cr. Svo. 
 James, Kev. Horatio. 1. Sermons on some of 
 the Levitical Types, Lon., Isl7, 12mo. 2. Lectures on 
 the Revelation of St. John, I.on., 1851, l2mo. a. A 
 Scene in the I'pper Room at Jerusalem : Three Short 
 Sormcms, Lon., 1860, i2ino. 
 James, Hhko, of the Dennal iirniy. A Volunteer's 
 Scramble through Sciiide, the 'unjab, Hindoostan, and 
 the Himalaya Mountains, Lon., \H:,i, 2 vuU. p. 8vo. 
 James, J. Temperance Legislation and liicensiiig 
 Reform ; a Scheme, Lon., 1883, 8vo ; new eJ,, 1885. 
 James, J. II., Jr. Military Commissions for the 
 Trial of Citizens, Cin., 1869, 8vo, 
 James, James Henry, of the .Middle Temple; 
 called to the bar 18.'il. I. A Guide to the Formation 
 and Management of Friendly Societies, Lon., 1861, Svo. 
 2. Joint Stock Companies, Ac: Acts as to Assurance So- 
 cieties, Lon., IS.'iI, Svo. :i. A Treatise on Lile and Fire 
 Assurance, Annuities, and Reversionary Payments, Lon., 
 1851, Svo. 4. On the Riglit and Cost of Redeeming Prop- 
 erty mortgaged to Land Societies, Lon., 1S54, l2mo. ,',, 
 The Limitec; Liability Act: with Notes, Lon., 1855, I2iii... 
 6. The Banks of the' Wye, and other Poems, Lon., 1856, 
 Svo. Amm. 7. Government as it is ; a Plea for Parlia- 
 mentary Reform. By Aliquis, [pseud.] Lon., 1S5«, Svo, 
 8. An Inquiry into the Necrology, History, Heraldry, Ac, 
 of the Parishes of Coity, Laleston, Ac, in the County 
 of Glamorgan, ,on., 1860, Svo. 9. Instructions for the 
 Formation of Volunteer Rifle Corns' Equipment CIuIki, 
 Lon., I860, Svo. 10. Herefordia: a Poem, Lon., isfil, 
 4to. 11. Progress of Parliamentary Reform under Whig 
 Auspices, [verse,] Lon., 1862, Svo. Anon. 
 James, John, F.S.A. I. The History and Topog- 
 raphy of Bradford, in tlie County of York. Bradford, 
 1841, Svo. 2. History of the Worsted Manufacture in 
 England, Lon,, 1857, Svo. 3. The Philosophy of Lord 
 Bacon, Ac. : a Lecture, Bradford, 1860, Svo. 4. Contin- 
 uation and Additions to the History of Bradford, lira 1- 
 ford. 1866, Svo. 
 James, John, M.D. The Treasury of Medicine; 
 or. Every One's .Medical Guide, Lon., 1854, 8vu. 
 James, t'apt. John, of the ootli Light Infanti-v. 
 Mesmerism; with Hints for I'";;'r.uers, Lon., 1S70. i-r. 
 James, John, M.B. (Trans.) Infcction-Diseiix-^ 
 in the Army ; chietlj Wound Fever, Typhoid, Dysentery, 
 and Diphtheria; from the German of Rudolph Virchow, 
 Lon., 1879, fp. Svo. 
 James, John Iladdy, M.D., 1789-1869. 1. Pmo- 
 tical Observations on the Operations for Strangulaii-1 
 Hernia, Lon., 1859, Svo. 2. On the Distinctive Cliiu- 
 I acters of External Int'.ammations, and the Result- nf 
 ': Thirty-Six Years' Experience of the EtTeets of BlecdiiiL', 
 Lon., 1867, Svo. 3. On tne Results of Operations lor 
 i Cicatrices after Burns, Lon., I86S, Svo. 4. 
 ! vrrmiH Pain, and Paracentesis of the Bladder, Lon., l^TH, 
 1 Svo, 
 James, Sir John Kingston, Bart., b. 1^10. 
 1. (Trans.) The Jerusalem Delivered of Torquato Ta>-i, 
 Lon., 1865, 2 vols. 12mo; 2d ed., rev., 1884, 2 vols. sv,i. 
 2. Day-Dreams, to which are added some Transhitiuiis 
 from the Italian, [verse.] Lon., 1879, 4to. 
 James, Joseph Brindley, M.R.C.S. 1. Re|ily I'l 
 Questions on Therapeutics, for the Use of Students, I.on., 
 1SS3, 12iuo. 2. Aids to Practical Physiology, l.i n., 
 1884, 12mo. 
 James, Lizzie. Stapylton Grange : a Tale,, 
 1S.J7, 12nio. 
 James, M. E. 1. What shall we Act? or, One 
 Hundred Plays from which to choose, Lon., 1 881, p. fyn. 
 2. How to decorate our Ceilings, Walls, and FI"Ois. 
 Coi. Illust. Lon., 18S2, p. Svo. 3. Tlie Heir of Ayl- 
 nier's Court, Lon., 1884, 3 vols, cr. Svo. 
 James, itiarian, [khIi; vol. L, add.] 1. A I.'tiI 
 of the Creation, Edin., 18,^7, Svo. 2. Love in Light iiiil 
 Shadow ; vol. i.. Sister Anne, Edin., 1857, p. Svo; 2<i 
 eJ., entitled " The Diamond on the Hearth," i.sijs. :i. 
 Not an Angel, Edin., 1863, p. Svo. 4. A Girl's Romance, 
 Edin., 1867, p. Svo. 
 James, Mrs. Mary D. The Soul-Winner; a 
 Sketch of Edmund J. Yard, for Sixty-Five Years a 
 Class-Leader and Hospital Visitor in Philndi'h.liia, 
 Phila., 1883, 16mo. 
 James, Moses Prosser, M.D., physician to the 
 Hospital for Diseases of the Throat and Chest, London; 
 lecturer on materia medica at the London Hospital, !■ 
 ea»i;« of iho Tl,n.„t, L„n , "s7 | 2,"'' T'^Hm'nt „f |,i,. 
 ■5. Ihc Thompeutio .f ho II.'. ^"''"'■. «nl., Iss.o. 
 If"*.^. «vo. « A (i i ie tu ,1 ." v""'^ . ^'"«^«' Lon., 
 (1««.) I-on., iss.O, .'r !svo ' "" """"'"eoiMc.ia; 
 up,i„.Tyn(., I,sj2, Svo "" Milliun, Nowcustlo- 
 Schr!?'r^^:;!::iiS:^-„«.a. Saving,: „ 
 l|,u..v «.u. i,oo;Hro.."'„ LTk"o?T" ""™r '•^«'- '• 
 ['liree papers,] Un., ism; svL ?7°'' ""^ ^'"^''<=<y, 
 .^"c'ial : vrith other E sayf, ," i J-'-''"''' ' ''™"«' "n.| 
 "Is »f Mottoes, Lon S7-, « " •' ''; ' '"■ ^- '"*!«'•- 
 must. Lon., I <7s, 4I" '" '""^ "»"'• Severn Valley."K.' ix';pec:,i„'lM"/oiblte^ian Ph' ^V'*''"""" ''»'' 
 ."""•.v"l. i.. «.iJ.,] lso9-f;,^,*'-l';'^*'- "f Sibbertoft, 
 Verse: with .'"er^^eo,^ N.^^J,^^^ ;;>- • " '"^'o^y in 
 A , Hand, .00. or ?L 'i:':!:'"^ &^:r^j^:%e?; 
 the''TomiJu!iporo;d"c'ora-|3"o?''t''h *;•• ''"""^^I'^ "^ 
 Cin., IS.S8, Xvu '"" Cincinnati Group 
 :* ^^mV!''-" ^""'^ O-'Phant.- a Xovel, Lon., ,857,' 
 James, w. p «„ ,. . 
 Work in Cardiff, Lo'n., isiriel.^o" '''*""""■ ^^"''""^ 
 Orfd'^oliVge^S^fo'd'Vir' ';«^-I.««''- «™^uate.l „t 
 ^liire. from l,io3 Mis ake, T. M°^'^'"°"' Warwick- 
 li-.k of Rugby Schoortn ' "^ f'-Statementa in the 
 James, Kev. «'i liam in-, • 
 t"i, Kng. Memoir of thTKeTh""" "i!'''"'' ^'''^• 
 Minister of Essex Street Cha,;.."'"? ^"''K^' ^^^'^ 
 Sv... ^"^ l-liapel, London, Lon., l,S7l, 
 ron.r.Tr'.2lr^""' Pbr„.es of the Uoly Seripture.. 
 , ors, an,l Modes ..^ W i^"!.'"" •' ''^ 'i'^'ry, l-ow. 
 'ed., I87.i. TocoedinK, -N. \ork, l.S(i7, 8,0; 3d 
 /o'ni^;k!:^f:;!-^';""j^'..,i-i.,p..« ,edat 
 , Inivorsl, .. Willi ;„ I >;,f ■""'•;' I'i-'tory at Drown 
 j'^vo (I'apersnfHeA ^r ViiTa'^'-'V- ^''"^- '«^'. 
 «erv..d „L n,,!n;,;St':;'Sl^,:i •;,>"".. ;vl.. well .le- 
 Jameson, Marciirp. T -''"(c, vlil. 2ti. 
 I f'-^'mry I-ifo,'Lon l*!"' ''vol.T' s*^ " ^'"'o "'' North- 
 '•- Sy".'J.?i„^;;!M"^-«V "i^Jorieal Record of 
 ciwf'Si;::^^:*^^ :n;^ •'^''•" ^-'''--f 
 pw and West of S otlan To L? "^ rT"*'' "' "'« "'»'- 
 F.UNXKS, a,,,,, vol. iii add! J-. ..'■"'■''''• *'■«» 
 Lon., 185!l, p. 8vo ' ■' ^'"""■'™1 Gleanings, 
 <i.'n>^h1C'pi;*'^:M^78?8^'8 "■^- '• ^"o E-n- 
 Tl.e I'hilosophv of'Law r„ > ^'"■, ^- Causality , or, 
 'i'-Mnation :' wit^o 1 er jk:h;tive Dm"''!!'-'''^* "'"' ''"' 
 ,I^^"etrino, Edin., 18M)8.„i?.'r "'"?";" Christian 
 ; 'J'l'eology „„., P'hiloso'ph rLon Iss^s"'' ^?'''™^ '» 
 ; si'tn on the Atonement • iVi. v,v" • '• ^l"' *' ^'^eus. 
 1^17, 8v„. ""' • ^'" ^ 'carious.' Edin. and Lon., 
 Jamiesoii, Georee Aiiiiii» 
 ror-'SrreVi;''„'i?i;t't:.f f-""'?^' ^•^- «™- 
 Lon., lS7o, I2mo ^"""'•"ction by D. L. Moody, 
 James, Sir WilliHm mmk 
 oiuoated at the L'nhe tv 'f .M "''"^' 'f'fl'-'SSl, 
 IJ^-I ; vice-chancellor IS u.,?^""'.' """'"^ '» the ba^ 
 A|t«-.l 1870. Tl e BrUi 1 t^\^''f'"' "/"'" Court of 
 I'-.«htcr, M. J. 8."sctw '"Lon T882''8'"''' ''^ '''' 
 iN!?^ about Rivers in Manv Finn 7 '" ^™'' »■•. «'ean. 
 Jameson, Hev Frn-^nt V"""' '^''^' I'- 8™- 
 bftH-eon the MirSand r ' , • ^'^'",^^' '• Analogy 
 ISi2, U'mo 2 H L , ^"''''•"'es "f Scripture, Lon 
 Sc™'on;"Lon!-l8,f ^2,- ./■".'"■^^r'^ to Students': Four 
 M-,„-n„ i> >;.''■'•', l^Mo. .j. Two Serinons: kite's 
 cul,u,.l „n,| Fin,7n;r;rDe,"c;"sZ"EdTn " f^slJ ^«"- 
 Seeret, Lon., 18^7 ]%"'. x '''"„*">';<"■, The Laird's 
 newe'l., I.SS5 9 S : ^^ .^«.- "'^2, 2 vols. cr. ,8vo- 
 "laddis-'woode, Lon!",888 Vr "vT' "' ^'" ""'-^ °^' 
 Jamiesoii, John. 1 iiLi 
 adJ-J 1803-1880 Tlor„-f' ^■'^•' t"'"'. vol. i., 
 ""-, (Raird LeciurS p!d"r'"';S74 n's'" "-"^ Scrip: 
 Lnnrl;Uon^'beTn""r '*'•/;!;; "^""-''"'""i"" to the 
 Svo. "= ^"o Lectures, Lon., 1883, cr, 
 Pliila., 1.S55, Svo """"' °° Epidom.o Cholera, 
 oi'"wr„','Jf'i7pic"-bel"'"^''™"' *^''""'^= Con. 
 Con.p„sitio„,N.York,Pl8 9 sto^'"'' '" "'"="'"'= ■">" 
 Jameson, Jamps 1 n ." 
 . Jumes. A Glossary of fhe Obsolete 
 cine, EdinburKh. Dise es If ^^ c,"' '^'='"«'' "'' ^edi- 
 Janiieson, W. F i ti ^. 
 of .he ChrLtlan «; jCus'chl?' "^^'^ '^ Recognition 
 I'nited ,«tates Cons" ,„Uo„ St'^'is^A'' W' ''"""' '" '^' 
 Jamiesnn n^., .i'-... ' "'*> '2mo. 
 a.«Mold by Himself. Bo;t. ,888 '2mo''-' "^ ""^ ^'"•'""■ 
 Timro?Tr;r?n/D'u"''"y-"' ^'""'^-- ^^e Life and 
 , 'eenth cJntu v charfeTn " '' 1 ^'^'^'^ "^ ""> F""" - 
 I Svo. •' "-"afleston and Lon., 1864, 2 vols. 
 The work, wp are tdi'i Ki- *i ,. 
 «ie war. but re-wFltyn -nvi ^' ''"'^'''■' ^*"»'wgun before 
 progre.s.s. . . .The bonk iZ'^^"^' "'."' tinislicl iluriiiR ill 
 Jamison ha., been a labor m« 1"" ",« blockade ^Jr 
 Pher; but the S Mnory " ,T,,S ,,^S n ', "^ =''^''1™'^ l""A- 
 lil^ely to gain much hv his elT, ?ts^' S/' »"°'' "'e thfnk, 
 Jamison, F. n tV'"^''\~^^-^"--^''n.ui. 
 . r. «. (Trans.) Catechism of Perse- 
I I 
 veronoo: Historical, Doclrinrvl, iMoriil. nnd Liturgiciil 
 Ex|i(i!>itiun ul' the Catholic Ueligioii, l.y Juhn Junoph 
 Uaiiiiio, IJiJst., IS.'>7, I Nino, 
 Jnne, V. Tbruugh I.oto and War, Lon., I8H6, » 
 vol«, |>, >*VI>. 
 JnneH, E. The Human Intcllcel an Introdiiolldn 
 t(i I'hilosuiihy : Outline u( I'sychiilii^y, Oakhuiil, Cal., 
 I8M4, I2imi; new cil., rev., entitldl ""Huuiun Psychol- 
 ogy," N. York, \x^i'<. 
 'Jaiiex, llev. KUwin L., Isic-I-T.'i, b. at .«hef- 
 flold, Miias. ; a niininlcr of the Mflho.liat Epiicoiial 
 Chiin'li ; Iwln-hnithcr of liishoi, K. S. Jiiiji'.". 1. Wesley 
 his Own lli.ituriiin : Illii:<lr".iori» of his Charueter La- 
 bors, und Ai'liii'vciiiints, from his Diaries, N. York, I 'i. 
 12uio. 2. The Character and Career of Francis Asl'iuj , 
 N. York, 1872, l2iiio. :i. Memenlon of Kov. Eil"Br.i 
 i'ayson, N. York, IxTIi, 12iiic). 
 JniiCN, Uev. I'roderick. Thu .Janes Fan Iv : a 
 ()cnealoi,'y and Brief History of the Descendants of 
 William Janw, thu Kinlgrant Ancestor of lB:i7, Ac, 
 N. York, ISfiS, svo. 
 JiliiVM, Margaret P. The Artist's Year; Original 
 and ^^ele^;tc^l Poems (if the Months. Illust. N.York, 
 l«.s2, obi. 8vo. 
 Jaiiisch, Uiid§oii Ralph. T'.xtracta from the 
 St. Helena Records, St. Helena, 18Si, Svo. 
 JaniU!y, Lucy N. Alton-Thoriie : i Novel, Phila., 
 18S(), 12mo. 
 Jaiiiiey, Samuel Macph^r^oii, ['tuic, vol. I,, 
 add.,] 1S(I1-188(I. He was tt|)|)ointMl iuiierintendent of 
 Indian allairs in the northern "U|ic endcncy 1809. 1. 
 History of the Religious Society '■( Friends, from its 
 Kiso to the Year 1828. ■ vols, i.-iv., 1 'ii!\., 1869-67, 12mo. 
 "Tlie work is much of It written In a plain, simple, 
 uniirctcndlnK style, but aboii, :-i in some parts lu that 
 IM'iuliar stilled .Scriptural pli.a.'joU)((y with which those 
 will) have cil'ten nitcnded p' Ilu.Is' meetings (jr read 
 Friends' books are tboroUKbly familiar. . . . We com- 
 mend it to the readini! of perb. ns of all sects, and not 
 least to the young, for au iuML'lit into .spiritual purity and 
 tidclity to the inner liKht such as are not likely to be ex- 
 hibited HKuin, certainly uoi in our day, in the furmatiou 
 of n new society."— ^Viuiyii, v. 68. 
 2. An American View of the Causes which have led to 
 the Decline (d' the Society of Friends in (ire;it Britain 
 and Ireland, Lon., 18(18, 8vo. Anon. H. Kxamination 
 of the Causes which led to the Separation of Friends in 
 America in 1827-28, Phila., 12mo. 4. Summory of 
 Christian Doctrines as held by the Friind.«, Phila., 
 24mo. 5. Vit:-1 Religion, ii 1 the Means of i ■ 'moting 
 it, Phi!."., '8mo. 6. I'eace Pviiioiples exeuiplilii 1 in the 
 Early History of Pennsylvania, Phila., 1876, 12mo. 
 Janssen, Frederick William. (Kd.) History 
 of American Amateur Athletics and A<|uatic3 : with the 
 Records. Illust. N. York, 1888, sq. 8vo. 
 Janvier, Catherine A. Practical Keramios for 
 Students, N. York, 188U, sq. Svo. 
 Janvier, Mrs. Emma N. 1. Marion and Jessie; 
 or. Children's Influence, Cin., 1870, 16uio. 2. Agnes 
 Morton's Trial; or, The Lost Diamonds; [also] The 
 Young Governess, Cin., 18711, 16mo. 3. IJsther Mii 
 well's Mistake, N. York, 1874, 12mo. 4. School , 
 Beechwood, N. Y'ork, 18S2, 16ruo. 
 Janvier, Francis de Ilaes. 1. The Skeleton 
 Monk, and other Poems, Phila., 1860, 12mo. 2. The 
 Sleeping Sentinei, [verse,] Phila., 1863. 3. Patriotic 
 Poems, Phila., I860, 12mo. 
 Janvier, Miss Margaret Thomson, (" Mar- 
 garet Vandegrift," pseud.,) b. in New Orleans; sister of 
 F. de H. Janvier, tiipm. 1. Clover Beach, Illust. 
 Phila., 1880, 4to. 2. Under the Dog-Star; from the 
 Dog-Latin of Jock. Illust. Phila., 1881, 4to. 3. Hol- 
 idays at Home. Illust. Phila., 1882, 4to. 4. The 
 Queen's Body-Guard: a Story of .\merioan Life, for 
 Girls, Phili .. 1883, 12mo. ,0. The Abscnt-Minded Fairy, 
 and other Verses. Illust. 1883. 6. Ways and Means, 
 Phila., 1886, 12mo. 7. The IK'ad Doll, ind other Verses. 
 Illust. Bost., 1888, sq. Svo. 8. Little Helpers. Illust. 
 Best., 188,8, sq. Svo. 
 Janvier, Thonji^ Vllibone, b. ISlii, in Phila- 
 delphia; brother of t. de H. Janvier, tupm, a journal- 
 ist; has contributed stories, Ac, to the Century Maga- 
 zine. 1. Color Studies: Four Stories, N. jfork, 1885, 
 12mo. 2. The Mexican Guide, N. York, 1886, 8vo ; new 
 ed., ISS?. 
 " In the Preface the author masses hla authorities |i liietly 
 native) abundantly, and shows that he has made mi ex- 
 haustive study of Mexican history, geography, architec- 
 ture, institutions, and scenery."— CVidc, vil. 98. 
 Janvrln, Mary W. Peace; or. The Stolon Will: 
 an American Novel, Bolt., 18o7, l2iiio. 
 Japp, Alexander Hay, LL.D., F.H.S.K., b. iski, 
 at Dun, Forfarshire, Scotland : educated at Montr ifo 
 Aoadeiiiy, and at the l'niveri.ity of Kdinburgh, where ho 
 was highly di.ilinguished in logic, literature, and moral 
 philosophy ; was for some years a journalist, ciinnccted 
 with several Soottish papers, anil afterwards in London, 
 Hhere he wa« editor (d' the Sunday Mugii/inc. Ho hii> 
 contributed largely to leading periodicals, including the 
 Cor'' ' . Mcviiw, the British Quarterly, Frai*! i ' 
 ,%i ,■,..,... iv ii .'ds, and many dllic'-r'. Many<d'li> 
 liuoki) nave be ' pnolislied under p.<eudonymes, as N.>'. 
 4-8, 14. 11 IIM. in thefellowiiig list, under that of " H. A. 
 P:i^ , ' ilos. o ond 1 1 under that of " llciijamin Oruic," 
 and Nos, 1& and 10 under that of " K. Condor Uriiy." 
 1. (Ed.) Miscellanies from the Collected Writings i.i 
 Kdward Irving, Lon., ISK,'), p. Hvo. Anon. 2. Time 
 Great Teachers of our Own Time; being an Atli'inpt to 
 deduce the Spirit and Purpose animating Carlyle, Ten- 
 nyson, and Uuskin, Lon., I860, p. Svo. 3. The Treu-- 
 ure-Book of Devotional Reading, Lon., 1866, p. Svo; 
 new ed., Edin., 1870. '. ' '' ' ^es: a Book of 
 Biographies, Lon., ' 1..1. i .. I' 77, \\ '<vo. .'. 
 Out anil All About; Fable.) for Old and Y'oung, Lon, 
 1873, p. Svo. II. Noble Workers : a Book of Examples lur 
 Young Men. Illust. Lon., 187.S, p. Svo. 7. Memoir of 
 Nathiinicl Hawthorne: with Stories now first publi..<lic I 
 in this Country, Lon., 1873, or. Svo. 8. Thoreau: his 
 Life and Aims: a Study, Lon., 1877, 12mo; new ed , 
 "This 'study' is more likely. In our judgment, to attno 1 
 readers, and send tlieiii to Tiioreau's works, than an ehili- 
 oralelife."— .'>y«i'''i(or, 1. 1303. 
 9. Thomas DeQuincey: his Life and Writings, Lon., 
 1877, 2 vols. Svo; new ed,, 1S70. 
 " Mr. I'lige has collected enough amusing anecdotes of 
 Do liuiiicry In this book to make us wish for more."— .-'!(. 
 lin\. xllii. i.Tf). 
 ■' We arc mistaken if the resuit of this Life be not to ~.'t 
 Thouitts De QuiiH'ey on a higher pinnacle, as a man wiili 
 conduct and conscience, a man with responsible family 
 relations, a true gentleman as well as cultivated scholar, 
 than he had liitbcrtii nurlicd."— .lead., xll. .'■)3. 
 " The best autol>iograi. .y needs a biograjihy by its siilc 
 to eke out its del" ienclc and give the man as be .seeiiinl 
 to iitliers ; and ti s meniuir by Mr. Page errs only on ilic 
 side id'excess, us a good memoir sliouhl."— A'udoii, xxv '■». 
 10. Lights on the Way: Some Tales within a Tuli. 
 By the Late J. H. Alexander, I!. A., [pseud.] With :iii 
 Explanatory Note liy H. A. Page. Lon., 1878, p. ^v.. 
 11. The Treasure-1, iok of Consolation for All in Son » 
 and Suffering, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 12. Industrial Curi- 
 osities : (ilances here and there in the World of Lalioiir, 
 Lon., 1880, ]). Svo; 4th ed., 1885. 13. (iernian Life ;ind 
 Literature, in a Series of Biographical ,~tudies, l."n., 
 1880, bvo. 
 " .\ book repro nting ounsiderable reading, but of in- 
 toleralile p' 'ixlly .lud verbiage, dealing with great tbcnics 
 I » ithout uii adcqtmlo understanding of any one of tlicni,' 
 — .<a(. Kei:, li. 440. 
 I "The volume, as a wh le. Is admirable."— Spcc(a(or, liv. 
 " His : « ledge of o Inals seems to tie slight, but with 
 .- condbaud autliorities he is . , . over lamiliar."— .^loi'/., 
 xvii. 451. 
 14. Leaders of Men ; Biographies specially written lor 
 ! Youth, Lon., ISSO, p. Svo. 1.^. Wise Words and l.oviiii} 
 I })i-v\ a Book of Biographies for Girls, T.on., I8H11. p. 
 .■ >o. 10. Master Missb.ruiries: Chapter in Pioij.iT 
 Eff-rts, Lon., 1880, p. Svo; new ed., 1883. 17. I.i- 
 bour and Victory: » Book of Examples for those wii" 
 would learn, Lon., 1881, or. Svo; 3d ed., 1881, ,,. 
 Svo. 18. Hand-Book for ^\ .. iig and its Ncighliimr- 
 hood, (Lnwin's "Half-lJ. .;ay Iiand-Books,") I 11., 
 1881, 12mo. ! " ister Edith's Probation, and other 
 Stories, Lon., I ^q. Ifimc 20. The Way to For- 
 tune: a Series i> rt ' lys : with Illustrative I'l 'v- 
 erbs and Ane( ., I.r 1881, 12mo; 3d ed., l->::. 
 Anon. 21. Li; y By< urs : a Book of Instru. livo 
 Pastime, Lon., , -I, p. Svo. 22. Heroic Adv<'n' "■: 
 Chapters in Recent Exploration and Discovery ; '1 
 Lon., 1883, p. Svo. 23. Vers de Soci6t6 and Pai 
 with other Essays, Lon., 1883, p. Svo. 24, The IIIuj- 
 tratcd Poetry-Book for Young Readers ; 2d ed., buu., 
 1883, ISmo. Anon. 25. Days with Industrials: Adven- 
 tures and Experiences among Curious Industries. 2(1. 
 tlood Men and True: Eiogr,iphic3 of Workers in t!:e 
 Fields of Beneficence and Benevolence. 27. Ancclutea 
 of Animal Intelligence, arranged on a New Printiple, 
 Lon., ISSfl, cr. Svo. 
 Ja«iue«, .>Us, 
 »".x I lo»,.,Mak 
 Jh'I lien, Join 
 valion, Liverpuol, 
 Livcr|,oo|, Is.-,.) s 
 hibiting the pr,„ 
 faints, Liverpool 
 •'nqui'H, J„|„| 
 'ions of 11,,. i;,,,,,,. 
 J"<liieN, j„|„', 
 ';' < be Ninth .\ew 
 •N.iithern Uebclli,,,, 
 liillonof Morality. 
 '■""•. I'^SI.i.r, Mn,.,, >viiii, 
 Natio„„l Defence; 2 
 -. tncss„„'„ j,e,tr„ 
 l-'i. I2mo. :i. ,M„; 
 ^- \t,.k, 188(i, |o,„„ 
 bnce, N. York, l,ss(| 
 'Cries entitled " y„e,' 
 Jarbottom, .>i, 
 ■■"■icnce, Lon., |M7'> ,s 
 Jnrdine, J„|,n, 
 Jardine, j„,,„ 
 """"'I N,u.„„ „, 
 Jurdlne, Hober 
 ;;l"'op of Cognitiun, 
 I; What to Believe: 
 Knghsh-Sneaking .V„ 
 Kcbgious Subjects, C:.l 
 itiitive Analysis. Lon 
 Encouragement of A„, 
 ■farnac, < omie cj 
 Jarrel, U. A. |. 
 H»pti.«t.-, Memphis, Te, 
 ■"7' Kthic, (ireen'viMe 
 Jnrreti, Emily Jii 
 «n the Gospels, Lon 
 Umrch-Yard an I the' 
 Lon., I,ss(),cr. ,Sv„ „ith 
 Jarrett, llev. :•■"„", 
 '''8-, Hebrew pro ,. . 
 «-j|c and Acts, so , 
 '• '' »"rd without chat 
 - A New W'tiy of 1 
 »'".i.-< without Change o; 
 ■;alop,ikhyanam: or, 'Hu 
 t"'.) The Hebrew Te«t 
 Jarves Oeming. P' 
 '"-;■ -d ed., eiil., x. f,,,,,, 
 "■""ce, where he was 
 «-' "'or^el'JfoV'i^''--' 
 '*'showCict^?r ,"","" "''•^ 
 »i«l intereft n,^rf' " "»""" 
 "Illy to regret LI "■'""'' "'"^ 
 ".gret that „ ..ftaiu ^g 
 .-'■'IlK'S Joli,,. (V,,,"',,,. ,. , ' 
 Jniiion, Hi||j,,,„ ,, ' 
 ^- ^■"'^- >«8«. I..!;;; ""'Z™;'"- .'•"•• National liefl;;:. ; 
 l™oe. N. York, Issd, I ■.,,,„ ,'£?'"" ,''"" ''••'»<>ti™l Ue- 
 Sn'^ncM. 1,0,,., |'s;.;,;^JL- ■''""iUrj. Legislation «„a 
 JnrUinc, Jolin i r n ^, 
 vi">ve,l (>,„„ ^ I,,,y,,,'a„^ .i"- ,,V;"'''"n .Sncenlotali,™, 
 ;'';'?P "' <''"gnii,„n r.on |i'" ''''''""'"•■■' "I' Hio P.y. 
 iUtive Anabai,, Lo^.^'^ro SyTT^'" P"""" "f Q"""" iiir: Siv j ' • V" > "'h eJ., H89 2 rin 
 Knc.o,.n;«e„«„,'^,7A' :'- "l'^'/? '•"' >^ociety f,j- 
 "S\f?s.r ?Sr-™^.^• 
 (quence keep,, ,, 
 ' would t)o Well I. 
 ■)lt..„ori,,i; of „ Ministry 
 -'. A Now U'av of M • "'^.^I'wllins, Lon., 1857 
 '"fi> i™. nheru ,,, „ «q"ontij- tor many yenn, ,„ 
 '"■•Hnd, another, of .spedmon!".. ""';'"*'«'' Galle , i„ 
 ^"i«r, N. York, 'l 864," n'^^"'', "I '^"■""•"''ion^ of .„ 
 7; Italian Haml.le, : Siu,li,",',.M. "''''■ ''■ '. «r. 8v». 
 •N;;w ami 01,1 I,a,y, N. Yoh';, li'^./'i'"/'"'' M»"".r. in 
 im , I ,i' ' ''"'"litli's ,.iit.s|,|,. .'",''> li'i'lr <-liari„|,i^ , ! 
 ' '•"r ailis(;i,,i ■ " ~ 
 ■-.•MheV,,,,,,,,,, ,,,.„,,„ |,, 
 N-rv Of hi; ,,lli_ ;;,^°»«J.: a Clever Do«: „ ,>„„ 
 O''_ji^-ion8, I,o„„ ,S5|_ ;;.;««• S<-T."on. on Particular 
 te; «. ..... A„; tera;:: «'■ 
 i"T°"''™.»S;;,,'JT-L?' «■»"» «' 
 ' ^ Eighty .>^oeo„d Re,M,, .",^' **-,. ."'"'"ncnl Kcoord „f 
 ;« ?"-!„, „„„ hehi' '^o , „t"™;"'" College at Niesk? 
 I Lh ?"'."■'*■■. "'i-'ion stat.on at Kv r '" «''P»""t"iJ 
 'Sli Iruluin d strict ,.f i u , '^•''^''■'"g, u the lirif 
 '"-'ve Kara a„![''J^„2,^ '^ ^ou „,,„„ ,8' ^.'^'.^^.f-^; 
 ». h the Tibetan lang,,' ^ '"f . 'Z""T'^ acquaint.^ 
 Igumim the Talmud L^bliani'^v"""^ "^ "'« Tar- 
 , Mulrashc Literature. In lliv^V"'.''""''"' ''"d the 
 I ^^-j^-uU^il-o^fu'tbrLou., il^:,:'^t''"""'" "' ->■ Exile. 
 i actress in l^l. 'j/ i^J' "'-''"• I'O.Mon ; became an 
 I n"7'^T' 'S".3 vols p 8,.^""'" "' Connaugbt.- tt 
 oTis;^''^ ^h^t'-^'"'''''« '3';:, pS^r'"'" 
 Progress frona this World to a Bet't'"''"T"'' ^""^ ^"'""^^ 
 8- My Connaught Cousin, t ""■- ^"n-- "*»'. P. 8vo 
 „'-;"■. '>^.S!,;' vols, or 8vo* iss! T"^f ^°"' ^ » Novel 
 of Convenie,,,.,.; a Tale, I on! ISSs's >• ,'■ ^ ""^iage 
 •»ay, Rose The « ,1? .',*"'"• C"- 8vo. 
 Brother,, Lon., mr% iZ/"'»«'s; or, More than 
 I ""/•'?■"'•" '^' ''"" ''■''""•^ ^"^ ^^""""""^ J 
 «'/«-' ■"U^''.'""'"' '" '"« ^"-o Of Mr. Figgins. 
 Jeairresoa, Chri fe^ri'^^-. ,855, ,2n.o. 
 I "er Samuel, F.R.c.S 
 -— -*' 
 I "* 
 i ft 
 If * 
 Ellin. I. 'Trnnii.l Miinual nf OphtlmlmoHomi)', f'«r Stu- 
 ilciiK, liy I»r., l.dii.. IHSd, rjiim. 2. Kyo Dlii- 
 vi\M-' : whiit tho I'liiili.' -hoiil.l kriiiw (if Ihom ; Two l<(io- 
 tun-, I.nn., ISSH, Hi.,. 
 Jcnitrciion, K«'v. Herbert llniniiKiinl, .M.A., 
 Hm.luiiUHl lit Trinity ('i>llo)^c, Ciimliriclx''. I'*"' i "r.liilnocl 
 1172; iHKinlftiit iliiipliiin la Si. I'cIit'^ lldiiir, Killmrn, 
 1S7.I-N7. I. Till) n.iiibli! l'rii«'»»l'in of tlu< llnlv tlli»»l: 
 11 l'ii|ior, I.rni., IHHII, Hvo. 2. Tliu Divine I'nity iiml 
 Trinity : Ksfliiy* on (loil ami on liin llflution to lliu Uni- 
 VL'rw iiii'l to .Mini, l,i.«., H-*^, |i. >vo. 
 Ji'uWreHoii, John i'ordy, l"ii'<, vol. I., mM.,] 
 h. i.s:',l, at Franilinnhain, .^iiHollij xrailiiatcl lit I'eiii- 
 liniitf CollcKe.Dslonl. \sa>: ciilli'il to the bar \'<M Hi' 
 liiiK contributed lar,,'iily to ths l.oiiilon Athi'iiii'Uin. Fra- 
 i-or'n .MnKii/iint', Hill oihiT |ii'rioilifiil-, ami in a ililigent 
 wriliT on till' daily preK- of Loniloii. Ho IK also an 
 inspnilor of recoriia and docuiucntK lor lli'r .Majenty a 
 Ciiiuiiii-.-'ion on Historical .ManuKcTipt*. 1. Miriam Cop- 
 lev, Lm., 1S,')1», ;) vol.i. p. -vo. 2. A Hook aliout Doc- 
 tors, l.on., 1.HIIII, 2 vols, p. .svo. 3, Olive Illako'i (Joo.l 
 Work, lion., 18rt2, :i ynU. p. t^vo. 4. .-^Ir Kverard » 
 Daugliler, l.on., IHIlIl, ii. Svo, 5. Live it D.iwn ; ii Story 
 " Lun., 
 an llUlorioul 
 .'luiicuti in thi> 
 of ll^'i' I.i^lit l-and«, f.un., l.^ti:!. 3 vols. p. svo. fl. Not 
 Dead Vet, l.on., IMIil, .'t vols. p. Hvo, 7. Tho Lile of 
 Ruliert Stophoinim : with Descriptive riiaptorii on some 
 of his .Most Iniportunt I'rolossional Work, by W. I'.ilc, 
 liiin., IHtU, 2 volv .Hvo. H. \ Hook lOiout Lawyers, 
 Lon., 18fl«, 2 vols. HVO. 1). A Noble Woman, Lon., IHIlH, 
 3 vols. p. 8vo. 10. A Book about the Clergy, Lon., 1H7», 
 2 vols. Hvo. 11. Annals of Oxford, Lon,, 1H7I), 2 vols. 
 8vo. 12. A Woman in Spito of Herself, Lon., 1H71, .1 
 vols. p. Hvo. , , , I 
 ' llie scfiiolslnlil in Canada. . . . Kvory one wIm feels 
 Bii interest 111 that hospitable land will read with oaKur- | 
 lifss mill sympalhv the iiiithor s exuelleiit Ueserlpllou uf 
 llfu 111 the old Dominion,"— .I'/i., No. 2;W7. 
 i;i. Brides ami Uridiils, Lon., 1H72, 2 vols. Hvo, 11. 
 Lottie Darling, l.on., lH7:i, ;i vols. p. Hvo. 15. A Book 
 about the Table, Lon.. 1H71, 2 v.ils. Hvo. 
 " Mr. .leall'reson lieulii.s with ■ ( iriice at Meals,' Rnd then 
 carrii- iis tu luieleiit, eliisslcal, barlmroiis, maKiilllcelit, and 
 nieiliaval baiaiuels. , . . The eoiiteiits of the seeoiid v.i - 
 ume ill the siici'es.slon of subjects, resemble a iiioderii bill 
 of tare."— .l(/i., No. 2I.VJ. 
 Hi. (Ed.) A Young Squire of tho Seventeenth Cen- 
 tury: from the I'apers (A.D. l«77-l«8rt) of Christopher 
 Joiilt'reson, of Dullingham House, Cambridgeshire, Lon., 
 1S7H, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 • The Young Squire to whom we are introdueud In these : 
 pnaes is ii dlslinet ailditliui to our iiorlralt-k'allery of i 
 Kiigllsii worthies, , . . Those who were liel.ire liiellne.l 1. 1 
 supp ise that the typical Kniilish soiiire of the seveiileeiiili 
 ceiitiu v wa,s neither a roue nor a sot. neither like the ll.iii. 
 Henrv "Hastings, ..f whom Shaflesbury draw.s such a real- 
 istic and iilmosl lerrlble p.irtrait in his ■ .\utiibiographv, 
 nor like Miicauhivs familiar sketch, will prize this record. 
 —Smrlnliir, 11. lilt. . „ 
 17. The Rapiers .if Regent's I'lirk, Lon., 1H,S2, 3 vols. 
 or. Hvo. 18. Tho Real Lord liyron : New Views of the 
 I'oet's Life, Lon., 1883, 2 vols. Hvo; new ed., lHa4. 
 ".-iave ill one point, on which, instead of esuiblishlng 
 his own conclusions, Mr. Jeatlresoii simjily establishes tho 
 case of Ills opponents, this real Lord Bvron ... Is ex.- 
 Hclly the Loril Hvroii with whom everybody . . . except 
 8.111111 very foolish and ignorant people in England and 
 some very clever and knowing Ibreigners . . . 1ms been 
 perfectly Vamiliiir for at least a generation."— .Su/. Ket:, Iv. 
 77.f, , , , 
 "Obviously he has had access to new sources of informa- 
 tion, and he may 1)0 congratulated on the use that he has 
 made of his good fortune. . . . Mr. .lealVreson has, In fact, 
 produced a book that throws a Hood of new light on the 
 most critical periods of Byron's life."- .K/i., No. 2»'.>K 
 ri'his work was severely criticised by Mr. ILiyward, in 
 the Quarterly Review for July, 1HH3, and by .Mr. Froude, 
 in the Nineteenth Century for August, 1HH3. Tho au- 
 thor's answers may be foun.l in the Athenaniin. Nos. 29 Dl, 
 2«I2, 2914,2i)17.) IS). The Real Shelley : NewViewsof 
 tho I'oet's Life, Lon., ISHj, 2 vols. Svo. 
 ••His whole aim, the purport of the Imok page after 
 page, is to strip Shelley and exhibit him to the astonished 
 licro-worship|icr as a very sorry manikin. . . . Mr. , lea II re- 
 eon shows strenuous study of bis sulycct. and of all the 
 materials which can be brought in aid of it. . . . What- 
 ever may be tliouglit of his hostile eonclii.sions. or of the 
 tone in which he aunouiiees them, Mr. JealTreson's book 
 (A long reply by Mr, leatfresoii to Prof liowden's article 
 iiiiiy be found In the same vol,, ii, II 'J J 
 20 Lady Hamilton and l.or.l Nelson : 
 Biography, ba.e.l on Letters ami other Do 
 Po,««»loii of Alfred Morrlmm, Ks,,., of I .nthill, W Ills, 
 Lon., 1HH7, 2 vols, or. Hvo. . , , • 
 •rhoiiiih he has worked aMsidiioiisly. and las cleared 
 nil -oni.' obscure points In Ihe early history ol lils her..lne, 
 . ' . 1,1. basii..lii.\cle.laiiyililii«of lmi»irtaiieei.iourconr 
 i.reheiisioiiof Ibeiiialii points ot iiiteresi in her life. And 
 Willi 1 examining lil« slfllngs with a nilcroscple evu, he 
 liiLs iiedleeted many sources of Inlorniatloii wliieli lay 
 ready to hi- loind." .1//, . No, ;u:'.a. 
 .leilloilK, CJeortje NmiiiU'l. How I foiinl a Hvo- 
 I (lund Note, iiml v>liat came of it: wiili oilier Stories, 
 l.on., 1H8I, p. Hvo. 
 .Irillicoil, J. A., M.D, Pathological Anatomy, I'a 
 t ,,gy, iin.l I'hyslcal Diagnosis: a Series ..f Clinical 
 i;, ijoris, comprising the I'rincipiil Disomes of the Hu- 
 man Body, must, ('in., 188,,, b.l. 
 JeailCK, Hinilim. Tho M.idem Confectioner: a 
 I'raclical (iuide, l.on,, IHlU, p. Hvo; new ed., 1871, 
 JcniiM, llev. (JcorRC, [«»'<, vol. L. add.] Iho 
 Pastor's Voice: being Twenty-Five Sermons: with all 
 Introilnction by ('. .1. (loo.lliait. l.on., IHitl, 12iiio. 
 JtniiH, Kfv. (Ji'orge Kdward, M.A., b. 1h4h, 
 is iueoiitcstalily a .solid array of facts and disquisitions, ,^';,"',';, 
 and a forcible indictment of Shelley as a man."— .I»i., No. ''^'''. '- 
 at Tctney Vicarage, near (Irinisby, Lincolnshire; gradu 
 ated with honors at I'cinbroko College, Oxford, 1H72, an. 
 was elected Fellow of Hertford College 1h:4; or.biine.l 
 lH7o; assistant master of Haileybiiry College |H71-s7, 
 and since llien rector of .Mottistone ami vicar of Slior- 
 well, Isle of Wight. 1. The Life ami Letters of Marcus 
 Tullius Cicero; being a New Translation of tho Letters 
 Ineluded in Mr. Watson's Selections ; with Historical and 
 Critical Notes, Lon., IHHil, or. hvo; '.'d e.l., IHHJ. 
 " He has simply wrllleii a translation of another man s 
 m.ioetliMi of Ciecro s I.etU-rs. although, by an iiiilnlclliulble 
 freak, be has called a score or iwoof dates tt'Lllcol Cicero 
 It is most (lei'ideilly a K 1 traiislatlon. and very liir 
 iiidecd above the averaue. The Introdiietloiis to the I.el- 
 tcrs too, are solid, If iiol brilliant, and ilie only limit that 
 we have to llnd with the erilieal ami blsiorlcal notes is 
 that there are not more of them."-.Vi'"'"''. 1'^'- ■*'■ 
 2. (Hd.) Select Letters of Cicero; for the Use of 
 Schools, Lon., 1HS2, IHmo. 3. Hailcybury Chapel ami 
 other Sermons, Lon., IHSfl, 12nio. With Jo.neh, A. V., 
 Cicero : Stories from Roman Hislory, Lon., 1HH4, iHino. 
 Jeans, James Sfott. 1. Jubilee Memorial of tho 
 Railway System, lllii-t. Lon., lH7fi, Hvo. 2. Nolcs 
 on Northern Industries, l.on., 1H7H, p. Hvo. 3. Steel : 
 , its History, Manufactures, I'ropeities, and Uses, I...11,. 
 i IHHO, Hvo. I. Kngland's Su]iroimioy: its Sources. L... 
 noinics, and Ilangers, Lon., IHS.'i, Hvo. b. Railway 
 I'robleiiis : an Inquiry into the Economic Condition- .1 
 Railway Working In Dillerent Countries, l.on.. IHh7,»v.. 
 " As (in liide.x of the sources of information and a >inii- 
 maryof inueli that Is of uiiiiiicstioiiable value. Ihc i k 
 Is one which It is desirable to i>os.scss. But so lar 11.- 1: 1- 
 consuUed as nulhoritative, it is calculated to mislea.l - 
 Alh., No. aio'j, „, . 
 Jeans, Thomas. 1. The Tommiebcg bhooim;;-; 
 or, A Moor in Scotland, [a novel.] Illust. Lon., I -' ", 
 or. Hvo ; new ed., lH7o, 2, Always in the Way ; a l.mic 
 Story, Edin., ISiifi, Hvo; new ed., 18(18, 
 Jeans, William. England and Ireland: an Ia- 
 ainination of the Demand for Home Rule, Lon., IHsii, --v... 
 Jeans, William T. 1. The Creators of the A;;.' 
 of Steel, Lon.. IHH4, or. 8vo. 2. Lives of the EIcctricKui,-, 
 Tyndall, Wheatstono, Ice., Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 jeays, Joshua. The Orthogonal System of llaiiJ- 
 Railing, Lon., IS.'iO, Hvo; new ed., 1864. 
 Jebb, Kev. John, U.D., [rm^c, vol. i., add.,] Isii..- 
 ISH6; ordained 1828; rector of Peterstow IHi:; sil; 
 canon residentiary of Hereford from 1870. 1. A I'leii 
 for what is left .if the Cathedrals, Lon., 1862. 2. Hint:' 
 on Reading the Liturgy, Lon., 1HS3. 3. The Prii.. iplr 
 of Ritualism ilefended, Lon., 1851!. 4. Tho Choral lie- 
 aponscs and Litanies of tho United Churches of EiijihinJ 
 and Ireland; vol. ii., Lon., 1857, fol. 5. The Uiuml 
 Law and Custom of the Church Universal, Lon.. I^tiii, 
 (5. The Right of the Irish Branch of the United Cliurcli 
 of England and Ireland considered, Lon., 1868. 
 Jebb, Itichard, [nuie, vol. i., second of the name 
 there mentioned, add.] The Act to Amend the I.uw 
 relating to Probates, Ac. : with Rules and (Jrders, l.on.. 
 "Ill lieu of ascertaining the fact.s of Shelley's life, Mr. 
 Jeadresoii sopplemeuts his ignorance with conjcetures,— 
 conjectures \ hich to one who knows the facts cannot but 
 appear in many Instances strangely unfortunate 
 strangely lUtenipered."— E. Dowdes : ^lcn(i., xxvii 
 J«'l>!>, Rjrhnrd n.-jverhn-.:!-- LT..D., b. 1-41, «' 
 Dundee, Scotland; son of Robert ebb, (on/., vol. i.,l 
 and grand-nephew of John Jebb, liishop of Limerick. 
 (aiili; vol. i. ;) educated at St. Columba's College, Ireland, 
 at Charterhouse .School, London, and at Trinity College, 
 Cambridge, . 
 an. I Win ola,.{ 
 cdlego ho li, 
 bridge the s 
 and with I'ri 
 Iho CaMiiiriil^ 
 first scerelarj 
 'irator of the 
 "I Trinity r„) 
 "( Creek at (I 
 ciiiio profoa,,,, 
 He has taken 
 niodern (iieek 
 lit Athens |„ 
 •rehiBologieul 1 
 llio King of (J 
 Saviour, in rce 
 Ho has aNo reci 
 the occasion „( 
 from Cambriijjf, 
 (lie Kncyclopim 
 n.ftls. 1. (Trans 
 .Notes, Lon,. IH7 
 Latin Vcr««, Lm 
 ilenl» of the Can 
 '-'■■o. 4, ThoAtt 
 '•*'«, 2 vols. Hn, 
 , ','",'» Inipo.ssihi 
 iiiliiablc ,>,.ry|,.t, 
 lil.'raiiire which I 
 ji..(lels ol oratory 
 Ihisliicl.Iaii.l ivei 
 •'>. "ThcVtil,. ( 
 Keinarks on an A 
 I" "le " Academy' 
 '"i'lie Attic Orati 
 .ioin.lor to Piof. M 
 'fieek Lilenitiirc 
 '■""lo. H. .Mo.i„,.,i 
 ™"The Progress 
 l."n., IHHO. ,,. sv„ 
 'iiiitors: being a 
 I'"""'"' fn.m Ami, 
 llentlcy, ("English 
 "II comes iiotoiil, 
 IwMil l)est Iltieil tor t 
 , lie lia.s broiiL'bi 
 ;;m. and Ihe ivhf;ie'' 
 «liich sec..i„|-l,„|„i 
 . '!• Sophocles; th« 
 (cil Notes, Comnien 
 i'rose. Parln I.-Uf 
 llii-ee volumos comnl 
 t'Jioiieu.s, nn.l Antigc 
 ''^Ve have iinqiie,sii 
 r, ■,;,■ l-lieeombii^ 
 , '; '"•-■'•'"•y excellci 
 """\: i>e rare; but v 
 Keep I'rof, .lobb's w rl^ 
 "'"''■'I I", and as a, no, 1 
 I'l.^tiigland ought to b, 
 ,,,'-■ "»"ier:anlntr( 
 '■'■';;«"", 1887, p. 8^.„. 
 lied to (ioncra Char 
 enier in Antiquity'' 
 l"c iiiguage bcini:,!,, 
 ," 11 's a masterpiece ol 
 ^^ Aho, school editions < 
 Jpbouit, Edward 
 omersci, Description c 
 --•"■'•"■ at Oriel ColJcir 
 J-fc.H. MyJ. T.J.' KS( 
 iTs'l'f ^\!'-«-'her 
 ' ''• 3, Sermons in 
 ruiubriil)(e, wIutp ha 
 I.I rriiiily Coiii.^y, I,/ ".,",'" ""'^ "|)|ii,itil,.,| I, ,„,,,. 
 ■"• "-«k ut th„V„i,„ . ;; f"-" "- ™"-i N. .ho ,! ' I 
 ;•;•'";. |,rofe,,„r „l (Jrcfk m , ,. ','"""'' '""' i" '•''Ml l,i 
 ;;'"'7'' '-■-k.H.,,! I,i, I ,, ,'"""','"' "'" """'.V'-f 
 "t -^flin,, u, Iss.Uf „ "iViX'' " '"•.i",|„,,,„ 
 ""'.^in« of (jp„^„.„ ,1, '",,;'' ' ^•"••l.lib rooolvoj fr,,,,, 
 ;;'>;"ur, in rcu„«„i,|, ,'" « ' "'"! ■>' th« Or.lor „C t 
 I"-' "<^;u,iun „r tt vi»ii h, °ho -M , ;"L. '"■'' '"ivcTsity ,„ 
 « tm'.vHu,,,,,,^ iiri..,,,,:? ;„, ' ;; ;;:,r;"'"'';""'J '" 
 Nutes l,„„ , |,S7() ,o,„„ ".','",. ''"^'V """'I''ira,tu8: will, 
 , llie .Uf. 0,ut„r« from Am ,' '"• "*'"' "'»• «. 
 """0. s. ,Mo,lurii()rne,„ ' ''""er.s,") I.„n., IS77 
 n:'',t„''^"«--^» "' "'"-"■■''a; ':^"!;r *'"" ''"'--' 
 >• •" «. A 
 1ms I 
 .111- , e^'tu.j - 7 -*j'iipu. 
 ' •' """e-lor.hiro S.un?|,.r| ^ I"""",' ""I'" *V'i|,, Ji 
 ";■"• '"""I ...I .•o,„ri ". . , ' "'""""' '" •■<"rbit„„ 
 ""■'"■. l-'omnn: M '«.. ,„"""''r" "; "'« ''"'I Mali 
 I '*'•', U'liiu. 2. J,„l< III '-'f'""''" 111 l.itcnilurc I,.., 
 I fi'. 11", ,,,ri ■;;■'"'•.■""'■ "" 'I'"" 
 '"'H'y to a ' ,ii -.iiat V' r"'" "" iii''sHi;i''';r '■''"■ 
 J'eart: my Autobiography, 
 iv. f)3a 
 .,,;^K school edition, or ,„.n,„,,,^^,_^^__ 
 Jebouu, Edward, a r 
 fomor<ef, Description of the Cf"' '^•-■'"""" "f Wet 
 ..,"','",'^^7'*' Rev. John Thom-is Ar , 
 20 Ti, VT' ■"'"''•■ Ivill.ei. " ' •™'""R this c 
 He can 
 11 "SI 
 observe, nnd he can record his observations ; but tlie fac- 
 ulty of creation Is not In him."— /1(A.. No. 21167. 
 21. After London ; or, Wild England. In Two Parts. 
 I'iirt I. Lon., lS8i), ji. Svo. 
 " A romance of the future. The scene Is laid in an Kur- 
 land none to ruin and rclapscil into the desolation of pre- 
 historic nature. . . . The idea, it will be seen, is inicom- 
 niouly fresh and slriklnK. It is \vruui,'ht out in a fashion 
 iluitshosvs Mr. Jelfcrics at his bctt in .some ways, and at 
 his worst in others."— .l(/i.. No. liUW. 
 22. The Open Air, I.on., IS.So, p. Svo. 
 " Urimfnl of suKKcstiou and observation, and dlstin- 
 KUishcd from bc^'inniUK to end by the healthy tone and 
 stimulus its title implies."— ,sii(. A'cr., l.\. hl'J. 
 2:i. Amaryllis at the Fair; a Novel, Lon., 1SS7, p. 
 Svo. 24. Field and lleilj^orow : being the Last Essays 
 of R. JelTeries. Collected by his Widow. Lon., l.SSi), 
 (Jkskhai. CriiTioisM : 
 "A literary Leatherstockinn. his style, his mental quail- 
 tie.s, tlie Held he works in, the ehiuse he follows, are pecu- 
 liar to himself and as he is without a rival,. so he is without 
 a second."— -K/i., No. 27;i7. 
 " In .letfcrles' later books the whole of the country life 
 of the nineteenth century will be foumi displayed down 
 to every detail. The lil'e of tlie I'anner is there ; the Hie of 
 tlie labourer; the life of tlu' gamekeeper : tlie life of the 
 women who work in tlie liclds, and of those who work at 
 home. . . . He revealed Nadire in her works and ways; 
 the flowers and the liclds; the wild Knslish creatures; the 
 liedgesand the streams; the wood and coppice. . . . But 1 
 this is not all. For next lie took the step— the va«t step- 
 across the chasm which separates the poetic from the 
 viilfjar mind, and bewail to doihe the real with the colours 
 and glamour of the unreal ; to write down the response of 
 the soul to the phenomena of nature: to interpret the 
 voice of Nature speaking to the soul. l"nto this last. And j 
 then he died; his work, which miglit have gone on for- | 
 ever, cut olf almost at the eommenceiuent."— W. Bes.vnt : , 
 The KHlugij of Richard Jcfferks, J28, 
 Jett'eri.s, Mtiry. 1. (iertrude's Trial; or, Light out I 
 of Darkness, Lon., 187.'t, 12mo. 2. Soiuo of Life'J Les- 
 sons, Lon., IS7i,i, p. ,Svo. 
 Jeffers, William fi,, [nutr, vol. i., add.] Nautical 
 Surveying. Illust. X. York, 1S7I, ,Svo. 
 JeAersoil, John. 1. (Trans.) .Messianic Prophecy 
 and the New Testament, by E. Uiehni, Lon., 1S76, p. 
 Hvo. 2. (Trans.) The Apocalypse, by H. (Jebhardt, (For- 
 eign Theologiciil Library,) Lon., 187!^, 8vo. 
 JcH'orsoii, S., F.R.A.S. 1. .Sonnets on Xnturo and 
 Science, Lon., 18S7, si|. Ilhno. 2. The Invincible Ar- 
 mada: the Story of England's (Jreat Deliverance, told 
 in Heroic Verse, Lon., Isss. 
 Jeffery, Emma. Words, and what came of them ; 
 or. Sketches in our Village, Lon., 1.S72, 12mo. 
 Jelfery, Henry IHartyn. (Ed.) Two Sets of Un- 
 published Letters of Henry Martyn, LoQ., 18S;i, Svo. 
 Jeffery, llev. William. 1. The Irish Revival, 
 Lon., IboSI, l6mo. 2. Saul of Tarsus, Lon., 18ti2, 32mo. 
 3. The Wiltshire Centenarian, (.\nne Elling;) Sth ed., 
 Lon., 1872, :i2mo. 4. Sketches of Churches and Char- 
 acter; 4th cd., Lon.. 1874, Svo. 
 Jeffree, II. W. Life ; an Epic, Lon., 1874, Svo. 
 Jeffrey, Rev. (leorge. The Believer's Privilege, 
 ind other Sermons. Edited by R. T. Jeffrey. With 
 iJ- igraphical Lketoh of the .\uthor by .Andrew Thomson. 
 Edin., ISSS, Svo. 
 Jeffrey, Robert T., brother of Kev. 'jeorge Jef- 
 frey, «ii^)/'«. Voices from Calvary; or. The Seven Last 
 Sayings of our Dying LonI, Kdin., ISJ'.l, Svo. 
 Jeffrey, Mrs. Rosa Vertner, '" Rosa," pseud.,) 
 [uiiie, vol. ii., " Ros.v," add.,] b. 182S, at Natchez, Miss. ; 
 daughter of John L. (Jriflith, a writer of tales and 
 poems ; married Claude M. .Johnson, and after his death 
 Alexander Jeffrey, of Edinburgh, Scotland. 1. Poems, 
 Bost., 1S,')7, 12uu). 2. Daisy Dare and liaby Power: 
 Poems. Illust. Phila., 187'.), 4to. 3. The Crimson 
 Hanil, and other Poems, Phila., 18SI, 12mo. 4. Marah: 
 a Novel, Phila., 1SS4, l2mo. 
 Jeffrey, Rii8sell, of the Society of Friends. 
 Thoughts on the Present State of Christianity in India, 
 Madras, 1801, Svo; also, under the title of "Visit to 
 India," Lon., 1881. 
 Jeffreys, .Mrs. Arnold, ("Alton Clyde," jisoud.) 
 1. Tried and True : a Tale, Lon., 1863, p. Svo. 2. Mag- 
 gie Lynne: a Novel, Lon., 1866, 3 vols. p. Svo. 3. 
 Cross-Currents, Lon., 1868, p. Svo. 4. Under Foot: a 
 Novel, isrii, p. Svo. 
 Jeffreys, Rev. Henry Anthony, M.A., grad- 
 uated at Christ Church, O.tford, iS32; ordained 18.34; 
 \ioar of llai.khurst since 1839; hon. canon of Canter- 
 bury since 1S72. I. An Ea-^y Guide to Doctrine and 
 Prayer, Lon., 1865, ISmo ; 2d ed., 1879. 2. A Summary 
 of the Principal "Types and Prophecies relating to the 
 Person and Kingdom of the Messiah, Lon., 1871, Ifinio. 
 3. A Plea for the Yard, Pound, and (Jallon : an English 
 Decimal System, Lon., 1S72, 12mo. 
 Jeffreys, John Owyn, LL.D., F.R.S., 1809-1885, 
 b. at Swansea, Eng. ; was called to the bar in ISa6, ami 
 practised for many years, but later in life gave himself 
 up to scientific pursuits, making a specialty of conoholngy 
 lie was a pioneer in deeji-sca exjiloration, and in IstlS- 
 70 superintended the dredging operations in the North 
 Atlantic. British Conchology ; or, An Account of the 
 Mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the 
 Surrounding Seas. Illust. Lon., b vole. p. Svo. 
 Jeffreys, M. E. 1. Hoel, the Hostage, and other 
 Poems, Lon., 1842, l2mo. 2. A Staffordshire Legend, 
 Ac, Wolverhampton, 1851, p. Svo. Anon. 
 Jeffries, Uenjamin Joy, M.I)., b. 1833, in Bos- 
 ton, Mass., and educated at Harvard ; studied medicine 
 there and in Europe, and settled in Boston, where he is 
 connected as ophthalmi(^ surgeon with different hospit:tl.-, 
 and has made a s]iecial investigation id' color-blindness, 
 which has led to a system of test examinations being es- 
 tablished for railway employees. 1. (Trans.) Marriaire 
 in the United States, by A. Carlier, Bost., 1S08, ISmo. 
 2. The Eye in Health and Disease. Illust. Bost., 1871, 
 Svo. 3. Diseases of the Skin : Recent Advances \u 
 their Pathology and Treatment, Bost., 1871, Svo. I. 
 Animal and Vegetable Parasites of the Human Skin aiil 
 Hair, and False Parasites of the Human Body, Bust . 
 1S72, 12mo. 5. Color-Blindness : its Dangers and iis 
 Delection, Host., 1S7U, 12mo ; new ed.. enl., I S83. 
 "This book is ba.sed upon anollicr. which, in its prov- 
 ince, is an ' epoch-niakiiig' work,— I'rofes.s(,i Holm^'rcns 
 'Color-Blindness and its Kclations to Kailroads aim ihc 
 Marine,' published atUjisala in 1N77. . . . He [Dr. Jeltrii',-; 
 contributes, on his own part, the results of over ten ilu.u 
 sand testings for color-blindness, made by himself, accnnl. 
 ing to Holmgren's method. '—.V(i(:»'i, xxix. CJ. 
 Jeffries, George Fish. A Treatise on Tea, Lon.. 
 1866, Svo. 
 Jeffries, John P. Natural History of the Human 
 Races, Wooster, 0., and N. York, 1S70, r. Svo. 
 " It really gives a good deal of matter, and is notably 
 free from fine writing; but the compiler brought no criii- 
 cal ability wliatevcr to his work."— Sat ion, x. 4'J4. 
 Jekyll, Walter. (Trans.) 'fhe Art of Singing, by 
 F. Lampcrti, Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 Jelf, Rev. (ieorge Edward, M.A., graducted it 
 Christ Church, Oxford, I8.i6; ordained 1858; vicar "f 
 Blackmoor 1868-74, and of Saffron-Walden I874--L'; 
 rector of St. Mary's, Chatham, since 1883 ; canon "f 
 Rochester since 1880. 1. Make up for Lost Time: ,i 
 Course of Sermons, Lon., 1871, p. Svo; 3d ed., 1878. :', 
 The Secret Trials of the Christian Life, Lon., 1S7:)| 
 new ed., IS"9, p. Svo. 3. The Union of Bishops mid 
 Presbyters a Divine Safeguard for the Christian '.,oity, 
 Lon., 1874, Svo. 4. Our Treasure of Light; Addres.-i^, 
 Lon., 1874, I2ui0. 5. Necessary Things as declared ly 
 Christ Himself: a Course of Sermon:', Lon., 1875, 12im i. 
 6. (Ed.) Widowhood: its Desolation and Consolation-, 
 Lon., 1875, Ifiuio. 7. The Rule of (iod's Coiuniuiil- 
 monts, Lon., 187S, l2mo. 8. The House of Go.l thi' 
 Home of Man, Lon., 1S7.S, p. Svo. 9. How does tlie 
 Church help us to live according to the Rule of llio 
 Gospel, Lon., 1S78, p. Svo. 10. The Consolations of tin- 
 Christian Seasons, Lon., 18S0-SI, 2 parts, p. Svo, il. 
 " Hear the Church :" Lectures on Church Principle?, 
 Lon., 1SS7, p. Svo. 12. Work and Worship : Sermons 
 preached in English Cathedrals, Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 Jeir, Rev. Richard William, D.D., l^antc, vol. 
 i., add.,] I798-1S71. I. Grounds for laying before llie 
 Council of King's College, London, Certain StoteiiicnU 
 contained in " Theological Essays by the Rev. K. Ii. 
 Maurice," Oxf. :md Lon., IS53, Svo. (See Mauiiici:, .1. 
 F. D., infra,) 2. Specific Evidence of Unsoundness in 
 the Volume entitled " Essays and Reviews," Lon., ISiil, 
 Jelf, Rev. William Edward, B.D., [am,-, \ol. 
 i., add.,] ISII-IS75, brother of tlic preceding ; was iil- 
 ucated at Eton, and at Christ Church, Oxford, where ho 
 graduated, first class Lit. Hum., 1S33; became tutor of 
 his College and proctor of the university. 1. Chri-;iiin 
 Faith Coinproheuiiiu, not Partial ; Definite, uot iii^tr- 
 tain, (Bampton Lectures,) Lon., IS57, Svo. 2. Supnin- 
 acy of Scripture, in a Letter to Dr. 'reniple, Lon., l^''l, 
 Svo. 3. Review of Mariolatry, Liturgical, Devotiunfil, 
 Doctrinal, Lon., 186!', Svo, 4. (juousquo ? How i';!!? 
 leseion, Lon., 1875 ; ne,v e,l "i- " . ' ""''■M of Con- , -IW'., So. ma. ^"^ 'lianning ami louuhing one "- 
 ,;;.0„ee„„dA«ain..a.Vovel,W, „65, .vo,. p 
 M.ulame de Ii,,aup,.cs .\. i o" k i fi.'i ,«" '• ''; •''"°- ' '• 
 •'■' ^"i-'. Un., l,',iy; p l"l^' ,;•'•'' '«';'«•, 12. Within 
 '"'n., 1S74, p.Sio "^ '■'• Juf'tcr's Daughters, 
 feseion, Lon., 1875; new b,Y is-c >i " - 
 Humanism, and the Knirli^h' u'r ■ '■ I^'tuuli.^m, 
 Jcllett, Veil. Heiirv n n 
 ;-..., /sfo, ,2,™ ^C'eTlout^""'- ."'• ^''"^'"■" 
 i" '"ersonal A 'uo Jan" 1 1" .n^.m'^rr", r'""; '"' ^'■^'""'' 
 i'ublln,- b;ca,„p'^f:."to ";;;'"'"'. '''"""^ College 
 '■'•■■■'ity "f Dublin' ;,s 8 .wr'ei" ^T"^'\" "'« l^"i- 
 l''".vMl Iri.h Aca,U.,„y in I'sw „„?"'' I^''''-^"'""' «f the 
 ■"'-• "f the ablest .na lem "ti, i^n : /I? ""' ^^''nsiderod 
 :-''"ted to mathen, 'a '/^ " "^ ''^ ^^^ «nd con- »f learned societ es ■■ ' '. t' «"''• '" "'" '''■""««''- 
 tlic fheory of tVici,,,, Lon Is4 ^ '^ Treatise on 
 ■•• The Work of Ko-i ion "i'J «' ™= ""'' ^■''•' i^r6. 
 '■^vo. .). An KxanVin Ho ' / ^e""""-^. Dublin, is;/ 
 tie. of the Old S ,, .: ."VTJr."' '"" ''r' ^'ffi-'- 
 ;>■■■■ 5. The Effieaev of Prave ^^^''''^l^"^'"'. 1875, 
 "".I other .Seruions, , reid b 'f ^J^? ^^'^'^^ Son, 
 l'"blin, Lon., l8St,'1;'.„ '^ 'vim/'''",? '"'"^ University of 
 ;-; 1^0 coiieoted Works :^:;:^;;^;]:-^«^-. 
 'i''«^^: "r.;^/"^;^;!: "'»';-^v >• cowds of 
 "-"tn.y on the liook 'of .reren.iti. Lor k'^','"':-' ^""'• 
 ;^';. stories by Mrif t^^'^Jj^f i^^lJ ; Ueveries; 
 .'™rtr(:'X';-orrr«rf,!!r!-''' ^"" ^^ ^ ■"■-n t. 
 I- 'Ha. Act to fur-her Amemn "," *"'';^'" '"^"'"P'" '"'• 
 ''b-ervations, lJ,%TU;1 ^^^ "^ l'-Pe.-ry : wuh 
 "■ent, Lon., i8(i, -^ ' "; "."'^\'"'''-^'s.v, and Treat- I 
 lieviewed, Lon., l,s,is v p' '"^''"";'''"' IniliMtiallv 
 -'-" "f B-tbi.en's'sonat'i"' '"'>"- ''^'S-'^ 
 ■-^•v-ial works in (Jennan ' " "" '' ***'»- Also, | 
 bi^'bt. Colour, *ie''Lt!''an,Wf!rt* ''?"""=" "" 
 Knhnand Jenoken. P {, Cl bCfi'^"""' ,''>' •^"'"""' 
 i;"l^ of K..el,:„g ; Pr .uK'T »'■ "'" ^^-vs on 
 ^■■'-''•"igne, l,„n Ksel '■.■ ?' ""'' •"'- '»«:!. 2. T "a I Zt'v' ''°"- '"•"•'• •'-™o. =-' " ""'" 
 ".i, :"s«r- -'•■" -s^ "" "' *' *= ' "■• «r"--'i"- ■ "'i"-""-' ""■'"■'•■ " 
 "'^"■'b 1.1-'. V,,.. -.x/(. y,v,. 
 'fM!^^;v^'^:^t,^:!;-:'- •;'-"'*".;. K.R.s:, 
 '"J? to England in 185? ho n h n V'S'""'-"-- Heturn- 
 !""fesi"n that the te'tin^ of ,,'',•' '" '"I'bUy in his 
 '■;. 1808, was put nnder^h « arg " f 'l4-'';'"l™'''e. 
 professor of engineering in Pni .f "'''•''' •"« becnmo 
 "nd in IStiS wL ea led" to the nr; ^"^""''e'^- ^^""J"". 
 , engineering in the I'nive sitv of K^-^"'^""'!'''''' '^<'" <> on The Origin osSs if, ^f '"^."K '• "b^ eriti- 
 v,ew for 1X67 led to a n ml fiLr "'^.^""1" liritish Re- 
 tho pnrt of its author l'n'w7T,edeT'''"/''^"' "" 
 I tares before the Kdinburgb W ; ' 'f'."';™' '"" '"«- 
 I on .an.tary houses, whieh gave ri e ' 7'''r f"^'""'i»n 
 ! sanitary protection nRso,.i... . "'*' '^"''"nt on of 
 i;;therciti^„f„,e:K"";^-.^"nb..rgh and in 
 I ii. L., „;/,». ]. A Lectin-,. „„ ,1 fcV •^^''^■'■""'SON, 
 [ nnd Mechanical E,,g;eer'L"r?,A'''':''''''''' "'' "vi 
 Kdin., iMi.s, 8v„ '^^1,1," . ^''""'" ""'I Abroad. 
 187.S,- new ed. "878, f ;""'>• "j!/ f^'netisn,, Lon 
 Committee on EleclricnlT/ . , '■> '^''I'ort.-^ of the 
 1 liritish Associat on ,' i , ■^'""''"■■''s appointed by Iho 
 on Units of El t iea Reri.far;''";''^^''^'"''"™'^ 
 ures delivered by P ofe.«or fonk ' "?'' "'" '''""^' ^ec- 
 liridges: an Eleme, tarv tL , '"' ^','"-' l""' 8™. 4. 
 nnd History . rSed^V m tl^" I'"'"' ,'''"'^''"-'i"n 
 ..nn>c«," Edin., 1876, .(to 5 i , /'"''■"■'"r'iv.lia liri- 
 with a Memoir by Robe t L^l.t'" ""'^ '■ ^'^^^^l 
 2 lols. 8vo. •^ ''"'"^' Stevenson. Lon., 1887, 
 I evS'^:inSi>:^'^;,'']^b;;]i|re>^m as. their sul^ects are all 
 I -■lJ~'subte;^Lom!78'^^^ Questions on Mis- 
 ' 18H p".' vo.' ^"•"'- ^'"^^ "■-'^"^ "!■ iavernock, Lon., 
 ".om,"Lor 18« "• 8jo"" '='"■"'" ^'''■■'' »"'' »'"- Ser-' 
 pre' ef:c!;i';;t^'ti«^^\:,f;^-'-er ev„„.. ,. .s„,„,„„, 
 18fi;i, Svo. 2. 8erm d' ''"'■"'"^•''^'»»''-M"'l.-"s, 
 Cbapel, Madras. Lon 8f,5 !. T"' '.',', ""^ ^^'^■^I'-'i'"" 
 MoJorn Atheism iu >■.'■"• '"■'"' •''' ^^'l-, 1S7I. ;! 
 Le-ture,, Lon 87 8 r'T/n" ''™""'-"''- "'■""'''y 
 I'On,, 1882, 8vo 5 Afv% Addresses and !<erinons 
 "• - ,'i.;?^„^':'"^"^'*"''^'^eng,h,r Heart 
 r- i-'^ii%o™a^;nn;:;:::r "l*h:-v ^•^rs-^ 'i^-- 
 i-n'tbo"Temp,^°'tS:i:i wiii!:;; ;,"-»■••' i'"-'-;;. 
 ™i-^'^'I to thei E,n, e or r ' •' "" "»»""' Colonists 
 ' ""'">'• 1- (M.) Scraps, [prose and 
 ■■--Mfciii I 

 verse,! Lmi., Isdl, Svo; 2il oil., 187fi. 2. I'rnyera for iv I 
 Week, Liin., lMi6, 12iiio. ;i Selectinns lii.m thcOldanJ 
 New Testiunciits, I-oii., ISti;., Svii. 4. Selections from 
 the Works of Jeremy Tiiylor, l.on., isn'., p. Svo. 5. 
 Jenkins r. Ci -.k : with Notes. l.on., IS8I), p. Svo. | 
 Juiikins, Ilownrd Mnliolm, h. Is42, nt (iwyn- i 
 ecM, I'ii. ; was eilitor of local journals at Xorristown. 
 I'n., 18(i2-li(i, anil of tlio Daily Commercial, Delaware. 
 |S(itl-77 ; editor "f the American, I'hiliiilelphia, from 
 ISSl. Historical Collections relating to (iwyneilil, a 
 Township of .Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, settloil, 
 lilS'.t, i-y Welsh [nnnigrants: with .some Data referring 
 to the Adii.ining Township of Montgomery, also aAVoIsh 
 Settlement. Ulust. Phila., 1SS4, Sv.>. 
 JeiikiiiH, .labez. 1. Ve.«t-l'ocket Lexicon: an 
 English Dictionary of All exec|it Familiar Words, I'hila., 
 UsiU, 2lmo. J. ilandy Lexicon, on the Basi« oi tlie 
 Ve.-t-l'..<kct Lexicon, I'hila., IKIiit, ISnio, 
 Jeiikin»i, Ilev. John, pastor of the Calvary 
 Preshvterian Church, Philadelphia. 1. Manual of the 
 Calvary Presbyterian Church, I'hila., lS,i7, .'ivo. I. 
 Thoui^hts for the Crisis, Pliila., IMil, l2nio. 
 Joiikiii»<, John. (Ed.l The Poetry of Wales, Lon., 
 187:i. Svo. 
 J<-nkin!<, John, solicitor. The Laws relating to 
 Religious Liberty and Public Worship, Lon., 18.S0, p. 
 Jenkins, Kev. John David, D.D., 1828-1S76, 
 graduated at Jesus Colk>!,'e, Oxford. ISoO: Fellow IS-ld- 
 7li; vicar of Aberdare from 18711. 1. The Age ot the 
 Martyrs ; or. The First Three Centuries of the Work 
 of the Church. Lon.. ISBll, p. Svo; new cd., \XM.^ 2. 
 Passages in Church History selected from the MS.-^. of 
 J. D.J.: with a Brief .Memoir of the Author, Lon., 1S79, 
 " j'ont'iiis'1'johii Edward, b. is;i.'<. at Bangalore, 
 India; educated at .Mcliill College, .Montreal, and at the 
 University of Peiin-ylvaniii, and called to the bar in 
 London in isi;i. He wmi to British tiuiaiiii in 1.870 as 
 an agent of the Aborigines Protection .Society ; was 
 agent-general for Canada I871-7i5, and M.P. for Dundee 
 1,S7I-SII. 1. State Emigration: an Essay, Lon.. IStH), 
 Svo. 2. Uinx's Baby: his Biith and other Misfortunes, 
 Lon., 1S70, p. Svo. 'Anon. :i*'>th ed,. illust., Is7ti. 
 ■ This is a I'lever little book in its \yay. . . . Its purjione 
 Russo-Turkish War: Janus 
 istry, Lon., 1877, 8vo. li 
 r, The Double-Faced Mi.i- 
 The Captain's Cabin : :i 
 Christmas Yarn. Illust. Lon., 1877, p. 8vo. IS. The 
 Christian Citizen, and the Christian and the Work of 
 Life, Lon., 1877, l2mo. lit. The Cliuicb and the Ln.v. 
 Lon., 1878, 12mo. 20. Ilaverhidine ; or. The Apotheosis 
 of Jingo : a Satire, Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 21. Jobson'-^ 
 Enemies: in Eight Books. Illust. L(m., l87a-82, p. 
 Svo; also :i vols. 1882; 2d ed., 188.^. 22. lien change 
 the Motto : a Sequel to " Tbo Blot on the C^ueen's Head. 
 Lon., ISSI), 12mo. 23. Some Thoughts on Statesman 
 ship: a Lecture, Lon., 1880. (i. Svo. 21. Lisa Leiiii, 
 Lon., ISSO, 2 vols, cr, Svo. 2.'). A Paladin of Finance: 
 Contemporarv Manners, [a novel,] Lcm., ISS2, ]i. Sv... 
 20. A Week of Pas-ion; or. The Dilemma (jf .Mr. (icorge 
 Barton the Younger, Lon., ISSl, :! vols. cr. Svo. 27. A 
 Secret of Two Lives, Lon., ISSfi, p. Svo. With K.w 
 Movo, John, On UuiMing Ccmtracts : a Legal ILinl- 
 Book for Architects, Ac: ild ed., Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 
 Jenkins, Mary. A Guide to S'ar-liazing, ,ic. : 
 showing how the Heavens may be readily calculatcl 
 for Every Month in the Year, Lon., IsBl, lOmo. An.m. 
 Jenkins, U. L., late president of St. Charles's Col- 
 lege, Baltimore. The Students' llaiid-Book of British 
 and American Literature. I!alt., 1S70, 12mo. 
 Jenkins, Ilev. Kobert Charles, M.A., grain 
 ated at Trinity College, Cambridge, ISll ; ordain.. I 
 IS41 ; rector and vicar of Lyniinge since 1851; Inm. 
 canon of Canterbury since 1^09; hon. curator of tlic 
 library of Lambeth Palace since 1881. 1. A Short l>v. 
 fence of the Euoharistioal Doctrine of the Church ..t 
 England. Lon., ISStt, Svo. 2. The Rite (d' the Presanc- 
 tilicil and the Apostolic Liturgy, Cambridge, 1S40, 12ui.i. 
 3 A Few Words on the Creeil of Pius IV. as justifying 
 Separation from the Roman Church, Lon., 1842, 12in.i. 
 4. A Plea for Christian Peace and Unity, and again-l 
 the Prevailing Spirit of C.mtroversy, Lon.. IS 13, Nv.i. 
 .). The Difficulties id' Transubstantiution : a Few Wonls 
 to T. J.O'Connell, Lon., 1S43, Svo. li. The Synod ..f 
 :l.\etcr nnd the Council of Ephcsus, Lon.. 18:')1, Svn. 
 Not published. 7. The Immaculate Conception rcjectid 
 in the Council of Florence : a Few Words a<ldres,«ed Im 
 CuWlinal Wiseman, Folkestone. ISS.i. Svo. 8. I'arliin; 
 Words to Candidates for Confirmation, Canterbury, Is.'ni, 
 Svo. '.'. Marriage with a Dccea.-'ed Wife's Sister, I.- 
 niav lie shortly described by saying Unit it is intended '« ,^5^ ,,, „ ,d. '|'i,e Judgment "f T. De \ io, Cardinid 
 draw attention to. the djingers and eviN ['';'"j;;™''J'*fp,''n Cajetun. .igainst the Immaculate Conception. Lon., 1 -,.n 
 rm:^,:^'in«!o;^;;^ to .1^ :&{yX.^:ii^^^f> ^^o. U f^ome Account ,^ the CJiurch of St^ Mary :,nd 
 means free from the ordinary fault.s of the iim.ators of the st. Eadburg in Lyminge, Lon,, ISoO, Svo. 12. .--erii.n,. 
 great writer whose loss we arc lameiiling." >nl. Hei,, .v....^. 
 3. The Education of the People : an .\ddrcss, Lon., 
 1870, Svo. 4, The Coolie : his Rights and Wrongs ; 
 being Notes of a Journey to British (Juiana: with i< 
 View of the System, and cif the Recent Commi.ssion of 
 luquiry, Lon., 1871, p. Svo. Anon. , 
 ■' We peruse his book with cinilidenee that he ha.s exerted 
 throiighinit that uiiliiasiicd jiidgmenl and calm survey of 
 facts (i.r which he claims credit."— .Si(. K«'., -xxxli. J'JO. 
 " It is full of the result.s of patient imiulry andcareliil 
 ii.dgment on a most important subject, . . . If the ver- 
 bostoess of the lawyer is apparent, so is another legal 
 characteristic, ihat of appreciating both sides of . ques- 
 tion."— .Siiiv/ofor, xliv. 1243. 
 5. The Colonics, and Imperial Unity ; or, The '• Bar- 
 rel without the Hoops:" Inaugural Address, Lon., ISTI, 
 Svo. (). Lord Bantam, Lon., 1871,2 vols. p. Svo; 6th 
 ed., 1873. 
 "There are smart hits hero and there: . . . but there is 
 little delicacy and not inuoli force in the performance.' — 
 Sal. K'i'i:, xxxii. 814. 
 7. (Ed.) The Cavalier and his Lady ; Selections from 
 the Works of the First Duke and Duchess of Newcastle. 
 Lon., 187:', 12mo. S. Barney Geoghegan, M.P., and 
 Home Rule at .St. Stephen's, Lon,, 1872, p. Svo; 4th 
 ed., 1877. 9. Little Hodge. By the Author of " (Jinx's 
 Baby." Lon., 1872, p. Svo; 13'th thousand. 187:!. 
 " Decidedly the ablest book .Mr. .lenklns has yet pro- 
 duced, . . . Asa story ■ Little Hodge' is simply perfect. — 
 Sjinialor, xlvi. 'J.Vi. 
 10, Glances at Inner England: a Lecture, Lon., i^if, 
 p. Svo. 11. The Great Dominion: an Address. Lon., 
 187J, Svo. 12. The Shadow on the Cross : the Prosenl 
 Crisis of the Turkish IJuestion. Lon., 1876, Svo. 13, 
 The Deiil's Chain, Lon., iSrii, p. Svo ; new cd., l^'^O. ; K.,rii 
 14. The Blot on the tiucen's Head ; or. How Little Ber 
 the Head-Waiter, changed the Sign. ByaGuest. Lon 
 1S76, 12nio. lit. Lutchuiee and Dilloo : a Study of 
 al Interpretation : the Essay of Profec.sor Jowett Irici 
 considered, Lon., Is61, Svo. 13. A Word on lll^lill,,. 
 tion. Oxf. and Lon., 1;*01, 12mo. 14. Short Fannly 
 Prayers for Every Day in the Week : Collected and 
 Translated from Manuscripts and Early Printed Works 
 Folkestone, ISfil, ]). Svo. 15. The Last Crusader: er, 
 The Life and Times of Cardinal Julian, of the House el 
 Ccsiwini: a Historical Sketch, Lon., isiil, 8vo. 
 " >fr .Itnkins treats with no ordinary caudoormd learn- 
 ing a life which though a succession of failuii'!'. and, n - 
 wards the last, id' crimes, nevertheless bests the aiithen;;.' 
 impress iif greatness."— ,Sll^ A'lr,, xii. ll'.i. 
 Hi. The Fall of Dp Harcla, and the Pilgrim "f .-'eliun- 
 hithe: Ballads of High and Humble Life. A.D. '.'.i- 
 1400, Lon., 1862, Svo. Privately printed. 17, iiic 
 Account of the Family of Wezener or Wiesener. ' i 
 Town of Lauban, in the Margrnviate of Upper Lu- 
 Lon., 186.1, Svo. Privately printed. 18. The S 
 Dynasty : Pedigree of the Kentish Kings, Folkc^tMiio, 
 1-1*7, Svo. 10. A Letter respectfully addressed i,i i;i.< 
 Ileliness Pope Pins IX., in Reply to his Appeal ! ilic 
 Mcmt)ers of the Reformed Churches, Folkestone, l^'H. 
 Svo. Not published. 20. What do the Popes s;iy m 
 their Alleged Infallibility? Lon.. 1870, Svo. 21. i lui- 
 tian Stniniburger: or, The Artist's Grave: a Relic eftlie 
 Old Gottesacker in Leipzig, [verse,] Canterbury, 1S70, 
 4to, 22, Selections from the Godly Prayers of K. Bor- 
 ing, abridged. Lon., 1870, 12mo. 23. Hymns, C;intor- 
 bury, IS70, l«mo, 24. A Catechism on the Churcli '1 
 Christ: abridged from the Treatise called "The Wnj 
 of Christ," by W. Dell, I,on., 1870, Svo. 25. Two Pass- 
 overs : Commentary on the Last Supper, Lon., IST'-'i 
 12mo. 26. The Privilege of Peter and the Claim* '41110 
 1S74, 12mo. 27. The Givlle bo- 
 Little Ben, ' gendof Pialo: a Metrieal Sket >• Lon., IS7S), 12i 
 West Indian Life, Lon., 1S77, 3 vols. or. 
 Svo, 16. The 
 Canterbury, ("Diocesan Hist, 
 ) Lon., issn. I2iiin, 
 20, "The Devotion of the Sacred Heart:" an E.v 
 of its Errors and Dangers, Lon., ISSl, p, 8vo. 
 I, Ke 
 nianisiu : a I) 
 Creed of l'o| 
 fonso Pel rue. 
 'Irageily, in I 
 The Law .ami 
 ..f Heresy : 
 Heresy' of I, I8S.V, H\ 
 Life: an Out 
 18S5, l6mo. 
 a DicMonary < 
 'file Slury .if (I 
 translateil fr.,i 
 1640-1050: wi 
 Jenkins, .< 
 which is a. hie. 
 Behalf of the V 
 1'852, 12ino. 
 Jenkins, \ 
 Town and Cast 
 Jenkins, 1 
 lieelong, I.S64. 
 Inirt's Life of 
 I.M.iks: Carlisle,, 1873-S(i_ 
 :it I'ombr.ike C.,| 
 Monnry of the S 
 '■It Springvale Is 
 Zulu : the Zulus, 
 and Language: 
 its Productions, 
 land since the W 
 Jenks, Corn 
 I soil, I2mo. 
 Jenks, Edv 
 I'cnibroke C.illegi 
 diato C.impuls.iry 
 of Copyhold Ten 
 lylean.l John Stu 
 bin, Kent, ISSS, i 
 Jenks, Edw 
 Court Reports, vo 
 Jenner, <;. 
 •Mil. lame Kabalen,- 
 Jeiiner, Mrs. 
 "f Henry Jenner. 
 iiiliveof a Tour ii 
 Lon.lon Town : a 
 Katharine BIythe 
 4. An Imperfect G 
 or. Svo. 
 Jenner, Misi 
 "liitc's llop-Pickii 
 Jenner, R. c 
 Jenner, Itev. ! 
 gra.liiated at St. J 
 iiller holding sevora 
 «inl afterwards vioa 
 I; U'ilberforce's Dot 
 Jli.'.iphilus Secund 
 (This is mentioned i 
 "'•I 2. Truth's Con 
 no.-' of Essays, Lon. 
 "ohgion, and Home 
 Lliild: ,. Poem, in F 
 an,l other Poems, Lo 
 1 rovalent Fallacies 
 I'- '''vo. 6. Whom d. 
 I'eal, Lon,, 1S77, 8v 
 •;oo[.iielsm met by ] 
 freni the Granary : 
 (-loiich of Bekeiboi 
 "'"' ''layer- Book Prol 
 Jenner, Thomn 
 '■I ' lima, Lon., isog 
 t»i":in.l Lebanon: b'. 
 "'" Countries of Ju 
 fd., IsrS. p, Hyc 
 Jenner, Sir W'i 
 ■ f '■ I'., D..XL., LL, 
 ' ' '' 'i"d e.hicated nt 
 "inw professor of pat: 
 : [irofeesor of thu 
 iKU-fs Life „f s" T, „ Is-V '''"'"'"« "f '"'«''- 
 ', k^: Carlisle. T e o, wt.'t x^^-,, '\'f'' «'""■-- 
 l.'.n., I87;i-S(i, |2,„„. '^igl't, North Wales, Ac, 
 ■f .l»i-.'l.« I'hlla Vs " st^ri" •ho Roligio,,., Society 
 I^ako.n, X. V,„-k. IsrH ,'|.;';""^'^«'' "' '!'« Ulaek Hills of 
 ...c j£":e""^s^s-"----"^ 
 H7r-s«,„i.,, ,i„„' ,,' root,.',; '•,;':':''■"'■. ^^■'"I'^'f-j 
 ; esia AnKlieana : „ .to, y , ,h', (''."""r^'- '" '•'"" 
 ','i-^">i-y. In Two !>;, ,' v„, f- ^ •^'""'"" "f 
 T-^^nth Century: vol i ' F ■ ■""' ""' *' 
 I'r^valent Fallacies n' H,. V '","•,„ ''• '^'i-^ksaiKls ; or "'.'"'""""'"U'-Book, Lon., 18 5 'v,, J '^'-'' '^^'"•'■'« 
 !'■ ^vo. 6. W, ,,,,'" f"u"'.'^^ ""'' WorOn,,. Lon., 1875 i t '•' "^ '''''^«' » «o nance an,! A» . ,''• ™- 2- The 
 peal, I,on . "s Sw. ^^"'' 'V,'"' """' """hil' ? an All' ' If"- "*-"i. i vols. p. svo ' .t"'i/'r''"'«.v, a Ito.nanoe, 
 fn"" the Granarv-S,^ ""•'"''''• I'- «'■»■ '*■ Grai ' "i;' «"»""» »f the ifmer ousM . . "'''""."'"'8'""»; 
 Chu,ch of r-i:...'^ ""?' .("^'■•hed in the Par?^h , =.':'"• Anon. ,",. War ..""..M'' '':'"' .''""- '•'^SS, 
 '^'^^ -■'■"--.■ or ^hi''S-ir;;^;-..:!,!;:--;-e 
 fotioes of th» 
I! i 
 Ohj^in, Puriioae. iind Iliftnry of Obelisks, Lon., 1S77, 
 fvo. 10. The Chiliiislinoss and lirutiilitj- of the Time : 
 Some Pliiin Truths in l'li\in;ui\>;e, Lon., ISS.'l, p. 8vo. 
 II. I'hallicisni, Celestial anil Terrestrial, Heathen ami 
 Christian, Lon., IS.^4. 12. The l)i\inG I'vriiandcr of 
 Hermes Mereiirius Trisniegistus : with Inlroiluetion and 
 Preliminary Ks.say, Lon., 1-^84. Svo. l.'J. Charon : Ser- 
 mons from Styx : a Posthumous Work hy l''rederick the 
 Great, Ion., isxfi, I2mo. With otlior.^, Live Lights or 
 Head Lights: Altar or Table ? Lon., IS73, p. Mvo. 
 .leiiiiiiifis, Henry, of Kcailin);, Eng. 1. (Ed.) 
 Gems of Thought, set forth by Puritan and other Di- 
 vines, Lon.. IS5S, liinio. 2. Previous Truths; or, Happy 
 Thoughts for Life's Journey, Lon., IMIH, 12mo. '.i. 
 He.ivenly Melodies: being Original and Selected Poems, 
 Lon.. Isdl, IliuKi. 4. The Love of God: with Remarks 
 by H. lionar, Lon., \x(ib, ISnio. 5. A Preeious Saviour, 
 Lon., l.^fiti, ISmo. (>. Preeious Promises, Lon., I80(>, I8mo. 
 JeiiniiigN, Henry James. 1. Curiosities of 
 Crilieisra, Lon., 18,81, 12miii. 2. Cardinal Newman: 
 the Story of his Life, liirmingham, l8.-i2, p. 8v(j. 
 ■ It is a little book of l.'iO pa^^es, made up in a very large 
 niefi>nre Diit of the ' Apologia prii Vita Sua.' and nV some 
 papers hy Mr. Oakley ami .Mr. Inimle. In other \vord.s, it 
 IS little better than a plagiari.siu from the lirst page to the 
 last."— ^l(/i., N(j. 28:10. 
 '■'•. Lord Tenny.'*on : a IjiographionI Sketeh, Lon., 1884, 
 |>. .^vo. 
 Jennings, I, H. How to Photograph Microseopio 
 Oli.ieets, Lon., 1S8B, p. ,svo. 
 Jennings, Isaac, M.D. 1. The Tree of Life; or. 
 Human Degeneracy. N. York, ISfiT, 1 2mo. 2. Memo- 
 rials of a Century: embracing a Record of Individuals 
 ami Invents ehielly in the Early History of Bennington, 
 Vermont, Bost., IsfiH, 8vo. .1. The After-Life as re- 
 vealed in .Scripture, Lon., 1871, 8vo. 
 Jennings, John A. 1. The Modern Elocutionist, 
 Dublin, 1878, p. Svo; new ed., 1883. 2. Wayside nest- 
 ings, [verse,] Dublin. 18711, sq. Kimo. :i. Unto the Per- 
 fect Day, Dublin, 1883, ii4mo. 4. Headings from Amer- 
 ican Authors, lluuioroua and Pathetic, Lon., 1884, p. 
 8vo. 5. Readings from Charles Dickens and other 
 Authors, Lon., 188,'), p. 8vo. I'l. Readings from Hu- 
 morous Authors. Lon., 188fi. p. 8vo. 7. Temperance 
 Readings and Recitat'ons, Lon., 188(!, p. 8vo. 8. Read- 
 ings from IJrilish Authors, Lon.. 188", p. 8vo. 
 Jennings, Mrs, Knte Vaughnii. Rabcl : her 
 Life and Letters, Lon., ' ^7t), 8vo. 
 ■'.V hook, not adi'i|u.ite indeed, hut .sympathetically 
 written hy a person .so well versed In the liermau life of 
 the time that ber knowledge is almost a trial to the reader, 
 whom she perpetu.'lly supposes to know as mncli as her- 
 self . . We have to tliaim Mrs. .leiinings for giving us 
 ... a full and yet concise aeeuuiit ol so interesting a 
 tigure."— .S(/. /,'(!■.. .\lii. I'liKJ. 
 Jennings, Louis John, b. 1837. in London ; acted 
 as special correspondent of the London Times in |8fi3- 
 <i'^ in India and in the Iniled States, and was after- 
 wards for some years eilitor of the New York Timi's and 
 made through its columns a successful attack upon the 
 Tamuumy Ring. In 1870 be returned to England, and 
 was elected M.P. for Stockport in 1885 and again in 
 188C. He is a regular contributor to the (Quarterly Re- 
 view. 1. Eighty Vear^ of Republican Government in 
 the I'nited Stales, Lon.. 18(17, Svo. 
 "All the narrative part-— all parts, in short, for wlib'h 
 .Mr. .leniiiiiKs could draw his materials fnim hooks, are ad- 
 mirahle, arol the tone is thro:i(,'hont kindlv. The KUtlior, 
 too, writes like a (■''ntlenom. and evidently Irie.s— as well 
 as strong con.servalive prejudices and a tio great eagerness 
 for generalization will let him— to do justice. We, how- 
 ever, regret the su<'ee.s,s cf the book in' Kngbnid. as indl- 
 caleil by the sale of two editions. We are satislied it will 
 only thicken the fog thnaigli which most Kngli.shmen 
 look at the I'liili'd states."— .VudoH, i-i. ):a. 
 " It is a temperate, imiiartial, and thoughtful e.stiumte of 
 |inrlies, prim-liiles, and social charaeter,"— .8a(. Kev., x.\iv. 
 2. Field Paths and (troen Lanes: being Country 
 Walks chiefly in Surrey and Sussex ; Illustrated with 
 Sketches by J. W. Wbyinper, Lon., 1877, or. 8vo: 4th 
 e.l., 1884. 
 "Withou' imtting it on the same level as While's •Sel- 
 Ijorui'' or Mr. Hudley Warner's '.summer in my(iarden.' 
 we can say that be has given ns a delightful stow <if his 
 walks and rand.les.''— .8'y»r^l^)r, 1. l.'>83. 
 3. Uiindiies nnw.njf the lli||«. ip. the Peak of Derby- 
 shire and the South Downs. Illusl. Lon., 1880, or. 8v'o. 
 "Mr. .leimings notes all that is hesi worth seeing. . . . 
 lint he enlivens his pages by recordinu bis uossip with all 
 manner ui' aeiiuaintances whom he has made proini.scu- 
 oiisly: and be Introduces delicate touches in his pictures 
 of cottage interiors which, though seemingly slight, art 
 often telling."— .s'u/. Kir., lil. ;t(i7. 
 4. (Ed.) The Croker Papers: Correspondence and 
 Diaries of the Late Right Hon. ,Iohn \Vil."on Croker, 
 Secretary to the Admiralty from 18011 to 1830, Lon., 
 18,84, 3 vols. Svo. 
 " AltOKcther volumes must he regarded as annuig 
 the most valuahle and readable contributions which have 
 yet heen made towards an elucidation of the politii'al hl^■ 
 t(jry of this country during the lirst fifty years of the pres- 
 ent century." — .S/^ A'cc. Iviii. 0(14. 
 " We do not in any way hlaine Mr. .Tennings for makiiii: 
 the host (d' bis hero. It is far better that a hbiurapber 
 should act like a Our and rea.sonahle advocate than thiit 
 he should attempt tojilay the part of a .jmlge. The manner, in which the letters and extracts from the Diary arc 
 ihreailed together is most satisfactory. Just enough of the 
 enrreni history is told to remind readers of the course of 
 events: hut the Papers are left to themselves. 
 . . . The Ibree large volumes of which the hook consists 
 are full id' matter, and that of the mo,-t interesting kind. ' 
 — Sitcctatov, Ivii. 148:i. 
 :i. .Mr. Gladstone; a Study, Edin. and Lon., 1887. p. 
 8vo. (Sec Li-:i:in, H. ,T.. iii/rn.) 
 " It is not a .study of tli,' statesman In any sense of the 
 word. It is a careful study of thiw elements, and those 
 only, in the statesman's career wbiidi are susceptible of an 
 evil inlerprctfltioii."— .8pcc((ifor, Ix. 2'2!i. 
 Ho is said also to be the author of ''The Millionaire," 
 Edin.. 1*883, 3 vols. p. Svo. Anon. 
 Jennings, Paul. A Colored Man's Reminiscences 
 of .lanics Madison, Brooklyn, N.Y'., 186,'i, 4to. Only 7,i 
 copies printed. 
 Jennings, Richard, M.A., [nut', vol. i., add.] 
 Sociid Delusions concerning Wealth and Want, Lon., 
 18,10, 12mn. 
 Jennings, Robert, veterinary surgeon. 1. The 
 Horse and his Diseases, Pliila., 1801, 12ran. 2. Cattle 
 and their Diseases, Phila., 1803. 12mo. 3. Shee|i, Swine, 
 and Poultrv, Phila., 1864, 12mo. 4. Horse-Training 
 Made Easy," I'bila., 1800, lOmo. 
 Jennings, Samuel, F.L.S. 1. Orchids, and bow 
 to grow them in India and other Tropical Climates, 
 Lon., lS7o, 4to. 2. My Visit to the Gold-Fields in the 
 Southeast Wynaad, Lon., 1881, Svo. 
 Jennings, Winifred, ("George Truman Kercbe- 
 val." Pseud.) Lorin Mooruck, and other Indian Stories, 
 Post.. 1888, 12ino. 
 Jennison, Miss Lncy \S'. Love Poems and Son- 
 nets. By Owen Innsly, [pseud.] Bust., 1S81, 12mo. 
 Jennison, William. 1. Michigan Supreme Coiui 
 Reports, vols, xiv.-xviii., (1805-OU,) Detroit, 1870, .1 vol.-. 
 8vo. 2. Treatise on the Pleadings and Practice of llic 
 Court of Chancery, Detroit, 1882, Svo. 
 Jenyns, i", U. A Book about Bees: their Hilton . 
 Habits, and Instincts. Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 
 Jenyns, Rev. Leonard. See Blomepielh, Ki v. 
 LkoNAHII, Klipfll. 
 Jenyns, Roger. The Pedigree of the Ancient 
 Family of the Palmers of Sussex, 1072, Lon., 1807, Ito. 
 Privately printed. 
 Jephson, Henry L. Notes on Irish Questi,iiis, 
 Lon., 1.S70, Svo. 
 Jephson, John Mounteney, F.S.A., was at one 
 time editor of the Literary Gazette. 1. Observations on 
 the Practical Tendency id' the Roman (Catholic Sysh iii, 
 Lon., 1852, Svo. 2. Narrative of a Walking Toui in 
 Brittany; accompanied by Notes of a Pliotogr:i|,liic 
 Expedition, by Lovcll Reeve, F.L.S., Lon., 1850, r. Sm,; 
 new ed., 1800. 
 "A real, fresh, manly book."— .S'of. Rev., viil. 21. 
 3. Shakspere : his Birthplace, Home, and Grave. 
 Illust. L<in.. 1804, Ito. 
 Jephson, I'hilippa Prittic. 1. An April I):iv: 
 a Novel, Lon., 1883, 2 vols. or. Svo. 2. Love's Rain- 
 bow : a Novel, Lon., 1884, 3 vols. er. Svo. 
 Jephson, Richard .tlounteney, b. 1S42; f.r- 
 merly a lieutenant of the '.Mb Regiment, 1. Teni 
 Bnllekeley of Lissington : a Novel. Lon., 1873, 3 vols. 
 p. Svo; new ed., 1875. 2. The Girl he left behind liiin. 
 Lon., 1870, ;; vols. or. 8vo. 3. He would be a Sol.jicr: 
 :i Sketch, lllnst. Lon., 1S70, p. Svo. 4. Througl, tlic 
 Keyhole, [and other tales], Lon., 1877, 12mo. 5. The 
 Roll of the Drum, iiiid othoi Tales. Illust. Lon., is?!', 
 II. Svo, 0. With the Colours; or. The Piping Tiuu -f 
 Peace. Illusl, Lon., ISSO, p. Svo. 7. The Red li,' 
 a Novel, liiuol. Lon.. i8,-Mi, 2 vols. cr. Svo; newci-.. 
 isgl, 1883. s. A Pink Wedding: a Novel. Lon., Is-o, 
 3 vols. cr. Svo; new ed.. 1881. il. Blackmail, [a nniri.j 
 Lon,, 1885, or. Svo. With El.miiiust, Enw.vim I'lN- 
 r,^n«%'vV""^"-''''°"L'f''- Japan. Illust. U., j^rome I 
 ""■■•■■-■ ■ - • ' >Nio. .^. How J,.„„io Kept 
 ■"•"S'"S riaces; or, Wilton Pai-i il ■ .' • '"• ■^■ 
 .>^S,;. l«„„;.' "• ^- *^'''"'""'« Thorns, fverse,] Lon, 
 Jerdoii, Thomas Caverhill i rn . . 
 . '■ In.lepcn,l,.„i nf ,-,= ..., ' I „r 'Z'?,"!')./^ ^.>'«q' ;■> Wolf. Clothing; from t ,;' ^i t 
 m., 1880. n Sv„ •*' ^ '"" F'^nch 
 Illii^t. Lon,, 
 Bi;.|;'':^!;l^^^f;,;^,valuaU. technics UetaH. .The 
 i""ller."-^«., X,, ■.IJi;^,""' '""I'll amusing and reirlable 
 .hoAf;ilfa''kno:': 't'!. [","'! i,';/^'""™' "'^tor, „f All 
 l»M, Sro. " '" '"*"''"' <-'<"itine.>tal India, Ln., 
 Jeremiah, John 1 v . 
 MeniorialK of the Urban Cloh "" ^^."'^^^P^>^re, and 
 A-eount of the Life and Tin es of r'V.""'S " ''^""'""'^t 
 !'•,[>■ |h; at. nisdi;;;,^' thlml a'sere^' 'f"^""' ""J ''' » 
 liV' "I liis apparul i>revc «i 1.,^™ '.'■■'''-'^''''sl. t lecontli- 
 •M(,'.U«houseGarriokistHid ,;,'i;„; '^•''""V " "•«■' ftt the 
 -■"mnoe as an actor "'iltti,'' """''-' '"» "■■»' ap- 
 iliiMuiniver.^arvof '^lini-c,.: "."''t^mioru, onw a vear .m 
 'l"'i'er at the „ld g, te """ .',.,'■' T^;''" ''V « bonr's-head 
 House, and other stones. 1876 
 '8S«"'t^ ^-- ""'-.' Acorn. 
 .•;"';o"cf.vf„!!'?;!'.»»-|«'a«. .. (Trans.; Fro. 
 "ze. Lor •"-"' 
 01 L. Debans, Lon., 1880,,,, gvo 
 Jern;,d;s^i5',',''>;\Vi'?! "--. B-^t., ,sn,, ,Cn,o 
 Jerrold, ,„/•,, ,e„,h'd' to 1 !',' '"" "'" "''"'"'" «!" 'cl art 
 '.8"«- 1. A Hamni ok , ' Ef.^iT "■ v'^^'« temple 
 I'-n., 1884. p. svo " ^^'°g'-"pl"'-'al Introduction 
 Jcrrold, Tom. 1 n i- 
 Plants «e grow, and how wl' cm k ,'>" ^^r'''"' '^e 
 2uio; new ed., 18S5 o -nf,, ""'< , ""em. Lon., 188], 
 lent, Lon,, I8S2, f,,. MHhjK, ,'",'! """ ^"''' "'« 
 ."""■..vol. i.;) studied a.s ,n arti^'T*'"" "'''"■'''''. ('/• «• 
 ■nto journalism, and whenscace t ' ""' '^r I"'"^^*" 
 popular plav As Cool ns ,/;,, "'"^"^f-V " iige produced the 
 l-aWs to 'describe .."e In'^.TSyl'i--, '," ''^ ^'^ "«"' » 
 F'l'er, and while there l,r"„'^'.^''.'>"'.™ "?■•.« I-ndon 
 l^iC). .Svo. 
 H. -..niefVi,lX.^?;,.,,Ttr";^^fr ^""'' »"'' 
 J'Tinaiiii, Eilunr.1 ',,."' "'**^ svo. 
 b".«. l.on., IS52 I2mo '"'"''" '''•'"" ^t. I'etors- 
 •-»J'li Carolina, i'hila , 1" Bll 8vo " '"""'" '""^ 
 L.".""^^"!;^,;,,^; i^;«'r;forCbildhood and Youth, 
 ,V.ife in a Fren rch lau T '" y*^'"" "'"""'™' 
 ,r™"M My Kecolectio', ,;f'r-','''?''P' '^vo. 2- 
 ^'""nl,c.*s Guiccioli, Lon Afif .^.'"''^ i^y.""' by the 
 «"'' iiiaos of Si.xtis I e K m. '. u ^' '^^ns.) Life 
 ^■-'. 2 vols. .Svo. ( To n„ , ;; '^ ,l'"™" ""^ner, Lon., ! 
 "*'•*. ^vo. .0. (Ed tLb' '^""'' • ''"^'antinoplc Lon. ; 
 h'sfoiyof the castle.) ;' C^'iJ w' *™' <This is a 
 '""" Oflidal Papers; 2d ;.d In, 'lss'-™J"«'-' '""««'<"! ' 
 hi. T.d 
 l^;';. I'iauedeBreteuille: « Lo 
 . •"»-'«- 'rns. Hgh- Water Mark 
 e-Slor^-, Edin. an. I L(,n. 
 Life ; 
 I )2mo 
 ''■'uinr, Ir,.„;. e, , j^, 
 ure's Hallttlujab 
 t'vo. 2. A 
 f^ial E..I,ibi;ions, Lo';.,' ["eg 'r iv!' 'I'^n^i^^ "■ -" 
 Novel, Lon., ],S|i2, 2 v, N ,, s, V e:*' ^"» ^^'ves: a 
 in Kefuges and irome.s'o^chaVitv t'^"t "^ ^''^•'■«^^ 
 8vo. 6. A Book for the IJea', 'V -"''•' '^''■^' P' 
 vo- r. l> and D,nvn i, t e W nii' '"r" '"'*• ^ vols. ,. 
 P- Svo. 8. The Children of I , ," ' !'""•' '««■''• ■•* vols. 
 I IV. "Vo. 9. At Home , "Anil ,n"' ^.r"- '■'"■•■ 2 vols. 
 \ine3:ards to Spain, j" n sfi, '^ " ^np through the 
 tlie Time: a Story of s , m^ iV ' ' ' ""• ^"- I'asfiing 
 Lfeof Arthur is^rvlld 'Lon ";':;?r^r", ''""' '" '"« 
 I The Eij cure's V,.nr 11 1 .7'' "*' - vo s. p. f<vo 11 
 i^'i7. ' uro,: ^h^e"] Itard*^^- ^;%f"'' f^f"*'-. i^oli l" 
 Things drawn on the S.'nt ib-', ™""'"'^''-" ^^^^ "nd 
 «vo. 1.3. Paris for the r,' '^.^''V'^'iG. I-on., ISlir. p. 
 ISRS, U-iuo. 14 Cent nor ?!''- ^'""■' '"6" ^IJ cd*^ 
 a Hill .«tamp. im ' T *-""•;••»" ^'''""'y '"•' "en », „„' 
 foryof.Madi;„ndt IcFahTr 'f^' l'' '*>"• '^- ^ 
 6- Tl.e «av,'che i r'tv htinrr;'' '^""■. 'S™, Itimo 
 Political Prance, Lon I'vo^ ''"eniry Estimates of 
 '■'Jbe Kods of Pa i 'or ;;..'« '"'■'''' '''■' ^"""ed 
 Ij'-;.''t,':t7ro ;:;„''"'t'- "'• "«""^ Abroad,- 
 ^"««liond. must.' Lo, is*^. ;■"■ ^'^'^'^ 'Christian 
 All ()oo,! Com:-.,-.p.y.n '■>-,„ '<.-'""■- ^I'- T!>o Ee.,( of 
 Novel, i ,'"'!'^''^,- I'n'u s'orle^ I „' '^^i','' ^''y"""•, ''i;- ^ "">' 
 'Of Aapoeon JII . fi„„: ," V' ' ' vo. 21. The Life 
 r„... I "npuh'hshed Famiiy^^: .f^.^^';"" ''""^ Re-^'irfron 
 '■nony. i.|„„_'>^ r "rVcL'^T:"'.'""! from Personal 
 or, ' 
 ' "linlc is a inc 
 18^4-82, 4 vols 
 tlons and ilieoriel rrf;.f^^"";!;'"'lV' ""^'i "f tl 
 Honaiiartisi party, 
 IP pnblion- 
 ay be 
 ,|<I»'<'" I 
 14 i« 
 llkeiitd to a trial in which only the prisoners at the dock 
 1111(1 their own counsel are heard."— .Vil. Hev., xliv. 2:). 
 22. (Ell.) Pouticnl Works of Laiiian bliinohard: with 
 Memoir, Lon. 1876, p. Hvo. 23. Hluck-lCyeJ Suaan's 
 Boys, Lon., Is76, 12mo. 24. ERvpt under Ismail Pacha, 
 Lon., 1879, p. 8vo. 25. The Belgium of the East. Hy 
 the Author of " E^ypt under Ismail Pacha." Lon., 1SK2, 
 p. 8vo. 2fi. The Life of George Cruikshank : in Two 
 Epoch.-. Illust. Lon., 1S82, 2 vol.-. cr. Svo. 
 " He has .succeeded In putting liefore his readers a suffi- 
 ciently vivid picture of a man of whom the present gener- 
 ation knows too little."— ^i(. Jicf-, liii. ofi». 
 27. At Home in Paris, Lon., 1884, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 "The first volume is composed of a series of letters on 
 French politics, . . . ranging in date from 1W)8 to 1874 or 
 187f); while the second volume . . . has a distinct unity of 
 iLs own, being practically a treatise on the relief provided 
 in Frniice hy the State lor the pauper, the indigent lunatic, 
 and the sick jioor. . . . The hook ... is both readable and 
 valimble."— .Ii'di/,, xxvi. 19,'). 
 Jervis, Dnvid. The Speaker, and other Poems, 
 Edin., 18117, 8vo. Privately printed. 
 Jervis, Col. Henry Jervis White, [<(ii(c, vol. i., 
 add.,] d. 1881. 1. Manual of Field Operations, Lon., 
 1852, 12mo. 2. The RiHe-Muskct : a Practical Treatise, 
 Lon., 1854, Svo. 3. Our Engines of War, Lon., 185ii, 
 p. Svo. 4. The , ■.nan Islands during the Present Cen- 
 tury, Lon., 1863, p. -vo. 5. Ireland under British Rule, 
 Lon., 1868, Svo. 
 Jervix, John Bloomtield, LL.D., 171(5-188,'), b. 
 at Huntingtii'i, N.\'.; was chief engineer of various 
 railroa.Is an i publii^ works. I. Description of the Cro- 
 ton Afjueduet, 1842. 2. Report on the Hudson River 
 Railroad, X. Yoik, 1846, Svo. :i. Letters addres.«ed to 
 Friends (,f Treudom and the Union. By Hampden, 
 [pseud.] N. York, IS.jii. 4, Report in Relation to the 
 Railroad Bridge over the Mississipiii River at Rock 
 Islan<i, N. York, 1857, Svo. 5. Railway Property : 
 Treatise on the Construction and Mimagemcnt of Rail- 
 ways, X. York, 1861, 12mo; 4th ed.. 1872. 6. The 
 Question of Labor and Capital, N. York. 1877, 12mo. 
 Jervis, .^lariaii, Lady. I. Gleanings, [verse,] 
 Paris, 184U, Svo. 2. (Trans.) Tales of the Boyhood of 
 Great Painters; from the French, Lon., 1853, 12mo; 
 new ed., abridged, 1872. 3. (Ed.) Painting and Cele- 
 brated Painters, Ancient and Modern, Lon., 1854,2 vols, 
 p. Svo, 
 Jervis, Swynfen, [oiiff, vol. i., add.] 1, Proposed 
 Emendations of the Text of Shakspeare's Plays, Lon., 
 I860, Svo. 2, A Dictionary of the Language of Shak- 
 speare, Lon., 1867, 4to. 
 Jervis, William George. I. Clergy Charity 
 Societies : their Condition and Sufficiency reviewed, 
 Lon., 1854, Svo. 2. The Poor Condition of the Clergy, 
 and the Causes considered, Lon., 1856, Svo. 3, Do you 
 keep holy the Sabbath-Day ? Lon,, 1859, Svo, 4, Star- 
 tling Facts respecting the Poverty and Distress of Four 
 Hundred Clergymen of the Church of England, Lon., 
 1860, 12mo, 5. Are " Startling Facts" True? a New 
 Chapter, Lon., 1861, Svo. 6. The Hardships and Suffer- 
 ings of the Poor Clergy : a Sequel to " Startling Facts," 
 Lon., 1862, 12mo. 
 Jervis, Rev. William Henley, M.A., 181.S- 
 1883, son of II. N. Pearson, D.D., dean of Salisbury, 
 (ry. 1'., >i)i(p, vol. ii, ;) graduated at Christ Church, Ox- 
 ford, 183.5 ; ordained 1836; rector of St, Nicholas, Guild- 
 ford, and afterwards prebendary of Heytesbury. He 
 assumed the name of Jervis in lieu of his patronymic, 
 by royal license, in 1865, 1, The (iallican Church: a 
 History of tlie Church of Frani^e, from the Concordat of 
 Bologna, A,D, 1516, to the Revolution, Lon,, 1872, 2 
 vols. Svo, 
 " He has for the first time presented the history of the 
 later French Church as a connected whole in an Knglish 
 dress, and with a inasteryof detail and power of grouping 
 and of graphic narration which completely carry the 
 reader along with him throughout, ami cannot fail to he 
 most serviceable to the student."— .SW. Rev., xxxv. 26. 
 " Unquestionably the book is somewhat dry, ai.d the 
 suVjject in Mr. Jervis's hands is scarcely as enticing as it 
 might have been. . , . He is perfectly candid in e,xpre.»slng 
 his own opinions; does not conceal his belief that the 
 Reformation wa.s simply 'a great Calvinistic schism ;' ind 
 does not pretend to nave anv lively admiration for the 
 Huguenots."— /1(A., No. 2a'>0. 
 2. The Galilean Church and the Revolution : a Sequel 
 to the " History of the Church of France, from the Con- 
 cordat of Bologna to the Revolution," Lon.. 1882, S.-o. 
 "This is incomparably the best work in our language on 
 the history of the French Church during the critical epoch 
 of the Revolution and the Empire of Napoleon I."— Sai. 
 Bev., liv. 57, 216. 
 3. Histor;' of France from the Earliest Times, {"Stu- 
 dent's" Ser!: new ed,, LoL,, 1884, p. Svo, And see 
 Pearson, W, H., anle, vol, ii. 
 Jervis, William Pai^et. I, The Mansfield Cop- 
 per-Slate Mines in Prussian Sax(jny, Lon., 1801, 8vi,. 
 2. The Mineral Resources of Central Italy, Lon., 1862, 
 Svo; new ed., with Supplement, 1868, 
 Jervlse, Andrew, F.S.A. Scot., 1820-1878, 1, Tli.' 
 History and Tradition of the Land of the Lindstt\ ■ 
 in Angus and Mearns, Edin,, 1853, Svo; 2d ed., by .'. 
 (iammack, 1882. 2, Angus and Mearns and the .Scot 
 tish liar: or, A Chronological List of the Senators of 
 the College of Justice, Natives of these Shires, from 
 A,D, I5:i2,, 1855, 12mo, Anon. 3. Sketi h 
 of the History and Antiquities of the Mearns: a Lc- 
 ture, Montrose, 1858, 12mij. 4. Memorials of Angus 
 and the Mearns; being an Account, Historical, .Anti- 
 quarian, and Traditionary, of the Castles and Towns 
 visited by Edward I., Ac, Edin., I86I, 4to; 2d ed., re- 
 written and corrected by Rev. James Gammaek, M.A.. 
 Edin., 1885, 2 vols. 4to. 
 " It is seldom that the hL-itory and antiquities of a liii^'c 
 district have been more p.leasantly, or, considering the 
 size of the work, more thoroughly, dealt witli."- .Si(. y.Vr, 
 1x1. 788. 
 5. Inscriptions from the Shields or Panels of the In- 
 oorporated Trades in the Trinity Hall, Aberdeen, Aber- 
 deen, 1863, Svo. 6. Epitaphs and Inscripiifms from 
 Burial-Grounds and Old Buildings in the No. theast uf 
 Scotland, Edin., 1875-79, 2 vole. 4to. 
 " Interesting to the historian and the antlipiary."— Sif, 
 Her., xli. 407. 
 Jervoise, Mrs. Arthur Tristram. The Hnll- 
 Call : a Novel, Lon., 1884, 3 vols, cr, Svo. 
 Jesse, Edward, [miU; vol. i,, add.,] 1780-lsr,s. 
 Lectures on Natural History, Lon., 1861, fp, Svo; 2d 
 «!„ enl.. 1863. 
 Jesse, George Richard, b. 1820, at Caen, Nor- 
 mandy; nephew of Edward Jesse,; has bcin 
 employed as a civil engineer in England, India, and 
 Egypt, and has taken an active part in the agitati.ju 
 against vivisection. I. Researches into the History "f 
 the British Dog, from Ancient Laws, Charters, and lis. 
 torical Records: with Original Anecdotes, <ic. Illu-t. 
 Lon,, 1866, 2 vols, Svo, 2, Evidence given before ilie 
 Royal Commission on Vivisection, Lon,, 1876, 12nio. :!. 
 Extracts from and Notes upon the Report of the Koval 
 Commission on Vivisection, refuting its Conclusiwi, 
 Manchester, 1876-77, 2 parts, Svo. 4, History of tlio 
 Foundation and Operations of the Society for the AIj.j- 
 lition of Vivisection, Lou,, 1877, Svo. 
 Jesse, John Heneage, [«ii(e, vol, i., add.,] isi'i- 
 1874, son of Edward Jesse, unpra ; held for many yviir? 
 a post in the English civil service. 1. Memoirs of King 
 Richard the Third and some of liis Contemporaries : witli 
 an Historical Drama on the Battle of Boeworth, 1, n., 
 1861, Svo, 
 " He deals fairly with the evidence, and he Is no snpliist. 
 Nor docs he pretend to do more than diminish the luu,l if 
 Richard's guilt, and to bring out in a more .salient iiii'inuT 
 the good point.s which the world, whose judgniciiis are 
 rough and broad, had overlooked."— .S'a(. Her., xii. iil:>. 
 2. Memoirs of the Life and Reign of King li ue 
 the Third, Lon,, 1866, 3 vols. Svo. 3. London : its (VI 
 ebrated Characters and Remarkable Places, Lon.. 1-71, 
 3 vols. Svo. 
 "Well-nigh a quarter of a centuiy ago he jiulili^lir 1 lii^ 
 'Literary and Historical Memoirs of Li.iubin,' and in ]X'> 
 ' Limdon and its Celebrities.' The present work is in -iriin' 
 sort the former two rolled into one. but with such cliiuiiics. 
 corrections, and fresh Intelligence and chronlcliii).' m lu 
 make it substantially a new work. . . . The variety in it 
 is so great that to illustrate its pages by pictures ami i.rint.s 
 collected from dealers . . . would pleasantly occuii> Imlf 
 a lifetime."— .-K/t., No. 22.'J6. 
 4, Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians, Lou., lS7,i, - vols. 
 "The biographies are little more (sometimes miirli k^^■ 
 than what may be found in good biogrii pineal dictimmries. 
 Little, and in most cases nothing, is. said of ilieir Et'iiidiiys, 
 discipline, and conduct, to show us, if it could be shewn, 
 that the boy was father to the man"— ^(ft., No. 2.')1-'. 
 Jcssett, Frederick Bowreman, F.R.C.S,, sur- 
 geon to the Cancer Hospital, Brompton, On Can 'or of 
 the Mouth, Tongue, and Alimentary Tract. Illust. Lon., 
 j 1886, Svo. 
 ! Jf.ssnp. Charles .*!oore» M.R.C.P., brigp.'Jo «ur- 
 I geon, British army, Asiatic Cholera : being a Report 
 t on an Outbreak of Epidemic Cholera in 187'"', Lon., 
 I 1883, Svo. 
 Jessop, F 
 Svo. Anon. 
 Jessop, M, 
 ings, Lon., Iss 
 Jesfioj), w 
 Rossondale and 
 cr. Svo. 
 Jessop, w 
 Comio'ete Decii 
 f'ambridge, ISa 
 land; or. The J 
 I '*•!-', 2 vols, p, f 
 Jcfisopp, II 
 Cheshunt, llcrtf 
 lege, Cambridge, 
 ston Oramniar-S 
 "!' King Edward 
 tlien rector of ,Sci 
 tiibutor to the Qi 
 tccnth Century, 
 .'School SeruKing, 
 "f a Norfolk II 
 History, Lou., 18 
 'Henry Walpoli 
 f"r carrying „|,t (,, 
 111 this country is 
 lore 11.S is esijceiaip 
 soiial interest, bccii 
 lull concerning th 
 and seventeenth ci 
 •'; (Ed.) The (i 
 getical Answeare ( 
 ■XIX Articles set! 
 (Camden Sue.,) Lo 
 fan Histories,") L,, 
 . " -A graphic stvle 
 laition are .^eldom 'i 
 tlicyiirein thepiTsc 
 tory. — .4cu(/., xxvi. 
 ^5, Arcady : F„r ' 
 (Contains essays on 
 "'Arcady' 's a ileli 
 easy toilescribeitas 
 KiMuiiisi,i,ii,.es' vr ( 
 thing much iiicire— i 
 teresis oftlie nation, 
 and intricate problei 
 , «• lEd.)TheAut( 
 Lon,, ISS7, 4to. (1 
 Ma.seum, formerly ii 
 wliose library wus di 
 ""' I'lographical det 
 nnu liisni'iiealoglcali 
 II- sii|,|,lt.,„eiitiiry nr 
 kiiisiiii.ii, embody bri 
 lie niembers of a ren 
 layc to be studied rep 
 iitc "f the seventeentli 
 7. I'he Coming of 
 Sketches, Lon., IS.SS 
 "U Idle dealing wit! 
 Kood ,lt,„i „f out?of.t h, 
 "I'ljiglit and Jaunty." 
 [^."ok IS his account of I 
 ia.^1 Anglia."-.C. tol 
 ,,!*;('?''•) Visitations 
 l«2-1532, (Camden S 
 "I he text of the abov 
 aWc eontriburions to 
 (ani.l™ .Society 
 'i"'»"rthy„fhin,V ' 
 he must .leliglufui'J.^" 
 a 1 he Ills probably ll 
 P'puliinze antiquarian 
 /Vith OliKK.V, EVKIIA 
 Lincoln : being a Gene,, 
 icHmilyof Walpole 
 I'rnately printed, 
 Jes^opp, c. s. Q 
 ^helia. [verse,] Norwich, 
 Jtssopp, J„,,„_ ^{ 
 i"l, l-'mo; 2ded., 186 
 ■\l""ti.ise. Pa., ,ind B,)ue. 
 ; ■ " '-''"••'''i in Syria , 
 ,*,™'i^-- with a Chapter 
 '-'""■ (TheChapteffor 
 Zigzag to Paris, Un., 1850, 
 Jessop, Francis H 
 flvd. Aiiun. 
 '■""'bridge, l,So5, 12„,o .. F,f'?"^, ""^ Measures, 
 leKf, Ciimbridgo, 1848, orUained 1 S4S ' l'"""" ' <^"'- 
 .« on Urn,m,mr-Schooi; CVnlTiI ISV ■""«'«^»f "'•'I- 
 ;;' 'v.n« E,lwani's School, WicllsTsi'-u'-'''''-'."''*'"'^ 
 then rector of Seaming, NoriX Vr, l-'^' ""'^ si"«e 
 'nbutor to the Quiirterlv an i-,- , " ',' J frequent con- 
 "■'■nth Centuo- nnd othe *"''^'"''-« ' K«vievv.,, Nine. 
 School 8e,-,n„,4' l"m. ?, fiT lC""''':;'""X '• ''^'"•"i»l> 
 "f ■' Norfolk Hou e'. a Ooi:'"^-..-- '^"^ feneration 
 "i;-t.'ry, Lon., Isz^S^ot 2^1 efrVsi^ '" '^"^"bethan 
 fnr ™rryf;,i'';^lrtti\V^?kT^?,''',f "™''" «' Vork in ,595 
 I" this country, is the i.r,w.i' A" 'J'""!'" Catholie mission 
 '"■■easi8t.S|.cJi'« iv va Im 1 \''^« 7'^ . . The l" k'b" 
 >"iiHl interest, heeauso .-ins ,'"" ^""" "" 'wH an.l ner- 
 '"" concerning Ih" l^ist f^'oV'p™7™ Popular opi". 
 «"< seventeenth eenturte.^5,,(^;'«^ ". '■' "'« 
 ;•• (Ed ) The (Koonomv of the FlV/lf 
 i/etical Answeare of A IJirri, . m '" "■■ '^" Apolo. 
 ■MX Article, sett forth Ssh'^^'l'''*'" ""ere.'nnto 
 ((■a.nden Soe.,) Lo„ , ] sn^^i' ,f ' 5"" •>>■ 'he J'risoners, 
 «... Ili.-torie..,") Lon.; m,' JI,\J- ^'"'^'<=b, (" Dioee- 
 I'TJ. — .U-U((., xxvi, :«8 "'""ur oi til is Diocesan His- 
 i-y to .lescrihpi, „l'':;'y"l..b'.'.«l<- ... It wonUl liaVe been 
 'The Children of the Ea.t," Bust., 
 under the title of 
 j ISn. ll'mo.) , „„„, 
 r^"-'^^^J!'^^!,£7^^f-% .e. 
 , "8 Ueseendant..- with , n r A'd,"?'^' ^'^ ^"'^- "»■! 
 '<"• the latter eont iniZw. ^""? "'"J "n Apnen- 
 J't.milicsoftheNane w?h '![''.' "'^ °"'er AniJiicin 
 i t',u,,brid«e. C.;'''l887't'"C '''';.''''''"''' •^'— m^, 
 •Juesclin, by E de ionn» . '^'■"""•' """•"■■'1 J" 
 My Sehool?I)aysnCisT,n'. "■'•,• "''"■ "'"">• 2 
 new ed., 1881 s /-rJi ^ i." ''<">•' "<"l, IL'uio- 
 E. ae lionne^Lse • iJ^o^ l! " 1'.^^ l".' "^""^" "^^' 
 L..wn-Tenn'is I'Inyer, Lonl'TsnTTto'" ^"'' ""'"" "« " 
 htttu'co^re:;*;'.^;;^, ^JTr; 'y- graduated at AVad- 
 purham .since 1S82 ' 1 A h "/"' '" ' '« I'niversity of 
 -•eution."-Sa(. 4", Ui|' 227'''' ^'""^d, 
 ineMt. lit' tu^ All. . ' 
 ...^..».i,» S U (leillrliM to (lescrilieit as a xilrfolk",',.;,; ' " would liave been 
 " ^ - «f wi;[![;l^^^,;;'',,";,J^-. KamsaT^s 
 -aniaiilyatt,.,,,,,, r. f.:,,b'K',' '? »"i"e- 
 , ,, ^ . ■..--■— »ii/cn, a 
 iU'nunisceiK'e.s' or or Whid.v '<'i'i '■■'fun uanisav'. 
 thinK'muchmore.-ania. v«., ■^'-""'rne;^ but it is s,,i,,<: 
 ttresis of the nation ,n,t,,V "''''"'" "> uphold the bes ,>' 
 an.l intricate, proble'm:'' -:i/r">i;r',!!;r »'""'i'""oV a'^'r^Ji 
 a ^^r.^i'to^^/prlXri'^ "^'«°««^ -^'o^"'- must 
 Museum, forme;iyh^ the Is"""-" *^'^- '" "'" «S 
 «';<- library was^l.'Ip'e' "eS t^'Ku dL{h"°" P^-^''^^' 
 |;;.ji .L^.e„l.aio,M,.„n;V,'r;d,'-it1,„'',^^^^^^^^^ 
 II- Mil'i'leineniury notic.s of ih . m "^''"'i ■''"""estry, and 
 l-i.i.M.i.n. cnibo,lybrief an, V „m''^'^^ '"^ -"""rth and hi, ,' 
 Sketches, !,„„., ^888. er Svo "' "'"^ °"'«' Medi«, 
 p.o,Nlei^:!?'^i;;^,^i!h.^i:>.;»^uyecU a„d eontainin, a 
 ... Iisl.t.and Jaunty stvie^ Bv"A l",'!' ' "•.^- "e wri ten 
 ;,";t,w..rth,v of ifin . ■, ■. "ti/J w;,'l'r"''P''*J '"trodiiction h 
 l»|.ul..rize antiquarian Kt,uK."i '.''?" anyone livine 1,'. 
 raUier han the exeeu.on. -i^, ^.„,„ ,,„- ,-^. -^ -^.u^eu. 
 W.'s86,^rSP°'-' "'■ '"« Athe„i'a,f'De.ooraoy, 
 I l'"e,nr"^'..'^r;:,,^^«^^„A„n. The Syrens, and other 
 Jevons, Shirley n ' i p . 
 merchant of that otvanrff;' 7" "'e son of „n iron- 
 S';hool of the Mechanic In UtJ e" Liv "* *,''" "'^"^ 
 Vniversity College, London t,. 11 ^"®'^P«"I. and at 
 'be Royal Mint^ in n"„ g'onth w"i "P'^i"""™' in 
 g.-aduatcd M.A. at LonTr.„ i" • "'''* 1854-59, and 
 'he gold medal for „girph"l„,„°'r''"*^'"'-' ^'^"'^S 
 , "".y, and being elecS^'F?:;!^',"".'^ •"'"''«?' ^'=<"'- 
 ) was appointed professor , f ln„- ■ "••• ^n 1866 he 
 i Philoso diy.and Cobden lec ufer ""'' !•'!"'*' '">'' "noral 
 Owens College, Manches tf f-"''""'*' «<'<'nomy, in 
 in im to afoeVuhe cht 'of TolitTc'T''' """ ''"''^i"" 
 , vcrsity Colleee I nn,i,,„u.,P, '""-"' economy in Uni 
 hegav'e up'?c::demic"v;rM:Ve:ot'''? "'' ''''' """■> 
 ture. A year later hrwasaoHd "';,"'".'«"' '" '"«ra- 
 bathing near St. Leona ds "f "i""''"'.^ browned while 
 I Value of Gold nscertntned and ■.«""'■ ^'"' '" 'he 
 i forth, Lon., 186;i, 8vo -Pur?! • *'"'"" ^^'^^ ^'et 
 Quality apart from Quantity w/tifn' ""■' 7^" ^"gi'^ °f 
 System, and on the Relation of ^ .^^"'"''s on Boole's 
 I'on., 1864, p. 8vo. " A L .n,L ^'".."''l**'"hematies. 
 Monetary LaVs, Lon ,1864 8!" " rThlr''?'."' "'" "-^ 
 an Inqu ry coneernin, thl o ' ^^ho Coal Question . 
 tbe pJbaL ExhZfo 'of r;S m'^' ?"""" »"^ 
 870 ; 2d ed., rev.. 186(1 T a" ^".»'-Mines, Lon., 186,> 
 the Importance of amusing a Kn> 
 Economy, Manchester, 188^6 8vo 6 "a r 
 lineoi;; :-'b;in;'a'^,^:rr' ^"".''""-f ^^hap.ode. County i '^ " "^- The'sSlstition ^If ?'' ^f"°^' ^-"T86^ 
 llio Family .fWafnir?*^.'"^ '^ ^^hap'oJe Branch of ' f «''a.'"nii,g : derived from a v'r«' "'■' '^'■""^ P^''"'ipl» 
 l'mately[,r,'nted ''"'""f """ghton, .Vo'rwioh. I8"4, f„, I "Ip'r- I"-" - '8fi9 fzmo *'<"^"'<""'«n of Aristotle's 
 _^Jes«opp, c. s. Twonr„„,„... .... . ^ i-&i.U:";\viiryr"'''°"^-«''-'P»"'doxioalmi,,d'' 
 18n.«t^''rElemeniar"vr"'''''"".'" ^'"''"-. Lon., 
 and Inductive: wiThOnVninr^'n '" '"'«i'^- Deductivi 
 pies, and a Vocabulary o^Tn'^^^^-""""' ""<! Exam- 
 "iffio: 7th .-).,!" 7" ^ "^ '^"«"-'"' Terms, Ua., !S7l, 
 ^ |,, III toil, ' -- •■ — , •■-')•», 101. 
 ^'>/"' f-r-!] Norwieh^7^82""r" '' "''''■'' '• »'"h- 
 ■^]U^^'2d^!l^85?'"^- "•«'«"' Chapters, Lon., 
 M'.ntroT,5a"f:i «'fr„'!.'7. ««"-' D.D., b. ,832. at 
 "iodml .Seminary; Vecame'a mfd"' "■""' "'■ ^''""n '^he- 
 'wan Church in Syria in Is J'" ""i^^ "'^ 'he Presby- 
 f^l's: ,vith a Chapter for clldM^^"™ "^ ^^^ 
 "'""• '^'^ '^'-^'^ ''- ^^'^-^-?rinViaV:?; 
 liKible'nSc;'';;[* !,''if„^™;,'" ',",? 0""«ise and very iiitel- 
 -vH'--"-'^iaS: '^^™-- 
 soimble connection be w en th^.V'"**'"!' "f showing a rcof 
 eaoe from assumed preX^ ll^l ^rpMo^n^S 
 to show whnl premises (iURlit to lie nssumcd."— .SpfCfafor, | 
 xllv. 1%. I 
 1(1. The Theory of I'oliliuiil Kidiidiiiy, ljiin.,ls7l, Svo; 
 3il C(l., 1888. (An iitteiiipt t(i«x|ireHM the prini'lples (if 
 politlciil economy, or their o|ieriition, in miithi'iimtioiil 
 ' " Whetlier anythlnii ran or civunot lie iloiie In the illrec- 
 tUiii iiiiUi'Uted,— mill we hy no niciins sny tliut U canndt,— ; 
 Jlr. .leviiiis liiis liikeii us « very short way."— .'<'(i(. Jinv., 
 xxxll. IWI. j 
 II. i'ho I'rineiples of .'^iMcnet : a Treiitise on Logic 
 ami Scientific .Method, Lon., ISJ), 2 voli'. Nvo; new cJ., | 
 rev., IS71I. I 
 ■' His (lls(Mi»slon even of the faiilllar theme of the theory 
 (if the reasoning pmeesses has the stanipof llmtorl^tinalUy 
 which means llowint; freshly I'nini ii cieuling anil .shaping 
 InlclU'ct."— .'•'d/. Jicv.. x.xxvli. ImJ. 
 " Whatever the shorleominKs of the hook. It Is nniMies- 1 
 tlonahlv the hcst treallseon sclcnlillc niethoil in thi' Kii;.'- | 
 llsh lariKnaue, so tar ut as regards |ihysieul science." 
 —Siiidalin; xlvii. I'-'ill. 
 \'Jt. .Money and the Jlcchanisni of Kxclninge, C In- 
 ternational ScicntifK!" Ser.,1 Lon., If*".'), l-'mo. 
 " A very reailahle ninl interesting— we nniy almost say 
 amusing— Ircalisc on what Is usnally a very dismal and 
 bewildering suliject." — Sut. A'rr., xl, 171. ' 
 "It alionnds in Infornnitinn which everyone ought to | 
 possess. iMit lor nmchol which a slinlent might have nim- 
 nnmed a whole llhrary without .success."—!". E. C'i.ikke : 
 Li'>i.iF.: .lc(c/„ viii. m. 
 in. Logic, (.-scienco Primers,) Lon., 187fi, ISmo. 14. 
 Political Koonomy, (Science Primers.) Lon., I.87K, l.^mo. 
 15. ."itndics in Deductive Logic: a .Muninil for Students, 
 Lon., l.S.SO, p. .Svo. 16. The State in Uelation to Labour, 
 (" Kngllsh Citizen" Sor., I l.nn., ls,H2, p. Svo. 17. .Mcthodn 
 of Social Uefiirm. and other Papers, Lon., l.SS:i, .^vo. 
 (The subjects discussed are vivi.section, " cram," the eiu- 
 plovment of married women in factories, ic. ) 
 " There Is not a paper In this volume from which even 
 those who dlller most from its eom'hisions will not derive 
 great liistruclion."— .*>;«c^i(or, Ivl. 771. 
 IS, Investigations in Currency and Finance. Edited, 
 with an Introduction, by II. S. Foxwell. l.on., ISSL Svo. 
 " .Mr. .levons's Investigations are divided Into two classes, 
 — f'onimercial Khu'tuations and I'urrency. There Is a tide 
 In the alfalrs of business men whndi the statist resolves 
 into distinct lliii'tinitiiins. . . . These anil miinir oscillations 
 arc exhibited in the book before us bv means of beautiful 
 diagrams euiitaiidng the returns of the Hank ot Kuglaiul 
 averaged over periods of several years. . . . From ■Com- 
 merelal riuctuations' we pass to ('nrreiwy.— 'the burning 
 question of bimelallisni and technical (jncstloiis relatiii)| 
 to the age. weiu'ht, and cost of the gold nuHalllc currency. 
 . . . I'rof Koxwell has caught the spirit of the work which j 
 he edits and describes. . . . The introduction Is worthy of 
 the author intnulnced. It Is congenial to the work of -Mr. 
 iJevons. And yet it is substantive and individual."-!". Y. 
 KiioEwoitrn : 'Aniil., xxvi. .is. 
 111. Letters and .lournals. Edited by his Wife. Lon., 
 ]88(i, Svo. 
 " A singularly full and rich record of a mcmo'rable men- 
 tal history. . . '. l^erhaps .Stanley .levons hardly oilers the 
 conditions of a striking niul pictnrcsijue biography. . . . 
 All that Is given us is tlie record of a calm, uninlcrrnpted 
 flow of activitv towards a well-conceived and wortliv end." 
 —Si,(i:lulo}-. lix. 7s;i. 
 Jewell, F. 1. Little Abe ; or, The Bishop of Berry 
 Brow: being the Life of A. Lockwood, Lon., 18S0, p. 
 Svo; new ed., 18S4. 2. Waking Dreams; or, Talks 
 . with the Thing" iiroun.l ns, l.iin., 1SS7, p. Svo. 
 Jewell, I'roderick S. 1. Aids to the Study of 
 the English Language, X. Virk, ISIS, 12mo. 2. School 
 (iovernment : a Dis<nission of its Fact.*., Principles, an. I 
 their Application, X. York, 1 Sti6, l2ino. .'1. (irammati- 
 cal Diagrams Defended and Improved, N. York, 1SG7, 
 Jewell, J. (Jrey. Among our Sailors: with Ex- 
 tracts from Laws aod Consular Regulations, N. York, 
 1871, 12mo. 
 Jewell, J. Henry. Xellie's Trials and Triumplis, 
 (Jlasgow, ISHii. |2mo. 
 Jewell, Kiibert. The Mystery of Orleton .Manor, 
 Lon., 1S7('), :! vols. p. Svo. 
 Jewers, .\i'Miur John, F.S.A.. b. 1S48, at East 
 Stonehouse, Cornwall. 1. liricf Notes of the Arundell 
 Brasses at Colunib Major, 1878, Svo. Printed for prix'ate 
 circulation. 2. (Kd.) The Registers of the Parisli of St. 
 Coluinb .Major, Cornwall, from the Year 1539 to 1780. 
 Part I. l.o'n., IHSl, Ito. 
 Jewett, t'liarlcs, ,M.D., fon'c vol. i., add,] A 
 I'ortV Years' Fight with the Drink Demon, X'. York, 
 Jewett, llcv. (Ji'orge linker, isis-ls8fi, b. at 
 Lebanon, Me.; brother of Charles Coflin Jewett, ((larc, 
 vol. 1. ;) educated at Amherst, and at Audover Xheulogi- 
 eal Seminary j was professor of Latin and modern lan- 
 guages at Amherst 18511-5.0, and afterwards pastor of a 
 Congregational church at Xa.«hua, X.Il. 1. Baptism 
 iTimoi Immersion: :id cd., Salem, Mass., ISIIB. 2, 
 Critiriue on the tireek Text of the New Testament a* 
 edited by the "American Uible Union," Salem, ISBU, 
 Jewett, Miss Nnrnli Oriie, b. isiii, at South 
 Berwick, .Me.; daughter of 'I'hcodorc Herman Jewett, 
 iM.D. ; was educated at home and at the Berwick Acnd- 
 emv ; has travelled extensively in Europe, Canada, and 
 the I'liiled States, and contributed to the .Atlantic 
 .Monthly and other periodicals. 1. Deephaven, Host,, 
 1S77, ISmo. 2. Play-Days : a Book of Stories for Chil- 
 dren, Bost., 1878, si|. llin'm. it. Old Friends and New, 
 1S71I. Itinio. 4. Country By-Ways. By Alice Eliot, 
 [pseud.] Bost.. ISSl, llhno. 5. The Mate of the " Day- 
 light," and Friends Ashore, Bost., ISSIl, Hlmo. II. A 
 Country Doctor, Bost., 1SS4, 12mo. 7. A JIarsh Island. 
 Bost., 1885, 12ino. 8. A AVhite Heron, and other Stories, 
 Host., 1881), Ithiio. U. The Story of the Normans, tuM 
 ehielly in Relation to their Comiucst of England, ( " Stmy 
 of the Nations.") Illnst. N. York, Issil, 12mo. In. 
 The King of Folly Island, anit other People, Host., ISss, 
 " Her instinctive rellnement, her graceful workinanshi|i, 
 place her secoinl only to .Miss fhaclieray. . . . Miss Jewett 
 has more distiiu'tly a style than any other -Vnierlcau 
 woman."— iV«//oH, .xxxix. ii.'i, xll. Vu. 
 JeW(!tt, Susnn \V. From Fourteen to Fourscore, 
 X. York, 1871, l2mo. 
 Jewitt, Aifretl Charles. Lays and Legends, 
 Lon,, lS7il, \t. Svo. 
 Jowitt, Kdwin. Manual of Illuminatcu Mi?-iil 
 I'ainting: with an Historical Introduction by Llewellyn 
 Jewitt, Lon.. ISfitI, Svo. 
 Jewitt, lilewellyn Frederick Willinni, F.S.A., 
 lSlti-1888, b. at Kiinbcrworth, Yorkshire. He edited 
 the Reliiiuary, an antiquarian periodical, of which only 
 one volume was published, IMill. 1. A Stroll to Lea 
 Hurst, Derbyshire, the Home of Florence Xightingalc, 
 Lon., IS.iJ, "l2mo. 2. Antennte: Poems, Lon., Is,i7, |., 
 Svo. ;i. RiHcs and Volunteer Rille Corps, Lon., Im'.c, 
 Svo. 4. lland-Book of English Coins, Lon,, ISCil, .'i2iihi; 
 niw ed., 1881. 5. The Wedgwoods: being a Life mI 
 Josiah Wedgwood: with Notices of his Works and tin n 
 Productions, Memoirs of the Wedgwood and other Fiuui 
 lies, and a History of the Early Potteries of StaflorJshoc, 
 lllust. Lon., ISliS, 8vo. 
 " We can warmly commend Mr, Jewltt's volume, only 
 I exiires.sing our regret that the author has not been ciiie 
 concise in his style and more on his guard agaiim uii 
 necessary repetitions, '—.su(. Jier., xx, 121, 
 1 ■' .bidged by its standard, no mean one it Is right to say it 
 isft serviceable production, which, had It been ptiblislicil 
 a dozen years before that of Miss Metcyard, would liavo 
 been heartily welcomed,"— -K/i., No. lUOl. 
 Ii. Urave-.Mounds and their Contents; a Manual el 
 Arehieology as exemplilied in the Burials of the Ci!ii , 
 the Romano-British, and the Anglo-Saxon Period.-, Ln., 
 Is'ill, p. Svo. 7. (Ed.) Domesday-Book of Derbysliire, 
 1871, fol. S. The Ballads and Songs of Derby.-lnrc, 
 Lon.. 1871, p. Svo. II. The Life of William liulti.n, 
 ("Chandos Library,") Lon., 1^72, p. s\o. 10. A His- 
 tory of Plymouth,' lllust. Lon., Is7:), 4to. 11. Hull- 
 Hours among some English .Xntimiities. lllust. L'.ii,, 
 1877, 1). Svo; 2d ed., 1S7'J. 12. The Ceramic Ait ■.! 
 (ircat Britain: Wing a History of the .-kncient lOil 
 Modern Porcelain Works of the Kingdom from I'n: ■ 
 toric Times d»wn to the Present Day. lllust. I «. 
 1-77. 2 vols. r. 8vo; new ed.. rev.. 1883. 
 'The greater part of .Mr, .lew Ill's learneil il'"-' 
 is devoted to accounts of the sneeial manulaci 
 have existed and still lloiirlsh in this eounii,\ 
 days of Hwiglit, Tlnis part of the book is repK-tv with de- 
 tails of all kinds.-- -.-K/i,, No. 2628. 
 l:(. The Life and Works of jR<Mb Thoisjison. lllust. 
 Lo&.. lss2, tlo. 
 " .\ marvel of typographical art, but the engraver's cim- 
 trlbniion is not always on a K'vol with that of the printer. 
 —Acad., .x.xii. lli. 
 14. English Coins ami Tokens : with a Chapter "ii 
 Greek and Roman Coins, by B. V. Head, Lo'i,, 1 ssi;, 
 p. Svo. Willi H M,i.. Sami'ki, CAnTKR, Tfc stately 
 Homes of Englauii. lllust. Lon., 1874-77. two -erics, 
 Svo. Mr. Jewitt was also the editor of Black's " UnM* 
 to Derbysliire" iilni seveini othet guide-book,-. 
 Jewitt, \V. H. 1. Hymns on the Te Deuin, Man- 
 chester, 1874. lliiuo, 2. The Romance of Love :i linr- 
 land of Verse, Lon., 1 S'Sli, p. Svo. 
 ,„ Jewry, La„r„. ,Seo V.u..v..v«, M„,. r,.,.. , « th T ''''" 
 -■ "=::;, K;^;! i^'sr ;s3 s^- ■ dB^{^:. lir^&sf^:^ 
 Jorplvi. M .. ' o ^"'■oni'mcr R„v,ii . Thr„ r " Testament and 
 joceljii, Mrs. Robert. l finnnm. ^'o- "" ^'"c'u'-es, Lon 1877 
 he rottases of the Al '" „r ,'i,^'""''', ™'- '■- '"'dJ 
 .'";! Shi pS'/Prt't rlt.l"^""^ "";' S'-iP-O-no..'. 
 Johiies, Edward It \ "V^r'" 'f • •^*'"- 
 oa.'^i-.nal Verges. .V York IS" /"..'^ " fi^^st^r: Oc- 
 T- ' - ' '.'-•^'^eUith. I. Buy-s Book of Modern 
 Ti. ;, "' ^"'ss Anna r- r , 
 Ihe CottaKes of the Al " „r t'-,^"'"''', ™'- '•' '"' 
 Sw, t.erland, N Yn.k. ,^1 12 u'u^"" ""'' ^''""'-^ - 
 Johnson, Anna I nl ■ ,r 
 -'"h- and Earthl.v "i?p„7rinf X^V^T't'" ^ '''' a'^''^- 
 ^ Johnson, liev/Arih?,';' ii ''*' ''*■''' ''*vo. 
 'lained KS71 ; Follow of Al« -.T' '^•'''^'"■''. '««fi: or- 
 Iriivtl nn<l Adventure Tilnwt ' r "' ™"«orn iiained 1.S77 . i' n ' "" r'""" "^"'leKei Uiforrl l«iic 
 itTses Ho ,.,''"'' P'''i"=» n Greek nnrf Tai/JTi "™ '"ustrated bv r p o u' ""^ above 
 ^'^1^'^ f^'^^v^>i.a T : ^^.^'^^ -■^""'f^t^i^Trrr'; %'-«- <- Ne. 
 ' ' """"• ' *'"''""'" E.liti.ns Jf'^.-b'e vVo;k3' ^°^,^ X'^ii'^'l'' °' 
 ui IT. M. Thaekurav, 
 J •'■i\ 
 I' ^ 
 I,on., 19H5, or. Hvo. .1. Tho Early Writings of William 
 Mivkeipciioe Thiiekeriiv. Illust. I.nn., IShS, 8v(>. 
 JohiiHon, (risncld. 1. The One Orcat Force: 
 the t'liusB of Dnivitutioii, I'lanotary Million, Ao., lluf- 
 fiilo, 1H(\S, IJiiio. 2. ('.'iitcnninl lli.-tcpry of Erie 
 Cimnty, N.^w Vurk, liutliilo, isjil, )*\o. 
 '■ Ills slyly Is mcy luilnmti'il. . . . Tho fdunty Is for- 
 timtitu ill liHViiig liiiu lor its lu«|i>riiiii."— ViidVi)', xxiv. JM. 
 '■i. 17:17: lliatciry of Wiishinxton County, Now York. 
 Illiist. I'hilii., JM7H, llo. 4. Hi tiiry of IUIIkiIhIo 
 County, Miihigiin. Illusl. I'hiln., 1871), 4to. 5. His- 
 ti>ry of Cuyiihogii County, Ohio, Illust. Phllii., 1S7D, 
 4to. 6. History of Allegan iinil Hurry Counties, Mich- 
 Igiin. Illust. I'hilft., \>*»i', 4to. 
 J<>hiiNoii, Daniel, of Denver, Col. The Politiciil ; of l-;uro|ii', i.on., issi), 12ino. (The publieiitiiin 
 of this book wiis suppresscil in (Joriniiny, and also, nt the 
 rO(|ue8t of the (leriiian government, in Frnnce. where, 
 however, four editions of a triinalution by A. iMiuon had 
 already a|i|icared.) 
 "The struiiitlh and thoro\i|.'liness of his ixilltioal hatreds 
 are of no counlrj- ; thev are those of the advaiwed lU'iiio- 
 erat. pure aiol siiniile. The quaintest i oneeit in the • Com- 
 cdv' lllu-lrates this, when, iliirlni,' nii interlude of tah- 
 lea'ux, tlie seeiie lieing Hades, I'liilo calls Thiers, and, 
 giving hiiu a pair of iiincors and a haninier, bids liini 
 • undo the chains whioli still liind Napoleon I. to the pil- 
 lory, and Mibvliliile lor bin. the monster iliisraarck) who 
 Is now ravnuiiiK tlie earth.'"— ."vjcdotor, liii. U49. 
 JohllHoii, K. The Judge's Pets. Illust. N.York, 
 1S71, llinio. 
 Jolilisuii, Prof. E. (Trans.) In the Land of Mar- 
 vels : Folk-Tales from Austria and Ilohemia, by F. T. 
 Verimlekon. Illust. Lon., 18S8, p. Hvo. 
 JohiiHon, M^jor E. C. On the Track of the 
 Crescent : Krratio Notes from the Pirieus to Pesth, Lon., 
 1885, 8vo. j 
 Johnson, Edmund Charles, M.D., F.K.C.S., 1 
 vice-president of the School lor tho Indigent Blind, 
 Southwark : oflicier de I'Acadf'inie Franfaise, Ac. 1. 
 Tangible Typography ! or. How the lilind Head, Lon., 
 iNi:!, 8vo. 2. An Inquiry into the Musical Instruction 
 of the lilinil in France, Spain, ami America, Lon., \»ii, 
 8vo. 3. The Blind of London : reprinted from " The 
 Times," witii Additions, Lon., 1860, 8vo. > . ties 
 to tho Blind. Lon., 187<), 8vo. 
 Johnson, Edwnrd A. (Trans.) Tho of 
 the Gulshani-Kiiz ; or. Mystical Oarlii of 
 Mahmond Shabistari : with Selections f'-" 'at 
 of Omar Khayain, [verse,] Lon., 1887, r s >, 
 Johnson, Edward Lewis. Lituiii.t V^'ti ains, 
 [edited by S. L. Blanohard,] Lcn., 1884, 8vo. ,intcd 
 for private circulation. 
 Johnson, Kev. Edwin, M.A. 1. Christ a Ran- 
 som for All; Two Discourses, Lon., 1876, 8to. 2. 
 (Trans.) Commentary on the Psalms, by the Late H. v. 
 Ewald, Lon., 1H81, 2 vols. 8vo. Also, contributions to 
 the Pulpit Commentary. 
 Johnson, Rev. Edwin A., D.D., b. 1829, at Go- 
 wanda, N.Y. ; a Methodist Episcopal minister ; editor of 
 the Pittsburg Christian Advocate 1868-72. 1. Half- 
 Hour Studies of Life, Cin., 1877, 18mo. 2. The Live 
 Boy J or, Charley's Letters. Illust. N. Y'ork, 1878, 
 16mo. 3. Winter Greeneries at Home. Illust. N. 
 York, 1878, 12mo. 4. The Lilyvale Club and its Do- 
 ings, Lon., 1880, sq. IBmo. 
 Johnson, Edwin Uossiter, b. 1840, at Rochester, 
 N.Y'.; graduated at the University of Rochester in 1803; 
 was connected editorially with the Rochester Democrat 
 1864-68, and with the Concon (N.H.) Statesman 1869- 
 72; was associated with M>,.-.irs. Uipley and Dana in 
 editing the American Cy lopiedia 1873-77, and in 1883 
 became editor of Appleton's Annual Cyclopiedia. 1. 
 (Ed.) Little Classics, Bost., 1874-80, 18 vols. 16mo. 2. 
 (Ed.) Works of the British Poets: with Biographical 
 Sketches, N. Y'ork, 1870, 3 vols. 3. Single Famous 
 Poems, N. York, 1877, 16mo. 4. Play-Day Poems, 
 ("Leisure Hour" Ser..) N. York, 1878, lOino. 5. Pha- 
 eton Rogers: a Story of Boy- Life. Illust. N. Y'ork, 
 J 881, 12mo. 6. A History of the War of 1812-15 be- 
 tween the United States and Great Britain, (" Minor 
 Wars of the United States.") Illust. N. York, 1882, 
 12mo. 7. A History of the French War ending in the 
 Conquest of Canada, (" Minor Wars of the United 
 States.") Iliust. N. York, 1882, I2uio. 8. Idler and 
 Poet, [verse,] Best., 1883, 12ino. 9. A Short History of 
 the War of Secession, 1861-1865, Bost., I«88, 8vo. 
 "The subject is treated with breadth, thoroughness, and 
 impartiality."— Crido, x. 271. 
 JohnNon, Mrs. Elizabclh, (Winthrop,) sistir 
 of Thi'oilore Winlhrop, unir, vol. iii. The Studio Art-. 
 ("Hand-Ilooks for Students and General Itenlers," 
 N, York, 1878, 12nio. 
 JohuNOn, Ellen, d. 1873; a factory-girl. T\u\ 
 Lord of the Castle : a Fairy Legend, Lon., 1861, fp. »\o 
 Johnson, .Mrs. r,mnia li. Silk-Culture in Lou 
 isiana and in the Southern Stales, .N. Orleans, 1882, . vn. 
 Johnson, Ernie Sncheverell Wilberrorcc, 
 son of Very Kcv. (I. H. S. .lohnsim, iiifm ; grailiialr.j 
 at Christ Church, Oxford, 1881, Ilarla, ;ind other Poem-, 
 Lim., 1H84, p. 8vo, 
 Johnson, Evun|(elinc Maria. See O'Con.nou, 
 Mks. E. .M., in/ni. 
 Johnson, Evans. The Henults of [Roman Cati- 
 olic] Emancipation, Lon., 1808, 8vo. 
 Johnson, Francis. A Dictionary, Persian, Ara- 
 bic, and English, Lon., 1852, r. 8vo. 
 Johnson, Erunk. Lashed to tiio Mizzen ; or, A 
 Night otV tlie Cape, [verse,] Lon., 1S77, 8vo. 
 Johnson, Frank (irant, M.D., [nuie, vol. i., add.,] 
 b. 1835. 1. The Water-Metre and the Actual .Measure 
 mont .System, N. York, 1862. 2. The Nicholson Pave- 
 ment, and Pavements generally, N. Y'ork, 1867, 8vo. ::. 
 Natural Philosophy and Key to Philosophical Charts, N. 
 York, 1872, 8vo. 4. Hea'tliLiftSi N. York, 1877. 5, 
 Infected Air and llisinfeclants, N, York, 1SS4. 
 Johnson, Kev. Franklin, D.D. I. TiueWonmn- 
 hood : Hints on tho Formation of Womanly Chariuler, 
 Cambridge, Mass., 1882, lOnio. 2. (Trans.) The Dies 
 Trie: an English Version in Double Khyiiies: with an 
 Essay and Noles, Cambridge, Mass., I,ss3, 8vo. I'ri- 
 vately iirinted. 3. (Trans.) A Romance in .Song: 
 Heine's Lyrical Interlude. Illust. Best., 1884, 8vo. 4. 
 (Trans.) "TheStabat Mater Speoiosa, and the Stahat Maler 
 Dolorosa, Bost., 1885, 8vo. 5. Tho New Psychic Studies 
 in their Relation to Christian Thought, N. Y'ork, ISs?, 
 Johnson, Frederick E. 1. Weld' n's Guide to 
 Epping Forest, Lon., 1878, p. 8vo. 2. Weldon's Guide 
 to the River Lea, Lon., 1880, p. ^vo. 3. New .'oath 
 Wales, and how to get there: an Emigrant's Guide, 
 Edin,, 1886, 8vo. 
 Johnson, Frederick H. A Winter's Sketches in 
 the South of France and the Pyrenees, Lon., 1857, |i. Svo. 
 Johnson, Ueorge, M.D., F I'.c.P., F.H.S., I,. 
 1818, at Goodhiirst, Kent, Eng. ; was educated at Kiiii;'s 
 College, Lonilon, where he was appointed professor uf 
 materia medica in 1857 and professor of the principliS 
 and practice of medicine in 1863. In 1876 he was tiiiii^- 
 ferred to the chair of clinical medicine, and on liis 
 resignation in 1880 elected emeritus professor of liiii- 
 ieal medicine. 1. On the Relations between Therapeu 
 tics and Pathology, with Especial Reference to -oiiie 
 Forms of Cardiac, Renal, and Nervous Diseases : a Course 
 of Lectures, Lon,, 1853, 12iuo. 2. On Epidemic Diur- 
 rha-a and Cholera : their Pathology and Treatimiit, 
 Lon., 1855, p. 8vo. 3. Notes on Cholera, Lon,, hi'!, 
 8vo. 4. The Laryngoscope : Two Lectures, Lon., I '■lo, 
 p. 8vo. 6. On Cholera and Choleraic Diarrhoea : 'I'wi 
 Lectures, Lon., 1870, 8vo. 6. Lectures on Bright's Ms- 
 ease, Lon., 1873, 8vo. 7. The Harveian Oration, Iss2, 
 Lon,, 1882, 8vo. 8. A Defence of Harvey as the liis- 
 ooverer of the Circulation of tho Blood, Lon.. iJ^s), 
 12i'io. '.I. On the Various Modes of Testing for Alliii- 
 men and Sugar in the Urine: Two Lectures, Lon., I's4, 
 12mo, 10. Jledical Lectures and Essays, Lon., b>i", 
 Johnson, George. Breezes of Song from Muimt 
 Pleasant, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 
 Johnson, Rev. George B., b. at Manchester, 
 Eng.; a Congregational minister. 1. Statement of I'riii- 
 eiplcs; or, A Church Guide for those holding or mcI;- 
 I ing Fellowship in Congregational Churches, Lon., I "HO, 
 12mo; 4th cd.. 1876. 2. Poems and Sonnets, l.nn., 
 1874, 12mo. 3. The Four Gospels and the One Christ ; 
 a Study and a Guide, Lon., 1876, p. Svo. 4. The liible: 
 I its Structure and Development, Lon., 1877, 12mo. 
 Johnson, Very Rev. George Henry Snohi^v- 
 ; erell, F.R.S.. 1808-18S1, b. at Keswick, Eng. ; gnid- 
 uated, with a double first class, at Queen's College, Os- 
 I ford, in 1S29; Savilian professor of astronomy at O.xforJ 
 ! 1830-42, prnfcfsor of moral philosophy 1RI2 IJ, :in'J 
 I dean of Wells from 1854. Sermons preached in Wells 
 [ Cathedral, Lon., 1857, 12mo. With Ellicott, C. .1.. and 
 : Cook, F. C, The Book of Psalms: with a Oommcnlary, 
 i Lon., 1880, Svo. 
 ,,ruj"n,'c; (" llfrm"Xu"f 'lief ■ m!;"i" T ''" ","'"' J"'" 
 I'on.Tis^o/ii",';,'; "" ''•*" '""'••ons.itu.ion,.,,",';,!:?;; 
 A V.w Method KtlnT^irlV':^^ """I'""' 
 l..rn., I8S4, Hv„. """""« thmnic (ll,„„..„„a, i'||u„. 
 JohliNiiii, (ieoririniin w , 
 SulTeri.iKMMHV (,,?„, f.rTsCo "' """ '■'"• "'» 
 n,f ",""?"."s\''' '^' ''"'" ■■ ^'^•'"t ''■' 've know uLout it ? \ 
 JuhnNon, li. c. iio.« 111., 
 <l.« Argentine AI,„,Lo„ I so''* Nn, i"'ig y""".""" '" 
 i.on.: ftas r2„,o ■ ^'""""«'' '"^ "™'' *'i"t, iiiun: 
 iiH'"'"r."":.,VHr,:'',?l"'':-;, '; ['"t the B<,.do, 
 I'ic.ent, Phil,,!, IHSr I8m,; "' "' *'''*'''°' l'Mt«n,l 
 Is;fo"8!'r"' """*■«•"• H-tory of Nel,rH,ka, 0,„„ha. 
 Hit:r".v'!":u"ht!.f of i/^^'i'".^-"'* "• '■^^■^. »' 
 •"/"". I, lto(Mv'. I, 'i"'"'" '^"""itor Johnson 
 « Colle.tio„ of I', era, ,.„ J^t '. "■- ^'"■^^"' '''"'" 0"'» 
 ""■luldren, Bo«t. 877 "o Z"'^"-' ',1''''^' ''^ ""> I'"" 
 Johnson. Ilenrv „ «„'•' ■ . 
 '"•"ouiintry, «e"co„tof Afr '' T'""""^ ''" ""'Shor- 
 of the BIblo into t Men,^.T' h»-^ translated portions 
 .he N^ger in the Aut'u^n' '',^' s'^^^^^' l,\'7r' "'' 
 Johnson, Ilcnrv i it .' • '*''"• '2«>o- 
 Plotter, a„d'p"riot7' J- ^ 'C«" '"' ?","' ^ <"■•,l,er One; or, Charlt R,. n'. ? ""• 2. All for 
 lllu^t. Lon., 1888 ,, 8vo '" ' ^P' ■""• I^"""^- 
 Chtd,"o"";r"?i^7''7;"""'r'' «;"''•''''«'' »' Christ I 
 Indian Read^rrLo^nT^V sV""' """•"' ^°' ^on- 
 see 11|.;m.min(j, «. w., ,„,„.„ ""' '''**-6-', Lon. And 
 Johnson, Herrick, b.D b isio „„ p , 
 bMiuio professor of i„edrh.,! !"''''"'=''»"• '« lHr4-80; 
 in the Theolog|e.U ,s:;:;;i t'r ''"^ P.'i'i''-' "!-''W 
 of Mr. Willliini 
 ' I>r. Benjamin 
 ' "»r. Phila., 
 , I'niveraity Memo- 
 im, IBnio ^ pi„T' T It V^""'^"^ Consideration, Chic., 
 l«u,o. 3 i{e;ivai: their Pi""' '"« Th«''tre, Chic. 1882 
 Johnson, i. D ' l 4 « "! "■"', P«''«>-. Chic, 188;i 
 •ice, for the uVe of F. n.ilil '''',"',."."""*'r"'ic Prae- 
 N-- Vork. 1879, 8vo •' Th' ' ^'^l' 7-^ Individuals. 
 «»««.-; 16th ed., I'hilt'^1889 ^"'*""«°' "^ >* te Dis- 
 AnuTica.^rYor'k^lSef "vo""'"'"''""'"'* '" England and 
 »n'thro'„^si;';i" "V!'" *'"^'"'' "f-p'". 
 entee^. Manual,' I, °"«3*"7'~'"''r- 1- The jSaf- 
 A Concise Vion- of th„ r„ ' ''"' '"^- '*^-' "*'*'»• 2. 
 Patentforlnventions Ion i«?''^r""''' ''"■ Letters 
 De..igns and Trade A ark, Act iV/""-.. 'r" ^""^ ^"'""^ 
 ^»'^-s .^c, un., .883,"itr'r'^^erwSrft 
 <;un,p, of noii.^t/l'Tsn'';;;;^'"-;'!' '«■'■"• :\: 
 •r{7;;:'iXr.' '^'"' "'• '«""•• *«-oan'a?xct 
 ll.on':1'':r".;„^"'""- '-rkinsandtheDratna. Il,u,,, 
 iManors: w th ItiT^rdi of . n , . "''' Maryland 
 '.i.n"'!.r:.",'i:!,::.':r»; ,J;J"o 1?.% ^nd how to break 
 "'"it; 2ded., I.on., 18(10 Hv„ '^'"' """. "nd how to 
 Johnson, John Editnr Tt, i. . ■ 
 than I, N. Yo'rk, 1877 l:C" , 'ire. ""882''"' '" '"«'"'' 
 Johnson, John <;. a cj'- '^'^■ 
 U„l I, '^'I'""'""' on the CI: 
 H.u:'!;rSo"A;,^?:;"r'^^ ■^■'"r-'"^ «-">■ 
 who fell in the ConVed" te Vn l',,"""'^'^ "^ ^''''K'"'" 
 Johnson, Jo«rnh h i^n,'""''';.f'''l'-. "N'i'svo. 
 '. Ilen.ines of o"r ' ' ,'e bein.' 4' *'''"'^''-'"- ^ug. 
 of K.oinent Women ,^UhF'^if^'''''^'''' '^e Lives 
 lent Work?, Trutbfi.l r tJ *'*,"' 'I;l»« of their Benevo- 
 8vo. Anon.^2 Th Tes irnv^^f's" '"'■'"'• '"'"- '««»> 
 of Christianity, Ac. Lon rni "'^'^'l""'' '» "'o Truth 
 views of Ureal M en "he ' li luen "^ 'vT''" I"'"'" 
 I-on., I8(i2, p. 8vo. 4 LivL; L.™ "" Civilization, 
 P- >*vo. 5. Clever (Jiri * "' Karnc^t, I.on., 1863 
 '875. 6. Popula IWhet of oS- ''•'/"•■ '"'"'^' 
 I-on„ 1882, p. 8vo II s,, V p^H ""i?," "^ •""• Time 
 of Attaininl Suc^ Ji'„ 1 'llX" ' ' ,"8^.^"; I"'" *'■'""»' 
 Johnson, Ilev. Inso«i. '1 ,, ' '• **vo. 
 f-tories for Uttle F,lkrio'i'''„s; y,"°'« I*^"'- I-ittle 
 ter's Likene,.H; a School' sCv J'^^i' ^'o- 2- The Mas- 
 1885,so. ,6mo. 3.R",th?,'7i^/?,^^°>-^' II'""'- I-on., 
 «ains, Ln., 1885, p. 8vo 4 . D bs k °S ,' """ ';"l^" ""^ 
 London Life, Lon., |«s7. so I6.n„ ''^ ""^ ^"""S 
 eia^^;^:;f'?':S-V.h. Jhe Nat„., r... 
 Thi"J;r"w"i'„tt^p- f-r-' '^" *^^^^^^^^^ ™-. "f 
 New Haven, Conn.'^^' ilV i'dTV/T' ''';'' ''• '''■'' "' 
 848. 1. Little BloCm- Rl;L^"'i!'''".T •^"''"™'' 
 Hare, [pseud.] I|iu«t If,... ,v-, ."•>' *'"■ Emily 
 >«S;"r'fS;;«-«^„J-'-iJo„jest.d, Phila., 
 'S'""' ''"'""' '■'^'^'^ ■^»«'-- «-'•. 
 I Bost",''l"?"" 8rao""* *" ^""^'^ ^"''•' ""J other Tales, 
 Lon., 1859, 8vo. '^"Benia. Heroines of History, 
 wafm\"nag"n'g"iitT^f'tr-T",?''' "• "' ''-<""'■". Vt,; 
 became edftor^f " cJr sti„n"ir'^''"''.'^"' > 865-70, and 
 one of the founder of ho v" ^S-'"",'" '^'2- He was 
 Society in 1832 W lliat^ Lln^Z.^"?'""'' Anti-Slavcry 
 or. Sketches of the An« st°erv .r"'"" ""'' ^'" ^imesj 
 with „n imroductit by n WhUH'°' L" '^"'^"^^-^ 
 2ded„enl., 1881. ^ ' '^"'»'er, Bost,, 1880; 
 peH^l'SV^p^tn .'•a'pt'^^V "^ ">« P""- I- 
 An Epitome, inVerse'o? fh i'}"""-' '^"' 'fi">o. 2. 
 Consort, Lon'., 1883, 8vV ^"^^ "^ "■« ^"'o P"""* 
 ''^'' ^ />,. ^ 
 Iff iia 
 ■^ ilia 
 It: 1^ 
 U 111.6 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 
 Johnson, R. Retouching I'hotogrophio Negativea : 
 How lo Finisli, Ac, Lon., l»!<li, 8vo. 
 Johnson, II. Byron. Very Far West injee<l : a 
 Few Rough Exjierience:! on the Northwest I'ncilic Const, 
 hon., 1872, p. 8vo; 4th cil., 187:1 
 " It would 1)0 unfair lo regard It as a mere detail of ad- 
 ventures. Tlioro is ft Kood cleal of prnctlcal information 
 as to the mines and the nountry itself sealtered up and 
 down its paKos."— Si/. Kn\, xxxili. OlW. 
 Johnson, Kichiird, town-elerk of Hereford, Eng. 
 The Ancient Customs of tho City of Herel'ord : with 
 Transiati'ina of the Earlier City Charters, Ac, Lon., 
 1868, Ito; only 150 copies printed; 2d ed., 1882, 8vo. 
 Johnson, Mi\ior Richard Francis, R.A. Kight- 
 Attacl<s: a Treatise, Lon., 18S6, 8vo. 
 Johnson, Richard Locke. 1. Brilliant Pros- 
 pects, [a tale,] Lon., 1869, p. 8vo; 2d ed., 1S7U. 2. 
 Food-Chart: giving tho Names, Chissitioation, Ac, of 
 tho Alimentary Suhetancea in (Jenoral Use, Lon., 1876, 
 Johnson, Richard W., b. L827, in Livingston 
 Co., Ky. ; graduated at the U.S. Military Academy I84'J ; 
 served in the civil war, and was brcvelted major-gen- 
 eral ; retired 1867. 1. Memoir of Major-Oenoral George 
 H. Thomas, Phila., 1881, 8vo. 2. A Soldier's Kcminis- 
 cences, 1886. 
 Johnson, Robert Underwood, and Buel, 
 Clarence Clongh. Battles and Leaders of the Civil 
 War: being for the part Contributions by Union 
 and Confederate Officers, based upon the "Century" War 
 Series. In Thirty-Two Parts. I'arts I.-XII. Illust. 
 N.York, 18S--8S, 4to. 
 Johnson, Rev. Robert William, M.A., grad- 
 uated at Magdalene College, Cambridge, l.><37 ; ordained 
 18H7; vicar of Packwood since IS.i'J. St. John the 
 Baptist and his Persecutors; a Poem, Lcm,, 1869, 8vo. 
 Also, single sermons, Ac. ' 
 Johnson, Rosa 'erlner. See Jeppbby, Rosa 
 VBHr.VKH, Sll/illl, 
 Johnson, Mrt . S. O., (" Daisy Eyebright," pseud.) 
 I. Every Woman her Own Flower-Oardener, N. York, 
 1871, 12mo. 2. Manual of Etiquette: with Hints on 
 Politeness, Good Breeding, Ac, N. York, 137:!, 12ino. : 
 Johnson, Rev. Samuel, 1822-1882, b. at .Salem, ; 
 Mass.; graduated at Harvard 1842, and at the Divinity 
 School in Cambridge 1846 j entered the Unitarian minis- 
 try without ordination, and from 1851 or 1832 till 1870 
 was pastor of a congregation in Lynn, Mass. 1. Tho 
 Worship of Jesus in its Past and Present Aspect, Host., 
 1868, 16ino. 2. Oriental Religions, and their Relation 
 to Universal Religion : India, Bost., 1872, 8vo. 
 " He lia.s produced a picture of the religious ilcvelop- 
 nient of India which is faithful in its main outlines, lively 
 and engaging in its style, and inspired throughout with a 
 keen and even enlhusiastic appreciation of the beauties 
 of its subject."— -Vcidoii, xv. '.iM, 
 3. Oriental Religions, Ac: China, 1879. 
 " It Is intended to be a search after elements 
 in the Chinese religious character the possession of which 
 proves them, in this particular at leivst, U) belong to the 
 great religious federation of the world. ... If the object 
 of Mr. Johnson's work appears to us more or less an im- 
 possible one to reach, the method of the work both for 
 Its originality and wonderful completeness demands the 
 highest commendation.'— -VdWott, xxix. 07. 
 4. Lectures, Essays, and Sermons : with a Memoir by 
 Samuel Longfellow, Bost., 1883, 8vo. o. Oriental Relig- 
 ions, Ac: Peroia: with an Introduction by 0. B. Froth- 
 ingham, LSS.'). 
 " He would have won a wider audience ami more gen- 
 eral attention to his views had he (fiven us, as he was well 
 able to do, a clear and Impartial historical account of the 
 faiths piLssed in review, and then hail followed this with 
 a forcible presentation of his theory within moderate 
 compass. As it is, his volumes are incomplete as a history, 
 and too bulky for a philosophical discussion."— A'atioii, xl. 
 Johnson, Rev. Samuel Jenkins, M.A., 
 F.R.A..-^.; graduated at St. John's College, Oxford, 1867; 
 ordaineil 1868; vicar of Melplash since ISSI. Eclipses 
 Past and Future: with Oeneral Hints for Observing the 
 Heavens, Lon., 1874, p. 8vo. 
 Johnson, Samuel William, b. 18.30, at Kings- 
 borough, N.Y., and educated at tho Yale (now Sheffield) 
 Scientific School, and at tho Universities of Leipsic and 
 Munich ; has been professor of theoretical and agricul- 
 tural ohomistry ;n the Sheffield ScicntiSe Soh'>~il rmoi, 
 1866. 1. (Trans.) The Relations of Chemistry to Agrl- 
 oulturo, by Baron von Liebig, 1855. 12mo. 2. Essays on 
 Peat, Muck, and Commeroial Manures, Hartf-rJ, Conn., 
 1860, 8vo. 3. (Trans, 1 Manual of Qualitative Chemical 
 Analysis, by 0. Remigius Fresenius. Illust. N. York, 
 1864 ; 3d ed., 1883, Svo. 4. Peat and its Uses as a Fer- 
 tilizer, N. York, 1866, 12mo. 5. How Crops Grow, X. 
 York, 1868, 12n!o; Eng. ed., adapted for English use l>y 
 A. H. Church and W. T. T. Dyer, Lon., 1860. H. 
 (Trans.) Manual of Qualitative Analysis, by C. R. Fic- 
 senius, N. Y'ork, 1869, 8vu. 7. New and Old Notnti .ii 
 and Nomenclature, N. York, 1870, Svo. 8. How 
 Feed : a Treatise on the .Atmosphere and the Soil at ic- 
 lated to the Nutrition of Agricultural Plants. lilui-t, 
 N. York, 1870, 12mo. 
 "Considered as a work on agricultural chemLstry or 
 agricultural mineralogy, it has no ciiual."— -Viid'on, x. 'JTI. 
 9. Chemical Notation and Nomenclature, N. York, 
 1871, 8vo. 
 Johnson, Mrs. Susannah. Recollections of Rev. 
 John Johnson and his Home, Nashville, Tenn., ne.i, 
 Johnson, Theodore. 1. Tables of English His- 
 tory, Lon., 1S75, 4to. 2. The "Spelling-Bee" Hand- 
 Book, Tamworth, 1876, 8vo. 3. A Physical, Commer- 
 cial, and Historical Geography of the British Empire, 
 Manchester, 1876, 12mo. 
 Johnson, Rev. Theodore, ordained 1873; curate 
 of Warkton, Northamptonshire, 1878-81, and of Kr- 
 pingham, Norfolk, 1881-83. Tho Parish Guide for the 
 Clergy and Lay ^Iclpers, Lon., 1SS8, Svo. 
 Johnson, Thomas M. (Trans.) Our Birth i.^ but 
 a Sleep and n Forgetting: Two Books on the Essence 
 of Soul and One on the Descent of Soul, by Plotinu.-, 
 Osceola, Mo., 1880, Svo. 
 Johnson, Miss Virginia Wales, b. 184.1, in 
 Brooklyn, N.Y'. ; has resided in Europe since IsTo. 
 She has contributed to periodicals, and published boMk, 
 for children under the name of "Cousin Virginia." I. 
 Travels of an Araerieiin Owl : a Satire. Illust. Phil;i., 
 1870, 12mo. 2. Doll's Club Sories. Illust. Phila., 
 1370, 4 vols. 16mo. 3. Joseph tho Jew: the Story uf 
 an Old House, N. Y'ork, 1873, Svo. 4. A Sack of (J.j;.!, 
 N. York, 1874, Svo. 5. The Calderwood Secret, N. York, 
 1875, Svo. 6. Catskill Fairies. Illust. N. York, |sT.i, 
 sq. Svo. 7. Miss Nancy's Pilgrimage: a Story of Tnnil, 
 N. Y'ork, 1877, Svo. 8. A Foreign Marriage: aNoMi, 
 N. York, 1830, I2ma. Anon. 9. The Neptune Viise: 
 a Novel, N. York, 1881, 4lo. 10. An English D:iisy 
 Miller, N. York, 1882, sq. 12mo. U. Two Old Cats : a 
 Novel, N. York, 1882, 4to. 12. Tho Kettle Club Sciies. 
 Illust. N. York, 1883, 4 vols. 16mo. '3. Tho Fainnils 
 of Tipton, 1835. 14. Tulip Place, 1886. 15. Tlio 
 House of the Musician, Boat., 1887, 12mo. 
 Johnson, W. B. The Lives of Jonathan and Vir- 
 ginia. By Boswell, [paeud.] Phila., 1873. 
 Johnson, Walter, M.B., son of Edward John-on, 
 M.D., ((iii/c, vol. i.,) graduated in medicine at the Ini- 
 versity of London 1847. 1. An Essay on the Discnsis of 
 Young Women, Lon., 1849, 12mo. 2. The Morbid Kiiin- 
 tions of Women, Lon., 1850, 12uio. 3. Homtcopalliy ; a 
 Popular Exposition and Defence of its Principles !uk1 
 Practice, Lon., 1852, Svo. 4. A Summary Outline "f 
 the Water-Cure, Lon., 1853, Svo. 5. Tho Dnnu-tio 
 Management of Children in Health and Di.--asc, L.n., 
 1356, Svo. 6. The Anatriptio Art: a History of the 
 Art termed Anatripsis by Hijipocrates and Medical Unb- 
 bing in Ordinary Language, Lon., I860, Svo. 
 Johnson, William, editor of the Practical .Me- 
 chanic's Journal. I. The Imperial Cyclopiedia of .Ma- 
 chinery, Glasgow, Edin., and Lon., 1852-56, fob 2. 
 (Trans.) The Practical Draughtsman's Book of IikIus- 
 trial Design, by J. E. Armengaud and C. and J. Aino- 
 roux, 1353; 14th ed., 1875, fol. and 4to. 
 Johnson, William, of the Bombay civil scrvioe. 
 The Oriental Races and Tribes Residents and Visitors of 
 Bombay: a Scries of Photographs, with Letter- I'uss 
 Descriptions: vol. i., Lon., 1363, fol. 
 Johnson, William, president of the PhariiKircu- 
 tical Society, Victoria. On tho Correlation, Convir-iim, 
 or Allotropism of tho Physical and Vital Forces, Mel- 
 bourne, 1864, Svo. 
 Johnson, William. See Cory, William, «ii/)m. 
 Johnson, William Alfred, M.D., graduated in 
 medicine at St. Andrews 1852. I. Bedside Letters on 
 Hydropathy, Lon., 1855, 12mo; 4th ed., Dublin, U^l 
 1. On Feeling 111, Lon., !S72, Svo. 3. Arcadian "'il^kn 
 and Drives in tho Northwest Part of London, Lon., I"":', 
 Johnson, William Forbes. An Essay -v the 
 Science of Law, Dublin, 1374-79, 3 parts, Svo. 
 10U-IHN8, WHS tur some veiira II H u i 1 '•"•U.*., 
 H-ndent in China, an,l Im/cTario^tL 'P"''^ ""?"""" 
 Ilnng-Kong. South \fri,,i • i..*' i, • f f""'"'"""^^'" "f '• 
 State, Lon. Is;; s'.„ "™ ^'f"«ultie» und Present I 
 P'<'aia Brit.nni,,," ^ JI s^r. r ? " *^''"^''-"'''- 
 (",|.IJo„k, for sLlcntsIL , '^"'"''""> I'^'itius, 
 State, [Con'nectil'u,] Ua " ?3"r';:' ^,'^7 ^"B'""J 
 5. Connecticut: aStulvof,. ■ ' ^ "''''• "*'''• '2iuo. i 
 <':A.nericau Co,n„t!„";tUth. .TZritV'-V;'"-"-^' 
 'e treate.l In suol . t^J e " ''^ Th'/','"'^'" '" ^*''^1' """l to 
 took is tlie «P"nt,iMe,mrge'nCTatinn i',",""""", '''«■" "f 'he 
 r icy upon Connecticut s5it| „«'«,, f ■'"'■'■"<• "'' '''•'"'oc- 
 •onlrijjt.) Prof. Johnston (li.lir^.?"' "owhere else, ac- 
 hiKhlyco,itenti.)nsa"t i3oi„L'',,!'J'«'"'^''-' -Matter so 
 'in. wc do not fin.l tliat I'rMf i'^ **" ^'''''J' ''srcfully stated 
 sether eo,u-inci,,y."-!'A%,v'« 'xli"'!?"'^"' '^ l>'-"»l's are alt^: 
 Johnston, Alexander Keith T r i> r 
 orming a Complete Hazottier ,f .T nw ,1 ^r™?™/'''/ •• 
 :;7;.!!--'--ej editions. ,.5i!;^r;'»:^::'ji:-;,,i^i;;^ 
 Geographicu, : b in" f L,' ™fflL''^; ,**"■ - ^"''"•^ 
 a Hana.Boolc. MaisI!;:; ?, « |-- « the Globe .: 
 K^'-t^n'o^-jLtLS^'/^f . ^•H.K^"-«- 
 anUatthe University "Githaa^nlr""/"'' ^^'"' ''""'•'^ 
 plorej a part of Paraguay laTs^S 1,"° ""'^ "K'' '^^■ 
 by he Geographical Sooietv to th, ll . T"' appointed 
 poJUion into Africa, but d ed „ thii a"'?."'^ "" "" 
 ■sroiny'o- t?id°rAV^ '^''"'^''' ««^""Kdi'„'^ 
 •nx by%;S. LL^ ; ^,X""'co^„?""'??'"''' '^^ -' 
 fi'l'hy,") Lon., 1877 p Svo'^i „."'''?'''"'" "f «eog. 
 ^'ein, 1884. S. H^nd B^nk t '.u"' ^^ ^- <*• Ka^«»- 
 I"P of America, Ed.n and r 1 '^l.f^'"'^ ^^^^'^'^l 
 ''hysical. Histori'eal, Pilitic/"";; '8'*». !?• 8vo. 4. A 
 Ue.oriptWo Geograp.y L„n , wl , ^"''T' "'y*'™' «■"' 
 by E. G. Kavonsfein, 88 5;h^^'','L^°'' ''J «d.. rev. 
 mediate Physical , nd n«3 .• '' '*^®- "^^ ^n Inter- 
 l«>-'i, p. 8vo ^ Descriptive Geography, Lon., 
 i.4e!'?'s"o^'^f"oi're%*'''«" „*^'-«'« H- 
 fP-eud.] N. Vork, IS78 " vo '"■• "' «"">> ^His, 
 Johnston, Charles, MR cs r , 
 Observations on Health iin,l r • ' ^"""' ''<>'■ '■. ndti.l 
 Eoonomy „f Human Life in Tfi"";!''" ""^ ''''yi™ 
 iJ^'iO, Xvo. "* '° ^^"*»'. J'letormarit/burg, 
 HoMing7'(ro't,^,!'j71?'!^s'3''- ./h ^"^ ^«"-"-™' 
 *<=■. Edin. and Lon IS.! si „ 'V" I'" ^n'^duction, 
 Crofters' IIoldinir»7i„/M ',; ? ' '''' «<>•. 18«.5. 2 The 
 "":'io", Ao;'EZ<rH80,''svi^'='' ''''■■ -'"> '"' in?^o' 
 , _-., „,,.,,„ ,,-,00, 8V0. "" 
 '""'• (Trans.) Dante's Inf„" P""-'"""""' settled at 
 '1-., Bath, lS87-6r3 voli^H^o""' P"'-8"o"o, " " 
 of &";;;„^'i„^«^'!«'' B'V«"t. Origin, 
 «-'"!«. Illust.' Z^''."/., '".':""«'' Monun 
 '""'• (Trans.)"f);„'(";V;'-i' f'"""'" P.'-'-'tice and settle'd'n 
 '1.-. Bath, IsaT-eCs vols C.' P'""*"""". »"J I'ara 
 ,, , s^'/u i inciuiiino e. . ., r,nal Portraits 
 i„t„. ""• ^i*"" ". '"h'.'^'o ■'' *^""""'^"ts, and 
 So"ng;,GlaI);''vv,f8"?,'p 8/o'''°'''"«™P''^' ^o'"'' and 
 Ff &o'ngft^r"!v"«y„Ti iS-'l^"'" ^"""y"™'"' 
 Johnston, George. (F I 'p^"^^-, 
 "fge. (td.) Cupid's Birthday. 
 "'^r^ollr*""" ^"^''•"-'' <•-" Shakespeare, 
 Johnston, (iforvo i n- . 
 I -Maryland, Elkton, M? i\sl' ""■' "'' ^'••■«" Co"nt.v. 
 ; to;;^'l^,!;^^^^^^«,i««ieui«rs of early Maryla,,,. ,„s. 
 i lan'd, El'kt!,n'"'l8,'7°'"^ ""' ''""''y "^ ^eeil County, .Mary- 
 ' jo'-r*t^e"'ear.!;^r \'*i?/v^.''r«'''- -^ '^- k. 
 cated there and in Gerim,','v u, ,'"'",'l'",f«b, "nd edu- 
 Published under the p'eudo^nyino of '• T "I- %'•' "'T ''"" 
 A feimple .Maiden. I l„"t 7 1 s-Jlf'" '"'"'•" '• 
 an Old Myth may teac III?'' ',' ' '%"">■ '^- "'bat 
 X Ma.«..r Troublesome II 1, ,'"'"•', '''"S- »q. ISmo. 
 I-Vobody's Lad. {C'x'. L n' ,^17,' ':'"' '^'""- ^• 
 I render: a Novel, Lon IShT'o I i ' ''' ""■ ^- •"'"'- 
 i nam's Ladv • a Mn,i„,l li ' *"'*■ '^''- "^vo. 6. Alas 
 ■;<vo. 7. \>„e i.?s tve s"'rT.' ''""•' ''^■^2. 3 vols.'^r 
 884,3 vols. cr.8v«.sT,;crh,l"r'""^"'a.^'"^>' I'""'' 
 Lon., 1886, 3 vols, or sVo « SfP -f-' "■■,! ^'*» ^^i''"«S 
 ;t« Fulfilment: a Book ^^ Girl ' \Tn8" ^^r'" '""' 
 Uncle Bob's Niece : „ Novel, 71 ^g'sl ,'' ''', ^'"' '"• 
 Johnston, Henrv i Th V. ' '' '"''■ «''• 8vo. 
 "Story of .^eollish Life Edin Iv-?"'''«"' "'' "'enara : 
 Ch-onicles of Glenbucki'e. EH^n iVs'o''','^"' ^""»- 2. 
 consul-general intl 1 p. ^ """' "' Mo^nmbioue , no„ 
 ^ions a^d o,:mm'i"ssio er'^";'!;;;:;:: u'r, ''r"; "'""" 
 Cong,,, from its Mouth to Wbrt^ 'm '• ^^^ «'*'" 
 scription of the Nati.rn Hi.. ■, """' " "enenil De- 
 Western Basin! " \Z\m ,^;">"'l'<""«.v of iL 
 describing"!li',„';i^^ Mr*'"',?"''/''' "i--^' J"y"in. and i„ve for 
 of Cliarlf Ce on'''rft,tr t/mn'f'i^ir''' • "™''"'l' M 
 Jo.sepli'Jh,,inp.s,Mi,orlivi ,„«.,, " "' 'Mr. .^mnley, or Mr 
 tominent."-.s;jfrfator, Ivji "n"'"'' "f "^Ploring the Dark 
 and -ff Vrrm./.;^?,;;;'',^-,9f ''.yis, Of .lowers, of landscape 
 ^a^"..U to ^s^]^^^'^^U^:r^l^^ 
 "fio S&n^rw''''''^'''"-- -^ «•■-"' of Seien- 
 trait. -Maps, „„7ll Lt T fe'"""' Africa. Por- 
 with here and there >i I., i if'. ""*-''"'"f"«r(l English 
 --h or a 'i"twffi^^J^E';SJi<;^.:^hig,,^Jrt/k 
 Brooklyn, 1878 Hvo 2 OK ""'":"■ "aps and Port. 
 Loyalist Histor; of the A.n^rf""'!;'" "" •'"''g" Jones' 
 I'^SO, Svo. 3. The Wklwn r" «^'^"'"""». N. York, 
 render "f Cornwallis ^VCt N "f'f i?*; ""^ ^'"- 
 ;?#^fni^^r-£~"V-''- While 
 -A«/ion, xxxiii. 293. ""^ '''o'^J l^i'" io well told." 
 tion, ml7783'''i.^'vr;«;iV" 'he American Revolu- 
 Johnston, Henr; M i'liam- r""'*.'^' f"'"'^"- 
 mandy, [verse,], l«4 8vo ^**""'' "^ *'"''■ 
 MetSrE^^c^^l^fch' *{;■ -'r-- '"■''•^'- »f '"c 
 oS:^^S^^!£?S^7 n-fie'.^fxi- 
 <i'E;prit, Dublin, 18.13 Mvo "' ""' "• Co'enso : a Jeu- 
 I Johnston, J. P. ' i Vi, a .. 
 bow to become an Anv.H„„ ■*"'^^.''o"'^<"''« «"iile. and 
 •General Salesm„n."hip ?, 'h ,!• ■, ^"^'"^'^"otlons on 
 '«88 Itlmo. 2. Tw K'ty' Years o %"''''°^""' ^''"■''•' 
 the Peculiar Incident- p , ? , -■ ""»''ng: portravin>r 
 Su,aesses. of a Man ilm T.-?' ="«"';•""- Failures'and 
 and finally wins.'"?,,:/." ''^^J^Y^l «;»<• of liusiness 
 Policy in'Cf^L^- '^^r^Z'^f, J' "- Education 
 straot and AnaWsi, of thin ^-.'' ^•' '^81. 2. Ab- 
 ea.ion CommissCn,'' Lon 8^7' "'^«""' " ^"-l'"" ^d"- 
 ' ''""•• '^^♦' P- 8vo. 3. Parks and 

 Playgrounds for the People, Lon., 18f<5, 8vo. 4. A 
 Century of Christian Progress, iind its Lessons, Lon., 
 18SS, ]). Svo. 5. (Ed.) Report of the Centenary Con- 
 ference of the Protestant Missions of the World, held in 
 Exeter Hall from the 9th to the l«th June, 18S8, Lon., 
 18SH, 2 vols. or. Svo. 
 Johli§ton, James D. China and Japan : Cruise 
 of the U.S. Stt am Frigate "Powhatan." 1857-60: in- 
 cluding an Account of the Japanese Embassy to the 
 United .States, Phila., 12mo. 
 Juhiifiton, Kev. John, of Balmaghie. The Cross 
 and the Crown ; or. The Trials and Triumphs of the 
 Scottish Kirks: a Poem, Edin., 1871, ^\o. 
 Johnston, John, LL.U., [«»'<, vol. i.,add.,] 1806- 
 1879. History of liristol and liremon, (Maine,) in- 
 cluding the Ancient English Settlement of Pemaquid, 
 Albany, 1873, 8vo. , jxt, 
 Johnston, John, of Benstono, Eng. Lord Nelson : 
 a Poem ; with a Biographical Sketch of his [the au- 
 thor's] Life, by A. B. Todd, Lon., 1874, p. 8vo. 
 Johnston, llev. John Brown. Ministry of 
 Reeonuiliation : Sermons, Lon., 1875, p. 8vo. 
 Johnston, John Wilson. A Contribution to the 
 Dynamics of Racial Diet in British India, Edin., 1876, 
 Svo. With Call, T. J., (ed.) Descriptive Anatomy of 
 the Horse and Domestic Animals : chiefly compiled from 
 the Manuscripts of Thomas Strangeways and Professor 
 Good^ir, Lon., 1869, 8vo. 
 Johnston, Joseph. Oppression; or, The Tyranny 
 of Nations; a Poem, Lon., 1.'<K7, 12mo. ] 
 Johnston, Joseph Eggleston, b. 1807, near 
 Farmville, Va. ; graduated at the U.S. Military Acad- 
 emy 1829 j served in the Mexican war and attained the 1 
 rank of lieutenant-colonel ; quartermaster-general 1860- ' 
 61: appointed general in the Confederate army 1801, 
 and served through the war. Narrative of Military ' 
 Operations directed, during the Late War between the 
 States, by Joseph E. Johnston, General C.S.A., N. \ork, j 
 1874, imp. 8vo. , . 
 " He has simplv written an earnest, almost passionate 
 defence of hiraseff before the Southern people .from the 
 charce of having caused or contributed to their deteat. 
 We have therefore a eoiitrihiuioii to controversial 
 nolemics rather than to military history, although luucM 
 liKht is incidentally thniwii upon some important phases 
 of the contiict."— .Vudon, xviii. K». . ., ., , , ,i,„ 
 • His 1 k Is truly a most valuable 'contribution to the 
 lilslorv of the war.' We regret only that it is niarred by a 
 controversial and carping spirit, which while. showing tt^e 
 critical powers of the author, leaves the reader possibly 
 more prepossessed against him than the saine story wouia 
 do if tolcV by any otiicr h.ind than thatol the able com; 
 maiider who seems so over-careful of his own reputation. 
 — *o(. Uev., xxxviii. 610. 
 Johnston, Julia H. The School of the Master, 
 and other Religious Verses, N. York, 18b0, 16mo. 
 Johnston, Mrs. M. L. (Trans.) Belle nose, by 
 Am6dce Achard, Phila., 1872, Svo. 
 Johnston, Mrs. Marianne C, (Howe.) The 
 Young Chaplain. By his Mother. N. York, 1878. 
 Johnston, R. Parnell and theParnells: an His- 
 torical Sketch, Lon., 1888, 12mo. 
 Johnston, Kichard Malcolm, b. 1822, in Han- 
 cock Co., Ga. ; graduated at Mercer University, Georgia, 
 1841 ; was admitted to the bar ; was professor of litera- 
 ture in the University of Georgia from 1857 till the civil 
 war. Since 1867 he has resided in Baltimore Co., Md. 
 1. Georgia Sketches. By an Old Man. Augusta, Oa., 
 1864. 2. Dukesborough Tales. By Philemon Perch, 
 fpseud.] Bait '871, sq. 12mo; new ed., N. York, 1883, 
 4to. 3. Old Mark Langston : a Tale of Duko's Creek, 
 N. York, 1884, Ifimo. 4. Two Gray Tourists, 1885. 5. 
 Mr. Absalom Billingslea, and other Georgia Folk. Illust. 
 N. York, 1888, 16mo. With Browne, William Hand: 
 1. Historical Sketch of English Literature, N. York, 1872, 
 12ino. 2. Life of Alexander H.Stephens, Phila., 1878, 
 " Mr. Stephen.s's biographers have performed their por- 
 tion of the work very creditably. Thev have kept them- 
 Belvcs In the background and allowed their hero to tell nis 
 own story In his own way."— V(i('«n, xxvli. 'HI. 
 Johnston, Ilobert. Lectures on the Epistle of 
 James ; with Now Translation and Notes on the Greek 
 Text. N. York. 1873, Svo. , ^ , 
 Johnston, Robert, teacher of Swords lindon-j:.! 
 School. 1. Army and Civil Scrvioo Guide, Lon,, 1873, 
 12mo 2. A Guide for Customs' Candidates: with 
 Papers, Lon., 1873, 18mo; 6th ed., 1885. 3. The Arctic 
 Expedition of 1875-76 : compiled from Official Sources, 
 Lon., 1877, p. 8vo. 4. Digesting Returns into Summa- 
 I ries for Civil Service Candidates, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 5. 
 JTho Land Law (Ireland) Act: with Notes, Index, and 
 1 Pr«ois, L(m., 1881, p. 8v" 
 Johnston, Robert W. 1. The Telegraph, and 
 ' its Proposed Acquisition by the Government, Lon., 186., 
 i Svo. 2. The Queen's Message; or. Twenty Words for a 
 1 Shilling: being a Popular Exposition of the System of 
 Postal Telegraphs, Ac, Edin., 1S71, 12mo. Anon. 
 Johnston, T. (Trans.) Madame de Stael: an Hi-- 
 torical Novel, by Amoly Biilte, N. York, 1869. 16mo. 
 Johnston, T. B., and Robertson, James A. 
 The Historical Geography of the Clans of Scotland, 
 Lon., 1872, 4to. 
 Johnston, T. P. Patrick Hamilton: a Tragedy 
 of the Reformation in Scotland, 1528, Edin. and Lon., 
 1881, p. Svo. 
 Johnston, W. Corrie. Life Abundantly : a Nar- 
 rative of how I came to consider and realise Higher 
 Christian Life, (ilnsgow, 1876, Svo. , . . „,, 
 Johnston, William, a horticultural chemist. Iho 
 Life and Times of W. Johnston, written by Himself, and 
 edited by R. Alenarley, Peterhead, 'SoC, 12mo. 
 Johnston, W illiam, M.A., b. 1829, at Downpat 
 rick, Ireland; educated at Trinity College, Dublin; 
 called to the bar 1856; M.P. for Belfast in 1865-78, and 
 for South Belfast since 1885; inspector on Irish fish- 
 eries 1878-85. 1. Nightshade: a Novel, Lon., 1857, p. 
 Svo; new ed., 1869. 2. Freshlield : a Tale, Lon., isil', 
 p, Svo. 3. Under which King'/ a Story of the Revolu 
 tion of 1688, Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 
 Johnston, William. Arguments to Courts and 
 Juries, 1846-1874, Cin., 1887, 8vo. , , , 
 Johnston, William Harris. Loftus s Inland 
 Revenue Officers' Manual. Illust. Lon., 1865, Svo. 
 Johnston, William Preston, b. 1831, in Loui.<- 
 vihe, Ky. ; son of (ien. Albert Sidney Johnston ; gradu- 
 ated at Yale College 1S52; served in the Confederal.' 
 army during the civil war ; was a professor in Washing- 
 i ton and Lee University till 1880, and has since been 
 1 president of the Louisiana State University, and "1 
 Tulane University in New Orleans. The Life of (icn- 
 eral Albert Sidney Johnston : embracing his Services m 
 the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas. 
 and the Confederate States. Illust. N. York, 1S79, 8v.,. 
 i " It Is . . a warm and aflectlonate eulogy, In which no 
 I little literary skill is used to heighten Ihe color of wlml- 
 ever can honor his memory and to apologize lor whntoycp 
 i could detract from his fame. . . . The book abounds wiili 
 pw out >.l" 
 uon., 186-, 
 __ l:i irum JMB irtii.^. ... -..i.. .^"•-.. — — ■- 
 hiteiestiiig Incidents, showing traits of character iii ino 
 subject of the memoir that are most attractive, olfn 
 charming. . . . Leaving out of view the question of Ins 
 duty to the Ihiion. whose oflicer he was, it is the story ol 
 a verv noble life."— .Vu/io«, xxvli- 197, 214. 
 Johnstone, Athol A. An Unlucky Lie, Lon., 
 1881, p. Svo. 
 Johnstone, Augusta. l.AWo'- 
 for Woman's Practice in Various PI 
 Life, Lon., 1857, Svo; 2d ed., 1860 
 Thou.sands: their Sayings and Ljs.j 
 12mo. ^ . „ 
 Johnstone, C. F. Historical Abstracts: being Out- 
 lines of the History of some of the Less Known States ol 
 Europe, Lon., 1 879, p. Svo. 
 Johnstone, C. JL. 1. Tyrants of To-Day : or. The 
 Secret Society, Lon., l.^SS, 3 vols. or. 8vo. 2. The lli- 
 torical Families of Uumfriesshire, and the Border Vintf, 
 Dumfries, 1888, fp. 4to. 
 " Contains a good deal that is new and curious, espiii- 
 ally about the Inmilv of which the author s hiniscll a 
 member. . . . K\ cry lover of the ' Kedgauntlet' couiury 
 should read the book."— -dfA, No. 3164. 
 Johnstone, C. Laura. Bible Stories and 1 1 •- 
 tures, Lon., 1865, sq. lOmo. 
 Johnstone, charlotte Stuart. Home, !->v,et 
 Home; Words of Cheer to Christians, Lon., ISSl, iMuo. 
 Johnstone, D. Lawson. The Land of the Main- 
 tain Kingdom ; a Narrative of Adventure in the I ii- 
 known Mountains of Thibet. Illust. Lon., 1888, p. ^vo. 
 Johnstone, Henry Alexander Munro Ilut- 
 ler-, b. 1S37 ; graduated at Christ Church, Oxford, 1-til ; 
 M.P. for Canterbury 1862-78. 1. Ireland: Letters re- 
 printed from the " Morning Post," Lon., 1868, Svo. 2. 
 The Eastern Question, Oxf., 1875, Svo. Privately printed. 
 3. A Trip up the Volga to the Fair of Nijni-Novgirod, 
 Lon., 1875, p. Svo. , „, 
 "Condenses into one hundred and filly pages w i«t 
 might easily have been expanded into many time, uie 
 bulk."-.S'a(. iJci>., xl. 623. . 
 4. The Turk? ; their Character, Manners, and Insti- 
 tutions, Lon., 1876, Svo. 5. A Hand-Book of Maritime 
 f'-f'^^C ""^ ''^""'•™""" °f ••-" '"-idered, Lon., 
 .h.'"''all""„?-th?{!j;,:|:; ^;, '; ^bo M„„ne,, „„, 
 Auckland, 18fll, ,Sv„ TM.nn ' L'? .^T ^""'''"''' 
 hC mr I2L ■< X'^i-^V "f ""= .Scripture, 
 Pcopk,Lo„., 1872.P.C ''reaching for the 
 .orr^o?4^c"s??s,sr^,^r ^"''°^-'- 
 '.lala!T„r fsYCrLnl^^'- ^--^'•'' Aaare', and 
 First Epistle of Pote^ IWiaed T.17 '-ri^ V'"' ''• T''« 
 and Co,muent«ry, Lon. 1888 8vl ' '" ^°f'>'l"««OD 
 Aiilitary Monarthre"C"l8o4 8Vo'''''s"''Th: 'r'" '"■"'V' 
 liL' Invisible, Lon., I85fl, 8vo 4 An pi ' ^''f ^">28eof 
 -on Log„..ith.„«,'L„n.; ,1%, ?2,no?2d "d" W""'" 
 Jn"l':'c*;;rt'ea^r4^'58io'^''V^f «'' ^'■■'- "" 
 House Architecture N York I860 f «"\'»" ?" S^'-ool- 
 Y. rk 187S sv^"";',''''" ""'* ''™°"«« of Tekcb ng N 
 furt'h^oi;'' ''"• ^""' ■"•■"o™"',"^- 
 ;nl:;:!^iWb«llSa^i^^;^-^;^. V""'^^ 
 I'tTsv'!."'"'"" ^"^ ""-'" Chate of InLte?; 
 Wor"!'4c^i*n ,,*^?'',>'' " """'"tutor to Household 
 >. Mr AWe: a^Novd tn' Ts^ I-blished anonyltt 
 I-on., 1857, 3 vols «Svn!< I ' *'■''"'?• ''• ^^''"- 2. Caste, 
 vol. ii., KiS/Evering EdTn'"l8 ?"" ""i' '^'""'"'^ ' 
 :t vols. p. 8vc 5 Fn(«n 1 . "'^ free, Lon., 1860, 
 '-"-'.a vols P.8V0 Ano„^T>"'V 1 K"'"^"™. Lon. 
 'J., 1884. 6. Cu,nworth H ^d ed,, 1865, 16uio , new 
 ^■•"Kiri;n.'';"f'- ^--.''"rs 2':oir'8>^:"^'-"^ 
 "■" '"'« and far t^"f!;il"^'^?''"«>' Dobell' Ip infinitely 
 !^''Vir^^^;;:t'g; '"'« ^.-gore pro.ess„r of la. 
 ("Sacred Hooks of thnTn'l ^^'' ■^"?"""''' °^ ^''«''n". 
 ;i. .(td.) Mftna-n Dharma-Sastra • The Code „f M "• 
 Original Snnsk,.i Text with VriVinni m .""''' "nnu .- 
 8vo ' l-ritical Notes, Lon., 1887 
 I of schoosT^e'pubifc «.""', "^"•*'' '"'Po^ora 
 ., "o »"-'"""niiiy. -^i:iai, Jiev nlvif om ^^'0U8 and 
 pus'toi^k ^ ^e 7 he L^^iro'rf;''''^ V'> -^ ™">" ponder- 
 Ixiok is sent forth to thVu'of ,1 d'iM"f n """ullior^-'Tlie 
 of the best ooniril ,i/,',„\?;i';' " ' ' f» ' ™nfl<leiux.. as one 
 eduuati(,n, certain ult mai:elv fr , I?. \^ ""^ .'f'"" "'"■"e "'' 
 hiKhest servVce in w LTT, Mfl' ""^™«>'re. and to do the 
 "Htional and .inive™i",vell b,.fifJ''";!;""'J"'P?'-"""''-' 
 children.' , . . From innnmL„ *'~ ""^ education of our 
 aziiie articles nr»'"i,a .ir^''' V','""."'''. lectures, niag- 
 terial, for this Ik dy'o ' fv,„ be ,lTv , i'u ''"'' "-■';,ll"''"J "la- 
 guide nior,M<miplete to the viri^'"'/'' ■ ; • ">"<■' '» "o 
 of John Duncan slVtph'vi-'^'"'"- +. The Life 
 J^n. for i. .ubjec, an.1",^. ,Z>d oui V^^ ^l^^,^^,^^ 
 in«^l^'^^r^d;Sg^'^;^«-^^^f^e Heroine 
 -Specta<or, lix. 1344 P'^"-^""'*' biographies have lacked " 
 PH ul'^/sslriL^r''''''^ "' «•"-«-<■">••• "« P'inei- 
 daf„"d"i:'t,^i:;,„*=,fy"T«« •»«"•««, F.R.H.S., or- 
 bcnt of Holy iCity lfci:n'>^\"'^^'' "="' '»^""'- 
 thcn of St. John's r'on.h,!'..^""'''' ""'' "'"'e 
 News I.S70-71 I.^Re^: |e?;«?' f'"'. "^ "'« Church 
 I-on., 1857. 2 The W • ."i ^>"annd Palestine, 
 of Scotland from the A, ffes'"t " "'^""P^ "^ 'ho Church 
 1881 s Tho i . ,.Po«"es to the Present T'me Lon 
 not Ro»an^t^n ° '"^''^h'" r' ''"J^^^-^ctl^ 
 the John Warner Exhib1;i '^."'^ ' ^-^bi'-itions and 
 im. 5. The ApLtfe^Crciri/'^*'.'- ."''""-y. Edin., 
 Hojy spiHt.t.";'uis,l8^;,!'T6n,o.^ '""•'"" "" ""■ 
 Problem8*,'ui.fl"887;p.1<vo'."*'"""' "'' "'* '''■°'''«"' "^ 
 IS82!cr?8v^^• I^i^«'"es 'produced by Drink, Lon., 
 Jones, Rev. Alfred, n n r , 
 graduated at Kin?"coM.„„ T" ^l'""'' ""'• '•' '""-] 
 184ii; vicar of Q,rri„i T' rTt"' '**■*"' "'''"'■"'d 
 Twenty Sermons, iZ isaT' *;''«»'"'•«. l»?"-82. 1. 
 ">e Poor in Westinrnsi'e r2d ^/'L;.n M^^ 's"""" "' 
 andTreatmen:. I-on"' "" Ifimo "''™= "« Symptom, 
 ^ Jones/ M sT Am?. ,d,, -rh^''- .'''"••' "''- "'""»• 
 East Blooinfield, OntTr?", N y^"*^"'!,"? '• '^'''l'" 
 locms, Euaiilu, L>,6u, l''mn 9 i)' '''''•. ""d other 
 |2-. 3.Ap;airioWi::.d^t^-y;:ciiai^^^; 
 Hei.?r%'nt"j^;S^,«!.t?!.''."- V '^!i- "■ '«" ' -" of 
 lege, Oxford, 188170. tdi„&''*1 "J ^""-''- Col- 
 Ple 1881, 'The New Law of n ''I'' "' ""^ I""" Tem- 
 i^aw of Bankruptcy : containing 
 919 * 
 ;« a 
 the Bankruptcy Act, 18S3; with Introduction, Ac, ton., 
 18H3, p. 8voi now 0(1., ISSt. 
 Jones, Bcivianiin Charles. 1. Ono Hundred 
 Lectures on the Ancient unci Drainntio I'octs, Ac. Scries 
 I.-VI. Lun., l8fi2-67, Svo. 2. AllcKuries: Discourses, 
 Dissertations, Ac, on Fact and PMclion, I'astnnd Present, 
 and the World. First Series, hon., ISXl, Svo. 
 Joiiefc, Ilertu Bulkeley, and Ulakelcy, liar- 
 riettc. An Account of the Minster of Freiburg in 
 Huden i jiartly adni)teil from the Ucniian of Canon Mar- 
 mon, Freil)urg, ISSti, 12iuo. 
 Jones, C. Science and Practice of Photography. 
 Illust. Lon., IS8S, Svo. 
 Jones, C. Davenport. An Excellent Mystery : 
 a Novel, Lon., ISSti, p. Svo. . 
 Jones, Htu. V. Knth'l, (<;nrney,) married, 
 ISjU, to Kev. Herbert W. Jem . 1. Siindrinuhaui, Past 
 and Present : with some Historic Memorials of the Nor- 
 folk Coa.«t, Lon., IS8;i, cr. Svo ; new ed., with alterations 
 and additions, 1388. 2. The Princess Charlotte of 
 Wales. Illust. Lon., 1S35, 4to. 
 Jones, Miss Cecilia Anne. 1. Koady and De- 
 sirous; or, A Lent's Lessons. By C. A. J. Lon., 1S5S, 
 12uio. 2. St. John the Kvaiigclist's Day; or. The Mar- 
 tyrdom of Will, Lon., 1859, 12mo. 3. Tho Sunbeam. 
 By C. A. J. Lon., isftl, l2mo. 4. Jesus Lane Sunday- 
 School, Cambridge, Lon., ISiit, 12mo. b. The Story of 
 Hermione, Ac, Frome Selwood, 1868, 8vo. Anon. «. 
 Our Childhood's Prayer; or. Our Father Stories, Oos- 
 port, 1871, Svo. Anon. 7. Bible History, Lon., 1S72, 
 2 parts, l2mo. 8. What the Chimes said, Lon., 1873, 
 16mo. 9. Life of S. Vincent de Paul, Lon., 1S7H, p. 
 Svo. 10. The Life of Elizabeth of Hungary, Lon., ls7:i, 
 p. Svo. II. A Little Life in a Great City, Lon., 187.3; 
 new ed., 1S76, ISmo. 12. Tales on tho Parables, Lon., 
 1S74, 12mo. 13. Our English Church; being Sketches 
 and Stories from British Church History, Lon., 1S75, 
 12mo. 14. My Sunday Friend: Bible Stories, Lon., 
 1875, sq. lliino. 15. Found after Many Days : a Story 
 of the Lonilon Mission of 1S74, Lon., 1S75, ISmo. 16. 
 Poor Milly : a Tale of London Life, Lon., 1S7B, ISmo. 
 17. Footprints of our Fathers: Short Sketches, Lon., 
 187(1, 12mo. 18. Our Children's Pattern : Tales, Lon., 
 1876, ISmo. 19. Count up tho Sunny Days ^ " 
 for lioys and Girls, Lon., ISSI, l2mo. 20. The Foreign 
 Freaks of Five Friends, Lon., 1H82, cr. 8vo. 21. Four 
 Little Si.\es : a Story for lioys and Girls, Lon., 18S2, sq. 
 16mo. 22. Only a Girl: a Tale of Brittany; adapted 
 from tho French, Lon., 1SS3, or. Svo. 23. Under the 
 King's Banner : Stories of Soldiers of Christ, Lon., 
 las;', ISmo. 24. Little Jeanneton's Work : a Chronicle 
 of Lreton Life Lon., 18S5, p. Svo. 25. New Damo 
 Trot: a Story for Boys and Girls, Lon., 18S5, 12mo. 
 Jones, kev. Charles Affred, M.A., graduated 
 at St. John's College, Cambridge, 1S57; ordained 1858; 
 chaplain of St. John's College lS61-fi2; senior mathe- 
 matical master in Westminster School 1SB2-85, and since 
 then vicar of Dedham. 1. British Birds and their 
 Haunts. Illust. Lon., 1867, 12mo. 2. A History of 
 tho Church, from the Day of Pentecost to the Year : 054, 
 Lon., 1872-75, 2 vols. 12mo. 3. Stories for the Chris- 
 tian Year, Lou., 1875-76, 8 vols. 18mo. 4. Not Quite a 
 Heroine. Lon., 1S7(), 12mo. 5. Stories about the Won- 
 derful Kingdom. Illust. Lon., 1S76, sii. Himo. 6. 
 Little Ones Taught by tho Church Services, Lon., 187S, 
 sq. 16mo. 7. Stories ou the Catechism, Lon., 1S79-S2, 
 4 vols. sq. 16mo. S. (Trans.) Meditations upon the Lovo 
 of God, by Pero Grou; new ed., Lon., 1884, 12mo. 9. 
 (Trans.) Little Ready-Cry; or. The Sorrows of Si.\ 
 Years Old ; from the French of Madame Colomb, Lon., 
 1884, 16mo. 10. Little Captain Dick, Lon., 1884, 12mo. 
 11. Old Crumpet the Shoemaker: a Tale of Two Mis- 
 sions, Lon., 1885, 12mo. 12. Saints of the Praycr-Book : 
 Outlines of the Lives of tho Saints in the Calendar, Lon., 
 1885, sq, 16mo. With Ciieyme, C. H. H., Algebraical 
 Exercises, Lon., 1869, 18mo. With Lines, S. Gmeoouy, 
 Stories on tho Collects, Lon., 1S86-87, 2 vols. 12mo. 
 Jones, Rev. Charles Colcock, D.D., [oiirp, vol. 
 1., add.,] 1804-1863. The History of the Church of God 
 during tho Period of Revelation : vol. i. [Edited by his 
 Son, C. C. Jones.] N. York, 1S67, 8vo. 
 Jones, Charles Colcock, LL.D., b. 1S31, m Pa. 
 vannah, Ga. ; son of Rev. C. C. Jones, aiipm ; gradu- 
 ated at Princeton 1852, and at the Harvard Law School 
 1855; was admitted to the bar; served in the Confed- 
 erate ormy through the civil war ; practised law in New 
 York City 1866-76, and later in Augusta. Ga. 1. Mon- 
 umcntal Remains of Georgia. Part First. Savannah, 
 1861, 12mo. 2. Historical Sketch of tho Chatham Artil- 
 lery during the Confederate Struggle for Inde|iendonce, 
 Albany, 1867, Svo. 3. Historical Sketch of Tomo-Chi- 
 Chi, Mico of the Yamacraws, Albany, 1869, Svo. 4, 
 Reminiscences of tho Last Days, Death, and Burial of 
 General Henry Lee, Albany, 1S70, 8vo. 5. Antiquities 
 of tho Southern Indians, (larticularly of the Georgii 
 Tribes. Illust, N, York, IS73, Svo. 6. Siege of Sa- 
 vannah in 1779, a.s described in the Journals of Two 
 French Officers : with Notes. Map. N. York, 1874, 
 7. Siege of Savannali in December, 1864, Albany, 1S7I, 
 em. 4to. 8. The Dead Towns of Georgia, Savannnli, 
 1S7S, Svo. 9. The Life and Services of Commodore .1. 
 Ttttnull, Savannah, 1S78, Svo. 10. (Ed.) Acts passed by 
 the General Assembly of the Colony of Georgia IVoin 
 1755 till 1774, Wormsloe, Ga., I8SI, f.,1. 11. The His- 
 tory of Georgia, Bost., 18S3, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "'He has gtvuii us a history of his State during ihe cola- 
 liial period, and down to the close of llie Kevoliitloiiary 
 war, which Is most elalioralc, careful, and exliaiislivi'. 
 . . Mr. Junes has not nttiiiipled to depict the manners, 
 customs, character, and qualities of the jaiople."— iViidoji, 
 xxxviii. 17. , , , 
 12. Brigailier-Gcneral R. Toombs, Augusta, ISStl, Svn, 
 13. (Ed.) Journal of the Transactions of the frustcis of 
 the Colony of Georgia. By Rt. Hon. John, Earl .,t 
 Egmont. 1886, 4to. 14. Negro Myths from the Georgia 
 Coast, told in the Vernacular, Bost., ISSS, 16mo. 
 " Mr Jones's transcription of ' the vernacular' is worthy 
 to be ranked with Mr. llarri8S."-.V(i(io», xlvi. 435. 
 Also, addresses, Ac. 
 Jones, Charles Handfield, M.B., F.R.S., phv- 
 siciau to Mary's Hospital, London, [uiilr, vol. i., aiM.) 
 1. Clinical fjbservations on Functional Nervous Disur- 
 ders, Lon., 1864, Svo: 2d ed., entitled "Studies .n 
 Functional Nervous Disorders," 1870. 2. On ILnt- 
 Stroke and its Affinities with Paretic Disorders v/t the 
 Nervous .System, Lon., 1869, 8vo. 
 Jones, Charles Henry. 1. Recollections ,f 
 Venice, Reading, Pa., 1863, 18mo. 2. Memoir of Wil. 
 Ham Rodman, 1867, Svo. 3. (Ed.) Vers de Societi-: 
 selected from Recent Authors, N. York, 1874, 8vo. 4. 
 Africa : the History of Exploration and Adventure, iis 
 3S, Lon., I .^^ jjj jIjij Lfuding Authorities, from Herodotus t.j 
 % ^'?'"y I Livingstone Illust. N. York, 1S75, Svo. 5. I.ur.l 
 Macaulay : his Life— his Writings, N. York, 1880, liimo 
 6. A Short Life of Charles Dickens: with Selections 
 from his Letters, N. York, 1S80, 16ino. 7. A Short l.ilc 
 of William Ewart Gladstone: with Extracts from liis 
 Speeches and Writings, N. York, 1880, 16mo. s. His- 
 tory of the Campaign for the Conquest of Canachi in 
 1776, from the Death of Montgomery to the Retreat "!' 
 tho British Army under Sir Guy Carleton, Phila., Is>:', 
 ■' A useful record of some of the most painful and least 
 glorious events of the Revolutionary War."— ..Viidoii, xxxv. 
 Jones, Charles J. From the Forecastle to the 
 Pulpit : Fifty Y'ears among Sailors : with Introduction 
 by W, P. Strickland, N. York, 1884, 12ino. 
 Jones, Charles William. 1. A Poetical Essay 
 on the Immortality of the Soul, and other Poems, l.ou., 
 1852, ISmo. 2. Food for the Mind; or, Mental Cultuie 
 and Christian Progress; 2d ed., Lon., 1859, 12uio. .i. 
 The World's Great Sin ; or. Human Nature Reviewed, 
 Lon., iS61, Svo; 3d ed., 1S66. 
 '♦Jones, Chaucer," (Pseud.) See Bkckktt, 
 William H., mipra. 
 Jones, Cornelia. Heavenward Led ; or. The Two 
 Bequests. By Jane R. Summers, [pseud.] Illusl. 
 Phila., 1870. ifimo. 
 Jones, D. E. Examples in Physios, Lon., IvSJ, 
 Jones, David. A Voice from our Penal Setile- 
 ments; or, Garotting, its Causes and Cure, Lon., biill, 
 Jones, David Griffiths. 1. Cholera Chemically 
 considered, Lon., 1 854, 4to. 2. Electro-ChemicalTixat- 
 uicnt of Acute and Chronic Diseases, Lon., 1856, ^vo. 
 3. Homoeopathy compared with the Old School of Med- 
 ical Treatment, L(jn., 185.8, Svo. 4. Diseases iil tho 
 Bladder cured by a New Discovery, Lon., 1874, Svn: ith 
 ed., en!.. 1883. 5. Tumours and other Diseases of 
 Women.' Part I. Lon., 1874, Svo, 6. Urinary Dis- 
 eases, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Jones, David Morgan. Lethe, and other I'neiii.', 
 Phila., 1882, sq. 16mo. 
 Jones, Kev. David Itice-, M. A., educated at the 
 welly, and^'other 1' ou ;, I in fe T-.t'"'' ."' ^'''- 
 «;ellar to ((arret, I,„n , ihCl'-iwo \ Zth^-J''''" 
 Notes oil Alllltary Law,' Lo'n., 
 Assyria anJ Palestine Recollections, 
 JoiicN, Douglas 
 ISSr, 8vo. ' uzzio ol Xo-Day, Lon., 
 i'i;!ir"i''70^;«"*. "^'''^ '" ■'^'""J''y-School Workers, 
 Jones, E. J. 
 Lon., 1857, (|). 
 ^ Jones, fc. K. Rule, of Federal Practice, N. York, 
 In 1872 s,^^ I870-I87I. by W. Ijua 1' 
 i-K iV. li !^' ,*"'"' '" "• <•' "• "V. I.. 
 JON . 
 ^l'<i'/., xxiv 71 ' ""' ''"" '»■'"«'• '" reeollcTt."- 
 L..t"rsr;'.''8 "o'"'""^' ^ "i-S^'PMeal Sketches. I„u„. 
 is^"w:;dif^; ^i^x.x^n^^'r ■""■' ^"'- 
 Lon., 1882-81, ;tv„|' 8,,,' "''^' *■■"" ™» ilt>llcnd«rir. 
 i;:;^w?t''^:' -"»*-;> "-.,rsis;; 
 oi/, {.ill!:',;;;";,,;; '■"• *■"•■"""■ "» 
 is^.""*'*'/'^*!'^^'' Morgan Edwardes Af a .. 
 Lon., 1888, 8vo. °' ^'""'■■* '" England, 
 -•- "'• ti.J «uko'of''t.:tb:i:j,?«e?„:^rK^i'„v:v 
 ■ "■" ciiiij jiuem emit ed The Uevolt of I 
 oinposfd while serving a two vear" ..?r„, f ■ • 
 Lady: a Talo. Lon., 185,-,, 8^. ;j 
 l.ii^.-- and tho 
 the Rail, Lon, 1874 ";„ ' ' ^- ^'"-' ^^""i"" "i, 
 A.:!"an,M"-,'s?i p"r *""""" °' ^""« ^'-^ "• 
 i..>:s;,;j^8t- ^i^:;:irSd ^^"-^^■i>--'. 
 Org:rcLe";iS^rr'E,e;enta:'''d-'S'"^ "f ''"'«''™' 
 l^iiio; ;)d ed 1888 °,^'5™7'"^y,Student8, Lon, 1881, 
 rector of St S J^n .'l^'i' ''^•'' "^'^'""'"^ "*1'"<; 
 Oreat Barton, t°ff^rk-'l"8 2!8^"''„f''^;'lt:t' ^'^.^ "' 
 Windmill Street, London 1881 «'- f'-.™CTs, Grcr.t 
 I'hilip's, Reitent S roe^'., l ■' ' """^ ""'^'= "'"n "f •' t- 
 science .e";„rtfeVu,.rtei;-'!."T.r 'r'^'r!'.- '• ^'«"- 
 wards tho AVritors .H 1 ..^:.:\""\^'; ^'"' '''«y '"- 
 »>-o. 2. The Ch irph „f I- I -^i ""** Revieivs," J8HI, 
 In. 8vo. 4. The RnJ,l„ri: ' • .;' "'•'^-^''. tW" series 
 ex|.,vs>iou in v^rse/'-Sn/ «"rix IS "'"' ""'''' "'""™' 
 """• Lon, 1867, 8'vo. "*""«=™°y Vindicated: a Lee 
 „„;I""5,!'. ^r."?" Rowland 
 Lights: bdng a Lo'iL^r"' '^""'^""■^ '» '^^''-'-n 
 Lectures, Lon 18^8 s^ "'"" ■-""^'"^' ^'■'^■■"""n 
 auct, Lon., 1S«9, .12mo. 9. Ttio Pookot-dulilc to Sjioll- 
 Fivo, Ac, Lon., 1S70, 12m.i. HI. A I'ocket-Huiilu t" 
 CiilabriiKillo, Lon., 1S70, . (21110. II. The l'ooket-<luiile 
 111 KoiirtC', Lon., 1870, I2iuo: :td e<l., IN8(I. 12. Tho 
 Pooket-Ciuido to Kuclire, Lon., 1H7II, 12ino. 13. (Ed.) 
 The Liws of Pi(iuft : with ii Troiitixc on tho (laiuu, Lon., 
 lH7;i, IBmo; 2d cd., 18NI. 14. On lh« Card to lead at 
 Whi»t from Suits of Five or more, Lon., 1873, p. 8vo. 
 15. Tho Pockut-(iuide to Poliah lU-jique, Lon., IS7:i, 
 12mo. 16. Thi) Pooket-Ouiilc to CribbaKc, Lon., 1S7:<, 
 32iuo. 17. U'-iL) The Laws of Vingt-ot-ln, Lon., l.'<74, 
 p. 8vo. IX. Round aainea at C'iird.«, Lon., 1874, p. 8vo. 
 111. The PocketOuido to .■<lxty-Si.\, Lon., 1874, p. 8vo. 
 20. The PocketOuide to Oo-Uann, Lon., 1876, l2ijno. 
 21. The (lame of Lawn Tennis, Lon., 1876, p. Svo; ith 
 ed., 188:i. 22. The Laws of Kcarte adopted by the 
 Turf Club, Loll., 1878, p. 8vo. L'li. Tho Pocket-Uuide 
 to liaekgainiiion, Lon., 1878, :i2mo. 21. The Pocket- 
 Ouido to Chess, Lon., 1878, :!2nio. 25. Tho Pocket- 
 Uuido to DrauKhta, Lon., 1878, S2ino. 26. Card Essays : 
 Clay's Decisions and Card-Table Talk, Lon., 187'', p. 8vo. 
 "A remarkably pleasant and usfful wrics nfessftyH iiiwm 
 whist and its ways ami surroundings."— .""W. /f(i'.,xlvill.(i08. 
 27. The Pocket-lluide to Fifteen and "hirty-Four 
 Puzzles, Lon., 1880, H2ino. 28. Casse-TiHo, Lon., 1881, 
 ?. 8vo, 29. (Ed.) Tho Laws of Rubicon Pique, Lon., 
 882, p. 8vo. 30. Whist I)evelopinent.< : American 
 Leads and Plain-Suit Echo, Lon., 18.S5, fp. 8vo; 3d ed., 
 1888. 31. Tho Pockot-liuide to Dominoes, Lon., 1886, 
 32ino. . „ 
 Jones, Henry Hence-, M.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., 
 [diite, vol. i., add.,] 1814-1873; graduated at Trinity 
 College, Cambridge, I83i'. ; studied medicine in London 
 and at (iiesson, and in 1846 became physician to St. 
 Oecrge's Hospital, London. Ho was honorary secretary 
 of tho Royal Institution. I. L'wtureson some of the A|i- 
 pllcations of Chemistry and Mechanics to Pathology and 
 Therapeutics, Lon., 1867, 8vo. 2. Croonian Lectures on 
 Matter and Force, Lon., 1868, 12mo. (Includes a lecture 
 by E. Du Uois-Reyraond and one by E. Krankland.) 3. 
 Tho Life and Letters of Faraday, Lon., 1870, 2 vols. 8vo! 
 2d ed. same year. 
 " Faraday's letters, collected from a large circle of pri- 
 vate as well as soioiitillc friemls, his laboratory note-books, 
 his Trinity House and other reports and memoranda, have 
 furniahed the materials for the biogrupiiy before us. Plie 
 conncctiiiK matter contributed by tfieediU)r is the slightest 
 possible in (piantity, and In imallty .seldom otherwise than 
 monotonous and irry."— .S(i(. "Kei:, xxix. 5t. 
 4. The Royal Institution : its Founder and its First 
 Professors, Lon., 1871, p. 8vo. 
 " A volume of much value as the record of a movement 
 which lias had an important iiiBuonce upon the progress 
 of science in this country."— .><«(. Hcv., xxxiii. 187. 
 Jones, Hcpry George. Napoleon the First: an 
 Historical Play, [verse.] Dublin, 1860, 4to. 
 Jones, Henry iHacnaughton, M.D., F.R. C.S.I, 
 and E., late professor in tho liueen's University, Ireland, 
 and surgeon to the Cork Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital. 
 1. The Study of Life, Dublin, 1874, 8vo. 2. Medical 
 Responsibility in the Choice of .\nicsthotic3, Lon., 1876, 
 8vo. 3. Had Habits, and their Effects on tho Organs 
 and Tissues of the Body; 2d ed., Dublin, 1878, 8vo. 4. 
 Atlas of the Diseases of the Membrana Tympani, Lon,, 
 187,8, 4to. 5. A Practical Treatise on Aural Surgery, 
 Lon., 1878, 12mo; .Sd ed., entitled " Practitioner's Hand- 
 Book of Diseases of the Ear and Noso-Pharynx," 1887. 
 6. On the Treatment of Spinal Curvatures by Extension 
 and Jacket, Ac, Lon., 1884, p. 8vo. 7. Tho Health of 
 tho Senses, Lon., 1884, p. 8vo; 2d ed. same year. 8. 
 Practical Manual of Diseases of Women and Uterine 
 Thorapeutios, Lon., 188i, p. 8vo; 3d ed., 1888. 
 Jones, Kcv. Henry Wynne. M.A., graduated at 
 Jesus College, Oxford, 1837; ordained 1830; vicar of 
 Penmynydd, 1850-68. Sponsors and Confirmation ; 
 with Remarks upon the Inutility of the Former, Lon., 
 1866, 8vo. 
 Jones, Horatio Gates, M.A., D.C.L., [ante, vol. 
 1., add.,] b. 1822, at Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa.; 
 graduated at tho University of Pennsylvonia 1841 ; ad- 
 mitted to tho bar 1847, and has since practised in Phil- 
 adelphia; member of numerous historical societies, and 
 honorary Fellow of the Royal Historical Society of 
 GreRt Britain. I. Ehrnozcr Kinneraley and hie Pis- 
 ooveries in Electrioity, 1858. 2. History of Roxborough 
 and Manayunk, 1859. 3. Memoir of Henry Bond, M.D., 
 Boston, 1860. 4. Biographical Sketch of Rev. David 
 Jones, A.M., N. York, 1865. 5. History of Pennepek 
 lor Lower Dublin Baptist Church, Morrlsania, N.if., 
 I 1869. 6. Andrew Bradford, Founder of tho Nowspiipcr 
 Press in the Middle .States of America, Phila., 18611. 7. 
 The Ilruilford Prayor-Book of 1710, 1870. 8. Diary of 
 .S. J.; or. Journal of a Country Baptist Minister, 1881. 
 9. Memoir of Rev. Abel Morgan of Pennepek Church, 
 ' 1882. 10. History <d' tho (Ireat Valley, Pennsylvania, 
 Bii|)tist Church, 18S3. 11. History of the Itrandywine, 
 Pennsylvania, Baptist Church, 1884. 12. Welsh 
 in Brown I'nivorsity, (,'in., 1885. With otliers, Rcnii- 
 ■ niscenccB of tho Life and Lobori of A. D. Gillette, IMi. 
 I Port. 18S;i, l2mo. 
 Jones, Horatio M. Missouri Supremo Court Re- 
 ports, vol;!. xxii.-.\xxi., (I.s.'i.^-Oa,) St. Louis, 10 vols. 
 Jones, Hugo Nicholas. (Trans.) The I. iind 
 II, Books of the Odes of Horace: to which arc adit I 
 the Carmen ."leculare and Appendix, Lon., 1865, Svo. 
 Jones, J. Cynddylan. 1. Studies in the Ads 
 of the Apostles, Lon., 1878, p. 8vo: 2d od., 1882. 2. 
 studies on the Uospel according to St. Matthew, Lon., 
 1881, p. 8vo. 3. Studies on tho tiospol according to St. 
 ' John, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 4. (Ed.) 'rhe Welsh Pulpit of 
 I To-Day: Sermons by Welsh Ministers. First Series. 
 '■ Lon., 1885, 8vo. 5. Studies in the First Epistle of 
 ' Peter: vol. i., Lon., 18,S7, p. Svo. 
 Jones, J. Foulkfs. Egypt in its Biblical Reln- 
 tions and Moral Aspects, Lon., 1860, p. Svo. 
 " A less valuable (jr more unnecessary ccmiidlHtlon has 
 rarely fallen under our critical notice."— .So/. Ktr., xl. 4!jl. 
 Jones, J. Idrisyn. 1. A Catechism on the Secnul 
 Advent, and tho Revealed Future of tho Church and tlie 
 World, Lon., 1880, fp. Svo. 2. Baptism by Sprinkling, 
 Manchester, 1SS5, 12mo. 
 Jones, J. v., and Kingston, J. F. Flora Devo- 
 niensis: Catalogue of Wilil Plants, Lon., 1856, Svo. 
 Jones, J. R. Geological History of Newbury, 
 Berks, Lon., 1854, Svo. 
 Jones, Jacob. Healthy Towns, Local Qoverninciit 
 Act, Lon., 1858, 12mo. 
 Jones, Jacob. A Century of Sonnets, Lon., IMd, 
 p. Svo. 
 Jones, James. On the Use of Perchlorido of 
 Iron, Ac, in Consumption, Lon., 1862, p. Svo. 
 Jones, James. Compendium of Forms : with 
 Mode of Procedure in Courts of Illinois; 4th ed., rev. 
 and enl., Chic, 1876, Svo. 
 Jones, James. Dishonest Criticism : an An.-wor 
 to Dr. Littledale, Lon., 1S87, p. 8vo. 
 Jones, Rev. Jenkin, M.A., graduated at St. John's 
 College, Cambridge, 1831. I. Shad's Cottage, Lon., 
 1877, 12mo. 2. Little Ted; or. Who Found tho Most? 
 Lon., 1884, ISmo. 
 Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. Practical Piety; Four 
 Discourses, Chic, 1887, 24mo. 
 Jones, Jesse H. 1. Know the Truth : a Criticpie 
 on the Hamiltonian Theory of Limitation, including 
 some Strictures upon tho Theories of Rev. Henry J. 
 Mansel and Mr. Herbert Spencer, N. York, 1865, 12ino. 
 " We recognize the candor and earnestness of the writer, 
 and a<lniire his boldness. With many of his oritidsu.,s 
 upon Mr. Spencer we heartily agree. But to demolish the 
 l)hilosophy of Sir William Hamilton, should such a result 
 In the progress of human event* become desirable, will 
 require other weaixms than those of this book or iho 
 school from which it emanates."- And'oii, 1. 34.'>. 
 2. The Kingdom of Heaven : What it is. Where it i?, 
 Ac, Bost., 1871, 12mo. 
 Jones, Joel, 1795-1860, b. at Coventry, Conn.; 
 graduated at Yale 1817 ; became a lawyer and settled ia 
 Pennsylvania; was judge of the district court of Phila- 
 delphia, mayor of that city in 1849, and tho first presi- 
 dent of Girard College, 1847-49. Notes on Scripture, 
 rhila., 1861, Svo ; new ed., entitled "Jesus and tlie 
 Coming Glory; or. Notes on Scripture," 1S65, Svo. 
 Jones, Ven. John, M.A., 179I-1S89, graduiitcl at 
 St. John's College, Cambridge, 1815; ordained IMo; 
 archdeacon of Liverpool 1855-87; perpetual curui, .jf 
 Christ Church, Waterloo, Liverpool, from 1850. 1. I.x- 
 pository Lectures on Select Portions of the Acts, l.on., 
 1841, 2 vols. 12mo. 2. Lectures on the Principal Typi^ 
 of tho Old Testament, Lon., 1846-49, 2 vols. 12ini>. :'.. 
 Hints on Preaching : designed for the Use of the Younger 
 Clergy, Lon., 1861, p. Svo. 
 Jnnes, John. The History and Antiquitns of 
 Harowood, in tho County of York, Lon., 1859, sv". 
 Jones, John. The Natural and Supernatural; or, 
 Man, Physical, Apparitional, and Spiritual, Lon., I'-'il'i 
 p. Svo, 
 niTnl^Z'Jtr'!,: : ^°"f TK"'!""'" "■ini.t.r. I. 
 Hall. Lon., iZtCo o^ A,TT'i'^ ''"'^ ''™"'^''- 
 I^ovo ,ii„l Money, Phiin I's, , i,", ' '.f""' '^nio. 2. I 
 Cl«rk's Diary iit tho ('. I'.r i ' . c"" ''• ^ ^"^'"^ War 
 «:-, l'«.,lT6«, 2 ;:,,'-";':''"""' «""«- Capital, |N«1- 
 12ino. '»naiy»„ „( bentences, Ac, Lon., 1884, 
 Jones, John Matthew i Tk» v . ,. 
 I'no with,- """,' ""'''" '" ""^""-l". Lon. lir^ 
 i„_ •"• ''"-St- Kichnumd, Va., 1888 8vn 
 Jones, John Wiiitpr i? c » 7 ' • 
 Ueading-H ,mo the Br ,ish M*" °' "t"'"'""''"™ '° ""> 
 2. Observations on tie li„ "fT^n-^"- - ^^^"i ''"■ 
 Life into Stage. Ion IH«i .."'""■ °' *'""'« 
 Travels of ffi'vj,^ di Var 'h '"• ■ •'' .S'^"""') ^he 
 Jones, Joseph. MD h I'si? ■ t .^ 
 ti".; sonof Rov CharCpnln i. ? ' '" '''borty Co., 
 at..d at Princeton 185S and „ » ^""'f' '"'"'" ' K™-*"- 
 "f the Unive^Uy of Pennsylvln^Hsl'''''' ''^P"""""" 
 K".n in the Confederate ar„wh,f,h„w' r™','".'"'- 
 i-'try and natural philosophy^n sererafsoufhTn °^ t""' 
 and since 1869 im been »rofeL,?r „f i ° ?°"*8^'' 
 clinical medicine in Tulan' SrsUv "^ZV, """ 
 1. Invest irations. Chemimil nrl i dI •"; .^ Orleans. 
 to certain^ Ame ican V r eSrata ^,"1? " '' '""t"'" I 
 j^^viii^'^i^ei^i 1^=-"^^; 
 Race, Phila., 1869, 8vo 5 cll^'",T /" • "■« ^egro 
 ana Kock Salt. N Orleans mTfiUl «''='' "*^""'«'- 
 't';,.??"?"""'^ 2",r'.?r~' ■•"-•«■ 
 AnnaCradook! al.n. I.i.H= /»!!', VL'.?-' l!^"' 12mo. 
 A >t 7 ' "'""" ana J'nysical. Philn 1S«n io_ 
 ^ankeeMlddy, PhUa.lsos Svn ^ ri 'i., V'- ■<• '''« 
 ;l- Oallant Ton,. xLy iVs L" ^'^"''f^'""''™- 
 T«>n,,o,t. !). Old Put l» Th « !'^''".• ■*• """y 
 ■lanie of the Kevo u, L 1. < «"''»,'■•'''''•• " «»- 
 ')««, the Pirate. >3 Vi^.i, L u'X"^ '"''''■ '2' Vnl- 
 <*rand Army. B,«t.. Isiii'^lCo '""' "'" '^''^ "^ "'• 
 Ame"rrca:',^UcUo:\Mr.tir7,?dt:'a„-'."^rV '^^ ''''> 
 Cin., I808, 8vo: 5thed IS'4 ' '""'' iheraj.outic, 
 ^.lw"jd^'VrPuL"h^"\^'''.''''»«''<' "f «'■ 
 Itrw, 8vo. " Library, Notting Hill, Lon., 
 ton^Tsl's^gfaTurelaufr'",''?.''- '■'*^-- "' ^einnle. 
 vard Law SehoolTJsH in, h '•'''' "'•'■ "'"' "' ">o I ar. 
 editor of the'r:eri™'n"Lli''Krir"r' a'.!" ''"■'"'" ' 
 the Law of .Mortitaircs of H,.,J d . ' ^ ^'eatise on 
 vol.. 8voj 2d ed hTa 2 A ■i^"''-'''^' """'•• '"78, 2 
 Railroad and other Cornni', A,^ ""."«« "n the Law of 
 ise on the Law of Mortgages of P-n n '^u- •'• ^ '''•«'"- 
 l«81, 8vo. 4. A Treafr,! n„ .k ?""' ' ''"/"•■'•'y. Host., 
 Collateral Securmel Bo -^ssvl ^"^ »f ''><«JKe» »nd 
 "eyanoing, 188fi 7i An In.llv f' i""- ,^.- ''"■■"'s '» Con- 
 ature, 1887. 7 Treatise „n,h"',^*«''l'"'°'''""' I'"*--- 
 »on'°f"i^;;e^t'i.ri:r"jo,t'tr *»'-v^' "• '«^»'- 
 sonoso College, oSl8-if ''';;{, «™''"'''«'1«' Bra- 
 Inner Temple 1875 MP /or' n""'!"' '? ">« '""• '" ""e 
 Miner.' Mknuaf : a W«l IW ■■"« '.'"i^-^"' '• The 
 and Employed, ion, S%\, ""0 ^^o 'Sm' ' '^I"£'»y«' 
 B^^w^:h:V88^8l-o*''"- «---" ^=' -7^^^^^^^^^ 
 ' afe*'dT^;i^trco^gT!.'u\1i„^7,r' *f-^' ,«-^"- 
 Hundred indst.^;> J fe'^'^^^rt." ^''^'^ ' b"'"* Three 
 "Ton'e^ k^"'/ '^ "- «t ffi" ^■""' "^ ^''''"'"- 
 under the'Dirmbn nf'f 'Levnold^t""!'",? Catalogue, 
 Entries of Books in P int and for V,.» "■ ' "'"« 
 print, and Importation ,JulyV]878«„r''; -' '*"- 
 N. York, ISSOISI, 2 vol .4to' \ (Ed 1 The''n''f n "^f' 
 Publications. 18^r!j«!"li^rr"k! ^'-^ ^"^ American 
 tered""Lea'ves?o'; ^wIlX T*rifl*'''r'""«- ''• ^cat- 
 2. Lott.Ery,t;tI.'lc,]7of!:SJ5""p'8v''o"-' "''' "^ «™- 
 [verse,] Stafford 1858 8"" ^ r ■r"'i?''.' '" ">« ^^ade, 
 of Poeias, Shifn'allTs^o s^o ^"^=-E«'>'">« ^ » ^^o'^^e 
 Ha^nd"Bt'k,"'Lo^?f8Tr,?7v7- "-" "^''™"'' ^^^-^^ 
 Book"TYoi*k"l86^rm':*- ''" "^^^^ ^'>'"'- 
 thc^BU^^p^ii't Meredith. 1. The Story of Edward 
 nml Fniimnrl, Lon,, ISTO, IZmo. 7. The Plsoontontcl 
 Wciitliercook, anil ntluT .Storien, l.on., I'<72, IL'iii". ". 
 .StniicH fniiu Kiirci|poiiii History, \'2mn. U, 'I'lii' Story of 
 Cii|itiiin Cook'i' Tlireo Vi)yii)(ei around th« Woilil, 12iuo. 
 10, liify iinil Triivel in Tartary, Tliilict, iind China; 
 Ining n Niirrativu of tlic Ablig lluc's Travfls, Illuat. 
 Lon., IHino. 
 Jones, Morris Chnrles, F.S.A., b. 1hI9; justice 
 of ihn |ioa('« for Moiitgomcrysliirc. I. Notes ri'speotintj 
 llio Fiiinil.v of Walild, Kdln., iNfi.l, Svo. I'riviiloly 
 iiriiitcl. 2. Hciiiiiiioconce:' lonneciii'd with Old Oak 
 runtiliiiiK now at (iiinuro)!, Kdiii., istll, svo. :i. Viillo 
 Cruoin Abbey : its Orijjin and Foiuidation Charter, lion., 
 iNdrt, Hvo. 4. The Feudal Barons of I'uwys, ton., ISIIS, 
 Joiien, Owen, M.A, Sonic of the Great Preachers 
 of Wales, Lou., iss.i, |i. Svci. 
 Jones, I'niil ilnrriiiKton. I'earls of Wiviloui : 
 Systematic Treatment in the Domestic Practice of Medi- 
 cine, Kansas City, \xxt, 12jiio. 
 JoncM, Ilev. I'ctcr, missionary to the Ojibway 
 Indians, anicjUK whom he boro the name of Kahkewa- 
 quoniiby. 1. Life and Journals, Toronto, 1 still, 12uio. 
 2. Hist'. ry of the Ojebway Indians: with Ksijeoiiil Ilof- 
 erenee I their Conversion to I'hristiiiuity : with a Uricf 
 Memoir of the Writer, [by his Wiilow,] and Introduc- 
 tory Xoliee by (i. Osborn, l.ou., l^fll, 8vo. 
 Jones, Pleiisant, Tlic Slnve-IIoMcr Abroad; or. 
 Billy Buck's Visit with his Master to England, 'liust. 
 Phila., iHdO, 12mo. 
 Jones, K. Harries. The Japhetic Kaces; a His- 
 torical and Kthnolo^ical In(|Uiry into the Consanguinity 
 of Various Kuropean Races, (iiittingen, IM37, Mvo. 
 Jones, 11. J. Cornewall. Ships, Sailors, and the 
 Sea. Illust. Lon., 1»>7, p. Svo. 
 Jones, If. J. Hampden-. (Trans.) Virgil's 
 jEncid, Books IX. and X., Lon., 1S84, 12iuo. 
 Jones, K. M. Hugh. Outlinesof the Second Book 
 of Kings: with a Ma]), Lon., I8S2, 4to. 
 Jones, It. W. Money is Power; a Scientillo, His- 
 toric, and Practical Treatise on the Subject of Finance, 
 St. Louis, 1878, 12mo. 
 Jones, Randolph. The Buccaneers, N. York, 
 1877, 12mo. 
 Jones, Rev. Robert, vicar of Brnn.xton. The 
 Battle of Floddcn Field, Kdin. and Lon., 18B4, 18mo; 
 new ed., ISBit. 
 Jones, Rev. Robert, 1801)-]879, graduated at 
 Jesus College, Oxford ; viear of Rotherhithe; metropol- 
 itan secretary to the Cambrian Institute, and editor for 
 1877 of the Transaetions of the Cymmrodorion Society. 
 1. (Ed.) The Poetical Works of Ooronwy Owen: with 
 Notes, 1S76, Svo. 2. (Ed.) The AVorks of lolo Goch ; 
 with a Sketch of his Life, (Cymmrodorion Soc. Pub.,) 
 1877, Svo. 
 Jones, Robert Baker, barrister-nt-law. The 
 Vision of Marvj or, A Dream of Joy: a Poem, By 
 R. B. J. Lon.', ISoi!, llinio. 
 Jones, Robert C'roinpton. 1. Poems of the 
 Inner Life; selected chielly IVom Modern Authors, Ijy 
 R. C. J., Lon., ISfifi, p. Svo. 2. Hymns of Duty and 
 Faith, Selected and Arranged. Lon., 1872, 12nio; 2d 
 cd.. 1886. :i. Words of Anthems, Psalms, and Ciintiolcs, 
 pointedfor Chanting, Lon., lS7,i, 18mo. 4. The Book of 
 Prayer in Thirty Orders of Worship, Lon., 1878, 12nio. 
 Jones, Robert II. Asbestos : its Production and 
 Use: with some Account of the Asbestos-Mines in 
 Canada, i,on., 1888, Svo. 
 Jones, Robert Saint Clair. The Spanish Rake : 
 nil Original Comedy, in Five Acts, [verse,] Lon., 1850, 
 Jones, S. A. Grounds of'a Homoeopath's Faith, 
 N. York, I88(), 12mo. 
 Jones, Samuel, and Spencer, J. C. Reports 
 of the Superior Courts of the City of Now York, vols. 
 xxxiii.-xlix., (1871-S:),) N. York, 1872-S4, 8 vols. Svo. 
 Jones, Rev. Samuel Flood, M.A., graduated at 
 Pembroke College, Oxford, 1851: ordained 18.i2; minor 
 canon of Westminster since 185'.l; viear of St. Botolph's, 
 Aldersgiite, since 1876. 1. The Throne of Grace: a 
 Course of Sermons on Prayer, Lon., 1856, 12mo. 2. 
 (Ed.) Hymns of Prayer and Praise, Lon., 1864, 24mo. 
 :i. The (Cathedral Psalter, pointed for Chanting, Lon., 
 18/4, 16mo; new ed., 1>T6, Svo. 
 Jones, Rev. Samuel Porter, b. 1847, in Cham- 
 bers Co., Ala.; admitted to the bar 186SI ; became a min- 
 ister of the Methodist Episcopal Church 1872; appointed 
 agent of the Decatur Orphans' Home 1881. He Is widely 
 known as a " revival" preacher. Sermons: Cincinniili 
 Music Hall Series. Kditc.l by W. M. Leftwieh, D.I), 
 with an Introiluction by I. W. Joyce, D.D., Clu., I •<«(), 
 Jones, Sarah J. I. Downward; or. The N'cn 
 Distillery. Illust. Phila., ISSJ), 12mo. 2. Strugglln;; 
 I'pward. Illust. Phila., 1884, 12ino. .1. Rest or In 
 rest : n Story of the Parisian Sabbath in Ameriei, .\, 
 York, 1888, l2mo. 
 Jones, Sarah L. I. Life in the South, from the 
 Commencement cd' the War. By a Bloekiulcd Biill-h 
 Subject. Being a SoeM History of those who took i.ari 
 in the Battles, from a Personal A(i|uaiiitance with tiiein 
 in tlieir Own Homes, from the Spring ol 186(1 to August, 
 1862. Lon., 1811:1, 2 vols. Svo. Anon. 2. " Stonewall" 
 Jackson, I. ale General of the Conledeiate States Army : 
 a Biogra|ihieal Sketch, and an Outline of the Virginian 
 Campaigns, Lon., 18113, ji. Svo. Anon. 
 Jones, Sarah Smith. 1. Beatrice; or, The In 
 fluenco of Words, Lon., IS.MI, 12mo. 2. The lleiivea- 
 ward Road, Lon., 1852, ISnio; 2d cd., 1866. li. My 
 Sketcb-Book ; or, Gatherings from Stray Papers, l.on., 
 1857, Uinio. 4. Hadassah : Sketches in I'alestine. Ampl- 
 hill, 1860, p. Svo. 5. Ni/rtl'.uii.'oerlnnd and its Neigh- 
 hour Lands illust. NewcastloonTyne, 1863,1to. {'•. 
 Mcno-i. of the Late Miss S. Row, F'rome, 1867, Svo. 7. 
 ihe Heirs of Dilston and Derwentwnter : being an Ac 
 count traced down from the Earliest Known Date of the 
 Ancestry to the Present Day, thus including Ihe Claim 
 of the ('(Uintess Amelia, Hexham, I86IJ, 12nio. See 
 DkIIH KNTWATKH, A. M. R., Si,;;™. 
 Jones, Sibella. I. Mountains and Cities; or. 
 The Home of our I'rincess, Lon., 1S57, p. Svo. 2. The 
 Dalrym|de8; or. Long Credit and Long Cloth, Lon., 
 18R(), 12mo. Anon. S. The Wet Blanket; or, Edith'« 
 Bright Autumn, Lon., 1872. Anon. 
 Jones, T. Mason. Ohl Trinity : a Story of Real 
 Life, Lon., 1867, .1 vols. p. Svo. 
 Jones, Theodore. Every Man his Own Laud 
 lord, Lon., 1S62, 12ino; 4th cd., 1871. 
 Jones, Rev. Thomas, F.S.A., 18l(i-i875, b. m 
 I'nderhill Margam, near Neath, Glamorganshire, Wales; 
 Chethnm librarian at Manchester. (Ed.) A Catahgiie 
 of the Collection of Tracts for and against Popery in 
 the Manchester Library, founded by II. Chethaiu. 
 (Chetham Soc.,) Manchester, 18511-66, 2 vols. 
 Jones, Rev. Thomas, Congregational minister, 
 Swansea. 1. The Work of the Christian Preacher, \,im., 
 1S71, Svo. 2. The Answer of the Church to the Sc(|i- 
 ticism of the Age: Address, Lon., 1871, Svo. 3. Tlie 
 Divine Order, and other Sermons and Addresses, lil- 
 ited by Brynnior Jones: with a Short Introduction by 
 Robert Browning. Lon., 18S4, ]i. Svo. 4. Lyiif 
 Thoughts : with Biogra|ihical Sketch. Edited bv his 
 Widow. Lon., 1886, ISnio. 
 Jones, Thomas, F.R.C.S., B.S., surgeon to tlie 
 Manchester Royal Infirmary; lecturer on )>ractical ..'ur- 
 gory to the Owens College, Victoria University ; eon- 
 suiting surgeon to the Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, 
 Manchester. Diseases of the Bones : their Pathology, 
 Diagnosis, and Treatment. Illust. Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 Jones, Thomas G. Alabama Son- enie Court Uc- 
 poits, vols, xliii.-lii., Montgomery, 1S7 -, Svo. 
 Jon«8, Thomas Rupert. 1. (. ^ Manual «< 
 the Natural History, Geology, and Physics f Oreenliiinl 
 and the Neighbouring Regions, Lon., 1S75, 'jvo. 2. l.n- 
 ture on the Antiquity of Man; Illustrated by the Cmi- 
 tents of Caves, Ac: Revised and Augmented, l.nii., 
 IS77, Svo. H. Catalogue of the J'ossil Foraiiiinifeiu in 
 the Collection of the British Museum, Lon., 1882, 8n). 
 Also, several monographs in the publications of the 
 Palaiontological Society. 
 Jones, Thomas Rymer, F.R.S., [miie, vol. i., 
 add.,] d. 18SII. 1. The Animal Creation : a Popular In- 
 troduction to Zoology, Lon., 1865, 12mo: new ed., b7L'. 
 2. The Natural History of Birds: a Popular Introiluc- 
 tion to Ornithology, Lon., 1867, l2mo. .S. .Mamimiliii: 
 a Popular Introduction to Natural History. Illust. 
 Lon., 187H; new ed., 1880, 16mo. 
 Jones, Thomas Wharton, F.R.C.S., F.K.8., 
 [inilt, vol. i., add.,] b. 1808, at St. Andrews, ScotliUiil; 
 educated at the University of Edinburgh ; settle! in 
 London 1838, practising as uii ophtliainiic surgeon. 
 and holding the position ineotioned niiic, vol. i.. .ml 
 others, till recently, when he retired to Ventnor, Pli uf 
 Wight. 1. A Catechism of the Medicine and Sur;;i'ry 
 Mind, 1,011., |,S6s, |:>,.„, ., ni I ■ •'■ >"'""-', und 
 ""■"f<\„ (11„,„., ,■,; ^■. ,■.,""""''•" '•"'iunuf Stcro. 
 .-|n"c-M,„l lieu! ', r ,s i »- ""^ ;"^''r '"J"^'" "f 
 llu. «. KvMluti,,,, ,f ,1, ,1, ''; '"''••) I'"".. IS72, 
 h:^"m:v,.1!;:!J!- ^/"'r-'- '•,'-■". ..on,,',, IsilM, Mvo 'P'"'"' - <-n,.,uotTuci„.,. li|u,t 
 1 in aS„rio!nf To n ';:'"•■' "^'t" Ki"*'!-.". a,lv„. 
 1^'ir. 2. Tho ]ln,, iTro , ' "'"' *?" '''*'i2; now ed., , 
 ''»''i'»ntH. Illus . :,„,,?"•''"'' ""■"' "f i'« fn-' 
 ;*. riio Tro,« „ ' ho y iJ': ^'"'"-« -d., lsr». 
 iiM'l .Mot,il», l,on., IS i7 |2,„' "'• '"■' ■''<""'■ Min,.r„l«, 
 l^^'i. |.. Hv„, """"'-''I- I'l'gcndary, .\nocd..tal, Lon., 
 ;ytl'o '"e"MHo (,r iMLs ,' 1 I IviMs ^ "torust: Mr, Jumoh 
 dirs 11,0 b„„k i,s mil.''_,4';<!^';?^,','''iV f'^;„;'>''l eaa.le,.s'lll,„\' 
 >. History and AfiatBi-., ^'c'l. ' • ' 
 H.Mli.,KMhoScaand.4ame' Vr- "''. ^'^ ^'""''"^■- in- 
 .i.;."J.ani..„.ryof lClia,ho„ s'^r'n ""'' ^""'""- 
 oxf..,. iHu; o;],l':^^'H'^^s''.':tfr''o/'•,r!^^•''''«'<''' 
 K'-»"eiliation of (Vod anTjian .""' ^ ^™''"'' "" 'he 
 an account of hi« doa fnlTith Z", '^' '"' I'^blishcd 
 an's Magazine, which led to 1 ,1 "?""'^ '" ''^''"""il- 
 Iri^l. Church from tho -oi„t o? V ™"'i">-«'-V- L The 
 >"^'". l.on., ms, 12mo 2 Th p ?^ ""« °'' "« Lay- 
 tl-r'h, Dublin, ,S6«Xo 3 Wh t h^V^^ ""^ '"'l' 
 t" J" Lis Duty, Lon.; IS80 ;Vv/ ^""'""■■'' "•"» '""d i 
 iM";|i:t!f itt,^^^;^^ ?^^:iri?"«'>' j"'>" j^uu in 
 "ini from it have a «-i,i ,.>'"•"'''''""" the le,s,S(jns \ n 
 '"•'•"''■"""lly i. llkte A ' ^■""•"",'-' ""'" those he w.,,, ,1 
 !,"."■ m„l .so, i .''''''-vA'7,i'iS"^'t''tU'-«! teaclu^ng is prac ' 
 '"'"' '" 'tc'oc'k.snro man s, ffl, 1.,?^;. "'"",'^» '" 'h» g md 
 ;l;;r - -e^e, the rov^itn;S> ,^?^:!^i^,^S;;;rj,l' 
 V.'-58 "*"" H. Federal Taxes and State 
 K«|ionHe«,- or, Tho Di....,., r a 
 l;.JI, and canon of i;.li?l :VV ro 'l' 7?'-''!'-Ar''' '^'"" 
 <'f W . .(ono,^ of tho KolitfioM.Tr,. c 7 "• '• '*'<'""'riiil» 
 «"n. |.„n., I s,„i, .sv" "•' r, ' ^''''i'^- ">' '''" '^''le't 
 with rra«,luti„„,, r,„n., ^r . ""I""^^^.'- .'"■"•'■»l'"nloJ 
 I'ury, ,><ali,,hnrv, 1^7. I o « i r'?'' "'"'y "' •'*»li»- 
 "i".«<;rio,V) I,o-n., I,s'>';, ,, ■ , ": •";",""'^y. l"I'io.e,an 
 ^ftruberionso alias diotuin ^ ;,'■''■, ^ ''"f H''Ki"lrurn 
 I HoKiiter of S. 0,su,und, I,,r;i/ n I'"'' ,' /''''-""I'i ' "'» 
 I ii.. f.on., |,h,m;(-,si , hV," " ' "''• '' ''"''■ '■ "nd 
 to;!:!'^;:!;r;^r J;7-.<W. Prankish .. et- 
 sni. Ito. "^ "' '^"'"''». tvor!.o.] Chi,.., IS7fl, 
 on-'Z'^^,f^:^'::;^'|i^l;^ ';rime. Considerations 
 Jonrs.Parry. Pee I-Aim, 
 D"."estic. l!o„.!^l,w. |i\J;"-'"'-' ^•"'""l. Military, and 
 T.i.X"|5C",r'f:r'fho ;'"'"";"^'' " '^'"'^ "f ^"«'«. 
 Francis II. j.,nla'n,„TC.o' "'a ^''^r''"^' ''^''- '" 
 and Memory, Uichimmlv ',..'• blowers of Hope 
 ">"nd.. her ^rilo"; „„""•./;:•• '^«'. I2mo. 2. Kiel,. 
 '8«r, 8ro. ;;. l?cf?dM,'i,, f'""'v'^''''"'- "ielimond, 
 Jordan, Mrs. 1).m '"'?/''■■ » '""«''" ''"«• ''^«^- 
 Cin., 1873, 18„,„ • "• '"• Ko,se.uary Leaves: Poom., 
 viS"^""' Slnnie*!-'^' "^^ '??•"" ««'- 
 '«75 : profcsor of b „1. ''" ''l!'"""' /Medioal College 
 has boon assistan tto 1„*^. i" If^.'T ^"'"""-V '«7«; 
 published numeron.s inerl ' „ !' ^''^mission, Ae., and 
 1. Manual of the Ve X , Anierican ichthvology. 
 States East of .0 M ™ T„f, V " -""l^"'" ^'"'^^i 
 lina and Tennessee evh ':'";'» '"■."' "^ '"f-"-"' <'n™- 
 1876,, new ed" 1^ %",' *'■'"",• ,«peeies. Chic. 
 Chio., IMT, i2n,o. With (J ... r, '^'^•"»'™ Sketches, 
 "f the Fishes of Norih i''"' ^"'^'"'f-s F- Synopsis 
 Wash., lm,8vo '^ ^""'"'"'- ^'»''- by U.S.^Go^Vi! 
 Tordan, F. 1 ^t,.„„. \ t . 
 'r;.^' -'s 'by L. ^;.i;fS ^»"-;f,i;^-»;a an,, 
 Muehlb,ich, N. York ,?«? r" """^ ^""^■'""•- by L 
 Milton „nd'bTi;„'';s''b;T'R™- v% TT.-' '""^^ 
 Jordan, Frank T» .'v *' ^ • ^""^^ ""'S 8*-o. 
 1881, 12mo. • ^""^ ^«'"-8 abaft tho Alast, i'hila., 
 Jordan, Furneanx, F R r q .,, r 
 to Queen's Hospital liirniinirhn ' l'"'^"'""- "f '"rgery 
 I to Clinical Surgery, Lon sTh^?- '• ,^" Introduction 
 "f Surgical rnflam'mations bv a v""'^. - ^ Trcatn,ent 
 ;>■• «TO. :i. On Clinical Fin.V?''" ?'•'"''• ^°"-' '870, 
 i dross, Birmingham" 872 Svo?% ^".'^''JP'^y Ad^ 
 ■""'uding tho Hastings p..! ^•.^"fg'™' Fnquirios: 
 i of Surgical Inflam S^™y "" '^''ock, the Treatment 
 Ituros,- 2,lod., L»n.. SSo'svo ^"'f""« Clinical Leo- 
 ology in Charaeiorr'an Inguirv inV ^""^r^ ""'l Physi- 
 formation and the Phvsi^r^ "'''' "'e Anatomical Con- 
 -ith a Chapter on "^pry'stZ;'':","/''' "'/--'-- 
 Edurafio,,, Vocation, Morair/n.P "'"''" ,Am,ir,-in 
 or. 8vo. ' '""™I8, and Progress, Lon., 1S86, 
 I.on!'LS85",',,";o"' **"«"^' I'lantageoet: a Novel, 
 KleinenUry C'ryitBllogrnphy, 
 Jordan, Jfinnri H 
 Liiii., I'*"'!, r.'iMii. , ^^ I 
 Jordnii, JaiiiPfi f. 'I'lio .MiiniiK<'iiieiit uf Slinup 
 anil Hl'iioi.H. I'lirl I. .MrllMiurno, IM17, t>\o. 
 Jordan, Jiimu-n H. llfiiry <-r Nuvurrc; »r, A ] 
 Story <f the llu(5iiiriiit-i iiiii their Koyiil t'hiultuin, l.on., 
 Jordan, Ilev. John, reaur u( t'hiir.h KiKhnie, 
 OxforJ. 1. A Cunitu'.- Vniva .if Chiircrh llilMrni. liun., 
 \XM Mvo. 2. I'linicliiiil lliftnr.v >>( lOiii-luiin, Oxlunl- 
 .hlr«',, \X!>7. p. «>'-■ AUu, umiiy i,iiini.hl.)t'. 
 Jordan, Jolin Woolf, h. I'^l". m (-hinKrlphm, 
 P,i. ; iissisdint lilriiriiin "I thi' Hi«t()rle..l ^^ty uf 
 l'enn«yUiiniii,an.l •Mit..r of the IVnnolviuiiii .Mii^.uinu 
 of llislcirv »n.l Uiojjmphy. 1. F.R.,lon«l ml i.ii.l it« 
 8lorkii.lB.i Mill : II M.inivi.iii Chnmiulo, Urihluhuni, In., 
 1877. 2. A lU^l UcKO from tl.o DMi'ii Imie, 1 "W. .1. 
 HoinethlnK uboi.t Tn.n.boooi., ISSI. 1. Oocuputioa uf 
 Now York bv tlii' llriliMh, 177^1 li**:<, 1'*'*^ 
 Jordan,' llichiird, ru^i-'tnillon ttgont. The Coiii- 
 pimicH Aots, IMi.' uimI 1^(17: U.K>k of I'niuticul 
 Instruction for Ihi' Forrnution iiml Miinu«oment ol 
 Joiiit-Slook CoinimnipH. I.on., Isii7, Svo i 6th e.l., 1>..>. 
 Jordan, llob«'rl Jiifob. Sklo Uineimea ainl thuir 
 Riiinc'liert, Loii., l^iiO, l:'nio. 
 Jordan, Hun. 'riiomiiH, b. |Hl\t, in I.urfty Vulloy, 
 Vii.; Kriiduiitwl ut the U.S. Mililiiry Ai-ii.leiny ISKI; 
 norvoil in th« .Mi'xicun ; wiis ii brigmliernfiioriil in 
 the ConfuiliTiiti) lUiny in the civil war, iiml oominiin.lfr- 
 in-oliiof of Iho in-'urgcnt forces in thi' Cnban in.^urrec- 
 tion of IHI17-70. The .><outh ; it." I'ro.lnct-, Oomniorijo, 
 ami KosourOTs, Ivlin.iin.l I.on., isrtl, '^vo. With I'eivoii 
 .1. H., The (,'ani|iMi(;ns of LiiMitirimit-dioicnil N. li. Koi- 
 real an^l of Forrest's Cavalry, N. York, I-IIH, Svo. 
 Jordan, llev. TlioinnM, D.U., ^maimtud at Trin- 
 ity I'ollcKi', Unblin, IS.'id; onlainul 1 S,V.' ; rector of | 
 Mnxhe.'alult Kinee IS7S. The .-^loio .Morali.-l» an.l the 
 Chrisliann for the First Two reuturie-, (IJonnulliin Ia'C- ^ 
 tures.) Dublin, ISSn, p. ,Svo i 2.1 e.l., US4. 
 Jordan, Willinni Ii('i«liton, F.H.H..^., asaoolato 
 of the Inst'.tutuof Civil Kngiiieflra. I. The Kb inenis : 
 an Inventigrttion of the Foreea •.hi..h iletoiinine the I'.i- | 
 Bltion iinil Movements of the Ocean an.l Atmosphere, 1 
 liOn., IStiii-117, 2 vole. r. Svo. 
 lie reader will observe that the theory of emiiiter- i 
 attraetl.iii MiuKesle.l in the f..ll.nvlii;,' piwes. .Lies ii.,t sup- 
 plRiit the Newt.iiiiaii Ihi'.iry of eeiilrlpelal and eeiitr lim'iil 
 forces, hut uiniplv .lelliies the .il the latter hiree ; 
 lualiitiiiiiii;!,' that'tlu' f.irmer is attraell.iii pr.ici'e.liiiK 
 solar Kmvltatloii,aii.l the hitter attraction procee.liiis? Inmi 
 astral uravilatioii."— /lii(/ior's I'njnrc. 
 2. A Treatise on the .if Vis Inertia- in the 
 Oeoan,, IstiS, Svo. 3. The Ocean: its Tblos and 
 Currents, an.l their Causes, Lon., IS73, Svo; 2.1 e.l., rev. 
 anl abridged, Issa. 4. Replies to Critics of "The 
 Ocean: its Tides and Currents," .do., L.m., lS7fi, Svo. 
 5. Kemarks on Kecent Oouanio Explorations, .tc, Lon., 
 1S77, Svo. fi. The Winds, and their .St.iry of the W.irl.l, 
 Lon., 1S77, Svo. 7. A Lecture on the Win. Is, Ocean 
 Currents, and Ti.les. Illust. L.m., 1S7.S, Svo; now ed., 
 1S81. S. The Argentine Hepuhlic: a Descriptive nn.l 
 Hist.irioal .Sketch, L..n., |s7.s, Sv.i. 9. Letters on the 
 Tone of Science and the New Theory of Vis Inertiie,, 18711, Sv.). 10. The Stan.liir.l of Value, Lon., 
 18S2, p. Svo; oth ed.. with a Review .if the Evi.lence 
 Bubmittc.l to the R.iyal Com nissi.m on (iol.l and Silver, 
 1SS8, 183.S. 11. The New i rinciplea .if Natural Philos- 
 ophy, Lon., ISS,^, Svo. 
 Josa, Kev. Fortunato I'ictro Luigi, educated 
 at St. Augustine's C.illege, Canterbury ; or.liiinc.l IS71; 
 rector of Holy Trinity, E.ssenuibo, British (Juiana, since 
 1884. "The Apostle of the Indians of Guiana :" a Me- 
 moir of the Life and Labours of the Rev. W. H. lirett, 
 B.D., for Forty Years a Mi8i;i.jnnry in British (juiana. 
 Illust. Lon., "lSS7, or. Svo. 
 Joscelyne, Ida. 1. Love's Revenge, (founded on 
 Fact.) I.on., Is7y, 2 vols. p. Svo. 2. The Marvellous 
 Little Honsekce|ier8, Lon., 1880, lUnio. 
 Joseph, George. Vanessa Faire : a Novel, Lon., 
 1877, p. Svo. , „ . , , 
 Joseph, Henry Samuel. Memoirs of Convicted 
 Prisoners. Lon., 18.')3, Svo. 
 Joseph, N. S. Religion, Natural and Revealed ; a 
 Series of Progressive Lessons for J- wish Youth, Lon., 
 1879, or. Svo. , „ 
 Josephs, Matthew. The Wonders of Creation, 
 and other Poems, Lon., 1876, p. Svo. 
 Joiielyn, .'Wrd. C. It. I. .School- Dayn lit ("liocorua, 
 llo«l., |HH|, IHmo. 2. South Shore, Hont |SH1, Irtm.i. 
 Joutn, Kev. I.ouls, S.J., b. IHIH, in llerlm, Pru- 
 lia; reiiioveil l.ilho Inite.l Stales In 18 IS, an.l has <iii !., 
 been pr.ilessor of mental philos.ildiy in .lesuit college . 
 Evideii.'es .it llcliKi.iii. X. V.irk, |S77, I2in.i. 
 Joiilf, lliMilamin Nnint John liaptlit. 1. A 
 ('olUclioii of W.iiils I.I which Music has been 
 or a.laple.l for Ise in the Clooftl Service, Lon., IH.V.i, 
 xvo. 2. A Letter to Mr. .1. II. Tiike, in Answer to lii- 
 Pamphlet, " Irish Dinlress und Us Retnedles," Lon , 
 ISMl, >v.l. 
 Jonli', rrancls. Notes on Levltlcui. Edited by 
 0. II. I'eiubei-. I.on., ls7U, Svo. 
 Joule, Jnmeti PrcHfOtt, 1S17-1881I, b. at Snl 
 for.l, l.ancai-hiic. i. .New Deteriiiiniilion of the M.' 
 cbaiiical Th.'..r-v of llcnt, L.m.. Is71l, 4lo. 2. Scienliii.) 
 Papers, il'liv-i.'al Sue. Pub.) Lon., 1SS4-S/, 2 \.ils. Mi. 
 1 Jourdain, Utntrive AlHBRrr. I. Sunshine at 
 I Lust: a Tale for the Y.iuiiK, l..m., |sl!2, 12ni.i. 2. Tli. 
 Weililinu-Dav : a St.irv foun.lcd upon Fuel, I. op., l".'. 
 U'mo. :i. The .lournal of a Wailing (iontlewoini.i,, 
 Lon., istirt, p. Svo. I. Chancis and Changes: Stunis 
 .if the Past an.l Present, L.m,, 1S72, 12ii;o. 5. .Miiiil 
 Lealhwait: an Aiilobi.igraphy, Lon., Is7«. cr. Svo. I'l. 
 An Essay on the Inipi.iveinents in the E.lucation ..I 
 Chil.lreii an.l Young People .luring the Eighteenth iiimI 
 Ninelceiith Ceolnries, (i'li/,.' EsMiy.) Lon,, ISSO, svo, 
 Jourdnn, Mrw. Mary Jane, .1. lsrt;\ wile ..I C.I. 
 .lour.lan, ol Ibe Ma. Iras nriiiy. .Min.l's .Mirror: Pooti.'ul 
 Sketches; with Minor P.ienis. By .M. J. J ii. 
 Ellin., ls,'i«, Svo. , ^ , 
 Jowett, Rev. lU-iiianiin, LL.D., ['-»i», vol. i,, 
 add.,] b, 1SI7, at ('iiinliciwell. Eng. ; e.lucuted at St. 
 Paul's Seh.iol, and al lialfol College, O.vfor.l, where lie 
 graduated, Hist class Lit. Iluin,, Isilil; was Fell.iw |s:>- 
 71), an.l tutor 1812-711, ami was then ele.'te.l ina,-ler ; ..r- 
 .laine.l ls42; vice-.-ban.'ellor of the univ.Tsity l^--;;--!;; 
 Regius p .4e.-Hir.if (ireek since IS.o. He eontiiliiilc-l 
 to the eelchrate.l " Essays an. I Reviews" an essay "h tlie 
 Interpietati.m .)f Scripture. I. (Trims.: The Duilogii. s 
 of Plaio: with Analyses and Introdu.'ti.ins. l...n., Isl, 
 i4 vols. Svo; 2.1 e.l.", IS75, .') vols. (An in.lex to ilie 
 ' work, forniiiig a separate volume, wi'S compiled by Kvo- 
 Ivn Abbott. '/. r . «.'/"■".) , , ,, 
 i ■■•The present work Is iniiinlv, tli.iiii;h not wlmlly, nl a 
 ' noiiiihir character. It isa.l.lre -e.l t.i a «i.l>; Iml ii"t Lie 
 ' wiliest eirele .if rea.lers. The ..i.ire Meiuoiil i.; uiU 
 harillv think it within his li.irl/.m t.i .litlcreiitinti' lulu 
 fr.iiii I'lotlinis, lint will put holli asi.le as ' lo.i leiinuM Inr 
 them Hut there still reiniiiii iiiii.nii.' the niilli.ii;> ol I'.iii; 
 lish-speakim! lueii a lew wliow has been ciiin. .1 
 rKrei'..iii.'h t.i make llieiii reaMHiubly a imit 1 bi[u, 
 Ihoimh tliev have ii..t iiciniied .•hi.sslcii kn.iw I.-.Ik;' ennu-h 
 . to rea.l him in Hie oriKiiial, Kveii the elassiiiil s.iM, i.I 
 wh.i reiiils (ireek. lull imt Ihieiitly, iiiav be u-lail oi hmcii 
 \ e.iniiietent iiii.l iniMw.irthy Kiii.le an.l el.i,-et (■.iiiii.iiiii.-ii. 
 The elab.iralely written intr.i.lnclioii- with which ciuli 
 dialoKiie is piel'aeed are skilfully conlrived to nie.l the 
 refHiirenieiit.s of both these classes ol reaileiis. —Sut. I.ti., 
 xxxi. 471, 
 1 2. (Trans.) Thucydidcs : with Introduction, Miir;;iii;il 
 I Analvsis, Notes, anil Indexes. Oxford. ISSI, 2, '\" 
 i " Students will be as grateful to Pr.if.'ssor J.nvett (..r Ins 
 sec.iiiil volume (colitainiiiK the iiotesi as they wiH b.; mi.lj 
 to with the aid of his tirst,"— .Nil. lyr., In. i-l. 
 ;t. (Trans.) The Politics of Aristotle: with Iiitr.i.liu'- 
 tion. Marginal Analysis, Essays, Notes, and liili.e,", 
 'tjxf.. 1885. 2 vols. Svo. 
 -Certaiiilv those wh.i think, and whose I. reek eniililcs 
 them t.i ,i.*'" an inilepen.leiit jiiilgnieiit. may salely "I'l"'!' 
 many a less.m in style Inun this as Iroio all Uie iraiisliitors 
 writi'm-'s, if they can e.imiuer the irritation ol iii.e>M.iit 
 orrectiiig an.l the fatigue of a perpetinil wa eh, AilI he 
 other reader, if he must rea.l sumething eaUe.l •\i'-l" L 
 and is wi'-'iig, in spite of all, to siirreii.ler hiiii,-elt m tlic 
 arts of the Professor, by all means let him liCKin. . . He 
 will most likely go on t.i the eii.l, and "se with " i''"';" » 
 I sense of having achieved the 'politics. Ihe' 'l™"- 
 back is that he will be mistaken,"— .Nil. Kcv., Ixi, i<\<. 
 ' Jowi'lt, William, sergeant of the 7th Fir-il.'ers, 
 Diary, written .luring the Crimean War: to winch is 
 a.ldcil a Brief Memoir, Bceston, 18.56. Sv i. 
 Joy, J. M. 1., and other Poens, Lon., li-.o. 
 12nio. 2. The Two Mothers, Lon., 1879, cr. Sv.., 
 Joyce, Arthur J. 1. The Cossack and the Furk, 
 Lon., 1SJ3, 12nio. 2. Last (liiiiipses of, 
 Lon., 1S5", 13mo. , 
 ! Joyce, Rev. James Wayland, M.A.. i!"!-- 
 ^1887; graduated at Christ Church, Oxford, ls;il.'; or- 
 .laincd 1838; rector of BurfonI from 1843; prclicndary 
 ,of Hereford from 1S68. 1. England's Sacre.l .-ynodi! 
 » fonnlllutlonill Ifiriturv of tl.. r> 
 'I" ,"'""-- '.i.o' ";.."",•.„„'• ,':;''■;'' """r' '■' 
 the Intr.Mliicti,,,, „| |,„itv i , ', lv„ "i ,. ' *'"• ''• "» 
 ^^J..yce.J„|„, A. A .V.,k„rc.,i Ufo. . h|„., ,.Hs;,, 
 :r-^;5":i^ .^^;;:,^:;;:r^;:l■':::l-;;l!,^;?;-- 
 " Ills whcili- iiU'lliiiil Is si'l,. 11(111,1 . II , 
 '■"'"'tr.v a ma, m avi /', l""'.'''"; ;<"riM,f any 
 tains ,.ne hun.Jre.l aira with i i„ ' " '* ""■ 
 i,:*''','''"' ""'"•'■« ,">»yer, M.D., .m.r.i.a. isio 
 i;e,,;;i:;e':t'i;;:^;!;:.;r;;;^:^i,,'^;^7;'' k^t'""' '• '- 
 '" """ nly, where l„ v,? V '^"'''"'- ""<! pnu.lis,..! 
 i.i".i. liost.. Mis .■'„„;.■ >''"''"" ,"".""' "'"■•« '" !'•- 
 'i-1- Talcs ■n,..;,s"i„; "■•'',"•, -^v^:"' P'^o- 
 "I" : Sena, ani 1 ,,;„;. ,"""'«'*' "< Inxl. Chiv- 
 Bo^i.: IMr«; Hlmo. ''■"' f"'''"'^ ("NoNatto" Ser..) 
 ^'.rnHnit »i,i.narv'«o,^,:;'::r;';ff"? ";'« '■■■"»''•'• wi.i, 
 -"■e|.c;H.,ln^'tn»Hu.lLw,Vu.,n J •;'■■' '''\''^ »'"' 
 "f n|rt.|,"_An(/<,«, .^xiv 1" "■"""'> PnwiKes thalwiury 
 .uJ'li:"ln!:;^l;f^;;;?-Ki^i;f'Vi-;-|K. prose. . . . „ ,,. 
 a.sH-,.h,.v.. "..,.!.':" '!'i''-"^.'lf^^' "I'll 'in iliiKist 
 jun ■ 
 l>nMiii. I,H(1,', m,, ■*'"""' "'•»''i"K« luwi of Iri.|«,„|, 
 12111. ,, * '"''"''"■'•"■•" •"•"litl'Jii, 1.. II., I si)(,, 
 n<^''^tXSs"l'\l:,, '■'"•'- '• "'« Vule,.f Thought, 
 •1)1(1(1, Diivltl \triuhl I. luw ., . 
 Kn.,lua,„,l at Wim;'.;*,'?^.,; I', ',,•;,• ',' '■•",^!-;. ^^l 
 ii» M..thT OniM,.,. Ill, "' '"'■ I'l'l'll" '".I hv 
 On,„K„J,;,r".f,i'^ ;;'•""'' '""•••w»nl, ,,r.'.,i,|,.,„ ,„■ , J, 
 Vcar*' ra.,,,„ii;,„in*^' , vl Ld V"'""'"""; or. Two 
 ««ter, IH»^ l:W ^2 fV ?* ■' ""''..•^""'•ylan.l, Kooh- 
 N". Vork, 1NS2,"2„„, '"'"•' '"""'■ Vol». i. „„,] n., 
 Jim«l, J«'nu.(,,„„,| «;!„,,. 
 Co M,,.N ,0 Author, ami ||i," ",', 
 '^■"1. Hvo. Anon, 
 J"«l«l, John UpNioy, 1, H u 
 Ali-xiindcr II, 
 •Aclvtrtiiior.H, I,oii., 
 fnnu;-. I.on.lun Ish '.•','"'"' "'f Normal iHohool of 
 «l."t they lea.h ('• Ini,,,.,;, """'i':: ' "'"" "' .V "-■'■■• ""M 
 l.on. iHMlJ, ";,', "'"■"""i"""l-Scien.illu".St.r.) IlluM. 
 S's.;;;ii,,;:;£S ''"«■"'"": 
 ■rimo, N.'Vork,, ,..,',',,' "' ''"■'"'* '» 'l'" l'i«.se«t 
 M^^i^i'^a.i^r:;"?^::';^:;;::-^,!;!;'"'.. ,,„ 
 "«v„,-o( Ma««a,.h,i«,t, an,l f^f V'' "'«. '"-'"'-.V "I' "'» 
 '•^K'n i."!i'r; >;;;:"''''"■' ^'^'"-•''"'^-t 80- 
 JiulBP, .>|ak If ^' ,'"■'!' "*'''■ '"*»">■ 
 Lon„ IS8S, ,Svo '^ " Jlctrojiohtau lioani of Work..; 
 JiidHon, Rev. Edwnrri n i> i, , 
 ">"in, Jiurmah, son of Sr '4? ■• ^' ',"•*''" ''"'*"'- 
 -"• i-') gra,luate,l "t Iw^V'^tr'i'Jv' is,"" ""' *""'^' 
 iii'y, -.V.Kio,,, xxix ar, ' '^""'■■"■'""wi.aryinK, exact 
 b.v V,^rr'nX"'Lol'''™"7r' J^^/'-'-y of a Crime, 
 vol, iL'ino. '' ' ' '^' ■* ^'''■'- "<-•'» <''lo 1.H7II. 1 
 InIu„cH„n»;\,^.":'[|,'i^» ^-^ ^'--P'- "f the La^-o^'' 
 H'''rV'"„'„,n,';':;.H^,''''»' V"«- 'T"-^,) Cyprus: 
 Kran. v. nl ! ".'^ r'^^'' "' ''l'!«'l f^""' the German of 
 L»- ..n,l n': Y^r'k.Ts's:,';: svt'""'""'" *'"""• I"-'- 
 in l"elaml!'|,o,; Vasa'^ s^ 'Adventures of a Tourist ' 
 2. Thu Sor- 7v. t'.P- *™ ' 2.1 od,, 188,S, sm, or. 8vo ■ 
 So.':!^lt,^:r^"'»L''0'^ 1;^H4, 8vo.' S. (TrVns ; 
 ^hei^ie of AC^:;:;r;;;,'r^r*,i^'r ■'*«'• 
 Jiidson, Edward Z. f .v ,'„'*'"•, 
 pseu,!.,) l.s:'2-ls,s(j |, :„ „, ,•, V,"' .' ^<-'il lUintline," 
 «■' « boy, an,i when i.,".'.'.;: '''>;''' ""' «'vay to sea 
 <>( a boat that l.»d be, n on T ''1 ""'""^ "'" ""^'^ 
 ^'ew York harl or an, I 1"? hy a ferry-boat in 
 "nren a eo,n mission "' m "u"' ^''"" K'^"''''"' Van 
 Wiiring the civil w„. T ■""'"' 'I'man in the I'.S. navy 
 In,lia,5, lie "in," K,^,V;"' '^""^ '"' '"^""'^ Hinong Z 
 l-pers which Cr rtubM:,';"',''''""''' ,"'""«» <" ^^^My 
 Adams: or. The Den ?n 1'" '"'"'* f"™' "• Elli 
 2. The Rat le nake "r Til' .[TI ,^'' ^■»'''' '■^"•'. 8vo' 
 The (irossbeak Maniion'. tf "'■'"' '''•ivn'eer, l.s«8. ;!. 
 the Saddle: or^Tl " Va ' ' . i "'^ '^C^. "■ I-ife in 
 «i'le« , or, The Do m, of M ?.!""'' ' '"'^- 6. The Parri- 
 X 'teor; or, The Cd ,.•«„,'''"'• "«^- 7. The Vol- 
 ti ■■■il Nun, 1,SB6 V"V' 'V""'"'''^, '""i^' 8- The IJeau- 
 O'arence. Rh^-t/lSSa u^'^-^'Z' "" ''""'"^'- '^««- '"■ 
 ire Trumps, mr 12 ,^""0 "''"'"«'•«'■- Hearts 
 1H«». '3.''RedW;rri r,-,8i,T''",%"i' "'^^'^-' ^^P^- 
 -»• '■•*'»^.an,;^i;-4tWrorBi»,-' 
 927 "' 
 f K ■ 
 1877. 19. Buffalo Bill, 1881. 2.;. Wrestling Joe, ISSl. I Oplithalmio Hospital, WestminstLT 
 21. Tlic B'liDys of Now York. 22. The Huciiineor'a ^ Oplithalmio Science ivnd I'ractice. 
 Diiu^'liter. 2:j. The Consiiirntor's Victim. 21. Tlie 8vo. 
 /••U..1.. ..r \r..... V....1- 0-. iM.r. T»i.-*.] Ii..ii.»l.tnr '^f-. .Iiilinii. tionrnn WflRhinirl 
 A Iland-Uoolt nf 
 Illust. Lon., 1881, 
 (i'liais (if New York. 2a. The Jew's Diiughter. 2fi. 
 A Life Y'lirn. 27. Mvsterics nnil Miseries of New 
 Y'ork. 28. Thic'c Yciir/Afler. 2',). Tiie Wliitc Cruiser, i 
 Jildsuii, Harry rrntt. Ciesar'." Army : a .Stuiiy | 
 of l\n} .Military Art i.f llie Uomiuis in tlic Last Days of j 
 the l{c|iublic. ' Illu.-t. ]i..>t., 1888, 12mo. | 
 JikInoii, JoHUplilis. Dissent Defemleil, Lon., ' 
 ISCiS. Svo. 
 JiiaNOii, L. Cnrroll. 1. A liioiiraphy of the 
 .SigM'ra of the Declaration of In(lc]ienilenc«, ami of 
 Washington ami I'atrick Henry, I'liila., 1 sliil, Ho. 2. 
 The Moral I'robei One llnndrcd ,ind Two Coniincin- 
 Sensc Hs.^ays on the Nature of Men and Things, I'hila., 
 1872, 1 2nio. .1. .<ages and Heroes of the American Uevo- 
 lution, liosl., 8vo, 
 Jukes, Rev. Andrew, ['ih'<-. vol. i.,a<ld.,] h. 18l."i; 
 edncated at Harrow, and at Trinity College, t'ambrliigej 
 ordained 1SI2; obliged Ijy failinK health to give u]) 
 regular work in l.'^Gx. 1. The .*i.\ Days: or, The Various 
 ,«tagcs of (he Work of (jod, Lon.. IS.ii. 8vo. 2. The: 
 Two Ways: or, Brick for Stone and .Slime for Mortar | 
 contrasted with the Tent and the Altar in the Promised , 
 Land. Lim., IS.'io, 12ui... .'!. The Types of (ienesis 
 loriclly considered as revealing the Development of i 
 Human Nature, Lon., Is.i7, ]>. J^vo : .Oth ed., 18S5. 1. i 
 The Church of Clirist : Notes on St. Matthew xvi. i:i- 
 I'.i, Lim.. 1862, 12mn. .'i. The Secontl Death and the 
 Kestitulion of All Things; 2d ed., Lon., 1869, p. Svo; 
 7th ed., 1879. 6. I'harisaism and Self-Sacrilice : being 
 some Thoughts on Scliism and its Kcmedy, Lon., 18; 11, 
 Svo. 7. Catholic Kseliatology Examined : a Eeply to [ 
 the Rev. H. N. Cvenham's Recent I'aper, Lon., 1876, cr. 
 8vo. 8. The New Man and the Eternal Life: Notes on 
 the Reiterated Aniens of the Sun of (Jod. Lon., 1881, p. 
 Svo. 9. The Names of (iod in Holy Scripture : a Rev- 
 elation of liis Nature and Relationships, Lon., 1888, 
 '""jiskes, Joseph Bcete, F.R.S., F.C..S., M.R.I.A., 
 Ac. |(rii(<-, vol. i., add.,] Isll-ls(i9; app'iinteil in 1850 director of the (Jeidogical Survey in Ireland, and in 
 1854 lecturer on geology to the Museum of Irish Indus- 
 try. 1. The Student's Manual of Geology, Edin., 1857, 
 p.' Svo: 3d ed., liy A. Ueikie, 1871. 2. Letters and Ex- 
 tracts from the Addresses and Occasional Wi'it'igs of .J. 
 B. J. Edited, witli Memorial Notes, by his Sister, 
 (C. A. Browne,) Lon., 1871, ]i. Svo. 
 Jukes, KicliHrd. Joseph and his Brethren: a 
 Poem, Lon.. ISO;), ii. Svo. 
 Jukes-llroune. See Biiownk. 
 Juler, Henry Edward, F.R.C.S., junior ophthal- 
 mic siirgeon and demonstrator uf anatomy at St. Mary's 
 Hospital, London ; surgeon and pathologist to the Royal 
 Julinii, George Washington, b. 1817, near 
 Centrevillc, Ind. ; admitted to the bar in 1840: «:i- 
 several times elceteil to Congress, and in 1855 appoints d 
 surveyor-general of New .Mexico. 1. Speeches on Pcilii- 
 ieal (Juestions: with an Introduction by Lydia Marn 
 Child, N. York, ls7], Svo. 2. Political Recolleetim-, 
 1840 to IS72, Chic. ISs:;. 12no>. 
 Julian, llnrry. Aliunde; or, Love Ventures, N. 
 Y'ork, IS""?, 12mo; new ed., entitled " Love Venture>, ' 
 .tc, ISSN. 
 Julius, Julia Matilda. Iloboken, and other 
 Poems. X. York. IstiO, 12mo. 
 "June, Jennie," (Pseud.) See Cholt, Mns. 
 Jk.VSIK, «ii/,/'I. 
 Junian, T. Pagan and Christian Symbolism, Lon., 
 1870, Svo. 
 Junior, Thomas C Luey Carter: a Love-Story 
 of Middle-Class Life, Lcm.. 1887, cr. 8vo. 
 Junkin,llev. David X., D.D., [imtr, vol. i., add..] 
 18(I.S-1SSII. brother of Ucorge .lunkin, D.D., iiifrii ; b. iit 
 Mercer, Pa. 1. The (iood Slewanl; or, System;uic 
 lienclicence an Especial Element of Christianity, Philii.. 
 ls(i4, 16mo. 2. .Memoir of Rev. Oeorge Junkin, D.lK. 
 Phlla., 1S71, er. Svo. Vi'ith Norton, Frank II., Tl.i' 
 Life of Winlield Scott Hancock, Personal, Military, an 1 
 Polilical. Illust. N. York, 1SS», 12nio. 
 Junkin, llev. (ieorge, D.D., [miie, vol. i., add..] 
 17'.U)-ls6S, resigned his ollice as ]iresident of Wasluni- 
 ton College. Lexington. \n., at the beginning of tlo' 
 civil war, ami settled in Philadelphia. For biog., mi 
 .liNKiN, I). X.. mi/ini, 1. Political Fallacies: an Ex- 
 amination of tlie False A.ssuniptions which have hrou,:;lit 
 on the Civil War, N. York. 1SI>;',, 12mo. 2. A Trcaii.-e 
 on Sanctification, Phila., Is6t, 16m... 3. The Two .Mis- 
 sions, the Aposlcilical and the Evangelical, Phila., ISC I, 
 12nio. 4. The Tabernacle ; or, T'e Gospel according tn 
 Moses. Phila., 1865, 12mo. 5. Sabbatismos : a Disiiis- 
 sion and Defence of the Lord's Day of Sacred lie-t. 
 Phila.. 1866, ]2mo. 6. A Commentary upon the Epistle 
 to the Hebrews, Phila., 187:!, 12mo. 
 Junuer, Robert (Gordon. The Practice bcfurc 
 the Railway Commissioners under the Rigulation ni 
 Railways Act, 1873, Lon.. 1874, Svo; new ed.. 1S>1. 
 Ju|>i>, and Edward liaye. Ezzelin : ii 
 Dramatic Poem. Bv Tw" Brothers. Lon., 18811, p. sv>.. 
 Jupp, Edward'Unsil, F.S.A., d. 1877. 1. An lli,- 
 torical Account of the Worshipful Company of Carpen- 
 ters of the City of London, Lon., 1S48, Svo; 2ded., with 
 n Supplement by W. W. Pocock, 18S7. 2. Genealogical 
 Memoranda relating to R. Wyatt, of Hall Place, Shack- 
 Icford, Lon.. 1870, Svo. Privately printed. 
 Justen, Joseph. Notes on Wood, Lon., 1861, svo. 
 Kain, Joseph John. The Light of Life; or. 
 The Secrets of Vegetable and Animal Development, Lon., 
 1885, Svo. 
 Kaines, Joseph, D.Sc. 1. Last Words of Eminent 
 Persons, Lon., 1866, p. Svo. 2. The Love-Poems of All 
 Nations, Lon., 1S6SI, 12mo. ;i. Seven Lectures on the 
 Doctrine of Positivism, delivered at the Positivist School, 
 Lon., 1879, Svo. 4. i Trans.) Elements of Geometry, 
 bv A. C. Clairnnt, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 
 " Kaler, James Otis, b. 1848, at Winterport, Me. ; 
 was associated as journalist and editor with Frank 
 Leslie. He has imblislied books for the young under 
 the name of •'James Otis." 1. Toby Tyler; or, Ten 
 Wjeks nt a Circus. Illust. N. York, Issl, sip Hlnio. 
 2. Mr. Stubbs' Brother: a Secjuel to "Toby Tyler." 
 Illust. N. York, ISs:), si{. lOmo. :!. Tim and Tip; or. 
 The Adventures of ii Boy and a Dog. Illust. N. York, 
 188:;, sq. lUmo. 4. Raisi-g the Pearl. Illust. N.York, 
 1883, 16mo. 5. Left Behind; or, Ten Days a Newsboy. 
 Illust. iv'. York, Iss.), scp lOmo. 6. pilent Pete; or. 
 The Stowaways. Illust. N. York, 1S80, scp lllmo. 7. 
 The Castaways; ur. On the Florida Reefs, N. York, 18SS, 
 12mo. 8. Little Joe, Best., 1888, 12mo. 
 Kaiisch, Kev. Isidor, 1810-1880, b. at Kroto- 
 sehin, Posen ; educated at German universities : re.novcd 
 to tlie 1,'nited States in 1S49, and was rablii I'f con- 
 gregations of Reformed Jews in Cleveland, 0., in Jlil 
 waukec. Wis., I856-.')9, and in other cities. From b,):) 
 to 1S78 he edited the Guide. 1. Lecture on the Smuioc 
 of All Civili/.atiim and the Means of preserving onr 
 Civil and Religious Liljerty ; 2d ed., Indianapolis, Imo. 
 Svo. 2. (Trans.) Lessing's Nathan the Wise, N. York. 
 1S69. 3. A Sketch of tlie Talmud, the World-Re- 
 nowned Collection of Jewish Traditions, and Sepliir 
 Y'ezirah, a Book on Creation: with English Notes iiini 
 (ilossary, N. York, 1S77, I6nio. 4. (Trans.) History of 
 the Pliilo.sophy and Philosophical Authors of the Jcw.s 
 by Prof. Munk, ls81. 5. (Trans.) Ha-Tapnach: fruiii 
 the Hebrew, N. York, ISs.i. 
 Kulisch, Marcus Moritz, (or Morit/ -Mar- 
 cus,) Ph.D.. M.A., 1828-1885, b. at Trcptow, Poincra- 
 nia, of Hebrew iiarents ; was educated at the I'niver- 
 I sity of Berlin, and in 1S48 went to England as a political 
 t rel'ugee, and was for some time a tutor in tlie Kulh.-cliii'I 
 ; frniily. but afterwards turned his attention tu litciiiture, 
 i and liecaine one of tile foremost English Hebrew selmlnis. 
 I 1. A illistorieal and Critical Commentary on the OIJ 
 ; Testament, Lon., 1855-72, 4 vols. Svo. 2. The Life and 
 Writings of Oliver Goldemith • T,„„ t . ^'^^ ' 
 , p. Sy, 
 joj-mentof his meuUI i' ,^ ,>," ^^^l,'" V tl.c l,>";.n.' I-.'"- '|»'l Chi,.., IS.S7, si, '^'"''*"- *'''!'» anJ lilus,. 
 !■■■iiI:l-'^r-n„e^Us;r;i^.>^^;;;l-;^'^^■l^;:^;Wu. -^;| -■^n.phicjU .^^f ^^^:;:r^ f;j^« ^ -^e a 
 IS fam,. ihan jiulire of Hm-.i^k -!**"'". ^i'.t"n-, 
 lai.orions ri.«..,.r,.i. ...v.. ,' I"!'"" "■ i^.i hut ol n,,. „„,/( 
 Ion., I.x7:i, ,,. ,sv„ • ^fi""", ami other I'ooins 
 :T™?r?'s,'i,',«ii7rt'o,:r„f '?,«-''■'' «• '^^ 
 '//«..".», by Juliu? .M Kb vol i "'«*":"•"« ^o-^U"! 
 L'tems, N. Yorii, IS(is s\.„ *"'• '•"^ff'=«ti"i'=! of the 
 C^:<^:^^'l;.^: '""'""^'■' ^ -^ '"""»' '" «-en 
 JlS'^'e', " lo";, aml^n'flL'";' ^'r,''."'« ^ 'heOpiu,„, 
 York, 1882, rfi,,'"" ^'"= '" ^"'"'"^ ""'I Chi'na, N. 
 Kane, J. mackbiinie. Iovp. r k 
 preacher at Lined;:; I^n ", ^^'^ »^";rey ,s,„i.8_, 
 ••^tii'ly of Logic, 0.x f l4 ?,„ o- '• ■■^"•l-* I" the 
 'i-m of the Lor "4 iw,: V,"''r: ^^•"- 2- An E.xpo.i- 
 I-iacticnl, Lon., iNil s ''' ^ ,""""';'■ Doctrinal, an,l 
 Future: a Manual fo,. r.lfirm,,- ',"■"•' '""•^''"'' ""'1 
 •«^^'.-mo. «.Th:Vl';\^"t;J-^;>;er,Lo„.. 
 Keference to Mod ,^ Tr'^ k7 r"y''' »"h *^l> 
 The F h rV l,l""'ght, Lon., 187.'!, „ Sv, 
 Church, eonJidere, in us Hi ? """^ V*^ ""^ English 
 Manners in which t, ntemi^ '7', '" ' '""■ ""'' "'« 
 8vo. '' '-^ intendcl to be used, Lon., 1876, 
 lVnn..ylvnnia hunter and lo:l!o,.^k™""' " '■?«'""'"' "^ 
 tail.-," was a l.ri,!. ' '""Seis l<nown as the "Buck- 
 ''i^^'l>le<l by woun s rl' "'."^''■r.'j'' '" ''^"2, and, bein. 
 •''>'"'■. 18i^^) 2 AlaskfTsVs" 'Th '; Tl.oMo'rn,on;: 
 Kane. W P ,i„ v- ' '^^ <^""''uila, 1877. 
 II "" LoJ^'l^s-^'l.Vvr"*- ^^"■'"-" «""-fli-. 
 Knpp, Friedricli, Pii.D is'>4 iS8i u 
 ^.i-«Ma,- educated at Heid" be^J andlff ' ''• 1' "•^""»' 
 -v.n lierlin; resi,lcd in Ne?Y r, ?8'^7"'^' »'"Ji«J 
 law. am fi-n.., luu-. ..,.: '■"^^ 18311-70. nrnntao.i 
 K„ yutaren, Lon., 1883, p. 8vo ' '"""S 
 Kauriimiiii, Rev. Mniitl \t a 
 Trinity College, Dublin T-^^r.^',''"^-/ Sradtrnted at 
 several foreign cWWncp^' ""^"'"^l^ '^<"-- has held 
 r""!:C;i^!f ^:^J^-^- Af-T.^.. I.C.K. Eleetri^ 
 ^^;--n^a„d IMstS^;,"j;;!„:f,^-'^-'ti„n, Hub 
 1^ • ■■■• ■"'"., IOC 
 «bourYo,VrVe"; "' I'etch^!"^. T °"8'" '" Kn">» 
 I'on., 1877, Svo. ' "'"'''" "' """"in I'hjsiology, 
 r»S"c "' Ba^e"n gSv''"'"';*"'"' *>• '^^'^ »' 
 Military ,.cade>nv'l8,2.",^™''''^'«'' "' •''« l'-«. 
 Regular ar„,y. He hL^s ll; ' ' "'r'!"'-^"^"""' i" "'o 
 y J'e "as sineo swved in California and 
 Ise.i, U-mo. 2. Customs of'"?"' ' '<• ' ""'■'•1 
 t\f"'>\''"nKrntulate .Mr k-H,,?S''-^ '''">' ^''tciisivp... Kiivniingh, Arthur Th n ■ 
 I Kav„„„gh, B,i,^', „„V^J„,i«. The Pe, 
 ■i* < l! » 
 Fountain, and utlior Fttiry-Tnlcs 
 p. Hvo 
 IIUi?t. I.on., 
 Kavanagli, Mrs. James W. Tho Gift 
 ing Three Catholic Tales, Lon., lSfl3, 16ino. 
 Kavanagli, Julia, [nnii, vol. i., add.,] IS21-IS77. 
 1. .Silvia, Lon., 1870, :; vol.". (i. ^vo. 2. Ilefsie, Lon., 1S72, 
 3 vols. p. Hvo. li. John Dorrien, Lon., |H7.':, .i vols. p. j J. LiiMdiiucr. Lon., 1H79, Svo. 
 l.'<7fi, ! Piinlm?, tmn.«liited from the Hebrew; with Notes. Ciil- 
 eutlu, 186:!; new ed., Lon., 1871. 4. Crisis Ilupftldiiuiii, 
 Lon., 18(55. i>. A Commentary on St. Paul's Two Ki.i- 
 tics to the Corinthians, I,on., 1SS7, 8vo. I'osth. ,\\f . 
 Xotes on L'-aiah, Ac., in "The Speaker's Coiiinientarj.' 
 Kay, William K. (Trans.) Blowpipe Analysis, Ij, 
 8vo. 4. Two Lilies, Lon 
 1877, 3 vols. p. 8vo. b. For- 
 gct-Mo-Xots, Lon., 1878, .'. vols. cr. Svo. 
 " Miss Kavaimuirs books are always rendalilo niid lady- 
 like She is an aide f.\]>onent of female eharactcr, Willi a 
 clmrm nt lier own. which niav, perhn])S, he altrihuted to 
 her Cellic nationality."— .U/i.. No. -3l(i. 
 Kavanagli, .Maurice Ui'unis, LL.l)., called to 
 the bar at the .Middle Temple I8til). 1. The Universal' 
 Table-Hook, Lon., 18tiO. 2. .Shenuis Dhu, the Ulack 
 Pedlar of (Jalway, Lon., 1867, p. Svo. I). A Few Cases 
 illustrating liritish Uulo in India, Lon., 1885, Svo. Also, 
 rtavanagh, .Morgan Peter, [unit, vol. i., add.,] 
 d. .874. Origin of Languages and Myths, Lon., 1871, 
 p. 8vo. 
 '■Tho siraiid iiriiiciple i,>f the author] may be slated 
 slionlv eiiiiiigh. While men .■mild not yet speak with their 
 moutlis, but hel.'. intercourse only by signs ami gestures 
 they looked up at tlie sun and made their months round 
 after his form, and .so they began botli t.i say and to write 
 0. This O was presently taken to signify lamongsl other 
 thingsl unitv, and so was /, stftiiding for one linger. ... 
 The conibinatioii iiiadeo: . . . and Iroiii this primeval C) 
 and /siirangall the tongues and all the alphabets ot the 
 Wiirlil."— .s';irWil/or, xliv. 1401. 
 Kavanaugh, Kev. Itenjamin Taylor, 18(15- 
 1888. Klectricity tho Motive Power of the Solar System, 
 N. York, 18S(i. 
 Kavanangh, Mrs. Uiissell. Original Dramas, 
 I)ial"gues, Declamations, Ac. Louisville, 1867, 16mo. 
 Kavaugh, Thomas Henry, late deputy commis- 
 sioner of Oude. How I won tho Victoria Cross, Lon., 
 1860, 12mo. Also, pamphlets relating to his removal 
 from ofiice. 
 Kay, Alexander. Florine: a Dramatic Poem, 
 France and her Proposel 
 Kay,H'illiam Henry. 
 Constitution, Lon., 1853, 8vo. 
 Kay-Sliuttleworth. See SiifTTi.Kwourii. 
 Kayat, Asand Yacoob. Arabic without a Mas. 
 ter, Lon., 1870, 12mo. 
 Kaye, John Hrayshaw. Songs of Lake (Jenivn, 
 and other Poems, N. York, 1882, sq. 16mo. 
 Kaye, Sir John William. K.C.S.I., F.U.S., [.o,;,, 
 vol. i., add.,] 1814-1876, was for some years an oIlii.T 
 of artillery in India, where he started the Calcutta 1;.. 
 view. He retired from the service in 1841, entered th. 
 home civil service of the East India Company in IS.i., 
 and on the transfer of the government of India to i\v 
 Crown succeeded .John Stuart Mill as secretary t" the 
 political and secret department of tho India Office. I. 
 Christianity in India: an Historical Narrative, L"i:. 
 1850, Svo. 2. (Kd.) Autobiography of Miss Cornelia 
 Knight, Ladv Companion to the Princess Charlotte 'if 
 Wales,," IsBl, 2 vols. Svo. 3. A History of llio 
 Sepoy War in India, 18,')7-58, Lon., 1864-75, 3 voN. 
 Svo; vol. i., 4th ed.. 1865; vol. ii., 5th ed., 1881; v..i. 
 iii., 2d ed., Is76. (The narrative is brought down li> ihe 
 fall of Delhi. For continuation, see M,ii.LKS0N, (i. II., 
 ■" The man who would write contemporary liistory wiili 
 inipartlalltv must be made of sterner stiill than he. luid 
 his jieii must lie dipped s.mietimes in a Huid bitterer tliiiii 
 tlie lubricating mixture which serves Sir Jcdiii Kaye l.^r 
 ;nk."— .'-■a*. Utii, xli. 112. 
 "Complicated and varied as was the drama, its salient 
 points are presented to ns with clearness and precision. 
 In short, tho art of the practised historian liasout of < liiios 
 the most bewildering evolved a well-ordered and coiii|.ie- 
 liensive narrative."— -1(A., No. 2.'d7. 
 4. Lives of Indian Officers, Illustrative of tho History 
 'Kay, Alexander J. The Age of Gold, and other '' of the Civil and Military Services in India, Lon., 1867, 2 
 - ■ ■ _ Lon., 1851. , vols. Svo; new ed., 1880. 
 Poems. I!v an rpholsterer. 
 Kay, David, F.H.G.S. l. Austria-Hungary, (" For- 
 eign Countries and British Colonics,") Lon., 1880, or. 
 Svo. 2. Education and Educators, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 
 3. Memory : what it is, and how to improve it, Lon., 
 1888, p. Svo. 
 Kay, E. II. D., and Simonet, Emma. Twi- 
 light Stories, Lon., 1873, 12mo. 
 Kay, Sir Edward Elienezcr, M.A., b. 1822; 
 graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge; called to the 
 bar at Lincoln's Inn 1847 ; a .justice of the High Court 
 of .lustice. Chancery Division, since 1881. With John- 
 son, H. v. U., Reports of Cases ad,iudged in tlio High 
 Court of Chancery before Sir W. P. Wood, Vice-Chan- 
 cellor, Lon., 1s5;!-5!i, 5 vols. Svo. 
 Kay, Joseph, .M.A., Q.C., [oiKc, vol. i., add.,] 1821- 
 1878, b. at Salford, Lancashire; graduated at the Uni- 
 versity of Cambriilge; called to the bar at the Inner 
 Temple 1.848 ; judge of the Salford Hundred Court of Rec- 
 ord from 1862. I. Tho Conilition and Education of Poor 
 Children in English and in German Towns, Lon. ,1853, Svo. 
 2. Tho Law relating to Shipmasters and Seamen, Lon., 
 1875, 2 vols. r. Svo. 3. Free Trade in Land. Edited 
 by his Widow. With Preface by the Right Hon. John 
 Bright, M.P. Lon., 1870, p. Svo; new c.l., 1S8(1. 
 "He was competent perhaps above any other writer on 
 the subject of our Land Laws to treat his favourite (pie.stion 
 with admirable clearness of exposition, and with a knowl- 
 edge and experience deri' I from much travel abniad, 
 from careful investigation at home, and from accurate 
 legal study of the ditliculties by which it is surrounded." 
 —Mr. Ilrii/M's Preface. 
 'Mr. lirigiit does nothing by halves, and his approval 
 A halo of romance encircles the subjects of these hi 
 graphical memoirs, and the lustre of tlieir lives is cnh-iil. 
 erably enhanced bythemea.siiredandimpre.ssiveseiiteiins 
 in which it is delineated."— .Sa/. Jlvv.. xxiv. .''oo, illt. 
 6. The Essays of an Optimist, Lon., 1S70, p. Svo. 
 "Tliough he has not proved to our satisfaction that his 
 view of life is very sound or very exalted, he has perlnniieil 
 a sunicieiuly iileasant variation on a tunc which will 
 doubtless be long popular with the enormous wliidi 
 has a taste for making things pleasant."— .S(i(. lia:, x\s\ 
 Kean, Arthnr. The Bantofts of Cherrylon : u 
 Story witliout a Villain or a Clj^e, Lon., 1883, 2 vuls. 
 cr. Svo. 
 Kean, James. Balak and Balaam in European 
 Costumes, Lon., 1873, Svo. 
 Keane,Augnstns Henry, M.A.,b. 1835, at Cork; 
 i graduated at the University of Dublin 1859; was aclassi- 
 j cal and English tei.cher in the High School at Haimlii, 
 Hanover, 1861-63, professor of French and Hindustiini at 
 I Hartley Institution, Southampton, 1868-72, and profe<sur 
 ! of Hindustani at University College, London. lss2-sS; 
 ; vice-president of the Anthropological Institute of (Jiuiil 
 j Britain and Ireland 1883-8,8. He translated Helb^alil's 
 I Die Erde und ihro Viilker, as the basis of Stanfinl's 
 I Compendium of Geography and Travel, the separate 
 volumes of which are entered underthe names of ilie re- 
 I spcctivo editors. 1. Haml-Book of the History of lliu 
 English Language, Lon., 1860, fp. Svo; new cd., ml., 
 ' 1875. 2. The True Theory of German Declension aiiJ 
 Conjugation, Lon., 1873, Svo. 3. (Trans.) Tho Seioiice 
 Philology, Etymology, iiy 
 _ _ of Language: Linguistic, Philology, Etymology. 
 and endeirsc'meVirof'Mr.Kay'sVriTiiiis are given without Abel Hovelaciiue, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 4. (Trans.) I'liilos- 
 Mint or hesitation. . . . .Mr. Kay is always jnst : he is well , ophy. Historical and Critical, by Andrf- LefOvre. I.on., 
 informed, ami. although he is enthusiastic, he is accurate. ,^~,^ ,,. x^.„ 5 ciVans. and ed. ) Early Teutonic, lt:ilian, 
 ... That his .scheme of reform is not perfected, that It IS ; ' '....._ 
 nowhere clearlv and fully detliied and expressed, is, we 
 niav Miiipose, diie to his premature and lamented death." 
 — A'liTllili AiiNcil.t) : ,lcii((., XV. fjs, 
 Kay, Rev. William, D.D., [khIi', vid. i., aild.,] 
 1820-1886, b. at Pickering, Y'orkshire; graduated, tirst 
 class Lit Hum., at LiKColn Collfgp, Oxford, 183'.); FpIIow , . 
 of Lincoln 1840-liR, and tutor 1842-49; ordained 1843 ; Knowledge of the Culture and Industries of the Liii|Mre 
 '- - . . « ^ .. i]]\u\c 
 Promises of Christianity, Oxf., 1855. 3. The | (Vol. L, The Necropolis and its Graves ; vol. ii., tjur- 
 ' and French Masters ; from the " Dohme" Series. Illiist. 
 Urn., 1879, r. Svo. 6. (Trans.) Tho Early Teal'inii^, 
 Italian, and French Masters, by R. Dohme, Lon., l^*-", 
 4to. 7. The Relations of tho Indo-Chinese and Inter- 
 Oceanic Races, .tc, Lon., 1880, Svo. 8. (Trans.) The 
 Nor^ropnlia of .\ncnn in Pent : a Contribution t" 'Uir 
 Ul IJllieUIII I n-tU-,MI, ailX tUfcUl I LIT*. ru , uiuiatimwu ■ , >^.... ....... ,^w... ...^ v. ............. ... ..-. 
 principal of Bishop's College, Caluutta, 1.849-65 ; rector of the Incas : being the Results of Excavations m 
 of Great Leghs from 1866, and hon. canon of St. Alban's ! on tho Spot by W. Roiss and A. Stiibel. Illustri 
 from 1877. 1. On Pantheism, Calcutta, 1853, Svo. 2. ! with 141 Coloured Plates. Lon., 1880-87, 3 vols. 
 The Promises of Christianity, Oxf., 1855. 3. The | (Vol. L, The Necropolis and its Graves ; vol. ii., t 
S. Ricbeck, 
 ■ I ,,-iiphy: vol. 
 'he IMijsical 
 .i., The Oc'eiin, 
 ments nnj Textiles; vol. iii., Ornaments, Utensils. Earth- 
 Fckhunl, •*!., ?• '^'?"^-' ^''y*'"" in Picture/, byT. 
 hokhiinlt. I'intos nni Text. T.on 18' ■> ft, fni in 
 Trnns.) The ChitlagonR IliH-Trrb;. ' ' 
 .'■""■- '■''^^. f""- II. (E,l.) I'hyf- ,! 
 1., The Earth: a De.scrliitive Hi.ston 
 Phenomena of thoLifeof ointJIobe' v 
 Atmosphere, iinil h\h; by Elisfc Keolu». 
 Lon., 188t;-,s7, i,„,,. svo. 12. Eastern OeoKruphv" 
 Malay Peninsula, In.lo-China, &o. Man. |,„„ ssr' 
 r.^vo. l;i. (Trans.) The Student's IlistoVyof the EnJ-' 
 i.'h I'ailmment, by U. ]{. (Jneist, !.„„., 1887, S," ^ 
 Keaiie, David IJeady, [„,„,,, vol. i., add.] ' With 
 ^!ir\JtT' «-K'-''™"°n t-'»^^e« : Reports, 18,54 i^ 
 Keani-, .loiin Friar Thomas, b. I8.5(, at Whit- 
 by, son of Hev. William Keane. i,/n, ,■ m 
 away from the l{oyal Naval .School, Neweross, when 
 twelve years old, and went to sea, and has since bee 
 mate ol nniny vessels, chiefly in the East India trade 
 lie acquired a knowledge of Hindustani and Ar b c' 
 erved in the Turkish army in 1877, made a pilgri. a^e 
 tnoTn""'/^ "''"•" '" "'"• "fe"'"^'!' studied medi! 
 ne at the I niversity of Edinburgh, but has since re- 
 h T'l 1 "Mall'r °":?' f"f'T"- "« '"'s contributed to 
 the 1 all .Mall (,a«ctte and other papers. 1. Six Months 
 Ml .Meccah: an Account of the M,'hamn,edun Pil"riii, 
 age to Meccah recently accomplished by an Englishman 
 i'wrpTo """""'"''""• ''""•• '«'■' S^o; "O'i ed." i 
 " The ilescrljitions of Mecea itself, the holvshriiip nf tho 
 i^.lS"'r,f n.^Tyi,^'"^' ""''^ '"'^' ".lventr;r,^,is'uV,;ierlaking:S 
 2 My .journey to Medinah : describing a Pilgrimage 
 to Medinah performed by the Author disguised as a Mo! 
 hanimedan, Lon., 1881 8vo >-ii "» u .no- 
 " "H.'''if/s''.T,'! '■"'""'? '"' '» '"■ <""' "".his "wii element ! 
 fe'«.-est,Siv,h '"'-''■'•■''"' *'""^ bcfgrethe mast, aiid pm- ' 
 lesses til give his own experiences. ... But this i.lm-..r 
 8vo' ^'"^''" ^'""'' "' " ^^■""''erer's Life, 1887, 2 vols. cr. ' 
 Keane, John Henry. I. An Address to the 
 Uung Men of Ireland, Lon., ISIio, 8vo. ^ r,adv ' 
 ,,;' ^""^ },^^W^'«o. 3. The Substance of Thref Sec- 
 ures on the History of Ireland, Lon., 183!), 8vo I 
 (Irans, Fables, by Karon G. J. A. do'.Stassir t, 1850 
 J'l;i), sto "^^ " ^"'«'"^-'' '° ^'^« A^'^' Westminster, 
 Keane, iWarcus, M.R.I.A. The Towers and Tem- 
 e I f'^"nr'v "'"■;;'! """'•Origin and Histo v dt 
 l"w 4to "' '•""• "f ^'''"'- I""''- »"b'in. 
 hnViJ^'i!!'' '■""'^ "*■ " Sincere enthusiast. . . Mr Keano 
 ' u«?T' ""''""'"S/'"- Every Week in the Vear, Lon., 
 8fi0, 2i„„, new cd., I8fi;!, 5. The Young (Jardener's 
 Lducntor, Lon., 18R2, 8vo. *" "arueners 
 Keane, Rev. William, incumbent of Whitby 
 Homiinism and Hin.luism, Madras, 18,01 8vo ^' 
 , Kearley, George. 1. Links in the Chain: or 
 'iMi "Un"'' SH."." '."" ""'^r'''"' '"• Animal Li?;: 
 Animal ?if! r'l '\ '"V ^- ' ""»'i'i^'^"nd Won.lers 
 . 01 Animal Life, riliist. Lon., 1S72, i, ,Svo 
 : na^:::'i';^;!^ri^;:-;,^--;;;f American Ki- 
 ka^ka.,8fi7,12n„: i Ki^^^TsU^Zu^ t,"^;!. 
 Acn,!,^?.'7,VV7"''': ^"'^ ""'' Chaff; or, Double 
 rtcnistics; 2d ed., Lon., 1881). Anon 
 Keary, Miss Anna .Maria, 182,0-1879 b at liath 
 Kng. : the daughter of an Irish clergyman began I ct 
 literary career by writing for children, but w*!," he' 
 2 Si In "A • 'Mi'"""' Charlie, LSJK, p. 8vo. Anon 
 Anon. Newe.L, 188;i. ;). The Rival King ; Over- 
 I 5. Clemency Franklyn, Lon., 18(ifi, 2 vols n Svn ■ 
 I 2d;L,'LH^'5!'- "• •^""'-y- ^-- 1««9. 3 vl. Pp. 8;: ! 
 ' sh.nvrs'ilMrof "hmiilunfi'''^','"''';^''''''''' "'"' "'''■fssorv, 
 I uiaiiship*'"!1.4,V AVi^xxviii Ili™''''"" "'"' ^'■'-■'■"' "••'■■t' 
 '8vo' '^s'^p^'h"",'. A'-'^"n'^'(l'n'ostinc,) Lon., 1870, p. 
 io"-A^:btii;;rH:^^;^?8:![v^;:^ 1^- ;^' p;«- 
 unfinished by the author, a'nd toiler b^ J^L ^'at 
 wnidii^si'^x ^r;^::Xe!f ,:;r//i;";'"'r''" '!>? 
 nes^ai»l skill not oft^ii'JIiil^nl^I^lS,;^;',/?, ^r' '"'" 
 Early Egypt „n History, for the Young, Lon s6 Svr,' 
 t:ZmX l^r "■"■'"-""' '-^ ofhe';"Valr;.'fat; 
 M.!^fu"7'wE,n*'T)''''?.""'''r*''^' "f ""= Bri.lsh 
 .uetiZ l-ft?^ le^P -. /-^ • »;j- 
 makoa^ai bl^whatisbc^ l?''""' "' ^^^ """'^■"«'-- »■•'! 
 l„.m.!:'^"p*'. •"!"'?■"• '• '^'''« I'eauties of Surrey 
 : lesuu 01 many a special line of mi ,„ „, i '"" •""' 
 2. The Coinages of Western Europe, Lon 1879 8vo 
 Guf/e-tiriL"'!)'",-' "'"ll'"." "' "'ei^Htth Mus uuK a 
 Librlrv lo' ^'"i'7 "'-•'''"s/''l'ibited in the King" 
 into the leiieiiris if ih.. v.fl^,„y .''' " .'■' "ilmiraWe. But 
 s»rvivair<d^the niuor for, s Xh T '^^ 
 these, we think are rcaMv m L , ' ':'*"-'!"'.",'"' ''^'''ef. an'I 
 nu.nt.s of Nature"orsl,"\ "which ^^'Ll""'" .»« ""-' "-''e- 
 81)aee,"-.Sa/. Jiev mm ^''"'*' •^^^"'es hi., 
 -te"ve a!i!!|!>ii^;;P'^i;'^> «■"! f'^ of n.,s«,,„es which xv.ll 

 nnlcl Stuart Poole. With Thirty Plates. I.on., 1S87, 
 Kvary, Eli/a, sister of A. M. Keary, Hiipm. 1. Lit- 
 tle .SiMil-Skin, iinil other INieriis, I.on., 1871, l2iiio. 2. 
 Tlie .MaKio Valley ; or, I'atient Antnine. Illust. I.on., 
 1877, 12iuo. 3. Memoir of Annie Keary, Lon., I8S2, |i. 
 Svo; 2.1 0(1., 188:i. 
 " The earlier I'iiapters of this 1 k conlain one of tlit 
 most liiselnatiiiK. as well a.s most uinilVeelccl, .stililies iif 
 child lile which we have read tOr a Iciiik' time, . . . With 
 a very linle niunlpiiiation it nii!.'lit he made a sterlim? ecjii- 
 trihution to KnKli.'ili biuuraiihy."— .'<ii/. Ki:v., Iv. WO. 
 4. At Home Again : Verso.». I-on., '-888, -Ito. 
 Al.«", several compilation." of liiole text-books. 
 Kciiry, Mnry, [Mrs. Henry Keiiry.) 1. Snnij 
 or, A (loo.l Name, lllust. l-»n., 1871, l2ino. 2. I'hil- 
 li.i I'hil; or, Alone in the World, Lon., 1872, 12uio. :i. 
 Tilly Trickett; or, Try, Lon., 187:1, 18mo. 4. Hetty; 
 or, " Fresh" Illusf. Lon., 1874, Ifiuio. .'>. 
 lien Froxgart ; or. Little Lonesome, Lon., 188;!, p. Svo. 
 (i. Tinker Uick : a Tale of Long Ago, Lon., 188j, 18uio. 
 7. A I'eeii through the Keyhole, Lon., 188)1. 8. Sun- 
 shine at Last; a Tale of London Life, Lon., 1888, 12mo. 
 lieasberry, Ueiijumiii Peach. A Vocabulary 
 of the English and Malay Languages. By li. P. K. 
 Lon., 18111), Svo. 
 Keiisby, Anthony Q. Memoir of R. S. Field, 
 Princeton, N.,I., 1871, Svo. 
 Keilte, T. W. Practical Guide to Testing Gold, 
 for Emignints, Lon., 18,')2, 12ino. 
 Keiiting, Kliza H., [<iiiie, vol, L, add,] 1. Ray- 
 mond llury : a Tale, Lon., 1853, l2nio. 2. Dramas for 
 the Dniwing-Room, Lon., 18,')'.l, Svo. S. Home Plays: 
 Dramas for Hoys, Lon., 181)2, Svo. 4. Fairy Plays for 
 Home Perfornianoe, Lon., lSlil-(i5, II) |iarts. 
 Keating, George. 1. The iJod of Rome, Lon., 
 ISfiS), llhno. 2. The Living Eucharist manifested by 
 Miracles, Lon., I SOU, IlSmo. 
 Keiiting, John M., M.D., b. 1S32, in Philadelphia ; 
 son of William V. Keating, M.D., (</. r., min; vol. i. ;) 
 graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1873, and 
 in 18711 accompanied General Grant to India, Barniah, 
 Siani, and China. 1. With General Grant in the East, 
 Phila,, 1879, l2rao. 2. The Mother's Guide to the Man- 
 agement and Feeding of [iifant.", IMiila., 1881, 12'iio. 
 ;:. .Maternity; Infancy ; and t'hildlioo.l, Pliiia., 1S87, 12mo. 
 With EiiWAiiDS, William A., Disca,«es of the Heart 
 and Circulation in Infancy and .\dolescence, Phila., 
 1888, Svo. 
 Keatinge, Mrs. Richard Ilarte, (Pottinger.) 
 Honor Blake: the Story of a Plain Woman, Lon., 1872, 
 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Keny, Andrew. (Ed.) A Course of Three Lectures 
 on Free Cliiirch Principles, Glasgow, 1877, Svo. 
 Keay, J. Seymour. I. Spoiling the Egyptians: 
 a Tale of Shame, told from the Blue Books, Lon., 1882, 
 Svo ; 3d ed. same year. 2. The Great Imperial Danger : 
 an Iiupossible War in the Xear Future. Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 Kebbel, Rev. Carston Dirs, graduated at Uni- 
 versity College, Oxford, 183!) ; ordained IStO; vicar of 
 Hatherilen since 1883. 1. A Harmony of the Sacra- 
 ments and Ordinances of Christ: a Course of Sermons, 
 Lon., 1854, I2mo. 2. A Guide to True Conversion, Lon., 
 18l>5, 12mo. 3. The Way of Christian Holiness, Lon., 
 1866, 12mo. 
 Kebbel, Thomas Edward, M.A., b. 1828; 
 grauuated at Lincoln Ccdlegc, Oxford, 1S4|); called to 
 the bar at the Inner Temple 1882: has been connected 
 with the staff of several newspapers, and contributed to 
 leading periodicals. Ho has edited a coliection of Lord 
 Bcaconslield's speeches. See Disrakli, B., sk/j/k. 1. Es- 
 says upon History and Piditics, Lon., 1S04, p. Svo. 2. 
 English Statesmen since the Peace of IS13, Lon., 18SS, 
 J). Svo. 3. The Agricultural Labourer: a Short .Summary 
 of his Position, Lon., 1870, p. Svo; new ed., 1S87. 
 "This book contains useful statLstles and valuable dis- 
 cussions. The writer is an optimist as regards tlie pros- 
 perity of the Iftliuurer, a pessimist as regards his industry, 
 iiilelligence, and productiveness; but his annouucenients 
 aresonietiiues uiirelialile, and his facts not uiifrequeiitly 
 fail to warrant his inferences,"— .Spccfufor, Ix, 13'J3, 
 4. A Hi^tory of Toryism, from the Accession of Mr. 
 Pitt to Power in 1783 to the Death of Lord Beacons- 
 field in 188), I.tin., ISS.i, Svn, 
 " Consisting for the most part of articles which have al- 
 ready appeared In the ' National Review,' It is somewhat 
 fragmentary, and now and then the style is more suitable 
 to a pamphlet than to a history; but Mr. Kebljcl under- 
 stands bis subject, and handles it in a way that should be 
 (|uite as instructive to his own political allies as to his 
 opiM)nents." — Ath., No. 303:), 
 5. Lifeofthe Earl of Beacimsfleld, " "tatosmcn" Sor.,) 
 Li>n., 1888, p. Svo. fi. Life of Gcoi ,o Crabhe, I" Great 
 Writers,"; Lon., 1S8S, 12mo. 
 " Mr. Kebbel's immograph is worthy of the subject, ai.d 
 there is little to dissent from in his eritieisms,"— ^l(/i,, No, 
 Kebbell, William, M.D., M.R.C.P., con.sultin.,; 
 physician of the Susse.x County Hospital. 1. Popular 
 Lectures on the Prevailing Diseases of Towns, Brighton, 
 1818, 12nio. 2. The Climate of lirightcm, \S'M, 12mo. 
 Keble, Rev. John, M.A., [oll^, vol. i., add.,; 
 I7U2-l8t5li. For biog., see Coli-;hii)ok, Sru .T. T,, an/u,!. 
 I. On Eucbaristicai Adonition, 0.\f., 18.^7, Svo; 4tb ed,, 
 18(17. 2. An Argument for not proceeding immediately 
 to repeal the Laws which treat the Nujitiai Bond as 
 Inilissoiuble, Oxf., 1857, Svo. 3. Sequel of the .Argu- 
 ment against immediately repealing tlie Laws whioii 
 treat the Nuptial Bond as Indissoluble, Oxf, and Lon., 
 1857, Svo. 4. A Litany of Our Lord's Warnings, 0x1,, 
 lSli4, sq. 16mo. 5. Pentecostal Fear: a Sermon, 0x1'., 
 1801, Svo. 0. Sermons, Ocoiisional anil Parodiial, 0x1',, 
 18li8, Svo. 7. Village Sermons on the lla|>li8nial Ser- 
 vice, Oxf., 1808, Svo. S. Miscellaneous Poems, 0x1',, 
 ISOil, 12nio; 3d ed., 1870. 
 "Dr. Moberly has done wisely ill collecting into one 
 volume Keble's miscellaneous ])uems,— all, that is, which 
 are not included in tlie 'CliriMian Year' or the ' Lyra liiiii- 
 centiiim,' . , . .More Ibaii half the iiieees broim'bt touellur 
 have appeared alreaily, , , , Of those now published lor 
 the liret time, few, if any, witli one cioispieuousexceplioM, 
 rise to the author's highest mood as a jxiet,"— ,S(i(, Iti r., 
 xxvii, 840, 
 S), Devotion before and after Holy Communion, 0x1,, 
 1870, 12mo. 10. Letters of Spiritual Counsel and Guid- 
 ance. Edited by R. F. Wii,-on. Oxf., 1870, l2mo. II. 
 Seiinons for the Christian Year, Oxf., 1875-80, 10 vols. 
 Svo. 12. Occasional Papers and Reviews, [with a Preliue 
 by Dr. Pusoy,] Oxf., 1877, Svo. 
 " It would he a great mistake to suppose tliat the book is 
 exclusively or mainly occupied with polemical discu^^- 
 sion.s. . . . TlKise who have no taste for .such topics will 
 yet tiiid abundant matters of interest for all religious iuiii 
 cultivated minds."— .s'li/, Jtcv., xliii, 142. 
 13. Studia Sacra: Theological Papers. Edited by ,1, 1'. 
 Norris. Oxf., 1877, Svo. 14. Outlines of Instructions. 
 Edited by R. F. Wilson. Oxf., 1880, p. Svo. 15. Ser- 
 mons : Miscellaneous, Oxf., 1880, Svo. 
 Kcckeler, Mrs. T. H., M.D. Thalcia: Woman: 
 her Physioiogv and Pathology in Connection with .Ma- 
 ternity", Ac. Cin., 1861), 12mo. 
 Keckley, Elizabeth. Behind the Scener. N. 
 York, 1868, 12mo. 
 Keddie, Miss Henrietta, [''Sarah Tvtleh." 
 i;. r., (luie, vol. iii., add,,] b. 1827. Nearly all her book.i 
 have been published under the above pseudonyme. 1. 
 Meg of Elibank, and other Tales, Lon., 1860, p. Svo. 2. 
 Wearing tlie Willow ; or, Bride Fielding : a Tale of Ire- 
 land and of Scotland Fifty Years Ago, Lon., 1800, p. Sio. 
 3. Jleroines in Obscurity : a Second Series of '■ lepers 
 for Thoughtful Girls," Lon., 1871, 12mo. 4. Sisters :nui 
 Wives, Lon., 1871', p. Svo. 5. Modern Painters and 
 their Paintings, Lon.. 1873, l2mo. 6, Lady Bell, liy 
 the Author of "Citoyenne Jacqueline." 1873, 3 vols. 
 p. Svo. 
 "A graceful and readable stoiy, marred by occasiomd 
 extravagances, . . . but redeemed by the sympatlielic 
 treatment of many dearly-deliiied characters, and by '.he 
 skill which eidists our alleetions in behalf of the chiintiest 
 of heroines."— A(/i,, No. '.'41X1, 
 7. Musical Composers and their Works, for the I'.-e of 
 Schools and Students in Music, Lon., 1875. 
 "Her book is no mere piea,''ant cimipilatiou of muslial 
 reminiscences. Her lives of the (lermaii eompo.'^ers me 
 always efl'ectlve, and often extrenicily graphic,"— ,s;)(rtii(«r, 
 xlviii. 66."), 
 S, Wliat she came through, Lon., 1870, 3 vols. p. '^vo. 
 il. By the Elbe, Loo., 1878, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 10. CliiM- 
 hood a Hundred Years Ago: with Six Chromes alter 
 [Reynolds, Lon., IS76, Svo. 11. A Douce Lass, Lon., 
 ; 1877, 2 vols. p. Svo. 12. Scotch Firs, Lon., 1878, 2 vols, 
 cr. Svo. 13. Summer Snow. lllust. Lon., IS7S. II. 
 Jane Austen and her Works, Lon., 18S0, p. Svo. I'l, 
 j Oliver Constable, Miller and Baker, Lon., 1880, 3 vols, 
 or. Svo. 10. The Bride's Pass: a Novel, Lon., 1SS1,2 
 I vols. cr. Svo. 17. Footprints; Nature seen on its Hu- 
 man Side. lllust. ISSl. 18. The Hero of .a llundrcl 
 Fi).dits, Lon., 1881, or. Svo. 19. Three Frights and 
 Three Beauties: with the Story of Bobinette, Lon., l^'~l| 
 sq. lOmo. 20. A Scotch Marriage, Lon., 1882, 3 vols, or. 
 Svo. 21. Marie Antoinette: the Woman and the liueen, 
 IlluHt. Lon., .H«l,^, svo 2! u""\1 "","■ '^'"" ^^"'•''»- 
 I'<'<j, p. ,svo 2-, \ m- ,■ ■ "^'^ "™"<' D'-eJi., Loii 
 N,ng8tre8..08 of S.ot „nj L°; V- ' ^^T"' ■^''■'"' ^'■• 
 '<>OI»n, anJ in tho ion/l of M, "«;,"' '"''>'"""" 
 Lon., IS5(), l2ino. Anon 9 4 ' "'""g""'. Kdin., nn.l 
 Soiontifio, illustrative, fr. ^""•■"'"'"^ Mtorary and 
 ^o^.^?H1',^W?'r{","^.*=• /^'""' Apparel. I,lu«t 
 •I ■ u.j, ,ivo. {.\ dt'votiona wofU \ iwunt. 
 .i.e'.?e:;:™f^;j„i^tr^ .rn^;n""J«''> • '^^' ^ 
 took orders in tlio Pn twtanV I n^^' ,"n, ^ "'■''• "' l''4l ; 
 >awba and other Poe„,N:Y'r-|'sjr" tI"".. '• •'^"- 
 ^'n'l the Suhlinio: „„ Ana vl /.fH - T*"" ""'""f"' 
 ■> lJeter»,ina.ion of tL Siv k r'p ^"'"^'""'' '^"'i 
 'i"n. ("German I'lX onl hi r • "..^"''•'"^ Kxposi- 
 lural Oeology. Cin. I " 7 r2,„o ""'' °' ^K"""'" 
 .ion- Tiai^ii.,l!'.;i^,>;:b„ii''."r';?i"' ?,« ^--h ««,.„,„. 
 KiNLr, Lon., ISfio.Svo ' "'• "'•!"«"'- the Revolution- 
 Wol^l's'sMvi""? M* tre ,^''%^r'"« »^ C""'"'". 
 Lectures, MotJtreal, Is'ai Sv''"' *""• ""' O""""' T«o 
 Keelcr, Andrew's a' d 
 tion of the'world ZFall of VlT !'''"'''''"« ""o Crea- 
 bui-sh, I,Sa2, Svo. '""• *'=• ' ^U ed., Ogdens- 
 -f f «u1d; fJ'S!' ,9;,^ ^.J; ^[>-e to go to become j 
 J;';lo. Maps and III,",'. Chic Tsso ' d"^"°»' -">" «<""- 
 History of the Bible: a Pon?i,',. A ' '""■ ^- ^ S'>"" 
 'i'"' «"'! Developtnent of "^h^ r^ """"J^,"' ""« *'''™a. 
 '""■"I new ed., Ch ' m\ ^'"'°"' ^'"''•' '««'' '4- I 
 -J^'fcnSS^'::^;;^^"' ■>■ -«•'-; ^ a 
 '^:n..,e1, lecturer nViurriNt "ol' r^'"'^"^' ""S™ 
 a^ lorresjiondent of the N Y Trih ." ""^ '» "^"ba, 
 from the steamer 1 (?i Tribune, he disappeared 
 UeorgeSand, Host ""7/ Svo ''"" ''" '*'"'<"^>'^> by 
 ?:S^f^vi5-t^fe?'^^''«^: 3: 
 «-'Mon : Jlero and slm Lon" ^H«' ''' ^J""" ■•• ''«°«™' 
 a H,, ly OHginal rLuy."l%'X hL 8S4 '"T^ ^ 
 the First Oueen nf P„Vi . V '^'' ^^mo. 4. How 
 '8(*4, :!2in„ " A Pr^f""'* ^"^ W„oe,l and Won, Lun i 
 l-""., ISN), „ Svo 9 . ""' '>■'"«» Husiness 
 ^rk"s, Loi:;, 78-3 p S%'ge« Thoughts for Busy' 
 '' "■^-""==fc4^^siSSJs 
 [ivt .lefferson Medical CoHeire Isno. ., 
 N'rmy |sH2-f,l. i.rofess .r „r ' "'^Kwn in the T..*!. 
 Medical College' f.,,|e,hi,';*'''''^ '"r ""•" ^^"'"""•« 
 ! o-ny in the I'en^.-ylv/uly' t fc"^'inr{'V'^ ".""'- 
 'f American Healt: I'rimers I ., a '^7" ' '^''""'• 
 ^Vash., )8R4. 2 Clini,.. 1 '(, .' I' """"•^ l'"ralysi.«, 
 Anatomy: a Leur"i,L,V'' r*'"''''''? ''^'^'"'^ "f 
 "'" Karly Jlistory of j- h' ' '^ V "[""'■ •«• i^^etch of 
 , '-'mo. 5 On th7surLMc,l 'V'utotny, Phila., isr:.. 
 «<■ the CV.ntinued Fevfrr^n'i,? ''■'■'''''"■' "'"' '"^l"-^! 
 Wash., 1877, Svo. ' '■^"""""man Mi.scell. Coll.,) 
 It'hronicle in ISfiS a^l C ' ''i: "'''" '"' "'" Koehcster 
 papers in NW York (■tvan,! „ ,™""™'"' '*■'"' "«"■«- 
 jWkers: a Social Pa;LU'^'^7J-Vs'5^ 
 Trajan : the History of a .sV, t ,. . , ,. "• ^non. 2. 
 «"".« Episo,les in the C,k, .'"'"« ^"""8 '^''"' ^ «i'h 
 a N';;vei;x. York 188^1 Co ^ "' '^'""^ '''^o'' l'>rors : 
 "ri,^;mf'Vl,r^E^;t;'"'P"l|.-"''elve rather brillia,,, and 
 |.res„ueand P"oticiu.Vp a^ '"'iV.'.f '' "'■"'"■ "' >^^ 
 xi, ^^-'-'--''ent, ehata::te;^;uiJ^;:;,;,.^,;^^>:!!^l;jJ; js 
 One,;nrTt!^:f-jr,^-'-^.V«rk, 1886, 12,„o. 4' 
 (Ireland) sin e ?,',•"' j^Her". "' "'"'"""' «''"»«"' 
 Nature and Object,' Lo^'.'I^.V'Irm" " '"''''' "' ""•"• 
 I>ourtr',,^f;;;'';/;:^«;;;^^t:- .^y'iney Fielding: t.,e 
 bury; entered the &, « "if -"' "r^f'"'''' "■"' ""iley. 
 I tendentof I>ehral)un"s fi n" '""}"' '''*■'■; ^"Perin- 
 i;^''Mi.i: di„tricta,:;^^.;;f-r ;^«i'^^;''«-''»n^ 
 1854, 12,no. 2. Th" Alt.h,>f p"" •*'■" '" '"'""■ ''""■ 
 »f Aurungzeb to the Ov f IPV'"' '""" 'be Death 
 , Moghul Em,,ire: ^n J i'stor icai P '"'' "-.''','"' "•'"" "f "'« 
 |enl.. 18S7. historical tssay," 1876; 3d ed., 
 I J-t'''"u"h;lri,\,^«'u,''nST ••*">""--' the s,,.,' 
 I rpnlt is whatiay be .fl u^d a'lm 'i"^ "tiihoriiies: but 1 'j 
 van„u.s sources, but with ut tL ,'./' " '^"'"l-ilatiui, from 
 C'bapters on the Adminis'trln "i;""-'" '""Ha' Critical 
 Cluigtai, Btibar and his ;;;",:' '"?' '"•"',"'^^' ''y '"« 
 ' Profesxpdlv written . V, "."""'^1 ''"n., 871). ,sv„ 
 ! ^^rfenrf '&--- '--!^^^i^^r 
 'ration of In L Di," HctT'd,^™''""'. ""■ ""> ^J-inn 1 
 Bengal Army, Lon., 18. 3 Svo T*^. «'!." ^f''^"" "^ "'« 
 t'-ry of Hi„du'stan,'f om'the Fir,; vr ^r'^V^ ">« '"«- 
 the Fall of the Mugh 1 p ,,,^:,„"?' ^^'"fl"" Conquest to 
 " He has thoq lalft/pl , f ''"; ^'""•' '^^S, Svo. 
 ce lent arrangena?, , ,^? ',f„"i"!.V'";"-"""""« research, an ex- 
 nianyof thp.nrT.jL..''!!'^.'^ '.".''"' has enabled him" to visit 
 , new edition of Beale's OrientaTi *' "'\!'f<'P"ration of a 
 Ki'ene, James, M r"c^ «i;;S^''ph;cal Dictionary.) 
 iservations on the Treatm^n. .• L"' ■ '' Practical Ob- 
 Keene, Jaines Boddelv r 1 ir , ,, 
 Practical Gauging, for IWi, ^ V ^ Hand-Book of 
 new ed., Philaf 868 o a^»""T;,^°"- '»«'- "r- Svo; 
 Lon., 1875, p «;„ • ^' ^ """J-Book of Hydrometry 
 1.1m ;^ 
 Kcciio, Johii llaptUt. A I'l« n '.n'l Pnvct'cal I 
 DiL'i'stof the Liiwof Hiinkniptcy, f>outhw«rk, 1SI12 >tvo 
 Koeiie, John IlarriiiRton. I. Tho I'mchoiU 
 Fisherman! Illust. I,o„.. 1«SI ,,• «vo 2 l.»h.n«- 
 Tiicklo: its Matorhil and Manufacture. Illust. Lnn., 
 1S8«, I). Svo. , , 
 KceiU', Kathcrinc. Voiceless Teachers: whence 
 tliey ccnno, an.l what tli"y teach, Lon., IJSo, ].. Svo 
 KfClie, Luther. Sermons; with Inlrcluctnm by 
 Uev. S. ';. llcrrieli. Bost., l»7li, 12mo. . 
 Keoiie, Ilcv. Martin A. 1. I'leasuro »nd 1 ain : 
 wi!!; other' Pa,-". '■"".. l^HS, 12"'o 2- ■V:;'"^ 
 Christ ; a Serii's of Lenten hernions, I,oti., HfiS. s\o. 
 Kc-nc, Mrs. S. V. 1. V"'''',!'" ""'orient 
 Year Here an,l Ther,., Host.. Isii'.l, 12n.o. 2. Orient 
 "'i^e^e;;Hiili«m:" New South Wales Coal-Fields, 
 "'Kcenl^'wiUium Albert. A SelejMion of Cases 
 on gaasi. Contracts, Cambri.lse. Mass., 1>8S, - u)ls. Sw). | 
 Keeney, Klla B.,nn<l Noble, Annette L. Dr. 
 Orantlev-< NeiKhlMMS. IlU.>t. Phila., 18f<;i, Imno. 
 Yic ep, liev'. John. Sketches of the Keli«ious L> e 
 and Katlh of Mis. Lydia Hale Keep, of Oberl.n. by 
 her Husband. OI.erlin. 0., IS«(i. ; 
 Keen, Josinh. 1. Common hea-bhells of f'" f""-- , 
 nir llhtst. San Fran., ISSl, Svo. 2. West oast 
 Shells; a Familiar Description ol the Marine, Hcsh- 
 AVator. iind T-and MoUusks found in the Lnilcd States 
 West of the Kocky Mountains. Illust. San iMan., 
 '"KelMr'Robert Porter. (Trans.) An Homeric 
 Dicti.ui'nv; from the German ..f George .\utenneth: 
 with .Additions and Corrections, N.\ork, 1S,0, l-mo. 
 Keeping, WaMier. The Fossils and Pa leonto- 
 Wical Affinities of the Xeoc.mian Deposits olLpware 
 and Urickhill, (Sedgwick Prize Essay lor l.s9,) Lon., 
 Keer, Rev. William Brown, graduated at St. 
 Iieesl85ti; ordained ISiS; harbor chaplain of Bo.nbay 
 lSi'),^--2. 1. Numbering our Days, Lon., l^f>t, 1-mo. 
 2. The .bailor's Life and E.tample, Lon., ISbO, Ihuio. .i. 
 Notes of a Mission Tour in Ceylon and South India, 
 Bombay, 186fl, 12mo. _ „ ^.^ 
 Keese,John. (Ed.) Words of Peace; or, The 
 Mourner's Chaplet. [verse,] Host., lS-4, 24mo. 
 "Keese, 01in6," (Pseud.) See Lfakky, Miss 
 Keese, William Linn, b. 183d, in ^ew \o k 
 Citv. 1. .John Keese, Wit and Litterateur : a B'ograph. 
 ieai Memoir, N. York, 18S;l, Svo. (A biography of the 
 a«th(.r's father, an auctioneer, noted for his wit, and 
 editor of several volumes of ,.oetry.) 2. William K 
 Burton, Actor, Author, and Manager: a Sketch ot his 
 Career: with Recollections of his Performances. Illust. 
 N. York, 18S5, Svo. 
 ■• Mr Keese has performed his task with siraplioity and 
 ta«te .He has had the aid of the surviving members 
 of BurtonMamily."— .Va(iO», x1.;M<. ! 
 Keeson, Alfred. I. Monts de Pi6t6 and Pawn- 
 bniking, Lon., 1854, 12mo. 2. The Pawnbrokers Acts, 
 '^Keetley',"charles Uobcrt Bell, F.R.CS., late! 
 assistant demonstrator of anatomy at St. Bartholomew s , 
 Hospital. 1. The Student's (Juide to the Medical Pro- 
 fession, Lon., 1S7S, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1S85. 2. An Inde.'C 
 of Surgery : being a Concise Classification ot the Main 
 Facts and Theories of Surgery, Lon., 1S81, p. 8vo ; 4th 
 ed., 1SS7. H. On the Surgery of the Knee-Joint: Att- 
 drcsses, Lon., 1S8S, or. Svo. 
 Kehoe, James. The Expiation ; a Drama, Bait., 
 isri, 12ino. „, , I, 
 Kehoe, Simon D. The Indian Club Exercise. 
 Illust. X. York, ISfiT, 4to. , ,, , , „ t • i,, 
 Keighly, Henry Peach. 1. " Luknon : Light 
 oast on the Footprints of Israel, ISSn, 8vo. 2. ' Phos- 
 ter" Light cast on the Footprints of Israe from 
 Me'ia to the British Islands: Sequel to "Luknon, 
 lion., ISSII, Svo. 
 Keiley, A. M. 1. The Prisoner of War; or. Five 
 Months among the Yankees, Richmond, Va„ ise,'), 12mo; 
 Zd ed., entitled '' In Vineulis ; or. The Prisoner of W ar. 
 Ac, N.York, 1S6B. . „ .. f 
 Keiley, William S. The Law and Practice of 
 Insolvent Assignments in the State of New York, N. 
 Keily, John, C.E., late of the Indian Public Works 
 and Victorian Railway Department. Expansion of 
 Structures by Heat, Lon., 1887, cr. Svo. , ^, . 
 Keim, Ue Benneville llandolph. I. shen 
 dan's Troopers on the Borders: a Winter Campaign ..n 
 the Plains. Illust. Phila., 1S70. IRmo. 
 "The anilior apocmipanied lleneral Sheridan n hs 
 winter camiialKn of IhCh-Wi. . . . He c.iniineiit.s on tin. 
 iVl lidstralio 11 of Indian alValrs, and ,e .seems to laye ,. 
 ■it .express an opinion, having doked lie Indian 
 Kim viry fairly in the liiee It Is nota boijkof an 
 ^riMit lilerarv merit ; it is not showy, but It is serviceable. 
 -Addon, x.38<J, n, , 
 2. San Domingo: Pen-Pictures and Leaves of Iravcl. 
 Rimiance. and History, Phila., IS7n, 12mo. 
 Keir, Knni§. Thrown on the World: a Slorv. 
 Lon.. 1 Still. 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 1 Keith, Uev. Alexander, D.D., [„„(-•, vo.i., add.,) 
 ■ 179U-I88U. The History and Destiny of the « orl.l lo- 
 I cording to Scripture. Parti. Illust. Lon., Ist.l, m.,. 
 Keith, Charles. Circus Life and Amusement-. 
 , Equestrian, Dramatic, and Musical, in All Nations 
 Derby. IS?!), 8vo. ,„., • nu-i i . 
 ! Keith, Charles Penrose, b. 18a4, in Philad, ,. 
 i.hia ; graduate,! at the Vniversity <if Pennsylvania Is .. : 
 admitted to the bar 1S77. The Provincial Councillors .,1 
 Pennsylvania who held Office between 17.W and I, ,i., 
 and those Earlier Councillors wh.. weresomoChicf Mag.s. 
 trales of the Province, and their Descendants, Phila., 
 I8S.S, 4to. „ , ,,.„ „ 
 Keith, Conway. Taming a Shrew, Lon., iso.i, .. 
 vols. p. Svo. -, , 
 Keith, Duncan. 1. Nugie Histoncifi ot Myth... 
 logicie, Glasgow. ISS2, Svo. IVM) copies printed. 2. A 
 History of Scotland, Civil and Ecclesiastical, from llic 
 E.kriiest Times to the Death of David I., 115.i, LJm-. 
 1SS6, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 "While his book gives evidence of great industry and 
 some lalent, the .signs of .scholarship, ""d .f,'-'-'-'!, ►•'^■j;:-; f 
 literary oullure, are cuuspicuously absent from It. -.l.(i.(., 
 XXX. 2')G. ^ , 
 Keith, James. So Sinks the Day-Star : the st..iy 
 „f Two Lovines and a Liking, Lon., 1S76, cr. 8vo. 
 Keith, James. Heating by Artificial Means, l.<m., 
 1.H7S, Svo; 4th ed., rev., 1884, 16mo. 
 Keith, James. 1. The Impending Judgimnt ..I 
 Great Britain. 2. The Eastern Question of lo-Day. iis 
 unfolde.1 by the Prophet Isaiah. Lon., IS.S^fi, Svo. 
 «' Keith, Leslie," (I'seud.) See Joii.nsto.s, Miss 
 GUACK KkITII, Hlljll-a. , ^ , . Ti 
 Keith, Manrice. Shadow and Sunshine; or. flie 
 Two Cousins, Lon.. ls,V.t, p. Svo. 
 Keith, Nathaniel S., and Neymann, Pern. 
 (Trans.) Magneto-Electric and Dynaino-Lleetri.' M-.i- 
 i chines: their Construction and Practical .\ppli>ali....t'i 
 i Electric Lighting and the Transmission of I'ower l,v II. 
 iSehellen: with Notes, Ac. Illust. N. "i oik, IsSJ, -v.,. 
 i Keith, T. J. I. A Dictionary of the Garo l,;iii- 
 ' guage, Julpigoree, 1873, Svo. 2. Outline Grammar .<t 
 the Garo Language, .Sihsagor, 1S74, Svo. 
 Keith, Thomas, M.D. Contributions to the >Mr- 
 gical Treatment of Tumours of the Abdomen. I'mt I. 
 Lon., 1885, Svo. 
 Keith-Falconer. See Falconfr, unpm. 
 Kelaart, Kdwnrd Frederick, M.D.. I.l.>., 
 F Z.S., stalV-surgeon, Ceylon. 1. Flora Calpensis : ton- 
 tributions to the Botany and Topography <'l Giliraltar, 
 Lon 1843 Svo. 2. Prodromus Faunie Zeyianicie ; hcnii! 
 Contributions to the Zoology of Ceylon Lon.. IS,;.7 sv,.. 
 3. Contributions to Marine Zoology, Colombo. |N.y.l, svo. 
 Keike, Kev. William Hastings, rector ot 
 Dravton lieauchainp, Buckinghamshire. 1. >>'"'"'f" 
 Sei.iilchral Monuments in English Churches, Lon.. ISsii, 
 Svo. 2. Britain's Ancient Church and Home s I surpa- 
 tion. By a Country Pastor. Aylesbury, IS., 1. Svo. 
 3. Family Prayers, Original and Selected Lon.. -w. 
 12mo. 4. The Church-Yard Manual; with live llun- 
 dred Epitaphs, Lon., 1854, fp. Svo. „„, ^ , 
 Kelland, Uev. Philip, M.A., F.R.S., [..„,. 1. 
 i, add.,] 1808-1879. 1. Transatlantic SketchcH. ivtin.. 
 1858 fp Svo. 2. Lessons on Physics, Eilin.. InI. 
 12mo. With Tait, PKTi-;it Githrik, Introduction to 
 Quaternions, Lon., 1873, p. Svo; 2d cd., 18S2. 
 Kellen, William V. 1. Inde.x-Digest to the He- 
 ports of Cases, Massachusetts Supreme i uun. 
 I761-18S4, Bost., 1881), Svo. 2. Massachusetts lligefi' 
 a Digest of the Reported Decisions of the Supreme Ju- 
 dicial Court from 1879 to 1SS7, Bost., 1887, Svo. ^. 
 Index to the Public Statutes of the Commimwcaltboi 
 >W«d,u....,, a„,| „. Public Aotsof ,,S,S2 to ,S«r, n„.,„ 
 X. York, ISS7, |,i,„„ •■""leof I'rogrcs.sivo I'oker, 
 I."ui8, .Mo. i boraiim u loV, , . • . "'"ver^ity of St. 
 'l-nt of St. Loui., U, iver„ it'l 'r t" "'"'7'"-''' P"'»i- 
 «n.l a,lapt',| to Vmn'i ar''oi'!!!',^;/''-'''7;r'" •> K^I-l"ino,l I 
 l^'rao; now e.l., Iw" •" ^"''"' ^'"•' '877, I 
 Kellett, Admiral Sir Heiirv idot ir,r 
 i" the Army, Bu,t., I86T !«,„ ',"'t i'^'"","" '^'^^'""" 
 li.,st., ISfij, ISmo. ,■• Aifr,.; u . •^"''""J' ^ Captain, 
 iMio, l,S|„o, 7 Liitl,, ( „ • *'^""''> sWork, Bo.^t., 
 C.mfort.Iiags, Bo ," HBrisr"' T' ,'^"«, •'''"''l^''"'' 
 T.lks, Host. 186.% S„o 9 Ti;„ nu^'n"" ■-«""""- 
 Socking tho Light,' «o,.ri8„5; 1^2 „""' n r"",,'' '■,"■•• 
 tic .Meeting, liost., l.sfiii is„„, 7 4.. '"•V""'"' ''■'- 
 Ii"*t., l8B(ClKmo. 12 The ;,n«V- ^^ * "'i' "™'"--''^<. 
 Mission Work, I'hila., iJso , "o ^M "^ •' •'^''.f ''''■'^ "' 
 it.nk. Host., 1,S6«, Kimo. e'rtv I't ■''^ " ''""''"^o- 
 B-'l.. I8rt7, Ifimo. l.'i liusl ri„! ^ Harding's Mission, 
 of i.ivin/fnsi^;:^, ilo^r^';;; r::;- "■» Evhionces 
 ISA ,''7' •'• *'• ''^'^ ''""o-ph/of E.xistenee, Lon., 
 I^"rer!'>^;.ss"'l",„lf„"ArMi',Hh'-' 'IV'' "• «' 
 8ucoe.,.sful attempt to es ah i,l,j ■'""'''' "" ""- 
 A (ieographieal 'ske, h ^^t m P-nZ^l" °'-*'«"''- '• 
 Oregon, Host., isaii, ,Svo 2 ...;„, / A'""'"' oallea 
 lu.^band. Palmer, IS.OI. Anon i.'," "" '^""°"-''' 
 Soltlemcnt of OrJgon and of tho rl', • ""i"''^ "^ 'he 
 ""•I of Persecution's "nd ffl cUons of"'F,"r?'v'^'"''''"-"'"' 
 tuuiiince endured bv the A ,.t .. a f ""^'^ ^ ^"" Con- 
 St, Louis,' '."i^";?^..'*-., '■■rl::"T,'^"'f '■"' Mi^^ouri 
 •'-•■H'e in Missouri, .S Lo'ai^TsM /'"■ ''T'"'' "f t'"e 
 th.-' Uw relating to Exee'u or, ' A?" • ' ' '^'™'"'«' "" 
 ^"ono,waspubltiriiJ}i54) ' "'"""' ''^ '■ ^- k! ! 
 the pi' n,?;.: "'A^'baK In th ?A''", S"^ ^-«-- of 
 lllos,. Phila., 1875 ,imo ^""''' ^•'"«'' '*'«8-7;i. 
 ^lSSS;:',K-!;],l^|^->8i.O, b. at Phi,, 
 ihe State of Pennsyl.anhi |S45 A' "."'"•'"^y;g<'''eral of 
 »f ;-M"on picas o^ pl.iiLd hi • 'Vs^'fi'^^' °^ "'^, <^"»^' 
 C^ongress from 1 8«(). l . Sneethp. A 1 1 ' """"ber of 
 ™ Industrial and Financial oV.»t'/''''»u?f' """^ '"'«<=" 
 -'■ Letters Iron, Europe ?S80^'fr"'' ?''"•' ''^'2' ^^o. 
 Vo^k" I s'^^I,,,;^,'""*' ""• '^•"" No- Education, .V 
 «r"u^!T^l'!^:;;,!^^«^;|."-";^-;'.... Portland, Me.; 
 .Theological .^^o.oirry k'T, '''''. ""^ '" '^ndove; 
 Sea„,„,rs Friend Koe^ty-j-fi' "'"";.,'"■ ,""> '|o-^'on 
 Willi of Elm L-land Dost s.ii .,• ''"''"' "^■"- "'" 
 Kl". Island. liost. .8, ;'•,'«; "' ^."T,, -• ?'''" Ark of 
 ^"ung Captain, l^st M7) w,' ' f^',','"' "'■o«". Hh- 
 of Elm LslUd, Bos .,"l4 ''l im "• . ' > ''V*"^ ^'"'"'-^ 
 Kim Island, Host., 187 fin" c V "'"•''-^orabble of 
 I870,lfinio. 7. TheVoun^^ • I ?^','"""" ^line. Host., 
 ^o.""(? Defenders, lij "^r V, ' *';':" ' '"■' ^ho 
 S!vriuding most of^l'lIXd ^1- ™; 
 -«hS:!f:s,.!''^?,l^,y:77. '•^'2-1882. b. „t 
 '-v/er in Pittsll^ld"' M ^^'^'i;,-" V"'''^'' i^''*'' " 
 ii'id International tiood \ni,i,i V r''""'"^ Proto.ol 
 •■ittslield, Mass.. I.sfi,; svo "?'' r/'ri'' "^ 1-ontoosue. 
 the I'resident ami n,„Vi„ 7. " '"terview between 
 Kellogg' r ,1. te tl"-'."«8^"J- •^'-^-•. '870 
 Ifaltle Creek Al,l, 1877 sLv' "''7' ^'^^'""'1 ''i'". 
 1882. ' ' "*"' •''''>.• Eng. ed., Southampton, 
 W^I&,^V:^,^««e|e- II">v to Paint in 
 Kellogg, Miner K 1 ' i,''" '"'","• 
 ;oiyof a l^,„u'''"vK.:,d,„■ol Tn^'' ■■ """ ""' "i^" 
 ielle JnnlinieVe,'^ M ',;7'-''r"A«"'i"-' •' La 
 Intiiig to a Picturn h^ i„ , ,- I^ooiiments re- 
 "'^on,dias,''Un7,^«'jf,J',f-»'''<' ''" ^ '"<='• -""oJ 
 Pr Jntl^ffrlf"?,''"' ^.-.^J-'f" ""^ Death in Rebel 
 '8«I,anu at the Theological i,',*' '''''''''' "' ''■'i-eeton 
 torian missionary nKVs6''7'r^ ''f*' " ''"^'^y- 
 temntio theology i„\Ve,te,nTwr' i'"'^'-''''"^ "f sys- 
 8i; pa.«tor of „ churcl in V""'"?'"" ^"'''^""y '877- 
 Gram'marof the ZT .'"„..;; ""'".^"'™ '«86. 1. A 
 Xow rersey, rv'o'rk Jn'd to^.l/^sr^^' ^^---^ 
 I^r. Kellogg has attempted the Impossible, he has at 
 Oran/mar of the Ilimi; r '" """'" *'"™ '886. 1. A 
 ;»«iea, xotL:';^^r ^;;rK'siir"''r ?'■- 
 of the World nr,i.- ^'^'l-' "'^ ^"'» ""J "'e Ligh 
 tHne, iindth Ethic, ofP't'lirC'l,""' 'l^'"^''' "'« ^'>^- 
 Pootrine, and the Ethic' of Chr'" 7'"" ""' ^'"^y^ ""> 
 1885. p. 8vo. 4 From iL.h . .r' ^^""- ""'' ^'*'- Yo>k, 
 Are PeniillcnananrR^^^ Vc°h -7-'-. '885. s! 
 8eieea?o'm'^h«"C.f^.-oso'J'=^"' ^^»''"'>, '^^'^ -- 
 others; with Biograi 1 ic W n'^ '^'^'o'''. ""J 
 I ti-ins si.xteen plfoZ |' i',!^';^?' V'- ""'J"'' '<^""- 
 ! arMsts compile!! by Air &;"■ '^'OK'-Pbies of the 
 18(il.8vo. "" ^'"0 '" Australia, Sydney, 
 I^Kelly, Charles. Bar Companion, Lon., 1861, 
 now :d^'.„?,Y,'«/ f'»;»r. Delhi, and other Poems ; 
 lh~^r!J::;^:;::';'^f;;»--o,.i.,add.J Post. 
 bi." acc?;,'ei!''c:n""d"roi\ "Jl^V '^ T'"''?'- "^ "'o ^'- Vork 
 French Law of Marri' J i lu"""}}^ '''= ''""^- The 
 ".^es therefrom.Ton.rf885",";'. 's'^o'""'"^' "^ ''-» ">at 
 Neighbou'rs*'u"."';/6V ut"' ?"'>''"'} T';" Two 
 Money. Lon., 18fi4, J8mo i Atiol' i-"'"""' ' ""''o'- 
 '-"•, '865,3'v„|«.p;C- 4 Fwi^'nTr-' ''n^"'''"' 
 111! got ou. i|i„„V , ^^ ,'v" ''i"3d; or, lir.w we 
 «nd KeepiL Lon i8fi8 ,"«' '"*•. '?.'"''• ^'- Fetching 
 Lon., 1870, I2mo '7 l'v , '"•> i ^""^'' F-"^^'' S'"". 
 Sc«.Lon..'lS75!-;2mo 7tZ ^%""" ^"^ """rs at 
 Poems, Lon.. 1,S77 "Lo ?'""'"1 Banners, and other 
 Kelly, Mrs. J anny. Narrative of m'^y Captivity 
 aiiKiii)! the Sioux Indians, Cin., 1S7I, 12moj now ed., 
 llartturd, Ccmn., 1873. 
 Kelly, llev. Frederic Festiis, LL.M., gradu- 
 atfil at Trinity Hall, Cauibridno ; ordained 1S61 ; vicar 
 of Cainborwfll aince 188(1. Sermona on S|iociiil Duties; 
 ' fur Cliildrcn, Lon., 1873, 18ino. 
 Kelly, George Fox. Ki^lit Months in Washing- 
 ton ; or, .Socnus behind the Curtain, N. Yorlt, 18fl:i, 8vo, 
 Kelly, Ja Notes upon the Errors of Geology, Lon., 
 ISiU, p. Svo. 
 Kelly, J. J. Silence in Life and Forgiveness in 
 Death ; fnini the Sjianiah of F. Caballcro, (" Tales for 
 the Young,") l.on., 188.!, p. Svo. 
 Kelly, JanieN. The American Catalogue of Books 
 (Original and Re|irints) publisheil in the United States 
 from .lanuary, IHIll, to Jnnuiiry, ISOll, N. York, 18ti«, 
 8vo; .*ame, vol. ii., from January, isfifl, to January, 
 1871, N. York, ls71, Svo. 
 Kelly, Jiiiiies Henry. The Draftsman: contain- 
 ing a Collection of Concise I'recedents in Conveyancing, 
 Ac, l.on., 1N73, 12mo; 2d ed., Issl. 
 Kelly, Itev. John, 18iM-187ii, b. in Edinburgh; 
 I'rosbyterian minister in l.iverpuol from lS2ii. I. Di!<- 
 courses on Holy Scrii>turo : with Notes and Illu.^trationH, 
 Lon., 18JII, 8vo. 2. Thu Divine Covenants : their Nature 
 and Design, Lon., lSlil,cr.»vo. 3. Sermons, Lon., 1807, 
 p. 8vo, 
 Kelly, llev. John, an English Presbyterian min- 
 ister. 1. (Trans.) 1". Gerhardt's Spiritual Songs, Lon., 
 1807, lllmo. 2. (Trans.) Who is the .Apostate? a Pass- 
 over .Story, by A, Saphir, Lon., 1878, lliuio. 3. (Trans.) 
 Hymns of the Present Century ; from the German, Lon., 
 188.^, lOuio. 4. Louisa of Prussia, ami other Sketches. 
 Illust. Lon., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 Kelly, John Francis. 1. (Ed.) West Virginia 
 Statutes, Annotated, St. Louis, 1879, 2 vols. 8vo. 2. 
 Treati.-ie on the Law of Contracts of Married Women, 
 Jersey City, N..J., 1882, 8vo. 
 Kelly, John Liddell, b. 1850. 1. Tahiti, the 
 Land of Love and Beauty : a Poem, Auckland, N.Z., 
 1885. 2. Tarawera ; or, The Cruise of Tuhotu, Auckland, 
 N.Z., 1887. 
 Kelly, Mary E. Brief but Complete History of 
 England, France, and Germany, Phila., 1881, sq. Svo. 
 Kelly, Mrs. .Mary, (Spence,) daughter of Peter 
 Spence, F.C.S., of -Manchester, Kng., and wife of Tom 
 Kelly. 1. A Glimpse of Norway, Manchester, ISIiS. Pri- 
 vately printed. 2. Time and Chance : n Novel, Lon., 
 1881, 2 vols. p. Svo. 3. Memoirs: Illustrated by Tom 
 Kelly, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 Kelly, Matthew. 1. (Trans.) The Power of the 
 Popes during the Middle Ages, by M. Gosselin, Lon., 
 1853, Svo. 2. Calendar of Irish Saints, Lon., 1857, fp. 
 Svo. 3. Dissertations, chietiy on Irish Church History. 
 Edited by D. McCarthy. Lon., 1864, Svo. 
 Kelly, Mrs. Sophia, (Streeten,) [ante, vol. ii., 
 SxnEETKN. Miis., add.] 1. The Red Hand; or, The 
 Ford of the Dee, Lon., L86U, 12mo. 2. The Anchoret 
 of Montserrat: a Tale, Lon., ISiil, 3 vols. p. Svo. 3. 
 Types from the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures as Illus- 
 trated in the Colours of the Raiubow, Lon., ISfift, l2mo. 
 4. Jessie's Bible; or, The Italian Priest, Lon., 1875, 
 Kelly, T. Rival Claims of Catholicism and Protes- 
 tantism, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 Kelly, Rev. Thomas. Pulpit Trees and Homi- 
 letio Undergrowth : being Discourses, Sermonio Saplings, 
 Outlines, and Germs, N. York, l.s87, 12mo. 
 Kelly, Thomas W. 1. Myrtle Leaves: a Collec- 
 tion of Poems, chiefly Amatory, L(m., 1824, 12mo. 2. 
 Rosemary Leaves, [verse.] By T. W. K. Kensington, 
 1854. Privately printed. 3. Menana : a Romance of 
 the Red Indians, in Ten Cantos: with Notes; to which 
 are added The Death Kobe and two other Poems of the 
 American Woods, Lon., 1S61, 12mo. 4. A Night among 
 the Fairies, and other Poems, Lon., 1862, 12mo. 
 Kelly, Walter Keating, [<im(>;, vol. i., add.] 1. 
 The Life of Wellington, for Boys, 1853, 12mo. 2. The 
 History of Russia, from the Earliest Period to the Pres- 
 ent Time, Lon., 1855, 2 vols. p. Svo. 3. Proverbs of 
 All Nations Compared, Explained, and Illustrated, 1859, 
 12m": new cd., 1877. 1. Curiosities of Indo-European 
 Tradition and Folk-Lore, Lon., 1863, p. Svo. (Based 
 on German books, especially a work by Dr. Kuhn, "On 
 the Descent of Fire and the Drink of the Gods.") 5. 
 (Trans.) The Exemplary Novels of Miguel de Cervantes, 
 Lon., IsSI, 12mo. 
 Kelly, William, [ante, vol. i., Kklly, W., add.] I, 
 Aoniss the Rocky Mountains : from New Y'ork to Cali- 
 fornia, Lon., 1S52. 2. A Stroll through the Digging- mI' 
 California, Lon., 1852, )i. Svo. 3. Life In Victoria; i r. 
 Victoria in ls:iH and 1858, I,on., 1859, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 "(Mieof the I'U'Vcrest, coarsest, must rational and nio-- 
 rlllUckill^^ most (»i'i»'l"e and must Keniiliiely nniilonsKiii 
 liipdks that liave yet been written about the Land of ili,' 
 (■(irnslalks."— .Si(. l-tci:, vll, JKi. 
 Kelly, llev. William, of Guernsey. 1. Christ ani 
 the Seven Churches, Lon., 1861), Svo. 2. Lectures on 
 the Hook of Revelation, Lon , 18(11, Svo ; new ed., 1871. 
 3. Six Lectures on Fundamental Truths, Lon., ISCii, p. 
 Svo. 4, Notes on the Hook of Daniel, Lon., 18B5, 12iii'i. 
 5. Iiecturi's (m the Secon<l Coming and Kingdom of th" 
 Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Lon., ISCifi, p. Svo. cl. 
 Lectures introductory to the Study of the (Jcjspels, Lon., 
 1867, p. Svo. 7. Lectures on the New Testament Doc- 
 trine of the Holy Spirit, Lon., IsiiS, p. Svo. 8. Lectures 
 on the Gospel of Matthew, Lon., IsfiS, Svo. 9. 
 tures on the Church of God; new ed., rev., Lon., 1>IW, 
 p. Svo. 10. Lectures ipu the Epistles of Paul the Aposth', 
 Lon., 1869, p. Svo. 11. Lectures introductory to the 
 Study of the Acts, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 12. Lectures in- 
 troductory to the Study of the Minor Prophets, Li.n,. 
 1S71, p. Svo. 13. Lectures introductory to the Siiiilv 
 of the Pentateuch, Lon,, 1871, p. Svo. 14. Chri-i 
 preaching to the Spirits in Prison, Lon., 1872, liiLii >, 
 15. Christian Worship : being the Substance of Thrc" 
 Lectures, lij W. K. Lon., 1873, Svo. 16. The Chris- 
 tian Hope consistent with Events revealed in Prophecy, 
 Lon., 1874, Svo. 17. Jesus Forsaken of (iod, and the 
 Conseciuences, Lon., 1874^ 16mo. 18. Abram : beiu;; 
 Le-Jtures on Genesis. By W. K. Lon., 1875, Svo. P.i. 
 Notes on Ezekiel. By W. K. Lon., 1876, Svo. 20. 
 Notes on the Book of Daniel, Lon., 1879, Svo. ALw, 
 single sermons, lectures, Ac. 
 Kelly, William, of Leicester. 1. Notices illus- 
 trative of the Drama and other Popular Amusement.-, 
 chiefly in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Ac, 
 Lon., 1S64, p. Svo. 2. Royal Progresses and Visits ti 
 Leicester. Illust. Leicester, 1S84, 4to. 
 Kelman, John. The Sabbath of Scripture, Edin., 
 1868, 12mo. 
 Kelsall, Henry. A Comparison of Prophetic 
 Scripture : with Special Reference to the Antichrist, &r., 
 Lon., 1853, 12mo; new ed., 1864. 
 Kelsey, Charles IS. Diseases of the Rectum and 
 Anus, Lon., 1883, Svo. 
 Kelsey, Mrs. Charles E. The Vail Family ; or. 
 Doing Good. By Thcodelinda, [pseud.] Phila., Isi'c". 
 Kelsey, Kichard. Alfred of Wessex, [ver-e,] 
 Battle, 1852, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Kelso, Isaac. 1. Light, More Light; or, Dani^'or 
 in the Dark, Cin., 1855, Svo. 2. The Stars and liiiri; 
 or. The Reign of Terror in Missouri, Host., 1S63, iL'iii". 
 Kelso, John Johnston. The Plantation of Ire- 
 land; or, A Review of the Origin and History uf iicr 
 Earlier Colonial Settlements, Belfast, 1S65, Svo. 
 Kelso, John II. 1. The Bible Analyzed, N. York, 
 1883, Svo. 2. Deity .\nalyzed, and the Devil's Dcl'ence, 
 N.York, 1883, 12mo. 3. Real Blasphemers, N. York, 
 188H, 12mo. 4. Spiritualism Sustained : Five Lectures, 
 N. York, 1886, 12mo. 
 Kellie, John Scott, editor of The Statesman's 
 Year-Book; was appointed by the council of tlie ItMViil 
 Geographical Society, in 1884, to make a tour of in-pco- 
 tion for the purpose of obtaining "fuller infoniuitii'n 
 regarding the position and methods of geogrnpliii'iil 
 education in this country and abroad." 1. (Ed.' Tlie 
 Works of Daniel Defoe, Lon., 1869, Svo. 2. The W^rks 
 of the British Dramatists: carefully selected fi i ilie 
 Best Editions: with Copious Notes, Biogra))hie.s .Viv. 
 Edin., 1870, r. Svo. 3, A History of the Scottish lii.'li- 
 lands, Highland Clans, and Highland Regiments: "iih 
 an Account of the Gaelic Language, Literature, mil 
 Music, by T. Maclauchlan, and an Essay on Hifjliliiii'l 
 Scenery, by J. Wilson. Edited by John Scott Keltic. 
 Illust. Edin. and Lon., 1S75, 2 vols. Svo. 4. (Tnins.) 
 Adventures in the Air, by W. Fonvielle. Illust. Lim.. 
 1877, p. Svo. 5. Geographical Education : Report to 
 the Council of the Royal Geographical Society, l.on., 
 1885, Svo. 
 " It ought to be in the hands of all public men who are 
 concerned for the impri)vemeiit of the various pftrt>. .il mir 
 educational svstem, and especially of secondary srliools 
 and universities."— Thomas Mi'ik: .leaci., xxxi. 7:i. 
 t). Report of the Proceedings of the [Royal Geo- 
 --yssy-^i f 
 li "t:"^L"^r^?'::, V- J"-'-f Fort Muokinac. 
 i>^7i:t": •"":/;,"..?„',"'",'«'!''"'' •'• '«-'«■ - 
 lia.v.not, for lh„ Ar,„y ," Alil Ui.^oT ']'"'"",' *"■ "'" 
 •V V...k, IMfil, l»mnf ""i „, '; ' 'h" Hn.e,l S.Htc, 
 F"iii,.S,L„ Kran., Issl' ' 'i' ' '?' V""""'« "'"' 
 •I. InfunniUi,,,, fir Itiriu,, Jn l^ss? ''%*^,"""';". '■'<^^'. 
 .-^l.edal 0,.on«i„„.., issi ' '■ '^^^ *• •^«'"'" '^""g" for 
 The FavourLof^t•o;■^I ,:'•,•' '"'f^ ''""'' 2. 
 l:'mo, :i. Osn.on,! T^i,. "/"'"•'"■»•. 'S.'i", .t vols. 
 121110. .X Alice Uivor, !. 1. '■"•ling, hmu, ls,,:>, 
 i-n., r^A2.2 v,i; \." v„ \/T;'r- " " 'r'^"-' ''''"^' 
 I.".... 18,^6, 12mo'fvL ;";■'"'•""'' "^ "■^^■^"l" 
 MivU, Lon., ISBO , s. ,', ' /'" ."""I ""'i 'he lioau- 
 UtTonl of the HouWus an IV "f """!.'' '"••i-^">-o M 
 I'ir-;, I,«n., ls,l,i. „ s?o '|2 T, T'"'*'"' ""^ '^''vanood 
 l'evci[ioiial Uiurv. Lon Isii- m . - ,„ 
 aSolituiro; a Uec, rTof li V "!";. '■'• The .'^olaoo of 
 p. svo. '"^ '"'="' "'"' Feeling,,, Lon., IS68, 
 Keiiibic, llev, t'liHrlpa r - 
 Sovenlcon .^^Irnion.:, «, " rioua^'sl hi "; ' V "^'^"^ '• 
 l-'ino. 2. Thirty F, „r V „ ., J™'-' ''O"-. '''al, 
 hn,n..o," 1842 "C'Z ml"":.'. "/ !?'^>' "^ "«'"«■"- 
 en !>a,«„hial Maohinny ; 2d oil i on' wl'Tl""' "'"" 
 i>.e Jhi^f y t ^:;^i;!:,'s^t^';»::;^^ •^T-''''-' 'hat ! 
 in- of jirinciple or c,f ro«ults h.. ,r,^u, '' "'""•''■ "« a maf i 
 Rn.„! ,,,K.sti,m nf,MviT,rrelM,m,?l',.r!'''''''^7''» "'•-■»''« 
 IhruiiKhoutlho world."-.", ,Av'* £'."""' ''"'"an society 
 Mademoiselle de Helle Tslo ^^^nn f ^TT" "^ •'^^•'''""• 
 01- A. Dumas. Lon, ,s( f ' '™;;'"f , '•''"' '''« French 
 I" I. r-«D., 18-8, ;i vol,. ,; %!l"'- 3- "•^•""•d of a iiW\. 
 thiji we feel almost t.irinemwl in u.,) '''^:' ^'"'■"lU" nal'ire, 
 "'■l>:."f the youthful ihaseVnf to''? "■'■'"'^'' 1'^ a view 
 x.'ivu. »18. i'liases of the ''Iiaraeter,"— .Vadon, 
 I- Kecords of Later Life, u„ i«s? ■! , i o I 
 'Mrs Kemble has almost ev?.rvJm„' '"''• ^ *™- ' 
 'hill a letter-writer of II le 1 'tlir wr? o '^^ * correspondent 
 -""pll^.stralKl,tf,,rwurd.stv^.^[;^^".''"'v™•''«n'' 'iave,-a 
 l"';"y 'V'-'li«tinguish nVl/eU^^^^^ .1 '''■'"','■ '''"I " ™- 
 i; ions in delHil ; a knowled! » f.f e L„ .',"''","'«', "nd "'e 
 il hiiga story, a keen .sen.seofhmnnV I? ''''• "'<' '"""''^ of 
 'I'll"", and in everythiiiKnerf.. t ,^f,'" '' •^'^■"»i"ve iniagi- 
 iri'in alfeotation. . . Threorrl ,\?;'''''^^ freedmn 
 " ''»ir>'^y''KO'''l lea ofS'^'^'i''''''-'. wl"ch is ac 
 " very clmrniing addition to tuHV-V"'"'"''"'''' "^'"''-'S 
 "'.".'.■f' --V«/m», XXV ''70 '^ I'tfmture of ' reminis- 
 hyM!l^ttjrn:/;^l;i;,""'"-™|f'»t« Of letters written 
 ""ill and additional mat er 'im'JV.l ' ',"^™s'"»al explana- 
 11 i-n.secutive >"irra 1™ "".e""'.',"'' «''«'' "« ,"> maintain 
 • ■ . The book owes a good deal nf T '™"''' f"" '" ''<' 
 M'li-'iihir contrast of the two .n„i / "■'', a'Taction to the 
 '" "• The solitude, 1 e M cSl';';5''^ existence exhibi ed 
 'V -' iKul accounts of the ,..«t , , '^"'''''' alternate with 
 "huh the Krigland Lid t he r '''.'"''"'/''''"•at'-'J soc et" 
 ""^'apableof all r,HiK 'p,' '' V"-"'^ "'''J' J'ears since 
 tov , ?;:'"'"«■ ,"'"' extlnsiVe v^rieu-'nf" «',■';'■''•'"' ■»»"«■•. 
 'Ill*', these volumes must he v>oi„ -^ . *"'''Ject and in- 
 f;;:",'o .1.0 -istings,;,';S'oU^.r/o%\'^«;lp^-^?-^ 
 ^^^CuTJ:Z°' ^^^X-P^-e's Plays, Lon. and 
 *liKhmd' ."' '^Themo^^tTn"' P^^'l'-^'^e^^orsand quite as 
 ntiifin"'^ ''r' '-o <'eaih g v f,?^\rer,cVi:';' ^^'''''^^ 
 ^'-M be reid and' Vo..^^^ P±^-.^^^i^ 
 ''^I'll^fi^T^T "' ""^ """"a and In the theatre ■•- 
 1'- vJrhfc;/;';,t:':;'Kf;^l ': yrs Ke„,„le eve,, [.r 
 "T Work.) Inasm,,,. h , ? I . , .'V'Y"",'''''''^"' l""-"'r 
 '"ore 1,, ly ti,e iin.rvelm"inmX 1 .'''''''■'' '"■ '" ''-ali™ 
 N'i'arc."-,S;„w,;/„;., Ivi ";, "»"K'l""tlve power of ■>l,„ko. 
 _»■ I'oems, Lon., |H.s;i, ,',, ,sv„ 
 ]r^^^V"tu:";:^,S':':&;il^''' -r <- mc 
 While art has done n^x,',' I,';! I''' ,y":" ^'"'t of ,,;,«;;? 
 that perfeeiion „r foriV whlci ,1 '"r,''' '''■^'•aw to give I 
 ot eviileinpor..ry poe s , i > , , ""'.'■" "",'' '" "'i' verses 
 !'« " that or«an cni, I '.',;; ''''^: "'her hand wan,. 
 Mill arranwioent of r,K " i.^ » lii,|h IP,, most heuu- 
 barren hlossoni,"- u), .vj '"i' " ''"""*"! '" remain but a 
 ti^^^"ll&'^^!llCs!,''^: ''™""^''* ■"■velwiU, par. 
 Kemble, Mariim T r . , 
 '^rawing „,„'i l'""" " , p, "'7;'"""'^y I"'''^°"» '" 
 (Ed.) Art liecreaion "at lid,', ' n"" "'^' '^"'- "■ 
 lu«t. «o,,t., KSMI. „,„''"''■ '" I^eeoratiyo Art. I|. 
 i^.^ l^?.i:I;:,'d'J:„ii''^''"''""'- K,"f'i™: it. Phy. 
 "^•10, p. su/ ' "'"'' ^'^"'J'tion and History, Lon., 
 na^"v:';i;.j''!i^r";.o 'o^'^rT -v'^^^ ^"- 
 Oxf., 1888, 8vo P • „,i ,•' '■■'"' '■ainily of Kcmevs, 
 i Ke„,p m7- Y'" ^VT,!","""-' '■'■■'■"'"'ion. ' ' 
 ' ter, 'iatiri™," ,.„ 'J'':;":;' ^"''.'^"."'^ H'^"-'-" Daugh- 
 i-ationson Kng „„„;:, ?",''•• ,''.""•; ""'"• 2- Conver- 
 i Kemp, Dix„ v w^?' .I^""- '''^^ <"■■ -^vo. 
 ,^vine Authority Of tb:t^^^;::-:ij:;:;t-y 
 B|a|r';^::;4^:;;,^A J^^o;^P^on of Certam 
 tle^l"':^!:'787o^-^ "'-""■'> ''■e''''orh7chari. 
 c^""^ir^r^co£"L^;t!""r '1 
 I -P^h. of . aentlem^n^Exn; L^! 'lt^Tto;'2!X 
 ' ot ourmtn knowled™ i, , I"''"' '?'->''""' 'he «'opo 
 I dial leiige themo.MdnLiii novo 11 Y"",''^ ""'lesilatinglv 
 I -Sat. Jiev., xii. 61U. "«*="' ""vel-reaUer lo name a worse.'' 
 Kemp, Thomas Richarilsnn nn 
 at Trinity Hall, Cambridge Ih'Sr, S'^"' ?'''»'l"ated 
 the Middle Temple 18^8 ' ti. r' """^J,'" tlie bar at 
 Bankrupley, Lon.ri862 Pmo ^"^ "'"' ^""'^''^ '" 
 Lo^,Th?U, len '/"'• ''•'"^"^^ "f P»""<=-n« ^ a Poem, 
 J. E.Terp'e,%';:^\«-V «A F.RS., son of Rev. 
 lege, Cambridge, i72 pan;, «,■■"' r'';'^ "' '^"""^- Col- 
 Temple 18-;!. ^' Ho»;„"n ' '%"'" """" "' ""-'Inner 
 tureSn Linkage,. llTu, iTn" ■^^-'*>'" ^'"«- " 1"'°- 
 Theory of Alftl ema ica ' Form 'r PhV' ?™' -". The 
 actions,) Lon., 1887, "to ' (^ '"'"sophical Trans- 
 of TeZfap'htef """"r*' '"""'"' of ""= 'Society 
 of Civif ESgin'^e"? "Tn,:'„','^"f'^; "' ""•' ^-"i'» ' 
 : ing, Lon., llr6,"l2mo f j";e";'-t4 "' ^'^"'""'" T^"' 
 I IS J4, ismo. 2 Job • n r """'"P^- fon the AVar,] Lon., 
 12mo. 3. Elijah a "^ "' f lectures, Lon. Ls.,.', 
 ' 1»<62, fp. 8vo T(eS )''Th"|/^T ^"'' l""""'' Lon. 
 panions f.- the Devout Tifef^fj!.^"''''"'-^' •• ^om- 
 8vo. '^''"' ^''0' '""'•. '8r5-76, two series, 
 Ke. "^«v. John nniia„..M. A., graduated 
J ' H.,. 
 V 4 
 at UniviT.ity Coll-'Ke, D.irhum, 1857; ordnined IMS; Roiimrki on P«»tnrul Vi-ilin^ ain.,n|{ tho Woleyi-n., 
 " '■- ■ ' '- HcKurvatiiin iif Iho I,on., 18,i2, 12mo. 2. Uiiinliks of iin hvungulut, l.oii., 
 chttpliiin lit Almlelrii sinuo IHH?. 
 Tit ' 1 »'.._ *l... <l..b » 
 m^,>;\ SueiuinL.nt for ll.« Siek nn.l Dving not inonn- 1H.'..1, IL'n.o. :i Keocnlrioity j or, A Che.k f. Cen» 
 i.ii.toi;t with the linlor of tho Chiircli of KiiKlaml, I.on., '''"i',*"'"'"' ';;"'•; '|^'1|'' ,'_""'." 
 tholr Consti- 
 1,SH7, Hvd. 
 Kcmplay, Clirifttuplier. CometH 
 tution mi'l I'lmsB.'". i.un., IS51I, Svo. 
 Kempiier, N. t'omiiioii-Scnao Socialism, IjOD., 
 IS.H7, .Svo. 
 KcinpNon, M., IhmuI of tiic eduoation doiiartiiitnt 
 of llie NortliWfStiTn I'roviiiei'H if India. (Trann.) i'lic^ 
 Kc|.unl«iKe of NusHooli i from llio Original llindustaul, (.iiio. 1. ( IraiiH.i 
 [of Maulavi Nai'ir .Alimad:] with a I'rufaoo by Sir i Italian L\h, hy I. 
 Williiini Muir, I,on., ISSI, X\;i. 
 Kempt, Koburt. I. (Kd.) Tho American Joo 
 .Miller, l,on., Isii.), Hi 2. I'enuil and Tali'lte: being 
 lliogniiiliiciil ChaiitcM..' on Art and Anocdotcn of t'oiitom- 
 n.Hurv I'iiinKMS, ,tc., I,on., 1S8II, l2mo. 
 Kuiiiptliorne, John, iirincipal of Ulaekheath 
 I'roiiriitar.v Sidiool. Hrief Wordi on School Life, Lon., 
 I soil, l2nio. 
 Keinptuii, Ilpiiry TalttTNliall KmowU-h. EId- 
 mcnis of the Anatomy and Disease.^ ol tlio I'eeth, hon., 
 ISihl, Sv.i. 
 KcniMhenil, W. li. EloniiMit-i of Inoiganie ( lieni- 
 iiitry, (■' Kli'iiU'Mtary .Science" Ser.) lilu'l. N. York, 
 ls"'l, irmio ; new ed., enl., I-on., lss|, r.'i 
 Keiillll, Thoiilft!* S. North Carolina Supremo 
 Court Keporlr', vols. Ixxvi.-l.x.v.xi.i., (1>'77-S3,) Kaleigh, 
 1^7S■SI, Nvo. 
 Keiichio, Suyenmtz, an attacliif of the Japane«o 
 le;,'ationin I, hni. (Trans.) Gcnji Monogatari ; a Jap- 
 anese Homanee, I.on., 1SS2, p. Svo. 
 "ItlsverventerlaliiliiKin Itself, and . . . the Iranslfttor 
 shows a reinarkaljlu coinnnuid of KiiKllsh. — .tfud., xxl. 
 Keiitlall, AinoH, [■mt,; vol. i., add.,1 178!i-ISftl). 
 AulobioHraphy. Kditod by his .Son-in Law, Willnim 
 Stieknev. Iliiist. Host, and .\. York, 1S72, Svo. 
 "The'easiial ulinipses it Rives at the private life of New 
 Hamiishire, of Kentnekv. and (pf Wasliiimlon, ii Keiiera- 
 tlnii or two ai,'.i, nrr what will nlve it its eliief interest to 
 (!enenil readers."— .Vndo/i, -w. lii. 
 Ki-lidllll, H. J. A T'reatise on tho Horse and his Illn.«t. 
 Claremont, N.ll., IS71I. 
 Ki'iulall, t'hnrles. The Christian Minister in 
 Earnest; or, Tlie Life of A. Sinitli, Lon., ISot, llime. 
 Witli Kksd.m.i.. IIkxuy, Strange footsteps I or, Thoughts 
 on the I'rovidenee of liod, Lon,, 1S7I, p. Svo. 
 Kendall, .Mrs. K. I). 1. The .Iudge'.s Sons: a 
 Story of Wheat and Tares. Illust. Host., Is7ll, IHmo. 
 2. lien Farrar's K.\perienoo of Iho Sunny Side of tlie 
 Cross, Host., I87II. .'i. The Stanil'o-ds uf Staniford's 
 Folly. Illust. Host., 1S72, lliin 
 Moxieo under Maxi- 
 Kendnll, John Jennings 
 milian, Lon., I>7I, p. Nvo. 
 Kendall, l.anm K. I. (Trans.) The Ueturn .f 
 tho I'riueoss ; a Novel, by .laecpies Vincent, N.York, 
 ISSO. 2. (Trans.) Numa Uoumestan, by Alplnmse Duo 
 del, N. York, ISMI, Ito. .'I. (Trans.) Xenie's Inhurii 
 anie; from tho French of II. Ori'ville, I'hila., INHI, ^ij 
 A Strange iMarriage : a Story of 
 (Jualdo, N. York, IHsl, tlo. :,. 
 (Trans.) A Child of Israel; from the French of Edounrd 
 (ladol, I'hila., |sS2, sq. IBmo. fl. (Trans.) 'I'ieket No. 
 «fi72; from tlio French ipf Jules Verne, N. York, Issr., 
 2 jiarts, lllmo. 7. (Trans.) Whieli ? or, llc'lwein Tn.p 
 M'oincii ; from the Fren •h ,jf Ernest Daudet, I'hila., |SS7, 
 Kimo, S. (Trans.) Marie Hose, by F. l»u lloisgobcy, N. 
 York, 1SS7, llo. 
 Kendall, Miss .May. I. From a (iarret, Lon., 
 18H7, 12mo. 
 "A series of sketches ofllfe in East London, written 
 with Intense and penetraliiiK hnnian sjiuiiatby. ami lieiir 
 Inn witness everywhere either to intlnmle knowledge .ir 
 to that quick IniiigiiiMtlve vision which is hardly less trust- 
 worthv.^— /Ic.|p(., xxxll. ■.m. 
 ■>. Dreams to Sell, [verse,! Lon., 1 887. l2mo. 
 "We alruailv knew, from 'That Very Mali.' that Miss 
 Kenilall had iio lack of wits, or of wit ; bill in tliiit llrst 
 book (pf hers there was (ipo little .pipler, T. rcap| it rp' 
 (liiired etliprt. ... In liip- present vppliiiue tin' licvernev- 
 anil the wit have mole justice ilpuie them, piwIiik tP) the 
 restraints of verse."— ^liii''., xxxll. ;!i:!. 
 With Lami, A.viiiiBW, That Very Mab, Lon., Is.s.,, 
 Ilaio. Anon. 
 Kundit;, A. II. Sparks from my Forge, (" l'ul|iit 
 Talks,") Host., 1S71I, l2mo. 
 Kl'ndo, T. A. Treatise on Silk- and Tea-Culture 
 iinil other Asiatic Industries adapted to tlie Soil an.l 
 Climate ppf California, Sun Finn., 187(1, l2ino. 
 Kendrick, Asahfl Cliirli, D.D., LL.D., [f (», 
 vol. i., add.] 1. The Life and Letters of Jlrs. Eini!.. t\ 
 Judson, N. Y'ork. ISRl), l2mo. 
 "The record (pf licr eiirlv life is extremely interestini.'. 
 p„^".l,n'r7r\'t Vs78 l'>ino- 4th ed i ""< only as dlspbiyinj; the energy of ii seriously active 
 Enosburg, \ t., 1S7», Urao, «n tu., ,„|,|,|_f, ^,,,.1 ,,[ Aniericniilzed Cliarbptte llront(\-bul as 
 lllnslratinKthestrttliKueliaracterof Anieriean lii.slitiitlons." 
 — .sii(. Jta'., xl. J.'ji. 
 2. (Ed.) Our I'oetical Favorites, N. York, 187il-7:i, 
 two series, l2mo; new ed., |88l). 
 Kcndrick, Janii-N, M.D., d. 1882; b. at Wuring- 
 ton, Lancasliire; son of James Kcndrick, (aitli , vol. i.) 
 I'ldliles (pf Warrinwlipu Worthies, Lon., IS.'il, r. Jto. 
 Kenualy, Kdward VniiKhan Hyde, LL.D., 
 [oa(p, vol. i., ap|d.,] 18IS-l8sli; gained notoriety Ijy lus 
 defence of the Ticliborne "claimant." and by libellpjiis 
 Kendall, Rev. Edmund Halt". 1. The Twin articles in a ]iaper called The Englishman, which ieil to 
 ■ ■" " "" ' "" his expulsion from the bar; was a niemhor of I'arliii- 
 nient for a short time, but lost his seat in ls80. Fui- 
 biog., see lill.I., II. '1, kii^)'". I. Poems and Transla- 
 tions, Lon., 1803, ■ o. 2. E. W. Montagu, [pscupi.:! 
 an Autobiography, ..on., ISfiU, p. Svo. 3. Choice Kx- 
 tractsfroiii the" Eprlisbman," Lon., 1874, Ito. 4. ( IM.i 
 The Trial at liar of Sir Koger Charles Doughty 
 borne, Hart., Lon., 1875, fol. 6. I'oetical Works, Lon., 
 lS7.')-7il, ;i vols. p. Svo. 
 Kenington, Thonins, I,ockyer, J. I'., mil 
 Leach, C. W. The Village Wreath, Lon., IsC'i, I2iiai, 
 Kenly, John Reese, b. 1822, in Haltimore, .MpI.; 
 admitted to tlio bar 1845; served in the Mexican war 
 and in the civil war, and brovctted inajor-gcnenil uf 
 volunteers 1865. Memoirs of a Maryland Volunteer in 
 the War with Mexico, 184(!-48, Phila., 1.873, Svo. 
 Kennn, Ella. Chimes and Knells, Lon., IST7, p. 
 Sisters: a Narrative of Facts. Lawrence C'.ty, 1848, 
 Kimo. 2. Poems, Host., 1S50, Kimo. 3. (Ed.) Voyages 
 and Travels of A. Sampson, 1852, l2nio. 
 Kendall, Harriet. A Lakeland Story, [verse.] 
 Illust. Lon., 1887, f(i. Ifiino. 
 Kendall, Henry. The Kinslii|i of Men ; an Argu- 
 ment from Pedigrees ; or, Ocncalogy viewed us a Science, 
 Lull., IsSS, cr. Svo. 
 Kendall, Henry Clarence, 1842-1882, b. at 
 I'lladuila. New South Wales ; became a journalist in 
 Sydney and afterwards in Melbourne. I. Poems and 
 Songs, Sydney, ls62, 12mo. (This the autlior after- 
 wards suppressed as a crude production.) 2. At Long 
 Hay ; Euroclydon ; Poem.s, Sydney, n. d. 3. Leaves 
 from Australian Forests, Melbourne, lSfi9, 12ino. 4. 
 Songs from the Mountains, Sydney, 1S8U. 5. Poems, 
 [collected ed.,] Melbourne, IS8ti, or. 8vo. 
 Kendall is the first poet of Australian birth wluise Svo. 
 poems have taken a permanent place in Australian lilera- : Kcnnan, George, b. 1845, at Norwalk, Huron Co., 
 turc. . . . More than any other his vviirk is redolent of the 1 Q became a telegraph-cperator, and was in the en- 
 1^U^fr^l^'''i^ll^yl^::^u::^X::^^^^^ \ r'oy-nt of the uLil-An^rican Telegraph Cp.iiinany us 
 COnteinpiiriliie;-. jn m;- ,,;i.~,. u.vit ..^ .-.. ..t. ■- •- — ^ — •,- [ ; -, t, , . . lu,*- fit ' 1 ,. 
 ping gorges, a perfume of the odorous gum-fure-sts, a dis- 1 leader of an exploring party 18h,)-li(i, and as 
 tinet impress of native infliK-'iices which ha_ve_ never been 1 inlendent of construction for the iniddlc district 
 { the 
 er(p.s,scil bvaeiual contact with the aspects of Nature in the ! guierian division 18l!fi-68, when the enterprise wa 
 ()ld World. Wild-tlowx're (If song sw-ift nW^^^^^^^^^^ I j,hj„ ^e made an extensive joarno: 
 wind and rhymes of ram, the mournlul iiiarsli-lovvl s cry. , *. • *i. r, i- lour qc *l^.../.n.. 
 tlie bark of the wild dingo, the notes of tlie silver-voiced of exploratum in the Caucasus, and in 1885-8(. trasolle, 
 bell-bird, and the changefnl forest life around him, set to 
 woodland mu.sic, arc Kcicinll's best otVerlngs. His reed 
 was of no great compa-ss, but hud a few sweet notes that 
 llngnr in the ear and bring back visions of the lonely bush 
 in I. manner which no other writer has accomplished. — 
 Cunkmiiurary Hev., 111. 407. 
 Kendall, Rev. James, Wcsleyan minister. 1. 
 fifteen thousand miles through Northern Russia and Si- 
 beria, visiting the prisons and penal suttlcmcutr, nmking 
 observations and collecting information from exiles and 
 officials, which he has embodied in a series of articles 
 in the Century Magazine. Tent-Life in Siberia, and 
 Adventures among the Koraks and other Tribes in Kuuit- 
 chslkaBDUNorth.rnAiltt, N York Ifn 10 .. 
 ■""';>■„„„„,„„. ; ,::.:'•"■'■"-' ""•'■■ ;;i';:.."'.a" -" ^-.... .- 
 M11.I ri'wiiircBi of ilils'linknVmll'i!:'',',' !''',>'";:'"' td'i'Kmpliy 
 »I"MU 111.; iHiituiiuc (■;,[, ,?,.,h'' "':'''''''''■ "'I'l iniifi 
 Koule,,,,,. 111,,,,. Ne'"l^,"' '^ 'u-',''"'' ''^ ''"''• ^■■ 
 'II"". i-n.. 1.7 ii,„„ "T"!';" ^;^'T'" '.-••..r..«.) 
 . cr. Svo. 
 \l"^n; iNSj, p. Svo. 
 f'lii'.,) Lon., IS,S7, 
 >- f-"^i^,;,:;,';r ;;--r;;;,2voi, 
 J. Mr... S„l,lon» (.. Kn.ii.ent Wo,.,.;. 
 " Tlit'sf nvo lliti,, 1,,,,,],.^ , , 
 "■"Iwiil, ,.„„.|. tar " ,,n,;.,'; y,'' ," 'I,''' l'''"''i'''<l form, 
 .^:!T!;^L^!t^^iS^^:fV?i^'"-- '"- 
 I;k;".., N,.„.r,.l „„,, neveal.1. I,,,^''",^'.^:;''","? "' -n"' 
 ■liliuissioii of , Jew. inf„ |..„ ' '. ■ ''*"• •'■ "lo 
 ;i'V""-" con.t;,.,;;i:; L:^"^' ^ ^.•^^I'-r'r-"' 
 iii-hopi;f,saii,bu,.;'r.^;, ,:'■'•,""•■'' -'''''r^''' "• 'i'" 
 ^■|"^1 Manifesto," [s " s .' '1' T"""" "'^ "'" " ''^I'l'- 
 ""•!'• Origi,,, HiJtorv m«.^inf' "^'' ""'' ""vifws : 
 :.n on ,!:„ L^ J;*^° i r';'-"- '•■-01' ana Dr. TIHH 
 "'■,v..b , Iv r 1 .."'.•^L '."V^".^" 'I'" li-a,l...,a.,.eV.I,ii; 
 of .Sl.row.bui-.v Oran.n.a^.Sehi;"!' 
 l''»'o. Anon. I l\"fi rhu . ' "c",""- '■""•• I"*"". 
 ;i.,ii .r ■.'"■ ""'" i roie.ssor I'oivi"' 
 »l or. the .Supernatural, Lon., ,s,iV Svo 7 A nr 
 ' "' Conlirinat on, Lon Is.w •>...,' "' , J", ^ '"""■ 
 "'"« Stun, sivo EcC"' 'e'rVl,:. «• /EJ-) Arun- 
 "\*':. 'm, p. ,Svo. 
 l-"."..l: an A^i ',.'„' /J"?"""" L'"-- 'i'l'" I-t' 
 '- •'- AlHice.,, .s^!!'?,:;,!?;-""/^- "■■. Comfort 
 ^^ou.l, after the H'ar, Lon, mTTto '^™'"' ' "^' ''"« ' 
 ^';r;han.lK,,Klan.l."-,v;;;;„,''V.'\""l>. ""J between tl 
 letu» of Plato :' wit" Tr, n.l ii . v' ''"''•' ^'"^ '^'''<•'^■- 
 oeio» ; With Tran.,'ia;ti'.l': 'i^,:': \^:r^f'7'- 
 ! Part l" 'Lon.,;SHtro"" '" ''"'■ ^" "'""'^'^ K^P'/- 
 : at^r;h,":;f ^'„!,t^4- j:!i«v«« ""'^""^v "■''•■ «"■»'-' 
 ; i bont of .sV John *' .nti t a , I ' '• '""r' '^^' •' '"'"■"- 
 I cal Seminary: M„;i',,""m.;;'"'^'I"'I "^ ''« 'il'^ologi- 
 I in Relation i t IC^ml.. 't of ;h:.7''T ^'™'''''"« ^'"'^'^ 
 I Juism, IS(i;(. 2 A Fpw W ,""-'<■ """-"ver-.v with Jlin- 
 I I'riesthood, Sfi6 i 7h. n "" r"'t ^"^'""« '"' "'« 
 Supiemaey li Lved bv ,m 'T' ""^^ ""' "°'""" ^ee to 
 j Antiquity; MBl'! ^ " *"""■" """iun of Catholic 
 npartl.1 ! 'sJ^-.'sef.'bVoth^r R:v"if "i-J' i'""" T"' '• -"<!-] 
 ^^'^^' 'lue .South Lon""S?"';,''i- ^"''^■' " Settler's Hanniba: a Poem Hir, " . "^"' ^""- "**"' **'»• 2 
 J«"..edy, c«.„i.S',^^ -J. ,^ J Kenned;: CrAmS'T' '.'I'/ '^'"^^ 
 »» Alexander, manager of the Union 
 came known aVtheZnr^ae^" ^"''^ " '«^« «"'' b" 
 tl.e civil war, becatue nfnna^^'' ' ??"'"'* "' <>'>''?'»'■> '» 
 Union in 18 oTrraduUeS a^^^f ''l""- "V"'^ <^''"«"''» 
 1878, and has since practised V"'?'"''"' J"'" School in 
 vHie, Tenn., im.''^^' ^- ^:^-^^^^^y,^^^. 
 ' '^s9 

 Voi'iiK, »nJ Thottp' in f I'lte. "<. York, Isrtil, |2m(j. 3. 
 (,'la«« Cii»im»«nl"»i ' Oi»fi ' ir'iiiiniitn N. Y.irk. ISflU, 
 IZin-i. 4. T//(- .' '■• "f ■ •rtsa, /I I >.) IK7I1. 
 ||*linedy, U »tiu '' -'i n Nt < i. hIiu, 
 >ilti* '•'" f»»)ly. irv „,„. urid IW M.rim- |i,. ■ 'if Ih* 
 WoHlf ^fl'W 'i*^i IS8B. F<" 'li'lg-, '«• hKV.tlM'-'. 
 Mai>*,i(i». '■hl't'i- Kcnofaj '^oloniiil Travel i ii N .i' 
 riitlvc •<« « jF'iur Years' I'l.u, i?: PHljjh Au»lrilli», Kew 
 Zeiilnii'l, ^'miiiilil, .l.'., I,on., IH'it,, p. Hvn. 
 "I'l'', "krlUT \» tlinniiiuhly (iiiprftcTitlciiis. rthiii'" I'ltlier 
 fth '.wii fsjM'rIciiii'. Ill t'lvi'S till' iiiilh'irlly (111 whuli 111" 
 n--,.^,,,.. ■ ■.!.■ I'liM'il. iiiiil >U'er> II iiiiilcllr iinirn' lu'lHi'rii 
 ' iMiiMii. . . . Tlif one iMiilt which «« 
 u , I la n tuiiduiit'y to iirulix 'y."— .Icm/., 
 He0mf'4f, K. 11. I "ur Your* in Ijueensliiu I I'Uii., 
 ISTii, t:,„'" 
 kciiM* fl I ^-"I'u, P'l' Spoi'tro Chivfliiin : ii 
 I'lMiii, Ufimim . l^liT, M'imii. 
 licilliiuly, 1'^, 1., ! Iio Stirakljnikor'8 iIiiii<l-Duuk, 
 Iiiih., IS^''. sill. Sup; LM .■(, Hiiiiii! yt'nr. 
 lioiiiicdy, Kdwnrd Nliirlcy. I. ThiuiHlitpi mi 
 Ui'iiiX. I.iiii., isrill, Hvii. 2. 'I'lid l.ilurtf.V mikI i1i« l.iiily. 
 I.iin., ISiil), Svo. ;i. Thu I'lililio Sclioiil : p-Ii'iwIiik' how 
 It fiiri' I with Jiilinr.y iifter hii run uwiiy li'iiii Damo 
 Kiii'p|iiiV : tho l'liiyiiin-l''i''l'l»i l-uii,, l>7l, 12iii". Amin. 
 Ki'iinctly, (Ivory, .M.l).,il. Ins;. I. Olxiriiitimia 
 on oli,<ti.tni' Aii'oiiltiiti'iii, Dublin, is.'l.'l, ll'ni'i. 2. Iloa- 
 jiltiili.'iii mill Zyiiiiilii^ Di.ioiiKi'H ; 2il oil., I,iin., IsUii, Svo, 
 Kciimdy, (iilltcrt <iuorKi>i M.A., l>. tS44 ; 
 Uni'limli'il lit Triiiily C'lillcj,'!', Ciiiiiliriilxi' i I'lillwl tii the 
 liiir lit till) Iiiiii'r 'ri'iiipli,' Isyiii rocnnlur ul ili'iiiilhiiin 
 dime iss;!. With .■^.iNimi^, .Imis .S.itth:ufiki.ii : I. Tho 
 Liiw of liiinil Dniiniigc ami Sowura, Lun., 1nS4, svo. 2. 
 A (iulile tu the Cuul-Miiieit UogulatioD Aet, \M', Liin., 
 18«S, 8vo, 
 Kt'iiiH!dyi !!■ niiscrviitioni nn Fatty Heart: nn 
 Eamiy. 1,011., I SMI, |i. Svo. 
 KiMiiiudy. Iloriice Milton, h. |s.'i2, nt Mmbon, 
 Conn. ; grailiiateil nt Coinell I.S74 ; a tiacher at tlie I'oly- 
 touhnii' Institute, Ilrooltiyn. (Tran«.) Karly KnglUh 
 Liierature, to WiulilV, iiy iiernlianl ten Drink, l.on., 1883, 
 Kennedy, Cnpt. llnRli A. Waifn and Strays, 
 chii'lly Irom the I'liofls-Iloiiiil, Um., I.SI12, I'p. '^vo. 
 Kennedy, Mrs, llngh A. The Heart ami the 
 Mind ; True Worda on Training and Teaching, Ac., 
 Lon., ISlHI, fp. svu. 
 Kennedy, J. I'hn Natural History of .Man : Eth- 
 nogriipliy, lion., Isjll, 12uu>. 
 Kennedy, J. Ennii.<h Landed Title : it.< . "Safest and 
 liest Keroriii, Lon., ISIiJ. ]i. .Svo. 
 Kennedy, J. It. HLitory of tho Civil War in the 
 I'nited States, rriiiii its Coiiiiiieneeiuent in ISBI to Jan- 
 uary, 1802, N. York, 18112, 12mo. 
 Kennedy, Jumes, H.Ii.M. judge in tho .Mi.\ed 
 Court of Havana. 1. Modern Poets and I'oetry of 
 .Spain. I,on., lSa2, Svo. 2. (Questions on the Supposed 
 Lost Tribes of Israel, Lon., Isja, Svo. 3. Ethnolngieal 
 and I'hilologieal Essays, Lon.. ISaS, 3 parts, Svo. 4. 
 Essays, Ethnologieal and Linguistic. Edited by C. M. 
 Kennedy. Lon., Isiil, Svo. 
 Kennedy, Jnines, .M.A.. went to India as an agent 
 of the Chui"'i Missionary Society in 1S3S, and remained 
 there, excc|it uuring an interval of a few years, (18112- 
 (l.'i,) until 1877. 1. The (ireat Indian Mutiny of 1857: 
 its Causes, Features, and Results, Lon., 185S, Svo. 2. 
 Christianity and tho Religions of India: Essays, Mirza- 
 pore, 1874, Svo. 3. The Doctrines of the Bible Conlirmed 
 and Illustrated by Observation and E.xporience. Mirza- 
 poro, 1876, Svo. 4. Life and Work in lienarea and Ku- 
 ini'oi:, 1830-1877 : with an Introductory Note by Sir 
 William Muir, Lon., 1884, cr. Svo. 
 '• 1 ri'i,'ard this book :is possessing a rare interest, not nnly 
 for ilie missionary student, but eiinallv .so for the general 
 reader,"— SiK W Mt'in : Iiitfudiicttinj .\'oli:. 
 Kennedy, }><:v. Jiinies, U.l). I. (Trans.) Moses: 
 a Biblical Study, '.i. .'. .T. van Ooaterzee, Eiin., 187a, p. 
 Svo. 2. (Trans.) . '-x oi tho Hebrew Lxnguiige of 
 the Old Testament, • il. INval'l, Edin., 187l., Svo. 3. 
 Introduction to ',!hlii- ; V, ,••: Grudval Instruction 
 in the Language oi l-i-.i v /'csMinen', ^...n., Isss, <vo. 
 Kennedy, Jann i ■-«'!».r'''U Shnw. Tho 
 Y'outh of the Periii i. L^-n. '■'!>. [- -vo. 
 Kennedy, Jai<s*f- S5a: "Ut.ii. Tho Earl," .;,■ 
 of Mornjonism, Lni.., 18f .>, p, ''o. 
 Kennedy, Rev^ James I'nughton, M.A., grad- 
 uated at Trinity College, Dublin, 1864; ordained 1866; 
 rector of .'Stlllorgan since ISTli. Changis in the Liturgy 
 and Arlicli's in Eli/ahelli'- Heinii, Lon., |S73, Hvii. 
 Kennedy, <ien. NIr JnnieH Hhiiw, K.C.U., i;»i 
 -186A, educated at the Royal .Military t'ollcga; euinuii< 
 • iuneii as ensign |s|ij; suncl in the Peninsular Uh I 
 Witterloo' inipalgns. I. Notes 'in the Itifi'iaia of tin ii 
 Uritais »i. Ireland, Lon., Is.'iW, ^vo; Itli od, iniuo yiwi, 
 'i. Notw on the IliiltIo of Waterloo: with a UrIef Mi- 
 inoir, l.iin.. IsiJi, Sv,,. Posth. 
 KeiHied) Jane, [•mir, vol. 1., add.) I. ."ihall w,. 
 talk aliuiil Aii^'ls' Lon., ia,js, Svo. 2. .Shreds in, I 
 Patches; or, Patlii- iind llathim, Lon,, l8jS, Svo. 3. Tin 
 Name, Lon., |s.,s. ^vo. 
 Kennedy, Itev. .lolin, .M.A., D.D., Tndopen'Unt 
 niiliii'ter of Sti piicy ; lioii'irary professor of New Colli'iir, 
 Loii'M 'fi ; pi'i'sident of the < 'ongregatiolial riiioii .d' En.*. 
 land ' ■' Wales |s72. I. Thi' .leivish Exile; ot. Religi n 
 Exeuip; 'cl in the Life and Chanii'ler of Daniel. Lmi.. 
 |S|8, I2m'il new eJ., entitled "lliiniel: his Life iii.l 
 Its Lessons," ls5S. 2. Tlie Natural History of Man; 
 or. Popular Chapters on Ethmigraphy. Lon., Is.'il, 2 vol-. 
 12ino. :,. Th.' Divine Life: a llook of Facts an<l Hi-. 
 tiirii'S, Lon.. IsfiO. I2iiiii; new id., IS77. 4. Service umI 
 KulVering: .Meiiioir/ of the Lite of Rev. ,Iohn Moris'.ii, 
 Lon., ISiKI, p. Svo. ."i. Work and ConHlct; or. The Divii.i' 
 Life in its Progress, Lon., Is6u, Svo. 6. May-Day ii: 
 Stepney, Past and Present, Lon., ISfll, 16i 7. IL- 
 brew Servitude and American Slavery: an .Vttempt i" 
 prove that the Mosaic Law furnishes neither a llasia ii r 
 an Apology for American Slavery, Lor., 1863, Svo. s. 
 liest under tho Slii.dow of tho lireat, Lou., |sr,4, 
 12ino. i). A Statement and a Plea on the .Subject of ihc 
 Special Training of Missiunarios, Lon., IsB.',, Svo. In. 
 Shall we go back to Roiuei' Lectures, Lon., IsiWl, | 
 parts, Svo. II. Four Lectures on the Claims and Wnr. 
 ship of Rome, Lon., 1871, Svo. 12. Seven May-Daj-: 
 Discourses and Lectures to the Young at Stepney, I, mi , 
 1872, l2ino. 13. Our Place in Cliristendom and in the 
 Catholic Church: Inaugural .\dilress, Lon., IS72, svi. 
 14. llur Lord's Teaching concerning tho Sabbath, Lmi., 
 1874, lllino. I.'i. Hyper-Evangelism "anuther (J ,aiiul :" 
 a Review of the Itccoiit Roligioui Movements in Scotianl; 
 7th eiL, Lon., IS7S, Svo. 16. A Brief Defence of Su|iir- 
 natural Chrittianity, Lon., Is7.i, 12mo. 17. Memoir nf 
 ,Iaiuos Kennedy of Aberfeldy, Lon., 1875, svo. H. 
 Why I believe in (iod the Father Aliiiighty, Lon., 187.', 
 Svo. Ifl, Shall we Jiray, or shall we not? c liuc-li"ii 
 for Youiii Men, Lon., |S70. l«mo. 2ll. Pilate's Qucs- 
 tion, " .\ iionce art Thou?" an Essay, Edin., 1S77, ji. 
 Svo. 21. The People called Indeiiendcnts ; with lielulinn 
 to their Doctrinal History and lieliels, Lon., IS7S, sn.. 
 22. The tiospels: their Age and Authorship traced IVmu 
 tho Fourth Century into the First. Lon., ISSU, p. s\o. 
 23. A Popular Hand liook of Christian Evidences. I.uii., 
 1880-83, 2 liarts, p. Svo. 24. Tho Resurrection of .Usiis 
 Christ an Historical Fact: with an Examination ol Nut- 
 uralistic Hypotheses, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 2a. The Ms- 
 establishment Movement in the Free Church, Edin.. 1>*;.', 
 Svo. 2li. The Pentateuch: its Ago and Authiirslii|. : 
 with an Examination of some Modern Theories, Lon., 
 1884, p. Svo. 27. The Self-Revelation of ,Iesua l.'lih^t; 
 with nn Examination of some Recent Naturalistic Hy- 
 potheses, Loll., 1SS7, Svo. 
 Kennedy, Hev. John, D.D., lsiiM884, h. nt 
 Killcarnan, Ross-shiro, Scotland ; ordained minister uf 
 Dingwall ISII ; afterwards joined the Free Chinch, iiiil 
 in IsSI took a pioiiiinent part in the pn^ i ution of Prof. 
 Robertson Sniitli. F'or biog.. see Ai i.ii, A., ^ i/"". 1. 
 The D>,. of the Fathers in Ross-shire, Edin.. 1 SI, 
 Svo; 4tli ed., |S(i7. 2. The Apostle .t <h'i !■ i. (e 
 and Labours of Dr. McDonald, I •.... I ■'>', ^ . ■!. 
 Man's Relations to (iod traced in the Light uf "the 
 Present Truth," Edin., IStill p. Svo. 
 Kennedy, John. 1. 'hie Philosophy of Sihool 
 Discipline, N. York, 1877, ISino. 2. The School and the 
 Family : Ethics of School Relations, N. York, !.'-"3, 
 I6mo. I 
 Kenncd.v, John Pendleton, LL.D., [miir, vol. 
 ii., add.,] 17!ta-lS7(l. For biog., see Tickeiiman. II. T., 
 iu/rtt. 1. DIackwater Chronicle : a Narrative of an E.\- 
 pedition in Randolph County, Virginia. Dy tlie Clerko 
 of Oxenforde. N.York, 1853. 2. The Border Slatea: 
 their Power and Duty in tho Present Pisopiei'i'il Con- 
 dition of the Country, Phila., 1861, Svo. 3. The I'livi- 
 lego of tho Writ of Habeas Corjius under the I'un-lilu- 
 tion of tho United States. By Common Sense. I'hila., 
 1862. 4, Slavery tho mere Irotext for the Kelicllion, 
 '•"'•' \A' "' .-I A z„.r.'T:;;".,'f7"" ""■ '""' 
 ".'ouriiHl ,M |.;„n,,,„ |„ |s,i7,; V (■'"/,'■■"">"■ "'"i 
 KoiiiieMlj, .li.Ni. ,h r « • ,• \"''- I"'-. I-'""". 
 '":^>" It.llr.m.l.. \V,„|,., iMf,.' V , '•„'•";;'''■''•' "f •^'"•'i-. 
 "•-'■i. •>>•,i k" .1 . ,"''1 •.:"',"«'■;« «""-"' th» 
 H^o,yi .!;^7::^tJ/-'-|! -ruoi .l„„„. 
 ""■I '>"irr.' ■ -.'^ M , ; 'n 'V'l '^ "''"■•" ''l"'v^ n,„„ry 
 !....., 1«72, ;. Mv„. ""' '^''"'"■'•'' 'n-li Ano..Joto,.; 
 lii'iiliodv, N, M (i.Mi !.■ ., 
 ' ' ""• ''"«•., Chi,.,, |s,i; ,.V,„„'"' '•""'•■ With .Skctche. 
 KcilllVllv, TIllHliljiro r. 
 •'■•.I-".. I^'i, I:'!,:,"'- P""'"^"': a X,„.„|. 2,1 
 tl"S,.c.„n,l V">»K,.', "'..';:>;, a SI""t„N,.r,„,iv. .,f 
 ■"i>""i'>- H,„l C.M,.«„ /tor, l''i'''l''« 'l^^^- C,unbri,lgo 
 ll'-..'u'li.«.Mr«A,.,..|Mn ,.; T ''"',''M-r " '^'K"-""f 
 ;. ™^s'!i,S:'■i*€s>"■7^"■ 
 oniiH;rMJu7lieSS«'of W(!!,,M M '' ">» "rltlsl. ' 
 f ■'■la ms,' a„ t(„, A m !ri,w s '/ "'"'■ '""' '"•'■'Ml ,« y ' 
 , Iv' ''^'''r\"'''''''''« ''I 'x '1, L h". •;:■ !" '""■'; '""' ""■ 
 , • ;" '1 ' «''• : "'"' I'f lias •,^,h .,.'',''•'■■ ' '"i"'>bt- 
 .n^i::;;"r!*;iv'7?'",^irr^'''r"' "'•-''-"^■. o.,- ' 
 doll ll„l,„es : l.„ot, UtS, ' « '• *'"' •^- ""'""• ^^«n- 
 '"■"net, rharles hJoeit ' tI"' n, • 
 ■ ^'-".'ir Of Michael WHM,' 'l ,^'"};J'^^^.<;- i;-- 
 '■ llornlii'i 
 - T"!/'!;:,,''"''"'" •"•"1« f-ln^ln^ „„.,|„ K„„ 
 Ki«iiii|((n,H..»,.\|i,,,,| M , , ■* 
 ''■■»' '•""•. I^M. I,;„„ I m,V"",""' "f ('"nHrmn., 
 in (h,. Mithtof ih,- r,„n. ,j ,'""■"' ' """"aii.lmi.iii 
 KpiM.lon, <i ...r^e /'"■'■' '""■• ""■'•• ""•• 
 [.""., 1M7.M:., ; "•;, ■,,,,".';.•;■' ';!' ""■ ":';i< m,.u;,/,;i„";; 
 r"'"t''!:,,!^:"^K'7: ?'?•-• ^••^■•«-''.. 
 I'-'-ll -■••'■t„r„fAcl,. \^f;,|L""''""'f,"' '"■="• '"-'I' I 
 '-'■ ZIm,, I,,,,,:, /ifl,', i.,,f,"T"i"'.:"' "'" •^'"' ». 
 f"n^:i""^j.:^::;r^"rr>,S;i;^;':;'J,/''"", t..,.. 
 Ki-iiiiy, <|iHrlf«' ,.r n i • 
 ".;/ain.*an.ii"^::'. ^^::;''-«, "i^if-"-"- >viti. 
 Kciuiy, roiiriii,.,. u... ; "•' 11"'-. '<vi), 
 call.,1 I,. .Ik. '„,/'* ^ " ""'l'«'. l.I,.M., I, IN.17. 
 •'''•y«'fthi.r,aw,,rKn!M J; " ':'''■','«''• '• 'll" Hi,. 
 ';" '••■operiy ,„„i ,,,^1 ".'",!; "" '■■»'•';'« "r.M., .,«o 
 '.<.*.ni .„ I. ,;,, "v «i , ■',:'';!;'•'^"';,''••«'-''■'l"" vi'h 
 "';,l^>e.,_(V.,rl.'e liri,'; K,':/;", ',/:^;";'''^; "^ ;^"1"-' i ub- 
 ^i:';l^SS' '"'■^^"'•^^ '^--''fbi/i^'itibv- 
 ^Keiiiiy, i)niij,.| I ,,,,'.'"*" 
 f>iro..t„r.v an,l Hc.,.,,,,1 „r;iK. ■ '"/v'TT No^'papor 
 Npiiiiv, ,>I. L. '11, , I- ! ' ^- ' '""l*' '**«1, K'l 10 
 .Vov.,1, I.,;,,', ,;75;, //;^ »;;'^i;;»«^ uf Maunco Cr,;„i„: a 
 »,.™r";.!"/,r^.,'';'^r'',':; Tl'.ellandOo„lu,off.,ha!<c. 
 M^!g"^AeJ^;;'^.f:/;::!;'- „>ViMl.nn Herbcr., 
 , tlaincl isr;) : vica • f .''>".'• 'J-^1">-'1. Is?.'! ; „r. 
 ;.'£.<- ■f*-'ai,r&5',"li,,';r.; 
 ■nil M,.„,oir of the ,a o V m' '''. i'.- •■ ^ "^''^nipli- 
 Hi«to,..v, Lon., islir"." ""'■'^"'^ "^ A,ch,iol„Ky a,u| 
 (Trani.) .^acreU S ,,,go„y LTa'^S '"■'"'"'' '^'■- '• 
 Mo., 1S62, Svo. 2. C'ondo in' rL ^r '^""S'"-'- ^t- Louis, 
 at «o„ habita, Nanlos I irdV '"'•'"'" ^ »"™»'' ''"benda, 
 ^"-^'^'^^r'"-^*'"-'^- Novel, 
 VounK Men, l.:.v./„p„.ria""',"'s,rTr " 'I'T'' '"' 
 "ago, an,l the True Ob In p '/«;e. ''ourtghip, Mar- 
 IWXI, 12mo. ''•'*"' "f I"f«. Davenport, la., 
 Kent, Dorntliv s rtt.,^ r, 
 lieiii.; iJarknes8"at"N,!onV^iI ^^orge Elliott 
 p. •'^vo. iVuontide: a N„vol, Lon., 1883, 
 Kent, Edward Georse. i. m, 
 01 «u, „, : „ith Two tW 8 an,! p "'' ' ^'"' »*^"> 
 Lon., 1861, or. sVo "'''"" ^"^'^ "'"J Lescnds. 
 KtMit, J. T. Scxuivl Xeurosi?, St. Louis, 1850, Hmo. 
 Kc:l(, James. The Johnson Manor: a Tiilu of 
 Olilen Time in New York, N. York, 1H77, cq. 12nio. 
 Kent, Mrs. John. (EJ.) Kcoolleelions of a Coun- 
 try Uootor, hon., IHt^O, 12uio. 
 Kent, Marianne. I'liilip Mordant's Ward; a 
 Novel, Lon., l.St^S, or. Svo. 
 Kent, Philip. 1. (Tran,-.) The Cat and the Battle- 
 dore, and other Stories, by Honorfi do Lahao, Chic, 
 188n, 12iuo, 2. (Trans.) I'oor Relations: Cousin Pons, 
 by II. de Balzac, IHSO, 12mo. 
 Kent, Robert. Siiered Hours by Living Streams, 
 Lon., IKWi, I). Svo; now ed., 1876. 
 Kent, S. H. 1. From (iath to the Cedars : Exjiori- 
 enoes of Travel in the Holy Land and I'ahnyni. Ulust. 
 Lon., 1S74, !>. Svo. 2. Within the Arctic Circle: E.x- 
 jieriences of Travel through Norway, the North Cape, 
 Sweden, Ac. Lon., 1S77, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Kent, William. The .strength of Materials, 
 (" Science" .'^er.,) N. York, 1S7<,», 24ino. 
 Kent, William Charles Mark, (known as 
 Charles Kent,) b. 1S23, in London; educated at Os- 
 oott College ; called to the bar at the .Middle Temple 18 j«, 
 but adopted journalism as a profes.sion ; was editor for 
 twentv-tive years of the London Sun, and in 1874-81 of 
 the W'eckly Register. 1. Catholicity in the Dark Ages, 
 By an Oscotian. 1847, 8vo. 2. The Vision of Cagliostro, 
 Lon., 1847, 12ino. 3. Aletheia; or. The Doom of My- 
 thology: with other Poems, Lon., 18.^0, 12iuo; new ed., 
 1862. 4. What shall be done with Cardinal Wiseman? 
 an Enquiry. liv an English Journalist. Lon., ISJU, 
 Svo. 5. The Derby Ministry. By Mark Rochester, 
 [pseud.] Lon., ISoS, 12mo. (This is entered under the 
 pseudonyme, (iMfe, vol. ii.) 6. Dreamland: with other 
 Poems, Lon., 1862, fp. Svo. 7. FootprinLs in the Road, 
 Lon., 1864, p. 8voi new od., 1867. 8. The Lives of 
 Eminent Conservative Statesmen. Bv Mark Rochester, 
 Lon., 1866, Svo. 9. The Charles Dickens Dinner: an 
 Authentic Record of the Public Banquet given to Charles 
 Dickens prior to his Departure for the United States. By 
 C. K. Lon., 18li7, Svo. 10. The Gladstone Govern- 
 ment; being Cabinet Pictures. By a Templar. Lon., 
 186'J, Svo. Anon. 11. Poems; new ed., Lon., 1870, p. 
 Svo. 12. Mythological Dictionary, Lon., 1870, ;i2mo. 
 i:). Charles Dickens as a Reader, Lon., 1S72, p. Svo. 
 14. Corona Catholica ad Petri Successoris Pedes oblata, 
 Lon., 1880, Svo. 1.'). (Ed.) Leigh Hunt as Poet and 
 Essayist ; being the Choicest Passages from his Works : 
 with a Biographical Introduction, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 (He also edited the works of "Father Prout," Burns, 
 Moore, and other authors.) 
 Kent, William Henry. (Trans.) Sedaine's Le 
 Philo.-niihe san.> le savoir, Lon., 1888, l2mo. 
 Kent, William Saville, F.L..S., F.Z.S., F.R.M.S., 
 formerly assistant in the natural history department, 
 British Museum. 1. Ollicial Guide-Book to the Man- i 
 Chester Aquarium; :id cd., Manchester, 1875, 8vo. 2. j 
 A Manual of the Infusoria: iucluding a Description 1 
 of the Flagellate, Ciliatc, and Tentaculiferous Pre'.ozoa, | 
 >tc. Illust. Lon., 18SU, super r. Svo. :1. ILuid-Book | 
 of the .\Lirine and Fresh-Water Fishes of the British ; 
 Islands, Lon., ISSli, Svo. 
 Kent, Wyndham. Burns, [verso.l Lon., ISa'J, Svo. 
 Kentish, Thomas. I. A Treatise on a Bo.i of In- 
 struments and the Slide Rule, Lon., 1817, 12mo; new 
 ed., 185S. 2. Timber .Measuring, Lon., 1866, Svo. 
 Kentish, Thomas. I. Cicsar in Britain : a Poem, 
 Lon., 1871, 12mo. 2. An Ode of Thanksgiving for the 
 Recovery of the Prince of Wales, Lon., 1S72, Svo. 
 Kentish, Thomas. The Pyrotechnist's Treasury; 
 or, The Complete Art of Making Fireworks. Illust. 
 Lon., I87S, cr. svo. 
 Kenwaril, James. 1. For Cambria; Themes in 
 Verse and Prose, Lon., ISliS, p. Svo. 2. Oriel : a Study 
 in Eighteen Hundred and Seventy: with Two other 
 Poems, Lon., 1871, p. Svo. :). Harborne and its Sur- 
 roundings; 2d cil., Birmingham, ISS.'), Svo. 
 Kenwood, J. Flowers of Knowlcilge; or, The 
 Bonk of Information, Lon., 1872, :!2mo. _ 
 Kenyon, Edith C. I. Hilda; or. Life's Disci- 
 pline. Illust. Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 2. Jack's Cousin 
 Kale: a Novel, Lon., 1883, 3 vols. cr. Sv„ j now «!,, 
 1887. ;i. Jack's Heroism: a Tale of School-Boy Life, 
 Lcm., ISS.S, p. Svo. 4. Daring Tom ; or. How Tom Mel- 
 ville learnt Wisdom, Lcm., 1884, 12mo. 6. Jemmy 
 Lawson; or. The Story of a Village Boy, --on., 1884, 
 12mo. 6. Claude Russell's Sister, and other Stories, 
 Lon., 188,1, p. Svo. 7. Margaret Casson's Resolve : a 
 Talc of Victory, Lon., ISSi, p. Svo. 8. The Heroine 
 of Brookleigh, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 9. Alice Erringtoi.', 
 Work; or. The Power of SelfSacritice, Lon., 1880, p. 
 Svo. 10. .Scenes in the Life of the Royal Family, Lon., 
 ISS7, sq. Himo. 11. Albert the Good: Scenes in the 
 Life of the Prince Consort, Lon., 1887, sq. I6uio. 12, 
 Scenes in the Life of the Princess Alice, Lon., 1887, S'(. 
 16mo. Li. The Old Violin; or, Charity Hope's 0\mi 
 Story, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 14. The Cave by the Water- 
 fall: a Mountain Story founded on Fact, Lon., l-*^^. 
 p. Svo. 
 Kenyon, Hon. George Thomas, M.A., b. 181" ; 
 son of the third Lord Kenyon; graduated at Chiist^ 
 Church, O.\ford, 1864; called to the bar at the Mid^llr 
 Temple 1869; M.P. for Denbigh since 1885. The l.ile 
 of Lloyd, First Lord Kenyon, Chief Justice of Englan I, 
 Lon.. is73, Svo. 
 "Mr Kenyoi n feeble writer, seems to have f:iir 
 intentions; but a relative i.s iieeessurily biassed, ami tlieri- 
 are part.s of Lord Kenyon's ehanieter-bis iiarsnnuiiv, lus 
 strong temper, and his blundering in Knglish and iii Lalni, 
 which he was foolishly fond ot inapimiprmtely >,iiiotmi; 
 on the bench-on which Lord Caniiibell, followiii).' Mr. 
 Towiisend. ainnslnnlv expatiates, and on which .Mr, Ken- 
 yon is naturally reserved."— .'•Vi*, Bev., xxxvi. lU. 
 (Townsend's Life of Lord Kenyon is to be found in lii,< 
 " Lives of Twelve Eminent Judges of the Last :inl 
 Present Centuries," and Lord Campbell's in his " Lives 
 of the Chief Justices.") 
 Kenyon, Rev. James Benjamin, b., at 
 Frankfort, Herkimer Co., N.Y. ; educated at Hunger- 
 ford Collegiate Institute, Adams, N.Y.; entered the 
 ministry of the Melhodist Episcopal Church in ls:><, 
 1. The Fallen, and other Poems, Utica, N.Y., ISTti, 
 12nio. 2. Out of the Shadows : a Song wUh Variation. 
 Phila., 1880, 16uio. ;i. Songs in All Seasons, II. 
 1885, Himo. 4. In Realms of Gold, N.York, 1S87, Hini... 
 Kenyon, Oliver C. The Instantaneous ('li.>t- 
 Squarer; or, Case-Maker's Ready Reckoner, Manchcsiir, 
 1S84, Svo; 2d ed., 18S7. 
 Kenyon, Robert Moyd. The Gold Coins of 
 England Arranged and Described, Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 Kenyon, Kev. and Hon. William Trevnr, 
 M.A., b. 1847; son of the third Lord Kenyon; grailu- 
 ated at Christ Church, Oxford, 1871; ordained l-'<71; 
 rector of Malpas since 1873. Drifting, and other Poiins, 
 Lon., 187S, 12U10. ,,,,,,-. 
 Keon, Miles Gerald, ['tute. vol. i.. add.,] d. is.o; 
 colonial secretary at Bermuda. 1. The Life and Tunes 
 of the Roman Patrician Alexis, Ac, Lon,, 1847, lii 
 2. Dion and the Sibyls: a Romance of the First (en- 
 tury, Lon., 1866, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Kepler, Alexander. Mrs. Horace: a, 
 Lon., I8S7, cr. Svo. 
 Keppel, F. H. High and Low ; a Novel, N. \'irk, 
 1867, Svo. . ., ., , 
 Keppel, Gen. George Thomas, sixth l.nri 
 of Albemarle, F.S.A., [«"/.■, vol. i., Keitki,. llos. 
 MA.ioit (iKouGR, add.,] 1799-1891, b. in London; entcn,! 
 1 thearniv in 1815, and was present at the battle of \Uter- 
 ; loo; M.'P. for East Norfolk 1832-35, and for Lymiiigtmi 
 1847-50; succeeded his brother ISil. 1. Memoirs of 
 the Marquis of Rockingham and his Contempnrarie.s 
 Lon., 1852, 2 vols. Svo. 2. Fifty Years of my Life, bun., 
 1876, 2 vols. Svo; 3d ed,, 1877, cr. Svo. 
 "A thoroughly delightful book of its kind ,"->'(!'. ,Bfr,. 
 ^ "'it wcuild he strange, indeed, if the inaii who wa- the 
 friend id- the Princess Charlolte, who liiullouKhtji', "'"W- 
 loo, and who bail met in the course (d a long lileiiinc the 
 celebrated m almost every capital ol Kuiope, emil. imt 
 have written an interesting biou'raphy. Uulouraulh.,! Ins 
 done something more than merely record and reiium .t , 
 he has opinions of bis own which have their weiiiht, hi 
 has studied and not mcrelysecn life, Ins hnmoiir is "iiii. , 
 he can tell a story well, and he is good eiioiii;li when iii 
 has to be instructive to be as light and agrcealile a- 1ki>- 
 sible,"— .lend., ix. 4.V.', 
 Keppel, William Coutts, Viscount Hury, 
 (now Karl of Albemarle,) K.C.M.G., son ol the pre 
 ceding; b. 1S32; served in the army IS4x-.i:;; civil 
 secretary and superintendent-general of Indian alliur' 
 in Cnn'.da 1854-56; M.P. 1857-65 and 1868-74: ciilW 
 to (he House of Lords a» F.ord Ashford 1876; under-scc- 
 retary of state for war 1878-80 and 1885. I. Sug-estioii- 
 for an llniform Code of Standing Orders on the Organ- 
 ization and Interior Economy of Volunteer Cor|.s, Lon., 
 1860, 12nio. 2. E.xoduB of the Western Nations. Lon,, 
 186,^ 2 vols. Svo. 
 IirincinHl,.,,!,.,,,-... .',... J; 
 of the c.rigi , i^i „Z'n,nr",r '''"' !"' histori •. iMirvev 
 i;;^;ur, they are i„ «2;! ';:;;i;ir'Jls?^.!!!!:i,);:;'i-t 
 Chnd1.o'o,U.'.reet-'u?crt„^^v''""".'V , ,'■ infancy and 
 or. Svo. 2. r/irlho, ,1 , ^Z^""""'. ) Mnm.heatcr, ls,s.|, 
 Women',") M.'.nche'te?; l^S4'?/To'"°'' ^" ''"'""''' '" 
 I-on.. 187(1, l,imo. Anon 2 0^ f' «"'' ,""""" ^''"''^'' 
 llliist. Lon., 1874. "° "'" ^'"''J '» Khiva. 
 01 style, ecver niany filX "-1™,"' v' S'.?'"'"" '""liuney 
 I-on.,i878, n'ew ed.ri88(! t,lT\^'T '", ^'''khara 
 <» the Neva. II ist. VoV'^ss ; ^v"' ""^ ?^"'''°" ' 
 among White African," nXv''. ii' -""'• "• Lost- 
 l-c4go. L„n., I8S p.^t'^^^'i';,':"'":- »» 'he Up- j 
 .ie^Tr'aini'n'' i^ll' ?,f-, ''•. ■T*; P-f-so. of prac 
 Pla-'e {United Pr^^Le il) Chur h'm'"'" "^ ^'''"■^^■^ 
 gaished asa preaolier I tL n A' "''"S""' : Jifitin- 
 and other Se'imon . Edin 'i^^^^'^-^S"" ""^ 'he Rain, 
 Series. Kdin., I8S i or 8™ 9,1 l""?""'' S""""'' 
 la;e'{.^.l|'Stl:;;i^^n^^-^,ch^,,„ have delighted the 
 p. Sv^'II^tSI-'J^^'h"' f ■- '^P"-. Kdin- .S87, 
 introduction by ^, 'uel f T ^■"'"- "'"'"'• "'''" 
 E'lin., 1887, ]2mo. ^- *""P«»n> of Derby. 
 mln^'nltellj;, 'S^^X, '^Zi^l '"« ,^r?'"> "f « 
 away Without anv t.uri us, ,,i ,sVn ? ''• ''""''' ''" "^'^'^d 
 t./H,e""tXnt""o,''u,e'Th'"^"''-'^?''S'''"8- (»^"-™l 
 Prc.byterian"c\;;!.e ^V !te' fH"' '^ ?i'-' 
 12n„;. - 0''-^«'->'»t"'n« on Perfumery, Edin., ma, _ 
 CofS: ":i:[:n";^!^j"'::^,.^;ti- «J-!""'e.l at Trinity " 
 Kit, llev. William t « a • . 
 "f "'« Proe Church , pi, ,v° »'»•'"'; '™ I'rinciples 
 ^k:^!'::::'!^;^^^:^:^^ ^'"""''•"" (Pseud.) see i 
 Hi- i'";:^': l^!","r 'J;""'-'' Early History, 
 E'"i,-ru.ioVi:o„.. i8s9"p"s"J^"'"'"^"'^ "'^ » Pi«l'' fo,; 
 lin^-ri"i:i""'^sy",2*:,:' ''■ ''''■ '^'^^""•ie,, of G„d. 
 ^"^iMnn^:!:^""?^:;!:!^^*!^^- ;^™"'-' ^hoi 
 0.vf.. ls84,8vo ' ' """""' ^'""'"' of the East,") 
 tWt'o? Jml^;turo\:ols'''^f'"'''- "/, '"'"""" «"P-»e 
 ^■«'- "••'^S-sV, ■'vc'll: !sv„: '"•-'■•^•'- ('««^-80,) Indiannp- 
 !Town7"n'd"'c?::'l?;'l;f,'?,«: «"™;pr^- "'-«- 
 Columbia, Mo., 1881 ^ ''""* ''^ '^^ F- Fleet.] 
 e.xpres.'ed in' Metres inc?,"!^!"'"'"";'." Eng-ncering, 
 jMochanie of the ObVu" hoff s7 •- w'o ks'^St'Tf ' ?'^ 
 Lon., 1879, 8vo. "orKs, bt. Petersburg, 
 Keriian, J, Fmnk n ■ • 
 I Fire- Laddies a;^d VoTuntJer K "'",r'"'r "^ "'« ^^^ 
 I V.u^k and Brooklyn, N York, I'ss^ sir'""'"''^ "' ''^■"'^ 
 Cow "r?ma?rlL''l"8n'''-;"'T''"?';l^'V^'^ ""■■ ■''•^'" ^arl 
 l^nravelled Conv ct ons' Lon iR-r"^'"" ^^''"''°' '^"'•• 
 private eirculation ' ' '*'"' P" ^'™- J'"""''! for 
 Se^^": « "Sr,^!"!r- "'^'"^^ "f ^"■"''ng in 
 1 1.'^"^. ^iJvf Bi,^„?t„'^»l^^S ^"I;. ^°"-. 'r«' 
 tery of Grange DmUon 1 "•' inl'-^' •^"^ ^' '^''"' «>'«- 
 Secret of A.'h.on & 1 , u's 'L:;„""i."^V'^!:- «• ?« 
 - Two Snowy Christmas Evc^ L„n' llsi ?« "■ *™- 
 Keena Karniody Jllu.t Lon IsT'' ,? ' '"""'• *• 
 HuMcne, Lon., 1888, ps'vo ' ''• ™- '*• ""'"^ 
 er.^,"n',.";5"'8v? '''^°™ "^ ""' '""^ "f K-^a" Prop- 
 Kerr, James, M.A. l. a Review of Public In- 
 ftruction in the I'dllPr, 'i . "''^t'"' "^ ^*»''"'= I"' 
 ^yo. 2. An E.4y on^t' ^1 (7r',7' ^'""l' 'i^''' ^ P»rt», 
 ■'^vo. 3. The,. 7 ff n ^'^''''P''y' ^din., 18ail, 
 the Natives of '5 'l,;,' \tr"'T' """ ^"^"™« "^ 
 of Ind; or, (ilimnses" o V,', V''' '^''''' ■*• The Land 
 Essays'on'cnsi ^and ^.n;'"' ^'°''- '^'S, I2mo. 5. 
 Human Nature Lon ,s-fl "J "''•pome Aspects of 
 B- Carlyle as seen in'hi'w""",; *7.' l** ^''•' ''"I- '««2. 
 a »'rit/r and as TWan L'n 's^'s? ''" ^''"-'-'«'i^'« a, 
 the'',^,^;i:!e"!'n,Vopinion:of Xl^' ^ 'jf ^«'^"-<' f-- 
 Cause of Virtue (,lur,"eyPri*' .."it':' ^--'•'■^ '» '"« 
 cr. 8vo. 2. Lessons from a VC ^'',^""'"'"^8''' "^"l. 
 ISfio, 12mj. Shoemaker's Stool, Lon., 
 eha'*n:c"'L"!!"^?S67^"'"r„*"'T^^''««'= <"• «'"ional Me- 
 an^ot^^r S,ories,iy 'S^^O^..^-^^, o SaUburg, 
 IndianaSupreme Court lonot;' "' "" "' "'"^ «P«''l'«f- 
 I 8tJ fndi„n'apoli:,ST5 lTrs::f • "''-"•--*!•, (1«62- 
 Ofh'^e"at' W:>"'i',Kt,!n''7,l?^-';"^ Government Printing- 
 Urief Reconl,,niK^Pul,l' '■',°' Cojumbia. with I 
 I-ancaster, Pa., Issi ",.,,'' ' """"«' 178U-1SS1. Ulmt. 
 !Fi^h:^^::!':i:;fVe:,^':"ir?' j-™™ '» ^ive: 
 i f|). Nvo. ' '" "' "■ "oiking-Man, Lon., 1880, 
 pmfe,.s,,rof ,le rt of c,'l' ",'■ "*"' "'"' "Ppointed 
 I-ondon, in 18; . tCv^T'"" ."' ,png'« College, 
 to Plan EnLrlishlii'ii '"''"""" ^'""se; or, How 
 Palace. Lon!'. ',s,i?''2',t"";'; 'T'","!" I-'-^ona'se 'to the 
 bmall L\,untry House: a Brief' Prao- 
 4. The Coiisultina 
 tioal Discourse, Lon., 18 
 Architect : Not 
 ■■1, 12mo, 
 ^' 0" Administrative D 
 ifficulties and 
 Nnites. Lon., 18Sfi, 8vo 
 2. The 

 I'rosby.. „ , . 
 18SS l"rno ISSo. y. Svn. 
 'lierr, «cv. Samuel C. Thc.lewish Clniroli in its Kcrslinw, J. Mnitiiie. 1. Diaoi.scs of the Hn 
 Hclations tn the Jewish Nation and to tin' " (ientiles," an.l Xervoui. System: RmI I., I'ueial ^curalgla •■ 
 Cin., iscii, ICnio. ! 'he Viscenilj^iie : tlieir l)iii},'no.«is and 
 n the ('ill 
 Ki'rr, 'rhoinns. A I'raetioal Treatise 
 tivati'in i>( tlie .-^ujiar-Cune anil the Manufacture of 
 Sugai-, I. cm.. IN.MI, t>id. 
 Kcir, >ValtiT .lloiltligii, .1. Ih-^S. The I'ar In- 
 terior: a Narrative of Travel and Adventure frcnn tlie 
 Cape of (iood Hope across llie Zambesi to tlie I>alie Re- 
 gions of Central Africa. Map and Ulust. liOn., l.sSli, 
 2 vols. Svo. 
 '■ tlii- is uiie of the miist eharminK lainlis of travel that ^ 
 we ever rcniemlier tn liave rea.l. It is full uniicident and 
 adventure, desi'ribed in ihe jileasahtesl of suli-huniurous 
 styles, Till aiilhor travelled Ihruunli regions iii tlie vvil'- 
 ol'^Ceiitral Africa where no w liile man luid ever heeii beton, 
 alone and mniided. llcstarted on liis iouniey witliout any 
 blowing of trniii|Hls hv seientilie or relit-'ions societies, ami 
 with little more para]ilieriiaiia or preparation than a man 
 coiiiKMaitini anoi.liiiarv drivinK-toiir in a settled country, 
 il ' ciirrii'ii his icuriicv throiiuli accordiiiK to Ins iirede- 
 terniiiicd plan, witlo.u'i violence, luss, bluster, or a vast 
 expenditure."— .s;<(c(M/or, li.f. 1''IU. ., ,, , , 
 '■ It is luo proli.x. . . . iliere isaeonsiderahle amonntot 
 line wriliiin, wliicli niiKlit have lieen judiciouslv omitted, 
 and a somewhat weari.some reiteranee of trivial incidents 
 important onlv to ilie narrator, otherwise it is a spirited 
 reeoril of what may be fuirlv descrilied as a lu-illiant epi- 
 sode in the history of African exploration."— A. 11. Kii.vNIi; 
 Ac(ul..s\x.:nii. , , . 
 Kt'ir, >Vut.liiiigtoii Canithcrs, ls27-KSi>o, b. in 
 Aianianoe Co., N.C. ; was State geologist of North Caro- 
 lina IS6I1-S2, and connected in lSS:i with the U.S. (ieo- 
 logical Survey, llcport of the (Jcolojiical Survey of 
 North Carolinn, Kalei^'h, ISTo-Sl, 2 vols. 
 Kerr, William t. Kip-Haps; or, Drift Thoughts 
 Wide Apart, N. Vm-k, 1S7I. 
 Kerr, William Hastings. 1. The Fhsheiy Ques- 
 timi, Montreal, Is6S, ,svo. 2. The Magistrate's Act of 
 l.sfiil; Annotated, Montreal, 1871, Svo. 
 Kerr, W illiam Sthomberg llobert. Marquis 
 and Earl or Lothian, is:f2-l.'570: succeeded his 
 tallier as eiglitli iiian|uis in 1S41. 1. Fragment of a 
 Parallel between the History, Literature, anil Art of 
 Italy in the Mi. Idle Ages, Ivlin., IS(i:i. Anon. 2. The 
 Confederate Socssiun, Lon., IStif, p. Svo. 
 Kerr, William Williamson, M.A., h. is2n; 
 graduated, double first class, :it Oriel College, 0.\ford, 
 1S4H; called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn 1S4J. 1, A 
 Treatise on Ihe Law and Practice of Injunctions in 
 Treatiiicul, St. 
 Limis, 1S7S, ,svo. 2. Feiiioro-l'oplileal Neuralgia, Si, 
 Louis, 1S7S, lllnio. :i. I'rogreasive Muscular Atrophy. 
 St. Louis, 1S7S. lllnio. 
 Kershaw, Murli. Colonial Fads and Fiction-: 
 lluu'ionpiis Slietelies, l.on.. Ls.SH. li;mo. 
 '■This amusing book is lo some extent a eonnterblasl 'o 
 tlie I'idonial blow' wliiidi Mr. .Anthony Trollope was tbe 
 llrst to make ns iiiiderslaiid as a iiiaiiilestalioii of Austrii 
 lian iiatrioti^m."— .s;ifir<i/o)-, li.x. li'>;il). 
 Kershaw, S. Wuyland. 1. (Ld.) Catalogues 'f 
 the Drawings in tlie Library <>( the Royal Institute if 
 liritish Architects, Lon., 1871, 4to, 2. Art Trcasun- 
 of the Lambetli Library: a Description of the Illuiiii 
 nated Manuscripts, Ac, 'Lon., 1872, Svo. :i. Protcstai.ts 
 from France in their Fnglish Home. Illust. Lou., 
 ISS.'i. p. Svo. 
 Kersiiaw, Tom. The Ppelling-Iiec: an Account 
 of I'liblic Contests held in London and other Plaiis, 
 Manchester, 1870, Svo. 
 KerslaliC, Kosiuu. (Trans.) The Giant of ilic 
 North, bv (j, Volpe. Lon., 1851, ISnio. 
 KersiaUe, Thomas, lsl3-isill, bookseller aud 
 antiquarian, of Bristol. 1. A I'riman'al liritisli Metrup. 
 olis: with some Notes on the Ancient Topograjiliy of 
 tha Southwestern Peninsula, liristol, 1877, Svo. 2. 
 The Liberty of Independent Historical Research, L'.a., 
 ISSo, Svo. Also, many papers reprinted from arclne ■- 
 logical journals, 
 Kersley, George Herbert. Early Flight, :iii 1 
 other Poems, Lon., l»Sj, 12nio. 
 Kertoon, J. W. " liuy your Own Cherries," [verse,] 
 Lon., 18li;i, 12mo. 
 Kessler, Julius, missionary in Madagascar. 1. 
 On the Iligh-Prieslbood of Christ, Lon., ISOil, 12mo. 2. 
 An Introduction to tlie Literature and Language uf 
 Madagascar, Lon., 1S70, 12ino. 
 Kessou, John. The Cross and the Dragon; or, 
 The Fortunes of Cliristianity in China, Lon., Is5:i, p. Svo. 
 Ketchum, 3'rs. Annie, (Chambers,) h. Isjt, 
 in Seott Co., Kentucky : principal of the high seliool for 
 girls in Memphis, Tenn., 18oo-5S; married, Is.-is, to 
 Leonidas Ketchum, (d. lK(j;i.) She has been a teacher 
 of elocution and u public reader and loeturer. 1. licniiy ; 
 n Christmas Ballad, N. York, IStii), sm. Ito. 2. Lof.s 
 Eciuity, Lon., IS67, r. Svo; :)d ed., 18SS. 2. A Treatise ! Flowers gatliered in Sun and Shadow, [verse,] N. York, 
 on the 'Law of Fraud and ,'\Iistake. as administered in , 1877, 12mo. :t. Botany fur Academies and Colleges : 
 the Courts of Eouity, Lon.. isiis, .svo; 2d ed., ISSIt. .'i. i sisting of I'lant Development and Structure from Mii- 
 A Treatise on tlie Law and Practice as to Receivers ap- I Weed to Clematis. Illust. Phila., 1SS8, 12mo. \. 
 pointed by the Court of Chancery, Lon., ISti'.l, Svo; 2d \ Christmas Carillons, and other Poems. Illust. N. \ork, 
 ed., 1877. 4. A Treatise on tiie Law of Discovery, Lon., j ls,s8, 12mo 
 l,s7il, Svo. 5, A Treatise on the Law and Practice as to 
 Receivers apiiointed by the High Court of Justice, Lon., 
 lss|, 8vo. 
 Kerr-!Smith. Sec Smith. 
 Kerrison, liaily Caroline M., daughter of the 
 third Earl of Uchester ; married, 1841, to Sir E. C. 
 Kerrison, Bart., (d. issii.) Plans and Estimates for La- 
 bourers' Cottages, Lou., lS(14,4to. And see Smith, Licy 
 Ton.MiN, iii/'i-d. 
 Kerry, llev. Charles, graduated at St. Boes 
 1S(')2; ordained 1S64; vicar of Matfen, Northumberland, 
 1S77-80 ; curate of St. Lawrence, Heading. lS8(l-8:i, and 
 since then curate in charge of Stone Broom, Derbyshire. 
 I. The Histioy and Antiquities uf the llumlred of Bray, 
 in the Countv id' Berks, 1S81, Svo. 2. History of Ail 
 Ketchum, William. An Authentic and Couipic- 
 hensivo History of BiilValo ; with some Account of it,- 
 Early Inhabitants and Historic Notices of the Iroipiuis 
 Indiana, Butfalo. 1865, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Kelt, Charles W. Rubens, ("Great Artists,") 
 Lon., Ls7it, p. 8vo. 
 Kettell, Thomas Prentice. 1. Southern Weiihh 
 and Northern Profits, N. York, ISIIO. Svo. 2. History 
 of the Great Hebellion, 1SI)()-I)5, Hartlord, IStili, Svo. 
 Kettle, Miss Mary Kosa Stuart, (known as 
 Kosa Mackenzie Kettle, Mackenzie having been 
 licr mother's maiden name and assumed by Miss Kittle 
 as a Christian name.) b, at Ovcrseale, Leieeslcrsbire: 
 resident at Heathside, Parkstone, Dorsetshire. The fol- 
 lowing list id' her publications is probably incomplete, 
 Saints' Church, Nortli Street, Y'ork, (York Architectural | i,„,\ the date not in all cases that' of the first edition. 
 Sue, Pub.) ;i. A History of Waverley Abbey, in the , ,<,„.,e of tlie earlier ones were first issued anonymously. 
 County of Surrey, 1872, 4to. 4. Elstead and its Cliurch, ' ) . jiax Wcntworth, Lon., isim, ;i vols. p. Svo. 2. Siuun- 
 (Surrey Archieological Soc. Pub.) :>. A History of the i giers and Foresters, IS5I, 12mo. 3. Fabian's 'I'owor, 
 Frederick Derwcut, ISo3, ii 
 St. Lawrence, Reading, Heading, j |s. 
 Municipal Chureli of 
 lss;j, Svo, 
 "A parochial liistiirv worthy to he placed by the Ride 
 of .Mr, Thomas North's" admirable volume on St, Mart n s, 
 Leicester. Higlier iirais.e could not tw given,' — .S'«<. hri\, 
 Ivi. 438, „ , , ,, , 
 6. (EJ.) Depedale; or. The Chronicle of Dale Abbey. 
 By Thomas d'.Musca, Ctinon, 1884. 
 "Kerry-Nichols. Sec Nichols, 
 Kershaw, Frances I. M. 1. Daily Thoughts for 
 ',] vols. 12iiio. 4, 
 p. Svo. 5. Lewe 
 Sii - - 
 Pastures, 1854, p. Svo ; new eJ., 
 I8S;L" (1. The Wreckers, Lon., 1857, :! vols. p. sro. 
 Anon. 7. The Earl's Cedars, Lon,. 1860, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 8. La Bello Mario: a Romance of the Cornisli l.'uii»t, 
 Lon., 1S02, 2 vols, p, Svo; new ed., 1884. «. The Mis- 
 tress of Langdale Hall, Lon., 1S72 ; new ed.. InS. p, 
 Svo. 10. Ililleadeu on the Moors, Lon., 1873, - vols; 
 new od., 187!), 1 vol. p. Svo. U. Suuiiuor Shade mi 
 tlio P'urze 
 r Sunshine : 1' 
 Xovcl, I 
 •lems, I,(in., is73^ |2 
 isr4, ;i 
 I"". 12. Over 
 Sliires, h 
 new eii,, 187!!, i; 
 "uiiinceof the Mai 
 including Stricture of the M 
 ;!. s 
 Sea and the M 
 n., 1876, p. sv 
 M. My H,i 
 ycrns, I gani., inelu.l 
 surgical Discuses of th 
 nic [-rcthra, N. York, Isso 
 1 2m 
 r, Ho 
 new eil., I8S2. ] 
 c in the i li 
 ng Syphilia : bci; 
 Lord Miiskel}' 
 I n 'III I ' """1 
 l»; liie liiingor's L„,| 
 Ilorder, h 
 nc's Ua 
 the Lenv 1 
 ■on., I8S(|, 
 iieivanl Uound, I 
 'ge. Lon., IS?.'- 
 lon., 1877, 
 The I Illii,«t. I 
 cr. ,svi 
 or: a Story of thc'\, 
 rcn and Keyes' Text 
 ienito-l'rinary Or-' 
 -on., I.s,^,»< 
 cy«s, K 
 r. 8v 
 i|"m the sa 
 cvi.sion of Var 
 :e.< and Summer R 
 n., ISSo, 
 l>*. Aut 
 lunn l,e 
 ■ rtl 
 17. town, C'h 
 , i'-merson UiUnnl, b. isi-J 
 liern ' dp 
 luitauqua Co., N.Y 
 at .Ta 
 avcs fro 
 p. 8vo 
 iJartmo ., 
 Valley : a' R 
 20. The Fall 
 ?e.s, [| 
 P-'"<vo. li). Christmas ] 
 >eiv York ,'<tate 
 adrnittcl to the bar I8(i2 
 'ro.-e ami ver 
 Is "'■ the Loder; 
 'in., 1S8I, i bi 
 ' I. .\, 
 d' the bank 
 lany, I8t 
 w York C.oirt of A 
 omance of ili 
 21. The ( 
 "mance of I Hank,, in the '[ 
 «!', I vols 
 *tatc bn 
 ppcals li 
 ">'A department of 
 examiner Is7i)_7;)_ 
 "^vo. 2. llisto 
 .cports, l.'>li:!-6s, Al- 
 i« Shrop,.hire Highland,..! 
 The I 
 nitcil ,<tate,s >f. V 
 .''tory, Lo 
 lornie : a H 
 p. 8v 
 'Jn l.eithay's IJank 
 ]>. S\ 
 ■omance of tb 
 rs. The Te 
 .8: a Highland 
 with c 
 ■iiw.s of .Vcw York 
 '^' The Last .'Hack 
 10 South L, 
 ■nants of Uu]. 
 OL^ions, Alb 
 'inimcnts and Instruct 
 '■■y of Sa. 
 )rk, l'^76-S(i •> 
 nmon Schools; 
 25. The S 
 enzie of Ked 
 •outh Downs, Lon , 1 
 Sisters of Onihcr.-lciirh 
 !castle, I 
 lOU., ls8o 
 iiny, 1S7!). s,. 
 :i"g to Ci, .^ , 
 oaa, and a Digcst"of De 
 :?nl8ss, served in the M 
 lailuated af the I 
 "viii.b. I sin, at n 
 p. Sv( 
 'I-. Under the ' vet 
 also Jio.N 
 leil 1, 
 e.vican and tl 
 well. Rev. Samuel, M 
 KH, I signed in Isiil a'nd 
 •ncral in the 
 University College, Durham 
 viear of St. .M„k's, Woodhou e 
 A Catechisni 
 l» M.A., graduated 
 I Observat 
 ion of .M, 
 ■n and 1 
 itary .Academy IS,32 • 
 far, and was bre- 
 ■gulararmy in ISfio • re. 
 tie civil 
 in Californ 
 Fifty Yi 
 >^'^; oni;ined"'|S4s' i ''■-l"^ ' "'^' '-"'"• 
 on Uo-„el Mi r- ^'"'•''^hirc, |s,-,,.7„, \[ : Keyes'^ilo/.k^';, Vm ''i'^'.''';'^'-'''?''^ *scripti„„ of f;,.„„al 
 Jl lie has sometimes hc'n 
 -.■giiment. .Mr. KettI iv,.i i '.'"'e "Jo eager tu.sci/iMin 
 '■"rcful acoountof- II e .o ,i '■' <-'"'''" "" " very ful a 
 ship of the •lmi;^,;^.^^^"^j;;;^>os relating i^ti^^nZ^ 
 ■■is;meonolusion."-,ieij:''.;'ii''!,'-^™'''o (»e think, t.> the 
 ;l.oIil^y'i;;i'i::^^:;;;ll"'|,;;;"i>/.Ueresti,,g materials, Inn 
 <"mls together. ■rhe";^r m.'- h ^.^ve',!™,"'^''-'"! tl.e'n.a-' ! 
 he liic.,r ,i,„ ,1,,. "y,"-'' "lis siiccessfiillv i 
 •to., on^.T «'vo ' '"' '^™- '■'■ ^'^ Essay, 
 ''emK7v,l"!:-'c^riI'rfl"''-'',' ''■'■' «-"-"-' at 
 ■■ectorof Headon-^i'ni; ',:?"'? Tui '."t""''' '"'" ' 
 containinL'a I.itnn,, .,...., ..'*i"l|i to Intercession .• 
 containing a uVanyrt'ogeib';, wi,if i"!'"' '" '""■"•"'■'•"i™ : 
 % 't 1 riesf. Lon.,'ls-X B no - \"r'''"'y ^"•"'•^'- 
 proved Unit the liil.,rii,'^"'i'' """'ever, has siiccess'tnYK- 
 ....... ..ii.,„,mnce Hit I 
 i'"Uui.s made his name 
 , An rn;;;i';y i;';;;'^™j>;-f '-r-'Wa^i;:'!;., ,,,. 
 Lon.. ls,S8-si,, 2 vol. p. sv,'! TrueChristian Unity, 
 ''v'A''l!'S!n,'*u!:;,si:^';r':^,:j"""- -" ^^orse, 
 ^'^ho7iv;^'^?:irt'K:r^ ■;' ''? '''y-»"> nigh 
 "<";i, p. 8vo ■ ,;• '-'^'^'^''J'". and other Poems, Lon 
 Coas;,^.on.:is79;K8nr''™"-' " '^""'« "^ ""« Cor^isii 
 Kev. Rniiii>».i.. >> _. 
 U^M?.''";)" Tif -'"' *^'""-<^'> 
 Im!*.,'?';;::. '^•"•- '^l->'-^ ".hi voices, [verse,] Lon 
 ,^H..y«, William H. The^Vs,, 
 of Australian l-i'C Un'^sS^T^::; ^' '^^ 
 a ^'ovel of Scottish 
 snlms of David, Phihi., 
 i^l-J^Sl^f^^^i^iiL T'"' Eternity of Future Pun. j-^^-- ^, 
 M ed. 
 A List of Buildingg 
 i ' II 
If, 'ii 
 y, '} . 
 to Hmrleen ycura' iiiiprisuniiicnt, but, having suffered 
 much in lieiilth and Ijconiiiu nearly bliml, was releiised 
 at the end uf four years. He jiuhlishcd many jjopular 
 songs and ballads. 1. Sally Caviinagh ; or, The Un- 
 tenanted (Jraves; a Tale ot 'l'iii|ie.-ary, Dublin, I.SB9, 
 ]i. 8vo. 2. Knocknagow ; or, The Home.i of Tippe- 
 riiry, Dublin, lS7it, Hvo. .S. Fur the Old Land: a Tale 
 of Twenty Years At,'o. Illust. Dublin, ISSI), Svo. (A 
 colleiitivo edition of hiti works has been (jublished at 
 Kidd, .'Vlmira. Psiycholofty, Ho-Ini'ttrnalion, Soul 
 and its lielations ; or, The haws of Being : .ihowing the 
 Oecult Koree.s in .Man, liost., IS78, 12ino. 
 Kidd, Charles. 1. On .Kther ami Chloroform as 
 Anie>tliulics; 2d ed., Lon., IS.O.h, 12uio. 2. Chloroform 
 and Substitutes for Uelief in Pain, (Prize Essay,) Lon., 
 1S72, .'*vo. 
 Kidd, Joseph, M.D. The Laws of Therapeutics; 
 or. The Science and Art of .Medicine, Lon., 1878, cr. 8vo ; 
 2a ed.. I8S1. 
 Kidd, Robert, M.A. New Elocution and Vocal 
 Culture. Cin., I88:i, 12nio. 
 Kidd, Ilev. Willium John, d. 1881; rector of 
 Disbury from 18U. 1. Kellections cjn Unitarianisui, 
 Manchester, 18;i5, 12mo. 2. Life: its Lights and its 
 Shadows, Lon., 1854, 12mo. :!. The World and its Two 
 Faces. Lon., 1854, 12nio. 
 Kidder, Ilev. Daniel Parish, D.D., [anie, vol. 
 1., add.,] prcifessor (if practical theology in (Jarrett liib- 
 lical Institute, Evanston, III., 185B-7I, and in Drew 
 Theological Seminary, Madison, N..I., 1871-81. 1. A 
 Treatise on Ilomileli'cs. N. York, 18t)t; re\. ed., 181i6, 
 12mo. 2. The Christian Pastorate: its Character, Ke- 
 8pon>iliilities, and Duties, Cin., 1871, 12mo. :). Helps 
 to Prayer. N. York. 1874, U'nio. 
 Kidder, Frederick, 1804-1885, b. at New Ips- 
 wich. N.Il.; a merchant in lioston ; was a member of 
 the New England Historic Genealogical Society. 1. The 
 Expeditions of Captain Lovewell, and his Encoiinter.s 
 with the Indians, Ac, Host., ISC', 4to. 2. Military 
 O|ieratioiis in Ea.stern Maine and Nova Scotia during 
 tlie Kevolution, Albany, 1807, 8vo. ;i. History of the ^ 
 First New Hampshire Kegiment, in the War of the Rev- ; 
 olution, Albany, l.'^(i8, 8vo. 4. History of tlie lioston I 
 .Massacre, March 5, 1770, Albany, 1870, 8vo. See, also, [ 
 Gc I'l.n, .\roisTrs -Aoniso.N, anh-, vol. i. ■ 
 Kidder, J. Vital Resources; or, How to become! 
 Physiologically Younger, N. York, 1870, 12uio. 
 Kidder, K. P. Guide to Apiarian Science, liost., 
 IS.'iti, 12mo. 
 Kiddle, E. II. Practical Farmer's Guide fjr grow- 
 ing, Adelaide, ISIil, lOmo. 
 Kiddle, Henry, M.A., [nuh; vol. i., add.,] b. 1824, 
 at liatb, Eng. ; superintendent of common schools in 
 New York City l,-<70-7'.i. 1. A New Manual of the 
 Elements of Astronomy, N. York, Islis, ]2mo. 2. (Ed.) 
 Spiritual Comuiunications : presenting a Revelation of 
 the Future Life, N. York, 187'J, 12mo. 'A. Dictionary of 
 Edueati<in and In.-truction : based upon the Cyelop.edia 
 of Education, N. York, 1881, 12mo. 4. A Te.xt-liook 
 of Physics : based upon the Larger Work of Ganot. 
 Illust. N. York, I8s;i, 8vo. With ScnB.M, Alexandkh 
 J., (ed.) Cyclopiedia of Education, 1877, 8vo ; Hd ed., 
 with Appendix, I88:i, >vo. With others. How to Teach : 
 u JLmual of Methods, Cin., 1877, 12nio. 
 Kid.>iOli, Joseph. The Maid of Nazareth : a Poem, 
 Lon., 1>7U. ji. Svo. 
 Kidston, Itobert. Catalogue of the Paheozoic 
 Plants in the Department of Geology, British Museum, 
 Lon., ISsH, 8m,. 
 Kiell'cr, Henry Miirtyn. The Recollections cjf a 
 Drummer IJov. Illust. bust., ls.-<:i, 16mo; Cth ed., 
 enl., I8.s:i. 
 Kielhorn, Franz liOrenz, Ph.D., b. 1840, at 
 tJsnabriiek ; educated at the universities of Giittingen, 
 Rreslau, lierlin, and Oxford: formerly professor of Ori- 
 ental literature and superintendent of Sanskrit stmlics, 
 ]-»eccan College, Poonah ; professor of Sanskrit at (liil- 
 tingon since 1882. 1. (Ed. and trans.) The l'arii)lia- 
 .sliendujekhara of Nagojlbhi^ta, Bombay, 18tH)-74, 2 
 vols. 8vo. 
 "One (if the few books piiblishert during the last (ifty 
 ieaia that murk a real ttdvuiiee 111 lb. lit.-tory ul Sanskrit 
 .seliolarsliip."— F. .Max .MCli.kk; .4c(t(/., vi. l.'iO. 
 2. A Grammar of the Sanskrit Language, Bombay, 
 1870, 8vo; 2ded,, rev., 1880. 3. Kalyi'iyana and Patan- 
 jali : their Relation to each other and to I', Bom- 
 bay, 187R, Svo. 4. (Ed.) The Yvfikarananmhabhashvn 
 of Patnnjali, Bombay, 1870-84, 3 vols. 8ni. 
 " Without wishing to detract In the least from the nieri-- 
 of earlier editions, we must rcKard Prof. Klelhiirn''- n. 
 certainly the first that deserves thi; name of a critical •■•\: 
 tlon, as that word is nndcrstdod a nong classical. seholiir^ 
 — F. Max .MC'.r.Kit: Ami., xvi. 0. 
 Kildnre, Marqnis of. Sen FiTZ(iKPAi.i), CiiAiir.i^ 
 Kilgore, Carrie Sylvester, (iiurnhani,. 
 18;!8, at Craftsbury, Vl. : became n lawyer, and wife ni 
 the following. Woman Suffrage: an Argument on the 
 Elective I'ranehise. 1873, 8v(i. 
 Kilgore, Uamon Young, 1827-1888, a lawyir 
 of Philadelphia. I. Dangers which threaten the j; 
 public, Phila., 1860, Svo. 2. tiuestions of the \h\ . 
 Caste, SuHVage. Labor, ,tc., N. York, 1870, 8vo. Al-., 
 various pamphlets on legal and reform topics. 
 Kilgoiir, Henry. I. Nitrogen shown to he (':ir- 
 bonic Oxide, Lon., 180."), 8vo. 2. The Hebrew or Ibeiiiin 
 Race, including the Pehisgians, the Phenicians, the 
 Jews, the British, and others, Lon., 1872, 8vo. 
 Kilian, Paul. On the Physiological and Thcr.i- 
 peutic Properlies of Mineral Waters, Lon., 1881, 8vii. 
 Killen, J. M. 1. Our Friends in Heaven ; or, The 
 .Mutual Recognition of the Redeemed in Glory Demon- 
 strated, Edin., 1854, 12mo; 15th ed., 187:1. 2. 
 Friends in Hell ; or, Fellowship among the Lost, Edin., 
 1850, 24ino. :i. Our Companions in Glory: Society ni 
 Heaven Contemplated, Edin., 1862, 12mo. 
 Killen, James Ilryce. The United State- M 
 Europe, Lon., 1880, 8vo. 
 Killen, Ilev. William U., D.D., president < ) 
 Assembly's College, Belfast, and professor of eccle.-ia>ii. 
 eal history. 1. The Unitarian Martyr: a Defence nf 
 John Calvin in the Case of Michael Servelus, Belfa-i, 
 1854, 8vo. 2. The Ancient Church : its History, ll.ic. 
 trine. Worship, and Constitution traced for the First 
 Three Hundred Years, Lon., 1850, Svo. 3. Memoir nt 
 John Edgar, Belfast, 1807, 12mo. 4. The Old Cathi.lio 
 Church ; or. The History, Doctrine, Worship, and Polity 
 of the Christians to the Establishment by the Po|ie as a 
 Temporal Sovereign, Edin., 1871, 8vo. 5. The Ecclesia.-. 
 tical History of Ireland, from the Earliest Period !u ilie 
 Present Tiines, Lon., 1876, 2 vols. Svo. 
 " His book contains a good deal of real information fir 
 those who have strength to find their way to it through the 
 jungle of eunt Ijy wliieh it has j be appr(jached."— >«(. 
 Hcv., xlii. li;i, 144. 
 6. The Westminster Divines, and the Use of Instru- 
 mental Music, Lon., 1882, Svo. V. The D^natian Epi:-. 
 ties Entirely Spurious : a Reply to the Bishop of Durliaiu, 
 Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Killick, A. H. The Student's Hand-Book of ,1. 8, 
 Mill's .-System of Logic, Lon.. 1860, Svo; 2d ed., Is7)i, 
 Killick, Louisa M. A Lay of Magdala, I.idi.. 
 1808, Svo. 
 Kilner, W. B. A Comiiendium of Modern I'li;ir- 
 macy ; 5th ed., Lon., 1884. Svo. 
 liilpin, Lisa. Girls and their Mission, Lon., Isilii, 
 Kilvert, Ilev. Francis, M.A., 1793-1863, gra.l- 
 uatud at Worcester College, Oxford, 1819. 1. SerniMiis 
 preach,. 1 at Christ Church. Bath, Lon., 1827, 12m(i. 1', 
 Sermons preached at St. JIary's (.'hurcli, liathwick, I.'.n.. 
 1837, 12mo. 3. Pinacothecie Historicie Speeinnn. I.on., 
 1848-50, 2 vols. lOmo. 4. Ralph Allen and Prior I'aik, 
 Bath, 1857, 16uio. 5. .Memoirs of Ihe Life and Writiags 
 of the Right Rev. Richard Ilurd, D.D., Lord l!ish..|) .if 
 Worcester: with a Selection from his Correspondcnec loul 
 other Unpublished Pajiers, Lon., 1860, Svo. 
 ■' A VdUime which, if not of any special interest, will lie 
 a useful addi'ion to the biographical shelf of a libnuy. "- 
 Sat. Ilev., ix. ;134. 
 0. Renniins in Verse and Prose : with n Brief .Mciimir, 
 Lon., iJ^liO, Svo. 
 Kimball, Edwin Coolidgp. Midnight Sun- 
 beams; or. Bits of Travel through the Lund "1 the 
 Norseman, Bost.. 1888, Svo. 
 Kimball, Elijah II. The (ios])els in Poetry, N. 
 York, 1870, 12mo. 
 Kimball, II. I. The International Cotton F.\|)o- 
 sifion. Allanta, Georgia, 1>81, N. York, 1882, Svo. 
 Kimbail, Harriet McEwen, b. 1834, at Ports 
 iiiuulh, N.H. 1. Hyniiis, Host., l.'<«tt, DSmo. '-'. Sm! 
 low Flights of Song, N. York, 1871, sq. lOmo. ■': The 
 Blessed Company of Ali Faithful People, N. York, 187!i, 
 Kimball, James William, [oiite, vol. i., aJd.,) 
 and „fter„ij/e„'« ;'7;^'"^J,^'^,7''';'"t «n.,lu„tinK 
 Diaciple, Ii„«t., ISM "4,nn 9 t-' ,' ^.l'" '*'''"»'"l 
 ments ti. Kaitli, Bost Isr 19, . '^ f^ncoun.Ko- 
 186; 4 ,V,1 ; T, i"' '^''^'••••'■•"ul? " Novel, N. York 
 Story. % a'^M ,f Kl''^','-'';'''" .'^ "'''■■'' ^"'""" 
 K n„'i;„^'"r 0, Kx...,tio„al Life, N. York 1,4 '' , 
 h'nalmn, (Jtrara Henry, M.n.r.A , F R ^ i 
 ftc J^ho't^th^ifl'/ii !?^;ie;!;i";^.l]^^^ V bf'n8,tpgether ' 
 orbreak.s i„ tla"str«ta/'-*,<to 'xViix^ ''"""» 
 AIn;.,''n:;i:^^'';r"«^''f'l-'-J."l"us.. ana 
 V«r_k. 1S74, l.C ""^ *'°'' ""'y Sacrament, N. i 
 Kiiicaid, Sidnev Hnitnn r^ ■ c . 
 I.u!:::"sr,iv^,r'^'"»- ''"^'- ""S Dramatic Sketches, | 
 TiMc S,„r.v, Lon., is7,. sq^is.n;, " "'" '"' '^"'"-'^ "^ 
 oltey:*^" '\%\^T ,'• ^' '^ "'""•="•• - Story 
 J-u IS6- 8v"™"'"' "'""'°J "'■ (-^"""g Rheumatisu;; I 
 h "^i.!!?' ^''ce, (laughter of Rov J M k,„„ ■ ^ ' 
 ;• A Cluster of Live., Lo„„ Tsn';f's\,7''-'"'A«>i»' 
 liwnd, Lon., 1874, ,3 vols 1, ,Svo ir . ' ^l'^"- 
 '■"•■■ts, liOn., 1870 S V ! i L • "'''"■'■' <"■ Cor- 
 l>^-!. .1 vols, er s"- o' T i' ^''c"''^ ^'^ ^"X'' ^^<"'- 
 ".l.or Heading, for mbllci[.t:'L'"'"LSS«'';;^'' '?'' 
 •>-"o.'^"r Ethel Vr "a-^S^''''''^^ = ^^'-. ^-•. ' 
 •I- The Fisherman', rMM ^'^^i I'""'- 'SSI, IJmo 
 Kiiie A,.^ ^ 'J '"' ^''"•' l^"' Ifiiro. 
 "■■■Kt Arthiir. Our Sfini: 1 II IT 
 J"'". r,nn., I SSI) ,, 8vo " '° ^""'^ ""^'" 'n 
 I Co^e'ge^^"o*rd" P8sr"' !^-^-\ f"''""'"" "' "^^n""' 
 8inee^l(i,'^",'sl HI -;;'•'''''"<;'' ?•■" • ^'™^ "f A^'-'bury 
 an Account /,; ,he i '^f.""'' ' P* S?""''''"^^''"""' ^ ►"-'ing 
 .,,""' "> "le >. (leorge's K ota Ac [ nn 1 ui'n 
 ''''i'i;;!;''';rf/-'"ott'r.8U' nm"''""™ to the 
 ^S^"Xr '"-^lon.gomery.'lllu,.. Lon. 
 King, Capt. C'harlc!;, r.,S A b I814 „t am 
 N.V.; graduated at the I S \I m,' J f ',"' Albany, 
 cerved a first in the ..^.i'lV '"""'"^y Academy IS(W1; 
 ; cavalry, reti^L/'Jrom^a r^:^' I'i'^:;^:"; " '"? 
 , ""l"«ry science in the I'ni^e .i „ , t W '""'^P''*"r "f 
 ' >>*>*»■ I. The Col, n..r« II i .^ Wisconsin since 
 .^purs, Phil,.., isstTimo "='''"' "^' "'"""'S '"« 
 st;i^i^"';:ir ii;^' Pa.^^:?^^|!;i:;!'y;-,°f '"^ "t the mlliiary 
 (•"hmcrs IJHiiKliter' 'iVis r'f "',"",'"'•' >-'ivcn in 'The 
 ' , ^' ' *»• ■•• Marion's Kaith I'hil,. i«u; 10 ' 
 The Deserter- falsnl i.'/ .1 " '"" '"S^. 12mo. a. 
 l-hila., ISsY, ,'o,i ''"^7 " the Ranks. Two Novels, 
 I'ln.^t.' X.York lissiC'"-'""" ^^"-"- -■'tory: 
 pa-ssed out of his h, ir, ,f^ '' ^""'' ''^"'^ '"terwards 
 John Taylor rh,"n th?V'r''"r'' '" '■'" ''^ 
 Xeiv York. Mr K „"", i^- '^'•^"■•'I'-'itan .Museum, 
 ity College Can^b IZ „f 'l^J r^"'' *-■'"""? "' 'r""- 
 at the tin,; lij 1^11) V'^fJ' "''f ^^"""^ Fc)lo>y 
 L'in rsp« .,n 1 A- V ; '■ Antique Uems: their Ori 
 and asl lu ? 'ativ "oV A '"i'"f"r"' '": ^"--< "'-"tory; 
 Collectors, lu^!:^ t^:^,^: ;::::^,rT^'':'r 
 iMediivaVlttimu""!''!','" '/^'''r'' ^"-ntand 
 I of Engraved (Jems, hut' Lon ,L " J^'""^-^"'^ 
 logical f^u voy vhkh ".V;"' '^"T'-' "^ "'" '■■«■"«"- 
 I. Keport on^t'hrGcolo^, ",?'!''''?''■ "'"" "'•* "" '■^'*1- 
 " rallel. "■ P 1", "^ ''■y.'''".™ ,'"" "f ••'« Fortieth 
 l-arallel. ,•■ Pa„ers"'on"'l'' "■:-'"",™J!''".'"' "'" ^"'•'ioH 
 870-7fi^ .s, „;,.".;:,';•.'■•• .l'l»"^« ""'l Maps. 
 I WaibflsYolffi', .sv'or^ta'aild'fi,/''; 4 ''',"''■' T'' '^'"l"' 
 : class "f readers in Boner 1 \n^^^^^^^^ '" ""-' '"^g^r 
 pcndoii.s s(-encrv f*^| "ion ,, f, V'T '■" ''"'"'■ '"' ""■' ■"?«'• 
 Iiaiiionsliip will, lo'v am) ■ ^'ham, or in the com- 
 orc«l np,';„ the traveler or :'el';l,'.-Tr "'',"'■'•' ''^■^^' 
 he p,).ssesses the gift of mftk ,.r iV S ' ',"' ■"'"'"■• "'at 
 home, togotherwitl li. „rt I- f ' ""^cll Ihurniighly at 
 fellowship with vimt lie "ic'io '.'"'"""•'','"''■ ''"''^'^''^ ""< 
 of What ho fetMs. '^1:",;.'";;^^,%"^';' ^^"'i;"'l'>.'t>c enjoyment 
 acc.mpanied l" a ()c^"Ji^ " '?"'"ff'™' "''f". and 
 resuite'^Vii^'owif;;,;;;'^^;.':^;'?';?''.^''- ^ing sums „p ,i,e 
 OM the systeniatic ge ,,;■'' ^'«,„'^"'•k" this volume 
 veyed The preteit\^'l,m. 1 ,.??,'"'' }''<-'y Imve sur- 
 uumbered as „rsfi„ ^^e^^^li^^^^^lllr^^^.j:^ 

 of the scleiuiflc results anil CI iiu'lunlons of the min'ey. . . . 
 Tliu most siitlsfiictiiry part |«('J of Mr. Kind's work, iioxt to 
 its Hcienlillu thorotiijIiiiuHs, is tlie bri'iultli of vit'W which 
 tmbrucus in one lii'lil tlii' correliUloii of siicli uxtumlcii 
 forces, and the vls?iir of khusii with wliiuli tlie iiutlior hun- 
 (llcs so Ittryo a siibjecl witiiout allowing; liliusi'lf to be 
 cnislieil by iletuils."— .Vii(i«ii, xxviii. 7:i. 
 Kiiii;, Dun, M.lJ,, i7',il-l.'^(>l,b. at Mansliclii.C'nnn. ; 
 practiaed incilicine in Charlcstown, K,I. I. Quackery 
 rniuaskcil, Host., ISiS, |2riio. 2. Tobacco: what it is 
 anil what it docs, X. York, ISOI. ISnio, 
 Kiiif!, Itev. Uiivid, lA,.l)., [unii; vol. i., add.,] 
 King, Rev. Edward iaeorgc, D.D., gruduntcd 
 at .^^idncy-Suascx College, Cambridge, l.Hfill; ordaiiii'l 
 18711; vicar of St. Kdward's, Cambridge, lS72-7.'>, mid 
 of iMadingley since IM70. I. Did St. I'etcr write in 
 Greek? or, Thoughts and Criticisms tending to pruv, 
 the Aramaic Origin of the Second Epistle of St. I'etci- 
 and the Kplstle of St. Jude, 1871. 2. Conimenlary i.n 
 Zechariah. Part I., Vision I. l,on., 1877, 8vo. 
 (Trans.) The Valkut on Zechariah : with Notes and .\|' 
 peniliccs, lion., 1S82, 8vo. I. Hebrew Words and Syiii. 
 nymes: I'art I., The Names of (iod, I.on., 1S81, 8vo. >. 
 The I'uwer of Zeal; with an Appendix, Akkadian (ienesis; or, The Iiillucnce of Karlv lial'v 
 Lon., 18117, p. 8vij. 2. .VIeuioir, by his Wife and 
 Daughters: with Sermons, Olasgnw, 1885, p. 8vo. 
 King, David, M.l>., 18 1 2-1882, b. in Newport, R.I. : 
 graduated at iirown University l.'^.'U and at Jotlcrsiin 
 Medical College INIJI, and practised in Newport. Ho 
 was a member of the Uhoilc Island Medical Society, 
 president of the .Newport llislorical Society and of the p. Svo, 
 Ionian Ueligion on the Language and Thought uf (lent- 
 sis, Cambridge, 1888, 8vo. 
 King, Kdwyn John Slade. Ilfraeombe tln' 
 Healthiest Devonshire Watering, -I'hice, I.on., I87.'i, sv. . 
 King, Eleanor Elizabeth. (Trans.) From tin 
 Earth to the .Moon direct, by .lules Verne, Lon., 1871!, 
 lledwood Library, ami nnide a huge collection of rare 
 books, chielly American, which was sold at auction in 
 New York in 1884. 1. History of Redwood Library, 
 Host., 1860. 2. Historical Sketcli of the Island ('emc- 
 tery Company at Newport, Rhode Island, Newport, 1872. 
 King, David liuiiiiett, b. 1818, in Westmoreland 
 Co., Pa. ; was professor of Latin in Lafayette University 
 1877-80, and has since practised law in New "i'ork City. 
 The Irish Question, N. York, 1882, 12uio. 
 King, E. K. A Family Archive, [a novel,] Lon., 
 1876, 2 vols. 
 King, E. M. Truth, Love, Joy ; or, The Uarden 
 of Eden and its Fruits. .Melbourne, 1801. 
 Keighley Hall, and other 
 2. The Silver Teapot : a 
 izabeth. Passages 
 a True Story, Lon,, 
 King, Elizabeth. 1. 
 Tale-s, Lon., 1868, fp. 8vo. 
 Tale. Lon., 187(1, l2mo. 
 King, Lady Florence El 
 from the Life of a Fox-Terrier : 
 18711, 16uio. 
 King, Vcn. Francis D.D., graduated at Trinity 
 College, Dublin, 1841; ordained 1843; archdeacon •<( 
 Dromorc since 1887. I. Friendly .Vdvice to Yonn,' 
 Men, Lon., 1851, 8vo. 2. Scriptural I'rayers, Lua,, 
 1852, 16nio. 3. Little Robert; or, The Lent Jewel, 
 Lon., 1861, 12mo. 
 King, Frank Leigh C. Past, Present, and Fu- 
 King, Edmund Fillinghain. 1. A Biographical ture: being a lirief Kpitomo of the History of tliis 
 Sketch of Sir Isaac Newton, Ac, tjrantham, 1858, 8vo. World, Lon., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 2. Ten Thousand Wonderful Things, Lon., 1859-60, two 
 series. l2ino. 
 King, Edward. 1. Anglo-Saxon Poema : Le- 
 gends of Alf-ed the (Jreat, and Jliscelli'ncous Poetry, 
 Coventry, 1857, 8vo. 2. Poems of Libertv, Coventry, 
 1864, Svo. 
 King, U. Swinbiirn. Stories and Anecdotes uf 
 the Civil Service, Lon., 1SS4, l2mo. 
 King, George, Fellow of the Institute of Actu- 
 aries. 1. The Theory of Finance: being a Short Trc:it- 
 iso on the Doctrine of Interest and Annuities-Cer'.iiii, 
 Lon., 1883, 8vii. 2. The Institute of Actuaries' Tcxi- 
 King, Edward. Rules for Managing and Keeping ' Book of the Principles of Interest, Life Annuities, :in4 
 a Horse, Lon.. I85s, 12ino. ! Assurance, and their Practical Application: Part II., 
 King, Ut. Ilev. Edward, M.A., D.D., b. 182'J; Life Contingencies, Lon.. 1888, Svo. 
 King, George William. ,1. A I'hn.- 
 nology of Ancient and Modern History, Brighton, iMil, 
 12mo; 2d ed., Lon., 1871. 2. An Introduction to .An- 
 cient Geography, Lon., I,s64, p. 8vo. 
 King, Grace, daughter of the late W. W. King, of 
 New Orleans. Monsieur Molte, N. York, 1888. 12inii, 
 King, Mrs. Harriet Eleanor, b. 1840; dauglner 
 of Admiral and Lady Harriet Hamilton; married, I^il:;, 
 to Henry S. King, publisher and banker, London. I. 
 Aspronmnte, and other Poems, Lon., I860, p. sm. 
 Anon. 2. The Disciples, [verse,] Lon., 1873, p. >vu; 
 5th cd., 1883. 
 " It Is a very remarkable poem. The writer does not 
 seem so much to compose It as to breathe It forth ; it is ihe 
 fruit of intense personal feeling ; it (;lo«s with the liii > uf 
 an absolute conviction. . . The ' Disciples' who.-e Miller- 
 ings are recorded are some of those Italians who looked to 
 Mazzini as their chief ... As a rule, the poetry lies iinTe 
 in the thing tlimiKht than in tlie thing said. Tliere is, lun, 
 a conspicuous want of poetical art."— AVi/. Kcv., xxxviii. isj. 
 3. A Book of Dreams, [verse,] Lon., 1883, p. Xvo. 
 "If to the readers of ' Aspromonte' and 'The Disciples' 
 it was just possible to ask whether -Mrs. King were ii |"«t 
 born, or whether the pa.ssioiiate fervour of her syiiiii Mliy 
 for Italy had made of fair sjieecli fairer song, we iliiiit 
 such question decided by this book. Here is no impulse 
 save that which comes to poets born, not made."—.!''"'/., 
 xxiii. HiJ. 
 4. Ballads of the North, and other Poems, Lon., IsSt), 
 p. 8vo. 
 King, 'lenry, .M.A., graduated at Wadhani CoIIckc, 
 Oxford, IS38; Fellow 1844; called to the biir at tlie 
 Inner Temple 1844. ('Trans.) The Metamorphose.-- uf 
 Ovid, ill English Blank Verse, Lon., 1871, p. 8vo. 
 King, Capt. Henry, R.N. The Window Obser- 
 vatory ; or. Directions for Rendering Practical Astioiioiiiy 
 graduated at Oriel College, Oxford, 1851 ; principal of 
 Cuddesdon College 1863-73 ; canon of Christ Church 
 and Regius professor of pastoral theology, Oxford, 1873- 
 85; Bishop of Lincoln since 1885. 1. Addresses to 
 Men; with other Sermons. 2. Meditations on the Last 
 Seven AVords of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Lon., 1876, 16mo j 
 now ed„ 1881, 32mo, 3. Ezra and Nehemiah: TwoSer- 1 
 mons, Lon., 1878, 32mo. 
 King, Edward, b. 1848, in Midc'lefield, Ma's. ; has 
 contribated largely to newspapers and periodicals. Ho 
 made a tour through the South in th<- interests of Scrib- 
 ner'a Magazine, (now the Century,) i.nd for a number of 
 years resided in Paris, acting as Purls correspondent to 
 several American journals. During the Ruseo-Turkish 
 war he went us newspaper corresiiondent into the Bal- 
 kans with the Russian army. 1. My Paris : French Char- 
 acter Sketches, Bost., 1868, 12mo. 2. Kentucky's Love; 
 or. Roughing it around Paris, Bust., 187:i, 12mo. 3. 
 The Great South: Record of Journeys in 1872-7:1. 
 Illust. Hartford, Conn., 1875, Svo. (Republished from 
 Scribner's Magazine.) 
 " Full of iiiformatiiiii and interest. It would have been 
 a most valuable and telling work if he hud taken the 
 trouble to rewrite it. . . . The facts iiinl evidence are there, 
 though they lie scattered in every direction amid the or- 
 dinary material of a traveller's journal wrjtteii lor the 
 amu.sernent uf magazine readers."— .So/. Kcv., xl. 407. 
 4. French Political Leaders, C' Brief Biographies,") 
 Bost., 1876, 12mo. 5. Echoes from the Orient; with 
 Miscellaneous Poema, Lon., 1880, 12nio. 
 "They decorate and dignify in careful and natural verse 
 the stories ninl sentiments which they treat."- Xulion, 
 xxxi. 312. 
 6. The Gentle Savage : a Novel, Lon., 1883, p. 8vo. 
 Europe in Storm and Calm : Twenty Y'ears' Expe 
 rienccs and Reminiscences of an American Journalist. ; more generally useful, Lon., 1877, 12mo. 
 Over One Hundred Illustrations by Felix Rcgamey. i King, Henry. Savage London : Lights and Sliail- 
 Springlield, Mass.. 1885, Svo. ; ows of Kiver-Sidc Character and Queer Life in Lunil^ii 
 "The book is thoroughlv interesting, the narrative in ' Dens, [stories,] Lon., 18S8, cr. Svo. 
 places showing a very high degree of merit in descriptive : King, Henry Clay. Digest of Decisions uf the 
 Tuthnxll^m " """^'""''' '■'"'"'■'' '" '■•"'■«''•-; Tennessee Supreme Court, 1798-1880; 2d ed.. Chic, 
 8. The Golden Spike: a Phantasy in Prose, Lon., ' ^^S!''- '^ ^'"'l'.^^'"' ., « . • . .„„ • „ „ 
 1SK6, p. Svo. 9. A Venetian Lover, [vers-,,] Lon., 1887, i ^ '*»"g' "^''- "fnry .Melville, b, 1839, m H:vl!s 
 Ifliuo ' I Co., .Mo. ; entered the ministry of the Baptist Cliunh 
 " It'ls an honest and worthy piece of literary work."- I 18.'i9. 1. Early Baptists defended, Bost., 1880, sq. lUino. 
 lialion. xlv. 07. ' 2. Mary's Alabaster Box, [homilies,] Bost., 1883, 12mo. 
 King, Ilormio, b. Isii ,,, p.,. „ 
 mH.V2iuo. *<-'"<"»'"' in tiirope. Illust. Wash., 
 King, Horatio C'olliiiN. I, I «(7 .„ , 
 "-n of J|„n,ti„ Ki„,, ,'""'*' ''• '"^-I't I'ortlan.l.Me.; 
 College 1S,8,'te.r ' „, g,'" "m,;"' "' ^^j^'Xinson j 
 oivil war, «n,i »„» appointoj ,„l 1 ' """'-''' '" "'« ' 
 M.irtial, S. Vork, IS711 2C0 ' "^'S'"""""' C.urta- 
 .N. v"^',-!;,,;''!;;;^:"'"'"' ^''"'•'''' "■"' ■'- '-tin churcb, 
 eil.. Ins:;. '"' '"n'"^'> '■""■, I«8(), Svo; 2(i 
 "."-?^: i''l't Z^^'^;^''"''' '^f «-"-al Architee- j 
 ■^Heffiel.l, ISi , 12, „% "e 't^fr '^"i"": a Sketch, 
 '"'"'•= I'oon,, lion., ISio.p.s r ,'"r.,'"«""'-- " I^™' 
 clients , or, J«urnoyin.'3 throll, P ,'"'''^"'" "'"' '"- 
 '■"H., I85(i, 121110. 5 j,„ „?%'' En«l"»'l "nd Wales, 
 fi. Continental Ku,.,p/ f ";' .-u', '-'","' "eiv o,l, mi. 
 '^Kij.r^i^v!;'''^"?'^--.'-" ''^^^ 
 ierwick, since IS 9. Moalt . ,/'-'"'\ "[ ?'• ""^''^ 
 l.ondo'„ Ob^Msk':' r^nVv™-'-;! " '"^""•^ "^ •"'-' 
 glyphics. Il|„,t. Lon iss'i' "^ I '"" "' "'» "!«■■<'- i 
 I'oveiies on the Terjinlo Mrll ,.'.'r''' '■'■ '*• ""cent Dia- 
 Jy". ••. Anglican 11 ■„,„„, ,1 h''"'''"'^''"'' '■'*«■*' P' 
 Whole lScaf'^t:^°tn^' 'j'^the Ve,.dier<:?Mfo 
 K>»g, Jnines. rndu«trv ,in,i r • 
 Uerumn of Fran. HotTmun, L^n srs'^l^n';''' ^""^ "'" 
 U.S.naTyafa"a',i!L't;„"' '^^^^''^nd ; entere.l the 
 l-<i2; chief of thea "eau "^T'' ''^'^ ^ .-''"rf engine 
 ^;. I. European Ship/ ,f u""?«'?"'"''"« 'S'"'" 
 IIMu^t. Coi, Is^V s'l;^"'''^ ""'' '^'"^'e^ -'f the World 
 HeS,»?J;^'[;--oU add, .. Wo^an : 
 C'l., 1^75. 2 The \li ^'""t'lient, Cm., ISoS, 8vo • 4th 
 ^ The canL^S,;?z:'D£^rr;^'?""'^^' 
 Ple'<' <'"neordanco to the H Iv 1?'' *«"''• A Ne^ Com- 
 .'A'-'tom/w, f;,,, ^J™;,'»«''«' "nJ their Conco.uitant 
 CJ?«"^^;!^;7?:^i^Agaduated at Lincoln 
 ^:"in c;S::jj^«-i?^t^^a l.n,-;^ran^ 
 •^'''g, .'oliH Lvlp T .■ 
 " '-""yers SummoV w,,vr •"''°? "^ •''° Brulf. River • 
 ''^;^';'-.chi,..,":sr'S.'i2"of""'"^ '" "'" ^'^"■•»>«^n wii: 
 lialiil'l't^lfit'o^"''" /i'of''', '^f-A- g-duated at 
 Cutcumhe i,s*'> I I™' ''^'i; oi-dained 1827; vicar of 
 2 Ti,„ „ •'-: '• tcclesia- Cura.. j „r, A Pastor's C,,r„o 
 Hotne. 'A Ti,n n. • . . ' tares 
 y'l!" ''..-;,,;:« Hor'"'r^"'^-'Al'-tor'sCrr^ 
 \''-i ' • ^^ different translation from 
 «•".. Rev. John Rie..ard,M.A., graduated at 
 I Balliol College, Oxford IN'i- . ■• . 
 I .;;'■, I'c'terV, O^t'onl ^in'e "iV "T ""l; """ "^ 
 Prize Ks.„y. ISti.l: ThotJran'of ; ^ ^^'-''' theological 
 " P-t-li„ptisn,al Sin'U; . "I's,! ' liil'^'.^'V^ '" "'^ ?'...-c 
 a An.Mver to the Hov. (M.' 1 -, "'-"■|"'nsions : 
 U- M«*j. c^'v 0*2 ;,r?'f ^'"i?""-- "^ M. 
 ,n.ay's Follie... Lon., S72 ''i ■"■ o^' ^^""••' -^'il'l- 
 I i'he e^ueen of the 1 euMinl; i ' !'' ^"'- Anon. .;. 
 j,- f-«t for (Jold, Lort IS '; ';":••, '^'^' '' ^-l'- !'• '^vo 
 Constancy, Lon., 1,S7;! "^ J',;' l"'"' i'-f'"- 5. Cruel 
 I'on., I«7,^ ;i vols. 1 ■ •'■ '''■»■ «• 01' the Koll, 
 pur DetaclMuent, L,' ^.''T ^^ '«»'- '2n.". 7 
 f vols. cr. 8v„. 9. A Fa ^''''f,"'''''''''''';''. J'""., Is's, ; 
 ^"•, I". The L,Hv FobhN '''"?;' '''^•'' '' ^■"'■'' «■•• 
 !>• •■:"eet is True l.ove I.on '""7' I'' ■'; ' *"'"• !'• '^^o. 
 K'ng, Louis Joseph, JilRcs . '• ''' '*"• 
 t" the Kvo and Far Jnh. nn.rv V"^' '"'"'"•"iT surgeon 
 ;stf„j,-BF fi'■■™I^.;"c; 
 Lon., 1885, 8vo ' ^•''^f'^'se. Kecreation, .Sleep 
 Fr^n"^'si!^*2«-„ ^'''nk Rowe : how he Great, 
 King, Mfs. jiigjj ,, , „. ., 
 'I'seovered in the I>evel ,,„,'. ,;„^"?'='P''^'' "f Nature as, I8fi,i, 8,-0; 2d ed \"u '"i 'Structure of the Uni. 
 Land : vol. i., uU 1 s'-n 1 - """' ''''e 'n the Spirit- 
 .l-'i'^ : their Caust'anU C fe"'!,' 't" t^ ''''■ ■'■ ■'^- ' 
 iliack.BayLisfricVaTl"';!'' ^>' "^'»' '""- 2 The 
 Cambridge, Cs!, 78''s, '".;„^""'",r. «-t"n. il,!!;! 
 Pe.rce: a Memorial Colieetion rt ^^^''^ Benjamin 
 l2mo. 4. I'oeket I1„«L .• V, ' t^amhridge, IS8I «,, 
 ' Cambridge, M^tt Tfimo "u'T"; '*'""'^' ^^""""l' 
 vard and its .>-urroundinLs T„ ".'"'i"- T- 1'., Il„r- 
 sq. I2mo. ™unuings. I||u,t. Cambridge, 1878, 
 Gr^■e?!;%^eh"d,'^^'.7„^,I';f«,f'•;' Public Services of 
 I -'id ed., enl., 185.-, i ^ "^ Jntestates, I.on., 1854 s™. 
 name there mentioned, add 1 te'v"'- ■,'. "''^J °f <i'« 
 Ennis. County Clare ijli,'^^'', ^*''f' '^'-A- b. I8,i9, ..t 
 >ege I)ubli„/^^;'? '^'J--d,- KHuluated at Trinity 6o|.' 
 ^t- -Mark's, Low -Moor Vnri,. • T ' Perpetual curate of 
 , at lilaekrock, DubMn He „'""' "*''-'*' '• "««■ --esident 
 {articles an,l reviews ,othV,."n ^.""•"^"t"'- "f literal^ 
 I establishment fo'flfteen year' ir"" ^i.'"""" ''•<"" i's 
 originally published as seH„i; • . ' V,"''" novels were 
 periodicals und-r th„ L "'' '" the Cornhill and other 
 the Debt, Lon , ,882 74T r;'"'' "' " ''•''"■" ' '•„" 
 Drawn Game, Lon. g^j .'^ '''^ "■•' '*'''• ^^ A 
 the Green, Lon., ;m:Uol u% P' '"'' •'• ''^'""'"S of 
 Coquette's Conquest, Lon.! 85' 'v; l"""' "t' "'"• '■ ^ 
 '"f'', 12mo. 5 A si,„ , ' ^ 'ols. er. 8vo; new ed 
 er. 8vo. .!, A Leal „ ""''"' J''*""' '-on-, lS8fi, 3 v 1" 
 or. 8yo. ''"" ^"''^ ^ a Novel, Lon!, 1888, 2 vols: 
 i l'^'-'«V9, b. near"p,y-^:;o'i",', He''- f,".'""' ^'"- '- »^''>.,] 
 L-veter College, Tg "• ^"^'fr^ Srnduated at 
 I terly Review the Nin h Editio '''if^lf "^ '" »'« «""- 
 Bntannica Ac, on the local ""?„;! "'« Encyolona,dia 
 ^-" »nd Cornwall =atbe'drX"/nd";'di:e"nri::;.^3 
 1'^" ¥j 
 "n,l Stu.lie., Descriptive m.-l llisloric.l, Loi.., IS, 4, 
 '''liiiits, Itev. Robert, L""".. ,*"'• '•' "'';'•! ,, f 
 McMuoir i.>trn.lucto,7 t„ the Karl.v l.;tory .,f the 1 n- 
 ,„.,cv of Arin«Kl'. '<^«-. Armagh, IS..4, f(>l. 
 King, llobert. The Chronology ol ^acrc.l History, , 
 ''"K'ii'iB"'Vrs'!' Ilobert Moss, wife of a district ojBcor 1 
 ,.„!f :;:^',''I':;. "Is j«d«e. ;rhc l>i,u-y -f a Cinluu,^ , 
 Wife in India, 1.S7V-1SS2. lllu.t. l.on., 1H»5, I vols. , 
 ''■•■Her sketches are truthful an,l lively/'-Soi. Rev., \\x. 
 "KillK, Knius. Ohio: Kirst Fruits of the Ordlnaneo \ 
 of I's-r, ("American Commonwealths,") Host., 18f<8, ^ 
 ''iiiMK, Ucv. SaiiMiol, vicar of C.ntlcy, Yorkshire. 
 I'ravers lor Kamilics. I.oii., ls5fi, ll!mo. 
 kiiiK, K«-v. Samuel Willinm. The Ita utn \ al- 
 lov^ the Pennine Alps: a Tour through All the l!o- 
 nuntioand I.ess Frciuintcd " Vals" ol Northern I'.ed- 
 mont must. Lon., IS.iS, Svo. 
 I'l'iis is a book that will he w.'l.'imie to many readers 
 T 1, , ucM Islin it" 1 listri.'t has of late l,eei. traversed 
 hv h.llmtl^li'lf tourists, Mr. Kin, has heen I he ^^^^^^ ^_ 
 ^"kgTMr^t's^erd-eligru , ,s24-ls7o, b in 
 CharlesuJn, S.C. ; wife of Henry K>.>g. '•,'*7 «- | 
 ments of an Idle Wonuin, I-on., lh;>4, l-'>"o. 2. 1-ilJ . a j 
 Xovll, l'<m . 1S5.^, 12,„o. Anon. ;i. The Heart History , 
 of a Heartless Woman, N. York, 1860. \ 
 KiiiK, Kev. Thomas, vicar of l.inton F.vo Lee- . 
 tares on the Ath:M.asi„n Creed, l.on., ISi, Isn.o. , 
 liiiiK, Thomas II. The Study-Iiook o Med.ajval 
 And'tec'ureand Art: being a Series on\^^^ 
 ings of the Principal Churches o the '^''/'""'^B^''' *:"- j 
 .-raved on Copper: with Dcscnpt.ons by (.. J. Hill, j 
 M A . I-on., lSaS-6S, 4 vols. fol. ; 
 K ng, Itev. Thomas Starr, M.A., 1S24-1S 3 b 
 in New York City; removed '» ■^'^••^^"«'"'^^"; '" . ' ?: ' ' 
 became a Unitarian minister, and «as pastor of he Holl ^ 
 Mrcet church, lloston, 184.-.-36, and .>! a church in fean 
 Fran i«> fro n 1860 till his death. He was a h,gh ly ; 
 ,K ular preacher and lecturer, and exerted a strong m- , 
 uence in California by his appeals tor the preservation 
 tie rnion, at the beginning of the .Recession inoe- 
 nent. 1. The White Hills: their Legends, Landscape, , 
 nn, Poetry lUust. Host., IS.V.I. sin. Ito ; new eds., Is62, 
 S70 187.H telKtes to the White Mountains of New , 
 Ham'psh rcwdiich Mr. King had during .^everal 
 s miiers winters, and which, hy his "et "s o the 
 Boston Transcript, he did much to make a favorite e- 
 sort.) 2. Patriotism, and other Papers with a Hi .- 
 graphical Sketch by Hon. Richard^ Frothingham, Bo»t , 
 1™U 12mo. H. Christianity and Humanity : Sermons. 
 Edited, with a Memoir, by E. P. Whipple. »"'*■' 1^;'- 
 llo. 4. Substance and S^how and .dber Lectures. 
 Edited, with an Introduction, by E. P, Whipple. Host., 
 1877, 16mo. 
 "King, ThorolU," (Pseud.) See Oatchell, 
 *^'V» KingVToler,'' (Pseud.) See Fox, Emily, »i,/..-". 
 Kins, W. J. Treasury of Facts: a Cyclopedia of , 
 Natural and Mathematical Science, N. York, 1884, | 
 "'iiing, William, M.D. Thoughts and Suggestions { 
 on the Teaching of Christ, Lon., 1872, p. ^vo. | 
 King, William, ScD professor in «»;«"« f^'^S"' : 
 (ialwavTand Kowney, Thomas H. An d Chap- 
 c of the tieological Record, with a New Int^preta- 
 U, „ • or. Uock-Metamorphism, especially the Methy osed 
 Kind, and its Resultant Imitations of Organisms. Illust. 
 '' King^Wii'liam Croker. The Common Law Pro- 
 ceclurc Amendment Act, (Ireland,) K8o6, Lon., 185,, 
 ''King, Ui'v. William Francis Henry, M.A., 
 en luted at Christ Ciiurch, Oxford, 186.,; ordained 
 fS'l caratcof Enticld 1877-8:1. 1. Ad,lington Robert 
 Peel Venables, Bishop of Na-ssau : a Sketch of his Life 
 J; 1 I abours for the 'chureh of God Lon., 1878 p. 8vo. 
 2 The Royal Supremaoy with Keference to Convoca- 
 tion, the Court of Appeal, Ac, Lon., 1881. 8vo. ?.. 
 (Ed.) Threads of Gold : a Selection of Sayings from the 
 Writings of Saint., Lon., 1884. 6 lino 4. and 
 Foreign quotations, Law Terms and MaXMU.s Proverbs, 
 Motto's, Phrase-, and Expressions in French, German, 
 tireek, Italian, Latin, Spanish, and Portuguese : wth 
 Translations, Uefereiices, Explanatory Notes, and In- 
 '''KTng?Wi\Tir''l'llMJ.l«'*:'i h. in North Carolina; 
 enteied the I'.S. navy as an assistant engineer 1^:., : 
 chief engineer 18011. Lessons and l'^"^'''''"' ,^''":' l'' 
 Steam, the Steam-Engine, Propellers, Ac, N. \ork, 1860, 
 8vo; UHh eil., 187.'). „ , 
 Kilie, William L. The Newspaper l.'ress of 
 Charleston, S.C. : a Chronological and Biographical Hi.^ 
 t,u-v, Charleston, 1S72, 12mo. 
 ; King, Lient.-tol. William Uoss, b. 1-.!.^ 
 served ill the Katlir war 1851-i;i. 1. Campaigning . . 
 ' Kallirhind ; or. Scenes nnd Adventures in the Kidhr \\:u 
 ol 851-52 Lon., l^.Vl, p. 8vo. 2. The S,mrlsman a,.! 
 1 Naturalist in Canada; or. Notes "n the Natural 1 ,- 
 •' ",rv of the Game, Game Birds, and Fish ol hat l,oumr> . 
 Loii., 1S66, r. 8vo. H. The Aboriginal Iribcs ol llio 
 1 Nilgiri Hills: a, Lon., 1870, 8vo. ,. „ . , 
 King, Lieut.-t ol. William H"«us, I .S.A i, 
 ! 18", iifNew York City ; graduated at the 1 .S. Military 
 Academy 186:i, and appointed to the engineers; serve, 
 h, the civil war. 1 .' Torp,does : their Invention and 
 Use, Wash., 1866, Svo. 2. Materials lor Dolensne Ar- 
 i mor. Wash., 1871, 8vo. ,,-„■.■ ii 
 Kingdon, Abraham. Gordon, the Chnstmn Her,: 
 ft Book for the Young, Lon., 18,Mo, 12nio. 
 Kingdon, II. U. The Old English Mastiff, L.,n., 
 '^'Kingdon. »"• Kev. Ilollingworth Tully, 
 D.I)., graduated at Trinity Cdlege, lambridge, 1-j^. 
 ordained 1 8611 ; Bishop-coadjutor of Fredericton, New 
 Brunswick, since 1881. Fasting Coiiiinunion : How 
 Binding in Englaml by the Canons, Lon., 1 !-,.!, ^^o. 
 "''Kiiigdon, John Abcrnethy, pnstinaster of the 
 Company of Grocers, London. (Ed^) laOnm le of 
 First Volume of MS. Archives ol the \ ,,rsh.p il ;.ii.- 
 i.any id' (irocers of the City ol London, A.I). 1..4.,- 
 'ub:1: with Introduction, Lon., 1888, 2 vols. 4to. Pri- 
 " K'iVgdon'l'Kev. Samuel Nicholson, B.l. isoi- 
 1872; Vicar of liridgcrub, Devonshire, Iron, IM2 I. 
 The ilistory and Sacred Obligation ol he habbath, l..,n., 
 1X56 12mo. 2. Schism nnd its Results brought !■■ the 
 Te8t',.f Scripture nnd Experience. Hy a Clergymiu, m 
 the West. Ln., 1850. I'amph. ;). Church Psahnod), 
 1856, 8vo. Also, single lectures, Ac. 
 Kingham, Richard. The Amateurs Manual ol 
 Photography, Lon., 1864, 8vo ; :id ed., ishh. 
 Kinglake, Alexander William, ^""^ ^■'''' '•; 
 where his name is erroneously given as John Alexand r 
 and the date of his birth as 1802, add.,] , b. 
 arTaunton; graduated at Trinity College Canihndge 
 I 18:i • called to the bar at Lincoln;s Inn 1837 but retire, 
 from 'practice in 1856; elected M.P. for »"' K;' " 
 1857, and re-elected 1868, but unseated on peliiioii, 
 lord of the manor of Saltmoor, Somersetshire :iii, 
 .leputy -lieutenant of the county. He "ccompaninl tla 
 English army to the Crimea in 1854. The Invasion ,.f 
 t^r^'lL. :'its Origin, and an Account o its lr,^ro s 
 down to the Death of Lord Raglan : vols. i. i.ud ii., 
 LMin i.nd Lon 18(i;l, 8vo : 4th dl. same year. 
 ''"Lo gexpeet.^ a,\d desired, Mr Kinglake^ i-|;;;T 
 comes ,it last And it comes eiitirclv wnrti > ol ' f; " ,'" 
 of the autior It will be road with adiuiniti.u an, 'U- 
 Il^^lVall lull those vvln. ^vill,«l>■V:l:■.'^lVi^;"lll::!r;!l;'n 
 to the historical literature of England. -.8al. yui ,. .x\ . 
 ^t£ 'ioll^ed miS'and burnished, style which lim 
 maih'\yi?.mth..rl-ai,ioiis is still .naim^.nedi, 
 umes- and were the of the subject evi n i - " 
 raentous they would be eagerly ;f'"> t-;,^!*' " " ^'L 
 literary production of consummato .skill. -.8o(. /,(i , -^i 
 and French sol.llers and the r Renerals are outc.l h. ..i.| 
 with the historical spirit ol the age.' -&«'■ «« ■■ J'^^'*' 
 pBlfffi? 1 J. ~ 
 iiiidurstanrl."-.!^/,., N,;..„ii; "^ I'liiipariKlvciy fiwy tu 
 \ul vi ISSO; vol,, vii. „„,! viii., 18sr. New ej (the i 
 lull) I.I till, whole woili. I S7r-,ss •'"•w eu. (the I 
 Kinglnke, Arthur. Tho Patriot an.l the Hero 
 Cnera (luyo.i. on the ]ia, of llungiry an i 
 .AMii, Ueston-sii|ier-Mare, ISJC, Svo. •* 
 Kingman, Mrndford. History of North IJri.I^o 
 r..m,'.;'fs?o*:":o„fo"--''- ••''»"-«• '"'"'tion, Hartfonl, 
 nun"'!;',';'"'''' ^''"•'- ■'™ '^•""•^^^' AucK KiNas- 
 Kingsbury, H. The M„i„e Townsman : Laws for 
 l,e,ul,,no„ ol Town,, Ac, Portland, l,.-14, IliiiioT new 
 Kingsbury, Elizabeth. 1. Thought, on Mar 
 ifi. ;*• •^- ^^•'"t ."« '""-e to .10, Wash., 1SS6 I ",' 
 Kingsbury, Frederick. The Voice and its M u 
 agcment as to Sini;iiig, Lon., 1!<5S, Jto 
 Kingsbury, Ilev. Harmon. I. Thoi,..hts on the ' 
 •ugitue-Mave Law and Nehraska liill, N. Voik "soi ' 
 -V York 857 Sw,^'^3' '■<'"7"«. '"""5»verni„ents, ! 
 (lluio ' ""'■''"" ^™y°''' ^"^^ York, l!<7o 
 Kingsbury, .Mrs. J. D 
 il:inl. Host., IS86, .Svo. 
 Kingsbury, John II. Kingsbury Sketches' „ 
 ' ye " M,,i 'f ",?'''!''"l' ""■"""' "f i'- rn 1 880, after sU 
 taeiil ty tliere, presenting a thesis in sui,i„.rt of LIT 
 anamsni. In l,S,H4 she founded the He met e .Soeietv 
 lor ,0 study of religious philosophy, and 1 rame i,^ 
 , .resident. She puhlished I large' ni,',„be o ^^ el 
 addresses, and painph its, in Knu'lish and |.-,-..„ , • ' 
 o is(l ■ ;':;'"';■,.? ■^'' " ;"■ "'" ^'^^y 'chnsUan , 
 lion., iMi„, |j|„„, ,,|,|, ^,^^^^ written when th, 
 author was onl.v thirteen years of age.) 2 ive „e 
 vers,..] Ion., «,m, ,..„„. ;, ,„ 1;^. |.ady n,,,b ;: 
 a .".peeulalive Itoinanee, Isi;,s. .]. ,\ , |.\s„v on , \ ^ 
 ;.-n..ofW,,ni,.,,o,helVliaii,em:;V;;;^,:h;se l;^^^ 
 f^H^Sio. ,1 Kosainiinda the I'rineefi: an His oric 
 Uuniunce ol the Si.xih fenlury. and other Tal 's ,„ 
 8 ,.,, Nvo; new e,l., Is7i». fi. The I'erfeet \V:,v in iVie" " 
 ie It FoMl "' "'""'.V-K " ,"'■"-" ■■• «l'e .Natural and A,: 
 uent Food ol our Knee. l,on., |,ss|, l^no,. .,,1 ,.,| lis. 
 Ku'o Ion r.;«S J''" ,''•'";"■'-■ "'"' <'"nsti(ution of the 
 Kingslord. Kdiled, with l-refae... Notes, a" I A en 
 on., I,.<^y With, |.;i,H Aim; I. The I'erleet 
 ""y ^ or. The Finding of Christ. I,on.. Iss.-, 4to. A o, 
 Nfw ed., rev and enl.. (with euthors' names ) I8s« Mv, 
 -. li-iin/.) I he Virgin of the World, of Hermes Mer" 
 nimis Visniegistus: now llrst rendered h!n' gT^^ 
 vv 1 1 |..ssay, Introduction, and Notes, I,on., ,1 
 And see .Maiti.ani). KiMvvnn. , ■„/■.„ ' 
 Tli^'r'y^l'r''l'sn'"'"^' """'•-■'■• C''"'--'™' ■* ^-^ 
 Kingslbrd, Ilev. Frederick Uillinm, M A 
 graduated at Clare College, Cambridge. ISSS.^ndaii eii 
 IM 1 Hartlmm Conferences; or. I»iscus.sions upon some 
 "1 the Religious Subjects of the Uav, l,on., IS7X rC;"r.i', "'"'"'" "'""'-^ '^'^ ""'■^■■^"■'• 
 .^t,ffii"fs'oriM,:n^k H"'r'' ,'• "*"-y. S'^-ture, and 
 ada I' ill '""\«'""'V" "'" ^"i'«'' S">'^'^ «"'! Can- 
 aan i niia ISjl, Svo. 2. Impressions of the West and 
 .^unth dunng a Si.x Weeks' liulidav. liy W K To 
 Ilarriotto Briggs Stod- 
 Kingsbury, Rev. Thomas Luck, M.A., gradu- 
 '. Mt Irinity College, Cambridge, IS^S ; ordain.Ml 
 Hi '■ "T\ «f H<""''» liissett since ISS.l. 8n ritual^ie 
 m.^ and U.e Holy Communion: Seven Sefnml:^^; 
 Stn,'f!!,fr'i""'' '?'■'" *"'">' '^1-lJ- I^-16-IS.^.S, b. at 
 dnl. ',!'"'"■"' ^"S-' ''"%'>"«'■ of John lionus, ; Lon 
 no" '>';™""' was married in 1S67 to the Rev Alger- 
 Jon Who p'^''^"''''n'''™'' "f Atcham, Shropshire. She 
 joined the Roman Catholic Church in 1870 but in later 
 ('h!^f"l.fe't''o'f'fi; "•"•«"'<•• liobert Browning, 
 < hiel 1 oet ol the Age : an Essay, l,on., 1,SS7, ,«,, Kinm 
 vil^"Jfne'id,['c"'^\?'''"""' '''--'•'*'"- •'• "' •^-">- 
 \ .V yTi-^°-' ^■^■'" ""*^ ''Ic'^'eJ a bishop of the 
 Methodist Episcopal Church in 18IM. ]. The Kes. rrec 
 t.on of the Dead, Cin., |S47, ISnio. 2 Round H; 
 U.n-ld: a Series of I,etters, Cin., I87U, 2 vols, linio. 
 Kingsley, Kev. fhnrles, F.L.S., F (i S !„„i,- 
 vol. .., add. 18111-1 .75 : was Regius professor of nioder,; 
 history at Cambridge ISS'J-f,!., canoi of Chester 786. - 
 ..!, an.l from then canon .d' Westminster. In 18(14 he 
 beeame enf.^,ged in a controversy with IJr.-afterwards 
 by t1,rh,»;V,7'th:' r'";"' ■'■■''" "r '" "- 1'-''-"- 
 ny the mtter .,f the Apologia pro Vita Sua. In 1874 
 I e visite. the United States and lectuie.l in s,"„ie of 
 principa towns. For bi.ig., see, FnV/. 
 Ks L., .,,/,„. 1. Androme.1, and other I'.iems, Lon 
 l.S,S, ,, Svo 2. Hints -o Stammerers. liy'a Mi'.' 
 Ton" '■r's':''"'- ''^':.""""1 ""'" ^>"-'-'« -^'''g-it . 
 Wch " lS64''S"Th''''c '"," v'' '"''"^ Irrationale of 
 Lon 18M to ^^ i'.?'"' •^''"■'' o'Uod: Sermons, 
 from'r, '• v"- .■*• '^'i-^'^'^"""!'^'.- reprinted ehiefl; 
 from I.r,,ser s Magazine, l,.,n., l,Ni!i, 2 vols, cr Svo 5 
 -units of Exact Science ap,,lied t.i IHstory : Inaugurai 
 Lecture, Lon., 18(ill, cr. Svol 6. Town and Coun rv "er 
 mons Lon ISBl. fp. ,sv„ , 2d ed., 1868. 7 Sp ech of 
 Lonl Dundreary in Section D. on the Grea HiWa. 
 pus Question, Cambridge, 1862, I2mo. 8. The Gosrii 
i ; tiiii t Ya 
 1 1 
 of tho Pintiitemih ; ii Set nf Parish Serrminii, Lot., lSfl.1, 
 12ino, !i. Till) Wiitcr-Iliibici : a Fiiiry-Talo, l,(.n., IMHII, 
 Kq. Hvo ; nt'W oil., I-*"!. III. Tlic Itciiiiiiu iiiiil tlif Teu 
 ton ; a Sericx ol' l.ccliiii'.^ dulivcrtil buloro tliu L'nlvcr- 
 »itjr of Ciiiiibridue, Ciuiibricliju anil I.on , 18114, Hvoj now 
 fil., I>7il. 
 "Mr. KliiK'.'lfV I.H n cli'vor iiiiin, a warm-lieiirlt'd man, 
 mill III! liniii'st iniiii ; lull nf nil men Ilvln« he Is llii' U'llMl 
 i|iiMlllk'il 111 iMiili'rtiikf llif wiirk nl iiii liLvtiirliiii or iiii liLs- 
 luriiiil priilVsMir. Ilii niiilt-K.-ri llml Ins li'iluri's are ' imt, 
 III llic piipuliir .n'liM', lil.iliiry at all,' ami It in bi'yunil mir 
 pinver 111 lliiil ml anv miirc I'MiliTlc iir rciiiinliti; suiiso In 
 wlilcli Ihi'y ikMTVi' ilii' iiami'."— .-■K/. Hn:, xvil. llfi, 
 II. "WImt, Ihcii, iliit.i I>r. Nownuiii lui'an ?" a Uoply 
 to a l>iim|ililet lalcly imblisliDil by Dr. Newman, [i.e., 
 "Mr. KinK^loy anil Hr. Nonimin," Ai!.,| l,ou., IHtU, Svo. 
 Paniph. Anilni'i" .Mkviihk, Ukv. Khkhkhick, iii/ni. 
 " Kxoi'pt that It iniiki's vrl iiiiotliiT rnnlruviTny iif lliu 
 neawin, a Huliji'ct I'ur I'liib K"»sip ami ii iliiiiiurlulilu lallli', 
 . . . tills ill.iru>»lijn can liave im pailiriilar ri'Miill. It Is 
 fanmns sport; llii' wnrlil Is iiiinisuil, llu; alUluti's uet ail- 
 mired, and there Is an end."— .IW., Nd. I'.hki. 
 IL*. David : Four Soriiiuns prcuehed beloro tbu Univer- 
 sity of Ciinibridno, Ac, I,on., 1S«5, I'-'nio; l!il ed., 1S7I. 
 Hi. llerewaril, Iho " of tho KnKlisli," Lon., IHHH, 2 
 vols. p. Svo. I 1. Three Lectures on tho ,\iicient UC'|.!iiiio, 
 Lon., 18ii7, p. Svo. lo. Tliu Water id' Life, and other Ser- 
 mons, Lon., I.H(i7, lanio. l(i. The llennit.s, ("Sunday 
 Library,") Lon., IHfi.s.p, Svo. 17. Diseipline, and other 
 Scnnono, Lon., I8lis, IL'mo. IS. Maiianio How and 
 ],ady Why; or. First Los:ons in Karth-Lore fur Chil- j 
 dren. Illust. Lon., l.^fiU, Ifliiio ; new ed., \X~2, Hvo. 
 lU. At Last: a Christmas in tho West Indies, Lon., 1871, I 
 2 vols. p. Svo; new ed., ISSII. 
 "Wlietlier we ellnib the elilVs with him, anil peer over 
 Into narrow buys wliieli are beliiu Inillowed out by the 
 irade-snrf, or wander throntjli Inipeiielriible loresls, where 
 Ihe tops of the trees form a 1,'reen cloml overhead, or Kazu ; 
 down glens wlileli are watered by the elearesl brooks, run- 
 nlDK tfirongli of palm iiinl banana, and all the rleli 
 variety of lollnRe, wu are eipially ilelit!lited and amazed." 
 —Mil., No. L'JTli. 
 " lielter tliiiii a novel, even when It eomes from s\K'h ii 
 maslerly hand as .Mr. Kint-'sley's. Is this fresh and vlKnrons 
 de.seriplliin of lite, the lite ol nature ami of men, lus it is 
 .seen under singularly ravonriibleediiditiiins by an ob.server 
 who has eyes keenly appreeiative of lieaiity. and Ibiit 
 happy art. seemingly .so, really so dllllenit nf iillaln- 
 nieiil, of kIvIiii; to others elearly intelligible plelures of 
 what he sees. .Such woril-pielures Mr. Kingsley paints 
 better than almost any man,— not so Korgeous, If the iiiii- 
 parisoM may be allowed, us Mr. Huskln's, but, to our fancy 
 at least, eleareranil more ilellnlle."— .Spectator, xliv. iriTl. 
 20. Town Ocoloay, Lon., IS72, or. Svo. 
 " It is a most iileasant book to rend, and every pane con- 
 veys some instruction to the reader."— -li/i.. No. HW.'). 
 21. Prose Idyls, New and Old, Lor.., lS7;i, er. Svo. 
 " He lias a true eve for nature. He sees the smallest ob- 
 jects, and yet knows how to .select the really cliaracteristio 
 points. He is therefore unusually vivid, and yet does not 
 overcrowd his pages with detail."— .!>«(. Hn:, xxxvi. 700. 
 22. Plays and Puritans, and other Historical Essays, 
 Lon., 1873, er. Svo. 23. Health and Education, Lou., 
 1874, er. Svo. 
 "This volume consists of lectures and mnRa/.iiie articles, 
 some of which, but not all, come fitly under the title of 
 ' Health and Kducatioii.' . . . He has the art. as rare as it 
 is enviable, of ({Iviiii; freshness to whiit is familiar, and 
 life to topics which, in the hands of a dull writer, would 
 be hopelessly uninteresting."— .■•iiecdifyi', xlvii. IIIM. 
 24. Westminster Sermons, Lon., 1874, Svo. 
 " He was never more earnest or more eloquent than he 
 is in this volume."— .'^yrfi'ta^/r, xlvii. 702. 
 2,'). Lectures delivered in America in 1874, Lon., 1875, 
 p. Svo. 20. Letters to Young Men on netting and Gam- 
 bling, Lon., 1S77, Svo. 27. Works: Collected Edition, 
 Lon., 1878-81, 2s vols. p. Svo. 28. From Death to Life : 
 Fragments of Teaching to a Village Congregation ; with 
 Letters on tho Life after Death. Edited by his Wife. 
 1887, fp. Svo. (There are also two collective editions of 
 his novels and several volumes containing selections from 
 his writings.) 
 King§ley, Frances E,, daugliter of I'ascoe Gren- 
 fell ; married, 1844, to Charles Kingsley, «ii;;/r(. (Ed.) 
 Charles Kingsley : his Letters and Memories of his Life, 
 Lon. ,1876, 2 vols. Svo ; 2d ed., abridged, 1878 ; new ed., 
 " It is sadly too long. It gives the Incidents of his life 
 with perfect ta.ste indeed, but with no grajihic power."— 
 Alh.. No. 2664. 
 "The Life and Letters have not only thro\.n new light 
 on his writings and his public career. . . . Beyuinl and lie- 
 hind all this, they have brought out the man as he lived 
 In his own home, tender and true, brave and hopeful, . . . 
 a true and noble Clirislian Englishman."— T. Huohes : 
 .^Icnii., xi. 44. 
 " The critic of these volumes Is tempted, by a suggestion 
 an Illusory as It In obvious, to lament In them the low nf a 
 great lllerary upporciinlly. It Is nhvlons llml the bli.u 
 rapbcrofwi striking a represenlallve of llie Ihlrd party 
 In llie Church iiilgbl have set before his readers a Well 
 eeiilreil pliUire of an Imiiorlaiil group, a picture of com- 
 not allempled here, and Indecil rendered Imposslhle by n 
 point of view too close to allow of a liaekgriHind."— .^i.. 
 /i(/(ir, 1. M. 
 KiiiRMlvy, <iiRorKe llriiry, M.D. 1. (Truns , 
 Four Phases of Love, by Paul Hcyse. Translated b) I' . 
 Lon., 1857, er. Svo. 2. (Trans.) Love-Tales, by Pain 
 Ileyse, Lon., 18(12, er. Svo. 3. (Ed.) Aniiiiiidvorsinii- 
 iippon tho Annotaeioim and Corrections of Home liiiper 
 fectlons of Inipressioiies of Chaucer's Wi.rkes nprinii.l 
 in 1508, sett downe by F. Tbyiine. (Chainer Sn.-. 
 Pub.) Lon., 1885, Svo. And see IIbiiiikiit, tl. II. C , 
 KiiigNluy, Henry, 1 830-1876, brother of Chmli- 
 Kingsley, nM/oii ,■ was educated at King's College, Lnii 
 don, and Worcester College, tlxfonl, and in IS.'i3 went o, 
 Australia, where he remained till ls5S. He was edi|i,i 
 in 1809-70 of Ihe Daily Itcvlcw, a paper reprcsentin,' 
 the Free Church party In Edinburgh, and aotnl as It- 
 war eorrespiindenu in I87II, when hi was present at tlie 
 battle of Sedan. I. The Itecollections i f GeolVrcy lliiiii 
 lin, Lon., 1850, .1 vols. p. .svo. 
 " There Is no plot, and only Ihe loosest possible connecli. Ill 
 between Ihe successive cliapleis. . . . Hut tbv' merit of tlie 
 liidivldnal .scenes, consldereil by themselves. Is very great , ' 
 ~.S(i(. A'cr., ix. .'lO. 
 2. Kaveusboe, Lon., 1802, 3 vols. er. Svo: now cil., 
 1864. (This is generiilly eimsidered the nullior's be-t 
 book.) 3. Austin Elliot" Lon., 1803, 2 vols. p. Svt: ; :'.il 
 ed., 1S«6. 
 "This novel fnltils the Orst purpose of novels : It iitr- 
 esls amlanui.scs."— .S(i(. ltd'., xv. 731. 
 4. The Hillyars and llie Uurtons : a Story n! T'.ii 
 Families, Lon., 1805,3 vols. p. Svo. 5. Leiglitnn Coiiit : 
 a (.'ountry-Houso Story, Lon., 1860, 2 vols. p. .ivo. 11. 
 Sileote of Pilcotcs, Lon., 1S67, 3 vids. |i. Svo: 20 od., 
 1869. 7. Mademoiselle Mathilde, Lon., 1S68, 3 |. 
 " Mr. Kingsley really can draw men and women with 
 freshness and fife; his women are genuine slmlies. and 
 delight the reader accordingly."— .So/. Jtn:, xxv. iWi. 
 s. Stretton: a Novel, Lon., 1869, 3 vols. p. Svo; new 
 ed., 1885. 9. Tales of Old Travel, He-Narrated, Lmi., 
 1809, p. Svo. 10. The Hoy in Gray, Lon., 1870, p. -vn. 
 II. Hettv, and other Stories, l.ot'i., 1S71, p. Svo ;ind 
 12uio; iiew ed., 1885. 12. Th'^ Lost Child, lllii't. 
 Lon., 1871, r. Svo. 13. Old >','i^aret: a Novel, l.oii., 
 1871, 2 vols. p. Svo; new ed., ; -cj. 14. The Iliir\e\.', 
 Lon., 1872, 2 vols. p. Svo; new ud., 1873. 15. Valentin; 
 a French Boy's Stcry of Sedan, Lon., 1872, 2 vols. or. 
 Svo; new ed., 1885. 16. Hornby Mills, and other .sto- 
 ries, Lon., 1872, 2 vols. p. Svo j new ed., 1873, 1 vol. 17. 
 Oakshott Castle: being the Memoir of an Eeecntric N..I le- 
 man. Written by .Mr. Granby Dixon, [pseud. J Lh.i., 
 1873, 3 vols. p. Svo; new ed., 1878. 18. Reginald llelliiT- 
 nge, Lon., 1S74, 3 vols. p. Svo ; new ed., 1878. 10. .Nuin- 
 ber Seventeen : a Novel, Lon., 1875, 2 vols. p. Svo. 2ii. 
 The Orange Garden : a Romance, Lon., 1870, 3 vols. y. 
 Svo. 21. Fireside Studies, Lon., 1878, 2 vols. p. svo. 
 (<.'ontains critical essays on .\ddison, Marvell, and other 
 " The reader of these brightlv-writleu papers may be in- 
 clined to regret that Mr. Kingsley did not give more nl his 
 time to Uterarv criticism."— .s/»rta(or, xlix. 8ii3. 
 22. Tho Mystery of the Island, Lon., 1877, p. Svu. 
 Kingsley, John Sterling. (Ed.) The StaiehuJ 
 Natural History, Host., 1885, vols. 4to; reissued umler 
 tho title of "the Riverside Natural History," 1888,6 
 vols. Svo. 
 Kingsley, Norman W., M.D.S., D.D.S., meinber 
 of the Amcriean Academy of Dental Surgery ; pic."ideiit 
 of the Board of Censors of the State of New York. A 
 Treatise on Oral Deformities as a Branch of Mccb^iniral 
 ; Surgery. Illu3t. Lon. and N. York, 1880, Svo. 
 I Kingsley, iUiss Rose U., daughter of Itcv. 
 Charles Kingsley, mijud. 1. South by West; or, Winter 
 ] in the Rocky Mountains and Spring in Mexico. Ediuii, 
 ] with a Preface, bv the Rev. Charles Kingsley, V.U.S., 
 F.G.S., Canon of Westminster. Lon., 1874, Svu. .Anon. 
 { " One great charm of the book is the simple and natural 
 style ill w hich it is wrilteu, and the genuine freshmw and 
 i zestwitli which the traveller seeks out and describes all 
 new Rsfirets of nature and of society."- .-tra'?., v. TH. 
 ! 2. Children of Westminster Abbey, Lon., 1880, 12uio; 
 ! 2d ed. same year. 
 I Kingsley, Vine Wright. 1. Reconstruction in 
 1 America. By a Member of the New York Bar. N. York, 
 J TlM. i ":"■''"' "■"'"""••'■• f-n., ls,5. .1 vols. ,, ^v« 
 INK I '^'"'"•"""1 "••. V..l,e» r,„m tl,o 0,...„„,' I„, , 
 i"ire iiinl .\ilv(iihiri'«, l.nn.. \^'m IHh,,, ii -ri ,. ' 
 yu...n.,,n,ltl,„s,,i^i;o,'•;,^;;;;J,.:'i;,,,,: ,i; !^;;;;;' 
 View, on vexe,, gu.,- j ! Aitt^'s^ir;!, K^^r^:^..*'.^::'' Tx-ir^i 'H 
 : the M..,|i,..nanc,u,, I.„„. 1,SM ,'; . .\^'' ^ ■. ■' 
 I" Kllll/.rillc: II Tulc Ion KV> l-. ' ■ .. " " 
 iwuvi^,, .■in,.f;'u •,';;: ••.:^:r,.,;, ^''jr-j''- 
 Jiifki't-i or, ('liii,,<„f ii„. 01,1 n, ,1, ' v""' .'- """ 
 •t. II..' KhUgnUltf' Iln,,,,.; o,-, 1|„„ to .S. .' r„ 
 I'ilu o) ()|,1 .(i,,,;,. , s,„, ..• I , " ; ''• TIk' hnily 
 Kri II ""^" • I' i^i'iiliilo, l.oii,, is.iN 12iiio IH 
 f iSl>y lleiitlicot,., U,,., |s,iu, ||, 'hvo •4 M„ i,'* ; 
 itkl , "n ^ ", ^'"","'' "■"'•'" '■*'""■ '"'»•. 1 ■^'i" Ip 1' ■ 
 ■lack lli{i,ilin<', 1,011 . ,s()i f,, o- m. .■. , '.' ,. • 
 If^'U .iiu,t: I'on m; i,„p'',^^,'^!!rTh;.n"^ 
 KiiiKsley, Wlllliiin \y 
 tlolis, I'liilii., |S,s|, I:; 
 KiiiKsmiil, Ilev. .lo«..„|„ [„„„, vol. I., «,|.l 1 i 
 [;;-li«.K ^ne„,|l.v .Jou„..|., ,„ ,1,0 l-oii;,, u:„,Xll'„[ 
 KillKstoi,, Willi..,,, U.-nUy., h. In r,on 
 tr.ii,- i.n.,,1 in tho following yoiti- to Cirjitf w1,it . I,. 
 lit tho U.l'v T,. , 1. . ■ ",'^l«'>-'i"l C(irro3|ionilcnt 
 Kn.|,h. undhe i,.,s uiso ..ontributuTto';,,;;; pSi!.;;"; 
 • ."0 18 11 iiicinbcr of arti.^tic 
 ft titivMwgn. ..u lo ii iiitMi,ucr ol mil 
 traii,o.l ill ihiit Vrlutwli ml n, ,'''''• ''," ""•* '"•«-" 
 «"r.l is, •icvpiin,!.' '"■'",';.',', J """i'l«iii;vl,ose watch- 
 .s hav,. 1 10 , II i;i,.-f;,r 111. ',';,'•■ |.""r '"M"" ''*-'''i"'- 
 -till i-.-maii,.s' oiionaiv.iV'n^ /,'''"*-','• "'" ^""^ 
 in tl!H;'n«i;^K:,i^!;i»''K,;»'''''M^'^lly thooontml figure | 
 "Mil 11.0 uiio,.; ;lt"*i lolls ^ri'ns \,'„i .''";»■"' "'■■H"»i"tn"fe.s, 
 e»lii,-.'-,s„,, /ff,.„ ixiv G?3. "'" -^'"Jesly are always inter- 
 ♦'■ A Wanderer'.^ \otos IS^** o ,r«i« i 
 hav.. .Mot,' "-..I,/, v„ •.ilii) ^"" '""" "'>■ 'Monarclis I 
 ^. VIS'',::!'/'-" "e-V «i^^nVu-,sso, 
 t'> devote hiTns,.ic ., .i". \ ' ' ''" K«*e up bus ness 
 rni.oJStatosan, ill h™'''™-, "" '™^-^"«'' '" <l'« 
 lonlal ,.:,'„t .!?„"' "='''='^''ere,_ and was interested in 
 I 1 
 lonlal emigration sphmn„"^'"W""" ""'" ""oresteil in co 
 the Loiuiiial Jfinja,,. „„,,,,.,.,. ,_,.,,_ , . I '"'I iiiaJJrcaat.Sr- T.„ ..,. .„ 
 finio •t9 \- •...■!■ '""■■'• i-"ii., 1><(2, n.ii. 
 " 2 'svo Si ,";,:;';;'*", ^^""' ";'■ •^'i'l^iHi'""".. t.„: . 
 ;;:;•«. «Mi.e ';i;i!i^r^ „i;;'v^'- ^::'"^' '"ii^^"-- 
 Adv,.ntures of Diek Onslow a,,,..,; the Re. Uin ' 1 v 
 ] i.rni.Kion lieaver, [pso.,.1 1 |,on sf^, i^ ' ,/ 
 ™.-.^ Wonls f,,r'l)l'i,i;,iaio,:-'l.., -is .''';- J^J' 
 ■10. .AIounta,n JIoirLrv I ,,n Isia "•• '"" N "p. .^»o. 
 , '^ "^'"''nt Day, Lon., 18(iC, «,. Ilfn o now e,l 18SI 
 12 ,„; 0" ,H „{,7^"«'.""'' ;"l'«f Tales, Lon!, 1807. 
 ifK. in i. ,' ( hivo,-in),', I,on., I8I17, ISmo --.a 
 ' s s^ 1 9"'' ^""'^ '■ "'"' ■^"I'-^Valer Tutors : a i<Uny I,o , 
 Martl^l-o!^ i;!;„^„i ^:,^ ";tr' ^:^' ^%c^i 
 OS. Adr,ft ,1, a Boat, Lon., 1801,, llimo : new od 8sl 
 E pi i ," I r", "fi.,'i°."'"'«'""" ^ ,"" a"™>»-' and 
 iner ritl'srn n ;;;"T "r :.' K^I'^-'e'^l'^'.v, Mar- 
 ,h,'n, ' i' • '"""'i ■"''«''- '"'"S. 6,^. The Royal Mer 
 n .7',; f:T' '" ""^ I"''' "' """ Thoma,, ( ; 
 .".""ii's,'^" ■ "«>" «'l-.""tit e,l '■ The Gohlen tJrass^ 
 1'^>'0. 6fi. .Sunshine Hill, Lon., 1870, ]2u.o, 
 >ie»', the Un 
 1 Ti ,.T ".lun, anil n 
 !■ il'ctiroassian Chief: an 
 o Vol- 
 Jack and Kingston's .Magazine for U 
 nd tast India Re- I Cook : his L 
 ifo, V 
 l*'^*'"- ,2- I^ueifanian Sketch 
 "noil, Lon., 1S45, 2 vols 
 imance of Russia, Lon., 1843 I I 
 >ys. 8C(. 16mo. 70. A True 11 
 iea, Lon., lN7i, 12mo. 
 oyages ' ' " 
 ies, I, 
 69. Captain 
 ics with Pen and "Ra 
 p. 8vo. 3. The Prime M 
 J.. 8 
 ; or, The Story of Will...., 
 1. The Fortunes of th 
 lon., 1871. 
 ,, ^ , ^-- ~- ■ ^, .1. ^ ,iu ji oriu 
 *M i"" "Crusader," Lon., 1S72 1 
 ■lis- I Janet Maclaren, Lon., 1872, 12! 
 'uio. 73. The Afri 

 Tmdor,, IH72, I2inii, 71. Tli« Hotniiil Krlimdi; (ir, 
 Nolhiiiu Nbh, |»liirii'ii,) \.<in., IH7:l, t vnrli; Hliii.i, "ft. 
 WullKiiirii ; (If, Tliu .New Zoiiliiml (lirl, I.cni., I^*":), )■. 
 Hvi). Trt, lliirrlcuMo Hurry; nr, Tliu Ailvc^riliiri'ii nf « 
 Niniil oniiiir, Loll., 1M7;|, Iflmo. 77. Tho Wfi«tern 
 WurM: l'iflun'»i|iio'.-, I,un„ l'*";i, p- ^v... 7S. 
 Tlici W.iM,l-i'uU«ri "f (lutiiili, I.DM., IM7.'I, INuKi. 7U. 
 Itnuir KyllliiV W.inl,, H?:!, p. «v». Nil. Thi- 
 Seh(«il Frieii'lH, iiii.l niher 'I'lili'i,, 1^7;), 12iihi. Ml. 
 Mioliiiel I'fnisuymii or, Kl'liur l.ilV on the I'onilsli C.mst, 
 I.oii., |H7:i, p. s- 82. .Slii|iwri.'ik« jin<l Miimtorn lit 
 Sill, 1,1111., IS7;t, |i. 1VO. ^il. Tlio lleroii' Wifu; or, Tim 
 WiiiiiUTfrs on tln< .\iiiii/.oii, l.on., 1'<7.'1, l2iiio. ,SI. .Mil- 
 llci'iit C'lurteiiiiv'" Dliiry, l.oii., 1^7:1, T-'iiiu. xi. Mivry 
 Liililiiinl i or. The .Misi'loiiur.v'K l)iniKlili'r,, 1H7:1, 
 11. Hvo. ^fl. Thu History of l.itllu I'l'tir tlii' Ship. Hoy, 
 l.on., IH7:i, 12I11U. H7. Tliu Triipiiiir'H Son, l.on., IH7:i, 
 p. (<vii. M-*. Ilroiit Al'ric'un Triui'ller.t : from Muiik'o 
 I'ftrk to l.ivinnHono iiml Stiinloy, l.on., l'<7:i, 12inu. HH. 
 'I'he Ivory Trmlur : a Tiilo of Africii, l.un., 1^71, p. 8vo. 
 HO. Sturii-H of Aniniiil SiiKin:lly, l.on., IHTt, l2ino. (»1. 
 Talcii nf tliu Sun, l.on.. 1^74, 12ino. «2. The Tlireo 
 MoulenaniK; or, .Vaval l.ifo in tin- .VInetiH'nth t'unlury, | 
 l.un., 1871, Itlino. «:i. The I'wo Shi|iiniiteH, l.on., lS7t, ^ 
 IBiuo. HI. CliiirlBs Laurel, l.on., 1S7I, p. Hvo. «!>. 
 Elilol the Driii.l; or. The I)awn of I'hrHtianity in lint- | 
 Bin, Lun., 1871. ilfl. The Merchunt of llaiirleni, Lon., ■ 
 1871. 117. The Ilrother:4 ; a Tiile of Throe Lives, l.on., I 
 1871, p. 8vo. 118. Isaiiu (loiilil the Wan;jtoner, L.m., | 
 1875, l8mo. 111). .Saved Iroin the Sea; or. The Loss 
 of the " Viper," Lon., 1S7.\ p. Svo. Hill. Tlio Settlors : | 
 tt Tale of VlrKinia, Lon., l-<7.'i, ur. 8vo. I II I. The Child 
 of the Wreek, Lon., 187.1, lllnio. 102. The .>^onth Sea! 
 Whaler; a Story of the Loss of the " Champion," Lun., 
 187,0, p. 8v(), lo;i. The Three Co landers, l.on., 187.i, 
 Ifiiiio. nil. Half-Hours witli Kin^s and Queens of Kn^- 
 land, Lon., l'<75, r. Svo. 10,). Twice Lost: a Story of \ 
 Shipwreck and of Adventure, Lon., |H7fl, p. 8v(). lOrt. 
 A I'opular History of the British Navy, Lon., 1876, p. 
 8vu. 107. Snow-Shoes mid Canoes, Loll., 1871!, s(). lOino. 
 108. The Vouiit; Kiijah : a Story of Imlian Life and Ad- 
 venture. Lon., I><70'. p. 8vo. mil. The Wanderers; or. 
 Adventures in the Wilils of Trinidad, ,U\, Lon.. 187(1, p. 
 8vu. 110. Vii(?iiiia; a. Centennial Story, Bosl., 1n7B, 
 16nii>. 111. The .Mlssini? Ship; or. The \mk of the 
 "Ousel" (iailey. Lon., lM7r), p. mvo. llu'. Owen Hart- 
 lev: I'ps and Downs, Lon., 1877, p. 8vo. ll:i. The 
 Voyage of the " Steadfast," Lon., 1877, l2nio. HI. In 
 the Koekv .Moiinliiiiis : a Tale of Adventure, Lmi., 1877, 
 l2nio. l"l.-i. Jovinian 1 or. The Karlv Days of Papal 
 Home, Lon., 1877, l:!mo. llli. The Youn;; Llanero : a 
 Story of AV'ar and Wild Life in Venezuela, Lon., 1877, 
 p. Svo. 117. The Three Admirals and tho Adventures 
 of thoir Young Followers, Lon., 1h77, sq. Itinio. 118. 
 The Two Supercargoes; or, Adventures in South Africa, 
 Lon., 1877, Ifimo. 119. Clara .Maynaid; or. The True 
 and the False, Lon., 1877. p. Svo. 1211. (Trans.) Tho 
 Swiss Family Robinson, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 1 21. (Trans.) 
 Michael Strogolf, the Courier of the Czar, by .Jules Verne. 
 Hlust. Lon., 1877, 8vo. 123. (Trans.) The Child of 
 the Cavern, by Jules Verne, Lo.i., 1877, p. i<vo. 12:1. 
 Yachting Tales. Illust. Lon., 1878, Svo. 124. The 
 Kival Crusoes. Illust. l.on., 1878, p. Svo. 12i. With 
 A.te and Uille; or, I'he Western Pioneers, Lon., 1878, 
 sq. lOnio. 12(i. The Mate of the " Lilv," Lon., 1878, p. 
 8vo. 127. Nedliarth: a Tule of tlie Slave-Trude, Lon., 
 1878, p. 8vo. 128. The Seven Clmnipions of Christen- 
 dom. Illust. Lon., 1878, 12ino. 1211. Kidnaiiping in 
 the I'aeitic, Lon., 187S, 12mo. I:i0. Piccolo I'aolo : a 
 Tale of Savoy, Lon., IS71I, Ifimo. IHI. Notable Voy- 
 ages; from Columbus to I'ariy, Lon., 187U, p. 8vo. i:)2. 
 Tiie Two Whalers; or. Adventures in the Pacilic, Lon., 
 I87il, 12II10, W.i. In New (iranada; or. Heroes and 
 Patriots, Lon., 18711. 12mo. 134. A Yacht Voyage 
 round Englaml, Lon., 1879, sq. Ifimo. 13.'). The Fron- 
 tier Fort; or, Stirring Times in IJritish .America, Lon., 
 I871I, p. 8vo. Lili. Hendricks the Hunter, Lon., 1879, 
 II. Svo. i;i7. (Trans.) The liegum'.s Fortune, Ijy .Jules 
 Verne, Lon., 1879, 12mo. I.'iS. Tho Heir of Killinnan, 
 Lon., 1880, Ifimo. 139. The Cruise of the "Dainty," 
 Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 14(1. Dick Cheveley, Lon., 1S80, 
 Ifimo. 141. Tho Ferryman of Brill, and other Stories, 
 Lon., 18S0, 12m". 142. IN.ger Willniighby ; or. The 
 Times of Benbow, Lon., 1S80, \<. Svo. 1411. Tlie Young 
 Berringtons; or. The Boy E.\plorers, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 
 144. In the Forest: a Talc of Settler Life in North 
 America, Lon., 1880, 12mo. 145. The Lily of Leyden, 
 Lon., I'<'<0. II. xvo. , .. 
 tain Kuiinylios nml Huron Stilkln, Li 
 1 1«. V,iya({6s anil Traveln of Cap. 
 |88«. 117. 
 Wonders of tlio .Minos, Lon., 188(1, l2mo. 148, W.n 
 ilers of the Ocean, Lon., I88II, 12ino. 119. Norm in 
 Valley; or, How to (hercoiiie Hvll with (iood, Lou, 
 Issd, I2U10. 15(1. Ailventures in (lie Far West, ll|u-i 
 i,on,, 1880, p. 8vo. 151. Ainonii the Itedsklna, Lnii , 
 iHHii, 12II10. I;i2. The Hoy who .Sailed with HIake; Tl,„ 
 Orphans, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. Hit. Arctic Adven(uri-„. 
 Illust. l.on, I^Ml, p. 8vo. 151. I'eler llldiliilph : tliu 
 lllse and Progress of an A»»lral!an Selllcr, L"n., 1.»>I, 
 p. Mvo. 1.1,1. Peter Trawl; or. The Adveiiluns of i 
 Whaler, Lon., IN81, p. 8vo. 1,'ifl. The Two Voyage-; 
 or. Midnight and Daylight. Lon., 1881, „|. Klnio. 1,,T, 
 Won from tho Waves, Lon.. 1882, sq. Iflino. 158. .lamc^ 
 Draithwalte, Suporcargo, Lon,, 1882, er. mvo. 1.i9. A I- 
 ventures In Africa, by an African Trader, Lon., I"-.', 
 er. 8vi,. IHll. Adventures in India. Illust. Lon., I*"., 
 p. Svo. Mil. Afar iii the Forest: a Tab' of Adventure 
 In North America; new ed.. Lon., IxSil, p. 8vo. ir,.'. 
 From I'owder-.Monkev to Admiral : .Naval Adventuri", 
 Lon., 1^8.'., I,. Sjo. Iii.'l. Paddy Fii'ii ; or, Tbe Ailveii 
 tares of a Midshlpniiin Alluat an.l Ashore, l.on., 1"",::, 
 sq. Ifimo. 1114. Adventures In Australia, l.on,, 1ms|, 
 8vo. Ifi5. Rob Nixon, the lllil White Trapper, Lon., 
 1885, 12ino. Ififi. Travels of Dr. Livingstone, Lon., 
 18,><0, p. ,>«vo, lfi7. Travels of .Mungo Park, Ilenhiioi. 
 and Chiiiiierton, l.on., l^^n, 12mo. 108. Vlllegiignon 
 ft Tale of the Huguenot I'eiseeutlon, l.on.. IH81;, p. si,. 
 Ifill. Archibald lluglisoii, tbe Young Sbctlander; new 
 ed., Lon, 1887, 12mo. 17(1. Paul Laggershall; The 
 Ligbt-Sliip, Ac, l.on., 1887, 4lo. 171. Voyage round ilie 
 WnrM; cheap ed,, l.on., 1887, p. Svo. 
 KiliKtoil-dliplmilt. See Oi.ii'il.\8T. 
 Kinn/J'tt, Cliiirlcs Tlionuisi I. Animal Clnin- 
 istry ; or, Tlie Rehitions of Chemistry to Physiology iinl 
 Pathology, Lon., 1S77, 8vo. 2. Tho History, I'roduH-, 
 and Processes of the Alkali Trade. Illust. Lon., I'<77, 
 Svo. :i. Nature's Hygiene: a Series of Kssays on Pop 
 uliir Sciinlilic Subjects: with Special Reference to lli,- 
 Chemistry ami Hygiene of the Eucalyptus, Ac., Lon., 
 188(1, Svo; :id ed., 1888. 
 Kink, Enilliiinilfl. On Babies and Ladders : As- 
 says on Things in Oeneral, (School Board Essays,) Liii.. 
 1888, p. Svo. 
 Kiiiley, .Iniic. Tho Ashtons: a Dark Beginniiii! 
 with a Bright Kiiding, Lon., I8II8, ISmo. 
 KiiihK'h, Lord. See Pknny, Wiii.i.wi. 
 Kiiiloi'h, t'ol. Alexaiicli-r A. .\., ('.M./ >. 
 Large-liame Shooting in Tliiliet and the Nirtlmcsl. 
 Illust. Lon., I,''tl9, 4to; Second Series, 187(1 j new 1 I., 
 "Mr. Klnloeli states in liis preface, with eonimendiili:.' 
 nioile.xiv, that be looks prliiri|ially to the pliotiiicnipli- hr 
 tlie siic'cess iif bis houk; lull we iiiiist not witliliolil ii,,iii 
 hlni the praise of liavint; explained and illusiratcl lli, 111 
 I hy a brief but well told and iiiiiilt'ected narrative., I In- 
 lierscinal e.xperieiice."— .Sii(. Iter., .xxl.x. 'Ji. 
 ' Kiiilocli, Alfred. The Kirwee Prize-Fighi in 
 Various Aspects; or, Ureat Wars and Little Jars, I., 11,. 
 I iM'.Cl, p. Svo. 
 I Killloi'h, t'harlON Walter. 1. Robert (Iricrs^n: 
 I a Novel, l.on., 1871, 2 vols. p. Svo. 2. Leonard Scuti; 
 a Novel, l.on., l-<7."i, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Kililovh, .11. (■. J. A History of Scotlan.l.. 'lli. li.v 
 ' in its Kcclcsinstical .Aspect, from the Introduction uf 
 Christianity until the Fall uf the Old Hierarchy, IMiii., 
 187:i. 2 vols. 12mo; 2d e.l., 1888. 
 Kiiiiiear, Ileii.ianiiii <Jott. 1. Cruees Slmlce- 
 spearianiu : Dillicult I'us.siiges of Shakespeare: iiiih 
 Emendations and Notes, Lon., 188:1, p. Svo. 2. Venn: 
 a Homan Story, l.on.. l8-<5, cr. Svo. 
 Killliear, J<>llll Iloyd,b. 1828; admitted a iioinlur 
 of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh, 1850; callil to 
 the bar at the Inner Temple 1855. 1. .\ Praeticiil TriMt- 
 iseon the Law of Bankruptcy under the Bankrupt -^ii- 
 land) Act, 185B, Edin., 1857, Svo; 2d ed., isr,:'. J. \ 
 (.'ouiparison of the Bankruptcy Systems of Englaiil :iiil 
 Scotland, Lon., 1858, Svo. 3. Dii^est of the House ul' 
 Lords Cases decided on Apjieal from Scotland, I^WI- 
 18114: with a (ilossary of Scottish Law Terms, l.on., 
 18(i.5, Svo. 4. Principles of Reform, Political and Legal, 
 Lon., isfia, Svo. 5. Principles of Property in I.iinJ, 
 Lon.. ISSO, cr. 8vo. 6, Ireland, l.on., 1881, p. Svo; 2'! 
 ed. same year. 7. Principles of Civil (iovermneiit, 
 Lon., 18S7, cr. Svo. (Includes chapters on the liepic 
 senlative System, Nationality, Local Oovernmcni. .to.) 
 Kinney, Coate8, b. 1826, in Yates Co., .\.Y.; 
 wiM aduilttmi 
 Joiirniillsni, edi 
 (Ihio .Siiiiu j„||, 
 l'*5i, 121110. 2. 
 i''88, 11!,„„. 
 Kinney, M 
 vol. 1., add.. I 
 I'ouuiM, .N. v,,r| 
 Tragodv, .V. Yo 
 Kinney, Jo 
 i"n, Vl.; gniilui. 
 Digest „( the I 
 I'lliteil Stales, II 
 dcnoy in Seothm 
 Scottish Congri'v 
 -'. Biblical Zoolo 
 Kiun*, Snni 
 Harmony of ibe 
 1^82, ,Svo; 8lh e, 
 Kinney, ArtI 
 Congrosa on the I 
 -. A Full Course 
 Cliil.lren, Lon., 1,' 
 Kiniley, »Vi| 
 I'liila,, 1881, |omi 
 KinNninn, J. 
 "I \'ennont. Host. 
 KinNnian, Ju 
 I'i'iizaneo Puhli,. I 
 Kinzic, .>irs. 
 aiv/.iK, .Mii.s. ,[„|| 
 l>"!', 12mo. 2. J 
 1-87, Ifimo. 
 Kip, tiawrem 
 Siiiiimer of 18.',8, I 
 Kip, Leonard 
 III llishop Kip, i„, 
 'lu.lied law and ha 
 ."keiches, N. York, 
 giiiL's : a Tale of t'li 
 liiir. N. York, 185 
 l-(l(!, l2mo. 4. Th( 
 timi Sainto-Mauro, 
 ■Miiii. and other Tal 
 tlo! Hells: a Romai 
 •Novel, N. York, 188 
 Kip, lit. Ilfv, 
 I.I..D., [id,/,, vol. i. 
 cmiiition; a Tale ol 
 I-.I5. 12mo. 2. Tli 
 N'. Y.irk, ISiiS, li'm,, 
 in .Ven York, IdiiJ. 
 loik ( ; 
 N'- York, 1.S72, r. 81 
 "Id .lesuit Missions 
 Ciiiireh of the ApostI 
 , Kip, Willinni J 
 >"rl(, 1888, |2mo. 
 Kipling, Kiidya 
 l-ockwood Kipling, C 
 Miiyo School of Indm 
 ■euui, Lahore;) oducii 
 to India, and eontribu 
 "'iitly to English peric 
 ilMcriptive of Indian 
 resides in London. I 
 Vffj'es; :id ed., Calcut 
 .'bey possess the (111 
 ci</| lo five. .i.\,r tiiev r 
 Hiid lielliigs of actual 
 Hell lis clever. . . i,, 
 cjninsm eoino iioics „ 
 HTi like the ring of ire 
 un; iiotafewpoemsin 
 IH.. leartufaliivhol 
 . ; ",i: '!";«,'.if tropieii 
 World wliiclidi.sMoris lb 
 teles 111 c.tiort s well-ni 
 11 history. .Some lav 
 youi'.k'[ioetl.?thede3 ici 
 ;^^ll«;r'!'!llan world k^o 
 "tinlc, ,his iMiok Klves I 
 Se.'.i!r«",""d^- rising 
 WM ndiiiitted to the har ,.» l r. 
 IMll" .Htillu Joiirrnil I V... 
 l-yric:. .,1 I he li 
 ■Mill ihur I'liuiii,,, cin., •' I'luin t..i...' f. ■ 
 1 "i"i III* llBtti, c'ln'i 
 lllil" Stiiiu Joiirrml I !»■. i, l i ■'. ""' '"■ — •- •. 
 '» fbrce: 
 KilinM, Snniiipi \f, . 
 Il«rm.,„/„r ?| ' I'j,, i :"''"' 'J-'l'/t'J'i "r, The 
 /"Hi;, svo: H.h,.,i ISS-, ' '"'"^''"•«- iiiu»t. I.„„., 
 KliiNcy, Arlln'ir i. 
 'in''m,,'r';^,;f {;';;i^':'':|7"; •' ^.1" with,,,,, a ru! 
 I'";-";''-' Ht Aiinhu.,:,;, lis,; /:;;:' """""^ i-"""/. 
 ,"."""""». J. ". Tho ve„n„„, T„„„, , Kippen. j„„: w" ' "" - ^r'":;- '«^^. '-'-. 
 Sum'ui; J'fT.'s'"",!;*:; .'i""-", ^'"■'' »" '•'« Paoiao in tlio 
 K, , ' ""■'■• l^l», l.'lllo. 
 '2mo. 2. Hu.iinm,,, V ^ ■ ''' '*"'•' "'h '''l.. ISliJ 
 wtj ii.s I'levtT. . . ii, ,|„. „,i I, .""-"• I'liil are true as 
 i^^yi'HMn come , (, cs , ■ a i w h"' ,"""''' "ipPaney and 
 '«""We discontent ui 1,1 i ',■"'',''■''!'-•''''«-■«« and a 
 VL'i-ylike therii,got\le, I !"*''■ ■i^r'"'''' have someth L- 
 " i; ".;t ,1 k^ypotm. in h iit-tleVo .'ml ""•«.■';'"'>' *"""»« 
 II t' heiirt (.full „.l,o ha e^u ffi.rn,! ** "''"''' '•'" »"-ai>.'ht 
 talilornm, where she has 
 eion ; or, The Variation ,,f (•!,'"" ■-■■'•'•"■ »• iran.iinis- 
 N. York, isrs. 1 2,;o'!v'l;;rTr ''''""«'' ""' ""'her. 
 biofjraphical Narrative "n V a '-'Miwi. nee : an Auto- 
 i I 
 Childrrii, iiml how they were cured. Lon., 18.'i4, am. Ito. 
 2. .Stories from tlie Clii-.iius, I,on., ISjl, 12iiio. I!. The 
 Tnlking Bird ; a Tale, hun., 18,^5, IBmo. 4. .lulia .Mait- 
 land, 1,011.. IS50, liiino. ,"). ('hni)ters on I'lant.i of Land 
 and Water, Lon., 1S57, 18nio. t>. Truth i.< always Host, 
 liOn.. iNjS, 12ino. ". The Iluiidle of ,<tieli?; or, Love 
 and Hate, l.on.. Is.VS, |2mo. s. The Cliild's Legend cjf 
 .St. Valentine, Norwich, 1S58, l2ino. 11. Hoso-Ccjloured 
 .Spectacles: a Novel, Lon., ls,')!l, p. 8vo. HI. Lucy 
 Xi'villo and her SuhoolFellows, Lon.. ISlill, llimo. 11. 
 Thinj^s in the Forest, Lon., Istil, fji. Svo. 12. Aunt 
 Dorothy's Story-Dook, Lon., 18i;i, .sij. or. 8vo. 13. 
 Cateriiillars, liiittcrllies, and Moths, Lon., 1801, 12inu. 
 ]4. The Italian (Joldsmith ; or, The .Story of Cellini, 
 l,on., 18(11. fp. Svo. 1.0. The World at Home; or, 
 Pictures and .Scenes from Far-Olf Lands, Lon.. 18C8, Jto; 
 new eils., 188:i-84. Hi. The Sea and its Wonders, Lon., 
 1-70, lllmo. 17. Beautiful Birds in Far-olf Lands, Lon., 
 1871, p. 8vo. 18. chapters on Trees, Lou., 187:!. p. 8vo. 
 IS). Sketches of Insect Life. Illust. Lon., 1874, 12mo. 
 20. Stories about Birds of Land ami Water. Illust. 
 Lon., 1874, 8vo. 21. Aunt Martha's Corner Cupboard: 
 a Story, Lon., 1874, p. Svo. 22. Birds of (Jay i'lumage, 
 Lon.. 18', j, 2 vols. Itjuio. 
 Kirby, Thomas Frederick. Winchester Schol- 
 ars : a List of the Wardens, Fellows, and Scholars of 
 Saint Marv College of Winchester, near Winchester, 
 0.\f., 1888, 8vo. 
 Kirby, U'illinin, b. I.sl7, at Kingston-upon-Hull ; 
 removed to Canada 18;i2: editor and publisher of the 
 Niagara Mail 1841-1)1 ; has been ccdleetor of customs 
 at Niagara. 1. U. E. : a Tale of Upper Canada, [verse,] 
 Niagara, 1809. 2. Le Chien d'Or, (The U(dden Dog:) 
 a Story founded on the Legend of tjuebce, .Montreal and 
 N. York, 1877, I2nio. 
 Kirby, William rorsell, Fellow of the Entoino- I 
 logical Society, assistant in the zoological department of 
 the British Museum. 1. A .Manual of European Butter- 
 flies. Illust. Lon., 1802, 121110. 2. Ed-Diiniryaht : an 
 Oriental Komanoe, ami other I'oems, Lon., 1887, Svo. ;i. 
 A Synonymic Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera, Lon., 
 1871, 8voi Supplement, bringing the bibliography down ' 
 to ,June, 1877, Lon., 187'.l, Svo. 4. Catalogue of the Col- 
 lection of Diurnal Lepidoptera formed by the Late Wil- - 
 liani Cliapiniin llewitson, and bequeathed by him to the , 
 British Museum, Lon., 1871), 4to. Printed (iv private , 
 circulation, b. (Trans.) The Four tJuspels E.'iplained by I 
 their Writers : with an .\ppendix on the Ten Command- \ 
 monts. Edited by J. B. Koustaing. Lon., 1881, ;! vols, 
 er. Svo. 0. European Butterflies and Moths ; based , 
 upon Borge's " Schmettcrlingsbuch." Illust. Lon., 
 1882, Ito; new ed., in 01 parts, 1885-89. 7. (Trans.) 
 The New Arabian Nights: Select Talcs not inclinled in 
 the Eilitions of (iallaml or of Lane. Illust. 1882, or. , 
 8vo. 8. List of llyinenoptera :' with Descriptions and : 
 F'igurcs of the Typical Specimens in the British Mu- 
 seum, (British Museum Publications:) vol. 1., Lon., 1882, 
 Svo. 9. Evolution and Natural Theology, Lon., 1883, 
 p. Svo. 10. British liutterfiios, Moths, and Beetles, 
 (" Young Collector,") Lon., 1885, p. Svo. II. Element- 
 ary Text-Book of Entomology. Illust. Lon., 1885, Svo. 
 Also, some minor publications. And see Smith, Hkn- 
 LEV (iKOSK, infill. 
 Kirchholfer, Juliu Geurgiaiia Mary. Poems 
 and Essays, Paisley, 1885, sq. lOmo. I 
 Kirk, Alexaiiiier Carnegie. Heat in its Mo- j 
 chanioal Applications, (Institution of Civil Engineers j 
 Pub.,) Lon., 1885, Svo. 
 Kirk, U. Ueid. Amicus Equus: a Treatise indi- 
 cating the Common Origin in All Diseases of the Horse, I 
 &•■., Lon., 1881, 12mo. [ 
 Kirk, Charles U. A Story of Canetueky : Wooing | 
 iind Warring in the Wilderness. By Se. De Kay, [pseud.] 
 N. York, is(i0, l2mo. 
 Kirk, Edward. The Founding of Metals ; a I'rao- ; 
 tical Treatise on the Melting of Iron. Illust. 3d ed., 
 N. York, 187.8, Svo. 
 Kirk, Rev. Edward Norris, D.D., [ante, vol. i., 
 add.,] 1802-1874; pastor of the Mount Vernon Congre- 
 gational Church, Boston, 1842-71. Forbiog., sec .Mbaiiis, 
 Ukv. D. 0., iii/((i. 1. Christian Sympathy Awakened. 
 Bost., IS04, ISrno. 2. The Wjiiting Saviour, Bost., 1804, 
 lOnio. :). Behold the Lamb of Uod, Bost., 1805, lOmo. 
 4. Lectures on Kevivals. Edited by Rev. D. 0. Menrs. 
 Boat., 1874, 12mn. 
 "Kirk, Eleanor," (Pseud.) See Ames, Mrts. 
 Eleanou, Kiijirii. 
 I Kirk, Mrs. Ellen Warner, (OIney,) b. 1842, at 
 , Southiiigton, Conn.; daughter of .Jesse Olney, {q. v., 
 , null, vol. ii.;) married, 1879, to J. F. Kirk, infrn. She 
 ; has ctmtributed to the Atlantic Montlily anil other |i(',i. 
 I oilicals. 1. Love in Idleness: a Summer Story, Pliilii.. 
 1 1877, Svo. 2. Through Winiling Ways: a Novel, Philii., 
 1879, Svo. 3. A Losscm in Love, (" lound Robin" Ser.. i 
 Bust., 1881, lOmo. 4. F'airy (iold : a Novel. Illu.>.|, 
 Phila.. 1883, Svo. 5. A Midsummer Madness, Host.. 
 \»>i;>. Ifimo. 
 'This 1 k is most refreshing. Tin- scene of the storv 
 is laid on the Itaiiks of the great river IM-Iuware, and 'i 
 delicimis sciisc of oia-ii air, of trt'cs and lluwers. of tin* 
 many-tinted lights of sunset. tiiiKeing the liroad river an. I 
 the sky iil)iive, pervades tlic liook \ltliounli all • 
 without idot or incident, the interest of the storv iii v^i 
 Hags from the lirst page to the last. , . . One great cliariu 
 of this book is that there are no lay llgures in It."— .S/;crt/;- 
 tiir, Iviii. IH7. 
 0. The Story of Margaret Kent. By Henry Haye-. 
 [pseud.] Bost., 1885, l2iiio; 35tli thousand, 1889. ;. 
 Sons and Daughters, Bost., 1887, 12ino. 8. Queen 
 .Money,, 1888, l2ino. 9. Better Times Stiu-ii-, 
 Bust.," 1S8S, l2mo. 10. A Daughter of Eve. Bost., I8s'.i, 
 Kirk, <>eorge Ilarley. Poems and Essays, Diil.. 
 lin, 1803, p. Svo. 
 Kirk, Mrs. Helen, wife of Rev. John Kirk, infni. 
 1. Woman ami Prayer. Lon., ISfll, Svo. 2. Memoirs "I 
 Rev. .John Kirk, Edin., 1888, Svo. 
 Kirk, Hyland C. 1. Tlio Possibility of not Dvin:;: 
 a Speculation, N. York, 1883, I6ino. 2. When" Age 
 grows Young: a Romance, N. York, 1S88, Itiuio. 
 Kirk, J. S. An ICssay on Education, Lon., 1809, svo. 
 Kirk, llev. John, D.D., 1813-1886, wasjirofessor of 
 pastoral tlieology in the Theological Evangelical Uiiinii. 
 For biog., see Kiiik. Helen. «ii/o(i. 1. Light out of Dark- 
 ness : Lectures, (JIasgow, 1811, 12ino; 5th ed., 1840. '.'. 
 The Way of Life made Plain: Lectures. (JIasgow, 1814, 
 Svo; new eiL, 1850. 3, Precious Seed: being Seventeiii 
 Revival Addresses, Lon., 1840, 12ino. 4. The Cloud Ilis- 
 ]ielled; or. The Doctrine of Preilestination examinc<l, 
 Lim., 1847, lUmo. 5. The Tempted : or, The Trials of the 
 Heart considered, Lon., 1849, ISiiio. 0. A (luide to the 
 Throne, Lon., 1850, ISnio. 7. Original Titles of the 
 Hymns sung in the Wesleyan Methodist Congregation-, 
 and Names of the Authors, Lon., 1854, l2mo. s. The 
 Inquirer's Companion, Lon., 1S55, 12ino. 9. Words by 
 the Way; or. Practical Lessons in Every-Day Life, Lou,, 
 1866, ISmo. 10. Needed Counsels for Many Seasons, 
 Lon., 1858, ISnio. 11. Light in Life: a Series (jf |ii-- 
 courses. Glasgow, 1864, 12mo. 12. The Mother of the 
 Wesloys: a Biography, Lon., 1864; 4th ed., 1800, p. Svo. 
 13. The Age of Man Geologically considered in its Beur- 
 ing on the Truths of the Gospel, Lon., 1806, 12uio. 14. 
 Britain's Drawbacks; 2d ed., Glasgow, 1868, 8vo. 15. 
 The Doctrine of Creation according to Darwin, Agnssiz. 
 and Moses, Lon., 1809, Svo. Iti. Social Politics in (ir";!! 
 Britain and Ireland, Lon., 1870, Svo. 17. British Trad. ■ 
 or. Certain Conditions of our National Prosperity, Lon.. 
 1875, p. Svo. IS. Papers on Health, Glasgow, 1876-86, 
 10 vols. Ifimo. 
 Kirk, John Foster. History of Charles the BoM, 
 Duke of Burgundy, Lon. and Pliihi"., 1803-68, 3 vols, -vo. 
 Kirk, Rev. William Boyton, LL.D. ; graduated 
 at St. Aidan's 1858 ; ordained I860; vicar of St. Peter's, 
 Asbton-under-Lyno, since 1882. 1. The Martyrs {(f 
 Sant'ago, and other I'oems 2, The Antiquities of Asli- 
 ton-undcr-Lyno and its Neighbourhood. 
 Kirkaldy,l>avid. 1. Results of an Expcrinientiil 
 Inquiry into the Comparative Tensile Strength, lic, of 
 Wrought Iron and Steel, Glasgow, 1S62, Svo; new ed., 
 1873, 4to. 2. Results of an Experimental Inquiry into 
 the Mechanical Properties of Steel, Lon., 1873, 4to. :l. 
 Results of an ExperinierUal Inquiry into the Relative 
 Properties of Wronght-Iron Plates, Lon., 1876, 4to. 
 Kirkall, Viscount. See Fitzmauhhe. 
 Kirkcaldy, Agnes. The Young Hardingcs, (JIas-' 
 gow, 1882, l2nio. 
 •'Kirke, Edmund," (Pseud.) See Oilmoiie, 
 James R., sujim. 
 Kirke, Henry, .M.A., B.C.L., h. 1842: gradiuileJ 
 at Wadhain College, Oxford, 1860; called to the liar :it 
 the Inner Temple 1868 ; acting puisne judge in British 
 Guiana 1S74; sheriff of Essequibo 1877. 1. Thur.<ton 
 Meverell ; or. The Forest of the Peak : a Romance, Lon., 
 1868, p. Svo. 2. The First English Conquest of Caniuln: 
 Willi soiiio Account of tl... i' i- . ^ 
 s,..u.,,,., x.,,;;;;,;;,',,;;;; r:,;"»,^«i— .1. 1. »,„■. 
 nnton,int,.,l,f:.av" "Ai;^-„J,'''^' C"»'""i'gh ,• „r. The 
 12rn(). '""- "' iipi'enir.v, \. York, IS82 
 ter of Mr... ("«&''?" ''''"' ««""^l...ry, .laush- 
 1X77, 12mo. ;i AShordli. 1 !'';■"-'"'< ™l'i"«. Cl.lo, 
 '■ Speed, an,l Manners f,'^ 7 ^ '''""-''■' '■'''ie., 1878 
 '""■■i, IKmo. '"""»■'•'* '"I- ilome and School, Chic, 
 Kirklaiiil, I'rnznr in, 
 "lon-school education ,,,'■'''''''';''■ ''eeeivcd i, ooin- 
 Illinol,s;,cTve,i, ";,•'";' '!"™ '■''5« '""^ resided in 
 -"■^ ""'1 w- made " , '';:'™-"-"'>- '"'"ing -he civM 
 K"«ed in coal-minin. nn "„"''■'' »;'-\"l(er>vard,s en- 
 '» ■'spring County ; n No.'el o 'ut.?' " *:„'^'eancst Man 
 )2iuo. ^ "*'-' "' " estern Life, Boat., 1887, 
 t»nS;r,'^/^i:;>:ni:'^^,^;! "'■""" ^T? «'"»"e "Md trnly 
 ?rfeS'idS ^ F'>- '■- ™--e I 
 n''ned,,esnotsninw rMcha,M,li' Pergonal know tXe 
 ;■"' parts and thev 'S^oSt^ll'^'' "^l'' '''<^^V Pl-'V li/I^r- 
 isrr, i2,.o r ..ifc'" "■"' '"' Collection. N V„ k' I 
 N. Vork, 1878 8vo Til""'""' •• ^™°^ ivnd Stations' 
 Object, and Econo ^ T ic'^-Il^'si;' ','"7 ^i•''^^ Kxtellt; 
 cl.-eand Oispo^mo^.-fHic ',"s"s-^ ■^"'''"'^' '^ ""^'^ ?"' 
 F.|<,JC^5::„^*r';; T&^^-^-j^to.., m.a., 
 "nliiined I8;i5,. rector of n''^. ",'•»''• l>"')lin, 183,3. 
 •""•^■ety of Manchester rfn,T "f "'" '''"''^"phical 
 "/e.l .mu„ papers to L Tmn^^ ti7r'' ","'' '"'' -"'rib 
 «;'.vnl Society. I. Ortho,lov . ' ""'' '" "'"^e of the 
 of Vio„-, Lo,;. 187;! 8 :''"V i,"7 ""> Hebrew Point 
 '"I'lptwtis, I,o„., i,87fl 8°; "' ^'"'"sepl'y without As- 
 ,.""• "'"gle lectures, ,t,. ' 
 'KiiS,a^r-s3ri. ■'"'''" 
 eon.idercd under V hreo N< w 4 i ." ," '•"■'^' "f Missions 
 '-"■1., 187:i, 8vo " Ai.pec(,s, by C. il. c. I'lath 
 !"^'p":!'i'^7.^rr,!!^, -^p--n^ 
 -'"'•^oerf;^^;,.aj:^!;*r ''b"- ^ • ^1. i.. 
 a-' ''-l-olo^i^l. Ln. 'i^ r" "":"' 't"^"' Critical 
 ;^e.-.plurc. and KeaM,,, L, ' I's;.,. ™- , -• Or'l>'"lo.xy, 
 li'neou.. l.;s.,„j.,. Second io'r,-',''- ''"• •*• '^'i-eol- 
 And .see W,ti,.M,.o.,M„f^; ■;•„''""- '■'*8-' P' '^vo. 
 f"M\.liatu Kirkus, (o,,, 'v'oi • 7 '■"• " I'^'-'-'Jonymo 
 ^ Kirlavall, Victor i°„ \- 
 I^'an.'ls l.on.,'l8CI. '"',, „^ " " ^«"'^ '" tho Ionian 
 '""■ey; or, The .^T" , ,i " '"'r'"»eTeller of Kil. 
 -M-1.,. 1'rofes.or'of rth!„;„,i:.. in r' r "^«<l'-'n'""i«l., 
 liloominston, since 807 '"/"'''","•' University 
 Phila., lS(i7, ]2D,n on ' Meteoric Astronomy 
 t'veen Mar.s and' Ju pi, ^.'i^ ;;'•-■''' i""' '''"-ts be'-' 
 Kirkn-ood, K,.v i„h,. ', ^,.'' '-'""• 
 "ilV »ith their .Suroumn,; 'r ^ ''','"" ""'' '^''^^on- 
 Kilmarnock, 1X70, Svo. " A^!'/"'™' 'Vi'' Hi'-oiieal, 
 United States and'canada-R, in is""", ^ """">' '" '"o 
 Kirkwooii How II , "•' '■ ' ', II- Xvo. 
 'ey, Seotland"ti,^cd :., t d":rri "''''''"' "• ^'' ''-- 
 In.tedState..; was udni er f j" Tp^''"''"'^'' *" 'he 
 in New York State, and fn i s ,- ' ' ,I^<'f"nue,l parishes 
 terian Church. 1. LecUreson'.i;'"^- , '''"' ""^ ''^esby- 
 ^>^^^- 2. Universa liC rf > ' '" ^'Henniuin, N. York 
 Chris,, 18B2. ^- ^""sfations of the Offices of 
 o^tTlZ:,''Zt''t "''""'" «•"="">- of F-o Meth. 
 lA^"rVbe'iri:'/^rr'''!'-^- '•!•- Sam 
 Pourl'illar,,ofTe,o,'a„'f' I "•',""■'' '2»'"- 2. The 
 J««, p. 8vo. .3 OnfT • '"',"■• '"'■^' '-'mo: new ed 
 }-">: 1^*68, i2ut.''"r a";,:;'"; 'J'->Peranee An":! es',' 
 them, Hirmin^ham, 18 ,"o,, '"'"':• '.'."l ""»■ to Make 
 Cherries," and other Stori;« In' ,'i-,, ""^ your Own 
 ^peneer's Rule of I,ifc, J,,,,' '""v '"'"' '^mo. 6. Prank 
 : 1 ''";•■ ;.nd of Te.„pera„™ An .o,'/,', -",'"• '• '^ Second 
 I «• A liunch of Cllerrie, I „"''",'L'i '^""•. l'*70, 12n,o. 
 Temperance H„„d-13ook I "' ,';i ' {'• '*'»• »■ Tho 
 i ;,."ee' Treasure; or, fh, u hi ,• J^'""' '"• The 
 '!'')le, Lon., 1873, 6 no it'' '^ ""''.Stories about the 
 tei-y, I.on., 188(1, p. 8v« ]>'•-,'' "J' "^•"'■y and Mys- 
 lext-Rook and ] irthdav It.' ''"' .Temperance Daily 
 j U. John \Ve.,ley.. his i"^an MV ', 'i'"- ^'''' 32mo' 
 -■ Dr. Oulhriefra he Cle^K Ml 'T' '«'-*«' ]•■ 8™- 
 I ,'ivesey, i" «'orld's Worker 'T' o """'''"'• Jo^eiih 
 The Fal..e Key, and o"her s oH s To'^ '"ss'/- ''^"- '«• 
 Temperance Tales for the I'.,, i. ^i', '?^- !'• ■***■»• '»• 
 V- >ivo. 2(1. Cheerful I 1, '.' ^""■"'- '"'n., 1884 
 <he,„, 1884. 2 ITI w",e 'l)n'^' '"r '/"' """ K«ep 
 '■^••^t, p. Svo 01 T ""'""'""fholiible Lon 
 mo a Chance, !,„„ Vs.-;' , l' •'^"•"- ^.X Only eivo 
 lor. ThetJoldel, D e.'ls of ' ''i,-'!"' .-/'True Nobilf,;? 
 '•0 Career and Labour of H.e""' .,'^'f? ^ " "'^^™''l of 
 Warden : a .Story Ln i887 n 8 ^nT^ '" Church. 
 0-^ The Noble K^limpi; if tttio^^-True^K,^,,^ 
 ' ^T^rfiT^rirwiRH 
 the Lofty PurpoBO and Deeds of Victoria, Lon„ 1887, p. i Library of the City of Norwicli in tlie Year M.D.CCC- 
 8vo. 27. Real Greatness; or, Friemlly Counsels on a LXXXIII., Norwiuh, 1SS3, 8vo. 
 Noble Life, Lon., 1SS8, p. 8vo. Also, many temperance j Kittoii, Frederick G. 1. " Phiz," (llablot Kni^^lit 
 and other reeitori". Browne:) u Memoir, including a Selection from his 
 Kirwail, Andrew Valentine. 1. Modern Correspondence, and Notes on his Principal Work:-. 
 Franco: its Journalism, Literature, and Society, Lon., Illust. Lcjn., I8S2, 8vo. 2. John Leach, Artist ami Ilu- 
 181');!, p. Svo. 2. Host anil Guest: a Book about Din- niourist: a Biographical Sketch, Lon., 18!-:1 ; 2d ed., L^sj. 
 ncrs,' Wines, and Desserts, I,on., I8()4, |i. Svo. ISnio. :i. Dickensiana: a Bibliography of the Literatun 
 "It ■ av be conscientiously recommended to readers relating to Charles Dickens and his Writings, Lon., 18'-il, 
 who liave"a lively interest in the subject uikI abundan^t p_ ^^.^,_ 
 "A comprehensive catalogue of all the writings o( .Mr 
 Charles Dickens, and of a good quantity of books wriiicii 
 about him. It also contains copious extracts from review •- 
 of liis works and from sermons on his character."— .Sm/. 
 ! Hci:, l.\i. filO. 
 Kittredge, A. O. 1. The Compendium of Arclii- 
 time upon their Imnds, or who are skilled in the art of 
 skipping."— ■'<ii(. Hev.. xvii. ;!i)l. 
 Kirwan, Edward Dominic Geolfry Martin. 
 (Trans.) The History of the Jews in .Spain, by A. de 
 Castro y Rosas, 1851, 8vo. 
 Kirwan, tapt. M. W. " La Compagnie irlan- 
 duise :" Reminiscences of the Franco-German War, 
 Dublin, 1S73, or. 8voi new ed., 1878. 
 Kirwau, Thomas. Soldiering in North Carolina. 
 Bv One of the Seventeenth. Bost., 1864. 
 °Kisbey, W. H. The Law and Practice of the 
 Bankruptcy Court, Ireland; 3ii ed., Dublin, 1884, 8vo. 
 Kitchen, J. M. W. I. Student's Manual of Dis- 
 eases of the Nose and Throat. Illust. N. York, 1S8.S, 
 lliino. 2. Catarrh, Sore Throat, and Hoarsenoss. Illust. 
 tectuial Sheet-Metal AVork. Illust. Phila., 1870, syu. 
 2. The Metal-Worker's Pattern-Book. Illust. ;jd ed.. 
 N. York, IS84, 4lo. 
 Kittredge, George F. The Present Condition of 
 the Earth's Interior, Buli'alo, N.Y., 1876, 8vo. 
 Kitts, Eustace J. A Compendium of Castes ani 
 Tribes found in India. Lon., 1S86. 
 Klapp, H. Milnur. 1. (Ed.) Krider's Sporting 
 Anecdotes, Illustrative of the Habits of Certain Varieties 
 of American Game, Phila., I Soli, 12mo. 2. The Cruiser 
 N.York, 1884, sq. IBmo. _ _ , 
 Kitchin, Uarcy Butterworth, B.A. An Intro- | „{• ,i,e li^y, N. York, 186H, liimo. 
 duction to the Study of Provencal, Lon., 1887, or. 8vo. , Klaus, Madame Eugenia. 1. (Trans.l In the 
 Kitchin, Very Rev. (Jeorge William, D.D., ' gpring of my Life; from the French of the Primi'ss 
 b. 1827, at Naughton, Sutfolk; graduated, double lirst Cantacuzcne, Lon., 1878, 8vo. 2. (Trnns.) Carmela : a 
 class, at Christ Church, O.xford, 1851) ; ordained 1852 ; j Novel ; from the French of Princess Olga Alticre, L.m., 
 became head-master of Twyford School 1855; censor^ 
 and tutor of Christ Church 1861 ; tutor to the Crown , 
 Prince of Denmark 186:! ; lecturer in history at Christ j 
 Church, Oxford, 1882, and dean of Winchester 1881). 1. 
 (Ed.) F. Baconi Novum Organum ; with English Notes, 
 Oxf., 1855, 8vo. 2. (Trans.) The Xovuui Organum of 
 Francis Bacon, Oxf., 1855, 8vo. ^^. (Ed.) Of the Proti- 
 ciency and Advancement of Learning. By Francis 
 Bacon. With Notes. Lon., 1860, 8vo. 4. Catalogus Codi- 
 1880, H vols. p. 8vo. 
 Klee, \V. G. The Culture of the Date. Pub. bv 
 U.S. Gov't. Wash., 188:1, 8vo. 
 Klein, Edward Emanuel, M.D., F.R.S., lec- 
 turer on general anatomy and physiology in the Meiliinl 
 School of St. Bartholomew's Hospital.- 1. The Anut y 
 of the Lymphatic System. Illust. L(m., 1873-7.1. 2 
 parts, r. 8vo. 2. Research on the Small-Pox of Shei'p, 
 (Philosophical Transiictions,) Lon., 1875, 4t^). 3. All; 
 cum MSS. qui in Bibliotheca vEdis Christi apud Oxo- „f Histology: with Illustrations by Noble Smith, Lon., 
 1879, 4to. 4. Elements of Histology. Illust. L"Li., 
 188.'), 12mo. 5. Micro-Organisms and Disease: an in- 
 troduction into the Study of .'^peciHo Micro-Organisms 
 Lon., 1884, 12ino ; 3(1 ed., 1880. 
 Klein, J. .Student's Manual of the History. Law-, 
 and Constitution of Enghind, Lon., 1880, IL'mo. 
 Klein, J. F., of Lehigh University. (Trims. 1 
 Treatise on Valve-Gears, with Special Consideratii.ri uf 
 niensos adservantur, Oxf., 1807, 4to. 5. (Trans.) A 
 Historical Grammar ol the French Language, by A. 
 Brachct, Oxf., 186il, fp. 8vo. 6. (Trans.) An Etymo- 
 logical Dictionary of the French Language, by A. 
 Braehet, 0.\f., 1873, or. 8vo. 7. History of France, 
 187.'!-77, 3 vols. p. 8vo; new ed., 1885. 
 " The great merit of the book is an excellent judgment 
 in the selection of materials. Mr, Kitchin knows well 
 what to omit, wliat to abridge, what to describe at length, 
 and he knows the iiroiier proportions for a work like tills the Link-Motions of Locomotive Engines, by Dr. Ijiist. 
 .. .. 1 .. . .r iri.. .. ,..].. I..... t>.,. ... ......... rr .. T11.._. XT \'__1. 1 T 1 C- I O.... 
 of dis.sertation anil narrative. . . . His style has the merits 
 as well as the defects which commonly belong to unstudied 
 eomposilioii ; hat is, it is without attectation. and has the 
 fulness and vigour which maybe expected from a mind 
 given wholly to the matter, and not partly diverted to tlie 
 manner,"— .iW,, No, -H'li. 
 8. Life of I'upe Pius II., (Arundel Soc. Pub.,) 1881. 
 1). (Ed.) Winchester Cathedral Kecords: Nos. 1,2, Win- 
 chester, 1880, 4to. 10. The Great Screen of Winchester 
 Cathedral, 1887, 4to. And see BoASK. ItEV. ClURLES 
 Kitching, George. Poems and Tales, Lon., 1884, 
 11. 8vo. 
 Kite, Edward. 1. The Monumental Brasses of Wilt- 
 shire : a Series of Examples, accompanied with Notes, 
 Lon., 1860, 4to. 250 copies. 2. The Song of Solomon 
 iu the Wiltshire Dialect, as it is spoken in the Northern 
 Divisions, Lon., 1861, Ifimo. 3. Historical Notes of the 
 Places of Interest to be visited by the British .Vrchreo- 
 logical Association during their Congress to bo held at 
 Devizes, 1880, Devizes. 1880, 8vo. 
 Kite, Frederick llobert. Posthumous Sermons, 
 Lon.. 1866, 8v.. 
 Kite, Williiiiu, b. 1810, in Philadelphia; librarian 
 of the Friends' Library, (iermantown, Pa. (Ed.) Me- 
 moirs and Letters of Thomas Kite, a Minister of the 
 Gospel in the Society of Friends, Phila., 1883, 12mo. 
 KitteruiHNter, Ilev. Fredi-rick Wilson, M.A., 
 graduated at I'cnibcrton ('ollcgc, ll.vfonl, 1817; ordained 
 1848; vicar of 
 I. The Moslem 
 ehire Arms and Lineages. 3. Shropshire Arms and 
 Lineages ; compiled from the Herald's Visitations and 
 Ancient MSS., Lon., l.-^iili, .^vo. 
 Kitto, It. li. M. The Gold-Fields of Australia: 
 witli Statistii's, Lon., 1867, 8v 
 Zeuner. Illust. N. York, and Lon., 1884, 8vo. 
 Klemm, C. Muscle-Beating; or. Active and Pus 
 sive Home Gyinnastics. Illust. Lon.. 181**, 8vo. 
 Klemm, L. K. Educational Topics of the Ha.v: 
 Chips from a Teacher's Workshop, Bost., 1888, liinm, 
 Kline, A. C. 'The Stamp-Collector's Manual; -4 
 ed., Phila., 1865, lOmo. 
 Klingcmann, Carl, and an American collabiinitor. 
 (Trans.) The Memlclssohn Family, (1720-1847:1 fnaa 
 Letters and Journals, by Sebastian Hensel : with Ei'.;lit 
 Portraits from Drawings by William Hcnsol. Socpiiil 
 Revised Edition: with a Notice by George Grove, K.-ip, 
 D.C.L. N. York and Lon., 1882, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Klingle, George. 1. Getting to be Wnima, 
 Tllust. N. York, 1882, sq. 16mo. 2. Make thy U'uy 
 inine, and other Poems, N. York, 1880, lOino. :;. iiiili 
 lehem to Jerusalem: a Poem. Illust. N. York. b^<. 
 obi. 8vo. 4. In the Name of the King, [verse,] N. 
 York, 1888, lOmo. 
 Klippart, .lohn H. 1. The Wheat Plain; its 
 Origin. Culture, &.«., Cin., 1859, 8vo. 2. The PriiiiiipiM 
 and Practice of Land- Drainage, 1801; 2d ed., bO?. 
 Kloman, William (., and Miles, T. 1'. 
 (Trans.) A Text-Book of Pathological Histology, bv K. 
 Rindlleisch. Illust. Phila., 1872, 8vo. 
 Knaggs, Henry (iuard, .M.D. 1. The Leiiidop- 
 tcrist's Guide: for the Use of the Young ('"ll«'t"r. 
 Lon., 1809; new ed., 1871, 12mo. 2. The Caliiint 
 Ibiyslon Hill, Shrewsbury, since IS79. i of tlie Lepidoptcra of Great Britain and IrehinJ. Lon., 
 ml t:.e Hindoo, [verse.] 2. Warwick- ' 1870, Xvu. 
 Knapp, Arthur John. Roots and Ramilicatioii-; 
 or. Extracts from Various Books explanatory of t'l^e 
 Derivation or Meaning of Diveio Words, Lull.,, 
 12mo; 2d ed., 1857. 
 Knapp, Clark 1). 1. A Treatise on the l,;insol 
 Kitton, Frederick. Catalogus Librorum in Bib- the State of New York relating to the Poor, liisiinf, 
 liotheca Norvicensi : A Catalogue of the Books in the i Idiots, and Habitual Drunkards, Rochester, N.Y., 1»87| 
 'nT Pe';,iTV':;'-, -,!'>«.;;- of Pa,H,i„„ of Re„, 
 Knapp, Fn'deri.-fc ii , ,^' *'™- 
 Work, [,!„', r.*,t i !:^"• 1; ^.';;'\!^-.'' ■^"'' «od', 
 Christ; or, Meditatiuns on t'i,» P ' '•'■■ui(,u..nusa of 
 I.oni Jesu,, I„.„„ „«"' y^„ ''" l'«^»o„ „n,l Work of the 
 Knapp, II. S. history of ,ho At 
 Toledo, mi ,Svo "™"P""«" by the French in ml', 
 Knapp, Rev. Jacob, 1708 is-j , , i 
 N-Y. ; studie.l at Madnon r ri ! ' ' '" '^'""'S" Co., 
 •hen ordained in thet ^tis^cCrT ''^''''' ""'' ""■^ 
 vn-al preacher in mffer'ent pa s ofVr?/'''''!'"''''- ■■«- 
 Autobiography: „ith " C ' , ' "'e United States, 
 Jefferoy,N,' York, litis 1",J"'''>'i^otory K.say by H. 
 Kiinpp, Jacob Hcrininin v n , 
 Dauborn, Prussia; mn im,(^ ' ?''^- I'' 'S'iS. at 
 thalmologyinthebn vc, v'T'l', 1'"' "•^^•'turer on oph- 
 i" the latter year emo 4^. f'''*; '''''■« ''*''''-6'S and 
 1^69 he founded the C Vo k 0„htl, "'"' •"""^»' ^^ 
 .titutes of which he is surgeon '"/„!"'" "". '^''"" ^"- 
 X. Vork, 1 889. 2. Cocainf .„",l '; ^""'"""'l'"- Tumors, 
 and General Surgery.T York w« ^f " Ophthalmio 
 on Fermentation, Putrefaction \.„i ^ Investigations 
 4. Cataract Extract!, rwUho; r.'^"P''''™*'''"' '■•^■^«- 
 A Scries of One Tliou",n ^ ^-i'^^'oniy, i.hs;. 5. 
 E.x.ractio„ without Iride"!omrrs"r ^""' "*■ ^'''""--'' 
 Tl"chZ'.f„"!',::^f«»''S^*>«"cis Henry. , 
 the IJlessing which hSb^i'Mor^,'' '^""^ ^''"'"'^^ "f 
 mgoftheWordatPortsea tr 85s". ?"" "."''''•^»«''- 
 .■<tvno3 from a Stran.m A,, r '''•■^™- 2. Precious 
 Psalms and Hymnsfnd W^' 'Z""- ""-- '«">o. " 
 ,,,^^^^_ ymns and i^piritual Songs, Lon., 1802, 
 Knapp, M. £, m n v . 
 I'atliology and Ori,.i„ ot'Fni,!,., • ''nl'"' °" Primary 
 ■'*vo. With other" A ^, i-IHilernics, l'i,iia., 1859, 2 vols 
 ;i«ht intocot^g^rt b,~'H''p''Yi "■•••^" ""-■ 
 i»8i, Chic, i8ry, i2V„,, ^ '""'"' ^""^ i«si to 
 wif^ra^.^^;:^,^:^*"^'^^^. 1. Christ Crowned 
 W. Johns!,,',, Phih,: is/rsv,!''"'""'^ *""' LifebyKev, 
 atV;;:?l!^!!^''f-,^-;a.;-.;p.o,e.orof Spanish 
 '"f/ I^'«'-. I'-^-^S. 12.n„. 
 Knatchbul|.Huees«Pn c ., 
 Kuecht, KdiniMwl '^T* ^ee H, gkssi;v. 
 |he Coal-Tal- cTou s "tm he' r"' ""-' .^"''^'^^'rv of 
 l.'*-^(i, Nvo. ' '™'" "■« •'iJrman of K. Beneilikt, 
 Knoelandj.Samurl -vr n r becameconnec eltw h e M,"" "'"■' ""'^'"''"- i 
 of Technology, where he, , ';'''''''''''"■'' '"■'''''"te 
 l,r„fess«r of*','oo|„,'ranV , "'.T'"^'"^ '" '•"«"-«'•' an,l 
 ^V-.,le,.sof thrvte^,i e^'afc'V«>: '^,«»-''^- '• Th ,' 
 flMaps. lio,t., 1S7 ,i^''''>^^""l"'f'"'f"'-nia. Illust. 
 '»'"'• 'Map an.l I||„,'t. ^'ost fs^.'^Ti'""'" '" I™" 
 «m">- Mud Kiuthquakes • m i" ','"■'' '-"'0. .t. Vol- 
 •Vnturc. Causes, Ertoc.,!n,l .'"""; .'^'■''^"""' "f their : 
 f-m I'csonal Obser v ti n i .'Z'';'/'''"'' ^^i^'-'ibution, j 
 'PPM.C, Japan, eel, n tl'"u r;""" ""'^ '''•"■ 
 i>l';H.,, and the Unite, Stat ' I, ■?''''""""" »»»'". 
 „K"«elan,l, Sam,, . .^ ""tT '!■- '*'*"^. ^vo! 
 Knell, Henrv 1 ro • - 
 I'*""'-) I. (ieotn-C thV r M V' ^'"''';"™'* Eastwood," 
 ! Concise History of the rhnrot, r 
 : - .»e Establisi„e„/-:,^^tt^Ztt, ^^sf ^ 
 I Knifrht, Annette F. r i> t 
 j '-mo. " ^' Poems, Lon., I874 
 Lorgues.) *"''>^ "^ "'" work of Hoselly de 
 r<;^i'^'^ulXJ^3j^X'Zl!r':'^''' " ^-'^^ '0 the 
 ■JfiU out niuiv clear vilh^ ,':,-''''';''' ''''""■lodKc. but I,, 
 Piely of 0„l„mi,i,s"-*"y ",> ','2;;"""1 character and lufv 
 "Me, and sobriety, jf .,,'y "'■',' »'th schcb.rlv care 
 lit'n.'s character; h-nvcTv'M^,,''^' ''"'!'" " '"-iff for IH 
 ii'ird ,„H, ,,, nm-t pn.m,^un"c UieS"' •''"",""« '>* r« 
 i 8vo. ''*-' '""' "f '-"S Alfred the Great, Lon., 1880, p 
 ' .Knight, Arthur Lee. i Thn r • 
 ! Iheseus:- a Y.irn for I!ov/'l ,''""*' "^ "'O 
 jUunroom Heroes: or Tdv^, ' '•"".••, I ■''«5, p. 8vo. 2. 
 I-on., I8S6, l2,no.' ^Kona d Vrrr"'"'" ""^ '^'•"'"' *"• 
 I a Sailor, i,,,,,, LnlsK,, "''?'""■• "'"™"'J bo 
 of Destiny : or The Strain ^ P' ™- ^- I" the Web 
 Midsh pmitc. I|i„.,t. 1 on l"s<< ''• '^''"""""■es of a 
 Knight, Capt. Brook J Th' '■ '"• „ 
 ■^ >^'vel, Lon., isiii, * ""p.'sJo'""'"^™'-'' Daughter: 
 Ago,'Lot,'',,K7; /vi""ir"™o"' ^™'^''' '^"•' C™"'"^' 
 Knight, Cameron. Th,.' \f„ u .. 
 strue.or for Eneineer, „ ^'"■. 'yeetianician and Con- 
 I-ining, Slottingf S. "i,C'''7"'g Fo^Ki-g. I'laning. 
 «o; 2d ed., 1880 ■^""- '""' ^- York, 1869 
 v;^t::;.;^^;;!^^f:;"-;^.'.. add.,] 179.-1873. 
 vols. 8,0. 2. PassaEcs of „ ,v"='""l' ^'On., 18,if,_62, 8 
 Piit iirlh, n„ one is 11 ore r.;, .1 'V,M, "any volumes he hiis 
 taming knowlclgc tK tha' u hi /''' P^'tifWc' and cnter^ 
 rcKret.' -,va^. j^, ,!;_ ^V.f/' Jj'"t "Inch we now lay clown wUh 
 ,^;^. Bogg'd at Court: a Legend of Westminster, Lon 
 ^Uis. K. L., .uj„.„. •' ('■■''•'ud.) See Gilbekt, 
 Lo'^"is!^iWu; *'''^P'""WoftheVertebr„ta. I„ust 
 -/^"^'o^SS^;^''^:^^; ^ ';;^\«raduated 
 ,™ln's Inn lura. ,. j^ f^' .™ ''='' to the bar at Lin- 
 ^:-[;'- Ilj-«t. Lon.:*!88: ;• ,'.„^^"™tive of Kecent 
 th^sV S:^'i;-:/^^ tbr i,,fi.rn,ilio„ must not look tbr it in 
 : ^' J- lie Cruise of tin- '• 7.' i »> 
 .i. Ihc Threatening Eve Inn laoc 
 for some years engaee, lin rl '"■'', '" '■'^'''' '">'• was 
 ' tl,e Patent Office ^i^S^^^^^^^^^^^ the annual reports 
 with the Centennial 1\i,,,h *" \ ""W's connected 
 ' of l.s-8„s .ncn,be?or i';";'"' "'" ''^"'^ E.xpositlon 
 was a member of s,.in ', n "7 l"" ™"""'''«'"''ef.''n.l 
 Po^'try "n,l Song, N Yofk iT,;'"'' '' ^ I'ib™''V of 
 '. T.c Practieal%,^tion'r^ of' i„r:"'v"^- ''"«• 
 ^■». I vol... ii„,,. ,syo -^ ■""'chaiiics, Lon., 1877- 
 M^""lv?„!:;n!'- j:-- f «- story of the State of 
 er. Vision of the 
 t'Iditional Poems, 
 l'«'"- ''en;;;" "on '""IV/''" J'"-"'"'" ^y.- 
 I Knight, <;eorge W »'• . ' >'' **^"- 
 Uf^"..d Grants t..^^d:Lo«r[«rt2^::«= 
 tury, (Piipcrs of the Amcrioan Historical Assooiation,) 
 1,HS5, Xvo. „ , 
 Knight, II. II. Afcount of Nowtun Nottage, I.on., 
 18o:i, Hvo. _ . , , , , 
 Knight, Mr§. Ili'h'U C, {u„t,; vol. i., add.] 1. 
 The Valley of Uceision ; or, Divine Teachings in a 
 Boarding-.'ichool, K.lin., IS.^1, ISmo. L'. .lane Morns, 
 and other Narratives, L(jn., lSa;i, llimo. 
 nioir of Hannah More; or, Life in Mall and ('ottage, .N. 
 York, ISC,2, Itimo. 4. .lohnny ; or, How a I.ittle lioy 
 learned to be Wise, N. York, 1S61, 12nio. .5. Ileinrich s 
 .'Strn.'shs, Kdin., 18(5(1, Ifnno. d. No Gains williout 
 I'ains : a True Life-Story, Lon., lS(i7, !2nio. 7. .lasper 
 and Luev, N. York, ISOS, IHino. S. The Itocket; or, 
 tory, Progress, Condition, and Prospeets, Perth, Aus. 
 tralia, ISTO, Svo. 
 KniRht, Kev. Willimt>, M.A., 179l)-lH-s, gniuu. 
 ated at lialliol College, Oxford, ISL) ; rcelor of St 
 Michael's, liristol, lHI(l-7.". ; hon. canon of Hrietol fnii,, 
 1S84. 1. Lectures on I'roiiliecies concerning Antichrist, 
 Lon.', 1 >*ri3, II. Xvo, 2. The Arch of Titus and the Spoil- 
 .A New Me- of the Temple, Lon., lsr.7. llimo. 
 The StorV of the Stei.hcnsons, Lon., ISfls, llimo; new 
 cd 1S7C. '.I. .Tune Taylor, N. York, ISIi'J, Ifimo. HI. 
 '• I'uirmj! liillv" and the Prize •' Koeket," Lon., l^,.i, 
 lili.i.i, 11. Kittv King; or. Chapters for Children. 
 Illust. Lon., 187.i, l:;mo. 12. Memorial of Kev. \\ il- 
 liam A, Hallock, D.D., N. York, 1SM2, Kimo. 
 Knight, Henry. Leaves of Autumn from the \ ale 
 of the Kms, [verse,] Stamford, ISI1.0, l2mo. 
 Knight, Henry II. A Disquisition on the Navi- 
 gation and Commerce of Ancient Tyre, Neath, lSo2. 
 Privatelv printed. 
 Knight, Ilev. Jiimes, [nntr, vol. i., add.,] 179:i- 
 18fi;l, incumbent of St. Paul's, Shellicld. A 
 Treatise on the Truth and Imiiortance of the Christum 
 Keligion, Lon., 18;i(i, 12mo. 
 Knight, James, M.D., b. ISin, nt Taneytown, Md. ; 
 educated at St. Mary's College, Maryland, and Washing- 
 t,,n Medical College, Haltiinore; settlcu in New York 
 Citv in 18;i;). 1, The Improvement of the Health of Chil- 
 dren' and Adults by Natural .■\leans, N, York, 1S71, 12uio. 
 2 Ortbo'iicdia ; or, A Practical Treatise on the Aberra- 
 (ions of tne Huiimn Form. Illust. N. York, 1S71 Svo. 
 :i. Sialic Electricity as a Theraiieutic Agent, N. York, 
 Knight, John (Jollyer, ['luie, vol. i., add.] 1. 
 Discr 'i.aii' V and Inspiration not Incompiitibic, Lon., 
 1^54, 8vo. Aeon. 2. The Pentateuchal Narrative vin- 
 dicated friin the Absurdities charged against it by tlia 
 liishop .u Natal, Lon., 18ti'.', 8vo. 3. "The Law, the 
 Irophets, id the Psalms:" their Uivino Inspiration, 
 Lon., ISf).^, 12mo. A' o, several articles reprinted from 
 Ki-to's ".Tournal of , .icred Literature." 
 Knight, Joseph, b. 18211 ; called to the bar at Lin- 
 coin'« Inn 1863 ; editor of Notes and Queries since 188,1. 
 Life of Dante (iabriel Kossetti, (" tireat Writers,") Lon., 
 1887, V. S'-'o 
 Knighti llcv. Milliiini, M.A., son of the pre 
 ceding, graduated at Worcester College, O.-cford, 18:;:.; 
 Kellcjw 1845-():i; ordained 1841 ; secretary of the Churl, 
 Missionary Society; rector of Pitt Pcu'tion, Tiverloi,. 
 187 1. 1. 'Scenes and Incidents of Missionary Labour. 
 Lon., 1860, r. 8vo. 2. Christianity and its Kvidence-, 
 as Illustrated in the Conversion of Adcshir, Lon., 18i!r., 
 er. 8vo. :i. The Missionarj Secretariat of Henry \ cnii, 
 I Lon . 1><8I), 8vo: new ed., rev. and condensed, 1882. 
 i Knight, William, of Portgordon. Auld Yule, mi 1 
 i other Poems: with an Introiluctory Kssay by dcor.-.' 
 ; (jiinilan, and Keoolleetions of the Author's Life, Edin., 
 L-iii'.i, 12mo. .^ . , ^ ., , 
 I Knight, WilUam, M.R.C.S,, and Knight, 1,(1- 
 1 waril, L.K.C.S. The Patient's Vadc-Mecum : how i., 
 ! get most lieiicfit from Medical Advice and Treatmeiii, 
 Lon., 1SH4, er. Svo. 
 I Knight. »ev. MiHiam Angus, LL.D., b. ls;if>, 
 at Mordingion .Manse, lierwiekshire, .'^cotland ; 
 The book is far from being a more eompilatioiinf- the 
 materials funiishcd by Mr. Hall Caino and Mr. \\ ill/;"" 
 ■ibarii Mr Knight lias had access to important lctter.s 
 that are i ot given or quoted from by the two previous 
 writers."— .l//i.. No. ;jr.;7. 
 Knight, Lcgh. 1. Tonic Bitters: a Novel, Lon,, 
 18ii8, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 2. Monk of Monk's Own : a Novel, 
 Urn!, 18711, :i vols. p. 8vo. 
 Knight, Matthew Richey. Poems of Ten 
 Years, Halifax, N.S.. 1886. _ 
 Knight, Mrs. Miriam S. (Trans.) The Poison 
 Tree: a Tale of Hindu Life in Bengal, by Bankiui 
 Chandra Chatterjee, (with a Preface by Edwin Arnold,) 
 Lon., 1884, p. 8vo. 
 Knight, Rev. Robert, perpetual curate of War- 
 ton. 1. A Commentary on the Epistle to the Uomans, 
 Lon., 1854, 8vo. 2. The Doctrine of Scriptural Predes- 
 tination, Lon., 18.>1, 8vo. ;'.. The Plurality of Worlds : 
 an Essay: with a Sketch of the Author's Life by H, S. 
 Knight, Lon.. 1878, 12nio. 
 Knight, Robert, editor of the Bombay Times. 
 1, The Imam Commission Lnmasked, Lon,, 18511, 8vo. 
 2. India: a Review of En^'and's Financial Relations 
 Uierewith, Lon., 1808, Svo. H, Manchester and India, 
 Calcutta, ls77, 8vo. . 
 Knight, Robert S., Ph.D. Sleep and its Phenom- 
 ena: a Thesis, Lon., 1870, :'Vo. 
 Knight, Mrs. S. G., ("Grandmother Hope, 
 pseud.)' 1, Pete the Connor lioy. Host., 1862. 2. Tit- 
 Itits: or, How to Prepare a Nice Dish at a Moilerate 
 Kxpense, Post., 1864, 12mo. 3. Lottie Wilde's Picnic. N. y„rk, IS67, ISmo. , ^, , 
 Knight, Rev. Valentine Cnthcrwood. Church 
 Unity : Thcmghts and Suggestions, Lon., 187'.t, p. 8vo. 
 Knight, W. II. 1. (Ed.) The Trip to Australia: 
 Scraps from the Diary of One of the Twelve, [English 
 lit the Iligh Scdiool and the University of Edinburgli; 
 .became a minister of the Free Churdi ISOO: elected 
 i examiner to the University of St. Andrews 18()S, and 
 i profcs.sor of moral \u ilosophy and political economy l>.,.. 
 He was a civil service examiner in 1880, ami examiner 
 in phil >sopliv to the University of London in lss8. lie 
 has contribu'ted to the North British Review and otiier 
 periodicals, and is the editor of Philosophical Classics lur 
 En"lisli Readers, 14 vols., 1877-89, and of the Transac- 
 I tions of the Wordsworth Society, 8 imrts, 1880-88. 1. 
 I (Ed) Poems from tlie Dawn of English Literature h< 
 the Year 1690, Edin., 1863, 12mo. 2. (Ed.) Co!lo.|aia 
 Peripaic';ica, (Deep-Sea Soundings:) being Notes ol Cni,. 
 versiitions bv the Late .lohn Duncan, LL.D., 
 of Hebrew in the New College, Edinburgh, with ilic 
 Rev. William Knight, Edin., 1871, 8vo ; ath ed., cnl., 
 187<). (See, also, BnowN, Rkv. David, D.D., «ii;)™.| 
 3. The English Lake District, aa interpreted in tlie 
 Poems of Wordsworth, Edin., 1878, 12mo. 
 "The true value oflhe book depends le.«s upon such 
 minute local points as the ideiitilication of a bouse or ii 
 tjrook than upon the eviilciice its graver passages give . I 
 Wordsworth's luetbod of treating natural landscape in Ins 
 poems."— /l(/i., No. Ji!ti7. 
 4. Studies in Philosophy and Literature, Lon . 1S7H, 
 p. 8vo. 5. (Ed.) The Poetical Works of William Woids- 
 worth: with Critical and Topogra|diical Notes, Ivlin., 
 1880-89, 8 v(ds. Svo. li. (Ed.) Spinoza: Four Ess;iys Ijv 
 Professors Land, Van Vloten, and Kuno Fischer, and bv 
 ]•;. Kenan. [Translated by A. Menzies and others. I l.(ai., 
 1882, er, 8vo. 7, Hume, ("Philosophical Classics hir 
 English Readers,") Edin, ami Lon,, 1886, l2iiio, 
 ""professor Knight's acciauit of David Huiuo'ssiiis-'uliiily 
 cool, not to sav frigid, though friendly life, is (initc a siilli- 
 cleiit one, though it is hardly as good, we think, as llic 
 rdillosophical iiarl of the book. But then that |s aiore 
 than cood: it is simplv excellent, dear, subtle, grupliic, 
 the work of a man .vith a rare capacity for critical expo- 
 sitiim."— Sk'''«'<"", Ix. 112 
 8. (Ed.) Memorials of Coleorton : being Letters from 
 Coleridge, Wordsworth and his Sister, Southcy, ami 
 Sir Walter Scott to Sir George and Lady Bcuuiuont, 
 1803-1834, Edin., 1887, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 It docs not appear that what wc already knew al«ml 
 ortli, Cideriilge. and .«cuilliey is seiisllily ailcctcd 
 Cricketers,] 1864, I6ino, 
 2, Western Australia; its His- 
 Wordsworv.., ^ ... r- „., - vr- , ■ .-.i „. 
 bv the pre.sent publication. '1 he biographies ol the imets 
 tt"ill not require to be rewrilieii in order to iiiclmic law 
 fact.s from these sources. Nevertheless the voiiiiiics art' 
 iileasaiit reading, and b-.-e a real iiitere.-t, ifiiot a di.slinil 
 value. The most n-.aierial part of them concerns tolc- 
 ridge."— /Iciii(., xxxii. 309. 
 9. (Ed.) Selections from Wordsworth. By Mcuibors 
 of the Wordsworth Society. Lon., 1888, er. 8vo. III. 
 Principal Shairp and his Friends, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 "The volume is overweighted bv the ' reminisccnfcs' 
 written bv attached friends atter 'airp's death. . ... II)- 
 stead of simplv liaviui? a iiicture ol .Shairp as hewus m lus 
 vouthfiil dav.s'at Oxford, or later on at Rugby ami M. Ai: 
 ■(in-WK, Ihe li-ader Is presented in every <-liapter with WM' 
 may not unfairly be called obituary notices .... I rM 
 Knight has lost a golden oiiportiiiiity of telling a heautllul 
 ftorv."— -t/'i.. No. ;!IK"i. 
 li. T!ie Life of William Wordsworth, Edin., l!*S'J. 
 3 vols. Svo. 
 reml\\!liu;roHt '^!,fA.,''f„,'lf,,^J'°"'»*''«h which wo can 
 Anil sue (Joonwix, li.muv »"/„,, 
 Kii.ght, U.llia.,, Thomas.' LAi.cbnnc 
 -s: lu.w to n,„, ,hem and l,„w .0 use ,1^0, J'n 
 lo!f "!?-'!/%"' V'"" "''"'^•'- '• OurVio«r: a Novel 
 Kiiiglitley, Thoiiiiis Edwardi Stable An-hi 
 b. 1834, lit Dublin; n.lucate.l at the University of Ul is 
 ""•'.■M'rj.ri.^t;':- ^-S'^^SKlos fur Life, Lon.:i88«; 
 Knobloch, Arthur Frederirk 1 r • • 
 CourtofLouisia„a,(lS0.U,SS70N':OHo:.'„ 's! 'sir 
 Explanatory Chapters. Kdin. isr!!' n s^. '"-'' "'"''"'"" 
 r«.i^"i'h;v?!K^:;trm'iii"';^,:"f '«' "• "^^"- -'" -. 
 other I'oeu,... l,on., Is:'; Pmo" ',''"/ ''™« '-^l""/", «n J 
 l^^fi^i "":,*•'"■"• ■"•" '"•'•■'"'■'•■« o" "- Cllu'rch! Ln., 
 U:„r::;,^;^t;^^>'-;;;,rie^|^ Artillery,,.; 
 E..gii.h Life in China, Loo'Thss ?;.' 8v„ ' P' ''"• ■*• 
 ti,;; b^^tirt'?,ti?;^;^^^?,^ti„i;'^'^?"t".^'r''''' v^" "^^ '^ "«'-« -f 
 0a'!r;'r^^0*'s"r-j!'''rr ^''«"'»8fO'd, entere,. 
 I Ml •^ '''■7) screed in the Crimean war; retired K><'t 
 \!C»rui Cross in the Crimea, Lo„ , I87V 122 s" Th" 
 \>c;tm„t Cross in India, Lon , is"? I"m„ 9 Th; J- 
 'J"'''h4u::'i>j;^iu:^;8^'^^^,"" "- "'"-'"^^ -^ 
 «":?"- 1'<^/-".' ^■i«-''?^t Saw u^':e^''i::,f 
 Hons of th'e iie ,-, I „•„"' 85 'Vr,' '''."Vl' "'.""' ''"•''."?- 
 I [^- ^^wu. an Ap,e;idi^^t;'^^„;;;,:^;:;.-[1<;-;'^ 
 leeo sinin ts-i ; ""'' l'"n«'l"il "f St. liees Col- 
 Notes on^hip •' .'""• ?""" "f CTlisle since 1872. 
 Lo "fii'^e^'",:; : '" '"%"''"-"■:•• n'", Analysis:^.; 
 if.>nd.lJook.Vvar:;ck,?s71 ito"'"" " '^-'"»-"' •• -^ 
 Knoules, Key. James Hinton, F K (} s 
 I'ffcl^v :: hu: :; "s^':' :^:"^^" ^1---^; c';^^: 
 l''^Sl-8,r;,ndsinc H,,„ • V '"""^ '" "'•' ''""Jab 
 of cash::;i^Kr,'s,Si:,':^"':?;, 'i/,i>-Honiry 
 talcs are, With one or two evmniu^ ,V"'?-' ■ ■■ •.'''''o 
 —.lead., x.wlii ■'8,5 '-^'■'■l"""'*> ''iKhlyeiUcrtaiiiiiig." 
 Sc^a^^l^^Jk?^ «-„^/;-f ™' «"i<l.> .0 a Tour in 
 adB"j20''jM"i?r?' B''n«ley, h..e, vol. i., 
 voU , w!s edit of '; „ T'',^*"";';,'"" '^"""'o^' ("""^ 
 Edited by 'F.HarvevLn I'iT n""''"" '^"""'''''• 
 Kuowles, Sarah rVn'' '''""^^'y printed. 
 I Poems. N. Yo'rk ?8™ iL ^'^''"'" ^'""'"■' ■""' ""'"r 
 Lon.. 1.878. p. .s"^: •• '^"' ^'''' ""'' '2mo; Kng. cd., 
 Ually crude wtrk n;.'h .^0^ '1i ,r''''s^ cssen? 
 Second Series, Host., IsirSvo •- -"''«""'''•■ "■ I"'-'- 
 conmii^s'^on^e good\hiUVL^:,;l''Arf!:^''^.'"'''I">S '»«t it 
 Mu.,hed with*Valiy"c.'^fl',,^^;™ f','^^;''''!;^^ 
 Bc^;.^V8^^,'^Cit,':,^^^:^'«""^ '""'"""«• I"-'. 
 1S,?^"C"°"' '• ^' '^■'■■""Sh the Shadows, Bost., 
 Plil'nirZt'l.ll.-n.^-rai'^n'-anW^ "-^^ ^^^"' ^» 
 IHfil, '"""' i""".»nd Manage them, N. York, 
 his Fi'cd and hi's^<,rk",'"p-^na.f1°87^c'",ro ''"''"""^^ = 
 D«wrD:i,:ri'n:'',^?;;^i-,s75 ■??• ^ "'^'-^^ ^'^ "■« ^--'y 
"i ?l 
 '■ Dr. KiU)X's wttrk ditlVTs from Mr. Uuim's ['' Ifistf>ry of : 
 Hi'lfiist"l In lii'iuK acnri't'iil iicconiit cil'tln' iii'tiiiil ciiiiilitiDii , 
 (ii'tln->;ri'iit <•* unity, —tin' York.shiri'ftf Irt'lniu). us its mitivt's 
 Sdiiuliiiu's iiill ii.— niilnT tliiiii ii liisicny nl' piist times, 
 lint llir histuiy is nut ii.'Kli'i'icil, tlidiiK'li even in the piiirly 
 liistiiriciil iwiiiinri tlio biiiik liwks llie stirriiiK imrn.'ive 
 wliiili tills tlic Kruuler mirt nl' tliu 'History uf Itelliist. '— i 
 Sal. Hir , .\llv. IW,H. ; 
 Knox, Alrxnndcr A. The Now Pliiygruund; or,; 
 Wlln(lcring^^ in .AlKeriu, I. on., I8.S1, p. 8vo; 2cl oil., 1883. i 
 Knox, Artliur Kclwnrd, .M.A., F.L.S., b. about 
 18011; griHliiiitwl at lirasciiuse C(ille);i', Oxforil, ISai ; ro- 
 sick'S at Tottcn, isu.=3e.\. Autumns on the Spey. Illust. ^ 
 Lon., 1872, p. Svo. ; 
 ■'\Vt> ilo lint say tliat Mr. Knox rivals Mr. St. John; It j 
 woulil be cxtraonliiiary. it' not extravaKftiit, praise to sny ■ 
 as imic.h. Hut we do sav that the one remlinls us of the 
 other, anil not merely liecMinse they write of very much 
 the same neii,'liboiirliooil."— .Nif. Rn\. xxxiv. :'<l\. 
 Knox, Kev. C V.. 1. A Year with t^t. Paul, N. 
 York, \SiY<, l2mo. 2, The Seconil Year, \. 'Vork, 1861, 
 lliuiu. :i. The Thinl Y'ear, N. York, I-<rt,7, lliuio. 4, 
 Love to the Knil ; a liook tor the Conimunion Sabbath, 
 Phila., 1811(1, I2in(i. '>. Uaviil tiio Knij^, ami the Order l 
 of the I'.-alms in his Life. X. York, 187(i, 12nm. 1 
 Knox, tiforge Edward. 1. The Criminal liiiw i 
 of the I!enf,'al I'resi.leiicy, Oaleutta, I87:f, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 2. riie Contract and Common Carrier's Acts,, 1878, '" ,. 
 Knox, M\s. Isil, (Craig,) b. 18,31, at Edinburgh; 
 bc;^ftn at an early age to write for periodicals, and was 
 for 8(uno time emjiloyed on the stiitf of the Scotsman. 
 In 18i7 she removeil to London, and acted a.s secretary 
 to the National Assuciatiou for the Promotion of Social 
 Science until her marriage with her cousin Mr. John 
 Kniix. I. Mark Warren. 2, Deepdalc Vicarage. 3. 
 I'oems, lidin., 18.)(i, l2nio. 4. The liurns Festival i Prize 
 Poem reoiteil at the Crystal Palace, January 2,), 18511, 
 Lon,, 1859, Ito, pp, 7, Anon, 5, (Ed,) Poems: an 
 Offering to Lancashire, Lon,, 18ii3, 8vo. (!. Duche.'S 
 Agnes: a Brama, in Three Acts, Lon., IS61, 12ino; 2il 
 ed., 18(55, 7. Esther West ; a, Story, [jon,, 1870, liimo; 
 new ed., 1881, S, Tales on the Parables, Lon., 1872, ',) 
 parts, Ifimo; 2il ed., .Manchester, 1877, two series, Kiino. 
 (1. The Little Folks' History of England, Lon., 1872 ; new 
 cd., 1874, I2ino. 10. Songs of Consolation, Lon., IS74, 
 12ino, 11. Peggy Ogilvie's Inheritance, Lon., 1880, cr. 
 Svo, 12. In Duty Bound, Lon., I8SI, Svo. 
 Knox, J. Annoy, editor of Texas Siftings. A 
 Devil of a Trip ; or. The Log of the Y'aolit " Cbamplain," 
 Illust, N. Yo-k, 1888, Svo. 
 Knox, J. II. 1, Norman Hamilton; or. The 
 Shadow of Destiny, Lon,, 1801), fp. Svo. 2. An Ocean- 
 Pilgrim's .lottings, Lon,, 1870, l2mo, 3, The Ccitio- 
 Vninpyre, [verse,] Lon,, 1S70, 12rio, 
 Knox, John 1>. Paths to Wealth, N. York, 1S83, I 
 12mo. i 
 Knox, Rev. John II. Sermons ]i: cached before 
 the Honourable Artillery ('oinpany, Lim., lS5ti, 4to, 
 Knox, John Jay. United States .Notes; or, A His- 
 tory of the Various Issues of Paper Money by the United 
 States Government, .\, York, 1884, Svo. 
 " A sketch of the flnancial history of the United .'^tates, 
 ill which various issues of circulating notes make, s.) to 
 say, the basis of the narrative. . . , In spite of obvlmis de- 
 fects, . . . the book has solid merits."— .Vii(io/i, xxxix. ,)18. 
 Knox, Kathleen. 1. Father Time's Story-liook 
 for the Little Ones, Lon., 1872; new el., 18-<(i, iSmo. 2. 
 Fairy IJifts; or, A Wallet of Wcmilcrs. Ilbist. Lon., 
 1874, sq. 16mo. 3. Meadowleigh : a Holiday History, 
 Lon., 1875, Ifimo, 4. Lily of the Valley: a Story for 
 Litile Hoys and Girls, Lon., 1875, IGino, 3. Seven 
 Birthdays: a Fairy Chronicle. Illust. Lon., 1875, 
 Ifimo; new ed., 187i(. 8 Wildflower Win : the Journal 
 of a Little Girl, I-im., 1870, ISmo. ". (Jucen Dora, Il- 
 lust. Lull., 1878, I2iiio. 8. Cornertown Chronicles : New 
 Legions of Old Lore. Illust. i,oii-, 187i), Svo. II. Cap- 
 tiiin Eva: the Story of a Nauglity Girl, Lon., ISSli, p. 
 .''vo, 10. Poor Archie's Girls: a .\ovel, Lon., 1882, 3 
 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Knox, lioren L. Evangelical Rationalism: Con- 
 sideration of Truths relating to Man's Probation, N, 
 Y'ork, 187!), Ifimo, 
 Knox, Hon. Lncy, b, 1845, sister of the second 
 Baron Monteaglej married, ISfifi, to Octavius Henry 
 Knox, I. Sonnets, and other Poems, Lon,, 1872, p. 8vo ; 
 new ej., 1870. 
 " In its moral clearne.sf. it belongs to the class of our best 
 female poetry ; but it has special characteristics of Its own. 
 It Is more thoughtful than feniale poetry has often been, 
 and Its temperament is less buoyant ami bright."— .S>i'- 
 lalor, xlvl. O'.'O. 
 2. Four Pictures from a Life, ami other Poems, Lim.,, 12mo. 
 Knox, Ilobert, M.D,, ['mtr, vol. i., add,,] 17'.>1 
 1802. I. Fish and Fishing in the Lonely (ileus of Scl- 
 land, Lon., 1854, l2nio. 2. .Man: Structure and Phy, 
 iology Po|iiilarly lOxplained, Lon., 1857, p, Svo, 
 Knox, ThomaK. I. Ithymed Convictions: in 
 Songs, H;,'nins, iiinl Heeitatinns, itc. Ily Walneer:.'. 
 Lon. and Kdiii., 1853, 8\(). 2. Dictionary of l''ainili,ir 
 .Sayings and I'hrascs : with Anecilotes illustrating their 
 Origin, Kdin,, l.s.'iO, 8vo. Anon. 
 Knox,Ilev. Thomas Francis, D.D,, lS22-lSs.i, 
 b, in Ireland; gradiiiited at Trinity College, Cambril:.'! . 
 1845, and shortly afterwards became a Roman Ciithuli' 
 and a member of the Oratory at iironipton. I. (Tran-.^ 
 Life of the lilessed Henry Suso, by Himsolf, 1805, Sn,. 
 :;. When does the Church speak Infallibly? Lon., lsi!7 
 12mo; 2d ed., I8711. 3, The I, list Biirvivo; of the An- 
 cient English Hierarchy, T, Goldwell, Bishop of Si. 
 Asaph, 18711. Anon. 
 Knox, 'rhomas Wallace, b. 1835, at Pcinbrnkc, 
 N.H. : became a journalist and newspaper correspun.i- 
 ent, in which ciipacity lie tra\elled round the worM in 
 1800, 1, Camp-Fire ami Cotton-Field; Southern Ad- 
 ventures in Time of War, N, York, Isfio, Svo, 2, Over- 
 land through Asia. Illust. Harllord, 1870, .><vo. :). 
 Underground ; or. Life below the Surface. Illust. llait- 
 ford, 1873, Svo. 4. !iacksliccsh ; or, Life and Adven- 
 tures in the Orient. Illust. Ilariford, 1875, r. Svo. .'p. 
 John; or. Our Chinese Kchitiims, ("Half-Hour" Ser.,i 
 N. York, 1879, 32mo, «. I'lie Hoy Travellers in Ohiiiii 
 and Japan — in Siain and Java — in Ceylon and India — 
 in Egypt and the Holy Land — in Africa — in Si>iith 
 America— on the Congo — in ll-e Russian Empire, II. 
 lust. N. Vork, 1S71I-87, 8 vol , sq, Svo, 7, How hi 
 Travel: Hints to Travellers by Land and Sea all over 
 the tilobe, Bost., ISSl, 24mo. ' s. Hunting Adventure- 
 on Land and .^ea : The Y'ouiig Nimriids in North Amer- 
 ica ; a Book for Boys. Illust. N. York, 1881, Svo. 'j. 
 The Young Nimrods in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Illust. 
 N. York, 1SS2, Svo. 10. Pocket-tiuide for Europe; 
 llaiid-liook ''or 'Travellers on the Continent and the 
 British Isles, and through Northern .\frica, Egypt, and 
 the Holy Laml, N. York, 18S2, 24ino, II. The \'iivnge 
 of the "Vivian" to the North Pole. Illust. N. Vi>ik, 
 1884, Svo, 12. Lives of Blaine and Logan, Hartfunl, 
 18S4, 12ino, 13. Marco Polo for Boys ami Girls, .\. 
 York, 1885, Svo. 14. The Life of Robert Fulton, and 
 a History of Steam Navigation, Illust, N. York, IS-il. 
 l2mo, 15, Decisive Battles since AVatcrluo, N. York. 
 1887, Svo. Ifi. Dog-Stories and Dog- Lore, N. York, 
 1887, Svo. 17. The Life anil Work of Henry iVard 
 Beeclier, from the Cradle to the (Jrave, Illust. .N, 
 York, IS87, Svo, 
 Knox>Little. See Litti,i<:, 
 Knutt, Mrs. The Snow-Angel ; a Tale of Lil'e- 
 Land and Dream- Lniid. N. York, 1807, Ifimo, 
 Kohb^, Glistav, b. |S57, in New York; giailiiatcd 
 at Columbia College 1877. 1. Jersey Coast and Piiiis, 
 N, York, ISSS, 12mo, 2. Wagner's "Ring of the 
 Nibelung," N. York. 1889. l2mo. 
 Kochler, Augnstns, professor of botany in tlio 
 College of Pharmacy, New York, Practical Biiliiiiy, 
 Structural and Systematic. Illust. N. Y'ork, 1870. svo. 
 Koehler, tJeorge, Nick Putzel: or, Artliur 
 Gurney's liiiin. Illust. Phila., 1880, 12ino. 
 Koehler, Sylvester Uusa, b. 1837, in Leipsic, 
 (jermany : removed to the United States in 1849, iiinl 
 resides at Roxbury, Mass. He was the editor of the 
 American Art Review, and has contributed largely iin 
 art topics to periodicals in the United States and in 
 Europe. 1. ('I'rans.) The Theory of Color in its llel;i- 
 tion to Art and Art-Industry; from f j Geniian et llr. 
 W. von Bezold : with an Introdu. n by Prof. K. ('. 
 Pickering. Illust, liosl., lS7fi, I'jinn. 2. (Triin.-.i A 
 Treatise on Etching, by Maxiiue I.alanne : with an liitni- 
 dueiory Chapter and Notes. Illust. Host., ISSl). svo. 
 3. Etching; an Outline of its Technical Processes iinJ 
 its History; with some Remarks on Collections ai ' ''"1- 
 lecting. Illust. N. York and I,on., ISSfi, 4to. 
 " If this be 111! '.'Utliiie. what would Mr. Kochler ei.ll b 
 comploto account (if etching'.' Ills volume . . . forms he- 
 yoiicl all comparison the most ooinjirohciisive treatise jet 
 devoted to the subject 111 Knglish, French, or (icriiiun. '- 
 Mil.. No. 3000. 
 4, American Art; Illustrated by Twenty-Five Plates, 
 executed by the Bo«t Amerioan Ktchor. nn,l Woo,l F„ 
 eig„ K.o,.i;,i^-: V'^^lni^i!; ': 't. i;:^ "^J-,T7- 
 E»Klan,l, Ii,„t., Isso, ,o,,f L ""t' '"•"•""'ny, un,l 
 (JibraKar since ISI7 ",\.""-'*;7 "','">-■ diooosc „f 
 into the Vy Coun'v^;f Ve'^/'Af""" "','"! K-M'oditi.m 
 Jiiirnu Langua.'c I.on Is^i V, - ., , '*■""»" "r 
 ?.:. trss .^;;:S -£--;:-: »• 
 t,.u , or, The Key to M.^Iern Cl.o.nistry, Montreal, ml, 
 •States X. York, ls.s",.sVo "" "^ """' ^'"'"='' 
 j^,Koo,,t/, Mary li. Maude Maynard, Phila., 1M6!I, 
 'vi.^-the-rlNr,: Buffi:!'; ,'^,^s''C7' '" ^»« ^='- 
 1857 ;.^^- 3^J'J'-,?™' 2. Anne Sher,v,„„|. L,,„.. 
 Ion., iH59, ;. Svo.^"! The 'ohl' 'i' ^'."'""V ''™"''"^'' 
 ISO' II 9,, - , "'"' "^Id Sdirv, Love I.nn 
 • A im ■. "• '■•<; Ari«et Foci», Un., 1869 ,', s "." 
 9. A 
 liohemian's l,„ve-S,.,ry. L,',n., IS.SS,? Sv."^- ''"■ 
 Lw adu:;';;":^'''!'^^^' -^^^^'I'-^-ee, ^^ Me;ii:^:;-an:i 
 the Inner Ten,,, rsrl^ei.t '"",:' ™' ''','" .',!'" ''" <"' 
 since 18S1. (Iran., i i,, ',„n •'"" ""^ "''' ''•"'•"■aal 
 De.'l<er. Lon., Issusf 2"';i.t" "'""^ ^^ ^- ^^■ 
 CnfedcnU. aru.v du iZ,,iv ''.''■ ' 'T"^ '"' "'« 
 rosumcl the practice «'\/„ . "'"■• ""^, ""''"* '"''s 
 State l.ibrary™JeTitnnf •,■''■'''" ""^ "'« '^"'■-""■i 
 the I.ibyan/„ ]|v ,, ?h I ^ ■'"°" "*'*"'• '• Anus, 
 l-^S:!, I2„,„. 2 }^ f, n^ ; \';""";-^ church, N. V„rl< 
 Vork, las:), I2m„ i'"U«hter «f Faustina, N. 
 I Kraitnir, C'imrlcN v., Mn imu lAcn . 
 places. T. (&nT '",.;■" '"'"■'" ""^""'> '""' """-•-• 
 AnK.rica/phn^'^.s; I'no" 2" T h^''"'^'' """•"' "^ 
 Alphabet, Sale.;,, Mas . sie P no f m,""'-r'' ""^ 
 ^;^-»o on the Nature of iJ;:^:;,.:-^^:^^^^,^ 
 Oalla I-auBuagc Tn T ]^r' ;.7 "' "i" Eleu,ents,.f ,ho 
 Klcu.ents ot the Ki^i il .. ■ I ^- Outlines „f the 
 nry'^Lnbours du in„ „„^ k^ ■'l' "•^■"™'-'''^''' ""'' ^'i^''""" 
 Ka.e™ Arr.„.;|- ^i^i;-;: ^l^ "-deuce i„ 
 Oi-animar, Lon., ISS2, 8v(i ""tunc ol a r-ualiili 
 arnm! 'i^ci^.UImli'y;;'!^^'':,"^ ^rd in the diction- 
 ^4:'ll^'^;;r^h;f^:^S^^^^rt^^-i«nary. Kdlted 
 Krasinski, Count Ileiirv i" ti,„ n ■ ■ 
 eventcenth^enu;^ .. J\^-^^, ),^^ ^^^^ 
 Oanlener. (i. Anecd. te, ,A\ .'• " ®"""" ""*! "'« 
 Pigismond Augustus In A A P 'i ^'"^ ^""'•' "f 
 Progress, n'n I Declin'o ho'Tr'f^^''! ' '"' ""^ «''*<^ 
 Lon . I,s;j8-4I), 2 ™i Svn , ''''^"/"'."""n in Poland, 
 I ism. l,on.,lS4S s™ . V ; ' ""•"'"^i-"" "nd aernu.n- 
 ^ tory of ,i;Jsla;:;i: Ntti^^Z "?S^^ iI:!'«T\"'^- 
 ISil Svn « n • ■ "us.Ma and Europe." I,on 
 Manner.., L„n.. I.slf 4 •p;,^:'"'"'""""' '""-'^ture, and 
 I T,'*:'\?^^? ^l^-' Starving London : the Storv of a 
 12„,„. '-"Jouru among the JJctitute, Lon.,"l880, 
 ,,**!;'»''"»' Kcv. Charles Porterfielil nn 
 theVuthera„Thr:j;r^--l— -^-^in 

 ')' J 
 t :■ 
 '' . HI 
 S^, of mentitl and moral icionce in the University uf 
 I'ennsylviiniii I868-H3, ami viuu-provost of tlie univer- 
 sity ISTM-s:!, I. (Triuis.) Coiiiinuniary on tlie (losiiol 
 of rit. Jolin, l)y F. A. (i. Tliolucli, N. Vorli, !85il, Hvo. 
 2. Christian laberty in Ut'lalion to the Usages of tlie 
 Evangelical lititlionin Chiiieh MuintaineJ ami Delemleil, 
 IstiO. il. Tlie Two i'ligeiints : a Dii'couii'e, I'ittsburj;, 
 I8B5, 8vo. I. Tlie Au(;:<bni-g Confer^.^ion : a Literal 
 Tnmalation from the Latin, ivitli the Aildition of the 
 (leruian Te.xt, I'hila., ISfill, l2mo. 5. The Conservative 
 Ueforniation ami its Theology, Pliila., 1872, 8vo. 1). 
 (Trans.) Strauss as a Philosoiihioa! Thinker: a Heview 
 of "TheOlil Faith ami the New Faith." ami Confuta- 
 tion of its .Matorialistio Views; from the German of 
 II. Ulrici, I'hila., IS74, l2mo. 7. (Ed.) lierkeley's I'rin- 
 eijiles of Uuui..n Knowledge: with Prolegomena, and 
 with Illustrations and Annotations. I'hila., 1874, 8vo. 
 8. Infant liaptisin and Infant Salvation in the Calvinis- 
 tie System; a Heview of Hodge's "Systoinatio Theol- 
 ogy," Phila., 1871, 8vo. U. Chronicle of the Augsburg 
 Confession, 1 878. 
 i.rauth, II. R. (Trans.) Hans Sachs : Family 
 Tradition retold, by A. von Wildenhalm. Illust. 
 Phila., 1881, l2ino. 
 Krelt't, Juhaiin Ijiidwig Gerliiird, Ph.D., b. 
 ISiiO, at Brunswick, (Jeriuiiny; became a clerk in a 
 business house, and in 1860 went to the I'nited States, 
 where he was employed in the same capacity and as a 
 draughtsman; in 1852 went to Australia; worked suc- 
 cessfully for some years in the diggings, and was after- 
 wards engaged as naturalist in a government expedition 
 and at the Museum in Melbourne ; in 18:j8 returned to 
 Germany, but again left it, in I85!l, for a trip round the 
 world, and arriving at Sydney was appointed assistant 
 curator at the Museum, becoming curator in 1861, and 
 holding that office till 1871. He is said to have been the 
 first person who thoroughly studied the reptiles of Aus- 
 tralia. He is a member of various learned societies, 
 including the Linniean and Zoological Societies of Lon- 
 don, and has received the order of the Crown of Italy 
 and several medals. His name appears as " Gerard" 
 KrefTt in his publications. I. Two Papers on the Ver- 
 tebrata of the Lower Murray and Darling and on the 
 Snakes of Sydney, Sydney, I8ti5, Svo. 2. Notes on the 
 Fauna of Tasmania, Sydney, 1868, 8vo. li. The Snakes 
 of Australia, Sydney, 186il, 4to. 4. Australian Verte- 
 brata. Fossil and Recent, .Sydney, 1871, 8vo. 5. The 
 Mii'umals of Au.stralia. Illust. .Sydney, 1871, fol. (1. 
 Cai.ilogue of the Minerals and Hocks in the Collection 
 of the Australian Museum, .Sydney, 1873, Svo. Also, 
 many contributions to scientific journals, English and 
 Kremer,R.E. Bible <3ems; or. Manual of Scrip- 
 ture Lessons, Phila., 1870, |8mo. 
 Krepp, Frederick Charles. The Sewage Ques- 
 tion : being a General Review of All Systems and Meth- 
 ods, Lon., 1867, r. Svo. 
 Kreskcn, H. Acosta. Wonders of Flora: The 
 Preservation of Flowers in their Natural State and 
 Colors ; [also] a Treatise on Ornamental Grasses and 
 Mosses. Illust. Dayton, 0., 187i), Svo. 
 Kreutzer, WiHiam. Notes and Observations 
 made during Four Years of Service with the Ninety- 
 Eighth New York Volunteers in the War of 1861. 
 Illust. Phila., 1879, Svo. 
 Krieze« Mrs. M. ^Trans.) The Child : its Nature 
 and Relations: Elucidation of Froebel's Principles of 
 Education ; from the German of Baroness Marenholtz- 
 Bulow; 2d ed., N. York, 1872, l2mo. 
 Krikorian, Jessie. A Knave and a Fool: a 
 Novel, Lon., ISSli, .S vols. cr. Svo. 
 Kroeger, Adolph Ernst, 1837-1882, b. at Schwab- 
 stedt, Sehleswig ; removed to the United States in 1848 ; 
 served in the civil war, and afterwards settled in St. 
 Louis. 1. (Trans.) The Science of Knowledge, by J. G. 
 Fiohto, 186S, 12mo. 2. Our Form of Government and 
 the Problems of the Future, St. Louis, 1808, Svo. 3. 
 (Trans.) The Science of Rights, by J. G. Fichte, 18R9, 
 12mo. 4. The Minnesingers of Germany, N. York, 
 1S73, Svo. 5. (Trans.) Cantica Canticorum : The Lay 
 of Our Lady ; from the German of H. von Meisen : with 
 Notes, St. Louis, Mo., 1877, Svo. 
 Krueker, Mrs. Kittlie i'reiiigratti-. I. Alice, 
 [a dramatic version of Lewis Carroll's " Alice,"] and 
 other Fairy-Talcs for Children; with Musio, Lon., 187',t- 
 80, two series, Svo. 2. (Trans.) Fairy-Tales from 
 Brentano, Lon., 1885, Svo. 3. (Trans.) New Fairy- 
 Tales from Brentano. Hlust, Lon., 1887, 4to. 4. 
 (Trans.) Poems of Heine: Selected, Lon., 1887, sq. 
 *'Kron, Karl," (Pseud.) See Bagu, Lvma.i It., 
 Kruckciibcrg, Frederick ThoinnN. A Tliuugh' 
 and a Prayer for Every Day in the Year, Lon., 1S8.>, 
 p. 8vo. 
 Kriiesi, Ileriiiniiii, A.M., sonof Hermann Krueiii. 
 who was Pestalozzi's tir.-t associate. Pcstalo/zi : hi.' 
 Life, Work, and Inlluence, Cin. and N. Y'ork, 1876. 
 Klickur, Joscpli, M.D. Puerperal ('onvalesiiiu» 
 and the Diseases of tiie Puerperal Period, N, York, ISSi; 
 Kliestel, (lUido. I. Nevada ami California Pro. 
 cesses of Silver and Gold E.\lruction for General U-e. 
 Illust. San Fran., 1863, Svo. 2. Roasting oi(J(jlil mid 
 Silver Ores anil the Extraction of tlieir Respective Mit:i|j 
 without (Quicksilver, Illust. San Fran., 1870, I2inii. 
 Killer, K. Gloverson and his Silent Partner, Bo>t., 
 1868, l2mo. 
 Kulp, (icorge li. I. Life and Character of Geur^e 
 W. Woodward, Phila., 1875, 8vo. 2. (Ed.) Luzenio 
 (Pa.) Legal Register Reports, vols. i. and ii., I'hilii., 
 1882-84, Svo. 
 Kummer, Rev. AITred. The Sling of David, an 1 
 other Poems; with an Introduction by Gen. Lew W;il- 
 lace. Illust. N. York, 1886, l2mo. 
 Klllllinrdt, C. P. I. Small Yachts: their I)esi::D 
 and Construction Exemplified by the Ruling Types . r 
 Modern Practice. Illust. N. York, 1885, fol. 2. Steuiii 
 Yachts and Launches; their Machinery and Mamige- 
 ment, N. York. 1887, l2nio. 
 ♦' KiiiiNt, Ilerinaun," (Pseud.) See SjiiTri, W vi.- 
 TKIt CllAl.MKHS, ill/id, 
 Klintze, E. J. Mystic Bells : a Wonder-Story, X. 
 York. 18611, l6mo. 
 Kiinz, Jules A. I>. Lessons in French Graniinar 
 and Pronunciation for Self-Educators, Lon., 1886, p. 8vo. 
 Kurtz, D. Morris. Ithaca and its Resource.^ 
 Illust. Ithaca, N.Y., 1883. Svo. 
 Klirz, S. Forest Flora of British Burma, Lon,, 187^, 
 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Kuse, S. The Conciliator, N. York, 1866, 12mo. 
 Kwong Ki C'lliu, a Chinese, who was sent to 
 .\merica on an educiitional mission. A Dictionary uf 
 English Phrase: with Illustrative Sentences, Ac, Lon. 
 and N.York, 1881, Svo. 
 " It is remarkably accurate, and deserves the prai>e 
 which, we are toUl, t)oth .■\merican and English scholars 
 have passed on it,"— Acad,, xx. 87. 
 Kydd, Samuel. A Sketch of the Growth of Pub- 
 lic Opinion : its Influence on the Constitution anil Gov- 
 ernment, N. York, 1888, Svo. 
 Kynaston, Rev. Herbert, D.D., 1809-1878. 
 Warwick ; graduated, first class Lit. Hum., at Christ 
 Church, Oxford, 1831; ordained 1834; head-master of 
 St. Paul's School, London, 1838-76; prebendary of 8t. 
 Paul's from 1853. 1. Miscellaneous Poetry, Lon., 1811, 
 fp. 8vo. 2. (Ed.) The Glory of Paradise. By P. Da- 
 miani. With Translation. Lon., 1857, Svo. 3. Occii- 
 sional Hymns, Original and Translated, Lon., 1862, Sv.i. 
 4. Cantica Coletiniv, Quotidiana, Anniversaria, Centcna- 
 ria, Lon., 1887, Svo. Also, single Latin poems, Ac. 
 Kynaston, (formerly Snow,) Rev. Herbert, 
 D.D., graduated senior classic at St. John's CoIIi'l'i", 
 Cambridge, 1857; Felloi>- 185,8-60; ordained IvV.i; 
 principal of Cheltenham College 1874-88, and since tlun 
 vicar of St. Luke's, New Kentish Town, London. I. 
 (Ed.) Theocritus : with English Notes; 2d ed., Lon., 
 1873, 12mo. 2. Nuoipruna: Exercises in Latin Elo;,'iaij 
 Verse, Lon., 1873, 12mo. 3. Sermons preached in tlio 
 College Chapel, Cheltenham, Lon., 1876, p. 8vo, 4. 
 (Ed.) Poetiu Grasci: Extracts, with English Notes, 
 Lon., 1879, p. Svo. 5. Exercises in Greek Iambic Verso, 
 and Key, Lon., 1879-80, 12mo. 6. Excmplaria Clnlto- 
 niensia, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 7. F'jlections from the ilroek 
 Elegiac Poets, Lon., 1880, 18mo. 
 Kynett, Alpha J., and Cotton, William W. 
 Laws and Forms relating to Churches and other Re- 
 j ligious Societies, N. York, 1887, Svo. 
 I Kynnersley, Thomas Clement Sneyd-,M.A., 
 I b. I8(i;;; giiiduuled at St. John's College, Cambridge; 
 called to the bar at the Middle Temple 1828 ; reconlerof 
 Newcastle-undcr-Lynie 1858-87. 1. The Law relating 
 to Dealers in Old Metals and Marine Store Dealers, 
 liOn., 1862, 12mo. 2. The Law relating to Juvenile 
 <-»'.'in, tho third Kn 1 of" n' 'T'T'.^l '"''' '" ''«■• 
 "- very Pious,^,/^l;;;U;ztM^il-,.^;;^^ ^J'fcSS 
 Mu. Ims,ll«,.l„.r,.,.,|la,r„,>k»iil,, 
 while <iovor,,,,;., rn,m of I * r"'"',.':'''" '''"" '» l-^l I, 
 " .'fe un.l Utter,:" u'„:f,,!,";,"'!;;,„''^'i»K " '"^eT'e' t« hi.^ 
 M.BgeMlve r.,n«rk are ro„s,,lcu,t;;: "'i!!;;;;; K! xfix; ;;Vi'* 
 .i^e;"^c?^^'*^; J?:r,'*r '«"/-''^^». •>. at Leo.,., 
 Theological Seu inur/ 26 „' n,,': n"',". '""'T «".„,„i„u' 
 forim.,1 Church, anj in sir' 1? f.'' '" ""^ 'J"'"'' Re- 
 •■hureh; reetor ..^St IVt ' -li' h"',?'"/" '^>'«°''I"" 
 •,1"'« "f his <le,ith. I. The t'-o V **' ^T"' "' "'« 
 l.lijah. Edite.l witl, „„ r . ^, Moses nni! 
 Hreat Kvents of UnfullllledPrm.'h .™ '^•'"'"'•'^^ on 
 ■■'• The Groat Eventst , L ' •'"^' ''""■• '85«. J<vo. 
 '■:>li'ed, with an Intr.Ki thm T'll^ T" "'« '^"'•'h- ' 
 I-on., I,S60, Svo 4 T li ■' ^ "'" "«*■• •'• 'i"illie ' 
 Perpetuity. Conflicts , n,l 'Vi'"' "u' '^'^^ 0'-g"ni2atio„, 
 Ctholic ApostoMo Church IS,'""''''' "^ "'" ^'-e Hoi; , 
 Ahte'fR'e'mirt'irrho liaf " '''^^^ O" "■« ^se an,l I 
 Dublin, 1847, 8vo. 2 X*'''^"'""^ of the Insane, 
 cases, Dublin, I85H fn Svn """' "" ^'"'"^''^ D'^' 
 l-abatt, Heiir'v i i t. . „ 
 thc8upre,;eCou" .^f the St, ti^.'-'n'aMf'"' ^""''^'""^ "^ 
 in the Sixteen Volumes n f i i / V''"'^"''""" contained 
 <vilh Complete LiJt TcLes 1"%^""" "5" '" l'^"' : 
 «vo 2. Californi . W, t 'e Act :""■■ '.*".'■ ^ "''• ■•• 
 ("".1 two other Acts-) 4 h ed ^ 'l '™'' ^l'"'- '«5I, 
 Ili'tury: with 'original^^b^f^'^Pf "• '•.«',"""^^ "^ 
 ' Literar.^, l-hill'^'s';,,''.^?"'' "«'"''. ««!'-'- 
 ivincen:"Kar;^^:^„„^;;r'^ I-on.. 188«,p.8„.. ,. 
 ""sOuiUv? .heSt;7"f'J:"S''h''?\;'''^''- fi-who 
 I I<oi,., IS8S, p. 8vo 7^ Th^ r"'',?"' My'tei-y. Ill,„t. 
 ISl^Sp. Sv,'.' ■ '^^ ^'"' '''"ll^'s Ch,un, oiusgoj, 
 f'^'^J'-S^yrma. See Szv,,,,^ 
 l>~ur\^i;;;;uf?'*-|'«'!:;/. teonora, or. The 
 I Jehonih-Jireh ; or The IW- ' ^ '"'"• !'■ >*'">■ -'• 
 ![An Autobiography.] ,, J, "''"'"« "^ ,'' ^'"ithful God. 
 - "lor-,. published.) VmZJ- .'"'r- "'■^». Svo. (N„ 
 !G-."«"c, '""'!; ^ »'«"'««." (Paeud.J ,SeeH„.., 
 >/Srfe*r;!'-!!- '/'-^;>.'^sinanalloon. 
 Storms, an,l Atmosphei'ie I'b!!,',"'-^ '^''"';<>". Aerolites, 
 andK.Margollfi. ^1^ i^VorT' Is-fi^o^' ^'""^"^^ 
 i-acroix, Mrs r a <.? ' '"' '-'"o. 
 Phus, the Ileio of'tbn'n ? (V""*'') Onstavus Adol- 
 Illnut v V- . "'" Reformat on bv r n lu . 
 i'lust. N. \ork, 18"! l'",,,,. ^ ^- -Abelons. 
 _ I-acroix. J. i.. r'-r.'" 
 liKl.t Stories, told •iri,^H"i '"''• ?\f'"- '■ Star- 
 Ilh"t. I-on.; 1876, ^6m? ^'' """' ^'«tening Kara. 
 fi'^l^6.!^^!t':^ «'\ <804-,87,l, b. at|,:t'th7R?f; 
 Churlc.on 1826, profeso' /) ' *''"''"" College of HerWt Spence,-, 
 ^'■^"oric, in the Coll ge aftcmj^rf-:"'^ <^fter^^ra, of ,^f acy, 'louIU 
 Carohna from 1842. 1 I„tr„d?w.,- "^ ""'"f 'y) of South ' 1»«'' - "•- 
 York, 1855. 2. HistopV of ,h i""l '» ''hysiology, i\. 
 ;^^^'"h^'i^I{i::i;ir"''r ^'^-'^s^w i;;^";,.'^'-"!' »^ ^-^-i'-'e 
 Br. .sh, Un., ,878, 2 vols.^. ..l ; l::::Uf\.>!: ,S^ ^L^"""^^"" "^-' "e^^:^ 
 ^'t;lSaSS?-'=" ^"" "' ^-" - '^ -'«^'^! l^^Q 1« -'- - -ay, and 
 fyw/ator, lii. ,,^'j;^«'""''»«-' ^ t information than a liistory "- " ""^•- Heaith, Lon 1 SU ^9„ ' ^^^"^ Sparks f„r a 
 I'ablache, Fannv l i w • , ^nd the Path: a Sacred Pn nu', '^^ ''''« I-'ibyrinth 
 "'•J lor (Jirls! IMus" Lon A.">y"''« P"''^- gath- ' •• ""- " " *'""-'<i Poem. Ch„l..„ ,.-.« .„ ^ 
 i^on., 18,1, p. 8,,„. 2. Star- 
 ,-■■■--. u,,omo. ^ing Kara. I ''Cj .- 
 j^m'^^ ^-•'"*'*«'.. M.D.. .804-,87:i. b. at te^"'^t^s,ti^'':rr:; ]ri ''-^ - ^t- 
 - "-^ ■ -pence,-, L„„., ig^"' ^^^^^ Individualism of .Mr. 
 ISWrp.'.'vo.""'*"- ''"«^'""« Subdued: a Tale, Lon.. 
 fhe''chrn'nTl!'rn':',^52,- p '^ '\''f-l "" «'"'' Si'Jes 
 in our F.itho-T.-.i r, ,'..I'- "^o- 2. Sights and Scenes 
 III Ire- 
 . . ... m.uuiesex 1867-68, 
 »S0, pronrietor and editor 
 'I^^Kged ftesident in Paris 
 'Dili's:" with Several nZ 
 -"£■, IhTi, imp. Hvo.' ^^'^ "'^ Railway Decisions, 
 Cleu,':r];i'aKj,™vl"to"v*Ln'- ,1V^«'' Motto; „r 
 "y;sVictory,andhow I:L^?";;'««3,p.8vo. 2. A 
 of Tr,,th.■"Di;;;7:;7,\^;*'P«^-r PlHla., 188T87„:"'' "' "P'""'-^^'! ''^ Herbert 
 'eotualand moral phil"s'hv'?R ' i''"'^''™^ "^ '"'«!- 
 sinoe then i-r r l"""'80|iny at Bowdn n !«7<( oi . , 
 -iples of Chi' ctp:iitv t'""''"y at Vale:' r'pAn^ 
 Modern Cong^egaSisn n'v'%' I'L'"' A-^'y^" "f 
 • (irans.) Outlines of Metaphysio: DJo- 
||'.T, if 
 r w 
 ■ if''- ;ii 
 tiitiMl I'lirlions of till- licctures of Heriniinn I.olie, Uuit., 
 ISSt, U'liiii. 1. (Tunis.) Oullines of I'riioliciil I'hilos- 
 ophvi Iliotiil(5il I'urlions of the I.ecturtii of Ilcriiiiuin 
 Lolio, IloBt., ISH.'i, l:'iiio. :>. (Tnin*.) Outliiiu.^ "I '■ ' 
 IMiMosoiihy of Ucligioii, ISs.). t). (Triiiii'.) (Iiitliiicx oi 
 /T-;i'tlKlii'>' ; Uiiliitfil Portions of tlio Lec'liiics of lliTnoiiin 
 Lolzf, lloHt., IsSO, 12mo. 7. (Trftni'.l Outlim-s of I'-.v- 
 cholo^y : Uietatod Portion!, of tliu I.cotiiri's of Ileimuiiii 
 Lotif, Host., ISSfi, U'ino. f. Kiaiiifnts of l>li.v.«ioloKinil 
 PsyclioloKV : a TriMili!'!' on llio Activilios niid Niitiiio ol 
 the Mind,' from tlio Phynica' i.iid KxinTinicntal Point 
 View. lllii.-il. N. York, IMST, .Svo. U. (Trann.) Oiil- 
 ui > lew. ii. *"'". • t , , ,* r ii- 
 line.- of LoKio, mid of Kneyelopiedia ol Pliilosopliy : Uie 
 tnteil Piirlions of tlio I.eeturi'S of IliMiimrin l,otieo, Host., 
 1SS7, I'iiiio. III. What y the liibley an Iioiiiiiy into the 
 OriL'in and Nature of the Old and .New (Vatai.ienls in 
 the l,ij;hl of Modern Hihlieal .-Jtiidie,-, N. York, I.HHS. llinio. 
 I.iuld, lloralio O, History of tlie War with 
 Me.\ieo, (" Minor Wars of the United fitatcs,") ^. York, 
 KxH:!, iL'iiio. „ , , 1 
 l.nilil, .>lr«. .1. It Isn't Uight; or, Frank Jolin- 
 soii's IteiLSon, I'hihi , 1>^I'>7. llinio. ' 
 LadU, 'riicoUorc Kilwnra. Tho Consumptive 
 Poor (d' Sonth I.oii'l l.>^li:< Mvo. 
 I.liatI, William !S. N. Ilampsliiru Snpvemo Court 
 Keport<, vol. Ua., ( 1S7'.I-H:),) Concord, ISSI), ,Svo. 
 I. add, William W. Aineriean Proliate lU'iiorts ; 
 coiitainin"; Ueccnt Cases of Value deeiiled in ttio Courts 
 of the Sevenil ,'<latos on Points of I'robale 1-aw : with 
 Notes and llefereneos, N. York, 18Sl-,-<4, Ii vols. 8vo. 
 Lade, iieorRfl. 1. lUsult of an ICxperiinental 
 Iniiuirv into I he lloimeopathio Treatment ol Disease; 
 2d ed..' 1-on., 18ii2, Svo. 2. I'atty of tho Heart; 
 2d ed.! I. on., I^7S, p. Hvo. . 
 Ludlcy, It. H. liriti?'. Song-Birds: a (luido for 
 Fun.'iers, Lon., 1H7'.I, l2ino. 
 LadHOii, (i. S. I,otos-I„.nd, and other Poems, tin., 
 1.S77, lliino. r I-. ■ 
 Lalargue, IMlilip. Tho New Judgment of Pari.s, 
 Lon., IS!<S, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 I.alfaii, .Hrs. Bertha, married, \M:i, to Ilov. R. S. 
 de Courey LafTan, in/ni. Her tirst husband was l)r. 
 Andrew I.eith Adain.s, »"/j/", with whom she rcsidij.l 
 in New lirnnawic'; from IS67 to 1871. Sineo 18, S she 
 has been on tho staff of All tho Year Round. She wrote 
 the poem, "A Friend across the Sea," read by Mr. l.enry 
 Irving at tho opening of the fountain presented by Mr. 
 (ioorgo W. Childs to the town of ,Stralford-on-A von, 1. 
 Winstowc, Lon., 1877, Ji vols. p. Svo. 2. Miiuolon Lo- 
 moine, Lon., 1S79, 3 vols. or. Svo; now ed., 188&. A- 
 Jly l.and of lieulah, Lon., ISSil, :1 vols. or. Svo. 4. Aunt 
 llepsy's Foundling, Lon., 1881, 3 vols. p. Svo ; new ed., 
 18,SI.' I 
 " An almcLst perfect novel of its kind."— Sa<. Kev. 
 5. Kxpiated, and other Stories, Lon., 1S8I, p. Svo. «• 
 fleorgie's Wooer, N. York. 7. Cosmo Gordon, Lon., 1882, 
 S vols. or. 8vo. 8. My Brother Sol, and other Stories, 
 Lon., 1883, .'i vols. cr. 8vo. 9. Geoffroy Stirling, Lon., , 
 1SS3 3 vols. or. Svo ; new ed., 18S5. 10. Song of Jubilee, 
 and other Poems, Lon., 1887. p. Svo. She is also said to 
 be tho author of Keano Malcoinbe's Pupil, and of Nancy s 
 Work, a Church Story, Lon., 1870, 12'uo.) 
 Ijalfan, May. Sec Hahtlkv, Mr:i. May, (LAFfWN.) 
 Lattaii, Kev. Ilobert Stuart de Courey, 
 M.A., graduated, first class Lit. Hum., at Merton Col- 
 lege, Oxford, 1878; ordained 1882 ; head-master of King 
 Edward's School, and chaplain of tho Guild, Stratford- 
 on-Avon,8incolS8J. Aspects of Fiction, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 
 Latt'au, Thomas. 1. The Medical Profession iti 
 the Three Kingdoms in 1879, (Carmichael Prize Essay,) 
 IJublin, 18S0, Svo. 2. Tho Medical Profession in tho 
 Three Ki.igdoms in 1887, (Carmichael Prize Essay,) 
 Dublin. 1.S8S, Svo. ^ ^ „. 
 Lafferty, Hev. John J. 1. Sketches of the Vir- 
 giniii Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church South : 
 with an Introduction by Bishop D. S. Doggett, Kicli- 
 mond, Va., 1880, 4to. 2. Sketches and Portraits of the 
 General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church 
 South, held in Ilichmond, Va., May, 1886: with an 
 Introduction by Bishop II. N. MoTyeire, D.D. Illuat. 
 Kichmond, Va., 188(5, 4to. 
 Lahee. Miss M. R. 1. Tim Bobbins Adventure 
 with the irishman, and other Dialect Sketehei, Manches- 
 ter, 18B0. 2. Lifeof Alderman Livesey,lS65. 3. Acquitted, 
 though Guilty : a Lancashire Story, Manchester, 1883, 
 12mo. . . ,, 
 Laidlaw, Alexander H. An AmencBn 1 ro- 
 . V, 
 I nouncing Dlolinnury of tiio English Language, Pliihi., 
 1800, R.I. lOnio. ,, ,, , 
 Laidlaw, Hev. John, D.D., b. 183 t l•,dinbur^ll; 
 gradiialed M.A. iit KdinbnrKh I'nivcislty \x!)i), mil 
 stiidieil theology al .New College; ft I'reo Church mil. 
 isler is.ill; professor of systematic theology, New 
 lege, E.linbnrgh, since ISsl. I. fhe Bible Doetrini' .I 
 .\lMii,(riiiiiiiiigliaiii Li'.'lores,) Ivlin., 1879, 8vo. 2. (IM., 
 .Memorials of the Late Hev. John llamiltoii, Glasgow. 
 1 >s I . 
 Laidlaw, .Mri. M. J., wife of Stuart Laidlaw. 
 1. Letters t.i my (i.i.lehil.l, I.on., IS7l-7ft, 2 v.ds. Itlni... 
 2. (Trans.) The Exeention of .M. r.Vbbe .Miroy, I'-TI, 
 lOino. 3. A Caleehisni for the Uiglii rii.lcrMiiii.ling .-I 
 the Saeilico of tli.' Mass, |S7.'>, Svo. I. (Trans.) Tli.' 
 .Miraide at Loonies on Sepleniber Kith, 1S77, 1S78, Ifi 
 0. Kthna; or, llteh.ngs in Black and White, Lon., 1881, 
 Svo. . . . 
 Laidlaw, It. J. Our Ueligicm as it is and us ii 
 was. Toroiilo, 1S79, cr. svn. 
 liaidlcy, I'ol. ihtodore T. S., gradunlel 
 the C.S. Military Acadeniv 1812. 1. (Ivl.) The 
 nance Manual, Phila., ISdl, Svo 2. Instructions 
 Uiflo Firing: prepared by coniinaiid of Brig.-Gcu. 
 Benet, Phil.i., 1S79, Ifliiio. 
 Laighton, Albert, IS29-1SS7, b. at Portsraoutli, 
 N.ll. Poems, Bost., 187S, llinio. 
 Luiug, Alexander, LL.D., F.S.A. Soot, b. l-us, 
 at Newburgh-oi- Tay, I'ileshiro; lire.i a ilrapcr, ami pur 
 sued that occupatiim for miiiiy years; afterwards iig. m 
 at Newburgh for the Conimerciiil Bank of Scollnn.l. I. 
 Some Notices of the History of Newburgh; a Lecture, 
 1858; 2d e.i., 1S71. 2. Notices of the Ancient Eccle- 
 siastical History of Abernethy; a Lecture, IsOl. 3. 
 Hcljis to Faith anil Duty, Eilin.,lst)7 ; 2d e.l., ISsl. 4. 
 I The History of Linen and Linen Manufacture in New 
 ! burgh: a 'Lecture, 1872. h. Lindores Abbey, iin.t il:. 
 Burgh of Newburgli : their History and Annals, E.liu., 
 1S7«, 4to. 
 "The greater part (if Mr. Lalng'sbook is Uikeii npwuli 
 extracts from tho records ..r (be Hurgli Courts and ..I ili.' 
 Kirk ."Sessions. These extriuls are liolli iiiteresliiij; iiiul 
 umusiiig. . . . His book doses with a cliiiiitcr on ' ii- 
 toni.s and Folk-Lore.' . . . ll cnlaiiis .some very eun.iiis 
 parliciiUirs."— .S(i(. yto)., Ixiil. 3%. , , ,,. 
 B. The Triumphs of Ciiristianity Illustrated by His 
 tory: a Lecture. Edin., 1883. 7. The .Maintonnncc uf 
 Plant Life on the Earth, ISSC. Printed for private cir- 
 culation. . . ,„ 
 I Laing, Byron. " What Harm is there in it ? 
 1 Toronto, 188.->. Svo. 
 Laing, Mrs. V.. II. B. 1. Hemes of the Seven 
 Hills, lllust. Phila., 1873, Ifimo. 2. Comiuestsol (lie 
 i Seven Hills. lllust. Phila., 187.% Kimo. 
 I Laing, David, LL.D., [""C, vol. i., second ..I tl.c 
 ' name there mentioned, add.,] 171MI-187S, son of William 
 Laing, printer and bookseller in Edinburgh ; was .ii 
 gaged in his father's business from Is21 to 1837, wlim 
 he was appointed librarian of the Signet Library. He 
 was secretary of the Bannatyne Club from its conimcii.c- 
 nient in 1.S23 to its close in l.sfiO. 1. (Ed.) ilriL'iniil 
 Letters of Mr. John Colville, 1582-1603: to is 
 lidded his Palinode: with a Memoir of the Auilcr, 
 (Bannatvne Club Pub.,) Edin., 1858, 4to. 2. (Ed., A 
 Catalogue of the Graduates in the Faculties of Arts, 
 Divinity, and Law of tho University of E.linburgb since 
 its Foundation, (Bannatyne Club Pub.,) Edin., 1S)N 
 Svo. 3. (Ed.) Kcgiatrum Cartarum Eeclcsie Suiicii 
 Egidii de Edinburgh : a Series of Charters and (hijjinul 
 Documents connected with the Church of St. Giles, 'din- 
 burgh, (Bannatyne Cub Pub.,) Edin., IS.V.I, Sv... 4. 
 (Ed.) Registruin Domus de Soltre, necnon Ecclesic Cillc- 
 giftto S. Trinitatis ]nope Edinburgh : Charters of the Hos- 
 pital of Soltre, of Trinity Collc^je, Edinburgli, au.i "lli" 
 Collegiate Churches in Mid-Lothian. (Baiinalyiic Hub 
 Pub.,) Edin., ISIil, 4to. 5. (Ed.) The Diiiry ol Alcx- 
 anilcr Brodie of Brodie, 1652-108(1, and of bis son .lnuic* 
 Brodie, 1RSII-16S5; consisting of Extracts from the Exist- 
 ing Manuscripts and a Republication of the \i.liiuie 
 printed at Edinburgh in 1740, (Spalding Club I'ub.,) 
 Aberdeen, 1S63, 4to. 6. (Ed.) The Convcrsy.m ol 
 Swerers: a Joyfull Modytaoyon to All Englonde "1 the 
 Coronacyon of Kvngo Henry the Eyght, [verse,] (Ab- 
 botsford Club Pub.,) Edin., 1805, 4to. 7. (F.d.! Abb'jts- 
 ' ford Club: a List of the Members; the Rules; iinJ a 
 Catalogue of Books printed for tho Club since it^ Insti- 
 tution in l,s.S3, Edin., 1800, 4to. S. Adversaria: .Notices 
 illustrative of some of the Earlier Works printed lor tbe 
 UiinnutviiB Club. Ellin Iwht i. 
 lor... rimrt.r^ . ,, J !;,:;, '"'•,' »• »■ (P"i.) Ko.val Let- 
 :;!:'',' '•"''.) K,iin., IN. 7, ''''■,, ''-',: ';':■^ I i'»"n,,tv„« 
 ;:!!::'"" '^"'"-'^^^^^ •!- AXo'r.^':;:!.;^ 
 ^].^;i"?>^i^:i!;::;^v;;!^:;r^V'-i;'^,i:' ^ ■'■"••' 
 ■■. Whence .luel , f \ ,, , 1 *■'""!• '"'"■• ''*'-'. '■ "-vo 
 •^'■■'I.S K.lin.. 1?.,,,, .;,„"'"„"":,'""' '■'"» An,,i,.,„ Sootti..!, j 
 ''fling, Joliii. I Ti.„ I •'■''"'■• I "^'"i. It". 
 ;^''". '-". i^'r ,..'«. '^ •- T.;V'?"r'''^''-' '-""-■ 
 Alike. .H..; „..we,l., i,„„ ls-;,'«,t' ""' '^'"" '^""H 
 liH.;'^^?^ "H^;;^:!^:;,^rfs^H^ «^ '^'i ■" '-•■■ 
 '-'2- '• A Plain U i, , 'Z ' *•"■."[• "'' "'"l^'NI „i,„..o 
 '"'"■. '«7fl. 2. Fir tS .,1,1^^'-",""'' "''"' ""■' Alan 
 ,,„„;,^^,; A Cuteeh,.,,,, of Christian,'" 
 "" l-^'''^ ohHirn,T,, of hJf ,1,' ';;'''i,'^.'''", "' ''''"-"'l-''^ 
 -'t-,-.^r Orkney :nV.;hi!.;,::r^^v;!ft:;:^ 
 I I-lll*p, J,,l,„ J„ , 
 '"'"•. I •^,,. '">""■ "'■"'"". "U'l Mi«.lon, 
 ><nkc, Joliii n. I III,. \,,. 
 f'U: iv:', Nn,. 2. IN ;,, 'hi,' ''''";' /'''■ ^'■^' "">",. 
 '•"M., I,S7.-., ,m„. 1 l.,,,,, , '•'■„'""^" '"r il* l>iHu,e, 
 ' '-'ikf, .'Viii.c \ ' '"""""".V, i:,lin., rH7,;, 8> , 
 ,,'h' Inspiration of ,Sen„., ,',,."'"''""" ''"'■'■ I"**'!!. 
 '■»;. f*ern,o„s, l,„n, iMl'l ! s';'"' 'V;'"'"' '''■■•i^l.-uent I 
 -yP.'^te: ,L.«1^,^;r« Bre :: 
 ''•;"val,«. Ill,,,,, ,,,„, ;,"':• .Vi''^, I (tnio. 2. |.a„|,'s 
 l^''P''"''"'.>Z::i^^^^ "-hatr 
 I >«"n",„, I,,,,,., isiii • :*"• - J'liKland K,„„„g ||,„ 
 M-;,^-non,yM",,n-,he-,ir:-^,,'^rir'^",''f'' " 
 V,"""" "l"l '111 K.-Kiiv .,„ I • ." •. «"«'l".'r : with 
 l'-liti.MlKconomy; fr ,i ' • ' ' ""'"■"•■"l Melho.l in 
 ' }"'k, isrs, 2 vol*., 8.," 'r 7"'''' "<;,l-."',N 
 /,'"»■, by H„dol,,h von'jh'e'ri, :,,'';■' \'''-l •""•"KSlo for 
 (Inns.) .Mozart; f,„„ , "< *" ''•■ '' '"• '-"'"• X 
 IH'^ll, l2n,o. 4 T ,„ '.'■;'■'""" "•' ''• ^"M. Chic 
 ^■••''n™. the'„l!z:;V;f ;:'.,l'7i -»- '-/i^: 
 tycl»,,,e,|,„,,,Po|itiea|.s;ie„,e'V,|i ■ ,"•'"• ''• "''''•) 
 .: ;. •': A iModern Zonmi<f,-in„ 1 .._' ,.."-J '■^'^''i - vols. 
 ■••■".1 iMiiiucmn and i„,,„ ,,,■■„ '^ ">^" '"I'ik is 1 lal a 
 ■•liHiK. 11 popular ha U r • \'''''''''1''''''«''>''I |i i , I- 
 """'•'■'■ ■-'-"*=-=■■■■■ ''Hit: t^ivS^r^i 
 "»• »f -liiality . r 1,1 tiial • ,f,''l"'^'»»i."" n si is e i,'n,.,; i' 
 ' Set,,,,. The .i '.',"•'■•.!""'■:'"'■''"• ^1-'. 
 |"><i Hie l.V„„,|,ise, lorV.s^ Vsv„ /•.-""- 
 .I'el'ef JCngland's (irent .«/ \: ' ' V'"' ^- 'V^ific l„. 
 ■l\ Voi^e^of the A , ; „„-"';,,l';"- 1887/l2mo. «. 
 In;lustriai: ai,;f^|,„|^r^:;^:: 7'"''"7 '^l^'-""'^-- 
 J'^?: t.e:?Ji^^rrtr,^^: J:-"" - -u. 
 l^^fi.c-.s'v,,.""""''- ^'"' "'-^'^ anJ its Victims, Lon L;,,!;:''""'' .««v. J„h„, m^ „.,, ^ 
 ^"-■&^''^' A^'oP-'-ni.orvof .,:^'r-«,,t„,^orU '-' i'^^^^'^^^^ 
 "^■;W,',,o,K. ,8"5";, .^.t" ^«'™y'" of Reuben H^^i: 
 "'•''.EMeray. Lo„g,e,,Lon.,,870,3vo..p.Svo 
 Areliibalciuiu^' ;;:r ,"™' "^-^. '" M^^^X 
 lilack-and-Tan Terr er old. u-"'""' "''""-^ "f a 
 P- «vo 2. Christin "Ho^iivs^at m'": •■' ''»»- 1««0. 
 J-""-. ''-SI, p. svo. 3 \v3,^-*'"^'^"n'e. must. 
 "'ague to Frederick the irlat {n!T'']' ''°"io ^''""'- 
 <-'"• must. I.on., 1888, 8vo 
 l.lliiib, llev. M. T. 'I'lio (loMon llililo ; or, Tlio 
 IliKik "I' : Is ii (In.iy N. Ynrk, \m\, l2iiio. 
 I.ninli, ytrn. ,)iiir(lia .luiiiiiiii Itciiile, iNiinIi,) 
 b, IH'.".i, nt I'liilnlli'M, Mii^-.; iniirrictl, \>*ii'i. I" t'lmilc- 
 A. I.iimli, "I' "iliiii: ruiiiiliiil I'inlit yniri in CliioiiKo; lo- 
 iikimmI to Now York isililj oilitor of llio iMiiKiuino of 
 Aiiioricaii llislory I'iiicc IM^:t. Sho imi iiiuinber of iiiiiny 
 hintoriiMil sooittli'K, iiiiil Ims conlrilmlvil iiuiiii'rouMirtick>;4 
 to iioriodioiil^. I. Spicy, |ii novel. 1 lllui't. N. York, 
 ISTIl, Svo. 2, I'liiy-Soliool Storicn, llo-t., I-*?!, I vol«. 
 ISmo. :i. History of tli.i I'ity of Now York: it- Origin, 
 UiMs nml Pronrei.-, \. York. I'<7;-HI, '-• vols. Ito. 
 "Tlic luillinr loi«»imrcil no lalpor in rrsoiiri'li. anil fnini 
 mnny nriuinul soiini". Im» kiiHhti'iI >i xri'iit viirloty iil ili- 
 UillMinil lni» wovin tlioni intoii dlstinca conllniKms lil»- 
 tory."— A'(i((o/i, xxvl. -"Jo. 
 1. (KJ.) The lIomiM of Aiucrioa. Illiidt. N. ^ork, 
 1879, Ito. .'i. Tlu- riirisliiiiiH Owl: Ilmlm't of Kntcr- 
 tulnment, llriginiil iin.! Selecti'il, N. York, l-<-*l. i<- Snow 
 iinil Sunshinn: ii Siory for Il.iys iin.l Oirls. lllusl. N. 
 York, 1-^S2, wj. xvij. 7. Wall .Street in History, lllusl. 
 N. York lss:t, m|. Svo. 
 Lnmii, H«v. Ilobi-rt, [on/.', vol. 1., luM.,] J. IH72 i 
 rector of St. I'lml's. .Man.h.'sler, lsnt-71. 1. Sermons 
 on i'a.sinK Sciison.s iiml Kvonta, l.on., l'<.i:l, \'2tno. 2. 
 Kroo TlionRlita on .Many Sulijeuls, ISCifl, 2 voln. :t. 
 Soliool Serinon.s, 1H7(|. 2 vols. I. Yiirniliilo : iin I'nsen- 
 tiuiontiil Storv, 1S7L', ;i vols. 
 Lamb, Mrs. Itiitli, (Hiick,) b. 1S2«, at (lrini,sli.v, 
 Linoolnahirc, liuK.: nnirried, lHll:t, to Alilernnvn Josenli 
 Lamb, of .Mmchoster. I. Haw Charley helpoil hia 
 Mdlhir, liOn., isill, 12mo. 2. .MiiUuminer at Hay 
 l.oilKO, I,on., IS«I. ;!. .leni Morrison, the Fiaher-Huy, 
 l.on.. 1«H2. 1. I'leaaant Paths for Little Feet, Lon., 
 l,s«2. .'). The Trials of a Village Artist, Lon., lSt)2, |i. 
 Hvo. (1. A Little Chilli's Dav. and what she learned in 
 it, Lon., X^iyi, :i2mo. 7. It Isn't lUght; or, Frank Koh- 
 inson, Lon.. lsrt:i, 12mo; new eil., H7I. H. Captain j 
 Chriatie's Urand Danxhter, Lon., IS«t. C-'mo. 9. The | 
 K.tperience.s of Tom Neal and Sarah liin Wife, Lon., j 
 IHUt, )p. Svo. 10. The Carpenter's Family: a Sketeh of | 
 Village Life, Lon.. lsii.">, I2ini). 11. Master and Ser- ' 
 vant ; or, Uiohanl Owen's Choioe, Lon., ISrt,), ji. Kvo. 
 12. Sturdy .lack. Lon., 1S72, 12mo. i:i. The Shnmper'a 
 Foundling: a Story of New Year's Kvo, Lon., IS7I, 
 Ifimo. II. Thoughtful .loo, and how he gained his 
 Name. Lon.. IHH», 4to. \:k Katie lirightsido, and how 
 she made the Host of Kverything, Lon., 1S,S2, -Uo. Irt. 
 Bernard Kendal's Fortune, Lon.. 18s:i, I2ino. 17. Ills 
 First Offence: a True Tale of City Life, Lon., t8s;i, p. 
 Svo. IS. Look on the Sunny Side, ,md other Sketches, j 
 Lon., lS.'<:i. p. Svo. 19. The Longest Way round for ' 
 the Shortest, Lon., 18S:!. p. Hvo. 2I». .Midsummer lloli- | 
 day, Edin.and Lon.. iss;), p. Svo. 21. Tho Emigrant's I 
 Son, Lon., ISS I, p. Svo. 22. Milly's .Mistakes, and what ; 
 she learned by them, Lon., 1881, 12mo. 2:t. Kutli 
 Western's lilessing, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 2L Tho Luck- , 
 iesl Lad in Lihborton, Lon., IS85, 12mo. 25. Old Can- 
 tanker, and what came of tho Flower-Show. Lon., 1885, j 
 p. Svo. 26. Alice Western's lilessing, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. \ 
 27. TooClose-Fisted, and other Tales, Lon., IsSft, p. Syo. 
 28. An Angel Uuest in Human (iuise, Lon., l-^^ii, p. Svo. 
 29. Comfortable Mrs. Crook, and other .Sketches from 
 Rural Life, Lon., 18SS, p. Svo. :!0. (letting Clear Off; 
 or. Tim Uellamy's Joke. Lon., 1388, p. Svo. M. (Irate- 
 fnl Peter's Nevf Ye;ir'8 C.ift, Lon., 1888, 18mo. :i2. Ser- 
 vants and Service. Lon., 1SS8, p. Svo. Xi. Taught by 
 Experience, Lon.. 1888, p. Svo. 
 Lambert, A. C. The Story of a Pillow, Lon.. I SS.i, 
 sq. l6mo. 
 Lambert, Kev. Brooke, li.C.L., graduated at 
 lirasenose (,'ollege, <.)xford, 1S5S; ordained IS5S; vicar 
 of St. Mark's, Whitcehapol, 1885-71 ; vicar of (Jreen- 
 wich since 1880. 1. Seven Sermons on Pauperism. 
 preaehe.1 at St. Mark's, Whitechapel, Lon., 1S7», 12nio; 
 new ed., IS71. 
 "Tills Knd preacher . . . has indicated the only 
 spirit and (lireclion in which we can, with any hope of 
 success, or even of initigatiim of the presaiiiK evil, set 
 about the accomplishment of H:'—S),rcl(Ui>r, xliv. 295. 
 2. Sermons on the Lord's Prayer, l.on., 188:i, 
 Lambert, C. II. Synoptical iJictionnry of Scrip- 
 ture Parallels, Lon.. 1879; 2d cd.. 1880, 12mo. 
 Lambert, thnrles H. ;. Ibougnis and raucies 
 in Solitary Hours, [verse.] Lou., I.s40, p. Svo. 2. Poems 
 and Translations from the iJerraan of Goethe, Ac, lion., 
 1850, p. Svo. 
 Lambert, George 
 the Village, [verso.] Illust. Lon., iSS.'l, Syo. 2, The 
 Power of tliilil : a Novel, Lon., Issfl, 2 vols. p. 8vo, 
 Lambert, Henry. A Memoir of Ireland In In,',ii. 
 Ily an K\ .M.P. Hubliii,, 8vo. 
 Lambert, Isaac ('owley, M.A.,, I, 
 ls,7(i| grailiialid at Trinity College, Cambridge: call' ' 
 to the bar at tho .Middle Temple 1871; .M,P. for Kul 
 Islington since 188(1. A Trip to CanhniBro and Ladiik. 
 Illust. Lon.. 1877, p. 8vo. 
 Lambert, llev, LoiiU A., a Roman Cnthuli. 
 priest of Waierloo. N.Y. I. iTians.i The Cliriniiiiii 
 Father: what ln' should be. and what he should do; |'r"'ii 
 the (lernian of W. Cramer; with Introiluetioi. by S. \. 
 Ilyan, N. York, issil, ;t2i 2. Notes on Ingcrsoll; 
 rttheil.. IhitValo, N.V., I8s|, Irtnio. :i. Tactics of Iiilldils, 
 ' HuiValo, N.Y., 1887, Ifinio. 
 "Lambert, Nannie," (Pseud.) SeeO'DoNoniii i, 
 .Mils. .N. I'oWKIl, iii/Vo. 
 Lambert, OMmnntl. Angling Literature In V.nn 
 land; and iHsoription of Fiihing by tho Ancients, Lmi , 
 1 881, l2mo. 
 Lambeti, llev. William. (Kd. and tnin« 
 Codex Canonum Kcclesiie I'nivcrsie : Canons of the Km -I 
 Four Oeneral Councils of the Chinch, Lon., Isiis, Hv". 
 LnmbillK, A. A. .\ History .f the Catholic Chiir. li 
 in the Dioceses of Pittsburg and Allegheny, N. Yiirk, 
 18811, Svo. 
 Laniborn, Robert II., Ph.D. I. A Uiuliinciit.nv 
 Treatise on the .Metallurgy of Copper, Lon., ISIlli, C.'ii,,. 
 2. A Itudiiiientary Treati.-e un the Metallurgy of Silver 
 and Lead, Lon.. 181)1, 12nio; Dth cd., 1879. 
 Laming, Iliclinrd. 1. Matter and Force: ihur 
 Nature ami Laws, 1 ., Is5l, Svo. 2. (!od in Seiiiil 
 Causes, l.nn., IS7:i, Svo. :'.. The Spirituality of Cau-:!- 
 tion : a Seientillc Ilnaithceis, l.on., Is7l. p. Svo. 
 Lamon, Ward II. The Life of Abraham Limiiln, 
 IVom his liirth to his Inauguration as Presiilenl. llliift. 
 I' -t.. IS72, Svo. 
 "That the volnnie Is t" he prnnonuecd generally sail.- 
 faetorv we think we may say. tliniiKh we cimless we siiy -o 
 with reiuetance, for ... it eniilrlves tn otleiid Hie reader 
 abiiiil as olleii as it pleases him. Hut It Is very ci.|ii"iis 
 mill minute; It Is the result of very much pain.slakii i; 
 laliiir hv person-s liiliniiitely eiuinecleil with the Lliieolii i.l 
 the aiite-presideiitial ihivs ; it is very triithliil, eoUMieii- 
 tiiiiis, and eritieallv impartial, while at the .same time it is 
 lull of respect and iitUMtioiiate admiratiiiii fur Mr. l.liiiolii. 
 . . . We eoiuniend It to everybody as excellent reading, as 
 eaptlvating as a roiininee, and of deep interest to eveiy 
 citizen."— .V(i/ioH. xiv. UN'. 
 Lamont, Alexander. Wayside Wells; ur, 
 Thoughts from Dcepdiile. Lon., 1874, 12mo. 
 Lnmont, E. II. Wild Life among the I'm ilio 
 Islaiiileis Illust. I, Mil., IS67,Svo. 
 I Laniunt, James, 1' (I.S., F.R.d.S., b. 1828; re- 
 I fiilc" at Knowilun, Argyllshire. 1. Seasons witli ilie 
 ; Sea-llorses. Illust. Lon., ISIil, Syo. 2. Yaelitiiii in 
 the Arctic Pens; or. Notes of Five Voyages ol .~|.uit 
 j and Discovery in the NeigliLourbood of Spitibcrgcii ami 
 ! Novaya Zembya. Editdl and Illustrated by W. Live-av. 
 I .M.D. Lon., iS7t!. 8vo. 
 I "He has time and nn iiey at his disposal ; he ha- ■• i liis 
 heart on rontributiiij; lo Arctic discovery, and. ii- '■•• lic- 
 lil-hts in Ihls sort of ' le in spite of its hardship-, !■- 'lan- 
 ders, and its occasioi d dreariness, he is contciil !• !.ms;ii 
 himself to disappoiniiiients when he has done his uiiinist 
 111 cnmmaiid success. "—.'«Vi/. Kiv.. xll. JSl. 
 Lamont, Miss Martba Alacdonald. I. Im- 
 pressions, Thoughts, and Sketches during Two Yeiirs in 
 Franco and Switzerland. Li.i., 184", 12nio. 2. The I'ur- 
 tunes of Woman. Lon.. is 19, .') vols. p. Svo. :i. Tlic 
 Olndiator: a Tale of the Roman Empire, Lon., |s^ll, 
 !2mo. 4. The Village Millionai—: a Novel, Loii., 
 3 vols. p. Svo. 5. Love i-fr<iM8 Money, Lon.. |s5a, J 
 vols. p. Svo. 
 Lamont, R. The Principal .Sources of Knglunils 
 Greatness. Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 Lamphere, (Jeorge N. The rnitcl Slates (iov- 
 ernmcnt : its Organization and Practical Woikiiigs, 
 Phila.. 188(1, Svo. 
 I.innpman, Archibald. Among the JlilM, anJ 
 other Poems, Ottawa, 1S8S. 
 " A volume of verse published at Ottawa, and full al oiii'C 
 of the Inllnencc of Canadinn scenery and of cla.-ical c" • 
 ture. arrests the reader's attcntiun at once. Aii'l liiuuiili 
 i'vrrt- Is li-ii-'vi-; exsrtlv ,iemr.nstr«ting tniB frciiie.- m tin* 
 volume, there is .so much in Itof truth, simplicity, vivncily, 
 and of somethinif that fairlv deserves the name of imssio". 
 that It is very pleasant and sometimes even ini|ire.sslve 
 reading, almost frum beginning to end."— .S';)CcWur,lxil.:>- 
 Over the Hills and through ! Lampoon, Frederick Locker-, b. 1821 ; son 
 1,1 "■ "'"' ii"i.'in« [() rill] 
 "n.|nll,„r|„.,i,„|i,„ilH, 1. |„„„l„„ I'l 
 '•»": now Oil., IM7II ^ 
 Mui "n.r;^''i;i,;:;'^:^ri!;l!;;jr:"!' 'M-rl..:,...,! „lr „„>, I, 
 i'>'l.ll»■^1 Uh,|,„l,n'p, ;;,';''• '"'"'-I " I'Hlrt. „r ,1,.. 
 '"■•"'■r.MH Ani.lrlr, ;,,| U W, ^1 ,V",',-"""'> ,"', 'I'" 
 M:::;:r ''"■""■ iv,"''" i- "">.•.":.;;;' IViy^ ,:: ;"i';.;! 
 h..artU.,»;-j,)',".v,''',',^,;'' "^ ""• '"" '"••*'^^'' lllpl'uni „r 
 ^'. I Kil.) I.yni Klcxiiiiihirmn : ii Colliviinn I <in iK.r 
 -mo; new I.,.. I Mils i i i '" 'I'm. i-i'ii., IMIi, 
 Soe Wah. 
 Iliiiiiu: n 
 on thn 
 ::.':"""";,■'■"■• """'■■"•■"••I .Aii...i,m«, 
 IwiiiiNoii, Mary SuilK. 
 l.iiiicii>iti'r, llorotliv, 
 <'lli'-., iNHIl, iL'iii,,. 
 l.iincnNlvr, iOilwnrd .11, 
 l"r.v, i\, V„rk. |S77, |j,„„, 
 l.iilleuNtCT, Kiiiilie L 
 l.a..c,,.t.-r,U,M.rK... 1. 1.,,;, .....V/iH:.;; 
 f'HlKlrlN, K, ' 
 I. Thf ll„ 
 I'ifo an. I Kduciiion of 
 l>oaf, Uunil), unci IJIin. 
 I'Hcly Miiiluloino's I'riilu 
 Aluniml of English His- 
 ',' ,, i iKtii.rp.' V."s'i.V. 
 ••"'^H ilJv.' Vm^:•"":''"^."'"^V'■•^"'• 
 <■|lriMianay; or A W,,!, V, ,1 ., '• ,""■ ?''•"*"«« "f 
 «r..l, 1 on N ' o,' „""'.'«';,7 ';'"■ l'n.u>i<-ll> connM. 
 - Von ls«..i«' '"'?'^-' '"''•■■ '"tt'TMoniyMlilo 
 _ 0---1 ■•nil, IMn.-*, 
 'l';t IH., be,.„ given to tho puhl c '■- :, " • Vr/'"^' ! y""- «''- l«8;t. 21. The Victo"^ \4 WoLl' ii ':'"^ 
 l.iincnNter, James. V A v » i. V ) ' •' ^'"-""'•"es, r,on.. Is7s i^n,,, oo ,, ' ' •'•^^"'T'I •■ 
 .. ,..., .„ . ■•amos, .M.A. A Book ot A.,,.ration.., ; .eorotcl Ufo, l.'on., is ',V ;."• .^ '",;'""""''<"'■''.'■''"- 
 N. \o.lf, isvo. IDrno. 
 I."M., I SSL', 12m,.. 
 I'liiiciiMter, U. A, 
 Cliiistiiin liii|itiaui, Lon 
 Lancaster, H. Jj. 
 Synopsis of Our l.or.l'- 
 l-n"."l "zT'l'smo^*" •'• •'"■'"'" "" Experimental Phy,ic«, 
 K-iposf. of Odd-Fellowship, 
 ' of Cirouiiistnnoo? ; 
 See Lawhe.nok, Ring. 
 Landrr, Harry, a Cr..,t, 
 B Wei, |,„n.,, vv 
 "LanUer.iHii,,,'. (p,,„j , 
 .'^.i-.''iiE,''.;.T„';rs. "•■'!•. '''•!'"'■ ^' « 
 Host., ,vf.2-c,5 7 vols li;,„, i i tur.sDiirg ,■ /uiicli, 
 Svols. " K,i,;vB.II ^'l>"«.,"-'^l'„gXe,vYork, 
 If/....; 2.' '™''.'I'P <i«rmnn, 18(17, Klnm. 
 if ob- 
 'c tlie 
 P ''"""ttster, William Joseph Coseiis ("ii 
 "f (lie Siincltf; or.'flie 
 Naiifieai No 
 ><»ter Lily" nnri lior Crew: a 
 y'.H Trionijih : 
 Tlie Immortality of the Sou'i'nmi 
 Oxf., 185I,8vo. Anon. 2. Eureka No. II. : a Sequel to 
 a Sequel to Lord John Russell'a Post-Bag, Oxf., 1863, 
 8vo, Anon. (Pamphlets referring to the Oxford Com- 
 mission.) ■^. (Trans.) Jlomer, Iliad A and It, in Eng- 
 lish Hexameters, Lon., I86L', 4to. 
 Landoil, Joseph. School .Management: including 
 a General View of the Work of Education, (Education 
 Library.) Lon., l«s;i, p. 8vo ; 6th ed. same year. 
 Landon, Lucy. (Trans.) Little Kobinson of Paris; 
 or. The Triumph of Industry, by Mine. E. Foa, Lon., 
 1870. 18mo. 
 Lnildoii, .H. E. L'rbain Grandier, and other 
 Poems, Lon., Isii2, Ip. 8vo. 
 Landon, .YIelville U. 1. The Franco-Prussian 
 War in a Xutshell, N. York, 1871, 12mo. 2. Saratoga 
 in I'JUl : a Book of Satire, Love, Fun, and Statistics. 
 Illust. N. York, 1S72, l2mo. 3. Eli Perkins at Large; 
 his Sayings and Doings, Ac. Illust. N. York, 187.*), 
 12mo. 4. Eli Perkins's Wit, Humor, and Pathos, 1883, 
 Landon, S. Fifty Years in the Itinerant Ministry, 
 N. York, 18(i8, Khno. 
 Landor, Walter .<$avngc, [ant'', vol. i., add,,] 
 1775-ISI)4, He spent the liist six years of his life in 
 Florence. For biog., see, S., and Koiister, John, 
 Hiipiii. 1. .Antony and Octavius : Scones for the Study, 
 [verse,] Lon., l.-<5(i, Svo. 2. Dry Sticks Fagoted, Edin., 
 18J7, 8vo. 3. Hebrew ' ics : transfusing the Pious 
 Spirit of the Divine I'si t into Devout Exercises «( 
 Prayer, Praise, and ThanKSgiving. By an Octogena- 
 rian, [..on., ISotf, Svo. Anon. (Halkett and Laing.) 
 t. Heroic Idylls: with Additional Poems, Lon., ISfl.i, p. 
 "There are in this volume scone half a dozen new dia- 
 logues or dramatic scenes :n vur.H', of Hliicli ' Theseus and 
 Hipiiiilyte' and the ■ Trial of .Esehylus' are amont; 
 dor's very be.-.t work in this kind."— S. Colvi.n : Lamlor, p. 
 Laildrctli, P. 1. Studies and Sketches in .Modern 
 Liierature. Lon., IsiU, cr. .svo. 2. Life and Ministry 
 of Adam Thomson of Coldstream, Edin., I8ti8, p. Hvo. 
 I^andseer, Thomas, A.R.A., [mite, vol. i., add.,] 
 17il.)-18S0 ; elder brother of Sir E. Landseer; an en- 
 graver. (Ed.) Life and Letters of William Bewick, 
 Artist, Lon., 1871, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "These voUimos will not be unwelcome to readers fond 
 of literary gll^siIl. They ubound in anecdotes concerning 
 Haydiin. Wilkic, and Lawrence, Wordsworth, Hazlitt, and 
 Scott. William liewick— not to be confounded with the 
 celebrated engraver of that name— was born towards tlio 
 close of the last century ; he became the pupil of llavdon, 
 and was suliscquently employed bv ••^ir Thomas Lawrence 
 to make ciipics uf the ('rescues i>r .Michael Angelo in the 
 Sistine <'lia|>cl. . . . He ai>pcars in tliese pages in the char- 
 acter of Hoswell. . . . Hut the materials are trite, and the 
 style is far from ciimmendablc. . . . The facts and inter- ' 
 sp'-sed anecdntes have value, biu the criticisms and re- : 
 flei'lions are all but worlhlcss."— .sVi(. licv., xxxii. ■£>:>. 
 Lane, A. V. Adjustments of the Compass, Transit, 
 and Level, Host., ISS», 12mo. 
 Lane, Bntler. The Health Guide: a Poimlar 
 Hand-Book nf .Mcilicine and Surgery, Lon., 1853, !>. Svo. 
 Lane, C li. Uailway Communication in London, 
 and the Thames Embankment, Lon., IS(il), Svo. 
 Lane, Kev. Charles Arthur, graduated at St. 
 Bee8lS7S; onlained 1S71»; rector i)f All Saints', Winni- 
 peg, 1S81; curate of St. Peter's, Cranley Gardens, 1SS5- 
 8(i, and since then lecturer of the Church Defence Insti- 
 tutiim. Illustrated Notes on English Church History, 
 Lon., 18Sti-8S, 2 vols. 12mo: vol. i., From the Earliest 
 Times to the Dawn of the Reformation; vol. ii., The 
 Reformation and .Modern Work. 
 Lane, Kdward Wickstead, .M.D. 1. Hydrop- 
 athy ; or. The Natural System of .Medical Treatment, 
 Lon., ls.')7, p. Svo. 2. Old Medicine and New, Lon., 
 1873, fp. Svo. 3. Hygienic Medicine: the Teachings of 
 Physicdiigy and Common Sense. Lon., 1885, 8vo. 
 Lane, Edward William, [,ii,tr, vol. i., add.,] 
 lSlll-lS7t'). B"or biog., see I'ooi.K, .St,vni.p;v I,,vnk-, i'/i/Vo. 
 I. Arabic-English Lexicon. Parts I.-VIf. l,on., Isfi7- 
 85, imp. 4to. (Parts \'I. and Vlf. have been edited by 
 Stanley l.ane- Poole. They bring the work down to the ] 
 close of the letter M. The tirst fiisrjiculus uf Part VIII. ; 
 was published in 1SS7.) 2. .Vrabian Society in the .Mid- \ 
 die Ages : Studies iVom the '•' Tliousand and One .Sights," i 
 Lon., 1SS3, p. Svo. (This is a reprint, edileil by Stanley 1 
 Lane-Poole, of tlu notes to the author's translation of ! 
 the .Arabian Nights.) 
 Lane, F. T. Reply to Rev. J. Weiss on "Our, 
 Relations with the Spiritual World," Cambridge, 16117, 
 Lane, J. J. Dunois, and other Poems, Lon., Is.'iS 
 Lane, James Ilobert, F.R.C.S., consulting s r. 
 geon to the Lock Hospital. Lectures on Syphilis deliv- 
 ered at the Harveian Society, Lon., 1878, p. Svo ; ni"» 
 ed., ISSl. 
 Lane, Laura M. 1. (ientleman Versehoyle, Lcm., 
 1875, 3 vcjIs. cr. Svo. 2. My Sister's Keeper: a Stuiy 
 for Girls, Lmi., 187l», p. Svo. 3. A Character: a Story 
 for Girls, Lon., 1S7!I, 12nio. 4. Harry's Disciplij;,', 
 Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 5. Ella's Mistake, Lon., 1S82, p. >v„. 
 fi. A Dresden Romance, Lon., 188-), p. Svo. 7. A NiiM>- 
 teenth Century Hero, Lon., 1885, p. 8vo. s. There-a i 
 Secret, Lon., 1SS5, p. Svo. U. Dr. Maynard's Dau<;li!. ,. 
 Illust. Lon., 18S6, p. Svo. 10. Living it Down, l.uii., 
 ISSt), p. 8vo. 11. Ilawbrook Farm; or, Esther liaunts 
 Wooing, Lon., 1887, (i. Svo. 12. Heroes of Every-Day 
 Life. Illust. Lon., I8S8, p. Svo. 
 Lane, Pauline C. (Trans.) German Fantaeie.'^ by 
 French Firesides ; from the German of R, Leander, >i. 
 Y'ork, 1SS7, s(j. Itimo. 
 Lane, Kichard James, A.R.A., [niitr. vol i 
 add.,] lsm)-lS72; brother of Edward William \mw, 
 siiprii ; an engineer. 1. .Spirits and Water. By II. . I. 
 L. Lon., 1S55, Svo. 2. Marks and Remarks for <\i,: 
 Catalogue of the Exhibition of the Royal Acadcuiv 
 By A. E. Lon., 1856. 
 Lane, Sarah, ("May Kingston," pseud.) :. 
 Pha'be Skiddy's Theology, Best., 1883, l2mo. 2. Bcitlm 
 Gordon, Bost., ISSS, 12mo. 
 Lane, William Arbnthnot, M.B., M.S., F.R.t .s., 
 senior demonstrator of anatomy at Guy's Hospiial. .Man- 
 ual of Operative Surgery, for Practitioners and Student.*, 
 Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Lane-Clarke. See Clarke. 
 Lane-Poole. See Poolk. 
 Lang, Alfred. Hints on the Construction of 
 Houses, Lon., 1 853, imp. Svo. 
 Lang, Alice. 1. No Place like Home, Lon., ISM, 
 p. Svo. 2. Paul Slater's Home, Lon., 18S2, 12mo. :i. 
 The Price of a Lark, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 4. AhkcI 
 Meadow, Lon., 18,S3, p. Svo. 5. Our Anniversaries:" ;i 
 Selection of Texts and Verses for Every Day, Lon., I.'i-o, 
 sq. 16mo. (i. Cords of Love. Illust. Lon., LSSCi, ISin,,. 
 7. Geoffrey Orme's Victory ; or. Life in Penwilhton, l.ini , 
 1887, sq. Ulmo. 8. 'Tim's Treasure, and how be foiiM.l 
 it, Lon., 1887, 12mo. 9. Harry Lester's Revenge, Loii., 
 1SS8, 12mo. 
 Lang, Andrew, LL.D., b. 1S44, at Selkirk, Set- 
 land; was educated at St. Andrews, and at Balliol Col- 
 lege, Oxford, where he gained tirst classes in Clas.sio.d 
 Moderations and the Final Schools, and was clcclcl 
 Fellow of Morton College in ISfiS, He is a writer Inr 
 the London Daily News, a frequent contrilnitor to peii 
 odical literature, and editor of the " English Wortliii ^ ' 
 series. 1. Ballads and Lyrics of Old France : with niliir 
 Poems, Lon., 1872, p. Svo. 
 "A .series of translations from the older Trench [..mi 
 comes tirst, and later in the volume there are .vinic (in tluT 
 specimens of poets in the nineteenth centurv. The r. -t 
 of the space is tilled with original Ivrics. all w'riKcn ii' ihc 
 manner of a student of Kcjusanloriif theciassicals us 
 of Konsard's lyrics, apijroached in liisspiritand u^ed iilUr 
 his niethoil. . . . There arc in the book, hnwevcr, tun 
 series of short poems, the lirst called ' .\vc,' and the uIIi.t 
 ' llcsperothen,' parts of which strike ns as p(..>.se>siiii; s)i- 
 giilar delicacy and beauty.'— .s'ur. lici:, xxxiv. JSO. 
 2. Oxfcud: Brief Historical jind Descriptive Notes: 
 with Etchings and Vignettes by A. Brunct-Debiiine.-, A. 
 'I'oussaint, and R. Kent Thonnis. Lon., ISSii, fol. 
 " U Is hard for one who wields even the most .-kill'ul 
 pencil to satisfy who kimw Oxford well. Y. i M. 
 Brnnct-Debaines and bis rnlkiburiilairs in the work n| illus- 
 tration leave little to be desired. ... Mr LanuMii^k iiM« 
 been nioreditlicult. . . . He follows in his imiJir^. wliitli 
 are only too brief and few, the historical nuHliod ; jukI lie 
 writes, it Is evident. (Mit of n<i incoiLslderablc fulness ol 
 knowkMlKe."— .spfc/otor, liii. Lii. 
 3. .\.\U. Ballades in Blue China, Lon., IssO, Svo 
 and l2mo; 2d ed., with ten additional ballades, ISSl; 
 new ed., ISSS. 
 "In tlu'i(UMint and dainty little book he has jo^l iiuh- 
 lisbed, .Mr. Lang for a while amuses himself by clotliiiiK 
 modern theme.s In the Komcwloit. arhitriirv for?n- ..t':lii- 
 elder Krcncli poets. . . . He takes us to no" regions wliuli 
 Overs ol poetry would explore lor special beaiilv. We 
 lireathe no inoniitain airs, and catch no glimpses ol' ni .ir 
 the tar horizons. In the mean tiine a ganlenplol. « illi it 
 peacock lui the lawn, set beds, and i|nalntly-i'ut licdws, 
 lorms no bad resting-place for the tourist."— .IW., .\o, JTtO. 
 4. Theoor 
 lish Prose: 
 8vo. 5. Th 
 trated Eng 
 Home" Ser., 
 , " We can h 
 which he ha,' 
 6. Helen u 
 " tn this st 
 theory that si 
 been prefcrre 
 versified fr,,,,, 
 tion of the e\ 
 count of thes 
 '' It Is less a 
 epic than a str 
 the tale of Hel 
 -Mr. Lang's rea 
 loucheil (,f(t.n 
 tunes with the 
 lelhng.and rh' 
 terity:^'-,So^ ti 
 7. Ballades 
 Rhymes a la A 
 .Vobody : a Ta 
 Richard Doyh 
 the same as wo 
 "In Fairy-La 
 Hugo Longwaj 
 loin and Mytl 
 l.on., ISS-i, p. .s 
 "The essential 
 "I'. If that term 
 new method in 
 method which is 
 • . . He would hi 
 MoloL'ical point o 
 ".Mr. Lang is i 
 iinsMig kimr and 
 lilalosoplier of L, 
 ihe ideal form (j 
 vents ivastc, enip 
 tic grave-digger, 
 I "at (jur ancestoi 
 formerly were ilss 
 the staple of gen 
 sible for Ma.x .M 
 ■Aryan, so it is nos 
 • ■ ■ I'ursuerl, liow 
 mterpretatlouof I 
 "■ork."-,lM., .Vos. 
 (An entirely eu 
 Allen, may bo fou 
 liTs in which it is 
 Taylor, Robert Br( 
 •>:vvi. 431, and x.> 
 "f Cain, Bristol, 1 
 "Toihecrimes oi 
 "lie only po.ssiliiett 
 pi'iy ol much learn 
 I''. Letters to I) 
 "heaves one in u 
 ii> style anil hispni 
 lilc.-aiure."-*(^ h'e 
 ' .Mr- Lang's uuw 
 body but .Mr. Lang. 
 -Ill Ihe elegance a 
 men. lis quaint ai 
 ^I'liolarshlp, its horn 
 ll'lll, lis it IS his iM ii 
 iiiiikc mistakes, its o, 
 ■ Pi'>;i'i"' In sty 
 -■ill,.. Si,, ;fti4fi. 
 i I- Books and Bo. 
 '^'■■. -V. York, 1886, 
 llic Wrong Paradis, 
 "-yi«t of them ar 
 '""Ugh humorous ir 
 '•omributions to (i,,, 
 ■;;j';'ii>^ that have e 
 , !"■ The Politics . 
 !■""•. lss(i, p. 8vo. 
 ."""•. I«''<7, 2 vols, p, 
 l™" '■ncydopicdi.iB; 
 ,. .-^'i'- Lang (l,,,.u ,, 
 ft. II key to all the mvl 
 ,',;,",","."'• ihc irnuion'a 
 ,'"^^"1 111 myth ami rit 
 !'■ mental and soeh 
 '»»' lint for It."-- -iV, 
 If'. (Trans.) Johnn 
 too trench of Charld 
4. Thcuorituiii, B 
 lish Prose 
 ii'D, ftnd Moselms, ronJered 
 „ " rn this st„rv 7rl -me ,f h,' .'';■ ';" ' ^d cd., 188;!. 
 lio.)ry that siR.'wa" uiV nn„ , ,"^ I(<rtune3 of Helen the ' 
 been preH-irecl VlH,u'„f ,.'"*'' V"'!'"' "f "lo fc'od" h,.s i 
 yersltre,! fron, the • iffi^.ra fuf^T'','''''''^ "^ >»«nne^ are ' 
 lion of the events nfter e do , h^I >'u''>'' '''''« '"fser ,,. 
 uoiiiit of thesaek of Tn.v s eh If V ' ""'""■• "'"1 "'e " - 
 ;;pi.' tha!r:fJ[^';;:;';;/;:-,;;{«mf rial, n.a ,K,e„.: less an 
 the tale of Helen\,f Zv 'slVhvme,!'^,;'''''''' '"" "" '"»' 
 ,^L'";g» reading has tai gift h?m of h "''V''';>' ^"' "" ""it 
 7. Billades and VVrsp^ Vi.;,, v ^r i 
 Khyme., a la Mode IZ I ssl' Ti ^'"■''' '''**■*' '^mo. 8. | 
 N^'body: aTaleof Fai ;. UnV .r ,^ ^"^ P"''^''^^ 
 Richard Doyle, Lon , 884 "?„ "^f '!■,? »™""'g« by 
 tliosame as were oriiri„„ri„ ul- ■'^"" '"''••'I'-iUions are ' 
 "In Fairy-S."?''"; Xl'l^'i" ''U '^'""S'""n'» 
 Hugo Longway, [,4end j Un ^S^'U^"'',."-' ^■ and Myth : Studi J of T'' i ,,' '^""*- "• Cus- 
 ^-..I8H4,p^H;of'2"J'':r,7f,3'^-'y l^^age and Belief, 
 -. STari'^fis' Ge"^.';;;r,it-'{,';„i5"?'^ "-v* "> >"-■ ^-r. 
 new nietho<l in the 3y on,,vH '^'-''''''''' ''- 'H'li'^M. a 
 method whieh is at nresent i >, , • ''.'Ky "'* Hfe'i'inst the 
 "0,0 ?^p^li!t':;7SSSvT^"'J^- 
 vints waste, employs the hak-^ ^ f ' '""-iuuoli as it ore 
 I he ^TaveMii^rJ;er, 1 Jsl wPu^f,'' "'"'.'Jives the expense of 
 11.^1 ..ur aneestorswXjavaJes?^^^^^ 
 foiinerly were assumed to bcS ! , '"i" '^""'"' "'"H 
 jVoan so it Is po sil ' I r*\tr ','„ 'f,"''"' }"' "■uloub'^^ed 
 j.s iindoubteclVannil «l Vike h ''i,.'',' """«-; '"" miudi of 
 tliecannibal has the da serous v'«. of '.:'""■' l'«"l«ees»or, 
 ■■ . i'nrsned, however with nro™?. !■ P^'yife'loo niiieh ' 
 t"s in which it is sharn V ,-; .71 7'; ''''''''• '*"^' ""J '«•''- 
 Taylor, Uobert Brow" 'i^, , h "r^l 'if "• "'" '^'"- ^^'-'« 
 "I Cain, Bristol, 1886 I'-ln' ' ' *°-^ '^' ^''e Mark 
 -•onliM-SZ^ J:? SI! ;;l^-P;'S^i^ ^.r. r.a,:, i,a„ added 
 ]it.™i,re."-AV,^'/to,., Ui' «l',;'»l'.Mlseol so wide a range of 
 -MMhe ele«anee\t„,V vaHe y of l"s'l 1?'"'^' ''^''"^'^ 
 in, it« ipiaint and irrelevant h„ ,'*-""'>■. 'i™""ipiisb- 
 *'l>"lai-shlp. its honestv of t,,,, '"""onr, its exeeil,.,,! 
 ""','. "» it fs his in its ^. ,1, V ,""!• ","«™"™ ami Me 
 "ak.Mnist.ik,.s,itsore,si m^^U^^^^^ 
 --- that have ev^li'^l^-.J-^^'-- --..^.be -^l 
 |'^'^r.2'vois.p.8;.,',; X;, ",";."' ""-' «"iiKi"n; 
 „„ "'■yelopa-dias magnzine^^n ""'y'" ''^I'li'ited 
 '7 E. 1 iLnfann t^ ",8 /r"''™= ".j''' "-"i-rg^' 
 I'arnassus : Uhymes om' „„ , V' ?• ^2. (irass of 
 ,23. Letters onlit"ratn?'io" itsu' ,f ""- l^' '«'""• 
 Walteh, M.A and Uv.„. .■' ' """°' ^^'th Leap. 
 Iliad of 'jfcne , "lit in , ' /v YY' Jf^^- ('™n«.} The 
 «r. 8vo. 8ee,aJ,XT;\'^'„'^S^'.'f ^ '"'«' '■<">■' "'^'' 
 "■"<■«, AV. H., He. 1 V L' ?• /,'■' ""/"■"• With I'oL- 
 1887, 8vo •>•,,,, .,i ^ . A"t''u'-» of "It." Ton 
 !«KNLE;,VK,pSera?p;' ""ii"-^'^ W-- W^b 
 ^f'on., 1888. 8vo. \ "it ; fy "/■ V" '^« (^""««-„, and other Ta es frm, H '",:- ^""i'' '^'''« I*-^'"! 
 Svo.^ And .see KExnAl^MAr, „i.^'""''' ^""•' 'S^". 
 ; the Ur"fk' o^Sy'luMr-^^Ti?'""^ ^'""'"'«- f™"" 
 l-'^^SrZS^^J^P^f Hhopalo. 
 1 I-urope, Lon., 1884 2 vols "^'-g""""' ^''« Hulterllies of 
 |"-^F"t^l.e"ir„":?J--,:ie A^ir-Battle: a Vision of 
 ^o>I;""^L::^^- ,;;, t:^ ^'--,by mif ; or. The Har- 
 Lon., 185,3, 12,uo. .!. Too Mnnh A >,'''"" Experience, 
 Calendars Lon., m4,p"s^,^^/%\''"'-'^^' 'I''"ee 
 or, Orford, Loo , ?S55 „ Sv„ ? ^n'""' "'"'"i 
 lionald ; or, llaos „n, M;^i ' P" "• ^- Captain Mao- 
 ISi.S 12mo tleJed, 188 '!;^r^ Capias cL tie, Lon, 
 '«■•? a Xovel, Lon 185s i' **'" ^- W'" he Marr^ 
 Krien,lV Wife; o, Yo,k 'v ? ' """'"''•• '""'• 8. My 
 Svo. i(. The Sec « Poh.r '■" «"""•■''. Lon., 18511, er. 
 '««, er. 8vo; new ed 'sg') '..fu- ""'' I'"^-''"". Lon. 
 Bay, Lo'n.,'l87,S .fr"*''^' "'' ^''^ 'ions'V Bottn'y 
 a.i^j'd^i^?ir-..T;:.S"rr'"^'f''t -,.1., 
 grated toAustralia t ,if,;i'^V "'."u^"'" '■'*""• <"«i- 
 of the Australian C 1 eg. ^^.'f,?' "'""'?'""•■ P"n«ipal 
 Australia, a Highly Elil^itl Vw f ^•,. ' '^"'""'^land, 
 '8<il, or. 8vo , ,Tew ed Y-^l! > ^ ^"^ E'"'B'"ti"n, Lon., 
 '?K,i!;^K^i;;;-;;!lty ti»-^yi,-'y 
 2. The Coming Event • nr v. i 
 jdeneeforlheSevfnrnitai P, ' *'^'"^'''"» »"<' Indep™- 
 l.'<70, 8v». ^ """'' ' i-o^-inces of Australia, L„n 
 ! chu,"eirii4::;. -'."te'Vr'r"' ^•'^- «"-y 
 I Lon., IS8:t, er. 8vo ^ • ^^ " ""'h Living? 
 •'V-r^r tTrnsTTl!f'n''f''"' -'•-'•Andrew Lang 
 baud, Lon.,'l,s X'i voTs v""'^' "' ^^r'"' ^^ A. Kant' 
 «"/"•", Host., 1885 .'i vols """','';'•• ''^ -"^'-W- iJole, 
 -Iving View's . a Xovcd ' „ ''"^i, ' ',«"' ,^-' 2- Di- 
 I "''I- "■• ""'". I'.Svo; new od., 
 i;--""-^? 'u:l:;;:;!.,^?';!":jj«".c.M.«., ia,e h.m. 
 fragments."-,,,,/. 'C', xh'.^^IJ^'-" ^'""Kerles of ill-aisorted 
 " lliilf of it is compnsed of pure nnd vnlualiie ore, nnil 
 liiilf of very iiKliH'ert'iit aiioy. Tlie ore is tliu accoiiiit of 
 tlie present state of tlie island, tlic result of Mr. f-imK's own 
 observation. Tlie alloy is the fiiiitory whieli i)reeeue» this 
 aceonnt."— .S;«c(u/u-, hi. 14-t3. ^ 
 2. The Kuutuelian CoupirEtat; Servo-Bulgarian War, 
 &o., Lon., 1886, 8vo. 3. IlanJ-Buok to Cyprus, Lon., 
 Lang, Walter Scott, M,D., M.H.C.S., F.H.C.S. 
 I'Min., dcnionstnitor of anatomy at the School of Medi- 
 cine, Kdinburgh. Practical Surger- : Menior,xnda for 
 tiic Use of Students. Illust. Edin.," 1888, l2mo, ! 
 Ijaiigbuin, <>. F. and J. C J. The Di.itrict Ciurt^ , 
 of New York City : their Organization, Jurisdiction, ami : 
 Practice, N. York, 1872, 8vo. 
 Ijaiigbridge, Rev. Frederick, M.A., b. 1849, at 
 liiriningham ; graduated at Alban Hall, O.vford, 1880; 
 ordained 1870; rector of >St. John's, Limerick, since 
 188H. 1. Kitty Crump, and other Poems, Lon., 1871, 1 
 12mo. 2. Gaslight and Stars: a Hook of Verse, Lon., ; 
 1850, 8vo. H. Peacock Alley; or, lioy and Oirl against i 
 the AVorld, Lon., IS80, 12mo. 4. ".Mysteriously .Miss- ' 
 ing :" iStrange Adventures of Two Little Pickles, Lon., 
 1851, 12mo. b. Songs in Sunshine, Lon., 1882, p. 8vo. 
 fi. Her Beautiful Dream: Story of the Christ Child, 
 Lon., 1882, sq. llimo. 7. The Tablets of the Heart, 
 Lon., lss:i, Ito. 8. Love-Knots iiril Briilal Bands: 
 Poems. lllust. Lon., 18S:i. II. The Top of the Lad- 
 der, — how lo reach it: Sunday Talks, Lon., 1881, p. 
 8vo. ID. Major .Monk's jMotto; or, "Look before you 
 Leap," Lon., l8S,i, |>. 8vo, 1 1. Sent Back by the Angels, 
 ami other Ballads of Home Life, Lon., 1885, p. 8vo. 12. 
 " Nil iJesperandum." lllust, by 11. J. llhodos. Lon., 
 1880, p. 8vo. Li. Polly : her Work and Play, her Joys 
 and Sorrows, Lon., 1887, eq. 16mo. 14. Poor Folks' i 
 Lives : Ballads and Stories in Verse, Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. j 
 16. The Hi<ier's Leap, lllust. Li>n., 1887, ]i. 8vo. 10. ; 
 Shank's Pony, Lon., 18S7, sq. 16mo. 17. Come ye to : 
 the Waters; Sacred Poems. lllust. Lon., 1888, sq. ' 
 Ifinio. 18. The Happiest Haif-Hovir; or, Sunday Talks I 
 with Chihlren, Lon,, 1888, 4to, iJ. Poets at Play: a 
 lland-Book of Humorous Hecisations, Lon., 188. i, 2 vols. 
 p. 8vo. 20. The Kiver of Y'ears : Verses. lllust. Lon., 
 1888, 32mo. 21. The Talking Clock, and other Rhymes 
 for Children, Lon., 1888, sq, lOmo. 22. What to Head 
 at Winter Entertainments, Lon., 1888, 2 parts, p. 8vo, 
 Lailgdale, II. lU. Stray Hours on the Shore in 
 Search of Pebbles, Lon., 18'i7, sq. lOmo. 
 Langdell, CLri»itopher Columbus, LL.D., b. 
 1826, in Hillsborough Co., \.H,; graduated at the Har- 
 vard Law School Ls.^iS, and practised in New Y'ork City 
 until 18711, when he became professor of jurisprudence 
 and dean of the law faculty at llarvani. 1. \ Selection 
 of Cases on the Law of Contracts, Bost., 1870, 2 parts, 
 8vo ; n°w ed., enl., 187'^. 2. A Selection of Cases on 
 the Lin/ of Sales of Personal Property, Bost., 1872, 8vo. 
 3. A nummary of Ef^uity Pleading, Host., 1877, 8v . 
 4. Cases in Equity Pleading, 1878. Privately printed. 
 !). Elementary Treatise on the Law of Contracts, Bost., 
 1880, 12mo. 
 Langdon, C. W. Treatise on the Civil and Crim- 
 inal Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, Ac, San Fran., 
 1870, 8vo. Same, with Supplements, 1874 and 1876, 2 
 Langdon, Henry I). 1. (Trans.) ro;.ferenoe8 of 
 the Hev. Pfiie Lacordaire: vol. i., Lon. 1861, 8vo. 2. 
 (Trans.) Jesus Christ : Conferences j froi the French of 
 Pore Lacordaire, Lon., 1800, p. 8vo. ). (Trans.) God : 
 Cimferences ; from the French of Pore Lnoordaire, Ijon,, 
 1870, p, 8vo. 4. (Trans.) God and Mar.: Conf> renocs ; 
 from the French of Piiro Lacordaire, Lon., 1872, p. 8vo. 
 6. (Trans.) Life: Conl'erences ; from the French of Pere 
 Lacordaire, Lon., 1873, 8vo. 
 Langdon, Samuel. 1. Punchl Nona: a Story of 
 Feuiale I'Mucation and Village Life in Ceylon, Lon., 
 1884, p. 8vo. 2. .My Mission Garden, Lon., 1886, p. 8vo. 
 Langdon, William Edward. The Application 
 of Electricity to Kailway Working, Lon., 1877, 12ino. 
 Langennu, IlaronesH. 1. (Trans.) The Lady 
 with the Garnets; from the Gerninn of E. Marlitt, Lon., 
 1880, p. 8vo. 2. (Trans.) Nadia; or. Out of tlie Beaten 
 Track; from the Russian of R, Orloffeky, Lon,, 1887, 
 3 vols. cr. Kvo. 3, (Trans,) Signer I; from the Ttnlian 
 of S. Farina, Lon., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 Langrord,lienJamin Franklin. Alvinof Eric; 
 or. The Mourner's Choice, Lahore, 1851, 8vo. 
 Langl'ord, John Alfred, [ante, vol. L, add.,] b. 
 1823, at Birmingham; a journalist. 1. Tlio Brama of n 
 Life, and Aspiranda, [verse,] Lon., 1852, 8vo. 2. lie. 
 ligion and Education in Relation to the People, Lon , 
 1862, 12mo. 3. English Democracy: its History nnd 
 Principles, Lon., 18,')4, 12mo. 4. Tales and Lays for 
 Sun,shine and Shade, Lon., 1855, 12mo. 6. Poems of llir 
 Fields and the Town, Lon., 1859, 12mo. 6. Shelley, '!'iiu 
 Death of St. Polycarp, and other Poems, Lon.,' IMHi, 
 12mo. 7. Prison Books and their Authors, Lon., ISC. I, 
 cr. 8vo. 8. Pleasant Spots and Famous Places, Lon., 
 1802, p. 8vo. 9. A Century of Birmingham Life, Ilir- 
 mingham, 1808-77, 8 vols. 8vo. 10. The King and il:,- 
 Commoner: a Historical Play, [verse,] Birminghaiii, 
 1870, 8vo. II. Modern Birmingham and its Instilw- 
 tions : a Chronicle of Local Events from 1841 to 1871 
 Lon., 1873-77, 2 vols. 8vo. 12, (Ed.) The Praise .,1 
 Books, as Said and Sung by English Authors, I, (in,, 
 1880. sm. 8vo. 13. Birmingham: a Hand-Book tur 
 Residents and Visitors, Birmingham, 1880, 8vo. II. 
 Child Life, as Learned from Children, [verse,] Lon., 
 1884, 12uio, 16. On Sea and Shore, [verse.] Lon., 1>S7, 
 12mo. With Macki.vtosii, C. S,, and, J. C. 
 StaiTordsliire and Warwickshire, Past and Present, 
 lllust. Lon.. I8S4, 4 vols. Ito. 
 Lnngford, Margaret. Clara ; or, The Children's 
 Token, Lon,, IS68, 18ijio. 
 Langhorne, William Henry. 1. Mission Liic 
 in East London, Lon., 1S76, 8vo. 2. A Season at Ai.\- 
 la-Chapel!e: Humorous Description, in Blank Verso, u!' 
 that Ancient City, Ac, Lon., 18S5, .Syo. 
 Lnngille, Ilev. John Ilibbert. 1. The Liglit- 
 Houso Boy, N. Y'ork, 1864, ISnio. 2. Save the Errini;; 
 or, The Gospel Purpose, N, Y'ork, 1866, ISuio. 3. Anioni; 
 the Willows ; or. How to Do Good, N. Y"ork, 1800, Ifiniu. 
 4. Mary Howson ; or, .\ New Creature, Phila., lst;7, 
 18mo. 5. Secrets Revealed, N. Y'ork, 1870, lOino. li. 
 Snail-Sheil Harbor, Bost., 1870, lOmo. 7. Our Bir.l.- in 
 their Haunts: a Popular Treatise on the Birds of East- 
 ern North America, Bost., 1884, 8vo. 
 Langley, Albert Gordon, called to the bar :it 
 the Middle Temple 1859. 1. A Reading of the Act tn 
 further amend the Law of Property, Lon,, 1860, fp, >vo, 
 2. An Essay on the Law of Pleading by AVay of Claim 
 for Alternative Relief, Lon., 1881, 8vo. 
 Langley, Uev. Daniel Baxter. 1. Tlic In- 
 quirer after Truth, Lon., 1854. Anon. 2, The 'I'iiblo 
 and the Turner: or. Which of the Two is ])osse.-.-cil ? 
 containing Remarks, . . . with certain Proposed Tests 
 whereby to ascertain, if possible, whether Table-Turning 
 and Table-Talking is or is not Diabolical, Lon., 18.(4, 
 12mo, Anon. 3. Christian Laconics, Selected aud Ori);i- 
 nal, Lon., 1862, 8vo. 
 Langley, Edward Archer. Narrative of a l;c.-i- 
 dence at the Court of Meer Ali Moorad, Lon., l.'-OO, 2 
 vols. 8vo. 
 Langley, John Baxter. 1. A Literary Sandwich : 
 Collection of Miscellaneous Writings, Lon., IS.ili, s\o, 
 2. Via Medica: Laws and Customs of the Medical Pro- 
 fession, Lon., 1807, p. 8vo. 
 Langley, John Newton. Pepsin-Forming (ilamlf, 
 (Philosophical Transactions,) Lon., 18S2. 4to. 
 Langley, Richard. Farewell to Life; or. Lyrical 
 Reminiscences of British Peers in Art, Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 Langley, Samuel Picrpont, Ph.D.,, b, 
 1834, at Ro.xbury, Mass. ; iirolessor of astronomy in the 
 Western University of Pennsylvania, Pittsburg, since 
 1807, and secretary of the Smithsonian Institution .since 
 1887, Ho is a member of learned societies in AoHiicd 
 and Europe, and in 1887 was awarded the Uunifuiil 
 medal by the Royal Society, and also that of the Amcri- 
 C!in Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1. Researclics on 
 Solar Heat and its Absorption by the Earth's .Uinu.s- 
 phero : a Report of the .Mount Whitney Athletic .•\ssi)cia- 
 tion, Wash., 1884, 4to. 2. The New Astronomy, lllust. 
 Bost., 1887, 8vo. 
 "A thoroughly fasi,inntins-' book,— fiuscinatiiig in die 
 matter to whit h it relates, an* I no les.s fivscinatiii;; in lliei 
 way the story is told."— .V«/io», xlvl. l.'iS. 
 Lnngmead, ThomaH Titt-s Taswell-, li.t'.L., 
 1840-1882; graduated at St. Mary IL.ll, O.vford. \^Cti; 
 called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn 1863 ; appoiiiti d pro- 
 fessor of English constitutional law nnd history at Uni- 
 versity Crdlege, London, shortly before his ff<'J'th- 1, 
 The Reign of Richard the Second, (Stanhope Prize Es- 
 say,) Oxf., 1800, 8vo. 2. Parish Registers, Lon., 1872, 
 8vo. 3. English Constitutional History, Lon., 1875, 8vo| 
 2d od., 1880; 3d ed., rev. by C. 11. E. Carmichacl, 1S86. 
 Langridge, Rev N T w LAN 
 theologic'l ,!lpar : m'„'',^^ at the 
 ■<e»-.!ral town ,lli,.ns in (il, , "'"''"•''' '"'*■• "I'"-''! 
 'I^'l- ar!;i Mi his 1 ,:,. MS-I ,T '^'"lo'^no.^^ their 
 ..o!:??^^^- ^-ter. Ever,.D.,.aXovel, 
 an,l Youth of Chl,-le "i'.'.Jo^fJ 'u"''" , -• ^''« '^hiljho.a 
 iie^r A.Ulington, Y,n-i(7hh-,' • .„»" > \,^- '" t'''i'-Hol.l, 
 '■■'ro-rO, 2 vol.. 4 "/'/e , Tl'" v"-') M'^'ol'-'.^tor. 
 ea.shiru ,inJ a 'art of'ci. ■* ^^'-^I'^'Um. of,. 
 .M:in,;he,Hlei-, lS-(i-,S2 o 7, . ,(' (^'"^""H" '^oe. I'ub.,) 
 CmfeJc-ato army „..>'■ .T' :"/'"; '^'i"-oJ in the 
 Xovel, N. York? 18117,8^' ^^■''^*'- -Hiora-Fruit : a 
 Lanier, Sidney 'l,s+'>-, SSI h „. « 
 e:ae.l ,U O^Hethorn.- (Jo letfl \r, ,' ''• '" «"«<>". «a. ; clu- 
 't (,'rows 
 Viirii-'v,"' ''.''"''y, .*'«'»• us 
 .■i. .So 
 ^ ■ " 'I itiiy 
 unee and 8eep- 
 i"lfar..,n an.l lier Pn. 
 ' he JU'clivins of 
 was subseqiientiy a clerk ",",";„ ;"r"'° '," '""""■ "» 
 'luring the'ia»t te, years' ^f hi "nf '' |""' /^'r'-^"''' >"" 
 literature, while »tr,.l I ,,",," J'^l'"*'"''''' '''""^"If to 
 8"">|'tion. Hi. ,, ,r, ,fn f , "'" '"■■"•■'•'^^ »'■ °<"i- 
 li^l'o'l in Up, „„ t ''\l ' ' ^"?' '''"'-''' «"« P"b- 
 "»ve rai:ko(l hiuii 
 Lanigun 'it ,1, , V ''i'''^^•^"'^^ '""• 
 ! Arts oon,i.lo.elii '",;",; ,'' ^ "'"r "'' "re Fine 
 J'onditionsLon., s-r, 2 'V,'"'"' "'V' l'''^^i™' 
 , "1 Social Scienee! L-n. 'isry^vo" 'f/™'' ""'«■• " ■^""ly 
 j trcisin, Lon., 1880, i, ,s-,„ ' 
 I ..^ankester, Clmrlode. • 
 »yl<ohain:aTale,l,on., I Xi,;, ■..„,, 
 If^fiZ. lie ,l,.|i„.„i , '•' '""""'''• '•"■ Middlesex fron 
 (Tran.«.) On Anial ,,„ v ,',"""'•>' J"'"'""'''- I 
 llrrn.anlJody fn ; , '" ^ '"'S'''"'^!'-' l^'rasite. of the 
 I^nn., 18fi7, 12m,r 7 .^ch'', "• V"l T' '" S<=^ i' 
 I'"n., KS68, I2«o « V ,'',""■'' "'''•'al'''; 2d ed. 
 '-..., ISfi9 12» "new > ," " lV;i"l"g7. Ulu.t.' 
 tures delivered at the ^ooHi'l^nn' . ' ?,"' '•'""' • I'*"- 
 2." ed., Un.. lsr;/,"Vth"e!,'Sr;tt, '"""""• ^""^''• 
 Lankester, Kdwin Ray, l'- a i w n 
 , fated at Si. paulV ..1,„{ i' ''•,"*^'' '» I'"ndon ; edu- 
 i Oxfor,!; b,ea,nc ■:,!:«,, i ,;:;'';'"?',;""' ''''"'*' *^'"''^'=h. 
 irrivate ii, fl,„p 'r ,"*''''' '""'""■y. «a. ; served as a ' '"■'""-■'• "t S,. Paul's o^ho, ' "\'"'- ",' '""idon ; edu- 
 ■'^'i'M.ejoine^ K ;: ,? thr.' ' '\'''""' '"'"■ ^» 
 terly Jclrnal of il cr, scot i ■■> S "''""''"'"P «' the Quar- 
 , sineo been chief editor ?V'',''?' ?' "'''"'' ^e has 
 11%'ical Associate in 'is/i ",11"';'^ the Marine liio- 
 than a hundred scie ,,ih . nt.nn f .P»''li''l'ed more 
 »"«tly on con, „ ,' u . ir ■■'• '''"'"« ''"">' '»«•',) 
 ff!> .nd ci,„.ii,.u, „ £; S;,''-„t"", " is«>"j- 
 >^as founded ,r ho .luth ,r' " '"""?" '" three weeks, «'"»y "^"J Classifleatio , Lon. 877 sr'^'t "n ^'"'"•^- 
 l-rison.) 2. p1 Phil' S'«''V'."''™'' "' f""-!^"" ni"" ^ " .^''""'""- '" I>''-winis,n ,o„ ^.O c T"'™" 
 Tlu. .Science n ■>,'„:;:.,."> ^'"l Lon., 1881), l2,uo. I . I-wkester. Mrs. Ph.>h„ .. ,..,. . .. 
 Tlu; . Cence of English Verse, .V.Yo;.'k,'?.8,so ^T ' 
 Ihiiiks th .sske,/'ii fiivtiVi "■''""'« "' tiigli.s i verse IIu 
 L.m' ^I'ssi"?,'" '^'"'''""gi'-n. must.' N. York «n,l 
 I'lni.lly ,„ cai'iict . , , ,,1,," , .'"■ ; • •, "re man is ni'o- 
 ''Iniins are iiotso ,; '"*'»""""''' 's simple, ami if i, . 
 was educated part y ^ ' ' hi r,'',''''-'""T '"' """ "i^J' 
 I 'l™. partly under the He. r ',? '"''""' "<■" Lon' 
 i Kdwin Unkester ,,,,>.„ »h , '""* 'nnrricd to I),- 
 > ration of art eles 7r \'ZT ''" '?--'''"^'' i" '>>o prepa- 
 Knglish Cy^p^Ji " "' A 'r.^J ^"'yf"-''" ->'' ''- 
 of the Briiish Fern Lon IsVs %'""' ^""^ ^'-''^"""' 
 2. WildFlowers\v"rh v";tice "ill 7' r""*""'-' '**'*'• 
 .;;vo 3 Talks about He;Ttri,i,'"'L , "TsVl'w' *■"• 
 I. lalks about Plants- nr !.■ i r ' '*'''' 'i^'uo. 
 L-.. 187S. p. 8y,!;tw'ed^88;i'- '"""^ '" ""'"»y. 
 ' tion,Tm*,''?85'2"'"'"'- ''''"^ "'"-""-'^ "^ Land Valua. 
 Mibn.?i":'';:,^'h„7l'o':,';e'':; i^"'"-- ^'"- '- ""'L.] becan., 
 l«fiH: Mhed., Hartford 1 8fi9" ''"' '''' «''- ^^'''«''- 
 <.f all'tl?e';rmbe'?s\';/^??,;y,'i':. ''''';.'' ^">«le vohame notices 
 time, to Which tl^'U:;:^ '/ir^^^-^a;<J,t.u> ,.re^^ 

 Kraiililonl sketches of all the members of the Continental 
 Congress. . . . The chief value of the work is that It does 
 for tlie reader what has nowhere else been Jone in a col- 
 lected form."— Aad'oii, iv. 207. 
 2. Life of Williftin Woodbridge, Wash., 1867, 8va. 3. 
 Red Book of Michigan, Detroit, 1871. 4. Resourw of 
 America, [compiled for the Japanese Government,] 
 Wash., 1872. 5. (Ed.) The Japanese in America. 
 Illust. N. York, 1872, 8vo. 
 "We have from him a full account of the aims of the 
 Japanese embassv, whose vi.sit is I'ertaiiuy one of the most 
 remarkable occurrences of the day, and, in addition, sun- 
 dry essays written by dill'ere'it Japanese students in this 
 country.''— A'o/iOTi, xv. lo. 
 6. Biographical Annals o. the Civil Government of 
 the United States, Wash., 1876, 8vo; 2d ed., rev. and 
 enl., N.York, ISt'T. 7. Oetavius Perinohief: his Life 
 of Trial and Supreme Faith, Wash., 1879, 8vo. 8. 
 Kccolleotions of Curious Characters and Pleasant Places, 
 Edin., 1881, 8vo. «. (Ed.) The Prison Life of Alfred 
 Ely, N. York, 1882. 10. Leading Men of Japan : with 
 an Historical Summary of the Empire, Bost., 1883, 
 " The work is conscientiously liccurato as far as it goes, 
 which is but a short distance. . . . Taken as a wliole, it is 
 a bundle of piimphlets, creditable neither to publisher nor 
 to author."— iViidoM, xxxvi. 217. 
 11. Farthest North ; or, The L' 't and Explorations of 
 Lieutenant James Booth Lockwooa, of the Greely Arctic 
 Expedition, N. York, 1885, sm. 8vo. 12. Haphizard Per- 
 soniiiities, Bost., 1886. 
 Lanman, Charles Rockwell, b. 1850, at Nor- 
 wich, 'Jonn. J graduated at Yale 1871 ; associate profes- 
 sor at Johns Hopkins 1877-80. and since then professor 
 of Sans'irit at Harvard. A Sanskrit Header : with Vo- 
 cabulary and Notes, Lon., 1884, cr. 8vo. 
 Lanphier, J. C. Alone with Josus: Gleanings 
 for Closet Reading, Lon., 1872, 12mo; 6th ed., 1876. 
 Lansdell,Kcv. Henry, D.D., M.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., 
 b. 1841, at TcDterden, Kent; educated at the London 
 CoMege of Divinity; ordained 1867; curate of Green- 
 wich 1868-69; secretary to the Irish Church Missions 
 1869-79; curate in charge of St. Peter's, Eltham, Kent, 
 1885-86. He has travelled round the world, and visited 
 many countries as an amateur missionary, distributing 
 tracts, Bibles, Ac. 1. Through Siberia. Illust, and 
 Maps. Lon., 1882, 2 vols. 8vo; 4th ed., 1883. 
 "His book is much too long, and in some parts it is 
 wearisome. In spite of this great draw back, it will never- 
 theless tind renders enough; for it contains a great deal 
 of ver" interesting and curious matter, while the style is, 
 on tlie whcile, dear and lively. Moreover, to a larye ex- 
 tent, ihe author breaks fresh ground."— .s'a(. Her., liii. 243. 
 '■ It is a genuine record of a remarkable expedition, 
 written by n traveller who has evidently eyes with which 
 to see clearly, ami a mind free fn-oi prejudice or bias, 
 whether politii^al or theological. Making his way right 
 acr ss Siberia from the L'ral Mountains U) the Sea ot Japan, 
 he visited thu prisons in each town at which he arrived, 
 and every mine or other place of penal servitude which 
 lay near liis track."— Alli., No. 2830. 
 2. Russian Central Asia: including Kuldjli, Bokhara, 
 Khiva, and .Merv. Maps and Illust. Lun., 1885, 2 vols. 
 8vo; abridged, with an Aiipcnilix on the Diplomooy and 
 Delimitation of the Riisso-AI'ghan Frontier, 1887, 1 vol. 
 " He is terribly long-winded. He loads his pages with 
 trivial details aiid petty anecdotes. . . . ilis descriptions 
 of scenery are often striking and eflective."— .Sat. liev.. Ix. 
 " A most Important and valuable contribution to our 
 knowledge of the subject. . . . Dr. Lunsdell has done good 
 service by visiting the Kussian prisons and describing, we 
 are sure, with fidelity, what he saw. But it is to be feared 
 that he has g<me too far in giving a definile and complete 
 dei.ial to the charges of cruelly and oppression brought the ngents of the Rnssiau government by i'rince 
 Krapotkine, M, l.avrof, and • titepniak.' "— ^(A., No. 3011. 
 Lansing, A. New York Supreme Court Reports, 
 !8(i!i-73, N. York, 7 vols. 8vo. 
 LanHinc* Rev. Gulian. Egypt's Princes : a Nar- 
 rative of iMi->;onary Labor in the Valley of the Nile. 
 Illust. N. York, l»'li4, 12ino. 
 LRHNing, J. G., D.D. An Arabic Manual, Chio., 
 1886, 8vo. 
 Landing, J. V., M.D. and their Contribu- 
 tions to Science, Albany, 1869, 8vo. 
 Lansing, Julin A. The Holy Ones, Bost., 1877, 
 Landing, Mrs. Mary. Rebecca's Journal; or. 
 How wo made the Winter Beautiful, Phila., 1877, sq. 1 «iim. 
 Lansing, William. Forms of Procedure in State 
 Proceedings under the Statutes of New York, outside of 
 the Code of Civil Procedure: with Notes and Citation.'?, 
 N. York and Albany, 188H, 8vo. 
 Lanza, Marchioness Clara. 1. Tit for Tut : 
 Teutonic Adventure, N. York, 1880, sq. 16mo. 2. Mr. 
 Perkins' Daughter, N. York, 1881, sq. 16mo. 3. A Right 
 eons Apostate, N.York, 1883, 12mo. 
 Lapham, Increase Allen, 1811-1875, b. at lui- 
 myra, N.V. 1. A Geographical and Topographical IH-- 
 soription of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1844, 8vo; 2d ed., 
 rev., 1846. 2. Antiquitiesof Wisconsin, Wash., 1855,4tc. 
 Lapham, William Berry, M.D., b. 1828, i,t 
 Greenwood, Me. ; has beeii editor (jf ngricultural jour- 
 nals in Maine. 1. History of Woodstock, Maine, Port- 
 land, 1882, 8vo. 2. History of Paris, Maine, Paris, 16s I, 
 8vo. 3. Centennial History of Norway, Maine, 1781- 
 1886. Illust. Portland, ? 886, 8vo. 4. Bar Harbor iind 
 Mount Desert Island. By W. B. L. N. York, 18S6. 
 Lapworth, A. Kimberwell House: a Novel, Lon., 
 1871, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 
 Larcom, Miss Lucy, [itnle, vol. i., add.,] b. \S':i;, 
 at Beverly, Mass. ; was in her youth a factory-opera- 
 tive at Lowell, and contributed to the Lowell Olfeiiiig; 
 was editor of Our Young Folks from 1866 to 1871, iind 
 has since resided in her native place, contributing to 
 periodicals. 1. Ships in the Mist, and other Stori<!, 
 Host., 1859, 18mo; new ed., 1868. 2. The Sunbeam, 
 and other Stories, Bost., 1860. 3. Similitudes,,, 
 1860. 4. Leila among the Mountains, Bost., 1861. ... 
 (Ed.) Breathings of the Better Lile, Boat., 1866, sin. tin. 
 6. Poems, Bost., 1868, Dimo. 7. An Idyl of Work, 
 [verse,] Bost., 1875, 16nio. 8. (Ed.) Roadside Poems lor 
 Summer Travellers, Bost., 1876, 18ino. 9. (Ed.) Hill- 
 Side and Sea-Side in Poetry, Bost., 1877, sq. 18uio. 10. 
 Childhood Songs, Bost., 1877 ; new ed., illust., 1883, Iilmo. 
 11. Landscape in American Poetry. Illust. N. York, 
 1879, 4to. 12. Wild Roses of Cape Ann, and other 
 Poems, Bost., 1880, 12mo. 13. Poetical Works, liu.n., 
 1884, lOmo. 14. (Ed.) Beckoaings for Every Day: a 
 Calendar of Thoughts, Bost., 1886, 16mo. 
 Lard, Moses E., [aiiie, vol. i., add.] 1. Spirituul 
 Influence as it relates to Sinners, N.York, 1861, I2i 
 2. Rejdy to a Baptist; or, Wha' Baptism is for, Lexintr- 
 ton, Ky., 1870, 32mo. 3. Coniuentiiry on Romans: wiih 
 Revised Greek Text; 2ded., Lexington, Ky., 1875. Svo. 
 Large, Henry. The Way about London : givini; a 
 Direct Route from Six Points, Lon., 1867, p. 8yo. 
 Large, James. 1. Titles and Similitudes of Clirift, 
 Lon., 1852, 2 vols. 12nio. 2. Evenings witli John liun- 
 yan, Lon., 1861, p. 8vo. 3. Sunday ReadinijS fur a 
 Year, Lon., 1869, p. 8vo; new ed., 1885. 
 Lfjrgc, John. Secrets of Farming, Lon., 1863, Svi>. 
 Larimer, Mrs. Sarah L. The Capture and Ks- 
 cane ; or. Life among the Sioux, Phila., 1869, 12mo. 
 Larison, C. W., M.D. Silvia Dubois, (mnv 116 
 yers old;) a Biogrofy of Ihe Slav who Whipt her Mi-Ins 
 and Gand her Fredom, Ringos, (New Jersey,! 1883. 
 "The narrative has undoub'ed value as a picture of 
 slave and non-.«lave life, of popular customs and niuniiers, 
 both in New Jei-sev and in I'eiiiisylvaniii, in the curly 
 years of the Hepubflc."— Aud'oH, xxxviii. 324. 
 Larke, Julian K. General Grant and his Omi- 
 paigns, N. York, 1864, 12mo; new ed., enl., 1879. 
 Larkin, Henry, at one time "collector or ca.-liier 
 of the Chelsea steamers," afterwards a jiartner in s"ine 
 prosperous metallurgio or engineering business^ ii.sHsieil 
 Carlyle in the preparation of indexes, ic, 1855-JS, aii4 
 is thus spoken of by liirn : 
 " He did for me all manner of maps, indexes, summa- 
 ries, copyings, .sortings, nii.sccUaiica of every kind, in a 
 way not to be surpassed for completeness, iiigciiiMly, 
 pal'iei.oe, exactilude, and total and coniiiuml abseiiie ol 
 fuss "— 7,f«o-a and ManoriuLi of June Welsli Oirtiik, .Wmr. 
 ed., ii. 114, 
 Carlyle, and the Open Secret of his Life, Lon., I'-Mi, 
 " Though what Mr. Larkin says is well worth consider- 
 ing, he has not succeeded very well in makingout his rase 
 for what he terms Ihe ' open secret' of Carlyle s lire, I ws 
 ' open secret,' brieflv stated, is that, so far trom ( urlyle U-- 
 liig a man of Idlers by preference, the darling ili-ire "i 
 his scml was to be a man of alliiirs,— a socml rccc iirrai"r 
 of this age of shams in somewhat the same liislmm ii> 
 Cromwell was the social regenerator of another "t;e i|i 
 shams. , . , On this subject Mr. Larkin is an iMvocntv 
 rather than a critic. He holds a brief for this liuitetit 
 theory; but his case is Inherently so weak that all ws 
 sivciiiious cfTorls, eomliined \wlli uiutoubted n:;;Lniiii!, 
 entirely fall to maintain it. . , . When Mr. Larkin leines 
 the realm of fancy and settles himself to sober cri lolsiu, 
 his discourse becomes <lccidcdly more in.struc'.lve. - 
 W,vi.Ti;ii l.KwiN : .lcu(( , xxi\. 107, 
 iii_,' «'> !>! ■ 
 er^S'!:;!r^.hris;o '^^'^ «— "J I-» Found. 
 India. ii,u«t. ii 18 7^^8 ^"ntr "'■"r''''^^''f 
 mg oxperiencfs.) 2. With Evflrwhi ■ '" '"P"''" 
 voIs.p.Hvo. i-very thing against lier, 3! 
 ir.^7-r8''6S?'„.!l!,t:;J^«™^f 't Blockwcll, M.A., 
 1820: vica ofu rh,un kL T'^'T i^""»«"' Oxford 
 Knights Ho,,S ■ in^";-,^-^.';;^!,^. >• (KJ.)The 
 Introduction bv J M V^?. m /r, ""!' "" Hiatorioal 
 IIc...rt.,Shrinoi„Leyb«u,;oVl„';,.h "^f^'Ption of tho 
 ur,d Dnunatio WrUe'r"2 PoeV '""'' """" '' ^'"'^ 
 an^St'''l:o^Ts,^^«• '•■t''«Uw of Landlord ' 
 Manohester, m\ "^'"^^ iland-Book , 2d cd., 
 edited Tho Revolution a »,,.' •*,'-' ""'' '" 'S?" 
 Home Story Ser? ", NoL. r ! " V" V^'V'^ t!;""^- '• 
 l2mo. 2. Talks with fi rlV v 'v- ,^'"'''' '«"- « vols. 
 Old Tales Kctold ll„m V, ^";''- '"4, 12mo. 3. 
 around the F.-re.' Tj:'T\'i['';'lr I'f "^""^'^ 
 1S.'<7, 121UO '""K"* ''''O'ographs, N. Vork, : 
 .^«",'«„'?,' Charles S. Thebes, and other Poen^s, ! 
 I plication to Tcrrcstiiiil s..i. . 
 I Constitutionof tr/; 'a P^lv ''?"'■'•,"";' ""« ''^J^ical 
 Words Itnd Sentcncs. Forty Ei>J,r^"' *""■ ^""'^ 
 "poken South of the I'oil^.r i '^ ,'f "li'iaKes, Ac, 
 Patie^fror''TSvlv,:l.'•/\^■''^ ^"f'V ''■«"-• -d 
 1888, 2 vols. ^,.;,"'"'-^'*"'""- Map and Illust. Edin., 
 br;ad;ilvi!;r,^ia;of\';n;;{;;?f"fi'^ '^ .^'"""ines the 
 "."•'< .I"'ncil, In whir", .il'Si^.';!,".'!'^^'^^''""''--'' L-y a dexter- 
 Phila., I8,H(I, m, iH,„o 
 Ti,o""or,3oS.^^- »»"«'««. b. ,825. at 
 family' hi/tories, Ac INto v T{i!'"HT.^"^°^"°«'«'' 
 Connecticut, Worcester, 18 n^c^^^ '"^80" ^^"7/^' 
 tory of tho Town of W,;o,|.,tock, Cu„n is^ ' ""■ 
 .>.xx;!j^:.^.,]:-t:^rti;?f ?-"--"« 
 Capitalists, x\. York, 1871! 12mo "''' "'"* "*" 
 Tofetf^d^'Jlth fei'"'' ^--' ^"'t- -a 
 imi Ksuio. ^*^ ' Improvements, N. York, 
 to.-., Un. and Cin 8^ ^'.1 7/«'«y ""'J his Coadju- 
 f^^c..^^;;.. i^ai;^;;-b;\j!v^'s;:;rkf-^^:^^; 
 of ;'^^^:L'^i!;;j;;.,?:::;";^l,!;r^«^-„i„g Culture 
 K.,vr ""'"'"•="'''" C'-"^-) See S.„,.Ku, L. 
 Ju.lsc Hucnse,' 's8l fT,' , '''""'""'««n«e8 of an iadian 
 Lrtscelles, Francis Henry, hhn p = 1 k 
 !'>;•; S.:: t ;:nX ^5;^7-'^'Shs«Pv^^,:^ 
 Tl, . ir,. " ''"'"""e 'Jlfenders, Lon.. 187(1 Si-A o 
 ,^l.a^Halle, C. E. Duffalo Trapper, N. York, 1870, 
 «'- -'M!;w,.JuaZ""'". ''?'«'" ."f "■« ^^•"•-n Na- I 
 Ail" of -u ,'S^verv or,"lf ' i". C°°«'™<'tion and 
 *'■ . Miin.hp.fp'p !s°7^S>o Universal Language.' 
 I ■ ■''^o. -. (I,ans.) spectrum Analysis in its Ap- 
 ^ Pa^!:^»S7^,.'^^ir';8nr'^ ^'' """ ^^«'""" "f 
 'a i"ry';"tMr'l,4 f; 's''™"^ '^J- Siege of Vienna : 
 CarpentWsof i>e berg Edi r,8sn ^^T'"' ^''« "^"""K 
 How the French took I'lgf^'r"'-' '- Th°;-l'"!- •^- Z'''™"''-) 
 story of I,ovo and R;venir, "t" ''"^'^Clouds : a 
 :<. ') he River of Life a London ^1 ' '*,""•' '■'**^' P" «™- 
 With Ma.kav T The '^^h "'^' ';""■' '■'■"•'' '^"'o- 
 CWlin ,„.:;., ^'i,,^'- ^^•.-Ws I^jnorama. By 
 TowrX'tl^lt'TsV- :• '"'''^'^ »f ^^"t" '0 
 Sewage Difficulty, £„n.', I'si"? 8'v°o 1 ThTp^-fi'"'* f"" 
 and Utilization of Sewage I on ?Sfl<i / 1 ""fieation 
 Engineering: a ( • 1 l.o'r J '": •*• Sani'iry 
 of Seweragt and 1 ouse" )n ^""t*''"'^""" of Works 
 Lon., 18787 8vo """"'-^™""'S'-'' ''On., 1873; I'd ed., 
 Trf;;^Xo'ge,"^n;brMg:*'?s''5'!i'. *',*.- ff''-'-' at 
 I Of Matlock-Bath 875 '"l.-lt^' <"■' "'""'I 1856 , vicar 
 Hou.^ehold, Lon., I8fl8 i2mt "^ IJevotions for tho 
 at Brasenose (.'o|le..e OvIV^,! isr,, ' „ , ' ' gr-luated 
 I the Inner Tern le LSW ;' ' '""".! <^""«'' 'o t'.e bar at 
 ' since 1882. a' Trea ile on h'^ P"'-'"'- J"'lge at Bomb.y 
 ' Lon.. Is,i7, p. svo ' ' "■" ^"^ "f "''"''"'f Lights, 
 Latham, Ilcv. Henry. M A 1. looi 
 at Trinity ColleL'.. ('.Mohlii ,o,- ®^' ' gr^'ioated 
 Follow and vice^u.-tLrnr I"' ^^',V '"■''"'"'^'' •'*+8i 
 and White • a l',7BoMo^.;.''.r ■'■"""■"'-'""'• "'"ek 
 Lo„., 18,!?, Svo "" ^""'' '" "'« United States, 
 : W^^h^li;/i;Ii:L^«^"t- >; The Construction of 
 o .ni . „ ""^'oges. fllusl. ( airibi' ilir» tri^u q 
 2. fheoiies of Philo.-onhv iin.I n .."l"oii<lgi, 1858, 8vo. 
 ' St. Paul in his Letter H,r» *^"'." "' '"' "■<"■"> by 
 Latham, MrTvn 1 The w'"?- ''"' «™- 
 ""••I !!.-(, Lon., LS58 12m„ ., u " '*>f''f.«is J or. Toil 
 Deed of other /)ays. Lon^.^'l'stlZ •c^To""""" '' """• ^"o 
 vo t "'"] ^^,:T8^"'«' ,^'-^-, «-^":F.R.C.P., [„„,., 
 1814: pi;v,iiianLs/>;^M''';'''"''''''''«'"«i"««t Oxford 
 looted 'iVorke : with Memoir by Sir T. Wiitson, (Now 
 Sydcnlmiii Poo.,) Iion., 1S7(!-7B, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 I.atliHiii, I'etPr Willi work, M.l)., F.ll.C.r., 
 Kriiiluutcil lit Ciiinl)riil;;c ISjS. mid <d"cted Kellow of 
 Downing College ; Downing prot'i'ssori>f ine<lieine iit (-'aiii- 
 brii'ge since 1S7-). 1. (Trans.) Syni|jtoniatic Treiitnient 
 of (jhulera, by V. Nienieyci', hon., 1.S7L', p. 8vo. 2. On 
 Nervuu.j or Siuk Ilcadaelio, i<on., 1S7.'!, |i. >^vo. li. Uric 
 A(Md in AniniaM: it.i Kelation to (inut ami (iravol, Lon,, 
 l.'^SI, or. 8vo. 1. Ci-ooniun Lectiirua; Pathology of 
 IthcMiinatisni, Oout, Au., Lon., 1SS7, p. 8vo. 5. Ilar- 
 veian Oration, ISSS, hun , l.'*SS, Svo. 
 Iiiitliiini, Robert Gordon, M.D., K.II..S., [hik., 
 vol. i., adil.,1 LSIL'-I.NN^*. lie oi'ifiinati'd the theory, 
 whioli has .sineo bi'on elaiwratcd by several (lernian 
 suliolars, that the primitive home of tlic .Aryan race was 
 not in Asia, hot in lOurope. Hi* edition of Todd'.s ,Iolin- 
 son, referred to ./»(<, vol. i., iva" puhli-ihed in - vol.<. 
 ■Ito. ISo'.l; new ed., enl., lf<IWi-70, 4 vols. 1. Logic ia 
 its Application to l-Mn.;uage, ISofi, 12nio. 2. Descrip- 
 tive Ethnology, l.on., Is.V.l, 2 vols. .Svo. .1. The Kthnol- 
 ogy of India. I, on., I.H.V.). .-^vo. 4. Opuseuhi : Kssays, 
 oliielly Philological and Ethnographical, l.on., 1 SOI), Svo. 
 5. Klements of Comparative Philology, l.on., I.'<(i2, Svo. 
 (p. The Nationalities of Europe, l.on., IS(i;(, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "The ariangeinent of his book is confused, it ciiiitains 
 not n few mistakes, it shows the imtni.'J rcsiillsnf liiirry 
 and carelessness, and is open to all the old otijeclions in 
 point of style. . . . litit there are 'v (.'nod many acute 
 and siinntl" observations, a i;ood many importiuit and ncK- 
 leeKjil liicls. . . . Wliere bespeaks fn'oci personal oliserva- 
 tioii, the results of his u.xamiiuitions ire liitjhly valuable." 
 —SnI. Ilir., XV. :ill. 
 7. A ])efenee of Phonetic Spelling, drawn from a His- 
 tory of the English .Alphabet and Orthogrupliy : with a 
 Remedy for llieir Defects, [.on. and Bath, 1S72, Svo. 
 " He is a cdever writer, and by those who use his writings 
 carcfnlly a iiood deal of knowledge may be picked out ipf 
 them : lait lie has always lieen crotctiety. aiiu wiieii he hii.s 
 once made a mistake is apt to stick to it. . . . Mr. Latham 
 says, i|iiite truly, that our present spelling often disguises 
 tile liistory of \vords ; to make things better, be asks us tu 
 take to a. spelling which shall wipe out their history alto- 
 gether."— .Sii/. Kcv., -tx.xiv. 7iW. 
 S. Two Dissi rtations on the Hamlet of Sa.xo Grnm- 
 mnticus and of Sliakspearo, l.on., 1S73, Svo. 9. Uussian 
 and Turk from a (leographical, Etiinological, and His- 
 torical I'oinI of View, Lon., 1S7S, Svo. 
 "Large portions of it are taken from two preceding 
 works by tlie same author, 'The Native Hace.s of the Uus- 
 sian Empire,' and ' The Nationalities of Europe.' "—Alh., 
 No. 'Jiitil. 
 10. Outlines of General or Developmental Philology : 
 Inflection. Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 
 Lathnm, Wilfrid. The States' of the River Plato : 
 their Industries and Commerce, Lon., Lstiti, Svo; 2d 
 ed., 1868. 
 " He has beon content to write only about what he knows, 
 and to bring what he has to say within tlic smallest possi- 
 ble compass. . . . To any one who is looking out for a 
 eoiiiilry to which lie may'either emigrate himself or advise 
 others 'to emigrate, the information it eoiitaiiisis calculated 
 to lie of the greatest use."— .Su(. Hev., .\xiii. '28. 
 Iiiltlibiiry, .Mrs. Mary A. 1. That Sweet Story of 
 Old. Illust. N. York, 1S.J7, srp ISmo. 2. Bethlehem 
 anil her Cliildrcn. Illust. N. York, 1S,V.I, sq. LSiuo. "i. 
 Child's History of Paul. Illust. X. York, 1861, sq. 
 LSiuo. I, Fleiia and the Voice: with other Stories. 
 By Aunt .Mary. Illust. N. Y'ork, 1S7B, Svo. j. From 
 Mendow-Sweet to Mistletoe: Pictures and Verses, N. 
 York, 1?S6, 4to. 
 Latlihiiry, llev. Tlionias, M.A., [miii', vol. i., 
 add.,] 17i).s-lsO.^; graduated at St. Edmund Hall. 0.\- 
 ford, 1821; perpetual curate of St. Simon and St. Jud-, 
 Bristol, from 1848. A History of the Book of Common 
 I'rayer. Lon., IS.'iS, Svo; new ed., ISSI. 
 liatlirop, Charles Kiil'iis. The Dream of Holy 
 .Msacar, [verse,] Chic, ISSS. 
 liatlirup, (ieorge Parsons, b. }S<b\, at Hono- 
 lulu, Hawaiian Islands; educated in New York City and 
 in Dre.-den, lierniany ; assistant editor of the Atlantic 
 Monthly 1870-77, and editor of the Boston Courier 1877 
 -7'.t; secretary of the American Copyright League ISSlj 
 -HI). I. Rose and Uoof-Trco : Poems, Bust., 1876, I6nio. 
 " It is the work of a .sincere and pure youth. His feeling 
 and expression are alike refined, and he ha.s the .senlinieut 
 of the po, t and the artist."— .Vii/ioh, xxii. 14. 
 2. A [L'udy of Hawthorne. Bust., ls"6, ISmo. .1. 
 Afterglow, i," No Name" Ser.,) Bost., iS77, lUino. 4. 
 Souiebod; El.-e, Bost., 1878, Ifimo. a. (Ed.) A Masque 
 of Poets', ("No Name" Ser.,) Bost., 1878, Kimo. 6. 
 Prosidcntii.l Pills : being a Vade-Mecum of Matters con- 
 oerning Uenerais Hanfield and liari'oel>. Illust. Bost., 
 IS8(), 24uio. 7. An Echo of Passion. Host., 1SS2, 12iiio. 
 "The book would be mure Idling if itwerc written ni irc 
 simply and heartily. It Is weakened liy a kind of rellnliii; 
 wliicli produces not so much retlnemeiit as thinness.' —- 
 \'itti(in, xx.\iv. riO,'). 
 8. In tho Distance: a Novel, Bost., 1882, Dimo. !'. 
 Spanish Vistas. Illust. N. Y'ork, I8s;i, Svo. 10. His- 
 tory of the liiion League in Philadelphia, Phila., Iss.",, 
 Svo. 11. Newport, X. York, 1884 Kiuio. 
 "'Newport' is .Mr. Lathrop's lie.«t work. . . . Mr. Lntliio|i 
 lias (dioscii his cbiiracters well, selecting them as Iy|ii> 
 witliout '■iicriliciiig individuality. With ineideiits he i- 
 less happy."— .Vk^oh, xxxvili. 'M. 
 12. True, and other Stories, Lon., 18S4, 12mo. i:;. 
 Behind Time. Illust. N. York, Isss, sq. Svo. 
 l.lltliro|i, J<ilin. Mussachiiselts Supreme Ciaiit 
 Reports, .ola. cxv., cxxxv., exxxix.-cxii., Bost., lS74-.s6. 
 26 vols. Svo. 
 Lathrop, Itosc, b. 1851, at Lenox, Mass.; daimli 
 tor of Nathaniel Haw thoriie, mi/oii ; married, 1871, tu 
 G. P. Latlirop, hii/jih. Along tho Shore, [verse.] Bust., 
 1888, sn. 12nie. 
 Lathrop, S. (i. Fifty Y'cars and Beyond ; or, ticnis 
 for tho Aged. Chic., ISs,,"l2mo, 
 Latimer, .'♦liss K. 1. Idylls of Gettysburg, Phil.i., 
 1872, Svo. 2. The Beautiful, N. Haven, Conn., iss,',, 
 " Latinier, Faith," (Pseud.) See Millkii, .Mns. 
 Jons \.. infill. 
 LatiiiD^r, Isnat'.. A Summer Climate in AVinlcr: 
 Notes of Travel in the Islands of Teneritl'c and Grand 
 Canary, Plymouth, 1SS7, 12ino, 
 Lfltinicr, John. Records of Northumberland and 
 Durham, Lon., IS.')7, Svo and r. Svo. 
 Latiincr, John, editor of a Bristol newspaper. 
 The Annals of Bristol in tlie Nineteenth Century, Bris- 
 tol. 1887, Svo. 
 " The work is both interesting and important in its wav. " 
 — /l/,'i., No. S126, 
 Latimer, ' Mary Klizabcth, (V.'ormelev.i 
 [iiM/c, I'ol. iii., under Woiimki.hv, E., add.,] h. ISL'2; 
 married to Randolph Latimer, of Baltimore. She liiis 
 contributed to leading ijcriodicals and lectured (irivatcly 
 on litera.y topics. 1. (Trans.) Madame (iosselin, by I., 
 ribaeh, N. Y'ork, 1S7S, Iliuio. 2. Familiar Talks uii 
 Home of .'Shakespeare's Comedies, Bost., 1886, 12nio. .'■!. 
 (Trans.) The Steel Hammer: a Novel, by Louis 11- 
 bacb, N.York, 1888, 12mo. 4. (Trans.) For Fifte.n 
 Y'cars : a Sequel to " The Steel Hammer," by Louis 
 I'ibaeh, N.York, 1SS8, 12mo. 
 Latimer, Philip. Tho Village on the Forth, una 
 other Poems, Lon.. isils, I2mo. 
 Latimer, S. Frances. The English in theCanmy 
 Isles: being a Journal in 'I'enerilTe and Gran Canariii, 
 Plymoulh, IssS, p. Svo. 
 La Toiiche, Mrs. Lady Willoughby ; or, Tim 
 Double Marriage, l.on., 1855, .'{ vols. p. Svo. 
 " Latoiiche, John," (Pseud.) See CiiAWPiim, 
 0. .1. F., siifira. 
 I. II Trobc, James. The Merits of Christ, ( Lenten 
 Lcciures,) Lon., Is71, 12mo. 
 Latrobe, John Ha'zlehurst Boncval, [miic, 
 vol. i., add.,] b. 181)3, in Philadelphia : was a cadet 
 at West Point, but did not graduate: admitte.i to tlie 
 bar 1825, and has since been in active ]iractiee in Hiii- 
 tiinore. He lias been president for many years of tlic 
 American Colonization Society and of the .Maryland lli.-- 
 torical Society. I. Tho History of .Mason and Dixon's 
 Line, Phila., 1S54. 2. Personal Recollections of tlic 
 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Bait., 1858. 8. The Jus- 
 liocs' Practice under the Laws of Maryland; 6tli uJ., 
 Bait., 1861, Svo. 4. Three Great Battles, Bait., Im;;;. 
 Anon. 5. Hints for Six .Months in Europe, Pliilii.. l.sliil, 
 I2nio. (i. Odds and Ends, [verse,] Bait., 1876. Pri- 
 j vately ])rinteil, 7. History of Maryland in l.iboriii, 
 ! Bait., 1885. s. Reminisecnoes of West Point Isl"* tc 
 1822, Bait., 1SS7. 
 Latrobe- Iiat( -■nan. Sec Batkman. 
 Latta, (Sanii.'cl .\rminius, M.D., 1864-1852, b. 
 in .Muskingum Co., 0. ; practised medicine, and was also 
 a Methodist local preacher. The Chain of Sacred Won- 
 ders ; or, A Connected View of Scripture Scones and Inci- 
 dents, Cin.. 1851-52. 2 vols.: now ed., IS58. 
 Lauder, Alexander. Iphigene, [verse,] l.on., 
 18711, l2mo. 
 Lauder, Toofie. Legends and Tales of the Hart 
 Mountains, Lon., 1881, p. 8vo. 
 ^^l-..aerd„,e,E.M. Tivoli. [. „„vc.I.] Un., ,8s», 
 lOiiiu. ' *"" "'I'lenbruch, Un., ISSK, 
 Imiigliliii, James Laiirenrp Pi. n i, .o..> — ^ ■"-■uitcs 
 DeorhuM, 0. J graduate,! „t ilMrninVsT' ?„ ' ''■ '' '^"' "' ' "f K'lin''"rKh 
 instructor then, in ,„.ii,i """"'^" "^'- ■ wiLMippointed Syntax, Kdin 
 If*?**, anil aicisl_ ,,.. A ....,...: 
 I'aiirie, Simon Somcrvillp \r i 
 .. , vo. -:• 'JntheI'liii„..u|)li_v„fKtliicf: 
 I i^>.. II ■ 
 ■■•""- --.m™, xlii. 10(1 " « .'"ri ,u 1„18 I '™( 2;l '^^'l- IXHJ. "^•'^' '•""- '«*". p. 
 up '"l'l."-A-„(/„„, xu'i ", i!,'"' •-''-"^■""»«t>* may be Buld to I Karly Constitution of l-niv. ;./,"'''' T "'° '"■'« ""J 
 i.. 'i™grn,,];y,t^ / 7;;;'^^::;:! '";"?iii f'r' '"'^"°- 
 llespatohe, of II„,,, i„, V aoo '; N„"/^''-' /'.""'"•^ ""'' 
 Arranged, I,on., issii ,Sv„ "'.f •""; ^''"''"'' ""J 
 lory: Biographies, Un LSs?' ^ «'^' "'Naval Ili,. 
 printed from 'magazine"" deal '„ J" '^'"i ''^"''•■'«-' '•''- 
 subiecis.) i.»2'ne9, dealing chiefly with French 
 1 hey aim at bare truth an I th.., Py"'.'"'<;'* IMem all 
 Jolin Laurence', :id HrBo:, "|s Ts^' '"" *''"""y "^ 
 Jii'fietv, \o. y. - "■ * "yiip/i ittntiiftfiu 
 11'. Occasional Adilroauoa «„ ■• i 
 I-"n.. 1SS8, cr. tl'u ^' "" Educational Subjects, 
 I'aiirje, Uev. Tlionma n i» r 
 "f the namo, add.] J Wo 'an',, , n " ^'""■' '"''• '' ""'''l 
 Illust. ]i„st., ISSI 8vo """ "<^l'-«t'ing. 
 the''"rrn'^,oS!,^i?o,t',-«';«'".. ^nui-' -eretary to 
 K-H., F.K.S. Ac Phv" ;\' ^■'"""•"f James liurncs, 
 E,lin.', Isfo.Hvo "Anon ■"''"""'""'■'"' """"^"^ An'O", 
 .«"^^^!:i:^!!]i''^^^'^>-" «e«.so„, 
 , -—..„.,.,,„„ „„,, ,->[rabi9mu» Lon l><iu :"' l second Hurinc<e\vap- loii..^ i i\.U . , "'"' "'"' '" 'bo 
 With - 
 gery, Lon., JSfifl, s'vo "' ■•■'"■u our- 
 Laurence, Jlev.' Robert French \r i r 
 vol. 1., ad, .,] graduate,! .it ri.r!.. n[ ,"' '"•■^•' C"'"'', 
 „r.!ai„ed !S3(t,- v ear of Cb I ™. '' '^■''''''■'^' '"^'^ 
 Or,U.r for the ViJi at „n of thl^''/? r'*-'--''*' '• -^n 
 :-'. An Essay on Conf"Lion P ' ' ^''"'•' "*^'' '2mo. 
 n,.ly Communion, Lon., !^%^ '.';,, ^""">^ ^^''^'-^^ -t 
 B«" "'l^.: !Js.";'"rth''; '^^"•' ■^"•' ^'^"o-- B-thday 
 J-aiirie. Il»v «". ..._ „ . Eastern Ou,!«t,n„ . .„J Vf!".„!. ':",'"'''"."'fJ ''"8«° "f the 
 'tc. Kilin., isiii;, svo - -" 
 St. lieorge's,'lJlo„n sbu V H58 flr""^. ''""z '•«°""- "f 
 view,,,! ,in,i„- , !. .:?' '*"■ ■^- T-he Christian Life „'/",""''"'< ™»"'i"'i 
 lotiea! Aspects. [.„n ' „,*r,."f ,!'"',?,'""'.'»-'l« in 
 stern Question •" the \[aL„.!i""''"'"'% *'''"««'' "^ "'« 
 Coming Struggle L ,„ s- , "'" '" ^'"^'' *' ''"'• <''« 
 Petition LiterthirVE^t in I'w^T I ' ?""»»i'i«8 of 
 Our Burmese War, ind rI.^ ' ''""■•' '*"''*• 8*»- »• 
 The CJreat Attract!, ns .ff ri ■^"P«""r Country, „r 
 and Commefco tlr'l.^ r"''svo '" ^""''' ^■"•«'-P"«e 
 timM;;;,i'"!v/r«';;ui;it^!..:^'i' "i;'-'^'-"' '■"»".-. 
 naiiufacturing eentrii .. ■, - ^ S •^' '"'"' " '"' '" "ur 
 li't? of the cha,ufes?,towl,i,'h ''[,■"■."['■'' '"■• 'ho wi'lenr 
 tlu."('.;|.'wi' ''• ^.V»"""enfary on St. Paul's' Enis.rT' i "^T"^- -■"''■• ^o. mS "''"'' '"""•'' '•"'"•"erce is di- 
 »-t..U2ded..Lo,;:;isnV8v:.''^'''S'',r!r """'"- ''^""^^>^>^7^:> "^' '=-"-« "«•""' be 
 J-'x:: an Account ,if Annicnt \t ^"".-^'"i" Treasuro- 
 'hi' Kliistlo of S. Cletnent of 1^ Jfanuseripts containing 
 T«« l.,otures, Un "7? " ?'""^'» '""-' '-"rinthian.: 
 «™l departments of Chri "t n Lifl Tg''"""' '" ^'"' 
 v-uriaian l.ite and Prnotioo, Lon., 
 Ligbt," Lon.. ISSS. p Svo 
 i^Hvelle, Fatri<-k ti. t . . , 
 Revolution . wirhNoriecsIf 4 '"•''' .I'""'"'"-'! since the 
 Tenures in Various'^clrr ^.A iiL"," Vr^l'T '""" 
 Character, L, n 85rt ill T'^' "'' Contrasts of 
 2. '--'o-' Ii'.;h:'a^^;i:'?;.f;;,'!j» ;2aod^ ,86,, ,2mo. 
 Lnverack, Allrt^d. I. Tli« MethoillHt Snlilicr in 
 thu Iiidiun Ariiiv. I ., 1n74, p. Hvu: .Id cd., ISHft. 2. 
 Straight .Sticut : u History iind (in Allegory, l.oii., ISTH, 
 \). Svo. 
 LnW) A. Tho Los- of the Kinpiru ; Uuvolittion of 
 thu Aliiririing Condition of Iho Niition's Dolonccs, Lon., 
 IS88, IL';no. 
 I>nw, Agnes. Kycs so liluo, Lon., 1878, 3 vols. or. 
 Law, Charles Woudill. 1. (Trans, and vd.) 
 Taliluii of Uoiiian Law, hy Aristide Kanlon, Lon., I8B9, 
 4to. 2. A Uaud-liook for Burma, I'arts I.-IIL, Maul- 
 uiaiii, IS72-73, Mvo. 
 liHW, Edward. Kndimentary Chronology of Civil 
 and ICciUusiaslit'al History, Art, Liteniture, and Civiliza- 
 tion, from tho Karliest Period to 1851, Lon., I8.')l, 12mo. 
 Latv, I.ady Eleanor Cecil, (Howard,) d. 1852; 
 daughter of thc> fourth Eiirl of Wioldow ; married, 1840, 
 to C. E. T. Liuv, afterwards Baron Kllenborough. 1. 
 (Trans.) .Meilitaiions on tho Suffering Life; from the 
 i'mu:h of D. I'inart, Lon., ISjO, Itimo. 2. (Trans.) Tlie 
 Nourisliment of the Christian Soul; from the Freneh of 
 D. I'inart, Lon., IS52, 16mo. :). (Trans.) Thu Mirror 
 of Young Christians; from the French, [e litod by Alex- 
 ander Penrose Forbes,] Lon., lSa.3. Svo. 
 Law, Ernestt Philip Alphonso, b. IS.'i.'); grad- 
 uated at tho University of London 1871; called to the 
 bar at the Innur Temple 187.'); rosiiles at Hampton Court 
 Palace. I. A Historical Catalogue of tho Pictures in 
 tho Iloyal Collection at Hampton Court Palace : Notes, 
 Ac., Lon.. I,s8l, sq. Kinio. 2. The History of Hampt(m 
 Court Palace: Illustrated with Autotypes, Engraving.', 
 Etehiiiits, Maps, and Plans, Lon., I880-S8, 2 vols. 4to : 
 vol. i.. In Tuilor Times; vol. ii., In Stuart Times. 
 " It Is seldom that one comos across so satisfactory a com- 
 bination of research and recital a,s this volume aR'ords. 
 . . . It will he read with pleasure not only l)y the historian 
 and the ar.iiipiary, but by every one who" shares In the 
 English fiindiics.s for the relics of a tjlorious piml."—Acacl., 
 x.wiii. .iI. 
 Law, Henry, C.E. 1. Examples of the Modes of 
 KeitiU),' out Hallway Curves, 1S4H, Svo. 2. Karth-Work 
 Hallway Tables, Lon., IS47, Svo; new cd., ISdll. H. 
 liiidiments of Ihci Art of Constructing and Kopairing 
 Common Koads, Lon., IS.iO, l2mo. 4. Operations and 
 Construction id' the Thames Tunnel by Brunei, Lon., 
 1857, 4to. 5. Kudiinenis of Civil Engineering; new ed., 
 1858, 12nio. (). Huilimentary Treatise on Logarithms, 
 Lon., 1801, 12mo. With Bur. --i., (i. U., Civil Engi- 
 neering: with Notes by H. Mallet, Lon., 1809, I2ma. 
 With Clahk, D. K., Construction of Koada and Streets. 
 Illust. Lon., 1877, 12mn: :id ed., 1887. 
 Law, Very Ilev. Henry, M. A., d. 1886; gradu- 
 ated at St. .lohn's College, Cambridge, 1820, ordained 
 1821; archdeacon of Wells 1821); rectCi' of Weston- 
 super-Mare 1810-62; dean of Gloucester. 1. Christ is 
 All: The (iospel in tho Pentateuch, 1S5.S-61, 3 vols. Ip. 
 Svo; new cd., IStiti, 4 vols. 2. Jesus set forth in tho 
 Tabernacle Service, Lon., 1864, ISuio. .'!. Beacons of 
 the Bible: a Series of Tracts, Lon., 1868, p. Svo. 4. 
 Awakening and Inviting Calls, Lon., 1871, ISmo. 5. 
 Christian Cordials, Lon., 1873, l8mo. 6. P^orgiveness of 
 Sins; or, (iod Kcoonoiled in Christ, Lon., IS75, p. Svo. 
 7. Gleanings from the Book of Life, Lon., 1877, cr. Svo. 
 S. Family Devotion, Lon., 1878-84, 4 vols. p. Svo. 9. 
 The Ueforniation : its Heroes and Truths. Lon., 1883, 
 Itimo. 10. "Ho being Dead yet S|ieaketh :" a Selection 
 of Sermons by Henry Law. Edited by his Eldest Daugh- 
 ter, G. E. Law. Cheltenham, 1880, Svo. Also, charges, 
 Law, Isabella. Winter Weavings : Pooms, Lon., 
 ls6:i, l2mo. 
 Low, J. S. Harmony of the G.)spel8, Lon., 1866, 
 ]i. Svo. 
 Law, James. The Farmer's Veterinary Adviser, 
 I haca, N.Y., 1876, 12mo; Lon.. 1870-87, p. Svo. 
 Ii. (W, Ven. James Thomas, [untr, vol. i.. add.,] i 
 :' oi ileacon of Bichmond. 1. Lectures on the Ecclesi- 
 astical Law of England, Lon., 1S61, Svo. 2. Lectures 
 on the Oflico and Duties of Church-Wardens, Ac, Lon., 
 1861, Svo. 
 Law, John. (This is said to be a pseudonyme.) 
 1. A City Girl : a Realistic Story, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 2. 
 Out uf Work, Lon., I8SS, p. Svo. 
 Law, Rev. Joseph. Consistent Interpretations 
 of Prophecies relating to the House of Judah, Ac, Lon., 
 1885, Svo. 
 Law, P. Prize Essay on Draining Strong Clays, 
 Lon., I85II, Svo. 
 Law, Ilev. Palmer, b. I8.')2, at Peckhaui, Surrey ; 
 Congregational minister at I'enryn, 4e. The Cornish 
 Shipwreck, Lon., |Stl5, sq. l6uio. 
 Law, Stephen I) 1. The .lurisdietion and Powers 
 of the Cnitcd Status Courts, Albany, I s.')2, Svo. 2. Suit 
 ute Laws of the I'nited Slates, and Digest of Aiiierieaii 
 Cases relating to Copyright and Patents for Invention^. 
 from 1790 to 1862, N. York, IS(l:i, Svo. 3. C'opyriglii 
 and Patent Laws of tho I'nited States, 1790 to 1 87,1. 
 N. York, 1870, l2mo. 
 Law, William Arthur. Tender ami True: a 
 Novel, Lon., 188(1, cr. Svo. 
 Law, William John, .MA., I787-Is6',i; graduated 
 at Christ Church, Oxfonl, 1S08; called to the bar at Lin- 
 coln's Inn 1813; chief commissioner of the InsoUini 
 Debtors' Court from 1S53. 1. Some Komarks on the 
 Alpine Posses of Strabo, Lon., 1846, Svo. 2. Ili-tiiry 
 of a Court-Martial on Lieutenant Plowdcn, in ls|s, 
 Lon., 1854, Svo. 3. A Criticism of .Mr. Ellis's New 
 Theory concerning the Route of llMiiiiibal, Ac, Lon., 
 1855, Svo. 4. A Reply to Mr. Ellis's Defence of his 
 Theory, Iion., 1856. Svo. 5. Reply to the Second Part 
 of Mr. Ellis's Defence of his Theory in the "Journil 
 of Classical and .Siered Philology," Lon., I'-.'jO, svo. Sec 
 El. MS, Hkv. Himf.RT, mipni, 6. The Alps of Hannibal, 
 Lon., 1866, 2 ols. Svo. (The author adopts the view 
 first put forward by (leneral Melville, about 1780, and 
 since upheld by De Luc, Niebuhr, Monimscn, and oiliers, 
 that Hannibal crossed the Alps by tho Pass of the l.illle 
 Saint Bernard.) 
 "Mr. Law's two volumes contain a most exhaustive re- 
 view of Ihewbole coiilroversy.aiKl a very elearuid candid 
 argument upon the evidence."— .So/. Her,, xxiii. Mi, 
 liOwes, Sir John Uennet, liart.,, 
 I.L.D.,b. 1814, at Ilothaiiistead, Hertlordshire ; educated 
 lit Eton, and at Brasenosc College, Oxford ; has devoted 
 himself to systeinatio invesiigations in agriculture at his 
 farm of Hothamstcad, for which he has receivcil medal? 
 from Russia and (iermany and been created a Ijaroiiet. 
 Compensation for I'nexhausted Manures, Lon., I8s:i. cr, 
 Svo. With lili.iiKHT, J. H.: 1. On the 11 e Produce, 
 Imports, Ac, of Wheat. Lon.. 1869, Svo. 2. ExperiaienLs 
 with Mixed Herbage on Same Land, (Philosophical 
 Transactions,) Lon., 1880-83, 2 parts, 4to. 3. Coiii|iosi. 
 tion of Animals for Human Food: Supplement, (I'liilu. 
 so)ihicaI Trnnsactiops,) Lon., 1884, 4lo. 
 Lawes, Ilev. W. G., a missionary in New (iuiiieii. 
 (Jranimar and Vocabulary of the Language spoken liy 
 the Motu Tribe : with an Introduction by Rev. George 
 Pratt, New Guinea, 1885. 
 Lawford, I. Fairy Life and Laughter : including 
 the Latest News from Fairy-Land. Illust. Lon., 18S7, 
 r. Svo. 
 Lawford, Louisa. 1. Every Girl's Book, Lmi., 
 1860, 12mo; new cd., 1876. 2. The Fortune-Teller : or, 
 Peeps into Futurity, Lon., 1S60, fp. Svo. ;i. Tlie Dicani- 
 Book and Fortune-Teller, Lon., 1870, I2mo. 
 Lawless, Hon. Emily, b. 1845; daughter of the 
 third Baron Cloncurry. 1. A .Millionaire's Cousin, Lon., 
 1885, p. Svo. 2. Hurrisb : a Study, Lcm., 1886, 2 vols, n, 
 Svo. 3. Major Lawrence, F'.L.S. : a Novel, Lon., l'<sr. 
 3 vols. p. Svo. 4. Ireland: with some Additions liy 
 Mrs. Arthur Bronson, ("The Story of tlie Nations,") 
 Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 "We recommend to the many whom Iri.sli history jicr- 
 plexes and repels this clear and temi)cratu narrative."— 
 Speclutor, Ixi. »'■>■ 
 Lawle.>4s, Valentine Browne, second liiirou 
 Cloncurry of Ireland, and first of the United King- 
 dom, 1775-1853, succeeded his father in 1709. Peisoiial 
 Recollections of his Life and Times, Dublin, 1840. 8vo; 
 2d ed., 1 850, p. Svo. 
 Lawlcy, Capt. Itobert Neville. The Battle of 
 Marston .Moor, York, 1865, Svo. 
 Lawley, Ilev. and Hon. Stephen >Vil- 
 loughby, M.A., b. 1823, son of the first Baron Wen- 
 lock ; graduated at Balliol Cidlege. Oxford, 1845; ur- 
 dained 1846 : rector of Esrick 1848-68 ; sub-dean ut Vurii 
 1852-62. (Ed.) Breviarium ad Usuin insignis Kci'lesia.' 
 Eburacensis, (Surtees Soc Pub. :) vol. i., Newcastle, IsSD, 
 Lawlor, Denys Shyne, 1809-1887. 1. Pilgrim- 
 ages in tile Pyrenees and Landcs, Lon., 1870, p. siu- 
 2. Centulle: a Tale of Pan, Lon., 1874, p. Svo. 
 Lawrance, Edward. A Handy Book on the Law 
 of Principal and Surety, Lon., 1S61, 12mo. 
 bar at l,i„,.„l„V J„^ |ss*^",.l'" !"■"'«" ' '-'"""'' "' '>>« ' 
 1H8-), Mv..; .(,1 „,| „i,t ,, V' '"■"■ t™lil"i», I,,,,,., 
 1HH7, ,.n,i kotel, :s,HS ' ^™''-' "' ^^ngoment Aoi, 
 Treatment of t^mo.,r„u .'[„;'"'' "'''>""'»•'' '■' 'he 
 I'- >*vo. 2. Curative Kfle" ' ./ ^"^"'^.""»». ''"n., IH5;i, 
 .0 the Treat„a.„t of l^rnily! ' *" I. n 7" s'"/''*''"'^ 
 Lawrence, Aiinje M i ■ i . .' ' ' "*'"• 
 1871, Kinio. ■ ""'^" Loring-a Mission, Boat., 
 Lawr«!iice, liiisii Edwin I r \f i .^r. 
 u. y^"^"^^^;?; :;;:•;:-"- >V. 1,0 the, .„ve 
 Lawrence. Kebprt fjj. ,' '• " ^f*''^' '-•r- f*vo. 
 IFnivorsity, an,i JI, rvar,l I [s ' '■'""e""', Now Ynrk 
 '•ntorH, N. York, 1,S77 ,iol /T! ""'' "'«'-• ''«'-'«• 
 N.V„rk, 1877-8(1, 7 vols r"n' ''• ^"''"""■■« I'Hiners, 
 Lawrence, llev. F " f ' u i . ,. 
 rauni(,n, N. York, I87II io*,,,,' '"'P '" J^o^ut Com- 
 ■u'^^rb'rra' a?s:^[ir'!;!)irj',: Vj'T' ""•'™'«'' 
 Kra,luato,i with lionora T«o "n' .^"^""i' "here he 
 InnerTemplolHs" hu! , In '■■''''''' '" "'« ""'r at the 
 •are. Hi,, Ce ^;er ^ ".' """'"' ''""'"'^ '" ""-■"'- 
 ami even, as ,t »tu, lyTf^a' ■Ij'^LVin khf ''>'7l'" '''•■''''''We" 
 HiXer uiHtruetive, The wrltrr fi , , ' ' "' ''?« ai](l charl 
 worshipper of fox-luint"rslI,u '',',',"''■''•« ' '■"■''miler or 
 wUhastyle<Iecido(llyn(,ie\,r,k,, V''''".'.''''l "'a".- . . 
 !'! pneral, an.i fnli'f,;,'^- '!''!'''' "'at of novelist 
 hisluncal allu.sio„."_.>,vi /to' iv 248 "'"^ ''""''"'>' "'"1 
 2. liarren Honour, lsi;2, 2 vols n <*..„ o, , 
 «vo; newe.l„V870 9 Jirel;!""'^, '"""• ''"°- ''^fiS P 
 Kllerslie',, Emllng Un I SB I'V"^?"''^"^ ' "^-Hlanohe, p. 8vo. ' '"• "• Silvorland, Lon., 
 rp;;i:b,;rl!/::^:';;T'c^';!^.:j''';^'^P«n,;n that we have 
 5i;a.^;ver came Iron, th!; I^^T J^'^'^^'^Vrn;i;uni^^ 
 I-- llagarcne, Lon., 1874 .1 vols 8vo 
 f"SiS'^^^^i"?^ xr:M^''«'"y'«™p''io, though 
 '"■k'^af if ho thousriu e m f ' i?' "f «"aKKef whieli 
 II llie (1st of the ath ele n L ''" "''"'-''■ "'"»' be hel.l 
 rsl!?; ,sv": ''• ^•°'"^''- "" tl'« E,tabli,heJ Church, Lon., 
 Lawrence, (ieorirp v i i • . , . 
 ern Mexico : w th NoU^^.n ,'. ■ '':' ""^ '"'^'» "f West- 
 National .Mu,.„,.;,,/;^/„. ;• «-X:Vh[:;"h^;;;<«"''^''- "f 
 Uwrencx.rwa» h,fr;' ■„'■ T.;," ,'" ' "'' J^'-^^^ander William 
 ™i"be College, ,Wvn^"'- '"'"™'^''' "^ '^'l'""- 
 ntvalry l«2lT«erve.M„' , ""r,?""""' ,'" ""^^ ''^"^'l 
 " "- ,Mutin ;, a„,i I e ".n f .''.m;;;.'; "''*'' ""^" ""^ 
 eminiseenoufl of Kurtv-Thrne vi T^ ap|"'mlnienU. 
 j:^;^ ». William K:^:ii«n.^^;i?.,?:r'^^j;';^i'!: 
 tbe.ue:;?s,!!;S,nf^,'^-|™,ln Imllul What a ftTtllo 
 '■■""pnse o,ir ,|js«sr,.r. il, . '",".'.'',"! 'ba'.lbo last twenty 
 ' i^ i" his <Iefaa v^'^grT p' f 'rSora!';,'\''^""'-''''''J- '">!! I™ m 
 P-te^;;;^l^^^M;^,^r»^..f m,,ral ae.i;.n: am} 'hi^ p^: 
 ;"lier dements ' cl an eter f ^t'^'h' "V'l ""'terlal over'^all 
 M-nthsinAmJriea in'the"s'^^ <'»jrard. 1. Thr«„ 
 t"re,«, Lon., 1864 TzmV 2 t""" •' °J '**'''^- Four Lee- 
 -5. AUvent Lectures on Ritualism, I.on., 
 «»r,Hn,l 'hulnUia,',,,' a,',','!' ■;'!'",■ "'," '*'■'•'""' ■^"'^ 
 'be .Mihjeet l.s admirably ,r?^J,".;L', A '"s! ".?!.,',;' "">' """ 
 in Ceylon; edumetl It 4,1,1, J'™''''''''''''- ""' '"''" 
 the iJengal Artillery is' V ,';■'', ^"' c,„nmiH,.io„e,i in 
 "«r, bntwasafterwarls.'h'i.fl '," "',' «■«' ""rmf'se 
 ««rvieo; was el nf w , ^ i-i"|,l,>.vc,l in the politioal 
 •<( .be M «;, n, rs'kiirr ;'',""''" ■" "'« '''"''-k 
 Hot'^.ri.!:::^^.,".!:,^. .B-jrl-e... Me„,oria. of 
 ants, Holyoko, A ass ixhk « ' ','.'"' ^^"^ ^eseenJ- 
 ,IMriU.ti,;n ' ^*'^^' ^'"'- l^""t«J for private 
 U. Karl, History of'kw'me.l.'^l.^jllit t^^ 
 Lawrence, Lavinia I p. .i, 
 I'oeuis, I'bila., 1,^,7(1 ,."'" ■•• Euthanasia, and other 
 York, 18Sfi, 12mo. 5 ( r,i , t " '• I' E,,peran,,., X. 
 j-^;^im, 24mo. I: S^^|^.^ii:;---„N. 
 f.XaHn^n;,!fa!^:;%,M^^:ii ---^ <V.r 
 calle,! to the har at I in t • r ''° ""'''*'"g« '8«»-"'i ,• 
 ltooks ClasslHe „ 'lie ""be ,' ^"t ""• '• ('^'™n«- 
 b.v B. von Cotta on ISl^fi h" ^''"'^''^ "" I^ithology 
 The Compnisorv Sa o^,f ) ^\^'"' """ ''''- '«?«• 2 
 "f .he l'a'r,iti,:;f;'.?; is" A '"/•;„" K^'-'^"'" *'""«" 
 Lon.*lV8l,"n'olJrs''vo'' ""'"■ "-'>-:aNovel, 
 .n^f'e.trt'elSrl';".-- ^f-eP,-. LL,M., 
 i 'l''l'>.ty professor ,f in. ;• '"""' "^ ■^'""«" KS77-S8- 
 "f CaiilbV dge sine 8 •r""'?" '"" '" "'^" U"iversity 
 Questions in Zlrn tn. ''"^■" "" """'« »i'l'uted 
 '«8-l, |.. Nvo" 2 el iss,'"'?"":"!'" '"'"' Camb/hlge; 
 Intorn'ational L.;;;'l„''.';;','888- izn.o'"'-''""'' •"" ^'"""^ 
 SeSn[7;:i^,:7i;a':^™; .;^^« Autobiography of 
 an,l AVaterloo Cann In P r 7' .""^ ''''' ''"""'^"lar 
 L""., 1886, p, 8vo "'^ ^y •'• N- Bankes. 
 Lawrenne, Wiiii-j™ i ,,- 
 the i.fe and Pubii "ser^o'es „f' John ^^^ ''*"='' °^ 
 some Considerations in F,u-?,rn f h- ^ '^,''«""an ■• with 
 a-^tbe^ Republican CaVdrjlt^th^STe;: i^^^ 
 I^awrence,Wi„ia„.,h.,850. Life „f Amos A. 
 I/Bwr<!iicc : with Extriinln fri>iii hin Diivry and Corrc- 
 »|mniloiii;o. Ily hi.- Smi. liju.-t. Iluft., ISSH, 12iiiii. 
 ' Till' uutlior <]l' tills viihiinf hOH (llwliiiriii'd hU liliul 
 Oftlco Wfll." — .Vll(l'/ll, xlvl. lU. 
 Iiaivrciicc, William llvach, [milt, vol. i., mid.,] 
 1KU((-ISS|, I. Vi<itiilii.iiiind Siiiruh: HistorloftI Sketch 
 of ills IJritiHb >.'laiiii In u.xcroiso Muritiiiiu I'cilico over 
 Ve'!ii<ul» ol' .All N'litiiiii.", ll()«t., IS5S, Hvii. 2. Foruinn 
 Trealica of tlio ( nilwl Ktiiten in CundiL't with Stiitij 
 Lawn rcliiling to the 'rruii.sini!<.iiiiM of Keiil Kututo to 
 Alii'iia : wilii f^uWH <if ViiriouH Ci)iiiitrieH iitTeutinff tlie 
 l'ri)|ierly of .Miirriod Women, N. Viirli, IS7I, Xvu. ,1. 
 Tho Tri'iily of Wiixhiiigton, I'loviilcnoo, 1871, Mvo. 4. 
 The Indireirt Cluiiiis of tlio I'liited States undor the 
 Treaty of \Vu,<liington. I'mviilenee, IHTi, Mvo. 5, Bel- 
 ligerent and Sovereign Hij^litsi as regards Neutrals 
 during tlio War of Seei'ssion, Host., 187.1, 8vo. 
 JLllwroiit'e, William II. Caroline Morin. Illust, 
 N. Yurk, iN.-il, ISi 
 Lawrence, William Itichnrda, ,M.I)., [miie, 
 vol. i., add.,] 18l2-l,s,ss. l. A lliatory of the Ihwtou 
 Dii-iiiMuary. Coniiiilcd hy One of tlie Hoard of Managers. 
 l!n-t., I.H59. 2. Tlie Charitie.s of Franee, IJoMt., 1 807. 
 littWreiicG, William T. I'rini'i|jlc8 of Agricul- 
 ture, Lon. anil ICdin., l,SM:i, p. Svo. 
 Lawrie, Andrew DuiiglaM, M.A., b. I85t): edu- 
 cated at K>on, and at Clirisl I'liureli, O.xf'oril ; called to 
 the bar at the Inner Teiiiple 18711. 1. How to Appeal 
 against your Kates, (in the Metropolis,) Lon., 1887, 
 12iuo. 2. How to Appeal against your Hates, (outside 
 tlio .Metropolis,) l,on., I8,s7, 12ino. 
 liOwrie, James. The Uoman or Turkish Bath, 
 Kdiii., IS(U. I61110. 
 Lawry, llev. Walter, 17fl:!-I8.i9, b. at Ruthcrn, 
 Cornwall; was superintendent of the Wosloyan 
 ini.ssions in New Z alaud. 1. Friemlly and Fcejoo Jsl- j 
 ands, I.on., I8,')0, 12ino. 2. A Second .Mis.sionary Visit , 
 to the Friendly ami Feejee Islands, Lon., 18 ! IJiuo. , 
 LaWN, Kdward, h, I.s;i7, resident at Tenby ; justice 
 of the peace for I'embrokeshire. Tile History of Little 1 
 1 ngland beyond Wales, and the Non-Kymrio Colony 1 
 settled in I'embrokeshire. Illust. Lon., 1888. 
 "Such a hrid well deserves a good local history, and 
 Mr. Law.s's licjk i.-. on the whole, a fairly satisl'aet<iry piece i 
 of work."— .sv:,. Iter., Ixvi. tm. 
 I.nwsoii, A. J. A .Manual of Phonography j or, | 
 Writing' by Soun I, Lon., I88;<, er. Svo. 
 Lav/Hon, Charles. A; Home on Furlough. Sec- 
 ond J-'-jries. Ma<lras, 187.'), 8vo. 
 Lawson, 9lri>. Emily iU., wife of Kev. Robert 
 LawBon, infra. 1. Records and Traditions of IJpton-on- 
 Severn. By K. M. L. Lon., 1809, p. 8vo; new ed., enl., 
 entitled "The Nation in the Parish; or, Records of 
 Upton-on-Severn," Lon., IBSa, p. Svo. 
 " Mrs. Ijiw.soii has caught the true notion of what a local 
 history .should be.— that is, ii contribution to the general 
 history of the nation. .\nd in a large jiart of her small 
 book she ha.s carried out the conception with much suc- 
 cess. . . . The part which is given to the earlier history is 
 uncritical."— .Sptdutor, Iviii. 3y3. 
 2. Through Tumult and Pestilence: a Tale of the 
 Bristol Riots and the Cholera Time, Lon., 1886, p. 8vo. 
 3. The Black Coppice: an Old-Fashioned Story, Lon., 
 1887, 12ino. (She is said also to be the author of Rina 
 Cliff: a Village Character, Lon., 1871, p. 8vo.) 
 Lawson, (Jeorge, F.R.C.S., surgeon to the Royal 
 London Ophthalmic Hospital; surgeon oculist inordinary 
 to the queen, Ac. ; was assistant surgeon in the Rifle 
 Brigade during tho Criiiiaar. .var. 1. On Gunshot 
 Wounds of the Thorax, Lon., I80S. 2. On .Sympathetic 
 Ophthalmia, Lon., \»(ib. .1. Injuries of tho Eye, Orbit, 
 and Kyelids, Lon., 1867, 8vo ; 8lh ed., 1884. 4. Diseases 
 and their Cure; 2d to 4th eds., Lon., 187,3-80, 12mo. o. 
 A Manual of Diseases and Injuries of the Hyo; 5th ed., 
 Lawson, Rev, George Nicholas Gray, M.A., 
 graduated at St. John's College, Cambridge, 1838 ; or- 
 dained IS.SS; vicar of Upleadon, Gloucestershire, 1874. 
 1. Plain and Practicvl Sermons, Lon., ii-47, Svo. 2. 
 The Woman of Samaria — the Church in Mystery, Lon., 
 1850, Svo. 3, A Catechism on the Fall and Restoration 
 of Man, Lon., 1859. 4. Marriage with Two Sisters pro- 
 hibited, Lon., 1870, Svo. 
 Lawson, Harriot Hutchinson Wormald. 
 Original Poetry, South Shields, 1857, 4to. 
 Lawson, Henry, M.D. 1. A Manual of Popular 
 Physiology, Lon., 1863, 12mo. 2. Sciatica, Lumbago, 
 and Brachialgia, Lon., 1872, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1878. 
 Lawion, Hugh A. Saireil Hours: Chapters on 
 Clnisliiin Life for Vouiig People, Lnu., 1877, p. 8vo. 
 LawNun, James Anthony, I.L.D., 1817-1887: i>. 
 at Waterlbrd: graduated at Trinity College, Dublin, 
 called to the Irisii bar 1810 ; judge id the court "f com 
 iiion picas from 1m«8. 1. Five Lectures on PoliliiMl 
 Kconomy, Lon., 1811, 8vo. 2. Ilyiiini usitali !,atiii.' 
 redditi : with other Verses, Lon., 18s:i, 12nio. 
 LuWHOll, ('apt. John A. 1. Wanderings in IIm 
 Interior id' New (liiinea, Lon., \!<Tj, p. Kvo. 
 "The aullior tells his story well. . . . Hut when He lii- 
 i|Mire Into the value of this bonk as a euiilriliulion In f. , 
 uniphleul science, weeaiinnt speak so liuniinilily. liidci I 
 aller perusing the astiiuiiillng .stalenuiitMnntained In 11 
 the irader may feel inelliied to think Hint Hie linnk Is :ii- 
 tendeil to be a work of liitlniuather than nl actual travel ' 
 —Aih., .No. '-'477. 
 (A searching exiiuiination of a great number of stale- 
 nients in this book will be fuunil in a letter from ('iipi. 
 J. Moresby, R.N., Alluiiinuii, No. 218.'). In No. 2l-','i 
 Capt. Lawson replies to this letter, and writes, " .My ili<. 
 ooveries will sooner or later answer all cavillers, an 1 
 henceforth reviews and criticisms will receive notliiii),' 
 from nie but silent contempt." A rejoinder by Capt^ 
 Moresby is in No. 21^7.) 
 '-' The Wandering Naturolists: a Story of Adventure, 
 Lon., I s8ll, ji. Svo. (He is also said to be the author ..f 
 a work published under the name of John Bradley, y. 1 ., 
 Lawson, John O. 1. Contracts of Common Car 
 riers, St. Louis, Isso, Svo. 2. The Law of I'sages and 
 Customs, St. Louis, 1882, Svo. 3. Leading Cii-es Simpli- 
 fied : a I idleetion of Leading Coses of the Common l.iiw, 
 St. Louis, 1S82, Svo. 4. Leading Cases Simplilied : a t'ni. 
 hsction of Leading Cases in Equity and Constitutioniil 
 Law, St. Louis, 1883, Svo. 5. Concordance of Woi.js 
 and Phrases construed in Judicial Reports, and Lij;iil 
 Dolinitions, St. Louis, 18S3, Svo. Ii. Tho Law of E.xp'it 
 and Opinion Evidence reduced to Rules : Illustrated Iimhi 
 Adjudged Cases, St. Louis, 188.S, Svo. 7. Adjudged CaM'^ 
 on Insanity as a Defence of Crime: with Notes, St. 
 Louis, 1881, Svo. 8. The Law of Presumptive Evideme, 
 San Fran., 1SS5, Svo. 
 Lawson, Leonidas Moreau, M.D., LKl2-18r,i: 
 b. in Nicholas Co., O. ; graduated at Transylvania Uni- 
 versity 1837; held professorships in the ijliio .Mcdiciil 
 College and other institutions: delivered lectures befoie 
 the medical department of the University of London. 
 A Practical Treatise on Plithisis Pulnionalis, Cin., I.'^lji. 
 ].iaw8on, llev. ltob<;rt, M.A., graduated at ('liii>t 
 Church, Oxford, 1844; ordained 1S40; rector of Uplnn- 
 on-Severn since 1864. Upton-on-Severn Words and 
 Phrases, (Eng. Dialect Sue. Pub.,) Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 ^ Lawson, Robert, I.L.D., graduated in surgery at 
 Edinburgh ; served in the Crimea, &c. ; inspector-gen- 
 eral of hospitals. On Epidemic Influences, (Milroy Lec- 
 tures,) Lon., 18S8, Svo. 
 Lawson, Thomas W. The Krank: his Language, 
 and what it means. Illust. Bost., 18S8, 48ino. 
 Lawson, Walter K. 1. (Trans.) The Violin .Man- 
 ufacture in Italy, by C. Schebek, Lon., 1877, Svo. 2. 
 (Trans.) ^Esthetics of Musical Art, bv F. G.Hand, Lon., 
 1S80, Svo. 
 Lawson, William, of St. Mark's College, Chelsea. 
 1. Eminent English Writers, Lon.. 1875, 12mo. 'J. 
 Modern Geography, Physical, Political, and Comiuci- 
 oial, Lon., 187ii, l2mo. 
 Lawson, William, son of Sir Wilfrid Lawson, 
 first Bart. With Hi ntku, Cinni.Ks D., F.C.C., and 
 others, Ten Years of Gentleiiian-Farming at Blcnner- 
 hasset, with Co-Operative Oiijects, Lon., 1874, p. Svu. 
 " No conclusions can be drawn from the hook eitlier fur 
 or against co-n|ioration as applied to agriculture. Tliere 
 is no method whatever in Mr. Lawson's co-operation. . . . 
 He has had plenty of money, and has lieeii able to try a 
 number of experiments with things and men, the Iniii'icr 
 probably very valuable, the latter very interesting and 
 often diverting."— A>cc/n(or, xlviii. 19. 
 Lawson, William John. A Handy Book on the 
 Law of Banking, Lon., 1S.')9, l2ino; new ed., 1871. 
 Lawson, William Norton, M.A., b. 1830; grad- 
 uated at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1854 ; called to the 
 bar at Lincoln's Inn 1856; recorder of Richmond since 
 1869. Tho Practice as to Letters Patent for Inventions, 
 .tc, r.on,, 1884, Svo. 
 Lawton, George. The Religious Homes of York- 
 shire, Lon., 1853, Svo. 
 Lawton, George W. The American Caucus Syc 
 It a in say. Til lei of i|, 
 l.ay, K. Kiiziiheth. 
 ^'• !••• I.. Halt., isr.l. I :.„„,. 
 Ilmv ti) bo 
 ' I-nyo, Mm. 
 Lllll., ]SH\, p. MH). 
 Layitoii, John !•' ti,« u. i 
 I I-wyloii, lr.,derlck wl iC 
 hp;«oo,,u| Chur,.|, IS,«, An,Ji,,,"r;,)"h, /'.''''"'''"' ^'"■'' ^''^- "' 
 I. Thii tnaliiiit 
 ' Aililri'Hat'K, 1,1,1 . 
 "f t' oonfiii- 
 , I'nd I'n.phetleal 
 .. ■•■ '■""•. I'^'i'.', IL'iiK, 
 I ei'iiy ,,,„i i,,,,iro,„, iss.i. 7 T lu A:.; ""• ,'• "''■'"^•" '"I"''", ti t ,'Z r f'"";'"- '""' "■"■"i"'i""^ 
 •Viition, Pure i.n.1 Ai,..(„lin,l ri |. i ., "^'^^'' '" ""' l'"i "oii„. vi-i,-, 1,. . '' foiirtwi, „n.| Mnrntceii 
 vice i„ China 1-llhin-n"'-', •:;':'".'''' "'" "^^^ "»>- ' '!>« Conh y .':"";'" '""-''' "<"'■ '•■"ntril,,,,,., , 
 Nineveh „r^.M,rTV",- ''^"- "*"'• "^o- 
 I-«n., miM, .The I.'" ^'"'A"' ^^'•'^- !""»' 
 li"". M»«,c;.i„, n,l Kill ,ni ' ,T,'"'"', f "'P^'' "■"' *'"»"- 
 i».- The a„,i;.„^ih™,^r^T.:"Hi;';"""'"'^r"'' 
 oorpomtinK tlie Uinull. „f in .\ ,*■"""""' revise,!, in- 
 Adventures i„ iCik ^,;:- "'"■ T" T''"' «• Early 
 Willi Tribefb or, the bi': ""^ ""^'"'^'"i '>».! «th..r 
 "ndiiiu.s,. u„,,ssr%'';:i:7J',;;; ""''• ""^-^ 
 .;:»i;i'li:;™,-'|^;,^^J,,J5reat explira,,,.,, fi.rty years 
 Hre, as It were, the Viirrmii ,,,.? ,^- '■'''^^'' ' '" '•''V^- '''l^'y , 
 "■rain arilstie reser" , '.Iv, V ' ,'"""'">' "i'"'''! "itli a 
 ;urw,,n,lerlsli,nvs ,. K'l I .Vn,'''"''*'''^'''''''''"' 
 .'emu. Part I tL M „ ?• ""^ ^" ■^"""' African Afii. 
 • lllll., 1 he Jlaminaha. Cano Town Iftiw f> 
 vifaivepa;^;^^.'''^;)/, "a";"^ '"'^ "'""« 
 i2,„„. ^:(.p" '■;'';''"i'« »»' <i'"-';i'ev'i,ir;.,'phiia., 1874, 
 -Heine: .o\liri prXd^i'm '''''''''!' "' "^'"^i'''' 
 I Heine, .\. Vork, l.ssi i .■^„ ".Diographical ,-^keteh „f 
 : the Dance to i.eath,'a,;;;";:;be;"pr:2: N^ ^,^t^ 
 I.av„r... '^.!!:.'^:^''"T''. f-n.. lHr5-H4.2vol.Svn' ^^^-j-. • ■ . The whoie'bllo^it-itWel^i'!^,;;/ 
 2 ";k1ZV """ " "-g-Pfieal Sketch, Bi.t., ,,ss,' 
 I o,. ' . . 
 «'il'^Si.te'r,L'„.''i"s':^pX'„"''«- ^'^'"^' "'' Th" 
 'jaii.i;..,, !,,;„. HsTp 8^""";. 'pr""-'\'"".' ''>• '^'t'l"'-'* 
 f"" IHSr, p. Svo Through the West {ndio.., 
 •"^"'"'tncrir'Abv, '''"• «'«"-"-. Vork. 
 "f .he PeopleI'Ln.' "sfif'So.' ■"■' ""'"^'^ ^''='"- 
 Pila.ion, with Nu, : ,:,|'a!E;s, y. ""^""™' ^'""- 
 'iM'itv appears to He imf ,n''? '■\^''=''>' ""fqual. . . i Reports, vols, i.-xi nsVs ls«". f v- ,:"'"■'' 
 "li*nation>-.s,,^ /^'.jf'j^'i'j'.ij^al'straet reasoniiV),', but iii '8vo. ' (''''^-l^S,),) Juashvillc, 
 ■ ''^''' '^"- Floride Clemson, ("c. d 
 Je Flori," 
 imuuil.,) b, lit Pendleton VUIaKo> ^-^'-i '^ K'""''-''"")!'''* 
 (if .li)hn ('. Oftlliijuti. I. l'(Rt Skii'i!, iind "llier K.xpt'rl- 
 luiMiM 111 Viimllldiition, N. Yurk. L". TniiiKliiliuin, uinl 
 ollii r llli.viiii'H, I'hilii., IMS'.'. PrUiili'ly |irintB.l. 
 lifil, Hev. I'rt'AvTivh Siiiicu^, M.A., K^'luuloil, 
 Itrfl fliir.« Lit. Ilii , lit Wiiillmm Collide, Oxluril. If'SI i 
 onliiiiiuil IM.M ; |,i.-iili)nt of Sioii Collc^.- IH7I-7:'; nio 
 tor of TiilHtiino-Dflium^rii sinoii IH7,t. Tlici Uoyiil Hon- 
 iiiliil mill Culli'Kiiili' Cliuriili of Siiint Kntlioriiic iiuiir tlii' 
 Tower, ill it» Udliition to thu Kimt of l.omlon, l,oii,, 
 IHTH, 8vQ., Ilev. (;iMirRe. Momuir of Jutiii Diivius, 
 Lull., \XM, I -'mo; M lmI., Is;:)., Mrs. II. Wciiry Wciilth : a Novel, hon., 1SS4, 
 1). Svo. 
 1,611, H' iity ChttrleN, b. 1S25, In I'liil .iilpbla i 
 Hon of iHii. I/Oii, ((/.'•., (i,i(c, vol. i. ;) enlurecl lu.i l.:.llii'r'« 
 iiublialiiii^' hoiii-e ill Mio ii|;e of nevfntiiun, im.l uiliimitely 
 liccuini) |irinoi|ml ol tlio eoni'ern. Hi? publi-lieil seviMiil 
 |Mi|iur.< on rhi'iiiii-try ami uonclmlony, liim .•onlnl>iiliiJ 
 liir){i)ly tu 1 viinv* iinil |jerioilioiiln, ami liii" in iilo a 
 .•<|ieoial lilihlj of Hiiroiioiui iiiiuliiBval cculc^iiii'tical lii.<- 
 tory. 1. .■'ii|nTslition anil Koreo : KsKiiys on tlic Wa^or 
 of i.inv— thu \Va«i)r of llattio— (lie Ordeal— Torture, 
 I'liila.. isiill, iL'iniii :ia U.I., rov., iss:!. 
 "Very Kcliolarly ami truly crltluil essays."— -Viifwn. 111. 
 2. .\n Historioul Skutuli of .Siieordotal Culibaoy in the 
 Clin.«tian Cliuruh, Phila., 1867, 8voj 2d ed., cnl„ BiMt., 
 " II Is ttu' rpMill of n vast amount of patient lalinr, of 
 eiiiUess reiiilliiK in iiliiuist tlie wlmle riiiiKe of clmri'li Ills- 
 tory . . . Tills iimss of iimlerial Mr, I,ea has nut only reail 
 ami miteil, lint (li^e^lell; so Umlwliat nilitlit easily liiivo 
 iletfeiieraled Into an iinreiulaliU! .jninlile of seiittereil notes 
 aiipears us a wellunlcM-eil whole, so earel'iilly iirraiitfeil in 
 its ilivislons that one liiis lillle .limeiilty 111 liolillllK the 
 Ihreiiil of the narrative." — .Vndoii. xxxvlii. J)'.!. 
 '•.•iiiice the ureiil history of Dean .Milnmn, I know no 
 work ill KiiKlisli uliieli 1ms Ihniwii iiime liKht on llie 
 laiinil comlitlon i if the Miihlle .Vxes, ami none which is 
 inure littod to ilispul the K'ross llhisions euiiceniiiiK llmt 
 Ijeriuil whieli jioslllvo writers anil Hriters of a eerlaiii ee- 
 I'le-iiiMieiil seliuiil have ispireil lo snslaln."— W. K. H. 
 hKCKV : Jliil- iij r.uiiiiiran Momh, ehiip. v. 
 :;. Stnilies ill Cliiiruli lliitory : The llise uf the Teiii- 
 piiral I'owc'r; Ileiielit of l.'lergy ; Ivxconiiiiiinieiitioii j 
 mall From llie 
 Tlio Karly Cliureli and Slavery, IMiila., 1 Slii), llinio. 
 "The volume is made i.p of suniewhiit frak'Hienlary hut 
 well-couslilereil ami learned essays iiii a variety uf special 
 topics."— AVt/wn, .\. 7t). 
 4. Translaliona, and other Rhymes, Phila., 1882, 
 I'.'ini). I'rivatelv printed. 5. A History of the Inqui- 
 sition of the Middle A);es, N. York, 1SS7-SS, :i voH. 8vo. 
 " Mr. takes his subject in its widest iiicaiiiiiK. Ily 
 the history of the Imiiilsithni he means not merely an ne- 
 couiit of the institution itself, hut an exhaustive examlim- 
 tiiiii of the social, inlellectiial, and political cuiidltiiins 
 which produced It. He means, I'urtlier, an array of lllus- 
 Irations of ilsworkini; ami of ilsellecls upon society. Kuch 
 as make anv serious ilouhls as to the i;eiieral accuracy of 
 his preseiUiitiim ImpossiMe. . . . It iiiav he safely said that 
 no iiresentalioii of the sl.iry of the Imiuisltloii by previous 
 writers can be at all compared with this for its clearness ot 
 vision, its comprehension of the problem, and iis tliuroU(,'li- 
 iiessof research "—S'llion, xlvi, -l-'iii. 
 "He lias chosen a subject of extreme interest and im- 
 portanpe. and has treated it in a manner that leaves noth- 
 ing to be desired with respect to erudition, while he has 
 nt the same time produced a IhorouKlily readable book, 
 well Krranged, full of Incident, and vigorously written."— 
 Sal. Rev.. Ixvi. 'll. 
 "The hook he«iiis with a survev of all that led to the 
 growth of heresv, and to the crealion, In the thirteenth 
 centurv, of exceptional tribunals for its suppression. 
 There can be no doubt that this is the least satisfaeiory 
 portion of the whole. It is followed by a singularly care- 
 ful account of the steps, legislative and adniiiiistrallve, by 
 which church and state combined to organize the liiter- 
 iiiediate institution, ami of the iiiiiiiner in which its meth- 
 ods wore formed by practice. .S'uthing in Knropean litera- 
 ture can compete with this, tlie centre and substauee of 
 Mr. Lea's great history. In the remaining volumes he 
 .summons his witiie.s,ses, calls on the nations lo declare 
 their cxperienec, and tells how the new force acted upon 
 society to the end of the middle ages. History of this iiii. 
 dellncd and international citst, which shows the same wave 
 breaking upon many shores, is alwiivs dillicult, from the 
 want of visible unity and prugression, and has seldom suc- 
 ceeded so well as in this rich Imt unequal and disjointed 
 nariiitive. ... As a philosophy of religious jH'r.secntioii 
 thw )ii«i!,- la in.itlpquntc. The derivation of sects, though 
 resting always upon good supports, stnnd.s out from iiii in- 
 distinct bin'kgroiind of dogmatic history. The intruding 
 maxims, darkened bv shadows of earth, fail to insure at 
 all times the olijectlve and delicate handling of mediieval 
 theory. But the vital parts are protected by a panoply of 
 AIMkcuhIhii crusade to the fall of the 
 Tcmplarn and to Ihat Kraiiilscan iiiovemcnt wherein llic 
 kev to liiinle lies, the desluii and organl/jitloii. the Rctivlly 
 anil decline uf the liii|iilsiili nstltiitu a sonml ami 
 solid siruclnic that will survive the cctisiire of all erilicii ' 
 — I.oiiii AiTon; KiiiiUkIi llhliirinil Hniiw, No. 12. 
 ! I<en, John WnltiT, b |s2S; grudmilcd at Wod 
 I ham Ciillegc, tlxford, I8|S. |. Ihi! Cliureli Ooelrlnn •■ 
 ! Confension and Ahsulutiun, Lon., Ix,')!!, 12100. 2, Tiie 
 lUsliup's Dath of lloiiiiigc, Lon., 1870, 8vo. 3. Chris. 
 tlan Marriage: its Open uiid Secret Kncniies in Knglnnl. 
 Loll., 1881, Svo. 
 I,i'«, illiitliew inrcy, b. 183:i, in \Miilai|i.||ihiii 
 ion of Isaiie Lea, (7. c, iinli, vol. 1.;) has inililislu I 
 nniiieroiis papers on clioniieal subjects. 1. Ncwiimn < 
 Manual for Coloring I'liolugraplis, I'liila., 18tlfl, l2iiio, 
 2. Manual of I'liotugrapliy, I'liila., 1808, Svo; 2il od., 
 1872. With Wii.sus, K. L., I'hotographio Monaiis, 
 I'hila,, 181111, 121110. 
 l,ea, V«'H. Uilliitm, M.A., graduated nt liriKe- 
 nose College, Oxford, ls|l; ordained IslH; vii'iir of Si. 
 I'eterV. Driiilwich, 18411; lion, canon of Worcoiitcr I8.'i8; 
 archdeaion of Worcestur since 1881. 1. Catechising- 
 un the I'niyer lliiuk, Lon., 1st!.',, IHino. 2. Sernioiis mi 
 the Prayer Uuok preached in Home, Lon., 18110, 12iii'i. 
 :). CateollisinKS on the Life of Our Lord, Lon., I87ii, 
 12ino. 4. Church Plate ill the Arelideueonry ot Woret'i 
 ter, Lon., Iss I, r. svo. 
 I,eai'li, MrNi Fancy Work-Hasket : Necdlc-Wm l(, 
 Crewel-Work, Ac., Lon., 188(1-88, :i vols. 4to. 
 lifHCh, AU'rccl. The Letter II, I'list, Present, 
 and I'nturc; a Treatise, Lon., 1 sSII, 12mo. 
 lieach, Arthur i'ranciN, M \ . b. IS.'il; grmlu 
 »led nt New College, (Ixhiril, 1874; I ollow of All Souls 
 College 1874-82; called to the bnr 1,: tlie Middle i ■ iiiple 
 18711. Digest of the Law of I'robato Duty, Lon., ISTs, 
 liCacli, Hev. C'liarlPH, F.d.S. I. Lanipa nml 
 Lighters: Sunday Lectures to the Masses at lliriiiiiig- 
 liaiii, Lon., 1877, P.'ino. 2. Old Friends: Sunday Half 
 Hour Lectures to Working- People, Lon., 1882, ISnio. :i. 
 How 1 reiiclied the .Musses lugellier with Twenly-Twn 
 Lectures delivered in the liirmiiigliam Town Hull mi 
 Sunday Afternoons, Lon., 1887, cr. 8vu. 4. Mothers of 
 the Ilible, Lon., 1888, 12nio. 
 I Leiivh, Kev. 1). !•'. Wilbert Eldred; or, l.i it 
 Well with the Child.' I'hila., 1887, 12mo. 
 I Leach, JBdwitrd. Incidents in the Life of K. 
 '■ Wright, Lon., 187(1, 12ino. 
 Leach, Francis, U.A., of Liincashirc, Eng, cililur 
 of the Harrow Times. I. Furncss, Past and Present: 
 its History and Antitiuilics, 1871, 4to. 2. Harrow in 
 Fnrness: its Kise and Progress, 1872. 
 Leach, II. 1. Brief Notes on Cholera in Turkey, 
 Lon., istili, Svo. 2. Hygienic Condition of the Meniiii- 
 tile Marine, Lon., 18117, Svo; new ed.. 1871. 3. Tlie 
 Ship-Captiiin's Medical Guide; lid ed., Lon., ISCi'.i, p, 
 8vo; 7tli ed., I87t), 4. Pocket Doctor for the Traveller 
 and Colonist, Lon.. 187.^; 2d ed., 187S. or. Svo. ,'1. A 
 Bit of Bulgaria, Lon., 1877, I2nny. 
 Leach, !S. F. 1. Orammatieal Introduction lo tlio 
 London Plinrniaeopociii, Lon., 1849, ISmo. 2. in-lrno- 
 tions for the Manugenieut of the Aquariuin, Lon., Is.ifi, 
 12 mo. 
 Leach, Rev. Thomas, B.A. A Short Sketch of 
 the Tiaetariaii Upheaval, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 Lnach, W. The l'ri>gre.«8 of Life: a Poem, Lon., 
 ISOi, p. Svo. 
 Leacock, Itcv. William Thomas, D.D. 
 Thoughts tor the Devout: Ash- Wednesday to Kaster, 
 N. York, 1887, 12mo. 
 Leadam, Isaac Saunders, M.A., b. 1848; grad- 
 uated at University College, Oxford, 1871 ; onllod lu the 
 bar nt Lincoln's Inn 187(1. 1. Farmers' Uricvuntce, 
 Lon., 1880. 2. Agriculture and the Lund Laws. .1. 
 1 Coercive Measures in Ireland. 4. What Proteetimi doca 
 for the Farmer: a Chapter of Agricultural Hislory, 
 \ (Cobden Club;) :id ed. 5. The Extension of the Fran- 
 j ohisc, Lon., lS8,"i, 2 parts, ji. Svo. 
 ] Leadam, T. K, Homoeopathy as applied to Dis- 
 i eases of Females, Lon., 1S5I, Svo. 
 I Leadbeater, in. Annals of Bnllitore; 2d ed., with 
 j Memoir, Lon., 1862, 2 vols. fp. Svo. 
 Leader, J!:hn Uunici, F.S.A. Mary Q'lefn of 
 Scots in Captivity, Sheffield, 1880, Svo. 
 " He has contined his work to the years whicli Mary 
 passed under the guardianship of Shrewsbury. ... He 
 lias done his work thoroughly well, and has spared no 
 ■iuanvt J . I*. Till. A... !■ w 
 H'vlo. Kjll.-lbvTw I.-, V •^"l""""'* In 111,. K,„n 
 II'" I"iw nf .„, ,r,„.r, •„ '• '^''.'•■l"""'"l"r.v liiKi,,, .,f 
 l.i'n., IS71, Nv,,. '>'"""''l'» ''"""f 1'roj.erty in Land, 
 boiuK l'u..,u„,.„ |V,„„ (ho Vl'i- , -'.f V '" , '■■'""' '*'•'•"» ■ 
 iiiw uil., ismi. ' ^l'"""'!-] ''Oli.i 1M5», p. Hvo; i 
 lienkey, Kmilv l> i \f , 
 .^. .,,/,' ^'.""'y •• 1. Mirnolr. „f Mor«v| or,! 
 l-H«. .'I vol,, or. Mv„ .TM S„U^*,*';'s ''^ ""'"'• '•"" ■ 
 • >"l«. or. Nvo. ;t» T ,n Villi /?'■''■''• '"'"•• "•"«. 
 Svo. ''"• ^"'" "l''''l«f«<'rounil, I,on., |HM«, 
 I- K"«»l|M.ii,l „i„ru (.m'^s iVr, ,,:'',' I""!"-" In vlnv, 
 ('■111,. iv,„|Ki,i,. ,.n„„i, 1. \ "''„",';';' "-»*'lll !'<• 
 .10 A IV .!.._ , ."/ ""'Mil llllii,.. — /lril>/., XXX. L'.'iH. 
 1 J ■•■•■■I 
 A»ku.l of Uo,|, |,„„., 
 l'*'*:i, |). 8vo. 
 I<<!iikiii, llcv. <: A 1 r "• I', ■•'vo. 
 n.»o», \. Vork, IH.I.I, 2m', 2 lw'i"r "V '''"'''I""' '•■■'- '' 
 IC'IH, ismo. ' • ■^^ ' *"""'"' I'liw, N. York, I 
 ."-':"' ':,,'f":^.:!:^r''^,^'^7^-, "-''i'«'''' <^'>»'- 
 ■^. '"-.connu'C.^:;,: ;,:;[,:; '^«^' -'•'''"''• 
 «g» Worn,,,,, !,„„., IS,;.-, .; .V""' 'i' '^'o- , ■)-^Woi„hu 
 l-'". i vol.,. p. svo II t'rT 1 '"•. J'.'''"'"'!. I".n., 
 » N'n..l, Un., I871.'.- v'n „ s'vo !■ 7/^ "'" ""''«^ 
 «<■ C,i,,Min Marryat". I.on.; l';; r'g voN '."^"■"' '"-"""•» 
 "HiiyuiiK From 
 "ri;, iveKi'l, If imta< 
 toiicli...s in ill 
 Sat. A'rc, XX 
 iiJ.'ilMmi;ii^l:';i'^;;^A';io;;r\i;i:i;ilf >">« "pr«.;miv lu.iueea 
 '" m- "lie. . . . Ff*„„ 11,,, ' ,\ J . I*', "' very lliif,. interest 
 'm. we Kel, If not a « pi e fn i J',, T.'^f''-''' '""•'' "» "'fy 
 >-'.''^f^'5n;'e::;!„^i:;;<''^^r;' *>;■». f-on..,sr, 
 l!"ii'"'e,-q, I.on .srii'-iio ' iVt' f;''°- . '^- MaJ 
 -N"vH, 1.01,., is/. 3 ;„;'""• . .**• f igbting the Air: a 
 111. .Mv Own Phi ,1 v^ ' ™! °«" 6'!.. If^rS. 1 vol 
 vols. p. Sivo. 2« TheUoo nf'AM g"",'"."™' '"'■>•■ W8, S 
 V0I...CT.8VO.2U Fair H •?■']' ''>'="• ''""- IS**", 3 
 >•'■■ ■•'vo. .m. My .«" ei uir'A'^.'*^"- '"'"•• ''^■^"- 3 vol,, i 
 '•^Sl. ■■! vols. p8^v„ "!.",' '" V^""^ " '"^"vel, Lon., 
 ■•""., 'm, .•."v-oror. 8l-o."^;; '^^ ^'-.- "/ovei; 
 "■^vo: noweU. LCb 14 p.'^"""*' !'""- '^H -•* vol«. 
 ""f, ■■on., 1885, p. Hvo 3« -rL u ■ 'i?" ""^ •^'""' ^^'"•■ 
 , I "VO. dB. The Heir Presumptive, Lon., 
 Lon., |ssH,.'!;ol,o'r V; ir.'l "i ^'""""^ " ''"Vl. 
 ' A I.i.llo ws, „''• J^^, ■";■ ^'- '^v'-. 4 J. .Sempplo, „r, 
 r'-inplete IV,,,rk.,l tt,l i' u '""'"».v I'urv,,* : ft 
 Haillviv Cun,... ,;,. 7,',',, '^";j'i:„'|.V'"" "' '^^el'ln^ Out 
 '.■i.VK":;™';;,';;"'!;" ; •? '■'"'• •< •- 
 A Dook „(• V r"""""' '"'»•• 1^51, r..'<vo 2 
 l8ro/ later ,.;i.H. "i" i'?:/ 1' ,""'' -^^'l-- l^«»i new ed., 
 O'-rsiea, U^'lHM V""!, " ''"■"'™'l-- fainter in 
 f!:l^^::::"U!ic^z ;feiJ:^::„;/',;T!i'"' "■" ^''"o 
 l;<',ir reineinl„.|e,l l,y 1 l.s • S ;,l \- , " '"'.^'Hy Mr. 
 -;.ri^;:.'xxx'!;^''^-''''""-^"- -rs.c 
 "V:-. Hl..viiu...',iot,:n; •,l„",:,;„ «•"«'■« N-"n»en.o Pio- 
 ;.ve;^?r^L^^,^,{^n,li;,-v.^^i;}j.VV" ;-■>'' "ot 
 liav,. loi,l n.'aily «» 11,11, 1,^, ''"'''"■ ""' "UlioiiKli wo 
 uSne;^l^:rf^::,'i'"i*«. ^l^-^rrero wile of 
 wrie.. 4. The W^ZZ '\ ,T' J"'"' ,''-'8-^"- '>vo 
 32mo. 6. The Ar ■ L', A s'^'P^' '"',"' '""' ^ part., 
 Anon. (i. Aunt All, V, u T ""';"• '"'"• '«», 12mo 
 i^'-k, Lon., i,s-i "2 !. ;.;\^rTT"r"'V'''-'r''y'''-- 
 I'arish, Urn.. |S51, „ sV « n {l'''' "' » London 
 Tale, of Kirkbeck I ;„ M52 ■ "v u^V,'"^ """'' 
 "f Ma.lame Louise do Kr„n' n ' ' ,''"• '"• '^''"' Life 
 sketehof^FatherJJe^.Vr'',"^;'/. .'■I'f''''-" ""}" i" thl^ 
 joining the Uomlnicun Or lefmolil' ic' '' "iid after hi.s 
 (.•or<laire."-i,a/. Jiev xxxm ""'' *"spices of La- 
 "• "• ^"""'''' "« Snies, Bishop and Prince of Geneva 
 ■ ^t»^«^- 
 Lon., 1871, p. Svo. III. (Trans.) The Spiritual Letters 
 of St. Francis do Sale?, Lun., 1871, p. Svo. 20. (frans.) 
 Jlenry I'orruyro: a Hiograpliy, by A. J. A. (Jratry, Lon., 
 1872; new 0(1., 1S76, II. Svo. 21. Aunt Atta again, l<on., 
 ^ 1872, Ifiino. 22. (Trans.) Tlio Spirit of St. Francis do 
 Sales, by ,lcan Pierre Canui^, I, on., 1872, !<voi new eil., 
 1880. 2:1. (Trans.) Tlie Last Days of l'i>ro (iratry, by 
 A. I;. I'errauil, Lon., 1872, p. 8vo. 24. The Revival of 
 Priestly Life in tlio Soventeunth Century in France; a 
 Slictcli, Lon., 187.'!, p. 8vo; now eil., I88.S. 25. liossuct 
 and bis Contemporaries, Lon., 1874, p. 8vo; new ed., 
 1877. 20. The Hidden Life of the Soul, Lon., IST,'), 
 12mo; new ed., 1880. 27. A Christian Painter of the 
 Nineteenth Century: bcins;; the Life (d' llippolyte 
 Flandrin, I. on.. I87,'i: new ed.. IS77, 12nio. 
 "The trealnienl is tc be coninionded as sympathetic, 
 popular, and free, almost to a fault, from techuicalitl&s." 
 —Snl. Kev., xl..'>oi. 
 28. The Lijjht of the Conscience : with an Introduc- 
 tion by Uev. T. T. Carter, Lon.. 1870. p. 8vo; new ed., 
 1880, lOino. 2!). Fenolon, .Archbishop of Catnbrai : a 
 liiograjdiieal .Sketch, Lon., 1876. |i. 8vo; new ed., 1884, 
 SO. (Trans.) The Spiritual Letters of Archbishop Ffine- 
 lon : Letters to Men; Letters tc VVoineii, Lon., 1877, 2 
 vols. LSino; new ed., 1880. I!l. (Trans.) A Selection 
 from Pascal's Thuu);hts, Lon., IS78,sq. lOiuo. .'!2. (Et'.) 
 For Days and Years: a liook cimlainin); ii Short UeJid- 
 ing and llviun for Every l)av in the Church's Year, 
 Lon., 1878.' lOinu; new ed., 188,'). 3:i. (Trans.) Self- 
 Kenunciation, by F. (luillore, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 34. 
 (Ed.) Here ami There; Quaint Quotations : a liook of 
 Wit, [verse,] Lon., 1881, p. 8vo. 3.'). Weariness: a 
 Book for the Languid and Lonely, Lon., 1881, I2nio; 
 4th ed., 1885. 30. (Ed.) Precious Stones, .tc, Lon., 
 1881, 3 vols. 48mo. 37. (Ed.) Five Minutes' Daily 
 Readings in Poetry, Lon., 1882, 18mo; 3d ed., 1885. 
 38. (Ed.) Sunrise, Noon, Sunset : Selections from Various 
 Authors, Lon., 1882, 3 vols. S(i. 32mo. 39. U. U. La- 
 cordaire; a liiographioal Sketch, Lon., 1882, cr. 8vo; 
 new ed., 1883. 40. Maigre Cookery, Lon., 1881, I8mo. 
 41. (Trans.) The Love of (>od, by St. Francis de Sales, 
 Lun., 1888, l8mo. 
 Lenred, Arthur, M.D., F.R.C.P., d. 1879. 1. 
 The Causes and 'Treatment of Imperfect Digestion, 
 Lon., 1860, Svo; 7th eil., 1882. 2. On the Successful 
 Treatment of Flatulence by a Novel Ijse of Charcoal, 
 Lon., 1865, cr. Svo. 3. Morocco and the Moors: being 
 (in Account of Travels, with a (Jeneral Description of 
 the Country and its People. lUust. Lon., 1875, Svo. 
 " \ very readalile book, ami ime which to the ordinary 
 reader may impart a good deal .if kuiiwlodge and supply 
 a fair anioiuit ut inIero.^t."— .>'(i(. Rev,, .xlii. 424. 
 4. A Visit to the Court of Morocco. Illust. Lon., 
 1870, 8vc. 
 "The author's stay In Morocco .scarcely exceeded two 
 months of the year 1872. He only saw the cimst towns of 
 Tangier, Casa Blanca, Azamiir, Salli, and Mogador, and 
 paid a Hying visit to the capital, whero he remained for 
 seven (lay.s,"— /l//i.. No. 2.)l.'i. 
 I..eariied, William Law, b. 1821, at New London, 
 Conn.; graduated at Y'ale 18(1; admitted to the bar 
 1844; judge of the Supreme Court of New York since 
 LH7d; profess, .r in the .\lbany Law School since 1871. 
 1. (Ed.) The Private Journal of a Journey from Boston 
 to New Y'ork in 1701, kejit by Madam Knight, Albany, 
 1865, 4to. 2. The Learned Family (Learned, Larneil, 
 Learnard, Larnard, and Lerned:) Descendants of Wil- 
 liam Learned, of Charlestown, Mas.sachusetts, in 1>. .2, 
 N. Yiii-k, I8s;i, Svo. 
 Ijeary, Frederick. Ernest .Tones, [a biography,] 
 Lon., 1887. 
 Leary, Kev. Tlionias Iliimphrys Lindsay, 
 D.C.L., graduated at Brasenose College, Oxford, I85t; 
 ordained 1858: vicar of St. Phi' : the Evangelist, Cam- 
 berwell, since 1883. I. A Reply to Scott's ],ife of Jesus, 
 2. The Church of Rome tested by the Words and Works 
 of St. Peter. :'.. (Ed.) The Iliad, with English .Votes, 
 (Biiuinlein's text,) Lon., 1860. 2 vols. p. Svo. 4. The 
 Christian's Jewels. Translated .;d adapted chiefly from 
 the Writings of the Christian Fathers. Lon., 1884, p. 
 Svo. 5. Every Christian's Every-Day Book ; or. Selec- 
 tions for Daily Reading, Lon., 1885, p. Sv; Also, sev- 
 eral school editions of classical authors. 
 Leathnin, Kdwaril Aldain, \iiiiir, vol. i., add.] 
 Charmione: a Talc of i' u tjreat Athenian Revci.'.ion, 
 Lon., 1858, 2 vols. p. Svo; 3d ed., 1864. 
 Iieatlinm, William Henry, [nntp, vol. 1., add.] 
 1. Tales of English Life, and Miscellanies, Lon., 1853, 2 
 vols, Svo. 2. Sequel to " Lesser Poems," Lon., 1879, Svo. 
 Leathes, Edmund. I. An Actor Abroad: ur, 
 (Jossip, Dramatic, Narrative, and Deaoriptivo, Lon 
 1880. 2. The Actor's Wife; a Novel, Lon., 1880, 3 vol-! 
 cr. Svo ; new ed., 1 885. 
 Iieathcs, Miss F. Stanger. 1. liyine Regis: a 
 Quide-Book, 1886, p. Svo. Anon. 2. Our Ncighb.niT 
 hood; a Pocket Hand-Book, 1887. Anon. 
 ' Leatlics, Itlatilda, (llutt,) b. 1830, near Swansn,, 
 Wales; is a niece of Mrs, Sherwood, the well-known 
 ' writer for children, («ii(t', vol. ii.,) and wile of lliv. 
 Stanley Leathes, infrn. She has contributed niiinv 
 short stories to magazines. I. Charity at Home, Lnu' 
 1863, ISino. Anon. 2. Soi-meine; a Story of a Wil''y| 
 j Life, Lon., I860, p. Svo. .Anon. (Rc|irinteil in .Aincrir;,. 
 .under the title of "Mildred Owynne.") 3. Pcnelo|ic'; 
 or. Morning Clouds Dispersed, Lon., 187,1, l2iiio. i K,.. 
 printed in America under the title of " .Mnrriiii;; 
 I Clouds.") 4. The Girls of Bredon, and Manor-lloii.-i. 
 Stories, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 5. Our Village Wnrtliii-: 
 j Stories, Lon., 1877, l2nio. .Anon. 6. On the Diior-<ti |.- : 
 I or, Crispin's Story, Lon., 1880, 12mo. 7. All among tli. 
 I Daisies, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 8. Jack and Jill of our (inn 
 Day, Lon.. 1882, p. Svo; new ed., 1885. 0. Inglc-Nouk 
 Stories. Illust. Lon., 1883, sq. I6mo. 10. The Cagcl 
 Linnet; or. Love's Labour Not Lost, Lon., 1883, p. 8v.i. 
 II. Other Lives than Ours: Fables in Prose, Lon.. |s>-;, 
 sq. Ifiino. 12. To-Morrow : a Story, Lon., 1880, p. sv-,. 
 13. Afloat; a Story, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 14. Over llic 
 Hills and Far Away. Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 Leatlies, Uev. Stanley, D.D., b. 1830, at Elli-. 
 borough, Buckinghamshire: giiiduated at Jesus Coll,,:;,., 
 Cambridge, 1852; ordained 1856; profes.sor of HiIjich 
 in King's College, London, since 1863; rector of ,S|. 
 Philip's, Regent Stieet, London, 1800-80, and since tlicii 
 of Clill'e-at-Hoo ; prebendary of St. Paul's since ISTd, 
 I. The Birthday of Christ: Three Sermons, Lon., iMlil. 
 12mo. 2. A Short Practical Hebrew Urainmar, Lon., ImIs, 
 12ino. 3. The Witness of the Old Testament to Chri.-i. 
 (Boyle Lectures, 1S68,) Lon., 1S68, Svo. 4. The Wit- 
 ness of St. Paul to Christ, (Boyle Lectures.) Lon., l>i,'.i. 
 Svo. 5. The Witness of St. John to Christ, (Boyle 
 turcs,) Lon., 1870, Svo. 0. Truth and Life: Short ,'^( r- 
 mons, Lon., 1872, 12mo. 7. The Structure of the (0,1 
 Testament: a Series of Popular Essays, Lon.. 1873, IL'uin. 
 8. The Cities visited by St. Paul, Lon., 1873, 12nio. '.i. 
 The (Jospel its Own Witness, (Hulsean Lectures,), 
 1874, p. Svo. 10. The Religion of the Christ: its III.- 
 torio and Literary Development considered us an Evi- 
 dence of its Origin, (Bampton Lectures,) Lon,. 1^7), 
 Svo; 2d ed., 1876. II. The Grounds of Christian Hope: 
 a Sketch of the Evidences of Christianity, Lon., |s77, 
 p. Svo. 12. The Christian Creed : its 'Theory and I'liic- 
 tioe, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 13. Old-Testanieul Prophecy : itf^ 
 Witness as a Record of Divine Foreknowledge, (War- 
 burton Lectures,) Lon., 1880, Svo. 14. Studies in (icni'- 
 sis, Lon., 1880, Svo. 15. The Foundations of .Moralilv : 
 being Discourses on the Ten Comniandmcols, l.oii . 
 1882, p. Svo. 16. Characteristics of Christianity, l.cin,, 
 1883, ]i. Svo. 17. Christ and the Bible: Four Lcctuns, 
 Lon.. 1885, p. Svo. 
 Leatliley, Miss Emma, d. 1884; a niece of .'^ir 
 'Villiam Henry Maule. Memoir of the Early Life of the 
 ivight Honourable Sir W. II. Maule, Lon., 1872, p. Svu. 
 Leatllley, Mary E. S. 1. Conquerors and Cqi 
 fives; or, From David to Daniel, Lon., 1875. ISiim. 2. 
 In the Beginning ; or. From Eden to Canaan, Lon.. Ls'i, 
 ISmo. 3. The Stiir of Promise; or. From Bithlehciii to 
 Calvary, Lon., 1875, ISmo. 4. The Story of Stories, for 
 Little Ones, Lon., 1875, l2mo; new ed., 1881. 5. l!u- 
 quiescant ; a Little Book of Anniversaries, Lon,, ISS.s, 
 Leavitt, Kev. John McDowell, D.D., b. IsL'l, 
 at Steulienville, 0. ; entered the ministry of the Protec- 
 tant Episcopal Church ; has been president of I.clii,di 
 I'nivcrsity, liethlchem. Pa., and of St. John's I ulk';,'e. 
 Annapolis, Md. : has edited the Church Review and the 
 International Review. I. Faith: a Poem, Ciu., Ixii. 
 2. Afranius, and The Idumean Tragedies: with flio 
 Roman Martyrs, and other Poems, N. York, 1808. Iiiiiiii. 
 3. The Siege of Babylon: a Tragedy, N. York, IMiil, 
 ISmo. 4. Hymns to Our King, N'. York, 1872. i>aio. 
 5. New Worid Tragedies from Old World Life : with 
 other Poems, Lon., 1876, p. Svo. 6. Reasons fur l'':iilh 
 in this Nineteenth Century, 1883. 7. \'isions of Solviaa, 
 Leavitt, Samuel. Peacemaker Grange; or, Co- 
 operative Living and Working, N. York, I8SI, Iftiiio. 
 Leavitt, Sheldon. The Science and Art of Ob- 
 .tetries: „i,h Introduction by R. Ludlau,, Chic. 
 I'Cavitt, TIm 
 Artiflc (,f Kiioi. i)(,s( 
 Lcay, Wiiiiiiiii 
 IMS II. Fuels iibou 
 •Mr. U'cky's >rte is his |,„we 
 I iMTi.l-sciltcred SI 
 "■iHl i)lieii 
 imii'iiii I 
 - -UOll 
 ^-v U,.nada, K,..oH„, South ^^nl^'^'l^h^l^:!!;^^^^^^ 
 Afiien, 1,011., i.snii, IL'iiio 
 i.uri„„., o,?u>«: ;^-^,;;^;;t;: C :;;^o"' f '';^i:f , ■?„""= 
 trillions of Fcwsil I'innH ■ l,„i„ . '''•■' '"'"- 
 .luotion of Sele ..., Ij ,wi^'"= "" '^"'"O'l'e Itcpio. 
 .<M|,„ oFl^r lin,l. ' *= i IV''".""'' ""'''■'■ "'« 
 "f Fossil"l'.h>; s, ton''"' TX,"'Vn",';" ^""'■"'"" 
 <.f .voror.„,ie,td''')'''''" "■" '' '''■ *"• "- '•"-'««; 
 M,^"":^^:'j!!,'i:::,^r;'\ »-""«• •• Lenoir „f 
 V™r.. ny Oiiool- a uCi'v •: u .' rTn" '.s'sT'^'"^ 
 tui^n'ifn;,,^!;:';^,^?^;^;;-; .>r, TravCs in Po. 
 '^^^.s.s^- Mill "moV son • '''"■•'«'»''■ ''^st, Svo. 
 ™sily and pJel^santh• vHlto ' ; , -^'S " 's 
 too .spin, oMt.''-N, " /,";/7;. /i\ ' '.' '^■•'•^f rather than 
 ' •^'•"""•' I- I'luiciples of (ioojurato 
 miLst inovitubly arise ,,n \ Ir I . Lv' "•'" "' J"'l>-'"i^'"t wl.ieh 
 "ti're. liis delii'iilo si l,lc. v-' ' ■ 'l ' ' l^-' l'>-IMUiis of liter- 
 <:hai,i of dis..e,tatin,s ,,,.':, , "l"'*' '" ""■ " '■" " 
 > 'da. iii., iv., |.v|,s2. 
 ' tiv;^"cM'r,::?l'/irt^l;i:P^'^}»«|P:jl,']!vl«lons of ,be narra- 
 : P";';''"U'overnn,e iiV, ,vv u",- >^'"*-" '^'"'J-'i-'l'^' ior 
 , "i"l Iri.-h hiVto,-v|is .M o. V „,, ■^!""';'"" "''"'"'-'■•<. 
 foniierlv re LM,i>i,l »i h\ ,v\ " "i »• to uloit »e liave 
 I hlMori,.;,! wriu!' V ,i^,,'','r' ;;•!''''■''':'>■ 'l"'"i"'''' »s "M 
 . ern,-(l,ere may I.ere fi rV^i „ . \' i'^r,'' "l'' ,".'»>• "seihe 
 he l„.s riowleai- ,1 to e ,■ e,v m, Hh" "'"'",' ''"* '"U'liier, 
 nmllilndiiioiis lk,.|s no ■„",;, „o"'"'';-T'''''' t'><l"zzle by 
 I'MUms. . . . Hi, lir , ..s , ' ,'ri:''^ ''J'-^'^'ft K''item|. 
 hnneve,,|ovvar,ls, ,;,.;;!,";;. V "•« 
 \ o\a. v., \i 18H7 • V 1 ■' '•"• 
 work, \xvo. (Tho'lL^t («; J'l" V":' ™"'P''-'''ng Hie 
 ""' '".^toryof*!;!^" f',^ r;'A -."''^■l-ively with 
 not of Ifnion.) '" ""' ['"-"sing of the 
 Idisbed his ditti,.ult task With i„„.,r,i- ,'■■,''"''*' .'"'■" "«•"'"- 
 iier worthy „f |,is repimt ,,,>'' '?''"','>',"'"' "' » "»"i- 
 every one ,vl,o l,as ai i ,,,,,,, i'.',, '"'"<•. ^^ "Jndtled by 
 "riKiiiftl .so,iree.s of l.J f ,'„ ', "".■fl'"'V"'f"<'« with the 
 iieee.s,sarilv lo i,„„i,. ,■,.,";:."."""'""• loadiiut tliis i.s not 
 "hh''^! "ulm "outb^ciik 'oi'mr p'"""'. T"''^'^ I ''r^-"i'y't" i^Mdy Iu,ioh;i:";i:i:;''- •'■:; -^i-h' thisr ;,^ 
 ISoil, Svo. ""'" "' "^^^ t.Mposed, IJombay, i clnsi„n.s, (Jut it iVtVaek 'i !,1f,'^ V,™', »^i''' a" l«is <•,„,. 
 I^ocKev, io,.„. „.n.s and Taies of Trave,. U„., l^^^^^^^^^ ^L tl:^^%SM^BEl![ 
 ■>'', iL'mo. 
 Age.., I.on.. SS , r HZ.>r> ,'^''"''™" "f '^l' 
 dren's Un,. R, vine, and m,^t'."" Lo'n" "jl^t ",\ ""''- 
 U,., I8,S,S. r 8vo \ I. ^^ """"' °f I'if"- IHust. 
 I 1..8,s m,t ,i '. !;.l '""' Chil-l Ufo. must. 
 '"sr^^^r" '^^; --- '^r'-^ ^^^'^-"• 
 '■WriaklL'.. in^'pr^tica'T'"?- «''»t'-"rd. 1. 
 '">;! Otl-Shoi-o Distane'e Table.' :„„^- ,1^,^ """f/ '^ng'« 
 '""Kuages In issi 1 """ "'^ """" '"'-> "thor 
 --.FiionJr.ix' rsrhrrr'"^ ''""'■'■"- 
 S"|i|"i.scd to bo favorable ri 7'" 1"-«*'<'"»1.V 
 ;t1;---i-^^ttr5:i-:,-«— ^ 
 J-l '-Ji:';;;^\';i;S|;;,^[;l;;: rise a,,,, pro„r,.ss .,f ,„al re- 
 "'':«"iie bv the ,„, " f ,■'■'■'' '"'•''■''"•'"""11 which i 
 I'.'-.'I'ns to the speaker'and h .,,,,-■ \\ """•'™. ae- ' 
 ivith Ineidennr,!. ";,;..■ .:„' '« .'' 'i™I' "f 
 IStiti, 12,no. "*'"'>'• F""- «Dd False: a Tale, Lon., 
 i ^'«Bes'"iVrh?L,7e*oni hl'^'lT ''f""'"" ^"P«'- "■■- ''"»" 
 I 2 vols. p. "v„ J«'-"b,tos Daughter, l.on., 1888, 
 i'ndSu;-Ke,,n,sN,™v Yo,k sn ^>""'>'" "^ ''l'yi«ii">a 
 Macon, Tia,, i ge o^^'v' t.'/l'l^'' ''^''■^''^'''g '" 
 ! ontilic School, lie hifs 1 ,dd .'„ ' , / I'l'urenco Sci- 
 I S""th, and has bee p of sw'"'''f •"'f '™^-^''''" '" "'" 
 i H<'li«i«n ami ScicLee I'^S ' ie ,1"!.'"" ,""? "»'•• '• 
 i "'■ Helatlonof N,,(ur,l !„d , 'V','," "^^ '"'"""•<^« "" 
 •'^.'"■•) IMust, Un , ISM ; 's,''^"'"' I"""' •'^f ntitic" 
 "logy, IS84, ,0 EvoIoii„„ •• % •*• t-oiiipcnd of Oe- 
 si.f;;'?!^'": !^:l"::::;?'v j"" «"?- "« •'■-«.«, a„d th^r 
 i.PtiKor. »;;:o;4'^ ^'T-^^f', f"-"- '.^^s. p. 8vo, 
 I'niliio Inlluen,.e ,uhl T/iri- ^^"' ^^'■''""•y. '^'reating, 
 l:.',n». ^' """' '''<'"'""' E.xpen8cs, Lon., 1857; 
 tivu uiiJ Surgieiil Anatomy of the Inguinnl and Femoral 
 Kcgiuns, oonsidorc'l in Ilelation to Hernia, Lnn., 1881, 
 Ledwicli, Thoiiias Ilawkesworth. Olisurvn- 
 tiona on Subacute Inllauuiiation of the I'rostate Ohtnd, 
 Dublin, 18i7, Hvo. See also LEnwrcH, T. II. and E., 
 mile, vol. i. 
 Ledyard, Laura \V. Very Young Americans. 
 Illust. Host., 1H7L', 8<i. Itimo. With I'ETEHs, W. T., 
 Tutti Frutti: a liook of Child Songs. Illust. N. York, 
 1881, sq. 8vo. 
 Lee, Alec. Romance of Motion; or, A Mode of 
 Motion of the Planetary liodies in Space: a Sketch, 
 Lon., 1S7I, Hvo. 
 Lee, Kt. Kev. Alfred, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of 
 Delaware, [nnir, vol. i., add.,] 1807-1887. 1. Cooper- 
 ative Revision of the New Testament: Method and Prog- 
 ress of the Work, and Share of the American Com- 
 mittee therein, X. York, 1881, 8vo. 2. Eventful Nights 
 in Bible History, N. York, 1885. 
 "Lee, Alfred," (Pseud.) See Fergusom, Joii.n 
 ChAIU.KS, Hllnt-a. 
 Lee, Alfred Emory. The Ba.'.le of Gettysburg. 
 Illust. Columbus, 0., 1888, 8vo. 
 Lee, Alice. I. liravo Janet: the Story of a Little 
 Girl'.s Trials and Victories, Lon., 187U, sq. Ifimo. 2. 
 llow it Happened, Lon., 1879, ItUno. 
 Lee, Miss Ann Elizabeth. The Fruits of the 
 Valley. By A. K. L. Lon., I8.i5. 
 Lee, Arthur. Marble and Marble-Workors : for 
 Architects, Artists, Masons, and Students, Lon., 1887, 
 Lee, Arthur Bolles. The Micotomii't's Vade- 
 Mecuin ; a Iland-Book of the Methods of Microscopic 
 Anatomy, Lon., 188.5, or. 8vo. 
 Lee, Benjamin, M.D., b. 1833, in Norwich, Conn. ; 
 son of Bishop Alfred Lee, Hiipm ; graduated at the Uni- 
 versity of Pennsylvania in 18,')2, and at the New York 
 Medical College in I8.j(i, and since 18fi,i hi. s practised in 
 Philadelphia. I. Contributions to the Pathology, Di- 
 agnosis, and Treatment of Angular Curvature of the 
 Spine, Phi la., 18ti7, l2mo. 2. The Correct Principles 
 of Treatment for Angular Curvature of the Spine. 
 Illust. Phila., 18()-, 12mo. 
 Lee, Rev. Uenjamin Franklin, D.D., b. 1841, 
 at (iduldtown, N.J., of African descent; entered the 
 ministry of the Methc)dist EpLscctpal Church, antl iij 
 1873 becjnie professor of pastoral theology, homileties, 
 and ecclesiastical history in Wilborforee University, 
 Ohio, of which he was elected president in 1876. Wes- 
 ley the Worker. N. York, 18811. 
 Lee, C. A. Edith : a Novel, Lon., 1871, 2 vols. ji. 
 Lee, C. II. The .ludge-Advocate's Vade-Meeuin : 
 enibrueing a Oencral View of Military Law ; 2d ed., 
 rev,, lliohmonil. \'a., IS(i4, Svo. 
 Lee, Catherine. A Western Wild Flower, Lon., 
 18S2, 3 vols. er. 8vo. And see l.KE, Marv, iii/ra. 
 Lee, Charles Alfred, M.D., [mitr, vol. i., add.,] 
 181)1-1872. Hospital Construction : with Notices of 
 Foreign Military Hospitals, N. York, 1833, Svo. 
 Lee, D. .Manual for (ias-Engineering Students, 
 Lon., 18S,5. l2mo. 
 Lee, E. M. (Trans.) The Little '' '"efoot: a Tale 
 of Village Life, by Uerthold Auerbach. 1 1 lust, ("Lei- 
 sure Hour" Ser.) .\. York, 187'i, 16nio. 
 Lee, Edmund. Dorothy Wordsworth: the Story 
 of a Sister's liove, Lon., ISSB, p. 8vo. 
 " This is by mere ri^ht (if its subject an interesitlng book. 
 . Though Mr. Leu is too fond of iiuoting a poera and 
 en reprcKlncing it in Ills own prose, we cannot but lie 
 gratefu! to him for gathering logothe; these records of a 
 then reprcKlncing it in Ills own prose, we cannot but lie 
 gratefu! to him for gathering logothe; these records of a 
 lite which was perhaps the most |icrl'ecC example yet 
 known i>f 'plain living and liii,'h thinking.' "—.ly/i., No. 
 Lee, Edwin, [mite, vol. i., add.] His publica- 
 tions consist aloiist e.tolusively rif works on watering- 
 places and hcalth-icorls, and many of the volumes arc 
 merely reprints of portions of works previously issued 
 under a more general title. T'he following list embraces 
 only a few out of the whole number. I. Nice and its 
 Climate, Lon., 18;il, I2mo. 2. Notes on Spain; with a 
 Special Aecjunt of Malaga, lion., 18,')4, 12nio. 3. The 
 Baths of Oermany, France, an<l ijwit?,nrland; 3d ed., 
 Lon., 1857, 2 volH.'l2mo. 4. The Effect of Climate on 
 Tuberculous, Lon., If.'u, p. 8vo. 5. The Health- 
 Hesorts of the Souih of France: Notices, Uenoral and 
 Medical, Lon., I860, 12moi 2d ed., 1865. (!. The 
 Baths of Switzerland and Savoy, Lon., 1865, 12nio 4th 
 ed,, 1867. 7. lloinoeopathy ami llydropatliy Impar- 
 tially Aopreoiated; 4th ed., Lon., 1866. 8, Animal Mug 
 netisin ami Magnetic Lucid Somnambulism, Lon., l>6(i, 
 12ino. 0. The Baths of the Engadine ; St. Merit: and 
 Tarasp, Lon., 18 'it, fp. 8vo. 111. The Principal Baths of 
 Baden and Wiirtemberg, Lon., 1870, p. 8vo. 11. The 
 Principal Baths of Rhenish Prussia, Lon., 1870, p. 8vo 
 12. fjpa and its .Mineral Springs, Lon., 1870, p. 8vo. 
 Lee, Eli'ia Iluckminster, [uni,; vol. i., add.,] 
 d. 1864. Parlhcnia; or, The Last Days of Paganism, 
 Best., 1858, 12mo. 
 Lee, Elizabeth. Forget-Me-Nots: the Story .,!' 
 a Life's Love, Lon., 1S81, p. 8vo. 
 Lee, F. False Shame, N. York, I860, l8ino. 
 Lee, Frank. The Bohemians : a Y'arn spun on the 
 Quarter-Deck, Paisley, 1884, l2mo. 
 Lee, Rev. Frederick Ueorge, D.D., D.0.1.,, 
 F.S.A., b. 1832, at Thame, 0,\fordshire; graduated S.C.L, 
 at St. Edmund Hall, O.xfonl, where he was a university 
 and .a college prizeman in 1854; onlained 1854; vicar 
 of All Saints', Lambeth, since 1867. He founded and 
 edited 1863-69 the Union Review; was hon. secre- 
 tary of the Association for the Promotion of the Unity 
 of Christendom 1857-60, and one of the founders and 
 officers of the (Irder of Corporate Reunion, cstablishul 
 in 1877, with the object of bringing about a union wiih 
 the Church of Rome. 1. Lays of the Church, and oilici 
 Verses, Lon., 1851, 12mo. Anon. 2. Poems; 2ci i-.l , 
 1855. 3. Petronilla, and other Poems, Lon,, 1858, IL'iiiii ; 
 2d ed., 1860. 4. Death, .Judgment, Hell, and Ilcavin : 
 Four Advent Sermons, Lon., 1858, 8vo ; 3d eil., 1S7I. .'i. 
 The Beauty of Holiness : Ten Lectures, Lon., 1850, IliuMi; 
 4th ed., 1869. 6. Words from the Cross: Seven .-^ir- 
 mens, Lon., 1861, 8vo; 3d ed., 1870. 7. A Staleuieiil of 
 Facta with Regard to his Resignation of the Incum- 
 bency of St. .iohn's, Alerdeen, Lon., 18B1. )', (Kd.) 
 Sermons on the Reunion of Christendom, 1864-65, two 
 series. 0. (Ed.) Miscellaneous ,<ermon», 1865. 10. (Ed.i 
 Saneta Clara on the Thirty-Nine Articles, 1865. II. 
 Christopher Davenport : Articles of the Anglitran Churijli 
 considered, Lou., 1^65. 12. Tho Martyrsof Vienne au.l 
 l.yona : an O.xford Prize Poen; ; 3d ed., 1866. I.".. .Morn- 
 ing and Evening Prayers for Children, Lon., isoii, lOniu, 
 14. (Ed.) Essays on the Reu.iion of Christendom, l.oii., 
 1867, 13nio. 15. (Ed.) Altar-Service Book, Lon.. Is67, 
 3 vols. 4to. 16. Sermcms, Parochial and Occnsicnal, 
 Lon., 1868, 8vo; 2rl ed.. 1873. 17. (Ed.) Book i,( llie 
 (iospels and Epistles, 1868. 18. The Valiility <if the ll.ily 
 Orilers of the Church of England Maintained and \'in. 
 dicated, Lon., 18ii!l, Svo. 10. (I'Id.) .Miinu;iloCleriforain. 
 IS70. 20. The King's Highway, and other Poems; i'l 
 ed., 1872, 12mo. 21. Abolition an^l Rejection of the 
 Athanasian Creed, Lcm., 1872. 8vo. 22. The Bells of 
 Botteville Tower, a Christmas St.iry in Verse, and otiicr 
 Poems, 0\t., 1873, 12nio, 23. The Christian Doi'tmii. 
 of Prayer for the Departed, Lon., 1874, Svo; 2d cil., 
 1875. 24. (ilimpses of the Supernatural : being l•';l.■t^, 
 Records, and Traditions relating to Dreams, Oiiicit-. 
 .Miraculous Occurrences, Apparitims, Wraiths, Warn- 
 ings, Second-Sight, Witchcraft, Necromancy, lU'.. boii., 
 1875, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 " He makes no secret of his own profound faith in the 
 realityof the phenomena he is handling. . . . Hutiti-ii^t 
 at all neces-sary to agree with his conclusions iu ont- r to 
 take an interest in the work, . . . We are cerlaiiilv ii.,t 
 aivarc of any work which ali'ords so copious or «t li iir- 
 ranged an assortmentof materials bearing on tliesuhjt'cl." 
 -~S(U. liei:, xx.\ix. G'J6- 
 25. Memorials of the Late Rev. Robert Strplien 
 Hawker, .M.A., sometime Viear of Morwenstoiv, in llic 
 Diocese of Exeter, Lon., 1876, 8vo. Ami sec Haiiino- 
 (ioiii.Ii, S. 
 "Dr. Lee's 'Memorials' Is a far better record ol Mr. 
 Hawker, [than Mr. Buring-f.'ouli'^liook.l and gives:; uinrc 
 reverent and true Idea of the man."— .IM., No. 'J.'i'ji;. 
 26. A IJIossaryof Liturgical am! Kcclesiastical Tcnrs: 
 wi(h Numerous Illustrations on Wood. Lon., lS7fi. .svi. 
 " However imperfect and at times almost sIovimiIv i(s 
 execution may be, it may be fairly pi-onounccd i.i bi' 
 useful as a hook of reference on sulijects of increaMii;? in- 
 terest."— .>*l^ Kev., xlii. t;;)8. 
 27. Repeal of the Public Worship Act; a l.cilci' lo 
 Lord Cairns, Lon., 1877, 8vo. 28. Diroctorium Angli- 
 .^aniiPi; 4th <-l., I,.-.n,, 1^78, 4t.i. T,>. I,yrin= -^i' l-i',-!;t 
 and Life ; 2d wl., 1878. 30. Historioal Sketches nt tlic 
 Reformation, Lon., 1878, p. 8va. 31. More tJlinipses .f 
 the World Unseen, Lon., 1878, p. 8vo. 
 "The Rev. F. (i. I.*?e has publislvd a new vo.imic of 
 ghost-stories. He Is not to be daunted, he says, |.y si'ciui- 
 Lov: .lo. 
 1 IjEE* 
 ii'-l- ' feiiDMs. -A, La.N(; : Am,l„ xiii. substnnuo of a j„ursu of "im. ..,1 i i- '°""" ' '""« the 
 v^.ls. ,.,,Sv„. ,,. Onler out of ci,!:!',;,,!'^- -''"''"' "•''• 
 readers to ciist aside his viil'iVn,,.,r„T;.'i';'i'i'' '""' "-"" """" 
 It is ineumbeiit on .is V.) srv m,. t , h ''"'.'^ '"itrust worthy 
 tory, the faets he" 1 UeV !m,l , ,i;,^ h'l" '"? ''"''" >*''"' hiV 
 of the time. ar. .^ I'e luZ^eorS"'!:^.,!;'"]^^™ ,'!<'] 'J/JJ»- 
 bury: a "^iSr^^ N^^f >''' .;!'-''?'^ "f "^il^tr- 
 laud^i.^^ l"';^^;;!/^',^!'!:;;;!:;':'"' -^f 'Vii-rimi„ate 
 outtuo'Hu.'';'h,!?e"rn'^t'he -m'"'/' "".;'""" '-'>"'•' «- 
 laudatio,ri ilea^^ens wiuS'™' '^■-'"'f '".ti-riminate I l''^:,,"'^;^' M^«ercr 'ant^l^V' ^'"S' 
 passes i„ eomVlete siVn'^ or'Hu'V'^'\''"'' ''« '''•'••'lUfmly i , , U L 1'°"'^^"^"' ''•'•• S^'"- '^^ 
 in his hero\sV.afk.r T," il"''«\n'-T''"'''*^^ v ''f '''•'<"'" Edwnrcl, F.?.A., FCS h ISM . 
 Iwoltlsthatiii uhieli'lir' r. " "^t .™Iiiahle n^n ,.f the Nowlanil, near Hull ).;„„ * ret, "^ i ■ i ' ■?' •"' "•• 
 ' Lnn 7S-J ; ''' '"'g'^'>P'"t' I'lofiles cnlurgec fiom Coins 
 Merck, 1876. "7' 'r^^^^r^, ^""f '■"■d. by ConraU 
 Caves of Ocjow in PoKml h^' n 'J''","'-' ^''•' ^""o 
 Med-eaof Kuripi.C,"],', ir'^.L'' ^"'- ^- C^'^^^') T"« 
 Lee, Join-. Walker,' 
 l^enis, I.on., |,S5i), 
 Lee, John w'. 
 the result of 001 s iierab : resean'M ,.""'"^"' '" '''••«''-ll'e, 
 «vo. 40. The Church of HnMK^'''/"""' ''»"- '**S^ 
 AI.0. single se,„.l^n,:^i:;' "'"'''''"b'^"'. t^"eks, ISSS.Svo! 
 a„fe,t:;e!:';!;i!lJ^.«C«- ^he Departed, 
 Fratfe!': ESafl.antvTrt. ^'V"''- """"'» "'' 
 other Poeinrjl. 1809 j'o " '''"'""^ "^ ""™^' '""' 
 A«ee.i„„s of^l'hrKeeitn? Nl^rCu:' t^.rt: ""/ 
 , p. 8vo ^'"' ^'""^^ ^""'''' """^ ""'«■■ 
 M. A Hand List of Laws, Jour- 
 »n;i of FarS:' ll '7s;ZTt '^'>" "f ^'»"- 
 "'^^Min!:^-\^ri!^ nr''' ^'"■«"^"^™' ^mister 
 '"iiil, «v«. ' ""•'-'•"2, (Hannatyno Club,) Edin., 
 Lee, J. Bibl 
 f'eo Pahii, Harriet, 
 J. B. 
 >lo Illustrations, Edin., 1870, 6 vols. p. 
 ""iv to make » Win, N. York, 1873 
 '•-■e, .r. Ross. A Treati 
 losiKnod .18 a Text-Iiook for S 
 ise on the El 
 "'i llatid-liook for B 
 I". <>; l«8«, 
 lohools , 
 iusiness Mea and (Jeno 
 nals an.l Do.umentT of M„V, ,T , ^'''"' J"'"'- 
 «.ur 1878, 8vr'';;^'iUL;si:;r" ""'''="'««"' 
 (Lt. f :„'?."""""'"'^- '^- J^^-^^-". M..S. KAr.,AB.N«, 
 I I^uJi—'^^if':^,:!^*^:,";;^- 1, ■,*«'* ■• graduated at 
 coin's Inn Is,., "% , .V ^ .fUe' to the bar at Lin- 
 ville, Tenn ISsV 9 'f •' J' O- '""""lers. Nash- 
 Nashville Venn.ri.Siu %;„ ""' '""" "'''''"' '^'-' 
 thcK-o^^i!,!,r,Wj-J-;?>-J? Sehool: a Tale for 
 lee, Lon., 1880 ]2r " ''"''" "' ^''ify- 
 sofcf ^v'^t!:::if:;(rri '•■ ^^'^-^ ■'• "^»". «' 
 ter; seceded to U,e Ve^le van '^f ■'^.''''*™P''' ""'"«- 
 72, 1 611 
 ee, Margaret. I. Dr. Wil 
 ion of C 
 voree. N. York, ISSL' 12 
 onscionce, N. York, 18«7, I 
 mer's Love; or, A 
 Lee, Martha. "'( 
 nrad Verner : 
 2. Di 
 Dimeully: a St'o";.: Lori8fl7, iTm^.' "■"' ''"' '"" "^ 
 Leet Mary Mini t'litlicrine. I. I,<ii'.v'!> rampuign: 
 a Story of Aiiventino, lion., 1.MJ7, IL'iU": luw ml., ISSK, 
 IRino. ?., Kofiuinunil Funo; or, Tho PrisonerH of St. 
 Jiiiiic«'!i, Lon., 180'.l, 12mo; new cJ., ISSH. ;i. Tho Oiik 
 8tiiirciiso; or, 'J'lu' Stories of lionl iiml Lmly Dosiuond, 
 Loll., 1.S7I, l2iiio; new eil.. 1S^2. 4. .loiicliiiii's Spectii- 
 cIcB : 11 1/ogeiiil of Floreiithal. Illu.-^t. Kon., lS7o, 12iiio. 
 .'). liolillianger Wooil.s i a Child's Komuneo, Lon., 1S.'<6, 
 |i. 8vo. 0. Mrs. Dinisrtalo's Oriindchlldien, Lon., I.'ISS, 
 \i. Svo. 
 liCC, Mary H. Luci<in Uugliuri, N. York, 1875, 
 liCe, llev. Matthew Ilfiiry, M.A., graduated at 
 ]iraso>io8c College, l^\for<l, 1864; ordained l.SuB ; vicar 
 of ILnnipr ^inee l"*!!?. (Kd.) Diaries and Letters of 
 Philip Henry, M.A., of llroad Oiik, Lon., ISS2. 8vo. 
 ' One of the niusi striking anil insinietive pictures known 
 t" ns of a ivpc 111 nuui who jilayoil an part III the 
 history of Knglanil at Ihiil tune, and wIki is again playing 
 a greul juirt iut\\\"—S<il. licr., Iv. uTll. 
 liee, Maurice. Oh Wheie iind -h Whore? a Tale, 
 Lon., lS7a, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 "Lee, Minnie Mary," (I'scud.) See Wood, 
 JlXIA AhA-NOA, ill/ill. 
 Lee, N. II. innnersionists the liible. Ed- 
 ited by T. 0. Siininiers. Nashville, Tenii., l.^od. 
 Lee, Nelson. Tho Life of a Fairy, lllust. Lon., 
 18.^0, 12ino. 
 Lee, Itobert, M.D., F.R.C.P., [anle, vol. i., add.,] , 
 17'.l.'i-lS77, grivdiiated at the University of Kdinhiirgh; j 
 spent ..cveral years in Hussia as physician to I'rince Wo- j 
 ron/.ow ; hold the chair of midw'''ory at St. (ieorgc's llos- | 
 pital, London, lor thirty years, '••signing it in I8(i(i. 1. \ 
 Diary during a Stay in Ilui-:^ n 1824-211, Lon., 18.04, | 
 12ino. 2. A on tho lii. .oyinent of the Snecu- 
 luni in Uterine Diseaje, Lon,, 1851), 12ino. H. Three 
 Hundred Consultations '•■ Midwifery, Lon., 1864, 12nio. 
 4. History of the Diseovories of the Circulation of the 
 Blood, of the Gani'lia and Nerves, and of the Action 
 of the Heart, I/on,, 18li,), 8vo. 5, A Treatise on Hys- 
 teria, Lon.. 1871. f vo. 
 Lee, llev. Kobert, D.D., 1804-1868, b. at Tweed- 
 month, North Durham ; educated at tho University of 
 St. Andrews; became minister of the ',«reyl'riars Church, 
 Edinburgh, 184:i, and professor of Uiblieal criticism 
 and Biblical antiquities in Edinburgh University 1846. 
 For hiog., see Stohv, P.. H., iiiite, vol. ii. 1. The Family 
 and its Duties : with other Essays and Discourses, Lon., 
 186.'i, 8vo. 2. The Reform of the Church of Scotland. 
 Parti. Edin., 1864, Svo. 3. Sermons, Edited froui his 
 Manu.scripts. Edin. and Lon., 1874, 8vo. (Contains 
 seriuons and lectures on " The Laws of Nature," " Tol- 
 erance," "The Two Revelations," Ac, selected by a 
 eominittee, and edited by D. Macleod Smith, Sheriff- 
 it'ibstitute of Elgin.) 
 "We have .seldom met, judging him exclusively by his 
 sermons, with ailivine'sinK so largo an amount of 
 clear-lioaded sense Viitli so' an elemeiitof any higher 
 spi-iiual force."— .S/iCftator, xlviii. o2. 
 Also, single sermons, Ac. 
 Lee, Robert James. 1, Exercise and Training: 
 their Effects njion Health, Lon., I87:i, 12nio. 2. The 
 Uulstoninn Lectures on Puerperal Fever, Lon., 187o, Svo. 
 •i. Mater. Impressions, Lon., 1875, 8vo. 4. Lectures 
 on Diseases of Children, delivered at the Hospital for 
 Sick Children. Cireat Oriiiond Street, JjOn,, 1885. 
 Lee, Samuel. Eschatology; or, Tho Scripture 
 Doctrine of tho Coming of tho Lord, Ac, Bost., 18,')il, 
 Lee, Sidney Lazarns, assistant editor, and from 
 vol. xxii. jo'nt editor, of the Dictionary of National 
 Biography. 1 Stratford-on-Avon, from the Earliest 
 Times to the Deach o' William Shakespeare : with Forty- 
 Five Illustrations by Edward Hull, Lon., 1884, fol. ; also, 
 an edition on large paper, 1884. 
 " Both author and artist have had in .Stratford abundant 
 materials on whieli to oinploy their rospeetivc iJilcnts, mid 
 it is'ai'tory In add that each in his ilepartinent has 
 acquitted himself well, ami the result of their combined 
 labours isavolnnu! of iiniisiial interest and conspicuous 
 beauty."— Jcaii., xxvi. 417. 
 2. (Ed.) Charlemagne Romances: The Boke of Duke 
 Iluon of I3urdcux, done into English by Lord Uerners. 
 (Early lOng. Text .^o,-,,) Lon., 1!i82-S7, 2 vols. 8vo. :;. 
 (Ed.) The Autobiography of Edward, Lord Herbert of 
 Cborbury : with Introduction, Notes, and a Continua- 
 tion of the iiife, Lon., 1886. 8vo, 
 Lee, Theresa Melville. The Storv of Switzer- 
 land. Tllust, Lon., 1 885, or. Svo. 
 Lee, ThomaH. 1. (Ed.) FaUivir's Travels: the 
 Remarkable Adventures of J. Falsivir at the North Pole 
 and in tin- Interior of tho Earth, Lon., 1886, 8vo. '>. 
 The Old Bull Inn of Silver Street, Edmonton: a Novel, 
 Edmonton, 1887, p. 8vo. 3. Smith's Cottage : a Novel, 
 Edmonton, 1887, p. 8vo. 4. The House of Montague : :i 
 Novel, Edmonton, I 887, p. 8vo. 
 Lee, Thomas U, A Plea for the English Opera 
 tives, Lon.. l."^.')!', 12iiio. 
 Lee, Vandelenr. Tho Human Voice: a New 
 Method of I'rodiiction, Development, and I*reservatimi, 
 Lon., 187 5, 8vo. 
 " Jifie, Vernon," (Pseud.) See Pa<ii;t, Violkt, 
 'Lee, W. T. The Two (iospels, Lon., \8x3. Rvo. 
 Lee, llev. William, D.I)., b. 1817, at Edinburgh; 
 sou of Rev. .John Lee, viifjnt ; graduated at the Univer- 
 sity of Edinburgh 183(1; ordained in the Church of 
 .Scotland; minister of Roxburgh IS4II-7I, and since llnii 
 professor of eeclcsiaslicai history in the I'niversHy i I 
 (ilasgow. 1. National Eiiuealion in Scolhind. Edin.. 
 1818; 2d ed., 1851. 2. The Increase of Faith, Kdiii,, 
 1867; 2d ed., 1868. :i. Tho Days of the Son ot Mini: 
 a History of t' .■ Church in the Time of Our Lord, Ediii. 
 and Lon'., 1872, p. 8vo. 
 Lee, William, M.A., Fellow of S,\ John's College, 
 Cambridge. i. 'flic Progress of Astronomy: Verse,-, 
 Lon., '^5'.), 8vo. 2. The Funeral Oration of Pericle.^ : 
 with other Verses. Lon., 185'.t, 8vo. 
 Lee, Ven. William, [unie, vol. i., Lee, Rkv. \\\i., 
 second of the name, add.,] 18I5-183.'{ ; b. in Ireland; 
 graduated at Trinity Coilege, Dublin, where be \va.< 
 elected Fellow in ls;iy and appointed professor of eccle- 
 siastical history in 1857 and lecturer on divinity in 
 18611: was iirclnieacon of Dublin, I, Three Introduc- 
 tory Lectures on Ecclesiastical History, Dublin, Is.'iT, 
 8vo. 2. Sermons preached in the Cathedral, Dubl'ii, 
 Lon., 1861, Svo. 3. Strictures on Dr. Brady's Pam- 
 phlet on the Irish Chureli, iJublin, IS66, 8vo. 4. Univer- 
 sity Sermons : with an Apjiendix containing Part of an 
 Essay on Natural Religion, and a .^hort Memoir of the 
 Author. [Edited by t). Salmon and ,f. Dowden.] Dub- 
 lin, 1886, p. Svo. Posth. Also, single .-iermons, Ac. 
 Lee, William, superintending inspector of th.i 
 General Board of Health. Daniel Detoo ; his Life and 
 Recently-Discovered ^Vritings, e'ctending from 1716 to 
 172'.t, Lon., 186*.*, 3 vols. 8vo. (Two of the volemes con- 
 sist of essays, letters, and miscellaneous articles not 
 previously known to have been written by Defoe, while 
 the memoir embraces many new facts, corrects nuniermis 
 errors in former biographies, and throws mucii new light 
 on Defoe's character and career.) 
 "A recent discovery has been the means not only of 
 adding a new einiptt'r to the history of Defoe, but of hriiiK- 
 inn about little less than a revolution in the esliinate in 
 which his character has been popularly held. The lliiiiiks 
 of the public ere due to Mr. Lee for the pains with wliiili 
 he has I'olloweil the due thus unexpectedly allordeil. His 
 own partiality or udmiration makes liiin. indeed, scarcely 
 sensiidi' of the havoc which his revelation iiiiist inevitably 
 phiy with the reputation of his idol. . . . Nevertb'li'ss, 
 whatever critical value we may attach to lii.H judi'meiit in 
 this respjct, there can be no two opinions as to the impor- 
 tance of the materials which his industry and zeal have 
 pho'cd at our disposal."— ,Sn(, liev,, xxvii. tii'd. 
 Lee, William, b. ISll. .John Leigh of Agawani, 
 (Ipswich,) Massachesetts, 16.14-1671, and his Descend- 
 ants of the Name of Lee: with Genealogical Notes, Ac, 
 Albany, 1888, 8vo. 
 Lee, Van Fliou. When I was a. Boy in China, 
 Bost., 1887, 12mo. 
 Leech, Arthnr Blenncrhassett. Itillo- 
 men in America, lllust. Lon., 1875, p. 8vo. 
 Leech, l>, F. Regulations and Laws of Ollice, 
 Wash., 1857, 8vo, 
 Leech, Daniel John, M.D., F.R.C.P., prolV^-or 
 of materia inedica and therapeutics In Owens College, 
 Victoria University, 1. Personal Care of Health, .Man- 
 chester, 1883, er. Svo, 2. Tho Relation of Pharnia-' 
 oology to Therapeutics, Manchester, 1884, or. Svo. 
 Leech II. J. !. Life of W. E. Gladstone. .M.' i- 
 chester, 1880, |i. Svo. 2. The Right Honourable .biscpli 
 Chamberlain, M.P. : a Political Biography, Manche.ter, 
 1885, p. Svu. :i. The Ivhh Holl-Cail ; a. ilcoord of the 
 Government of Ireland, 1685-1885, Manchester, 18Si!, 
 12mo. 4. Henry Grattan: a Lecture dolivoreii at the 
 .Manchester Club, Manchester, 1886, 12mo. 5. Mr. iii;id- 
 stone and his Revilcr: a Reply to Mr. L.J.Jennings, 
 Manchester, 1888, Svo. 
 «'", "iy Una, N. York lio^a r"^' "^S^P'- ''f"bi". ''n«l 
 bre«"?';!'j «[;^ ;':^«..^J-A: The K,,i„M, ,„ ,„., J,e. 
 ' -'-y.- with ot/,e^^;J;1^,ii\-'7™ f^""' "'■''^"" 
 «Jtecn» lllUlline T» ' '"• 
 "unoo, th'e InX^m atTennv""" '''';"^' "■ '^'''^' 
 .M.M,aar.|s of WeilMit Me Iro ,7.' m""''''"!:'''' "« "«= 
 r. Xvo. *' '' '"'-"sui-o, and Monvy, Un., KSBti, 
 •■•■^^i'"'"!.; ^^nllh^M'/"'"-^''^- E'""' The l'ro«re-. 
 Ti-oC;.u^.!rite',i|;;''^i -:{,"''' Ago: a i<V„ 
 •jeechin.'iii, John i ,' . • 
 ^- Vo,k, U. ,',,.•„;'• ^^"""^"^ Wurk i„ the Church, 
 I.i«ecIom. n. I I Ti ,. 
 Vfiirs Agu, a,i,l 01 h < ,• P ,?!>'"="' '" ""'em Thirty 
 l-,c.,aco by Ke,. Thu„>a. KJavt^V. '-"rTssr^.'^' " 
 . I-eeds, Herbert «>,.r„., .',.."*.' "^'^^ '2mo. 
 The l-w,,'„. Ivb,';' AX2'i ',"" ."ly^eht, James. 
 li 'Ston : with son .Sue^ ' ^^k""* «"""''-»et Club of 
 iS.'^s, •■'"gBe^t.ons about the PJay, lioa., 
 , I-eeds.Josiah W. 1 ri.\n ti. n- •• 
 t..m'. ii.sti,uuto of War an,l sv?,- n r^ Primitive Chris- 
 i-purtant Facts om ttc " in ho Sman"' ^ n""""""" "'"'^ 
 isrr, I2mo s ■<,„„ii ,,- " 'Smaller History, I'hihi 
 -v;!., Ph'iia. tis'^'x/o'^'r^Tf ^.^^ ^^-'^^ '^''tl:-; 
 "I'"" the Non^cnordancv^if <it ^''« ^''«"t'-« ^ 'U. J-ssa; 
 'i^'n I'rofesdo:,. I'.ila S m^^"^ '''^' "'"' "'» ^'hris- 
 l^eeds, Leivis \V "1' .'""' 
 V'.rk, iMis, ,Svo "d ;; „!:r""''-'' ,"" ^'^'il'itlon, N. 
 Vtntilatio,;," 1X71 ' °"'-' ""'""^ "^ Treatise on 
 to.f; isili^'l^l.o''"'"'- l^""""" "nd Taloa of Travel, Taun- 
 f^:i:^f^£:;;,^^;^'«-. TheH.torycf Lord 
 •^''JOers, U„.. l.s.-,r8vo?2d:] "IsT' '^an Criminal 
 .^t. Andoen's tnd canon' of S? ' .r;'"'"?''. '*■'" ^ ^<-'^""- "f 
 'i". '-ncc 1859. HTstor^cafi. ,"»''', '''''''''''™'' !*»''- 
 'fnts, inscriptions Ac o?'t,'?„1;''''."'' '" "'« M"nu- 
 Cathclral Church of S ' P ,"!",^»"ea'""-', National, and 
 2J «1., enl., 1887. ""''' ""''""> »"blin, 1878 ; 
 "-ul., fhci; Analot "a ,d t, '""'? '''"' ''^"" "'"' ^ " i- 
 -'• ilie liotiinica I ,ol, "n ■■^'*''"="'"""8. Lon., 18;I4, 8vo. 
 '"•■tiHe.^ of Nature in /hi ! -'"■'' ■''^ «''•. '«««• 4. 
 j;^'!v-u lli,f;t [ le^'^.'-f^^ "."'"> «««i"n 'round the 
 i'l'.S. 1 v it^ ; ,'^"'ol««, M.R.C.S., L.Rci- 
 ""- Treattc!,rofie'^"c'<:!.':„;:„"r;''' ""^ '" "- 
 'l»t'lii,iatologvand ] i.l J ,"■" "' ^^'''*- Yorkshire ! 
 "|r ;. KJ' "nu liitliology, I-iin.. !S8.S Hv,-, 
 i|i"'i' i^ i^^o wonder 'hH,";.*'''',' "",' "■''"' '' ""'Klertiikes that 
 »-t K.ding."'^'.1S<'.',"^'rxiii'"fu:.'" "-■""'""'■ "» View to tlfe' 
 '; '^-y'.^:;^;i:ir .^^t^"', ••• '«f^. "- Leeds. 
 V.-(i2 ' ''• !'• '*''"■ ■2- An Argument, 
 dcnsed Argument for the , lii ',' , "■ ^' ^''o ^on- 
 (he Ueason., and Results „ f tl , l-J; ■ ■ "1""'^ '"'" 
 eating Lit,uors ,„ the I'rctice n/ 'vt ,'■'""" "'' '"'"-^i- 
 . P-.^vo. i The Te\t.D, k ,1 ■■ '^''-"'^"^""•. '■»"•■ IStifl, 
 ■to Morals, i^cieuee OrU ic" ' ..V'r'l'r'.'''™ '" ««l"ti»r 
 p. s'o!"" """•'• ^""" «'-art .•■ a Novel, Lon., ,885, 
 ^'>^^::i^uV:xJ^ ^^!;'T;' f- Shipmasters, 4th' 
 and Marine Assurance;' new e.i 7,,',' s'^-''"'' Shipping 
 tinucd to 187fi, Lon IS70 "'""-'/•^■'■'-«' : new ed., con- 
 and Tables, 185!). Lon IS5.' ' ■ « ' !'"»'»"'■'• Tariff, 
 Seasons of t'he Troj^s 'l ,^ ', 4, fo Z' '''•^ '^'"""'^' 
 ; Lees, ArtJiiir 'h is'./' ,™- 
 and at L-niversity o" , ' ov( ? S"''"''"''^'' "' K'"n. 
 : '■■'76 ; called to the ba aft'he | ''- T "■'■■", '"•' K^Jnated 
 Ct'TTKunt-cK, Walt-,"j ', ''.r J«'"l>le '«'*l. With 
 j Two of them. Illust Lo'n sxV "'%'" '^"™'^- ^^^ 
 I Anon. • •^""•' ''«A P- Svo; 2d ed., 1883. 
 i-r" "-'" '-'pKJ/St^^rr 
 relations. Thuv an, ,," ""'"'""""* '" Uieir nrivate 
 )y^'"- ■ . . Noth ngh^'^'^. t^tf"' ■■ "»■■>■ know .N'onvay 
 lJ|i;-he details o^heit'::«,l;i:^, ■-j;;';^ --n^limn^^^;: 
 pos^bl^?;;^|^5;,«;^,-»nj.>K.y written that it is .In.ost im^ 
 "re who have written t^li "' ]>''? '"» "f thv; three 
 n -ns of what ma b • ,'ail,ii If'; "'"' '", "'" -smartest hwH- 
 We have ever met v !• , '"^ ar.v thiinble-rigging that 
 '""Jer the .^kippers tmml .'^i^','^,";^: ,';J''ll» 'V «P™fff,Z 
 even from John's 1,1,, ,,i,' "*^ V""' tsau's, .sometimes 
 rV-^lt is char ,■,;/• i^,^'|Sr or how nmny wrote i The 
 J^tlm. AVt., July, ifeo' "<-'''i"<i« and good humour. "- 
 *'S^d'^eS^;.^i^'i|;'^,,;". "•"'«'> Columbia: with 
 i-'mtograph, by thfAm,^:!;:.:'^;':;-'"-^/-- f ^'ches and 
 .Norway, innsnucli as is a , '"l'""*>VV«i' 'he boot ,f,^ 
 iniini^'o/ h -p,:^.^',;':^ ^^r'"r "•"•• ^— '^ 
 1 Royal, Edinburgh "n 1 o-" 1 J n^V' ''?", "'' ">« Shaped 
 I 188(i. I. A Rolh 'i< '„ T •''?0',''«'- ol the Thistle since 
 I and Robtait r" lev^r 'Ts'" ^"T"^' ^'^ ''"«' '4 
 , 'ng Tour in the T, n'^a th: r,;..^"";V x^-V'^ ^^^'-i'-'^' 
 Mory, I'aisley, IS7S 8vo A^ '' 'V"'^'"^" "' '^'"'"-''■- 
 i;ai»ley from'us Foui d 1 ion'' l7i,s I" " .^'"'^^ ''^ 
 Notices of the .Subseonem iii "" >"^'""'iitmn : with 
 an Append!., of Ii'iXhv, n '"^ °^ ""•' '^''""■'•■''' ""J 
 8vo. iiiastiative Documents, Paisley, 1878, 
 siasSod m*?ument''s';,f"'^r,",',f fV^ i'"«, "^ ""^ t.^y ecole- 
 served from utter n,i,, '"■,„""•■.'' '"'^■" ''oen p e- 
 t.. acts his book is s ' bleasai t V vH i',':',','';. ""•'''"•"■•th.v as 
 01 ce dips into it will'wi m ' V.^ 1" v f", """ ".',',""e «ho 
 Ro!^1jcUo:if'y;';:|: = ;' "■«!■;" > Va™. «y the Rev. 
 Ball. Edin., IS80 to 5 x" u"'^' ^"«b>""-y of 
 Highland Varn, Ed nTs'ilSvn'''''^^' Z' """''» "f 
 i Edinburgh, Chirch f'nlf ' ■ ^"""- "• Sf.Uiles'.s, 
 i l^"n., 1889, 4to' "'^'' ""'' Cathedral, Edin. and 
 Courr.slyt'Kd'r^Ts's l' ^ ".T'^"''""'^ "^ ^--^^ 
 Hand-Rook if t ""^1 Lh^ ^''V ,^'^ "^■' 'S''^?- -'. A 
 «."all Debt Court Id n1. .//"'""" "^ "'« ''«««« 
 of Written and Oral P ;.'■ .^' ',™- ^- A Hand-Rook 
 gow, 1S88" 8vo. ' '"'"''"S '" "-^ Sherift' Court, Glas 
 l,„'^'r«|'»,Maria Charloitn. Suilinn i . 
 .married, 18.;;), i„ ,„;. i„i,„i-' ■"-""'*«"» huiy. 
 Doctor's' Tale, on 5^8 4 'fq '• ^'"l'« "">' "'" 
 I I'on., 1872, p. Svo! ^ Belgium and Holland, 
 ^'t;„'*'!^^!"JV,„j;'-::^"'« of Acoustics, Light, and 
 I 000 M • ' "'"o new c' .. 1877 = 
 I^ees, M,„„r.Ge„. >Vi„iu,„'l^asBau, LL.D., 
 ■ 1^ 
 Vb.V. 1. A Bio'.!"i^''' 
 pbur aud Poel. iiui.;,, ' 
 Kxiiminiitions nt i,!.' ■ < 
 8vo. :i. The I>rain 
 8vo. 4. Teft C'ultivtti.' 
 ■ sketch of the Mystic Philo^o- 1 1S24; M. P., clerk of the Parliaments, Ac. (TninB.) 
 ilciia.:,, it*5it. 2. '(iiiiJe to the j The Burgomaster's Fiimily, by C. Mliller, Lon., IHJK, ],. 
 i;^eof Fort Williiim, Lcn., 1%!, f<vo. . „„ . ,„,„ 
 ■llvur to the East, Lon., IXfia, ; LeflTerts, George Morewood, M.D., b. 184R, at 
 Cotton and other Agrioultuml ' Brooklyn, N.Y.; eilucutcd at the New \ork Oollctre of 
 Experiments in India, Lon., I86H, p. Svo 
 "His review of the history and pnspecls of his favourite 
 lea-plant under the Ijenellrunt e:i ■ iuraj;enicnt uf Ii;'ll'\n 
 Btftlesmanslilp is runarkubly cheery in tone, thouKh t mi 
 hardly be described as inloxieating in livelinesa." --Su*. 
 Jicv., xvl. 6'T>. . T .. 1 .. 
 5. Essays on the Educational Policy of India, ISn, 
 8vo. fi. Memorandum wriiten after a through tlie 
 Tea Districts of Eastern Bengal, \X67, i - m-o. 7. 'I'lie 
 Land and Labour of India, Lon., 1867, Svo. 8. Indiiin 
 Mussulmans I Three Letters, Lon., l'-'72, Svo. 
 •'Leevitt, Djn T. B.," (Pseud.) See .Sfe.nci;, 
 James M' oik, ii I'm. 
 Le Faiiu, rtrs. Kmmn L. Life of C. E. 1!. 
 Or.ien, M.U., Lin., 18li0, cr. Svo. 
 Le S'anii, Henry. A Manual of the Salem Dis- 
 trict in ilso I'r sidtncy of Madras, Madras, 1883, 2 vol,-. 
 Le Fan'.4, J. Sheridan, 181 t-187H, son of Rev. 
 J. P. i,' Pis.i, and grandson of AUoia Le Fanu, the 
 sister of i;ii',i>rd Biinsley Sheridan. He wub born in 
 Dublin : (,""'!' "ted wiih honors at Trinity College, and 
 joined In- MiUi' cf ioe ft.i'Jin University Magaiine, 
 of whio-'. he nliiiuiili^ly iic:; j/rup'-ietor, 1. The 
 House by thr Cbur-jh-N ard. '.lOO., \HA, ;t vol,s, p. Svo; 
 new ed„ ! SI. 2. Uncle ;"'■<:!,■ ft T( le of Bartrao! 
 Haugh, Lon., i.S«4, a vols. |,.. Svo; «<•-, td., IWi. A. 
 Wylder's If.itid : s Novel, Lon.. I,'<<>4, ,i vols. p. --^vo ; 
 new ed., 18, 1. 1. Guy Deveied, '_i, ., 18(\;,, H -.(.rs. p. 
 8v"; new ed., l.-^fiW. i. All in th- ! ark, Lou., i -^Oti, 2 
 vo!>. p. 8vo| new ed., l3Ti\ 1 vol, l/ii,',. 6. The Ten- 
 ants of Malory: ■: .\ove!, Lon., !-<li7, :! vols, p, 8vo ; 
 new ed., 1871. 7. ,a Lust Xaiiic. l.ou,, 18t)8, 'A \-fM. p. 
 8vo, 8. Haunted Lu-ts: a Nove), i.on., I8ft8, 3 vols. p. 
 8vo. 9. The Wyvern Mystery, Lon., 1869, 3 vols. p. 
 8vo. 10. Checkmate, Lon., 1871, :> vols. p. Svo; new 
 ed., Itwfi. 11. The Rose aad the Key, Lon., 1871, 3 
 vols. p. Svo; new od., 1881. 12. Chronicles of Golden 
 Fruuis, Lon., 1871, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 " These tales posses.s ui least two distinct merits : in the 
 first plai'O. Ilievset amiiid example of eoiu'eiitralion within 
 .a niaimnvulile length ; aad secondly, the locality is so 
 wiselv oliojcn, in the heart of the romantic but Iresh and 
 heiiUiiv nonh-couiitrv, that we may defy oven the gri.sly 
 iiiuigliiiition of .Mr, Le'Kanu to produce upon us any morbid 
 ellecl,"— ^K'i,, No. 'iJSl, 
 H;: )!' a Glass Darkly, 1S72, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 "Tho .irlsly muse of Mr, Le Fanu displajs herself in his 
 present Volumes in all her horrors, \ dip into Sweden- 
 borg, and n "areful studv of the natural history of vampires, 
 (the Moravian, not the .\lVican variety.) have eiialded him 
 to tran.scend in this (■dllection of ghostly marvels all yire- 
 vious elforts of his weird imagination."— /KA., No, '!:iii. 
 14. Willing to Die, Lou., 1875, 3 vols. p. Svo. 15. 
 The Purci'll Papers : with a Memoir by A. P. Graves, 
 l..)n., IS.'^ll. 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Lefevre, George John Shaw-, M.A., b. 1832; 
 son of Sir J. (1. Shaw-Lel'evre, infr.t ; educated at 
 Eton, and at Trinity College, Cambridge; called to 
 the bar at the Inner Temple 18511; .M. P. since 1S63 ; 
 eecretarv to the bo-trd of trade IS6,S-7I ; umler-secre- 
 tarv for' home alfairs 1S71 ; secretary to the admiralty 
 1871-74 and 1,'<80; chief commissioner of works ISSO- 
 84; postmaster-general 1884-85; president of the Sta- 
 tistical Society ,^ince 1877. I. The Game Laws, Lcm., 
 IM'4, Svo. 2. Freedom of Land, (" Practical Polities," 
 No 3,) Lon., 1880, Svo. 3. English and Irish Laml 
 Questions: Collected Essays. Lon., ISSI, |i. Svo. 4. 
 Peel and O'Connell : a Review of the Irish Policy of 
 Parliament fioui the Act of Union to the Death of Sir 
 Robert Peel, Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 " The object of this book appears to be to show that in 
 their dealing with Irish allairs I'eel was almost invar.alily 
 wrong and O'Cunnell was almost invar' '' ■ right, and 
 that therefore llonie-Unle ought to be i ;■ -led by the 
 English people. To illustrate and eiifor- ' .: position, 
 the historv of the Irish (Juestion dnriiiK' ti, ', ' tifty years 
 of the Uiiion is given, based chiefly i; lo. ■ idy of the 
 'Annual Keglsier,' the niL'inoIrs and bingraiiliies ol the 
 time, and the I'arhellite publications of the last few years. 
 —Si>ccltitor. Ix, 10'.;5, 
 0. Incidents of Coercion : a Journal of Visits to Ire- 
 land in 1SS2 and i,^8S, Lcm.. 1SS8, cr. Svo. 
 Lefevrc, Sir John George Shaw-, K.C.B.. 
 D C.L., F.R.S., 1797-1879, graduated at Trinity College, 
 Camb.-idge, 1818 ; called to the bar at the Inner Temple 
 Physicians and Surgeons; studied in Viennii 1><72 rn. 
 and has since jiractiscd in New York I'u;. Uiukint- ■, 
 specialty of throat diseases. I. (Trans.l !• ,;iiiKi;l on *!, 
 General Diagnosis of Diseases of th^ Nose, Pliarynx, 
 and Larynx. lS7ti. 2. (Trans.) Zicinsnen's Cvtloiia-iiia 
 of the Practice (jf Medicine, 1870. I DI'Biirri if tlie and its Accessory Cavities. N. York, ISS-I. J. Di- 
 agnosis and Treatment of Clmmic Nasal Cdtarfh, ^ii. 
 ■a lor Dis',i,-e 
 ,fohn Wesley 
 his Life nil, 
 Louis, 1886. 5, Fliarinaco| 
 j and Nose, N. Y'ork, 1887. 
 I Leii'evre, iMatfhew. 
 I Work, Lon., 18- ,, ii. Svo. 
 LetlingweU. William Miuce. Wil I 
 \h!t ■■ Scientific mo' Practical Detci.j.iions of Wild Fowl, 
 i ill, :r Resorts, HiUit.s, Flights, and the Most Succea,sful 
 .Method of Hunting them. Illust. Chic, 18^'8, Svo. 
 1 Letfnianii, Kenry, professor of cheuiisti., in Jef 
 I ferson Medical Collci;e, Pli'i,,lelphia I. First Sti'iis i,.- 
 Che'::;,al Princiiilc-, i'/iila.. iS79, lOiiio. 2. The Coiu- 
 i jienu .i.' Chemistry, ii.organn' and Orgaido, Philii., I'isi. 
 16nio. 3. Compend of Orgudio 'lueiii'^try, (Qu!',-C,i 
 pet. 1.) Phihi., 1884, lOmo. 
 le Free, RicSiard. The HiHory of a '•Vulking- 
 Stic-!., in Ten Notche-, Lon., HS6, ]., Svo. 
 Lerroy, Kev. Edward Cracroft, M.A., gradu- 
 ated at Keble College, Oxford, 1877; ordainid |s7S; 
 curatoof St. John's, Woolwich, 1880-82. I. Undergnid- 
 uate Oxford, Lon., 187S, 12mo. 2. The Christian Idciil. 
 and otlier Sermons, Lon., 1883, p Svo. 3. Coun.-cls for 
 the Common Life: Six Addrestcr- vo Senior Boys in a 
 Public School, Lon., 1885, U'mo. 4. Cytisus and lliil- 
 ingale, Blackheatli, 1884, ]>. Svo. 5. Echoes from The- 
 ocritus, and other Sonnets, Loo., 1885, p. Svo. i;. 
 Windows of the Church, Lon., lS^y, p. Svo. (Includes 
 Nos. 4 and 5.) 
 "The three booklets of sonnets ,., ,irinK severally the- 
 above names seem to us of \ ery remark:i ide merit,"— -Icod,, 
 XXV. 311. 
 Lefroy, F. C 1. Straight Forward, and Patience 
 Hart; or. The Dissembler: Two Tak \ Lon., isiio. fp. 
 Svo; new ed., 1872. 2. The Force ol Habit; or, Tlic 
 Story of the Widow Monger, Lon., 1861, Svo. 
 Leiroy, J. A. I. Miss Margery's Ways, Lon.. ISsr, 
 12mo. 2. Wings without Feathers, Loc. , 1888, ISiuo. 
 Lcfroy, M^or-Gen. Sii John Henry, U.A,, 
 C.B., K.C..M.G., LL.D., F..S.A., b. 1817; director of the 
 magnetic and meteorological observatory at St. lli'lina 
 18411-41, and at Toronto 1S42-53; scientific adviser 1" t lie 
 Vt'ar Oflice 1854-55; director-general of ordnance Im'.s- 
 70 ; governor of Bermuda 1S71-77, ic. 1. A lliind-llimk 
 for Field Service, Lon., 1854, sq, 32nio. 2. .Meinciiiils 
 of the Discovery and Early Settlement of the Bcniuidiis 
 or Somers Islands. Vol. i., 1515-1652. Lon., 1>7;, r. 
 "The volume is so bnlkv. the details are so copious, tlie 
 spelling so antionated, and several of the topics so purely 
 departmental, that the work must ever leiimii c ti. he 
 consulted by the historian or prized by the settler, nitlicr 
 than sought alter bv the general public. We can. how- 
 ever, promi,se to all who are fond orruminaging into liuiiily. 
 county, or provincial histories, an entertaining iiccoiiiit ol 
 the manners and customs of our furerathcrs in tlie .lays of 
 Elizabeth, the first two Quarts, and the rommoiiw.iiUli. 
 — .Sn(, Jiev., xliv. 5,'i3. 
 Vol. ii., 11)50-1687, 1879. 3. (Ed.) The Histoiye of 
 the Bermudacs or Summer Islands, (HakUiyt Soc. Pub..) 
 Lon., 1S82, Svo. 4. Diary of a Magnetic Survey of a 
 Portion of the Dominion of Canada i: the Years 1812- 
 44, Lon., lSS-1. r. Svo. 
 Lefroy, Thomas, M.A., Q' 
 Justice Lefroy. By his Son. I)u' 
 " The book is worth read! iig for il 
 and on account of the typical che- 
 the biography,"— .sVi/. /.'<• • xxii, ' ' 
 liCfroy, Ven. '' ,^ 
 ity College, Dublin, ISC 
 ; curate of St. .-Andrew's, '. 
 I canon of Liverpool ISSII-6", 
 of Warrington. 1. A Plea 
 incnt, Lon., 1^75, 8vo. 2. 
 Sermons preached at St. 
 1878, p. Svo, 
 Lefroy, William C'ham'i'in: 
 Abbeys of Y'orksliire. Illust. '. 
 ' -.nioir of One! 
 ■ n, Svo. 
 'sof Iri-iilife, 
 01 the sulijcctof 
 ,x graduated :it Triii- 
 •,, 1864: piiiieliuil 
 )ol, since ISIlll; iioii, 
 "ince then anlnleaoun 
 ■ Old Catholi.' .M"ve- 
 ■ ■:- <•«•■ Chri-t : licini: 
 I. ';!. .Liverpool, 1.011,. 
 •2, fol. 
 Graver Moo.l/uvo,l:^^ 87 - ^VT' "'"' ^^""""" 
 f.., 1.1 "','^'" ""III "e 
 V 'i!?' ^"1''* wliii'li lias evorv iTri,rr'„',"i" '.".'!" ""•' "'Ultiiv 
 Lon., isifryy™;,^: ,^!;'"«" "'" T"»i"ph? a Novel, 
 of^lfeL«r!;',;„'a*^,J'-,^!'r'«« James. 1. The Supper 
 IN67, Svo. "'' '" '■"gland: a Lecture, Oxf. 
 Vegg, John Wickham i 4 n • 1 
 aniHiatiun of tlio '>i„„ " "l^- ';/ ''""'« '» the Ex- 
 luophilia, sometimes call,., .1,„ li ■■ ""'e^t'so "n Hie- 
 f>i.ithesi.,, Lo„/s72 ito Vo"'V,''''-"n"*"'''"''agie 
 iind Bilious Ui»oase., \ V„k H-<n <" '^"''' J"""'!!™. 
 Aecoums', "•„„ I ", "H;l-<f """ "f E'™- i" Commercial 
 "'"- 1S70, p. svo. 2 I'iuirv '^IT^of "le Pap 
 to the Restoration In H » r lo" "^"'y "^ ^is 
 Manslaughter, a Chrm ei'e '""ii ''"/' ^ '"''■ «^«- 3. 
 8wnitiun: Memorials of Vft-. u ™' r ' '^ '''"^^ »f Con- 
 ner .Sons. !.,„., ,'ss, " ^^.'J- **'"'^,, f^«gge- By One of 
 The Life and Time, of i,i;;jf";/''« "l''>l'u'ar King: 
 2 vols. Svo, "'i.naru 111. Ijlust. Lon., LSSi, 
 ."H'ln^',f:/;:^':!>-;;^-t^ore a,,,i there to nature hlj 
 ■Sir ;;^s;j?i^.iLi^:.^ i"i^ w/;i^ir;^^i,2'oj^^ 
 -^'afch'rl^t''c•h;^rclro*f•rd*'A5?^^' f:^" «™*"- 
 - .^"giishman. Advo„t;re;du;inJt u^,!:;:;^^:;;^; ! 
 I't'gge, Rev. George, LL D i pi, • •■ ■ 
 H^iniiony with Man's Nature fm,' -W "'"""'y '" 
 li=y, P..>, and he reals of thc.i'rin' '""'"' '""'■ 'he good 
 ,,i: -rive their fi)K()Wers ' f , v h , ' ""•'•■."■tii'di 
 •»^».osyn:pathl.e ^v^l^l ti!.^;'L%;E,^;-?.->;|;;it^,.>.a.,he 
 of'.^e'&i^f^l^^Ji;:: ^^:!;<hi«tie Kingdoms: Tnive. 
 -lio. 14. The Ne«tor in vi '" '"''"'■ '"•"■. l'^««. 
 Shen-Hsr, China re :;" to I he";,"?/ °^ "^'■''"-f'* '" 
 ity in China in the .Seventh an 1% 'k?!''";' "' Christian- 
 a Sketch of Subseaucn rhH r '^»'*^™'"'"'''«- "ith 
 Lcn., IWg, g^,;"''«<"l"«°t Christutn Missions in China 
 «*vo. 2. Notes on the Mint T„»n f'i,'".^' '"'"- '•"^». 
 hnmcdans, Lon., 1SH5 g;,^'-^"""" *°<1 Coins of tiie Mo- 
 sq.^«^r"' ''• ^*-" ' *''"«''« Perplexity, N. York, 18S1. 
 .ion ?l!h"e' Ka^l'i?^- Ji-^.^^''''^ of 'he Administra. 
 Hvo. iJuueiin in Canada, Montreal, 1878 
 N.%t^'^;^^TrJ^-,„% cousin Percy: a 
 W?!?s'4.''A:;,r' "'•™"'"">'''= -^ I^-'' of .'bonnets, 
 "ll^eUo';";::!!:: l" r.Vf ""'^^- """-Breeding Rec 
 ,I^ehn.r,A„„a.'^,aiers and Secants of Christ 
 for i 
 . mr"" ' ^"rea uiven. P p 11 a r Ti . 
 I. The Growth of the Temnnr.i d ' "'^ ^'mohester. 
 '. 2vol8. 8vo. 3. **>">• •"""'"-■=" M., Lon., LS73, p. 
 ugustus StawBli' I I'Cib, Charles. Nine Vnn.i,,, • .. 
 masters Department- or Tl. r^ '" "'« Qmirter- 
 Million, Cin.', l.Sfi2 i2nio "'"'' •■"' ""•""« " 
 r-?I^Mv;,l/^'^!;'j-'^rr"' ^-""-Tale, 
 Constancy,'Lon 1S5, ,-,1 ^''" '"■^^i""; "r, Woman's 
 an llistorlial N ov 1, Lo' -/o- "''i '■ '"''"' To-nplars : 
 the Apostate: a Piem Uii ,VU ' I'' ' ™- '• ^''«^ 
 of Brittany: an Ilinor.^, ■•«'"•''• **'o. 5. Arlhu; 
 i Svo. Anon. '"''t'Tical Romance, Lon., 3 vols. p. 
 i '«?^l'^i: Sa!.a„!;^^ f"!'-. vol. i., add.,] 
 I partment of biolo.ry at the rT^ "'' '^"''^'^'or of the de- 
 president of the Ph"^^ |a ,« p,,[^':"7'>' ^f Pennsylvania, 
 enees, and member of he X h.fn 1 a'"^."'^ ^"'"'■'" S<=i- 
 jind of numerous soien ' c^^ci tie '^T,"'"">: ,of,^^eiences 
 than one thousand papers on b.« 0^1 ''"'''''hed more 
 mentary Treatise on llnn?„n 1^ "' '^"^'Je'^ts. 1. Kle- 
 fvo; 2d ed.. rewritten,' ",,^"'2""'^; ?''''"" V'""' 
 tiles of the Unite. Sates Wasi", /•p','*''«e""-'' Kep- 
 K.vfinct Mammalian Fauna nfr\'^''' ■^'"- ■'• ''he 
 with Introduclion "n the (I.0L ?'". "'"' ^'^braska: 
 ■-•tions of I.ak„ta "nd Ne S^^ 1 ■".'''-''r-V For, 
 &;:^'cl;uK l-^':^]i!!^:^^;^c:. nations ;f= zr^:iz^ wi^^,^'rvr 
 Hayden, Phila., 1870 imn 1 ,',,. ,.*'"!'' hv F. V. 
 FaunaofH.„U'„„:.._' ',.'"•'■. ";;• ^- I'-ttiuct Vertebrate 
 '""" ChuVch a fonl K,;'' ,"V'" ^""^-''^S^'i"""' 
 l"iiS'i.i!,'e and literature in e c''^"''"'' "^ "'« Chinese 
 '••:-■■• ile received tlieiulic,^^ ..""'T"^ "[ '''^''"^d ""<^e 
 "h. Xolions of the Gill .,,? "'«."'inese classics. 1. 
 ,'o';>,'-Kong and"LoI; ," s-.r'r;;"'?.« "°'' -'' Spirits 
 '"""'•ii"i Analects: Ooctrin; „f th;' 4'^''' ""'' "•""«•) 
 heanuiiL', I.Srtl •) ^pi , "' '"e Mean and (Jreat 
 ';."'■ 4' (Ed. and Vr^ s 'Th'/slf-' JT-'"''^ "^ "«"'''- 
 "i-^t-iiyal Locuments, s'lW 5 n'L '""«.'"'■■ """k of 
 Coi; -•III;,. Lon., ISfi- 4th ed., fs 5'^' ;;*% f ""things of 
 tni'>lii Kini;; or Bonk nf 1 '"•''• (Ed. and trans.) 
 s. riiu I 
 i[>iigiiral Lectu 
 lie an 
 ptsph-ate^S",:," ,S utyrrr^ W^ns'frt ''t^,'^ 
 Wate'r Rhizopods of X, " ^^^Z' f,"" "• ^'"^"'- 
 oal Survey oV the Terri'tor eT)' ' Wa/h'Tss/^Jr'"^!- 
 Inc Parasites of tI,o t ■. ""sn., I.inl 4to. 7. 
 yunkiaSpeetsa L.83 T,*^' r'a' ,e \v '" " ■ '-0" '^'«"''- 
 ^l^eifchild, Franklin 't "";','""■"''• '**''^- 
 Drama, Lon., is'il,^",* ^'"' ^""ed Titan: a 
 ,„Ch.i„V,Hhthc-T-;cr '• of^ev'^.i^',i:^!i;| «- J^A b.,8, London.son 
 ":"rks of Me,;^:.^1^^:^''"•j-"•it^ArinesandMi!4?;;n!:'"I'>-^^^ '.' '• Com- 
 re in the Chinese Ch 
 in Knglish V 
 1". The Book of A 
 air at O.vfo 
 Chi I 
 noient Chinese Po 
 iish Verse, 1876 11 ,-—""^^^">nesc I'd 
 ■"'•:• '•'• .'ohn Leifchijii • his Pi.h rvV- ' "■ ^ ^ols. 12mo 
 ;r.l ton., ! an,, Personal Cln ni^^ i,^:";5"^>V'5"ate Useful 
 10-- ,. ' '• ^"rn- 
 IS.ja, 2 vols. 12mo. 2. 
 ry. ] biography, I 
 of , Natu 
 - — ,^ I'liiiisirv, I'r 
 pon an Auto- 
 '"■^ "1 I Xature reviewed in the fi,,!," V,,' V*^''"'" '^'ini'try of 
 Iving.: I 1872, p. 8vo. 4 0, ni'f'^.' l*'»''ern Science, Lon.. 
 •*■ Our Coal at II, 
 -, Lon., 
 ome and Abroad, witli 

 Relation to Consumption, Cost, Duiuand, and Supply, 
 lion.. 1S7:), Ji. .-<vo. 
 Lvigh, iflrN., (" Sator," psoud.) Not yuite a Pwik 
 of 1' — s: a Duint'Slic Story for Oirls, I,on., Issii, |., Svo. 
 LeiKlii AU'rcd. 1. Mauil Atlioitun, Lon., isrii, 
 2 vols. p. Nvo. 2. El Doniilo: a N.ivel, f.nn., 1S8I1, 2 
 vole. p. Svo. 3. Fi'ttors of Memory, I,on., IHS2, 2 vols. 
 cr. Svo. 4. The Cro.<8 of Kniglithoiid, I,on., ISStl, 3 vols. 
 cr. Svo. 
 Leigh, Alleslcy Bouf;litoii. Poem:*. Lou.. 
 I8s:., Svo. 
 ' Key Notes," [verse,] I. on., \>'t'>, 
 'I'lic Now .Minne."inger, and olliur 
 Svo. Willi Lkiqii, Isl.v : lielkro- 
 ISSl, p. Svo. 
 The Story of Philosophy, Lon., 
 L,t;l|;li, Arbor. 
 p. Svo, 
 Leigh, Arraii. 
 Poems, Lon., ISTa, | 
 ]dioii, [vorse.l Lnn 
 Leigh, ANtun 
 ISSl, p. Svo. 
 Leigh, Cholniely Austen, b. Is2lt: Knidiiaiid 
 at Trinity Collcj;i>, Oxford, ; Fellow ls;,2-lll; ealled 
 t" the har at LincHln's Inn lS.'p(;. A lloincwiird Hiilc, 
 and other Poems, I. on., I Mis, IL'ino. 
 "A slmrt, ^M-aieful, and unalVceled book of poetry."— 
 .S(i(. tier.. .\.\vl. ti7. 
 Leigh, l>orn. (Trans.) Nidile Wonl.-i and Deeds; 
 from the Krunch of K. Miiller. Illust. Lou., 1S77, or. 
 Leigh,!':. (Trans.) Philippe's liOve-.Story i a Tale 
 of Fashion and Passion in France, by Octave Feuillet, 
 N. York, 1S77, Svo. 
 Leigh, Ellie. Golden Memories: a Novel, I.on., 
 1S7H, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Leigh, Egertoii. 1. (Ed.) Dallails ami 1,e);ends 
 of Cheshire. Illust. I-on., 1S67. 4to. 2. A 'Jlossary 
 of Words used in the Dialect of Cheshire, founded on a 
 .Similar Attempt by Roger Wilbraham, Lon., IS77, p. Svo. 
 Leigh, Evan, IS!l-lS7(i, b. at Ashton-under-Lyne, 
 Laneiishire. The Science of .Modern Cotton-Spinning, 
 I,on., 1>72, 2 vols. 4to; 4th ed., 1S77. 
 Leigh, Frances, (Butler,) daughter of Mrs. F. 
 A. Kemble, «ii/,/vi .- married, 1S71, to Hon. and Ilev. 
 .Liiues Wentworth Leigh. Ten Years on a Georgia 
 Plantation since the War, Lon., ISS;), Svo. 
 "The style is terse, .siniple, Ineid.unalTeeted; the temper j 
 almost pertVot ; ancl, tliougli it may cuntradiet sunie pupu- 
 lar iirejudii'os, ... it stives on the whole a truer and fairer 
 liotmn of the actual slate of thinKs in tlie South from l.Hii,'- 
 to 1^7l) than any other work we can remember."— .Su(. Jitr., 
 Iv. .'ilO. ■ 
 Leigh, tieorge. Mary Grainger: a Story, Lon., 
 1S74, 2 vids. p. Svo. i 
 Leigh, Gerard. Colonna, and other Poems, Lon., | 
 1S6II, l2mo. I 
 Leigh, Henry Sambrooke. 1. Carols of Cock- I 
 ayne. Illust. Lon., IsiiS, lijuio; new ed., 1880. 2. 
 (lillott and Goosetiuill, [verse,] Lon., 1S71, 12mo. 3. 
 (Ed.) Jeu.\ d'Esprit, (Mayfiiir Library,) Lon., 1876; 
 new ed., 187'.), 12uio. 4. A Town tJarland : a Collection 
 of Lyrics. Lon., 1S7S, ]i. Svo. 5. Strains from the 
 Strand: TriHes in Verse. Lon., 1S82, p. Svo. 
 l^eigh, Henry Stone. The lleligion of the World, 
 Lon., ISD'.I, l2mo. 
 Leigh, Hev. James Edward Austen-, M.A,, 
 1799-1SV4; graduated at E.\eter College, O.vl'ord, 182(1 j 
 vicar of Bray, lierkshire. from 1SJ2. He was a son of 
 James Austen, brother of Jane Austen, the novelist, and 
 assumed the additional surname of Leigh. A .Memoir 
 of Jane Austen, Lou., lS6(t, Svo; 2d ed., 1S71, ]). Svo. 
 "Written ill a tone of calm quiet eandour, and good 
 sense as well as good ta.ste. wliieli is not unworthy of its 
 subject."— .SVi/. ltd., x.\iv. 111). 
 Leigh, John, M.U.C.S., b. lSl:i; officer of health 
 for Manchester, Eng. 1. History of the Cholera in Man- 
 chester, Manchester. ISal). 2. Sir Percy Leigh, and i>tber 
 lliillads, Manchester, IStil, 12mo. ,\non. 
 Leigh, John Ktuddy. 1. (Trans.) England and 
 ltu.ssia: eoni]irising the Vovages of J. Tradescant the 
 Elder, Sir H. « illoughby, R. Chancellor, Nelson, and 
 o.'hers, to the White Sea; from the (ierinan of Joseph 
 von Hamel, Lon., iS54, Svo. 2. Manufactories and 
 Commercial Est.iblishments of the World : No. I., Lon., 
 ISSO, fol. 
 Leigh, Langton. Louise: an Entirely New 
 Drama, in Five .\cls. Lon., 1SS2, Svo. 
 Leigii, M. A. Austeu. True Temperance as taught 
 by the liible. Lon., 1S84, or. Svo. 
 Leigh, Marian. My Own Story, N. Y'ork, 1865, 
 Leigh, Hev. R. G., Independent minister at Farn- 
 worth, Lancashire, Eng. Sketches of I'aris and the 
 Rhine, liolton, 1S6S. 
 Leigh, Uobert. Flirting, Lon., IsSo, Svo. 
 Leigh, ThoniiiN. Garlands of Verse, Lon., IS.jfi, 
 Iieigh, \V. 'j he Practical Cotton.Spinner and Mali- 
 ager's Assislant, 1 in,, 1S76; new ed., 187S, ISmo. 
 Leigh-Noel. See Noi;i.. 
 l/eighton, .VIcxander, 1800-1874, b. at Dundee, 
 Scotland; was educated at the academy there and at Kdiii- 
 burgh for the legal pridession. With the help of llii.;li 
 .Miller and other friends ho obtained literary employ- 
 nient, and wrote the greater number of the stcn-ies kn ■wii 
 as " Wilson's Tales of the li(M-der." I. Curious Stoiiid 
 ■fraditions (d' Scottish Life. Edin.. IsDO. 
 "Scotland is pre-eiiiiiieiitly llie land id' good stories. . . . 
 Mr. Leiglitoii has coll,, ted nine or ten of them, and 
 told them very clearly and elleetlvely."— .S<i/. Kei:, Ix. to.'). 
 2. A Second Series of Curious Stcjried Traditions •■( 
 Scottish Life, Eilin., iMll. 3. The Court of Cacus ; i.i. 
 The Story of liurko and Hare; 2d od., Lon., 1861, fp. 
 " The history of the atrocious career of Ilurko and Ilaiv, 
 and of that sl'raiige uiisi' of the Aiialoiniciil 
 Schools whieli tempted those miscreants to expel the s.,u| 
 in order to turn the liody into merchandise, well deserves 
 at entive study."— .•<■'l^ AVc, xiii. ."iilO. 
 4. Myster'ous Legends of Eiliiiburgh, Edin., Isfil, p. 
 Svo. [>. Shelllmrn, [a talc] Lon., Isilj, p. 8vo. 6. 1;., 
 mnnces of the Old Town of Edinburgh, Edin., 1867, p. 
 Leighton, Mrs. Caroline C. Life at Pusrci 
 Bound: with Sketches of Travel in Washington Terii- 
 tory, British Columbia, Oregon, ami California, l.Sli.'i- 
 ISSl, Host., 1SS4, 12mo. 
 Leighton, D. E. >V. The Imlian Gold-Minim; 
 Industry: its Present Condition and its Future IM"-- 
 pects, Madras, |ss:',, Svo. 
 Iieighton, John, F.S.A., b. ls22, in Lonihm : ll;l^ 
 travelled in Russia and the Caucasus for the purpose of 
 studying liyzantine art; has lectured on art and litera- 
 ture, illustrated 1, :■■''.:, and published some satirical bro. 
 chures under the pseudonyine of ** Luke Limner." 1. 
 London Cries and Public Ivlifiees, Lon., 1S47. sq. 8vo. 
 2. Suggestions in Design: including Original C»iupn-i- 
 tions in All Styles: with Descriptive Notes, fur the I sc 
 of Artists ami Workmen, Ac, Lon., 1853, 4to; new e.l., 
 ISSl. 3. Madre Natura ic;'»ioi the Moloch of Fashion- 
 a Social Essay: with Twenty-FTve Illustrations by Liil<e 
 Limner, Esq., Lon., 1S70, 12nio. Anon. 4. (Eil.) Paris 
 under th3 Commune. Illust. Lon., 1871, p. Svo ; "d 
 ed. same year. 
 Leighton, Uev. John, D.D. 1. (Jospcl Faith coai- 
 mended to Common Sense, N. York, 1SS6, lliro. 2. Tlie 
 Jewish Altar: an Inquiry into the S]iirit a:. I intent nf 
 the Expiatory (Jll'erings of the Mosaic Ritual, N. York, 
 1SS6, Svo. 
 Leighton, Itichard. The Practical Applicatiiii 
 of the Law of Storms at Sea, Lon., 1862, Svo. 
 Leighton, Uobert, 1822-1869, b. at Dundee i^i'"!- 
 land. 1. Rhymes and Poems; 2d ed., Lon., ISCil, Ip. 
 Svo. 2. Poems, Lon., 1S66, U'mo; 2d ed., 1873. :i. 
 .Scotch Words; and The Bapteesment o' the Bairn, Lun.. 
 186!), 16mo; 4th ed., 1873. 4. Laddie's I-anieiitatioii on 
 the Loss of his Whittle, and other Poems, Lon., |s72- 
 73, 12mo. 5. Reuben, and other Poems, Lon., 1^75, 
 12ino. 6. Records, and other Poems, Lon., 1880, ]). .-vu. 
 Leighton, W. A. Lichen Law of Great Britain: 
 2d ed., Lon., 187:'., l2mo. 
 Leighton, William, 1841-186!), b. at Diinlee, 
 Scotland, brother of Robert Leighton, sii/mi. 1. I'mais, 
 Lon., 1S70, ISmo. 2. Baby died To-Day, and oilier 
 Poems, Lon., 1 875, p. Svo, 
 Leighton, William, B.S., b. 1S33, at Cimbiidgc 
 Mas.s. ; was cUicated at Harvard ; engaged in the luaiiu- 
 factureof glass, and in 1868 removed to Wheeling, W. \a. 
 1. The Sons of (Jodwiii : a Tragedy, Phila., 1876, I'-'ino. 
 2. At the Court of King Edwin : a Drama, Phila., I-V". 
 l6mo. 3. Change: the Whis-cr of the Sphinx. I'liila., 
 187!t, 12mo. 4. A Sketch '■ Shakespeare, Wliecliai;, 
 lS7i), Svo. 5. Shakespeare's J)ream, ami other 1'. ems, 
 Phila., 1880, sq. Svo. 6. The f objection of llanil.t : :in 
 Essay toward an Explanation ol the Motives of Th.iUgiit 
 and Action of Shakespeare's P.-inco of Dcnmari; : '*itli 
 an Introduction by J. Crosby, Phila., 1882, sq. Il'iim. 
 Leinster, Duke of. See F'itzoerald. 
 Leishman, William, M.D., Regius profe -ir of 
 midwifery at the University of Glasgow. 1. The Mech- 
 anism of Pi Lor 
 including 1. 
 ISSS, 8vo. 
 Leitch, : i 
 tian Errors 
 suggested b 
 Prize Essay 
 Anon. 3. T 
 Heart Heligi 
 1862, Svo. 
 Novel, Lon., 
 tionists and 
 Rowland Lan 
 Leitch, 1 
 Painting. II 
 Painting in .' 
 Sepia Paintin 
 Leitch, I 
 Rothesay, Sco 
 gow; licensed 
 '•i|'al of Quce 
 I'od's (Hory i 
 cr. Svo. 
 Leith, All 
 and Song: fro, 
 Leith, El 
 Verses, Glasgo 
 Leith, Jol 
 Smyth's (Juesti 
 the (ireat Pyn 
 Water; or, Th 
 retained in the 
 Leith, Wi 
 •Mcii-at-.-Unis i 
 with Etched PI 
 )s.'*2, 2 vols. 4t. 
 " The chief ai 
 lishes tlie'musti 
 Willi ail introdii 
 taiieeof the pari 
 1- printed on lar 
 ii'liuirahle etclii 
 copies of this hti 
 2. Life of St. 
 Edin., 1SS4. 3. 
 .Mary Stuart am: 
 Original Miinuse 
 can and other Ci 
 "This is a very 
 dons may not ta'li 
 they are certainl 
 clierislied opinioi' 
 history of tiio Uol 
 4- (Ed.) The I 
 Leitner, G 
 D.C.L., b. 1830,1 
 lirussa, Malta, ar 
 interpreter to thi 
 «ar; was appoin 
 .M.iilern Greek « 
 «"'! professor of 
 siiiiie institution i 
 the .Mhldle Tem| 
 I'overniiient Coll 
 Lah.,re, India, an. 
 t'liiadod by himscl 
 Kashmir, 'Little ' 
 ',',"■'• '(■■iner'svii 
 -- Ihe Langua 
 Only 100 copies pr 
 l^«", -' vols. p. 8v 
 I-eland, Chai 
 " ided chiefly in I 
 fill! language, histi 
 Ki'iarning to Phi! 
 in.histrial -art mti 
 i-Huriied to Londo 
 •ii'.vous in Art and 
 bi'gends of Birds, [ 
 ''• 'Trans.) Heine'i 
 I<(!itcli, Alexander. I 
 \ indioiition, l,c,n., I.SflH, 8vo, 
 now (m1., \. York m7l ( cp 
 oil., N. York Is:-' •. (r > Vi ' ' '""'"! "ew 
 ^ 1^1 r<i". 1... 11,0 Kg.v|,t„u, SkuU.l,.U„„k, 1,0,,,, J«r'(, 
 d mill 
 i^n:'. -2 vols. p. Hvo. 2," I'mctin.l' E.liicT 
 llieir Systems of Teaching, |„,„., js/-^ 
 Painting ,„ .\„u,n,| Tint. IMust Lon lH:-.J.t >' 
 •^epia Painting'. I|lu„t ',nn -<--.««'.' :""• ''• 
 (,'ow; licensed US ft pruaehci ir, Is'ts „,wi v, ^ '"'ins- 
 ..Jit- J;,;:'i.i'!:v„jf£";^ri:' "— 
 i™.'i;!.,^r.'i;;i. ,sr«'» ■"■' "-".k"...: 
 lieith, niiiiiiin Forbes-, S J I 'rh„ <5 ? . 
 .Mcn-iit-.Vrnii no. I 1 if. i • ' ,? '• ^"" ^O"'" 
 .■.1 I'. I .. Liiteguards in France UIS IS-o. 
 1^2^'^t 'i:r '' '"^'"- "• "« '■-'""-i-^:! Eain.; 
 nJhcsMie 'imiSron'i::VH^!5 '^''^^■'''»''''>«'™'- He pub- 
 « i'li "M intnl , t oryUete 1 s^m VJi;;'V'''"r"^ V' ''"'■'""■«. 
 Inline nf the Dart nl vert l.v i^ . " '" "'"'"' ""-' impor. 
 iMMintr,l"V aryepape!;,, hVTh^^^^ ' ' ' ■'''i^' l"«'k 
 "'linin.hle otchif;^. ' ' '' o Vv^,™^'', «' .l^y " luimhei- of 
 "Ilier Dullads, l,on., 
 veil of 
 and their Language, Lon., 
 i-y)". bi^.;:!^; t'ir^' '^-''"-"^ 
 .1 .Kreat inail ■' t ,,' ' ,^ ' ,''">"-;,'•, > 'an !"■ is. lie in'ak es 
 wliicli He M-e afrai,! m ,n ;^ '.'> '''i'''''*^^N"> Hic" 
 siH'h twaddle llu;.". ,-r;'^^^^^ • • Mixi'd with 
 11",". lie is a man of remli o- f, ■■"'"*-' "''','''' "'"'"'^ 
 eiillivated t,Lsie."-,s„7 to'.^xxxvl ir '''' "'"' ''^ 
 14. The Kngli.,!, (Jip.^i; 
 IS7.), or. Svo; 2d ed., Is?) 
 known people a . t iir m ™ i 'hi'''-T'"-'';"V« "'''^ ""'*> 
 traveller'"-,"!;''!/;^,!.!;; ',';^""'^"» "fs" untnmwoM 
 12m ; ''"'l"">'.\in "n.i th'otioblins. 
 l2mo. 1,. Pidgin-English .«ing-.« 
 olones in Hio ni.;„.. i.. .. . . o 
 y a 
 Illust. r.on 
 of si eryYn the^Vnitc^'s'/'t^'r'^' "■"' ""• A*"""'"" 
 N.York, IS?" I'mo , M ""' ' ' -^"^ l'l"tarch" Ser.,) 
 •'.'•- l-mo. lil. Minor Ait.s : Porcelain. Paint- 
 o. 20. The 
 ^''° 'l'*?;,""}"'" Logond. of New England; 
 tieyareV^tainlvcalnatt to shnk "*'''''''", '•y^^ 
 clierished (ipiiiions aVul rnlu enVi, .^^^^ ■"■ ""™''»-''' I'f loiig- 
 Listory Of ti'ie UeLm/ilio;i.'"-iSj;;"'':I-J'VX''''''''"« '" "'« 
 •}■ (Ed.) The Life of St. Cuthberl, Edin' KSH** j,„ 
 t'- .Middle"T;m;,ro ''."^i and "" ""'"'""' "'" *""■ '" 
 f^iovcrnment Co" ' 
 ™!!!Vi;!f A- voii^i^, hiiVip,;;,;;^;- --,!;; ^ji^yire^i- 
 victioii."_.Vu^v,n 'ixxlx '.-,1 ^ '"" '""■">'" ™"' 
 '•'', \ r t '^'?"»r>l"s. . . 
 tales, verv \(ell t( h l- ,^ l i- ',-'' an(l'.s tales-ven . , 
 lievein.Siai diiiav ttiw^^^^ '"''">' "'c'i'ied nut 'to . 
 -Alh., Ko. 2988 ' ""' ""' J^i'^eun Uie Algonquin legend,; 
 is now • • ■■ ■•" **'■»• ''■'■ ^™'^^'""'l Education, Lon.,]tiS8,p! 
 with P,\i.\ni, p ij ■' . ;»"'■ -<«'. 
 K;^!;.-. Little Thi,...t^^:L^- 'Cfr- '^'n.^^:'i^"^i'^-' i"V "' "" 
 ■■■T. I e:.ner'sva,„„,„„ ,„,..,. _. Do«r-s. IM^sr ^^^,!r%-i^"-' I-'-D-''^ and Out 
 "^lir Teener's valuable work 
 n ",■ , ''" Languages and 
 ""1^ .'^0 coi)ie3_printed. 
 ■Ath., No. 2375. 
 of Dardistan, 1876 
 ,„, ^''"*'- -^'- York, 188o"'i'2iuo 
 1S08. A.n^r^^^-^f----^^;0 1S.S- 
 . ;-- -"lJ.c;^ (iiHueu. .^-.., fiiooi leans In Koiue N Vm-t ivna lo ■• 
 f-eland, karle« «„Hr,„„ r , . .. . ! Hampton: ^h .in T^i "';'?'?"■ ^.>'° Ch-P'-^ after 
 3. ,'I 
 "V Art and ..iteral 
 aJs of Birds, [verse.l 
 i-ans.) Heine's Book oi 
 ne in Thought ,■ or, The 
 .e, N. York, 1802, 12 
 "ege, Oxford, ISfiii 
 !iiio. 2. • the bai 
 ust. Phila.,18B:t,sm.4to;;La,v I 
 name Lely in lieu of 'hi.,' pat 
 the hnr nf *k« T m i . 
 and assumed the 
 ■r at the Inner Temple ISfl 
 •onymie, Ostler ; called to 
 rfongs, Phila., 1864, 16 
 lexic n. 
 ^ Th" Regul 
 F,l rph-i. ■■ .■• (Ed.) Wharton', 
 „ .■.l.?l'"^' ?.'".""^^ of Pniotieal 
 iitions of Uaiiw 
 :y8 Act, 1873, 
 Lon., 1S73, Mvo. 4. Tlio I.iiw of Miinioipul Curponitiuni', 1 " ll Is uiic IIiIiik in be iillvc tn llio liliinilirs and f.lllt* i.r 
 I.on., 1MM2, 8vo. 5. (Kl.) Woodfiill's Luw of Lumllurd ''»' •'^'''■''''i ",'''' "''.'''''•'^ '''"•-'i''' '" '"l''''-''',''''' '''''^'■"■'■' '''''''■ 
 ",'"'.' . ?uMi . *^,„^" ','.,.' ,*"'"'"''■" °' . . . Tin; work i» uh. Uw\y rhumiU'ilzcd ihn.uKli.iiii l,v 
 I tility iiiisDL'd 111 1H.M4, Lun., I^sl, 8vu. Willi I'lilil.KKM, Uu-Hiiiiiiremii irri Ui lie itrkoii.Ml its u viiluuljli; i trilMiiioi', 
 Wii.i.iAM Dkcimiis Inoi.ktt: I. 'flio Md using Actn, ' Uj tlie lilcmlure of lliu sulijiii' -.Sii(. tef., xll. Ju;i. 
 \s'^x, isiiu, iind 1M72, Lon., IS7L', Svo; :!d l I., brought 2. Notes in Mexico in IHill-il2, Lun., 1HB2, p. ,Sv ,. 
 down to 1«7I, I.S74. 2. Tlio .ludiciituro Acu, 1. ,»i, 1 
 \>U>: with Notm, liOii., I •<70, Mvo; 2d Kd., |h;:. 3. 
 Tliu I'lirliiiiiao'jiry lllocaion AuH for '.iisliiMi and 
 Wilier 1,011., ..■(s.i, Svo. Willi I'kahck 1;,i« .iIip UoBi: t, 
 A(,'rii'ulturiil Holdings, L..n., |ss:i, Hi,,; .d ed.. Ihnj. 
 I.uiiiiiii, Walter .M. Moinori " of an Old Actor, 
 Sun Kmii., I8S7, il'oiitiiins ant ■'!" c oi' T. A, Cooper, 
 Jo.<opliiiii' Clil'toii. " Mii.iter" lliirli' . 1 .id other actors.) 
 I.c Miirt'liiiiit, Sir DeiiiN, Hurl., [unii, vol. i., 
 ndd.,] ITlla-i'^71. Memoir id' .( Iiii Clmrlos, Viscount 
 Althoi'p, Third lliirl Spencer, Ijon , l^7H. 
 "The .\Icinuir. hiiviiiK been left uiUitiished, liiw iieoil 
 ciiinpleted iiiol iirniiiKcd Iv .-ir Henry I.,e .Murclmiit. . . . 
 The work lonll^ a VMliiuMe iiddltlon lo the ('on>taiilly-ac- 
 cuniitlalini; mass of nnile rials for the history of Lord li rev's 
 ndnilnlslratloii ami <d' tl'e Itefonu llill ; and II lias the fur 
 lili,'her merit of Pennine liloirraphleal interest."— .Sii/. Hec, 
 lie MeHRuricr, Col. AiiKUstiifi, K.E., C.I.K., 
 served in the .Vby^-ioi in oainpaii;n IMils, and in the 
 Al'ithan war 187H-71!| engineur-in-ohiiif of the .Mysore 
 State railway, Ao. I Konduhar in 18711 : bein^ a Diary, 
 reprinted, Lon., IHmI. cr. Svo. 2. Game, Shore, and 
 Water Birds of Indi 1. llliist. 3d ed., Calcutta and 
 Lon., ISS8. 
 " It Is aKiKid. 1. St bixik, which well fulfils lis avowed 
 purpose."— .Su/, .V .. Ixv. 272. 
 Le MfNUritr, Henry. Mer-Cur-ius ; or, The Word- 
 Make-. l,on., I Sol, Svo. 
 Lioininon, Julin Gill, b. 1832, at Lima, Mich.: 
 special agent of the California ii<;ricultural department 
 in the division of forestry since 18S(i, and its botanL-^t 
 since lh88. 1. Ferns of the I'aoitic Coast, including 
 Arizona, San Fran., 1882, 8vo. 2. Discovery of the 
 Potato, San Fran., 1884. 3. Jlcmorial of Aniila Hud- 
 son Lcnimon, Uaklands, 1885. 
 Le Moiiic, Jume!* ItlcI'lierson, b. 1825, at 
 Quebec J educated at the seniiiiary there; ailmitted to 
 the bar 1850; superintendent of inland revenue at 
 Quebec since i>l7. 1. Legendaiy Lore of the Lower 
 St. Lawrence, I8ti2. 2. Maple Leave'; a Budget of Le- 
 gendary, Historical, Critical, and Sporlmg Intelligence, 
 tiucbcc, 1863-65, 4 vols. Svo. 3. (I'M.) JLmuscripta rc- 
 latinj^ to the Early History of Canada. Published under 
 the Auspices of the Literary and Historical Society of 
 Quebec. Quebec, 1866-68, 2'part8, 8vo. I. The Tourist's 
 Xote-liook, I87U. 5. Quebec, Cast an I Present. Illus' 
 Toronto, 1876, 12mo. (i. Chronicles of the St. Lawrence, 
 1878. 7. The Sword of Brigadicr-deneral .Montgomery, 
 1879. 8. The Scot in New France; n:- Ethnoloj»ienl 
 Study, Montreal, 1881, Svo. Also, se i! works in 
 Iieinon, Marl<, [tmte, vol. i., aild.,] lMhi-187n. In 
 1862 he delivered a very popular course of Icelurcs, "About 
 London," at the (iailery of Illustration, and in 1868 he 
 gave a series of readings personating Falstaff ii. encs 
 from Henry I'l'. He was one of Dioke', . ao iitcur 
 troupe. I. Biity Morrison's Poekct-Book, L"n., 1856, 
 12mo, 2. The licir of Applebite and Our Lodgers, Lon., 
 1850, 12ino. 3, A Christmas Hamper, Lon., I8.V.1, 12ino. 
 4. (Ed.) Tom Moody's Tales, Lon., 1863, Kimo ; new ed., 
 1868. 5. Wait for the End : a Story, Lon., 1863, 3 vols. 
 I), Svo; new ed., 18(18. 6. Legends of Number Nip, 
 Lon., 1864, ll'ino ; new ed., 1S70. 7. Loved at Last; a 
 Story, Lon., 1864, 3 vols. p. Svo. 8. (Ed.) The Jest- 
 Hook, Lon., 1864, 12mo. 9. Falknor Lyle: the Story of 
 Two Wives. L' li., iMiO, :'. vols. p. Svo. 10. Loyt<m Hall, 
 nnd other Talo.~. Lon., 1866, 3 vols. ji. 8vo. 11. Oolden 
 Fetters, l.on., 1»67, 3 vols. p. Svo. 12. Up and Down the 
 Londoii .-.lOOts, Lon., 1867, Svo. 13. Tinykin's Triins- 
 formatiins: a Child's Story, Lon., 1868, p. Svo. 14. 
 Fairy-Tales. Illust. Lon., 1870, lOnio. 
 Lemon, Robert, [iniU; vol. i., add.] Catalogue 
 of a Collection of Broadsides in the Possession of the 
 Society of Antiquaries of London, ' Additional Broad- 
 side's presented to the Society by V.. Peacock.) West- 
 minster, 1866, Svo. 
 Lempriere, Clmrles, D.C.L,, b. 1818; graduated 
 in civil law at St. John's College, Oxford, 1842; called 
 to the bar at the Inner Temple 1 8 (4; colonial secretary 
 fur llie Bahamas. 1, The American Crisis considered, 
 Lon., 1861, p. Svo. 
 \ pleasant description of a jileturesiiur eoiiniry nnd 
 ! pci Itir people, seiisoind with roinanlle ln('id>'iit.s of jn 1 
 SOI. .1 olviiiitiiri', ami Ihlekeiied Willi a siillieient c|uaiilliv 
 .f stallstical facts and nenenilly useful liiforinatioii."- .Sij 
 ilev.. XV. jso. 
 I Lendrick, W. K. Uetrospcetsand I'rospeots, lKi< 
 65; 11 I'olilieal SkeNdi, Lon., I86,'i, 8vo. 
 Leiidruiii, Key. Alexander, M.A., gradunlod nt 
 King's College, Aberdeen; ordiiiiied 1832; rector of 
 llhitherwycke since 1876. I. 'I'he Bights of the Sieoml 
 Order of Clergy, Lon., 1860, 8vo. 2. The Principles ol 
 the Kefornialion, iin<l (jiieslioiis of the Day, I, on., I87,,, 
 8vo. :i. The iMisi'o'ernnient of the Church, and Ih' 
 Keineilv '. ■ 1 
 L<'ii.i> , Cu|>t. ^i. 1. I, 'I' ealise on Higher Mil- 
 itary I'actics and Strategy, Lon,, 1853, 2. Kle 
 ments of Forlification, Lon., 1857, p. Svo. 3. Treatise 
 i on Fortilicati.n, for Stafl' Ollieers, Lon., 1862, or. Ito, 4. 
 Maxims, Advice, and Instructions In the Art of W'lir. 
 ' Lon., 1862, ISnio. 5. Course cd' .Military Siirveyinj; iin. I 
 Topographical Drawing, Lon., lMi4, r. Svo; ne« el.. 
 j Lenihan, IHanrice. Limerick ; its History and 
 Antiquities, Dublin, 1866, Svo. 
 Lennard, Cupt. C. E. Travels in British Colum- 
 bia: wilh a Yiiclit Voyage, Lon., 1862, Svo. 
 Lennard, U. li. Talcs from Moliire's Phivs. I, r.n., 
 ! 1859, p. Svo. 
 Lennard, Emma, Lady liarrett-,fourthdiiuch. 
 ter of Uev. Sir Jidiii Pago Wooil, Burt.; iiiarried. Is.,:), 
 I to Sir Thomas Barrett-Lennard, sreonil Bart. Constuiao 
 I liivers; a Novel, Lon., 1867, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 Lenniird, Horace. I. Follies and Fancier: n 
 Medley in Metre, Lon., I88I, 12mo. 2. Chirrups, l,..,,., 
 1 3, p. 8\o. 3. Ve Legcndeof Dicko Whvttint' uml 
 hys Catte, 1420, [a burlesiiuc] Illust. Li,n., . ., 4tu. 
 4. Romps in Town. Illust. Lon., 1885, Svo. 5. Itoinps 
 at the Sea-Shore, l.on., 1885, Svo. 
 Lennard, Thomas Barrett-, son of Sir Thunm-s 
 Barn •:- Lennard, second Bart.; b. 1853; called to tl.i' 
 bar at the .'Middle Temple 1879. 1. The Married Women ~ 
 Property Act; its EfTect upon Existing Law, Lon., Iss2, 
 Svo. 2. The Position in Law of Women, Lon., 1883, Svo. 
 Lennox, James. A Koad Ouidc to the Southern 
 Scottish Counties; Dumfries, Kiiki'udbright, Wigi.iv.ii, 
 ii,'.. Dumfries, 1885, obi. Svo. 
 Lennox, .Maria J., daughter of Rev. Capcl Moly- 
 neux, ((/. ,-., im(f, vol. ii. :) married, as his third ivife, to 
 Lord W. , Lennox, in/'nt, 1863. Castle Heather: a 
 Novel, 1. ..., 1887, or. 8vo. 
 "Le 'lox, JMary,'' (Pseud.) See Cook, Mns. 
 Marv L.. mijim. 
 I^ennox, I,ord William Pitt, 1799-1881, sun of 
 the fourth Dnkc of Richmond. 1. Coiiiplon Audlev, 
 Lon., 1811, 3 vols. p. Svo. 2. '1 he Tuft-Hunter, Lon., 
 Is 13, 3 vols. p. Svo. 3. Peri-y Hamilton; 2d ed., l.iin,, 
 1852, 3 vol-, p. Svo. 4. P.'iip Courtenay ; a Novel, 
 Lon., 1852, 3 vols. p. Svo. 0. The Story of my Life, 
 Lon., 1857, 3 vols. p. Svo. 6. Merrie ''inglunr. its 
 Sports and Posti ncs, Lon., 1857, Svo. 7. Pictiiis uf 
 Sporting Li'', . ' haraetcr, Lon., 1859, 2 vol,-. ;,. Svo. 
 "The last. 1' ). we vouUl fuiu hope, the worst, of ilie lit- 
 erarv >fl'ortsot Lord William lMmi^x."—!ial. Jiei., i.\.:il3. 
 'Creations of u Sportsman, Lon.. 1862,2 vols, p, 
 8v F; Years' Biographical Reminiscences, l.on., 
 1 . vol Svo. 
 ■asaii islng.andgood-naturcdgosalp,"- .8(i(. /iV, , 
 XM, ...'7. 
 10. Adventures of a Man of Fun ■'■, Lon., 1881,3 
 vols. p. Svo. 11. Drafts on my Menmi \ , Lon., IsHo, 2 
 vols. Svo. 12. Sport at Home and Abroad, l.on.. 1872, 
 2 vols. p. Svo. 13. Jly Recollections from ISln '■ 187:i, 
 Lon., 1873, 2 vols, Svo. 14. Celebrities I have Imiiohi, 
 Lon., 1875-77, two series, 2 vols. Svo. 15. Coailiing: 
 with Anecdotes of the Road, Lon., 1876, Sio. IB- 
 Fashion Then and Now : Illustrated by Anecdotes, Lon., 
 1878. 2 vols. Svo. 17. Lord of Himself: a Novel. I.oo., 
 1880, 3 vols. or. Svo. 18. Plays, Players, Ac, at lloiuo 
 and Abroad, Lon., IS8I, 2 vols. 11. Svo. 
 Leno, J. U. The Art of Boot- and Shoeiuaking. 
 Illust. Lon., 1885, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1887. 
 Lentaigne, Alary, Lady, daughter and < heireis 
 . J'nl*.*, !'"' '*•,'. ''^"■' l^'ui-'T at till. An..|or.iy of M.,,1 
 ern l',l„Ky. !l..rli„ , viee.j,r«,i,|e„t „f Ih. Kimk 
 C. r a„u J Mlin ' r"'"™'' "-.SI^'kcsiHurc'- Tr««.dio.., 
 f^.'::^":^:. tnJIZ,!^tl' A'"n,.n..,.i„« a„„ Ue- 
 IiCoii, Kou'iN, The Silver Shin. «, ti i- 
 PiMnf r.:.„,an,lo, N. vi.rk Mr'" '.i,r' ^''" ^"""« 
 ^eon„r.|, A„,„.,. sou Iln,,„'M:.r;\„NKs 
 ^'"V '"'f' '"I'l^"!'"" I'-'l': l!o„k of Worship i^l" I,r 
 >-ruc.|,o„ for rh,l,lr,.„ ^nd Vouth, B.,8t.. I88j ""o 
 Leonard Kmily J. (Trans.) History of P. ' ,, 
 »hich the l'il«ri,„. h"f wi. V,!.; ' "'.V "'•""" "'^ 
 t.eonnril, Henrietta. (Tnm..) The Stu.Iv of 
 il.. ry ,„ Kn«h,„| ,„„| s«otl.n,l ; from the F,e„/h of 
 P.^iruJoncc,, (John. Hopkin. Uni^orsitj Studie;, Bait., 
 Bo';'"' ■ '*'>^f"" ^' '"'S""'" ^'"'' »»'• Vicinity, 
 .M.i'rL^ui::;;^^, ^^::^^ ^j- ^"^ christi„,; 
 Leonard, Rt. Uev. William Andrew, h I 
 i- ;;'Mil2'"''^";"'-^ edu„at.datlie;k"„;•I^>^^^ i 
 ool, M Idlet.nvn, Conn, j for.nerly rector of's,. .,,""(, 
 roh. Ha„hmgto„, D.C.: now A..U.,.nt Bi ho of I 
 ""'"■ I. \ la Sacra; or, ">tnrints of Pl,,.i..t n 
 KT ptivo of the Groat Theme.- Holy Week "4 \ t 
 J, Hrief iLtory of the Chri . in^Cht),.:!^: Ill', 'fs"^^; 
 I.eonowens, Mrs. Anna Harriette. b isij „ 
 I y, »hv „ ,he established a school for the trainn? nf I 
 '"''■-■KHrteu-toaehers. 1, The Fn^li.l, , •„ ^^ 
 ; >.:u,i.e Court . being kcI'lSt SU '^:i:: t^ 
 ilo- Kuyal Palace at Hftn<-I,..i, . .„:... t,, '■" Jt.i's m | 
 inlclcour'»7wi{irthe'ro™'l famiP^,',"'''^" '"'^ '"1"^"' her 
 tvirj-way admirable. [ .^ WhenYhV aml?„i""y "'''''>' ""'' 
 "uio. . . . nuentne author comes outside 
 |;|pf iM,i..rta,iil„« „r reeent l.o.iks'^if •.ravel.'-Zion^ilT 
 cerii 111? iiiuNi of villi,. I, K : ,, , , " leiiiai liilcs, idi|. 
 1:^.1 h.n:;nl;;'i,:^: [lis?; T'r'-r'^^^ 
 roali,!^;::;'"'^?';:^^:. ""''" ^•^''^ "- ^"^-f K-ii- 
 ' n .. I. «lk» „,tli the IVople by Men of M,„ i<, u„ 
 l-e Feor-Trench. See Ti.k.s.i,. 
 Le I'longeon, Mrs. Alice, (Di«on.) Here and 
 Il.ere „, Ucataii : Miscellanies, 'n. Y,ok, li.s.J 1^?," 
 fu'*".'?*^""' Augnstns. .-^acrod Mvsterie, 
 a uonK the A^ya.- and the Quiches, Kle en T lio , niJ 
 J' " '•"'-'■■O'l Uars Ago: their Uelntioii ,o tl o Sac ■" 
 ! Mysteries «t Egypt, (Jreece, Chaldea I ]„ | ". >" 
 ei,!;^T"*'","j.* • "•••'Kyncourt. (Trans.) Prin- 
 eiplo ot ..«ou,al tcoi.omy, by We. Unyot, Lon., 1884, 
 I he Riche, E. U . Book of Costs in the Common 
 ' Law „nd Divorce Courts, I,on.. I8fi(i, r. 12mo 
 Ti''T''!','4,-' ("Cousin Cieely," pseud) I ewis • 
 "■. Ihe Bended Twig, Auburn, N.V. IS*') ^ ' 
 Va';^s" liilli^fsHJI''^^^^^^^^^ •"' "■""'''' »"'' C..r-lo.i 
 , i^a.:si;c:'p^:n::.,t,- -'^'-"''- ^-'"- 
 Illus^ Zt'^lss'""'!?'' "•.. '; The FortuiK.te Failure. 
 : ?''i^giii^Shiss^r^ -X ■, "Ts!^lr'' '!rt"«' 
 I lish as she is Taught : Oonuin. a'usI '!' n.u"fn 
 yues ions .„ our Public Sch . N. York 88™ ~ 
 VorI"';888TI'fmi:'^'"'- »'' ^""'"'"" ^o"-" ■"'ti-^'N; 
 Leroy, C. G. The Intelliger, 
 ol Animals, Lon., 1,^70, p. svo 
 M. d! MSo,":„<'^':;An.?"^''«"-''''y "f B-"'. ''y 
 and as,.u,ned the .-iirnaturo J. P. Lesley, whc he sf]] re 
 tnJJ! . the Geological Survey of the State for three 
 >'h h in' M .;,Z. Teft /;"'"'■ "' -^ Congregational 
 p.,;.- ./,.'"".""• ''"' ^"i 'he niinislrv and seftlo.! in 
 expert in'^enirJv" u \'" ^'""' ''".««<'<'"»> a professional 
 naoe., Forges, and Rolling-Mills of the 0ni\ed ,«,rt::; 
 Tvl J'erfectibilitv 
 1 c; 
 N. Y»rk, 1SS«, Svo, 2. Cntiilouiie of the AmiTlciin Phil- 
 o»o|iliiiMil Mliriiiy, Plillii., IN():)-TS, ;) v(il.. Hvu. It. Mini'- 
 OriHiii iiikI I)i':<iiiiy, nkoliliitil Inirii tli» Pliitl'Mitii i>t' Ihc 
 Hcit'iu't-a, In a CmirHi* nl' IjfctureH ilclivert'il bcfnre tlio 
 [-(jwill Inslitiili', ill Ilij.'lon, 111 till' Winter of 18tli-fi«, 
 Philu., ISflH, IL'moj LM isl., inl., |HH|, 
 " \Vi- feel liniiuil In wiy Unit. iiltlimiKli Mr. Lenlcy'H cml- 
 neiici' ill I'lrlniii iIcIiIj. nl' ncIi'Hcc Ih wi'U t':<tulill^lii'il. he 
 MTiii'- III Ihc jinsriil iiiKli'riiikliiK' to Imvc imt iiwiiy (nun 
 hliii lln; liirniT iiortioti nf liln m'k'iilllli' Niilrlt."— .Vii^"", 
 vll. :i;i. 
 I. Ilintorical Sketch of (ipologicnl Kxj.lorationn in 
 Poniisyiviiniii, Hurri.iliiirjt, 1^711. 5. iVA.) Kiirly Pro- 
 oi't'iliiig* (1711 to l.s:iS) of tho AiiiurlL'iiii PliiliMiphioul 
 Nocioly, Philii., IMM5. (Ilu in nl^ni Kiiiil to Ik lii' iititlior 
 of I'aiil I)ri'ifin»: his lloliiliiy AbronJ. i;^ John W. 
 Allen. Jr. Iloflt., IHS2, I'Jnio.) 
 Leslt'y, ItlrH. Niiniiii Inches, ilnuxhti'r of Jiiil»;u 
 JoKOph Lyiiian, of Norlliainpton, Ma;":-*. ; inarrioJ, in 
 1H4V, to Prof. Peter Lesley, »m///i(. .MeiiioirH of Mre. 
 Annu J. liyinan, t'aiiiliiiiiKe, Miisn., IH7tl; LM eil., 
 entitled " Rccolli'oiions of my Mother," Host., IH.sfl. 
 Leslie, Alvxnndor« (Trnn-.) Voyam' of the 
 "Vi'ga" n>unil Asia ami Kiiro|pi): with a Historical He- 
 view of Previous \^)yago.s along the North Coast of ttio 
 Oil! Worlil, by llaron A. E. von Nonli'iiskioiii, Ooni- 
 umn.l.T of tlio Exfieilition. Illiiat. Lon., I,'<.sl, 2 vols, 
 meil. Hvo ; new ed., I '<K4, 1 vol. 
 liCslie, Alton. Silver Key to a (ioMen Palace; a 
 Meilley, l,oii., IMSO, |i. Hvu. 
 Leslie, I). Among the Zulus ami AmatoDgoi; 2d 
 ed., Lon,, IH7.'>. 
 Leslie, Kniina, (MrN. Uixun.) I. Trial and 
 Trust; or, Ellen Morden's Experience, Lon., |M|14, |i, 
 8vo. 2. Teddy's Dream ; or, A I/ittle Sweep's Mission, 
 Lon., 1HB8, IHiiio. :i. Milly's Errand; or, .Saved to 
 Save, Lon., 1X70, 12ino. t. Harry Lawley and his 
 Maiden Aunis, l,on., 1S7(), p. Svo. 5. Daybreak in 
 Italy, Lon., 1M70, p. Hvo. ft. Elsie's Dowry: a Tale of 
 the Frani.o-(iorinan War, Lon., IS71, p. Hvo. 7. Orphan 
 nnd Kounilling; or, Alone in the World, Lon., IH7I, p. 
 Svo. X, Percy Uaydon ; or, Self-Conquest, Lon., 1871, 
 p. Hvo. U. Constancia's jlousebohl ; a Story of the 
 Spanish Reformation, Lon., 1M72, p. Svo. 10. Ilayslope 
 Uninge: a Tale of War, Lon., 187:!, p. Hvo. 11. The 
 Captives, Lon., 1S7.3, p. Hvo. 12. Eli/.a Metcalfe's 
 Basket; or, Policy, not Principle, Lon., 187li, p. Svo. 
 l:!. Tom Perry's Venture, Lon., 1X74, 12iiin. 14. Esther's 
 Hogret, Lon., 1874, ISiuo. 15. The Kerryman'a Family; 
 or, Daisy Hope's Fortune, Lon., 1874, l2ino. Hi. Sun- 
 ben in Susette, Lon., t874, p. Svo; new od., I SSI. 17. 
 Edward's Conquest, nnd oilier Tales, Lon., 187.^, ISmo. 
 18. Squire Lynne's Will, Lon., 187.5, 12ino. 19. The 
 Hermit of Livry: a Tale of the Days of Calvin, Lon., 
 1877, p. Svo. 20. George's Temptation, Lon., IS78, 
 12mo. 21. The Chained 15ook ; a Story of the Days of 
 Henry VIII., Lon., 1S7S, 12mo. 22. Arthur Egorton's 
 Ordeal. Illust. Lon., 1878, 4to; new od., ISs:!. 23. 
 Crissy's Little Mother, Lon., 1S79, ISmo. 24. Caught 
 in the Toils; a Story of a Convent School, Lon., 1880, 
 p. Svo. 25. Tom Morrir^'s Error, and other .Stories, Lon., 
 1880, 121110. 2(1. Cecily: a Talc of the English Refor- 
 mation, Lon., 1S81, p. Svci. 27. Only a Little FaulP 
 Lon., IS82, p. Svo. 2S. Tom the Boater, Lon., 1882, ji. 
 Svo. 20. Water Waifs; a Story of Canal-Barge Life, 
 Lon., 1882, 12uio. :tO. A Slip at Starting j or, Johnny's 
 First Place, Lon., issii. 12iiio. ;il. Dearer than Life: a 
 Story of the Times of Wyclitfc, Lon., 1884, sq. liinio. ,'i2. 
 The (Jipsy Queen, Lon., 1S81, ji. Svo. III). Margaret's 
 Journal; or, Steps Upward, Lon., 1884, 12mo. 34. 
 Marion and Augusta , and A Life Lesson, by L. E. Do- 
 bree, Lon., 1SS4, 12ino. 35. Saxby : a Talc of the Com- 
 monwealth Time, Lon., 1SS4, sq. llliiio, 36. At the Sign 
 of the Blue Boar: a Story of Charles II. 's Reign, Lon., 
 1884, sq. Ifiiiio. 37. Gytha's .Message ; a Tale of Saxon 
 England, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 38. Tom Watkins' Mis- 
 take, Lon., 1885, IBino. 30, Stories from French His- 
 tory, Lon., 1S86, p. Svo, 40. Harry Lawley and his 
 Maiden Aunts, Lon., ISSfi, p. Svo. 41. Hidden Seed; 
 or, A Year in a Girl's Life. Illust. Lon., ISsfi, 12mo. 
 42. The Martyr's Victory: a Tale of Danish England. 
 Illust. Lon., 1886, sq. Iflmo. 43. The Sailor's Lass. 
 Illust. Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 44. Kate's Ordeal, Lon., 
 1887, p. Svo. 45. Through Stress and Strain, Lon., 
 1S87, 12mo. 40. That Vulgar Girl, Lon., 18S7, 12iiio. 
 47. Breaking the Fetters; or, The Last of the Galley- 
 Slaves, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 48. By Little and Little: a 
 Tale of the Spanish Armada, Lon., I88fl, I2m.>. tU. Il"» 
 (lie Strlkp began : a Story lir Girls, Illust. Lon., |H~-. 
 12nio. 'lO. The Lost llali\ . a Slnry of the Flood, I. m . 
 IMX8, iNiiiii. 51, .Magic llunes : a I'ale of the Tiiiio.< .i 
 Charleiiiagne, Lun., 1S>8, p. Svo. 52. Pretty Mi-- 
 Hathaway, Lon., IS8S, l2iiio. 53, Saved by Love: a 
 Story of London Streets, Lon.. 1888, 12mi>. 54. .thuoky : 
 a Story for llovs. Illust. l.uii,, 18MS, 1h„io. 
 reNlic, iiiuut.-Col. I'orltUN-. I. The Mmi 
 Races of Scotland and their Monuments, Edin,, 1800, . 
 vols. Svo. 
 " Voliinu'B anioiiK the most painful to read thai we c v. 
 took In band, liverllowiiii; as they do Willi liil'nriimii..i. 
 Ilieri' Is iMi (■lJlle^lull In llie iiiulerliil. . . liic lime an i 
 lalioiir whiili iiiM>l have been cxpendeil iipiiii lirliiun.;- 
 loKolhcr Ibis ciilli rlloii of iiiilices of ^iiitfle objcel!. ,r,i\ 
 (iiily he iippreclaUd liy turning over the- iiages."— .Viil. It, ,■ , 
 xxlv. I«8. 
 2. The Family of Leslie from 10117 to ISOS-flO, Edii.. 
 I soil, 3 vols. Svo. 
 liCdiie, (•eorRC Ulinlop, R.A., b. 18:'.5, In Lun 
 don; son of Charles Robert Leslie, (ofi^, vol. i.i dm 
 River; with Illuatratiuns by the Author, Lon., 18^1, r 
 "Mr. Leslie has not, fortunately, attempted to wrli. n 
 methoillcal giildO'biKik to tlie Thames. . . . lie ha.s simph 
 kIvi'11 Ills personal reiiilnlKiciiees of the river, of ius plcn-'- 
 ant iKMiks, Us vIlhiKi'S anil Inns. Il« boalliiK-peoi.le, blin-, 
 artists, llsbes, and bores, , . . Tlie drawings of scriicry aim 
 llgiiresare extremely ilelleate and touched wllli feeliin; 
 —!<<U. Ha:, II. 720, 
 Leslie, Henry. The Mariner's Compass ; a Novel, 
 Lon., IS05, 12iuo. 
 Leslie, Joseph Illnckburn. The Angola of ( 
 viewed in ihe Light of Philosophy and Scripture, Lon., 
 ISSJ, p. xvo. 
 »» Le^lie, Mrs. .MaUeline," ( Pseud.) See li.vKni, 
 MiiH. II. N. W., »i,/,/«. 
 Ijeslie, Mary K, I. Ina, and other Poems, Ediu,, 
 1^50, 12mo. 2. Heart Echoes from the East: Sacred 
 Lyrics, Ac, Lon., ISOI, fp. Svo. 3. The Dawn of Lighi : 
 a Story of the Zenana Mission, Lon., IS«8, ISmo: new 
 ed., 1S72. I. Eastern lilossonis; Sketches of Nalive 
 Christian Life, Lon., 1x75, 12nio. 
 Leslie, .Urs. IMiriam Florence, wife of E. (I. 
 Squicr, ii'/rii, and afterwards of Frank Leslie, ( (leiiry 
 Carter,) of New York, jiublisher of Frank l,e,-lii',s 
 Illustrated Newspaper, &o. 1. (Trans.) Travels in 
 Central America, by A. Morelet, Lon., 1871, p. Svo. :;. 
 From Gotham to tlic Golden Gate, N. York, 1S77, I2nei. 
 3. Rents in our Robes: a Review of Modern Socicly 
 :ind .Manners, N. York and Chic, 1888, 12ino. 
 Leslie, Robert Charles, b. Is2il; eldest son uf 
 Charles Robert Leslie, (oh(<', vol. i., nnd under Tavihii, 
 Tom, vol. iii.) 1. A Sea- Painter's Log : with Illustruliuiis 
 by the Author, Lon., 1S80, cr. Svo. 
 "I)eli(,'lill'iilly desultory, (nit-of-tlie-way. luimoroiis, , , . 
 He Is full of observation, and he never reveals an ell'ort," 
 —Sinctalor, Ux, 1311!. 
 2. (Ed.) Life aboard a British Privateer in the Time 
 of Queen Anne: being the .Journal of Ca|ilaiii Wuiiiles 
 Rogers, Master .Mariner : with Notes and llluslrali"ii>. 
 Lon., 1S88, er. Svo. (This is not an exact reprint uf liie 
 original work, but a summary, with occasional extraei,-.,) 
 Leslie, Rev. Robert Joshua, .M.A., a deseciiil- 
 ant of Rev. Charles Leslie, ((/. c, niite, vol. i. ;) gimlii- 
 ated at Trinity College, Dublin, 1851; ordained ls,.l; 
 vicar of Holbeacli, Lincolnshire, since 1872. 1. I'neins, 
 1S40. 2. Sermons on Common Prayer, 1S53. 3. A liny 
 of Light. ISB4. 4. Reform of Convocation in liihi- 
 tion to Disestablishment, Lon., 1S7S, Svo. 5. Life ;iiid 
 Writings of Charles Leslie, M.A., Nonjuring Divine, 
 Lon., 18S5, p. Svo. 
 "Had he refrained from poiirliiK upon a defeiiccle.^s 
 public lameiilalions and invectives which niiKlii he- 
 come the privacy of his own study after the Sahmii.n 
 Army had been' singing under his windows, his I k 
 woufil liave been more weleimie. . . . For, with ail its 
 faults, it Is the result of earnest and laborious researcii."— 
 -4(/i,, No. 'ioyj. 
 li. The Life and Times of the Right Reverend -lolni 
 Leslie, D.D., Bishop of the Isles, Scotland, and ol Ka- 
 |ilioo and Clogher in Ireland ; with Preliminary Skcklies 
 of other Eminent Persons of the Leslie Family, .\,D. 
 152,5-107.5, Lon., 18s: ■•. Svo. 
 Leslie, Thomu^ Idward Cliffe, LL.D., IS2n- 
 18S2, b. at Wexford, Ireland; educated at Trinity tOi- 
 lege, Dublin; called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn ; |iro- 
 fes.sor of political economy and jurisprudence at Q i ' n's 
 College, Belfast, from 1853 till his death. 1. Lan.l ,-ys- 
 .vc'ir» In im'1-IihM.miIs, iVui i,[J'. ''"' ''«,''''■ '"'-l Hinr 
 "uii". |„ |„, |,r,.«.|, Ju Lit I "» If'-'li. unci UM u,.r. 
 "'I»;" wliln, itrlnV J, t'iMl,,' !'■>■,',"■'■ "M'Pl.'mn,!,*,! I,; 
 thr l«ti.«t,l,u,.;'_,f ,^ '., ' .'"/,':;';" 'l!"l •ll„M,.,l„n if, 
 2. K»Hav» in I^Ji;,;.., .;.! ''^''''''^.'•^'■•;l, 
 hVonoiiiy." Uiilijin! {^HH. 
 2. K»H,iv« i„ I. ,';.,■ '■'"■""«''"!' AVr.vll.(il;l 
 lienrnmreux, i,eo. isflfl. iMM- 1.11.. 
 i" l'"l"'"nt..l<.KV, U, ,,■! , V •■""•n'M ,. lnye,liK„ti.,.„ 
 ^cienlill,, ,,„l,li,,.t ,n ,' ^ 'T'"' "'"' ""»■'• 
 llie Shile. ,Svo 2 ol'' ' i^' '!'""""• '""I', by 
 tlieCarb„„m Frnnui, ,'';," " "".' ''""' ^'^"^'^ "f 
 ^.i-:!'^^:^:^:;:ri^^?^M-;v-; ...J 
 .V. York, 1878. s^o""" ""''"''"" = » "i't""" Stuclyi | 
 or Hume K„l„ a,„l th,. ihl t IvTu I '•"'''"V " ^"'» 
 itcaivTm H, rranriu i if i ... «*<"mi, 
 fllun. !,„'„., 1881), rsvo" .,■,/'"'';;':.'"'" ^'iK-Tr-es. 
 """sl., a„,l oHur '.4o.o it..;' iZ .V'"""' •"'"''""- 
 >■'«' Hn:. xxHII 7!l7 ** '"'"»Ii"Ik>' uimI apprutiutlou.-l 
 »'••"«•. '."n..iM 1%';,'""" u," "";"';."'■ "" •''" •'^"""> 
 '"'"!'' '■'■wHilon III |„,„ f,vi 
 . fhidiii,.;,., „f r||„|„.,|_ 
 ^ed"rof South lliicknoyS 85' T'T"'' i""!*' 
 """ and the Ordiiiu y CWn n h 'ife .."'"^r t',' '^ ''" 
 .e,,e, Mary, (.sM;.Ha":C;'-7;:;,,n , . 
 of't1-r;t"!:.!rD";..J:f"v'" ""' "^''■' * «'""" 
 2I11H,. JJ«;«rLta of Mttsoniy, N. York, 1870, ; 
 -Jup'ibJ^-iTl:! ^r lit ]",^J7 i!"p-t- { 
 ^'Kstraiiep n«.i/ *.■', i '"••'''''•• 2 vols. 8vo. 
 round the Wo.^t of Enelanl *'.'''''''"■ '• "^'^Mnr; 
 '■if "f Mary Ku^N "^ n '\ i";:!;,^:' ' '^--i , 2- (K.I." 
 Letter., to hor Frien,l«, Lon I'sM s " " "o"''^'"""' '"' 
 >naii,.nilrWy,|.!,,.u'n It,, , '' 'r «'■■'••"" "I ImM f,v 
 I'll" <livi„„/,a,„.,, '1 "1 1 , ." "'•11'^,"/ iiim.inrl.alinnmr. 
 L'iij:i. ""'*'-''' "il'iil ri'iiiarkH.'—.i^/, <<|, 
 'i. The Village of palacen 
 '-n^., 2vol,.,.r.Hv.,. 
 "ti^hwifi imr:ily^:/;,!;ivf;:;vi ";^"i'>"i "in, i„„.r..M. i„u 
 xvll, irc>. ' I"- 11 It rrcil to ii>. an aiiilioiiiy..'_j;.„,^^ 
 -™r.l'i ■i.'ttui'rtnl';:;!' ^'r ""r-" '""^'^'••'" 
 l...n., 1882. 2 v.'k ,,. 8v„ ''"'■■•i"-y <•orr.n,.oudent^ 
 'HlJr!:Um'l,o;'';j!;!;;V';ii;;;' ,"" I'l'^Port t,. l^ mtner Ihu 
 i'itiioii«ii ii„. i.Mik i,j " . r.ri'' "',""' '"'■''"■■ •"". 
 ^T}.;ri'ai:::t;nJfr^ ?■■'--'' ^"'^^ 
 'ii-"^'i'»i.O,. I,„n!, iNss . ;„II'7"'8'"' ""■■ •^'•'-"-nole.^ ..f 
 iv.i..;tlie, by Mnk ,,,""•' ';.?"''\''''r'^^> '■''•• '""'^ 
 Mais, anil PJa , p ,;.,, „^;:''' '».'^''' ; ° ^ "^h No,..,: 
 I.on.. 1880. ' "i<-.stinf l'ilgriin« Text .Soo. I>„b. ) 
 ^ tion '^'';fn'^,«: VaT"!'"!'^'- ^■"•" "" "'« I'tili/a. 
 FlaKs: b,.i„. ,i,. 'iM,:,,,! ; ,'♦• ' 'i''" KiMiit.en 
 (ieneral .Ma,.iv,.|.. l,,;;,",",;',:;;' ;";"'""- »<■ «H«a,ll..|.. 
 ^^Le.hhridKC., Mrs. ciu'i;.' five,. I,U.t. Lon.. 
 .Ii'lfin:'";:!r',;f;;^:., '• 'f^^-'n 'he Oloryof 
 "I'.nan lleaii.s. Lon 'isoil f,, v/'"*"'K '^'I'^ughts for 
 North K..n»L,;;;":>' i^^!"'- ^?"'[:'« 'r«" ' *"•• '^- 
 full "f.'i^r^'r;;;^;;:;;:.""'"'^"'^!!-'.'. Ti,e 
 :xir-..,nl/;^r?^':^;;:!^;>,i,k"Vl'H-":.'b.ervtttio„ ; a mind 
 p"-. s,-«nd the i..s',;ft!rAt.'itel;k"i,':L; v';;^i'^f 
 I North K..n»in,i;;„ .,:;: a;;:^' ^frcr"' V- '"^ 
 iMr^":;^r7;';t!!;:«;\:yr'""f^?^' "^'^^i-' 
 , State foll.:;;,.;.'',':!:,,'^^"'-'^',':;" ■" I""'-: ■' I'lea for tho 
 I '^>!('ll>ri(lgp.Jta„i,„rv o „ 
 .■HMlical oau.r of Til.'h f-'r, "'•"• l*"«-'«78. wan 
 member of the .U>n'^,, " ,"^'', ""^ "f '-"d"-. an,l a 
 tures''of?,!'[a"7i'lJ-„i,]:'r'^'* I'r-"-^-' ■•,.|e. 
 'Ill"«t. H<...t., 188,8,1,",'!' '^'"S'-i'I'liifal 
 Lctterman, Jonathan, .M.D 18''j_i879 v 1 
 I rso«:^r.""-" "'■ '"^ ^■"■^ »'■ "- po-toulaTk. v:;',;; 
 -S; ?oM:-e"?bM'„ m''*-"',^*^•^■ «™""''""' 
 ■If A^hader, siitee 188 "^;h " F:.'; i '.'T h '"^^ If"' 
 Enslan.l. Belfast, 1880 p ,8vo ° '^°''"' "^ 
 Tri;^^';^.,?5c^::''" P^^. ma., «,.d«„ted at 
 of .«t Annn'? a, ? ^V: ^ ' "flamed I8.iii; vicar 
 vant'; „„7,; ;„t r/';:'' '""./!""« '.Stn. mble So ' 
 u.n«:"u.r,'hrpair'!,rtrviH'-. •^™-) j-- ^1.... 
 Anon ,A prrod;"! "^.^S'^-l' '""- '^^O' ^^-o! 
 OrJ:^hot""(5r"':r"'i'e- a^dT'" ^'^^ ""'■""-'. 
 must. Bo.-t., isilf i2;,„°" ""'^ *"'" '» Ventilate them! 
 "STT F 
 Leudesdurr, C. (Trnn^.) Elements of Projective | 2 vols. r. Svo. 2. On T.ixiition : how it is riiisid nn.l 
 (Jcoinetry, by L. Cremona, l,on., 1SSA, Svo. I how it is ex|.emle,l. l,on., IHIll), p. Hvo. •■ Wages an.l 
 Leill, A. H. P. The Spinal Nerves, Brooklyn, Karniiigs of the WorkinK-Cliisse.-, Lon., IS6,, Svo I. 
 1882 Svo. Theory and Practice of the Metric System, ic, Lun 
 Leupolt, llev. Charles Ileii.iHinin, ordaine.l '" '" "'' "-'■'■ '' — "" 
 1831 ; missionary for tlie Chun-h Missionary Society at 
 Benares 18:i2-72. 1. Hccolleclions of an Indian .Mis- 
 sionary, Lon., I8(!2, 12mo. 2. Further Uecollections of 
 an Indian Missionnry, 1S91, ]i. Svo. 
 lieiltciliniill, H. (iraphic I'ictures of Native Life 
 ill Histant I>ands. Illusl. I.on.. 1SS8, r. Svo. 
 Le Vim, M illinin linriiet, b. ls2'J, at Easlon, 
 Pa,; an engineer, inventor, and niaiiufiictiirer in I'liila- ' 
 delphia. 1. I'sefiil Infoniialioii for Engineers, lioiler- 
 Miikcrs, and I'Mreiiicii, I'liila., ISTIi. 2. The Stcain- 
 Eiigine Indicator and its Use, ISSt. 
 liC Vaiix, li, W. V. Twin Records of Creation ; I 
 or, (ieologv and (lenesis, fiOn., ISO;, Svo. 
 Levt-r, tiiiirles James, M.B., LL.D., [uni,. vol. 
 i.. adil.,] ISIII1-IS72. lie was appointed consul at Spez- . 
 7,ia ill Is.iS, and transferred to Trieste in IStiT. He con- 
 tinueil his literary work to the last; but his later books 
 are unlike his earlier ones, being less defective in plot, 
 but also less liuinonius. He contributed articles on vari- 
 ous sulijects to lilackwood's Magazine over tlie signature 
 of "Cornelius O'Dowd.'' I'or biog., see Fitzi'ATIiu-k, 
 W. ,J., Hii/nii. 1. The Fortunes of (ileiuiore, Lon., IS.'iT, 
 ^^ vols. p. Svo. 2. Davenport Dunn, Lon., |s.ill, •> vols. 
 Svo; new ed., 1S71. :t. One of Them, Lon., 18(11, Svo, 
 1. Harrington, Lon., lSli2, Svo. ,'). A Day's Hide, Lon,, 
 ISli:'., :! vols. p. Svo. li. Cornelius O'Dowd upon Men 
 and Women and oilier Things in General, Edin. and 
 Lon., lsfi4. 7. Tony IJutlcr, Edin., ISIi.'J, :i vols. ji. Svo. 
 S. A Campaigner at Home. By Shirley. Lon., isiiij. 
 y. Luttrell of Arran, Lon., ISlio, 8vo. 10. Sir Brooke 
 Fosbrook, Edin., ISOii, 3 vols. p. Svo; new ed., 1870. II. 
 The liramleigbs of Bishop's Folly. Lon., ISliS, 3 vols. p. 
 Svo. 12. That Boy of Norcolt's, !,on,, ISliO, Svo. 
 "Something of the rrm: ami vigour of Charles O'.Mal- 
 lev and .lack lliiilou liiii;ers still, and carries you along in 
 sp'ite of yourselt,"— .Si(. liiv., .\xvii. (VJJ, 
 |:j. The Kent in a Cloud, Lon., IsOO. l2mo. U. Paul 
 (iosslctt's Confessions, Lon., 1870, l2mo. L'l. Lord Kil- 
 gobliin, Lon., 1S72, 3 vols. cr. Svc. Hi. Novels; new ed. 
 Illust. Lon , lS7fi-7S. X', vols. 
 Lever, John Orrell. Austria; her Position and 
 Prospects, Loll , ISOl, Svo. 
 liever, Sydney. 1 . Fireflies. Ballads, Verses, Lon., 
 188:',, l2mo. 2. Years Ago: a Story, Lon.. 1>S4, p. Svo. 
 Leverniore, Charles II., Ph.D. The Kepublic 
 of -New Ha en : a History of Municipal Evolution, 
 (.lohiis Hopkin.s University Studies, e.\tra v<d.. No. 1,) 
 Bait,, ISSli, Svo. 
 " The imr)»ise of the book is to trace the social and po- 
 litical liistorv of .N'cw Haven from the Ibiindatioii oi the 
 coloiiv lo the present time. . . . The general student of 
 niiHiicipal government will llmi in it iimch that is in- 
 tei'csliiig and instructive."— .V'i/i'"«, xliv. 101. 
 Leverson, M. II. Common Sense ; or, First Steps 
 in Political Economy. N. York, 1870, 12ino. 
 Leveson, Major Uenry A,, ("The Old She 
 karry," pseud.,) ls:i8-lS7.') ; went to Madras as a cadet 
 about LSI;"); served in the Crimean war 1S.)-1-J5, and 
 under (iaribaldi in Italy in IS60; in 1803 was appointed 
 colonial secretary or administrator to the British settle- 
 ment of Lagos, on the Cuinea coast, hut, being seriously 
 wourde 1 in an engageiiieiit with a body of natives, was 
 compelled to return to England ; took part subseiiuently 
 in Lord Napier's \byssiiiian expedition. 1. The Hunt- 
 ing-llroiinds of the Old Worhl. Lon., 1800, Svo; new ed., 
 1S67. 2. The Caiiip-Fire, the Forest, and the Kiclil. By 
 H, A. L., the Old Shekarry. Lon., ISO.'i, p. Svo. 3. Eng- 
 land rendereil Impregnable. Illust. Lon. lS7l,Svo. 4. 
 Camp Life and its Ilequiremcnts, i'or Soldiers, Travellers, 
 and Sportsmen. Lon,, |S72, Svo. b. Wrinkles; or, Hints 
 to SportHmen and Travellers on Dress, Equiiunent, and 
 Camp Life, Lon., 1874, Svo. «. Sport in Many Lands, is.^o, p. 
 -^ ■ " : soms of 
 Lon.', 1870, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Leveson-tJower. See fiowi;n. 
 lievett, I'\ M. (ientle Influence; or, The Cousin's 
 Visit, Lon., Isij2, 18mo. 
 Levi, Leone, F.S.A., F.S.S., [utite, vol. i., add.,] 
 I82I-18S8, b. at Ancona, Italy settled in Liverpool, 
 Eng., in isl I, and was niituralized as u British subject. 
 In 1,81)2 ho became professor of the practice and prin- 
 ciples of commerce in King's College, London, and in was called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1. Annals 
 of British Legislation, Session of 1856-57, Lon., ls.)7, 
 IS71, 12nio. .i. History of British Commerce, and 
 the Economic Progress o"f the British Nation, 1763-IS:'i. 
 Lon., 1872, Svo; 2d ed., enl., 1880. 
 "The lil.storv Is almost a continued panegyric upon llic 
 blessings (if Kicclrade: it is a prolonged cmniiicni on lb.' 
 text of the extreme follv of men in knocking out vwU 
 other's brains, instead of bartering tlieir products, and in 
 injuring Ibemsflves in the vain iitteiii|it to inonopolizetlie 
 advantages of commerce."— .'^u'. Ilri:. xxxiii. .'ol. 
 0. Work mid Pay ; Lectures to Working-.Men, Lot... 
 1S77, 121110. 7. War and its Coiisc(|uences, Eeonouiiea'. 
 Comincrcial, Ac, Lon., ISSl, U'mo. 8. Economic Cun 
 dition of the Fishermiin, Lon., 1883. SI. Wages and 
 Earnings of the Working-Classes: Ucport to Sir A. Bii>.-. 
 Lon., ISS,'), Svo. 10. International Law; with Materials 
 for a Code, ("International Scientihc" Ser.,) Lon,, ISS7, 
 p. Svo. 
 Levien, Kdward, M.A., b. 1819; graduated at 
 Balliol College, Oxford, 1S4I. (Ed,) .Memoirs of Sou- 
 rates : with Notes, ("Bayard" Ser.,) Lon., IS7S, '.Siici. 
 Levien, Fanny. 1. Maggie's Pictures; or. I lie 
 (ireat Life told to a Child, Lon., 187,1, Ifiino. 2. .Mil- 
 dred's Mistake; a Still-Life Study, Lon., lS7fi, IL'niu. 
 3, Urothei-s; or, Tales of Long Ago, Lon,, 1877, l.-m... 
 4. Almost a Quixote, Lon., 1SS3, l2ino. 
 Levin, Thomas Moodhouse, M.A.. graduated 
 at St. Catharine's College, Cambridge ; iiHercollegiiite 
 lecturer on logic and moral pliilosojihy. 1, Six Lectuics 
 introductory to the Philosophical Writings of Cicei.. : 
 with somv Explanatory Noli, on the SubjectMatler of 
 the Acadcmica anil De Finibus, Cambridge, IS7I, .'-\'i. 
 2. Noies on Inductive Logic: Book I., Int;-oduction 10 
 Mill, Loll., I8S;"), l2mo. :t. The Logic of Money: Prin- 
 ciples of Currency, .tc, Lon., 1SS7, Svo. 
 Levinse, K. 1". A Trciitise on the tiame Aoi", 
 Ireland, Lon., ]x:>7, 12mo. 
 Levinge, Sir Kichard George Angustiis, 
 Hart., ISII-ISS.i. Historical Uecurds of the Forty- 
 Third llegiment, Lon., ISOs, r. Svo. 
 Levington, Kev. J. 1. Watson's Tbeolo,';ical In- 
 stitutes Defended, N. York, 1S04, 12mo, 2. Scri)itiire 
 Baptism Defended. Detroit, 1865, 12nio. 3. Power with 
 Ood and with Men, Pliila., IsOS, 12nio. 
 Iievins, I'eter. Manipulus Vociibulorcui : a 
 Uhyming Dictionary, Lon., IsOS, Svo. 
 Levis, Ilichard J., M.D. Diary of a Spring 
 Holiday in Cuba, Pliilii., IS77. Anon. 
 Levisee, A. U. and L. (Ed.) Annotitted Itevisel 
 Codes, Dakota Legislative Assembly; with New Index ; 
 vol, i., .St. Paul, Minn., 1880, Svo. 
 Levison, J. L. Obscure Nervous Diseases Popu- 
 larly Explained, Lon., 1856, ISmo. 
 Levy, Amy. 1. A Minor Poet, and other Verses, 
 Lon., 1884, ]2uio. 2. The Romance ol a Ship : a Novil, 
 Lon., ISSS, or. S\o, 
 Levy, Matthias. 1. History of Short-lliind M' ril- 
 ing, Lon., 1801, p. 8vi.. 2, Short-Hand Notes iiicl ilm 
 Practice relating to them: being a ('ollection of Cases 
 decided in the Courts of ,Iustice, Lon., 1S86, Svo. 
 Levy, Capt. Uriah I'., U.S.N., 1795 '^-ISOl', b. in 
 Penn.^ylvania ; entered the navy in 1312. Maimiil rf 
 Internal Rules and Regulations for Men-of-Mar; ;'>•! 
 ed., N. York, 18111, lOmo. 
 Levy, W. Hanks, F.R.G.S. Blindness acl llie 
 Blind; or, A Treatise on the Science of Typli"iii|,'y, 
 Lon., 1S71, p. 8vo. 
 " It is to his personal experience of this priv.'iiion, iis 
 enliancing the powers of an otiienvise observant ci.llu'l'ir 
 of lads, fairly adept at the processes of (;iiieraliAiii»ii, 
 that much of'tlie value as well as of the pathetic inlcicst 
 wliicli belongs tn Mr. Levy's little voliimc is justly iliic. - 
 .S(i/. 7iVi'., xxxiii. '-'.'d. 
 Lew, Margaret. 1. Tales of the All'ections, l.mi., 
 Svo. 2. The Adopted Daughter: or. The Win- 
 Winsom Park, Lon., is.iii, p. Svo. 
 Lewcrs, A. H. A. The Diseases of Women: a 
 Practical Treatise. Illust. Pliihi,, ISSS, 12mo. 
 Lewes, E. IJ. Draft Law of Criminal CIc und 
 Procedure, Lon., 1879, Svo. 
 Lewes, <iearge Henry, ['uitr, vol. i.. •■M.,] 
 1SI7-I878 He was editor of the F'ortnightlv lievirff 
 during the lirst two years of its existence, IMi'-oi', iiii'i 
 continued to contribute to it during his life, .-.c, als'i, 
 Cnoss, M. A., aKjira. 1. Sea. Side Studies at llli\u"-mlie, 
 Tenby, the Scilly Islands, and Jersey. Illusi. hon., 
 60, 2 vols. D. 8v() 
 Uiitings, Lon., iMiirSvo ^ Ari»totlu'» rfcicntilio 
 Bn>,;i,i;.,U™^'n'ni,;i' !:}' triill';;,"';"' "■;: "'"^t call n M„- 
 No. lltOt). 
 .1^:::^^!?- -"• j-i'-'na Mine. K..s„H. ..„. /c''^ ^^ji^'''^:;;. '^ .''i' ' A,'::i::i, ",:;,;;"«;ss;[ 
 BciK'nil ii.luusi that.';., I i, ,''"'',' ■•""""'i.vlcpics „f 
 '"" lii.s syst,.,„ as V , ] P i "' '" ""t.™>-e U, make 
 Willi him.",/. y/n xxxvi --' ' '"'"" "'' '-'"i"'"'! 
 .^Ji. On Acto,.s,a„,,'thc A« of Acting. Lo„., ,8r^, ,, 
 I ,ll *^';;*''""'' «•■ I 'fe an'l Mind. First Se 
 iiiiii Ail.lison. ("Cinielot 
 J-eHiiis, H iliiniii. 
 Series. Vol. 
 '■'. I roWems of ],iie and .Mi,„i 
 « , , -■■ l'L'i> of .Steele 
 ', *-''•■> ''un.. I.ssr. l2ino. 
 An..,n,nt of ' thc'YjHulh Po.t mi .;^'r'"^';; '^'""* •■ "" 
 2. History of lianks ,. , , J "'n' 'i""" '*<H !'• ."^vo. 
 vols. er. Svu • aiimirst . a .\ovcl, I,on., 1S7,S, ;) 
 ^oo"^!;;ic:^JI??"' "7""'' ^■^>- '-• »^^o, «t 
 l.'-itT XV IS -i i • K'-.-i'luated at Alfred Univer- 
 day issi - A (V.i I P '■"''''"""""' H'c . '^iin- 
 Itho ,snnlav7nlln. f ."'";''7 "' ""^ ^"bMli and 
 vols. I2n' • A .,i ?';," ^'""■''''' -"*■• ^"'-^^ "-^''.^ 
 lea, the First The stJ,^ "i nnl !<erios. Prob- 
 .'^ : Mind ..Va P, „' ■ ' ■•'i;'''"'l"S.V- I'rol.len, the 
 !'"■ Thin Tl e ; h! ""e^ "" •^T"".'""- ''^"'^'<^"' 
 01 .<is..<. loti."/.^/.. ';.,'':' 8:.""""'^'""=' ""1 '-i^i^- 
 :l Alley, 
 I tion, from 
 i i--wis, Aiberrii;;.;;;;:' r%he"'r , 
 , Iio--t., 1871. Ifimo. 'J Onhllu. 1 '*""" 
 I li'>^^t.. l.sri, |f„„„. ■ ""'•' •^'''" »■•' Avenne and 
 I York, Is.Sd, ,svo. '" ''"■'-■ '" AWntur, N. 
 wadh"^'^,;^;:^:;^':,:!;^";v,!;':'^-,i'' ''^^"' ■■ «-.>"..>od at 
 coin's Inn Kfil • ,, '■! ' '"■'""' '" "'L' barnt 
 Temple ^„' I- "jh: :;''k ""■ '" "-.^"—'"y K-'ew, 
 1 l-ave been | uhl -he nn 'rM'" "'"^'^- •'^■- < >>"-^- ■-'■>,) 
 Art of (;oninri„';,„!:'*^i':-./'.l"'^'""^'. Treatise on the 
 Art of Conjnrinir, l.-nlsr,; ,,",'' ./"',""■'■■ "" "'<•■ 
 •" IMf,,,,' ,,,V,. ', ' V' ^,^"' •'•!' '''I- T^-^f: 
 .^^■- .: Church. I ;,, iss,', r V:""'"'*-'" "'■ "■« '^"s'"- 1 ,> ■*• ''^■■■"■^ ^-— - ■ 
 I'uir. .Malcoi.n. 
 l-.,-,r, svo " ■■ ■■■■• J ''" " "y t" '"'»" rndia, Lon., •^■'"<«'. I'On., lS7:v 5 I a ;in;^ ,/'"''"■ "^'""'ii" •■ with 
 '-ewin, Thomas, MA FSA r ' ^'T^r'''''' i^'^^'^i mZu^^^ ^^i:'';^' ''"'' 
 I'iianeerv J i,%. ?;*'" "'"'""^1 '" Hio Court of ''PW'iSj Kcv. Arlliiir \r i 
 I'y JMliu,. fffisar, Lon ;.-,.( i"o7'"""""' ""''<"' ,'"',''"' ^''''■■■P'-ineipal of .« John' I.'i, •'■'''T.''!?' '" 
 ■''-■'■"salem ; a .Sk^t, I, f' , ' i/™'. ^;' ^■''- "<fi-'. :;. Lahore, (ieorge M'a.xwell i rhm I ,. ^ • "^ ^V?"'''''"'' 
 KaWiest Titne, tt'^h^ sl :;i^'i^.;;:;'V^-'l;^/Vo,„ the , -^^^^^o I.,„ah. Ma, .rVli;;::, "'lil'^;-^ ~ 
 1 ho .Sie.,e of .I,,.,,..',',',!.:, •",": '.;,'■'• ,., ,. . , Detroit IS 75 2 ioak- < v'"'" ^'''''' '''''' ^'"" 
 I.Sr.o, limo. "'"* ^'^^'"■'' J""-'- Detroit, 
 ("^'^'i.Tb^vu'at w":7f^' '"v^ '^■""■" '--■-. 
 Yale in ^1 «■«;.' "r"' <^'"-'"«'-- ''»• : tJni'l"»ted at 
 With 'ii-nnr <■ '■ • '^- ^'""l^- "^^x "r «V( 
 r„„„...., „ .• .'"■^""■••- A ^ew Latin Bietionary 
 l'»^li-.«t Titnes ,|o„.i (t e iie ',. ■""""";.",• '''■'"" "'« 
 i. Fasti .Saeri; 
 li;fi:t. i,, 
 1 >l)i 
 or A Chronology of the New 
 ,"%';!';!'':•*'"'• '«'i">mas «. 
 ■"er of Hill l 
 'laets, Ind 
 ilopiity ocm- ' !i;T''y ■" '■'■viwd, enia 
 ;..' eastern India, Lorn, Isin 
 I'f L'hitt 
 'lie Wild Races of ■ < " U'ln'O''-" Utin Dictiona 
 Hon of " F. 
 I'Kcl, am! in ^r 
 ngong and the Dwellers th 
 The Hill 
 erein : with 
 4 to 
 The work of Messrs 1 1 
 on any previous Latiii'-i' 
 fy,") N. Y'ork 
 , wis ami .Short ,s 
 ."glish dictluimrj 
 . !,. .V' ■■■'-TSf 
 now Asked wnelhcr the prjsciit work embodies n\ueh of 
 the results (if modern resei.reli. the luisver must bo in the 
 nenative. '— II. Ni-.ttlfshu'; Acad., xvii. IW. 
 With Vimi;nT| Makvis K., (triin;,.) (iniinion of the 
 New Testament; froin the l.iitin of John Albert Ucngel, 
 I'hila., \XfM[ 7(li eil., 1871, 2 voli. Svc. 
 liUWiN, l)io,, ls2:i-1SSB, h. at Auburn. N.Y. ; 
 studied iit the Hiirviud .Medieal Sehool ; iiractised us ii 
 hiima;(i|iuthio physiciim in liuH'iilo, N.\., for several 
 years; lectured on h.v(;ieno and physiolojiy, ami in ISO:! 
 settUd in liostipn, Mass., and established a normal phys- 
 ical trainiiig-schoo!. I. New Oyrniia>lii's for iMen, 
 Women, ami Children; ITtli ed., liost., l.stl:', 12nio. 2. 
 Weak I.unj;s, and liow to make them Strong; 12th ed., 
 Host., ISK:'., 12mo. :!. .Musical (rymnantics, for Families 
 and .Schools ; ilth ed., l-on., ISli;, p, «vo. 4. Talks about 
 People's Stomachs, Boat., 1870, J2ino. a. Our tiirls, 
 Bust., IH', 1, 12mo. 
 " It is only lair to neknowlodgo that sui-h JxKjks ns this 
 of Dr. Lewis do. in some dim way. the eure fir the 
 evils wliieli Ihey attack." -.V<(//ri;i, .\ii. :W«. 
 ti. Five-Minute Cluu< with Vounj; Women and certain 
 other Parties. N. York, llimo. 7. Our Digestion ; or. My 
 Jolly Friend's ."Secret. Illust,. I'^72. 12mo. s. Chastity ; 
 or. Our .Secret Sins. 1S7I, l2ino. it. Prohibition ii Failure: 
 True Solution of the Temperance (Juestion, llosl., Is7;'i, 
 Kimo. Id. The Drink Pnibleni and its Solution, ],on., 
 l.SSl, p. .svo. II. (iypsies; or. Why we wont (Jypsyina 
 in the Sierras, I.SS2, llimi). 12. In a Nutshell; Sug(?es- 
 lions to Ainerjoan College Student,-. ' "^s:!, 12mo. l:i. The 
 l.>io ijewis Treasury : a (iuide to Health ar<d JIappine.-s, 
 N. York. ISSS, Svo. 
 LcwiH, K. The Church in Wales, L'ln., 1880, .^vo. 
 IjPWis, E. A. M, (Trans.) The Templars in Cy- 
 ])ro.-. iiy F. 1.. Zacharias Werner. Lon., 1887. 
 Lewis, K. C Tabular Outlines of Universal His- 
 tory, I.oTi.. 1S70, 4to; new ed., IwsO. 
 LewiK, E. O. I. Oodilicution of English Crioiinivl 
 Law ; 2d eil.. I,on.. 1878, 8v... 2. The Law of Distress 
 for Rent, Lon., I88S, Svo. 
 Lewis, E. N. Practice and Proceeding of Justices 
 of the Peace, Coroners, ,tc., I.iin., l.-iS-l. 
 LeAVis, Elinor. ".A (ihid Service:" iniehdctf to 
 be used as liible-I.c.^sons for Y<oing Women's ('lasses. 
 Lnn., IS'^.i, Svo. 
 Lewis, Elisha J., .M.I<. The American Spurt- 
 man : eiiMtaining Hints to Sportsjiien, Notes on Slioot- 
 injc, ami the Habits of the (ian.e liirds and Wild Fowl of 
 America. Illust. I'hila., 1S.')7. Svo. new ed., IS84. 
 Lewis, Ellis. The Ronnince of Matrimony. Illust. 
 Lon., 181)1, 12mo. 
 Lewis, Eininil. Treasures of Karkrcss. By E. L. 
 I'hiln., IS., I. 
 Lewi.s, Mrs. Estelle .\iiiin Illiinche, [iiiiir, 
 vol. i., add.,1 IS2I-1S80. During the later years of her 
 life she resided in England. I. Helcniah ; or, The Fall 
 of Monlczmua : n Tragedy, N. York, 18(11. 2. Poems, 
 Lon., IsOli, :i. Sapjdio: a Tragedy, in Five .Acts, Lon., 
 ISCiS, 8vo. 4. The King's Stratagem: or, The Pearl of 
 Poland: a Tragedy, isiist. 
 Lewis, Very Kev. Evan, M.A., graduated at 
 Jesus College, O.xford, isili ordained 1812; rector of 
 Dolgelly ISIii!-84, ami since then dean of Bangor, I. 
 Treatise on the Apostolic Succession, IS,')]. 2. Defence 
 of the Doctrines anil Polity of the Church, 1S.')2. 1.. 
 Exposure of the Wesleyan Succession, IS:i8. 4. (lod's 
 Week of Work, Ijon., ISiiS, 12nm. 
 Lewis, !■'. C;. I. Impressions of America and 
 American Churches, Lon., 1S45, p. Svo. 2. The Bible, 
 the Missal, and the Brovia'-y, Lon., IS.O.'f. 2 vols. Svo. Ii 
 Doctrines iif the Bible Developed, Lon., ISol, p. Svo. 
 Lewis, Eraneis .\., Jr., of the Philadelphia bar. 
 Law relating to Stocl's, Bonds, and othe: Securitic!. in 
 the Inited States, I'hila., ISM, 8vo. 
 Lewis, Rev. George, M.A.. graduated at the 
 University of London 1869, and nt BiiUiol College, O.x- 
 ford, lirst' class Theol., ISS4; ordainiil 1872; vicar of 
 Dodderhill since I88S. 1. A Life of .Joseph Hall, D.D., 
 'iishop of Exeter and Norwich, Lon., ISS6, p. Svo. 
 " A liiiok of decided merit, iioimlaromiugli lo please.aiul 
 not ton popular to luiielll a generation which .>.ecms to 
 lind uii equal delight in ilenomdlng impnlarizations and 
 HhiiKing tin m whou tl'.;^y ari' v-ivcn to it."— S:!. /.'(!'.. l.xi. 818. 
 2. (Trans.) The Treatise of St. Basil the Great on 
 the Ilnly Spirit : with Analysis and Notes, ("Christian 
 Classic" Ser.,) Lon., |sss, 12mo. 
 Lewis, Sir (ieorge (Jornewnll, Uart,, [niiir, 
 vol. i., ailil.,] Isiiii-lsHli. Ho became home secretary in 
 18,')9, and was transferred to the War Office in Isf.l. i, 
 Foreign Jurisdiction and the E.xtradition of Crimin^il-, 
 Lon., 1859, Svo. 2. An Historical Survey of the .\^. 
 tronumy of the Ancients, Lon., 1802, S.o. ',': A i)i::. 
 logue on the Best Form of (iovornment, Lon., l>t'>M. |.. 
 8vo. 4. Essays on the Administratiun.s I7s:i-ls.;ii, 
 Lon., 1801, ,svii. 5. Letters to Variou.< Friends, Liiu . 
 1S70, Svii. I'lislh. 
 Lewis, (ieortfe <1. Fortification and Defence .| 
 Lumlon, Lon., 1S;')7, Svo, 
 Lewis, tJcorBe Pitt-, b. ISI5; called to the l.;,r 
 at the .Middle Ten. pie |s7l), lecorde. . !' Poole sn.,' 
 ISSj; asEiimeil the additional surnaTue of Pitt l>7i.. 
 County Oi'urts Acl, 1SS8 ; with Introilucliim, Ac, Lnn.. 
 188S, imp. Svo. With Di-: Coi.vAii. IIkniiv Avsi;i.m. \ 
 Complete Practice of the Countv Courts, Lon., ISsn, j 
 vols. Svo : lid ed,, I8S7-S9. 
 liCwis, Ilev. (.errard. M.A., grailuiited at ,^i. 
 Catharine's Ilnll, Cand)r;dge, is;il; ordained lS;i4 ; \ ir:,r 
 of SI, Paul's, Cliftonville, since IS7H. 1. Love ami .li.i! 
 ousv, and otlicr Poems, Lon., 1803, 12nu). 2, I'l'ran-.; 
 Ballads of the Ciil. Lon., lS8,i, sm. er. Svo. 
 Lewis, Harold. The Churcli Rambler: a Sciic; 
 of Articles un the Churches in the Neighbourboml mI 
 Bath, l.on., Is76, Svo. .Vnon. 
 Lewis, Mrs. Harriet. 1, Amber, the Ailiipi.l, 
 N. York, ISMI, l2iao. 2. Her Double Life, N. York, ls^\ 
 Lewis, H'Jiiry. The English Language ; itstiram- 
 mar and lliMoiy. Lon., 1807, 12mo; 9th ed., 18S1. 
 Lewis, Henry King. Lewis's I'ooket Medical 
 Yiicabuliiry. Lun., I8S(), lOmo. 
 Lewis, Hubert. 1. Principles of t^mveyanun,;, 
 Lon., 180;), Svo. 2. Principles of Equity Draliiiig, 
 Lon., 1805, p. Svo. • 
 Ijewis, J. Digest of the English Census of bTl, 
 Lon.. 1 873, r. 8vo. 
 Lewis, J, The Refornmtion Settlement ; Suminiiry 
 of :'uhlic Acts, ,tc.. Li n., 1885. Svo. 
 Lewis, J. C. Windfall Verses, and other Pccin.-, 
 Lon., 1875, 12mo. 
 Lewis, J. V. 
 York, IS70, :i2 
 Lewis, J. W. 
 1801, l2mo. 
 I^^wis, John. 
 Discipline for Holy Baptism, etc, .\, 
 .Manual nf the Infantry Drill, I'liihi., 
 A Treatise on the Law of En im ni 
 Dimi'ain iii tlic I'liiled Slides, riiic,. 1888, Svo. 
 Lewis, Jolin Hcldwarc, |/(/i(<, vol. ii., "S«nii, 
 John, lit Sini/li Hull, lieiit,," the pseuilonyme iukKt 
 which licpii),liflie(l hi,- lirst liuok,] )828-l8Sl", gra^lu ,ii .| 
 lit Trinity Cullegc. (,'iuiibridgc. IS30 ; M.P. for lin-n 
 |iort 1808-74. 1. Across the Atlantic. By the AiuIimi 
 of "Sketches of Canlahs." Lon., I8.'il, Svo. .Aimii. 
 2. Our College: Leaves from an Undergrailuate's Scrili- 
 bliiig-Book, Lon., |S57. Ii. (Ed.) Jiivenalis Saline: 
 with a Literal English Prose Translation and Nntc.-, 
 Li.n., 1S7;), 8\o: 2d ed., ISS2, 2 vols. 8vo. 4. (Trails, 
 Pliny's Letters, Lon.. 1S7U. Svo. 
 Lewis, ."Mrs. L. L. Fatal Shadows, Bristol, I--?, 
 Lewis, Mrs. L. P. Henri; or. The Little Savuy. 
 aril in Paris, N. York, 1S78, lOino. 
 Lewi«, I.awrenee, I857-IS90, h. in Philaiiel|iliia; 
 graduated at the University of Pennsylvania L'STfl ; ml- 
 mitted to the bar l87'J ; editor nl " American and EiiL'iidi 
 Railroad Cases" and " Aniericiiii and English Cor|Hini. 
 tion Cases," 1880-80. 1. Essay on Original Land Titles 
 " ' ' ' f 
 I ,;-t 
 in Philadelphia, Phila., 18SII, 8co. 2. The Coiiri 
 Pennsylvania in the Seventeenth Century, Phila 
 :i. History of the Bank of North America, He 
 Bank chartered in the United States. Ilhisi, I 
 1882, 4to. I. Memoir of Edward Shippen, I l;ii i 
 tico of Pennsylvania, Phila., 1883, 8vo. 
 Lewis, Leopold, d. 1890; a solicitor. A 1'. 
 Merry Bells, Lon,, 18S0, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Lewis, Lady Maria Theresa, (Villiers,!!""**, 
 vol.i.,udd.,] 1803-1805. (Ed.) Extracts from the leur- 
 nnls and Correspondence of .Mi.«s Berry, from I r^i I" 
 1852, Lon., 1886, H vols. Svo, 
 "To a posterity of .strangers Berry's Itcmaiii- iitc in- 
 teresting rather thnuigli ber eorrespondenls, and 1" : leiji! 
 Mild Viirie'l espi-riptv ", than on Jo-r own a.-cfiuot N'--' 
 compelcnt Judge win undervalue Lady Theresa ! «iss 
 share In the nu'rit of (he volumes which sheliasiaii ::-lii'il. 
 Her exorcise ■ of patience, of research, of caiiilinii ai"! d 
 Jnilgmcnf hasorifanized an iiiiwieldy mass ot p«|" i- i"i<> 
 an iiileresliiig hiouriipliy. 'I'lie notes, and (he pa--.o;esof 
 conneiaiiig narrative, are remarkable for accuracy :inil lot 
 '""luilies on t 
 In.,,,,, Ne.k,.,ee.a..oryof„.„ P,4c„t Day^.n!; 
 1.0!:!^^,', p, ^''^'^'"'"i'^i""^ (" Heroo. uf .Science,") 
 ..■Kit;.'; ; "' -'l^;;;/:,«/'^'''">;-i V.-- : 
 '. with 
 is tlie 
 " lu,l,i,u; hut it Is M, i',,|] I i,-, 111- line, I, ]> h,«,li is 
 l.iincasliiio, Kiij;. .■Memorii,],.< 
 (K<1.) Cmteniiiorary Medical 
 I'eylund, .loliii, 
 of ll„.|lcv, I,s7;(. 
 I-eyriiiHl, John. 
 -. A ll„l,,|a.v ,„ .S.uth Al,ica. M«|,s u„d I||u„.' ' \J,,',: 
 1 SSI' 
 ■■■"'■•■'■'■ "■•— K Silr ■-" "'Ss^:- k;5 ss 
 Lewis, Tliomiis Uayter, PS\ h im^ 
 ilritiiiiriica. The ll,,lv 1>|.„.„. f r ''"^ "'"'""''■' 
 l.»n.,, Hv,,. ^ ' •''■'■"^^'l'-'"'- Illu^-t, 
 j.l.'^ of th,. .low;" ■ ! ;, 7'f, '^"■"' i"""-' i«l Ins • Tc.,;.. 
 I."" , 1S72, ,,)!;,' • ^^«»l'=<'»">« U'-ovo Scnuons, 
 ^.i'i::t^"^:;'^'^^^;f- ^Vhist:Wh,UCa.,toI,ea..t 
 •iH. i"«.oha.c;fi;ok:;^x"v:;;',;)j;, ■';;"« ^ "';'•'« '<-■• 
 Leys, John Kirkwood, .M.A.: clucitcl at ,l,„ 
 I;.nU»a,.s : a 8to,.y of Life. Lo^risss/i vol" 
 l.ins, Rev. John J«,„es, m.a., b. is.U, in Lon- 
 t<> a 
 l^l:i: vica,- of St. M,i;.t': 'llol^n^^^V" ^ ""'"'""^ 
 . I.^u,.,na,k. of 1-aith, L„„., I«S 1 L 7 . n ' 
 l.cuis. Wiii:i... 
 vicai-of.St k7i„„ • <■ ; 'V''-*"' ""J ■■^ii'oe then 
 lii.s •Vlc^^^i; '' '-""''^'''^«''- '• '^''"■' "'-•'••tor an.] 
 .-- \;:rLo„^ tT'"o°\[ "jM'^-r <^"-'i-- "f 
 in its 
 I'll- the Date of his Ho.«pcl,' 
 Jolin consiilci-c'.l a,s Kvi.lcnc 
 coiicg;/!':;,' ,;':'■( on i's'7' ''?"•■'"'' "' ■-'• """'''« 
 t' •■ ■'■-;;•. 
 'esole, [,i novel,] Un., ISSli, 2 I Viaut" d"' 1'"'""''"™' ■i'i<'"li.-e, Lon., I,<S7 
 l.<t class l.i, II .■..,.■' .'V^~"^'*'> f.ll.lin.- t~ .-- 
 '-■-■■''"" "•.c^ii!;i!:'a.;dT,aorS'""'"^^'- ''■'■■"■ 
 ^"-', |>. 8vf 
 ill's to Y 
 •■ybiirn, ll,.v. J„h„ D.D ^ 
 ing I'ointi, Lon., 
 Ill', vol. i., ad,!.] 
 " i«al 
 Libhey, W. II. The Use 
 Bost., l:-ri), Kinio. 
 I'in, Vri..^^^, 
 ndujited daiightei- of Lord Ilolbi 
 and Abuse of Tobaoc 
 Aloys Lichteiijt 
 iicess Mnrie, d. 1879; »„ 
 111 : iuairicd to Prince 
 of Austria, l. jj 
 ')llan,l House: 
 with Five Steel Engravings by C. A. Jeeni, after Paint- 1 
 ings by Wiitta iinil otlier Celebrated Artists, and Nu- 
 merous Illustrations drawn by Professor P. H. Delamotte | 
 and engraved on Wood by J. D. Cooper, W. Palmer, and 
 Jewitt & Co., Lon., 1^71!, 2 vols. .Svo; another edition, 
 containing in addition to the above about Forty Illus- 
 trations by the Woodbury Type I'rocess, and India Proofs 
 of the Sr el Kn'jravings, 2 vols. med. 4to. 1 
 " The historiciil jiart of this bncik is more {■rum. poorly ! 
 executed, and intersprrsnl. \\r ciiiniDt say relieved, by 
 some pointless alti'iiipl^ lU s\ it anil vapid meditations. . . . , 
 The paperand print are siipertiiio, and the eiiKiavings and 
 wocjil-emse.xiniisitf."— .■^'ll^ Itii:, .\.\xvi. OaO. 
 2. Nora: a Novel; taken froia the (iermun, Lon., 
 IS77. cr. Svo. 
 Liddell, Mrs. Cliristinu Catlu-riiie I'raser, 
 (Tytler.) 1. .-^weet Violet, and other .-'tories, Lon., 
 ISii.t, 12mo. 2. A Hose and a Pearl, Lon., IStilt, p. Svo. 
 3. Jasmine Leigh, lion., |S71. 1. Margaret, Lon., 1872, 
 2 vols. p. Svo: new ed., 1S7.!, 1 vol. J. Mistress Judith : 
 a Cambridgesliire Story, Lon., 1S7.'!, 2 vols. cr. Svo; 2d 
 ed., IS7+, 1 vol. I>. Jonathan, Lon., 1876, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 7. Making or .Marring. Illast. Lon., IS7'.I, 12uio. S. 
 Songs in .Minor Keys, [poems,] Lcju., IsSl, 2lmo. II. 
 The Other Half of the World, liOn., XSSI, p. Svo; 2d 
 ed., ISSa. 
 liiddell, Henry. The F.volution of a Democrat : 
 a Darwinian Talc. Illust. N. York, ISSS, l2mo. 
 liiddell, Sir Henry Tiioina.s, second Baron 
 and first Earl of Itavenswortli, 17!i7-ls7-'. 
 (Tnins.) The .Eneid of \'irgil, Hooks VII.-XII., in 
 Knglish Blank \'erse, Ediii.. 1S72, Svo. 
 Liiddell, Hon. and llev. Robert, .M.A., b. 180s, 
 son of the second Uaron and liist K;ir! of Kavensworth, 
 graduated at Christ Churcli, I Ixford, Is2i); oi-daine^l is:!.'!: 
 vicar of St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, 1S.')1-S1. 1. Lent 
 Lectures on the Seven Ueailly ."^ins, Lon., ISaS, Svo. 2. 
 Fruits of Penitential :5orriiw : Lent Lectures, Lon., I8(i0, 
 fp. Svo. 3. The Inspirii ion of Holy Scripture, Lon., 
 1SB4, Svo. 4. Lectures preached in St. Paul's, Knights- 
 bridge ; new ed., Lon., Isiifl, l2iuo. 5. The (.'hurch's 
 lielief in the Keal Presence : Two ,'<ermons, Lon., ISti7, 
 Svo. (!. The Christian Priesthood, .\ltar, and Sacrifice: 
 Four Sermons, Lon., ISIi7, Svo. 7. "The Lay of the 
 Last Angler;" or, \ Tribute to the Tweeil at Melrose. 
 By a Sexagenarian. Kelso, 1S()7 ; new ed., illust., Iss.j. 
 liiddon, Rev. Henry Parry, D.D., D.C.L., 182y- 
 L'^'.K), b. at Stoneliam, Hampshire; grailuated at Christ 
 Church, Oxford, ; ordained 1852; vice-principal of 
 tho Theological Colleije of Cuddesdon lS.04-.'iD; preben- 
 dary in Salisbury Cathedral I8(it-7n; canon residentiary 
 of St. Paul's Cathedral from 1S7(1; Ireland professor of 
 exegesis in the University of Oxford lS7(l-82. As a 
 preacher Canon Liddon was cfinsidered pre-eminent 
 among contemporary Englisli divines. 1. Lenten Ser- 
 mons, Lon., 1S58, p. Svo. 2. Ajiostolic Labour ; a Sermon, 
 Lon.. ISli:;, Svo. 3. The Whole Counsel of God; or. 
 The Duty of the Clergy as Teachers of tho People : with 
 Particular Reference ta the Kcccnt Judgment in the 
 Case of " Kssays and Reviews." Lon., lS(i4, Svo. 4. 
 Our Founder's Vow: a Sermon, Lon., 186.'), Svo. 5. 
 Some Words for (lod : University Sermons, Lon., ISe.i, 
 Svo; 4th od., 1871. 6. Tho Divinity of Our Lord ami 
 Saviour Jesus Christ. {Hampton Lectures.) Lon., 1867, 
 Svo; llth ed.. ISS,-,. 7. Tlieni is a Holy Ghost, Lon., 
 1867, 8vo. S. The Divine Indwelling a, Motive for 
 Holiness: a Sermon, L.ju., 1'<6s, Svo. 9. The Work 
 and Prospects cd' Theological Colleges: a Sermon, Lon., 
 1S6S, Svo. 1(). Walter Ken Hnmiltou, liishop of Salis- 
 bury ; a Sketch, Lon., 186i), Svo. II. Sermons preached 
 bcl'ori; the l^niversity of Oxford, Lon., 186'J, ]i. Svo; 
 8th ed., 1SS4 ; Second Series, Lon., 1S7',1, cr. Svo ; 4th ed., 
 " Where can vim find a ricli.T and mure elocpient i"<itn- 
 meiit 1111 the va'riiuis phases uf spiritual doulit auil ilciiia! 
 than in the fnivcrsity sermons of Canon Lidilon ''— ■^ptc 
 lalur. liii. '.Wi. 
 12. Tho Purchas Judgment; a Letter to Sir J. I>. 
 Coleridge, Lon., 1871, Svo. (And see ("rREOOUv, Ri:v. 
 UoBKiiT, t«j>i:i.] I.I. Forty Sernion- on Various Suli- 
 jects, Lon., 1S72, Svo. 14. "Some KicHoiit. ,.f Religion : 
 Lent Lectures, 1S7II. Lon., 1S72; M ed.. 1-sil, IL'mo. 
 "This is. a Jin*-' series of l«wtnrcs. in wiiidi mir readers 
 will tindsoincid' the most camlid. tempiMiiI'.-, and tiuvUMijI- 
 fill answers wliii ii have ever been givin to tlic religions 
 ilouhls 111 Miir diiv. and will llnd these answer, arraimel 
 with all Hint lucid IhniuIv of statement and prot.iiinil 
 deiith of feclina which have lung consiitiited the faseinu- 
 tlijii of l>r, Liddous sermons."— .Sptv(ii(or, xlv. 120j. 
 15. Twelve Sermons preached at St. Paul's and tho 
 University of Oxford, Lon., 1873, Svo. 16. Sermon on tijc 
 Late liisliop Wilberforee, Lon., IS75, Svo. 17. Sermons 
 on Various Subjects, and Two Lectures on St, Paul, 
 Lon., 1876, Svo. IS. Phu:be in London: a Sermon or 
 the Parochial Mission Women's Association, Lon,, I ■'-77, 
 Svo, III, Forty-Two Sermons on Various Subjects, 
 selected, Lon., I87i), Svo. 2II. Thoughts on Present 
 Church Troubles : Four Scrmims, Lon., Issl.p. Svn; :'.| 
 ed. same year. 21. Teaching and Healing: a Scriiieii, 
 Lon., 18S1, Svo. 22. (Ed.) (If the Five Wounds of tie 
 Holy Church. By Antonio Rosniini. With an Inte 
 duction. Lon., ISS3. er. Svo. 23. Eihvaid lioiuene 
 Puscy : a Sermon preached at St. Margaret's, Liverpuel, 
 Lon., 1SS4, Svo. 24. A Father in Christ: Sernii.n 
 preached in St. Paul's Cathedral, Lon., ISS.i, Svo. 2./. 
 Easter in St. Paul's : Sermons bearing ehietly on tic 
 Resurrection of Our Lord, Lon., 188.'), 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 '•Thiiuuhtt'ul as Dr. Liddon's sermons are in snbstaiiiv, 
 refined and wciglity in style, clear in expositinii mid ar- 
 raiigemeiil, splendidly eloiiiient in certain passages, there 
 is nniluntjledly a tendency to fall into one or Iwii limited 
 trains of tlmiight, which makes all his sermons , slightly 
 nuointonitus in tone."— .s^a'C/ii/or, lix. G87. 
 2li, Advent in St. Paul's : Sermons on the Two Coinings 
 of Our Lord, Lon., 18SS, 2 vols. p. Svo. 27. Devotion 
 to tlio Churcli of Clirist : a Sermon iireached before the 
 University of Cambridge. Lon., Isss, Svo. 2S. Ser 
 nions, ("Cunteuiiiorary Pulpit Library ;") new ed,, Lnn.. 
 ISSS, p. Svo. 
 " There are few sermons in the rich and varied lileralure 
 of the iiulpit which would compare with these .sernuni.Nur 
 Canon l.iddon's for eloiiucnce of expression, for deplh "i 
 conviction, lor delicacy of disciiminatiiin in distiiii;in>h. 
 iiig the nnist vivid eleiiicnts of human experieiiie, lor 
 I'ower in describing the cliJinicti'ristic facts of hunuin na- 
 ture, and lor lliat relinemeiit •'( leeling which enaliUs the 
 preacher to use all his eloquence, nil his earnestne--. nil 
 his insight into imaginative beauty, and all his knowhdgi- 
 i'( human character, witlioiu for a inoinent jarring tleise 
 chiirds of our nature on which the religious orator too 
 often strikes sons to make us shrink from him. "— ,S;,cc/(i/..r, 
 "rneliisiic in his intelleetnal framework, he was emi 
 neiitly elastic in every nthir lielil of life,— in syiiipiiiliy. in 
 inuigfnution, in aiVection. in sensibility, in lo^'ieiil iniiie 
 ness, in mental alertness, in mode of expression, in lurn- 
 cd' feeling. . . . Tims lie liiid the diiuble gilt of llicpreiiili.r. 
 He impressed, he overawed, he mastered, by the m-k-.:..! 
 nnshakeii sol iditvw Inch his mental clmracti-ristics ji-mm. .i 
 toliim, . , . .\nit yet at theserviee of this uniiiMviiiL' (;,,,; 
 wasa brain, a heart, alive with inlinite inolion :il">ni liin; 
 in rich variety, lertile. resourceful, quickening, ex pauiliii;;, 
 vital,"— Ca.von Scott CoiileuiiKiiurii llciiiuAHi. 
 liidstone, J. Residence of the Inventor u( the 
 .Steam-Fngine. Lon., ISlill. 
 I-iil'b, Hermann. 1. The Protective Tarill': ivint 
 it does for us, Cliic, IsSS, 12nio, 2. Emperor Uilli;i!ii 
 J., the Founder of the New (ieruuin Empire: with II1-- 
 torical Sketch of the German People from tlie Enrliist 
 Times to the Foundation of the llohen/ollein I)yna.-iy. 
 Illust. X. York and Chic, IssS, rjmo. 
 Liebe, Julie. 1. (Trans.) Wit and Wisdom ef 
 William 1.: from (lie (Icrunin, Lon,, ISSS, I2i 'J. 
 (Trans.) The Science of Religions, by Euiile lliii 11 ill : 
 with an Introduction by E. J. Ibipson, .M..\., .M.ll. \,,* . 
 Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, Lon.. Is-", 
 Ijieber, Francis, LL.D., [on(.', vol, i., add.,] Imim- 
 1S72. retained the eliair of history and polilieal ecMii.iii,y 
 at Columbia College till ISlio, and in I86II became hIm) 
 priifcssiir of political science in the Columbia Law Si'li""!, 
 wliicli post he held until Ills dentil. For bini;,, sei: 
 Pkhhv, T, S., i'ii/')((. I. InslriiclioHs fur the (loverii- 
 mcnt of tile Armies of the United States in tile lieUl, 
 N. York, Isii:;, l2mo. 2, licllections on the Chaniic-; 
 necessary in the I'lcsent Coiistiiution of the Slnlo "f 
 New York, X, York, IS67, svo, '■',. Friigiiuuits of I'mIII- 
 ical Science; or. Nationalism and Inleriiiitionalisni. N. 
 Y'ork, Is68, Svo. 4. Miscolliineoas Writings, I'liili,. 
 ISSn, 2 vols. svo. 
 liiebreich, Richard. Turner and Muli 
 Delcrioration of ilil-Piiiuting,-. Lon., 1888, Svo, 
 l.iepsner. Rev. H. !•'. (Ed.) Tho Young l':i^t.T 
 and his I'eiipic : Practical Advice to Y'oung Ch 1 :.\ im'i' ' 
 with Infrodiiclion ny J. T. Headloy, N. Vni., I -, 
 Liesohiii!;, I,. F. Through Peril to Fuiiii'e 
 Story of Advcntine, Lon., ISsn, p, Svo, 
 Iiietzc, Krnst. Modern llcliographic I'l 
 a .Manual of Instruction in the Art of P.cpr ■ imini 
 Driiwings, Engnnin)- 
 I8I>7. 8vo. -'. Missionary Picture-Oullerv. N. \Zk' 
 0,nun, S,n„kin« in A,„ch'„ V YkH -%''"■''"' "'' 
 rector of St. .I,,,,,,., rr. . "F: 'i''- ! »id"iiK-a I.sC': 
 '•"•«"'. Tli,.U,„l,ihi..ts„f Thibet, L 
 HIT, I,sj7-s.-, 'r"fi'i,",".Vfv'p'"'' . "" '" '''•■•istendDin ; or, Jc-n 
 IVrpu,,., Ke,i«i„n,'Lo::7^f:;M^;;;; '««-' «vo. « 
 '.I llu. ^untrnvursv ..clJr ,'';;' j;,' '■'■'.'""I "f "la'lit of Asm.-~si,erl„n!;'lyil'^^ '"'^' '■I'urm.tcT of ci.e 
 ■'■Koo'."-- <"veile,l:or,-n,ibct„„",in,,„hi..,.- 
 . 1'''<1, Svo. 5. IJuJ. 
 An InUhin Wiznni, Lon., J88- 
 ;.. i„..,..ont^Ci^S;l.^';-; ;;;;;-; 
 N. York IS,4 ' ; " 6n,J T I r*-" '^ ,^'""''>'- ^"•'"• 
 8. My 
 rector of St. ,Janie 
 Sermons, ohiellv o 
 :? ae,^;ir'^o^;:r,:^;^^^^^' '^=' ^■" '"e ^o. 
 i-iinite of Cni^s Sinn,. T i ' ""'"'."-" '*"5; IJerpetua 
 inPhiio.,i;„y.^Kr:',i^^7tr"""' ''''■ «^"'"- 
 «uea« TrinUy rolLrr;., . '■ , ^'""T'''' ^"S- ^ 
 in 1851 a, a wp.S ';^''"" ««■'.. >vl>ero he grucluate,!! Ii3t;/v" ■"'"■""^'' ''"'' Chaneellor'. 
 Fellow a,;a'i:^r:;r'li!::,^^:r"r;:;:,ru-s'!s'='™'«'' 
 u^n profesor of .,ivi„it^.l the ;';;i;!„::^^'„ '?;;;- 
 1S75, ana'iiilh:;;';:,' Cu^uh .;"';"% i. ^r-'^r-^" 
 the^nJli.,, New ■^:^?.^;:, LoJ^',^;^l"s!^^-°- "^ 
 -ivs on tho Work pntitl,.,! .. J ' ™' ■'• ^'■ 
 l.''n„ Sv" " supernatural Religion,"! 
 »-■>»». "vrt ,"!,;; ■V.;,?- ':, '•?""" T'«i» ™ 
 Mark, nf„ T. ..,.'■..•''""•■■'' C^ aphain. I. Scrii.tural 
 TriiKM in l" i^ Ic n ■redt!;^1'■''f"''''■'' '" "'« ^'"'^ 
 eceUry to the government in IMJ.J. "jTe re- 
 rief ,^.""""'"8' to leading English reviews | A,,.i 
 ary, ','5J?" "»'' '^'o'i-n Thought, Lonl Ihs/'sv:'" 
 I.iglitwood, John Mason, M A b IS',?. „ 
 '■'llie, .Utliuc, M.U.A.S. I, The Ki;!"',f T. 
 •"■' tui 
 ■ y, L. 
 '"I- liliist. L 
 ■Ir Mllie liiis 
 "•70. iriino 
 !l with (1 1 
 "■ ami Early Uud 
 lar/ri, umimiii oi'in- 
 nil lli> 
 I'a^i- I 
 miimrativeruliitkinsMrn,,, itiisni 
 '■■ which noescepiion can bo takui 
 Work, anil has 
 .(TosUuK iiiformatliii 
 '■iism. There 
 2 vols. Svo. 
 ..nhn^llJl^^jS'i^lijl;,^!-;:"!!;;? ^?^,""""i'' '■^"<^"' view 
 "faKroatthema"-.SV,^ Av, LvIm'';:; '""'"'"Uk huinlling 
 ..seuiei?.e;a!;!i:i'j,Aj:;!::ii'|;i'^:!'"'f ■ ," '>*"» «"">niu .„ 
 the service of" " t ,o .?., ."l ""*''' '"■•-■,'" 'ashiu'ii i„ 
 j^.it« and chatei:;;ffi,i^;;i'a;rt'^f;'^^i.;i!'>,r'%^;^ 
 I.., I-!W, I2ni 
 . , , tiim.. 
 but.ttt'uiii, ilicsej Lon.. l,su 
 130,5-I!S, [, ,,^ 
 Lillywhite, i\'. jp 
 to Canada, I, 
 are mauv 
 m., 18(i0, 12ui 
 Public School Matche 
 The English Cricketor's T 
 rick, J. Lectures, Expository and 
 . p- Svo 
 m : ' 

 liiiicolii, David rraiicis, M.D., li. 1S4I, in 
 lioston, Muss.; giailiiiitcd at lliirvanl IHCil, ami at tlio 
 incilical departiiiLMit IXil. 1. Ufpoit dm .-ii'liuol lIvHionu; 
 [also] H^'gione in Schools anil (,'c)llof;c?, by A. L. Cur- 
 roll, Host., ISV-l, Svo. 2. Klcctro TliiTa|iLMitics : ii 
 Manual of McUieiil Klootriuity. lllnsl. I'liila., I.--:'.!, r. 
 rjiuo. ;i. Soliool an.l hulustrial llygicno, I'liila., 18SU, 
 Lincoln, Harold. 'I'lio Sea and tlio Savages ; a 
 Storv 1)1' Adventarc. I.on., 1S7L', 12ino. 
 l/incuhi, Kcv. Ilenian, I). IX. !>. 1S21, at liosti.n, 
 ilsif:'.; graduated at llrovvn University Isill, and at 
 Xewlon Tlieoliigieal Institution ISI.i; bueaioe a ]ia|ilist 
 minister, lield pastorates, and has Ijeen pidfessor^ (if 
 eliureli history at Newton sineu IJitiS, I. (Ivl.) The 
 Quiet Hour, liost., Is^Tl, I.Sino. 2. Outline Loetures in 
 fliureh llistorv, Bost., 1><SI, 12nio. 3. Outline Lectures 
 iij ilie History'. if Doctrine, l!o-t., ISSO, IL'uio. 
 i^iucoln,'.1li's. Jt-anie (iould. Her Wasliington 
 Winter, Boat., I^s4, I'-'iuo. 
 I ificuln, Mrs. M. J. (Uniley.) Boston Cook- 
 lick . what to do and what not to do in Cooking. 
 Illust. Bost., 18.X1, 12ino. 
 liineoln, S. N'otes on tlie Families of Lincoln of 
 A;a,-~.trhiisetts, .tc, Bost,, ISIi.i, Svo. ! 
 LinculU, W. 1. New Testament Light and Old 
 Testament History, Lou., 1.S54, 12mo. 2. The Javelin 
 of I'hinehas, Lon., lS(i:i, p. «vo. :i. l.eeture.s on the 
 Kpi.slles of ,Johu, Lon., 1872, 12uio. 4. Lectures on the 
 Booli of It.velation, Lon.. 1^7,'), 1 2uio ; new ed., ls>2. 
 5. Typical Knres'.iadowin;.'s in (Jenesis ; tlie World to 
 Coiuc. I.uu., 187S, ]p. ■'vo. 
 I.ind, <J«oi-Ke UallaN. Easy Kxperiments in 
 Clieuiistry and Natural I'hilosophy, Danville, lud., 
 issn, |2iuo. With other-, Tcachors' and .-^tu.leiits' 
 Library : a Compend of Kioiwledge necessary to Teach- 
 ers. .■^tiidents, and thetlcncral Header, Chic, 1SS2, Svo. 
 liinderfelt, Klas Augat^t. 1. Systematic Cata- 
 logue of the Public Library of the City of .Milwau- 
 kee: with Alphabetical, Author, I'itle, and Subject In- 
 de.xes, Jliiwaukec, IsSi-sil, 4to. 2. Volapiik: an I'.asy 
 Method, I8S7; 4tli ed., isss. 
 Liiidernian, Henry Kichard, lS2.i-187i>, h. at 
 Lehman, I'a. ; superintendent cd' the L'nited States 
 Mint 1S7:L Money and Legal Tender in the L'nited 
 States, N. Ycn-k, ls77, T-'mo. 
 Liiidesay, Mrs. II. H. (Kd.) .Momoriivls of i 
 Charlotte Williams Wyun. Eilited by her Sister. Lon., ! 
 Lindesie, A. 1. Ueconoiliation ; or. Peace with 
 (iod thnpugh the blood of Christ, Lon., LSS2, p. Svo. 2. 
 The Gospel of tirace, Lon., 1SS4, p. svo. 
 Lindley, Capt. .Vugustns F. I. (Ed.) The 
 Abyssinian War from an Abyssinian I'oint of View, 
 Lon., ISbS, IJino. 2. After Ophir; or, A. Search for the 
 South African tJold-Fields, Lon., 1871), Svo. ;i. The Log 
 of the "Fortuna:" a Cruise on Chinese Waters, Lon., 
 1870, Ito; new ed., Is82, sfj. lilmo; 4tli ed., 1881. 
 Liiidley, Sir Nathaniel, son of John Lindley, 
 F.U.S.. (./. I-., •iiilr, vol. i.,) 1). 1S28; called to the bar 
 at the Middle Temple IS.'iili judge of the court of com- 
 mon pleas and knighted 187.i; lord-justice of the court 
 of appeal and a member of the privy council since 18S1. 
 1. (Tran.s.) Introduction to the Study of Jurisprudence ; 
 from •'System des I'andekten-Rechts,'' by Aubon F. 
 Justus T'hibaut, Lon, IS.i.xSvo. 2. A Treatise on the 
 Law of Partnership : including its Application to Joint- 
 Stock and other Companies, Lon., IstiS, 2 vols. r. 8vo; 
 othed., I88S. 
 Lindley, Percy. 1. Walks in Epping Forest, 
 Illust. Lou., 1883, obi. er. 8vo; new ed., 1888. 2- 
 Walks in the Ardennes: Cycling, Driving, Boating, 
 ,lc., Lon., 1887, sij. Hinio. a. Christmas Cookery :ind 
 Good Cheer, Lon., I8S8, r. Svo. 
 Lindley, Walter, .M.D., and Widney, Joseph 
 I'onieroy, M.D. California of the Snitli : its Physi- 
 cal lleograpliy. Climate, Uesonrces, lioules cd' Travel, 
 and Health-Kesorts : :il'oiiiplete lini.le-Book to Southern 
 Calilornia. Illust. and .Map. N. York, ISsS, !2iiio. 
 Li nd»ay,.VIexaiider William t'rawl'ord. Earl 
 ot'l'raui'urd and Ualcarrcs, [""'' . vol. i., aild.,) 
 IS12-18S0. succeeded to the title in ISli'.). He . leveled 
 himself mainly to historical and antiiiuarian studies, ami 
 to the formation of a library unrivalled among priv:ite 
 eolle<'tioiis for tlie niiiubiT and value of its rare books, 
 lirst editions, and manuscripts in various languages. 
 1. .Seeptieism a Ketrogressivu Movement in Theology 
 and Philosophy, as contrasted with the Cliureh of Lug. 
 land. Catholic (at once) and Protestant, Stalde auil 
 Progressive, Lcui., Isfil, 8vo. 
 "it eontaiiis the fruit iif very extensive research. , . . 
 Hut the style is nut atlruetlve. . . . Lord Lindsny thinks 
 iioililng ol'u sentence an uetuvo pinie long."— .Su'. itiv., xii, 
 2. On the Theory of the English llcxamoters, Lon.. 
 I'»ti2, sip Syo. 
 "We ehuiL'e Lord Lliiilsay with the crime of drivi.r,- 
 simple lulli Irnm the customary wursliip id' llnnier by il,,- 
 ciuitcnipi iiit" which lie brings him by his inili liel almn! 
 translation into Kimlisli llcxaiuelcrs. (lalsely sHialleii.laifl 
 by the iiilnlerably bad Kntjlisli llc.\ameler.s In whii h ;,.■ 
 has travestied him."— .sii/. W' i\. xiii. .v.i". 
 ;;. Memoir of Anna .Mackenzie. Countess of lialcarr. -, 
 Edin., ISCiS, 12iiio. 1. Conservatism: its Priucipi.-. 
 I'olicy, and Practice, Lon., ISlis, Svo, 5. (Kciiuiciii,.in 
 in Relation to the Chuieli of England: F'our Letlei-. 
 Lon., lS7tl, Svo. li. Etruscan Inscriptions Aioily/ii. 
 Translated, and ('■oiiiuented upon, Lon.. Is72, syn. 
 "Lord Criiwforil lias cniiviiiicd liiiiisclf that the liio- 
 gmiKc of the ancient I'.truseiiiis was a lliub-liutcb diiih.!. 
 and ilinl with this key we may decijiber the siniiiKe lii- 
 scnjitions wbicli have hitherto batlled iibiloiueisls. , . 
 Jlis coiivieliou and his iiilerprela;ioiis. aliliouuh luany .,t' 
 them lie open to serious objei-lioiis, cannot be disiuisscd 
 with eoiitempl."— .S(i/. l!a:. .x.wv. '.'.lo. 
 7. Argo; the (iolden Fleece: a Metrical Tide, L"i,.. 
 187(1, Svo. 8. The Earldom of .Mar in Sunshine ai.'l 
 Shade during Five Hiinilied Years: Letters to the I i 
 Clerk Register of Scotland, Edin.. 1S82. 2 vols. sv„. 
 " Fiilure liookmakers will use his wi.i k as a mine I'rcn, 
 which t,i horinw exiininles of the vicissitudes ol I'aniil.cs 
 and the romaiirc of the peeratc."— ,S(i/. A'cr.. liii. .'i;'.T. 
 " It is an flaiii.rate review mid criticism ol llie in-,, 
 winch WHS liiounlit before !lio llniise of Lords by ih,, 
 tiillier of the present Lord K. llie in order to estiiblisli lii- 
 rinlit In succeed to the e,.:ldoiii of Mar a- the heir mule 
 of Ills c.oisiii, llie lute Karl ol .Mar and K. ,1110, and 1. 1 I'n 
 counter case which was se! Iiefure the Lon'.s at tbcMiuLc 
 lime in bidialf nl' Mr. (iomieve-Erskiiie, who eliiiin- |.. 
 have iiilieriled the title of Karl of .Mar as hi.s uncle's beir- 
 general. "-. !(/■.. No. .',s;«. 
 Lindsay, Hon. Colin, h, ISlit; brother of the 
 preceding. 1. I'niim and I nity : an Address, Lmi. 
 Isliu, Svo. 2. Increase of lie Flpiscopate, Lon., lsi',:;. 
 Svo. 3. The Church Union Movenieiil : Six Aniiiiul 
 Addresses, Lon., ISC.'i. Svo. I. Evidence for the Piipucy, 
 Lon., Isil'.), Svo. 5. De I-Ieclesia et Cathedra; or. The 
 I Eiii)iire Chureh of Jesus Christ: an Epistle, Lon., |s:7- 
 ■ 78, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "Yervnineli the kind of work that Georce Klioi'> Mr. 
 ('asaul)i'ii niiubt lia\e |uodneeil if lie had turned Io.iimui 
 Catholie."— S. (Ill n ii.\.M ; Ac<i<l., xiv. o.'>l. 
 l.indsay, Ldward. The Law of Prohiites an 1 
 Administrations. Ireland. Lon., 18.0s, Syo. 
 Lindsay, J. J}. Chrono-.Astrolabe : a Set of As- 
 • ronomie Tables. Lon., 1858, Svo. 
 Lindsay, J. T. Frenqh E.xiles of Louisiana, N. 
 York. IsSl. l2uio. 
 Lindsay, James, M. A., M.D. The Analytical In- 
 terpretation of the ■'System of Divine Goyerniueut of 
 .Moses, Lon., 187.'), 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Lindsay, James .VIexnnder, M.D., of liclfast. 
 (liniatie Treatment of Consumption: Homo, Fnicign. 
 and Colonial Sanaloriii. Lon., Iss7, cr. Svo. 
 Jandsay, James Ludovic, LL.D.. F.ll.A.s.. 
 F.R.S., V.P.S.A., LnrI ol' I'raAVl'ord and Bnl- 
 carres, h. 1S47; son of A. W. C. Lindsny, Kail of 
 Crawfcu'd and lialcarres, snyo.i. liibliothcca Lindesiaiiii : 
 Hand-List to the Early Editions of the Greek and Latin 
 Writers of Ancient and .Mediieval 'f iuie.s, Lon., Iss,,^ sy,,. 
 Lindsay, Kev. Thomas .>I. 1. (Trans. i Sy-teni 
 of Logic, and History of Logical Doctrines; fiuiii llic 
 German of F'riedricli Ueberweg, Lon., 1871, Syo. 'J. .st. 
 J.Mark: with Maps. Notes, and Introductions, Edin., 
 1881, 12mo. :!. The Reformation, ('• Hand-lluol,s for 
 Bible-Classes,") Edin., 1882, p. Svo. I. Gohlcn Tlinn-hts: 
 Words of .lesus recorded in the Gospels, Edin., 1>S2. 
 ti4mo. :), (Ed.) Golden Thoughts from the r,-;iliiis, 
 Edin., ISSli, 481110. 15. The Acts of the Apostles; \nlli 
 Notes, Edin., 1SS4-S,'), 2 vols. p. Svo. 7. ( Ed. I Tlcui'lits 
 from tho Imitation of Christ, Edin., ISSd, 12iii.i. s. 
 '[he Gospel of St. Luke: with Introduction, Not. -. ami 
 Maps. Edin., lsS7, 2 vols. p. Syo. 
 Lindsay, Rev. W., D.D. 1. Inquiry into the 
 Christian Law as to the Relationships which bin .Mar- 
 riage, Edin., IS.i;'), l2mo; 2d ed., 1S7I. 2. Lcctiii'S,,n 
 i the Epistle to tho Hebrews. [Edited by Rev. Ueirgo 
 i Brooks.] Edin., 1807, 2 vols. Svo. 
 18J;.""'r''^.' "; ""!"«•"» M.D., P.R.S.E., F.L.S., ,1 
 18. 0, min. l(„iio. 2. Contribution to New 7.., h,,.'! 
 LindsBj, Vvilliam Schaw, Isi6-1877, b ,it Avr 
 ^cotlun.l; «,,„t „,seh as a cabin b„y, r, wo , t'l ' ..i 
 ""incl ;;f « n.erchanfna,, i„ l,s;iB, J ^ZnlyZ 
 !.<m.lon' ciccto,! M l> .■./t ''"I'l'ini! business in 
 .. u'luu, eccto.l M.l.loi' lyneniou 1 n Isjl and fnr 
 Nnuiorlan, m Is.v.l. I. Our Navigation ai^lMH, . 
 Laws uonsiclered, l,„n., 1863, Sv„ 2 n„r \f . 1 
 .Shipping and Aneient ^n.^erce I w '.^\. I .''us^i C' 
 trations, I,„n., l,s7l-76, -I vols Svo """•'■"us iiius- 
 Blve additionah^|;;/,rS 'lorcv ,,^r.u;;L 
 timis, and contrlbulf towards iaki J huir^ ''''"''"I'- 
 plete eni^yclopjcdia ..r tlie 1, st rv , ■ «m, y"'"."''* '}. *■■">»• 
 A'0'.,xxxviii,:,.i,i,an/l.xli M ^ »''ili-buildiiig."-.Sa(. 
 l-o'n '^""""t'o""'!.""^'"' '"^V^,""^ Mercantile Marine, 
 iwieeti:;,r:f a'^Mo^i.^rr t': ;^''"'''r r' 
 in 1852. and was apX? re LTn! ,! VoTnti it^ 
 Torol^'i 5r"o^%'. ";",•■. "'-'-y ""-' Present IN^io^' 
 Bou1;dLi:::.M/nta;o,T'„rn"rsr? 1 '>;", l---t'»<i 
 tion'lWsi' *V. ''""^ '"V '''M'ier^'Mach;'. An.n.uni- 
 Ta.hygrapliy," 1873, I2mo, 5th ed., 187« *'"''"*'"' "^ 
 Liiidsley, John Berrien, M.D., D.D b 1822 at 
 Pruiceton, N.J.; so,, of Uev. Philip Lindinv ■,:,•' 
 gn, uated in the n,! ^lepartmen^ .t'tfni fr;;;' 
 i'ennsyivanm 84;{, professor of chemistry in he ui? 
 : iti' r of-t""" ''!'"-'•!; ""^ chancellor „V the u" - i 
 ;i luinessee 18, ,-,« and since 1884. 1 Our H„;n . 
 5"Sf" »/-'=- --HI 
 Lindsley, Rev. Philip, D.D., I7sr,-i8M h „. ! 
 ■1. "t of Cumberland College, N^vshville,' 182.| "o ! ' 
 I rni,,„„r of archieo ogy n the Prp«hvt,.i-i,in ti i • ; 
 .:^e.,unary at New Al.mny, In,h s^ !iT W .Ts ^^p'l' 
 Man . ,1' 1", ' ?,',^;\"' ''i'':i;''"','^"""-y chapters on the 
 Yo.t "''"""uV'm!'"*' "' ''°"'''*'''' '^'"''"■'''^hire. The 
 gr'll'';"^,•/?i'■f^' 'r?'-''^'''- •>• '" ■'^™*'an'lf e»i- 
 on '1 ,^u' ■'?.'' *"*'"'• ""<! f»i- »"">v years carried 
 »" .' large bookbinding establiHhment in New York City 
 Knicrrbo,'^k.'r\r'""' '" "'" •'™"'''' ''i'"™' '" 'ho 
 .s",l ,ri„«''^ •" ^rious journals. I. 
 o"«s of the .Seasons, and other I'ocins, N. Y„rk l.soo 
 I.inBnrd, Alfred, and IIutchinM.n, J, (Trans ) 
 " I ini' '"""•''•' il'^ed Kournier. I.un., ISS|,,.r. Svo 
 Tow|,"i:'n""|ss"r": '^^T- "f Country and 
 an.V'n,!"''' ^^J^'V-'S^ '■ ■'^'^•'"="1 Annals of the King, 
 and (Meens of lOngland. I.oi,,. is.m, fol. - The Hold 
 Seeker j a .Metrical Narrative, Lon. 1m;,), fp Sv, " " 
 Musical l^yuics of London, l-on., IMI- 8vo (lii 
 ni.' With F . "^v"^ '""•?. "'"' Cli"'"" Countiet 
 ■ >o 0. Ihe Magic Flute, l,on.. I.SS4, p. Svo fi A 
 Ust Son, and The (iloverV Daughter, l,on 1S85' p 8v^ 
 '• A Garhuul of .Seven Lilies, Lon. IS8 n 8»^o 8* 
 Ihe Haven under the Hill, l.'n,,, i.'.c, 3 o .;. cr 8vo 
 !r 8vo lo'T '" " '';j" ■■ ," •'^''»"' I-"" '■^•^■3 vols! 
 .'<t«ri'e.,:U.,°-18S8,-p Sv"' """^ '""'"'"' ""'' '"'"^^ 
 She^l;^liv;^l^!"i;;"'l;;";>« -llvvays a diarn, about it. 
 life she (ieseribes ' ^vell M ,,V';V '''"11" """■'■'*• «''<«e 
 "nd tbcfresh i^rltt 1 ,• n 1 brer iH^nV''''"'!''' ".' "'•'^ "'='' 
 tier pleasant tales T 1 m u ..r ''^'''''- ""''"'''"'^'e 
 qi.cni tciideiievt. makel r ,1 ''er writings is a fro- 
 .^>k in an i.nposLC'tils:.;;'^^!:';;';^-:!":^^,;':^-;^ 
 : i'iiistead, -if. c. 
 ' sq. Ifitno. 
 acetic Surv^ing aid Angu^;V:;^c;;::^;i^"f88 j 
 " t ■ ; Creation and Grace, Lon., 1884, 12ino 
 N- 'VorI;'"l's-,R^';"'''^'- '^^1 ""*''"« "f 'he Nations, 
 I ii.. «' '"" *"'■"'■'; Ihila., 1S64, Svo 
 in INo8 she was married to William James Linton ,w",a 
 t.m hJ"r ^""'7'"" ""•'^- f""-" "™'» "part m/s L ,"' 
 ^m has been a frequent contributor o the 8a urdTv 
 11, p. svo. 2. Ihe Luke Country, Lon., 1864 tvo 
 ■ -,'™f :'"u.r Nettle., a Novel, Lon' 1^65,3 vols.^: 
 'p'sv. neVed ^i'T^f.^^'T'^^' ''»"•• If^fie.Svols. 
 :rN:v^.''L:ri8i,?:T::is';r!;vo'-'''"^"«'^^ »■'■-''= 
 son uiii„t,an ami Oomniunist. Lon.', IS72."p.'8vo 
 thodoxy : iUs i very a rail ; ' ""' "'eology of or- 
 attempt to deline^S t^SJ: ^V^^Ill^ilulli^'^lJlJIJelS^iillJ 
 JU05 " 
 A Marvellous House, Lon., 1879, 
 mdn of the workins-clnsi' "f "ur own ilfty, tjcclniilnt: his 
 °r"cr with the h.nmin life of Christ us his ^,';-'>'''' ' " : 
 Biul In a miicli U«< imrruw sense his model, anil MruiluiUI> 
 1 ollfylni; his (■"invptluii of it . . . In the cmirse ol an 
 umi.'islsteil itrnKk'le with the princil.les anil machinery ol 
 modern sueielv."— S/icdii/oi-, xlvl. ;i7;>. 
 8. l>atrioia Keuilaill, Lun., 1»74, 3 vols. p. Svo ; new 
 ed., \>*i:>. 
 •• Whatever may be thonRht of the artlstle merits of this 
 romaiiee, it is impossihle not to en ..y the "j .'''j';';' ''' ,\'- 
 Vftelty wiiieh pervades the whole ol it and kIvu.-. It lb dls- 
 tliictlve llavoiir."-*i(. AVf., xxxvlii. Oi.i. _ 
 y. The Mad Willminhhys, and other Tales, Lon., lJ<i> . 
 new ed., l.HSU, 12nio. Id. The Atonement of Learn 
 Diindas, Lon., IM7I>, :i vols. p. Svo. 
 " Deserves a hi«h place among sensation novels. 
 ^ "''Wc 'should he sorry to deter any one eapalile of iiprire- 
 clatlnL'siich a work from readiiiK it by siiyiii(; that it is a 
 very serious pro.liietiun ; yet tlie writer's seriuiisiiess, her 
 kuen sense oV the evils and waywardness ul modern so- 
 (■letv. and of the duty of speaking out about them, mnst 
 be taken into aeeoiint in jndKliiK' ol her narrative. Wo 
 (inirht to add. however, that, if It is serious, It is certainly 
 not duli."-.s«(. Afi'., xli. 7.-d. .„„ „ , 
 U. The World Well Lost. Illust. Lon., 1S77, 2 vols. 
 Svo; 18SII, 1 vol. 12. I'mlor which Lord? Lon., lf<7'J, 
 3 vols. p. Svo ; ISSd, I vol. lil. With a Kilken Thread, 
 and other Stories, Lon.. 1SMI. 3 vols. p. Svo. M. The 
 llebcl of the Family, Lon., 1SSI>, 3 vols. cr. Svo ; new 
 - ' " ' In. 
 studied engraving under Clcor^o W. lionner, and gain. I 
 a reputation as a draughtsman ami engraver on wii...l. 
 He was engaged on the Illustrated London News, iiimI 
 was one of the founders of the London Leader in IS.M. 
 In lSli7 he removed to the I'nited States, and .selll.d 
 first in New York, and afterwards in New ILiveii, C'oi.'i . 
 where he opened a large engraving latablishment. I. 
 Clarihel. ami other I'onms, Lon., ISC,'., l2mo. 2. Fern 
 of the English Laka Country, Lon., ls(i5, r2mo. :; 
 I Ireland for the Irish; Rhyme and Ueasons again-! 
 i Landlordism, N. York, lStl7, itlino. 4. The Flower -.u. i 
 the Star, and other Stories for Children, Lon., ISBit, 1(,mm.. 
 5 l'ot-1'ourri, N. Yo.-k, IHTo, 12mo. 6. The Ameri.MH 
 Odyssey, Wash., 1876, 16uio. 7. The Poetry of Amcri.i, 
 (Ilohn'sSlandard Lib.,) Lon„187.s, l2mo. S. Some Tra-- 
 I tical Hints im Wood-Kngraving for the In.nruclioii 1 
 Reviewers and the Public, Illust. Bust., IS7'.l, »{■ llhii... 
 U. James Watson; a Memoir (.f the Days of ihe tiirht 
 for a Free Press in Knglnnd, and of the Agitaticm I r 
 I the People's Charter, Manchester, IS.SO, 10, History '•! 
 Wood-Kngraving in America. Illust. Lon., ISS2, fnl. : 
 Host,, I8S3, llo. II. (Ed.) Golden Apples of Hespem^. 
 1S82. 12. (Ell.) Rare Poems of tlie Sixleentl' and Mi- 
 cnleenth Centuries; a Supplement to the Antholog,.-: 
 with Notes. Illust. Lon., 1883, p. 8vo. 
 "The editor's taste In poetry is as true as his liaieh ni 
 wood-engravliiK' The book will be welmme alike lo 
 the ordinary reader and the scholar —All., No. ..m. 
 "This delightful little volume -.s.pcd((/or, lyi. 10!i(. 
 13. Wood-Engraving: a Manual of Instruction, lllii-i. 
 Lon.', 1SS4. , ., , ,, 
 " We may accept this admiral:;- 'rcutlse as a sort of Imv- 
 taste of the" larger and nuireeoinprehensive work onwoo.l- 
 ed. 18S1. 1,5. .My Love, Lon., ISSl, 3 vols. p. Svo. It 
 The Girl of the Period, and other Social Essays, Lon 
 1SS3, 2 vols, Svo. ("The Girl of the Period," reprinte 
 from the Saturday Review, was published in Ne' 
 Y'ork in ISB'.i.) ,, , u piiL'rnvlnL' which is expected from the aumor, . . . im« 
 "These iiapers, which, as we used to sUlm them each | ^J^j^^^^t {;irposes(purport.s'.'| to be,-a manual of iiiMio.- 
 snnday, sienied so largely tinctured with imra, ox id ; vha '^'l'}^^^. ,^jl 1,^ ,l,,,^^ ,„ ^,,, ,.,,refnily arram!vd, l.ui a 
 clever tlippancy, when read in the light o '"]or toiitro- , i,,j,r ,„^,i,ftiid business-like treatise on ess •ntial pom >. . . 
 A llilll' 
 versles are very full of truth and subcrness. -.4ca((., xxv. f^^ ^^, expected from Mr. Linton, the book is likcwi 
 2S. „ , ,„,,;; somewhat controversial. He Is not content with .■xphuii- 
 17. lone, Lon., 1883, 3 vols. or. Svo; new ed., iSf**; | j,,,, [lie intelligence and art with whicii licwuk loi.l 
 18. The Ilift in the Lute, Lon., ISS.i, 32mo. lih Stabbed ; xhcmison chose their lines, but he must i.oint out i..w 
 in the Dark Lon., ISS;5, 12mo. 21), The Autobiography , absent these qualities are in much moile woik Hindi 
 I" C;:;i!,S;er Kl^kland, ,ss., 3 vols, er Svo ! passes f-4>;--t''l^:;ts^:"li!:i.^:^ i^ii.tcd, .0 
 " The first volume o|>eiis like tlic beginning of a regular 14- Lovt '''r- ,' "'' , 'rnnmi.uions N. York, Iss'.i, 
 i;;S\;.a^r ^^^^^^ SiXi-'linl. Vflslill^lJInir , S'l^;, 'with's^;;;..^;'., IL 'urir^ Enghsh Vers.., 
 S.jiiK.ortheskctches,whichareverythinly veiled lor j,,^ york, 18S3, :, vols. l2mo. 
 ilic'most part, are in the happiest manner id the author rimvood, .Mary. The House of Camelot ; a Tide, 
 of 'The Hill of tlie Period,' and are made add tninalb '^ „ ' --^ 
 ^j:^i;ri';^.;f;^;:^l^:'^r^':x^^!li:^:il:"''^"'"''''" '''''" ; '"lip^^a, ^^U..U. Remarks ..d Emcnd;,,^,. 
 21, Paston Carew, Miser and Millionaire, Lon., 1SS«, ; on Tluicydides ; 2d e.l., Lon., ISOO, Mo. 
 3 vols. or. Svo. 22. Through the Long Night; a Novel, 
 Lon., ISSS, 3 vols. cr. Svo. She is said to be the 
 author of Too Soon ; a Study of a Girl's Heart, Lun., 
 1873, 3 vols. p. Svo. Anon. 
 Linton, Uev. Henry, M.A.. IS0J-18S7, gnvdu- 
 ated at Magdalen College, Oxford. 1824; ordained 1820; 
 rector of St. Peter-le-liuilev, (>xford, l8;)(i-77; hon, 
 civnon of Church from 1S71. .Sermons preached 
 at St. Peter-le-Railey, Oxford, Lon., I87S, p. Svo. 
 Linton, Kev. Henry P., M.A., graduated at ^"■■K.' '"."."' !'"%„. „„,„,, ,„„„ (-Grace Green 
 Trinity follge. Dublin. IS45 ; ordained 1845 ; divinity LippinooU, Mr>. Sarnli Jane, ( txrace uieen 
 lecturer at St. Aidan's (.'ollege |S.|9-.V,I ; vicar of Birken- 
 head lS(i4-S2; rural dean of Birkenhead 1SS8. 1. Par- 
 aphrase and Notes or. St. Paul's Epistles, Lon., IS.'.S, 
 U'liio. 2. .Jesus the Resurrcctimi ; Twelve Sermons, 
 Lon., ISlia, 12mo. 3. Psalms of Daidd and Sokonon, 
 Lon., 1871, l2ino. 4. Tlic Scriptures arrangeil in the 
 Order of Time as written, Lon.. 1875, l2nio; new ed., 
 1S8I. 5. The Book of .Jeremiah: with Notes; Part I., 
 Historical Cli.vpters, Lon., 1878, 12mo. «. The Book of 
 Kehemiah ; with Explanatory Notes, Lon., 1878, 12mo. 
 7. The Book of Genesis; with Explanatory Notes and 
 Atipcndiccs, Lon., 18711, 12mo. 8. Christ in the Old 
 Testament, Lon., 1880, 12mo. 9. The First Kf^MW h' 
 the Corinthians: with Notes, Lon., 18SI, I2m', :.'. I ho 
 Second Epistle to the Corinthians; with Note-. Lon., 
 lSs2, 12mo. 11. The Books of Haggai and Zcchariah ; 
 with Note?, Lon., 1834, 12iiio. 12. In Memoriam ; Ser- 
 " ' ■ " Lon., 
 Lipniann, R. I. (Trans.) A Hero of our Inn 
 by M. U. LeniKmtoff, Lon., 1880. p. Svo. 
 Lippe, Adolf, M.D., d. 1888. Text-Book of .M 
 teria .Mcdica, Pliila,, 1SI)7, Hvo. 
 Lippineott, Esther J., (Trimble.) 
 Book of English and American Literature 
 and Critical, Phila.. IS83, l2mo. 
 Lippincolt, Leander K. and Sarnli Jiuie. 
 Old Wonder-Eves, and other Stories for Chililreu. N. 
 wood," pseud., I L"""-. ^ol- '■• '>'l'l"l ''• 1«23. 1. Stories 
 and Legends of Travel and History. Illust. b"-!.. 
 IS57 llimo. 2. Bonnie Scotlaml ; Tales of hor llisMiy, 
 Heroes, and Poets, Best., ISliO, ISmo. 3. Stones 
 K;imou8 Ballads, Bost., ISfiO, ISmo. 4. Recorls "1 Ine 
 Years, Bost., 1867, Hhiio. 5. Stories-' a«d M.irlUs "> 
 France and Jtaly. Bost., 1S(',7, Kimo. (k New Ude iii 
 New Lands : iNotcs of Travel the Amonciiu Lon 
 tinent, from Chicago to the Pacific and Buck, \.^on.. 
 1872, r.'mo. 7. Heads and 'I'nils : Siudie.i aii.i Muii" 
 ol Pets, N. York, 1874, 8. Victoria, Queen ol Eii-liinl 
 mens preached on Various Occasions, lSlil-87, 
 1888, cr. Svo. 
 Linton, Lanrence. Ho is not Guilty ! 
 1860, p. Svo. 
 Linton, Robert. 
 VIr.H.-ts, Lor... IH.V. 1!. 
 Linton, Wiliiiiin. 
 Properties of .\ 
 her Girlhood and Womanhood, Lon., 4883, cr. 
 Stories for Home Folks. ISS5. 
 Lippitt, Vrnncis >», served in the civil war, no r 
 was brevetted brigadier general of volunteers. K^V 
 Treatise on the Tactical Use of the Three Arte- 
 York, 1S«.>. 12mo. 2. A Treatise on [ntrcnelin 
 York, 18fi«, l2ino. 3. Special Operations of W . 
 idi;ncc, 1868, r.'mo. 4. Fieh' Service in W 
 1 Siio. 5. Criminal Law as h..ininistercd m M- • m 
 setts. Host., 1870, Svo. 6. Physical IVoofs ol '>iwtla'i 
 Discovered Laws of the Sun and ' Life given in Letters to the Seybert Commission, "aM>- 
 ISSS. Svo. _ _ T r II n 
 ' - f).\l.. i.l.-.l' I 
 vol. L, add.,] d. 1878. 1. 
 id Modern Colours, 
 p. Svo. 
 2. Colossal Vestiges of the Older Nations, Lon., 
 Lipscomb, Kev, 
 'b. Is 1 6, at Georgetown, 
 D.C, ; bee 
 A<i«atc Kliif- 
 1 minister ; chancellor of the Univers 
 ilv of Ceorgiii 
 186(1-74 ; professor of philosophy an 
 Liiilon, WiiliUMi .fames. 
 h. 1SI2, in London ;, dcrliilt University, Nashvi 
 id oriticisui m 
 ille, 1875-84, I. On 
 Lipscomb, Klleii. l. Little x,.,] ,. ' ,,i. f 
 Lipscomb, Kev. Harry fiirtp r"\ \ ' "• ' 
 vicar ol Staindron an,l i-P,.t„r .,.• r'„..i.,i..,', T'*',"'^" "^" ^ 
 , fillliirc.."-.!^/, X„ .,7,;|"'-"'""' »i"i^'wi''l, tlif rcMilt is a 
 .1. Myths fro,„"'th,. "m , l'™ ''^'O'' "-J- f'„lliHi„„, l.ssM 
 I.o„.!d,J, in, ""•"■""n'l.o«e,,. tol,l i„ Enmi.h, 
 Iil':^"'«i;^'^;";^- '^"" "■-'" - - ... it. 
 voU.';'%,f '*'"•'• '^-^'"o !"">"-. L'.n., 1872, . ; "^/^-^ N"."e. Mihv;uC\vi"!'i;s:r'lto''^ ''^"'"•' 
 List, A. T«o Phases of the Social Evil. r.„„>.«, I tions. .MuIvauLrWir f?" ",':,''.''• ''''- I'hreo Voca- 
 Maiirico Khynharf, l.on., I.sri, 
 voU.^ |,, ,svi). 
 List, A. Two Phases of the Social Evil, Lon., l.SBl, 
 Listiido, J. T 
 LI U U r r 1, ?^^''''^ **"''•' ^'l^'C'S.. 1-'.K.S., 
 S.vs.cMu, l,on, I ';;»'';",:' •^''"'■"^■^ "" "'« Antiseptic 
 I^<!:i,p. 8vM «"•"«"■"■'" "f UI'Milicl .Saints, Lon 
 iir !■ ,iv^,.r ■ .'...!... '"""'. <-""'> T.v. she .siiniiiirta o m.. ...._. ' 
 ildiMiiil 1<M1 the Driii, hers i i,,Vi';'"'" V" ■'"-■"'■■«'iein. .sue 
 "1 tlie Hook ,„■ ,hJ He:i:i;;;'io,';.!-!:V, "C 'l,''"^,, V-'kerms 
 ;,':'»"' ««y. William. The tn-h'-of" i„„ „e 
 -i'.^S to the Church of ,„,|, L„n., ls,-,s, „ "!„ 
 •.Itch, Wilbur K., MD < h- 1 i tv, 1 
 ^v.-i.m „(■ DeniHtiT- i,Vl .■ *, I ' *"' American 
 • '■"'"■• '^'J> }>■ !>vo; new cil., ls,><0 
 tions. .Milwaukee, \Vi..., Isss |"„„ 
 I^ife. Iliua. N:-V;rk,''sss '■^l?;,!'""'' ^^"'«'' "'-"«'" 
 0^r^U,^:i^,I^"'T\ '^''-^^--nJnnts of 
 l(Wn,%„b,irn, m" i""2 "''"^' M«»««cbusetts, in 
 ."i-;.onar, ,u.^,^,;.,,,,.^?;''-;j^;.^--'-;J 1.^74, 
 Madagascar: its lli.tory „„a Peop*^,e. '^lin^'luUn'; I irihlh,,, „,?,■; '■'■■ v'"''''' "'"' I"'" "■ 
 (.■rotesqiie in ,„ai V Vh l ' '" •^'"'"■'-' "'ul for the 
 ilie .same .-iibje o us' i'n , i.' ' '''V '"," »"">'"'^ '1™' with 
 fauna of Wnil, Ka."™" tl ,i "''H" ''" 'l'^' "">" an.l 
 tl."r.mgl,.K,,in,,{;tV';L;iV.nelh:,rt'eils''l ''.''■ ^''V' 
 a loii)? sweeii in row imr /i, „J ,, ■ 't'l". ^er.v niiicli as 
 prcltx- stroke.' U'l i v fu/w .v'/'^-mV''^ " ^'","' ,''"'"«'' 
 ThHfri' I'on ',fs?- "l''''""^' "■> Temperance,' 
 .i^ ,is?;;r/r,i,.i:-V:--^^^;.|:.^1^8.. 3. A 
 Inner Tein,,le l.S7(; 4 t '^'' '" ,""•' *""■ '" 'I'" 
 Holdings aI ' 'Hie 'awn-'u 'f "" ""^ Agricultural 
 ^th the Acts, Kegulati,;ns:Lt4^!ac!C,il"';'^8i: 
 Sktlet'lt^r^*,^""'"''' V^°""' '^^•■'«'^ " 
 L'vols, svu. Manners, and Facts, Lon., IS84, 
 l.e;.siveS^!:;i.'^\,r^'«f^' r «">•'» <"« an,l very .^mpre- 
 , (ouehe.i.anil W'T e Llv to h-i ,. ,■ ?' "i "<''' ''^" '"'--^ "Ot 
 . . . . -, ,,. ,..»„j iju^v tMl., I.SNU. 
 tno. .-> \A hnso WiCn _i. ' I ., . , ' ' 
 An\'iT v- ^"^^-^-^^^ X^'Vok,']^^ ,2u„; 
 i. chfield ' Th^' ^^'- ^'"''' "'*■'• •«"'"• 
 -.; M:5e.^!::T^!-,s.i;:'^-^7r""-" 
 of.L.i.J V:V,M 'n^""- .-• <'•■''•) The Poetical Work, 
 ■ ' "'<;"lcv Pnncc, .Manchester and Lon., l.s.s] ^ 
 ISMl'f'o,:.:'"''"' '■"" "' *•-• J--" I-i'tie, N. York, 
 izzie M. Persephone, and other Poems, 
 also, a large-paper edition. 3. The L 
 of John Cri^chi^ri^in^e^E? 
 ,',",?,';:;,i;',!5!'?.?"°» of the nfe , 
 liOn., i'U. 
 '^ius P. 
 ester and Lon., 1.S81, II i IMiist. I 
 '" '''it'-I'ley Prince an eli; 
 11(1 collec 
 Ky., 1 
 lien Hardin: his Times and 
 from his Speeches. 
 C. Cholera: some R 
 'ted poems of ^^lture and Path'ioirv I.nn 
 > obtain fora; Little, Hillia 
 , 1867 
 m. The II 
 upon its 
 nfttnimhlre, 173.')-1«H8. lHust. \,iivn-\\, Mfts'., 
 I.mic, Williiim John, M.D , K H.C.I'., 
 v(il. i., :i'IiImJ |iliy»ifiiiii I'l llii! Iiiliint (ir|ih .u v _ 
 Wnni'l' .111; ruiimltr (if, iiml forinorlv pti.N ^ m to, tlie 
 U"yii|nrlhiii)("lii' lloii|iitiil, I. Niiluic ami TniUiiielit 
 (if Iii-('"niiilio." "f Mm llniii:iii KriiiiiL', Lni)., is.,;), svii. 
 L'. On Spiiiul Wciikiic.-F ,uiil S|iiiiiil CuiviitiiM'i' ; thuir 
 Kurly KeiMKiiiiiiiii hthI Treiitini'iil, l.oii., iMl.-*, >*v». 
 With I.ITTI.i:, !•;. .M., Mi'ilii'iil iiiiil SnrKiciil .\H|ieot» of 
 Iri-KiKM'. ((it'iiii ViilnniM.) lllii^l. N. Voik, l!<«:i, Svn. 
 I.ittlc, Uev. Williuin .(ohii Knox-, M.A„ b. 
 iibout IS;;ii. lit Stiniiil^lnwii. r.iunty Tyroni'. IrcliinJ ; 
 griiiluiite.l III Trinity College, CiiiiiliiiilKcN ISilL'; (inluiniil 
 l.'^tCi: rocliir nl' St. Alliiin's C'IiitIk.iu.I, .MiiiiflR'sliT. 
 1m7,'i-S.i, iinil pinc.'O then of llniir ('ni.-:<; i-iiiinii ul' Wur- ' 
 foster fUvi- IHSI. 1. Tlie Tlirt'i'-llmir.-' AK">iiy "f "iir 
 Itli'H.-f,l IUmIoc'Ihit, l,im., 1.^77, ll'iiio ; iiuw im1., l.SSl. , 
 2. Seriiiiiiin |iieii(Oieit fur tlie inoH part in Miini'lifi'ler, 
 l,..n., 1S«II, p. «v..; 2il 0(1., IS8I. :i. Churuftcrialics 
 and Mdtive." "f iIk! (,'liri^iiiin Life: Ten yernions | 
 preiiclied In Mi>n(;lu'.-t(T Ciitliuilnil, l-..n., Is^O, er. .Svo; ' 
 new ed., isst. 4. The .My.itery of tho I'li^-sion (if Our 
 Mo-I llolv Ucdeenicr, L(in., ISrtl, p. Svo ; M cd., IS,-*.), ; 
 (.T. Svo. ',1. Tlie Wilnen.^ (if the l'assi(jn of (lur Slost | 
 iliilv Kedeenicr, Lon., I^.■^l, p. Svo. ii. The Hopes and 
 l)cd^(ion8 of the l'iM<ion of Our .Mo.ft Holy Itedeoiner, 
 I,on., 18S(1, er. ^v». 7. The l!mk(^n Vow: a Stiiry of j 
 Here and Hereafter: Istiind Jd od.s., I,on., I^M7, p. Svo. i 
 ». The Cliild of .^talferton : a Chapter of a Kainily : 
 Chroiiiele, I.on., ISss, p. 8vo. U. Tho Light of Life: | 
 Soriuuiis prciiidied on \ arious Oeea!(ionD, Lon., 1888, p. 
 Svo. Also, ?in;|le sernions. I 
 liittledille, H. .Notes fin Lord Mttcaulay'n " Life 
 of Johns-oii," l.on., |S7!», IL'iiio. 
 I.ittlediiie, Uvv. Kiehurd Frederick, I.I .D., 
 D.C.L., I8:i:i-1K(,M1, li. in Uiililin: (.'riidiuUed, senior 
 Mod. Chis., at Trinity College, Dulilin, ls,^l: ordained 
 )8afl; euniteof .St. Mary Virgin, .-^oho, 1S57-61. Ho wii.s 
 obliged by ohronie ill health to give up pnroehial work, 
 and theneefortli devoted himself ti literature, writing on 
 |H88, I by npfMiintinenI of the prenidlng lii-hop, ho took ehaii<c 
 of the Anieriean Kplsoopal churchu- on the conlinent ut 
 f.iiif.-, , Kurope. I. C(iniiionc.'< ad Clerum. 1S7'.)-ISMI, .N.York, 
 vlum, ; 1881, IJiiio. 2. liidividuiilisiii : its (ironlh and Tended- 
 eies; with some Suggestions as to the lieiiiedy for 1;- 
 Kvils: being Sermons preiicliod before Cie I liiver.-ily "I 
 Cambridge, Kngland, N. York, ls8l 12rii :. li. Tlie 
 Cbrislian .Ministry at the Close of tb( .>linelecnth C. n- 
 tury I being l.eetiints beloie the (ienenil Thcologi. il 
 Seminary, -New York, (.n " lli.-liop I'addoek's Koiiuda- 
 tion." .N. York, IS'*!. Al^o, clioij.'es, ,te. 
 I.ittlejohn, liaviiii* .loi»t'|ihiiH. Legen 1^ f 
 .Mienigaii and the Old Northwest, Allegan, .^lieh., !«:.., 
 Mtlk-lon, A. f. Voi'ubnlary of Sea Words, in 
 Kiii.'li:-h, l-'reneli, ,Vc., l.on., IS71I, 12mo. 
 Littleton, Hon. and Uev. feeil James, MA., 
 b. l.->iill; son of the second I!:iron Hatlierlon; gradiiidcd 
 atChrist Cbureh, O.xford, 1^72; ordained |S7.| ; vieiin.!' 
 renkriilgo sinee Isstl. "Through the Way of the Wil- 
 derness, " Lon., isstl, 12mo. 
 Littleton, Ii..\., and Blatihlcy, J. S. lJi-( -i 
 of the Law of 1-ire liisinaiiic Companies in the Couils 
 of (ircut liritain and Ameiicii, l)ubu(iue, isi;:;, Svo; ;id 
 ed., rev, by C. liates. 
 I.ittlewood, Itev. Millinni Fdensor, M.A., 
 graduated at I'enibroko College, Cainio nlge, 1SJ4 ; or- 
 dained l.>-;'i7; vieur of St. James, li.ih, 1S72-81. !. 
 A (iiirland from the I'arables, Lon., ls,,7, 12mo. 2. V.f- 
 sentials of Knglish History. Lon., 18(i2, 12mo; ,Sd e,l., 
 JS68, :'.. Elciuentaiy Hiftory of liritain, Lon., IsiiH, 
 12ino. 4. Kngland ilt Home, Lon.. 18711, 12mo. 5. Ivs- 
 scntiftls of New Testament Study, Lon., 1872, p. ."\o. 
 fi, Down in Dingyeliire, 1872. 7. The Story of the 
 Wanderer, 1874. 8. Lovely in their Lives: ii liiiok l-.i 
 ecclesiastical pubjoets, and cor.i' 
 pii'ilia liritannica and to perir .■.■'■ 
 of his publications includes u. -■ , •; 
 phlets; 1. Application of <". ; . ,i ; 
 Churches, Lon.. 18i7. 2, ji.-i'.;: 
 Women in tbo Early Chtifoli, L. 
 from the Service-Hooks of '(if. i? 
 Lon., 1811.'!, p. Svo. 4. Tho Mix- 
 to the Eneyclo- 
 .''he following list 
 .'i.. polemical pmn- 
 tf,o Doeoration of 
 • Coinmunities of 
 , 18(12. :i. Offices 
 'y Eastern Church, 
 halico, Lon., ISIi'i ; 
 4th ed., 1867. b. 'I'he North Side of tho Altar, Lon., 
 Earnest lioys, Lon., 187(1. l2iiio. ',(. Tho Visitation •'! 
 the I'(j(.r: a Practical Manual, Lon., 1S76, ISmo. I". 
 liii le liiographiis, l.on., 1S7^. 
 Litton, Uev. lOdvvard Arthur, il-A.. [miif, ^ 1. 
 i., add.,] graduated double first class at lialliol ( 'il- 
 Icge, Oxford, 18;i(l; Fellow of Oriel 18:!(!-44 ; ordaiiir^l 
 1«40; rector of Naunton since IMiU. I. The Connc-- 
 tion of the Church of the Old and New Testaimnt-, 
 (Uamjiton Lectures,) Lon., IS.ill, Svo. 2, I'arochia, -cr- 
 mons, Lon., Is5'.i, 12nio. .1. (Juide to the Study of the 
 Holv Scriptures. Lon., 1S6(I, fp. Svo; new ed., 1871. 4. 
 Miracles, Lon.. 1SR8, 12mo. 
 liitton, Edward falconer, Q ('., M.A., isr- 
 ISHl; called to the Irish bar ISI'.i; land cominissioiier 
 from 1881. Life or Death; the Llestiny of the Sioii. 
 (j. Carols for Christnins and other Seasons, Dublin, 1S65, Svo 
 Lon., 18B4. 7. Unity and the Ueacript: a Hcply to 
 Bishop Ullathorne, Lon., 18li4. 8. Tho Catholic Ritual 
 in tho Church of England, Lon., 18fi,i; 13 eds. ». The 
 Elevation of tho Host. Lon., !8(ia. 10. Early Chris- 
 tian Rituals, Lon., IS(i7. II. The Children's Broad: 
 a Communion Office for the Y'oung, Lon., IsiiS; 4 eds. 
 12. Commentary on the Song of Songs, Lon., 180it, 
 ]2ino. KJ. Pharisaic I'roselytism, Lon., 1870, Svo. 14. 
 Anglican Orders: a Summary of Historical Evidence, 
 Lon., 1S71, Svo, l.*!. Secular Studies of tho Clergy, 
 Lon., 1871. 16. Children at Calvary, Lon., 1S72, :!2m(i. 
 17. Religious Education of Women, Lon., 1872. 18. 
 At tho Old Catholic Congress, Lon., 1872. lit. Tho 
 Rationale of Prayer, Lon., 1S72. 20. The Relation of 
 the Clergy to Politics, Lon., 187.'!. 21. Church Parties, 
 Lon., 1S74. 22. Dean Stanley on Ei'clesiastical Vest- 
 ments, Lon., 1873; :i eds. 23. Last Attempt to Reform 
 tbo Church of Rome from Witliiu, Lon., 1875. 24. 
 Ultramontane Pojiular Literature, Lon., 1876. 25. An 
 Inner View of tlie Vatican Council, Lon., 1S77. 26. 
 Christianity and Patriotism, Lon., 1877. 27. The Pan- 
 theistic Factor in Christian Thought, Lon., 1S77. 28. 
 The Petrino Claims, Lon., 1S78-84. 29. Why Ritualists 
 do not become Roman Catholics, Lon., 1S78. 30. Plain 
 Reasons against joining the Church of Rome, Lon., 187!t, 
 ]2mo. 31. Words of Truth, Lon., 1888, Svo. 32. A 
 Short History of the Council of Trent, Lon., 18S8, 12ino. 
 With V.m:x, J. E. : 1. (.Ed.) Tho Priest's Prayer-Book, 
 Lon., 1864, 12mo; 2d ed. same year. 2. (Ed.) The Chris- 
 tian Passover ; or, Notes on tho Holy Communion, Lon., 
 Litton, Uev. G. Thirty Sermons for 
 preached nt Watton, liens, l.on., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Liveins, Kdwnrd, M.D., F.H. C.P., late assistnnt 
 physician to King's College Hospital. On Megrim, Shk 
 lleiidacho, and some Allied Disorders: a Contributiiai tn 
 the Pathology of Nerve-Storms. Lon., 1873, Svo. 
 Liveing," George Downing, F.R.S., b. Is27. iiml 
 educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, of which lie 
 became Fellow and lecturer ; was appointed proles-nr 
 of chemistry in tho Iniversity of Cambridge in l"i'il. 
 Chemical Equilibrium the Result of Dissipation of Kii- 
 orgy, Cambridge, 1S85, cr. Svo. AVith Dkw.aii, Jmiis: 
 1, intra Violet Spectra of the Elements, ( PliiloMi|iiiiciil 
 Transactions,! Lon., IS83-8S, 3 jiarts, Jto. 2. Specliuui 
 of Oxy-llydrogen Flame, (Philosophical Transactions,) 
 Lon., 1SS8 4to. 
 Liveing, Robert, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P., nliy- 
 sieian to tho skin department, and lecturer at, .Mid- 
 dlesex Hospital. 1. Notes on the Treatment of Skin 
 Diseases, Lon., 1S70, ISnio; 4th cd., cnl., 1878; atli ed., 
 1881, 2. Elephantiasis lintcoruin, or True Leprosy, 
 ({iulstonian Lectures,) Lon., 1873, p, Svo. 3. A Ibm.l- 
 liook of Diseases of the Skin, Lon,, 1878, 12nio. 
 Livermorc, Abiel Abbot, and Putnam, Sow- 
 all. History of the Town of Wilton, New llaiii|'?liiie: 
 with a (ienealogical Register, Lowell, Mass., Iss^. ^V". 
 Livermore, Kate. Mary Lee, N. York, I^UO, 
 Livermore, Mrs. Mary Anhton, (Hire,) h. 
 1821, in lioston, Mass,; married to Rev. Daniel 1'. I.ivor- 
 morc, a I'liiversalist minister. During tho civil warslie 
 was an active agent of tile Sanitary Comuii».-ion, aU'l sue 
 IS73, See, olso, Nkai.k, .1. M.. in/'i-a. 1 
 Littlejohn, Ut. Uev. Abram Ncwkirk, D.D., j 
 LL.D., b. 1824, at Florida, N.Y.; graduated at Union | has since been a (lopular lecturer on temiicranco 
 College in 1S45; took orders in tho Protestant Ejiisoopal j woman's sutirage. 1. Pen-Pictures, Chic, \^' 
 Church in 184y, and after holding various pastorates was Thirty Years too Late, a True Story, and One in : 
 consecrated first Bishopof Long Island hi 1869. In 1874, | sand. Illu,st. Bost., IS7.S, 32mo. 3. What slmll «» 
 <!'< with our Diuiitliierc' Il„,f isst >„ . 
 J rT'fc,^•T•J•'?'''-^°f^''•1-- 
 !>-. 1^.4,0 •isr.r'lF::;;,,^;^--;^,;;/'!';^^^^^^^^ 
 iiio.k_r.,,„„.. I,,,,.,,,,,, J,;,,,. „M,4„;;;;J-"!;;;,^;;; 
 LiverNidee. \ \( i i.- u v 
 try nn.l mi.Xl ,:-v ,, .i, r •••'''■■''™"'" "f '■'I'"""'- 
 uinon (It Ki)uhesti)r s lire Is-i7 i « ,.,i n ■' """"r 
 I'iviii|;st<>ii, Mrs. f. M 1 u- . II 
 'llu^l. l!o-t., 1^7,1 1,1 „„"•.,., ^'"y ""nter'a Homo. 
 Ill"l- N. York iss^ ",' '•^'"['■V""' ""'"^ •"""■-'■ 
 j-lniioyc'r, i'Jnily. Seo n.u.t 
 ^^l-leuHlvn, A. 1,„,., ,.„„ ,,,,«l |.„„,„h, Lo„., isfls, 
 M<««!||yii,.Mrs.K. V.f, 
 Ht'iivi'nly Ueiv,., 1S75, 
 '';''l"iV:';:^:: *■'•""•'• -^ Chautauqua MW. I„u„. 
 I'iviiiKstonc, Rev. I)iivi.i n r. r 
 bo«..n at en yo;s ;',!;" •■'■'•■•, '■.""".-''■^hu-e. .^.otl„n,l 
 f.luoatod at (ik^wUnl '''■'' '" ■" '-'""""■'"ill J wa. 
 Ilio mill durinV Z v"''"'''-^'"""''"''^ in 
 "I l'hy..ici,.ns a„,l Sur«'. ,. in iss """; '''"-'""J' 
 MO. and sent t„ nw '^ ''■'^' "'"■'' "plained in 
 ^ion,;;t,: ^ " u '::;;:;./;;; 'If "V' ?" ''""^''"' «*- 
 K'.l-crt Moirattin 4. a^ L , ■ ''""«'"."'■ ,"f ""o H.y. 
 c-nsidor him'e"- a niss^rv /' '"' ""^f^™"^"' to 
 reached Kngland i,^ sfir .f/. j""!'"" "f hi^ death 
 ;.aerw,ud. ■teei:;]",.:^'^.^^ "Yi; ' JX-;;;; ';yjet..r. 
 ir.«-: '-l-iallvVefr ;,:„";'■ ""' '""K ""■! lluHd: 
 Ka.en.e,t, a„;[ l.ien"'L 't!, 'I'H.i'vHfo '""""""' '"■"-^■■'• 
 San l"^;'; 'I: '';,,!''«'"" '""' «•""'"- in ^"n Kranei,™, 
 ''liftnn I ll' 1, ' ,V'"l""' lle.vnolds l.lovd. of 
 '•""■. i«s;,,': ";;.;„" '- '"«ii-'' '..^kes. -nru... 
 I'^^tf, 1., Sn A°, . """•■J; ""-■ ]"«'• l>< t"le,l l.on.. 
 , -t- from tloir 1 ;., '.T,,"' "'/"-•""'' '-' 
 "Irv. niu.t ' fun lsr< Vi '*'""'■'■ "^ "'l'ri"li"n Chiv- 
 ^r';a:r--''^^'''"V"-'^'- -":f 
 oxiwd? H • ■, vf?,;'"'!""' "• •?■ ■'"'"'■» f'"""*?". 
 i;^-«. The c;;.;;;^'',,,^^;''v^ «'.''«[;;■'- ■'•-"."« 
 lii.-es, l.on., IKsg svo *'"' *^"''"' ""'• 
 ls'o'"rsv,;""-' '*•' '^"""'' '-'«'••• » Novel, Lon., 
 ve!S:n:"i::^»!^!iir''r k^'r'-M'^ ^'-^ "f 
 Taleof,he6i;MW;^;,,;-:";'«^^J^;MTearanoe«: a 
 , the Good .hat ;;!;;«' '•i,,-i,,;';''',\ . 5"-";; '■™"'^le,,tnd 
 .studies: with iw,i,'' ;'''■','' 'j;:'' '^T'"-- '■'"«""-'• 
 i 'f? 
 4.^y° ^Hfi 
 ■ 50 = 
 1.25 1.4 1.6 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 

 <° €£>.. 
 4* M.'> ^ ///// 
n't '■ 
 1 ' 
 in the Ki'giiin of Icebergs, iind what I saw lliero, I.nn., 
 I SSI), I'Jillu. 
 liloyd, li. T. Thiity-Tlireo Years in Tasmania 
 ami Victoria, Liin., 1^112, \i. Svo. 
 Muyd, Uraiit. I. Tlimnwull Abba.", Lon., 187fi, 2 
 vols. cr. 8vo. 2. lObb iin J Flow ; or, He did his 13est, 
 Un., !8S;i, 2 voIh. cr. Svo. 
 liloyd, Mrs, Harriet, I Itiiyinoiid.) ( IM ) Life 
 and Letters of Jolin liovvard Kii>rnond. Kdited by his 
 Eldest D«u;,'ht(;r. X. York, 1n>1, Svo. 
 Lloyd, Ilnnry. The Captivity of James Towkor, 
 li"ii., 1S,S), I2IUO. 
 Lloyd, llev. Iliiiiiphri'y, D.I)., 1 .H.S , D.C.L., 
 ISiKI-lssl, b. in Dublin; ^'raduiited at Trinity College 
 1S20; was aii|)ijinted |o-ofessor of natural |philoso|diy iit 
 Trinity Cidle;{e in 1S;',1, and afterwards suei'ecdcd his 
 father, HartlKdoniew Mo^-d, 1>.I>., (7. '*., niih-, vid. i..) as 
 provost of Trinity Colli'ne. 1. Klenicnts of 0|j|i(;s, Lon.,, Svo; new oil., ISIil), 2. Ivlenientary Treatise on 
 the Wave Theiiry of l-ight, Liin., I.S.'iT, Svo; :M cil., lS7:i, 
 " There is no bimk in any lani;niii;o wliioh puts the lemi- 
 inu principle^ of this subject s • clearly and cuneisely. and 
 ttl the same thnes.i eoniplelely and iiiMii'h an interestini; 
 ni.'inner, before the stndent.", .\iv. ■1*1 
 .'!. .Ma;;neiioal and .Meteorolo,:;iciil Observations at 
 Trinily Collej;e, Dnblin: vols. i. and ii., l,on., ISIi.'i-Ci!), 
 4to. I. The I'ciucr of the Keys to remit iin 1 retain 
 Sins, Lon., IS7:!, ji. Svo. b. A Treatise on JLi^nelisin, 
 Ueneral and Terrestrial, I,iin.. 1S7I, Svo. Ii. Misixd- 
 laneinis I'apers connected with I'hysical Science, linn., 
 1H7S, Svo. 
 Lloyd, J. The liallad of Edgchill Fight, and other 
 I'oenis. Lcrii . I'M);, 12nio. 
 Lloy 1, J., and Smith, S. County {Jovernment 
 in England, Lon., |S7il, Svo. 
 LIuyd, .1. il. (Kd. anil trans.) Idlonis of the (ier- 
 man Langu.igo, together with the Proverbs, Lon., 187.'), 
 cr. Svo. 
 Lloyd, J. T. Life of Henry Ward IJeeeber, 
 ('•.Memorable .Men of the N'inotoenth Century,") Lon., 
 I SSI, er. Svo. 
 Lloyd, J. U. 1. Chemistry of Meliolne : Pracli- 
 eil Text- and Keferenee-Iiook for Students, l'hysieian<, 
 and I'harniacisls, Cin., ISSl, I2iin). 2. Pharinaceniieil 
 Preparations; Uli.\irs, their Uistcn-y, Forinuho, and 
 Methods of Preparation. Cin., ISS.'i, 12aio. 
 Lloyd, .>Irs. ,le§sie Sale, b. ispi; daughter of 
 Major-(ien. W. F. Hopkins, ; nnirried in ISIil to 
 William .■sii.-ling, of the lloyal .Mariu" Light Infantry, 
 and, having been e;irlv left a wblow, iinnried, in IS71], 
 Major Henry Oliver Lloy.l, of the Welsh Fusiliers. I, 
 The Ilazelhnrst .Mystery; a Novel, Lon., 1877, 2 vols, er, 
 Svo; new ed.. lS7y. 2. Knth Everinghaiu, Lon., IS71), 
 3 vols. er. Svo. :i. Itagainalhns ; or, The .Arabs of Love 
 Lane: n Tale, Lon.. IS7'.l, 12nio. I. The .silent Shadow, 
 Lon., 1 SSI), .'{ vols. cr. Svo. a. We Costelions; a Novel, 
 Lon., I8S2, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 6. (I'M.) .Shadows of the 
 Past; the Autobiography of lieneral Kcnyon, Lon., 
 LSS2, p. 8vo. 7. Honesty Sceils, and how they grew; 
 Toney W'igston's Firm Hank, Lon., I'iS.i, p. Svo, ,s, (iobl 
 and Silver: ;i Tale, Lon., 18SI, 2 vols, er, Svo. 9. Its 
 Own Keward, Lon., ISSO, p. Svo. 10. Scamp: a Novel, 
 Lin., 1>S7, :! vols. er. Svo. 
 Lloyd, Rev. .loliii, M.A., P.R.H.S., gnidmited at 
 AVoreesIer I'ollcge, Oxford, 1843; onlaine I 1814; rector 
 of Llimvapley since isiil. 1. Analysis of the Hebrew 
 Text of lienosis, cap. i.-xi. : witli Keferenees to the 
 Hebrew (iraminar of liesenius, .tc. Lon., 1 8711, r. Svo. 
 2. An .Analysis of the IJook of Kcclesiastcs : with Notes, 
 Ijon., 1871, Ito, 3. The Book of .loshua: C-itical and 
 Kxpository Commentary on the Hebrew Te.xts, Lon., 
 ISSIl, p. Svo, 
 Lloyd, llev. .riiliiiN, M.A., griulualed, lirst class 
 Jlor. Sei. Trip,, at Trinity Colleu'e, Cambridge, 1853; 
 ordained 1855; rector of St, Ann's, Mnncdn'ster, 188(1- 
 Ml, and since then vicar of Leeslield and lion, canon of 
 Manchester. 1, Life of Sir Philip Sidney. Lon, IS112, 
 H |, er. 8vo. 2. Sermons on Popular Subjects, preached 
 at Wolverhampton, Lon., 1802, Svo. 3, Orcades, and 
 oiher Poems in Latin Verse, Lon., 1871. si|, Kiino. 4. 
 Christian INditics: a Study of Christian Politics accord- 
 ing to the New Testament. Lon., 187", l2nio. .1. Sketches 
 of Chnrch History in Rcntlund, Lon, I-:77, T-'in... ('.. 
 The (ialliciin Church : Skelches of Church History in 
 France, Lon., 1879, l2ino. 7. Historv of the Christian 
 Church, in Short liiogra])hical .-lies, Lon., IS7il, er. 
 Svo. .8. Sketches of Churco i.istory in Iterinaiiv, Lon., 
 1880, 12mo, !). The Xorlh African Church: with Map, 
 Lon,, ISSO, p. Svo, III, Duty and Faith: Kehiliun cf 
 Moral Philosophy to Christian Doctrine, Lon,, I>84, p. 
 Svo, II. History of the English Church, in Short l!io. 
 graphical Sketches, Lon., ISsii, 12nio. 12, Outlines ol 
 the Church History of England, Lon., ISSO, 12iiio. I)!. 
 Sermons on Old Testament Characters, Lon., |s>7 
 Lloyd, ('apt. L. Ii., |'<m/>, vol. i.,ndd,] 1. lian.. 
 Birds and Wihl Fowl of Sweden anrl Norway, Lon,, 
 I8tj7, r. Svo. 2. Peiisant Life in Sweden. Ilhisl. Lon . 
 18/0, Svo. 3. The Field Sports of the North of Furope 
 a Narrative of Angling, Hunting, and Shooting- in 
 Sweden and Norway: enl. ed., Lon.. 1885, Svo. I'ri.,. 
 is a compilation td' chapters from I he author's forme 
 books. I 
 ■■ Lloyd was a iialunilist as well ns a sportsman, and iiv a 
 jiidieiiiiis niixtnre of aiieedoli' :iiid adventure siiccecils'in 
 hnldiia; bis reader'^ alteiitioii in spite of a soiiie'Alml 
 lioiiiely style of wriliiig."— .Icik/ , .\xvlii. ii'J. 
 Lloyd, iMorKnil, (^C., b. 1822; called In the bar :ii 
 the .Middle Temple IS47; JI.V. for lieaumnris ls74-,^., 
 1. The Law and I'racliee of the County Courts, Lon.. 
 1857, 12nio. 2, Sujireme Court of Judicature Ael*. 
 187.3-75, and Rules: with Notes, Lon., 1S75, 8vo. 
 Lloyd, S. II. I. (ilinipses of the Spirit-Land: 
 Sonnets, Adilresses, and other Pneiiis, N. York, 1807. 
 Iiimo. Privately printed. 2. Wiiyside Thought-, .N. 
 Y<irk, LSfii), ninio, 
 iiluyd, S. .1. Triiets on .Metallic and Paper Cur 
 rencv. Edited by J, K, M,, [John Kamsay .MacCullocli,] 
 Lon,', 1858, 
 Lloyd, S. f5. (Trans,) National ,«ystein of Pnlitiiiil 
 Economy, by F, List, Lon,, 1885, Svo. 
 Lloyd, \\, Saints of 1881 : Sketches of Lives, l.on., 
 1882, isiiio. 
 Lloyd, W. P. History of the First Uegimcnt, 
 Pennsylvania lieterve Cavalry, I8CI to 1804, Phihi., 
 181)1, l2nio. 
 Lloyd, Walter. The Hojie of the World : an Ess;,y 
 on I'niveisal Hedeni|itien. Lon., 1881, p, Svo, 
 Lloyd, Miiliaiii WatkyNs, [miii, vol. i., add.| 
 I. Xanlbiiin Marbles: the Nereiad .Moiinincnl : !in I"-- 
 say, Lon., 1845, Svo, 2, The Homeric Design of lie- 
 Shield of Aeliilles. Lon,, 1854. r, Svo. 3. Pindar aii-l 
 Themistocles : yV.gina and .Athens, Lon,, ISI'2, s\o, I, 
 lieneral Theory of Proportion in Archilcetiiriil Design, 
 Lon., 1S03, 4to. 5. The Moses of Michael Aiigcio: a 
 Study of Art, Lon., 1803. Svo. fi. Chrislianily in tl.c 
 Cartoons, Lon., 181)5, Svo. 7. Pbilosojdiy. Theology, iin I 
 Piety in the Age ot Hiiphael, Lon., l'sil7, r. s\'o. -, 
 Panics and their Panaceas : the 'i'heory of Money. Ac , 
 Lon,, ISOil, Svo. U. The History of Sicily to tlic'.\llic- 
 iiian War: with Elucidations of the Sicilian Odes id 
 Pindar, Lon.. |s72, Svo. 
 "Mr. I.loyil lias chosen Inbreak groniid in a period for 
 which we nave little more than a tradilioiial lii>liiry. . . . 
 His chapter on the primitive po,iiihUion and ilie Hellenic 
 settlements ot Sicily niiiy be hivonrably eonliiiMed wiih Ilie 
 specnhitioiis of many elhnologists. liiu he is nol mi lii- 
 giiaril hiiiiself. or at leiisl lie does nol set his rcadcrv siilli- 
 ciently on their guard, against llio>i' (diajilers in wbicli 
 Tluieyilides treats of the early occupants and Ihe liilir 
 Ureek eolonizatioiis of Sicily." — Sit. l!ii\, xxxv. ils-'i. 
 111. 'J'he Age of Periclc,^ : a History of llie Politics 
 and Arts of (ireece from the Persian lo the Pcloponiic- 
 sian AVar. Lon., I. "-75, 2 vols, Svo. 
 'We fear that all the positive nierils of the book, its 
 learning, ils solidity, the conipleleness willi which il.on- 
 eeives llri'ek life, will Mrngglewith (lillieiilly iigaiiiM ihe 
 ileiiil weight of a style which even .slndeiiLs will liud it 
 hard III inasier."— .S(i(. Iin:. xli. Hi. 
 II, Critical Essays on the Plays of Slinkespeiirc, Lon., 
 1875, 12mo: new 'ed„ ISSS, 12, (Ed,) Shakespeare's 
 .Much Ado about Nothing, Lon,, ISS4, Svo, 
 Lloyd-Price. See PiiicK. 
 liloydK, F. Pnictical (Jiiide lo Scene-Painting ami 
 Painting in Dlslemper. Illust. N. York. 18.83. 
 Loader, John. The Candidate's and Elcdiun 
 Agent's liiiide, Lon., 1885, Svo. 
 Loariiis;, Henry J. I. Selection of Comnion Sny- 
 Ings, Words, and Customs, Lon., IS711, 12mo, 2, lEd.l 
 Epitaphs Quaint, Curious, and Elegant, Lon., 1872, 
 1 2 mo. 
 Lobb, Harry William, M.R.CS., F.R.M.S, sur- 
 geon to St. Aiidi'cw's Ho-|iital, London. 1. H.'s'*'"^! 
 or. The Book of Health, Lon., 1855, er. Svo. 2. On some 
 of the more Obscure Forms of Nervous Affections, l.on., 
 1858, Svo, 3. On the Curative Treatment of Piirilysis. 
 Neuralgia, Ac, with the .Aid of (j;ilvanisui ; 2d ed.. 
 Theclore Winthrop, I,on 
 Uiiirnio: a Novel, I.on 
 a Tale ci 
 Lobeiihotlor, .'Mrs. 
 I'Obi'iilioircr, E. I,. 
 I ■•<•<'<. l).8v,,. 
 l-o(.e,ih«ner, L. Ph,, „f ,|,„ T,„„er 
 l«7 ,.ml l>1^^0 lie L f- -'I'™"" "•'"■■'i"" to China 
 ^;','^.^^r/;^!:^"-"i''i- ■'"'"! u„„/o,r,VKi„ 
 1^7'.; M,; j't,!;" ■' ^"'l''""-'" A^i'l JlH..ulaetu™;i,on.; 
 l-ock, Charles <.. .....„.„,„. , 
 i Wariilord. ]. The Homo of 
 liliiDie a vnlniiK 
 iiiiicli ill 
 1* of sud. untiring obsorvaihln."-;,'//" I p. Hvo, ' ;! <)„ "0:'^/ 7'^!"™"' ''°"- '8««. -^ ^oU- 
 -• Worlishop Rcceint-i. Lon Issi >i-. <• 
 " I'oniille and Cains Colli. 
 I'lccli'd a I.', ■■ 
 .^>vi„pn' round .lie cVklc, it, , ISG "l- no ' , FLL '' 
 i^; nah!,„i.:!i-.j:^^ t,;^:^!;i.'';''vi.:-' --• ? 
 . -Hid:' i?^"h /,;;t;;';;;r,XTV;^^lT '"—".i- lariy; 
 P'issiljli, ,„.,,,si„i|' it, 'i "' "^r"li' inaiiiier 011 every 
 ' ^•'■'•ytrnihfiilnevsivu „,"■,' '"'"■-'' "' ''"'• "'"l his 
 ■ ^'i^ll^"^:l;i;l: ''■; ^; ■ ?^r F-'"f'^''- 
 Locke' «""• >;-™."'^"f \. »'"«■ I'NA 1,0, K-K. .„;„.„. 
 I Loclie-Kiiijr. 8coK,N,j. 
 iof^SMll^"on-|!:^^-!f^";''T^ "r''"'- ^"'^ 
 j^-ii- of cop,hol;?>!i„;,;-; Lr'^i J^,'7- ,;, '^';r 
 Shaw's Farm I.un iskh i'>. .,,,'• P' *'*''■ •'■ 
 -■''• Illust' ,::n:/,t";,':;;r ^- "■'■"'".emaekblrd 
 nt the Charte ouJ°n 7" r- .'"';'■'' "»" «'i"™ted 
 "".1. after rave S n A ,.. i' ™';,',''""^'«''' O'"''"''- 
 I-oi,don in s I n,f 1" '^"^"■"1"' "I'fl India, settled in 
 for Happy 
 A Jiravo 
 Illiist. N. 
 Story of the Regiment, I'bila., 
 1. Sir 
 , graduated 
 n. «vn '< n» /^ T'; •— ■-■"■"-in, i,on., lonii, ;j vi 
 geon: a l->nemcntof Aoi, ■ ,.1 V '""S^' ^"''- 
 new ed., 1875. 1 ",„o '^"'""' ■-'"'I'''.v. I'"n., 1874, er.Svoj 
 Lorknrr/''"?."''*'."- ■^"' lAMPSON. 
 Lockerby, Kliznbeth N. 
 -1 a Feiio. r;i.d;i;i;rf:^2'"r'-t- ^^^ -' ''- -^- i^'.^^"A/:^:/;e^i, 'i'" >" 'i' . • ■ 
 " College >^7\;-84';":i:L;:;^„;;r:::;', -;^;- - ^"«<.m,. «"' ^'-'-- ^> >^ ^- '-. chanotte. 
 I' .v^iosat the U„ivereity^i„eeTs,s^ •/ A t""""" "' 
 ■; enientary Trigonometry, l.on . ''.i^', , l,,:^ ^r'.'/fV'" 
 In^jonometiy, l,on„ 1881 l-,„ . 9 . I , :. - "'«'"•''• 
 '-'*-:«'nner,,Un.,,S87.,2n.„. ;^. Statics' l^U^^^ 
 Helen : 
 Romance of U 
 "«■•-■. I.on., 1S8S, ri'mo. 
 i-<)ck, Itnynioiid, 
 I'll.', l-on., 18(ill, p. Svo 
 ls,!:;,7,''.;'o'^"- ''""' »'• Orme, and other Tales, Uo 
 '.f t%^';!:n^87'^:n^i-;'i,^- ^-^^^ -^ 
 1^':";; s;„^"'^"- '""-"=0iO'-. the Sisters. 1,„„., 
 Wild Urier; or, 
 .o';ri!:':;!rA^;,.^:.;!!;:^ -.^r^-'i: -rved s,m,e 
 Now South W:ie'tn?ny"ohi,''r7"'^ ■'■"''"' '" 
 '.^f*". (Trans 1 \v„ii, „, ■ ^ r, ""'"'' ™ii'iHv in 
 e..dc v::^:;;:/,^"]]-::';;;;; t^^'f •'-■'■ ''^ ^-j- 
 to •- ™ii^d';va:i;;f;ix;^'f;.irife'''' h '^^^^"^' ■•""^r 
 (■uiiiM«, „(■ i,,s c, 1111 s itin, , r '''■ ■ ,'""■ " ''^''i "!'■ fir- 
 i.on m' .' ;^-.?-c?i:, '• •'"^;''' ""'"• f^'"»f wight, 
 Seoit, l,on., IS7I p\,',""-""''>' '^''•'"'"'•ial of Sir Walton 
 I»^;"wtl'pa!^ •!:,„ 'ii'" ^'"- "-•• ""vv Daisy's 
 or. MowCI, ~^ 2. The Old Violin; 
 Lockhart I i ti "",',..7.'', f'""" ' ***""- ' ""'o- 
 I-n..I8«7"";,l-.|,-s,i''« ""«'« Po"'^ » Romance. 
 Lockliart, Langton. Raised to the Wool^iuck, 
 Lon., ISB4, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 
 Lockhart, Col. Laurence M'illiam lUax- 
 Well, 1M32-1SS2, of tlio 92(1 Hi)!liliiiiders ; wiis a 
 nephew of John Uibson I.oekhiirl, (7. v.,iiuU', vol. i.) He 
 fiTvcil ill the Criuieun wiir, iiiul iietej iis corres|](]nileiit 
 to the Lonilon Times during the Friinco-l'rusriiiin wiir 
 of I87M. 1. Doubles and Quits. Illust. Edin, and Lon., 
 ISfil), 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 " It would be hardly honest to promise iiiiyboily any 
 more from the hook, hut, lifter ull, hull' 1111 hmir's umuse- 
 ment, even of the mildest form, is something to get out of 
 six hutiilred pages."— .Siit. Iiev,,x\\\\. vjo. 
 2. Fair to See; a Novel, Edin. ami Lon., IS7I, 3 vols. 
 p. Svo ; now od., 1S"2. 
 " While thus reeognlzl.ig the flramatie vivacity of ' Fair 
 to .'^ee,' we can warmly recoinm-iiid it to those who like 
 something better than a lively story."— ,S<i(. Rev., x-txlii. U4. 
 'A. .Mine is Thine : a \ovel, Kdin., KS7S, i vols. p. Svo. 
 Lockhart, W. P. 1. Backsliding, Lon., ISr.'i, 
 12ino. 2. Something about Saving, Lon., IS7S, 12mo. 
 'A. The Gospel Wall ; or, Lessons from Nehemiah, Lon., 
 IHSII, p. Svo. 
 Lockhart, William. The Medical Missionary in 
 China; 2d ud., Lon., ISdl. Svo. 
 Lockhart, llcv. William, b. 1820, a relative of 
 John Uibson Lockhart, (mile, vol. i.,) graduated at 
 Extcr College, O.xford, 1842; became a Roman Catholic 
 priest, and is procurator of the Institute of Charity in 
 Rome. I. The Old Religion: Conversations, with a 
 Thread of Story, Lon., p. Svo. 2. (Trans.) The Names 
 of the Eucharist; from the Italian cjf Luigi Lanzoni. 3. 
 (Trans.) Ma.vims of Christian Perfection, by Rosmini. 
 4. Life of Antonio Rosmini-Serbati : vol. ii., Lon., 188B, 
 Svo. See McWai.teh, (j. S., I'li/ni. 
 Lockwood, A. Little Abe; or, The Bishop of 
 Berry Brow ; 3d eJ., Lon., 188(1, p. Svo. 
 Lock-.vood, Charles Barrett, F.R.C.S., surgeon 
 to the Great Northern Central Hospital, London, Uun- 
 terian professor at the Royal College of Surgeons, Ac. 
 1. Humorian Lectures on the Development and Trans- 
 ition of the Testes, Normal and .-VbHormal, Lon., I88S, 
 Svo. 2. Early Development of the Pericardium, Dia- 
 phragm, and Great Veins, (Philosophical Transactions,) 
 Lon., 1888, 4to. 
 Lockwood, E. Natural History, Sport, and Travel, 
 Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 
 Lockwood, Mrs. Florence, (Bayard,) ilaugh- 
 ter of .Senat((r T. F. BayunI, of Delaware. 1. Training 
 of Children, Phila., 1879, l6mo. 2. Suggestions for the 
 Use of Visitors to the Insane: Essay on the Cure and 
 Care of Insane Patients, ("State Charities Aid Assoc." 
 Ser.,) 1880, Svo. 
 Lockwood, II. 1. Sacred Lyrics, Lon., 1874, 
 12mo. 2. Masaniello, and other Poems, Lon., 1883, p. 
 Lockwood, H. W. (Trans.) A.xel, and other 
 Poe;Hs; from the Swedish, Lon., ISfi7, p. Svo. 
 Lockwood, Miss Hannah K. Little May's 
 Mythology, Lon., 1869, ISmo. 
 Lockwood, Henry C, The Abolition of the 
 Presidency, N. York, 1884, Svo. 
 Lockwood, Ingersoil. 1. Washington : an 
 Heroic Drama of the Revolution, N. Vork, 1876, 12mo. 
 2. The P. G., or Perfect Gentleman, Ac, N. York, 
 1887, I2mo. 
 Lockwood, J. P. Western Pioneers: Lives of 
 Boardman and Pilinoor, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 
 Lockwood, Lady Julia, h. 1892 ; daughter of the 
 second Earl of .\rian; married, 1821, to R. M. Lock- 
 wood. I. Instinct or Reason? Tales of Animal Biog- 
 raphy, Lon., 1861, two series, imp. Uiino. 2. Cyrus, 
 King of Persia and Media: his Life and Character, 
 Lon., 1861, imp. lOino. 
 Lockwood, Luke A. Masonic Law and Prac- 
 tice, N. York, 1867, l2mo. 
 Lockwood, M. Smith. Iland-Book of Ceramic 
 Art, N. Vork, 1878, l(Jmo. With Gi.aister, E., Art 
 Embroidery. Illust. N. York, IS78, 4to. 
 Lockwood, llev. Samuel, Ph.D., b. 1819, at 
 Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, Eng. ; graduated at the 
 University of the City of Now York 1847, and at New 
 Brunswick Theological Seminary I8.7O; held several 
 pastorates in the Dutch Reformed Church, and since 
 1867 hau devoted himself to natural science and con- 
 tributed to scientific journals. 1. Temperance, Forti- 
 tude, Justice, N. York, ISS.i. 2. Abnormal Entozoa in 
 Man, 1881. 3. The American Oyster, Trenton, N.J., 
 ] 1883. 4. The Life of an Oyster, N. Vork, 1885. 6. 
 I Raidng Diatoms in the Laboratory, 1887. 6. Animal 
 ' Memoirs : Part I., Mammals ; Part II., Birds : N. York 
 ■ 1888, 12mo. 
 i Lockwood, Sara E. Ilusted. Lessons in Eng- 
 ! lish, adapted to the Study of American Classics : a 
 Text-Book, Bost., 1888, 12mo. 
 Lockwood, Thomas U. 1. Practical Informa- 
 tion for Telephonists, N. York, 1882, I6mo. 2. Ele.-. 
 tricity, Magnelisin, and Electric Telegraphy. Ilhi-i 
 \. York, 1883, Svo. 
 Lockwood, W. E. Bible Biographies, from ihi 
 Old Testament. Illust. Lon., 1878, sq. Iiimo. 
 I Lockyer, A. M. Bubbles, Lon., 1887, 4to. 
 Lockyer, Joseph Norman, F.R.S., h. IS3(i. at 
 Rugby, Eng. ; was educated in private schools and .iu 
 the Continent, and became a clerk in the War Oltice in 
 18,i7. In 1870 ho was appointed secretary to the Rnynl 
 Commission on Scientihc Instruction and astronomiml 
 lecturer in the Normal School of Science in Loniton, ,in I 
 in 1871 he was electeil Rede lecturer to the Unive^^ily 
 of Cambridge. He was chief of the English (iuvern- 
 ment Eclipse expedition to Sicily in 1870 and to IndLi 
 in 1871, and was awarded the Rumford medal in 1S7I. 
 1. Elementary Lessons in Astronomy, Lon., 1868, ISm,,; 
 new ed., 1878. 2. The Spectroscope and its Applica- 
 tions. Illust. Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 3. Contributions h< 
 Solar Physics, Lon., 1874, 8vo. 
 " The matter It contains Is so valuable that few will re- 
 gret having purchased it, but nevertheleiss It lllustraies (ln^ 
 defects that may be expected to exist in a work wriidi] 
 upon a branch of science which is in a state of rapid .k- 
 I yelopment by one of those who are prominently workimr 
 in it."— So/, kei:. xxxvli. 18. 
 4. Primer of Astronomy. Illust. Lon., I87J, ISmn. 
 5. Why the Earth's Chemistry is as it is, (Manchc>t(r 
 Science Lectures,) Lon., 1877, 12mo. 6. Star-Onziii;?. 
 Past and Present. Loo., 1878, Svo. 7. Studies in Spectruni 
 Analysis, Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 8. Researches in Spectrum 
 Analysis, (Philosophical Transactions,) Lon., 18s2, 4tii. 
 9. The Chemistry of the Sun. Illust. Lon., 1 887, Svo. 
 " Mr. Xormiui I^ockycr has conferred a great boon upon 
 chemists, physicists, and ii-stronomers by gathering jm.i 
 one connected whole the chief resnlts of the reseurclus 
 which have been made on the chemistry of the sun. . . . 
 Whatever judgment may be formed as to the validity if 
 his hypothesis, the indefatigable ardour with which he 
 has attacked the great problem (jf the eonstitulion cd' llie 
 sun, and the skill with which he has devised I'rcsh metliods 
 of testing and rc-tes(ing the meaning of the plieiiomciia 
 observed and the soundness of the arguments based 
 thereon, merit the warmest acknowledgment."- A. H. 
 Chikcii: ylcn((., xxxi. 114. 
 •iird to solar phcnomeiin 
 -ecoKiilzed facts will nut 
 solar phvslcs."— .l(/i., .\o, 
 .Many stutements wU'i 
 which Mr. Lockyer adva 
 be accepted by other stu. 
 10. The Movements Oi . 
 'iarth, Lon., 1SS7, p. Svu. 
 Lockyer, Mrs. Jur^epli Norman. 1. (Tr;.ns.) 
 Marvels of the Heavens, by C. Flammarion, Lon., ISTii, 
 p. Svo. 2. (Trans.) Vhe Forces 0'' Nature: a Popular 
 Introduction to the Study of Physical Phenomena, by 
 Am6d6e Guilleniin. Edited, with Additions, by J. .Nur- 
 man Lockyer. Illust. Lon., 1877, r. Svo. 3. (Tran-.i 
 The A; plications of Physical Forces, by Amf'df'e liuil- 
 lemin. Edited by J. N. Lockyer. Illust. Lou., 1877, 
 r. Svo. 
 Lockyer, Lisa. A Child's InBuence; or, Kathleen 
 and lier Great-L'ncle. Illust. Lon., 1871, 12mo; miv 
 ed., 1880. 
 Lockyer, Stewart. Earl Godwin's >Fea.-^t. an 1 
 other Poems, Lon., 1857, 12mo. 
 Locock, Frances. I. Philosophical Guide to the 
 Divina Commedia of Dante, Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 2. A 
 Bibliographical Guide to the Divina Comniedi:i of 
 Dante Alighieri, Lon., 1874, p. Svo. 
 Locock, William. The Theory and Practice of 
 Pers]iectivc, Lon., 1852, Svo. 
 Loder, J. (Trans.) Berlin Society; from the 
 French of Count Paul Vasili, [pseud.,] N. York, 1!<S1, 
 Lodge, Mrs. 1. Lady Ottoline: a Novel, Lon., 
 1881, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 2. George Elvaston : a .Vovel, 
 Lon., 1883, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Lodge, Giles Henry, M.D., 1805-lSSS, h. in 
 Boston; graduated at Harvard 1825. (Trans.) Ili-tory 
 of Ancient Art, by J. J. Winekelniann. Illust. Host.. 
 1872, 4 vols. Svo; new ed., only 100 copies printed, 
 1880, 2 vols. 
 Lodge, Henry Cabot, Ph.D., b. 1850, in Boston, 
 Mass.; graduated at. Harvard 1371, and at the Laiv 
 ^"i'sJbI^J;'':;;,;;:'--;;^'™'..- on A™erie»„ „.. 
 im was eleuted to CuriKiws i„ i, 'J^XU-HI, unci i,, 
 of the works of Alev J .r li 1 ^'" "'^"■^'^ «" «di''"n 
 '^- ;.[ ue,„.«o e,u;.:,!'K:, HV^ir '• ''""" ■"■" '^«'- 
 "f .Ill^r1(K;.;:Vl!Sri;^ffV?"'''''»'l«V Memoir 
 known under en'ori'imlM'"'''''''',' "''"•'' '■•'"l.o S 
 riiere remains t,, he writt.M.,,n.. ','.'V l'™''i-' of (iheni 
 place Kejierulism f one .on ..'',''; '."" "!''*"f"'< Ki g o 
 of historians. . \[,'r',i,' ''''*' 1' (-In re l)efore the eves 
 ?t;ntinKhlssi,|eohlM>i;^^tmriV'V"' ''■''' '''^''''''^r^^^^^^^^ 
 n^5 aneestor, in .l" n o t Va'^Se'lS'''^'' "'V ^■''•'*^ ''' 
 ^r the M^:^«fc/S'^ii'!:;rii:^^j;?f>'i SS 
 Alholflifo''ryttrU'^,irv"r'- ''^■^"' ""»<'• ■'. 
 York, 1881, Svo *^"«'"''' ^"'""i'^» '" America, N 
 S ^l^'-y in ,he wllie^l^^lS'^^^'t/^r'tSir.f:^}^ ! 
 Boti.,l8Tri"6mo ""'■""""' ("'^"erican Statesmen.")' 
 isii.'lom:! '''''^"^'•' ("^■"-iean 8tatcs,»e,,"), 
 pre|m .frS.r^f ,;'f''^„^'£^J,«.' "■' 'he one han.I. .„mplv tj 
 to show the slKniiicai ce o ■ th.,f '"^■■' "",''■ '"' "'e otfier 
 onaldevel,,p,?a.ntonheconrv ?"'-''' 'l' ""^ «'>«Htu- 
 K ''*-' '" ■■^'^^I'lfHIe from ca ' ff ;.r Vi, *", ''"■ '^'' " ""'v I'e 
 ,1, ..11 *" ■^'^»"«'»"ie irom eiir'h ntFm.. »r. '. ""* "~^ "' '"'iv '>e 
 double purpose, it niay be si il,7, ,'','.'',■'"■", P'"'"' "f this 
 t-'d witli eminent siiccess '?„"'■''^''"■s been per- 
 i^™-^ P!'r','"- ''i« sen^^^alnnrnor^f", I? ';"'•' -'"ed 
 formed iviui enunent success " '.'"^^ ""■'' wc" Per- 
 tlie second part of Ms ipfmr,,'! •, " "''"" « b, 1„. ,.a led 
 >-;a in our 'Vi"i"./bySvm?,n v'l'P''"'-"' ^^'- '""Ik" lias 
 A(i/(u«, xxxvii. 234. *^ ^ """""* l'««" s» succevriul."-. 
 S. ■Studios in Iti.t I. . 
 :;••'."■ "ui "Pinioi: 
 .>(i/(o«, xxxvii. 234. 
 .?;^jj'j5'l'es in History, Host 1,884 T'mo 
 pcriuaneiit vah.e.-.iA-.Ji-:^,,'^' " of^^'us. and seveial Sf 
 I'Odge, Oliver Joseph, D ,Sc pp« 
 »l ixporimental physics at Vrni^ "l ;r. •' P^fessor 
 l","'l- I. Elementiry Me^hlics ^",""^,£"""8"' I''*'"- 
 «-'•. IH85. 2. On t he SfiTf n? .\' ^^l"'' ''^'"' '2"'0i rev. 
 f""e«e,%Word?^T78'a"/•',«™1"",.''f, "' ^*™'«''<'^'' 
 oelurer l8Sl-8i'; I b raria" 1sS5 Th I 'T'" ''''"'^''"" 
 tniopo, from 1453 to""?" Lon m^ '"«""'' *''"1«'-" 
 r-e^^^'^hll'^^lj™-^^^^ audit 
 Kood abridgment. UabonnH.-o- •.^«^''^'"heless it is a 
 J-oefvy, RevfA""";i^-„'' ^?;;''- ^-"- 183?, I8mo. I 
 An.ient Aru"ur fr„*n, 'I'"".''' "''"'■-.v of Chivalry and ! 
 '"i'^iti^'r ^"" '^^- r:r "^- '^^-'^''tten'i 
 T«ntS: ?Cntv''*i'''"». •»»'•"' F.S.A., b. 1839 at 
 T;-i,y'c^„ ;:" ,^,„'^,7";«h Ireland ,• gr'aduat.^, ' ' 
 "f ;•<•; Jamcs^ WesZ 'eland 4troc''"r*"^ ,'"" '' «"™'« 
 nti.l since tlun a-si-ianr i I ■ '• ''""don, 18««-7|, 
 '" "'« Savoy He eon 'rib i;"'''''" "^ "'" ^''"I"'' ^"^^ 
 'V''« ''^Ple's MaV."?„e o'f 'w,"", "n'iT"'"ai subjects 
 ''*'-. aiKl in 1874 l,„"' "'^," "^■'' 'iB became editor in 
 "'■view. I A Cent ,rv "',"«/,'"' 1}'"^ "^ ""e Saturday 
 Tlio Latin Year Tl"7 ".' "'*''''■''• >^""- '^f^"' 2. (E,n 
 f. , ". 'enf ■ a Selection nf Rhvminn- r i- li ^ ' 
 "■■"< Ancient and Mo,lo,-n a" """"""S ''"ttn Hynjiis, 
 ;-"' "ut of LonSon i la ? tf'rT'' ^'""- '**'■'• ■'• I" 
 •vith Notes on the Present «, ."' '," ''"'""• '" '»"»: 
 of the Nile V„i ev „nT 'V ■""' An.ient,rv 
 W«ysofmakl:g ^/v"„^;"'"" ,A«-;7' "f the Varlou^ 
 p. 8vo. " voyage Out nnd Home, Lon., l87u 
 which lie away from til.. riv.V.. ""r^',P"''ls ol the countrv 
 f^ Hvo! ^2""Td ""'e^.h-ugh l,ondon, Lon., I8S1. 
 William ^lcn,y7Dik^. of Cn"":^""/ ""> """"i^^ "» 
 j print of a worlf'by Jenki 1 &'"' ''""• '^''' '««- 
 ! A History of Unl„."'M„^,ran;i ''llh;';''''' i' ^■"'' '■' '•^• 
 I vols. p. Svo- 2d e,l ..„ 1 i ' . ' '""''• ''On., Lss.i, 2 
 i f'me in course <)■ time ,V'""'"'"' '"'"'on Krew how it 
 i of i,,","" '•' -^'-^ '-Xf ' iS "^ "'"'Pf,'"- «■'<'''« 'uild.i 
 of iiislruction and siinL-evH,,,, ■„•, 'i" ''''.'"'■'ous storclioiiso 
 history which is perl,, S t^ i' ' '' " f"ilbn,i KUide to ,i 
 ot'a;r city In ,he worP .'■'•-l.i;^ "^j ,''','"1^' 'illi" that o, ali? 
 Klinders%et;ieVLon'."?88V ''^"^"T''""'''y ''■ 
 copies. ' ^"*- tuition limited to 12i 
 I 'helii,esrp?^^te"c'ollectloi^,f^^^^^ ■ • ■ l^rhaps 
 ; "■"rld."-Jo„/., XXV. 2U9 " historical scarabic! in ulo 
 : Sir K-'wil^tof "L'r'l78'4 ^^T"" '^'--"' "y 
 nuting: Examples from u' I '■ '\^''"">- '0- IHurai- 
 f.on.,I885, "."^"ly "Ed Then'" '?« .^"tish Museum, 
 tcrs for Tnlvellers by's^i'^fb^'K '''Tf^M ''''"'- 
 enl, Lon., 188,') 8vo ,' "'"'y^>">'l- Illust. New ed., 
 I Lon., 188B, ,,. 8V0 "-fCoLr;'?' '",'"'"'"'' Towns," 
 3091, and ^insured ai inac"S"t in' "" ^"'<""^"^'». No! 
 New York Nation, xliv. 4^7 ) "^J" 'l '"ng artole in the 
 the Tower of London, Ion 886 4""w'"T' ""'''"^ '» 
 fr.ption of the Castle P.irk T,.„'n -"•, \^'"''™''-- a l>e- 
 rilust. Lon., 1887, fol o'nTv im.""'' ^"^''t^o-^hood. 
 large paper. ""'' '"" <=opii's, printed on 
 \l\^-ml^"ltlr^^^^^^ e..>e.,t the two diverse 
 history of 'he ,.,, JtVi? ,,' P'"uresqiiencss. He knows ti,. 
 any m^e no't"), 'Xl'r.l'i hKhl.f ''ile'L!!''''"''--^?" """ - 
 well as^aiiy one the wealth o/T^'Ii'Jtiiji'c ^^Z^^^rHJ^It 
 ciat"/^!ft'er^I^;n':'Vi7'n/?«''m"- 'i ^^l'^'^'^ «"- 
 Montgomery A^;., |8Tr"""P= » ^'oe-n. SyAce Clubs. 
 Lofton, Georee A i n ■ 
 Poem, 1876, 12mo ''"'' ^"""Phy: Centennial 
 Ist^m""of n'rl^wlth^Mie^"'*' °l "r •'""'"^y "«"«« the 
 I E.yedition,Sing„;'„'rVl''8"83',''C'' ^"'•<'~' S""-7 
 -ate oYr^oi^f^irjuir^'f ^' {^ r^' "--v. 
 ''■'.nd, from 1809 to 181ti""i?„ i-^M"f' ^ ^^'i "'■"l 
 Mr. Loftus's descrlDtion of .'A '••'14-76, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 a. .. althouRh wrnten? 's™lw,'-,?'l?' "''•" "f '''«y J'^'ara 
 ion, has all the interest r.^,' Kafmloiis. sailor tiush- 
 Cham, of truthfnl„;fs's'^!i,>5f,^;j-'--e. witi, the addei 
 ,^^2. My Life from 1815 .0 1849, Lon.. 1877. 2 vols, p 
 f {«^2"1"!t^h' KnatoVNitVV"%^«" '---« ^<". 
 ; LaiTs and Reau tion, «i r ' ^^V ^""^ '■'*?2, 8vo. 2 
 I "cans i. EnXS neV d ",^ '" I""''eepors ind Pub- 
 ; Duty Tables,\o„.,'l"74 ,2mo "■' Th^??' ''• *'""" 
 pendions Treatise in AM ntnl'u ^he Maltster : Com- 
 I l2mo. '" ^'^ Branches; rev. cd., Lon., 1877, 
 Uc':Lot",^'s^'Vimo"'' 2'Tr"T'' ^""T '"' »'■'""«-' 
 ing, Lon., 1857 12,no i" w."'"-^ ','" "" ^'^ "f «'■««'- 
 Ii'iRnn, Algernon Sydney. 1. The Iiungeof Air, 
 snd (iihiM- I'lioni.", I'hilii., 1878, 12ino. 2. Saul : ii Dni- 
 niatic I'wiii, I'liilii.,, 12mo. 3. Jesus in Modern 
 Life, I'hiin., IS8S, 12nio. 
 liogau, CorneliiiN Ambrose, M.U., I). 1H;itl, at 
 Deeiliold, JIass. | was editor of the Medioiil Herald, 
 LcHve.iworth, Kan., for twelve years; I'.S. minister to 
 Chili 187:t and IM81-8;i. I. Keport on tlie Sanitary 
 Relations of the Stale of Kansas, I,a\vrenoe, ISIKi, 8vo. 
 2. l'hy,iics of Infectious Diseiises, Chic, 1S7K, 12nio. 
 Logan, Dnvid l>., .\I.i)., i'orrnerly physician to the 
 We-t I. on Ion Hospital. On (Jhstinate J>isoases of the 
 Skin, Lon.. I si; I. I2nio. 
 Iiogan, (;. I'. I. The Devil Rationally and Sorip- 
 turally Kxpi.M I F.on., lsB8, 12iuo. 2. Guide to the 
 Chri«tiiin, (iliisguiv. 18(i8, 12nio. 
 Logun, John Alexander, IS2i)-188fi, .Jack- 
 son Co., 111.; served as ji volunteer in ihoslexiean 
 war; ({raduated at Louisville University in 1851, ami 
 was admitted to the bar; elected to Congress 18.)8; 
 serveil in the civil war and was proinoteil i.iajor-genenil 
 of volunteers; again elected to (Jongress in 18ii6, and in 
 18S1 nominatcil for vioe-iiresident. 1. The (Ireat Con- 
 spiracy : its Origin and History, N. York, ISHli, Svo. 2. 
 The Volunteer Soldier of America; with liiographicul 
 Jlenioir by Dr. C. A. Logan. Illust. Chic, 1888, 8vo. 
 Logan, John Henry, M.D., 1 822-188,), was pro- 
 fcs,.i,ir of chemistry in the Atlania (tia.) .Mvdicnl College. 
 1. History of the Upper Country of South Carolina: 
 vol. i.. Charleston, 18.)!), Svo. (No more published.) 2. 
 The Student's Manual of Chemiuo-l'hysics, Atlanta, 
 lf<7ll, 12mo. 
 Logan, Olive. See Sikks, Mils. Oi.ivk, (Looan,) 
 '*'*/' o. 
 Logan, W. II. Pedlar's I'ack of Rallada and 
 Son.;s, Ivlin., 18liU, p. Svo. 
 Logan, William. I. Words of Comfort for Pa- 
 rents bereaved of Children, Lon., 18f>l, 12mo; 5th od., 
 n<).-<. 2. The (Ireat Social Evil: its Causes, E.\tent, 
 liesults, Ac, Lon., 1871, |). Svo. .'i. Early Heroes of 
 the Tcniponince Keformation, Lon., 187;i, ISmo. 
 liOgan, U'illiam. Malabar, Madras, 1887, 2 vols. 
 "One of the must attractive of the .'^eries of dlstinel 
 niiUiuals issued Ijy the .Madras guvorunient."— Jcu(/„ 
 -xxxiii. 'Si'2. 
 Loggan, Kdward. Latitude and Course Cor- 
 rei'ior, Lon., ISol, Svo. 
 Logie, Mrs. Sarah E. C. 1. Her Little World. 
 Illust. N. York, 1876, Itimo. 3. Betty and her Cousin 
 Hairy, N. York, S77, 12nio. 3. Handsome Harry. 
 Illust. N. York, 1878, 16mo. 1. Out of the Fold: 
 East or West, Ilamo is Best. Illust. N. York, 1882, 
 Logie, IleVo William. Sermons on the Services 
 of the Church: with Memoir, Lon., 18.")7, 12mo. 
 Login, J. Roads, Railways, and Canals for India, 
 Lon., 18()i), r. Svo. 
 l4ohse, J. Mistaken Views in Mie Education of 
 Oirls, 1885, 12mo. 
 Lonins, J. Manual of the Alkali Trade, Lon., 
 isso, r. Svo. 
 Lomas, John. Sketches in Spain from Nature, , 
 Art. and Life, Edin.. 1884, p. Svo: 2d ed., 188.0, 
 " He has the discretion to (Iwell as little as pos,sil)le upon 
 liackneyod si'encs, and he clilates uiviii objects of interest 
 wliicli lie ajairt from the beaten track. . . . The author's 
 exiiericnce is evidentlv recent; his powers <if observation 
 arc considerable."— -Kn., .No. 'jugy. 
 liOmas, T. The .Model Prayer: Ten Sermons on 
 the Lord's Prayer. Lon.. ISIi.'), 12mo. i 
 Lomns, William, M.D., .M.H.C.P., physician to j 
 the Sea-Side Convalescent Hospital, Seaford. 1. Tender 
 Too : E.s.says on (lout and its Affinities, Lon., 1876, 12mo. I 
 2. Children's Lives, ami How to Protect them, Lon., 
 ISTSt, p. Svo; new ed., ISSI. 
 liOmuii, B. Hells ami Bell-Ringers, Lon., 1879, or. 
 Loniax, K. Victoria. Mary Austin : or, The 
 New Home. I!y Byrd Lyttlo, [pseud.] Phila., 1870, 
 Lombard, J, S. Experimental Researches in the 
 Rcgiiirial Temperature of the Hea<l, Lon., 1880, Svo. 
 Iiombard, Thomas K. Tho New Honduras, 
 N. York, ISS7, Svo. 
 Lnmmel, E. The Nature of Light and Physical 
 Optics, Lon., 187.5; new ed., 1880, p. Svo. 
 Lone. John. Painting with Both Hands; or, 
 Adoption of the Stereoscope in Art, Lon., 1856, Svo. 
 Long, A. .'♦I. Sister Undine, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 
 Long, Armistead Lindnay, b. 1827; a general 
 in the Conlederalo army during the civil war; wus 
 appointed military secretary to (len. Lee in 1862. Me. 
 moirs of Robert E. Lee; bis .Military and Personal Hi,. 
 tory, embracing a Large Amount of Information hithe-i., 
 unpublislied ; together with Incidents relating to his 
 Private Life subsequent to the War; eollecteil and ed- 
 ited with tho Assistance of Marcus J. Wright, foruicrlv 
 Iiriga<lier-Geiienil in the Army of Tennessee, ami Agent 
 of the United States for tho Collection of Confederate 
 Records. Illust. N. York, 1880, Svo. 
 " The authoritative biography of Lee is vet to lie written 
 and it has been slated that ( ol. Charles Marshall, ihe lien' 
 eral's last military seer, lary, Is selected bv the liimllytir 
 the task. The greatest value of (icn. Lough's book Is fouiid 
 in the reminiscences iit his personal assoclaliiui with I,ec 
 and in his reports of the conihictand oplnionsof lijs ,lii,.| 
 as they were seen and beard by liim.<clf. The uarrallvc 
 of Lees early life and bis service In Ibearniv of the I nilcrl 
 suites prior to the civil war is also more full ilian usuiil 
 and therefore more acceptal)le."— .ViidoH, xliv. IWI. 
 ' Long, V. E. (Ed.) Diary of the Marches made hv 
 tho Royal Army during tho (jreat Civil War; kept lA 
 i R. Synionds, (Camden Soc. Pub.,) Lon., 1859, 4to. 
 I Long, Charles A. 1. Practical Photographv on 
 I (ilass and Paper, Lon., 1854, 12rao. 2. The Dry (olio. 
 dion Process, Lon., 1857, 12mo. 
 i Long, Charles Chaill^, b. 1842, at Princess 
 Anne, Somerset Co., Md. ; served in the volunteer army 
 in the civil war; in 1869 was appointeil a lieutemin;- 
 colonel in the Egyptian army; in 1874 was made chief 
 of Stat)' to (Jen. Uordon, and was sent on a diplomatii' 
 anil geographical mission into the centre of Africa. In 
 1877 he returned to tlie I'nited States, studied at Colum- 
 bia Law School, and was ailmitted lo the bar. He went 
 to Egyjit again in 1882, and in 1887 was appointed U.S. 
 consul-general and secretary of legation in (.'orca. Cen- 
 tral Africa; Naked Truths of Naked People; an .'.c unt 
 of Expeditions to the Lake \ictoria Nyanzii, Ac .Miiu 
 and Illust. Lon., lS7fi, Svo, 
 '"fbough we cannot give Colonel Long the full credit 
 which lie claims as an Al'rii'un di-scovcrer. . . . we agree 
 that he has contriliuted sonictblng towards the solution 
 of Ibe equatorial iirobleni."— 8a(. Uev., xlli. .'i41. 
 Long, Edwin M. 1. Union 'Tabernacle; or, Mova- 
 ble Tent-Church, Phila., 1859, p. Svo. 2. Illustrated 
 History of Hymns and their Authors, N. York, 187.'., Svo. 
 Long, Ellen Call. Florida Brce/.es; or, Florida, 
 New and Old, Jacksonville, Fla., I8S2, 12mo. 
 Long, George, ["/i(c, vol. i., add.,] 18(I0-1S7!I. He 
 retired from his professorship at lirighlon College in 
 1871, and in 187.'i received acivil-list pension. 1. (Tnins.) 
 The Thoughts of Mar-usAurelius Antoninus ; with Notts, 
 Biographical Sketch, Introductory Essay on the 
 phy, and Indexes, (Bohn's Classical Library,) Lnn., 
 1S62, p. Svo : 7th ed., rev., 1SS4. 
 " The EnglLsh reader will Hnd In his version Ibe best 
 means of beconiiii); acquainted with the purest and m.blesl 
 book of antiquity."— Cano.s Faiikak: Siekcrmifkr Tnilli. 
 2. The Decline of the Roman Republic, Lon., Isii4- 
 74, 6 vols. Svo. 
 " Mr. Long is a first-rate seholf,r. a workman who spures 
 no pains, and an historian who has the cardinal viiiuc of 
 wi.shing before all things to get at Ihe truth. Ilul. in his 
 exireme dread of being alKive thai which is wriiien, 
 he .sometimes reduces the jirovince of the bistoriaii almost 
 to that of a verliiil <'oninientator on original auilnriiics. 
 and, in an overstrained lunsuit of jilainness, he not oiilv 
 deprives his style of grace and life, but foregoes niiicfi 
 that would liclp Ihe memory and (luicken Ibe insiglit of 
 students."- .Si(. Ji'rr., xxxviii. :)4B. 
 •'i. (Trans.) The Discourses of Epictetus: with tlio 
 Encheiridion and Fragments: with Notes, a LilV of 
 Epiotetus, and a View of his Philosophy, ( lioliii's 
 Classical Library,) Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 4. An Old -Mini's 
 Thoughts about Many Thing.s, Lon., fp. Svo. And .see 
 Stkwaiit, Aubrky, In/m. 
 Long, H. A. Tho Names wo Bear: a Compendiuiu 
 of Biblical, Classical, and Common Names, liost., Is^j. 
 Long, Harry AlTred. Calvinism Populmizcl, 
 liOn., 1878, p. Svo: 2d ed., (Jlasgow, 1885. 
 Long, Henry Lawes. A Survey of the iliirly 
 (Jeography of Western Europe as conneeteil wiili Ihe 
 First Inhabitants of Britain, their Origin. Lan^uiige, 
 Religious Riles, and Edifices, Lon.. 1859, 12mo. 
 " His treatise deserves the careful examination of all 
 who are interested in the attempt to pierce the obscurity 
 which Veils tlic earliest historv of the inhnbil;".;:!: ■ f Erll- 
 ain."— .S(i(. Ker.. xiil. 164. 
 Long, J. H., and Duel, R. H. The Cadet En- 
 gineer; or, Steam for the Student, Phila., 1865, cr. Svo. 
 1888, K'mo 
 Long, , 
 new od., L 
 English H 
 Popuhir Ui 
 Duly, Ac, ; 
 I'liite, vol. i, 
 «|ient in Ru 
 in Hengal a: 
 eiety. In 
 lid to (lis ci 
 hut Hear: ' 
 1*^61, l2mo 
 of llengal i; 
 The I'rooeed 
 ciety, from N 
 Isril, 8vo. 
 tniting Old ■ 
 IssI, Svo. 
 Long, Ji 
 •■^vo. 2. Poul 
 Svo. 3. Farii 
 4. Uriiish Bn 
 tcins, Lon., I,s 
 Selection, Brei 
 Irated by Hai 
 "eiit Artists, r 
 " We have no 
 ami valii/ilde v 
 «e heariilv reci 
 anything or ev( 
 Long, KtH 
 niies 1875 : ord 
 Strand, 18n1-8i 
 Lower Charlto 
 SImdow of the 
 The Hopeful Cr 
 Long, Johi 
 Co., Me.; admii 
 Siiehuselts 1880 
 '•^rO, Svo. 2. ( 
 Principles, and 
 I-ong, Jos* 
 ing. Illust. N 
 cnl., Isrii. 
 I'Ong, Less 
 on the March, ir 
 liisi in Ood's Cou 
 I'ong, R. II 
 and Southern .-■ 
 T"'ld, the JJeser 
 L'^«4, Svo. 
 fur them. Ill„,st, 
 Long, W . II. 
 IJoilect, and of P 
 ben., 1886, p. ,Svi 
 E.Mracts from the 
 well. Isle of Wigh 
 with an Introduet: 
 MID copies printed, 
 T he book Is 
 niid places, habits 
 I ic most amusing 
 Long, ]»|rs. y 
 Iransvaal: the De 
 ''"M. 12mo. 
 I-o'ige, F. U. 
 "ty." and " Theon 
 I'Oiigrellow, i 
 "iW-.J 1807-18,82. 
 overshiidowed by tl 
 "fc scarcely less i 
 bVen. Soon after tl 
 "> ""iile's Divine C 
 «""|'leteii ho resum. 
 f*wivas there any f,i which had nn, 
 '""I't', and has not 
 fonlcaiporaries Po 
 '"/"'• 1. The Court 
 l-i.iig, J. II. 
 18SS, I :',„„. 
 liOllg, J. I*. A I Tl I" 
 new C.I., L,>„., is.i/, 12;,,,, .."''''T',?'"""' ^^"'y; 
 'I'ent in Russiii. F,,r aboui tw/lv J ""''y M« «ns 
 i" "engal ...H a .nU^ion" y"fZ ^1,-''. •«■''" ''" ^'^^"'''«'' 
 I'K-'y. In l.silo ho puM 1,,, ''V''''i""'''-.vSo. 
 in'liRo.plunter.. nn.l the E ^li "'""" «'"'''"'e» on the 
 '"! ll™r.- The In<lU ,Ct,r, in l" ''''",• '• '^'^i''^'- Svu. ' (T'Ubnor's "OncntuI" Ser,) Lon", 
 ^Mp. of r„n«ue ana Pen, N.V„rk, ',«,„„. , T,„e. of „ W ■, r 
 J [;^n;Con,ea, or I^ante A.i«hii:;:Lj „lV'n:i;: 
 't-ip«K';:!;i!/;rt;^lli;:;-7''''i- «. 
 y hi. ,n.„s,. „f rhyn, ' •,. si,, ' ' ,'",' I"''-' " '"■ >"M,:l 
 ',. 'M"'."l'." '.■"I'thM.s aiul ivrN, ,.,!".! '''",'.'■' -^.Iiy, 
 i^z ;sf:?sr^^ "-u,!u'v:;;' Hi;;;,;-;-);; ';;^. 
 »lr.;nKth matciuMl «■ Ih w, m,'/ ' l?.'' ,">■'■.■ In^ will li ,1 
 'Voice irnseswc 
 I lis in Ins on n Tns- 
 •<. uriusn uairy F 
 teiMs, Lon., lS8i, j). Hvh ~s ti, r. ' , '>-"oii isys- 
 iSHeotion, Ilrceili ,1^ Fecdini; an?l <i"^ "^ ""^ '"''«= '''^ 
 tnitcd by Harrison Wdr 11*" AIW ?"*'"',""'"'■■ ^""»- 
 n.nt Artists, Urn.. ISs', r s'vo ' "" ""'*■■ ^'"'■ 
 «.;;(val'S'^';^'i'«,I'i>;ij{to «jve to this ro„„y «ood 
 »nj tiling or fverythin^, 1 10 it Ihm *;■" 'i" "l'.'"-" "> know 
 Long, Hi,v. Jaiii,.« r. . ' *". "~ "• ''"'■• '■'"■ •»• 
 n<'esIS75, onlaincvl ,-7 '""'"'' K'''"'"»"i'l at St 
 MranJ. Isis.^s 'an I 'i^c; ^hln'"?^ ^'•Clement Dane ; 
 I.||»er Charlton Ln,?n '^V'""'' °V"'>' '^'"ni'y 
 Sliiwlow of the I ov cZta of fT" r" "^''^ *" ''•« 
 ■Iho Hopeful Cry of OntcastMi f' ""•' ''*'*''- 2. 
 C1...M0.; „,,n,itte,l tJ'h'e bar ,sV'. ""^''"''•■'''.Oxford 
 fiuhusetta ]88(I-S2 I n\,Z T-f ' ?'"'«^''»"i- of Mas- 
 l'^'»,8vo. 2. (Ed 1 tLp u,'. ^"•K'l" ^Eiicid, Host 
 ■'Hnoiples, and P i Js te'"'T '^''^ ■■ i'« "i«.or ' 
 in.. Ilhlst. !v'trl iszl'"^!?" ^^''''-^•"-'■■^lioot- 
 ciil., isru. ' ''■'^' '2i"io; new ed., rev 
 none of il,e m>-i.,i1i" '„„v, , /.i ' ''^'''I'nu' will, 11. n . | ' 
 "";^thav,^„„,,J.l;;;. '^1', ■^^l5;..esj.wl,l,,,M,e,lr,,l 
 ceveda,.,,,,U„,,^_^,;l;^^^.«im..; he has never eon! 
 I- the Jiivine TniL'cdy, iio.t iJ-, 10 
 pans,,,, wi„ most o,'';,l' 1, ■' , IkV ''!!.'t/"/''' "'^■"''i'"' -"' • 
 "lath, Bost., 187:; Kinin ' ''' "'"'"• 
 I«r^l/;n„f''"'''"'"''"""^"'"|»nJ other 
 yi'iirs HfTQ was 
 • nnd , , ...,.-,., 
 0" J^f^i^r^^he tt if r"^ T '^•"'--nville : ' tj^ir"^. ^^^'Sli 'itt^-^^ >'- >"M par, of 
 anil sijlh^'^,, ;/ ;;;!f^ 'ja^.ej. of ..i/^^,,,, f n!^^ ilr^^^^ lilii::'';:;!,---^:^'!! eV;;!:;^^ 
 liiihl, the Deserter- L rl ' - . • •'2'"" -■ Harrv ' '''^'•''''■acti(ln, seems h ,■■,"''''' '^^' ■'■''"iiMither A- „ 
 lstl.l.'8v„. "'"'''' "'• ^^0 ^^"I'lier's Wife, X y:',;,^^ '"\l';^ ^>^'<heh:^l}li:^ ^' ^^j^ <^ 'U:.r ana ^Jl^^^ 
 "The hook Is n sort „p 
 ; II' most aiiiiisliiK iiiMl insini.'.i,.:; ' ' " ""• '"''I'ei . one of 
 tl,_|,„M."-.w,„y']^"!*;, "'^^tue among the revivals \'f 
 ^ ''Oiig, Mrs. w. 11 J. „ 
 Tninsvaal: the Defen ", f K* , vt'"'" ."""^ ^^''''- '" "ii- 
 l".'-!.', lL'i»o. ' '"'^' '^'"--y I-ydcnherg, L„„,, 
 erty,""nd'"The";vo^''"iv!,^™'?''r' " P^S^^'^ and Pov- 
 nilcl,.! 1S07-1882 Lmiefeilot • "y""*"' ^"""'' »'»'• i- 
 ."''"S to Englan,, an.'i W esl'^Krc^"-^ ''■^' I""™' "" 
 -'vols., a,„| (|„. .eliitin^,, V "..''"■■""'•'■ ■^'''■''••'^. 
 . ..Ki'ranio.s, „, ,, „,her - "l'",,^7 ''»5l'""l, 2 vols, 
 t Itima Thnle, Bo,, \L, ]T' ""•"■' •■""><. Ifimo. 12 
 B-t., ISS2, 16„:; •■', v:*^ ' 'r--, 'f.- ^n ;1.6 Harbor 
 V',«'-''l'''i™l and Critic 1 yL!"T"^ " "^^s ; wiU,' 
 [tilitodbyll. E-.-^euilile; P ' ? •iV':'"''' *=•"''»"■ 
 •tnL'iit ,'.., I.:. ''. 
 'ith the,. I, . .'-'^ ''."'J.V" '^nit.. " 
 ^'"'^'■CZ^::^;^tz ^i' r^' "'•" "''ll'"f^'^'.ho"sefr 
 [{■"■iontothelKr lie s;^,;';;!;,i;';""ri'^'"''™ 
 the silnalion. ife ,.„,, 1,, ',?:''' " '"' » hiel, he hiis Kras|,e,l 
 'i;ii>ii which h 
 there any fall 
 lingof in theg 
 I composition 
 'ad marked his stylo fr, 
 ■e, simplieity,„n,i „nlv'i',','l'"^'""*V '" '1' 
 i^ntD-r'---!^ --<^^^^ Mh i^«1;r;,:^l« : :i » 
 Is voluininoi 
 -am eniotl,;;,."!}^---^?; 
 in i.iwi I, y ""'"^aseu on b( 
 IS IVOJ.];! 
 le and fo 
 swms io 
 'iporaries. l\„ i,i 
 »ide« of ihe Ai! ^ of'\V;iXJ^;|,fV?;™'"f ,-n Hi-- --^ 
 mc not 
 that of any of his ' Ixn'try to tii 
 mis of expression 
 The'courtsl ! f Ti '"'NnPM.t.ow. IU:v. s """'' be so In 
 ^"""shiji of Allies StanilisI, ri,.., ,c . ' "iirt of bar.1 „„ 
 ;ne i/eiii.rai 1, . '*• "nai i.s alwavs , ..u...,.,t .,.! 
 le general lui 
 l«8 Standinh, Host., I'sjs' 
 10 nnliireof thi 
 11 heart and taste, 
 IRS. He is 
 dways dearest 
 and prohalil. 
 .''prtainly the 
 II' our nia- 
 MV*m*^^ I 
 M«.|III1I" I 
 riuvH, and cHpecliiIly fnrtlu' priw.itdKi' III Amerlcft.-aii : Enixlinh T.anicuniroii Lon 1877 • lih nl 1S«- ■. 
 lurur.themtrolmnl, llif lliiMn.l.r. Ilio imlltl.l'rn anil ilio ' f" '•""'''l* "'" U™" H"'! the Sovon Ysars' War, Ur. , 
 iWiy HDrkmun; for whom iinil iiiiiihib wlium lu' ('(imk'H as " 
 the |Kieti)l' iiicldily urtosy, (hliTciico,— poel of the nifl- 
 low iwlllKht or the im»t hi Italy, (liTiiiiiirv, Spain, ami In 
 >orll"Tii Kuropf, poet of all syiupaihctlc" KciitlfiieMi, ami 
 unlverKiil poet of women ami yoiiiiK people."— Wai.t 
 \\ human: " linilliii/ Limni'dUiw," iii tJimyii Jrinn the Critic, i 
 liongrellow, Rev. NninucI, ['intr, vol. i., aild.,] I 
 b. IHI'.I, ill Pditliinil, Mo.; giailcmtcil at llarvanl in j 
 1n:11I, anil at tho Itiviiiity School in ISI8; wan iiaslor of i 
 a Unitarian congre^atiDn in Hruoklyn, X.Y., l8o.t-6(),- 
 spent Home time in Kiinipe, an,l on h\s return re.iideil in j 
 Oambriilne, Mu«h. : wa.s minister of a church in Oernian- 
 town, I'll., from IH7S till 1882, when liu returned toCam- 
 brifl,{o.^ 1. (Kd.) Lilcof Henry Wadmvorth LonKfel low: 
 with Kxtructn from liis JournaU and Correapondenoe, 
 BoKt.. |S8fi, 2 vols. 8v(). 
 I8SI, ISmo. 
 I.>oiigmaii, >Villinm, [nut,; vol. 1., add.,] ls|.u 
 1877, son of Thomas Norton Longman, piibli«lur, of 
 Loniloui liecaine director of the llrni, with bin elder 
 brother, Thomas, on the death of his father in 1842. I. 
 SuKKentioiis for the Kxploralion of Iceland. Lon., I8f, ' 
 8vo. 2. Lectures on the History of Knulnnd : vol. i 
 From the Earliest Times to the l)ealli of Kdwurd u' 
 Maps and Illust. Lon., |.'<fl2, .Svo. 
 "lie does not claim to write, us a rule, from orlKJimi 
 sources; but he has sought for KUldance in books ol a liir 
 " Ihe work Is essentially LmiKfellow's diarv, expanded 
 anil llliislrMied In parts by letters. . . . The social feature 
 in Loiinlellow's Hie is, perhaps, the leadliiK trait of this 
 work, and Its most iniiuortal part; its charm Is to be felt, 
 'IS the editor justly .says, only hy the iierusal of a multl- 
 tiule of details as they follow day bv day in the record of 
 the poet's own band. Scarcely second to this, however. Is 
 his rrieiidship and associiitlon wHh hooks. . . . We have 
 ... a full ami dellKlilfiil history id' the external aspects 
 of 11 lettered life in a relineil society, as it was led by a man 
 who rulllllcd his iliilies In the varied rehulons of his 
 sphere in a way that made his days beautiful and his 
 luemory a humanizing inllueiicc u|hiii all who have any 
 perei'iilion of the sources of its charm. , . . 
 these volumes are neither a complete iiccouut uor ii thor- 
 ough study of Lonufellow's life."— .Vk^Vih, xlii. ;)01. 
 " The ■ editor' of these volumes has iloiie his work \vell. 
 The extracts he ^Ives from Icllcrs iiud journals are many, 
 but iiolsupenibundaiit;aud the story lie tells, if hereaiiil 
 there hardly full enouKh, leavim; too much for the reader 
 to trace ont for himself. Is graphic The book lis a whole 
 Klyes Just that inslKht into the poet's habits and character 
 which Is wanted, ami Is a nood exam pic of what narrative 
 biography should be. . . . Critical biography must not be 
 looked lor from a man's brother."— WAi.rKii Lkwins- 
 Aeml., xxix. ■2M\. 
 2. Final Memorials of Henry Wadsworth LonKfellow, 
 Host., 1887, 8vo. 
 "The third voiiime was a needful complement to the 
 other two, which left many little personal traits unnoticed. 
 . . . A more simple ami faithful record of Mr. Lontifelhiw's 
 life and wrilinss could not be desired tliiiu that furiiLshed 
 by his brother."— .S(i(. A'cc, Ixly. 4U;i. 
 See, also, .Ioiinso.v, Kkv. Sahuki., mipni. 
 Longlield, (George. Introdu«tion to the Study 
 of the C'haldeo Langmige, Lon., 18.')9, 8vo. 
 Longficld, M. Elementary Treatise on Series, 
 Lon., 1872, 8vo. 
 Longkiiig, Joseph. 1. Notes on the Epistles of 
 Paul the Apostle to the Oalatians and Ephesians, N. 
 York, I8li:i, 2. Notes on the Epistle of Paul to 
 the Hebrews, N. York, 18117, 18mo. 3. Notes on the 
 Gospels, N. York, 4 vols. 18rao. 4. Light on the Path, 
 1884, Ifimo. 
 Longland, Rev. Charles Pitninn, gradunteil 
 at St. Bees, 1840; ordained 1841!; viear of Headinnton 
 Quarry since 1 870. Plain Sermons on some Questions 
 in Holy Scripture, Lon., 18B7, 12ino; 2d cd., 1872. 
 Longland, John. Who and what is God? 2d 
 ed., enl., Lon., IS8fi, Svo. 
 Longland, Joseph. 1. Trephely ; or, A Cycle in 
 the World's Destiny: a Poem, Lon.,' I8.'i4, p. 8vo. 2. 
 Bernnril Alvers i«id the Water-Witch; new ed., Lon., 
 1871, or, Svo. ,1. King Cliarles the Second : an Histor- 
 ical Drani;i, in Five Acts, Lon., 1872, p. 8vo. 
 Iionglands, Miss. See DnuwK, Mils. E. D., aujira. 
 Longivy, Elias. I. Vocabulary of Geographical 
 and Personal Xaiiios, C'in., ISfiS, 12mo. 2. Student's 
 Pocket Medical Lexicon : with Appendix containing List 
 of Poisons and their .■Vntiilotes, Ac., Phila., 18711, 2lmo. 
 3. American Phonographic Dictionary : Short-Hand 
 Forms of All the Useful Words of the English Language, 
 Cin., 1882, 12ino. 4. Eclectic .Manual of Phonography, 
 Cin., 1882, 12mo. ii. Every Reporter'! Own Short- Hand 
 Dictionary, Cin., 1882, l2mo. 6. Ucporlcr's Guide, de- 
 signed for Students in Any Style of Phonography, Cin., 
 1883, 12mo. 7. Compend of Phonograpliy, Cin., 1883, 
 Longley, F. E. The Master's Words: Thoughts 
 on the Lord's Prayer, Ac., Lon., 1883, Ifimo. 
 Longman, Frederick Willinm, h. 1S4(1, son of 
 William Longman, in/ni, educated at Balliol College, 
 Oxford. 1. Chess Openings, Lon., 18fi9, 12mo; 2d cd., 
 1873. 2. A New Pocket Dictionary of the German and 
 wider ranue than is usual wllli writers who disiincllv aim 
 at Instnicling the unlearned."— .svi/. Uir., xv. 7(«i. 
 3, History of the Life and Times of Edwanl ili,> 
 Tliird, Lon., ISilli, 2 vols Svo, 
 "The book has reol merits,— the merits, at any rate i,r 
 accuracy, of Imlnstry. of (food sense. . . . The resiili is 
 ... a sense of eoldness,— want of enthusiasm and brei.dili 
 of view, which throws a certain weariness and Iuiil-u ,r 
 over the book."— .S(i(. Jtti:, xxvil. 'i'ld, L>h;i. 
 4. History of Three Cathedrals dedicated to St. Paul 
 in London, Lon., IS73, Svo. 
 Longmore, Surgeon>Gcn. Sir Thomas, (I;,, 
 F.H.C.S.E., served in the Crimea; honoriiry surginn li 
 the queen since 1SB8; knighted 1886; member of il,,. 
 French Acudcmy of Medicine, Ac. 1. Treatise on (iun- 
 Shot Wounds, Lon., 18(13. 2. Treatise on AnibiilMnH-, 
 Lon,, isfil). 3. Gun-Sbot Injuries: Statistics of tloMi' 
 in Warfare. Illust. Lon,, 1877, Svo. 4. Snnitinv 
 Condition of the British and French Armies in th',. 
 Crimean War, Lon., 1883, Svo. 5. The Illuslmted 
 Optical Manual; or, Hand-Book of Instructions hii i|io 
 Gnidance of Surgeons in testing Quality and liniixc of 
 Vision, io. Illust. 3d ed., Lon., 1885; 4th crl., isss 
 Svo. ' 
 Longmuir, J. I. Ocean Lays; or, The Sea, Ship, 
 and Sailor, l.on., 18,^3, iSmo. 2. Bible Lays: I'io i- 
 phrates and Illustrations of Scripture; new ed., l,..n,, 
 1877, sq. Itlmo. 3. Rhythmical Index to the Engli-ii 
 Language, Lon., IS77, p. 8vo. 
 Longridge, James Atkinson, member of ihc 
 Institute of Civil Knginecrs. 1. Why did the "Tlicn- 
 derer's" Gun Burst? a Letter. Lon, 1879, Svo. 2. .\ 
 Treatise on the Application of Wire to the Construilimi 
 of Ordnance, Lon., 1884, Svo. 3. Our Ordnance Adiiiin. 
 istration, Lon., ISS.'j, Svo. 
 Longsdon, II. J. Remarks on the Sociiiy lur 
 Promoting Christian Knowledge, Lon., 1863, 8vo. 
 LongHhore, Joseph S., and Knowlcx, llcii- 
 jamin L. The Centennial Liberty Bell: Inile|iiii(|. 
 ence Hall, its Traditions and Associations, Ac, i'liilu 
 187(1, 12ino. 
 LongstalTe, W. H. D. 1. Guide to Localities 
 in Richmondshire, Lon., 1852, p. 8vo. 2, History ami 
 Antiquities of Darlington, 1854,4 parts, 4 to. 3. (Kil.i 
 Heraldic Visitation of the Northern Counties in l.i;ii). 
 By T. Tonge, Ac. (Surtees See. Pub.) Newcastle, IsdH, 
 Svo. 4. (Ed.) Memoirs of the Life of Ambrose llarnes, 
 (Surtees Soe. Pub.,) Newcastle, 1867, Svo. 
 Longstreet, Mrs. Abby Buchanan. Sodnl 
 Etiquette of New York, N. Y^ork, 1878, 16mo. An .ii. 
 Longstreth, Morris, M.D. Rheumatism, lioiit, 
 and some Allied Disorders, N. York, 1882, Svo. 
 "Longtvay, A. Hugo," (Pseud.) Sec, 
 ANnuEW, Hiipiii, 
 Longworth, Nicholas. (Trans.) Sophocles' Kleo- 
 tra, Cin., I.«78, 16uio. 
 Lonsdale, Fanny. 1. Bertha Franklnnd; or. 
 Maternal Influence, Lon., 1869, ISmo. 2. Sunny Dale; 
 or, Eva's Mission, Lon., 1876, ISmo. 
 Lonsdale, Henry, M.D., 1816-1876, b. at Cnrlisle, 
 Eng, ; studied medicine in Edinburgh and Pniis; lec- 
 tured in Edinburgh on anatomy and physioluiry. iinil 
 in 1845 returned to Carlisle, where ho was iipioiiitcl 
 physician to the Cumberland Infirmary. He ilisoovcrnl 
 the "terminal loops" of the nerves of the bniin iiml 
 spinal cord in man. I. The Life and Works nl .Miis- 
 grave Lewthwaito Watson, the Sculptor. Illust. I.nii., 
 1866, 4to. 
 " Watson has now a chance of being remenibercil iiiul 
 honoured : he lias fared better in his biographer ilmii si.uic 
 of his more celebrated conteniponiries in imiiitini;. . . . 
 We have not siiaee for half the examples which Uuisoii's 
 hie allorrts of the fale of a great artist In a Oouiilrv ulilfli 
 iiinnot understand him. and we must content ourselves 
 with heartily conunendinK Dr. Lonsdale's book lo thiw 
 ot our readers who care to see the tragic specliulc nf 
 genius contending with adverse fortune, with wcuUliy 
 fKnoraiiee. [« 
 Iiet-blowing I 
 -'. The W 
 vols. p. 8vo. 
 mire, M.P. 
 Ban,, of Net 
 "The book 
 the rest of II 
 K'l., xxvll. Vi 
 Vol. iii., ' 
 Hooke, and ( 
 Christian Blai 
 Adlison, Hug 
 '■ Us Interest 
 111 (be facts In 
 county, and in 
 rule from peisi 
 \'')l. v., .lob 
 "s uiiieh with 
 liiimanlly of tl 
 t'cneral reader 
 be won by (lie | 
 Vol. vi., (Jeo 
 Kdwttn: Troug 
 The Life of J, 
 ence witli .'Mr. 
 Hills of .Mortal 
 Ihe Life ami W 
 Lon., 1870, p. .M 
 "ijr. LonsdaU 
 worthy subject. 
 record ol his res 
 iii;o he was at tl 
 biirith iiumberiiii 
 and Sir William 
 ciireer was nilxei 
 glcs of practical i 
 uied more largeb 
 century to the \i 
 .-^urgeryaud .'^led 
 Lonsdale, J 
 .Memoir, Lon., 1.' 
 Lonsdale, Ii 
 first cJass Lit. Hi 
 and tutor of Bal 
 ijf classical litera 
 V'ilh Lke, Samii 
 College, London : 
 liercd into Engli 
 Kuniiing Analysii 
 -. (Trans.) The V 
 i'lose: wilhlntroi, 1873, p. Hvo 
 Lonsdale, M 
 liingraphy, Lon,, 1 
 of Dorothy W. Pa 
 "This Is a recon 
 perhaps altogether 
 las told her story 
 I'lid. or rather let 
 points, in the idiar 
 Ni'. llev., xllx. .-,75. 
 2. The Care and 
 Sickness, Lon., 188- 
 on her Life, her Bo 
 Look, Henry 
 nington, Vt.; beca 
 priictioe of medicin 
 lS*fi5, and since IS 
 and tile practice of 
 Diagnosis, N. York, 
 of the Respiratory 
 »ork, 1875, Svo. .S 
 Svo. 4. Diseases o 
 Test- Book of Practi 
 Loomis, Rev. . 
 uover. Conn., 1816 • 
 Chilton, N.V., 1841 
 l^iry 1844 ; became i 
 >n China 1844-50, n 
 M'i to the Chinese 
 *irii to say No, I> 
 *»"■ 3. How to di 
 liiiimn Country, 185' 
 Ago, IS59. 6. 'The I 
 hieiiis and the Chines 
 J'llcRiture, San Fran. 
 Dun., ,)f \,.thori,v.' 
 Jtn.. x.wii, ij), ""' '"^'■"' livi'ly eii()U({i,,"— .si,(, 
 H-ki; and .W,.i!/"S; h"; /*• i^'"""-«- •'"''" : 
 '■ y.Hii.l In tlKMim'resrh ',,'', 'V''''i'V« '" Ills imllvf 
 '"'y::^'::z;;i>^ir^^^ ■ 
 '"""""iiy or the i,„„k "viiwir,hl J. ',"''''''.';'■,• "'"' ""•' 
 I IH-O, ,;."",! "«""' ""'"='•' '^n"". the Anatotuiai, 
 »"rti.yM.iik.,,," ii;;h,.,rK\mx;v"ii':',:"?'''','' """'' <>" « 
 ..."..i.M IMS rose U'SS I • illlil iirii,l.,„T^V "'"'^■HUTIOI 
 "nn liu was at till' li,. ,1 , V ,, „f^"'"' !"'"•• '•""•IV yenrs 
 nlcil m(ire largelv than mTliVnl n ,,, "^^ """' '"•■ '■"ntrin- 
 --■"tiiry to ,1,1 Krel ,„'';* rf''y™«el«' I" the'nt 
 >"rKery and Medidne/',/ fer xxxi aT *''""'' "f 
 M™°"! ui*';,-i«^-„';;;;"S» and'uallad.; „i,h a Brief 
 Vnrl(, ls;s ",;,':;• ,.,• '"■'""•" "" M'tforoio^y, N 
 llavin, 1K-(|, ,sv„ ^•••'"^^'""'"""' "I .loM'id, l,uoml,, .\. 
 "n'ir''j^:;,^\/i,:'-,i:';^^^,si,„d.i „,„«., 
 llio Omit ('„nlli,.f Chri-t ,, i i .■ . ■ '■'- '^">"- 2. 
 an.l A,,„„a«y, N. York Is'l I2„f„""'''""'' "'" C''"'^'" 
 i;". and at „,; tinie ' d. '; ,, ^ r^:;'r'''''^''^'''^ 
 ; .nivorsit^ Uas'hi'n';,^ I '''Ts7i'"«J' ,'" ''.""V 
 ! Vvor and Fri,.„d8hi,,, Phil, is^ ,•.„ '"''"''• 
 .. ^^-lal and' S„eia,"r„l:^, ":;;"-, -""!:. 
 ! Jo»iah .Strong,, N V ..k .i:-''",' r'""" '^ "'-■^• 
 "I a course of lectures CM 1 i i '■ '-'""■ «'""»'»l8 
 , '"«ieal Seu,inar; irv:,;!.:,',;;:;";',:;;, ;'- ^ndover Thco. 
 ' aiiHmlio'.ro^'re'li^o',;'/;,';?,', ri',':.',.';";"'^'"'."'?'^'"'«'" "f the 
 ,^'''""lry y,., made ,y ai v s ,L led , ?r fi''' '■'"'"■''I'S "f the 
 of pronounced symoaihv w n, , '^^','1" ' "•'^l»i"l|>oir,t 
 Tai;""i::';'s,,^72^»«- ^^'^'I- -n the Mountains: a 
 tl.e'Son3:n"!t''-Co^^;o''"">' ''V''' -'»™'-' «t 
 lirsteJass Lit |"„,a,Tf''^,^!!?y♦ '«•'*•. »?™luated, ,i,. v "'"^ «ev. Nevlson, F K H S d, , . 
 I An^ta^;:^ i:-™ ° 'ict^-^'^ '^"'"-^ -^ 
 I ^i», Turkey,' and En, ,nd a'f? " f" "'2- •'• «"«- 
 tbe Ka..te,i, QucstioS lo^ 4 ^ '"''.^""1" ", '^''^'•'" "f 
 nnd the Duty of he T'?i",„-T?^^'' ^*^"'''' "^ 'b" Clergy 
 Ifegeneration^ a He ly t?'^' .^r'^'iT'- «• Ba,„isn,a^ 
 Intions between N„ncn„f ' P."/Kf»n. ^on. fl. The Re- 
 Churoh.Lon^rxreChuth' Tt l!" f^^'blished 
 I-n. im: new ed , i";/' , ■■'''7%«f England, 
 treed .-can it be reasonably held > , T '^'',« ^««I"'«'s 
 I'Ord, Alice F T.,.^u '.' ■' '''"^'•' '**'■*■>. I2mo 
 XT r'.^"«« *■. f^ymphony in Dreamland : Poelns, 
 ""^"p'hy"fc„",Vl« n"r'^5;, '; S-ter Dora: a 
 -s:; ili"^'!^- 4™m;!^lf; llr«^,:i?' ^ p-iect ^r 
 perhaps «ltogou,r« l,eamifuf' llV^^'l "."' "^ Perfect , or 
 .^ilestLo™, IsLUr^ °; ^'''"^- ;." Health and 
 of the Respirator; Oi-gins «« " .^''""'■'^^?,?? I>'=««»es 
 ^ork, 1S75, 8vo ( t15. ' ^'' ""'l Ki( neyg, N 
 c... ', ..'. ™' •'• J^ectures on Po»or= v t .•','„i: 
 N. York I8H2, so. 16mo'. 
 m^l^ft'til'T''' fr'*'-'- '•"'I')-.] 1792- 
 but gave up the ffiinU„.t''„!f"^' '""' '''"^ied theology 
 »nd went in'to l.u.lZ" ''/„ ""/H-flTh'e ^•7'^."'^ ''«»'"' 
 terly entitled the Theolog oal and r . I"* " l""- 
 I'OUis Napoleon: I» he tn b„ i ' "u^^ •'""'"""I' I- 
 18BM2u,o. 2. Vilnlnf „ i^"""''"'"' N. York, 
 N. York, I,><fir, 12mo ^''"■'"l.-e : an E,,ic : vol. i.,' 
 i^vTutf i„?kirn:'c<!;'„ ^ytLrd' t?'-/- ""^-'^ '^««- 
 «nd a, Princeton, but, h" 'eve ' b.'u"'' "f^^ "' ^ndover 
 up the ministry for oomn,!^,f; f '""''"S f""*"!' g»ve 
 banker in New 'Uk „ J Cm "^ ';"?'"':• '""' ""» » 
 surancB Pnm . "." I»"nuer of the Manhattan In- 
 ^ "■.„*• ."'leases of Od Age N Vn^k la^o ' l^*^' hu'^foe Companv i ", i ""^ '^'""''attan In 
 L«^mi.'",l'™°"™' *'«J-i e, N. Y^k' 18S4 '■ ^ Lr' U"'"" "f Connec^icu?"?"!;,^ ''T^H '" ""> P»"- 
 toomis. Rev. Augustus Ward I) n n' . » ^^"^ "f Christ, l«o8 • f„' • .-• -• ^^^ I't-ophetio 
 Principle* nnd Prnctico : with Full Kxiilnnntloni for 
 IIiiiiiu MtudcniK, l,on., ISSM, Hvo. 
 Lord, II. >V. Thu lllKliwiiy nf tlio Heitii In Time 
 of Wiir, Liin., lNfl2, cr. Mvn. 
 liUrd, Ileiirictin I'miicpN. (TriiiiH.) Nora: n 
 Play J friiiii the Norwcxiuii dI II. Ih»cn, l.(iri., Isml', IL'iuo. 
 Lord, J. I>< I. JuiuK (in the Throne of hh Father 
 David. N. Vnrk, ISflu, l2iiio. •_'. The I'romiiieiif .Shiloh ; 
 or, ChrintV Teiiiporiil Sovcri'ljjnty, .N. Vnrk, IWll'.i. .1. 
 Our Kei({n with .)e»».« nn the lliirth, .\. York, 1H7U, l2nio. 
 4. l'ro|ih'tic [iii|icrliili»ni : Enliill uf luiiieriiil Power, N. 
 York, IS7I. iL'iiio. 
 l<ord,J. It. S(|iilrn llrooke : a Memorial of Ed- 
 ward Ilruoke, of Fieldhoui'u: with Kxtraets from hli4 
 Diary an<l Correnpondeiiue, Lon., 187it, Hvo; new ed., 
 Lord, James. I. The Vatican and St. Janiea'a; 
 or, KnKlaiid indopendint of Home, I,on., |M5I, 8vii. 2. 
 Sinter Theresa, iitr. Hyan, the Ahducted Nun ; a Metrical 
 Narrative, Lon., ISflo, I2mi(). 
 Lord, Itev. JniiictN Henry, eduoateil iit St. Don' 
 face's Minnionary (.'ollege, Warminster; onlainei' '..-ii'll; 
 miMlonary at Hombaj Binou ls,s2. The !light Attitude 
 and Action of the Cliuroh toward' the Jewa, Lon., 18S3, 
 or. 8vo. 
 Lord, John, LL.D.. {nnlf 1. i., add.,1 b. ISI2, at 
 Portsrnoulli, .N'.ll., and ediieated at DartiMoulh ; wa« lee- 
 turer on history in that institution IHOil-Tt). 1. The Old 
 Roman World; the Ornndeur and Failure of ita Oivili- 
 «ali<pn, N. York, 1S()7, cr. 8vo. 2. Ancient Slates and 
 Kmpirc!", N. York, Isril), IJnio. .'!. Ancient History : a 
 Text-Hook for ColleKCK, N. York, 1870, 12mo; new «l., 
 18711. I. Points of History, 1881, l2mo. 5. Boacon- 
 I.i({ht.s N. York, 188;), 5 vols. 8vo. 6. Life of Emma 
 Willard, N. York, I88:i. 
 liord, Kev. John Chase, IS0.')-1877, b. nt BufTalo, 
 N.Y. ; was admitto<l to the bar in 1828; graduated at 
 Auburn Thoolouieal S>'ininary in I8;!;i, and was pastor 
 of a Presbyterian church in Buffalo. I. Tlio Land of 
 Ophir, and other Lectures, Buffalo, 1851, 12mo. 2. Oc- | 
 casional Poems, IMKU. i 
 Lord, John Kenst, F.Z..S., 1817-1872, served in 
 the t'riinciin war as a captain of artillery, and after- 
 wards retired from the army and devoted liim.felf to tlie 
 study of natural history. lie was thu naturalist of the 
 British North American Boundary Commission, and iif- 
 tcrward.s manai{cr of the Brighton Aquarium. I. The 
 Naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia, 
 Lon., 18(1(1, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 " At once amusiiiK and instructive."— So/. Rev., xxv. t'J.'i. 
 2. At Home in tlie Wilderness, and how to surmount 
 all Diffioultios by the Way, Lon., 1867, p. 8vo; 3d ed., 
 Lord, M. A. The Maiden of Palermo, and other 
 Stories, Lon., 1880, I2mo. 
 .Lord, Otis I*. Memoir of Asahel Huntington, 
 Salem, Mass., 1871, 8vo. 
 Lord, H. P. c;., M.R.C.V.S. With Ursu, J. and 
 W., The Veterinary Vadc-Mecuin : a Manual on the 
 Horse, Cow, Dog, and Sheep : their Diseases, Hmnu'O- 
 pathic Treatment, and General Management, Lon., 1875, 
 or. 8vo. 
 Lord, W, li., R.A. 1. Sea Fish, nnd how to catch 
 them, Lon., 18«2, fp. 8vo. 2. Crab, Shrimp, ami Lob- 
 ster, Lon., 187(i, l2mo. With Baixks, T., F.R.G.S., 
 Shift.H and Expedients of Camp- Life, Travel, and Explo- 
 ration, Lon., 1871, r. 8vo; new ed., 187(1. 
 " The volume before us may be wt down a.s a very en- 
 cyclopiedia of travel and campai};niii(?, . . . The adven- 
 turer or band of adventurers by whom the cxpeilicnt.s and 
 Instriietkins .supplied by this inexhaustible volume have 
 been duly conned and laid to heart . . . will bi' prepared 
 to go anywhere and do anything,"— .s'a(. Kev., xxxi. 477. 
 Lord, Ucv. \V. II. Maiional Hospitality, Mont- 
 jielier, Vt.. IS.'io, Svo. 
 Lord, W. W. AndrC- : a Tragedy, N. York, 1856, 
 Lord, William C. Gastritis Mucosa; or, The 
 Present Epidemic among Horses, Lon., 1865, 12mo. 
 Lord, William S., b. 186.1, at Sycamore. 111.; is 
 engaged in business at Evanston, 111., and has con- 
 tributed to periodicals. 1. Verses, 1883. 2. Beads of 
 Morning, [verse,] Evanston, ISMS, 16ino. 
 Lord, Rev. Willis, D.D., LL.D., b. 1,809, nt 
 Bridgep'.'rt. Cop.n. : graduated at WilMums College 18.1.",; 
 studied theology at Princeton; became a Presbyterian 
 minister; has held several pastorates and professorships, 
 nnd was president of the University of Wooster 187(.i-. 
 74. I. .Men and Scenes before the Flood. Illusi. IMillu., 
 1846, B(|. l2mo. 2. Christian Theology for the I'eoine' 
 N. York, |87:l, 8vo; 2i| ed., |M7,,. ;t. 'I'he Blessed Hop. ' 
 or. The (llorious Coming of the Lord, Chic, |87ft, 12iiii. 
 2d ed., IS8I. Also, numerous sermons, Ac. 
 Lordan,!'. L. I. I'nwrittcn Book: a Colloniiv on 
 Poetry and IN 3ts ; .Id ed., Lon., 1872, p. Hvo. 2. t'er. 
 tain English Surnames: their Odd Phases, Lon., 1871 
 2d ed., I87W, l2nio. 
 Loren/, Kev. K, S. I. (Ed.) The Gospel Workers 
 Treasury ol Hymns and Uovival Anecdotes, Texts, Suli 
 jeots, Ac, Dayton, 0., 1887, l2mo. 2. (letting Reiio'v 
 for a Revival, Dayton, 0., 1888, l2mo. 
 Lorlllard, Mrs. Pierre, Jr. Those I'rcilv Si. 
 George Girls. By due of the Set, I'hila., INHII, i2nio! 
 Lorimvr, (ieorKe. Leaves from the Bulk of the 
 West Kirke: with a Preface by the Rev. .lames .Vlac- 
 grogor, D.D., Edin., |SS5, 4to. 
 Lorimer, llev. (•corgc Claude, LL.D., b. I8;i\ 
 in Kdiiiliiirifh ; .luiovi 1 to ihe I'nited States in Is.'iil; 
 became a Baiitist minister; preacheil (or several ycnrs 
 ill Treuiont feinple, Boston, and since I8S1 has hild 
 charges in Chicago. I. The Great Conllict: a Discom-c 
 concerning Baptists and Religious Belief. Host., I ■.77, 
 l6ino. 2. Week-Day Lecture-Room Talks on Coii\er- 
 sion, Bost., 1880, 24mo. ,). Isms Old and New: Ser. 
 inons, Ohio., 1881, 12nio. 4, .lesiis, the World's Saviour; 
 who he is, why he came, and what he did, Cliic, l.v.;', 
 12mo. 5. Studies in Social Life: a Review of the I'riii- 
 oijiles, Practices, and Problems of .Society, Chic, l>Mi, 
 Lorimer, James, LL.D., 1818-1890, b. at Ab.r- 
 ilalgie, Perthshire, Scotland; educated at Edinlmigh 
 I'nivertity, and al the Iniversities of Berlin and l!ui,n ; 
 admitted a member of the Faculty of Advocate- IM.i; 
 Regius professor of public law nnd "the law of niituie and 
 nations in the University of Edinburgh 18(12. He was 
 one 01' the foumleis of the Institute of Interiiiilioiial 
 Law in 1873, and was a frequ'nt contributor to the 
 Revue <le Droit International. I. The Universities cd' 
 Scotland, Edin., I8,'i4, 8vo. 2, Political Progress not 
 necessarily Democratic, Edin., 1857, p. Svo. 3. Iland- 
 Book of tlio Law of Scotland, 18511, Edin., 1851), cr. Sui; 
 5th ed., 1885. 4. The Coiistitulionalisni of the Future, 
 Lon., 1865, p. 8vo; 2d ed., 18«7. 5. Reasons f,ir the 
 Study of Juris,. rudence as a Science, Lon., ISOs, .Svo, 
 11. The Institutes (d' Law: a Treatise on the Principles 
 of Jurisprudence as detcrmineil by Nature, Edin., I>7:', 
 Svo: 2d ed., rev. and enl., IS80. 
 "As the Nysleiiiatic exi«)Hitloii of a theory and mctliod 
 which we l.elieve to be erroneous, we must receive ln« 
 work with respectful but iibsolule d|s.sciit, Ascinl.nilvliii; 
 the rellectloii.s of an experienced and hinli-miiide.l iiiiiii 
 on many thlnH,s of practical liiierest, we can sinceich wci- 
 come it, and say that we arc the belter for it,"— ,vo,'! A't , 
 11, 146, 
 7. A National Church demands n National l,itiirg\, 
 Edin., 1879, p. Svo. 8. The Institutes of the Law .'; 
 Nations: a Treatise on the Jural Relati uis of ,Se(.iii!ii.- 
 Political Coimnunilies, n., I883-S4, 2 vols. 
 "A strange (■(iiiglonie. ^ of political sngaeity ami c\ 
 travngnnt jurisprudence.' - 'ni. Kev., IvIU. 4.,0. 
 "If it has not the s(.ieiilili. diameter wln(.li it cliilins, it 
 is,ut any rate, an iiueresliiig on interiiatioiml con- 
 duct, trom the p.'ii ol' an able writer."— ^Imc^, xxv. ;i'.i7. 
 "Lorimer, Mary," (Pseud.) See, .M. 
 0. B., t<it.prff, 
 Lorimer, Rev. Peter, D.D,, professor of tlieol'isy 
 at the English Presbyterian College, London. 1. -Me-' 
 moir of Rev. Areliibald Jack, Edin., 1852, 12nio; new 
 ed., 1871. 2. Biography of Patrick Haiiiilt(m. Kdin., 
 1857. 3. The Precursors of Knox, Lon., 1S,'j7, p, ^vo, 
 4. The Scottish Rofcunial'.on : a Historical Skelcli i with 
 Twenty-Five Illustrations of Scottish Rcformalinn Lci. 
 calities by Birket Foster, Lon. and Glasgow, IMiO, cr. 
 " Mr. Foster's admirable sketelies, eiigriivcd on woo.l l.v 
 Palmer, are altnutive enough; but tbey di I lulccia 
 the text of the volume which they adorn from llii- t;reiit 
 fault of beiiiuwritten in a narrow, 'sectarian, ami iiii|.liilo- 
 sophical spirit."- .S(i/. Kev., x, tH3. 
 5. Joiin Knox and the Church of England : hi- W..rk 
 in her Pulpit and his Influence upon her Liii rniare, 
 upon her Liturgy, Articles, and Parties : a,'r:i|'li 
 founded upon several Important Papers of Knii\ never 
 before published, Lon., 1875, Syo. 
 "This is a remarkable book, nnd will donbllc-.- com- 
 nmiid attention in eonneetion wltli the religioiisroiiim- 
 versies of the present time, , , , The autlior seems nn- 
 (liK'stlonnbly to have added some very iinporlaiii .Iclails 
 to the b|st( 
 now for tb( 
 terest Cup „ 
 Aeiid., vil, ;i 
 "• (Tram 
 by >l. V. L, 
 1 vol. ; IMMV 
 nctio Teli.u 
 N. York, I," 
 motion, N. 1 
 in Boston ; g 
 and was for 
 bar. I. XI 
 I'niteil Slut,, 
 for Inileiiini 
 Sturgis, llont 
 Lorihic, I 
 graduated nt 
 nation of ih, 
 »f Ophthalnio 
 LorinK, I 
 in Boston; gn. 
 as a oorrespoi 
 I'll Ills way hoi 
 f'ip, and othi 
 College FrieiK 
 t'- P., Cotton 
 Loring, a, 
 .indover. Mass, 
 "ledical departi 
 coinuiissioner o 
 ister to Portuga 
 •fotham : Aeeoi, 
 Famous Toim. 
 addresses, ,to. 
 Loring, s. 
 imd Practice id' 
 Luring, u^ 
 'Vilmington, N.( 
 the Indians and 
 coinnel, (I.S.A.; 
 Confederate arini 
 'J), nnd was mad 
 Soldier in Egypt 
 "It Is light; sii' 
 apparently the irii 
 prcwions, ,seiitlme 
 aoie, ~.\(iHi,i, XX 
 Lormer, .>!« 
 "idks in tile Woo 
 I'orne, .>|«ri| 
 l.orniine, Lt 
 The Perils of Lo 
 Lossing, Bei 
 ';;'l;..ld, 1891. Fr 
 1 lams, Dutchess C 
 '<<!'' the American 
 -'"tcs and (Queries 
 'i;"i.", N. York, I, So 
 "' -^I'ljur-Gcneral 1 
 >'"'■'• cr, Svo. iiiee 
 a v,!V,",'i"" '"'■•* ■'*'""• 
 n„ '.'-'''K' ''"iili-ibii 
 ~->"'"'", xvii, lu. 
 ■'■ Pictorial Histc 
 ft'iles of Ameiica, 
 '.!"'■, ?;"1»- ii. ami i 
 Hill •"''•' *'2eii,s of 
 «ill live their brief I 
 'I'"', before lis possT.L 
 ;M|c lively pUt^f;:^' 
 wUie actors ill our g 
 ■>. The Hudson, fr 
 ;.'"■'!■ I'-^liO, sm. 410. 
 •Viork, 1867, Svo. 
 ,;'^. N. York, I8( 
 »' 'HO, ISfiO. ,s ji 
 Aie.«nder Anderson, 
 nl; v'^v" »"'' 'he . 
 I""". N. York, 1873 
 ;=?£?:« !t^=i;\:;s';:::i'-».--'.-.. 
 n>"'l"M, .V. V„r|,, |,7!i, 111,,,,, """> Trentii'M.n l,o«,.. , 
 f^turgiH, ll.«(.. mh/ 'a , I ': "iV- ■'•„ I'll" "f Willi,.,„ 
 Km-lmil,.,! „t Harvard m",I^.m1^',;";' '!'*'*' ''• '" >''""'">; 
 ""ti'-n nC ,1,0 Kef ,?.(hn ; ' h r'' "J"'- '• ""'"""i- 
 "|.hthHlu,u,c„,,c., N V k s- " '''^'! ''•^ *'""»" "'■ "'L' 
 "f '•i.hthuim.J,.,;,,y ' ';V. V'v ">;'■, ■• ■''""•"""k 
 i" ""»'"""«n.d:.f,L ^,'',,,^^•^^«',''»rth. is,H-,sr,: b. > 
 '" « oorre,.,„n,k.„t of A, ,,, . ?' '' ",'"' '" ^''"""•' 
 ,"l>. »..d olhur V«r..; , L*",^ ^'r'- '• ■n.eH„,to„ 
 ,"IW Kriu.,,1,, I^..t;ls^l Vn, ' 'J";''"- 2. Two 
 ;,^„. oouon c.„,. :::.'ib:'s„i"^„;:-'--. 
 '""'lio«l;lopur,,„'eK'i' t Jbt^'f r "•"''""' ''' '"« 
 o"Mim.88i«„er of «Kri,.ult,r" ss7s^"';^'''"" "*'"-'*'; 
 ^7 to Portugal until S9, TlA'' ""«''"'"'l" >«i»' 
 .J"tl,um.- Ao<^,uut or tlo K,.,.,i ^'"•"■^^"i Club of 
 t»nfe,lerutettrinv, s«rv« r^l ! '^?"J"''-.K'''>''''il in tho 
 «.;Mieri„K,,,,, ire"' 'l^. {;:::'-;,, ^''-'^'ImUo I 
 «l|'.^-.V«//„„, xxxvlll «)' '•''''"'^^'•'"•""'' fiuiiieiitly reu'l- 
 ^VuC;"u';;,ilf«:;!;;,,'»;;;;'n« the Tree.. Journal of 
 ''oriie, .Maniuis of «' ,. ' "'"• ■""■ 
 ■""■ I'c'iil. of u'l'"- ^y'" <^,'"'P»«' i" tUe Congo: or 
 l,,,„„ ''"'«-. u .seuwt.oiml Story, Lon., I'^sfl 
 ''•V"^ Uutohe«/c Ty p ''"■"■",'"« ■■• i''"" "t Doer 
 ^"'•oA,„eri..a„ i.,„;.,„, ^::"" •^"-' to 1875 he J. 
 Jf"t« „>„l (iu.rie,. C' f*^ '"■■' ""•' Repository of 
 ul Major-(fc.„„rul Philip i!;ohuv7.;rv"v^"f '""» '^'w^-" 
 V-^. In;":;^'T;o'"'"T v'" "'l^'""-"- "- "- Sea. n' 
 'T i-k, lis; svo 6 Pi ^"" •';^'«K'"""1 its Founder 
 "' "liiii, ,S(i9 u \f ' . • '■ Piotoria Desorinii.,„ 
 Urel,l,.. ',,s„7 f,;.f""!''n«l"f Lieutenant "XnTr " 
 |ixr,s 4 ' /. A::;"'e-n i.idu.iri.,. iiiu;, hi ,"■ 
 of l„i,..,i Stae- III,,,; 'f'^P"," ''"l'»l«r (vdo,, lia 
 >^-«. Illu-,. ' N.' r,f;","' "'" Al'oriKi„a|-p..,'i: ' 
 I H".nen who have n.a.lo 'a ..^"f,, 'i*;?""* •!'•" "■'«» 
 '""I. iL'uio. 17 Tl... J. "'"y""" IliKtory, N. »nil< 
 I'l-J- of J».m.. A. Uarleld IS ''./"IV; "• '"'""'' 
 l"rk City, N. Vork. Imni ' ',, m '"• "■"."'•>' "f N"» 
 M" her and ,b,. Wifu of (ll. L„ ",7 ","'' *'"'""' ^ "'a 
 ri'"-l. N. York, \m{ Hvo 22".','. " ""'' ■'"'"' Andr*;. 
 •."Mjp.ndious lli.tory of ',h„ /• '■''"'''"' *^""" tt 
 Vork, IHS7, Hvo. ^ "® (-"Uiiiionweallh of .\,.„ 
 ^„^""'' ^'^ «• '-'•'"'tioal Stalr.Bulldor, Troy, mn, 
 ^''"C'-ipt- in the l,il rary of ,| ' T"'A' ,"'" ^''"^'"- ""»- 
 3£Sl:;S^?i —'^ 
 '•'^o- iii"»t. i(o,t., iSMi*" .-l;'"'?;^: '• ^^" "« '.y 
 l;«i;-1, Hnd howthey Jrew I h, ' 1, ' '''" ''""« '"I'P- 
 i ■} Half- Year at Krone kin ' .""".'- '"'*'■ '-"'"• *• 
 • The Pettibono N u ,0 ".' vii"" ■' ''"".- """■ '2>"» 
 "<'^2, r.'nio. 5 Wh h', \' '•'»K''""i f'tory. Ho., 
 '-'f the Word^w^r"/'' ub ''l,o"'"isL'i"'- "■•• -^^'^^'^"^^ 
 •"U'ttome. I|lu„. Uo" UsTt''^-,'''^ "■ "''■" 
 "t the Lost ll»re. Iloat ISHI , ; *°' ^- "'3 Ballad 
 Weat, Ho,,.. ,S85. 'J. o'„ U, .V f'""/ I". '''''" ''"'''«" 
 8«- I". Jlester. an "tl /*^v ""'. " '^"^"P"' """t.. 
 'Tli« Shot heard rou.d he V ,".»"",• " ""H"-! of 
 •.'"'I what she said and «h,.,.y.- "'""■""I'" lived, 
 15. How To.n and Diroth: ni," '' ■":""•• '■'*''^' '2.uo. 
 ""■"c, Bost., 18,ss. 12no !,r »/l'"^ l<e/;t a Christian 
 "ays and liywayj. Illust jw';r''''i- her High- 
 "oor^e ami the Drairoo • „ t,""^''' '''SS ■'^vo. I7. ,<,, 
 Kensing,,.. .runior, KVlSss ",?n.:' "'" "-""' [»'H 
 ^8ypt«ndConstamino„i;'/on IS.t' "'""" ''"■" '" 
 ' 2 v,;,s! ';: ^t"' '■"■""'" ^'^"^ "» "'0 Nile, Lon., my, 
 I dm""' "• *"• """ ""»J'-«'<1 Sonnote, Lon., 18.^0, ,q. 
 ConJ^oVimrcJ;"!;^''' ihi"™' ^'"''•'"'enics: a She t but 
 I'^re. iiiu,,^ N. York':" r ^."l ,t "/,-^'"-'-. 'r7o- 
 ^^^ouU. Clara. The Woo,ib-;,;e"/-"i.!;;',;., Lo„.. ,8«, 
 -dTrtl^TY^o!^ l's5'«^'"',t' ^'-- -is Fortune 
 Lon.rr^7'!,Tv"o!s^;. t. ^"^ ^™t- Si.ter.: a Novel.' 
 •■'"■'"28'" I 
 l.oiiKhmnn, J. \, Whu ahull Wh, ? a NkvoI, 
 I.IIM , |H;-i, or. NVll. 
 liOIIKliliinili T. " l'N>ii>fl un<l Iti'viima:" rin An- 
 FWir In (irtiiiii HliilimunU In tlio K»-iiy I'lititlnl " On 
 IIk! Stiiilv of till! KviiluniMMil' Clirliitliinlly," l.on., i^ill, 
 IjOIiIn, AllVi'd Uyiniiii, l>. IM2lii ciilliHt lu tha bnr 
 lit Mn('ulii'i> Inn l^ij, I. liiiK''in<l ami Kiirii|i»: u IIIk- 
 ciii'<|iin "f Niitiiiniil I'lillcy, l,i>n,, I'-lU, >iu. 
 "U Ih iiiily I'liU'llliitLMl to Hull line j-t'l cil |h'ii|>Ii',~'IIii>m.' 
 wIkim' imtrliitlnm Ih tlri'(| liv wi'lliniaiil iUm hiiiiiilli>ii."— 
 Hill. A>r., xl. IIJII. 
 2. TliK ContVreniMi itml tliu Criaia : 'i'linuKlita uf u I);- 
 I'tlUliIlT, I. nil., I"<77, ^Ml. 
 liOlliM, Arlliliri I. I>i>lliira i>r Sonae: n Tnlu or 
 KviTv-Diiy Lilt' in Knxliinil lui'l Aiiiuiii'ii, X. Yurk, IHsfl, 
 IliiiHi. J. All Ktllo'' HnininK'o : it t^tor;- of Auntriilliin 
 l.ilc, \. York, l''-<7, IL'niii. 
 ■.(iiiiiHhiirv, ThoiiiiiN Itiiyiit-Nfurdi >>. I^^l'*, iit 
 OmiI, N.Y.; ({niiiuiilml at Valu I >,')ll ; liorvoil In tliu 
 uivil wiir an an utlloi'r In tlir viiliinti'rr niiiiy ; prol'uasnr 
 nf Knjfiirli lit till' Sliofllulil ScliMilin» .ScIkmiI ninoe l.'^TI. 
 I. lli»liir.v i)f llio Knglisli{uax«, N. York, Is7!i, 
 lllino. :!. .laijiia Fcniinoiu Coo|M'r, (" Aiiiurican Men of 
 l.i'tli'rH,") II.. It , Iss.'l, IfiiM... 
 ■' .\ii ii;' »|H'clnUMi nf llii-niry lil.iKrapliy. ... It 
 L'lv.'s ilie rca.liT ii..t inori'ly a full ai'inniil ..I' i'ikiihth 
 lltiTiiry oari'ur, lull tliiT.' Is niliiKlc.l witli IIiIh ii .>nlllcli'iit 
 arc. .mil nf till' III. Ill liiiiiKt'lf. apart frnin lil.i li.n.ks, ami nf 
 Mif pcrln.l ill wlili'li In. Ilvc.l, t.i krep alive llii- Inli'rcMl 
 from ilu' ilrsi wnr.l tn ih.' Ia-.|."— .Viid... xxxvl. 10". 
 " fhc liLiKraplicr k.'i'pM lilmsvlf aim Ills rcailor nwaki' 
 Hii.l allvi' Willi iiili'ri'st all ilimiiKli lil» lliroo liuiiilrc.l 
 paui's "—Ariiil., x.xlv. IH'i, 
 l.oii(|iic, CliarleN. IHgmt of Dculalona uf the 
 I.oulsiiinii Siiproiiii) Ciiirt, vols, xv.-xxx. Inol., (IHOO- 
 IS7H,) N. Orleiui.s, IS7H, r. .Svo. 
 Louth, T. Tho .Morrioos; or, Tlio Doubtful Mar- 
 riage,, I>71, 3 voia. p. 8va. 
 liovnrt, liilkp. Too Put. a Domeatio Dlffiaulty, 
 lirl.<toI, l.^S.'), IL'ino. 
 Luviit, Ali'J<!, Lady, .laughter of T. Wel.l-Illun- 
 dolli marrii'd. I86B, to tho llfteenlli Damn Lovat. Clare 
 Vaughan, l.on., 1.>*S7, I2nio. 
 Love, Samuel U,, .snjierinten.leiit of sohoola, 
 JaiiiMtown, N.Y., iinil Willard, iMary R. In.lustrial 
 Edui'iitlon : adiiMo for Manual Training. Illuat. N. 
 York and Chic., 1H87, l2ino. 
 Love, Thomas. The Art of Cleaning, iJyeing, 
 anil .S..ouring, I<on., IS5I, p. Hvo. 
 Love, W, de L. Wisconsin in tho War of the Ro- 
 belli.iii, Cliio., I.^IP. Svo. 
 Lovejoy, Benjamin G., LL.B., d. isstf. Francis 
 Uaeon, Ijor.l Voiulaiu : a Critical Review of hia Life and 
 Character' with Selections from hi ; Writings : adapted 
 for Colloges an.l High .Schools, Host., 1883, 12iiio; Lon., 
 1888, cr. 8vo. 
 Love], Edward. Owl's Nest in the City : a Story, 
 liOn., 187(1, cr. 8vu. 
 liovclace, Feli§e. 1. In the Change of Y'ears, 
 liOn., 18Sli. p. 8vo. 2. The Moloch of Fashion : a Story 
 of London Society, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 Lovell, Albert A. Worcester, Massachusetts, in the 
 Revolution: Acts of the Town, 1765-178:1. Ulust. Wor- 
 cester, 18711, 8vo. 
 Lovell, A. S. Edible Mollusks of Great P-itnin 
 and Ireland, Loii., 1867. j). Svo; 2d od., ISS4. 
 Lovell, Vice-.Admiral William Stanhope. 
 Per..;inal Narrative of Events from 1799 to 181,); with 
 Anecdotes, Ac. : 2d c.l., I,on., 11)79, Svo. 
 Lovely, Rev. Ueorge, graduated at Trinity Col- 
 lege, Dublin, 1847) ordaine.l 1819; vicar of .St. Mary- 
 at-the-Quay, Ipswich, since 1876. 1. The Holy Ghost: 
 his Nature and Offices, 1854. 2. Tho Jews' Present Con- 
 dition and Future Prospects, 1854. 3. Lessons on Un- 
 fullilleil Prophecy, l87!t. 
 Lover, Samuul, [niiir, vol. i., add.,] 1797-1868. 
 For biog., see REii.NAnn. 1!., «i(;)ni, and Sv,mington, A. J., 
 iii/rii. I. Rival Itliyines in Honour of Ifurns: with 
 Curious Illustrative .Matter. Collected anil E.lited by 
 lien Tn.vnto. Lon., 1859, Svo. Anon. 2. Metrical 
 Tales, and other Poems, Lon., 1 860, p. Svo. :;. (Ed.) 
 Lyrics of Ireland, T,on., 1863, p. Svo. 4. Poetical 
 Works, Lon., 1868, 12iiio. With Mack.w, C, and MiL- 
 i.Bii, T., .Songs for Rifle Volunteers, Lon., 1861, 12nio, 
 .''./Ovesy, Capt. R.icka end .Shoals: a Novel, Lon., 
 1850, £ vols. p. 8vo. 
 Lovesy, Conway Whithorne, M.A., b. 1818; 
 graduated at (Queen's College, Oxford, 1841 : called to the 
 bnr nt the Mldillu Temple Is 15; |iu'>nc ju.lge In llrllMi 
 Guiana |s7:i-7s. 1. The Law of Arliltrulloii liilniiii 
 Maslers an. I Worknii'ii. Lon., 1SII7, I'.'inii. 2. The lliink 
 riij.t.y Act, l."''.!!, ami Ddiiors' A.t, Is'SU; wilh 
 .tc, Lon,, 1S7II, I2III.I. 3. fhc Churi'li-WanU'ir- iiiii.|, ' 
 Hth cl., Lon., |s71, l2inoi new c.l., hv W. it. |lr..ok. 
 1876; llllh c.l., 1882. 4. Tliu Law of House tnvnaion 
 anil Delcii.'i'. Lnii., ls;il, j.. sv... 
 l,ovi>ll, .MnrKaret JoNCiihini' (Tram.) H'lurc. 
 nirs ..f .Vliliiiiry Lili' In .Mgicra, hy the ronito lio 
 I'astell.iiie, Lon., 18Mi, 2 vols, p, Svo. 
 Lovetl, Rev. Richard, M.A., h. Is.ii, i,t croy. 
 dnn, Surrey ; clucatcl at ('liculiiiiit ColU'go, an.l gni.lii 
 nte.| at the I'niversity of Lninlno I '-7:1,' liccaiiie ;. 
 ('oiigregati..iial iiiiiiislcr, ami is e.lit..i ni-cliiof fur Hi.' 
 puhliialioiis of the Ri'ligi.uis Trad .--..cicty. 1. 
 wcgiaii Piatiircs, drawn will. Pen nii.l Pencil, L..ii., |s^ .. 
 r. Svo. 2. Pictures froni llolhin.l .Irawn »illi I'm iml 
 Poncll, Lon., 1887, Imp. Svo, 3. Irish Pictures, .Iihkh 
 with Pen and Pencil. Map an. I llliisl. Lon., I^'s, 
 imp. Svo. 
 •'ill this venr nf uracc Isss he has wrilliii a li.>..k ..ii 
 Irclaiiil Willi III. iiit'iitinii ..r p..lltliH. . . . Ill' has skclilicl 
 a very Ju»i piciiirc nf a l.i'aiiiHiil n.iinlry."— /W/i.. .So. ;;i»;i. 
 I. (E.l.) Drake aii.l the lions; or, Sllrting Tal.'S ..I 
 AriiiBila Times, (lie bus also e.lilc.l a revise.1 nn.l iii 
 largeil edition of Ilemaui'a " Willliini Tymlalc") 
 fiOvett, William, I7mt-ls77, b. at Ncwljn, Cm- 
 wall 1 went t.i l.oiiili.n and learned tlie trade of a cabinct- 
 niakor, lie bceiimc a leader of tlie Chartist in.. \ .iiMiit, 
 drew up most of the pcliti.ins anil a.l.liesses is-iii'.l In 
 the parly, and was imprisone.l in IS3U. I. Klciiieiiliiry 
 Anatomy and Physiology : ,vith Lesions on Diet, .U'. ||. 
 lust. Lon., 18,.l ; 2d ed., 18,^^3, Svo. 2. .Social an. I Polit 
 leal Morality, Lnii., IS.'i:!, p. Svo. 3. Woman's .Missinn, 
 [verse,) Lon., 1858. 4. Autobiography, 1876.? With 
 ('oi.i.iN.s, ,loiiN, tool-maker. Chartism: a New Organi- 
 zation of Iho People: written in Warwick Gaol; 2il ed., 
 Lon., 1841. 
 Lovibuni', T. W. Ilrewing with Raw Grain: n 
 Practical Tre.itise, Lon.. ISS3, p. Svo. 
 Low, Rev. Alexander, M.A. Scottish Heroes in 
 tho Days of M'allace and liruce, Lon., 185(1, 2 vols, p, 
 Low, CharleN Rnlhbone, F.R.G.8., b. 1^:17, 
 at Dublin; served in the In.lian navy 1 853-6:;, and 
 on the abolition of that force iiirned ills altenli.m to 
 literature. He has contriliuie.l stoiies, memoirs, nnd 
 geographical articles to a great number of peri.idical.s. 
 After tlie publication of his History of the Indiiin Niivy 
 he was presented with a sword and a purse of sovereigna 
 by bis brother ollicers. 1. Adventures of Joshua lliiivsc- 
 pipe. Marine: a Talc, Lon., 1868, 12mo; new c.l.. I.^Ts. 
 2. Tales of Old Ocean, Lon., 18611, 12ino; new c.l., InTs. 
 3. The Land of the Sun : .Skotcliea of Travel, l.i.n., 
 1870, p. Svo. 4. The Great Rattles of thoUritish .Navy. 
 lllust. Lon., 1872, ]i. Svo; .Uh ed. 1885. :,. I.iilir 
 of Marque, and Tales of Sea and Lund. lllust. I...11., 
 1872, 12nio. 6. The Life and Correspondence of Field- 
 Marshal Sir George Pollock, Dart., G.C.B., (i.C.S.l., 
 Lon., 1873, Svo. 
 "Mr. Low has done nmpU' justice to the gallant M.l.lier 
 whose character lie .sn imicli and so justly admires, bin if 
 it had been pn.'o.llilc ti.give us innrc about the man lie.irKC 
 I'oUock and Icsx about public liistnry we ohnul.l have 
 been better pleased."— .s^cc/o/or, xlvl. 9iil. 
 7. Autobiography of a Man-o'-War's Bell: a Tiilc, 
 Lon., 1874, 11. Svo. 8. Tho History of tho In.lian .Nnvv, 
 161.3-1.86,3, Lon., i877, 2 vols. Svo. 
 " Although it l.« impassible to speak In terms of i.raia' 
 (if this work as a literary priidui'tion, it can be lecni' 
 mended as eiintaliilnginueli liifnrniatioii tnllin.seMlx. .Ic- 
 slre to know how our Kastern empire wa.s liiiill up, iiii.i 10 
 all who take a pleasure in simple reciird..* of mis .>l |icr' 
 (kinal daring." -/IW., No. 2n'.;5. 
 9. A Memoir of Licutcnant-General Sir Garnet J. 
 Wolsolcy, K.C.B., G.C.M.G.. Lon., 1878, 2 vol.-.. 1.. ."^vo. 
 " F.illowing the example of most blournphcrs, la- hm 
 compiled two volumes where one would have hen iiiii|.lo, 
 . . . it must be admitted that there are luteie>tiiii; luicc- 
 dotes nnd epismles lii the woTk.'—Alh., No. 'dCM. 
 10. The Afghan War, 1838-1842; from the Journal 
 and Correspondence of tho Late Major-(5encral Aiiirus- 
 tus Abbott, C.B., Royal (Bengal) Artillery,, 1>A 
 " It seems ungrateful tn find any fau'.t with Mr. I."W, I" 
 whom the public owes the pnlilieatinii nf tliis vuluiilile 
 work. One piece of criticism, however, It is iieee^-"iy lu 
 make. The editor has with his own narrative almost 
 swamped Capt. Abbott's journal."— /1(A., No. 2677. 
 II, Soldiers of the Victorian Age, Lon., I8SI1. 2 vols. 
 "• ''yrll H/iii.|lt„n hi 1 i *'"""''f. >-"n.. |sm;|, s,.„ 
 '"H.-.") I.n„„ IMS,, ',.•„,„ '•„'"'■■",""; (,"l>i...™.n III': 
 <"'""• "y Aunt .M,',7 |„n Thsi " ^'"''" ^o™'" 
 i.«o"^.ni!S;,?s"'.'.'';"','' '*'■;■'!"''''"' ■" Tri„i,vr.,. 
 "■J;k>"'L'!."VH"^; ,:.:'--««" C.U„l„«,.e„f E,luo,.ti ., 
 l-'<7, ,Svo. ■'»''1« l^ufonitlon. iliu,(. ,,„„"; 
 .la'TnVvo""; "■*{',:„"„'?; ':«'"•«'. -M.A., KraJuato.1 ..,' 
 eopal Chu'roh |M6;" '' Z •I'-.'.^V"':.'' '" tl.e_ .Scot,!.,, 
 •'"■.V iII.IiIhv , \rr I, ,. I 
 »,-ll.. »[i|,n,„,,, J^; • '• '-,, «'"""llv li„,,„ril„|, anil 
 ■l"'tiK. , III,. ,„i„.r «!? . f .. I, ' ",""■"■ ''"'" "ii'<' i' " X 
 Mr hiix ■riMiulii 1,111 V. II, !' "'■'""'.. xxlx ui 
 l-^l'i-eonal Cliuroh I,s6:ij lnni'>..hV.nV"";-"i"' '"" ■■"•'"'"'"li 
 '^""' lli^ ritualistic ,. aotic.8 o,f. ; ',"'"'•«« ^-'"-tl'e- 
 ">"i it,s.h«„i,, ,„,„., iMisi;, .': •'■ f"i';i'"i"«'c..ii..«o 
 I2in". AI.,,,„.h,mM,„„V, " """''' Lon., INIW, 
 «",„„u,ical,thMi2:i' I " ''''"'"' "'' "'« 
 ! '"".'"lie.-. IK. ,„„,|;„ ,en " • '■'""'7''. au.l other 
 I '"K"'"l ol..orv„. , I ,mi ,,,ln, '."l""'l"" ''"ily .netooro- 
 i •.•o.,„„u„i,„„,, ,1,,,,' 3 ''''"«, '7>" IMO to iss:-, „„,, 
 Uftraclo in UuZ^ZT^^^l^frTT.'"'''-' '-""■ 
 i»h (We«, ,.,„., ,hV,'s •„ ,';.„^"'"'-'' ."i""0.of ],nt. 
 "I'l K.xotic FcrnH W slu . 1 < ' ^X'""' "f HMti-h 
 l>Bauti(u|.l,oiivc(l l'|,,,,t. Ill r''^"''!''"'''' .Mvo. ,',. 
 beaHcinc. l,„n., ,ssi), Sn,. "'"'«'"' "f. -^'0 ('.)ulo of tlio 
 i "f .St Stephen < (Juern ;■;',; :;^ ,";;'!""-' ',7'S- vicar 
 My W,.- Ad,lrc8«.s on the Seven '• ,';.^'"^''' 'I'o 
 "f i ravelling there, S „',, ?h/ ,' 'j'''""^««' "'"y 
 towUer, John Irederic h isiq 
 i^nijlish eonsulur «erviee ,Sfin.' ,'^; *""^'''"' "le 
 -n.lnn I,s8a.72, oa e I t. th. k""'"' f""" ''"■"'n in 
 ',V """Ken Saina a Hu.t ,„f„ '"S",? "^ •'"y"*. <leine,l 
 ''""■Ired Chapters. Tranl 7f '^'"""'"il" '" (),„ 
 C«|w« of the Original p'il' I '"'".' ''™ Collated 
 'I'.n'M Office. 1874 "vo "^ "' "'" ''''1"'" Dai'y 
 jM»rjland) from the Time of' t)!'", 7 "^ '^"'nbor'.,nd 
 •«uo, in 1728. un tn I n'" ^"'''"n Town, Caiuc- 
 ''"We, Abraham T p, 
 w. I■:'■'.^^.s on Life Hoal.h ,f "'?'"«"'« of Pbysiojogy: 
 of^Ui..,..,e, Host:, l'«77, I'l'iio"^*'""^' »'««»««. a-J Cu're 
 ''*.^'. ..nd a'f,„S „, '^^, University of Edinburgh j 
 i'^f^' in Berlin. Pri„™ ..l-^""" f« "«»P'>nden( for .hat ' 
 "f'l^^. I.o„.. lSS5.2v„Is. Svo""''^ '"' "'»'""••■■ '"'"«- 
 I-<>n.. 1-07, Hvo. Anon ""2" I'?"'?"' ''''""' ^'"'"0, 
 I «"-'ily, falabfia, an, "• „,^-t "Pr.-'f""' F^'males in 
 } ";?»- p. .Svo. ;„,",' "" "'" T"l' "' Monnt Etna, Lon." 
 fronuir'st"t"'|^"lil';' 'i',"'"' ". '"'''J« »" over a well ,- 1,. , , 
 Wr: with Introdu'titVs r'wini ''^l; ^'"^•'' ""^ 
 IW6, p. 8vo: 2d ed., 1887. "''"'am Muir. Lon., 
 "I Yoxall since iksir r/'^; ' "''''"'ned I8.l!i; rector 
 t";..)a of the Jews, r'on is^rVr's"" "'o'' ^""'"" F""- 
 |0f the Cross IVaoticallv ' •?• "'• 2. The liistorv 
 nspirationa RuUi'" '^te drtoT'' ''''!: '""" ' 
 '"'"... me, 12mo.' /The r,,^, ''""''"8''''' Doctrine, 
 Lunacy L;^s""To;,,^^;,„^'"f' - "'■ t^"/?'""." ; or, The 
 Jt^J^tve'in^r'^^'r-'-^^SiIrr;^ Lo^; t^/.' .^s*;'/ /->'''. '^.^K .. Aiem!i'; 
 I'on., 1843, ;,„* • 2 Tr,',''/'"'^ ?^ f"" ^'«'"'« "f Ma.loira 
 «''".bays VisU-,„'Mli' ; 'Un"*,s'?,""' «""'» ' «' 
 "oirs on the Ferns, Ac ',\f,, :' '',^'' '''o. S.'iU. 
 ! ■ 4«"nualFlora,f M^eiri tr ^''"•' "^•''' '^mo. 
 I 5. Florulro Salvagica- TtM .?>,„« r ' ^'""- '**''»' 12n>o. 
 I O.C.B.. I. "1 ! "M.V''«'»""t Shcrbrook.., DC r 
 ated at UniversUy Col'legi! 0™xford""/"f'f "'"'ll'T • «^»^"- 
 at Linooln'E Inn 1842 : m .mber „f 1 ' """""^ '0 the bar 
 ffThe'r'l; '^'"'''' '•^■'"- " M P '8^2""sn ' "k^^^""^' 
 ^t the exchequer 1 868-7.'i. h„m„ '^r"*^"! ohanoellor 
 '"^peechea and Letters on'RefSr^LruTS/J^sVo*- '' 
 1021 ' 
 " Xever probably In the history of tlie debates of this 
 century has there been a more brilliant series of rhetorlenl 
 cftbrts tlian tliat contained In the small book before us."— 
 .Sar. liei:. xxlii. 'IK. 
 2. I'ooms of a ].,ife, Lon., 1885, 12mo; 2d cd. same 
 ■' Lord Sberbrooke's poems are pretty evidently not so 
 muuh the jxiems of a life as poems of early life, collected 
 and reprinted long after date."— .S'(i(. Ker., lix. '\)b. 
 Also, addresses, tinanuial statements, Au. 
 Lowe, Robert W. A llibliographical Account of 
 English Theatrical Literature, from the Karliest Times 
 to the Present Day, Lon., IHH", 8vo j also, 100 copies 
 r, 8vo. 
 "One of the most useful volumes ever prepared for the 
 student of stage-history."- ^Vo(iu», xlvl. 224. 
 Lowe, T. A Mechanic's Tour round the World : 
 Notes and Sketches, Lon., 1880, 12mo. 
 Lowe, T. Shakespeare under the Stars, Stratford- 
 on-Avon, 1888. 
 Lowe, Thomas. Central India during the Rebel- 
 lion of 18,07 and 1858, Lon., 1860, p. Svo. 
 Lowe, Rev. William Henry, M.A., b. 1848, at 
 Whapluile Drove, Lincolnshire; graduated, senior optime, 
 at Christ's College, Cambridge, 1871; ordained 187.'i; 
 Hebrew lecturer of Christ's College since 1874. 1. (Ed.) 
 The Psalms ; with Introductions and Critical Notes, Ac, 
 Lon., I87J-77, 2 vols.; 2d ed., 1884-85. 2. (Trans.) 
 Twelve Odes of Haliz ; from the Persian : with Sude's 
 Commentary, from the Turkish, Cambridge, 1879. .1. 
 (Ed.) The Fragment of Talmud — Bal. i, Pesachim: with 
 Notes, Lon., 1870, 4to. 4. The Memorbuoh of NUrnberg, 
 in Connection with the Persecution of the Jews in 1349, 
 Lon., 1881. 5. The Hebrew Student's Commentary on 
 Zecliariah, Hebrew and LXX : with Excursus on Syl- 
 lable-Dividing, &a., Lon., 1882, Svo. «. (Ed.) The 
 Palestinian Mishnah, Cambridge, 1883, Svo. 7. (Trans.) 
 Al-Badiiflnt's Muntakhab-i-Tawdrikh : Life of Akbar; 
 from the Original Persian, Calcutta, 1884-88, 2 vols, 
 g. A Hebrew Grammar, Lon., 1887, or. Svo, 
 Lowell, Miss Amy. Dream-Drops; or, Slorics 
 from Fairy-Land, liy a Dreamur. Boat., 1888, 12mo. 
 Lowell, Edward Jackson, b. 1845, in Boston ; 
 graduated at Harvard 1867. The Hessians and tlio 
 other (ierman Auxiliaries of Great Britain in the Revo- 
 lutionary War. Maps. N. York, 1881, 12mo. 
 " Mr. Lowell is always just and fair in his judgment, 
 and combines sound historical training witli an excellent 
 stvle. ... In the way of new infurmatiun Mr. Lowell ba.s 
 interwoven into liis narrative twelve man\iseripts, eon- 
 sisting of journals, letters, and reports written by Hessian 
 or Waldi'ck olllcers, ami kept in the library of the Cassol 
 estates."— .V(i/ioii. xxxviii. 3i'), 
 Lowell, James Russell, D.C.L., LL.D., [anii; 
 vol. i., add.,] editor of tlie Atlanlio Monthly 1857-62, 
 and joint editor of the North American Review 1863- 
 72: U.S. minister to Spain 1877-80, and to England 
 1880-85; lord rector of the I'nivorsity of (JIasgow 1883- 
 81. During ills residence in England he delivered many 
 public addresses, including one on occasion of the un- 
 veiling of a bust of Coleridge in Westminster Abbey. 
 Since his return to America he has delivered a course of 
 lectures on the English dramatists at tlie Lowell Insti- 
 tute, 1887, and read papers before public auiliences at 
 Chicago and elsewhere. He is one of the few American 
 writers whose reputation stands equally liigh on both 
 sides of the Atlantic. 1. Poetical Works, Bost., 1858, 2 
 vols. 16mo. 2. The Higlow Papers: newly edited, with 
 a Preface by the Author of ''Tom Brown's School- Days :" 
 reprinted, with the Author's Sanction, from the Fourth 
 American Edition, Lon., IS.'iO, 12uio. 3. Fireside Travels, 
 liost., 1861, l6nio. 4. Meiiba'us Hipponax : The Biglow 
 Papers, Second Series, Bost., 1867, 16mo. 
 " It is only with liimself Mr. Lowell can be compared. 
 Tried by the former series, this series will probably be put 
 in the second place, because there is more poetry in this 
 one than in that."— .Vndon, iii. ,S86. 
 5. Under the Willows, and other Poems, Bost., 1868, 
 " ' Auf Wiedersehen' ai)pears to be . . . free from faults, 
 —a gem wiilioiu Haw aiKl agcm of pure rav. Tills Is what 
 cannot be .aid of very many of Mr. Lowell's poems, which 
 too ol'teii bear evident marks of haste. . . . ^et. after niak- 
 Mtg whatever abateniciits it lias occurred to us to make in 
 the course of a loiigaccpiaintancewitb Mr. Lc.iVeii's [xietry. 
 it remains as a duty not to take leave of It on any oceasio'n 
 wlien it has been spoken of at any length with(nit saying, 
 as a last word. that, hiken altogether, we have nothliig so 
 good : unless, possiiiiy, we e.xcepita little of Eniersoii,— and 
 to make that exception we are not wholly willing."— A'a- 
 thn, vii. .V14. 
 " The secret of .Mr. Lowell's art is an exact fldellty to his 
 Impressions. He does nut work them up with selfcon- 
 scious elaboration, nor draw on an artlflclnl Imagination, 
 but repnalnces with careful simplicity the aetnnl vi.>.icin 
 and sensation, as they were to bini. ... In tw(t pieces in- 
 cluded in the volume before us Mr. Lowell rises to in- 
 spired lyric height. The'tJde to Happiness' is full i.l' 
 snppre8.sed force. . . . Hut by fur the liiiest piece ill lla; 
 volume is the really noble ' Commcnioration Ode.' "- Sni. 
 Kev., xxvii. 23. 
 6. The (Cathedral, Best., 1860, 16mn. 
 "We can advise all our readers tosiHini 'a day at (Inn 
 tres.'— so tile poem was to have been called, they say.— 111. i 
 having sjK'iit one they will lind themselves ready to spend 
 more, for the poem isoll protitable. and mueli(d' it isl.iini- 
 tiliil, and it will endure studious rt<'(iuaintauee."— A'n'mii. 
 X. t;o. 
 7. Among my Books, Bost.. 1870, l2mo. 
 " Containing the deliberate words of perhaps the t'C^tol' 
 living Kngli.sli critics,— his liiial judgments on many of ili,> 
 great names of literature; iudgmeiits which are the resiili 
 of long and wide study and reading, of marvellous aiiiic- 
 ness of siglit and dclica"y of symimthy; ccaitainiiig \ 
 iioet's opinion of other ixiets, a wit's opinion of other wii>; 
 In short, tliecareful opinionsofttmaiiof cultivated Keiiius 
 concerning other men of genius who are near and ilcur lo 
 all of us, but to all of us jiartiy unintelligible witlaaU 'oi 
 interpreter.— this book ol Mr. Lowell's is one of tlic \n>l 
 Kilts that for many years has cimie to the world of Kiig. 
 lisli literature: and to say this .still is to say one of ilir 
 best gifts that has for many years come to the world ..1 
 literature."- J\'(i(ioH. x. 2.">8. 
 " Added to the Impression of keenness and tirst-liiiinl 
 work . . . there is the vitality, the linii wliicli .so iii'ii.n 
 forms a cliarni In the writings of a really cultivated .Miier- 
 ican."— .Sa/. Hev., xxix. 774. 
 8. My Study Windows. Bost., 1871, l2ino. 
 "This volume may with probability be exjiected even 
 to increase its author's great repntJition as one of the \«-i 
 of critics and one of the wittiest of men."— .Vof/oii. xii.ljs. 
 "Terse and humorous In style, full of acute rcimtrk 
 and fine appreciation, and bearing everywhere llic marks 
 of a Iboroiigti literary cultivation."— .Sii. A'm-., xxxi. T'll, 
 " This is a tborongl'ily charming book. Its frc^llllc^^ iiimI 
 grace, its quiet fun and wide culture, its insight and snuiid 
 judgment, as well in literature as in isiiitics, put il cu.-ily 
 above any similar ccdlcction of es.says that the Kin.'lish'- 
 speaking world has seen for some time."— /l(/i.. No. -'^Ki. 
 9. Among my Books. Second Series. 3876, 12iiio. 
 "It was worth while to collect these studies of Mr. 
 Lowell ; they stand well abo' c the average of criiicnl luii- 
 cles in the Reviews: but n jiic of them possesses a iimnu- 
 nicntal perfection or end'iringiiess."- EnwAiin liowntN: 
 Acad., ix. 232. 
 " Few living writers have at once so mncli knowlcdj;f nf 
 poetical literature and .'^o much critical power a>^ Mr l.uw- 
 ell, and eerlainly none of who in knowleilL'c ami 
 power arc his e(|uals would be guilty of the sad laulls of 
 taste wliicli he seems to lake tt positive pleasure iu cnni- 
 mitting."— .s'(i(. Kev., xli. 624. 
 "The great distinction to be made between the pn-ent 
 vfdnme and the ones tliat have preceded it is the iil".('ii('e 
 of the light, bninorous tone and continual di>ciir-i\i*iicss 
 that used to render Mr. Lowell such pleasant reading Inni 
 vacant hour." — .'<tjectalor, xlix. 1)2;'). 
 10. Poetical Works : with a Critical Preface bv Wil- 
 liam Michael Rossetti, Lon., '.880, 12ino. 
 "The judgment delivered by Mr. W. M. Iios.«elti in liis 
 lucid prefatory notice, that Mr. Lowell's chief claim t"ii.l 
 miration must rest on his 'Diglow Papers,' caiinoi Iicmic- 
 cessfully challenged. This fact, however, still |ieriiiii.~ the 
 conviction that there is present in Mr. Lowells pncli; nf 
 thought and seiitinient a purity of tone, a lenderniN- nf 
 feeling, a general grace and at ti.ncs an alwilute I'ciiuiy 
 of expression, whicli our world would be tlie pomvi tut 
 losing."— ylt/i.. No. 2753. 
 11. Democracy, and other Addresses, Bost.. Issii, 
 " Less a reasoned criticism of books or life or in.-iitmi"ii>^ 
 than the overllow of an opulent mind. It wniiM lie n- 
 impossible to .submit such work lo criticism as it wuM li- 
 unfrnitfnl; ami it Is unneces.sary to notice anew ilir iiaii- 
 of stvle, the felicities id' phrase, the charm, clnqnciict'. 
 and humor whicli are familiar to two geiieratiiiii> il "'-ir 
 people."— A'n/w", xliii. 525. 
 12. Heartsease and Rue. Bost., 1888, 16mo. 
 " It is a veritable Indian summerof Mr. Lowell'^ uiiiso " 
 —»it. Ka:. Ixv. 3iW. 
 13. Political Essays, Bo.=t., 1888, 16mo. (Mosfiftlit-fi' 
 essays were Hrst pnlilished during or soon after llni-ivil 
 war, and relate to the cvcnis of tlial period.: 
 "It is the political and social moralist silling i" .t»ll(.'- 
 ment on oll'enccs against iirinial laws: not ilie piniiciiui 
 deervlng tlie men and measures cd'n rival or hosiilc |«irlv. 
 ... 'It is not simplv this nualitv tliat keeps tliiin f^rHi 
 to-dav; il is. qiiile as inuch. that literary ciianii "liiili 
 perva'des all of Mr. Lowell's writings."— fij/iV. .k. HI. 
 "If interesling primarily to Mr. LoweU'sfellow loiiiilry- 
 men. the essays possess value for historical .studiiils- iiiia 
 are doeumpiito of the course and movement <:'.' '.■!'!Mi;>" 
 which shaped the action of the statesmen of the .N"illi. - 
 Sal. Hn:, Ixvl. 147. 
 A collective edition of his works is now in ooarioof 
 "kneral CiimciSM: 
 "sclVin li/r',"!,',;? (fnlsL'^untn nn!?f,'y, «""<' "" Perfecting 
 1 the r>iii)uii». ' . r * 
 ■""-" '" "Till niK ( iiisli iiiitii i,.;:„T, 'i » '"' "" penectliiB 
 " ''{'Pression.-w,,.,.,. he*! vl'r f .h*-' •■"""•.'""""te artist 
 i|ir<l put to it to Iii(1l4 in, arHf,i ,.'■'■ "" "' fxpn-ssion is 
 i< we lire all,,wiMi_ris.w^„K.""'-'V«'7 living cqua^ and 
 •"arlt.s lor sanity limn for J,iv?„h'r'''' ^'-'"s'^e more 
 ;;.■ ranlcs higher' perl ., i't a?, , v'rivili"" ^' "'' ""i'-'sni, 
 I' till' iliviiliiiL' asiiniliT r,("J,,,, }"''>' P'erenL'evuii 
 vardl(<r«j aooonminfJ,; f "?* ' 8™<l"''ted at Har- 
 '■Mmg."_.Va/,„„. xlli )il '*' '-"""■ '"«• ''e is full and inter- 
 2. The Soul of the Par East li„st isss 10 
 e.lKe of ,„o ex.rc.„e .;rirtV.5.S:« ■'" °i7 '-'.U""^ ^'"'"•' 
 -":^r!A,!!:;r-i«»^ri^ri^^e,. ther 
 '«n,l,- r„,ur„c.d ,„ the Unite ,* St'l' •"■"',':•. '"^ •""■"""■ '' 
 yur.ous el^,r^.es,■ of I '•" "^^' ""'' 1"^'J 
 «"-7». I.,u„p"'" '"•'"'"" College 
 a.le.l Three Thousan YeaL l.n ' ^^'•'^h "-^'^rt. tha 
 B".V I^ife, l!„.t., 1X74 IHno 4 A ^.•' " ^''"•.V of School- 
 01.1 l>utcl. Town, Uo t 878 Iflif """'"' ^*''">'"» "" 
 M.n„,e,„;nt Ac's 1.,^ MCffo" """'l'"? "»" Local 
 at f^'!^:^LS^Ztf'jh, *^A.. graduated 
 re.t.,rof Foulmire* ^ince ISrn < ' '""^'''ineJ 1^15; 
 SKlniouth, Lon., ls,54 P>,„o ^errnons preached at 
 i-l<ri^.^^!^;V!^^rr,i^-::- ^•^•^- f-"-oi. 
 "aster by profession: was oni 7 f/ ^''/''■"•' '^ «"'"""- 
 ■>«exArch»«IogicalsSv .nd "'«.[""»''«" "f the 
 ■<; collection,. 1 PatroZ e'aBrifl ''''''^^'' '"'■««'y '° 
 -^;;;ij;.ui,y orr^--;>--5i-jy 
 '^^;i,".'';t''%:',^;;i:::^;„'^f"/'''-ai sketch^, lo„ 
 ;;e; '^vo. 5. Wayside ' Notes irt'^'v''""' ''''' 2 
 ;"J^^n^^^*;r'V»^e,.v^ , Onlyairls. 
 '-"">". r. ErlesnleSle "7,";,«- , I""''- Un S,' 
 '■'• I" »"■.--':;« 'u„'''rs^!) "''»"• i-n./!;;87'i2:o: 
 ^""••''^'^r.p.^vo 15 NitvVV !'"V '^- Kathleen, I 
 '"■ -^ " I Y""' ^'°"-' '^>*r, U'mo 
 '-"'"•■ ^'"' "™"« •^•""■ing, Lon., 188^" 
 ''7'. l-'i0,cr.8v" ^" ^"^'"rar's Hand-Book 
 i ^^ermons, Lon., 1865, 12mo ""'""" i^mperance : Two 
 I'Owndeg, Ilenrv m'ti ra 
 the Liverpool North" n'^'Ho^pital'rF"'""*'' 'r«<""' '» 
 12mo. ' "• ^""'o Moore: a Tale, Lon., I85(), 
 Urination, L0I1'., 18^14' l8mo'!*'*'' ^"I""'"''''" f«r fon- 
 (rrans.; Ken^ Descaftes h s' If' '*^ '■''..''■ '"''»• 2. 
 L""-. l.'<78, ,,. 8vo (cL, ^ "^^ '""^ Meditation.s, 
 " Meditations" a sketcl of" h J"' r "•""'''"i"" of the 
 op.Hy, and a biography ) ''"" '"''" '"''"y of philos- 
 niiraltv Law Jf Colli.?, „' ["'J,'"' "'"'• '- "^d.] 1. Ad- 
 The Lkwoni^n'eSAvral /*",'• {T""" "*"" «^". • 
 1873, 8vo; 4th e,l 1888 ^«^' ^A"^ r"" i'"d foreign, Lou., 
 8..rance, Lon,, |88|, 8™- td^^f.^r '"'*''"■'»<" '■' 
 Imere t and Valuation Lon ,'84 Z *' ^''"'"'''''' 
 ! !»«/» Mischief, L™^,88;;,^v1'''%°V'''"'-- »/' O"" 
 gjon.and "p" hT ^' ' ^^^ro^th""'.^'-"-^."^- «- 
 Hospital, London. I. Pon^frJ", ""^ ,<f.'-'^'*t Northern 
 V""""'. I^on., mi n ^vo ' "'^ ""^ '"'*^'''"' 
 ;'l»K,v of the lilow-FlV Lon ^hJ^T^'""y <^^'i Pl'ysi- 
 Ill«»t Lon., I87B^8;.^''^°'^?,P''""'l•«ic Surgery.' 
 Simple and Compoun dEve,' „f "l'^ ■J'^'*!""""'' "^ 't« 
 •'■ Aids to Physio oirvV'i , "*''''"' ''""■> ■**■!'. 4to 
 '«;», i«mo : i/edTLo'n 8S4" " '"'" ^"-^ ^'^■- ^"■'^ 
 Lniverse. N. y^^^, fg.J/,™^' Infellectual System of ;i,o 
 ihcj'logieal Setninary; ordain, I 's-f' ""' '," ''rinceton 
 n NewJer..ey„nd elsewhere y^ ""'' "i''' ''""•««» 
 Ue ures, Phila., I860, 1";, ,^' 9 ^■•' her and her Times: 
 Pliila., L><62, ll'nm i n,' 11 . ^''""' ""x' h's Times 
 lf«-2 vols.'lSmo i A tekt>7 /""«'"■•• I''"' ^ 
 '-'■no. 5. The Transhitpd li T'"" •'''""'> ''''""■. Iffili 
 «• Tl.e Prophet EHt Phila"'; fil; /;'"'"- l'^««. >2".o: 
 of^Javid, Phila., jsr,,; |2u,„' "^''"' '2'"o. 7. The Life 
 183o"at"it'ts"^!;p*»;».'""'«' Thompson, I,.D.. b. 
 "Sieal Sennnary ts.^iTbocI^^';;";;' ;","'.-"-rn The,,- 
 li"8 been pastor of sever.M Ti ."''''^'''''''"' '""nister; 
 ,»f New TestauKnt <^e: is "d .^^'''r' «»» V^ofe..,; 
 Theoogical Sen.inary ll^rs ,"!"""'''' '" "''^^^^'"n 
 thehpistle (o the Hebrews I^kj ^",.^M'l'"iation of 
 "'.e «rave, fro,„ the GermL^ of H '^'""'-^ ""J'-'l 
 Lowry, T. K. (Ed l^e n "?" ""' P- 8*'» 
 containing some Account of thT"""," Manuscripts: 
 I C'andeboye, Great Arde" ,,nd a """'" <"' f'PP«r 
 I of Down. ]Jv Sir J,Vmer'nl, •,.'"'"' '" "'" f'oi nty 
 Lon.. 1888, 8vo. "rases, (hnjr. Dialect Soo. Pub.,) 
 Ii™ffr1^.^l;,!;;,;!-,;;»:jal standard Of the ^oCety's p„b. 
 P' «'o. 2. The W„l; . '*'. ''''"^<"' I'on., I860, 3 vols 
 .'8«''. ■''vo.-,,'^^,^ ";'":" '" Western France Lo," 
 in Moscow, Lo^ms, 80 TtV "f" '■'«"'-« of Life 
 master, Lon., 1884, p ivo Immortal School- 
 ''»>'. Rev. Mauhias, d.d b isas i n . 
 limd Co., I'll.; ontored the Lutheran ministry in 1S4»; 
 beoftine professor in the Theological Seminary anil Capi- 
 tal Dniveri-ity, Columbus, 0,, in 1S6J, anil president of 
 Capital Univernity in 1881 ; editor of the Lutheran 
 Standard since l.'<fl-l, and of the Columbus Theological 
 Magazine since 1S8I. 1. (Trans.) Life and lieeils of 
 Dr. Martin Luther, Columbus, ISiia, IL'mo. 2. The Doc- 
 trine of Justification, Columbus, 1S(1!I, Himo: new ed., 
 ISSU. 3. Essay on the Ministerial Oflice, Columbus, 
 LS7U, 12mo. t. Sermons on the (iospcls for the Sundays 
 and Chief Festivals of the Church Year, Columbus, 
 L-<ss, Svo. 
 Loyd, iHiss Mary A. The Child's Life of Luther. 
 Illust. N. Voik, ISliS, ISmo. 
 Liiiirtt, Mtcv. Henry UicliiirdH, D.D., b. 1825; 
 graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1.S47; Fellow 
 and a.-sislant tutor of Trinity IS.'io-Oa; vicar of St. 
 Mary the Ureat, Cambridge, 18()0-8(i ; registrary of the 
 University since 18f)2; hon. canon of Ely since 1.><.'^;I. 
 1. (Kd.l lives of Edward the Confessor, ( Keoord Office 
 I'ub.,) Lon., ISoS, 8vo. 2. (Kd.) liartholomiei de I'ot 
 Ion Monachi N'orwioensis Historia Anglicana, (A.D. 
 41'.(-12'J8 :) neciion ejusdem Liber de .Archiepiscopis et 
 Episcopis .Vuglia;, (Record Office Pub.,) Lon., l.><ijll, Svo. 
 ;i (Ed.) Diary of Edward Uud, 1800. 4. (Ed.) Ko- 
 berti (irossoteste Episcopi quondam Lincolniensia Epis- 
 tohe, (Record Office Pub.,) Lon.. LSIil, 8vo. 
 "The proseiu vuhime is edited by Mr. Luard : and it is 
 tlieri'fiirf almost needless to sav tliiU It is one nf Ihc orna- 
 nienis. and not one of the disKraees, of the series."— ,8'a/. 
 Jiei'., xiii. ;i3ti. 
 5. (Ed.) Annales .Monastici : vols, i.-v., Lon., ]8(14- 
 69, r. Svo. (i. (Kd.) The Correspondence of Porsop, 
 181)7. 7. List of Documents, Ac, concerning the Cnin- 
 bridge University Library, 1870. 8. (Ed.) Mattha>i 
 Parisiensis, Monachi Sancti Albani, Chronica .Majora, 
 (Record Office Pub.,) Lon., 1872-84, 7 vols. Svo. V. 
 Oraduati Cautabrigiensis, sive Catalogus, L800-1872, 
 Lon., 1873, p. 8vo. 10. The Relations between England 
 and r.ome during the Earlier Portion of the Reign of 
 Henry lU., 1878. 
 Luard, Julia. 1. Childhood and Sehool-Room 
 Hours of Royal Children, Lon., 1804, 12mo; new ed., 
 1876. 2. Clare Savile ; or, Si.xty Years Ago, Lon., I860, 
 p. 8vo ; new ed., 1 880. 
 Lubbock, Sir John, Bart., F.R.S., LL.D., 
 D.C.L., b. 18:il, in London; son of Sir .fohn AVilliam 
 Lubbock, ('iii(e, vol. i. ;) became a partner in his fnlher's 
 banking establishment in 1S.')6, and is president of the 
 Institute of Bankers; M.P. for Maidstone 1870-80, and 
 since then for London University. He has taken an 
 active part in financial and educational measures, bnt is 
 chiefly known is a seientitio writer. He is president of 
 the Linnioan Society, vice-president of the Royal Society 
 and the British Association, a trustee of the British Mu- 
 seum, and chairman of the London County Council. He 
 has contributed to the Tran.sactions of learned societies 
 and to the leading reviews. 1. Prehistoric Times as 
 illustrated by Ancient Remains and the .Manners and 
 Customs of .Modern Savages, Lon., 186.7, 8vo; 4th ed., 
 I.'^78. 2. The Origin of Civilization, and the Primitive 
 Condition of Man, Lon., 1870, 8vo; 3d ed., 1874. 
 (Treats ohiefiy of family relationship and religion.) 
 "This interesting and valuable volume illustrates to 
 some e.vtent the way in which the modern .seionlitio siiirit 
 manages to extract a considerable treasure from the oinilt' 
 and refuse neglected or thrown aside bv former imiuirers. 
 The evidenci' of savage customs, nil wliicli .Sir John Lub- 
 bock has cor ucted whiU is at least n plaiisilile tlieorv iif 
 the very eiirliosl cunditiun of human society, lias been very 
 eciierally regarded as loo foraiiv conclusions to 
 e founded on it. . . . It has been for the must part col- 
 lected by persons who had no idea of its importance, and 
 who rerordod their stories of .savage usages simply to 
 amuse or astonish their readers. . . . But the special im- j 
 portaiice of Sir J. Liilibock's work arises from the I'act that ■ 
 the evidence with wliicli he deals can be nniUiidied and i 
 improved to any extent. . . . The historical order of the i 
 Ideas which have prevailed among men lui the subject of 
 Family Kelatioiisliii) is thus slated bv Sir J. Lnlibock; 
 'Fii-st. a child is related to his liilie generally; secoiidlv, 1 
 toliismolher, iiiid not to his father ; thirdlv, to his fatlieV 
 and not to his mother; lastly, and la.stlv only, he is related ; 
 to both.' ... It would seem, therefore, that sir .1. Lub- 
 bock's interpretation of the tacts which he considers es- ) 
 tablished is precisely the reverse of Mr. Macleiiiiairs, ... I 
 The faull of an otherwise admirable book is the somewhat ■ 
 hasiv as.sumplion of an historical rclalion between classes 
 of ideas not shown by anv evidence t^i have grown out of 
 one another."— .Vu(. liei'., xxx. '237, 302. 
 3. On the Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects, Lon., 
 1873, p. 8vo. 4. Monograph of the Thysanura and Col- 
 Icmbola, (Ray Soo. Pub.,) Lon., 1873, Svo. i. (Jn 
 British Wild Floners considered in their Relation t" 
 Insects. Lon., 187,'i, nmo. 
 " A brief but ciimiirchciisivi' view of the result of 
 ing the principle of iiaturiil selection to n large liiiU 
 (d' blolngical i>heiioiiieiia wliicb hitherto, till Mr. HiirvMn 
 called attention to Ilieni, bad hardly seemed even ii oo- 
 sible Held lor scientific exploralion."— .Syitcdi/or, xlviii. -Jlii. 
 6. Relations between Plants and Insects: a l.irlmc. 
 Illust. Lon., 1878, 12ino. 7. Scientific Lectures, Lon.^ 
 1870, Svo. 8. Addresses, Political and Eilucadomil 
 Lon., 1879, Svo. 
 " two vnlumes . . . compreheiid the main recoils 
 of Sir John Lubbock's literary aetivitv during the lust lew 
 years. Fur the more important, hovvever, is that which 
 deals witli .scientific i|Uestioiis."— ,U/i., No. 2698. 
 0. Ants, Bees, and Wasps: a Record of Observalihii. 
 on the ILibits of the Social Hymenoptera, Lon |ss" 
 ■' The niithor's own ob.«ervatlon.s, which have been iinioc 
 at various liilervals (liiniiirtlic imst ten years, ami pm,. 
 lislicd in till' loriii of |iaijeis and lectures, ure skiliiillv ii,. 
 tenvuven with those of his predecessors and I'oiiicrnhi.- 
 raries so as to fonii a deligbtful volnnie, for whiili u,. 
 venture to predict an eiidnriiig po|jiilarity."— .Si^ /,', ■ 
 liv. 124, 
 10. Fifty Years of Science : Address at York, |sS|, 
 Lon,. 1882, Svo. 11. Chapters in Popular Natural Hi-' 
 tory, Lon., 1883. 12nio. 12. Representation, (" Inipcrini 
 Parlianicul" Ser.,) Iaju., 188.i, p. Svo. 13. Flowi i-, 
 Fruits, and Leaves. ("Nature" Ser.) Illust. I.on.. 
 18S6, p. Svo. 14. The Pleasures of Life, Lon., I,«^7, 
 12nio; 12th ed.. 18S0. Ij. On the Senses, Instill. l-! 
 and Intelligence of Animals: with Special Reference p. 
 Insects, ("International Science" Ser.) Illust. Lun 
 1888. p. Svo. 
 "Besides his own researches, . . . Sir J. Lnbbivk lure 
 details many curious experiments on the hiwcr forms .if 
 life recently niade by Will, Forel. Fabre, and other con- 
 tinental zoologists,"— .Icni/,, xxxiv, 40,'). 
 Luby, Thomas C'la.kc. Lives and Times ..f 
 Illustrious and Representative Irishmen. Illust. N, 
 Y'ork, 1878, sni. 4to. 
 Lucan, Earl of. See Bixoiiam. 
 Lucas, Annie. 1. Leoniej or. Light out of Bark- 
 ness and within lion Walls: a Talc, Lon., 1S74, p, sv.,, 
 2. The City and the Castle: a Story of Switzerland, L.ii.i 
 1875, p. Svo; new ed., ISS3. 3. Translations from 11. r- 
 man Poets, Lon., 1876, 12nio. 4. Wenzel's Inheritincc: 
 a Story of Dohemia in the Fifteenth Century, l.on., 
 lS79,p.8vo. 0. Dot: the Story of a City Waif. Illu,-|. 
 Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 6. The Lost Book: a True Story, 
 Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Lucas, C. The Troubles of an Heiress, Lon., is^T, 
 3 vols. er. Svo. 
 Lucas, Charles Prestwood, graduated at lid 
 Mill College, Oxford, 1872 ; called to the bar at Lincnln's 
 Inn 1885; a clerk in the Colonial Office, London. In- 
 troduction to a Historical Ueography of the liiiti.-h 
 Colonies; vol. i., Oxf., 1S88, p. Svo. 
 Lucas, llev. D. R. 1. History of the Ninetv- 
 Xinth Indiana Infantry, Lafayette, Inil., ls«:i, \-2'm,. 
 2. The Conversion of Paul Darst; or. The Conllict uf 
 Love and Duty, 1876, 12ino. 
 Lucas, Daniel Bedinger, LLD., b. Is:;0, m 
 Charlestown, Va.; graduated at the University of Vir- 
 ginia 1855, and in law at Washington College, Virginia, 
 1858; served in the Confederate army :n the civil war, 
 and since 1867 has practised law in his native lonn ; I.S. 
 senator since 1887. 1. Memoir of John Yates Bell, Muii. 
 treal, 1S65. 2. The Wreath of Eglantine, ami ..llicr 
 I'oeius, Bait., 1860, 12mo. 3. The Maid of Xurlliuiiibci- 
 land: a Dramatic Poem, N. York, 1880, 12mo. 1. iial- 
 lads and Madrigals, 1884. 
 Lucas, Edward, for many years secrelmy in tlio 
 Catholic Acadeniia, London. The Life of Frediikl; Lu- 
 cas, M.P., Founder of the '"Tablet." By his lir.jlher. 
 Dublin, 1886, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 " Lucas's career suggests, to those who are preii.n.Hl to 
 profit by them, Interestliiu' reficclioiis as to the lik. n.-scs 
 and unlikeiiesses between the religious temi imiiiciiI» 
 iieces.sary to make either good (Juakers or goinl i , oi'lii>: 
 and are emphasised by the information iui..' t;ivcn 
 as to the way In which he, who was completely i vcrtcl 
 by a 'flash,' regarded the slow and wavering Ciiivcrsi.iii 
 of Cardinal Newman, . . . The chapters in Ihiw 
 matters are discnssed or alluded to. indeed, are, l..r t;ciicral 
 reitsoiis, the most interesting in the book,"— ,4(/i,. .No. Ml 
 Luca«. .«rs. Hs-nvy. (Trans.) Manual ■•! rpwid-. 
 History and Literature : ]ircceiled by 'v Brief Suiiiiiiaryof 
 Bible History, by Dr. D. Cassel, Lo::., 1883, I'p. -vo. 
 Lucas, J. 1. Horizontal Wells; a New A|i|ilica- 
 ; 'e?. ton., 1874, r. Svo 2 Th„ 
 tion of (Jcoli)gicn' / 
 I'Icasurea of a t^u, 
 Svo. '• 
 --• Mvu., loaf), or. 
 liucas, John, m.o p r r s p . 
 Bombay army. ]. The pL„ - ' ^"^'n- 8urgeon-nmi„r 
 >l'leon, 1S80. "" ''^'"' '" ^pcrlrophy of ||„. 
 "mo; new e,l., INSI o VI ' '"/'^-Book, l,o„., |s(i./^ 
 l-ucas, N. S Pn 1- u ,. ' 
 "^'' l>i<'tio„„rv. l!,.,,. "V:^?^';!"""" »'"' •'orman.Kng- 
 '■»"•. I.^Bi' p. s"': '^- ' '^'■■'« "f Trust, and Trustee. 
 Nature, l,on., Is,,;!, s'" Sketching Flowers from 
 H.w''"r8V^; .'•'^!;:'li'"-'AnM,,uity„fMan I,o„ 
 i8<2; eaiw h^.,:^:';; 7;:i"' q^^^"'-- eoiSe:L ,;^ 
 I' as literary revle,loVf .? ' """^wled Samuel 
 e.l..eU Oncea n'eoi< issref "^J^ ']'-^-J'i"'<=s in 's,,,, ';,';,:,' 
 ;nii.t,,ry, Ci;;^!,.'^;^"'--^^ 0" the Mal^'C ^ ' 
 l'8'.-<"': a Series of liio^ranhi/. ''",";''''"'f""' "ee™ 
 M..unt*ed*Rifl,t"'7''fj -I" '"to '•'"P'"i" "f the Cn„e 
 svo.- "" '"'"' »"" "- «Htish Frontier, r.on. ,8r9 
 M",r:<. r^on.. ,^^2 olVdyo"^;'!""."^^ traeed'b ■ St' 
 ;- that of ,„e Dail/xeU'' n ',",;''!' •'""■•'« '" ''^S'". 
 ; ,, * ' ^^'■•' ■ '""■ «""' writer'"' h .,'.":■""""« ^'''i^f of 
 j '■'7- On the, „(■ ■ „„ ',. ^ ' ".'''"'"Hintary Sum- 
 fiTliamentary eohnnn f I u"^''"' ''^' ""'lertook t „ 
 I 'iarv of Tob;, M"' ' '»^,f - which he entitled Te 
 ou resigned thi,, ,,0^1,1.,,"; "'"frV'": """-^ ^'"'"«. 
 ■n the gallery of ,|,e Hou«e "f r ' l"'''''"'n« his work 
 I ?J/,-'ia."enta^.-pt:df;r:; .„ ^i^",'"/ "'"'"'-^ 
 '■'*?•; -' vols. p. L. ^^'- " •'""^oy in the Ueoess, Un ' 
 • ■ ■ The ,,nh*,J ,'';'''«■ '"»rwkMi,Tm' 1 'i'''.'''''''^' what 
 "orll. m,ti i'„rl ' 1; '•'^ "'' 'ho te , ."T^^ ';, '".''''I ■'•lales. 
 -«• '^'MH^^' C 'ifc' :j;';:' «'^'.i^tone ^:r 
 scene.s'thathnv„..i'' '""■«■ l"is-e,l an 1 t;.l. ,,"'■■'' "^t 'he 
 "<'eiirale '^^> i?ceKS(,r.s. Mr ( |,,,,*r. '', ': ' ''."■ evil than 
 li^m-ii: wisiiH?'?"'""-;:/^ Si'"'-'- -^ 
 'sudden, T tf • ■ f"'*'-^''", «"/" ' 
 ::: ._.."»•• Maine Siinro,,,,. ,' 
 Lucas Til '"• ■^''''■' xiviii. r,7. 
 -'' i'hysiJlogiealTeL^s'oT'vTrhl-r '■ ^^"« ■^"""n 
 "Review of tts"eitfpr- *■";'" "'" «»"'h «««» beint 
 °f the Fiiian, \t ,? ' *^"htieal, arx UeliL'ioiia nJi .• ^ i 
 ''"ce;" Alfred "!':i";:"'-, "■"• '2ii.o. *"'""' ^'''''""»' | 
 "7«rko;oli!'^^l,^-J^^;',|..e..d.) My Summer 
 J'"ce, S(eph,-n Hl«»^i l^'> eland, 1 877. 1 
 nay,, b. ,8.;. T A?ba." l'",'?'^.'-' '---'"-al V.,. ' 
 ' ">« civil war i;. '""!'' "'« ".avy in i 
 •orL' sfi."^.'" "'« civil wa;,ie I « V"^ '" 
 '"TK, i.sflj Svo, 2 fE.l 1 V ,■„ '• Seamanship N 
 I'llchaii, B \v> ' '^"val Songs, 188.! ' 
 "iX'.:"Hr' -""'•"• "'•'"• 
 {^""1-. 1. Lectures „;Ue'„l":![T ''1 ""o London Ho,. 
 |...b,.hi^ „5s. ai^':^;,«7-^";«''-' "' •^-'"^ <^"iicg: 
 >i;"i-ol All Saints', fa,, h° I '«"""'; ordained 18(,N); 
 -"-pal of my ThlZgt f,«t^, "'-''•> ■»"'» 'S"*-".' 
 Miii n".""" ';''■'' warden of ^;t"«^'. "*^''-^' J canon 
 Mivmn Preachers sine« wJ- ^'^ P' Order of 
 (irans.) Uvturcs on Cl,ni....i «',•"' C'L, IS8I. ■> 
 J«u»'et. Chic., 1879, 8,y'"'™' ^''^<i"""e. by M. {, Q 
 s >ely ,n the South and wJ . ■ "" 'mvelled exten 
 . . ,, " "'"' I'on., 1870 
 I^iidlow, Helen n- , 
 ("Hampton Tracts,") v'v' •, ^?'''"' Laws of Moses 
 .S^'!l^;;^'^!:n., called to the bar at Lin,.o,:.,l: 
 JK.VKV.V,,, HF.sar- I A.lJ/;.'"''«'^ -ince 1874. Wi"h 
 . HIU 
 Marks Reg 
 :istration Act/ is'-V ,' 
 "''■■I 'oio and 
 Church nJttJ^X.r'l^'Z' ;!?--. ^eeke 
 ,»-'„• ?" Trade 
 '»'6, Lon., 1,877 
 «.aUuated ^Vra^^l>- '^^., at Elizabeth 
 ""• ^he Captain of th( 
 i"u "V'r • " •'^""■y "^ ""* ''"'""'» "<■ Scandorbe;,- nnd the 
 iiill of Conslanlinoiilc, N. York, 1,S8«, 12mo; new cd,, 
 Ludlow, John Malcolm Forbes, O.B., h. is>i . 
 80,1 of l,iciit.-C(,l. John l.mllow, „|- the liengiil army | 
 called tc) the bar at Lincoln's Inn ISl.i; chief reKis- 
 rar of i riendly Societies since I.ST.x 1. Lectures on the 
 Helations of Tapital and Labour, Lon., L"<S2, l2mo •' 
 Master Kn^ineers and their Workmen : Lectures, Lon' 
 1NA2, 12ni.>. :t. Lectures on the History of liritisli India, 
 lS,-.(, J vols. 12mo. 4. liritish India : its Hiices and its 
 llis((]ry, Lon., ISf)?, 2 vols. 
 „„!',V'' '"i"*i >""'•'«•' ''Is authorities well, . . . and has 
 iSmaSn "-Jw'l'Na 5^-^ " «^"" ""'""'" ^^ """"^"^ 
 o. The War in Oude, Lon., ISo.-*, <Svo. 6. Thoughts 
 on the Policy of tlie Crown towards India, Lon.. is,)') 
 Svo. ' 
 "Mr Ludlow's practical conclusions are nl least sweep. ' 
 lUj; and coii.>^iMent. 11.. would restore Sattani au,l Nai/pore, 
 -lie would emliroiu' Ilic KiiiK of Oude at Luckuow? with 
 ~"ul J{!v \n ^•'li '""'^'''""■■■'■"^■^■''^■iS'ityof iJulecj) .Sing." 
 7. A .'^keteh of the History of the Tnited .States from 
 Independence to .Secession: to which is added The 
 Mruggle for Kansas, by Thomas Hughes, Cambridge and 
 Lon., lsfi2. cr. .Hyo. " 
 T„'!.M,^ ''""""■"■■ '1-^? I""''i'"i" "ritcr. is blind to many im- 
 jorlinl "'•I'cctsol the quesllou with which he deals." Hut 
 Im ,'-'," """'' '"-' "* *-'ver con.scicjusly uuliiir." AVc . 
 S. Woman's AVork in the Church : on Deaconesses and 
 Sisterhoods. Lon., l,S(i5, 12mo. i). Popular Epics of the 
 Middle Ages Lon., ISOa, 2 vols. 12mo. ID. I'resident 
 L.inioin bcif -Portrayed, Lon., istiil, 12ino. II The War 
 of American Independence, 177o-17H;j, ("Epochs of 
 Modern History,") Lon.. l.-<rfi. ISmo: 4th ed., K>*S,S 
 ibBn^U'.^'ir ■'."''!" ''"/'"'"V.''"" '" 1 '"uri; niiuute study of 
 tne period. —.s;»rt,/(o,-, xlix.c.So. 
 With JoNKs, L1.0VI), The Progress of the Working- 
 Class, Ls.i2-b7. Lon., lSfi7, 12mo. i 
 Ludlow, Lois. Dulcie: a Novel, Lon., LH7j 3 
 vols. p. ,Svo. ' I 
 Ludlow, Noah Miller, 17!t.-,-LSsr,, b. in New York 
 Lity; w-ent on the stage in 181.), and was manager of 
 sever.ll Southern theatres from 1817 till his retirement in ' 
 l»j.j. IJramatio Life as I found it: a Record of Per- 
 .■■onal Experience: with an Account of the and 
 Progre.^•s of the Drama in (he West and .South : with 
 Anecdotes ami liiographical Sketches of the Principal 
 Actors an.l Actre.-ses who have at Times appeared upon 
 the Stage ol the Mississippi Valley, St. Louis, 18,S||, 8vo. 
 "The liiHik makes no pretence to literary merit It Is 
 <r".ii?u'H.irTr';",'," ■l".'T"."vV.'-)'t^'i»i.iK a welcome mis 
 oUnalerial fur ibe hislnomc biographer."-A«t/o«. xxxl. 
 i.t'^l"'.','^?*''.",* "'^P'"' "f " Reconnaissance of the' 
 lilack Hills ot Dakota, 1S74, Wash., LS75, 4to 
 Ludlow, W . H. The Hebrew's Daughter: a Poem. 
 Lon., 18,')4, .8v<i. ' 
 12^^"*""""' ■*■ **' ^^''" ^^ "'"*' '^'- ^''""''' '^*^'i 
 „.''"'*' '*r"""' *'*''"'■''*•"• An Introduction to the ! 
 ^ •^«' i. ''""^"■.v. I^on., 1880, p. 8vo; 2d ed., 1885 i 
 LuH, Williuin. I. About Jesus: One Hundred 
 Poems, Mir ing, N.B., 1885, Svo. 2. About Our Father: i 
 Poems. Stirling, I8sfi, Svo. i 
 Luke, J. A. Quietness and Assurance for Ever. 
 Ijon., 18b4. p. 8yo, ' 
 Luke, Mrs. Jemima, [ant,-, vol. i., nd,i.] The 
 Broa.l Road and the Narrow Way : i Urief Memoir of 
 tliza Ann Harris, liy the Author of "The Female 
 Jesuit. Lon., is.'il), 8vo. 
 Luke, Uev. William, b. 1.825, at Trebell, near 
 liodmin, Cornwall; ordained minister of the liible Chris- 
 T. Tm"""!, '■'"' V'^si'l'^'it "f (he conference 1804. 
 1. rhe Village Chapel, l.,,,,.. 1877, 12mo. 2. The Bible 
 rstians: tlieir Origin, Constitution, Doctrines, and 
 History. Lon., 1878, l2ino. 
 .,^'J*',^"*'. ,".'""'>' f'''»>'' ("Errntic Enrique," 
 pseud )b IS.i,.^. ,n Philadelphia: a.^^.-ociate editor of the 
 New ^ork Daily News 1877-84. and in 1888 ,.,iitor ind 
 part luiblisher of the Xcw York Journalist. 1. The 
 fl'iV'^o ""' "' riierbourg, and other Poems, N. York 
 sl i> .i"?' ,?-J'?'L'^""''- " Supernatural, though 
 Sub-Pnthetic, IJalhid, Phila.. 187(1. 3. Story of the Type. 
 » V'^''' 'ili''^'- '■ ■'"•' '""^ I'hishe.s, N.'Vork, 1883 "' 
 Lukiii, Rev. Jnmes, graduated at Brascnose Col- 
 ma "'' "'"'''''"«'' '*^'i "«'<"• "f Wickfordi 
 I lflSl-S7, and since then rector of Ilinton-Mnrtel I 
 i The Amateur Mechanic's Workshop: a Trcatisc'oon' 
 taming Plain and Concise Direolions for the Muninul/ 
 tion of Wood and Metals. Illust. Lon., 187() Vs. , 
 Anon. «th ed., 1,880. 2. The Lathe and its V.os'-' ,„' 
 Instructions in the Art of Turning Wooii and Melil- 
 •'id ed., |,on., 1871, 8vo. Anon. 0th ed., 188,'i ' •.' 
 Amongst Machines; 2d ed.. Lon., 1877, sq. Ifimo: i' 
 Ihe -ioung Mechanic: a Book for Boy.s, Lon Is"-' 
 new cd. 187,8, sq. lOmo. 5. The Boy Engineer,;': „l',;, 
 hey did, and how they did it, Lon., 1,'<77, sq. lOuio r 
 1 icture-Frame-.Making for Amateurs. Illust I,,,, 
 1887 p. 8yo. 7. Turning-Lathes for Technical .'••cJcoU 
 and Apprentices, Ac, Lon., 1888, ji. 8vo. 
 ■ Lukis, Capt. J. II. The ComuK.n Sense of ih,, 
 Water-Cure: a Popular Description of Life and Treal 
 nieiit m a Hydropathic Establishment, Lon.. I.nB' ,.r 
 I Svo. *■' '■ 
 "'The best practice is that which doos nnibino ., 
 next best that 'which does littV' These1y,"d ' t"^';:t' 
 ^a" 5to!^. ':Jit'470. "" "" *"•'"' '^'''""''' "'' "J-'J"-"!""!';'- 
 I Lukis, Ilev. Milliain Collings, .M.A F s ,i 
 b. 1,M, ,u Guernsey; graduated at Trinity Collem 
 Cambridge, 1840; ordained 1841 ; rector of Watli York 
 shire, s_in.;e 1862; Fellow of the Royal Antiquarian Z 
 °"'^,, ,^'.''"-'"'"''™- '■ ^» Account of Ciiurch Uell^ 
 and Bell-Founders, Lon., 1857, Svo. 2. Barrows ,, , 
 Monuments, Ac, in the Islands of Brittany, Lon IS-V 
 121110. 3. On the Class of Rude Stone .Moiim„em; 
 which are commonly called in England Cromlechs i,n,| 
 in France Dolmen.s, Ripon, 1875, Svo. 4 (Ed i Th 
 Family Memoirs of the iiev. W. Stukeley, (Siirte'cs ,C 
 Pub. :) vol. 1., Newcastle, 1882, Svo. 5. The Prehislo, „ 
 Stone Monumentsof the British Isles: Cornwall lllu i 
 (Society of Antiquaries Pub.,) Lon., 1880. 
 , "The Interest of the work resides, of course nriMcMLiii,. 
 in the forty folio plates. . . . Kvcrv sink. Mo'ii. I ' " 
 staiung apart or 'o.riiiiiig part'ot'^i oil?' vp 1 
 both in elevation and groun.l-plaii."-,lf,„/ xxviii I'l 
 Lilkyn, ThoniHS. Essay on tlie Teeth and llontal 
 I'ractioe, Lon., Is53, Svo. 
 Lull, Iley. De Los. Father Solon; or. Tl,e 
 Helper Helped, N. York, I8SS, 12mo 
 ' ■. \'iTi' V*'V7 ""'"el. I. The Spiritual I)cl„.i„n- 
 Its Methods, leachings. and Effects, Phila.. 12m.. ■>' 
 Early Social Life of Man: Man in (fcolo.'v ■ .„• 'Tir,; 
 Bost"'"l'si'2 ^'!; 1"'' S^'f .Life of Prehist.Mi.. M,n. 
 N. Y;rk,7882.'- """" """ "^ ''*'""'^- "^ " ''-■'- 
 Lumb, E. "C<,stly Stones" for "an Hou.<o not 
 made with Hands," Edin., 1861, 12iim 
 Lumby, Kei'. Joseph Rawson, D.D., g,a,l„;,t«.i 
 first class Class, 'frip., at Mag.lalene College, Ciinibn.l.-; 
 l.So,s, and elected l^cllow; vicar of St. Edward's, Cau,- 
 bri.lge, 1S,5-,1), and since then Norrisian profc-„r „( 
 divinity ; prebendary of York since 1887. lie ha-- 
 a member of the Old Testament Revision Committe... „ 
 contributor to the Speaker's Commentary, a i„eii,h..rut 
 he Cominittee <;! the Early English Text Society, .Vc 
 I i'l i.fl '* . ?"J "'"' I'^'ign-ents of Floriz an.l 
 I Blaunchflur and of the Assumption of Our La.iv: from 
 I a Mb. in the Cambridge University Library, Ac.'. I l.iiriv 
 ' ?."",' rT*-"' ^°''-''> '■""■ '^'■'<'' •'*™- 2. Early Hi-.^a;, 
 j ri'"'"", ;'?™'' "■"' ""-• Church of Englan.l. L'.m., l^^ll 
 I 3. (Ed ) Bernanlus ,1c Cura Rei Familiaris : «itli 
 some Early Scottish Prophecies; from a M<. i,, tiio 
 j Cambridge I iiiversity Library, (Early Engli.-I, Te.M 
 boc.,) Lon L-^iO Svo. 4. (Ed.) Ravin.. ,u>,i 
 other J^'ra and Religious Pieces, in Prose an.. \-,.r.e, 
 ^ (Early English lextSoc.,) Lon., I,s70,8y,j. 5.(E.1 . l'' 
 chronicon Ranulphi Higden : vols, iii.-ix , ( Re.-oi.| ilirao 
 Pub..) Un., 1871-80, r. Svo. 6. A History cf the Creed, 
 Un., IS,.!; 2d ed., 18,80, p. Svo. T. A Sketch of a 
 Course of English Reading, Lon., 1873. 8. (J-.l., Be 
 Domes Divgc. Do Die Judieii, an Old English \-...-i.,n 
 of the Latin Poem ascribed to Be.le: with olh... >li.,rl 
 loenis. (Early English Te.vt ,Soc.,) Lon., 1870. m„. >». 
 A (Jlo.«sary of Diflicult, Ambiguous, or LosoM.. liihle 
 •?. V ' '""™'eil from English Writers conlcM.i...r:iry 
 "'.'. ■';« Authorised Version. L.m.. 1S80. 12m.i. 
 has cnni,...'i''.''-', '■'"?''■'''' "'irtylwo pages Pr..r. I.uiiil.y 
 (rf arub,. V" '"''V'''''/'.'''''^'f' ''>''''"t"'^e"t.t-M-i^-"ii"" 
 "L'l.l J, ', "■■'■" -^ '""''^'1 01^' ~W. W. 
 10. (Ed.) More's Ttopia : the English Tnin.^lation 
 thereof made by R. Robynson, (with Roper'. Life of 
 More, Ac.,) Cambridge, 1880. U. The Acts of thcApoj. 
 LUP'c mill TiiMi- 
 , l,on., I,sti2, rr. 
 rs iidlliinK,— tlic evil'. 
 Iiyiiniipatln; — 
 I'M.', priiiiipullv 
 ■■■llllK', Hii.lli.V 
 , is n'|priM.)i[( ,1 
 ■ . xxviii. iji, 
 -•111 iiml Dcntiil 
 an House not 
 1.0,,.. \m, I2,„„. . ',!".'" '.^'""•«oabi)it,. Act: l-,i n, I . ''.""g*-, «eorBP. Pi. n , 
 The l'„„rKo,„„v„|,,,„,l„"'' '-'"<> i <i(h e,|., IS79 , 
 ''»"■• >««i, 12ni„ 7 '/,"'"'' ^'""•«oabilU.v Act, Med 
 ™»e. iv.v„.i,i„„ Ac.;, ,;^;f."'.|'r;r ''^■'"-'"•""i i'r«v 
 .. Mh, era„J .M.Unin'of the AVork " '""•' "*««' '2"'". 
 "■Hi'. i2iuo. 6 Th„ i„ , „ "^orkhoiise; 2il ed t „„ 
 I'J.. '-on., l.s«l";, 2,^^, ''",'-; ^ri^ Election J an iil 2,1 
 I.on., I.sri, i2,u„. s Tl ."iT r ■'''?"' 0'«™": -1 1 ed 
 '■-' U"ve.„r:;t';]:, d "c'is/i''''"'-"'' -< : 
 ,...A liaiKly little v„i„„,. "•' '^''' '•■ «vo. 
 ■ ■-■• ..1 ,^iiiv, 
 nosses and TeaeherHol li" '■V,"",'.*'^^,''''"'^'^'' "^^ V t-' 
 "•■I'M wide and ,niU 'n .'•'* '•S»'-'«relie» , „ f u;,;,, ' ''iJ""' 
 Miniewlmt iiii(.riii,.nl tiiih , 
 [ the bftr nt tho Inner Toinplo 1884. The County Klecton 
 Act: with Xott's on Changes in tho Law, Lon., ISH^.grij 
 VViikoneM, Yorkshire ! grinimilod at ft. John's Cllego, 
 Cambridge, 1«5S; orduinod 1.S5!I; Fellow of St. John's ' 
 18Bll-6:j; curate of St. Paul's, .>iouth Ilnuipstead, 1M.)«- 
 M and of St. Matthew's I'-riday .Street, London, ISBS- Lll«hington, Vernon, LL.B., Q.C., b. I.s,')2 ■ call,,! 
 71); surumseroibt. Paul's School, London, since 1861; to the bar at the Inner Temple LS57 ; ieorctaiy to 
 /i.n,r. r;r-V ";,• ""has contributed to the Die- admiralty ls,iU-7; , judge of county courts. K,- „ 
 tionary of Christmn Hiography and Literature, and to of Admiralty Cases. I'arU I., II., and III Lon H 
 the .Speaker's Commentary. I. Wakelield Worthies: Svu. < • • '"• i.on., in.,!, 
 Biographical Sketches, Lon., 1861, p. Svo. 2. (Kd.J Liisk, William Tlioninson, M.D , b ls;;s „, on Chmeh .Sacraments, by ,1 Colet, Lon., l,-<li7, Norwich, Conn. ; professor of physiology in Long I-h,, 
 (td.) Two Treatises on the Hierarchies of Dio- College Hospital 1808-71, „ml since then profci^sor !. 
 (hd.) Lectures obstetrics in IJcllevuo Hospital Medical College ,inl 
 ,„„. „ p- .,.•., . . , ,, , , "• <'^''-' ^''"'- """"' "f "'e New York Medical Journal. The .Scie 
 '"'ff,?'.' F"'-'"'"'''""'mns, by J. Colet, Lon., 1871, Svo. and Art of Midwifery. Illuet. N.York 1881 8 ■ 
 Kadulphus on tho .\Io.<ttic Account new eiL, 1885. ' ' "• 
 See nAiii..\vi., 
 oems, Lon., 1 '>>.,'<, 
 8vo. :!, 
 nysiiis, by J. Colet, Lun., 186!), 8vo. 4. 
 on Romans, by J. Colet, Lon., lS7.i, Svo. 
 tures on First fori 
 H. (Ed.) Letters to 
 of the Creation, by J. Co'let, Lon., 1878, Svo. (Kach 
 volume of Dean Colet's works has an introduction, and 
 the more important portions iiro translated.) 7. St. J<ihn 
 of Damascus, ("The Father.- for English Readers,") Lon., 
 1SS2, l2mo. 8. (Trans.) The Lives of .lehnn Vitrier 
 and John Colet, written in Latin, by Erasmus; with 
 Notes and Appendices, Lon., lS8;i, or. Svo. !). An In- 
 troduction to Latin Elcgi.ic Verse Composition, Lon., 
 1SS5, 12mo; 2d ed., 18,SS. Id. A Life of John Colet, 
 Dean of St. I'aul's, and Founder of Se. Paul's School ; 
 with an Appendi.x of some of his English Writings, 
 Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 " On the whole It entirely endorses Mr. Seebohm's pres- 
 entation of Deuii Colet's work ami cliaraeter, llii "o.xrori1 
 Keformei-s,"! and yet by a careful llllini,' In of the linck- 
 ground of the portrait, and a treatment oi the snlject his- 
 toriiMil rather than pliilosopliical, introduces us to a ('olet 
 more real even than Mr. .Seebohm's."— Ro.nai.u B.vv.n'k: 
 ^ioul., x.\.\il. u,x 
 II. Introduction to Latin Lyric Verse Composition, 
 •'■.'■ii!'''"' '"ii[r"":i. ■ . r.,L „ I iue i^iuie uypsy, oy iMicSnuvage. lllust. JJost., iMJs 
 isj;. E, p'rel rfk r'"^' * I"'"*'',', ^^'^r '^'V^- •''• ' 'M'"'"- ''■ ''^"'"'■^ Thorwaldsen : his Life and Vvorksi 
 ISdO, in Frederick Co., \ a. ; has held professorships in i by Eugiine Plon. lllust. liost., 1872 Svo 
 fj"'',,-'''? ■"■1/""T';. ^'^"'""'"^ Principles of LjB||, Sir Alfred Comyns, K.C.B.,' K.C.f.E b 
 Sc.ent.l c Agricu ture, N. York, ISSl), 12mo. 18;)5, at Coulston. Surrey ; educated at Eton and II ,i 
 ...Jh^"^ "^k' »'',!""'• , '• ^'"'"'•'".•?''-^' '^h"""«»' Arith- leybury ; entered the Bengal civil service 1855, an,l ra<e 
 2 N ,0^1 't 'i;;"-^' ^""■' 1««-'. I'!'""- new ed., 1886. through successive grades to the post of lieutenant-gov' 
 -i. Numerical Tables and Constants in Elementary ernor of the Northwest Provinces and chief comnii.- 
 sioner of Oiide 18S2: returned to England in 1SS7. iiii<l 
 was np|)ointed a member of tho Indian Council l>>,s. 
 Asiatic Studies, Religious and Social, Lon., 1S82. Sv.i- 
 2d ed., 18.S4. ... 
 '^Liiska, Sidney," (Pseud.) 
 Hk.vkv, Hiipra, 
 LUNsy, M, M. Expression, Accents, Ac, 
 and Instrumental Music, Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 Lusted, Cr. Semblance, Ac. : Poeu 
 sin. Svo. 
 Luther, Mrs. Cnlista V. The Vintons and ih,- 
 Karens. lllust. Host., ls,s|, 12mo. 
 Luther, H, The Construction and Equipment ul 
 (irain .Magazines. .Manchester, 1886, 8vo. 
 Lutteroth, Henry. Russia and tho Jesuits from 
 1772 to IS2(I, Lon., ISiS, Svo. 
 Lutton, Anne. Light on the Christian's DaiU- 
 Path: from rnpublishcd Letters, Lon., ISSii, si|. Iiinn,; 
 Luttrell, Hope. Prince Hassan's Carpet, Loik, 
 1864, p. Svo. 
 Luyster, Miss Isaphene M. I. (Trans.) .Me- 
 moirs and Corres|iondence of Madame Rccamier, by 
 Mme. A. C. Lenorinant, Bost., 1867, l6mo. 2. (Trans) 
 The Little Gypsy, by Elie Sauvage. lllust. Bost., Is 
 Science, Lon., 1S84, l2mo. 
 Luscombc, A. M. Hymns translated into Latin 
 Rhyming Verse, Lon., 187!), p. Svo. 
 Lusconibe, E. .Myrtles and Aloes; or, Our Sal- 
 combe Sketch-liook, Lon., 1S6I, Svo. 
 Lush, Charles .>Iontaguc, b. 185.T; son of Sir 
 Robert Lush, ('iiire, vol. i. ;) graduated, first class Class. 
 Trip., at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1870; called to the 
 bar at Gray's Inn 187!). I. Tho Law of Husband and 
 ■Wife; within the Jurisdiction of the Queen's Bench 
 and Chancery Divisions, Lon., 1SS4, Svo. 2. Married 
 Women's Rights aud l,iabilities in Relation to Con- 
 tracts, Torts, and Trusts, Lon.. 1SS7, p. Svo. 
 Lushington, A. M. I. Stories from French His- 
 tory ; a Book for Children, Lon., 1S()7, so. IBino. 2. 
 (Trans.) On the Wing, by the Emperor Maximilian, 
 Lon., 1868, Svo. 
 Lushington, Cecilia. 1. Fifty Years in .Sand- 
 bourne: a Sketch, Lon., 1879, 12ino. 2. Margaret tho 
 Moonbeam: a Story for tho Young, Lon., I,s,-<l, sq. 
 16mo. 3, Over the Seas and Far Away, Lon., 1882, p. 
 Lushington, Ellen E. 1. Roger the Lamo Boy : 
 a True Story, Lon., 1S77, lliino. 2. Westfield Village: 
 Alice's Thoughts on the Lord's Prayer, Lon., 1877, ISino. 
 3. A Land and Sea Story, Lon., 1879, 16mo. 4. Storm 
 and Calm on the Downs, Lon.. 1884, p. 8 
 By (nr the larger number of these eleven essays dml 
 ivith the history ol religion, as illustrated Ijv what the au- 
 thor lias seen iiassiiig under Ids own eves in India 
 \ery rarely indeed has any one attained in any 
 partot It to that intimate tte<iualnt«nce with cnrrciil.-df 
 reliL'iou.s thoutihi and with cliangcs of society which our 
 author evidently"— ^enrf., xxii. 3o0." 
 'Supplies an admirable corrective to views entertained 
 t.y the too exclusively philosophical writers and the loo 
 Tuirelj^ political administrators respectively."— */. ;,'<,•., 
 Ivi. .i4(. 
 Lyall, Charles James, C.I.E., entered the Bengid 
 civil service 1867; secretary to the chief cimimis-ioncr 
 of Assam since 1884. 1. A Sketch of the Hindu-iaui 
 Language, Lon., 1S80, p. Svo. 2. Translations from tlio 
 HaniAseh, Lon., 1882. (Reprinted from the Journal uf 
 the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1881.) 
 "Mr. Lyall is entirely unrivalled in his In.^llnet lor ihe 
 ancient poetry of the desert. . . . His work is so iiiiiqiic 
 and admirable that we can only nsk for more. '—Sum tv 
 Lane-Poolk: .4c<id., xxii. pjn. 
 3. Translations of Ancient Arabian Poetry, eliiiHy 
 Prw-Islamic : with an Introduction and Notes. I.on., 
 1885, fp. 4to. 
 "Their siiecial Interest lies in the picture that tlicy ^ive 
 Lushinstan f^ixlfrov M A 'iTi «•)'•). oi i . i "s f'*^ '^'''''' i.',!^^ ■""' thought us Itw'nsin the<lavs l.ciore 
 r^i" ";"*„"'. .t'?*^' ..'■';•' °- '^•i2; educated at | Islam. . . .These poems Mr. Lyall presents to uV in vep 
 Rugby and Oxford ; called to tho bar at the Inner Tom- 
 j.le 1858 ; under-socretary of state, home department, 
 since 1885. 1. Manual of the Naval Prize Law, Lon., 
 1866, imp. Svo. 2. The Case of the "Tornado," Lon., 
 l'.o7, Svo. 
 Lushington, Henrietta. 1. Hacco the Dwarf, 
 and other Tales, Lon., 1S64, sq. Ifiino. 2. Littlehope 
 Hall, Lon., 1864, I2mo. ;!. Almeira's Castle, Lon., 1865, 
 8(1. l6mo. 4. Happy Home; new ed., Lon., 1867, 16mo. 
 Lushington, Henry, [ante, vol. i., aild.,] 1812- 
 18.)5 ; chief secretary of the government of Malta. The 
 Italian War, 184.8-4!), and the Last Italian Poet; Three 
 Kssays : with a Biographical Preface by George Stovin 
 Venables, Cambridge, 1859, p. Svo, 
 "."""„■ ■■ distinguished by a remarkable force (d' cxhres- 
 sion."— .'.))frta(or, Iviii. 1705. 
 "Lyall, Edna," (Pseud.) See Bayiv, Aha 
 Lycett, John. Hand-Book to the CotswoKl Ilill.«: 
 their Geology, Ac, Lon., 1857, 12mo. 
 Lyddeker, Richard. Catalogue of Fossil 
 malia in the British Museum. 5 Parts. (Brit. 
 Pub.) Lon., 1885-87, Svo. 
 Lyeli, .Sir Charles, Bart., D.C.L., F.R.S., 
 vol. i., add.,] 1797-I87.V. 1. The Geological Evi^l.nces 
 of the Antiquity of Man: with Remarks on Thcc.ii.sof 
 the Origin of Species by Variation, Lon., 186;i, Sw: Itli 
 ed., 1873. 
 ! niiU, 
 The worl 
 'feology, i 
 but often 
 niuthiii.H a 
 more lirlei 
 2. l-ife, 
 "art. Kd 
 1881, 2 vo 
 "I'ho tw 
 which will 
 progress of 
 or to Lvell'; 
 stand the t 
 know Lyeli 
 >"'. Rr,:. Ill 
 '^yell, J 
 "itf and M 
 cd., LS85. 
 Lyell, I 
 Known Fen 
 IR«5, .-{ vols. 
 I-yle, L, 
 vols. or. Svo 
 ,,1'yle. Ml 
 Mils. M. E. s 
 , I'yie, Ml 
 I'r. A. Osbori 
 ,.'^yle. He 
 ''I'c, Cin., l,s( 
 Lyie, \Vi 
 '» the United 
 ter.N.Y. Th. 
 A-yman, c 
 I'iseases of (h 
 '851, Svo. 2. 
 and the Circuu 
 be regarded as 
 ''elvio EITusior 
 Recognition, Ci 
 I-yman, H 
 'Jawaiian Islan 
 »' Physicians at 
 'n Hush Medio, 
 then of physioli 
 Ana'sthesia ant 
 'I'cdical Author 
 nnd other Disord 
 ''i"-(. E, i Ijh 'i'""' •'"»""ils of Sir rh I , 
 XX^^i''^''"- "'«"^^. - 1„ """^-^""^ »r A„ the 
 f I'lVmburner, A. r 1 ,n, 
 ! "'" '->v relating l. ^:^^: ]y Arbitration : a Digest of 
 "TitK House : u Tiilo r "•> ''^■>1, l2nio. j) Tl.„ d 1 
 of the Wo>, |„ ie;"?' ''"";• '«56, l2„,o. , o' y '/*•■'' 
 in v"" • a Tale of the We^t rml r '^- "'""^^ ""J he^ 
 ^'-K. '881, s,,:. "" "^•"«'' «na Uarof W.^Ji Jp, i v' 
 '^' ' ''• *'-"""~ Rhyme, Lon.. ,870, 
 ,: '.f >^- The M,rt,r Queef , ^^f, :th''eX:.rN"t' ^k" 
 Kccognition, Cambridge Jssi'r"''"""'" "^ "■«''• Early 
 Hawaiian Islfni*^ JMunson, M.h b l«. • 
 ijynimi s p ""tu|j" 
 X'ma«S'''^'i''''"«vt""« '° "'<'«--on Mob, 
 lanard 1855, and at the ir„„' *^°'- '■ '') gnu uated at 
 l>„„,Es"!'^, .*^n»ma8 Toke, isis m-, , 
 of the Porn *l"°r' •"'' «J., iNS' / ^","P'>''"-'' Tfinal 
 usually i'xi,enV^ i'"" '»" ■''«"n.,n " wl, M "'' '''••■''■ lj"l in 
 gt;.'<'u,';^t [''"' "•\ """is er The f,,™",^''^'*-''"'"' 
 thouKlu-v^e \ !,•;', y.^'-ron, the pulp '" "''«' S'mieof 1 k 
 rather tl„,„ „".'.'.'"'' be uiiders(,„,ii"-.: •.• '^bomuling ,„ 
 ton.: s s'^rTPa"'"''" "^""^ ''Chal o^gr- !'''''>'■'- 
 mous that H'e Fn I i""^'" "'"ught-bev ,?," ."."SSfstivo 
 Business, Lon l^^i n^"^® Essay on th« o . 
 London ; son of Franoli Lyno, infra ; formerly an officer 
 in tlio royiil navy; griKliiiiteil iit ChiuliestorTlieoloaloul 
 Collfgo ls7:j; oriliiincd 1^75; vieiir of Wo.ilgHte-on-Soii 
 since I8M(. A Mlilihi|inmn'8 Trip to Jerufialeui iukI 
 Crniaein Syria, \mi\., IK7I, p. Svo; 3(1 ed., IM72. Also, 
 painplileta on tlic Heal I'ri'nonie, <ti'. 
 I'flie, ('hlirlON, ii|ioeial correspondent of the Syd- 
 ney Miirnin); IliTiild. .\e»v (luinca: an Account of lliu 
 EKialili.-hniciit of tlic British Protectorate on the South- 
 ern Shores of New (luinca, Loo., ISS,^, p. Svo. 
 ■'Till' niil'avinirablo view which lie takes of the capabili- 
 ties ot the eoniury for scltleineiit Is worthy of notlcs."- 
 Amd., xxvlll. ajl. 
 I<yms KriniciH, F.H.Cl.S., b. ISIIII, at I,islion. 1. 
 Tribunals of Cotnnierec, Lon., |s5l,Svo. 2. Archiloacon 
 Denison and Dr. I'uscy : a Circumstance followed up, 
 Lon., 18711, Svo. 'A. Our Glorious Kofurmntiun, Lon., 
 18S4, Svo. 
 Lyiie, Kev. Joseph Lpyce§ter, b. 1S37, in 
 l.ondunj son of I'rancis I.yne, sir/,™ .■ educated at St. 
 Paul's School, London, and at Trinity College, (llen- 
 ftlniond; ordained I soil; curate of Plymouth and nii«- 
 sion-curate of St. Oeorgc's-in-thc-East, liondon, ISttll- 
 62 ; ilevotcd himself to an attempt to restore mrmasticism 
 in connection with the Church of England, and, having 
 settled in Wales, built Iilanthony Abbey, and established 
 there a community of lucmks on the pattern of the Uen- 
 edictine Order, and another of nuns. Ho styles liimst!f 
 " Ignaiiu.s of Jesus," and iscomriionly known as " Father 
 Ignatius." 1. Ignatius, Monk of the Order of S. Hon- 
 edicl, by Virtue of Vows of Obedience to the Holy Rule 
 of S. lienodict, to the Reverend Father Darby, Cath- 
 olic I'riest of the of Manchester, ministering to 
 the Church under the Invocation of S. Luke the Evan- 
 gelist, in the City of Manchester, .Manchester, n.d., Svo. 
 2. The Catholic Church f lOngland, and what she 
 teaches: a Jjocturc delivered in the Corn Exchanije, 
 Manchester, Manchester, ISfil, 8vo. 1). May a .Monk 
 serve (ioc! in the Church of England or noti" u liCttcr to 
 the Lord Bishop of Lomlon. Oxf.. n. d., Svo. 4. The 
 Holy Ls|e ; a Legend of liardsey Abbey, dedicated, 
 without Permission, to Lord Ncwborough, and to the 
 Kev. Hugh Roberts, Vicar of Abordaion, Carnarvon- 
 shire, Lon., IS7(I, Svo. ;>, Brother Placiiius, Lon., IS7II, 
 11. Svo. ti. Leonard Morris: or. The Benedictine Monk, 
 jOn., 1871, p. Svo. 7. Mission Sermons ami Orations. 
 Lon., 188B, p. Svo. S. .lubilee Sermon at Westminster 
 Town Hall, Lon., ISS7, 12mo. Also, many hymn», 
 tracts, Ac. 
 Lyiie, Richard. Two Letters to his Daughter, 
 C. M. Olubb, I,on., Isfil, fp. Svo, 
 Lynn, Ethel. See Bekiis, Mrs. Ethkli.nda, suprn, 
 Lynn, Neville. Thespian Papers: llumoruus Es- 
 says, Ijon., IS87, p. Svo. 
 Lynn, Ruth. 1. City Sparrows, and who oared f^r 
 them, Lon,, 1873, 12mo; new ed., 1 88,"). 2. Erinyn, the 
 Child of St. Elvis, Lon., 1876, p. Svo. 3. Corrie : a 
 Christmas Story, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 4. Penfold : a 
 Story of the Flower .Mission, Lon., ISSI), p. Svo. 
 Lynn, U'illiain Thyiine. 1. The First Principles 
 of Natural Philosophy, Lon., 18(1;), 12mo; 2d ed., isst. 
 2. Celestial Motions : a Handy Book of Astronomy, Lon., 
 1SS4, 18mo; 3d ed.. I8S5. 
 Lynnde, Elmer. 1. Daphne Stories. Illust. N. 
 York, I87il, l> vols. Ifimo. 2. .Mabel; or, Tiny Stories 
 for Tiny People. Illust. N. York, I87SI, 16mo. 
 Lyon, Andrew. The Law of India; vol. i., The 
 Codes; vol. ii.. Miscellaneous Laws, Calcutta and Lon., 
 IS73, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Lyon, C. J. Personal History of Charles II., Lon., 
 1851, Svo. 
 Lyon, David Gordon, Ph.D., b. at Benton, Ala., 
 1S52; groduated at the Southern Baptist Theological 
 Seminary, Louisville, 187'.i, iind at Leipsic, 1882, and 
 then became llollis profe,«sor of divinity at Harvard. 
 An Assyrian Manual, Chic, ISSB, Svo. 
 " The main und essential portion of the book pan be 
 iieartily recommeiideil. I cannot say a.s mmdi for the in- 
 troductory paKCs."— A. H. .Savce: Acad., xxxii. isrt. 
 Lyon, Uuvid Murray. History of the Lodge of 
 Edinburgh, Mary's Chapel, No. 1 ; embracing an Account 
 of the Rise and Progress of Freemasonry in Scotland, 
 Edin., 1873, r. Svo. 
 " The Lodge of Edinburgh has records which are the 
 oldest indKcrccords in cxi.stciiec. . . . A.saionliibuliun lo 
 the history of Freemasonry, this haiid.some volume reflects 
 great credit upon the author'.s industry, imiiartlalitv, his 
 rare patience, und his undoubted ability."— .4Hi., Xo.23U0. 
 Lyon, E. D. The Slgni>ra: a Novel, Lon., ISS3, :i 
 vols. p. Svo. 
 Lyon, E. II. The Royal Education Cummiuion, 
 188fl-S8: Summary of Final Report, Lon., 18SS, Syo. 
 Iiyon, <i. W , List of American Writers on Rccci.i 
 i Conehology, .\. York, 18(12, Svo. 
 I Lyon, '(>eor|;o. Sketch of the (Joology of Scotlan 1. 
 Lon., ISH.i, l2irio. 
 \ Ijyon, <<eorK(! Edward, ami Kcdinnn, Joxcph 
 IlaU'urthc The Law of Hills of Sale, Lon.. ISTti, i. 
 I Lyon, J. C 1. The Science of Phrenology as ap 
 ' plioable to Eduoution, Ac , Lon., IS 1(1, Svo. 2. A Pmc 
 j tioal Treatise on Orchiilaccous Plants, Lon., Is5l,p. vvn. 
 Lyon, James T. War Skelehes, from Cedar Muuu 
 tain to Bull Hun. li\ a StalV Officer. Humilo, Is72. 
 Lyon, C'apl. Nathaniel, I'.S.A., isis-isrti, b. in 
 Missouri ; graduated at the U.S. .Military Academy I8|l ; 
 served in the Mexican war; held commaml in .Mi.-souii, 
 with the rank of brigadier-general of volunteers, in 
 18(11, and was killed in battle. Last I'lditical WriliuLs 
 N. York, ls(il, 12mo. 
 ^ Lyon, C:apt. W. F. Brigadier-General Thomn- 
 Francis Meagher; his Political and Military Career, N. 
 York, 187(1, l2mo. 
 Lyon, >V. P. Homo i\ Darwin : an Exaiinnntinii 
 of IJarwin's Descent of Man, Lon., 1872. p. Svo; :;,| 
 ed., 1S73. 
 Lyon, Rev. William Hector, JI.A., gmduatcl 
 at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1850; ordained Is.iHi 
 perpetual curate of Castleton since 1854, Evening; Sai 
 rilice, Lon., 18113, p. Svo. 
 Lyons, Albert Brown, M.D., b. 1S41, in the lln- 
 waiian Islands; jirofessur of chemistry in Detroit .Me.l- 
 ieal College Isfi8-Sl. .Manual of Practical Pharmaceu- 
 tical Assaying : including Details of the Sim|ilest :\]i<l 
 Best Methods of determining the Strength of Cnnle 
 Drugs and of Ualenieal Preparations, Detroit, Iss7, 
 Lyons, Augusta Louisa, Lady, d. IS.'iS, diiugli- 
 ter of Cupt. Josiah Rogers, H.N ; marrieil, Isll. lu 
 Edmund Lyons, atterwards first Lord Lyons. 1. (Jlivii: 
 a Talc, Lon., 1848, 12mo; new ed., 18S2. 2, Sir l'hili|. 
 Hothorington ; a Tole, Lon., 1S5I, 12mo. 3. The Lmer 
 upon Trial, and A Voice, Lon., I.8j3, 12mo. 
 Lyons, II. 1. (Trans.) The Sins of the Tongue and 
 Jealousy in Woman's Life, by J. F. Landriot, Host., 
 l2mo. 2. (Trans.) The Valiant Woman : Discourses for 
 Women living in the World, by J. F. Landriot, Host.. 
 Lyons, Rev. James (iilborne, d. IsfiS; b. in 
 England; removed to the I'nited States in 1SI4; was 
 rector of a church in Burlinglim, N..I.. and afterwards u 
 teacher at Haverford, Pa. 1. Christian Songs, Transla- 
 tions, and other Poems, Phila., ISf.O, 12mo. 2. Sikc- 
 tions fnun Sernmns and Poems, Phila., Svo. Poath. 
 Lyons, John. The Act to Facilitate the Sale of 
 Encumbered Kstates in Ireland, Lon., ISJl, 12nio. 
 Lyons, M. L. Woman's Ambition, Lon., I^T.n p. 
 Lyon.), R. T. A Treatise on Relapsing or Kauniie 
 Fever, Lon., 1S72, p. Svo. 
 Lyons, Robert Spencer Dyer, M.D., l-L'fi- 
 1886. 1. Report on the Pathology of the Diseases of 
 the Army in the East, Lon., I8;")(), fol. 2. oD 
 the Pathology, Therapeutics, and tJencral .Etiolugv of 
 the Epidemic of Y'ellow Fever which prevailed at Lis- 
 bon during the Latter Half of the Y'ear lsi7. I.od., 
 1S5II, 4to. 3. A Hand-Hook of Hospital Practice. l,..n.. 
 ISail, p. Svo ; new ed., 1864. 4. A Treatise on Fc\ er ; or, 
 Selections from a Course of Lectures, Lon., IsiJI, >vo: 
 new ed., ]S(i4. 
 Lysaght, Mrs. Elizabeth J. 1, Buildin:: u|)on 
 Sand; a Novel, Lon., 1872, p, Svo. 2. Nearer and 
 Dearer, Lon., 1873, 3 vols. p. Svo. 3. Gaunt Al.bcy: a 
 Novel, Lon., 1874,3 vols. p. Svo. 4. Mark Biamioii's 
 Wife: a Novel, Lon., 1874, 3 vols. p. Svo. .). Long 
 Madness : a Novel, Lon., 1877, 3 vols. er. Svo. i'.. Over 
 the Border. Illust. Lon., 1879, 12mo. 7. X Wild 
 White Rose, Lon., ISSO. 8. Breakers Ahead ! a .Modern 
 Romance, Lon., 1880, 32mo. 9. Sealed Order-, l.on., 
 18,86, 3 vols. or. Svo. 10. Aunt Heba's Charfie. lilust. 
 Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 1 1. Our General : ft Story f 'i liirls. 
 Tlluft. Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 12. Jasper's Cnijuost. 
 Illust. Lon., 1S8S, p, Svo. 
 Lysaght, Sidney Royse. A Modern Ideal: a 
 Dramatic Poem, Lon., ISSO, p. Svo. 
 , "Anefl 
 to ifrappl 
 erary niei 
 "cnial. ra 
 XXlx. 121. 
 iiiciho,! in 
 laied by a 
 chant of tl 
 •liat lntere^ 
 pli'fc it in ii 
 of this Cour 
 ,,.',' .Whether 
 has at least Hit. ii( 
 —Sill. It,;:. X, 
 -■ Claudii 
 '■loucesfer, I 
 •'"■s: Tradili 
 \ "Igar T„ngi 
 '""St. Lon., 
 f*"' the (Jalt 
 Wind and Sur 
 ''^"•ing, Lon., 
 ''<"!., 1879, n, 
 X™. r. The 
 Chryssie's Her 
 Ivy lands, Lon 
 '■on., 1880, D 
 ''^•*l, p. Hvo. 
 «'^l.p. Svo. 
 '■'Kerton. Illu, 
 '■.il'-yi Lon., U 
 Kindlup Tower 
 "',';', "liat it c 
 L I'.strange: a 
 Ralph Trulock'i 
 ''•'• Two Old Ml 
 I'- "^vo. 20. An 
 ;}■ ''^'Uriel's Tw( 
 1 un-thc-lleiige, 
 Hand, Lon., Is.s 
 JJ^'isy May, Lon 
 1""1., 188(1, |. s 
 2'. Oakhurst Ma, 
 )'"M, Lim., 1886, 
 "Ward.' I||„st.' 
 "ords from an 
 i-jster, F. 1 
 loungOfBoers, Loi 
 Lyster, T.W 
 -ibiary of Ireland 
 '""''• ''"»., 2 vol 
 ,, ''Jte, Henry 
 1 r,anc,s Lyte, (.'nUe^ 
 Records 1886 | 
 "i;;'.', '">,".•' '''<75, sV 
 . ."'S distfneni.shli 
 ..-• *•"" copies, i.r 
 "'7 '•■-,' Tunes to the 
 f, .•^''■■''- Lyth. By h 
 '■'""I'^'-'s of Earlv M, 
■ The Oiiulo 
 -"I""!!.,,,. »,;■.„""„„•""'>■• '»|.n».™,|,„, „, 
 "r'«- '^■"- "■ '"'™ '"■ '''••"'*'"»• ".'•"til':'' 
 I'" eolonio. sj '.•.•.',■'^■ ""'I^T- 
 ""ii[in((l(iii', |.|i( ,,. , -v""".-! iins V 11(1 i.,it,,i , 
 ,,Mu ....,^' !.'■ !>»• 2. Fi,„..) ,.„„, ;;,, j;,,;;.!;!"-";;-"'. 
 U'iili <> '"' ')-,i,o; iiciv „.i _ T "'"ii,,,ct; new 
 ' '"■■ - {»?■" "■•"«'' Ano«,. 
 l...n s«'n "•' ''***"• P- «v> l" ^l/t--- invasion of | 
 5:u^;'s; Hi"'?* ""■"^'si: 
 "', ' ^"ilock's Christinas „"' t '"''*• ""■• '^i-o. 18 
 -'■ Muno 's Tw.. (i_ 1 " "ncss, Lun IMsi ' ''' 
 'n-ior ot IJ,ij;|ey (V,,.,, itti- I"'' ''^l ; ord„ lie,, imJ',. 
 '''y.- 0,1;. Was h« a 
 P- «>■". 30. Krieniily 
 V ■^*"*'I» !■• T. n„„„i:._ „ ... 
 'Sfrs''' ■"""S..""" "■' "" "" Of 
 ""Jet I) ) r ""'""■ "" (lie 01, 'v' '""•' "'■*. 
 ^onu W"'^"' (I'seud.; See Lo.„.,.,, E v,c 
 wuii more (ir ulj^?^ "!'.""' '" it, muv 1,7.' 7 ^""Ptt'rs. Th, 
 9 i, ■■■ — -"'•/«■,'., vli 17,; -—">••' 
 :,^''-- Lyth. 'BvYe;'^'"" i" Earnest fa Aji 
 1^0"-; i^fijii'vi;!, ;.%"'' 
 C,u'p ;;:";• ''f' ,"• ^^''»."d J^i'.'^sfi/'n''^!'^ "^ 
 S?l''^aH/ri;;?^';;;o^S ''*-e^n, ;;|1? "■.;;«'.. n.r one 
 tlif whole, ill,,,,' '04 '"'"iioiisly and too ; Jn ?• i""'"" °' 
 '■ '^'"e KighVfnl Heir •• '^^ • '*• ' ■"'"''" 
 ^":^t!i^^^'>^e^ll!^llr -^ ?«e„,ous,v 
f I 
 12. Kenoliu Chillingly : hia Ailvrnturea and Opin- 
 liiiiH, l.on., 1H7,1, .1 voIh. or. 8vo. PuKtli. 
 " Till' Kt(pry Is ail odil iiilxtiirc of rciilly Hlircwd mid bMi- 
 writliiK Hiid lilt' llliiiNli'Ht xt'iitlmuiilitl plillciiuipliy."— .Saf. 
 Hv . XXXV l-rtl. 
 I "It lH,|H'rliu|iN, tliu ;>><'>i"iiiili'Ntiit'iill I.iird I.ytliin'.slHiiikii; 
 It ('(iiiliiliis tliu tuiidcri'Nt of lilx iik'liirt'H, |M'rliu|M llii' iiiont 
 truly iKx'tldil of lil« pouiiiK many inliiilriililu hiucIiiiuiis of 
 Ills wit, anil far k'sM tliiiii alnin»t any otlitr of IiIh worku of 
 IiIh liiihL'lly rhodoiiioiitadi'."— >V»Wa(i(r, xlvl. 470. 
 I.'). The I'ariniiins. Iliu»t. Lon., 187H, 4 vols. or. Hvo; 
 now oil., IM74, 2 voln. !2iii». 
 " liord Lytton'N InHl thrw novels . . . form ii gniup liy 
 thomsi'lvi'S. TiK'y aro nil liitciidi'd to wlKiiallzc tlu' daimiT 
 of ccrtiiln politli'al iiiid s<a'lal tliuorli's. 'fliu 'I'ihiiIiik 
 Uai'e' did this liy iiii'iiiiH of purely fanciful syniliols: 
 'Keiii'liii ('lilllliiKly' was ft psyi'liolo({lt'al roniaiiii', and 
 'The I'lirlsiaii'-' Is ii didactic novel. . . . With n.ucli Kooil 
 piirtniltiire and koihc clever writing upon political and 
 social topics, It iloes not prodiicoti satisfactory Impression." 
 —Sal. Ilir., xxxvl. Hiri. 
 ■■"file I'arlslaiis' is Us aiillior's ripest work. . . . (iraccs 
 of stylo, ac(iiilred liy loiiif lalMiiir, have xrowii Into second 
 ni'.liire. h^^otisni Iiils diMiiipeared In a species of gentle, 
 Kelihil oplciireanlsni. We have the last novel of ft novelist 
 who, eonscloiis of the hiiise of time, Is consciously wrltiiiK 
 for posterity. .Maiiv will read it often, none need regret to 
 have careAilly read it once."— /!(/)., No. 'JIIW. 
 14. Speeches of Lord Lytton, now tirat collected : 
 with aoiiie of hl.i I'oliliortI Writings hitherto unpub- 
 liaheJ, and a I'roffttory Memoir by his Son, Lon., I.S74, 
 2 vols. Svo. 
 "They [his speeches] had not a great deal of power, nor 
 n great cleal of nature. Hill they were dlgnilled, and olo- 
 ipieiit Willi that kind of eloipieiice which most prolessed 
 men of letters are able to summon up at times. —^Icaii., 
 vil. ■i7. 
 15. I'ausunias, tbo Spartan : an Unllniaheil Historical 
 Uuinnnee. liy the Late Lord Lytton. Edited by bis 
 Son. Lon., 1876, or. Svo. 
 " The characters rant like .\rbftce.s, and his love-seenes 
 and the political scenes are alike sUxuy and wearisome. '— 
 Ath., .No. ■iM'.i, 
 Lytton, Edward Hubert Lytton Bulwer-, 
 Earl or Lytton, U.C.U., U.C.S.I., C.I.K., b. 1831; 
 son of Baron Lytton, »ii/);^(i .■ educated at Harrow, and 
 at the Univor.^ity of Uonn ; entered the diplomatio .'<or- 
 vice as iittach6 at Washington 1849 ; secretary at Lisbon 
 18Ha, at .Madrid ami at Vienna l.StiS, and at Paris 
 1.S72-74; envoy to Portugal IS74-7I); governor-general 
 of India 187B-s»; ambassador at Paris since 1S87; cre- 
 ated an earl IS.Si). His earlier works were published 
 under the psciidonymoof "Owen Meredith," (7. c, (oi^e, 
 vol. ii.) I. Clytemnestra, and other Poems, Lon., 1850, 
 er. Svo. 2. The Wanderer: a Collection of I'ooma in 
 Many Lands, Lon., lHa», or. Svo; new ed., I87fi. 
 •' Some of the jKiems may match in beauty of language 
 and gr.>eeof thought with such masterpieces of nnisle as 
 llerrlek's, Carew's. .Marvel's, Tennyson's, .Moore's, or Kdgar 
 I'oe's. They are, in fact, ' lilies witnout, roses within.' 'riie 
 lihres of the poet's life are seen through thcin as lucidly as 
 the roots of a hyacinth are seen through glass,"— .4Wi., .No. 
 X Luoile : a Poem, Lon., 1860, or. Svo; now ed., illust , 
 " The tale will enchain those who take it up, If oven they 
 conceive that it might as well have been told in prose as in 
 verse, and if even they object, so strongly as ourselves, tu 
 the lighter portions, on the same princlp'le as made us re- 
 gret tlie colloiiuialisins of Mrs. Brownings novel."— ^l(/i., 
 No, 169.-.. 
 4. Serbski Pcsme; or, National Songs of Servia, Lon., 
 IRAI, t2mn. fi. The King of Amaiia: from the Paper* 
 of a Qcrman Physician, Lon., |M||:|, 2 vols. p. Svii. 
 " It is based upon siiperiiatiiral Inclileiits, and la mure "r 
 less garnisheil with Kiiiiietliing in ilie nature of nieluphv. 
 les, ... It Is very natural that a man who writes su'< \< 
 things should like to call himself (Iweii .Mercditii, A id I . 
 put usliam Ueruian distor between his pneiiilonyme an 1 
 his novel."— .sii(. /(ic, xvi. M. 
 6. Chroniolea and Characters, Lon., 1867, 2 vols. 1.. 
 Svo. 7. Poetical Works, Lon., 1807, 2 vols. fp. Svo, « 
 Orval ; or. The Kiiol of Time, and other Imilatlona aiil 
 Paraphraaes, Lon., I HUH, l'2iiio. 
 "All attempt to popiilarl/.e anioiig Kngllsh rciul"rs ji 
 dramatic iioein, the ' Inleniul Comedy,' wrilleii bv Co iiit 
 Slglsmiind Krasliiski, the Anonymous I'oel of I'olaicl. 
 . . . It is a relief to turn to the minor pieces in tin. 
 volume, most of which are emlnenlly readable."— .s'li/. 
 Jliv., xxvll. 287. 
 11. Julian Kane: a Memoir, Lon., 1871, p. Nvo. In. 
 Kiibk's in Song, Lon., 1874, 2 vols. I'-'ino; new cd., I87il. 
 II. Poems, Historical and Characteristic, Lon,, 1h;7, 
 r.'ino. 12. The Life, Lctlors, and Literary liiiiiains iil 
 Edward llulwer, Lord Lytton ; vols. i. and ii., Lon., iis.:. 
 " To write the life of sneh a man Is no easy task. The 
 abundance tif the material In some resis'cts liiereiiscs tlie 
 diltlcnlty. Where so much is known, it is nut easy to 
 make a selection, ami llic Karl of Lytton can only in t»i> 
 volumes arrive at his faliier's tw'enly-iiimh year. 
 Readers of these volunies will perhaps be illsappoiiiti..| jf 
 they expect niiicli new light lo lielliroHii upon the lute 
 Lord Lytton's character aiid doings."— .'<(i(. Jltr., Ivl, KUi. 
 l.'t. (ilciittvcril; or. The Metamorphoses. Six Bonk*. 
 Lon., 1885, 2 villa. 12nio. 
 "To have written a poem In six books at once entertain. 
 ing, witty, and capable of enchaining the rciiilers inter- 
 est, is a lrliimi>li of literary skill, even If the work in i|ni'« 
 tlon should In Iriitii be more of a novel in verse lliiiii a 
 Senuliie poem. . . . The earnest student of poetry will, nu 
 oubt, feel the lack of slncerily in ' tilenaverll,' wljuli. in 
 spite of its fertility of Invention and brilliancy of diiilnmic, 
 may strike some as monstrous In inc-c Invenlioii. lb' »ill 
 miss the power of evolving typical rms • more real ijniji 
 living man' from the shiUing world aroiiiid, and ilinl lu- 
 conimunieable gilt of inriilng each wonl that drops iroui 
 the poet's mouth into the pearls and precious st^llle^ of 
 speech. lint apart fro>ii these rare and superlative i|ii>ili 
 ties, '(ilenaverlr may be .said to possess most of the nurit.s 
 which a mere narrative isiem can possess. It loiicln- uii 
 a wonderful variety of topics, the burning (picsii..ns ami 
 most iilclnresqiie characteristics of the day, while niicly 
 losing sight of the centriil Idea, . . . the inevitable law of 
 heredity."— ..4/A., No. 3018. 
 14. (Trans.) Baldino, and other Talcs, by Karl Krd- 
 niann Edler, Lon., 18K6, 2 vols. or. Svo. 1 j. After Par- 
 adise; or. Legends of Exile: with other Pociii.^ Lon., 
 1887, 12mo. 
 "There Is much In this book that recalls the author's 
 striking and beautiful ' Fables In Song.' II does noi. I 
 think, on the whole, malnlain so high a level; bin it li!i.s 
 the same siiecial merit, the same mixture of roiininiii' 
 thought with piercing iipi r(,i(s from life and expeiieiicc, 
 reminding one of the liner work of the elder Lord I.vtton, 
 —I' same defect, as I venture to lliliik it, of miiiyling 
 re letry with a hard and grittv humour, a crackling of 
 tli> ,,,,> under a pot."— K. I). A. .Moiishk-vij: .lai((., x.xxii. 
 Liytton, Rusina, Lady Lytton, [uuir, vol. i , 
 add.,] 1794-1882. For biog., see Dbvkv, Loiis.a. 1. 
 The World and his Wife: a Novel, Lon., 185.'*, :i vol.<. 
 p. Svo. 2. The Household Fairy, (Advice to Sermnt?,) 
 Lon., 1870, p. Svo. .S. .Shells from the Sands id' Time, 
 Lon., 1S7B, Svo. 
 Mabbs, Goodeve. The Churches of Derbyshire, 
 Lon., 1876, Svo. 
 Mabelan, David. Home Rule and Imperial 
 Unity : an Argument for the Gladstone- Morley Scheme, 
 Lon., 1886, Svo. 
 Maberley, Hon. Mrs. Kate G., [ante, vol. ii., 
 add.] 1. The Lady and the Priest, Lon., 1851, .S vols. p. 
 Svo. 2. Display : a Novel, Lon., 1855, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 Jttaberley, G. F. " Preach the Word :" The Matter 
 and Manner of Preaching considered, Lon., 1850, p. Svo. 
 Maberly, George. Sayings of the Great Forty 
 Days: ■with an Kxaminntion of Mr. Newraiui'i- The^^ry 
 of Developments; new ed., N. York, 1872, 12ino. 
 Maberly, J. The Print-Collector: an Introduction 
 to the Knowledge necessary for forming a Collection of 
 I Ancient Prints: with Appendix containing Fielding's 
 I Treatise on the Practice of Engraving. Edited, with 
 I Notes, Sid., by R. Hoe, Jr. Illust. N. York, l-:',i, sq. 
 Mabie, Hamilton Wright, b. 1845, :it Culd 
 Springs, N.Y. : graduated at Williams College: a jour- 
 nalist. Norse .Stories retold from the Eddas, liesl., l.^SZ, 
 MacAdam, David. 1. The Marino Court of New 
 York City : its Organization, Jurisdiction, ami I'lacticc: 
 with Forms, N. York, 1868, Svo; new ed., l.'*7'-'. -'. On 
 Terms of Court : an E;':ay on Dies Juridici, or i..:.'" Dajr, 
 N. York, 1875, Svo. 3. The Rights, Remedies', nv\ Lia- 
 bilities of Landlord and Tenr.nt: with Forms, .\. York, 
 1875, Svo; 2d ed., 1882. 
 »llh Intr 
 uals,") N. 
 Mile- a (I 
 Lon., 18(11 
 Mil I' ad 
 Coiniiioii 'I 
 islry : will 
 villi'. Kv. ; 
 the Con full 
 Mac A Ice in 
 N. Vork, I 
 "y Sans ,s 
 Vork, Isdii 
 l\v Fire, .\'. 
 .«"ld, Louis 
 Lon., 1855, 
 in Dublin ; 
 "ppoinled pi 
 l'<rt!l, and of 
 'lie I'niversi 
 •'"llego sinci 
 phology: |>„ 
 " A really v 
 coiitalniin; tl 
 snidy of the f 
 liiisslan.aiid I 
 lippeared diirl 
 2. An Inti 
 .Morphology o 
 Man Physiolo 
 graduated soi 
 elioted FelloH 
 denbrooko's J 
 lecturer, .Ic. 
 I"gical Anatoi 
 Parts I. and 1 
 The Nature of 
 l^'^r, Svo. 
 •>lucAll, II 
 The Sccptic'^ 
 Lon., |,sH,s, 1^ 
 Hints on Publi 
 •oral Caro for ' 
 I'd., I87.i, 121110, 
 ogy, Lon., I.ssti 
 ti-in. By Scrut 
 Vork, LSIil, I81 
 ■Mau-: a Chris 
 Tiio .'diner's Hi 
 'he Whitaun Sea 
 Fiicully of Advo 
 the bar at the Ii 
 to .Money I.endei 
 stones, Lon., 18,s 
 I'li'-^l. Lon., IS,' 
 ol"gieal Atlas, (( 
 b'biata; Part II 
 "iip.-Jto. 2. The 
 beal Study of PI 
 ■j- Practical Les: 
 I'hysiologjcal Ana 
 ilie Aiiiitoinical a 
 Arnold ond Carolir 
 ^""i- :>. Life Hi, 
 uaK", .V V„rk, !«;;( ,'f,J ' "-"-. <" J'.'I.ular Mu„. ; .„ i,?.\r^| J-;; -"J ;; W-plaoc.e,,, of .„„ ,■„.„,. 
 cni^r^r^,':!:;-!'-". ;. The <.,„,„.,,, ..^ 
 ••tr.v; 'vith \.« N„l,i i, m ."■ iV iV ' ™''i''"l <'I'om,. 
 I1.P '^u/^o,|„S ..„"•. ;""l'''"'y 'M'T.hull, „f 
 N. V.rk. IS,!,. 2 \j1^^ r '':"7'''" ■■■."•'•''■'' '•''^'■'''•. 
 "y Han- Sou,. . (1 i .'^""sTfl" ^T'. '■,'"•"'''/ ^"""'•'-• 
 18^:'. • '• ^ 'i-iiuinal through lov,. 
 «(T"inte;„:t^^ .;■ ,.,^^''':'^ -^-''-Vf". .!^»"lin , .L 
 aH'"'n''''h>rof;;;„r ol'.,.,T V ."'"«"• '^'''>">> ! "»« 
 ;!'-.• ""-...HUy of cu;;."i ;;:'„';•"!;:;; A^rn '," 
 ' "llfKe simio Iss.l. i , *',"'"-""""'' .">t. John's 
 "I'r™ru,l ,lurl»K tht. last i|e™;i"'.!l'7;^''5:."'''^,.»r^^ 
 .n'!!r,^":'^i^;r!?r^:i':^,"^ >V.. F.R.C.P.,' 
 '''•"brooko'a JloH|,it I plbri 1 '*°r''. '.'''^'i"''"' "> A,l- 
 l"K'icul An„t„my aTv,Ll \''^ ' "•>«'"' ''"'l'"- 
 ,'i.^We on.-„.er, .Uul-toniin^re'ct^rrsll^'ir^rLon'; 
 '•"".. I.SH.^. U,„l, £ ^.\,T ll'^.^ic of Atheism, I 
 Hints on Pul)li(- .Si.onkin. t "^'i "'"' ''^'i-^eHoom J 
 .'.-;«." %'at!{or"',:„j''A5r'' "^ «»"'"- «"p- 
 ,^'au'. a Christm,;, Su'ry^ ^ToT ttl ''?r"""'"- 
 l"o ;,Iiner'« ilut, N York !.<«•< w' ^^' '•^""- •'• 
 tluMVhi,,u„,e,«';;k.'vL'.i,;r«;?:',/,:,ro- '• ''"^' '"^ 
 llic Aniitoinical iiml i>ht • ■' '• ' "'''•■Ito- 4. (Trans.) 
 '"''J. 0. Life ilistorics of Pi.„. *^""?;--vir. Edin., 
 'i"" '" the Compaarve Stmvof Vr'? "" I'"^"<l"o.' 
 ™ a I'hysiologie'ai jCs rih,./ ""'' ""'' '^""""'^ 
 ';• 'he Requirements of .h„r"f'™'.^"'"= "'Wed 
 Ill'i't. K,lin., ISSO, 4tu "''"" University/Ao. 
 ^t\irY/n"?.r^,S?%tV-^-' ""'«'- "f '"e 
 "iw.r«l,.v Coll..".. , "or* IS V -^ ;' ;■ «'-"''ualo,l ,t 
 UirfeChapttTH, i,„„ is;- ,^ "" "-''f'"'. an Kh,*,., In 
 •'I'un.h,- h,.c«mo clitrol ''''i """■' ''I''""!"'! 
 «'• l-ui-, Mo., in IS.! /'■ :V'''.''';'.'' ■^'I'"™'", in 
 Hamsa.v, .>.lt. I,„ul, Isy'i')' .,"1 •^'""•'a Uur,.ni 
 ;»v. William I'a :,n sf. M :'|s'« \f' "'"' '^'""^•' "f 
 T"»o.- of Hov, I),-. ,S, ni ,. I,; .?; '.-'""• ■■*• ''""an,! 
 .'• '■'"'" '■'"' '."bo ; • I , "m'' '■ '"'"'"• '"•'"• '2'""- 
 ■>. History of .Mo ho i,'»''" '""••'''• '""'i". "^r^ 
 H.vm„.Hook,',:;;:' ,,!,';;ri' ;,/'-.v.'.-A.eetlng an,. Kcviv.Ii 
 t'-"h;'Ku^;,?';j;:i.«ir'''-'- fHsh won,ior,: 
 "f 'he Kn.oral,! Isl,; . I >' ";;,"""'-. I.ri--'clia«ns, .u- 
 I p'«^ "lusr'i' „':'.: is's;'"^"::';'^'' - '' ^ '-y 'ho'it-: 
 K'iin., 1S7.), i2mo i mi V '•'■",'*'"l. ""'i other IVmg, 
 Venna. in,.|u,ling a ,?, ife Vor it n"" "''•"■'-"""k "f 
 I Vienna, Isri). sv,V, '" '''"""ho, Ac., 2,1 od., 
 Mavnrtlmr, A. i ti,„ hi 
 Lon., 1H7S, I2u„'. i T|,o iti h V. "'' '" *"• "'"■'''". 
 in New v,,rk,.': ''„.;;;;■;,;■ 'I''' : -..Hiici i„; 
 P™etise,l in Milwaukee V| 1,1 ^"'' '"■ ""■ »"'• 
 I "'a'e jusliee of the S,,, ,•„, n ""' "M"'intt,l a»so. 
 'Cohunhia in l/r.f.'^j:,"' .V y"',', ''J ''- I'i-'riot of 
 the lils.riet of Columbia V„, "s"-^" 7'"" ••',"'^' "f 
 N.o""n?ir?iy,.«l«r„t-. -.'Moore. Jeanic. 
 7'th an Historical Sketch of Ihe l"}"'".'""' "'" '^""''■■ 
 f-nt Of the sudre,jaV"L"L^t;e't:];:;:;%r4or 
 Lo^rs^f,!;:',/^">^^a-«. "latory „f ,Seot,a„„, 
 Macartney, Ver*- IIpv ii.. 
 "rdain,.,! KS22;ht*d?ever!r '"**'' «"rgh, D.I)., 
 , deacon of Mel'b, u oe TsT ',r"'°'r ," '/"''""I ' "rcl,-' 
 MJcelong IS8tf-87 T p',^^' "'"' "' *l'=lb»urne ami 
 Ve„rs,^ded.,Dubln fsX'iaT' "I V'"-'" """^'■^'1 
 U^.>eauty: Sketch:^ ySiiinL^tri'ioT 
 I haM* U?„5^?°iV^';;«;» ^""""'K''"'"; "'Me,! to the 
 i to-- and Ad.ninistrator; L n ' ;'," Z''"'""' '''"'"''■ 
 .-f Small To,.n'8 „n,l Vi,'" ",'' "" 'he Water .supply 
 Alacaulay, n. e i t> • - 
 I'on., m5, 12,:. "• *" ^ »"y "> Nismes: a Sketch, 
 S'u.l.y. ho„.!'L'8!;:V Jvo """'" """'"'"'"•• " Crit"ai 
 vv;hieh;i?i;r,!nl,:'„';-^ ^itlr^^'^r^^ "«= dramas in 
 sch,,larly.''l".:},So''jvi'j l^^""'^''''' " «re sound and 
 W,'*l":^fi.'t';'o,''";?;; "«"y fio-'dworth : a Novel, 
 inacaulqy, J 's l' r> t , 
 fieation, l-on., ISji.Von,o' g at "• ''^■"*'" <"' *'<"•"- 
 tihcation, Lon., isii „ a f reatise on Field For- 
 18«». ' '*•*'' P- S"". and pinta, fol.; fith ed 
 1033 ' 
 i I 
 I'" .>>rof (hit Lll(!f»ry rt«ielti. IRJI-57, nnilln I K«|iliilnii(l «nil foiifiiieil, I.oii,, iNJir, H»n, J. 
 «*»(iir u' i*Mi I*, .w M"Mr»iiil till' Sunilay ' I.ei'ture* iiii llm AcU ami tlie ^^{"tlei", l.iin., iN.iK, «*» 
 • ""at, Jich fce i.iPi)!!-"!! i.t' eliB Hc.v'iOwn MncHrlde, I'l-lt-r, M.D., F.U.C.l'. Kdlii , F H •! 
 »„,;r,r»ii.t hs difl'. Own I'i 1.-* ihs !•■ rry : K.lln., I). In.ii. .urKr.m I.) tlii> llilinbiiriih K»r m,'\ 
 I'int lni|ir> ;«n«<>f Amsricu .u,,; , , ,-;|ilti, /,(/».. )TI, ' 'riinint l)i«|H'ii iry, Ac. I. A (liii'la to (llu Slitilv i.l 
 p. Sto; aa «!., S^'l; j Kiir Il|«ni»o. Illuat. H.liii , |ns(, Mvii. 2. I IM.) "|||. 
 "'*"..'.'"■';'.''•,'.' *'S.".™ *' f*"'ck with ItK eiiiili iir-iU t'lt Haunt i.l' tlio l.iryijx, by J. (Jiiltaluin : with AiMllion" 
 jr.v llolrw in Hritiili lllntury, l.iiii., !■•■ '■. 12irii), 
 in ISi'J: II Tiiur (if ObiiTVHlinn, l,oi, 187.'), 
 vll'Wnf till' rillledHlntl'IIHMlll ■■■TvthilHtlM'lilllKllIK Hi 
 anil Willi tlii'lfm|iilMKikwrl|iii,,(i-iif thu |iri)i.|i«rlu iii 
 liiil. liitflUTliml. mill 111. ■ml. lit ivii v nm. llurulii. iliiii «!• 
 ••'iiilil hIiuimI liiive Iniiri. I littil Wf mil kiniwii llii' iiiiiiu' 
 J the Huiliiir-tliHt an m. .f wiinc I nllnl .Stiilcn liii- 
 uilKMli'i'i Ciiiiiimny Imil < In |iri'iiiliiiii li.r Ihi' iiumt 
 attniiK I' liiiuk nil llie KriHiri|.u lii'. iiml ilmi Hr Mnuaii 
 Iny h»il mine In uinl vni\i."—Si,iri»liif, xlv.l'lH. 
 ' Munur 
 it, ifritrM4 
 p. »v.i, hew cil., |H7t). 4, A Plea fur .Mercy i.j AdI- 
 uiftU, l.,.ni,, I.S7.'), I'.'niii; new oil., ISMil. s. All True; 
 Hoourilsuf I'cril iiml Ailvontiiru by Hea unit Kami, Lim., 
 lN7i|i new Bil., l.tHll, p. Nv.i. «. ilniy Hawk : Mlu iinil 
 AiUcnturcs iiiimnK the lliil Iniliani", Lnn., IHHlt, p. .Svii. 
 7. I.iithor Ani)ci|iite« : Mciii..riibli) Siiylngs iinil UiilnKH 
 of .Miirtin I.uthcr, l.nn., IWHIl, IL'tiio. ,s. Truo TaleK of 
 Trnvol mill Ailvi'nturo, Valour iinil Virtue, U<\\., ISHI, 
 p. Mvii. II. ,>!ua Pioturcn ilrawn with I'cn mul IVncil ; 
 new cil., I,(,n., ISS4, Hvi). Ill, Stirring .><t(iric9 of I'ciico 
 and War by l.anii ami Sen, l,uii., |MS5, 8vii. II. Gur- 
 iliin Anccildtes : a Sketch of tliu CarotT, with lllmtra- 
 tiiMifi of tho Character, of Charlcn (loomu (Jorilnn, l.on., 
 iMs.i; new eil., |.'<H7. I:'. l.iving,«timo Anoi'ilotcs : a 
 Sketch of tlie (,'areer, mi.| IlliiKtrationn of tlio Character, 
 of David l.ivinKKlone, I issil, U'mo. 1.1. Thrilling 
 Tiilc.< iif Entor|iriso ami Peril. Ailventuro and lleroiain, 
 Lnn., IMHil, |,. Xm,,. II. Whitctlolil Anecdutcn, Lmi., 
 I«srt, er. Svo. 15. Wonderful Stiirie.i of Daring, Peril, 
 and Adventure, I.iin., I8S7, Svo. 16. Victoria, It. I. : her 
 Life a. id Uelun. l,i'n., 1S»7, r. .Svo. 
 .tlni-.iiiNlniie, W. T. ()o»p«l Songn, and other 
 Piece-. I.iin., lN7i|, 12ino. 
 Mnclican, M^ior KnrhoD. I. Sketches of Char- 
 actor nil. I ('ii.-iiinie in ('onstanliniijilo. tho [onien lalamin, 
 do., Lon., IS.'il, fol. 1!. \'iow< in Luoknow : Sketches 
 during the Siege, Lin., Is.^s, 4to. 
 INnclipilll, S. Kngliin.l, Palc^iiiie, Egypt, and 
 Indiii conneclcl by a RiiiUviiy, I.un., l,S7tl, p. ,Svo. 
 MiU-beth, Kev. John, LL.D., gniduated at 1 
 College, Dublin, l.sHS; ordained I.Srtl); rector ..( U0114 
 droit "■ Killegnev wince l.^r:!. I. St. Patrick and the 
 Iri..ili Church, Isr.i. 2. Church l'rinci|iles on the llasia 
 of tho Church Catecliiwin, Lon., ISSO, l2nio. 
 Macbeth, John Walki-r Vilant. Tho iMight 
 and Mirtli of Literature: a Treatise on Figurative Lan- 
 guage, .tc, Lon., I.S7S, Svo. 
 JIacUcth, S. Seed Scattered Inci.lents 
 in a Camp lio.-pital, Lnn., IHfi'.l, |2nio; 2d od., 1H7I. 
 .UilcUeth, Sue, I'racticul Talks with Sinner.s, In- 
 quirers, and Clirir-tians, St, LouIh, IHli,'*, I.Sino. 
 Macbirnie, J. M. 1, (iuidc to E.tamination in 
 Geology, Lon., |s77, l2nio. 2. Siu.lcnt's Guide to the 
 E.xiiininations in Physiology, Lon., IH77, l2iuo; newed., 
 Macbrair, I». J., a Scotch solicitor; ahcriff-elerk 
 to the ."hcriir court if chancery. I, Digest of Cases 
 decided in the Court of Session, 1840-,").), Edin., 1,S.')()- 
 5«, 2 vols, ,Svi), 2. Forms of Process in tlie Sheriff's 
 Court, Scotlaud, E.lin., ISJ,'!, r. .Svo. 3. Bankruptcy 
 I'racticc, Scotland, Edin., \KM. Svo. 
 Macbrair, U. .M. I. The Goodness of Providence 
 E.\plained, Lon,, l,S4l, p. X\o. 2. Geology and Geolo- 
 gists, Lnn., IS44, Svo. 3. Chapters on National Educa- 
 tion, Lon " . ■■• • - 
 Ac., I 
 n.. IS4J, Svo. 4. Missionary Trnvols in Egypt 
 I., 184(1, p. Svo. .-). The Happy Church, Lon., 
 18,>l), Ismo. 6. The Living Church : an Exposition, 
 Ln'i., ls.)7, ]2mo. 7. The Africans at Homo: with Map, 
 Lor. i-81,cr. Svo; new ed., |sti;). 
 y* *?liiic, I'rof. J. A. I. Anatninical Outlines 
 of the •■?'■ Lrr., ISW, l2ino; ■:d cd,, by T. AV. Mayer, 
 '**' * ■■ ' • ■ ' an of Ci.'case in the 6\ and Sheep, 
 Lon., I'M, "K'Mi. 
 MnvJirJM .J*' 
 of th-. I..iif6;- . 1 JKi 
 County, i.i.-,') , Oh.., Valley Hist.' f ., iv.,) Cin., ISIliJ 
 71, 2 I )!.<. -ivo. 
 Mai-Uride, John David, T).f;.L., [„„)>:, vol. 
 add, ' """ ■""■' ... - 
 Pioneer Biogri 
 1 Valley Hist.' 
 L..n.. ISHi, 8v 
 Macbiiriiey, Uaiah, LL.D. I. Siudent's Haul 
 llo.ik of Ancient llii-lory, Lon., 1855, p. svo. 2. Stii 
 dent'.< tinnd-ltonk of Mediuival History, l.un., 18,'.(1, 1,. 
 Svo. :i. Cycliipjodia i.f Histnry, Lon., Is.',?, p. Kyn. 
 Macbiirnie, David. I. Essay on llic Errors of 
 tiiHilelity, Lon., Is.,4, r.'nio. 2. Menial Exercifcs of a 
 Working. Man, Lnn., Is51, p. Svo. 
 .tlacCabe, Prcderivk. The Art of Ventril.,. 
 iiuisiu, including Direiiinns to Learners, Lnn., Is;,,. 
 MacCabp, Jaiiiea Dabney, lsi2-|ss:i, h. ut 
 llichninnd, V«. ; publi.-hed during the civil war a 
 liaintihlet rnlitled Faniillclsni and its Kesull^ by " A 
 ."'nuiherner," and some war p.ienis, nf wli{|.|i " The Swnr.l 
 of Harry Lee" became popular, lie uImi wri.le llinu 
 ploys, which were perfnrnied in Kiclimond in 'si;2-i;:;, 
 Soino of his b.ioks were published under Ibe pseud. .njiiio 
 of "Edward Winslmv Martin." 1. Life of (iinenil 
 Thomas J, .lacksnn. Hy an Ex-Cadet Uiidiuinni;. 
 ISH.l; new oil , oiil., ISill." 2. Memoir of Geiioral AII.111 
 S. .lohnston, Itiehmond, ISdH. .1. Lite mid Caini ntiii 
 of ficneral llobert E. Lee, Allanta, Gn., ISllS. Svo; new 
 ed., Phihi., IS7I, Svo. 4. Planling Ibe Wilderness, 
 ("Frontier" Ser.,) llo,l,, Isfllt, IHino. 5. (Jreat For- 
 tunes, and how llicy were made, Pliila.. IM70, Svo. r, 
 History of the War between Gernmnv and France: wiiii 
 UingraphicttI Sketi lies. Illust. ati.l .Maps. phibi.. 
 lS7l,Hvo. 7. Lights mid Shadows of New York Lite; 
 or, The Sights and Sensations of Ibe Groat City, Pliilii . 
 IS72, Svo. S. The Great Itepublic: a Descriptive View 
 of the American I'liion, Pliila., iS72, imp. Svo. II. jl,.. 
 hind the Scenes in Washington. Illust. Svo. III. 
 Histnry nf tho Grange Movement: the Farmeis' Win 
 against Monopolies, Hlust. Chic. |S7.'I, Svo. ||, 
 Cross and Crown : the Sullcrings and Triumphs of lliiniu 
 Men and Women who were persecuted for the Heliginu 
 1 of .Icsus Christ. Illust. Cin., Is74, Svo. 12. Paris l.y 
 "y Sunlight and Gasliglit. Illust. Phila., IS7.'), Svn. I.!. 
 Centennial Hisloryofihe Inited States. Illust. Phila., 
 lS7.'>,Svo. 14. Centennial Hook of American lliogniphv. 
 Illust, Phila., 187ii, Svo, 15, Centennial View of our 
 Country and its Uosourecs, Illuat, Phila., IS7(I, Sv.,, 
 IB, Pathways of the Holy Land, or, Palestine ami 
 Syria. Illust. and Maps. Phila., 1877, r. Svo. 17. 
 History of the Turko-Huasian War, IS7i». Is. The 
 Night Express, Phila., Is.sO, itlmn. III. (Trans.) ihiesta: 
 a Story of Venice, by Octavo Feuillct, X. York, IS811, 
 Itn. 20. Our Young Folks Abroad : Adventures of Four 
 American Hoys and Girls Ihrough Europe tn Con.-laiii- 
 noplc. Illust. Phila., ISs|, f,(. Svo. 21. Our V.iiin;,' 
 Folks in Africa: Adventures of a Party of Vcmii(! 
 Americana in Algeria and In South Central Alricii, 
 Illust. Phila., IHS2, sq. Svo. 22. Now York by Sun- 
 liglit and Gaslight. Illust. N. York and Phila., 1-n:' 
 MacCabe, I.. D. 1. Lljtht on the Pathwiiy of 
 Holiness, .\. York, II, ICi,,,. 2. The Forcknoivi. Igo 
 of God. and Cognate 'Iheui.'S, .'., 1878, l2uio. 
 MacCabf, Uillijiiil fi-tv' "i, h. 1841, near ' i- 'i- 
 mond, Va. ; gradiir .r , 'ic '11, • , ,ity of Virgiui.i in 
 ISlil; served throu„ , ., : .ilw.w in the Coiilclviiite 
 army, and has since been niaator of a school at I'd. r.<- 
 burg, Va. 1 (Trana.) Aids to Latin Orlho.,'r:i|.liv ; 
 from the German of Wilholni lirambacb, N. York. 1^71.'. 
 2. The Defence of Petersburg: Campaign of l,--iil-('..i, 
 Richmond. I87fi. :i. (E<l.) liallads of Ilattlu :iiid 
 Bravery. N'. York, IS7il, :i2mo. 
 Mact'atl'ery, Michael J. A. The Siege of S|.o- 
 leto: a Camp Tale of Arlington Heights, N. York, MU, 
 .MacCahon, James. Keports of Cases iloter- 
 , Keports of Cases 
 „ nphy : Skelchos mined in tho Supreme Court of the Territory of K.iu,-a 
 the Earl,, r .ettlera of liutlcr ,lc.. Chie., IS70, Svo 
 MacCall, George Archibald, 18()2-lS(5s, 1,. it 
 Chester, Pa.; graduated at the I' .S. Military Acalciiiy 
 1S22; rerved i.j .he Mc.\ican war. Olid in l,^ 
 i'eriiinn,-, Um., |87 
 ...I.l 1 17-j luoo 1 . 1 't, "- '« ''1 — ' =>-'>>-» 'J -"o .uc.\ican war, anu m 1," . »:i 
 . (1 1.J 17, ,S-1,S6S; graduated at Exeter College, Oxford, ; appointed inapcotor-general of the army, with tlu- run 
 nrf, cl„"'l'"'f'Yl 1 ," „'^ n'wf.'; ' Tli".'' '" '^'■"''ioaud of colonel: resigned IS53; served in the civil «:„■, :, 
 princiiu. of Magdalen Hall ISl,!. 1. The Mohammedan j brigadier-general of volunteers, 1861-6:1. Letter.- Iroi; 
 I'll.' I" llii' FJiik l>|, rcMirJm... ■'"'">■ ""'''• '"' I'liiiK- 
 '"It very cisy 
 llliili liil„„ir wllirli II 
 «liiili lit' shows IKili 
 If'Nii, svo. """-III. llliist. iiiKi Maps. N. Yorlj 
 riok: In ||,„ Metro If ,71 '.'"','',"•«""''> "f St. |'„t 
 j '•"'■r..-, Dulilii,. IKS2 V : ' "" • '■""•' "'•■'• ■'"*• ;>• 
 Mac< nrlhv, M^H. K. M 
 f;;'"'"""". by Ainublu Dee,,, 
 MHi-carJhy, J. F. Snor,.,, 
 MncCarihy, J. ,j. ",, Th,. 
 Plainly S,,ue,| „,„| A.isworci; 
 ti.0 ffit'^L't?,;„/.!^''T> ■"'l^^-'''' o- 
 12111(1. ' '"" ' "-"'"" rirno, N. Vork, 1S.H2 
 iTrntiK.) The Hiiirit i.f 
 .Syraoune, N.V., KsHI, 
 "r Christian Cluisl,.,, 
 '"-iKh Land Que«tlmi 
 I n., I.S7(), 8vo. 2. A 
 lii'lanil, |,(,n., ls7|_ 
 MMf^«lW. [ J 1 
 . >l«cCartcr. John. t..„ n..... „ . HXvu^htor: .. X , ' i ' ""•' ^,5'.' I.'.- ''>''- *■ A 
 ■MucCarttT, r.lV Nv"vj,'";„,. . , 'The stiirv is hi.,1, '•...":!. '^'.'••'^■"''•P 
 'laiCarthy. <•. w 
 iln.^s, 1 1 V V. • 'iiuiicco a: 
 \{ ' '^".''M"'''™! Kotders, U„ istj uT- 
 ,>luctar.,.„cara„„. l^tS "^i;:' [l^ ^ ,„, 
 ''ii)i' piirty in 
 ■•d lit iH-rry, 
 'or of |i(iljt- 
 •i'.", mill an 
 nil |ioriiiil- 
 "''li •'! voln. 
 iirs, Liin., 
 A more ;'* 
 ni'W ei|., 
 ami Ihure Is no lack i r h, . I V'' I' »•""•'' '1<'' 
 Tobae.i ana U.' i^„i,7;;j. .M.ii^^^Z^i.Viil::^'^^^'' '^^:^^^^ .1 ino,. 
 :"" l-ifo ill the Arwy'oTZrthZTi-'' f I"""* of Sol- 
 hmonJ. Hso' ;,,'"" ^'■"S'"'"' '*«ll-I.^6o. 
 „^ RichmonJ, l'ss2, Vii'ino'. 
 lllfis of 
 lis; but, 
 "f skill, 
 iiicli the 
 .s?i,K'7K't" "'/''" "i"''"^ «'"'- I-'-n., 
 i'i'n..uv'"'*"'^' f'""''. vol. ii., L';V,'"";.,plea 
 ' rtasi!};:;.-^;^;:,.!!:;:^ ''^:,?;;^:^;;,';^,!!;"'-"'« ".r dev 
 P'lliit of vie\v of ,1 (> iwr -1 V..1 H ^ '• "'' ^''"^ f" 
 ''vo; new eil., IsrH ^ ^'"'"'"' ''""- '875, :'. vol, p. 
 more'r;,^!:?''""^^, "^'^' "^-llke; «omo of them, «hat Is 
 .ll'J'LPL"?'''"!'; ™»acont'rib 
 in Dublin^ .as Jalia;^' ti t^-b«;: ! ^jL'%^^e ^",1 .^^Ol 
 A'n'., xll. 24. 
 ii of ii^f ■"■iiiiiimo reco 
 lit? to recoin 
 -- -^^i^i'^:^^^^^::^^^^ : ".i«i^^ MUa„thrope, r 
 lu In 1,. ^^ '^'"-"•'<- <" t! 
 l-H 111 lu (•onstruetlon."-,Sa<, 
 mend it 
 "ice of its 
 very led., Is.^n, I2mo. 1| 
 'pt\Lon., l87?,2vols.ei 
 Donna Quixote, Lon 
 or. 8v 
1:^ "-^eiffi 
 8v()j new eil., IS80. 12. A llislciry of our (iwn Times, 
 friim the Aooossion of Queen Victoria to the Genernl 
 Election of IHSll, I,nn., lS7»-80, 4 vols. 8vo. 
 "His work is liiirly exhaustive; but it eiinnnt 1)C siild 
 Ihiit it is ever prolix. . . . Then it ii' eminently ftiir. . . -. 
 Lastly, his llisidry Iseminenlly enlertninini,'."— .sVir. A'cr., 1. 
 ".Mr. .McCarthy is a hnlliant hi.stiirieal iniiirovisatore. 
 He is not a ureal liistiiriaii. His sjjarkllnt,' huok is po|uilar 
 now, and will remain popular forsonu'tlinu. Hut whether 
 its poimlarity will prove less ephemeral than that of ' Ks- 
 saysand Reviews,' for instanee, is quite another ouestlon." 
 —Sprdnfor.mi. i:)!.".. 
 "On the wIkpIo, this history 'of our own times'— whieh 
 is, however, only a history iif EiKjIiwd in mir linu:—\>i 
 written for readers more or less familiar with the events 
 and thepersonaKesof tin' period, and is intended to amuse 
 and euliKliten them hy iuleresliiiK and hicid summarie.s 
 rather than to instruet them aljout particulars."— ..Vu/i'on, 
 xxxi. XI 
 l;i. The '^otnet of u, Sca.son, Lon., 1.S81, ;i vols. p. Svo. 
 11. The Epoch of Keform, 1830-50, ("Epochs of Mod- 
 em History,") Lon., 1.S82, 18mo. 13. Maid of Athen.s, 
 Lon., 188;i, :( vols. p. Svo; new ed., 1S85. 10. A .Short 
 History of our Own Times, Lon., 1883, ]). Svo. 17. A 
 History of the Four Ueorges : vol. i., Lon., 1S8), Svo. 
 With I'rtAKD, Miis. Cimpiikll-: 1. The Right Honour- 
 able: a Novel of Society and Politics, Lon., 18S8, 3 vols. 
 or. Svo. 2. The Ladies' (lallery : a Xovel, Lon,, 1888, 3 
 vols. cr. Svo. With Smart, Hawi.kv, Fk.v.s, G. M., Ac, 
 For their .'=iake.s, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 
 IMacCnrthy, Justin Huntley, b. 1S60; son of 
 the preceding; a journalist; M.P. for Athlone 1SS4-85, 
 and since then for Newry. I. Outline of Irish History 
 from the Earliest Times, Lon., 1SS3, 12mo. 2. Serapionj 
 and other I'oems, Lon., 1SS3, p. Svo. 3. England under 
 Gladstone 18S0-84, l,on., 1SS4, p. Svo; 2d ed., rev. and 
 enl., 18S,'). 4. Camiola: a Girl with a Fortune, Lon., 
 188,"), 3 vols. p. Svo. :-}. Doom: an Atlantic Episode, 
 Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 6. Our Sensivtion Novel, Lon., 1SS«, 
 p. Svo. 7. Hafiz in London, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 3. Ire- 
 land since the Union : Sketches of Irish History from 
 1798 to 1SS6, Lon., 1SS7, p. 8vo. 9. The Case for Home 
 Rule, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. And see Bi'rto.n, Sir R, U., 
 MacCarthy, T. A. An Easy System of Calis- 
 thenics and Drilling, Lon., ISSl, 12mo. 
 IMacCartney, T. J. The Scottish Covenanters: 
 Fifty Years' Struggle, Ac, Lon., 18SS, |i. Svo. 
 MacCarty, George D. Civil Procedure Reports, 
 vols, i., ii., (lSSO-83,) Albany, ISSl-83, Svo. 
 JMacL'nrty, Rev. J. Hendrickson, D.D., b. 1830, 
 at Berlin, I'a. ; graduated at Cleveland Medical College 
 1854 ; became a Methodist minister in 1855, and has had 
 jhargo of various churches. 1. 'The Black Horse and 
 Carry-All, Cin., 1873, I6rao. 2. Inside the Gates, Cin., 
 1876, 16mo. ".. Two Thousand Miles through the Heart 
 of Mexico, N. York, 1886, 12mo. 
 itlacCaul, Rev. Alexander, D.D., [nnie, vol. ii., 
 add.,] 179S-1883. A Memorial Sketch, by his eldest son, 
 was published in 1863. 1. Warburtonian Lectures on 
 the Prophecies, 1846, Svo; Second Series, 1832, Svo. 2. 
 Rationalism and the Divine Inspiration of Scripture, 
 Lon., 1830, 12mo. 3. Holding Fast: the Authorized 
 Bible Version, Lon., 1837, Svo. 4. Letter on the Ancient 
 Interpretation of Leviticus xviii., Lon., 1860, Svo. 5. 
 Rationalism and Deistio Infidelity : Three Letters, Lon., 
 186 1, Svo. 6. Some Notes on the First Chapter of Gen- 
 esis : with Reference to Statements in " Essays and 
 Reviews," 1S61, 8vo. 7. Testimonies to the Divine 
 Authority of the Holy Scriptures, Lon., 1862, p. Svo. 8. 
 An Examination of Bishop Colenso's Difficulties with 
 regard to the Pentateuch, Lon., 1863-04, 2 vols. Svo. 
 MacC'niil, Rev. John, LL.D., b. 1807, in Dublin, 
 and educated at Trinity College, Dublin ; became prin- 
 cipal of the Upi)er Canada College in 18:!9; professor 
 of classics, logic, rhetoric, and belles-lettres at King's 
 College, Toronto, and vice-jiresident of the college in 
 1S42; president of the University of Toronto in 1S48, 
 and of University College in 1833. 1. liritanno-Roman 
 Inscriptions : with Critical Notes, Toronto and Lon., 
 1S63, Svo. 
 " He is evidently a better scholar than most of the a.itl- 
 quaries who have taken to his special branch, and brings 
 a much more thorougli knowlecigeof contemporary litera- 
 ture to hear upon the sutyect,"— .sVi/. ;,Vii,, xvi. 04. 
 2. Christian Epitaphs of the First Six Centuries, To- 
 ronto and Lon., 1869, Svo. 
 •' It would be hard to find a guide to this rare ami some- 
 what rtifllciilt branch at once of archeeology and of das- 
 sical study more competent for his task tlian lir. .M<('aul " 
 — .S'(i(. Iln:. xxviil. 4S7. 
 ItlacCaiil, Rev. Joseph Benjamin, graduated 
 in theology at King's College, Londim, 1830; ordained 
 1831; assistant librarian at the British Museum Isin. 
 49 and IS31-65; reader and divinity lecturer at King'- 
 (^ollege 1S32-54 ; hon. canon of Rochdale, and rector of 
 St. Michael Bassishaw, Lonilon, since 1803. I. 'fli,., 
 AbbC Migne and the l!ibli(jtlicque Universelle du Clerge • 
 Four Essays. Privately jirintcd. 2. The Ten Cimi- 
 mandmenls the Christian's Spiritual Instructor an. I 
 Rule of Daily Life, Lon., 1S61, p. Svo. 3. Bishop C - 
 lenso's Criticism criticised, in a Series of Eight Lettcr.- 
 with Notes. 4. The Ejiistle to the Hebrews in a Para- 
 phrastic Commentary, Lon., 1871, Svo. 5. Sunday l!c- 
 flections on Current Topics, Lon., 1872, p. S'o. 6. Dark 
 Sayings of Old: an Attempt to Elucidate Certain Dil 
 ficult Passages of Holy Scriptures, Lon., 1S73, Svo. 7. 
 The Last Plague of Egypt, The (ieruian Gladiators, (ireiit 
 King Herod, and other Poems, Lon,, 1880, i 8vo. s. 
 lieaconsfield Ballads, Lon., 1880, 4to. Anon. 9. A (.'■■n' 
 cise Exposition of St. Paul's Eiiiatle to the Romans, Lon 
 1882. cr. Svo. 
 niacCansland, Doniinick, Q.C., LL.D., iMiii 
 1873, b. at Roe Park, County Londonderry, Ireland: 
 graduated at Trinity College, Dublin, 1827; called t.; 
 the Irish bar 1833. 1. The Latter Days of the JeHi.h 
 Church and Na'' o, Lon., 1841, 12mo. "2. The Time,- ..t 
 the Gentiles, i.s oreached in the Apocalypse, Lon., Is.jL', 
 12mo. 8. Sermons in Stones ; or, Scrijiture confiriiie.l 
 in Geology, Lon., 1857, 12mo; i3tii ed., 1873. 4. The 
 Latter Days of Jerusalem and Rome, Lon., 1859, Svo. 
 3. The Hope of Israel, Lon., 1S60, 12mo. 6. Truth? f.r 
 the Times : On the Intermediate State, Lon., 1860, U'lim, 
 7. Adam and the Adamite; or. The Harmony of Scrip. 
 ture and Ethnology, Lon., 1864, p. Svo; new' ed., ISSJ. 
 S. Shinar: the Scripture Record of the Confusion of 
 Languages: a Lecture, Lon., 1S67, Svo. 9. The Build- 
 ers of Babe! Lon., 1871, p. Svo; new ed., 1874. 
 lUaccaw, William. 1. Truth frae 'mang the 
 Heather; or. Is the Bible true? new ed., 1Sli2, l^nm: 
 5th ed., 1S80. 2. Romanism, Ritualism, and Revelation : 
 Eight Lectures, Lon., 1S76, 12mo. 
 MacchcttH, Airs. Ulanchc Roosevelt, daughter 
 of John Randolph Tucker, U.S. seroitor from Virgini:i. 
 1. Home-Life of Henry W. Longfellow, N. York, l.ssL', 
 12mo. 2. Marked "In Haste:" a Story of To- bay, .\! 
 Y'ork, 1S83, 12mo. 3. Stage-Struok ; or,'She would Le ;in 
 Opera-Singer, N. York, 1SS4, 12mo. 4. Life and Reaii- 
 niscences of Gustavo Dorfi : compiled from Material sii|i. 
 plied by DorC>'s Relations and Friends, and from Pcrsoniil 
 Recollections. Illust. Lon. and N. York, 1S85. ... 
 The Copper Queen : a Novel, Lon., 1886, 3 vols. or. 
 Svo. 6. Verdi, Milan, and Othello, Lon., 1SS7. 
 MacClain, Emlin. 1. Outlines of Criminal Law. 
 Iowa City, 1882, Svo. 2. A Digest of the Deci.-ions ut 
 the Supreme Court of Iowa from its Organization until 
 1887; also of the Federal Courts, Ao., Chic,, 2 
 vols. Svo. 
 lUacClatchie, Thomas R. H., interpreter II. 
 B.M.'s consul service, Ja)ian. Japanese Plays, (Ver- 
 sified :) with Illustrations drawn and engraved by 
 Japanese Artists, Yokchama and Lon., 1879. 
 MncClellan, Carswell, h. 1,S35, in Phihulclphiii, 
 Pa.; served in the Federal army in the civil war; was 
 engineer for several railroads, and in 1881 appoinleil 1 .,S. 
 civil assistant engineer. The Personal Memoirs un<l 
 Military History of U. S. (irant rcrsiia the Record of 
 the Army of the Potiunac. Best., 18S7, 12mo. 
 " What is, in fact, given is ... a scries of iiiioiatloiis 
 from (irant and Haileau, compared with others inna 
 Humphreys, coniieetcil by a ruuuing ccunnieiit, in Mhich 
 the proof of error in the first two hooks is snppo-i-il (n lie 
 eomnlete when their liisiigreement with the last is e.xliib- 
 ited."— .Vii(iV)«, xlvii. '270. 
 MacClellan, George Urinton, [unir, s-,,]. ii., 
 add.,] IS26-1885, b. in Philadelphia; graduated a! llie 
 U.S. Military Academy IS46; served in the .Mixiciui 
 war; was afterwards employed as engineer in the West, 
 and in 1855 was sent to Europe as a member of ii mili- 
 tary commission to report on the condition of tlie Knro- 
 pean armies. In April, 1861, he was appointed uiajur- 
 general of Ohio volunteers, a month later major-|.'iiieral 
 in the regular army, and from November of tl':i! year 
 till April, 1862, he was eoiiimander of all flic U.S. 
 armies. He commanded the Army of the Potomac until 
 July, and again from September to November, when lie 
 was relieved and his military career came to an end. In 
 1855-50,,Tto".'Tr '/"■'"• '" ^^'"'vl 
 Regulation" rCtruro^fV ''IV'^v. ''*'"' •^- •' 
 nite,i States ^"2; n 'wT; "'/n^'f ^^n'™ '"■ "'o * 
 «ith adUiti„„".""""y " """'""i oJiti"" of the'-Ueponr 
 "If i!f ,^;;fritS^Pr;.o„t e^ifi,,,, 5vl,u.l, ismo«t„„tiee. 
 <■" ", jiiul |„ tiic. Ifu'i "ri „i^ tip ,'>,''-'"""-^'"'tli>n of Mr I i,t 
 -'..unance ,.f t„e K^^tlllt ^f^i^S^ij-S^^lug 
 Army of Northern Virg nia tU" "i'-V •' .""■■'" "'" ""^ 
 "1 Major-General J. K J st,7„., /' ""'' C»i"pmgns 
 fiivalry of the Anuv of Vnrfh ' ,V?'" """"''"• "'' the 
 "n^lBost., l8,H5,8l-o '^""hern Virginia, Uiohmond 
 ~!efl;'/;jf,^'^A;|l\;ii;?weIl,„«ap „. the.itemture 
 I li'ilan s l,o,.l; iluserves i.nnn;,M/- ■/'"-' .""'« "f Major M,. 
 •MiieClellan. I v i,- 
 l^'l-bytheCj. I**, s,'r"""'°^"'''"'fF'°"'ia. 
 ■;™;S!.>r?„V„'^?:it,f/ej^.h.o„. Where was 
 I."^-', 12mo. Anon. • "^ » W"mn. Vork, 
 ; o.e, Can>bri,ige, ISiS; t ow fsM"^'^' '" 'V'""^ 
 ."" '',""'■• of Jiottisham 186 ifsi ."'■. ""^''^"'"i 
 'nn»,,,al of the Royal Agricult.ralf- '„""'' ""'"' ""en 
 1. Everlasting PunLhafem ,°nd t fo ^"'^^e, Cirencester. 
 ".Christian Evidence: vo i ro„ U-". *^»"'"b«tion 
 '"'■" tho four 0»s|,el, with n oL, '■" ^^'^' >^™- (Con- 
 ^ ^'"ncciella.,, Kate i T '^'.'■■"''"^''""«. *oO 
 Om' Father's Letter NT 'v , .""'" ""'' '''erre; or 
 "-' "H,er Stories v.^Vork IS ,"""'• o-; ■='"'- ^-y'> 
 'n.,vc.,-Iiook, N. y„,k s^^/i.^J^"' , ••• I'^'lith Leighl' 
 f r-t i ears Out of School X v i ,o ' '^'"'odore (irav's 
 "'l'"'"-^ »ifts, N V„ k' ,SmV ;• 'U'-;,!'.'""- '■ Two 
 ;,'"' '"I'tT Stories, N. Ivk Tsm V""L'' "jacinth, 
 '•""'''witted Life. oV A it' • • ^^""^ McMioirsof. 
 "■""■■.V "f the"lej,;,/;;^^; „ 'i,T"o «o,den ,«tate .■ „ 
 ;^'"l-^indlllust. I'hila K-.. .,"'" """^y Mountains. 
 '"iV""'™' Illust. n'i a I'sli'""' :• «<^l'»l'licauism 
 •^•••••tlellaii, Robert ii'. "\ ' w' 
 '":" "I their Rights I'H. ,''i' """f""'^ ■■ 'f'tl' "u K.xposi- 
 of Nurogates' Courts, and the Rm „ .-• The.Iurisdietion 
 fi»»t-. IS75, 8vo. ^ Remedies offered thereby, 
 /s?^^!S:!jta^-\j^'-«"--, D,n.. ,:„«, 
 'ego iviia, hecaine a nini, ;,; 7 !''',''''''; ",' l'ni"n Col- 
 bylenan Chun'h, and Zs 1 , r " "eloru.ed I're... 
 i'i^'kiuson College, K,,t", , r ,]""^'''"'[ ■^ucce...ivelv in 
 ^»inai^ of Uie'lieS Ulu :r',"?^ 1'!'' ''^'-''-Si-' 
 of Wed Interpretation, .V. v",-k sw'l'; ' *'""""! 
 "Canon and Interpretat on,, f";!,,^- '„-',' '^''•.entitled 
 ■""';•• -v. Vork, isro i.',,;„ • ^'ok.nson. M'ith a Jle- 
 M'K:;!:?;S/°'";':"^f-I8r.. sketch of ,he 
 I Ike's Momorie., [vc'e ■ <-"-P»way. ]. old 
 U'. Princes.--. ('• (i ." 't.V^, " "'^"^'' ^ "•> 1SS4, l2,no 
 5. Ma,laineSilva, ^\ Vork ISSN <r '^^ "^'*'' IS"'". 
 ^Mactleliand, iin,. '» i„ ' '""'"• 
 Pa.; Sraduatecl ."'the ,",;L'^«'"';' ^..'--m, at Sharon, 
 lege lS(i7; p,acti.e"in •„ .""■"l"'"' Medical C„|. 
 .'ers o„ Skill in Biagn, " » "'t"''?™ ' "'i"' Chap- 
 in Fractures, and on C i ' ' '™''l'"-»t, I'rogno.'is 
 'hoiiias. A ricatiJVr, a , ■' ""' I •eston. 
 "- En,l of Solntf, n" D i^,^,;-'/'-'^"' Trigonometry "„' 
 ■P Washington, h.c] ad»",tedtn ,!"'""' *>• '"2". 
 ^"H-e employed in tl n ,|J . ""^ '^'"' '" > ■■<<■'?, and 
 New Voii. I 'I'he nii'',". ;r'"i-"'' 1'"'^"" works in 
 Vo-k. 1855. 2 Coinnil V . ^'^ ^ '■■" department, N 
 to the Corporation 'il'vH;' %l^^ "j^'T-^ of Conn'scds' 
 ]««;). 5. The 1 w,U '?f 1 ^';"'''' '^"''''-' of '«•"'•< N. York 
 tr^" Rite orFr":tl';^^,"--J "■'■I^Accepted s:;>t^ 
 Manual of the Lodse of w.- >^ '' "'*• '^"lo. 6. 
 Artists in ISerVw'ch'r™^^- '7"'^'' '^^^ ""^ 
 "inter Campaign, j/v a 1*', i n,' ''ij",? "'' "'" ''"I' and 
 ^ ^ork, ISli;!. ' * ".^ aim ate .Soldier. Syracuse, i\ 
 ""aJanr'.'?--'' '*'-■•• Dublin "is's' mT""" ^■'--"•'ona' 
 . "'acCliiitock, F. K II V 1 . 
 •"the Autumns of' issoa^d 1 8 1 7„V", fji"'" ^ ^ours 
 ^yacClintock, Admiral sir .V ^^' ''• '*"• 
 P«l«l, D.C.L., LL D ? r* fn I'raiicis Leo. 
 beotland; entered the'RHti,!, V, ^"'' "' D>'n,lalk, 
 I n'ed .'^ir J. C. Ross in the A ,i""'^ .'". '**31 ; ac,.ompa- 
 °' ,'^!r John Franklin if? H'';'''r''""r'^"""^™'<''' 
 ;e,iion in 1850: commun, l.vl A J" ."r'''' " "'-■'••""J ex- 
 lielcher expedition n issf „7, •''", '"'"■'•■I'i'l'' i« the 
 "'an.! of the •• Fo..," equh ned"Vj' f 'i' ""' "' '^"■"- 
 ^.'covered evidence ol ?he' call, ^f p"'''", '^'"""'^'i"' ""'l 
 '» .860, oomraander-in el i't o, \'f l"'"^'" • k"ig'"ea 
 i Indian station l8?<l-82. „,• ''American an,! West 
 ">« -fox" in the Arc'fc' ^\ '^'J- ,:''''« Voyage J 
 oovery of the Kate of Sir John Fr^ iT"'"" "'^ "'" ^'''■ 
 '-:"■«• Ma,, and indt\]^:^;^;^x:fi^z:, 
 ' """■ " • ''rilliH«^mc,tr'!il'',T/,''\■' '-'Ar-r' 
 ---- .-...vjuiiHuux, Hill r 
 \'.— <w 
 : Church, New York City l4r,W ''"f^ .°f '^t- IVul' 
 : American ..hapel in I', ris Isfio •V'^i '""^ ''"'"rge of the 
 j president of iJrew Tl ™lo Jeal V ■- ^"^ "*"" '"•' '«'oai"e 
 • (Ed.) Sketches of uimnM^H"";"^'','^'"'''*""' ^'.J. 
 '"«V, Cin. and N. v"k8« ''"'''■:' '^''"'■'^''■•"' 1'- 
 ■ »■•. Unwritten Sern „ , , ' S Ph"' "• ''','■'"« "'''^''« J 
 a Preface by lii.hop Ja , e" N v"'';'*''?''''''-'''''.V ^ will 
 |e<l., 1871. 3. Lecture nn'i?f' Y'^'' """' '2mo; 2d 
 I and Methodology.'^Ed-;,]"^, ^"t^'f-- '^'■"•'Velopidia 
 I loiK, i8(.i l2mo Wifii «.„. '-•/••.'. tin. and N. 
 '.^ I'iblical, Theol ogiel ' a„*^["";:';' •^'^»"-^»- Cyolopa-di. 
 |^. York, 1867-81, l7l ,„,'/ "'sj^.''.'''^'''""''"'' Mtcrature, 
 2 vols. (Dr. McClintock ,lie,l Ir ■^"Pl'lenient, 1 885-87 
 the fourth volume, C hi flet'i';/ '" «"»'P'etio„ of' 
 ' page of the subsequent volumes.j """^ "" •'"> 'i""" 
 *»)<<nMMiM*4| ' 
 ■J ^wrnVf^mf*^ 

 1 1 
 MncClintock, Letitiii. 1. TlieCi>ttuger.<of filcn- 
 ciiirtn, Kiliii., iMiil, IJino; new oil., ISS5. 2. The Story 
 of the Mice and of Hover iinil I'uss, I'Min., 1S70, H'.'ino. 
 II. Sir Spiinj^lu ami the Dingy Hen, l.on., IS7ti, sq. KImo. 
 4. A Boycotted Household, i^on., 18S1, ii, 8vo. 5. Alice's 
 I'lipil, I,on., ISS.'i, p. Svo. (i. The March of I,oyalty, 
 Lon., 188), 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 7. A Little Candle, and 
 other Stories, Lon., L886, 12nio. 8. Fred and his 
 Friends. Lon., I8S(5, 12ino. 
 MacCliiiig, J. Minnesota as it is in 1870 : its 
 General Resoiiroes, Ac., St. Paul, 187(1, 12mo. 
 MacCliire, Alexander Kelly, b. 1828, at Sher- 
 man's Valley, I'a. ; became a journalist and lawyer at 
 ChanibcrsburK ; has been a member of the I'ennsylvania i 
 legislature and senate, and since 187:1 editor-in-chief of 
 the Philadelphia Times. I. Three Thousand Miles 
 through the Hoeky Mountains, PKila., 1869, 12mo. 2. 
 The South: its Industrial, Finuneial, and Political Con- 
 dition, Phila., 1888, 12mo. 
 JttacClure,Kev. Alexander Wilson, 1808-1865, 
 b. at Boston; graduated at Andover Theological Seminary 
 1830: ordained L";!2 ; edited the Christian Observatory, 
 Ac. Translators Revived, N. York, LSiVi, 12mo. (Contains 
 biographical sketches of the translators of the Bible.) 
 MacClure, Rev. Edmund, .M.A., M.R.I.A., 
 graduatcil at Queen's I'niversity, Ireland, IS64; ordained 
 1865 ; curate of St. George's, Belfast, 1865-75, and since 
 then eilitorial secretary of^ the Society for the Promotion 
 of Christian Knowledge. I. The Rule of Faith, Dublin, 
 1870. 2. A Cliapter of English Church History: being 
 the Minutes of the S. P. C. K. for the Years 1698-1703 : 
 with Abstracts of Correspomlents' Letters, Lon., 1888, 
 8vo. 3. Ecclesiastical Atlas: showing the Vicissitudes 
 of Christianity, Lon., 1888, 4to. 
 MacClure, J. II. 1. (Ed.) Anecdotes of thn Re- 
 vival W,)rk of D. L. Moody, Lon., 1877, 12nio. 2. (Ed.) 
 Edison ami his Inventions. Illust. 1879, 8vo. 
 IMtlcCilirc, itohert. 1. Diseases in the American 
 Stable, Field, and Farm-Yard, Phila., 1862, 12rao. 2. 
 Gentlemen's Stable Guide, Phila.. 1870, llimo. 
 MacChire, W. J. Poems, N. York, 1S89, 12mo. 
 .tIacClyniont, J. R. Songs and Popular Chants, 
 Ac, Lon., 187^*, ]>. 8vo. 
 .llacClymont, Rev. James A., and Nicol, 
 Rev. 'I'liumas. iTrans.) Pastoral Theology of the 
 New TestanienI, by J. T. Beck, Edin., 1885, p. 8vo. 
 MacCoan, James Carlile, b. 1829 ; called to the 
 bnrat the Middle Temple 1856; practised in the Supreme 
 Consular Court of the Levant at Constantinople; was 
 founder ami eilitor of the Levant Herald, and made 
 many visits to Egypt; ALP. for Wicklow 1880-85. I. 
 Protestant Endurance under Popish Cruelty, Lon., 1853, 
 12mo. 2. Egypt as it is, Lon., 1S77, 8vo. 
 '■ His book i.s a mere hash-iip. for the most part, of guide- 
 books and ollicial materials, ami his opinions are those of 
 an advocate pleading for iiis client, rather than the im- 
 partial deliveranee.s of a jni\t:e.''—^i>i'ctal<ir. 1. lUKI. 
 ■•The work of Mr. I)e Leon |"The Khedives Egypt"]is 
 the more ri'adablo. entertaining, and easy to remember, 
 while that of .Mr. MeCoan is the more exhaustive."— .Sif. 
 Itev.. xliv. J.;;i. 
 '■ l^ncyclohicdic in its ranu:e of information, admirably 
 lucid ill slyle, iiMfl a iiunlel ot iiielhoil as to arrangement, 
 it (■iiiitains'iii snmelliiiu; less than four liuiidred pages an 
 almost ('omplcte suiiiiiiiiry of the liiiaiieial, economic, and 
 iMtlitical condition ol l-'gVpt ... It is, in Iriith. the only 
 book which faitbrully describes the actiiai iniucrial cundf- 
 tion of the country. In achieving this result Mr. .MeCoau 
 owes little or nohiiim to previous writers,"— Amklia B. 
 Eu\v.\uus: Amil., xii. .505. 
 3. Our New I'rotectorate — Turkey in .\s(ft : its Geogra- 
 phy, Races, Resources, and Government, Lon., 1879, 2 
 vols. p. 8vo. 
 " He lias tohl all that we could wish to know; he hasput 
 his information into a compart and readable shape; and 
 lie has supplied just as inuidi detail as gives body to his 
 work without overloading it."— ."-o/. Her., xlvii. ;i()8. 
 .tiaceoll, I>. Among the Masses; or. Work in the 
 Wynds, Lon , |.'-i67, p. 8vo. 
 i'MacColl, l>. S. Newdigate Prize Poem : The Fall 
 of Carthage. Lon., 1882, 12mo. 
 .Maccoll, II, Algebraical Exercises and Problems, 
 with Elliptical Solutions. Lon., 1870, 12mo. 
 MhccoII, liCtitiuM. Tlic Story of Iceland. Illust. 
 Lon.. 1887, cr. 8vo. 
 Mact oil, Rev. .Malcolm, M.A., b. 1838, attilcn- 
 finan, Invorness-shire ; educated at Edinburgh, at Trin- 
 ity College, Glenalmond, and at the University of Naples; 
 chaplain to the British ambassinlor at St. Petersburg 
 1862-113: curate of St. Paul's, Kuightsbridge, 1804-67, 
 and of Addington 1868-69; rector of St. George's " St. 
 Botolph's, London, since 1871. He has cnnlribiiti' 1 to 
 periodicals. I. Mr. Gladstone and Oxford. ByScrui;i- 
 tor. 2d ed., Lon., 1865. 2. Science and Prayer ; Ith ei|., 
 Lon., 181)6, Svo. 3. Is there not a Cause? a Le'ter tr> 
 Ccd. Grevillc Nugent, M.P., on the DiscstahlishmenI .f 
 the Irish Church; 2d ed., Lon., 1868, Svo. 4. Tih' 
 Reformation in England; 2d ed., 1869. 5. The O.ji. - 
 Ammergau Passion-Play, and Hints for Iiitcniling Vi-- 
 itors, Lon., 1870, 12mo; 4lh ed., 1871; new ed., Issi). 
 6. Is Liberal Policy a Failure!' By Expertus. Lon., 
 1870. 7. Who is Responsible for the War y By ,'>crut;i 
 tor. Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 8. The " Damnatory Clause-" 
 of the Athanasian Creed Rationally Explained, Loij.. 
 1872, p. Svo. 9. Lawlessness, Saceiilolalism, aiiil l!ilu;il- 
 ism, discussed in Six Letters addressed, by his Permis- 
 sion, to the Right Hon. Lord Selborne, Lon., 1875, svo; 
 3d ed. same year. 
 "'fhe chief interest in Mr. MacColl's book is, for us, its 
 able and often elo(iueiit discu.s.sion cd' the imnri/iln' of 
 Sacerdotalism and Kiliialism, and of the sanction, 
 as he allirms, is given by the leaching of Christ to tlicM' 
 principles." — Spiclntttr, xlviii. 7r>C. 
 10. The Eastern Question: its Facts and B'ailacies. 
 Lon., 1877, 8vo. 
 "The main thesis of Mr. MacColl is that Turks must t„- 
 bad, not so niueli they are Turks, as hecimse tluv 
 are Maboinedans. . . . Mr. .MaeColl goes over the croiiii.'l 
 with a paKsionate cngerncss and an amplitude of illii-tiii. 
 tioii whicdi eaniiot fail toconlirm Knglislinieii in their dr. 
 eisi<jn to do nothing lo uphold the present goveinnieiit of 
 Turkey."— .Sii(. Ha:, xliii. 4122. 
 11. Three Years of the Eastern Question, Lon., 1'^"^, 
 p, 8vo. 12. Arguments for and i.gainst Homo !i. '. , 
 Lon., 1 886, 12nio, 
 Macvoll, Norman, M.A., b. 1844; gnuiuated :\i 
 Cambridge, and elected a Fellow of Downi.ig i'olk'ijc; 
 called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn 1875; eiiitor o( tlip 
 Athenieum. Greek Sceptics, from Pyrrho to S".\li,s, 
 Lon., 1869, p. Svo. 
 "A vigorous sketch of one of the philosophies 
 grew out (d' the svslems of 'the iin]ierlecl follower^ ii 
 Socrates.' . . . ryrrho and the New .\eademy arc .Mr. .^l;ll ■ 
 coil's inimediale subjects, and he treats tliciii with a po\iir 
 and mastery which enable him to make his hntidreil ptiyes; 
 a very eouiplete and jueid exposition." — Sjiectdtur, xlii. 
 MacColla, Charles J. Breach of Promise: its 
 History and Social Considerations, Lon., 1879. ]». Svo. 
 MacCollestre, Rev. iSullivan Ilolinaii, It. P., 
 b. 1826, at -Marlborough, N.IL; president of liiiclit.l 
 College, Akron, 0., 1872-76, and pastor of several liii- 
 versalist congregations. After-'rhmighls of I'orcign 
 Travel in Historic Lands and Capital Cities. Iliu.-t. 
 Bost., ISSil, 121110 ; 4th ed., 1884. 
 AlacConias, E. W. I. The Divine I'n.hlcin. N. 
 York, 18SII, 12mo. 2. A Rational View of .Ic.-us ;iiid 
 Religion, N. York, 1880, 12mo. 
 AiacComb, William. Poetical Works, Lun., bUl. 
 or. Svo. 
 MaeCombic, Thomas. 1. History of the Colony 
 of \'ictoria, 1859, Lon., 1859, 8vo. ' 2. Au^trali:lll 
 Sketches ; The Gold Discovery, Ac., Lon.. 1 861, fp. ~k.. 
 3. Frank Ilenly ; or. Honest Industry, Lon., Isi;;, sm., 
 MacCombie, William, ISOS-isst), a farmer -.mii 
 eattlc-breeiler of Tillyfour, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and 
 M,P. for Western Aberileen 1868-76. Cattle and Callli'- 
 Breeders, Edin., 1867, 12mo; 4th ed.,rev. and eiil.. h^ii. 
 "Even the most utterly uiibu<'(die mind may lind re- 
 laxation and iH'gnilcnient of f/)»;i/ in icadiiij;o:' the O'l- 
 lickingeeeeiitricities, the rude, rough wit. and the prai-li- 
 eal joking, iif the giants amoinr breeders and Ici'dersacrnss 
 the border lifty years ago."— .s'cif. ]i(i\, xxiv. \1'M. 
 MacCombie, William, 1819-1870, editor of tin- 
 .-Vberdeen Free Press. 1. Hours of Thought. 2. 
 Agency, 3. Heresy and Schism, 4, Life of .•VlcxainliT 
 Bethuno. 5. Essays and Lectures on Kdiicatioii, I.oii., 
 1857, 12nio. 6. .Modern Civilization : a Scries of Lssiiys 
 liOn., 1863, Svo. 7. The Irish Land Qaestion, l.on., 
 1869, Svo. 8. Sermons and Lectures. (Edited by la< 
 Daughter.) Edin., 1871, p. 8vo. Poslh. 
 ".\Uhougli a layman, lie was often invited to prciicli. 
 and indeed he beloiitied to a sect which is iicrvoii,-ly lin-iilc 
 to the recognition of any clerical caste. His di-iniirM- 
 were for the part penned hastily and in li"ii''* 
 snatched from far diB'ereut work; yet they display saili 
 visrniir, rii'hiipBK, and depth of thought hk wc l'-o>i in u'-i' 
 scrmoiis of few professional preachers."— Spccdid.'r, •''I'*- 
 AlacCombs, A. 1*. Poems and Ballads, Ball., 
 1S65, l2mo. 
 AlacConaughey, Mrs. J. E. 1. One Hundred 
 'i"!.! Dollars, Phil,,., ,,s(i,i, is,„,, , p, 
 I'iKsbuVff, is'oo, s™. '^""n^"' in S.icreJ ilino.-/, 
 l'<87, 4t(). '*"""""1''"°-'' ininsaotlons,)I.on I 
 ...f AS:^«l^,;Ur '^^!!1-- '• I-e StoHe, of ' 
 "<■ C....r( i„ 0l,l„"^,,^i;,,r"r,%' «,''-•'•'''-•''' ••-"• Clerk..,MJ..m,-., I'hilu,, Kss- l"" """^ Married: 
 I'l'ia. Where is lie 'oTh >?;';'' '^'"""^''' '''"l"'''-''- 
 ''%■'' '''aee, Phila.,l.,is'ni,'u, ''■'"'"' "^ "" ^'"«""'•- 
 MacCook, (4irg'e W n • "= ' '*'' "''" ""'• 
 ^vi?"u•:c^:i'^7o"!"7 v"."-^'"p"«'-. »•!>■. b 
 i" l.-m. bee,;„,e X f ;P|.'','^''"'''''"^' ''"••'•"'' 
 I'liilii.iel|,l,ia. Ho s "■!.« y^'byteriun ehureh in 
 ■VK-nee., I'hila.lolphia „ h , ' " Aea.iemy of Natural 
 "'.^ a„,l .piders. 01 L,'''''''''''^ "^ Ao.erican 
 Miip Teaehi,,, i„ (1 , i 'i^ ' "i'' '"''• 'il'X'kl'oard, »,„! 
 '■-?'. 3. ThoL 'fKv' ,°V''"'''^ «ini3try, Phil, ' 
 Ter™,ena,-rBo;r;, s ^^ "'-/^tT' V "'• . "•• (e''-) The , 
 "f tlie Alh.gha„i.,, |«rr 6 vV ',"';V'^'"'^'"« ^'>'« 
 Af,'.ie„leuntlAnt.,f'Tex ■ IHuft "pi''-, "'r""'^ "'' "'» 
 Ilistorif Decorations ,it t„. P » "''"•' "^''■>> ^'"- '. 
 f'-togntphie Sou e^i ,,' ?, P''"-l'^«-;jbyteria„ Counoi 
 I'l'il^'., 1881, ,,to. ," T ' r ;. i '■'"' De.seri|,ti„„., 
 I'l^'ms. must. Phila. is's- svo "'" ^"'^''■i^n . 
 «H'.^;'teS^[^l!'/;;^";,[;J»rehes i„ a ,ie,„ ., „„,„ I 
 ''Pii'Tii'ii 'iM Liic IlLCiS Pllliinni-iir.wl "iiiC 
 iLircili (> mil .>tiM ■ « 't- n;tnn\ j()s.s(it<,,p ,,»■ „ .., 
 18(10-1880 1 n., .1, ^ 
 -• -■'■ I. un ine to 
 lfi-it„„i liAji^^XTT^T '^^ '"'-■■'he 
 the Insane, I,on., istti ' .' '^^ ^''''"""lii : a Plea f„r 
 by itebieathnl Airnn ir.'n """•"""I"'"" "^ I'ngen.leiea 
 t^ure, Lon., isw, Sv„ ■ Vl ''"■'•■'.'""" "n,l Po,,«ihlo 
 TbeKvie.ion.-aStor vol i),l ' ""'^"'' '^'i-'i-^er; or 
 I'- >*y'. Anon V ,■'. '*' ''K""i "nil l,„ve, l.un srii 
 ! UthecirSe/:;^ . ;:;:i'r;;;v;''V''M'--b R^ 
 < "'"""nption, !!;,„., |,sf"' .." '" f"""' ''^"""'"^ "n 
 i" ■'"'ul with (Jocl: a Theodiev''! """ V""*'-"'™''''" "f 
 Moral Seeular Kducation ( ,r ?' i ','- '"'"' '-■"»• «. 
 rnstilment, Un., 1879 "," '."'J^'-' ', '• fUrau.ontanU; 
 Consumption at Davo.,'„n,| E.i^^fi';;,'-',"'-' "'' Tubercular 
 ISSfi, in I!elfas,,r;,,h,'„', "■'";"' ^'■^'■' ^'-K.r.S., b. 
 geon-in-chief of he A.''i. ^ " ''"■"■''i"K: was Air 
 n>-Kor.y at St. Thomas's IloV, ' i 7^ ," ""'' '«^''">-«>- "" 
 I 'S8I for his services as e,' ""'""' """Sbted in 
 national .Medical CoLres e?-^""""' "'' "'« Inter- 
 »« ppers to medical*' ou;na and' '•■""'^. '"'""' "-"ner- 
 'and Recollections of •,n»,k, ' """"'ties. 1. Notes 
 ("t .<t. Thomas's H«spit,°l fh", "S '^'''''•'''^ ''e'ivered 
 j^-^'^n:;^^fr«;,fe^r;ia„d: With other 
 Frao,.h : witr, u'ter,;' '?nll!,"""' ,"• '^'"^ »^»th of 
 r>i.unon,l iC ,',,.,,' ".;■. T'l«I^''<e's Chase; or, The 
 Warbler, (•in"^;?',"'* ' "« «"!" Ring. % Forest 
 vof.'^!^;5'^*^'V,«;«|"v:^c„„„i^„.a,„, ^ ^ 
 correspondent of sever ,l%V.v Vol • ^"•' '' "'"'^ ""'"•- 
 of Ar,zon,t Territory Mite" , . •"""";''"' '"^'^''^'t""- 
 afterwaids n deleir„;„ , n ' ''"Pernor IS6(i-(is», „nd 
 '• !■>"". ^^^t. Paul's'' r.^'soThlir" ''^™! 'hat Teri'lt,,;" 
 ■■"l;e. N. York, im, 2mo^\'''j,"'' 'Sketchings in E,-;. 
 and P,-ospeets, \. Y.Irk IS/'i.i 'o/"'"""= "« Resources 
 Iheauthoristlioliamn , - ■ ■— ..^ -. .„ 
 ■>i -imous, mni„i,i.|,„ ,:,;'> '■,■■ ,, \\ iH'tiior treating' „f ,1'; 
 or ..ven the 'l.Cail.s', f",\^,. „ ;!"lf J"."' 'IMou,,, paVasi't'.^; 
 "> Hie Mducf Mr. \Ic( v , L- v ,, V . • ^ ' 'terest never fln.'s 
 yi"UM.v known of ti'es,>«M- V ''''''"'• "'bat was nr,^.' 
 '"f~X,ili,m. .x.xxiii. ,78 '''"-'' ""'»i'nt« to al.nost ,„^,h. 
 '• ienant.s of an ()l,i p. r 
 '"f '-f a nIz,^ N"v:,;k^^^s7 ^'" "'« '^"'«- 
 ""li fntroduetion by S ,• / I , ,,,' ', f' "''" ' Eng. ed.. 
 , '■ '■'".■ plan «dop,e,f o, s r'ini '''' ' '"^' 1'' S'""- 
 '■';;:■ Mn,v.M,,.,,;,,;.;;.;.',*'"«e''' (Pseud.) See Mk. 
 y'"'\ "f the .Moving 1 Wts ot^M, "f '""' *'"''^' "f f^'">- 
 :>'J- •!• I!e,nM„n,s f,,,,,,",, •""el'Mies. IHust. lss:t 
 ';■"•''•! "-'Kenor, "Z l^i^^i, I'alette-Scraping; 
 "'i'i' t"r '^n.ughtsincn. n'ln t 'v v"";- ■•• ^"''='''^' 
 •>''U'Cord, rrpderic''\ m' ^l"',''' 'S''''*. -fto. 
 '''•■y; '^'les, .Montr,.ari"'s ,t*,o """''-"-'"k of Canu- 
 •^»v.o„r's Hands an,i " •, " PhTi"'" V .'"•' ''eaee fm,„ the 
 and Prospects, X. Y, rk IS.V". "8. - "-^-Tces 
 r^t:ra,?\S :^■f■■"■•-«. 
 b'Kl befoie the Rov, ?■„ ",'•''""'"■'• 'n lS,i7he 
 : ^'''";'-«lt.V a plan o7'l'''™' '""''y «■"' 'he 
 Iranklin, whid, w„s ,r, , "^ i-emains of .^ir John 
 by Sir I.e;.p„jH,:^: ---;:, -ecesstully --e^tt 
 'Arctic medal in ISo; an d , , V "«,»"- awarded the 
 fe-eneral „f h„. .j,,,,, ;„ " ' . ;^; heon deimty inspector- 
 '" the An-tie ,,'nd An ,.,'>.'!:, ^ Y^S"' o'' Di-iovery 
 Maps and III,,.,. L,"n I884 f ""'' '"'""I "'e Worl.l. 
 "■ntes will, 111 viv ,;"'«,!"■"-' ""lilerarv pretensions 
 I ^^«cc;;;;r^r -'^^--''"iwi^T^a '^ 'h^roii^i^-s 
 bo, the Kncn,^V\he Hum!.n'«acrM''"'i •=^'-"- 'hall 
 I 12nir,. nuiuan Jtace, Manchester, 1886 
 Review, Lo,,., 1871, 8v,;' ^ "" ^"'"-' "' A,gyll.. ,,ith 
 ; eated „t ,i|„,,„„, ,',;,• j , ,i ,^^, 7.'<"-"'h, Ayrshire, e,lu- 
 '" niinisterof the Chu I , ■ k'' „ ""'""ties; o,-daincd 
 "etivepa,.t in the,,rgan;,;i „•;;,:; '"'^ "\.l''''' ""'^ an 
 was p,-ofcss„,. ,„■ |,,gi ",'""' ' " '■ I'.ieeCliureh in l84;i ; 
 'it^ !nitcd.SUt,s. ,vh,.r,.'he\V„s . '",'-''- rcm„ved to 
 ' "lleKo until 1887 ,1, "'. '.'"'^"'ent of Princeton 
 l'e'iodi,.als. ,. ; Tr „';,!;'■' V'""' '" "^i-'-^ and 
 'ners. lly„ p„,„ j, "- ' the Me,nory of Dr. chal- 
 2- The Intuition "fVh'^Minn''',''' '''*';• '''"'»• ^non. 
 '■on. and N. Vork, I8Ms" .'"'''''''' ?'>' I" '''^tigated, 
 10:19 ' ' ' 
 Ri I 
 8vo. -1. Examination of J. S. Mill's I'liilosoiihy : being 
 a Uefcnuo of Fiiniliiinentiil Trutli, N.York, 18611, Svo; 
 now ed., 187,'). ."i. PliiloS(]iiliiL'iil I'liiicrs. Lon., IsiiS, 8vo. 
 t). The liiiws of Dificurnivu Thoii);lit : bi'lng a Trciitiso 
 on Formal Logic, N. York, 18liy, 12nio; new eil., 1S70. 
 7. Christianity ami Positivism: a Scrius of Ijecturos, 
 Lon. anil X. York, 1S71, p. Svo; new ed., 1S75. 
 " It i.s a fairly nooil conipi'iiiliinn of the matler-of-conrso 
 answers to oijjections again.-t Christianity."— ■'<>n7ii(or, 
 xliv. il>J. 
 8. TheScottich Philosophy: 13iof;raphtcal, E.vposilory, 
 Critieal : from llutchcaon to Uaniilton, Lon. anil N. 
 York, l."*"!, r. Svo; new ed., 187.'). 
 "The biographical part appears to be iloni; with nuicli 
 {■are ami research, ami ihis will make the volume a nsel'iil 
 book of referciiee. The e.\piisilciry part may be \i>eful 
 also, but it W(ailcl have Ijceii the belter tor being less nii.xed 
 ui) witli criticism. "—."<'»(. -/I'd'., xx.\ix. i;iy. 
 II. Ideas in Nature overlooked by Dr. Tyndall ; being 
 an Examination of Ur. Tyndall's liclfast Address, N. 
 York, IS7J, l2mo. 10. The K.)yal Law of Lovo : a 
 Sermon, X. York, lS7,'i. l2mo. 11. The World a Scene 
 of Contest: liaocalanreato Sermon, N. York, IS7(), 
 12nio. 11!. The Oevelopment Theory: la it Sollieicnt ? 
 X. York, 1876, 16mo. l:i. The Emotions, X. York, 
 issii, Svo. 
 "Hisbook is good enouiih in its way; but it is, after all, 
 (Mily an imperfectly arranged suuimary of W'.'ll-known 
 data."— .Yii/(o«, xxx.' lUO. 
 II. Philosophic Series. Port I., Didactic: No. 1, 
 Criteria of Diverse Kinds of Truth, as opposed to Ag- 
 nosticism ; No. 2, Energy, Efficient and Finiil Cause; 
 Xo. 3, Development; what it can do, and what it cannot 
 do; No. 4, Certitude, Providence, and Prayer. Part II., 
 Historical; Xo. 5, Locke's Theory c)f Knowledge: with 
 a Xotico of lierkeley ; No. 6, Agnosticism of Hume and 
 Hu.vley ; with a Notice of the Scottish School ; X^o. 7, 
 A Criticism of the Critical Philosophy; Xo. 8, Herbert 
 Spencer's Philosophy as culniinalin,!; in his Ethics, N. 
 Y'ork and Lon., l8>2-86, Svo ; republished as " Uealistio 
 Philosophy defendeil in a Philosophic Series," 1887, 
 2 vols. Svo. 1.'). Iteligion in a t^jllege; what Place it 
 should have; being an Examination of President Eliot's 
 Paper read before tlie Nineteenth Century Club, in New 
 York, February ;t, 1886, N. York, 1886, 12mo. Pamph. 
 16. Psychology; the .Motive Powers: Emotions, Con- 
 science, Will, N. Y'ork, 1887, 12mo. 17. (iospel Ser- 
 mons, N. York, 1888, 12mo. 18. The Religious Aspects 
 of Evolution ; liedell Lecture for 1887, N Yorh, 1888, 
 Svo. With others, (Questions of Modern Thought : Lec- 
 tures, Phila., 1871, Svo. 
 MacCosli, John, .M.D. 1. Mediool Advice to Offi- 
 cers in India; new ed., Lon., ISoSI, |). Svo. 2. Nuova 
 Italia: France, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily; a Poem, 
 in Ten Cantos. Hy Normantino. Lon., 1872-75, I2n!0. 
 H. (Jrand Tours in Many Lands ; a Poem, in Ten Cantos, 
 Lon., 1881, cr. Svo. 4. Sketches in Verse, At Home and 
 Abroad, anil From the War of the Nile, Lon., 188:), or. Svo. 
 MllcCowiili, P. Considerations on the Christian 
 .Sabbath, Lon., ISoJ, ISmo. 
 MacCoy, Frederick, C.M.H., b. in Dublin, and 
 educated there and at Catubriilge for the medical pro- 
 fession, but dovoteil liimscif to the study of geology anil 
 natural history, aiul at tlie propo.sal of Sir R. (Jrillith 
 made the palueontological investigations required for the 
 geological map of Ireland for the Uoundary Survey. He 
 was also employed in the British Geological Survey, and 
 was subsequently appointed professor of geology in the 
 Xurthern College, (Queen's University,) Irebmd. but re- 
 signed this position to take the chair of natural science 
 in the Universily of Melbourne, where he hiis also tilled 
 the offices of director of the Xution;.! Museum of Nat- 
 ural Science iind piila'ontologist to the (leoiogicai Survey. 
 He is a member of various scientilie societies and a 
 knight in tlie order of the Crown of Italy. Ho has con- 
 tributed numerous essays to the Annals of Natural 
 History, (.Melbourne.) 1. Contributions to British 
 Pabcontologi, Lon., 1854, Svo. 2. Prodronuis of the 
 Zoology and Paheontology of Victoria. Illust. (Pub- 
 lished in numbers by the (iovernineni of Victoria.) Mel- 
 bourne, 1S74 ii Hif/., super r. Svo. With (iinrriTii, 
 Sir R., Carboniferous Limestones of Ireland. Plates. 
 Lon,, 1862, Ito, Willi Sai.tkk, Synojisis nf the Silurian 
 Fossils of Ireland. Plates. Lon., 1862, 4to. See, also, 
 Skihiwick, Aii/VM, mile, vol. ii. 
 UlacCrucken, C. L. Analytical In lex of Kitto's 
 Bible Illustrations, 1878, 12mo. 
 MacCrackejl, II. M, Leaders of l!ie Church I ni- 
 ver.sal, Phila., I'SI), Svo. 
 MacCrai-keii, S. tl. The Slate of Michigan ; eia- 
 braciug Sketches of its History, Po.-ition, Resources, and 
 Industries, Lansing, Mii h.. Is7(i, Svo. 
 MacCrne, Cieorge (iordoii. 1. 'The Story i.f 
 Balladeadro, Jlelbounie, ls67. 2. Mi'imba, the liriL'lit- 
 ! Eved, Melbourne, ls67. :i. The Man with the lion 
 I Mask. 
 [ iMact'rary, George HnNliiiigton, 18;i5-lS9n, h. 
 at Evansville, Ind.; uieiiiber nf Cungrei-s 1868-77; sec- 
 ! retary of war 1877-79; judge of the I'.S. Circuit Couif 
 ] 1S7SI-S4. I. Treiiliseon the American Law of Electi.ii-, 
 Chic, 1875, 8vo; 2d ed., enl., 1881). 2. Reports of tl..- 
 Circuit Courts of the United States, (Eighth Circuit, 
 vols, i.-iv., 1S7S)-S;',, Chic, 1SS1-S4, Svo. 
 MacCray, Floriiie Tliayt^r. Environment: ;i 
 Story of .Modern Society, X. York, 1887, 12mo. 
 -MacCrea, MaJ.-tieii. Itobert liarluw, II. A. 
 Lost amid the Fugs in Newfoundland, Lon., IsBy. p. 
 Mn,^Cree, (Jcorge Wilson. W. lirock, First 
 Pastor of lilooinsbary Chapel, Lou., IS76, 12mo. 
 I MacCreery, J. L. Songs of Toil and Triuinpli, 
 X. York, ISSH, |6mo. 
 I MavCrib, 'I'lieophilus. Kennaquhair : a Xurni- 
 tive of Utopian Travel. Lon., Is71. p. .'^vo. 
 iMacCrie, (ieoige. 1. The (ild World, and other 
 Poems, Lon., Is.'i7, 12ino. 2. The Religion of our 
 I craturc: Essays. Lon., 1875, Svo. 
 j MacCrie, James. Autofnedia: or. Instruetiuns 
 on Personal Education; 2d ed., Lmi., 1.>7I, Svo. 
 iMactrie, Uev. 'I'lionias, D.D., [miu. vol. ii., 
 second of the name there mentioned, add.] 1. Annuls 
 of English Prcsbjlerianisni from the Earliest Period to 
 the Present Time, Lim., 1872, Svo. 2. The Story uf 
 the Scottish Church from the Reformation to the Dis- 
 ruption, Lon.. 1875, p. Svo. 
 iMacCrindle, J. W. Ancient India, as descriljtil 
 by Megasthcnes and Arrian, Lon., 1S7S, p. Svo. 
 MacCrooni, J. S. Unseen : and Idealities : Poems, 
 Lon., IS72; 2d ed., 1S7.3, 12mo. 
 MacCiillaglt, Rev. Archibald, D.D. 1, Beyond 
 the Stars; or, iluman Life in Heaven, X. York, Iss;, 
 12iim. 2. The I'eerlcss Prophet ; or, The Life and 'fijois 
 of John the liaiitist, X. York, 1888, 12mo. 
 MacCullocli, Coli.i. Christ and his Lamb.-; 
 Addresses, Ac, Lo'i., iso.s, 12ino. 
 AJacCulloch, David. Alma Theresa: a 'J'ule, 
 Lon., 1857, p. Svo. 
 DIacC'ullocSl, David. Darkness and Sunshine; 
 dedicated by .Special Permission to the Right Hon. the 
 Earl of (ilasgow. By Oleander. (Jlasgow, I STB. Sv,i. 
 MacCnlloch, G., superintendent of the Knviil 
 Blind Asylum and Sehuol, Edinburgh. Story of a Klinii 
 Mute. (R. Edgar,) Edin., 1S7U, Svo. 
 AlacCulloeh, (>eoi'ge. 1. Profession and Prac- 
 tice ; 'Thoughts on Vit;il Religi'.n, Lon., 1S56, ISiiio. :.'. 
 Bible Piographies; Minor Scripture Characters, Lon., 
 1858, ISmo. 
 MacCulloch, Hiigh,b. ISIIS, at Kennehunk, Me.; 
 |ircsident of tlie Bank of the State of Indiana lS56-ti:i; 
 comptroller of the currency lSti;j-65; secretary of the 
 treasury 1865-69 and 1884-^85. 1. Bi-Metallisia": !i Lec- 
 ture, ("Economic Monographs,") X. York, 1S71I, ll'niii, 
 2. Men and Measures of Half a Century: Sketches and 
 Comments, X'. York, ISSS, Svo. 
 "A fairer, kindlier book was never written. . . . Tlie 
 i fault, inileed, of Mr. McCullnch's book, from a critiiul 
 jioiiit of view, is the abininiling kindliiu'ss and ileliriiey 
 1 which govern bis hand Wiieiiever he tiuiehes his riuiteiti- 
 lioriiries, living or dead. . . . Vet it must not be siipi" sed 
 that Mr. McCnllocirs courtesy and kindness have iiiiule 
 his sketches of men valueless. (In the conlrary, tlie niiiii 
 , of banks anil business freqiu'iitly dissects eliaracter Willi 
 I the hand of ii iiiaster."— .Vii/ion, x'lviii. 207. 
 i MacCullocli, Hunter. From Dawn to Dask, 
 ! and other Poems, Phila., 1887, Iflmo. 
 i .MacCulloch, J. Distillation, Brewing, uiul .Mult- 
 j ing, San Fran., IstlS, ISmo. 
 .llacCulloch, James Haines, M.D., [n"''. v"l. 
 I ii.. add.,] b. about 179.!; graduated in niedieiiie at the 
 University of Pennsylvania 1814. I. An Inipiirlniit Kx- 
 position of the Evidences and Doctrines of tile t'liri^iimi 
 Religion; addressed to the Better Ci;isses of .Society, 
 Bait., 1856. 2. On the Credibility of the Scri|iturcs; a 
 Recast and Enlarged View of a Former Work on the Sub- 
 ject, &n., 1867. 
 ^r^:'}'"?h ««v- James Mel 
 mons, KUi 
 Subjects: wi'th M 
 !>• Svo. 2. Sorm 
 Ville. I. Ser 
 ml Misiv 
 >""ir, Edin., 1884, p. 8 
 ions on Unusual 
 '!,'.'"*='•' i''.""'^ S. ' Poem 
 incous, E.lin., 188 
 Meoliiiniciil T) 
 iilloeh, II. s. El, 
 p. 8v 
 IS, Local, Lyric, 
 Maecloiiald, A. 
 «<!,v nnil thf !• 
 lu'OI V .if lli.|,t |,|,,1 
 "i-k, isrii. Svo. 
 entiiry Troiitise on tlic 
 itf Application lu Aii- 
 unci .Steam Engines. N. V,,,,,, ,„,„ ,,.y 
 "Ml::!^.:^.'--^^ ''f."T:^.u!;;:!;;t:\^::,l;:?i"'" 
 vf„ ,*"'?,!'""'' Alexaiid 
 MnstcTs, Work 
 18fi8, 8vf 
 A Student's Adventures in Tur 
 [''"f, Lon,, 1877, p. 8 
 "len, Survanis 
 er. The I. 
 law relative to 
 and Apprentices, Lon 
 oiiald, Alexander, u 
 'ove. Law, and Tlie. 
 lliiwaiiin Kin.'d 
 "ioK.v: the \clo fa^" I ,,r, i^ni \..' ' """ ■""'- 
 Effort, for tLir K V ^'^l/'•];.t,7^^t? "'' """ '''="'''' 
 Lon., LS>7, cr. 8vo. '"-''^- '^'"P* ■""! ?'»"». 
 throws lurSj'ixman^i'MJt ^n '«„,"'''"'■""'"''"""■'• «•* 't 
 1) ■ . ■ ,. "lun.^wiuK Ml 81 
 Turon.o, Canadr A ;?.'?;; „'". U"iv«"ity Colle,... 
 ;^n^uis.cAreh.oio;?: .;;;;:- ;']S^^,fr't:^ 
 ^^■.^^!J^'^^S !.?r.^,';^i!:-;,;l'^^,j;-K....ors. Mr. 
 flaeCurrick, Laurence ti,„ m 
 tam.-cs Lon.. Is8,' Svo Planetary Dis- 
 MacDaiiiPi, Mary Anne {' v""' 
 Joseph, Lon., LS- 1 .■j9,,,„ o "r^* „'• -^ovena to .St. 
 «-"e: Rule;, Uu.,\h^, J; .^i!;:^ '» "^ven : a 
 [or, T.e„.«on l-n,na'\"d "*,,"'" v-''''? ■''"" Rebellions; 
 180.^. '"'"".KLd. Uy a Virginian. Richmond! 
 MacUonnld. n r i-m ,. 
 Vouthof U."',r:iod;\^,;ei.VT'l,'r"'";'' "'' ^''"' 
 MacDonaid, Rev Uo„nM 'r' ,""" ' '''' '2""- 
 IntroduHion to the lw„^° , , ' f""'"' *■"'• ''•• add-] 
 :»Iacdo„ald Don 1 ' ;■■ '■"";', "^"'' ^ ™ls. 8ro.^ 
 B<oy.n gathered In A*!,"" fi,;. .T ,"8"7^",r ^^ '"""'« 
 ■>Incdonald, Ilev. DnH JV ' ' ' '"• 
 i" 'Vt8 tl V, I'^air?!;' f « Scottish missinnarv, and went 
 roniainc,! at iC vi , J "?<-'"'"l""'i"'l ''.v his wife He 
 c"lle,l after the bi'rUatJ^^'.'f'iy"','''''- ''•''''' Lake .Vyassa^ 
 three years. «,„! (vdlKf "\, Mnl,.:'/''^''.''''-"' ''"■ a''"" 
 I regarding the iicKni r a v ' " .'f 'I'f "."'■'"■^'ing facts 
 •.SSn'i;i,Pa':';'l?" *"'"T««' ^'orbes,C.E. 
 ' Svo. 2. Hints on F.!r'; ""J""'"'"'' ''^'""''. '-on., 1862, 
 Svo. .■!. Est, e lam ',,"'; '";",-, ""^ = ' ""' «''■ i 8'1« 
 ! 4. Cattle, .^leeVriiC,'' '","' '''•' L""- 'S»9' ^vo 
 5. (irons; Disi:;sr , r ^""^ '-'!-' 2'' '^^'l- 1873, Svo. 
 Lon., 1883, 8vo """' """^ Kemedies. [Must. 
 MarDonalil, E. old 
 M 1^ . "'"> ■;'■ <io and fol. 
 MacDermoU, Clarke. Histo.v „r...„ r,._.. .. Fletcher of At,, '1 "''.'',.<-''':.«<'.. B'nningham. 1. 
 "-r „.^«.r-KrK;;s IS: I i;:t!;^f,j;;;s- 
 History of the First Pres- 
 .>I«cOermo»t, Edward. I. 
 2. 'Ih 
 ««^^fT:^rsn:s^!-4;:,--- :: i ;y;s'in Ka; .,,,,,,, 
 ;ge, Birmingham. ]. 
 Worth Kemembcring,") 
 'lie of -Hilliam Morley 
 E-xlubition of i862VLon.', 'l8"62, Tomo 
 Mi^r^ru'i;;!-"',^'-''*!^.^,'!;.™''''?- t'.o b.. at ,he 
 1887, 8v„. 
 '- ..rAbstracts ,:f Tu" f:,n!',^ri":o'"' ''"'"'™- 
 ifl icOerniott, Hugh F arr^r i i. 
 «n Editor's Table N. York 881 '• P"<"»s from 
 liliml Canary, I ve«e - 1 .d ' "l.' '"'""■ -'. The 
 V"rk, I88:i, ,^.iZ'u, ' ' "■'"' a'l'liti<ms, N. 
 •>liicl)erniott, Marv. i..„. ri 
 Lon., I,s,-,v, 12,00.'^ ''^' °^ I-ove, and J jems, 
 MacDernioti sv r' n- 
 l"iiaM is (1 g''cidwnVr I, la ,,,ir'''l''-, ■ ' ' "i- Mae- 
 ha.s not prodmrd a I ioirn, ,"'''''''!'' '''''C. » ho 
 ault is ii.,| lii,, i„'t is A , ,.' W --".'ra-'Miit; imerest, llie 
 i ""■^l|"n. lived so u nf^',',',' ';';,c|''''>''M,,i,ce Ihnt'i^ 
 j 'li"Vi.s lilil,. l.rivale I iV^ v.. , ' sw'TV" I'"'''"' """ 
 Macdonald, Freder hT Tx' .' ' ,,! ■'''' 
 Pnest and SL,„ L,,,, ]"5 o '• ^''''''''''el Vaughi.n, 
 ami Pearl: Wandering,' .,ndw i ■'• •'• ''"• 2. Pu.k 
 Child,.e„ in India.'Lon' 1 8sr !"' "'""^ "' ^"^ ^"S"^" 
 Mardonald, (j. Three V, 
 Mrnetions i„ TlJoal ^nd Eri,^"""'" 
 r"u/t'"l!,n'.",'s,,-|-|»;^,^ Outlines "^ ^aval Hygiene. 
 Jj^*^!'" uf^-.;!^!:^„,i^;''i--i'?,?y"eation in Ire. 
 nontanism," L, 
 'everend James Maed 
 ■ riiihr 
 in.. 186(i, 
 on Nasal Ob- 
 , >'«cctonnidr(:e;;;'«e''iTTrr' '■™' ''''^"' •^-• 
 • .. ..^..i.vM, leugmeni of big 
 'Olds and other'neriodin„i"' , ^'',""ii''iit<il lo (iood 
 ■-says; or, A Hook (;,r .i,. •.'.,'' "•-•. l-_Poi'msand 
 u. LSMO. ,Sv 
 levitt. liishi 
 of AIMIallows bath. 
 Father H 
 ™ii'. Oublinri.sZ'^lo ^"""^^ *■'"■ •"'"' 
 ,,;«.'cd«„ald, A. Natural Phenomena 

 sciliitldiis cdiiUiliicd 111 tlie t)0(ik. Tlie clmraiters nre ex- ' 
 trenit'ly well ilniwii."— /I«i., No. IKW. 
 I. Ailuhi Cat heart, Lon., 1 xiil. :! voIh. p. Svo ; now ed., 
 lssL>, 1 viil. .'). Tlu' I'oilc'iit ; a Siiiry uf SeTOri(l-Si(;lit, 
 licin., IsiU, |). Svii. Ii. Iliildeii Mlu, ami iitliur rciciiis. 
 l.on., ISIil, IL'iiiii. 7. Akv Kcirlius of How (ili'n, Loii., 
 ISfi,-,, :i vol.^i. II. Mvo; new cl., Isil7, 1 vol. 
 "It is Miiiu'tliiou' to ri'Jnice ilic liuart that I'Vcii In those 
 (lays a iiuvel can lio wrilliii lull of stinnK hiiinaii Imercst 
 withoiii aiiv aiil lioiji iiulcHlraiiialic sci'iir-|uiiiitliiK. sorlal 
 iiiy.-l( lies, aiol llic i.liy-ical lone ul' iiifidciils. . . . The 
 inaiiisiiriOK ol the liuerrsl lies In tlie ileveln|iineiit i/f Ihe 
 lliiierlile and s|iiritiial hislnrv olall the eharueters,"— .IW., 
 No. mill, 
 t<. Annals of a (iuici XeighlaMiihoud : a Novel, l.on., j 
 18B6, 3 vols. p. 8vo; new ode., l.sUT, 1872, 1S77, 1SS4, 1 j 
 "Can srarcoly be railed n novel, the story Is so suhser- 
 vieiit to the retlKious I'nnversalioiis ; Init, a.s it was writ- 
 ten orifiinallv for a .~unday imblleatioii, thi.s wu.s to he 
 CNpected."— .1^/1.. No. 'Jo;il. ' 
 '■I. 'Kiua 'AiTTtpa : I'n.siiiikon Sermons, Lon., ISBli, p. 
 8vo; :M ed., 1S()7. Id. Guild Court, l.on., \sm. ^^ vols, 
 p. Svu; new ed., 1SS|. U. Dealings "ith the Kairio.i, 
 Lun., KSIi7, Kimo; new ed., IS.sil. 12, The Diseiiile, and 
 other I'ocms, I.on,, !.'<(!'<, p. Svo. 
 "No lover of poetry, we think, will he inseiisihle to the 
 hiKh and neneruus leeliiiuMhe true love of Nature, and the '■ 
 faney. fresh and ilelicale, whielL Mr. Maedonald here, as 
 else\*\ here, disjiiays. , . . TIk' Inn^est poem.s iu this eollee- 
 tiou are not those to which it owes its eharni."— .l(/i.. No. 
 2110, I 
 1,'!. Hubert Falconer, Lon,, ISOS, ;i vols, p, Svo; new 
 cd,, 1. •<(;'.), I vid. I 
 "liohert Faleo.ier is the matured utioraneo of all the 
 tliouHhts and aspirations whieh J)r. .Maedonald tried to 
 say or sing in I'.is early poems, ami the eoinpleted pieture 
 of « Init he set forth in more or less IraKineuiary lorin in 
 his previous novels, lie has fnllilled all his promise, and 
 this is sayiiiK no little. . . . AlthonKh ' Kobert Kaleoner' is 
 not a bodk to he taken up for amuseno'nt, ... it is. never- 
 theless, a witrk brim-full of life and humour, and of the human inti'rest to all wlm care to read of 
 ' i.ife and death, and the deep heart of man.' " 
 —Atli., No. 2Vi3. 
 1-t. The Seaboard Parish: Sequel to "Annals of a 
 Quiet Neighbourhood," Lon,, l.sliS, .1 vol.<. p, Svo; 2d 
 eil,, ISIill, I vol.; new cds,, 1S72, l.'^.'i-t. 15. Wow o' 
 liivvcii ; or, The Idiot's Home, Edin,, IStiS, p. ,svo. 10, 
 En^'lanil's Anilphon, Lon,, IstiS, p. Svo. 17. Jliiacles 
 of Our Lord, Lou., 1S7(I, p, Svo; new cd,, 1S8I. IS. At 
 the liaek of the Xorth Wind, Lon., 1S7(), p. 8vOj new 
 eds., 1S72, 1S77, ISSl. 11). Ranald J'anner-iian'g Bovhood, 
 Lon,, 1S70, l2mo; new cds,, IS77, IS84. 211, The I'i-inaess 
 and the Goblin, Lon, ls7l, 12mo; new cd,, 1SS4, 21. 
 Wilfrid Cumbcrmcde: fin Autobiographical Story, Lon., 
 Is71, ;i vols, p. .-vo; new ed.. IS.sJ. 
 "A really beautiful book, whieh will deliubt Mr. Mae- 
 donald's great i-ircde td' admirers. —we had almost said (lis- 
 <'iple.s,— anil liy which chose who profcs,s a sterner ami 
 more deliuite religious ]iliilo.sophy may come to under- 
 stand the secret of his aeceptauee as u popular teacher." — 
 Speclaliir, .xlv. -M). 
 22, The Viear's Daughter, Lon,, 1S72, 3 vols, or, Svo; 
 new cd,, 18S1. 2:i, Gutta-l'ercha Willie, the Working 
 Genius, Illuat, Lon,, ls7:j, 12nio. 21, Malcolm, Lon,, 
 1874, :! vols, ]>. Svo. 
 "No educated reader can fail to bo touched by such 
 laiuLseapes and eharacters a-s abound in the book.' —Alh., 
 No. ■.!4.'i;i. 
 " The faults to be found with ' Malcolm' are by no means 
 eipial to its beauties, .'^ince the days of .Miss Kerrier there 
 lias been no better picture of Scotch charueter in "lany 
 varieties. '—.''Vi/, liir.. ,\.\.\i.\. ri7;;. 
 "It is imjiossilile not to study with interest the jilay of 
 liunianai'tion and passion as he''eliuentesthein. Whether 
 we watch the mad laird till, with Malcolm, we feel for him 
 a strong and painful syinpathv ; . . . or trace the growing 
 (levelopnnni id' chanictcr ... in the tautali/iug Lady 
 florimel, or the by-iilay of complicated motive and interesi. 
 as it moves the various (diaracters which arc crowded on 
 the stage, ... it is plain at least that in this unilcil history 
 ;Mr. Miiedonald has given us a story which, iiotwithstaml- 
 ii.g the fact that we conceive its "main jilo! unwurthyof 
 his pen. will yel be e.\tensivcly read and its scipiel eagerly 
 looked hir."— .S>rfll^»■, .\lviii.":U4. 
 2,'i. 'I'll'! Wise Woman ; a I'arable, Lon,, IS7.7, p, Sv(j ; 
 ncwed,, ISS,'). 21), St. Gee -ge and St. Michael, Lon,, 1S7.5, 
 .'i vols. p. Svo. 27. Thomas AVingfold, Curate, Lon., 
 187t!, ,S vols, p, Svo. 2S. E.xotics: Translations from 
 Novalis, Luther, Ac, Lon., 1870, 12ino, 211, The JLir- 
 ijuis of Lossie, Lon., 1S77, S vols. p. Svo. (.s^er^nel Ut 
 " Malcolm.") 
 ' It la not areali.stle story; the incidents are improbable, 
 and the liual .salvation ol all the contiuiding parties im- 
 Iio.ssible, as the world goes; but the book adds another to 
 many chapters of the high tea(hiiig which mavbe ulil- 
 l/.ed even by sueh a.s objcet to its form and disagree w ii!i 
 much of its matter."— .Ift.. No. 'iV.ll. 
 " .\Uhi>ugh Mr. .Macdonahl has made us wait two whcjie 
 years for the secniid pail of his uo\il, we liml ourselves 
 iaking it up with rather an increase than aii abalei lent of 
 interest. . . . The cause id' this is that .Mr. Macdonal.l'y 
 characters are real people. 'I'herc is lilc in ilicirccrv 
 gesture, in their every tone of cxpressiuu, ami he ha- al-l. 
 a wonderful way id' depicting, as it were, the hiilileo in 
 ture of man or woman, and revealing to us tbiimsoiwiiirii 
 we ha\'e. perhaps. brciM'agncly conscinus, but which hii\r 
 never before taken distinct sloipc; and theoccii-ional iiili. i- 
 ducliou of meOiphysical discussiuii into the Ihrcai' of ihc 
 story, which is an unfailing eharactcristie ol this writer, 
 is in the present instanee an additliaial charm.' —SitecUiloi 
 I. IJlll. 
 ;;n. Paul Faher, .^nrgeon. Lon., 1S7S, ;j vols, cr. Svh, 
 "'file book is not without ilraniatii' interest, hut ilii^ j^ 
 small in ipiantily. though pHwerful and iclling; and tiic 
 main force of Dr. .Macdouald's genius is spent on dialogue, 
 relleetioii, and sermon."— .'i/Kcfnd/r, 111. UK. 
 ;;i. Sir Gihliie, l.on., IS7il. :i vol.-, p. Svo. 
 " With the exception of ' Within and Without,' and ihc 
 first volumeof ' Havid Kiginbrod,' we arc nf npinioii ilu.t 
 ■Sirdi!,: '.>■,' take it for all in all, is the tiiiesl ]iioducti..ii 
 of his pen. . . . Written, as it has been, for a great and se- 
 rious iiurposc.— It is, in fact, a special study of psvcholn;;. 
 leal evolution,— much thought and labour hiust hi'ivegi.iie 
 to the eonstructiou of it. Hut. all the same, the story has 
 the freshness and eliann of an imju'it i:iiuii,it, ivttm begin- 
 iiiiig to end. but an improvisation .shaped, coloured, and 
 directed to the ideal end,"— .Spce(«/or, In, 14b"i, 
 112, .Mary Marstoii, Lon,, ISSI, :t vols,; new cd, saiiie 
 year,! vol, .'J.'l. The Gifts of the Child (?, and dlliir 
 Tales, Lon., 1SS2, 2 vols, ;i4. Castle Warlock: a 11 ely 
 Homance, Lon., 1SS2, ^^ vols. er. Svo; 2d cd,, ISs;',. :\:,, 
 The Princess and Cnrdie: a Fairy Itomancc. Illu^l. 
 Lon., 1SS2, 12mo. liO. Orts, Lon.. 1SS2, p, Svu, :;;. 
 Stephen Arehar, and other Talcs; new ed., Lon., Iss::, 
 )i, Svo, "iS, Weighed and Wanting, Lon., ISs:!, sni, p, 
 Svo, ;i',l, Iloniil Grant, Lon,, ISSH, .') vols. p. Svo. In. 
 A Book of Strife, in tile Form of the Diary of an <ijd 
 Soul: I'ocins; new ed,, Lon,, ISS.'i, 12ino. 41, I'nspuken 
 Sermons, Second Scries, Lini,, ISS,'), p. Svo, 
 " Kvery one remembers the .story of how, when ( 'i jlcriilL'f 
 asked Charles l.amb whether he had ever heard liiia 
 lireach. Lamb replied that he had never heard Culeiiili.'e 
 do anything else, liraw from this saying its liitlc sting nf 
 sarcasm, and allow for its humorous eXML'geraliini. ioid it 
 tits Mr. .Macdonahl c|uite as well as it titled tbegrc;il iiiiin 
 who called it birth. . . . The lirst series of ■rnsp.ikcii ser- 
 mons' has not, we think, been estimated at iis line 
 value, save by a comparatively small luiniber of ivniiir>. 
 It was a really rcmarKable book, . . . We cannot say that 
 we think the present volume quite equal to its predeces- 
 sor."— .'v'Ctafor, Iviii. N'i2. 
 42. Hamlet: a Study : with the Text of the Folio nf 
 1628, Lon., 1SS5, Svo. 43. What's Mine's Mine, l,.in., 
 issti, ;i vols, cr, Svo, 44, Homo .•\gain, Lon., I's;, p. 
 Svo. '.''). The Elect Lady : a Novel, Lon., ISSS, cr. Svo. 
 Maedonald, Mrs. George. Cliamhcr Dramas 
 for Children, Lnn., 1S7(I, 12mo. 
 iMacdoiiuld, Ilev. (iraiit William, graduated 
 at St, Mary Hall, Oxford, IS72; ordained 1S71; vicar 
 of St, .Mark's, Holbcach, since IS79, 1. Histnrieal Note.* 
 relating to the Parishes of liatcombe and Spargmve, 
 with I'pton-Noble, 1S05, 2, A lirief Aecmint iif liic 
 I'arisli of Jlolbeach and its Church of All Saints, ls7S. 
 ItlacUoiiald, H. B. I, Wild liird. King lling, 
 and other Poems, Lon,, ISoO, 12mo, 2. Abdul .Medjid, 
 a Lay, and other Poems, Lon,, 1S:'')7, 12nio, 
 .Maedonald, Hugh, ISK-lSfiO, b. in Glns^'ow, uf 
 humble parcnlagc: was early sent to work at the hlcick- 
 jirinting trade, and afterwards began to cent ri bale pneuis 
 and descriptive articles to the Glasgow Citizen and to 
 other journals. I. Haniblcs round (ihisgow, Deserip- 
 livc. Historical, and Traditional, (ilasgow, I s.'ili, IL'uiii; 
 new ed., 1801). 2. Days at the Coast: Frith of Cl.vile 
 Sketches, Glasgow, 18.')7, 12mo; new cd., |sr4, .'i. 
 Poems: with Memoir, ISOIi. 
 .MacDonald, J. II. Hints on Drill, for Volun- 
 teers, Lcin., Imi2, I2ni'i. 
 Maedonald, .lames. Food from the Fa:\Ve-t: 
 Aineriean Agriculture and Imported Dciol .Meat, l.on.. 
 1S7S, p. Svo. With Si.Ncr.Aiit, Jamks, Ilhitory of Pulled 
 Aberdeen or Angus Cattle; giving an Account "f the 
 Origin, Improvcmenl, and Characteristics of the lireel. 
 Illust. Edin., 18S2, Svo. 
 MacDonald, Kev. James Alexander, a Wes- 
 leyan minister. 1, The Prin.-ipia an I ti.-> I'.ililn: :i 
 Critique and an Arguinont, Edin., ISiiO, er. ''vo. U. 
 Heavenward: Memorials of .Mrs. .M. A. C. TrellVy. I.'din., 
 ISHO, p, Svo, :*, Light and Love: Memorials of Josiab 
 Liddle, Edin,, 18HS, 12mo. 
 Ins Klouk, l,on., I8IL' I-,,,,, . ,,V r^' .•"'-■'""niil to I ,, -.T-; » ■•"■in, ,ii. A., brother of ,I,i,m.« Af,.„ 
 : f ■■"111, ,n|;..n,ry Kr,.,,,' , > ,Viii, ' , ' i'"' '"^^^l^-ketd. 
 I ""'"I I. "I'/"".- e,lN™i,.,|atHie C.i 
 . ■■*>■( 
 Lou.,'. I ',„„■' '• •*• '^""'""^ "' N'' JLygiene, 
 'i'VH.on of the court of ,,<■.. on 1, „ "^ ■'"";!""' 
 gcnonil of volunteers. 1 (),,T:.i, ,',,"'" ';''«'"lie'-- 
 'inuHl Excursion to lilun,lJ l,,^ ' ^ , ' ^^f '•'^;:' i -• 
 lnrMs;,,^^r """"""«-'■■- '>'iiiw!iho:a"^t:;:; I 
 uniler Mauy Ki,.«,, N.'yo'k 1 S,S8 "C '^°'"«"'""''- 
 „?!,".«»J"i","'' •"•"athun S.' v'itai l-hilosonhy : „ 
 of Natural 
 ,,,. ", •- •'■'«OMJU 
 "; , 'I!-', ''".'' "'' ''*'"'"er 1111,1 
 , "'-'-I l!<!|M,rts of .-itiito 
 Church of Seotb n'l C'llcu'tt^' v'TTl '?'' "'« P'"-^ 
 Amu. Throe Th„u;an;i Ye s aI "lo""'^"sT '.o'"""" 
 , Qiii'stion : with 
 '■";i-"lliin,l, I, on., l,sr;i, 
 «i'!""'rr'^'riS"','"!''',Pr^'''7^''^' f'"- 
 N'oithuniplonsliire isro l^ :~';^^ rector of Walgrave, 
 the Doctrine of "a. '" "'• " '■ ^i'™""" on 
 K.«.y,,nr.,hc:;lr.:^'u.^;~f;,^"-. l^^-^vo. ,. 
 18, isry, 
 •nacdoiinid, Mnimim ,i 1 . 
 i'liila., IS-S, '",',„ • •^""'•""^i" ■• a Drama 
 .Mjicdonald, K. Fro,„ Day to Div or 
 n-nl. tor the Christian Life, l,o,f., 1S78 ,' 8™ 
 •>IacD«„„id, Ranald. The v L v hmi ■ , 
 an Anal.v,sis of its I'n.visions .(■,.», . '" ' "'" 
 Siilamanca. I . (Tra^y', FsVa s ^i ", ^,^'1''' ^""^W 
 iili«i", i.n.i So.iais consii^.l • ^f""""'"'". ^iber- 
 ""■ns, Lon.. I8til, 8vo. 
 ation'*",f?i:rh"„'f Us UL '"'^ ^1,""""' «'«« ^--i- 
 ; nain^mt:' !;?;iu^::Jr:;:;iit?";;;!"^;;:i-' -"i,j-'b' i..,!!,. 
 ; rewrite ih,. hi.storv of ii i , ;,,, .''"''''.'.■l "H'loriakPs 
 l^^e ch„er ,vi,lely,rom lAl^l.ZI^^^^.^^^!^ No' 
 Macdoi.,H.||, Robert, M.D.. F.ll C ,^ I M I! i \ 
 b. 18J8; giailuateaatTrinitvCollp..n T II " ■^••■^•' 
 ■nn surgeon on the niediea^tn ',?/'" •' "'"'■''"■ 
 ex-|Mesi,|entof the Koya Col ef , -^ ' ^"""-'V "'"'■'• 
 surgeon to Steevens's 11." ,.iti 1,,1 iin'"T;'.T' ^'"■'"•"'' = 
 ?.. the Functions of the' I.iv^r^DubMnis^^r'""' 
 ing Well ; f^n/aJspVinisi, of ■■;"»' ,'''" 1''' "^ ^'""''- 
 8vo. •■'panish ul J. Baliues, I,on., 1S81, p 
 no;^'^:;'':'!?^^,)^;- ^'"' ^"■i"-™' wa^ „r „„,, 
 T.^on,'!!ri'^7\,^ '^"""^ «— -^r «el^ 
 "^ pastorates in Ne„ Iwh ^j'" ^ ^ Sv'V"' 
 1^- ^- Annihilation Of tI.;:^V!:JrN.v::;'k: IS 
 .^-.1.0. Fu" ' V's ^ ■ "'77' 'T '.'"^ ^^^ "f 'he 
 ^•r. Svo; new e,l 187« o ^n" '>'"«■' """'. I"'"- lS-4, 
 •^ -I.', p. s™, new H.-, ,^:s,«"'"'«^ ''""-"'. Lon., 1,8-9,' 
 •Hoi'doiiell, James, 1842-1.879 b at n ' 
 Aberdeen; became a journalist a ... i ^™' ""'" ' 
 «" ■■'litorial ».ri...„ . -•'.r. "J""* "' '" .'-'■"■ly age. an,! 
 I'-li.'i to 18 
 i;^I_writ,-|. ,jn the Loiulon Ij, 
 an,l afterwards ,)n the T 
 .'I'by, by W. R. Nicoll, h 
 riinec since the First E 
 ""•.• 1S79, p. Svo 
 lil.V i'eleijrapli fr 
 las bee 
 Kery, Parts 1 2^ I u"i, 18 T'"' -'''.'''' ''™'-'"™ "'' «"'- 
 i;.Nperime„talPly:i,X 'd.neV";, "";, ^' ^^'"" '"'- 
 I the Practiceof .Sirge B Duhifn"" 'i« Advancement of 
 ham'coll^s, (N w S irenham"'^ '"','"> '"" "'""^-'f Abra-' 
 Macdon, en, ^V ";y"" ^.f;^ Lon., 18S1. 8v„. 
 Various Theoric'of Wa'es Lon Tss""i'9 ''"''''"" "^ 
 Heath: a Romance, N. YorkW, Ism ,""''''"' "' "■" 
 >.T":'?;:Sf,^'«*""f[. b.'-ir'-Carlisle, En.. 
 : liookT'iiib^'ui^c t; F:;f ii;. ' ■" ^r-^''^ ^''^^'- 
 I -n of Christ, and other .e;.li;;^;;;uei;ltl^;::i7 
 . -t-r^ut ,n the (runean war, an,l comman,led 
 •oently published. I 18 
 the f,.rees in liritish North A 
 t-^iiiipaigns of Hannibal .\ 
 mpire. Edited by his iv 
 ioS, p. 8v 
 ern Artillery, 1 
 .Moilern Warf 
 ineri,'a l87S-S;i 1. Tli, 
 «e,l and Consi,lered, Lon 
 iUacDoWall, Alexander B 
 •e as influence,! by Jlod- 
 I. Curve-Pictures of 
 m * 
 •■-•:yjri.| II 
 London for the Social Utforinor, Lon., 188S, 12mo. 2. 
 Facts alioiit Ireliinil : ii Curve-IIistory of Recent Years, 
 (Diii^jrains, with I-clter-l'rcss,) I,on., IHSS, Svo. 
 MlicduWHll, <■. S, I'ariKianii: the Heal Trutli 
 about tile Iloiiibiirilincnt, 1S71I-7I, Ijon., IM71, .Svo. 
 IMactlowull, Cameron. I. I,iiil,v Murtjarpt's Sor- 
 rows; or, Via Doloromi; iind otlier I'oelns. L'. The Fir.^'t 
 Einiiress of the Kaat : n ritory in Dramatic Form, Lon., 
 1!<S7. or. Svo. 
 Mnvdowall, C'anioroii Jo^fpli I'rnncis 
 Stuart, .M.K.C..^., M.K.C.P. Kilin., hrigade surgeon 
 in tlie lionihay army. On a New Method of Treating 
 Wounds, (Oruby's System,) and tlic Surf;ical Aspects of 
 tile Sio(;o of I'arJH, Ijun.. 1S71. 
 Macduwail, H, >V, I. .A.aganI and the liods ; 
 adapted from Dr. W. Wiigner, hnn., ISSIl. 2. (Trans.) 
 The Jews of liiirnmv ; .Stories by Karl Emil Franzos, 
 Kdin.j 1SS2, or. Svi). :;. (Trans.) .Vn Old Story of my 
 Farming Days, Ijy Fritz Keiiter, N. York, IS.HII.L' pans, 
 Itiino. l. (Trans.) Tempted of the Dovil: Passages in 
 the Life of a Kahbalist: a Story ; from the Gorman of 
 August Becker. l,on., ISSS, p. Wvo. 
 AlacUowall, Uilliam, F.S.A. Scot., d. 1S»S, let. 
 73 ; for many years editor of tho Dnnifries and (lalloway 
 Standard, Sciitlanil, and a stuilent of IikmvI history, arch- 
 IPolifgy, and Scottish literature. 1. History of Dumfrios- 
 shire, Edin., lt<(17, Svo. 2. Memorials (if'St. .Michael's, 
 the Old Parish Church-Yard of Dumfries, Edin., er. Svo. 
 3. Chronicles of Lincluilen, as an .\bbev and as a Col- 
 lege, Edin., ISS(>, .tto, 
 "Mr. .McDowall ha.s shown in liis treatment iif this Mib- 
 Jeet— which is one that has in.spireil poets from Uiirns' 
 (lownwards, and f«rni»he<l subjects fur the i«inter, and 
 e.fcrcised llie ingenuity of the dranghtsman in restorutiiiu 
 —mu(di Industry and paiusiakinK care \11 has been 
 tiibl that laliorious research can rake together."— -Kft., No. 
 ■' Little short of a nuMlel work of the class to which it 
 belongs."— .irai/., .\xx. j:)!!. 
 4. Among the Old Scotch Minstrels studying their 
 Balladsof War, Fcdk-Lore, and Fairy-Land, Elin., 1888, 
 fp. Svo. 
 ".\ popular, and not a critical, study of over sixty .Scotch 
 ballads. ... In his notes he shows himself a discrimi- 
 nating scholar, as well as a warm ailnilrer."— .Icdci., 
 xxxiv. '.''Jl. 
 MacUowell, J. 1. Exercises in Euclid and Geom- 
 etry, Lon., ISlili, p. 8vo. 2. Trigonometry required for 
 Honours, Lon., 1806, p. 8vo. 3. Mechanics required for 
 Degrees, Lon., 1S67, p. Svo. 
 MacDowell, ytrs. Katharine Sherwood, 
 ("Sherwood Bonner," pseuil.,) 1SH)-18S3, b. at Holly 
 Springs, Miss. ; daughter of Dr. Charles Bonner ; married 
 in 1S70 to Edwanl McDowell. In 1873 she removed to 
 Boston, where for several years she was private secre- 
 tary to II. W. Longfellow. She contributed to leading 
 American periodicals. 1. Like unto Like, X. York, 1878, 
 Svo. 2. Dialect Tales. Iliust. X. York, 18S3, Svo. 3. 
 Suwanee River Tales. Iliust. Boat., 1884, 16mo. 
 MacDowell, Lalla. 1. The Earl of Effingham: 
 a Novel, Lon., 1S77, p. Svo. 2. How wo learned to Help 
 Ourselves, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 
 MacDutf, Rev. John Ross, D.D., b. ISIS, in 
 liiinhard, Perthshire; educated at the High School anil 
 tho University of Edinburgh; ordained in 1843, and, 
 after holding charges in Forfarshire and Perthshire, 
 was pastor of the new church of Sandyford, Glasgow, 
 1855-70, and then retired to Chisclhurst, Kent, Eng., 
 where he has devoted his time to literary work. His 
 books have had an immense circulation, particularly in 
 Scotland. 1. The Wells of Baca; or, Solaces of the 
 Christian Mourner, Lon., 1847, 12mo. 2. The Exiles 
 of Lucorna; or. Sufferings of the Waldenses, 1851, 12mo. 
 3. Morning and Night Watches, 1852, ISmo. 4. Tho 
 Wood-Cutter of Lebanon, 1853, 12mo. 5. Altar-Stones, 
 1853, 12mo. Anon. 6. The Faithful Witness; or. Brief 
 Thoughts, 1855, 32mo. 7. Tho Mind and Words of Jesus, 
 1855, 32mo. 8. The Footsteps of St. Paul, 1855, p. Svo. 
 9. The Footsteps of Jesus ; or. Things to be Sought and 
 Shunned, 185fi, 32mo. 10. Evening Incense, 1850, 32rao. 
 11. The Story of Nineveh, 1850, lOmo. 12. Memories 
 of Bethany, 1857, 12mo. 13. Memories of Gennesaret, 
 1858, p. Svo. 14. The Story of Bethlehem, 1S5S, 12ino. 
 15. The Bow in the Cloud, 1858, 32mo. 10. Christ in 
 the Covenant, 185il, 32mo. 17. Light in the Cloud, 1859, 
 32rao. l.s. The Hart and the, 1859, 12mo. 
 19. Cities of Refuge ; or. The Nameof Jesus, 1800, ISmo. 
 20. Grapes of Eshcol ; or. Gleanings from the Land of 
 Promise, 1800, 12mo. 21. Family Prayers; 11th ed., 
 1802, fp. Svo. 22. Tho Great .Tournev : sn Allegory, 
 1S02, ISmo. 23. Tho Little Child's Hook of Diviniiy, 
 1^"'2, 18mo. 24. Sunsets on llio Hebrew Mountain", 
 Lii2, p. Svo. 2.^. Thoughts of God, lsfl2, ISnio. 2i;. 
 Tho Priqihet of Firo ; or. The Life and Times of Kli 
 jab, ls(i;i, p. Svo. 27. First Bereavement: Words to ^i 
 .Mourner; newed., lSfll,32mo. 2S. .\ltar Incense: a .Miin- 
 mil of Devotion, 1804, ISmo. 29. Miracles of t\u' L'prd 
 Jesus, Liverpool, 1805, 12mii. 30. The Shepherd an<l 
 his Flock, 1SH5. p. Svo; new ed., IS77. .'11. Light Ironi 
 the Sanctuary : inscribed to Mourners; 2d('d., Lon., Isilii, 
 IHmo. 32. Curfew Chimes ; or, Thoughts fur Life's Kveii- 
 tide, Lon.. ISOO, ISmu. 33. Willows liy tho Water- 
 courses, isflfi, 4Smo. 34. Memories of Olivet, ISI17, |,. 
 Svo. 35. Noontide at Sychar ; or. The Story of Jaculi's 
 Well, ISflS, 12mo. 30. Fergus Morton: a"Story of a 
 Scottish Boy, 1870, ISmo. 37. Memories id' Patni'os: or. 
 The Great Words and Visions iif the Apociilyp-e, Is'd. 
 p. Svo. 38. Saint Paul in Rome: Sermons preiiclied in 
 Rome, 1871, 12mo; new ed., 1S70. 39. ''('umlurt ye, 
 ci>uifiirt ye," 1872, 12mo. 10. The lle;tling Waters"..! 
 Israel; or. The Story of Naaman, IS73, i2m... II. 
 Golden Sunset: Last Days of Hannah Broonitiel.l, 1 87 1 ; 
 new ed., 1S77, ISmo. 42. Gates of Praise, iin.l other 
 Original Hymns an.l Poems, 1S75, ISmo. 13. Footstips 
 of St. Peter, ls70, 12mo. 14. Brighter than the Sun; 
 or, Christ in the Light of tho World, IS77. Svo. I,'.. 
 Eventide at Bethel ; or, Tho Niglit-Drcani of the Desert, 
 Lon., 1878, 12mo. 40. Clefts in the Rock; or. Conli- 
 dence in Christ, 1879, sni. Svo. 47. Palms of Elim; ..r, 
 Rest and Refreshment in the Valleys, Lon., 1S79, p. Svo. 
 48. In Christ..; or. The Monogram of St. Paul, L..n.. ISsH, 
 p. Svo. 49. The Story of a Dewdrop. Illusl. L.iii.. 
 ISSII, Svo. 5(1. Gates of Prayer: Private Devotions L.r 
 Morning and Evening; new ed., Lon., ISSI, Ismo. .1. 
 The Anchor of Hope and the Haven of Pen..', L..n., 
 1881, pq. Svo. 52. Gleams from the Sick-CliMnibcr : 
 Memorial Thoughts, Lon., ISSl, |2mo. 53. llusiiiniis 
 of the Children, and other Short Sermons, Lon.. Issl, p. 
 Svo. 54. Bible Forget-Me-Nots : a Daily Text-Book i.f 
 Divine Promises, Lon., 1SS2, flimo; new ed., 1SS3. ..5. 
 Noontide at Syehar, and Eventide at Bethel, Lon.. IssL', 
 12mo. 50. The Story of a Shell: a Romance of the 
 Sea: with some Sea Teachings, Lon., 1SS2, p. Svo. 57. 
 Early Graves: a Book for tho Bereaved, Lon., lss:t, p. 
 Svo. 6S. Bible Heartsease: a Daily Text-Hook of Com- 
 fort and Rest, Lon., 1S83, HJmo. 59. Golden Grain: a 
 Sori]itural Text-Book for Morning ami Evening, Lon., 
 1S83, 04mo. BO. Voices of the (iood Slie|)her.l ami 
 Shadows of the Great Rock, Lon., 1SS3, s((. liinio. (11. 
 The Parish of Taxwood, and some of its Older Mcni..- 
 ries. Iliust. Edin., 1 884, fp. Svo. 
 " Dr. MacdulV has written a dollghtfnl little vulimie. us 
 true to the life a.s it is picturesque in its subjects. '—.Si(. 
 Jiev.. Ivii. 23. 
 02. Bible Immortelles : a Text-Book for Mourners. 
 Lon., 1SS4, e4mo. 63. Bible Sunflowers; or. Looking 
 unto Jesus: a Daily Text-Book, Lon., 1884, 04ino. ill. 
 Green Ears: a Text-Book for Y'outh, Lon., 1SS4. Olino. 
 05. Knocking at the Door of the Heart, Lon., IsSI, sq. 
 lOmo. 66. The Golden Gospel : being the (jospel aiionl- 
 ing to St. John, Lon., 1885, Svo. 67. The Strength I'.m- 
 tho Day : Words of Scripture for M<.rning and Evening, 
 Lon,, IS85, sq. lOmo. OS. Communion Memories; a 
 Record of Sacramental Sundays, Lon., iss,., or. Svu. 
 69. Parables of the Lake : a Sunday Book for Y'oiing 
 Readers, Lon., 1885, p. Svo, 70. Speedwell: a liil.le 
 Text-Book for Everybody, Lon., 1885, 32iiio. 71. (';i-t 
 thy Burden upon the Lord: a Text-Book for the Weiuy, 
 Lon., 1SS6, 32mo. 72. Knocking; Wonls of Jesus, Lon., 
 1SS6, 64mo. 73. Morning Family Prayers for a Yenr, 
 Lon., 1S86, p. Svo. 74. Ripples in the Twiliglit : ,"iun- 
 day Thought and Teaching, L(.n., ISSO, p. Sv.i. 7.i. 
 Ri|iple8 in tho Moonlight : Additional Sunilay Tlioiiglit 
 and Teaching, Lon., 1888, 12mo. 70. Ri].ples in the 
 Starlight : a Third Series of Fragments of Sun. lay 
 Thought and Teaching, 18S8, sm. Svo. 
 Mace, Mrs. Frances Parker, b. 1S36, at unino. 
 Me. Her maiden name was Laughton. She nouried 
 Benjamin H. Mace, a lawyer of Bangor, Me., in is.'ii, 
 and in 1S85 removed to San JosC, Cal. 1. Legends, 
 Lyrics, and Sonnets, Host., 1883, 18mo. 2. I'nder Pine 
 and Palm, Bost.. ISSS, 12mo, 
 -MftcElhinney, John J. Doctrine cf the Churoli ; 
 an Historical .Monograph : with a Bibliography of the 
 Subject, Phila., 1S71, Svo. 
 MacElhinuey, Mrs. Julia. Only a Woman's 
 "y A,.. Care, [p„u,,.j j,. Vork, m^ 
 , "ur Manse .- a Skl"Cuu*\"U'\-^- '' , *'"'^" "^ 
 N. \(..k. ISNS, i',;,,,,, ' ''"'"■ ^- *'""Jd,i, ug„|n,t her, 
 nnil the English hm-, , „ r^ '«8»; pnifessorof rhotorio •■^"■"iK the t'unniba s nf V .' '""- "*"■''- I'- "vo. ■> 
 •V. Vork, I.SSS, 12„,I;. '"'"' ^"'"('"S't.on auU Khetorio, I ■'^"eiety. Illnst. L„n , i,!^" ", s"' '"""'"" Mi'-i""«.y 
 He^rfe,!Jr:; «:!::;;«• M;;-i^tr,„„. he C,y,,e: 
 I^"n., lH7rt, p. Mvo '""'""«• Eilite.l h.v A. U. Bruce 
 p.^'^^!^:'!!:^e'';!:r:"^.:;„'^"^-,"'"" p-t.. 
 !" the publication ,fr , , T, ,n ■•■ "" ''. "'"■'"■■" '"-^'^l-y 
 >" .Vow York. I)i,. i, n.rv ?,;• "w '1 ""^ " '"'"^"■• 
 •"ej in Conuner,.,., \ y ,rk K-' v '"■''" ""'^ ^''"•""'•» 
 Children a,non« tlufelieV, I'" "'■'," "•■ ^^""''" "H'l 
 lt"l'el Military IVi",,;. '•, A^'l^xonvillo ; a ,St,„y of 
 in Kiehmon,l,^t„.'::,,i„', ';-■"'« ■'^""'i-'s K^.Zu.. 
 Novel, Chic, ISSS |o„„;' '■'■ - ^'"' HlmI Acorn: ui 
 on-enn.yKani,,' ':^,>' Vi,f':'';''''''"i "' ">" ''niversity 
 I'i'tory at the l-ni.e^it .f p"' r^'-"';'' "/ '''"""'•i^' «->'i ' 
 pr.;te,s,or of Greek and i , orv ISfif ''"'.i" '"''' '"'J""^' 
 an, t e English lan,,.,.^ '^, ^ ''^';^™-"':'?'«"'ric 
 FrS:7J;;rrti;e:L«n'"s,3''''rT:;!'' '•^' Tb» Two 
 r;.^«:""' "live;. »rf,r,'?;;'«*/;.;.?'^- '?.'.- 
 ^ Aoaden.v of m' , ;' [ ^.'.y ,;;"« -'--'-l at',ho"",5:-| 
 ff.-sorsof harn,onyi IS'U ,"""" """ "'' 'I'" pro- 
 c |.rofe,«or, in 7s6„. ' ^j:;;!/ .r""'- "f -I-" '-ar", 
 Sterndale Uennett an i.rin ■ , i """■ewlcd 8ir \V 
 ■"• Music, and in the „ e'';'r he >''" "''"" '^""'•'"'V 
 pusieat thelniversitvolC^ ''e hecune pr„fe.,„„r of 
 '» .'««•■'• ^i«eon,:; il'-i'f "'S- He ,v'„s knighted 
 tor,os. .y„,phonie; „nthennr,'rr"' T'^^'V.<^ -"- 
 ^- Soap : a Koma^nc, Lon %°s6";%^""" •■^«^' ^ ^ol.. 
 f y. Osteotomy : with ,,7/1 ,i '^ ""S")'' R''y"l rnfirm- '>'^rs-|,ss-, „nu three n.nnr. ^u' '^^'''""y of Music 
 athology of Knock.Knee n'ow'i' '"'" "■," '^.'''"'''''y ""'I ' ^\r"' ■'™»H.) '^ '^ °° ""'"''''• «"<-■''. «nci the 
 deformities of the Lower 'LmL'r,,'""' """"■ "s-e<>»a I . '^'acfarren, Natalia w „-• 
 ^"''*'--- Iii"»t. Lon., 1880, Audrae, of Lub'eck ; ma rfed ^s^u'''. !:'"«'"«'• "^ ''• 
 I farren,^ ,„/„,,, (frana" Mv'pl'.,','!^-."- «• A. Mac- 
 ^'™i „ ■" -uos. i„ust. Lon, 1880, i^»«ir«e, of LubeckTmarried TstV', .""«'''«■• "f "• 
 ^^'"^^^^^^^^i^: <---■) SiBylK ^om MS,s::CBar/^rlnii'^i"-f ""o^^^^ 
 8vo. 2. Pnin .: ■ ■ '"*™'ion 'i'lKle, Edin.. i««i 1SH7 „ u ' ''"' ""Sa'a. Sonas from tl.„ r:... t 
 «<omyof the lor'/e. a Di',/ .•'• '^'""- '• The An- 
 s™. 2. CompS;e aJ^ Z'Tf n"*''- ^'""- '^«". 
 l^"r I„ Osteology. Edin, issr." ^"'""'"' ^'"»>''1» ' 
 MacFall, Francp* p ' r ,, 
 Lon., issn, 1,'mo *^" ^"^ "™'- kittle Foet, 
 ->lacParlan, Patrick i ir- . 
 Church of .Scotland, I on 1850 t «^ ""'""'"<"' of the 
 .>IacFarlan. \V i i, u" ?' ^™- 
 B.v a Special (•orC,;J:fe„f '''''"I''''' ^T"' '" Norway. 
 •WacFarland, Ulfred / ^t"' ^'^^*- 
 "lea-ling, Ireland. Lo,,*;.. A' T':''".''»« 
 I 18H7, p. Svo. ' ""ea'<»- Songs from the City, hun.. 
 I in K«h'^e,fo""6o"7e' '^"f«'''f«n P"rdy, b. Ims 
 MacFerrin, ,„/r„ J' entered th"' «'' '1.'' ^'•- J'^'"' Berry 
 ' He'-venb- Shadows and Hymn " I'V '"""' ''***■*• 2- 
 u.^"^j;h:;;^j^rd;^«^"^' ---'--., 
 ; ttJ^.e:I?'S.^«J^" ;:" "'i'"?f^^l^i^^^^--- - Cal.„ism in U^. 
 ; '■'-'. i2mo. 
 Lon,, 1S55, p, s^^_ 
 Of Ar.r!i.l':''rh"lr"'S'«,l^-0 '•, ^"« ^o"' Ro-^i-ns 
 ■»^it. must. N.Yor'k^fc"'='''"Sy.''nd Develop: 
 "The interest r^r .1, ' '^' **""' newed., 1879 
 r,™'l>' furnishes quite as- ,rf.n,-''r'"' ''•''cellent index 
 usefu to any one Writing o'^cufT"?^"".'".' °f •'' "^l" i 
 4 in a Crisis, Lon., 188™ 8™ " ^°- ^'^'^^ 
 of t!.rS^i;^L£ror'^8^/r«"; '■ «'^'ory 
 ""' •"•""«"-•« Aloy,i„«, ,s,4_,„g 
 b. neiir Now I.cxintftni), I'erry (''>., 0. , workcil on a ' 
 fiiriu In IidvIioimI, mill in IHllI ri'iinivi'cl to St. I.hiiIh, 
 wluTi' liowiii" (•iiKii«i''l ii.< 11 li(j(ik-ki!c|MT, iin'l utinlii'il liiw 
 In llH Iciniira li.iiir,". In IMIU liu wi'nt In Kiinipe ; ajii'm 
 :-..-...o ini.ntli.-i 111 llruHrifLi ^.linlyinK civil an<l inlcrniitimnil 
 liiw : will Mpooiiil iMirii'K|i"nili'nt "f tlio Xrw Ynrk IliriiM 
 at I'liiir- in IM7II, iinil wiili SkobclulVV fxin'ililinn tu 
 Khiva in IM7:t, iii.'(;ciin|Minii'.l iin Arrti.' I'xniidilion In 
 IH7;i, nwi wiiH c,Mirri.'s|iuinli'nt ipl' tlic Uiiily Ni'Wk 
 in lliilKiiriii ilnrini,' tliu Kn^so- TiiikiMli »iir. I. t'uin- 
 iiiii>;niiiL! mi tlio Oxna, ami the Kail ol' Khivii. Illunt. 
 1,1.11. am; N. Ynrk, 1^71, rr. Sv": ni!W cd., 1S7B. 
 "Ill' has Klvi'ii lis a rwnrcl "I' liis nilvciitiiri's, ({ranlilc, 
 hiilrilfil, liiliTi'>lini;, and fiiliivly Irri' rniiii limn' Iniiali' 
 iir iiilH^rili'd railliiK" ti> wliirli llif rair iif iiii'ii wlm liiivf 
 ( in nsf hnlli pen and rfVulviT Is Justly siiplniM'il to 
 be lliililu."— ^■||^ A'.r., xxxvlll. :ill. 
 '2. I'ndiT the N'lirtliurn Li)(lit:< : with Illiistratinn.'' Iiy 
 O. It. l)e Wil.lo, 1,(111., |S7«, ,Hvi). (.\ii afi'onnt .d' the 
 vuya;{e undertaken liy Capt. .Allen Vimnj;, in Iho " I'liii- 
 Uora," to aciiRdi fur lelicH cd' Kmnklin'ii exiieditiim. and, 
 If pussilde, eninplilu the diacuvery of tile Northwe.Ht 
 I'lissane. I 
 "Mr. Meliiihaii writes In a Kraphle, lively stvle. and 
 carries Ills reader iiluiiK Willi him. The iiiily dilUeiilly 
 K'eiiis til have been Ihat, liavlin,' iiutliiiii; In wrile ahniit. he 
 felt hinisi'lf under Ihe iieeessity of |iaddiiiK niu a viiiiinie 
 Willi (lid .>.eei)iiii Iniiid mailer."— ,W/i., Su, i:i2'i. 
 .1. Turkish Atrooities in liulgaria: Letters, I,on., 
 lH7rt, 8v(i. 
 .MacCinrvey, llev. John Williain, h. IS2U, at 
 llopkinsville, Ky. : heeainu a minister of the Christian 
 ilenoininalion. and has iieen |irofe,''sor of saered history 
 in the rolleKe of the Dihle, Kentucky linivorsity, I,ox- 
 ington, Ky., since Isr,.). 1. A roiniuenlary on the .Acta 
 of the Apostles; with a Kcvisud Voision of Iho Text, 
 Cin., IS.Mt, ll!ino; new od., ISiil. 2. .Midway Ciiiesilon- 
 Hook, Cin., l.sHll, 2 vols. 12mo. .'t. Eldership: Treatise 
 on Church liovernnient, Cin., I,S72, :t2iiio. l. Commen- 
 tary on iMatlhew and .Mark, Cin., IS75, er. 8vo. 5. 
 Kifly-Two Bible Lessons, I87.i. Hinio. B. Lands of the 
 liible: a lieo^raphical and Topographical Description 
 of Palestine I with Letters of Travel in K^ypt, .Syria, 
 Asia Minor, and lirceee. I'liila., LSSl, Svo. 7. The Text 
 and the Canon : a Now IVurk on the Evidences of Chris- 
 tianity, ('ill., I.H.S.H, Sv',. 
 ,'>Ilic(iiiviii, Kt'v. James Hfid. I. Tho Sailors' 
 I'rayor-Book, Lor,., lfl.)2, 12ino. Anon. 2. Scenes 
 and'Charactors in a Scottish Pastorate, Lon., l.-iilfl, p. .'<vo. 
 ,Slac(>ce, James. Outlines of .Methodism, (Chau- 
 tanniia Text-liooks,) |.ss:i, :i2mo. 
 ,uuc<iee, Thomas D'.Vrcy, [untc, vol. 11., add.,] 
 l.'<2.")-l.S|i'' h. at Carlingford, Ireland; was idcntifieil 
 with tho ^oung Ireland party and a contributor to its 
 organ, the Nation. He visitod tlio I'nitcd Slates in 
 1812, and for a time edited the Hoslon Pilot. In I84.'< 
 he was obliged to le;ive Irelaml, and established himself 
 in New York, where he set up a paper called the Amer- 
 ican Celt and afterwards the Nation, advocating Irish | a Lady's Seven Months' Work am 
 inde]iondcnee. During tho Know-Nothing cxcilement i gow, Lon., 18111, 8vo. 
 of iN.-il-.M! his views were radically changed ami lie he- 3lacgill, James. The Four Centurions; 
 came an ardent rova'lst. lie went lo Canada, where he ! Military Profession. Ldin., \>^iu, 12nio. 
 was olecied to Parliament and edited the New Kra. Jle | nittc(>ill, III. llev. John, I8llil-1872. b. in I'bila- 
 was assassinated by a mcmbfr of the Fenian peciet I dclphia ; ordained piiesl ill the Homnn CatliolK' ('lunch 
 aociety. I. Historical Sketches of O'Connoll and his 
 Frienils, Dublin, 184"). 2. Irish Writers of tho Seven- 
 teenth Century, Dublin, Is Hi. H. Memoir of the Life 
 and Conquests of .Miic.Vliirrangh, Kingof Leinster, Dub- 
 lin, 1847. 4. The Star of tlie North: Life of F,dward 
 Mcdinn, Coadjutor Bishop of Dorry, .Montreal, I8,')7, 
 12nio. :>. Canadian Ballads, IS.iS. 11. A Popular His- 
 tory of Ireland, N. York, ISH;!, 2 vols. l2ino: Lon., 
 ISfill, I vol. p. 8vo. 7. The Crown and the Confeder- 
 ation. By a liackwooilsman. .Montreal, 18(14. s. 
 Siicechcs and Addresses on Ihe British .American Union, 
 Loll., 18li,j, p. 8vo. y. Poems: with Introdiiclion and 
 Diography by .Mrs. D. .1. Sadlier, N. York, IS7II, 12uio. 
 •MncGee, Mailer, rrom Vineyard to Decanter : 
 a Book about Sherry. By Don Pedro Verdad, [pseud.] 
 Lon., 1.^7.): new ed., 1870, 12ino. 
 .>Iac(Jeoi'ge, Andrew, a member of the Estab 
 lishel (.'liurch of Seolland. 1, 
 and the Free Church ; their 
 Church of Reotlan.l n.d Knisllan. Olasgow, ls7l. «, 
 The Fstablisbed and the Fnr : In wliat do lh"y dillir'/ 
 an Answer to the ,\rtiele« of .Mr. Taylor Innes In tin 
 "Conlemporary Kevlew," 1871. 7. The Statoiiients in 
 Ihe Claim of 'Uight : arc they true? l--*".'!. (Seieiai 
 or all of the foregoing pamphlets, which were issu. d 
 iinonynioii'ly and had a large eireiilation, wore reprint d, 
 with the iiulhor's name, in a volume entitled " Papers. iii 
 Ibo Principles and Ileal Po«ilioii id ihe Free Chnrcli." 
 (ilasgo.v, l>7a, Svo.) s. OM lilasgow : the I'lair ami lb' 
 People, from tho Itoninn (Icciipatiioi to Iho Kigbti;enlli 
 Century. Illnst. (llasgow. I8SII, 4lo; :id cd., 1888. 
 " Krci'ni Ihe earelul details idled In bis pages id socliiy 
 and luiiiiiieo we i "ii li.riii a iiirtnre lalllilul a^llpiln^.■ 
 Kriipli uMiiirKlier hie in .-inllainl in l>y gone days. '1 in- 
 llliislrallolis are of Ihe lughesl Inleiesl."— .Sir A'li'., IxM 
 11. Flags: (OHIO Account of thcdr History and I'si-. 
 Lon. and lilasgow, 1881, 4to. 111. AVilliaui Leighlon 
 I.eiteh, Landscape Painter; a Muinoir. Illiisl. (Ihi 
 gow. 1881. imp. Ilo. 
 Maciihee, llev. Ilohert James Leslie. IIow 
 we got lo Pekin in Islln, Lon., 18fi2, 8vo. 
 J»lae({ibbon, David, arcliitect. The Arohiteiliuc 
 of Provence and the liiuera. Illnst. Filin,, 1888, sm, 
 "On the wliiile. .Mr. Maegllibiui'! Iioiik isiiiieofU'il 
 meril liiilli for iislexl and ilsiibiind.', I.: llliislrallolis. Now 
 Ihiil the Kiviera is the yearly resori ..f "iiidi hiiw lloCK- 'I 
 liiglisli.lbe iinlhi.r liasiliiiie good s.T-iee in snowing Imw 
 rieli Ihe ilislrlil is In ntdiils of ureal a illiiiiarian liilcii-l. 
 ill addlliiiii to Us weilknown eliiunis of scenery mid 
 ilimale."— .Si(. h'tv.. I.wli. fi'li. 
 With Boss, TiioM.\s, The Cp .'toHatcil and Domestic 
 i Archileeliire of Scotland, from the 'twelfth to the liigli- 
 I teenth Century, llliisl. Kdin,, l.>8ll-87, 2 vols. r. .sv... 
 "Their descViplinns are (;oiiil. and their ar);miieiils al- 
 ways wiirllialleiilloii and generally colivlneing."-.P/i., No 
 niactiibbon, Ilobert D. (Ed.) A Complete Sy- 
 nopsis of the (Ireiit Pew Case: James Johnston, Appil 
 hint, and the Minister and Trustees of St. Andiew's 
 Chureli, Montreal. Be-poiideiits, .Montreal, 1877, 8\o. 
 I MncCiilchrist, Jolin, M.D. I. Chatelard' a 
 Tragedy, in Mve Ads. By J. Mc(!. Edin.. I.s.'i2. 2. 
 History of (l,- Turks to the I'resent Time. Lon., \>M, 
 ; l2uio. :i. Pelpilelic I'iniers, Lon., I8.'i7, i'. 8vo. I. 
 1 The Mutineerr: n Poem, Lon., I8,ili, p. 8vo. ,'). Bosciil- 
 1 len's Daughter; aTtagedy, Lon., 181)1, l2mo. fl. Kicbiiid 
 i Cobden, the Apostle of Free Trade, Lon., 1811!'), 12ni.., 
 i 7. \'i:count Paliiiorstnn : a Biography, Lon., 1811,"., 12 
 1 8. Life and Career of Lord lironglnim, Lon., ISIl.s, l^iniu. 
 i 9. Life of W. E. (iladslone, Lon., 18118, l2nio. 10. Lite 
 of Uenjamin Disraeli, Lon., 18118, 12iiio. 11. Life of 
 John Bright, Lon., I8B8, l2mo. 12. Public Life i.l 
 Queen Victoria, Lon., 1808, 12mo. l:i. Life of David 
 Livingstone, Lon., 1872, 12nio. 
 Marcill, Hamilton. Memories, Lon., isso, 8vo. 
 Macliill, Jacob \\. "The Omnipotence of 
 Loving-Kindness:" being a Nariative of the Ite.-ulls of 
 ' - iiii; l.'ulli.n 111 (ilas- 
 Spiritiial Independence, and the. Civil Coiirtr; 
 itas. lilasgow 187(1. 2. The Free Church; its Prin- 
 ciple,'! Exaniinjd, 1878. 3. The Proposed Abolition of 
 Patronage in the Church of Scotland, 1871, 8vo. 4. 
 Spiritual Independence: what is it? 1374. 5. The 
 1835; Dishop of Hichmond from 1850. Our Failli ilii 
 Victory; or, A Comprehensive View of the rloi-lian 
 Heligiim. liichmond, 18fi4, 12mo; :id ed., rev., 1877, ^vo. 
 ,'>lae(.ill, llev. John, of Saiichie. Scotland. 1. 
 The liiblieal Criticism of the (ilasgow Pre.-bytery Crit- 
 icised. Iiy a Chapel .Minister. Willi a I'lelalory 
 Note by Norninn JIaeleod, D.D. lilasgow, I81I1I, 8vo. 
 Anon. 2. Dr. Jamison weighed in his Own Scales; a 
 Keiily to his Defence of Kiblical Critieisin. By a ('Impel 
 Minister, (ilasgow. 18(1(1, 8vo. Anon. 
 Mac(;ill,liev. Thomas. 1. Liturgical Ni.ti-;iml 
 Four Sermons, Lon.. 1851, l2mo. 2. Aiillicnis and epi- 
 taphs, Liverpool, 18.">:i. 
 .Ilaegillivray, James. A .Manual of Veterinary 
 Science. Lon., 1857. 12nio. 
 .Macgilvray, llev. Walter. 1. The Mini.-iry of 
 , the Wold, Ellin., 187(1. \>. >vo. 2. .lolin of the (I'.IJcn 
 The Clinrch of Scotland ' Mouth, Preacher of Antiodi, Ac, Lon., 18' Lp- ^;"' f' 
 Ueliilion to Patronage, i Expository Lectures on the Epistle ot Jude; ..d oil., 
 l!v Vor- ! Edin,, 1S7«, 8vo, 
 MacGloin, F. Reports of the Louisiana (-"urt ul 
 Appeiils. N. Orleans, 4 parts, 1881, 8vo. 
 i1Iac(;ioin, Frank. Norodom, King 0.' CauihiJia : 
 a Romance of the East, N. York, 1882, 12ir.o. 
 Mni(;oviili, Jnit,„s. I. Hr„„«ht to lliiy ■ Kx.,0 
 .11 i r . .... ' ; • * 
 .M,...«;„,v,,„, .l|,:x'under Tl.orln.r... 1 Tea ' '■'" ^ ';"'"'' '" ""■''""' '1'' ' r V , | ' f ^;" 
 .Mii.<;,„v,,„, .\|,'.XH„der Tliorlinrii. 1 iVa 
 i.nm I,,. ( ..„„„„„,.,„„„ „H.,,„|„ ,j„ , -• ,^ 
 .Mu.-Ki.xvmi, J„ [,„„,.. v„l. Ii.,',„|,| I Ami .'11,1 ■ 
 MttciJrntl,, ll„|,ert llunicr, Jr. ilu I.,„.,ri,K, 
 I'll /.I. !•,..<,„, V lur ISS7. I'liiJM., |.,N7, Mv,. '"^'^"itli 
 11", ■;?"'.*':"'!;.' '•'"'•"«••." (i"--!.) .-o« B,.,,KK, 
 tZX^:t''7Z ' ''"-I'""- M"n'«'b..n, 
 « = ::■• " '"'«'", ''^'™ ''™»- ''I'll'.-. i4 , 1 , " 
 3larBr,ur..r, Sir c'ImrleH „,.„.,„^ , . ^ 
 n n ox,.„,|,u„„,,.,„H „,„ 8e..„„,l an,l hini AM ., 
 iiin ln> hiw ).>'i,i>..i.4 1 
 l^'«..n t„«„i,,. „„,, ,l„.„:|,'Vu,.'p;m;.i;in''|s|A. vi,i„.,| 
 liirHclunn>,MlM)rev.,liiii„„„f |m|s. ir„i..l.„i . i 
 :^:::'r'.';^ ;-»-., i,;,ij;":;:;i'V;;,:::':i- 
 Minmm. 1, mJo ,„ii (luirkly, (l.ukc siv "i , i„ 
 -,y, ^^«e^..„,",;:;;,.!;: ^,,„; .; ;; '.i:,,;;:; ;-'«i'^"v 
 j^™.un,in,n,aiMo..^:, 1.;!;, i"!;;,,"';!:;;'::,'';*;/:;":^!' 
 nil .■').. 1«71; nuiv e,i., ls«,) ' "•' ' ''"' I''*'""! 
 IShI,"' '^m?""'' """"•• ''""""'■' ""■' '''"yo". '"'"., 
 ln>.n ,l.o...,.ek AnU,,,,^': -uV:; |S^7 Iv'.T'' '^'"'"''''^ 
 Hy Sir I)unnin 
 '*>•". ('J'lii.« ivax 
 '■'•Kit', X. York, 
 yuar er,„a..,er.(n.neral in fn, Edin. 888,2"voN sV,: 
 .i^"?*S^'b!*-sj^;::i;^,;^"tt"i '"^"^'^'- ' ""«"•• ^'^^ .^a s, 
 ^•"m'^; from tl,o Latin. Kinros.s, ISN slv " "" I n -^'"^-Wo'c, M. J. s 
 Macguire, Itev.Joliii Heron « r' 1 1 
 "ng.« for Freedom, and (jthcr 
 l;::;;:;;-^[^f '^•^^!.:;;frl^^^L^/„l!r.:i^^^^^^^ 
 •>I.U-reBor i„,A r"™.'- '^''"•' '"«"• I2'""- 
 of '1.0 R„7a? ^^dour JrHMhf ' '*•,''•• ''■^•- ''^■'""^ 
 /ai f^ocietits ol hdinljurgh and Canada; 
 .. ■,"'"'.i'. >'"n\crsion, and African Labours of I 
 Lo„ liiV ,; SvT""'' "'^"■'"•'^■^■^ "'■ ""-■ '■-■■ly World, 
 bv A Mar^ V I! . • '"''«''™«. anJ "» Introduction, 
 MlU-heiiry, liiM.rgf. Tlio lIHlmilml ; »n Kplc I Mnclvor, I»nntPl. Tin- Wiimlcrer ; FiinUila nn I 
 l'<,em : I'.irt 1., Thf Wr.iili ..f Diiri.ii", l.on., IH.'.O, l-'in... ^ Vl»i<.n, ,U. ll.v lli« ••'inllh cf SmilliwlBn. h.lln., iNiT. 
 IMncilfiiry, Gcorgu. I. Wliy I'uniiKylviinlii i i^v 
 ihiiulil huonmi' "no "I llii' Oimfiiilonito HliitiJ of Aimrioii. 
 ft Nftllvu 111' IViiii«yl\iiniii. Lmi., IH()2. 2. Tliu Cut- 
 t(in Triido iiml Ncum Sliivury, l,cjn., |H«:), Hvn. .'). A 
 Fiiiiiiliiir Kpintlu to Hubert J. Wiilkor from im Olil Ao- 
 'liinintuiicc, lion., I HUM, 
 O'lliillnran i c)r, The Innur- 
 Miichoiiry, J»iiu-n. 
 (lent Chicl'. I.nn., Is.i.i, IL'iii". 
 .nufllrililli, llrv. John. L\(v n( Sir John Uioh- 
 ftrilr<"ii, I Mi., I ., I "«•'<, I -111". 
 MiM'llviiiiii-, ( liiirlCM, 1). ISII). A lA'Kcnil of 
 I'olcciU Hollow: nil AiiioiiiMiii (Slory. Ily Tube Wwlge, 
 [pnoiid.l L'll ii.l., I.on., I^^HI, Hvo. 
 MiicllvHiiic, Itt'v. JonIiiiu Hull, 0.\>., ['n<. s 
 vol. ii., mill., I l>. I.'^l.'i, ftt I-uwi).'', I-lul.; uniilimluil at 
 I'rinufloii ill iil thu TlicoloKiwil Seinhmry tiioru 
 in IS II); wiiK pimtor uf rtovcnil l'ro»l).vtiiriiui conKri'Hii- 
 tions, iinil |irul'os,-or of liclleH-luttrcx at I'rinectoii 1 sil(|-7i). 
 In 1H87 lie founilcil at I'riiici' Kvi-lyn Cullogo lor tjirlii. 
 Ho is a iiiombor of thu American Oriental ,Socdety. 1. 
 Pastoral Direction to Imiiiiriiin SouLs, N. York, IHlin, 
 :)2ino. 2. Klocution : the Soun'es anil Kleiiients of its 
 Power, N. York, 1X7", l'.i :'. The Wi.ilimi of Holy 
 Scripture: with Heferciice to .Scoptioal Ohjcctiotis, N. 
 York, IHHII, Svo. I. The Wirtiloui of the A]iooaly|).fe, N. 
 York, 1.HH6, Svo. 
 MncllvHillc, W. I. The Atonement conxiilereil in 
 Kljjht Lectures i-on., IHlll.Hvo. 9.. A Vision of Italy, 
 lion., IMII, p. «vi). 
 Macllwtiiii, <Jeorge, [miii; vol. 11., mlil.] I. A 
 Clinioal Memoir on Strannuluteil Hernia, Lon., IS5S, 
 Svo. 2. .Sur(;ieal Coniinentaries. Firat Sorie.". Lon., 
 1SHS, p. 8vo. :t. Vivisection: heinj? ."(liort Comments 
 on Certain Parts of the Kviilenee given before thu Uoyal 
 Cummissioii, Lon., IS"7, Svo. 
 MncilwiliiU!, W, 1. Heiithnand Melech, anil other 
 Poems, Dublin. I'*"tl, l2mo. 2. Lyra Hibornica ^^acra, 
 Lon., 1878; 2il ed , IS79, p. 8vo. 
 IMncIlwiline, Willinm. Dudley Ronan ; or, The 
 Bible rirmn Krror, Lon., ISul, Hvo. 
 Macllwrilitli, T. LUt of Birds of Hamilton, 
 Canada West, ISIiii, Svo. 
 Macliincs, Mrs. Joyfully Heady : a Sketch of the 
 Life of Harry .Mac Innes. Uy his Mother. Lon., 1886, 
 p. Svo. 
 itlncliitirc, James. Treatise on Astronomy and 
 the Use of I ho (Hobos, N. York, IS.iO, l2ino. 
 iMncilitONll, Mrs. Damascus and its People: 
 Sketches of .Modern Life in Syria, Lon., LS82, p. Svo. 
 .MacIiitoNh, Charles, [<nilc, vol. ii., add.] The 
 Larch Disease and the Present Condition of the Larch 
 Plantations of (ireiit liritain, Lon., 1860, p. Svo. 
 .Macintosh, Charles A. Pojiular Oatlines of the 
 I'resa, Ancient and Modern. Lon., 18!.;i, 12mo. 
 Macintosh, Hugh. The Philosophy of the Ouspel, 
 Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 Macintosh, John. A System of National De- 
 fence; or. New Strategics in Warfare, liOn., ISiit, Svo. 
 Macintosh, Maria Jane, ['i»(c, vol. ii., add.,1 d. 
 187S. I. Meta (Iray, X. York, IS5S, 12mo. 2. Two 
 Pictures, 18«:i, l2ino. 
 Macintosh, W. H. 178»: History of Wayne 
 County, New York. Illust. Phila., IS77, Ito. 
 Macintosh, William Carmichael, M.D., 
 LL.D., K.K.S., F.U.S. lOdin., F.L.S., professor of nat- 
 ural history in the Iniver.sity of St. Andrews; consult- 
 ing physician to tlie Perth District Asylum, Ac. 1. A 
 Monograph of the liritish Anneliils, (Kay Soc.,) Lon., 
 1871), 4to. 2. The .Marine Invertebrates and Fishes of 
 St. Andrew.s, Edin., \S~:>. Ito. 3. Ucport on the An- 
 nelida Polychicta culleoted by H..M.S. " Cliailcnger" 
 during the Y'cara |S7:i-76. Illust. Lon., ISSII, 4to. 
 Macliityrc, Angus George MilwarU. With 
 EvAN.s, FuAXK, A Summary of the Practice under the 
 Judicature Acts, Lon., 1S77, p. Svo. 
 Maclntyre, Donald. The Antiquity of the 
 (iaclic Language, Edin., ISfiS, Svo. 
 Maclulyre, James J. I. The Cross and the Crcs- 
 cent as Standards in War. Lon., 1S.'-)4, p. Svo. 2. The 
 Kcsurrection and the Sabbatli, Lon., 1807, cr. Svo. A. 
 The Sabbath ; or. The Rest of the Seventh Day, Lon., 
 1809, p. Svo. _ ^ ^ 
 Maclntyre, William. Exposition of the Sermon 
 on the .Mount, Lon., 1854, p. Svo. 
 .Mar Ivor, Itov.' Jamen, I). II. Iteliglous I'n g 
 res.«: Its Criterion, Inslninieiils, iiiid Laws; iicing ll ,• 
 Siib'tanee of Sermons preaclicd in lln' Chapel of Triniiv 
 College, Dublin: vol. i., I.on., IS7I, Svo. 
 "liraHiiiK llic eNM'iillal ilWIiiclioii Ijelween hubjeellv. 
 and iilijccllve rellKloii, he sliiiws thai It Is In tlic spliiTe m 
 the fiiriiier aluiie thai there Is n.oni lor T.riici'ss, and the 
 lure for prouresK, . . . lie has prodiici'd a vliioroiiii lioi.i, 
 marred li> maiiyyriidllles lioili In llioiiKlit anil exiirewili.h 
 atiili'iiciiiiiliered l>v ri'diiiiilaiieiexaiid repelltlonx in both 
 —Sjiii-tnhii. xlv. litis, 
 .Mark, James. Healing by Litylng-on of Hands, 
 Lon., 1879, p. Svo. 
 .Mark, l.i/zie :ind Itohert K. 1. A Christina- 
 Tree Fairy, Lon., ISS7, 4to. 2. Old Father t'hrisluiii- 
 Pii'tiire Uliok, Lon., 1S«S, Uo. 
 .Mark, Itohrrt IJIIce. I. All around the Clock. 
 Illust. Loll., issii, Ito. 2, The (iiieen of the .\leailo». 
 Illust. Lon., 1SS7, 4to. :t. All Things Urighi iiicl 
 llcauliful: Picture and Song. Lon., I.sss, fol. 4. ilvl.i 
 "air Flowers from the Poets' (larilon ; Selected iiicl 
 Arranged, Lon., ISS8, Ito. h, (Ed.) Sweet Nature, iiicl 
 other Poems; Selected. Illust. Lon., ISS8, 4lo. i.. 
 llright lllossoms from the Poets' lliirden, Lon., !>>-, 
 si(. Illiiio. 7. (Jolileii Leaves from the Poets' Uanli n. 
 Lon., IsSS, si|. Iliiiio. 8. Jack in the llox. lllii-i. 
 Lon., 188S, 4to. 9. When All is Young. Illust. Lon., 
 ISSS, Ito. Id. Winter .lewels fniiu the Poets' (ianh ii, 
 Loll., I8.HS, s((. lliiiio. 
 Marknil, John William. 1. Thermopyhe: Ncw- 
 digato Verse, I SSI, Lon., |s,s|, so. Hiiiio. 2. (Trim'. 
 Virgil's /Eneiil, in Fiiglish Prose, Lon., 1 H.s.'), p. Svo. 
 Mackall, Henry C The .Maryland Code; '.'d cd , 
 Halt., I SKI, 2 vols. svo. 
 Markarncss, Mrs. Matiltia Anne, ( I'lancli^, ■ 
 [.iiile, vol, ii., Pi..iNiiif;, .M*Tii.i>,v Annk, add.,] \>2'i~ 
 ISSl, wife of llenr.v S. Mackarness. I. False Appeiir- 
 ances. Lon., 1S:")S, ISmo. 2. The Naughty (iirl of ilic 
 Family, llluet. Lon., lSR;j, 12mo. :i Clill'ord Ciisllc : 
 a Tale of the FInglish Heformation, Lon.. IsiiO, I2iiiii; 
 new eiL, ISHft. 4. A Village Idol, Lon., ISliii, l2iiio .'p. 
 Married and Settled, Lon., Isti9, l2iiio. 6. Old Saws 
 New .Set. Illust. Lon., 1S7I, l2mo. 7. A Peerless 
 Wife, Lon., IS71, :! vols. p. Svo. S. Marion Lee's (iimd 
 Work, Lon,, IS72, ISnio. 9. My Sunday Honk of I'ic- 
 tures, Lon., 187:f, l6mo. 10. 'children of tlic ohicii 
 Time, Lon., 1873, Hiiiio. II. Tell Miiiiiiiia. liliii. 
 Lon., 1S7:1, l2mo. 12. Sweet Flowers, Lon., Is7:!, K' 
 in. Wild Hose, and other Talcs, Lon.. 1874, I2inii II. 
 Snowdrop, and other Tales, Lon., 1871. ISnio. I.i. Penil' 
 Restrung: Stories from the Apocrypha, Lon., l'*7,'*. m|. 
 Itiino. 16. Only a Penny: a .Aloral Tale for ('liilduii. 
 Lon., 1878, ISmo. 17. Dawn of the Morning, Lon.. 
 1S79, 12nio. 18. Poor Patience, and True as Triitli, 
 Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 19. Tho Girl of the Family. L'm.. 
 1888, p. Svo. 
 Mackay, A. Hand. Book of the Scat of War in 
 Turkey: with .Maps and Plana, Lon.. 1877, 12mo, 
 Mackay, Ilev. A. Ii. 1. The (ilory of IheCro.-sa* 
 manifested in the Last Words of Jesus, Lon., IS74: new 
 cd., 1S77, l2mo. 2. The Story of Niiaman, Lon.. I.ss2. t|i. 
 3. The Coni|ue8t of Canaan ; Lectures on the First Twelve 
 Chapters of the Book of Joshua, Lon., ISS4, p. Sm. 
 Mackay, .Enens John ^;eorge, advocate, shci iif 
 of Fife and Kinross. .Memoir uf Sir James lialr.viiiplc. 
 First Viscount Stair ; .i Study in tho History of Scothiii I 
 and Scotch Law during the Seventeenth Century. Kdiii., 
 l;57:i, Svo. 
 ■•This is a vorv olaliorato monograph, haviim s|.cciiil 
 interest ami value for the Seoteli lawyer and the iiiiiiute 
 student of seutch history, hut. tlirmigh want ol lii-I-riile 
 political prouiiiiiiice of the subieet and ai-lni-ciicss nt 
 the leital parts of the work, and absence, it iiiu>t hr ail'lco. 
 f the work, and absence, it iiiu>t In 
 (if graces of stvle, not likely to be very ultiacliM 
 general reader.'''— .S;)Prf(i(ur, xlvi. y,'iS. 
 MHckay, Alexander, M.A. 1. .Manual of Modern 
 Geographv, Edin. and Lon., 1801, er. Svo; new cil . rev., 
 Edin., I8S5. 2. Outlines of Modern (ieograpliy. Miitlic- 
 matical. Physical, and Political, Edin. and Lmi . lSC:i, 
 12ino: new eiL. 1881-83. 3. Facts and Dates: Leading 
 Events in History, Edin., 1869, 12nio; .Id ed., IST" 
 4. Intermediate Geography, Physical, Industri 
 Commercial, Edin., 1874, 12mo. .■>. Rhyming (ieogra- 
 pliy I new ed., Lon., 1876, Ifimo. 8. Physiograidiy ana 
 Physical (ieogrnphy. Illiist. Edin., 
 Ill, and 
 IS77, I2ino 
 l'"«in», Pu.iuriili, an<l 
 Mnckiij, \lfiiiiiidi-r. 
 «"»««, I.Oll., |>li.,, B,|. |J|,„, 
 1 ic'..i ni AiHimh 1, 1,1111,, In,');), Svo, 
 ;,!"•, - ' """"^'1 »Vk., Illu.t, l-on„lN,,7, 2m„ 
 w;;if;;;.|^^,:;';fit;:';:^\ii:;;!,::?^'?.'«^.'^'i?'''".Ant(,,,.e,', .. i ii,.,; 
 ";'«"• I'-M'l.) I, 1,0 Cnmk u.i.l lh« .^„„„|, ',.,,„ „„|r 
 th.r l'„..,n-, K.ll,,., |v,:i, II..,,,,,, 2. The 
 uf Lorn. 
 (,'iii-«« of s,h„„,u, ,ii„l .,el,„r l'oi'„,» F,li„ m\r m' " 
 : r,ir. ,'lmn,r '-'.'i';',';/',';!'!':, ',"!"""" '""' '"« '«tlrc |h«»c.„ « 
 'Miti'ltnv, (^t'orirr I'rli' 1 ^ „ . 
 i-n;,.':i„r • I., „ '". T';;"'/;"7''' -.i'^ ." «•• '•■'''' 
 W liv,oiV"hv"\fVw'"n"'V"' '',"'"■«"■■' "'•""gilt i.g',ii„-t 
 ■I. I'n.lur tl„, |l|„« Sky, Lon„ IS71 ,' ",' ' i ; 
 "•■ 1 11111.11, IjOII,, InMI. ,, Villa n Wi-.L '>/» y 11 « 1 .. 
 s.::uiJh ;fc!?;,;^^.':?j^^^ w,,r.K with ,„ot,u « .n,,., 
 1."''; /h!^: jtr' ^"''"'''^"""' ' '"' «"»'« "' Twilight, 
 'vi:ofln,i::iS.i?;:;^^^f™\[;;;)-'?}« protest of an author 
 "•■••urate. . , 'ro exi,,iso ..n i,"'"''''''''''^ '""< Ki-'Ufrally 
 '"■■"■ly the Whole of'l!' • J.V,,S'x,i'j^(|''^'■'"^^"■•>■ '" '"'""-' 
 S'taiij to the Ancent Liinj?uago of the British 
 wiihprrhu|«,Uow-,:;V;oil.mNT,r>,I!',''H '"'V^"'''l,''«''' •• i H»l'" I'*--'*, l-,„o"' l'™>-'tiail Agri.M.iture,' 
 -:i^:;' f^v':^^' .ixi, r rf^ ^v?,-^ '^ ^ .r:!*";''r^'?"'"' """•"« "-vu, .... „ h is... , 
 i'"l>;i-;;i.i..i.'^^/:'/!;;"^vi^:;;{ """"'■■"" '-y ^t "'^'luMi:;^:!'';"^ '■•■^.•^•■. i.„i,ii,:. 'aih:;r.o;i, i;; 
 ;;i:^ eiij;. llir^ ""•' '"' ^"-"^^nl^h;-: '^h t'T I-^.'"^ ' ^"^"••^' ' ^-"- "" '"o i-- -^ i'ro,.«r,y, ,l;n^ 
 i:r\^:Tl!:"l^-ll-y "" '^""-■^> «'" - ' ' m^'K^'^'--,;?-,, f':;;"^ -- ue :. „f ,„,.„ 
 of anutoioT i,,,' I., ■'"='. '^'•"•. "enior (leiMon..trator 
 Arteri, I Afehis liL "''rj'. V' ."'"W-'V. Uranohinl 
 i-er. written While on u.!::'t;;Vtl.;:'^,:«^;^:'iU!, 
 1 Tb^Tiu''' '*"?'?" William, [o„„, vol, ii, aj,, 1 
 le e^tibllitV" .; '''';V«'."'';«'.L"- T.'- IJ>- "f christian 
 I'^S-l. -'4. The i.'ou„,ler.H of the feffeotibility, I,on., l.^a? l'>,no •( rv > ,„ • 
 t*>l 1 A nx .1 ...„_. I ■ III 
 l'™pleassDolien l.,.rn.«';7"i" '""';"""'?'"" '"« British 
 ■^ ';"•'".., Lon. ISS- C ' '''"'l'""" "'■ ">« """es and 
 K''^i''h li'i^i;:',ii:,!;;^i\ i^,,'" '^^^^ '« that Eiia,bothn„ 
 ni'«lorn Uietlonarie.s.''-li;A", n^^^ '"""^^ "« 'ound in 
 -"• Through tl,o Ion- D'lv I -.i icc- n 
 '•""Kmige, & 1888 ;. ^ "''^o'i'""'*' •"■ ""^^ ■'^™"i»'' 
 rri.%„:;;^;.to?; ,^;^::^:fij:f-f:;'K2''>'^■;" 
 ;|.^«os,de still Wa,or».. a jlovel, Lo„.,\s-S5;!rvLls.';" 
 ; '"''ackay, Rev. Wiliiiim !• . of Ihiii i ,. 
 ami Truth under Twelve J.inlr..,„'A „"" '"lo ; '"''?," 
 ' l2iiio; new ei|„ Is:")-?? o ti,. ' '^ I."-'-'=''^*^0''-. 'o'li'. 
 other 'liiblo Th'eL; I „., "{sit,"'^^"' |«viour, an,l 
 firaee : A.ldresse.s, L on,, l.^se ,, to 4 v Z^'"""'""' 
 Bo^sof ,1,0 Bible, Lo„'.,'?,S87,''n. «:; '' '^'"'•■■^ °° "'° 
 12mo"""'' •'• '^'"' ^'"'''-■"'■■' Algebra, Lon„ 1881, 
 &:;^;^^-^^^;^-^;)-"rSoei.., sole...," 
 PlUu"H,r'' ^''^t '"'»^^, '• A?"- and Mattie. 
 i ,."•' ."'""• - Florence Walton, IMiila 1S8I Ifi,,,,? 
 3. Kezzies Corner, Phila., 1881, Ifl.'no. 4,' MaJioL Ku 
 .. *^Wi' fill 
 liolt, Philft., laSS, 16qio. 5. Mrs. GoUlworth'a Charily, 
 Philii., 1SS7, 12mo. t>. Hia Choice, I'hila., lS»ti, 12iuu. 
 7. Pi'nrl Iliinford's Summer, Philii., ISSS, 12mo. 
 MacKean, William. I. The Kingis Quhnir, by 
 Jnmes I., King of Scotland, done into Knglish, Paisley, 
 1887, Ito. 2. The Poems of Alexander Sentt. done into 
 English, Paisley, 18S8, Svo. ;i. The Poems of William 
 Dunhar, done into English, Paisley, 1890, Svo. 
 IHacKee, Thomas H., and Curry, W. W. 
 (Ed.) Protection Echoes from the Capitol, N. York. ISSS, 
 King'.s Beeches: Stories of Old Chums, Lon., IS7.'), p. 
 8vo. :>. A Child of Fortune, Lon., 1.S7a, ;i vols. p. Svo. 
 6. HandfKJt to Strangers: a Novel, Lcjn., 1870, H vol.«. p. 
 Svo. 7. liravc ,Mcn in Action : Thrilling Stories of the 
 liritish Flag, Lon., IS7S, ].. Svo. 
 MackeiincI, lltv. Alfxaiider. I. The Life if 
 Christian Consecration : Sermons preached at Leicester, 
 L(m.. IS77, p. Svo. 2. The lliblical Scheme of .N'ature 
 and .Man: Fimr Lectures, Lon., 188.'), p. Svo. :i. Ser- 
 mons from a Sick-Hooru, Lon., IS87, :i2mo. 
 MacKciinie, M. (Tians.) A Treatise on the Man- 
 ^iacKeeil, Phebe F., sister of Philcna .MacKeen, j ufacture and Distillation of Alcoholic Liquors; from tl 
 Old Questions in Young 
 2. Little Mother and her 
 rilust. Bost., 1875, llimo. 
 N. York, lS7,'i, 12nio. 
 infra, I. Thornton Hall; i 
 Lives, Lon, 1872, 12mo. 
 Christmas, and other Stories, 
 ;{. Theodora: a Homo Story, 
 .llacKeoil, I'hileilll, principal of Abbott Academy. 
 With MacKkkv, PiliciiK F., History of Abbott Academy, 
 Aiidover, .Mas.suohusetts, IS2!l-187'.t : with Introduction 
 by H. A. I'ark. Ulust. Antlover, 1880, Svo. 
 MucKeevcr, .Miss Harriet Burn, ["»(»•, vol. i., 
 adil..] IS07-I881!, b. in I'hiladelphia ; was a teacher in 
 that city for more than thirty-six years. I. Frederick 
 Latimer, Pliila., Kinm. 2. The House on the Heights, 
 Phila., l2mo. :i. Jessie Morrison; or. The Mis>i(]n 
 Flower, Phihi., ISmo. 4. Little Red Cloak: a Talc in 
 Rhyme, lllust. Phila., sq. Svo. 0. Lucy's Two Lives, 
 Phila., IHino. 0. Lazy Stephen, and what nnido him a 
 Valuable .Man. Host., I'SliO. 7. Will Collins, Bost., IStill. 
 S. Edith's Ministry, Phila., 1800, I2mo. il. Milly's 
 Taper; or. What can [do? Bost., 18BH, iOmo. 10. The 
 Flounced Kobe, and what it cost, Phila., 18(14, I Brno. 
 11. Aunt Harriet's Tales about Little Words, Phila., 
 181)4, ISmo. 12. The Woodclilf Children, Phila., 1861, 
 Ifimo. 13. Sunshine; or, Kate Vinton, Phila., Kimo. 
 14. Eleanor's Three Birthdays, Phila., 1807, lOmo. lo. 
 Good-Bye Stories for Little Children, Phila., 1807, 18mo. 
 10. Heavenward— Earthward, Phila., 1807, lOmo. 17. 
 Lucy Forrester's Triumph, Phila., 1807, lOmo. IS. 
 Mary Leslie's Trials, Phila., 1807, lOuio. 19. Children 
 with the Poets, Phila., I SOS, 12ino. 20. Little Mary, 
 Phila., 1808, ISmo. 21. Nothing but Leaves, Phila., 
 ISOS, lOmo. 22. Silver Threads, Phila., 1S6S, 12nio. 
 2:1. Breakers Ahea.l, Pliihi., I"-'!)'.!, lOmo. 24. .Jack and 
 Florie. Pliila., 1809. 4to. 25. Ilupcrl Lawrence; or, A 
 Boy in Earnest, Phila., 1809, lOmo. 26. Little Mary 
 and the Fairy. Phila., 1870, sm. 4to. 27. The Old Ch:\- 
 tcau, Phila., isTO, lOmo. 28. Maud and .Miriam, Phila., 
 1871, lOmo. 29. Twice Crowned: a Story of the Days 
 of Queen Afary, Phila., IS7:i, lOino. 30. Tender and 
 True, Phila., 1877, llimo. 31. (Jold and Huilt, Phila., 
 1877, l2mo. 32. Petite's Wand of Lilies, Phila., 1877, 
 lOino. 33. Aunt Loo'a Serap-Book, N. York, 1878, 
 ISmo. 34. The Foot on the Sill, N. York, ISSO, lOmo. 
 35. Bertha's Coronet, Phila., 1880, 12nio. 36. Crown 
 Jewels, ('in., 1883, lOmo. 
 Mackelcnil, tJ. J. The Path : an Allegorical Es- 
 pay, Lon., IS03. 
 MacKnIlar, C. The Premier's Secret, and other 
 Tales, Melbourne, I8SS. 
 illacKtillar, Mrs. Mary. Poems and Songs, 
 tiaelic and English, Eilin.. 1 880, p. Svo. 
 .MacKellar, Thomas, Ph.D., b. 1S|2, in New 
 Y'ork ; became a printer and proof-reader, and subse- 
 quently a type-founder in Philadelphia. 1. The .Amer- 
 ican Printer: a Manual of Typography, Phila., 1S06, 
 12mo; 17th ed., 1888. 2. Khynies Atween-Times, Phila., 
 1873, I2mio; new ed., rev. and enl., |S90. 
 "Mr. MacKellar is the author of the soni,' bOKlnning 
 ' Let me kiss him lor his mother.' a porfornianco of vvhicii 
 the aiithorsliip is perhaps known f) one in twentytlve 
 tlioiisaiid pereuns who have heard the music."— .Vdd'oii, 
 3. Hymns, and a Few Metrical Psalms, Phila., 1883, 
 1 2, no: new ed., enl.. 1 887. 
 MacKeudrick, John Gray, M.D.. LL.D., F.R.S., 
 professor of the institutes of medicine in the University 
 of (llasgow. I. Animal Physiology, Lon., 1870. 2. Out- 
 lines of Physiology in its Relation to Man, (ilasgow, 
 1878, p. Svo. 3. Text-Book of Physiology : vol. i., gen- 
 eral Physiology, the Chemistry and llistoloi/y 
 of the 'rissues and the Physiology of the Mu.sclos. lllust. 
 (Ilasgow and Lon., l888,"Svo. 
 MacKenna, Stephen J. 1. Off Parade, Lon., 
 1872, 3 vols. p. Svo. 2. At School with an Old Dragoon, 
 lllust. Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 3. Plucky Fellows: Remi- 
 niscences for Boys, Lon., 1873; new cd., 1880, l2mo. 4. 
 French of A. and J. Duplais, Lon., 1871, Svo, 
 Mackenzie, Mrs. Adelhcid, b. in (iermany; 
 wife of Robert Shelton Mackenzie, hi/rii. 1. .Marrietl 
 against Reason, Bost., 1869, Svo. 2. Aureola; or. The 
 Black Sheep : a Story of German Social Life, Phila., 
 1871, 12mo. 
 Mackenzie, Alexander, C.S.L, a member (jf the 
 Bengal civil service since 1802; chief conunissiioier of 
 the Central Provinces since 1887. I. Memoratolum on 
 the Northeast Frontier of Bengal, Calcutta, I s(i9. 2. 
 How India is governed : being an Account of Knglisli 
 Work in India, Lon., 1882, 12mo. 3. History of the 
 Relations of the Government with the Hill Tribes on the 
 Northeast Frontier of Bengal, Calcutta and Lon., 1>S4. 
 Svo. 4. Rejiort on the Administration of the Centriil 
 Provinces for the Years 1880-87, Nagpoor, ISS7, 
 MacKenzie, Rev. Alexander, D.D., b. isno, in 
 New Bedford, .Mass.; graduated at Harvard in 1859, an. I 
 at Andover Theological Seminary in ISOl ; since IsO; 
 has had charge of the First Church at Cambridge, Mass., 
 where he is a lecturer in Harvard Divinity School, iuid 
 one of the preachers to Harvard College. 1. The 'liiu 
 Boys, Bost., 1870. 2. History of the First Church, Cam- 
 bridge, 1873. 3. Cambridge Sermons, Bost., ISS3, l2mo. 
 4. Some Things Abroad, Bost., 1SS7, 12mo. 
 Mackenzie, Alexander. 1. History of the Clan 
 Mackenzie: with Genealogies of the Principal Families. 
 Inverness, 1879. 
 "The work has an intense interest of a certain kind."— 
 Alh., No. 2704. 
 2. The Isleof Skvein 1882-83: Trial of the Braes and 
 Glenilale Crofters, Lon., 1883, p. Svo. 3. History of the 
 Highland Clearances: I). MacLeod's "Gloomy Mems.," 
 Ac. Lon., 1883, p. Svo. 
 MacKenzie, Alexander, b. 1822, in Logieraii, 
 Perthshire, Scothind : in 1842 emigrated to Canada, 
 where he was elected to Parliament in 1801 and beciiuie 
 the leader of the Liberal party. The Life and Speeches 
 of the Hon. George Brown, Toronto, IS82, Svo. 
 Mackenzie, Miss Anne. I. Seeing and Hearlnir; 
 or. Three Years' Experience in Natal, Edin., 1S57, 8vm. 
 Anon. 2. Charlie Douglas's Visit to a Mission Statimi, 
 Lon., 1870, 12mo. 3. Mission Life among the Zulu 
 Kaffirs: a Memoir of Henrietta. Wife of the lUv. H. 
 Robertson, S.P.G. Missionary; new ed., Lon., 1ST5, cr. 
 Mackenzie, C. W. The Uncrowned Prince in 
 Israel: a Cairn on a Neglected Grave, Lon , IS8.1, ISrno. 
 Mackenzie, Charles. Natural History of Qua i- 
 rupeds, Birds. Ac, Lon., 1859, 12mo. 
 Mackenzie, Charles Francis. The Roaiantic 
 Land of Hind, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 Mackenzie, Charles Frederick. Holidays at 
 Lynunre; or, Miracles Explained, Lon., 1855, ISmo. 
 Mackenzie, Charles II. Religious Sentiments 
 of Charles Diekens, Lon., 1SS4, cr. Svo. 
 '■ .tIacKenzie, Christine," (Pseud.) See Iiik- 
 FEi.i., Miss Asnik, mijim, 
 Mackenzie, Donald. TheFloodingoftho.'ahani: 
 Account of the Proposed Plan for Opening Centr;il Afnca 
 to Commerce and Civilization from the North-" est 
 Coast, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 
 Mackenzie, Donaldson. Effect of Septic In 
 ticms on the Lungs and Health, Lon., 1858, l2nio. 
 MacKenzie, Edward Montapu Stuait (irim- 
 ville .Montttgn-Stnart-Wortley-, Eiirl 
 Hharnclili'e, b. 1827; created an earl in 
 (Ed.) Letters and Works of Lady Mary Wortley 
 tagu, Lon., 1887, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Mackenzie, Frederick William, M.D., IJ-""- 
 1 1805, was physician to Queen Charlotte's Lyingin Hu?- 
 ! pital. I. On"the llelalions of Uterine to Constitati.mal 
 1 Disorders. Parti. Lon., 1852, Svo. 2. The Pathology 
 1 and Treatment of I'hlegmasia Uolens, as deduccl Iruui 
 .llackeiiiie, (ieorRe. Highland Day-Dreii,„s • 
 liiiMii'iiinii ft.jnnets, Invornoss, ISSS, p Svo 
 .Mackenzie, (Jeorge Ilunler, M.I*,,' surKcun for 
 throat ,l,»eMSc. to the Eye, K.n. aiul Throat llo.pit.M 
 tdinhurKh A Practical Treatise un the S|,utu,u i 'with 
 fepeoiul Kelerei.ce to the Diagnosis, I'lognosis, and Thcr.i- 
 iZ!'u<-<tsv!r "'' "'^ '^''"'""' ""'' ''""""' '^'""' '""' 
 Mackenzie, Miss Georgiaiiu.Muir. With Ihbv Ai.K,,,NA Pailina: 1. Notes on the South Slavonic 
 Countnes ,n Austria and Turkey in Europe, containing 
 Historical and Political Information, added to the Sub" 
 stance of a Paper read at the Meeting of the British As- 
 sociation at IJath, 1S6.1. Edited, with a Prefacc,'bv 
 luinphry Sandwith, C.B., D.C.L. Edin. and lion:, 
 INt'O, Myo. 2. 1 ravels in the Slavonic Provinces of Tur. 
 key in Europe, Eon., lS(i7, 2 vols. Svo; 2d od rev with 
 a Preface by the Right Hon. W. E.Gladstone, M.\'.','w7. 
 /'The ilistinguishcd writer of the Preface to iliis honi- 1 
 K vcs It as his „ „ ,|,at, „s r.'gan .s t lie \ri '■ ■ ndK 
 .. ccTtaiii si.bjcrt ra,.T.s of the Ottoiii.i Cmp v ■ i ' 
 ;;i !'^^l"\fp,fcvi;;^iiafSsr'H^;;^^;?t :!^ 
 Ks","Ls'!,?,r'''' "«"■"»«> B- Kitty's Cou8in, Eon., 
 of'^?i"„!','"'^**'ir '"""•^' *»• ^- S>'it^erland, ("Eib 
 of Entertaining llistory.") Ill»st. Ijost., ISSI, l2no 
 ii Ma' Krv?,l''M'''';."'''«",' (»"''B'««'' f"'"^ "ol- 
 Com Macken/,ie. Storms and Sunshines of a Soldier's 
 1;m 2r„'i?"cr"!i;.o''"''™' '""" ''"''""'"''' ^••'^■' '-'•' 
 ;nakeandmafi\m,ro ^'danl'm 
 ith:^:ici^";8i^'^'^'^"' '^^^^ vica^firtt .! 
 -tne-iiolds IS4,s-o5; rector of Tydd St Marv I8')i 
 liiicoln l.s5».-(,4 canon and sub-dean 18(i4: arohdJacon 
 Not tinghaii, l8B,i: Bishop Suffragiin of Nottingham 
 e" 11 isfi""i'.,,, ?"'-., 'V, ^■."- , 2- Ordination Lectures, 
 r i'l 1 1 •!• Metrical Lessons from the (iospels 
 or Uiildreii, l.on., 1S71, 12mo. !. Four Lectures on 
 tl.c Clergy and their Duties, Eon., ES74, 2n o 
 MacKeirzie, Ca,.t. J. The Reserve i-orce: In- I 
 striu'ticms, .tc, Liverpool, IS? 1 8vo I 
 Mackenzie, J. liutier-Making and Dairy Ma- ' 
 ohinery Appliances, Ac, Eon., 1888, r 8vo 
 .Mackenzie, J. Ford. The Pleasu/os of Ifouse- 
 n™ ,','l':fi8,!^.''"''' "■■ ''^"«Slo, Ac., Eon., 1877, 12mo: 
 isi'tl'if's™.**"' •''""*"• "''""•y "f S™tl«ncl, Eon., 
 ill's 'sSH;S:S'~ir 
 Mackenzie, Kenneth Robert Henderson. 
 . rrnns., lie Life of Uismarck, Private and PoMt" ■ 
 with Bescrip ivo Notices of his Ancestry, by J. (i E 
 lesekiel Illust. Eon., ISii9, 8vo. 2. Roy,,! Ma,:,,!,'. 
 u ion , ; t'h i".'-""" '\ ""• ■■'• Fundamental CoLt- 
 u. ion of the Primitive Uito of Freemason ry for Great 
 liritain and Ireland, Eon., 1877, 12mo 
 .M.H.C.l'., b. ls;)7, at l.eytonstonc lisscx ; eilucat . r „V 
 \ienn,i He founded the hospital for di-eases of tlio 
 ":;; i";/ h''r t**"""' '-""'"• ■" '"''• "'"hieh'y 
 111 aaiiicd tic Jacksonian prize at the Royal Colleee of 
 Mirgeons. In I,s87 he was summoned t., a ten ftl o 
 crown prince, afterwards the emperor Frederick l" „ of' 
 Gcimaiiy, and remained in charge "f the ca<c till the 
 ae:,th of the emperor. Ho is a member of minvi id 
 L n ft] 10 '■ '■ "'""■■■^^■"^'8 ""'l I-"»s of Voice. 
 Eon., 1S(,4, 12mo; new ed., l,-i(i8. 2. The Ese ol Ih, 
 Laryngoscope in Diseases of , he Throat, Eon., i^M^o 
 i h la |,s7il A. Essay on (irowths in the Earyn.x : witii 
 Sts Ii: -''".''"''^."i-i''^ '""' ""'"'->' '-'""-cu" V 
 of the Hn , Li V""-;,"^' I. ■'^vo. 4. The PharmacopaMii 
 L,on.. 18,2, fp. Svo, 4lh ed., enl., 1881. ;•,. Diiihthorii, 
 IS Nature and Treatment, Varieties and I o Exp I: 
 the lliroat and Nose, Eon., l,s,s(|-84. 2 vols „ Kvo " 
 Hay Fever and Paro.xysmal Sneezing: their ' Etio'loA- 
 and Ireatment, Eon., 1884, r. 8vo , ith ed.. 1887 "s^ 
 I he Hygiene of the Vocal Organs: a Practical Hand' 
 Book for Singers and Speakers^ Eon., KSSltp. to ""'h 
 r 'to'^irrf *!;,^A;r-Pa.ssages in Europe, Eon.. 1888, 
 liln t !;, '^.^""' il'-^'^"'' I''™lerick the Noble 
 la m.nt f",l '^ • "' '™- '?'' ''^ " ''^f™"" "^ ^'^ 
 irealmint of the case against the strictures of German 
 physicians. It had a large circulation ; but its p, b| ^a- 
 will'l"''" •''"''r " l'^"""'' "f professional . ti . c te ) 
 ^"h^*"'',!?.' '^!",'^»- View'of the Sal,non-i-i"l "ry 
 Mackenzie John. (Ed.) Memorials of the Siege 
 01 llcirv. By W. B. Killen. Eon., 1861, fp 4to 
 cim"tndnr?-^'""'' "'■ "■" '"'"""" Missionary So. 
 11 ss ",?'"• ■'''■'"' y """'"'^'i"'^-'- of liechnanaland 
 oLl'^'l! resigned. 1. Ten Years North of the 
 i. Luy.n..iivn in l)..irl,- l'lii,-ps • ,, ^(..rr of W„„ i 
 XXV 111". • '""■•''""'"8 "•"' imtttfeeicl imrratlve."-J<;a(l., 
 oi,i™;V'„?r'/''"™- '•"»"'!?!''"■ Hulingit: being In- 
 an 1 , I ^M'^'i't'ce, in Bechuanaland, Cape Colonv 
 and England. Mnps and Illust. Eon., 1887, 2 vols. Sv, 
 of Scotland, Edin., 18fiO, Svo 
 Mackenzie, Robert. ' l. The United States of 
 America: a II, story, Eon,, 187(1, p. Svo: new ed. 881- 
 Edin'"is7ir^r''""' ^'rr^^ " "'-^'"'-y' '■»"■ ""J 
 uun., isiii, p. Svo; new ed,, 18S4 
 Maciienzie, Robert Sheltnn, M.D, ELD.. 
 u.y.E., L,ni(f, vol. II.. ad( ., 8liy-lss(l 1 M,i„„;,.. r 
 Ms'Life;^;,:^,^-l'i'i-,.f,,^:'- "''''- «-'-'- ^'-ry of' 
 Mackenzie, Thomas, Lord, I807-lSii!i was 
 duca.ed at the universities of St. Andrews and Ed n 
 in l.s.!^, si criff of Ross and t'roniarty in 18.-,| and a 
 s™ . 1 h i,\ *""^"-'\.>" «"■»"" I-..W, Edin., 1862, 
 ed.!'l884 " ^^ "'"''" K''-'<l""iick, LE.B.. 1870; 6th 
 Mackenzie, Rev. Williiiin i rpiii ■ i .. 
 ..y Three o, the ^rhirtec;, «;!'':! ^ving^tla:*';^^^^^^^^ 
 Soc. Pub.,) Douglas. ISiiO, Svo. 2. Indev f. Al "--" -u 
 utc or Tyuvald Laws of the Isle of Man; Doughus,^ isftl, 
 Mackenzie, William. Ruth: an Historical 
 Poem, Eon., 1866, l2uio msioritai 
 ii '"^dTnsM* i^\^''''- V*'",!"""""'' "•A..['."'^voi. 
 mi V „ ; o.' "•«■■'"'"""'" "' Magdalen Hall, Oxford. 
 IS34; vioar of St. James's, Holloway, from 1838 For 
 '•••MMftilMI : 
 *ti.ii g |* f < H| ' 
\ m 
 bioj;., 801! CAI.TII1101', Ukv. lioiiiKiN, «ii;)nt. I. (ilcunings I Mackey, Ji L. Grammar of the Benga Language, 
 Ircim lh« (iospul Story, Lun., 1H5U, ISiiio. 2. The Word N. York, IM.iS, cr, Svu. 
 of l.ifo: Spiritual Instruc^tion, Lon., Is.v.i, IL'nio ; new j Maekidd, Alexander. Exposition of the . Seventh 
 ed., IHBo. ;). Kedeeiiiinfj 1/ovi', I. on., Isdl, 1 L'mo ; now j Chapter uf the Kpiatlo to the Itomans, Lon., 1S5-1, p. 
 ed., IS75, 1. The Wanderer and liis Return Home; new ' 
 ed., Lon., ISfil, fp. Svo. ;'i. Ilaiul-liook for tlie Siek ; 
 4tli e.l., Lon., IStil, er. Svo ; new ed., 1871. «. Help for 
 tlie llelples.s -d ed,, Lon., 18(11, fp. Svo; new ed., Istitl. 
 7. A Lump to till- I'lith : Help to Search the Scripture.-, 
 Lon,. l.'^iil, ISiuo; 7th ed., 1S72. .-<. Married Lite: it,- 
 Diitirs. Trial.'', and dnys, Loll., L^lil, L^ino; new ed., 
 1SK7. u. Hible Chanieters. Lon., K'-OI, l2nio; new ed.. 
 18(i:i. 10. The Abiding Comforter: hi.i Person and 
 Work, Lon., ISO-', ll!iiio: new ed., ISIil). II. Dwellings 
 of the Righteous, Lon., I.Sii'.', ISino; new ed., 1S6I. 12. 
 Wonls in Sea.«oii to the Weary, Lon., ISfi2, 12ino; new 
 ed.«., I.Siii'.-7a. i:t. Snul of Tarsii-s ; his Life lunl Le.'sona ; 
 new ed., I.on., |.'<li4, l2ino. 1 1. liible Studies lor Family 
 Reading. Lon., I8('>7. 12mo. I."). Homo Religion, Lon., 
 1S70, ;i2mo. Hi. The Hay of Trouble: I'lain for 
 the SiilVering and Sorrowful, Lon., I. ''7 1, p. Svo. 
 iHucKerlic, I*. H. History of the Land.s and tlioir 
 Owners in (ialloWMV. Ivlin., I.'i70-7'J, .') vols. 
 .Mackcrii, 'riiuiiia,s. Lueian Playfair: a Novel, 
 Lon., I.S57, .'t vols. )i. Wvl. 
 .MacKerrow, James Muir. Memoir of W. Mo- 
 Kerrow. liy his Son. Lon., IS.Sl, p. Svo. 
 Maclierrow, Ilcv. John, D.l). History of the. 
 Foreign .Missiona of the United Presbyterian Church, ! 
 Kiliii., 1S(>7, Svo. 
 MackoMon, Rev. Charle§. 1. Evidence before] 
 the Commissioners on the Rubrics, ,tc., Lon.. ISI)7j | 
 l2ino. 2. The Cluirches of London and its Suburbs, j 
 Lon., IS7;!, Svo; new ed., lS7y. :!. The Church Con- 
 gress Hand-Hook and Guide to Lonihm and Suburbs, 
 Lon., IS77, Svo; new ed., 1S8I. -1, Mission-Room Ad-, Lon., 18S2-Si!, two series, 12iiio. J. Good 
 Friday and Easter in a London Mission- Room : Ad- 
 dresses, Lon., I8S1, 12mo. 
 Mackeson, 11. II. The Fraternity of the Assump- 
 tion id'the Itlesseil Virgin Mnry at Hythe, Lon., 1S7:1, Svo, 
 Mackeson, William Wyllys, Q.C., b. isci; 
 graduated at t^ucen's Ccdlege, O.xl'ord, 1S:1(); called to 
 the bar at the Inner Temple IS6S. With FoiiUES, John, 
 The Supreme Court of Juilicaturc Acts, 1873 and 1875 : 
 with Forms of Pleading, Ac, Lon., IS7iJ, Svo. 
 Mackcsy, William II., and Molesworth, G. 
 Ij. Tables of liarometrical Heights to Twenty Thousand 
 Feet: specially adapted for Officers on Service, Civil 
 Engineers, and Travellers in India, N.York, IS82, ;i2ino. 
 Mackey, Albert (•allatin, M.U., [<niti-, vol. ii., 
 add.,] 1807-18SI, b. lit Charleston, S.C. ; graduated at 
 the inedioal department of the L'niversity of South Caro- 
 lina is;i2 ; gave up practice in 1844 to devote himself to 
 the study of Freemascmry, and to miscellaneous writing, 
 lecturing, Ac. 1. The liook of the Chapter, N. Y'ork, 
 Is.jS, I2iiio. 2. Text-Boo': o( .Masonic Jurisprudence, 
 N. York, ISCiO, I2mo. ". A History of Freemasonry in 
 South Carolina, lS(i!. 4. Manual for the Lodge, N. 
 Y'ork, lS(i5, Svo. 5. Cryptic Masonry: a Manual of the 
 Council, N. Y"ork, ISii", 24mo. (!. Masonic Ritualist, 
 N. Y'ork, I8li7, 24i 7. .Symbolism of Freemascmry, 
 N.York, 186!l, l2mo. S. Encyelopa;dia of Freemasonry 
 and its Kindred .Sciences. Illust. 1S74. Svo; 2d ed., 
 1882. y. Manual of Parliamentary Law applied to the 
 Government of Masonic Bodies, 1875, 12iuo. 
 Mavkey, Ilev. Donald Job", F.A.S., F.S.8., 
 F.R.ll.S., gradiiiifed at Corpus Christi College, Cam- 
 bridge, IS(),S; ordained 18B8; canon, precentor, ami 
 librarian of St. Ninian's Cathedral, Perth, from 1878; d. 
 of the Warrington 
 111 Editor's Holiday. 
 Arranged and Cor- 
 Mackie, Alexander, editor 
 Guardian. 1. Italy and France: < 
 Lon., 1875, Svo. 2. .Scotticisms, 
 rectcd, Edin., I8S1, fp. Svo. 
 .'tiacKie, JanieK, The Rums Calemliir : a Manual 
 of Rurnsiana : relating Events in the I'oetV Hi,-toi-y, 
 Names associated with his Life ami Writings, a (.'oiicisc 
 liil)liogrii]ihy. ami a Record of liurns Relies, Kilmarti",'k, 
 IS74, Svo. Anon. 
 .Mackie, John .Milton, [inifc, vol. ii., add.] Krom 
 Cape Cod to Di.xie and the Tropics, N. Y'ork, Istil, 
 .Mackie, S. J., C.E. "(ireat Paul," from its Cast- 
 ing to its I)cdication : with a Preface on liells, by .Liliii 
 Stainer, M.A., .Miis. Doc, Organist of St. Paul's, I.on., 
 .Mackie, Samuel Joseph, I'.d.S. 1. Hund-Iluoh 
 of Folkestone, Lon., ISali, p. Svo. 2. Historical Accuuiit 
 of Folkestone, Lon., 1S56, p. Svo. 3. First Traces cd 
 Life on the Earth, Lon., IsfiO, cr. Svo. 
 Macliien, I*. E. Theodora Cameron. Illust. 
 Lon., 187S, ji. Svo. 
 MncKim, J. Poems, Lon., 1888, fp. Svo. 
 MacKim, Joseph. Darcy and his Friends: an 
 Irish Tale, Lon., ISSl, p. Svo. 2. Fairy-Talcs for Cliil- 
 dren : Tommy Greedygrab and Wriggletum, Lon., Iss2. 
 so. Hinio. 
 MacKini, Itcv. Randolph II., D.D. 1. Vindi- 
 cation of Protestant Principles against a Recent Attack. 
 N. York, 1879, 12nio. 2. Future Punishn:eiit: Sermons; 
 with an Introduction on Retribution, anil an Essav on 
 Prayers for the Dead, N. York, 18S3, l2iiio. :i. liiead 
 in the Desert, and other Sermons, N. York, Iss7, 
 MacKim, W. W. A Brief Dissertation on Militniy 
 Titles and Brevet Rank. By an Ex Army Officer. Bost., 
 Itlackinlay, Daniel A. ThcIToirof Ardanarchcn, 
 and other Tales, Lon., IStil. fp. Svo. 
 iMackinlny, James M. Poems, (JIasg., IS78, 12mo. 
 iMacKinney, Samuel Iliggar tlittcn, .M.A., 
 LR.C.S. ICdin. The Science and Art ol Religion, l/'n., 
 I8SS, cr. Svo. 
 .MacKinnon, Charles, <iibbs, Joseph II., 
 and Hankin, .Montgomerie. The Quadrilateral, 
 [verse,] Lon., Is05, Svo. Anon, 
 .MacKinnon, Rev. Uonald Ililaro Ouselry 
 Diinsdale, M.A., F.R.(i.S., graduated at Exeter to] 
 lege, Oxford, 1871 ; ordained 1872 ; cu^nte in cliaige yl 
 Speldhurst since 1879. 1. Lapland Life; or. Summer 
 Adventures in the Arctic Regions, Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 
 2. Memoirs of Clan Fingon, Lon, 1SS2. 
 .Mackinnon, J. 1*., and Shadbolt, S. Tl.c :" 'ith 
 Afiiean Campaign of 1879, Ac, Lon., Isso, 4to. 
 Mackinnon, Rev. James. South African Trait?, 
 Ellin., 1887, Svo. 
 .Mackintosh, Rev. Charles H. 
 Rook of Genesis, I'hila., ISti.'i, l2mo. 
 Book of Exodus, Philu., ISfiS, 12mo. 
 Book of Leviticus, Phila., 18t!8, 12mo. 
 of David, Phila., 187fi, 12mo. 
 Mackintosh, Daniel, F.G.S. 
 England and Wales : its Cliaracter and Origin : being an 
 Attempt III trace the Nature of the Geological Causes, 
 espi'cially Denudation, by which the Physical Feiluius 
 .. . , . . .. . i_ _ .._ I - „ 1 1 r 1 uiin .. c,,,. 
 1. Notes on ttic 
 2. Notes on tlic 
 :(. Notes on tliu 
 4. Life and Times 
 The Scenery of 
 I Si. Bishop Forbes: a Memoir, Lon., 1888, cr. Svo. : of the Country have been ]iriidiiced, Lon. 
 Also, musical compositions, diocesan maps. Ac. 
 Mackey, Franklin Ilubbell. 1. District of Co- 
 lumbia Supreme Court Reports : vols, i.-iv.. Wash., 1880 
 -8fi, Svo. 2. The Practice and Procedure of the Supreme 
 Court of the District of Columbia : being a Collection of 
 its Rules, and of the Federal and iMnryland Statutes af- 
 fecting the Practice and Procedure of the Court, Wash., 
 188S, 1. .0. 
 Men and Maidens, Lon., 18SI, 18mo. 2. One Thousand 
 New llhistnvtinns for Pulpit, Platform, and Class. Lon., 
 18S7, p. Svo. 
 Mackey, Very Rev. Henry Benedict, ii.S.B., 
 canon of the Roman Catliolic Cathedral, Hereford. 
 (Trans.) The Works of St. Francis do Sales: vols, i.-iv., 
 Lon., 1885-88, er. Svo. 
 riie fact that Mr. Mackintosh's viiliinie Is not a >y-tiiii- 
 atic treatise, but simply or eliielly a reeurd of his o»ii oli- 
 servations ill eoiineetidii with current theories of surla'c- 
 tfeoliiny, tells rather in his favour as an iiiiihor fir less 
 iiistrnetod readers, while it does not ilotraet 110111 liiii: us a 
 ehiiinaiil for geological honours."— .4(A.. No. 'JlirJ, 
 'His eoneliisions are 'founded on the results of iii.iiiy 
 years' personal observations, and every page bears wit- 
 ness to the close and tlumghtful study which he lias liiycii 
 to all the more elmraeterlsik) or typical scenes of geologicul 
 Mackintosh, Florence. The Secret of the North; 
 of. The Priiices- loeln, Lim., iss.'i, ISnin. 
 Mackintosh, John. The History of Civilization 
 in Scotland, Edin., 1878-88, .'! vols. Svo. 
 "It rejvrescnts the results of the leisure rending for 
 twenty-three years of an Aberdeenshire workiiiu'-iioin. ■ ■ ■ 
 A clear and impartial writer of narrative. Mr Mackiiilosli 
 1^,;.^- -.e „ Picture.,,. h.s.oHca, arU.V-S.eCa.or. ■ Mo,„„ir bv .„ ■ V , ''^'^ 
 «nlc.,.l,„i,i."_,s.,„, /,v,,_^^.| ^ 
 the Jewish Uw, L„„ i"? ' .' ^-H; ,',• •'"■'«' ■""' 
 ImxiIvs are nor,.u-nrfh„ ... .., .. the Mid,li„ T,.„„ ,.. ,1,-.. ',.:,' -V- '■'"'"1 •" the 
 ■■System, (Jliisgoiv, ISSM 
 la«e,- from [lie ,;„™r;,,,^; '^™''^-) A Hcula.n Vil- 
 f- rnv„li,ls, lion ],^,'; , -sv" 2 M""rr''"""''" 
 Cl.^.v,,.ur,s «oro Ti,rout; [on. '.. H '"/ '""'«^' '^-' "^ ' 
 •ii;''"'., viii. 
 .f A.l- 
 hiir lit 
 mcKni^ht\y"J!l-:.}.\^'!^.''>: ,?"."/_>■> parts. Contains /,uf,,,,\";_. ''''"'■') ""Si 
 i"l i^urKc-.v, l.on.; I S,sr,|. .,,,„' '■"""■ '■ ^he Anatomy 
 I Matlachlaii, Kc'i,,r,.<i,' ti, t. 
 land. i,„,| oilie, !■ ,',.;"„ |,-.,'^'« J*™'"i<'« "f Seot- 
 Maclachlaii, l'a'„ , t, ' 'r'.""' 
 Abuse, hon., l,s.01, l . "'' - T , ' ./ i'*'''" "^ ''"' ""<» 
 to Ciitholioiiy Answer..,!' I u,, ^ ''^'*'; 'K'on : Objeetiona 
 ''AliM, II. H-., Controversial?." '' '?"'"■ ^*''"' '"■■•«- 
 8vo. ' -""""^'-'■»">' t-'irresjiondenoe, J,on., ls,-,,0, 
 iMaclachlan. Pntor ni, • . 
 licii.l, I'on In",- n s ' """■ ^"""^ '" '"•» 'Jf- 
 Kevlsion an,! t^vnoi" of the '■; ^ / '^'"""gmphio 
 Pean Fauna. Illuit ll ul '^'l"'"''™ "'' "'o I':''^ 
 2000fi^ -;-;„-;;»7» ^» mn ,,l"tes/ en,bn.d^g 
 nrd-^t bKS'C^J «:"j;«7ory nr..n,nt '>f the insect 
 <l'';-»ie.s,' llmt lias m I " .n " '■. ,';",'''l':'''-'' """«■» '« ' ''la- 
 Jxil Fi"; fi^oiind Ti,'"""" 'f ""^'"'••'"'= """■« "inec 
 Yorl<, m8"vlZ' ■ ^'"'"Shts on l.ifo and Faith, X 
 »f"^S;!,li,■^:^7'^^,'?'"f'.«• (Ed.) Memoirs 
 , nt Ayr ; 
 "•'■^ wiii,.], lie iiaiun "'' "^"■,¥''"uii'ied views of I e ,,"' ?'""« '" "lat city in IMi.i L i, ? ^"""S" "' "'Jsi- 
 l'''""^"Pl>ical\h .^\„/,,:,, « •» ">"bitiou,, „f ,>^i,7'^ Royal Colleges of Su .^e ns ami ^f m"" pro.sident of the 
 ""i;?; • . . and he fails"" SVv,'^^''S,«'-'''"'K '>ls pic- ' b">-gh, and is nrofess';?." r . ',?'^ I'hysicians in Edln- 
 Century, Edin., ISTO, p. 8vo. Anon. 3. "Thrust Out:" 
 an Old Legend, Edin., lS7:i, p. 8vo. 
 MacLaren, AgneH. (Tiana.) A Practical Treiitise 
 on the Dieeiises (jf the Uterus, Ovariea, and Fallopian 
 Tubes; from the French of AinCdfo I'ourty, Lon., 1MS2, 
 itIucLaren, Kcv, Alexander, D.D., b. 1826, at 
 educated at Stepney College and at London 
 Priests, and People, by David Silvagni, Lon., 1887, :i 
 vol.". 8vo. 
 IMacLtkiighlin, Iliiberti liiogniphical !»kclchts 
 of Ancient Iri:<h Saints, Lon., 1871, p. 8vo. 
 JMacbaiighlin, J. Fairfax. The American Cy- 
 clops, the Hero of New Orleans, and the Spoiler of Sil- 
 ver Spoons : dubbed L.L.D. by Pasciuino. liall., ISi)^, 
 Macl.ailghlill, John. 1. Squire llardman- 
 Dftugliter, Lon., 1871, p. 8vo. 2. Mark Miinly'.s K. 
 3. The Storui, and llandohj 
 Glasgow ; 
 University ; minister of Portland Clia|iel, (Bapti.ft,) 
 Southampton, 1846-58, and since then of Union Chapel, ' venge, Lon., 1877, p. 8vo 
 Manchester. 1. Sermons preached in Manchester, Khymes, Lon., 1879. 
 Lon., lStiH-73, three scries, fp. Svo. 2. Counsels for, ittacliaughlin, M. Louise. 1. China Pamtni!: 
 the Study and the Life, Lon., 1861, 12mo. 3. A Spring ' a Practical Manual for the Use of Amateurs ii. the Lie. 
 Holiday in Italy, Lon., 18(1.0, 12mo. 4. Week-Day ' oration of Hird Porcelain, Cin., 1877, H[ 
 Kvpning Aildrcsses, delivered in Manchester, Lon., 1877, 
 12mo. 5. The Life of David as reflected in his Psalms, 
 Lon., I8S0, l2nio; (ith ed., 1885. Ii. The Secret of 
 Power, and other Sermons, Lon., 1882, 12mo. 7. A 
 Year's Ministry, Lon., 1884, two series, p. Svo. 8. Pic- 
 tures and Emblems : being Illustrations from his Ser- 
 mons. Selected by J. H. Martyn. Lon., 1885, p. 8vo. 
 9. Christ in the Heart, and other Sermons, Lon., 1886, 
 p. Svo. 10. The Epistles of St. Paul to the Colossians 
 and Philemon, Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. 11. .Mi>dern Mira- 
 cles: Manifestations of God's Love and Power, Lon., 
 1888, p. 8vo. 
 Maclaren, Archibald. The Fairy Family: a 
 Series of Uallads and Metrical Talcs illustrating the 
 Fairy .Mythology of Europe, Lon., 1857, p. Svo. Anon. 
 New ed., with author's name, I87.'i. 
 Maclaren, Archibald, instructor in gymnastics 
 atO.xford. 1. A Military System of Gymnastic E.ter- 
 ciscs, for the Vie of Instructors, Lon., 1862, Svo. 2. A 
 System of Fencing, Lon., 1861, er. Svo. 3. Training in 
 Theory and Practice, Lon., 1866, Svo; 2d ed., 1874. 4. 
 A System of Physical Education, Theoretioal and Prac- 
 tical, 0.\f., 1869, 12ino. 
 'Mr. .Maelareii can "xpfind the chest and increase the 
 Pottery Dec(f|-ation under the Glaze, Cin., 1880, g(|. Ifin,.,. 
 3. Suggestions to China-Painters, Cin., If^SI, scj. I2ihi.. 
 4. Painting in Oil: a Manual for the Use of Studeiiis, 
 Cin., 1888, 8(^. 12mo. 
 JHaclaurin, Ucv. John, minister in Glasgow. The 
 Nature of Ecclesiastical Government, and of the Con^ti- 
 tution of the Church of Scotland. Illust., Ac. Glai- 
 gow, 1854, Svo. Anon. 
 Muclay, Arthur Collins, instructor of Kngliah at 
 Tokio. A Dudgetof Letters from Japan : Keminisieniis 
 of Work and Travel in .lapan, N. York, 1886, 12»io. 
 iMaclay, Kev. R. S. Life aiucmg the Chinese, .\. 
 York, 1861, 12mo. 
 Maclean, A. T. Oran, and other Poems, Lon., 
 1857, l2mo. 
 MacLean, Charles, bookseller, Dnnkcld. Dun- 
 keld : its Siralhs and Glens ; or. Central Perthshire. 
 Historical and Descriptive: Compilid, Arranged, iiiid 
 Original, Dunkeld, 1879, 8va. Anon. 
 Maclean, Uaniel. The (iospel iu the Psalius: a 
 Series of E.xpositions, Lon., 1875, p. Svo. 
 Maclean, G. M., M.D. Elements of Somatology: 
 a Treatise on the General Properties of Matter, N. York, 
 stature of man as certainly as a sculptor can carve a piece i Maclean, J. L. The British Railway Svsieiii 
 of marble to tli.Mle.sire.l shape. . . . The value of the book ; ^^ ^ performed in the Principal Departments," Lon. 
 in laving down a regular course of ctercises una ill sag- ""'"t"-" ^" ' • ' 
 Kcsliiig new oombiiialions to teachers will bo considera- , -loo+i ovo, 
 ble."— .Stt. liei:, .\.\vii. 61. 
 Maclaren, Charles, [miii; vol. ii., add.,] 1782- 
 1866. 1. The Plain of Troy Described, Lon., 1863, Svo 
 2. Select Writings : Political Science, Ac. : with Me- 
 moirs, Edin., 1869, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Maclaren, Rev. David, ministei of Humble, 
 Scotland. The Light of the World, Edin., 187S, fp. Svo. 
 Maclaren, J. In a Rash Moment, Lon., 1879, 2 
 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Maclaren, J. Neil Wlllox : a Story of Edinburgh 
 in the Days of Queen Mary. Edin., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Maclaren, James. 1. Sketch of the History of 
 the Currency, Lon., 1858, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1879. 2. In- 
 dian E.\ohange: Thoughts suggested by the Fall in 
 Value of Silver, Lon., 1876, Svo. 
 Maclaren, James. 1. Critical Examination of the 
 Principal Arguments for and against Darwinism, Lon., 
 1876, Svo. 2. Natural Theology in the Nineteenth Cen- 
 tury, Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 
 Maclaren, John James, b. 1842, near Lachutc, 
 Quebec, Canada, and admitted to the bar in 1S68. The 
 Roman Law in English Jurisprudence, Toronto, 1887. 
 .Haclaren, 1'. Seven Topics of Christian Faith ; a 
 Manual of Theology, Lon., 1877, p. 8vo. 
 Maclaren, I'eter. The Glory of the Holy Ghost, 
 Lon., 1S55, 12mo. 
 Maclaren, T. Systematic Memory, Lon., 1866, 
 12moi 3d ed., 1869. 
 Maclaren, Walter S. Bright. Spinning Woollen 
 and Worsted : a Practical Treatise for Persons engaged 
 in these Trades, Lon., 1884, 12mo. With Hkaimont, J., 
 Report oftlit "loth-Workers' Comjiany, Lon., 1877, 12mo. 
 .nacLaren, Rt. Rev. William Edwarl, 
 S.T.D., D.C.L., b. 1831, in Geneva, N.Y. ; became a 
 MacLeau, J. P. 1. Mastodon, Mamniolli, :iii<l 
 Man, Cin., ISiS, 12mo. 2. Manual of the Antiipiitv of 
 Man. Illust. 8th ed., Cin., 1879, l2ino. 3. The .Moiin.l- 
 Builders: with an Investigation into the Archu'ology of 
 Butler County, Ohio. .Map and Illust. Cin., 1S7!I, r.Mno. 
 4. Jewish Nature-Worship, the Worship of i he Recip- 
 rocal Principles of Nature among the Ancient Hebrews, 
 Cin., 1882, 24mo. 
 Maclean, Sir John, F.S.A., [<iiiic, vol. ii., fourth 
 of the name there mentioned. aiM.,] b. 1811; son of 
 R. Lean, of Trehudreth Barton, Cornwall ; resuuied ihe 
 name of Maclean in 1845; chief auditor at tlic \V:ir 
 Office 1865-71; knighted 1871. 1. (Ed.) Letters froia 
 George, Lord Carew, to Sir Thomas Roe. Aniha^Molur 
 to the Court of the Great Mogul, 16l5-ltil7, (Cuiiidin 
 Soc. Pub.,) Lon., 1860, 4to. 2. (Ed.) Letters from Sir 
 Robert Cecil to Sir George Carew, (Cannlen Soc. I'ub., 
 Lon., l.'~64, 4to. 3. Parochial and Family Hisl.jry (it 
 the Deanery of Trigg Minor, in the County of Cornwall, 
 Lon., 1868-79, 3 vols. 4to. 4. The Life <d' Sir Tlionias 
 Seymour, Knight, Baron Seymour, of Sudcly. I.oitl 
 High Admiral of England, Lon., 1869, -Ito. Only Wi 
 copies printed. 5. (Ed.) The Berlseley Manuscripts: 
 the Lives of the Eerkcleys, Lords of the Ilcmoiir, OastK'. 
 and Manor of Berkeley, in the County of (iloucc.-icr. In la 
 1066 to 1618. By John Smyth, of Nibley. (lirisiul aial 
 Gloucestershire Arehtvol. Soc.) Gloucester, ls,'s;i-M, 
 2 vols. Svo. (See Shith, Joh.v, of Nibley, niiti, vol. ii.) 
 "One of the most important coiitrilnilions toonM;iioiyl- 
 edge of incdiii-val historv which has appeared siorc the 
 iiulilication uf the l'i.,<toii Letters. "~S,il. y.'-r.. Ivi- . ,. ami 
 lix. 51. 
 6. ^Ed.) The Berkeley Manuscripts: n Description cl 
 the Hundred of Berkeley, in the County of (Jloaccster 
 Presbyterian minister in 1860. and in 1.S72 entered the and of its Inhabitants. By John Smyth, ol Nibley 
 ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church. In 1875 Gloucester, 1886, Svo. 7. An Historical and Geimilogmil 
 he was elected Bishop of Illinois, and on the division of Memoir of the Family of Poynt/., Exeter, "'■'"'• j'*" 
 that diocese in 1877 he retained the portion now known vately printed. With Heane, W. C, (ed.) 11"' 
 as the diocese of Chicago. Catholic Dogma the Anti- , tion of the County 'f Ghuioester taken in the ^ 
 dote of Doubt, N. Y'ork, 1x83, 16mo. | by H. Chitty and J. Phillipot, (Harleian So 
 Maclanchlan, Rev. Thomas, LL.D. 1. The Lon, 1S8,5, 8vo. , ^ „„ ,„„„ ,„„,. 
 Way to liod; or, Christ'.? Mcdiatorship, Edin., 1S53, • Maclean, John, D.n., LL.D., LSilO-l^M, 
 12mo. 2. History and Literature of the Scottish Gael, John Maclean, M.D., (q. v., mile, vol. ii. ;) born aii'.l cnu- 
 Edin., 1857, 12ino. 3. The Scottish Church, from the cated at Princeton; held several professorshi 
 First to the Twelfth Century, Edin., 1864, Svo. ' and was president of the college 1854-li8. 
 Maclaughlin, Mrs. P. (Trans.) Rome: its Princes, ', the College of New Jersey, Phila., 1877, 2 vols, 
 ir lli:'3 
 -..n "f 
 ll'istory of 
 , Svo. 
 MiicLeaii, John S. 
 '■- • ■ '»^"""'- An Il,.<,„ric,tl ,.,„| (Jenea-!tio„«,u;ihVeaTfo„ s'oi^; 
 oiirH 1<, sl,„w Ilia? ,i.nT..!l : '^^>' '" "I'l'li lie / ■ 
 logiciil AcuDiint ol i,., 
 Lon., 1H58. 
 Maclean, Neil .\. 
 Kclin. an J Lo„.,Tss|p "';,'• *"'""-''' ^^^ A. MucLaren. 
 Maclean, Wiliiain Cai-inheil. M D en 
 con-ircnorii Put., r, _„ "■i'"»-ii, iH.u., 
 Clan Maclean. % ScnoacMo. 
 I'ife at a Northern University, 
 See GiiEKNK, 
 > irH lo sl,„w lliat the IMS a , h m i V""" '"' '-■"'■'"v. 
 l'™''Vil''".l-rulMti,,/i'hi>«a //,, , li-'T'"''," '■" »''i''nl». 
 tliruUKli ruiimk..s„nlv "'''\\f f,' ""'"'1 »ilniiiii.,| kiiiMih, 
 sopliic Muclunts will J el h';,!"'''''''; '"" "'I I'l'il"- 
 nminr^'s"'"''.' "'' '''""""* Urumin.inJ, U E F R A S 
 unaer-bearetarv to tin. I„..i i- "•''•!>., 
 "^•« to l«40, Win., isi';^ LorJ-L.eutenant of Ireland. 
 Crunimoml 'i.s Drinrir.',!!,- i, . „ 
 U'.v outer world 
 ^^'mSI'^S^V 7'"?'' -^^'- ^t'n!: H>'' ^^il-^llin^J^-^'S,,;^-.- t.e onter ,vorM 
 Climate- I, ',.^ """>'• i'i^isea of Tronieal i "''!':'" '1' >'l " pluase wliiel, li "^, ' '• «l". «i"l liis an- 
 ,.?^«?:";:";'. ««/ George Frederick, n n ., i '"^r ^f!'- ««; '"^^ " """ """" '^"^^ •-^"- 
 Cambriilfea., ■.•<55 ordained is ^ih '■' ^■''"i'.V College, 
 College .School I80S si „„i ' bead-master of King's 
 Augns.ine'. c!l le^c O '^^tertr?"", 'T "'"''^" "'' ''' 
 tiic, Natunil and'iw'.?," "r^J ■Ine'.'nt.ves to Vir. 
 Empire, Lon., l«f. , 8vo ^'f^jq""" ''"f our Indian 
 Nevi Te,tan,em Hi t ry Ton 18 ' %'''"i'''',"'' '"'^ ""'^ 
 L«n., 1S61/, p ,Svo ill r^: .• '^'«'''*™' Europe, 
 . Lon., 
 The (Jospel iicco'rd'in"./',;" S, "llZk "'"'tf x"' ' ''• ' '■■''•' ' 
 he Celts, the English, the Northmen H„. <! V^*'-| ^'t-MiiK in favimr (if .«ir |, Im*' i , , '''V. K" t' evidence 
 I87N-7!I, 4 vols. i2„,o. 10 ThrFvi 1 -, , v ',"'' J"""- •'"'"'■'VhI ".iivefs ;.,„„, ,''''""„^ ' h.vp,,tl,eM.s ,if J 
 ;v, i' """""""' J^"n-. 1874, 32mo ii r 
 I i^f''^t'^'^;;,JX,''^i^:f,: Kinship in AtUnM^reece- 
 1 tVO-'.'f kinshi, 11" fa ,Iil^i','V■''.',''' '>■'''■ '''^' ''i^- 
 j Marriage.' Jlr. Jh I'e mi s ,*f i*,', ':"■"' ,'" ■''nmilive 
 I ludst made out a ca'e call ,,l^ i I ''"'""" "'"t he lias at 
 like Sir Heiirv MrIti.: ,.•?,,*' 'J "" ""»wer fnmi iiconle 
 wilhom" Zk im rl i n '''"' ','l'"" ""^' "!'' lines Id 
 ud,nitte,lS,,l,*I„'V ' i 'mTI'T ""' ""■;■" "'«>••'« 
 i" his essavoii Ihe (^,^itl . , n\ ■^; '''\'' '' f""'''-''- 'e-'t 
 lul a whole ariicle h 1 i ,^.^1, ,'' ''' Kelutionshins. 
 this loiiK and closelv-rc s iieH u,^\^^' 'Vf "" '"•'•<'nnt of 
 ourselves to sayi,,,' that I L. „ ' "'i "" '""■"' confine 
 'Shed the thtories of Mr M,S ■' - .'.' 1" '"'V^'J' 'I"""!- 
 '""m? to the classiiiJatorvsv'temO^^ "''''"',,''''■ f"ets re- 
 shown tliMi it (l(,es not ,l,.oor, , '''" ^'''I'ecled.-aiKl 
 at all, but syste ns„f ad re 'e I'or',','" '" "■''."i'-nship 
 ••onrse amoiif.- peo,,lc, w t omnv r ii '" ?"''"' i'""" 
 niuch more thill, in polite. J ,' ?,i '' "'""" i' ""nld he 
 nan.o."-.sw,,„„r |'47|i '■'"-'' '" "'hlrcss a man l,y his real 
 thcM'iWci, i;;.^'.:;,:;:!;'!"''''"''- "'■I-ennan'sho„k appeared 
 heen .l/Hl-'uirt:, "^, , ';^:,';>,E,;",n'l i< would Xtl'^H'i 
 "lie s.urvivai of „ syi.S, f™,/'', 'I', '-'''' ''■■'''^*'' ^" sh'»v 
 monies of several h'lirmi m ' , , 1 '■' l'"! '•""■'•iaKe cere- 
 i>eoples. The siMolde'^ae "/"he'^.nllill^'ll'^'-'^y A.yai. 
 imis a strong arguinen^l^JH^ ll^a!* ;^;^i •!l!!^^£!;'}-r 
 R.!.i;ra[io^rfr:";^;^^';t^"-^' "^ R-,Knin,and 
 "'""1""™'" P t of view '"-Ai rA/'J . ivvf S^ "'"' "" 
 ^".cleary,K.,M.I.. Hist,f;i:;;i'^}:;,^^^rsof R„b 
 everalof the diffleultles ',.■*•/"" {'"'"archal Theory: hase.i on thn P-n„ r 
 'eset, insfeiKlof ihinklv '*■<-' Late .1. F. Macl.enn„r vv, • "",''"' l^«pera of 
 be,tryini;tomee 1..^, > Donald M,,,.. ■'.''"?"''"• .*!''■?<' »■"• completed bv 
 I^onald Maei:jn;;;n."ir';,sSnvo'""' ™"''""''^^ "^ 
 ..m 'nf dn;t^u"";i';;!c;^'r ^.i^nib" '!--'™^"='> pa^y 
 draw uii niri'v r 10 ,, ■ i.- '^" i,enna.i h.mse f heliied to 
 the oriilnllh^^ea^!! ^^ ^<r eJ .Si!:n!^%>;'^'''>- *?«'<' ^^ 
 n ea.i lie neglected hv 1 one IhV . I "^i '"* '"'"'her. . . , 
 "nthority in queWioil of ^e ,.'"'''' '" ''"'''"' "'"' 
 >kU. Jievjix ii, "^ de\elopinent of soeietv."- 
 .mii'hal'^^?;;^^;? Z!l 't^^Z it •"•';"-- ^f'^J-en. 
 >• iork, IS8(i. ' "•' 'fcuericlt h. Pond, earfy general prevalence filioiv., ,?, ■','''''','^''''-' ''f an 
 IS7 ,';!;,«""«"', Jol'" Ferguson, xM A . LL D 
 '» the .Scottish bar, but est half hf.! \- ""f '"'"""'"1 I "'''"■- !"'"•• 1871, 2 vols 
 Pul)li,ation nf n,» I ,.. '"M'i'actice through the ' ■""' 
 «n iinth ,lg 7:;' U enlf '.r?'"' ^''"-'i"" - 
 -i-;i-lc ind a'nti,;." ia ^"u ii^f T^Z' .l-^-'f '" 
 "f govcrninen 1 if ! l 7 ^''""" '""^'" "" <" «'n.nge i 
 'tu,lv in"eg„id to irimiM'"' "'"""'* "I' " ""^ '""-• "f i 
 I'rnMiiivoT.: ;-'"""" "■' "'"">.ers and customs. 1 
 MacLennan, IHalrniin 1 t> . , ., 
 '""•'■'"■,■ ri' At' r''-''^="-- 
 i.Ti,„ .1 L ' • P- '*"• Anon, 
 mmiliar lile on wli^^^^ he',!:^:r;:;;i!,!;:;;;J^^-^e on ,,,« 
 MacLennan, William. 
 l-anadii, Montreal, 18Sti. 
 Macleod A. On India, I,on., 1872, 8vo 
 :'"?'^*'S'**, "".y-.-^li'^andcr, D.Ii. i.' Our 
 (Trans.) .Songs of Old 
 l^'ilin., I8ll,i, p. 8vo " ■""' ■'""• "uu , - 
 ■X '-apture. J'^^{^JV^l'^^\j>^-y^<^>^<^o.f the ! nen ed., 1878. 5."Days „> Jlea';;;' ■;';„' ]^;;^, !^™» 
 ive M.rri.-' "'- """"e" ana customs. 1 I , "•""■-■eott, Kev. Alexai'drr nil in -. 
 1. 8vn 4 T T- ' • ^bristus Consolator, Lon., 1870 
 |>-«»o. 4. Talking to the Children Ion rs-V 10 ' 
 iev7 ed., (878. SDi.v. ,.f li". .1"' ''""" ^'^t '^mo; 
 Series of Tnlkina to tho CliiMreii Lim„ issi), sm. 8vo. ' 
 7. The Childn-n's I'ciitimi, Lon., ISS4, p. Svo. 
 jMtu-leoil, Alexander <hiirli's, M. It. ('.!'., f»r- 
 gcon-iiiM.jiir in tlu' Miiilnis iiriiiv. -Mcolidlic Disuiispa : 
 eoiii|iri-^iiif; .liiumlii-c, Diiirrliii'ii, Dysfiilcry, iinil Clidlcra, 
 Lon.. ISiiC), p. "vip. 
 .Mnt-leod, Miss Annie C, iluiigliter of Itcv. Nor- . 
 mini Miicli'od, iH/V(i. Lil'u nnil Tiuies of Srtvonnrola, ' 
 K.lin.. IS8L', fii. Uiino. 
 MnclieuU. Diiniol. 'I'lic Hclu'llion of Tennessee. 
 Bv ii Niitiveof Virgil. ill. Wii.sli., l.^l'ili. 
 .tiaclieoil, Doiialil. Mi'e of Mury, y leen of Scots, i 
 N. Vorli, ISi;:.'. I'JnK,. 
 Mnoleod, Hcv. Donald, U.U., h. is.ll, at Ciunp- 
 sie, 8i'otliinil: brotlier of Nonniiii Miicleoil, h'/rii ; eilii- i 
 oiiteil lit tlie I'liiversily of (iliiSf;ow; minister of tlio 
 I'lirish of tlio I'lirli, (, .■iincc ISIi'.l e of lier 
 Miijesty's cliiipliiins for ,'^eotluii.l ; editor of liood Words 
 since IS?:!. 1. .Memoir of Normiin Miiejeod, D.l)., Lon., 1 
 1 876, 2 vols. Svo. 1 
 " Ilelionestlvprodiiecsnll (lie fn('t», shows ua lifsbrotlier | 
 as he WHS, not "merely on tlii^ side or on that siiie, Imt iill 
 rimnd. mid in. ikes liini, indeed, iis far as possihle, speak lor 
 hiinseir. lleiiee there is iii iliis memoir a .sense ol vivid 
 realilv and ol" elose personal eoiitaet wliieli of itsell i.s a 
 rar.' qnalitv in this hraiieh of literature, and tlie interest _ 
 His stvle ot trealineiit is fnrllier enlianeed hy tlie eliar- 
 neter of the siilijeet."— .s'of. Ucv., .\li. 4Gii. 
 L'. The Sunday Home Service, Lon., ISSI, Svo. :i. ■ 
 The rurochial System, (St. Giles' Lectures,) Edin., ISSO, i 
 Mnclcod, G. Gordon. Ancient Light on Mod- 
 ern Life, Lon., IS.'^i, p. Svo. 
 .Macleod, Sir George Ilnsband linird, M.D., 
 F.R.C.S. Edin., K.K.S. Edin., b. 18l'S; son of Itev. Nor- 
 man Macleod, in/ni ; served us an army surgeon in tho 
 Crimean war ; Regius iirofe.ssor cf surgery in the Univer- 
 sity of (ilasgow since ISli'.l; surgeon-in-ordinary to the , 
 queen in Scotland ; knighted 1 887. I. Notes on tlie Sur- 
 gery of the War in Criineii i with Remarks on the Treat- \ 
 uient of (iun-Shot Wounds, Lon., 18.'i8, ji. Svo. 2. Out- j 
 lines of Surgical Diagnosis, Lon., 18til. Svo. '. 
 Maoleod, Mrs. Georgia A. Hulse,d. isuo. \. 
 Sea- Drifts. N. ^ ork. lSli4, I2ino. 2. How Jessie came 
 out id' the Shadow, N. York, ICiuo. 
 Mui-leod, H., and Clarke, G. S. The Rate of 
 Vibration of Tiining-Forks, Lon., ISSti, 4to. 
 Macleod, Henry Ununing, M.A., F.S.S., [ttnte, \ 
 vol. ii., add..] Ii. 1821 ; graduated at Trinity t'ollege, Cam- | 
 bridge; called to the bar nt the Inner Temple 1841). 1. 
 Dictionary of Political Economy : vol. i., ton., 1S(!2, r. j 
 Svo. 2. Principles of Economical Philosophy, Lon., 1873, \ 
 2 vols. Svo; 2d ed., 1875. 
 " Mr. Macleod'.s book contains some hi.stoiical informa- 
 tion and evidence of industrioii.s re.-eareli, showing that ; 
 with modester ideas and aims he niiirht make some useful 
 contributions to eccnioniic enquiry in detail ; but his eon- > 
 fusion of thought and inaeeurate and iiieonsistent reiuson- I 
 ing and ltni;mige eoinliiiie with grotescpie vanity to unlit | 
 liim allogetlur for the Uisk he has undertaken of recon- 
 structing econoniie philosophy."— T. L'. Cliffe LiisLlE: 
 Acnd,, vii. 303. 
 3. Tho Elements of Banking, Lon., 187(1, cr. Svo ; new 
 ed,, 1 <78. 4. Economics for Beginners, Lon., 187S, 
 12mo; new ed., 1888. 5. The Elements of Economics, 
 2 vols. : vol. i., Lon., 1881 p. Svo ; vol. ii., part i., ISSti. 
 6. The Theory and Practice of Banking, Lon., lS8H-Sti, 
 2 vols. Svo. 
 Macleod, J. The Smitten Shepherd, and The Ban- 
 ner of Love ; Discourses, Lon., lS5:i, fp. Svo. 
 Macleod, Jessie, [aii(c, vol. ii., add.] Dreamland, 
 lllust. Lon., IS.iS, fol. 
 MacLeod, Kenneth, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S. Edin., 
 surgeon-major in tlie Indian medical service ; profes.sor 
 of surgery in the Calcutta Medical College. 1. Medico- 
 Legal E.\perlonce in the Bengal Presidency, Calcutta, 
 187."), 12mo. 2. Operative Surgery in tho Calcutta Med- 
 ical College IIos|ital : Statistics, Cases, and Comments, 
 lllust. Lon., 1SS5, Svo. 
 Macleod, Lyons. 1. Travels in Eastern Africa, 
 Lon., I8()l', 2 vols. p. Svo. 2. Madagascar and its People, 
 Lon., l.sii.i, Svo. 
 Macleod, .Malcolm. Practical Guide for Emi- 
 grants to the United States and Canada. By a Lanca- 
 shire Artisan. .Maneliester, 186li, 12mo. 
 Macleod, Mary. Ueraldino's Husband, Lon., Iss8. 
 Mac'eod, Norman, D.D., [aii(«, vol. ii., add.,] 
 1812-1S72, son of a Scottish minister and noted Gaelic 
 scholar of the same name, (q. r., ante, vol. ii.;) b. at 
 Campbelltown, Argyleshire, Scotland, and educated at 
 tho University of Glasgow, lie travelled in (ieriininy, 
 and spent some time at Weimar as a private tutor; was 
 minister of the parishes of Loudon and Dalkeith, and in 
 Isol took charge of the liarony Church at Glasgow. He 
 was appointed one of the i|ueen's eliaplains for Scotland 
 and dean of llie Order of the Thistle in ls.'i4. and v,., 
 moderator of the General Assembly in ISCiil. He edited 
 the Edinbiirgh Christian .Mai'iiziiie from IS.'iO to iMiii, 
 when he became editor of tjood Words, founded in tlial 
 year. In lSill-(i7 lie visited Palislinc and India, to 
 inspect the Scottish Church missions. I'or bing., gee 
 Mai LKoii,, «a;)i(i .• also. W.m.son, .Ik.i.v 1„, 
 iiifi'i. I. A Crack aboot the Kirk, for Kintrii Folk, 
 Glasgow, n. d.. Svo. Anon. 2. A Second Crack about 
 the Kirk, for Kintra Folk, Glasgow, n. d., Svo. Aniai 
 IS. .-V Third Crack aliont the Kirk ; or. Questions for the 
 Times, answered by Modern Riforinci , Glii.gow. n. il.. 
 Svo. Anon. 4. '1 "he Earnest Student . Memorials of ,t. 
 Macintosh, Lon., ls,",l, p. S.o; 2(ltli ed., lS7('i; new ed., 
 1880. il. Deborah: Fiie.-ide Readings for Servants, 
 Lon., 18.'>7, 12mo. li. Prevailing Prayer. Lon., ISi'.l. 
 12mo. 7. Gold Thread: a Story for the Young, Lo.i,. 
 ISIil, Kimo; Sih ed., 1872. S. Daily Meditaiions, Lon., 
 ISBI, 12mo. .1. Life and Travels of St. Paul: nitli 
 Questions, Lon., ISKl, l2mo. 11). Parish Papers, Lon., 
 lSfi2, p. Svo. 1 1. .lob Jacobs and his lio.xes, Lon., Is(i2, 
 121110. 12. The Old Lieutenant and his Son, Lon., lMi2, 
 2 vols. ]). Svo: new ed., 1S77. Li. Wee Daviis new ed., 
 Lon., ISfi."), 12mo. 14. The Lord's Day : Substance of a 
 Speech, Lon.. LsfiB, Svo. 15. Simple Truths spoken i.i 
 Working- People, Lon., ISIili. 12nio; new ed., 18711. Hi, 
 Eiistn:ir;i I Tiavels m Egypt, Palestine, and Syria. Lnn.. 
 ISI'ill, Svo: i:d ed., 1S72: new ed., entitled " llalflloiir.i 
 in the Holy Land," 1SS4. 17. The Starling: a Sciilcli 
 Story, Lon"., I~i')7, 2 vols. p. Svo; new eds., 1S7U, I,s77, 
 ISSii. 18. R( i 'liscences of a Highland Parish, Lon., 
 IS«7, p. Svo; ih w ed., ISSO. 
 "In a scries of happy .sketches he has contrived to de- 
 lineate the whole scene amid which his family were edu- 
 cated, and to interweave inaiiifold eulogiums on the 
 iicnple, which are the more etfeetlve as they arc often iiii- 
 iiiteiitional."— .s-Vif. A'rr., xxiii. 477. 
 I'.l. How can we best relieve our Deserving Poor? 
 Lon., 1867, p. Svo. 20. Concluding Address to the 
 General Assembly, May, ISliO, Lon., 1860, Svo. 21. 
 War and Judgment: a Sermon, October, 1870, Lmi., 
 1870, Svo. 22. Peeps at the Far East: a Familiar Ai- 
 eount of a Visit to India, Lon., 1871, r. Svo. 
 "He has been able to shed over scenes and incidents 
 with which every person of eduealinn must long have 
 been familiar an air of liveliness and even novelty wliii li 
 makes us forget how often we have trodden the same road 
 before. The secret cf his succes.s will be found in tlic 
 genial flow which he allows to the impulses of nature, 
 and in the unaflected ease of his style.' —*«/. itei'.,xx.'ii. 
 23. The Temptation of Our Lord, Lon., 1S72, cr. Svo. 
 24. Character Sketches, Lon., 1872, p. Svo; 2d ed., IS75. 
 25. Live the Fulfilling of the Law: Extracts from his 
 Writings and MSS., Selected and Arranged by his 
 Daughter, A. C. Macleod, Lon,, 1887. With utlicr.'. 
 Across the River: Twelve Views of Heaven, Kdiii., 
 1864, 3:mo. 
 Macleod, Walter. List of Manuscript Books in 
 the Collection of David Laing, LL.D., Edin., 1879, 8vo. 
 Anon. 24 copies jirinted. 
 Macleod, William, M.D., [antr, vol. ii., add..] 
 formerly senior physician at Ben-Rhydding. ThcTlicoiy 
 of the Treatment of Disease adopted at lien-Rhydding, 
 Lon., 1868, 12mo. 
 Macleod, Kev. Xavier Donald, [ante, vol. ii., 
 add.,] 1821-ISfia. lie became a Roman Catholic priest, 
 and professor of rhetoric at Mount St. Mary's College, 
 Ohio. 1. Our Lady of Litanies, Cin., 1S6I, r.'iao. 2. 
 Devotion to tho Blessed Virgin in North Aaicrica, 
 N. York, 1861, Svo: ew ed., 1860. 
 MacLetchie, ' jV. James. Sermons: with Me- 
 moir by J. Macrae, Edin., 1871, Svo. 
 IWacLevy, James. 1. Curiosities of Criuiu in 
 Edinburgh during the Last Thirty Years, Edin., 1.^61, 
 fp. Svo : new ed., 1S67. 
 •' This Is a verv amusing book. The author has been for 
 nearly thirtv veiirs on the detective staff ol the Kdiiilairi;li 
 iiolice. ami appears to deserve the high reputation which 
 his editor ascribes to him."— &!(. Rev., xi. V.''. 
 2. The Sliding Scale of Life; or. Thirty Years' Ob- 
 servations of Falling Men and Women in Edinburgh, 
 Edin. and Lon., 1861, fp. Svo; now ed., lSti7. 
 "The stories are amusing, and neatly and draiiKUicBlly 
 told, and the observations merit attention from the iiositlon 
 umii who mnkcs ihpm."-,s-„(. Re,:, 
 «"'l,_<;'""''"'it''" of til 
 IVineot„n in 1^71 Kk.,,,;,'', \t''"" «' biol,.«y nt j 
 (fuido to th,, Kx,„,i,,n,>.ll >•*'•' l«"th Stu,lent.s- 
 K "r?'"!',"",' "'""'•-<;''". Alexander Ru«o.., ! 
 iMaeJtlahon, Miss Kiln i rv , , 
 tion and II«P 'ino ^l/''"!'^,'''/ -^ ^ '''■ '''° ^'''l^''"-- 
 X. Vork, IS77 ;!"mo 2 Ar '"'^i/™'" "'e Freneli, 
 Theresa', for Eve'rv i)av' i /{"H '^ '^''""^''t «f St | 
 French. N. vrk:'l,i:s "'V'",: ."Purgatory,. fro„, the!! 
 ■'■ont; or, Ahso:,,!,. .^ur^e, d r ,„ I,' ^- "l^'^ i 
 l'os,hun,ons Work, bv "v P •. '"^ I'rovi, en™ : a 
 Maci>lalion, M. I i ,i- '^""- '•;'■'. »vo. 
 Nine Years; j" Jra.L,, \ '/''''''-J -'V kittle ,S,int of 
 .<'%'ur, N, York ?S ' 6 '.^"."•Tt''-' '^"t,"."^""' ''" 
 lli» Orations, an, 'a Dir;tr,;f'7ho r^'T'' ^"'^ 
 ;'™«n, by I. Ji„-.jif, Chic ?,-<8 8?, ^";'' ,?." ""■' 
 li.m Bosco: a ,<kot,h of hi. iv ', .•'■ inids.) 
 Charle.,c..E.piney. X.'trk. s ..",tr" *"™'^"'^' ''^■ 
 MacMahon, Kichar.l Rando nh ti„. a , 
 ^^on^ana the North American InZ^ Kich^:.,^:?!"; : 
 'J'XnX^'l'Z'- ^'^»'"'-''ft"erri.hi,i,h.' 
 •-"diU Mlt\t()o,artKven with ?'"'''-■ ; ,• • "'t' 'l<'lails „| 
 lies of national aetim, i i't^'^ ' '*», 'j':,«''''"''"''^ 'li'lienl. 
 'M a ce„tury,"-,VaM,,«, xxivi '.79 ""^ '■"^'^eeJintr c,„ar,er i 
 l'ioturiVrtL"",lLtre!mdi.\l';ns'.'ff'?f' I" '"""'" " '''""•f.'l 
 -ueeesslve sUil-cs of 11 Pir i. ?■ f """ ■^'"'^^'•icaii jieople at 
 Ml.ressive pIlouX ) lis ran u ."P""''''' ' "'"'• """'Sll Mlc h 
 ;^-rnl in tlec^ o-«..?eiy'n'''r "!"'!•'«" •" l-e «; s ^ 
 fe.ol'l.^^j'/I',,' ;7^;;«f^«j;™"taK^^^^^^^ fre.,h topi,, that Pro- 
 '"'>•: '"".bled hinVi>"S,lv m n . """''"'"'™0' sonn^e^^ 
 ^'eMu,^. rich rc.u\u.' •-.vl,^,,-^'^"';';,!'/';;^'.''''''' »ot commonly 
 CoJ!!l|::;?^,?:,^;,,^-^'v-ia and the Federal 
 ,',""■'.•"'"' Notes., N. Vork, Isrc, Svo " 1 p.l 1 » , . 
 ! of the Chureh, CI ,re ,; 1 , N „• m,.^/ ''.""''■'' '" '^'""■«1> 
 - im:'-Hn:;^r;;r:,i^/>--''y;!«^'. V' ;...,■,. ,i„t «ee,. 
 MiiM. Iidin whleli, i,v ihe u,v n '»" ^,.„rs l)ef,,re the 
 I''"in«,l 1,H71; viea,:fl, *''•/'"''';'■'''""• ""''■>' "" 
 Oxford andCWhr i,,e 11 .'i, "™"''''"''' '"■"'"' "'^Kl'. 
 jtlil, Lon.,l,'7ni ',,,,!'' ""'''■"'^™».- " Chronicle, \W- 
 'inM"n'^^!rA?p^:^-,°"^«'r- ^'-""'r^l-it 
 "»' lieliever,L,„'s';„" ';,"■'' "" ,''"'■"'"« "'"■'» 
 uJ"r8K'^.';;,^,;!;i;«,^;eetivoP chisointhe 
 l>i.-lic.s I..m„ 188(1, 1 2rno ^"="""""««l '""i Tastefnl 
 Macmillaii, (;. am (t > . . 
 .«-:^:;'r:iiy'?::f'^,i^-^^ ^'V'^- ^•«'«'^- b. 
 Acadeuiy and Kdinb urg U i^-^r: U^'h'^ "' iireadalbane 
 , of the Free Church and ,v ,'„•''.''?"'" ^ " ""nister 
 : 'I'eHvingsofKi kmitZl P h'',''"'"'""'' ■'"«ee,,sively t,> 
 ha, eontVlbute Ti"v^^^^^^ ('■^"■^•) "0 
 Vegetation, L.TCllr'M'r; '• *''",' F"""« "f 
 or, Karnblcs and Inci,j;ntH'in i -^^ ? "'s'' '"""'«; 
 '-on., 18.iii, p. s'„; 2d ot 18^"''"" "^ '^'''"'" '''""'-^ 
 Wmra,;l„isti,. varietes,,fo, "';,,',''-; ^.T''''^•'-■ V''-^ "'''•^^ 
 ^|:e-.r Alpine plalJclfH;! "l,^;!;; 'fl^irSl'^llr'iSi! 
 Altgory! W,''l'8"r"; 7 s^o". 'i-'-'S'- «f Our Lonl. 
 -Ministry of \, (, re Inn wi/"' '"^■' '^''^- 5. The 
 «. Tl'eUarden and ,heP-', ''■'!'■ '"'■"' ^"' «"'•. I**-^.'. 
 lels, Lon., IS 2 o,ej H^.; """ ^'■"'"''^ an.l'Paral- 
 , the Wildernes.s, Lo 18-'/ n '.f' "'V '' •''""-•Jlints in 
 Hai..i„g» from he Tea, lo ^- V;:'--. ■•»"'■ ''"^J'^ 'I'hree 
 ;bath of the Field, „«>'■'' '^""'- ''• The Sab- 
 : Worlds are Our's, Lon ."^I's.s, ■ s .^„ 't\ "f " '»■ 1'«» 
 ill. The Marriage in Can" ,f ,3" i/''' ?''• ■*"'"« >'''»'•• 
 8vo, 12, TheKivi,,^, ri . *;"'''''0' Lon., 1882, p. 
 The Olive i'e:f!'i:,;n::'i8/6; p.'8v^"-' ''''' '• '^■°- '' 
 Ma,Stffi,.:;i.;;;;;!lj^?^i:'- ,-,-rlous subjects. . . . „, 
 exiensive, an,l he has hirL storf^ , r i'"?' '■ "l''^'""' ""J 
 quariaii i"lbrnialioM.'_:i^i,/''xv',' ^'''"'"''''■''' "'"1 ""ti- 
 N4hw;;:,l«S:i8^'/'C^ -«"--<• Us 
 !01^?fS^tS,^^^.l'r,^i7C the Tower:, 
 I .8.^,T":.:."'";n'!f„'"^""»- ^»«o-Mhe Jester, f.on., 
 I Lo^!';^;!^:;,].^; J"^") «-'"-s of R„|ph Er,kino, 
 ' I— f "r;]j««"i;,,|J,f*V8^5 ,'■ '^''^"-•'er-Boy of 
 Win. Illust Phil, sSi ;«''''"'?; -;■ '^"'veileiirts 
 Trio. I||u,t pK a" s.' ' HT' " ' {''" K"glesmcro 
 of the Colonial T iiie^'of Pen , ' -im' '\ ^''"'""' ««™ 
 of ilenry Ante,!. Modest n,"N7''',J^i'' j:}'" ''"'.' T'-ea 
 Cave to P;.lRee- ur -'hri •' f ■''■', '**8fi, 12mo, .^. From 
 1888, 12mo. """^ "f ""^ Amnlekites. Phihi., 
 Lo^^T"','"""' **• F-o'l-gl't and Afterthought, 
 I* '•*'*^^W<('5.« ■ 
 die Tc'in|ilo lS7:i. 1. Priictieo nt Election.-', ami 1'™- 
 fi'ilurii in KIwition I'ctitioiis, Lon., ISHO, Svo. 2. Tlio 
 Manii'd Wunicn's I'n.pfrty Act, IS82, Lon., 1HS3. 3. 
 Tliu I'cililiu llcMilth Acta, IftS.'i, inclmlinK the Ilousing of 
 the \Vi)ikin;r t'liisseB Act, ISSj : with Notes, .kc, I.on., 
 isst!, Svo. 1. The liociil (iovcrnnicnt Act, IHSS: with 
 IntriMJiicliun, Notes, anil Imlcx, Liin., ISMS, Svo. 
 Mhc.MiiIIcii, John. History »( CiiniiUii from its 
 Fii>t Msciivcrv, l,on., Isns, svo. 
 Miic.Miillvii, HisH Har\ A. Snutchoa of Song. 
 ]!v liiii. St. I.oiiia. IS7J, I2mi). 
 '.MiicMiillcii, Itichnrd Tiirrill, l>. IHItn, in Sur- 
 rey. I. Down rhiinnol, from l.omlnn to the l.imd'.s Knil, 
 in"the" Leo," .te. Illust. I.on., ISOlt, I2me. 2, ilow 
 I cnme to sail iiloiio in a Nineteen Ton Yacht, Ijon., 
 IS711, |). 8vii. .'1. An i;K|ieriinenlal, Sinj^le- 
 II iniled, in the " rr.ieyon." Liin., iSSII, cr. Svo. 
 .Mac.Miilleii, Thoiiins. Iland-liook of Wiiic^ 
 I'riii-iiiMl. Tlieoretieal, iiiul ilistorieal. N. Yorii, 1852, Svo. 
 Miu-.Miiiiii, thnrlcs Alexander, M.D., F.U.C.S., 
 pnrgeon to tlie Wolveiliainptun Orphan Asylum. I. 
 Tlie Spei'troacope in .Medicine. Illust. Lon., ISSO, Svo. 
 2. The ChrouiatoliiL'y of Aeliniie, ( Philoaijphical Trans- 
 Bctions.) Lon., Issii, (to. :i. Knteroehlorophyll and 
 Allied Pigments, (Philosophical Transactions,) LiMi., 
 1S87, 4to. I. .Megahii'inatin ami the Histohiuuialins, 
 (Philosophical I'mnsiictions,) Lon., ISS", 4to. 
 .>IncMiirdo, Ktlward. m.-^toryof Portugal, from 
 the Couimeiicement of the .Monarchy to the Hcign of 
 Alphonso 111.: com]iilod from Portugueae Ui.^tories, 
 Lon., Isss, Svo. (\ translation of the lirst .seven boAks 
 of llerculano's m.-'toria do Portugal.) 
 Mnc.Mlirray, .litlill. 1. Pennsylvania State-Book 
 and People's .Miinual : a Complete State and County Of- 
 ficial Register, Phila., IST'.I, 12rn(>. 2. The People's 
 Mnnual and ILiml-Iiook of Popular (iovcrnment : a 
 Comprelieni'ive View of the Legislative, E.\ecutive, and 
 Judicial Departments of the Oovernment of the United 
 States, and of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Har- 
 rishurg, ISSa, Svo. 
 i>Iaci>Iurtrie, Henry, M.D., [ante, vol. ii., add.] 
 1. IJoinestic .Meilicino, Phila, 1871, 18mo. 2. Woman's 
 Jledical Companion and Nursery Adviser, Phila., 1871, 
 iUacnab, i). R. Christian Consolation ; The Way 
 Home, Ac, Lon,, ISliO, fp. Svo. 
 iMacnab, Frances. No Reply, Lon., 1888, or. Svo. 
 MacXab, John. Immunity from Consumption in 
 the Hebriiiea, Ivlin., ISiH), Svo. 
 i>Iac\ab, William Itanisay, M.D., late professor 
 of botany in the Royal (,'ollege of Science, Dublin. 
 IJotany : Outlines of the Morphology, Physiology, and 
 Classification of Plants, Lon., 1878, 18mo; Amer. ed., 
 rev. by Charles K. liessoy, 1S81, Ifimo. 
 MacNair, Major John Frederick Adolphus, 
 K.A., C.M.G., F.L.S., P.tJ.S., surveyor-general of tlie 
 Straits Settlements, &a,, 1872-84. Perak and the Malays : 
 '' Silrong and Kris." Illust. Lon., 1878, Svo: 2d ed., 
 " Most of the facts stated by our a\ithor are the result of 
 persoiml e.'iperience e.\tendiiig over several years." — .So(. 
 Jiei\, nW. 27."). 
 •' .Major McNair's work is full of interest, leaving no 
 side of his subject untouched,"— ,S/)cc(a(or, li. 216. 
 IMacNair, 11. F. Colours of the British Army, 
 Lon., 18011, 4to. 
 IMacnair, Robert. 1. Christian Baptism Spiritual, 
 not Ritual, Lon,, 1858, 12mo. 2. The Christian .Sabbath ; 
 or. Rest in Jesus, Lon., 1.S5S, 12mo. 3. The Decline of 
 Quakerism, Lon., 1860, 12mo. 
 iMacnnlly, Miss I.. The Pirates' Fort: n Tale of 
 the Sixteenth Century, Lon., 1854, p. Svo. 
 MacXally, Rev'. Thomas, LL.B., graduated at 
 Trinity College, Dublin, 1SI14; ordained 1866 ; has held 
 eiiraeiea in Ireland. The Apostolic Canons: the Canons 
 in (ireek, Latin, and English: with Notes, Lon., 1867, 
 Mncnamara, Charles Nottidge, F.R.C.S., b. 
 1S;U; surgeon to, and lecturer on surgery at, the West- 
 minster Hospital; surgeon to the Royal Westminster 
 Ophthalmic Hospital. 1. Lectures on Diseases of the, Lon., Ks66, svo. 2. A Manual of the Diseases of 
 tlie Eye. Illust. Lon., 1868, or. Svo ; 4th ed., 1882. 3. 
 A Treatise on Asiatic Cholera, Lon., 1870, Svo. 4. A 
 History of Asiatic Cholera, Lon., lS76,"8vo. 5. Clinical 
 Lectures on Diseases of the Bonos and Joints. Illust. 
 Lon., 1878, Svo: 3d ed., 1887. 
 Macnamarn, Frnncia Nottidne, .M.I>.. M.R. 
 C.S., retired surgeon-major of the Indian army ; late 
 professor in the Medical College, Calciilta. Cliniate and 
 .Meilical T.ipography in their Relation to the Disease. 
 Distribution of the Himalayan and Sub-llinialayiin Di.«- 
 tricts of Britisli Inilia, Lori,, ISSII. Svo. 
 Macnuniarn, II. '1'. S. Tlie Christian Code: 
 Rules for the Cnnduct of Human Life, Lon., IS7S, p. 
 .YlacManiara, Mm. .Miles II. 1. Prince Con-i 
 wind's Victory; or. The Fairy Bride of Croton Lake. 
 Illust. N. York, 1887, sq. Svo. 2. A History of Vir- 
 ginia, in Wonls of One Syllable, N.York, I88S, sq. svo. 
 Maenaniara, Huwdon, professor of materia niel 
 ica, and e.x-presideiit. of the Royal College of Surgeon". 
 Ireliind. 1. (Ed.) .N'eligan's Medicines : their Uses luel 
 Mode of Administration ; 7tli ed,, Dublin, lsi!7, Svo. 2, 
 Introduction to the Study id' tlie British Pliarmacoiia'ia, 
 Lon., 188S, :!2ino. 
 Macnaninra, Walter Henry, b. IS51 ; enllel id 
 the bar at tlie Inner Temple 1 874 ; registrar to the rail- 
 way eoiiimissioners since 1S82. The Law of Curriers of 
 (loods and Passengers by Land, Ac., Lon., IsSS, r. Sm, 
 MncNnry» Robert B. Woman her Own Doctor: 
 a Treatise upon Diseases peculiar to Women, St. Louis, 
 1871, 121110. 
 MacnauKht, Rev. John, M.A., [nnte, vol. ii.. 
 add.,] graduated at Wadhain College, Oxfcud, 1816; or- 
 dained lS4il; vicar of St. Mary Northcnd, Kulliiim.fidin 
 ISSl. 1. Christianity and its Evidences: an K.-sny, 
 Lon., 1S63, 12ino. 2. The Future ; or. Ten Years Hence : 
 a Lecture, Lon., 1867, Svo. 3. Coena Domini : un Estiiy 
 on the Lord's Siijiper, L(m., 1878, Svo. 
 Macnaught, W. K. Lacrosse, and how to pluv 
 it. Toronto, ISSII, 16mo. 
 MncNaughlon, John Ilngh, b. 1820, at Cale- 
 donia, N.Y. 1. Babble Brook Songs, Bost., IS64, 12iiio, 
 2. Onnalinda: a Romance, [verse,] Lon., 1885, cr. Svu; 
 2d ed.. illust., 1888. 
 Macnaughton, Rev. Samuel. 1. Joy in Je.'^us : 
 Brief Memorials of Bella Darling, Lon., Is76, ISino. 2. 
 The Gospel in Great Britiiin, from St. Patrick to .lolin 
 Kno.x and John Wesley, Lon., 1884, 12mo, 3. Doctrine 
 and Doubt; Christ the Centreof Christianity, Lon., l>sii, 
 p. Svo. 4. Real Religion and Real Life, Lon., 1SS6. p. 
 MacXeal, M. The Faith, Lon., 1880, cr. Svo, 
 Macneece, Rev. U. J. Sermons preached in the 
 Chanel of Trinity College, Dublin, Lon., 1864, Svo. 
 Macneece, Rev. 'I'. Sermons, Edited by Sam- 
 uel Butcher. Dublin, lSli3, Svo. 
 MacNeile, Rev. Augustus Weston Jervis, 
 graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1872; ordaiiml 
 1874; curate of Christ Church, St. Leonard's-iin-.-^Cii, 
 1883. Six Plain Sermons on the Love of God, I. on , 
 ISSli, 12mo. 
 MacNeile, Very Rev. Hugh, [tmir, vol. ii„ 
 add,,] 1705-1870. He was appointeil in 1S8S to the 
 deanery of Ri]ion, which he resigned on account ut' 
 failing health in 1875. 1. Sermons )ireached in tlic 
 I Cathedral, Chester, Lon., 1861, 12mo. 2, The lli.storiciil 
 j Veracity of the Pentateuch: a Sermon, Lon,, |S()3, Svo. 
 ; 3. Adoption, and other Sermons, Lon., IS64, p. Svo, 4. 
 Fidelity and Unity : a Letter to Dr. Pusey, Lon., 1S66, 
 Svo. 5. Reformation Truth ; Romanism and Protes- 
 ! tiinlism, Lon., ISSl, p. Svo. 
 j MadVeill, Archibald, W.S., member of the ,So- 
 j ciety of Antiquaries of Scotland. Notes on the Au- 
 thenticity of Ossiiin'a Poems, 1868, Svo. 
 MacNeill, Sir John, G.C.B,,D.C.L.,LL.D.,F.U.S., 
 1795-1883, was appointed assistant envoy at the court of 
 Persia in 1831 ; became envoy extraordinary and luin- 
 ister ))!enipotentiary to that court in 1836, and niter lii.s 
 return to Enghind in 1844 held various offices nml be- 
 came a member of the privy council. The Progress and 
 Position of Europe in the East to 1854, Lon.. 1S5I, Svo, 
 MacNeill, John Uordon Swift, M.P. f or Dune 
 gal since 1887. 1. The Irish Parliament: what it was, 
 and what it did, Lon,, 1885, p. Svo. 2. English Inter- 
 ference with Irish Industries, Lon., 1886, |i. Svo. 3. 
 How the Union was carried. Lon,, 1887, p. Svo. 
 MacNeill, John Patrick, M.D. A Treatise on 
 Hydrophobia, Lon., 1879, p. Svo. 
 MacNeill, I*. Blawearie; or. Mining Life in the 
 Lothians Forty Y'ears Ago, Edin., 1887, p. 8vo. 
 MacNevin, E. Quidc to Practical Navigatioti, San 
 Fran., 1878, Svo. 
 l.'n'? • • **• C'""''"»'<o Mo,e, N. York, 1S69, 
 Macon, J. A. Undo (Jabe Tunkor • ,.r li„(i .• 
 ff£, IS,:.":,;""""" "■'»"•'■ "'- i--"'S:"i.."; 
 A.lo|,tivo Kite: .Maniml .,r Instruetiim n H,„ " . 
 Star Ueirri'p N v.,ri, lu,- ,. '"" '" "'^ tustern 
 'rs\.j;:''^, ^•^^^^'•';l,^^'lr^''^^J^';^l!<^'^''^■ 
 >..ns o„^tl.e Prayer.Book. fo,- U„H,i,;,, i„',; -„ - ^- ' 
 ■WacPherMon, Edward i r' n r - ... 
 I'lncphersoii, Florpiiro it ^ ■» 
 ^ieoe. Lon., l,sr8,Svo Po8,h ' '"°''""- ^^ *■" 
 an';!,Ul1S,«SliV,t«'j,«/«'> "f « v^ry «^?™f'" ^--""^ has 
 '»iH' is H,, epitanh at onct'n »«'/.''!' f'"'" ">t Hie vol- 
 ■ ; ■ II as we L-ai ler fr,« tl.Pnrlf '"-"'"•'' ""'I its autlior. 
 stiinulate.1 by some dei>m at^rv/'''^'''' "'," I""'"""'!"" wai 
 «ininMissjfnrti,ilnyin,,?.( ^ remarks on .\,rs. Jame- 
 Kratiturte to Miss Ma'trnea. "fo??!':!,?''^'' 'Y\^i'>'-'\ " «'-'"ain 
 ■'lacpherson, John.iMD M n r « i, 10,, . 
 Macpherson, nrv. John. M A 1 ti,.. i if 
 Ubours of lJ,„„.an Matheson " „, 1S7| „ h " .^ ?,"■* 
 1^..':^^;./;;; p''^r^V' n't'''",'''' '"''■' ^"^'' 
 KnowlcJKO' with \',.L ';- ; „'; ""''^""' "f .'<nvin){ 
 ".i;i«e,i j;,itio^:,.^'.',;:;;;^"i J:-';;,: J^7 'I- i.a..t 
 skK,!';^^^,,^:''-' '"•;' '^'•''"••"'' i^- "■. 
 ul-Tarlans. «v CI ,.,.n ;?."'; » "'.'"'"Urcl Plates 
 in mS:;^^-^"--. Mi«,«raa,.ate.. 
 ^«»-"i^i«rK,S'vi^ --„--... 
 Jlat-phcrson, Willinm i Vi ,, 
 I'rivy Council 1„ 1, p , ■ ' ^''e ' ractiee of tbe 
 ^ Knock, l,o„ .'is";"','2m!, ' '^''''"'"""^ "-"J Miraelos at 
 1 Macquccn, John rrniior r ■ , •■ 
 . .^.^.ioo ^^!^;;i:; ,,;;;.!i^;;^:' «^ ■• -< ^-e words 
 '«'"ry of a F.cnc.|, JlJrriaKe Ion K«9 B;K">'"ng: a 
 i"* I'eople By tL' Ai^/; ' ^''""l'^^''''"-''. '""1 son.e of 
 ]-on., 18*63 ;Udsp8vcT ,"/ i'^.-"'"^ Beginning,- 
 2 8;o Anon kL i \f'" '^''""•' I^""'- 1««^, 
 I'n.tmtion, 1^„ ,'"•- V. I ' 'f "• ■•• ^•■■''""^I^Oden-s' 
 CharloH„ 'u1JL:,"'J V'}^:1': ^">' ""V ed., 1878. 5. 
 Charlotte liurney ,'n Vsfi-% ",• "''"' "'- '"8- *• 
 '■nder the ti,rofAl\;' «;',;,, Vl'' ''• '''",.' ""' <>''■. 
 Wild as a JIawk Ion isfir' V '''''''■'*■ «• 
 • I"tty, U„., ,871, 2 vol.. 'p. 8vo; n"; ed!: 
 It 1/m :; el;^:?!;!;;^,:';;;? .•„,• ^^^ pr 'r ?/"• ■•!- - " '«. 
 a character or a sceii ■ «l,i,'h h '' ".'"' ""-'re is scarcely 
 eluinfff than as ," work a rs' hand """/?",'. '""'''-' "» " '•'^- 
 8. Kookstone= a ^^n eHIon ?S7 ' '"''■' """'"• •'=^- 
 «na Wells o K . e ' Lo„ ' , 8„n ' , ,"■ ?; , ^'"^ «"">« 
 i^" inland r wi' h :'l iJ":/l'"",''' r.'"«" »f"">e Brit: 
 f'nudsto.heYearlS?: Lon IsrT/"''" "'" '^"^"««' 
 *• H«h, Contrex«vill„ Lh .k' t?"'" *r'' "*" »'*•• '8^4. 
 I-on., 1886, p 8^0 • "■* ^""«-Sulphated Waters, 
 I«7B. II). Miriam'^ \ ...' ' '^^' P- ***'o; new ed., 
 8>-o- II Mv R,Zl T '\^l' '^"n- l.'<74, H vols, or 
 the Poeti,!f,r:!,Hi'i','eTZ"^;rnih,'i"} "^"-;y*''" "-^ »■«" "•^to 
 lies and scenerv . f7b""lm, rv \''T'"''^ '" ""^ mMqui- 
 Her houk i,, intended to ),"f- i"-" '""* Pi^ssed Ibroui-h 
 towns best wortli^'l.^,'/i^^.VlJ^7-^-CM. a .uije to t^.e 
 ed ''is^rr -.r^-r" '^Prti ^'^^^-^ -- 
 stories, Un., 87S' er Svo n!!* ^''lo^^"' "■"» ""'^r 
 By the Sea, Lon. S76 12mo T«"'tJ*1''' '^'""- '5- 
 other Stories, Lon., 1876 Svnu ^'"' 1'"'* Rose, and 
 > on., i»76, 3 vols.; new ed., 1880, I vol. 
 12mo. 17. Pnrln nariigh : ii VorkKhIro Story, l.on., 1S77, 
 ;i vols, |). Hvii. l.s, 'riMim)5li Hiitliiliy. Illiii<lriilfil liy 
 Thoiiiua R. Muoquuiil. Vol. i., Siiutli Ilritliiiiy. Loii., 
 " There Ik too miieli of tlu' piiNte-Kinlsrlssors plcnu lit In 
 tllB liDiik.— lull iiiuiiy 1(111),' wlMili'il ii'uc'iiils, L'Xlraclii Irniii 
 FrolnNiirt, i\nil Hrulim luilliul.-. Wliii. wv riin\r lo Mrs. 
 Miic.iutilirH own iibsc'rviilitiiis, ifrntttTw Iniiirovu urt'iilly." — 
 .S(i/. A'M'., xliv. l;!li. 
 lU. Till) Ui'i-Ksliiri' l-iiily : iv ItijiimiKie, Lon., 1H7«, p. 
 Hvo. ^11. Ill tlui Swuot .S|irin(?-Tiiiio ; a Love-Stury, 
 1,1)11,, issii, :) vnld. p. Svii. 21. Jjittli) Filinc, 1111(1 other 
 Tiilo.-<, I,iin., IssI, ,1 voU, p, Hvo, 2-', Hui-idB tliu Hivcr : 
 a. Tiile, 1,(111., ISHl, ;) vols. or. Hvo. 2.1. In tho Apli'iiiic.-'. 
 lUiii'triiteil by T. U. .MiUMiuoid. him., KS^l, "n. Kiiim. 
 21, A Viiitliful Lover, l,oii„ 1SS2, .1 vols, p. ."^o. 25. 
 Her Siiilor I.ove, I,on., I.SMt, 3 voIk. p. Svo. 2B. liid T 
 the iSnow, l,(iii., ISsi, 12ino, 27, Louisa; or, Anions the 
 OlivcK, hon., IHS.'i, ;i vols, cr, 8vo, 2S, At the lied (llove, 
 1,011., 18S,'), :i vol.i. cr. Hvo. (Written origiiiiilly under a 
 d'Terent title ii.i a Hliort inii);a/.ine story, then drnniati/.ed 
 for priviile tlu'Htrieal.", and lliially worked up into a 
 Herinl novel, wliiuli ivaH at liri<t published anonyninusly.) 
 " The most perfeet and enjoyable of all Mrs. >Iae(iuoid'H 
 works."— .^Vf''!'"''. Il.t. »7, 
 2(1. Joi Wenlworth. Illust, I.on., ISSfl, p. Hvo. ;ilt. 
 liitlle Vagabond : and Checeo : a Tale of l'erii);iii, l.on., 
 IHSli, 12ui.i. ;;i. .>^ir .huiies Appleby, Hart., I.on., IH8H, 
 3 vol.1, cr. Svo. H2. .\ Strange Company. Illust. I.on., 
 18HB, p. Hvo. .'i:t. At the IVacoek, ("" .lubilee" Ser, ) 
 I.on., ISH", l2nio, :il. (ione ; a .'^tory of some Years 
 A;;o, I.on., ISS7, Hvo. li.'i, Miire Suzanne, and other 
 Glories, Lon., 1H,S7, p. Svo. HU. Thu ^tory of Ives:, a 
 Dreton Legend, (" ,Iubiloc" .Ser.,) Lon., 1887, 12mo, ;17. 
 I'ulV. Illust. Lon., IHHS, ltd. 
 .Miit'i|ut>:cl, Thomns It. and KathRriiie S. 1. 
 About Von shiie. Illust. Lon,, Iss;!, Ithiio. 2. I'ietures 
 nnd I.e;!oni.- from Normandy, Ac. Illust. Lon., 1H7H, 
 ji. Svo. 
 iMiirrne, A. Hand-Hook of Deor-Stalklng. Kdited 
 by Horatio Uoss. Edin., IHHO, )>. Svo. 
 Macrae, Alexiiiidcr. .Manual of I'lanterxhip in 
 liritbih (iuiana, Lon., IH,iti, Hvo. 
 iUflcrilu, C. C. Historical Sketch of Theism, Lon., 
 1879, Svo. 
 Macrae, C. D. Practice of Insolvency in Protec- 
 tion, Lon., IHoO, I2ino. 
 Macrae, David. 1. (Jeorgj Harrington, (JIasgow, 
 186H, 12ino. 2. Dunvarlicli ; o; , Hound about the liueh, 
 Glasgow, 18115, IHuio. .S. Little Fritz, and other Stories, 
 Edin., 1H6U, 12iiio. 4. Life of Napoleon III., tilasgow, 
 1S70, 12ino; new ed., 1871. 5. Amerieans at Home: 
 I'en-and-Ink Sketches, Edin., 1H7I), 2 vols. p. Hvo; new 
 ed., 1H7 1. 6. At Home nnd Aliroad ; Sketches and Ulean- 
 ing9, (ilasgow, IS70, p. Svo. 7. Amongst tho Darkies, 
 nnd other Papers, Lon., 1877, 12uio. 8. Fagots for the 
 Christmas Fire, Lon., IH77, 12iuo. 
 Macrae, J. The Scripture Law of Marriage as re- 
 gards Prohibited Degrees, I.on., 18B1, Svo. 
 Macray, Itev. William Uiiiiii, .M.A., F.S.A., 
 assistant in tho Bodleian Library IHIO; graduated at 
 Magdalen College, Oxford, 1H4H; ordained 1H50; chap- 
 lain of New College 185()-H0, and of .Magdalen College 
 lHr)(i-70; rector of Ducklington w Ilanlwiok since IH7II. 
 He has contributed o Archeeologia, Ac, and is edi- 
 tor of tho "Anccdota. Bodloiaiia." 1. Catalogue of 
 tho Library at Bicton House, Devon, Oxf., 1850, 4to. 
 Printed for private use. 2. (Ed.) Clironieon Abbatiuo 
 Eveshauiensis, Auotoribus Dominioo I'riore EveahainiiE 
 et Thoina de jMarlebergc Abbale, a Fundatione ad Annum 
 1213, una cum Continuationo ad Annum 1418, (Record 
 Office Pub.,) Lon., 1H6.S, Hvo. 3. Inde.x to the Catalogue 
 of the Ashmolean iMSS. in the Bodleian Library, Oxf., 
 1H07, 4lo. 4. Annals of the Bodleian Library, O.\ford, 
 A.D. 15'.IH-A.D. lSt)7 : with a Preliminary Notice of tho 
 Earlier Library founded in tho Fourteenth Century, 
 Lon., Oxf., nnd Cambridge, IHfiS, Hvo. 
 " Nlr. Mncrny has from his ofliolal position enjoyed ex- 
 ceptional advantages for the execution of his deslKM, and 
 he htts carried It through in an exact, conscientious, mid 
 painstaking spirit. ... A more Imaginative writer niiglit 
 have thrown a glow of romance over the theme."— .Sa<. 
 KeV; xxvi. 133, 
 6. (Ed.) Letters and Papers of P. Ruthven, Earl of 
 Forth and' Brentford, and of his Faniilv. 16!5-!fi22. 
 (Roxburghe Club Pub..) Lon., ISfiS, 4to. 6. Calen- 
 dar of the Clarendon State Papers in tho Bodleian Li- 
 brary: vols. ii. and iii., Oxf., IH69-76, Hvo. 7. (Ed.) 
 Correspondence of Col. Nathaniel Ilooke, Agent from the 
 Court of Franco to the Scottish .laoobitcs in 1703-lrii7, 
 (Itoxbiirghe Club l'ub.,i l.on., |H7(I-7I,2 vols. 4to. S, 
 (Kd.) The History ot lisild the Second: a Narrative, 
 in Verse, of Ihc Divorce of (iuccn Kallia>'inu of Arni- 
 gon, (Uoxbiirglie (;iul) Pub.,) l.on.. IH75, i. II. (I'M.i 
 A Short View nfllie Slateof Ireland. W.itlcn in lilo,'., 
 bv Sir .fohn Hariinglon, Kiit., iiiid now llrst edilcl, 
 (All lota Hoillciana, No. 1.) OxC, IsTU, Hvo. Id. 
 (Ed.) Vox Vulgi : a Pociii. Ily (i ge Willicr. 
 (Anccdota llodleiiiiia. No. 2.i Oxf., IHHii, Hvo. II 
 (Ed.) The llcauiiioiit Paper.-, i Itoxbuiglic Club Piili..j 
 IHMl,4lo. 12, (Ed. I The Pi|({rimagc to I'lirnas-iis : Willi 
 Two Parts of the Keliirn from pHrnassiis: Three Come 
 dies purroriued in St. .lolin's College, Caniliridgo. ,\.|i. 
 .MDXCVII.-MIirl,, (Ixf., IHSrt, Hvo. 13. (Kd.) Chioi, 
 icics of the Aiiuieiit Abbey of Hiiniscy : from llio Cliiir- 
 t.ilary of that Abbey in the Piililic Hceoid (lllirc, 
 (Record Olliee Pub.,) I.on., IHHii, Hvo. II. (Ed.) Cliii 
 enddii's History of the Hebellion and ('ivil Wars in 
 England : from a Fresh Collation o tlic Original .MS, ; 
 with .Marginal Dates and Occasional Notes, Uxf, IH^S, 
 II vols. cr. Hvo. 
 .Mucrcady, Catherine FraiiccN liirch, Ih:;,i 
 IHCili, daughter of W. C. .Macrcady, iii/rii. 1. Louvc.i 
 from Iho Olive Mount: Poems, Lon., iHfil), fp. Hvo. 2. 
 Cowl and Cap; or. The Rival Churches: Poems, Lon,, 
 I8fi5, 12I110. 3. Dcvolidhul Lays. Lon., ISlis, 12mo. 
 " Very tciidcrand beautiriil poems."— 8m W, K, I'ol.Loi K : 
 ap. MdrrC'Uli/'n Jit'minisrenirH, Amcr. ed,, p, 323, note. 
 Maeready, .Mi\jor Edward Nevil, I7'.»H-Is|^, 
 brother of W, C. .Miicready, in/ra ; h, at liirminglitiii! : 
 entered the army IHI I ; served at Waterloo, in Iinlci, 
 and in the Ionian Islands. Suwarrow and his LastCuio- 
 paign ; Sketches, Lon., IH.'il, p. Hvo. 
 Macrcady, M'illiam (iiarlCH, 1793.1873, son of 
 William .Maeready, (oi./i. vol. ii.;) b. in London; eda- 
 ciiled at Harrow ; made his first appearance on th'; stii;,'e 
 at liinningham IHll), and in London IHll); became, alier 
 tho death of Keaii, the first tragedian of bis day, <\\A 
 both as actor and manager distinguislied himself by 'is 
 elVorts to elevate tho character of tho tlieatre ; retitcl 
 from the stage in 1851. Reminiscences and Selection- 
 from his Diaries and Letters. Edited by Sir [Wiliiiim | 
 Frederick Pollock, Bart., one of his Executors, Lmi., 
 1875, 2 vols. p. Hvo ; new ed., 1H7(!, 1 vol. 
 " 'file record of Macready's struggles, as recorded by bini 
 In these ' Homlni.scences,' is lull of Interest, bolli as re 
 eards the man and the great art to which he dedicated liis 
 ; life. . . . .\s a careful and for the most part a just estiiiiaic 
 (if the stage during a very brilliant iKTlod, the 
 (if these volumes can scarcely be surpassed. Ueadei-s iil-o 
 who have no special interest in theatrical inalters.liuiwlio 
 enjoy niiscclluneiiiis gossip, will be allured from page lo 
 page, attracted liy ftimiliar names and l)>^obscrvali,>ll^ 
 ; upon popular actors and authors. "—.'^7(Cl'(ll^.V, xlviii, M2. 
 "Tills liook has not merely a dramatie but a geiicml 
 Interest; it not only vividly relates old expericiicis, ii 
 i enforces niueli vaiiialile teaching. . . . Tlicrc is iiolliiiitj 
 omitted that a reader has a right to look lor in such ii 
 record, as regards tlie history ot the stage and the hoiiie- 
 life of tlic actor."— .l(/i., No. 2174. 
 "Few more interesting or iiistructlve autobiographies 
 have been published,"— .svi(. liet\, xxxix. ITii. 
 " It is in giving us a great actors character, as well iisDu: 
 story of a career,— and giving that character liniily. deli- 
 iiitely, fully,— that the main interest of the book will he 
 found to,"— F. Wkii.moiie: Acad., vil, :«t. 
 .Macltitcliie, David. (Ed.) Accounts of tlieiiv|i- 
 sics of India. .Maps and Illust. Lon., 18H6, p. Svo, 
 MacRitchie, Margaret Scott. 1. By tho Si I 
 Sea Waves, nnd Priscilla's Summer Cliange, l.on., ISs", 
 p. Hvo. 2. By the Sea of (talilee: a Poem. Illust. 
 l.on., ISHI, sq. Kiino. 3. Water., of (Juietness: Daily 
 Messages for Invalids, Lon., IHHI, IHmo. 4. Cliiek; or, 
 1 Yet there is Room, l.on., 1H83, IHuio. 5. Poppy: a 
 i Story in Twelve Chapters, Lon., IHH3, IHmo. Ii. 'liiil 
 j Dave; or, What wilt Thou have me to do? lllii-i. 
 I I.on., 1883, 12mo. 7. Christie's Gift, and otlier Storiis 
 I Lon., 18H4, ISmo. 8. Drift Leaves, l.on., 1884, ISani. 
 I Macrory, Edmund. A Few Notes on the Ti laplo 
 Organ, Lon., IS6I, sq. Hvo; new ed., 1875. 
 I "MiicRory, Rev. Rory," (Pseud.) See Lkks, 
 ; J.\MK» C.tMKKON, eu/ini. 
 Macrum, James M. The New Piano: a Lyric 
 Poem, Pittsburg, Pa., 1871, sq. I6mo. 
 I MacSherry, Howard. Chums : a Siiiiriial 
 ! Sketch. .!er.-.t:y City. N..I.. 1M7S, 12»io. 
 I MacSherry, Richard, M.D., [miie, vol. ii.. lohl,] 
 ! 1817-1885, b. at Martinsburg, W. Va. ; gradiKited in 
 medicine at the University of Pennsylvania 1841 : serveii 
 as surgeon in tho army and in tho navy, and in It^Sl 
 I'll III- 
 Mncj, Sjrivniiiiii J. (;,.n,.,,i„„,. „r ,• „ 
 ilj'. In'iM lii.;,i t.i iMiis til "'"'W "f llii' Mac\ 
 Jiflrv It' l> 'i>i * '• ^'"- 
 liu. "y"":,iVo*;;,.,T":;:;',.!^;:"'f;^ • :";;>""^^ ' 
 111" Iriah Lvgi'ud of JI,.|)o,|. i "|""" Kurofui', 
 A"., ll.ll.., IHllll, Hv' V ,,'■>,''' "^y ■"• Mi,rvl,ui,l. 
 ^iz ''' "• "^'■'"-''>toi;:;:^:fc./;;„^ 
 .>IiicS|iiirriiii, ,\. 
 "cll, Liiii.. iMiii, ijiii,, 
 iWacMwincy, «'niit. W ii /-r > ,.,, 
 "'• i;«.vi.t. i.y !•; ImuI'I.;,, i"; ..?""'■' •'•''"•■•"-.'", 
 M...S,vinM,.y, u„|,..rt r„r,t,.r. M A I i ., , 
 |«2i-i«8»^J„ ,,:,'„*;,';-,|'^,''i' I'*" ■>'"..""..«,' i,.o., : 
 "f the Mmlio.lin r il, , ;■'^ '•"'^•"-■'ItlH'iiiiiiiBt.-y ; 
 l.ol.lin«vari»,i,,,;,rvL ,'''■'■' :," ,'"■'' '""'• """^ 
 'Miteatlle^^,,ln■i||„c.i'i ''"''" •\' V"e,,to in IH.M, „„,, 
 '■'■hisin ..., Chuiel, liove nine t i;. i I n""' -' <-'"'• 
 "il'lolJi^tmv, isfii, 4 M M .1 f .• ,■'•. '■■"■-■'^I'i-"" 0.1 
 •eh,;.,!" „,„| H.n'iil;,'"/"" ''''«'"'"' 
 •:^";- un'l <^,ert ••,'■' ''^i;' ••■''' '''--.i;--. (V 
 ■■'i.'c I'ri.i.KN, II. M- /,,/',' .> V , •, ""'>■ '^l' '■'tie.''. 
 ll'nr.v S„el,eVei HI ij; ' HSi 'v^^ i'i 'li"Br„p|,v „/ 1„, 
 , MiKliin, II 
 l-'in., IXNl, It 
 Kciiii., Issti, I :.,„„. 
 .'♦laddeii, |>. h. 
 <•• I. TiiLloH "n^lillit,itm.'Vl'mlv.iH 
 -. Leasonn in m.,„.u.ry .Meehanie.s' 
 MikIiIcii, I). Oiicii r„ , 1 
 "II.. iH.-'ll), 
 1. Tlin 
 • vols. 
 i-i' .Muse,,,,, is;i7-(i«' , I 'm''';;;'""''?'''^''' "'« "'•it- 
 'v7'Ai,B,,,,.u,,,.:i.:f\^' i^f^ ;;- .-i':.i^i.iii-. 
 \^;;i--iii.,ioor-,.,;,, (H,.:f,,^-!-;j;--M-^^ 
 ■W!«fViu|, j„|,„ .. VI 11 I •'.".'""■•'»"• 'J'. 
 luent, IS,S2. "'""111,1, IS, 5, .) vols. r. Svo ; .Supple- 
 ^l'rS^h?:V:[;,.fia";jto!^7^'i,,„ of EiirekiJ 
 '■. Kurekii .Spri,,.,, jj^';^",'"'- ""sort of Jfortliern Ark„i,- 
 (ly, sv 
 Madden, Frndt-ric W.. \t h . « 
 'N"ii,,-i„atie.S„,.ieivol I ,„,,i. ..••''"*'"'«"• "^ "'e 
 (■'"ll'Ke. .to. I 1, ,1 C^'\\;>'T'''^y'''-'h«Hri„l,t,,ii 
 : '""'■. I'^'il, In Hvn V ' ■ } '""" N"i"i>n,ati,„, 
 ^-.a.i.^u^ite,.i.ra. -^y .^n i;T;;lr;r:;;r yi:!;;;; 
 vols. Svo. "" '""' '^"''' "'^'H ],u„., isol, 2 
 .."^rTTi:;v^^i^'::; «•">..., r .vo,.,.. 
 '•"'". «vo. 2. A Sketeh ,f ,1 P ■,""" 1'"'pli"'"l, Iviin. 
 ■■i'Jionee Priineron the N, t, irn.V' 'h, 'r '""■'"■ '*"<'■ ■•■ 
 •>I«cVicar M Ti w . """Ss, r-on., isr.s, |2,„„ 
 Mo..„re;'NrV5 .8«r" 'tiT •■^^""" "'' ^-11^^^ '^i 
 O|'oration,,of tl,„i.;,,;,u"i J' "'•''"?™l Notiee of th 
 '>""■ (1,0 En.l of 1 n Sn.„ , ■' ' •"•"«li™l Litoratur 
 It Is eerla iilv „„ („.i...,..,. . ' - "'"'■■ P- '^vo. 
 ^'^- ^'""flei, 1,„, aln!;^!';,,, ;,„;;:' „i!-i-i-U.,i,owe!er! 
 U.U., \. Vork, 187- „; svo " M"oViokar, 
 "f ASoH^i*:^|:;{.««'^'''-f.<<.«boii, H.4. Lile 
 ci'';isseleeti,i,,Vrum liis'^. t;^'..'l'';'"';>i;« H/V. ai„l /I j" . 
 '-'mo. " llp„t,„, 4 " ""'"''"""'"I. -Work iss^ 
 .MnrWi. r*"''' ^"■'-•"Snition, N. York lss« iL ' 
 Kiiiopo «.„Mf iea for the T,''"" """'"'-«-"rt,. of 
 surgeon of the French iIo» .itnfV !' '•i."""'''*'''''''' 
 the Irethra : it., DiaLo,^'''!'' ' i"""!""- Stricture of 
 Svo. diagnosis and Treatment, Lon., 188", 
 anf "t''„i"E'Vhfng?\;,:t'::;i ""; ^'""""''''' «««-'<"•' 
 -nciall, consider^: ^";V:LS:'^-^-;^_'^J«ia... 
 1061 ' 
 2. PpeoulBtlon on the Stock Exchiiniju, Lon., 
 1877, Hv», 
 )H-;s, HVO. 
 MnUdock, AHri-d llcminiont, |i"'', v»l. 
 mil 1 1. I'niL'liciil oh^orviiliipim "11 Mi'iiliil mill NorviMiH 
 DiaorrliTH, l,on., IHil, Kv(>. 2. SjdfiiliBiii : Iti ClIumlB 
 iin. I I'aliic'c, 1.011., 18110. Nvo. , ., ^ .... ., 
 MiitlKC. 'V. U. " Wiiiiklis" In AlKi'bm. ArltlimetW-, 
 Ku.ii.l, KiiiiiHilie, l.Hws A.'., I."ii., !«•'<«, !'• «*■"■ 
 .>Iiii1ki(, IIiMirv, I-"'', ii., 11.1(1.] UeiimrkM "ii 
 lli(. Aiiiiluiiii.'iil Ki'laliuiiit between the Mother iind Hi" 
 I'mciri. l.dTi., lN,')!i, I'Jiiio. 
 .MndRc, llev. Tliomnti, iniiilnttT of h'-ui !*tTvi-t 
 (I' (.'liiiiK'l, 1,011.1.111. bio«., m- •' w i N 
 WiT.i.lAM, «.i;,.(/. .'^iilij.'ul.i nIaliiiK l.i (.'liiiatmii I Ii 
 aii.l I.ilV: Uiifo.mrHi's, l,.in., I Nil". |.. Su). 
 " .MadlNoii, Virginia, ' (l'»euil,) Soo 1 1 tnam, 
 MllH. SaI.I.IK a., ill/i'l. . .. ., I 
 Miidoe, I'liyr. 1. I'lio Htory of, I...11., 
 \H>:\. p. .Hv„. 2. ■riuT.ib.v, :„!lii., IHM5, 2 vols. IT. HVO. 
 3. Miiriiiiri't .hniiiiiiu, l.on., iN.-tll, ;t vol*, or. ^vo. 
 Macrl/., liouiite. Now M.'tli.Ml L.r the. Mu.lj 
 En«lisli l.iloriiloro, flilc, IHTll, I2iim; Key, IM8:i, 12in.). 
 Mh»'8, in. Itev. Cnmilliis I'nul, b. I8I11, in 
 Coiirtrai, liol^iuin; roiiiove.l t.i Iho liiilf.l .<tatcH in 
 IHflS; hoUl several Koiimn CatlLilu' ],aHtorate« 111 .Mu'li- 
 l^an, anil «a» oonsoorale.l IIhIi.))) ..I (JovioBtoii in l>»a. 
 LilV of Rev. Chiirlos Norinokx ; with a. Chii|itor on llie 
 Early Catli'ilie' Koiitiieky, an.l N'otos.)n Cntli- 
 olioity In tho llnitod State*, ISim-lM2i, Oin., 1880, Mvo; 
 now ccl., 1.S,S7. 
 iHauce, Most Il«-v. William Caniior, D.p., 
 [nnlf, vol. II., n.l(l.,] 1821-lSlll, b. in Cork; e.loeatoil 
 nt Trinity College, Dublin; betaiM'' mini.-ler ot tlie 
 Oelngon CImpel, Hath, IS50, and nf Quebec Clia|ie , 
 I,on.l..n, ISHII; reetor of Eiiniskillen I.-^IU ; dean ol Cork 
 ISC.l; .loan of the ('ha|iel K.iyal. Dublin, IsH.'i; liiBhop 
 of l'eterl>oniUj;b \M'*: Andibishop of York Isill. 1. 
 Christ the l,i),'ht of All .•^eripturc : Sernioi preaclie.l at 
 Trinity CoIIoko, Dublin. Lou., IHHO. 2. The Voluntary 
 tiyHcm an.l llio Churoh, Lon., ISIll, fii. Svo ; 
 M oil. same year. '■^. The Chureh'9 Fear anil the Cliurcli's 
 Hope I a Seriuon, l.on.. 1SH4, Svo. 4. Heruion : Uebuild- j 
 ing the Wall in Troublimn Times, Lou., Isiifl, Svo. i. \ 
 Coinpassiiin on the .MuHitudei a .Sermon, I,on., 18(17, 8vo. | 
 6. l)roakin« the Net ; a .-iermon, t,on., 1><I1S, Svo. 7. The j 
 Christian Theory of the Origin of the Christian Ijife : a 1 
 .Sermon, l.on., ISIlH. Svo. 8. Charge delivered October, j 
 IS72, liOn., Is-J, Svij. II. Charge delivered at hisSeu-ond 
 Visitation, ()etiii)or, IS76, Lon., IH7o, Svo. 10. Sunday- 
 Pehool Teaching Work : a Sermon, l,on., ISSO, Svo. 1 1. 
 The Oosiiel and the Age: Sermons, lion., ISSI, p. Svo. 
 •• The Bishop of IVterbormitfli, like most great iiml.irs. Is 
 neveriiili'iiuiitelv represented by rejuirUs. . . . NeyerlbWoss, 
 this volume of seriniuis will arrest the ttttontiiin ol I no 
 world. ... It states the chriiiilc controversy Ik -weeii ' ine 
 Gospel and the Ako' with earnestness, elo<iuenee, and 
 ibri'e."— .s'/jei'di^or, hii. 8«:l. 
 12. Disestablishment and Disendowment ; an Address, 
 l.on., 1885, Svo. 13. Serinoos, ("Contemporary Pulpit 
 Library,") l.on., 1SS8, p. Svo. 
 Mageiiis, Lady Louisa Anne, b. is:l7; daugh- 
 ter of the third Earl of liihoore; married to It. H. 
 Magenis ISBO. (Trans.) 1 ho I'liallenge of Barletta, by 
 Massimo d'Azeglio. l.on., 1S80. 2 vols. er. Svo. 
 iUaggs, J. Hound Europe with the Crowd, l.on., 
 18S0, p. Svii, 
 " This little l»>ok dot'H full Justice to Its silhject,"<i.( . 
 XXX. :i<rj. 
 :t. Jewish l'..rlralt«, l.on., IsxH, p. Svo. 
 ".Magniio. IHj^rriwt'athi^r," d'seud 1 8«uTai 
 HOT, ClIAlll.KS IllMINCililV, III/','.,. 
 .•WnBniix.Hir I'hilip, 0. I^'-'; knighied iss-i ; „,. 
 m,„uiMH .Ii .if lb.. I'liy an.l (Iullds..f l..iii.lon In 
 stitulimi the A.lvaneement of Teehnieal Eduealooii 
 eililor iif tho'aliiin Library. I. Lessnns in Kle- 
 meulary .Meehani.'S. I,..n., lS7.i. l2mo. 2. llylroMall.- 
 ao.l I'nVumatics, C I..iiiilon Science Class ll.ioks,") l,.in , 
 l>7S, Isiiio. :i. Eiicli.l ami Teaching tieniiiclr.v : a 
 Lecture, l,"n., I8S0, sv.i. t. Industrial Eiluciilinri, 
 (•• Kducali.,11 Library, "I L.m., Isss, p. sv„. 
 iHngnUNNon, M. Klrikr, .M. A., sub-librarliin .if tin. 
 I'niver-ily Librarv, Caiobii.lge. (Ed.) Tln'inia^ Sana 
 Erklbyskus : a Lite nf Archbislinp Thomas lltekel, in 
 Icelandic, .tc.: with English Translation, .Notes, an.l 
 Olossary, ( Ite.'.ird Office I'ub.,) l.on., IS7o-Sl, 2 v.)l». 
 Svo. With .MoiKiis. Wit.i.iAM ; 1. (Trans.) Orcltis Saga : 
 tho St.ny .if (Irellir the Strung; from the Icehin.lii', 
 Lim., isi'.tl, p. Svii. 2. (Trans.) Vlilsunga Saga : the Stury 
 .ifthe V.ilsuiiu's and Nil. lungs 1 wilh C'ertain S.mgs fmni 
 the Elder; fi-.mi the Icelan.lio, Lon., 1S711, p. sn,. 
 " A .lelit .if Krai'tiule i« ..wing In Messrs. Mugniissnii ami 
 Morris liir this li nnslHtimi of wlial they l.rni llie mn-l 
 ciimpUie an.l drainatli' "t the great Isrle ol llie 
 S.irth."'-s,i<c(ii(or, .\llil.!is:i. 
 :). (Trans.) Three Norlbcrn I.ove-Storlcs, and othir 
 Talcs; from the Icelandic, I, n., IS-C>, |i. Hvo. With 
 I'AI.MF.u, E. 11., (trans.) S.mgs, Idylls, and Epigrams, 
 I by .J. L. Honcberg. l.on., IS'S, l2mo. 
 i Magratli, l««'v. Jolin Kiilinrd, D.D., I 
 (luernsey ; graduated, first .da 
 lege,0.\l'ord, IstSil; Fellow of tjueen's College I 
 since then provost; ordained isdi' 
 Kingston-Lisle since 1SS7 
 Magill, .■«i8S Mary Tucker, b. 1832, in Jefferson 
 ::o., Va. ; was educated partly at the University of Vir- 
 ginia, whore her father was a mo.lieal professor. She 
 has contributed to j.mrnals an.l periodicals. 1. The 
 Ilolcombes : a Story of Virginia Home- Life, I'liila., 1S68, 
 12mo. 2. Women ; or, Chronicles of the Late War, 
 I'hila., 1H71, 12mo. 3. History of Virginia, for Schools, 
 Bait., 1873, 12mo. 4. Pantomimes; or, Wordcap Poems,, 1SS2, ?(). llimo. 
 JMagnay, Uev. Claude. 1. The Rest : an Epi- 
 sode in the Village of Ross, Lon., 18411. iL'mo. 2. 
 Reginald Graeme; or, Visible and Invisible, Lon., 1850, 
 12too. ,i. Eoolbion, Taste, Old Paths, and iimm- Poems, 
 Lon,, 1853, l2ino, 4. Poems, Lon., 1863, ll'ni.i. .'). Ser- 
 uious. Practical an 1 Suggestive, Lon., 1855, 12m. 1. 
 Magner, D. The Art of Training and Edu.ating 
 the Horse. It. tile Creek. Mich.. I8SB. Svo. 
 MagnU!«, Katie, Lady, .laughter ot E. Emanuel; 
 |h::.i. in 
 Lit. Hum., at Ori'l Col- 
 vicar <tf Spftrshtilt ir 
 1. The Fall of the Rii.ublio 
 of Venice, (Stanhope Vrhe V.miy,) Lon., ISliO, Si ,. 2. 
 A Plea for the of Theology in the University ..I, 1,011., ISOS, Svo. 3. (Ed.) Sele.'tions fr.ini the 
 i oigiiniin of Aristotle, Lon., ISlis, |2ni.i; new ed., 1S7T. 
 1 4. Tw.i Papers on Pniversity Ri'Lirui, ISTIi. 
 nia.^rilder, A. C Maryland Court .if Appeals 
 ' Reports, vols, i., ii., (IS,M-52,) Halt., Is52, 2 Svo. 
 i Magruder, Allan B. I. The liible l)elen.|..| an.l 
 1 Atheism Kebuke.l : a Ke|)ly to R. U. Ingeisoll's l.c,■lu^c^ 
 N. York, Issl. 12ino. 2. John .Marshall, C'Americiin 
 Statesmen" Ser.,) Host., ISSo, Kluio. 
 ' Magrudl-r, II. II. Sketches of the Last Year ..f 
 j the ,Me.\i.'an Empire, l.on., IsC.S, Svo. 
 Mugruder, .Miss Julia, b. 18,)4. in Charlotte-villi', 
 Va., niece id (icii. J. H. .Magru.ler. I. Across the 
 Chasm, N. York, ISS.i, Iftin.i. An.m. 2. At Anchor, 
 Phila.. 1SS7. :i. A MagniHcent Plebeian, ISS7, llimo. 
 IMagnire, Adelaide A. Liiisie's Secret. Illii^i. 
 Lon., 1S71, SI), llimo. 
 IMaguire, U. Tho Art of .Massage; 4th ed., enl., 
 Edin., IKS,-, p. Svo. 
 iMaguire, Edward. The Attack and Defence ..I 
 Coast- F.irtifieations, N. York, 1S84, Svo. 
 Mnguire, J. Alastor: an Irish Story of T" Hay. 
 Loll ISSS, p. Svo. 
 iHtiguire, James CJ. Ireland and the Pup.'; a 
 liri. I History of Papal Intrigues against Irish Libiriy, 
 from Adrian IV. to Leo XIII., San Fran., 1S88, Sv... 
 Maguire, John Francis, M.P., ["'"'• '"' "■- 
 add.,] lSla-1872, was ,M.P, for from \>*^2 
 to 1811.), w en he was returned by his city ol Cork. 
 He was several times mayor of Cork, and was pi.iprietur 
 and e.lilor for many years of the Cork E.\aniiner. 1. 
 Father .Mathow ; a Biography, Lon., 1S63, p, Smi. «. 
 The Irish in America, Lon.. 1S67, p. Svo. 
 Though there is tJio in i.t of the ml mptaii.dim, as 
 IIIWItf^K I.IIVIIJ 1.^ l<fVf lint .V... ~ .- --1 i\. . 
 as If .Mr. Magiiire was bidding for place un.l.v tne 
 new Irish Repiiblie, yet we are bound to a.1.1 llml He' "."'i' 
 contains a great ileal which It is worth the «lnl.' ..I Mifc'- 
 llshineii t.) .study an.l remember."— .Si(. mi., .''•tv- ■<-- 
 3. The Next (ieneration, [a novel,] Lon., 1871. '. vols. 
 p. Svo. 4. V.iung Prince .Marigold, and other I'aivy- 
 Stories. lllust. Lon., IS73, I2iuo. 
 Maguire, .Hr». John Francis. Beauty ami the 
 I Beast: a Play, lllust. Lon., 1878, l2mo, 
 ' Maguire, Bev. Kobert,D.D., [.'"('■, vol.11.. 
 lb. 1821!, in Dublin; graduateil with honors at limity 
 ■College, Dublin, IS47: ordaiue.i 18411; vicar u! Clcrken- 
 of St, Olave;, 
 married to Sir Philip Magnus, infra, IS70. 1. About well 18o7-75, and since then rector -. 
 the Jew 4nce liible Times, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 2. Out- .Southwark. I. History of the Early Iri...h ( Imrcn, 
 lines of, -wish History from B.C. 586 to C.E. 1885, Lon., Lon., 1854. 2. (Trans.) The AbbC' ".nbonlc 
 1886, 12ino; 2d ed., 1888. ' "" '""''■ 
 Lon., IS55. 3. One Hun.lred Defect? .f the M: 
 1 K.iine, 
 ■', l.on , 
 IS5II. I. John lliiin|,t„n', Horn., I,„r, Hn ii„ . 
 i-:xi>...i.i..n,;'i!,„. • '; '•,.l""' r^'-:: «' ",', ^^-■"\- 
 ,1' Y V. .'.' " """'■ llllKI,' tlt'W CI ISSl I- 
 .l™nM^Me„.,„..„r,„„K,.t,.er, 1 , f , lihiuon.,,!;; i 
 •>la«iiirp, Thonitt^, |,t,.u., ,|. is.sii, „rof,.s-o,. „f , '''• ■'''" """"> "' M'm „ v.,, 
 n., I87U, 8vo. ,). I,o„mre. „„ l.|,il„,„,,hy, l„„.\Zl' l''"^'-' "-''I "thcr-.] l|l,.„. ,;„„ 
 l.on., IS7U, 8vo. 
 ' write ,1 l,„uk. 1 1. U,',,,,! " ,, , ,1 " ','"'"" """ '"• 
 rq.i.titl,,ii;'_j,,,;/ ."!■■,' Y'.*- * ^'■'■"I'py, uiHl lull „f 
 .M«B.iir.-, Tlioi„„, '■>ii,|,.r. 
 I'.iiirlish ilixiNrv. l'/w,.t;....: i ■, , 
 xrrHl .iriTk IV ll'ri HI, I, ''''■';' '""'" W "Mliu 
 >"llth,l|„. lM,,,k 1, H'r s V rv M ^ ""';"'», "I '•'lu.„i|„^ 
 iL'li '11 'ir\i'.-. MT)- lilKh iinilsc.' >„/, AVi , r 
 IIIIU. h'irlTnl xvlil '17."""'''' ""•' "»■ '■'■"""" '■'""'<•■' » 
 II. I'l'irartcii, (" |.'„r„j,,„ ci,,..!. r 
 ("K;l"«« I.ibrurv,"' I.-,,,, rHsi'VsT'' lvlun..,„n, 
 lllliri I, I I,. ii,,i|,l I,,, , , ' 1 ' ^ l"ll" llrli' villi „ ,. u 
 lli'inu^ nl\ , ;/'V, "';7;u :r'l ■ ,">>lrlNV.,|lh...l 
 MH,k, clilHly iiM .Vr, 'k . I II , i .^^ V'y llvily 
 Irl^li k'irls.niil (li.. ,,M ,1 1 1 1 '''■'''P''''"'''''" '''"'I't 
 "' l""'liii. . . T I,. I, k I ■'■," ''•'■ l"i"-<'"'iilH 
 'i"ii' iiio priiiiins nr,;.;,;,,'';''' '''''■';' '"'I'll ti.,.i,ii.i. 
 hart,, ,-. Svi, \^''iu:r'\ '"'Z- '"."■'->*«■ >' vols., in I:' 
 ^Iho ■NuiionM,"! |,i„|. ,|,ss7 „ s.-, ',■',, '\"^^}"<y"( 
 ... ...lit V11.11.11M1, ijiiii., 
 l>*. Ski.tohe.< liiiiu ft T.iiir 
 ., . "... n|,|,i,iiiJ.r(H, l„,n., 
 Of </.i.u;i;!a^,?;.^'''"«'j;;!h i,, the mghwaysani, ,,j.„ay, 
 llielKMiu-lir..,,!- he «,iHj,'tf''Vi, "."?'^' '■'''''■' ''^ 
 l""«li|.,| „,„1 why Ihev w.'.i r 1, HL''m "'' .''"''^.'' • "''y ""'y 
 mill (here 
 I>iiulrine of tho IIilMht f ic. \- .• . . '■''I'hiiiiwl : the 
 "n I«li..,|,i,.,„,v I 'L,' '"■':■"*' American War: with 
 ' "iHMii til,, v.ilunie \vi,„ i« iir\ V"^' "", "'."■"ctlve uiy.slury 
 "ir of the l'...Mi|.ntSe.i,.r.' "5.''"" '■'•''''''" 'liu 
 '■liHiullcr. the his orian 1 a .r,?i, ''^r"-. ■^''-"^'*'«- ■■^mmuT, 
 while our war V, I'V. ,iK 1 " ;,?":.\ "«""»' McKowt.l 
 th.ini Miiviee about tlu' m, V.,' f ,\Vw '','"""""">■ «'^1">J 
 with riiptur,,,,. enthi..sla.;i"'''llV;,..';/J;i';'.'l™»- • ■ """'■'3 
 9.'Aut^:;;;.;;"'t;oiie^;:''r't' ¥°-'''''' •2"-'- 
 I'"n.,^-^82,p..sV7'l) AP ." ', »'"■"'' ""'' Spii-i'""!. 
 Lon'anil n' Vork, .S^i'^o'^ .'oT'l' '"^''''"'"'''■'"''''y' 
 " Perhana 11,.. ■.,.,..1 ' . ■ "^''i' 
 "■'"=' sS'SSSa-f ass. a - 
 , ''"""iiy discursive, ihei;;;;,;;;;;''.^'':''!:;';'''''''^" «>•'•• <^-- 
 '"Miration of the ^i-^^^^l^!:^ l^Hi'^^i^l^S.^tj^ 
 -^i- ££R'4!;;»,|-k^^^ .Which come properly 
 illiiMiatim, ,1" , 'Ja,*;'"' ""' "'e-xiiet statenu.nt, nap 
 «*vukeiith, im ar^V, rr.HwW'^'l™ ,"■■« S'lo.l neither to 
 *^"'.m:v (.■i,i,v,,s : Ilea,/ xi' "0 ''"'''''""" "» I'is way."- 
 Euriniilo. wX^"' "• C-; . Je.b, Esq., 1876, 8vo. "^ii. 
 I'Oii. 18711 S„,o?,"' /,'.'.""■* ""■ ^"«"»'' Reader.,") 
 "atim-. U, H80 2 v:^ '"'u'^ of Classical «reek Lit- 
 '■' .."jMaTMUK;"'.'"' "'K!;;:';?!;;^;,'";^'-.-'- i""i"™pi.y 
 KU;.h a spirit of ah, ou ..... ,u„•^";•"' 'r l'",^''"''-d by 
 ."iilllcicnt faith in the lutl.r'lii' •'''''''>' "'"'. ^^''tli 
 have ittlc further din It res™.,.?^^.^^^^^ ""' '■'•''"'^■'' "■'" 
 that have hitherto vexed m... Vila, '''■'■l'^;''t„Problenis 
 xxxvili. ;!i!3. i.^.'it.i speculative minds."— A'otion, 
 i 1.'<«.VI)7, ,Sv7 ' '^"'^"""'^n' Fortifications, N. York, 
 ! Wafif;''L";/t'i;e^frenci;"„";'!, ""b I""', "' '"--'"■- 
 I York n„d Lon., 188.^ Sv„. •"■""''• f""'^'- N. 
 Mahaii, Kev. Milo, D.D., 1819-1870, b. at Suffolk, 
 Va. ; brother of D. H. Mabiin, «iy)rn ; took orders in 
 tbe Protcstnnt Eiiisfopiil Church in 1845; was professor 
 of ooolesiastienl history in the (Jcneral Theological Sein- 
 iniiry. New York, in 18.iT-t!4, unci from tlie latter year 
 till his dciith rector of St. Paul's Church, Haltimoro. 1. 
 A Church History of the First Throe Centuries, N. York, 
 18011, 12mo; new eJ., enl., entitled "A Church History of 
 the First Seven Centuries," 1872, 8vo. 2. I'alinoni ; or, 
 The Numerals of Scripture a Proof of Inspiration, N. 
 York, 186;i, 12mo. :i. The Spiritual Point of View ; or, 
 The (ilass Keversoil: an Answer to liishn|) Colenso, N. 
 York, 186:), 12mo. 1. The Comedy of Canonization : in 
 Four Scenes, X. York, 1SB8. Anon. J. Collected Works: 
 with liricf Memoir by J. H. Hopkins, N. York, 1872-75, 
 3 vols. 12mo. 
 Mahcr, WiHiam H. I. On tho Road to Uiches: 
 Hints lor Clerks and Young liusiness-Men, Chic, 1876, 
 12mo. 2. \ Man of Samples: Something about the 
 Men ho met on the Uoad, Toledo, 0., 1887, 12mo. 
 Malioil, Captain, (" Magenta," pseud.) 1. The 
 Handy Horse liuok ; or. Practical Instructions in 
 Driving, Riding, and the General Care and Manage- 
 ment of Horses. By a Cavalry Olficer. Edin. and 
 Lon., 1805, S^o. \non. 6th ed., 1S71. 2. Tho Treat- 
 ment of our Domesticated Dogs, Edin. and Lon., 1868, 
 8vo. f 
 Mai ' jy, .>lBrtiii Francis. 1. Cheap John's 
 Auction: a Narrative in Three Parts. By Matthew 
 Stradling. 4th ed., Lon., 1S71, 12mo; 7th ed., 1372. 
 2. The Irish liar Sinister. By Matthew Stradling. New 
 ed., liOn., 1872, 12mo. 3. AChroniele of the Fermor's: 
 Horace Walpole in Love, Lon., 1S73, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 ■' Mr, Mahoiicy has taken a set of incidents out of Horace 
 Walpole's letters, which are the main source of his inspi- 
 ratioi and has strung tliem together with threads 
 of dialogue, narrative, anil retlcctioii on his own part, so 
 as to make them into a kind ot romance."— 6'a<. Hei:, 
 x.xxvii. 313. 
 4. Jerpoint: an Ungarnishcd Story of the Time, 
 Lon., 1875, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 5. A Westminster Night's, Lon., 1877, 12mo. 
 Alahouey, O'Brien. 1. Treatise on Epidemic 
 Cholera, Lon., 1.H53, 12mo. 2. The Presence of Organic 
 Matter in Potable Water; 2d ed., Lon., 1870, p. 8vo. 
 Mahoney, S. O. On the Study of Modern Lan- 
 guages in Public Schools, Lon., 1853, 8vo. 
 Mahony, U. A. The Prisoner of State, N. York, 
 1863, 12mo. 
 Maliony, F. McU. (Trans.) Ravignan's Last 
 Retreat; from the French of La CroLt de Ravignan, 
 Lon., 1884, 8vo. 
 Maidinent, James, [unte, vol. ii., add.,] d, 1879. 
 He was born in London, but resided from an early age 
 in Edinburgh, where ho was a member of the Faculty 
 of Advocates, and well known as a genealogist and an- 
 tiquary. 1. Guisachan : a Legend of St. Marjory, 1859, 
 Svo. Anon. 2. (Ed.) Scottish Ballads and Songs: 
 Historical, Ac, Edin., 1868, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 3. (Ed.) A 
 Packet of Pestilent Pasquils, Edin., 1869, Svo. Pri- 
 vately printed. 4. Some Account of the Nature and 
 Constitution of the Ancient Church of Scotland, Lon., 
 1884. Re-edited by Rev. Edward James Jones, Lon., 
 1886. 5. (Ed.) The Court of Sessions (Jarland : with 
 All the Supplements, Edin., 1887, 8vo. With Logan, W. 
 H., (ed.) Dramatists of the Restoration, Lon., 1872-79, 
 14 vols. p. 8vo. (The works comprised are those of Sir 
 Aston Cokain, 1 vcd.; John Crowne, 4 vols.; Sir William 
 Davenant, 5 vols.; John Wilson, 1 vol.; John Lacy, 
 1 vol. ; Shakerley Maruiion, 1 vol. ; and John Tatham, 
 1 vol.) 
 iHuier, Julius. 1. (Trans.) The Modern Applica- 
 tions of Electricity, by E. Hospitalicr. Illust. Lon., 
 1882, 2 vols. 8vo. 2. .Arc and Glow Lamps: a I'ractical 
 Hand-Book on Electric Lighting. Illust. N. York, 
 18.86, Svo. 
 Naillard, Mrs. Annette Marie, [ante, vol. ii., 
 add.] 1. Gil Talbot ; or. Woman's Mana-uvres, l-on., 
 1857, 3 vols. p. Svo. 2. Loving and Being Loved, Lon., 
 1861,2 vols. p. Svo. 3. When Other Lips: a Novel, 
 Lon., 1879, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Mailler, J. W. Philosophy of the Bible, Lon., 
 1857, p. Svo. 
 Main, David M., d. 18S8, net. 41 ; son of a Scottish 
 janker; was intended for a oorainercial career, but do- 
 voted himself to literary jjursuits. His only original 
 ]>ublication consists of two sonnets printed in Mr. 
 Sluirp's collection. The principal work of his life was 
 the compiling and editing of the Treasury of Engli-li 
 Sonnets, in preparing which he examined personally tin. 
 original and each successive form of each sonnet in onli r 
 to insure the purity of the text and to take arccuni 
 of all variations. 1. A Treasury of English SoniKi-. 
 Edited from the Original Sources: with Notes and II 
 lustrations. Manchester, 1879, Svo and 4to; 2ded., l.on., 
 "This is a very line (Mjllectlon of Knglish sonnets, iiinl. 
 as far as we know, omits mine whii'h would lif unquiv-- 
 tionably rcnardud by all ijciocl critics as of llio llisl rank in 
 power and beauty. . . . Whatever errors there may he in 
 the lioiik are, we think, lather errors of criticism, to li. 
 found in the nulcs, tliaii errors (pfjiidgmeiit in theoriniu:il 
 work (if selection ; liut even the notes arc always int'unn 
 ing ai\i| throw real light on the subject of the soniiels."- 
 fpi'Clulur, llii. U'J. 
 2. (Ed.) Three Hundred English Sonnets, Edin. anil 
 Lon., 1884, l2mo. 
 .Main, Dyson. Avonsidc: a Poem, Lon., Is.'.l. 
 Main, Mrs. Elizalieth, daughter of Sir St. y'ui 
 cent Hawkins Witshed, Bart.; married in 1S7S to Cul. 
 Frederick Gustavus Burnaby, Kiijirn, and afterwards Im 
 Main. 1. The High Alps in Winter; or, Moun- 
 taineering in Search of Health. Illust. Lon., 1883. 
 cr. Svo. 
 "'The High Alps in Winter' is written to prove two 
 things,— that the air of the mountains is a cine for c.ii- 
 snmption, and that nnmntaineering may be as ea.sily iupI 
 safely manaiied in the wilder ax in the summer mornii.^. 
 . . . It i--, indeed, ililiienlt not to be convinced by stori, , 
 of courage, endurance, and sound .sense in danger. >h 
 pleiuianlly and unallectedly narrated, especially when tlic 
 narrator is a lady."— .S;itc(a(or, Ivil. I'.i. 
 2. High Life and Towers of Silence. Illust. Lon , 
 1886, p. Svo. 
 "A vcrv good specimen of the light kind of Alpine liter- 
 ature, fre'.sh, unallected, and straighttbrward."— .Snt. ii'i r, 
 Ixii. 8;i3. 
 Main, Philip Thomas, M.A., son of Rev. Robert 
 Main, iti/ra ; graduated at St. John's College, Ciini- 
 bridge, 1862, and elected Fellow. Introduction to Pliui- 
 Astronomy, Lon., 1S65; new ed., 1808, Svo. 
 Main, Uev. Kobert, M.A., F.K.S., F.R.A.S., 
 1808-1878, graduated at Queen's College, Canibriilgc. 
 1834: first assistant at the Royal Observatory, Green- 
 wich, 1845-60, and from then Radcliffe observer at (l.\- 
 ford. 1. Rudimentary Astronomy, Lon., 1852, 12niu; 
 3d ed., edited by AVilliain Tbynne Lynn, lst*2. 2. 
 Twelve Sermons preached at St. Mary's Church, Green- 
 wich, Lon., 1860, fp. Svo. 3. Practical and Spherical 
 Astronomy, Lon., 1S63, Svo. 
 Main, Thomas J., and Brown, T. 1. Trcntis. 
 on the Marine Steain-Kngine, Lon., 1857, Svo; 5th ed , 
 1865. 2. On the Indicator and Dynamometer, l.oii.. 
 1857, Svo. 
 Maine, E. S. 1. Annie: "An Excellent Pcrsiai.' 
 Lon., 1872, p. Svo. 2. Marchmont of Rcdlands. Lon., 
 1872, 2 vols. p. Svo. 3. Scarscliff Rocks, Lcm., 187.^, 3 
 vols. p. Svo. 4. Angus Gray, Lon., 1S7.., 3 vols. or. Sv(i. 
 Maine, Sir Henry James Sumner, K.C.8.I., 
 D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., 182'2-1S88, educated at Pem- 
 broke College, Oxford, where his career was an c.\('c|i- 
 tionally brilliant one. Ho graduated in 1844 with tin- 
 highest honors, and, no Fellowship being vacant at I'ciii- 
 broke College, acocptld a tutorship at Trinity Hall. In 
 1S47 ho was elected Regius professor of civil law iii 
 Cambridge University. In 1850 he was called I'l the 
 bar, and in 1S54 ho resigned his chair at Cambridge to 
 become reader on jurisprudence at the Middle Tiiii|iie. 
 In 1862 he was appointed law member of the Su|Minic 
 (Jovernment in India, returned to England in l.sii'.i, 
 and was elected Corpus professor of jurisprudence at 
 Oxford in 181)9. In 1871 he was appointed a mcnihcr iif 
 the council of the secretary of state for India. In l!^77 
 ho was elected master of Trinity Hall, Cambrblgc and 
 in 1887 Whewell professor of international law. lie w-M 
 Rede lecturer at Cambridge in 1S75, and in !>-:; "as 
 elected a Foreign Associate of tho French Academy of 
 J Moral and Political Sciences. 1. Ancient Liih : its 
 1 Connection with the Early History of Society mimI its 
 Relation to Moilern Ideas, Lon., 1801, Svo; IHli eJ., 
 "This volume will mark an era In the history "I jurs- 
 priidetiee. Wlien il makes iL.> way umoug tbe juri.^i- i tiic 
 Continent, thcv will tlnd in it .some ideas with whii li tlicy 
 are familiar, cithers for the reception of which tluy are 
 preparecl, inanv subsliintially or absolutely new I" Ineni, 
 ami they will t!nd them all exhibited in asliape wlii.h 1» 
 a greater novelty abroad than any of the contents run be. 
 Mi. Maine's book Is evidently the result of much iliougnt 
 wiiltfi. as l^i^ is i^ s,. asiiipiV,- ia."'''"''''^^"'' '""'k 
 on ^>.i;Va,;,^;i;i;;i,;;--;-;;';i;';vi^-- m= 1 5-/;;;;i^i 4-^'^- 1;';;-. .;,;,£,^' J'->-n;!n!^^^ 
 ni 1 Iccturus j,r,,v,„i,sly piiblishe,!.) ' ^ ' !'"■* a»".v. ^Vllileiu^xiMs,, „,',.'.','; '' I'"'' .v "lay 
 a"-l ni„,s| valmil.l,. liKlit, ?,,.'''."" 't^'!' •■""■■* ""' l"-iivak.m ,'i,m. ■,/■':■, ""''","■," -"'K'Harly 
 rni '-"jsoi lanon 01 Inci a nn 
 ""'I the pi,.t„ro s.s il^i'h""'- "' '''f, knmvledge „r I„,|ia, 
 •■"iV'""!"". tiio com i, tl mi'hnt i.wli, \w! "I" ''''l"'«»*''<. i" 
 jeels nnatlrn<.tivtM t isiCh, ,"■'"-' 'I.'''"'"" '" '""l'- 
 iMliK'aledpiiblioiii opHtirsnr V ' ''■'""',"« 'l'^' K^'neral 
 M. table lieki tbr its nppik.,;;!!:,!":!^;:^;;::^,^;^^,^ v--^"'"'^ 
 4 t^^..e;o„ the E.r^, uut.ry of Institution, U,„., I jSkl!^]^?!^^^^!'^^^^^ ^l^^^ 
 ■• T,. hn". „, > . ' ' I ''lanni^lerlvn.annuravsln, I ;,i ,,''''!" "l"M'n,ljleni 
 ,Ke ba. at b.e eonst^ete;, a tbeo.y „ tbe bistorv or | r?^^^,?;' [^^SS^r- '''" 
 :; For tbe present wo nay at least say, looking to our own 
 imo ilie movement wbie we U .^^^^ ^^^^ " »'" <-■""-•■• 
 -Imc/., viii. 1,-)-. "'"Lu ne call moUerii proKrebs."- 
 eariy i,,:sMturii,,\TwlVi"rwiint'eH;P'!''^' !''■ '''«,'''''<'«''y -'f 
 pe,lmps,„,„ii,iefib,', J„ ,X''l'l''^;jT''',''"'Pi«e'l.'i"'l 
 eaimot fail to be the < emm fi,!. ^ "'^'''^'I'V'?. I'nt wliii'b 
 have to work."-V,; ftcr xxxix H? "" "'""'' ""'<"^ »■'" 
 n>ail,f^ wuh h;v;^£;tions'r^^;i5,'v«"r '^v^^'-^^m 
 law traels throw a flo^i „P^w w m^,,';'^ '■"'"*,■ ""^ "■•'•■'i"!! 
 <'icty in all its branches As atil a,, V,',,"" ""''^^ '^'•>'"" -^o- 
 a>'.i^Iun:^S;i b^i^^'i^ji^t/i;^^ ^^'"« ^'\"'^«"f '°p'- 
 there is one siibieet whieh »?„?,,.'" X''"''"'' ''''"l''"'''. • ■ 
 main thread of the v'^rkl Tbi^'n:ri^Pir.''.''^,''">' "« .'I'e 
 iiain (hread of the v 'rk TbiVm,Vi .^ i'"''''^,''">' "■'* "'« 
 lOM,j.'nate,l a. early Arymi .^Hy"-'^,f!^'Z" ■^■>'''''^''^'' 
 "In^'i^Z ^!!l,Si,«t'!"lr« fP antbor's re.olnt. m- 
 "HiHUni Tile .>H«h;',;f 'S,i;'i:?,H;;li^™«^ »;.n.eTroi^m; 
 ]< not with the same con(i"e iVe f n.Y i f'"' **"■"« «''"l. 
 i"K with the Edicts ,.f I eViEtor^'' I" V'"""'^ '" ^eai: 
 " "lie eonelusion . to wb l?Vir "^'■('^'"■' 'v' 9'1- 
 "ai.hi.'ted is that the a « m™ ls, f u^'lf '' inevitably 
 U-il|in does ■ lead to a uo TimU ,f ?.,.'? 'Y'"'*?'"' «nd Me- 
 JlH'ir V ews are <lispl,u4 r h ' r f '"'''I-' "^ «housht/ 
 I'liryMaine's readek, are vmv mv <'"V'^'"P' ■ >'M Sir 
 H'w 01 his own theories^ but also ,1 ■ ^ "''j;"l tliesonnd- 
 "- Which marks his Jii'MKmem^'-.S'xxxTll'tr''''"- 
 ■^v;i; -''^.^8an, voT Coi^.^'t'^-'T'i ^"'"-u "'^^' 
 "nBinally i„ ,|,„ Qu.rt^rly Ew ° "'^ f"*"'''""! 
 science of law, that II. nimilsp VivT.n' V','."^'i"'' '" oorowii 
 telliKent .stiiily in Fim'- ,, f .,nfi '' „ -'^ '^'"""^ "' ''« "i" 
 : overrated. Will „l \^inKmoorv?, *,''■';''' ''"" ''?">'>■ *'^' 
 ' treated n.eroly as a doKmati"^^l•t,M ,'■'''','"'"'' ''"»' »■"" 
 toricul ex;,lnimti<m bwnd 1 . i ''""■"',■"?"''"■ "'''■- 
 : "■erenianfcstlynece"arv WMsrnJt '^"'''' 'i"""" "''i'-h 
 ornament, and al sinKufaVrti' t . m/ V'" ""ft' '^^''" "" i'""^ 
 taken as they Mood! c"?her w lu ',, v V'"""''" '""' '" ''^' 
 oltener) with n ba<i one A , riai ?„ ''''™''. '";' '•''''"'l'" 
 "IK was no doubt ellbc e'd' l,v n, " , " """"."f "'"'ken- 
 Malne taiiKbt us to ca n ''J ''^, '"i«l.vtical school, as 
 legal Phen^omena °u,l as„eV«u Md ,T"'"' "S**"'"^ "'' 
 niiioiiK us. . . . Maine im...^K-li ''","'"'"' ""P'i"e 
 possible stndjVb ilsWe^ '"" "''« "as a 
 and fruitful Iba anrin ,1,' '.,,\ """ '''■'"^ i'-fresliUK 
 seiences. .vt one m iterstroke w ' hr.'f'^''-' "^ ""-' '""■■"1 
 iiig hond between 1' w bisiorv in i .^*'..''' " "P^^ "'"' '"sl- 
 prudence itself bai l"',' me h Mn I ' ln''''r'''*-'>'- •'»"- 
 ol human societv ibr.ii mli all iis sf„ , "'H V'S Rrowtli 
 po-sible for law- tird'al will '?,f '•,"",',' ",'" "" '""ger 
 imposed on scijietie.s as it w r! b' • ■ ' * ' ''"''■•'' 
 resenil,lnnces and diV-ren oeso I b us'''^''!?!,'''''' ''"■ "'« 
 ties to be regarded a.seas iil " « (iw^ol dincrcnt .s<,cie- 
 0^«rf J.rlu%cs o',i oX^it^ri's p";S""™ ''"'■'"'" ^ 
 ^".nS,*!:'': mltf::" ^ ■""«« = "« "-'or,- „nd 
 ; ^^ Ma.r, Mrs. A. Helen Bh.ntyre, Lon., im, 2 vols. 
 e,nl"lid'a^Q":L':'coile'l"r"' 'T'"''' ''""'"'''' ""I 
 I.on.. .S8«, cr.S,:o7Tor;mt;, J^ J^""-'' ^ "^ D™„,„, 
 f**7«*p , Il 
 i-I>ecls of Po|mi„-r (iovernmen,. 
 "■■•i'-Alh., No. 8027. ''"8"'"' Kadicala have as yet | „.Mair, \Y. W. ni„'„„. ,r , _ 
 .........;„ on 'The I „, - - -..., 
 lie Niitiir*^ ,,f IK-. "!ir E.|r,e:ttional ra,ii,iiutiits r,,,,' is'-..' <, 
 .^fe article, but ! ^Iair,^R„ben SJa^el^A^IS:; ^^l^f.'^.^^L., ,„to 
 I Church of Scotland, Edi1,7,,ssr;r8vo, 
 ^iF^'Kl'L^'"'" "'"""K to the 
 Miiisch, John Michael, b. 18:!1, in Hanau, Oer- 
 muny ; professor of miiteria meilieii nnd botany in the 
 Philadelphia College of I'hariiiacy since 1807. A Manual 
 of Oiganio Materia MeJiea; beinf? a Oiiide to the Materia 
 Mcdioa of the Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms. lUust. 
 Phila., 1H82, 12mo; 2d ed , ISSo. 
 IMaitlnnd, A. J. My First Command: a True 
 Story of the Sua, l.on., 1 f<84, cr. 8vo. 
 Maitland, Agnes C> 1. £lsie : a Lowland Sketch. 
 By A. C. M. Lon., lSr5, p. 8vo. 2. A Woman's Vic- 
 tory, Lon., 1S76, :) vols. or. 8vo. Anon. li. Madge 
 Hilton; or, Left to Them:<olvja, Lon., 1883, p. Svo. 4. 
 Rhoda: a Novel, Lon., 1886, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. 3. After- 
 noon Tea Book : How to make Toa, Ac, Lon., 1887, sq. 
 Ifirao. fi. Cookery Primer, for School and Home Use, 
 Lon., 1887, p. «vo, 7. Nellie O'Neil ; or, Our Summer 
 Time, Lon., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 Alaitland, Itev. Brownlow, M.A., graduated at 
 Trinity College, Cambridge, 18,'!7! ordained 1811 ; min- 
 ister of Bruns'iick Chapel, Marylebone, 1849-7(1. 1. 
 The Argument from Prophecy, Lon., 1877, p. fvo. 2. 
 Scepticism and Faith : Papers on the (Jrounds of Belief, 
 Lon., 1877, 12mo. :i. Theism or Agnosticism ; Grounds 
 of Belief in (iod, Lon., 1878, 12mo. 4. Steps to Faith : 
 Addresses on some Points in the Controversy »ith Un- 
 belief, Lon., 1880, l2mo. 5. The Great Passion Prophecy 
 Vindicated, Li n., 1884, cr. Svo. fi. Miracles, (" Helps to 
 Belief,") Lon., 1886, sq. 16mo. 
 lUaitlaud, Christal V 
 Novel, N. York, 188;i, l2mo. 
 Alaitland, Edward, b. 
 brother of Rev. Brownlow .Miiitland, mi/ini, and of Dr. 
 Cliiirlea Maitland, ('iu,V, vol. ii. ;) graduated at Caius Col- 
 lege, Cambriilge, 1847. He hud intended to take holy 
 orders, but, becoming engagfd in a train of intellectual i 
 speculation, he went abroail. and I'ftor ten years, spjnt 
 chielly in California and Au; ralia, returned to England 
 and devoteil himseif to literature, " with the dominant 
 aim o( so ileveloping rhe intuitional faculty as to find the 
 solution of all problems having their basis in man's spir- 
 itual nature, with a view to the formulation of a perfect 
 system of thouglii and rule of life." His efforts towards 
 the attainment of this end were greatly facilitated by 
 the renunciatiim of flesh food and all stimulating articles 
 of diet, '• the result of the change (which wai. made at 
 the suggestion of Mrs. Anna Kingsford) being so to sen- 
 sitize tlie mt.ilal surfaces as to vastly >nhance the faculty 
 of ideation and onvei't thought into perception." 1. 
 The Pilgrim and the Shrine; or, Passages from the Life 
 and Correspondence of Herbert Ainslie, IJ.A. Cantab., 
 Lon., 1867, I) vols. p. 8vo. Anon. 
 " The aiiunymous editor— the Master of the CereniDiiies, 
 as he calls himself in the short preface, who simply iiitro- 
 diiees ' parties whom he deems worthy of each other's 
 acciuaiiitaiice,' and then retires— tells us tliat the book is 
 'the simple record of an actual life of o'lrday.' Wo see 
 no reason to disbelieve him. The simpl.oity of the story, 
 its verv want of coneentrallon, the earnestness and evi- 
 A Woman's Web : 
 1824, at Ipswich, Eng. 
 bar nt Lincoln's Inn 1876; reader in English law at the 
 University of Cambridge. 1. Pleas of the Crown fur 
 the County of Gloucester, Lon., 1884, Svo. 2. Justiiu 
 and Police. (" English Citizen" Ser.,) Lon., ISS.'i, p. Sv,. 
 "The .s\ilijeet of the book is defined to be 'those insti- 
 tutions and proi'csses whcreliy' the • law is enforeeii.' . . 
 Mr. .Maitland haa succeeded to ailmirutlon."— .Sa(. Jit-v.. ]x. 
 3, (Ed.) Select Pleas in Manorial and other Seignorial 
 Courts: vol. i., Reigns of Henry III. and Edward 1., 
 ^Selden Soc. Pub..) 1888, sm. 4to. 
 "It Is always a pleasure to review Professor Maitl«nd'> 
 work. One ia sure to meet in it either new facts, or ai 
 least old facts presented in a novel li|,'ht. In the NoUuiu- 
 before us the eonclusicms he arrives at are as ori);inHl «> 
 they are imporuuit, and the evidence on which they tiic 
 biuibd is effectively and skilfnlly nmrshallud."— A'/iff. Ilfsi. 
 Kev., V. rm. 
 Maitland, Henry. Recollections of my Early 
 Scottish Home, Edin., 1S76, Svo. Anon. 
 Maitland, J< A. Fuller. Schumann, ("Oreut 
 Musicians,") Loh., 1884, p. Svo. 
 "This little work . . . deserves success, if only for llic 
 straightforward and sympathetic way in which the aulli ir 
 . . . has written it."— ,S(i(. Kev., Ivili. 41.j. 
 Maitland, James A., [uiiie, vol. ii., add.] I. 
 Snrtanje: a Tale of Norway, N. York, ISiS, 12mo. L'. 
 The Lawyer's Story. 3. The Old Patroon. 4. Tliico 
 Maitland, Julia Charlotte, [auir, vol. ii., ml ! ; 
 1. The Doll and her Friends. 2. Cat and Dog; ..;, 
 Memoirs of Puss and the Captain : a Story founded nn 
 Fact. must. Lon., ls,')4, p. Svo. 
 Maitland, Ucv. Samuel Rofley, D.D., [»ii(.. vd. 
 ii., add.,] d. 1866, 1. Essay on Superstition and Sciirn'is 
 Lon., 1858, 12mo. 2. Notes on Strype, Gloucester, IJii;;., 
 1838. Printed for private circulation. 3. Reprint .f 
 the Supplication to James I. for Toleration, Lon.. iMln, 
 sm. 4to. 
 Mtuendie, JiUdy Margaret Elizabeth, h. 
 1850; daughter of the twenty-hlth Earl of Crawfcud; 
 married, 1870, to Lewis Ashurst Miijendie. 1. Giiiii- 
 nctto, Lon., 1875, p. Svo. 2. Dita, Lon., IS77, |i. 
 Svo. 3. Fascination; a Novel, Lon., 1880, 2 vols. cr. 
 Svo. 4. The Turn of the Tide: a Novel, Lon., lss|, ;; 
 vols. cr. Svo. 5. Once More, Lon., 1883, |). Svo. 6. (hit 
 of their Element: a Novel, Lon., 1884, 3 vols. cr. Svi. 
 7. Sisters-in-Law, Lon., 1883, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 8. On 
 the Scent; a Story, Lon., 1SS7, p. Svo. 'J. Precautions: 
 a Novel, L(m., ISS7, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Mi^endie, C'apt. Vivian Uering, 1. Up nlll..n^' 
 the Pandics; or, A Year's Service in India, Lon., Is.V.i, 
 p. Svo; new cd., 1861, 12mo. 2. Aminuniticm : a De- 
 scriptive Treatise on Projectiles; new cd , Lon.. Isfir, 
 Svo. With Bitow.NK, Cai'T. C. A. Military liniM'li. 
 Loading Rifles, Lon., lS6i), Svo. 
 .Mivjor, A. F. A Throw of the Dice: an Ai.iiciit 
 Tale Retold, Lon., 18SS, 12mo. 
 Major, tieorge .Macdonald. The Peril of the 
 dent siheerity with which the fiehl of speculation is delved ' R'T"l>lic, and other Poems, X York and Lon . ISs I. i,, 
 and dug, givl a .;reat air of reality to the « hole piTform- Miyor, Henry. Letters to an Episcopalian on il 
 ancc. . . . We recognize ill tlie author of 'The Pilgrim and Origin, History, and Doctrine of the Book of ( 
 the ^^hriiie' an artist who approaches very near to the ideal 
 tliiit his brilliant pages disclose."— .S'ni. Rfi\, .\xv. 181. 
 '• Whetlier we reniird it as a book of travels, or the true 
 history of a romantic life, or a tliounhtf'iil and pliilo.s'iplii- 
 cal essay, it is equally reinark'ible and attractive."- A(/i., 
 No. 21l)(i. 
 2. Higher Law : a Ron •>T,ee, Lon., 1869, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 Anon. 3. Jewish Litcvture and .Modern Education; 
 or. The Use and Misuse of the Bible in the School- 
 Room, Lon., 1S72, Svo. Previously printed for private i Hook for Boys and Girls, 
 circulation. 4. By-and-By: an Historical Romance of j Also, school-books. 
 the Future, Lon., 1873, 3 vols. p. Svo. 5. The Keys of [ M^or, Joseph. 1. Theory and Practice of l.iiiid- 
 the Creeds, Lon.', 1876, cr. Svo. 6. England and Islam ; i scape Gardening, Lon., 1833, 4to, 2. Ladies' Assistant 
 or. The Council of Caiaphas, Lon.. 1877, p. Svo. 7. The \ in the Formation of their Flower-Gardcn, Lon., isdl, Jf". 
 Soul, and how it found ine: being a Narrative of Personal ! Major, Richard Henry, F.S.A., [nntr, vol. ii., 
 Experience, F-on., 1877, p. Svo. S. "The Woman" and i add.,] b. ISIS, in London : was placed in chart"' of llie 
 the Age, Lon., 1881. (An argument against vivisection.) \ maps and charts in the Printed Book DepartnunI "1 the 
 9. How the World came to an End in 1881, Lon., 1884. \ British Mu...eum in 1814, and on the collecli"" li'in? 
 10. The New 'lliiiiiination, Lon., 1887. Pamph. See, \ raised into a department, in 1867, was appointel ii(T|iiT. 
 also, KiMJSKoiii), Ax.VA, Hii/)ri(. j He was honorary secrotiiry of the Hakluyt Soei'tv |sl!l- 
 Maitland, EHcnor J. S. Poems, Lon., 1863, 58, anil vice-president of the Royal (Jcogniphieui .-■mioi.v 
 12mo. 18S|_84; is a ine:nbcr of various learned siwii'tii's, ii 
 Maitland, V. Building Estates, (" Weale's" Ser.,) 1 Knight Cotninnndor of the Crown of Italy nnd "!' tin' 
 Lon., 18^3, I2ni". ; PortugucJC Order of a.antiago, ,%c. 1. (Eil.j Iv-y \i'-.v- 
 .Mnitland, Frederick Thomnn*. Bal I- Practice ' ages to Terra Australia: a Collecti(m of D •ouinints, 
 with Mnsket iin 1 Minie Rifle, Lon., 1854, 12mo. (Hakluyt Soc.,) Lon , 18,59, Svo. 2. On the lus.'.ivery 
 Maitland, Frederic William, M.A., b. 1850 ; of Australia by the Portuguese in 1601, (llnkhi.vt .■'oo.,) 
 graduateil at Trinity College, Cambridge; called to the i Lon., 1S61, Svo. 3. Life of Prince Henry of P'Ttugal, 
 Prayer. By Augustin liede, [pseud.] Bait., IsCill, 
 Ml\ior, Henry. Jephtha, and other Poems 
 1863, 12mo. 
 Ma,ior, Henry. Afghanistan, Lon., 1879, 12ino. 
 i Miuor, Henry, B.Sc, inspector of Leicester II. inl 
 ' Schools. 1. How to Earn the Merit Grant : 8,'1i-.hI 
 .Management. Parts I. and II. Lon., 188;i. 2. II"" V' 
 Manage Schools, Lon., 1884, I6ino. 3. Up the X\W: a 
 - ■ ' - ■ -• • Illusr. Lon., 1886, TJino. 
 Lon.. I8fi8, 8v« "' ^'""""y "^ "a'f the World, 
 i"'t'.Veho,U-o'Fri^f.5^',tt?f,''Phe'- "as been .so fortunate 
 HI hisseleetio.i <)fl "lure lien rv ^T.' Ih' •\ ■"■ ""J'"- '"'« '^een 
 never before handle Ly m kLmJ '^S"''*' f I'"'''. It i» one 
 for whleh tliere was a rei s m,, hfi "Titer; next, it isone 
 hand; and, Anally tleKrh^J^,?!''"'" "^ ™"terial« t 
 tlie Ittbonr be»t,.we, ,Vil,r , f,l', ? "'"•■ "t'll worthy of 
 eatlnKhi.scharacter ( in „,',*• "saclions ami deihi. 
 HakluvtSo,. P„i. 1 r . _ 7 ,. "? •'•"<' B6then- 
 A. Zeno to the N frthern s '"''"r ^™"'«'-« N- and 
 the substance of h XmerlvorU '.", " f"'""" '"'••" »f 
 " He is determine] IfTssiW ^>'"! "'" ?"""' Mbjeet.) 
 maritime a.^hieve neiits Km^,' ^^ ■■*'""*■ "'at the splendid 
 Am^li'a and Aus ral", t le . i i '^'^ '.'"'V ^^^ Jlseove y, f 
 Ihe Molnc..a.^am u'c>o reumUv'ii', '' '"'^i '^'"'"". and 
 eomi)res.sed into a wriuirvv,.n. *'?'""'' ?-^ "'^ Klobb, all 
 nnaKination and pe^everl.'.cG of ," i'''",'"*' ''"« '" tlie 
 »'l"'it that the ai thor h™ nm,l5 ?,o""*''' '"'"> We 
 and we may say of his wrk a if ''' " '"'y, X""" ease^ 
 n^jells ,. a great deal in a ^Xil^^^i 'S'liiS;;"^' 
 theTJfra'nd i .•rlef."!';;':^"' ^'"^; \^^"^-Book to 
 18«-», sq. Ifin,;.*^* ^""''^"■•I''ano.Forte Students, Lon., 
 Lo;^, ;h«I, p. ,1. 2d ed. enl 4 *""''='• ^""^'• 
 ittalabari, Behramii m n . 
 editorof theIn"rnSnZtn; 'a*-^"/'' "^ H-.nbay; 
 riitis: Pictures of \l..n J ,V ""Jar'tt and fje (Juia- 
 Bo„>bay, IfllsT er s™!° """^ ^'^"""'°' """=° f""" L'fe, 
 lm:^in?,e i>reJ!:;i,';!^:?';ily^'\Jf{;P"f a British Indian prov- 
 .\tiU(iii. xlvil, 7« wnieh we are aequai:itea "— 
 R^J''-"'"^^. S„.'''"'"<'^'— it. Cause and 
 leg!!''i''u™i„"?8^97j'/j'^^™;i g™^ualed at Trinity Col- 
 iJ'^^ib.vhire, since 187? B^'l ',*"''/■ T'' "^ B'>''ton, 
 -^;e;r Wes, with thos^':f --^ --:„^-;^; 
 I'^x.K 12mo. 2. SeareHnJV ''.>"""'.'" '^'^J^ses, Lon., 
 fn Missions, Un I STfi'^J*' '-''?• '^^ South Afri- 
 Sketches from Li?o in th« « .'•"•. ^ *"'* Comrades ; 
 12ino. ° '" "'^ J^'-'t'sh Army, Lon., 187« 
 vicar of Broadwindsor L.„ *"• Calcutta, I8;^8-40; 
 S«n-(,.2e King, „r Tri temi rV ' ^""I'l ^^" Threefold 
 """K Missionary, Lon., 18i8, 12mo. 
 I 6. (Trans.) Meditations and Praver, „p «. r. u 
 from the Russian Lon Ihmi !?■* "' S'- Ephrem; 
 '"ospel according to S^'riho* f '""• J' ''^™"»-) The 
 Verrions, except^, he Latin wi'lhT, "■«, '^'''^'•■" Oldest 
 8. (Trans.) A Ma aual of Da" ! P^,"''"' *"- ^""- '882. 
 menian and otl,e, Ea, ern ( nVin^'",' ^'""^ ""> ^r- 
 (Trans.) Meditatio, s on 0", Lofd?"',^' ¥°- 1^. 9. 
 Armenian of .M„tthfv V„;, "k > 1 '^"»»i"n ! from the 
 Philosophy or ■ ' uth ' U. 1, ' '""- '**"''' '^-''">- 10. 
 tures b, theDeanof \Vc" ,'r„ ? "" "l" *''"' ^'^o Lee 
 of the(}eorgian ChurcT from h„ p ^F"'""') History 
 Han, Lon., I.swi. 12? (Trar, P ^"'""" "^ P- •'""^e- 
 fjriac of.>.. Ephrem Lon K6"''''iH'''r\/^™' "^° 
 i.on., I,s67,p. So. 14 A„ n, r ' ^" I*""aM.'^m, fro-nfa Chris ianPoi^rorv"' "'," "^^'-V Jewish 
 5. (Tmus.) Sermons by Z rM im' ''""r 'f''"' '''■°- 
 from the (, IK / « ,t ''"'' of Imereth; 
 Every Day in Lent ' 1 P . '^/"""'^ Thoughts fo; 
 l.m., IS6,-?. ir. rr.a )^l"h'"7r''''''^^ ""■' l»ivine, 
 Gregory the Ilium n to •f™,",h ""/ '^''"'^« "' St- 
 l«fi>i. 18. Tl,„ .1.,,. J;""^' '^""" the Armenian, Lon., 
 l«fi^. IS The IIiv«: '■ "'""' "■« Artnenian, Lon 
 according to Ser tnre .'r!'"""' "^ ''"' ''ord's 
 1888. p. 8-0. ».' A *Plea ;',r.? "";' 'I" ^"i"'- L"..-, 
 and for the Received Text n 1 " ^""""i^^i Version 
 Canterbury, Un.,'!!/, '2mo arrx" ""i ^r™" "^ 
 tion in the Christian Faith fr,',, i (Trans.) Instruc- 
 1869. 21. (Tran8\ The T •', """ Armenian, Lon., 
 menian Church "from the i";"^^' ■'' "'? ^'"""'"^ Ar-' 
 22. (Trans.) Diffe ences bet^^ellT"! ^'""■' ^^'^- 8v". 
 'ireek Churches; from the « '.'"-' '^""^•"ian and the 
 (Trans.) The Co iflic" of h„ ','?""; ''""• '»"'• 2''- 
 ryphal Book of thl. Ear v L' "'^ 'Jr''*'^- »" ^poc- 
 ISn, ]8mo. 24. (Trans lM^'"'"u^''"™''' *«■- Lon., 
 from the Japanese Lo„ m"""'.'-''^''"!"'"^**' «i^l 
 New Translation of the At ,„ ■ 2"- ^i^liop Ellicotfs 
 26. (Trans ) The rl, ^""'"a^ian Creed, lon., 1872 
 Armenian Church ?romtr a"' '"''■'"' "' '"e Orthodox 
 The Parables of n.,r r !i ^''""'"'""' Lou., 1872. "7 
 Jfon, Lon. l8?^,^2"';.oK''lo:^r'"^^^' ^"""'^y Chll': 
 vine Liturgy of St Mai-:, 7 r ' ' (Trans.) The Di- 
 Lon.. '8r2,r2mo. 29 (T a'n 'T'a h" ^''^ 9^'''" ^^^■' 
 niHl o- their Church • from ^hi a "'.''"Oof the Copts 
 . KI-Mac,r,,,I.. with No'tes, ?on ,t?f '"..f ,\ac,i ed-Lin 
 Coptic Calendar; from an Arnhi^Ms' '^^ (Trans.) The 
 1873. ,Sl. (Trais ^Thn H? ,^ *"'• ' "'''' Notes, Lon , 
 Every Sund'ay Z iltl^ /ea.y 'trV"' ^'A'"''"- '"^ 
 Lon., 1874. 32. ( Trans IThlir =* ' f™"' -^ Coptic MS,, 
 Divine Liturgy of S Grlo v ,^ t^ ^'•XoMycou an,l the 
 Old Coptic M8., Lon IsTvl I ^ ^"''^"S'-"^ : from an 
 Lord's f .Sr":'^^!^^' 'rsc':ipt'u."e''r''^'" """"^"- 
 . |aith, Lon., 1880. ;j.i The v <'r"imiiar, and the 
 Saviour explained to C^unvrbM '" "/ "^ Lord and 
 36. Seven Chapters o? th^Hp, ■■'"■ ^J""- l"**"' '2>ao. 
 Lon., 1881. 37' s,.i ", '"«,.«cvi8ion of 1881, revised 
 S- Matthew, la ;iy t. bl" ifd'r .1" '1^ '''"''^ '''-^' » ' 
 and Hort, revised^ ion. ,4 's^'it''- ^^^•.^^■-™tt 
 Jester, 188H, 8vo. Consr,ence, [a novel,] Lei- 
 Malcolm. Mrs 1 /T 
 Oustav FreytJg [o^. si? Tv' '""■' ""'' ^^=""' "^^ 
 Pictures of^Qefmau"£ife'^^' the t.-f,''' A"" ^^ C^'^""'-) 
 teenth Centuries, by GusirvPr *•'"," '» "'« Nine- 
 vols. 8vo. 3. (Trans ^ThpT .7/"'^' ^'"'- 1882-6.% 4 
 , Frejta,,, Lon., 18™"': Tf/ Lost Manuscript, by Gusti* 
 , Malcolm.A. « 1 T,P'c •• 
 ;>vith Suggestions foj i// ,,^i"'""'"-y State of Belfast, 
 ) Inquiry Soe. Pub., J e f ..^r/iri"""'' (B^'fa-'t S^'"» 
 since l,S(i(i, I, Post «':.„! '"'"^r" ^'- Luke's, Dentford 
 ; «d.,^ Walsall, i873" ' I'Touth^flTli' ^""^ '"^ "- 
 ; 187.'.. ■=• "uthful Responsibility, Lon., . 
 J ' 
 Maiden, A. M. IIcurt-Breathings : Short Com- 
 inenliirii's on a I'oilion of Haliii oxix., Iion., ISSO, ISmo. 
 Mnldcn, C. K. Brief Notes of Scripture and 
 Priiyt'i-Duok Lussims, Lon., 18SI, 12mi). 
 IMaldeii, Henry Klliiit. 1. i'liilip Ashton, nml 
 other I'ociii?, I.un., 1871, iL'iiin. '2. I'oeriiu, Lun., 1879, 
 |). Svo. :i. Vieimii, l(!s:t : the History nml Cuiiseiiucnces 
 of tlie Defeat of the Turks before Vienna bv ,lohn 
 Sobieski, Kill); of Poland, and Charles Loopold, Duke 
 of l.orraine, l/nn., l^'SH, p. Syo. 
 '■ Although v.- _' cannot attoniiit to enter hero upon the 
 many Interesl ?, specnlatioiis wlileli Mr. Mablen's volume 
 exeitesand g'-. far to-.vanls solviiiK'. «e ciiii express our 
 sense of tlie wry useful service lie liiis rendered Ijy reeall- 
 ill!.', and so well describinn, the pietiiresiiueiiuil iniporlant 
 eiilsndc in the liistory of ICurupe tliiit eentred round the 
 sieKO and relief of Vienna."— .^lyxdo/of, Ivi, 1W>». 
 •I. The Cliureii of Knjjland : a I>eeture delivered at 
 Dorking, l,on., ISSli, Svo. With M.u.TiK.v, E. E., I'rinees 
 and I'rinees.-es, (Two Kairy-Tale.",) Lon., 1.'<7.S, 12mo. 
 Malet, Capt., ISth Hussars. Annals of the Road; 
 or, Note.< on Mail- and Stage-Coaching in Great Britain ; 
 to which are added E.^siiys on the Roail, by Nimrod, 
 liOn.. 187(1, .''vo. (The " Essay.s" by " Niiurod" (C. J. 
 Apperley) are reprint:' from former publication.''.) 
 "A great iiart of the caiitain's liciok is mere eompilatioi.. 
 . . . Nevertlieless. I're is instrncli'in a.s well as aniuse- 
 meiit ill ills pages.' -.l//i., No. 'S^'M. 
 Mnlet, Sir Alexander Charles, liart., K.(?.B., 
 1 ,S(iO-18,'<rt, son of Sir Charles Warre Malet, lirst Baronet ; 
 graduated at Christ Churcli, Oxford, 1822; entered the 
 diplouiatie service 1821, and was minister tn the German 
 Confederation tnr fourteen years. The fjverthrow of the 
 Germiin Confederation in I'siifi, Lon., 1870, Svo. . ] 
 Malet, Arthur, b. 18Uf) ; son of Sir C. W. Malet, Bart. 
 1. A Metrical Version of the Psalms, Lon,, lSfi3, Itimo. 
 2. (Trans.) The ^neid of Virgil, in English Verse, Asb- 
 cott, 1881), 4to. 80 copies only, privately centographed. 
 3. The Books of Job, Ecelesiastes, and Ilevelation, in Eng- 
 lish Verso; also, Solomon and his Bride: a Drama, Lon., 
 ISS3, p. Svo. 1. Notices of an English Branch of the 
 Malet Kiimilv, Ac., Lon., I8,s,^, Svo. 
 Malet, li. V. 1. The Circle of Light; or, Dhawa- 
 legeri, Lon., IStiS, p. Svo. 2. New Pages of Natural 
 History, Lon., 186S, Svo. S. The Interior of the Earth. 
 Lon., 1(<70, p. Svo. 4. Incidents in the Biography of 
 Dust, Lon., 1S77, p. Svo. 5. "Sunlight:" the Making 
 of this Solar System, Belfast, 1884. 
 Malet, .1. C. On a Class of Invariants, (Philosoph- 
 ical Tninsactions,) Lon., 188.S, 4to. 
 " Malet, Lucas," (Pseud.) See Hakiiison, Mns. 
 Marv, Kii/irit. 
 Malet, Rev. William Wyndhain, LiOi-lssii, 
 son of Sir C. W. Malet, Bart. ; graduated in civil law at 
 Magdalen Hall, Oxford, 1835 ; ordained 18:!j; vicar of 
 Ardeley 1843-8.i. 1. An Errand to the South; or, A 
 Six Months' Visit to the Carolinae and Virginia in 1862, 
 Lon., 18()3, 12ino. 
 "Mrs. Kemblc. in 1S;«, saw slavery all couleur de nnir 
 throutfh the medium of her husband's plantation in 
 <.ieorgia. Mr. Malet, on the contrary, in 1862. .sees slavery 
 all coiitecr de rose throiii;li the medium of his wife's sister's 
 [ilantation in South t.'arolina. . . . Those who love some- 
 thiiiK mild and clerical, and are not too particular as to 
 grammar, will tind his ' Krrand to the South' very much to 
 their heftrts' content."— A'(«. Ker., xvi. 28. 
 2. "The Olive Leaf:" a Pilgrimage to Rome, Jeru- 
 salem, and Constantinople, Lon., 1868, p. Svo. 
 Malhain, George. Siilicho; or. The Impending 
 Fail of Rome; a Tragedy, Lon., 1S«I), 12mo. 
 Maling, E. A. 1. In-Door Plants, and how to grow 
 them, Lon., ISfil, fp. Svo. 2. Song-Birds, and how to 
 keeji them, Lon., I8BI, fp. Svo. 3. Flowers for Orna- 
 ment and Decoration, Lon., 1862, 12mo. 4. Bird- and 
 Flowers; or. The Child's (iuido to Gardening, Ao., Lon., 
 1862, I2uio. 5. Crag.stone Cottage; or. Life in the 
 Country, Lon., 1862, 12iuo. 6. Flowers for Window 
 Gardens, Lcm., 1862, 12nio. 7. Gourds for the Many; 
 how to grow and cook them, Lon., 1862, 12mo. 
 Malins, Joseph. Professor Alcoholico : a Tem- 
 perance Poem, Lon., 1 876, Svo. 
 Mallary, C. O., D.D. Soul Prosperity : its Nature, 
 its I'ruits, and its Culture, Charleston, S.C, 1860, 12mo. 
 Mallary, Mrs. M. Jeanie. Horace Wilde, Phila., 
 1868, 12m.,. 
 Mallery, iiarriuk, LL.l!., b. 1831, at Wilkc; Barre, 
 Pa.; graduated at Yale ISoO; admitted to the bar 1853 ; 
 served in the civil war ; was appointed secretary of slate 
 and adjutant-general of Virginia, with the rank of brig- 
 adier-general, in 1870; bad charge of the Signal Service 
 Bureau till 1S76, and was afterwan.s einplnyei, to niiike 
 ethnological investigations among the Indians. I. ,.\. 
 Ciilendar of the Dakota Nation, Wash., 1877. 2. Tlic 
 Former and Present Number of our Indians, Sulem, 
 1878. 3. Introduction to the Study of Sign-Laiigiiii;;e 
 niiiong the North Amoriciin Indians, as illustrating the 
 Gesture-Siicech of Mankind, Wash., 188(1, Ito. 4. lii- 
 ture Signs and Signals of the North American Indiiin-, 
 1880. 5. Sign-Language among the North AnicriL'ar 
 Indians compared with that amimg other Peoples iiici 
 Deaf- Mutes, IS,'' I. 0. Pictographs of the North Amei- 
 ican Indians, Iss;!. 
 .llallcson, Itev. I'rcderic Amadens, M..\ . 
 graduated at 'Trinity College, Dublin, 18,'j3; orduimi 
 1853; vica" of Broughton-in-Furness since 18711. Hi' 
 has translr ted souie of the Erckmann-Chatrian novels, 
 and has edited Butler's Analogy, Paley's Evidences and 
 Hone Paulina', Taylor's Holy Living and Dying, and 
 Dodd.'idge's Rise and Progress, fi>r tlic " Cliristinii 
 Knowledge" Series, 1876-70; also Raskin's Letters o. 
 the Clergy on the Lord's Prayer and the (,'hiiich, wilh 
 Essays and Conrnen's, ISSO. 1. (Trans.) TheWon'lc- 
 ful 'Travellers: containing "A Journey to the Intcri'H 
 of the Earth," and " Five Weeks in a Balloon," L..11.. 
 1877, 2 parts, 8vo. 2. Jesus Christ: his Life and hi^ 
 Work. Illust Ion., 1880, cr. Svo. '.',. The Acts and 
 Epistles of St. Paul, Lon., 1881, Svo. 
 Malleson, Col. tJcorge Bruce, C.S.I.. b. 1S2., ; 
 educated at Wimbledon and Winchester; obtiiined a 
 cadctship in the Bengal army 1842; was sanit.iry com- 
 missioner to the government of India 1866-68 ; controller- 
 general of the military finance dc]iartincnt ISO!); guiu- 
 ilian of the Maharajah of Jlysore 1860-77. He iittiiiiicd 
 the rank of colonel in 1874. 1. 'The Mutiny nf the Bin- 
 gal Army, Lon., 1S57, Svo. Anon. ('This piiiii]ihlct. 
 originally intended for publication a.< a magazine arli- 
 cle, was issued in a red cover, and, being strongly nd- 
 vcrse to the iiolicy of Lore', Dalhousic and cited in dcbiitcs 
 in Parliament, acquired notoriety as "The Red I'liiii- 
 phlet." Sec Ciiaiii.ks, siipni.) 2. History of 
 the French in India, from the Pounding of Pondichcrry 
 in 1674 to the Cipture of that Place in 1761, Lcm., iMis, 
 " 'I'lie author of this volume, not satisfied with tliiil very 
 siilticient rule, 'extenuate nothing, nor set down a\ii;lil in 
 malice' shows himself in every jiiige a strong piiriiNin of 
 the Krench, and is continually breaking inln sitihs mid 
 lamentations at their want of success, , . , He iiiis had the 
 advantage of consulting the Kreiiih archives, and his vol- 
 ume forms a useful supplement to Otme."—Atli., No. ■Jlii7. 
 3. Recreations of an Indian Oftieial, Lon., 1872, p. 
 Svo. (Contains biographical articles on eminent Anglo- 
 Indians, and other papers, reprinted fnun periodicals.) 
 4, Studies from (ienoese History, Lon., 1875, p. Svo. 5. 
 An Historical Sketch of the Native States of India in 
 Subsidiary Alliance with the British Government. Lcn.. 
 1875, Svo. 6. Essays and Lectures on Indian Ili.'^toriiiiil 
 Subjects; 2d ed., Lon., 1876, Svo. 7, Final French 
 Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas; with im 
 Appendix containing an Account of the Expeditinns 
 from India to Egypt in 1801, Lon., 1878, p. Svo; now 
 cd., 1SS4 
 " Colonel Malleson is always painstaking, and gencrelly 
 accurate; his style is transparent ; and he never liises siuhl 
 of the iiurpose with which he commenced to write. "-.sii( 
 J\'ev., xlv, .5(i4. 
 8. Jli-tory of the Indian Mutiny, 1857-58: com. 
 luoncing from the Close of the Secimd Vidunie of Sir 
 John Kaye's History of the Sepoy War, Lon., 1878-80, 
 3 vols. Svo, 
 "Faulty and inadequate as was Sir John Kayo's per- 
 formance of his work, we arc bound to say Ihiit 11 whs hi 
 least superior to this continuation of it. . . . \Nc Imyc 
 never read a book with any pretensions of this s'lrl m 
 i which the writer's want of judgment and incoiiipcUiicy 
 I for the ofllce were more conspicuous."— A'u(. Jiei:, xlv. iW, 
 , and xlviii, 388, 
 I i). History of Afghanistan, ^om the EarliesI Period 
 j to the War of 1878, Lon., 1S79, Svo ; 2d ed. same year. 
 " Though without the power of consulting oritsiiml au- 
 thorities, he has had no lack of good second-haii'i mate- 
 rials. ... He devotes about three hundred and 'iliy piit-'es 
 to the historv of the Afghans down to the asccii.ii'i" y ot 
 the Harukzves, and leaves only a hundred tor inc nrsi 
 British Invasion, for the p<dicy of abstention aftci our re- 
 i tiremcnt In 1842, and for the more stirring eycias ol tlio 
 last two years." -Aa<, lia:, xivii, ."iOs, 
 10. (Ed.) The Kabul Insurrection of 1841-12. By 
 Vincent Eyre. Lon., 1879, p. 8vc. (The 1st ol, is en- 
 tered under the author's name, oiitr, vol. i.) 11, ''"J'^'' 
 the Granary and Garden of Central Asia, Lon,, 1880, 
 Ti "'.■ "■' *"" ''ounaers (if thn 
 12. Tho Pounders of tK„ r i- _ MAL 
 g«. "n.l WclleX; U ,1 pm";''? ""'I''^"- five, > Klvon in two Ian- , 
 -^'^ ':"1f' ;"^:"-. '^erUina,.,. 
 ri..«tK."-.-,s>frt„<„,, ,; »,"mt (,f ilncHulays bril!i„,,t ^.J^'/jf 
 anil <.,,i.,,....i. '".'"ifi-ii, . , fiirgiviiifr 
 •1"^ »tu.k.n a ;■ . ';',^i;n^'r ' "^'cuiaiu;!, ?;^;, „H-i„. 'Mann,,.;'- T'' ""■' iii;,;: ■ ;;,r°'''"' ^""•' '«83, 
 ol (ferniany, from (Iih Oo'il ,' '''• ^ •"> J*i"tlo-Fiol(is 
 ","'',; '-""•. l."*.v(, ,«vo """""•""• with Maps ft„a One 
 -e .ijan 'i^m.f ',?; ™ J^^ 'T """•^'^'f '" '"« narrative of 
 ".&^f d''S"'- -iirrLivir i~S 
 tng., ami nephew on liiV 31" C'mrl South Devon, 
 Jiimes Anthony ,. ^ ^ ■""'" "' 'li« historian 
 Oxford, whero^:e^t^;./;l;Vt™'e.J ^U liallio, C.Vloge" 
 ;'<"- in the final olas.'i " „ It,"",?:'".'"^' '' ^'•■""'"J 
 t" the Contemiiorary J!ovie,v n'?' . ^"^ ""ntributed 
 , yther poriodioals. ]f^ KveVv Vfiin ""n""" ''''"t"'-^. ""J 
 I Inspired Singer's Itecip.l.l ook"",';'^'^"" ^'^ ■ "' The 
 I '"""• 0.vf., 1872 Svo a" , •> " NcHdigate Prize- 
 or, Cullurn, Faith and l-l ?""• > " ^nc New Rep,)^ k?. 
 t^.,'Lon'. 18? y; t78r.j" 'T '-"«'i-^'' ^- 
 f" COMSldpruhl^ ;■ ' , "' '■'"0. 
 fw ,. '^'* ""■eaiiv Ittioi 
 ' nnd n/i,.,..,...^ ^ *^""iinuany stnirk win. *i . 
 "!":«' «=■* thJ iiteran- I .i "• '."S ™';9-« 
 •"1 ■■ the CheiuToVirrVni"' • ^''.'■e'n'"' ^'noe l.S8o:"""i , „, 
 ft r» --iv:";^^ti'ui':,lr;:' /I'^'^-'ogioa^co : 
 IV'^". 2. Hevision of thH? ""',!•"'""• ^'""•,1S6'' 
 ''>»• *-^ ■"'""t. Lon., 1862, 2 vols, r ' 
 •• \VI,,.f ; -^'^'''^^''- ■"••> ''"teentli and my twei 
 ii' ■««•*• •'•Ml 
 Contemporary Social Agitation in Englund, Lon,, 1884, 
 ]i. Hvo. 
 "Thepi'eseiit instftlmont of Mr. Mnllook'a defence of the 
 prdpertleii elassus consists of a reprint of tliree poleniieal 
 iirlirles from tlie ' Quiirterly Keview.' . . . Mr. Malloclc 
 lilscusses tlie question entirely from tlie position of an ad- 
 voente, not from tlmt of a judge. He is only eonoerned 
 to traverse all the eontentions of his op|>onent.s, whether 
 rlglit or wront;. and conveniently ignores any little Haws 
 in his own ease."— .IWi., N'o. 2y.''Ki. 
 10. Landlords and the National Income, Iion., 1884. 
 11. Atheieni and the Value of Life: Five Studies in 
 Contemporaneous Literature, Lon., 1884, p. 8vo. (Con- 
 tains artioloB reprinted from Reviews on " I'roftessor 
 ClilToru's Letters and Essays," " (leorge Kliot on the 
 Human Character," "Tennyson's Ballails and Poems," 
 " Natural Religion," and " Atheistic Methodism.") 12. 
 The Old Order Changes: a Novel, Lon., 1886, 3 vols. or. 
 Mnllon, Mrs. B. (Trans.) Andreas Heimborger; 
 or, Tlio .Minor of Berohtcsgaden, by Adoiph Stern, 
 Phila., 18?:!, 12mo. 
 .Mallory, iUrx. M. Jcanie. 1. Horace Wilde, 
 I'hila., 1808, 12mo. 2. El.sio Lee, Phila,, 1870, 16mo. 
 .'i. Aunt Clara's Schools, Phila., 1887, 12mo. 
 Malmcsbiiry, Earl of. See Haiikis. 
 iUalone, H. K. Account of the State of the Aus- 
 tralian Colonies, Lon., 1854, p. 8vo. 
 Malone, Sylvnter, M.R.I.A. Church History of 
 Ireland, f cjui the Invasion of the English in 116i) to 
 the lieginning of he Reformation in 15;i2, Dublin, 18<)7. 
 " He has evident. y Uiken pains to get up his subject, and 
 if the style of the liook is dry and tile subject itself unin- 
 viting, it contains within sliort compass a considerable 
 amount of useful information."— .Siif. Kct:, xxiv. ti71. 
 Malwiie, Walter. Claribol, and other Poems, Ox- 
 ford, Miss., lS8;i. 
 Malone, William Henry. 1. Treatise on Real 
 Property Trials : showing the Difference between the 
 Old Action of Ejectment and the Action to recover Real 
 Property, &e.. Wash., 1883, 8vo. 2. Criminal Briefs, 
 Bait., 1886, 8vo. 
 Maltby, William. Recollections of the Table- 
 Talk of Samuel Rogers : to which is added Porsoniana, 
 Lon., 185(1, 12nio. Anon. (This work is cited in vol. 
 ii. under " Rogers, Samuel," and is there said to have 
 been " compiled by the Rev. Alexander Dyce," by 
 whom it was only edited.) 
 Maltmaii, James, "a preacher of the Gospel." 
 Holiday Papers — Teetotaiism, Edin., 1888, 8vo. 
 "Mr. .Maltnum . . . fails upon teetotalers, and smites 
 them, taunts them, ridicules them, curses them."— .StU. 
 Kev.. ixv. 3(K). 
 .tlaltoii, William Dawe§. 1. Company and 
 Battalion Drill, Lon., 1858, 8vo. 2. Duties of Covering 
 Sergeants in Drill, Lon., 185.S 8vo. 3. Key to Field 
 Exercise and Evolutions of Infuntry, Lon., 1870, 16mo. 
 4. Elementary and Battalion Drill, 1870, Lon., 1872, sq. 
 16nio. 5. Key to the Queen's Regulations and Orders, 
 1873, Lon., 1874, sq. Itimo. 6. Duties of OIBcers and 
 Markers in Company and Battalion Drill. Lon., 1878, 
 16mo. 7. Manual for Foot and Mounte.i I'oints, Lon., 
 18811, Himo. 8. Majors and Adjutants: their Duties in 
 Battalion, Ac, Lon., 1SS4, sq. 16mo. 
 itialtus, James A. The Little Qarden of Divine 
 Love, Lon., 188.'), 12mo. 
 Man, Edward tiiarnct. 1. The Commerce and 
 Prospei'iof England, Lon.. 1880, 8vo. 2. The Present 
 Trade Crisis Critically Examined, Lon., 1885, 8vo. 
 Man, iUrs. Gother. The Downward Course: a 
 Tale of the Ten Commandments, Lo>- , 1887, 12mo. 
 JManahan, Kev. Ambrose, L.D. Triumphs of 
 the Catholic Church in the Early Ages, Lon., 1863, 
 IMander, S. S. Our Opium Trade with China, 
 Lon., 1877, Svo. 
 jTlaudley, G. F. Traotarianism no Novelty, Lon., 
 1854, 12mo. 
 Mandlcy, J. G. Women outside Christendom, 
 Lon., 1880, 8vo. 
 Manford, E. 1. Salvation not by Water Baptism, 
 Chic, 1S68, 16mo. 2. One Hundred and Fifty Reasons 
 for believing in the Salvation of Man, Chic, 1869, 16mo. 
 3. Twenty-Five Years in the West, Chic, 1870, 12mo. 
 With FiUNKi.iN, B., An Oral Debate on the Coming of 
 the Son of Man, Endless Punishment, and Universal 
 Salvation, Best., 1880. With Sweknev, , Discus- 
 sion on Universal Salvation and Future Punishment, 
 Chic, 1870, 12mo. 
 ManKnall, J. Mechanical Drawing: with Instruc- 
 tions, Lon., 1X73, 4to. 
 Mangold, C. Harmony, Lon., 1883, 8v(j. 
 Manhattan, Frank, (Pseud.?) The Upper Ten 
 Thousand: Sketches of American Society, Lon., Is.v:, 
 Manicr, W. H. The Law of Eminent Donniin. 
 and of Railroads and Warehouses; compri^'ing the Con 
 stitutional and Statutory Provisions of Illinois, togetlo i 
 with the Decisions relating thereto, SpringtiolJ, lli . 
 1888, 8vo. 
 Maniganit, G, The United States Unmasked : i 
 Search into the Causes of the Rise and Progress of tln' 
 States, and an Expo'ure of their Present Material an I 
 Moral Condition, Lon., 1S7!1, cr. 8vo. 
 Mankin, II. Thoughts on Labor, Capital, Cur 
 rency. By a Citizen of Maryland. Bait., 1S64, 
 Manley, II. E. Cardinal Manning and History, 
 Lon., 1876. 
 Manley, J. J., M.A. 1. Salt, Preserved Provisions, 
 Broad, ("British Manufacturing Industries,") l.un., 
 1876, l2mo. 2. Notes on Fish and Fishing. Ulest. 
 Lon., 7877, p. 8vo ; nen ed., 1881. ",. Notes on (iann- 
 and (lame Shooting, Lon., 1880, cr. 8vo. 4. Salt, and 
 other Condiments, l.on., 1884, 8vo. 
 Manley, R. Sanitary Work, Abroad: Works in 
 Course of Execution, Lon., 1876, Hvo. 
 Manly, Rev. Basil, D.D., LL.D., b. 1825, in Ed^'c- 
 fleld Co., 8.C. ; jirofessor in the Southern Baptist Semi. 
 nary, Louisville, Ky. 1. A Call to the Ministry, Pliila.. 
 1867. 2. The Bible Doctrino of Inspiration Exaininid 
 and Vindicated, N. York, 1888, 12mo. 
 Manly, J. G. Ecclesiugra|)hy : the Biblical Cliunh 
 delineated, Lon., 1852, p. 8vo. 
 Mann, A. Hugh Willoughby's Wager, and oilur 
 Tales, Lon., 1877, 12mo. 
 Mann, A. P. (Trans.) Paddy at Home, by Baron 
 E. de Mandat Granoey, N. York, l.'<87, 4to. 
 Mann, Rev. Cameron, rector of Grace Chunh, 
 Kansas City. B'ive Discourses on Future Punishment, 
 N. York, 1888, 12mo. 
 Mann, Charles A. Paper Money the Root ol' 
 Evil; an Examination of the Currency -.f the United 
 States, with Suggestions for restoring Siiecie Puynicut 
 without robbing Debtors, N. York, 1872, 12mo. 
 Mann, D. Manual of Prescription-Writing, N. 
 York, 187,S 18mo, 
 Mann, Mrs. D. H., ("Rosalie Gray," pseud.) 1. 
 The Little Soldier, Illust. N. York, 1880, Kinio. 2. 
 Willie and Birdie: Sequel to "The Little Soldier." Il- 
 lust. N. York, 1882, 16mo. 
 Mann, Edward C, M.D. A Manual of I'syclio. 
 logical Medicine and Allied Nervous Diseases, lllu.'t. 
 Phila., 18,S3, r. Svo. 
 Mann, Mrs. G. (Trans.) The Four Ilrues; 
 adapted from the French of Madame de Gasparin. 
 Illust. Lon., 1861, p. Svo. 
 Mann, IHorace, Jr. Flora of the Ha\Mui:ui 
 Islands, Salem, Mass., ISliS, Svo. 
 Mann, Isaac John, assistant engineer to thi' Dub- 
 lin Port and Dock Board. River Bars ; the Chums uI' 
 their Formation, and their Treatment by " Induced Tiiial 
 Scour," Lon., 1881, r. Svo. 
 Mann, J. A. Tne Cotton Trade of Great Britiiin: 
 its Rise, Progress, Ac, Lon., 1860, r. Svo. 
 Mann, J. II. 1. Scripture Testimony to the Mes- 
 siah and his Mission, Lon., 1S61, fp. Svo. 2. The I'lT- 
 tateuch and Writings of Moses defended, Lon., ISii:t, 
 12nio. 3. The Great Propitiation: a Scripture Trutt, 
 Lon., 1865, l2mo. 
 Mann, James Sanmarez. (Trans.) Tl]<' An- 
 tiquities of Greece. Vol. I., The State. l!y li. 1'. 
 Sehoemann. Lon., 1880. Svo. 
 Mann, John, and Zachariae, T. (Trans.) His- 
 tory of Indian Literature ; from the German of Albruclit 
 V'eber, Bost., 1878, Svo. 
 Mann, Jonathan B. Life of Henry Wilson. 
 Illust. Bost., 1872, p. Svo. 
 Mann, Leigh. Lifo-Probiems answered in Christ: 
 Six Sermons, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 
 Mann, Mrs. Mary 'Tyler, [ante, vol. ii.. .M.*sn, 
 Mils. Houai;e, add.,] 1806-1887, b. at Cambri^lKcpurt, 
 Mass, i was a daughter of Dr. Nathaniel Peabcidv, imii 
 sister of Miss Eli«ai)eth Peabody, infra, and of Mrs. 
 Sophia Hawthorne, mijirn. I. Flower-Pciiiilo, Bost., 
 1862, 24mo. 2. Life of Horace Mann. By ids Wifo. 
 Bost., 1865, Svo. 3. (Trans.) Life in the Argentnie 
 Republic in I 
 miento, N. 1 
 oences of F 
 Billow : with 
 1877, 12nio; 
 Garden : a C 
 Erasmus Sch 
 Romance of 
 1887, ]2mo. 
 ture of Infnn 
 I2nio; 5th ed 
 Mann, Ml 
 Barton C., 
 ecology and 
 "Mann, I 
 Helen A., I,,/ 
 Mann, R. 
 Iitieul Opinion 
 And .see Wapie 
 Mann, Ri, 
 Trainers and S: 
 Maun, Rol 
 ii.,add.,] 1N17- 
 -Vatnl. 1. The 
 Capabilities, Lo 
 cies, Lon., lS6I, 
 hold Science, L 
 Zulus and Boer 
 Familiar Loctur 
 Lon., 1883, p. 8 
 Mann, Tho 
 Mu.sters, Lon., li 
 Mann, W. 1 
 or. Footsteps of 
 1«". 2. ivho's 
 Mann, Willi 
 b. 1819, r.tStuttg 
 University of TU 
 in i845,- was m 
 Philadelphia ISO,' 
 clhies and synibo 
 niiry there since 1 
 Con fe.«.- ions, )88u, 
 MuhlenWg, Phil, 
 Maniiering, i 
 1- Brightness and 
 Fruit for Little CI 
 Manners, Mi 
 IVorliJIir.ess, Lon., 
 Manners, Jai 
 of Airds, Scotland 
 Hobert Manners, s( 
 Imjjrcssions of a 
 12mo. 2. Some of 
 «e,„ling and Rec, 
 E'lin., 1885, I2mo. 
 i"!!*, and other Oc( 
 4. Experiences in \i, 
 I''*SB, p. Svo. 
 Manners, R. j 
 «nd other Poems- 
 ^<irl<, 1877, I6mo. 
 Manning, Juj, 
 hfha Maori. Lon 
 Manning, Mrs 
 "il'l.j Ancient and 
 ".•'*frs. Manning doe 
 UI e. Life ,„ Aricie, 
 «i»ii sue wa.s .Mrs .'^ 
 I'lii'liil Miulv. . . \i 
 ;.;">•' "lid deservedly r 
 Manning, Ann< 
 Wanning, E. F. 
 »n:^ \c,ses. Lon., 188 
 Manning, E.M. 
 1'^^^. I.'ino. 
 Mi.,,„5„„^ Edna 
 "»f -Narnitive, N. Yo 
 .'Iniining, g. t 
 Manning, Most 
 Re|iubIioin thoDoyiof thBT»,..-. i. r, 
 mient,,, N.York, f,SH>' o, g-""""/ •>? Domingo p. gar- 
 cences of Friodrioh Froobel L iV '^"'"'■) Kemuiis- 
 UUlow: „it|, Sketch of Pro^h.^ Barones. Marenholz- 
 IS7-, 12mo; new ej., 1887 "' % »^' ^hirrefT, I!o,t., 
 < «rden : a Contribut i, „ t„ "he sJb! ^fi! ,'''"' •''^'""'' 
 Kra»mus Schwab, N. vWk l«7(i lo "' ^''"™'i"". bv 
 Romance of Real I- fc n C ,hf, rV."'"xV "■ J"""!'"; li 
 1H87. 12.„„. With P u ."nv F, . '^ ^"r^ ^8"' «"«'- 
 ture of Infancy nn.l K n '''■"= ■*■"■:!■» 1'., Moral Cul- 
 -.o«. ana Ob.etri<!^''C^'^l?:j;;- ^^-j ,,f «,„! 
 "Mann, \eiiie A.,»» (i>8cu,n « ,r 
 An^seeivAnK.J.R*-,-,";,/'""''''^' L«n., 1S82, I2,uo. 
 Tr^„r;'^„^j:;aias?^?ri':on''?8'j;«',T' '°' '^"o-- 
 .. Mann, llobert Janie" M D FRri""! 
 '••.add.,] 1817-1886, was suiiaHriJin i .•^;^-'. f"""'- ™'- 
 •Vatal. . I. ThoColony of XT„r "''«"' »f^''".<'"tion in 
 t'apabilities, Lon.. 18fi0 8v, 9 y .••""■"""'"*"'«» ""d 
 eie.«, Lon., 1861 12in,) % n ')'';'l""ne for Emort ,. 
 hold Science, 'l.!'.'" •„?•, '^T^l^-J^'y "">' HoLe- 
 Zulus and Boers of .><o, th A Vin,,'' r ' .'il'"''- ■*• The 
 Familiar Lectures on the m.- 1'°"- '879, 5. 
 Lon., 188,i, ,,. 8v». ''js.ology „f Pooj „„j p^.^^^- 
 Mann, ThomnB vr„ r, 
 Master,, Lon, ?8"59, l^,,,^^ *^''™"" «'"'»»'» "■"' i^chool- 
 on'Tuoirtenr.'.f'the ChuJch"" /"""^^^n'" '» ""> G™vo; 
 S 2. Uo. ^v?^f?-^>;- ■;-;J-^2d .^^ 
 l'l.ila,ielphi« lsK,i-S4 and ha hn^""'" ™"8"^8""'<'" '» 
 elhie« and symbolics ^Lf.n?" P^S.^^"'' "^ Hebrew 
 nary there since 1864 f T|, """i;" '^'^ ;?'»«'""' Semi- 
 ConfesMons, 188,,. 2. tif^ , nd Ti,^ "'''V'.F'""''''' """' !'» 
 Muhlenberg, I'hila., 1887 C ' '™«' "^ "«'"-y Melohior 
 ./ii"h't.r!jd",!:au?^ir''i'8fr',v"'- "- "^-•^ 
 Worldli,.css, Lo;.,78'8I I2m' "'"' ^' °'' ^"^'^'^ of i 
 l"l)ert Manners, son of the fifM. n^ "j' "'"'"' •'"'"es 
 I."pres.«i„n« of 'a Vis t to lu » "''^ "^ l*""'""'- L 
 l2mo. 2. Someof the A,l„"'-"""''"'-g' Lon., 1882, 
 Re..iing and Recreation I '"'' "^ '''"^"•V Accessible ' 
 Biin., 1885, T.".4!e'no"H K^";*^/ ^■''^'"'-'' 
 ^^. an,l other Occ«..ional A C %"iin ^,tV """"'■ 
 ;. K.penences in Reading and Ke^^ Rl::;::;,';,^-• 
 -''Xf ^^ «• "l!*'-^ J-o, a C..ban Tale. 
 Vork, 1877, 16nio ^ "" ^^''sic appended, N. 
 he'aToVi'.^'£!r!^6. °'1.^-Ze«'and. By a Pa 
 •Wanning, Mrs Xl' I ' ""r. "'- "*^«- 
 fvo. " ^'^liajval India, Lon., 1869, 2 vols 
 IvVii.^!!;:!.']"'^'' i^s^'it'-pf ;^ ."--'-n-er. [.,„„, 
 educated at Iarro»v and „, ".V",';"'''"-"' "'"■""nlshiro 
 ^hero he grad .a cd ,;,,? "' '""'"I College, O.Uord 
 Fellow of^Mer on Col ' '""if: V" ''^" """ '^-^ o'ecteU 
 ington, Sussex. i„ Is !*'„„,,"" '^T'""-' ""''"r of Lav- 
 ;n mo, but resigned h'enf ''""'"" "'' ''''iehestcr 
 1 Oman Catholic''church In' SsY"".".'" '""^ ''"•"^•'' '!'« 
 'Iina \Vise..,an as Archbisho , f.J'u"^ "u^ecled Car- 
 nnd in 1875 was oreat cd '„ ' nl .^V''""'""''" in I8«.-.. 
 »■" Gregory on the C,^ n 7' "fu' "' «'^- '^" "^-v 
 «re.snty of the Popes, Lu. |s,„ " i " ^';"''"™"'""•- 
 i R*'viL'Ws :" Second l7t,.r ."■"""' "" "'« " E^'«"y'< and 
 IHK^ed Sacr,..rnt. t'h" t'cn^re"-'f '?'"' '"'■ '• The 
 I ^, Sermon, Lon., 186 , «vo'"%" TheT"!"'"" 'f''""' : 
 I "oly Spirit: a Letter Lon l«fij J Workings of the 
 Pomi j/;.,3io„ of the H'olv uiol'^"'' ''"• '"• The Ten,. 
 I '""on, Lon., i860, „ Svo • ^l „ 1' "'• ^""'"n "I'l Reve- 
 poral Power of the Po,?«' in ■?•'■•'?."• "• The Tern- 
 me, 8,0. 1 ■, Th' p ' ". '" l'« .''"litical Aspect, Lon 
 Letter, L^n. Lso^' "s^J"""" of Christendom :'L pLCiI 
 and the (icneral Council Ion ISR?"".!""'"'^ "'^^- ''e'er 
 and Christendom, Lon isfir ' T^' *.*'°' '^- Kngland 
 Revolution, a 3m, "„', lI' ' 1 Kfl?' 8''*- "T^' ""^ '"e 
 I a Letter to Earl Grey, Lon 1868 I' **™-, J«- I-'eland: 
 ReaJinK". I-on., I.S68,',,q 16a \l I*!' ,iV, ^''^■'"'■^"''' 
 Ecumenical Council and theIr;f,,^rK ,-' "*^'' '■'• The 
 I'ontiff: a P„sto,al Letter I on nio «"^ "' "'« ""'-an 
 loan Council and iL T)'» "r ' ''°- '»• The Vat- 
 I Lon., ISro.Syo. 2c' Pe^ri Pri'vi?-'- " ^"'^"""^ Letter, 
 i Letters, Lon., 1871, ;. sT ^\ tTv" ' ^'""^'^ ''''^""™' 
 the Day, Lon., Is f ,3^0 iJ'!,?/''",r«'-eat tVii, of 
 e-gnty of God,Lon 18- 19. '," fourfold Soyer- 
 ' «oerates, Lon, I872' 24 cT ■ ^^' ^''" »"•■•"«" of, Lon., 1874 25 tIt .'''"' ""'1 L'ltia.uonta- 
 «host, Lon'.. 1875. ^26 The V T""' "f^'"" "''"'e "" V 
 I^earingonCiviiAllfgial^e :riV^8r '" '"^'"^ 
 'cWa.ttr/,^'™t«!^Kra,fra.,k,;nd' Ll^r^ply u, Mr 
 £iS^'''r^ 1^^-t «T^e;.r now ..r the fi„t time as 
 Rathbonb, Mrs., 
 ,M^'"''"*"S« .Anne. ,See 
 (•'Unvi.v,;,; ,,l/r„. 
 «»iJw,'i'o,f,*,^';fi ^f„''s'''f»' Thames: Witticisms 
 .^''r^'*^-^'-' No Way but this: a Story, Lon 
 'P/vo:^28'^];^::^;^^^'"«j;^''eanO .^ 
 Society, Lon., 188() crSyoi" '"/?"''''> ■""' •^•"•'e"n 
 Question: with Introdoct;,.. V' ., H'"^'' "i the Land 
 1881, 8yo. 32. The e' ''" ' ?/• "; Bellingham, Lon.! 
 8vo. 33. Ch,.;„ct isU Torn r W™''- ^"°- '«8'^. P 
 Eminent Henry Edwfird Car.n ,\, """«'^ "^ ">e Jlost 
 ?f We,.tn,instef : be^g s^Sioni^P r, "«,' ^''"'"'i^hop 
 loal, and Religious. fVom h r^' ^ " ' ^^"^"'"f^- 
 ranged by W. S L llv r Jo"""" " ritings. Ar- 
 Independence-ofth "Z,-,^':^;';-; l*':'' ": 8vo. ^34. The 
 3... Religio Viatori,s, Lon^ ?8»'. -,V''i' \T' 'S**?. 8vo. 
 Manning, J. f p V ' i* "'^ • L888. 
 {^- in .!; cois^-rv^^ji^-- ^^ 
 WiUj, but of God, Bost,, iss'i r'rno ' '-'""• '■ '^'o' of 
 Manning, Jamp« ik n 
 Li^^. [verse,! 'Cin. ,'887 ,9!" "*""• ^'l-e Passion of 
 ^<{^"(m^^V:^;^„'Z""^ Court Reports, 
 ' a.-rr;?fN«'',^:,a:-if'!^-^.-. '«^2-.88,. wa„ 
 P.otures, dr..wn with pfr^ a^',, p'^'^, ii'-^'f^; I- Spanish 
 Holy Fields:!, pllesti'ne™,,.':?;;,!' •■,'''"• ''■ "Tho«e 
 f- The Lan,l of the Pharaoh kI''; ^°"-'J>^'^, r. 8yo. 
 Lon., 1875, ,-. 8yo. 5 A,n» ti ^^S- ""'' ^^'"«L "'"St. 
 I'en anl ]-encil. illust. Lon""l"s-7'"7' ''™"" "'"> 
 "Tlie mitliMr tiOls us little or nuthlin,' wlilcli hn., luit 
 lit't'li tiilil iiM well, or IjulliT, iiiniiv liincs Mfluri'. , . . Tlie 
 illiistniMDiis, vhlcliarosciillcri'il tiinmnh (lie vcjUiiin' with 
 I'xtruiiu' iinifusloii, iiri' noiRTally iippo.slti' iiinl ulli'ctlvi'." 
 — .lra((., xll. 2iiJ. 
 ll. Itiilian l'ietur<'i', dniwn with I'cn mid I'encil. 
 Illust. Nfiv uc.'.. rev. mid piirtly rewiitten by S. (}. 
 Mreuii. l,on., Iss.'i, r. Svo. With (JiiKKN, S. (1., EliK'ixli 
 I'icture!", drawn with Pen and I'ouoil. Illust. Imu., 
 1877, r. Svn. 
 mannings W. A Child'H Droarnoftho Zuo. Illiist. 
 Lon.. I.HSs, Itci. 
 MaiuiillKl*>l>< A. (Trans.) Foolprints of the 
 Holy Dead: I'niiii the Uerinan. liy A. M., I.SIiH, Svo. 
 3iniin(>ck, I*. U<'li(;ii>iis Onler* : Sideetions from 
 Father Jeniini! I'lalus, lli:)L', liun., 1S(JS, K'mu. 
 Mniisel, Very Kev. Henry I^oiiKueville, D.F)., 
 [mill, vul. ii., add.,1 l^-0-lS7l, educated at .Merehant 
 Tayliirs' .Selmipl, and at 8t. John's College, 0.\r(ir<l, wliere 
 ho graduated ls|3, and was elected a Fellow: ordained 
 l>4:i; a)>|jointed reader in mural and inetaphysieal plii- 
 losophy at Magdalen (.'■iliege ISjj; Waynlleto professor 
 ISo'.l; Kegins profe.«siir of eeelcsiastical history and canon 
 of I'hrist Chureh ISIil!; dean of St. Paul's, in sueoession 
 to Dr. Jlilinan, ISIiS. I. Scenes from an riilinished 
 Dramii entitled Phrontiiterion, or, Uxford in the Nir 
 teenth Century ; :!d ed., Oxf.. is.jj, Svo. Anon. 2. The 
 Limits of Religious Thcjught, (Batupton Lectures,) Lon., 
 18,^.S, Svo; Slh ed.. ISli", p. Svo. 
 " Whatever Mr. Maiisel nndertakes tjcars the marks of 
 his great aliilily and iiidnslry, and these lectures rise to a 
 grave elocnicnec iil' which his other writings, fniiii their 
 snlijeels, woiihl hardly admit. The language is well chostn 
 and Ills close to the Ihunght, and a suhjcel is fairly pursued 
 withont digression I'r needless ornanieul. , , . lint the net 
 result <if this work, in the way (if inlhience on religions 
 opinion, will hardly be all that Ihc author would desire, 
 either in kind or In amoniit. 'Ihe key to all religious 
 dillicnltles Mr. Mansel places in a distinction between 
 speculative and regulative truths. We may have a kiiowl- 
 eiliie of a religious principle sutllcient lor practical 
 guidance, which, however, does not amount to a real 
 insight into the subject-matter; nay. more. If we ullenipt 
 to liiul the groumls on wb.Udi our practical principle resUs, 
 we shall he entangled not merelv in diHiculiies but In 
 positive coutradiclions, . . . Mr. .Man.sel, borrowing from 
 Kant even the very terms of his (listinclion between specu- 
 lative and regulative truth, breaks down the one fulcrum 
 ithe authority of the inoial ideas and convietions| which 
 Kant kept for his lever, llis theory of the unattaiiiable- 
 iiess of truth 's thonnigh-going. Ills originality consisl.s 
 ill his apidicaiii. of such a principle to the defence of 
 Anglican belief."— .So/. Jicv., vi. 404. 
 :i. An Examination of Rev. K. D. Maurice's Strictures 
 on the Gauipton Lectures of 1S5S. liy the Lecturer. 
 Lon,, 1859, Svo. 4. Metaphysics; or, 'the Philo.sophy 
 of Consciousness, Phenoi'ieiial and Real, Lon., IStiO, p. 
 Svo;2deil., 1S()6. 5. T,vo Letters on Smith's Leeturea on 
 History, Lon., lSt!1-62. 6. Tlio Witness of the Church 
 to 'ho Promise of Christ's Coining: a Sermon, Lon., 
 1SR4, Svo. 7. The Philosophy of the Conditioned ; oom- 
 jirising fome Remarks on Sir W. Hamilton's Philosophy 
 and on .Mr. J. S. Mill's Examination of that Philosophy, 
 Lon., IstSt), p. Svo. 8. Letters, Lectures, and Reviews: 
 including tiie Phrnntisterion. or, Oxford in the Nine- 
 teenth Century. Edited by 11. W. Chandler, M. A. Lon., 
 187:i, Svo. 
 "To Oxford men. who know how close were the rela- 
 tions between the hite'liean Man.sel and his favourite pupil 
 and succes.sor in the Waynllcte chair of metaphysics, .Mr. 
 Chandler, of Pembroke, the present volume wifl have a 
 peculiar and especial Interest. It contains, we gather from 
 the Preface, 'the minor philo.sophical works of the late 
 iJean Man.sel, nearly all liis reviews, together with two 
 articles hitherto unpublished.— viz.. Ihe lecture on I'tillly 
 as the tirouiid of .Moral (Jbligatiiui. and tlie fragment on 
 Berkeley's Philo.sophy. the completion of wliicli was pre- 
 vented by the decease of the author.' "— .4//i., No. ai'l. 
 !). The (Jnostic Heresies of the Kiret and Second 
 Centuries. Edited by J. B. Lightfoot. Lon., IS75, Svo. 
 (Contains a |irefatory notice of the author by Lord 
 " It Is the peculiar interest of Gnnsticism that it com- 
 memorates the spci'nlatlons of tho.«e (lUcstioning spirits 
 who confronted a world of evil and misery, and a <iod 
 descended for its redemiition, under the light bntli of a 
 fading mythology anil a dawning philosophy. 'Ihc wor- 
 shipiieroi' .Mitlira and the believer in Kvolntimi both find 
 their kindred here. .V web of thought that thus gathers 
 up into one unity the future and the past repays earnest 
 and unprejiiiliced .-lialy. And If ue cuniiot say ot the 
 volume before us that it conveys as fully as we should de- 
 sire the results of such study, yet in its wide range of 
 learuing and luciil power of representation it forms, at 
 least, a valuable introilucthni to this nieinorial of a jiliase 
 of spiritual life that no one can learn to know without be- 
 coming better fpialKled to understand the early ages ol 
 ('hiistianlty. ami hence, we bidleve. nnderslanding belter 
 the ineaning of (,'liri.stianlty for all time."— .'<';jfc((i((;f, xllx 
 .Mnnsi'l-l'Ifyilell. See Plkvukm,. 
 Mlliislit'ld, C. E. A Latter-Doy N'ovel, Lon., 1S7«, 
 2 vol-, cr. Svo. 
 iMiiiiMtivUI, Chnrli'g Illnclil'ord, M.A., [nulr, vol. 
 ii., add.,] ISlll-IS.i.'i. 1. Tlio Theory of Salts: tt Trent 
 iso on the Constitution cd' Bipolar Chemical Coinpounil^, 
 l<on., 18(1.'), p. Svo. 2. Aerial Navigutum : the I'roh- 
 leni, witli Mints for its Solution. Edited by his llrothei. 
 H'diert lllachfind .Mansfield, 11. A. : with a Preface by .1. 
 M.Ludlow. Lon.. l-iTf), cr. Svo. 
 " 'f he book Is written with a bimyant enlliuslasm whicn 
 leads the leader at times to imagine himseir Hying over 
 the heads of hostile tribes, bent upon Inlraconiineniai 
 iliseovery; at others, to hclleve that he is reading one ■•( 
 the romances of .liile^ Verne, except that there is an iic 
 curacy of statement and a total absi'iice of the superlicl;il 
 knowleilge which characterize [«(cj that writer's works. " 
 —Sil. I!<i\, xl. .W. 
 3Iaiislii'l«l, Kdwnrd Dvcring, LL.D., [onfc, vol. 
 ii., add.,] 1S01-1S80. 1. The Memoirs of tlie Life mid 
 Services of Daniel Drake, M.l)., Physician, ]'rores.«..r. 
 and Author: with Notices of the Early Settlement of 
 Cincinnati, and Some of its Pioneer Citizens. Cin., is.!.'!. 
 2. A Popular and Authentic Life of licneral L'lysscs S. 
 Grant, Cin., ISIls, I2uio. ;t. Personal Memories, .Social, 
 Political, and Literary : with Sketches of Many Noted 
 People, lS(i:)-lS4;i, Cin., 1879, Svo. 
 " As a ccmtribntioii to the history of a period for which 
 we have no g 1 standard work. It iic/.sse.sses both interest 
 and value."— .V(i/m«, xxviii. bo4. 
 Mansfield, Ii. U. 1. The Congregation: fmni 
 Studies in the llcbrew and Oreek Scri|ilures, Lon.. Is7|, 
 Himo. 2. Outlines of tlie Mental Plan and the Pie|iii- 
 ration therein for the Precepts and IJoctrines of Cliri-i, 
 N. York, ls8.'!, Iiimo. 
 Man§iicld, Robert Blac-hfurd, b. 1824; gradu- 
 ated at University College, Oxford, Islli; called to the 
 bar at the Inner Tem)ile 1S4!I. I. Tlie Log of the 
 " Water-Lily" (Konr-Oand Thames Gig) during a Uuw- 
 ing Excursion on the Rhine and other Streams of Ger- 
 many, liy an (Jxford JIan and a Wykehamist., 
 ISal, ISino. 2. The "Water-Lily" on the Damihe: 
 being a Brief Account of the Perils of a Pair-Oar during 
 a \'oyage from Lambeth to Pesth, illustrated by One nf 
 the Crew, Lon., IS;'i2, p. Svo; the two works, with 
 author's name, 1854, 1 vol. 12ino; new ed., IS77. '■'. 
 School-Life at Winchcste. College; or. The Kcniihi* 
 eences of a Winchester Junior: with a (ilossiiry of 
 Words, Phrases, and Customs peculiar to Winclic-icr 
 College, Lon., Is(i6, p. Svo; new ed., 1S6S). And >ce 
 MANSFIEI.n, Cn.\ltI.KS Bl.ACIIFOIlI), eiljild, 
 Mansliip, Kev. Andrew, [nuii; vol. ii., mid..] h. 
 1824, in Caroline Co., Md. ; entered the ministry of ihc 
 Methodist Episcopal Church in 1S43; lield various 
 charges, and since 18BH has resided in Philadelphia. 1. 
 Clierished Memories, 1859, 2 The Patriot's llyuui- 
 liook, 181)2. 3. National Jewels : Washington, Lincoln, 
 und the Fathers of the Revolution, Phila., isii.^, Svo. 
 4. Ueminisccnces from the Saddle- Bags (d a Metlioilist 
 Preacher, 187S. 5. History of Gospel Tents and i;.\- 
 perience, 1884. 
 (Manson, D., M.A., M.I). On the Sulphur and 
 Chalybeate Woters of Strathpeffer Spa, in the Scottish 
 Highlands, Lon., 1S77, p. Svo; 5th ed., 1SS4. 
 9lanson, tieorge J. Work for Women, l.on., 
 ISSH, IHino. 
 " Manson, James B.," (Pseud.) See Miiiii.iv. 
 Jamks, hi/rit. 
 Manson, James Uolivar. Contemporary Scot- 
 tish Art ; a Series of Pen-and-ink Sketches, liy Eu- 
 phranor. Edin., 1864, Svo. 
 illaiison, Otis Frederick. Quinine: a Trentise 
 on the Phvsiological and Therapeutic Action of the Sul- 
 phate of liuinine, Phila., 1SS2, 12ino. 
 Manson, Patrick, M.D., of Amoy, Chiiwi. The 
 Filaria Sanguinis lloiiiinis and Certain New Korias of 
 I'arasitic Disease in India, Cliina, and Warm Countries, 
 Illust. Lon., 1SS3, Svo. 
 Mant, Hev. Frederick Woods, b. isiw, ot 
 Crawley, Hampshire; son of Rt. Rev. Kichaid Mnnt, 
 uiii/e, vol. ii. ;; graduated at New Inn Hall. <''.\f"rd, 
 1844; ordained 1841 ; vicar of Stanford, Norfolk, ISol- 
 58, of Woodnnincotc 1858-70, ami of Egliam 1.^70-79. 
 1. Rubi : a Tale of the Sea : a Poem, Lon., bl". I'-mo. 
 2. Reginald Vero : a Tale of the Civil Wars, in Verse, 
ton., I84«, 
 • '84«, l2mo •! Th «i. ., MAR 
 Vf»r« „t .Se,., L,;„., lisi |o;,,^'."''i'''"""i °'- Twelve i on r)i,oa..OH „f ,.,„ r 
 -'• TlH. .. March. A .'''■),"''T; '''.'"•' '^S 
 or, Tho Mental Sum-rin ^ ,, '' ,m'' .V'V^'"" "''■'*'"■'•"" ■ 
 ^- Village CM,orir.',,V'',,^i;'' •'-''"■■ I""' '-'"'O- 
 iUaiitun, Waller p' i r 
 an.l how to pre,,"?. ,l!,l r T''^"' '""' '" ''"('•H 
 Complete Mu„u„l of In, uc o„ for T''^'"" " '^""''''"'•^ 
 the Collector. Illu,t U„Jt 1 Ms7 :.," """''""""k for in Zoology T;,„.h,n L" n .' .'"'"• '• ''''"'""•v 
 The Ueulher ,it (,'„nne,, 
 a Ito|Mjrt, I,un., 1x77. 
 -Ke.Horts ; 
 > I2iii,i 
 ■ The 
 See U'ooi.s(jN, CoH- 
 ".March, Amu.,"' 1 1.','," 
 '^har^e of l're..l,,teriVnHn?ir, '"'""' '•■^l''; h,„ huU 
 '• Walk, „„,! lloL" of Jci. ■",*''!",'■«"','"''''' '-•'"'rohe,. 
 Night ."Seone., in the f i ,i;> li J L"''''' '"""■ '"'»"• 2. 
 "•"0, 1S70, SV.O. , F,l''5','?- ,•■'• OurF,itherU 
 Mauville, Marioii. iw,.,- ,u',V'T"""' '-"">■ 
 Vo^^en, Phil,.., ,,,H7, U'.no- M „,"'fsss""'"' """^ ""'" 
 'Uaiiwnriiie, li. jw i ,p • : '''^• 
 ti»nan.i(innvth„f J „""t„^ iT'l'T,"" "'" ^'""''»- 
 Maiiwell >l ,, 1 ' '^''"•' '**.>o, l2mo. 
 Ptorj, Lon., r,s8s,'|s"*„ ^'"''^'' ^'••'""■I'li : a Cornish 
 Manypcnny, tJeorffP w • . 
 affiurs l8,o;f-57, ami eKm rVr .T'^'i'-'''""''''"'" ^"''i"" 
 « .'r^e. Our in,lia„ W ,■","; 1. sir's" ^''""""»*i»n 
 aiware,l.--.v„(,;'„^;'i^^'";,',"" question' which has y'i 
 naplesoii, Jnmps "I'fo..^., 
 '" Knglan.l an.l .Ameri, , "r ' %", T''"^'" ""-""ger 
 l>,4H-,888, Lon., 1888, 2 Jol^ 'vo ' "" *''"""''•«' 
 I.«»<."lr5i;i;il<;j'\,r^'^^^^-e a more -hccry noeou.u of 
 ol grievous lireaeho'i , f ii.fVi, ' .'-^'■" "''en he is tolling 
 ml m.fuir.luMli^u; i/'iriV?V' ^' •"'''"'"'' ""'I "^^^^^^ 
 f'^^hilinn Mr. Mai^l" n ,"I';,' '"'""Mr fxTvades tl e 
 o"» vein, hut "hen it^loes mV ,' '""■". ""lo in a seri^ 
 sense a«,| shrewdness %,,,"•, .'""^■""'""■■^ arefnil "f 
 I'^^r,- professor of p ' bl„2 an 1 ^"""'•^^i'^'- T'-ehind, 
 ■^".'r^eiSf^ vt'^"^r' -^^ 
 f'l'ih'-phie^l So ; V ;;n,ra\.r""'"^;"' ""^ ''■""■in 
 '""" ^'^■'vf<hake..,.!r,-V ' , J';'™-|'.'-'^-'-i''''n' "f the l.on- 
 aii'l eollege le.xtbooks 1 i m u ','' ""■""' "' -"ehool 
 ly».,.Svo. ' ^ ^'^ i'i«h-(ierman, N. Vork, 
 "en'o,,., an,i er,nv,lVa\;n''e ,'/„'"«" 'l'>;^'" '"'"'lenst.d, 
 , ■'• Intro.lueti..n to An,/l„v '""■•'''• •'■*'• 
 («n,ler, >f. V„rk. 187(1 4 "f'V .'•'" ,^"«'»-^"X"n 
 t'lgli.shNotes, N. Vork,'lS7)' piL •*''°"'' "'"' 
 Hoelulale police, an .t^^-,,','" ' '"'"'"■"I "«'"■'■ "l' the 
 "■■■'larv. I. l"st nne'!?' V '•«'■"" "'' Hoch<l«|„ In- 
 :f"o Xao.e., Lot 'Tss' '' '"2"'-'-'lf •'^ -'• Koch- 
 •i. Ancestral Man Iss'j ''• ■'-'arwinisni, I8,s;i. 
 Hcj!rn^.^,:.^«L,,i!T!:sV '"""""^^ «™"™'' -^.v i^- 
 ISI^,".'';^ '''• ^'- J-'o'v'^ranci Fruit Decoration. Lon 
 iW«rcha„., n, T. '. «etrotha. and Bridals, with 
 luii oea-side Places of C|.,r.. i "•,''.'■,""""»■'"■>» Spas """-.Mo. -" ""i^orauon, t,on., 
 1876. 6. Treatment of A?' ^.''"',''^"'' '21110; 3d ed., Mnrchant, W T 1 I. , . 
 Wturos, I.„n., ?;"/^' Pmo T,'",'^'*'," "'^«"^«' ^ Three :» Chat about We, dL Oak ,''''';" t""'' '^"^"'■^. "i'h 
 ".>Iar, HelPi M 7d • T'' ®''- ''*'^- Lo"-, I'^rH „ si! .f ,■"? ""^ Wed.ling Customs 
 Marah, Rev. Wi|lia,„ „ ' »"'' Hop»,'l,^,;""T;i\"'' '^r"^"'"' """""» '» «"«-•, Malt 
 Tim's : with a Sket, h /h''^ Archbishop Ju.von and ! ''\f^'''l and interoMini m, tttr ■•-s'r^y.''''''-'''' '"' '"■''^^ 
 ",,Ki,..., .. ',?, •'?'»" «• Annotated Catalogno of the 
 h- "n'^S':-;;. ^;,^^;;;|;. at Worcester, Mass., 
 I'netor and editor of e ZTyoTT'W?'^ ""^ P''"' 
 fecMot Chapter of I'olitical I istorv l°'V''^-'^- A 
 ■""■'■on: the Truth «>,..„,.„• <?^ ■ ""^ Electoral Com- 
 Jent ,le Jurc^niilonTs^^f,^^;?"'--' J- TiMen, Presi. 
 Ri-l;a'sentations of his Ae i, !, 1 1 ?"'"'" ""'"« ''^"l^'e 
 Ri'piesentatio'ns of his Apil"r'7 ."^"'"" ""'"^ i'^a'se Mnr^;;"/ 
 ? u!:;^' ^« :"|e- The Theor, of Gravitation. I!::^'^^ ^>'^!^<ol;^t:t^:2!I':J-^^' 
 L^n ISS5, sm. 4t„. 
 Published WritZ" of ri. '*,"°°'."u'"^ Catalogue of the 
 If'^.^ Wash., 1885^ ^ '^'""•''^ '^'""'har White, 1860- 
 Modirn, k.'v^rk 'se? i""' o''%*''rff:' f^""'''"' ""^ 
 I87l>, IL'mo. O'.l-mo. 2. l,,le Duties, N, Vork, 
 tellSS!'*,^'!,^ J L'«t!^' -;'o^ '0 ">« bar 
 The studTnT's^ ,:■„":',;'' -'•■ I"">- '«' ■, 87„."7 
 veya^cirg, Lon. ts ^ "lo '? ^.-'/^'-''-'g to Con- 
 ho Principal t-tatutes VelaMn„ *' r ^"" ^i'^>-""'^ o( 
 i>irb, I2mo, 4th e,"! 188' ^ '» Convejaneing, Lon., 
 (Tmnso'^'he"Sar'?,'i"":''°/.^^-»- "■ '«■"• I 
 2 vols , I..U Sv'o! atlas to'" 2' (Tr,t ^'^^ ^R^"'^' '''' 
 Process, h, a. B.,, LtI:T8^|'2'':^;.f ^e^x^tS 
 ;.^*. . .^ jj 
 li li 
 in 1 
 IMarcy, Urie-(>en. Itnnclolpli llnrnoN, I'.S.A., 
 IH12-I8S7, b. lit Ureenwicli, Mim*. ; brollior of K. E. 
 Miiroy, M.l)., 'ii/ira ; uriidunti'il jil llm U.S. Military 
 AoiKlt'iny Ih;I2 : i<crvi'(| in tljc ltluul< lluwk n\|iu>litiiin.tliu 
 M«.xici>n wiir, mill the civil wiir; wan in8|)euliir-);i''i<'''»l 
 of thu army IHIUi-SI. I, i:x|iliinUicjn,« of tlic Koil Kiver 
 in 1H:)2, Wash., IMS.), 2. The I'rairlo Travullcr; a 
 Jliind-lloiik lor Overland K.x|]edilion,«, N. York, IH.')il, 
 12iiio; Kni;. eil., willi Notes by U, K. llurton, Lon., 
 •'(iciioral Miirey wa.i employi-d for nianyyiiirs In the 
 C'oiniimiid of cxiiwlltliins, liy ii varii'ty of cIllliMriit riiiit«». 
 civtT till' pmiric's rrnin tliu Ku.«ti'rii stiiti's to ('iiliruriiiii iiiiil 
 oiIrt cimiilrlcsiin the' I'ncllii'. . . . His book »i't!iii!« lo lie 
 IiKjilflli'il nil .Mr. lialton's ' Mt 'if Travel,' of whlcli be 1ms 
 maile coiislileralili', IIuhikIi iml iiimV"Wf<l, Uiiv.,"—Siil. Ilrr., 
 XV. ;i.v.'. 
 :i. Thirty Years of Army lilfoon the Border, N. Y'ork, 
 iMIili, Kvo. 
 "(.'oluiiel Mariv has maile a very ruailabli' iiiid enter- 
 tainiUK book, tli'iiUKh it be williniit any iiretenslons to 
 literary merit even ul the averau'e sort, Inr he has written 
 n book of his advenuiresiiii the Western boriiiT as aiiarniy 
 ollli'cr, e.\tiMiilinK over a iicrloil of iiearly t»' I'y years, 
 anil einhraeln^ an experienee niort! varied tliaii eunid 
 havi' laileii to the lot of any ordinary explorer."— A'a/ion, 
 Hi. 7. 
 4. liordcr Hoinini.'cenoes, N. York, 1872, 12mo. 
 MnTctt, !*• It. Troaliie on the Construction of 
 Yaehts, l,on., I Soli, fob; 2d od., enl., 1S72. 
 .Marctt, II. II. The Islands of the Ulest, I.on., 
 18S7, sq. Ifiiiiii. 
 Maretzek, Max, b. 1S21, at Brunn, Austria; an 
 ojieratio ounduetor and mana);er; resident in the I'nitod 
 .States since I S4S. (,'roteliets and (iuavers : Hcvolations 
 of an Opera Manager, .\. York, M65, 12iuo. 
 Miirey, ^^ttciiiiP Jill^!*- .Vnimal Mechanics, (" In- 
 tcrnatiiinal ,'<cientilic" Ser.) Iliust. Lon., 1874, p. .Svo. 
 .llargnry, .iiigiistiiN llnyinond, lS4A-IH7a, b. 
 at Belgauui, Bombay lVesideiii;y, India ; educated in 
 France, at Brighton College, and at Iniversity College, 
 London: went to China as student interpreter in KSii'j 
 wa.« British ennsul at Formosa 1870-72; in 1874 was ap- 
 pointed interpreter and guide to Col, Browne's mission 
 sent by the British government to attempt to reopen the 
 great overland trade route between Chinii and India. 
 He travelled from .Slianghac to Bhaino, eighteen hundred 
 miles, in six months, a route never traversed before by 
 any EnKlishuian, and proceeded in advance of the mis- 
 sion to .Manwyne, the idiief city of the ])rovince of Y'un- 
 nan, where ho was murdered, together with his servants. 
 lie had made some valuable contributions on Formosa 
 to the Transactions of the Boyal (ieographical Sneicty. 
 The Journey of .\uguslus Kaymond .Margary from .'*hang- 
 hae to BhauKi, and back to Manwyne. Kdited from his 
 Journals and IjCtters ; with a Brief Biographical Preface 
 and a Concluding Chapter, by Sir Rutherford Aleook, 
 K.C.B. I.on., 1876, 8vo. 
 " The work <i)n8ists mainly of Mr. Margary's letters and 
 jouriuils describing bis residence in Clilna in the cunsulnr 
 servi(!e, and his now lanioiis journey across that country ; 
 with u supplementary chapter by .-^ir Uutherlbrd Alcoek 
 on the policy which led to the journey."— .Icm/., x. UW. 
 .Margftt.s, J. W. Charlie Ashford; or. Four Years 
 in the Canadian Dominion, Lon., 1888, cr. Svo. 
 Margoliouth, David Samuel, M.A., b. 185», 
 graduate! at New College, Oxford, 188U, and elected 
 Fellow 1881, lecturer 1882, and tutor 1884 ; elected Laud's 
 professor jf Arabic 1888. I, Japanorum Ueipublicoi 
 Conversio, (Gainsford Prize Essay,) Lon., 187!», 12mo. 
 2. Studia .Soenica : Part I., Section I., Introductory 
 Study on the Text of the (ireek Dramas: the Text of 
 Sophocles' Trachiniu', l-lliOl), Lon., 1883, Svo. 
 Margoliuuth, Rev. iHoses, Ph.D., ['tnie, vol. ii., 
 add.,] 182(1-1881, educated at Trinity College, Dublin; 
 vicar of Little Linford, Newport Pagncll, from 1877. 
 1. An .Apostolic Triple H-nediction, 186;i. 2. Sacred 
 Minstrelsy, 18JH. 3. Sermons: Genuine Repentance 
 and its Effeota, Lon., 1854, Svo. 4. The Anglo-Hebrews : 
 their Past Wrongs and Present Grievances, Lon., IS.jfi, 
 Svo. Anon, o. The (tospel and its Mission, IStil). Ii. 
 I'he End of the Law : Two Sermons, to which is added a 
 Letter: being a Preliminary U.Yamination of the " Ks- 
 says and Reviews," 18(1], Svo. 7. The True Light, 18f)2. 
 8. The Spirit of Prophecy, 18(i4. 9. The Haidad, lSli4. 
 10. Abyssinia: its Past, Present, and Future; a Lecture, 
 Lon., 186(1, Svo. 11. Vestiges of the Historic Anglo- 
 Hebrews in East Anglia, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 12. 'fho 
 Oracles of God, 1870. 13. The Poetry of the Hebrew 
 Pentateuch: Four Essays, Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 14. The 
 Lord's Prayer no Adaptation of Exislin;? Jewish Peti- 
 tions, Lon., 1876, Svo. 
 " Mariotti, L.," (Pseud.) See Qali.kxua, 
 Nro, ittiprti. 
 Mark, John. Uiary of tny Trip to Aniurica an i 
 Havana, Manchester., 1880, 18mo. 
 IHarkby, ThoiliaH. I. The Man Christ Jesu^ 
 Lon., lN(i2, p. Svo. 2. Practical Essays on Kducalimi, 
 Lon., 18(18, p. 8vo. 
 Markby, William, M.A., D.CI.., b. 182«; gr.i in. 
 ated at Merlon College, Oxford, IS.-iO; called to the bar 
 at the Inner Temple 1856; puisne judge nt Calcutta 
 18()ii-78, and since then reader on Inilian law at Oxford ; 
 el. •■•ted Follow of All Souls College 1882, and of Ballinl 
 College 188:!. The Elements of Law considered with 
 Reference to General Jurisprudence, Oxf., 1871, p. ,svci; 
 new ed.. with Supplement, 1876; lid ed., 1885. 
 Markliam, l'a|it. Alltcrt IlastingH, 11. N., 
 brother of C. B. Markham, in/ni, 1. The Cruise of llic 
 " Rortiirie" amongst the .New Hebrides and Santa Cru/ 
 Islands, Lon., 1>^73, Svo. 
 " His orders were to visit every island in the New Heb- 
 rides and .Sill la Cruz xrniips, to Investigate niiiiierniis iiiui 
 ders of British subjects whlih bad recently been cniiimii 
 teil by the islanders, and to report iipiiii the alleged i'ii->. 
 of kiaiiapiilng which were suppo.sed to have led to Ihe-e 
 crimes."— .l»i., .N'o. ■J;i78. 
 2. A Whaling Cruise to Bnllin's Bay, Lon., 1874, .svo; 
 2d ed., 1875, p. Svo. 3. I'he Great Frozen Sea: a 
 Personal Narrative of the Voyage of the " Alert" duriti;; 
 the Arctic Expedition of 1S75-76, Lon., 1878, Svo; rili 
 ed., 1884. 
 "It Is both trustworthy and readable. It only iimfesses 
 to bi' a relation of the writer's own exiicrieiices. Imt. in 
 reality, so intimately was its author mixed up with ihe 
 allitirs of the dllTereiit sledge-liartles that it may be sili Iv 
 taken as an outline aeeount of the proi'eedings of all con' 
 cerned."- .l//i., .No. 'Jiil4. 
 4. Northward Ho I including a Narrative of Ca{ilain 
 Phipps' Expedition. By a .Midshipman. Lon,, IsT'.i. |i, 
 Svo. 5. (Ed.) The Voyages and Works of Captain .lulin 
 Davis, (Hiikluyt Soo. Pub..) Lon., 18811, Svo. (1. A Pular 
 Reconnaissance: being the Voyage of the " Isbjiirn" to 
 Novaya Zenilya in 1879. Iliust. Lon., 1881, Svo. 
 " He now gives us an aeeount of his cruise in the liveli- 
 est of little cutters, the ' Isliji'irn,' which was hired l>y sir 
 Henry George lliiotb . . . for a sporting triji In Xova.vii 
 Zenilya. . . . ('apt. .Markbani is a keen observer of :iatufe, 
 and the r' suits of his observation are charmingly told." — 
 .lf(i((., xix. 2;iti. 
 Markham, Christopher A. History of tlie 
 County Buildings of Nortliamptonshire. Iliust, North- 
 auiiiton. 1885, Svo. 
 Markham, ClemeiitH Robert, C.B., F.K.s,. 
 F.S.A., [mile, vol. ii., add.,] b. 1830, at Stiiliiis;lliTt, 
 Y'orkshire; served as midshipman in the Arctic ex|icJi- 
 tion in search of Sir J. Franklin 1850-51 ; made a jmir- 
 ney of exploration in Peru 1852-54; was empluycd in 
 introducing the cultivation of the cinchona-tree iniu 
 India lS(iO-(il, and was geographer to the Abys.-iiiiim 
 expedition 1807-68; secretary of the Hakluyt Society 
 1858, and of the Royal Geographical Society lsii3; 
 assistant secretary in the India Office 1808-77 ; edit ir nf 
 the Geographical Magazine 1872-78. 1. Travel? in I'cru 
 and India while superiiilemling the Collection "f Cin- 
 chona Plants and Seeds in South America and their In- 
 troduction into India, Lon., 1802, Svo. 
 " His work will be read with interest and priillt, Iniiiilhc 
 variety of sub|ects on which it supplies reliable iiil'nraiii- 
 tioii, and the manner in which they are treated.' —.l(/i,, 
 No. 1829. 
 2. Contributions towards a Grammar and Dictionary 
 of the Quiehua, the Language of the Y'ncas of Peru, 
 Lon., 1863, p. 8vo. 3. Spanisli Irrigation, 1867. 4. A 
 History of the Abyssiniiin Expedition, Lon., ISfiil, Svo. 
 5. A Life of the Great Lord Fairfax. Cnuiniander-iii- 
 Chiof of the Army of the Parliament of Knglanil, I.on., 
 1S70, Svo. 
 " A book of real and conscientious work. . . . Mr. Marl<- 
 ham's chief object seems to be to challenge lor Kairl'iix his 
 proper jilace in the military hi.story of the Civil '\Viir. in 
 which he holds that his fame has been unfairly om r.-hiiii- 
 owed by the fame of Cromwell."— .Si*. Kev., xxx. il. 
 6. Ollanta: a Drama in the Quiehua Language: I'e.xt. 
 Translation, and Introduction, Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 7. A 
 Memoir on the Indian Surveys: printed by Order of 
 Her Majesty's .Sccrct.-iry of State for Indi.i in t'cuncil, 
 Lon., IS71, imp. Svo; 2d ed., 1878. 
 " For a full, precise, and faithful record of whal si ience 
 has done and is doing for our great Eastern deneiidincv, 
 we cannot do better than refer the reader to Sir. -Murk- 
 ham's admirable Memoir."— Sa(. Rev., xxxi. 8(W. 
 Tm.lor,' L.;„„| Uula:.,:': ,' """"""'"' """ 
 '^'•"<«>n»>, WniJiim Orlando, Af.D p H r P 
 L'"'". -I. M, a,i,i 1 I. „i.,„.„.„ or 'the ji.:„;,'"f,;i,-; 
 reel kninviM urorUi,. whi I . li, ., .' ft: '".."" I'HIiIm' ii cdr- 
 III' (l.Tlved froM V I ^ ,,''' ' t '"' li'.ll"";!'"" "•^■""I'" "> ■ ,f ^ "«"'• ''""■- '««•'. 8v<), ;), I)|..,,|i,,„ ' . , p ' " ' 
 «(.»Hi c.xi.i.ri..i,k., M«u.« "hiv ■m;is"7;;;.T,ih:'',',n','r 1',""" "*' i"-''- 1 
 lling of the ,7 ;"''' I' >'«. I'".- Knwluat,.,! at lh!> New Y irk (, Ilia 
 1 1.;m-.1» : with ,v l>|,.,i f„r the C.rrct Suoll 
 I nine lonii (icniia lllnat i . i.,-- °H""-"» ". um i „ ni,., ■' . "' - ■■ ■■ r"—"»iim ui uii! ivcw Viirk CiiMcl' 
 .11, Arctic ^w■I:i:t^-''A^,..tlc a„„ A „ r,.n'", .^ .tl-i* .,":''" '^""^ '"" "'-M : « Novel, 
 I77'i'lHrt"'i ^"lJ:l'^' '^'■'■"'' ""'' Anlarctio UfB,.,.,» 
 0,7' ss^r'p/" Countries a„,l British Colonil-s.") illust' 
 '"'"•; ';^*''I' '?'""• "5- IVTovnin Hark: a Ponular A. 
 >.lo of llobcrt Kiirfax, of Steotun, Vice A In ir j M 
 ilerinan, an.l ,M,.,nbor for York A D Illllil 79^ ' 
 piM f.,.. o.i«i„a, Letter, a;!;!"?',!!:'::;^;^ S; 
 .,a;'im,mMi''!;rhirfa"ts' iiTo," ;:"""'"-',"■ '!'"""'^^-- "<^^ 
 on., anmher Ike on a eonuno,!'"-,-;, ' ^ ' t ;.""' 
 8i "p. i'l* e'j"« "r" =. "V »-.".'"-" "iogranhy of 
 of the 
 Iion., \ -■*;,, ;i vol8. er. Svo 
 ch!!"h'';j:Y^;rr^fr:;:,„ c^"-""""- 
 Js;;!;;7i,^^:s"Sv^ '''"' •">"" ''""•- '^^ "«^; 
 OoManiiil, l,on,, I,s71l, p Nyo "anus mnry 
 Lo™" .m',' '"'I**''""",'^;, '• l^'-vs of Affection : I-oom,, 
 lM^,'*!.o.*'"''*' «i"'«"l»"» Hhyu.e«. Illu«.. Lon., 
 iMiirk", Rev. Jampfi I ri n 'm i. . 
 t.n;<hina was aidinir A St,. ■ n.... . . ^.*' ''""' \'*~^' ■' voli. 
 ;;™r!\'",'"« Netherlands when En^ 3' ";'a;:i:,';"^ AS, Vn «•" """- '-"-. 
 Iho Dutch. Lon.. isss «,.„ '*'""" ""' '"'^'"S A Story of Cnrnival, hon. 1,H,S2 S vol. „ « „ . V 
 (Jrcnt Treason: a 8 dry i,f the \V„r f } i >"'• ^ 
 . iciiy (II tne Hiir of Indepcn.lence, 
 Iho Dutch, Lon., IH.SS, Svo 
 •Mr. Murklmni has edited the following works for Iho 
 iMkluyt .Sooioty: 1. The Life and Act., of D n A 
 . or. Kvo. 
 IS^'S.Syot'crSvo • • *''"'"-'" "^""^ ^^o^"^' '"">•. 
 ^"ahl ^.i^ :r "!""j^- _ ^^« «»'^"ve Propor- 
 g'lja. hon., 1865,, Svo. I. First Part of the Royal Coin 
 r P^ru ;„• is-''- u'"- i- '^."P"''- «■" ">o Discove^ry 
 and lawsof ;'h V • ™; "• ?"'"''*-"^ of the Right 
 "' ';"" "i ">« ^»«ii8. J"<n.. IHT.i, 8vo. 7. The Vov 
 r "hh to" s'' Tf'^'^^' I"'"!",- "' 'fe East rndl'e's 
 ' ,',,"• '^- ^''« Hawkins' Voyages durinir the 
 ■ w , svo. H. Ihe Natural and .Moral History of thp 
 d,os. By Joseph de Acosta, Jesuit. Lon. IS.SO 8vo 
 l"slfsy„ ^^''«''' "^ ^""'"" »"»"• l«12-i622, Lon ,' 
 .■tlnrkham, Jared Clark, b. l.sie, at Tyringham 
 „'■"•• ■''"" "«J '"«', but abandoned it for arch teeture 
 .1 to .reT""'.'" to architectural periodica r 1 An-' 
 n nts N Yor'k'm,^"''^'";? '"'""^ "^ National Nol 
 llla^r^'NTv'^J^,'?'""''- '• ^'"""^ ""> Yule-Log. 
 ' V V'"?' "*'"' 'I- Svo- 2. Aboard the" .Muyis " 
 •i ter J^:^' i'?' "')• »^°- •*• On the E Ige „V 
 '"'■/"".»'• N.York, 1881,80. , Svo. 4. Narfntive 
 lli^tory of King Philip's War. ami .h» Ip.M ./t"! - 
 III,i«r„^r^M '"'- ^^V'","""' *"" "f ">'■ United .States.") 
 IJi! ? ''V w' Tl'O'na'' H., [ante, yol. ii., add.l 1 
 Ts.°8''1 ,*'■"" o"?"?' ^'*''«'=« Acts': with Rules Ac ; 
 '•' n., 1858, 12rao. 2. Joint-Stook Companies Acts, 1856- 
 ^..ntr.'V.o^.'^^.f;""''- ^"'"■"' "- Cross of Con- 
 cr.'^M""*'"*'' "*••''"«'••'• Medical Mission, Lon., I8B0, 
 PrfJ'iples^'L-'o"'?.'!:; ,,Xr'""'"e inyestigatedinits 
 Po'^fof"Vr"eI.Vr,l^'V.!''''!''', "''""-^ "f 'he Maritime 
 M ■'ffi'""'' : 'th cd., Lon., Lsiio, Svo. 
 Lon.,"! 888, 4V/ '""'""^ ""'"^ '*" ^^"■■'''' I"""'- 
 12mo*"' *'"""*** "• "™'t-f^ife '" Song, Bait., 1^74, 
 Marr, John E. The Cla,«siflcation of the Cambrian 
 "8i2:Lo;,'ri,^rs'y?^'"'^ """^"'s-"" ^'-o^'ir 
 Bot^.'o'n.!^•8'^2:^ '^"""'"^'^ «"'"^' - "-^^^ 
 JWarrack, Richard, b. 183I, at .Sancreed, Corn- 
 wall, a solictor. With llARyF.v, Ukv. E. tl How wo 
 by tlil'dfth^rr "T^ur^n "' f.'!sf ' f "'^'"'' ""** ^''""*<» 
 3(1 u<l., m.SI. 3. Northern I.ii;htK: Pen nnd Pencil 
 Pkctehfi iif Heotoh VVorlhU.n '.Moil., I.un., 1S77, I-'iiih. 
 :<. Iiiivlil Liviii|;at(>iio, Minatonary iinil Itincovoror, Uun., 
 1877, I2inu. t. The (irmtt AiiiiMtlu: Piolurcn troin tlx^ 
 Life uf ,Sl. Piiul, I on., IM7H, ISiiKi. ft. " l,iiiul of tlio 
 iMountiun iiikI the FIiidiI ;" 8culti.'<li SornoH iiiiil Sienury 
 ilulinentoil, hon., IN7II, ii). Iiiiiio. II. Jiiiiion .Mont- 
 ({oiiiory, Cliri:'tiiin Port iiml Phil(inlhro|iii<t, l,on., I'^'V, 
 l^liio. 7. Po|ii'r.v anil Piilronii);a : lilui'triitloiiH nf.'^i'oleh 
 C'huruh History, liiin., IS,h|,s,|. HIuio. H. Our .SiiiUlrt 
 [sic: Kni^lJMli Hicni'Kiinil .'^ei-nery ililinnitt'il, l,on., IxS'l, 
 s(j. nil U. Two Staniliiiil lluiiriTM in thu Kaiil : Dr. 
 hiilV mill Dr. WilH Loii,, l^?<'.', ISiiio. III. UobiTt 
 Mollnlt, At'rii-iin Mia.iionai\ . 1, in., INSI, ISmo. II. 
 Llxhtii uf Ihu Wi'Htern Wiirlil : lii-tlnK»i»l>«il Anioricanii, 
 I.iiii., iHMii, |i. Mvo. 12. 'I'lio l.imil uf tliu (Uiiiutu: Plo- 
 turca of Iiifo in Soiitluirn [inllii, l.on., If^S?, l2iiio. 
 Miirriiier« Itcv. Kilwiii Thomni« Jiiiiie!i, 
 gnuluiitvil lit C'hrlit ColleKu, C'Hinljriilf{e, Is,~i2i iinluinuil 
 lH,');i. Sernion.< iirciicbed in Lyme Ui'gin, Lon,, Ihil2, 
 Murriot, Tlianinii. Tbe Flouil, [vorae,] RuohJulu, 
 ninrriott, Rev. Charles, M.A., CD., [<^l^, vol. 
 ii., aild.,] 1SU2-IS.1S. I'or bion., sou lIurgon'H " Tnelvi! 
 tlooil Men." 1, Co-Oponitive Prinoiiilca iinil Triio Polit- 
 iiiii Kidiioniy, I,iin., IS,');i, l2nio. 2, Five Scrniona on 
 Faith iind Chiiridi Autliority, Lon., IH,)-, 8vo. ;i. Leo- 
 tuioa on St. I'luil'rt Epintlu to the HiMiiiina, Lon., IH.V.I, 
 12nio. I. .S. Aurolius Au);u8tinii.4 D|iiii(.'o|iuiJ de Cut<- 
 olii/.anilis, itc, Lon., IStW, 12mo. 
 .tiarriott, Frances S. 1. A VodviiOircrinu, Lon., 
 1802, 4to. 2. Synibola from N'atnro: .Sketched for Old 
 and Young; new ed., Lon., IH77, Kinio. 
 .Yfarriutt, (>. It. I. (Trana.) Primitive Property, 
 by Kmilo do Laveleyo : witli Introduution by J, E. (.'. 
 Lealit', Lon. and N. Ynrls. 1M7S, Svo. 
 Marriott, J. T. Uur Unitarian Faith : Diacouraea, 
 Lon.,<, 12mo. 
 Marriott, \V. Hinta to Moteorologioal Observera; 
 2d ed., Lon.,, Svo. 
 Marriott, Migor-Uen. W. F. Grammar of Po- 
 litiaal Keonoiiiy, Lon., 1S71, p. Svo. 
 Marriott, W. 8. Uldun and Modem Timca : wiih 
 other Pui'ins, Lon., IS.')."), p. Svo. 
 Marriott, Kev. Wharton Booth, M.A., I).I>., 
 B.C.L., !,s2a-l.S71, Follow of E.\eter Colligo, Oxford, 
 18JB-51 ; master at Kton 185(1-71, and from then (irin- 
 field lecturer at Oxford. I. Eiphnilta : Wholesome 
 Words of Holy Scripture, lion., IStil, 12mo. 2. Vesti- 
 ariuin C'hri.stiiiuum : the Origin and Gradual Develop- 
 ment of the Dri'sa of Holy Ministry in the Ohurcn. 
 Illust. Lon., 1S«8, r. Svo. * 
 "Consistsof tliri'i! parts,— (Irst, an introduction, In which 
 Ills own view.son the subject arc oxpounded and enforced ; 
 secondly, a loin; array of extracts frmn patristic and nied- 
 la'Viil writers In supimrt of them ; and, lastly, what Is far 
 thu most valuable portion of the volume, about sixty plates 
 from ancient munuinenis, designed to iUustruto the same 
 oonclnsions."— A'at. AVc, xxv. 727. 
 .S. Vestments of the Church. Illust. Lon., 18B9, Svo. 
 4. Tho Testimony of the Catacombs and of other Monu- 
 ments of Christian Art concerning (Jueationa of Doctrine 
 now disputed in the Church, Lon., 1870, Svo. 
 Marriott, William Thackeray. J. Clerical 
 Disabilities, Lon., ISliS, 8vo. 2. Two Veara of British 
 Intervention in Kj;ypt: a Letter, Lon., 1884, Svo, 
 Mnrryat, Augusta. 1. Lostin the.Iungle: a Story 
 of the Indian Mutiny, Lon., 1876, Ifimo. 2. Left to 
 Themsolvos in Australia. Illust. Lon., 1S78, p. Svo. 
 3. The Keverse of the Shield ; or. The Adventures of 
 Grenville le Marobant during the B'ranco-Prussian War. 
 Illust. Lon., 1879, p. Svo. 
 Marryat, Blanche. Briars and Thorns, Lon., 
 18117, ;! vols. Svo. 
 Marryat, Emilia. Sec Nonnis, Emilia. 
 Marryat, Florence. See Lka.v, Mhs. Florknik. 
 Marryat, Mtyor II, F. Catechiam of Military 
 Training, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 
 Marryat, Horace. 1. A Residence in Jutland, 
 tbe Danish Islands, and Copenhagen, Lon., ISRO, 2 vola. 
 p. Svo. 
 "There Is a great deal of really sound information about 
 a part of the world which few Englishmen visit. A strouRer 
 head misht have proilnccd a much t)ct.t4T lw..n!.-, h;:: Mr. 
 Marryat Is very far from haviuf; produced a bad one."— 
 Hot. Rev., xi. 227. 
 2. One Year in Sweden, Lon., lSfi2, 2 vola. p. Svo. 
 Marryat, Rosalind. 1. Wives and Mothers ; 
 iteadinga for Mothers' .Mi'ctings. Lon.. IS7ft, 3 vols. 
 12mo; n^w ed., 1870. 2. Steps tol'hrlstian Minhnod ' 
 WiirilH for llo.vs, Lon., 1878, I2inii ;i. The I'hiiln of 
 Hold: a .Manual of Prayer fur Working- Liids, Lon.. 
 1880, .r.'nm. 
 .MarKdi-n, Alexander, .M.D., F.R.C.8., b. |s;!o. 
 educiitcd lit King's College, !,ondon: served as army Hir- 
 gcoii in the Ci'linean war, and was for llflcen years -in 
 gcon to the Hoyal Free and Caiii-er Hospitals, {.ondoii, 
 which had been founded by his father, Dr. Williaiu .Miir«- 
 den ; he is still consulting and senior surgeon to tlm.-o 
 institutions. I, A New tind Successful .Mode of Tnat- 
 ing Cerliiin Forms of lancer, Lon., IKII'.I, Svo ; 2d ed., 
 187,;. 2. Cancer liiiaeks and Cancer Curers, Lun., 1*7:'.. 
 Svo. 3. TJie Treatment of Cancer and Tumours by 
 Chian Turpentine, and All other Methods, Lon., I'-sii, 
 iMarNden, J, (Trana.) The Skeleton in the Hoiio'. 
 by V. Spielhiiucn, Lon., 1882, cr. Svo. 
 .>larNdeii, Itcv. J. Ii., [om., vol. ii., add.] In 
 lluence of the Mosaic Code upon Legislation, Lun., 181)'.', 
 .tlarsdcn, J. H. Iland-Rook of Practical Mid- 
 wifery, including Full Instruclioiis for tlie llomii'opatluc 
 Treatment of the Disoi.lers of I'regnancv, itc, .N. Vork, 
 18711, ,svo. 
 Marsdeu, It. CottonSpinniiig, (" Techno! .gicai 
 Hand- Hooks, ') Lon,. INS4, 12nio. 
 Marwden, It. ■». A unt of the Tcicenieiuny 
 Fe^ti^al of the Uiii -ilyof Kdinbiiigh, Fdin., l^SliXm. 
 Miirsdeii, Itcuiiiald (.odlrcy, b. I^li: oallcl 
 lo the I .ir at till' Inner Temple 1.S72. I. A Trcali-e "ii 
 the Law of Collisions nt Sea, Lon., IfSO, svo; 2d ed., 
 1885. 2. The lliile against Perpetuities: a Treatise on 
 Remoteness in Liinilalions, Lon., I88H, .svo. 3. iIM.) 
 Reports of Cases determined by the High Court ol ,\.| 
 mirttlly an I upon .\ppeal theiel'roni. 1758-1774. Dv 
 Sir W. Burrell. Lun., 1885, Svo. 
 Marsden, Rev. Thomas, graduated at ror|<ii- 
 Christi College, Cambridge, 18114; ordained 18;!l; ri'lor 
 of Burstow, Surrey, ISJ.')-74, and of ,^t. .lolin's, llois- 
 leydown, 1874-81. I. The Sacrod .^teps of Crculion; 
 Twelve Lectures, Lon., 18115, p. Svo. 2. The Coniin ii 
 Force of the rniverso, Lon., 187U, p. Svo. 3. 'I hi' 
 Athanasian Creed and the Theology of Nature lom. 
 pared, Lon., 1872. 
 Marsh, Andrew J. A New Manual of ReforuM I 
 Phonetic ."'hort-lland ; new ed., rev., San Fran., I-^I, 
 Marsh, Mrs. Anne, (Caldwell,) [miir, vol. ii., 
 add.,] 17!lti-1874. I. Adelaide Lindsiiy, Lon., Ihjo. :! 
 vols. p. Svo. Anon. New ed., 1877, l2mo. 2. Ciistlc 
 Avon. By the Author of " lOinilia Wvndham." Lmi., 
 1852, 3 vols. p. Svo. :i. Aubrey, Lon.. 1S54, 3 vol-. 
 p. Svo. Anon. 4. (L<'.) Heathside Farm : a Tale "f 
 Country Life, Lon., 1SII3, 2 p. Svo. 5. Rever-i>. 
 Lon.»»1864, 2 vols. p. Svo. B. Cbionicles of Dartuioi.r, 
 Lon.. 1SB5, 3 vola. p. Svo. 
 Marsh, Mrs. Caroline, l";(i, vol. ii., .Mmi-ii. 
 .Mns. (iKOROK P., aild.,1 b. 1810, at Berkley, .^Ll-^, ; 
 daughter of Benjamin Crane; married Oeorge I'crkin- 
 .Marsh, I'li/Vo, in 1838. I. Wolfe of the Knoll, and jilier 
 Poems, N. York, iseo, Kimo. 2. Life and Letters of 
 Oeorge Perkins Marsh: vol. i., N.York, |.-*88. 2 vol-. 
 Svo. (This volume brings the narrative down to ilie 
 appointment of Mr. .Marsh as U.S. minister to Italv in 
 "It deals most with his personal character, hi- ::iowih 
 and life as a man. I'hc (Irst part is the most intciv-iini,'. " 
 —Xatitin. xlvii, 'J14. 
 Marsh, Miss Catherine .'>l., [ante, vol. ii.. .M \i:-t!. 
 Miss, add.,] daughter of the late Rev. William .Muisli, 
 iii/rii, rector of Beddington ; has taken a great inlcp -t in 
 the improvement of the working-classes, ."^lie (muii led 
 a convalescent hospital at Blackruck, Brighton, in l^oi's 
 and has establisheil an orphanage at Beckenhani. K.iit, 
 where she resided for some time. 1. A Light for the 
 Line; or, The Story of Thomas Ward, a Railway U'ork- 
 man, 1S58, 12mo. 2. Brave, Kind, and lluppv ; or, 
 Words of Hearty Friendship to the Working .Men of 
 England, Lon., 1S5.8, 12ino. 3. The Race and tlio Prize, 
 Lon., 1850, I2mo. 4. The Haven and the Homo, l.on., 
 1860. 12mo. 5. Midnight Chimes, Lon., 18(11. IL'nio. 
 B. Tbe Life of Arthur Vandeleur, Late .Major Uiyai 
 Artillery, Lon., 1863, sm. cr. Svo. 7. Death and Lite: 
 a Record of the Cholera Wards in the London 11 " |ritid3, 
 Lon., 1S66, ISmo. 8. Life of the Rev William .Mar.-h, 
 ^im: t:";; !sm: 'iTiitr;: ■"'•• '"" «• nr„y„„r,r 
 ,"• M«".".y, Pi.fur ;. r,r'*^s'-','*''/i '"'"•■ '^«i' '2,.',, 
 . L ■• . vol. ii., 
 ','"'>■ : -m JUKI 
 •■"i i.jkures and 
 plilluio^ii.ii) Mlib 
 1^72, :Li^;,,,.' ''■','' T,;:";,vr' "">r"^ if'HiiIi.-.:'r.„ ; 
 '"7-'. IS, ThclH., , ",'" ""'• 'fi" I'l-nv.T ,n 
 '"■>rl«K l...r,., I,s77. |", .„■"''•"'"' '"hrr l)rl..r .M.,. 
 till- I-llo .,f ^Suinuul li, II ",,«"''"'""' lli'i'l.lit- in 
 %ll, I.ori,, I^h:,, 1',,,„ .,7.' '• Mariili: a Prune 
 '>"»' "K.i.ili.i,.,,,/",' ■IV,,,'?,".','"," " "f the II.., Spirit , 
 nd.l., IMII-I8NL' ivii/rVJ ■■• '""■.[">"■ 
 'i'l tho ti-"e„f ,"'„,;; ■";j"'v" ''■ ■ 
 jee.- t„„;;:""K, "bii'ie""'^'" ■. ' "■"X'-'-ub- 
 "";"■'<. I. l.i'cturoH on he F^/j,,T .■'■*"""■ <'^""MVB, 
 ^- Afiiii iinil Xutiiro. n> III 
 led by n..,„„„ u. ,;„:V&.,"r'r''f'''^ '•'"'"''- 
 Hill) n 1870 „i,i, ," "'"'""i 'VI18 issued lit Pl,,^ 
 .i vol.^t''" """^ '"'" ^'""•-•n Editlor,, N. York, 'im 
 M^r.iT 'T;'"'"''' '■ l-'H. * '■"'■' '^'B''a" life ana 
 •"""''' Howard. KHrci _-, . 
 MnrMh '.."''• '■ '-'H- '»'Kiiaii nto niui 
 W!'"/;,: J-,s^;.I">'K. M.D. A Book about Shaais,' 
 •"•^7. f|'- ^v„ V w,- ^'""''■■•."f A. F. Gardiner, Lon 
 fioi.i .. ' """11, U.U.. l-ss_!s«i 1 . ,,. 
 f»>M^:.tions, and delvered ,!,^ ''"""" 'o'nperance or- 
 , ''l"eh " Putnam „';JX W 'f ""■"'""I '™'"'<'^' "f "ne 
 '"""fmd copies had been sill 'K""^''""•''■«'' »"'•«% 
 '"""-^f the' American Trat°tSoo?rv " .'-T.^ '"'" ">« 
 *•' ^o°'«ty, which distributed 
 'uany thou».„,|, ,„or , . „ 
 < •Mliiry Triliii,,. ,„ „,„ ,■„,,, '';. '.^^>- '-''""• :'. ll„|f. 
 ''•'■'"!"• ^' Voik, /hhm i:,,' ""• '• l"'«n.« Hecol. 
 "»"i I', l,S(17. -'""• ''• ' fayum Ironi I' 
 ''liirHli, John II I. iu'ii 
 '■'"'-ter, |s.|,i, .H,.„. I J' I, "'"."""""y Truo:' .Man 
 •^. WiH« j<„yl„u,,f ,,,•,">' '«^ "' .-^liakinpoiire |s;' 
 ■'"'^i"n';y.'o«.Th Pall ' ' '™ ""»' «ith In.n,: 
 1 >i -M, i,.,u,, (iKiin. 1,1 11 , hist ;/,','""■■ "'"' ""I'le a 
 ^;j«is<if riiV^;;^';^^, >:■-,■;'; ami,,,,,;,^; i,;,.,';",,^ 
 'J"-n-lan,V r.:n",*.Sfi7,",r;;';',:"' '■■■'"" *""''".",„„„ „ 
 t».'W at V,.|„ ,i„,, |,s'fi" li '^''''""'^•"' l'"''t-..n. 
 "ciontilio exploration, in ,1,; Ho.kv M """'" ^■"""•-ive 
 ° harge of tlio division of ZuZitl ,"?"""""-- '""I l>a, 
 y.."'. (Jeologieal .Survey. ' '""'*A'"*"'"«>' '" "'« 
 ^S.";^^ ^!;-'r'ir'^.HS^nr:r;{:^h ;u^-;;- 
 ■! vol... p. sy„, ™" ^' J'aidonhood, l.on., |,n(17 
 '^firNli, NylveslPr \r r. o ' 
 'ieal (Juide to the I',!, ' . ' ■^™'''>n-CuttinK • a I'm,. 
 ! 1H.'.J, 1-11,0. ' • "• "'*''» ■">'' iinds: Poems, L,„; 
 >'S- t^yE^,'^'?^^ ^-od ,1, Merchant 
 i iTijlso, Where he Kraduated ,i« ."„ 'V " ^"""S'^- (■"»'- 
 "nd was elected a^e lo?v lecturr;"'' ^"""^'--"^ "' '^«* 
 I Ca«,'"'"lge Crou, I,.6,S t IIIst- ' «» '""nil science at 
 »i|"»' of t'niversitv Co Li ,' •"'";" ""^ ""^"""e prin- 
 Uppointed I'oturer'^in p^^ • ,'^"t'- ^^ "*«■' he' w", 
 '«KC, 0.xford, and in I8S4 ,V„ "™"'?"7 "' ""Hiol Col- 
 oett as professor of p„|(ioal 1 ""'''"' ''•■"''■"sor Fa,v. 
 v«- ty The Preset CiCofi^.'" *""■""'""«« '"'- 
 and pre,i.,;tK the ;vhoi •''^'h"'"' '"""■"'»'f'"nVit';id''vruVir 
 ■ ' ""^i;"""' fr<-''^h,ieJof 11, 'ration'"" Si^'«''"''''f "f argiT: 
 jMarshall, Arthur m7 ,es ~M T lii . ' '''"' 
 F.K..S., professor of loolo/v »„ i ' ^ ^^•' ^^'I^-' »-Sc., 
 ,in Owens College, Victor!frf^ ™>"parative anatomy 
 Tho Frog: an In roduc in toTT^' *'i'°«hester. |^ 
 Embryology, Manchester, iVsz.e^ "of .3^^^ 
 enl., ISSS, 2. (Ell.) Owens College: Stuilies from the 
 niologiciil liiibdnitory : vol. i., Miinehe.itcr, 1SS6, 8vo. 
 ■\Vith iliMiST, C. IlKRiiKiiT, (Uinonstnitor iind aaMstant =,,,,, , ,, ^. 
 lecturer in zoology in Owens CMesc A Junior Course of 2(1. Little Muy >■ HS"''-;',"';:' '''" .'^''l^L^,, . 
 Pniotical Zoology, Lon., 1.S87, er. Svo. Lon 18 '«.>"'"• ^J' „'" '''^,7^""'' ^'■^""^' ' 
 MBrslittll, Beatrice. 1. The Shadow of Erks- ; ot Heart; 4th cil., Lon., IShil, p 
 dale: ii Novel, Lon., 1875, :! vols. i). Svo. 2. Dolly's of the J wo Margarets 
 Charge, Lon., ISSI), 18mo. .3. Fan's Brother; or. An 
 Old Tlead on Young Shoulders, Lon., I8S1, ISuio. 4. 
 (Triins.) Stella; from the German of Fanny Lewald, 
 Lon., 1SS4, 2 vols. l8mo. o. Nancy's Nephew; or, 
 Mike's First Campaign. Illust. Lon., 18S«, p. Svo. 
 MarstiHll, Charles. I. Lays and Lectures for 
 Scotiii's Daughters of Industry, Edin., ISJ.'i, 12mo. 2. 
 Jloinely Words and Songs for Working Wives, Ac, Ldin., 
 ]S57. ISmo. :i. Lavs and Lectures for Working Men 
 and Women, Edin.,"lS78, l2mo. 
 iMiirsliall, Charles, ("Heraclitus Grey," pseud.) 
 1. Tlie Thr.o Paths: a Novel, Lon., ISSil, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 2. Armstrong Magncy, Lon., 1S67, p. 8vo. :i. In Vain, 
 Lon., IStW, :i vols. p. 8vo. 4. King (iab's Story-Uag, 
 and tlie Wonderful Stories it contained. IlUist. Lon., 
 1S69, Ifimo. 5. Playing Trades, Lon., ISTII, l6mo; 3d 
 el.. 1SS3. fi. Careless Kyts, and other Stories, Lon., 
 lS7y, p. Svo. 
 Marshall, Charles. The Canadian Dominion, 
 Lon., 1S71, Svo. 
 "Those parts of Mr. Marshall's book which deal with the 
 practical aspect-s nf Canadian life are likely to make most 
 impre.ssioii. lie has evidently devoted much care and 
 maiivlnquiriesui theciuestionof emigration, and to every- 
 tliliiK eonnected with the Canadian Dominion which con- 
 cerns the molher-country."— >'p<'l•^I^)r, xliv. IHIW. 
 MarKhall, Rev. Charles, .M.A., d. 18S4; gradu- 
 ated at St. Bees ISlli; ordained I.S44; rector of Har- 
 purhey from 1854, (Ed.) The Latin Prayer-Book of 
 Charles II., Oxf., 1SS2. 
 Marshall, Charles F. The True History of the 
 Brooklyn Scandal: Account of tire Trial of H._ W. 
 Beecher upon Charges preferred by T. Tilton, is . Vork, 
 IS74, Svo. 
 Marshall, Rev. Edward, M.A., F.S.A., gradu- 
 ated at Corpus Cliristi College, O.xford, is;is, and elected 
 a Fellow; ordained l.S:!9; vicar of Sandford St. Martin 
 since 18S4. 1. An Account of the Parish of Sandford, 
 in the Deanery of Woodstock, Oxf., 18611, p. 8vo. 2. 
 An .Account of the Township of Church Enstone, in the 
 Deanery of Chipping-Norton, Oxf., ISfiS, p. Svo. 3. An 
 Account of the Township of Ittley, in the Deanery of 
 Cuddesdon, Oxfordshire, from the Earliest Notices, Oxf., 
 1S71). p. .Svo; 2d ed., enl., 1S74. 4. The Early History 
 of Woodstock Manor, and its Environs in Bladon, Hen- 
 pin L;ton, New Woodstock, Blenheim : with Later Notices. 
 Iliu-'t. Oxf, 1S73, or. Svo. 
 "The history of Woodstock is full of interest. It only 
 remains for us to add that it is told in an iiiterestiii)' way 
 by .Mr. Marshall. . . . His materials have been gathered 
 from source;: wide apart, and he has so arranged thorn a.s 
 to make an attractive story."— yl(/i.. No. '2411. 
 5. A Supplement to the History of Wooi" took Manor 
 and its Environs: with a Notice of the Church and 
 Parish of Wootton, Oxf., 1875, or. Svo. 6. Oxford, 
 (" Diocesan Hislories,") Lon., 1SS2, l?mo. 
 Marshall, Edward Chaiiiicby, [mite, vol. ii., 
 add..] eonnected with the New Vork Star and Even- 
 ing Telegraph 1875-85, and has since become financial 
 agent of the American Protective Tariff League. I. 
 History of the United States Naval Academy: with 
 Biographical Sketches, Ac, N. York, 1S02, 12nio. 2. 
 The Ancestors of • eneral Grant and their Contempora- 
 ries, N. York, isfi9, 12mo. 
 Marshall, .Mrs. Emma, (Martin,) b. 1832. 1. 
 Happy Days at Fernbank : a Story, Lon., 1881, ISmo. 
 2. Edith Prescr < Lon., lSfi3, I2ino. 3. Rainy Days, 
 and how to in i-c them, Lon., 18(13, 12iuo. 4. Rose 
 Bryant, Lon., 18(13, 12mo. 5. Helen's Diary; or. Thirty 
 Years Ago, Lon., 1884, 12mo. 8. Katie's Work, Lon., 
 18(14, ISmo. 7. Considen : .n ; or, How can wo Help 
 One Another':* I,on., 1881, ;Sino. 8. Brook Silvertone 
 and the 'jost Lilies, Lon., 1885, sq. Ifimo. !t. Roger's 
 Apprcntioeship, Lon., 1S85, l2iiio 1(1. Ma; or, Living 
 for Others: a Story, Lon., 1865, ISmo. II. The Dawn 
 of Life: or. Little Mildred's Story, Lon., 1S66, i2mo. 
 12. Millioent Legh : a Talc, Lon.', 1886, 12ino. 13. 
 Grannie's Wardrobe, Lon., 1867, 18mo. 14. The Old 
 Gateway, Lon., 1887, ] 8vo. 15. Theodora's Child- 
 hood: a Story, Lon., Ijij7, ISmo. ■': Daisy Bright, 
 Lon., 1S68, ISmo. 17. Grace Buxton; or, The Light of 
 Home, Lon., 188.8, ISmo. 18. The Little Pent Culler ; 
 or. The Song of Love, Lon., IS6S, ISmo. lU. Vi(]let 
 Dcmglas; or. The Problems of Life, Lon., 1S6S, p. Svo. 
 ' " "' of a Basket, 
 Svo. 22. The Story 
 L(]n., ISliU, 12mo. 23. Edward's 
 Wife: a Tale, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 24. Primrose; or, 
 The Bells of Old Effingham, Lon., 187(1, ISmo. 25. 
 Christabel Kingseote ; or, Tlie Patience ol Ilojie, Luii., 
 1870, p. Svo. 28. Heights and A'alleys: a Tale, Ljn., 
 1S71, p. 8vo; new cd., 1881. 27. Stellnfont Abbey; or, 
 Nothing New, Lon., 1S71, 12mo. 28. Three Little 
 Sisters, Lon., 1871, ISmo. 2il. To-Day and Vesteidny, 
 Lon., 1S7I, ISmo. 311. Matthew Frost, Carrier: an. I 
 Litlle Snowdrop's Mission, Lon., 1S72; new ed., 187... 
 12nio. 31. Between the Clitls; or, Hal Forrester's 
 Anchor, Lon., 1873, ISino. 32. Mrs. Mainwaring's 
 .lournal, Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 33. Now-a-Days; or. 
 King's Daughters, Lon,, 1374, p. Svo. 34. A Lily 
 among Thorns, Lon., 1874, p. Svo. 35. Three Little 
 Brothers, Lon., 1875, ISmo. 38. Life's Aflermalli : a 
 Story of Quiet People, Lon.. 1S78, p. Svo. 37. .Toamui's 
 Inheritance : a Story of Young Lives, Lon., 1877, 12mci. 
 38. Lady Alice; or. Two Sides to a Picture, Lon., Is77, 
 p. Svo. 30. Mrs. Haycock's Chronicles : a Story of 
 Life-Service, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 40. A History ol 
 France, adapted for English Children, Lon., 1877. sq. 
 16ino. 41. True and Strong, and other Home Tales. 
 Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 42. JIarjory ; or. The Oil'l of Peace, 
 Lon., 1878. ISmo. 43. Job Singleton's Heir, and oilier 
 Stories, l,on., 187S. p. Svo. 44. A Knight of our Own 
 Day, and other Verses, Lon., lS7',t, sq. Ifimo. 45. Fraiiii- 
 lode Hall; or. Honour is Humility, Lon., 1871), 1 Mao. 
 48. A Chip of the Old Block: Lionel King, of King.-- 
 holme Court, Lon., 1S7!I, ISmo. 47. The Rochcnioiii? : 
 a Story of Three Homes, Lon., 1879, p. Svo. 4S. Ruby 
 and Pearl; or, The Children at Castle Aylmer, Lon., 
 1879, p. Svo. 49. Royal Law; or. The Words of the 
 King: with Tales, Lon., 1879, p. Svo. 50. Stories of 
 the Cathedral Cities of England, Lon., 1S79, p. Svo. 
 51. Heather and Harebell: n Story for Children, Lon., 
 1880, p. Svo. 52. Light in the Lily; or, A Flower's 
 Message, Lon., 1880, ISmo. 53. The Birth of the Cen- 
 tury ; or. Eighty Years Ago, Lon., 188(1, ISino. .01. 
 Memories of Troublous Times: being the History uf 
 Dame Alicia Chamberlayne, of Ravensholme, Uloiuc- 
 tershire, [a story,] Lon., 1880, ji. Svo. 55. A Rose without 
 Thorns, Lon., 1880, ISmo. 5fi. A Violet in the Slnole, 
 Lon., 1880, ISmo. 57. Benvenula ; or. Rainbow Colour-. 
 Lon., 1881, |). Svo. 58. DewUrops and Diaiiiciii^l.-. 
 Illust. Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 69. Dorothy's Daagli'ds. 
 Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 80. Constantia Carew : an Aiiio- 
 biography, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 81. The Daysprin-; u 
 Story of the Time of William Tyndale, Lonj, 1>S2, |i. 
 Svo. 62. The Court and the Coltnge: a Story for (lirls. 
 Illust. Lon., 1883, ]>. Svo. 83. In Colston's Days: ii 
 Story of Old Bristol, Lon., 1SS3, p. Svo. 04. Little .nil 
 Good: or. Manners Maketh Man, Lon., 1S83, ]i. svo. 
 85. Poppies and Pansies : a Story for Children. Illust. 
 Lon., 18S3, p. Svo. 88. Sir Valentine's Victory, and 
 other Stories. Illust. Lon., I. 883, cr. Svo. 67. Heuih.T- 
 cliffe; or. It's no Concern of Mine, Lon., Is84, er. ^vo. 
 68. Mrs. Willoughbv's Octave: a Tale, Lon., l>sl. p. 
 Svo. 69. In the East Country with Sir Thomas Ilnnvno, 
 Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 70. My Grnndmother's PiotiircH, 
 Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 71. Silver Chimes: or, Olive 
 18S4, p. Svo. 72. The Two Homes: a Story ol 
 Discipline, Lon,, 1S84, p. Svo. 73. Over the Down 
 A Chaiiter of Accidents, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 71. 
 Sandra's Casket, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 75. 
 Treasures; or, Choice Silver, Lon., 1885, p. Sv 
 The Mistress of Tayne Court, Lon., 1885, p. Sv 
 No. XIII.; or, The Story of the Lost Vestal, Lon 
 p. Svo. 78. Salome; or, "Let Patience liave lu 
 feet Work," Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 79. The Slory 
 Lost Emerald, Lon., 1885, 12mo. SO. U"der llo 
 dips: a Tale, Lon.. 1885, j). Svo. 81. A i''ight »iiii the 
 Swallow; or. Little Dorothy's Dream, Lon.. l>-ii. p. 
 Svo. 82. In Four Reigns: Recollections of Altlian 
 Allingham, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. S3. Life of (hi. l.or.l 
 Jesus Christ. Lon.. 1S88, 4to. 84. Rhoda's Reward; or, 
 •' If Wishes were Horses," Lon., 183fi, p. Svt.. '■ ""^ 
 Roses of Ringwood; a Story for Children, Lon., 1888, 
 p. Svo. 86. The Tower on the Cliff: a Giou.c.-for Le- 
 gend, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 87. Dandy Jim, 1- >u., 1SS7, 
 ISmo. 88. Daphne's Decision; or, Which sha.l it be. 
 Svo. T(i. 
 I ••So, 
 ■ I'er- 
 1' I bo 
 ton!,7s«^7-'s;f ^•,,I'- «-• 89. Eaglohurst Tower,, 
 Vfry'ow Story Lonis^rnT Matohett', Minake.- a 
 of thcOuse: Ufa in noJ' a l'" ^ °" •''" ''""''« 
 -.!'i"s?:7i ^5f 3?r- ?^-- -« 
 DiMmomls, Lon 18S8 V. s ' 'n„^'^- •'■''• 'i'-i.-tol 
 "n.l Applicari'n, I,„n ,85^ s™^'"''''^-' "' ''"Portnnce 
 '""-"T Klein, I,;;", l"s '.. p'^svo "'""" "^ "'"^"'' '••V 
 (Koply to a work by W IrlZl^ '""■' ^^^^' '^>'°- ' 
 Marshall, Fredprin in.. 
 France in Im-i^jZ iJo .^i" ""o"i'"'' '^""^" "' : 
 Life, E,lin. and Un '^t's ,^' P' "l"' -■ l'^^"^ Home 
 'Hmy.s bin. into exa^wr a lo "'L !t '':,;?^V' "^^"i",K "'l-g 
 Jill-., xxxvi. :ii9 *' "'■ " "^">''»'irlliyguiile."_.c^,^ 
 alien laws, and glorv/'_,l/A\" mm '""''''' l"'i^'li-"ges, 
 li.lUay:^!;ii^l;ii|:;^'^^>'i;y,'i;< „i».o,„.e i„ a 
 a variety of (" vl ,V|. ,' ' ,' ,,"""*^ V'-1'"'"^"'-"< "" 
 n.rf:f7-& 0*;f:;d*'sT«*', M.A. graduated at 
 « Memoir: Wit,.. .s.e.ui^^HSJ^;^^|^"^^:^- 
 <alM"t'ire'l;r*aft"!Midr'l."r',^«'^-''-' *•■ '■^•^"^ 
 ^Vm»hirei„,«^iX^;-'i,,S^/Ed) The Visitation of 
 -Marsiiaii, Hamilton.' i Po^ Vp.„ t r t 
 CaJShe'ltr^e; N Y'r^^CT,^™"-"' -• T-e ^ 
 t>m'm'iI;i'"of' ii,5V„ ^'"l'"'' .?f ""0 Celebration of the 
 V- a'Tale'l "^f wi 'o^h i/T/r/ ,"/' '^""' «<"""" C- 
 ' :Mf.r ; J,S';.'i sit =^^^^^ air; 
 "PI.ointn,e„ts,' inelu I, ; ,1^,' '' r'™*-""^'^"'/ •^"•<"-«l 
 He lias also been ninf'.c <■ I"^"''^'"'*'"- "f surgerv. 
 Academy, and eet " ""''the ll"""," 'r '"• "'« '''•^"' 
 i South Kens.-ngton A leu , ?„> i"^'"' f"^,""'""" and 
 i?::r^rd"is^""?^iv"'""-" = 
 ; -nd'com^aratwt 1.1 ^r ;r' tuV""''' """-' 
 S O-r Artists. 'l|,usi.M:o„!, 7^fs,';:"'8™ ^j^:^'- 
 i--.;S'ri:i^r^;;:'^'"V'"r"i^i«-e- 111-.. 
 , Wards. Lon., 87« 8 ,? 7 I"' r?'"*"" "*■ J'"*!"'^" 
 I'^g^', Lon., 1S.S5 % Noni". " """'""an Oration, 
 : for the Relief «r Cureo^l" n w"',Ht7"r''^''''''"''« 
 : Marshall. Joliii luo ',."'' *"'"• 
 and Civil Ad'Cl::;, Isslr^'m f"""' E-l-iastical 
 NtTse.s, Lon., im Is.Lo """" ^"^ ^'"""-"'•^ and 
 i ,,s?r""""'' •»""«". The Annals of' Tennis, Lon., 
 aplayer«.sMr. .M7X;il\Vnn , ,'''1V'''''';'''''''"'K"^^ 
 We even to a proHeiont in' u" glue ••'- si;/ '5J' ,''"''',' ''^"'i'"' 
 Marshall. Mrs iiin„.. ■', ■^"'- ^'"i -^ivi. lis). 
 ^ioinns,") Lon., I8S3 er '""o """'*'"' '"«™' Mu- 
 Exa:,:re'"(J!,'d„f^fi::,!;«',^J ^(^.gebraie For,nu,» „„d 
 for Ctll'i^f^I-S,^; ,!^?f^-i ^:%^'»"-- a Book 
 Marshall, Miss Neli'v > '■,''';;. 
 1869, U'mo. ^"^' '^' ^y fire, X. York, 
 Marshall. T. M n i, 
 i^h Chure "Lon..* 1^84 "Jr""^" "^ *•"•"" ^^''-Vton Par- 
 Marshall, T. W.' W ' ni, • .. 
 Agents and their lie.uU;, N. York iS-4 9"''?"'c' ""''^ 
 Marshall, llev. Tho.«„. .' '*' ^ '"'s- 8vo. 
 a.ed at New'lnn Hall o"^*, '',"^«"' 'l'-.^- gradu- 
 roetor of St. Mary's, Antigt 'l f;"^,"^''",'"^" "!« J 
 ;^-.: Translations into J^eeki:d'i:::in,^-:i:::f; 
 bri4 / w^ ordii^^ll^r ChL,^':^'^>r"T ^"- 
 came curate of Swallo vo inp h •'''".S'''"'^ ""'' ^e- 
 Cntholic Church hT 1845 Vh ■•'■"■".'"' ""-' ""'"an 
 Fragment, Lon., 18 u 8™ 2 C r'is '""'V,'" '''"""•• '^ 
 Agents, Methods, and 1 e.uL Lon .'^.''l'''"'-' """^ 
 new ed., 18li.<, 2 vol" r. ;',•?;'• ''"-• •' '"''■ 8vo; 
 India. 4. The Comedv of f ,n^ '^"""""' '" ■""""'"'■n 
 Church: in T>to Ses lU- 7 .''',' "' "'« '■»«"''' 
 D-eud.J Lon., 18.17, To; ;;d" | ^t'"7\P'r^^''' 
 Lecture, Lon 187S „«:/'' V"^""''i'^'•V of the Pope: a 
 Kradua,; of Fifty' yI?; A^o'^"n '^ '"^ l''^""'' ''"'-••■- ' 
 Lon., 1874, p. 8*^,. 8 The^oi.I r^.i" , '""'"''"'' "^ '^"»- 
 .Sketch, in Ihree Sc 'ne.''"r,^"tin"[.5'"'^«"^ '^ t 
 >". Angiic«n;of the \;:^iz Hrr^rr''- ''"■ 
 Marshall. \V. Tl,.f i. /. ' '^"' ■^non. 
 CMMf«MMH , 
 MtMaMft" , 
 —"-'■'3 II 
 " He Imi! imiiluccd a bonk wliich, tlidiiKli It is long, con- 
 tains II grt'iitfi' iiuiubur of liKurc's, in ]iroi»ortion U> its 
 luiitjtii, limn any other book vn: cvtT ri'meinbei' to have 
 seen, exeejtt a easli-book. . . . Mr. Mar.slmll bus buen no- 
 where oil' the beaten track, lias seen notbins; « liieb others 
 have not seen belbre him, and does not seem eajmble of 
 .seeinK nnytbin){ Unit is not poinled out in ii guide-book. "— 
 .S«(. Kev., li. COO. 
 " Mr. Marshall's book is almost enough to sai) ;he patri- 
 otic consbiney of that renowned |ierson who. In spite of 
 all temptations to belong to other nations, remained an 
 Knglislnnan. . . . The enmiilative elleet upon the hnagl- 
 nation of its inexhaustible statistics and details could not 
 easily be cxagL'erated. . . . We bavean idi'a ifany one 
 (with iuleiinale raw material at eonnnand) were desirous 
 of luanufncluring a continent in all rcSjH'i'ts a fae-simiiu 
 of the I'nited ."States, he would tind every instruction neces- 
 sary to his purpose in Mr. Marshall's volume."— .sj)a'((i(or, 
 Uv. bU'J, 
 iUlirshall, >V. II., b. about l.'42(i: went to !ndhi in 
 184r); was a newspaper writer anil editor ; was in I!ur- 
 mah from IS.'iJ to 1S,)7, when ho returned to Kngland, 
 1. Four Years in Ijurniiih, Lon., ISflO, 2 vols, p, 8vo. 
 2. Old Vauxhall : a "onnuiee, Lon., 1861, I! vols, p. 
 Marshall, W. V. I. The Parallel anil Meridian 
 System of .Mnp-Drawinj;, X, York, 1878. 4to. 2. Unfair 
 Distribution of learnings: the Evil Effects, and the Rem- 
 edy, Oswego, Kan., ISSil, 12mo. 
 Marshall, Walker. A Treatise on Common Law 
 Costs, Lon., lSfi2, l2mo. 
 Marshall, William. 1. The Dootrino of Bnptistn 
 in the Various Churches, Lon,, 1852, 12mo. 2. The Doq- 
 triue of Purgatory, Lon.. 18,54, I'.lmo, 
 .llarshall, William. The L.iues of Railway Com- 
 panies as Carriers, Lon., 18t)l, l2ino. 
 Marshall, William. Character and its Develop- 
 ment, Lon., ISO 4, 12mo. 
 Marshall, Rev. Wiiliam, D.D,, of Coupar-Angus, 
 d. 1881). 1. The Principles of the Westminster Stand- 
 ards I'erseeuiing, Edin,, 187:!, p. 8vo. 2. Men of Note in 
 British Church History, Edin., 1875, 12mo. .^, TheStory 
 of Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, Lon., I87H, 
 ISmo, 4. Historic Scenes in Perthshire, Edin., 1880, 
 4to. :k Wyclillc and the Lollard., Lon , 1884, 12mo. 
 Marshall, Kev. William, graduated at St. Beeo 
 1859; ordained 1860; rector of St. Paul's, Manchester, 
 1871-80, and since then of Norton .Malre.vard. 1. Mon- 
 sell Digby : a Novel, Lon., 1880, .'! vols. p. 8vo. 2. The 
 Strange Chai)man : a North of Engliiud Story, Lon., 
 1882, 3 vols. p. 8vo. ;i. Only Yesterday, Lon., 1884, li 
 vols. p. 8vo. 
 Marshall, Lieut. -Col. William E., of the 
 Bengal Staff Corps. A Phrenologist amongst the Todas; 
 or. The Study of a Primitive Tribe in South India. 
 Illust. Lon., 187;t, 8vo. 
 " He has contrived to amass aiul arrange a great quantity 
 of interesting details, which will tlie sympathies not 
 only of .Vnglolndians, but ol ctlmologists w o) take plea.s- 
 ure in sluilyint 
 iig man in bis primitive aspect."— 8'a<. Kci'., 
 Marshall, William Wiikinsoii. Cruees and 
 Criticisms: an Examination of Certain Passages in 
 Greek and Latin Texts, Lon.. I! 8(i, 8vo. 
 Marsham, Clara <'nlherine, liaugliter of Rev. 
 (i. P. Paley ; married, ' —,10 Hon. Robert Marsham, 
 K.R.ti.S., son of the aecvo:d Earl of Romney. Cousin 
 Siipon, Lon., 1879, or. 8vo. 
 Marsham, John Clark, C.S.I., 1794-1877, son of 
 Rev. James Marsham, D.D., (mile, vol. ii. ;) acted for 
 twenty years as a secular, unpaid missionary-bishop in 
 Bengal ; afterwards started a paper-mill and founded 
 the only weekly poiitici:! journal at that time in India, 
 and gave a large sum to endow a college for the higher 
 education of the natives. He compiled the first code of 
 civil law for India. 1. The Story of the Lives of Carey, 
 Marsham, and Ward: embracing the History of the 
 Seraiapore Mission, Lon., 1859, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 "He has written a complete history of the Serampore 
 Mission, ami .vet liasimririiyed the individual characters 
 of the three fathers of that Mission so skilfully and with 
 so much truth that we seem to recognize them tt.s living 
 mm. —Ath., No. If42. 
 2. Memoirs of Sir Henry Havelock, K.C.B. ; 2d ed., 
 Lon., 1860, 8vo. 3. History of India, Lon., 1867, 
 ;; vols. p. 8vo. I Written av the request of the University 
 of Calcutta.) 
 ■ His narrative throughout is necessarily very succinct, 
 though It extiands considerably after the appcarpnce of 
 the hnglisii on the scene."— .4(/(., No. -JflM. 
 4. Abridgment of the History of India, Lon., 1876, 
 p. 8vo; new ed., enl., 1880. 
 Marsland, George. 1. Regeneration; or, I)i. 
 vine and Human Nature: a Poem, Lon., 1850, 12nicv. 
 2. .Musings of a Spirit: a Poem, Lon., 1863, 12ino. 
 Marsteil, A. II. History of Cohoes, New York, 
 from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, N 
 York, 1877, 8vo. 
 MarstoK, A. W. 1. The Children of India. 2, 
 The Children of Africa, Lon., 1885, p. 8vo. 
 Marstoii, llev. Charles Dallas, M.A., 1S2I- 
 1876; rectoi- of Kersall 1866-73. 1. Manual of the In- 
 spiration of Scripture, Lon., 1S59, l2mo. 2. 
 tsons on the Epistles, Lon., 1865, 12ino. 3. Advent 
 Sermons, Lon., 1865, 12uio. 4. The Four Uo,spels : tlicr 
 Diversity and Harmony, Lon., 1866, 12nm. 5. Fuudu 
 mental Truths, Lon., 1866, 12mo. 6. Victory and Ser- 
 vice, Illustrated by Sermons on Joshua, Lon., 1871, p. 
 Marston, Edward, a member of the publLsliin.; 
 house of Sampson Low, Marston .t Co., London. 1. 
 Copyright, National and International, from the Point 
 of View of a Publisher. By E. M. Lon., 1875. sv.,, 
 2. An Amateur Angler's Days in Dove Dale. By K. .\I. 
 Lon., 1881. 3. Frank's Ranche; or. My Holidays in 
 the Rockies: a Contribution to the Inquiry wliat n.i 
 are to do with our Boys. Illust. Lon.. 1S86, fp. sy.,. 
 Anon. 6th ed., 1888. 4. Fresh Woods and Pastures 
 New, Lon., 1887, 12mo. Anon. 
 Marston, John Westlaiid, LL.D., [ante, vol. ii,, 
 add.,] 1810-1890, Besides the plays mentioned ouf., 
 vol. ii., he produced The Favourite of Fortune, aeti 'I 
 1866, A Hero of Romance, 1867, and Life for Life, Isils, 
 1. A Lady in her Own Right: a Novel, Lon., iMin. |i. 
 8vo. 2. Family Credit, and other Talcs, Lon., Istil, Ip. 
 8vo. 3. Toe Wife's Portrait, and other Tales, l.nn., 
 1869, fp. 4. Dranmtic and Poetical Works, ColUctivc 
 Ed., Lon., 1876, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 5. Our Recent Ait'os; 
 being Recollections, Critical, and in Many Cases I'lr- 
 sonal, of Late Distinguished Performers of Both Sc.ves, 
 with some Incidental Notices of Living Actors, Lon.. 
 18S8, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 " In 'Our Re..ent Actors,' by Dr. Westland Marston, thi- 
 most im|>ortai;t contribution that the present gcncniiii.n 
 has seen is made to (>ur knowledge of recent stage hisinr.v. 
 In knowledge and acumen Dr. Mar.ston's criticisms ..r 
 actors stand beside those <iflln/lill and Leigh Hunt, wliilc 
 in sympathy and appreciation they are only behind Ihosu 
 of Leigh Hunt."— .l(/i.. No. 3185. 
 Marston, IiOiiise. 1. Rob and Mag; or, A Liitie 
 Light in a Dark Corner, Lon., 1881, 12nio, 2. licnnie, 
 the King's Little Servant, Lon., 1882, 18mo. 3. Ci ipplc 
 Jess, the Hop-Picker's Daughter, Lon., 1882, 12nio: new 
 ed., 1885. 4. Blind Nettie; or. Seeking her', 
 Lon., 1883, 18mo 5. Mr. Bartholomew's Little (iirl, 
 Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. 
 Marston, Philip Bourke, 1850-1887, b. in Lon 
 don ; son of J. W. Marston, giipra. In hi.s fourth ycdi 
 signs of incipient cataract began to appear in both eyes, 
 the operation perforiued gave only temporary relief, anil. 
 though he continued for some time able to distinguish 
 light, and to some extent forms, he eventually boiaiue 
 wholly blind. His constant companion his sister, 
 who is commemorated with him in the poem by Dr. 
 Thomas Gordon Hake, niiprn, entitled " The Blind Boy." 
 Ho was also the subject of a poem by Mrs. Criiili. 
 "Philip, my King." I. Song-Tide, and other Poeias. 
 Lon., 1871, p. 8vo. 2. All in All: Poems and Sonnets, 
 Lon., 1874, p. 8vo. 
 " Darkness around him, darkness below and above, is 
 the element within which this poet moves. He would (iiin 
 find a meaning in ll,e reiterated rigours of Kate, but lie 
 knows not whether he may discern it or not. . . . Tlio 
 taiok i.-an eminently sincere one, and as bigb-mindcil us it 
 is sincere. . . , The feclini! is not only deep, it is .streiuinus 
 and high-.strung ; and 'he cuthor evinces his iioeiic voca- 
 tion by co-ordinating emotion with thought,"— W. M. Uos- 
 SBTTi ; Acnil., vii. 311. 
 3. Wind- Voices, Lon., 1884, cr. 8vo. 
 "It seems wonderful that onewilhout siglit can have 
 written such graceful dclineatiims of natural beauty, -iii'h 
 striking reprcsentJitions of human loveliness."— .Vii(ir«i, 
 I xxxviii. ,551, 
 j 4. For a Song's Sake, and other Stories : with :i -Mc- 
 ' moir by William Sharp, Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. 5. i',w\en 
 Secrets: with Biographical Sketch by Louise C. Mmil- 
 to-,1, B•^=t,, 1887, r^Tiio. «. .S.ini;-Tidn: Poiiias :ic.i! i.viie-t 
 of Love's Joy and .Sorrow. Editsii, with Intr'liclory 
 Memoir, by William Sharp. Lou,, 1888, 5q. Kiiiio. 
 Marston, 11. II. (Trans.) Manual of the Carbon 
 Process, by Paul K. Liesgang. Illust. Lon., I":'. Svo, 
 W"ll«^?v^,f^'^r- ChaM„„eThrale:„Novel. 
 rStonni-L','il,;r lOvni.^i". t ""'. ^'.f;;' ^- ''^32. Records 
 J.-*V2, 1875 •''I'lu^ions, Lon., IsbU, p. Svo; new e>ls., 
 H:',5,:''"'^«'^'«««'"(P«'""1-) See ,„..BKK,P. 
 NcM. /.on, I,ss3 12m,' ^'"^ <^"'"'"« '" the Robin's 
 K. V„k. IS88, Ui,„i; "" ^ "''''•■ ""'J ^""' : a Story, 
 Martin, ArlliiirPntclipti h t«=i 
 .i"i"-nali=.t. 1. Lays of To m!:. v ' ' "" A"strftli„n 
 K^vrnost, Melbourne 187S 9 r i- •''"' '" •^'^^^ tmd 
 I'roso and V 1. J.IK "• ^" .^-a^tor Ouu.Jette, in 
 Melbourne, l,Ss"-,^r,-,i''^tor l'"^^ ""' ^''"' 
 tains oritieisms of FnJii.v.'' ,. ' -^,^' ""• "°' (C""- i 
 of some ^^"ralLn"^ trtL'T"4"Aor'r^'''^'''f' ' 
 Euiiiire, Edia., ls,SS or s'„ ^^- ;• .^"''''•"lia and the 
 Kngland, ^ bketchea by Australians in 
 -f<". ir 'ols. 8vo '•' '"''"I'lapoli.-), 1S70 
 ISS8. CN 8vo '""^'I'-ateJ by Joseph Pennoll. Lon, | 
 .l.a"'{/:if ^u^.o':'^^„;^t::;"--'"^ a story ' 
 ^^.>IarU„. nr..' Lift'o^f St. Jerome, Lon., 
 •.V<i'/',», xlii m I'l-raoiial luulm;,' <,r foiivlolioii."— 
 ■ .'mo""'"' '""'"• ^''■« P""' of Clay : a Novel, 1882, 
 .r:!!:^:;^ri.f;j:f«-„^-:;'»v.h, ma b. ,s,„, 
 at Lincoln'., Inn S4aTt',"' "l""'^ '" ""> ''ar 
 ^annin.'s Ti^r, Lot -sst p""; '""/"a v'"/" ''",■'' 
 Holy Land, Svria and (•„,' .,r ■ ' ^ '"" t" the 
 otVs'*,o*'"„'n'' Im' ,^^;"'"''"" 11"= iiquinoctinl Storms 
 hluaboth Gilbert, and her Work f^r the' Mini Ion 
 '*•'-'. p./vo. (EliMheth (iilb,.rt, a d"m' u- /' l'.^' ^• 
 liisho; of \VMneho«ter beo L h -'T' ?"^ afrorwards 
 and w'as the founde of ,,n ' ei'-',;;^ ^'\. '" '""y ''"«' 
 Oeneral M'elfaro of the lilind ^''•"""' the 
 Martin, Frederick iij") loa^ u ■ 
 !'e clited until 1882 u7,^.^''"T'r"'', ""^ "'''''h 
 periodical.. 1 L^e '^f jl,, eontr.buted to various 
 - 'Ed.; Poe.. ol^^.;!:^'^^:-^- l^f^M^ui-: 
 I'esenption of Leeds Cast'le, Kent Lon. "l^"'"^ '"" 
 h)MonMM."_,s,„.^(,,,/^'^J^'a,'^^e an owner as it-s preseai 
 gia, Atlanta ;,S87 C "'"■^'"' ^"'"•' "^ OeT- 
 IsKmo! '"^'^*'- ^^"^ "^^'^ -i"- J-U', Lon., 
 ■•aj!"""'nf isA ,2^,"o^ '""^= ""^ E-"!-" and the 
 ^vo 2"v!,!I^* *•',- '• '^"'"' <^<"'l ^^ater Cure, Lon 184'i 
 n:;:;m^,'i;rr;^, -™f'''if''^n the Treat^t:;';;/^^: 
 .nartiii, Mrs. E. Thrnnn ' o 
 •V Vork, ls.i9, 12mo ' ■ sll ?""r ?"'' '''■' Cabinet, 
 ■«■;■...- j..;«D ."'';, "'"•I""." (p..ud.) s..j 
 '»""""' vS'Srr.,s,"'""'- "■'"" "«j !..«. ; 
 f "iSi'sSTrs S ',I»,;'"S"»«>: '- '!'•"«.: .. ,u, 
 li"lh Joined' nroviri. i ii „. ^'"^ «""ior of • Whom (;,S 
 Britain, W, TsVfi.Svo "■'"' ^"'"""'=« '" O^'^at 
 inii^slh'g'ij;;?^;^'!^^;]:!;!;"^':?^^^^ oo„ta)„s nucn Hmt is 
 18™, 4to ' ''""' "^ ^'"^ ^"■«' I""«t. Lon., 
 and during n:^/"'„X'X^ "". "" '•,^«'' "' '•^■'•*' 
 tioM. . . .Suoh is UMP orfi.i •""' IJ»,n")se of reprosonta- 
 but inte^per^ed'wi ir e'a?oZts of';';:'/ 'V"""'^ '""''^' 
 she lias appeared arc frZ ,tm« r 'l'"^'' "' "'"«'' 
 1S4^ 'v' "*"'■'' •'Jewell, M.IX. Dr. So F IS h 
 ^i:.:: ^^ r;"'^t ^^ri^f "?x:v'S^ 
 where he was Fellow and Ice ,rer „,?7f' '^""'''■"'ge, 
 A. York, 18.^1, i2mo. 
 Healthv W.-.ikin' 
 Dis.,eetio,„ Lin. ani N. y;, k Isst 8?" ' Vertebrate 
 And .,eo IU::,LBV, T. II.; ,„",„'. ''"' " P"""' '^°'"- 
 ■■•■■Mm <■'*''*' 

 Mnrtiii, Mrn. Herbert. 1. Cast Adrift : the Story 
 i.fiiWaif. Illiist. Lon.,lS77,12ino; now ed., 1884. 2. 
 Two Loves : a. Novel, Lon., 1H78, It vola. or. Svo. H. Ida 
 Miijhcw, liOn., 1S7S, p. Svo. 4. Bonnie Lesley. Illust. 
 I<on., 1878, IT. Svo; new cd., 1882. .'). For a Dream's 
 Salte, Lon., 1879, 2 vols. or. Svo. li. Roses from Tliorns ; 
 or, Tlie Old Manor llmise, Lon., 1 880, ji. Svo. 7. An 
 unless.. ned Girl, Lon., issl, 2 vols. er. .Svo. 8. (Ed.) 
 Memories of Seventy Yeiirs. By One of a Literary 
 Family. Lon., I88;<, p. Svo. 
 "Tliu work (if a lailvwlio is a uraiKldaUKliter of Pr. 
 Aiken and a uroatnieie of .Mrn. Ilarljaiild. Her Fidtlicr 
 waKilaiiKlilerorGlllHTt Wakelleld. . . . Hit dauulitcr, tlio 
 pre.seiit editor, is careful llMli^elai^l any delilicrale literary 
 ellort. Tlie result is, lii.wevcr, an interesting siTies of 
 rather niiseellaneous recullections, wliicli. if not remark- 
 able a.s literature, possess sonu'tliinK of tlie attraction of 
 sncli Ijooks as Craol) Itoijinson's Diary. Very pleasant 
 t(linii«09 we oliUiiu of tlie apostles of dissent in an a^e 
 of political ferment, ... of Scott, Lamb, t'oieridge, and 
 a hcjst of others,"— .-loK ., x.tiv. '.".rj, 
 y. (Suide, Philosopher, ami Friend, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 
 10. From the Silent Past, Lon., ISSti, 2 vols. p. Svo. 1 1. 
 Amor Vinoit : a Novel, Lon., 1887, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 12. 
 A Country Mouse, Lon., 1SS7, p. Svo. 
 JMartiii, llev. Hugh, D.b. I. Christ's Presene^ 
 in the Gospel llistcjrv, l-Min., 18611, p. 8vo; 2d ed., 1805. 
 2. Daniel Manin and Venice in 1818-19, Lon.. 1862, 2 
 vols. p. Svo. .'1. The Prophet J.)nah : Ids Character and 
 Mission to Nineveh, Hdin., ISliO, n. Svo; 2d ed., 1876. 
 4. The Atonement in its Relation to the Covenant, the 
 Priesthood, and the Intercessicm of Our Lord, Edin , 
 1870 ; new ed., Is7(i, Svo. 5. The Westminster Doctrine 
 of the Inspi . ;. of .Scripture; 2d ed., Lon., 1877, 
 Mnrtilit J. Theories of Horizontal Currents In 
 Ocean an.' Atmosphere, Lon., IS?.'), 12mo. 
 Mnrtin, J. (Ed.) Diary of the Mission, Spiritual 
 and Earthly, of the Late James Johnston, [a Spiritual- 
 ist,] iSSI, Svo. 
 J>Martin, Rev. J. A. Tlie Spirit, Principles, Faith, 
 and Worship of the Huguenots in their Day, as ojiposed 
 to the Spirit and Doctrines of Rome, Lon., ISSo, ISmo. 
 IVIartin, Mrs. J. E. Hermosa; or. In the Valleys 
 of the Andes, [a novel,] Lon., 1SS7, 2 vols. or. Svo. 
 Martin, J. L. The Voice of the Seven Thunders : 
 Lectures on Revelations, iieilford, Ind., 1870, l2nio. 
 illartin, Rev. James. 1. (Trans.) The Gospel 
 History : a Coiiipendiiim of Critical Investigations in 
 Support of the llistinical Character of the FourGospels, 
 by J. U. A. Ebrard. Revised and edited liy A. B. 
 Bruce. Edin., 1863, Svo. 2. (Trans.) Biblical Com- 
 mentary on Isaiah, by F. Delitzscli : vols, i., ii., Edin., 
 1 867, Svo. li. Origin and History of the New Testa- 
 ment : with Preface and Critical Notes by Principal 
 David Brown, D.D., Lon., 1872; new ed., 1877, 12mo. | 
 4. The Clirisi .in Mirror, and other Sermons, Lon., 187.S, 
 p. Svo, 
 Martin, .Mrs. James. 1. Our Tom : a Story for 
 Little Kittens, Lon., 1880, l2ino. 2. Blinky an. 1 Onions: 
 a, Ragged School Reminiscence, Lon., 18s I, p. Svo. :i. 
 Ministers' Wives, Lon., ISSo, p. Svo. 
 Martin, Sir James Ranald, F.R.C S., F.R.S., 
 1800-1874, of the medical statV of the army; 
 afterwards inspector-general of iiuspitals. Influence of 
 Tropical Climates on European Constitutions, Lon.. 1855, 
 Svo ; new ed., 1 877. 
 Martin, John, L.R.C.S. Edin., surgeon of the army 
 medical department. Contributions to Military and 
 State Medicine, Lon., 1881, Svo. 
 Martin, John II. I. Microscopic Objects Figured 
 unu Described, Lon., 1.871, Svo. 2. A Manual of Micro- 
 scopic Mounting : with Notes on Collection and E.xami- 
 nation of Objects. Illust. Lon., 1872, Svo ; 2.1 ed., 1878. 
 Martin, John IIill,b. I82.'t, in Philadelphia, Pa.; 
 admitted to the bar 1S44 ; has since pr.icti.sed in Phila- 
 delphia. 1. Historical Sketch of Betlilehem and the 
 Moravians, Bethlehem, 1871!, Svo. 2. Chester and its 
 Vicinity, Delaware County, Pennsylvania: with (Jenea- 
 logieal Sketches of some Old Families, Phila., 1877, Svo. 
 :!. The Bench and Bar of Pliiladelphia : with Lists of 
 Persons appointed to administer the Laws in Philadel- 
 phiii, I'hila., ISSH, Svo. 
 Martin, John Michael Harding, M.D., F.R.C.S., 
 honorary purgcon to tiic B!:iL-kburn and Ettst LdiiCasiiire 
 Infirmary. Ambulance Lectures : to which is addcl a 
 Nursing Lecture. Illust. Lon., 1880, cr. Svo; 2.1 ed., 
 Martin, John William. Float Fishing and Spin- 
 Illust. Lon., 1S82, p. 
 ning in the Nottingham Stvlo, 
 Svo; 2d ed., enl„ 1885. 
 Martin, Rev. Joseph Hamilton, D.D., 182. 
 1887, b. in Jefl'erson (.'o., Tenn. ; was pastor of Prcsby- 
 tcrian'ohurchcsin .Vtlanta.Ga., and other Southern cities. 
 I. Smith and Pocahontas: a Poem, Riclimond, Va., 
 1862. 2. The Declaration of Independence: a Poeia, 
 Phila., 1876, Svo. 
 Martin, Kate Byam. Belgian Days, Chic., I8s2, 
 lOmo, With liKNHoTiM, Ei.i.KN M., The Social Status 
 of European and Aiiierican Women, Chie., 1886, 24in... 
 Martin, Leopold Charles, d. >880; son of Jolm 
 Martin, the painter. Swansea and (iower, with lli.i 
 Mumbles and Adjacent Bays: a Guide and Hand-Book, 
 Lon., 1879, 12nio. Witli TrI'iinkk, CuAur.KS, The Cur- 
 rent Gold and Silver Coins of All Countries: their 
 Weight and Fineness, and their Intrinsic Value in 
 English Mimcy. Illust. Lon., IsO.'i, Svo. 
 " The present work is by far the most complete that bus 
 ever vet oeen pub'.lslied in illustration of the . . . purely 
 practical view cf niimlsniatics."— /l//i., .No. 1U0.3. 
 Martin, Mrs. M. B. Ministers' Wives, Lon., ISS.'i, 
 p. Svo. 
 Martin, Mrs. Margaret Maxwell, b. 1807, in 
 Dumfries, Scotland; reimved to the United States in 
 181 "i, and was educates! in Columbia, S.C., wliere .-he 
 was married to the Kev. VVilliam Martin in |s:iii. ], 
 Day-Spring: or. Light to them that sit in Darkness, 
 Nashville, U:;V1, ISnio ; 3d ed., 1873. 2. Christianity in 
 Earnest, Is.'iS. 3. Religious Poems, 1858. 4. Fl.m.i-- 
 and Fruits; or, Poems for Young People. '>. Sabbaiii- 
 Sohool Olfering, Nashville, 1800, LSmo. 6. Scenes anl 
 Scenery of South Carolina, 1868. With Mauti.n, Miss, 
 Heroines of Early Metho'lism, Nashville, 1875, ISmo. 
 Martin, Mary E. From the Silent Past, [a novel,] 
 Lon., 1886, 2 vols. or. Svo. 
 Martin, Mrs. Mary F. 1. Rosa Leigliton : or, Fn 
 his Strength, N. York, 1879, 16mo. 2. Amid the Sliiul- 
 ows, N. York, 1880, 12mo. 3. Sunset on Mont Bliiii.'. 
 N. York. 1882, l6mo. 
 Martin, Mary Kemble. 1. Fruitsof Bible, 
 Illust. Lon., 1SS6, ISmo. 2. Our Pets and Companions: 
 Pictures and Stories of Animals. Lon., isSil, 4ti>. 
 Martin, Abbe P., D.D. Anglican Ritualism, as 
 Been by a Catholic and a Foreigner : a Series of Essavs : 
 with an Appendix on the Present Position of the Church 
 in France, Lon., 1880, Svo. 
 "This volume, the greater part of wliicli Is a reprint of 
 articles whieli have already appeared in English reviews, 
 is introduced to the public by the higli impriiiiaiiir ..I' 
 Cardinal Manning. . . . Tlie object of the autlior ap|«ais 
 to be to make the position oi tlie Uitiialists in llie (iuircli 
 of England logically nntenahle."— .><yjfo/ii(or, liv. 18!*. 
 Martin, Piers Edgcumbe. The Great Hiiin|i- 
 shire Bee Farm, near Stockbridgc : its Principles aii.l 
 Metliod of Working, Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 Martin, R. J. The Days of the Lanii League, im.l 
 other Poems, Lon., 18K4, Svo. 
 Martin, Robert .Montgomery, [itntr, vol. ii., 
 add.,] 1S03-1870. I. Our In.lian .Jinpire, Lon., ISoS- 
 61, 3 vols. imp. 8yo. 2. The Piogiess and Present State 
 of British India: a Manual for General Use, Lon., l>i'.:'. 
 p. Svo. 
 Martin, S. Brooralen; or. The Manse 
 Lon., 1S70, p. Svo. 
 Martin, Rev. Samuel. 1. Discourses to V..iitli, 
 Lon., 1846, 12mj. 2. Light in Life's Morning. I...n., 
 1S47, ISmo. 3, The Cares of Youth ; Diseoarse.-. bun., 
 1848. 12ino. 4. The Useful Arts: tlieir Birth anl De- 
 velopment, Lon., 1851, 121110. 5. Place of HepiiitiiiMi'; 
 or. Account of the London Colonial Training Inslituti..n, 
 Lon,, 1852, l2mo. 0. Youthful Christianity: it;. Cliiir- 
 acteristics. Dangers, and E.xcellences, Lon., Is.i.'i, IL'iiio. 
 7. Extia Work of a London Pastor. Lon., 1S03, p. Svo. 
 8. Michael Faraday, Philoso]iher and Cliristian: a Lec- 
 ture, Lon., 1867, l2mo. 9. Rain upon the Mown lirass, 
 and other Sermons, 1842-70, Lon., 1870, Svo; 21 cl., 
 1872. 10. Comfort in Trouble: Sermons an.l Outlines 
 of Sermons, Lon., 1878, l2ino; 2d ei;. sameyeiu. 
 Martin, T. Carlaw. Franz Liszt, ("St. iVeilia" 
 Ser.,) Lon., 1880, sq. 16mo. 
 Martin, T. F. The Student's Conveyancing ; Part 
 I., Purchase Derds, Lon., 1877, Svo. 
 .flart jn, T. O. An Aeemmt of Bethlehem II si-'ital : 
 abridge.; from the Report of the Late Charity Coamiis- 
 sioners, Lon., 1853, Svo. Anon. 
 Martin, Temple C. General Formalist, for tb« 
 Use of Junior Clerks' Offices, Lon., 1887, fol. 
 the hi„h .sch;,il , „ univera vmT''; • "'' "'^"'"'''^ «' 
 » .-"lioitor in K.iinbXh7nV """.°"yi pr^ctisea „8 
 Fraarr', Mag,„.i„e „ f T/f.'L « "^ '*"" """''^ier" to 
 Dnnisli Lyrical D,'„ , „ I k'"'^ Ki'mVs Daughter : a I 
 (irans.)Correri„ 'tI ",'"' ''""^•'"» '» 'S^'l-) 2 
 with Nolcrp'nraniT'r'r^'^t,"' Ochlcn8ehl4r 
 ''"'= »'l>"KeUy In Three. a;;»?' '"I""- ='• M"''"""" 
 Hrintcl for prfmo oireThUi 'n' ''"?"rr"' ^'"- ^"""- 
 a Dramatic >«e,„ bv A i n . i '.^'""'-^ ^''"'J'" ■ 
 Lon., 1S,^7, ,2',"' ^5^n '" "«'' ,';nschliiger, Edin. and I 
 «ith a Life „nl\ott*r '"■M''" ^^'^"' "^ ""•'aco: 
 (Tran..) Poem of Catulh.- ', "'l'^ ^;' "'■■ '«8' «• 
 Verse, BMn., ,,S6 p s " ', ''"''f''"f'' i"'" English 
 OHginal and Tran I'a ;,, C' f,g«'''' , '^^ . /• ''"en,,, 
 crenlation. 8. (Tran, Th v-. ''"n'^l f'"" private 
 <vitl.a„ Introdnct on ," J V„tL p? ^"""' °^ ^"""-'^ 
 l-'".o; 2ded. m It '; ^'im. and Lon., 1862, 
 !• InKngl,IVeV;e ''e i!:'""'' "'"•'"'e'- Fau.t.' Par 
 eJ.. I«8fi. 10. Memoir «^ Viiii";' \°l'- '""'' ''■ ■'*™; '^'h 
 ^xiv.^' "«^-'"^>« «"d «™4Vul' memoir."_.v„, /f«. 
 ir. 'E„*gu'^;"^„^^^. ''.fred^' E'it^' ''"".''!'""' "^ "o™-- 
 Jlorael, ("Ancien riLi V^''?,'- ""'' ''""•• '870. 12 
 • .•"'^"i^:f,;i^^l;-j ';;|iff;^raoe™ thornnKhl^ to heart 
 so^i'l^;:: ^^^^."r^if tf «;r' "■" '■""- co„. 
 at the request of the quee„ I *^'"' ""■' ""''"taken 
 i« a ll-w iiarrln , •,■',?,. .fi"K«'.'''''S''rt.' 
 11 111 '"""Wry. 
 ,',■,, rL^i'"' ''" '">» written tlie ■'; i'^oAV ;;;"',,"■"' '*'""• taste 
 inere is, e.xivpf amoni, a llw >,i.r; J ^ i-."^- ' ''"'™ '-'"".sort,' 
 ence of opinio,.. Tl/r*^, aVLm't t u^ S^',l'i"-'""''' ,'i"l<- dilfer. 
 ms been re(;oneiled wit iT "..eml ., 1 h' '.'"'"'">' ■■'^^"'•«>ice 
 cere appreeiation has i,e or .'v i JU.''Ki,iieiit. and sin- 
 Ki|aK>" of tlattcry.''_.v„,.''^;,!-\''f f^'^-^ie'l itselfin the iau- 
 ''Ci «!^a^tl;;;r!^!:;5^t!jj:^\;[i;;'rj^« 't^vas pretty s„re to 
 to the close, as it was no/"- •'^''".",' "'« <'')'»nieiieemem 
 tl"" he slumM,' n"e on" deniar;.'''^'"'-' ''"■■ •"«"■" P"^p"' ' 
 sympathy with the Queen tin- V"".""''"""' a'"' full 
 } ery fm men who could hav., ,.'''?'. '■'*.^'''*'' ''""e. . . 
 " «ir Theodore ^Ia? n's co.fd it ,' ."ff '' "'^'i'*'-''^'''" '« all 
 S^ i5Si:i!i,- ^'^ ^'-^- M:;?t^riii;i iia^r-ii-s^ 
 '''■'. e"ini^7nl,ii^r;i;:,r''E,t''''''^"f "'"""«" "--J 
 0. (Trans.) The Worksnf I "'^ ^""■' '^"'*' «>•• «v-o 
 li.^1. Verse: with a r m^ "■'"'S*' ^"""^''^^'^ '■"<- Kn-- 
 '^SI,2vols.8vo le'^^ur^ f^^ EJin. and Lon'.. I 
 Letters and Papers iuPnsS ■ ""^, f^yndhurst, from I 
 iNS.i, 8vo. P'" ^'"''''«*""' of hie Family, Lon I 
 }";^'rJ:,/pr^Z;S,?i.J'S;^"-i^,I^rV.hum as an ex/ 
 "•'coniplete aecount.''iVw x^''5;,':i '"'''^''»' ■ • ■ ■'^till, it 
 «"Kp"i;e!!:: lJ.!::",';^'; Z^:'^' O-'-es or Unfu.. 
 Lo.'rJfLvJ^^ ,;!',;-'- "^ "-, Semitic Language,, 
 a Coa:!f-,^V,_;;;;;;ry^of Franklin County. Ohio: 
 of the County- wi I !»^ u '"' ^''""•'^ •''ettlemonts 
 l-Ssi-I^'^xfi'EsvS^;;"— •■ 
 I Lon., 1871, K'nio. ^ ^"*'' ''^ *-• «• Harrington. 
 Pr^^a'\^,lS':^'^;],;^/>.^'t. P-'V.sor in the 
 pothesis: u Criticism of thi V > Evolution Hy- 
 Edin., 1887, er. 8vo; ^^ ^^'■" ^""^''^ I'hilosophy, 
 thSv.':u.'L^;., L^'o.^^fVvo'^^^'"' ^"''^'"'"^' -^y^i». 
 Te^tJ";"' I.!n'."l8'!^^'2.,,„'- '^2%?''"^""," Mother's 
 f"'- Boys and (iirls, Jon s'40 l7 ^o"K "^ ^P^^t. 
 Lessons in Headine an^TI „v ","■ ''■ Instruorive 
 ,■<■ The Holiday Book Un'85r^,8 '""'•' ''■"'• '»'""• 
 lour Book, Lon.. 1841 iZo «' m"'"' •^- ^he P„r- 
 I'lust. Lon., 1843 I8mo 7 v-' ^1""™' I'hilosophy. 
 Home Sciene'e, Lon. ^8 5, finfo'^^'s V'"T''''''^'- - 
 tvery-Day Knowledge for th« V?" '^■"■^'opa-dia of 
 • The Ea'rly Edncatfr : Ellmc^tTM^l/Tv i^'"' "'""o. 
 Lon., 184», 18mo In p1". i H"''^"' ^^^nowledge. 
 Charity, Lon., 185 , 32,0 , '^,."f, T"-""'- "ope, and 
 1851, .S2mo. 12. Our 1 oCi 1 n "'''^ "^ Mature, Lon., 
 them, Lon., 1860 (fe i^o \s I^'T, ""'' ''"" »o 'P^nt 
 H, l>^ ,,. ooco,npa,.d, the late'Jl^l? Sl^^rll^'^l^jfJ^ jl^' 
 •";)«,. ' '"• Anu see Avtoun, W. E. 
 ■- ''- '^-s'tion of" ho Sall-„ml TrTn.f"'" 'li" ^'«"'^"'-' 
 DuMin, l868, ,2mo"'' ^'""""'' ^^ "'« !"»'' Que^-tion,' 
 Treatment; L-.;i«S^ 7^' 
 , show ni !.. .1-- .. ' '■ '^'O. 
 2. Sii.nitarv 
 ""'■'■"«% Ys.^^, 8™ ''"' """"^ should be , 
 j/' ";>-"' i'StHe'^zr'".''' """ "'«»-•-. 
 "■ ' N. York, 1887, r2m"" ""'* '" ^I'l-'i^ation.! 
 disposed of. 
 Book, Lon., 1862, sq 1 imo i- ^l^^f^ ^wn .«tory 
 hood, Lon., 1864, iVm 18 tJ\^"<'"''^"' of Boy. 
 By »'oter Parley, pouTi Ion f'fi."^"'^"^ '^^''P''"'''- 
 , tures of a Sailor Boy ,nj hT;'-! , ' I""' ^^- ^^ven- 
 20. Noble Boys: the^ • Deedi „' I^ '' '^i'"r;' "*«'*' '^^no. 
 I Lon., 1870, 12mo. "««"» o. Love and Duty. Ulust. 
 '. «!? a!S:^;^:,<;;''^„^"«^^,Ci-rf.l,-. pse„d., 
 hold Management,- or Hlw.nn' 'J*" >,'6'"o. 2. House. 
 Lon., 1861, 16mo. T How ,„ R * "T"*'<''"'"'-'''hle. 
 '861, 16mo. 4. Men who ." i" "■« ^^'"■'''. Lon. 
 '^■"o. 5. Scandal, Golf^nd'":!^'!^'"-' V'"" '< 
 fiuio. 6. Company- whi .,? ! '"'''''?""ig. L.m., |8fi2 
 86;J, 1 6n,o. 7." MYrn.^,e1j ^l "f/ ,",'"" '" ''">''^' ^^'"■ 
 I Housekeeping, Lon , .'-nifif' '"^' "T "« commenced 
 With my ilon^y? L^n " ise./.Tmo '^ '""'' ^""" ' '"> 
 LL DTb'"l'82T'"'r„^'"'',"'."'«' *•«'«-'«. B.D 
 '"i»8lo;,ary of the Am ri^n'Pr^'h ••/■^"' '" Chin'a »; a 
 »nd in I860 beeanfe presi nt the'r"" ^"""^ '" '«^"' 
 College of United Literalure .t P b ^""Swen Kwan, or 
 , 'nternational law. C p, bli herit"^' "!"' P"'fe'*or of 
 tions and original workf „ f L- ""'"'"^'" "f t^ansla- 
 on the EvideLsof,niu.''uT'-'."^''''''"e " ^°"'<^ 
 ! i;^l^^S;\!5^«fe •:---, ';;,^SK'^,-""-'-> -'th the 
 >;' 'h P"^"^Dr^S^rri"\"'""^'""P're? • 
 it-, Ihenrinmrvburdpn fH, ^'''■'"'-'"■ill be found < 
 volume fiefore Ss is tl le svst, n "TV "'"'■'' niake „ , M 2 
 tefS;:^<^r-,^pr'sS '---"-" 
 w'oodTiLR^l'r'b'V^:;'- ''»'*''••«•" «reg„ry 
 surname of Martin ' in 1 874. 17""""' "'." "''"itio.ial 
 Brigade North Irish Division' HA """"?'' °^ »'« 8th 
 "'Msion K.A. since 1883. 1. Hii- 
 pi. ■■ 
 •tor-, i**lign, County nmi Town, to the Close of tlio 
 Reih 1 1" Qiii'on ElUiibeth, Dublin, IS8L', 8vo. 
 "Thin ttcciiriite ami piilnstiikinK liistory, vlilcli is llie 
 ri'Milt of luui'li (lili){('iit rt'seiircli, onulit tnbi' vuluud not 
 (inl> liy till' slini' .Mun, . . . tint liy nil wlm lire inlurestecl 
 ill lilt' liistor)' <if iielnnj."— Nii(. 7\'(i., Iv. oil. 
 If. Tlio rjuke-DwcllingB of Irt'liii'4; or, Anoieiit Ijiicus- 
 ti'iiK! liiibitiitionH of Klin, couiiuoriiv ualliid Cmnnog^t. 
 Illii.<t. Dublin, iXXS, r. 8vo. 
 '■ Ills aim has beon tobriiiK toKethtr nnil torondenSie the 
 pcallorocl iiil'iirmatii.n thiii has bcfn furnished liy tlie i'.\- 
 pliirerMif Irisii lake-dwi'liiii.j», and tiiriMider it'aeceplalile 
 to iirclisi-nliiui^us, and iiereliance ajrret idile to the general 
 reader;' and he has .iiioeeeded in makin!,' It iileasant ri;pd- 
 ip„'eiiuut;h."— .s■|I^ ]{!,■., Ixlii. 244. 
 .tlili'tiii, Willinm M. Lyrics anl .Skctehod. Kd- 
 ited l.y ./iiino." Wood Davidson. .\. Yi ri., t.'<t!.">. 
 .Mnrtiii, William Wilsey, b. l."*:):: it Heading, 
 lierkuliiro; a member of tlio Civil Serviiii inee IS.ii. 
 liy Solent and Danubo: I'oeniH and Uaih.J-. l.on., 1885, 
 ]1. Svo. 
 Martin- lieake. .'Joe Leakb. 
 Martiiidale, .iDseph ^.^ M.D. 1. Hi.";-', v of the 
 Unif'd Stutei-, I'hil.i.. ISIif., IL'mo; 21at ed., i.-*72. 2. 
 History of liy Sorry and Monland in I'niladelphia, Phila., 
 18B7, i2ni.'. .". Humiin Anatomy, Physiology, and Hy- 
 Kieiio, I'hil.".. i-n, 8.-0. 
 Miiitilii!''!*!. ^V, li, Ti-catise on the Law of Con- 
 vey iii"!!!)?, i, ;,(,r,itf, !.-~.2. ■>vo, 
 Mnrtindhiti VVili. ;iii, i'',R.O.F.., '.ite examinor.of 
 ;lie Picarinacentii'Ml Su'bifl'y. (Joca, 'Cocaine, and its 
 .Sails; their Hivtu-y., VJadioi'! an't Economic Uses, and 
 Mt'dicii'ial l'r!>|iarc(!u ;.-, L-ioi., l.'SS'i. l2nio. Willi Wkst- 
 COTT, U'li UAH Wy." ', M.B., The Extra Pharmacopoeia 
 III I.'ntffii'inal Dnnji;; lat and 2d cds., Lon., 188;!, 18ibo; 
 6i,l. <;.!., eiil., !.-■<.-*. 
 Martinet John. Reminiscencesof the Royal liurgh 
 of Iliidiiington and Old East Lothian Agriculturists, 
 Glas).'i.w, 188:i. 
 Martiiieaii, Miss Ctiroline Anne. I. A Chap- 
 toi in Sound, for lie^inners, Lon., 18'/5, 12mo. 2. Easy 
 Lc^^!.lSB in Ilcat. Jllunt. Lon., I8K0, I6mo. 3. Earth, 
 Air, .\ni\ Water; or, Tho Story of the World wo live in, 
 Lon., I- *1, l2mo. 
 Martiaeaii, Gertrnde. Outline Lessons on 
 Morals, Lon., 1881. I2uio. 
 itiartineau, Harriet, [ante, vol. ii., add.,] 1802- 
 187ri. 1. The Endowed Schools of Ireland, Lon., 1859, 
 Svo. 2. England and ber Soldiers, Lon., lS5it, p. Svo. 
 3. ilealth, Husbandry, and Handicraft, Lon., 1861, p. 
 Svo. 4. Biographical Sketches, (1832-68,) Lon., 186i), 
 p. 8vo; ;!d ed., 1870. (Reprinted from the Daily News.) 
 " They are . . . little repertories of that sort of fact 
 which It is often most dimenll tii lay one's hand upon,— 
 the fact whioh is not exactly conteniporary, and yet has 
 not eoiue to le exactly hislorical. . . . They are thoroughly 
 readable, instructive, and even elevating." — !Sal. Jiei'., 
 xxvii. 3'M. 
 5. Harriet Martineau's Autobiography. Edited by 
 Maria Weston Chapman. Lon., 1877, 3 vols. p. Svo; 3d 
 ed. same year. (Vol. iii. is entitled "Memorials of Harriet 
 Martineau, by Maria Weston Chapman." The American 
 edition of the work is in 2 vols. Svo, Host,, 1877.) 
 " Few readers will begin the first volume without being 
 carried to the end of the second, if only by reason of the 
 clear and straightforward, if not picturesque, style."— Sa<. 
 i?fi'.. -diii. 3'J8. 
 " On the whole, this AntoliloKraphy, though containing 
 some pas.siiges which must excite regret, is one of the most 
 remarkable hooks which we have seen for a long time. 
 Its sjiei'uliitive features give it a peculiar value apart from 
 the mere lii.^raphy, but even as regards that, it may rank 
 with tlie lives of Ticknor or [sic] Macaulay."— Jm., No. 
 " They are the memorials of a woman of great strength, 
 and of a life of redundant energy and high public spirit, 
 though not one at all deficient in harsh and repellent ele- 
 ments of chiiracter. One ♦hing in connection with tins 
 b lok we heartily regret we mean the volume of me- 
 morials by Mrs. (^hapnn. ' .vhora .Miss Martineau con. 
 f.ded her antoliiographj ■ ■ volume exaggerates pain- 
 fully everything that 's C cable In the autobiography 
 Itself"— .S)i«'/«/(;r, 1. 31 1. 
 "So far as deliberate intention ).''ies, this is doubtles-sone 
 of the very hiographios ever written ; and in re- 
 spect to careful self-analysij. it jirobably stands at the liead 
 of itfl whole class. . . . All her jiersonal judgments are 
 > itiated by the same sweeping posltlveness, the same rhe- 
 t-i-iriciil iniiccuracy."- A'!(?i'>i>, xxiv. 32-3, 236. 
 Martineau, Ifev. James, D.D., LL.D., Th.D., 
 [((life, vol. ii., add.,] b. 1805; removed to London In 
 1857 ; was minister of Little Portland Street Chapel 1859- 
 72, and principal of Manchester New College, London, 
 1 868-85. He has contributed to periodicals, and was one 
 ! of the founders of the National Review. I. .Studies nf 
 ! Christianity : a Series of Original Papers, Lon., 1 85s, p. 
 Svo; new cd., 187.'1. 2. E8«;>vs, PhiK.Bo; hical and Then 
 , logical, Lon., 1866, p. 8\o ; •Mon! S'lr-i,--, ! ■(68 ; now cd., 
 ; 1883. 3. A Woril for '-c.'jnl'iio Theologv, Lon,. 1868. 
 'Svo. 4. New Afflniii.i; of Failh, l.on., '.KO, 8,.,. 5. 
 Why Dissent? an .V.l-lreBS, U;:., 1871, Svo. d. The 
 i Place of .Mind in Natirc, and '^'idtion; ti Lecture. I..,)., 
 1872, Svo. 7. Hymns if I'lai .) ; nd i'layor. Lor , I'li, 
 or. Svii and 32iuo. .". Religion ;\f iifl'ec'nd by .I'.'^.Jern 
 ■Iv '. 3. i" Matei. :ili.«n; 
 ri.eologv. l."i:.. 1876, 8v,.. 10. 
 So red Things, Lon., 18';6-90, 2 
 .' slitutcs for (<od : a 
 , Svo. 12. Lo.'.ii and (lain in 
 I.'aterialis' ' Lon., 18 ' ' 
 its Attitu .1 towprs 
 Hours of 'i 'loiight on Si 
 vols, p. Svo. 1 1. Ideal ' 
 Lon., 1878; new cd., 187 
 Ri^-ont Theologj, i.-n., 1881 ; 2d ed., with Reply to D . 
 .A'i-,',1. 1881, Svo. 13. The Relation between Ethics an.l 
 I'.ciigion, Lon., 1881, Sv •, 14, A Study of S] ino?.u 
 Lon.. 1883, p. Svo ; 2d ed.. lK.s;i. 
 "Tills v. ' me, moii ihiin any othei in oiir iiiiignagi. 
 wIV. tirlp ini.ple (•' mni'.'i^tand the sir".nge UHolnallon 
 who ;i has iiUracled to Spinoza th" devoie I ai!iiiirutioii of 
 men of tin niisl .ppusite cliiini'.iers . r.d lendci.clcs."— 
 Spectator, Iv. 1480 
 15. Typif of J-.'liical Theory, Oxf., i'"J.j, 2 vol--, mvo. 
 ' The most adniiiablc cxivo';::,ii of l.itiii'.ional ethics 
 that has been trlven t'l English .•ooders In the present age." 
 — /l(/i.. No, 301o. 
 " Mainly historical as it Is in its sirnclure. it is tlie his- 
 tiry of elliical syslems as treated by one who has a lixcd 
 standard of his own by which to judge and estimate llir 
 philo.sophy of others. ... No book has ever been piili 
 lislied in the Knirllsh language indicating the same .loii> 
 .study of the histoiv of Kthies, the same brilliant and koon 
 insight into'the turning-points of ethical problems, iiml tlio 
 same large connnuio) of philosophical method,"— .sjifrfo/i/r, 
 Iviii, ri79, 
 " A work unapo'.. lohed by any contcmiiorary In austere 
 yet seductive beiuny of language an.l sentinieiit,"— T. II. 
 Waud: The Jicifin ;' i^ifeii fi'c/on'a, ii. 47'2. 
 16. A Study oi H.ligion; its Sources and Contents, 
 Oxf, 1888, 2 vols, ."v-o 
 " Dr. Mai'tineau hai. oxpnr.ded Into two good-sized vol- 
 umes the two short pi'i'.cs of Tennyson's 'Higher Panthe- 
 ism.' Bnt what iniprc od us all so deeply as the coiilos- 
 sion of a poet's faith lose- much of its force when lironi.'lit 
 down from the heights , .i oracular dogmatism to the livel 
 of discussion, contradiction, and disproof."— A i.fukii \V, 
 Benn: Anid., xxxiil, 179. 
 "On the whole, we shall have to say that the old pre- 
 sumptions for Provlde.'ise, Free-Will, linniorlality, are 
 here restated in a careful post-l)ar\>inian form, but tliiit 
 little .if fresh argument Is really added; and that this 
 book (like every book of the kind wliich has ever pi.- 
 ceded it) fails in its attempt to raise tliese mainly snlijci'- 
 five presumptions to the level of objective and demon- 
 strated truth."— Alh., No, 314), 
 Martineau, John. Letters from Australia, Lon., 
 1869, p. Svo. 
 Martineau, R. (Ed.) The History of Israel, liy 
 G. H. A. von Ewald. Translated from the (lermiiii. 
 Lon., 1867-74, 5 vols. Svo; .3d ed., 1874-70. (Vols, iii.- 
 v. translated by J. E. Carpenter, q. r., supra. The o 
 vols, embrace vols, i.-iv. of the original. See Glovku, 
 0., unpra,) 
 Martinengo-Cesaresco, Countess Evelyn. 
 Essays in the Study of Folk-Songs, Lon., 1886, p. svo. 
 "It does not profess to deal with the whole subjo.t of 
 popular song; but it skilfully's some of its I'liicf 
 characteristics, dwelling with special minuteness on ilio>e 
 which invest with a ix^culiar charm the metrical eH'nsioiis 
 of the peasants of Southern Europe."— vlcad,, xxix, '.t22. 
 Martling, James A. London Bridge : a I'ueni. 
 Illust. Best., 1882, 16mo. 
 Martyn, Rev. F'. J., Independent ininisler of 
 Sermon Thoughts, Mancbestcr, 
 Martyn, Pa 
 navy. Hooping-' 
 ! Illust. Lon., !.'■ ■ 
 I Mar' . Mr. 
 ; Hopkinto ''t .'>'. 
 I ((Ill(P, VC ■ :) 0. 
 j of New '. I '-11.V 
 j Tract Sooi '|\ , 
 ; to periodic.lj. i 
 i 3. A Happy liier 
 .lesus in Bethan , 
 1 .Sybil (Jrev, (8(16 
 j 9. The English ' 
 I Abroad, N. Vor' 
 I OastJo, N. York, 
 M.D., surgeon in the lioyiil 
 Hs Pathology and Treatment. 
 ' arah Towne, 1805-1879, h. at 
 daughter of Rev. Ethan Siuitb, 
 f'ed, 1841, to Rev. Job 11. Mmlyn, 
 She wrote largely for the Aaierieim 
 1 contributed essays and short ttorica 
 Evelyn Peroival. 2. Allan t'ameron. 
 ; !e 4. Tho Huguenots of France. S. 
 '■ .. '(, 1865. 6. Effie Morrison. 7. 
 .s ..lift Ross, N. York, 1867, liJino. 
 ' ■■ r, William Tyndale at Home and 
 , ,6mo. 10. The Hopes of Hope 
 . . ,q. Ifimo. 11. Lady Alice I. Isle, 
 N. York, 1867, lOmo. 12. Margaret, the I'oul of 
 Navarre, N. York, 1867, 16mo. 13. Netty iin 1 bor 
 Translations, I '» , I'srs Toj-^.^ '""' ""-or Poem, and 
 ^^York, I8,ir/,9, l''"' "f,.^«'' En^,nn,l: „ History, 
 '^<«rt r, Catherine j' ""',"%'""■' ',;^'"'' !'• «vo. 
 Artisfs Wife: a Tulo "^ ftiuy -liV'TiT ' r' '^'"o 
 nnrvtii, Abijah Perkins "i n . ' 
 l«r9, Lancaster.^ '^""''"'^""•. Mnssnohusutts, loi;!.: 
 Marvin, Arthur Tai>Dnn ti„ n, 
 KentrZ;tL'';::t'i;'iJ^ii;j,^«\,f'-t ,.,un,.,ead, 
 years, 1870-75: was afterm.rrf! • '" "P""' ""^ 
 revenue and o hric ,artrn„t " "".''^V'' '" "'» i*'!'""' 
 Office, and, having fui"tt' l'"°„'l"''"f, ',''« ^'"^'S'^ 
 text of an "greenfent Eetw^ „"t\o'"'E;"lh r^", 'J^"' "'" 
 Kovcrnments, 1,S78 w„, „r, ". ,.^ """"'' K"'*8ian 
 ll.e magistrate for iaek ? ovi I ' ''"' ''i'^hargeu by 
 ^ent to Russia by Joiepl. ciwen V?".'' ^" "'^ ''« "as 
 statesmen and generals fn /„ 1. i "'■■"'' "^ '""''ing 
 i.?ainst India. JleZ „^?H '° '"''P"*"'' ''""ign^ 
 "'t of the Morning^ Post in Hfi'f'"""^''' " """"Vond- 
 ves.:gate the petroleum industry f't ut '" ?'" '" '"" 
 in different towns of Great C-.i". "'"''^"'^<"J 
 numerous articles to periodicll, n ""u ,™'""'>»ted 
 eraljodying an Account ,ftl?oiv . "■ ' "''''° <'™"e'- 
 nn.l Plans. Lon., ISSO/svo """""""'• ^''Ps 
 ey;:wlt'nlssrp*iL'lfahi??P^ f™-" the letters of».H.i to an accus,! ,„of ?4o,i fhl';:''"'^' " '•" "° 
 Hotat,'tto":ihBa|'|ll'and t?J''nK'"'r. «'""''™"" t" i 
 Turkestan : wi 1, h , Own M ^ r'^^"* ''^'»''^' »f Afghan 
 '!- Oxus to lleVa MaJ^TnS'p :n^'■''^"'""<''-- 
 8><'; -'d ed., 1885, ^ ' '""'• ^on-. 1S80, p. 
 the Khorassan Question, Lon., 1 "s ' si ^^P™"'™ "^ 
 ' i'i;i.sS/;':::^«J-^''^rndia: C„nversa. 
 -;^vS7^8';:^«srx^Ss^^- *'»p-"^ 
 ^»n« with Si^obe ff:Sy7J''-; rnJia Conversa- 
 R"»<.:in (ienorals a ■dTatolen nn .\" ?''"''g»i«l'e'l 
 ='■"", Un., 1882 er Svn "" """^ ^•'"''•"' Asian 
 '^'.'ostion, Ion., 1882; "cr78r„: 
 |Mi..ns" wM\",^:J?,!^h "^P^,«r<Jed a series of recent oopver- 
 ^• -68 '>arrativ8 of a Journey to the Pe- 
 M,., No. L'os"* '" ""' I'lo-perily of iu()dern Itaku "™ 
 S. Keeonnoitring In C'l.ntnil • ;„ . u- 
 tine, in the l{,.gi^„ lvi„ ' l,,' "' ,';"'"'-e'-'>ig Adven- 
 \ «^|1 :- ,^ri„l;;,::j byffir'^;Uli;;!,;H',''- Marvin's readers 
 Asian .,i».,iinn fr.Mn^u.spi';'.'','';, '',''",''< I" H'l^* •'uiUral 
 i opinion, ilK.y will r, ,";,," ;"*-''' '..y n,„y .liiRT 
 ;H,bsUntialin^u^n,al^/, ',.';:,; ';^ 
 ^o|;i.) . lie.ides the a'l o;e ;„ k ' ,;'""■„, '"'T ™Pi" 
 I fo lowing pamphlets, IssUsy ','■ the author of the 
 ! "I".., has cveieded fi(l,(„Ml L^^- l^'^r^'% f"'," "*■ 
 Paniflin. 2. The t'ooiin r ii„i P V . ' "'^' '^'"loidi (,f 
 "nd its liearing on f,i 1 T '.''^ "'''•"'''" P'-'t'"loum, 
 IJ'ctroleun, Powder. 4 1 :i\/,'',"f'^i. .■'•,''"»«'''»'l »» a 
 5. Kussia's Power of Attnlin t , "^"""''a "' Europe. 
 I Railway to ller.'t „d in f, *''>^"1 1"' „''• -'"> «''-^^i"n 
 Herat. \s. The liu" iun A '' V- ^ '" """»">• R'»^<' t" 
 K..»8ia have Pen ^ ' " fn I,?'"": "[,"""•• »• ■'^I'"1I 
 Herat, n Kn^lish Afi,"'" ''""■<"■ "f «ci/.inK 
 .wavitP l2.>'.:l!,,ni';r;,^,S''' ^"^ -d Oeru,a"n« 
 -.«?"b!"i;«fv:;r!;,"r' ^f"'^-' '^■^- ^'^■^- '823 
 "' of the MeVl octo F,",:' "'"r,*^^? ""> "i-o-nnt 
 clccteclIJishopoftirMetloJ T^^^^ '-''"'■°'' "' '■'^■" i 
 n !«"«. I. The Work of'c!.''o':'Th'rA^'''"'"'' ■'""'•^ 
 I2mo. .-!. Methorli.t Vt ,h^- ^"l''"". '"^t. Louis, 
 South, .St. I'u il n.o'^'T''^' ''^''"'••^%'^'«^''' '^"d' 
 , "2mo. 5. To theKWhv ,.""'' Na.'hville, IS76, 
 Memorial Sern ,„;'., \t l^ "H "'« West : with 
 I Bishop McTyeire an rLr ? ""^ ^^"'"'1' ''^'»"in, by 
 Ill"»t.' ,St. ?Z:: 'l',S78 ?2mo""""" ^' ''■ ^- ■'^»"'"'«'« 
 Marvin, Frederick H 'i r> 
 •Mogy „nd^T;e ,' "etrtf ".I' •>-""l'i™.. "nd the' la': 
 I2nio. ^reaiuiei.t of Medionninia, N. York, 1874, 
 Stori"s7ios't.,'!"8 ";„J^' ""'^''it-Snares, and other 
 f ri^™JrVhe fernS^, j^t "^, ""' ^'^^^ '«- 
 >se on the Law of Wreck an 1 S^ '«"'"• ' ' T'eat- 
 2. Treatise on the I aw of A /"^v' ?"■''•' '■''^''' S''o. 
 The Earliest VnfXg^f tLTh»T ?f "'l^"'"""' ^ or, 
 »ery, and Kindergarten fal^^l P f "\"'^ ^'"'""'^' ^"^"r- 
 Preyor's "The So,.lnf.i,in^ .„'''■'"''' '^■""i Prof. W. 
 b. I82li; town clerk of vf- P'*^' I-'-D.- F-R.S.E., 
 then of^JirsgowrkniglUecT'l's?.'' ''''"r"'' -"-^ «inee 
 from the Records if t le RurLl, '^f i,^ r'; '^'"•^ '^•^"•"-ts 
 I for the Seottish Burgh Heof ,, « ^■'^"'^''!S^- Printed 
 2. (Ed.) Charters and otl or i ■■• ^'""•' ''''''«• ^to. 
 i City of Edinburgh, Ac Pm^e" 7 '.",'•' l'^"'''" '» the 
 Uecord Society.^ E,ti„.. , "1t^ "" f^^'t- B"gh 
 from the Records of the Burffl nf n. ^ ''•^ Kxtracts 
 '"42. Printed for the q'^.V k ^, "^go'S A.D. 1573- 
 fi'asgor, 187<i, 4 o Cr^f^ '"''«" Z'^™^" «"0' 
 Practice in regard to Munie ,a ? .•"" "'" ^"'' "■><» 
 Inn'l. Kdin., 187!) 8vo' ^-'ections, &c., in Scot- 
 w.^rr';;;e'rfi,f,,i;; '^'^ '"""" Han, and what 
 on^Wood,' Unri^,8n p. ^^^ "' ^'""'"S and Engraving 
 Marzials. Frntiii T 'i t... 
 ! (';.".-eat Wru'erO Lon!^-18sr ^8™ ^""''^ "'<='"'"'- 
 A vervfixrei'ept irctn., '- , "■ 
 IS88, 12mo. ""S"' (""■•<"" Writer.s,") !„„., 
 eat^nn'R*'g^'u;j'''|;if,';j'''' ''• '?»•,"> Brussels, edu- 
 ;;'. the Britfsh Mu'rr t 'e'lS o''"'-^r'';,T>^'''y'''' 
 Pigeons, and other Poems, Lon., 1873, p s'o "^ °^ 
 "^"1 HI 
 HtU If 
 " The Imnk before us, a vuliinie of KukIIsIi jKiems by a i 
 young Frunclimiin. uliiws with this uliI frtiiilllar lire, (of llio 
 KfimlssHmf.l lUMidiiin these struiiKu anil i»iwerl'ul veniei- 
 fiillof tliulU'iiltliyilellKhl In llfeiuid Kunsliini' thtttseeniw 1 
 U) have iiiisstMl awav vviih the TMubacldwrH, we have to re- 
 mind ourselves that their author lives amongst lis, and did 
 not walk the earth with his elder countrynicn, the Allil- 
 genses iiiid the Iroveiivals. , . . He has proiliieed a liook 
 that lsinii()iieol' lus kind and llliindnated with undeniable , 
 genius."— .S//(Wa/()i', xlvl. l'2l». 
 IHltHP, K. Art Needle Work ; Knd)ruidery in Cra- 
 vats, Silkj, Apidiciuo, Ae., l.on., l»n, 12mo. 
 Mashedcr, llichard. I. Dissent and Doniooraoy ; 
 their Mutual Heliitions, I,on., I.xrtl, |i. Hvo. -'. Wil- 
 liam Kwart (Ihidstonc; a Political Keviow, Lon., IHOO, 
 1). Svo ; 2il ed. same year. 
 Maskell, Mrs. A. E. Anderson. Four Feet, 
 Wings, and Fina. Illust. Host., 1S71», sq. 12ino. 
 Maskcll, Alfred. Russian Art, anu Art Uhjoeta in 
 Russiii. I'art I. Lon., IHS4, p. >^vo. 
 Maskell, Kli/.a, [»"«•, vol. ii., add.] 1. The Home 
 Traveller: Tlioughta on liondon .Scenes, Ac., Lon., IH56, 
 U'uio. 2. The (iospel Theme: a .Scries of Sacred I'oems, 
 l,on., ISIiO. 18mo. 
 iMuskell, Uev. Joseph, educated at King's Col- 
 lege, London; ordained 1X52; hon. .-erretury of the City 
 of London Ldllege l.-^fil-fii); master and chaplain of j 
 Emnmnuel, Westminster, since 18ti9; curate of 
 St. James the Less, Westminster, since I8H3. I. Notes 
 on the Sepulchral Hnisaea of All-Hallows Barking, I86L 
 2. Collections towards the History and Antiquities of 
 All-Hallows Harking, IXttU 3. The Wedding-King : its \ 
 History, I'uetry, Literature, and Superslitiona : a Lee- ; 
 ture, Lon., ISBS, l2mo. I. Westminster in Relation to 
 Lilerature. Lon., ISSd, .Xvo. ' 
 Maskell , W. P. Acts for the Reguliition of Mines, 
 August, ISfiU, Lon., IStiL 1 
 Maskell, William, M.A.,['ui^f, vol. ii., add.,] ISU- i 
 1890, b. at Hath ; a magistrate and deputy-lieutenant for 
 the county of Cornwall. He made a collection of Kng- 
 lish rituals and service-books, and another of ancient 
 and media-val carvings in ivory, which vere purchased t 
 by the trustees of the British Museum. 1. Hudehaven : 
 a Pen-anil-Ink Sketch : with Portraits of the Principal ] 
 Inhabitants. By W. M. Lon., 1X113, Hvo. 2. The 
 Present Position of the High-Church Party, Lon., 1811!), 
 Svo. 3. A Letter to the Editor of the Dublin " Review" , 
 upon tlic Temiioral Power of the Pope and his Personal I 
 Infallibility, 18B9. 4. AVhat is the .Meaning of tae Late , 
 Decree on the Infallibility of the Pope? 1871, 5. Odds : 
 and Ends, Lon., 1872, 12mo. (This includes " Bude- 
 haven," with other sketches.) 6. A Description of the 
 Ivories, Ancient and .Modern, in the South Kensington 
 Museum, ("South Kensington Art Hand-Books,") Lon., 
 1872, Hvo, 7. Ivories, Ancient and Medieval, (" South 
 Kensington Art Hand-Hooks,") Lon., 1H75, p. Svo. 
 Maskelyne, Antonio Storey-. True and False 
 Riches: a Tale of the llartz, Lon., 1873-77, 18mo. 
 Maskblynv, J. N. Modern Spiritualism : its Rise 
 and Progress : with some Exposures of So-Called Spirit- 
 Media, Lon., 1876, 12mo. 
 Maskelyne, Mervin Herbert Nevil Storey, 
 M.A., F.K.S., b. 1823; graduated at Wadham College, 
 Oxford, \Xi:>; hon. Fellow 1873; WaynHete professor 
 of mineralogy since 1856 ; formerly keeper of minerals in 
 the British Museum. 1. Catalogue of Minerals in the 
 British Museum, Lon., 1S63 ; new ed., 1881. 2. A Guide 
 to the Collection of Minerals in the British Museum, 
 Lon., 1868, Svo. 
 Mason, Miss. Kate Oeary ; or, Irish Life in Lon- 
 don : a Tale, Lon., 18o3, l2mo. 
 Mason, A. K. Accepted Ceremonies of Three De- 
 grees in Craft Freeuuisonry ; new ed., Lon,, ISSO. 
 Mason, Ali'red Bishop, and Lalor, J. J. 
 Primer of Political Economy : in Sixteen Definitions 
 and Forty Propositions. Chic, 1875, l2mo. 
 Mason, Rev. Arthur James, M.A., B.D., grad- 
 uated at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1S72, and elected 
 Fellow 1873; ordained 1874; hon. canon of Truro since 
 1878 ; vicar of All-llallows Barking, London, since 1884. 
 I. The Persecution of Diocletian: a Historical Essay, 
 Lon., 187B, Svo. 
 "Whether we exactly accept his conclusion or not, he 
 hn.s rerJiilnlv worked well at his subject : hi: lots put many 
 points In anew light; and all that he says, as tar a.s its 
 main substance goes, should at least be weighed helore 
 any one deelde.s the other way."— ."''n*. h'cv., .xlli. (»,). 
 '• He has given a vivid picture of the Diocletian persccu- 
 tlcm. He has carefully studied the principal authorities, 
 aiid selected from tliem all that Is most sinking and inter- 
 eating. . . Altogether his l«iok Is by far the best and full- 
 est account that mir language (•ontalns of this periijd cjf 
 Christian liistory."— .I'/i., .No. 2.'>H2. 
 2. Commentary on Thossalonians ntnl the First Epistlc> 
 of St. Peter. (Reprinted from Bishop Ellicolt's Com- 
 mentary.) Lon., 1S7U. 3. The Epiatlea of St. Peter, -Jt. 
 ,J(jiin, and St. ,Iude, Lon., 18s;i, 12mo. 4. The Faith ot 
 the Oosiiel; a Manual of Christian Doctrine, Lon., 18S7, 
 or. 8vo. 
 .Mason, Itev. C. Parochial Sermons: with a .Mr 
 moir of tlic Author, Best., 1865, Svo. 
 Mason, Mrs. C. The Eve of St. Agnes, Lon,, 1878, 
 .>Ia8on, C M. Forty Shires: their History, Sce- 
 nery, Arts, and Legends. Illust. Lon., 1880, cr, 8m,; 
 new ed., ISSl. 
 Mason, Mrs. Caroline Atherton, [nnir, vol. 11., 
 where her Christian name is erroneously given as I'ntli- 
 erine. adil.,] b. 181!3, at .Marblehead, Muss.; daughter (if 
 Dr. Calvin Briggs. 1. Rose Hamilton, IS51). 2. Three 
 of Us. By Thekla. Host., 18811. 
 Mason, Charles F. A Compeml of Electricity 
 and its .Medical and Surgical fsos: with an Introilucticm 
 by C. H. May, M.D., I'hila., 1887, I2mo. 
 Mason, Charles Welsh. Poems and Songs: .if 
 which some are rendered from the Spanish, Lon., 1>(13, 
 Mason, Charlotte. 1. There's a Friend for Little 
 Children, and Trusty and True, Lon., 1S87, Isino. :'. 
 Alma Ryan ; or. Steadfast and True, Lon., 1888, p. svn. 
 Mason, Charlotte M., sometime lecturer on eilu- 
 eation and teacher of human physiology at the liisliii|i 
 Otter College, Chiihestcr. Home Education ; a Coiir-e 
 of Lectures to Ladies, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Mason, Mrs. Clara Arthur. Etchings from Tno 
 Lands, Best., 1886, 12mo. 
 Mason, David Hastings, b. I82.S. in Philiidrl- 
 phia. P». ; settled in Chicago in 1867, where he hiis In in 
 euitor of the Republican and of the Bureau, a prnl.i-- 
 tionist monthly. A Short Tarilf History of the I nitnl 
 'states from the Earliest to the Present Time: Pan I,, 
 1783 to 17811, with a Preliminary View, Chic, issi, 
 1 12mo ; new ed., ISSfi. 
 Mason, K. An Old Library and its Talis, Lon, 
 1862, 12uio. 
 I Mason, Mrs. E. H. B. Great Expectations lie- 
 ' ali/.cd; or, Civilizing .Mountain Men, Bost., 1862, IJiiin. 
 Mason, Mrs. E. U. Our Mabel, Chic, 18-i, 
 Mason, Edward Tuckermau, b. 1847. 1. 
 (Ed.) Samuel Johnson: bis Words and his Ways, .\. 
 York, 18711, 12mo. 2. I 3ci.) Personal Traits of lil■ili^ll 
 Authors, N. York, 1885, 2 vols. 3. (Ed.) lluiiiorous 
 Masterpieces from American Literature, N. York. I'-MI, 
 3 vols. 16mo. 4. (Ed.) British Letters illustrative i.f 
 Character and Social Life, N. York, 1888, 3 vols, liiiio.. 
 Mason, Mrs. Eleanor B. The Toungoo (JoJ- 
 Language Conspiracy, Rangoon, 18S2, Svo. 
 Mason, Miss Emily Virginia, b. 1815, at Lex- 
 ington, Ky. ; became a nurse in the (Confederate aiinv 
 during the civil war, and was matron of several llo^pillll?. 
 1. Southern Poems of the War, Bait., 1867, 12iao. :'. 
 (Ed.) Journal of a Y'oung Lady of Virginia in 17.-<2, 
 Bait., 1871, sin. 4to. 3. Popular Life of (ieneial Holjctl 
 E. Lee, Bait., 1S71, Svo. 
 Mason, F. Treatise on the Use and Advanlngcs ol 
 Dancing, Lon., 1S54, 12mo. 
 Mason, F. II., late captain of the 42d RegiM:eiit of 
 Ohio Infantry. l.The Forty-Second Ohio Inliiiitry: a 
 History of the Regiment in the War of the Rilnllioii : 
 with Biographical Sketches, Cleveland, 0., IS77, '•vo. L'. 
 The Life and Public .Service of James A. l^iilki.i. 
 Twentieth President of the United States : a Iii"^'rllpll■ 
 ical Sketch: with a Preface by Bret Harte, Lon., 1881, 
 cr. Svo. 
 Mason, Rev. Francis, D.I)., ['oi'c, vol. ii., 
 add.,] 171111-1874, b. in Yorkshire; learneil his lailiers 
 trade of shoeinaking and acquired some edonrion: 
 removed to the United Slates in 1818; was li.eiiscii 
 to preach in the Baptist Church in 1827, and soon after 
 entered Newton Theological Seminary. In \-'M ho 
 went to Burma as a missionary, and for twi uly-two 
 years labored among the Karen tribes of T:i-. . . ''f 
 became acquainted with most of the dialects of I'artlier 
 India, and published a grammar of the Pali !:ui.i;iing« 
 and various translations, which were approved by the 
 Koyal Asiatic Society, of which he was a meini.Lr. He 
 York. IS 17. 2 Me 'ir ,.«,'"'•■'' "• *'"»"". N- 
 F-."a, Flora 3rMi,^;'f t""' '"■'■''•''"" "" "'" 
 India, !„,„ IssT 2 . r ^^ *'«"l"Ki™l •■^urvev of 
 Work nK.M;„.'n'f„^ '?^J; ."^y"' ■•• 'I'Lo Story of a 
 A»i... Africa nn I A,„„ ''''"'',"'' "' l"™^"' '"> ^■■""'V''. 
 William H;wi;i;|,,t'"o":i;;';;;v'\5!,',r,s'-'rT.i'''''''" ''^ 
 jei^:^"n' ,!:s:LrS*:;f '^t-^ "'^'=^"",/""'"" 
 AIn§oii, c;, Fin'pli ' I J 
 .Storic,, I.on., ISHO I 8vn „ '"', ""»"''". ""'l othe; 
 sketohU, ,,o'„.. 's'; J' "r',Tl,''.'.- •'• ^'"""t^y 
 took s ,^ce'"?r."i:,'„ iS ^ll^iffir S'l' /^""'■•''^t" «'>e-art 
 Stalea."'-.V(i(/u«, x\ix -in "- "'"'"ry of the riilled 
 ^^a.Ho,„i„i,„e,,.es of Newport. Illu,,. .x,„p„,,^ 
 '«8| orilai,;:, S.-;; '?eeC':f''F,^;""'«!'' Cambridge 
 Bible A,hoc.acv, IS6 ' * Znbi "'^'""^ '''*^- '• 
 South Africa, Lon.,l,SB;- ^ "1^ ■, " M'««.'«n Tour in 
 lenso's Bible Problem., IHli' 4 A u ""'""""' »f Co- 
 '•■^fi'i. 5. Tho Lord'" 'rnvn; ;„;/'';,"''" '" """"'"iets, 
 plained, 1871. fl. Tho iZYAl^f '^l"'"'^' «''"i™ ^x- 
 1S77. 7. The Zulu War LT-"" "' <^»"fl''>n»tion, 
 Lon., 187!), 8vo. " ^'""""* •""' "» Wessons; 
 Mason. H. If a n 
 St«r°':i,f'^,,^;,J/„~ «»'^« '0 '"e Cure of 
 .'Inson, J, loB.Wnii.i J 1 ■ . 
 (•' Frien,ny Cou,.er tji::!:^^^'^^:^-^^''^^, 
 N. York, 1857 "'"""" »"•! Distribution of AVealth, 
 «^":-o^^-^-^^^ Turkey: Medical 
 ''IHSOII, JoHPnh in !. 
 Proceeding's at L,uv in L r""" '",^"" Motions and 
 •V-v Kngland S,^ ,' ,„l " f''';j7" ^a^v Courts of the 
 Wljiliun, < Vgrk, tm |2,,,o ^""^'''^''-n^lity of Pro- 
 ;v""M«',',;rr!'' 'L^' r-«' ■ 
 I»"iii., ]b^i!. ■■I3SI, BIO. t. Eiposition of . iaiu, 
 'I". Alter/Dinner TirofTt"''"'^" "^ ^'"'''' ^"'"^ 
 1^87, Iflmo. '' "' ^''"""" ""o'lwin, N. Vork, 
 AKoncy of'ii,,,; i^;„ ;,5^'7'";"" ^.V ;l'o Imu,e.llalo 
 p. 8vo. '^ ' " '^''' ''"■"''• ''»"•. 1877-71), two series, 
 Mitchell Mb aryV lZ,t o M, """"•"' ''''™^'"" '" 
 '"'ion in 18-7, chic Ei "''("""'"ff of that in,ti. 
 Public Library, Hla4ur|i" ."'^ ;?'!;''",«' »"'' "!"'««" 
 lie'« [n.lit fn L 1^,?.^', f ' <=''ief librarian of «„i|. 
 the librarian.hi, of s^ir '*'""• "*' "'""« ■'^■'aininK 
 chief libnirilln y.ho F ee Kblic rb"'"'*"/ ''''^^"^^' 
 in-the-Field., London ISKH "7° ''''"•"■•y " '^t- Martin- 
 Sootlan,l. 1) . an a"« Ktan. I • ' ■'"' ^"^ ^Mnanes of 
 printed for sLb'^riC^i , ^ "i., '^ ["r 1 "'""-''" ^ 
 '••Kiih^^/nrr ( '-"itJd't::^!;:;!,;!;;,^. -"'""""•»'- 
 ,^, Kkl, „, bibliographical aiul literary plums.'.-.s„, Rev 
 Qla3go«r,''i88S H Adam '"'''"'"'*!">» ''"biio Library, 
 I Honniiic [a niveM I " /''"^r'" ' "\''^"'' ■'"■'^'^'. ^»« 
 Koyal Guide to he City o Ula^, l'^"'.",' "''' '2'"°- »• 
 A Bibliographical Ml fvrr'V "'"■■'K"W. 1888. 10. 
 I the I,ihli?th?c"BritannfcV, f^ '\^ ''""' ^""'- "^ 
 >868,''p.".",'o^''- ^««»>« °" Engi'ish Church Music, Lon., 
 Australian Tale, KfHn'; m/Tllo''% *" '^yif-T: -n 
 Aiistralia, Edin., I8R7, p. Hyo} ' ^- "^ C""»ins in 
 TranrcMtn,:,)* L*;°?m7 *^;,!'"°''^''<'"<>'' (Philosophical 
 iMassena, Mrs. A Ja r- ir • . 
 Creole. Host!, is". "* '^^ '^'"ie's Mistake. By 
 "Jeems I'ipe. of Pine'viile" J "' ^^,?"'' "'' ^^^at 
 biography, 'n, York 'ws p,,,;^""' ""'' »'''' an Auto- 
 Chri.iiuiis Lesson. By What.b'"''"^^'";' *''"•''"• '^ 
 Mnssey, Geral7, !^ ", t | 1!"",, ■T\' "^■^^- ^^'o- 
 I f'""parativelv little poetry of lnt»,' 1 '^ ''"" "''''"^^n 
 , largely to the pron,o\ioT^of s'" • Suiic"'''' "^ ''"''''='^ 
 poetics. Jlc has lectured oTlvUuT "'"""*^"° 
 and other topics in the 'ni,;r -.""'• '"«8>uerisu), 
 GreatBritainVindZ., ili. ""a ''■^' ? "^" "' '" and American pe i d'ie".l ^ «"h";''-'i"' ^^"8" 
 Song: and other Lyric. Ton T.-o , *"*""■' ''»™^. ™ 
 March, and other ^en.; L„„' jtl r\ - """'"ck's 
 speare's Sonnets never befor^'Vif' ^^- ^^'°- '*• ■"''ake- 
 Friends iJentiHeSr^getlfcr „..''.<'' ' *"' ''""""' 
 o Himself, Lon., 1866 8v« ^^^"'•™''™' L"'^"'^'' 
 Shakespeare, „„,, vol ii.f'4 At1'%T'""^ ""''" 
 pther Poems, Lon. I8«9,pSvo 5 c!lJ ^'''\»^y- '""1 
 'sui, Lon., 1871, I imo fi A i,','T'','''"ng Spiritual- 
 containing an A temm to t ""'' "V"" «cKinnings : 
 I-ost Origines of hefMwl," '"T.?"'' ^""^""^'itute fhe 
 Symbols, RclieiLl.iV "'' "^'"tcries, Types and 
 >^!5-ti::'i^-.«--i^-p-t^ . 
 ■8. The Secret Drama of ^hll'^ '.^ ™''- "»P- 8vo. 
 L8S8, 4to. "' Shakespeare's Sonnets, Lon., 
 '-mTSi^J,^;^;;'':''' (Fletcher.) I. Thoughts 
 >K.I.) Christian Lyrics "chieflvT, Vl'^ '«''^' '2mo. 2 
 '-• Il.t^^ ^-•/is6?;ror:'erei^T7rAtr"3- 
Lon., 11*75, 12m». 
 TiilcH for Mothers' 
 Cliililrcn hI' Holy ■ 
 VilliiK<- Tiilc", for I 
 Later Lyrics of the Clirii-' in Church: heinK » ('iiin|ian- 
 liin Voliiiiio to '• t'hristlnii l.yrii'S," by the liuiiie Coiiiiilk'r, 
 Edin., 1X61, 12ino. 4. Soiitf of th.t Jfo"othle Hont, 
 5, Ml--. (Iirkpi's I 1 , Jiiim.", iinil 
 Mi'ltiu^ , '.ril. i >..'. |). '^VO. (I. 
 .|,uni-. nil i • 11., ISHii, It... 7. 
 .,,i ttp.l 'ml., 1,011., ISHi, p. Sro. 
 .MiiHNi-y, AVilliHiii >iutliaiil«l, [""'•, vol. ii., 
 M.A.HSKV, Wll.i.HM, ,VI.1>., ii.M.,] |SI)!)-ISS|, wiia iip- 
 |)oiiili'tl IliiiiiK.'i "uiiister in Imliii iiml .•'worn a nu'iiilji-r 
 of thi' jirivy i"iiniMl in KSii:'), uml iiflor his ri'tiirn lo 
 Enjjiiin.l WH9 il.ited M.l'. lor TiviMton in 1872. I. Coin- 
 inon .<en«u nr-nt Conimon I,;iw, l.iin., IS5(1, t2ni(i. 2. 
 Hiiitiiry of Ennliiiiil iiiidur (ienrnu HI., Lon., I><."ia-C:!, 4 
 vols. .Svo; now ed., l.^(l.')-n(!. (Vol. i. i:< montliinul tmi- 
 vol. ii. ! vol. iv. riids with llio I'ciicc of Am! : , I"*' -.) 
 "TiionKh he liiis no iirt'lt'iiHluns In the .|M.illties of n. 
 firU.lani iiiirnilnr or of un lilstnriciil iilillnsuplii'r, lu> ha-' 
 ciMiililk's which rondi'r his lionk viihmhle, and whli-h wdl 
 Hhvays ontiUf Its wrilcr In im hiinoiirahlo iihicc in our 
 hisicirloal litcrauiri','-Na(, Her.. .w.Oftl. 
 MuHHif, Kilwiirt!. I. Lovo'.s .Strife with the t'on- 
 vuiil, Lon.. l.'^O-l, :i vol.*. |i. .Svo. '.'. Saered Odi'S, ()ri(;iniil 
 m.'i Translated, on Divers .Subjwts, Lon., I.sOtKis, 2 vols. 
 1"ino. H. (Trans.) Sehillcr's William Tell; a Drama, in 
 Ei^'iah Vorsi', Lon., IS7.'<, I '-'mo. 
 iHnssHN J. Cnni. .\ Treatise on tlw Kcleetio 
 duuthern Practice of .Medicine, I'hila., Is.'il, Hvn. 
 MiiNsie, Uev. .Iiimes Willinin, U.U., LL.D., 
 [null. vii\, ii., adil.,] 1 7i)'.l-l.-<rtl), b. in Ireland; became 
 an Inilepondent minister; was a missionary in India, 
 at'terwanls pastor of churches in Perth, Dublin, and Sul- 
 ford, and suli.^e((uently secretary to the Home .Mission- 
 ary Society. Ho made several visits to .\MiiTira. I. 
 Minister and Peojilo : a Pastor's Life, Lon.. is.v.', l2mo. 
 2. Slavery the Crime and Curse of America, 1 .'2. :!. 
 The Kovival in Ireland, 18511, Lon., IS?j Svo. I. The 
 American t'risi 
 |stl2. 5. America: lie Origin of her Presen 
 Illustrated by Incidents of Travel during a Tour to the 
 United State . Lon., L8I14, p. Svo, 
 Massie, H. I. (Trans.) Lyra Domcsticn. oy (". -J. P. 
 Ppitta : with Additional Selections and Introductions by 
 F. D. Huntington, S. York. ISlill, lliino. 2. (Trans.) 
 Spiritual Songs, hy Marlin Lulher, Lon., 1863, p. 8vo. 
 MuKsie, Uev, W. II. Sermons )iroaohed at St. 
 Mary's Church, Cluster, Lon., 1857, 12mo. 
 Mas8iiigberd, Kcv. Francis tliarles, D.D., 
 [.ni(e, vol. ii., aild.,] lsllll-1872; e' .mcollor of the dio- 
 The Law of the Church and 
 Prayer for Unity, Lon., IS' 
 i vor-Uook. I "nt, 18(14, L"' 
 Unity ;iii Lecture on 
 of .stones wlileli Ihe bhjKraiihiT'K reverence has led lilni In 
 east upnii bis vn\ru."—Siiirliiliir. Mil. '.do. 
 " Til this liloKrapby . ■ . Is Imparted, by the anlbir's In 
 tense deviitlun to III- Milijecl and to tlic resiionsllillities 
 iif literiitiire, an and streimlli, both In Myle iiml 
 siilistanc e. which can snlfei no abatement Irom an oceu. 
 isioniil tailnre in the prnpnrtions of ilie (lesi^n or In the 
 writer's Judicial iiistlnet .Mr. Masson's piihlleatlon b -i 
 Work of iiMtlimal Inipurlaiicu."— .I'/i., .No. JT;W. 
 2. Uritish Novelists and tlieir Styles : being a Ci'tical 
 Sketch of Ihe History of Diilish Prose Fiction, l...h., 
 I85U, p. 8vo. (Lectures delivered at Kdinburgh.) :i. 
 Uecent lirilish Philosophy i a Ucview, with Crilicisias : 
 including some Cominents on Mr. .Mill's Answer "o Sir 
 William llainillnn, Lon,, 18(i5, er. Svo; .'Id cd., with ad 
 di^onal chapter, 1S77. 
 lie volume, for Its bulk and scope, lurnis as service- 
 able .1 manniil as cnnld be desired for the iinderstandini.' 
 nf the pronie s made liy phllosopby, properly so eallcil, In 
 (ireiit liritalii iliirliiK the lasltblrty years, . . . Ills aeemnil 
 of ibe several antburs and systems embraced In his wi.ik 
 Is clear and (,'rapliic, almost |ilctinesipie. llul these elninns 
 of style Hie (nimterbiilanced by the want of that hnihiy 
 of ilfserimlnatiiiii which Is reipilred for assiwtilim toeueli 
 of these the proper weiubt In Ihe scale, ami for keepiiiK 
 essentially dlslliiet Ideas steadllj asunder."— .'S(i(. Vi'fiv. x.\ 
 4. Drummond of Hawlhornden : the Story of his l,i|i. 
 and Writings. Lon.. IsT.'l, cr. Nvo, 
 "Thonnh it Isdillleult loaeconnt for hiseholeeof Iiriiia- 
 immd of llawthonideii for treatment In the same e.\. 
 baustive ami eiU'Velnpa die niaiiiier In wbudi he has been 
 so longeligaKed li'i presenting .MllloU, be has certainly ino- 
 dnced an interesting and readable volume."— .'<'a(. A'u-.. 
 xx.wil. '278 
 5. Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, and other Kfsavs, 
 Lon., 1874, er. 8vo. Ii. The Three Devils: Luther's, 
 .Milton's, and (Joethe's: with other Kssays, Lon., I>71, 
 I or. Svo. 7. Chattorlon i a Story of the Year ITTii, l.on., 
 1874, or. Svo. (.Most of the essays in these three \m1. 
 from the " Kssays, lii 
 cesc of Lincoln 
 Lon., 1857, Svo. 2 
 ;L Lectures on the I 
 12mo. 4. Sermons 
 Lon., 18(18, p. 8vo. 
 Massun, Uavid, LL.D 
 uines, Nos. .''i-7, are reprintf 
 in Relation to the Anti-.-lavery Cause, | g|..|pliK.„l nnd Critical," ., .lionod aiile, \i>]. ii.) 
 it Conlliet; i (Kit.) The Poetical Works of .lolin Milton: willi Intru- 
 duetions. Notes, and an Essay on Milton's Knglisli, Luii,, 
 IS74, 3 vols. Svo; new ed., ("Uoldai Treasury" Sir,,) 
 1877, 2 Vfils. l2nio, 
 " It is Impossible to do nnythiiiK like Justice to his exten- 
 sive knowledge, his iiiiwearied patience, his carefulness in 
 stilting facts, the skill with which he ii(iulies, and in nil 
 cases fttirlv applies, the labours of eiuller editors, .iinl 
 above all, to llie benrtv adniiraiioii ami enthusiasm wiiirh 
 have sustained him tbniugb hi- lom; and dilliciilt i-iL 
 , . . His extreme care to omit noi.'inn has ol'leii led Inm 
 ... to insert trivial nmllers at great length."— .sj»i((i/u, 
 i). I'lie Quarrel between the Earl of Manchester and 
 Oliver Cromwell : Unpublished Documents relating 
 therci ). collected by the Late .John Bruce: with an lli.- 
 toric:r Preface. Annotated iii'l completed by David 
 Ma.sson. (Camden See. Pub.,) l.on.. I' 'i. 8vo. 
 '■ In this volume .i leading incident in iin- annals of our 
 [((lite, vol. ii., add.,] be- 
 came editor of Macmillan's .Magazine in I85il,and in 1^<I>.') j elvll war receives liir tlie iTrst time adequate illustratciii 
 resigned the chair of English language and literature at a,,,) coniineni."— .Icmf., viii. 13'i 
 nt historian, 
 ■1 singularly 
 y oio . ■ 
 nt •,; ra- 
 ssors U. 
 University College, Lorn' ... ' 5)ecome professor of rhet- 
 oric and English litei uire i.i the University oi Edin- 
 burgh. Since 1879 he has : ctcd as oilitor of the Uegis- 
 try of the Privy Council of Scotland. 1. Tlie Life of 
 John Milton: narrated in Connection with the Political 
 Ecclesiastical, and Literary History of his Time. 1 
 L858-7il, Ii vols. Svo. 
 " .\llhougli Mr. Massoii may not be an el 
 he is what is of liilinllely greater inipormn. 
 accurate and therefore an altogether trn-i. 
 Tills ' Life of Milton' is a book which tie 
 tioii will hand down with pride to its ^ 
 £(;■ . xllx. mi . ^ , 
 "He has inseparably associated his nam. with that >>t 
 Milton, and all students of the jwet and of !iis age will be 
 eompelled to consult volumes. It would be diffleult 
 to estimate the labour expended by the author. Not only 
 lias he ma.stered all the authorities which liear directly on 
 his subjeci , but with intlnlte skill and perseverance he 
 .seems to liave followed every track, however obscure, 
 which could lead to auv point of Interest remotely asso- 
 ciated with his great hero. Thoroughness and impar- 
 tiality are the qualities of highest value, perhaps, in this 
 ' Life of .Milton.' .Mr. Masson is eminently trustworthy. 
 He takes nothing at seeoiid-liaud ; every .step of his 
 (round has been won by hard IlKhllng. and perhaps there 
 » no living writer who has a larger acquaintance with 
 the politics and literature of the .seventeenth eentui-y. 
 'llie fault.s of ibis imuimiiii upua are ii.s obvious a.s its 
 merits. The author is a chronicler rather than an histo- 
 rian. Ill Ills anxiety to tell all he knows, and he ajipears 
 to know evervtiiing, be does not always see the dlllerence 
 between whiit is of primary iinporlaiiee and what is of 
 secondarv value, . . . We know much more about .Milton, 
 thanks to Mr. .Masson, but we do not .see him more clearly, 
 and the central llguie is, as it were, hidden under the heap 
 10. (E'V 
 vols, iii.- 
 Register of the 
 i., L.m.. 1880-87 
 Privy Council of Scntl n 
 r. Svo. 1 1. Do yuiiir 
 "English .AIcu of Letters,") Lon., I'-'l, n. Svo. 
 ■' Our author gives n^ in suial' '.Mimpa what Is rciinrdcd 
 as known of De tiu;. cey addiig sotuetlilng from his per 
 .ioiial reeollcctions."— .Ii'(i<( x.ii. 3. 
 II. Carlyle Pers"nally und in his Writings; Two Lec- 
 tures, Lon., 1885, 12mo. 
 Mat^son, Edward* [imie, vol. ii., add.] ■H.VE.v- 
 AUMK.\; or, Poel i' Translations : with an Introduction 
 on the Condition and Prospects, Social, Hcligious, and 
 Literary, of tne (ireek Nation. Uy a Scottish Philhtl- 
 len. Ellin., 1852. •<vo. Anon. 
 Masson, tiiiiilc'e, [<inie, vol. ii., add.,] 1. 1"~-: 
 was assistant inaste. .md librarian of Harrow Scle'ni 
 Introduction to tlie History of French Literature, IMiii.. 
 ISliO, fp. Svo. 2. Class- 1 'k of French Litcnitaic: 
 with Iliographical Notices, Ac, Lon., ISIil, er. Svo. .''•. 
 La Lyre Fran^aise, ("liolden Treasury" Scr.,^ , 
 lSli7, 12iuo. 4. French Classics: Plays: with Englisi. 
 Notes, Lon., IS70, 3 vols. I2mo. 5. Compcndimi- I>iction 
 ary of the French Language : French-Engli.-h, lOngli^h- 
 French, Lon., 1874, sm. 4to. «. (Ed.) Alfred de .Mii--''t: 
 Selections from his Prose and Poetical Works, Lon.. I •. 
 12mn. 7. Outlines of Fiench Literature; with Chrono- 
 logioal Tables, Lon., 1877, l8mo. 8. France, Lon., i'^l'i*, 
 p. Svo. y. UichelieU, ("Homo Library,") l.o". '.^^-li 
 p. Svo. 10. Mazariii ("lie c Library,") Lon., l;;8ri, p. 
 8vo. II. (Trans.) Victor I'.iisin, by Jules Simon, 
 ("Croat French Writers,") L.. ,. 1887, 8vo. 1:.'. I'lencli 
 Literature, (" Dawn of European Literature": I.on., 
 iJlBHson, J„|,li, M.A. The Alomlo Theory of I „ '• 
 Maicer, nrv. Samuel, P.1,.8., „f ,i,e I,„„,io„ 
 'I III iiiKlit, uiMl „n |„t, ill ih 
 •• I.M)„s|,t.| int<,.„th ln,li„; , 
 K-llKi,,,,, |,ir.., l.:.x,„,,ioD.„, a„,| 
 tlm-th.n... llh„(. I,,,,,., „. svo. 
 nnlliiiiiis, Hpv. W 
 -- IIMllVC iiiiiduti 
 iiilviim'iiiu.iit of tliu 
 '!•. Illllflriiliiin.s nl' llio 
 I'ImiM. :,r (if Hindu 
 ■■".' ■ •■iiii»iu;< lum 
 1'. 8vo. 4. Tnlks ttitl, Ilronil- 
 ^Y'''-^^^^^ ;:« '■ '""-'"^ " "- ''i^ 
 Selections from Cliuiic 
 Ma88or, Ilamixipii. 
 IS70, Klmo ' 
 'iz:;' ""■ """' ""- ''•^^^■pon.:cffl.i!^]:i«''."^ 
 MixiM i m».k. ,d'"im.','.'i„'.'r'''-', ''"'■'•'■Mlnii iiilln«K. 
 illii^lralint; a 
 1 2iii 
 iniicK in (Ji-rat Ilnta n and ],.< ,,.1 r „i, iCr,. i., -, ■> > 
 ■ AliM Medicine in f«n...d - „ 'l;" ' ',-""'• "»i.""«n.'-.l„„/„ x,,xili. 7 
 l-,v,i, |"nii, ""iiau 1 tu >evere, Lon., ' Mnlher, F I \s 1 r 1 
 „«..., T„. „.., „. ,„ , Pu.,,: KSK'ji:;;i:n£:r!i5 'S'"='''''= 
 Ailiiuniliicks. I^v,, 
 ed, IM7II. 
 I'arHKUav/ Mr MmIT.,,„ , ,, ,"'.""■, nitcd stMi™ |„ 
 N',„- Mr. Was ,,';,''' '',» P'vt.n.l. 1 ,■„„. 
 cr. Svo. ""'"' ""'""B '"'•■ I'»°- l-rS, 3 vol.. 
 aJimtcd atWadliam Colicie, Ovf ,d Mis' ''•,/'*,'"') 
 bar at the Middle Tcnipic* 870 I,;, d n ,ok f ,,'" 
 ^;;- relating to .'arliaLnta;/K, "u:,!,,'';':;;:',;,';,: 
 Ifl'^",!*,".'-": '!'•»*"■,•=" Tyldeii, .M.D., F U S i, 
 Iclitii^vology of the 
 .;n,ecture;£i.:; : ^,N:;;:-,^;.^n,,.... 
 M;."'oV,:;;f;!r,!,n- /■"f«"--'"HMr Danger, and 
 Mathers Kdwanp' V'r r'< "'i= \T' ''"'• 
 iUathtrs, s. 
 '^•'^IMid, L,,!., isno ^'"^ '^'"''«'« Expedition, 
 H,mle^"7f,,i",!:"'Z-,. '• "T^ '''»" 've P„;„t our 
 MhIchiiv, (iara L. 1 
 »"""g Fcdiis, Lon.. IS-0, 4to' 
 »ml the Emperor. IHust, Lon 
 11 •- — — F^ioi. Ill 
 Abioiid for l\\k, „t H„„, 
 licture-Und, Lon, L-^rfi 
 OJ'l Lngland, I,„n. 
 Home Chnt with our 
 - Ragglc^ Maggies, 
 If* 7 2. 12tno. :i. Peeps 
 I'*?;), Svo. 4. Through 
 '■ Around and About 
 first ii-,.n„i. rV ," "'."*'• '"'avicula .■^aloini.nis :) now 
 ' b^:' ST^.^I^r • ^"-'-eofUie^MLionto 
 -■Mntheson, Duncan. Life and Labour 
 m'» T'"' "'■"'^'''- ''»"•. 1«7;', I2mo 
 cii?i''E'i^grr','^7''^„^;:ri;"r' v ^-'""'^ "^ 
 , BMiLurs. 1. Cotton-Baling I'rcssc.-: : with De- 
 = of Rev. J. 
 obftUL'le, entersd tho Univemity »r (llimgowi KAlned 
 |iri/ea In inoriil |iliilij:i(ipliy un<l loglo ; ){rjii|iiiitccl M.A. 
 Willi liiiiiiirH ill pliilu'iiphy ill |HI)2. iinj II. It. in IsHi). 
 III! nil) lii'i'iiKvil til |>ri'iii'li in the Clmroli nt' Soollanil in 
 IMtlH, ohonnn iiiiriah iiiiiiiKtir of Inii< linn in l^iiH, im'l 
 tnmnfi'rroij Id the |piiriiiti uf St. Ili'rniird'i', K^linbiirgh, in 
 I'^Sfi. Me wii.< lliiini li'i'tiirer fur l><Ml,nn,| wim oiii' iif 
 the Si. (iilen's IcnturcrH in l~'^J. Iln hat cuntriliiitoil tu 
 rovii'wK iinil iimf{i>7.inui>. .Vidn In tho Stuilv of Uiir- 
 iiinn 'I'lu'oloxv, Kilin., |^,l, xvi; Jil i-i|., 'isTfl. 2. 
 (Jnnvthiil till' Spirit uf L'hri4tiiiiiity, from tliu Firat Cen- 
 tury to the Dawn of tho I<utbi>run km, EUln., 1877-78, 
 2 \i)\f. Hvo, 
 " It Is n hlxtiiry of the ili'vi'lopnicnt. imt of ilmtrlius but 
 (if the '>pirll 111 ciirMliiiiliv,' ri'«iirilcil friiiii a ilecliU'illy 
 I'mluf'tiiia ami . . . Niiniuwiiat une-xlili'il puiiit uf vli'W. 
 liiit iHm'u^^ciI ill a liruitil anil liberal tune aiul wllli a very 
 riiiiKlilei'ulile Kraspof llie lilNtnrieal hearliiK's uf the ciiien- 
 tliiii."— .^'1?. All'., .xlv. 101. 
 ■•Full Iif interest to the neiieral reailer, iiiij eertaln to 
 re|iay emeliil stmly."— .'^/«l■^l^>l■, 11, aiT. 
 :i. Natural Elonionta of Uovenleil Theology, (Dainl 
 LciiliireM,) Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 4. My A.^piratioiin, 
 (" Heart Chorils,") Lon., \r«l, 32ino. 5. Moments on 
 the Mimnt: a Seriox of Devotional Meilitatloni', Lon., 
 1S,SJ, iL'iNo. fl. Can the f)l,l I litli live with the Now? 
 or. The I'lohleni of Ivvoliilion ami llevohition, Eilin, AnJ 
 liiin., iN^.i, p. .■<vo; LM el., Issii. 
 "He iliieH not |irore.s.s In Inipilre Into the truth of the 
 theory of Kvolntiiin. . . . His ipiestlon Is, Siippose it true, 
 what then? . . . We Hiliiiiri' Ihe niilille eiieru>' of Ijis urKli* 
 ment; wehiive miemlle'.s varletyul IlliistrutiVeHtiiieineiits 
 set forlh with ttreat felielly uf phrase; ami we are olleii 
 earrieil away wUh the slnmi; rush of eloi(iience, until we 
 are reiuly almost in aei'ept Ills c'onellislons as liievlliible. 
 . . . We may frankly say Ihat, 111 our Jmlumeiit, Iir. Matli- 
 csoli has not niaile out his ease."— .S;«.dii(or, ll.\. Nlii. 
 7. Itolatioii of Chrisliaiiity to I're-Chri.-tian Morality, 
 I.on., ISH", 12mio. ,s. The I'saliiiint anil Scientist; or, 
 The Modern Value of Rcli({iou8 Sentiment, Lon., 1SS7, 
 II. 8vo. !). Lamlniftrks of the New Testament Molality, 
 ^on., 1S88, p. Svo. 10, Voices of the Spirit, Lon., 1888, 
 or. Svii. 
 MatheHon, II. I'mclioal Advice to Amateur Pho- 
 to;;riiphcii", Lou., I8li;). K'nio. 
 Mathestuil, John. Kngland to Delhi : a Narra- 
 tive of Indian Travel, I,on., 1871), r. Svo, 
 MRtllCHOII, PtTcy Kwing. A Skeleton Outline 
 of Komau History Chronologically Arranged, Lou., 1881, 
 Mathews, Mrs. I'rienJs for the Fireside, Lon., 
 1861), 2 voin. |). 8vo. 
 Matliewst Albert, ('■ Paul Sicgvolk," pseud.,) b. 
 1820, in Now York City ; a cousin of Cornelius Mathews, 
 (i/. '.. «"''■, vol, ii. ;) graduated at Vale in 1812, and was 
 nilmittcd to the bar in 1845. I. Walter Ashwool; a 
 Lovo-Story, N. York, 1860. 2. A Bundle of Papers, N. 
 York, 187U, Itlino. 
 Mathews, AlTred. History of Wayne, Pike, and 
 Monroe Counties, Pennsylvania, Phila., 188(1, 4to. 
 Mathews, Charles James. See Dicke.vs, 
 ClI.lHI.Ks, Bceond of the name, »m/;)vi. 
 Mathews, Cornelius, [uiite, vol. ii., add.,] d, 1889. 
 1. Indian Dook of Fairy-Tales; from the Original 
 Legends, N. York. 1S69, 12ino. 2. The Enchanted 
 Hloecasins, and other Legends of the American Indians, 
 lllu^t. N. York, 1877, sq. 8vo. 
 Mathews, Ed waril D., at one time resident engi- 
 neer on the Madeira and Mamort Railroad. Up the 
 Amazon and Madeira Rivera, through Bolivia onj Peru, 
 Lon., 1879, Svo. 
 " We have had sundry volumes of late vears on the Am- 
 azon and Its tributaries; but Mr. Mathews has penetrated 
 further into the oountrv ami made a loni,'er sojourn tliere 
 than most men. . . . Ills bimk Is well worth reading, 
 thiiUKli we euiiiiot .say that itshows much literary talent." 
 —Sit. Hei\, xlvill. (>73. 
 Muthews, G. II. Diary of a Summer in Europe. 
 By Porte. N. York, 1SG6. 
 Mathews, George D. Coinages of the World, 
 Ancient and Modern. Illust. N. York, l87li, Svo. 
 Mathews, Henry John, M.A., graduated at Ex- 
 eter ^Culle,;e, Oxford, l.snu. I. (Ed,) Abriihum !bn 
 Ezra's Couiinontary on the Canticles, after the First 
 Recension, Lon., 1874, or. Svo. 2. (Ed.) Commentary 
 on Ezra and Nehemiah. By Roijbi Saadiah, ("Se- 
 mitic" Ser,) 0.\f., 1888. 
 Mathews, Henry M. West Virginia Supreme 
 Court Reports, vols, vi.-ix,, Riehmone, Va,, 1876-77, 4 
 vols. Svo. 
 MatheWK, Jnmcii Mcl'nrlnne, D.D., |oii><, vol. 
 ii.,add.,J 171^-1870, held no panlorute alter I84II, but wan 
 active in eicleiiinslieal aflairs, and iirganir.eil and pre-idi'd 
 over the Chrinthm Inion Council which luet in New 
 York in I87«. Fifty Y«ar« In N«w York, N. York, 
 MatheWN, .tiilis Jnnnnn II., daughter of Ue\.,l. 
 M. .Miithens, xiiii/o. I. liuy Hamilton: n Story of i.iir 
 Civil War, N. \ork, I8I1I1, Svo. 2. Ilyaciiiihe and 
 llrothers, N. York, 187(1, Kiiuo, .'). LllyV Lemoii*, N, 
 York, 1870, l8mo. I. Pinkie nnd the HiibbllM, N. Y.rk, 
 1870, l8uio. b. Roae',^ Tcnipliilion, N. York, 1870, Kluio, 
 tl. Little FricniU at Glenwuod, N. York, 187(1, Klino. 7. 
 Daisybank, 1878, Klmo, 8. Kdlih .Murrnv: » Novel. .V. 
 York, 1878, 12mo. li. IlelleV I'ink llootK. Illu»t. N, 
 York, 1S80, llo. Id. Breakfast for Two, .le., l)o»t., 
 1880, l2mo, II, Fred Bradford's Debt, Illust, N, 
 Y'ork, St], Svo. 12. Harry Bradford's Criiiihilo. Illu-t. 
 N. York, I88,'), 8io, AIhh the fnllowing (cries, cojitnin- 
 ing si.\ stories, first published sepanili ly ; I, Bessie 
 Books, N, York, I8fl7-70, (1 vols. lAiiio; new ed,, 1874- 
 75. 2. The Flowerets, N, York, 1870, t'l vols, IS 
 new ed,, Is7;)-71. .'l. Little Sunbeams, N.York, I87l- 
 72, •! vols. Ilimo; new ed., l87,''i-7(). 4, Kitty and Lulu 
 Hooks, N. Y'ork, l872-7"i, f! vols, Ifimo; now ed., 18s:;, 
 .'). .Miss Ashton's tJirls, .\. York, I87;f-7,'i, (1 vols. Ifiiiin. 
 With Matiikws, .Iri.iA A., Haps and .Mishaps, N. York, 
 1870-78, 11 vols, innio. 
 Mathews, .Mitts Julia A., sister of thepreceditiv. 
 Her earlier stories wi re llrst published under the pseud. i 
 nymo of "Alice tirey." 1. Lily Hudson; or, Eiirlv 
 Struggles 'midst Continual Hope, N. York, IS.'i.'i, U'lini. 
 2. Clara Neville, and other Talcs. :i. Dare to do Kiglil 
 Series. N. Y'ork, 5 vols. I8mo. 4. Oolden Ladder Se. 
 rics, N. Y'ork, 18(1(1, (i vols. ISmo; newed., ISsi). (Cnn. 
 tains six storioF, published separately, illustrative of the 
 Lord's Prayer.) ■>, Drayton Hall Series, N. York, n 
 vols. Irtmo. fi. Katy ami .lim. .\, Y'ork, 1877, Ifimo. 7. 
 Bessie Harrington's Venture, BmsI., 1878, Khiio, s, 
 Harrv Moore's Choice; with other Missionary Stories, 
 Illust, Phila., 188:;. KImii. 
 .Mathews, Marixaret Harriet. Dr. Cilheri's 
 Diiughters; n Story for (iirls. Illust, Phila,, Issl, 
 Mathews, W., M,A, 1. Tho Flora of Algeria, eoti- 
 sidored in Relation to tho Physical History of llie .Medi- 
 terranean Region and Supposed Submergence of tliii 
 Sahara, Lon., 1880, 8vo. 2. The Flora of the Cleiit 
 and Lickey Hills and Neighbouring Parts, Lon., iss:', 
 Mathews, M'illiani. I. The Heir of Vallis : a 
 Novel, Lon., I85I, .'I vols, p, Svo, 2, The Two Home- ; 
 a Novel, Lon,, I8,i9, H vols, p, Svo. 
 Mathews, William, LL.D.,b. ISIS, at Wateriille, 
 Me.; graduated at Waterville College 18,15; adinitted ti 
 the bar I8:!S; removed to Chicago 1850; iimfessor of rlnt- 
 orio and I'jiglisb literature in tlie I'niversity of Chicigo 
 1802-75, 1, (Jetting on in the World; or. Hints mi 
 Success in Life, Chic, 1872; new ed.. 1879. 2. Tlie 
 Great Conversers, and other Essays, Chic, 1874. ■". 
 Words: their I'se and Abuse, Chic", 1870, I2uio: new 
 ed., en!., 1884. 4. (Trans.) Monday Chats; Selecteil 
 from the Causeries de Lundi of C. A. Sainte-Beine : 
 with Introduelory Essoy on the Life and Writiiij-'s u< 
 Sainte-Beuvc, Chic, 1877, lOnio. .). Hours with .Men 
 and Books, Chic, 1877, I2mo. 0. Oratory and Oniinr.s 
 Chic, 1879. 12mo. 7. Literary Style, and uther Lssiivs, 
 Chic, 1881, 12mo. 8. .Men, Places, and Things, CliiL., 
 1887, I2mo. 9. Wit and Humor: their I'sc and Al.use, 
 Chic, 1SS8, I2mo. 
 Mathews, Ilev. W illiam Arnold, M.A., jjnid- 
 uated at Corpus Christ! College, Oxford, 1861 ; onluincd 
 1802; vicar of St. Lawrence's, Appleby, since Lss.'l. 1. 
 The National Church of a Christian Nation, Lou., Issj, 
 12ini>. 2. Constitutional Church Reform, Lon., b.^li, 
 Mi.ihewsy William Smith Babcock. !. An 
 Outline of Musical Form, Best., 1868, lOmo. L'. Dic- 
 tionary of Music and Musioians, Chic, ISsO, .sm. ■>■ 
 Iloft io I'lidcrjtanu Music: Course in ."i'.:-',-!'! 
 Intelligence and Taste, Chic, 1880, Svo; new ci, «ith 
 Pronouncing Dictionary and Condensed Encycl .n:ediii 
 of Musical Terms, Ac, ISSli, 12mo, 4, New Musical 
 Miscellanies: Hi 'orioal, Critical, Philosophical, nn I I'cJ- 
 agojjie, Phila,, 1^,3, Svo, 
 Mathias, C. W. English B,D,'s and Vmimn 
 Freshmen, Lon., 1S63, Svo. 
I WoekH' ><|i„rt in (h« 
 lllumlftviH, I,,,,,., IMDI, |H,„„. 
 ^r;;:.i? lH;:,i "n"'^'V^ 
 .YtntHoii, Nellie. 
 Poverty, l.on., iMsl 
 Miillnck, I., V, 
 II.- „„. M„.,ln«, .V. V.,rk. m:,. iV,,,,, ' '■ '• 
 A.Hlr,.w l„.nK, l,„, insh ',,'*,"' '"""V ,">;«'"«"' ''.v 
 <'A.,.Kv.K,,o,i.,A..„„. I A,.tr...„;„f ;,';:'„, 'l;s 
 Till' AritiSluvory .KiruKxIo itn.l I"'""'"' ''' """'"I". '•'^''7, ll'ini',. 
 MattjMon, \V. iV. Conne-.tloul .^uproino Court .,f 
 .w"!'&^s^ ,«•„ ^"«"«" '-"-. i'aak,, .„a 
 MnllhewN, A. Soo «m,«A:,, p. D„ „„„■„ 
 Mntlheus, Anrfrew Hughe, Johlcau«ht 
 .flotlliews, Arthur Buche. (K,j i Ki,,., „, nir 
 ' «li.K """?^lf. '"">•. I8«n, IHmo ' 
 Is-m'svo.*"' ^ • "• '•""'""'"' ■""! Frng„,ent,, Lon.. 
 ,ii,;nf' '.''S'''*' ''■• •'• ^ ''""'» "!"> Forms, for Guar 
 I«»hew7n""^ Probate Court. i„ Ohio «•,»"" 
 a P, " ,r^ VV^'',"r^y- i' *^'v "r''" '-''■H^tian'i Strength 
 1SX2, Svo. '»xv., (issi-8_',j UiohiuonU, 
 •Matthews, James Brander, b. 1.852, in New 
 r c„.is ; gra.luatcd lit Colu,„bi„ CIlLe IS71 an 1 tt Th^ 
 C.,lu,„l,nt College Uy, School im-. wl" .[..'ittea to h^ 
 »r m the «u,„e year, but turned hi. ..'.c.; "n t , Uem 
 «nt u( the founder- of the New Vo.k AMthor™ Ch.h ,1 ? 
 ?v;s;;;>:r;;r::t:r v^^drc^^ir^r 
 |>|- •■ plays sh„"^f i.';:f,'^-,ran^/?i::,^,..l^^,;"'i,'i^ 
 '■It is certainly odd to find at starting that 
 A Colon lilt 
 "11 th,. Colonial yu.-tion, Lon., IH72 " "'„ 
 ' Adv(M!Ht.'» a fedenithin of Knulaod ami lo.r,. 1 1 .• 
 — .Vi/, yiVi',, xxxiii, .'iTii, »'"K"aoii anu iior I'dloniuH.' 
 MatthewN, JoKiiih n risht M n k 1. t- , . 
 Uradoated in n.edleine at I *Univ mitt' of m '*''*"'' ' 
 Went to Niitiil i,. iu»i I university of Ulangow 
 in Temif.««..n. 01 '"'***'*'"': admitted to the bur 
 Alatthcws, H'aNhinvtnn 1 n 
 Sketch of the Tri c, N V ,rk s7 Z ^Ttr^'y 
 j^^hy^and Philology of^,:^a;^^;;- •;-,„- ^;!-^ 
 ;" ti,-; In?'*-'"' '" f"". '^'•■''-''"" "" '"^ ^' " - 
 «oh(.m.f.S^Z'w%"er«,A^!r.;;lcl';NK'i'«, ""}'.'" ^''h « 
 Willi but casual attei Uon'TmrwlV.-^ .."■'''"! '' '«•' ' ''"^O'l 
 lit^n inade,-aml 1 1 "it be a mi» V'."'." ''"'>"'«'i<'e lias 
 coK!:^rcr,'i,i!L";..,!?,: ^- ^'"""»"" ''™»"-' 
 i™^','*l"mi'"'"' ''• '■•""^'' '''••'''" ■■ ■* Drama, N. York, 
 the*!,a"at"«ry'.?,f:?H77'r'V '^ r'^'' ^ ^""^" '» 
 1S8.1, eleelerM P or L ver. or'sss tTT"' ■"l:!'^'' 
 p i:;o"^^^ ;"" in'="n'ai:ri.otJi ^i";^r 
 p. 8V0. "ithJlAClSKIK, STlAllTCrNVIvrHAW Tho I 
 Of Corrupt Practices at Electio;.!''C:78«rH'o,''2d 
 i«ff^n.ic^^;c ^^!^^:^'o/ th:',^Li;:j. ^^^ 
 eopal Church ii, l.:i.^. „nd hel/vario p sto?ate • I'ook 
 v.C. », ""•■'" '^••'tfiolic Churdi. For bioir see 
 2 T'lm^^r ''^ '>/'■"• '• »»«"■'' Melodies ''isrg! 
 Ritual- a &"^«^',;''\''i''- •■'• ''^•i"i''«r'8 Pocket- 
 1861 lol"7Vh""'l "^ Scripture Lessons, Phila,, 
 ««. iC 5 Th i™'"'"-""*? "f 'he Pdul, Phils, 
 isflfl ; ;• P" R'^surrcction of the Body. Phila 
 York 18B7 /' ^''^'^ "^ ^'""''"'■> Method am n! 
 iHftr'in ' I™-..'- P°P"l'«r Amusements N York 
 1867, 16mo. 8. Abduction of Mary Ann Smith by the 
 Mudque, Iion., ISjO, 
 lligliwuys ttnj Horses. 
 Konian Catholics, Ac, Jersey City, I8P)8, Ifiino. 9. Bible 
 Doctrine of Immortiility, N. York, I86S, llimo. II). Is 
 it Honest? Eight Questions by Father Heeker : with 
 Answers, N. York, 18H8, IBino. II. Lessons in lle- 
 sponsivo Kcailings; new ej., I'hila., ISfi'.t, 18mo. 12, 
 Honianism : its (jeneral Decline antl its Present Conili- 
 tion anil I'rosiiects in the United States, 1870, 8vo. 
 Mnttox, A. II. Hii-tory of the Cincinnati Society 
 of Ex Army and Navy Officers, Cin., ISSO, Ito. 
 Mntt.soii, itlorriM, [miii, vol. ii., add.] 1. The 
 American Vegetable Practice; or, A New and Improved 
 Guiilc to Health, Host., 1841, 8vo. L'. Manual of Di- 
 rections fur the Employment of Injections in Various 
 Disca.-es, Host., IS.ifi, llimo; new ed., IsfiL'. 
 Matiice, H. Ogram. A Wanderer, Lon., 1888, 
 p. Svo. 
 .Miiliirill,ltev. Willinm, 1304-1887, son of Charles 
 Robert -Matiirin, [itiili, vol. ii.;) perpetual curate of 
 Grangegormau, near Dublin, from iS4;i. The Blessed- 
 ness of the Dead in Christ, and other Sermons, Lon,, 
 18S8, p. Svo. 
 Muiide, C'npt. The Invasion and Defence of Eng- 
 land, Lon., 18SS, cr. Svo. 
 Maiulc, Mrs. I. Two Paths; a Tale for the 
 Times, Lon., IS.'i.l, iL'mo. 2. Montressor Abbey : aTale, 
 Lon., 1S54, l2mo. 
 Maude, John Edwitrd, d. ISS.O, let. 29. The 
 Foundations of Ethics. Edited by William James. 
 Host., 18S7, IL'mo. 
 .Mniide, .Mtiry Fawley. Petite's Romance. By 
 M. !•". .M. L.jn., 1 8119, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 .Miiiidslay, A. Roland; 
 p. Sm). 
 .Miiiidsltiy, Arthur, 
 Illast. Lon., I88S. p. svo. 
 Maudslcy, Henry, M.D.. E.R.C.P., b. 1S33, near 
 Qiggleswick, Settle, Yorkshire; educated at University 
 College, London, and gnuluateil M.D. at F^ondon Uni- 
 versity IS;')"; was physician to the Manchester Koyal 
 Lunatic Hospital 1859-02, and has since been ]irofe.ssor 
 of medical jurisprudence in University College, London ; 
 president of the Medico- Psychological Association (d' 
 Great Britain and Ireland, and editor of the Journal of 
 Mental .Science. He has contributed to periodicals. 1. 
 On the Method of the Study of Mind, Lon., ISliJ, Svo. 
 2. The Physiology and Pathology of Mind, Lon., 1807, 
 Svo; 2d ed., 1808. 
 " A mainial of mental science in all its parts, embracing 
 all that is kninvii in the existing state of idiysiology. . . . 
 Dr. Maiid^ley not only condemns nietapbysics. but re- 
 nounces tliat'enipiricnrpsycholoKy which attained so much 
 renown in the last ccntitry. andwas the lonndatiun of so 
 many reputations, from Descartes to Sir William Hamil- 
 ton. "—.Sa(. lito., xxiii. liOl. 
 Ii. Body and Mind: an Inquiry into their Conreotion 
 ami Mutual Influence, specially in Uelcrenco to Mental 
 Disorders, (Gulstonian Lectures,) Lon., 1870, p. Svo; 
 new ed., enl., 18711. 4. Responsibility in Mental Dis- 
 ease, (" International Scientilio" Ser.,) Lon., 1871, p. 
 Svo. 5. The Physiology of Mind : being the First Part 
 of a Third Edition of "The Physiology and Pathology 
 of Mind :" Revised, Enlarged, and in great part Rewrit- 
 ten, Lon., 187(1, p. Svo. 
 "The fiind-iniental article, or gniund-plan, upon which 
 the whole of bis system is built up, is the admitted pbysi- 
 oloKical tact that with every d'splay of mental activity 
 there is a correlative chaoKe or waste nf nervous element, 
 and that on the condition of (be materijil ^ul'strut(lnl must 
 depend tlie<legrcc ami cbara(.'tcr of the manilestcd energy 
 or the mental phenipmenon."— .Vpccdi/or, xlix. l;iT7. 
 I). The Pathology of .Mind : being the Third Edition 
 of the Second Part of " The Physiology and Pathology 
 of Mind:" Reoivst, Enlarged, and Rewritten, Lon., 1879, 
 " Unlike most books of its class, it Is a consistent whole 
 rather than a mere collection of scattered facts. It must 
 be read tbroiigli fnmi begiiniing to end in order to under- 
 stand its scope ami plan ; but it can be read through almost 
 as easily a.s a novel or a V()lume of travels." — ^■1//*., Xo. 
 " Dr. Maudsley has hail oiiporlunitics inferior to none 
 of observing the a'M^rratimis .»f the mental iiortlon of our 
 nature from lis normal and healthy state, and he has 
 brought to its study an amount of patience, honesty of 
 purpose, and ac(Ue analysis seldom ei|ualled, with a power 
 of scholarly and clear expression in which medical nooks 
 arc too often ih'ftiirnt." —Sprrl!il,:r. Hi. 1I.H1. 
 7. Body and Will: being an Essay concerning Will, 
 in its Metaphysical, Physiological, and Pathological 
 Aspects, Lon., 1881!, Svo. S. Natural Causes and Super- 
 natural Seemings, Lon., 1880, p, Svo. 
 "Dr. Maudsley's book Is written to demolish the evl- 
 I dei'ces for what is called the supernatural. . . . He thinks 
 1 lliat 'the comi>lete accomplishment of disiUnslon,' fur 
 , which be himself labours so strenuously, may very likci'. 
 ■ t)e 'the close of dftvelopment and the begiiniing ol dcHin 
 oration.' . . . His isastrangeatlitudeof mii\d."— .s^i(i/(i(.,; 
 ' lix. IU8. 
 .Milildson, Kev. W. T. 1. Jerusalem, and other 
 Poems, Lon., 1810, p. Svo, 2. .Sermons preached :it 
 Bercsford Chapel, Walworth, Lon., 1858, 12mo. 
 3Iltughnn, Miss Janet. 1. Charley Nugent; oi-. 
 Passages in the Life of a Sub, Lon., I860, :i vols. p. Svu. 
 Anon. 2. The .Vubyns of St. Aubyn, Edin. iiTul Lon., 
 Is02, 2 vols. p. Svo. Anon. I). Richard Langdnii: 
 or. Foreshadowed; a Novel, Edin., ISO:), p. Svo. Anun. 
 1. The Co-Heiress ; a Novel. By the Author of " Clcn- 
 ley Nugent," Lon,, ISOO, .S vols. p. Svo. 
 .Maughan, M illiani Charles. I. The Alp- ,f 
 Arabia: Travels in Egypt, Sinai, .Arabia, and the Ib'ly 
 Land, Lon., IS73, 8vo"; new ed.. 1870. 2. Jaliiin Ci"- 
 monde, Lon., ISS2, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Maule, Mrs. A. H. Through War to Peace: !i 
 Novel, Lon., 1881, ;i vols. cr. Svo. 
 Maunder, Charles frcderick, F.R.C.S., Is:;.'- 
 1879, was surgeon to. and lecturer at, the London Hospi- 
 tal. 1. Operative Surgery, adaiurd to the Living iiiil 
 Dead Subject. I.on,, ISilll, p. Svo; 2il ed,, 1873. 2. S.n- 
 gery of the Arteries: Lettsomian Lectures, Lon., Is7r.. 
 12mo. I!. Fistula in Ano, Lon., IS77, cr. Svo. 
 Maunder, George, [<tnti; vol. ii., add.] I. Full 
 Assurance ; or. The Doctrine of the Witness of (hi- 
 Spirit, Lon., 1859, I2mo. 2. Light from Heaven: tli.j 
 Lord's Book, Lon., 1S72, ISmo. 3. Scripture Views "r 
 Heiivcn : Meditations on John xiv. 2, Lon., 1873, ISnii. 
 Maunsell, U. E. Poems, Lon., 1801, fp. Svo. 
 Maunsell, Samuel Edward^ Notes of .Mcili<':il 
 Experiences in Indiii, principally with Reference to l)i-- 
 eases of the Eye, I.on., ISS.i, Svo. 
 .Maunsell, Thomasine. Legends of the Jacuhitu 
 V,':'is, Lon., 1873, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 Maunsell, W. Pryee. The Poisoned Chalice : a 
 Novel, Lon., 188S. cr. Svo. 
 Maurice, Charles Edmund, b. 1813; youngt-t 
 son of Rev. J. F. D. Maurice, iii/ni ; educated at Clui-t 
 Church, Oxford: called to the bar at the Inner Teiuplc 
 1871. 1. Lives of English Pop.ular Leaders in the .Mil 
 die Ages: vol. i., Sle]ihen Langton, Lon., 1872. p. 8v... 
 ""I'lie volume contains nniny interesting details, includ- 
 ing some important documents which are not given ai 
 length even by Dr. Honk ; and if we say that it is nui i.- 
 ways unite ea'sy reading, we may add that it will ani|-,y 
 1 repay those who read it. whether as a chapter of the ii,m- 
 j stitiuioiial hi.-tory of Kngluiid or as the life of a great lii.'j.- 
 lisbnian."— .s^KCtator, xiv. 984. 
 Vol. ii., Tyler. Hall, and Oldoastle, Lon., 1875, p. Svu. 
 "The 'Lives' arc brief; the parts not strictly biog' .uili- 
 Ical are, on the contrary, ample, and full of interest ,., I 
 instructi(ui. .Mr. .Maiu'ice's menmirs are pictures of l.,c 
 siK'ial life of Kngland in antecedent and eont' 
 times,"— J^/i., No. 2j;,"i, 
 " His work, we have no doubt, was promiited by gencr"i:< 
 sympalbies, . . . but we cannot honestly .say that he llll^ 
 shown ui it the critical judgment of an historian."— J, v.mi s 
 Gaibdneu: Acad., vii. 209. 
 2. Plays for the People; or. Common Rights, ir., 
 Lon., 1883, 12mo. 3. The Revolutiimary Jloveineiit v( 
 184,8-49 in Italy, Austria, Hungary, and (Icrmiiny; niih 
 some Examination of the I'revious Thirty-Three Ye;ir-. 
 Illust. Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 " He has I'urnisbed a valuable epitome, not only of (lie 
 stirring incidents of 18-lS ami 1M9, but also of the ijm i:d 
 and political ciuiditiinis of the generation leading u|i :•> 
 them. The facts , . . are. however, so crowded Ingctlur 
 that the ordiimry reader will derive from his narrative a 
 less clear understanding of the subject than might have 
 been obtained either from a work of the sanu' si/,c «ilh 
 fewer details, or frnm a work large enough for its cniilrnls 
 to Ije set forth picturesquely and in perspective."— .l(/i, .No. 
 See letters from Karl Blind, [Acail., xxxiii. ",:'.;,) 
 pointing out some errors in thi work, 
 -Maurice, J. Method of Fixing Artificial Teeth, 
 Lon., 1857, p. Svo. 
 " Maurice, Jacques 
 Jamks W., iu/iit, 
 .Maurice, Col. John Frederick. R. A., eldest .'lai 
 of Hev. J. F. D. Maurice, hi/'rn ; professor of lailitiiiy 
 history at the Royal Staff College. I. The .Systciii "< 
 Ficid Manoeuvres brrt :id:iptcd for enabliuj^ v\n ''i.-.^s 
 to meet a Continental Army, Lon., 1872, p. Svo; 21 d. 
 same year. 
 "The book . . . is not only the Wellington Prize i:>ay, 
 but has also been declared by (Job Hanuey, to whom i"e 
 Duke of Wellington Intrusted the task of making the 
 (Pseud.) 6ee Moiiiiis, 
 S()liil resiUt/'-JV^/N,, ""■jy/^"'-^""''' '"" "'t-Tf is Tittle 
 2. The Asbiinteo \\m; [with Eri"lan.l in IS7'i n.i „ ' 
 this !.i.«,-a,,h.v 1„ l."ie,; ■•: AZ/T;' '•'};!,/''; '.|»"^'"u.,1 than 
 i-;iiy.'fJu. A. s/,,;!:; : ffi.'xS^'^,'^'' "^"' ^""-i- ^-"J- 
 "F;iii:"^[::;::7sl^i";^;:r«'"'»'«'^«- By a Lady 
 o. Jl, i.ary History <,f the CatniMu^n IsS^'i E.^nt ■ 
 I'oii'Tss-'" ^,,,^'"^'J''f"™ «™,u.t; of the Wir'-o' i' ; 
 l-on.. ISS, I,. Ihe liahwioo of Military Power in K„ 
 rope: an I x,u„inuii„n o'' the War Hesourcelof Gre t 
 intam a,,, tl,u Continenta' Stales, l.on., lS8s, „ 8vo 
 Blacliwoo,! s Magazine In answer to Sir CI larie IlTlke' 
 an.l littkia eom":!ned''i-.sw ^^Vv %n'"' """ ^""""^ 
 Maiince, Itev. J,,|.„ Fredeiick Denison, 
 mrof srir ,•,.'"' 'T'" P^entoil in ISiiO to the liv- 
 r» li.Tl' "' *"■'•"'• '"'"'■""' »•'"»'' ''^' hehl ill 
 In', r 'T """'* •""■' "' f"<inrtin« the Workin. 
 "r, 'r.^V".'. '-""eso t<ii- Women. In ISlifl he was elected 
 sr..!e'sii;:r^r;::'';;t^n'l'i E^-"'^^ 
 mines them, need nut i ex e ,■ \rr m ' ""'^' ''^''•■'" 
 I Client illustrator; l^is'^rl^i^ l:;:^,^]^- ^-{l^-^^'^ ^ 
 ! Fol,::^!:^.^::^;.-l,;'^^tf 'J-''^ '"^^"•';"" = 
 Twenty one Lotuses d^i";;™ ' in h^'u^ v^:;;t";V 
 I 'imhridge, I,on., ISiil), ,Svo; 2d e.l Is"-, ^"''"""i "' 
 -^;«•'ato^xliii. i« ''""'' ™" '" '"""«'" """ '"»is"t." 
 .io.' wi^;i;:!^';?^S';:r:ee;;il;;^':;;:ur """ "' ^"'"■"■ 
 ,^;;^!i!>i.,;,!ti:^K^S '''t'''¥'^^-^ 
 !.^eJ^iti^f;S;h;^!t^i-l,:;^'.-,,nv^ted,,^. !;;a;^l!-;,r,--;;:«H^ 
 "dge. ri,o posltioi. of Mr. Maurice in the EnWish 
 I hureh was peculiar and In son.o respect, unique. While 
 IMS views ,n regard to the ,!octrin'e of eternal nuniT 
 nent and other c,ue»tions drew u,,on hi,u the c nS , na-' 
 ti on of the general nniss of the clergy, he was an obieet 
 "almost unbounded reverence with a small body „f T, 
 lin ' , ?1;'- T," "".'■'"''-■"'' ^y 'he simplicity Lnd 
 eArl > (r»r' "'« «'•"."!'' »' liberal sentimentB in 
 hu cl '"±'1""'"'' of „,„«,on within the pale of the 
 Wh";"'" „^" '-.Five Sermons, i;,',, l',s,' '^''sv '^ , 
 -.What ,s Kevolation?a Series of Sennon on tl e 
 I-. pphany ; to which are added Letters to a Theo Lical 
 " rvo"" s™''vr ''""'"T "f ■^'^- Manuel "fr 
 I 1.1. cr. .ivo. (See,, Rkv. II L «ii,,,.„ i .< 
 n"';;: ,1 " /' viv-'-y' ;; "''"" '» "-oiat;;,:^''! ,te?s 
 I. epy to Mr. hansel's "Examination of Striotures 
 le iamp on Lectures," Lon., Isim, or. Svo. i. The I 
 men Lon I'i'PiT' '"" ""-" '"'"'y^'"'^ Articles : Tw^ 
 b I e or Book o It''' 7?-- ^•,I^''«'"'-«" "» '!'« Apoea- 
 J, e, or Book of Revelation, Lon., l.Sfil, cr. Xvo « 
 I> ilogues on Family Worship, L„n., 1862, cr. 8vo 7 
 r...o,.,,,„e: thapter, from Engli.,h UlUory. Lon.-.TsBe 
 ' ■'- leiiser, and H;irki. ami « i , i •.'.■"'"' •^""'■". 
 are- lull „f reaynrmil, .'"'''"' '/""•'■''m. 'niey 
 thr„uf,.l,„„t l.v a kidir'<ul ,V1 ''■''; '""' '"■',' '"ii'»"t..;i 
 Innk at the I'est sh e ■ ;, ," ,1 "■''J-'^ eiid..,.v.,urs to 
 "--';i:;;- « > i» ^ii.'«'ovi"':i,il!;;'g^;.';';; i;;.,^^^^-"™ 
 Hknkii.u. CiiiTinsM: 
 : are abundant Siut he is .on«. ,'v'' '""'«'" "'",' .''^■'■''•' 
 , soiml."-.l«,, y,' ...Jii"" '""" "illm-'iice was strictly per- 
 ' Pcmiam'iMVuU ^"lli; .;;;" J"ll^"r'' ''"": '"'f, """■» "f 
 been his serviees in iv?n„ ,iP "'^'' "K'^l'imible as have 
 ' lilt; erring and .nfttria! ,,''-' ",'"' «"i''i"K and eomfort- 
 and heard hini knew that lie ui . , "' ' '' "'">«""' 
 <iod, I,, bear witness ."er.'Iabm .r'Tl'*'''-''' ".''"^ ^""" 
 lor. .\xvi. nil 1. relation ol Ood to us.' — .s>(f(a. 
 iMiiurico, Morton. 
 Priest, Lon., ISHO, 12mo 
 2. Hel/^„d C;m2l\yl;^;;Vsl kt^ry^.r^fnv/'s^S- 
 Anon.^.i.J.rayers ,.r the Sick andDVi,;;:-L™:'is-;;; 
 Maury, Dabiiey Herndoii, b. I,s22, in Freder 
 '.ck.«lH.rg, Aa.; „„ ,|,ew of Matthew Font line :Maurv" 
 1 mi 1 r Jiouniud lioopt, Wash.. 1869 
 ii.:^dd"7i;i^^rVs'!r ''^»"'«i"-' ^^'■^■. ['.-"^ vd. 
 Ut.'veltiti<.ns of ii Catbulio 
Mns. D. F., Kiiprn. 
 Lon., I.Srt4, 12mo. 
 ISfiS; ni'W oil., rov 
 1. Vhysical Geogrniihy for Schools, 
 2 The Wurld we live in, N. Yiirk, 
 illust.. 1870, 4t». 3. Physical Sur- 
 vey of Virginiii : I'roliminiiry Report, Richmond, isil'.'. 
 8vo; 2d ed., N. York. ISfi'.l. Preliminary Report, No. ^ l^H. 
 2, with Notes and Ad.litions by hi.s Son, N. iork, 1S7H. 
 A. Manual of Gcognipl'.v. IMuM. N- York, s, , 4to. 
 With I'c.NTAiNK, William M., Ue:^ourcos of West \ ii- 
 ginia. Wlieeling. W.Va., IS77. Svo. 
 Maury, Matthew Fontaine, son of the preceding. 
 Resource., of ihe C.«il-Field of the Tpper Kanawha : with 
 .Sketch of the Iron licit of Virginia, Richmond, IS,.), 
 Svo. 2. With Iho Connaught Kiingers in liuiuttrs, 
 Camp, and on liCave, Lon., 1S82, Svo. 
 Maxwell, Lieut. F. T. (Tran?.) Campaigns (pf 
 18711-71 . The Corp.< of Werder, by 1.. Ldhlein, Lon., 
 Maxwell, Kev. George. .Sermons. Edited hy 
 his Daughter. Lon., |.S7.'>, IJino. 
 Maxwell, Sir Herbert Kustnce, Bart., F" A., 
 b. 181a; M.P. for Wigtownsliire since Is^SIl; a junior 
 lord of the treasury since 18S(i. Sludics in the Topo^- 
 raphy of (iailoway : being a List of nearly Four I hou- 
 sand Names of Places: with Keiniirks on tlieir Origin 
 and Mciining, and an Introductory E.ssny, Edin., 1S.'<7, 
 Maw, «eor,e, F L> A Monog^ph o^be Uenus ^e».^r.. .Ji^^J^'^ --,,,., „„_„,,, ,„„ 
 Crocus; with ''" ;';r"^' V;'^. ''' f J'Lll^f,.. m.I^^ Clerk Ma.xwell, of Middlebie, Scotland; w,,.- 
 Wnrds Crocus and haHron. By Charles t. Lacaita, , ^,,„^,^t^j „t Edinburgh Academy and University, and 
 '°»Mawr'EJa'''(S7seo'co:;LlNu:E;^;zl^;^TH,,^^ "'"'Y n^"'''"^ •'"'"" "I 
 "Maur, l^ta, (Pseuu.) i5eev.o..L ' Ncientilio periodicals, and published fugitive verse- and 
 various magazines. For Idog., see i amp- 
 1. Essay on the Stability andiMo 
 \ epigrams in 
 i liKLL. Lkwis. «ii;)1' 
 Maw«on, J. Reform of the House of Commons 
 ''M^rt'^i;'iy^nrv'™;a;dingi Berkeley, ! =' ^'^^rri'^ Rings, .Ada,,. Pri.e_ Essay,) 1 
 K CM (i , i8:i2-18H:i, governor of Heligoland I.-*!)!, and 
 of Newfoundland I8S1. (Tians.) Prince Bismarck's 
 Letters to liis Wife, his Sister, and Others, 1844-, II ; from 
 thetierman, L'Mi., I87.'<, !>. 8vo. _ 
 Maxson, Edwin K., M.D. 1. A Treatise on the 
 Practice of Medicine, Phih, , 18151, r. Svo. 2. Hospitals, 
 British, French, and Aiiicrioan, Phila., 1868. 12mo. 
 Maxted, Jessie Mary. The People ol Pentonby : 
 a Temperance Tale, Lon., f87'J,*. t<v«. 
 Maxwell, Alexander, F,S.A. Soot. The History 
 id' Old Dundee : narrated out of the Town Council Reg- 
 ister : with Additions from Contciupurary Annals, hdin., 
 1884, 4to. , , . , 
 ' He has m, de good use of the unpriiited re 
 1869, 4to. 2. Theory cd' Heat, Lim., 1871, 12mo; new 
 eds., 1872, 1875. :t. Elcciricity and Magnetism, Lon.. 
 1,S73, 2 vols. Svo; 2d ed., 1881. 
 " It is a liook the iirininality of which is only ccmnllcl 
 l,v the wiilth <if rcsoareli displayed. . . . 'Uie aiiahMs i- 
 tlirniigliout Immeilialely connoeted with eNperinieiUal ic- 
 .sulls; and the whole subject is exhibited lu a way \\ Inch 
 must ilelight those who have hUlierlo been coinpe He. t.. 
 cull their knowledge of it from many and dcLnli,-.! 
 sources, where the iioiatioii and the melhods i>f cousi.lir- 
 liiL' the subject liave la cii in general nut such as to present 
 to the in.pii-er aiivtliiiii; in the nature oi a liomogciieous 
 whole; -.t(A.. No. 2)00, 
 ) JIattcr ai 1 Motion, Lon., 1876, 12mo. o. (Ivl.i 
 Electrical Researches of the Hon. Henry Cavcndisli. 
 F R S. : written between 1771 and 17>1 ; from the Ongi- 
 qal MgS. in the Possession of ll.o Duke of Devcjnsliuc, 
 K.ii.,Ciiinbridgc, 1879, Svo. li. An Elementary Trealise 
 on fclcctrici.y. Edited by William (i.unelt, M.A 
 I SHI. Svo. Popth. 
 "The editorial duty has been judiciously iierf,.nu' 
 _ The work will be stuiiied witli iuteresl am prolil, i 
 lo' sir William Stirling-Maxwell, infru. 1. The Lady ! oni'y by those who are baffled by the formidable array 
 !,; \:: Jaraye, [verse.f Lon., 1861, 4to ; new ed., ^^^^•l^^^^^.Zl^l^u^IIZ^^^'^^r^'t^^^^^ 
 Iji. 8vo. , ,, • ri ,,,,„, f,,-! common-sense methods ti; the analytical null 
 " The author has not lost the cunning of her hand for i 
 writing verse that moves i 
 llow."--4(/,., No. 178:i. a „,u 
 2. Lost and Saved, Lon., ls63, i vols. p. 8vo; 5th 
 burgiii ?"°.'s'paring'iu)'pa"ins ti) produeeu work exhaustive 
 of the subject."— .!(/,., No. ffljy. 
 Maxwell, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah, l,B«^y 
 Stirling-, [miti-. vol. ii., Nouton, Hon. 0. E. S., add..] 
 18IIS-1S77. Mr. Norton died in 1875, and in ls77, 
 three months before her death, Mrs. Norton was married 
 III . 
 'in meiLsuredmiuic ,vith a stalely -^-^- ,j,,^^ Scientific Papers of the Late Professor 
 D. Nivcn, M.A. 
 eil. same year. 
 "She writes from the fulness of her heart, ami Is moved 
 to genuine auger and pity by observing how lightly bad 
 men are censured, and h<iw cruelly good \,oineii are 
 treated. . . . The story is sadly twisted and mangled by the 
 exigencies of the moral aim.' — Sa(. Mev., xv. 701. 
 3. 01.1 Sir Douglas, Lim., 18B7, 3 vols. p. Svo; new 
 ed., 1S71. ,, , , 
 ■ Its Judgments and indignation arc less onesided and 
 defiant than they would have been had the book been 
 written ii '.lines less remote from incidents which llrst iii- 
 siiireil the author to exclaim againi-t man s violence and 
 woman's spite. . . . • ()I<1 sir PongliLs; it at loroiiglily read- 
 able and wholesome work of (icHon. — -l»i.. No. 2il»ii. 
 4. (Ed.) The Rose of .Jericho; f.oin the trench, Lon., 
 1869, p. Svo. 
 .Maxwell, Cecil. The Story of Three Sisters, 
 Lon., 1S74, 2 vols. p. Svo. , „ , i 
 Maxwell, Charles Alfred. 1. Wars of England 
 and Scotland, Edin., 1S69, p. 8vo. 2. The Sea-k.ngs 
 of Orkney, and other Historical Talcs, Eilin., 1869, p. 
 Svo. .■?. English ami Scottish Chivalry : Tales, Edin., 
 jjjd.,) l2nio, 4. Battle History "f Scotlaml. Edin.. I,8b9, 
 cr. 8vo.° 6. Battle-History of England: Tales of Chiv- 
 oby and Adventure, Eilin., 1869, p. Svo. 
 Maxwell, David. The Ulory of Saints between 
 Dciilh and the Resurrection, Lon., 1856, 12ino. 
 Maxwell, «en. E. II. 1. Oriffln Ahoy ! a Yacht- 
 Cruiso to the Levant, and Wanderings, 18S1, Lon., 1»»A 
 Maxwell. Edited by W 
 Lon.. 1890, 2 vols. r. 4to. . 
 Maxwell, Mary. (Trans.) Gloria Viotis : 
 -atico. bv Ossip Schubin, [pseud.?] N. York, IsSb, 
 n 11" 
 Maxwell, J>Iary Elizabeth, (Braddon,) i. 
 lS:i7, in London ; thodaughter of a solicitor. She beuaii 
 to write at a very early age. contributing verses, politMil 
 squibs, and parodies to provincial newspapers. .'•Ii'' i- 
 also the author of several plays, which have been aoi.;!, 
 among them the Loves of Arcadia, a eommedietta iii 
 1860, and Married Beneiith Him, in I8S2; but her chid 
 success has been w..n by her novels, which have ha. a 
 very large ciivulati.m, some .d' the early ones esp.'^iall.v 
 having passed through many editions. She was muriica 
 in 1S74 to Jidin Maxwell, a publisher, in London, sue 
 is the editor of the Mistletoe ii Chri; tiniis aiiinuil, 
 each number containing a complete story, gciinally 
 written by herself. I. Garibaldi, and other l"cm?, 
 Lon., IS61, fp. Svo. 2. The Lady Lisle, Lon., ISM. p. 
 Svo. 3. Ralph the Bailitf, and other Tales, Lou.. i>"-. 
 121110 ; newcd., 1869. 4. The Captain of the" vi'll;'"' 
 Lon., 1862, 12mo; now ed., 1867. /). Ud.v Aa.|l.:y s 
 Secret, Lon., 1862, o wds. p. '■■','r, ; iitn c::., ■.-■■■ 
 " It Is, in fact, just the sort of book to be rca.l i.. i 
 bo..v,-not U") sentimental f<ir a man s remnremii '~ '_ 
 too iiseful for a woman's; having nociid ol l''','.'-';'' ' ™ 
 spiraciesforthosewh.ilikephits.aiidplen yiil llgl i_ .R M 
 able eonversallmi for those wh<) do niit. 'flic '';■► ,^'1 .'"I 
 of scenery are excellent, and dlscrimlinUlon is dlsilajeo 
 No,"l82.C''""^''"°" °f "''" 'he minor charaeters."-^(A„ 
 Xvo; Hh ed., 
 ,,,'.V,'..'J'.S. !:!".'• '"^ ™"'" ilii= ineloilmniH, „t flio 1,'iok is 
 St excltiiiK. 
 ;„ .• '".«""",""""• <" t'lo i)ool< is ^'="".-1; on ine rowers iinil Dm 
 'u^V'^'^^^r:^•''^.^.!U't:!:"i ' ^''"'' Sherifl», ,,n,l Constables 
 ^^^Maxwell, Hon. S. Wells of Salvation, Lon., lsf,5, 
 }^iZ^T%"' ^^'"»''*- 1- Kigest of Decisions of the 
 Nebi,,sl<a hujirerno Couit, Des .\I(,ines. la., IS77 ,Svo -> 
 l?fi'%r \lt' '"'T"" '""" I""i^'' "f Justices of'tl,; 
 ■'■ \l ."i'ITh ' ^''''.""■^' '"'"■• '■"''•^' •■< >"'l"- P- "^vo. olli-enlise on Cmin,,,,] l'n„.e,l„re. Chic, is's:, Svo 
 .(.Henry Dunbar: the Stor.vof an Outcast, Lon , 1861 
 3 vols. p. 8vo^ 10. The DoctoV's Wife, Lon., 186 " ,3\-,!l'' 
 ti. .T,.„.,„... r\.^y »■ Cloil, Lon., 18fi,-,, :i vols. p. Svo. 1 
 „ «,., 11 A . „ .^v^ui.M » HUB i,on., ISHl, 
 p. 8vo. 1 . Only a Clo.l. Lon., 18fi,5, 'i vols p. 8 • 
 Mr Jasper s Tenant, Lon., 1865, .3 vols. p. 8vo. 
 Laiiy 8 iMile, Lon., 1866, I ■-• - " '. , - • 
 . '. --: •"""•■! vols. p. 8vo. 
 w>n, Lon., 1867, ;i vols. p. 8vo. 15. liirds of I'r'ey.'Un., 
 W" • vi;'- f: s'"- V-- ?""•'»"«■» Inl-eritanoe Lon 
 l.'<)^ .J vols. p. Svo. 17. Dead-Sea Fruit, Lon 868 s 
 1. . Fenton s Quest: a Novel. Lon., 1871, :i vols. p. 8vo 
 :; oi ^1??'' "f ^"^'"' ■ '' Novel, Lon., 1871, 3 ols i) 
 To the ii"^r' f ?■''"=''• ''°"- '•^"' ' ^"'M' «™ "^ 
 o the li.tter Ln,l, Lon., 1872, 3 vols. p. Svo. 23. Lost foi^ 
 8 .;, "'"> ^/"•'•o"' »»'l »"<>>• Tales, Lon., 1873, .3 vols. p. 
 Ivo ^.fi ''."■"'IS'-'" ;'"'' '■i'g'-i'ns. L»n., 1873 3 vols. p. 
 Mo. 26. Lucius Davoren, L„n., 1873, 3 vols. or. 8vo 
 2, Taken at the Flood, Lon., 1874, 3 vols. cr. 8vo 2," 
 A strange World: a Novel, Lon., 1875. 211. Ho taees 
 ^l.^r'r"' H"".-X '•'^'S' •* ^"'■^- "■ '^vo. 30. Men': 
 T ' , ol«' ■* *'!!''• !'• ** '■■"■ ^-- I*"' t" tl'« Test : a Novel 
 Lun 1876 p. 8vo. 3.!. Weavers and ^V'eft, L^n 1877 
 S7?3PJ:"' j'*' A" Ol"'" ^'<'^'li«t: 'v Novel 1, on; 
 1> .S 3 vols. cr. Svo. 35. Vixen : a Novel, Lon 187i( ■ 
 vo s cr. 8v-o. 36. The Cloven Foot : a Nov'e^ Lo,',. 1 s'ii 
 : n "■■■ l'"- ,^^- '"'" ^^"'y "f liarbara, ',on 1880 
 .< vo s. cr. Svo. 3S. Just as I am : a No-.-., Lon SmO 
 Drit; "^7 ■''''; '^'''"i *^'=^'"S "'i"><^^-'^ ^ an OHfennai 
 N el 'ion Hs'r ■^•'•^•, ''""•• l«'^"- -"O- Asphodeh a 
 ^■nc , Lon., 1SS|, 3 vols. p. Svo. 41. Mount Uoval • a 
 Novel, Lon., 1882, 3 vols. cr. Svo 4" Dross ni-rj, 
 toot of Evil: a Comedy, in F„u^Act,-Lon , ,8,^.^' rs 
 Marjono Dow: a Household Idyl, in Two' Acts,'Lon ," 
 i'-rLon H:.r'i,"«r"^''."''"^ a comedy, in l-ou 
 f.i.' ,9"" '*''^"- J5. Married in Haste: a Novel, Lon 
 l|>. «vo. 47 Phantom Fortune, Lon., 1883, 3 vols cr 
 T:';A"L:n'"l'8 4't:. *'■ ft- a^J Veea and othe; 
 ■ 1 -t . r i '"'""• '•'■ r-'htiiael: a Novel, Lon., 
 L, 'fs8«'i/- '";, ?!'• ^^.^I'^J'^ Weird: a Novel 
 T - Lo"' 1886" lo'- ^"t: 'i" ««'' J^'-g- ""'1 othe; 
 N el C 1S8« -T"""; ^-- .*^"« ^'•'"8 Needful : a 
 >u, Lon., 1886, .! vols. or. Svo. 54. Cut bv the 
 A, m'llThi m'h ?''•?/■ *™' ^"^ New Christmas 
 thfnre'"',',f7--",- ?^- ^ *'"""'^' ''"-"iei^.n ,0 
 PrUio rV^^^^^^^^^ L-n,ted .^t.tos: beiuK a Fnmili.r and 
 riactnil Imitise on Matters of Ttmost Imir.rtnn,.« to Women. N. York, IsfiO. 12mo ""''""""'-'^ 
 13. The I TreitU'of 'm " ' "" '^i''' '" "''' '"*'' ''""'niissioners' 
 Maxwell, Sir William Stirlinif., Bart., !,„„e 
 vol. .1.,, Wn,,,,AM. add.,] Is* -Isr" In 875 
 be was elected chancellor of the tniversitv,, qWro^ 
 11., lad become very scarce, such c.mies as came into the 
 A'n w r,:^ '-n bought up b/,he amir Mms r 
 A ncH edition ol this and of others of his works has 
 been announced. 1. Napoleon's liequest , C mi lon 
 ;; Fragment of International Ilistor'y. Lon., 1,""^ Svo! 
 t"l'ie Arts nf'-n '^"" ■". " '^"•"l"«"« «f Book' .elating to 
 on IS, f H. '^V- """"^ " ^'"'"loKiie of those at Keir, 
 Te"r,^ ■•,-.- ^^ *"'''"''• l'"vately printed. 3. (Ed 
 I. Ln n„^M"i>"-""V''"i *''"'""■" '""■•"■' "»" F'fth 
 V tl Po,. ,, • .'''''*";'t'" '^^^' ""•' """■ Illustnited 
 lol. --(Ml copies, privately printed. 4. Essav towards a 
 Catalogue of Prints engr.ived from the \VN>rks of D 
 S£''oy?/-i:-:— --:-.U 
 De igned and Kngra^cd by .Meohis Hogenbe;. and now 
 IS,'!" • "■'"' "" ''"""■'^■'" J"troducti'f,;. Edi,," 
 ^vh.K^sm^la:",;;^Vbf;;;"lf[r ^"""^ •■■ ■ '^ «"'"e 
 I'" not all be .1 g t li ' "^''i ',;;,'"'r'^';«o'''^ .^I'lf'H'd 
 nunx^ction is wlilV,^!^,/'^,!,'^-),.- ,;XH:!<;;-al 
 Iiveved"'in'""l" -'-''" ^''iP'"'^^^"'. I''"- **■ Antwerp De- 
 meied in 1.,,,: a Passage from the History of the 
 Troubles in the Netherlands. lUust Flin wrs r, , 
 Only 10 copies, prin.e,! on vellum. 9 Do jjbn of A "'' 
 Vn,\ir;'/r-^''f--8'''"'',",,''''-- '''''"'y °f "- Si.:t'ee ,; 
 i:ngra4is.'' Lo^ Ys '"ri.rlr^";^^ 
 (Ti,„ r ,• , '•'""•. 1' "•>, -' Mils. fol. and r. Svo. Postb 
 g> neas I'he^'-sr'" ,'"'"f "' '" '""'' "' '»e„tv five 
 ''!,"..'.,..'• ?'*".<^''- '" I>«'Huberat two guineas.") 
 "It .,. .,, 1 I , , "i^'-.iuocr ai [\vo guineas. 
 , ''"'!?■!'',?.','■ "'«'•«'• Benson, b. 1817; called to 
 .;■'-, at the Mi,ldloTemi,lo 1841 . r.'— ,j„,. ,V p," ' '» - r 
 a^lH f 'I'^ii*"""' ""'' "f i^ingaporo 1 866-7 1 i'ohief 
 S ,"%^ «'7"f, ''^•-'"'"■"onts 1867-71; knigled 
 V^y hm IZl l''"" "^ »""«? The Seba^topof En- 
 of Stktut"; m, ' l^-'k «'*'"'"•, 2- The Inter .rotation 
 Lon. 1.875 'sT" ' '"• ^- ^'"' '^"'"y ^'^^I'-o'ts, 
 mnaii nature"" i it . .,"" ""<'*' " .. .... 
 .■^axu-cll.ScoU. See Siorr. 
 Ln^.^rsV-l^p ^;o ^''"^'"^ ''"""'" ■'^ f'"" Englishmen, 
 Fa^ «r\;::: ^l^^;Z^ ^'"^^l^^^^ '-■ I^-- to the 
 uiui, Lon., l»74-io, 3 vols. Svo; new ed., 1,881-82. 
 Uny, A. M. (Trims.) Spiritual Songs from the 
 Cunticles, by (justav Jiilin, Lon., 1865; new ed.| 1871, 
 Huy, Annie. Sunny-Nook Storic?, Bost., 1S70, 5 
 V(»ls. IvSino. 
 .May, Miss Caroline, [nine, vol. ii., mid.] 1. The 
 W.,uabine: a Holiday Gilt, 18 j2. 2. I'oeuii, N. York, 
 1861, 12iuo. ;i. Hymns ou the Colleots, N. York, 1872, 
 May, -Mrs, Carrie L. 1. Sweet Clover Stories, 
 Bost., 1 8l').')-(iH, 1 vols. Uiiiio. 2. Brownie Sunforil, Host., 
 IHiifi, iOuio. :t. .-;.vlviii's Uurilen, Bost., I8t)7, lliiuo. 1. 
 Bertie's Telegraph, Bost., I8(i7, 1 81110. 5. Four Little 
 Pitchers, Bost., 18(i7, ISino. B. Uncle Barney's Fortune, 
 Bost., 1867, 18uio. 7. Charlie's Culico Rooster, Bost., 
 isftli, 18mo. 8. Grandma's .-'trong Bo.x, Bost., 1869, 
 181U0. II. Trials of the Baby I'itclicr, Bost., 1869, 18mc. 
 May, Charles H., M.D. Manual of the Diseases 
 of Women, i'liila., 188.'), 8vo. With Maso.n, Ciiahi.ks 
 1'., M.D., An Indc.\ of Materia Medica: with Prescrip- 
 tion-Writing, S. York, 1887, 21 10. 
 May, Curtis. Moly : a B..ok of Poems, N. York, 
 May, Emily Juliana. The Stronges of Nither- 
 strongc : a Talc of .Sedgeuioor, Lon., ISti;',, p. 8vo. 
 May, Ennis. The Broken Balsam; or. The Story 
 of a Week. Illust. Lon., l-^sii, 12mo. 
 May, Kev. Frederic Schiller, M.A., D.D., 
 graduated at Cuius Ciillegc, Cainbridgo, 18.ii5; ordained 
 183(1 .• chaplain to the Hi>hoii of Duni'din 1878-81!. Ho 
 was formerly Scandiiia\iaii cdit<ir for the Anglo-Con- 
 tinental ."Society, and was ilccoratod with the order of 
 the North ."^tar of .Sweden in I88li. 1. Vinilication of the 
 Apostolic Succession of the Church id' Sweden, 1862. 
 2. On Intercommunion of .Vnglioan and Scandinavian 
 Churches, I86:i. ,H. Leiter to Provost Vahl on the .An- 
 glican Doctrine of the Eucharist. Copenhagen, 1866. 4. 
 On the Eastern Churches, 1869. 5. Our Daughter 
 Churches, 1872. 6. The Moilern Jews, 1874. 
 .May, <i. T. Rhymes, Lon., I8,')4, I2mo. 
 .^liiy, <ieorge Thomas, The Ever-Living Life, 
 N. York, I88:i, 8vo. 
 May, Mrs. Georgiana Marion, b. 18.'!l, in Lon- 
 don ; daughter of George Lillio Craik, mipni; wife of A. 
 W. May. 1. Kiverston, Lon., I8,i7, i vols. p. 8vo. 2. 
 Lost and Won: a Novel, 1859, p. 8vo; new ed., 1862, fp. 
 3. .\Iy First .Journal : a Book for the Y'oung, 1866, sij. 
 12ino. 1. Play-Koom Stories; or. How to .Make Peace. 
 Illust. Lon., 1862, p. 8vo. 5. Winifred's Wooing: a 
 Novelette, Lon., 1862, p. 8vo. 6. Faith Unwin's Ordeal, 
 Lon., 1865, 2 vols. p. ^<vl). 7. Leslie Tyrrell, Lon., 1867, 
 2 vols. p. 8vo. 8. Cousin Tri.v ami her Welcome Tales. 
 Ill-ist. Lon., 1867, I61110. 9. .Mildred, Lon., 1868, 3 
 vols. p. 8vo. 10. E'ther Hill's Secret, Lon., 1870, 3 
 vols. cr. 8vo. II. Hero Trevelyan : a Tale, Lon., 1871, 
 2 vols. p. 8vo. 12. The Cousin from India: a Story for 
 Girls, Lon., 1871, 12ino. 13. Without Kith or Kin, Lon., 
 1872. 3 vols. p. 8vo. 
 " The entire story ... is taken up with the Inner feel- 
 iniisand experiences of llie heroine. . . . Yet, In spite of 
 this peculiarity. . . . then' is iiiueli in these volnmes which 
 will attract readers of the more thouj-'lufiil kind."— vl(A., 
 14. Miss Moore: n Tale for Girls, Lon., 1873, Svo. 
 15. Only a Butterfly, Lon., 187,'?, p. 8vo. 16. Theresa: 
 a Novel, Lon., I874, p. Svo. 17. Sylvia's Choice, Lon., 
 1S74, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 18. Anne Warwick : a Novel, Lon., 
 1876, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 19. Janet Mason's Trouble, Lon., 
 1877. 20. Dorcas, Lon., 1879, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 21. Two 
 Women : a Novel, Lon., 1880, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 22. Hil- 
 ary's Love-Story. Illust. Lon., 1880, 12mo. 23. Mark 
 Dennison's Charge. Illust. Lon., 1S80, p. Svo. 24. 
 Syilney : a Novel. Lon., 1881, 3 vols. er. Svo. 25. For- 
 tuni:'s' .Marriage, Lon., 1882, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 26. God- 
 frey llelstone: a Novel, Lon., 1884, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 27. 
 Mrs. Hollyer: a Novel, Lon., 1SS5, 3 vols, er. Svo. 28. 
 Twelve Oid Friends. Illust. Lon., 1885, 4to. 29. A 
 Daughter of the People, Lon., 1887, 3 vols. cr. Svo. With 
 Stiiii.ixo, M. C, Two Tales of Married Life, Lon., 1877, 
 3 I'ols. p. Svo. 
 •Hay, <^ustav. ). A Bibliography of Electricity 
 and .Magnetism, 1860-83, Lon., 1884, 12mo. 2. linlloon- 
 ing : a Concise Sketch of its History and Principles, 
 7,on., isas. cr. Svo. 
 .May, H. W, Treatise on the Statutes of Eliinbeth 
 against Fraudulent Conveyances, Lon., 1871, Svo; 2d 
 8d., 1887. 
 May, John Wilder, I8I9-1.S83, b. at Attleborough, 
 Mass. ; educated at the Iniversity of Vermimt ; iidiiiilleii 
 to the bar I8.',|, and became judge of the niiinicipul 
 court of Boston 1873. 1. Treatise on Ihe Law of In 
 sarance, as applicable to Fire, Life, Accident, and other 
 Kisks not .Maritime, Bost., 1873, Svo; new ed.,eiil., 1882, 
 Svo. 2. Criminal Law, (" Students'" Scr.,) Bost., 1878, 
 12nio. 3. The Law of Crimes, Host., 1881, 12iuo. 
 May, Katlierinc E. 1. .Mfrcd and his Mot!i,>i-, 
 Lon., 1871, l2mo. 2. Percy and Ida: a Story fur Chil- 
 dren, Lon., 1S72, ]2uio. :!. Hawk's Dene: a Tale |(jr 
 Chililren, Lon., 1872, ISmo. 4. Life at Hartwell: or, 
 Frank and his Friends, Lon., 1874, 12iuo. 
 May, liizzic. Twilight Hours: a Selection ol 
 Poems, Lon., IS,',!!, l2mo. 
 .May, Marabel. Wedded and Winnowed ; a Tale, 
 Lon., 1866, er. svo. 
 May, .Mark. Marks upon the Door, Lon., 1876, cr. 
 Love, the Reward, Lon., 1NS5 
 Round Ah'ii 
 May, Philip 
 vols. er. 8vo. 
 .May, II. E. In and Out and 
 Hhyiues. Illust. Lon., 1888, 4to. 
 May, Uev. Samuel Joseph, 1797-1871, b. in 
 Bosion, Mass.; graduated at Harvard College 1817. aiil 
 became pastor of a Unitarian cliurch at Brooklyn. .\.V.. 
 in 1822. He was one of the earliest and most proiiiiiiciil 
 advocates of the anti-slavery cause, and in 18;15 hcciuiie 
 the general agent of the Massachusetts Anli-SIavery Su- 
 ciety. From l.'<4.'> till 1868 he was pastor of the rinl:i- 
 tarian society in Syracuse, N.Y. I. The Ediicalioii u( 
 the Faculties. Best., 1846. 2. The Revival of Ediicatiim, 
 Syracuse, 1*^55. 3. S.une Recollections of our Aiili- 
 Siavcry Conflict, Bo.^l., Is6:i. 1 61110. 
 " Mr" May iloes not pnifess to write a histiuy of the ami- 
 slavery nioVemeiit. but merely to relate lii^. own o.\|n'ii 
 eiices 'ill I'oiiiiei'liioi with it. ' due lumciiuaiiiled u iili iis 
 begiiiniuf^s and profjress, liowever, may oliutiii a ■j.'iud 
 general notion of its course so far as it t<uu'lied piitilir af- 
 fairs."— jVo/ioh, ix. ;i43. 
 4. Memoir, )iartly .Vutobiographieal. Edited liy 
 Geinge B. Emerson. Samuel iVIay, and Thomas J. .Mum- 
 ford. Bost., 1873, 16mo. 
 " May, Sophie," (Pseud.) See Clark, Reiikiva 
 SoiMlIA, Hlljinl. 
 .May, T» The Christian Cour-se; or. Helps to llic 
 Practice of Meditation, Lon., 1875; new eil., 1876, Nvo. 
 May, Thomas Uakcr, called to the bar at the 
 Inner 'ftniple 1831. (juostions founded on Lord St. 
 Leonard's Law of Vendors and Purchasers, Lon., ls().'>, 
 May, Sir Thomas Erskine, Ilaron Fanilxir- 
 OUgh, K.C.B., D.C.L., [•nile, vol. ii., add.,] 1S|,-,-|sm,, 
 became clerk to the House of Commons in 187l,iiit<l 
 president of the statute law committee in 1885. Shnrliy 
 before his death he was raised to the peerage. He c"ii- 
 tributed to reviews and law journals. I. The Constitu- 
 tional History of England since the Accession of (icia'i" 
 III., 1760-1.S6II, Lon., 1861-62, 2 vols. Svo: new cd . 
 with supplementary chapter, 1879. 
 " If Mr. Erskine May's liook 1ms not the Interest of a ceii- 
 eral liistory, as a coiistitutiinial history it is very valiialilc, 
 . . . and. s'o far as a bonk on so dry a subjc-t can be, read- 
 able in all its deiiartments."— .'>Vi(. Hcv., xv. 438. 
 2. Democracy in Europe: a History, Lon., 1877, - V"l-. 
 " lie has worked carefully and conscientiously : bin liicrc 
 is none of that "♦',. that comes from Keiiuine iiidcpcinlciil 
 re.searcli, no sign of ihat mastery of the subject which c:oi 
 be 1,'ot liy living in it. There is no licarty eiitcriiii,' iolo the 
 spirit of distant times iMid countries. . . . Vet many i«m> 
 of tlie book may fiuni useful constitutional summaries iit 
 tho.H' who may'imt care to go very deep into mailers. "- 
 Sttl. Ita:. xlv. 17, ."1". 
 " lie would have de.«crilied the contents of hi* hook 
 much better hacl lie called It •Democracies in Kiiiope: 
 Studies ill History.' It is not an account of llu' ri.'-e iiiul 
 development of democratic sehciiics and iiisliluli"ii~ in 
 Europe. . . . .After a preliminary diM|ni; uu Hcin"'- 
 racy, he reviews tiie histories of dilterciit countricsiliiriii',' 
 tho'sc periods when that form of government was in MiiiUc. 
 lb' imerrupls his narratives oecasionnlly to indiilu' in a 
 piinillol or tt oomparlson between those facts he Iw- jiM 
 reeordeil and which he has recorded a little I,, imv. 
 Imt he siarcelv lutein pts to give a succinct viewof u'ly .lic 
 of the eauses wlilcli at various times sent fortli "i 
 democracy over large parLs of the surface of Kuropc . . . 
 If iiis boo!, ir: not so'oiic. ii :s always Intere^rlinjJ. Ticit 
 niav be little (ire in it, but there is, at all events, plciny ol 
 light."-.s'()(-"fii'or, 11. ."17, 87. 
 May, Thitmas P. 1 The Earl of Maytici.i : m\ 
 Historical Novel, Phila., 18';9, I2niu. 2. The Pri.iccof 
 Brefl'ny, Pliihi., iSdl, 12mo. 
 L,.n"*l S7^*''„"'"sv„'" *^"7/"''"-C"lt''re, for A.nateurs, 
 A .>,„eu,-., I,«n., 1879, p. 8vo, now «d., "s." rVi 
 Culture, for Amatfurs, Lon.. issd „ sv , j \' , 
 Culture, .„r Anuteur;. l"on . Is's' ' ,1 Hvo ,"' M"^^ 
 stltuto ul I ,unt,.r8 in Water-Colours. 1. Skelcln:; .,• I, 
 dur,ng ,. Vo,^«e in Search of Sir John-F.^n',:;; , ut 
 Theory an,l ..n^,e;;iy ^^:^t On" Sell ri s' 
 8ehwe,nJe^or: „iU. Prelaeo by Frank t^^' t.l 
 Maybiiiy, Augustus Conslable. 1 The Soi 
 KL "TIZ"^ I'hy.ic., U ISS ; 
 M , I'l- Z:, •''luilonts' Chomistrv: I'art I Non 
 Maybury, Miss I.ucretia r ti,„ t i •. , 
 ■'layer, Alfred Marshall. Ph I) i, tt'w , « , 
 I With Paokt, J, C, Afghanistan. Map. Lon., 1878, 
 the E„,l of 188,-,, Lon., 1.87 psv,? "' '"'"'"""'^ '" 
 »"ih!r "Jn!" -^0, !; V:i ''tT'n r" ^'^ ^^- 
 Vnluntaryisu, Vontra.t^i.^^n {^7 :'^™""T'; ""1 
 Jnmilibility ana"'i^ML^tyr Lon!; ';!:^"; 
 -Mayers, William Frederii-k "isis? i<i7a 
 l".i',L,?^^^|^Si;-'^,{-^™PPlieaa warn .vlUd, ,,;,bee„ 
 -lead., vfi.m °"""""^ ''™^ iTit-'f. 'ina triistwortliy."- 
 a_ Tl.u r<l. ,1 . 
 ;n .l>e Steven. Institute ;f-^:^;n,^;''S;;^,P''^ , 
 Magnet, n! York, 1872 2mo f Soun,I ''^^ ■'^™V' ' 
 In'M'!;rh''' "'■'»"»';' [«""■■ vol. ii., „,l,i.,] 1809-1879 
 In 18li.i he H-as appointed a pavuia-ter in th» n « 
 -.1 was retained' T„ the sIZT ZVeZf Tt^' 
 war, refrtng about 1870 with the rank of co one! 1 
 iMeinoir of Jared Snarkx 1sfi7 9 '?"';."' .'-"'"nel. I, 
 "■■' it was and us it is, 1871 ' ' ^' Baltimore 
 B J^^i«Vo[tS?:V^--!,r-;'« History, by 
 »>li'"l*^. 1 AtXFarf.x™' »"''"''''' ''"•S>-''.Vt" peri. 
 Ill-l. Lon ; IS80 8vo Sunday-Sebools ? 
 Title^^r„!;'""'''i,*^V"""'"'- " "»"»"' "f Chinese 
 rank^Ct^/f:;,,';;;! "?!'«"!'!"■ 'iry li^.s of titles «„,, 
 sul>Jeot.s ab"ifl . i" ,Ve';' i''',f /''■".""le ii.lorniatio.i on 
 "f tlR. civilized w'urhl''- irt '\vo"S|.^;;^''"P"'' ""-'"tteiuion 
 IH7'8,7v"!''p*'C' o-r'l" .•?""/'' "f ^''"•''""-. I'On. 
 uaJ?,^It^1^ra'hfuf ^;;o,i'e'?o^';'^..!'':7or''^ '^'■^.• r»"- 
 S"^ ^ i!!^:''''^ Engush:ivo;;-;!i,"iyi t^"!^^ 
 a lio ub V Th.l'' "■;•''« "^^' '"«"' 'e^KMubranoer 
 i»Iayhew, Edward, [«,»,., voi. n , ,„,,, , ,, ,„,,, 
 'otivrier l'^'ri^""''S-''VJ^^ ""^tnining 
 Oeserlptive iWks upon Anat;;;;;;r.^Mn;; sCln^ 
 V ee.. Stable, : hkewi.^e a Plain Ac.ounJ 
 Teeth, Food, 
 "; situ,uio;;,^Nau™rand'7;;:c''.r;h" v":""' 
 ^^^^7'^'^' with c.;,u,^.:t u^L^:^ ^x:: 

 Mayhew, Ilriiry, [(tii^', vul. ii., add.] 1. Siin>i- 
 boyV Visit to tho Kxliibition, Lon., 18 M. Svo. 2. Tlie 
 Ijiiwer Uliino; Uottcrclniii to MnyencD, I 'D., IS57, r. Svo. 
 S. The lloyhooU of .Miirlin Luther, I,. ;,.. 1HB2, 12mo ; 
 new ('(!., IsOi, 4. (Joritian Life ami .Mimnerd us accn in 
 Siixony, Lcin,, 18»:), 2 vols. .' vo. With Hinnv, J., The 
 Crlininiil Prisons of London, Lon, 1SI12, r. Mvo. 
 .Mayiinrd, C. II. Uomnneu of the Uold iind Silver 
 Locli, anil otiier I'oeius, Lon.. IS62, l2iuo. 
 Mnyiiard, C. J. I. The Xiilurali>t's Guide in Col- 
 lecting and Preserving Objects of Natorul History : with 
 Catalogue of Hirds of Knstern Massachusetts, Host., 
 IH7I1, 16nio; rev. cd., 1N77. 2. Tho Birds of Florida; 
 Drawn and Colored from Xnture. Part I. N. York, 
 1H72, 12 parts, -Ito. .'i. The Birds of Eastern North 
 America: a Description of All S|i I'ie.s which occur East 
 of tho .Mississippi Kiver. Illust. Host., 1>S1, 4to. 1. 
 Manual of Ta.xiderniy : a Complete Uuidc in Collecting 
 and Preserving liinls and .Mammals. Illust. Host., 
 1S8.!, l2mo. .5. The Butterflies of New England. Illust. 
 Bost., ISse, 4to. 
 Mayiiard, Ueorge W. Iron Analysis Record: for 
 Use in Bhist-Furnaces, N. York, I '75, ;i2mo. 
 Alayiiard, <>odi'rey. Spray from tho Water of tho 
 Eliscnbrunnen, Lon., 1S72, l2nio. 
 .Mayiiard, II. >V. I. Iland-Book to the Crumlin 
 Viaduct, Lon., 1m12, r. Svo. 2. Viaduct AVorks, Iron 
 Viaducts, I!i id;;i-.>^, Ac: Hand-Book, Lon., IStiS, r. Svo. 
 JMayiiard, Herbert John, j;raduated at St. John's 
 Collcfjc. (J.\;ford, IS8(i; a member of tho Indian Civil 
 Service. Nadir Shah : the Slanboiie Essay for 1S85, 
 O.vf., ISS,'), Svo. 
 lUayiiard, Rev. Jwhn, b. I82U, at Northlen, 
 Devonshire; a Bible Christian minister. I. Matrimony; 
 or, What Marriai^o Life is, and how to niako the best of 
 if, l.cjn., 181)4, p. Svo; 2.1 ed., enl., 186(1; 4th ed., en- 
 titled " Happy Weddeil Life," I87S. 2. How to Succeed 
 in Business, Lon., IS7II, l2nio. 
 Mayiiiird, John. The Parish of Waltham Abbey : 
 its History, ,t«., Lon., IS6:>, 12mo, 
 .MaMiard, Julia. The Parables of Our Saviour 
 Paraphrased, Lon., IHoS, p. S\o. 
 Mayiiard, T. C. The Ilctton Colliery E.vplosion, 
 Lon., IStil, Svo. 
 ".Mayiiard, Walter," (Pseud.) See Beale, 
 ThoM.VS WilLEUT, Slljini. 
 Mayiie, C. 1. Madeline Clare: a Novel, Lon., 
 IS.'ili, ;i vols. p. Svo. 2. Which does she Love? Lon., 
 1862, ;i vols. p. Svo. 
 Mayne, Lieut. Charles Blair. 
 Tactics, Lon., \Mr>, p. Svo. 
 Mayiie, Colburii. Strawberry Hill, and other 
 Poems, I.on., I SOS, l2mo. 
 iMayiie, John Dawson, [ante, vol. ii., add.,] b. 
 1828; called to the bar at the Inner Temple 1854; be- 
 came a member of the Madras bar in IS,>7, and held suc- 
 cessively several le};al offices under the government, 
 including that of acting ailvocatc-general IS62-72; pro- 
 fessor of common law to the Iiiiis of Court, London, 
 lS7H-Sa. A Treatise on Hindu Law and Usage, Madras 
 and Lon., Is78, Svo. .'id ed., 18S3, 
 " Thu liook carries on its face the evidence of laborious, 
 careful, and independent rcscardi. . . . The heading of 
 'Marriage and .<onship' will be among the most interest- 
 ing to students of early institutions. .Mr. .Mayne takes 
 notice of Mr. McLennan'!- iipinion.s, but thinks tliere is no 
 real evidence of polyandry having at any time been an 
 Aryan usage."— .S(i(. Rri:, xlvl. iY,i2. 
 " .'Hayue, Leger U.," (Pseud.) See Dick, W. B., 
 mipi 'I, 
 JMayiie, Kichard Charles, Commander, R.N. 
 Four Years in British Columbia, Lon., 1862, Svo. 
 "The grcatiT nnmlicr of vhaptcri are heavy reading, 
 though valimble to those wlio make these two" new colo- 
 nies their special study or I'miirc home "—Alh., No. 183ti. 
 IMayue, .tligii Sarah Jane. Jane Rutherford; 
 or, Tlie Miners' Strike. By a Friend of tho People. 
 18.54, 1 2mo. Anon. Njw ed., 1868. 
 Military Rcconnoissanoo, Lon., 
 Infantry Fire 
 Mayne, W. C. 
 18.i;i, Svo. 
 Mayo, Earl of. Seo Boukke. 
 Mayo, Ilev. Ainory Dwighl, [nnlf, vol. ii., add.,] 
 b. lS2.i, at Warwick, Mass.; has been pastor of Unita- 
 rian churches in Ma8tachu.«etta and in Ohio, and held 
 for some lime the ci"iir "f ccclcsi.'t.slic.t! polity in Mcod- 
 ville. Pa., Theological ;?chool. 1. Symbols of tho Capi- 
 tal; or, Civili^ntion in New Y"rk, N. York, 1859, l2mo. 
 2. Talks with Teachers, 1878. 3. Building for the Chil- 
 I dren of the .''outh. Pub. by U.S. (iov't, Wash., Is,<|, 
 8vo With VitKKRS, Thomas, The Bible in the Public 
 Schools: ,\ddre»Res, N. York, 1870, 24mo. 
 Mayo, CharleH. A History (pf Wimborno Minster: 
 tho Collegiate Church of Saint Culhbcrga and Kiii;.'H 
 Free Chapel at \Viud)oriic, Lcju., 1860, Svo. Anon. 
 Mayo, Itev. CharlcN Herbert, M.A., graduiiiid 
 nt Lincoln College, O.xfonI, 1868; ordained 1869; vicar 
 ' of Long Burton w Holnest since 1872; editor i>f N(iti< 
 and (Queries for Somerset and Dorset. I. (Ed.) The 
 Parish Register of North Woott<in, Dorset, 15X9 to 17>ii, 
 i 1877, sm. Jto. 2. A (ienealogieal Acc.junt of the ,Ma\u 
 and Elton Families, IS82, 4to. .'i. Bibliothcoa Dorsn. 
 ionsis; being a Carefully Com|dled Account of the 
 Printed Books and Pamphlets relating to the Histoiy 
 and Topography of tho County of Dorset, Lim., ISS5, 4i(i. 
 4. Annals of a Dorset Clerical Soci"ty, 1887, sjn. Si., 
 Alljirivately printed. 
 iUayo, Miss E. Religious Instruction, Lon., l**:!, 
 2 vols. l2mo. 
 Mayo, Mrs. Isabella, (Fyvie,) b. 184:!, in Lon- 
 don, of Scotch descent; married, 18711, to .lolin .Mnyn, 
 solicitor, (d. 1877.) Since her husband's death .Mr-. 
 Mayo has rcsiiled in Aberdeen. Most of her books hm.' 
 been published under Iho pseuilonyuie of " Edward (Jm 
 rctt." 1. The Occupations of a Retired Life; a NomI. 
 By Edward Oarrett. Lon.. 1868, ^^ vols. p. Svo. 
 '" I'nder the liarest possible disguise of a .vtory it gives 
 simply a colliH •ion of original thoughts, pracllcal sngci— 
 tions, and sterling common sense, which amuse becini-.' 
 they are clever, and do not weary becau!<e. If they are 
 (as one Is Inclined to believe they must be) the epitome. ,| 
 a real old man's diary, they are the best imitation of reiiliiv 
 we have ever come acmm."— Alh., No. ^129. 
 2. The Crust and tho '.'..ike, L(in., 1869, 3 vols. p. sv.,. 
 3. Friends and Aciioiiintances; 2ded., Lon., 1872, |i. 8v... 
 4. Premiums paid to Experience, Lon., 1872, 2 vol-, p. 
 Svo; now ed., 187,S. 5. Crooked Places: a Story, Lon., 
 1873,;! vols. p. Svo. 6. By Still Waters; a Story 
 Quiot H. irs, Lon., 1874, p. Svo : new ed., 1886. 7. Tlic 
 Capel Oirls : a Novel: new ed., Lon., 1877, p. Svo. •>. 
 Doing anil lireaniing : a Tale for tho Young, Lon., Is;:, 
 l2mo. 9. The .Magic Flowor-Pot, anil other St..,ii-. 
 Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 10. One New-Vear's Night, anl 
 other Stories, Lon., 1878, 12mo. II. Tho House by the 
 Works : a Novel, Lon., 1S79, 2 vols. cr. Svo; new' e.l., 
 1881. 12. Family Fortunes: a Domestic Story,, 
 1880, p. Svo. new ed., entitled " Right at Last," l^^'i. 
 13. Thoughts anil Stories for (Jirls, Lon., 1883, p. Sv... 
 14. Her Object in Life. Illust. Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 15, 
 At Any Cost, Lon., 1 885, p. Svo. 16. The Mystery ol 
 Allan Orale, Lon., 1885,3 vols. cr. Svo. 17. The Family 
 Council; Conversations on the Events of Ilomi'. I.on., 
 1886, p. Svo. IS. Equal to tho Occasion, Lon., 1x87, p. 
 Svo. 19. .John Winter; a Story of Harvests. 
 Mayo, William Starbuck, M.D., [ante, vol. ii., 
 add.] Never Again, Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 
 "Puts its author. Dr. Mayo, at once into tho very llr-t 
 rank of novelists, . . . There is no passion in 'Ni'v.r 
 Again.' There is little plot, less than in ' Pickwick.' ..f 
 which, though with rto thought of imitation, it remiu.l.- ii- 
 mnch. Hut there Is nature, human nature, of the ni.i>i 
 hunniii kind; there is sparkle, there 's erudition, uii.l 
 satire, cutting, yet true and manly."— ^i . ,, No. 'JHUi 
 Mayor, Kov. John Eyton Ilickersteth, M.A . 
 b. 1825, at Baddagamme, Ceylon : educate.l at Shievv 
 bury School, and at St. John's College, Cambridge, el 
 which he became a Fellow in 1849; assisti'nt master in 
 Marlborough College 1849-53 ; ordained 1855 ; libnirian 
 of the University of Cambridge 1864-67; became |.i.i- 
 fessor of Latin in that university in 1872. He was .me 
 of the editors of tho Journal of Philology and of ili.; 
 Journal of Classical and .Sacred Philology, and has .■ n- 
 tributed to Notes and Queries. 1. (Ed.) Thirteen Sa- 
 tires of Juvenal, Lon., 1853, p. Svo; 2d od., 1869-7:'. 2 
 vols. p. .-vo; .3d ed., 1S8I. 2. (Ed.) Cambri.lge in the 
 Seventeenth Century; Life of Nicholas Ferrar. r:iiii- 
 bridge, 185,), Svo. 3. (Ed.) Autobiography of Miillliew 
 Robinson, Lon,, 1856, fp. Svo. 4. (Ed.) Early Stiilute.< 
 of tho College of St. John the Evangelist, in tho I iii- 
 versity of Cambridge, Cambridge, 1859, Svo. 5. ' IM.) 
 Tho Scholomaster. By Roger Asohani. With N' les. 
 Lon., 1863, fp. Svo. 6. (Ed.) Rica.-di de Ciren.M^tri 
 Speculum Historiale do (iestis Rcguin Anglisc, A.Li. t)7 
 -1066. (Record Office Pub.,) Lon., 1863-69, 2 vols. r. «vii. 
 7. (l^.t.) Letters of Arohbishop Williams; witii lJ.*'ii- 
 raonts relating to Him : with Notes, 1866, Svo. Privatel.v 
 printed. 8. (Ed.) History of tho College of St. J.lin 
 the Evangelist, Cambridgo. By Thotnos Baker. BU.. 
 ejected Fellow. CnmbriUge, I8fi9 Svo « rP,H T-r i , , 
 of Ambrose Uonwioke. Iivh,"\v,Lr /'.H" ' Sf •''''"«» I-. 'SfiJ- 
 'Vo. 11. td.) i(,c Narrative of Odvpseus • H hm.,JJ 
 ?pfM « ''"''•,A'-"'"l«"con Hare. Is?;!, 8vo i 
 p,r„V. 1 r, • ^"""•■'•- tanibru M, 1874 8y„ u 
 Clue to Latin' Utcrat,;re"'i,.m''"l87'^r. "<('''''''''''''''''?' 
 lege of k Joh'n t ""KvanKclLt 1 aT^'V" 'l,"'?'- 
 uai?.r';7:st"ri:„-^"SoC "^'^'^t"!''"" •^'•'^" «^'"'- 
 ...ul tutor 18 2-0 orda Is 'is^b'^"'''?' ""*' ' '•'"""" 
 Kington Gra,.>mar.Scl Msfl4 BS 'j^'''''.-^^'^'- "f «<■'" 
 King's College, l.cmlon 8-,f Vo ' ^'"?»'""l ('"'feesor i„ 
 of nforal philo, on v'l~i .""•-*'"''." ""'" ^""^^"^^ 
 oal Book, Lon I'fa n Mo ^" V''"'™ "f '^''"'''- 
 "i Ancient I'hil.Mophy, from Thali.." m i- " ■^'"«'' 
 bridge, IS8I, l'),„„ ^ p^„ ."''''* '« '^'"''■o, Cam- 
 Cambrblge, ISs'i; Sv^ ^^ ^'"'P"'" "" '^"S""'" Metre, 
 ba;4V.riif^ouref?jT'i;?o'':''"'''r'^-"^^''- ' ■ • "•""' I 
 induction the niore V eml ,,v^f ?"" hy' of 
 -;. .;;te. ti.e r.^^'^l^l^i^^;^ ^^^:^^^. 
 And see Ghotb, Rkv. John, ,„,,ra. 
 Sainiiec, T fn. rsHr";."" '5' i'"'^^-'"'™"' '^"-' -'» 
 S^outham', ,872: Al'o. pV^'.phlei. "'"""' ^"""'''"' " 
 an''*E"v;rVi?'<WM '':. '\*^" "'" T''""'!'"""!.' Forces : 
 12,m!""""' "'"'"'' "• Selected Drama., Lon., 1874, 
 wJlj:^[-lli;!:^:"1^.f^-„«^;' -•' ---'es Of 
 ^^ i^uiieu by Dr. A. Dorner. Rdin., 1888, 
 jr^^q Vb^ Hindis. ^J'SiaJ: cl^^r i!!;.^;^ 
 »"w^'e,li.'vork!-|.S87,Vi™o'''"'' " ''«^^""l"«-al Ko-' 
 N.W^V^.rin^,:/- 'IV. Hard Problem. Illu.t. 
 Lon ,^"''h|,'s;,, ''''"•' I""'y "ftbe Uo,c,an,l other Poen.s, 
 inil^rij.'^!;:;;:*!:;^? !5;,,,,""~"'ip "^.^ Women. 
 ^^Mcade, J„|,„. .Scriptural Diversions, Lon., 1851, 
 U.^ed";-rni,l';if- ,:to^-" ^"^"-'- - '"» 
 te^»^Si-p,ri^C8r»' --- 
 wiurcn IMl; Assistant B shon of Vin-ini- la'/a ' 
 Bishop from 1 Si 1 i tj. ...,....'. i V rgin a 18.'!t, anc 
 Spring-fife Lyrics, Melbourne, 
 Bishop from 1 84 1. 1 He.i^,,,, r,„ i ."■•••,-■"-.■>""" 
 I'hurcl., I-hila., ,8o2,- "ew ,'x Vo^'l 58 '^T-'lT' 
 Catechisms usually ^tvled IC „,V ri ' ,'. /■ ^''" 
 Nowell's, n. p.. 858 V The in ''''7'-'' ' ""'I Dean 
 York. I8(i|, Sv^ ■ ^''" "''*''-' "'"' the Classics, X. 
 Mendei'i, J, w. 
 Meadows, Alfred, M.D.. PUCP h lais . 
 cian-accoucheur to S Marv, I. •.' i'l'po'nted phjsi- 
 S't. Mary's I'LpUa'scaiH-T^''''' "fir"'",' »' 
 Midwifery Lon.! ^s.^l^lm ed ' et. ' '"^7' "' 
 panion, Lon.. I8fi4; 5th ed en kVr li '1" 
 Lon., IS57 ^m iL ""'^''y '^•'^'^ "^ Childhood. 
 ^^jMeHdows, Arthur. Ifa„,e,: an Essay, Edin., 
 (Ed.) Genealogical i.istory of th. I ^^^■'^^^^- "^^.'^llilX.^lnA ut 
 "leadow's, Charles James Bnrr \i u r a 
 ISfir Q V ■ ^"'' '-'"'fsof Homa'opathv. Lon 
 Gr;w^M^r';ih/r'*7- V. ""'"'<' ''"•""' -d her 
 W ml Po ms I In • 1 S-i"",';! "'"'' ■""• 2- DeBnitions : 
 tious and "^.["h'El''.''-':-'''-'""-. '■ (^""^KO Rccolleo- 
 l.«'^Familfo'f V*ir^il,T;^'l'>''T"'f'"" "'^''ory of Ihp 
 M„. Ito ^ ^'""' ■""* Maryland, N. York, 1868, 
 N.l'?st,;di!d'':rc"n^Z'*e'r- '''\''' Chesterfield, 
 '"uny IS7^ 7« 1, 1 ^ ' ''"«- ""'' 8t Leipsio, (Jor 
 "" I'hil oph p ic''rTe'''''P',''^"' "'"^"^ in lecturing 
 -li' I ■rhrPhilnlo'.'.hv V" ??"t"'"'ting to peri^ 
 "■""«■ 2. Martin 1 nt ? r ' ^«/^, ' "'•^■'*' 1^°*'- '881- 
 I!"s.„ 1884 i2mo tV ^^'"''^ "f ""« Keformation 
 In^lependentl'Tost.; •l8?4' '"'"' "' ^''- "'"'"<'• "' ^" 
 ^ieaS; Freter''/'!''''^''''.'^^'."- '««^' '2'no. 
 l'.«os, 1864 ?■ iliiZ, Vv' • '""'I"" C'""po^ition. and 
 ^- History of Newmarket during the Kcign 
 Cimfi'^'soin iif C'iiiinuu(;lit ; or, Tho Tenants of a LorJ I 
 llishop, I'hilii., ISV,\ yiii. IL'inu. | 
 Menus, A. A CIuhUt of Pooms for tlio Home iind 
 thf llciirl, N. Y(jrk, 1S7H, I'Jino. 
 Mcnns, Mrs. Cimrloltr A. 1. (iolilon Truth ! 
 Hcrii'S, Hunt., IstlS-tlil, :; vol.". tin. 2. Tim lUii},' aii.l its ; 
 Motto; imw cd., lioi-t., ls^;i, do. li. Living Tliouglita | 
 new 1(1., l!o8t., IH.Sli, 4to. 4. Words of llo|iOi now eil., 
 ])(i.«t., iss;i, -ito. 
 Menus, Kev. J. II. Scrimms, lluxt., I.SA5, Iflino, 
 Menrn, Kev. M'illiniii, gnulimtiil at Trinity Col- 
 lege, Dublin, l.Slia; onluinuil 1.S4I; holil successively 
 miiny curiicies lS,')l-84. 1. An In.'^truclion |iii'i>ariitiiry 
 to Oonlirmiition, IM.i9. 2. A Uisaertiition uu the Sacra- 
 ment of Iia|iti.-<iii, l.on., 181)2, 8vo. 
 MiMii'iis, Andrew. liondon nnd its Teeming 
 Tnikr.-, l.on., I^S.'i. >vo. 
 .Mennis, Dlllit'llli. Lectures on Seripturu Clnirac- 
 tcrs, l.nn., l.M,^:), 2 vol.-i. l2uio. 
 Ml'Hrns, 1*. Cliri.'tian Truth viewed in UclBlion to 
 I'lvniouthism, Edin.. IS74, 12ino. 
 Menrs, Rev. Dnvid O. I. Life of Rev. Edward 
 Noiris Kirk, Host., 1S77, 8vo. 2. The Ueathle.''3 IJook, 
 Dost., ISSS, 12inu. 
 Meurs, .1. Kwillg. I'ractioal ,'<urgery. Illust. 
 I'hila., IS7S, 12nio. 
 Menrs, Joliii ^Villinm, D.D., [miir, vol. ii.,iid<l.,] 
 |si!]^ 1,. „t Keading. I'a. ; griiduiited at Yale 
 Divinity School IS.'il ; bccaniu assistant editor in IStid, 
 atterwards editor and ])ri'|>ri('tor, of the American Pres 
 bytcrian : [irufessor of ethii-s and inetaiiliysies in Ham- 
 ilton Cidlege from 1H70. 1. The Martvrs of Kranee, 
 Phila., 1SH4, l.Smo. 2, The lieggars of Holland; and 
 the (irandces of S|iain, I'hila., 18(i7, Ifimo. 3. The 
 .Story of Madagiisear, X.York, IS7H, 12mo and Ktmo. 
 4. llenies of Bohemia : lluss, .Jerome, and Zisca. Map. 
 I'hila., 187(1, 12mo. 5. From Kxilc to Overthrow : His- 
 tory of the .lews from tho Babylonian Captivity to the 
 Destru, tion of the Second Temple. Maps and Illust. 
 I'hila., 1S81, Hiino. 
 Mcars, Thomas Lnmbert, M.A., LL.D., b. 
 183!!; called to the bur at the Inner Temple 1868. 1. 
 Analysis of Ortcdan's Institutes of .Justinian, Lon., 
 1.87(1, p. 8vo. 2. The Institutes of Oaiua and Justinian, 
 Lon., 1882, or. 8vo. 
 Mensum, (». 1. The Home and the (Irave of By- 
 ron, Lim., 1852, 12mo. 2. Tho Crystal I'alacc .Alphabet, 
 Lon., 1855. .'i. Light from the East: Tales, Lon., 18.^6, 
 12mo. 4. (iuidea to the Railways. Illust. Lon., 1861, 
 Measoii, Malcolm Ronald Laing, b. 1824, at 
 Edinburgh; son of (lilhert Laing Meason, (7. v., oiitc, 
 vol. ii.;) educated in France, and at St. Gregory's Col- 
 lege, Dawnside; entercl the British army in 18H9; 
 fjcrved through the second Afghan and the (iwalior cam- 
 paigns in India ; retired 1831 ; edited the Bombay Tele- 
 graph anil Courier 1851-54; was a journalist, contrib- 
 uting to the Daily News and to Household Words and All 
 the Year Kound, 1855-70 ; editor of the Weekly Hegister 
 1866-70; special correspondent of the New York Her- i 
 aid in the Franco-Prussian war, and altcrwards corre- 
 spondent of the Dally Telegraph at Paris. 1. The Bub- 
 bles of Finani-'e, Lon., 1865. 2. The Profits of Panics, 
 Lon., 1866. 3. Turf Frauils and Turf Practices, Lon., 
 1868, ';2mo. 4. Three Months after Date, and other 
 Tales, Lon., 1875, 12mo. 5. .Sir William's Speculations; 
 or. The Seamy Side of Finance, Lon.. 18.8ii, p. Svo. 
 Measor, Charles Pcnncll. 1. Convict Service: 
 a Letter to Sir G. C. Lewis, Lon., 1861, 8vo. 2. I'liliza- 
 tion of the Criminal, Lon., 1869, 8vo. 3. Irish Fallacies 
 nnd English Facts. 
 Meath, Karl and Countess of. See Bkaba- 
 Mechnm, C H., and Coupert ^ Sketches of 
 the Siege of Lueknow, Lon., I. 858, fol, 
 Mcclii, John Josephs [niite. vol. ii., add.,] 18ft2» 
 1880, b. in Enghiml, of Italian parentage; made a for- 
 tune by the invention of a razor-strop, and in 1840 settled 
 on a farm in Ksse.t, where he practised an improve^ sys- 
 tem of agriculture. He was for several years an alder- 
 man of London. 1. How to Farm Profitably, Lon., 
 1864; new ed., 1871, 12mo. 2. Farm Balfince-Sheets ; 
 also. Lectures on Farming, Lon., 1867, l2mo. :). I'mlit- 
 able Farming : Latest Agricultural Sayings and Doings, 
 Lon., 1800, fp. ; new ed., 1872. 
 Meeker, Mrs. Ogden. Fortune's Football : a 
 Historical Tale, Lon., 1864, 4 vols. p. Svo. 
 Mecredy, R. J., and Ntoncy, (•. The Art and 
 Pastime of Cycling, Lon., 1888, 4to. 
 Medberv, James K. Men nnd Mysteries of Wall 
 Street, Bost., 1870, l2mo; new ed., 1878. 
 Medd, Charles 8. Numismatics in the Study of 
 Ancient History, L()n., 1865, Hvo. 
 Medd, Rev. I'eler (Goldsmith, b. 1829, at Ley- 
 burn, Yorkshire; graduated at Iniversity College. Ox- 
 ford, ls,i2 ; Fellow 1852-77; ordained 1853; rector of 
 Barnes 1870-76, and since then of North Ccrney, Glouies- 
 tershire ; hon, cantin of ,St. Albans ...incc 1877; jiroctor 
 of convocation for the diocese cd' tiloucestcr and Bristol 
 sincel885. 1. 'The Christian .Meaning of the Psalms and 
 Supernatuial Character of Christian Truth, Oxf., 1862. 
 2. I'lie Perfected Work of the Spirit, Oxf.. 1861. :(. 
 Household Prayer, from Ancient and Authorized .Sources, 
 Lon., 1804, 12mo, 4. The Olfice of Intercession for tho 
 Church, Oxf., 1861, p. 8vo. 5. The Fiimlamental Principle 
 of the Christian Ministry, lt.\f., 1867. 0. The (.'liiircli 
 nnd Wesleyanism, Lon., Is68. 7. Home Uciiiiiuii, 
 Lon., 1871. 8. God's Purpose of Love in Creation, Luii., 
 1875. !l. Cathidie Unity, Lon., 1875. 111. Sermons 
 preached in the Parish Church of Barnes, 1871-76, Lon.. 
 1877, p.8\i>. II. The One Mediator: the Son of (iod in 
 Nature and Grace, ( liampton Lectures, 1882,) Lon.. I'*^!, 
 8vo. 12. .An Olhcc of Prayer for the I'se of the Clergy : 
 with the Country Gentleman's Ideal, Lon., 1887, r.'Mio. 
 MeddaiIKh, K. W. Michigan Supreme Court Re- 
 ports, vol. xiii., ( 1864-i;5,) Detroit, 1865, 8vo. 
 Medhnrst. .Mrs. Garden Fables; or. Flowers of 
 Speech, Lmi.. i^ill, sij. 8vo. 
 Medhnrsi., Sir Walter Henry, 1822-1885, son 
 of W. H. Meoi. ,.i>t, [mdi:, vol. ii. ;) was for many years 
 consul at Shanghai. The Foreigner in Far Cathay, Lon., 
 1872, p. 8vo. 
 "It contain.^ much that is valuable, Its style is all that 
 can he desired tc iniike it rcadalile. and It is free from that 
 strong party Idas which has dislinurt'il so nmch llial ha.s 
 recently been written 011 China. . . . That man niii^t lie 
 very impervious to knowledge who lays It down w iihout 
 having gained from its pages an intelligent insight into the 
 strange and niiicli iiiisreiire.seiued world of China."— .S'l/. 
 A'ci'., xxxiv. 610. 
 Medley, D, J. Socialism as a Jloral Movement: 
 its Value and Dangers, Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 Medley, George Wehh, F.S.S., b. 1826. 1. The 
 Reciprocity Cra/.e : a Tract for the Times, (Cohden Cliil) 
 Pub.,) Lon., 1881, Svo. 2. England under Free Trade: 
 an Address, Lon., 1882, 12ino. 3. Trade Depression: 
 its Causes and its Remedies, Lon., 1885, 12mo. 4. Fair 
 Trade I'nmasked, ^I'obden Club Pub.) 
 .Medley, Most Rev. John, D.D., LL.D., [ntue, 
 vol. ii., add.,] b. 1804, in London ; graduated at Wad- 
 ham College, Oxford, 1820; orilained 1828; vicar of .-^t. 
 'Thomas's, Kxeter, 1838-45 ; prebendary of Exeter Callie- 
 dral 1842-45 ; became Bishop of Fredericton in 1815, and 
 Metropolitan of Canada in 1879. 1. The Episcopal Form 
 of Church Government, Lon., 1835. 2. (Trans.) The 
 Homilies of St. John Chrysostom on Corinthians, (" Li- 
 brary of the Fathers,") Oxf., 1838. 3. Sermons, Lioi,, 
 1845. (This is mentioned oate, vol. ii.) 4. (Trans.) The 
 Book of Job, and Commentary, Fredericton, 1879. 
 Medley, Julius. Throttle Island: a Tale of Ad- 
 venture, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 Medley, Mi^or Julius George. 1. Campaign 
 ing in India, Ma:-eh, 1857, to 1858, Lon., 1858, p. ^v. 
 2. (Ed.) Professional Papers on Indian Enginoi-iinj. 
 First Series. Roorkoe. 1864-67, 4 vols. 8vo : ■> 
 1870, 7 vols. 3. India and Indian Enginccriii|, 
 tares delivered at the Royal Engineering I' ' 
 Chatham, Lob., 1873, cr. 8vo. 4. An Autun.i. i* 
 the United States and Canada, Lon., 1873, p. >i 
 Hallways in Upper India, Lahore, 1884, Svo. 
 M«dlicott, Cecil. The .Syren: a Story, Lon,, 
 1S86, p. <vo. 
 !«(>«»tKM)tt, H. B., M,A., and KtMirord, W. T., 
 A.R.S.M., P;K.S. A Manual of tK <K-ology of India: 
 chiefly compiled from the Observation..- of the Geoloijicid 
 Survey : with Map. l^ablished by tho Governnieiit "f 
 India." Lon., 1S79. 
 Medn.van ^y, A. (Trans.) The War in the Kast 
 from the Year 1853 till July, 185'5. By General Khipka. 
 From tho Original Manuscript. Lon., 185,5, 8vo. 
 IWedwin, A. 1. The Life and Teaching of .J^^us 
 Christ, in Verse, L.m., 1880, lOmo. 2. the Exi>i'nce 
 of Evil and the Divine Sovereignty, Lon., 1880, sm. 8ve. 
 Mee, Mark, Who did it? [a story,] Lim., L88J. 
 iiiiMiiith,,risi.,i„iiy, ■;i„i!./:;'."'.',*-""".''"i""iii'>'; \m 
 Hill' ari', uC (•i.iHsf, ■' Vi 
 lsfi',1,^":,."- "'"■ -''""""" "' Sunnj'brouk, N'. Y„rk. 
 1857f sv',!!'"^ o, N,aural Scion,..,,, Philadol,,!,'!,';: pLi,:! 
 IS,.. .. l|,.t„r.v,.| the First C^mrNT „f th-.'scon 
 • I II, rcMint; lis H n.iiiiiNc,'; lint • ;, * - '"^'"ODI the First Uimrtcr i,f tlT.. s. 
 Kiiiry-Tiiles for Little Children, 
 ..-m of Kilkenr^ , nu; e,!. 'B^b,,:,:-, 4 PMn, "'"'''''"• 
 isi^.'p"".".' "• ""'' «• '^''- J''-"^'i C»«tlo, l.„n., 
 I.OM., ls7;i, Ci,, svi) 
 ...r „f a nursery in Oonn.'n^vn, ..''" ,e™',!;X':; 
 .^sue, Jle wrote the botanical arti,.l..:;'in tie Fnev ■ 
 t)n (I,., T . •■■••■■J""""' iioMmar, !■ ii a., IsTi; -i 
 >l<iB», I.iciie. John lorsyth, V S N .„„ „f ,i, 
 iiX!^:'^zz"""'- '""'''" '''-'- '•"'■•'; 
 vcrsity of St. An,lnw, I <• '-""™'""> m the 
 ,overn„,ent ex,.,orin^ -P^itions. „e ^ar^^l.tfi,^ the '(in;";^,^^^ '^^l^^tlin ^i':?"""'^"'""™ '" 
 , -.cue, an,, contribute,, nun.erous ! ,:;^?;e.'.»™l?;th.„!:";"^^";,!;: -^^ •^;-;^ 
 of many scientific 
 ■— -"' -".lies, ocripture Em, 
 Micred Imagery, Lon.,, |9,„o 
 to 'unsh?ne "?• , s-. '^ «""" ' o'^"- ""•""8'' Shadow 
 " ■ ■ "' '"'"■• i^''',!"""- 2- Madeline Clifford'e 
 ««?"'' -ynfy'" (Pseud.) See Bcvvftt Marv P 
 Meldola, Uapiinel, F.C.S., F.r.C, P.K.A.S., Ac, 
 Sohool l,ifo, Lon.,"l,S73,'l2mo 
 .f"SiV;;if,;, 'l;.r?;'r "-"pi""-. 
 s«?T'o*'"^ D«'"iptive Geography n^^'ts Lon IwTTr'" '^,^'"'=,i?"-y ^ N"n-.Metallic Ele- 
 •- 1881, f|i. 8vo : neiv o,l.. I.«^ I....L '' I I,''"™'. ^°'^-> l**?'*. l-^nio. 2. (Trans, and ed.) Studies in 
 2 vol.«. Svo. 
 « E. Holland . its Institution. ..ress. Kin,. ' ,i|n 1^ tj^^ ^[S'SS^Sih^^^' J'^^" 
 --■" i»Mu,iii iiijiiuiary twr tJisensc^ cf Hi.. .itTn 
 •lo.l.on., 1857, p. Svo. 
 flci'tkerke, Cecilia Elizabeth 
 liotiinical Sketch for _ 
 *Jiii'st8 at H,)me: Seu 
 l.-;!.-^.). 12m„. - „ ,,^„„,, „„ 
 tl,; w '."1,*"' *'• *'• Otzinach.on, or, A History of ' '""It'll .^I'l"^'"'''*,-'?. L„n.. IS7.S, p. svo. 
 .W^n.t liranoh Valley of the Susqu^hln^'^'?;,:.'; ' ,/7,«','!,^r,;.». «•_ ^-v McJhod for the K.xtrae.ion 
 ^ec.l.a Elizabeth. I. Songs of ^ the aricT ,'L . , !k^'^' T} ""'K""-"'^ '^ f'-""^"-.s of 
 '•l,12.n,>. 2. (iucsts of Flowers- ,1 \,uZ\ Tr[^u^^^^^^ 
 •r Chil.hen Lou., INSU, sq. KilV 3' ^ i, tism"''','',^ ,'?,"'^'>"' '««^; 2- A Treatise on cC 
 ^equel .0 "(Juests of Flowers," Lon., lUth ed li"fi ' "''%"'"'"."' «""«, I-on., 1S72, p. svo 
 .^ . ./ and its A, , ;l';,,„i ^ .£^'"'."■1';, "" I>i— of th'e Skin 
 Mcgrath, George 
 Mclhuislii A. J. MentuI Analjralf, Lnn., 18A7, 
 MulhuiNli, W. J. Mr. Iti<li|lu'A Cricket- Mktub, 
 Lon., IHSl, 11". 
 Mcliiic, JiiiiK'g rioraiit, 1«I1-IH7.\ b. iit Hack- 
 •It's Ilidliiir, N.V., ili^ nil of a I'rcnirli oll\iBr in ttie 
 U..">. uriiiy ; ocluoiiica .it Mount St. .Miiry'a CnllKgc, Kni- 
 mittsburg. Mil. ; lulinittcil Ui Ibe l)ar ,■ iiftcrwiiriU ntuilieil 
 for th'i'O yi'iir." in Eiiriiiic, iinil lielj lliric r..s. ooiimil- 
 •hi|.s tliero; .-ervc'l Id tlic I'ivil war on tbi; HtiilV of (iun- 
 eriit Po|)ti, iiml was aftorwaniH eniploycil in connccti(jn 
 witli tilt' Ficcilnion's liurciiii in (iiMirgia, whcro bo was 
 l!orris|ionilent of tbo Now Vork Triburio. Il« conlril>- 
 utcd to tbo Catbdlic World and ulhor porii"li"iils. I. Two 
 Tliousunil Miles on Horsobaok : .'^anta V6 and Ibiok ; a 
 SuninuT Tour tliroiigb Kan^i.i', .Nebraska, Colorado, and 
 Now Mexico, in tbe Yeiir imiCi. .\, York, lHfi7, cr. Svo. 
 " Wilbin llio rororil bp is an lnstr\icilvo and untcrtalnlnx 
 wrltiT. wliuse bonk will be n.'Hd not wllbciut .some eonsid- 
 enible ploasiire."— .Vii^o/i, vi Xi. 
 2. Comnioruial Travulling, Cambridge, l.StV.I. li, Mary 
 Queen of Seote, and her l/atest English Historian, N. 
 York, 1.H71, p. Svo ; Sd cd., lH7:i. I. Mfo of .Si.ttus tbo 
 Fiftb, 1S71. 
 Meline, .Miss Mnry Miller, ("Florence Mc- 
 Coomb," pseud.) 1. The Montargos Legacy, N. York, 
 ISB'J, 12mo. 2. [n Six .Montlis; or. The Two Friends, 
 Bait., 187 1, Ifluio. 3. Charteris : a Romance, I'hila., 
 Mell, Kev. Patrick linos, D.D., fA,.V., isil- 
 188S, b. at Waltbourville, (ia. ; studied at Amherst 1^3:1 
 -3,') ; was professor of ancient languages in Mercer Uni- 
 versity 1812-55 ; held the same obair in the Stivte uni- 
 versity at Athens, Ua., till isdii, when ho was transferred 
 to that of metaphysics and eibics, which he held till 
 his death. He also held several pastorates in tbo l!ap- 
 tiet Church, and was president for many years of the 
 Southern liaptist Convention. He was colonel of a 
 Confederate regiment in the civil war. 1. linplism, 
 Charleston, .'^.C, I S,')2. 2. Corrective Church Discipline, 
 188U. I{. Manual of Parliamentary Practice, N. York, 
 18(10, 16mo; now ed., rev., 187tl. 4. Tbe PbibHopby of 
 Prayer: its I'tility, and its Relation to Providence, N. 
 York, 187.r ■■ ■ -"^ :>. Churob Polity, Atlanta, (ia., 1878. 
 Mellcr. ''.. , Wiilter Clilt'ord, M.A., graduated 
 »tSt.u&i !. ' ; .;o, Oxford, 1872; ordained 1871; cu- 
 rate of ri":."! i ».-:;,■: 1874-78. I. Village Jiomilies, Lon., 
 1878, If • .. .:, A Placn for the Beautiful, I,on., 1881, 
 Mt'H^i!, Ji- 5$. Nomads of the North: a Tale of 
 Iiapland, I..'" . i.s71; p. Svo. . 
 Me!li8..f .?'!hn Charles, A.I.C.E., F.Q.S., F.L.S., 
 fovernment .^!^. voyor and engineer of St. Helena. St. 
 lelcna: a Physical, Historical, ami Topographical Do- 
 eeription of the Island, including its Geology, Fauna, 
 Flora, and Meteorology. Illust. Lon., 1875, r. 8vo. 
 "His collecliuns of specimens have boon examined, 
 Identitled, and ilescribeil by several accomplisboil men of 
 science in Kngland. . . . 'Ihey are beautiliilly iUustrulcd, 
 t>y the aid of I'bromo-litbograpby, from drawings by Mrs. 
 Jlelliss."— i(o(. Kev., xxxix. WW. 
 .Mello, Rev. John iMngens, M.A., F.G.S., gradu- 
 ated at St. John's College, Oxford, 1859 ; ordained 1859 ; 
 reetor of Brampton St. Thomas, Derbyshire, 18(13-87, 
 See CoH.x, M.' ■ is. 
 and since then of Mapperley. 1. Holy Scripture and 1 the highly idealized grnii|, of lila' 
 Modern Science, Lon., IMirt. 2. Hand-Book to tbo Go- Arbuces.' -.s«^ Jiei:. xvi. 82'>. 
 ology of Derbyshire. Illust. Lon., ?8(iB. 
 iliellor, Ilev. Enoch, D.D. 1. Ritualism and its 
 Related Dogujas, Lon., 1807, I2mo. 2. Priesthood in the 
 Light of tbe New Testament, ("Congregational Lec- 
 tures,") Lon., 1878, Svo, 3. The Hem of Christ's Gar- 
 ment: with a Sketch of the Author by H. R. Reynolds, 
 Lon., 1882, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1883. 4. In the Foolsteps 
 of Heroes, and olber Sermons. Edited by his Widow. 
 Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 
 lUellor, Sir John, 1809-1887, b. at Oldham, Lan- 
 cashire; call'jd to the bar at the Inner Temple 1833; 
 M.P. for Yarmouth 1857-59, and for ".'ottingham 1859- 
 61 ; judge of the Queen's Bench 18(11-75, and thereafter 
 justice of tlie High Court; knighted 1862. 1. Lectures 
 on the Christian Church before tbe Reformation, 1857. 
 2. John Selden, 1859. 3, Suggestions as to Oaths. 
 Mellor, John William, M.A., P.C, son of Sir J. 
 Mellor, Hiipra : b. 1835: called to tbe bar at the Inner 
 Temple I860;' M.P. for Grantham ISSO-Sti; judgoad- 
 vocate-general 1886. Poems in the Lancashire Dialect. 
 By the Author of "Uncle Owdem." Manchester, 1865. 
 iHeloy, W. T. Lucille Vernon ; or. The Church at 
 Lansington. Illust. Pittsburg, Pa., 1881, 12mo. 
 «»Mel», August," (Pseud 
 MelshciiiK-r, Itudolph Kyrc, b. 1851 ; graduated 
 at Trimly Coil.'ge, Cambridge, |S72 ; called to thi' Umi' af 
 the Inner Temple |S74. (Trans.) Tbe Law of Hills .f 
 Exchange, [in Germany,] Lon., |s79, 8vo. Willi Law 
 HKNt'K, WAi.ri'in, I'Im- Law an<l (' .-loin of the London 
 Stock Exchange, 'on., Is7l), p. Svo; 2d od., I88L 
 Alrlsom, R« i> '. Gas-Conaumor's Manual, I. irn,, 
 I8S4, Svo. 2. V' ..rl»bi,p and Marriage Customs of M.ui<. 
 Nation.". Second Series. Manchi'stiT, I8S5, 12ino. 
 .Melton, Kev. Edward. Annuls of the Cbunli 
 in Hrimlii'Id. By E. M. Springfield, Mass., 1S50. 
 Melton, Henry. Iliui^ on Huts: ttda|ited to llie 
 Heads of tbe Peopli', I, in., Is(i5, 12uio. 
 Meltzer, C Harry. iTnins.) The Evangelist; 
 or. Port Salvation, by Alphonso Diiuilot, Lon,, |S83, cr. 
 Melvill, Hcv. Henry, M.A., lunli; v.d. il., add.,] 
 1798-1S71, canon of St. Paul's .from 1856, and reetor of 
 Barnes from 1863. Later Sermons preached at Barnes 
 and St. Paul's, Lon., 1872, 2 vols. 12m.). 
 Melville, Kev. .Alexander Stewart, .M..\.. 
 graduated at Trinity (''jllogo, Dublin, 1876; ordained 
 1876; chaplain of Newington Workhouse I8SS. Wiilter 
 Ellitborno: a Country I'arson's Facts and Fancies, 
 Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. 
 Melville, Aniericus K. Dakota Justices' Court 
 Prac'tice, Civil iintl 'riminal ; 2d ed., St. Paul, I8S7, Svo. 
 Melville, Kr . Andrew. (Trans.) Hours of Ke- 
 freshing; from the German of Heinrich .Miiller, Lon., 
 18S6, 1 21110. 
 Melville, Rev. David, M.A., D.D., graduated at 
 Brasenose College, Oxford, 1836; ordiiinod IS40; rector 
 of Great Willey since IS57; canon of Worcester since 
 1881. FourSermons: Religious Education what .N.iluie 
 asks and God supplies, Lon., 1877, cr. Svo. 
 .Melville, Eli/a A. Alone; or, £200(1 Reward : a 
 Tale of L.mdun Life, Lon., 1871, ]). Svo; 2d ed., l>7s, 
 .Melville, Major George John Whyte, ['mie, 
 vol. ii., add.,] 1821-1878, b. near St. Andrews, Scotland: 
 educated at Eton ; entered the British army in |s:;il, und 
 retired in 1840 with the rank of captain. During llie 
 Crimean war he served in 'he Turkish cavalry, lie 
 afterwards devoted himself .> literature, excilliiii; in 
 novels of sporting and country-houso life and in liuiii- 
 ing-songs. He was killed by a full from his hcirsc, 1. 
 Holiuby House: a Tale of Old Northamptonshire, l.uii . 
 1860, 2 vols. p. Svo ; new cd., 1870. 2. Good for N'"tli- 
 ing ; or. All Down-Hill, Lon., IS61, 2 vols. cr. Svo ; new 
 ed., 1S7I. 3. Market Harborougb, Lon., 1S6I, p. "-vu; 
 6lh ed., 1864. 4. Tilbury Xogo : an Unsuccessful .Man, 
 Lon., IS6I, p. Svo ; 4th ed., 1866. 5. Tho tjuecn's Mai v> : 
 a Romance of Holyrood; "d ed., Lon., 1S62, 2 vols. p. 
 8vo : nowed., IS7I. 6. Tho Gladiators ; a Tale of K'unc 
 and Judea, Lon., 1863, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 •' With a les.s ambitious purpose and a less glowiiin -lyle 
 than .Sir Diilwer I.yttoii'sgbiwiiiL' llelioii, ("Tlie l.a^I Im;- 
 of I'ompeii,"] there is in the ' (Ihidinlors' an air uf rciliiy 
 and a to ordinary types of eliaracler wSno 
 nmy make It the means of bniigiiiK borne to Ihe i;iii' ml 
 reader tbe common features of that age even better ili.iu 
 ucus anil lone, Nydiaaud 
 7. 'The Brookes of Bridlemere, Lon., 1864, 3 vol.-. p. 
 Svo. 8. Cerise, Lon., 1806, 3 vols. p. Svo; 3d ed., I-7I. 
 9. The White Rose, Lon., IsiiS, 3 vols. p. Svo. 1". 
 Bones and I ; or, The Skeleton at ILune. Lon., l>i'>^. |i. 
 Svo. 11. M.orN.: " Similia similibus curanlur," l."ii., 
 1869, 2 vols. p. Svo; new ed., 1S71. 12. Soni^s and 
 Verses, Lon., 1869, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1872. !3. Cuitrii- 
 banil ; or, A Losing Hazard, Lon., 1870, 2 vols. p. Svo; 
 newed., 1874, 1 vol. 12mo. 14. Sarcbcdou : aTalcof tlio 
 Great (jueen, Lon., 1871, 3 vols. p. Svo; new ed., 1S7J. 
 15. Tho True Cross, Lon., 1873, p. Svo ; new cd., \^:'.l 
 '■ The novelist, the r(Uea 8«ccr, of lield-sports and London 
 Kcciety, has appeared (believe it, posterity!) lus tbe miilmr 
 of a sacred poem. . . . As a whole, the poem is decideilly 
 10. Salanolla; » Story of Punchestown, Lon., IST^!. - 
 vols. or. Svo; new ed., 1880. 17. Undo John : a Novel, 
 Lon., 1874, 3 vols. p. Svo. 18, Riding Rccollcitiuns. 
 Illust. Lon., 1875, p. Svo; new od., ISSO. 
 " There is not a dull nor a foolish page in It froin Ikgiii- 
 nlng to end. . . , Artist and writer have comb:iicd in 
 ' llldiiiK Kecolleetion.s' to produce one of the most saiislnc- 
 tory books on horsemanship published In recent years. — 
 i4(A.,No. 2637. 
 19. Katerfolto, Lon., 1875,p. Svo. 20. Sister Louise; 
 Sv',^''°,'r",i" Rer>ont„iK«, r,.,n., IH?,,- „p„ „,i ,.-, „ 
 .lt.ann.lto, wl,i,.|i ^« ,., m n i " "' ""K""''-''- "»' (ho 
 i^». under ''u^.:^^rl;'";::4r ^rr'i'r'" •'"'^■' 
 i' .\iirrulivc „r tho Seitr; ,' ^ r I'i ' ' '« '"■"" H«ill.t : 
 (lioUreoly Holicn-'l... .1 "',"""' ''^ "" At.count of 
 •M^IM nncl IlluHf, H„,t.. IHM5 "vo ^ ""' 
 mir5vstylean,l,,ruinv,.|,rH" "^^^^^^^ 
 1H.| 111., reii.lur in w..rks ,,r niv . ■ ' ,! "'''''' \""ftt.n re-"-.sVi/. ft.,.., lix i-.;) '" "'eanniirs <,f Ar.'ti,! ru- 
 lUelvllli', II.. H A r i r 
 -nry ; also, The Kleu,inia„' .V erfor .^'^^ ,t^t!-;"'"- 
 ISiir, ).. Sv.,. "riutn by Jluiiself. I,on., 
 l.i™! u!,':'ls![f7To ^""^'""^'" ""1 Wso„.Di,oi. 
 IS.'.;. :i vol,. {,. ,1.;, - •""'''"' • " "'"'y of a Life, Lon.,' 
 Meinniinger,K<.bert Withers i w. . ,. 
 Sh-rfA,'el,|,.i .'":;.■:;' ^"'"^ '"'« ''"''""".■ The 
 .l.-fer,n,.„ of'w'i'lirein/ ./rt"",:; ' ^.^'T^" '•™'" 
 .>Ieii.l..||, Col. GcorL'.' II ti « 5' r°- 
 iNil': nppo to the .,«„:„ -"ilitary Aeadoniy 
 ci>ilwar, InJbeen in?r,^X ,'' '"r"'''^ ""•""^l' 'ho 
 for.itication/'w" , C u^ ? "'w^'i;' T'""" ''"'^'"^ '' 
 of War, . _ Jonn, ■; Phir'/s^^;!,,^ ''"'-•) ^he Art I 
 ''leiitlenliall. 'i'h<>t..aL * » "iia., i,s,'<,, Svo. 
 ". I«n. "-r'H,:;,f.c! ^^^.;Vr":'^J^:''-P-'.^''-«-. 
 m.m,ouiatics in Ohio Un ver itv IS"'! -S I'hjs.os an.l 
 Iniversity inTokio;„ndinl"8 ri; ? "'" ^'I'liennl 
 States and resume.! U c?a l it Oh''"'; '." "'" """^^ 
 '^•^l he be.a,„e profe sor in ho II ? i • ^"'^^''^i'y- I" 
 in I-.>(i |'rv,ide. t of R?,s» P . u- '^'S"nl S"viee, and 
 Puhlishe.l pape , „u no' " f "" T'""'"^" '"''J™'« f""! 
 of I.;i,..„.i,.V,r'B'.r"°f-"P'l'' ""'' '■"P"'-'-'- A Century 
 ^'"•th, [ii tnlo.1 riluBt r„„ iwj. 
 ''..S'"-rr"',,'*tt.'ri of :";,?•, ''^"'"•:' •"»""- f-""/ 
 N. Vo,k, i;7, ",' •^""•'"'■"■•y. by W, ller/berg, 
 l.u!::'"""""' ■'■• ""'"»'■- "'• ■'>H<h, Un., ,.»,, 
 r-'S'o^i "^w!?!:li!^,^^^l^''•''' .''^ •^/'•''^ 
 »in..n IH;-,2. I I'ra.ti ...I n. 'MN """'"' ""^'l<"fi" 
 l'.«>o, 2. .,d, s? "mo rs.'7v'"«' '•""••'««-. 
 Not«« on the Aets .,( „' u l',, / '-'""• ■'• ■'*'""' 
 ■». i^lM.rt Prayers f, C ur I S h'' .'"'"v '"'^ '2".o. 
 l«Hli. fp. Svo. thui,.h Sehools; Ith e.l., Lon., 
 V'-^-'t^tL;,:^ ':f;s;ri-h•j:;^^"•'^'^''■''• 
 'h- >tHKe at the ,!.?(■ - '^he went on 
 "''ifl Alexander Is,.,,,.. \i " ' •''*'■'"! '""iried in 
 rie.l in I^'u J , In P " ' ' i."''" '"'""■^''' '""' ■'""•- 
 I •v'hI'lo!:,^^!?';!!,;,,,^- *'"^ Magdalene, „n.l other 
 Uabbinieal'^ll I Ke . , "n • w""' Vf-T'^-j'-V "nd th^ 
 of St.,ke-JIandev I. ,^H I, ' ■■"«'""'' '•'^'■l : vi.-ar 
 'i'ahnud An ,.S Ji V i ^yf^'"!'^ 11"^ ""'''• '• ^'^ "'o 
 '8.W. 5. An Ks'avon ih^'r Leviratieal Marriages, 
 versitv, Cn ss^ p v *'""""'•',''» "f i^ Xov Uni! 
 Trinity, Lin.: .'iti 12 no "-'\','" "'", ^"'''''"''' "'' ""> 
 ulc on',!,,. Door-INM ,"71 '' '^'^■'■"^"'' i "^ The .Sched- 
 Se^a;:r;;^^'!«.:i^:^--n Conveyancing Law, 
 eriSi^^^iV;"..^!:":;? J^'^ •T'^^^-f «»"-' 
 t-ry of the F rst ThVo^ r .' <?'""•;■''•) The Church II is- 
 ^L«^1^.;^r"" Co^nun, Things n,a„e Plain, 
 a Mim"riiro'ftl.emy Ye-ars'-^''-' :^'>^' i'T"""'^ ^■'"•-•• 
 th"An"frH^,r7on'"liu i;''^^-,'"-^ Tales of 
 Urcek Heroine V b'ein" s „r 1' f ""• u " ^'"' "^ "'« 
 "rock Tragedians. '"I'lust^T^ "79 ""C ""' ''" 
 Ci.^e""fX'cfe.«,"^r''^^- '■ (Tran-Th. 
 12mo. 2 Tmn!) If ',;;• 7 ^l ^''■"""=''' I^""-. 1872, 
 A. Tholuc'k- 2™ «1 Fdin iJJ'"'^'"" I>»™tion, by 
 •-'tthold's I „,bens". ^r ^n ■ ■ u' ''.^u*™- '^^ 'Trans.) 
 h.v Things a, re' Made f' '" ■'""S^ Understood 
 12^0. 4. (Trans.) Classics for tho Closet, N„l /ih^ 
 ■;. .'."JC:.**"' 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
^ S' 
 s° w^.. 
 Lord's Prajer; from tlio (jcniiiin of A. Tholuck, N. 
 York, I8SS, 2 lino. 
 MenziUN, (jiitherlniid. (Thi? is said to be the 
 pscudonyiiio of Mrs. Elizabeth Stone.) I. Uoviil Kii- 
 vouritca, lion., lS(i.\ 2 vols. Svo. 2. !'olitii-al W(]nion, 
 Lon., I>i7;i, 2 vols. p. Mvo. ;). lli.-lory of Kiirope, to the 
 Keformation. ibip ami IlUist. Lon., is?/, I'Jino. 4. 
 Turkey, Old and Xew : llistorieal, Ucogiaphic:il, and 
 Stiitistieal, l.on., l^stJ, 2 vols. p. 8vo; .'id ed., lss;i, Svo. 
 Also, school-histories. 
 Meiizics, William, resident deputy surveyor of 
 Windsor I'ark and Forest. 1. The History of Windsor 
 (irent I'ark and Windsor Forest, lllust. Lon., IMil, 
 fol. 2. .Sanitary .Management and I'tilizntion of ."-ew- 
 age, I.iin., ISIi."), 4tii. a. .^anitary Maiiagenienl : Addi- 
 timial Statements, lion., ISii.'), sui. 1. l-'ore.-t-Trees and 
 AVoodland .Scenery as deseribed by Poets. lllust. l.on., 
 ISTfi, 4to. .j. Cottages for Kural Districts. IlUist. 
 l.on., ISSJ, fol. 
 iMercer, (icn. C. .Tournal of the Waterloo Cam- 
 paign, l.'^lf), Ivlin., I.'<7II, 2 vols. |i. Svo. I'osth. 
 -Hercer, dinrU's Feiituii, LL.l)., 177s-lsoS, b. 
 r.t Fredericksburg, Va, ; graduated at Princeton 171)7; 
 eommi.ssioned as captain of cavalry 171I.'*, but subse- 
 quently became a lawyer, nmi was a member of Congress 
 from ISlt) to l.-i^ll. The Weakness and Inefficiency of 
 the Oovornment of the I'nited States, by a liate Ameri- 
 can Statesman. I, on., l.'^tiH. 
 iMcrccr, KdtviirtI Smyth. The Mercer Chronicle. 
 By an Irish Sennacliy. Lon., lf<i)6, Svo. Anon. For 
 ]irivate circulation. 
 Mercer, (George. Will Barton o' the .Mill, and 
 other I'oems, l,on., isiil), fp. Svo. 
 Mercer, II. C The I.enapo Stone; or, The Indian 
 and the Mammoth, X. York, iss.'i, svo. 
 -llercer, L. P. 1. The Bible: its True Character 
 and Spiritual Meaning, Chic, 18S0, I2mo. 2. The New 
 Birth : with a Chapter on Mind-Cure, Chic, ls'87, 
 .Mercer, William. Why the Cross of Christ? an 
 Essay, i,on., 187i, p. Svo. 
 .Mercer, Williniii T., M.A. O.von. Under the 
 Peak; or. Jottings in Verse: written during a Lengthened 
 Residenoo in the Colony of Hong-Kong, Lon., ISOtf, p. 
 .Mercicr, .>Ir.s. Anne, wife of Jerome Mercior. 1. 
 Christabel Hope; or. The Beginnings of Life, Lon., ISliU, 
 12mo. 2. Campanella; or. The Teaching of Life, Lon., 
 1S70, l?mo; new ed., 18S2. ;i. Only a Girl's Life: a 
 Story, Lon., 1S71, 12mo; new ed., 1881. 4. Garnston, 
 Lon., 1S72, cr. Svo. 5. Our Mother Church : being Simple 
 Talks on High Topics, Lon., 1872, p. Svo; oth ed., Is.sB. 
 ti. Wreath of Mallow, and other Stories, Lon., 1S75, p. 
 Svo. 7. Mrs. Pringle's Pew, Liverpool, 1870. S. Arum 
 Field; or. Life's llcality, Lon., 1S77; new ed., ISSO, p. 
 Svo. 9. Martha the Merry ; or. As One Door Shuts 
 Another Opens, Lon., 1879, p. Svo; 2d ed., 188:i. 10. 
 Kennerby Village: its Sayings and Doings, Lon., 1SS4, 
 12nio. 11. The Last Wolf: a Story of England in the 
 Fourteenth Century, Lon., 18S4, p. Svo. 12. (Ed.) Work, 
 and how to do it, Lon., 1886, ISmo. \i. By the King 
 and Queen : a Story of the Dawn of Religion in Britain, 
 Lon., 1S86, 12mo. 14. The Story of Salvation : Thoughts 
 on the Historic Study of the Bible, Lon., I8s7, 12mo. 
 Mcrcier, diaries Arthur, M.D., F.R.C.S. The 
 Nervous System and the Mind: a Treatise on the Dy- 
 n:imics of the Human Organism, Lon., 18S8, Svo. 
 .Mcrcier, L., and King, E. C. (Trans.) From 
 the Earth to the Moon direct in Ninety-Seven Hours 
 Twenty Minutes, and a Trip round it ; from the French 
 of Jules Verne. lllust. Lon., 1873, Svo. 
 .Mercier, L. I', 1. Considerations respecting a Fu- 
 ture State: in Lectures, Lon., ISaS, 12ino. 2. The " Eu- 
 charistic Feast:" a Brief Historical Inquiry, Lon., ISOS, 
 ]i. Svo. 
 .Mercier, Lewis. Outlines of the Life of the Lord 
 Jesus Christ, Lon., 1S71-72, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 .Merciir, William II., M.D. (Trans.) Elements 
 of Pathology, by E. UindHeisch. Revised ami Edited 
 by J. Tyson, M.D. Phila., 1884, Svo. 
 Meredith, Mrs. I. The Lace-.Makers: Sketches of 
 Irish Character, Lon., 1SH5, p. Svo. 2. Saved Uahab; 
 an Autidjlography, Lou., ISSI, iSmo. .'!. A Book about 
 Criminals, Lon., ISSl, 12mo. 4. Nellie; or. Seeking 
 (ioodly Pearls l.on., 1882, 12ino. 
 Meredith, Uev. Arthur Evan, graduated at 
 Trinity College, Cambridge, 1877; ordain-d 1877; vicar 
 I of pool since L8S I. Tcacliingi. from the Collects, l.on 
 ' issfl. I2ir.o. 
 Meredith, Frances. Mary Berlrand, Lon., Isiiii, 
 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 -Meredith, (ieorge, [niifc, vol. ii., add.,] b. IS2S, in 
 'Hampshire, Eng. ; educated in Germany ; studieil law, 
 I but gave up tliat profession for literature. His woik- 
 have been very ?low in winning iiublic ap)ireciatioii. 
 ' The circulation of his earlier liooks was very limited, and 
 it was not until after the iiublication of Diana ot the 
 Crossways, in ISSo, that a demand for them amse, 
 leading to the )>ulilication of a collective elition. The 
 following list includes three which are mentioned mil', 
 vol. ii. 1. I'oems. Liui., IS.'jI, l2iuo. 2. The Sha\ ing cf 
 Shagpat: iin Arabian Entertainment, [a burles(jue pocir.] 
 Lon., 1855, cr. Svo. 3. Farina; a Legend of Ccilognc. 
 [verse,] Lon., 1S57, cr. Svo. 4. The Ordeal of Richard 
 Feverel, Lon., ISjil, 3 vols. p. Svo; new ed., 1S7S, 1 vnl. 
 " 'fills ' ( trdeal' is about as painful a book as any reader 
 ever fell liinisclf ine.xurahly ecjiupelled to road llinjUKh io 
 spite of bis own protests to ihc contrary,— for read it, aiil 
 read it thr.iugh. be must, if lie oiiee begins it. lor the soie 
 purpose iif knowing what comes of it all. The book is 
 very clever, with a fresh, vignrous vitality in the style; hut 
 it is nut true to real life or liuniau iiatine ; only true to an 
 abstract and entirely arbitrary idea."— .l//i., X(j'. UiM. 
 5. Evan Harrington, Lon., ISill, :! vols. p. Svo ; nett- 
 ed., 1S6S. 6. Modern Love, and Poems of the English 
 Roadside: 'vith Poems and Ballads, Lon., 1SI12, IL'ino. 
 '"Modern Love' contains passages of true beauty and 
 feeling; hut they arc like the casual glimpses of a liiir 
 laiKlscapo in some noxious clime, where the mists only 
 break to gather again ,.iore densely."— .l(/i., .So. l.MJ.'). 
 7. Mary Bertrand, Lon., 1862. S. Emilia in linglaiiil. 
 Lon., 181)4, 3 vols, p, Svo. 'J. Rhoda Fleming; a Stor,\. 
 Lon., 1865, 3 vols. p. Svo. 10. Vittoria, Lon., 1860, .; 
 vols. p. Svo. 
 " There can bo no mistake cither a.s to his abilities, or as 
 to bis failure in olitaining a currespniiding place in impu- 
 lar esteem. In 'Vittoria' . . . lie lias shown as niui li 
 power of thought and style as would lit out ailozeii wri;; rs 
 of .sen.salioii novels. There is .M-ar<'ely a page in wliicli 
 there is not evidence of origlnalitv, and, what is niticli 
 rarer, of conscientious labour, ot'ten skill'nily applinl. 
 The conversations . . . are only loo pointed and v.noroii- 
 for ilie interlocutors. Almost every (diaracter stands mit 
 distinctly and forcibly; .some show great origiiialitv nf 
 coiic;'ptioii. . . . Vet. Willi all these nieriis, and we iii'itilu 
 conscientiously speak of others, we fear that .Mr. .Mere- 
 dith's novel has the unmistakable fanllof being hard to 
 read. It is often so clever as to be on the verge of genius. 
 but soiueliow we don't get on with it. It is u suciessiuii 
 of brilliancies which are never fuse'' in a brilliant whole " 
 — .S(i(. J!ev., xxiil. 149. 
 11. The Adventures of Harry Riehmond, Lon., IT I. 
 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 " It is quite worth reading; but it Is Itself a sketch in 
 three vidumes, in .spite of the extraordinary niinutencss 
 of description."— vKA., No. 2297. 
 12. Beaucham|i's (jarcer, Lon., 1875, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 (First |iublished as a serial in the Fortnightly Review.) 
 "In ' Ileaiichanip's Career' Mr. Meredith has veiilnred 
 upon a bold eX|M:rlment. He has striven to coinbim' the 
 study of IndivKlual character with the expression and 
 dlsciLssion of modern ideas, and, in place of the prciisc 
 portraiture of contemporary manners which serves the 
 ordinary novelist by way of background, he lias here 
 aiven us a complex net-work of social an ' |silitical prul.- 
 lems in which the chief figures id the story are caiiulit 
 and entangled. Indeed, all the cliaracters, from the high- 
 est to tiic lowest, are made in their <lltlerent degrees to lie) 
 the Intellei'tual pressure of their time. . . . The i>eciili!ir 
 characteristics of Mr. Mereilitb's style perfectly ai'coid 
 with the ciuidltions of the chosen scheme of art, 'Like the 
 Invenlion of a Japanese artist, bis modcof workniaiiship 
 reflects the singularity as well as the beauty of actual 
 nature. '—A'a(, Her., xli, 62(5, 
 13. The Egoist: a Comedy in Narrative, Lon.. \^7''. 
 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 " Perliaps the most solid work, even to the verge of 
 toughness, which .Mr, Meredith lias ever proiluced. , , . It 
 Is purely a study of character; incident.^ ccaint for very 
 little in it, . . . Those who persevere to Ihe end will liml 
 their reward in It,"— .So/, JJa'., xlvlii. tio", 
 " After closing the book, we feel In the retrospect 
 the style is the most memorable thing about it, II is lilic 
 a waywanl wlml blowing against the current of the sinry, 
 and raising little liumorous waves and eddies wliicli hulli 
 lonk pretty ami prevent our getting a clear view of what 
 lies unilcriicath, — .s;)(T((i^<i-, lii, !3K1, 
 14. The Tragic Comedians: a Study -on a W.M- 
 Known Story, Lon., ISSO, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 "The well-known story is thai ot the tragic late of Fer- 
 dinand Lasttlle, the Me'sslah, as he is called, of s.iciul 
 Deniocnicy, , , , .Mr. Meredith's study of Ihe well l;n"«n 
 subject does not ajipcarto have been parlicularly prolniiinl, 
 anil be has been coiileiit to follow, step by siej), the story 
 of Lasnlle's denlli as tohl by the lady who caused It . , . 
 l<ri I.Miil, pn„l,i,.ti„„v Hid 1 ' M ."^^^i '"« ' "" K lla> 
 ni'iKMl KiiKli.sli ilctinii. An •■„! ,Vv 'i'''"' ''"" ^■"■ 
 '•'i"i;tmi,,n,wi,ici,r, ss ;, aniV,\vT'-^''v^'''"''i'" 
 nu'lil in iirriinKunifnt 
 worlil."— .1^/,., Ni,. 277f, 
 ^ 1^5.J.ueu,» „n,l Ljrios of the J„v „f E.r.h, L„„., ,,ss,, 
 I'V'H^ living'. In II, ,1 ■ '! ,' '1' "Z' ',■','; I'V^^'.^'I'^'tivc. 
 I'i. Uiiina of tlio Crosswnvs Inn i.iu- o ■ 
 """•'"■'I Win, K. er ^^' ."»;;;.;'■"/''>: "■■'";'''•. ■""' " >« 
 '■""•;'..y, und it „l,„«i s i .n',! „„^.i."''„ '" ■"'""y 
 a selfctidii of ni,inv 1, ii,,,,, ,„''',' •■ "•'■'■'■'' ''"■"' 
 "*; lift' ll>,.if, [„ r I " V ,, ' if ,s „'""' ""'""'"ftwii's, 
 •,An,i.ii,i'is,ai,d'Va„in r ,'■ r S"""'""" ""Vul, as 
 "■' 'Ic'M an,i lli.nsic.s '! ,' i ,n. L t ,',v,."v 'l"""''>' "'' ""> I 
 ■■II .vd]yt,„Knisli,.,i|-r,„„ tl,. ruckw,,- . ^'''""'t'S and is j 
 '«■".', i.n,,. 4tn. 1. I,,,,,,, ,„„, ,, 'I"-, . ''I^'- I'""-. 
 la ,1.4 
 n.i'ii'M,.aii:n writi;;:*i^;!;,'^;^;h,V';.a^■ 'v"'i'^" '""'"'• ••- 
 VL.|^v,.ni,si,u.,,,l,|c.,,,,, ]',•,'.' """ '."1"":; y l,as t-ainrd a 
 I'll- as it K.,^s, „i .\i,Mn ian , , ,^, 'r ',' ^'t-'"i--ii> I'iclniv. ..„ 
 xil. j;w. -'u, iiiuiaii niuuiiil mannuis. — N,/, y;,,.. 
 .■:i^SiS\Mr.;s:iE;vK^^ ■■""■■ 
 :ilni(>st paii,Cnl 
 xil. j;w. 
 I'eiithorcl Fu ed'le ^ '"'',""''"'" '•!•;,'= "''-^ •''"'1 l--». 
 -■»lcr»..litl., .>| a" 'ri;;.,T' ■■.''''''.''' '"^l.-ft". 
 Won,en, I,„n.;i;.I'. r'„,„"'""' ""•' '"'^'""I'l" f"r 
 o.|::!^^i^:t.^^o,^^^r;^n:-^-^'^"-' -^'^ 
 or^Sl'^^i^: «;;,'■;;:: '''■'™^-"™ -'■<>"'->,, 
 Merewea.her, Kev.'.I„h;, iVav'losV't,,,,., ,„,. 
 ;|"""^tpainC„i;i,piKrai 1 iiies,, ,„, '''V^-''^'^ Hiat is I ™ereweatlier, Kev. lohli i>«, ', r 
 - :o,^:i!'";?r',i^;;^iH 'Ht'-"^^^^^ ^va,er^^ ^tin i:;;- v^; xf ,t^!:!;r i^,„:!;ir ^-;'' 
 wall sumo imrf<..>,.wi.JV.'A'^.'''' t-xodTic nuhlic. M„, (-rowiu.f Itnlv Isfifi i n: , . .' i\iii;,'ht ol ii,f 
 t !.■ ivvvanl is „„| small. T "' ,<,v,V ,\ "l , i'',"',';''''';''"' "'"' 
 Ml. Mfi-wlitl, lia., j;|ve.„ t, 1„. ,?• , . ,'' ." "'f;'"y the I.est 
 i/"i it ,a very slorel,,, ,". , f' , , V' ';, ,, V'>V''"^''--''"t will 
 tlie social pliili,.s„,,|,e,' will l„. ri, , "'" ",':t;i,i:iiit te.\ts ; 
 Hashes of eleetno^ ^hll,l;^;';;;^!-^.;;;!;,',;|^:i^-U,^ .i;e 
 "•cicweiiiei, Iteiiiy Alworth ii>. a i l 
 v.,l,,>nesofv^>ei ,ti 1, s v/l^'''''^''''''^:'^^ 
 I;". A Heading of Eaith, [ver.-cl 18-<S n Svn ^v 
 '■opics sent out fof revieiv.) "^ «'J '»■ »- !>• Svo. (No 
 ten,;u:;^„™S';;«''il!„;",J';™^^n, 1,0 sn^trestive i„ n,a- 
 "iily to sa.v it in sieh . ,. , , ,« .,? ■'''""'"F"! viiliie. and 
 »il I siBMiilea,, "e.- I, '\ . ,,,'' em !''"."'^S'' '"■ ""-' '"l'^'^' 
 '■I Mr. Meredith's , ,1, , '}•"'',', If: 'l*-' '''"'"!"• '-'"•I 
 Persoi, he seems incapable The exi.m ■'{■'" '"' "»" 
 .lAMKs ASM, ,„„.-T X<,h,k: !.,*,/";,':"'[■'• '" ■"»>•!■'»■' it-"- 
 '"H. I'I't HKCl.iJ |,' iral ' «'."','■'" '" J"^'i^ ll"l I 
 tlie case is t„ r e the or '. ,•> "'" "V ''™' ''ilIi<'iiUv i 
 K'rhaps. wim e ,is^ vlf '' P'" ■"''"''•, ■'■''"^' '"■'^' lli"sc' 
 j^^'^^^;!!'^,f^iSi iS^f"i^^"■■- 
 to read him a d hnvn ,t^ ■ ''^'^'T """ " i" inip..ssil,le I 
 ■iiore tin, they ci*,,;,''; "''"'!'• '"^''l' r-'H'Ii'ii-' liim „, v i 
 or Da,,«h,e,s„f, I.on. iVs /."ll, "r s, f ^^ '" ' 
 iT^n.ed ,;,r';„-iv„tl';-:^,!;;;;;:;:^ '''■'"""■"^' •-'='«^ '««■«■ 
 .llcrivale, Very Kcv. Cl.arros, D.D., D C L,ridge;i^!,^;":;^!;::;;/;-^-«\.:;^;'["^n'^ College, 
 "'•.l;oa„ lec,,,,er.u'c h,.i gi'L',T'r,,|',i'v, /'", ""' 
 ISM and isfi,-,. 1. in=t.,,voft,'i^^ '?"'"'''''■ 
 Ei'iliire: vols. vi.. Vi I ,f "f^' '<"»»■;" "mler iho 
 I ''"'.1 llmt must he a verv L-r ,, w.^rL- n' ''V'", '■","' ^^■'■'"■'-' : 
 i^i^^i'.!^/'^^^ »"^'^''^';::;;'i,uis';;;:^:^|;'r;^:ffi:^;- 
 ti"i iili.Mratioif;":,''^, : i"^ , .ee',''!, ';;'" "V"- "^ ■""- 
 siiu'iiesiioiis for iii(,,ii,- • " , ,;,, . ' ""' ^'"'JO'I, or a.s 
 'liii'Mion, IP VI, ' / ' ,*|i ,/r ,t I, .Jh„""'-''r"'"'''' '""> ""-• 
 I'lvciai; I' the Ml r , ,^ , ' '''-■•V'^?" ','( v,e» . Kreal ap- 
 !-;,ty. "iiieh i"i«uie«',' ■ ^ ^.S;^,;;^,^ ';''«^ K'-"? U,l 
 n..y a,, powerfully and ch,;;:;;|,fi^;^^:;^iii,;:!.:i;i;[;»>-'; 
 I fVi'lIIs 
 Vor,o,Ll';r6V,2v,;i':'s^.o'''''''' '" ^"•'"'^'' «''-V"-' 
 si.i;"o;'|i:^l;i';';.;!lf';;-;>,';'";"voc„,e afreotra,le in vor- 
 '•■'11., I ><■(>, 4t,'). 
 ij'-. '.-:, isrV,?;;, ■i^;[:;^;;"-^/'--,^- 
 |1 i<»«~"l>'* 
 liiRton's riiiitliMiiition of Worslcv's 
 xxvll. r)!i."i, 
 7. Tlic St. Ktlielilredii Fcstivnl : aSuinnmry of the I'ro- 
 ccocliii){s lit Kly, Lon., 1S74, Svo. S. A (ieneriil Ilistdry 
 of Home, from Iho I'miniliition of the City to the Full 
 of AnKUstuhis, li.C. 7.'j:> to A.I). 47fi. T,on., 1S75, )>. Svo. 
 "It isiKlmirnble in iill the purls wliich l)r, Morlviilc liiis 
 troiitcM in iilsnlhcr wurks; wiicroviT the liclil is aljsdliiti'ly 
 now, wo seo sit;iis of liiislo,"— .s<l^ Iin\, xli. -I'j:). 
 '■', lionnin Triuiiivinilus. (" Kpoclis of Ancient His- 
 tory,"! 1,011., IS7B, l.'iiiio. 1(1. 8t. I'liiil lit Uonio. I,on., 
 1S,7, ILino. II. The t'onvorsion of the West: theCon- 
 tiiieiitiil Teutons, I.on., I.S7S, 12ino. 12. Four l,ectur«9 
 on Kpoclis of Kiirly Chureh History, Lou., 1S7U, p. Svo. 
 Meriviilf, ll(''riiiaii,C.l!., [o/i/r, vol. ii., mlcl.,] isot) 
 -I.S7t, chlost son of .John llernnin .'\Ieriviile, (</. r.,iiiili-, 
 vol. ii.,) anJ brother of the Very llev. Chiirlos Merivalc, 
 Hii/ini : villi cducateil at Iliirrow, ami at Trinity Collejje, 
 O.vfonl, whore ho j^railuateil with hi;5h honors anil was 
 electcil Follow of Balliol, Ho was ealleil lo the bar in 
 lS:i2; bcoainu professor of political econoiny at Oxfonl 
 in 1S.'!7, and in 1SI7 was appointed iinder-secretary for 
 the colonits. In ISlin bo was made permiiiieiit under- 
 sccrelary of stale for India. He was a contributor to 
 till' Ivlinburgh lieview for more than forty years. His- 
 torical ."Studies, I, on,, LSOa, .Svo. (Contains C3.says on 
 .I<jseph the .'Second, Catherine the .Second, I'aoli, Junius, 
 " Mr. Merivalo's essays dosorvo preservation incompara- 
 bly bcllrr than most of their loll.pws. . . . 'fbe siibjccls 
 (loiilt Willi ill this volume are iiiaiiv, and not mie of tliioii 
 is thoi-oiii;lily wcirkod out. . . . lint all .Mr. Merivales miIj- 
 jects, remote as they are from one aiiotlier anil silylilly 
 bandied us some of them uiv, are dealt wiib in a siif,'ge3- 
 tive and vigorous way."— .Sa(. A'fc, xix. 2»i>. 
 And SCO KhWAnOKS, Sill H. B,, eiipra, and 1'ahki:s, 
 JOSKI'II, lllllr, vol. ii. 
 Mcrivalc, llerinan Clinrles, b. is;il), in London ; 
 son of the preceding; graduated at lialliol College. Ox- 
 ford, isfil ; called to the bar at the Inner Temple l.s«l ; 
 practised in the Privy Council on Indian Appeals, but 
 gave up the profession in IS71J, owing to ill health. He 
 was editor of the Annual Uegi.'stor 1 S7(I-SI), is the author 
 of severul plays, including All for Her, ( IS71,) Forget .Me 
 Not, ( I ,S7il. ) The Cynic, 1 1 sS2. ) and a version of .-'ardou's 
 Fedora, (I8S:i,) and has eoiitriluited in )irose luiil verse to 
 jieriodieals. I. Faueit of Jialliol : a. ■'lory, in Two Parts, 
 1SS2, 4to. (Founded on the author's play "The Cynic") 
 2. The M'hite Pilgrim, and other Poems, Lon., 18.S3, er. 
 '■ .Mr. Merivale ba.s I'ertainly ilono well in publishing in 
 n form more permanent tlian'it lias yet bad liis line play, 
 'The While l'ilj,'riiii.'— one of the compuralivelv few in- 
 stances ivbicli tbeso later days supply of Ibeati'ical work 
 which is at once ilramatie and" instinct with poetry both in 
 feeling and expression."— .Si(. AVc, Iv. J17. 
 3. liiiiko's Uliies : a Tale for Children of All Growths. 
 Illust. Lon., ISS4, p. Svo. 4. Floricn : a Tragedy, In 
 Five Acts, and other Poems, Lon,, I.SSI. 
 '■ II [" Florien"J is indisputably the work of a poet. It is 
 not less cerliiinly a draiiiu dcsigiied for the singe and enii- 
 iienlly actable, . . . vital with the unity, coiisisiencv, and 
 spirit cf an organic croalion. . , . The smaller iioeiiis . . . 
 have great versatility id' style, and display the lyrical nilt 
 that usually aecompanies dramatic iwwcrs."— .Sii(, Jicv., 
 Merivale, J. II. Notes and Fornuilit for Mining 
 Students. Lon., 18S7, 12mo; 2d ed., 18S7. 
 Merivale, Lewis A. Extracts from Modern Ital- 
 ian Poets, Lon., ISfi.'), ]2uio. 
 Meriwether, Mrs. Elizabeth Avery. 1. The 
 Master of Red Leaf: a Tale, Lon., lS79, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 2. Ku-Klux-Klan ; or. The Cariiet-Buggers in New Or- 
 leans : a Drama, X. York, ISSO, Svo. 
 Meriwether, Lee, b. 18(12, in Columbus, Miss., 
 son of Mrs. Eli/abelh Avery Meriwether, s/i/iio ; was 
 educated in the public schools of .Mioiiphis, Tenn., and 
 at eighteen eslabiiahed, with an elder brother, the Free- 
 Trader, published in that city. He undertook a walk- 
 ing tour Ihrough Europe for the purpose of studying 
 the condition of the working-ela.sses and the cH'ect of 
 liroteciive liirill's, and was afterwards employed by the 
 U,S, linreiiii of Labor to )ircpare a report on the " Con- 
 dition of Labor in Europe" included in the annual re- 
 (lort for ISSfi, and to collect statistics regarding labor in 
 tile I'nited States, A Tramp Trip : Ilow to see Europe 
 on Fifty Cents a Day, N. York, I8S(), l2mo, 
 " The bo'-.k {-,, .inlte out "f ilie ruii;;o of nial 
 above ordinary volumes of travel, and will givj a fair, 
 comprehensive idea of the hard labor and miserable pov- 
 erty of the European"- iVn^oii, xliv. 173. 
 Mcrrcll, Albert. 
 Iliad.'"— ,<.'a(. ^£1'., I Phannacv, forming a Complete Pharniucopueiu, Pliihi 
 I isa:), 8vo. 
 ' Merrell, W. II. Five Months in Hebeldom ; „r, 
 Nolea fn.m the Diary of a Hull Hun Prisoner at Hieli- 
 I niond, Rochester, N,Y., I.s(i2. 
 j Merrett, Henry S. A Practical Treatise on the 
 Science of Land and Engineering Surveying, LevellitiL'. 
 &e., Lon., ls(13, r. Svo; 4th ed., with an Aiipendix bv 
 G. AV. I'sill, iss.-i. 
 Merriam, AiiKUStiis V., Ph.D., adjunct professor 
 ! of Oreek in Columbia College, New Aork, I. The I'lne- 
 I iiciaii Episode of the Odyssey: with Notes, Illust. N. 
 York, 188(1, 121110. 2. The (i'reek mid Latin Inseripli.m.^ 
 ! on the Oheli>k-Crab in the .Metropolitan Museum, Xiw 
 I York. \. York, lss:(, Svo. 
 .Merriiim, L'liiiton Ilnrt. The Vertebrates of 
 I the Adirondack Region, .\, York, |SS2, Svo, 
 MerriHin, K. K. William, Prince of'Orange; i,r, 
 The King and the Hostage, liosl., 1874, l2nio. 
 Merriam, (^eorKe Spring. I. A Li\iiig Faith. 
 X. York, ls7f), Itlmo. 2. The Way of Life, 1SS2. l2nio. 
 i .".. The Life and 'fiiues of Samuel Howies, N. York ami 
 ' Lon., 1SS,5, 2 vols. ).. ,«vo. 
 I " .\ ju.ster or truer aeeoiini "ou'.d not have been given of 
 , the niiiirs life. It is sympatbctie, and yet there is 110 bcr... 
 ; worshiii in it. . . . The bioKiupber lias not mcrelv fiv, u 
 all account of the Hie of Howies, but be bus liiiked'ii nidi 
 llie eveiiUf of Ills limes, and shown v.hal part be I'lok in 
 I tlic stirring agitations and events of the veurs tliriiU"li 
 wliiidi be lived."— Cri/ic, v. 113, 
 "Mr. Howles's lite was eonspiciKaisly unevenll'iil : uihI 
 the history of bis times was a iieces.sarj'ernteb to anv li;.,.j. 
 ruplier who adojited the scale whicli'bas seemed to mT 
 Merriam not disproportionate to liissnblect. The poliii,-ii 
 narrative allernales with the letters, and will. \vc dure miv. 
 have an inlerest for the generalion now on tlie stUKc, lui'd' 
 a certain eonvenicnee for llielr elders, iiurticiilarly in 
 Massachusetts,"— .Vcr^ojH, xli. 1V13. 
 Merrick, J. M., Jr. The Strawberry and its Cul- 
 I ture: with Catalogue of Varieties, Host., 187(1, l2ino. 
 I Merrick, L. Mr. Balzagette's Agent: a Detective 
 Story, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 Merrifield, Charles Watkiiis, d. I8S4, at. .0(i; 
 for many years on the staff of the Educational Depart- 
 ment in London ; contributed mathematical paiiers to 
 the A.ssurance Magazine. I. "Miscellaneous .Mciieiirs 
 on Pure Matliciualics," Lon., 18lil. Printed for private 
 circulation. 2. (Ed.) A Catalogue of a Collection nf 
 Models of Ruled Surfaces constructed by M. Fabre dc 
 Lagrange; with an Appendix, iSoiitli Kensington .Mu- 
 seum Pub.,) Lon., 1 872, Svo. 3. Technical Arilhuielic 
 anil Mensuration, and Key, Lon., Is72. 
 Merrifield, James. 1. The Royal Road to Learn- 
 ing; new ed., Pliila., 1875, 4to. 2. Jacob's Ladder; or, 
 More than Leaves, Phila., 1875, 4to, 
 Merrifield, John, LL.D., F.R.A.S., head-master 
 of the Navigation School, Plymouth, 1, Magiicli.-iu 
 and the Deviation ot the Compass, Lon., 1872, ISiiio. 2. 
 A Treatise on Navigation, for ih 1 Students. I.on., 
 1884, cr. Svo. 3. A Treatise o cal Astronnmy, 
 for the Use of Students, Lon., V"- 0. AVith Evens, 
 H., Navigation and Nautical A.stn .1 .y, I. on., Isils, ,svo. 
 Merrifield, Mrs. Mary Philadelphia, [om., 
 vol. ii., MKitiiiKiKi.n, JIiis.. add.] 1. lland-liook for 
 Hrighton, Lon., 1857, Svo. 2. Sketch of the Xiitiiial 
 History of Brighton, Lon., 18B0, cr. Svo. 
 .Merrill, Ayres Phillips, M.D., I793-1S73, Ik at 
 Pittslield, Mass.; graduated at Fairfield (X.Y.) Mediail 
 College ISI9; I ractiscd in Mcmiihis, and aficrwaid.* in 
 New York, licctures on Fever, N. York, ISrt.i, l2mo. 
 Merrill, Frank T. Marplot Cujiid, Host.,, 
 Merrill, George. Studies in Comparative Juris- 
 prudence !ind the Conflict of Laws, Host., ISSC, 12nio. 
 Merrill, George E. I. Master Hathome's I'mu- 
 ily : a Story of the Early Boston Haptist.s, Phila,, IS70, 
 IBino, 2. Battles Lost and Won. Illust. Bost., I>i72, 
 IBino. 3. The Story of the Manuscripts, Host., I8S1. 
 Merrill, Jenny O., and Harris, F. McCreiiUv, 
 Bible Talks about Bible Pictures. Illust. X. V..ik, 
 18S7, 4lo, 
 Merrill, John Houston. 1. Digest of the Auier- 
 ican and English Corporation : vols, i.-x., Xoilh- 
 port, N.Y., IS87, Svo. 2. American and English Eiiey- 
 clopiedia of Law: vols, iii.-vi., Northport, I.s87-Ss, svo. 
 Merrill, Joseph. History of Aineshury; inchniing 
 Salisbury to the Separation in 1654, and Merriniac lioui 
 its Incorporation in 187B, Amesbury, Mass., issl, svo. 
 Merrill, N. Frederick. (Trans 
 Digest of Materia Modica and 
 us.) Introduction to 
 the Study 
 York, 188(1 
 188,s, l2mo 
 Canton Con 
 New Haven 
 in the Con) 
 nient of col 
 18(18-70; ai 
 ploration S 
 1S82-S(!, ] 
 Literature 1 
 Biblical Arc 
 otlieca Saora 
 dan : a Keci 
 tries i,f Mor 
 Miiji and Illi 
 " From Bell 
 expeditions i 
 journals of 1 
 volume, and 1 
 than a record 
 it takes blfri, , 
 scenery, and 1 
 orous, and t'lil 
 2. Hal i lee i 
 Ijy A. P. Pcab 
 , " The Kev. .s 
 how to deserilj 
 attract a lar^e 
 •Merrill, |i 
 I -2,"), in Jell'or 
 in the Method 
 the Western CI 
 bishop in 1872, 
 Modes, Cin., L' 
 of Hell, Cin,, i 
 Christ, 187H. , 
 •1. Digest of 
 Thought on Pre 
 Merrill, Lj 
 in Fort Howard 
 Military Acndei 
 tlie civil war, ai 
 tuoky, Missouri. 
 of Calculating , 
 Vork, in::,, 4t, 
 Wash., 1881. 
 us Whole? or, 
 Sjiiritual and Ph 
 "iigton. Conn.; 
 School of Yale a: 
 I'.S. corps of en^ 
 engineering at SI 
 been professor ol 
 »ily. I. Theory « 
 I lust. N. York 
 Method of Least 
 Figure of the E 
 Vork, 1881, |2mo, 
 beast Squares, N. 
 »( Materials, N. \ 
 Lon., ISBO, I2ino. 
 l^f'i, Svo. 3. Th 
 I'"enis, Lon., 1871 
 HMItV COK, ,„„,.„ 
 Merritt, Hen 
 ■'» iipprcntioeship 
 "lid carvers; subst 
 " feiv years he live 
 to become an artist 
 ■•""ring old pictures 
 '■dent and skill, am 
 s'lliitions and weal 
 "diciams, and a fc 
 >"; death he marri 
 who ban bnni.m- di- 
 I'ust and Pictures" 
 i'j'ibyand his Worb 
 P'Ji Connoisseur, Lt 
 icisia and Romance 
 ^V^k.' 'i'iif ,^Sr'™' """"""'"' 'y P- E. Dreeh,cl, N. 
 1888, 12,1.0. 'I'lnd-Uook for the IVess, lJ„st., 
 Merrill, Kcv. Selah i> n i r . 
 New Haven T iX-l,^ V '•'"•• .''"''''''^ theologl i„ 
 "lont of color.Ml infuntrv is«j .'^ '''"'I'l'im of » regi. 
 18liS-70,. «rehJo!tt of thi ^' "'"'''"' '" •'"""any 
 ploration Society W4.-77n^''''-"'''""", '"'"''«•""' ''-^ 
 Lit"m„„o „n,l KxogelT „„,|„,M-' •^r'"^u "'' "'''"""' 
 "iWinU Arel„«oloKyt!, n i ," ",'"", "'''l"'' '^'^i'-''^' »f 
 du" : a Heconi of Travel n if' V^'"^ "^ "'° •^"^- 
 trie. „f M„„|,, (iileai an, "L^ '"•'"■",""" '" "'» C'oun- 
 187o-l,s7r: ,v th In roi^ 'm n "" '.',""."»'' ">« ^■<-'">-« 
 cxpe.lit,M„s into the inicnor nV. ""''"■'"'"■ '""e"'"! 
 journals of l,„t two ar" l'K- n ,., , "'V^''. ''"»>^^ver, clie 
 volunu.. and these an r,th ,. " ''"'"*''"' "' the Dresent 
 t "M.Hre,.ordnfnkn , ! .^ "'■^■'""" "'■ H'u jo'nnie ■' 
 It takes liigi, rank. .Mr \lerr ii'Lb; / i-^" " '!""'' "'' tnivels | 
 scenery, ami the peo. le eii.t f Mw ''/'''T "' ""-' '"■"!• the ' 
 l.<.»'!:M£rS';^l,^f'i;;5'^i,!« /;, ><«■., .Wver, an,I k„,„v, ^ 
 i" the Method « K isoonal rinir.''^';"'""* 1'™'°!"^^^ 
 ;heWe«,er„ChrisZTroeaoCi is^^^ '''''"" "^ i 
 bishop in 1872. ] Chri»ti,,n « '" .''^BS "nd was elected 
 "f Hell.cin., 1879 2uo "'/tL 7 Testament Ideal 
 rhrist, 1H7H.' 4. Asie'rof rh • •• T"'' *•"'"'"« "f 
 ;;• Digest of Me^Ktw '^;;;r'^'"yi'T"'^'*-• 
 lhoughton Probation 1886 • Outlines of 
 inSl!;aI:^'^-:^:;:- i::?^'""' ^'""^'''- '«^^ ^ 
 -Military Academy 8 "a s''!'' ' Sraduated at the U.,S 
 'lie civil war, and has siicn "?^ military engineer in ! 
 tuoky, .Mis.,ouri Vr I Tron'T '^^'"<"„«"g"neer in Ken- 
 of Cnlculating Sttains "n' Vork 'ls7j''8f ^''".^ .'''''"'"'^« 
 .^I'iHtual and Wivstal'^lrte/it; 'Bost" ms" ,1 ''""'^ 
 mgton, t'onn.; graduate, „f .1, '.M'"'' '" '*"''"i- 
 ■Sehool of Yale as^ d en,,?' "'^. ■^'""«'"J ScientiKe 
 "■•■^•c..rpsof engiLeerVlsTf h '" "' ' ' ""'""'^ ">" 
 I-ia.t .Squares, i\.'k 1SS4 ,"1 "'' "? '''" »'«"' '' "f ' 
 of Materials, N. York 188^^' "' ^- ^*"' M«ol'"nioa 
 L"?"'o?ltlr'''2'•B:•i'i^f-'"^.»I■'•■-t'« Calendar, 
 J'-ns, Lon., ,871 ,^,no"'P'' "^ ^^•"""»»' ""other" 
 "";fJ'(^:;j;:;;^.„:««"^»." (p-a.) see co.p., 
 •Werrilt, Henry. I82''-i'^-7 u 
 "" q'prenticeship of seven vn„r»; "' 2"^"'"^' *«"'«'! 
 "":! carvers,, sullse,, .enlly wC r '' T'" "'' «"''«" 
 " ',cw years he lived in gfeat on. ,""?'.',"■ "*'■"■'' f""- 
 to become an artist, b "t SllJ," ,T ^ '""I" ""-"SK'ing ' 
 'lonng 01,1 pictures in wli" he 1 1' " profession of re* 
 (■'lent and skill, and was mil, ,,'"^*'^ extraordinary 
 siitutions and woalthv^,,,!! '• ^ ""^ ^^ """'? ('"blio in- ' 
 criticisms, B„,l a v^vc ks"'^ "/";■ "" "1^" >"»'^ ""' 
 ^';; 'ieath ho married Miss AnL /'""• /^''ortly before 
 «ho has hncome di tin., ,ed ' ' "^'•''"'"'''ll't'ia. 
 ^"n and Pictures SenL™..^ ^ " t'o^^'t-pninter. 1. 
 Dalbya„dhi«ArrM„rTroSbles "•'• ' '' ""'"'" 
 ?f a Connoisseur, Lon ISeT 8v , ''!'"*' "'« '^'"'^ »"y» 
 'cism and Roainoo w th 'r.?m ^"°"- '^- ^^^ frit- 
 ""inoo . with Recollections and Twenty. 
 Three Etchings by Anna Lea Morritf ri- r, . 
 Preface, by Uasil Champnev. r „ ,L-, ""''■ "'"' » 
 y- (This ii.olu,ler"'S ,„/''."•■ '"•"• - '■"!«. or. 
 "Selection, from ,1 ,'."'..'"-■",','■"■•' Separated." 
 FWer,-(„rst publi^^hH i ' « ^i '"^.'i " l,"'^-^ "^ - 
 .■^--f «"'•>./■ and.. The oJ:;:d,t;n!3'2 
 '"lby'an,l.Tl,e().vr,,;,| .':,'•''' , ,»■' '■'■■rie.. • |(„l "r? 
 auw,bi,,gra,,,,yi,'U;:i:l!^!^>; ,,;;;;.>;.,.,,, ,n 
 ; "ith Knglish No,,,., aid Int ,du, i™^''n^^'-" '^"'S'"'' 
 vo s. fn ,K..„ II'.,, ,, '"troUuctions, Oxt.. 1S7iiJk7 j 
 I O.V-oy 'with Kng ish-'xl/ie^; 'a"^^^' '^'■> ""-«' : T^^ 
 I-Xfl. -'d ed., off ,S?5 s™ '''""'^"'■■'' •'''• """ks 
 vol^"e"^«r'' ''■•'""*• '«"">« Story, Lon., ,S8S , 
 I.o^.''"!,!,^.^'.,;"'""- ^-'^bad and its Knvirons, 
 :po&S!'&^:7'p s^'^"'- ^'^'^-he aos. 
 inersoii. Rev l>uui.,i ' ' • • 
 Cburch of I'ngland a. S 'f"'!r'""''"'o 'Vesbyterian 
 of the Churh-bebg Sketch "'""": '^''« ""^"'o Days 
 lig^.us Liberty, S..'';"8V:' 8V,/'"' ''^'^"gg>« for U^! 
 •no English', Lon"" 875 fp 'f"|"^ Foreigners and Eccen- 
 cr.'lr ''"'''• *-'• ^'^■'«"'%, I.o„.,,,s79,2voLs. 
 Merwin, Henry Child* ti t. 
 Inventions. Host.. ISs;;, s" " ^'''ontability of 
 Men ''ami w'o'men of" th^'pivh^'/l,""" ■"■ ''""""" 
 Illust. Lon., ,888, 2 v.'ls 8vo "'"■''" Century. 
 !-^f'Z;i^f]^«7!^ii:;^;^.RfC.P^ late physician 
 ^iuX '•o^^f-'i"-AMe^l::in!^r^™;^^^;*:;;'' 
 jn.hev;;;ious';,r:^,-^':r"i""«i-' "-«[:;::;; 
 , On the Functions of the s'l^.' '.''""•' '■'^"^. 8vo. 3. 
 a« a I-hysiologic"l 1 a i for^^a 'k' 'i;;'':,'-^''*'"' "' Servos 
 peutics, Lon., 1872 Svo "'"'"nal System of Thera- 
 iofe'"!'L;i;':^^»^^^/«"""'M"Phiios„ph. • 
 I Meservey. A. H i -m ■ 
 I Bo't., 1880, iC 2 Eiei ,tm.?r ' pT^^'" '"^''o'ory, 
 I Dost., 1886, 12mo ^.'-I'lentary Political Economy, 
 UoS"84,*';..8'J,^r-'""'°- **■'"*«">• Tungking, 
 I Ph?fa:i?^«"V.,;^*„«"'»- Some Dainty Poems. I„ust. 
 ' ^, ^>Ie88e-.ger, George. Poetical D.bris, Lon., 1875. 
 and':th:rS,^''^,^»°-'^,„J'.o Vision ofGoM, 
 .''eho:,Ta"h'er*'u:^'',':;,-,,.,,^;.V,;';f '«™l''>.v of a Sunday. 
 Naw'AmUvs'is'^r.Tew ^^ '^"''j'' "i''' Floors by 
 I British Wild Fhi;;. by'vr, ,,f/7,f, '^''''•'', ".f^'^.u-bin^ 
 ; (ilcte .'Series of Illustrati,,, ,, ,i, • i"''' ''«'"« a Com- 
 I "'^a Anaiytic^yr^;;::!, i:z:r;:>:^iy- -^ 
 185fi, rL'ni'o"''"''' ^' ■'• ^^"'""^ «'■ «• D. Taylor, Phila., 
 wiTt!h:i^e';\v"/*''g;^Jrter'7',r''.-^- '•'*«"-'««2. b. in 
 at the New iirunswit'S; L;-^ ^s"T ^''"'"''' ''''• """ 
 Kregations i„ the Keformed'S^cl^r^cri!: xt'/e™"y 
 p ■■ri) !">>" , 
 ''' ■"""'"HIj!.':' 

 and New York City, ami u cnntribiitor to religious peri- 1 
 odicaJK. I. Eigln Ali'iuorial .Seriiiiiri» and lIi.''torioal i 
 \otis-< of (.'Imrchcs in Souierstt County, N.J., 1873. 2. i 
 Life mill Public Surviwa of Kx-tiuveinor Vroora, lH7t. i 
 •'!. Cenlonniul llislory of Somursot County, 1878. Also, j 
 sinjjio suriniins, in, i 
 ^ .Uctcair, Mrs. C. M. (Jolden Opportunities in ! 
 Evcr.v-Duy LifV, .\. Yorlt, IMS", IL'rno. j 
 Metcnli; Hev. Kichiird, Is2«-ls81, b. In I'rovi- j 
 dencc, U.I.; gniduuted at ilrown University 1851, and I 
 at Harvard I>ivini(y Suhoul 1851; wii.i pastor of a Uni- 
 tarian Soeifty in Winchestur, Mass., IsUO-sl. 1, Letter 
 and Spirit, ( Winchot-tcr Leeturos.j liont., Is70, lOino. 2. 
 Tile Abiilin;; Memory : Sermons: with Urief Jiemoir, 
 Bost., \sn:i, IL'uio. 
 Mctcnir, Therein, LL.D., [•mi,; vol, ii., add.,] 1781 
 -I87.'i. Principles of tlie laiw of Contracts, N. York, 
 1867, 8vo; new ed.. 1887. 
 Metcair, W. 11. A Summer in Oldport Harbor; a 
 Novel, I'hila., I8S7, |L',,in. 
 .Metcnlfe, llev. I'tcderick, .M.A., B.D., [anif, 
 186.'!, 18mo. 7. Dora and her Papa r a Story, Loii., Ismi 
 II. .'•vo. 8. A Qroui) of Englishmen, (17115 to I8l5;i 
 being Records of the Younger Wedgwoods and then- 
 Friends, Lon., 1871, Syo. 
 "Whatever faults wu have had to complain of in oiu- 
 author's literary unipliiymeiit of her materials, we 1,, 1 
 that our thniiks are due to her for the amount 01 fresh ji 
 desultory Hues which she has hrouwht toKetlur of no 
 ■stinnahly reniarkahlo group of Knglishmeii."— .s,/ 
 uuquestfi , 
 Jiev., xxxii. Olio. 
 T --^., . ■^Hu.a^n, •■>..&., «^.v., I^'l.tir, ■ 
 vol. ii., add.,] d. 1885; graduated at St. .lulin's College, | 
 Cambridge, 1S;(8; Fellov/ of Lincoln College, Oxford,' 
 from 1814; onlaiaed 18I.-, ; viear of St. Michael's, Ox- 
 ford, from 18 PJ. 1. The Oxonian in Tholemuken: 
 Travels in Norway, l8."i(i-57, Lon., 1858, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 2. History of (ieruian Literature, Lon., 18jS, p. 8vo. :!. 
 The Oxonian in Iceland; or. Notes of Travel in that 
 Island in the Sumruer of ISlid : with (ilances at Icelandic 
 Folk-Lore and Sagas, Lon., 1861, p. 8vo; new eil., 1867. ; 
 "The chief interest of his book consists in the various ' 
 pictures of Icelandic life which he seta heloro i\s."—^it. 
 Jiev., xii. li/'j. 
 4. The Englishman and the Scandinavian .- or, A Com- I 
 parison of Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse Literatur. Lon , 
 1881), 8vo. 
 " He has done n service which calls for the grateful ac- 
 knowledgment of historical students and of scholars geii- 
 erally."— .sa(. Her., 1. 41)3. 
 "|lt-sj tendency is, wc may say at once, to run chiwn the 
 Low-(ierman element in our national pedigree as much as 
 p<).ssible. and to extol the Scandinavian one in the same 
 proportion."— IlK.SRvSwEiiT: ^lc(i((„ xvii. -An). 
 5. (Ed.) Passio et Miraoula lleati Oiaui ; from a 
 Twelfth-Century Manuscript in the Library of Corpus j 
 Christi College, Oxford : with an Introduction and Notes. I 
 Oxf., 1881. I 
 Metcalfe, Henry, b. 1817, in New York City; 
 giaduatcd at the U.S. Militaiy .\oademy 1868 ; became 
 instructor of ordnance and gunnery in that institution 
 1886. The Cost of .Manufactures, ami the Administra- 
 tion of Workshops, Public and Private: a .System of Me- 
 chanical IJook-Keeping based on the Card Catalogue 
 Method, dispensing with Skilled Clerical Labor and the 
 Use of Books, N. York, 1885, 8vo. 
 Metcalfe, J. J. Tl.e Reformation Resuscitated, 
 Lon., 1866, Svo. 
 Metcalfe, J. V, Kentucky Court of Appeals Re- 
 ports, 185!)-6.i, Cin., 1860-64, 4 vols. 8vo. 
 Metcalfe, Uev. JoHeph. Memoir of the Rev. W. 
 Metoalfo, .M.O. By his Son. Phila., 1866, 12mo. 
 Metcalfe, Richard. 1. Sanitas et Omnia .Sanitas : 
 vol. i., Lon., 1877, Svo. 2. Hot-Air ie/»H-i Hot-Water 
 Baths for the Working-Classes, Lon., 1880, 8\.). 
 Metcalfe, Hose. Blackfriara Bridge: a Tale 
 Lon., 1882. 
 Metcalfe, Walter C. 1. (Ed.! The Visitations of 
 tssex, 1552, 1.558, 1570, 1612, and 1634, (llarleian .Soc. 
 Pub.,) Lon., 1878-711, 2 vols. Svo. 2. A Book of 
 Knights Uanneret, Knights of the Bath, and Knights 
 Bachelor made between the Fourth Year of King Henry 
 VI. and the Restoration of King Charles IL, Ac, Lou.. 
 1885. 4to. > . , 
 Metcalfe, William C. Frank Weatherall ; or, 
 Life in the Merchant Marine. Illust. Lon., 1886, 12ino. 
 Metcalfe, William M. The Reasonableness of 
 Christianity, Lon., 1882,i). Svo. 
 Meteyard, Miss Eliza, ("Silverpen," pseud.,) 
 IdiiU, vol. ii., add.,] d. 1879. Her more important works 
 were published under her own name. She was an exten- 
 eive contributor to periodicals, writing on antiquarian, 
 sanitary, and industrial art topics. 1. Dr. Oliver's Maiil ; 
 a Story, Lon., 1857, 12mo. 2. Mainstone's Housekeeper, 
 Lon., 1860, 3 vols. p. Svo j new ed., 1865. 3. Give Bread 
 —(iain Love, Lon., 1801, ISnio; new ed., 1S6D. 4. Hal- 
 lowed Spots of Ancient London, Lon., 1861, fp. 4toi new 
 ed., 1869. 5. Lady Herbert's Gentlewoman, Lon., 1862, 
 ^ ^o'"- P- 8vo. 6. The Little Museum-Keepers, Lon., 
 9. G. R. Wedgwood and his Works: with Life, Lou., 
 1872, fol. 10. The Nine Hours .Movement: Indu.-tiiai 
 and Housoholil Talcs, Lon., 1S72, |). Svo. II. WedgH.,M.| 
 Hand-Book for Collectors: Marks, Ac, Lon., 1875, l2hiH. 
 12. The Children's Isle : a Story for the Young. Illu>i 
 Lon., IS7S, p. ,Svo. 
 .Mcthncn, 1,. M. The Calm Hour, Lon., 1867, p. ,sv„ 
 .ttethuen, '1". I*. Alphabetical Psalm of Chrisliaii 
 Life, Lon., IM12. s(|. 16mo. 
 .Mcthui-M, 'I'honias Ai.thony. Autobiography 
 with a .Memoir by his Eldest Son, Lon., 1870, p. 8vo ' 
 Metricoll, 1). II. Hand-Book for Southport, Jud- 
 ical and (icncial; 2d cd., Lon., )SI\\, cr. Svo. 
 Mettenhfimcr, II. J. Safety liook-Kecping: :ui 
 E.Kposition of Book-Kiepers' Frauds, Cin., 1.^75, \>u,.,, 
 Metz, A., .M.U. Anutouiy and Hi^tology of il,,; 
 Human Eye, I'hila., iMls, 8vo. 
 .Mfcveii, William an<i All^UNtns. The Authiiui,. 
 Historical Memoirs of Louis Charles, Prince lioval, 
 Dauphin of Fniiice, Second Son of Louis XVI. imt 
 ; Marie Antionette. who subsequently to October, ITii;;, 
 ' personated, through Supposititious Means, Augu-ins 
 Mevis; the Memoirs written by the Veritable Louis 
 XVII., and dedicated to the French Naticjn : the Com- 
 pilation and Commentary by his Two Eldest Son.s Lon., 
 186,'<, 8vo. (Augustus Meves, 1785-18511, son of a Uiin^ 
 iature-iiainter, was a musical composer and pei former.] 
 Mew, J. Types from Spanish Story. Illust. Lon 
 1883, imp. Svo. ■' 
 .Meyer, E. Text-Book for Military StuJent-, l...n 
 1805, 121110. 
 Meyer, F. J., and Wernigh, W. Steam Tow- 
 ing on Rivers and Canals by Means of a Subnierucl 
 Cable, Lon., 1876, Svo. 
 Meyer, Hev. Frederick Brotherton. 1. Fimu 
 the Pit to the Throne; or. Scenes from the Life of Jo- 
 seph : Sermons, Lon., 1885, Svo. 2. Elijah and the Secret 
 of his Power, Lon., 1887. p. Svo. 3. Israel a Prince wiih 
 God : the Story of Jacob retold, Lon.. 1887, p. Svo. 4, 
 Abraham : the Obedience of Faith, Lon., I.SSS, p. svo 
 5. Christian Living, Lon., 1888, 32mo. 6. Present Tenses 
 of the Blessed Life, Lon., 1 888, 32mo. 
 Meyer, II, F. h. A Complete Guide to the (iame 
 of Chess, from the Alphabet to the Solution ami Con- 
 struction of Problems, Lon., 18,82, Svo. 
 Meyer, Henry Kobert. 1. The Commercial Tele- 
 graphic Code, for Bankers, Ac. j 2d ed., Lon., I>sii, r. 
 Svo. 2. The Appendix 'Telegraph Code: nBlankCu.lo 
 of German Ciphers, Lon., 18N0, Svo. 
 Meyer, Kuno, Ph.D., professor of German in I'ni- 
 versity College, Liverpool. 1. (Ed.) The Cath iinn- 
 tT&gn, or Lattle of Ventry, (Aneodota Oxoniensia.) Dxl'., 
 1885, 4to. 2. (Ed.) Merugud Uilix Maico Leirtis: The 
 Irish Odyssey : with English Translation, Notes, and 
 Glossary, Lon., 1880. 
 .Meyer, Mrs. Louisa Clara. The Genealofrv uf 
 the F'amily of Bosanquct and its Connexions, Lon.. 1>77. 
 Meyer, Lucy J., (Rider.) Real Fairy Folks; 
 Explorations in the World of Atoms. Illust. Bost., 
 1887, 12mo. With Cahman, Nellik M., Cbildnn's 
 Meetings, and how to conduct them : with Introdudiuu 
 by Rev. J. H. Vincent, Lon., I.^SO, p. Svo. 
 Meyers, Robert C. V. 1. Miss Margery s Kn-e<: 
 a Love-Story, Phila., 1879, sq. I6ino. 2. ],ife and Ad- 
 v>;ni;ures of Lewis Wetzel, Virginia Ranger and Scut. 
 Illust. Phila., 1883, 12mo. 
 Meyler-Warlow. See Warlow. 
 Meylert, Asa P. Notes on the Opium-, 
 N. York, 1884, 10 mo. 
 Meynardie, Florella. Amy Oakly ; or, The U.igu 
 of the Carpet-liagger: a Story, N. York, 1879, 12nio. 
 Meynell, Mrs. Alice C, (Thonipson,) si^ier 
 of Miss Eli7.iihoth Thompson, now Mrs. liutlcr, the 
 artist; educated in France and Italy; married in h77. 
 Preludes, [verse :] with Illustrations and Ornamcni- by 
 Elizabeth Thompson, Lon., 1875, p. Svo. 
 " Her poems possess many good qualities, tenderness of 
■•""■ly "I lii.-octs. iiiu,t. i„„ 
 Iiilroduotion to 
 '■•<«r, p. >v(,. 
 Miiill, Uillinin. 
 an.l Wank vv A 4 m "' , " '"' <'"»fii-:r„. W 'l| 
 \\u shall iHci no V^^n.iiL "i ' ' ^- ^^- J^I'd'oH. I. 
 ■Scholar, IU.,lruth. 1' " 20,1"""; ", •t"^^,'"' " ■">'■"'"/ 
 .^mull Tribute to' the Mem„rV :,( .1 "".'"^Won : a 
 wi:o'o'"hr',!L*'j:.™'',,'-ti:.'""' "''' "' •■^'' ••«'-''-«. 
 ■Jewish Q«e.,i„n ,",:'»-'•""■"»'• , ('rn.ns.) Tlt^ 
 8vo. With .Mic.J,, I, ' ■* "'"••-■^- l>enii,iuff, ISS4. 
 Central Asia eirVi', .''!'"• *''""*' '''»'« H"'^^«i'"^^ in 
 hanof, M. Venlnkof^l .' ''"" '^'y Captain Valik- 
 Illuet. Lon , |s«5 h'v„ '' ""''"" ^'™»'="«'»- 
 e,iu'!:fed «^,';l*V;^^°'«•^ '■'^"^-'•^«». ^- a. Truro, E„g., 
 wards in an office in London '"'"«''"';:'<'• »."'l alter- 
 .It „■> „...i.. I'ouuon. jie bugiiii to write iiiifun 
 ImI 111. Th r,', .? 
 Work.* Ill'rt W,'.:'iH,^"";t"„*''"'"" '^'-'-'^ -' thdr 
 1'^ Norlolk, ^i,K•e IsW ,°„ 1 "'"•l^^'"« '" Hrpin«- 
 !■'<«'.'. Uewas tl .hi r • """"" "' '-incoln sin™ 
 '•:"K'i.^li Church k, .« n r "" "" ^'"""1''^- "f 'Im 
 ^■iuded i„ the foil, Ynii'j, .;,"';''''', '''."';:»!' «'« in- 
 Italian, 8i,,g|„ ,,„,,,,; ^ '',■'''• I' '"'"'<.■< m French an,l i 
 'nentar,, t,^ Sn^LII^;^;' -;";the Pulpit Co,„. 
 "Iiti',| some of the writinL's „f 1.1 •* i ' "° ''"" "'«" 
 K"Kli»l> ,livi„eH. 'l>t s,.r, '' '^"''';'''*«« an,l other , 
 University of (J.vf.n) Is, I a' f""'"'"-"' ''^■''"■■" "'o 
 Hev. H. I. Wilbcrforce's ri;„/,' '^""""nation of the 
 Knglan,!, c,MUai„eri ii^ ''ZiV''-".'"'' ''"' Cl""eh of 
 Vf Church Author ty:- with" '"ff ","" ">« .Principle 
 Letters," L„n., I S55,«,,/".j., ' °P •>• '" ^"< "■■<even 
 "f Lo„,|„„: :<er,n,,„ I, ;, •*• .'i""J''"^ast an.l the lv,r 
 dom of INety a. 7nil I' i ■^•'*' !'• ^•"- '• The Wis- 
 ■■'• But isn't K.gslev ■;,;:"!>''"'', ';'",' ''''■"■ «^°- 
 iKelute,stotheeontn,U','^''L' 'r "v' '"'"■• '■^«'' '"^vo. 
 "■an's Kejectl,,„ of ""'ri^' u'","- ' ^.- "" '^^- >''^^- 
 I>i-'eipline, a„.l Kite; of the' C ,^1 1','' ?'^"^ ""="«'"■'' 
 I'*?", I2iuo; 2d ed is"" I X' '"^ KnKhind, Un., 
 "f l-ndergraduate Life a't'Triniu' r"I>"" "n?''^'" '^■™" 
 l-'-no. 10. .Six L„i^ersftv^.i «rauin,ar, Lon., 187.!, 
 Does Dr. New.Ln d ser^ ^ M "'g,'"]' ,''"".- '.^"•'' ' ' ' 
 not? Lon., 1S7J, 8v.„ 12 Th..i . ' """"^ "^ 
 Creed Proved anj IllustrfiedlVot''H" :'""'' '/'" ^"'""' 
 l^rary.-) Lon.. 18?!^ ,. .Sn.' u'\ C'Theologieal Li-' 
 tion; Conversion, Lon, n J ^'"l".""; = ""^enera- 
 "f the Church of Engh^ci,n',P-,j7- ^'^- ^'"' ^°'^""<' 
 1^"', 12mo. 16 Tl e \Vn p >"'^ Cy.umunion, Lon., 
 A.D. 5!ir to i'887 .. 'a , e„turfi' i, ^''",''"'' "^ ^"g'"'"' "'"■''* '" »" ""i'-'e in Lon,„n '""«''""■'<''. »"d after- 
 L,m.. LSSr, Svo. ""' ioUvi^r^d at liarbadoes, ^ at an early „ge, «as e„cZn J,. . '*^.rL' '" "'"" l'"^"'-^ 
 ' Th . K , I- . ^""^ "' ""-■ Crusades, Lon 8i5 I 
 {■rar^'a: i.e'ii^ll/^^^tlliia/C'^'' l^^'' '""""y "'- 
 teniper.'-j„,j„ xxvil V '" '''''B»-'ni!L', zeal, ur 
 01 the Chiin-h ,.r i,^«,-i i , . 
 of AVrhe'r^^livI,- lM ''l^^'^ fT"'^'' '''" ^'^ '''"« 
 Many Lands: ,1 Descrin, ' P ''V.^"- "• """'» "f 
 ■•^•-■ven I'arts, Lon , 18.05 l^^^' 7*7 "'' ''""'''""'■■ '» 
 an Historical Poetu Lon I " « ,! ' ^''""■' "'' ""•■ ''"^' • 
 alterations, un,le t e I'i, I V .^'ll."' '''P"Wishe,l, with 
 Heroes," a v"l i of c'lto.'ll .""""' "'•""^'' "'"' 
 a iw,. Lon-.-i^^H^p'^"' .:'•'•' /^;,'«- ''• ':'"'— 
 I 13 .._ , ' f.:. '^'»- '-. Ihe Wreck of the 
 ' o. m nealth. For bi,.i! sen M,., a " "eroes," as vol ii nf r, , , .'■'""""^ Women an 
 «;'/"■". . . Title-Deeds of the Church ,,fP„" .""P' " l'"""'. I-on 1858 f'"''™'*'^ }'"<">'^- ' L Pleasure 
 Parochial Endo,v,nents, Lon., I86I s .^ fi.f , 'l' *""• "«">eward.B"u„d • ^1 '^'h r' . ';\ ''"■■ ^^'■'■''••'< "f ''' 
 An Fr/"''!'"' »f Christian! y Lon y8«f'n.-' "']• M^^^, -Ito, newed ls7^8 '^"."fi- 'T'^' '^'^^^'^^'J ^"^ 
 An t,litoroff the Line; or, Waiside Vt ,s^5 P' '';• ^- ' l*"«tical Tale The'r ,^ >• ' r'' ' ?'''>'' "^ Cornwall : a 
 "'.^eenoe.s, Lon., 186.,, ' s™! ^'"^^ '^'"^'°8^ "■"! Kern- new eds., I87I ?S76 ?j %f"' ' ^'- ^on., 1,S61', I2m„; 
 UaKKNwoon, t\ LafotnvLf [he r"-,' '''***^V '-"">• "'''•• 
 .'»?«, -^vo. With DevT AlkL, 1'"" ^'"'P''"'". Lon., 
 jr;-l'-?lii ill 
 the Ailiniriilty in I.nniliiri IS;",(i-fln; ottuehi' lit St, IVtcrs- 
 bur({ 18('>(l-lii; ; jfcretiiry to tlif eniljiis.ty uiul runmil there 
 ]8(lil-"4; conBul-Kcneral in Kiist li'uinielia 1^7«-S(), ami 
 einou tlicn in Norway. I. iMiirray'K IInnil-llool( lor 
 Travellerxin Hii.''ii{ii, I'olaml, tniil Finlanil ; rowed., Lnn., 
 ISll.'i, I2iiio. 2. ('J'ran.".) TarilV of I'listonm' l>iilinii 
 lovicil on tlie Kiiropear] Frontier oT tlie Kinpireor ItiiKHJa 
 nnil Kingiloin of I'oliind, from llio jut (l.'ltlii .liinnary, 
 IHfi'.i, St. I'eter^liurtf, ISfis, Ho; .^^upplement, Istl'.i. :), 
 (Tran!!.) Oninion on the Ka;<lorn Question, by Oenorul 
 Koslivliiv Failert', l,on , 1^7I, Kvoj 2il ed., lS"t). 4. 
 lli>^tory of tlie Scottish E.xpedition to Norway in 1(112, 
 lion., issil, |i. S\o. 
 ".Mr. .Miclu'll liHK done Kood service to history liy pub- 
 IIkIiIok llie rcsnlls of Ids careful researches. . . . It is . . . 
 iiroliable tloit many a Norwegian will receive with little 
 favniir .some id'tlie historical liicts mm broughl to llk'ht liy 
 Mr. tliey will tosoniee.xtent diniinlsli tlie(,'lnry 
 anil the ronian<'e that hitherto have surrounded the siory 
 td' tlie Scottish expedition."— .-)//(., .No. and. 
 MicliPlI, Ilev. William, M.A.. griiduatcd at New 
 College, Oxford, lH,'i2; ordained ISa:!; minister of All 
 Saints', (iuernsey, ISIill-fil ; perpetual curate of Ciiantry 
 lS(il-72; reetor of Dinder and prebendary of Wells since 
 18S:i. I. Our Title to.Sonship, and otiicr Sermons, l.on., 
 l.'^fil, l2mo. 2. Tlio Churches of Asia as Types of In- 
 dividual Character, and other Sermons, I, on., l.S(i6, l2iuo. 
 3. Notes and Thoughts on the Kducation of the Clergy 
 nt Home and Abronil, I,on., ISti.S, 8vo. 4. What did 
 Luther teach? I.on., l.'^fiii, 8vo. 5. Tlie Go.'pol Story: 
 a riain Commentary on the Holy Gospels, liOn., \S''i, J) 
 vols. l2mo; new ed., 18"o. (!. The I'layer-Book in our 
 Sun lay-Schools, Lon., 18711. 
 MichelN, Ivan C. Current Gold and Silver Coins 
 of All Nations, reduced to the Standard of the United 
 J^taies ; also, llLstory of the Coinage of tlie I'liited States 
 Mint, I792-I88II. I'hila., 1880, 4to. 
 Michclscn, All'rcd. Secret History of the Aus- 
 trian Government, Lon., 1859, cr. 8vo. 
 MichelNcn, K. II. I. iModern Jesuitism; or, 
 Jesuits in the Nineteenth Century, Lon., 18j:i, p. 8vo. 
 2. The Ottoman Empire and its Resources, Lon., ls,'>:!, 
 ]!. 8vo. 3. England since the Accession of Queen Vic- 
 toria, Lon., 1854, p. 8vo. 4. Life of the Kniperor 
 Nieliolas, Lon., 1854, 12ino. 5. Manual of Quotations 
 from Ancient and Oriental Languages, Lon., 185I>, l2mo. 
 t). .Merchant's Polyglot .Manual, Lon., I8fi(l, 8vo. 7. 
 The Popes and Jesuits of the Present Century, Lon., 
 ISiill, p. 8vo. 
 .Iliclicner, E., M.I). 1. Essay on the Principle of 
 Peace, Phila., 18ti2, l8mo. 2. The Christian Casket, 
 I'hila., 18B9, ISmo. With others, Hand-Book of Eclamp- 
 sia ; or. Notes and Cases of Puerperal Convulsions, Phila., 
 18S3, 24uio. 
 .>Iichie, Alexander. The Siberian Overland 
 Knute from Pekin to Petersbui'g. Lon., 18G4, 8vo. 
 .Uichie, Sir Archibald, K.C.M.G., Q.C., b. 1813 ; 
 called to tlie bar at the .Middle Temple 1838; attorney- 
 general and minister of justice, Victoria ; agent-general 
 for Victoria 1S73-7!). I. The Hamlet Controversy? 
 Was Hamlet Mad ? liy Jack Robin.son, [pseud.] Lon., 
 181)7. 2. Readings in Melbourne, [lectures:] with an 
 E.ssay on the Resources and Prospects of Victoria, Lon., 
 1879, cr. 8vo. 
 " He does nut endeavour to inllucnce eltlier by rhetoric or 
 sneers, but talks vigorous ciinimon .sense; and if he dues 
 not exliiliit the liit,'lcal order and accuracy of the trained 
 teaclier. he interests and exeiiijililies with the aptness and 
 humour of ustudeiit of human nature."— .si'yjfctaror, 111. 501. 
 Micllie, Charles. 1. Life and Labours of tne 
 Apostle Paul, Edin., 1872, 12nio. 2. Bible Words and 
 Phrases Explained and Illustrated, Edin., 1882, fp. Svo. 
 Michie, Christopher Young, forester, Cullen' 
 House. 1. The Larch: being a Practical Treatise on 
 its Culture and General Management. Illust. Edin. 
 and Lon., 1882, p. 8vo; new ed., 1885. 2. The Practice 
 of Forestry, Edin., 1888, p. Svo. 
 iMichie, J. G. History of Loch Kinord, Edin., 
 1877, |i. 8vo. 
 .tlichie, Peter Smith, Ph.D., M.A., b. 1839, at 
 Brechin, Scotland; graduated at the U.S. Military Acad- 
 emy 1863; served in the Federal engineer corps during 
 the civil war, becoming brigadier-general of volunteers 
 in 18()5, and captain in the regular army ; professor of 
 riStura! and >=xporiinentRl phil.->s.-.|>hy at Military 
 Academy sinoB 1871. 1. Elements of Wave Motion re- 
 lating to Sound and Light: Text-Book for the U.S. 
 Military Academv, West Point. Illust. N. York, 
 1882, Svo. 2. The Life and Letters of Emery Upton, 
 j N.York, ISS,^, I2mo. 3. Elements of AmdMical Mo- 
 I chanics, N. York, 18S7, 8vo. I. Hydromechanics, Wi«t 
 , Point, 1887. 
 I .Michod, C. J. Good Condition: a Guide to Ath- 
 ( letic Training, Lon., 1.^74, l2mo. 
 .Michod,J. Orthographic Aids; or, Mneinonica for 
 Spelling, lie, Loll , 1853, 8vo. 
 itlickle, Isanc. Hcniinisconces of Old Gloucester, 
 New Jersey, Camden, N.J., 1^70, |2mo. 
 Mickle, Uiiliani Julius, M.I).. P. R.C.I'., med- 
 ical superinleiidenl of Grove Hall Asylum, London, I. 
 Student's Manual of Artistic Anatomy. Illust. Lon., 
 1878, Svo. 2. General Paralysis of tlie Insane, Lon., 
 I88II, Svo; 2d ed., I88II. 3. Un Insanity in Relation to 
 Cardiac and Aortic Diseases and Phthisis, Lon., ISSS, cr. 
 .Micklethwaite, J, 'I', Modern Parish Churches, 
 Lon., 1874, p. ."^vo. 
 " Mr. Mlcklethwaitc's book docs not pretend to he a pro- 
 fniiiid or exhaustive treatise uu iiuulcrii cliurcii iircliltcc- 
 ture: . . . but it contains a hir^'c aiiioiiut of Inl'orniiition, 
 Kivcii in thcclear and simple manner only attained by one 
 ihoroughly acquainted with his subject."- .S/jcc/ii/or, .xh 11. 
 Middlebrook, Mrs. (<race. One Year of my 
 Life: Eleanor Wintlirop's Diary, Bost., 1870, IHuio. 
 jMiddlemass, Jean. I. Lit, Lon., |.S72, 3 vol.. p. 
 Svo. 2, Wild Gcorgie, Lon., IS73, 3 vols. p. Svo; new 
 ed., 1875. 3. Baiting the Trap: a Novel, Lon., 1874, :i 
 vols.]). Svo. 4. Mr. Dorillion : a Novel. Lon., 1870, 3 vols. 
 p. Svo ; newed., 1881. 5. Touch and Go, Lon.. 1877,3 vols. 
 p. Svo 1 new ed., 18;9-SI, I vol. 11. Sealed by a Kiss, Lon., 
 1879, 3 vols. cr. Svo; new ed., 1S8II, 1 vol. 7. Innocence 
 at Play : a Novel, Lon., 1881), 3 vols. cr. Svo. 8. Sack- 
 cloth and Broadcloth, Lon., 1881, 3 vols. p. Svo. (i. 
 Four in Hand: a Novel, Lon., 1881, cr. Svo. III. 
 Dandy: a Novel, Lon., ISSI, 3 vols. p. Svo. II. Patty's 
 Partner, Lon., 1882,3 vols. cr. Svo. 12. Poisoned Ar- 
 rows: a Novel, Lon., ISS4, 3 vols. or. Svo. 13. By Fair 
 Means : a Novel, Lon., 1884, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 14. A (ilirl 
 ill a Thousand, Lon., 1S85, 3 vols, cr, Svo. 15. The 
 Loadstone of Love, Lon., 1880, cr. Svo. 10. Nelly Joce- 
 lyn, Widow, Lon., 1887, 3 vols. cr. 8. j. 17. Vaia's Lord : 
 a Novel, Lon., 1888, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Middlemist, Rev. Francis John, M.A., giad- 
 uated ut Keblo College, Oxford, 1873; ordained 1^71'.: 
 curate of Brightstone, Isle of Wight, 1881-85. Ser- 
 mons preached in a Village Church, Lon., 1885, fp. sy,,. 
 itiiddlemore, S. tJ. C. (Trans.) Civilization of 
 the Period of the Renaissance in Italy, by J, Bunk- 
 hardt, Lon., 1878, 2 vols. Svo. 
 lYIiddlemorc, Mrs. Maria Trinidad Howard, 
 wife of S. G. C. Middlemore, hiijuk. Round a Posada 
 Fire : Spanish Legends. Illust. Lon., 18S3, lOmo. 
 " What can have imluced .Mrs. Middlemore to publish as 
 her own a book which is nntliiiig but a series of clumsy 
 traiislatiniis. more or less shortened, from the work of a 
 youiiK Spaniard who died twelve years ago? . . . Of .Mrs. 
 Middlcuiorc's ten stories eight are translated from the 
 Spanish of Gustavo Be<'quer. — yl(/i., No. L'.s,s."). 
 (This charge is, however, withdrawn in No. 2892, in a 
 paragraph appended to a letter from Mrs. Middleiiiuie, 
 in which she explains that Becquer's stories, with which 
 she had been )ireviou8ly unacquainted, were, like her 
 own, versions of popular Spanish legends, claiming no 
 originality except in the treatment.) 
 Middlelon, Lady. See Willoiohiiv. 
 Middleton, A. I). Benefits of Sanitary Reform as 
 shown at Salisbury, Salisbury, 1805, Svo. 
 Middleton, A. C aII about Mnemonics, Lon., 
 1885, p. Svo ; Aiuer. tJ., entitled " Memory Systems, New 
 and Old," rev. and enl., with a Bibliography of .Alneiiiou- 
 ics, 1325-1888, by G. S. Fellows, M.A., N. York, Is.'JS, 
 12mo. See Fkli.ows, G. S., mipni. 
 Middleton, A. Gordon. Ernest and the Pil- 
 grim Poet, Edin., 1806, 12uio. 
 Middleton, Charles. Magic Lantern Dissolving 
 View Painting, Lon., 1876, Svo. 
 Middleton, Gmpson E. 1. The Cruise of " The 
 Kate," Lon., 1870, ]). Svo. 2. (Trans.) Virgil's .Kneid, 
 Books I. and II., Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 3. The Land 
 Question, Lon., 1S7I, 12ino. 
 Middleton, F. Uberto; or, The Errors of the 
 Heart : a Drama, in Five Acts, N. York, 1807, lOmo. 
 Middl^'tnn, F. A. Refer to Me: Facts, MannliiO- 
 j tures, Discoveries, Inventions, Ac, Lon., 1870, 12iiio; 
 new ed., IS75. 
 Middleton, Rev. Frank Edward, graduated at 
 Clare College, Cambridge, 1876; ordained 1876; reetor 
 in«»'n,:i"i!,;z;:,;;r',:;';^i;i!^ "'"'"' ""• ™^'""^ """"■ 
 l|<'Wl^■<i^(,Mr.^Il^M, ,,','' '•■"",""•'. '■■"■lit .„■ M„„|l, 
 Ii"ii."-A'«/. AVr., Ixi y,-, '""■liil prrs„iml fxiunirili- 
 fuM'h^nr^rt'ime^hlu'l"'',-,^',''''''^'''''' '">» wrilt,.,,, we f.vl ! 
 r.Mll/.o tfu. .,hj.!;:ls" .0 \K ,1 :i'';;f V, "'""■'"'^■s, "nh 
 Uirv.'-Aeml., xxix. .•fj. """"""'* "f Kuiuuii urclili™- I 
 .Uiddleton, Juspnh i \f . , > 
 The l>emi,o,r8 Wiiv.'' • ><; ,; f ''"';«';'■'■«"• Uw; „r, 
 .Mitldlctoii. It F i. ■ '"","•> I"'*', 11)1110. 
 ..a.,U at tho lor"-Iiri:i«„,',':',;'^"l';s'i""8vr' *''"'"''™- 
 .M.ddl,,t«„.Hake. ke Wakk 
 .-■uth Aiiierioii, iin.l eoiiti' I , t^l „ """'^' >"""''< '" 
 Linniean Society | «,".,?, °'" I'"'"'" '" "'» , 
 "»y. I'on., 1,S70, .•; voir.!,, •)«;,"? 'a'"'"" '" "'"- ' 
 the Hi.tori,;, p'"of l?a|' f V"."".?- ■'''''•■"■''^•■■' »f 
 i-.-l'iro to the eIhL "fc ™'! ">/""'"■ "'« """mn 
 .., I -HO. 
 .Wil.'s,(Je»rg.- Henry, [„'„„,, 'ol ii „,i,i i i«9j 
 (hrisliiR., „,„! ,„| ,, ''«•, 'V"-' '' '"•'!'• I. 
 I IS^''!i'Hv"' "• '^"Kl" '•"""» Wonl-Dook, I,u,,., 
 'ii.'!*irj "7^,r'::'i;\f"'''i'r^ --• 
 "•^••iS, an heu 'h • '"' """■"'■■' "ivinit>- School 
 4; .''iianiiiii^'/-!,:;;,,, ;/■ :7' ^^r'T';"""!- "l^^- 
 I'lion.l; or, Triiiii„.|i8 , r „ V- ' . "' "'"''" "' » 
 I2>"«. fi. ■Kice ' PI, ''•'«'""» I'ifo, Host.. 1,S70, 
 "His reason iiiL'' i*; tn ii>i^ ,.«■ . 
 ^1- n.ur... .ill l;:,,^ ^hS;;;'i\,;^M;!-^;^J-iHf 
 l-'n. 1876, Sv,,. '""' "**''"'' of betters and Arts, 
 -s^trtaloi; xlix. Ur,^ ""' "'"' Plwisiire aiKi ,,rollt." 
 "ijatovieh, Madamp r i 
 '.birth: i.i,.He.t:!:!r^h!::.^;^,-„^:;«;i^i::--i 
 I ;i.'['"^' HJfUi of Jcvii,, Host., 1 877 p.,,,,, 
 I r;'";^7n;'iS!^T "'^■^'^'''^'-^"'^ 
 ^.nJ Fort -Four Vet, 17: ;''';;'■'■; *"■■'"« '^"'-- """'''"J 
 fna-ii^i wi;fi^:'s;rV;iit';;l,;^;;'\:i '"-i "^ ; "-'" -<-■ 
 lii'Miirs lln. adinlrorv „ir ,'"."".''' ^"I""!.!!. t„ „i|„.|>i 
 i"ll.v the i.i/isliali'Mrofi; ,''''•'■' '".'-• "^' '■* i'"'!"! I'l- 
 the Fi'nT.; K"!!in,lt"?".M""-c ''''^'^^ "«"'^ ^ «"'»« of 
 ^ilie8:M«„|i''''';':. ^;t'"8/. '"'"•. '■'^■^H, P2,iio. 
 • '""'»• ;;^'"'^V>"''r''"«'"''™«'i™l Treat. 
 ««■« • 
 Mill, John. I. Primiiry Iii.|ii,«trliil iin<l Tw'hnlniil 
 Eilueftiicn, l.on., |H7|, j,, sv". 2. Wliut in Iiiiluatriiil 
 mill TiTlinii'iil KJuouiiun ? Twu OnitlonH, Iiun,, 1871, 
 .Ylill, John." Tlio OttmniiiiK In Kiiri>(iii or, Turkey 
 in the I'ri'fii'ht Crisis, I,on., 1S77, Svu. 
 Mill, John Ntiiiirt, [•mil, vol. li., ixiil.,] ISIIH- 
 \X7'-1 llo ri'liri'cl lioiii his jiost lit Iho Iniliiiii Ollli'i' in 
 lH,i8, on thu lriin«IVr<il' tliu Kovoriiincnl fr II.'! Coiii- 
 Jiiiny til thu troivn,— n niiu^uro lo which liu whh Htriin;(ly 
 iiplMWuil,— unil ilivlincil It 8«i\l in thr ('mincil lor Imliii, 
 whiuli wii.i niiliauniicnlly livicu iilVurcl to him. Ilti wim 
 cIciIimI .\1.1'. Inr Westiiiin.itiT in ISflll, hut clufoiitc.l iit 
 thu Kununil uloution of l.stlS. In I.-*!!* he wim eho-^uii 
 ruutiir of tho liiivursity of St. Anilruwu. Uurinft thu 
 hint four yi'iirs of his lil'u hu ruiiiiluil iil Avignon, in thu 
 Bouluty III .Miaa llilcn Tiiylor, whosii luoliiur hinl be- 
 come his wile ;n IH.'il, lniii nilu'l him in thu |iro|iara- 
 tion of Heveriil nf IiIh wiuks, iiiiil hml liieil in I.S5.S. I. 
 Thipuxhts iin I'lirliiinicntiiry Koform, Lon., I S.'itf, 8vo. !i. 
 (In liihcrly, l,on., IM.V.I, p.'.Svo ; new eii., |S()5. 
 " .Mr. Mill huK'ins liy triicliin very »hcirtly the khiwiIi of 
 tlKM(im'u|itlniiiif llborly. Aflur dhowliiK limv U iiuiiiit, In 
 early times, till. llllssl■^.^l(Ml uf imiuiiiiltii's mi thu iiiirt nf 
 milijucls which llielr riilei-> were iini hi he allnweil tn in- 
 Iriii^e,— anil limv to this .iiiceeeileil the tlieury of ii ilele- 
 ^:iliiiii liy the iiatliin. tn ii eertaiii iiiiiiilier nl UKeiil.s. of 
 jiiiHer.s til ho e.\eriisei| I'ur the ciiiiimnii k'"«I- - he .shiiw.s 
 Iiiiw III our own iliiy the iinieiss must be ciirrleil i\ step fur- 
 ther, iiiiil liiiw the rl«lit.s iif iinllviilimls must be pnitecteil 
 fti;a! the ii|ipres.siiiii nf siii'ietv at laijfe. . . . Weiliiimt 
 think It wiiiihl have heeii piissil'ile to i vev In the .same 
 Kpaou a greater (piaiility iif inatlir which Is I'mt only vulii- 
 nblo, hilt ahsiiliucly vital."— .sVir. Her., vll. iNi. 
 :i. Dis.sertations iinil Di.seus.sionn, Lon., 18oH-(i7, ;i I 
 vols. 8vo; :M eJ., 1875, 4 vols, J, ("onsiilerutiomi on | 
 Kupresentalive (Jovernment, l,on., 18(11, 8vo ; ,'M eil,, | 
 180.1. 5. I'tilitarianism, liiin.. lSti2. 8vo; new eil., |S7l. j 
 fi. An K.xaiiiination of ."sir William Ilninilton's I'liiloso- i 
 phy, anil of tho Principal I'hilosophical Questions (li.s- 
 eusscil in his Writings, Lon., 18fi5, 8vii; 5th oil,, |m78, ' 
 "The imliit.s at Issue between the sehiinls arc now ex- ! 
 liiblteil with aillslliicincss hlthertiiuiikiiiiwii ; fiininiiedf Willi have coinlialeil Ilanilltun a vlew.siif plillnsiipliy I 
 liiive Kiveii a wlinlc miml iiKaiiisl a wliole niiinl. imr have - 
 Jireneiiteilu.s, illsiliH'tl.v aiKliiiiainhlKiinuslv. with tlienplii- 
 iiiiis which are In repliiee tlinse iliev wuiilil refute. Here 
 It is .Mill irrniis Uamlltiui, aiul both ill the Held."— .1(A., 
 Nil. I'.Nil. 
 7. Augusto Cointo ami I'osilivisin, Lon., 1865, Svo; 
 3il ed., I~<s:i. ,s. Inaujjural Aililruss to tho Students of 
 the I'nivursily of St, Andrews, Lon., 1887, 8vo. 9. Eng- 
 land and Ireland, Lon., 1868, 8vo. 10. The Subjection 
 of Women, Lon., I8l!i), p. Svo; 4th ud., 1878. 
 " The ease nf the ailvueates of wiimen's rlxht.s has never 
 been sn ably stated lus in the llltle vnliime before iis. ami 
 pmhalily nearly everythliit? tliey will .sav hereafter will be 
 salil simply in ainplillcatinn or illnstrutlim of Mr. Mill's 
 arj{ument»."— AVi^iiiii, \k. "J. 
 11. On tho Lund Quo-stion, Lon., 1870, p, Svo. 
 12. .Vutohiography, Lon., 187.!, Svo. 
 "The blink Is compn.sed with the thoiiKlitfiil care ami 
 iinisli of style which liavo made the writer's works popu- 
 lar iiotwithslaiiiliii^jihe dryness and nf many 
 111 the suhjeet.s which he treated. I'rntialilv iin .scholar iir 
 iihilnsophcr has left an eipiallv full and faitlifi.l history of 
 Ills ediicalinii and his Intellectual life, file iiiieiinselims 
 revelations of character wlileli are often the most valuable 
 part of an aiHobinKrapliy hear an iiniisiiallv small propor- 
 tion tntliedelilierate nariativc, because .Mr! .Mill's piirpnse 
 of writing a candiilaci.Muiit nf his life was madeell'ective 
 by his loin; practice uf psyeliolnsieal observatiuii."— s'(i(. 
 Jiei'., .\.x.\vl. .'i70. 
 "The bonk will be found, we think, even by Mr. Mill'.s 
 most strenuniis diseiples, u drearv one. It shows that, in 
 spite 111 all Mr. .Mill's genuine and tienerons enn.passlnn 
 fnr human misery and his keen desire to alleviate It, Ills 
 relation to concrete hnmanily was of a verv cnnlined and 
 reserved kind . . . His nature was eniiiposed of a few very 
 line threads, hut wanted a certain slreiinth of basis, and 
 the KBUeral ellect. thoiiKli one of hi^h and even eiitliu- 
 sia.stic disiiitercstediievs, is meagre and pallid."- .s'otdii- 
 tur, .\lvl. 1337. 
 "I have never read a more uninteresting hook, nor. I 
 should .say, a sillier, by a man of, InleKrItv, and se- of mind. ... It is wliollv the life of a liiijle- 
 clioppliigeiiKliie. little more of Ininian In it than if it Inid 
 been dime by a tiling nf macadamized inni. . . . As a 
 innnrnful psychical curiosity, but in tin other point of 
 view, can it Interest anvliodv."— T; (Uki.yi.f. : Uller lo Br 
 J. Oirlijle, ap. Fronde, Ciirlijlc's Life in Loiiilim, Amer. ed., 
 !'!. Nature, the Utility nf Religion, and Thei.-im : 
 Three Essays. Lon., 1874,'8vo; lid ed., 18K5. 
 They are rather outlines than dissertations, outlines 
 and iniiierfent Is his exposition hereof the most renmrku- 
 ble and eharaclerlstic idea of this work. 'I'luit Idea wc 
 i take 111 be that the existence of |ialii and evil, and even 
 of contrivance and design, in the uiiImtsc, is In liscHam 
 i pie evidence Ihat the Cieatnr of II, if there 1h' a Criiilor is 
 ; I'lther Kieatly llinlled In power, or ninrally Iniin'rlici, or 
 bnth. Ihls Is the idea rniinliiK thrniiKh all the essays."— 
 • .V,,,c/ii(m|-, .xlvli. l.UV,. 
 Millnr, A. II. I. The llhiok I'ulendur of .Scoihind. 
 Illnst. Dundee, IHs|. (An accniiiil ofsesun .'"ciitih 
 itiiiHrH , ■fill,, IK. ) ■>, The Story of l^lcell Mary of Seoi 
 land, Lon., 18M5, 48nio. 
 .Milliir, Frvdcrii-k I'hiirlVM JiiirivM, Q.c, l,. 
 ISL'S; graduated iit tliu I niversily id London is.i); 
 callud to the bar at the inner feniplu 1850. With Col.. 
 I.IKU, ,J. It., Truiitise on the Law of liills of Salu • I'd 
 ' ed., Lon., 1800, iL'iiio; 4tli eil„ 1877. 
 j .Milllir, John. Hints on Insanity and Signin ' 
 I rortilieales, Lon., l.siil, fp. 8ni| L'd ed., uul., I877, I:'!,,,?, 
 Milliir, \tillinni J. 1. The Principles of .\|c. 
 chanies, and their Application In Prime .Movers, Naval 
 Aruhitecture, ,le., Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 2. An InlriMlni'- 
 tioii to Iho UiU'erentinl and Integral Oalcnliis, Li.ii,, |ss,',, 
 IL'mo. 'A. Tho Clyde, from itn Source to the Sea. Illii.t' 
 Lon., 18SS, Svo. 
 .Ylilllird, K. K. Random Casts 1 or, Odds and IJii- 
 froiii an Angler's Nolu-liook. liy E. E. M. N. Vmli 
 Millnrd, Emily, and Ari-hcr, .Mnry. I. (Trans. > 
 Hayard tho Daunlless, and otiier Historical Tales; 
 the French 01 iMadanie do Wilt, Lull., |8S5, p. Svn. :;. 
 (Trans.) Stories from Life; from theKruncliof MihIiiiih' 
 lie Witt. Ilhist. Lon., l.'<88, cr, Svo. 
 Millnrd, Henry II., .M.l). 1. The Climate and 
 Statistics of ('onsnmption, N. York, IL'ino. 2. A (fuidc 
 for Emergencies r containing llonneopalhic Treatiiieiit, 
 N. York, 180;i, 24niii. :i. (Trans.) Monogriiph on A.-n- 
 nite: its Therapeulie and Physiidogical Ell'ects, hv \\ . 
 lieil, Phila., Svo. 4. (Trans.) Lectures on liright's' IHs- 
 case of tho Fvidneya, by ,1. iM. Charcot; edited by Dour- 
 nuville and Sevestrc. Illi.t. N. York, 1881. Svo, 
 Alillnrd, U<'v. James ICIwin, M.A., D.I)., |.,„(,, 
 vol. ii., ailil.,1 gniduiited at iMagdalen College, O.vford, 
 1815, and uleetid Fellow; ordained 1846; head-imi..ter 
 of Magdalen Kchool, U.xford, 1810-04, and since then 
 vicar of liasingstnke ; lion, canon of Winchester since 
 1882. I. The Ishind Choir; or. The Children nf thu 
 Child Jesus, Lon., 1817. 2. A Short Account nf lias- 
 ingstoke, Ijasing, and the Neighbourhood, Lon., I,s74, 
 Millnrd, Willinm. 1. Tho Idiot and his Helpers; 
 Asylums for the Idiot and Imbecile, Lon,, 1804, 12ino. 
 2. A Miinnal for the Clasuficiitinn, Training, ami Kdu- 
 cationof tho Feoble-Alin i-i!. Imbecile, and Idiotic, Lon., 
 186fl, Svo. 
 Miller, Major, R.A. 
 18511, Lon., 1805, Svo. 
 Miller, A. H. The Story of Rob Roy, Glasg.iw, 
 1.S84, H2mo. 
 Miller, A. P. 
 York, 188(1, 12mo. 
 Miller, A. W. 
 The Italian Campaign of 
 Consolation, and other Poems. N. 
 ', Dublin, |S5 
 .'roof of Title 
 to Heal 
 A cVeigh. 1. lim- 
 , !2nio. 2. The Sena 
 which require filling tin tn prmluce their full effect on the 
 Consider, for instance, how e.\eeedingly faint 
 Tho Straits of Miigelhin and llio 
 Eastern Shores of the Pacific Ocean Lon., 1884, IJnio. 
 Miller, Alexander Kdivard, LL.D., y.C . b. 
 1828; graduated at Trinity Coi'c' 
 to the bur at Lincoln's Inn 1854. 
 Estates, Lon., 1862, l2mo. 
 Miller, Mrs. Alexander 
 nette and Blonde, N. Y'ork, 1887 
 tor's liriile, N. York, 18,'.7, 12ino. 
 Miller, Andrew. The Rise and Progress of ('..nt- 
 bridge, Lon,, 1804. p. Svo. 
 Millsr, Mrs. Anna C, (Johnson,) 18:i2-lss:;; 
 married to C. H. Miller, vij',;i, ISO.'i, and divorced ls7ii. 
 1. The Myrtle Wreath ; or. Stray Leaves Recalled. Hv 
 Minnie Myrtle. N. York, 1S54. 2. Tho Iroquois; or. The 
 Bright Side of Indian Cliaracter, N. Y'ork, 1 8.1.1, 1 2111". 
 Miller, Annah de Pni. (V.i.) Whoand Wlmt : a 
 C'ompendinm of (leneral Infornialion, Phila., 1877, I2iiiii. 
 Miller, Mrs. Annie Jenness. Barbara Thuvir, 
 her (iloriiius Career: a Novel, Bust., 1884, lOnio. 
 Miller, Kev. .Augustus Jameson, M.A., gru ln- 
 ated, first class Thool., at Exeter College, Oxford. IS7 1; 
 ordained 1875; vicar of Middleton, Y'orkshire. 18S11-S7. 
 and since then rector of Wootton. The Three Mirr ir.< ; 
 an Allegory, Leeds, 1882. 
 Miller, C. II. Katie's Perplexities touching the 
 Death of Napoleon HI., Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 
 :VS^AiV;ii:-:..-UT;^,Vifi^;*i!^^S^.#^iii>i%'*^tti;t^^ iS'":' 
 N. The Victory Wnn. rilii^t 
 Miller, Mm. v. 
 N. \nrk, 187(1, I (lino. 
 A. I. Ill«( 8(i(., .\a.-<liviMi. IK-I i.i. '"'";,■•''"< K» 111 
 of c....,uri,.,'N,Jh;m"^s^;,';..l:r'- "• "'" ''"""'•" 
 .'iillor, C'|iiirl«N llfiirv. !■ 'lsi> i., v v . 
 I'r-i.le.,t „!■ ,1,., n' V V„ k';; , • 't'ls « '"'^\T 
 (■.:n!iu!":,'s!z'ri'*:,,-\'"r''»« "" '"o '- <"• ".o 
 Mill-., .. • li-'iOTiml I'miitTty, Cin., luss ,Si-,i 
 ..fti™ in' 'Onnynn • V Or ' n' r„" 1 s.m' -';,'',"""' " '""■ 
 ."'■kthoHr-tn,, e,, lis h ';;,','" '^i""?" '"'S"..'!. U 
 Tl.eCnci llu.l his In "s 1:1, vwim^^^ I""-''"' •'"•Hlty. . . . 
 III... ,llK. lawless ...v^'wi^nwXu.V^^nr "''■' '^'■'''•«'^•'-■ 
 "•....".".I,H,sora,"''i^i, '^.""i'^^'J 'J' the e„>,. 
 llii'lit'st iicicni n Mr \riiii„.'J iV •^'','"' "'o. 
 "..f. wl,i,.l, lli'ur" U.e iiu. f'-TLI'""' ^■" .".«-■ If the first ' 
 f...i<fivtMl. an, I. uisu s, ,. of (h..i" ''■!'■ ■ • ■ " I" >v«II 
 i.TI,l„,?, « ■ ""mil,!?, l^,)st., IS?;!. Iliiiiii 
 fi.e™;:,i;^';:r,:';^^- >-'-H! ■'!' ''"p-vomont o,. ; 
 I., senliniunl: . tli n.i^ ,t„ [i^'V? **''' "'"an,! iTii,!.- ' 
 '...y.lhl.iy reaMy\;s :'.f , ''l^'';;;;;,''';"l't if there wiai ; 
 Z(jnnin.'^'_.V„/^„, ^^Ijil ","' '" <^^<)m'eptiuii as the 'Arl- I 
 iiiust!"H;ir;.,;';-^[ao"'4't"r«-'''t «'«"'-• 
 li"»t., 1875, I2m„. ^''* '''"I' '" llie Desert, i 
 >..' iv" «„rk i„ i.r,,«c: ■■-.".','//,;;;, '/xi';',';;'',';;',''''' '"»■ """ki- 
 II Th,!"i; 7' '''''"' ""'''•■^'■'■'"■r^ -f Ihe'siorn,. IMSI 
 1 .The I).„trneln,n ,.r (),„ha,n, .\. V„rk, I s.s •",,?, 
 "'"-" ..''•'.'I"i.l,,rri,l,es ''-Vv/,!', '^Hi''^^ 
 is;!^;!;:;!' "«*'••• Arhma.ll'lru; AbL..y. ,.„„„ 
 Milirl; k! s^''1n''::' V';^»"-^' ■''"'"■• '^■■■'' "^".". 
 .• .S.M...,n', i;„su' is/', '1'", ''""^^'"•" •■ "'« t-.iok-IhK.k „f 
 ?^"/';::.^*-''''" '"'""•■'■'-'""' Li" Manh„o,l,I,„n., 
 (•..K''o^f"7fsf/'!":rV',^:^;« ."-1 «t x..„ 
 v.ii'il^'in;;!i\!'™mi,;^;;'/;i'"Uh {"^'"^y"-..' 'i...trin..s ,„■ 
 AVt„ xIv. nw, """"""> "'l' hus yet a|,|K..are,l."-.s„/. 
 ;'.^.'Us:u:ri^;;'^i,,^T^j»^'"-' or the 
 Millt-r KM P M '.,,"";' '■""" ■"■•'™'''"„ks: 
 of Exhau;,e,l Vital:,' n' yi-k iVrr's " "".'l'" V"""'- 
 tide, ..Vital For,.«-l,»U' .'■'•*■"■ "'' t'''-. en- 
 I NT J. 2. y:pcmia iT v" "' ' '""' '"'« l'"-^'. > i'.l." 
 ••i^'uio. 1. ||„„. to ])a I '''\'^'y}^"y- >• Vork, 1870, 
 ' N. V.,rk, 1870 ;;'„:,' ''"■ " "™'' '"■• ^very (iirl,' 
 ' mu!\%f"Z''''"''- ^■"'^■» "f Eastern Sketuhc, 
 1S.X5, l(i,no. *' •' ^""«'""' '^'"'■''■>'- I."ui.ville, Kv., 
 ntRivcrsi.leFariu.^q ,6,uo \ <^ ' '";'• "• ^ ^■""• 
 !»'■>.. .«<). I (lino. fl. Filhiil,!,? r '''""'^'- •'•«™.'» 
 ((Oiiiprises most of tl,.. f ■ ',' '' *"''■ '""'»■ 
 '.>.tl."r^s^ealialcnmKl,r,V'll ';''■;■ '"P ' ' 'f '"e 
 Vo...un,U„.', ,s;V'.,',';;,^l/|'^«- «• Ihe .)„« Fair 
 tl.« U^?e i^s a ^™y'r;j^i;!^/.ll1Y"''^^""•y """". At 
 d,Miot hesitate to sav t i„f , . I "°''' '^"'^' ""« which we wriiten. There iir n,,!?"" ')"'," '"'"' l>"et c ,id 
 1.111 there is no ,"'t „ «,. r?,'''!'" '' <"' «™" I't^ii tv 
 i.'.ta n„vel."_../(A., 'v,','.','-.,'^""' ""'1 "« <-har«oter, and u is 
 Thl. l". "i"""'?'^ "f New York, N York 187 
 ;^ TheDa;;?;;^'rth ^:;rl^,i"'-'v.'«-'- '-"">• 
 l-'mu.- Chio ISSI r,- """ey'an. N. York, 1877 
 1^7S, ,8,„;'"- '''»'■ """O- '.'..Song, of Italy. ' Bo,,'. I 
 '■Th,. '«., /.,.,.. I 
 iJ^w '"i''"'" .Of Shasta, Chic, 1; 
 r2\M":'l '?-?'•«''' Edition, 
 188I,l«ino. U. i-oet. 
 '^•M-orieiJHi;;:r^!'-^ii^-^^^S^. .2.0. 
 'Apples, N. Vor)<, |,sf(7,]2n,o ' It wi .', '"• *""'"- 
 Miiior > 'I; ^■-''' '"'"«. '''- '''"■"" '■" 
 «nd the ,:A.!i;, i:;;:r;;:i;f' ;-;:« -" Evening IVayer 
 I y^^rJ^;^::t± ''l-^VicK, i. the wife of 
 Health, Lon, 78^8. ,.;^,:"'"^.^' "'.'^'"^^ ''-e.^crvation „f 
 I'ietures of the lli, n ^'.1 V ^""■■' "f '^•'"'"".y ; or, 
 I'rcs,, I.o„., |S7« ' ' .' ,t^'""'' I'es,.ri,,,i,.e Letter-' 
 for 8ehools an,l Bieinnp;': '"■"?"..'" ^"'''"' Eeonoinv 
 Martinean, ("KnXmW, ,'''•■••;,'•''''• '™- •<■ UarriJt 
 Mi'-sing Chapter inH.oi.'^ Cincinnati's D.ginnings ,• 
 nim;'!,r^2'K;pol<!"t;!,i"'' ^^l'"^-, Practical 
 l.'*85, or. Svo. 2. (Jln.s P„ir,.- ■ ^ ' Mnni'Lestor, 
 iJesign. must. I88,r/s T 'rr'.""' P"'"^i|'l"^ "f 
 of Ci/ours and'tJh!,:.^'^^!, -";-«■, ^t^" "V ^''- 
 M'.ller, U, 
 1S71, ISiuo. 
 I'raotical ChrUtianity, Clevelan,!, 0., 
 — <:: 
 niilcr, (JcorKC A Trip t j Scu rrum IHIU tu |M|3, 
 lion.i l^''li ll'inc. 
 .tlillpr, Itvv. (iituTKC, M.A.,<'ilueiiti'il nt Wiir<'o>tcr 
 Ccilli'jji'. Ovliiril j iiriliiiiiud l^jtl; viour iil' llnilwiiy ainoo 
 ISIKI. lllMiMlail Skvloliu^ III' till) KiiKlish Cliuri'li fur 
 tho KhkII"'' I'lopla. Illiint. I.iiii., Is^N, |>. Mv<<. 
 .tlillcr, II, 1>. 'I'liv HL'nn'it.v of Uuuii'atlo Hcrvuntii 
 CituHf itii'l Iti'intiily, l.fin,, \^U\, rjiiiit. 
 Millcr< .>lrN. Iliirrlel, iMiiiiii,) b. IK.'II, at Aii- 
 imrn, N.V.: rciiKncil nt iir I'liily uku tu Oliii) ; iniirrii'cl, 
 1H4II, to Wiitlii S. Miller ; rrnidi'il many yt'iirn In C'liloikHu, 
 iinil Inter In llrniiklyn. She wrili* unil<>r tli« nnino <>f 
 "Olivii Tliiirni) Mlllor." I. Mitk' i'lAku In Fimthors ami 
 Fur, iind Oilier- in Ni-lllier. llliiKt. N. Vork, 1S79, mi, 
 Mvo. 2. Niin|iii'iiTriiul)li'a. Illiint. N. Viirk, ISTll, l2ino, 
 .'I. (incur I'fU lit .Miufy'K. Illu-I. N. Viirk, ImmO, »n. Kyu. 
 •I. Mtll« I'diplo III' Aula. Illunt. N, York, l^Kll, Bii. Svii. 
 5. Itiril- \Viiy», lliml., IMSf), Iflnm. 
 " It iliii'S ma pri'tenil tu liu iili'iillllu. yet nil who read It* 
 (lellKlitlnl piiuns will lie linpri'N>eil with Its truthrullieM,— 
 the liest iif M'leliee."— .V(i((i/«, xlil. lHli. 
 II. [n N'e,i|lnn-Tiine, Diicl,, ISSH, I2nii). 
 .Yliller, ICuv. IlL-iiry, .M.A., Knuluateil nt iMiiKilit- 
 'on ('iilk'ne, (Kfonl, IS.^II, and elected Follnw ; ordained 
 I.HdJ; viear nl' Asliliury ninuo iMil). I. The tineiilion 
 of Intorpretutlon Plainly Stated, In Reference to Cortiiln 
 VIewK put riirlli by the AnlhnrH of tho " Kimayn and Ko- 
 views, lion., I8lil, Kvo. 2. rioiuc Account of tho I'arinh 
 of AKhlinr), 1m77. 
 .>lilli-r, lt(>v. Henry. ( Ed.) Memolra of Or. Hubert 
 Blakey, llelfast, IS71I, p. Hvo. 
 .>liiler, Itcv. Henry Walter, M.A., I). Mua., 
 (?niiluiiteil at Ciirpus t'hrisll Culle^e, (l.xford, IHfl7; or- 
 dained K*ltt'<; vicar of SI. .Inlin Iho Divine, H'chuiund, 
 Surrey, Ift79-S5. I, The Wiiy of I'raycr : ii iStio'.i of 
 Devotiiini for Church and Iloi;?o; 2d ed., Lon., 1H78, 
 P.'ino. 2. Tho Oolden Chain : u Manual of Intorcoinory 
 I'riiyor, Iion., I SSI, :i2mo. 
 Miller, lli-rberl Percy. The Queen's Sixty; a 
 Guide lo the Art of Kiile-Shooting; llth ed.. entitled 
 "Tho ynoen's Hundred," Ac, Lon,, IH.Hrt, 16nio. 
 .filler, J. (Tranj.; Virtjil's ..Eneid, In English 
 Blank Verse, l,on., ISBI!, p. Svo. 
 Miller, J. Coftl-Mino Oanea and Ventilation, Lon., 
 187S, p. Svo. 
 Miller, J. A. Di|ihthcrlti8, St. LouIk, ISS7, l2nio. 
 iMiller,.lanieN. I. The Pathology of Iho Kiilney in 
 Scarlatina, Lon.,, .syo. 2, Phyniolony in Harmony 
 with the llible as lo the Sabbath, Lnn., \xi)l, l2nio. ;i. 
 Alcohol : iU Place ami Power, l>on., 1H57, 12mo. 4. 
 NephalisHi, the True Temperance of Scripture, Lon., 
 ISIU, fp. Svo. 
 .liiller, James O. • A Picture of Life; or, Tho 
 Uuinbow (.'liib, ,\lonlj;ornery, N'.Y., I.S78, Itlmo. 
 Miller, llev. Jiimei^ Itiissell, D.U. I. Week- 
 Day UeliK'ion, Pbila., IflSII, Kiino. 2. The Perfect Home, 
 Lon.,, 5 parls, s((. l6ino. ii. Silent Times: a Book 
 to Help in Reading the Bible into Life, .\. York, I.SSli, 
 12m(>. 4. Tho Wedded Life, Phila., l.SSll, Ifimo. 5. Come 
 ye Apart : Daily Morning Readings in the Life of, 
 N. \ork, Is87, 12mo, Ii. Practical Religion: a Help 
 for Ihe Coininoii Days, Phila., ISS.S, IBmo. 
 .Miller, .Hrs. Janet. Kinfolk. Illust. N. Y^ork, 
 1S7'.I, si|. Himo. 
 Miller, Jouqiiin. Sec, Ciscin.v.vtls H., 
 Miller, Uev. John, [mne, vol. ii., Mii.lkr, Rrv. 
 J., add.,] b. islll, u, Princeton, N.,J. : son of Samuel 
 iMillcr, D.D., (i;. I'., (inle, vol. ii. ;) graduated at Prince- 
 ton College in 18:111, and at Princeton Theological Semi- 
 nary in 1842; was pastor of Presbyterian churches in 
 Frederick, Md,, Philadelphia. Pa., and Petersburg, Va. ; 
 served as captain of artillery in tho Confederate army 
 during tho civil war, and has since resided in Princeton, 
 where ho has founded and been paslor of three congre- 
 gations. Ho was dismisse.l from tho presbytery of bis 
 church in LS77 for holding hetcrodcc view.s on tho sub- 
 ject of the Trinity, but on appeal to the synod of New 
 Jersey was allowed to withdr iw as an independent cler- 
 gyman without deposition. 1. A Commentary on Prov- 
 erbs, N. York, 186.'!. 2. Felioh in Theology ; or, Doc- 
 trinalism akin to Ritualism, N'. York, 1S"4, 12mo. .3. 
 MetRphysii'5, the i'?ciel»ee of Perception, N. I'urk, iS7i, 
 Svo. 4. Questions awakened by the Bible, Phila., 1877. 
 12mo. 5. Creed, Princeton, 1879. 6. Theology, 1887. 
 7. Commentary on Romans, 18, 7. 
 Miller, Mrs. John A., (" Faith Latimer," psoud.) 
 I. The Children'n Church, Phllii., 18118, IHino, 3, Krorn 
 Bethlehem to Calvary, ls7lt lllino. :i. Hear Old .Stories 
 told once more: Bible Slorlun. IllufI, N. York, IS77, 
 4to, 4. Dear Old Storlen. I Hunt. .V. York, IM'II, i| 
 vols 4tii. !>, PicturcH anil Sliirii's uf I,ong A ,'o. Illiiri. 
 N, York, 1879, so. Hvo. rt. .lemis upon Kiiilh. Illii-i. 
 .N. York, 1881, lllmii. 7. Ono Hour a Woel., N. York 
 1881, llitii.,. 
 .Miller, Juhn lilei-ckcr. Trade Organliation' m 
 I'lilitiis ; [iilsii| i'rogress and Robbery: an Answer ti 
 Henry (lomge, N. York, l'<H7, Mv,,. 
 .Miller, Itev. John ('ale, D.D., [miir, vol, ii,, 
 I add., I grailuiitcd at Llmnln College, Oxford, I8.'t',l) ree- 
 j tor of Si, Martin's, BlrminKham, I84A-Illl| vioar uf 
 tlreenwith Isiill. I. Insiilratlon Vindicated 
 I Kssay on " Essays and Reviews,' 1861, l2mo. 2. I'arn. 
 I ehial Sermons, Lon., Isiil, fp, 8vo. ;t, The lllcenlcniii v 
 ■ Controversy. l)y a llirmingham Clergyman. I.i.n., 
 1 18fi2, 4. Two Farewell Sermons prenclied in Si. .>!iir- 
 I tin's, Kirmingham, Lon., IHiIII, 8v». h. Letters to a 
 1 Young Clergyman, Lon,, 1878, p. 8vo, 
 i .Miller, llev. JitNcph, ll,D,, edncaiedat thornliid 
 t'ollege, St. Andrews, and at St. Ilees ; ordained l.sTi',; 
 rector of (Ireat llolas since I8S6. I. Cure of the Kvils 
 in tho Cbureli of .Seothind, and other Papers. Fii-l 
 , Series. Lon., 187.'), p. Hvo. 2. Social Prayers for Fivn 
 Sundays, Lon., 187:s l2ino. .'t. The Thirly-Nino Arliiii . 
 of the Chunh of England : an Hislorical and Specula 
 j tive E.xposition, Lun., 1878-8i, 4 vols. cr. Hyi,. 
 I Miller, JuNiah, d. 18811; secretary to the Liindmi 
 I City Mission, I. Our Hymns: their Authors and Oii. 
 gin, Lon., 1811(1, p. 8vo. 2. Our Disponsation ; or, 'Hi.' 
 Place we occupy, Lon., I8II8, 12ino. .'1. Singers an I 
 Songs of the Chnroh ; 2il ed., Lon., 18119, p. Sn,. 1. 
 { Christianum Organum : Method in Scripture and Sclinii'. 
 Edited by ,1. II. (ilidstone. Lon., I87n, p, 8vo. 
 Miller, K " 
 Engine, Lon,, 1804, l2uio. 
 Miller, K. .M. Questions on the 
 , |i. 8vo. 
 Miller, K. I. Tlic Destiny of Man |)roved I'l- 
 Reason, and the Infallibility of the Catholic Chiiivli 
 firoved from Reason and History, Niagara Fi-lls, N'.\ ., 
 1877, IBiuo, 
 Miller, Leslie William, prlneiiial of the SiIiumI 
 of Induatrial Art, Philii lelphia. The Essentials of I'lr- 
 spoctive. Illust. .\. \ork, !887, l2mo. 
 Miller, I.ucy Henry. Ash Wednesday; or, S.i. 
 cicty's Ban : a Long Story in Ono Chapter, Riibniond, 
 Va„ 1882, lllmo. 
 Miller, Mrs. I.ydin Falconer, ("Mrs. llarriei 
 Myrtle," pseud.) [See .M11.1.KII, M119. Lviin, and .\lvii. 
 T'.K, Mhh. H., (IiiIi; vol. ii., add. J 1. A Slory-lionk ol 
 Country Scenes, Lon.. Islll, IBmo. 2. Pleasures of tho 
 Country, Lon., ISali, sm, 4to. :i. The Water-l.ily: a 
 Tale, Lon., 18a5, 16mo. 4. A Visit to the New Firest, 
 Lon., 1858, Ifliuo. 5. Aunt Maddy's Diamomls, Lmi., 
 18B,'!, 18ino. (). Country Scenes and Tales of the Four 
 Seasons. Illust. Lon., I8B6, 8vn. 7. Cats and Do),'< : 
 Xiites and Anecilotea, Lon., 18liS, p, Syo ; new ed., |sT.;. 
 8. Twilight Stories at Overbur.i Farm, Lon,, 1871, l<niii. 
 9. The Dog and his Cousins the Wolf, .Jackal, 11 Venn, 
 Ac, Lon,, 1877, 12nio. lU. Stories of the Cr,., 'Limi, 
 Tiger, and Leopard, Lon., 1877, 18mo. (Mrs, .Miller 
 edited several volumes of collected and poslliuniniis 
 writings of her husband, Hugh .Miller, 7, r., iiiid, vol, ii.) 
 Miller, .M. K. A Voice fiotn the Fireside: or, .V 
 I'ow Remarks on Preeociimsness, Lon., 186a, l2ino. 
 xMiller, Mrs. Mary, (Ayer,) b. ot Fayettoville, 
 NC. ; wile of Willis M. .Miller. Willow Bend; ui, 
 School Influences, N. Y'ork, 18B7, ISino. 
 Miller, Miss Mary Christina. 1. Ned and .Syd- 
 ney, Nashville, Tenn., 1874, IBmo. 2. Tho Arnold 
 Family Series, Phila., 1881-S2, ,'l vols. IBmo. 
 -filler, .Mrs. Mary Esther. 1. Little^'oiy. 
 Illust. N.York, 187;), sm. 4to. 2. Bertie's Fall. Illust. 
 N. Y'ork, 1874, 18mo. 3. Bessie Kirkland. Illust. .\. 
 York, 1874, ISmo. 4. Holly Books. Illust. N. Yerk, 
 1871, B vols, 32mo. .1. Old Mr. Pro, Best., Iliiuo. li. 
 Riverside Farin-House. Illust. N. Y'ork, 1876, ISuio. 
 7. Brother Ben ; [also] Tho Bird Summer, 1878, IBiun. 
 8. Books for Bright Eyes, 1878, 4 vols. 32ino. 
 Miller, .Maurice N., M.D. Practical Microscopy; 
 ft Course of Normal Histology. Illast. N. York, l^s7, 
 Miller, O. Maryland Court of Appeals Reports, 
 vols, iii.-xviii., (18,i2-1862,) Bait., IS.'iii-Bli, IB vols. Svu. 
 Miller, Mrs. O. D. Twilight Stories, Best., Isil6, 
 " Mllli'r.lHlve Thornr.»»n>. i a .. 
 York:\\';,'L'^\V;p.'t'r''''' "'"'^•''•""f ""•''"■'. Now 
 Ci'i'rt of tlio l'i,ii„l <, , . ■ '• ""' '^"pri'int' 
 IlK' ttnrk .,!■ uV«|,;il7";J "''•''■"■ '^'\"^'lleMlltl« with ' 
 ,1 u«-"".' ^^'Phe" FriiilU-., [„»v, vol. n a,!,! 1 ' 
 M^r^T "'■."• .;''"» ^■"-"'^>-. '-on., 1S«J T^;.,, 
 LoZl4vsv;. '"•"""<"'" ">o Lnffero„,i,U Culeulu,. 
 -i;^r;i„'-'^> ■f^"- 
 .-ong, f„r Brl.i,l, Ullfo„,e„f " „' ' "h';;, "^.Pl v' ^' 
 Angler, .tc, I,,,,,., |SH2, n s ' ' ii v « \"""« 
 l.on.. 1MB4 I2iii„ II c ""'"'/ '■"<> l-at»: u Int. 
 bIcV" t^ ^'';''»try St«ry-Bo.,k, i„ Vor"-; I.f":^,'^ ,^;'; 
 I-.iMl, Lon.. I8.i«, ,,. ,sv„; new el sVi 21 l^"^ "'? 
 Ilie ( oiillas. Un SHU i ' . 21. trod nnj 
 •'-|c.uo,ui,'r!r.",«?^;'v!;';r •"-•"«"•• •«"• ^2- ou 
 KS'io;?;'';:^;"!^^""""" "^ '"« *'--st-m. 
 ^■.v'"CI'8;^7^78?; ^-""-ftheFannly. I||.,t. I 
 .^A"er,W.,„... Thearo.e.oft.,.,age,: 
 IWIcal ni„,. ... Tr«v.ll.r,. L„n.. rsTP.p. a,„, o,, ,„, 
 Iw;::r.:i:::!";:;.;;!i ^' ' ••".■•' 'C«:t:,,";;;r: 
 and Kngli-h-Lii;..' ''r,';:.; l/srsi::^"^ '-'.n.K„gli.,. 
 '>Hllor H,.v, Wiiliiim, c.i.k'' ,,; • ,, ,, ., 
 Ml • 
 wa^ke"''r;7^"l2mo. '^'''"^ ^''"'" '" ""^ "'""^''y. Mil- 
 J."i*'l^7V. JJ'.'^™. ^"""""8' '° Friendship and Truth, 
 P.o['!&r^„-.,^;5r';;';r''"'"8 Ships by Sub„,erged 
 ca;^"i"w'„^.\',',";r.' wr'?-''"' "• '" «'-«■"'.• •»>■ 
 Wiinal him fL f " ' J""'* '""«^ nnJ P<";"i8 which 
 P«f loU^r^^-'^s'^St r4.=Tn"h' "V-^i^ 
 ItiOo. ".iiurserj nongB, »u„ ether rocniij, 
 wu . xvotes of Tmvel id It,,|y and France, and 1 
 ^;.-toi:wi,h Introduction b;W',,:;;e;^T^;;;;;; 
 yS'l^.l! ?;,"• "^"""-"'"'ion of Al, Thing,, .V. 
 Note, lV.„^„nce,IS77 "• "" ^M'"""" ""J 
 w!'fe"i'voi!"'':^ e!J"^i^^""*' ^'^"''" "'-'»-'y. 
 Milhcan, Kenneth Vviiiiam. y Rc^ „r„ i 
 atcd at Can,brldge mi. I1,e I^^^M.i „';> ^1 ,h "j 
 niver. ?■ 859 fiT""' f"V. ""' ''^""'''o"' "^ Kentucky 
 M.;:r;:%:Ttienr:!^-'r i^-^i:^ 't^:^ 
 Hellenic of Redemption as revealed and taught in 
 • .'I 
 'His:';:;'**" ' 
 llic Holy Scriiiture.", Cin., 1s6>!, cr. Svo, 4. The flrcnt 
 Cuiiiiijissiiin, i.i'.\ln;;ti>ii, |S"1. ,5. Anal.v.'is nf the Fmir 
 (li>s|>ul8 iiihI Acts.' with Queries and Illuslriitii)ns, I'ur 
 Siinilay-Sciiodls, Kiimilies, Ac, Cin., ISTI, Sv<i. ti. Cuui- 
 iiientjiry <m IIt"l)re\V!', ('in., 1S7.'», cr. Hvo, 
 .Milligllli, S. F. and Alice Ii. (iliiniL^cs of Urin : 
 Civili/.iilinii, Milliner.-', Ac., Lon., ISS8, er. Svo. 
 Milli^Ull, Hev. William, U,D., h. 1821, in iCdin- 
 burgh; griidiiiited lit .St. Andrews University 1S:1U; pro- 
 fe-^.-or of divinity and Biblical criticism in the Univer- 
 sity of Aberdeen since ISBO. 1. The l)ecalo);iie and the 
 Lord's Dav, Edin., isilti, p. Svo. 2. The Hesurreciion 
 of Our l.iirll, (Croiill Lectures for I.-^Tfl-SI),) Lon., IS.Hj, 
 .""vo i new eds., lsH:t-Sl. :i. The Revelation of 8t. >Joiin, 
 (liaird Leelurc.) Lon.. ls,>iil, p. Svo; 2d cd., 18S7. 4. 
 Elijah : his Life and Times, Lon., 1SS7, p. Svo. With 
 HoliKiiTS, A., Words (jf the Now Testiuiu'iit as altered 
 by Transmission anil ascertained by Modern triiicisiu, 
 Edin,, ISTI), p. Svo. 
 Captain Fancourt, Lon., 1862, 
 J. G. 
 .Uillikcil, £• Ja Childc Chappie's Pilgrimage. 
 Illust. Lon., ISSH, s(|. 16ino. 
 Millikcn, James. A Voyager's Letters from 
 Mciic", 1'liilii.. lS7t'), l2iM0. 
 Millingcn, Miyor Tretlerick, F.U.a..S. Wild 
 liife among the Kurds, Lon., 1S70, Svo. 
 '■ TheviiUini.'readsiileasantlyn.s a Jiiunialnf travel, . . . 
 Willi ftoconiits of a pupulatiuii of whii li inure I'ainou.s 
 till- ellers have given us only ooeasional gllni|i.sus."— .S'a(. 
 Jill-.. x.xl.\. S39. 
 Millingtoil, Ellen J. Heraldry: its History, 
 I'oetry, and Kumance, Lon., ISiil, p. Svo. 
 MillillgiOn, James. 1. English as .She i.-^ Spoke; 
 or, A .lest in Sober Earnest, Lon., 188:i, sq. 16iuo. 2. 
 Are we to Head Sdrawkcab [Backwards] ? or, What is 
 the Best Print for the Eyes? Lon., 1SS4, 18mo. S. 
 " Fining Down" on Rational Principles, without Bant- 
 ing, Lon., 1SS4, ob. :Vlmo. 4. (Trans.) The True Story 
 of Mazeppa; The .>^on of I'eter the Great; A Change 
 of Reign, by Viscount E. Melchior de Vogiie, Lon., 
 1SS4, p. Svo. 5. (Trans.) The Chinese Painted by 
 Themselves, by Col. Tcheng-Ki-Tong, Military Attache 
 of China at Paris; from the French, Lon., 1S8.J, p. Svo. 
 Millington, Philip. Mescolanza, By C6nti. 
 Phila., 1877, 12mo. 
 Milliiigtoii, R. M. I. (Trans.) The Story of Aris- 
 tUBUs and his Bees : a, Translation of Virgil's Fourth 
 Georgic into English Heroics, Lon., 1S70, Svo. 2. 
 (Trans.) The Bucolics, or Eclogues, of Virgil, trans- 
 lated into Heroic Verse: with Notes based on those 
 in Conington's Edition. With a Life of Virgil. Illust. 
 LoB., 1870, 8va. 3. (Trans.) The Epistles of Horace, in 
 Rhythmic Prose, Lon., 1S70, p. Svo. 4. (Trans.) The 
 Satires of Horace, in Rhythmic Prose, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 
 JUillingtoii, Uev. Thomas Street, ordained 
 1S48: vicar of Woodhouse Eaves since 1S.')H. 1. Words 
 to Win Souls: Twelve Sermons, Lon., 1851, 12mo. 2, 
 The Testimony of the Heathen to the Truths of Holy 
 Writ: a Commentary on the Old and New Testaments: 
 compiled almost ccclusively from Greek and Latin Au- 
 thors of the Classical .\ges of Anticiuily, Lon., 1883, r. 
 Svo. 3. Sermons on the Lord's Prayer, Lon., 18fiS, 12mo. 
 4, Signs and Wonders in the Land of Ham, Lon., 1873, 
 p. Svo. 5. Hoy and Man, Lon., 1878, (i. Straight to 
 the Mark. Illust. Lon., IS83, sq. 16mo. 7. Under a 
 Cloud; or, .Stranger Things have happened, Lon., 1883, 
 II. Svo. 8. Sonieof our Fellows: a School-Story. Illust. 
 jon., I8S6, Svo. 11. A Great Mistake: a Tale of Ad- 
 venture, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 10. The Latoh-Key. Illust. 
 Lon., 1SSS, p. Svo. II. Through Fire and through 
 Water: a Story of Adventure. Illust. Lon., 1888, p. 
 Minis, C. T,, member of the Institute of Civil 
 Eiitrincers; suncrintendent of trade classes at the City 
 and Guilds of London Technical College. Metal Plate 
 Work: its Patterns and tlieir Geometry, Lon., 1887, p. 
 Mills, A. Blues and Buffs: a Contested Election 
 and its Results, Lon., ISSO, p. 8vo. 
 Mills, Rev. A. Plain Reasons for not believing 
 Dr. Lif-iodalc : hcina a Criticism upon his '■ Plain R 
 the Church of Rome," Lon., 18S5 
 ling : 
 sons against joining 
 Mills, C. 1. Attic Nights, Lon.. 1871), p. Svo. 2, 
 The Knight and the Dwarf: a Fairy-Tale, Lon., 1881, 
 Mills, Caleb. New Dejiarture in Collegiate Con- 
 trol and Culture, \. York, I8SI), Svo. 
 Mills, Charles l>e Rcrard, b. 1S21. 1. The 
 Indian Saint; or, Buddha and Budilhism, N. York, ]'<7a, 
 cr. Svo. 2. (Ed.) Pebbles, Pearls, and Gems of the 
 Orii'iil, Bnst., ISS2, ]2mo. 
 Mills, Charles II. Condensed Digest <if Report- 
 New York Court of Appeals, (1S7.'i-18Sl,) Albanv, |ss2, 
 Mills, Charles J. The Pit Town Coronet, Lon., 
 1SS8, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Mills, Charles K., M.D., b. 1845. Practical 
 sons in Nursing: the Nursing and Care of the Nervous 
 and he Insane, Phila., 1887, 12iiio. 
 Mills, Etimiinil James, D.Sc, F.R.S., profes-.c 
 of technical chemistry in Gla.sgow 'fechnical Colleg.'. 
 Destructive Distillation : a .Manualelte of the Pa-altin, 
 Coal-Tar, Rosin Oil, Petroleum, and Kindred Industiii>, 
 Lon., 1878; 2d cd., 1883. 
 Mills, Emily. (Trans.) Our Sons and Daughter-. 
 by E. Legouve, Lon., issi, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Mills, Francis. Judith, and other Poems, L»n , 
 1859. p. Svo. 
 Mills, Frederick Charles. The School Man- 
 ager's Manual : with an Introduction by S. Bu-Mun, 
 Lon., 18S5, II. Svo. 
 Mills, Frederick James. Life of John Carter. 
 N. York, isiis, 12ino. 
 Mills, (■• II. Mohnmincd : a Tragedy, Lon., IS.iO, 
 Mills, (ieorge. 1. The Beggar's Bcnisoni a 
 Clydesdale Story, Lon., ISOCi, 2 vols. p. Svo. 2. Ciaii;- 
 elutha : a Tale of Old Glasgow and the West of Scot- 
 land, Glasgow, 187S. Anon, 
 Mills, Henry E. A Treatise upon the Law of 
 Eminent Domain, St. Louis, 187'J, Svo. 
 Mills, Herbert V. Poverty and the State; or, 
 Work for the Unemployed, Lo:., 188S, p. Svo. 
 "Ills imiKissilile to read ' Poverty and the State' williout 
 a kindly feeling towards its antlior. He syin|iatliizvs so 
 deeply with the distress of the poor, and so ciinipletily be- 
 lieves in the remedy which he proposes, that erilioi.-ia i,^ lo 
 some extent disarmed. Moreover, Mr. MilLs's suggestiniis 
 have much that is attractive In them. He wishes tosweep 
 away the present Pour Law, with its ont-dour and iii-dimr 
 relief All charities and alnLsgiving are to be reiideic d 
 superfluous, if not actually aliolisliecT. Workhouses, wiili 
 their abuses and waste of money, are lo lie supersede.!, 
 and, in.stead of those ninny and ine'.ectual ways of re- 
 lieving distress, ' ('o-o)ieralive Estau-.s' are to be estab- 
 lished throughout the eouutrv."— .Sa«. Hei\, Ixiii. 274, 
 Mills, J. 1. Too Fust to Last, Lon., 1SS1, 3 vols, p. 
 Svo. 2. On the Sjiur of the Moment, Lon., 1884, 3 vols, 
 p, Svo, 3. The Wheel of Life, Lon., ISSli, p. Svo. 
 Mills, James D. The Art of Money-Making; or. 
 The Road to Fortune. Illust. N. York, 1872, Svo. 
 Mills, Joanna £• Remembrance of my Mother, 
 and some of my Own Poems, Bost., ISSI, 24mo. 
 Mills, Rev. John, [mite, vol. ii,, add.] 1. Prin- 
 ciples of Interpretation of the Prophetic Symbols, Lon., 
 1853, p. Svo. 2. Thoughts on the A|iooalypse, Lon., 
 ISfiO, p. Svo. 
 Mills, John. The Fossil Spirit: n Boy's Dream of 
 Geology, Lon., 1854, 12mo. 
 Mills, John, [milc, vol. ii., fourth of the nnme 
 there mentioned, add.] 1, The Flyers of the Hunt, 
 Lon., 1859, p. Svo ; new ed., 1873. 2. Stable Secrets; 
 or. Puffy Diddles, his Sayings and Sympathies, l.oii,, 
 1S63, p. Svo; neii' ed., 1885. 3. Horses: the Gentle- 
 man's Guide for Choice, Ac; new ed., Lon., 1871 ; luili 
 od., 1873, 12ino. 
 Mills, John. Three Months' Residence at Naples, 
 Lon., 1804, p. Svo. 
 Mills, L. E. G1im])SC8 of Southern France iind 
 Spain, Cin., 1867, Ifimo. Privately printed. 
 Mills, Lawrence Ileyw'orth, M.A., D,U, 
 (Trans.) The Zend-Avesta. Part III. ("Sacred 
 Books of the East," vol. xxxi.) 0.\f., 1SS8, Svo. 
 Mills, Lucy A. 1. Jack Masters; or, The Bciry- 
 Piokcrs. Illust. Bost., 1872, Kimo, 2. Peter's Striiiige 
 Story. Illust. Bost., 1873, 16mo. 
 jMills, Mary E. Simple Stories for Children. Lon., 
 ISfil, fp. Svo; new ed., 1873, ISino. 
 Mills, Samuel, of Ashton under Lyme, I.sri-'i- 
 shire. Memoir of Rev. William Mills, Late Minister 
 of the Methodist New Connexion, 1867. 
 Mills, Thomas. 1. Sure of Heaven: a Book for 
 the Doubting and Anxious; new ed., Lon., 1808, ll'iiio. 
 2. Work for Christ : Thoughts on Evangelistic Labour, 
 X Anacls nnil Heaven, Lon., I,S7l 
 ton., 1872, 12mo, 
 p. Svo. 
 Mills, Thomas Wfslev I. i>jj7 . r, . •'••"v, j, u. ]• 
 Milne, llcv. John. 
 0..t., C,in,Hl,i; ,.,luc.,ite,l at thV r ■ '^ "' "'""•'villo, 
 ""■I at McO; I ITnhers t 1- "'vor.-ity „f Toronto, 
 "io«y in tlmt instUutionHn 1 -fM?'" o!;h'^''"'"/',' I'''^'^'" 
 Prov,j,on,,.„,K,, i ^^ ^^,,---,^^^x,«o„.e. 
 Vork, issr, l"no *' ^'"' •^<""n°« "f I'olitics, N. 
 Millspaiigh, Charles F v r, a 
 Lon "nl'fato "*'"'■''' '"" ■'™"-''' "'■^'"""''l Ballade, 
 l<;.bert Mii.::; 'B^:L„,.a"iiI,;'f ',"" ^'^ht Rev. 
 Metropolitan of InJiu ,vi^ „ i ','. "' P'l«"tta „nd 
 l>r"vuless i.ttnictive; a ' mM L n h'"',"'''^'''" ''"'ay ' u. bestow. Kutrmiicli laL r .V'' '^^V """'"'« '"■' ■ 
 ■ • • and e.spt.o!„iiv ' ' 'e I'olne 1 '> ■,?;'[' '""""" ""■'"■^. 
 «hedral,'Lo„ 'Lies nfr p,;;.'^"'^^'^ »f S'l ^''"" ' f"" 
 " The book ia.s all d,, r. f • "^ '"'"' «''•• ' ■"*«»■ 
 works Which wo,f,)'^f,^ J l"'i^,V"V ^;!«''"f of the ear 
 "'."St wonderful i,, he 'Viiakf «,"..""','.•-'■ •• • • "'''a^ 
 with which tlie IVaiV ha.syra^i^i'f ^•, ':'"1« '?."'« power 
 "■liosen.anil ti.., .,..,.•.,.:...? rv."l^ 4 '."t- I'.vact .siilij,.(!t lie hail 
 S: j-,rT't' '"■"•' "^^"' '-"">■ 
 lie" c'l., 1,01,., i,><;i|^ |,_ j,^,^^ 
 "iatiierin-s from a'.Min'istry, 
 I Lull., IH6S, J,, svo '■athennas from a .Ministry, 
 ! Milne, John, F.o.s., i,rof,.,s„r „f • • 
 "g.v in the Knsiiieerin'T'oll,! . • L J'""""' "'"' «™'- 
 t'r7.^tallo-l>lo>i...: bd'n, tli'ifs:"", .^'■-"'a"'i«n,phy 'and 
 livin!rt/;'/;;;i^^/;.?i»;;,>;^;;!;y^';y,l>;;.;e niore than any ,na„ 
 I ...^.,1,- "iijfii, wiU'llU'r n< kill..) * ' 'lUM ( ve- 
 five .-l.ock.s, ire liuost wi, li ' '; "■'■',"•'""' '"' "^ ''i-'iiH'- 
 I eld earth of oiir.s. Tr, , ,.l '' "' '■■^^atioi, aKin,Ili,„ ,i,i., 
 I '," T'l.fe'iiiK l"Ki^ther in : i„, .'•','f,, '^' "■"^ -"vice 
 I and in.stnn-tivenn a<T(iin ,,'■,,',' ■'' "' '""■'"i.riliy 
 I J^■■'■tuptotlleplx■sent.■■-,sw.)to.''y.^'i/"x');;"»■''"'l'lK^-lll^ 
 I i-iT'an^:^?;;n;T];on:'7"J^ KxperimeL, (Phii,,,,,,,,,. 
 Lon ."1'85,5,"V''' '■'""■'" ""''•' "'"' "'-^ Equivalent., 
 0,'e;va^^«'::-«»^:;J^MA^.,„„ ^,,rowie. ,. 
 Scotland, with o.nt'^ulLtti.mriTtl"- "" ^''"'■'■'' »'' 
 Ellin., ISfio, Svo. Atio*",! 2 T, 'p'n'"'''^'-'""'"'' 
 fluirchlcss and Poor iTom' T „ ■ "'i-olilt'in of the 
 Reference to",he I?;, "e M .si^^ rT,"? t/^'ll, '^''f'-'"^' 
 'mm"'' '^il'"- "•"' Lon., l,S84"p 8^0 ' "'" "'""'' "^ 
 anil'Grd^*to',^;«,rin"'i'i.!f-S •"'■ ^l"^" «-^"-T 
 ^Sootland: contal.iing D ...^tr A l''^ ?"'"'•■'' "^^ 
 M^.|er-3 0«ico,anf.orm;'C^:hlt"s^^H^::'^^.: 
 Milne, William, M.A. 
 ...iM [lie Dean ha.s L-rasnert tl,.."..v . . , ■'"" Power : 'so,, cr. 8vo. •-■<.■> ices, tuin. 
 ■ -• -y .Tim >viiii;a every t 
 !'f!^^^SSSB^^ ! .s^:S:rf iE:, lii ^- -^^ - --e. Lon,. 
 "l"'y- ■ • ; ^<■o™uid h^^^wMsheiUha?!''''^';'''!'^™""- 
 i>lied by the death of its an lor ,v„l ' ""'",H'' '"^'^ ""fl"- 
 iiiere y by a li«»t of m.^iriit but hv 1''' ''"^"^'"'•ed. not 
 tlie 1 ean's ,mm,l.-e c,»- / w „ Im ' Vt„' o\? ''"'"'"'■s which 
 .xw^'is. '""'^' '" «'>='• ^vantJ^:!r^i^{";;;!^,fe^;™-^'- 
 .8?i, sr"""""' '''""^'■""' ''"'I ""-er E.«ays. Lon.,' 
 Id noble .scorn, full of ,.,..M',V.h'..'.'" h\.'."" "f "I'lfle sympathy 
 k iiidliiiB, as Dean Milmm's „, n?v„^= ' .idignant sarcasm ; 
 cure roUL'hnpaii i ,t,I , "' ^^'^^' 'f'nu a sty e of olti.n 
 eloou.e,iee™il!:srto.! x'xxT''l,f "^ P<"^"^''"' ai^J-llnisi;^;! 
 ■sffi- ^Trr'Bit"^;- «"'i,?'' i"""> vol. ii.. add.,] 
 Thoughts in Svorini? ^"''•c- l Convalescence 
 >-'"io* 2. MitsTav or f heT ^"^"'''- f^""- '•''«5, 
 ".3111V. or, jijg Convoraion of I'o 
 Country p'l'eas^r^esTh'o pf '*'^' '? """"•'e^ter, Eng. 
 Oarden^Lon! %^^; ^Svo-Tdtd" " ^'""' "'"^^^ '" '^ 
 .ud!";s^^ti^; ;;;^^^ ^^:i^:^^:y- i-'i-kt, however 
 lings rural, who will imt ,^i . '", "'"^ knowled.-e of 
 lolrtnaster.' llis 1ms hS, life onri'if,-^"''- ?"'"" '■"■ 
 h eh has ripened with lml,\L'i. ",''"' '■A"?-^.".h«^'rvaii,,i, 
 Lon., 18(16, l2mo, 
 18()7, 12mo. 
 3, Love 
 187«, I2mo. 
 Milner, George, b. 
 , ountry Pleasures ■ 
 I Garden, Lon., 1881 n 8vo ■ 9,i „i "■'"' ' 
 I t.Tii 1 ' *•" ed. .«anie year 
 ' -u^!"iS^^ti^; l;;^^^ [IL!^^,^':--^ "^^--y, however 
 . Ihei ,.. ,., 
 *«'. Kei:, Hi. •.>39 ' agreeahle ol instructors -— 
 ^IT""' "" '-"'''' ^'"-'^^ "^ Seril^^^i/Lnrisea; 
 Milner, Rev. John, M A P n n « 
 leen's College. Oxford iVjV .L^.:_ ,•".•.', S™'"""^*! at 
 Lonvoraion of I>oniorania ' ^ '"","er, Kev. John, M A P I) n « 
 of the Atonement, Ton ; > «"«»'» College, Oxford, iVjsf '.IrSaLa lifr'r''^;' "' 
 Mil,. i„ - ■ ■ i"'" Modern Nautical Ei"K*'"!?:'\':''"f''''-''a"l-lona 
 ng™.;;! of Ch1; ."'"" '"/"^^ " C''Ud : cr, Tl ; M ' ' 
 ifuio '^'"''''"" ""'* "'<"^ Oi'eases, Edin., I8,so, 
 Milne, David, MA. 
 Miioiiionio Pi ■ - 
 t'n ■ 
 Milner HI r .. "'"'*• Lon., I,s«,8, Svo 
 I S7?, p ".'„.'^'- ''^"" ^ '■"'"'■ ^ - Temperance Tale, Lo„., 
 it i^ln^isl^L "• I 'i,''^^,::"^":;" "r-^^; -. Tiuth a, 
 i«try, Lon., 18.^8 i "mo ' '"• - ^i"-' Mcs.siah's Min- 
 I Milner, Rev. Thomas, MA F n r « r 
 vol. II., ndd.,1 d 18S2 III ■, '! ^ •'*•''>•. [mile, 
 »ian.v of whi 1, we o^bl „ej"'l!:"H' %"',""""' ''''<"'» 
 •-Society. Whenever tC„;:,1,,^,^'f'',\«^\''8'.ous Tract 
 wa.s drawn to any quarter of the 1^1 L.' """ ''"''"" 
 employed in draivini,,,.i •*'.""'' '"» M'vices wore 
 [stL' 1. o"ur Horn! am rili'^'^Vi "^-^l}--'"- 
 Lon., I8,-,7, 12mo 2 Tw u t .Natural Features, 
 Juctive Indus ": r,,?.; ".".L""'"" I'l'^-ds .• their Pro^ 
 ,.««d<,. , ( I 
 man: :*r>*N 
 tlicir Public Works, Lon.. ISfiO, 12ino. 5. Astronomy 
 and Scripture, Lon., IS««, 12iuo. (i. (lallery of Geog- 
 raphy, Lon., 1872, 2 vols. r. Svo. 7. lliiU'-Ilour Reaii- 
 ings for .Sunday Afternoons, Lon., 187.'), |). Svo. 8. Tlio 
 IJritish Islands : their I'hysieiil Oeography and Natural 
 History, Lon., 1875, 12mo. 9. The Turkish Empire: 
 the Sultans, the Territory, and the People; new ed., 
 Lon., lH7fi, n. Svo. 
 IMilner, Vincent L. History of All the Religious 
 Denominations of the AVorld : with Sketches of the 
 Founders; new ed., rev. and enl. by J. N. Brown, Phila., 
 1874, Svo. 
 Milner-Barry. See Bahrv. 
 IMilncs, Alt'rud, .M.A., a-'sistant clerk to the senate 
 of the University of London. Elementary Notions of 
 Logic, l.on.,, 12mo. 
 niilnes, Itichard IMonckton, Baron Hough- 
 ton, D.C.L., F.K.S., [null', vol. ii., add.,] 1809-18.SJ ; 
 raised to the peerage 188H. 1. Monographs, Personal 
 and Political, Lon., 1873, p. Svo. (Contains sketches of 
 Siiloimiin I'osha, Harriet, Lady Ashburton, Alexander 
 von Ilumbolilt, Cardinal Wiseman, Landor, the Miss 
 Berrvs, Sydney Smith, and Heine.) 
 "All the persons ikctched in this volume he has been 
 per.-ioiially Hcqurtinlod wllh. Two ill' them, Suleiman 
 Pasha, a;.(l Harriet, l.ady Aslibnrlon, are not generally 
 known. He has invested tlieni with much interest; but 
 we dcmbt the judiciousness of the Lady Ashlnirtcm sketch, 
 and regard this as the weak point of a cbnrining collec- 
 tion."— .l//i., No. 2376. 
 " He lias something new to tell of every one of his sub- 
 jects. His book is a choice olio of line fruits."— .S(i(. Rev., 
 XXXV. 654. 
 2. Poetical Works, Collected Edition, Lon., 1876, 2 
 vols. 12nm. 
 " If we were asked what it is which constitutes the spe- 
 cilic claim of Lord lIonKbtou's poetry to a certain modest 
 place of its own in the poetry of our day, we should, say it 
 was the Intertwining in his mind between the threads of 
 tender sentiment and that kind of knowledge of the world 
 which is .so ant to tjike all the melody out of sentiment.' 
 —Speclator, xlix. (Uo. 
 3. (Ed.) Bishop Cranmer's Recantacyons, Lon., 188;^ 
 4to. (Edited by Lord Houghton with the assistance of 
 James Oairdner.) 
 Milo, W. Notes on Beauty, Vigor, and Develop- 
 ment, N. York, 1867, 16mo. 
 lUilroy, A, (Trans.) Prophets and Prophecy in 
 Israel, by A. Kuenen, Lon., l.'<77, Svo. 
 Milroy, Rev. Andrew Wallace, M.A., gradu- 
 ated, first class Lit. Hum., at Queen's College, Oxford, 
 1864; ordained ISCiS; rector of Newnham 187'J-8i) ; 
 vicar of St. Mary's, West Cowes, since 1.S88. .Memorials 
 of a Quiet Ministry : being the Life and Letters of the 
 Rev. Andrew Milroy. By his Son. Illust. Lon., 1871), 
 or. Svo. 
 Milroy, llev. William. A Scottish Communion, 
 Paisley, 1881, .Svo. 
 Milson, W. Mesmerism in its Relation to Health 
 and Disease, Edin., 1S03, 12mo. 
 JMilton, Viscount. See Fitzwii.i.iam. 
 Milton, John Laws, M.R.C.S., b. 1820; surgeon 
 and lecturer on diseases of the skin at St. John's Hos- 
 pital for Skin Diseases, Leicester .Square. 1. On a New 
 Way of Treating Uonorrhoea, Lon., 1852, Svo. 2. Death 
 in the Pipe; or. The Smoking Question, Lon., 1S57, Svo. 
 3. The Stream of Life on our (ilube, Lon., 1864, p. Svo ; 
 new ed., 1872. 4. On the Modern Treatment of some 
 Diseases of the Skin, Lon., 1865, Svo. 5. On the Pa- 
 thology and Treatment of Oonorrhcea, Lon., 1S71, Svo; 
 6th ed., 1S83. 6. (In the Pathology and Treatment of 
 Diseases of the Skin, Lon., 1872, Svo. 7. The Bath in 
 Diseases of the Skin, Lon., 1872, Svo. 8. S|)ernmtor- 
 rhoea ; its Patholop Results, and Complications, Lon., 
 1872; new ed., 187j, Svo. '.I. A History of .Syphilis; 2il 
 ed., Lon., iM{), Svo. 10. The Laws of Life, and their 
 Relation to Diseases of the Skin, Lon., 18S2, Svo. 11. 
 The Hygiene of the Skin; 2d ed., Lim., 1SS3. 
 Milton, R. Sungleams : Rondeaux and Sonnets, 
 Lon., ISM, l2mo. 
 Milton, Rev. William, M.A., graduated at 
 Worcester College, Oxford, 1830; ordained 1830; vicar 
 of St. Mark's, Broorahall, isfl7. 1. The Eucharistic 
 Doctrine of .Scril'tiirB and Primitive Liturgies. Lon., 
 1867, Svo, 2. Religion and Business; Memorials of 
 Mr. T. Adams, Nottingham, 1874, 12mo. 3. Mr. Par- 
 ker's Fallacies Refuted; a Letter. Lon., 1880, Svo. 
 Minchin, George Minchin, M.A., jirofessor of 
 applied mathematics in the Royal Engineering Colleg.', 
 Cooper's Hill. 1. A Treatise on Statics: containing the 
 Fundumenlal Principles of Electro-Staties and Elasticity, 
 Lon., 1S77, p. 8vo; 3d ed., rev. and enl., Oxf., lS8l-.^ll, 
 2 vols. Svo. 2. I'niphinar Kinematics of Solids and 
 Fluids, Lon., 1882, Svo. 3. Naturio Veritas, Lon., 1887, 
 fp. Svo. 
 Minchin, James (Jeorge Cotton, first consul- 
 general for Servia in England. 1. Bulgaria since the 
 War: Notes of a Tour in the Autumn of IS70, Lon., 
 1880, 12mo. (A reprint of letters contributed to tlic 
 Morning Advertiser.) 
 " They are written In a clear and natural style, and . . . 
 ccmiprise in a .short ccmipass the conclusions of an intelli' 
 gent and singularly impartial political observer."— A. .1. 
 Evans; /Icaff, xvil. '208. 
 2. The Growth of Freedom in the Balkan Peninsula : 
 with Notes, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Minchin, James nines. (Trans.) The Divine 
 Comedy of Dante Alighieri, Verse for Verse from the 
 Original into Terza Rima, Lon., 1884, cr. Svo. 
 Mindry, Robert. Chips from the Log of an Old 
 Salt, Lon., 1S7I1, p. Svo. 
 Miner, Rev. Alonzo Ames, S.T.D., LL.D., h. 
 1S14, at Leicester, N.H. ; entered the ministry of the 
 I'nivcrsalist Church; president of Tufts College 1S62- 
 75; president of the Ma.ssachusells Slate Temperance 
 Alliance. 1. Bible Exercises, Bust., 1851; new ed., 
 1885. 2. Right and Duty of Prohibition, Bost., l'<67, 
 Svo. 3. Old Forts Taken,' Best., 1S7S; new ed., l.'^ss. 
 Mines, John Flavel, b. 1835, in Paris, France: 
 son of Rev. Flavel Scott Mines, (q. v., mili; vol. ii.:i 
 graduated at Berkeley Divinity School 1857; entcnd 
 the army as chaplain 1861, but left the ministry, received 
 a commission, and was mustered out as lieutenant-colonel 
 in 1S65. He has contributed to the New York press. 1. 
 The Heroes of the Last Lustre, [verse,] N. York, IS.iS. 
 2. A Tour around New Y'ork by Mr. Felix Oldboy, X. 
 York, 1S8S. 
 Minor, Ellen E. Murillo: a Memoir derived frui.i 
 Recent Works, ("Great Artists,") Lon., ISSl, cr. Svo. 
 Minor, John IIarbee,b. 1813, in Louisa Co., Va.; 
 graduated in law at the University of Virginia \Mi; 
 professor in that university since 1845. 1. The Virginia 
 Report of 1700-lSOO, Richmond, 1850. 2. Synopsis of 
 the Law of Crimes and Punishments, Richmond. ISlii). 
 3. Institutes of Common and Statute Law, RicluiMinil, 
 1875-70. 4 vols. Svo. 
 Minor, Thomas C. 1. Child-Bed Fever, Erysip- 
 elas, and Puerperal Fever, as they luevailed sporadically 
 in the United Slates during 1870, Cin., 1S74, Svo. L'. 
 Her Ladyship, Cin., ISSO, sq. Kimo. 3. Athothis: a 
 Satire on Modern Jledicine, Cin., 1887, 12mo. 
 .Minot, II. O. 1. Land Birds and Game Birds of 
 New England : with Descriptions of the Birds, their 
 Nests ami Eggs, their Habits and Notes. Illust. linsl., 
 1877, Svo. 2. The Diary of a Bird, freely translated int j 
 Human Language, Bosi.. 1880, Svo. 
 Minot, Robert S. 1. Railway Travel in Europe 
 and America : with Tables of Recent and Novel Slatis- 
 tics of Journeys, Speed, Fares, *o., Bost., 1SS2, S\,i, L'. 
 (Trans.) Jottings about London ; from the Italian nf 
 Edmondo de Ainicis, Host., 1SS3, 12mo. 
 Minot, S. (Trans.) The Prodigious Adventures of 
 Tartarin of Tarascon, by Alpbonse Daudet, Bipst., ISSU, 
 Minot, William, Jr. 1. Taxation in MassiKlui- 
 setts, Bost., 1S77, Svo. 2. Local Taxation and Puljli.; 
 Extravagance, Best., 1878, Svo. 
 Minshull,E. Organs, Organists, and Choirs: Nun- 
 conformist Church Music, Lon., 1SS7, l2mo. 
 Minshull, J. (Trans.) Land, Sea, and Sky; or, 
 The Wonders of Life and Nature; from the Geriuan of 
 Hermann J. Klein and Otto W. Thome, Lon., l^>l-s:i, 
 2 vols. Svo; new ed., entitled " God's lihirions Crciilion ; 
 or. The Mighty Marvels of Earth, Sea, and Sky." l'^'*4. 
 Minster, A. M. Glenalvan; or, Morning draiveth 
 nigh. Buffalo, N.Y., 1860. 
 Minto, Countess of. See Kynvmoiixd. 
 Minto, William, M.A.. b. 1845, at Auchintoul, 
 Alford, Aberdeenshire; graduated M.A. at the I nivcr- 
 I sity of Aberdeen in 1865, with honors in classics, math- 
 ematics, and i)hilosophy, winning the Si;ottish University 
 Ferguson scholarship in classics ; spent a year at .Mer- 
 ton College, Oxford; was for some years assi>tuhl t.) 
 Professor Alexander Bain at Aberdeen; editor of the 
 E.\aminer 1874-78, and afterwards on the staff of the 
 Daily News and the Pall Mall Gazette; professor of 
 logic at the University of Aberdeen since 1S80. He hns 
 contributed largely to the leading English reviews. 1. 
1 III tiju syniiiatlietii; 
 ■.. An'., xxxviii. 'JKi. 
 iiiiMilsof fdrmor iTitics, 
 Ills estliimu's, luiirkcvf 
 '■ .iubtle a|p|irLTiiui(jn of 
 •Jtry. —Speclalur, xlvii 
 study (if till' iiooistliem.ii^^ ... 
 '■lU'oonsiiltT.s careful. yil. 
 but In- jucIkl's for liiiiLsoK, 
 thruiiKhdiU by snujiil seii..^i' .1|. 
 ihe more dulic.ate beauUus (it 
 ^^tl^l^^^^::^,!"^! i!-t " «""-. .-.i ouufui .„ 
 rsSS,'"V«i;. or svf ''"'""" "f ""'''" "''''^^"". '^«"-. 
 bro^ko'c('.!l'cL..?*7' r'?""*?' "•■•^- e™'"'""e'l »t I>o,„. 
 nf VIM II ^ ' ^."'"'^'■"'KO. l'*^!; (jnluinud 1871): va'ar 
 i,s,n 8v!r"'" ""™ '•"'"• ^^'p''-' ""-i Wes, Lin:; 
 Militon, Henry, M.D. I. a Pr«oti(jal Hoinoeonathio 
 1 ST °" "," V'-^*-'"""^ "f ^^'""«" ''"'1 Children *?Y,rk 
 8v... .! Uterine Thenipcutie.s, N. York, 18,H4. ' 
 111 ordained lS4;i: ehaplaiu of Eaton Cira pel 1 '« - 
 .1 I. Lectures on I'nitarianism, Lon.. 18(7, 2ino - 
 1. Ihe (Jloiy (jf Christ in tho Creation an.l Reconcilia 
 ion : S.3rii,on8 preaehed in Eaton Chapel. I^,„ KSB8 
 2n(,. 1 I nworth.vof Eternal l,ife: a li,^pi; t" 'c.non 
 Lidd(.n8 Sermon; 2,\ ed., Lon.. 1,-S7,s, Svo. 5 "im i v 
 or, Christian Love, Lon., 1878, 16ino. «. ih(^ Or/at 
 Pyrauiid : a Leelure, Lon., 1880, 8vo 
 Miiitorn, Mrs. J. H. ,. Hand-B„ok of Paner 
 Flo>ver .\Iakin«. Illos,. ;!,, <„,.^ i |,^« Umo^'> 
 Ussonsin Mower and Fruit Modelling in wkx lilusV ' 
 MiiUurii, Robert Bowne, b, 18:wi. in New York 
 tit.v; yrii.luated at Coluinliia Colle.^e 18o6 Pm,! \Z 
 York to Delhi, by \V,iy of Kio de J.Tne r, , Au.!™ i ^Tind 
 China, N. York and Lon., 1,S5S, ,2„i„; new ed. S7 
 , « "7",V*^""'*"'- '• T"t vols, Lon 18^7 
 r. Svo "'' ""'* °"""" l'™""*. Lon., 1861, ' 
 Mitchel, F. A. Ornisby Macknisht Mitohel A» 
 f^rsr^ zit::i"8^'8vr'"«^"'''''"'^ ^--'- '^ ^ 
 •iei/'wu.h.^'^n^liyar^e:;^''""" "'« ">fi">eyn„wanl. . . . 
 ( leer^^^^^^ l^":" '"' 'I'"', which Is tau«lit hv ! 
 "Iways nil a K-eat ml ,f'l\■S'i;;.\^•''^ '" " 'i'"« that i.uist ; 
 ?ii,en n \ew VoVk ''' i*^",'™' "'""■•' '>« "'"""J 'ho 
 «; 1 , ,; ^'^^^- "'"1 'li'i-ing the civil war th„ 
 Kr^i e ed'" TV '"r '■^"' ^""""-^ before hiTdUh 
 coirn tedm h J f'PPerary, but the election wa. 
 »" ke.i ou hi. ^"'7"'' ""'l.'"' 7"^ '^ f^'"" "''« '""' ""t 
 1 (AM, ,„/,,, Lif« and Times Of Aodh O'Neill IVJnc. ) 
 t^lTknTfV ^"'Z- «''•• <""itl«'l "Life «f 1 u«hi 
 V '^tiill. Earl of ryrone." N. V.ok. I870 ]•>,„„ o j*' : 
 ^nuriiai ; .,r. Five Years in British PHso'ns', N-'Yi'.^k I 
 '!>ois..Svo. And aeo DAVis, Thomas, aiKe, vol. i. 
 I iflitchel, Orinsby Mncknuht. LI n r , 
 vo . ii,, add I Isou i«.io •^"■"B"»» '-.''.U., [oh/,. 
 For biog., see M,T( ,m K A ""'J"J-«fnoral I8B2. 
 '■ i^.ft'^r^y "'• ">o Bible, N. Yo;k. lHl'^%;J^""■ 
 bridge Wells, same year. ' ' ^"^ "''• ^""■ 
 ,i?,"?'!f"'.."«r- Alexander Ferrier, D I) b 
 ^and^i ;;;!;;";;; rb(j;e:r^^^^^'r:;u::^S": 
 ^" 1"; '1 "^f "f^^^f/'t ''•'■-"'■>«• 1^''^" ii^>.i M 
 T,'is , ,?• ^'"' "^''''''il'uin.s and their Work • or 
 I Mo^;r\i ;r:7,f ''" '"""'i ><^"""-tio„ i„°'it; «:: 
 ' Th^ 1- Germany: a Lecture, Lon., ISfi7, 4to 
 ;;d! Mi 'i*'!""""' ^"""■'bl.v : its History , „d .v am? 
 c; ./a„!.r:i;;!.;;n^'.^;-^^r^;y; j-i^^^ 
 m n.^;.V "''""'"^^:,»' 1 "■'-'onpans, Minutes li ,he Me?! 
 m nster Assembly while eiiKnged in iircnarin.' tlw.iV 
 : ^--^^'.T ;>i.- Chiir,^ GoverrJiufnt, C^infiXof f^ h 
 Hmo*""''* '!', '■"!'' ^",r ''*'«'y- '• Crystals, Phila 
 ISmo. 1. ihe i.,„,,, u„y i„ Alabama, "l-hila"., liosj,' 
 Mitchell, Arthnr, M.D., LL.D., FRS .Sent 
 o«k h„ ,„„|i,„| ,,^.^,^,,^ „^ ,.-.^ Col e*e, Aberdeen' 
 M8j comn,,o„er in lunacy for Sc.itlamI vice- resi' 
 M.uiVi:S;h;;;:;';y,?;;j™,^;.;''^rim.; i>r ^^,c,l..|^s c(,ne^ 
 history wfiei, 11 ore i ,1 „,(,,,. ' " """' '" '""""" 
 of hiKlian(ll(,W('iv /.iii,,. '^ iniiontr nu.,, slates both 
 lor till, mail, icr\;M',v "• !;h ;■ ,';,'",: s",",:',!; 'i"" '""'■"'y 
 ou.s am va iiiihk. I'mcLsViVi-, i, V, i ', '^. h>r the ciiri- 
 ^nf"^^:^'/; *;:„!:: ,J^;:";f'H;Construe.ion am. .raw. 
 rri!;'fsr^^^"^[tLj;:-,'---'— i-to 
 !*^t^t^'!',»?^!^;„,S^i- Veai.i„ther„ited 
 "flings MaxUo;::ni™sTL(^:'i87^,'\^r'" 
 n;c tiV wYork'r'i';;.;"''',,""""' " '""^^'y -"">■ 
 I My F,nn'"ofT,"" "' /'>'^ ''«- Exposition of is.' 
 ISd'!^* . ,Edf?owood: a Country Book, N. York 
 X v; k Tsiir-i':::" '.'"r- %•"' «■'— .iit'a,d It" '; 
 ;.nd X^t ''s';' ^'"T.-T^"'- ■■ ''"w an,T wh; ''they ive • 
 and what .Stones they told. N York 1877 loV., o 
 ThoWoodbridge Reco^ N^. llaVen,' I'ss"' jl'Zniei 
 Tyler; ii Memorial Voluino, iss;i. 10. Bound Together: 
 II Sheaf of I'lipors, N. York, Issi, 12mu. 
 itlitclicll, K. (I'M.) Streiiinlets from the Fimnliiin, 
 l;On., IStiii, I.KiiU). 
 Mitchell, Ui Five ThouFiiml n Yeiir, itn<l how I 
 iiiiido it in Five Years' Time, Host., 18711, I'-'ino. 
 .Mitchell, E. U. Siege-Life in Paris, Lon., 1870, 
 Mitchell, lidiilillld. A Mysterious Tru:t, I,on., 
 1885, p. 8\-o. 
 Mitchell, Kdwnrtl Copp^c, L1,.I)., ls;)ii-isR7, 
 1). in SavanniUi, (in.; j^nnlualed iit the University of 
 Pennsylvania 185.'); inlinitted to the bar l'^58: iieoarue 
 jirofesaor of the law of real estate, eonveyancinj;, and 
 equity jurispruilenuo in the University of Pennsylvania 
 in 187.'1, and dean of the liuv department in 1S74. 1. Sep- 
 arate Use in I'l'nnsylvania, Pliila., 1S75. 2. Contracts 
 fijr the Sale of Ijand in Pennsylvania. Phila., 1S77, 8vo. 
 'A, The lOipiitablo Uolation of the liuyer and Seller of 
 Land under (jontraet and before Conveyance : Two Leo- 
 turos, I'hila., 1S77. 
 Mitchell, Kdward C'lishiiiK, l> I> , h. Is.'.i. at 
 East Bridgeivater, Mass.; ;;ranilson of N'aliuui .Mitchell, 
 i,niilr, vol. ii.;) eilncated at Waterville CollCf;e, .Maine, 
 and at Newton Theological Seminary; iirofessor of lie- 
 brew in the Baptist Theological Semioary at Chiea;,'o 
 1,S7II-7S ; later successively prcjfessorof liiblical interpre- 
 tation in Ueirent's Park liaptist College, London, Eiig., 
 and president of the ISajitist Theological School. Paris, 
 France. He resigned that position in 1882, and in 1887 
 became president of Leiand University, Now Orleans. 1. 
 Principles of Hebrew (Jramiiiar, Amlover. .Mass., ISSO. 
 2. Critical Iland-Book : a (iuiile to the Study of the Au- 
 thenlicity. Canon, and Text of the Greek New Testa- 
 ment. Illustrated by a Map, Diagrams, and Fac-.Similes, 
 Lon. anil Andover, i880, cr. 8vo; now ed., 1833. I). 'Les 
 Sonnies du Nouveau Testament, Paris, 1882. Anil see 
 D.WIES, HKN'.r VMIN, ail/il-d. 
 .Mitchell, .Mr8. Elizabeth Ilarcourt, daughter 
 of .lohn K. W. Kolls, of the llendre, Monuioutbshiro; 
 marrieil, 18fii), to Frank .Johnstone .Mitchell. I. First- 
 Fruits: Poems, Lon., I860, 1 2nio. 2. The Light-House : 
 a Novel, Lon., 1S60, 2 vols. p. 8vo. .'J. 
 Verses, Lon., 1801, fp. 8vo. 4. Losing and Winning: a 
 Tale, Lon., ISOH, 2 vols. p. Svo. 5. Hatherleigh Cross; 
 a Talc, Lon., 1804, 18nio. 6. The School-Ijty Saint; a 
 Sketch of Uo la Perrie, Lon., 1875, p. 8vo. 7. The Beau- 
 tiful Face: a Tale for Young and Old, Lon., 1879, 12mo. 
 8, The Little Blue Lady, and other Tales, Lon., 1880, p. 
 Svo. it. Norton Hall; a Tale, Lon., 1881, p. 8vo. 10. 
 The Diamond King: a Tale, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 11. Her 
 Majesty's Bear: a Tale of the Time of Queen Elizabeth, 
 Lon., lS8:i, p. Svo. 12. Golden Horseshoes: a Tale of 
 Chivalry, Lon., 1884, j). 8vo. 18, Meditations on Gen- 
 esis; new ed., Lon.. 1880, 12mo. 14. Meditations on 
 E.xodus, Lon., 1886, 12mo. 15. The Church in the \^al- 
 ley. Illust. Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 16. Engel the Fear- 
 less. Illust. Lon., 1SS6, p. Svo. 17. A Short Church 
 History. Revised by a Committee of Clergy. Lon., 18S7, 
 .Mitchell, F. S. The Birds of Lancn-shire. Illus- 
 trated by J. G. Keulemans, Victor Prout, &,o, Lon., 
 " As a contribution to ornithological literature, the book 
 mcrit-s a cognizance far wider than its local scope would 
 indicate."— ylm<(., xxviii. 171. 
 Mitchell, G. Letters to Earl Kussoll on Events at 
 AVarsaw, Lon., 1862, Svo. 
 .Mitchell, G. W. X-t-Y = Z; or, Tlio .Sleeping 
 Preacher of North Alabama : containing an Account 
 gf .Most Wonderful Mysterious Mental Phenomena, fully 
 authenticated by Living Witnesses, N. York, 1877, 
 Mitchell, II. The Diamonds and Golc^ of South 
 Africa: witli the Transvaal (iold Law, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 Mitchell, Rev. Hinckley Gilbert, Ph.D., b. 
 1816. at "1,00, N.Y.; educated at Wesleyan University, at 
 the School of Thcidogy of Boston, and at the University 
 of Leipsic, Germany; became professor of Hebrew and 
 Old Testament e.\egesi8 in Boston University 1881. 1. 
 Final Con.structions of Biblical Hebrew, Leipsic, 18711. 
 2. Hebrew Leasims, Bost., iBS4. 
 Mitchell, J. Scripture and Tradition in Church 
 Government, Ijon., 1875, p. Svo. 
 Mitchell, J. Aberdeen Town-Hall Armorial Benr- 
 ings: with Notices of Institutions, Families, and Per- 
 sons so represented, Aberdeen, 1877, Svo, Anon. 
 iMitcliell, J. A Daily Fount. i in fir the Young: 
 Tc.vt and Uccitation, Lon., 1880, ISnio. 
 .Mitchell,.!. A. I. The Summer School of Philoso. 
 phy at Mount Desert. Illi N. York, 1881, 4to. 2. 
 The llomanco of the .'\Iooii, N. York, 1880, 24 
 .Mitchell, J. II. Chrestos : a Religious Fplthct; its 
 Import anit Inllucncc, Lon., ISSO, cr. S\'o. 
 Mitchell, J. M. The Runic Literature of Scandi- 
 navia. Lon., isfi.'i, ito. 
 Mitchell, ilev. J. .Miirrny, .M.A., LL.D., mission. 
 ary ollhe Free Church in Inilia. I. .Memoirs of Unix ri 
 Ncsbill, l.on., 1S.">S, p. 8vo. 2. The Religious 
 cd' Christendom : Papers, Lon., 18S0, Svo. :i. Ilindui-'ii, 
 I'ast anil Pri'scnt : with an Account of Recent lliii<lii 
 Reformers, and a Brief Comparison between llindiii-in 
 and Christianity, Lon., 1>S5, cr, Svo. 4. Foreign .\li,- 
 sions of tile Pi'olestant Churches: their Slate ar.d th<>ir 
 Prospects. N. Viprk, 18SS, lOino. 
 I Mitchell, .Mrs. J. Miirrny. 1. In India: SketLdos 
 ! of Iiidi:n) Life and Travel ; from Letters and .Iourii;il-. 
 j Lon.. ISTO. cr. Svo. 
 "A small hut Hclconie ('oiilriluitidii lo the descriptive 
 literature cpf modern India."— .Icik*., x. 100. 
 2. In Soullu'rn liiili;i: a A'isit to some of the Cliii f 
 .Mission Stations in the Madras Presiileiicy. Map and 
 Illust. Lon., 1SS5, cr. Svo. 
 .Mitchell, .1. \V. S. History of Freemasonry, iind 
 Masonic Digests, ,'Miiricltii. tin., ISliO, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Mitchell, Kev..lniiiC!<, D.D. The Life and Timis 
 of Levi Scott, D.D., (Uic id' the Bishoiis of the Mcth.,dUr 
 Episcopal Church : witli a Preface by Rev. D. P. Kidder, 
 D.D., N. York, IsSo, 12mo. 
 Mitchell, Ilev. Jaines, minister of the Parisli 
 Church. South Leilh. Secessiims from the Churcli of 
 Scotland: Riseand Progress of Voluntaryism, (St. (files' 
 Lectures,) Edin., IssO. p. Svo. 
 Mitchell, Jaines Tyndale, LL.D., b. Is.'?!, at 
 Belleville, 111.; graduiited at Harvard 1855, and at the 
 law deiiartment of the University of I'enn.sylvania ls57 ; 
 was admitted to the bar ; became a judge of the district 
 court of Philadelphia 1871; transferred to the of 
 common pleas 1875, and re-eleetcil in 1S81. He eililcd 
 the American Law Register 1801-87. 1. A History of 
 the District Court, 1875. 2, Mitchell on Motions and 
 Rules, 187'J. 
 Mitchell, James Y. History and Directory of 
 the Temple Presbyterian Church. Illust. Phila., IST^!, 
 Mitchell, John. 1. London Thoroughfares, Lon., 
 1857. 2. The Truth about America : the Electoral .-Sys- 
 tem. Lon., ISOO, p. Svo. 
 Mitchell, John, 180:i-lS74, b. at Montrose, Scot- 
 land. A JIanual of I'unctuation, Ac. By a Practicnl 
 Printer. Manchester, ISJi). 
 Mitchell, Miu.-Gen. John, [imfc, vol. ii., 
 .MiTi'iiKi.i., LiKfT.-Coi.. J. H. p., add.] Biogrnphics of 
 Eminent Soldiers of the Last Four Centuries : with a .Me- 
 moir of the Author, Edin. and Lon., 1805, p. Svo. 
 Mitchell, Ilev. John, [mi re, vol. ii., fourth of ilic 
 name, add.,] d. IS70. Derweiit ; or. Recollections nl ;i 
 Young Life in the Country. By John C'hesler, [pseud.] 
 N. York, 1872, 12mo. 
 Mitchell, John M. The Herring : its Natural His 
 tory and Nalioiial Importance, Lon., 1S64, Svo. 
 Mitchell, li. II. Report on the Seizure by the 
 Abyssinians of the (icological and Mineralogical Hccoii- 
 naissrnce Expedition attached to the General Stall' of liie 
 Egyptian Army, Lon., 1878, r. Svo. 
 Mitchell, I..nngdon Elwyn, son of Dr. S. W. 
 Mitchell, iii/m, .Sylvian, a Tragedy, and Poems, liv 
 .John Pliili]) Varlcy, [pseud.] N. York, 1880. 
 Mitchell, Mrs. Lncy M. 1. A History of Ancicn, 
 Sculpture. Illust. N. "i ork and Lon., ISSIt, r. Svo. 
 " Iiisiiito of some blcmi.slu's. it is by far the best hnnk on 
 (Ireek art that we possess in JCnglisli. For originaliiy nf 
 views the archceiilogisl will still looklo Mr. Murray's ' lli- 
 tiiry of Aneiciit .Seulpliire;' but for a woll-iii^'li exhr.usiivc. 
 for a usually accurate, and always clear r/stimi'id'thcMili- 
 ject, this new volume liii-s no ri\al."— J.v.nk E. HauiusuN : 
 Acad.. XXV. 408. 
 2. Selections from .iVncient Sculpture : Twenty Photo- 
 type Plates made for Mrs. Mitchell, illustrative of lur 
 Work on Ancient Sculpture: witii Descriptive Text, X, 
 York, 1883, fol. 
 Mitchell, Mary A. (Trans.) A Heart Regained, 
 by Carmen Sylva, Queen of Roumania, Bosl., ISSS, Svo. 
 Mitchell, Nathan J. Reminiscences and Inci- 
 dents in the Life and Travels of a Pioneer Preacher of 
 Mitchell, Hev. Itob.^rt, ,,„8t<.r of tho E U 
 initchell, Kohert, M.R.C.S. A (icncrnl nn.l Mi. 
 toncal Trc..ei.o „„ Cu„cer U.e, Us Cau ClTol . , i 
 Mitchell, llohcrt. ' Willi,,,,, „f N„r,n„n,lv a 
 I'lav, in I''ivi' Acts; l-Vho •! I',„.,„ i, . ,*" "' "i".* • a 
 Mitchell u..ih^''iv^i:;,ru :;;:■"/:, ::;c:i 
 Mitchell, Mrs. Sauers. l-,„i„ a cloud iiv 
 Anon 1 ,,ntocl for |ii-,vMte ciiviilation. 
 P,'^""? '' •'**'"'' "•■''■' ■^•■l'- '''-I>-. b. I821I in 
 Pl>,laclc.|,,l„„; son of J„h„ Koursley AliR.|R.ll M n 
 ",-v., -nuc, vol. ii.;, „,|,u.ate.| at (he L'nivcs vof l-enn-' 
 y van,a an,l g,-a,l„„tu,| at .(wrerson Mcliealb^ego i, 
 iS..(l. lin,.,„jr th,. ,.ivil wa,. 1,0 l„ui ehargo of t ,c r " 
 anny hospital wanis for .li.oas.a an.l iifjiii-ics f tie 
 nervous sy.stcn at Turner'. l,ano Hospital, l>h lac I 
 l.hia. JI,. practises in l>liila,lolpl,i,v as a sieci i i 
 nervous ,l,seases, is a ,nember of many seie, tillc eocie 
 ' ,1 1.1 • ,",''' •^'•■"«'"t'">i, and has been president 
 ol tl IMiiladelphia Collego of I'hysieians. Ill p.,, " 
 "" I'liysiology toxicology, and nervous diseases nu be 
 over one hundred and he has eontiibuted in pro." ,,u 
 erso to leading Arneriean periodicals. I. (Ed J i" ' 
 Ii n Ts^V iQ ' •, „"^ *^"''° '^- 'Mitchell, M.D 
 ment that uverv wiuVl is r ,1 r V,' 'iTsenessol siate-;s a lesson too'ii.>^oicrij'r';;;;^e:;;::i."i::^>;ir 
 .•.;iia!r[t„;:: ,^,^::"V'?;!. ;,^r„r"T'"'"rr'- 
 f. make then,, I'hila., IS7" Ano >,;"''' ""' ^'7 
 ;ss4; ,th od: eiuitied .'i^.lC' ill 1 h '::■ ^t^t 
 th;,!'^S:!ltrj/^«ni;-oss.^.^^,e „,,e to a volume of 
 in I'liila.lelphia.aiol th'v ,lo,l\w ' "pt two are laid 
 the Quake^V'-.VoJloH,x.vxi 1711 " ■"'™"^''*' ^'-■'^^t of 
 I „';*,• l^"5'',"' ""'I I'aticnt, I'hihi., 1SS7, I2nio 
 11 T„ \V .!.■ ■ ■ " — CI iroeius, UOSt., 
 II. In War lime, [a novel,] Bost., 1S85, 
 1SS2, Kimo. 
 ..n'inuMWll'rtMnembcTthl'",.''''''''!"''''-''^^ ""'"<. • . . 
 charactiT i/ati' t lio briil,,' i' -i',',"/ 1"^'.'""'»-, 'l'^' <lolica e 
 inad,.p,atec;,n^i,l;^i!;;;'^'!!.Cff-",i':-^l-r than the 
 shadl^,^^^;^!;;^^^,;:,,!;;;;^" "I'l-^'ensioi, or ,|,e ,i„er 
 eraryskill in b Wii?eV,,rrs T;/ lU'-" " »" ,"" ""1« 'H- 
 tionsare toohasiyaiid too .irokU Iv w -V,. , ' '■,"'"'''''■ 
 more than a eareless '.''■-.V, ,• ' V . '7 '" ''"''■■"■'-' 
 sense-and its linely ( is ,p 11, .r " r' ,'" "'O,l>ictorial 
 ill a place anart froTVi V ,.. I,^. literary workmanship set it 
 Ki,.i!sh lu^^i.' w" A.'};-:^,,^!;™^!',:.'^?, '"^I'^xf if""' "^■■^™«'-" 
 , ;•■ A Masque, anri other Poems, Host.' \HM Svo 
 lliuextraordinary versatilitvof Ir - \V >lr V-?"' >, 
 o o ; ) ■ "";■"""■"'"-•■•< "l""i tlie Anatomy and I'hvsi- 
 -W Wounds, and olher in uri^^^rthf;^:;.: "p l'^ 
 lN.I,er. Svo. With liKii'iiKiiT FT M I) I ,L ' 
 "|.on tlie V,.„oms of I^,isonous Serpent W,;:.''?™^'? 
 iind8!^H:s'L^:^,;;'t;,^-''^ '!;•";'''■' '■ ''"""^ 
 aii'l Cure. Lon., is.w s,.';/ ' ^- ^^'''f'"-'--'-- '1^ ''ause 
 ""Ss'^iv '^" '-- -" •-"" ' 
 Mimual of A,..^.i,..,,,,,r;.A",:, ;;:Xp. .;:o""''''''"""^ 
 iso P H ,' "fvV n'"v T1-. '■ •"'' '•""■« ■■ " Treat, 
 of (iod an. le VoHd N vt'rk ,""- , s' '''"' .r'!,'','""f''>y 
 signals nsc,la"sci KM ,/ .' x" "'"'« "'' 
 noi D ';.talrs|!u'"'"'";, f!!'"""' ""'""KO to'christ 
 "'SS^i ''■"■-?--""- a '•■ 
 boa^d I ,r H I'lrmv '»'"' "f-''"""""" "'' the school 
 of Barbadoes (Tri s, "I'^i >'5 ; ordained 185s ; Bishop 
 ••c»M:(^ii^.. , 
 ' \ 
 ' 1 
 IMitrurd, Algernon Ilertram Kreeninn-,C.n., 
 b. Is;i7; secretary to II, M. ciimiiiiMiioiiur of works 
 IH74-8B; formerly seconil nocrelary tci thu Hrilish Ivun- 
 lion ill Japan; assuiiicil the uilclitioniil suriiaine of Free- 
 man in Is8l). Tales cjf Old .Ia|Min : witli Illustrationa 
 drawn anil cut on Wood bv Jaiiaiieso Artists, Lon., Is'l, 
 Xvo; 2d ed., 1874. 
 "Tlio most iiitcroslint; of tlii' M.iries collcctoil liv Mr. 
 Mitford arc \iii(luulilcilly tlii> ' Fiiirv-Tali'.s.' fur in tlioin the 
 linlis lii'ccinio cluarly visililf whirh uuUv ilio folk-lure uf 
 Japan Willi lliiil uf tlu' liiilu.Kiiro|it'Kii llatiull^ , , . (ircat 
 ori'dit is (Inc lu .Mr. .Milford lor ilif care lie lias taken in 
 the work ol Iraiislalioii. lie has sncce.ssfiilly rendered the idi s with truth and e.vactiiess into pleasant 
 iind readahii- Kimlisli, and lias added iiineli to the interest 
 of his work hy tlie illnsliiilive eoinineiitary he has been 
 able to supply on Ihe manners and ciistuMLs uf the people 
 nailiereil from his own e.xperieiees in the LhikI id' the 
 KisiiiK Sun."— .svi(. It, i:. \\\i. ;ii7. 
 .llitrord, Ilertram. I. Our Arms in Zululand : 
 the Three Ureat llattles, in Verso, I.on., 1S8I, IJuio. 2. 
 Througli the Zulu Cuiintry : its liattle- Fields and People. 
 Illust. I,im., ]ss:i. 8vo. 
 "I'oor thuiiKh this narrative is as n whole, yet In parts 
 we have luiinil it interesting. It is nut everywhere 
 siiK.lhered lienealh the weiKht uf words wliieli the author 
 has laiil oil it. Ills junrney in ilseif was in luie respeet a 
 very siirpiisini; one. Tliruuu-li a wild euiniirv over whieli 
 we hud earrieil a lleree war so short a while before 
 amidst a race of men who. however iiimdi they may have 
 raised them.selves above their iiei)jlihoiirs, nevertheless are 
 savages, he was able to travel In perfect safety."— Su(. Jiev., 
 Ivi. 44-. 
 Mitford, C. L. The Arab's Pledge: ii Tale of 
 Morocco, L(jn.. ISii". 
 Mitford, Edward Ledwicli,,s., of the 
 ]iengnl civil service; retired. 1. Poems, Dramatic and 
 Lyrical, Lon., 18(i!l, p. 8vo. 2. A Land Marcli from 
 England to Ceylon Forty Years Ago, through IJalmjitin, 
 Montenegro, Turkey, Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, 
 Assyria, Persia, Afghanistan, Scinde, and India, of which 
 7M0II Miles on Horseback. Illust. Lon., 1884, 2 vols. 
 (This work i.s composed of letters written more than 
 fortv years before publication.) 
 " He . . . has iiniie jiistilied his publication, which has 
 been skiltnlly [lut together out of letters written home, 
 allied possibly by personal recolleetiuns."— ,S(i(. Kn:, Iviii. 
 Mitford, Miuor-<;en. Keginald Colvil Wil- 
 Main llevt'ley, b. 18;i9; served in the Indian Mutiny, 
 in the Afghan war 18711-80, Ac. ; retired 188fi. I. To 
 Caubul with the Cavalry Brigade: a Narrative of Per- 
 sonal K.xperionces with the Force under General Sir F. 
 S. Roberts, O.C.I!. Illust. Lon., 188(1, Svo; 2d ed., 
 1881. ' 
 " It is the .straightforward storyof a spirited .soldier, who 
 saw a good ileal of exoitiiig service. . . . His few illnstra- 
 tlous are excellent, and give a vivid idea of the general 
 character ot the eoiiiitry.'*— avi(. ]tei\, I. 77.1. 
 2. Orient and Occident : a Journey Fast from Lahore 
 to Liverpool. Illust. Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 '' Gen. Mitford is a good observer ; and, even while trav- 
 elling over the well-worn track, he ha.s succeeded not only 
 111 noting a great number of interesting fuels, but also iii 
 embodying them in a readable book."— .livuf., xxxiv 18;i 
 Mitra, Itiijviidraliiia, LL.I)., C.I.H. I. Muddha 
 Oayli, the lleniiitage of ,si,'ikya Muni, Calcutta, 1879. 
 " The book deserves e.xaniination byall interested in the 
 snljjeet of liiiddhist history and arclueology."— .4//i.,-Nu. 
 "The author is a native of Heiigal, most favourably 
 kiiowii, who wields the weapons of hi.i silence witli great 
 sk ll.and whose Kiigiish style is as pure and irreproaeli- 
 aljle as that ol any Kiiglisli author."— .4cu'/.. xvil. J)s. 
 2. The Antiquities of Orissa, (Published by Order of 
 the (iovernment of India,) Calcutta, 2 vols. (Vol. ii. is 
 a, folio of photographic illustrations.) 3. Indo-Aryans: 
 Contributions towards the Elucidation of their Ancient 
 and MediiBval History, Lini., IS82, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 ".N'ot a few of the chapters in two volumes of 
 liapers, eoutribiiled ehietly to the Journal of the Asiatic 
 >-ocletyof Heiigal, toiieli on (luestlons which can scarcely 
 b ' regarded as delinitively settled, and which for ail genu- 
 iiie historical .students pos.scss both interest and 
 tuiice."— *'«(. llri:, liv. J 18. 
 I gen 
 4. The Sanskrit Huddhist Literature of Nepal, Cal- 
 cutta, 1882, 8vo. (This is a vnlntiuiiie ritlminii' of a 
 collection of MSS. presented to the 'Asiatic .Society of 
 liengal, with a memoir of the donor.) 
 "Wiil prove inillsOi-ii, to all who aim at the serious 
 study of Bnddhist tlnnightand teaching."— .4W., No. •iO:V 
 Mivart, St. George, M.D., Ph.D., F.U.S., b. 1827,' 
 in London; was educated at Harrow School, and at 
 King's College, London, and, having become a Roman 
 Catholic in 1844, finished his studies at St. Mary's Col- 
 f lege, Oscott ; called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn ; 
 I became lecturer at St. .Mary's Hospital .Medical Selio'd 
 j 1_SB2, and jirofessor of biology at University College, 
 Kensington, 1874. He has been vice-president of the 
 Zoological Society and secretary of the Linntean .'^ocielv. 
 and has contributed largely to the publications of learm-il 
 societies, to seientitio and literary reviews, and tj lln- 
 Ninth Kdition of the Fncycloiiiedia Britannica. 1. (in 
 the (ienesis of Species, Lon , 1871, p. 8vo ; 2d ed. siiiiu- 
 •■ 111 no work in the Knglish language has this great i 
 troversy been treated at once willi the same broad nml 
 vigorous grasp of fuels and the same libenil and cumli.l 
 temper. . . . What .Mr. .Mivart insisls iipuii Is that the- 
 theory uf .Natural Selection, however suppleiiieiiled ainl 
 aided by that of Pangenesis, thiiugli true, is not the wh.ile 
 truth; that it can beshown lu be iiuile insiitlleieiit tu i \. 
 plain a number of important pheiionHioi ineiled w iili 
 the Origin of Species, and thai it niiisl. in eoiiseiiueine 
 It-sell be capable uf being merged in sunie higher law' 
 allied and siippleineiited by some more recondite agenev ' 
 —■■<al. Kii:. xxxi, IT'.i. ' ' 
 "Though by no means disposed originiillv to di.-s.-m 
 Ironi the theurvi.f Natural .Selectiuii.if only il's dilliniliir^ 
 could be solved, he [the aullior) has found each siici-essue 
 year that deeper eonsideratiun and mure careful cxaiiiiim. 
 tion have more and more brought home to him theiiiad- 
 eiiinicy of Mr. Iiarwin's tlieorv to account for the preservu- 
 tion and intensllieation of incipient, specilic. and geimiiic 
 eharaeters. That minute, fortuitous, and indellnite vaiiu- 
 tions could have brought about such .siiceial furiiis mid 
 niodillcations as have b<>eii c'linmenited in this ehapi.-r 
 seems to contradiet, not imagination, but reason."— A'.i7mi-/ 
 /row Ihi Hurt:. 
 1 "To estimate aright the vnliditv of these objections 
 , would reiinlre a volume."— .4W., No, JJHl. 
 i 2. Man and Apes: an Exposition of Structural lie 
 semblances and Uilferences bearing upon Questions ,,f 
 Affinity and Origin, Lon., 187.'!. p. 8vo. 
 "A short. 'dear, and popular de.seription of Ihe vu:iuiii 
 groupsof apes, monkeys, and lemurs, with asoniewhnt de- 
 tailed account of tlie various points, both of external aii<l 
 internal anatomy, in wliicli they agree with, or diltcr 
 Irom, the human organization. . . . The general reader 
 cannot have a more iriistworlhv guide to the facts uf this 
 somewhat complex but very ioiiiortaiit subject. "—Alkhko 
 K, Wallack; Acad., v. liCi, 
 I .'!. Lessons in Elementary Anatomy, Lon., 187.'i, Kinio : 
 new ed., 1878, 12uio. 4. Th'e Common' Frog. Illust. l.on.! 
 1874, p. Svo. 0. Contemporary Evolution : an Essaj 
 some Recent Social Changes. Lon., 187R, p. Svo. 
 "If liny man will hike eoiiiisel and learn hnwthat llie 
 doetniie ol evuliition is a most orthodox opinion, and has 
 been opiiorliinely raised up in these latter davs as a singu- 
 lar eonllrmation of Papal infallibiiitv, and 'for a witiie-^ 
 to the never-failing di.seretion of the Church in dealing 
 withmatten<of proTaiie science; tliatthethingitself temls 
 altogether to the aihantage of the chiirch aforesaid, iiisu- 
 niiieh that in some moderate space of time all heresies iiiid mere form of natural. selection, lie I'lciiii 
 exterminated, and the civilized world liappilv restored i- 
 the obedience of the See of Rome and the peripat, M. 
 philosophy; (inallv, that ' the cnlmimition of tlie prucc- 
 of evolution ' has been the great Vatican decree, llie kcv 
 stone of the great arch id' civil and religious iibcriv.'-ii'll 
 these things and more heshall Iind abnndantlvaiid'iaagis- 
 terittlly deniunstrated by Mr. Mivart in the "compass of 
 .some two hundred and hfly pages, and a chapter on eccle- 
 siastical ar.diitectiire into the bargain. . . . His Imuk i- 
 alter all, a perfect jewel of paradox."— .s'nr A'er., xli. 811. 
 6. Lessons from Nature, as manilestcd in Mind and 
 Matter, Lon., lS7f), Svo. 
 " Mr. Darwin Is not in fairness to be held responsible for 
 the extremes to wliiidi his conclusions may have bwii 
 pushed by eager siieculators in the direction of agiiustii isiu 
 or even ol nihillsni. Against negative or destructive tlun- 
 rie.s siKdi us these .Mr. Mivart does battle witli a vigour 
 and an acuteiicss worthy of all praise. In special purls uf 
 Mr. Darwin's own armour he liiids vulnerable poiiiis. 
 1 he theory of sexual .selection, in particular, as developed 
 in the 'Descent of .Man ' meets with much genuine uiid 
 powerful criticism, which forms indeed the niostsucces.«liil 
 part of the present volume."— .'•'(i(. liiv.. xlii. i!7l. 
 7. The Cut: an Introduction to the Study of liuok- 
 boncd Animals, especially Maminals. Illust. Lon., 
 1881, Svo. 
 "Of the lifteen chapters into which Dr. Mlvart'shnok is 
 divided, nine . . . seem to iis to contain an 
 clear and concise account of the animal's structiire .md 
 development. . . . High as our author stands in ouroii 
 niation as a descriptive anatomist, he wlmlly fails, if ii..t 
 to appreciate the Interest which surrounds the Cut, wiili 
 its remarkably obscure hi.story, at least to illustrate iiMif- 
 Hciontly.' — ,«/;«-(u/ur, liv. 1171. 
 8. Nature and Thought : an Introduction to a Nntunil 
 Philosophy, Lon., 1882, Svo; 2d ed., 1885. 
 " We hold the book to be a serviceable one, as coiiluiii- 
 iiig a pointed and intelligent ri'sHm*' of much that bus been 
 said by the best writers, on both sides, about qiiestiiuis of 
 the deepest and moat practical Interest, and as offering 
 ^Htxer, A. II. Manual „f French I'octry, I.7I, ' 
 Monk, IVnthaiiieltievelnnU,l,.ls:);i,ftt Sharon 
 ^^\\LT '''f?."' '""""'>■ '■'"• ••^"'"ny Cun y 1S72 "• 
 nr hT o'"^'"« "' ""? Albany IVnitontian., A ba ,v 
 IS<-, Nvo. 2. Re|)(irts of ('use,- ilcciili.,1 in fl,. k' 7- 1 
 ^vlV'"' Mr "'"1 '<"''•-- Albany IS t;:' 
 Mobcrly, Kev. <linrles Kdward. MA r,,.., 
 8 , .Ia,„e,l IS .i; assistant u,a.-t.r of K,^,bv s'hZl 
 >.«-7!) rector 0, C, „ H„g„,,, o,„„,e,,,,,|t'i,- IS7 - 
 IZmo. 2. Geography of .Southern KuroieJ the VeJifer 
 ranoan „n,l ,u IVninsulas, l.,„., lssn.',"2,„o new' "• 
 vTrf f:.v \'''"^^,J"'^""- "'^"'■y VIl. Henry 
 , "'■• (Epochs of English Hi,i ,ry,") L,„ i^I/ 
 ISn,o. Also, school editions of I,at.n a^.tliors, l; '*"' ^ 
 lan,n,,is,„ryof|,sAn,e::;;„t!; .t\';i i:n7u; 
 MoH'at, John S., son of Rev. Uobart M„fr„f • f 
 ■•Mr. Mollafs work ' • ■ ' ' ' 
 Moberly, nt. Kev. iieorse. MA DPT r , 
 vol ii. a,|,, J ls„;,_,s,s.-,, b. a, St.^'relorsbt^^-gnui, :,';;.? 
 nrst class I, t. ,„,„., „t lialliol College, O.ifonJ.s'.'' 
 UoThs'' "f • '!"'"'„''' »-D- [""'^ vol. ii., n,],l 1 
 iiyt>-I.S,S.i; returneil to Knglnnd in tsrn • ..,,„i„ ■ ' 
 preshlent of the Foreign liibl ."oeiety i^ 18."' I ' ,7,^; 
 Labour in .South Af,-i,.,. 1 ..„ lo-, _•' " '"'r ... • ''''"8 
 lu ude , I'!' "f .«"li?bury. 1. .SoV.non.. on the B; 
 K .„«?{' " "'"•■? '■'. "^'''"* " '''■«'■""<-■ relating to the 
 Hecont \ olumc of ■' Es.say3 an.l Reviews," O.xf., is ^ 
 i-on., laoi. 4, iho Ailrninistrat on of the Holv .Si.iiit 
 liampton Lectures, IS.m., Un.. 18«S, Sv„7^2,''"ed'' 
 18,(1, p. svo. .-,. lirightstone Sermons, Lon. lSfi9 n 
 each .r'at^Bril?; "^ 1'"""'""' S«nno"; ' nl^k I'y 
 priacntu at Brightstone, Lon., 1S8«, p. .Svo Posth 
 Also, .single sermons and charges ^ "'• 
 iWoberly, Rev. George Herbert. M A ,r.„ 1 
 ua.ed at Corpus Christi Collele. "n'5,785'9, l^rel^e" j 
 fsi^,. "'■"""•"', ■'^''l'' ">'"" °f Duntisborne- Co 
 inSieK?tt Si;^'! :i;;^:r;'ti:^t:f ^ i 
 leiirh sini-n 1SU7 i -pi " /"■? • /''Cior ot »Monkton-Far- 
 Bed. ,Iist..ia Eech,s .stica/t^lh Injl^J;^ ^ »' \ 
 Mocatta, Frederick David, TheJeW Snain 
 a«d l-ortMgal and the rnquisition, Lm . 1877 cr 8vo 
 W^;«"''.'.'«:;i""^'" °"' '^ '^'°'- ""■« ■^"own-hlstorV"''- 
 Pn^Jn™*! Vv' k"^' "^-r *'""'' '^"''i'"" «''^anings and 
 man of Ernst Faber. Hong-Kong I sVsgvo ''■ 
 v!!?^,?i;fL^^'/'*'»"'„-»'""' Charles. 1. English 
 ■.....,,.1,.,, uioer .-'lones, Lon., Is/l 
 1 "fl'-^, and Co.nnVereial indush-fe? ,f he Un e[ 
 Fx?if„ "' '^'r"-/^.- ^- J- •J"n'«« Murray, or, Merit 
 Kxn ted: an r,sh Story, N. York, lS(i6, 16u,o. 2 T „ 
 Noble, an,, „,e.r,aeher, N. Vo'rk, LsW, sq" isfno! 
 inofcg, J. I. . Essay on Heraldry, Lon., 18.58 8vo 
 .8^T'«:^':!^s'^^r- "^""'■^'" «"'""-' i^- 
 serh"''or"'!f„^'- "'«"«''«, M- I. The Old Manu- 
 JttoggridKc, J. 'iraterne, F L S F 7 s 1 
 ss:;ir"-'i£^BsB'Pr'^ ess.;! 
 2. supplement to •' Harvesting Ants and Trap Door 
 Travellers and Italian Brigands: aTraU^eoVcant,'.r„ SnL^,"'''- 'rK^L •","."»"«-""'« Ants and Trap Door 
 "'''<?fTlf,y' ^'""- '^•'*' 2 vols. p. Svo ' »f ^"l""'' fP;'[';; "th Specific l)eseriptions of the Spi.ll.s, by 
 mu<^l\'rb^'tr.r'°"!l^,f,?^^„T^ « "."p-,?,; ^'-^'-C-bridge. must. Lon.', 1874, p^ 
 interestinL'. an iw.-.n . ,':..l' '^.>',i"'.«'<;™r. i,, sufflcientlv ■■ m i.,,-! .,.„ ,„, 
 much to be said' ThusV.Vrv 
 ^Ir.^Moe,'^s■s^^„l,\'Ta^isl,',!'l;,^;''!{'''?' ";"« '''' """•'• in 
 while the novel routes th" 1.0 ■f'"'' T"'' ".'"^ "riKinal, 
 manv int,.r,Jh!.'.';i!.'.'-l'.'l!lt !"; l""owe,l intr,idu,'ed him tcj 
 Moggridge, M. «. Method in Almsgiv ng a 
 Han,l-Book for Helpers, Lon., 1S82, p. s;.,"'"^""'^- » 
 ^-«..A.S. .he secrets ofAngling, .din.. ..,!SS;L'^^S:S3^ 
 Moffat, Mrs. A. S. 1. Cedar Brook Stories, „r, | Lo^l'g^.^cr'U'o!'' '''""«'' ""' ^'^''•^'""•- '^'^'"^'". 
 ••tM-* , 
 — ' i 1 
 r—'- n 
 1 — ' 
 Pi I II 
 i i 
 Molr, CieorRi!, I.L.D., [nnlv, vol. ii., aJ(l.,l J. IS70, 
 iL'l. 71, MiiRiii iin.l Witohoriift, 1-on., lH5'i, Svu. 
 Moir, llviiry C Manual of the I'nictiw! of Mml- 
 iclno: il(;?i);iR"l fur Stuilentu nnd tliu (itin>.'riil Pnicti- 
 tioner, N. Yiirk, 1S8I, 12 
 Moir, Kcv. J> Thu I'owfr nf an Kiiilk'ss I^ife, and 
 otiior SorniiMi'* : with Muiuoir, Lon., I^SL', p. .Hvo. 
 IMoir^ Jolill H. Oiipital I'unishiiK'nl, ISIi.'i, IL'ni>>. 
 lUtiiNtor, llev. Willium, WoHlcyati inini»ti;r ; wcnl 
 ns iniasiuniirv lo Western Africa in ISIill, anil aflcrward.i 
 t" tlio West Indies nnd Soiitli AnicMiea. I. .Muniiprialrt } 
 of Missioniiry Labours in We-'t Africa and tlio Wo^t 
 Indies, 1,011,, IM.ill, IL'ino. 2. Stories, Sketeht's, Kat-t.i, 
 and [noident.< illuatrativu of Missionary Knlerpriso, 
 T,.on., ISCn, |p. .Svo; now uil., IM77. 'i. Wcsloyan Mis- 
 sions ; tlioir Rise, Progress, and I'riisont ."^tate in Various 
 Parts of llio World, I-on., ISCill, p. Svo. 4. Missionary 
 Pioneer.'! : Memorial Sketches of Kinineiit Ministers, 
 Lon., 1871, |i. Svo. :>. The Kvil and the Remedy; or, 
 The Sin and Kolly of Intempenincc, Lon., IS77, p. Svo; 
 new cd., 1S81. 6. Africa, Past and Present, Lon., isH», 
 12nio. 7. The West Indies, Kushivod and Free: a Con- 
 cise Account of tlie Islands nnd Colonies, Lon., I8s:i, p. 
 Hvo. 8, The Patriarcli of Wyoming: being the Story 
 of the Life nnd Labours of Roger Moister, Lon., cr. 
 Hvo. i), llernlds of Salvation : being Hriof Memorial 
 .^ketches of Weslcyan Missionaries who have died in the 
 Work since its Comiiiciicoiiieiit, Lon., cr. Svo, 
 Moke, II. (i., and H'ilmcre, Alice. Belgian 
 Episodes, Lon., IStil, ]i. Hvo. 
 Molce, EliaSa IMca for an American Language ; 
 or, (lermiinic-Knglish, Chic, IS8S, IBmo. 
 MoleNWUi'tli, .>lis8. The Great Experiment: a 
 Novel, Lon., ISIi'J, 11 vols. p. Svo. 
 .MoleNWortli, C. Cobham Journals : Meteorologi- 
 cal Observations, Lon., ISSd, r, Svo, ; 
 Molesworth, Sir (iiiiirord liiiidsny, K.C,r,E,, 
 b. 1S28; son of Rev, J, E, N, .Mulesworth, (mile, vol. ii, ;) 
 became consulting engineer to the government of India 
 in 1871. 1. Conversion of Wood b- Machinery, Lon., 
 I80S. (Obtained the Wntt medal.) ^. Pocket- Rook of 
 Useful Forniulio for Civil and Mechanical Engineers, 
 Lon., 1SB6, 32mo; I'Jth ed., 1S7S; now ed., 1880. 3. 
 Metrical Tables, Lon., 1880, 32mo. 4, Land as Prop- 
 erty, Lon,, I8S,^, Svo. 
 lilolesworth, Mary, [miti; vol. ii., add.] Strny 
 Leaves from the Tree of Life, Lon., ISOU, 12mo. 
 Moleswortli, Mrs. Mary Loiiina, (Stewurt,) 
 b. 1842, of Scotch descent; passed her early life in the 
 north of England, but now resides in Paris. Most of her 
 books have been published under the pseudonyme of 
 " Ennis Graham." 1. Lover and Husband; a Novel, Lon,, 
 1S6U, 3 vols, p, Svo; new ed., 1873, 1 vol, 2. She was 
 Young and Ho was Old, Lon,, 1872, 3 vols, p, Svo. 3. Not 
 without Thorns, Lon,, 1873, 3 vols. p. Svo. 4. Cicely : a 
 Story of Three Years, Lon., 1874, 3 vols. p. Svo. 5. Tell 
 me a Story, Lon., 1.S75, 12mo; 6th ed., 1885. 6. "Car- 
 rots:" Just a Little Boy. Illust. Lon., 1876, 12mo; 
 new ed., 1884, 7. The Cuckoo Clock, Illust, Lon., 
 1S77, 12mo; new ed., 1S8L 8. Hathercourt Rectory, 
 Lon., 1878, 3 vols, cr. Svo. 9. Grandmother Dear. Illust, 
 Lon., 1878, l2mo. 10. The Tapestry - Room : a Child's 
 Komanoe, Lon,, 1879, 12mo. 11. The Christmas-Child. 
 Illust. Lon., 1880, Svo. 12. Hermy : tho Story of a 
 Little Girl. Illust. Lon., 1880, p. Svo; new ed„ lS8,i, 
 13. Miss Bouverio, Lon,, 1880, 3 vols, p. Svo. 14. Ad- 
 ventures of Herr Baby. Illust. Lon., 1881, r. Svo. 15. 
 Hoodie. Illust. Lon., ISSl, p, Svo. 16. Rosy. Illust. 
 Lon,, 1882, 12mo. 17. Summer Stories for Boys nnd 
 Girls, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 18. Boys nnd I: a Child's 
 Story for Children, Lon,, ISS2, p. Svo, 19. Two Little 
 AVnifs. Illust. Lon,, 1883, 12mo. 20. Christmas-Tree 
 Land. Illust. Lon., 1SS4, p. Svo. 21. Lettioe, Lon,, 
 1884, p, Svo, 22. Tho Little Old Portrait, Lon,, 1884, p. 
 Svo. 23, " Us:'' an Old-Fashioned Story. Illust. Lon,, 
 1885, p. Svo. 24. A Charge Fulfilled, Lon., 18S6, p. Svo, 
 25. Four Winds Farm. Illust. Lon., 1 886, p. Svo. 26. 
 Silverthorns. Illust. Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 27, The Ab- 
 bey by the Sea, and another Story. Illust. Lon., 1887, 
 12"mo. 28, Little Miss Peggy. Illust. Lon., 1887, p. 
 Svo. 29. Marrying and Giving in Marriage, Lon., 1887, 
 p. Svo. SO. The Piilnee in the «Hrd»n, Illust, Lnn,, 
 1S87, p. Svo. 31. A Christmas Illust. Lon,, 
 1888, p. Svo. 32, Five-Minutes Stories, Lon., 1888, 4to. 
 33. Four Ghost-Stories, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 34. The 
 Third Miss St. Quentin, Lon., 188S, p. Svo. 
 Molesworth, Itev. William Nassau, M.A., 
 LL.D., 1SI«-1,S9(), b. at Mill'irook, Il.impshlre ; xon of 
 Rev. J. E. N. .Molesworth, (mif., vol. ii.;) eilucuted ut 
 tho King's School, Canterbury, nnd at Pembroke (.'ui- 
 lege, (.'nmlnidge, whore ho graduated, senior uptime. 
 18;19; ordained Is;i9; perpetual (mrate of St. Andrew'-, 
 .Manchester, 1842-41, ami theroaller vicnr of St. Cleiii- 
 ent's Spothind, Rochdale. I. An Kssiiy on the lliiligiuiis 
 Imporlance of Secular Inslruetion. Lon., 1S57. 2. En;;- 
 land nnd Frnnce, Lon., I SOU. ( Pri'io essiiy on llie 
 French iillinnee, the iiiljudicators being Lords llrougliniii. 
 Clarendon, mid Shaftesbury. J 3. Plain Lectures on 
 Astronomy, Lon., Isi'i2, p. Svo, 4, History of the Re- 
 form Hill of 1S32, Lon,, lSfi4, Svo; 2d ed,, |Kii8. ,1. 
 Prize Essay on the Iniprovcil System of Kdui'ation, Lon., 
 1807, 12nio. 6. A New System of .Moral Philosophv, 
 (Prize Kssiiy,) Lon,, 1867, 7. The History of Kngliciid 
 from the Vear 1830, Lon., 1871-73, 3 vols, Svo ; now ed,, 
 1874; abridged, 1877, 1 vol, p. Svo. 
 " liotli the conception nnd the execution of these vohiin. - 
 are eomnionplnce. . , . Mr. Mulesworth has had iiu nece-. 
 to the iirivntc history of leadinj; pullticinns. nnd no kuuwl 
 edge of that Inner political lite wliieli is the soul ninl 
 essence of our coiislilntional system niid nives n cliaini 
 and zest to pulltlcnl history."— .,i//i., No. ;;:I71. 
 " .Mr. Nnssnn Molesworth'sbook islndispeiisnhlcluth 
 who wonUl have more thnn n Kcnernl rccuUectlun of Ilic 
 eventsof their time, who would have those events innpixd 
 out lie lore their minds in regular order."— t-iofcdi/or, xlvi. 
 •'<. Historv of the Church of England from tlie Yeji 
 1660, Lon.,"l8S2, p. Svo. 
 " His chief fault Is his prononcss to substitute 'a haiipy 
 thought' for a fact ; and he narrates the history of hisouo 
 generntlon wllh thnt same supreme uncoiiccni nlunu e\i- 
 dence wlii<di chninelerizesliistrentmentortheseventeenih 
 century."— ,S(i/. Jiev.. liv. 709. 
 Molineiix, K. L. Physical und Military Exercises 
 in Public Schools, I'liihi.. 1802. 
 Moliiieux, James. Botany Made Easy, ManclH'^- 
 tcr, 1807, p. Svo. 
 Mollett, John W. 1, Rembrandt, ("Great Art 
 ists,") Lon,, 1879, p. Svo, 2, Meifsonier: a Memoir 
 drnwn from Various Sources, ("(ireat Artists,") Lon., 
 1881, er, Svo, 3. Sir David Wilkie, (" Great Artist,-," 1 
 Lon,, ISSI, p. Svo. 4. Illustrated Dictionary of Woi,U 
 used in Art and Archoeology, Lon,, 1882, Svo. 5. (Ivl.) 
 Modern Etchings of Celebrated Paintings. Illust. Lon, 
 18S2, r. fol. il. Wnttenu, (" Great Artists,") Lon., ISs:;. 
 p. Svo. 7. (Ed.) Etched Examples of Paintings, Old ami 
 Now, Lon., 1884, 4to. 
 Mollison, John K. The NewTrnotical Window- 
 Gardener. Illust. Lon., 1877, 12mo. 
 Molioy, Kev. Gerald, D.D., D.Sei., rector of the 
 Catholic University of Ireland. 1. Geology and Rev- 
 elntioi.. Illust. Dublin, 1870, p. Svo; 2d ed., I S72. 2. 
 Tho Passion- Play at Ober-Aminergau 1871, Lon., 1ST I, 
 p. Svo J 4th ed., 1880. 3. A Visit to Louise Lntciiu in 
 tho Summer of 1872, Lon., 1S73, Ifimo. 4. Outline of a 
 Course of Natural Philosophy, Lon., ISSO, Svo. 5, 
 Gleanings in Science; a Scries of Popular Lectures on 
 SoientiHc Subjects, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 " AH the lectures eontnined in this volume are pervaded 
 by a philosophical spirit. '—.S/yccta(or, Ixi. 1774. 
 Molioy, J. Fitzgerald. 1. Merely Players: ;i 
 Novel, Lon., ISSl, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 2. It is no Wonder; 
 n Story of Bohemian Life, Lon., 1882, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 3. Court Life Below-Stairs; or, London under tlie 
 Georges, Lon., '882-83, 4 vols. p. Svo; new ed., issi. 
 4. What hast T'lou done? Lon., 1883, 3 vols. er. Svo. 
 5. The Life nnd Adventures of Peg Woffinglon : with 
 Pictures of the Period in whicii she lived, Lon,, ISSl, 
 2 vols, cr. Svo. 
 " For a biography of Margaret In the literal sense of the 
 word, no sufficient niAterlals exist, and such as there uio 
 can in lu) wav be ecuilidently relied on, A worthless and 
 verv scurrilous pamphlet is the only professed conlemiiu- 
 rarv record we know of, ' Memoirs of the (;elebrate(l .Mis. 
 Wo'mngtun.' . . . Mr. Molioy . . . has evidently seen u 
 too, though he does not .say so. All the early chapters ul 
 his tlrst volume are niercfv an elaborate version of lliis 
 pamphlet, without the scurrility. Indeed, hiswhole book, 
 when it is not sheer quotation, is little more."- -.Sa/. Ji'ei., 
 Iviii. «B. 
 6. Royalty Restored; or, London under Charles IL, 
 Lon., 1885. 2 vols. p. Svo. 7. Famous Plays: with 
 Prolegomena on the Play-Houses of the Restoralion, 
 Lon., lsS7, p. Svo. 3. That Viliiiin, Romeo ! Lon., !SJ<7, 
 p. Svo. 9. A Modern Magician: a Novel, Lon., 1887,3 
 vols. cr. Svo. 10. The Life and Adventures of Edmund 
 Kean, Lon., ISSS, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 "In two attractive volumes .Mr. Fitzgerald Molioy reliites 
 the 'Life and Adventures of Edmund Kean ' with tuller 
 ■ ta ' )V"AV4 ' tia : Aj^v 
 '- ■...I'^iS^Ti.j.^.v.-. ... 
 Illll,-t. I,„„., ISri, p. ,Sv„; J,| ,,| ,-g-,, 
 Krcit,|ilv, „mki„K' it raU ,'r li '^i. tc. , , ? C i;','-;'," I''' 
 K.m^'ll7^,!!:^; i!^:::;'-!; ,■;;■■-''•;'' I'l-u.. „„ 
 Moloney, Ca|U. lorneiins Allr.U. C M (} 
 colonml socTcl.iry „!■ the (f,,l,| (■„„.. IN?" H i . „ i, • • " 
 or rtriiiiKii „n.| CI(ii,inaunoi»(., Dublin, 1 NS(1 
 ^ Moiick, Martin. A ll,.r,l Life, I.„„.;,,s7,i. 2 vol,. 
 •ii'turf. Illust. („,„., ISSO, p.'sn, 
 Molynenx, Kev. Hegi laltl Kdunnl \i a 
 Knul.mteil „t Kxetur College Ox"r,| I s ,^ „' , ■ •,' 
 i««o, vicar of chn.t ck^!'vi:X!t^,z'^^:::i 
 .""s?;?i'"U M.y::^l"i!::;vl::;;l;;« rf ^ '^"« "?"> ^^'""<' 
 in the ,,r,, .4' " w li I, i,f ™""""' ',"i^ >f"'""'' '""' 
 subJLTi«l."->v,(. /ee„.' xxviil -li '""^^'■'■'*^"'" '"» material is 
 Monibert, Rev. Jacob Isidor fi n r , 
 l-a:-LaL1.'r;\tr;«,"'r^^.';[.'^;--'- County. 
 iindCou.pftrat.vo Tables, N.York. 18s:i, l2„.o f K •; 
 Willmui Tvnilale'a Five Books of M,k,.. iii. v ■ "■' 
 Collation, ana I'rolegomomvrV Y„ k 18sl Rv""""' 
 fchlH!.irgn'e!rS'-. v!;;rk' ,'5;.t7,C^"^''' ""' «-"'' 
 of the". Jallf^'f ."jiThe' {■nivefso^i^'ll'"';,' «"".''^'"? P"^'™" 
 must be thanke r the most v..ln,..V'.'' "";«?, hand, he 
 made to the lite™t,,,."!t'f ''".'"' ..y.'.'','!''I''«.'="''t'''''i'fi<>i' .vet 
 made to the I te ra re of tlip «n. • ''', ''\''"'''"''>''''''' ^^^ 
 tlu-reare signs of caref, 1 rPsl,,rnh-''-''u \" "'■'"''y '^'"W"*-''' 
 himself the e<. iittS r.rv >,?Xi'' "/ ■'";' explored fur 
 and he is riKht iii I Lv^L,"' ''^^.'-?, "f niformation, . . . 
 what he setiZvvn appear"f,r ifi H 4? r*'"'""," .P""'"" "f 
 .Iraif., .x.xxv. ^30 ' P*""^' ""^ '"« Hist time ill Kuu'Msh."— 
 ver "tv of Prtinh ■' V' ,;'-I'^"^' B'^a'luatcd at the L'ni- 
 SHd/e 18?8 5'. '■'^'^'r'' "*■ ^'- John's College. 
 William llamiltoi 11 L''''"' "'"' ""''l' "f >lr 
 Pl, ^ojdlieHlt^^us'u^seM'^''':^^*-,'';','.'',-''!,^^ 
 Science Ivxan.iner and ChemieaV l.roblelusVi.'n, iV.,? 
 Vork, 1X8 2mo is,' -■'•„'. ?',';"''"' ''™"'cl>-y, -V. 
 Fonn's. Iilu.1 "N.Vo;k.'l888 4t""« '" ''' ''"""- 
 i./l"ri5*'ir i^!;:::;. ^,.''^"-^ o- r...teh«urh. 
 -3z:;!i'f;;:i„^f!:!:^^,i:;«^-.^^icai Aspect 
 ^jgua«e, With a «.,o,v ^i^s^^iri^^^^ iiu;;!!^!:;.'^:!:;,^;::"!^;^! 
 j^<j A Hook about Bo,s. Edin., Is,18. p. 8vo = ^tl. ed.. 
 a>1nste:'«ri:i;I^r.^cS-''K^i^''7ilV " '^^ "'' ""i'' 
 .875. ,2. 8tories of F^'ch" choo\''L ie' "" h";'/' 
 p. «vo; new ed.. 1875. l;i Master John iiul,;"a' Holi-' 
 y As-sumptfon in nlT"p'o'si'tfvB'''p''h^Lr„' """i.'','^'"'"' i ""^ ""Hdays, E 
 tu;,..s „!?• ,,. H™"'"f'; «" A™"""*- of Oert.ia 
 ■* 'U^--'* 
 (f "" l>lljlll 
 iNTrt, r.'iii(). 
 iiml lllllnt. 
 211. Tho llt'TOcK (.f Vniiii« Amerleii. Mnpii I MtiiHTilT, llrriihiird. I. Kiinlnnd anil Hiii<«l« 
 1S77, i>. 
 M. Tliu Olil ThIo* of Niitiirul Allii'H, Lmi., 1H.',(1, 1 
 2. (Ii'mian llriiiniiiiir 
 Cliivnirv, Ui'lold. IHmt. Kcllri., 1H77, IL'inu. 2.') 
 lint- i "11 11 Sliii|ilill('il Mfllioil, I.on., IS^'irt, p. Hvo. ;t. Thi' 
 tiio Xiirralivi! of tlic Triul« iiml rriivoln oC a l'lilloanpli.v "I llic S|..iiiiwli, l.mi., IS.Ml, I2iiiij 
 1!6. Tlio YniiiiK 
 toiiH : 
 Yminn (iunllemiiii, Kilin., IS7S, p. 
 Kc'Ik'Im : 11 Story ul' th» lliittlti cif Lcxiii^ttmi, Ivlin 
 p. Svn. 27. The Men iil' lliii lliickvyim.lK : TriU' Sturicm, 
 Kilin., 1H71I, p. Hvci. 2M. VimnK IIimicIm mi 0\>\ SlmuMirs, 
 I.iin., I>*7(l, p. Hvo. 2!l. Spin.llu Storii'.t: New Vurim 
 .ipiiii li'im 01(1 Wiiol. lllust. I.iiii., I.'<"«, «q. Hlmii. 
 ;tii. Wiiiicliir- 111' Iho Voloiiiio. Illu.Hl. Ivliii., "<^'l. '-""'■ 
 31. tHiinan iif I.iiiiK Ago, llctiilii, Kilin., IMSII, p. Hvo. 
 32. Seven .-^torien iibmit Old Fink.i iinil YminK Onen, 
 Lon., IHHO, p. sv.i. .'ill. Till) DiiiiKlitcr ul' iln' lli'giiiiinl : 
 ft Story from my (irnniliiiotlior'a .Imirniil, I.on., I^Ml, p. 
 Hvo. ;U. Stories of Young Ailvi^ntiULMH. llluKt. I.on, 
 1S8I, p. .><vo. :t,'i. WuniierB of Kloi'tricity. lllust. l.un., 
 ISSl, ISiiio. ;;il. Slorira of ()I<1 Kunown : Tiiles of 
 Knitfhts iin.l lli'iiM'-. lllust. I.ou., 1.SS2, p. Svo. :I7. 
 Our llomcMiiili' Slurios. lllust. I.on., |!<>2, p. IL'mo. 
 ;i». A Hook of ll.iyliooils. lllust. I.on., I'<.'<2, p. .-^vo. 
 :ili. Kveninns Awav lioiu lloino: for Youni; .Musters anil 
 Misses. lllu.-l. I.on., 1MS:1, ll'iiio. III. Kiilnuppeil ; 
 or, Lewis I.lfiyil's Ailveiitiircs in VirKiniii, i.on., \>^X'.\, 
 iNmo. 41. Tl'ii^ Wi^(«aiu iiml the Wiir-I'iith ; or, Tiiles 
 of 111.' U(m1 IiHlmiis, l.nn., iss:;, p. ,Svo. -12. W.imlers of 
 tlio Ice W'orl.l, I.on., 1.SS4, p. Svo. 4:). Stories out of 
 Sehool-Tiuii'. Illusl. I.on., I.'<-<1, p. t*vo. 44. Youn« 
 Diiys of Authors, lllust. I.on., ISS.7, p. .Hvo. 4,"!. Stories 
 of 'Willi llciisi.'. lllust. I.on., IHH.'i, p. Svc). 48. Hoys' 
 Own Stones, I, on., IHSii, p. svo. 47. "Dumps," lui.l 
 other Stones, K.lin., IHsil, 12iiio. 4H. A llan.lfiil of 
 Stories, l.on., |HS«, 12ino. 4(1, The Hermit's Apprentice, 
 lllust. KJin., IHHB, cr. Hyo. .'JIP. The Vulture's Nest, 
 iin.l other Stories, E.lin., l.HSrt, 12mo. .'il. Diek's Dog, 
 nncl other Stories of Country Hoys, Eilin., 1H87, l2uio. 
 52. The Seven Wise Scholars. lllust. I.on., IHH7, Hvo. 
 5:1, Scenes from our Century, from Historians, Ac, I.on., 
 1887, 11. Hvo. 54. Y'oungsters' Yarns. lllust. Lon., 
 1887. p. Hvo. 55. A Book of Dow- Wows, l.on., 1H8H, Hvo. 
 5fl. A Itoiiinnce of the Mountiiins. Illusl. I.on., 1H8H. 
 .MoiicrieH, I.ieut. C. C. Scott. Irrigation in i 
 Southern lOunipo, lHII7-liH, l.on., IHtiH, Hvo. 
 .Moiurielt, Hon. Frederick Charles, son of 
 .lames, Monoriefl', I'li/i'i ,• b. 1H4 
 lit Iho Inner Temple 1H74. 1. Th 
 kieper.s, Lon., 1874, I2mo. 2. Wit ami Wisaoin of the 
 lieu.h and liar, Lon., |HH2, I2mo. 
 .Yioiicrieir, Kev. Sir Henry Well wood, Bart., 
 ISiill-188:!, minister of St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, from 
 1-^52; moderator of the Free Church (4eiicriil Assembly 
 from IHIID. I. Creeds and Cliurches in Scotland, Edin., 
 lHii9, Hvo. 2. The Free Church Principle : its Character 
 and History, Lon., IHHH, Svo. 
 •• We are tainted, we suppose, in Sir II. Mnncrleirs view, 
 with what he rails ■ the disease iif Kii(,'lisli Krastiaiilsm,' 
 ami shall not discuss the views .set for'h in this voluuie. 
 Let It siiHiee to .siiy that they could tint have loiind a more 
 able and ihorouKligoing udvucatc."— .Sjjcdo/oi', Ivi. U'lJ. 
 .i. Thomas Chalmers : a Fragment, Edin.. 1S84, Hvo. 
 Moncrietr, J. A. The .Scientific Structure of the 
 Universe, I.on., IHHO, Hvo. 
 MoncriefT, J. P. Edgar and I : the Story of a 
 Home, Lou., 1877, cr. Svo. 
 Moncrietf, Sir James, Baron Moncrielt', 
 LL.D., P.C, b. 1811 ; Scotch advocate 1833; .M.P. 1H51 
 -liH; lord-advocate 1H51-52, &o.; lord justice-clerk 18(i9 
 -8H; raised to the peerage 1874; succeeded his brother, 
 Rev. Sir H. W. .Moncrieff, as eleventh Baronet 18S;i. 1. 
 Address on Jurisprudence and .\mendment of the Law, 
 Ellin., ISBll, Hvo. 2. A Chapter of History : Scotland in 
 the Sixteenth Century, Edin., 1863, Hvo. 3. A Visit to 
 my Discontented Cousin, I.on., 1871, p. Svo. Anon. 
 "MoncriefT, Louisa A. 1. Herbert Percy; or, 
 Christinas to Easter, l.on., 1862, IHmo; new ed., 1867. 
 2. Ronald and Albert, Lon., 1H63, 12nio. 3. Lionel St. 
 Clair; or, Under the Ranian-Tree, Lon., 1871, IHmo. 4. 
 Augustine's Choice; or, The Children of Strathdevon, 
 .tlonday, .Vli'red Jiinivs. The History of lln 
 raiiiily oi ^ I'll. 
 .>londy, lUlnilind I''. (Ed.) Preliminary Catiilo){ur 
 of till' iModi'ls, Si c'imiii-, and Drawings contaiiied in llii' 
 .Metalliirgii'iil .Museum of the Imperial College of Ktigi- 
 nee^ill^' ot .lapan, Tokei, IH77, Svo. 
 .Moiie, t'. Treatiie iin American Engineering, .\. 
 York, iH.'i.'i. 4loi with I'.. I. vol, of phitei". 
 .'flonell, tiilhcrt t hichentrr. Crciition and the 
 Scrijiture the Hevelation of (Jod. N. York, IS82, 12mo, 
 .>lon('y. Mm, Suggestive Thoughts in Prose anl 
 \'('rso, Lou., lHtl2, I2mo. 
 .tloney, A. and Jieorgc Henry. Stvastojiol; 
 Our Tent in the Crimea, and Wanderings in Sevastopol. 
 liy Two Drolliers. Lon., Is56, 12mo. Anon. 
 '" We are , . . disposed to rank this viilnme amoiiK the 
 liest of thiisi' wlilili hilniig to our lu'i'^eiit war lili'riilure. 
 Itdi'als ilik'lly "iHi the I'lnsliiw pnrliini of the great slnii;- 
 gk'."-.l'/i.. No, 11T7, 
 .Yloney, Agnes li. Old Songs for Young \ onis : 
 with Tunes, l.on., IHSH, I6mo. 
 .Money, Angel, .M.D., .M.U.C.P., assistant (ihysician 
 to the Hospital lor Children, (Ireat Ormond Street, and to 
 University College, London. Treatment of Diseases in 
 Children: including the Outlines of Diagnosis and tlio 
 Chief Pathological Difforenies between Children and 
 Adults, I.on., 1HS7, cr. 8yo. 
 .>lonev, Charles L. Knocking about in Xew Zeu- 
 laiid, l.on., iH72. IJiiio, 
 i'>l»ney,.'>liHN K. Kriile. A Little Dutch .Maiden: 
 a South Alriean Skeleh, l.on., lHS7, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 .tloney, Lienl.-Col, l<:Uward, [kuIi; vol. ii,, 
 add.,] served in India and in the Crimean war, iiii.i 
 afterwards became a lea-phmler in India. 1. The Wile 
 and the Ward: a Novel, Lon., lH51t, p. Svo. 2. TJie 
 Cultivation and Manufacture of Tea, 1872; 3d ed , Ih;^, 
 Svo; 4th ed., enl., iHHd. 
 "We think that Cnlimel Money has done (;o< 1 service by 
 tbrciwint; Into the form of a book an es:.ay v .icli uniiic'l 
 the prize awarded by the Agricultural and llorlicuUiiril 
 Soeiely of India, in 1H7'J, The author is one of a well 
 known AliKlii-liidlaii family. . . , lie has liiiil plenty ol 
 ailed to the b;ir practical experience, and has ttsted the liiboiiis of other 
 l.iabilitv of Inn- men. . . . Colonel .Money's wencral rules and principles. 11,, 
 ■' farasweeaii form a JndKmeiit.seem to have reason aswell 
 as e.xiH'ileneo on their side, , . . .No tea-planter can iill'H'l 
 to disregard his experience."— S(i(, Itii: 
 3. Woman's Fortitude : a Tale of the Indian Mutiiiv, 
 I.on., IHSl, or. Hvo. 4. The Truth about .\moriea, Lon., 
 18H6, 12nio. 
 " Mr, Money, as one of the victims of what Is known ii^ 
 the 'Antelope Viillev swindle,' Isextremelv out of temper 
 with the great Keimblic. , , , Ills volume is, however, en- 
 tertaining,"— .4o»/,. XXX, 2."iH. 
 Money, J. W. B., barrister-nt-law. Java; or. 
 How to .Manage a Colony, Lon., 1861, 2 vols. cr. svo. 
 "The express object of Mr. Money's book is to instiliitc 
 a comparison hetweeii K.nglisli rule in Inrlla and liiiii li 
 nilc in Javd The result is Ijv no nieiins lavourable 1" our 
 own iiatioi I is therefore the more deserving our atleii- 
 tive eonsld. ion,"— .'mi(. Jici:, xi. .W7. 
 Money. Walter, F.S.A. 1. (Ed.) The I'aridi 
 Church Goods in Rerkshirc, A.D. 1552: Inventories ul 
 Furniture and Ornaments; transcribed from Kecords: 
 with Introduction and Notes, Oxf., 1879, sm. Hvo. 2. 
 The First and Second Battles of Newbury, and the Siege 
 of Donnington Castle, 1881, Hvo; new ed., 1H84. ::. 
 The History of the Ancient Town and Borough of New- 
 burv in the County of Berks, Oxf., 1HH7, Hvo. 
 .Monfort, Hev. Francis Cassette, D.I).,h. isil, 
 at Orcensburg. Decatur Co,, Ind. ; graduated at Wabiisli 
 College 1H64; studied tiii'ology in Edinburgh and llcr- 
 lin ; pistor of the First Church, Cincinnati, and C'liter 
 of the Herald and Presbyter. 1. Sermons for Silent 
 Sabbaths, Cin., 1H84. 2. Socialism and City Evangeli- 
 zation, Cin., 1SS7. 
 Munfries, Alexander, a teacher in Dundee. 1. 
 Introduction to the Study of Chaucer, Edin., IH76. 12nio. 
 2. The Established Church in Scotland : a Historical 
 Lon., 1875, 12mo. 
 Moncrietr, Robert Scott, advocate. The Scot- Study, Edin., 1H79, Svo. Anon, 
 tish Bar Fifty Years Ago: Sketches of Scott and his 1 Mongan, James Koscoe. 1. (Trans.) SaMusts 
 Contemporaries: with Biographical Notices by U. Ii., Catiline; new ed., LoU., l.-<64, 12ma. 2. (Trans.) X*ii.> 
 [George Burnett,] Edin., 1871, 4to. Posth. i phon's Anabasis, Books I.-III., Lon., 1864, 12mo. d 
 Moncrieff, W. D. Scott, C.E. 1. Mary Queen ~ "" ' ■ ^ '^' 
 of Scots: an Historical Drama, in Five Acts, Glasgow, 
 1872, Svo. Anon. 2. The Abdication : a Play. lllust. 
 Lon., 1881, foL 
 (Trans.) (Edipus Tyrannus of Sophocles, Dublin, IH6^ 
 12mo. 4. Introduction to Ancient Geography, Lon., l^liC. 
 I2mo. 5. Practical English tJramraar, Lon., 1H68, 12mo. 
 fl. (Trans.) Annals of Tacitus, Books I.-VI., Lon., 1S72, 
 uT', H7; (Trani.) :-e M„l..,lo Imaginairo, by Mnli^re, 
 o|>h„n« A«,..ilau-, .\ ..nrlumtor, IH71., 12,,,,,. 111. ,Tra,„., 
 A liii I,., by Itacinv, Maii,l„..lor, |S7I,, 1 :',„„, 1 1. nVaii. i 
 lli«l',mrl»riitlMiH„rci,.cn, u({»li,»!{'aiili„,., Ism |:>„„', 
 .">■ <1™"V' •^'I'l'""!'--"' I'liilnc'iDt,.,-, .Ma„cho»lt.r, issii' 
 ;!,'I,"",o 'Tr'""!;,' *'l'li'"^^l"»' AnliK,„i«. M.„„.hi.,ie,-, 
 ., • , ™"' ' -, ' '.;:""''•' '^'r''"'''l«"' '*J"'«. M«ncl,u..t.r, 
 Ti ' ,""■ V ': ['""''■> ■'!'» •'^«>'«» CliiiifH „Kui„«( 
 Ihfbofl, by .K.i,Oiyli,H, M.i„i'be»t(<r, IS,SII, I",,,,, ||| 
 rin.ns.) nvi,l'« K„,ii, Ion., ISMll, V>m.,. 17. (Tm,,,.)' 
 ";"'\'^''''' >n''""'«S l."n„ INHII, l:',„„. IH. (Trail- 
 I M,„„r»(),ly.-ey, l.on., Issi), |2 111. (Trans.) .Xcm,- 
 |.hoi, , Cyr..,,,...lia, ,\IunMi,.„t„r, Issi, ll'm„. n,,^ (Tran..) 
 riif on „f lM,ri|,i,|»-, .\Iain,h,.,-tcr, IN.SI, |:-,„o. 21. Our 
 lircat .Military r.piiiiiiMiiili'rH, I,i>ii., |,sm:i, i, syo '>•> 
 (TranH ) Teroi,,,.'- lloaiituiitiiiH.riiiiR.n.J, MaiichesU'r' 
 ."; ' "",',",• ,:,•'• ''''"'""•) liuorn i„-n .\I„, l.ssl. 
 ;s"i"'i.. "'■..'■■T'^ Torenro', Acldphi, .\I„n,.h,-.ner, ; 
 ISN,, |>„,„. •«. Our Warrior I'rin™*, l,„n., IMSI), „. 
 Svo. .Mo.-t of Ihu forBKoin« |iiibii,.»lioii» bHonir to ii 
 .erios of litoral tianslution,- oiititlud " K«lly'» ria.,si„al 
 K vy !*. i 
 ■MoiigrcUieii, .ViikiinJuh, ,i. isss, „,!. h| • „m 
 i,n ioi,„i,iry lociber of tl,„ (UM„„ cU,\,. iin.l contrib- 
 i,l».l to ,(9 ,,ubli,.al,„„s. Ilo wa« placMl on tho civil 
 .ens on l„t ,l,,r,n« .Mr. Uia.l.-toiioV la.t a.luiii.i.trntion. 
 1. Iroe-i iin.l .sliriibHlor Kn-lisI, Plantations l.on., 1870 
 8vo. '. Kn^lan.r.. ForiOKn I'olicy, l,„n., 1S7I, l2iuo. :{ 
 Icatbor.-ide .Manual of lianly Trc.s and Sbrulw, l.oii ' 
 s7fl .'"'i ""•* '^""'•'""•■an Autobioxrapbv, I,on.',' ' 
 1.S78, .) v,.I.H. ,T. sv„. 5. Fr,.o Trud,. and Kn^llinl Co,,,! 
 rr''l«s';""fi' • 'w"V "''."''• """" ^'""-^ »"' -'- 
 vso 12,no. ,. Ili.tory of ll,e Krei. Trado .Mov'emen 
 in hnglund I,on ISSI, l2,„o. s. VWa, for I'rotoc ,„ ; 
 txauiinud. (fobdfn Club I'ub.,) Lo„., ISS2, Svo il 
 H fiiltli (,roati..n : wiih an rntro.luction by ,S. .flern'c n' 
 KSi'l9?f'' ','i""t '"•J''"*^"«'''inalQ..«.'fion, Lon.! 
 cm''; ,";/,>•'">« De|"-'-'S'i"r., UfotMitand l',T..,.|,t 
 (tobden Club I'ub,,) I,„n., Iss5, 12nio. 12. (In tlio 
 Ii,8|,laoomontof Labour and Ca|,ital, (Cobdun Club I'ub ) 
 Moiiier, Joseph. Tho French Revolution : a Poem, 
 liinto U. Loll., ISS4, |,. Svo. 
 .Moiiier-Williiims. Sec Williamh. 
 nMl;^'"l"N' *•«»••■'•.'»'' *''A-" (l>..oud.) See Short- 
 llol SK, J. llKNUV, 1. 7.11. 
 I '^"."g'^,', M; ^^' I"'"l"-et«tion of Revelation, fc, 
 l.on., 18511, 12,110. ' ' 
 .Moiikhouse, Williair Cosmo, an Enslisli art 
 critic bii. furnished the text lor several pictorial w'rk 
 vhicbare includclin the following Mat. 1. A Dream of 
 Idle„e««, Un., 186.., l2mo. 2. A Question of Honour. 
 « \ovel, I on., 1868, 3 vol.-. ,,. ,Svo. ;). Masterpiece., of 
 hnglish .\rt: Photographs. Lon., 1868, 4t«. ' 4. The 
 Jorksof John llcnry Foley, l.on., 187,^, 4to. 5. Sir C i 
 •..■..(lake: Pictures, with Sketch of tho Artist, ton., 187.^ 
 'il, n ""I"' "'' •I'' '^'^""'' Landseer. Noiv .Series. 
 " th Descriptions Lot,., 1S77, 4to. 7 Sketehe., by Sir 
 Idivin Lanoseer; from a Collection of Her Majesty tho 
 Queen and other Sources : with a History of his Art Life, ! 
 , ""•• llLL' ""• „^- ^'"y "> Kxei-cises in tho Pr&is }'ook, 
 p.'svo "' '"'^••™' Artists,") Lon., 1879, j 
 "We consider that the olmpter entitled ' Introdn,.t,,rv' ' 
 t'LaiLsioi nays. — *;,'frt(((or, iiil. 407. 
 10. Italian Pre.K»phaelites, (" The National Ualle,y.") 
 illust. Lon., 1887, 12uio. '' ' 
 1 ^s!,""vo""*"' **"' "*• ^'^""'' *'"""* "'"' ^"™'' I"""-' 
 Jlonkswell, Lord. .«ee Coi.mbh. 
 Monmouth, Mrs. Elizab«ih Harpe, ("Sophin 
 l.-ioospun pseud.) 1. .hivenilos. Illust. Host., i87U- 
 .. I. ^ vols. l«,„o. 2. Much Fruit, Bost., 187J. 3. Liv- 
 ing on Half a Dime a Day, 188(1, 8vo 
 lolcdncss and Early Translation, Lon., 1862 
 •Monro, A. M. 1. The Beautiful I.ndy Chichester • 
 ' Lon'T'i"!?Mf p' "';„.'"'"■• '""'• •'• '"'■ ■• '''■""•^^ f"'^'. 
 I '!'"!,"''."• *!• "■'''■' '"'""" "'■ Margaret „r Aniou 
 Ian. Hishop IU.,.kingt md othe,> : wrii„.„ i, ho 
 .Monro, Dnvid IlilinhlK, M.A uraduntcd nt 
 llaliiol („||..K., „.„W,|, l>..s; Fellow I r » si 
 voe.provon I871-S2, an,| since then provo,t A drain.' 
 mar ol the Homeric Dialect. Lon Is.s-svo 
 ^l.lI^■-^:;^ "•'!!:iviii ■'" '"^' ""■"• -"'^'^ »« «^i'"i«r. 
 isf'.'ir'' "7' ^•!'"'"''' M.A., [.,..,.,,„,. II., a,,,,.,] 
 isi..-|8m,, gra.luulcdiit (lrielC„l|,.^,.,(iv|„rd, IS.ill- i.i.r 
 petual curate of Harrow. Wniid lSI2-i)o, an, In.m'ih.n 
 vicar of St. .lobn's, l.cds. I. Fables, So ,' . ||. 
 gorics !.„„., ,.s4:i, ismo. 2. Wandering \V,||i.,. I , ., 
 "I other A legMries, Lon., |s4«, |2,„o. 4. The Hark 
 , '■;">• Allegory, Lon., IsiO, I2ni,.. 5. The Va.-t Ariiiv : 
 '" Allegory, Lon., IS.^II, |2i„„. n. True Stories of "it 
 (igcs Lon. I8i(), ISmo. 7. A View of th.- Parochial Sv . 
 ten, .,,n.. ,H3,i ,svo h. Sermons on .ho Uesp,:,"brr tv 
 i Work i n" i's"l' ."""'- .'■""•• "■'^"' '*'"• "• '■"""■''i'il 
 I_^,,.). l2oo. II. Basil, the Scb.,ol.|(„v , ,.r, Th.^ Il.i; 
 of Aruo.lel, Ion., Anon. 4 th ed., IS72. •' 
 V-"''/.'"'Tr'"r"''- '"""?[• '•""- '"■■■'• '-""-: i"' -'l- 
 r"i". II. Di,,ly .Stu.lies ,l„ri„g L,.„l, |,„„.. |s,„l, 12,„„ 
 s-,i "l",' •■^'';.K",'-"-""f '■'"■''"'"" '-iloand Death, Lon., 
 I il : i'''-| ;• '•'■"",'L"''' ""'' "'■""'"• '"■' Tho,<oldi,.r' 
 Lite: a lale l.on., 18;,li. |2m..; ,„.w od., IsHy. i; 
 nr..cbial Lootnreson Fn iish I'oit.y, Lon., 1S.M, I2i„„' 
 IS. ian.cliial Papers, L ii.. |s.^,s, |2im„. m. fhe Hark 
 Mountain,: ..„ Allegory. Lon., Is.os, |2mo. 2, S I , 
 Prayers lor the Kcelesiastical Yea,-, Lon, 18.-,s |-„„, 
 ron'""'ls'-"r.,"" '"" .'.'.'""■"'^^'"■^ '■'"'» "I'l TesJaimnt,' 
 l,m, l,s,,8, ,i vols. 12mo. 22. Illustrations of Faith ■ 
 •-ighi Plain Sermons, Lon., lS(i2. 12nio. 2;i. The Ps 
 "12 i'2;;',o"'"o-"K?' '"'■ -^' ''""■> ""J Archit i!,:;... 
 ',','■ . . ; • ^''- ^'"'"y: a Sc'l'"'! to "Harrv and 
 J he Lost Inhe,,tance: a Tale, Lon., l.sM l2mo "A 
 I.';,la: a lale, Lon., 1861, |2mo. 21). Pa.«cal the Pil" 
 grim ,• new ed., Lon.. IMI7, l2iiio. 8(1. Kdwi, • Riling; 
 T2"."/'i-','r'' •"■ F-'IpHnts in the ,>4now : * 
 mi i'imo. ' ""■ •'^- '^"''^ '■"^ "'« *""'"»• ''""•' 
 TaS"i??'^«7-'',V"' ^T^':T« ^"«<"'' »"'' "">«' 
 iaks Lon., 187;., 12mo. 2. .'<elf.SaeriHce, Lon., ls,s|, 
 T,?„ r « '.T',"- '; ^'"' ^■""'•"'""rs of Red Tor: a 
 la of South Devon, Lon., 1S77, cr. 8vo. 2. Love L, <t 
 . but Honor Won, Lon., 1S78, :i vols. cr. Svo. I! C,,un try 
 , ..->..« Counter I a X„vel, Lon., 1S78,;1 vols. cr. S>o ^ 
 : K?":r^A*^:s~i4-volr;;:^^^ '^--^ -^ ^I'p™-^ 
 ! York"",s?,^'l2t ''"" ""'■"^•'•' ""^ ^^' "■■ f-'--' N- 
 ' .n^T;f;^k-Vork;fsfi:j"^::^^ ^-""""^ "-" «^-- 
 ' .1,?!°'"'" r' •'•.^- '• "^'""'^"' "f "'•"l^'^n I'iles 
 . the onnecticut R,ver, X. York, Svo. 2. I.e-crii.tio, , f 
 he Piers of the New Railroad Bridges ove- UieSe k nk 
 River, Providence, 18C8, Svo. "^u tnc , cik.,nk 
 I lei^""'""' •'• "• ^""""■' ""'1 Mi,scellaneou,s Poems, 
 : Mo-iroe, Lewis B. Manual of Vocal and Physici..! 
 Tra...;ng. Illust I'iiila., IvCII, 12mo '^ 
 M«>»roe, Mrs. Lewis II. The Story of our 
 Country. Illust. Bost., lS7(i, sq. 16mo. •>'»'"'"^ 
 KsslTr.'"™^""*' '"'" ^^^ ^'''"•''«"- « ^'"'"'1. L»no 
 Dame "'l?^' ^^'''' .^,''^'' ^- '' '^""^•«"''-' »f N"tro 
 Dame: Dramas and Poems, X. York, 1876 12mo 2 
 (Irans) Sir Thomas More: an Historical Romance- 
 frmn the French of the Princess de Craon, N. York 1878; 
 Monsell, Rev. John Samuel Bbwiey, LL D 
 graduated at Trinity College, Dublin, l,s.32; rector ofsi' 
 NIC ,ol„.s, u Idford, 1870. 1. Spiritual Song's for the S. nJ 
 i • • ""»"V'^' ^"y^' I"'"" '8S». 12mo ; 6th ed., 1887 2 
 Parish Musings: Devotional Poems; ,Olh od., Lon., I86o" 
 isino A. Prayers and Litanies taken from Holy Scrio- 
 ture, Lon., ISBl, 16mo; new e,l., 1,S70. 4. Sermons on 
 "" • - , 
 3w«Hl'» ■ 
 B«ltUli'!«3, Um., I^«2, riino; M oil., 1<*AA. A. 
 «»»»>♦ •'«<«<! fur llio Cliiiruli'ii Vi'ur, l.on., 
 A* B«itii 
 other ('/.. 
 New Vii:ii 
 l.ti« ^.. 
 Jji^fio. 111. Nursery 
 \\. W.rfeliM liy the 
 2.1 vH 
 !»i<l»ri.'i's. .-il 
 of l'ii|ii'rii, 1,1 
 .,i1. D Tlia Pnx'knK lloll, ami 
 m, ijoMi . 2il f.'l , l^fl'.i. r. (Mir 
 , \Uw, . •!, till. i " I-lghtK 
 ubie A(iroiiliri«. I Viray. 
 11 Church Ciiti'iii , l.*7l,. 
 jn\t. (limit. IiOB., l^/.>, Iftlllu. 
 I'riws,- ifil I'll.. I'on,, IHTft, iJ^iuo. 
 »* Nenr lloiiic' ill I.ii»l i 2.1 eel., r.oo.. I.H7B, 18mo. lii 
 "SSimoii tlio Cvrcnliui. iin.l ..llior I'ocui^ . now eil., Lon., 
 »»:«. I Sill. , 
 HuH"*'!!* Iti Ml I'hi' IMItrion of Kc(lciii|itloii, 
 Jlonsfr, J. W. (K.l) An li;ii,,)rl.)iia)ilitt on Iho 
 ■;«i(J»n.-i.s. .-it. L.iiii'. IssO, Mvo. 
 ' RdwHrd. I. The HBWii({e Diffloulli- 
 1ST4, -I'i. I.'. Tliu .AilviiiiliiKcit ol' IW 
 iif Uriiiniiisf, Lon,, ls;,i, ,Svo. :;. 
 .'-i.^nKc, iin.l whiit tu Uu with it: ii .Scrliii i 
 I <■*;), svo. 
 iMontllKII* II. The t'.ippor, Tin, nn.l Hron/.o Coin- 
 age, nil. I l'iiliurn.< ('..inn, of Kni/liin.l, from Klinubitli | 
 to, l.iMi,,^. 1 
 " It l.s II wiiik wliii'li will (like ltd jiln. •■ hh IIr' stini.lniil 
 our iip.pii llio Mil.Jfrt .111 wliiiii It triMil.s. • -.l(/i., .Sn. ;iiill. 
 M<iiitaKii, i'Ord ltolu>rt, \\.\.. IM'., [""'''> >'<>l' 
 II., ii.l.l.,] li. I.'^L'.O; ami ol'llic sixth Diikt' .if .\Iiiiiuliuntor j 
 M,P. for Hunlinn.lmiHhiro I.^Sll-TI, iin.i fur Wostniciith 
 1H"4-S(lj tlic eouiieil 1S(I7-()S. I. .Mir- 
 ror In Anierifii, l,on., I^iil, Hv.i, 1!. Wonla on (livrilialili, 
 Lon., isill. :i, Tlio Kmir K.x|ioriiuentH in ami 
 State, nn.l lli.i Cnnlliut.H nf the Cliurchi'.-i, l,.m., I^iil, 8v.i. 
 "'I'lic Iniirchiiri'lif'iiniis, or ('.x|ii'rliiu'iit.s In Cliiircli aii.l 
 Stiiti', wlilcli ('iiiiHtltiilo lliui'lik^r siililui't illsi'iisMMl liy th.i 
 aiilhnr. all) ilu'.lKimtcil n.'.. l^'lrsl, llii' .Niiliiiiiiil (.'liiirilifi 
 wliiili have liuiMi wtalill.-lii'.i In Knulaii.l, wluTo tlii' lay 
 anil I'i-Tiial fiL'iiifiils ari' liahiiici'il; . . . Seroinl, tliu liast- 
 ern rimrrli in Itiissia, wlu'ri; that (Mmri'li Is ii iiioio |nilltl- 
 I'lil tiiul iif llii' .-lulu; Thir.l. tlu^ Cliiirrli of Konio, whieii 
 (iVL'i:;.;... ll.i-' ; aii.i Knr.rlli. .ViiuTli'iiiilsiii, or tlio way 
 nf llio .S'llarli's, uiiiliT wlilrli die .'^liito In iiiii'iiiiiioct.Ml 
 with a Cliiirch, wliloli can lianlly lio sui'l tu u.xi.-,t wliiTo 
 tlie I'li'rlnil .■ii'iiiiMit is of lllllf ai'ciiiiiil, lint uiuiiT wlik'li 
 »y»U'iii, lis iiii.liT Mil' .li'Mpiitli' ruriii nf Wi'sli'yaii rellK'imi.H in liiis cuiiiitrv, diu author illM'tTiis fnriiiH 
 iiitlinaleiy ailiuil willi lliat nf Kmiio. . . , Thu niitiluo wo 
 have ilrawii isi'levorly llilu.l \\\i."—Aih., No. WiW. 
 ■t. Arhitratiim in.-.teiiil of War, l.on., 1.S72, l2nio. 5. 
 Rc;^isti'r! Ilc,'i.<ti!r ! Kcgistcr ! an Appeal to CathoiicK, 
 Lon., Ifir:i, s.ii. (1, .S.iiiii' I'.ipular Krr.irs, ("8t, Joni'ph'a 
 Thcoloj^ieal Library,"), 1^71, p. .'<vo, 7. E.\po.itu- in K.xtreiiiis: Koinarks on .Mr. (iiailstono, Lon., 
 lH7a, fp. Mvo, 8. Tlio Fnrc'lKn I'olicy of KnK'laml ami 
 thu Ka.'tern tiuo.'.tiiin, L.m., 1.177, Svo. 11. Kc.'unt 
 Evontu, an.l a Cluo to their Solution, Lon., IHSIl, ll-'nioj 
 2il eil. sainu year. 10. Xho Sower and the Virgin, Lon,, 
 1«S7, p. MVO,' 
 Muiitngii, Uillinm Drngo, seventh Duke 
 of .tliiticlic8ter, b. is:.i;i.' .^ui'l'ociIuiI his father in 
 IS.Oj, (Kii.) Court ami ."f.micty fr.ini Klizabeth to Anno; 
 from the I'apois at Kiiiib.iltnn, Lon., \-<M, 2 volit. Svo, 
 "■fiisi'li.ilars tlii.s sdrtiifliiiok i.'i iiisulfurably dull."— .b'u/. 
 Rcw. .wii. ;.".»i. 
 Montague, Adn. I'l^t Iliuius Ver : a Xovol, Lon., 
 1R7.'*, p •'ivo. 
 .H<: ilugiie, C. \\, Keeollcotions of an Equestrian 
 .Manajjir, Lon., I'^.Sl, I'Jiiio. 
 .>loiitagiie, Chiirles Ikoward. I. Tiie Romance 
 of the Lilies, Boat,, 188(1, I'.'nio, 2. Tlio Face of Koscn- 
 fel: a Novel, X, York, ISSS, 12iiio, 
 ,>Ioiitaguc, Frnncis Charles, b. 1S,')8; ^radu- 
 atcd at I'liiver.iity College,, I.S7.S, and at Oriel 
 College, O.xford, KS.sii, an.l elected Fell.iw of both col- 
 leges; called to the Har at Lincoln's Inn 1SH3. 1. The 
 Limits of [nilivi.Iual Liberty : an Ks.iay, Lon., IS.'^.i, .i^vo. 
 " A very able an.l uxtromoly well written hook, with 
 mueli urlgiuailty of tli.mnht, . . . The eliief object .if his 
 bonk Is to show that tlie tbcor'ca of Heiitham ami the 
 piliticui •j.iinoniists are imi.k'.|iiiite, ami (hat fiiiim;-faire 
 is it tlie ;.'-: "urd of a true politiei'l pliilosopliy."— .'-'jjcc- 
 taliir, Iviil. . 
 2. Lo' al .i'^istration in the 'Inited Kingdom, 
 (Cobden C'ub i .•'■ ; he 1)1 1 Poor- Law and the New 
 Socialism J .j,'. i. ...'rit; . an.l I'' latioii, (dbilen Club 
 Pub.) t. T'-.Jij..: . '.I'^ui.-ill,--, CoWvii Club Pub.} •^. 
 Sir Robert F\ ?', ('•,«. !' i . .w .Scr„) Lon,, 18'<'<, er. Svo, 
 8. .Vrnold 1 i'"j'.i>a: '■>hii' Hopkins Univ 'v Studies, 
 Bait., I8H,S, ;<'yi,. 
 Montague, ,>liO(>i.''(;en. William Edward, 
 C.B., served m the Zulu war, ic. ; retired 1.S87, 1. 
 Claiidn .Meadowlrlgh, Artlat, Lon., IH't, ^ voli, p. Avo. 
 '2, Canipaigniiig In South Africa: Ueiiiinitoenovs of an 
 Officer in ls;il, 1 ., IHsii, p. Hvo. 
 "Ills canipalKiiliiK sketches are aliiiiist IliMiilalily 
 Kraplilc, ami Ills ri'inliilseeiieea nf wiarv inairlies ami 
 blvnliai's arc enlivened Willi pleasant tniicliennf dmiU'ry. " 
 -.'V|(. A',T,, 1. '.ilil, 
 Bciegod 111 tho Trn'Mvaal, Kdin,, 18M1, I'.'mo. 
 it^onlHKiie, lli'v. U illiani l.ewifi, b, l'<,11, m 
 Belii^ertuwii. ,Mii.s.; gra.liiatcd at Anilicrnt College iii 
 IS.'i6; ttudied thcoliigy, and wa^ lici'iined In preach in 
 t§AH, tl/M'e I SHI' has been of nioilern langu.i v s 
 ut Amlicr^i I, Coiiipiitativc (iniiiiiiiiir nf tile ,spaiii^li 
 Language, liosl., IM'II, 1>. Manual nf Italian llriiiiiniai, 
 IS7I, M, Intr.iiliii'tiiiii to Italian Literature, l.''7:>, 2:1 
 ed,, IMTil. With others, (ed.) Ilingraphieul Kecnr.l .il tl,,, 
 Aluuiiil ..f .Vinhorst College, I.S21-1H7I : with Inlrodii.'. 
 '■ ,11 by W. S, Tyler; |al«o| lliographieal llecor.l of lli.i 
 ii-(lriidiiale .Members, Ainhersl, |SH:t, Svo, 
 .MonlaKUC, /. V. The Class of MUCCC.\.\X1 1. 
 in Amherst College: a Reiiiembran.'e Calal.igiie, I'.iiii 
 prising a History nf Kiich .Member fur the Twenty Years 
 succee.liiig (Iraduatinii. Amherst, lS,'i2, Svo. 
 "Monlclair, John W," (Pseud) .See Wkiiu- 
 MKVKII, ,InliN Wli.l.HM, iii/'i'f, 
 Moiitt'Uore, Mtn. ( harlottr, d. 18,>l. A Few 
 Words tn the Jews, lly One of Theiiiscives. Lon., I's..:'., 
 8 VII. 
 Moiiteflorv, J. <•. Tho llistnry of Knghuul, in 
 Verse, Lull,, 187il: new ed., Is77, p. Sin. 
 .Monti'liorc, Itev. TIioiiium I.uw, .M.A., gni'lii 
 a ted at Trimly College, Caiiibridge, 1818 ; orilaiiied ISIli; 
 vicar nf Cliidwick since ISSIi. Catecliesis l''\iiiigeliea : 
 being Ijucsti. ins and Answers on tiio Textus llecepiiis: 
 Part I., St, .Mullliew, Lon,, 1 sCJ, p. Svo, 
 .>Ioiiteiro, .Minn IlenriqiietlH. I. (Trans.) Por- 
 tuguese Talcs, by Cmsiglieri Pedrnso, 2, (Trans,) Tales 
 of Old Lusitania: Folk- Lore of Portugal, by Coeltn, 
 Lon,, 1881, p. 8vo. 
 Monteiro, Joachim John, associate nfllic Hi,v:ii 
 Scliniil nf .Mines, Fiiglaml. Aiignia and tlio Ituei 
 Congo, .Maps and Illiist. Lon,, 1s7,t, 2 .ols. er. 8v.,. 
 ".Mr, MniilL'Iro has been cii(,'iigc.l since lH."i8 In tra.liiii; 
 and mliiliigoperallniis. lie lias lia.l iiiiiiMial liieilltle- ^l 
 vlslliiig anil explnrliu; a laiue liael nf enniitry. . . . I h,, 
 geolngieal liil'iiriiiatlnii is perhaps ilie mnsi iuieieslini,' liu- 
 turt' of the bniik. . . . .Vs a iialtiralisl, .Mr. Mniilelm Ihh 
 met with success. . . . 'fliu lics.'rlpti.iiis nf iiiilivo 
 nn.l cilstnius arc iiinst liiteresllnt;."— .I^A , No. 'J.'.l-'i. 
 ' A bnnk which Ihomiiglily e.xliaii.sts Its subject."— .s,i(. 
 ., xl. 7H1. 
 ■' Will be ci|iially weleniiie tn the incrclmnt, llie Afrl.iiii 
 traveller, and the idle leader by a llreslde."— Jon/., i.x, ils. 
 Monteiro, Madame Mariana. 1. (lathcn'l 
 (lenis from Spaiii.-li Authors, Liiii,, I87S, fp, Svo, L'. 
 Allah Akbar, Lon,, lss(. .'1. Legends and Popular 
 Tales of the Ilasque People: with Illustralioiis by 
 Harold Copping, Lmi,, 188(1, Ito, 
 "Taking these talcs as literary legends, they are very 
 prettily tnld. . . . The slightly loreigu turn nccasioniiily 
 given to an KiigUsli idlnni ailils a pli{iiaiiey to their liiuim'- 
 mitivo beauty. Only in local description does our aulluir 
 fall."— -Im./.. xxxi. 7. 
 Monteith, A. K. Two Letters on the Kvideni't's 
 of Reveale.l Religion: with a Memoir by Alcxaii.l.r 
 Mnrriiy Dnnlop, Lon., 1S(12, Svo. 
 Monteith, A. II. Without a Master Series [Cm- 
 tents: Iiook-Keeping, Frencli, (ierinan, Italian, Liilln, 
 Spanish,] Lon., 1872-80, Svo. 
 Monteith, Robert. Discourse on tho Shedding 
 nf Riooil and the Laws of Win- Lnn., Is8,i. Posth. 
 "Montfort, Lillie," (Psou.l.l T. Tioldents la 
 iiiy Sunday-School Life, Lop., i'fr.", '" ' ', Broken 
 Purjioses; or, The (ioo.l Ti'i.u ' i.i 'iig. I„. . , 1878, s.[, 
 for .Jesus 
 -■'iS, Bi(. Iflnio. 
 Lon., I8S|), .sr|. 
 Illust, Lull., 
 The Nalal Magistrate: 
 Kiino. ,''i, Mciidnw Haisy, 
 Maude Linden ; or. Work 
 IBmo, :i. Luther ■\Miler's 
 188-1, l«mo. 
 .Montgomery, A. N. 
 Brief Digest of the Laws of Natal, with Forms, Si>\. 
 Pietcrinaritzbnrg, lS7il. Svo, 
 Montgomery, D. 11. Tho Leading Facts in Kni.'- 
 lish History, Bost,, 1886, 12mo. 
 Montgomery, Edmund. On tho Fornintinu "( 
 S,,.c,-,11.-.,| 0^11= in Anit.ta! H-dies, L.m., IRRT, Sv». 
 Montgomery, Eleanor Elizabeth .tlonl- 
 ' gomery. Songs of the Singing Shepherd. Eiiitcl l.y 
 Williiiiii Sharp, Wanganin, X.Z,, \S>'<>. 
 .Montgomery, Hon. Fanny C, daughter uf ilio 
 j first Ilaron Leconneld i .narric.l, 1842, to Alfred, ■Mia 
 Krlun.l, l.o„.,lM71,a!„|,.,,Mv„. ^^1-.' wV^rM ^ \?„, ! "v! "!"* •'"'/I-'K- Imn, 01,1 ,I,.,.,,.„I,. I.v •„„ 
 l>". l-'-"u. """' ^' '""'••, , '''7"*-'»' ••• ■II'" I"'l.,,„. „, l.l,,,,!n,l ,r.TlH, 
 MontgoiiMTy. n.,r.-ii,.,.. I A V,., v Si,. . i ' '^'L"' ■^'"'<'"« ''"'"'"I'- '*"•. N. V.„k, iLl, ,:.,„■ 
 ...« ..,1... 187.1, iH,s:,. a, .Mi,,„.,i.r;„„Mi, "M,/iWi/p' W n:\,*fit ' ". ".'"""'■ '"'■• '"•"-"- ' -'■"•^ 
 l,il,. , ,'^M„n *'"'"«"»"•,'•>• li'i'l written .iln.u '■ „ prnty 
 III nl liiiuii i ,,«„iTuw nil, I imrchiiil iciidfnii.w „•< woru 
 'i.'.!.P.r,;,mn.,| l„r »„ l,u,l,l„| ',„„l ...iKU.'Htlv,. ii pl"tur""l 
 -."■11/. Itir. -- ' ■ ■■ 
 c'hlMNi 111,. „H her iirw ,i„r)-."-,s„/, ft r., xxIx.Tiii 
 "Ailull rciiiliMM i.f M|,M Miiii(irimii.rv'« luuik loiii ii..,i 
 S'' ^"'."'« ,,,'■'«" '" « """» N.-t! a story, I,»n., Is?.), „ 
 «. 'f;;i-l"" ■Vi.nner-, ,u,.l other TiiIoh, I,„„., l.SHO. i-.i ' 
 CI. Mren, l,„n., |.SH:), ,,. sv,,. 1|. My Wiiik wit , <J, 
 . , I,,,., \ ..pks ,n a l.if«tii„o, l,„„., I.SSU, n. svo. 1 ) 
 llH. l.|.l„.r s l),u,glik.r, l,„i,., ISHS, „. 8vo. " 
 'I fill t nikkam ■••• 4* ..' 
 Moiitmniicry, (;eurKe 
 In.<i.|piiriilil(., |,(,„., isflj, svci 
 Wll. .. „,,u,rieai mnniiiil or the South (Miureh In 
 f..";:,"«V, 'W ...'"., A„K"". lS5M,A..Jovt.r, IH..," 
 in tiiilloinlii, ,>>iin Kr„ii., |>r,.; .;. The l(uli»lon „f 
 . vu.r,o„ki,.n,i,is«,. 4. Th« ..,o,„,„;„t r;*';::,;;^ 
 olili' IsVm ■ •^''■''""li-iii in Charle^toii, South Cur. 
 I ntneil l.,„„|,h navnl officer who ..„„, ,„e,l ,'„ s".t , 
 I 1..- M,,,| Ailventon . of the |,rl,l,h, .h„ I r.,^„„,l ih.; 
 IS 'C "'VV'.""' . •^' ""'' '"""• ^■''■'"I'lo. 
 irii iSotiKs, ( u|M. ToMii, I^NS 
 IM.», [iinl,, vol. ,i., M,hl„ b. in Hie Orkiiey I«laii,N • 
 0. a cou,„,,,,|o„ for le ,i,„e i„ the llrili-h „;;„ i 
 anliii IH..2 euiiKriiteil In IViii,.;,, with hi, wife .SuMUinaii 
 "J"., iin.l M.ttleil i„ Hour,,, ■ |V,erb„r„i„.h. In ": 
 ''."■!■ T\':^ '<■ llolloHll", Cm. lie wu. ,heriH of the di. 
 Ko.ue una tho Papacy | uuk of \ ietoria l8.i«-0;;. 
 iLS'lller, .Montreal, 18fi6. 
 v4ilvc'iituro» na a tiuldier iin,l 
 l^<Ki-iK>.o. 1. I he World before TIk .: a Novel, Lon.' 
 ■fiiMini ur. The 
 ;n..;l 11. Trini.; College, cZu.^^^'^'^^t^lZ slp-'r'' , '' ''''" ''''"''' '"■'''"= "^'^ ' 
 I„„n>l nn,l A .1,1,.... . . „ X- ,1 i . . "! '/"'""^ ' """ "IT- lllCn bei-lllnn ,. ..iL I., .. .1 
 lii<li .Minister aii,l Toni|„.ran,"e""l{«f,;rmc'r 
 iii"n«an,l Adclresse.s .\. Vork, I88;t, l2iuo. 
 Kl,?r"bn;ar,?'r''"'''"r*'i'','"''""- Our Admiral-, 
 flax Abi, ad ; Iho ( rui^fe ol Admiral 1). O. Farrai/ut in 
 mJ'.?J" '"•' ^^-ll"'''." N- York. LstiB, 8vo "^ " 
 ■ ., i ' ''""" "' Edinburgh .since IS73. Vor.N 
 from the Cr,«,.: .Seven Lecture,, I,on., I80J, I2n.o 
 M»..lK«mery, Hev. J„|.„, minister 'of ho Free 
 (hurch Innerleithen, Peeblesshire. I. ThouKliHon Man 
 Minor P "'""";' '" V'"' ''"^ '" '•'^"'™' Natu 0. „ S 
 •Minor Poems I.on., 1852, Svo. Anon. 2. An Kxa uin a 
 non of Articles contributed by Professor W I o I i ", n 
 ; 111 'h ". 'u- ':''"'.v'<'pa.dia Prilannica, the K^^Z^" 
 ;m the Hri isn Quarterly Review, in Helation' ?o tho 
 tur^^Kl'in'";" '""i ""■' .^""'""•>' "f "'« "»'y «" '- 
 I A\,olt;'t 1^;.' !?• \"r": •'• •■'•<''•«'«" Smith atid 
 UitUhol Nature: The Vegetable Kingdo'i,, Edin.:i87u! 
 , at Norlhllelil, 
 ,,,,. I ; ■•■• • ■" iiiiiii seven een yearn ol,|. 
 .lien became elerk in .i ..hoe-store in I ,.(o„j „ ig', 
 removed to Chicago, and enK.iK, ,l in n, -io iiry work 
 »as etnployeil during the ,•?, H ,v,.r I,, h OhrlHa,; 
 Aruuo'n";';".'!'''" ''^' ""■ '■"""« '^' '•'" <^'''''"''« 
 ,,„".. ' (-hieago a« a lay .ni.,.-ionarv the 
 unoilained ,,astor ,d' n largo church in'( .icago buiU 
 wi 1 Iia V .Sankey, and held revival nieelh - i„ (ireat 
 ?","'" ""'' If^' ""'1 ■■ "ffor holding dmilar i^ce, ingr , 
 ami ,n I8,s.t, „nd have Mnce b,.en engage.l i evnnit.d- 
 . ework at home and abroad. Thef,>llo». -listen. 
 eludes reiiorted ami sermons, so,,,, 
 ,n .s7^; '',":'*""■• '• ''^'Mn'.s.s, revised 1,., 
 and the Opera- IIounc, I.on., 1875, 12mo ;i 
 and Sinner: .Sermons ami Ad,.re,-ses, F.on., is'r 
 4. Stand up for Jesus: Five Addresses to ( 
 .f them 
 lal Hall 
 p. Svo. 
 .Montgomery, I». V. Hours of .Sun and Shade- 
 M«»;JL'''""^^"!Vl^'""''' I"'"- 'S^8' '2''" 
 .o,v o ? l"*'■^ 'rhoiiiBs H. A Genealogical ]I,s. 
 to,\ of he Fannly of Montgomery, Phila. 1863 r 8vo 
 Tl,S.f";,"l7l; "■"'•"• '"'>■' "'«'■« Sier'ra^, : ; 
 Illu.«t. l8S3 8vo ' ^ »^-5tory,>f California in isW. 
 siLM^ed wUh T «r ••."'*'' ^•'"'«- (T''" preface 
 K""si'r'.,'lU:','^"8tlir' ^' ^— •'"«'-<' 
 on *s- ,0 ■ "»»''■■""» I'ove: Fifteen A,l 
 I.on., s,,,, l2,no. 7. A,ld,e.., and I..,.ture.s 
 Narrative of the Awakening in l.iverp„„l ami 
 ;■"?: V""*' ,'"'• "™- '^ '•'"' '» he 
 S7«',l ""• ."• "'">^ Ti'linK''. [sermons] N. .ra 
 ,f\ 1 ' ' ' '?'""• "• I-'ii'lifnl f^iiyin^s: a ,- ries 
 of Acldrcsses, revised. Lon., I,s77, I2mo. I'-. Talk on 
 Ic^nporanco: with Anecdote., and Inciden h, . .„ 
 tin EdUcl l"'".^lf 1.™'"''" T'-'l-ia.,ce Work in Ro". 
 .ni-Ai, '''"■ '""•'"""S, Uiblc Headings, T-mper- 
 du i,fn blT'c' """ '*™y«r'^'-""g Talks :';vitl, In't,.^- 
 auction by J Cook, N. York, I,s77, ICmo. 14 The Way 
 and the Word, Chic, I.S77, l«„,„. 1,^. .^alva ion f.r All 
 Talks NV„T''l «-!,"«,,;*'"""•■* ""'' I'niyer-.Meetin, 
 dresses an.ip' ' ''' l?,'""' ''■ ^'^'"'^ Sermons, A,l- 
 ureases, and Prayers. Ill„«. M'^u"! Oit- l^-- Sy 
 h. Ibe .Second Coming of Christ, Chic, 1877, sq'.'ismo 
 lf„ T.'. "S'' '^"^•'=''"'«« ^ with .Sketch of hi's Early 
 iv. »ork. 1877, I .,,,1 20. Heaven: where it is, its In' 
 Montre«i;;c:A7"i:H'o"t Weather Le.s,,„. Books I Secre'tTjwe'r"- '' '% "'ere.Chie.; i:S8"i:V2mo: 21. 
 ooKS, I secret Power; o,. Secret of Success in Christian 
 it -^ • 
 Life and Christian Work, Chic, 1881, 12mo. 22. The | showing the OM Testament Revisers Violations of the 
 AV.iy to Hod, and how to lind it, Chic., 1S8(, 16mo. 23. Laws of the Language, Lon., Is.HB, p Svo 
 lilble Characters : embracing the Lives of Daniel, Lot. \ Moon, K. The Pentateuch and the Book of J...h,„. 
 .John Baiitist, Joseph of Arimathea, and others, N. considered, Lon., I.SW, Hvo. ,„..,,,. a 
 York, IH85, ICum. With Sankkv, I, D., Narrative of : Mooii, U. C. Handy Book of Ophthalmic Surgery, 
 Labors in Ureat Britain anil Ireland: with Addresses Lon., IWlli, Svo. i i,i. p„m,.„.„.. 
 - •■• " ' iMoon, Robert. 1. Frcsnel and his loilowers' ■■ 
 and Lectures, 1875, 8vo. With I'i.imkr, William S., 
 Three Colloquies on Vital Matters in Religion, N. York, 
 187li, 21nio. 
 IMuoil), Emma. Echoes from the Heart: Toenis, 
 Lon., 1876, 18ino. 
 JUooUy, F. W., instructor in decorative art at the 
 South Kensintrlon Musouni. 1. Lectures and Lessons in 
 Art: being an Introduction to a Practical and Compre- 
 hensive ,'^eheiiie. Illu.«t. Lon., 187:!, 8vo; new ed., 
 1880. 2. A Story of Ecclesiastical Intolerance. Illust. 
 Lon., 1874, S\o. 
 Moody, Henry, [miir, vol. ii., add.] 1. Hamp- 
 shire in llisti; a Translation of Domesday Book, Lon., 
 1862, 4to. 2. Oir County : Hampshire in the Time of 
 Charles II., Loii.. lS6;i, 12ino. 
 Moody, Martha Livingston. The Tragedy of 
 Brinkwaler: a Novel, N. York, 1887, Ifinio. 
 Moody, Sophy. 1. AVhat is your Name? a Popular 
 Account of the Meanings and Deriviiiiuns of Christian 
 Names, Lon., 186;!, p. Svo. 2. The Palm-Tree. Illust. 
 Lon., 1864, 12mo. 3. The Fairy Tree; or. Stories from 
 Far and Near, Lon., 1873, 12ino. 
 Moody, William Godwin. 1. Labor DifiRcul- 
 ties: the Cause ami the Way out: Practical Solution of 
 the Labor Problem, Host., 1878, Svo. 2. Land and 
 Labor in the Tnited States, N. York, 1883, l2mo. 
 Mookcrjee, M,, nephew of 0. C. Mookerjee. A 
 Memoir of the Late .lusticeOnoocool Chunder Mookerjee; 
 3d cd., Lon., ISSS, 12mo. 
 Mookerjee, Sambhu C. Travels and Voyages 
 in Bengal, Calcutta, 1887. 
 Moon, .Mrs. Eleanor, IS(l8-lSsn, b. at Plymouth, 
 Eng. 1. Little Mary, the Boatman's Daughter of Down- 
 dcrry, 12mo. 2. The Life of Thomas Bennett, 12mo. 
 3. The Grace of (iod manifested in the Life and. Death 
 of William Sandy. By E. M. Lon., IS62, 12mo. 
 Moon, tieorge Washington, b. Is23, in London ; 
 privately educated ; hon. Fellow of the Royal Society 
 of Literature. 1. Thoughts of the Heart, [verse.] 18J3. 
 Privately printed. 2. A Defence of the Queen's Eng- 
 lish, Lon., 1863, 8vo. 3. A Second Defence of the 
 Queen's English, Lon., 1863, Svo. 4. Pooins, Lon., 
 1863, p. Svo; 2d ed., entitled " Eden, and otiicr Poems," 
 18611 ; 3d ed., enl., 1873. 5. The Dean's English, Lon., 
 Is64, 16moi llthed., 1878. (This is a combination of 
 Nos. 2 and 3, containing criticisms on a work by Dean 
 Alford, 7. v., iiijini.} 6. Elijah the Prophet: an Epic 
 Poem, Lon., isii.'j, Ito; 3d ed., 1S67. 7. The Bad Eng- 
 lish of I.indlej Murray and other Writers of the English 
 Language; a Series of Criticisms, Lon., 186S, 12mo; 
 fith ed., 1S7S. (Consists of a series of pa]iers published 
 originally in The Round Table, New York.) 
 "(lut (if the mass of Mr. Moon's small criticisms, some 
 are just ami some are unjust. . . . Hut. just and unjust 
 alike, they arc all small, ami a honk full of small orili- 
 cisnis from lieginiiing to end is very wearisome and very 
 dreary."— .*«(. Kev., x.wii. 3U1. 
 S. The Soul's Inquiries answered in the Words of 1 
 Scripture, Loii., 187», Ifimo. (21 editions, comprising \ 
 46,0(111 copies, have been publi.-'hod in England.) 9. The j 
 Soul's Desires breathed to (Jod in the Words of Scripture, 
 Lon., 1871, sq. Kimo; 3d ed., 1879. 10. The Soul's 
 Comfort in Sorrow, Lon., 1873, 32mo. II. The Mono- 
 graph (iospel : the Four Gospels in One Narrative, Lon., 
 1877, 32ino; 2d ed., 1878. 12. What is Poetry? a 
 Paper, Lon., 1879, Svo. 13. The Revisers' English: 
 Criticisms, Lon., 1881, l2mo; 2d ed., 1SS2. 14. The 
 King's English, Lon., 1S8I, 12mo; 2d ed., I8S3. 
 "Mr. Washington Moon has done such (,'nod .service to 
 the studv of Hiiglisli. and the latter part of this little book 
 is so wel'l worth reading, that we can only our un- 
 fciniied sorrow that lie should have writlen the first half 
 of it. This contains little else than a slriiis; of erroneous 
 slatenieiits which would have been out of date n ceutury 
 ago. We cannot eonscienticuisly reconiineiul a viduine 
 which tavstluit ' the KiiKlish lancua'j:e is derived chielly 
 from the Aryan through the Sanskrit, and thence through 
 the Celtic, Italic, and Toutonie ;' which supposes the Hook 
 (if .Job to be 'the most ancient docunient extant;' and 
 which exhibits the most stolid Ignorance about the deri- 
 vatimi of the I'htLMiieiaii from the Egyptian alphabet."— 
 Acad., xix. :)'J0. 
 15. Ecclesiastical English : a Series of Criticisms 
 Criticism, Lon., 1849, 8vo. 2. Light Explained on the 
 llyjiothesis ef an Ethereal Medium, Lon., 1853, Kvo. 
 Moon,Samnel. 1. Gleanings in Prose and Verse. 
 Lon., 1847, l2mo. 2. Original Tales and Sketches, Lon., 
 IS54, 1 81110. 
 Moon, W. 1. Light for the Blind; Moon's System 
 of Reading, Lon., 1875, Svo. 2. Consequences and 
 Ameliorations of Blindness, Lon., 1875, p. Svo. 
 Mooney, Rev. Thomas, M.A., graduated iit 
 Trinity College, Dublin, 1857; ordained 1858; vicar of 
 Hey wood since 1885. (Ho has recently changed his 
 naiiio to Thornburgh.) 1. The Host: what it is and 
 what it is not, 1877. 2. Sacramental Confession R..- 
 nian, not Anglican, 1S7S. 3. The Last Words of Jesus, 
 Guildford, ISSl. 
 Moor, E. J. Tracts on Common Things. Fir.-i 
 Series. Lon., IS62, 12mo. 
 Moor, Henry. A Visit to Russia in the Autumn 
 of 1862. IlluBt. Lon., 1863, p. Svo. 
 "The narrative is in general quite unpretending and 
 sensible."— .S'a(. Her., xv. 7'jy. 
 Moor, Rev. John Frewcn, M. A., graduated m 
 Oriel College, Oxford, 1846; ordained 1846: vicar of 
 Ainpfield since 1853. 1. Morniiigand Evening Devotions 
 for the Aged, Oxf., 185'l 2. Memorials of Kev. John 
 Keble; 2d ed., 1867. ''. ,.uide to Hnrsley, 1869. 
 Moor, Thomas. 1. Ouinsels and Thoughts in II.-- 
 latiim to Full Salvati(m in Christ, for the Spiritual Lite 
 of Helievers, Lon., 1881, Svo. 2. Spiritual Truth fir 
 the Spiritual Mind of Believers, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Moorat, J. S. Translations, froui Metustasio iiiij 
 Lamarline, Lon.. 1853, l2ino. 
 Moore, A. W. Corpulency, and its New Self. 
 Dietary Cure, Lon., 1861, ii. Svo; new ed., 1863. 
 Moore, Rev. A. V'. Life of Schuyler Colfax, IMiilii., 
 1868, 12mo. 
 Moore, Alexander. 1. The Good Health I.ibriuy, 
 Best., 1870-73, 4 v(ds. Svo. 2. First Ilel)) in Accidents 
 and in Sickness : a Guide in the Absence of Medical A-- 
 sistance. Illust. Bost., 1871, l2ino. 
 Moore, Alfred. Treatise on Practice in Criminal 
 Cases in Courts of Record, before Justices of the Peine. 
 and in Mayor's Courts, in Indiana, Chic, 1879, Svo. 
 Moore, Annie, and Nichols, Laura I). Over- 
 head ; or. What Harry and Nellie discovered in the 
 Heavens. Illust. Bost., 1878, .sq. Svo. 
 Moore, Annie Aubertine, (Woodward,) b. 
 1841, in Montgomery Co., Pa.: studied music and 
 f(jiinded the Wisconsin Con.servatory of Music; married 
 to Samuel II. Moore 1887. She has written for periodi- 
 cals and published translations under the pscudonvnio 
 of "Auber Forestier." 1. (Trans.) The Sphinx; "C, 
 Striving witli Destiny, by C. R. Bayer, [" Robert Ryr.'J 
 Illust. Phila., 1871, 12mo. 2. (Trans.) The .Struggle 
 for Existence, by C. R. Bayer, Phila., 12mo. 3. Ecliocs 
 from Mist-Land; or. The Nihelungen Lay Revealed, 
 Chic, 1877, 16mo. 4. (Trans.) The Spell-Bound Fiddler: 
 a Norse Romance, by Kristofer Janson, Chic, 1S80, 12niu. 
 5. (Trans.) The Actor's Art : Stage Declamation, Ac, by 
 G. Garcia, Lon., 1SS2, 4to. 
 Moore, Arthur. I. Compendium of the, 
 Ireland, Lon., 1850, I2mo. 2. Hand-Book of Riiil«iiy 
 j Law; 2d ed., IS6I, er. Svo. 
 ; Moore, Rev. Anbrey Laekington, M.A., gnnl- 
 i uated, first class Lit. Hum., at Exeter College. Oxlonl, 
 1 1871; Fellow and tutor 1873-76; ordained IS73; n-cior 
 of Frenchay IS76-SI; hon. canon of Christ Chunli, 
 Oxford, since 1887. Holv Week ; Addresses dclivereil 
 , at St. Paul's Cathedral in" Holy Week, 1888, Lon.. l.^SN 
 . 12uio. 
 Moore, Augusta. Notes from Plymouih I'nlpit, 
 N. York, 1865, 12mo. 
 Moore, U. P. Endura; or. Three Generations "f 
 11 >;eiv Englaml Homanon, San Fran.. IS86, 16ino. 
 Moore, llciuamin Theophilus, M.A.. gnnl- 
 ! uated at Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1 856. I. Physics. 
 By Alciphriui. Lon., 1858. 2. Elementary Mensuration, 
 liOn., 1863, l2ino. 
 Moore, C. W. Outlines of the Temple; or, Masimry 
 in its Moral Aspect, Cin., 1864, l2mo. 
 ColLyo Oxfonl, I87;j ; ordained 1875; curate of St. 
 John. I-addinston, 1870. 1. St. Loui., (NeHdi™tc 
 Prize I„e,,, , Isj.l 2. The I-ortugue.e \n th. a'./t! 
 I.I 1 T '""'""«'. iii'l u'hcr Poems. 4. The Father of 
 BIack.I,e.ter Collectors, (Dr. John Moore, IJi 1, , of 
 Norwich, and aftenvanis of Klv,) I,«n 18S5 
 Moore, Charles Hewitt, 1821-1870. l. Rodent 
 cieep, L*on,, l.Sh'Jj h. Svo, 
 „h!^""r'i' '^''"»''«« I-eoimrd, b. 1851, in Philadel- 
 phia, I. S. con.^ul at San Antonio, Brazil, 1S78-7S 
 Poeni,s, Antique and Modern, Phila., l,S,S;i, go 12nio 
 Moore, Mrs. Clara, ( Jessup,) [„,,;., vol.' ii 
 add.,J b IS2I, n Philadelphia,- ma?ried in 1,S42 to 
 lilooinheld H Moore, has resided chiefly in EnKFand 
 I.H7a, U'lno. J On Dangerous Uround ; or, Agatha's 
 IS,8, 121,10 n. ,>,ens,blo Eticiuetto of the Society • 
 Customs, Manners, Morals, and Homo Culture Com 
 piled from the lie,.t Authorities by Mrs. 11 Hette Z. 
 nard Ward, [pseud.] Phila., 1878; 12mo. """" ^^ 
 "'Ihere is almost no situation or condition ii. lifo r,.r 
 ;«^' ■^:^;;;„;"iT^lf ^;-!}^'^'- "'"^ ..o.'iii'Si/^d'iif s:i \ 
 Moore, Cornelius, M.A. Masonic Biography By 
 One of tlie Craft. Cin., 1,S62. "o'"P"y. uy 
 Moore, Uev.Courtenay,M.A.,graduated at Trin- 
 M^Mh "^'•'' ^■"'"'"' '''"2; ordained* 18(15; rector of 
 Mitohestown since 1882. 1. The Intermediate State 
 ^^M. 2. I„,,„,ry into the Nature and Place of Christ^^ 
 Presence in the Sacrament of the Lord's.Supper, 1874 
 Moore, Kev. Daniel, M.A., [,„„e. yo . ii., add" 1 
 graduated a St. Catharine's College, Cambridge T, W- 
 ., i r. f «.^ Trinity, I'addington, since ISliO;' LJ .' 
 on h",- fi • "" ' r™ ''"'• '• ""'''''" Lee t'ure , 
 -on., 8, ,-61, .T yols. 8yo. 2. Thoughts on PreachinL' 
 I.'m 18(il, cr. Svo; 2d cd., I8«9. ;i. The Diyiiie An 
 homy of the Pentateuch Vindicated, Lo", 18M,P .>fv"o: ' 
 4. Ihe Age and the (Jospel : Four Sermons, (Hu sea" 
 Lectures tor ISIW,) Lon., I8«5, p. 8yo. 5. At 
 Prayer; a Course of Lectures, Lon., 18.i8. p. 8™ new 
 Lm" sVf'n" s''" /rfT"'""' "" Specia'^-Occliion" 
 ";' 'o' '' P',^™- 7- Clirist and his Church : Lectures 
 an the Song of Solomon, Lon., 1875, p. Syo. 8. Sunday 
 Mc.litatio„s adapted to the Course of the Christian Yet^ 
 Lon., 18,li p 8yo; new ed., 183:1. 9. Temptation • its 
 •Nature and Limits, Lon., 1878, 12mo. Ill The PI r « 
 tm. in his Kelation to 'the Chu"h A ' 1 ., , ?8S ' 
 1^1"". M. MedtationsforAdyent: Short Keali'ng, on 
 t a. Coming ot Christ, Lon., 1884. p. 8vo. 12. Chrfst n 
 Al Ages, Lon., ISS6. l;i. Though s for Church Se,o„ 
 t . 8yo With M.iiiSTON, C. I)., and Bavi, :v, S i< E 
 Jlirco Lectures on Preaching, Lon 1874 '"''""*'•' 
 l.^^d^Vb^'ls?.""", *"•""'. ■''•'^" l"P""' Wright," 
 luenoMaand Albany; resides at Syracuse, N.y 1 A 
 I iinorama of T mc, N York ts^t" o ii 
 I .1,1 *""^t *^. lOlK, loO,, z. jjow she won 
 l-.:.^or. The Bride of Charming Valley, PhiCl"s; 
 ncnmbentof Mumanucl Church, Wimh cdoii,si, ce IssV' 
 I. he Condition of ,he Agricultural Lahou c am hU 
 Cottage ll.mie, Lon., I8«.0, Syo " Tl„. n, , , 
 N.'J:;i!*l^n:"i^o"- ''''""''"'• «^>''S"™et.o. 
 Moore, Emily Jane. l. Little Bet, the Uailway 
 /"" ;!!S' I^°»- >■'<»■. Khn,.. 2. Life ami Re gn oY 
 yuecn \ ictoria. Illust. Lon,, 1,S87, p. Syo ^'^" "' 
 .■Jloore, Kev. Erasmus Dnrwin, [„'„(,., vol ii 
 »'M ] b. 1S(I2, at Winste,!, Conn.; a Congregi" onal 
 imiMster; formerly e.litor of ,|,c B'oston Ue*! , rtcr To 
 l''.i:d2mo'""'^ ''"""^ "f Missionary U^u;^^; 
 Moore, Evelina. (Trans.) History of the liefor 
 ..uti-.n in liermany and Switzerland, by l>. KB 
 Hagenbach, Edin., 1878-79, 2 vols. 8yo. 
 8:i!*7","rN,' f,:, '^''" I-"?'''"!'""-" of Ceylon, Lon., 188,)- 
 I inr^rii;"':^i::'t?,'^;r" ^— '""--''- 
 American Evolution, 18(i«,"2 v. Is. Svo;' neTL 4" 
 Personal and Political Ballads, 18fi4, Itimo 7 F " 
 Songs of the Soldier.", N. York, IstU iCn -i 'n 
 Portrait-Gallery of thj War, Ci 'l, Anitury . id N^^ ^ 
 a 1 ^graphical Reconl. rilust. N. York, ISfi , r. 8yo' 
 «. (Kd.) Speeches of An.lrew .Tohns.m : with a Bo 
 graphical Introduction, Host., 18.i5, 12m„ (fii; 
 1 VlLlirf'^w'"' •'"!'" ""Kl.t,'BosE., 186.-,, 2mo 
 Uen^f tl. War, Nort^f ai^r^il^'l 8^^^; 1^1 'l^:: 
 I'ai^^t'i^'Y^rkrr^s/^""""' "'""=«"""-■" i'^«p">; 
 i^^"nS';^t'^;,^,ba^:z;::,^^^? x?""''-' »^^'- 
 , ■V?"'<'' "•'V. Edward, M.A., D.D., graduated 
 ' ».. do first class, at Pembroke College, O.iffrd 1857 ^ 
 K'l ow an,l tutor of Queen's College 1858-64; c^rda ncd 
 >'^- principal of St. Edmun.l Hall an,l reo or of Oat 
 • iftotlc's Poetics; with Xotes, 1S75. X The 'Tlmo 
 Merenoes in the Uivina C nedia, and their BearTiig 
 nn the Assumed Date an,l Duration of the Vision (Two 
 '""li,) Lon.. 1887, l«mo. A full statement of the author's 
 L lold by the Sea: Tales of the Coast Lon ^7" 
 1*1. 6. Daireen, Lon., 1879, 2 vols, cr 8vo 7 Th, 
 Mutiny of the " Albatros.s." Illu"t !,„„•, «^; , 
 L : '1^ "'^;?'%^ ««- ^"/^''e of -^ew UiJinc ; 
 Hatchc,.. Illust. Lon., isS8, p. 8vo 
 loore, Kev. Franklin. Dc^criptiye and Did.ic 
 tie Sermons of the, 'Reasons, Phila., Is.iil, l,i„,o ' 
 F, 't' *':^''»«"ck A. A Book of Gems By 
 ugeno Sinclair, [p.seud.l Manchester, N I'l^/ 
 IJmo. (Kntercl un,ler ,«,mc,,aii.. „„s yol.Vi , ' ' 
 Ta*^"o7t'h'o*rr''"''f.'* "• '• «'^"''- ""-l-''« : a 
 lal. of the Reformation Oak, Lon., 1876, 2 vols •> 
 Dorothy Drake, Lon., 1885, 2 ^ds. cr. 8yo. ' "' 
 iBOOre, <.. The Training of Y'oung Children • A.l 
 dressed to Mothers, I.nn !>i7o | •...,„ *' ^""""^n • Ad- 
 TragcdTIi, IV; 'a'^ V'^'^'f' "• """» Luther? a 
 iragiay, in tivo Acts, Lon., 1879, p 8vo 
 to Homoeopathy; 2d ed., Lon., 186U, ;t2mo 
 Moore, J. Lny Sermons on Clubs and their DootorB, 
 Lon., is;s, Svo. 
 .Moore, Mrs. J. !•". 1. Clifford Ilouso, N. York, 
 iMis, Ifitno. 2. Nanny Davi^nport, lJ(jst., lS6il, Ifimo. 
 :'.. I.inside Farm, lio.«t., 1^*70, l(imo. I. Homo in a 
 Ilou^^h Suburb. 5. Miriam lirandon. fi. Los-^^i'S and 
 Uain.'J. 7. Rescued. S. Tom lienUey. (Nos. 2-8, in" 
 vols, llinio, lSlill-71: new ed., lS7l-7li.) 
 Moore, .1. II. C Parochial Sermons, Lon., 18.'i,i, 
 Moore, J. Ij. 'i'he Knglish Lake District : a (iuiile 
 for I'eilestrians. Lon., 1SS8, 12uio. 
 iMoore, J. S. 1. Friendly Sermons to the Protec- 
 tionist Manufacturers, (" Keonomic Monographs,") N. 
 York, 1S7S, 12mo. 2. Friendly Letters to Americiiu 
 Farmers and others, X. York, Isss, l2mo. 
 Moore, J. Scott. I're-dlaeial Man and Geologi- 
 cal Chronology, Lon., 18IHI, Svo. 
 Moore, Rev. J. >V. (Trans.) The Sixth Book of 
 the .Kneid, Lon.. 1S8L 
 ^Ico-/., xxvi.itM. ,, Moore, James, veterinary surgeon. 1. Ilomam- 
 ■ In virtue of it.s vividness of presentation and real lit- i p^^fi,,,, TreatmenI of Diseases of Cattle, licui., IHJ'.I, 12mo, 
 eraryskiU, it ina^M.e rewarded as in sunieae^Mvea^reijr^^^ i, q^jh^^^^^ „|- Veterinary lloiniYjopalhy, Lon., 1S;V.I, 
 Moore, U, M. 1. Mary with Many Friends, Lon., 
 187S. p. Svo. 2. Mary's Hiiliday Task, Lon., 18711, J). 8vo. 
 Moore, U, W. Hones ; hi,s Anecdotes and (j(jaks, 
 Lon., 1870, 12mo; now ed., 18S7. 
 Moore, George. 1. Tho Lost Tribes, tlie Sn.\ons 
 of tho East: with liock Uecorils in India, Lon., isfil, 
 Svo. 2. Ancient Pillar St(jnes of Scotland, Kdin., ISii.'i, 
 Svo. :'.. The First Man and his I'lace in Creation, lion., 
 18116, p. Svo. 
 Moore, (Jcorgc, M.D., [laitc, vol. ii., ndil.) I. On 
 Some Diseases of tlio Nose, Throat, Air-Tubes, and 
 Lung.s. and their l,cical Trealment, Lon., 1SI)7, 8vo; -Itb 
 ed., 1S84. 2. lironchitis and Asthma, l,on., ISSli, or. Svo: 
 now ed., 1S88. :i. Enlargod Tonsils Curable without 
 Cutlintr, Lon.. Isss, svo. 
 .Moore, George. 1. Flowers of Passion, Lon., 
 1S77, s(i. Iftuu). 2. Pagan Poems. Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 
 H. A Alodern Lover, Lon., lSS:i, .'i vcjIs. or. Svo. 4. A 
 .MuiMiner'.s Wile. Lon.. ISS4, p. Svo; lith ed., ISSo. 
 ■• A mure repulsive shiry was probalily never written.' — 
 seiitaliveexampleoftlie wnrkid alUerarv 
 (if late vears attracted to itself a gooil deal ol the notoriety 
 whieli is a verv useful substitute fur fame. . . It consists 
 of a series of 'studies of moral and pbysieal ilisease. in 
 which cvorv svniptom Is cleseribed with a fulness ami rea- 
 lizablene&sofiletail that is, ill the most literal seii.^e ol llie 
 woril, simply nauseous. "—.'<;)f0^i(or, Iviii. s:i. 
 a. Literature at Nurse; or, Circulating Morals, Lon., 
 ISS.i, or. Svo. tl. A Drama in Muslin : a Realistic Novel, 
 Lon., 188(i, p. Svo. 7. I'arnell and his Island, Lon., 
 1S87, p. 8vo. 8. Mere Accident; a Novel, Lon., LS87, 
 or. Svo. 9. Confessions of a Y'oung Man, Lou., ISSS, p. 
 Svo. III. Spring Days: a Realistic Novel, a Prelude to 
 " Don ,)uan," Lon,, 1888, p. Svo. • 
 •• -Mr. (ieorge Moore liii-s already proved his right to be 
 Considered one of the cinispicnoiis novelists nl the day. 
 On account of bis unsavoury taste bis books liavo attracted, 
 perhaps, more than their due sbare of atleiitioii. but they 
 have deserved iiiucb ill .siiite of it. . . . Mr. Moore can de- 
 iiiet liuinan beings ill an original and consistent fashion; 
 lie can tell a storv well, and he has an excellent eye hir 
 efleel. . . . The noveltv of bis method lies, however, not 
 so much in bis topics as in the nature of bis analysis. He 
 is on the lookout to detect the baser impulses, and even m 
 • the outside view of things a nasty detail has for him an 
 irresistible attraction,"— ,4(/i., N'o, ;ii)6,), 
 Moore, George F. Alabama Supreme Court Re- 
 ports, vol. Ixvii., Montgomery, Issil, Svo. With 
 Wai.kkh, R, S., Texas Supreme Court Reports, vols. 
 xxii.-xxv., (l!>.')S-tin,) Houston, 4 vols. Svo. 
 Moore, George Henry, LL.D,, [niife, vol. ii., 
 add., J b. ls2:i; bcc;iiiie superintendent and trustee of the 
 Lenox Library, New York, in 1872. 1. The Treason of 
 Charles Loo, N. York, 1858. 2. Negroes in the Revo- 
 lutionary Army, N. York, 181)2. 3. Notes on tho His- 
 tory of Slavery in Massachusetts, N. York, IStiii. 4. 
 History of tho .lurisprudence of Now Y'ork, 1872. 5. 
 Final Notes on Witchcraft in Massachusetts, N. York, 
 1885. 6. Washington as an .\ngler, 1887. 
 Moore, George Peter. British Bird-s, syste- 
 niatieally arranged in Five Tables, showing the Com- 
 parative Distribution and Periodical Migrations, Lon., 
 1879, imp. 4to. 
 Moore, II. C. The Special Constable's Story, and 
 other Talcs, Lon.. 1888, 12iuo. 
 Moore, H. II., D.D. .Matter, Life, Mind : their Es- 
 sence, Phenomena, and Relations examined with Refer- 
 ence to the Nature of Man and tlie Problems of his 
 Destiny, N. York, ISSii, IL'mo. 
 Moore, Mrs. H. J. 1. The Golden Legacy: a 
 Story of Life's Phases. By a Lady. N. York, IS57. 
 2. Wild Nell, the White -Mountain (iirl, N. York, I860, 
 ;!. Anna Clayton; or, 'fho Mother's Trial, 16mo, 4. 
 Over the Way ; or, Ned Harris's Resolve; [also] Bravo, 
 by Mrs. T. H. (Jriffitli, N. Y'ork, ISSil, 16nio. 
 .Moore, H. N. Life and Services of (lon. Marion 
 and Oen. Anthony Wayne, Phila., 1855, 16ino. 
 Moore, Ilcieii. Mary Wollstoneoraft Shelley, 
 Phila., 1880, l2mo. 
 ■Moore, Henry, solicitoi. 1. Practical Forms of 
 Agreements, Lcm,, 1884, Svo, 2. Practical Instructions 
 t* Young Solicitor.s, Ac, Lon., 1885, Svo. 
 Moore, I. The Final Destiny of Man, Ann Arbor, 
 Mich., 1809, Svo. 
 Moore, Irn M. 1. Treatise on tho Jurisdiction of 
 Justices of the Peace in Civil Actions in Illinois, Chic, 
 1875, Svo. 2. Treatise on the Jurisdiction of Justices 
 of tho Peace in Illinois, Chic, 1876, Svo. 
 12mo; 7th ed,, 1874. H. Diseases of Dogs, and thiir 
 Homtcopnthic Treatment, Lon., ISIIH, 12mo. 4. Pliiiii 
 Directions for the Prevention of the Cattle Plague, Lon,, 
 18(i5, Svo: new ed., 1808. 5. Horses 111 and Well: 
 Houueopalhic Treatment of Diseases and Injuries, Loo,, 
 cr. Svo. 
 Moore, James. 1. Kilpatrick and our Cavalry. 
 Illust. N. Y'ork, 1805, 12mo, 2. Complete History of 
 the (ireat Kebellion : with Introfluction by R. R. Mac- 
 kenzie, llliist. Phila., 121110. 
 Moore, James J. 1. (Ed.) Historical Iland-Book 
 to Oxford. 2. Oxford Men and .Manners. :i. llislori(:il 
 (ileanings. 4. The Pictorial and Historical (iossipini; 
 (iuidc to Oxford; a Ciceronic ChitChat . f Einiiii iii 
 Men, Colleges, Halls, Museums, Ballads, E]>itaiihs. ,Vc , 
 Oxf., 1875, Svo. 
 Mooie, Jtfhn C, and Johnson, E. (Tran i 
 Commentary on Romans, by 11, A, W. Meyer; Revisid 
 and Edited by W. P. Dickson, Edin,, 1884, Svo. 
 Moore, John M. Arkansas SupremcCourt Rcpiots. 
 vols, xxviii.-xxxiv., 1872-79. Little Rock, 7 vols. Svo. 
 Moore, John S. A Book in Pieces, [prose aad 
 verse.] Liverpool. 1885, p. Svo. 
 Moore, John W. History of North Carolina, fi in 
 the Earliest Discoveries to the Present Time, Raleigh, 
 N.C., 1881), 2 vols. Svo. 
 Moore, John Weeks, [onfe, vol. ii., add.] 1. Ap- 
 pendix to Eneyclopa.'dia of Instrumental Music, Miiii- 
 chester, N.H., 1858. 2. Historical, Biographiciil, nnd 
 Miscellaneous Gatherings relative to Printers, Priiiliin:, 
 Publishing of Books, Newspapers, Magazines, and otiiir 
 Literary Productions from 1820 to 1880, Manche>t.r, 
 Moore, Joseph, Jr. Outlying Europe ami llie 
 Nearer Orient, Phila., 1880, or. Svo. 
 Moore, Joseph West. Picturesque Washington : 
 Pen and Pencil Sketches of its Scenery, History, Trn- 
 ditions, Public and Social Life. Illust. and Map. Pniv- 
 idence, R.I., 1884, Svo. 
 Moore, Jnlia A., ("The Sweet Singer of Michi- 
 gan.") 1. Sentimental Song-Book, Cleveland, 0,, Is78\ 
 ISino. 2. Later Poems: with Reviews, (^'oniiiieiidator,f 
 Notices, Ac, of her Sentimental Song-Book, (liand 
 "" h.. 1878, 12 
 Pastoral Rominisoenccs, N, York, 
 Autumn Manoeuvres, Lon., ISsfi, 
 Uajdds, Mieh., 1878, 12mo. 
 Moore, Rev. M. 
 1860, ISino, 
 Moore, Mrs. M. 
 ;! vols. 11. Svo. 
 Moore, M. II. Sketches of the Pioneers of Meth- 
 odism in North Carolina and Virginia, Nashville, Teiin,, 
 1884, 12ino. 
 Moore, Maude. (Ed.) Songs of Sunshine ami 
 Shadow, Bost., 1882, 12mo. 
 Moore, MoHie E. See Davis, Moi.i.ik E., Hupn:. 
 Moore, Morris. Raphael's .\pollo and Marsyas: 
 a European Scandal; 2d ed., Rome, 1885, Svo. 
 Moore, N. Pilgrims and Puritans : the Story of 
 the Planting of Plymouth and Boston. llluBt, ll^st,, 
 18,iS, 12mo. 
 Moore, Norman, M.A., b. in Manchester, Kng. 
 (Ed.) Essays on Natural History. By Charles Wiilrr- 
 ton. With a Life of the Author. Lon,, 1870, p. 8vo; 
 new ed., 1S79. 
 Moore, R. The Marriage Stopped, Lon., 1888, p. 8ro. 
 W,"lX: ";,^''- '"-'"■•^ "f I"""'" PTieh Church, f Forty Day, between the llcurr r 
 Moore Uachel Wilso,, t„,„„ , , . , ! '■'■!'"•. I'"™". «««""«•<."" «n,l Asce„si„„, 
 ■' ' • "-"I". J. Aliirtvr 
 On the Vcntihitii.n of Mines, Lc 
 Moore, Itainti 
 ISf)!!, Hvo. 
 I'sr:; ss:'i£!i ;£=!i"c..;: .Ji^ti 
 Kilited by 
 ihnx- from the Thir,l (j'erman E.lition 
 lrc,ler,ck Kngel,. !,„„, isst), 2 vol.s. s"" 
 Lom,"lCT' p" s™ *'''''''^'" '^"y* = Mi^«cellaneo«s Poems, 
 isfu,""':::,; ^- "•' "^'^ ^•"- "f the New Year, !.„„., 
 Moore, Thoinag. F I s r , ,- I 2. Ti„. i'„,»i„„„..:..„ v;:_™.'" V."""-"' ""I"-, l**'". m-, 
 of the nu,'ne thrrufe'n twined,' Jd .'] Is •,!'{'.8''r'"b "1^ 
 Si^li; ^;r^cTrSi«t"and''r ^;;3 
 II lormiiy with other botanical periodicals 1 Tn,l», 
 Sung* i.„,| utJifr -p , ik;';" |2,„*' 
 .. 1 ' '""-^ . un Historical iiomiince, Ijon mfix Q 
 vols. p. 8vo,- new cd Ikto •> 'n.. n ! ^, . . ' '' 
 t..e Nature of the At^neinrnt, -,'0 ", V^ ." o '°V 
 The^,^even Cries from Calvary: Meditation; Ln.,l,s67; 
 Moore, nilliam Waniel, MI) MRPA 
 H.';''"" on o"f '•'V'^"';'""''- «f AccomiVodatTon"' an^- 
 Moore Hpv iv-M'- ' • ^ vP""''*"---' f'""- l'"^"'. Svo 
 s;,;' »:^S:.;. ssris, &ir Yi=r 
 so 8 CW.) if" "?'' "i«t«'-y of Church Property 
 'Ipore.H... •11,0m,, »,„„„, D.D„ [,,„„. „, 
 new od., ]88f) 'i-uis, 1 niia., i>,,j, Svo; 
 3. A Manual of Family iuediciuo for India iZ'isri' 
 i 2.s.';-.!'«a;?- <>'"•' '"■•' "" SS» fc 
 8,4-,6; lii.hop of Melbourne ls7fi-s«, and ,ince then 
 itTa^s'to'Fit^'^v '• '^T'"' -; M'.ie"ri!r 
 tuints as to J'acts of Nature, ],on., isiil f„ Svn " 
 Our f ord Jesu. Christ the Subject of Grow h f, Vis": 
 Join, (Ilulsean Lectures,} l.on., IsCi), p. Svo ! Jacob • 
 Christ Lon. Is7< 'p' .".o"' t "t p''"^''<:'''^"i"» «f 'I'" 
 ()os,,els, T,on., l.^^.^'isino (genuineness of the 
 Moorman, John J., M.D.. [«„,., v„|. a., ad,l 1 1 
 Hat' '".r 2!"'^ (f '"«':"■'-' ^""- "ndt'anlhl; 
 .„-.-^,^.^.... ...<• ...ast words Of Jesus. '^^Z^^^F^'^'^^^^^^ 
 em P±;i^!'"';^J ''■^^i^^tol;trS:;!ne!;;;;;„':^k,^Ini!^^^^ '^..of the 52d ,.i«ht 
 ""-o.^J^^,, „,, Appearances of Our£ord\irri;Jn;e j rs«o';'[:8;r'" ""' '^"■■'^■""" "^ "'« CommUt", wj 
 Moos, II. M. 1. Hannah: a Nnvel, Cin., 18fi9, 
 8vo. 2. Ciirrio lliirrington : a Sequel to " lliinnali,' 
 Ifiiiio. 3. Mortura; or, Tlio I'opo and his Inquisitors; 
 ft Dnima, Ifiiiio. . „, . i 
 Moos, N. A., B.So., F.R.S. Etlin. An Llomentary 
 TrctttUo on the Strength of Materials and Strains in 
 Structures, Lon., 18S7, Svo. 
 Mornine, 1*. I. Evening Hours, Boat., lSt)9, lOmo. 
 2. Shining Hours, Bost., 187'.i, lOino. 
 Morais, Henry Samuel. 1. Eminent Israelites 
 of the Nineteenth Century : Biographical Sl<etches, 
 Phila., ISHO, Svo. 
 "It is an interesting jvirtrait-gallery into which the au- 
 thorUiuls us, and he makes an efflcieiit eiceiuiiu. — Au(io», 
 2. The Daggatouns : a Tribe of Jewish Origin in the 
 Desert of Sahara: a Ueview, Phila., \AA2, 12ino. 
 Moran, Charles. 1. Money, X. Vmk, l«h3 12mo. 
 2. Money, Currencies, and Banking, N. York, 1»73, »vo. 
 3. floverniuent : an Essay, N. York, 1879, I2ino. 
 Moran, Rev. F. Sweet Influence : a Brief .Me- 
 moir of E. (). Moran, Lon., 18H2, sij. Iflmo. 
 Moran,. Most Eminent Patrick Francis, D.D., 
 b ISHO, at Leighlinbri.lgo, County Carlow, Ireland, and 
 educated at the Irish College of St. Agatha, Rome; was 
 appointed vice-president of the college and prolossor ot 
 Hebrew in the College of the Propaganda, Rome, in 18ol). 
 He returned to Ireland in 1866; was private secretary 
 to the Archbishop of Dublin; in 1872 became Bishop ot 
 Oasory, and is now Archbishop of Sydney and cardinal. 
 1 Memoir of the .Most Rev. Oliver Plunkett, ISol. 
 2. Essays on the Origin, Ao., of the Early Irist. Church, 
 Lon., 1861, Svo. 3. Ilistorv of the Catholic Archbishops 
 of Dublin. Vol. i.. Part I. Lon., 1864, 8vo. 1. His- 
 torical Sketch of the Persecutions, Ac, under Cromwell 
 and the Puritans, 186j. 5. (Ed.) Acta S. Brendani, 
 1872. 6. .Moiiasticon Hibernicum, 1873. 7. Spici- 
 legium Ossorienso; being a Collection of Original Let- 
 ters and Papers illustrative of the History of the Irish 
 Church from the Reformation to the Year 1800. First 
 Scries. Dublin, 1874-78, cr. 4to. 
 " The douumenw in tliis [the first] volume almost ex- 
 clusively bear upon matters of ecclesmstieal interest; but 
 many of them will be very weloome to all students ot 
 Irish hislorv as .i coiitribulioii to our scanty stock ot ma- 
 terials for the t-'ciioral history of the period over which 
 they range."— .4"i'<..viii. 211'). 
 8. Irish Saints in 'irciit Britain, Lon., 1879, \i. Svo. 
 .Morant, George. Hints to Husbands on Man- 
 Midwiferv, Lon., 185li, 12mo. 
 .Moraiit, Ma,ior George Francis. 1. Game- 
 Preservers and Binl-Preservers, Lon., 187.), ji. ovo. 2. 
 Rabbits us a Food-Supply, and how to fold them, Lon., 
 1883. or. Svo. , , _ „ . 
 Morawetz, Victor. Treatise on the Law of Pri- 
 vate Corporations, Host., 18S2,Svo. 
 Mordacque, Rev. Louis Henry, M.A., 1824- 
 1872, incumbent of Haslingden, Lancashire, 1849-7U. 
 (Trans.) History of Names in Connection with the Prog- 
 ress of Civilization, by Euscbius Salverti, Lon., 1862- 
 64, 2 vols. Svo. , ^ 
 Mordaiint, Rev. Osbert, M.A., graduated at 
 Christ Church, (l.xford, 1865; onlainod 18ti7; rector c, 
 Hampton-Lucy since 1874. 1. Plain Instructions for 
 Conlinuation Candidates, Oxf., 1880. 2. "Nearer to 
 Thee :" InstructicJiis and Sermons, Lon., 1882. p. Svo. 
 Mordecai, Alfred, 1804-1887, b. in Philadelphia; 
 graduated at the U.S. .Military Ac;»demy 1823, and as- 
 signed to the engineers: a member of the ordnance 
 board at Wasliington 1839-60; serve.l in the Mexican 
 war, and was promoted major 1854; member of a mil- 
 itary commission sent to the Crimea IS.iS; resigned 
 from the army 1861 ; treasurer and secretary of the Penn- 
 sylvania Canal Company from 1867 till his death. I. 
 Digest of .Military Laws, Wash., 1833. 2. Ordnance 
 Manual for the Use of Officers in the I'nited States 
 Army, 'S41 ; 2d ed., 1850. 3. Reports of Exiioriinents 
 on (iunpowiler, IstD, 1849. 4. Artillery for the United 
 Slates Land Service, as devised and arranged by the 
 Ordnance Board. Illust. 1849. ,7. Report of the Mil- 
 itary Commission to Europe in ISTio and 18,06: United 
 States Ordnance t>,;j.nrtnient, Pub. hy the U.S. Guv t. 
 Wash., 1860, 4to. , ^. ., 
 .Mordecai, J. American Magistrate and Civil 
 Oflioer, Phila., 1S53, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Mordecai, Samuel. Virginia, especially Rich-. 
 mond, in By- Gone Days. By an Old Citiaon. Rich- 
 mond, 1856, 12mo; 2d ed., 1860. 
 Mordon, W. E. New Hand-Book of Training f r 
 Athletic Exercises, Lon., 1887, 12mo. 
 More, E. S. The I-aws of New York relating 1 > 
 Villages, Rochester, ISS.S 8vo. ^ ^, ^ 
 More, I. Maud's Boy, and other Tales, Lon., 18,7, 
 '' More, R. J. Under the Palkuns : a Visit to ih.- 
 District of Philipponolis in 1871', 1-on., 1877, p. Svo. 
 " .Morecamp, Arthur," (Pseud.) See«. 
 Thoshs, iii/ril, „, „ . , .r 
 Morehouse, G. C. The Supervisor s Manual : a 
 Treatise on the Law [of New York] applicable to the 
 Duties of Supervisors; with Decisions and Fornix. 
 Albany, 1886, Svo. , . „. . ^ , ., , 
 .Moreing, C. A. Telegraphic Mining Code, Alpln,- 
 betically Arranged, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 .Morel, Conway. (Ed.) Authority and Conscienn": 
 a Free Debate, Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 
 Moreland, Harry. Raymond: a Hovel, L..i... 
 1867, 3 vols. p. Svo. ,,, , 
 Morcll, J. v., LL.D., [auie, vol. 11., add.] 1. 
 Characteristics of Modern (iernian Philosophy,, 
 l'*56 12uio. 2. (Trans.) Contributions to .Mental Phi- 
 losophy, by I. H. Fiehte, Lon., 1860, Svo. 3. Introdi..'- 
 tion to Mental Philosophy, on the Inductive M.tlio.l, 
 Lon., 1861, Svo. 4. (Ed.) Shakespeare's Merchant ..f 
 Venice: with Notes, Criticisms, Ac, Lon., 1878, 12ni(.. 
 5 Philosophical Fragments, written during Inteivals 
 of Business, Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 0. A Compenduiiii of 
 Italian History frcmi the Fall of the Roman l.iupire: 
 translated from the Italian of Giovanni Bosco, and ■ 
 plcted to the Present Time, Lon., ISSl, Svc 7. Mdiii.l 
 Philosophy on the Inductive Method: with Lxau.ii.a- 
 tion Papers, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 8. Manual of the His- 
 tory of Philosophy: with Examination Papers, Lon., 
 1 884 p Svo. Also, school-books. 
 Morell, John Reynell, formerly an inspector ..f 
 schools. 1. f.cientifie Guide to Switzerland, Lon., Isfj,, 
 11. Svo. 2. The Essentials of Geometry, Plane and .Solhl, 
 as taught in Germany and France, Lon., 1871, 12mo. :i. 
 European Literature in the Middle Ages and Modern 
 Times, Lon., 1874, 12mo. 4. (Trans.) The Followui- 
 of Christ, by Johann Tauler, Lon., 1886, Svo. 
 Moreman, Wilmot. Specimens of English Uia- 
 lects- I., Devonshire; II., Westmoreland. Edited by 
 Professor Skeat. (Ers;. Dialect Soc) Lon., D<7'J. V". 
 "Morenos, Ojos," (Pseud.) See Clay, Miis. 
 JosKHIii.NE R., mipra. „ ., . 
 Mores, S. 1. Old Bob, the Performing Dog: a 
 Story, lon., 1876, 16mo. 2. Pretty Polly; the llistnry 
 of a Cockatoo. Illust. Lon., 1S77, sq. Ifiiuo. 
 Moresby, Vice-Admiral John, made extensive 
 discoveries and surveys in the South Paeitic, wliilc ca|.t:ini 
 of the "Basilisk," 1875-78; retired 1881. New (iiimcMaii I 
 Polynesia: Discoveries and Surveys, Ac, Lon., IS70, .Svu. 
 "A narrative of exploration and surveys ,.,.iiiliicl.d 
 with great zeal, skill, and jiidgiuent, and tniillo ..1 re- 
 suite valuable alike to the etlmolngist, the navipu.i , Uie 
 trader, and the intending colonist. . . . lie L-allaii a .• 
 thor writes, as a sailor should, 111 a manly, straiKlitl"! wuid 
 manner."— fW. A'fi'., xli. 372. ..,,., 
 Moreton. Henry John, third l.nri 
 of Uucie, F.U.S., b. 1S27; succeeded to the iuIl' l-.^^ 
 1 (Trans.) Laila; or, Sketches from Finmarkeii; IrHiii 
 the Norwegian of .1. A. Friis, Lon., lsS3,p. Sv., ;!. 
 (Trans.) Skiiipcr \Vors6 ; from the Norwegian ol A. o. 
 Kielland, Lon., 1885, er. Svo. 
 Moreton, Rev. Julian, ordained 1849; ini-> 
 ary in Newfoundland 1849-61; ehaiilain in India 1-"-- 
 74; vicar of Saliash, Cornwall, since 18,8. 1. I.i aivl 
 Work in Newfoundland, Lon., 1863, p. Svo. ■-■J'<-'^^" 
 to the Rev. II. Bailey : a Reply to Strictures on .Mis-ion- 
 ary .Societies and Missionaries, Lon., ISOl. Svo. ... l.i'' 
 Physical Geography of Newfoundland, IS(i5. 
 Moreton, Robert. On Horso-Breaking, l-.lm., 
 1877, p. 8vo; 2ded., 18S3. , „ , , ,,^, 
 Morey, H. Rhymes from the Ranks, Lon., I'*^', 
 '"'iMorey, William C. Outlines of Roiniin haw: 
 comprising its Historical Growth and Generd 1 rin- 
 elides N. York, 1884, Svo. 
 MnrlilU William Richard, M.A., gralnaled at 
 Oriel College, Oxford, 1857; Ilchester lecturer in M.i- 
 vonic literature 1873. 1. Russia, (" Foreign Oountr. 
 ami British Colonies,") Lon., 1881, 12mo. 2. Mavoim 
 Literature, ("The Dawn of European Literature, ) l.on., 
 •'■ into this small volume . . . Mr. MorflU has loioprossed 
 Slavonic worl,l, H. , m s I, ' i""« "''"'■'' <'"».Miiutt. the 
 1884,^";^":" "ram,,,,, of „;; p„„,h l,a„«„,.g„, l„„.. 
 iflfirtruak El .■ • * 
 L' I'roiii the Continent, 
 editorially will sBvVniT no'.'!!' '" '''*^'' 1 , ""-" conneuted' j Morgan, G. Ulnrkpr , p , ^ -pl ,„ 
 the New York '^'^^;"' '"'>''»I"'P"8, and was elerk of ""'ents, and ,Senuler,M In., ,'i *'"'■) ,^h» J"»'bes, Jlon 
 wrote.evem ,Vr ".|:di'irTl';'"M'''T '?''-^'- "^^ *'""'''* C.ahedra "^ St F 't h';":', ''r'^'- ^''A''"^' '" '^^ 
 Gm. to K>„„|,„, nubllahed v,!l.l„ . ,.. '^..'' ^^"'^•i"\' ! f"'™"™?- . % ^Major P. Fi, 
 he beeaine c.lit, r ol h.fli " '." ^"/"I'"' ^^ I WO "W,, vol. i ''"at'-ly printed, bee IistiKit, 1'av.vk, 
 He ueoftiiie editor of" rh.' n^.., i i -vt --r-- *.. i.'oi. . -. .. 
 »»e. ,. Hhy,,:e:^^ri'e7.y^"eu';:'"N'"Y''^>'''-'x''*'?'^?''' ^"»'"- «■• ^ 
 of TownandC u u y N 'iwt'V;,.'?,''',^^"'' «««""«"tion8 Talks to Young Men „„''h;' vi;';' I'.r"- ,-'■ ""'"el 
 .Straps: a Novel (fWv '''•'' ^'""- '*• Shoolder- i Finn Series. L„„ ISH? j^, ""« ^^"^ "'^ tl'c Bibl 
 l'hiili.,lsfi;i, r2,;'^^^?rT„V':^ "»'• '',e Ar,.,y, isn2,' Morgan, (• "orge 'h ""' , 4 , 
 The Days of Shnd Iv v '"■,''' ""'"" '"B-l, 12mo. i Memoir., Ind.lent' ami <,\ .• ^JT''' ""'"Prising 
 il.l'hila^ls". ,'.?.'^.'>^\!' .^''^-^ ol"'" Hebellion in the Period « i "f""^ ^ u|^^■^"'. '''''"'''"rg, fro,,*^ 
 Joined to an Idol: a 
 1 ■'''-'. p. Svo. 2. Homely 
 N. Vork'^HB'sto'-'ro;' S^'''^ ^'r^'^' ^ "^ ^"-'' 
 and .Scotland/as seer^'ly a I i^■ T *'^"^'""''' '•™'"-'«' 
 1S«", 12mo. «. iC^ ^ V'"" 4,',""'?"' *^'- '^■"'•k. 
 Ii<.n. N. York, l.sfi- -L" ", ',."'■• \'"l *^™'t 2-M'osi- 
 «,, i.„,o. li. lu,ned from the Uoor : 
 12mo. 2TheTJi7'',-'^"'c;""'"'' ^'a"'i»hurg, 1S5S 
 1N7«, .svoT ^^K'^'^-'ve yketch-Uook, Jlarrisburg; 
 Moigan, George Osbonie, Q C PC Mi u 
 isA-<. >. ,. '.. :,' ?"'""' to the bar at Lincoln's Inn 
 , =7~» "»c», .iriniir ,' 
 f^5«n~te.i;;^lri;^ «^r:'. '«fi-.dained 
 Church Verses, 'l,„n"",, „;•„?•; «'"^.7'' I'ife'ht :" 
 - J- <\"l" I '}""""■' Verses w;itte,; 
 among Rivers 
 and other Poe,,,.,, L„„., Isrf "'"' ^^^ ^''^'ng «ilt, 
 Morgan, llev. Ilenry.'KsVs ?ss4 , . x. 
 Conn.; i-emoved to Jioston in Isv ' '•'," ^^'''•""•". 
 -.e^Chapel. Vir;: -,t 1^^ >;S"7^^1r 
 2. Ned Nevins, the 
 '"o- ;<• The .Shadowv 
 Aherdovey, W;ies S7s ?, ' "•'"'"'''' '*"5'"'; ^'i^'r of 
 Ch,r,.|, „(■ i.:..::.,''^'i!"'*'!_-'5S'«tant luinlsl-r of the 
 especially with Heferceel W' ''"''"''^''V' eonsidered, 
 I.»n., 1,S71, svo. 1. The M^ f ■«^' "'r;V''''' '"•■durers 
 quiryinto its lnHue.!ce on h ",'' J'''l"'« '^ "" I"' 
 ISri, Svo. """O'"-" "1 a L,bei-al Education, ton., 
 Morgan, Henry James b 
 tin,-. ,nd N'otcs bvr ,1 "'''■■'' '•'"» "" In'rod, V^- 
 ^,v...s. s^o^'^w^fth't;: rz'x v-r';- ''"";'^''"''' 
 K. ,a .0 Lobnor, by N. pl-e ^'vals y^Yon ^ ™"s ' vo™'" 
 ISmo. ^ ' ^' *• ^'"' J'""" I>iotionary, Lon., 1877, 
 "organ, Edward. The Clergyman's Wife, , 
 ... „„ „, "V '",•'"' ^'"'"^'' ^'ates. By a 
 Celebrated CanXnsuiS ,1' """• ^- Sketehe/of 
 ada, lS,i2, Svo Bib ii, T' connected with Can- 
 «al of Canadian i,iten";;'°';^',f ''"'■'';«"/'«>• "'' ^ ««»- 
 nadian Legal Uireitorv I i,^ ,"7' Y'^V *■ The Ca- 
 "f Canadaf Toronto, 18^78 ""'" '" ""^ ^<""=^ and Bar 
 Morgan, Horace H 1 n 
 race n. 1. Representative Names 
 in the Ilii-tory of ICnglisli Literature, N. York, 1S76, siii. 
 4tii. 2. Toiucal Sliiike.'<|i8iuiiina : ii Collection of Kiiglish 
 Sluikos|ioariana, St. Loui.s Mo., 1.S7U, «vo. 3. Literary 
 Stuilies from tliu tireat liritisli Aiitliors, St. Loui.4, JIo., 
 ISM), .'Ivn. 
 Morgaiit J. 1- Practical Les.'ions on Affections 
 prciiluced bv Conta){iou« Uiscases, Lon., 1S7I, |). Svi>. 2. 
 Nature aio'l Trcatuicnt of ContiiK'ious iJiscii.-^cs Lou,, 
 1S72, p. Xvo. :i. The Daii^crs of Cliloroforui, ami the 
 Safot'v au.l Efficiency of Hthcr, Lun., I.'<7;t, \>. .'<vo. 4. 
 The Cure of licnt Knee, Lon., lS7.'i, p. Svo. 
 MoriiUil, J. The Church in Wales: a Uetrospeot 
 and Defence, Lon., l.'*84, Svo, 
 Moriuiitil, J. r. Kngland under the Norman' Occu- 
 iiation, Lon., \>*l>^, p. Hvo. 
 MorKiill, J. I*. iTran..<.) A Manual of iLuniony; 
 from the (ieroian of K. F. Kichter, N. York, lsil7. Svo. 
 Morisiiii, Uev. .lames, IJ.U., l«»/f, vol. u., add.] 
 1. Home and the (;o..^iiel, Lon., 1H54, l2mo. 2. Ihe 
 Penitent: an Kxposition of Psalm Ii., Lon., I8.'i5, 12mo. 
 ;i. li.\po.><ition of till' Firet Kpistlc of ,lohn, Lon., IStio, 
 Svo, 4. Scripture Testimony to the Holy Spirit, Lon., 
 Lsilo, 8vn. .1. The Preacher's Treasury : Dnc Hundreil 
 Outlines of Sermons, Lon., 1.-<6S, three series, 12nn) ; new 
 ed., ISSl. Cp. Kucollcctions of my Life and Times. Ed- 
 ited by his Son, Lon,, ls74, Svo, 
 .llurgaii, James Appletoii, b. ISSO, at Portland, 
 Me.; educated at Uacine College, Wis., and at Colum- 
 bia Law School, New York : practised law in .New York, 
 giving much time to literary pursuits. He founded in 
 ISS5 the Shakespeare Society of New York, of which 
 he has since been president. 1. (Ed.) Specimens of 
 Macaronic Poetry, N. York, 1S72, cr. Svo. 2. The Law 
 of Literature : with American, English, French, and 
 Uorman Statutes of Copyright, N. York, 187.^, 2 vols. 
 Svo. ;f. International Copyright: an Address, 187S, 
 Svo. 4. English Veision of Legal iMa.\ims: vfith the 
 Original Forms, Alphabetically Arranged, and Index of 
 Subjects, Oin., 1878, 12mo. o. Anglo-American Inter- 
 national Copvright : an Open Letter to W. M. Evarts, 
 l.H7y, 12nio. 'O. Tlie Shakespearian iMyth; or, William 
 Shakespeare and Circumstantial Evidence, Cin., 18SI, 
 12mo. 7. Some Shakespearian Commentators, Cin., 
 iss:', 12mo. 8. Venus and Adonis: a Study in ttie 
 Warwickshire Dialect, N. York, 18S5. V. Digesta 
 Shukespeareana, 1887. 10. Shakespeare in Fact and in 
 Criticism, N. York, 1S88, Svo. 
 JMorgau, James S. Poems, Wigan, Lancashire, 
 Morgan, John. My Welsh Home, and other 
 Poems, Pontypool, 1870, 12iP0. 
 JUorcan, John Edward, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P., 
 graduated at Lnivcrsif College, O.xford, 1852, and in 
 medicine 18H1 ; physician to the Manchester Koyal In- 
 firmary, and professor of medicine in Uwens College. 1. 
 The Danger of Deterioration of Race from the too Rapid 
 Increase of (ireat Cities, Lon., 18t!6, Svo. 2. University . 
 Oars: being a Critical Enquiry into the After- Health 
 of the Men who rowed in the O.\ford and Cambridge 
 Boat-Uace, from the Year 1829 to IStW, based on the ^ 
 Personal Experience of the Rowers themselves, Lon., 
 1873, p. Svo. I 
 " The results of these enquiries show . . . thai eoUene 
 boat-raeliig, far from beinji a daiiEenms, is, when pursued 
 under the proper conditions, a lioalthy sport. 
 " i)r. Morgan's work will be of much .service to those who 
 ran give all his facts their due \vei;-'ht and are not liable 
 U) be carried away by his marked prcililectioii lor rowing. 
 —Spedalor, xlvi. 701. 
 3. Medical Education at the Universities, Manchester, 
 1878, Svo. 4. Victoria University ; AVhy are there no 
 Medical Degrees'? Manchester, 1881, Svo. 
 Morgan, John Lloyd. Life of the Rev. William 
 Morgan, Professor of Theology lit the Presbyterian Col- ^ 
 lege, Carmarthen, liy his Son. Lon., 1887. \ 
 Morgan, Uev. John Pughc, M.A., graduated at j 
 Jesus College, O.xford, 1807 ; ordained ISIIS; vicar of, 
 Bolfor since 1870. Gethsomane, and other Poems, Lon., . 
 ISO'.I, or. Svo, I 
 Morgan, Lewis Henry, LL.D., [unic, vol. ii., 
 add.,] d. ISSl, at Rochester, N.Y'., «rhoro ho had prac- 
 tised law for many years. He was elected ajueiubei ..f 
 the National Academy of Soioncs in 1875; elected 
 president of the American Association for the Adva;, ce- 
 ment of Science in 1879, and belonged to scientilic so- 
 cieties in the i;nited States and in Europe. 1. The 
 American lioaver and his Works, Phila., 1808, Svo. 
 " Mr. Morgan presents his subject in simple liinguag.,-, 
 free from lechiili-ality, and in a inauiu'r which can lardly 
 fail to attract all clas-ses ot readers. He writes canlloiisij , 
 with MM earnest desire to elicit Irutli and cliniiimte error, 
 anil lois staled liolhiiig Hhlcli im> not been vcrihed by 
 persuiml oliservation or the tesiimouy of trustworthy wli 
 iicsses."— -Vu^ion, vi. 170. 
 2. Systems of Consanguinity and Allinity of the llii 
 man Family, (" Smithsonian Contributions to Knowl- 
 e.lge,") Wash., 1809, 4tc, 
 " l'iirelvsclenlill<' in Us nielhods and its siiiKlciiess uf 
 imrpose. '. . . While other writers have spcculotcil, he has 
 Ihroiiuli vears of paticnl toil, colleclcil a vast mass .,1 lai t» 
 upon which others as well as he may base their conelii- 
 sloiis as lo thi' primitive condition of the luimaii race.' — 
 \iiliuii. .wii. ',!lo. . , r • 
 ;;. Ancient Society; or. Researches in the Lines <il 
 Human Progress, from Savagery through liarbarisiu ioi.. 
 Civilization, N, York, 1877, Svo, 
 "His liiH.k Is divided into four parts, beaded rcspt'c- 
 lively: 1. (irowth of Intelligence Ihroiigli Inveiilioiis aiicl 
 Uisciiveries. 11. (irowlh of the Idea of lioverniueiit. 111. 
 (Irowth uf the Idea of laniily. IV. ilrowlh nl ihc ble.i 
 of Properlv. The lirst jiiirl is devoted mainly to llie eslal,- 
 llslinieiit ('jf what Mr. Moruau calls ■ ethnical periods,' ,,| 
 which be rccipj;iiizes three,— savagery, barbarism, and 
 civilization. ... ,..,,...• 
 " . , , The second part . . . demands full attention. . . . 
 Ho acknowledges t!. '■ classes succeeding each otlicr,- 
 vlz., soeietv Im.scd upon dillcreiice of .sc.\ ; society bie-cd 
 npiui kin; "political society, based upon territory and pn.ii- 
 erty. . . . Hv scanning the eartli'.s snrliice, even to the iv 
 molest isles' our author has succeeded in piescrving lor u^ 
 the most imporlaiit features of life amonn races ilnu ar>' 
 fast vanishing. These features he has juiln'iouslv con- 
 nected wi'h the oldest rocorils— mythical, Iraditicuial. and 
 historical-of biiiminitv.and thus spun a lliread which, iii 
 a given point, is sure to pass through aiiv branch or Iril.r. 
 It is not so much an historical as an ethnological guide. 
 which no cuie can neglect who intemls to devote some ai- 
 lentlon to human aiitiipiily, as well as to the stinlyol .suiii 
 living peoples as are yet without the pale ol modern civil- 
 ization."— .Vo^oii. xxv. W. 
 "What Mr. Morgan has added to our stock ol lacUswill 
 endure, but his theories aie doomed to rapid natural dc- 
 cay,"— .s'li/. JifV; xlv. 19. 
 "The author has built up a structure of theory wider 
 and heavier than his foundations «( facts will bear, llis 
 scheme will hardly be acceoted as a whole, but parts (d it 
 may stand as pernianent additions to the science ol man. " 
 — KuwAiiD B. I'YLOK ; -lend., xiv. 07. 
 4. Contributions to North American Ethnology : vul. 
 iv.. Houses and House-Life of North American Aborigi- 
 nes. Illust. (Pub. by U.S. Oov't.) Wash., 1881, 4tu. 
 Morgan, Mrs. Louisa, wife <-f John Edward 
 ' Morgan, «ii/;ra. liaron IJruno, and other Funny Stories : 
 with Illustrations, Lon., 1875, \>, Svo, 
 Morgan, Mrs. M. Keeping the Vow : a Story, X. 
 York, 1882, 12mo. 
 Morgan, Miss Mary, b. in Scotland; removed at 
 an early age to Canada. Poems and Translations, Mon- 
 treal, 1887, sq. 16mOi new ed., entitled " Wood-Notes in 
 the tiloaming," Host., 1888. 
 Morgan, Nicholas. 1. Phrenology, and how to 
 use it in Analyzing Character, Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 2. 
 Skull and lirain : their Indications of Character, Lon.. 
 1S75, 12nio. 
 Morgan, Rev. Pliny H., .M.D., rector of 'Irimty 
 Church, Connersville, Ind. Aggressive Work in llic 
 Church of Christ: with Directions for Conducting .Mis- 
 sions and Organizing Brotherhoods and Guilds, N. York, 
 1874, lOmo. 
 Morgan, R. C. 1. The Converted Collier; or. The 
 Life of Richard Weaver, N. York, ls68, ISmo. 2. Ai 
 Jesus' Feet : a Series of Papers on Christian Doctrine. 
 Lon., 1870, 12iuo; new ed., 1872. 
 Morgan, Rev. Richard Williams, [.m'., vol. 
 ii., -.dd,] ordained 1811; curate of Marholm, Xortli- 
 ainptonshire, 1870-74; of Slapleion, (ilouccstershirc, 
 18S2-8.'i; of Otlord Darcy, Huntingdonshire, 18Sf)--*H. 
 1.' The Church and its Episcopal Corruptions in WaU-, 
 Lon., 1855, Svo. 2, The British Kymry ; or. The liriton.- 
 i of Cambria, Lon,, 1857, 12uio, 3. St. Paul in Britain: 
 or, British Chrisiianitv, Lon., 1801, cr. Svo. 
 .Morgan, S. Hilda Waldermore : a Novel, Lon.. 
 1S7'.I, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 .Morgan, Samuel, M.D. Text-Book for the Do- 
 mestic Practice of Homoeopatbio Medicine : 2ded., Lon., 
 ISfiO, 32ino. 
 .Morgan, Samuel T. United States Irap"rt Ha- 
 ties under Existing Laws and Decisions, and Digest ol 
 Tariff Laws, Bait,. 1875, Svo. 
 Morgan, Sydney, Lady, [nnle, vol. ii., add., J 
 1783-1859. For biog., see Dixon, W. H., «i//)/w. 1. 
 Luxiuia, the Prophetess: a Tale of India, Lon.. IS.iU, 
""""'^ TmT~ 
 p. Svd. 
 1S5», Svd, 
 ' Til is V) 
 2. I'assnge, fr.„„ niy Autobiography, L»n., 
 unpul.l,,.!,,.,! »ntuW oKr p V nV,/'!''-?,''''^ "f vmIui.u.^ uf 
 n'spondcn,.,. ,,f Iji,lv "t ri/u ?■ 'j'',' " ""-' i'"'™ "nil 
 AUoKvilKT, thisM ,1 vVim, . ""^ the yeiirs IMs-n/. 
 Lo^"r?H'";.'J;o. ''""'"""-^'nti'" Mo^aio l-avomen.,,, 
 CoiVeZf"^,'';!'"'"'!on"!h„ ^?;''""'""""> Mo,„io,.. a 
 <ht. D„y, lio.,t.. is^7 I-mo '•"'"'^^""'">"' Quction, of 
 .MorKuii, WilhAm. i,l„, ,|o ,jaiis 
 MorBaii, William, ji.i,r„„,^ ,,„, „ „,,, 
 I* Tnigoily of 
 5. l)iplith,.na: its 11,",,,!. ' '^''l' ''"''■• l"^??. !'■ "'vo. 
 ill-t/ativoofitsW':.;; ;f ; J'^-J^-J-o-C-es 
 MorgailM. U'illinm r . ' ' '^"i '2iiio. 
 :.< <l.e In.'ol " „", ''m •r''7",,'"""V™i !"'"'"« 
 T™I^: with Ath... ("Weal" "J; f'?"""' »f. Mi-in« 
 aii'l 4to. 2. Solution of r.Jl- ,V' ]'""■• "*"2. 12iiio 
 Lon., issr, 12,n,' "'^ Explosions. Part I. 
 lego, Fordham \' V ' , r . '"'t' "'"' •'^•' •^"'"''« C.l- 
 ti7;«e,„;::r;^: M„^troat: r^t'r :;;f;. -"t!:;: ^^;'- 
 (Jlimpses of Sacred Shri'nn, A K ' '•;"'^''l'"g-' ■• with 
 ■-mo'" "I' Th'",-''^ '^'"""'"'^ •" "- (•>- X. Y,;rk . "■■ 
 Moriarty,Kev. Patrick Eugene, isni is- . 
 juinedtho AuL'iistinian inis«i„i;i„,i, A-; , ''•^'* ''« 
 in Attic (ireekfLon.. 1 ?,s or '8.„ ']• p""-, ■^■f'!T' 
 Hent Classic, for EnL-ii,!, .(L,f,'l„ .?; r.-'/.^ 'i'l'i'J' i'l An- 
 "Tile 111 
 L<^;.,';^ {^r^"^'"^ ^-^- - i:-:n Translation. 
 a PractiuttI Kxi-osition of 
 ne\f <.,!., I sro 9 Vi.,.ii . .,; .,' '.''""■• '"'i I. 1 2inn; 
 ; Ato,„.n,c„,. iMU i A oXV '■ ''"'"^liO-.l'the 
 ' un., is.is_7i,-s, '7 :.J„- '';'"■?'•. '"'■'■■' i-xx. 
 ically con.Mcr'od newel "e,"^ '''i's-',/ ''"'"' ''™''"- 
 I leaelnng „n .S,„K.tilication ■ -'•'""- "*-S*- 
 Romans vi., |,„„.. i«mB, 8vo 
 I'lorisoii, .lames ! r.-.,, • 
 I>i-e«.o, I,,,,,.' ls,^%- '-J'' i""y "'to 'l-o Origin of 
 -InJrh'Tr' •''^"'*''' •^"B"«t"'' Cotter, M A n 1 
 JSo^l^'S '-:-^^^^^^^ 
 IhV^ .loath ho suffered ?n.,; „.^ ■ "1,", ""'^' l"<^>'"'" '» 
 ''"Ok waswrittenT;:!?^ ! , r""*^.;; rrv'"" 1';^.'"^' 
 ol St. liurnard, Abbot of (ll .' , ''''"' ''"'' ' '""" 
 neiveds., ISfis! fsT; tlairvaux, I.on., lsii:j, ,,. Svo; 
 "«nj^U':7r;i,!;:;^ir^/;^^;;' ?r'"V"""" -^^ "- >- 
 '""I sympathy, whi 'r , , " "•'''■■ l"'-'"ll.v,)f insight 
 "''t "lerefyjust y, rVvenV., r n'l '",'" "' '•'"ni-'-eheiHl 
 llietely, l„s hero's pasith",';^/',^ ' M, -n' /'"I ''""'J' ''"'I '■"" ' 
 the projiress of huna,li"i ",!'''"''"' ,'' !'" '","<-'» ""^1 "> 
 "iiewhreh he shares litMn.^iih.'.r ■",'''''''"'' '""''i''" i'* 
 whu have vvisl„.,| ,„ Vl jT,m . ";''';''"'-''')»lio.l writers 
 ■ • ., He views reliKioii tlie i iri r7V", '"O'l'.'^'val Ham.-s. 
 s<."l, only from the < ni.'i,! '. r r V"''"' ,"'^' <l"-i-^ti'Ui 
 R";l worthier H-avlh I vrV.Mv.'^'"'- '''"'>■• '''"''it-'l'i'r 
 "I'ly from the ouLsid ""^,v,r} ",v'l'\'i'''^;"'l!'; '"on, yrl still 
 Svo. ^ " " ""•" •" ''Otters,"j Lon., 1878, p 
 • ■ ■ H,s criticism of f hh,,A,.'"'.V.."';'r'.'f ''"•'eess n ,t. 
 ^klWgeslor Practice in Unseen V;^ULn. 
 r^c'St'V.^*"^ o'n*t?.r'e7^,o"rr".»«-''' «'«-'^- 
 '"J .«ince then SI: ,!1''r:L..''' '^J-'". ''^^'-S*: 
 Kohe;irr^^i;;;^-',;'f;«i^on as ,„,, hi.,„rian, and-tlie 
 <isn. leads him, tho.u^^ht,," ,',,"',' "''''■'' '"'^ oriii- 
 P"riM.nofhish,,,,k,ari- n V, ,^v,,', ' "'" """'' vaUiahlu 
 thouKh prominent p n "e V „ , 1,' " ""'"''5' "«■ '"""o'l 
 !;!ve an elleetive a ,1 we l- , „ ^; ",""^ H' "'« "^'^ "e 
 lie ami personal elmrmicr s^^^^^^ ''";'"''' "f •■ih'ioii's 
 the Ai.t.dJiograpiu- , 1 , ,n',,,' f , """!''■'• '■"' '■'""■-o. "M 
 ot other materi'als wlu!, 'nt'ee tVv'i.'i'i"^/'';^'^'''^!''^ •■•^« 
 ^^.^Maeau,ay,(- English MenflX^;.;-,::;-;""^ 
 ^tm^i;"Ea^i:^„^„;;^^;;;''™« '" H irom which ,ve 
 pure amazement, it i,s i p;,"i ,';,", ''"'' "? fOK'"-'! 'viih 
 wiih(MUree,,gniEinL-the in'n ,'?,, "'"' "'"* '""0 '"'"k 
 "■."I the great diswr, [cif, f , ,' '"'''i'''' "'V ".^oat hreadlh, 
 piece of wrlting."«',^,,'l,"/,'.'';.:;i4""-''-- " "* " I'oautifnf 
 0. Madame 
 llinio. _^ 
 , I.S82, 
 - ...iiiuj;. — .■'i«CM/or, Iv. l.')|4 -^....i.iiii 
 [.■ulatne de Maintcnon : an Ktude, Lot.., 1,^85 «„ 
 -nt'r^iS^JIitrtrn!:!^"^- E ^"™' ''"r"'"- ]<T^ «• 'f''^ ^---'oFMar ^";J!:„' 
 rn.a tl. Cobden Club S:;;;^^^,.,;;';.^?^- -P^i::;;^" ^!^- «^ "- Future, L„n.. 18^^ ^:^- ,a ed 
 tnue."-,>,',;frta/«r, Ixi 1030 ^ P"lilieal writinK of our 
 Leisure M^nn" Hn ",*.'" ""y"'"'-' "leaning., f„r 
 ■-i-ivate circulation.' "~-' "J" S™. Anon. Printed 
 nostleisnr n.; n' "n^i ''^/'^ . ;^' " ""' ">^xi*^tance (n,r Ag- 
 oree.l, f„r those men a ,1 wo „ ei,""-' """''^' '."-thodolc 
 Piom and aecidenta c re ,S .",','','' ,"",""'" ondow- 
 and feel in npp,,slti,,n ,,'."''" ''"^0 '':'' "" '" ""ink 
 feeling, Ijut o 1 y nn ,. , , V'''' ""•^" "' I'li'ikingand 
 oilherten. tc to rt?traa tl^^: "'I' I'"""' "''^''•o they a e 
 and useicisness. ™^1'','- , '^>'' '"• t larry in douht 
 liT private circulation ' " *""'■«"! "'fhrr""k • 
 » ^^U*^ L:::;!:^;!^:';:^^^"— ^»>eHeart: : . Mr; M... 
 •Morisoii, Rev. James n ii r , > .. : ""^^"^ 'n>"end of thedouma 
 I'f the name there niPntinn '1 ^-p;' [''"'<■. vol. ii., third '""atoly, ill health has 1 
 eat,. Sm,.i . , """"'oned, add.,] b. 1810, at liath fomanis a framiicnt witli 1 
 gate, .Scotland , educated at the University of Edinburgh; - k'o.'aili'.'^' '"^ ohaplV,^'„'|; 
 ad r'llo'>'i',\'' ^r'i'f "',">■ i'Klloatert 
 ana the title of the book."— ^)rt, 
 Mori^on, Mi«, Jcanie. See Cm-bbu. "-. ,;>- ^;'.i„|^f i^^^l^;;/^ ef 1^S4' 'Sl^'cll^,; 
 MoiiM.ll, Kcv. John. Auntraliiv ax it ia ; or, FnctB ! M.irkot.jin.j Fairy-Talei.. Illust. l,on., 1.H77, p, 
 anil P't'iiluieri, 8ki'lcho3 ami Incidents, cif Aiiatralia anil ^ .'<v 
 Australian l.ifi' : with Notii'cs of New Zealand. By a 
 Clergyman Thirteen Years reiident in the Interior of 
 New Simtli Wales. I,(in., 1^(17, Svo. Anon. 
 .Uuri!«>ii, John, and Jones, T. Unpert. (lo- 
 olOKy. l''ir*t Series. l,on.. If*7(l, I'Jnio. 
 lUoriMon, Uev. John IIupkinN, D.U., [»»(', vol. 
 ii., nilil..l a Unitarian clergyman. Uii'iiui.sition on the 
 Oospol of .Matthew, 1 8511. 
 Morison, P. 1'. The Law of Replevin in the 
 United States, I'hila., 18i;'.l, 8vo. 
 lUorison, Kev. Wnlter. 1. PaaaioChristi ; Three 
 Illust. 1-on., 1.H7 
 17, (Kd.) .Shortcr'Works in Kn^liih Prose, Loii., 
 I.SSil, 4to 18. Sketches of Longer Works in English 
 Vorso and I'roso, Lon., issi, r. 8vo. lU. (Ed.) Library 
 of English I.ileraliire : vols, i.-v., l,on., ISSl, 4to. 211. 
 English Literatiiro in the Keign of Vietoria. (Tauchnilz 
 Collection,) Leipsii-, I8SI, Umu. 21. Knglish Writers: 
 an Attempt towards a History of Knglish Literature; 
 vols, i.-v., Lon., 18S7-90, p, 8vo. 
 ■' It caiiiint. iMilei'il. lie reennuneMili'il as a safe guide fur 
 students til wliiini miiuile arenraey Is of iniporliuire; Inn 
 as a iinpiihir liouk It has deeiiled nierils. I'rnf. .Miirliy 
 know- what sunie writers of far Krealer learning seem iiui 
 to know, that literature is a thing In he enjoyed, and n..i 
 ni'iM ,,sc"(iV,s..0H" 1S7I 1) Svo.' 2. From Malachi to merely a. subject for eritieal or phllnlnuleal analysis; hi,. I 
 Diseouises, ( lasgOH, Si i, p. '"•- "' , i^, j,,,';, sueeeeded In heing Ihnroughly iiderestilig even 
 Matthew: lliree Lectures, L.on., is(.i, p. i^yo. i when ileallug with the must unnrnmislng parts ol hi- 
 I unpri 
 sulijeet "— lliiNKV Hhadi.kv ; Anul.. x.\xlii. l'J7 
 Ho has also edited " Murley's Universal Library," :i 
 series of volumes issued at short intervals since I8S). 
 Cassoll's " National Library," begun 1S88, and editinn- 
 of various standard works. 
 Morley, John, M.A., LL.D., P.C, b. 1S:18, „i 
 niaekburn, Leicestershire; educated ivt Cheltenham Cd 
 lege, and at Lincoln College, Oxford; called to the bar 
 at Lincoln's Inn l'<7H. He was for some yenrs edilnr 
 of the Lilerarv (iazette, of the Fortnightly Ucview 
 1S67-S2, of the Pall Mall (ia/.etio I8SI)-k:I, of Macmil- 
 lan's Magazine 18s;3-S,i, and of Knglish Men of Lettiis 
 since the commencement of the series. He has been 
 M.P. for Newcastle-upon-Tyne since ISSIl, and w.i' 
 chief secretary for Ireland in 1886. I. Edmund liurlu : 
 an Historical Study, Lon., IS07, p. 8vo. 
 " Its sustahieil power of reasoning, its wide sweep of oh- 
 servation and relleetiiin. its elevated ethical and sncial 
 tone, stamp it as a work iif high e.veellenee."— .Su(. Jl>r , 
 xxiv. (107. „ , ,, 
 2, Critical Miscellanies, Lon., 1871, Svo; Second .Sc- 
 ries, 1877, , , 
 . , , ■ "The stvle Is throughoutelear and vlgurous, and their 
 University College, London, l.-^iij-sa, and has also since siibstance"is such as to imply inueli reading and much ai ■ 
 .Morlnnd, WHIiiun WaHace. 1. Diseases of the 
 Urinary Organs, Phila., 1S5S), 8vo. 2. The Morbid Ef- 
 fects of the Hetention in the niood of the Elements of 
 the Urinary Secretion, (Fiske Fund Prize Essay,) Phila., 
 ISIil, 8vo. „, , 
 .Morley, Uev. (;eorge, J!. A., graduated at Wad- 
 ham College, Oxford. 1S41I; ordained ISiO; vicar of 
 Under-Kiver, Kent, 1S78-80. Remarks on "Modern 
 Christianity a Civilized Heathenism," Lon,, 1S7 1, fp. f^vo, 
 Morley, II. I'orxter, .M,A., U.Sc, assistant profes- 
 sor iif eliemistrv at University College, London. Outlines 
 of Organic Chcmistrv, Lon.. IS,s6, p. Svo. 
 Morley, Henry, LL.D., [■mie, vol. ii., add.,] b. 
 1822. in London; educated at the Moravinn School, 
 Ncuwied, Oermany, and at King's College, London, of 
 which he was afterwards made an honorary Fellow. He 
 practised medicine 18-11-48, establislied a .school at Lis- 
 card, Liverpool, on a now method, which proved success- 
 ful, but gave it up in 1881 to settle in London, and be- 
 came a journalist, writing for Household Words and the 
 Examiner, of which he afterwards became editor. He 
 was professor of the English language and literature at 
 chair at (Jueen's College, Lomlon, live tliought 
 He Is very seldom uiil'air ill his 
 L'ameiirinciiial of University Hall, London, meiit.s, thmigli he may be occasionally rather unsyimK,. 
 Liiiie principal "' > " " J ' „ ^ j, , |,„„ever this may be. he seiiteiiee like 
 ako Home Unhealthy, 1;°"-- l'*;^"',,'f ' "• a conscientious and painstaking judge."-S«/. Uev., xxxi. 
 Defence of Ignorance. By the Author ot ^g^ 
 LS78 held the same 
 In 1882 he bee 
 1. How to 11 
 Anon. 2. A Defence ot ignorance. i>y me .tiumur i.i ^g^ 
 " How to make Home Unhealthy." Lon., 1831. Anon. ; 3_ Voltaire, Lon.. 1871, 8vo; ;ided.. 1.878. 
 3 Gossip, from " Household Words," Lon., 18a7, p. 8vo. | .. \Ve ,\„ not think that the accepted estimate of Voltaire 
 4. Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. Illust. Lon., '«^«- }|>!- -y,^--^; ^^J;;;:^^,-^-^^,;!)^!;^^^^ 
 ^'yifZAile*!! wc^k with gretit industry a,^ ^ ^^^^^^,ri^^^^^l.^^U!'^Z^:i^lui'l^Jl:;u. 
 <\"\f'^ ,T- T 1 Tii„o, T„n ,,=„ io„,,,. ' throw any new liuht. ... it is impossible to read his V..1- 
 Fables and Fairy-lales. Illust. Lon., IS.iJ, l-iuo , j ^^^^^^^ without being struck by its iiideiicudeuce of thiiui;hl, 
 now ed., 1800. (>. Oberon's Horn: a Book ot tairy- ; itssiiiceritv and candour of expression, as well as by it- 
 Tales Illust. Lon., 181)0, p. Svo; 4th ed., 1881. 7. lability and literary iiower. . . . Mr. Morley has given ii« 
 ■' a valuable and hiiihlv suggestive study of the great mini Ml 
 a very erllieal age, ami we only wish he eould have inr- 
 Kiiaded himself to have given us this and nothing iiinii-, 
 . . . and refrained from loose iliCTcssions upon (questions ui 
 the dav. which disturb the artistic unity and diminish the 
 scientilic value of the work."— Sa(. Jler., xxxiii. 11)0. 
 4. Rousseau, Lon.. 187:1, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "Throughout the whole of these two erudite and in 
 raanv ways masterly volumes the virility of the autlmr- 
 Intellect ... is not more coiispicuously jiresent Hum ilic 
 vulgarilv of some of liis ethical judgments."— ,s>Wii/"i, 
 xlvi. 821i". 
 We can recommend Mr. Morley's book to those wh. 
 English Writers; vol. i.. The Writers before Chaucer; 
 with an Introductory Sketch of the Four Periods of Eng- 
 lish Literature, Lon., 1864, Svo; vol. ii.. From Chaucer 
 to Dunbar, 18ii7. 
 " Though ill digested and ill arranged, conUiins a good 
 deal of information."— .4Wi., No. 18!M. 
 8. (Ed.) Sketches of Russian Life, Lon., 18t)6, p. Svo, 
 9. The Journal of a London Playgoer from 1851 to 
 1866, Lon., 1860, 12mo. 
 "His volume is pleasant and useful reading. The au- 
 thor has iudepeudeiice enough to note the shorteomings ^_^. ^^^^^ _^^ , , „ 
 of authors and actors with that wholesome seventy "J i „„ ,„,xious to stiidv the causes ami tliedetailsofthc grciit 
 which a wise man girds himself to do better and cures not ; ,„oYe„n,|„ which came to a head at the close of the lii-t 
 to be angry at the severity."— .IWi.. No. 2013. .....,,_ ...■ , . 
 HI. Tables of English Literature. Part I. Lon., 1868, 
 fol.; 2d ed., 1871), 4to. 11. King and Commons : Cava- 
 lier and Puritan Songs, Lon., 1S6.><, I8mo. 12. Clement 
 Marot, and other Studies, Lon., IS71, 2 vols. ii. Svo. 
 " We have ... a good deal more about the French his- 
 tory of the times than about the actual life of Clemeiit 
 Marot. but that does not make the volumes in any deuree 
 tiie less interesting. ... of the minor biograiihical notices, 
 the most remarkable is that of the 'born dissector, 
 Andreas Vesalius. . . . JIuch the most interesting, how- 
 centurv. but we are bound to admit that he has not aihU.l 
 a.s much as we had anticiiiatcd to our knowledge cillar 
 of Uuiisseau's life or of the period In which he lived, "- 
 Ath., No. 2;i70. 
 5. The Struggle for National Education ; 2d ed., Lon., 
 1S7:1; :id ed., 1874, Svo. 6. On Compromise, Lon., I''7I, 
 Svo; 2d ed„ rev.. 1S77, p. Svo. 
 " A series of five vigorous essays, . . . the object of wliidi 
 is, according to the author, 'to consider, in a short and 
 direct wav, some of the limits that are set by sound rcu-oii 
 ^,„v...„.. .v.. ■ to the practice of the various arts of aceiiinmiiilati;;ii, 
 ever of Mr Morley's shorter studies is the essay on 'Col- | economy, manageiuent, conformity, or compromise, — 
 lege Work,' originally delivered as a lecture In the Faculty i Atti.. No. 24."il. 
 of Arts at University College, London."— Sn(. Kcv., xxxi. \ 7, Diderot and the Encyolopiedists, Lon., I81S, . vuls. 
 ■1"8. „„..,,. T ,<,■,; i 8vo; new ed.. 1879. 1 vol. p. Svo. 
 i;j. A First Sketch of Lngli.«li Literature, Lon., 187,i, I ,. rj.|,g i,i„grapliy of the chief founder and conductor of 
 1, ,«vn ; 12th ed., ISSfi. - the Kncvclnp,Tdia is not ill Mr. Morley's hands a laciv 
 ■" Full of admirable matter carefully and consecutively : on whlcli to hang a dissertation, but Is set "jelore I's "^ •'» 
 arranged, .simiile and manly In style, accurate, as far as example of what ■^••''^y<^^''l«VJIf« ";«'^«, • ;,;Hl^?,nl ,m, '^ 
 we have been able to test it. In details, judicious and ap- a fault 111 these volumes, it i.s that he is a little too long, - 
 preciatlve in criticism, it forms a summary of special value I «(i(.iin'.,xlvim r t .. .».-,„„ isto 
 to the stiideut,"-.SiOT;((itoi, xlvi. 1125. 8. Burke, ("English Men of Letters, ) Lon., laiJ, 
 14. (Ed.) Shorter English Poems, Lon., 1876, r. Svo; ] p. Svo. 
 "I'erlmp.s the licsl crltUlMn jet jMil.llsliecl ,m 11,0 life 
 811,1 j-hHrarliT „f Hiirke l« taliif,/ In Mr.Ncr.y "(.(," 
 iriMllo IS l.l(iKmpliy."-.Si(, AVr., xlvlli. 'Jiw, * 
 ■'^/ "Kiil'Tly just, ..luvatwl, hikI syiiiiwtl,(..tlc Mmly cf 
 slliiZ'TuuHtl. '■"'■'•'" """ ' '""■-'•-''■ '■'■ «""^'»'"c'n7"- 
 The author ilofcndod himself aniiin^t certain striotures 
 on matters of fact in an artielo entiUeil "A Wonl with 
 sunie Critics" t'oi-li,l,,l,i/,/ /I, ,i^„; Oclolier, 1H7!I. A ro- 
 join.lcr on some of points will ho louml in the 
 A.wl,,,,,/, vol. xvi. pp. l'M5-,H7, where the urili.', .Mr. I-) 
 .1. 1 ayne says, in eonclnsion, " Mr. .Morloy's account of 
 niue-lcnths ol Ilnrke's life U to me complete and truth- 
 lull . . .the total result is a masterpiece such as Jlr 
 .Volley alone could have produced, and such as he may 
 well cunlemplale with satisfaction." | 
 II. Tlie Life of Kichard C.bden, I,.in., IS,S|, 2 vnlf.. Svo ^ 
 ,-,,,, in', ''."'''' "I "•'"'-■vciiHMits, and 11 nmv perhaps In- ' 
 volnntar ly d si;iiise liis ii„| li,irec|iieMt hiihiVi's ' 1. < 
 was,..ii the whole eiivial.le In lil.s pnlilie career and lii his 
 pnvale lllc; uor h.ts any one^nf I'llscntemporarlcs llllis i 
 " nrapher."-.S„(. lie,:, 111. j 
 ' MOR 
 [ Morrill, Arthur I). Outlines of a Short Element- 
 ary Course in (ieneral Chemistry, Portland, Mo., IH7II 
 IL'uio. ' • I 
 Morrill, Justin Nmith, b. isiii, „, 8iratford, 
 Orange Co., Vt.; C.S. senator from Virm.uit. .«elf. 
 tonsciousne.sid Noted I'crsons : compiled in Leisure 
 Jlours. Most., ISS7, ,svo, 
 Morrill, S. K. A Treatise of I'raetioal Inslruc 
 liniia in the .Medual and Surfe'iettl I'scs of lOlectrieity, 
 ivalaiiiazoo, lss'.>, ,svo. ' 
 -■Morrill, Uilliiiiii W. (m the Law and I'lactice 
 in Actions against Municipal Corporations for Neijli- 
 b'eiice III Ihe Care of Highways, X. York, |s87 Svo 
 MorriN, a,,v. A. .1., [„,„.. v.d. li., add.] l.' The 
 Micpherd with his Lambs; m, Chapters and Songs 
 il- llimo; L'd ed., ISCiDi new ' 
 far lieeii so lurliinatc 111 a bit 
 Ihe \ with whhli be has traced 
 oh,le 11 s career as a public man and liU ivlat ui" w il ,i 
 he miblic im,yeiiiem.s In which be took part arc e 11 I ' 
 by tiic tact and Kraee with which, bavins a.'ccss to al be 
 private letters and nieniomiida e.Maiil. he has set 1 rib s 
 iim.'li :UH need be tcld about his pels uialb story an Is 
 rela ions with bl.s friends and kiinlred."-!///;:''.;-?,' "k 
 lU Halph Waldo Kmersou: an Kssay, Lon. and .\. 
 1 orK, I B'S t, 
 ■• -Mr Morley has never done a rtner piece of work In the 
 way ol mere craltsnmnshlp. . Jle 1 as oreseni,.,! .'m..r 
 ,sni, will, all his allraetive iiiul re^ • le 1 e ,, ml e " nl" 
 at the same tinie lias noticed biS .leli(-ienek!s 11, ne 
 ',',";'""T„","-'h" 'I'V" ■'>■ 'I'l't'-'V" to tbedcvorec tl ley w 
 ijot seem to blurbis lame."— .Vn^iV,,,., .\.xxvlll. M^ 
 II. Works: Colleoted Editi,)n, Lon., LSSii-.sii 10 voN 
 t.lobe 8vo 12. On the Study of Literature .• th^ Annual 
 Address to tlio Students of Ihe London Society for the 
 Ivxtension of University Teaching; delivered at the Man- 
 sion, l-ebruary 2«, IH87, Lon., 1887- U'mo 
 V I Vu^o'.o ^"''""' ^"y^ "' Mount' I'luisant, N. 
 lork, 18(0, 12iiio. ' 
 Morley, Susan. 1. Aileon Ferrers, Lon., L874, 2 
 ■ vols, p Svo. 2. Throstlethwaite, Lon., I.x7,% H vols p 
 Mo i. Margaret Chetwynd, Lon., IS77, ;) vols. p. Svo! 
 4. Corbies Pool, Lon., 1,><.S2, 3 vols. or. 8vo. a. Dully 
 ]-orraino: a Novel, Lon., )8SS, 2 vols or Hvo 
 Morley, >V. II., [„„,., vol. m., „,|,i.] ' ,. rieseription ' 
 <i a Planispher.e Astrolabe, Lon., I85H, fol. 2. History I 
 of the Administration of .Justice in British India, Lon , 
 l».)S. r. svo; new od., I8fi7. ' ! 
 Morony, Hev. Joseph. Exhortations and Ser- i 
 uioiis lor Sundays and Festivals, Lon., L8a6 Svo 
 Lo^'TJlli!'^,,^'"*'""''- ^^-^ «'"-'- - Tale, 
 -norrell, Charles Francis, b. L85.3; eraduated 
 ;',' '■y'-jon College Oxford, 1S75; 'called to tfie ar a 
 the Middle Temp e 1877 1. A Handy Hook of the Law 
 ol Horses, Lon., 1881, 12mo, 2. A Popular Statenmnt 
 .f the Law of Wills, Probate, and Adm?:istratbTLon 
 ol the Law of Insurance, Lon., I88,'i, p. 8vo. 4 A Con 
 ciscMatementof the Bankruptcy Act, 188;), Lon., ISS.S 
 l' } ThhI "/ ^"'"1 ".'"^f; "'« Bankruptcy Act, mii] 
 Un.. 1884 8vo. 6. A Ilnnd-Book for Executors and 
 Aiiiuinistra tors, Lon., I8sfi, p. Hvo. 7. The Law of 
 Iti-uranco, tire, Life, Accident, and Marine, Lon., 1886, 
 .Morrell, J. Conyers. The Sanitary Question and 
 Trcatmentof Towns' Kefuse, Manchester,^! 868, I -'mo. 
 f r]?"^}\'^' ^' T^^"'"'' f"'' Cl-nst among his People : 
 f"r Hospital Nurses, Lon., 1877, l2mo. ' 
 .'ell'riw,' 8™; "'• "'"'"■'^ ""^' '^""l"i'i<'« of '^olby, 
 Morrice, F.' L. II. The Nightlosg North ; a Walk 
 aoro.^s Lapland, Lon., 18SI, 8vo. 
 T,,:r"M''.V*'^*.*'=** «avin, M.A., member of the 
 I ndon Mathematical Society. (Trans.) Lectures on 
 tlu Ikosahedron and the Solution of Equations of the 
 Lon., IShS. s,,. llimo; L'd ed., 1861); new ed., I8K;). -. 
 r,?'''.""."" l 'lulling moMly with the Heart of Christ and 
 Uiristianity, Lon., |861(, p. Svo. :i. The Open Secret; 
 S^crlllons. Lon,, I^ri. 1,, sv,,. ' 
 Morris, Albert jf. T. A Treatise on .Meteorology, 
 Lilin., l.siiti, p, Svo. 
 Morris, Anne Cary. (Ed.) Diary and Letters 
 111 (louveineur Morris, Minister of the liniled States to 
 i-rance, Ac, N. York, 1888, Svo. (See Moriiis, (Jor- 
 VKNKIII, „„(,, V(d. ii.) 
 Morris, Henjnmin Franklin. 1. The Christian 
 Lile and Character ,.f the Ci,il Institutions of the 
 Lnited .States, Phila.. Is6l, Syo. 2. Memorial Record 
 ?L. "o ^ '"'""" ^'■''""'•' '" Abraliam Lincoln, Wash., 
 I s(,o, 8vo. ' 
 , ™"''"''',*^n*'l'n''> M.D., [„„(,, vol. ii., add.,] IsoS- 
 IS84, retiie.1 from piaclico in 1871 ; was a founder an.l 
 "'iiniiger of the InMilution for the Blin.l in Philadelphia, 
 and vice-president IS6I1. I. Life of William Wilbor- 
 force, Phila., 1841. 2. An E.ssay on Ibe Pathology and 
 iherapeutics of Scarlet Fever, Phil,,., |,soS, Sv,) :) 
 "sTrilulo'iK' ""'' """" '''"'^'- ''■■'"""' '■'"• ''"^""^ 
 Morris, Commodore Charles, I .S.N., 1784- 
 I8j8; entered the navy in I 7!til ; served in the expedi- 
 lon against Tripoli 1801, in the war with England 
 » i\&o.: chief of the bureau of ordnance and liy- 
 , drography from 1851 ,iii his death. The Autohiogra- 
 I )hy ol Commodore Charles Jlorris, U.S.N. : with a 
 c eemurvir'wM'", '1^ "'""' "'"'^ "I'be eail ■',',[■,■ ",^f 
 Morris, Charles, b. 18:13, at Chester, Pa.; has 
 resided in Phila,lelphia since 1856. 1. A Manual of 
 Llassioal Literature : Biogra|,hical and Critical Notices 
 W„jr n'i'"' ",'"""" ^"•''"'•^" • '"'h Extracts from their 
 thri/.', a'°- ."*^". '2mo. 2. (Ed.) Ilalf-Hours with 
 •i ,vi •»",'■;''',?" Authors, Phila., 1SS6, 4 vols. l2i„o. 
 %«KV {'"'.yiours with American History, Phila., 
 1S87, 2 vols. l2mo. 4. (Ed.) Half-Hours with the Best 
 ioreign Authors, Phila., 18S7, 4 vols. I2mo. :,. The 
 Aryan Uace: its Origin and its Achievements, Chic, 1 888 
 l2mo. h. Ihe Stolen Letter, Chic, 1888, l2mo. 7 The 
 Detectives Crime Chic, I88,s, l2mo, 8. Broken Fet- 
 icrs: lie Light of Ages on Intoxication: a Historical 
 \ lew ot the Drinking Habits of Mankind N York 
 1888, Svo 9 (Ed.) IlSlf-Hours with the Cst Humorous 
 Authors, Phila., ISSy, 4 vols. |2mo. 
 Morris, Charles D'Urban, M.A., 1827-1SS6 b 
 r.Mer'T"/''',^,";''"'''''''"' ^"'"■' K'-a.luatcd at Lincoln 
 College Oxford, 18411; Fellow of Oriel College 1851-54- 
 removed to the United States in IS53; held a professor- 
 ship in the I niversity of New York, and in ls76 became 
 protessor of (Jreek and Latin in .lohns Hopkins Univer- 
 ^ity. He contributed to the American .lournal of Phi- 
 lology, Ac. I A Compendious (Jrammar of Attic (J reek, 
 N. York, IS ,il 12,„o; 4th ed., 1876. 2. A Compendious 
 (.lamnarof the Latin Language, N. York, 1870, 12mo: 
 4thcd., Is,h Also, a Latin Heading-Book, ic 
 Morns, D The Colony of British Honduras: its 
 Kes,,uroes and Prospects, Lon., 1884, imp. 16mo. 
 Morris, E. J. Prejudiced Im.uiries: being tho 
 Backwoods Lectures for the Year 1884, N. York, 1886. 
 16mo. ' ^ 
 Morris, Edmund, 1804-1874, b. at Burlington, 
 N.J., became a jirinter; published and edited severa 
 newspapers, and contributed to the New Yo.k Tribune, 
 ■t,ira^ I 
 IC""***" I 
 *'i*h:''"*'" ' 
 •*' .lie 
 .«,-' S>' 
 **■**)**."' MM 
 Ac. 1. Ten AorcK EmuiBti, 12ino. 2 How tn get a 
 Kuriii, iiml whcro to llrid (mm with lloiiieiteu'l l.iiw*, 
 Ac, N. Vork, |h(!4, laiiio. H. (Kd.) Dorrii'k aiui brill, 
 N. York, IHfia. 4. Faruilng for Iloyn. lllunt. Bust., 
 ISH8, Ki|. liliiio. 
 Morrill, KdwnnI Diirydd, H.I)., I.I..I).. I), is'-'.i, 
 ot Utioii, N.Y.; unuluiili'l iit Viilo I Mil), iiii.l iit Auburn 
 Thoiil(i({ioiil .ScMiiniir.v l^i-' ; bcciiUK^ proluKsor nf uliurdi 
 history n"'l [nilily in l-unii 'rhoolouiciil .Soiuiniiry, ('in- 
 i'innii''i, IM.'iT, 1111(1 will" triinKlcrrud to tliu cimir ol' nys- 
 teniiit.o thoolouy in 1.S74. I. Outlimsol Chrintinti Doe- 
 trino, :'in., Issil. 2. KcclcKioloxy : ii Trfiitiso on tlio 
 Church, N. York. \m:,. :i. {i'A.) Scripturo U(!ii(liii){ : 
 selcclod for tlic \ fn u( TeiKdicia nnd Seliodls, (')n., IHS7, 
 l2mo. I. \f there Siilviitiou niter Deiith ? n Treiitise on 
 tho (lospel in tlio InterniBiliiito Sluto, N. York, 1887, 
 JMorriN, KilunrJ Ellis, profeHsor of history in 
 tho I'niversitv "t Mulliourne. I. The A({o of Anne, 
 ("Epoohs (pf'.Modern History,") l.on., I s;7, IHnio. 2. 
 Tlio Eiirly lIiinovcriniii<, (" Epochaof Modern Ilislory,") 
 1,011., I8M6, ISniii. 
 .MorriM, l''.dwill. A I'rnctlonl Trentisc on .Shock 
 after .'^urKiciii Opciiitions nnd Iiijurien, I.on., 1^117, p. 
 Morris, Kdwiii. Dictionary of tlio Cuneiform In- 
 Koriptionn of Assyria, dc. I'art.s I., II., III. l-'in., 
 ISt'iS. imp. 8vo. 
 Morris, Khvood. Ka»y Uuleo for tho Mciisuro- 
 ment of lOiirth-Work Ijy -Meiins of the I'risiiioidal For- 
 iHUlii. [Must. N. York, l>72. 8vo. 
 Morris, llev. I''. Sydney. (Kd.) Wisdom, Wit, 
 nnd I'atlios, selected from tlio Works of Ouida, Lon., 
 lHs;f, sill. or. .ivo. 
 Morris, Francis Lnnct'lot Ilaniiltoii. Ko- 
 man Law Khynics on some "f the l.eiidin;? I'ointa in 
 the I,aw of Succession and Contract. liy V. L. U. M. 
 Cnmbridtfc, 187'.i, 8vo. 
 Morris, Hev. Francis Orpcn, [mil,; vol. ii., 
 ftdd.,] b. ISKl; gniduatod at Worcester CoIIcko, O.xford, 
 18;iH; ordained I8:!l; rector of Xunburnliolme, York- 
 shire, since ls51. lie has contributed numerous articles 
 to popular (leriodicals, nnd has publiihod many pam- 
 phlets, a few of which are included in tlie following list. 
 1. Possibilities in a Parish. Ily a Yorkshire Clergy- 
 man. Lon., ISSn, 8v(). 2. A Letter to Archdeacon 
 Wilberforce on Supremney. By a Yorkshire Clergy- 
 man. Lon., 1SJ4, 8vo. Anon. :). A Pniclical Solution 
 of tho Church-Rate Difficulty, Lon., ls,")S, 8vo. Anon. 
 4. Anecdotes in Natural History, Lon., 185(1, 12iuo; 
 new ed., 1872, 4to. 5. Bible Natural History, Lon., 
 18oil, imp. IGino. 6. Records of Animal Sagacity and 
 Cbaructor, Lon., 1861, fp. 8vo. 7. Ancestral Homes of 
 Britain. Illust. Lim., ISrt7, Ito. s. The County Seats 
 cf the Noblemen and Oentlemen of (irent Britain and 
 Ireland. Illust. ^ ^.,181)7.' SI. A Natural History of 
 British Moths. Iil^st. Lon., 186'J-71, 4 vols. r. .Svo ; 
 previously published in parts, 1859-71. 
 "From an educational point of view Mr. Morris's work 
 is a very bad one. and even us a mere oollector's luiok it is 
 not of n biKh order. . . . The sole rerteemliig feature . . . 
 is the goodness of the illustrations."— .>'jj<c/(i((ji-, .xlv. «;!. 
 10. The Castles and Halls of England: a New .Series 
 of "Ancestral Homes." Illust. Lon., 1870, 4to. II. 
 Dogs nnd their Doings, Lon., 1870, 4to. 12. Difficulties 
 of Darwinism, 1870. Li. A Word for God'a Dumb 
 Creatures, [prose and verse,] Lon., 1876. 14. All the 
 Articles of the Darwin Faith, Lon., 1877. 15. A Dia- 
 logue about Fox-Hunting, L(m., 1878. 16. The Paradise 
 of the Soul: a Hand- Book of Devotion, Lon., 18711, l2mo. 
 17. The Darwin Craze, Lon., 1880, Svo. 13. Letters to 
 the " Times" about Birds, Ac, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 
 Morris, (ieorge, ['inle, vol. ii., add.] 1. Exposi- 
 tion of St. John's (iospel, ohnptor xiii., v. 2.S-25, Lon., 
 1856, 18mo. 2. Eternal Truth; or. Vague nnd Vital 
 Christianity, Lon., ISJS, 12ino. 3. The Duality of All 
 Divine Truth in Our Lord Jesus Christ, Lon., 1883, p. 
 Morris, George Sylvester, M.A., Ph.D., b. 1840, 
 at Norwich, Vt. ; graduated at Dartmouth College ISfll ; 
 studied at Union Theological Seminary, New York, and 
 at Berlin and Halle I'niversities, Jcrmany ; professor 
 of 'nudern lansuajes and literature in the University of 
 Michigan 1870-8(1'; transferred to the chair of philoso- 
 phy 1881. He was lecturer on ethics and the history of 
 philosophy in Johns Hopkins University 1878-86. He 
 fg editor of a series of " German Philosophical Classics 
 for English ItcBdcrii and Students." I. (Tram.) A His- 
 tory of I'hilosoiiby from Thalos to the Present Time, by 
 Dr Kriedriidi llelierwcg : with Additions by the Tnins 
 Intor, by Noah Porter, D.D., LL.D., on English mid 
 American Philosophy, and bv V. Ilotta, Ph. I)., on Iliil 
 ian Philosophy, N. York, |k72-7I, 2 vols. r. Mvn; new 
 ed., 1876. 2. British Tliought and 'f hinkers : Iniro 
 (luetory Studi(!s, t.'rilica'. Biographical, and Pliilosopli 
 ical, Chic, 1880, 12i :). Kant's Crili(|iio of Puiv 
 Heason : n Critical Exposition. (" licrman I'hilosoplii,. 
 Classics for Englisli Headers and .StiKKnls,") Chic. Ix"!.', 
 I Ohio. 
 ■'.Mr. Morris's Intnidiictory chapter . . . liluslrates sdiiu- 
 of the (leniiinillzimf ellecls (it n nw'.y ot post Kaiilliui 
 mclaphyMlcs. . . . To a reader who will he oil Ills uiiiir.l in 
 this respect, Mr. Morris's 1 k will iieverthcLsii beoC iiv 
 in fuellltalinK llie study of Kaiil."— A'ddVm, xxxv. ;r.. 
 4. Philosophy and Christianity: ii Series of Lectures. 
 N. Y'ork, IS8;t, 12mo. ,0. Hegel's Philosophy of lln 
 Slate and of History : an Exposition, Chic, I8S7. IHm.i. 
 .Morris, ll< Delight in the Lord: a .Manual "I 
 Devotion, I.on.. Issi), :;2mo. 
 Morris, Henry. I. History of the First I'lmirli 
 of SpriuKlield, .Massachusetts: i.ii Address : willi Appcii 
 (lix. Illust. .Sjiringlield. 1875. xv„. 2. Early Ilislory 
 of Springfield, Miissachusetls, 111311-1(175: an Addre.-s : 
 wilb Appendix, Springllold, I87H, ivo. 
 Morris, Henry, formerly of the .Madras civil scr 
 vice. A Descriptive and Historical Aocoiirt of the ti"- 
 dnvery District, in tlie Presidency of .Madras, Lon., his 
 " The care wlilidi has been taken In ('(illecuii;; malerliil. 
 anil tlic lucid iiianiier In which the inl'orn il'loii Is Im- 
 parted, ciilllle it to a place on the book-sliei.''.s of every 
 student of Indian matters."— -If/i., No. 'JiH.'i. 
 Morris, Henry, M.A., M.H.,'.S., V I,S4t: 
 surgeon to, and lecturer on surgery at, the Middlesex 
 Hosidtal, London. 1. The Anatomy of loo Joints ;t 
 Man. Illust. Lon., 1870, 8vo. 2. Surgical Diseases of 
 the Kidney. Illust. Lon.. 1885, l2nio. 
 Morris, Hev. Herbert >Villiain, D.D., b. IMs. 
 in Wales; removed to the United Slates in 1812, mil 
 was licensed to preach Ijy the presbytery of I'lica, N.Y,. 
 in 181B. After holding jiaslorates in tlie States of .\c(v 
 Y'ork and Indiana, he gave up ministerial work lor lit- 
 erature In 1871. I. The Work-Day.- of (iod ; or, Sciin.'c 
 and the Bible Phila., 1870, 8vo ; new ed.. rev., b?:. 
 (The sale of this woik i^ said to have soon rcacliiil 
 511,000 copies.) 2. Th i" osent Conflict of Science willi 
 the Christian lleligion : .\lodern Scepticism met on il> ttHii 
 (iround. Illust. Phila., 1875, 8vo. 3. The Tesluiiniiy 
 of the Ages : or, Conlirmations of the Scriptures, from a 
 Variety of Sources, Phila., 1881, Svo. 4. The 
 Symbol Inter])reted : Natural Wonders and Spiiiluiil 
 Teachings of the Sun, as revealed by the 'friiiinpli- "f 
 Modern Science, Phila., 1883, Svo. 5. Natural l.iiwmcl 
 Gospel Teachings. N. York, 18S7, 12mo. 
 Morris, J. Kotakn, a Samurai's Daughter: a Jap- 
 anese Tale, L(m., 1885, sq. l6mo. 
 Morris, J. I'. .V Glossary of the Words and Phrases 
 of Furness, North Lancashire, Lon., 18C0, p. Svo. 
 Morris, J. S. 1. Criminal Cases deculcd in ili(> 
 Higli Court of Errors nnd Appeals and in tlie .-'upieiiio 
 Court, (Mi.ssis8ippi,) 1S18-72: with Notes of English 
 and American Decisions and Authorities, and Manual of 
 Forms, Chic, 1873, 2 vols. Svo. 2. Mississiopi l.iiw 
 Reports, vols, xliii.-xlviii., (1870-73.) Pub. by the Stale. 
 (J vols. Svo. 
 Morris, J. W., [outc, vol. ii., add.] 1. John .Mil- 
 ton : a Vindication, Lon., 1862, 12mo. 2. Sliidonl's 
 Charts of History, Lon.. 1866-70, 4 vols. 4to. .:. His- 
 torical Associations of the English Bible, Lon., l^ii", 
 Morris, James, M.D., F.R.C.S. 1. Germinal Mat- 
 ter nnd the Contnct Theory: nn Essny in the .M.nliiil 
 j Poisons, Lon., 1867, or. Svo. 2. Irritability: I'opuiiir 
 and Practical Sketches of Common Morbid States aud 
 Conditions bordering on Disease, Lon., 18C8, cr. Svo. 
 Morris,, lames W. K. N. Pepper, and other Condi- 
 ments. By Jacques Maurice, [pseud.] N. Y'ork, l8,ili. 
 Morris', John. 1. Angels' Voices, Lon.. \^oi, 
 18mo. 2. Favourite Welsh Hymns, Lon., 1854, 12iiio. 
 3. Words of Comfort for the Wayfarer, Lon., IbOli, r. 
 Svo. 4. Book of Consolation in Sickness, Sorrow, Ad- 
 versity, and Old Age, Lon., 1.868, p. Svo. 5. Aid= lo 
 Contentment, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 
 Morris, Rev. John, S.J., b. 1826, at OiitacinminJ, 
 Madras Presidency, India ; matriculated at Trinity Col- 
 lege, Oxf,jri|, 
 Islicil lil^ ,t|| 
 which he was 
 to London, h 
 niiiii nil, I his 
 the Si„.i(,iv „| 
 professor ofoi 
 •'"liege, near J 
 'or of novices 
 dom of Snint 1 
 enl., 1SM5. 3 
 3. (Ell.) The 
 Father Gerard 
 liis Life, L'Ti , 
 „'0f ihelwi', 
 the l.ii,. I,, iiie : 
 delHiK ,1 |„.rs(, 
 the simple,!, an 
 ■ 'III., .No. j.'ii; 
 ■<• (Ed.) Tl, 
 Keeper of .Mm 
 ".Mr. Morris h 
 duty as editoroi 
 ■•(■«('.. vi. 1. 
 5. Troubles i 
 Themselves. K 
 vols. Hvo. 6. ■] 
 •Society of Jcsui 
 Lifu in .\o. :;.) 
 " .Mr, .Morris I* 
 succeeded In ;rr, 
 history which ha 
 ""'■S. . . . ll lllilv 
 ever have oblairi. 
 luiiiiy puifesoiih. 
 iiipliy eliaiicc or 
 liim to prim, a.sH 
 Jo low, III,, rciim 
 lislicl as a sciia; 
 XX. 2-.>, ' 
 '• (Ed.) The 
 the Sacred Heart, 
 "The iiiiiiil'cctci 
 woman wlio worl 
 (.■oiiyeiuat lioclmi 
 iiislinet.s of our ,„ 
 ■•<liirliitm: lix. Iiis7. 
 Morris, John 
 8vo. Publishe,. -^ 
 " In live liirK-e vi 
 [lel. Ihe sum ami si 
 "I lliiiii are the reu 
 .>Iorris, Johi 
 Curreiii;y and GoL 
 " -Morris, Jol 
 ■Morris, Hev. 
 H12-1,SS(), b. at N 
 llalliol College, Ox 
 Kxeter College. 0x1 
 on bei'oming a con 
 1. Jesus : the Doct 
 Inoiirnation, Lon., 
 1)11 Calvary: an Es,< 
 •Morris, Kev. , 
 II., .Moiinis, John G 
 Lutlieran Church, ; 
 of a church at Luth 
 'iorman Astronoine 
 'lie Tenth Annual I 
 ("Hcal Society, Hal 
 I'Cpidoptera ilf Nurl 
 ■■^.vnopsii of the D 
 suites, Wash., 1862 
 family history,] (.\l"i 
 *'vo. 5. Biblioihecn 
 timis of the Luther, 
 'I'll!',, 1876, |6mo. 
 -Ministry, 1S7S. 7 ( 
 Franz Delit/.seh, 187! 
 '.'• The Augsburg Co 
 licle.", 1879. 10. Th( 
 li"U to the Work of tl 
 II. Luther at Wartbii 
 '-. (Trans.) Life of ] 
 ;>• Urk, IS8.3, cr. 8v< 
 'rir... of the Lord's Su 
 in the Lutheran Chun 
 Morris, John SI 
 »'''"g a Series of Add 
 to the Electors of the 
 to l,.M,,|„„, |,„ „„. „riv,ii„ 1 T "^^ '" '•"'"'■'ilntf 
 - ''i-."-«i: ,X:''^,';;'' r".»vii 
 infv ..f I ' J'i'iin.ii .iliinttinif ; i<i uinii,! 
 I Horrii,, I,. 1 
 I'"".. M-,',, .i:.,,,,,, 
 Will,., ; x.-cut-KiuniNun „f |,, 
 WonNof I.ovof,,, ihul.iKloOnci. 
 tlK,>,„.,„.y „f .;,.„„ i„ I,,;-, ];.■ ' ""V ""J"'""'' 
 '■■'ll«Ko, nrar .S(. A.„,,h " n I 2 • k'-', ^ '" '''• """""'* 
 '!";» '"■Siiim Tim,,,.. II ';':'• I , ;, ' "■,;"" "'"' «"H,vr. 
 onl„ Hm.-,. l'. Thi, I M, r I 7 '^'"l. I'. •<v..: 2.1 ,.,!., 
 I'i- '.if.'. I-",,., l"!;!, 's'„ ' "'" <'''n|"'«'l"r I'lot. win, 
 -IM., .No, J-,:. '" 'li« i„H,iit.|li„jr, iiiaiwicr."- ^ "''"i" Imvc i„.|,iev,.,| ^rrat i i, 
 , „ ,„„,„ ,,,.„,, !,,'•, "' <^"i""irthon, 
 ™iv,',l tho,, ,l..,„f, I,,, s,,;""^ """»';•• "vfunl; |„. ,.,,. 
 "on ll"N.,,, farm, itlionsliir... i, 
 '"■ •'": '•"iiiit.v, am. >va..a |.il„.ra| 
 ""■"' 111 l><M an is.s,i 
 K-n,„r„r Ma,; ,;:,,:„, ;;.":;;^;" ^^'^ Ami,.. ,.„„,„,. 
 "iiiiy "Mrcriirv of 
 11, ■ ri.>i,|,.. „| i>„,|. 
 ' .iii^ii I' ilii' fioaco 
 ■iin^,l„i,. (or I'arlia- 
 vvi,a n„i ultrtcl. |(u 
 . •"oiig, „|'Tiv„ 
 '•ilu in .\ii. .1., ' ""■ 
 "Mr. ^forrls |,s ,„„ 
 '■■< a roiirint of tin 
 'iHi™,;.«p|,^;:^:^i!;,^:;;-;'';;,;i!/-.iK.,,.,., m,,,,,a,,,,,,r 
 ,^..^^o„«,orT»oWorl,i;; s;.oi,„ seri... ,.,„.. ,sr, 
 .H:8i^i;^?;t/1/;;;:,,^!;:;■i7-,,Korr, H.i«i„„, ,. 
 «o,„a,. who »o,|<,., , HI, , . ',?,"„.!' ' "■'■"'I'- Kii«ll-li- 
 '■"iiii'n.ul lt<"l,i,mi, 1)11 ■■,,., t»".v,-ars ,,«„, n, u,,. 
 .Morris, Joliii. Tho .Vmv Naii.m t, 
 In live l,,r).''i 
 .'!. Son«.i of Two Worlds Thl,..i a • 
 12.1.0 X;.,,ion of .t,,,™:^, ^ --. 'f";;:,""'^' 
 ■•liiil'c an, <->.Hi,i'c \vi,i, ,1 ,. , ;,"'''i ii,"''' "I lis ,,«„ vvl 
 .I'.iilit, iirovcl 111; ca,,,, ,f ,. , "^, ""'"I I",.-. «.■ I'ania.i 
 "ill lay'a Mr., ,K I, I '"'■>';,; '"1'^' .•oiM-.'|.li.,n> «|' ! 
 'ii>t |.„l,lisl,e,| form,s"D,a k'n ,?l il T' , ''^''"' *■"'"'"" 
 nonriiation, Un.. IS5I, 2 voL,. 8™ 
 .'iiUlntry: a„ K.,ay, Un,. |8 
 «l . - 'V 'JOO.. Ifl(^, p *^\.Q 
 i>|»!V"'f r "■""':! ^1?! '&';;'■;;; '•i"-i.-i.o.'tr>-, ill 
 ' «" Ills liim fi,r the lavL- , Vi , V "' l"yafty i,, i,,,,!, 
 power of s„„„. a,„| „ lai.. ' V« r .Is ,'■'''■ " ■''l"'i'l"ii.-,is 
 ;.;iz.' ai,..l reiai,, the symnnthiLs ? V"'*' ''V.'"'''^' '"'" •" 
 'i II. . *^ " ' 
 If ,!'•. 
 -mi ■ 
 "'" ■ ■ ■ ■ : 
 i ' '■ J. 
 • •«»,..... 
 fttmm- ' 
 f \V. 
 If-—*"' . 
 '~—-»-i 1 
 ■■),..-*(, I 
 } . ■ =ti 

 n. Tho ()(lu of I.lfi'., HS(), ISiiiu. 7. Simg» I'll- | 
 i-uiiK. l-i'ii., lflH:i, IL'iiiii. 
 "'Ilic iiri'si'iit Murk iiiiiliMiliti'illy sliuvw iminy riiiiilllnr 
 flmriirlci'WIi'H 111' Mr. McMrl»; Ihi-ri' l» tin' Miiiii' IcmhT 
 iiiwlii)! iiViT rliinnlciil li'di'iiili", llu' mini' lrri*l>lllili' 4i'- 
 sill' I'l 'liollll llll' lllnriir ll-x Wl'll llM lliliprii ilir llllr:' llli' 
 Bllllli' pli'il»llm Vrl nilhrr llliMliiliitliill» lilnnk \i'fr. We llu 
 liiil llml, hiiwcViT, Miiv III IImi>c • lliislic- uf Iit\IiI ymitir 
 Hull llUllillllMll'll IllTr lillll itllTC tllr ■Soll«» 111' Iwii « iirlllx,' 
 lllir iniV lUI>Mlm', |nTlulIii, Irl'Mll'll lllli>IH'll I'XllllllllliII Hit 
 till' iliiVi' lit ■ MHr»)ii»' 111 the ' K|ili' nf lliiili'!-.' nil tliu 
 lillllT llilllil, Wllllt limy lie Cllllcil IIU' lilrlnlllll IllCUlty-llll' 
 lilllllly ill'>llilttlll(f BfiCl'lll', II IHIIi|sill|HMl IlllT.ll vWdll, III 
 (iiif !-linri ,.liriisf nr i|imlmlii-lmt liceii uiiirkuilly ilrvi'l- 
 oiit'il,"— .Icdi/., xxlv. :ii:l. 
 M.'ia; a TriiKi'ily, in FIvb ApU, Liin., IKHrt, l2iiio. : 
 !i, SuiiKK 111' liriliiin, l.nn., IS'*", I'-'iimi. I". I'mtli-iil 
 V fcirkfc l.' iilli'iMi'il Kilitioii, I viilii: vul. i., Soiikk nf Two 
 wifl^li (Ml.: vol. ii., Tilt) Kjiiuiif lliuli's :'1.M I'll. ; 
 |B^^Fvl^i. anil the Dilu ul' l.ifo, Till cd. ; vul, iv., 
 ^1^^^ ( niiiiiij?, mill (lyoiii, .'itii cil. 
 Oknkhai. ClllTlrlsM : 
 " ir )iii|iiiliirlty III' lliti tcHt of wiirlli, Mr. Mnrrln's imirit 
 (in a )i'ii'l Im iiiii'iiiiivocal. . . . When «i' M'tmirsi'lvi's liiNi'f 
 wiml It Is fxuitly 111 Mr. Mnrrln's pnt'try Ilial liiis lunl so 
 stri'titf an apiii'iil iiir mir i.H'iii'ratloii of rt'inliTs, tiiiTt' Is no 
 ilitliriiltv 111 iKTi'i'lvliii! that It Is prliiiarlly thi' nionil syiii- 
 iialliv iiuninlliiK It. the hiinianliy, llie feelliiKuf hrolfier- 
 iiiiiiil'. ailiU'il to whiil iisi'il to lie ealleil iliilaetlelsni ami Is 
 Hurt known iis nliuliislty, It has heeii inure tlinii iinie 
 iciiiiukeil Unit Mr. Morris stands helweeii Mr. Tennyvm 
 ninl the iieuiile, ainl mves his (K'eeliliiiiie us ii imel lu the 
 skill Mild whli'li he Interprets the l.iiiireiili' lu ihusewhu 
 know iiiilhlni,' uf, ami care niilhln»,' fur. the Inu'lior puetle 
 an. 'I'liis sttiieiiieiit, as e.xplantitury of thi' hiet that the 
 amlioriil Hie 'Kpleuf llailes' Is one of Ihe poetle furces 
 uf tile lillll', has iiiii' aiivile lit Irnlh. ami line unly. . . . .Mr. 
 Lewis Murrls Is a realist; he lirliiKs a ipiiek eye fur Ihe 
 wurlil's uiitwiinl niaiiifesliitluns, ami a reiiih syiiipatiiy for 
 its hiiniaii ruihlesanil failures."— .1/A,, No. JIW. 
 Moriih, M, The Kirit AlKhun War, L<oD,,'l87H, 
 Morris, >I. K. The llenvonly Pawn, Phila., IST'.i, 
 MorriM, .Yliilooliii, M,ll.('.S,, F.H.C.?. K.lin., b. 
 1H4!'; suiKeini to the skin ilepartincnt, St, Mary'." Ilo.s- 
 pitiil, Mini Ici'turcr on iluriiiiitolii);y in the Mcilieal Seliuol. 
 1. ,s'kiii Diseancs; a Mamtal lor Stuilunts ami I'raetition- 
 brs. Ulust. 1,(111,, I, s;79, |i. .Svo. 2, (KJ.) The Hunk of 
 Health. Ijiin,, 188;), r, Svo. (Contains essays hy ,s:ir.I. K. 
 liennott, Dr, Bruntun, Dr. Crichtun Urowno, and other 
 nicdical men.) 
 " ' The ohjeelof this work.' writes the editor. ' Is to place 
 hefore the general reader. In an IntelllKlble form and In 
 lanuiiaKc free Iroiii leehnieal obseiirlty, the prlnelnal rules 
 that should he adopted for the preservation of health.' . . , 
 No siiiKle Work mi liealth enihraee.s the variety of snhjeets 
 included In this vohinie."— .s■;l(C^l^(r, Ivii. lllll. 
 3. The Management uf thu 8kin and Hair. Iliust. 
 Lon., INSO, |i. ^vll. 
 iMorriH, Maurice O'Connor, oducnted at Wor- 
 cester Cuilogo, Oxford ; called to the bar at the Middlo 
 Tem|ilo 1872. 1. Itaiiililcs in the Itoeky Mountains, 
 Loll., 18(1'), p. Hvu, 2, Triviata; or, Cross-Hoad Chron- 
 icles of Passages in Irish Hunting lliatory during the 
 .Reason of 187,^-76. Illust, Lon,, 18711, p, 8vo. (Arti- 
 cles reprinted from Thu Field,) '6. Ilibernia Venatica. 
 Illust, Lon.. 1878, p. Svo. 
 Morris, ,'>Iowi>rny Wnlter, b. L847; educated at 
 Klon and Oxford; theatriual critic on the staff of the 
 Times. I. Essays in Theatrical Criticism, Lon., 1882, 
 p. Svo. 
 "Cannot fail to interest all persons who take anylliing 
 like a serious Interest in the fortunes of the Kimllsh stage, 
 Sil. /iVi'., liv. '.II. 
 2. I'oet's Walk: an Introduction to English Poetry, 
 Lon,, 18S2, ,1. Claverhouse, I" English Worthies,") Lon., 
 1887, er. Svo. And see Somehset, II. C. F., Di ke of 
 iSlLMEItSET, ill/ni. 
 Morris, Phinnas Peinberton, LL.D., [oii^e, 
 vol. ii., ailil.,] b. 1>I7, in liuck.s Co., Pa. ; became pro- 
 fessor of practice, pleading, and evidence in the law de- 
 ]iartment of the I'niversity uf Pennsylvania in 1862; 
 prufessor emeritus in 18S4. Mining Rights in Pennsyl- 
 vania. Phila., \x(i{). 
 Morris, Hamsay. Crucify Her: a Story of Now, 
 N. York, 1888, 12ino. 
 Morris, Hev. Hichard, M.A., LL.D., b. 1833, at 
 lieriniindsey, Southwark. Eng. ; educated at St. .lohn's 
 Cnlleire. Hat.lcrsr.a : ordained !S71 : curate of Chriat 
 Church, Camberwell, 1871-73; became lecturer on the 
 English language and literature in King's College 
 School 1870, and head-master of the Koyal .Masonic In- 
 stitution fur Hoys 1875. lie was elected president of the 
 Plilloldglcal Soclcly in 1871, and is a meiiilier of tht 
 col loil of that society and of Ihe Early English Text 
 Society. 1. The Elyiiiology of Local Niiiiii's : Teutonic, 
 I,on., |8.'i7, p. 8vii. 2. Lectures uii the Lxcellency of 
 Ihe Illblc. Loll., Is,'i8, IJmo. 3. (Ld.l Liliir Caru t'o- 
 ciiruni, 18(12. 1. (Ed.) Haiiipole's Pricke of Ciinsclonce. 
 1811:;. A. (Ed. I Early English Alliterative I'ooiiis of 
 the West .Mi'll I Dialect of the Fuiirtcentli Century; 
 from a l'iii(|uu MS. in the Itrillsh Museum : with Intro. 
 diietliiii, Notes, and (llussiiry, I Early English Text Soo. 
 Pull.,) Lon., 18(11, 8ni, (1. '(Ed.) Sir (lawayne and the 
 (Ireen Knight: an Alliterative Koiiiiince.piiini, ( 13211- 
 30 A, 1).,) (Early Engll.-h Text Soc.) Lon., 18111, 8vo. 
 7. (Ell.) Till Story of Oenesis and Exodus; an Ecrly 
 English Song, about .\.l). I2&I); from a lliiii(ite MS. in 
 Ihe LIbinry of ('iir|ius Christi College, Caiubridgc : willi 
 liitrodiiolioii. Notes. aniHilossary, (Early Eiigli.-h 'I'e.vl 
 Son.,) Lon., I8fl.'i, 8vu. 8. lEd.) Chaucer: with .Memoir 
 by Sir Harris Nicolas, (.-Mdine Ed. of the llrilisli Puel-.i 
 Lon., |8(lil, (i vols. fp. Svo. K. Specimens of Early Eng- 
 lish, A. D. l2.'ill-14no, Lon.. 1811(1-72,2 parts: new ed.. 
 18.S.-,. III. (Ed.) Dan Michel's Aycnbite of Inwyt, nr 
 llenii rse of Conicience : in the Kentish Dialect, Lltll 
 .\.D. ; from the Autograph MS. in the llritish Museum: 
 wilhan Introduclion on the Peculiarities of the Southern 
 Dialect, and a Olossarial Index, (Early English Text 
 'Sue.,) Lon., l.'-lill. 8vu. II. I Ed.) Old English Homilies 
 and Homiletie Treatises uf the Twelfth and Tliirteenlh 
 Centuries: from MSS. in the llrilisli Museum. Liinibetli 
 and Iloillcian Libraries: with liitruduetion, Translation, 
 and Notes. Parts I., II., III. Lon., 18(17-73, .to., Svo. 
 12. (Ed.) Chaucer's 'rranslntion of Doethius's " Du Con- 
 solatiiino Philosopliiu'," ( Early English Text Sue.,) Lon., 
 I.s(18, 8vo. 13. (Ed.) Chaucer: Prologue, Knightes 
 and .Vonne Presto's Tale ; 2d ed., ISfllt, l2ino. M. (Ed.) 
 Legends of the Holy Hood : Symliuls of the Passion 
 and Cross Poems: in Old English of the Eleventh, 
 Fourtcenlh, and Fifteenth Centuries; from .MSS. in the 
 llrilisli .Museum and Iludleiau Libraries, (Early Knglisli 
 Text Soc.,) Lon., 1871, 8vo. Ih. (Ed.) An Old English 
 .Miscellany: containing a liestiary. Kentish Sermons, 
 Proverbs of .•\lfred, Keligioiis Poems nf the Thirteenth 
 (,'entury : with Introduclion and Index of Wonls, 
 (Early English Text Soc.,) Lon., 1872, Svo. 1(1. His- 
 torical (lutlines of English Accidence : comprising Chiip- 
 ters on the History and Development of the Language, 
 and on Word-Formation, Lon., 1872, 12uio; 3d ed., 
 ".\ buuk whose value we think we do not exaggerate 
 w hen we say that it makes an era in the study of the Km;- 
 llsli tongue. We have at last an historieal griininiaruf the 
 English language which really recognizes what the l-Jo; 
 llsh langiiHge Is. . . . When we read his accurate iiinl 
 seieiitille aeeouiil of the iirigin of the English tongue ami 
 of its relations to other tongues, the nialii thing that strikes 
 us Is, how clear, how simple, the whole thing is. . . . The 
 only fault that we have tu llml Is one that Dr. .Morris hlm- 
 seil hopes to remedy. His present book is notiiulte a Ismk 
 fur beginners. He .says, ' I have endeavoureii to write a 
 l-iook tliat can be protltalily used by students or by the 
 upper forms In our piililic .schools; a very eleineiitary 
 book formed no part of my plan.' "—.Sal. Jiev., xxxiii. iK).'i! 
 17. (Ed.) Cursor Muiidi : 'Tlie Curaur of the World: 
 1 a Northumbrian Poem of the XlVth Century, in Four 
 j Versions. Parts I.-V. (Early English 'fext ,*!(«.) 
 Lon., 1874-78, Svo. IS. (Ed.) The Ulickll ig Homilies 
 of the Tenth Century ; from the Marquis of Lothiiin's 
 MS., .-^.D. 971 : with Introduction, Translation, Notes, 
 and Index of Words. Parts I.-III. (Early English 
 Text Soc.) Lon., 1874-80, Svo. 111. Elementary Les- 
 sons in Historical English Urammar, Lon., 1874, ISiao; 
 newcd.,lS82. 20. Primer of English Uratnniar, (" Lit- 
 erature I'riniors,") Lon.. 1875: new ed., 1870, I8ni'i. 
 21. On the Survival of Early English Words in mn- 
 Present Dialects, (English Dialect Soc, Series D, .Mi- 
 cellancuus.) 187(1. 
 " In this little paper of Dr. MorrLs's we sec well brought 
 out how tills or that word or form went on in this or tlml 
 dialect after it had dropped out of the literary langnimc. 
 how one went on in one I'alect and one in another, mid 
 bow the local dialects kept a living power (,f growth, ft 
 power of iiiieouselously forming new words lus they were 
 wanted, which died out in the literary language. —.sii'. 
 iiee., xliii. 141. 
 22. Ucport on PiMi Literature, 1880, 23. (Ed.) An^,!!!- 
 tara-Nikaya. Part I. 1882. 24. (Ed.) liuddhavaiiisa 
 and Carivil-PitAka, 18.12. 2.">. Pnggala Patiniitti, IS.'iH. 
 26. Datbavamsa, 1884. 27. PSli Notes and Queries 
 1.884. 2,8. Fidls-Tales of India, 1884-85. With liowi.s, 
 W. C, English Grammar Exercises, Lon., 1878, 18ui>. 
 And see SrESSEii, Eiimu.nii, ante, vol. ii. 
 Nnrri*, llab«tt, 
 tliuro riii>ntliin«i|, iili| 
 iiiiHler of the MiKniil 
 l^tis viiltml Ihi. Hiilv 
 luiljio itt .lorumileiii. 1 
 N. Viiik, I Si:', '.I, (;,, 
 I""'' . VI 
 viil. II tliiril of tho niiina 
 Isss, wiM nlnsUil granil 
 I'T in Kcntuoky liJS; in 
 liii 1 1 uii'l (nttniM It '.) 'iini 
 ■ llixtory iif (lie Mornnii 'all, 
 '!« .if i\Iii«,iriif |,„w, l,.m,,vlllii,' 
 . . Kvcrv KlliiHtliin li timi||. i|„. ,„,„, 
 'if 11 cliiisf,. mill i-flliii'.l liiihy 
 f wllhlri 111 . MnilM 
 fort, m\). J. MiiK.inii. 0,|„, ,„„| |^,e„„_ j, y,,^^ ,^„, 
 Nviij^ ... |.r.-oiii,i.,„ir.v in llio ||oly i,„dJ, .y. Vnrlc! 
 .Morrii., HolHTl, M.A., b. isi.i, «,l ,t 
 ..i''""!:^,?;;;::,!»!:^;;!; ^-"f""'' «. ,„ 
 To.l),.y . ,t Imais,, „„ ,|„. .s,ilij,.,.t „f A„li„.,„„. .i, ." 
 lisn, Hvi'i ' *•'"" "'"I"'-"'""'' h l).'«inn«r-, \. Vm-k. 
 .>I«.rrJH, Thomas. I. A Clueto It,,l|w«y «„,| „u,„f I 
 'rir/i^;i ^!:i:;'';^:r:^ 't^;T'''"^''l IV''' "r" 
 i,im., isiiy Nvii. 4. l't!ra|ieetne or (iraiiliio I'nikTtli.n 
 , hi^rV*; M *','.'"'"',''■ "■"• '" "'"Itlmn.^tnw, K„„. , 
 ii'a ,.,l ijt MurlboruuKl. ••"M.'KC, u„,| at Kxft.T C„II..Ke 
 (ixfiiM, whoro ho took his i|t.«r™ i„ Is,-,.), ,.„,! ,„' ,', ^ 
 »aino ye,., IminiloU the Oxlbril ami Cunhriilse Mi,«,"| e 
 «hioh he ..u,i|,orted .luring the year „f it. elistn,™ , , i 
 to wh uh he oontributeil poems, ,o,n„„tio -tori,.,, ^ 
 h '?,"?"''';-«"" "'"'>•'"« "^•^'■i'^'.To lo,. i/ti "e 
 ,.■ s Hrte, ,n IMfl;, „i„, ,even.l (mrtners, ,in us.„h h 
 •lent in r,o„, on for the nu.nulueture of artistic , I - 
 ■aper, ,tu>noil g Iush, a„,l other nmleriala of hou.Z 11 
 ; ..orufon, in wind, he ha« si„,.e worke.l „s a .lesiir u'r 
 1 .!■ b,,,,nes8, which is now carried on ,uidor his niil,,^ 
 iiionc, h«« been an iniportant ,iKont in the rovoluti.i,, of 
 laslu in Kng l,in, in matters of decorative art. f late 
 .years .Mr Morns ha, become a le,tdin« npirit of h" 
 hocahst ,e,v«ue, and much of his recnt wo k has been 
 lone ,„ he eulunins of its „r«a„. The Commoiiw'™" ! 
 c, nmn towar.l., ,hi foK-'lL',', , ,' ' '■'•il'' /,'"!,t'l' s'i'' 
 .Nearly toil y«p have p,Lsse,Kslii,.e .Mr AI.rrispiilMf^^^ 
 m;.I!"i»i'7' ""' °""' "' '""'■ ''«'■• '■'"' I'' '•'■■ 
 "iilv by thefr efl'ecij ,.nrl o, iv f M ""^ '""*' '""'' '"'""■'i 
 relruspef "-.4(," Nv '^ ""'> '""i' ai'preeinteil ii, the 
 ;i'.;,.;i-..r,l„.,,r..,.kar,i«„ in J i , \, iir' In h',1 Ti' 
 '■"lely and Imrioricplilily; _,s„, ,., ,. ^x " "l, '"'""''■"• 
 a MoX t!;;''''l'^V ;:'''■'''•'•''••••'"•<"•■ '■'"--mond . 
 ■ li-i ■ ' ' '" I''"'"; iii'W I'd., IH7.t 
 a 'lm^^:/r■;lI:/:lli:'^!^:;|;l:,!'-,:i^:^»l!^-!:;;■|( '- handle, 
 -v,"! Ki."»i, iim ti, Muiii.iit.r;,; ;;,,^ ' \i 1 ■'vis?.,,''';,''';;!',''"' 
 I 1. mhi„a„;.i. as ,„ Kiv,. It „ net; h,,|,| ,,„,',' ' '" 
 rt. The Story of Si«ur,l the VoIs„„k', and the Fal' of 
 lb,' NiblunKs, Lon., 187(1, Svo; 1.M ,.,1 is;; ' 
 hardly ,.ii,. thai n ,i„es {ua e.vhi lii ii'v.. ., ■ T"'-'^'' ',1 
 -.;;o'. hn:, xllll. «1. <-.\'"'ih hi a \i-iy IhkI, dcKree." 
 7. Tho Deoorativo Arts, and Modern I,ife and I'roir 
 rcss, Lon., „S7H, ,„,, Hvo. ,s. Hopi's and I'l", s ,r An' 
 Hvo Lectures delivered in l.irnlinghai i I .d i 1, d 
 .Nottingham, Lon., Ls,>*2, p Svo " ion, ami 
 i'-.!I."''';b;y'fnll'^;::^'lir,"l:i;;"«''"r '!''•' '""nnem, 
 vLo IsTV^'l' ''''^■■""■>i"f """'«-■>■. 'lone into English 
 \ irse, l,SH7, 2 vols. 4lo and Hvo 
 T „ i«^« "','!," "' •'"''" """• '""I A King's Les.on 
 Lon., Ksss, sq l6mo, II. ,Sig„, „f change ; Seven Leo' 
 nres delivered on Variuns Occasion,,, Lo,^, ]8^s c" Hyo 
 12. The rale of the House of the Wolling.s .le., i' Ce 
 and Ver..e, Lon., LSS.s, Svo, Ami see^s o.v, Jl! 
 iuiniKu, supra. ' 
 ("KNKItAI. <'ftITHISM ; 
 • HIMit-' ' 
 "" • 
 |,il'*MMt. ' 
 ''" •••«<«« 
 i: i 
 I 11 

 land nnd stnnils n siiiKor of hope in the streets of London. 
 . . . Ik'tler, fur lictter. 'Chiuils for SociiilisLs' with fiiilh. 
 however liindeqnate for the wnnis of the soul, and hnjie, 
 nnd elmrity, tliiin the ' Karihly I'aradi.M'' with all life a 
 melancholy dream."— E. Dowukn ; Tmiifcriiils and studies, 
 p. 23". 
 "He.'-ides heing one of the mo.«t delinhtfnl poel.s that 
 ever lived (and also one of the Rreatest. if we pronerly 
 consider what dirts went to the writing of 'Signrd'l. he is 
 one of the healthiest, in tlie that an old Vikinnor 
 an (ild (ireek was healthv who loved life ami detested, 
 th(pni;h he niinlit not I'c'ar, 'death."— .I//1., \o. 2731. 
 Morris, \Villiaili. 1. Letters sent llomu : France 
 ami the Frcnrh, Lnn., Isiid, 12nio. 2. Out and lliiiue 
 again bv Wav of Canada ami the Tnitcd States, Lon., 
 1.H75, p. .Hvo. 
 Morri§, William. The .Judioaturo Act.s : .Solici- 
 tors' Fees and Court Fees, Lon., IS7I!, p. Svo. 
 Morris, Williniii liiillen. The Life of S. Pat- 
 rick ; Hd eil., Lon., L'^.'^S. 
 Morris, Willinm Hoi>luiis,b. L-<26,in New York; 
 son of tieorge P. Morri.«, (7. r., miti:, vol. II. ;) graduated 
 at the U..S. Military Academy 1S51 ; resigned from the 
 army ISaJ, but entered as a volunteer in the civil war, 
 ami was brevelted major-general of volunteer.s for hi.s 
 services in the battle of the Wilderness, May, \i^(U. 1. 
 Field Tactics for Infantry, X. York, I.Slil, [81110. 2. In- 
 fantry Tactics, N. York,"|.'<n.i, 2 vols. 24mo. :t. Tactics 
 for Infantry armed with Breech-Loading or Magazine 
 Rifles, l.'<.'*2. 
 Morris, William O'Connor, an Irish landlonl 
 and jud^re of county court.s. I. Letters on the Land 
 Question of Ireland, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 2. The French 
 Revolution and First Empire: an Historical Sketch, 
 Lon.. 187-1, p. Svo. 3. The Land System of Ireland, 
 Dublin, 188S, p. " 
 Spiritualism and Nooro'manoy, 
 Sketches in Russia, Lon., 1886, 
 .Morrison, A. U. 
 Ciu., 1873, 16mo. 
 Morrison, A- F. 
 ]!. 8vo. 
 Morrison, A. H. The Art-Gallery of the English 
 Language, Toronto, ISSli, 12iiio. 
 Morrison, Lieut. C. U. Guide to Court-Martial 
 Procedure, Lon.. l.^Sfi. p. Svo. 
 Morrison, Charles Kobcrt, b. ISI9, at Bath, 
 N.H. ; admitted lo the bar 1842; became circuit justiae 
 of the court of common pleas 1851 ; served as adjutant 
 of the 11th New Hampshire Regiment 1S62-(14: has 
 since practised law in Manchester, and since I8S7 in 
 Concord, N.H. I. (Ed.) New Haiup.-hire Geteral Stat- 
 utes; witb the I'nited States and Stale Constiiutions : 
 with Glossary and Inde.x, Concord, 18117, Svo. 2. Digest 
 of New Hampshire Reports, Concord, ISli.H, Svo. 3. Now 
 Hampshire Probate Directory: Statutes: with Notes, 
 Forms, Ac. Concord, 1870, sm. Svo. 4. New Hampshire 
 Justice and Sheriff and Attorney's Assistant, Concord, 
 1872, Svo. j. Digest of New Hampshire School Laws; 
 new ed., rev., Concord, 1876, 12ino. (i. The Town Officer : 
 with Directions, Forms, Decisions, Ac, adapted to the 
 Statutes of New Hampshire, Concord, 1876. sm. Svo. 7. 
 Proofs of Christ's Resurrection, iVoiii a Lawyer's Stand- 
 Point, Andovcr, .Mass., ISSII; new eil,, rev., 1883, 
 Morrison, Uavid McLaren. Brotherhood: a 
 Study from Life, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 Morrison, Rev. G., United Presbyterian minister 
 at Brechin. The House of God : Sermons : with a Bio- 
 graphical and Critical Sketch, by Rev. Fergus Ferguson, 
 [q. !■., mijirii,] Glasgow, 1875, Svo. 
 Morrison, Gilbert U. The Ventilation and 
 Wanning of School-Buildings, N. York, 1887, 12mo. 
 Morrison, H. The Tourist's Guide to Sutherland 
 and Caithness: with Notes, Lon., 1883, 12nio. 
 Morrison, Helena V. The Class of '70, Bost., 
 1882, 12mo. 
 Morrison, J. II. Disquisitions and Notes on the 
 Gospels : Matthew, Bust., 1860, p. Svo. 
 Morrison, Leonard Allison, b. 1,843, at Wind- 
 ham, N.H.: was a member of the State house of repre- 
 sentatives 1885-86; State senator 1SS7-88 ; and has con- 
 tributed to the press for many years. 1. History of the 
 .Morlson or Morrison Family. Illust. Boat., I.s'so, Svo. 
 2. The History of Wynilhaih in New Hampshire, (Kock- 
 Ingham County,) 1719-1883: with the HIstorv and 
 Genealosy of the First Settlers and their DesceiidHnts. 
 Illust. Bost., 1883, Svo. 3. Rambles in Europe: with His- 
 torical Facts relating to Scotch-American Families, 1887. 
 Morrison, Kev. Marion. A History of the Ninth 
 Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Monmouth, 1864, 
 Morrison, Mary J. Songs and Rhymes for th.- 
 Little Ones, N. York, 1884. 
 Morrison, Patrick. Bible Truths and Teachings. 
 Edin., IsOil, p. Svo. 
 Morrison, It. Poems, Lon., 1870, 12nio. 
 Morrison, It. II. Questions and Answers on 
 Cavalry Outposts, Lon., 1888, 32nio. 
 Morrison, It. S. 1 Mining Rights in Colorado: 
 Acts of Congress, Statutos of the State. District Ruh", 
 Ac, Denver, 1874; 5th cd., enl., 1881. 2. .Minio,' 
 Reports: Cases on the Law of Mines, found in tin- 
 American anil English Keports, Arranged Alpliabetically 
 by Subjects: with Notes and References, Chic, I8.s;;-,sf, 
 11 vols. Svo. 
 Morrison, Iticliard James, R.N., ("ZadkicI 
 Tao Sze," jiseud.,) [nnli; vol. ii., .MoRUisoN, Likit. li. 
 .1., and vol. ill., Zapkiki, thk Skicii, add.] 1. (Ed.i 
 Lilly's Introduction to Astrology, Lon., 1835, Svo. 2. 
 Grammar of Astrology, Birmingham, ISHI, 12mo. .!. 
 The Solar System as it is. and iiul as representcil. L(m.. 
 1857, Svo. 4. Astronomy in a Natslicll. Lon.. Isiio. I'|i. 
 Svo. 5. The Hand-Boulc of Astrology, by which Every 
 Question of the F'uture, on which the Mind is .An.vinus, 
 may be truly answered: vol. i., 1861, l2uio; vol. ii., 
 with a somewhat dilTerent title, 1863. 0. On the Greiit 
 F'irst Cause, his E.xistenoe and Attributes, Lon.. I.sii7, 
 12ino. (''This essay is intended as a foundation (■•<■ 
 belief in revealed religion, in connection with the tlieorv 
 of celestial inllucnoes, or astrology.") 
 Morrison, T. The Acts of the Apostles and Epi- 
 tles of St. Paul; 2d ed., Edin., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Morrison, Thomas. JIanual of School .Alanagc 
 nicnt, Lon., 1862, 12mo: new ed., 1863; 5lh ed., Is;]. 
 Also, school-books 
 Morrow, Abbie Clemens. 1. The Bible Stu 
 dent's Cyclopiedia of Aids lo Biblical Resciirch: witli 
 Introduction by J. M. Buckley. Illust. and .Maps. N. 
 York, 1S80, 12mo. 2. Autograph Album Sehctious, N. 
 York, 1882, 12mo. 
 Morrow, John. A Voice from the Ncwsbovs. .\ 
 York, 1860, ISmo. 
 Morrow, I'rince A. 1. (Trans.) Syidiilis and 
 Marriage: Lectures at St. Louis Ilospitai, Paris, l,v 
 Alfred Fourrier, N. York, 1881, Svo. 2. Drug Eru|i 
 tions; a Clinical Study of the Irritant Effect of Diujs 
 upon the Skin. Illust. N. York, 1887, Svo, 3. Athi- 
 of Venereal and Skin Diseases. Parts I., VI., and 
 VIII. N. York, ISSS. 
 Morse, Rev. Abner, 1703-1865, b. at Mcdwnv, 
 Mass.; graduated at Broivn University 1816, and :ii 
 Andover Theological Seminary 1810; held pastorales in 
 the Congregational Church, and lectured on scieiitili' 
 subjects, and finally settled in Sharon, Mass., where he 
 <levoted himself entirely to genealogical pursuits. I, 
 Memorial of the Morses, 1850. 2. Descendants of Lau- 
 rence Litchfield, 1855. 3. Genealogy of Early Planters 
 in Massachusetts, Bost., 1S55. 4. (lenealogical Kegislcr 
 of Sherborn, Ilolllster, and Jledway, Massachusett.-, 
 1855. 5. Descendants of Ca|it. John Grant, 1857. li. 
 Descendants of Several Ancient Puritans, IS57-liO, :; 
 vols. 7. Further Traces of the Ancient Nortliiiicn in 
 America, Bost., 1861, Svo. 8. A Genealogical Record of 
 Several Families bearing the Name of Cutler in 'the 
 United States, Bost., 1807, Svo. 
 Morse, Alexander Porter. Treatise on Citizen- 
 ship, by Birth and Naturaliziil|ion, Bust., ISSI, Svo. 
 Morse, Clara I-'rances. lilash Roses, (" Libniiy 
 of American Fiction,") N. York, IS7S, Svo. 
 Morse, David Appteton, b. 1840. 1. Report 
 on Dipsomania and Drunkenness, Dayton, 0., 1S73. sv.>. 
 2. Report on (ieneral Paralysis: Critical Review: (with) 
 Analysis of Case of J. S. Blackburn, 1874, Svo. 3. He- 
 port on Monomania, 1874, Svo. 4. The Mind: a l.cctuiv, 
 1 875, Svo. 5. Cerebral Circulation, Ac. : Lectures, Dav- 
 ton, 1870, Svo. 
 Morse, Mrs. E. H. Three Christmas Days. Bost., 
 Morse, Edward Sylvester, Ph.D., b. 1S3S, at 
 Portland, Me.; was a pupil and assistant of Louis 
 Agassiz at the Lawrence Scientific School, and in \'^M 
 settled in Salem, Mass., where ho bcoaino a cnratur of 
 the Peabody .-'.cadcniy of ficiciii-ea :ind aided in eftab- 
 llshing and editing the American Naturalist. In IS77 
 he went to .Tajian and was made professor of zoology la 
 the Imperial University of Tokio. He returned to the 
 United States in 1880, and in 1881 became director of 
 the Peabody Academy of Sciences at Salem, (le wns 
 president of tin 
 ment of Sclem 
 scientllic societi 
 title and lltera 
 Terrestrial Pulii 
 2. First Book 
 p. Svo. 3. Ja| 
 Illust. Bost., 1 
 " It does not in 
 cialions, social li 
 but id' the luaise 
 floors, ceilings, ro 
 and whatever hi 
 sul'jcels. . . . TlK 
 tlie .lapaucsi; ho 
 master who adiiii 
 ject has loiigawii 
 has louiid ill mm 
 — Xafin/t, \\\, .■,,",.i_ 
 "An e.\haiistiv( 
 A'fi'., 1.x 1. ;!|,-,. 
 "As we close } 
 been lingering di 
 land of toys."— Cc 
 Morse, Mrs, 
 D.D., ,„/„-a. 
 .Morse, F. L, 
 F. L. M. Bost., 
 Morse, Ilev. 
 uatcd, first class C 
 bridge, 1842: on 
 John Ladywood, 
 vicar of St. Mary' 
 before the Univer 
 2. Working for Gi 
 IS50, 12mo. 3. T 
 Lon., 1876, 12mo. 
 whiit it requires, I 
 of the Church to he 
 Morse, Rev. ] 
 at Trinity College 
 vicar of Foston-i 
 rector of Littlehai 
 1"'78. 1, Sermon 
 Church of St. Ma 
 Apostolical Success 
 ders, Lon., 1887, p. 
 Morse, J. J. 
 Morse, James 
 .Mass.; graduated 1 
 moved (o New York 
 school. Summer-H 
 .Morse, Rev. Ji 
 .Mass.; graduated a 
 grcgotional church 
 AnnnI- of the Chu 
 Springlield, Mass., 1 
 Morse, John 'J 
 graduated at Harvai lS7fi-7», and 
 Henry Cabot Lodgi 
 view; is a member 
 ciety, and has oontri 
 the Law relating to 
 svo,'' 2d ed., 1879. 
 Award, Bost., 1872, ! 
 •I'lrne and others, Bi 
 Alexander Hamilton, 
 "The only fault wi 
 which IS thoroughly 
 has maile it too popu 
 5. John Quincy . 
 Ii"st.. 18,82, Iflmo. 
 ' I'hat .Mr. Morse's c 
 "I posterity we have \ 
 iKlmirable example to 
 i"K' narrative, just pi 
 Gallon, xxxiv. Wll. 
 •)• Thomas Jcffersot 
 l^^,'l, l6mo. 
 "Invigorof style, .se 
 nod unity of narrative 
 '."■"I'arison with thee, 
 T- John Adams, ("/ 
 •' -Mr. Morse has almo 
 needs,— a ciuisldurable 
 "I expression, combine 
 prosklont of the Arneriuan Assoeiution for tlio AJvanco 
 HO entUic »oc„aK.«, „n.l h..s contnb,.teJ largely tuTcen 
 2 I r l'»'"'»n>l'.'™ of Maine, Portland, im, S •„ 
 2. I. r,t liook of Zo Kv. U„., ,,s75. „„„! „, ',g^ ' 
 fllusir- Bi^u 'SX.!'"'"" ""•* ""='■• *^~,lin«s: 
 tor'i'xl-"!!"""'"'' "■™'''''' '-■■""""■^'iv^'ly illustr«te.l.--.s,.<. 
 F/l!."r']w,.'"8so',""'"''' '" ""^ "^'s'"' °f '''f«- By 
 u;u.r>W.: "«";„'''•«!'»:*«. M.A.,<1. about IS8fij grad- 
 iiatcil, tirst c ass C Ufs Trin nf «f r„i ■ /i m ' s'^'"' 
 briJKe, I,S42; ord no,l srf *"■ 'f"'"', >< ' """ge. Cam- 
 bcfbre t.,e Vnwlslt^Tc^{,,; ^^'^rTto 
 Lon.; IWi' ,':J''"f''"'"f'""".Chu'-oh Mission, 1875 
 ^^Morse, J. J. Practical Occultism, San Fran, 1888, 
 =:-:?' .rsix .fSL •=;£-'? 
 .«Iirin«lield, Mass., 1850 """""""• By the Pastor. 
 s :r'2: et'T8^;» tirV «?'»«N' " "r"" : 
 Award Bo," 18-9^, ^.'"'J^''"' "^ Arbitration and^ 
 ^..^nr^n^roVhersfBott: l^.^cT^o '"Tr^^T'^r ' 
 Alexander Hamilton, Bost, I87S; 27;is. 'lamo"' ''"' "' i 
 wiaH'ris°';ror?<;;^i,;™roS;;f,,L\''"?r'V' "r- '''''^•^ '"•«. 
 has made U too t^ol!:,^'^!^^ ^--^^.Jt^^^^^ i 
 li-t't./lt", & ■'''"'"' ("^""'"o"" Statesmen,") 
 A«'/o«, xxxiv. all. •"^"l'""'o". 'Wi judicial cnnaor."- 
 i^iJ'Z:^ '"''"'""' ("'^'"«"'"'n Statesmen.") Bost., 
 ".i:.'ui&^^{;;l?i -'-If-' ^'.^ -rangem of detail,, 
 i'h"t08rapl,."-A:5(^v;),,' xxxvi 4^0 """"""' ''^■'*''^« "^ «'"°f«<l 
 I ,r. John Adams, ("American Statesmen,") Bost., 1884, 
 -o^':^'S^5^;^K^^;>;;}--',^;y Which « b>o«r«„hor ! 
 ^■' -^pressioii, combi>,ej'wi;i'; 1oSiz!::/-^j^z^;'^^ , 
 main, tl, ■ V.e iVi , ^^r , ,h ''r'T'l"'-'', """"-t'l. Mi tlie 
 Kraiid«.ii."^.\\,);,|,, |;',"«i:»l'''> "I •lob" AdauLs ... by his 
 B,iui88^,'/i::;r"""'""^' ^'-^I'-^l-: aJ<,ory. 
 w'''*!?'^!*^' 9' '^" ^'ii'liL'alion of the Claim of A \r 
 DJJI"rii^<";^"'"''' "• '"'''■ T>.erapeutical Agents, 
 M k'^s'"'i!!,*'' *^-^'" *^'»''*"" Anderson, M D 
 '^n t"''""^^ ^^"S^- '"'"•. l^^Ol -'.no " "'^^""■ 
 r.on'°"8«"',2mo""""'* "'^■'"''^^ "^ "-I'i"" Life, 
 o..i^;r ^^l^!'";,, ^!;«,^«-^ of Alhindale, and 
 w':^,Jrn:';Wt',i"- ■(^^^•)Tha very U.est 
 phia, 1878-8(). rectorof S A. . ^^'"^"ts. I'hiladel- 
 I88n «7 , '."""l"' ^t. Mary's, ^ew Irghton NV 
 Advent, Lon. m\-sl ^of "tl I'l 7 ss"'.''?"^ 'i' 
 I dresses 01', the Beatitudes: Uu "^ "W>noss: Ad- 
 I N:'l!o^;;;,^^^,8'?^in^ ^'^'^ -^ "- l"Hmi.I;:''Mlr::i„nl- 
 ' --r""srad'7?-,8^??8'' »;-' ['""- vol. ii., Mou. 
 of David Bevan Vuarried 1s4'l ^"^^''"t?'■ '^""e'"^>' 
 ! timer, ministerof Gray" ini Chnel T"' ^'"'""'^ ,*'"'- 
 Peer) of Ilnv n, .' ■'' "" "^""""O'ls circulation. Of 
 History of .fob, Lon.. IS 11 ismn <> a ■.., ® 
 a Series of Aneelie an I 1 n wn '^"^'''' M<'^^W» : 
 I808, p 8vo ■! 'Si. L "o'y Fommunication.s, l,on., 
 :from't^-e'i?ble/ne-t: Un^'f^V, 'J^Ii^'^^ ^^'^ 
 about Jesus; new od., Ion IsB^ ISm,, " i"*- '\'"''' 
 new ed IS7« 1. C"Ptivily of Judah, l,on., 1870^ 
 ; ^/MK";^77 ■;:;,.?:''""■'''""' ^-- «- 
 Icarn„,„ from Mr.,. Jtorti,,,..,- "L't, ','-''.,"'^J,,t'''cture of 
 M,7s'm"b""":, *'"*""'" <''^""^'> See SttiAnr, 
 p«i 1 
 Mortilliore, D. The Spirit of God ns Fire: ft 
 Globe witliiii tlic Sun oar Heaven, N. York, 1S69, l2mo. 
 IMortlock, Ilev. Edmund, [unte, vol. ii., add.] 
 1. Christianity Agreeable to Iteason ; 2d ed., Lon., 1801, 
 ft). Hvo, 2. Sermons. Edited by his Nephew, VV. F. 
 John Kuye. Lon., 1871), p. >*vo. 
 iHortl'ock, J. J. Man : his Creation, Preservation, 
 and Imniortnlitv, Lun., KS5U, 12mo. 
 Morton, Andrew. 1. Family Circle, Edin., 1862, 
 12mo; new ed., UTi. 2. Church Circle, Edin., 1871, p. 
 Morton, Andrew Stanford, M.B., M.R.C.S., 
 F.K.C.S. Edin., surgeon to the Royal South London 
 Ophthftluiic Hospital. Kefraclion of the Eye : its 
 Diagnosis and the Correction of its Errors, ton., 1881, 
 p. 8vo. 
 Morton, E. J.C. Heroes of Science: Astronomers, 
 Lon., 1882, p. 8vo. 
 Morton, Miss Eliza H., b. 18,i5, at Deering, 
 Me. : has been a toaclicr in Michigan. Still Waters ; or, 
 Dreams of Rust, [verse,] Portland, Me., 1881, IGmo. 
 Morton, George II., F.G.S. Geology of the 
 Country around Liverpool, 1803. 
 Morton, Ilumiltou. The American Cup: a 
 Nautical Poera. Illust. N. YoVk, 1874, 4to. 
 Morton, Mrs. Harriet, (Cave,) wife of G. E. 
 Morton. 1. Stories of Christ the Lord, in Simple Verse, 
 for Little Children, Lon., 1808, 12mo. 2. Mary of Gar- 
 way Farm; or. The Despised Warning, [verse,] Lon., 
 3. Granny's Tale: a Ballad for Little Children 
 Morton, Thomas George, M.D., b. 1835, in 
 Philadelphia, Pa. ; son of Samuel George Morton, ((/. .., 
 ante, vol. ii.;) graduated at the medical depariim-nt. 
 of the University of Pennsylvania 18o0 ; i)raftiscs in 
 Philadelphia; has been eunneeted with many hospit:il,., 
 including the Orthopiudic, of which he was the founder: 
 is a member of various foreign and domestic medicul 
 societies, and has contributed to medical journals. Willi 
 Hunt, William: 1. Surgery in the Pennsylvania II.,. 
 pital: an Epitome of Practice since 1750; [also] Pape), 
 by John Ii. Roberts and F. Woodbury, Phila., Inmi, 
 Svo. 2. Transfusion of Rlood anil its Practical Applica- 
 tion, N. York, 1887. 
 Morus, J. The New Nation, Lon., 1880, 5 vols. -<vo. 
 Morven, H. Deepglen : a Novel, Lon., 1882, 3 
 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 Morwuod, Vernon S. 1. Facts and Phases •,{ 
 Animal Life: with Amusing and Original Anecdolis, 
 Lon., 1882, 12mo. 2. Wonderful Animals, Workini;, 
 Domestic, and Wild, Lon., 1883, 12mo. 3. The Band .,1' 
 Mercy Guide to Natural History, Lon., 1884, 12mo. 4. 
 Our Gipsies in City, Tent, and Van. Illust. Lon., I >■>:), 
 8vo. 6. An Easy Guide to Scripture Animals: witii 
 Anecdotes, Ac, Lon.. 1888, Svo. 
 Mosby, John Singleton, b. 1833, in Powhatan 
 Co., Va. ; was a jiartisan cavalry leader in the Confed- 
 erate service during the civil war, and obtained the rank 
 of colonel; afterwards practised law in Warrenton, Va,: 
 U.S. consul at Hong-Kong 1878-85. Mcjsby's War 
 Reminiscences and Stuart's Cavalry Campaigns, Bost., 
 1.S68. _. „ ^ 
 Lon., 180,8, 12mo. 4. Milly's Mission; or, Harry and 1 1887, Ibmo. . , . 
 his Mother, [verse,] Lon., 1809, 12mo. 5. May Bios- | Moscheles, Felix, b. 1833, in London; son „t 
 soms. Lon., 1801), 4to. 6. Eighty Years Ago, Lon., 1873, \ Ignaz Moscheles, the celebrated musician; a portrait 
 p 8vo 7 The Story of Jesus, for Little Children, | and genre painter. (Ed.) Letters of Felix Mendelssohn 
 Lon., 1880, cr. 8vo. 8. From the Beginning 1 Stories , to Ignnz and Charlotte Moscheles. Translated from tlio 
 from' Genesis, Lon., 1881, 8vo. 9. From Egypt to ; Originals. Illust. Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 Canaan, Lon., 1882, 12mo. 10. Plain Teachings ; or, 
 Homciv Lessons from God's Word, Lon,, 1884, 18mo. 
 11. A Village Story, Lon., 1885, sq. 16mo. 12. Jubilee 
 Echoes: a Poem, Lon., 1887, 4to. With Haskey, Miss 
 Anne, Addresses and Stories for Mothers' Meetings, 
 Lon., 1883, imp. lOino. 
 Morton, Henry, M.A., Ph.D., b. 1836, in New 
 Y'ork; graduated at the University of Pennsylvania 
 1857; professor of mechanics at the Stevens Institute, 
 Hoboken, N.J. With Leeds, Aldeut R., The Student's 
 Practical Chemistry, Phila., 1861, 12ino; new ed., 1800. 
 Morton, J. (Ed. and trans.) The Ancren Riwlo : 
 a Treatise on the Rules and Duties of Monastic Life ; 
 from a Semi-Saxon MS. of the Thirteenth Century, 
 (Camden Soc. Pub.,) Lon., 1853, 8vo. 
 Morton, James, M.D., L.R.C.S. Edin., professor 
 of materia medica in Anderson's College, Glasgow. The 
 Treatment of Spina Bifida by a New Method, Lon, 1877, 
 p. 8vo; new ed., 1887. 
 Morton, James. System of Calculating Diame- 
 ter, Circuii.l'erence, Area, and Squaring the Circle, 
 Phila.. 1879, 12mo. 
 Morton, .Mrs. James. Clarkson Gray, and other 
 Poems, Lon., 1805, p, Svo. 
 Morton, James St. Ciair, 1829-1804, b. in 
 Philadelphia; son of Dr. S.iuiuel George Morton, ('/. i'., 
 initc, vol. ii.) ; graduated at the U.S. Military Academy 
 in 1851, and entered the engineer corps; served in the 
 civil war as chief engineer of the Army of the Ohio and 
 Army of the Cumberland 1862-63, and chief engineer of 
 the Ninth Corps in the Virginia campaign of 186' ; killed 
 while leading the assault on Petersbui;; in Ju..e, 1S64. 
 He was made brigadier-general of volunteers in 1862, 
 was brevctted colonel U.S.A. after the battle of Chioka- 
 niauga, and was named brigadier-general U.S.A. after 
 his death. I, An Essay on Instruction in Engineering, 
 N. Y'ork, 1850. 2. An Essay on a New System of For- 
 tificalMins, 1857. 3. Me'noir on Fortilioation, 1858. 4. 
 Dangers and Defences of New York City, 1859. 5. Life 
 of Major John Saunders, of the Engineers, 1800. 
 Morton, John Chalmers, [oa/f, vol. ii., add.,] d. 
 1888, let. 67. He had been editor of the Agricultural 
 Gazette ever since it was founded in 1844. 1. Hand- 
 Book of Hairy Husbandry, Lon., 1860, 12mo. 2. Hand- 
 Book of Fnriii I.fthour, Lon., 1861, 12ino; new ed., 1868, 
 p. Svo. 3. The Prince Consort's Farms : an Agricultural 
 Memoir, Lon., 1863, 4to. 4. The Farmer's Calendar, 
 Lon., 1870, Svo; 0th ed., rev., 1884. 5. (Ed.) The Art 
 of Valuing Rents and Cla.jis of Tenants. By J. S. 
 Bayldon. Lon., 1876, Svo. 6, Labour on the Farm, 
 (" Hand-Book of the Farm" Ser.,; Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 Moscrop, C. L. Fairy Records, Lon., 1868, p. 8vo. 
 Moseley, George, F.R.C.S. 1. Eastbourne as a 
 Residence lor Invalids and a Winter Resort, Lon., I>S2, 
 Svo. 2. Insanity Curable: Mental Disorders and Ner- 
 vous AfTeclions, whether of Recent Origin or Lung 
 Standing: their Cause investigated, and their Successful 
 Treatment by a New Method, Lon , 1880, Svo. 
 Moseley, Henry Nottidge, M.A., LL.D., F.U..>., 
 b. 1844, at Wandsworth, Eng. ; son of Henry Moseley, 
 F.R.S., canon of Bristol, (7. v., ante, vol. ii.;) educated 
 at Harrow, and at Exeler College, Oxford, where lie 
 graduated 1808; studied medicine in London, Vienna, 
 and Leipsio; took part in u government expedition to 
 Ceylon and Southern India in 1871, and was appuiiiird 
 one of the naturalists to the " Challenger" expedition it: 
 1872; Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, 1876-81, aii.l 
 since then Linacre professor of human and comparative 
 anatomy. 1. Oregon: its Resources, Climate, Peoplo, 
 and Productions, Lon., 1878, 12mo. 2. On theStrueluro 
 of the Stylastcridie, Hydroid Stony Corals, (Croonian 
 Lecture,) Lon., 1879, 4to. 3. Notes by a Naturalist mi 
 the "Challenger" during the Voyage round the World 
 in the Years 1872-1870: with Map and Illustratiuiis, 
 Lon., 1879, Svo. 
 " We cannot point to any book of travels in our own .l;iy 
 more vivid in it.s powers of description, more variid 111 
 its fiubject-inatter, or more attractive to every ediicaif.l 
 reader.''— .S(i(. liev., xlvli. 593, ,,.,,. 
 " Mr, Moseley not only has a fascinating subject to trrai, 
 but prove.s himself a master of the showman's art."— .IHi,, 
 No. 'J702. 
 Moseley, Joseph. What is Contraband of«.ir, 
 and what is not, Lon., 1861, p. Svo. 
 Moseley, Julia Daniels. Little Zee. Illust. 
 Chic, ISSO, aq. 12mo. 
 Mosely, 11. !>• Miss Alma Murray as Beatrice 
 Cenci, Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 Mosely, Ephraim. Teeth : their Natural HistuiT ; 
 with the Physiology of the Human Mouth in Regard U) 
 Artificial Teeth, Lon., 1862, 12mo. 
 Mosenthal, Julius de, and Harting, James 
 Edmund. Ostriches and Osnioh-Farming. llla-i. 
 Lon., 1876, Svo; new ed., 1879. 
 " Consists of two distinct parts, the first, which occnpii'S 
 three-fourths or the book, being a monograph by Mr, iluil- 
 iiig of the whole order of Uiitiihe, or strutliious birds, 
 while tilt? s"',^1)fl Is an arPimnt !>v Mr. do Mosenthal 0! iM» 
 rise and proKress of ostrioh-farmiiig In the Cape Colony 
 and other coiiiitrk'S, . . . The volume Is u Imndsomr "iic. 
 and will be foiiiul Interesting by the general 
 well as by the ornithologist or the colonist,"— .lead., xi. ...1. 
 Moser, U. II. Book of Japanese Ornament, cmi- 
 taining Two Hundred Designs, N. York, 1880, Svo. 
 "*."**"''!■ ^,^°'ee, solicitor, Ken.Ial, Eng. The Pre-- 
 Moses, Ilaphael, Jr. Cuu.|,il„ti„n „f the Laws 
 on In-olvene.v .,f the Uoite,! States' .md (.'anmla in Force 
 November U I.^7S: with Indexes, N. York, Isf l"sv„ 
 Moses, Uev. William Slnii.ton, JI.A.,Vul ,- 
 ate,l .t Kxetor College, Oxlonl, ISB.S; o'rdainJu " 3 • 
 ohii|)lHin of St. (leorge's, Douglas, 18fi.S-72. 1. Carnen 
 ermn Cnfoism : being a Reply to „n Article by Dr'^W 
 H. Carpenter. By .\I.A. O.ion. L„n., 1877, 8vo 2 
 Psychography: a Treatise .,n the Objective Forms of' 
 Mosley, Sir Oswald, Bart., D.C.L., !78.i-lS71 ' 
 T„„ ,o-/,o ™""' "'' "'" --Ancient liritish Church,': 
 Lon , 1808, 12mo. 2. The Natural History of Tutbury , 
 with the Fauna an.l Flora, Lon., I8ii:i, r 8vo ! 
 B„„L**rV*^; .Every-IJay Work in the Ho'usehoM : a' 
 Book for Girls i„ Service, Lon.. 1883, l2mo • 
 Moss, Edward L., ,M.D., of H.SI.S. "Alert" 
 The Shores of the Polar Sea: Narrative of the Arct'ic I 
 E.xpedition 01 lS7.i-76. Illust, Lon., 1878, fol I 
 it."iH,T*"''l'f*i"'"='"'"™"-''"'"Kr«Ph.s, its wood-cuts and i 
 Pint Lm'ftw t" i'''-' P"P" ,'»•" which a pleasant rivulet of 
 avowedly secondary to the iUiistraHnns v„ If'^'^ 
 lessen is most a.lnii^ably wHtlen."' ^i^. ;Vo.-2 
 12m "**' ''' "' *''*'"'"'"'™"« I'oems, Loi.., 1862, 
 ti,m nf «'"^*/' ^''',""''"'' Exegesis, and Interpreta- 
 tion of Scripture and Scripture lleferences, Cin., 1887, 
 is'^"*1'i "f"'"' Edwards Edwards-, M.A., b. 
 180(1; eldes son of Sir Thomas Edwards-Moss, Bart 
 iufh:rd:'Lt'!:"l"s8'8°";^'8V^-^^"^''' '«"• ^ ^-- '" 
 oniriiif.V,; ;?i,T,', r ..*'■"'"''" "' tlmsewlio are uiiac- 
 ?/rT.isMjies:"-"n;,/:f xx'xiri^'''"'"'''^ "'"'"^"^ '» ">'-> 
 P,;?!; '*/„'•'"!•" »''• •• Notes on National Kducation in 
 tontinental Europe, Lon., 187.1, 8vo. 2 Hand Honk r.f 
 New Code of Hog'ulations; ,88o: and crh'er "dts,t«n. 
 years. ' "' '"" ' "'">J-"<'«k3 for subsequent 
 Moss, Rev. Lemuel, D.D., LL.D., b. 1829, near 
 Burlmgton Ky. : began life as a pnnter, but, decid ng ?o 
 Tj,J'lJ^TV""''i''y' S^'^''"""^^'' ''' Rochester Uni! 
 lersity 18o8, and at the theological school there 18(ii) • 
 ™; secretary of the U.S. Christian Commission I se.S 
 -6o; editor of the National Baptist, Philadelphia, 1868 
 -;- ', Pi'-f .'I""' ''f Indiana Hniversity 1875-84. I. Annals 
 svo ■> fi- ■' ".'''"^f Christian Commission, Phila.;?";^ 
 p r"};l ^.'"^ '^"Pt>»t3 and the National Centenary • 
 a Record of Christian Work, Hartford, Conn., I877?8vo' 
 Mossinan, Samuel. 1. An Account of the Goldi 
 Regions o Australia, Lon., 1852, 12mo. 2. Our Aust a 
 rn^^Tr'^""' ""•'■ '2"'°- •'*• <^''*»- " Brief Ac 
 ■ unt of .he Country, Lon., 1867, 12uio, 4. Heroes of 
 Discovery: Livingstone. Park, Cook. Ac, Edin., L8B7 
 p. 8yo i new ed., 1877. 5. The Origin of the .Seasons 
 consi.lered, Edin., ISm), ,,. 8vo. 6. (Jems of Worn n- 
 liocd: Biographies of bistinguished Women, Edin., 
 12?,;o'^^o *?""''""";i,D"»gl'tor: a Story, Lon., 187.% 
 ,nl •MTn"''?"' P»'-«'g" Countries and British Col- 
 onies ) Illust. Lon., 1881, 12,1,0. 111. Livingstone 
 the Missionary Traveller, Lon., 18,82, p. (vo. 11 Qen 
 eral Gordon in China: the Story of tlu' Eve -V cto ou 
 Army, Lon.. 1884, p. Svn, With B....;:=tf,r, T Tr"x" 
 I" Australia, Lon., I8,1,S, p. 8vo 
 Oxford liioi'' «™'»'"«'l '^t St. Edmund Hall, 
 Uxford 1849; ordained 1849; vicar of Rnndby, Lin 
 CO Inshire 1854-,'i»; rector of East and West Torrington, 
 Liueolnshire, from 1859. I. Glossary of Word? in 
 Scripture, Lon., I,S,>|, l2mo. 2. Sermons I „n n^- 
 •T; f'- "':'"? "^u""-' Catholic CI ur;:h,f''je,us 
 Second r,"n/''" ''''■'"' "'■. •^•' •'"'>" '" 'he Middle of h' 
 becond Century: comprising a Full Account of « 
 ( rtlro'^f IhfF,?""" "'■ f '^^''"■" "--n.nT,rt a 1 !' 
 i.rowtn ot the I'.piscopacy, Lon., |s7;), svo 4 «, i.',,i 
 dairs Lucrelian. b; ,1 Disciple of Bis',!: 'll. ^e^^' , ,:„"; 
 Chu.c,. and. state iJVn'ghind; a" /ItrLon".! Tss^,'; 
 8\o. Also, single sermons, .tc. ' 
 Mostyn, S. I. The Surgeon's Secret- a Novel 
 Lon., 1872, p. 8vo. 2. Kitty's Rival, Lon Is?.^ :Vvo ' 
 p. 8V0 3 Little Loo: a Story of the South .Sea Lon " 
 18,^,^3 vols. or. 8vo. 4. Perplexity, Lon., 1878"'3 voU: 
 ' ■>I.'!JI'..1'"'°i"' •'• '^^S Explosion, Lon., 1887, 12mo. 
 Motley, James. Contributions to tiie Natural 
 History of Lauban, Lon., 1S5«, 8vo -natural 
 I add'?"l1l! ^"7" ''"•••■^"II; D'C.L., l'»„e, vol. ii., 
 iHKi'f- ■; ^^V. ""^ """ l-'S. minister to Austria 
 ; 18bl-f,,, and to England 1889-7U. From 1SB8 he e- 
 Conl n'.nt^"''"","''' '■"■^'"^ """'""'"'' excursions to the 
 Con inent, and a visit to America in 1875. He was 
 elected a corresponding member of the French Institute 
 Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, in I8ti" and I 
 foreign associate in 1876, and received h morary degrees 
 from Oxford Harvard, and other universities ^ 1 Ts 
 tory ,,f the United Netherlands, from the Death of \V . 
 !:.';.TN!'^;^n6o-.!8',%^ri's-8:r"'^™"'' '«""• ^"■'• 
 Uicts a .siege or lights a battle as if l,i were I'lien.' Ho 
 mated and 11 ..mi'fi,. "ii ■ ' '''^''^ '" wngiilarly an . 
 ■ iect'''n'is tbeJ-LlT^r'?' '^"PP'yi more magnilloent sub- 
 . lovs IS not, to our m 11(1, a nerfect stvlp nfivri; r, ■ 
 :iS,^\;;;!i^i^\i:;d'i£HHirtT '^ 
 ; «rSi^ri^^;g,f,lg^^-^;;5^-jf;;-y-,^,,.^,i-.ea,s 
 of fi,"''!"'' '■" '"," ""^ '^■'^s a work <,f the g lest mcHt iuui 
 8vf' '^rHL"^- "";/'"■" ^^'"' '" AmericrCLon., 1S61. 
 ,.^ Ill ^ '"■,'." f"'*?'-e^s and American Demooracv • 
 f John'of^-l^'"''''',f "il^'"' *■ ''''"' I^'f" ""1 l5 1 
 View n? ,b J^a'-.n-'veld Advocate of Holland: with a 
 TmLv .«"'"";/ ,'^^''"'<'* ""'' Movements of ,!,„ 
 Thirty \ ears' War, X. York an,l Lon., 1874, 2 vols. Svo 
 v.rn I /"!"■,' ""^ ¥•" work which relates to the religions eke It nut by the iitroduction from i,,Ii rnv >■ 
 meiMowTU^^'tlie fii"''^';';! "I''"-'" 'I"alined be ylmd 
 pei't inilnd in it a t ionrntrhlv -ftiisf., -toA- i r t <• 
 1^ ''•'', «'■<' «;l>n'"ble s,,ecinien8 of an mate narrative ^ 
 but, Jiough the work is filled with materials frimwlliel, it 
 wmild lie possll)le to cmistrm't a hlngrnphy of Bftrneveld, 
 it iiiii Imrillv cliiim to be a life of tlio A<lvo«ite. Keailers 
 will nut down liu- two volumes with u sense of ImviiiK reiiil 
 II I'oiifused ciironicie of piTplexcd events witlioiit uuinn 
 iitile to form to tlieniselves a elenr eoiiceiitionof tlieeoiirse 
 of the narnitive, of the chiiracler iind policy of the man 
 witli whom it deals, or of llie real causes of his traKle end. 
 '/'he worii ri'ads iil^e idniptcrs torn from their )ilnces in a 
 lonner eonsecniivi' historv. The chapters are not without 
 interest, hnt Ihev fail tii eomposu a hiugraphy."— A. V. 
 l)l( i;y ; .Vu((')H, x'viii. 31X1. 
 :>. The Corrcspundonee of John Lothrop Jli.tley, 
 D.C.Ii. Kdited hy George William Curtis. N. York, 
 1,'<S',I, 2 vol.s. Svo. 
 Mott, Albert J., president of the Literary and 
 l')nl(iso|)hical Society of Liverpool. On the Origin of 
 Savage Life: (tpenini; Ailclrcss, October (i, 1873. 
 ' He has shown Kood reason for rejecting tlie belief tliat 
 Chinese, Lon., 1870, p, Svo. 2. Songs of Heaven and 
 Home written in a Foreign Land, Lon., 1S7U, :i2ino. ;i. 
 The Story of the Che-liiang Mission; 2d cd., Lon., 
 !87i), sm. Svo. 4. (Jhineso Stories for Boys and Oirls, 
 and Chinese Wisdom, L,in.. ISSd, p. Xvo ; new ed., ISSi. 
 b. Keasons f./r the Hope that is in us : Sermons on the 
 Clirislian Evidences, ]>reached in Holy Trinity Cathe. 
 dral, Shanghai, Lon., 1S.S4, p. Svo. 
 Moiilc, Kev. Ilaiiilley Cnrr <ilyii, graduated, 
 first class Class, Trip., at Trinity College, Canihridge, 
 ISW; Fellow 18li:)-7H; senior dean 1874-77; ordaimd 
 1807; principal of Uidley Hall, Cambridge, and lecturer 
 of Holy Trinity since 1880. 1. I'oenis on Subjects from 
 the Acts of the Apostles, Lon., ISOll, 12iiio. 2. Sermons 
 on the Litany, Lon., 1870. :i. Dorcliester I'oeius, Lon., 
 1878, or. 8v"o. 4. The Epistle to the Konnins; witli 
 I'ike County Folks. 
 lUust. N. 
 The Flora of 
 .tlott, E. H. 
 York, |ss:l, 12iuo. 
 Mott, E. T., and Cooper, E. F. 
 Leicestershire, Lon., 1887. 8vo. 
 Mott, K. T. Charnwood Forest : its Air, its Scenery, 
 Ac.: :id ed., I.on., 186S, 12mo. 
 Mott, George Sciidder, D.D., b. 1829, in New 
 York City ; graduated at I'rinoeton Theological Semi- 
 nary ISo:!, and since isflil has been pastor of a Presby- 
 terian church at Flemington, N.J. 1. The Prodigal 
 Son, I'hiia., 18li3, 12nio. 2. The Hcsurreetion of the 
 Dead, N. York, 1867, lOmo. 8. The Perfect Law, N. 
 York, 1808, 18mo. 
 M€>tt, Henry Aligustlis, LL.D., b. 1852, at Clif- 
 ton, Stiiten Island, N.Y. ; a grandson of Valentine Mott; 
 graduated at the Columbia College .School of Mines 1873 ; 
 is a teohniciil chemist and expert, and was professor of 
 chemistry in the New York Medical College for Women 
 1H8I SO. 1. The Chemist's Manual: s Practical Treat- 
 ise, N. 'York, 1877. 8vo. 2. Was Man Created ? N. York, 
 1886, 12ino. II. Thoughts on the Spiritual Life, Lon., 
 1887, ,"i2ino. Also, the prize jioeuis for ISO'.i, 
 1870, 1871, and 1872. 
 Moule, llev. Henry, M.A., 1801-1880,b. at Melks- 
 ham, Wiltshire ; vicar of Fordington, Dorsetshire, from 
 1829. 1. Barrack Sermons; 2d ed., Lon., 1847, 12nio. 
 2. Scripture Church-Teaching, Lon., 1849, 12mo. 3. 
 Eight Letters to His Koyal Highness the Prince Albert 
 as President of the Council of the Duchy of Cornwi 11, 
 Lon., 1855, Svo. 4. Christian Oratory during tlie Fn>t 
 Five Cunturies, Lon., 1859, p. Svo. 5. My Kitchen-li;ir- 
 den. By a Country Parson. Lon., 18011. 0. National 
 Health nnil Weolth ; 2d ed., Lon., 1S61. 7. Hopi against 
 Hope ; the Case of the Convict E. Preedy ; new ed., Loii., 
 lSf)3, 12nio. 8. Pardon and Peace, and some Sacred 
 Verses, Lon., 1805, 12mo. 
 Moule, Horatio. The Roman Republic, Lon., 
 180(1, 12mo. 
 ittoiillin, Charles William Mansell, M.A., 
 M.D., F.R.C.S., graduated at Pembroke College, Oxford, 
 Is7l' ; Fellow 1877-86; assistant surgeon, senior deinon- 
 1869, ISmo. 
 Mott, Mrs. M. The Stones of Palestine : Notes of 
 a Ramble, Lon.. 1804. Svo. 
 Mott, R. F. (Ed.) Memoir and Correspondence of 
 E. P. Gurney, Phihi., 1884, 12mo. 
 Mottley, E. Sanitary Condition of the Town of 
 Margate. 1837-02, Lon., 1864, r. Svo. 
 Siauat, Frederick John, M.D., F.R.C.S., 
 F.R.'}.S., F.S.S., [diile, vol. ii., aild.,] deputy inspector- 
 general of the Bengal army; retired. 1. The Andaman 
 IsLinds: with Notes on Barren Island, Calcutta, 1859, 
 Svo. 2. Adventures and Researches among the Andaman 
 Islanders, Lon., 1803, Svo. 
 " A twofold object took Dr. Mouat to these islands. He 
 was deputed by the liidiun government to lix upon a suit- 
 able spot for a penal settlement', . . . and, secondly, it wa.s 
 proposed to establish a harbour of refuge at some point on 
 the coiust. . . . Kroin tliu opportunities which Dr. Mouat 
 enjoyed . . . one is led to expect a more solid and valuable 
 result." — Sal. Iter., xvi. liUj. 
 3. The Death-Tribute of England to India, Lon., 
 1875, Svo. With Snkll, H. Saxo.v, Hospital Construc- 
 tion and Management, Part I., Lon., 1883, Jtoj Part 
 II., illust., 1.SS4. 
 Mouhot, Henri, d. 1861, set. 35; a French ex- 
 with Criticisms on the Government Plan of Reform, 
 a Guernsey Militia Officer. Guernsey, 1874, Svo. 
 Monlton, Mrs. Bible Poems and Lyrics, Lon. 
 1850, 12mo. 
 Moulton, Charles Wells, a publisher at Bullaly, 
 N.Y. 1. Prize Selections : being Familiar Quotations 
 from English and American Poets from Chaucer to the 
 Present Time, Bost., 1887, lOuio. 2. liueries, with .An- 
 swers, in Literature, Art, Science, Education, Buftalo. 
 N.Y., 1887, 16mo. 
 Moulton, .^Irs. Ellen Louise, (Chandler,) 
 [(iii(e, vol. i., CliANDLEH, El.LEN Loi.lsE, add.,] marrii'.l, 
 1855, to William U. Moulton, a publisher of Bosti.n, 
 Mass. She resides in Boston, spending part of each 
 year in Europe, was for a long time the Boston corre 
 spondent on literary topics ol the New York Tribune, 
 and has contributed many European letters to its eol- 
 uiniis and to other newspajie:.'!, also contributing largely 
 in prose and verse to magazines. 1 . Juno Cliltbrd, 18. m. 
 2. My Third Book : tt Collection of Tales, N. York, ISii(, 
 12mo. 3. Bedtime Stories. Illust. Bost., 1873, si). 
 16mo. 4. More Bedtime Stories. Illust. 1S7-1, s;|. 
 IBmo. 5. Some Women's Hearts: Love-Stories, liuat.. 
 plorer; allied bv marriage with the family of Mungo I IS74, ]6mo. 0. Poems. Bost., 1877, ISmo. 
 I'ark. Travels' in the Central Parts of Indo-China, "Their iirevailiiig tone is of monotonous and tender niel- 
 iSiam,) Cambodia, and l.aos during the Years 1858, 1859, i aneholy. Hut tlier<: are few ballads of the war as genuine 
 and isiio, Lon., 1804, 2 vols. Svo. : "'"' '""•-''""K i^- 
 Moul, James. 
 , „ <• .u a- 1, „.„i a..e more per.sonal poems there is 
 Sacred Poems for the Sick and Suf- 1 _ v„(/o„^ xxvl "" 
 A Womaii'.s Waiting;' and among llie 
 a great range of uxcelleiiec 
 feiing, Lon.. 1876, 12uio. 
 Mould, K. A. 1. Older for the Visitation and Com- 
 munion of the Sick, I<on., 1852, 12mo. 2. Literary 
 Pearls : Historical and Bioffraphical Anecdotes, Ac. : 
 new cd., Lon., 1871, 12mo, 
 the Chi 
 I860, , „. , 
 chow 1876-79; archdeacon of Shanghai since I8S2. 1 
 Four Hundred Millions: Chapters on China and the 
 , 119. 
 Swallow-Flights, and other Poems, Bost., I^7>, 
 ■' It Is not too much to say of these poems that they cs- 
 hibit dolleate and rare bea ", marked originality, ami 
 perfection of stvle. What Is .still better, they impre.~- us 
 ' • a sense of* vivid and subtle iiiiugiuatioii, and Unit 
 ,1-..- - 'lyrical poetry. 
 ioule, Ven. Arthur Evans, B.D., graduated at ■ with a sense of vivid and subtle iiiiuguii 
 Church Missionary College, Islington, 1857 , ordained , iH>oum^muJe.\ius ^.h^vU Istheesseiieeof 
 0; missionary at Ningpo, China, 1801-70; at Hang- ^ Tlie' distinguishiiig qualities of these 
 poems are ex- 
 treme dlrectui-ss and'eoneentratlon of utterance, niiva- 
 rying hanuoiiy between llionght and expression, an. I a 
 islly oinliiirfiticn (if sivlf, 
 Imppy fri'eiUiin frcini thiit 
 S Now licdtinio Stories. Il|„8t ISsii ic 
 Moult. II, Ilichard <;reen, MA I, r«.n . 
 Mon Movement, !„,„., I8s' 2 ^^''^' Unnersuj Ex.,.„- 
 umlio Artist: a l",/ ulir il„..; r ^"'i'","'' "" " '^'■''■ 
 ..r ScicntiHe Oritici;!,"';;,'',^';:'' ",.''- ''?V^"^' 
 xxvlii. )J7. ""^.'iiiu critic. ~h. JJowniv.N: Aaul., 
 iUoilltOII, Rev. \Villiia.n I'll- 
 versitv IS'iR .; ,' K'-Ki'mKed at London Fni- 
 ws« II member , if the New Tf!(..,n^...Ti-. !, ■ "^ 
 I. (Tmn,. .n,| .,1., oi,„ 7?:' """"'" '=""1"".>. 
 fflounsey, A.M. 
 1851, p. Hv,. 
 A Dream, and other Poems, Lon., 
 legation at Vienna, Athens "c"' I i T ' '""^^ "^ 
 the Caucasus and Interio?'of Persia tn 5872 's'"""«'' 
 ji^:i^l:^™\Ji:f5Sp-^Pi-.le or Modem 
 ralely and at no Kreate^lL il'^h t in " ' .'^^'''"""'« H accu- 
 -■^ w, the iiewliA, ^^ t^e 'll^^ll^'Ul^'iS-^/ll^f 
 '"i". »•»., ('/. r., „;„., vol! ii ' ?- "''"'■'"P''-"'-*'"""- 
 „ I'^ems, Un;:7s5n71':V„;;"'' '"""• --I-yicana 
 Mownt, John l,niienslcrC;oiiB(, m\ i 
 nted at Ivxetcr Ovr,,,-,! w'l ? -y-^., (,'radn. 
 broke College I.h? • I ,r , H , is^ ' ', ^fr"^ ''•-■"•■ 
 the Te„.el,,maue u\, P 1 , , ,^,; ; ^^ "/'"< "1""^' 
 8vo ' • ""''•■''""' ""= l'""'"^!-. Un!, 1883, or^:'>;!';^;i^-!^::t:-is^'^^r^'-- 
 .Mowbray, Alfred. Ilan, v I .«,k „f iii . ■ 
 -;l^"g«e.ions,W Christian 'i,':l^'K:'';;;i^: 
 in^Za ;?;,;!'; Jlf|-';«^^-;;;.I.;^.n.n;ent3 
 u, II >■ 'c 1 i^it,a (n J ilenurv. Ki n i«~q u 
 hee llKNnnv, Joii.v, ,„y„.„ •'' '' """ '^•^> ^^o. 
 fur<l. Conn,, I,sfi6 Sy„ "''*'"""•"'' ->•»• \ olunteer,-, Jlart- 
 Fi^""'';U";;;j!/''""^ ''"^"^^ - "- «""-'- 
 served on frontier Jutv m i'pv. i , ^ Academy 1852: 
 resigned from the Z\ly „ '"a"'" '" "'" ^^'''' «"'' 
 the (ieography, ]Ii. or^ Ji '^i ■^■■"•"»"- ;""! Sonorn : 
 IU.gion.sT,f ko'r'th Wf^,,"?^:^ Yo-k'TsM" ,"" '"'"^ 
 >2.«o.' f Studi s in"civi7'u '"' ""-^■■'' '*''^'- '•^«5, 
 12mo. ' *-'"' "»vernment, Host., JSS?; 
 chaplain to the forces^ i « rbadoe, IsW"'':^^'"'''' ''^'l 
 chaplain nt Woolwich since iss? I '■^"-^6: principal 
 Indian SanatoriumV aid a Guide ,'! ^?"""V"■ "5"'' 
 1886, p., Svo. ' l""'biidoes, Lon., 
 Moxon, Thomas Uoiichier i.„ i . ., 
 Banking; 2,i cd., Manchester Is"' s,!i'"«'"''' ' ™""='" 
 T "Sa,''f,": lij"",,;:',™"' '^"""""»'>- -i 
 Moyse, Charles Ebenezer "h is o n, 
 Devonshire, Eng. : gradu'tfl ^f r' ' V"' '" J'"'1»"y. 
 Arr:V'"^?,^.,!".5."-""" P-iociica','! 
 S nVs^ratfo'rd'En^^^^ 7« rector of St. Mary! ; TrT of ^?■■ ^" '^'''""'""" P'="»Jicnls. 
 Kev.^«./Kn^^:,!ri^^ho^„fSe^'l!^^i^r^;"^'^^^^ "' "" 
 iUoiintiiin r T> . . ' i»«02|ey, Mrs., [nutr, vol. ii a. 
 t^z^l!.;;.', i^8«,„^=r'""'"™' "^ ^ «— -. 
 IMoniitain, Rev. .1. H ' n i o 
 Sciisons, Ac, Lon., IStiO 8vo* ^' v ^"'""'"^ for the 
 ara.ion'for Death Un', l"«6, izrno"™." ^^a'''-'' "I'T 
 ographics, Lon., ISIiH ,Svo Classical Bi- 
 'md was a teacher i™'„^nL-' ":""'! "' "' ^oront'o, 
 '1-ne.l 1850 '^eWo '' V vl'S <',"■"'''■'''«''. l«5" I or: 
 1. The Dramatic 
 2. Poetry as a 
 ventures, L;n;:i8^Vi2;:;ir;;^;';;,:l^^3 ^^""^ ^'^■ 
 ,,^°*'ey» Herbert Newman, AM ri M h 
 vol, ii.,add.,l 18i;i-i,sr8 1, i„ii„ i !^' 7.'' '' t""'«< 
 ;:a.ed at Oriil c'l eger^.vH i "^4 "tli'' '''"f ' ^r-I- 
 tiirical Kciilence from oir. on,l nf ), i '"'' "^ '*'"«''-' ""»• 
 yet there ,b soireeiy a sji^x^;;;? i;f il';:;,;,;;!;'!]!;^^;!:;';:!^:^ 
 ils y' 
 II i»»<"«ii«*i.i 
 lbM«MM|aife> ' 
 eloquence, in a very true sense, of a high of'^"; „""' " {» i 
 th" ulmiueiKv notsomueli of liuiKunci; iic of thoiiglit. t 
 is the t"o lUtMH^e of eonceiitrnlion, of viRorous ^msp of 
 Ueliouto irony, of .leep but Hub.lued p.itl.os "' ™btle deli- 
 ca ey of louuli, of broici, stronK sense."-.Saf. •««'■.'''."•■"'• 
 b. Uulins ideas in Early Age,, und the . Kclat.on to | 
 the Old Teslainont Faith : Lectures, Lon., ISTi, Byo, .iu 
 od 18.S4 6. The Tlicory of Development: a Criticism 
 of "Dr. Newman's Kssay, Lon., 1H78, p. 8vo. 7. Essays, 
 Historical an<l Theological, Lon., Oxf., and Cambridge, 
 1H7S. 2 vols. Svo; 2d ed., ISSt. Posth. 
 "Despite errors n judpn.eiit . . . tlicse essaysmny claim 
 the attention of those who read with a purpose. -Alli., No. 
 '^' Sermons, Parochial and Occasional, Lon., 1879, ]). 
 8vo : 2d ed., 1883. «. Lectures, and other Iheologioal 
 Papers, Lon., 1883, 8vo. 10. Letters. Edited by his 
 Sister, [Anne Motley.] Lon., 1884, 8vo. 
 " Especially valuable as future materials for the history 
 of a very interesting epoch in our Church bisU..;,. — ^ui. 
 ^'•Th^e lett2?i in this volume nre all more or les.s interc^^ 
 Ing, and are mostly from Mozley himself »»« t"';,'^ ?,. 
 all letters from other well-known K"";.'" •'",''!? M"^ 
 S?^mi;?s, pr. PuscyX^Mr^ ^^^l^^'^^^^^l'l^Jlti^l 
 iNCWmilo s, 111. 1 ii.-,;j rV, ; 1 1 1 .,v ■ 
 Dean of St. Paul's, and Dr. Lidilon s. 
 Geneuai. CiiiTicisii; \i,„i„,. bus 
 " We can hardly turn over a -.inKe of what Moz c> hiis 
 »ritu.n ■thoutineetinKwitb some striking thought, and , 
 we are every we"e''consci.)Us of the perfect Kood faith and , 
 Jinceritv which animated him. But we cannot fail also to 
 be re.i ndJd not uufrcquently of the fact that KeKenera y ] 
 T^rpsimled himself as an advocate, though a perfectlj siii- 
 K?f adVocale and not as a judge or a phtooph^^^^^^^^ 
 he not uncommonly sWtes questuinabfe iromsit ioi s a.s 
 hey admitted of no .luestion ; and in pns ng n a^'h 'r 
 ous front attack he is not always aware tli";,:'"' , 7*^ 
 tovered his tlank."-H. (^heetijam ; Aeml .xxui. U7 
 Mozley, John Kickanls. The Komauce of Den- 
 nell ; a Poem, Lon., 1885, p. 8vo. ^ . , ^. ^ „„ 
 Mozley, L. B. Trade-Marks Registration, Lon., 
 ^^Moziey, Rev. Thomas, b. 180fi, at Gainsborough, 
 Eng.; brother of J. B. Mozley, D.D , «h;;™ ; was edu- 
 cated at Charterhouse School, and at Oriel College Oxford, 
 where he graduated 1828, and was eleotea a Fe"o« >" 
 1829. He was rector of Oholdert.m, Wiltslnro, 18.«-44 , 
 resided suocessively in London and in Finchampstead, 
 Berkshire, till 1868, when he became rector of P'ymtreo, 
 Devonshire. He was rural dean of Plymtrce, then of Ot- 
 terv St. Mary. In 1880 he resigned his living and settled 
 at Cheltenham. He was for many years on the staff ot 
 the London Tim»s. 1. Henry VU., Prince Arthur and 
 Cardinal Morton: from a Group representing the Adora- 
 tion of the Three Kings on the Chancel Screen of 1 lym- 
 tree Church, in the County of Devon : with an Appen- 
 dix containing a Notice of " Nicholas Monk, Rector of 
 Plymtrce ,'" "John Laud," Ac, Lon., 1878, 8vo , with a 
 volume in elephant folio, containing chromo-litliographs 
 and other illustrations. Privately printed. 2. Reminis- 
 cences, chiefly of Oriel College and the Oxford Move- 
 "'"'^hJ;;;;i;'it ^no?,i:^hii;^.ry of TractaHamsm .t is the 
 nnp hook to which, next to and as corrective of the Apo- 
 ?ogla pro V lA^ft the future historian -f •l'"'^'"!"''^'" 
 must resort if lie does not desire to stumble raostwofully. 
 ~^Above everytlli^ngelse, there are reminiscences of Car- 
 dinal n\^h man dthev have the charm which every- 
 tS ai (i. led vith that mysterious and solitary Hpure 
 'vitaM posses,s!.' ', In one re.spect Mr. Mozley is specia y 
 I ml tie<rto toll the st(>rv of the Oxford movement He 
 Allans the oxford m. vemeiit with the keenest possible 
 liitere'rbut it swith an interest which l.s h storfoil and 
 li.rJ,niVl not theoloKiciil. . . • There is much besides 111 
 aervoMiZstlmt if interesting, and niiich that is amus- 
 i u' 'Vhere are good stories about tiie Wilbcrf.irces, about 
 fe.leacon I.enison, about Domford, [? l>">-nh.rd.a now 
 f^)rgotten Oiiel Fellow of that day, and about others who 
 were Sismd ited with 'he Oxtoid movement, while for 
 Uiose ,Wi™care to reml lliem there are some curious chap- 
 ters describing Mr. Mozley's own theological position. - 
 ''''"Manv'befi?r4 now-Oakley. F.mide, Kennard not to 
 menUoii Newinan hiniself-h.VN;j. ''"'''}]]'±? , ot'^lx-n U?e 
 of the Tractarian movement. None "f 'h ^f ■ ,'' ' ^.Vj ' ''^ 
 fainoiis 'AnoloL'ia.' w compare with the two volumes 
 now llefore'^.s l'?,' respect of in nule fulness, ^ "sc pers..mi 
 ol>servatlon, and churacteristic touches. -Mauk Iaiti- 
 '^"3.' Uoininrsccnocs, chiefly of Towns, Villages, and 
 Schools, Lon., 1885, 2 vols. p. Svo. ,,.... th^ 
 " The earlier book api>eal('d to general cur osity by the 
 revclatlms which it offered of tt.e Inner "vcs o me-i 
 whose na..ics and fame belong to the wof'f,- -.ui ^, ,hv 
 BUbllcation invites our sympathetic interest by the lengthy 
 Snd se tatlsfleo particularity with which it lingers over 
 aiid plays with the charactenJ and fortunes of obscure and 
 stnnid persons This would promise aduU book In tin- 
 Kl;VrfT.rtier-offact chnmlcler; but w th^ 
 the individual is always made tie typc V^t"^^ '^^. ' ';' 
 the class is used to represent the age. luv.. us 
 ''""We fear that, emboldened by the success of I'lf fo"iH- 
 Imok Mr Mozley has raked together the eomelits ol 1, - 
 miirles and noti-books and connected them bv threu.l- 
 o of Ids own memory Whatever the process lasbcc, 
 faithful and graphic picture ol a ptust "f « ''[ > "'C trau> 
 are rapidly vainsliingnway, -'i'^"'';,''.''^':, ,,;.., ,x^., 
 Mozoomdar, 1». C. 1. The Oriental hri t, IHS.,, 
 8vo. 2. Life and Teachings of Kesbub Chundcr .Mi.. 
 Calcutta, 1887. ^ ^ . . n . „ 1 
 Muchall, William. St. Germain s Doctor an.l 
 Student. Cin., 1874, Svo. „ 
 Miickle, W. Holyrood, and other Poeua, iidin., 
 ^^Muck'ley, William J. 1- ^he St"/«J"'' "»»";'' 
 of Artistic Anatomy. Illust. Lon., 1878, 8vo ; 2d cl 
 1H85. 2. A Hnnd-Book on the Character ami rse "t 
 Colours, for Painters and Art Students, Lon., 1880, sv-; 
 3d ed., I.S85. 3. A Manual on Flower Painting in u,l 
 Colours from Nature, Lon., 1885 8vo. 4. A Mam.a ".. 
 Fruit and Still Life Painting. DIust. Lon., 1886 M... 
 Mucklow, William B. Under Canvas ; or, Uni- 
 Worship in Summer Months, N. \ork, 1877, 8vo. 
 Muddo.-k, J. E. 1. The Wingless Angel : .1 1 sy. 
 chological Romance, Lon., 1875, en Svo and limo; now 
 ed., 1878. 2. As the Shadows Fall : a Novel, l..m., 
 1 1876, 3 vols. cr. dvo. 3. " Doll ;" a Dream of Iladdon 
 Hall; or, The Story of Dorothy Vernon Lon., 1>mi, 
 I 12mo; new ed., 1884. 4. The Alps, and um t" >«« 
 them; 3d ed., Lon., 1883, 12mo. 5. The " J. E. M. 
 Guide to Davos Ph.fz, Lon., 1884, p. 8vo From tl,. 
 Bosom of the Deep, m., 1886, p. 8vo. 7. 'The Shad.... 
 Hunter- a Tragic ,-tory of a Haunted Home, l.un., 
 1887, 12mo. 8. Snowdrop : a Story of Three CIhisImkw 
 Eves, Lon., 1887, 12ino. «. Stormlight : a Story of 
 and Nihilism in Switzerland, Lcm., 1888, 8vo. 
 Mudge, A. Strong of Purpose: a Novel, Lon., 
 '*'M'udge',°Alfred, 1809-1882, b. at Portsmouth NIL; 
 was a p-inter in Boston. Memorials: being a (uncr;.! 
 Biographical and Historical Account of f'e Nanie -I 
 Mudge in America from 1638 to 1.868, Bost., 18';'i. 8v«^ 
 Mudge, E. A. Christian Statesmen, N, Virk, 
 1866, 16mo, ., ■ ,. i ,, 
 Mudge, Henry, M.R.C.S. 1. Alcoholics : a Letter 
 to Practitioners in Medicine. By One ot lh,ni.<ehj.s. 
 Lon., 1856. 2. Physiology, Health, and Disease, . .- 
 manding Abstinence from Alcoholic Drinks, and 
 bition of their Common Sale; being a Course ol live 
 Lectures, Ac, to which is added The Distracted \ il a«.'; 
 a Tale, Lon., 1869, 8vo. 3. Dialogues, Ac., a^;iun.-t t ..■ 
 Use of Tobacco. By a Surgeon. Lon., 1 861. 4.1 lie 
 Treatmeni; of Disease without Alcoholic Liquors, 1, 11.. 
 1883, 12ino. .... ,, u ^Qr^ ;,. 
 iMudge, Bev. Zachanah Atwell, b. isi, n 
 Orrington, Co., Me. ; became a imnister „ llio 
 Methodist Episcopal Church in 1840, and has .«ineo Imi. 
 stationed at various places in Massachusetts. He|l 
 the Guide to Holiness 1859-02. 1. Skctclies of MiH:^w;ii 
 Life among the Indians of Oregon, N. 'iork, 1N)1. - 
 The Christian Statesman : a Portraiture of hir 
 Fowell Buxton, N.York, 1,865, 16ino .<. Hie l"-n-i 
 Bov: a Life of Abraham Lincoln for \oung le.iplc. .\. 
 York, 1867, IBmo. 4. The Boat-Builders lamily: o,-, 
 I Good Resolutions, Bost., 1869, 16mo. 5. llustic .ibraiy, 
 I Host., 1869, 6 vols. 18mo. 6 Views from 1"| 
 Rock N.York, 18B9, 16mo. 7. Witch lldl: a lli^l"0 
 of Salem Witdioraft, N. York, 1870, 5";"-, /• ^^ " 
 prints of Roger Williams. N.York, 18,1, Ifi"."- • 
 Arctic Heroes, 1874. 1 North-Pole V;;y"KeS; l^".;- 
 11. History of Suffolk C jity, Massachusetts, 18, ,1. i-. 
 Fur-Clad Adventurers; or. Travels in .-kin Caiioc?, mi 
 Dog-Sledges, Ac, through Alaska, Kamschatka, >Vc., i>. 
 York, 1880, 12ino. .„. 
 Mudie. Charles Edward, d. 1890, at ,-. 
 founder of Mudie's Library. Stray Leaves, n.v »-■ r- 
 M. Lon., 1872, 12mo; new ed., 1873. 
 Mudie, F. Bible Teiujhings and Bible Cha meters , 
 with Biographical Notes by W. 0. Smith, Lon., 18S.S, p. 
 ''Mudie, Mary. St. Michael's Priory, Lon., 1871, 2 
 vols. p. Svo. 
 "Mneller, Christine," (Psoud.) Sco Wai.iiek, 
 E. C. \V. VAN, tii/m. 
 Mueller, EtIuarU. I. Anoiont InHcrintions in 
 Coylon, Lon, 18H3; text, 2 vols. cr. Svoj phites, 1 v(il 
 fol. 2. A Simplilled (Irninmur of the I'Mi Lanituiiu't" 
 Lon., 1885. " " 
 iHiieller, llaroii Sir Ferdiniiiid von. 
 K.C.M.U., M.D., l-h.D., F.R.S.. b. 1825, 't :i,,s,o"k 
 Germany; cduoatetl iit Kiel; removed in 1847 to Au"- I 
 truliii, and travelled extensively, while making orivate 
 botanical researches, 184S-52, and subsequently as ' 
 government botanist to Victoria and as uhytograiihio I 
 naturalist to an Knglish government expodilioii under : 
 Augustus Gregory ; director of the Botanical Garden of ■ 
 Melbourne 1857-7;i. He has received several decora- 
 tions from foreign governments. I. Fragmenta I'hyto- ! 
 graiihuc Austniliie, Melbourne, 1858-78, III vols 8vo ' 
 2. Report on the Plants collected during Mr. Babbage's ' 
 Expedition into South Australia in 1858. ,3. The Plants 
 indigenous to ihe Colony of Victoria. Illust. Mel- 
 bourne, 18611, 4to, 4. Flora Australiana, 18ll:!-1870 7 
 vols. 5.Tho Vegetation of the Chatham fslands. Illust 
 Melbourne, 18114, 8vo. 6. Descriptive Notes on Papuan 
 Plaiite, [875, 8vo. 7. Select Extri-Tiopical Plants 
 readily eligible for Culture or Naturalization, Melbourne 
 I87II, 8vo; 2d ed., enl., Sydney, 1881 ; 6th ed., enl., De- 
 troit, 1884, 8vo; 7th ed., enl., Melbourne, 1888, 8vo 
 8. (Trans.) Wittstcin's Organic Constitution of Plants 
 and V egetable Substances, 1878. !l. Eucalyptographia • 
 a Descriptive Atlas of the Eucalypts of Australia and 
 the Adjoining Islands, Melbourne, I87«-82, 4to (Pub- 
 Mshed in decades, or parts.) 1(1. Index Perfectus ad 
 Caroli Sinniei Species I'lantarum, .Melbourne, 18S0 8vo 
 II. Western Au.stralia: Plants of North-Western Austra- 
 lia, Perth, 1881, 4to. 12. Systematic Census of Austra- 
 lian Plants, Melbourne, 1882, 4to. l.i. Descriptive 
 Notes of the Kucalypts of Australia, Lon. and Me|. 
 bourne, 1882. 14. We.-tern Australia: The Plants in- 
 digenous around Shark's Bay, Perth, 188:i, 4to. 15. 
 (Ed.) Excer|)ta from Sohulz's Treatise on Eucalyptus 
 Oil, Sydney, 1883, 8vo. 10. The Plants of New South 
 AVales, Sydney, 1885, Svo. 17. Key to a System of 
 \ lotorian Plants: Enumeration of Native Species, Mel- 
 bourne, 1885, Svo. 18. Descriptions and Illustrations 
 of the Myoporinous Plants of Australia, Melbourne, 
 188fi, 4to. 19 Iconography of Australian Species of 
 Acaeia and Cognate Genera, Melbourne, 1887, 8 decades, 
 4to. 20. .Second Systematic Census of Australian Plants 
 .Melbourne, 1887, Svo. ' 
 Mueller, Friedricli Max, Ph.D., M.A., [,(nie 
 vol. 11., Mi;r,i,KH, Max, add.,] became a Fellow of All 
 bouls College, Oxford, and assistant at the Bodleian 
 lobiary in 1856, and sub-librarian in 1865. Ho retained 
 his chair of modern languages till 1808, when a new 
 professorship of comparative philology was specially 
 .Tcated for him. In 1875 he practically resigned his 
 chair, Prof. Sayce being appointed deputy professor, 
 and devoted himself to editing the first series of Sacred 
 liociks of the Eust. In 1873 he delivered a lecture on 
 miSBinns in ■.Vestminstor Abbey, at the request of Dean 
 Stanley, and in 1878 he delivered the first course of the 
 libbert Lectures. Ho is a foreign member of the French 
 Institute, and has received the order of Merit from the 
 King of Prussia. He has contributed largely to the 
 leading English reviews. 1. A German Keading-Book, 
 lontaining Extracts arranged Chronologically: with 
 liiiigraphical Notices, Translations, and Notes: Part I 
 Early: Fourtl to Fifteenth Centuries; Part II., Mod'-' 
 cm: Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries, Lon., 1858 2 
 vols. 8vo. 2. A History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature 
 so far as it illustrates the Primitive Religion of the lirah- 
 mans, Lon., 1S5U, Svo ; 2d ed., 1860. 3. Lectures on the 
 .-eienoe of Language, delivered at the Koyal Instituticjn 
 of Great Britain, Lon., 1861-64, 2 series, 8vo : 6th ed.. 
 18, 1 ; new eds., 1875, 1880, 1882. 
 ,11}^" "'.\"" ""' """-'lude without expressing our admira- 
 tion for the work as a whole, the herculean massiveiiess 
 b „' H ''{''"'''.'R -«",nprehen(liiig not merely a profound 
 kiiowledgeol many laiigunge.s,aiid a wonderful command 
 v „!!,'', T" '""K'le 'iir " foreigner, but a familiarity with 
 \aiious branches of scienee,-the Uild originality and geii- 
 ,.rnl s..uiK!!! of ite i>hil<«»pl,v, r,„i f),,. Iranioiirenev 
 unimiaioii,aiid oocusioiml eloquence .f its'style, liy wliieli 
 asiilijec so abslrusi! has been reinlered uot merely Intelll- 
 n,; r,.l ■■ '".','i'"^v^''-' ,','.'," PoPU'af "Udience and the general 
 i\.(iiK.ri ~—^iii,f iSn. liJiy. 
 I. A Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners, (Hand- Books 
 for the Study of Sanskrit,) Lon., 1866, Svo; 2d ed., in 
 Uevanilgari and Roman Letters throughout, revised and 
 accentuated. 1870, r. Svo; new ed , abridged, with a Chap- 
 ter on Syntax and an Appendix on Classical .Metres by 
 A. .\. .Macdonell, 1886, 8vo. 5. Chips from a German 
 Workshop, Lon., 1867-75, 4 vols. 8v.,; new ed., 18811- 
 vol. 1., Essays on the .Science of Religion ; vol. ii , E-savs 
 on Mythology, Tradition, and Customs : vol. iii. Essays 
 on Literature, Biography, and Antiquities; vol. iv 
 Essays on the Science of Language 
 " In irciing through these volumes, we are set tliinUlinr 
 Hl|out a vast number of suhjeets, but'we are fii ly si 1 
 11 '.'•' '","■''■ ,>'"'■ >'">"^'}<' the end of each paperw th a very 
 distinct leelmg ol asking for more. . . . T Lure is i i l,,s 
 treatment a remarkable union of eanieslnevs witli toler- 
 ance. . . Prof. Miiller is really (me of the be-t KiiL'livh 
 wj- tersMif the day. He empufys our language ii' o, 1 • 
 l',„ IZ^ ' '"I V*i"'""' •"" **■'"' cunspleuous purity and 
 gooil taste. —.S(i(. Jiev., xxv. !W, 140 t i ' 
 b. On the Stratifloation of Language, (Rede Lecture,) 
 .on., 1808, p. 8vo. 7. Lecture on Buddhist Nihilism, 
 Lon., 186!I, fp. 8vo, 8. Uig-Veda-Sanhita : the Sacred 
 Hymns of the Brahmins, as preserved to us in the Oldest 
 Collection of Religious Poetry, Translated and Exidained, 
 Lon. 18011, 8vo, «. Speech at the German Peace Festi- 
 va , .vlay first, 1871 : the tjerman Original, with an Eng- 
 lish rranslation, Lon., 1871, 8vo. 10. (Ed.) The Hymns 
 ot the Kig-\ eda, in the Sanihita and Pada Texts Lon 
 1873, 2 vols. 8vo: 2d ed., 1 877. 11. Introduction to the 
 S-cicice of Religion : Four Lectures delivered at the 
 Koyal Institution : wilh Two E.ssays on False Analo- 
 gies and the Philosophy of Mythology, Lon., 1873, p. 
 nf''1''S,lnL°'' '?,5'?,'?'''",''e*' begins by pleading in favour 
 , 01 A .'leieuce of Religion.' . . . The .seennd lei-run. .rlv.a 
 Tb'i'VfJlr"!'^'^"^^"-!"'"''"' !'r roligi'ius of'the woHd.''\'' 
 I 1 le third lecture begins with tbe connei'lion between lau- 
 , gunge and religion, arguing that 'the ela.ssillcation of laii- 
 ! guages Is applieahle to the aio'leut religions of the wod< • 
 i ;.,k; I "•' ■""■."' .^'Vire Is devoted to ■ the right spirit in 
 I whieliancieiitreligions.jugbttoljestudiedanaiuterpreted" 
 1 . . . hroin first to last Prof. .Max Muller's book l.s full f 
 word."-.m?x;,.'!.m ''^^ '" ""•■ '"''"''-■*' '"""^ "f "'« 
 12. On .Missions: a Lecture delivered in Westminster 
 Abbey on December 3, 1873: with an Introductory Sor- 
 mon by Arthur Pcnrhyn Stanley, D.D., Dean of West- 
 minster, Lon., 1873, Svo. 13. Lectures on the Ori-in 
 and Growth of Religion, as illustrate.l by the Religions 
 'l879 ' '"''■'"'''' Lratures,) Lon., 1878, Svo; new ed., 
 •' We must confess that Prof. Max Miiller's arguments do 
 » n'VhL"v ,T '" "'?">■-""", ^^"^ ™'''« niore, Tilt" ,,1,3 
 tlan I ley settle, and leave the 'Origin of Ueligion' still 
 u lexpla.iied. Their value as a popular exposition of tl e 
 ■ S , f , " "^ "."-' ,'""*,' ''^"'"■■J. lU'eomptished, and ge- 
 ilal of modern scholars has been and will be widely, not 
 to say universally, ncknoivle,lged."-.s„(. /to'., xlvii. 83 
 14 (Trans.) The U|)anishads, ("Sacred Books of the 
 East, vols. 1. and XV.,) Oxf., 1879-84, 2 iiarts, Svo. 15. 
 Selected bssays on Language, Mythology, and Religion, 
 Lon., 1881, 2 vols. p. Svo. 10. (Tran.s.) The Dhain' 
 mapada, from the P:\li ; and the Sutta Nip.^ta, from the 
 1 ail, by V.iaiisboll, (".Sacred Booksof the East," vol x 1 
 Oxi-., 1881, 8v«. 17. (Ed.) Buddhist Texts from Japan 
 ( Anecdota Oxoniensia,") Oxf., 1881, Svo. 18. (Trans ) 
 Critique of Pure Reason, by Immanuel Kant: in Com- 
 raeinoration of the Centenary of its First Publication • 
 with an Historical Introduction by Ludwig Noire Lon 
 1882, 2 vols. Svo. 19. In.lia: What can it teach ua? a 
 Course of Lectures delivered before the rniversitv (d' 
 Cambridge, Lon., 1883, Svo. 
 ; "The reader oaii only apjireciate the power and tlie art 
 of the lecturer it al the en.l of the cmielndlng lecture ho 
 pausvs to think how inneli he ba.s leanil, and vet in how 
 i i.ImuI ■'*'""■;' "" 'eaehing lias been embcallcd.Vith what 
 Uieldlty and pleasantness it has been eonveved, and how 
 just a proportion liius been preserved between the part-s."- 
 •Vlr. A'rc, Iv. 183. ^ 
 , ■• He lioe.s not touch on the political les.sons taught by a 
 hundred years of empire, nor on those industrial, moral 
 , and festhetic lessons eloquently and ingeniously deduced 
 by sir eorge Blrdwoo,V lnmi\.eilain |*,J- I ii 
 social lite. The teaeliing Prof .Max Mliller refers to i.s 
 ; that which maybe derived, on a broad view of the matter 
 m!?." ^''J';,'^ v*^ "'.;;„i""-''^'"' ''"'«»"«'■' "lid literature of 
 lUdia. — AIn., ^o. '2hSG. 
 20. Biographical Essays, Lon,. 1SS4, cr. Svo. 
 j "AH the es.says are eonnected by the common tastes and 
 aspirations ol men v.b,. u-ero eitlu-r Orieiilrtls or Oriental- 
 '■ 'A!'' '"".l"-,'.'^"';'.'':'', '" "'^' theory, ,r praetic'e of religion. . . 
 . Like all Mr .MiiUer s writings, this volume of biographical 
 sketehes will be rea<l with almost equal pleasure by his 
 I lollowers aiid by th<ise who cannot fullow him compla- 
 I ccitly nor to all leiigths."-.Sa(. Hev., ivlii. ,^73. 
 j 21. The Science of Thought, Lon., 1887, Svo 
 "The topics dealt with In this work may be roughly dis- 
 I trlbuted under nve headings. We have (i.) a disquisitiou 
 oil the eomiecllon lietwcii tlicniKlit ami Inngniiire ; ili.) ft \ 
 lt,,,,l 1,V ill OXlll'lllr 1.1111 suns; (111.1 nil .'XpilMt nil hlld 
 . ;l<•;uf•K^llU•^ilc.,.\vofklluwl..l«(-■•.(iv.)a 
 lii K iiKiiv tliiiii luill llK' vuliini.'. inf. ""'''''"^ ■'',■, 
 ■k; 11 iiM i-Towlli of hiiitfiiaue ; iv-l h" 'H'l'"''"'"' , ', h 
 r.Mi t>;oU,.i,H..l tu .■..rial.i l.«i™l '1»^''^"V'7 ' ^7> ^ 
 twuuii J. S. Mill iiii'l Ills "l'l"'ij':V,"'' ■ ■, • ,iw ,,, rv r 
 r;. mlist nloro„«l,ly 1ut..|,.> tlu. .l-'Ul"^' "' .■vululio,,. - 
 Al,Fiii;ii\V. Hknn: -livii'.xxxi. ;.!<. ,,, , f 
 22. (Tnin,..) 'riio laiw. ..f Miinu. ("!;«"'',' '"',"'^' '',., 
 the E„«t," vol. x,vv.,, 0x1-., ISSJ, Xyo 211. ( /""-•I ',•! 
 vol. x.xix.l OxC, l^S-, 8vo. 21. liiosrai.liies .,1 W onls, 
 mill the llniiif ol' the .Vryu^ I.oii.. 1«^^. y. >u>. 
 .•Tiic fssiiyswiii hv i-omui to \<-' "'v'"r"V''. "v'lh;;', J,',\ 
 ' ! Y:i ^sHn Iho ilmt^or ol' Ui. ..ri^ji.iiU l.o.n. a.;J «;r- i 
 ilavo "ttl'l in tlVtVr heart, imn. ' «o>ue«lierc ... A.slft. j 
 2,-.. Three Intn.lucti.ry nn the S«i«"'='\ "[ 
 Thimsht ftt the Royal Institution, 1N>7, Lon., 1^88, S^o. 
 2 . Natural Religion : InauKi.ral Lecture at a «ow 
 Lon, 18SS, 8vo. With Ti.kvk.-YAN, .^ih ( iiaulks, 
 (..Philimlus- and " Indophilu.,'') Corresiiornlenee re^ 
 lating to the of an Oriental College in 
 London : re.irinted from the "Times Lon 18S8, mo 
 With BuNvii- Xan.,1.1, (Ed.) The Ancient Palm Leaves 
 containing the l'ragfia-|.arainita-hridaya.satra and tie 
 Thnisha-'vigaya-dhilran (" Aneedota Oxoniensia ) 
 Oxf, 1884, sm. -Ito. With Wenzkl, I ., (Ed.) Ihe 
 Uharma-aamgralia, prepared for I'ubUcatiun by Ke..j.n 
 Kasawarn. ("Aneedota Oxoniensia, ) 1883, Svo. 
 ]i.ins."-A. H. 8AYCE; .Itwi., vili. r.07. | 
 Mueller, George F., b. ISOo, at Croppenstadt, | 
 l.rus"a stu'died at The University of Halle; 'j'^';'""'' - 
 Lutheran preacher in 1826; removed to in, 
 and in 1835 founded an Orphan-House near Bristol, 
 «",iel,, supported solely by unsolicited donations, has 
 become onVof the largest -'^bl-hm^ints of the kind n 
 the ivorld. 1. A Narrative ol some of the Lo d s Deal- 
 ings with (Jeorge Muller. Written by "'"^'f- 1;""-| 
 ]8:i7-5«, 5 parts, lL>mo. 2. The Secret of t'ffoctual 
 Service to dod, Lon., 18li5, l«"'o. ^i- ^ove One An- 
 other: the Substance of Two Addresses, Lon., 8«o, 
 rmo. 4. Jehovah Magnified: Addresses, Lon., 18,1), 6. Preaching Tours and Missionary Labours, 
 "^ MuellerrGeorgiBna Adelaide. (T-ns ) olr- 
 man Love: from the Papers of an, col ected by K 
 Max Muller; from the Fourth German Ed.t.on, Lon., 
 ^^'MueUer, Rev. Michael, priest "f tl>« C<"'g"|';- 
 tion of the Most Holy Kedcemer 1. The !« Eu- 
 charist our Greatest Treasure; 2d ed., rev., Bait., 18(.H, 
 12ino. 2. Public .School Education; new ed., N. ^orK, 
 1873, 12mo. 3. Mass for the Living ai'l l''^' 1^«»''' 
 Uon., 1878, 8vo. 4. The Commandments of the Church, 
 Lon!', 1882' 8vo. 
 Muenscher, Joseph, D.D. 1. An Essay on Just,- 
 fication by Faith, Mt. Vernon 1847, 1^'"- 2y^'»^,^' 
 of Biblical Interpretation,, 0., 186a, Iduo 
 H. Introduction ti the Orthography and Pronunciation 
 of tho English Language. 12ino. 4. The Book ot 
 Proverbs, with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes, 
 1866, 8vo, , , r> r> ST T) 
 Muhlenberg, William Augustus, » ».- S.T.U., 
 r,n>«., vol. ii., luld.,] 1796-1877; becan.e rector of the 
 bhur h of the Holy Communion in 1846. "« fo»°ff 
 St Luke's Hospital, opened in 1859, and was .ts pastor 
 andsuperintendent till his death. In 1852 be organ..ed 
 the first Protestant Sisterhood in the United Slates. In 
 siil! he startid St. .lohnlaii.l, an industrial ( hristiai, 
 settlement, on Long Island. ab..ut f..i;ty-hve miles In.o, 
 Now York, lie also originuti-.l the McMmrial movcn.ei.l 
 i„ the Pinlcslant Dpi .■■■pal I'liurch, and wrote much on 
 evan.'eli.-'l uni..n, of uliieh he was an .■arncsl advocate-. 
 111. I' the aollior of n-veial well-known hymns, in- 
 cluding " 1 woul.l not live alway." For -log., 'ce AviiKS, 
 ANVK„.,i/,n,. I. I.etterson I'roteslant I8;,.l. 
 '>: An Expositi..n ..f the Meiii.„ial of .sundry Presbylci. 
 of the Piotestant Episeopal Ohureh. y ne ol the 
 Memorialists. N. York, 1854. jl. Prayers, V 
 York, 181,1, ICnio. 4. I would n.,t ive alway. a i.l 
 other Pices. IMll,lSin,.. f.. Evangelical •■""t'-Thoo.W. 
 N. York. 18C.7, s(,. 181,10. (i. St. .1" inlan.l, M. ,1 
 „„,1 Actual, N. York, 18.i7, 8vo. 7. t'l'"'' "»'"" 
 lUblfi. not the Bible ami Christ, N. \ork, 1M.9, iMr ... 
 H. ■I'hc Woman and her Accusers: a Sermon, N; V"*. 
 IsTU Svo. 9. "I would mit live alway: with the 
 Story of the Hymn, and an Account of .-^t Jolinland, N. 
 York, 1871, s,,. 8vo. III. Evangelical t'atholie Papers : 
 Addresses, Lectures, an.l Sermons. Compiled by A:ii,e 
 Avres. 1875-77, 2 vols. 
 I 'Muir, A. Studies in the Christian Evidences, l.on.. 
 18R" 1) Hvn 
 M'uir, Mrs. A. V. Dulcie Denvent. Artist an.l 
 Kathleen Brewer: a (falloway Idyll. Lon. .1;^H.;2"'-- 
 1 Muir, A. S. (ilimpses of Prophet Life _ Less, n,, 
 from the History of ,lonah ; new " , Edin., "*'"• P-;^": 
 ' Muir,Alau. l. Children's Children : a Story .1 
 Two Uenerations. Lon.. 1879, 3 vols. cr. 8vo 2. liar., 1 
 Saxon : a Story of the Church and the W orl.l, Lon., l^^l, 
 ;i vols. cr. 8vo. 3. Lady Beauty; or, Cliarming to her 
 Latest Lay, Lon., 1882. 2 vols, or 8vo. 4 0"^™, -" ^ 
 Lon 1883, 3 vols. or. 8vo. 5. Hearth-Rug I'aue... 
 Four Short Tales. Lon., 1883, p. 8vo. 
 Muir, Fr. 1- Stani)) and Tax-OITioc Manual. Lon., 
 1861, cr. 8vo. 2. Hand-Book to the Stamp Duties, L.,n., 
 1862, p. 8vo. . , , . .u 
 Muir, J. S. First-Fruits; or. Addresses to the 
 1882, b. in Glasgow ; brother of Sir William Muir, ,,./... ; 
 [educated at Glasgow University; cntercl H'o '■"'':'" 
 ! civil service in 1828, and held various jiosts till I,-.,.,. 
 He founded the chair of Sanskrit .n the University ..1 
 Edinburgh. 1. Notes of a Trip to Chinee in Kanawar 
 in October, 1851, Svo. Anon. 2. Notes ol a rri|, to 
 Kedarnath Ac, 185,-.. 3. Original Sanskrit Texts ..n 
 the Origin and History of the People of India, tl.eir 
 Religion and Institutions: Collected, Translated an 1 
 lUu.strated, Lon., 1858-70, 5 vols. 8vo; 2d ed.. 8"^ ,- 
 " Among the many contributions of niatcrials "WM-- 
 during the last twenty or thirty years for lie "si' '-Mt;^; 
 parat\ve mythologlst-s. Dr. >'»'';» '■"".'•.V''""/li;'^i^^';' 
 texts must occupy an important plac.'. -.Sa(. Hei., xxx. 
 ** 4 A Brief Examination of Prevalent Opinions on 
 the Inspiration of the Scriptures By a Lay Memi,. r 
 of the Church of England. With an Introductmi. I,v 
 i Henry Briston Wilson, B.D., Vicar of Gieat Stai.ghl„n, 
 ' Huntingdonshire. Lon., 1861, 8vo. Anon. 5. (inin. i 
 Hymn to 'Zeus, by Clcanthes, Lon., 18,o 8vo 6. ^ i- 
 timents, Metrically rendered from the ha.iskrit, Loi, 
 1875 cr. 8vo. 7. Metrical Translations from Sanskrit 
 Writers: with an Introduction, Many Prose \ ersi.,ns. 
 and Parallel Passages from Classical Authors, Lon., I ... 
 '^''Muir, Kev. John. 1. Sermons preached in Crow n 
 Court Church, London, Lon., 1856, Svo. 2. Harvest 
 Gleanings, Lon., 18.-|8, r. 32mo. „ p n t: p 
 Muir, Matthew Moncrieff Pattison, F.R.S.L., 
 Fellow and iiraslector in chemistry >n lolk;!:^., 
 Cambridge. 1. (Trans.) A System of Yoluiiietric Aii- 
 aly^s; from the German, by Dr Emil F eischer : w,. li 
 Notes and Additions. Illust. Lon., 1877, cr. 8voi. 
 Practical Chemistry for Medical Students, Lon., 1^ .. , 
 18mo. 3. Heroes o.' Science: Chem.sts Lon.. 18. -^ . 
 .Svo. 4. The Elements of Chemistry, Lon., ISf-^; »"'• 
 , With W...SON, D. M., The Elements of Ihe.aia Chen - 
 istry, Lon., 1885, Svo. With Cabneg.k, D. Piaoti.iil 
 ' Cherainry, Cambridge. 1887. p. 8v«. With Si.atuu, L., 
 Elementary Chemistry : Companion to " . iieiu- 
 istrv," Cambridge, 1887, p. Svo. 
 Muir, Thomas. A Treatise on the Theory ot 
 Determinants. Lon., 1882, 16mo. T7,i;„i„,r»h 
 Muir, Thomas S. 1. A Ramble from Edinbargi 
 to Durham, Edin., 1843, Svo. Anon. Privately printea. 
 2. Notes on Remains of KiolesiiiKtical Arohitcoluro nml 
 SouI|ityrc' McmoriiilH in the Sontliern Division of fimt- 
 '".li!'. "• -'•■''•*'*•• Kilin., I.H-,6. (This was «ft,.rwar,|s 
 wlthdriw from oirouliilion by tlio author.) ;). Haini 
 Kiliia: a FraKiiiont of Travel, IMin., ls,',8. Anon 
 rnvfit -Ty printcil. 1. Caithness aii.l I'art of Oriinev • 
 an he(loaiolo«ii'itl Sketch, Ivlin.. iMfll, Svo Aiion 
 I'rivateiy prinle.l. 5. Cliarnetcristics of "■ jmr,.,; 
 Arcliilocture, Au., in tlio Alainlan.i and Western Islands 
 of Scotland. I'Min,, IsBI, Itn. Anon. tl. Shetland: an 
 Eoole«iolo(,' .>^l<etch, Kdin., IstL', «v(j. An(in I'ri 
 vntely p irited. 7. Shetland Revisited: an lOccles'iolo.'i- 
 cal Sketch Kdin., |s(l:i, 8vo. Anon. I'rivateiy printed. 
 ». The Light- Ilou-^o: a Sko oh : addressed to my'l,andlady 
 in Limbus l>atri Kdin,, IStil, Svo. Anon.' Privately 
 printed. Jl. Tlie Kcrry-llon>e : a Sketch: addressed to 
 I . V . h. N., I ppin(!hain, Edin., isfll, ,Svo. Anon. 111. 
 Iravols in Iceland, &c. I!v Umlira. Kdin., |st)5, Svo 
 II. The Isle of .Man: :i Sketoli : addre-se.l to .J. S., 
 Kdin., In8S, Svo. Anon. I'rivateiy printed. 12 I'et 
 .Jessie- Anno's K.xhibition of In.ln's ItuDliinKS from 
 .^I<mllrnental Slahs ,ind I!n.s,-es, for the IJenelit of the 
 McK ( luldren's Hospital, Kdin., IS7I, Svo. I'rivateiy 
 printed. i;f. Two Tellings to I'et, Kdin., Ito. Anon. 
 II. Inchoolm, Abcrdour, .\or(h Uona, .-iola S.'eir' a 
 uM-'''''ia,"n '''■''"•'"''' '" '^- ^'- •■^''■'•"''-•i- Vard, Lincoln, 
 Kdin., 1872, 8vo. Anon. 25 copies, privately printed. 
 \:>. hcclesicdoKical Notes on some of the Islands of Scot- 
 land: with other I'aiiers relatin:,' to Kccie.doloBical Uo- 
 Miains on the .Scottish Mainhind and Islands. IMu-t 
 Kilin., I8S5, Svo. ' ' 
 „n, I. 1 '•■'■'•lesio oKy, is valimlile as a siipi.lcincnt to llie 
 (111 hor.slaricer works; . . . and it sloaild ! e' in the hands 
 not only ol every Scottish „rcli:e Ki«t, hM als, of "'vury 
 tourist tlirouKli those deli«litriil islaiols olV„„r c.asts where 
 uTri'i^T.f'vv'i!^ """-''■"' '" i|i""-'li"'lloii while readiiiK tlie 
 works of Walter .scutt or William Black "-.Mahiukkt 
 ^roKi-xs: Acdil., .x.\i.\. ■.ti?. 
 i>Iuir, W. J. t. Pagan or Christian: Notes on 
 •National Arcliiteetiire, Lon., ISIIO, n 8vo 
 jWiiir, Sir William, K.C.S.I.. KL.I).', d.C.L., [,„iI,; 
 vol. 11., third of the name there mentioned, add.,] b. isijl, 
 atGla.sgow; educated at PMinburgli and (llasgow Uni- 
 versities; entered the Dengal civil service in ls.17- be- 
 came lieutenant-governor of the Northwest Provinces in 
 ISHH; retired in IS75, and returned to Knglanil, where 
 he was a member of the Indian Council till I88,i, when 
 he was appointed vice-ohancellor and principal u( 
 Kdinburgh University. 1. The Life of Jlahoinet, and 
 History of Islam to the Er:i of the llegira : vols. iii. and 
 IV., (completing the work,) Lon., |s(il, Svo: abridged 
 cd., 1877, I vol. " 
 "it is a real service that he has brought within oiir 
 reach (roni .sources uliuost or altnt'ctiuT new, the 
 authentic inlcirmation which the .MahoiuetJiii writers can 
 supply; it IS an equal service that lie has tjikeii such 
 painsto .set the true value on tliis information, and to point 
 •1 t' % )"il' ""."■'. "hii'h we may ho,W to ascertain 
 'ail. — out. Act*.. Xll. 48.5. 
 2. The Cori\n : its Composition and Teaching, and 
 the rest.mony it bears to the Holy Scriptures, {" Non- 
 Uiristian Religious .Systems,") Lon., 1878, 12mo. :>,. 
 t.xtracts from the Coran in the Original : with an Eng- 
 lish Rendering. Lon., ISSi). p. Svo. 4. Annals of tiTe 
 t.arly Caliphate; from Original Sources, Lon., ISS:!, 8vo. 
 r.'.'H'^ ^T; -^"irmay not be said to have added many new 
 Ueil in his 'Ocschichte der Clialifeii;' but tor Kll.'li^ll 
 readers he has certainly written an interesting volumo on 
 ah, r'wi^h":;;","^"' ''''"i?" "f 'l'-'\«^""im.eiit succee.led eac 
 ;;r\siam'''-;ij:^/,'«r"iv''si! """^'"^ '" "^'^ '^""■^' '"""'" 
 5. The Rise and Uecline of Islam, Lon., L8S3, er. Svo 
 0. .Alahoinet and Islam : a Sketch of the Prophet's LifJ 
 fnan Original Sources, .and a lirief Outline of his Re- 
 ligion. Iliust. Lon., 1S8J, p. Svo. 
 in;rJ«csTlVc'a?"xxli!':^"l.'"''' "'"" " ''"'' '" ''°'^'""^'" 
 T>~J\\}''""^'^ Supper an Abiding Witness to the 
 ileath of Christ, (" Present Day Tracts,") 1885, Svo 8 
 iiaugural Address to the Students of the University of 
 Ivimburgh, Edin., 1886, Svo. 
 Miiirhead, J. Fiiidlay, M.A., author of many 
 geographical articles in the Encyclopiedia Britannioa. 
 (Irans.! Commprnial Oeography : a Complete Manual of 
 the (^ountries of the World, their Chief Centres of Trade 
 and Means of Communioatioii, their Natural Productions 
 Ac, by Carl Zehden, Lon., 1888, or. Svo. 
 'Uuirhead, James, LL.D., professor of civil law 
 in the University of Edinburgh. 1. (Ed.) The Insti- 
 Shears, and 
 , Phllosoi.hieal 
 Iroiii the I'rench of Ernest 
 lutes of (laius and Rules of ripian : with Translation 
 and Notes, Loi,„ isso, sv,, 2. Historical Introduclion 
 to the Private Law o| Rome, Edin., Isstl. Svo. 
 '■Ibis book [Ills a place not hitherto ..ccunled i,, KukIIvI, 
 lilera ure, ami tills It worthily. The active Ve^'arles, 
 .speeiilalliais nt ihederiuMii historical,,l ,, |(, „ 
 a«- have put a new la.'e oii the earlv liiMorv a- we as 
 he later history, of tlie ,,rlval,. law :,( It,,,,,;.. I'r,!l. .M i .' 
 bead I as a similarly c,.iiipii.te lamiliunly with ivceiit 
 cuope em writers, wbetlier toTiua,,, K,e„?h, ,lr 1,'alia ' 
 .>liiirli.;ad, James I'atrick, |„a/., v,d. li., add.] 
 1. Ihe Li e 01 .James Watt: with .Selections from hi.s 
 Lorresponilence, Lon., |S.',5, :i vols. 8vo; new e.l., I85II 
 ao'.'lli,.','"',!'!'",'""" '.'''.V'""' "'" l"li"i"lo frieiol of his soii, 
 Vrivil e, ; i'""' " ''•" '"','""''■• •■*"■■ ''""It"", lie had the 
 I riMlened and iiiirestraine.l ai'cess to tlu' stores idOrlLdiiHl 
 ' ",~. ' i.eiiiiilied. . . . Hut .Mr. .Muirbead is sinifiilariv 
 delicant m the p.,wer of the biographer.' -,so/, //:,'. vl?. 
 I 2. (Trans.) The Vaii.x dcViie of Maistre Jean Le 
 I ilmi.x. Advocate of Vire. Illiist. Lon,, 1876, Svo. 
 ; Miiirhead, William. China and the Oospol. 
 1.011., ISili, |2nio. ' ' 
 .llllirtoiiiie, V. A. The Crosier, 
 Cloven Hoof: Legends. Lon., Is,",;), lo,„„ 
 .>lnkliaijl. Has Hiliari. (Trans.) 
 Dialogues and Fragments 
 Renan. Lon,, ISSi), svo. 
 Kn Ji''l', ■'"'■'n.'fJ'i"' »l"'l'«ize'',f'"- I'ix 'brnkeii aiol Babu 
 r.iKlish Ihis Isiiiiiie iieei ess; t U' r.iiileriiiL' is moPB 
 't';'J.'.''xx ' 7,'' '"""' '■"«"'^"""--'' »'""" 'm'e .mule it."- 
 Mllloili y, John. Principles of Modern (Jcometry : 
 -'d eil,, I. on., ISr.L", Svo, 
 Miilerit, Iliigo. I. The Ooldlish, and its ,Sys. 
 teiimtic Culture with a View to Profit. Iliust. (in., 
 Tif- ; ^V.'' "o "."" '" ^'•"•^ ^'''''''' •Jn« ilundred and 
 Ihirty-lhrec Recipes, Cin., isss, |ii,„o 
 Mules, IMiilip Henry, M.D., MJt.C.S., surgeon 
 tolhe Manchester Eye Hospital. 1. Jabez llodgcJ^ : a 
 Romance ol Drabbles End, Lon., 1886, so. Ifinio 2 
 SWss/ir""' '"« S'-y "f •' I'-n.hire 
 at'evJ?y"urn''^:l^ll;;:f^;^;;?V^.^""»'^>-' • ' ' "-'" ""'"^e 
 T ^" ^J"" '»"S>-'enow: a Popular Lecture on the Eye, 
 Lon., Iss8, 12nio. ' ' 
 Mullord, Kev. Elisha, LL.D., 18;ia-1885, b. at 
 Montrose, Pa. ; gnoluatcd at Yale College 1S5.^; Hudied 
 theology at I nion and Andover Tlieological Seminaries, 
 and (It Halle and Heidelberg, (iermauy ; took orders in 
 the Irotestant Episcopal Church in ls62; held charges 
 at Darien Conn., 1861, in Orange, N.J., IS61-64; re- 
 sided in his native town witliout parochial charge 
 ISt,4-h, ; was pastor at Krieiid.«ville, Pa, 1877-81- re- 
 moved in ISSI to Cambridge, Mass., where he lectured 
 on npoiogctrcs in the Episcopal Divinity School. 1. 
 .'"?/'.'!•'.""■,"«' I'oiiiHlation of Civil Order and Polit- 
 ical Lilc in the United States, N. York, ls7(!, Svo: new 
 celho,',',,'.' ?,,^™,"''^"'"'''';!',''",'"*-'""''''»"^^''»"''s">"tial ex- 
 (cllenee. the work is not likelv losecure loaiiv rea.lers or 
 •or';^iM'.'„'l'r'^'- • ■ • '','^'"l'"''''>tem,rttoti"d«biss 
 1 w In e«.„n S''?; '"""I''' '" •'"•"H'ledry letter of the 
 i br a'.b'r no nil,"'' "^ "f'"- "' '.'"'' >-'"veriniieiit on some 
 ' hrcons^ it. 1, ", f">l"''"t";» tl'H'ilbe uell-worn text of 
 tlie ( onstitntioii ; to show the eth cal and moral siL-nifl- 
 so ™/i V n;,'"'''™'!',''' "".'"'™' "■■"*''<■•■" i" ''"".''"of b"i B 
 aiidTif ^L I .^,V'""' "'"" f"'"^i;"i'.v "f "le Inite.1 states 
 anaol the gieat conimoiiweallhs within lt,"-A«(ion, \i. 
 n ^: '''.''oo,^''''"'''''' "f '*<"'• »" Institute of Theology, 
 Bost., 18SI, Svo. 
 spnie!l'in'"M-".i'i"""r?"''r^''' '"'"'"■■d's theology, as i.rc- 
 m rv f Mii*'-'''!' ''■'; "'^'V"'' '""»■ ""'"» "'■"'e utmost 
 ,.rl-fi "^ °'^"'l ""^ tlKMight with Cliristian dogmas. He 
 ih'eJleE ,''■'*■ "' '''"' '" "";■ '^^"'"■"' l'i-i'"'ipie of the 
 seem w. In " " '"I"" "' <'"!!'l"«l»'nsive and elevated as 
 I nelfv n 1, ''-'" '"''"'")"""''^ "■'"' """ I'l'iK'eption of 
 ,-^K.--. ""'' nioderi. thought is approxiniatiig, of an 
 iwhon^awTi;!^' "i"'"^^"! tbr.nighout ^le universe from 
 i (ev.^nH, , '■ P I'^'t'ee'l. and in whom lliev coii.sist 
 , ia\elati<ui isthe inanite.station of the Divine nersonalitv 
 ; ChH's^'-"'*'-''Ti',"'^,i'r '"'f'"'^* ""•' «'-'"""= ex .rCssirm in 
 ilo rAv,;i,;»;-„, "^ ''"'''' "'""I's^es "• » revelation, but is not 
 urufea in, n ,'T",'"*"' V' ""'"'"" ^ " ''i^i'ie process of 
 ce4 f ,. ehni''. 'T^"'«' H"' "'" "»' themselves the pro- 
 human. V hi ''™" ^^""'^'''! "! '' "fe "'' "'e spirit in 
 iiSth I, ''^'a v1 ^''.'"^ ''*>''"/.'' "•" '""""'iii-ies OS aif organ- 
 ization, --A, V. (i. .\LLEN : Eneijckmirilia nf Uvinn Dirinea 
 I <.«<( a,nsli,m n-oikcrs. by Schall'anfl lacks^ai, fUivi 
 s«rf! ;;,.*..■ I 
 *' ••"••It- I 
 '•■•>«•■• '. 
 nam*.. ■ 
 3m ^i9 
 .>liiir<)rd« I'reiilice. Ymir ForcfH, rnitl how to uae 
 thi'iii : v.iId. i. tixl ii., N. York, l^S-*, IJjiin. 
 Mllllinlli I.. >V. The Loril'ii Hutuin, iiml Kinilrcil 
 Trulli, N. Yurk iiikI fliif.. IHSS, I'.'riio. 
 Malhall, .>lrH. >liiriuii, wili^ <>l' >licliiu>l 0. Mul- 
 linll, hi/ni : rooeivud n cipiiiipliiiii'iitiiry iliplimitt from tho 
 Iloyiil lliiliiiii lii'iinrn|j|iieiil Soi-ioty I'nr ' ur liuuk of 
 triivela. Dctwei'ti llio Amuzoii uii'l tlii;'s; or, Ti'ii 
 Y 'lira of II Lull J' 's Tr.ivils in tlu' I'liiiiiiii*, (Jriin Cliaco, 
 I'lirngiiav, iiml Miitlo (iionso. Miips mid lliust. l-on , 
 " It 1ms tliiU Kr"ni ii'iTlt wlilrli lii'loiiKs Id II imrriitlvi' 
 tliiit Is plain ami stralKliU'orwnril iiml fiei' Inmi all atfi'i:- 
 tatinii .if iliii' wrlllim ami of word imliitliit,'."— >ii/. h'lf , 
 HI. H,!;). 
 Miilhnll, Mieliae! <;., K.S.S., b. IMiiil, in Dublin, 
 nnd educate J at the Irish College, Home; i« a pjomber 
 of tho comiiiillce of tho Iirlti^h Aanooiation, in which 
 capac'ily ho nitoiidod tho Seicniilio Congress at I'hiladel- 
 |>liiii in issi.a Follow of several learned sooietioB, and 
 a rroc|uont uontrilmtor to the ("ontemporary Kuview. 1. 
 Kill (irando do Siil and its liennan Colonios, I, on., 187'i, 
 ii, Svo. *2. Kurope to I'araijuiiy and Matto (Iros^o, 
 jon., lM7r, Svo. :<. 'riio I'ro^'iess of the World in Arts, 
 A({rieul'.«.o, ('oinineri'o, .Miiniirai'tiires. Instruction, llail- 
 wiiys. and I'uhlie Wo.iltli siine the Ile);inning of the 
 Niiietcenth (.'cntiiry, l,on., IS.sil, er. Svo. 
 " II bristles Willi IlKiires ; but so striking are some of the 
 foiitnres pre.>.eiiti so interestin« snnio oi' thi' siibji'cls 
 dealt with, thiit o\eii teiieriil readers may derive Iroin its 
 jpenisal a considerable Miiniiiiil of pleasure. . . . rnfortu- 
 iiulely lor Ills renders, imuiy of the Pnures presented are 
 altogether inisleadliii;."— .li'U'(., xvlli. 71. 
 4. Tho l!alance-Slioet of tho World, 187l)-Sll, Lon., 
 1S81, |i. Svo. 0. A iJiotionary of Statistics, Lon., 1SS:I, 
 p. Svo. ti. History of Prices .since tho Year ISaO, Lon., 
 18S5, er. Svo. 
 "Mr. Mulhall's little volume has called for Inflnlte 
 labour on the part of the author, and de.serves careful 
 study from the reader."— .Ico//., x.xix. 3'J. 
 7. Fifty Years I , National I'ro^rees, 1S:)7-1S87, I.on., 
 1S87, p. Svo. Wi 'i Mir.ii.M.i., E. T., The Argoniine 
 Uepublic: a Ilandiiook of the River Plate, Lon., ISliU; 
 new ed., ISSii. 
 Mulberon, John J. The Collective Investigation 
 of Iliphtheria iia conducted by the " Therapeutic (ia- 
 zelte, Detroit, Michigan : with Editorial .Suaiuiary, De- 
 troit, I SSI), Svo. 
 Mulhollaild, niss Clnrn. I. (Tnina.) The Little 
 Hunch!; lok, by the Cointcsse ile Segur, Lon., 1S76, l2ino; 
 now ed., ISSIj. 2. The Little Ilogtrottors : or, A Few 
 Week." at Coniaorc, Lon., 187S, iL'ino. H (Trans.) Mya- 
 tical Flora of St. Francis de Sales, Ion., 18S0. Itlino. 
 4. Naughty Miaa Uunny: a Story for Little Children, 
 Lon., 1SS2, p. Svo. .i. Linda's Miafortunoa; and Little 
 Urian's Trip to Dublin, Lon., 1SS5, 12mo. (!. The Miser 
 of King's Court, Lon., ISS7, or. Svo. 7. Percy'.-! Ue- 
 venge, Dublin, 1SS7, 12nio. 
 MullioHaiid, Aliss IIo!ih, h. at lielfast, Ireland ; 
 daughter of the late Dr. Joseph Stevenson .Mulholland; 
 wrote at an early age tales and poems which were pub- 
 lished by Cliarloa Diekens in Ail the Y'ear liound. 1. 
 Heater's History, Lon., I Still, 2 vols. ]i. Svo. Anon. 2. 
 The Wicked Woods of Tobereovil, Lon., 1872, 2 vols. p. 
 Svo. 3. Tho Little Flower-Seokers : being the Adven- 
 tures of Trot anil Daisy, Lon., 1874, sq. Itiino. 4. Puck 
 and BloBsoiu I a Fairy-Tale, Lon., 1S74, liinio. 5. Eldcr- 
 gowan; or, Twelve Months of my Life, and other Tales, 
 Lon., 1S74, 12mo. 0. Five Little Fanners, Lon., 1S7d, 
 Ifimo. 7. Tho Wild liirds of Killeevy, Lon. 8. The 
 (Jreat Cranberry Quarrel, Lon. it. Holy Childhood. 10. 
 Prince and Saviour: tho Story of Jesus siui|ily told, 
 Lon., 187J. 11. Four Little Misohiefs. lllust. Lon., 
 1SS2, p. Svo. 12. (Jenls for the Y'oung from Favourite 
 Poots, Lon., 18S3, )i. Svo. 13. Hetty (iray; or. No- 
 body's Bairn, Lon., 18S3, p. .Svo. 14. The Walking 
 Trees, and other Tales. lllust. Lon., 1SS4, p. Svo. 15. 
 \agrant Verses, Lon., ISSli, p. Svo. 16, The Late Miss 
 Hollingford. lllust. Lon., ISSli, p. Svo. 17. Mareolhi 
 Grace: an Irish Novel, Lon., 1S.S6, or. Svo. IS. A Fair 
 Emigrant: a Novel, Lon., 1888, cr. Svo. lH. tiiannctta: 
 a Girl'a Story of Herself. lllust. Lon., 1SS8, p. Svo. 
 Mull, M. Shakespeare, Lon., 1883, Svo. Privately 
 printed. (C.-insists ..f proposed einendfttions of the text.) 
 Mullail, Capt. John. 1. Report on the Construc- 
 tion of a Military Road from Fort Walla- Walla to Fort 
 Benton. Pub. by U.S. Gov't. Wash., 1863, Svo. 2. 
 The Miner's and Traveller's Guide to Oregon, Washing- 
 ton, ic., N. York, 1865, 12iuo. 
 .tlilllnny, Patrick PrnnciN« [" Brother Azarlas," 
 pseud.,] b. IN 17, in County Tipporary, Ireland: removed 
 when very young to tho I'nlted Stiilos, iinil at the ago ol 
 Hfteon joined tho brolliora of the Christian Hchocds. IL 
 bocanie professor of inathi!niati"s »i\C English litoraluro 
 at Rock Hill College. Kllieoit .ty, Md., in Isil6, ami 
 president of tliat institution in IS7M. Ho hiis con. 
 tribulod froipiontly to the Aniorioun Catholic Qi torly 
 lleviow, and bis leotures on Daiilo and ArislotI hav. 
 boon reail at the Concord School of Philosophy. 1. .\o 
 E-say eontribiiting to a Philosoiihy of Lilioiituro. ll» 
 II. A. .M. I'hila., 1S77. 2. The Developineni of English 
 Litoniliire: the Old English Period, lly Brother A/.nrins 
 N. York, IS71I, 12mo. 3. The Culture of Ihe Spiritual 
 Sense. ISS7. 4. .Aristotle and the Ciiristian Church ; .in 
 Essay, Lon., I8SS, cr. Svo. 
 Milllt'liger, 'I'hoiiinNi Tho Notice to (jiiit, cum 
 tho Iiiviiiition, Lon., IS.i2. p. Svo. 
 .>liillfiig, .Mrit. Iliiiinnli C'litheriiie, wil'eof Uct. 
 J. .Mullens, ill/ill. I. Tho Missionary on the tlaiigo': 
 or, What isChrisliiinity y Lon., 1857, Himo. 2. Faith an I 
 Victory; or, Tho Progress of Christianity in llonjinl, 
 Lon., lS6j, 12ino; 2d ed., IS67. 3. P isanna mid 
 Krainini : the History of a Y'oung Hindu, Lon., |s»,,. 
 p. Svo. 
 .Millions, Kev. Joseph, D.D., d. 18711; a Noncon. 
 foriuist minister; was a missionary in India, mid sub- 
 ae(|ucntly foreign secretary of the London .Missionaiy 
 Soeioty. I. Missions in South India Visited and De- 
 scribed, Lon., IS55, Svo. 2. Prizu Essay: Uoligioiis 
 Aspects of Hindu Philosophy, Lon., 1S6U, p. Svo. 3. 
 Brief Meuioriiils of Alphonse 1'. Laeroi.x, Lon,, IS02, f|.. 
 Svo. 4. Ten Years' .Missionary Labours in India, Is.iL'- 
 ISfil, Lon., Isii.l, Svo. 5. London and Calcutta Coin- 
 pared, Lon., IsiiS, l2ino. ti. Twelve Months in Maibi 
 gascar. lllust. Lon., |S75, p. Svo. 
 " Dr. Mullens, theaulhor of this volume, isa gentleiiiiiu 
 (if varied and extensive kiuiwledite. his experience till 
 iKiw Imviiig belli more especially (Irieutal ; imireiiver, lioili 
 he and his eolb-at-ue, Mr. I'illans, a director of tlie l.oii- 
 dun Missionary Scciety, have proved tlieniscdvcs acute oli- 
 servers, for, alllioUKh they spent only a year in MadiiKiiscHi. 
 they have collected as niiieh information as most people 
 ttcmld acipiire In a prolonged residence of many years. '— 
 .4(/i., So. J 184. 
 MUllur. Seo MiKi,i,En. 
 Mulley, E. Archie's Sweetheart, and other Storie.s, 
 Lon., 1S77, p. Svo. 
 Mulley« June. Songa and Games for our Little 
 Ones: with Music by M. E. Tabrain, Lon., 1SS2, 12uio; 
 2d ed., 18S4. 
 Mnllin, J. P. Modern Moulding and Pattern- 
 .Making. lllust. Lon., ISSli, p. Svo. 
 Miillinger, James Bass, M.A., b. 1S34, at 
 Biahop-Stortford, Hertfordshire, Eng. : was educated iit 
 University College. London, and at St. John's College, 
 Cambridge, where he graduated in 1866 with honor.- in 
 ehissics and moral sciences. Ho was for two yours lec- 
 turer on history at Bedford College, London, and after- 
 wards returned to Cambridge m lecturer on history and 
 librarian to St. John'a College and lecturer on the iii«- 
 tory of education to the university. He hus contribute I 
 largely to periodioula. 1. Cambridge Churaeteristics in 
 the Sevenloonth Century; or. The Studies of the Unl- 
 versity, and their InHuence on the Character iind 
 Writing of the Most Distinguished Graduates, during 
 that Period, Lon., IS67, p. Svo. (The Lo Bus Prize 
 Es.say for 1866.) 
 ■' It is a very entertaining and readable book. . • . There 
 is little, we must confess, to convince us of a lirst-liaihl 
 aciiuaintauec. on the essayist's part, wilh the t;remer por- 
 tion of the philosoiihie writers to wlioiu he in this iiart 
 Ithe 4th chapter] ot the book refers."— .SVi/. Ha'., xxiw iW. 
 2. Tho Ancient African Church : its Rise, Inllucnce, 
 and Decline, Lon., 1869, p. 8vo. 3. The University of 
 Cambridge, Cambridge, 1S73; now ed., 1S76, Svo, 4. 
 The Schools of Charles the Groat and the Restoration of 
 Education in the Ninth Century, (Kayo Prize Es^ay,) 
 Lon., 1 877, Svo. 
 "It will take its place as a useful help to special students 
 of the ' Dark Ages.' "—fiat. Rev., xllv. 210. 
 " His nccoiint of the education sought to be iinplaiitisl 
 bv Charles and his successors, and the iierlia|is moic valu- 
 able educational impulses given by them, is very plciisaiit 
 reading.' — f^po^Uitop, 1. 1,'81. 
 5. 'f ho University of Cambridge from the Koviil In- 
 junctions of 1535 to the Accession of Charles the First, 
 Cambridge. 1884, Svo. 
 " The author has gathered his materials with ins old 
 care, only his grasp of the relative signlHcance of his fuels 
 is now surer and his judgment more Independem. lie is 
 mv"' ' ''""'P"" "'"' '""f* "f »n hl.torlan."-,l(A„ No, 
 .1. History of tho |-niv«r.ll,v of CniiibrldKo. (" Kp„„h» 
 "f Churoh lll,tor.v,"i l,,m., Ihsh, ,,. Sv„. And .ocM) " - 
 niNKii. Samiki. Rawhon, «,,,„„ 
 tree I, ,mn,« trcu Lil.riiriu. iiixl Nmvs-Huoin.: 
 efrTH-')'" "' ''"""«"""""'''"'"•. "^"1'. !>• «vo; now 
 HoizBtl by It Shivilciw, f,c)n., I,SH6, 
 ,, ,'",""!'''• )^' W. Cuntor. nn<l the llnguo: an Event. 
 (ul MX Mt.iilli. ill Chlnii, I,(,n., 1M76. ,,. sv„ 
 Miinlord, O.M.rKe. I. Anal.v.l- „f ilio |)„i.ioi.(liiv 
 I/ifo of St. Alplion^uK I.iniioi-i 
 .Yliillioii, KiiMC 
 Ji. Hvii, 
 IHiillnck, J. T 
 IS74, lNi„„. 
 Miilock, Dinah Maria. See Cbaik, Mhs. D JI 
 '7,"!^"'*', "''*'• *'"»'••<•'' ••elham, 1S35-1885, b 
 in Uuhliii; ,.,luc,it..,l at Trinity Cullugo; servo.l ii.< »iir. 
 Keon In the llrili.,!, nuvy, iiikI in I.s72 t,ml< (,r.| in Iliv 
 Angltciin Cliurcli ; liold scvenil cuniuiiN in C'anii.iii ■ w.ia 
 lor soiiio time iiioistiint profesHor of diL-sics iit Umn- 
 villc, but .luvutiMl tlio liuter y.Mir. of l,i. life to litera- 
 turo. 1. l.yriMoi History lui^l Lifu, I ssil. 2. Ili-torv 
 of tho County i,f IJrant, Ontario, IJrantlbrii, iss.j. .) 
 loronto, Past nn.l Privunt. Toronto, I,s84. 4. Thu His' 
 lory of the Northwest Uebclli.,n of 1.S85, lH8j. 
 . *!'!''y'"'".' ••• ^'u^liul'Ty for tho Lower Stnndard 
 in Ilin(lu|<tani, l,un., 1SS4, iL'iiio. 
 I'm,"""""'"'* ^^"^ <-'«'l'ulio Sorlpturist, Lon., 1866, 
 iMumlbrd, ThoinilM J. Mem.iirof Samuel Joseph 
 .May, llo>t.. Is,. I, |i;i„„; newel,, Is;-, ' 
 Mumler, William 11. Personal Experiences in 
 S|iirit-PhotoKi;,phv, Host., 1875, llimo 
 /^""'•y','V»»>ur Joseph,. M, A., b. 1829; Kra,luato,l 
 at Irinity C'olloge, Cambri.lge ; calle,| to tho bar at Lin- 
 eolns (nn Is.iS. l. Henoni : P.iems, Lon., 18,i2, 12ino 
 i. \ erees, .New an.l 01.1, Lon., I8li5, l2mo. ,t. Dorothy • 
 a Country .Story in KleKiae Verse, Lon., 1880,1) 8vo' 
 Anon. ' 
 •■Tlio .story ami the treatment alike are lioniclv In the 
 extreme, JUS 1. mHy as those empluye.l l,y Z If e 
 Hoth eol ToLTiia-Viiolieh,' I,,, tliey art sustal e and 
 1 Imniiiuted l,> at least as imiel, ilistiii.aioti l.f s lyfe 
 1 he piwm is orl^Miml and heamlfnl."-.s,,(. Hiv., lii 117 ' ' ' 
 .tluilby, !■ I. A Popular Analysis of the Educa- 
 tion Act: 2a cd Lon., 1870, Svo. 
 .Wuiiday, Eugene H. 1. Tho Cost of Paper; com- 
 pute,! and tabulated for the Printer ami tho Publisher 
 I hila.. 18,0, Ip. 8vo. 2. Cabinet Poems, Phila., 1870 
 8111. llo. • '■• 
 Miiiide, Paul FortuiiatuR, M.D., b. 18 lo in 
 I)res,len, .Saxony; gradual,',! in mclieine at Harvard 
 tollcgo iMih; served as battalion surgeon of liavaiiiin 
 troops in tho Pranco-Prussiau war, an,l in is;*" sol 
 tied in Now York to iiraetise, making a specialty of 
 gyniBcology, of which branch ho was profes.sor at Dart- 
 luouth, and afterwards at tho Now York Polyclinic Ho 
 has edited the American Journal of Obstetrics since 
 ,, , •„^'"-' I^'Kgnosis an,l Treatment of Obstetric 
 (ascs by External (Abdominal) E.xaminalion and Ma- 
 nipulation, N York, 1880, Svo. 2. Minor Surgical Gyn- 
 ecology : a Manual of Uterine Diagnosis and the Lesser 
 Jeohnicalitios of (iyncoological Practice, N. York 1880 • 
 -M <•.!., rev., cnl., LSS.'i. :). A Sketch of tho Managomen; 
 ol Pregnancy, Parturition, and tho Puerperal State 
 -Normal and Abnormal, Detroit, 1887, I2mo. ' 
 illiindy, D. L. Rol.imahana: tho Boiling Springs 
 of New Zealand ; 2u ed„ Lon., 1875, imp. 4to. 
 .nundy, .Mrs. Harriet Oeorgiiia, * d. 18,86; 
 niece of Mary Brampton, (1773-18lt;.) (E,!., The Jour! 
 iial of Mary Frampton, from the Year 1779 until the 
 Year 181 ., inoUuling Various Interesting and Curious 
 bettors, Anecdotes, &o., rel.iting to Events which oc- 
 curred during that Period: with Notes, Lon., 1885 8vo 
 iii'lie'eiilUlelf'lTi',! "i"' '""•■■«""« a>i'l very readable yoh 
 i, tir^. ■ } ■^'"' ;'"""'"• "t Mary Kramptoir .scarcely 
 justiry that desiKiiatioii It eonsist.s manly of letters 
 01 uie period to which they relate."— .V(((, Jtev., Ix 6"! 
 .luiidy, Uear-Admiral Sir llodney, K.C B 
 n'/'v'' ,- ":.' '"^^■'^ . "•'^'•'^' " "'"'■'iiJi'l' at Palermo 
 and Naples during the Italian Revolution, 1859-1801 • 
 with Notices of Garibaldi, Francis II., and Victor Em- 
 liianuel, Lon., 18G3. 
 Ai"lv'.%^''"' """"^'"K <"• Instructive matter."-sw. 
 llo„k of .N„rl„lk. Lon.. |,s,',7. Svo; new ed., 1871. 
 Iho I"" l»''rivalioii ot tho .Name, of Towns, 4o„ In the 
 toiinly ,d .Vorfolk. Lon,, 1871, Svo 
 .,.;I!i'."*rv' *'*'"f5'; "■^""•- !• '-'•""■"■ 'I'lio 
 .lewols (d \ irgiiiia, P.iehiiion,!, l8,-,7, Svo ■> Tli,. T,v„ 
 1 arsons, Cnpi.l's Sports, The Dream, and The Jewels 
 Hielm'ion','l',''i8s"' Hv,, ''"''''''°''' ^^"'"^ "' "'" '^""""•• 
 MllllBer, V, The Chronology of lliblo History, ami 
 ho« to lemeiober it, .\, V„rk. IsrO, 12 
 inilllK,.!-, (Jt.„,„,. <;. ,. „„ the Appli,ati,m of 
 SoiVr """v"i^'','"'- ■■^'■K'"'"''" in I'"vor of Woman 
 j sullnn;,', N. York. l.ssL', Svn. 
 I ,a*^""''',V''' "'",*• ''■•'•'"••ore ThoriitoH, DD., b. 
 I 1830, at iambridge, Clnnanwo Co., .\.V.; gni.lualed at 
 Ulo College M, aiol at Vale Theologi,.,.! Seminarv 
 .'^'''J',"!''"''"' <-"nK'-'-'K"tional churches in Mas.saehu- 
 sett.s 18jI,-,,, ; live,! in .San Jose, Cal., un,! e.-tablisheil a 
 (,mgregational church there 187,^-70; was pastor at 
 -North Adams Mass.. 1870-8,-,, an,! has since ha,! .diargo 
 of tho nite,! Church, .New Haven, Conn. 1. On the 
 1 hreshidd, liost., 1881, !2nio. 2. The Kreclom of Faith, 
 '^s)To' ' " "^u"?' ■■'• '"""I'" "'"' '"'"1'^ "<"'• 
 i'.' ''."'"•.. ■*• ^•'o 'M'I«-'"I '" I'''". li"»t., 18,H7, l2mo 
 .nuiik, nillinin, M.I)„ F,S.A., was e,!ucale,l at 
 University Colle,,., l.„ndon, an,! at tlio Universin ,"f 
 Loyden, where he look his mclical ,!egree in Is:i7: h„. 
 came a member of the Royal C„lR.go „r Physi.'ians isi I, 
 and a l-elow IS.M; elecle,! llarveian librarian of the 
 college in ISj7, ami was senior censor in 1882 Ho has 
 boon conneeted witli several Lon.lon liospitals. 1. Roll 
 •;'"", "7"', <-""-«« ,f Niysicians of'l.on.lon, Lon., 
 m, nVl ' ; ■ )' :■ '■';■• -• .'■•"•''"■""i" ; -r. McHcal Treat- 
 ment in An! ol an Easy Death, Lon., I8S7 t 8vo 
 I ?I"»n, Uavid. 1. The Theory of Arithmetic, Edin., 
 A,.i ; •'• , "-I • /:"■"""' "'""' »" "»' ■•■'•nching of 
 fire! iV ' Vv *?• u Hl'^"'y "'■ "'" JX-'lension of the 
 [s r.„, ^'l- 'V" ,"'° V"'""J ■'*'"""'• «"!' livideneeof 
 Its Impending lal! : vol. i., Cleveland, 1875, 8vo 
 Munii, W. A. The Barr and Frame Bec-Hivo de- 
 scribed, Lon., 1851, Sv,i. 
 IMuiin, W. 8. Patent-Law Instructions ; how to 
 obtain I'atenis, .tc., N. York, 1807, 24mo. 
 JMuiiro, /Eneas, M.D. 1. Tho Science and Art of 
 Nui-sing tlie Sick, (iln,sgow, 187:!, p. Svo. 2. Deaths in 
 Cbililbed and our Lying-In Hospitals, Lon., 187!I 8vo 
 IMunro, Archibald. The Si, en Casket; or, Tho 
 Wrecker and the Maid of Drum: Legends of Kintyro, 
 Miinro, Colin. Fern Vale; or, The Queensland 
 Squatter: a Novel, Lon., 1852, ;( vols. p. 8vo. 
 ,<?!".!"■",' ^- ^- '• ''""■''•" "»i-™urt: a Novel, Lon., 
 IM.^ A vols. p. ,Svo 2. Tlie \-„yago of Life: a Tale of 
 ,i'u ,i',f ""'' "'" *^''*""' ''»"., 1841, .1 vols. p. 8vo. ;) 
 Iho White Rose of the Huron: a Novel, Lon., 1^52, 3 
 vols. p. 8v,l. ' 
 iMnnro, II. H. Manual of Logic, Imluctive an,! 
 Deductive, Eilin., 1850. p, 8vo. 
 Muiiro, Hugh Andrew Johnstone, M.A., Liti. 
 U.,i).C.L., 1819-18,85, b. at Elgin, .Scotland; educated 
 at Shrewsbury Grammar-School, and at Trinity College, 
 Cambridge, where he was secoml in tho Classical Tripos 
 of 1842; was elected Fellow of Trinity in 1843, and at 
 the line of his death was one of the senior Fellows. 
 He (like others) has been called the greatest Eng- 
 lish classical scholar since I'orson. I. (E,! ) Lucretius 
 Cambridge and Lon., 1800, 18„io. 2. (Ed.) Titi Luoreti 
 Can do Rerum Natnra Libri Sex : with an Introduction, 
 Iranslation, and Notes, Cambridge and Lon., 1804 2 
 yols.Svo. Vol. i.. Introduction, Text, and Notes; vol. 
 11., Translation. 2,1 ed., 1806; 3d ed., 1873. (This be- 
 came very costly, as the author dii! not begin the prep- 
 aration of a new edition till uear tho end of his life.) 
 Now ed., 1886. ' 
 ^Lnn?;"?' ■""■' "'' !'■'•" "'<"''* «"'"■•<'« nniple proof that he has 
 shi line, no ev.,r.,,!., to reii.i.T !i!n-,s.'lf tV,r,r..)ighly uu !i- 
 le has aecompli.she,! it In siieh a manner as to reflect 
 iaKVhrn.";f '■'';■ ■'r"",'"'^^'"!'; ■ ■ ■ "'-•^'"e^ communi- 
 ng, ,1..^,^"'"' "'.'■'"■Ifnii'iii's valuable labours in a 
 compact ami eonyenient form, he has added fresh mate- 
 tlou.''-!lV/;'''x,/''iy4r''" ""^"'^^ researches and rlflec- 
:). AUiiii, Uovl™!, A niled, t . l';,\|ilaini)il, I.dii., 
 iml", ^ui. 1. li lliinitii I'liiu.i UhiTii. llliiKliuli'l frNiii 
 Antliiuo Uciin liv *'. W. KiiiK. Tlii) 'I'lXt ri'vii-iil, with 
 nn Iritroiluutinii' t>y II. A. J. .M, l.un., ISftlt, Hvo. .'i. 
 Crillois'-K iinil Kliicldnliiinn iil' CiitulliiH, l,(jn., IH78, 
 " Kvcry wliiiliir will wl,«li tliiit Mr. Miinro liuil tiwii iiliU^ 
 tn ithi' ii" «cimi'lliliiK iiiiMi' riiiiijililc, mIhiiiI n imi't wliniii 
 til' lm« II ri'iimrkiiMi' puwiT nl ii|ppriM'iiiIliitf. lliMii llil» 
 xuini'Wliiil ^ll■llll(•^ Vdliiim', . . . 'I'lir m'fl iiiwvv>[\un piipir 
 hi ilu'vciliimu I.. llici'Miy 111 whlih.'l ("'"/"""if'l!'''">'|''>'" 
 nliitli riiniuM, Mr. Miiiirn ill>cii.«hf»uiif ii.-in'clnl llii' uliur- 
 iifliT III' .tiiliiis Cir^-iir. "--^>)'l■^l^"•, III. IH.i. 
 •• Miiiiru, 1 inay siiv iit uiiic, liii.i my work In virw 
 tliroiiKhout, mill Ihiiri.iiulily tu M|ii.r.M'iiiii' llii' (tIUiiuc 
 |ircMi|i|Hiws III lc'U!.t BiiiiH' iici|imiiiliihri' witli lliu wnrk 
 crMli'i-i'il. . . . 'III!' iMKlior'M Kii'iil Ifiiriiiliif iiml his wiilt' 
 kiiowliilKi' 111' cvurylliliiK I'liiiiii'i' wllli r,iillii iililliilnuy 
 fiUltlf liN i'X|iri'N-.fil ii|iliiliiii til nil tlii'ili'liMi'iirc wliU'li liu 
 UoMTM.-i 1111(1 littx liiiiK riTelvoil."— lliiUiNsuN Ki,i,irt ; .liwi , 
 xlll. ;W7. 
 t). I'mmini'liition nf I.iiliii,, Hvii. I'liiiiiiti. 
 Mllliro, Jailiex, namliur of tlie Iiii'tilutu of Cull 
 EngliU'iT.-. Klc'i'trloity uml it:< I > ". IIIukI. Lmi., 
 ISHIl, |i. .Svo. 
 Miiiiro, Joseph lOdwiiril Crnwlord, l/I-l^. 
 iiruri'Mnr 111' polilii'iil ironiiiny in Oncn^ Ci.llcjjo, Vli'tnriii 
 UiiiviT.''ily. I. 'I'liu Sillily i)f Lttw in (ircfi-o, liiirie, iiiitl 
 Kii«liinil, MuncliOHtiT, ls;(, cr. Xvd. 2. Tlio l.i'«iil l'"- 
 siliiiii of LiinillJiil.H, Toniiiili', iind Sanitiiry Authniitieii, 
 (Ih'iillli I-eoluroB,) Miiiii-lu.stor,, Svo. :i. Tho 
 SliiliiiK Sciilc in till! ('mil liiiliiatry : a I'lipur rwul bel'oro 
 till! llrili.-li Asaoeiiitioii, Mani'lioster, IMSIl, Hvu. 
 Mllliro, LewiH. Only t'lir Josun : Meiuuriiils of W. 
 M. Miu'^ii';,'"!', 1,1111.,*, ji. Svij. 
 .Illlliru, I'liilip U, Li'uturcs un Certain Portions 
 of Kiirlier 01.1 Tfsliinii'nt Illstury, Urn.. Is^T.'!, fp. Svn. 
 Mllliro, It. I>. Sleiini-l!i)ilor.<: their DulVvtn, Ao. 
 Illii-t. iind TiibleH. Lon., 18S7, n. Svo. 
 Munro, Itobert, M.D., F.S.A. 9mt. Antient 
 Soiittiuli Liikfl)»elliii(j;.< or t'ninno)i«: with a Supplo- ,.,..,..>,... 
 inentary ChupliT on Kunmins of Uke-Uwullinua '■> '''V '"'I^VV'"''.','!'''' wlf"'"' i. i,„ , ,„ i .l,., i.'„,iii 
 KiiKland. IlU. Kdin.. IsSJ, .Syo. 2 Ualph AIUm, Williain Palmer, and tho l.nK'l.-l 
 "(Mir readers nniv lie a.«»iireil that they will find very ! 1 o-it-Olhw,, l.>Mi, ^yo. , „. ,, „. ,„ ,. 
 mueh to Interest and Instruet them in llie perusal of the .Mlirch, Spencer. 'Uio Icaeher « I'a ill les an \■.^ 
 work."— .l(/i., No. 2H"i I position and Chroniilogical Arriingomenl ol the rarabli' 
 Mllliro, \V. I'. Tho Backwoods of Ontario and the of Je.sus, l.nn., IHV«, p, Kvo. 
 vol«. lup. r. Svo. .1. A Manual of the FIrit Lutheran 
 Chuieh of Alliany, from l«7il till ls;ii, Alhuny, |S7I. 
 Miiiifiell, Kev. Oliver >*, I'sjiholuKy | or. Tin 
 .•ieieni'e of .Mind, .V. Vork, |s7l, l2nio. 
 ittlllliivyt rrillik .\. 1. All'.at in udroalCityi ,i 
 Story of .<lrMn«e In.ideiit*, N. Vork, 1HS7, l2nio, •:. 
 Tho'llov llroker ; or, Amonn the KiiiKs of Wall Street, 
 N. York, I8H.'<, -Smi. 
 .tliinneyi Kev. >Villiniii ICIberl. SennonK an. I 
 l.eeliiri'^ M m, (In., I^T"*, l-'iiio. 
 .MllllMOil, .>lr". «'. A. Oline; or, One Year ai llii. 
 Nes(. IlliiM. '-M ed., IH7I1, llloiii. 
 .>liiiiNoii, .luiiiex ICiiKeiie, b. Ih;),'), at Pun-, 
 Oiieid.i Co.. .N'.V.; Milled in .New Vork City in I'».'i7. and 
 lieniiiie a reporter and an expert in short hand, in wliiili 
 he introdiieed alterations lo simplify the syslcms llien in 
 use. lie has been eourt stenogrnplier in New York l.ii' 
 mora than timity years. I. The Coinplele I'lioiioKrapliiT : 
 an Indiieihe K.vposition of Phonimraphy, N. York, IsHi'., 
 C.'iiio; new ed., rev., |.s77. 2. Ulelionary of I'rai'tinil 
 Phonography, 1S7I, l2mo. :i. Thu PhiiiJe- Hook of Prue- 
 tieal Plionorfriijihy, \XT\), l2iuo. 
 iMlinNOll, .11. HUtory of Mose? and the Isnielili-, 
 '('111 ., Isii.i, li'mio. 
 .^illiNter, < oiiiileNH of. Seo Fitzci.aiikm k. 
 .MIIllHter, Mrx. AU'recl M, Wail'ii and Stray.: 
 ! Veises, 1,1111.. 1S71I, p. ^^o. 
 Mlirliy, T. The Musical Student'* Manual, I,"ii., 
 1 l,'<fl2, l2mo. 
 i .Miireli, Jerom. 1. Mm. Darbaiild and her Con- 
 j tcmpiiraries : Sketehes of pome Kmineiit l.iturary and 
 jSeienlilie Kntilisbwomen. I, on., l.'*77, ^vo. 
 I "This Is n pleii.snnl llllle Imok, eontnlnlnti some lblll^^ 
 ; that are new eoiMeniiiii,' several enilneiil literary wniiieii, 
 iiiuru espeeially Mrs, Harlniiild, and a very enrloiis llsl nf 
 the atfcK thev iitlaineil at Us close. This list shoiild lir 
 InrKely adverll.sed bv the Irlends of Ihe various higher in- 
 siitiitlons for (be liislnietloii of women, idiiec II certainly 
 .seems til show thai the eiiltivutlon iit Ihe inlinl bn- nitlicr 
 n preservative lliaii a wasting elleet on the eonsiiliuion nt 
 Prairies of the Northwest, l,on., I.><8I, Sv 
 Mllliro, Wilfred II. 1. History of liristol, Hhoilo 
 Island: Story of the .Mount Hope Lands, from the Visit 
 Alurc'liiNUii, CiinrlC8, M.D., M,.I)., K.H.C.S., isiiii- 
 18711. 1. (Trans. I A Clinical Treatise on iJiscascs of the 
 l,ivor, by K. T. Frerichs, (New Sydenhiim Soe.,j l.< 
 of the Northmen to the Present Time, lllust. Provi- i l,sii(), Ihlil, 2 vols. .Svo. 2. A on the Coulimuil 
 denee, isisil, ,svo. 2. Pioturesquo Khode Island: Pen : I'evers of (ireat liritain, I.on., lMi2, Svo ; :id ed., rev. by 
 and Pencil Sketches of the Scenery and History of its W. Cayley, M.D., I8S4. :!. Clinical Lectures on DbscaMs 
 Cities, Towns, and Hamlets, and of Men who have made j of the Liver, .Jaundice, and Abilominal Dropsy, Lon.. 
 thein Famous, Providence, 1881, 8vo and 4lo. 1868, p. Svo; lid ed., including the Croonian Lecture- 
 Muiiro, Surgeon. (Jen. Willinm, M.D., C.n., i on Functional Derttiigemeuts .d' the Liver, rev. by 1 
 LL.D., b. 182.;: look bis medical decree at the Univer- Lauder Hrunton, 1885. 4. On I i.nctiona Derangement 
 8ity of (ilasgow isil; served in tho Crimean war, the , ot the Livcr, (( loonian Lee ures,) Lon., 18,:. 2mo. 
 Indian Mutiny, Ac. , Retired 1881. 1. Heminiscences of i .Mlircllison, J. II. Conservatives and L.beials : 
 Military Services with the Ninety-Third Sutherlan 1 thtMr Prineioles and Polu y, Lon , IsBl, Syo 
 llii'hhiiideis lon issi Svo •' A Two Months' Crui.e ' Murdoch, Uev. Dllvid. The Dutch Dominie ul 
 "nt Iditeitnoan in the -^aclU '^■i;h^ ''- <'"'f'<i"V T', ■'"'"' '''"-" "' '»" "''">'"'' "™"'''' 
 IS.SLp. Svo. ;). Uocords of Service and Campaigning ^•J"'"'': "~['"'J,-";S- , rri „ r... „.i,nMi ,i.„l,t „r 
 in Ma'ny L.,nds, Lon., 1887, 2 vols. cr. Svo. I . '""""• "I-,**, f- M- >• T>i« ^ 'ct. o ""«''"'' ■ ^ 
 "The story wliieh Dr. Munm has to tell Is one which '' Madeline Pay. c Lon., 188,, S^o. .. Out ol a Lai,,- 
 never IIuks or tn be instructive as well as Interest 
 U\g."—Si,fdiil(,r, 1.x. 1007. 
 Mnnroe, Kirk. I. The Flamingo Feather. lllust. 
 N. York, 1S8", Kiiuo. 2. Derrick Sterling: a Story of 
 the .Mines, N. Vork, 1SS8, Uinio. 3. Chrystal, Jack, A 
 Co., and Delta liixby, [two stories,] N. Vork, 1S88, sq. 
 16U10. 1. Wakulla, N. York, 18S8, ICmio. factor, and afterwi 
 Mlinroe, R. Practical Dress-.Making, Lon., 18,'J, ,,^„fg^.gor of that 
 Pi 8vo. Slusie ~ 
 Munsell, Charles, son of Joel Munsell, In/r 
 rinth : a Deli' tive's Story, Lon., 18S7. S\ 
 Murdoch, James, member of the i,, iilty of pro- 
 curators in ulasgow. A Hi.-tory of Coii;-iitutional Ke 
 form intJreat Britain and Ireland, (Jlnsnow, 1885, p. Svn. 
 Murdoch, James Edward, (oKe, vol. ii., add..] 
 b. 1811, in Philadelphia, Pa.; was for many years an 
 r s became a teacher of eloculiiiu mid 
 branch at the Cincinnati ('ollc).'c ..I' 
 During the civil war lie was a hospiial nur.-c, 
 Where Mr. Mnrrtoeh has rolled wholly on himself, his 
 personal recollections, and his own ixiwers of cntuisra. 
 llimo. 2. The Bibliograiihy of Albany : a Catalogue of 
 Books and other Publications relating to the City ond 
 County of Albany, Now York, Albany, IS83, Svo, personal reeoueciioiis, aim ms iiwn i",v,<;in .,, ....■ 
 Munsell, Joel, [anle. vol. ii., add.,] d. 188(1. His his work is of great merit and Interest. -.Vtdoa, x.xxr 
 collection of „-,iks i-il.rrin,- tn the binary and applic- ' ". A Hen for Spoken [.iingnagr: : an h=»ay up'^'' "";; 
 tion of the art of printing, tho largest in the United parative Elocution, 188,5, 12mo. 4. Aiialytic Llocuti-ii, 
 States was purchased by the New York State Library, i eoniaining Studies, Theoretical and Practical, ot fcx- 
 1 Annals of Albany vols. ix. and x.. Albany, ls.i9, pressive Speech, Cin. and N. Y'ork, 1884, Syo. 
 12mo. 2. Collections .n the History of Albany, from i Murdock, A. ti. 1. Sandy MoTartan s Hogiiianaj 
 its Discovery to the Present Time, Albany, 186i-71, il Haggis, Lon., 1874, 12mo. 2. Lands Lykewake, and 
 ■>I'ml..c-k.J.|l. N,„„,„„KI..,.trl,.„y,.„„,t. 
 Murdoc'k, Willi,,,,, 'is'.' MH' hi I,., !'"""■ I'IhIh.. I -MO, N,,. ""'"■"' 
 M^rf Lhor ;^^ n,.ar 
 I... . ' '"'"V '""^ •'■1110 tiino in Niinhvil 
 '"I tni<twiirtliyiicT,,iiiii,,( 
 "■' - -llM I.. lllH, 
 ";■""■'■ "I "iilliHii V „ I , '1 ; I "'"", "•""'■■I'M H. a 
 '■i--!":,r'.M';r^ni^'V'v/i.'i''e"«i..v,. , 
 ^;, (ImmluiiiN, a,;,| alt..i;varii;':,.ui;;i i,rSt'Y „i- M 
 fore IsHii. I. I, ^'"„l''' ''"''" l'»'''"l""y»'« 1.0- 
 Ini"' 'mS;:' ■'■'' •;l!;/':i^»';>>'!'M;rny.. his po^vcr II, a 
 II.. I *■. ' I ' ' ' ■'■• ."iiii.'inr n. tip; llairiin 
 -"".-. ■;; 7::;"' m'"'^':'"'^ '"■ "■'• ^- ^--^ '^'" 
 tM.uiviii,;,^;,;,^ ;;;■-; '"i.u.,.i,i,,.r,,ri„,.,i 
 ;i"ir/i!,,,;';;:;;'0M,i' |,^;;;-;;''l''l("n,|:aii Kii. 
 ''■'I t" till. I)i«,.„v,.,v ,1 1 11 "' '111' \ '.,VMV'|. VvllicI, 
 V'.rki ,ic... Willi I ^,'. ""''.' ':.'.■"^'•''l"""« t.. \.nv 
 Wi' have not 1 
 uiiil tliori' l.iitlli... ,;•"'''''''"'' "»''''»''iiiuiilii..|, '"^'<' •*'••■ "illiiiiii"!!!!!. I, silt) S Tl.i, \- • .... 
 ■M.TtliiK till. p,a.ii,!Val,i 7 „7 ''''"''■ ""iikeeiili Murphy, Uev lnm». «■ 
 I.V"»;.ic.,ltliat'tl,,.,to'vs , "'■' "n'lW [«»'r, v ,1. U a," 1 h ls?s . f"?*'"^ ' '*•"• ''I-^-. 
 In the Clou(l.< liirst 'kst ia"'""''^J'i:^ 
 Iiroo,„,„,.JKo Cove. Bo^t., 1888 l", no '"•'"' ""^ 
 .•Supreme Court' of CaMftir'ni P^f"' ■;'' ^^"'"^on^ of the 
 W,.r ,P„ w^'.?^''-„r''»!na*' «. Four Yeai-fl in ,1,0 
 nrphy, John McLeod. iso- .o-, ,■ . .. , 
 cftstle, Westchester Co v v ' "^"-'?; '. b- "' ^"rth. 
 U.S.navv Is4i:5" o„mt;,,,;i ""' ^""''''''i|"""n in the 
 lyn nav; vara Is ,i-57 " f ■""T"-'^:'-"'' 'I'" l''""k- 
 wards as acti ,g* iTten nt n )];"""•""■ """•^- '""' ""<-''- 
 pe..ieu.i.i„|„|^"^v:,:!'^SvrTui !;::!• 
 "•ar • the" ll'i.:,o;roV uir^lfJ ^' ■ *"'""■ ^""''^ '" "'« i ''*;"'^P''y, John Mortimer." 1 lail'hi '" v , 
 AS^i^'ta^f r«,^'r"''H" Elizabeth Mary 
 ♦ "• '*"*'- ''"ughler of the second Earl 
 must. N. YnrW .««.,• ,1' «'-":'">.On'"e-Bird.; 
 must. N. York;is82; l2mo 
 Miirphy, John Nicholas. I 
 Political, and Socul, Lun., l*'j, «vo 
 Ireland, ludustiiaj, 
 brought tog 
 2. Term Incognita; the Convents of the United King- 
 dom, Un., 1H73, Hvo; new ed., 1S78, p. 8vo. 3. The 
 Cliiiir of Peter; or, The Papacy eonaidcred in its Insti- 
 tution, Development, and Organization, lion., 1S83, 8vo; 
 lion, ed., with much new matter, 1S,S5. 
 ■' He is an amiable and well-intontioncd writer, who evi- 
 dently desires to toll the truth, but his kiKiwleilt,'e is shal- 
 low while of the critical or historical faculty he is 
 cutiroly destitulo.-'-.><<i(. /to'., lyi. S76. 
 Murphy, Kcv. Joseph John. I. Ilabit ami In- 
 telligence, in tlieir Connection with the Laws of Matter 
 and Force: a Series of Soientilic Essays, Lon., ISii'J, 2 
 vols. Svo; 2d ed., rev.. 1S79. 
 " Mr. .1. J. Murphy has attacked the problems which lie 
 around the basis of life and tliousht from an orijjinal 
 staiidliin-iioiiu, as well as with much freshness and vigour 
 of rea.soniiij,'."-.Sii(. «ci'., x.wii. Hlfi. 
 2. Sermons on \urious Subjects, Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 
 ■A. The .Scientific liases of Faith, Lon., I*f73. 
 "He considers that faith has it.s bases— or grounds out 
 of which it grows— not in science, a.s the title might lead 
 us to suppose, but in universal vital instinct, '.\iiimals 
 trust in one another: young animals especially trust in 
 their parenls ; and this is the root of faith. " —.SjK'c(u(or, 
 xlvi. 7113. T • 1, T> 
 Murphy, Louisiana. Dunmore: an insh Ura- 
 matio Kpisodc of our Own Times, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 .Uurphy, Kosalie M. Destiny ; or, Life as it is, 
 N. York, lS(i7, 12in'>. 
 Murphy, Sh y Forster. (Ed.) Our Homes, 
 and how to ni« ihem Healthy. Illust. N. York, 
 1SS4, Svo. 
 Murphy, Rev. Thomas, D.D., b. 1S2:1, in Ran- 
 dalstown. County Antrim, Ireland ; graduated at Prince- 
 ton 1845 J studied theolo);y at Princeton Seminary, and 
 became pastor of the Frankford Presbyterian Church in 
 Philadelphia 1819. 1. A History of the Frankford 
 Presbyterian Church, Phila., 1S70. 2. Pastoral Theol- 
 of;y : the Pastor in the Various Duties of his Office, 
 pTiila., 1877, 8vo. 3. Duties of the Church Member to 
 the Church, Phila., 1878, 24mo. 4. People and Pastor: 
 the Duties involved in their Important Kelations, Phila., 
 1887, 24mo. 
 Murphy, \V. A Search for the Mountains of Gold. 
 Illust. Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Murray, Mrs. Lilian's Inheritance, Lon., 1867, 2 
 vols. p. Svo. . 
 Murray, A. and R. The Theory and Practice of 
 Ship-Building, in Iron and Wood, and Steam-Ships, 
 Lon., ISfil, 4to; 2d ed., 1875. 
 Murray, Rev. A. W. 1. Missions in Western 
 Polynesia, Lon., 18()2, Svo. 2. Forty Years' Mission 
 Woik in Polynesia and New Guinea, Lon., 1S76, p. Svo. 
 3. The Jlartyrs of Polynesia: .Memorials of Missionaries, 
 Ac, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 4. Eminent Workers: Some 
 Distinguished Workers .''- Christ, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 5. 
 The Bible in the Pacitic, Lon., 1888, cr. Svo. 
 Murray, Alexander, 1811-1885, b. in Perthshire, 
 Scotland ; served in the British navy 1825-35 ; removed 
 served during the rebellion, and 
 add.] Recollections from 18(13 to 1868, Lon., 1808, p. 
 Murray, Andrew. 1. The Book of the Royal 
 Horticultural Society, 1SI!2-18(13. Illust. Lon., 18(i3, 
 4to. 2. The Pines and Firs of Japan, Lon., 1803, Svu. 
 3. The Geographical Distribution of .Maiuinals, Lon., 
 1806, 4to. 4. Kconomic Entomology : Aplera, (" South 
 Kensington Hand-Books,") Lon., 1S77, p. 8vo. 5. A 
 List of Coleoptcra from Old Calabar, on the West Coast 
 of Africa, Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 Murray, Rev. Andrew. 1. Abide in Christ : 
 Thoughts on the Blessed Life of Fellowship with tliu 
 Son of God, Lon., 1884, 12ino. 2. Like Christ: 
 Thoughts on the Blessed Life of Conformity to the Son 
 of God: a Sequel to "Abide in Christ," Lon., I SSI. 
 12mo. 3. With Christ in the School of Prayer : 
 Thoughts on our Training for the Ministry of Interces- 
 sion, Lon., 1885, 12mo. 4. The Children for Christ : 
 Thoughts for Christiiin Parents on the Ccmsecration of 
 Home Life, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 5. Holy in Christ: 
 Thoughts on the Calling of God's Chililren, Lon., Iss.s, 
 12mo. 0. The Spirit of Christ: Thoughts on the In- 
 dwelling of the Holy Spirit in the Believer, Lon., 1SS8, 
 Murray, Major Archibald K. History of the 
 Scottish Regiments in the British Army, Lun., lsO:i, -Ito. 
 Murray, C. A. Nour-ed-Dyn, the Light of Faith: 
 an Eastern Fairy-Tale, Lon., 1SS3, 18mo. 
 Murray, C. O. Mustard and Cress. Illust. N. 
 York, 1879, 4to. 
 Murray, Charles Adolphus, seventh Earl 
 or Dunmore, b. 1841. The Clydesdale Stud-Book: 
 Retrospective Volume; 2d ed., Glasgow, 1884, Svo. 
 Murray, Charles T. Sub Rosa: a Novel, N. 
 York, IS8II, 121110. 
 Murray, Charlotte. 1. Messages from the .Mas- 
 ter, and other Poems, Stirling, ISSil, l2nio. 2. .More 
 " Mes.sage8," Stirling, 1885, ]i. Svo. 3. The Right Way, 
 Lon., 1SS8, 12mo. 
 Murray, Uavid, Ph.D., LL.D., b. 1830, at Bovina, 
 N.\'. ; g,-aduated at Union College 1852; professor of 
 inatheiua'.ics and astronomy in Rutgers College 1803-73; 
 superintendent of schools and colleges in Tokio, Japan, 
 1873-79; secretary of the board of regents of the Uni- 
 versity of New York at Albany. A iManual of Land- 
 Surveyjug: with Tables, N. York, 1872, l2mo; new 
 ed., 1S77. 
 Murray, Uavid, M.A., F.R.S. Scot. A Note i.n 
 Some Glasgow and other Provincial Coins and Tokens. 
 Illust. Glasgow, 1885, 4to. 
 Murray, Uavid Christie, b. 1847, at West Brom- 
 wich, Staffordshire, Eng. ; became a reporter on the 
 Birmingham Morning News; went to London in 1873; 
 was on the stall' of the World ; acted as special corre- 
 spondent to the Scotsman and the Tinies during the 
 Russo-Turkish war. 1. A Life's Atonement: a Novel, 
 Lon., 18811, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 2. Joseph's Coat: a Novel 
 Lon., 1881, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 It shows not only a rare power of understanding and 
 to Canada in 1837 ; 
 afterwards became an assistant on the Geological Survey. ; ,;-i™;';,Y;„raeter,''biit the perhaps rarer power of coii- 
 With Howi.KV, J. P., Geological Survey of Newlound- ^tnictlng a plot of Arst-rate lnterest.''-^«A., No. 2821 
 land, Lon., 18SI, Svo. 
 Murray, Alexander S., b. 1S41, and educated at 
 the universities of Edinburgh and Berlin; was ap- 
 pointed assistant in the British Museum in 1867, and 
 keeper of Greek and Roman antiquities in 18S0. He is 
 an active member of the Hellenic Society, and has con- 
 tributed largely to iieriodicals. 1. A Manual of Mythol- 
 ogy. Lon., 1872 ; 2d ed., 1874, p. Svo. 2. Mythology, 
 chiefly from the Myths and Legends of Greece, Edin., 
 1S70, l2mo. 3. A History of Greek Sculpture, from 
 the Earliest Times down to the Age of Pheidias. Illust. 
 Lon., 1880, r. Svo. 
 " From a certain point of view, the Rcientinc or exact, 
 Mr. Murray's book does seem to us to demand something 
 little slKut of lUKlUutcd eulogy. It is like the work of a 
 tlKiroughlv patient and comiiciont German scholar of the 
 days whcnticrmaiischularsliip had not begun to flag: but, 
 mifortunatclv, from the other, the iiurcly literary side, it has 
 imperlectioiiB analogous to iUom- Uiul deroiin »» much aa- 
 mirable German work."— .S(i<. Het:, 11. 87. 
 Vol. ii.. Under Pheidias and his Successors. Illust. 
 Lon., 1883, r. Svo. , ^ , ^ 
 " Ordinary readers will, no doubt, prefer the exuberant 
 vivacity of Mr. Perry's to the sober solidity of Mr. Mur- 
 ray's work. . . . But, . . . when we reflect how often and 
 Ctillgl .-- 
 3. Val Strange : a Story of the Primrose Way, Lon., 
 1882, 3 vols. er. Svo; new ed., 1883. 4. Hearts, Lon., 
 18S3, 3 vols. p. Svo; new ed., 1884. 5. A Model Father, 
 Ac, Lon., 18,83, p. Svo. 6. By the Gate of the Sen, 
 Lon., 1883, 2 vols. p. Svo. 7. A Bit of Human Nature, 
 and the " Lively Fanny," Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 8. Rain- 
 bow Gold, Lon., 1885,3 vols. er. 8vo. 9. First Person 
 Singular: a Novel, Lon., 1880. 3 vols. p. 8vo. 10. 
 The Way of the World; now ed., 1880, 12mo. II. 
 Aunt Rachel : a Rustic Sentimental Comedy, Lon., ISso, 
 2 vols. p. Svo. 12. Cynic Fortune ; a Talc of a Man 
 with a Conscience, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 13. A Novelist's 
 Note-Book, Lon., 1887, p. Svo, 14. Old Blaycr's llcm: 
 a Novel, Lon., 1887, 2 vols. or. Svo. 15. The Weaker 
 Vessel : a Novel, Lon., 1888, 3 vols. cr. Svo. With 
 Hkkman, Henky, One Traveller Returns, Lon., 1887, tr. 
 " Kow modern novelists can tell a story of Eiigllsb coun- 
 try 1 lie better than Mr. 1). Christie Murray. He has tlie 
 minute observation of manners and speech, the patient ac- 
 curacy of detail, the sustained attention to minor poiiils 
 without which no such story can be built to the satisliu'- 
 tion of the reader. With all that, he has the draranik 
 faculty which Ilfta his work out of dreary realism while 
 iWurray, Mrs. Elizabeth. 1. Sixteen Years „f 
 Jslanils, 1842-58, I.on., 1851), 2 vols. 8vo. 2 The 
 Scenes in City Life, 1878, sti. IL'mo. 
 Murray, Kliznbelli Alice. 1. Ella Norman- 
 or A Woman's I'eril.., l,on., ISHI, :i voU n 8vo ' 
 V^^S'i^ir""""^'' """ -'-"-'ra,„y in'uE^esting."-^. 
 2. John Alston's Vow: a Tale, I.on., ISii,^, a vols n 
 8vo. 3. Robert Chetwynd's Con'fesHo ,, Lon., 18 8 "^ 
 vot: .Ls'™- ■*■ ^'"' *■'""""'■ '-'•J""". W, mo',3 
 n.?*"!'"*^? ^/"''y- Hazelworth Court; or, Tho Dv- 
 nevor Family, Lon., 1879, [). Svo , luo i^y 
 ii '^"dTf',^ M^r^ Clare «re..ville, [„„,., vol. 
 it ConMaiitinople, alterwards viee-eonsul at Mitylene 
 hen a journalist in Undon, and .lurinf? the later years 
 found 1. the Autobiography of Edmund Yates. He eon- 
 iiazette, Ac. 1. The Huving P^ngllshman- or Ton 
 ineiital Skotohes, I.on., 1854^ 12mo 2 The Aovin; 
 tnglishniaii in Turkey, Lon., Isoi, i2u,o. y. in-uni 
 f »» he IJat e.Fields, I,on., 1855, l'2n,o. 1. K, ,b,'s " 
 and Hreign Courts : a Jlistory of Diplomacy, Lon.. 185^ 
 stvJ'w liv.VilV'';'?,,''''-'"?' "e in the main sound. nn,l his 
 -U.^ 7to^ Ii.' "ol^""^'' *""•■"»"•'■'* disagreeably llippint.'' 
 5. The Press and the Public Service, 1857, I2uio. fi 
 Ti,„ M 1 i — ., . ' """" >:iorvice, ISO/, l2uio. fi. 
 Bv "TroU J/m' yr- " '^"''^ "f "'« ''^""""'I Empire 
 ^^ V, 1 '^''"'''''- I'on- 1871, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 
 ■ai^W^nllrh!;," r;^„"");?'A.:T'^« ^;el••f;,r Paris' can 
 s^roely^eri;;!^ ;e;f,„ou,;ee,j;;;;ZS^eSf 
 a;p''[^s.''-.^;."fi«,'; ;!S,i"'>4!i" "' "•■' I^"""™' ""-l^^ial 
 ?mdli'gi'll'^'l!S^;t.'''.*JS'-'''i';''l!,!»'' •- '■"■>"ot construct™,; 
 ■i v'oi?n"8?„'*°'Q'^T''"'i; «>'J.™i« K'oiles. Lon., 1875, 
 ion 1?;? ?■ fl- ^'"•^«yL''«i''g Sketches from Life, 
 '"!' P- ^*'°- „.' '• That Artful Vicar, Lon., 187i), 2 vols 
 -vI-.P't.*''"'..^";/'''- '*'"^' '3- Strange Tales from! 
 1 1 P ^ ^rT ^y ^'"y ^'"y- Lon., 1882, p. 8vo^ i 
 t. People I have met. Illust. 188,3, r. 8v«. 15 Hiuh ' 
 i'kcl'hefirp" "'"'''^'l'^ R«P"blic: Social and Satirical 
 .-ketches in Pans and the Provinces, Lon., 1884, n 8vo 
 T w.",*^"!; "'° ^°"«- •'^''°'«' I'liotographs. rilust 
 Lon. 1884, 2 vols. Svo, 2d ed., 1885. 17 Imprisoned 
 ma Spanish Convent: an English Girl's Eipe' ncesj 
 « til other Narratives and Tales, Lon., 18S5 8vo IS 
 ^8f8vo"^';."'n ^'T'- ^'r'' f'-"" "Time," 'Lon.; 
 1^85, Svo. 1«. Queer Stories from "Truth," Lon., 1880- 
 ' JA- , ""' ""'' """"■ Soeial Photographs. Illu..^t 
 Murray, J. B. C. History of Tsury, Phila.. 1866. 
 nihu!"!'''!.*'',^:,"'.'- »"»'™"«lttted Passages in our 
 Bible, Lon I8SI, p. Svo. 2. A Help to under.-tan.l Mis- 
 translated Passages in the Itible, Lon., 1881 „ 8vo T 
 IiSmZ'' ^'"''""'"-y "'•"'« I^"g'i-^'' Language, i.on.,' 
 An^ln7,7' \»- The Anglo-French Treaty and 
 Anglo-IJelgnin Treaty of Junuarv 2:;, ISfiO Lon 18 V 
 18mo; new ed., IS68. " , "ion., lon.i, 
 <5on'!,'of?h;p"''''' •'T''*' '"'"''"'■'■ "' 0''' Cumnock. 
 Ed"n , mi" 8"o.'"""' """■ ■' "" ■^•"'■''"™ •^'"''''•"■ 
 touit, tdinburgh, Lon., 1858, 5 vols. 8vo 
 Murray, James. The Bible in School • a Vindi 
 cation of the Seo,ti,sh .S.vMem of Education in „ Sc t 
 of Letters from "A Practical Educator" to Mr. (Jeorge 
 Combe. By James C. Maiison, [pseud.] Edin., 1852, 
 Murray, Jauics. Select during the 
 Sixteenth Century. Lon., 1868, 2 voK p. .Svo 
 Murray, James. The Prophet's Mantle: Scenes 
 from the Lile of Elisha, Lon., 1870, l2mo. 
 Murray, James Aupustus Henry, M.A., LL D 
 U.C.L., piesKlent of the Philological Society. 1. (Ed'i 
 ^ho"'!'!';,'"''' •r'^V^r"""''"^ "■'"■ """ K^l'-rtatlone to 
 p„, .'"v^"",''^,.'" ^^ vigilante in the Deffens of their 
 Public \ e, 1549 : with Appendix, Intro,luction, and 
 Glossary, Ear y English Text Soc.,) Lon., 1872, 2 par", ; 1. ^'"'."'^',"' "'c Southern Counties of Scot- 
 , ,..• I, ir""'"]''""™. «rammar,and Historical Uela- 
 Berlin.-lra 8v„ '" '''"'"'"g'™' ^""'"y- L""- and 
 fnllv''^Ho',r.!l!i?", hV 'ir *''""? into his subject thoroughly 
 ' ,r ■ ii/wM 1, ''r'' ■'■• "'"'• "'"'I '" ^Pcciallv I., be «: 
 N«^Av"x.xxviMi *'''"' '""'^ "'■ ""''"""' Prcjudicc."- 
 th".«!i'\%'l;r',,l,"!'',\'!'Y"';''' r,' ^v;'"^'" "» «"}■ direct of 
 rolLc o Is"^ f . S^ ;,:; "'.'iVc«;fc 'I'c very iest similar 
 22-^^Spendthrifts, and other Social 
 '>nd see Hope, Maux, 
 Lon., 1887, 8.,.. 
 I'liotograplis, Lon., 'lHS7"'tiYo. 
 "Ser"[j,::'!^^ J"" ""-»""S "f Co- i" Wet 
 i '^""aV' Hamilton, l. Lnnnie Vermont: a .'Jtory, 
 Kh nn I oA ."i'it 'i' '?• ^- *'""'«"»'«i-g : a Tale of the 
 Kliinc, Lon., 18ol, .S vols. p. Svo. 
 lSM,"p'"8vo' "'* ^'""°''®' °^ Ancient History, Lon., 
 I nulYs?'!' n* "^^ Tf^^'iso on Proceedingi in tho 
 tnited States Courts, Albany, 1800, Svo. I 
 productions Jf ihc Cominen,:^^^' .iliL^'-i^^i-i^^^^/' 
 -^^ (td.) Ihe liomnncv and Prophecies of Thomas of 
 Erc.ldoune : with Illu. tions of the Prophetic Liter- 
 ature of the Fifteenth ,.„d Sixteenth Centuries : with 
 Introduction and .Notes, (Early English TextSoc,,) Lon., 
 18,5, 8vo. 4. Synopsis of the llor.x- Paulina'; contain' 
 ^ ing a tondensation and Rearrangement of tho Ariru- 
 ' Histr^ f'^M"^ "'''"'f '•"= '^^»"' "f 'fe Scri^itfire 
 History of St. Paul; new ed., Lon., IS79, Svo. 5. Tliir- 
 teenth Address of the President to the 
 Society, Lon., 884, 8vo. 6. (E,l., A New Engl sh 
 Dictionary on Historical Principles: foumlcd mainly on 
 artl n'f ,«;:',""'^'^ "y ""^ l-'nlological Society" 
 mL" On •.;„!, ■' •"''••■""■• '''"'"■^ ""'•'* oHginated in a 
 cad to t?,c ,''«., I^«'>"'^"»ici'n ™r "English Dictionaries" 
 i w K I ''-'i"'''«?'' ••o'^'c'y ^y Archbishop Trench in 
 , fust, IS4S, but the iireiuature death of its superintendent 
 ! Herbert Coleridpe, caused it to languish until 187W, wh n 
 U was taken up by the director of the society. Dr. Mur- 
 pe'rior UuiU "l-'iriilh 'II «:'>''''. this work is immenselvsu. 
 Jm^^i' t!^ifdl;.il;;;i;:^'^i^ji-'sjr;i'-h;i::;;i,l^r\.^ 
 vebjpnieiit of words is indinilcd'anil il i ,«tr e l , . 
 uotatioiis by the retention of old .'•iielling. The Icliiii^ 
 1 ,>i'; ■'■ ','■ ""^ "'callings, as we arc told in the ' (ie oral .'x- 
 I I.a I' "'IS,' (p. xi..| 'have been framed anew iir„n study 
 f , h',"""'""!".'^'i''>'"'^^'' ""'■'• colie.'ted IbiMl "vo k^ 
 f H III ch lliose printed form only a small part;' .so that in 
 ; si '. v'i*' """^'('^''ccessfiilly ,.,ilii(-ated .lepirtiici . I Knl" 
 MM K'.M(..oKrapliy,' a notable advance ha..^ been mac ■. i^Ti 
 ' oi nil'ord Ir'or",'.':' 'i',^i:'"l'l;lieation oftlie historicaVai 
 i u r have s i \,, ,''^m''' "''"^'•'" "' "■'"■'"« »'''cl' 'lavc 
 loHr.? .1 \P ''"" "'""• "'"" one mealing all previous 
 tw M ? 1 >'",'''"l»^^>^:<i- • ■ . A larue niinibcrof obsoote 
 I " It is by this time ni.iu.diuulv clear !!i;it th*. • V.-w Vn- 
 nT,ii,oil'„"'S",''*' '\m'"l""K aironormous advance in he 
 philological kno\yledgeof tile Enullsh laiiLMiaKe of wli 1, 
 rectly to the contents of the said ' Dictionary.' "1™ A., No. 
 ,.f"P'f- r>ictloiiflry will It.self be tho greatest monument 
 "«»3 ' I 
 II' I I 
 "The PhiloloRicnl Society has been especially fmiuimie 
 in limling an edilor with so jndioinl a turn of minil.-one 
 who weighs the evidence, iind goes by it, Instead ut im- 
 porting into woi ' . sometldiiK evolved out of his own eon- 
 Bclousness. I'he breadth and a<'(MnH(iy of the re.sults thus 
 ^ obtained are most satisfactory. "—\V. W. i>KKAT; Acud., 
 JMlirray, James Uoss, educated at St. John's 
 College, Cambridge, The Iniluence of Italian ujion 
 English Lit"ratiirc during the Si.\teenth and Seven- 
 teenth Centuries, (Le Bas Prize Essay, 1885,) Cam- 
 bridge, lS8li, Svo. 
 Murray, John, M.D., a retired army surgeon; 
 served many years in India. 1. \ Treatise on Pul- 
 monary Consumption, its Prevention and Remeily, Lon., 
 I8;i0, 8vo. 2. Observations on the Pathology and Treat- 
 ment of Cholera: the Kcsult of torty Years' Experience, 
 Lon„ 1S7-1, 12mo; 2d ed., 1884. 
 iUiirray, John. 1. The Drainage and Sewerage of 
 London, Lon., 1852, Svo. 2. A Treatise on the Stability 
 of Retaining Walls, Lon., 18,05, Svo. 
 Murray, John Carrick, M.D. 1. Snuff-Taking: 
 its Utility in preventing Uronohitis, Consuuiption, Ac., 
 Lon., 1870, fp. Svo. 2. Smoking: when Injurious, In- 
 nocuous, or Beneficial, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1S71 ; .id ed 
 1870. ./ ' I . 
 Murray, John Clark. LL.D., b. 18S6, in Paisley, 
 Scotland, and educated at Glasgow, Edinburgh, Heidel- 
 berg, and (Jiittiugen ; became professor of mental and 
 moral philosophy in Queen's University, Kingston, Can- 
 Battlcton Rectory, Manches- 
 ada, in 1802, and accepted the same chair in Magiil Col- 
 real, in 1872. 1. An Outline of Sir William 
 lege, Montreal, ... 
 Hamilton's Philosophy, Bost., 1870, or. Svo. 2. The 
 Ballads and .Songs of Scotland, in View of their Influence 
 on the Character of the People : Prize Essay, Lon., 1874, 
 p. 8vo. 
 " His argument is unimportant, hut his remarks on the 
 poetry of Scotland are the lesult of thought and culture." 
 —Spectator, xlvii. 1206. 
 a. Memoir of Daviil MurMv, Paisley, 18S1. 4. A 
 Hand-Book of Psychology, I'ai.^ley and Lon., 1885, p. 
 Svo; 2d ed., 1888. 5. (Trans.) Solomon Maimon : an 
 Autobiography; from the tJerman : with Additions and 
 Notes, Paisley and Bost., 1888, 12mo, 
 Murray, Ilev. John Hale. Travels in Uruguay : 
 with an Account of the Presort State of Sheep-Farming 
 and Emigration to that Country. Illust. Lon., 1871, 
 Murray, John O'Kane, M.D., 1847-1885, b. in 
 Glenariffe, County Antrim, Ireland; was educated at 
 St. John's College, Fordham, N.Y.; studied medicine in 
 the University of the City of New York, and practised 
 in Brooklyn, N,Y., but afterwards devoted himself to 
 literature. He contril-uted largely to Roman Catholic 
 periodicals. 1. Popular History o"f the Catholic Church 
 in the United States, N. York, 1876, cr. Svo. 2. The 
 Prose and Poetry of Ireland : a Choice Collection of 
 Literary (jems: from the Masterpieces of the Great 
 Irish Writers: with Biographiciii Sketches; 2d ed., 1877, 
 Svo. a. The Catholic Heroes anil Heroines of America, 
 1878. 4. Little Lives of the Great Saints, 1879. 5. The 
 Catholic Pioneers of America, N. York, 1882, 16mo. 6. 
 L-ssons in English Literature, 1883. 
 Murray, Very Rev. John Walton, LL.D., 
 graduated at Trinity College, Dublin, 1850; ordained 
 1852; rector and vicar )f 'lallymcna m Ballyclug since 
 1866; archdeacon of Ccjnnor and canon of l",isburn Ca- 
 thedral 1882-86. I. A Catechetical History of the 
 Prayer-Book, Dublin, 1867. 2. The Irish Church in 
 Relation to Protestant Dissent, Dublin, 1867. :i. How 
 we may make our Churches and Ser'ices Attractive, 
 Dublin, 1868. 4. Church Order: burg an Analysis of 
 the Fifth Book of Hooker's Eoclesias 'cal Polity, Dublin, 
 186!». 0. laves and Times of Eui.ient Irish Church- 
 men, Dublin, 1874, 12mo. 6. Cnri tian Vitality; or. 
 The Recuperative Power of the Christian System an 
 Evidence for its Truth, (Donnellan Lectures,) Dublin, 
 1884, p. Svo. 
 Murray, Kenric B. Commercial Geography : Now 
 Markets ;or British Trade, Lon., 1887, cr. 8vo. 
 Murray, Uev. Nicholas, O.D., [am,; vol. ii., 
 add.,] d. 1861. For biog., see PniMK, S. I., am,-, vol. ii. 
 1. Preachers and Preaching, N. York, I860, 12mo. 2. 
 A Dying Legacy to the People of my Beloved Charge : 
 " Things Unseen and," N, York, ISfil, Sy,-,. 
 Murray, Patrick Joseph, [miie, vol. ii., add,] I. 
 Not so Bad as they seem ; or. The Ticket of Leave, Lon., 
 1857, Svo. 2. Reformatory .Schools for Juvenile Of- 
 fenders, Ireland, Lon,, 1858, I2mo. 
 Murray, Quentin. 
 ter, 1885, 12nio, 
 Murray, R. M. Chemical Notes and Equations, for 
 the Use of Students, Lon., 1879, 12nio. 
 Murray, Ross. (Cump.) Warne's Modern House- 
 holder: a Manual of Domestic Economy, Lon., 1872, cr 
 Svo; new ed., abridged, entitled " Warne's Model House." 
 keeper," 1879. 
 Murray, Ruth. Dunmara, Lon., 1864, 3 vols. p. 
 Svo, ' 
 Murray, T. Biographical Annals of the Parish of 
 Colinton, Lon,, 1863, p. Svo. 
 Murray, Rev. 'rhomas Boyles, [anie, vol. ii, 
 Murray, Rkv. T. B., add.,] rector of St, Dunstan's-in- 
 the-East, London. 1, Alphabet of Emblems, in Verse 
 Lon., 1847, l2mo. 2. Lays for Christmas: with Notes', 
 Lon., 1847, 12mo. 3. Two City Apprentices; or. In- 
 dustry and Idleness, Lon., 1851, 12mo. 4. Chronicle.< 
 of St. Dunstan's-in-lhe-East, London, Lon., 1859, sm, 4to, 
 5. Zoological Sketches: Animals, Lon,, 1859, I2mo, i;, 
 Kalli: the Memoir of an Esquimaux Christian, ISmo. 
 Murray, Thomas Chalmers, I85ii-I879. i'n-- 
 tures on the Origin and Growth of the Psalms, N, York 
 1880, l2mo, 
 Murray, William, M,D., F.R.C.P., consulting 
 physician to the Newcastle Hospital for Sick Children" 
 1. A Treatise on Emotional Disorders, Lon., 1866, p. 
 Svo. 2. The Inductive Method in the Science of Medi- 
 cine, Lon., 1870, 8vo. 3. The Rapid Cure of Aneurism 
 by Pressure. Illustrated by the Case of Mark Wilson. 
 Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 
 Murray, Rev. William Henry Harrison, li. 
 1840, in Guilford, (,'onn.; graduated at Yale 1862; was 
 pastor of the Park Street Congregational Church, lins. 
 ton. Mass,, 1868-74, and has since engaged in business, 
 preaching to independent ccmgregatious. 1. Vacation 
 Adventures in the Wilderness; or, Camp-Life in the 
 Adirondacks, Bost., 1869, l6mo; new ed., IS77. 
 " The whole book is written In falsetto, as we may sav 
 Is .screechy from beginning to end, and does not iiisoife 
 conlidenee. Still, it Is not without its attraction. Tlici-e 
 Is some vigor, overlaid as it is by exaggerated wonls."- 
 ^titwii, Ix. 53. 
 2. Music Hall Sermons, Bost., 1870-73, two series. 
 16mo. 3. Park Street Pulpit Seruions, Bost., 1871-72^ 
 two series, 12mo. 4. The Perfect Horse : how to Breed 
 him; how to Know hiui; how to Drive him; how to 
 Shoe him : with an Introduction by Henry Ward Beeclici-, 
 and a Treatise on Agriculture and the Horse by Giorgi* 
 B. Loring. Illust. Bost., 1871, r. Svo; also a ■|2mo ed. 
 5. Lecture on Deacons. Illust. Bost., 1875, 12mo. 6 
 Adirondack Tales. Illust. Bost., 1877, 12mo. 7. ilow 
 Deacon Tubman and Par.'on Whitney kept New Year's, 
 and other Stories, Post., 1887, 12mo. 8. Dayliglit-Lund • 
 the Experiences, Incidents, and Adventures, Humorous 
 and Otherwise, which befell Judge John Doe, Tourist, of 
 San Francisco, and Divers Others, in their Parlor-Car 
 Excursion over Prairie and Mountain. Illust. Bust., 
 1888, Svo. 9. The Doom of Mamelons: a Legend of 
 the Saguenay, Phila., 1888, 12mo. 
 Murray, Williamson and Phelps. History ..f 
 Adams County, Illinois. Illust. Chic, 1879, Svo. 
 MurrayAynsley. See Avnsi.ry. 
 Murrell, William, M.D., F.R.C.P., b. 1851, assist- 
 ant physician and lecturer on nmteria medica and tlieni- 
 peutics at Westminster Hospital. 1. What to do in 
 Cases of Poisoning, Lon., 1881, 32ino; 4th ed., ISSI. 
 2. Massage as a Mode of Treatment, Lon., 1886, n. Svo; 
 3d ed., 1887. ' 
 Murrey, Thomas J. 1. Valuable Cooking Re- 
 ceipts, N. York, 1880, l6mo. 2. Salads and Sauces, \ 
 York, 1884, 16mo. 3. The Book of Entries, N. Vork, 
 1886, 24mo. 4. Cookery for Invalids, N. York. 1887, 
 24mo. 5. Practical Carving, N.York, 1887, 21mo. 6. 
 Luncheon, N. York, 188,8, 16mo. 7. Oysters and Fisli, 
 N, York, 1,888, l6mo. 
 Mnrsell, Rev. Arthur, eon of J. P. Murscll, 
 iii/in, 1. Letters to Working-Men at Manchester, Li.n., 
 1858-65, seven series, 12mo, 2. Calls to the Cross: Dis- 
 courses to a City Congregation, Lon., 1 865, J). 8vo. ,'), 
 Readings from Lectures to AVorking-Ken, Lon,, 1867, 
 12mo, 4. Bright Beads n a Dark Thread, Lon., 1S7;!, 
 12mo. 5. Lights and Landmarks for the Chri.stiiiu. 
 Lon., L873-:o, 12mo. (i. The Pulpit by the Hearth: 
 Chapters for .Sabbath Readings, Lon,, 1878, p, 8v». 7. 
 I Addresses to the Working-People of Birmingham, Man 
 Chester, 1880, p. Svo. 8. Brown, Jones, and Robinson ; 
 Ma-"-— '--^ '""" " 
 an Address, Manchester, 1880, or. 8vo. 
., \ 
 Hands ; nn Addresa, Mnnohestfir l««n a... ,„ » 
 j«fiO. Health : i,. Friends „„,, i,, Poes, Bost., 1802, 
 a^tica, Authority in ^;;'-l;^,r^;:^^^i- --^^2. Eccle.i- 
 Lo^ 7^*7 V^„"-2 'iV:''™'^ •• ^ ^""^ «»— . 
 I i<ui, (I. ovo. J. Illusions: a Novel I.nn i«ii- 
 3 vo ». or. 8vo '< A ritii„ ii i ""'"'> '^on., lh,s, 
 In Cloudland?- IHui^'^ 'fSss'""u.o''«^' '^"■"- ••• 
 Musgrave, Sir Aiithoiy, K.C.A G ls-8 iks 
 "The principal object of his ■stiwii,,,,' i„ . j- . 
 error n whi.^li l,c inia^in.^ that ^ir \ T ,,,"'„ '''*'P''' "" 
 mists have ' lioiiniUTu.l ■-Tminui,. h; . "'"' P^'""' eeoiio- 
 an^ is a mere niedUi^i'x'of "xehlf,,^ '■'i"!',:;;^ 1^^ l>" V'luc 
 Musgraye, Uev. George MusgruVe u a ' 
 [mile, vo . ., add 1 1 riN i«.j'j "•""grave, .M.A., 
 nose Colle.'e Ovfonl ' li-'^'^'V . «™J"''""1 at Brase- 
 li„.„„ii \1:L.:„'''™^J'^'?; ordained IS22: r'-otor of 
 torv"ai/t No'ISl"''' romance, ■a.Med to that of his- 
 Sanif Materia Afedin'„ 1 ,1 ' ^lll'J.'t \- 4 J^«.v t" Or- 
 t..m ,0 Analytical Chemistry; k ct'Lon.,^," /rr^^.f; 
 =Ha Medica, Lon., 1878, 3d ed'., IsrgV' 
 Jduction to Pharmaceutical and .Medical CI 
 I 1.1/J, >vo ; new ed., 1x811 4 \n Tni.„ 
 ^l.vt^al Chemistry ; i, „1 ' ,^t%;[%,.„ 
 Ln tarian churches in Cambridge, M„,g Con .„^ v ii 
 bles, or p^.Vhrps" recant. UheTiJI' i'"" "»^.'">'hor', foi- 
 I. A Ilarable nto Brittanv T.n,. istVi".) , ' „ 
 -;ul With imercs^'iS;<^;:;l,«':^-';-^;iL^-'oe^,may U. 
 15th, .6th and' ? h Chapterrof'^t t'""'''."'^ ''"'• 
 illank Verse, Lon 1877 ' ■^'- •'°''" ' '^"'P'^l' '" 
 Coil'eg^'.'ox'.lr""'";* f ",''{'?' ^1""""' "' «™-ose 
 .o.,.,* Vi , '• '''"" > willed to tlie bar at L ncoln'n Tn,. 
 The Law relating to Trade-.Marks, Lon'! LSSs" 
 xx.xvil. MS. 
 10. The Education of Old Ago, 1884 
 N.^^"^^i^'^t-!n::;tbine«;';^^'^-n ^-^"r^- 
 Medical Colleffe 1811 .K„ ^»"«g« 1847, and at liuffnlo 
 U.S. army lisl devi.^ "'! "'"'/'"" *"■■««"» i" •'"' 
 commanL'f M s^ml tj "" I,)""' ''T'^ '• "^'"^ 
 officer of the aruiyVllo-eTliid^f™,':',,^ td n'fs'o 
 new ed., enl., 1874. •»>-•, n. lorK, 18()S, Umo; 
 Mycr, Edmund J. 
 or. 8vo. 
 Mushet, William Boyd, M.B M R C P • * 
 and Treatment, Lot 883 sf''"!^*'^', '^T''''^'"?""^^^' 
 ;^,ta, Argillaceao a ^^, i-^'^:,^ f,,?^'. 
 in!t"''«os't "^m" ,o";„ '-The, Banker of Bedford. 
 fmken IWds Chi :,TsW i^^ "'"y '"•' ^he 
 B-thcr, or, Th^ To,°,pki„s M^ 'cry cl'^uX""'' 
 . ..sprn,.,JamesS..erida„,'i«D.pRj'Edir 
 W.K.I.A., [ciiKc, vol. i., ad.i 1 18>| ikt ni • " 
 K- Ltn'.: ind N.'^vork;','y«:r2"v^,rT-8v^""''- «"'^- 
 Miissey, Reuben Uimond. M I) rV n r . 
 vol. II., add.,J 1780-186.1. b. at "ell am N H nro Z ' 
 •'f surgery in Ohio Mclioal College Ts'iSi^'kf^li'" 
 ■•' M,au,i Medical College; settTed'u' Bo'st'otS.: 
 , Myers, Arthur Drown Richards. M no* 
 ! surgeon-major in the army. I On H,, lAi , ■"■•*^'''-; 
 I,Ed>vn,dII. Th, Dl.™,,,™ .t H, M.H. 
 "•..!'"5;'' I i(f 
 odist Kpiscopal Church, 1844-184(1, Nnahvillc, Teiin., | those whose statues are in the portico of Ihe House nf 
 1875, l2ino. Fame."— yl^A., No. 288A. 
 Myers, Ernest Jnmcs, M.A.,b. 1844, at Keswick; ^- Essays: Classical, Loii., 1883, p. 8vc. 6. E.«snv<' 
 son of Rev. Fre<leric Myers, in/m ,■ cdmintcd at Chelten- Modern, Lon., 1 <8H, p. 8vo. 
 ham College, and at Balliol Coileee, O.xford, where he ." Throughout volumes the render feels that, whether 
 graduated I8ti7; Fellow of Wauhaui Colleue lafiS-S'l ■ „^' ".^'''''''^ \* . Y'^'H" '''''''''''J J''''K'"«"t ''■•''"'• lh<y 
 c'alled to the bar at the Inner TeZle 18rf,\'u?neve; , ^^ S^'^^&'SVH,,:^ '^ll^i^T.^I^^ 
 practised ; sctretary of the London Society for the Ex- Ideas Is above rather than below his power of exures-.hiL' 
 tension of University Teaching 1876-82. 1. The Puri- 
 tans, [verse,] Lon., 18(i9, 12mo. 
 " It js a qua.'ii-Greek dramatic sketch, in which Milton 
 is made the chief personage. The blank verse and cho- 
 ruses, however, are not Mlltouic, but Swinburncau."— ^KA,. 
 No. 218.5. 
 2. (Trans.) The Odes of Pindar, [prose trans.,] Lon., 
 1874, p. 8vo; 2d ':. 1884. 3. Poems, Lon., 1877, 
 "We welcome tli. too scanty collection of verses in 
 which Mr. Kniest Myers writes about the scenery and the 
 art of HeiJas, In the spirit (if refined scholarsiiip.and with 
 the veracity of real insight. "—.Sii/. Rev., xliv. 81. 
 4. The Defence of Rome, and other Poems, Lon., 
 1880, 12mo. 0. (Ed.) Selected Prose Writings of John 
 Milton: with an Introductory Essay, Lon., 18S4, 12ino. 
 6. The Judgment of Prometheus, and other Poems, Lon., 
 1H86, 12mo 
 them."— yl(A., No. 2000. 
 Myers, II. Kentucky Codes of Practice in Civil 
 and Criminal Cases: with Amendments and Notes of 
 Decisions, Oin., 1887, 8vo. 
 Myers, H. M. and P. V. N. Life and Nature 
 under the Tropics; or. Sketches of Travels among the 
 Andes, and on the Orinoco, Hio Negro, and Amazon* 
 Maps and Iliust. X. York, 1871, 12ino. (An account 
 of an exiiedilion sent out by the Lyceum of Natural His. 
 tory of Williams College.) 
 "The authors are not simmU. . . . This hook rIvcs u< 
 h()\vever, the only account we have in our own lamiunin' 
 ol the country about the head-waters of the orincjco ev^ 
 cept the ' Travels' of Humboldt."— .VoW,™, xil. ]ii4 ' ' 
 Myers, J. II. William Carey, Shoemaker, th.' 
 Founder of Modern Missions, Lon., 1887, p. ,Svo. 
 Myers, J. H. 1. (Trans.) Five Discourses on ,St. 
 ■•In •Prometheus' we have a charming reminiscence of I ,?re; &'"'^L"o" Fatalism, by Alphonse Monod, .A,,: 
 Homer's and I'imiar's description of the enchanted land !},?'^"^ '""*'*•' ^^^^' ""'' '^<'- ^^t^< '2mo. 2. (Tran?,, 
 of the West, whither Prometheus is resolved to retire with f"^ Redeemer : a Sketch of the History of the Kedcuiii- 
 th'.! rest of tile Titans, to repose himself after his sorrows^ 
 when his counsel has gi-en Tlietes to Peleus."— Jcad.. 
 And see La!J(i, Andiiew, »iip\-ii. 
 Myers, Bev. Frederic, M.A., ['!»/«■, vol. ii., 
 MvERS, F., both entries, add.,] d. 1851; graduated at 
 Cambridge 18:i:i; Fellow of Clare Hall 183H-39; per- 
 petual curate of St. John's, Keswick, from 1839. 1. 
 Catholic Thoughts on the Church of Christ and th 
 Church of England 
 1874, 12uio; new ed 
 tains two out of the 
 culation in 1841.) 
 uii t[ie ijuurcn oi unrist anu tne ,„„„, n w iw . ,> ' 
 I, ("Present-Day Papers,") Lon., ' r"' <^°"%' Ol'o- I. Rem, 
 , 1883. Posth. (This' vol'ume con- i f,"^,' J.*;!:."/."'".' "'n, ""^^ ^^''^ 
 four books of which the work con- '" ' '"«^P"l'f. -i«- IHust. N. 
 tion by Edmond de PressensC, Best., 12mo. 
 Myers, John C. A Daily Journal of the One Hun- 
 dred and Ninety-Second Regiment, Pcnnsvivania Volun- 
 teers, for One Hundred Days, Phila., 1805, l2mo. 
 Myers, P. Hamilton. 1. The First of the Knick- 
 erbockers: a Tale of 1673, N. York, 18(i6, 12mo. 2 The 
 Treasure-Ship: a Tale of New York, N. York, 1884 Jtu 
 Myers, Philip Van Ness, A.M., president of Ud- 
 niont College, Ohio. 1. Remains of l,08t Empires: 
 myra, Nineveh, Babykin, 
 ' York, 1875, 8vo. 
 Catholic Thoughts" was printed for private cir- ' sciemiiic^eif,nim,oi;'t''','«n,'.',!!!.1'K.]y''';^ excellent. 
 !., ikjit \ ^ ^ ) scieniinc etjuipmcut, esiiccnuly in the inatler 
 and his 
 „ ,, , , , si^eins to have' been very sufflcientVTuiTh''^^iwc>!^cVH?^^ 
 bor all who care to know what an eminently wise and art neither of mlniile observation nor of lth oliic disi'i-in 
 '' ■""" " ' '■■ - •'■•■ '■■ ' ' tion The work Is readable, thanks to tliesub eel •'- 
 JVution, XX. 05. ' 
 good man Ihought I'luicerning the ideal reiution'i)f Church 
 and Stjite, the Imsrh'ss fabric of .Vpostolical .Succession, the 
 o?theChurVd.,ti,beunited,notintheacV{'pwnceofa"i^ Romnn_ Empi.'e, 476, N. York, 1882, 12i 
 dogmatic system, but by the love of (.'lirist andChrist-like 
 lives, the 'Catliollc Thoughts' will become a valued and 
 IK'rnianent possession."— .Sy)a'<(i(oi-, xlvii. so. 
 3. Outlines of Mediajval i.nd Modern History, Best., I 
 12mo. With Allen, W. F., Ancient History, for Col- 
 legos and High Schools: Part L, The Eastern Nations 
 Catholic Ihoughts on the Bible and Theology, , and Greece, by P. V. N. Myers. Iliust Bost 
 ("Present-Day Papers,") Lon., 1874, 12ino; new ed. 
 " rhe author's teaching on the relation of the Bible to 
 Christlanlly and Hebrew Monotheism is even more sugges- 
 tive and more valuable than his conclusions, profouml »■, 
 these are, on the relation of ilie Church to the 
 Christian.' —.Spfrf(i/or, xlvii. 10:).".. 
 Myers, Frederic Willia 
 Keswick; son of Rev. F. Myers 
 Lon., 1867, 12ino; new ed., 18711 
 "This poem, though written in stanzas. Is In its es,seiice 
 dramatic. From first to It is a pure soliloquy. In which 
 St. Paul is iiiiide to express his sense of his own unworthi- 
 nc.'is, his deep repentance, and his attitude of devotion 
 and faith towards his Master. . . . Into .'<t. Paul's char- 
 acter, however, into his motives, and into his various men- 
 tal transitions, Mr, Myers has not sought to enter. He 
 siin|)ly presents us with a reconl of emotions, . . . These 
 12iuo. And see MvEns, H. M., siipnt. 
 Myers, Mrs. Surah Ann, (Irwin,) [auic, vol. 
 ii., add,,] d. 187B. 1. The Young Recruit. Phila., IStil, 
 18mo. 2. Watch, Work, Wail: a Story of the Battle (.f 
 Life. Lon., 1881, 18mo. 
 Myers, W. Bostwick. The "Schwedler" Bridge, 
 ni Henry, b. 1,843, at I ^'•J"i'' "'"l,,'^"";', '**^"' ***■"■ 
 , mi,,,;,. 1. Saint Paul, I , ™yl»«. *•• " •> [<"'"■, vol. i., add.] 1. The Chil- 
 dren of the Old Testament, Lon., 1858, 18mo. 2. Prayers 
 for Inquirers of All Clnsse.«, Lon., 1868, l.Hnio. 3. Plain 
 Words for the Wayfaring, Lon., 1859, 12mo. 4. Plain 
 Words for the Sick and Aged, Lon., 18I>U, four series, 12un>. 
 5. Reposing in Jesus, the Secret of (irace anil .-<trenglli, 
 Lon., 1802, 12uio; 4th ed., 1871. (I. The Jlighty Mys- 
 tery; or. The Holy Trinity considered, Lon., I8iili, 
 12ino. 7. The Day of Bereavement : its Lessons and its 
 are .sometimes .expressed with no common power of music ' Consolations, L(m., 1871, ISnio. 
 and of diction."— .4(A., No. 210.J. ' Mvlnp Ipsxip I nnisn " 
 .. 2. Poems, Lon., 1870, 12mo. 3. Wordsworth, (•• Eng- ! ,nTu"nJ:',>"''l ^ZT"', v.. 
 lish Men of Letters,") Lon., 1880, p. 8vo. ■ ' 
 " Mr. .Myers, assisted by some valuable unpublished doc- 
 uments submitted to him by friends of bis own and of 
 WiirUsHortb s. has given an excellent account of the poet's 
 The Memory of lliu 
 Just is Blessed :" a Book of Faithful Remembninoe, 
 Lon., 1885, 8vo. 
 Myres, Rev. William Miles, M.A., graduaied 
 at Brasenose College, Oxford, lnei; ordained 1863; 
 and the most Important are deeply charged with that bur 
 den of sadness which Is a very marked characteristic of 
 the aKc. The hlphest gifts of poetry thev can scarcely 
 claim. Nothing thatean becalled imaginative or cicalive, 
 and littlethat isin any full sense dramatic, appears In Mr. 
 Myers « pasres. The poems have, bmvcver, marki-.l felicity 
 01 thought and expression ; the illustratlonsemployed are 
 appropriate ; the style, though elaborate and ornate. Is 
 poetical ; and the whole entitles its author to a place with 
 Myrtle, A. S. Observations on Harrogate Mineral 
 Waters, Lon., 1867. 
 " Myrtle, Harriet," (Pseud.) See Miller, Mas. 
 LvniA Falco.nek, Ktiprn, 
 " Myrtle, Minnie," (Pseud.) Sec, Mns. 
 Anna C, fiijint. 
 "Myrtle, Mollie," (Pseud.) See Hill, Mhs. 
 Aqnes, sttpru. 
 by ftble«IU,,rH but m^lvslr \^„^^^^^^ 
 I Unguagu^, I'hila., IS6!I, f„|. ?. Ghnrdni,, 
 D.;^» in the JJe^ert, N. York, 1>71, ?2,no 
 1»'A ^vo. .). lrun8,,„.H,on of Life: Counsels on the 
 Nack, James, [.„4 vol. ii.,,.d<i 11809.879 t. "*"• 12'"o- 6 The Bodv unr a^^^^ 
 Nadal, Rev. Bernnrrf lt„..i.„_ .„ .... Phihs/ZTl. "J"""-* ''fA''''''»''«d Children. Illuat. 
 mencan legation in London LsroXnl^^^^^^^^ IVapier, Rev. Al«v„„..„, ., , 
 An,ericanTegatlo„^„'wi^^^^^ ^^apier, Rev. Alexander M A r , , 
 a gcntlemanlj b , k J r '^ , , r"''l" ""« "■""'<' ™'> .u '*"1»«»'' tharles OttJey GrGom. Ti„ 
 a;wexa,nplesan,> ^l.y,j!!:r^l^^-^;:;^;:o | c., f/ 'C.r^^'?j:^^^i/S;r:^ kLJ";^:;^ 
 mm feel that his timVlT. «,,,,;.'*'* .,'*'"''"*■''' "'"ke i , '^>"'u"on i 
 Mr.j-Iadal makes u.Tr is ,, S,.'''''""'''.!"™>'- • • • ^•""•' "*"'*• ** 
 '^■•i}l''?av.«tanK,u'„tif nfbbsh •■-A «^f^^^^^^ by tor.v Han.bles 
 Nadun, Miss Constance C W f s .i,, . I IVapier, 3 
 wnnets of SDrinL.-Ti.n„ r, " ,ooV* "" '■ ?"n.«s "»J rps„„n,io '' ' 
 ') Illust. Lon., LsVyVfl)! Svo 
 M^or-Gen. Elers. The Life and Cor- 
 I'on, 1881, ,,. 8VO. r/Mod ^«^I'»"''«««« of Admiral "rc'mrlt's Nanii;",""'^ ?,"■■■ 
 .1 c. ' "v... ,T, ine jjoi 
 oilier Sermons, Lon., 1879. p. 8vo 
 l'oe,::,'t'n.,*;j^J:tno'^' '^''-'^"-P" of Iron: a 
 liam F. P. NaT, er b ' t vu-t'',''''f ''"""''> «"'' Sir Wil- 
 >"l"r!;;n.Uu<^'"H'?'^ii'"^^- ?^';l -'-i^h wHI ..ave an 
 endur!;;;?'V,liu"''^f,^'^t,l;'^;^ -<lw>.ieh will have an 
 neKleried bv the inasv c r .,i ', J' " "'"{" "f "iHilary life 
 cainpai^„s."_sir],V X SM *•'" "'"' ""•' '•™"1W "f 
 clu^s"Na,'!Tcr?r'iI;'^tr-' ^^^^ ^""'-'«''' «"' 
 of phys oloKvat S 'm ? .''/"'S"'' '**"! <l«monstrator 
 swcrs on fho Vl /■,„•' '''■^- Questions and An- Mr. Ni.nim's litf,,. v,„..i. ^.'. „_ _ 
 fp- Chifd7en"Lo';;"'i'5^9 '•," "'"'ory »' 'ho Refor-nation, 
 l«r:. 2 Qlimt andiLr^ i"?' ^ f !,""' 
 .".. ..trated ^ .^ Lor^. ^a^ ^ ^L ^ ^ -'^^^^tS^^d^J^^/SittSS 
 the Irish bar 8.^ M P „•*: \»"T'- "''."" ' ™"«'l "> 
 For^^hio,. .^1^^^:tt ::X ^'^Z^r'^i 
 .1. Thu Olerioal Subscription Coin- 
 5, Svi>. 4. Lectures, iiKsays, iiiiil 
 61, ■-' vols. or. Svo. .1 
 iiii.ision, Lon., I*<fi5, Svo. 4. Lectures, husays, iiiiil 
 Letters: a Supiilement to tlie Life, by A. C. EwalJ,, l^Sf<, Svo. 
 Nlipicr, Mucvcy, i-on of Mncvoy Niipier, editor of 
 the Ivlinbingli Ke\ iuw, ((/. v., mile, vol. ii.^ ( lOd.) 
 .Selections from tlio Corrospomlenoo of the Lute Miiovey 
 Niipier, Lon., 18711, Svo. (Printoil for private circula- 
 tion in IH78.) I 
 " Ills (Xftpier's) letters Imve not been preserveil. oral any | 
 rale bave not been collecteil ; but the familiar outpourings j 
 (if liie Iniiiitnal writers In tbe ' Heview.' with e, easional 
 lettiTs from less frequent eontriljutors, reuniined witb Mr. i 
 .Vaiiler, ami a seleetion from tliis eorrespimdem'e has now ' 
 been pnbllshed by bis son. ... It must lie owned that readers Will lind that the ehlef amusement they de- 
 rive from miscellaneous letters consists in the very 
 free criticisms which some of tbe writers bestowed on the 
 articles nppcariiif,' in snceesslve numbers of the 'Kdin- 
 buri,'h."'-.sii/. /iVi',, xlviil.-Vl. , ,, 
 ■■ to tbe surviving few who recollect tbe earlier years of 
 the ' licvlcw' ... it will recpurc in) reeomnicndation be- 
 vuiul its title : to the iirescnl generation it will be interest- 
 ing bv ull'ording a glimiisc liidiind the curtain of scones lo i 
 which some bave beard entbushustic allusions in tbe talk , 
 of their seniors, and a nearer personal view of simie ( f 
 the giants of the early [uirt of tliis century than is perhaps 
 to be found even in the well-written lilograpliics of many 
 of lliem which have appeared."— S^cctafor, ill. IIIJJ. 
 Nnpier, Mark, [..)./<■, vol. ii., add.,] d. 1.H79. At 
 tlio time of bis death be was the oldest working member 
 of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh. 1. Memorials 
 and Letters of John (ira'..,im of Claverhouao, Viscount 
 Dunilco, Edin., l.-<59-ri2, ;i vols. Svo. 
 •He denies the truth of Wodrow's and Kirton's narra- 
 tives, and stigmatizes the rameroinan accounts of the 
 sutferings of tbe persectUcd in .Scotland as gross and iu- 
 consislcnt llctions. He atllrnis that in the Qucensberry 
 Papers, to which, ' through tbe liberality of the Duke ol 
 Bucclench, be has had nnliraitcd access,' is contained a 
 true version of tbe history of those times, so far as claver- 
 hoiise played his part in them."— Sai. Rei:, viii. 369. (No- 
 tice of vol. i.) 
 -'. History Hoaoued; in Answer to "History Vindi- 
 cated," Lon., ISTO, Svo. 3. "The Lanox of Auld:" an 
 Epistolary Uevicw of " The Lennox, by William Eraser " 
 Illnst. Edin., Ito. 
 Napier, R. A. Manual of Navigation, Lon., 1877, 
 r. Svo. 
 Napier, Mrs. Kobina, wife of Rev. Alexander 
 Nnjiier, iiii;»(i. She selected the " Johnsoniana" ap- 
 pended to her husband's edition of boswell's Life of 
 Johnson. (Trans.) Memoirs of Prince Metternich, 
 177.3-1815. Edited by his Son, Prince Kiohard Mettor- 
 nicii. Lon., ]SSI(-S4, 5 vols. Svo. 
 Napier, Thomas llateman, LL.D., b. lSj4; 
 graduated, first class in common law and equity, at Lon- 
 don University IS.SI ; called to the bar at the Inner 
 Temple 1SS3. 1. Leading Decisions and Principal 
 Statutes, 18S1-84, Lon., 1S82-S5, 4 vols. 2. Modern 
 Digest of the Law necessary for the Final Examina- 
 tions, Lon., 1SS7, Svo. With Stki-iienson, C. ; 1. Digest 
 of Lending Points in Criminal Law, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 2. Digest of Probate, Divorce, Ac, for the Final Ex- 
 aminations, Lon., ISSS, Svo. 3. Practical Guide to the 
 liar, Lon., 1S88, or. Svo. 
 Napier, Miyor-Geii. William Craig Emil- 
 ius, b. 181S ; scm of Sir 0. T. Napier, «ii/)ni ; served in 
 India and the Crimea ; governor of the Uoyal Military 
 College, Sandhurst, 1875-82; retired 1885. (Trans.) 
 Outpost Duty, by (Jeneral Jarry : with Treatises on Mil- 
 itary Rcconiia sance and on Road-Making, Lon., 186'J. 
 Napper, Albert. On the Advantages of Village 
 Hospitals, Lon., 1864, Svo. 
 Naramore, Jay H. Poems, Cam! idge, Mass., 
 1865, l«mO; 2d ed., enl., N. York, 1866. 
 Nares, Rear-Admiral Sir George Strong, 
 K.C.U., F.R.S., b. 1831 ; educated at the Royal Naval 
 College, New Cross; served in the Arctic exjiodition of 
 1S52-54, and afterwards in the Crimean war; was in 
 command of 11. M.S. "Challenger," employed in making 
 soundings in the Eastern and South Pacific Oceans, 
 1872-76, and of an expedition to the North Polar Sea 
 lS75-7«. 1. Naval Cadets' Guide, Lon,, 186(1, Svo. 2. 
 Seamanship. Illnst. 2d ed., Lon., IS62, Svo; 6th ed., 
 enl., 1882. 3. Official Report of the Recent Arctic 
 Expedition, Lon., 1876, Svo. 4. Narrative of a Voyage 
 to the Polar Sea during 1S75- 76 in H.M. Ships " Alert" 
 and "Discovery:" with Notes on Natural History. 
 Edited by II. W. Feildcn, F.G.S., &o. Illust. Lon., 
 1878, 2 vols. Svo; 4th ed. same year. 
 " in all the now somewhat extensive library of Arctic 
 exploration there are no more luxurious volumes than 
 these, and few half so good."— ^KA., No. 2610. 
 "Any narrative of a Northern expedition in which ad- 
 venture Is rare and hope is out ut tbe (jnestion must be 
 reading that can exhilarate ro mortal. Thus .Sir ijeorge 
 Narcs's book is :iece.ssarilv, by the very circumstances of 
 tbe case, not :i very lively work. ... It is Impo.ssible to 
 read the extracts fnun the Jcmrnalsof the leadcrsof sledge- 
 parties wilboul liotb admiration and .innuyance. They 
 form tbe most interesting part of .Sir George Narcs's narra- 
 tive."— >ii(. lid-, slv. 7IVJ. 
 Naroii, I... II. l.ifo and Adventures of Chicka.saw 
 the Scout, Chic, 186.'i. 
 "Na»by, Petroleum Vesuvius," (Pseud.) Sec 
 LocKK, Davm) Ross, (iiiyiro. 
 Nash, Albert. Perseverance and Apostasy : Argu- 
 ment in Proof of the Arm! .ian Doctrine on that Sub- 
 ject; 2d ed., N. York. 1S7I, l2mo. 
 Nash, Kev. Charles Ilewitson, M.A., ordained 
 1878; curate of Croydon since 1885. Young Plants and 
 Polished Corners; or. Nature in the Light of the Bible, 
 Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Nash, 1). >V., [rtiilr, vol. ii., add.] The Plniraoli 
 of the Exodus ; an Examination of the Modern System 
 of Egyptian Chronology, Lon., 1863, Svo. 
 "The principal otiject of Mr. .s'asb's book is '.i rehabili- 
 tate the theory which would identify tbe K\odus of tlie 
 Hlble narrative witb tbe expulsion or emii.ration of the 
 llyksos. . . . His proofs of learning and industry are such, 
 at all eveiiUs, as to command attention and respect."— .S'ul. 
 Kni'., xvi. '2811. 
 Nash, F. H., [ante, vol. ii., add.] The Divine Edu- 
 cation of the Church, Lon., 1857, 12mo. 
 Nnxh, Gilbert. 1. Bay Leaves, and other Poem.., 
 Bost., IS69, l2ino. 2. Historical Sketch of the Town of 
 Weymouth, Massachusetts, from 1622 to 1884, Wey- 
 mouth, 1885, Svo. 
 Nash, Helen C. Rosie and Hugh ; or. Lost and 
 Found: a Story, Lon., 1876, p. Svo. 
 Nash, Rev. Henry Allden, ordained 1869; vicar 
 of St. .Margaret's,, since 1875. Student's 
 Compendium of the Book of Common Prayer, Lon., 
 1871, 12mo. 
 Nash, J. The Guide to Nice, Historical, Descrip- 
 tive, and Hygienic, Lon., 1884, 12iuo. 
 Nash, Joel. Lebanon : Lectures on Freemasonry, 
 Lon., 1853, Svo. 
 Nash, M. (Trans.) The Crown of Heaven the Su- 
 premo Object of Christian Hope, by J. N. Stogcr, X. 
 York, 1877, 12mo. 
 Nash, N. C. The Sunday Law Unconstitutional 
 and Unscriiitural, Bost., 1868, Svo. 
 Nash, R. L. 1. A Short Inquiry into the Protitalile 
 Nature of our Investments, Lon., 1880, l2iuo: 2d ed., 
 1881. 2. Tlio Investor's Sinking-Fund and Redcinp- 
 tion Tables, Lon., 1883, fob; new ed., IS84. 
 Nash, Simon, [an(e, vol. ii., add.,] d. 1879. 1. 
 Morality and the State, Columbus, 0., 1860, 12iuo. 2. 
 Crime and the Family, Cin., 1876, 12mo. 
 Nash, Thomas, M.A., ("Tom Palatine," pseud.,) 
 1845-1885, b. in .Manchester, Eng. ; graduated at lialliol 
 College, Oxford, 1867 ; contributed to journals and peri- 
 odicals, and took an active part in political affairs. He 
 committed suicide in consequence of insomnia resulting 
 from overwork. 1. The Medea of Euripides: the Ox- 
 ford Edition, Literally Translated, and the Most Difii- 
 oult Words in the Text Parsed and Explained, 'Ixf., 
 i 1869, Svo. Anon. 2. (Irans.) The Alcestia of Eurii>- 
 ! ides. Literally Translated: with Notes, Ac, Oxf., IsiiO, 
 Svo. Anon. 3. The Hecuba of Euripides : the Text 
 I Closely Rendered, and the Most Difficult Words Parsed 
 i and Explained. By a First-Cluss Man of lialliol College, 
 Oxford. Oxf., 1869, Svo. Anon. 4. A Long Lane, [talcs 
 i and sketches,] Lon., 1883. 
 Nash, Thomas Arthnr, b. 1850; graduated at 
 Lincoln College, Oxford, 1871 ; called to the bar at the 
 Inner Temple 1874. The Life of Richard [Bethell] Lord 
 Westbury, formerly Lord High Chancellor : with Selec- 
 tions from his Correspondence, Lon., 1888, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "Mr Nish writes with a full kiiciwledge of Lord West- 
 bury'8 pu die I'fc, in the law courts as advocate and judirc. 
 and in the two Houses of Parliament, and his aciiuaiiit 
 liii-ewitb legal and poUtlcal questions and history enables 
 him to set the portrait of his hero into a suitable tranic- 
 work of general narrative, 'f lie portrait, however, is more 
 Interesting tliau the frame."— .Saf. Hei:, Ixvl. 493. 
 Nash, Wallis. 1. Oregon— there and back in 1877, 
 Lon., 1878, I2mo. 2. Two Years in Oregon. Ilbi-l. 
 N. York, 1882, 12mo. 
 Nash, WillardG. A Century of Gossip ; or, flic 
 Renl und the Seeming of Now Englftiid I.ifo. By Dustv 
 Illiist. Chic, isrfl, U'liio. J""-'',*-- 
 Nasmith, D. The I'mcticnl Linguist : beine a Sys- 
 tem based entirely upuii Natural Prineinjes LmT,. IS73 
 2 vols. Klnin. > '"> 
 .^f,"*",',"!!!' J?"^***' ''''••'•' *'••"•»■. """fJ t» the bar 
 Ht the Middle I'emplo 180i. The Institutes of English 
 Adjective l,a\v, Lon., 1M7», 8vo. 
 Nasmyth, James, 1808-18«(i. b. at Edinburgh, and 
 educated lit the university there; established the Bridge 
 water louniliy near Manohestor for the iiiannfaeluro of 
 iiicchaiuoal tools, and was the author of many iiunortiint 
 inventions, including the stcam-liainmer known by his 
 name. lie contributed " Uemarks on Tools and .Mai 
 chincry ' to T, Baker's Elements of Mechanism. .James 
 ^a3myth, Engineer: an Autobiography. Edited bv 
 .^amiiel Smiles, Lli.C: with a I'ortrait liy (ieorge Keid 
 U.S.A., etched by I'aul Hii.jon, an.l Numerous Illustra- 
 tions. Lon., 1883, Svo ; IM ed.. IS,S5. 
 "Ill addition to his reconl of the niaiiv valuable me- 
 d.anl.'al coutr vanc.-s In wliioh he lakes a just , ri'le ho 
 g vos some .leliglitlul skelelies of a time which LA,"- 
 i:;any^rS::.^^'jji::';;!: jXl'''^" "^ """"" ""™ "■" 
 „r^\'^'' ^^^I'l'KJ'TKn, Jamks, The Moon .- considered :is a 
 yorld, a Planet, and a Satellite. Illust. 2d ed., Lon 
 18,4, 8vo; 3d ed., ISS.";. '' 
 Xason, Rev. Klias, [..nte, vol. ii., add.,] 1811- 
 1837, b. at Wronthani, Mass. j graduated at Brown 
 University I83,i; was pastor of several Congregational 
 churches, a member of many learned societies, and at 
 one time editor of the New England Historical and , 
 ( enealogieal Ueeord. I. .Sir Charles Henry Frankland 
 Bart., Albany, N.i., 186.0, 8vo. 2. Discourse before the 
 New England Historical and tjenoalogical Society on 
 the Life and Character of (loveriior Andrew, Best 
 186.8, Svo. 3. Monogram on our National Song, n' 
 \ork, ISBi), 8vo. 4. Memoir of Mrs. Susanna Rowson! 
 Albany, 18,0, Svo. 5. Life and Public Services of 
 Iharlcs Sumner. Illust. Bast., 1874, 12ino. (1. Lives 
 ol the Eminent American Evangelists, D. L. Moody and 
 . I). Sankoy : with an Account of their Labors in Great 
 liritain and America; also. Sketches of the Lives of P 
 '!• "^('ss 'inJ !•'• Tourjee, Best., 1877, 12mo. 7. Life and 
 Publio Services of Herry Wilson, (" Famous Americans" 
 Ser.,) Bost., 1881, 12mo. 8. Originality, Host., 1882. 
 I. 'mo. ' 
 , E"?""' *^'"""a Harrington. White Sails, Bost., 
 1888, Umo. 
 IVason, Henry Biailford, M.D., LL.D., Ph.D., 
 b. 1831, at Foxborough, Mass.; educated at Amherst 
 and at (idttingen ; professor of chemistry and natural 
 science in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy \ Y • 
 member of chemical societies of Berlin, London, and 
 .New 1 ork. 1. Table of Reactions for Qualitative Chem- 
 ical Analysis, Troy, 1865; new ed., Phila., 1871, illust 
 ^'■"V.,. , . ^Trans.) Iland-Book of Mineral Analysis, bv 
 F. ■\\ohler. Illust. PhiU., 1870, 12mo. 3. (Ed.) Bio- 
 graiihieal Record of the Officers and Graduates of the 
 Kensselaer Polytechnic Institute from 1824 to 1887, Troy, 
 N.y., 1887, Svo. 
 .,'"*!**"?' :^»'»" James, M.B., M.R.C.S., surgeon to 
 theStratford-on-Avon Hospital. On Someof the Respon- 
 sibilities of the Medical Profession in Regard to Sani- 
 tation, Moral as well as General, Lon., 18S4, Svo. 
 Nassau, Robert H. 1. Crowned in Palm' Land • 
 a btoiy ot African Mission Life. Illust. Phila., 1874 
 I-'rao. 2. Introduction to the Gospel Record, Cin., 1 2mo' 
 •i. Mawedo, the Palm-Land Maiden. Illust. Bost 
 1882, Iflmo. '' 
 Nast, Rev. William, b. 1807, in Stuttgart, Oer- 
 "lany; removed to the t'nited States in 1828; minister 
 ot a German Methodist church in Cincinnati, and editor 
 "t the Christian Apologist. 1. Christologioal Medita- i 
 tiuns Cm., 1858. 2. A Commentary on the Gospels of ' 
 .Matthew and Mark, Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical. 1 
 (ill., 1864, Svo, I 
 Nate, Mrs. Mary J. E. Down by the AVaves, i 
 Host., 1807, I8mo. 
 Nat^sa Siistri, Pandit S.M., a native of the Tricb- 
 inopoly district, on the staff of thr Indinn <;..,efnment ' 
 .UchiBo logical Survey. Folk-Lore in Southern India, '< 
 liombay, 1888. ' i 
 Iovp'r«'''!If'^S'".'''.'=°i°™'^"'^ "i.V I'a"<llt's little book to all ' 
 X, f "^''?.'.' '^^^^' "* "■«" ^ t" my stor^■■oomparing ' 
 fruiiron. -W. A. Clouston . Acad., xxxiii, 285. j 
 Nathan, Nathaniel, b. 1843 ; graduated at London 
 Uiversity 1861; called to the bar a, the Inner Temple | 
 1866. The Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875, Lon., 1875, 
 I Nathllsius, Maria. 1. .loachim ,-. Kamerin : the 
 Diar.v of a Poor \oung Lady, Lon., Is«u, 1l.,„„. 2. 
 ; Elizabeth : a St.iry, Lon., 1871, 2 vols. 12mo 
 'orf,""iT', "; "•,^' '• '■'''"'■"•■ " Collection of 
 ngina lales. Lon 18,t3 12, 2. Sketches from Life 
 and Jottings Irom Books, Lon., 18(;4, p. nvo. :i. Am.le- 
 Blossoms: Poems and Songs, Lon., Isrii, l2mo; new ed., 
 18. t,. 4. Satires, Political and Social, in Prose and 
 Verse, Lon., I8mi. 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 I- '^'*",'.,M''*'' *"* " • '"'"'" Sorinoiis on Personal Re- 
 ligion. Phila.. I Mir, 12mo. 
 rii^'J" m' -■!•",'"'• ''lowers, and how to Paint then.. 
 Illust. N. \ork, 1880. obi. lOmo. 
 Nauninn, Miss Mary D, 1. Sidney Elliott: a 
 801), 12mo. .1. The Enchanted Princess, Phila., 1871 
 Bnio. 1. Clyde Wardleigh's Promise. Phila., 1872 5. Evas Adventures in Shadow-Land. Illust. 
 I hila., Ilimo. 
 Navalknr,G.R. TheStudenfsMarruhi Grammar; 
 new ed., Bcunbay, 187!), Svo. 
 Nnville, f:douard, of Geneva, appointed by the 
 hg.vptian h.xploratiou Fund to conduct the lirst season's 
 w_ork. 1 The Store-City of Pithom and the Route of 
 the Exodus, Lon., 1885, 4lo ; 2d ed. same year. 
 " A dear record of the most importjint discovery of 
 HKrivu !'"Tf- '" ''""ifblof Old TeMament rLsearcli."- 
 K^.(■I^AI,Il^T^■AKT I'oole; -lfo'(., xxvii. i:>C-. 
 I 2. Goshen and the Shrine of Sail el Henneh : being 
 llmi 1^8 ^^"'""""^ ""^ Egyptian Exploration Fund, 
 Naylcr, B. T. Common-Sense Observations on 
 Rules in the English Language, Lon., 1870, Svo 
 Najler, «;eorge. A Practical and Theoretical 
 Trea ISO on the Diseases of the Skin, Lou., 1806, Svo: 
 za cci, 18/4. 
 Naylor, B. S. Time and Truth reconciling the 
 Moral and Religious World to Shakespeare : the Greatest 
 Poe and Dramatist, the Greatest Moral- Philosopher and 
 1 hihinthropist, that ever lived in the Tide of Times- 
 whose Greatness, like an Alpine-Avalanche, continues 
 increasing and increasing and increasing, „s the Wonder- 
 ful Revelations of his Overwhelming Genius roll down 
 the Steep of Time! Lon., 1854, 12mo. Anon. 
 . Naylor, F. W. Continuous Education': Sugges- 
 tions about Libraries, ic, Lon., 1S,')8, 8vo 
 Naylor, Mrs. R. S. Afteclion's Tribute: Poems, 
 Oskaloosa, Iowa, 1874, 12mo. 
 t- ^'l'^^' "enJamin Matthias, b. 1847, at Antrim, 
 Franklin Co., Pa.; admitted to the bar 1872; became 
 editor of the Harrisburg Daily Patriot 1887 l Sketches 
 of Early Chambersburg, 1872. 2. Historical Sketch of 
 Franklm County, 1870. 3. Guide to County Officers: 
 Compendium „f Laws governing the Assessment and 
 Collection of la.\es. .tc, Harrisburg, 1877, Svo. 4. His- 
 torical Notes on the Early Government and Legislative 
 Councils and Assemblies of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, 
 Ibi!). 0. A Brief Review of the Financial History of 
 Pennsylvania, Ac, 1881. '' 
 n.^^^'.'oS'' ^'■^' ^'''' '"'"' thef^ick and Convalescent, 
 Phila., 1861, Ifimo. 
 Neal, John, [aii^e, vol. ii., add.,] 17!)3-1876. 1 
 True Womanhood: a Tale, Bost., 1851), 12mo. 2. Wan- 
 dering Recollei tions of a somewhat Busy Life : an Auto- 
 biography, Bost., 1869, lOmo. 
 " P" •'.<:', compels him to read his -.ovels and poetry, the 
 readorwill give tins pioneer aiilb ,r of ours hearty, tlidugli 
 .e\.hal qimlifiud, respw't a--..ilikii,K,asa 
 honest one. and one who has worked Tiard ami ,loiie good 
 Lx"l53'' '^'"^'^'''""•^"' '" '"'^ ''">■ "'"^ i,'cf.eratloii."-N-<i5/o)i, 
 3. Greet Mysteries and Little Plagues, Bost., ISOU 
 16ino. ' 
 Neal, Jonathan. Jewels from the Bible Casket: 
 with Introduction by Gervase Smith, Lon., 1808, I2ino 
 Neal, Richard. Codrus, King of Athens, 'a 
 Tragedy, and Poems, Lon., 1858, 12mo. 
 Neale, Alfred James, M.D., lute physician to the 
 Hydn R.-wd Hr.^pii,,! for Disntscs of the Skin, Man- 
 ohester. I. Eczema, Lon., 1888, cr. Svo. 2. Scrofula, or 
 KingV Evil, ami what can be done for it, Lon., 1888 
 12ino. ' 
 Nealt, Cornelius. Lectures at Oxford, on Landed 
 Property, Lon., 1800, Svo. 
 Neolc, lf^:dward Vansittart. The Analogy of 
 Thought and Nature Investigated, Lon., 1863, p. Svo. 
 r' "•'■I i 
 Nenle, Rev. Erskiiic, [n<ii<; vol. il., ikW.] Sun- 
 sotn and Sunshine; or, Viirldi Aspects of Life, Loii,, 
 1802, p. 8vo. 
 Neale, F. A. Route-Iiook to Egypt, the Holy 
 Lund, .Sjriii, Ac, Lon., l»o4, l2iuo. 
 Neale, J. €. Treatise on Pasture-Lttnd Fences, 
 Lon., 18H2, Hvo. 
 Neale, JaineH, F.S.A., assooiiite of the Royiil In- 
 Btituto of British Architects ; gained the I'ugin triivolling 
 studentship iind the silver medal uf the Uoyal Instituto 
 in 1875. The Abbey Church of St. Albun, Hertford- 
 shire, must. Lon . 1878, fol. 
 ■' A ' short outllne-sicctch of the chief Incidents respect- 
 ing the Ahlioy' precedes the pliites ; but there have been 
 fuTlcr and perliups more satlsf.icUiry iccrtalnly more con- 
 venient) nrchitectural histories ot the hulld ng It is he 
 KriiTid sericsof ijhnto-llthogrnplis tlnit entitle Mr. Nca ch 
 work to lake llie tlrst place among those relating to the 
 Abbey fhurcholSt. Alban. . . . 1'erhap.s no great Kngllsh 
 church bius been more fully or elaborately illustrated. — 
 Acad., xlv. ;!I3. .. . t. tx r . 
 Neale, Ilev. John Mason, M.A., D.D., [anie, 
 vol. ii., add.,] son of Cornelius Ncalo, (./. c, anle, vol. li.,) 
 b. about 1818, d. 18(16; gradu^ued iit Trinity College, 
 Cambridge, IHJO; inoumbont of Crawley, Sussex, 184H; 
 warden of Saokvillo College, East (Irinstead, 184B. Ho 
 was the founder of the Ecclesiologioal Society of Cam- 
 bridge, and of the East (Jrin.stead Siflleihood. His best- 
 known production is " Jerusalem the Golden," a transla- 
 tion of a nicdiieval hymn. 1. Herbert Tresham : a Talo 
 of the Great Rebellion, Lon., 1842, 12mo; new ed., 
 1869. 2. Annals of Virgin Saints, Lon., 1846, 12mo. 
 3. Stories from Heathen Mythology, Lon., 1.8^7, 18mo; 
 new ed., 18l!fl. 4. The Unseen World, Lon., 1850, l2mo; 
 new ed., 1866. 5. Deeds of Faith : Stories for Children 
 from Church History, Lon., 1850 ; 3d ed., 1868, 12mo ; new 
 ed 1872. 6. Victories of the Saints: Stories for Children, 
 Lon., 1850, 18rao; new ed., 1870. 7. The Followers 
 of the Lord: Stories from Church History, Lon., X8,)l, 
 18mo; new ed., 1872. 8. Mediasval Hymns, Sequences, 
 and other Poems, Lon., 1851, :!2mo; 3d ed., enl., 1867. 
 9. Sunday Afternoons at an Orphanage : Sermons to 
 Children, Lon., 1859, 18mo. 10. Voices from the East: 
 Uooumonts on the Present State and Working of the 
 Oriental Church; translated from the Original Russ, 
 Slavonic, and French : with Notes, Lon., 1859, or. 8vo. 
 11. The Quay of the Dioscuri: a History of Nicene 
 Times ; written in Greek by Macarius, Merchant of 
 Tunnies and I'alaii-^ ' 's, and now translated from the 
 Alexandrian Manuscripts, Lon., 1859, 8vo. Anon. 12. 
 Notes Ecclesiologioal and Picturesque on Oalmatm, 
 Croatia, Ac, Lon,, 1861, 12mo. 13. Essays on Liturgi- 
 ology and Church History, Lon., 1862, 8vo ; 2d ed., with 
 Preface by R. F. Littledalo, 1867. 14. Sermons for the 
 Blaok-Letter Days, or Minor Testivals, Lon., 1863, p. 8vo ; 
 2d ed., 1872. 15. Seatonian Poems, Lon., 1864, 12ino ; 
 new ed., 1875. 16. Hymni EcclesiiB, Lon., 1865, l2mo; 
 newed.,1878. 17. Hymnsof the Eastern Church; 3d ed., 
 Lon., 1866; new ed., 1871. 18. Sequences, Hymns, and 
 other Ecclesiastical Verses, Lon., 1866, 16mo; new ed., 
 1873. 19. The Moral Concordance of St. Anthony of 
 Padua, Lon., 1867, p. 8vo; new ed., 1872. 20. Sermons 
 on the Song of Songs, Lim., 1867, 12mo. 21. Sermons 
 for Children, Lon., 1867, 12mo; 2d ed., 1.869; new ed., 
 1872. 22. Hymns suitable for Invalids, Lon., 1867, 
 16mo. 23. The Egyptian Wanderers: a Talo of the 
 Tenth Persecution, Lon., 1867, 18mo; 3d ed., 1879. 24. 
 (Ed ) Liturgies of SS. Mark, James, Clement, Chrysos- 
 tom, Basil; 2d ed., Lon., 1868, ISmo. 25. The Virgin's 
 Lamp : Prayers and Devout Exercises for English Sisters, 
 Lon, 1868, 12mo. 26. Via Fidelium : being Litanies, 
 Stations, and Hours, Lon., 1869, 18mo. 27. Catechet- 
 ical Notes and Class Questions, Lon., 1869, p. 8vo; new 
 ed., 1872. 28. Sermons preached in a Religious House, 
 Lon., 1869, 2 vols. 12mo; Second Series, Lon., 1874, 2 
 vols 12mo. 29. Evenings at Sackvillo College: Legends 
 for Children; 2d ed., Lon., 1870, 12mo. 30. Sermons 
 on the Blessed Saorament, preached at East arinstoad, 
 Lon., 1870, 12mo; 5th ed., 1880. 31. (Trans.) St Thomas 
 Aquinas' Venerable Sacrament of the Altar, Lon., 1871, 
 l,8mo. 32. Groupa of Sormon? on the Apocalypse, 4o., 
 Lon., 1871, 12mo. 33. Lectures on Church Difflcultiea. 
 Edited by W. J. E. Bennett. New ed., Lon., 1871, p. 
 8vo. 34. Miserere : the Fifty-First Psalm : with Notes, 
 Lon., 1871, 18mo. 36. Sermons on Passages of the 
 Psalms, Lon., 1871, 12mo. 36. Sermons preached in 
 Saokville College Chapel, Lon., 1871-78, 4 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 This includes vols, published previously.) 37. Lout 
 Legends; new ed., Lon., 1872, 18mo. 38. Litanies: the 
 Wuv of the Cross, Lun., 1872, 18mo. 3(1. History of llio 
 Eastern Church, (Anlioch.) Edited by G. William?. 
 Lon 1873, 8vo. 40. Occasional Sermons preached in 
 Various Churches, Lon., 1873, 12mo. 41, The Church 
 from Pentecost to the Council of Chalccdon; 2d ed., Lon., 
 1874, 18HIO, 42. Sermons for some Feast Days in ihi- 
 Christian Year, Lon., 1875, 12mo. 43. Sermons for Ih.- 
 Church Year, Lon., 1876, 2 vols. 12mo. 44, Sermons ..ii 
 Passages from the Prophets, Lon,, 1877, 2 vols. 12mii. 
 45. Rhythm of Bernard dc Moihiix on the Celestml 
 Country ; new ed., Lon., 1877, 16mo. With Litti,kii.\i.i:, 
 Rkv. R. F., LL.1)„ a Commentary on the Psalms, from 
 the Primitivo and Mediiin-al Writers, and from the 
 Various Office-Books and Hymns of the Roman, ilotar- 
 able, Ambrosian, Galilean, Greek, Coptic, Aruieniiiu, 
 andSyriao Rites, Lon,, 1860-74, 4 vols, p, 8vo. 
 Neale, L,. E., M.D. (Trans.) Treatise on Abdom- 
 inal Palpation as apjdicd to Obstetrics, and Version 
 by External Manipulation, by A. Pinard. Illust. N. 
 York, 1885, 8vo. . „, „ ,. , 
 Neale, Itichard, M.D., M.R.C.S. 1. The Medical 
 Digest: being a Means of Ready Reference to llio 
 Principal Contributions to Medical Science during tlic 
 Last Thirty Years, (New Sydenham Sue.,) Lon., 1877, 
 8v. 2. The Medical Digest : the Busy PraetitKmer s 
 Vi.-.e-Mccum, Lon,, 1883, 4to; 2d ed., 1883, 8vo, 3, 
 First Appendix to the Medical Digest, 1882-86, I.nn., 
 1886, 8vo, ,. ,, , 
 Neale, Rev. Rollin Heber, ['nnc, vol, ii„ add„| 
 180.8-1879. 1. An Address delivered on the Two-Hun- 
 dredth Anniversary of the First Baptist Church of Bo.-^- 
 ton. Best., 1865, 8vo. 2. Pastor i,nd Preacher; a Me- 
 morial of the Late Baron Stowe, D.D,, Bo.^t,, I870,32iiio. 
 Neale, W. R. Time the Avenger, and other Poems, 
 Lon,, 1860, fp. 8vo. 
 Neame, E. J. 1. Ben's Resolve; or. He wli'> 
 Strives will Win, Lon,, 1872, 12mo. 2. Cntherine Mm- 
 ford; or. Rich though Poor, Lon., 1876, 12mo. 3, Orucc 
 Martin; or. Poor, not Friendless, Lon., 1882, 12uio, 
 Nentby, T. Our Lord's Coming Again, (Lcciuics 
 at Haverstock Hill,) Lon,, 1877, p. Svo. 
 Neute, A. A. The Mysterious Rubrics, and oilier 
 Stories, Lon., 1878, p, 8vo, , „ , 
 Neate, Charles, 1806-1879, b. nt Adstock, Bmk- 
 ingbamshire, Eng.,nnd educated at lheB(JUrbon Colli-;.'!', 
 Paris, and at Lincoln College, Oxford, where he grmlii- 
 ated 1828; Fellow of Oriel College from 1828; Drum. 
 niond professor of political economy 1857-62; M,P. I'T 
 Oxford 186,3-68. I, Objections »o the Government 1 iii- 
 versity Scheme, Lon,, 1854, 8vo. 2. Consideraiinns "ii 
 the Punishment of Death, Lon., 1857, 8vo. 3. Two 
 Lectures on the Currency, Lon., 1859, 8vo. 4. Ilist"iy 
 and Uses of the Law of Entail, Lon., 18fi."i, Svo. .). 
 Besika Bay : a Dialogue after the Manner of Luciaii, in 
 Latin Elegiac.;, Oxf,, 1877, Svo. 
 Neaves, Charles, Lord Neaves, ia00-l^7(>, a 
 Scottish lawyer; was made a judge of session with llni 
 courtesy title of Lord Neaves in 1854. He wa." elcl'l 
 lord rector of Aberdeen University in 1872, and at'aui 
 in 1873, and was a contributor to BlackwoodV .Ma;.';!- 
 zine. 1. Songs and Verses, Social and Scientilio. liy 
 an Old Contributor to Maga, Edin,, 1868. An'.n. :;'l 
 ed,, enlarged, with the Music of some of the Tunes IM'.', 
 Svo. 2, A Glance at Comparative Philology : Latin inul 
 Anglican Forms of Speech, Edin., 1870, p. 8vo. 3. I lie 
 Greek Anthology, (" Ancient Classics for English Read- 
 ers,") Edin., 1874, l2nio. 
 Nebelin, Charles E. Meditations on the Sullcr- 
 ings and Death of Christ, Lon., 1857, 12mo. 
 Needell, Mrs. John Hodder. 1. Julian Kars- 
 Iftke's Secret: a Novel, Lon., 1881, 3 vols. 2. Liuia, 
 Hugh, and Another, Lon., 1884, 3 vols. or. 8vo. 3. Hie 
 Story of Philip Methucn, Edin., 1886, 3 vols. cr. mu. 
 4. Noel Chetwyn's Fall : a Novel, Lon., 1888, p, Svi. 
 Needhum, C. R. Synopsis of the Physiulo-y .4 
 Articulation, Lon., 1859, 12mo. 
 Needham, Mrs. Eleanor Creathonie, (Clay- 
 ton,) b. about 1832, in Dublin; contributed hunioruiis 
 designs and literary sketches to a weekly journal pub- 
 lished by her father, and is now a contributor wiiii l"' 
 pen to London Society, and with her pencil to the pages 
 of Judy. 1. Notable Women: Stories of thciv lues 
 Lon., 1859, 12mo; new ed., 1875. 2. Celebrated \\Minen : 
 Stories of their Lives and Example, Literary, Soci;' . 
 and Historical: a Book for Young Ladies, Lon., 1™. 
 Svo. 3. Women of the Reformation: their Lives, laitli, 
 and Trinln, I,on., ISfll lOmn a iu:.. \m ■■ .. 
 Sunlight foa «,:.„„, !:<': "Jsfl. •fj^'t^l ^(^::j; :^ 
 Sung: bciriK Mo.uoir, of some ol" the Mo, (V ebmto,l 
 IU. The Worljl TurneJ Upsido-Down, Lon., 1870 Svo 
 »." Aumff.^T'tVufr wait '^;::«iT'""^"'' "" ";'"""¥ "■ ^''"w 
 vol'/c;^ Hvl"'" ^"'"'^' " I'""-S""-y. I'on.. 1882. .'i 
 Needhani, John Laylaiid, lieutenant R M Ar 
 it« Political anil M tary Jliitorv hv ^„i w p . 
 WeeUle.., Samuel H. (Trans.) F enel View of 
 he (,ran,l International E.xpo,iti„„ „f 1878,by L lau. 
 rent .^iinonin, I'hila., 1876, Svo 
 ^^^Neely, Kev. P. F. iji.eourse,, N. York, 1858, p. 
 of_Kpi,eo|,acy anil Organic Methodism, N. Yorl:, 1888" 
 wiU,''a""| im" «"'"'•'• Cliffora. A Chronicle, together 
 of Franif, I p'""""^ regarding Rudolf and Jacob Naf, 
 jnttiJiS-^bl^^in^t-:?-^;^^-^:— ' 
 St,KN.%,^8j7."8^; ""^"'^-'^ '" '"« ^"'-'' 
 Hives and Beo-Culture, Lon., 1865, 8vo; .3d ed., 1877 
 of St Matthias, Poplar, London, gince 1874. I Th„ 
 Mattin Luther, L. n. Isfi.l'i-l 5 V, "r'*M"'''' '"! 
 the Result, of 'their 'Liv.. l", n 1 Hn', '^I'i:,'; .' '^'*b"'."J"' 
 Described, Warwick, M7 12mo « tL i'IVT" 
 HanilRook and^e;-!,. ."Manuay 1,^ l' 74' 
 now ed., 1880, IL'ino. 10. (K,l 1 Th II ,,, . • , ''^^'*' 
 CyHupjcdia of .Self.In.struc{io,!;Von: 8,s % :"'""^^ " 
 Neill, C. Poetical Musings: with L!tn»l Trn„.i» 
 !wi:i:;'^.:j';i:i::-,^;'-::^^y'> or. The Soldier's 
 j Neiil, Ucv. Kdward Uuilield, D.D., l»„i. vol 
 I POM "l rT's.''^'" 'r" "^ """-"-"T CollegrMinne- 
 , pis l,s,.i-8|, am has since been profes..»r of history 
 ' f''the .r '"™',T""'"^ '" """ "'»'i'"tion. a^ 
 Kn I T ""■f":"'«'' Kl'ise'THi Church i„ St. Paul, 
 and iTJl 't'cem'h r *'"""' ""'If "'"i™ '» 'he Seventeenth 
 (ini l.iglitcenth Centuries, Albany, Isiis, 8vo 4 P„ 
 oahontas and her Companions. Ac., Albany 186il, sm. t„" 
 ?870 ',7 6 E,^ iT'p f-!-Pany of l5;ndon,'Alban;; 
 Se;:ntec:n-th l^y:l^'"l';iTZ:' ■^T'"! '", ''" 
 a Roman Catholic Co Z' By E j^'' J' '^ii':?'""'* ""' 
 187:,. s^ The Founders^d- M'aryhu,d.''.;s ," trrrTn' 
 Manuscripts Prinincial Records.' Early' Di'cumen ." 
 eludil F vnl ' • ?•, """'"-y "f Houston County, in- 
 cluaing L.vplorers and Pioneers of Minne«ota and Oi,t 
 ■ ne iI..tory .^ the Sta.eof Minnesotii, Mi^'J.:^."" ,8 ; 
 of Charles th^Fir.^ "'"<"" ' y'^*-''"'"' "■"'<'■ "'« ""'e 
 Neilson, Joseph. Memories of Uufus Choate- 
 with some Consideration of his Studies Method and' 
 Opinions, and of his Style as a Speaker and &' iio" t!] 
 remii,i",!;;':,j;'',,r-;^''Vf;,Ul!T"';?'l '>""•'«• I^ey cont^iln 
 ni.iii. disc Asio isof'l, AV' i" '""-^--Hnd a.s a public 
 -lenling with ' ries.Vi , 4 ;iiius':,f"h?s c'V "T'"'' "' 
 some noted c-ascs."-'\w;",,^xl is"! «"">«'t""" "iih 
 Chii«ti Vniu™ n — , .,' "•' K™o'>ateu at Corpus 
 oumh ntnfrf ! p^,^^'"^eo, 1870; ordained 186(5: in- 
 rUe w ok V^n 7?"^'''^r''"^"'' '«^'-^-» ' "haplafn 
 Reiimsof Nature,: or, Parables from pi^nt^u^ Lon 
 hiil, cr 8vo ; new ed.. 1882. 3. Palestine Evnlored wTti,' 
 a \ lew to Its Prcaent Natural Features. Ac.! Lon , isi 
 SientioL""'Lon"'-'.8«"i/- '''^''"«= "^ Curious' Bible 
 OnT'Sher/'-A'C'lksf "■■ ""^ ""•■'"''''"''' "«"""« 
 BErj.*"' ""*''" <'''""'••) S"" Harwood, Miss Isa- 
 vies i ^hru.'"".' ^ I^ ' ««'«1N »ix«n,and Ua- 
 similg Ac fir ?■"',"• ^;'""""' J^oat-Duilding and 
 sain.,,,, Ac., for Amateurs, Lon., 187»; now ed., 1880, 
 tion^imrc',^'"""!"''- '• '^'"' '"^'''°"' ""d '>"= Condi- 
 tion and Lonfiguration of its Surface, Lon., 1876 8vo 
 IVeisoii, Francis GiistaviiH PnnInK h i>i47. 
 ti"o f to" Vit.l"", ",' /•""■-;"'" '""' 1«" ' Contr ! 
 sT7 'V e 'Vr'"'-'' h""-' "^5- ^'o! 3<1 cd., enl., 
 'vo'"2d ed 1 -!'"< '?.,*'■, '='"">■ «"«'«"««• Lon.,'l870 
 ne s' acLml'inl /■ .. ' V'" "'"''^ "'' ''^''"•"'lit.v ""'1 Sick- 
 of Poit, or /• , ''\,K''l"-'"''>™ of the Ancient Order 
 ot Molesters iriendly Society, Lon., 1882, r. 8vo 
 Nelham, O. K.slie-. a ,<earch for a Soul ■ or San 
 Plme Lights : „ Novel, Lon., I88:i, p ,^^ •"•" ' or, teap- 
 im,l'f<u".' ■'"'"' "'• *'•""•''''' "'"' ^V'-'tiofS*, N. York, 
 TrMtm'^nt"'t.'^*v^;- '^^-Siokness : its Cause, Nature, 
 ireatinent, Ac. N. \ork, 18,58, Svo. 
 welson, Charles Alexander, b. 1839, in Calais 
 a ci if 'cli'""' "' '!"":^"' "' "'"■ "a., for' 4,3 
 L <-• gincer, and afterwards engaged in the book- 
 a^lUueo7th"' V ■?"'?•!.'''' "" '"'''"•' chargL,' :'; 
 Pa"t and P ,'^"' \'^""y Continuation. Waltham, 
 nf w . P'«'?"'' """^ •'« Industries : with a Sketch 
 '^•M..^ I 
 ' ■'■>.»*.., 
 "' ••*•». , 
 **•«!«* ! 
 li ' 
 Nrlson, Onviil. On the Principtss of lleoltli ond ! 
 Disi'ii.-is I-iin., IH.^ill, ivn; 2.1 oil., ISjK. 
 Ni-Uoii, MUs II. A. JI..p« Wiillttco, Host., 1889, 
 Ncl*'on, Ki'v. Ilonry AdtliNoii, 1.. l>*2(i, at Ain- 
 hDmt, Muss. ; tjriKlimleil ill lliimilluii Colk'KO IHIO | ]iro- 
 fojuur of tliL'iilogy in l.iine Seiiiiiiiiry |Sl)s-7l ; puntor of ■ 
 rieabytoriiin ehiirolicM. I. Seeing Jtvui', I'liilii., 1«0U. | 
 2. Sin iinil Siilviition, \. Vnrli, l-<SI, I2iiii). 
 NelNOii, Henry Looiiiin. I. Onr I njuet 'i'lirlff | 
 l.iiw : 11 I'liiin Stiiluintiit iibnul Iligti 'I'lixea, l!ii>t., [•*si, i 
 l^u). 2. Jolin ItiinliMil, |ii ninel,J lioat., Issa, IJiiio. , 
 NelNOii, Hornce A. Tlirougli Uofp Wuiuis : i 
 Novi'l. I,on., IfiMi, |i. f<vo. I 
 NrlHUII, JaillCN lit' liry, M.A.. eiluculeil iit i'lun- : 
 bridge, anil aomt'tinu) 1'l'IIow of Kind's Colli'Ke: nilli'il { 
 to tlic biir at tho Mi.lille 'reniplL' l^rl : di«lrii;t jmlKu at 
 Cliingluput, Miiilni,-. 1. A l'ro»|.fc'tUn of till) .Soicntiliu 
 .Stiiily of tho Uin.lft 1-aw, I.on., I'-'^l, Hvo. 2. Iniiiun | 
 UsBgo nnil JudKe-Mioli' I.iiw in Mndriis, I.on., 1S.H7, 8vo. 
 (Tho autlior tal<i"!< o.\oc|-lion to wlmt lio as tlio 
 disrogiird of " I'listoin" sliown in curtain deiMsions of tlio 
 High Court of .Miidran, an.l nr(,'iuis in favor of tlio op- 
 pointnient of a ooiiiiiii.'eion to investigiile and rupoil ■■■ 
 tlio ciisloiniii'.v law ii? c.intainod in nativo writings.) 
 I'ina.i'iB: being a lliin.l-Uook of I 
 .lolianiies .-^oniiis, [pnouj.] Lon., 
 Two Years at Hillsboro', Phila., 
 NelNoii, Juliii 
 Firs anil I'ines. By 
 inert, Svo. 
 Nelson, Jnlin. 
 iMsii, l2ino. 
 Nrliiun, Mrfi. Lncy. I. The IMiysieian's Daugli- 
 ters ; or, Tho Spriiig-Tinie of Woman; a Tale, Loii., 
 18rt4, p. !<vo. An. ill. lib ed., l.'^fi^; new dd., Lon., 
 1.S71, 12mo. 2. Waii.lering llomea an.l their Inlluences. 
 By tho Author .if " Tho I'hynieian's DauglUers." I-on., 
 IMSt, p. Svo: new ed., IfSTO. 
 Nelson, M. E. E. 1. Tho K;iii„-'-ant'8 Daughter: 
 a Novel, Lon., I'^fili. fp. 8vo. 2. iMy Wifo',s I'in-.Money ; 
 or, The Marriage in K.'itroines, Lon., 1S60, fp. Svo. 
 NelNOn,It.W. Clinical Assistant ; Uelittble Glean- 
 ings from Pnietiee, Chie., 1S"1), Irtmo. 
 Nt!lf-.>n, Ilicliard. Conversations on the Apostoli- 
 cal Guecession, etc., l,on., 187(1, I2nio. 
 NcUon, Kobert, M.D., 1794-187.), b. in Montreal; 
 became a surgeon; took part in an insurrection 18.38; 
 was a consulting surgeon in New York from 1862. 
 Asiatic Cholera : its Origin and Spread in Asia, Africa, 
 and Euro-ie, Introduction into Amoriou through Canada, 
 Ac, N. V.'irk, I!<fi6, 16mo. 
 Nelson, Robert. Tho King of Kings, and Lord 
 of Lords : an Attempt to trace the Divine Kecords of His 
 Life on Ivartli and His Koign in Ulory, Lon., 1879, 8vo. 
 Nelson, William. 1. Summary of the Law of 
 New .Jersey in Relation to Public liridgos, Phila., 1882, 
 8vo. 2. Josiah Ilornblower an.l the First Steam-Engino 
 in America: with a Genealogy of the Hornblower Fam- 
 ily. N. York, I8s;i. Svo. 
 Nelthropp, II. h. Treatise on Watoh-Work, Past 
 and Present. Illust. Lon., 187;^, p. Svo. 
 Nesbit, Miss E. 1. (Kd.) Landscape and Song, 
 Lon., 18S7, Itiuio. 2. (Ed.) By Land and Sea : Selected 
 anil Arranged, Lon., 1S87, llimo. :!. Lays and Legends, 
 Lon., 18S7, 12iuo. 4. The Lily and the Cross. Illust. 
 Lon., I8,s7, 4to. ii. The Star of Bethlehem. Illust. 
 Lon., 18S7, sq. Itimo. 0. Time of Roses. Illust. Lon., 
 1888, sq. llimo, 7. (F"d.) In Spring-Time: .Selected, 
 Written, and Arningcd. Illust. Lon., 18S8, sq. l«mo. 
 8. Winter Snow. Illust. Lon., 1888, ,?q. llimo. 9. 
 Leaves of Life: Verses, Lon., 188,s, p. Svo. 10. Mes- 
 sage of tho Dove : an Easter Poem, Lon., 1S8S, 4to. 11. 
 The Better Part, ami other Poem.s, Lon., ISSS, H2mo. 
 "The writer's leading chanicterlstit'.s are passion and 
 purity, associated Willi a vein uf psychology which gives 
 backbmie to the verse, while never letting It deteriorate 
 into prose."— .l(/i., No. 3092. 
 With BuooKK, C, Easter-Ti''- : Poems, Lon., 1888, 
 4lo. With Maik, Kobert Elms; 1. Autumn Songs and 
 Sketches, Lon., ISSfl. 4to. 2. Spring Songs and Sketches, 
 Lon., 18SC, 4to. .1. Summer Songs and Sketches, Lon., 
 1S88, 4to. 4. Winter Songs and Sketches, Lon., 18S6, 
 4to. 5. Falling Leaves : Songs and Sketches, Lon., 
 ls»7, sq. Itlmo. I). (.Ed. J Holly and Mistletoe: Songs 
 and Sketches, Lon., 1887, sq. Ifimo. 7. Noon Songs and 
 Sketches: Selected, Lon., 1887, 4to. S. Night Songs 
 and Sketches: Selected, Lon., 1887, 4to. 9. Eventide 
 Songs and Sketches: Selected, Lon., 1887, 4to. 10. 
 Morning Songs i.nd Sketches : Selected, Lon., 1887, 4to. 
 II. Uusos and May ! Sung< and Isketehes, Lon., 1887, gq, 
 Nfsbitt, Alcxiindcr. A Descriptive fatal. igue of 
 the Glass Vessels in the South Kensington .Museum; 
 with an Introductory NLlice. Illust. Lon., 1878, Svu. 
 NcsbitI, Emily U. 1. Stories about St. Paul, 
 Loll., I^lil. Irtuio. 2. Little Arihio's Catocliism, Lon , 
 Isti.i, sq. Idmo. I). .Mumina's Now Uiblo-Stories ; new 
 e.l., Lon., 1871, 12mo. 
 .Neabitt, .>I. !<• 1. llniminar-l.and : Orainniar in 
 Fun, f..r Cbildren, Lon,, \^7ii: new cd.. 187'-. sq. llimo, 
 2, llaroM's Choice ; lioyiiood's Aims and .Manhood's 
 W.irk, L.iii,. I^Tft. ]i. ><vo. 
 .NcNbitI, .llHriiin. Durscumbe Hall; or, Basil's 
 Liltle llrollors, I.on., I817, lf<mo, 
 Nesbill, S., nil. I Ilrown, G. Iland-Itook of 
 Mo.Uil iiii.l object liriiwiiig, Lon., 1884, 12nio. 
 Nes(ield,'llfury W. A Regular Pickle: How li.> 
 S.iMi.l bis Willi Outs, 1,1111., I^Si), cr. Svo. 
 Nt'xiield, Joliil I'. liriif View of tho Caste 
 Sysleiii i.f the Northwestern Provinces and Ouilh, Ac. 
 A'lbiliaba.l, 1-^85, 
 Ncsmitli, Ilenry E. Poems. By Sidartha. N. 
 York, 1SS7. 
 Ncsmitli, J. £. Monadnook, Illust. Cambri.lge, 
 Mass., l^SS, 
 Nesmith, John. Th.iughts on the Currency, llv 
 an Old Mcrchimt, Lowell, ISIirt. 
 Ness, Uerllin. 1, (Trans,) Riven Bonds: a Novel, 
 bv E. Werner, Lon,, 1S77, 2 vols, . . Svo. 2, (Trans,) 
 I'licred Vows, by E, Werner, Lon,, 1S7S, ;i vols, p, .^v.), 
 :;, (Trans,) Witiiered Leaves: a Novel: from IbeOermiin, 
 Loll,. 1879, a vols. cr. Svo. With LiI.I.IK, John, (trans.) 
 The History of a .Mountain; from the French of Eliseo 
 Iteclus. Illust, Lon,, IsSl, imp, lOmo. 
 Netherby, Jnmes. Songs and Poems, Lon,, 1865, 
 'Ne'thercote, II. O. The Pytchley Hunt, Past 
 and Present: its History from its Foundation to the 
 Present Day : witli Personal Anecdotes and Memoirs ..I 
 the JIasters and Principal Members, Illust, Lon., 
 1>SS, cr, Svo; also, a large-]iaper edition. 
 Nethercott, Henrietta. Poetical Pieces on lie- 
 ligion and .Niiuiri', The Traveller's Dream, and other 
 Poems, by Ilonrietla, Dublin, Is.iS, 12mo. 
 Nethercourt, M. Veruey Court: an Irish Novel, 
 Lon,, 1878, 2 vols, p, Svo, 
 Netherley, fi. Shod with Wool: n Mystery, Lon,, 
 1888, 12mo, 
 Nettle, G. A Practical Guide for Emigrants to 
 North America. By a Seven Years' Resident, Ac, Lun,, 
 Nettleshlp, Edward, F.R.CS,, ophthalmic sur- 
 geon to St, Thomas's Ilosiiital, London, Tho Stuilenl's 
 Guide to Diseases of the Eye, Lon., 1879, 12mo; 2d cJ., 
 enl., Willi chapter on Examination for Colour Percep- 
 tion, by William Thomson, IS.Sii; 4th ed., 18S4. 
 Nettleship, Henry, b. is:i9, at Kettering, Nortli- 
 amptonshire; educated at the Cathedral School, Dnriiiiiii, 
 at the Charterhouse, and at Corpus Chrisli College, O.v- 
 ford, whore he gained two scholarships; won the Guil- 
 ford prize for Greek prose in 1861 ; was elected in lliut 
 year Fellow of Lincoln College, and gained the Chun- 
 eellor's Latin essay prize in 1862, He was 
 ! master at Harrow lSrtS-72, was appointed Fellow iiml 
 tutor of Corpus Chrisli College and classical leclurer iit 
 i Christ Church, Oxfor.l, in 1873, and in 1878 became 
 i Corpus professor of Latin literature in the University ol 
 Oxford, 1, Suggestions introductory to ji Study of the 
 i ^,neiil, Lon., lS7o, Svo. 2. Vergil: Ancient Lives uf 
 I Vergil : with an Essay on the Poems of Vergil. Lon., 
 ' 1879, ISmo. ;(. Lectures and Essays on Subjects con- 
 nected with Latin Literature, Oxf., 1SS5. 
 \ "While the essavs on Verriils Flaccus, Nonius Mar- 
 cellun, .Vuliis Gelliiis. ThiUi's Servius, and tlic rest, rep- 
 resent tlie more strictly leehnioal and priifessloiiul puns 
 of Professor Xetlleship's work, the ueiieral pulilic ol in- 
 ' terested readers will certainly turn with more plcusnre to 
 his extremely interesting bingraplilcal notice of Morilz 
 ! Ilaupl, and to the literary studies of Virgil and Horace, — 
 j Sat. Ha:. lix. ,'il4, 
 Nettleship, John T. Essays on Robert Brown- 
 ing's Poetry, Loii., ISIJ'-:, 12iii.., 
 I "He is very reverent and Industrious, and his hook 
 shows many excellcnl characteristics of temper ami tout--: 
 Ijut his prose is bad, and his critical quality iiilcnsely 
 jejune."— ,Sa^ ii'^i'., xxv. 629, 
 i Nciibauer, Adolf, Ph.D., M.A., sub-librariun of 
 1 tho Bodleian Library since 1S73; reader of Rabbinical 
In tlm llci,|k.i„ii l,il,iiiry ; „. 
 English Tnui«liiiinn», nnd thi> 
 literature ot OxIonI ilnco \H8li I /p,i i ti i> . , . 
 , , , , , .it'.S'S: .^r ■S2:t!.:;„;:;;::;,::;"{:,^;i;: -s:;:;,,: ■■ -"^ 
 I(irty h,i..-M,„il,'«, OxC, ISHfl. "xiuni. with ,in,| „n dm Ii„n|i,r |.|ii|,, "l.,"-' .,'""'" "il'liTric, 
 „'*-'"••" ^- ^^. ' Teller. J. „. ,r , , "--•• i '. ''V-.t/ri ;"'a^ "«"^«'' ^^-""K- 
 Tho Hull. iiL'o mill 'I'ihibIh ,.(• t <..i,iij i, , '.y"""-) v...,:.. ..;.., .. •'-'""■ 
 'T.'.r"'' ••<""•• A Ccncnliinco tc. tlio P»eticanV»rk..( 
 of M'iliiMiii („„,„,,.. |,,„|,^ ISS7 r Mn, 
 1S8(? I'.'JV,,''* ^''"■'"" ""'' *■"'■'"'"«• II'""- !'"«.. 
 Neyill, JJeoffrey, C.M.Z.S. I|,ina-rj«t of Mnr 
 ...0,, ,„ tlH, I,„lian .\I,„„„,„, .■„|,.„tt"; P,,„ r ?f"'- 
 1.S?6^ li!':,.'^""'- •' '•'"'"^'' "" Trust: „ Novel, Un., 
 MiSl"";,t;;:",;!!r;^:„ '^•"' '^--^ -" vo-e, of 
 vo!?."p."s n.' """»'• '^''" '^"«"« ""»■"'. Lon., 1805, ;i 
 Neville, Henry, I,. ,„ Mnn«hester, Kn,-.. ; an Khl- 
 ,„,r,n"'' ''"V"''"''"''-"' ^•^^•'■^'1 ''^"■"''•'. P".'furn,el f„ 
 I;on.^,n, an, I,,,, eontrlbuto.l to l.;„.,|isl per" it,. " 
 Lon 'IT7V ^t;''"-' """ ''™'""" '" ««"''-" ''^"ino a!;; 
 l::^;;: 5i;r; 'nr;;[ 'i;;?^'''' "^^ '^''-■'^-1-: I 
 H^:^'!:;. '1?;^^; .^!'"; !^"'^'- -'' ^' 1-u.ioi 
 Wc^,''V,','n'''w,.'*.'^.'" ,'• ^t'-^^ '■^■""""'^ '^ Tale of the I 
 Lon., I8,S|, 2 vols. ,, sV,,' "• ^'" '"'""'"'^ """•' 
 -vtcnan Journal 187o-,s«. 1. w„,,l, of Coi for 7,1 
 L>oubt.n« Hearts, Phila., ISrt7, 2J„,o. 2 T e\l 
 uest.on ; or, A Plea for Chri.sliun I'nion, Pliiln l.^S 
 Imo 3. Popular Coounentary on tl,e Gospe i.c .nf.' 
 ing to Luke, Pliila., ISfis, 8vo -1 The l!n„b n, „ 
 AMlysis of the liible. Phil, 18 i'.| 1 >„, , ^ "'';'' ^ 
 K.xpositio„ or tbe Uo.,,;el Zi'Mll^'vuZ; lA'o':'" l^ 
 -. ^he of Go,l, isril. ;. N„ es. Exe^et eal Pr e 
 Meeting Talks isso: l:i.-l>an,bles of Je;;;,'?!^^ 
 r l\ '-"'»;. !■»• I' i'""Ph of Truth; or, Je^us 
 ..ght anJ L.fe of the Wo,l,l, Phila., ISSI I2m," 15 
 , . • ', • ."'"'' ""^.^ !*'<'<'; or, Last Wonls uf P,esbv 
 tmnn .M,m»terMS8;;. n. Kneyc.|op,e,|ia of he Pr/s" 
 er,a„ Chureh in the United .<,a,es !,f An.eriea PI i 
 Wval^;nZ,..'?;s^r'"'"""""'-''^«- ■«. Twelve W 
 Nevin, David Robert Briiee, b. 1828, at Shin- 
 .>evin. Rev. Edwin Henry, b.D., b. 181 1 nt 
 preJi'K ,!'''^',,'',",L''«^',,««^'-?,'. !'"»'-'''-^ "nJ been 
 'v^smm^it: if 'Ihoihl^r^hH^!. 1%^ • ! 
 l4fT*'„"r* ""•"''* Jenkins, D.D., LL D. b ' 
 i. t • ti' '«'?7^^ ^'''- \ ^'™ ,"f J"'>'' Williara'sonl/evin; 
 Ati!';:;^."^;"r,':"ri"""«?''- '«•■'. mxe. 
 «„„,.. •• "M'hi" ot |-.,|hi„ |||.,||.y Xevii, 1,1) 
 •"/"".■ ailuiittei t., the 'uir l^i-i. 1 1 ""' "■"; 
 .S.^5. 7. licnnie', a',o;„..;; issl^' 8 I ,',7x1 ,!"";• 
 lime Is^ft ii r i n-i . . '• ■" '"* i>U'K ot 
 .0^^ iu,::n,e^t!;;'A.^.';:;:';:^^,7''^»""^"». "*-'■ 
 „i ,'.'• ^' '"'•«'" "ill.errorec, b. IS.<i6 at AMp 
 gl>on>, I'u. I ..on of ,lohn Willi .„,„ \, ,in b'n f„, '' 
 i« ni.ll' • '•'"•">•"» l', Ahglicn 
 lani ami Roumni.Mn, I.oii., ls:i ,.r 8vo ■' TV,., f .'" 
 ;».v F,>ith in JI,.rn,ony .on s" ; „ to " • n""" ' 
 the llolv .See i„ l^A.;.,. '.■''• ^"- .'A ''•"'""J «n,l 
 tl.'^iloly See in ;he"Mkl,lie :(;ie', l,„n., 18;.i p""s^;, 
 iV;.;;,':^;:^:^"''-'^- ■ Money, 
 Lw""a\i'' ^W^ "f 'he HilLs Phila., 1870. 18mo. 
 Ti,ne.'E:iit "9, "T' "' ^"''"^ '" '"" ^''--' 
 :«:.. ». Men of Ma^k In a;;:b ;,; rv;.^n>^u^r I ■''-• E;'in., 18^9, i2u;;:'^ "* t "'" '"""' 
 11 b n.Z r ■■ "1 ,"' -^ "on " lUiamson Nevin, 
 "■li; {ante, vol. u. ;) has been rector of St, Paul's 
 n„«f "'?• l'*""I'*"''-r '• S""™ >'« Montfort nnd the 
 Battle ol Evesham, I.on., 1874, 8v„. 2. .Memoir of A 
 Marli,,. find Funeial Addrcsse.s I.on I-<7'1 Svo 
 li A^ FK r ^''^'"■-♦■en- »"vid .fohn Falconer, 
 Th„ ■ w" r'"i 'I' J"'li'^»™'' l«lll; retired 1878 
 with S„ ;;T''2':'/^ "f ^"''ii'. .^*'n,te«ioally eon.sidered 
 Ii.i,,ii ,„,!„; ■ P'/""*' i*i"' rifles an, bayonets . This 
 1 ' 
 I I 
 2. The lliijhlaiuli of India, vol. II, : Mng > Throiilolo 
 of FI«1J H|"irt» 1111(1 Truv.-l. Illu«t. I."n„ 1HS7, Hvo. 
 (Thin, though (U'r.iKiii»twl tu xil. ii , i< " 'li'tinot wciik.! 
 " Null .f tmvt'l HlniiiK liiKcihcT ml .»i.l). luii iiwurllie- 
 lomi III ' very liitfri'Htiiin iHSfili'ii '— .l(/> , Ni' SI^W. 
 Newall, J. Nuturu'» N..bility, l-uii., IH71I, ;i voln. 
 cr. HvD. 
 NfU'llll, t;«I>t. J. T., Iiitu of the Imlliin Maff 
 C'oriiK. 1. Kastorn 11iiiiI<m», Liin., IHtltl, Svri, a. llog- 
 lIiiiilliiK in tho KiiHl, miil "tlicr Sixirls, I.on., l!<Br, Hvo. 
 ;). So.itlish MoDm mill Imliiiii .luiitjiiw: Scenes of Sport 
 in Ihi! I.ewM.inil In.liii. Illilxt. Liin., 1H8H, Svo. 
 " Tliu l((](ik Is wiimmI. hfiiUliy, Fiml not too liiiiK, ttiiil the 
 Ulustrntluii.s HI.' I'lilrly kih«1."— Si* Her , Ixvl. 8.>J. 
 ?(«'\Ulll, U.S. Kuou iiii'l t»b.-. unions roiiitivo to 
 tt, liivurition of tho Subiiiiiriiio Oiu.lo in'l Lnyinjj of 
 thf Fimt I' uhli) butwoim l)>iTor iiniUJiliiis, 1H5I, N.York, 
 1HS2, Svo, 
 Newberry, Johii HlouglUon, I<'.'il-ISS7, l>. nt 
 W»tiirville, N'.Y.i gni'liiaii'.! nl ilm lUii .^ruity of Miolil- 
 ?nn IStJ; prftotiKDil liiw in Di'tniit for ■'ooie yuiira from 
 >•;,:,; nioinbor of Coniiri'is ISil)-Sl ; presiilont of i<ev- 
 eriil ooriioriitions on;<ii«oa In oar-buililinij. llniteil 
 Stiitcs Di^itriot Court Koporta (of Adiuinilty CiiseJ) (or 
 District of Mioliigiin, .Norlhorn iind Socithorn District 
 of Oiiio, Wclirn District of I'ennsylvuniii, Wcstorn Dis- 
 trict of lilinoii*, District of Missouri, iiml Kastorn Dis- 
 trict of I.oiiisiivnft, N. York, IS.)7, Hvo. 
 Newberry, .lohn StronK, M..D., b. Is22, at 
 Winili'ir, Conn. ; gradmitud at iho Clevoliinil .Medical 
 Ciillego in 1H4-I; was aflorwards connected with V.!i. 
 exiiloring ox|icdilion9, ami during tlie civil war with tlio 
 U.S. Sanitary Commission, and iu ISdil became profes- 
 sor of geology and piil;i'ontoli>gy at tho Columbia Collugo 
 School of .Mines. Koport of the Kxplorintf Kxpedition 
 from .Santa I'i, Xew .Mexico, to tho ,Iun<iiim of tho 
 Orand iind (Jreon Rivers of llie Great Coioiado, ISStf : 
 with (icolo^ical Report. Illust. Wash., ISTti, 4lo. 
 With WoHTHKM, A. 11., .Mkbk, K. B., and LKsyiKHKiix, 
 L., Illinois (Jeolojjical Survey : vol. ii., I'alieontoiogy. 
 Platen. Hub, by tho State. 1S67, -Ito. 
 Newberry, Thomas, b. ISIil, at Taunton, Somer- 
 setshire; eiluoati'd at private schools ; formerly in ^busi- 
 ness, but retired many years ago. 1. The New Testa- 
 ment : with Analvsis. 2. The Englishman's Hebrew 
 Bible. 3. The English-Orcek Testainimt : uniting tho 
 Precision of tho Original Greek with the Text of tho 
 Autliori7.ed Version, l.oji., IST'J, Svo. 4. The English- 
 man's Bible; combining in one tho Englisliman's He- 
 brew lliblo and the English-Greek Testament, .tc, I.on., 
 1,S8I, Hvo. 5. Notes on tho Book of the Revelation, Uun., 
 1H87, Hvo. 6. The Temple of Solomon : Notes of Ad- 
 dresses at Weston-super-.Maro, I^on., I8H7, l2mo. 7. 
 The Tabernacle and the Temple ; Supplement to the Eng- 
 lishman's Bible. Illustratoil with Autotype Plates, Ac. 
 Lon., 1HH7, Hvo. H. Compendium to the Englishman's 
 Bible, Lon., 1888, imp. 8vo. 9. Days of the Passover, 
 Crucifixion, and Resurrection. 
 NewbiggiliK, 'rhomas, president of tho Gas In- 
 stitute. 1. Poems ami Songs, Lon., 1HJ7, l2mo. 2. 
 Sketches nn.l Tales, Lon., IH83, IHmo. ,1, Spocolies 
 and Addresses, Political, .Social, Literary, .>Linchestor, 
 18H7, p. Hv.>. With Fewtkell, W. T., (ed.) Kings 
 Treatise on the Science and Practice of the Manufacture 
 and Distribution of Coal Gas. Illust. Lon., 1H78-1HS2, 
 3 vols. 4to. 
 Newbold, J. H. Technical Education: a Twofold 
 Protest, Educational and Financial, Manchester, 1888, 
 Newbolt, Rev. William Charles Edmund, 
 M.A., graduated at Pembroke College, Oxford, 18f)7j 
 ordained 186H; vicar of Malvern Link 1877-87, and 
 since then principal of Ely Theological College; canon 
 of Ely since ISHH. 1. Counsels of Faith and Prayer: 
 Sermons on Various Occasions, Lon., 1883, 8vo. 2. The 
 Man of (}od: Six Addresses, Lon., IHHfi, fp. Svo. 3. 
 Agnus Dei; or. Meditations on Events in Holy Week, 
 Lon.. 1888, 12ino. 4. Tho Fruit of the Spirit: Ten 
 Addresses on the Spiritual Life, Lon., 1888, cr. Svo. 
 Newbould, F. A. Nameless : a Novel, Lon., 1877, 
 cr Hvo. 
 Ncwbrufrk, ii, V.-.h Cloggcr an' th' Squire's Par- 
 rot, St. Helen's, Lancashire, Eng., 1870. 
 Newbury, Mrs. F. E. Coming to the Light. Il- 
 lust. Host., 1873, IBino. 
 Newbury, R. Gleanings from Ornamental Art, 
 Lon., 18fi3, 4to. 
 Newby, xHrs. C. J., [nnle, vol. ii., Newdv, Mns., 
 add.l 1. Right and Left: a Novel, Lon., I8«2, 3 vols. 
 p. Hvo. 2. Wondrous Strange, Lon., 1MH1, 3 vols, p, Hvo, 
 •I I'. .,„,„.,■, >i,»,<,. I.nii . ISAA. 3 vols. n. Hvo. 4. 
 !Vnon. 3. C.immon Sense, I.on., 1H«,% 3 vols, p. Hvo. 4. 
 Kiite Kennedy, Lon., IhiKi, 2 vol«, p. Hvo. 0. Trodden 
 Down, Lon., iHtlil, 3 vols. p. Hvo. «. Only Temper, Lon., 
 IHrtN, 3 vols. p. Hvo. 7. .Married, Lon., IHHl), 3 vols, ii, 
 8VO, Anon. 8. Hli Wife: a Novel, Lon., I871», 3 Vols, 
 or. Hvo. 
 Newcomb, Nimon, LL.D., Ph.D., F.R.S., Ac, h. 
 183,^, at Wallace, Nova Scotia; removed V> tho Unilcil 
 States early in lile, and was a teacher for some time, iin I 
 afterwards' employed in making computations for llie 
 National Almanac. In IH«1 he was appointed profe-H,r 
 of niatliematics in the U.S. navy, and was stationed at 
 the Naval Iniversity, where he supervised tho construc- 
 tion of the great telescope ordered by Congress, lie 
 was made secretary of tho commission created by Con- 
 gress in IH7I to observe the transit of Venus, December 
 SI, 1874, and he also went to the Ctt] f tlood Hope In 
 observe the transit of Venus visible there on Dccembei 
 I), 18S2, He is nn a.-sociiite of the Hoyal Astronomii u: 
 Society ol London, and a corresiiomling ..leniber of ilie 
 French Institute, and in 1H71 received tho bienni:ii 
 medal of the Haiirlcm Society of Sciences. 1. A Criti- 
 nal Examination of our Financial Policy during tlio Id- 
 bellion, N. York, 1 Hl\5, Iflmo. 2, The Orbit of Neptune, 
 Wash., lH6rt, 4to. 3. The Orbit of Uranus, Wash., IH73, 
 Ito. 4. Plonetary Motion, Wash., lH74,4to. 5. The 
 A B C of Finance, (" Half-Hour" .Ser.,) N. York, 1H77, 
 32mo. 6. Popular Astronomy, N.York, IH78, Hvo; new 
 eils., 1HS2, 1H87. 
 "It Is unlike anythlni! e of Its kind and will bi; of 
 more use In iirculatlng a kuowledtje nl clroiiomy tliiin 
 nine tenths of llic books which have appcarcil on llic .sni. 
 Ject of late year»."-So(. Hei:. xlv.llt).S. 
 7. Elements of Plone and Spherical Trigonometry, .\. 
 York, 18.'<2, 12nio, 8. Logariihmio and other .Mathe- 
 matical Tables, N. York, 1HH2, l2mo. V. New Algebra 
 for Schools, N.York, 1H82, 12mo. 10. Recent Improve- 
 ments in Astrcmomical Instruments in Europe. Pub. by 
 U.S. Gov't. Wash., IH84,8vo. 11. A Plain Man's T.ilk 
 on the Labor (Juestion, N. York, 18H6, 18mo. 12. Prin- 
 ciples of Political Economy, N. York, 1H8H, 8vo. 13, 
 Elements of the DilTerential and Integral Calculus, .N. 
 York, 1HH7, 12ino. With Homikn, E. S., Astronomy l"i- 
 .Sc'.iools and Colleges. Illust. N. York, I87», Hvo. 
 Newcoiiibe, II. 1. Christian Character, Lon., Ihii.., 
 I2II10. 2. Home and its Associations, Edin., 1870, P-'ni", 
 Newcome, J. The Wine of Life: a Story, Lon., 
 188.^, p. Hvo. 
 Newdegate, Col. E. 1. (Trans.) The French 
 Campaign of 1H70-71 ! from the German of A. Niemann, 
 Lon., 1872, Hvo. 2. Fronliil Attack of Infantry; fruia 
 tlie German, Lon., 1873. 12mo. 
 Newell, Charles M., ("Capt. Barnacle," pseud. i 
 1. Leaves from an Old L' ,,; : \'the Nd-e, the fi^'er 
 Whale of the Pacific, Best., ii''. 2. Kalani ot Oahu : 
 an Historical Romance of Hawaii. Post., 1881, 8vo. .!. 
 Kamf'hainC'ha, the Conquering King : the .Mystery ';! 
 his Births, Loves, and Conquests : a R i, nnceof Ilawiiii, 
 N. York and Lon., 1SH5, p. Hvo. 4. Th. i'oyage ol tlie 
 " Fleetwing :" a Narrative of Love, Wreck, and W toiling 
 Adventure, Uost., 1887, 12mo. 5. The Isle of Piiluis: 
 Adventures wliile Wrecking for Gold. Illust. Lost., 
 1H8H, 12mo. „ , , • , 
 Newell, E. J. Popular History of the Ancient 
 British Church, Lon., 1887, 12mo. , , ■ , 
 Newell, J. E. The Sorrow of Simona, and Lyri.;il 
 Verses, Lon., 1882. 
 NeweJI, J. R. The Times, and other Poem-, 
 Toronto, 1881, Svo. , 
 Newell, Otis K., M.D. The Best Surgical Dress- 
 ing : How to Prepare it, and how to Use it, Bost., IHSS, 
 12mo. , . ,. I, 
 Newell, Robert Henry, ("Orpheus L. kcrr, 
 pseud.,) b. 1836, in New York City; was literary ediiur 
 of the New York Mercury 1858-62 ; was ccmnected » ilh 
 tho New York World l8l!»-74 ; edited Hearth and lli"ic 
 1874-78. 1. The Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. >• ''"l'; 
 1862-68, 4 vols. 12nio. 2. The Palace Beautiful, un.l 
 other Poems. N. York, 1864, 12mo. 3. The Martyr 1 re:^'- 
 dent: a Poem, N. York, IsBii, 12mo. 4. Avory uj:tiu:i, 
 or. Between Two Fires: a Romance, N.York, IHtN, )«• 
 5. Smoked Glass. Illust. N. Y'ork, 1868, 12mo. D. Ibe 
 Cloven Foot: being an Adaptation of "The Mysterv oi 
 Edwin Drood," N. York, 1870, 12mo. J -J «r'f^]''%' 
 Best., 1871, 16mo. 8. The Walking Doll, N. York, in2, 
 vival..- |,„w ,i,„, „,,„„^ ^ >, «.. 2 It,,. 
 Ailu Ilovfy'i Idols, Ii„.4„ 
 'u '■ Miinuiil 
 01 fur lt,«rin« 
 Newhnli, Mis, m. 
 If'fli', lilnr,,. 
 lVeuli«,,H,., S. The Tr,,,,per-« fl: 
 of In-tru,,.t,ona (,,r Capturing A i Kl- I 
 Animal,, ,Vu, l.;,|„„a' by J J| s' ' 
 l,ngf.,H, Conn., l,.,;5,„e„H,N. ,, irk 
 NewiHgton, .Namiiel, [".sL,. 
 I hick «n,l Thin .<e,.,ling, ur, A N -. 
 oarofon;''h„;:'';„;^:;!:-^-J.-eyti,n, t,; 
 or the.e b,)„k«, un.ler he I ,. ,'f IrL' ,\ ' .V"'"'"'"' 
 *o went through "vor:^ "I!;,,,!, ''" •^-n-'''-'-." 
 of n prac ■ ed 
 !■ .''!(! 1, 
 1 :.10Utiflo 
 Thu Now 
 ' "»llyiiuhli,.h..||i.'inNniW^.) il ||,.r'..,l v 'l "TVi''" 
 ""■y 01 l.ri.i.h H„.t.rlli,.,;| ;. ,„^;"M',^""^"' ""■ 
 ,. 'T'V ■■,f";'"" "."tin,,;,. '.;.."•,.. ;;■ ?• 
 LilV."'l"';' '«'"'"" '*'-'l" - ■"". " sv;• 
 I'er/o 'Lo ; , V r"; 'Z "'."••"?."'" '"-'^y io'o Utin 
 ,lr<...... A "^|. »v,i. ,. Mi,ocllai, !,.■<: I'liii.Hv A, I. 
 Which lurln,,,. .im.l^;:i',!!!,ilrii;::,;?^.J?!^;i.^;;";^-- 
 Ii«h In,, ■„, „-. I "!■' .'tiilmlioii „ Ina- 
 V la. i^ , ." '^'•^•""•o. I'on.. I»i(l, or. ,S,o 14 
 2. New Catuna „n tho Kph,M|an,< r.„n i««ii u 
 that I drink of ■ 
 10 A thnstinn Comnuinnealih I i,n losi i.. 
 II. Ksnav on Kivt I,on Isx'i iV' ,' If, ' '-'""• 
 i" i«-Cr-»dlo, l.„, isi' omi '-';;;■•,■"• '^''^'""""'y 
 .V. ,. n: ■..can yeilHl-a;;: Cnp i ^^^ ^^''^^^ "-""" '":'y.^!:,^;«-w Ji^^;;: 
 und other 8ermon«. Kdited ,y U^.r^. ' ^r:::;e,, M,,*!;:::!";!::;;! j;?!" ■'- >^-?f. Troc... or ^r 
 M'. Joyce. Lon., ISrurHvo 
 try irVircliV •'f"."" }■ "•» '■"« I'™f«»^" "f oh 
 12mr'"'*"' ^- •"*• ^'"' "^''^■"■''"'' I>-t, Lon., I.SSO. 
 ..Jfewinaii, Ilfv. Albert Ilenrv DD irn u 
 neiitiea of tho New Testarnenf hi i r^ '"""■' "erme- 
 UUional Notes and ^n'Z:l:^;'^^:iij::^^^^ 
 ^ A.nn,l and lil^i^i o^] ^^^-f^ -««' 
 lenls thuMwitI, Ili,.,H. »l ,, I, I, , ' '■',- :";lh",l,..v (,j,po. 
 >le.s ti, what tl„.vll,„,„,,>'.S '"■*"■'• >i'^."»n prrriVi. 
 I, raliiinallsni swept 
 I .Newnmii scorns to 
 3":"n/i!:s^t^d,;!r^7-,^riT' r-ri 
 < le iritish through the W,.r of r 79 L .,n Vsifs"'' '"",'' 
 n.ote^!^;i[;!}^' j-;,*lf;-^y '^'.^on ■ . But ,t .s 
 we have seen ; It has a i s«.ful , klnr "'? }^? Transvaal that 
 '■•«" Vllili'Mtly , , . Iih;, Hi' ,i,, 
 ijj;;i"i,;i::iu' •'-■--■■■'" "ioei;;'i., 
 l)le.s"t(,'w1»u''tlK.v'uV,m2hT'M!l''i)>'i''''''*",''' ""• "»" I - - 
 imrties alike. A CerVei'l a i,.,, •'"'''.'■''■ ,''.,"" "■">" "II 
 out any fal.l, |„ InnnaV „ or*, , ,. I i's .r,?' ' '"'^V "'"*- 
 mism heal-.. res.''i'je,l',,';;:.^i';;';i'| '['-''""gh-guing opil- 
 so^^ce ' w, ■i;;yi!"!r^;:"''!T m'7I '" ^'' '" " ^o- 
 I.on., I.SNN 'svo '. ; I "■ • • *'»"'cuiolieal 'J>a,.ts, 
 (Ko..;uthand I'uis^k; ) a ?„7t;;::';^. "';j"" ^'•^"-• 
 Frnneo-Au.tvinn.) J,;:Tss;','"s;,„"""''^"'"<"""'»J 
 ««nke;:7o"n'."70"-8vo'"*' ^'"'■^'^""■'"« '" ^""i"- «» 
 ^<^^^'^: ^"^::..::!r^!:^ ^^^'- ^-. •«". 
 (The Voung \u;{:r oX^'^^Z^^'/Zf-^ 
 (Fd The'"* '."J"'""-, ^""^'- Lon., 8,S5, ;,o. 4' 
 I-on., ]88Sn ;■>•„«' I. ?'.•*• ?"•'«"'"' Soli,larity, 
 th..«gh tl/e^Un^of lirilnt: Ton .'.TsT Vsv^ ''"' 
 CoS:T."n'..-!;8r.";':V" ^-■-'-•''"^^^^k. in 
 ouS'l"on"',8.rp''8%„'""°'f''«^ "f Harn.oniou.Co1. 
 of the Cathoic Un ver i vhf h ,K """ t^ "-ectorship 
 tablishedasohool ?o teln o?Rnl" 'VTi- ""^ '>'- 
 at Kdgbaston, i„ oon„'rcti:n-^:[t^.i;r<^r;'M^ 
 ■ ii»i<t 
 ' -':;»..! 
 : •■'* 
 t • ^ ■«*.. , 
 K C J 
 ; ^KZ> 
 , '''D' 
 ii I 
 m- • 
 minKlmiu. Ite wns elected iin hoiiornry Felli)W of Trin- 
 ity Colli'ge, Oxfuril, in IM77. in 1S7U lie wii.i crciitod n 
 Canliniil Dcaeoii by I'lipu Leo XIII. For biog., see 
 Jf.nxi.ngs, llKxiiv Jamks, »fi;))-<i. I. Ciillista: a Sljetoli 
 of the Third Century, Lon., IXbCi, llirno; new ed., lST;i. 
 2. Lectures unil Essayfl on I.'nivei'sity i^uhjeots, Lon., 
 IH;>9, I2ni(>. :). Mr. Kingsloy nnd Dr. Newniiin : a 
 Corre.ipondenco on the (Jiiestion whether Dr. Xcwnian 
 teached that Truth is no Virtue, Lon., L^til. I'liinpli. 
 4. Apologia pro Vitil Sua : being a, Reply to a.I'ainphlet 
 entitled " What, then, does Dr. Newman mean '!" I, on., 
 1861, Svo; new od., entitled "History of my Religious 
 Opinions," D^Sb ; now eds., Is;;!, I87S. 
 " In K'iving this aceouiit of his religious history, Dr. New- 
 man is thoniuphly and ir.iplicilly tu be believed. Thero 
 Is the slauipol trntli in every word he iitlers about hini- 
 self. The lolly egotism, inseparable, perhaps, from Ibe oe- 
 casion, the severe and caulious anahsis ol' molive. the ar- 
 tlstie power .wilii which ho anatomizes liiiiiself and lays 
 bare his own palpitating nerves, and Ibe exc|Uisitely jiaiii- 
 fnl pleivsure with whieb he seriously studies bis 'inmost 
 soul, ami asks others into the dis.'^eeting-rouni where he 
 leetures on himself, has both dignity and pathos in it."— 
 A'a/. Jitv., ,\vii. 785. 
 5. The Dream of (Jerontius. liy .1. H. X. Lon., 
 1865, I6mo. C. iiettor to Dr. I'ljsey on his Reoesit 
 Eirenicon, Lon., 1866, Svo. 7. (EiL) Maxims of the 
 Kingdom of Heaven, Lon., 1867, fp. Svo. 8. Verses on 
 Various Oooaaions, Lon., 1868, fp. Svo; now eds., 1S7J, 
 18S0. » 
 "The volume naturally divides Into three portiinis. The 
 first part consi.sts cjf various short einnpositious. (diiellv re- I 
 prints from the ' Lyra .Vpostoliea.' . . . Then follows "a .se- ! 
 Ties of translations from the hymns of the Itreviarv. . . . 
 And lastly we have what is the longest and apparently the ; 
 latest poem in the book, the ' Dream of i.ierontihs.' . , . ! 
 There is no previous work of Dr. Xi'wman's, e.xeept the | 
 ' Apoloijia,' so rich in personal indieatioiis."— .Sat. Rev., 1 
 XXV. 144. ' 
 'J. Parochial and I'lain Sermons. Edited bv W. ,1. 
 Copeland, li.D. Lon., 1868, 8 vols. (This includes the 
 Parochial Sermons previously published, with others.) 
 " His sermons have done more perhaps than aiiv one 
 thing to mouUl and ciuicken and brace the reliuimis" tem- 
 per of our time : they have aeteil with e(iual Inree on those 
 who were nearest and on those who were I'urtliest from 
 him in theological opinion,"— s'(i(. liet:. xxvii. 710. 
 10. An Essay in Aid of a (jrammar of Assent, Lon., 
 1870, p. Svo; 4th ed., 1874; new ed., 1.885. 
 " His recent b(X)k will leave him as it found him, a com- 
 paratively isolated thinker. , . . He approaches Custom, 
 Authority, Tradition, Dogma, not from tlie objective but 
 from the subjective side.' — S(i(. AVc, xxix. ,':1 ">, 
 ".Men are, (jr think they are, (for it is the .same thing,) 
 certain of great portions of their knowledge. What are 
 the criteria of this certaiity? When do we know tlint our 
 a.s.sent has been rightly given toaiiv preferenre '.' Tliis is 
 tile logical problem to which the '(irammar of Assent' is 
 uddre.sse<l. . . . The sources of interest opened bv this V(.l- 
 uu,e are of two kinds. (1) The personal inteiv'st, which 
 here to the level of history. For the mental analvsis 
 presented is not only an analysis of the mind of the author, 
 It is an analysis of a whole phase of religious thought,- a which will hereafter form the principal topic of the 
 eeelcsiastlcal history of the nineteenth cciiturv. ... (2) 
 The seecuid source of interest is derived from the" scientific 
 value of the logical view propounded. . . . This theory of 
 Assent is . . . nothing more than an account of a fact. It 
 oll'ers <:(> criterion of truth."— Mark I' : Aead.,i. 
 11. Miscellanies from the Oxford i^ermons, Lon., 70, 
 p. Svo. 12. Essays, Critical and Historical, Lon., 187l' 
 2 vols. p. Svo; 4th ed., 1874. 
 " essays of Dr. Newman's were almost k^ of them 
 written and published while he was still a Fellow of Oriel 
 College, Oxford, antf a memberof the Kstablisbed Church 
 . . . tew as there are of these essays which do not contain 
 thoughts and suggestions much wider and deeper than 
 anypeculiartothe Anglican creed from the iiointof which 
 they were written, . . . their value will be diiiiiiiislied to 
 the ordinary reader by the fact that as an Anglican Dr 
 ^ewman necessarily took much narrower view of the 
 Issues between doubt and tu.tb than he has taken since he 
 entered the Catholic Vhuvrh."—Spccl(iliit; xliv. i;!71. 
 la. Historical Sketches, Lon., 1872, 2 vols. or. 8vo. 
 " They are comparatively light, both in substance and 
 method, not professing u i .- the result of anv very iiro- 
 fouiid research, and not \ ,;.se.ssing, apart froin the clear- 
 nes.s with which they bring out the author's view of par- 
 ticular periods, an historical value of the highest kind."— 
 i^U. Kit'., XXXV. '221. 
 14. A Letter addressed to HiaGm- the Duke of Nor- 
 folk on Occasion of Mr. Gladstone's Recent Exiiostula- 
 tion, Lon., I87i, o; 4th ed. same year. 
 " He pushes back the exaggerations and e.ccesse.s of Mr. 
 Gladstone's parliamentary rhetoric with the old mastery 
 of slow irresistible strength."— ylonf., vli. 79. 
 15. The Via Media of the Anglican Church. Illus- 
 trated by Lectures. Lon., 1877, 2 vols. p. Svo. 16. 
 Pincerna: Ex Terentis : in Usum Pueroruiu, Lon., 1S8(I. 
 (An alteration cd' Terence's " Eunuchus.") 
 " The .scenes ami iiieideiits whiidi have been retrenched 
 are ipiite inadml.ssllile. and we may cheerfully accept an 
 ingenious and blameless substitute for thuui. —ftiicclnlnr 
 liii. 10l:i. 
 Some of the books included in the foregoing list, 
 as the Historic-al Sketches, Ac., belong to a collocleil 
 edition of Cardinal Newman's writings, Lon., Is7n-7ii, 
 :i6 vols. 
 (Jk.nkeiai, CitiTicisM : 
 " There is something in Dr. Newman's nnuiner of even 
 approaching a subject cbaracteri.stic of the peculiarities (pf 
 hismiiHl. He seems to labour under a kind of intellectual 
 s(|iiiiil. Partly from nature and imrtly from invcteiiile 
 habit, liescems ine«|ial.leof takinga straightforward view 
 of anytliiiig. The mind's eye glances oil at once from a 
 direct survey to the sides of whatever he contemplates, 
 and, losing sight (d'all that Is most obvious to others, lights 
 on some collateral bearing, some cliaucc relation in ,n.. 
 cideiital cin uinstance, and fastens there, 'fhi- sinister 
 iiowcr of dis<-overiiig, and readiness lo seize, the wrong 
 handle of everything is, curi(aisly enough, what gives him 
 with many bis great reputation for depth of thought ; just 
 as if a man should gain the character of a great navigator 
 by going from this [Dublin] to Holyhead by the Cape of 
 (ojod Hope iii.stcad of taking the ilirect course.''— ItioitT 
 Kev. William FnzdKiiAi.D: Ledurcs un Kcclisimlicnl Hi/, 
 '• The one object to which he has devoted the labours ..r 
 a lifetime has been the formation of his religions creed. 
 He has exercised an inllnenee iiKjre powerful over llic 
 thoughts of bis generation on such subjects than alim si 
 any other living man. He is regarded bv maiiv pco|.lc us 
 an incarnation of what is culled ' remorseless logic ;' ami 
 yet, alter careful and jindoiigeil studv of all bis priiici|ial 
 writings, we find it iniiiissibie to understand what is Ibe 
 fcmndation of his whole structure. . . . Fnmi liiM to last 
 he never, so far as we know, gives any dear account of the 
 reasons why he should hold with this desperate tenacity 
 to the opinions which apjiear to lead to resuUs which 
 appear so strange. The question forces itself on a reader 
 ol tb( • Ajpologia' at every page of that W(U-k, but it 
 biins almost nothing to gratify his euriositv."— .Sa(. ii'tr.. 
 xix. 768. 
 " His was not the writer's nature that is irresistibly im- 
 pelled to writing and thinking for their own sakes. lb 
 thought, he wrote, that he might inlluence the uclioi.^ n| 
 uieii. He did influence their actiiuis, but, as a conse- 
 quence, most of what he wrote has in realitv dieil awav 
 with its practical eflect, nnd of his forty voiumes but a 
 few sermons, ' Lead, kindly Light,'- the one livmn of mir 
 language,— the 'Apologia,' and ijcrbaps 'The Idea of a 
 I niversity,' will form permaiieiil additions to KiiKlisli 
 literature. His liistories are uiihistorical, his critici,«m 
 , uncritical, and much of his tbeologv is loundcd ..ii bis 
 history and criticism. . . . And yet wliat literarv ihiwits 
 j were those that thus seem to have been squandered awiiv 
 on temporary objects! ... All the resources of a niii>uV 
 ol English style— except, perhaps, one, description— wire 
 at his command; )pure dictiiui. clear arrangement, imnv, 
 : dignity, a copious command of words combined wiili'ii 
 . reserve in the use oi them,— all these qualities went i,, 
 I make up the qharra of Newman's style, the finest flower 
 that the earlier system of a purely classical education has 
 produced."- ^l(/i., No. 3277. 
 Newman, Rev. John Philip, D.D., LL.D., b. 
 1820, in New York Cily ; became pastor of the Metru- 
 politan Methodist Chnreli, Washington, D.C., in IMIO, 
 and has since been twice reinstated in fliat cliargo. He 
 was chaplain of the U.S. Senate 18611-74, and in 187:1 
 was sent abroad as inspector of United States consulate.-. 
 1. From Dan to Ueersheba; or. The Land of Promise as 
 it now appears. Mops and Ilhist. N. York, 1864, IL'nie. 
 2. 'Thrones and Palaces of Babylon and Nineveh, fmiii 
 the Persian Gulf to the Medite'-raneau : a Thousiiicl 
 Miles on Horseback. Illust. N. York, 1875, 8vo. ::. 
 Sermons preached in the Metropolitan Church, Wasli- 
 ington, D.C., 1876. 4. Christianity Triumphant: iis 
 Defensive and Aggressive Victories, N. York, l'^'-::. 
 Newman, .Mrs. John Philip. 1. (EJ.) Dew- 
 drops and Sunshine : Poems about Little Children. .V. 
 Y'ork, 1872, sq. ISino. 2. Mother, Home, and Heaven, 
 [,] N. York, 1872, sq. ISnio. 
 Newinnn, Mrs. jMary Wcntworth. 1. Fairy- 
 Tales from Gold Lands, San Fran., 1867-68, 2 vol*. 
 l6mo; new ed., 1870. 2. Golden Dawn, and other 
 Stories, San Fran., 1869, l6nio. ,1. Too late, Lon., 
 1874, 2 vols. p. Svo. 4. Jean, Lon., 1875, 2 vols. i.. .mo. 
 5. The Last of the Haddons : a Novel, Lon., 1877, :> 
 vols. cr. 8vo. 6. What Cosn: a Novel, Lon., ISSI. -i 
 vols. or. 8vo. 7. Her Will and her Way, and other 
 Stories, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 8. Getting On; or, HuW 
 Reuben Bond became Rich, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 1'''55, Svo. 
 ford and R 
 from I ho W, 
 Indriuary. /, 
 sm. Svo. 
 » 'Musical Hi, 
 with a I'refa 
 sm. or. Svo. 
 On the ElTecl.. 
 ^,i"- -'• Loai 
 " ar of 1 70,3. 
 s(mal I'ropertv 
 »nd Gi-,.at Brit 
 relating to Bi 
 LouLs, IS8S Sv 
 '«'i2-l887; gr 
 '854: ordained 
 '"''i; Fellow of t 
 "Mo of Bourn 
 ;'>dgc of Heng 
 "eart: Letters, 
 <hi.v Evening Lei 
 JVewport, I 
 ""'•'r Poems, Ph 
 Newport, ^ 
 •'"';•.) -N. York, I 
 „.Newsam, M 
 fl'c aiid Conques 
 "Newsby, .1 
 -Wli.S. AUKiAli. A 
 „ IVewsham, J 
 Ferns. I||„st. j 
 >"ll of P<,„„„,„ I 
 ^.School llvgien 
 School Life, !,,?„ 
 Newson, HaV 
 t niversity ,„• (,„„, 
 Middle Temple 187 
 .P-ng and of Mar], 
 riie Law of Salvaa 
 Svo. ° 
 Newson, Tho 
 ^t- I'liul, Alinnesota 
 Settlers: vol. i St 
 Newte, F. f 
 'lown the Cities of B 
 Newth, Hev. . 
 -Vewth, ,-,,/,.„. ^,,^,^, 
 •Uenioir by his Broth 
 Vewth, Alfred J 
 ''f-Wosoopy; or, A 
 •Morteui E.„„„i„„ti 
 »• 1821, in London; 
 P,,'; Mtered the 
 Church ) principal of 
 'ory since 1872 I i 
 ]■""" '''<59; .■!ded.,'l 
 Ihilosophy, Lon., Isfig 
 "res on Bible Revisio 
 Newton, A. «. 
 elM Lon., 1873, p., Svo. 
 Newton, a! V. 
 ■;'."«;i>.>S the Mode of ( 
 Disc aimers, Confirmati 
 »"!• ed., Lon., 1870 j, 
 an Copyright Laws' .-in 
 '"the Protoolion of In* 
 Newton, Alfred i 
 ";'-J at Magdalene Co',, Follow, in wh 
 f,":,:'""' •'""', "'her couni 
 '' ■■")T of zoology and ooi 
 ™»'ty of Ca,n£ridge. 
 Europe, Lon., 18627 8vr 
 Eleuic-itnry Science ")Lp 
 Newman, W. a vf 
 1855, 8vo. '"^•^- *'-"°'^ of John Montagu, Lon 
 sn, 8vo. '''•^- ^'"'h »nd Error, U„., ,,s;. ,' 
 iVewiiiarcli, Rosn n- ' 
 ^m or. ,Svo. ^ •'■ ^- ^"'1^'- Maitlund. Lo„., isst' ' 
 ■Vewmarch, Uillia,,, r 
 I the „',""_"•",'' [""''■'. vol. i.. ,„|jj , 
 On the Effrj,;;;-,, „ v'v'^ '",'■""•'■ ^-o'- i- -I J 1 I 
 U^ll !!»"S'-^'. '-on., ist. ' "'Thv //'-^T "^ '''« 
 "eart. WttM-a on Coinmuninn i ^Y "'='"t with luv 
 , WewiihaiH, Will a,„ r ' '•' '■'^'' '^mo. ^ 
 Newport, Onviu'T,"'ti '"■'"*"' '2- >o. 
 «o^.)x'rri;.K'.^r. ■^''° ^■OS (..IXa..oe." 
 '^£^£:^Ti?^'-.'^ """-'- -- 
 1 niversity of i,„n,,o„ lS7.'i!T'',"'"''^ '" '"^ «t the 
 M.dJle Te,n,,k. 18711. /a ,•,.<"'"«'' '" the bar at the 
 , IVewsoii, Thomas m„» 
 »r» .i.«i i»;2. T £ ?,•«•"■ •»J «.i;.ii";i E' 
 "' Lon., I,s'r3 -p. sV„;''"°'"">*^' Telegraphio Code, 2d 
 iVe»vton, A V , d 
 ?J'owing tho Mode of Obiainr„'r' I'V." ""'' P™otiee • 
 D.^ela,mer», Coullrmations l"! ?".'/ "''Po^^ng «ra„ts 
 " . ed., Lon., 187!), 8v„. 'i ^ fn^"'-'"" "'' ''"'""ts 
 nl Copyr ght Law,': including t„oVaf" "f "'« ''"'«"' 
 ">tho IVotoction of Inventions 2 r ",'*"*' ■""''"ins 
 Newton, Alfred viiT, ' ''°"- '**'^». 8vo. 
 =s?KSraa^ »?-:;&: 
 I^fntnu, iiiid other eountrier ^T„ f.IIJ l"'^*"^ f-apland, I 
 -:■"'*.; s;"?S ■9;5i"ts■^£"" 
 , ''';•!>■. F..S.A., b. l"l7. * ''''"'"s. K.C.IJ. ,,,:,_ 
 jf'<"'"'>l, and „t Cbri.t f'hur 1, Or'T' "' »'"■<» .^buV; 
 ™nie an assistant in M ? ' "-^'ord, and in Hiii ' 
 ki'eper of || e (irctk a , « ™"~"' '" "00,0. in sfi 
 1^!'". '^'"--nn,, and in ' s/'r','"'"'''"'"- '" "'" ' H 
 Ln.versitj. ColleKo, Lndon '"'"'-'o,- „f arcbavdogv t 
 ntiiiber of tho Frenob rn,-. '■ " ""rrc^imndino. 
 earned societies. L "; on'^ "'"' ""■'"''er ,',f ,"e? 
 House, ma. I'riDted r^'^ ''" '^'^"'Ptu'-es at Wi ,,, 
 "i:"".'-''"la', ],..,., ISfio .' vols i?"'""^^"-^' t'"i'i»^. an, 
 ;^n'i'l.ntics, Lon •^^^f'-f^^'-- cSi,!^!,/ 
 ''-Its of tl,e HHtish Alu-eu 1' n,; '^■^opsis of the Con- 
 i!".aan Antic,ui,ies, I.o, ,' "l^r^,"""'"'™' "f «reek and 
 il'e tollcction of Greek K. , • ■ ' *ols. Svo. «. (j,;,, . 
 •-i'ls?;,";:,-'' '-•*«"■• '....«*i.,.M„j;: 
 i:tShS'«^F "'■ '' ■' ^ 
 '>::".tK?;A'v-'~^ • 
 Newton, «. iv t'"";' Codfish, f.on., Isrr, L, 
 I liighteousne'as, L™.";^ rt;^'"'' "•• "'Id-] 1. Xa.ional 
 ' V 1 y. "» Henry. PhD i«i- .... 
 "Mi,^/8r/rn!7^i£'::^-"-'-l^J^i^::i ■ 
 Nem„^':;j!'crc^--,^"K«ost., 1,887, ,«...„ " 
 Sennnury, New York I « , . , V«neral Thcdogi,,,! 
 tant Episcopal Church IS <» • r "'i' '''Tl ",' ""' '''•o'-- 
 <lelphia, 1840-62 of tin P ' , ?.' "' '^t- haul's, Phih. 
 I «>. and of „,e Church .ftl.'cl',;" ""-■ ^''V^'^'oymt 
 year till his death TlJ f,, 1 .'"*','.»'"'' '>"ui the latter 
 nconipleto. I. The JewiT Ta 1 ' ',"'' "- '' I'^bably 
 tiire in their Typical IW.i Tr'''''"' "»'' 'ts Furni. 
 '2. Bible inustrS,'ph r'l's?^ ''t",^''' ''''' ^^^ 
 Blessings, N. York iJa-T 1 ' '*'^' '^nio. ,s iiii.u 
 Thro„e1.,^«,I'-^',, f.4 -0 f„.Tl.>«gh,s f„r"'tt 
 -- 1-e.ons, N. York, ,8«6,*'?«.„,t ^.l.^^r/:^;''"-' 
 ' ->'\t 
 York, lSf,7, 7. Tho King'. Highway; or, Illus- Nicco , Kobert. Sugar nJfeu«.i -Refining a. of' the, N. York, lSfi7, 18mo; praja-sed in ^ ,y'l« «^""«"««. ^J"-- ''^"J; "' ,_l y ,, 
 new e,l., IKSii. s. Liberal Views of the Minist-y in Niccols, llev. Samuel Jack, 1^;' ;- ' "l-^;, ''• 
 Ila mnnv with the liiblc, N. York, IS88, 12mo. V. Bible j i83.s ; graduate,! at JeBer^oii College Canonsburg, 1 a„ 
 W men \ Vo k sO^', 12,no. 10. llu.trated Ram- Usi7, and at the Western ' 'heo ogieal ^em.nary, Al e- 
 bk in n.blo l" ..d« I'll la.. 12mo. 11. Hays from the ghe-.y, 1',.., ISHT; entered the ni.mstry of the I'resbyl..- 
 Sun " RiJhtwneU N York, 1876, Klmo. 12. The rian Chui.h ; pa-t'T of the .<eeond Presby erian C liun-h. 
 t"? .■ I„?,rrh,i ( t,,r the Y^^^ must I'hila., .'^i. I.ouis, since l.sti4. The Eastern Question in Proph- 
 l'870 1 sto! V."' The King iVhis'-lieiu'^N. York! ecy : Leo'tnres on the Uise and Deeline of Mahometan- 
 is:s Knio 14 Pebbles from the Brook ; .•jermons !.i ism, Ac., St. Louis, l^l i, l^mo. „ • , r 
 Childier IlluVx York, 1S79, Ifimo. 1.^. Pearls Nicely, W. Tho Great Southwest : a Ou.dc fur 
 ^' ',t e1":; StoHes\nd'lneidents from Bible His- Ktmgran.s to Missouri ^., St. Loui.-.^^^^ 
 torv Illu-t Phila., 1881, SO. Svo. 1(5. Covenant Nichol, John, LL.D., b. is.i.i, at Montrose, ^ 
 Names, i^iviX.N York, 1882. 12mo. 17. liiblc , land ; educated at the Tniversity of Glasgow and at 
 P i'r NY. k ^884,1 imo. is. The Light of the Balliol College, Oxford, where he gn.duated lirst class 
 \Vo 1 Le;.m fro r I, k of Onr Lord, for Chil- : in classics and philosophy, 18.V.1. In 18fil ho was ap- 
 dre, V,»n r , P "vo « Heroes of the' ' pointed professor of Knglish literature m >l'e Imvei- 
 rion'N' York 88 l2mo. 211. A liiblc Portrait-Gal- sity of Ula,cgow. He has eoMr.bu ed largely to tie 
 rv' pVila, I 85 ' 2 liible Warnings: Sermons u, i Westminster, North Uriti.,,, and other renews, and .. 
 Miillren \ York l-<sfi, 12mo. 22. The Reformation ' the Encyclopisdia Bntanniea. 1. l-™"«' . 7^ *••] J', 
 Children. .>. lorK, 1 n, . ^^^ 23. Bible J. N, Eclin., 18J4. 2. Fragments ol Criticism, 1860. 
 ;i. Hannibal: a Historical Drama, Lon., 1872, 12mo. 4. 
 and its Heroes. Illust. Lon., 1886, p 
 Animals, and tho Lessons taught by them, N.York, 
 1S>S. 121110. 24. Heroes of the Early Church. Illust. 1 
 Phila,, I88S, 12mo. 2,'i. The Heath in the Wilderness; 
 or S"'uion8 to the People: to which is ivdded the Story , 
 of his Life and Ministry, by W. W. N., N. York, 1888, j 
 Newton, Kev. Richard Heher, O.D., b. 1840, 
 in Philadelphia. Pa. ; son of Richard Newt(m, D.D., 
 diioca .- educated at the University of Pennsylvania and 
 the Episcopal Divinitv School, Philadelphia; became 
 rector of All Souls' Church, Jew York City, , in 1869. 
 1. The Morals of Trade : Lectures, N.York, 1876, l2uio. 
 2. Studies of Jesus : Ser:-i»ns, N. Yorlt ! -80, 16ino. 3. 
 Womanhood : Lectures on Woman's Work in the World, 
 N. York, 18SI1, 12nio. I. Right and Wrong I'ses of the 
 Bible; Sermons, N. York, I8s:!, 12mo. o. Book of the 
 Beginnings: a Study of Gene;ds, N. York, 1884, 16mo. 
 6 Philistinism : Plain Words concerning Certain iornis 
 of Modern Scepticism, N. York, 1885. 7. Social Studies, 
 N. York, 1886. 
 Newton, Thomas. 1. Vagrant Viator. By Ver- 
 bosiieregrinubiquilos. Books I.-III. I-on.. 1882-83, cr. 
 8vo. 2. Dulco Uoiuum. By a Vagrant Viator. Lon., 
 1884, cr. Svo. 3. Vagrant Viator, Erin go Bragh, [verse.] 
 By Verbosperegrinubiquitos. Lon., 1885, Svo. 
 Newton, W. 1. Studies in Divine Things. Lon., 
 1864, ]i. Svo. 2. Fresh Religious Tuoughts and Truths, 
 Lon., 180.>, p. Svo. 
 Newton, Rev. William, brother of Richard Now 
 ton Miipra ; a elergvmau of the Reformed Episcopa 
 Church, at West Chester. Pa. 1. On the First Two 
 Visions of the Book of Daniel, 12mo. 2. The Morning 
 Star; or, Wayside Musings, and other Poems, Phila., 
 1873, 12mo. 3. Nature's Testimony to Nature's God, 
 [sermons,] Phila., 1873. 12mo. 
 Newton, Rev. William Wilberforce, h. 1843, 
 in Phihidelphia. Pa.; son of Pichanl Newton, D.D., 
 „n,ni ; educated at the I'niversity of Pennsylvania and 
 tho Episcopal Divinity School, Phi'adelphia ; has been 
 rector of churches in Brooklino and Boston, Mass., and 
 sincel881 in Pittstield, Mass. I. Essays of To- Day, Rc- 
 li>'ious and Theological. Post., 1879, 8vo. 2. The Wicket- 
 Gatc: Sermons to Children. Ili"-t. N. Y'ork, 1879, 16mo. 
 3. The Interpreter's House : S' ms to Children. Illust. 
 N Y'ork, 18SII, 16mo. 4. Littio and Wise; Sermons to 
 Children. Illust. N. York, 1881, 16nio. 5. The Legend 
 of St. Telemachus, 1.88'i, 12mo. 6. The Voice of , St. John, 
 and other Poems, 1882, 12mo. 7. The Priest and tlie 
 Man; or, Abclard and lleloisa: a Novel. Host., 1883, 
 16ino Anon. S. Summer Sermons, Pittstield. 1885. 9. 
 Paradise, 1885. 10. The Vine out of Egypt, N. York, 
 1887. 11. Prayers of the Ages, 1887. 12. A Fathers 
 Blessing, and other Sermons, for Children, N. York, 1888, 
 12mo. 13. Riignar, the Sea-King, 1888. 
 Niblack, William C. The Law of Voluntary So- 
 cieties and Mutual Benefit Insurance, Chic, 1 '88, Svo. 
 Tables of European History, Ac, A. D. 20II-1S76, Lon., 
 1876, 4to; 4th cd., continued to 188S, and incUidinv' 
 American History, 1888. 6. Tables of Ancient Histnrv. 
 &c.. B.C. 150II-A.D. 200, Lon., 1876, 4to. 6. Byiou, 
 (" English Men of Letters,") Lon,, 1880, p, Svo. 
 "His narrative is about the best we have seen on the 
 subject in anv rea-sonalile compass. Hiserilicism seems U' 
 us inferior, n"ot wi mueli because we do not 'i);;ee witli lis 
 decision.s, as liteause those decisions do iml .-eeni to us l,. 
 be full eiKHigh, clear enough, or suniiieiitly eo-ordimilc.l 
 Into a hanuoiiioiis view of Byron's .singular geniU3, - xif. 
 7. Tho Death of Themistocles.and other Poems, Lon.. 
 1881, p. Svo. S. American Literature: au Historiciil 
 Sketch, 1620-1880, Edin., 1882, Svo. 
 " For many vears he has made American literature a 
 subject of special study, fie lias visited America and been 
 broiiL'lit into imimate relations with some ol the most 
 famous Amerieuiis of our time. . , . Moreover, the style ol 
 his book is eiiergetie and often brilliant.' —Alh., No. ■/^M.'. 
 9. Robert liurns : n Sketch of his Career and (knius. 
 IS.S^. 10. Bacon, {"English Philosophers:") Part I., 
 Bacon's Life, Edin., 1888, 12nio. See, also, DoHKi i., 
 SVIINEV, mljli-n. 
 Nichol, John Piingle, LL,D,, [oi./c, vol. ii., add..] 
 1SII4-1S.)9, Mcnior'iils from lien Rhydding, conccrnini: 
 the Place, its People, its Cures, l/on., 1852, Svo, Anon, 
 1 Nichol, Rev. R. B, A Pastor's Legacy; with 
 Introductory Notice by J, A. Wallace, Lon., 1864, 12iio>. 
 I NicholnH, (Jrillith A. 1. The Biddy Club, and 
 how its Members grappled with the Troublesome Servant 
 a clergymau of the Reformed Episcopal i Qu„sti„t,, Chic, 1887, !2mo. 2. When Peggy 
 'inilcil : 
 Niblctt, Stephen Hc-ry, L.R.C.P. Edin. 1 
 Practical Treatise on Pa.alysis and other Diseases of the , - 
 Brain and Spinal Cord, Lon., 1885, Svo. 2. A Practiea i Famihea,J,on., 1S74, r. ^8vo 
 Treatise ou Consumption, Lung Diskisc, Arthma, and 
 Bronchitis; new cd., Lon., 1886, 12mo. 3. A Practiea on Epilepsy: its Sjocessful Treatment and 
 Cure, new ed., rev.,' Lon., 1S,86, p. Svo. 4. Essays on 
 the Most Important Aflcctions of tho Skin ; 3d ed., Lon., 
 1887, 12ino. 
 Love-Storv, Chic, 1888, Iftino 
 Nicholas, Rev. Ichabod, D.D., 1784 -IS.A b. at 
 Portsmouth, N.Il. ; gnidouted at Harvard, and becaaie 
 a Congregational minister. Hours with the Evangelists, 
 Bost., 1859-64, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Nicholas, J. W. 1. The Devil's Cauldron : a Story 
 for Christian Times, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 2. The Two 
 Crosses, Lon., 18S7, l2mo. , 
 Nicholas, Rev. Thomas, M.A., Ph.D., l•.0.^.. 
 1820-1879, b. near St. David's, Wales ; was professor ol 
 Biblical literature and mental science in the Presljylc- 
 rian College at Carmarthen until 1883, when he scltlcl 
 in London ami occupied himself in promoting a scheme 
 for the establishment of a university for Wales, lie hiid 
 collected materials towards a history of Wales, I. Ihe 
 Pedigree of the English People : an Argument, Histor- 
 ical and Scientilic. on English Ethnology, showing tlie 
 Progress of Race-Amalgamation in Britain from the 
 Earliest Times: with Special Reference to the Incorpu- 
 ration of the Celtic Aborigines, Lon., 1868, Svo; 2d ed. 
 same year. „ ,, , „• i i, 
 " Another vnhime to prove that hngUshmeii are Weh i- 
 men, but this time happily wiibont any lurllu'r atienu'} to 
 prove that Welshmen are either Jews or Greeks. . . . i.ii 
 It never be forgotten that it is, alter all, luily a iiuesiioii mI 
 less or more. No nation has a 'pedigree in the sense 
 which lawyers and genealogists attach t(j the wora pent- 
 im^e." —Sat.Ji£ i'.. .xxv. 7ri7. 
 2. msWfyiind Anticiuities of Glamorganshire and its 
 Families, Lon., 1874, r. Svo. 3. Memoirs of tlie Civil 
 War in Wn.los ""d the Marches, 1642-49, Lon., ''' b 2 
 vols. Svo. 4. Annals and Antiquities of tho I ■!.« 
 of Wales, Lon., 1875, ? vols. Svo. 5. Countic. niM 
 County Families of Wales, Lon., 1875,2 vols. sup. r. ->"• 
 Nicholl, George Frederick, M.A., b. 183:> i-onl 
 Almoner's professor of Arabic at O.xford since 18i8. 1. 
 A Qranimftr of the Samaritan Language, Tjon., 1859 
 }). Nvo. 2. A Bengali Grammar; also, an Asume.-e 
 Grammar, Lon., ISiSo, Svo. 
 , '^'•^'Mf,'!' '"• A. H. AMgustr,; or, Kcfute.l Slan- 
 ders (if Jhirfy \ear8 Ago, Lon., )87t'-, p. Svo. 
 IViciioll, H. Hems: with Jlomoir of the Authir 
 Pnividtnoe, R.I., 18i4, 12mo. 
 Nicholl, W, P. Architectural Sketches in Norfolk 
 Lon., IfdO, Svo. 
 Nichj*ll8, A. Stuilies in the Charaoler of Our Lord 
 as nil h.\ii;iiiile. fiOH., 1S81, l2ino. 
 Nieholls,!!. A. A. Cultivation of Libcrian Coffee 
 in the Ufst I.i lies, Lun., 1881, |i. 8vo. 
 Nichotlii, tl. ti. History of the Forest of Dean. 
 Lon., 18;i.', p. 8vo. 
 Nichoi'.f, H. G. Iron-Making in the Oliloii T:me 
 Lon., 18li.), Svo. ■ 
 Nichoils, James Fawckncr, F.S.A., d. iss.'j I 
 »t. t; ) i li .rarian of the Bristol Free Libraries, Bristol,' i The Uemarkabie Life, Adventures, and Discover, i 
 les of Sebastian (^abot, Lon., ISfil), p. Svo. 
 ,ii!u'f'!,H,''i'^,'."'"'* "''' "\''''-'-' ^"yag'-'s ''"ve, in fact, been mud. ' 
 died up into one, not m the popular trixlitlon alon.. but 
 ovoi! ,t maybe In the leeolk-elioii of treljHstian 1 self 
 forty years aft ;r the pvent."-.svi^ Jiev., .x.xviii. 08;! : 
 With 'J'AVLon, Jons, Bristol, I'ast and Present, illust 
 Bristol, L880..82, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "U isseldon. that It is no.ssible to speak with praise as 
 hlKh and alniost us unqnatifled us is dLfsurved bv h s loint 
 produptipiM.f two Bristol librarians, of wlibli Nfr. X ,. N 
 coiitributcs t .» civ 1 an,l Mr. Taylor the oeele>i»stical hlv 
 •ii, •,■ ; ' "'"* t'li'rouKlily well done and intercstim; a 
 work as has ever come before our notice."-.l(/i., No "Im 
 NjcIioII«, R. II. The Vine and its Branches: ', 
 Spiritual I'otois, Lon., ISliO, 12mo. ' 
 Nichoils, W. A., [„nte, .0!. ii., add.] The Royal 
 Koad to Drawing, on a Superior 8v8teni, Lon. 1870 ' 
 vols. r. Svo. " I > - 
 \icholls, W, J. American Kailway-Builder • 
 Hand- Book of Probable Cost, Phila., 1878, iSmo. 
 Nichols, B. Inez do Castro: Newdigate Prize 
 Poem, Lon., 18;i;i, sq. Kimo. 
 Nichols, Catherine. Wild Flowerj of the West 
 By -n Old Prairie Hen. Chie., 1874. 
 Nichols, F. M., and Williams, A. L. Iho Stat- 
 ute of Frauds and Perjuries in Pennsylvania: a Com- 
 pili.tion of All Cases decided, i'hila., 1888, Svo 
 Nichols; Fraifcis Morgan, JI.A., F.S.A. b IS'Jfi ■ 
 graduated at Wiidliftin College, Oxford, 1 8 17,. Fellow 
 18 19-50 ; called to the bar at the Inner Tem,ile 1852. I 
 (Ed.) Britton's Treatise upon the Common Lawof Eno'- 
 land; with an En^'lish Translation and Notes, Ovf, 
 iMio, 2 vols. r. Svo. 2. The Roman Forum : a Tot.o- 
 gniphical Study. Illust. Lon., 1877. Maps and Plans ' 
 separate. i 
 •' .Mr. Parker and Mr. Nichols are the e.xact ahtiirodcs of i 
 one another. Mr. I'arkor .hies not undtTstaiid 1 'l Lot- ' 
 md he cannot construe the Latin ; but he knoHVeverv- 
 luiig about the brick.. Mr. Nichols understa 11 Is the ^Us- ' 
 ',"'Lnni''^Ti'';"''":"S"'«^'"": hut he has liaidl • ijlven . 
 f.o miich of his mind to the bricks as would have bee 
 Kood for him."— sv,^ [in:, xliv. U3 
 "Nichols, U. A-," (Pseud.) ,See Woiithinqton, 
 Miis. Bessib, ( hifra. ' 
 Nichols, George Ward, 18:57-1885, b. in Mount 
 1 H'sert Me. ; sorve 1 in the civil war, and was on the 
 Stan ot Uen. Sherman, whom he aecompaniod on his 
 iimreh to the sea. Ho afterwards settled in Cincinnati, 
 ivlierc ho was active in founding the Cincinnati College 
 ot .Music, of which ho was president. 1. The Slorv of 
 the Ureal March, N. York, 1805, 12mo. (Of this work 
 i->,l)Oi) copies are stated to have been sold in 'he year 
 of Its publication.) 2. Sanctuary : a Story of the Civil 
 "iir, N. \ork, ISIifl, 12mo. :i. Art Education applied 
 IM Industry : with Descriptions of Industrial Art in the 
 .Middle Ages, Ac. Illust. N. York, 1877, Svo. 4 Pot- 
 tiry: how ,t ig made, its Shane and Decoration, Ac: 
 ",'.' \ *^'''''»Sraphy. Illust. N. York, 1878, 12mo. 5 
 I'.d.) The Cincinnati Organ ; with a Deseriiition of the 
 ( uo'inniiti Music Hall. Illust. Cin., 187S, 16mo 
 ■Nichols, J. L. The Davenport Brothers : a Binn- 
 i''|ji>, Ion., 1864, p. Svo. * 
 Nichols, James 
 Nichols, James Henry Kerry- The King 
 Country J or, Explorations in New Zealand. Illust. and 
 •unp. Lon., 1884. 
 „i,!,?',V'^°"",'"' F^ •''^ descriptions that the reader can 
 almost inmgiiie him.self a visitor to the variinis nloccs and 
 01 adjectives sometimes arouses a suspicion that both the 
 Notes on Shakspeare, Lon., 1861, 
 IS.'^'no. 2m ""^ '""'"■'' ""'^' '"" '"'''''■"J' '••■^"yg'-'raled."- 
 Nichols, .lames .M. Perry's Saints; or. The 
 Mghting Parson's Regiment in H-e War of the Rebel- 
 lion. Illust. Bui.., ISsii, l2mo. 
 Nichols, James Kobinsoii, isut-lsss b at 
 West Amesbury, Mass. ; was a inaniifacturing chemist in 
 Boston, and lounder and editor ot rhc lj„Hton .foi.rnal 
 of Chemistry 1. Chemistry of ti:c (•arm nnd the Sea, 
 liost., 1867, 12mo. 2. Fireside Seie-.c : Popular .Scien- 
 tific Essays, Post., 1S72, 12nio. ;i .Science at Home: 
 Popular scientific Essays upon Sublets connected with 
 U'V'?"«rr^' HHr. '""'• Y"!^' "^■'■'' '-'■"". ■•. Whence, 
 "hat, Where.' View of the Origin, Mature, and Destiny 
 of J'm, .\. \ork- 18,K2, Kimo; 3d ei., rev,, l,H8;i 
 Nichols, Hev. John UroadhurEt, and Dy. 
 moud, Charles William, F.S.A. Tile Practical 
 ! \ulue ol Christianity: Two Prise Essnys, Lon, 1S88 
 I cr. ;-vo. (One supports the orthodo.v and the other the 
 1 sceptical view.) 
 I Nirfiols, John Gough, F.S.A., [„i,t,; vol. ii., 
 add,,] Smi-187:). 1. (Ed.) Literaiy Reuiiiins of King 
 tdward VI., (P.oxburghe Club,) ■i,J7, 8vo ■> (Edl 
 : Narratives of the Days of 'ho Reformation, ohieliy from 
 : the of Jo'in Foxc, the Martyroiogist : with 
 Iwo Contemponiry Biogniphies of Arelibishon t'niniiier 
 (Camden Soe ) l.on., Lsjy, 4to. ;!. A Deseriotive Cata- 
 logue of the Works of the Camden Society, Fiist Series 
 '.7 ■'.?■• "*• j^;'-' "'""'■y ^""' ^i'^rhW: compiled 
 in the Reign of Charles It. By T. Dingicy. With an 
 Intioiiuetic;!, Ac. (Camden Soe.) Lon., I8O7 l,S(i8 2 
 yol£.4to^_ 5. (Trans.) Pilgrimages of E.asmus'; 2d ed„ 
 Lon,, 18,., ,,. 8v,, C. ( Ed.) The Autobiography of Anno 
 Ladj HaiKctl. (Camden Soc.) Lon., !,s75, 4to With 
 BijrrB, ,Ioii.<, (ul.; Wills from Doctors' Commons; a 
 Selection from the Wills of Eminent Persons proved in 
 the Preiogntive Court at Canterbury, I I95-Iti95, (Cam- 
 den ,Soc.,) Lon., ISii.S, 4to. 
 Nichols, Laura D. Netty Marlow in Washington. 
 Illu.«t. Lost., I8SIJ, Kimo. ° 
 Nichols, (fori.ierly Gove,) .Mrs. .Mary .Sar- 
 , geant, [,<„(<. vol. ii., add.] 1. Experience in Water- 
 1 Cure, .V York, 1849, 12mo. 2. A Woiiian'o Work in 
 Hater-Cure and Sanitary Education, Lon., 1874, 16mo 
 I Nichols, Starr H., graduated at Yale College, and 
 becf-me a 1 nitarian minister; now a broker in New 
 lork. Monte Rcsa: the Epic of an Alp, Best., 1882 
 Itimo. ' 
 ' n»'v.'r'i 7'''"'" """ '^^ ^^l^"-''' "'"-' -^'Pi'ii' 'icscription was 
 il\% i-^""-' '="""I>'''-'««<1 i"'" a single vohime.''-.V„(,;,„, 
 AAA V I. -if 1, ' 
 , Nichols, Thomas. What's in a Name: being a 
 i Popular Explanation cf Ordinary Christian Names of 
 i ,1",; ","0 """'"■ I^.yT.Nickle Nichols, [pseud.] Lon., 
 ) 18,i9, ISmo. ■' ' 
 : Nichols, Thomas, of the British Museum. 1 \ 
 , "r„ "'' J""'.^,';"''"' '" ""' '^■••''■'^>' ^".■'eum, Lon., 
 ' ,si,6, 8vo 2. A Handy Book of the British Milseum 
 Lon.. Ih(0, Svo. 
 N'chols, Thomas L., M.D., F.S.A., [ai,tc, vol. ii., 
 adu ,] b. in New England about 1820: removed to Eng- 
 land during the civil war and settled at Malvern. 1 
 lorty Years of American Life, Lon., 18(U, 2 vols. Svo- 
 now ed., 1875. ' 
 ".\o bool- we have ever read gave us anvthiiiff llkeso 
 2. How to Cook: ^:sthetio Gastronomy, Lon., 1S72 
 12mo. I!. Human Physiology the Basis of Sanitary and 
 Social .Science, Lon., 1872, p. 8vo; new cd..'., lS75,"l8S5 
 4. How ' ■ Behave : a Manual of Manners and Morals 
 Lon., 18, 4, 12mo. 5. How to Live on Sixpence a Day. 
 Lon.. 18,5; abridged ed., 1879. 
 „.i'MT''f."'?"''"" ","", sixpi-'iiTO a 'Iny will amplv supplv us 
 faith 1> one who would seem to practise what lie preaches " 
 — ^pea(«or, xlix. .vj, 
 6. Social Life: its Principles, Relations, and Obliga- 
 tions Lon., ms, l2mo. 7. Count Rumford : How ho 
 banished Beggary from Bavaria, Lon., 1879, 18mo. 8. 
 A Scamper across Europe: with Glimpses of Paris, Ao ' 
 Lon 1879, 1.8mo. 9. Eating to Live: the Diet Cure! 
 an t.'isayon the ilolulions of Food and Drink to Health, 
 Disease, and Cure, Lon., 1881, |2mo. 111. Marriage in 
 ■ Ji/?S*' ■'" "■''"■■y. Pliysiology, Morals, Ae., Lon., 
 1888, I2ino. 
 Nichols, W. A. The Wise Woman as Builder ; or. 
 Strength and Beauty in the Formation of Female Char- 
 acter, Ohio., 1883, sq. 16mo. 
 '■«■*• I 
 M ' 
 Nichols, W. T. Mind Cure : its Truths and Falla- 
 cies, t'hio., \»m), I2ino. 
 Nicho's, Williilin. The Beloved I'rlnce : a Me- 
 moir, fof PriiR'O Alliert.] I,on., IH8II, p. Svo. 
 Nichols, William A. I.ifo of S. T. Nichols. 
 Illust. \. York, isrili, ISiuo. 
 NichulM, Kev. William Luke, M.A., F.S.A., 
 graduated iit (iiioen's Collei^u, Oxford, 182J; ordained 
 1S27; ininisler of Holy Trinity, Hath, ISIilMB; vicar 
 of IJuckland-Monaohorum 18 It)-,')!. I. Koliquiic Ho- 
 manic: a Korniin Villa described, Bath, I.s;i3, Ito. 2. 
 (Kd.) Kilvcrt's Hcmains, Bath, I8fi7, Svo. ;j. The 
 Quiintocks and their Associations, Bath, IS7.'(, Hvo. 
 Nichols, William Kiplcy, isir-is.-^ti, Boston, 
 Mass.; grailuated at the Alassachusetts Institute of 
 Technology in lS()il, anci became proftissor of cheui- 
 istry there in 1S71. I. On the Filtration of I'otable 
 Water. Illust. N. York, IS7H, Svo. 2. Water-Supply, 
 considered mainly from a Chemical and Sanitary Stand- 
 Point, X. Y'ork, IS."^;!, Svo. With NoiiToN, Lkwis M., 
 Experiments in General Chemistry, Best., 1884. Pri- 
 vately printed. 
 Nicholson, Alexander, M.A., LL.D., a .Scotch 
 advocate; late sheriff of Kirkcudbright. 1. Oaelic 
 Proverbs and Familiar Phrases, Ediu., I8H1, p. Svo. 2. 
 (Ed.) Memoirs of .-Vdaiu Black, iss.'i, cr. Svo. (Includes 
 extracts from an nnpublisheti autobiography.) 
 " It is written with taste and judgiutMit."— .S/Kda/or, Iviii. 
 'S. No Cipher in .'Shakespeare: being a Refutation of 
 the Hon. Ignatius Donnelly's Great Cryptogram, Lon., 
 1888. Svo. 
 Nicholson, Brinsley. (Ed.) The Discoverie of 
 'I'itchcraft. By Reginald .Scot. Being a Reprint of 
 the First Edition, published in 15S4; with Notes, Glos- 
 sary, and Introiluction, l.on., 1886, 4to. 
 Nicholson, C '^. iptive Account of the Roman 
 Villa at Brading, Isle u: ght, Lon., 18SU, cr. 4to. 
 Nicholson, Cornelius, F.G.S., F.S.A., b. 1,804. 
 Work and Worker^' of the British Association for the 
 Advancement of Science, Lon., 1884, 12mo. 
 Nicholson, E. 1. Chronological Guide to English 
 Literature, I jn., 1878, p. Svo. 2. (Trans.) Spinoza; 
 from the (icrman of 13. Aucrbach, Lon., 1882, 2 vols. 
 ISmo. 3. Student's Manual of German Literature, 
 (based on ICurz,) L(m., I8S2. p. Svo. 
 Nicholson, Edward Williams Byron, M.A., 
 graduated at Trinity College, O.xfonl, 1871 ; librarian of 
 the London Institution 1873-82, and since then Hodley's 
 librarian. I. The Christ-Child, .to. : Poems, Lon., 1877, 
 cr. Svo. 2. The Rights of an .\nimal: a New Essay 
 in Ethic-. Lon., 1S79, p. 8vo. .'i. The (iospel according 
 to the Hebrews; its Fragments, Translated and Anno- 
 tated: with a Critical .Analysis, Lon., IS7il, Svo. 4. A 
 New Commentary on the Gospel according to Matthew, 
 Lon., ISSl, Svo. 0. Our New New Testament: Explana- 
 tion and Criticism, Lon., ISSl, fp. Svo. 
 Nicholson, 3Irs. Eliza Jane, (Poitevent.) 
 Lyrics. By Pea.l Rivers, [pseud.] Pliila., 1873, 
 Nicholson, Geor;je, curator of the Royal Botanic 
 Gardens, Kow. (Ed.) -'ho Illustrated Dictionary of 
 Gardening, Lon., ISS4-S8, 4 vols. 4to. 
 Nicholson, H. W. The Lost Children; or, A 
 Night's Adventure: a Tale, Lon., 1S68, 12mo; new cd., 
 Nicholson, Capt. H. Whalley. From Sword 
 to Share; or, .V Fortune in Five Years at Hawaii, Loi,,, 
 18SI, p. Svo. 
 Nicholson, Henry Alleyne, M.D., Ph.D., 
 F.G.S., b. 1811, at Pentlth. Cumberland, and educated 
 at the universities ef Giittingen and Edinburgh ; was 
 appointed lecturer on natural history in the .Medical 
 School if Edinburgh in 1869, profe3.sor of natural his- 
 tory anu botany in the University of Toronto, Canada, 
 in 1S7I, j rui'o'sor of biology and physiology in the 
 University of Durham in 1874, professor of natural 
 history in the University of St. Andrews in 1875, 
 Swiney lecturer on geology to the British .Museum in 
 1 877, and Regius professor of natural history in the Uni- 
 versity of .Aberdeen in 1882. He has published numer- 
 ous memoirs in scientiflo journals. I. Essay on the 
 (Jcology of Cumberland and Westmorelaml. Illust. 
 Lon., iSiiS, Svo, 2. A Manual of Zoology, for the Use 
 of Students, Lon., 1870, p. Svo; 6th ed., enl., Edin., 
 1880, Svo; 7th ed., 1887. 3. Syllabus of Lectures on 
 Zoology, Geology, and Palieontology, Edin., 1S70. 4. 
 Advanced Text-Book of Zoology. Illust. Lon., 1870, 
 p. Svo; 4th cd., Edin., 1SS6. 5. Introductory Text- 
 Book of Zoology, Edin , 1H7I, 12mo; 6th cd., 1887. 6. 
 Introduction to the Study of Biology, Edin., 1872, p. 
 Svo. 7. Text-Book of Geology, for Schools and College,-. 
 Illust. N. York, 1872. s. Examinations in Natural 
 History, Edin., 1872. 9. Monograph of the Brili.-h 
 Oraptolitidie : Part I., General Introduction. Edin., 
 1872, Svo. 1(1. A .Manual of Pala-ontology, for the Use 
 ofStudcnts; with '. General Introduction on tlie Prin- 
 ciples of PaUi'ontology, Edin., IS72, 2 vols, Svo ; 2d ed., 
 rev. and enl., 1879. 
 "In lt« new and greatly expanded form, . . . the 
 complete and sysleniatie treatise on tliesnbjoct in the Eng- 
 lish language."— .S(i(. Jicv., 1. 398. 
 1 1. Outlines of History, for Beginners, Edin., 
 1873, 12mo. 12. Report on the Pala'outology of the 
 V^rovince of Ontario. Illust. 1874-7.0, 2 vols, r, Svn. 
 Printed by (Jrder of the Government of Ontario. 13. 
 Rejjort on the P'ossil Coals, Sjiongcs, and Polyzoa of tlu 
 Silurian and Devonian Rocks (jf the State of Ohii. 
 (Paht'ontology ofthe Stateof Ohio, vol. ii.) Illust. lS7.'i, 
 4to. 14. The Nature of Life: a Lecture, Edin., lS7,-i, 
 Svo. 15. The Anc'ent Life-History of the Earth. Illust. 
 Edin., 1877, p. Svo. 16. On the Structure and Affin- 
 ities of the "Tabulate Corals" of the Paheozoic Period. 
 I Illust. Ellin., 1879, r. svo. 17. On the Structure and 
 ' Aflinilies of the (ienus Monticulipora and its Sub- 
 Genera . with Critical Descriptions of Illustrative Spe- 
 cies. Illust. Edin., 1S81, r. .Svo. 
 "It gi'-es evidence of prolonged 'abour and study."— 
 Acad., XX. 201. 
 18. Synopsis of the Clasfitication of the Animal 
 Kingdom, Lon., 1S82, Svo. 19. Natural History: its 
 Rise and Progress in Ihitain, as developed in the Life 
 and Labours of Leading Naturalists. Illust. Edin.. 
 ISSfi, p. Svo. With AViiiTK, PiioK. C. A., Bibliography 
 of North American Invertebrate Palieontology. (I'.S. 
 Gov't Pub.) Wash., 1878, Svo. Wiih Etukkiiiuk, R,, Jii., 
 F.G.S., A Monograph of the Silurian Fossils of the 
 Girvan District in .Ayrshire; vol. i., Edin., 1879, r. Svo. 
 Nicholson, Henry I. II. The Abbey of St. Ai- 
 bans : some Extracts from its Early History, and a De- 
 scription of its Conventual Church : intended chicHy f,ir 
 the Use of Visitors, Lon., ISOI ; 2d ed., 1856. Ainin. 
 Nicholson, Isabella. I. Dusty Mirrors, Lmi.. 
 1884, Svo. 2. Songs of the Soul, Lon., 1885, sip Kim". 
 Nicholson, J. Beacons of East Y'orkshire. Illu.-t. 
 Lon., 1887, 12mo. 
 Nicholson, J. Nightly Wanderings in the Gardens 
 of the Sky, Lon., 1881, 12no. 
 Nicholson, James. Idylls o' Hume, and other 
 Poems, Lon., 1870, I2mo. With Niciiolso.v, ELi.f;\- C, 
 Poems, Lon., 1880, sij. I6mo. 
 Nicholson, Rev. John Aldwell, M.A., gradu- 
 ated at Trinity College, Dublin, 1852; ordained 1853: 
 minister of St. Alban's, Leamington, -ince ISSl. I. The 
 Living Voice of the Church, Lon., 18,7. 2. Aposioliial 
 Succession in the Church of Sweden, Lon., I881I, cr. Svo. 
 Nicholson, Joseph Shield, JI.A., D. Sc, h. 
 1S50, at Wrawby, Lincolnshire; took his degrees at 
 Trinity College, Cambridge, and the University of Lon- 
 don ; professor of political economy and mercantile law 
 in the University of Edinburgh since 18S0. He hns 
 contributed to the Encyclopiedia Br'taunica .uid Cliiini- 
 bcrs's Encyelopii'dia, and furnished an iiitioduciioii anl 
 notes to an edition of Smith's Wealth of Nations. I. 
 Cambridge Cobden Prize Essay : The Effects of .Ma- 
 chinery on Wages, Lon., 1878, Svo. 2. Tenants' Gain nnt 
 Landlords' Loss; and some oiher Economic Aspects of 
 liie Land Question, Edin., ISS3, cr. Svo. 3. A Treatise 
 on Aloney, and Essays o\. Present Monetary Problems, 
 Lon. and Edin., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 " Prof. Xiclioliion's ' Treatise on Money' deserves to oc- 
 ■ cujiy a high place. Less crowded with details than Jevoo^N 
 iimiuml oil the same subject, and ciiually clear, it nniy 
 with advantage be rend by the student beloro, oreveii in- 
 stead of. that justly jiopular work. In the second parliit 
 the book we plunge into more contentious matter. . . . 
 ] TheadvaiilaKes(.;'i)imelalllsm, it.s practicability. Itsmonil- 
 Ity. the stabiliiy of the biin 'tallic ratio, are set forth in u 
 ' series of brllUant chapters ' -K. V. EDoKWoirrii : Aci'l , 
 I xxxlil. 339. 
 , 4. Thotli : a Romance, Edin., 1888, p. Svo. Anuii. 
 I 5. A Dreamer of Dreams: a Modern Romance, Edin., 
 i p. 8vo, Auou. C. Toxar: u Rumanue, Edin., p. 8t'i. 
 ! Anon. 
 Nicholson, lU. 1. Rest in .lune; 2d ed., Edin., 
 IS67, !2nio. 2. Fomily Prayers, Lon., 1873, l2mo. 
 . Maggie's Influence; or. Led by a Little Child to .Jcsu;, 
 I A, ■" '. "• '""'°' "• The Lost Ciuoilix' or 
 Je.«usAII ,n All. IMust. Lon.. I87(;, Ift.m, 7 Vo ,' 
 u.un>o„ -.vuh ILuvon, and other .Seru'.o„«;,,; w"; 
 NicliolM.n, M. J. The Sunbeam of Seven Uinl. 
 an^other Sloiiev of I,„n,|on i'oo,-, l,on 1871 
 \icl.ol8on,>nllmiiicl Alexander, M.A., IS27- 
 N4; BrnilLiate,! at Trinity IV'-Ke, Oxlord l,4y I 
 IMnlosoplneal I'aj.ers, Lun.^Sfi4, 12n,o. 2 E pt' i I 
 muove, Lon., l8fiH, Svo. 3. A Shillingsworth of 'p" i,i 
 eal Leonoiny, f.on., 1S7I, Svo. 4. The Science of Fv ' 
 changes. . 1th ed., rev. and enL, N. York, 187.", It!; I 
 NIC .ol«,,„ It. Steele. St. Patrick, Apostle of ' 
 IrHand ,n the Third Century, Lon., I80S, 8vo ' > 
 Xicholson, T. H. The Adventures of JIaIek • an i 
 ,. :.' - • -*• vuo .■vuveniuri 
 Aiitoljiogmphical Fragment, Lon., 1882, 1, 8v 
 Sficholsoii, Thomas, lS05-If3,i, l. at Hun.Iet 
 r;e,f?:',hl"', '*'","•' f",«-' ^•'^''^'"^ in Mancheit r. 1: 
 A ieal loi the I'eoii e, 84». 2. The Wnreli,„,.„ n , V 
 Mam.hes,er, 1852 ':,' The Thu.lV;^:'';"". "^"^ '" 
 i^u ho son, 1 hoinas. An Essay on Yellow Fever 
 Artigim, ISort; i;.)ed., Lon., 1868, 12mo. """"*«*"' 
 Lon.'T.^e'"";," • ^''"'*''™' I'^»""""="'B Dictionary, 
 fsmo VWV T. "" r''".';'' "f England, Lon,, I8fi2. 
 w„.- ; I r '^'"■'"'•y »f » Universal Peace Critically 
 Inve.t ga ed Lon., 1862, 18mo. 3. Bible Con.natWon 
 Lon l,s ,4, ; 2nic. 4. A Child of Jesus : an lilust mtTon' 
 of Religion. Lon,, 1,S6.S, ;j2mo , new d. 18^^" 
 ;Vn -9 ^""""tr" "'■""•' "°ly Scriptures, Lon I 
 ,^"='?*''!,""' Kev. William Trevor, graduated 
 a Trmity College, Dublin, 1855, ordained 18T-5, "ea 
 of Igham since 187«. I. Qospel Thoughts: Chri , ' 
 he Prayer-Book, Lon., 1859, 12mo. 2. View of ,1 e N« 
 GoTpe" ISn!"" "^ "" Experimental Evidence of the 
 mo' "1"'%, 2. ihe btat.on-Master's Daughter. Bost. 
 ot 1871 i« ^'■«f;'-""'"'^'-s- By a Lady of Boston 
 Jio.^t., 1871, Ihrno. Anon. 
 \icol, Henry, called to the bar at Gray's Inn ISo3- 
 upenntendent of the county court deparfment in ?he 
 reasury Bankruptcy Acts, 1849, 1854, and 1861 w t h 
 General Orders, Lon,, 1861, 8vo. 
 Xicoi, James, professor of civil and natural history 
 at .Mar.sehal College. Aberdeen, 185,'i c «,,. 1. Gco|o„T 
 fi. in., 186b, 12mo , new ed., 1868. 2. Our Higher Edu- 
 v':!rs:Giis;;::v?'f885[^i;:'«''"' ''''-'' ^ -"> o"- 
 . .'''.r"', ^'"ttftl'a. imneer; or, Smyrna and its Brit 
 K^h^ Hospital in 1855. By a Lady. Lon., 1856, 8vo: 
 JVicolas, M. Aiiguste. Ritualism; or, A Philo- 
 sophic Study, Lon., ls(i8, i2mo. ' '^' * *^'"'o- 
 IVicolay, John (Jeorge, b. 18,12, at Essingen, Ba- 
 ria, removed at an eariy ago to the United States, 
 «as pnvae secretary to President Lincoln 188(1-6,5; 
 I.S. consul at Paris 186,;-6.J, marshal of the US ,Su 
 prune Court 1872-87. 1. The Outbreak of the R<u ell ion 
 •■mo"''""'''.Vh,:fl""'';'-'' T"-"^ '^'^f'- N.York, 1. is": 
 ^-mo. 2. ..\bralmm Lincoln: a B'ug.-aphy, Bost., Ix../- 
 l-'mo. And see I!,.v, Joiix, ,„„,.,, ^ '' ""•'' — 
 Nicoll, Alexander Charles, b. I85O; called to 
 "0 bar at the Middle Temple 1871, Wit IFmxmav 
 _ Lrnn. John, (ed.) The Law'of Parliamentary .and Mu 
 «'yal Hegistralion. Lon., 1876, p, Svo; ;id ed ISsT 
 „i°'i'»""«!''. 't«"ltha,/:U,:!VppWesEngl. 
 \icoll, Henry James. 1. tireat Orators: Burke 
 ^.>x, oheridan, Pitt, Lon., 1880, 12mo; new ed 18S4 
 . Great Scholars: Buo ,.,,, Bentle;. Zsl',' Zl] 
 i..,e. JiUin., IS81, |2mo: nertnd., 1,984. 4 Grcit Vnv* 
 ."ents and those who .lohieved thom, Lon,, 1881 ,," 
 n 'vo .. '""i ';!5!;'5'' °^ '''"«''''' Literature, Lon., 1SS2 
 ;,e I ui^; re •' m" \ ^^•'■' ''"" """''^'^^J Sonnets by 
 'Mic Hundred Authors, Lon,. 188;), ;i2mo 
 Nicoll, Hev. William Uobertson, M.A., b. 1851 
 [at Auohindoir Scotland; graduated at .he Iniversity 
 \1T. 1 I- 1 ' "^ '''° I'',\positor and of the Theo. 
 logical Educator, a series of volumes by various wiiers 
 no_w_,n course of publication. 1. Calls' to Clir L or ' 
 tl e'd ."h"sV ?• <'^'''^^''"S-^"''l'-t,Edin.,lS79. 1, , •; 
 , God : l^iositions ;.„ th Wru!^^^^^ 
 Xicolls, William. Natural Philosophy for Be-in- 
 ?882; i^::;lT"d^.I!f ;'^;;r"-'' -'• ''—»"'-». D"'^m:, 
 IVicolls,' William j''.' The Railway-Builder: Ilind 
 Book for the Cost of American Ua Iway Co - 
 niuction and Er,uipment. Illust. Phih... 1878, /em 
 INicols, Arthur, F.G.S.. F.R.g.S, . The iwie 
 ' Puo '""'ch""; " "r '"■";" '"" '""-"-■- Lon., s"! 
 ■ m' t *^i"»l'"=is from the l'hv.<i,-al lli.-torv of the 
 aiuionidie at the Antipodes, Lon.. 1S82, or, Svo 4 '/, o 
 h.g.eal Notes on Wild jnd Domestic Aniin.U.sV.'on.'iss'; 
 i L Wild .n^'Vr »''"<"■>• Sketches among theCarniv- 
 H hit-! M ^,<","«f"™"^'l: »ith Observations on their 
 ' T ,K r/iM ''" "' ' "™lli''^- Illust. I.""., 1SS4, p, svo 
 i p ''■ ".''•' V',f« '""' -\'lventurc in the Australian Bu<h . 
 Four \ ears' Personal E,vperie„ce. Illu.-t. Is "70 8yo. (Embodies Ihe author's owie.vei'ence'i; 
 « Meseriptiot. of the ailveiiture, of an imagi , ry per'^n^ 
 7. Zoological Notes on the StrueCire, Af«ni e« lZ« 
 I8^ri"m°"' "*• ^''^'""^^"'- ■"»' ""'" Poems, Lon., 
 Nicoison, James Badcnach. of Re 
 'Z'^:^t^ '-'■' --y Kleculjns i.r's^: 
 Nj:'5^:Z:!i^*i:oi:'; l^rjl^^^'^'--^ the Greek 
 eal Seminary, Philadelnhia Pa in is-r ik '^ 
 nf St T„i.„>„ 7 ' """"-'1'"''t "I.. Ill 1,S|6; became pastor 
 01 bt. Johns Church. Rochester XY IsN7 
 and since 1886 has been Germansecretary f the ^enerll 
 eoune.l of the Evangelical Lutheran C ui 1 .-n^Ch 
 to rh""-. '• ^""^ "f "'" S""" »f -^■«'v Vork "e at nK 
 to Churches. .Syracuse, N.Y.. 1884. 2. The Doc r nal 
 Development of the New York Ministeril, PMu;!! 
 Niecks, Frederick. Frederick Chopin as a Man 
 and Musician, Lon., 18SS, 2 vols. Svo, 
 Nield, T. The Human Brotherhood: Two Poems 
 Indianiipolis, 1888. ""ou . iwo 1 oems, 
 Nieriker, Mrs. J»Iay Alcott, IS4O-IS79 b at 
 ^Toncor^sl'.'l""^'"n""'" ' «-»-" ■" lcott%i- 
 I. Concord Sketches, Boat,, i>69. 2. Studyinir Art 
 Abroad and how to do it chea, ly, Bost,, 1S79, llu,^.'''' 
 mn^Jf f "'f;'^.' ^' *'• A Hand-Book of Require- 
 ments for Admission to the Colleges of the Zii,d 
 States, N. York, 1879, Svo. united 
 Nightingale, Lady Clarence. The Three 
 Graces: Faith, Hope, and Charity, Lon,; 188, i2mo 
 Xightnigale, Florence, [„„^., vol. ii ,„|j i , 
 ^o es on Hospitals, Lon., 1859 8vo ;id e 18 n^ 2 
 fsfio" 8V, """"'"''■, "■'"" " '^•"'"' "-hat it i.;not 'Lon ; 
 SsS' Tx r «•'■ ;^"-- ••%!; new eds., 1868 ]«7<i 
 1884. ,i. Notes ot ,' :. Sanitary State of the Arn v ■,; 
 In r,;«Ut:;i' '"'Y'"- , -•• I"'--'-'tory Xoteson L,\,;' 
 indii';t;;',"'i':f74!'t;,.''''' ''"■ '■ ^'^^ - d-'" - 
 Niglitingale, Rev. Robert Cubitt, a Noncon 
 Eng,;: d"'l's>4"' "",'-■'.' ;"""'"^'' '" '" ^hu"e"ir f 
 1^"6 >f s v,',.".'''''ir •;' Tewkesbury, Ac., and since 
 and Wesl'VlsfJ.-'' ""■'""'• ^'"' 1'"" J-''-^^ Calvin 
 wiUi'f)iMi"^"'^r''"- '-','■"' "^ ^^'^"""'' Ro-^ilb' Kail. 
 wiUi Diaries and Letters, Lon,, 1879, n Svo 
 Angl;'{;„„"l!;-,?^rC'' ^"^'S-'Pt-™' Account of 
 n 'I 
 (lained 1 '"; vie. of St. Michnel's, 3hore(!itch, since 
 1887. '. '! ' " t'OMt in Absolution and Achan's Con- 
 fe.^jion; .■' ,s,ri>. v, l.on., IS77, Hvo. 2. Tlie Sisters of 
 St. M".7 at '.'loas : Sisters of tlio Poor at ihcir \Vorl<, 
 Lon., 1S87, ( . ■'.■u. , . „ . 
 Niles, n, ;?. Tlio Old Chimney-Stnoks of hast 
 Iladdam, Middlesex County, Conneotiout, N. York, loST, 
 Niles, M. E. 1. (Trans.) The Last Da?? ..fa King : 
 an Historical Romance, by Moritz llartu mn, Pliila., 
 1867, 12ino. 2. ^Tran9.) The Fisher-Maidd:, by Ujorn- 
 stjerno lijiirnson, N. Yorl<, 1809; new ed., ("Leisure 
 Hour" Sor.,) 1S74, 16uio. 
 ><mies, Willys," (Pseud.! See Hi'me, J. I., 
 Nind, Rev. William, TniKf, vol. ii., old.] The 
 German ^.yrist; or, Metrical Versions from tin; Princi- 
 pal Lyric Poets. By W. N. Cambri iije, 1856,, Francis Eugene, b. 1847, at Port Byr )n, 
 X.Y. ; oecamo professor of physics in Washinjfton I ni- 
 vcrsif , St. Louis, in 1874. Theory of MaKnenc .Mi.iis- 
 un.iM.nt8 f with an Appendi.v on the Metliid of Least 
 Sfiuf.r.;.i, N. York, 188rt, 12!nD. 
 Msbet, Andrew. O'osi-fi'ations »n Digestion oi'.' 
 til-, ''('th, Lon , 18.')7, 12mo. 
 ■Siiiiiiet, C!iaiii'«. jTrans. and <m1.) Caroline Bauer 
 -lid l)i<' CoiiiHj:*, Lou., I'- 'i, Svo. 
 NisbfU E. T!i>, Vi^'U-fBction -i the Body; does 
 tho Bible teMb -it ' . Tork, \K'i, I'Jmo. 
 ^isbet, Wiime. .'V-o irt iu» at the N\fiit Insti- 
 tute, E.iinburffh. Tiie T.fiiiiJ »i bd Hibiscus iriossom : 
 a Virn of tho Papuan Gu;!'. iliissi. Lon., 1888, sq. 
 fiirbet, ft- Son;^.' ol tl.e Ceiuplo I'iigrims, Lon., 
 1863, p. '^vo; ricn- ed'., IS'''. 
 ,Ni8bet*. Kallfih. Tb.? Cottager's Oin.le to Poultry- 
 Keeping, by C'haiilicieep, (B. N.) Stourbridge, 1878, 
 8vo. „ „ 
 Nitzch, Mrs. Helen. " Catherine Owen, pseud.,) 
 d. ISSil, at hor home at Piuinfield, N.J. 1. Culture and 
 Cooking; n, Art in tho Kitchen, N. York, 1881, 12mo. 
 2. Ten Do lurs Enough: Keeping House well on Ten 
 Dollars a '.Voi!( : how it has been done, how it may bo 
 done again, Iw ^t., 1887, 12mo. :i. Le.-sonj in Candy- 
 Making, Spri.i -field, Mass., 1887, Itimo. 4. Perfect 
 Bread: its Preparation and Use, Springfield, Mass., 
 1887, Ifiiiio. 6. A Key to Cooking that will unlock 
 many Kitchen Mysteries, Springfield, Mass., 1887, 16mo. 
 fi, (j'entle Bread-Winners: the Story of one of them, 
 Uost., 1888, 12mo. 7. Molly Bishop's Family, Bost., 
 1888. , , 
 Niven, C. 1. Conduction of Heat in Ellinsoios of 
 Revolution, Lon., 1880, 4to. 2. Induction of Electrical 
 Currents in Infinite Plates and Spherical Shells, (Philo- 
 s-iphical Transactions,) Lon., 1882, 4to. 
 Niven, W., architect. 1. Illustrations of Old War- 
 wickshire Houses, Lon., 1879. (Etchings, with descrip- 
 tive letter- press.) 
 " A.S specimens of the picturesque of doraestie areliitec- 
 ture, we have .seldom lookod ov;r a collection of Hjnstrn- 
 tioiis of the kind contaiiiintt a larger proportion of what 
 Is really pleasing and suggestive to the fancy. —AcaU, xv. 
 2. London City Churches destroyed since A.D. 1800, 
 or now threatened, Illustrated and Described, Lon., 
 1888. Printed for the author. (Contains photo-lithog- 
 raphy and etchings.) , , , , ,. 
 "The author is an intelligent and enthusiastic lover of 
 beauty, genuine orohiteelure, and antiquity. —Ath., >o. 
 Niven, Kev. William, B.D., ordained 1834; per- 
 petual curate of St. Saviour's, Upper Chelsea, 1840-68. 
 i. Thoughts on the Kingdom of (>od, Lon., 1862, 12mo; 
 4th ed., 1872. 2. The Victory over Death, Lon., 1864, 
 12mo. 3. Plain Sermons in Perilous Times, Lon., 1868, 
 12m». 4. Family Prayers, and Prayers for Special 
 Occasions, Lon., 1871, 12mo. ' ^amily Readings on 
 Philippians, Lon., 1873, 12mo. ""amily Readings on 
 Thessa'onians, Lon., 1875, 12m 
 Nixdorff, Henry M. Tifi. ^ .Vhittier'a Heroine, 
 Barbara Fritchie: including a Skelcli of lllstorio " Old 
 Fro('.eri:ik," Frederick, Md., 1887, 12mo. 
 Nixon, Francis H. 1. Populotion; or, A Plea 
 for Victo 1,1, Lon., 1862, 8vo. 2. The Legends and Lays 
 of Peter Perfume: Collected, Corrected, and Edited, 
 Melbourne, 1865. 
 Nixon, John. 1. Among the Boers; or, Notes of a 
 Trip to South Africa In Search of Health. Illust. Lon,, 
 1880, 8vo. 
 " He tells lis that he writes for two classes of readers.— 
 first, fiirtlie (feiieral reader; and.. secondly, for persons in 
 search of a climulc suitable for threatened and uclual inil- 
 niiinary disease ... The second class . . . may learn nuuh 
 from h"is bcjoks."— .lcii((., xix. 132. 
 2. The Complete Story of the Trv.n; iinl, fr m the 
 " Hrcat Trek" to the Convention •.•f Ijondon, Lon , i -^85, 
 •^vo. , , , 
 " .\ very fair and readable histury." -.Virf., xxvil. ..':;i, 
 Nixon, W. All and in All; ReJ.Jn.i.s of Christ as 
 God, Creator, Ac, Lon., 1882, y-ia. 
 Nond, Henry M., [mnv vol. ii,, add.] 1. The 
 Induction Coil: the Principle of its Consirn-tion, Lcn,, 
 1861, 12i:io; 3d (J . 1808, ■ .'. Mar,uii'. • i Ci.-niciil 
 Analysis, Qualilal ,e and 'iumlitativc, Lon., id64, ji. 
 8vo. 3. ';'lie Stude It's Text-Bo< i' of Electricity, Lon., 
 1806. p Svo: new ed., '879. 
 NOHKP- John. 1. Worcester Sects: Roman Catho- 
 lics ar.d i> -sfnters, Lon. l.vl, fp. 8vo. 2. The Monas- 
 tery an' i', ti.edral of Worcester, l.on,, 1886, 12mo. 3. 
 Guide tu AVorcestershire, Lon., 180;, ; 'mo. 4. Worces- 
 tershire Relii', Lon., 1877, 12ino. 
 Noakc, .^JlOor U. C. > . The Devil's TriHi.'i>>i. 
 Satire, anc i/tjier i'oeins, Lon., 1859, 12ino. 2. U ■ r 
 Songs, Lon., 1860, i"mo. ... Tho Bi.-ou:;^:; c, Marliul 
 Lyrist, Lon., 1871, o. 8v. ; new ed., 1879. 
 Noble, Miss Aiinetlr Lucil'^, ''. 1844, i.f .'.Ibion, 
 Orleans Co., N.Y. ; ins couiributeil l;if;;"ly to muga-zim- 
 and journaki. ]. l.leanor WiHoufrn^jy, Bosl., ISTo, 
 I6mo. 2. St. Augustine's Ladder. Illust. Bost., IS?/,, 
 Ifiino. .'. .Judge liranard's Infantry, i'hila., 1873. I. 
 Under Shelter. Illust. N. York, 1876, 16mo. 5. Out of 
 the Wav. Illust. N. York, 1877, ]6mo. 6. The Qucir 
 House in Rugby Court X. York, 1878, 16mo. 7. Siln- 
 Gower's Daughters, Phil;.., 1878, 16mo. 8. Uncle .lacks 
 Executors, N, York, 1880. 16mo. 9. Eunice Lathro)., 
 Spinster, 1882, sq, Ifimo. 10. How Billy went up in 
 the World, N. York, 188:', it mo. 11. Turryport School- 
 Girls. Illust. N. York, i ■-'2, 16mo. 12. Miss Janets 
 Old House, 1884, 13, Th- i'rofessor'a Girls, 1885. II. 
 Dave Marquand, 1886. ,.■■ After the Failure; or, A 
 Loss and a Gain, Pbila., 1 -x7, Ifimo. 16. The Silent 
 Man's Logacv, Phila., 1888, lOnio. 
 Noble, Charles. Comp odium and Comparative 
 View of the Thirty-Eight State Laws of Marriage anM 
 Divorce in the United States, ^n 1882:) the Conllict 
 and the Remedy, N. York, 1882, 8vo. 
 Noble, Daniel, M.D., ["»(<■, vol. ii., add.,] isl;;-^ 
 1885. Three Lectures on the Correlation of Psychology 
 and Physiology, Lon., 1854, Svo; 2d ed., enl., 1855. 
 Noble, E. 1. Dora's Diamonds, Lon., 1882, 12nn.. 
 2. Irish Pride : an Unsocial Tale of Social Life, Lon., 
 1885, p. Svo. 
 Noble, Edmund, b. in Scotland ; resides in Bosbpii, 
 Mass. The Russian Revolt : its Causes, Conditions, aii'l 
 Prospects, Bost., 1885, I2nio. 
 " It is the production of a writer familiar with Uusmh 
 and her history, her people and her woes, from study iis 
 well as personal experience, , , . There is coiisideiiililo 
 force in some of his descriptions of the past and prescin. 
 . Dogmatic one-sidediiess is the general defect ol ilic 
 book."^-V(i(io/i, xl. 4»9. _ , , , , 
 " As a general rule, the iiiformatiim which he Rives >\\>- 
 pears In be trustwortiiv, and his book may be studied wiili 
 ailvantage by all who'take an interest in a very imporlaiii 
 question."— .l/A., No. ;j018. ™ „ ;• 
 Noble, F. A. Law and the Liquor Traffic, .N. 
 York, 18.S3, 16rao. 
 Noble, Frances. Violet Mortimer ; a Novel, l.on.. 
 1870, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Noble, James Ashcroft, a frequent contribui»r 
 of literary criticism to leadin,,; periodicals. 1. Pclionn 
 Paiiers: Reminiscencca and U nains, Lon., 1873, jl^v". 
 2. Morality in English F- -o, , Lon., 1887, p. Svo. il. 
 Verses of a Prose Writer, : 1887, P. Svo. 
 "Short, simple, unambi mpjsltions, soiuctiiiii> 
 tenucrly personal and dr. , ■ ^ ut with the breath oi 
 true iioetry in all of then ^ad... xxxll. 98 
 Noble, Jo' . V<^ '. 1814; clerk of the House 
 of Assembly, Car - Hope. 1. Fiscal LogUlii- 
 tion, 1842-65, L. .> i8i;r, .*« >; new ed., 1873. 2. Irec 
 Trade: Kccipro ■• .i,d the Rpvivpr-, Lon., 186!'. sv". 
 3. The Queen's Trsi- . !. m., 1870, Svo; new ed., IS-. 
 4. Our Imports ano JX!- it>i: with Remarks upon lial- 
 ance of Trade, Lor .>;": ' •o. 5. National Finiiiioe, 
 Lon., 1875, p. 8vo. fi. J' ' i; >k of the Cape Colony, 
 Lon., 1875, p. Svo; nev ;■ ' .877. 7. South Afn™, 
 Past and Present, Lon, . " ; ■ 8vo. 8. British fcoi.tli 
 Africa an.l tlio Zulu War, J,(,ii, 1S79, Svo, V The Par 
 liaiiiciitary Roloriner's Manual, Loti., 1883 8vo 111 
 History, Productions, nn.l KcHmrots of the Cape of 
 Goiiil Hope, Capo Town, IS86, 8vo ' 
 ail(l.,J a. 1882 A Voyage to the Arctic .Soas in Search 
 of Icebergs with Church, the Artist, 18«l. 
 Noble, .>li88 l-ucretia, of Spencer. Mass. A 
 Ucveren.l [.[oh a Novel, ll„st., 1S82, 12mo. Anon 
 , '^ "S'*"', "»'»»Tl Turlington. Mission to the Te- 
 \»gn Poop e, .on., I8i;,t, p. ;<vo. .See .Meiuoir of It. T. 
 Noble by hi.« lirother, Lon., I86(i, p. 8vo ; LM cd 18fiS 
 ,,,,"' ^,' ('!'"'>''•) Concerning Heaven and its 
 « onders, and concerning Hell : from Things He.ird and 
 feecii, hy Km^inoel Swcdenborg, Lon., 1870, IBum. 
 .^loble, I. C. Meni.,ri,.l3 of Temple Uar : from 
 Ancient Recoiils, I.on., 187(1, .|to. 
 Noble, \V. F. P. I. Prophet., of the Bib^e and 
 the feovun ( hurch"s. I'hila., 1872, 8vo '> 
 A Century of (iospel Work: Hi.story of the Growth of 
 Kvangeical Religion in the United .States. Illust. 
 Phila 18,0, 8vo. 3. (ireat Men of God: Biographies 
 of I atriarehs. Prophets, Kings, and Apostles : will! In- 
 troduetion by I. W. Wiley. I||„st. ,St. I.oui- Svo 
 Noble, Cnpt. William, F.R.A.S., late of thoRiHe '■ 
 .rigade; b. Is28. Hours with a Three-Inch Telescope, i 
 Lou., I S,So, p. Svo. 
 Nodal, John Howard, b. 1831, at Ardwick, near 
 Manchester, Lug. ; a journalist. Pictorial Record of the 
 ttoyal MUbilee li.thibition, Manchester, 1888, 4to With 
 Mil.nkii,(Jkougk, a Glossary of the Lancashire Dialect' 
 with Etymological Notes and Illustrated Passages from 
 Anglo-Sa.xon and Middle English Authors, and from 
 Writers in the Uialeet, Manchester, 187J-dJ,;' 2 vols. ] 
 Nodelee, Ij. Canibria Sncrii, Lon.. 187!) j 
 Noel, Lady Augusta .nary, b. 1825, daughter of I 
 the second harl of Lonsdale; married, 1863, to Rt. Hon 
 Gerard James \oel. I Kffie's Kriends , or. Chronicles of 
 the W oods and .^hoio, Lon,, 18(ij, p. 8vo. Anon '' The 
 .^tory of Wan.lering Willie, Lon., 1870, p. 8vo. 3.' The 
 l,ile and linios of Conrad the Suuirrel, Lon., 1872 8vo 
 •I. Owen Gwynne's Great Work, Lon., 1875, 2 vols. p. 
 >vo. a. From Generation to Generation, Lon., 1879 2 
 vols. p. Svo. 6. Jlithersca Mere, Lon., 1887, 3 vols, 
 cr. ovo. 
 " It is a story, of slow movement ; but almost every pace is 
 so richj 1 quiet reposeful beaiitv that it iu:ver oVnirs to 
 a' Vn«','i' "','"',"^'' ^""i^"''" '' '' »" Pl^tt^^ant t Wi, ge •■■-J 
 A. .NOBl.K: .lC(I((., ,\.\xli. 'JUD. 
 Noel, Hon. and Kev. Baptist Wriothesley, 
 M.A., [,u,tc, vol ii., add.,] 17yy-1872. 1. Christianity 
 compared with Unitarianism, Lol., 1851, 18mo. 2 Es- 
 say on the Duty of Englishmen towards the Hindoos, 
 ,""•' '"'*i"*; •'**■"■ •■*■ Freedom and Shivery in the United 
 .Mates of America, Lon., 1863, 12mo. 4. The Rebellion 
 in America Lon., 18«3, p. Svo. 5. The Case of George 
 William Gordon, Esquire, of Jamaica, Lon., 1866 p 
 I nf,I"' '",:•• 'f "''p'^"- ?• T'"' I'''y»'<-'"> Basis of Mental 
 I Lite: a I'l'pular Essay, Lon., 1873 svc, 
 i,,'^"';''"""- "«"«ei« Berkeley Mriotbesley, 
 MA. b ix.l; son of the first Earl of (;„i„sbor.nigli 
 ; educated at the University of Cambridge: groom of 
 privy chamber to the queen 1867-71. He is a con- 
 tributor to leading perio.licals. 1. Behind the Veil, and 
 other Poems, Lon 1863, l2mo. 2. Beatrice, and other 
 Poen-8, Lon., 1869, 12mo. 3. The Red Flag and ,„|,er 
 I Poems, Lon., 1872, 12mo; new ed., 1883 . 1 living 
 stone in Africa [verse,] Lon., 1874, 18mo.' 5. TliJ 
 Home of Ravensburg : a Tragedy, Lon., 1877, sm. Svo. 
 • We cannot sny that as a drama we regard 'Tlie IIou.p 
 of Ravensburg' :,s a success. Tbcrc aie , ™ wVhar i tcr^ 
 Stic, powerlur, and rugged passages ii, it, , u , grna leal 
 lai IS pnle, Imllstinct, and blurred Atth'vame iViu 
 Ihe^poem conuiiiis some very tliie elenient.s.''-*i","ia(„ " " 
 6 A Little Child's .Mcmument, Lon., 1881, ]2mo 
 ecu line ""''' V; IsMw T ',',' ' l'"*^^"-57" '*l"'ntancoim and so 
 ^li miiiv-tiiaiuhis^-iii'';:;;:'^'?^:'!.™.''''"'''''''''^ ^^-^'^ ""' 
 7. A Philosophy of luimortality, Lon., 1882, cr. 8vo'"-^'" "" ^'""^'y »"'' ''""'»■ I-""-. I«S6, Svo 
 llicre is no lack of liberalilvof imaginative recpntlv... 
 ne.s.s 11, a (Titic who can speak with id ratimi ofl.^i 
 warming into ciithusiasni, of such wblcin tlbr b nocts 
 as Chatterton Byron, .■shclley. Wor.lswu I, Keat"*! ib , 
 lennysoii, and Whitman. . . . Mr Noel .h votes l',i,„l.f' 
 cs* to abstract scientific apprai.sen e t tha o w at w4 
 X!:^^^s;^,:^^^'^^! ^'"^-"-■' "^ --"""^ 
 A book which iiisLsts (Ml being read with care, and well 
 Noel, Caroline M. The Name of Jesus, and other 
 Poems, Lon., 1873, l2mo; new ed., 1878 
 Noel, Edward Henry. 1. (Trans.) Flower, 
 Fruit, and Thorn Pieces, by J. P. Richter, Boat., 1865, 2 
 vols. 12mo. 2. Poems, Lon., 1884, or. 8vo. 
 ,''*•'«'!,' *^aP'' «erard Henry Uchtred, R.N., b. 
 I S4a. The (}„„, Kam, and Torpedo : Manieuvres and 
 luetics ot a Naval Battle at the Present Day. Illu«t 
 Lon., 1874. p. Svo; 2d ed., 1885. 
 Noel, Horace, M.A. 1. Te.xts and Questions for 
 >unday-Sohools, Bible-Cliissos, and Families, Lon., 1871 
 p. Svo; 2d ed., 1873. 2. The Great Event aid its 
 Logical Consequences, Lon., 1877. (An abri^lgment of 
 :! "p, ?.","'''' " "«"sons for the Hope of a Christian.") 
 .on., 1881, ISmo. 4. Ballads of the English Reforma- 
 tion. Illust. Lon., 1882, or. Svo. 
 Noel,L. Jesus which is called Christ: his Trial 
 and f-ondomnation, Lon., 1878, p Svo. 
 I '^**?h,'^,' ''"'Bh-. 1. Lady Macbeth: a Study, 
 .on., 884, 16mo. 2. Shakespeare's Garden of Girls 
 t.on., 1S85, Svo. Anon. 
 Notji, Maurice. 1. Buz; or, The Adventures of 
 Honey.Beo Bristol, 1885. 4to. 2. Evidence, Lon., 
 SS6 p. 8vo. 3. Udder the Water : a Story for Children 
 Illust. Lon., 1886, 4to. 
 Noel,R, R. 1. (Trans.) Geology and History: a 
 Popular Exposition of All that is k own of the Earth 
 :incl Its Inhabitants in Prehistoric Times, by B. von 
 reraivs i ■ f„r \lr v ;..?;.,, *• i ^ "'"' """ <''»rt>»ud well 
 ; 9. A .Modern Faust, and other Poem.s, Lon., Isss, p. 
 I mL' » 'i '^' v-""',^; ""-' '"™' iiUelligible and the deepest of 
 Mr. Kodeii Noers poems, the purest in stv e the wK in 
 scope, the ripest In artistic ixeeution, , , d lie i. itufcsj 
 iii^exprcssion of its author's views."-J, A. 8v.,ion,>s : .■icm/';!, Criticism : 
 „," ■''I'.'' Hon. Rodeii .Noel, as a poet, has never received the 
 1 1' K Kiish\lfbiic''-''H;'i;> !? "•" ''"""^■"' ''■ "''• ''""t ■''• 
 „. 1, , V.^ii !""»"'■ Mr. Noel's poems are not e.xactlv such 
 as he who runs may read. To tie appreciated t lev reuiiiro 
 l',V,',!::\ T']^'- i'"' o''"y, because the/r tl , ig t , flei ' b- 
 PC oTe'xi I iliMrri"^ "'? ■■ '-'''l"-«''»l™' i- "ot uiifreoiicM y 
 ptrpiexing. indeed, no other poet.of our aire with the ev. 
 ceptioii of Mr. Uoberi Krown ng, has added so iiiichV^t" 
 verbal and rliytbmleal .lifticultv o the 1 fliViltfes o 'nrei- 
 ant meaning an, l,old speculation. . It s i.rolm de 
 that his piieins wi 1 not receive due rcc< gii i ,„, m t a 
 Noel .So., ety has been fouuded. Then pc" c wil i^ 
 coyer tl at an impas.sioiied singer, a pliilos, nh/.r of i iai-k..d 
 origiiiiUity a tender4iearlcd Christla ", 1 ^ 
 the noblest sense of that term, has bee i up h' i ul- t^, tl,,. J 
 in words of wayward beiiiily and varicT'me dv irinij 
 more than a quarter of ., eeiitury. almost ui , elded •- 
 JOH.< AD»I.N(iTO.N.Sy.MO.M,s: ^l«(c<., .XXXV .j^, """"^'-'"'^- " 
 Nokes, Harriet. The Homo Wreath, and oM,er 
 Poem.s, Lon.. 1S57, I2mo. 
 Nokes, Halter Fcderau. (Trans.) Corneille's 
 Irogedy Polyeuctus, in English Verse, Lon., 1880 
 N ^^,^k" riu'^o' '^'''' ^>'""'' "*■ '^'™g<'»l"l' ■■ a Talc. 
 ix. lork. 1869, l2mo. 
 • '^f"'?"',*^' H- '• Illustrated History of the Rus- 
 «"■';• 1 1'' ^°"".18;'''2 vols. imp. Svo. 2. History of 
 British Empire in India, Lon., 1858-60, 2 voLs. imp Svo 
 Nolan, Edxvard. I. Ipbigeneia; or, The Sail! 
 Ovf fsfifi «""* "'." ^'''^'•ifi«« ■'•'■' » ('•I"''«ical Burlesque, 
 0.xf., >866 8vo Anon. 2. Agamemnon at Home ; or 
 The Latest Particulars of that Little Affair at Mycente 
 a Burlesque Oxf, 1867, Svo. Anon. 3. Romeo and 
 Juliet; or I he Shaming of the True: an Atrocious 
 ,!^«?l^' [''"'"'e-'q"'-'. Oxford, commemoration,] Oxf., 
 1S6S, Svo. Anon. 
 Noliin, Thomas. The Telescope: Principles in- 
 vo ved in the Construction of Refracting and Rifiecting 
 Telescopes. Illust. X. York, 1881, 16mo. 
 ,,'?'"''»"rS''.,"; *"• Tl-o Naval Brigade in South 
 Alricu, 18, ,-79, Lon., LSSO, p. Svo 
 Norbury, J. Box of Whistles: Notes on Organs at 
 Home and Abroad, Lon., 1S7S fol 
 Norcliffe, Krv. Charles Best, M.A., graduated 
 at University College, Durham, 1855; ordained 1856; 
 *ellow of the University of Durham 1867-67 1 (Ed ) 
 Beat's Farming-Book, (Surtees Soc.,) Durhami 1851. 
 ^. thionicon Pretiosum Snathenso, 1858. 3 The Priorv 
 and Peculiar of Snaith, 1861. 4. (Ed.) The Visitation 
 ?L, o '" '° ^""^ *""• 1^'5^> (Harleian Soc.,) Lon., 
 1881, Svo. ' 
 ,|ltflM*«lH i 
 ''."■1H««,,., , '• 
 ),r.M.M. I I 
 H 4 
 It ! 
1 '>i 
 Nnrcross, JoiiHthaii. Tho Iliitory of Demoornoy 
 C(iii-<iclt'rcil lis II I'liity Niimo and us a Political Orgiinl- 
 ziitiiin, N. York, IHSH, lliimi. 
 Nonlholf, ChurlC!!, [<iii(e, vol. li., mid.] Ho 
 tiiivclled in Cnlil'oiniiv 1.S7I-72, visited ihf lliiwiiiiiiii 
 I.sliinds 1S7I!, iind since 1871 bus boon tlio 8|iucial Wiisli- 
 ington ourieaiiondi'nt iil' tbo Now York lleriild. 1. Se- 
 cession is Uebellion, N.York, 18(i(t. 2. Tho Freedom 
 of South Cnrolinn, lHfl;i. I). Amoricii for Free Working- 
 Men, l-il'io. t. Cape Cod, and All Along Shore, [stories,] 
 N. York, IXliS, 12ino; new ed., 18S(I. :>, (.'nliforniii, for 
 Ileivllb, I'leiisiire, and llesidonco : a Hook for Travellers 
 anil Settlers, llliist. .\. York, 1872, Svo. 
 '■ Mr. N'orilbolV is an excellent rnconleur. with a .simple 
 and vittorons .style. . . . lie wiis in rnliioriiia in 1HI7. per- 
 hnps in '18 also, and is imiuially aniuzeil at llic eontriist 
 which twenty-live years have prodnced."— .\n(/»ii, xv. lUi'.l. 
 II. Xortbern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich 
 Islands. Illiist. N. York, 1874, 8vo. 7. Politics for 
 Young Americans, X. York, 187i, 12mo. 8. Tho Com- 
 muni.«tia Societies of tbo I'nitoil States, from Personal 
 Visit and Observation, .to. lUust. N. York, 1S7.\ 8vo, 
 1. The Corsairs of Franco, I.nn., 1 887, Svo. 
 Noriiiiin, Rev. diaries Frederick, .M.A., grad- 
 uated, senior uptime, at St. Catharine's College, Cam- 
 bridge, 18.',2; ordained 1852; rector of Portisbead 18.V1- 
 07. Kindly Words to a Country Flock, Lon., 1887, 12mo. 
 Norinuii, Kcv. Denliiini Howe, graduated, first 
 cliiBS Tbeoi, at King's College, London, IHo,'); orihiincil 
 I8.m; vicai of Middleton-by-Wirkswortb lS58-7.'i, and 
 afterwards of Stalford. 1. The Origin and History of 
 tbo Knglish Bible, 1870. 2. The Crusades, 1872. :i. 
 The Keligious Orders of the Middle Ages, 187,S. 
 Nurnian, Frilllk. Keboes from Dream-Land : a 
 Selection of New Original Poems, Lon., 1800, fp. 
 Normnii, Henry, liodyke: a Chapter in the His- 
 tory of Irish liiindlordism, Lon., IS78, 8vo. 
 Nuriimii, Henry, b. 1858; graduated at Harvard 
 1881. The I'l iformanco of (Kdipus Tyrannus at Har- 
 vard, ISSI, Host.. 1882, cr. 8vo. 
 Normnn, <ien. Sir Henry Wylie, a.C.Ii , 
 (J.C.M.U., C.r.E., b. 1820 ; served in campaigns in India 
 1848-59, and was afterwards military member of the sii- 
 His researches have been minute and exhau.stlve, and ! prenie council, Ac; governor of Jamaica 1883-88, mid 
 ■ ■ ' ' since then of Queensland. Narrative of the Campaign 
 of the Delhi Army, Lon., 1858, 8vo. 
 Norman, John Henry. Local Dual Standards: 
 Gold and Silver Standard Currencies, Lon., 1887, 4to. 
 "Norman, Lucia," (Pseud.) See Heavkn, S. 
 M., HHpni. 
 Norman, Very Ilev, Richard Whitmorc, 
 M.A., b. 1829; graduated at Kxetcr (,'ollege, Oxfoni, 
 1851; ordained 1852 j warden of St. Peter's College, 
 Radley, 1801-00; curate of St. John's, Montreal, 1800- 
 09; rector of St. Matthias, Cftto St. Antoine, 188;)-S0: 
 dean of tjucbeo 1888. 1. Manual of Prayers, for the I'-u 
 of Schools, Lon., 185B: 2dcd., 1802. 2. Occasional Ser- 
 mons, Lon., 1860, 12mo. ,3. Sermons preached at Si. 
 Peter's College, Radley, Lon., 186-1, )). 8vo. 4. Consid 
 orations on the Revised Kdition of tho New Testament. 
 Montreal, 1881, 8vo. 
 Normandy, Frank, called to the bar at the Midilh 
 he makes a very liield and often an entertaining exposl 
 thin of the resnlt.s."— .Yiid'oii, xx. 20. 
 0. The Cotton States in the Spring and Summer of 
 1875, N. York, 1870, Svo. 10. God and the Future 
 Life, N. York, 1881, lOmo. 11. Peninsular Califor;jia : 
 some .\ccount of the Climate, Soil, Productions, and 
 Present Condition chielly of tho Northern Half of 
 Lower California, N. York, 1888, Svo. 
 Norl'olk, H. E. Gleanings in aravoyards: a Col- 
 lection of Epitaphs, Lon., 1861, l2ino; .'id ed.,'1866. 
 Norgate, Miyor-lien. John Thomas. (Kd.) 
 Paris and the Parisians the Year after Waterloo. By B. 
 F, Norgate. Lon., 1884, or. Svo. 
 Norgate, Miss Kate. England under the Ange- 
 vin Kings. Maps and Plans. Lon., 1887, 2 vols. Svo. 
 " Certaiidy these voluines form a faithful analysis of all 
 the chronicles bearing on the period; and when we I'on- 
 Kider the sheer bulk of the materials, it Is not surprising 
 that the work should have needeil, as Mis.s Norgate intl- 
 mates, the labour of eleven years. . . . Not only does Miss Temple 1874 ; jiractises before tho High Court at Madras. 
 Norgate present lis with no new views, hut she pa.ssii)ii- A Dictionary and Manual of the Criminal Law : consist- 
 tttelv ieje(t.s the humblest otfers of new lights. We thus j^g „f ,i,g i„,jian Pcnal Code, I SOU; the Indian Evi- 
 get.'as regards the main subject, the old story, though wu 
 are bound to sav that here and there occur clever solutions 
 of isolated ditiiculties. . . . Her volumes will fonn a neces- 
 sary part of every historical library."— Kichahd IIowi.ktt : 
 Acaa.. xxxii. 'M'L 
 "Her book Is emphatically scholarly ; she has a clear 
 sight and a strong grasp of things, and she is not carried 
 away bv lancies. . . . She is always at her very best in 
 Anjoii and the other lands of the counts of Anjou ; she is 
 not, as a rule, at her very best in England, neither is she at 
 her very best in .\quitaine. . . . Her treatment of Anjou 
 and the Angevins is all alive; in Anuitaine it gets eoni- 
 paratively cold and dead."— E. A. Fkkema.n; Historical 
 Hei'iew, No. 8. 
 Norgate, Rev, Thomas Starling, graduated at 
 Qonville and Cuius C "" 
 of Sparhain since 1 
 donee Act, 1872 ; the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1SS2 : 
 Madras, 1883, 3 parts, Svo. 
 Norris, A. W. Pennsylvania Supreme Court Re- 
 ports, vols. Ixxxii.-xcvi., (1870-1880,) Phila., 1877-81, 
 15 vols. 8vo. 
 Norris, Alfred. Inner and Outer Life : Poems, 
 Lon., 1875, p. Svo. 
 Norris, Cecil iMarryat. 1. Hugh's Sacrifice. II- 
 lust. Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 2. Three Niglits. Illiist. Lon., 
 1880, p. Svo. 3. Captain Fortesoue's Handful. Illust, 
 Lon., 18S7, p. Svo. 
 ^^ ^ Norris, Charles li., a reside;;. t of Natal; corre- 
 ollego 1832 ; ordained r832 ; rector siiondent of the Standard during the Zulu war. In Zuiii- 
 1840. 1. (Trans.) Batraoho-myo- | land with the British throughout the War of 1879. 11- 
 mach'ia; or. The Battle of the Frogs and Mice, repro- lust, and Mini. Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 
 duced in Dramatic Blank Verso, Lon., 1863, 12mo. 2.1 Norris, Edwin, [nii/e, vol. ii., add.,] 1795-1872, was 
 The Odyssey of Homer, reproduced in Dramatic Blank ' interpreter to the Foreign Office. 1. Dialogues and a 
 Verse, Lon., 1S63, p. Svo. 3. The Iliad of Homer, re- Small Portion of the New Testament in the Eiigli>h, 
 produced in Dramatic Blank Verse, Lon., 1804, p. Svo. I Arabic, Haussa, and Bornu Languages, Lon., I-.k!. 
 Norice, O. Frauds and Follies in Picture-Dealing : ! '^n""-, „?• (^J- »n<l trans.) The Ancient Cornish Dranni, 
 a Poem Lon 185<l l"mo t)-"'- l**^*' 2 vols. cr. Svo. 3. A Sketch of Cornish 
 Non'nani'capt. Charles Boswell, late of tbo I Grammar, Oxf., 1S59, 12mo. (This is extracted from the 
 Bengal staff coriw and 90th Light Infantry; special i preceding work.j 4. Assyrian Dictionary ot 
 corresponjont of the Times in Asia Minor during the ' ' "' 
 Russo-Turkish war 1877. 1. Armenia and the Campaign 
 of 1877, Lon., 187S, Svo. 
 " The stvle is not brilliant, and is occasionally even slip- 
 shod ; vet", for all that, It is one of the most valuable con- 
 tributions to the literature of the Kusso-Turkish war."— 
 Spcctatt/r, 11. 7:!2. 
 2. Tonkin; or, France in tho Far East: with Ma]is, 
 Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 " ('apt. Norman's book is .m opportune contribution to 
 the literature of this ijnestion, beginning as it does with 
 the early relations between France and Tonquin. bef:)re 
 the Kreiieh UevoUUion. and continuing the narrative of 
 the jiresont war down to the most recent operations. . . . 
 His main purpose, however, is to . . . urge the danger 
 which the eondiict and pre.scnt temperof the French bode 
 to l';iigliiiid aiul to civilizalioh Keiiei'ally. He does not 
 strengthen bis case bv the violently anti-French tone 
 which pervades his \mikr—Ath.. No, •J940. 
 .'i. Colonial France, Lon., 1880. Svo. 
 " Captain Norman would bo well worth hearing at length 
 upon military colonial topics, but in dealing with general 
 colonial history and with ecunomic subjects he is ott his 
 ground,"— jr/i.. No, 3U1'2. 
 Inscriptions of Assyria and Babylonia, Lon., 1808-7^, 3 
 vols. Svo. 
 Norris, Mrs. Emilia, (Marryat.) I. Every Day, 
 Lon., ISOI, ISnio. 2. Harry at School : a Story for Boys. 
 Illust. Lon., 1861, sup. r. 16moj new ed., 1880. :i. 
 Long Evenings : or. Stories for my Little Friends ; -d 
 ed., Lon., 1S62, 'sq. lOiuo; new ed., 1878. 4. A Week 
 by Themselves. Illust. Lon., 1S04, sq. Svo; new ed., 
 1876. 5. What became of Tommy. Illust. ],on,, 180j, 
 sq. lOmo; new ed., 18S4. 6. Early !- tart in Life. Illust. 
 Lon., 1866, p. Svo; new ed., 1881. 7. (ierald ,ind Hany ; 
 or, Tho Boys in tho North, Lon., 1867, p. 'Wo. S. Tlic 
 Children's Picnic, and what cpme of it, Lon., 1807 ; now 
 ed., 1880, 9, The Stolen Cherries ; or. Toll the Truth at 
 Oii.-e, L'.ii., 1808, lOmo; new ed„ 1S«1. 10. Theodora: 
 a Tale for Girls, Lon., 1809, 12mo; new ed., 1883. II. 
 Adrift on the .Sea ; or. The Children's Escape, Lon., 18711, 
 lOmo. 12. Alda Graham and her Brother Philip. Ilbi.'l. 
 Lon., 1871 ; new ed., 1883. 13. Geoffrey's Great Fault, 
 Illust. Lon., 1872, lOino; new ed. ,1884, 14. Snowed-L'li; 
 or, Tho Hut in the Forest. Illust. Lon., 1873, lOmo. 15. 
 »»> Wii iiim^ iMi> w «i«w 
 t^rT£:^: tit" "f,^?-"f-. ton.. ,«:.,, ' ' ^" ""?'«' I'"'""' '"r private | 
 Rol,«iou. Instruction, Lon., 1874 'i -ol • ■v^Tf' 
 ciMSM, an, I'rayer-Uook;Lon.;iS75; „V>v ed 'sTB .9"'°" 
 Himo; new oil H7S « p f''™l'igy, Lon., 1870, 
 Imrges at Easter Visitation, Lon., 1883 8™ t / '"' \ 
 Stae], l"n ,Ts"3 p' 8v,; 2 Pvr ^ '""' "<■ *''"''""« ^e 
 Lon.,' 1854,' 3 voU.';;. 8™. ""''P ^"">'^'''""- : a Novel, 
 Norris, Miss JMarvHnrrin»» 1 w ■• ■ . .. 
 Norri, pf ""T"!^'- ""■ ^'-''. '8s.),\2m'o.''"' 
 ctirerp"et^ea,-^g„nr:f^S"r.l''' "'?„^'"-"- -'' 
 188.1, 12mo. ^ '"^ Border. IHust. PhUa., 
 IVorris, Richard, M.D., M R c q p b « p i- 
 business; oontribut^d to ' '"''' ™8"8«1 i" 
 Angler's Book raN„ln?«/p-^ P."''-"- '' American 
 bra'cing All the'Dtails of ArSaTB^r ''"''"? ;■>'"- 
 Lon. 1852; 4to' ^^'""'«'""™' Antiquities of Tenby, 
 -.i^oTtre'la^'^lhl^,,^:?,--:!' 'i>?^-^' '° ^-'""" 
 were first published a, ilri„t ■ ,. „^ "' '"^ "o^'o's 
 Bar, and ot^er naga.h e h1 '" -^1" ^"^"J''"' T«™Ple 
 Heaps of Money, Lon 1877 2 vT ?' ^"'■I""^- '• 
 '"oiselle de MeJ^'ac Lon , 880 3 ^I^n 's" "• •""''''■ 
 I'^SS. 3. Matrimony Lon iSsV 7 ?' '^™'' "^^ ^'^■' 
 c<l., 1883. • ^' •' '***'' 3 ^o's. or. 8vo; new 
 '"'I"''*, lis a rule, ., „o ^"M°"Jl"^i''«™y. ^^'"'^e works ' 
 « iwrt of Thackera s method anHh^r„'"" F''"^!^ «rtopted I 
 Si;o,l M hisrowd. ■luZ,irl;?l* ,.^':' "^"f are as 
 ^^4. No New Thing, Lou., 188.3, 3 vol,, or. 8vo ; new cd.. 
 ii^"kc?des;:,!i;^;^;'^A/f';;";„!;;'i;^!;,'!^ .."veis «„,wi,„ «„„,« 
 I K|;ided 1,1„, that' the roa :r c '. ' »J-»";ili'M-Rn,l ^!! 
 Niirrlshasthciirtdfaiirilv/ , ,? '" "''' l'"rlrall. . . . M,-. 
 vols. or. Sv„. "■ '■ ^'^"'"' VIdal, Lon., 18S5, .I 
 r..a,S''l^'?;);;.;:;.:f',^|'^r;!^,f;5^f'J"t.and „at„nd that the 
 raist.d."_.svi/. y.v,„ Ixi.'jj '■"""'™<« " siiIHTslriiiiurc 1m 
 8. My Friend Jimrn Novel l,„n isa,\ n 
 jcr. 8V0. 12. 11,0 R„g„,.. „ ^.„^.^,^ j^^_^, ^^^^. - wilH. 
 I OKNBnAi, CniTinsM- 
 I "'H 'nent",:;;^'^;;^f;i!'tlil!;;^;'^!;. '!' ''>-o days „r over-re. 
 iiiid conditions, hut ft.o ,";..„ ft'j'V'l''';. ""'" flaxses 
 tvpes a.s well ; alld^^b,ve ,5 ,..',' VI'^l?' '" ,' '.'""""ital 
 human heart mid a ru ,L! v mrana^.i ,?";',''''*'''' "' "'^' 
 en;"/;;,ii;;^:?'irSri;;!,!i4i'\s!r ?f -". '>'^ 
 Norn.''"S'"*''"1"- '^"^ Newman. 
 the Id' "arro" r,n,'f ",'"-''*"?' S^^^t-grandson of 
 Hall, oVford" 842 , re it'd '■„t"l)''r""ir''' ""*^"'"'"' 
 shire, and wai well Wn^t ^"""* """'«"' Moray- 
 see SV.AUT "fir;"K"jr" IX "^''T''" ^"^ ••-» • 
 turefron, the Children of w'l T ".''f.'. "' • " "«" 
 ed., 1870: new ed.'^sl.'^^ ".':^,?'; '^^^^-..-.^-o,- 4th 
 jx.v. 68,) I.on., 1S66, ]2n,o 3 The 7)1 1 m 
 1^.^.72, ..0-1 »^--0|;.^e^ed. 
 I88'^?[,"*.',o""'*"'"- ^"^ ^"^' »'- - I">-<on, Lon., 
 Vo?k""?6'7,VZ"'''"'- ^"-"^ °f Love-Letters. N. 
 J. wTadS.!5T-i',';ri'nT'''r "•' f''"'^' ^•°'- "•■ ^^°"«. 
 of Soily 1841-51 and^f,'^^' ".''"'""'" "''""' I'le^ 
 Greenwil Sermons ^^T.l f ''T."^ ""'>■ T""''?, 
 LS54, I2mo. "^""""' P'eaehed at Greenwich, Lon., 
 co!;'"s"n'iiif'n!r;-chiirj^8';^\ro ''~''™ - ^'-^-'^ 
 _'^^!;'„!;'i*fe's»" ^- I. On Epidemic Ci: i„ a, fir ok- 
 admirals a.d pr. tter-ill/K^^tr^'Jlirt?^ 
 Ea^v"Me''t'ho?,'r:.; .87?Tt: ^^^"^-"^ ^ "-"^--^ 
 tb^ttpfp^-^d S:r::dic:r'\>i:^-^r'^^t:s 
 StiUes, (Tenth Census,) Wash., 1SS4 4to ^ 
 Bells of Bedfordshire: thoirVoun;ier:-In;;ri'tn?'kf 
 tatw-e'cKl ^- "" -"?'• Church, A. H. Q„ali. 
 lahan,%.SD 1869 to"^ ^^"'t' * "e,""' Mary Hal-' 
 ed., Lon., 885 n Sv'o W ;., « '^ '■' "'" «<"Pel8; 2d 
 ."sfK-s; "„'i.i-%r.r' 'i:.!"i;^: 
 1181 ' 
 :; I! 
 new ed., onl., H79. (A oom|iilatioii from Roasl'i re- 1 
 luiirohos.) , , .. ' 
 " It emljwlli'i. the rc»iill»(>f the lifflong Invurt naUmis 
 of a M'lioliir of xi'iiliu, leiiriiliiK. mi'l iTithUBlusm. — .Sjire- 
 luliir. 111. U-tT). ... „ , - 
 Northcute, Sir StuHord Henry, Earl of 
 Iddesleigh, (I.O.U., D.L'.I,., F.K.ri., IsH-lUH?, b. in 
 Londim • griuluulo'l, llrat oliiss I-U. H " . ><i Hnllii'l ^"1- 
 lOKo, Oxfunl, 1H31I1 ciilled to t',. -.■ .1 'hi' !■> .c ' 
 Toi-hIo IHU; M.l". from ls.'.'>: . luiiicello' ci t.u ux- 
 ehixiuor 187t-s<0; riiiscd to iln jiear'iB.i rit'r'ly before 
 bisdoiUh. I. Twenty Your uf ^inain-ml Polluy, IHJ'i- 
 fil, Lon., lHtl2, Svo. 2. Til. I'l •u.^ures, tlio Uungers, and 
 the Ukos of Dosultury Hn , iig, Lon., \>*»:>, f<vo. :t. 
 Loelurus iind Ks-nyn, Kdii.., 1'<H7, 8vo. 
 Northeotl, W. Henry. I. A Treiitiso on Lathe;* 
 and Turning, Lon., 18«f<, Jtvii. 2. The Thunrynnd Action 
 of thu Steam- Engino, Lon., 1S77, ^vo; new «d., 18H); 
 Ith cd., IXH.i. ,, , 
 Norlheiid, t liarleH, M.A., [nn'c vol. ii., add! 
 1. Book of E|iitiii>h», N. York. IS73, 12mo. 2. Gems ..1 
 ThouKht: Mij.o tlmn 1000 Choiuo Seloetions, N. \ork, 
 187U, I2mo. .'.. I'.lilm Bnrritt: a Memorial Volume, 
 containing a Sketch of his Life and LiilMirfl, with Selec- 
 tions from hi ' Writings and Loctiirus. Illust. N. York, 
 ISSO, 12m .. 
 Northe" lev. Alfred Edward, M.A., graduated 
 at Trinity College, Cambridge, lf<Ol; orduined If^O^; 
 vioar of Ri' Ijuianswnrth since 18S4. Pupil Teachers : 
 their Training, Instruction, Powers of Teaohin)?, Ac, 
 Lon., 1-7' 8vo. ■ 
 Nortlrop.Birdsey Grant. 1. Education Abroad, 
 and ot;ier i'ii|)crH, N. York, IS?:!, 8vo. 2. Lessons from 
 Euroiiean Schools and the American Contonuiivl. Illust. 
 N. York, 1877, 8vo. Ii. Kurul Improvement, N. Haven, 
 1880, Svo. 4. Tree-Planting, Forestry in Europe, and 
 other Papers, N. Haven. ISSli. Svo. 
 Northriip, Ansel Judd, b. l.'<3.^, at Smithfleld, 
 N.Y.; graduated at Hamilton College 1858; admitted 
 to the bur 18.^9; county judge for Onondaga since IS.'^S. 
 1. Camjis and Tramps in the Adirondacks, and Gra ing- 
 Fishing in Northern Michigan. Syracuse, 1880, liUno. 
 2. 'Sconset Cottage Life: a Summer on Nantucket Island, 
 N. York, ISSl, Itimn, 
 Nr.rthrup, C. II. 1. Southern Odes. By the Out- 
 oast, a Uentleiuan of South Carolina. Charleston, 18R1. 
 2. Political Kemarks. By N. Charleston, 1861. 
 Northy, T. J. Illustrated Popular History of 
 Exeter, E.xeter. ISSli, Svo. 
 Norton, Lord. See Adhkiiley. 
 Norton, Anthony Banning. History of Knox 
 County, Ohio, from 1779 to 1802 : comprising Biogr;-|ih- 
 ical Sketches, Anecdotes, Ac, Columbus, IStii:, 8vo. 
 Norton, Arthur Trehern, M.B., F.R.C.S., sur- 
 geon in charge of throat department at St. Mary's Hos- 
 pital, London. 1. Osteology : n ;icise Descri).ion of the 
 Human Skeleton, Lon., 186B, with all of plates, 
 2d ed., l.'<74. 2. Affections of pk Throat and Larynx, 
 Lon., 1871, r. Svo; 2d ed., 1S75. 3. H.vaminer in 
 Anatomy, Lon., 1877, 12mo. ). A Text-Book of Opera- 
 tive Surgery, based on the Originii' Work of Claude 
 Bernnnl and Charles Huolte, l-'d f' . m ,, 1886, Svo. 
 Norton, Rev. AugustuH Tikeodore, 1808-18S4, 
 graduated at Yale College 1832; pu tor of the First 
 Presbyterian Church in .Viton, 111., for about twenty 
 years. History of the Presbyterian Church in the State 
 of Illinois, St. Louis,, 1879. 
 Norton, Caroline. See Maxwell,, E. 
 S., t,.\DY StiHLINO-, miprii. 
 Norton, Caroline Ada. 1. History of 
 for Children, Lon., 1865, ISmo; new ed., 1870. j 
 Nepliew's Hist"ry of Home, Lon.. 18(i.i, 18mo. 
 Norton, Charles Benjamin. 1. (Ed.) as- 
 urcs of Art, Industry, and Manufacture represent... at 
 tlie International Exhibition, 1876. Illust. Buffalo, 
 N.Y., 1877, 25 ]iarts, Svo. 2. American Inventions and 
 Improvements in l!ri'»ch-LoadingSmall-Anns, Ac. Illust. 
 Springfield, .Mass., 1880, 4to; 2d ed., Bost., 1882. 3. 
 The President and his Cabinet : indicating the Progress 
 of the Government of the Tnitcd States under the Ad- 
 liiii.i:^trnti.>n r,f Or.-.ver Cl^.r.hi.nd, Host., 1888, 12ffia. 
 Norton, Charles Eliot, [«»(<;, vol. ii., add.,] joint 
 editor of the North American Review 1804-68. 1. The 
 New Life of Dante: an Essay; with Translations, Cam- 
 bridge, Mass., 1858, sq. Svo. 2. Notes of Travel and 
 Study in Italy, Bost., 1859, 16mo; new ed., 1880. 3. A 
 Review of a Translation into Italian of the "Commen- 
 IIS'^ ., 
 tarj" by Benvtnuto da Imola on the " OirlDa Coin- 
 media," 1801. 4. The Soldier of the Good Cause, Bo»t., 
 1801. 5. A Catalogue of the Plates of Turner's '' Liber 
 Studiorum," Host., 1875, 4to. 0. William Blake's Illus- 
 trations of the Hook (if Job : with Sketch of the Artist s 
 Life and Works, 1875. 7. List of the Principal llo.iks 
 relating to the Life and Works of Michael Angelo: 
 with Notes, Cainhridge, 1870. S. Historical Study of 
 Chun^h-Buildaig in the .Middle Ages: Venice, Sienn, 
 Florence, N. York, 1880, Svo. 
 "A study of three of the urealest medlasval cathedrals 
 whieli. In Its (ieiieral accuracy and dearnew, will be a 
 valimbU' relVrence for stiKlenls uf art, while iln Krucelul 
 and iiltcTi pdctlc diction will niiike It an interesting vol- 
 ume even ti> the aimless ri'ader."— .Viidoii, xxxl. 31.^. 
 With Aniior, EitliA, (ed., A Translation of the Gospel- : 
 with Notes. By Rev. Andrews Norton. Bust., 1855, 2 
 vols. l2ino. See, also, Caki.vlk, Thomas, «i(/<n/. 
 Norton. Charles Lt-dyard, b. 1837, at Karming- 
 ti Ii, (• ,1 'uuted at Yale 1859; editor of the Chris- 
 ,,iu vjuiui. l.'r'.l-79, and of Our Continent 18,h|-m. 
 American Sen Side Resorts; a liand-ltook for Heallli 
 and Pleasure Seekers, N. York, 187 1, l«mo. With H mi- 
 BKiiToN, John, Canoeing in Kanuckia; or, Hups and 
 Mishaps Afloat and Ashore. Illust. N. York, 1878, 
 Norton, Mrs. E. Gossip's Stories at a Winter's 
 Fire, Lon., 18.i2, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 Norton, Edward. I. The Bank Charter Act of 
 1S44 Truthfully considered in Connection with the Dear 
 ness of Money, Free Trade, the Currency, and the Fiiii 
 Employment of Labour. By Ilonestus. Lon., 1S57, ^v.. ; 
 2d and 3d eds. same year, with author's name. 2. Nii 
 tional Finance and Currency, Lon., 1860, p. Svo; 3d ed., 
 1S73. 3. National Christianity ; the E.stablished Chunli, 
 Ac: a Poem, Lon., IHlil, or. Svo. 
 Norton, Frank Henry, b. 1836, at Hingham, 
 Mass.; librarian of the Brooklyn Mercantile l.ibriiry 
 1806-67, and afterwards a journalist. 1. (Ed.) Jourii;il 
 kopt by Hugh Finlay, Surveyor of the Post Roads if 
 .x'orth America, Ac: with Introduction, 'Irooklyn, I^i'T, 
 4to. 2. Historical Register of the f • ■ nnial E.xliibi- 
 tion, 1870, and the Paris Exposition, 187S, N. York, 
 1878. :'.. Life of Alexander H. Stephens, 1S83. I. 
 Daniel lioone, [a romance,] 1883. With Ji\nkin, Rbv. 
 David K., Life of Wintield Scott Hancock, lusil. 
 Norton, G. Thought: its Origin and Opcniii 11, 
 Lon., 1876, ]). Svo. 
 Norton, George S. Ophthalmic Therapeutics: 
 with Introduction hy T. F. Allen ; 2d ed., enl., N. York, 
 1S82, Svo. 
 Norton, J. B., [nnli, vol. ii., add.] 1. I'ho Rebel- 
 lion in India: how to prevent another, Lon., 1857, ."vm. 
 2. Topics for Indian Statesmen. Editcil by G. R. Nur- 
 11. Lon., 1858, ,hvo. 3. Nemesis: a Poem, Lon., I'-i'd, 
 . Svo. 4. Memories of Merlon, Lon., IStil, fii. Sm. 
 Norton, J. E. Homoeopathio Family Medicine; 
 _,1 ed., Lon., 1 liO, p. Svo. 
 Norton, James. Essays and Reflations m .Aus- 
 tralia. Sydney. By a Layman. Lon., 1S52. 
 Norton, John Foote. The History of Fitzwil- 
 liam, New llamiishiro, from 1752 to 1887: with 1 
 O.'nealogical Recoi ' .if many Fitzwilliam Families, by 
 Joel Whittemore. Illust. N. York, 1888, Svo. 
 Norton, Rev. John Georee, M.A , gruiiimtcl at 
 Trinitv College, Dublin, ISO", ordained 1865; rector "f 
 Cbr' 'liurch Catlicdral, Montreal. :.ince i^8l. I. 
 Ill,, ;y Sen-ices; or. Revived Church Worshi|i, I."ii., 
 1878. cr. Svo; 3d cd., 1881. 2. A Pka and a l'l;ui lor 
 the Toleration of Ritualists, Lon., 18-<1, Svo. ■■. 
 in Heaven and on Eurtli : Responsive, Congre^ja- 
 I. Reverent, Musical, and Beautiful, Lon., 1884, .'■vo. 
 • rton, Kev. John Nicholas, D.D.. ' '<, vol. 
 ii., 11. id.,] 1820-1881 ; associiile rector of Christ Churcli. 
 Louisville, from 1870 till lii^ '-ith. His Life of Bishnj. 
 White, mentioned ((ii(«, vol. .. , was the first of a series 
 of biographies of bishops of the Protestant Episcniial 
 Church, published between 1857 an.i ^79, and incluiliiig 
 lives of Bishops Seabury, Bowen, 1 reeinan. Provost, 
 Stewart, Wilson, Claggott, and Henshaw. His oilier 
 works are: I. Short Sermons for Families, Ac, I'^'S, 
 12m<>; nth cd., 1882. 2. Life of Washini;t"n. N'. Vrnk. 
 1860, ISmo. 3. Life of Franklin, Frankfort, Ky., l-'l. 
 16mo. 4. Life of Bishop Berkeley, N. York, l-'i'l. 
 lOmo. 5. Life of Crannier, 1863, ISmo. 0. Life »! 
 Laud, 1864, lOmo. 7. Phelps and Nash : Lives uf Two 
 Pioneer Missionaries, 18mo. 8. Milk and Honey; or, 
 Sunday Evenings with Children, 1870, 12mo. V. Kvciy 
 "■ ilL'.'L'i^'^'.".'*' '•"r^-mmt: Sermon, ,,rc.,f„he.i 
 Norton ,,ev;Phnip?V:fc 
 Norton, Sydney Augustus, M.I)., l-h.i)., Lr, n 
 b a, J |,,„„„|..M, O. |.:,5; «n„lu„t,.,l at' Uniin' Co ic„;; 
 itf 1,^00 1s"rV'','T'''''^ '" '"" '"''" ''""° Uni',T 
 Cm "rn r>', 'i 'if""^""' "'' N'""ral Philosophy, 
 ^. tlcini (8 uf Inorgnnie Chemistry, 187.H, 12mu I I 
 Or({iimcC'homi.«trv, l,HS.), i2i„„ '.i-imo. i. 
 IVor wood, Hev. Samnel, K.G.S., gru,l„ to" u 
 the I nivcrnity of l.„„,|„n |st!7 onli.ine,! Is 9 1 ', 
 18119. 1. How f,„„„ ,m,.,„m ,,(, ^,1 „„"! ho» 
 Aleck Part of (■onstHn.i„e's I.,,,, , .M„ oho»te 
 1^.1, 8v». Anon. 5th thou-and. L'. Our Iiulian F... 
 Tm. p!Z7 "' """»'> ■^"I'—y in Hin,lunun:Lt ; 
 Notcutt, (.-eorRO Jarvis. Factory and Work 
 Lon I ". . ' I * • • o '■ "'""'-Book "f the Microscope, 
 Pr.„"f '' ,' ' ,*^''"''» '^- L'omparativo tirammar of the 
 JVotley, Mrs. Frances Eliza .Willett, h. isxi I 
 '■""-'»g<"-., l.iskear.l, Cornwall ,- .lauKhter , f V i 1 
 rri*^;''['iV''''tr;r' ^""^^i'^",' '" '^"8'-<i -• Kn. ' ': 
 inarneil, IM„, to George Notley, of Combe, Syilenham 
 Somersetshire, (d. 1,S55.) Several of her earlier I "k^ 
 ml' ■'' I «■' Wedd.n«: a Family History. I,„n' 
 "B», ■ p. Hvo; new ed,, 18B8, l2mo ," Oliv« 
 V arooe . . ovel. By Francie' Derrick. ,, s,\^ 
 • ,.„,' „■ ''• ^""^ ■'• J'"«ionco Caerhydon, l.un. IM70 
 " vols. p. .sv, : „,,, „,._ ,„,m^j „ J y Hi ,„^„"^- ,'. /»' 
 h -Whle "IT {^'--"?'^"1'" '"■' '2"H.. 6."B™el" 
 ne wneilfl Lon., IS,() ,1 vols. p. 8vo. Anon. New ed 
 .,L i: ^''""'?' ^"'''' '•'^7I,:i vols. Anon. 8. For-' 
 ^-tten L,ve,. lly the Author of " Olive \-., rcoe." Lon 
 1>|3, 3 vols. I). Svo; now ed ls><n o i . ''""•' 
 Dream : a Nolel, Lo'., 1877.';; vol ."'or. M ,. ' \V IT/s 
 todeha: a Novel. Lon., W», 3 iols. or. s'vo. ,2 In 
 I ma, 1.011., ix.s.l, s vols. cr. Svo; new ed 1887 74 
 i.™.ri°8s, 3";oi'' ^t,*^"""'" "" ""-^^ " N"-'. 
 Liws of New \ork, 8yo. With I1.:ntinotov H If 
 la^es.n the Supreme lN,„rt. Wash . Syo ^PP^"'"' 
 '^ottj Major J, r.-'Jiitin -'ni ■ ■ , ~ 
 graphed and i)escri'be"il, f.'on , ?88r."f s;;'""""^ '"»"'- 
 Af.;i' ..,!"**• ^"'"^ "''"'6 Antiquities of "Moch« 
 Mi^vern,", Great Malvern,) Ac, Mahlrn, 1885, Syo, ^f '"""o- '« «"- -d Nerve S.rgery 
 I !V.m, Rev. Rirhnrd Means, Is.ii-ihho b In 
 no« on, graduated at Watervillo College 852, .nd at 
 Roeheater Tl„„|„gi„„| Seminary 1851) , ,,u,t or of Ba lilt 
 ehurohe. ,n and elsewhere, .C, ,lr, f neJ 
 Kinsman Notl. By his Bro.hcr. N. York" 88^ lamo 
 homal Science A»,..„-iatlo,,. H,„t., |877. H,„ ■^""■"•""^ 
 i.ii^"N"":;k''^5,*:r'M ^^'-^ «""-'" "-'• "' 
 torfh"."*' •'"**'','• '=''«'"-•««. h. 1811), at Washin«. 
 ton, !).(.; graduated at JeBerson College 18:i7-nrof"^ 
 «,'. I .IT, .'•""'' "' '""theinaiies I8«4-8|; renro- 
 IK hearc,^" • ^"ril"'"" "• '"" '"'-national ;. 
 I vanaiot Muez: Brief Memoir ol the Knternrive ami C.m 
 Canal across Darien, Wash., ISfil), 8vo. 2 (Kd ) Nar 
 ' Voir i" 79''.Vl"''""'' :Vf",'-- ''■'''^■'"""" <"•••' '•^ 'i'"^ V 
 1 orK, 18,9 .' I,on., 188 , 4to. See iMvm r' ii 
 ^American Exphiratio,;, in theli-''^^!;^, B^^.f'l/I^- 
 ■-v . 4 Ihe Marilime Canal of Sue/. tr„m it- I „ L,, 
 «tr!::^r«:^'r:,^;j;;t:"'-''" " 
 beiud'^sw',?'*'"' ,'*•"'*',"»• ''"'''"ry of Bluo- 
 and^Halui: Adventure.^ Narrated ;.„dSllXe\'^^^^^^^ 
 ..tion 01 (I, Paintings, Eilin., 1865, 8yo Anon 2,1 
 ed., with aiiihor's name, 1874. "' ''" 
 ^^NoweM, Kdward." LyHc Echoes, Lon., 1887, p. 
 Nowell, Mrs. Harriet P ir f.<M» «i 
 in«,",l., 1. Bilirurfmer'":;,r,c b's^'haT 
 CruNeo VhT-'n'T •"" ^T' «-'■ i8«7."T«m.'"'I' 
 1: :'."",' !:•"'.«"' »•'•_» J«-. K»J»>urga, (^ueen of 
 BLES B., 
 I .v„„ ; ""•■•«»"'••<.»•". Jiadburira ( 
 n^'^^li^r^-l/*!-:-,---" verse. By 
 N.''^Xl87^' "• '"""""'"'P -'^■■'-- By Norval. 
 HerVerV 1%' "'" »''';••*'•-,"«'' Robert Ilaisey 
 insfo'rVv:;;;,' rij;,"""' '• ^"™"- ■" "-■> P--!.- 
 BaU°''li'el,^?*V*'""^'' •;'• ''■'« I^'™"- ""'' 'ho 
 of Th^Fv'e wh;",!"'' '*; ' ■ '''"«""^'» "'■ ''h^^" Diseases 
 of Jh; Kye, N^YW^'-l's^isy-- ' '"""" "" ^'— 
 'w;,.?k'"''^ ^\""'' Pitman, b. 1,840. How to be 
 i tlefcl' ■'vl'"' "V'"P'''ey, 181 1-1886, b. at Brat- 
 rlZ-l-J" fo""''*! 11 community called Per 
 Vri847%y?"T'The's" " ^''-n'"^-" ^''S ^-'^-i 
 lingfor.l Conn TiiO , S","' ^."'"'"8 "^ <^''"''t. '«''''- 
 ungior.i, conn., l»o9. 3. Salvation from Sin the End 
 of Cliristliin rnitli. IHAll, sy„. l. Illntory nf Amrrlcnn 
 Soclnliiiii, I'hilii,, INHli, r. Hvo. !>. Ilixon iin<l hi* <'o|>y- 
 lata : a Criticism nf tbo Acrniint* oT lliu Onolilii ('iniiiiiii- 
 nltv ill "Now Aiiiurli'ci," IH7I, Mvd, ft, I1"Um -Tulk". 
 Ktlilml \>y A. Iliirroii ami 0. N. MilliT. Vol. i., OiibIcIu, 
 N.Y., HT.'), PJllin. 
 Nuyi'o, It. K. The IliKtmy »r Meilii'lni' ffir »lio 
 ln^t Fmir ThouKiiiiil Voiirs, I.\ iiii, iMiikh., I^Hii, I:.'!!!!), 
 IVoyps, T, II. I. An"|.l.vll of the WialU: with 
 (itht'r l.iiv* iiikI l.i'({oniln, Luii., I'<fl'', llliiin. U. (Triinn.) 
 IiJtIi'i iiiiiI IIiiiMiliv^ ^ the Ki'lnnucn of Vir){il, ii -I'lwtlon 
 (if the ii.Il'M nf lldiiiui', Au., Lon., IHIIH,, U'liio, ;|, 
 llyiniixof M(p<K'i'ii Mini, I.011.IN72, I2iun. 
 iNilKVV, Itcv. <i('org(s M.A„ [■mic, vol. i., mlil,,] 
 ({niclimtfcl III Trinity Culli'Xf, t'liiiibril x, 1'»I2 ; nnlniiieil 
 IMI.'ii roftor "f Wiiili'V I85S-72, I, A IVniteiitiiil, 
 (Ixf., I''*^', Hvo. Anon. 2. Kii|;lanil and the Jewn: 
 their Uonlliiv nnj her Duly, Lod., 18S1, 8vo. Also, 
 finjrle seriiHinii, Ae, 
 NllKcnt, I'i. V. Troiitiao on Optica; or, Light and 
 Sight, N. York, I Mis, l2iuo. 
 Nugent, Udinuild. I. Gleanings for the Now Year, 
 I.on.,, IJiiio. ■_'. .Mary .Aston ; or, Town uml Ooiiu- 
 try I a I'ule, I, on., l^-.V, IL'uio. 
 NuKtMit, Kiliniinii C 1. AmliTleigh Hull: a 
 Novi'l ill ViM-.-e, l.oii., IStili, 12nio. 2. Couiitr.v lloii.'.u 
 Charaile.i for AtlinK, Lon., 1871', Iflino; new oil., 1,><74. 
 ;i. Charades for Aeting in Town and I'ouiiliv, Lon., 
 18S1, 8vo. 
 IViiReiit, ErmeiiKnrdn lircvillc-, daughter of 
 the lute A. Ogilvv, of Cove, I)iimfiii -liire ; iniirried, 
 1SS2, to lion. I'. Ii. (Jreville-.Niigent. I'he llueing of 
 (iildriin, and otiier I'ooini', I, on., I^si, fq. Klmo. 
 Nugent, <>e<irf;<', isuil-liss:!, b. in l'hiladel|ihiA 1 
 a luaiiiifiiotiirer ; founder of the Haptist Home. Ttio 
 JIaptiHt Homo of I'hiladelphia: its Origin ami lli:<tory, 
 Phila., ISMO, 
 Nugent, Norman. Ainuaements of a Man of 
 Fashion : a Novel, Lon., IM7H, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 
 Nugent, Nopliin AI. I. Tbo I'rinco in tho Midst : 
 Jesus our Centre, Lon., I«82, 18mo. 2. " I Must:" Short 
 Missionary Bible Readings, Lon., 1S88, 32mo. 
 Nuller, I). F. Kbetoric as an Art of Persuasion 
 from tlio Stand- Point of a Lawyer, Ues Moines, Iowa, 
 18S(), ,Svo. 
 Nune§, JoHcpli A., [nnle, vol. ii., add.] Dny- 
 Drearns, I'liihi., IS«:!, l2mo. 
 Nunn, Itev. Henry Urury Cust, M.A., gradu- 
 ated at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, I^ti8; or- 
 dained ISllS; vicar of Kipon Is72-8I, and since then of 
 Sharrow. .Sons of Heaven and Sons of Kartb : liiblical 
 Sketches, Lon., 1870, p. 8vo. 
 Nunn, John J. 1. Spero Meliora; or, Ireland in 
 18(!ll-7(>, Lon., 18ti9, 8vo. 2. Mrs. Montague Jones's 
 Dinner-Party ; or, Ueminiscences of Cheltenham, Lon., 
 1872, p. 8vo. 
 Nunn, Mrs. Lorenzo N. I. Tho .Militia .Major: 
 a Novel, Lon., 1.S52, 3 vols. 12ino. .Anon. 2. Heirs of 
 the Soil, Lon., IS61t, p. Svo ; new ed., 1870. 3. Sybarite 
 and Spartan: a Novel, Lon., 1880,3 vols. or. Svo. 
 Nunn, Thomas William, [imir, vol. ii., add.,] 
 b. 182j. 1. Observations and Notes on the Arteries of 
 tbo Limbs, Lon., ISiS, 8vo; new ed., 18«4. -'. Ward 
 Manual; or, Inde.x of Surgical Uieases and injuries, 
 Lon., \X6b, 8vo. 3. On Cancer of the Breast. Illust. 
 Lon., 1.S82, 4to. 
 Nunneley, Thomas, [ante, vol. ii., add.,] 1S09- 
 1870. On the Organs of Vision : their Anatomy and 
 Physiology, Lon., 1H58, Svo. 
 Nutt, AITred Trilbner, b. 18.)6, in London; edu- 
 cated at University College School, London, and the Col- 
 lige de Vltry le Kraiijois, .Marne ; a '.. ;,> 'ler In Lon- 
 don. He has eoniriliuted many pap< r» 10 the Kolk-Lore 
 Ket'ord and fimlhu publications, ami eritleiil artlolix to 
 Miiigaiiiiies, <te, >(iidl> ■ on the l.egeml of the Holy 
 ilrail: with Especial Iteference lo Ibu Hypothesis of Its 
 Cellio Origin, Lon.. ISH.s, hvo. 
 "The book. Iioslil ■» beliiu lilnlily reiidalile, Is tho tnost 
 liii|Hiriaiit colli ribiitliiii In the llli-ialiirouf ilieiirall Uviiid 
 Hlilili lia>> been iiiiole lor many \iar> : iiml no stiidfiil oi' 
 nieillii viil roiiiaiii'i'. nr even of KiiglMi lllernliirt', eiiii ilo 
 Hilhoiit It."— ,l//i., .No. HI". 
 Nutt, J. A. Ailie Howard; or. The Last Visit to 
 Salisbiiiy, Lon., I '■75, l2ino. 
 Null, llev. John William, M.A., graduated, lir:'! 
 class Lit. Iliiiii., at Corpus Chri-li College, Ciiuibridge, 
 |Sj(); I.lhiH of All ■■ioiils,>-7.5; ordaincil IH.Mi; 
 siib-libnui;!!! of the llodleian IS(i7-7ll; rcitor of Hiir- 
 rielshani l>7U-f<H,and siiiee tbt-ii of Chelslield. I. (Kd.l 
 Two Treatises on Verbs. Ily .lehuda ILiyug. |s7ti. 
 2. (Kd.i Fragments of a Samaiilan Tur|2um ; from n 
 Bodleian .MS.: with an liilioiliiction eontainliig a Sketili 
 of Sainiiriiaii Hi'tory, Dogma, and Literature, Lon., 
 1.S7I, Mu. 3. (Kd.) Kleaiiar of Ueaugoney's Comuieii- 
 liirv on Isiiiiih, 1^711. 
 iVullall, 1'. A., LL.D, [„„i., uA. ii., add.] 1. 
 Standard Pronoum ing Dictionary of the Knglish Liiii 
 giiage, Lon., lSli3, p. Svo; looth ibousand, IsSB. 2. 
 I)iotionary of Scientific Terms, Lon., I Mill, p. .Svo. :i. 
 Spelling Hee (liiide, Lipu., Is7(!, lUino. 
 Nutterheiincr, II. J. Safely lionk-Keoping : 
 Complete K.xpoMire of Frauds, Ciii.. IS80. ISmo. 
 Nutting, II. A Few Plain Ueinurks on Decimal 
 Currency. By a Cypher. Luton, BeiUurdshlro, ISjU, 
 Svo. Anon. 
 Nutting, Rev. J. K. 1. Tilman Loring ; or, Min- 
 isier or Merchant, I'liila., Isft7, ISmo. 2, lioeky Hill 
 and Boiling I'luirio, Host., 1870, ICnio. 
 Nutting, .tlnry O. I. Our Summer at Ilillsiiie 
 Farm, Host., IsliT, Kiiiio. 2. Steps in the I'pward Wav, 
 Bust., 1867, lilmo. 3. Tho Story of William tlie Sileiit 
 anil the Netbcrland War, 15.iO-i5S4, Bust., isiili, 12mo; 
 new ed., Is83. 
 Nye, Edgnr Wilson, ("Bill Nye," pseud..) b. 
 185U, in Shirley, Me., was admitted to ttie bar in 
 Wyoming Territory in 1S7I'), and afterwards settled in 
 New York. 1. Bill Nye and the Ilooiioiang, Cliii , 
 Issl. 2. The Forty Liars, 1SS3. 3. Baled Hay, Is-I. 
 4. Bill Nye's Blossom Bock, ISSj. 5. Uemarks, 1>m1. 
 G. Bill Nye's Thinks : prepared at the Instigation of the 
 Author, Chic, 1888, 24nio. 
 Nye, J. Ii. 1. Anecdotes in Bible Texts, Lon., 
 18,s2-88, « vols. 12iuo. 2. Boys Worth Noting: phon- 
 ing how by Industry and Perseverance Boys hecaiiic 
 j Honoured and Ucnowned, Lon.. 1884, 12mo. 3. Storii- 
 for tho Band of Ho|>e, Lon., I>S6, p. Svo. 4. Temper 
 ance Briefs by All the Chief Advocates, Lon., 18S7, 12uio. 
 Nye, James. The Doctrine of I'niversal Uestora- 
 tion K.xplaincd and Defended, Lon., ISOI, Svo. 
 Nystroni, John W., [miii, vol. ii., add.,] d. isv.,. 
 1. Project of a New System of Arithmetic, Wei(;lii, 
 Measure, and Coins, proposed to be called the Tuiiiil 
 System, Phila., IS()2, Svo. 2. Treatise on Parabolic Con- 
 struction of Ships, Phila., ISfiS, Svo. 3. On Technologi- 
 cal Education and ,Ship-Building for Naval and Marine 
 Engineers, Pbila., 1M!5, 12mo; new ed,, ISlifi. 4. dii 
 the Force of Falling Bodies and Dynamics of .Mntln, 
 classified with Precision to the Meaning of Dyniiniiinl 
 Terms, Phila., Svo. 6. Treatise on the Elements of .Me 
 chanics : establishing Strict Precision in (he Mcanin;.' of 
 Dynamical Terms. Illu.^t. Phila., lS7,'i, Svo. 0. New 
 Treatise on Steam Engineering, Physical Properties ul 
 Permanent Gasea, &c., Phila., 1876, Svo. 
 Oakden, J. Astbury Church, &e. : Poems, Lon., 
 1879, fp. 8vo, 
 Oakeley, Itev. Frederick, [(inte, vol. ii., add.,] 
 1802-lSSU, was cdiieated at Christ Church, O.xford, where 
 he gained the Chancellor's prizes for English and Latin 
 essays, and the Ellerton prize for a theological essay; 
 was one of the leaders of the Tractarian movement, and 
 united with the Roman Catholic Church a week or two 
 after Newman. At the time of his death he was cnnim 
 of Westminster and mis.sionary rector nf St. John's, 1- 
 lington. 1. l!i-torieal Nntci* on the Tractarian Move- 
 ment, 1S33-4 in., IS(i4, p. Svo. 2. University Edu- 
 cation for Engii-h Catholics considered, Lon., 1804, •-vo. 
 3. Leading Topics of Dr, Pusey's Recent Work reviewed, 
 Lon., 1866, Svo. 4. Tho Priest on the Mission : a Course 
 of Lectures, Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 
 tome (JmumK rH,.,,,,, I !,,,■•, ',||„„ x "':„,,;• 
 Fo,tol |-,„„u„„., |v,.r-e,] Albany. N.V., |SMO, k.,,,,' " | 
 t. "?i':r',!:;:,rci;;i:.;^ "T"T:i',"H;:r7'i^''""""'" ^ 
 Divuicu Praotloo; 
 Miinehi'iiur, Inma, ,„_ 
 Oakley, Thomn'fi \V. n. 
 with Slutiites, 1.1,11., iM.s.j, Sn,. 
 Oates, rrHiik,F.K.('j,S.,'lS40-lS7.', b imir r ?.. 
 of th., ..,..e ..:i",:;„^'Saii:,'j:;r.;:t;^"5;'t 
 Maps anil Illu»t., IHSI, .Syo ■ >'• ""ii«, u.-l. 
 ooUfctor's (lentil Is <Ii.s<l ,...1 , .."T Vi " "''.''f' "'^'■'' tbo 
 voinme:'wl^l'Sji2ir'X;i;:";i'^!r '!"' I^'r ";""«■* 1" «1.1H ! 
 will have a VK ic. ar M> iL tu.Tl'"' olassKlcatlmi 
 Tl,« D ""-'"' "' ^'1 ""in'-* . Southampton, s nee lM,><j i 
 Plain ^..erinon. preaeheU in T„„„ anU cZtlyXl; 
 Obbard, Constance Mary 
 [poems,] I.on., I.SNi, ^i„. or. ,Svo 
 Ober, I'rederic Albionj b, 1.S4!) at BevBrlv 
 .Muss. J made huntii.^.-trip, in Fori la in 1S7^ anTls-?' 
 and suoceasfuliy explored Uko Oke< hn „,. P ' 
 tiavclled in the i, Ant ller,>n,! V„ v ■ ' .''"', "''"' 
 City: a Story of Adventure in Mexico llhst B f' 
 "".lUfe' among the MexiX Iio;,.,^™,;f '" "'""°"' 
 luKb!^ oo;;i;:^Si^:'^;,;ji''i;i^ d;;si^.rri::;' "V""^i !-< 
 xxxviU.aiii °" '""^ P'^'*e'l over.'-.V(i(,o„, 
 3. Mexican Resources: a Guide to and throuKh Mex 
 "•, (A SIPP'""'*"'"! volume to "Travels in Mt:,ico ^ 
 Ci^'t ' 887' T »V*'r"-''-'"""'» •i"l'i-Mi.>esillu.t' 
 ti les" and Th "°-K ^ Tho Knockabout Club in the A..." 
 t les and Thereabouts. Illust. Host.. 1888 8vn i 
 ,i«sW; ll''"' 7 ^"^ f-'«""ie- the Adven: 
 Ob«.r, Nnrnh Kndicoll. siue.v'. Ko„m . „, rin. 
 V.Mir', lluildin^, I'Inl:,., |^ss I",,,,' ' 
 OMIrinii, Tliomiis .M., md IM.r.ndiirl Oil. 
 i inS!rVoM:;„ "irf " ""'' ^'"""^ ' «-"•- 
 C* i>ri(*tif l'«« iiri'l l'iirkiii<4ftii i* \vi\\ n 
 of y,..r,,d..rHim I-:., or K:;::^:,*,;,,"^ ,'•'■'"'■" 
 O'llrini, .nrH. thnrlollc. 1. |,e.;i,. Fi,.ld • a 
 Fr::x";;;^: mI,' ';::i;'^'!:"' ,,f' ^■-■7-t;:,rh..r 
 1^^.: i^u ;:^,'';;^u:":;;. Fnin^rrTh^Tr-.^;^- 
 tdin 1870, 7. Ll„ht and Shadi, L„::'l«?8l''^ 
 O'Uritn, MoHt Rev. Corn.lins. b Hli ,„ 
 I punstanS College, Chai'loltetoim 
 li'«o ol the Pr(.pa){nihln, li,„„ 
 and at the Irlian Col- 
 odained prio^t 1871 j 
 ™..secrated ArcdbiVho 'r' n mW'i sm" 1 ''JlhM "V ' 
 of .1- im,h. Vindioatell, OllaH;';", ^^ •„ / '""^yl' jJ; 
 Hurley Bells, 
 ! Martyr, llulifa.,, IMsj.' ' *' "'• '*«"""• ^ "«'" '""' 
 ls",'"/nio."' "*"""• *'"'"'' '""'"'' i^'' ''""l. Minn., 
 Lah'o"t":sv: "'"^""-^ "f "'» ""'""•' I-«""80. 
 O'Urij-n, Fitz Jnincs, 182,S-|Srt2 b in 1 in,..,. 
 Lo" ""f-"?„*:.",3;,„'^ '^'™'"-'' - «»'" "".I Silver, 
 th^:-?^J^'";j^„^-™-, Hoy -story of 
 Case of the Kstab.Sled Cliur^/ i!.°I,.^:;!ii ^i ;^^„^; 
 L."d. trKssrp's:.,""™"" ^^'""- »f oui-iiUd 
 lit^r'^hi^jV^um^V «""'.''n'*-*f ' P''"'"""'' "f »a«re<l 
 A lirsUvof .1? «• '^'"■•^'^ (^"11"*!''. Emmittsburg. M,|. 
 B "eal an.?!., V * [""•J<'«"»K' 'ho Sanitarium of 
 nSf '«-?7-0'Sod:«^^ace 1„ 
 ■< )■■■ 
 li ! 
 O'Brieii, Itichard Barry, culled to the bar at 
 Dublin 1^74, nnil lit Lincoln's Inn IS7J. 1. Jiiok lliiz- 
 lett : a Hiborno-Aiuerieun Stor)-, Lon., ISSI), 12uio. 2. 
 The I'arliauiont.iry History of the Irish Liinil yuestion 
 from 1S29 to isfill, unci the Origin and KujuIIs of the 
 Ulster Custom, Lon., 188U, cr. 8vq; 2d ed., IS81. 
 " Perhaps the most valuable feature of his work is the 
 chain of (luotatiiiii from tlie speeelies of statusmuii ami 
 the writings of eniinciit publicists by which he seelis to 
 draw the reader to his own conclusions."— Jc(i((., xviii. 
 .'). The Irish Land Question and English Public Opin- 
 ion ; new ed., Lon., ISKl, Kimo. 4. Fifty Years of t'on- 
 ce.ssions to Ireland, Is:i|-8], Lon.,,'), 2 vols. 8vo. 
 "The object of the book is to show that the miiiu causes 
 of Irish diS(!outenl always havelicen, and stiilarc, neither 
 racial nor religious, biit agrarian in their nature. .Mr. 
 O'Biien writes with no less vii^our and luci<iity than con- 
 viction. Hut, though an ailvocate, he is impartial as a 
 judi;c. . . . The book is equally free fruiii prejudice and 
 rancour, and we know of none better meritini,' a careful 
 perusal by all who desire to form an opinion ol their own 
 on the questions of the day."— .S;«'c(a;or, lix. 78X. 
 5. Irish Wrongs and Knglisli Kemedies : with other 
 Essays. Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. 
 O'llricil, William. Prize Es,say on Canals and 
 Canal Conveyance, Lon., l.'^.is, Svo. 
 O'UriiMi, William Smith, I.8il3-1.864, b. at 
 Dromoland, County Clare, Ireland ; educated at Harrow 
 anil at Trinity College, Cambridge ; was JI.P. for County 
 Limerick I82I)-4H; joined the Kepeal Association in 
 1."'4 I, and afterwards became a leader of the Young Ire- 
 land party; convicted of treason in 1.'<4.S, but the sen- 
 tence of death was commuted to transportation, and in 
 18.1(1 he received a pardon. Tlie Principles of Govern- 
 ment. Host., I So,'), 2 vols. .Svo. 
 O'llrilie, David. The Practical Laboratory 
 Guide in Chemistry, Columbus, 0., lss.3, .Svo. 
 O'Uyrne, Miss in. Ij. I. Lei.\lip Castle : a Ro- 
 mance of the Penal Days of 16'.hl. By E. De Celtis, 
 [pseud.] Dublin, 1SS3, cr. Svo; new ed., I SS7. 2. Ill- 
 Won Peerages; or, An Unhallowed Union, Dublin, 18-84, 
 p. 8vo ; new ed., IS87. 3. The Baron of Belgard; or, 
 The Pale and the Septs, Dublin, 18S4, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 4. Art Mc.Morrough O'Cavanagh, Prince of Leinster, 
 Dublin, 1887, p. Svo. 5. The Court of Uath Croghan ; 
 or, Dead, but not Forgotten, Dublin, 1SS7, p. Svo. 
 "In spite of all its fault.s.— which are. in the main, faults 
 of detail,— 'The (.'ourt of Katli Crcglian' is a singularly 
 beautiful, powerful, and pathetic story."— .S/icodi/or, Ixi. o7U. 
 O'lljriie, P. Lives of the Cardinals. Part I. 
 Lon.. IS79, fol. 
 O'Byrne, Kobert, F.R.G.S. James' Naval His- 
 tory, Epitomized in Oue Volume, Lon., IS.-^S, cr. Svo. 
 O'Byrne, Robert W. (Ed.) The Victoria Cross : 
 a Chronicle of Deeds of Personal Valour, I85t)-SU, Lon., 
 1880, 12mo. 
 O'Callaghaii, Edmund Bailey, [<iiiie, vol. ii., 
 add..] 1797-1880, was admitted to the practice of medi- 
 cine in Quebec in 1827; afterwards removed to New 
 Y'ork, and was employed in the office of the secretary of 
 state at Albany in editing the Records of tile State. I. 
 Documents relatin;; to the Colonial History of Now 
 Y'ork, Albany, 1855 -til, II vols. 4to. (Some of the vol- 
 umes are mentioned mite, vol. ii.) 2. Remonstrance of 
 New Nelherland, 1850. 3. Orderly Book of Lieut.-lJen. 
 Burgoyne, ISfill, sm. 4to. 4. Nameo of Pcrsims for 
 whom JIarriagc Licenses were issued previous to 1784, 
 1860. 5. Wooley's Two Years' .lournnl in New Y'ork, j 
 1860. 6. Journals of the Legislative Council of New j 
 York, 18B1, 2 vols. 7. A List of Editions of the Holy 
 Scriptures printed in .America previous to ISOO: with 
 Introduction and Bibliographical Notes. ISIil, r. Svo. ' 
 8. The Origin of the Legislative .-issemblics of the State 
 of Nevf York, 1881. 9. A Calendar to the Lanil Papers, ; 
 18(14. 10. The Register of New Nctherland, l(i2fi-l«74, 
 1805, 8vo. 1 1. A Calendar of Historical .M;inuscripts in 
 the Oflico of the Secretary of State, IsCjj. 12. The 
 Voyage of George Clarke to America: with Xotos, 1S07. t 
 l.i. (Trans.) Voyages of the Slavers St. Jidia and .\rins 
 of Amsterdam, 10.^9-0:1: with Additional Papers illus- j 
 trative of the Slave-Trade under the Dutch : with In- 
 t.oduotion, Ac, 18(i7, sm. Svo. 14. Law and (Jrdi- 
 riaiices 'if N'c'.r Nctlicrland, yiliS 71, ISC9, Svo. 
 O'CnIlaghan, J. M. The "Fons ct Orlgo ;" or. 
 The Origin of the Word " Teetotal," Lon., 1S78, Svo. 
 U'CalhlKlian, .Ylary. (Trans.) Dreams by a 
 French Fireside: Fairy-Tales; from the (Jerinan of 
 Klchard Leander, [R. von Volkmann,] Lon., 1885, ii. Svo. 
 118C .J - M 
 O'Calliglian, D. E. A Woodland Queen, and 
 other Poems, Lon., 1809, 12mo. 
 O'Clery, Patrick Keyes, (The O'Clery,) 
 K.S.Ii., b. 1840; graduated at Trinity College, Dublin : 
 called to the bar at the Middle Temple 1S74; M.P. for 
 Wexford 1874-8(1 ; a Chevalier of the military orders ,)1 
 St. Gregory and Pius IX., grand cross of the order of 
 Isabella the Catholic. The History of the Italian Rev- 
 olution : First Period : the Revolution of the Barricade-. 
 1790-1849, Lon., 1S75, Svo. 
 "We see no reason to think that Mr. O'Clery wilfulh 
 misrepresents facts; he writes in the strength (if a fanali 
 cism that disdains such ordinary means."— .S'ii(. Vi'ic, xl 
 O'Connell, Alice. Loyal, Brave, and True: n 
 Novel, Lon., ISSI. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 O'Connell, James. Vestiges of Civilization ; or. 
 The -Etiology of History, N. York, Is.'il, 12iiio. 
 0'C:onnell, Rev. Jeremiah Joseph, O.S.P,., 
 I b. 1821, in County Cork, Ireland; studied at the .Sciu- 
 i inary of Cliarlcston, S.C. ; ordained priest 1844; estab- 
 lished St. Slary's College of Columbia in IS57, and w.-n 
 its )iresident. performing also pastoral duties ; was trans- 
 ferred to the western missions of North Carolina in 
 1871. 1. Catholicity in the Carolinas and Georgia: 
 1 Leaves of its History, A.D. 1820-78, N. York, 187'.), 
 ."^vo. 2. Conferences on the Blessed Trinity, N. York, 
 1SS2, 12mo. 
 ! O'Connell, .Mrs. Morgan John, widow of M. 
 ! .1. O'Connell, for many years mciiiber for Kerry. 
 I I. Charles Bianconi : a Biography, 17S0-IS75. By h'i.- 
 j Daughter, l.on., IS7S, Svo. 
 " A biography of Charles Bianconi, the inventor of the 
 Irish car system, which has now been sujierscdi'd by rnU- 
 ways, but which in its time was of great lienctit to the 
 I country, has been written by his daughter. . . . There i^ 
 ' not niucli to learn about Ijiancoiii that is worth Icaruiiu; . 
 ; but in Mrs. OCuiincirs pagi- . . . there is much to read 
 ' that is pleasant reading.' — .S(i(. Rtr., xlv. 183. 
 j 2. (ilimpses of a Hidden Life: Memories of Attie 
 ! O'Brien, Dublin, fp, Svo. With Baiiii- , J. G., For 
 ' Faith and Fatherland, Lon., ISSS, 12iiio. 
 O'Connor, Denis C. Seventeen Years' Experi- 
 ence of Workhouse Life, Lon., ISOl, Svo. 
 j O'Conr.or, Mrs. Evangeline Maria, (John- 
 I son,) a niece of Rossiter Johnson, mi/iio ; marrioii, 
 1877, to .loseph O'Connor. 1. (Trans.) Fire and Flame: 
 a Novel, by Levin Schiicking, Bust., 1876, Svo. 2. .\ii 
 Analytic Index to the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 
 Bost., 18S2. 3. An Analytical Index 'o the Works of 
 Shakspere, N. Y'ork, 1SS7, 12uio. 
 " It gives referenrc-.s to notable passages, brief histories 
 of the plays and poems, names of all the character^ in the 
 plays, with sketches of the more important caics. and con- 
 cise explanations of obscure wonls and allusions, 'flic 
 weakest part of the book is that devoted to phi-ases. '— 
 I O-ilic. vili. 2. 
 j O'Connor, Miss F.. J. A Heroine of the Con- 
 federacy. Lon., 1S06, or. Svo. 
 O'Connor, J. l>. History of Turkey, and Ocue- 
 alogy of thi Existing Osmauli Dynasty: with .Map?, 
 Chic, 1S77, l2nio. 
 O'Connor, .Tames. Works of the Deaf Poet: 
 with a Biographical Sketch of the Author [by A. li. 
 Douglas,] N.York. 1S79, Svo. 
 O'Connor, James A. Letters to his Eminence 
 Cardinal MeCloskey, Archbishoji of New York ; 3d ed., 
 enl., N. York, ISS.'f" lOmo. 
 O'Connor, John. 1. Ich Dien, Melbourne, 187:', 
 2. Wanderings of a Vagabond ; an Autobiograpliy. 
 Edited by John Morris, [pseud.] N. York, 1873. 
 O'Connor, Joseph Aloysius. (Ed.) The City 
 of Refuge: or, Mary, Help of Christians, Lon., IssO, Svo. 
 O'Connor, It. r. (Trans.) FVnncis of Assisi, by 
 L. de ChC'rancc, l.on., 1880, Svo. 
 O'Connor, Iloderick, \iiiiir, vol. ii., add.] Event? 
 in the Historv of Ireland, and Xoticr i of the O'Connors, 
 Lon., 185S, r2nio. 
 O'Connor, Thomas Power, M.A., b. 184 -. at 
 Athlone, County Ro.*ooniUiOn, Ireland, and educated ii 
 Queen's College; became a journalist, and in 1S70 »,nt 
 to London and was employed on the staff of the Imlv 
 Telegraph. In 18S0 he was elected M.P, for (iiil»;i.v. 
 and hccamo an active raeii"V,cr of the Parncllitc ].:i::y. 
 He was elected jirosident of the Irish National Lengii" 
 of Great Britain in 1S83. He visited the United Slu'"' 
 in 1881-82, and lectured on the Irish cause. He wa? re- 
 elected to Parliament at Liverjiool in 1885, and a:;.iiii 
 in 1886. He hai: contributed numerous tales and ariiiles 
 I 'v ' .:^ 
 to iicriudicals. 1. Lord Benconsfiel.l : a Bi>jBriiphv, I.on 
 and Belfiift, lS7i), 121110; 6th cd., I8S7. ^ > " "' 
 " Mr. O'Connor write from a liostilo point of view ■ bnt 
 what miikes his booli so daii„.j;iiig is the nrr.iv of fu,"s 
 whiil, he marshals nloiis the Fine of his imrrritivo. 
 Mr llitchmaii s two portly voluuu's are evidently, ihoiich 
 not Hvowedly intended 10 parry .Ml. o'Cnnors n3t 
 ; 'i ■ 1 . V '"',,''■ "iti:lniin'i has il.iiie, after survevinK the 
 Avhole held of faets, is to decline altogether a diVea en- 
 counter with Mr. ()'Connor."-.V'«to-riii. Utl7 
 2. (iladstono's House of (,'oiniiiuns, I,on.. I8'<5 8vo 
 3. The Parnell Movement: vith a Slietcli of Irish 'poli^ 
 tics from 1S4:<, Lon.. ISSI!, 8vo ; new ed., rev 1«87 
 n-»?,l';;m,'i'','.'''^',"""",'' '"'"■"''* "*■'"''■ ''■"">• further proof 
 TH,fi, 1 ' 1 '• ','"'.' "■'' ''";■'' '". V''-"' ™''"y t'"»e.s allowed the 
 IrLsh landlords to use the riglits of property possessed hv 
 hem to an extent revoltinj; to hunmiii v all. .lestnirtive 
 t.i a sound social and politfeul fahrie of ioeielv. \Ve ven^ 
 ture to deny however, that he proves the iie.xi aiKl iieees- 
 -.s>/;.y"/,;;','Mx.'r;7i','''"''"'-*'' """' ""■■ "-■""-■"»■ '^ ""■"'■'•"'it'." 
 O'Connor, William Do iglns, ls:i;i-i88U, b, in 
 Boston, Mass. J studied art, which he afterwards aban- ' 
 doned for .lourniilism, and from KSIil held positions in 
 several of the government deoartments at Wasliingtcm 
 1. Harrington, [a romiince,] Bo t„ Isiio, Ifiuio '' The 
 O0...I (imy I'oct, N. York, I.S(',6. Pamph. (This was ■ 
 republished in a volume by I!. M. Buck, ,„p™.) .i 
 The Ghost, lilust. N, York, lsfi7, 12ino; new cd ' 
 cnlitlcd "Nett.e Kenton; or. The (Jhost," 1872, 
 O'Conor, Kev, John Francis Xavier, S .7 b 
 1 Sj., Ill New Y'ork ; graduated at the College of .^t' 
 friincis Xavier 1,S72; has been successively prol'ess„r in 
 West Park College, (ieorgetown University, and Boston 
 tollego. 1. f^oniething to Read, Georgetown, IS.sO 2 
 Lyric an.l Dramatic i'oet.jr, Bost., 18,^;i, ;i Rea.ling 
 arid the .Mind, Woodstock, 18,-<4; enl, ed,, ISXr, .) ■ 
 (Trans,) (iarucci's History of Christian Art,' 18S«' 5' 
 (Iran.s, I The Practice of Humility; from the Italian of' 
 Po]ic Leo XrU., N. York, 1888. 
 O'Coiior, John H. Imperial Loyalty "as it 
 ought to be:" Christian Philosophic on a New Plan 
 Lon., 1886, p, Svo. ' 
 O'Conor, Rev. William Anderson, 1820-1SS7 
 h. at Cork; graduated at Trinity Collei'e, Dublin 1861 ■ 
 ordumed 18J3: curate of .>;t, Michael's, Chester! ISJo- 
 S8, and afterwards rector of 8t, Simon and St. Judc 
 Manchester, 1, Faith and Works, Lon„ Ls68 n 8vo • 
 new e,I„ I8,S5. 2. The Truth and the Church ; Essays! 
 Lon,, 186S, p Svo, 3, A Commentary on the Epistle to 
 the Uomans, Lon,, 1871, or, Svo; 2d e.l., 1886. 4 The 
 Liistle to the Hebrews: with Analytical Introduction 
 and Xotcs, Lon,, 1872, p, Svo, 0. The Gospel of St, 
 John, Newly Translated; with Notes, Lon,, 1874 Svo 
 6. Conimentary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Gala! 
 tiaiis, Lon., 1875, ISmo. 7. Histt ry of the Irish I'eopic, 
 Manchester, 1884, 2 vols. p. Svo; 2d ed,, 1886 
 " Kree from the besetting faults of most ilative iiistorians 
 from heir easily explicable want of im"d> eetive t ei^ 
 IiiiKerii.g over more or less mythleal gl oriei w el'i 1 ,ve 
 not ling to do with progress, he is, above all, severely m^ 
 partial. Whosoever they are,-wlietlier •.'^Illes^ans' or 
 Danes, adventurers o' Elizabeth or of ('romwell Orana-e- 
 men or recreant Catholic lord.s, or ab..<eiitee rei :drtt wSs 
 who have nmde the.people their prey umlerwd evw 
 pretext, religious, social, nolitical t/ievl ave e onke he r 
 liia r'!."" " '"' '""' "'^'io'-'-H- S fIgIn: 
 . *^'V,!V,'^'','o**' r"''' Songs and Guard-Room Rhymes, 
 Lnn,, 1881, 12mo, 
 O'Curry, Eugene, 1795-1862, b. in County Clare, 
 Ireland; was the son of a peasant, and, having learned 
 read Celtic MS.'^ was employed to make researches 
 for Jie historical department of the Ordnance Survey 
 ?. ,!^""cl"-. ^''' became a member of the council of the 
 • eltic Society in ls.,2, member of the Royal Irish 
 A™.lemy m 185,i, and in Ls.W was appointed by Cardinal 
 Aew^ professor of Irish history and archaeology in 
 the Cat.iolio University ,if Ireland. 1. Lectures on the 
 .■.,iu.soripl Materials of Ancient Irish History, Dublin 
 IS6I ,Svo. 2. On the Manners and Customs of the An- 
 cient Irish: a series of Lectures, Edited, with 111 In- 
 roduction. Appendixes, Ac, by W, K, Sullivan, Ph.I),, 
 I'dT's ' *i"een's College, Cork.] Dublin, 1873, 3 
 . 'We fear that this work of Prof O'Cnrrv ,.111 he e-'M 
 I'.''^ ii"Vi''''-' ''*-'^«'»^'.' Ihaii it deserves. ll.> li'nderstood Vl'ie 
 (oiedhellc, or ancient language of Ireland as wel as if 
 ■lot better than, any man of coi.t^ ?• bm f general 
 history, philology, or oml(|Ultie.s, he appiArs 1 1 m-e S 
 r T'mL'o'".';'"'''''?'-'' ""'■'' "■''« •"•• I'l'ked up "om^ife 
 'Jy.'i//""^- •'"•""^'■ives. Hence, sUtlenieiits of s "ul, r 
 «a,retf occurring not ui.frequentlj In these Lecturehed 
 i".r"f' ""1",'^ "J ridicule over facts and .l.,cuments which 
 are of real historical value."— yl/A., Xo. ^113 
 He also edited some works in Irish for the Celtic So- 
 ciety, ,Vo. 
 O'Dea, James J. Suicide: Studies on its Phi. 
 losophy. Causes, and Prevention, N. York, ISS2 Svo 
 Odell, Marie K. (Trans.) Lamnrtine and 'his 
 irienil-, by H, de Liicrctclle, N. York, ISSO, I6mo 
 T ,}}' **t'>c''P»«l K- 1- Old St, Margaret's, 
 Lon., 1S84 ,^ vols, er. Svo; 2d ed,, ISs6, 2. Merciful oi^ 
 Merciless, Lon,, 1SS6, p, Svo. 
 Odeneal, T. B, Oregon Supreme Court Reports, 
 vols. IX,, X., (ISS(1-S2,) .'Jan Fran,, ISSl-S:!. 2 vols 8vo 
 Odenhenner, lit. Kev. William Henry, \„i,i'e 
 vo,, 11., ,„M.,] ,1. ],s7ii; liishop of New ,Iersev from ls.-,9 
 till his death. 1. The S:.cred Scriptures: the Imperial 
 Record of the Glory of the Holy Trinity, Phihi., 1863 
 ^''";. V. S^Tnions: with Introductory .Memoir, E.litcd 
 by his \\ife. N, York, ISSl. 12mo. With limn F M 
 (ed.) Songs of the Spirit, N, York, IS7I, 4to: new ed!! 
 liost., 1S77. ' 
 Oderslield, Mrs. II. Elsie Duval, Bri.stol, IS,S6. 
 I2ino. ' 
 .,.,"^'>'""' Jacob, b. 1841, at Stithiaiis, Cornwall. 
 Ihe Lxistcnce of (Jod, Lon., 1S67, 12mo, 
 Odgers, Itev. James Edwin, M.A., b. 1S43, at 
 I l.ymmith, Eng.; graduated at the Universitvof Lon.lon 
 ISO.; Initiirian minister at Liverpool, (Trans.) Con- 
 science and Faith: Five Lectures by the Late Athanaso 
 (.oquerel. Ids, Lon,, IS7S, 8vo. 
 Odgers, Nicholas, b. 1S39, at Stitbians; a school- 
 inaster; brother of Jacob Odgers, .„pr„. 1. A tilancc 
 at the Lniverse, L,m., 1862, fp, Svo. 2, The Mysterv of 
 Being; or. Are Vitimate Atoms Inhabited Worlds?" 3. 
 . Ihe Methodist Cliiss-.Mecting, Lon., IS64 I8ino 4 A 
 I Glance at the Bible, Lon., 1^71, p. Svo. 
 j Odgers, William Ulnkej LL,D„ b. 1849, at 
 \-^'"'."'."' • K™''"»ted at the University of London, and 
 a Trinity Hall, Cambridge; calVd to the bar at the 
 ; Middle Temple 1873: examiner for the laiv tripos at 
 Cambridge 1882-84. 1, King Arthur and tlie ArthurLin 
 , Romances : a Paper, Loi:., 1872, Svo. 2, A Digest of 
 the Law of Libel and Slander : the Evidence, Procedure 
 and Practice, both in Civil and Criminal Cases, Ac 
 ■ Lon,, 18S1, Svo; 2d cd., 1887. ' 
 I ?**aI"^,' -?*'■*• *'''»^a'»eth .Mary. Memoir of the 
 Late Alfred Since. By his Daughter. Lon,, 1S78. 
 i Odiing, William, M,B., F.R.S,, [«„/,• vol ii 
 add.,] b. 1S29, in London; became Fullerian professor 
 of chemistry at the Royal Institution in I8rts, and 
 \\ aynfletc professor of chemistrv in the University of 
 Oxioid and Fellow of Worcester College in IS72 1 
 j Manual of Chemistry, Descriptive and Theoretical! 
 Part I Lon., Is6I,Svo. 2, Lectures on Animal Chem- 
 listry, Lon., ]S66, p. Svo. 3, Outlines of Chemi.stry, 
 Lon. isey, p. Svo, 4. (Ed.) A Course of Six Lectures 
 on .he Chemical Changes of Carbon, Lon., 1S69, Svo. 
 16. Chemistry, (".Science Primers,") Lon,, IS,S4, 12mo. 
 6. (Iran,) Laurent's Chemical Method, (Cavsndish 
 Soo,,) l,on„ Svo, 
 " Odman, Jeremiah," (Pseud.) See Atkin.wn, 
 j D. ii,, Huprif. 
 i, „****""'' ."•'*'• "illiam, graduated at St. Bees 
 ^-o 'c." '."^'' '■'*"• '■''■"'■ "f St. Simon, Sheffield, 
 [ISi9-S,S, and since then of Hccley. I, Gospel Types and 
 Shadows of the Old Testament, Lon., ISSl, fp Svo ■ 
 ■ ""T «''••'''*•'*"• -'• 'i'he Church of England : her" Prin- 
 ciples, Ministry, and Sacraments, Lon., 1SS3, cr Svo • 
 2d ed.. 1SS5, , v-i. . v.. , 
 O'Oonnell, C. J. The Black Pamphlet of Cal- 
 cutta: the Famine of IS74. By a Bengal Civilian, 
 bun., I o( n. 
 t„.*!'VP',"'*"'' »«"iel Kane, I8.SS-is71, I, i„ 
 Philadelphia ; a journalist. The Song of Iron and the 
 bongol Mmvcs: wi'h other Poems, Pbihi,, 1863, 
 O'Oonnell, F. II, Mixed Education in Ireland, 
 Lon,, 1S70, 2 vols, svo, ' 
 O'Uonnell, Hev. James H. Liturgy for the 
 l-aity ; or. An Exphinution of the Sacred Objects con- 
 nected with Divine Worship, N. York. 1888 iBmo 
 .>.\. Heart Lyrics, N. York, IS87, l2ino. 
 O^Donnell, I.. St. Patrick's Cathedral : a Tale of 
 theMxtceiitli Cenlurv, Len., 18.i,'j, I2mo 
 N." 0"" l.^!.""Ml'l,^ "• ^'"'"""'y ""'' ^'^"""xgy. 
 O'Donoghue, Kev. Francis Talbot, b. 1817, 
 I »•» 
 i ' 
 V ^ 
 I 'ifi. 
 at Tipperary ; took orders in the Church of England, and 
 W118 sui'oessivoly vicar of Ticlienham, Wiilsden, and 
 Devonport. 1. St. Knighton's K.ive: a Cornish Tale, 
 Lon. ISdl, p. Svu. '>. Uonniiigton Hall: a Novel, 
 Lon., 18115, p. 8vc). 
 0'DoiiU!;hlie, John. Historical Memoir of the 
 O'liriens, Lon., 1S60, i^vo. 
 O'Donogliiic, Mrs. Nannie Power, b. isss, in 
 Dublin ; a journiili.«t and ii contributor to many period- 
 icals. 1. Liidies on Horseback : liiarning, I'nrk-Ki.lint,', 
 A-c, Lull., ISSl, p. 8vo; now eil., 1882, L'. Unfairly 
 Won : a Novel, Lun., 1882, 3 vol.-^. er. 8vo ; new ed., I88j. 
 3. A Bcggiir on Hornebnck, Lon., 1884, 3 vols, cr. Svo; 
 new cd., 1887. A. Riding for Ladies. Illust. Lon., 
 1886, p. ^vo. i. You ShouM, Lon. 
 O'Oonogue, .\lf'reil II. Theology and iMytbol- 
 ogy: Inquiry into the Claims of Ijibllcal ln?iiiration, 
 and the Supernatural Element in Keligion, N. York, 
 1877, l2rao; new ed., 1882. 
 O'Donovan, Denis. Memories «f Rome, Dublin, 
 18511, I2nio. 
 O'Uonovan, Edmond, I'-lx-Iiss, son of John 
 O'Donovan, I.L.D., professor of the Irish language at 
 tjuccn's College. Belfast, ((/. v., mile, vol. ii.:) becariic a 
 journalist on the staff of the London Daily News in 
 1870; was with the Turkish army in Asia Minor and 
 Armenia during the Rus.M)-Turkish war, nnd in 18711 
 travelled from the Ca.-^pian to .Merv ; returned to Kng- 
 land in I8S1 : went to the Soudan in 1883, and perished 
 in the destruction of Hicks Pasha's army. The Merv 
 Oasis : Travels and Adventures East of the Caspian 
 during the Years 1879-80-81, including Five Months' 
 Kesidcni'C among the Tekkes of Merv : with Portraits, 
 Maps, and Fac-Siiniles of i8tiUe Documents, Lod., 1882, 
 2 vols. Svo: abridgment of the same, 1883, 1 vol. u. 
 Svo. * 
 " The literary niorit.< of the performance, which are hy 
 no means in(iiM>^Hleriil)le. are wioii f..rgMtten in the adim- 
 ratiuii excited l.y tire fertility .if resuiiive. the re.-ulute con- 
 lemptol ihinuer, and the inttJliyent ubsi-rvatiun dispUiyed 
 by the author during three years uf varied and eventful 
 travel. 'Sat. h'ei:. liv. Ti"- 
 " O'Dowd, Cornelius," i I'seud.) See Levkr, 
 CiiAiti.Ks James, aiijira. 
 O'Dowd, James C'orneli»s, C.B., b. 182!) j 
 called lo the bar at the Middli' /cMiipIc 18o!>; deputy 
 judge-advocate-general .-ince 186U. I. The .Sforchant 
 .Ship], ing Amendment Act Lon., 1862, 12mo. 2, Army 
 Reform : a Few Words on the Purcha-se .System, Lon., 
 1868, 8vo. 3. Hints '.o Courts-Martial Commanding , 
 Officers; 2.1 ed., Lon., I8n:), p. 8vo. Ogilvie, J. S. 1. Life and Death of James A. 
 O'Dowd, John. Lays of South Sligo: a Few! Oartleld, from the Tow-Pnth to the White I.ouse: willi 
 Wild Flowers of National Poetry, Dublin, 1888, 12mo. j •■>" Account of jih Assassination, nnd Hist.^ry .jf C. .). 
 "This book presents some curiosities of Hibernian 
 style. "—.'.■(I/. Hev., x.\x. 630. 
 .0. Captain O'Shaughnessy's Sporting Career, 1872, 2 
 vols. p. 8vo. 8. The Irish Bar : comjirising Anecdotes, 
 Bon-Mots, and Biographical Sketches of the Bench and 
 liar of Ireland, Lon., 1878 ; 2d el.. 1879, p. Svo. 
 "The most striking portion of this work, and that bv 
 which It will be best remembered, is tlie collection o'f 
 mols."—Alli., X(j. 2670. 
 7. The Munster Circuit : Tales, Trials, and Traditions. 
 Lon,, 1879. p. 8vo. 8. Tour through North Wales with 
 my Wife, Lon., 1881. p. 8vo. 
 O'Flynn, James. Social Philosophy: Causes of 
 Social .Misery, Lon.. 1S60, 8vo. 
 O'Franeis, Mrs. Mary, ("Margaret Blount." 
 pseud,) 1. Kitty Atherton: or, A llroken Life, \ 
 York, 1863, 8vo. 2. Barbara Home, Lon,, 1861, 3 v<.N. 
 p. 8vo. 3. A Dangerous Woman, N.York. I.''6I. Sv.j. 
 4. The Downs Reserve; or, The .Mystery of the Wishing- 
 Well, N. York, 1861, Svo. o. Hallow-Ash Hall: a Story 
 of a Haunted House, N. York, 1861, Svo. 6. The Or- 
 l)han of Churnley, N. York, 1864, Svo. 7. The liumn's 
 Well, Bust., 1866, ISmo. 8. Mr. Warburton's ()li„«t 
 Bost., 1867, ISmo. 9. Clifford and the Actress, Phila ' 
 1S7-, Svo. 
 Ogden, Henry. Dr. Barringford's School; ..r. 
 The l.ung Holiday, N. York, 1884, 16mo, 
 0;:dcn, J. \V. Historv of Champaign Countv. 
 Ohio. Xllust. Chic, 1881. Svo. 
 Ogden, John. The Science of Education and An 
 of Teacdiiiig, Cin., 1860, 12uio; new ed., 1880. 
 Ogden, Ruth. His Little Koyal Highness. Illu<t. 
 Lon., l.'<>:. 4to. 
 Oger, Victor. (Trans.) Dcmoiaclle de St. 
 A. Dumas, Lon., ISMi, ISmo. 
 Ogg, V. H., an Edinburgh nurse. Cookery fur 
 the Sick, and a Uuide foi; the Sick-Rooin, Edin., 1880, 
 Ogier, Pegot. The Fortunate Isles: Archipelago 
 of the Canaries, Lon.. 1871, p. Svo. " 
 Ogilvie, Rev. Duncan. Christ contemplated 
 from Birth to Baptism : Ten Discourses, Lon.. I8i:i; 
 Ogilvie, George. 1. The Master-Builder's Plan : 
 Structure ..f Animals, Lon., ISoS, p. Svo. 2. (icnciii' 
 Cycle in Organic Nature, L.jn., Is61, r. 12mo. 3. Earlv of Christianity in Buclian : being Two Paper- 
 read before the Club of Deir Park, Abeideen, ISM 
 4 to. 
 O'Driscoll, W. Justin. Memoir of Daniel Mac- 
 lise, Loi.i., 1-71, p. .'<vo. 
 Oemler, A. Truck-Farming in the South : Guide 
 to the Raising of Vegetables for Northern Markets. 
 Illust. N. York, 1883, 12mo. 
 Oerter, John H., D.D. The Social Question in 
 the Light of History and the Word of Truth, N. York, 
 1887. 12uio. 
 O'Fnrrell, Burke. 1. Cold Comfort: a', 
 Lon., I.S71, 3 vol.-. p. Svo. 2. Pruu'l as Lucifer: u 
 Novel. Lun., 1877, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Ollicer, H. Minnesota Supremo Court Reports, 
 vols, i.-ix., (1851-64,) Chic, 9 vols. Svo. 
 OHod, Edward. Illuminating made Easy, Lon.. 
 1875, Ji. 8vo. 
 Oliord, Rev. John, an English Dissenting minis- 
 ter. 1. Faithful; or, The Inner Life, Lun., 
 1867. 12uio. 2. Notes of Sermons, Lon., 1S70, ii. Svo. 
 Olfo'd, Rev. Robert M. (Ed.) Jerry McAuloy : 
 his Life and Work : with Introduction by Rev. Irenecus I Authorof " A Lost Love 
 Prime, D.D., and Per ■ nal Sketches by A. S. Hatch, N. 
 ^"«,'ijr^' '^""'' . ..... ' life. th()U,,di\:ntireinrec"fr(mVT,.sVentuHou¥y7ea^^ 
 O'Flanagau, James Roderick, M.B.I.A., i Kcnptlons."— KVj,e(-^,(„r, lix. 423 
 [inite, vol. ii,, where one of his books is entered under j Ogle, John William, M.D., consulting physiciun 
 O'Fi.A.VAGA.v, J. R., and another under O'Elanaoan, | to St. Ocorge's Hospital, London. I. The Harvcian 
 RoDEiiiLK, add. .J b. 1814, at Fermoy, Irelanil ; called to I Oration for 1880, Lon., ISSl. Svo. 2. On the Relief of 
 the Irish bar 1838 ; appointed crown prosecutor for the E.\cosBive and Dangerous Tympanites by Punctiiriii ' 
 city of Cork 1846; a .;oiitributor to the Dublin L'niver- the Abdomen. Lon., 18S8, Svo. 
 Guiteau. Ilhi.-/. N. York, 1881,' l2mo. 2. One Thou- 
 sand Popular (2ui,tali(.ns, N. York, 1SS4, 12mo. 
 Ogilvy, Dorothea, of Clova, Scotland. Willie 
 AVabster's Wooing nnd Wedding on the Braes of Angus 
 Montrose, 1868, Svo. Anon. With Oi:ii,vv, Dovmo, 
 Doric Poems, Lon., 1864, 12mo. 
 Ogilvy, G. Nobiliaiie de Normandie, vol. i., l..,n . 
 1864, r. Svo. 
 " Ogilvy, Gavin," (Pseud.) See Barrii;, J, M. 
 Ogilvy, George, [ant,, vol. ii., a.ld.l The Day ..f 
 the Loril. Lon., 1S60, l2mo. 
 Ogilvy, Mrs. T. The Nun of Enklosterle: a l..- 
 g.^nd, Lon., 1861. 
 Ogilvy, W. New Theory of the Figure of ilic 
 Earth, Lon., 1872, 4to. 
 Ogle, Annie, ("Ashfurd Owen," pseud.) I. .V 
 Lost L.ive, Lon., 1858, p. 8vo, (this is mentione.l 
 under "Owen, Ashford," anti, vol. ii. ;) 2d cd., 1862; 
 new ed., 1885. 2. The Story of Catherine. By ll.o 
 Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 
 • A book painfully unflinclilng in Its criticism of 111. ..Km 
 sity Magajine, Ac. 1. Gentle Blood; or, The Secret 
 Marriage: a Novel, Lou,, 1861, or, Svo; new ed., 1864, 
 2. The Bar Life of O'Connell, 1866. 3. Bryan O'Regan, 
 [a novel,] IfM, p. Svo. 
 Ogle, M. First Teachings about the Eartli 
 Dorking, 1870, p. Svo. 
 Ogle, Nnthunieh 1. Steps to th<i .'Study 
 la novel,) 1-06, p. Svo. 4. The Lives of the Lord Endowment of Mind, Lon., 1853, p. Svo. 2.' Cliri-tM 
 Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of Ireland, Sermon as recapitulated by St. Matthew. Lon,, I- , 
 from the Earliest Times to the Reign of tjuocn Victoria, '" 
 LoD., 1870, 2 vols. Svo, 
 Ogle, Rev. Octavius, M.A., graduated at Wad- 
 ham Colleife, Oxford ISKi. i- rj 
 Og|«-, William, JI.D., p.R p ,, ,, ..„ _, ^, . , 
 inc. ly.irl.l. .JJ ed., I.on., Sdii, Hvo 
 vei?.l "'"",'. ^'*^^ Edith. 
 . 0'«rady, Stanilish. 
 '• i>nJ u., Lon., |S7s-sii, ,, Svo 
 suuiu „f tl„,se ICKeiid ir V ii ' ,-i, t* "n«Kinative nminuT 
 storif.seaeli luriniii.r 1 nnr , f ,K i ' "'''• '">'• Pi'rtic 
 "11 the Uiibrios of the 
 ■■^iicrainents: ivitli Ap. 
 2'l ed., N. Y(,rk. 
 O'Koiie, James. Note. 
 Roman Kitual regarding ,he 
 "-^"rA;^:^::xA5;;^<;^;'^:;;;o Ileroo, ana 
 .. -. ~ ..ill 
 Hook o< the (i,,,.e and Fishery Laws, I on 
 ^. The .New Onminal Aet of 18«l. l 
 add.,] IS2I- 
 ehief clerk 
 '• A Handy 
 l^iil, .'anio, 
 ISO I, 
 Convent Life Uu 
 and 1 
 iter '['( 
 Jiy Herself. Best., 1871, 
 1. History of Ireland : vol«. 
 . L'ntioal ami PhilosoidiiVal • 
 lifi ("!i-i^i^ :.. r..,.i .._ , V, ... ' 
 ■-. --...leai arm rni(j.soii leal • ( " «ellv. W «i n„. i 
 TheCri.i.s in Ireland, i:!;,',' i .ee.nre in h.'.ly * i^f„.,^^'rtr'7"' "' C!,ri.«tia„ Archi- 
 '^■sm and the Tory Demooraey, Un.! ' «'K,.,,„e,|y, R. ii,,! 
 ((I (or, ii. 7U1) 
 vol. 1., Lon., 1S8I, ,Sv 
 IS.'<2, I2,no. 5. Tory 
 lt<8i;, p. 8vo. 
 medical juri,.nruden,.e ,t in", n'? '' I"'"<«>^9or of 
 'l^". 1. Syl , I, , of I oe-;, ■-■ f;"',"''--i'y "'• Aber- 
 Edited by Franei. 'Cn.V " J.'^f ™ ^--I'^'Jenee. 
 . '"«e«». John, .M.A., l,'<22-rsM0. ,.,!, I , .. 
 Irish bar 84.) • i.iaii,.H „f n, j W "'"'■' '" "le 
 ture , Ireland ,' iin„ "l s,^,"'= ■^»P;-"=,C"-t of .Indiea- 
 transluted into Engli..h Ver.e Lon m"! "'""''' 
 lin'; 1S87: - ^"^ ^"^"-^ "f '^i^ S'"""e' Ferguson, Dub 
 li.Ml'll?,:j.^^^fj|,^i;;;^(]f« writer ^J-'-f.^'TX^. «« yet too 
 way t.,L-ei,erHlestee,n.''-I.lS'''',";,;^ '■r.Ll'' '""« "i" Uieir 
 Oke, (ieorge Col well, „„/,,Vo 
 ^•■i, h. at .>;t. Colunib .Ma or C. ,•„»:. 
 o the ord mayor of Undo, 'ls! " 
 - ihe .New Oriiii nal Aet ol' ism i ,','.'. '-■"". 
 r,en., mu, p. .s^o ( TiM 1 '"' ^"' Cheeking, .to., 
 vo" |!svo ' '"• '•• ^"'"'"'^ i»""0', I.o„., 18,16, ;i 
 O'Kecti-, Rev. Patrick i i i. 
 iit Mass, Dublin, 1S87 l^),,,,, ' ■""°- •'• ■''cruiona 
 Churc^^'o'n:,^S54''';7'''■^ "" "^"^■' "^^'"''y- "'"^ "'C 
 A,i?e'uu'el'^f"'n!:™ldCon'r "T"' ' • ^'■' ''^"^ 
 lSrj.[>. 8vo Correspondent in Cuba, Lon. 
 O'kelly, \V. S. 
 . I>^(i0, r. Svo. 
 Oke.s, Hov.' K"chard 'V)lf ' ^'"l" ' ''' ' '"^l- ' «'""• 
 , College, Vanibr ,1^ I " ) ' , ' -"''"""^^'i »t King's 
 Klon VolC'' tVoit o" '■ Kin''"' r l^" ' ^^<"'"- "f 
 MK.M Musi Et^n,r:, ^:on^'y«;1,,^'^«. ^-.bridge. 
 O'Kinealy, James, 
 eil., Caleutlii, l.s.S;, svo 
 Oiander, Edmund. 
 fetatu-s L,m.,, Jto. 
 lines of ,1,.. "n'tcl,,:^ 1 Y.,'!/';- '■' ' /"'''-^ '■ O'"" 
 ^^1^UT-^!^'Z%^' ^P'^'"^' '^•" »■'- vouches ,br 
 ■^. Theosophy, Keligion, andOeeultSeience: with 
 .•^I'l Word,", Lon., 1 8.-^5, p. .8,0 4 A 
 The Indinn I'eiial Code; .id 
 A Xew .Method of (iraphio 
 By Kath- 
 Humanity : a 
 d Assier, Lon., 1887, er. 
 r-n-:-;L;;rrs:;^!.f i^ "j f qni^ti:^':!^ 
 and ls.xu-,si,.';asel 01 „ ''"■'' "I'^'noellor 1868-71 
 Centenary A Id 'e' s Dub iV r.^-^f r"""- ' ' '^'' '"""'■■'1 
 Oeeasional Papers7, d \ ' ^ ^"^ ^""■' '"^' «™- 2- 
 .><eleeted SpcS .1 1 w '''''■/'°";; '*''^^' P' '^^o. S. ■'. J neosophy, 
 O'llaga,., Thomas, M.A , Ph D b I8V ' ""'-'""'' '^'"''''' 
 T'Monto; a toaeher in Onf rio S7l'^^' ''■ !'*^''' "<""■ 
 >s" "tl";;;,^— ,: ,/;,f/«-'.V Heritage, Lon., 
 Lon., l..s;i, ;i vols, n 8^;' i Th„ r % ' ^""""-'*l'i'""^r, 
 Lon., ISS5 ;i vols e' ,C 4" ^''«.f^"f"'-f H<=n : a Xovel, 
 Lon., IS.Sfi 3 vo Is 1. S^" -A ^"""""J '" 'ho Rough, 
 -^^;^'r^.i^,t„ - ,^s^^^ .. s.e Of isaPs^l^i^^^^^ 
 l^::^'^'.^n:t^,oL^^^t ^^i^T--- 
 "... Newn:;n: .iu, Xotes on the OxfWd Movomonr^^d 
 Old, Miiiiam \»atkvns. 1 ti,,. p 
 '■on., 1872, l2mo " A<,- .■ , '^"•"""n 
 I'nio X r,^ 1 r '■ '""'"e "I 1'earl.s, Lon 
 iC^d^e^^XS-fZei^rls^V "" '^-^ 
 Ah? ;^ a, ?;:^"r- . <• Metne l-re.,criptioii.Book: 
 I InUian Poem', 's{.t.rj%^'"" "' «'"-va : an A«s 
 ■item of the N 
 Xi ish Pedigrees ; or. The 
 Ivo; .Id cd., Dubli 
 'ation, Lun., IS76-7.'<, t 
 and Anglo-Irish Landed 
 ;n. I'<'<l ; 4th cd., IS87. 2. 
 im., 1884, 8vo. 
 "n.J.t,. Outi 
 Uentry when Cromwell 
 inesofElocution, Lon., 1883 8v 
 founded on Fi 
 , I. 
 I"., I88li. Sv 
 "ots supplied from the V 
 •1. Lifopf Leo XIII., 
 ters oontributed by'tlio Arehbish 
 W, Allies, wTiirAnalr 
 atiean . with Chaj) 
 18,87, I 
 ip of Westminster, T 
 and Alice Mey:,ell. l. 
 vn, Hev. Thomas, .M.H.i.a. 
 graduated ut 
 I ^^ 
 ^d -,• 
 1 i <ii 
 V f I' 
 i' ^ 
 Trinity follcgc, Dublin, 1845; ordiiined lS4fi; vicar of 
 Bttll.vcl(iu},'li since IsBS. I. (Trans.) Epistles and llvmns 
 of St. I'litrii'k, Dublin, ISTli, ji. Svo. 2. The Holy Scrip- 
 tures in Ireliind One Th')UsiinU Yeiirs Ago, Dublin, isss, 
 Svo. (A translation of an Irish eoniriicntary on St. 
 Paul's epistle, pnjeurcil at Wiirzburg, with an essay on 
 some of the souices of Irish theolci^'y.) 
 Oldenber);, Ur. Ilermiiiin. ' I. (Kd.) The Dipa- 
 vanisft; a Buddhist Historical Iteeord in the Pali han- 
 guajjo ; with an English Translation, hon., 1 sty, 8vo. 
 2. (Ed.) The Vinaya Pitakarn, (Pali,: l.on., lS7Si-S2, .'j 
 vol.". li. (Trans. I The (iripya Satras : Rules of Vedie 
 DouiostiL Ceremonies, (".Sacred Books of the East,") 
 Oxford, ISStl, Ac. 
 UldNeld, K. St. Peter's and St. Paul'.« : Decora- 
 tion of (Churches in Italy, .tc. Lon., 1S77, .><vo. 
 Uldlield, Henry AmbroNe, .M.D., nniny years 
 rcsidi'ncy surgeon at Katma.idhu. Sketches from Nipiil. 
 Historical ami Descriptive: with Anecilotes of the 
 Court I.ifc and Wild Sports of the Country in the Tiuio 
 of ."ilahanija Jang liahailur, G.C.Ii., and an Essay on 
 Nipalcso Uuddliisni. Illust. Lon., 1881, 2 vols. Svo. 
 " The materials are s<iniev. hat disjciintcdly put together. 
 . . . Tlic w<irk is. however, full of lads in'telligeiitiv ob- 
 served and raUhl'ully rec.irdod."— .'<(i(. Kci:, li, 7>Jo. 
 Oldham, Itev. Algernon Langston, .M.A.. 
 graduated at Trinity College, Oxford, I'^IJil; ordaincil 
 l^Tii; rector of St. Leonard's, Bridgnorth, since l.'<s::. 
 I. "Friendly" Disendownient, I,on., IS81, 8vo. 2. The 
 Census and the Church, Lon., 1SS2, Svo. 
 <>ldliam, Arthur, and Foster, Arthur La 
 Trobe. The Law of Distress: with iin Api)endi.\ of 
 Forms. I.iin., ISsii, Svo. 
 Oldham, C. F. What is Malaria.' and why is it 
 Most Intense in Hot Climates? Lon.. 1871, Svo. 
 Oldham, C. J. Five Popular Hobbies: with Sev- 
 eral Original Facts and Tables, Lon., I>S(I, ISmo. 
 Oldham, Mrs. Eliza S. 1. The Haunted House, 
 Lon., ISd.i, l2uio. 2. By the Trent, Lon., 18«4, p. Svo; 
 new ed., ISfil). 
 Oldham, T., and Morris, . I. Fossil Flora of Ben- 
 gal, l.nn., ISi;.), r. 4to. 
 Oldham, Thomas, LL.D., F.R.S. Geological 
 Glossary for the I'se of Students. Edited by R. D. Old- 
 ham. Lon., 1S71), p. Xvu. 
 Oldham, Kev. Wilton, LL.D.. educated at Trin- 
 ity ('(jllege. Dublin; entered tlie Bengal civil service, 
 and WHS magistrate of Ghazipore; ordained 1878; curate 
 of Sloke-Bishop ls80. Historical and Statistical Me- 
 moir of Ghazipcjre. Published by the Government of 
 the X.W. Provinces of India. 1870-76, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Olding, Mrs. \V. I. Birthdiiy-Book of Poetical , 
 Weeks, from Fifty-Two Poets, Lon., 1881, 32mo. 2. j 
 Madeline, Lon., 1>82, p. Svo. | 
 Oldknow, lU'v, Joseph. Sermons on Various 
 Points of Dootrine and Practice, Lon., 1S08, 12mo. ; 
 With CiiAKK, AiGiSTiNK Davui, Pricst's Book of De- 
 votions, Lon., 1872, 18mo; new cd., enl., O.xf ,' 1884. 
 Oldkiiow, R. C. Garibaldi iu Sicily, and other 
 Poems, l.on., 18t)l, fp. Svo. " | 
 Oldmixon, Capt. Journey from Piccadilly to 
 Peru, Lon.. 1854, p. Svo. : 
 Oldroyd, Osborn H. (Ed.) The Lincoln Me- j 
 niorial-Album Immortelles: Contributions from the | 
 Hanils and Hearts of Eminent Americans and Euro- 
 peans, Ac. Illust. N. York, 1882, 8vo. j 
 O'I.eary, C. 1. The Irish Widow's Son; or. The ' 
 Pikemunof '98, Bost., ISflW, 12mo, 2. The Lost Rosary, 
 Bost., ISilK, Ifimo. 
 O'Leary, Jnmes. I. Ellio Laura: a Drama, N. 
 York, ISiHO. 2. History of the Bible: with Scriptural 
 Tables and Glossary. Illust. and Mapsi. \. Y'ork, 12mo. 
 3. Ireland among the .Nations; Faults and Virtues of 
 the Irish compared with those of other Races, N. Y'ork, 
 12mo. 4. The Most Ancient Lives of St. Patrick, and 
 his E.xtant Writing.*. Illust. N. Y"ork, 1874, 16mo: 
 3d ed., 18711. 5. Treatise on the Sixteen Names of An- ; 
 cient Ireland. Illust. N. York, 1874, Isuio. ' 
 Olhniisen, It., M.D. Diseases of the Ovaries. , 
 Illust. iN. York, 1887, Svo. ! 
 Olin, Julia M, The Perfect Light ; or, Seven 
 Hues of Christian Character, J>'. York. ISti.O, srj. 12iuo. I 
 Olin, Hev. Stephen. College Life; its Theory 
 and Practice, N.York, IS67, ]2uio. 
 " O'Lincolu, Robert," (Pseud.) See Mason, 
 Gkoiiob C, mpra, 
 ; Oliphant, .'ttiss. Vida: a Study of a Girl. By 
 Amy Dunsniuir. | pseud.] Lon., 18811, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Oliphaut, Charlotte. Memoir .if Hon. Mrs. Hay 
 Paterson. Bv her Sister. Lon., ISSI), 12mo. 
 Oliphant, 1'. >V. A Plea for Painted Glass, Lon., 
 1855, 12mip. 
 , Oliphant, Laurence, [mitr, vol. ii., add.,] 182(1- 
 1S88, h, at the Cape of Good Hope; spent some time in 
 Ceylon as ]irivate secretary to his father. Sir Anthony 
 Oliphant, who was chief justice there; was called to the 
 bar, but devoted bis energies largely to travel: served 
 on Lord Elgin's missi<in to China Is'.'i7-51l, and in I Mil 
 was appointed e/ioir/f' il'ofiil,; „ at Vedo, where he «:i< 
 attacked by assassins and so severely wounded that In- 
 was obliged to resign the appointment. He was memb-r 
 of Parliaujent for the Stirling Burghs I8i'i.)-iis, when 
 he resigned his seat, and, having some time previou>ly 
 come under the intlui^nce <jf 'Thomas Lake Harris, «i/'- 
 jir((, removeil to the I'nited States to join the spiritual- 
 istic comiHunity eslablisheil in Dutidiess Co., X.Y.. ac- 
 companied by his mother. Lady llliphant, who shared 
 his views. He handed over his fortune to the community 
 and lived tliere for about eighteen months, working un 
 tlie farm and as jieddler and teamster. In IS7II he went 
 as correspondent of the l.ondim Times to the Franeo- 
 Prnssian war. and some years later, after an unsuccessful 
 attempt to establish a colony (•( jews iu Palestine, he 
 foun<led three religious colonies in that country, at one 
 of which, near the town cd' Haifa, he took ii|i his resi- 
 dence. In 18SS be made a visit to the I'nited States, 
 and on his return was taken ill and <lied a lew months 
 later. 1. A Narrative lif the Earl of Elgin's Mis- 
 sion to China in !s57-.'iil, Edin. and Lon., IstiO, 2 vol.-. 
 Svo. 2. Patriots and Filibusters: Incidents of 'f ravel. 
 ISfill, p. 8vo. 3. Universal Suflrage and Napoleon the 
 Third, 186(1. 4. Piccadilly: a Fragment of Conlcnipo- 
 rary Biography, [a novel,] 1870, p. Svo; 2d cd. same 
 " Mr. Oliphant has n keen eye for the weaknesses of lash- 
 ionalj'.e society, and a trenchant pen with whieli to expose 
 them."— .s<i(. Jlii:, xxx. ■j;!'.!. 
 5. 'The Tender Recollections of Irene MacGillicuddv, 
 N. York, 18-8, ;i2mo. (Reprinted from Black woo,!'.- 
 Magazine.) 6. The Land of Gilead: with Excursions 
 in the Lebanon, Edin. and Lon., 1880, Svo. 
 ■■ Mr. Laurence oliphant iiiidertook his journey with the 
 object of ascertaiiiiiij; how far, and iniderwhal e'ondilion-. 
 liie coniitry I'asi i.f the .Ionian would be available for pin- 
 jioses of colonization, and for the I'lirtboranee of his grcni 
 scheme of .lewish immigration and settlement. . . . Iftlii- 
 ambitious and attractive lu-oposal comes to anviliiiii;, 
 books, and many books, therefore reviews, will lie writ 
 ten upon it. . . . We thank Mr. Oliphant for makim; ii« 
 aciinaintod with a straiiRcly neulccled ootiiitrv, whose 
 charms and capabilities seem to have escaped the notice 
 of all previous travellers."— ."•■«(. Hcv., Ii. 21. 
 7. The Land of Kheuii: L'p ami Down the Middle 
 Nile. Illust. 18S2, p. Svo. 
 " It is that most delightful of volumes,— a perfectly fresh 
 book of travel about a country which one niinlit si'ippose 
 to have been written abiait over ami over atjain, bv iruv- 
 eller after traveller, till there remained nothing luoie to 
 say."— .s'a/. Hn:, liii. iW. 
 8. Traits and Travesties, Social and Political, Edin,, 
 1882, p. Svo. (Reprint of various papers and stories, 
 including "'The Tender Recollections of Irene Maciiilli- 
 '• Few, if any, living English writers have so light i.iid 
 keen a touch in satire as .Mr. Laurence Olipbanl."— >(i(. 
 Jicv., liii. ('ifi8. 
 U. Altiora Peto, Lon., 188,3, 2 vols. cr. Svo; new cd., 
 '"file hook is an attempt to expand the, sci- 
 cnlille-philosoiihical-tlucal and Wesl-Kiid-so- 
 ciety sketch into a novel. . . . .Mr.dliphaiitiimv know.l.iil 
 he cannot describe. His l.omlcui society, as w'c gallier it 
 from his hazy fragnients, is a. society wlifch cannot be, tor 
 it is a house divideil against itself "—.Icui/., xxiv. Jlo. 
 10. Sympneumata; or. Evolutionary Forces now A 
 tivc in Man, Edin., 18.85, Svo. 11. Masollam : a Problcia 
 of the Periorl. Edin., 18811, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 12. Fasliioii- 
 able Philosophy, and other Sketches, Edin., 18S7, l^iiu). 
 13. Episodes in a Life of Adventure; or. Moss from a 
 Rolling Stone, 1887, p. Svo. 
 " Few persons have nail .Mr. Oliphant's opportunities of 
 seeing wars and revolutions from coignes ol vantage, and 
 few civilians have so ol'leii thrust themselves or (■cell 
 thrnst by elrcuinstaiices into almost the fnait ranks of Imt- 
 tie- It Is li>rtinuito for the ^vorjij nui} f.jr his '.'^V!l fun'o floit 
 this modern 'f yrtu'us lias the skill to write eloqiieiitlv and 
 the Brace to write modestly of the deeds and dangers he 
 iwrforined and <:ncountcrcd so gallantlv. . . . The I'o.k 
 bristles with adventures on every stage.''— "iit. Jfn:. f-'iw 
 I'lli^ nnil I'vnetioc, throuijli the Onerati.m nf V . i 
 jii-l.",frt,fe,-, Ixi 7S7 ' "■' ^^"""K'< IS very clear and 
 b,r«h .M„lloU,ian,,Scotlu„a; has resije.l f ,r ly yea t 
 aiargarct, was published in lSI9,_n„t IHi/i 
 a. sta eJ .aUe, vol. ii. During the forty years of her M 
 .,„., . 'ii.;,«ii„ „,i ,„,„, „, „„ ;, •„; it J 
 hree Gift., I...7. 5. The Laird of N^r low, L 18^8 
 ■H vol... ,, 8vo. r, Luey Crofton, I.on.. I8.^y ul'^o 7 
 Agnes llopotoun's Sehools and Holidays. Lnl's5.' 
 l-"i«o; new ed.s IS72, ISSO, &,. s. Tho^iou.™ on the 
 Moor. Lon., Isfiii, .-^yols. er. Hvo ; new ed.. is^d.^yol 
 !f^"!'r;l ;^]f;!;;!H,{!'!r;i Jfi^y'iar,;^ il:::^:'t::i:"^ 
 coMMslent, «n,l yel all Is nj»' "-N,-,/") , xv '-u','""''^' "'"' 
 I.l. Heart and Cross. l,„n., I,sr,;i „ Svo Va Ti i. 
 iof<^jriing.{,;;i.'i-ii,.!'„, 'I, ::'^^s;;''t:;^''rir'^' 
 .Madonna Mary. I.on.. IS,;,,, :l vol ^ s f n^w^^ 
 pi.'.n,^'Sa;'ai^';i:!j^,!;;;:-""^^^i"''^-ri>-. is rich i„ 
 M.htle In Tis reai! ,1 i's^ •, '^'J w.i'T;;'' '■ " V'rnrnys.u 
 \'\>Mon.. elo,|nent inlts bu s "r f . n^'"v"l"''', '" ,"~^ 
 "1 Its natural and un^tniii ,. ,, 1 ''■/'^^'^> '<-''''''^''' 
 thtaiKh sonu.wlnit L'rii Iv I 1ml los. „ii,l Kenuinelv, 
 M.bdned joe, J;v.'■^-:i;'^'y,^';.'''!^'^^','.'i'i^| '.','- "'^ i.nlre.,nont anM 
 sceon.,!'^r":^;'r;;l;" /lii,,;"';. "t" "^'^^^^^ '"" 
 lsr5. (ContainMwe^::^,: ;i,iu' LL ™' 'i' ,"'■• 
 "Her book is atli.,nini;ii wt nTv bi„ i- r. ■ ■ , . 
 merits and lis delVeiv an I ,. 1 ?,„ V ■ "'" ''!"'■• '" •"* 
 latler. . . . Her inod..'n V • , ," '"■ "nH'aianee the 
 oxtra.a«an,an,ls; e ne^n 'aV^:ill''irvv'''-''''''''',^'',","<^'* 
 — .^Vi'. Kit., x.wiil. 7(i!i '""air, but alwa.vs reailable." 
 :^;ieK!MiSHS ISS^-^ 
 .>veen.keS;^.er,!/u^,^^'^4 "f^;™ ^f;™';';;-'"' "- i 
 lied...' . . Tirere^"Vh ""',-''?. I ' " «» hort^ss of ■ Adam ^ 
 spirit of Jnstl"rand !olera,iol!:*f_.s.<l/'^/S; "xv™.Mn ""' '^'""•' 
 2.1 he Ihrec lirothers, Lon.. 1>7(I. :i vols „ Kyo 
 -'I. John : a Uvc-.<tory, Un IS711 o ,' 1, , a '" * ' 
 ; isn.p.syo' ' "■'• ^'"■"'"' "' '■^'^'^■i' I'""- 
 ' '•M^o^e;;I,?;:T;,:;'e'LMV^;;;|iJ;:^';';-"'Pl!''rs. CathoUe 
 : -^^. '^^^. ^^. ^r' ^™^ -■ "pJ-i-uvl ^^n>l!!^^-^^! 
 invarfably s" z«i ly'li'^ ^ '",'^' "'i' '"'.'1 <"l"ur, are 
 , •'"o^a t,;«iy, vi;.i:;^e^l'to j!::j'i.;,v"-.,^"t;'^!^^7 ^'"- 
 h:na>rSi^'};^^^ '^il^^ ^•"''™- -0 ndss Mnntalem- 
 ti<' ; quick to Ke ntc. h s , ,',1 n' ''''''■ ,""l>etu<,us, 
 Hates, Lon., l.<7'> Svnll^ ^"'»-P. f*™. .id. At his 
 May.Lon..ls7:i:-8™Kj:t.'^'" """"'''•■ '««^- ^l- 
 irnve atmi,r^;^i;;,r':;f lb 'll.""^'' ""''"""■ "" books 
 eharacter, a ml an ni<V, 1,!' "'V ""'i^i'li»ility of 
 to redeen. s,u e f 1 ! ,,|H , , ; "^ "'i''^' """»''" >'" 
 ^u'^;;^;;i;s';,,a :b? . V' ^ r '-'^'^^^ 
 »vo. ,1.1. J he .Makers of p'hn.enee Dnnto c t. c' 
 vonarola. and their Ci,v. Lon.. '"^i. iTVlT^-'' 
 ";akin«:"notat aM a hl^il^^idS'S^/i,!"""''" '""t 
 Vh . .n\yhom''M;'' 0IS -tr;''' "'!!," '» "'" «<^"'fa " 
 make ^Morence 1,„ fo , , '," . f v""" " """ ''*'' '"" 
 mos:, Vigorous ',1^' '""I'li.^^; ■!;k^•^^t;^,^:^l;;li, 'ii,i^« 
 B"! .f 

 tP'V • 
 coiifluilos Willi a cliiipter mi Miclia,'! Anwlo. . . llie I 1 ' •;;„„•''• , °- „ '• ^ """.".!! '''*:"'«'! »giim.«t_ it.-elf, 
 literary worlimiiii.-lii|i' in tlie hi(PKra|llik'"iU~stii(i'es and I ^""'i '8K8, ;( vols. p. 8vo. (i". Tho Son of his Fallior, 
 Bketelies i.s tliat ofa iiiaciisi'd haiid; iiiduod, we liavu .iMeii * ''""•. ISS", .'i vols. p. Svo. U.S. The Milkers of Venioo • 
 'V''ii"-''l''''f'' '" '''-'-'^'' 'III' ''w;^'^' "f literary lii'Mlity and i Dokcs, Conquerors, I'ainters, and .Men of Letters: witli 
 8kill wiiieliconstaiilly>ediiC(.s the elegant and ! Illu.tnitions bv R U llolmU F^ A T„n Iks- s, 
 appropriate phriise-makiiiK.'-Ni/. Hei'-, xliii. 2sr i ,., A , ^ ' "• ""H"'--''. t-^-A., Lon., Ivs,, syo. 
 :U. A Kn<e in June Lon 1S74 •' vols n Svo Vi L, *'": ""P '»'''."» >i P.rtietised writer H-itli a slroui; np. 
 .1-1. t\ nu.L n ,)uin, i.on., 1^,4, . vols. p. sio. .i,). prieialion ol tlieniniainieniid an honest ilefeivnce Inr tlo 
 For I.ovo and Lite, Lon.. ISi 1, .i vols. p. Svo. :^li. The • veritie.s uf history, has suninied up, without novelly and 
 Story of Viilentine and his lirolher. Kdin., 1875, :: vols. ' without profound research, what the eareless and sciiti- 
 p. Svo. :i7. Whiteladies. Illust. Lon., IS7li, p. svo; 
 new ed., IS71I. ;is. The Curate in Charge, Lon., 1S7H, 
 2 vols. p. Svo. ,SU. I'hiube, .lunio. : a Last Chroniele of 
 Carlingford, Lon., lS7ti. H vols. |i. Svo. 
 "This last 'Chroniele of rarliiiKlord' not mi nlv takes 
 rank fairly lieside the lirst whieli introduced n- o ■ Salcin 
 Chapel,' but surpn.sses all the iiilerniediaie recoil l>.'—.k'(i(i., 
 ix. (>o,i. 
 •10. .Mrs. Arthur, Lon., IS77, ;) vols. p. Svo. 41. 
 Young .Mua>;rave, Lon., 1S77, .S vols. p. Svo. 12. Carili, 
 Lon., 1S77, :j vols. or. Svo. IH. Dante, (" Foreign Clas- 
 sics for Kngli.<h Headers,") Lon., IS77, |2mo. 
 ".She has written <iver hastily about a writer who re- 
 quires careful and revercniial trcatinent more than any one 
 else in the roll of modern literature. The dij,'nilied learn- 
 ing ol Mi.^s Uossetti's 'Shadow of Dante,' and the wide 
 HUd discriminaijii; criticism of .Mr. Syinoiids in his ■ Iii- 
 '; idiietion to tlie study of liaiitc,' make .Mrs. dliphant's 
 book seem doubly slipshod t)y eoinparisoii."— M, CliEIGU- 
 ton: -IciKi,, xii. a), 
 44. Dress, ("Art at Home" Scr.,) Lon., iS7.S, p. Svo. 
 ■Ij. The I'rimrose I'lith 1 a Chapter in the Annals of the 
 Kingdom of Fife, Lon., 1S7S, :i vols. er. Svo. 4li, Within 
 the Precincts. Illust. Lon., Isjii, :i vols. cr. Svo ; new 
 ecL, ISS.3, 1 vol. 47. Tlie (ireatest Heiress in England, 
 Lon., Is7ii, ;! vols. p. Svo. 4S. He that Will nut when 
 ho .May, Lon., ISSO, .'i vols. or. Svo. 49. A Beleiigiiered 
 City: being a .\arrative of Cert:iin Recent Lvciits in 
 the City of Semur. Departinent of the Haute- lionigogno : 
 a .Story of tliu .Seen and the Unseen, Lon., ISSO, p. Svo: 
 nei7 ed., Issi. 
 "She has aimed . . . to make it evident how great is the 
 ditliculty of establishing any real intercourse between the 
 seen and the niisrcn, except that which already exists in 
 the spiritual faiiii ami imrilied all'eetions of the highest 
 Imnian natures. ... of all the books of hers with which 
 of the 
 mental readers care most to know about the eilv 
 , Lagnnes."— .Vddoa. xhii, 1111, 
 ■■ ( 'ertainly this is among the most cliarining of the many 
 charming books that have been inspired by Venice "-- 
 .^^(•(■/(i/or. Ixi. 4o3. 
 ^ (HI. Joyce: a Novel, Lon., 1SS8, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 711. 
 I'he Seconil Son, Lon., LSSS, :! vols. er. Svo. (Published 
 originally in collaboration with T. IS. Aklrich, in the 
 Atlantic .VIonthly.) 71. Memoir of Principal Tulloch, 
 I'Min. and Lon., ISSS, Svo. 
 " Perhaps if human life and energy were e(|ual to such 
 a task. all biographies sliould be written in duplicate,— one 
 for those who have known the man, and wish to be re- 
 mimled of all they reinemlier; one for those who ]n\\r 
 not known liim. but who wish to make aciiinunlance 
 with a new ligiire and to connect the inward life of ij,,. 
 man witli his external sphere of uclion, .Mrs. iilijilnuit 
 has given n: ihe fcjri.ier rallicr thnii the latter, bnl she liii> 
 given us the latter loo, only embed.'.ed in mncli delail 
 which ratlier detracts from, than adds to, the etlect of her 
 study ol Principal Tulloeli s characte- and persimalitv f.r 
 those who have no iiidi\idual memories to revivifv "— 
 .s;wta(«r, Ixi . l,jns, 
 72. The Land of Darkness, a! ing with some Furtlicr 
 Chapters of the Kxpcrieuce of the Litilo Pilgrim, Lon., 
 ISS.s, p. Svo. With Tauvkr, F., M.A., Moliere, (" For- 
 eign Classics,") Kdin., 1S7'J, 12nio. 
 Oliphaiit, Sir Oscnr, ['o,/f, vol. ii 
 lectcd Poi'ins, Lon., Is.")7, p. Svo. 
 Oliphaiit, Tlionins J. Digest of Decisiims 
 the Arkansas .Supreme Court, Isiil -ISSfl, Little lb 
 ISStl, Svo. 
 Oliphaiit, Thomas Laurence Kiii!;toii-,.M 
 F.S.A., b. Is,il,at Henlease. near liristol. Eng. ; edu- 
 cated at Eton, and at IJalliol College, Oxford; calle.l to 
 the bar at the Inner Temple Is.iS; ll^snnled the inldi- 
 add.] Col- 
 the present writer at least is acciuaiiiled, he w.mld select j tinnal surname of Oliphant on succeeding to the e-tiii 
 Iblv lis [TV lUr 111, .1-1. low. .l<.ull..,i.iM,. ,.r,.,.C.. , .*■,.,,.,!,... ,,.,,1 1 r I.; . . .'.. *> . t.^i-.i... 
 tliisas giving more iimpiestioinible proofs of genius and 
 originality than any other."— .S/jecdi/or, liii, 177. 
 50. Cervantes, (•' Foreign Classics for English Read- 
 ers.") Edin., issn, l2mo. 
 "The biographical part has all the charm and dramatic 
 colour of a novel. , . . The puri'lv literary and critical 
 portion is less hapiy."— ,S(i/, A'-c. li. M. 
 51. Harry Joseelyn, Lon., lsS|,:i vols. er. Svo. 52. 
 The Literary History of England, 1790-1825, Lon., 1882, 
 3 vols. Svo. 
 "The book is . . . not a literary history: it is a collec- 
 tion of literary (■aHsc."'e,«, the attraction ofeacli of which is 
 not il little (lamage.l liy a lack of individual completeness, 
 and. we must add, by a lack of critical power,"— .S(i(. h'cr 
 liii. 80:i, 
 53. In Trust : a Story ofa Lady and her Lover, Lon., 
 1SS2, 3 vols. p. Svo; new ed., 1 vol. 64. A Little 
 Pilgrim in the Unseen, Lon., 1SS2, p. Svo. 55. It was 
 a Lover and his Liiss, Lon., 1SS3. 3 vols. cr. Svo; new 
 ed., ISS4. 5fi. The Ladies Lindorcs, Lon., ISSS, 3 vols, 
 er. Svo. 57. .'■'heridiin, (■' English Men of Letters,") 
 Lon.. ISS.'l, p. Svo, 
 " That she should have sent out under her name so Im- 
 mature, so illconsidereil, and not seldom so inaccurate a 
 book IS as surprising a-s it isdeploraiile."— .s•rl^ A'rc, Ivi 37i( 
 "She has underrated Sheridan's merits as a man of let- 
 ters, and given lar too much prominence to his failings as 
 B man.' —!<peelalor, Ivii, 1:;4. 
 5S. Heater: a Story of Contemporary Life, Lon,, 1SS.3, 
 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 " She is at her best in ' He.ster.' There, from first to last, 
 she IS the Mrs. ()li|pliam of 'Salem chaper and ' 
 Jlarjoribanks,'— ail artist, tlnit is, in portraiture ami <-hser- 
 vatioii, an excellent liumoiirist. a master of human char- 
 acter, and an adept in certain forms of human exnerl- 
 ence,' —.lend., xxv, .'>, 
 59. The Wizard's Son : a Novel, Lon., ISsi, 3 vols, ii 
 Svo. no. Sir Tom, Lon., 1884. 3 vols. p. Svo. 81. Two 
 Stories of the Seen and the l'.-;.seen : The Open Door; 
 Old Lady Mary, Lon. and Edin., IS.^4, p. Svo. Anon. 
 " These stories au at least worthy of the iiuthor of ' The 
 Beleaguered city;' and, though there is nothing on the 
 title-page to identify them with that aTiilo.r^hip, we ciui 
 hi.r.Ily conceive llicir being due to unv otiier hand."— 
 Sijrclatur, Iviii. is. 
 62. .Madam, Lon., I8S5, 3 vols. er. Svo. (13. Oliver's 
 Brido : a True Story, Lon., l.ssB, l2mo. fi4. A Country 
 Gentleman and his Family, Lon., ISsO, 3 vole. cr. Svo. 
 f his maternal grandbirher in Perthshire in lsi;4. 1. 
 History of Fredcri.'k the Second, Empcrm- of the Uo 
 mans : fr an Chronicles and Documents publisheil within 
 the Last Ten 'i'cais, Lon., Isii2, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "The merits of .Mr. Kington's hook are real and sterling- 
 the laulis are sncli as years and experience will soon lead 
 him to amend."— i'ar A'cr.. xiv, 712. 
 2. The Jaoobile Lairds of (iask, ((Jrauipian Cbili 
 Pub.,) Lon., 1870, Svo. 3. The .Sources of Stand, ird 
 English. Lon., 1S73, l2ino. 
 " He has thought and studied under the giildanceof the 
 best recent writers. . , , The characteristic feature of the 
 liook IS that it gives the results of their researches and of 
 .Mr. Oliphant's own in the form ofa narrative, not ofa 
 grammar or discussion on grammar,"— .s'a(. Wcr., xxxvii 
 "Mr. Oliphant has done gwd service in bringing together 
 and making easily accessible .so much of this hitherlo rare 
 learning. , , . The early part of the book is ilislignred for 
 American and Herman readers liy its use of Rask's c . si- 
 lications of the early inilections, which have been hnig 
 known to be all wrong,"— .Vof/oa, xviii, '21i9. 
 4. The Duke and the Scliolar, and other Essays, Lon., 
 IS75, Svo. 6. The Old and Middle English, Lon., IS7>, 
 " He has embodied in it , . , all that he thought worth 
 preserving in his former volume on the ' Sources of sian.l- 
 ard English ;' and to this earlier matter he has made large 
 adi itions, throwing the whole int.. a form which will 
 inake the work, when complete, the best hi.story of our 
 langii:ige."— .•<oA Ke':. xlvii, (US. 
 t). The New English, Lon , ISSR, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 "The new volumes have very little of the litcrarv attrac- 
 tiveness whicli characterized their predece.ssor. " 
 ol attempting to write a readable book, .Mr. oliphant has 
 been content wiili luodiicing the most valnabU' colU'.lion 
 ol iiniteriais f.r the lexical history of the Knglish liinguaL'e 
 tlnit has liillicrto been |(UbIislied. . . . The present work- 
 consists essentially of an analysis of the vocabulary, not, 
 indeed, ril every important writer or book, but of a en- 
 tinuous series of representtttive books from the beginning 
 ot the liiurleenth to the beginning of the niiieteemli ccii- 
 lury. — Hkniiv Hii,\dlky : Acad., xxxi, 19. 
 Oliphaiit-Fergiison. .Sen Fkiigison. 
 Olive, jMrs. Village Annals, Lon., lsfi7, ISmo. 
 Olivier, Mrs. The tiledstancs and tho Siege of 
 Cocklaw, Edin,, 1S7S, l2mo. 
 Oliver, Alexander. \ Manual of the Liconsim! 
 Law, Sy.lney, ISS3, Svo. 
 N I . ; gradnited at Jlarvanl 1842; ur.l,iine,l in the 
 l'r.,lcstttnt t,|,i«cop,tl Church; professor „f Hiblio.U 
 York"lco '« •''^"'"■"l,'l'''™l"''i™l .Seminary, New 
 iork, Mnco 187,1. lransl«ti„n of (he Syriac-Peshitu 
 . ersion ..f the Psalms „f David, liost., ISi;2 l''m,. 
 Oliver, l>niiiel, F.K.S., F.L.S., professor of botanv 
 \l.l7 V;."^"f' .!'1'"'';'"V '• '^'"™"-^ iV. Kleme"" ■ 
 l.on., 1,%U, IJnio. ;;. Illustration? of the I'riii.Moal 
 I^^aturai Orders of the Vegetable Kin«do,„ p*,, ,1 , 
 he .^ nence and Art Department of the Smlh kensing- 
 Aiiiea, Jjun., IM^j, hvo. 
 Oliver, K. Squibs, r,on., Iss;, lo,,,,, I 
 Oliver, llev. GeorBe, O.I)., "l7si-|sni, b. in 
 London: edueated at Stonyhurst College; orda ned In 
 t'Vxrrin^l'Rnr''"'^','''''"'',' ■'''P""'""' '" "'« ■■'-''"". 
 Pv'nm ,1 . ^' ","i"""^ <"'»"» "f tlie diocese of 
 ■ , . '^ ™"tnbu(e,l to antiquarian journals 
 and pubhshed the following books, of which Xos. 1 " V 
 B, and , are erroneously inserte.l, »«^, vol. ii., umon'" t'hj ' 
 works,, UevOeorge Oliver, p.eben,lary of w'olverhau p- 
 ton «u hor of n.any workson Freemasonry. I. Hi rk 
 fst sr 't'l^'l" "'« «»n"^t<Ti-s in Devon, K.xet r 
 Ion 'Jj ■; ; ^•'•'^•■^"''"™' Antiquities of Devon, 
 I 't!; I It " "" '^,"';"t!'^J "Edition of a work by Kev.' 
 John .Jones and Kev. George Oliver, E.veterf 182S, 
 JJnio.) ,, Collections t.iwards illustrating the liioa 
 raphy 01 the .Scotch Knglish, and Irish .Members of the 
 Society of Jesus, I.,,n., 184,i, Svo. 6. Account of Ue- 
 ligious Houses on the Kivor Witham, ISIIJ, c>n,„ - 
 Monasticon Dicecesis Ex,.niensis: being a Collection of 
 Records and Instruments illustrating the Ancient Cori 
 the Counties of Cornwall and Devon : with Historical 
 Notices and a Supplement, Don., 1840, fol. » Addi ' 
 tional Supplement to the Monasticon Diicesis Exoniei - 
 SIS, Lon 1854 fol. 9. Collections illustrating the llis- 
 ory of theCath.dic in the Counties of Cornw 1 
 Devon Dorset, Somerset, Wilts, and (jloucester: in Tw!; 
 arts, Histoncal and liiographical. Lon., 1857, Svo. Ill 
 Lives ol the liishops of E.«ter, and a Histiry of the ^ 
 Cathedral, Exeter, 1861, Svo. •* | 
 Oliver, <;eors;e, M.D., P.R.C.P. l. Piain Facts i 
 on \ aecnation .,„., 1871, 12mo. 2. On liedside Vr>i°e! ' 
 1S8-'"^.; %.^'"ir' ''"''^"V l^on., 18S3, 12mo; ;id ed, i 
 riim„.„ .r .. ' "''""^Kf* " "t'^'-« ■■ with Notes on the 
 Climate of Harrogate, Lon., cr. Syo 1 
 at°rhri!r'''."if'' • '"^•"•fe William, M, A., graduated 
 at Christ College Canibridge, 18,^8; ordained I85',l;l 
 liead-umster o( St. John's Wood School since 18S1I 
 Short Sermons, Lon., 1875, p. Svo. I 
 Oliver, Mrs. Grace Atkinson, (Little.) b ' 
 •"Ir ''".,""""'*'""'•' '"af'wl, L8(iy, to John Harvard! 
 ;.! IS, (d, isn,) and in 1871. to Dr. Joseph Peii/ioroii ' 
 ^el. she hm contributed to leading periodicals. 1 
 P.T.''w' .^.''"'"•«'/!"' *^«l"'«"»'>9 f™'" the Poems and 
 1 rose Writings of Anna Letitia Barbauld, Bust 1S74 
 2 vols. 8vo. 2. A Study of Maria Edgeworth: w t h 
 m2!'T2inI *-'' '""' *'"'"'^''' ^""^"- b"^'v 
 (rL ^lhTr'w"'y^'\", »'"',•'''"<•' T'tylor: with Selections 
 from their Works, Host., ISs.i, ]2mo. 4. Arthur I'en- 
 iliyn Stanley, Dean of Westminster : his Life Work 
 and teachings. Host., l,sS5, 12mo: 4th ed., 18,86 ' ' 
 Mie has d(Mie well with such material as she ennl.i 
 •"inmaii.l though she has been obliged , sjrct di U so 
 5. The Story of Theodore Parker, Bost., 1886, 12mo 
 ISSsI's^n/' ■*■ '"*'"'"' "" ^'''™«"'' "f Women, Lon., 
 Oliver, J. n. (Trans.) Monumonta de Insula 
 •'■T;,'.?'.,<*'r-\''°"=- *'"''••' ^""Kl"'- I-^'o "f Man 
 • -'■", " Vols, bvu. 
 Oliver, J. R. A Course of Astronomy : with the ' 
 Llenients of (ieodesy, Kingston, Can., 1 88:1, Svo i 
 Oliver, John A. West wood. 1. The Doomed 
 tomet and the World's End, Lou., 1882, 12mo. 2. Sun 
 ' iTvt 
 ivon,, I88J, Svo. Huh others, le.l.) 4<tronoinv f,. 
 Anuiteurs : a Pra,.tical Manual of Tells^p^'a: ^ai' 
 in All Latitudes, adapted to the Powers of Modern In 
 strumonts. Illust. I'on,, l>87 cr -<vo """''•'" '"" 
 i Orde'r'sTllrf.rr/V' "> i'-^""'''^'^ '"' "'« '^■^""™' 
 Urders ol lintish Howeriiig Plants, Lon., ISsrt, ,';2,„„ 
 , O iver, L„.titia .Sehvyn. 1. Father Placid- or 
 I Ihe Custodiau of the Blessed Saeiament, Lon., ss ' 2 
 Kose iortescue; or. The Devout Client of Our Lad'v of 
 ' earbvH"-m -*-,. •V''™"^'' ^■"""' '^1 >1- S ir d 
 I eait, by the Abbe Berlioux, Lon,, l>^5. 4, Annuni-i- 
 lata; or. The (iipsy Child, Dublin, ls>,l, 12,no, 5 fo 
 ol .Margaret Clitherow, Lon., Issi; p svo 
 Sioryo Kuby's Daughters. Illust. Bost,, ISsl,]..,,,,, 
 2. .Seba s Discipline, liogt., ISMl, 12mo, 
 , IlKMo'T/V,:. '*'■"''' "'"■"''•' *^'=" T'"»— 'N. S.i. 
 Oliver, Robert. Unnoticed Analogies : a Talk on 
 the Irish Question, Lon,, ISsS, er. Svo. 
 Oliver, Samuel. Emma Whiteford; or. Death in 
 fho Bosom ol the Church, Lon., l-.V 12mo 
 Oliv.r Samuel Pasliel.1, f!s,a., F.U.tJ.S., b. 
 f.,i^ M-1 •'" ■''• '■''"■''• "«"'^n"nt B.A. 1>5», cap- 
 t,iin IS,1; in commaml of Pen<lennis and St. .Mawes 
 Castles 1871; retired, 1. Madagascar and the m' a 
 Sasy Lon., I,s«fi r. 8vo. 2. Pendennis and ,«t Maw s• 
 Lon., 18,5 I hmo. ,',. Off Duty: Rambles of a (iunier 
 tlirough Nicaragua, .tc, 1867, Lon., 1S7W Ano. T 
 afiasair -iK M ',',"1','' '" " "'-■''">">«. "f 'Hetionarv. of .Mad- 
 the'clUef t^.xS,' M','k ^ZZnn^'r ''"' """"' J''""^ '" '■"">" "^ 
 g.iscar «.ui\tJ,?;^;^i;i;:i;;!^,'';»^:;:;^ '^^;;'-;;:' ^vnb Mada. 
 t of Bankruptcy, Lon., 1870: .id ed., 1S7I, p s ', 7 
 1™?, p sv''.'"'^' ^""^ »'■ •"'"i'i'">s '-"^; '^^ ed.; Lo„!; 
 ofliiar'ie: oif "•"'"*♦ ^''26-1886, b. near London; .son 
 wUh the rmhT h?"'-;:"- '" '^"' ''" l--'".''a"o ia ted 
 with the publishing hrm of Cas.sell and Comnanv I 
 ZZ t" 'YsB-'f, Mythology, and Mildh/neou's 
 lar History of Sacre,! Art, Lon., 1S82, fol. 5. Ilus ra e,i 
 .story oi the I War: new ed., Loi", s85 
 SSasi^T'r"^ ^"";'^"^'^ l'""--'^^"" "i^torv,'Lon 
 i Ired and Fif v™' ' : (K'',) Dore (Jallery : Two Hun- 
 ii.,"add.:ri"?s"i'8'?' ^%- ^'[?^ ^■^- 1""'^- -'• 
 of 1 bin ),.«■ I , :- - • ^ '"■"* to the Diocese 
 '^o.s 17 o'lSmiV '■'• '"•■r 2- ^'^' '•^^■anselical Mis- 
 sJ Also sin ?■"'' '^'""••?^l>- Review," Lon., 187S, 
 i^io. ALSO, single sermons and charges. 
 Hf ■'".'"l"'^^'"*'"'*'' ^'"''®' *''^" ^- 'S-^»; ""n of 
 •<■ >^'- A- '.'iiii^Uii, ««/,,„ .. eriucatod at Kaiilev Cnl 
 IX; 'T' f ',"• ""■■ *""• "'■ "'^ ''""-'^ Temple 8 fchan- 
 ceil.yof thedioecseof LlandalL 1, (Trans.) TleCNZt 
 of Mexico, by Countess Kollowitz, Lon,, I8ti7 Svo 2 
 iln.e_AL,a,the .Maori Maiden, [velrse,] Un';,M%J.: 
 Ollive, J. 1. The Wooing of AUS Lon., IS7fl, 3 
 vols. p. 8vo. 2. Uothory SelfiTt, Q.C. : a Novel, Lon., 
 1S77, .■! vols. or. Svo. 
 Olmstead, Dwight Hinckley. The Protestant 
 Fuitli; or, Salviition by lielief: iin Essay uimn the 
 Errors of the I'rolestimt Chunh, N. York, ISS.i, l2mo. 
 Olmsted, Frederick Law, [anie, vol. ii., lulil.] 
 1. A Journi'y in the Hack Country, N. York, ISfill, l2iiio. 
 2, Journeys iinil Explorations in the Ccjiton Kingiloin, 
 Lon. and X, Y'ork, ISBL', 2 vols. 12uio. (This is ii con- 
 denf^eil I'llition of No. I lUid an earlier work.) 
 Uliiisted, J. .M. Noah and his Times, Lon., IK&4, 
 Olmsted, Rev. .■»!. !V. I. The Universal Path- 
 Findir and liusiiie.-s .Man's Poeket-Companion, N. Y'ork, 
 ISlil), liiino. 2. Walks ami Words of Jesus: iv Piira- 
 grnph Harmony of the Four Evangelisls, N. York, 
 l.-iOT, 12nio: new ed., l.sfi',1. 
 Oliiey, E. W. See Kiiik, Miis. E. W., Jiii/ini. 
 OIncy, \V. (Ed.) The (,'iilifornia Code of Civil 
 Procedure, .Adopted l.Sr2 and Amended: with Ueferencos 
 and Notes, San Fran., I'^ino. 
 Ol8Ncn, Rev. Willinin Wliittinghnm. 1. Per- 
 sonality, llurnan and Divine, N. York, 1SS2, lOino. 2. 
 Revelation, Universal and .Special, N. York, 1885, l2ino. 
 O'.tlahony, Denis 1*. M, lloma Semper Eadem, 
 Lon., 1S76. Svo. 
 O'.Uahony, Rev. T. J., D.D. A Wreath of Song 
 for Souvenir of the Spirit of a Course of I'hiloaophy, 
 (1S7S-I.HM.) Dublin, ISM, Svo. 
 O'.'Mallcy, M. F. A Very Woman : a Novel, 
 Lon., 1S76, 11 vols. or. Svo. 
 Oman, t'. P. Eastwards; or, Realities of Indian 
 Life, l.on., isni, p. Svo. 
 Oman, Charles William Ciiadwick, M.A., 
 graduated at .New College, O.xford, IsS2 ; Fellow of All 
 Souls since 1SS3. The Art of War in the Middle Ages, 
 A.D. 37S-lol5: with Maps and Plans, (Lothian Prize 
 Essay,) O.xf., 1SS5, n. Svo. 
 " Ho di.scus,ses mainly the feudal art of war, ' the, 
 8uy»remacy, and deeline of heavy eavalry as the chief 
 power in war,' . . . Students will "llnd this little book of 
 great help in uiving them clear and detinite i(lea.s un the 
 subject."— .loi((., xxvii. ;)"". 
 O'.tleagher, J. Casimir, M.Ii.I.A. Sonic His- 
 torical Notices of the O'Meaghers of Ikerrin, Lon., 
 Lss7, cr. 4to. 
 0'->Ieara, iHiss Kathleen, d. IS8S; a daughter 
 or grand-daughter of Barry Edward O'Meara, (anli-, 
 vol. ii.:) resided in I'aris; contributed to American 
 periodicals. Several of her books were published under 
 the pscudonynic of "Grace llamsay," (7. r., mile, vol. 
 ii.) 1. The Dells of the Sanctuary, Lon., 1S71, 12ino. 2. 
 A Salon in the Last Days of the Empire, and other 
 Sketches, Lon., 1S73, Svo. 3. X Daughter of St. Diimi- 
 nick, Lon., 1873, 12iuo. 4. Life of Thomas t}rant. First 
 Bishop of Southwark, Lon., 1S74, Svo ; 2d ed., ISSIi. 
 " \Ve williuKly make the HcknowleilKinent which Miss 
 Ramsay asks other I'roteMaut readers, that the time spent 
 in reading; this bi'o^raphy will not be 1o>l. Hislioj) firant 
 er I'roteMaut readers, that the time spent 
 li'o^raphy will not be lo>L. Hislioj) <iran( 
 was a man of many spirit'ual graces, whose purity, seU'-de 
 votioii, and liumility It will pnilit every one to contem- 
 plate.'— .Sjuvdi/or, xlvii, sill. 
 5. Frederic (Jzanain, Professor of the Sorbonne : his 
 Life and Works, Edin., 1S7(), p. Svo; new eil., IS71I. 
 "This graceful and interesting record of a noble life, 
 which those w ho have once taken it up will not linil it 
 easy to pnl ihi\vn."—Sut. Hev.. xliv. '270. 
 " Her style is heavy, and she is cpparently unable to (Bl- 
 part lifi' to ilic scenes and persons with which she h»s to 
 deal. ■— .l(/i.. No, 'Sm. 
 Ii. One of (jiod's Herojnes : a Biographical Sketch of 
 Mother Mary 'feresa Kelly, Foundrc-^s of the Convent 
 of Mercy, Wexford, N. York, 1S7S, 32nio, 1S7M, Svo. 7, 
 Henri Perreyve and his Counsels to the Sick, Lon., I8SI 
 12uio. 'Conliiins a translation of Perreyve's " tlouraCH) 
 des Malados," with a sketch of his life.) 
 " Miss O'.Meara has done her part of the work w ilh deli- 
 cacy and li!nit"~Spertatijr, Iv. 'J67. 
 S. Diane Coryval : a Tale of French Domestic Life, 
 Best., 18S4, lOuio; republished, under the title of "The 
 Old House in IMcardy," Lon., 1SS7. 9. Madame Mohl : 
 her Salon and her Friends : a Stiiily of Social Life in 
 Paris, Lon., I8S5, Svo. (Published originally in the 
 Atlantic Monthly.! 
 "A very pleasiint volume. . . . She has depicted bolli 
 the host and the hostess in graphic, vivid lines, and the 
 niinierous extracts from the letters of Mine. Mohl incor- 
 porated in llie volunie will enable the reader to Judge as 
 at llrst hiand of the raelness of her iliction, for Mme. Mohl 
 wrote as she talked." 
 -Hal. A'o'., Ixi. 57. 
 " Cieiierally si)eftklnK. the lines of the portrait are drawn 
 too much from her Inter years; but it is extraordinarily 
 life-like, and a valuable addition to the salon gallery. "— 
 yiitiim, xlii. UJ. 
 111. (juoen by Ilight Divine, and other Tales; being 
 the Second Series of " Hells of the .Sanctuary," Lon., 
 IS8J, Svo. 11. Mabel Stanhope: a Novel, Host., 1886, 
 IRmo. 12. Narka the Nihilist, N. York, 1887, 16ino. 
 Ommaney, Rev. George Uriice Wynne, M.A., 
 graduated, senior ojitiuie, at Trinity College, Cainbritlge, 
 1842; ordained 1813; vicar of Draycot, SomcrHotshire, 
 1875-88; prebindary of Wells since I8S4. 1. The 
 Athanasian Creed : with Reference to the Daninatioy 
 Clauses, Lon., 1S72. 2, The Athanasian (Jrced : its Use 
 in the Services of the Church, lion., 1872. 3. The 
 Athanasian Creed: an Examination of Recent Theories 
 respecting its Date and Origin, Lon., 1875, cr, Svo. I. 
 The Early History of the Athanasian Creed, Lon., ISsn, 
 or. Svo. 5. Marriage with a Deceased AVife's Sister, 
 Oxf., 1S83, Svo. C. The S. P. C. K, and the Creed of 
 Saint .Athannsius, Lon., 1S84, Svo. 
 "Omnium, Jacob," (Pseud.) See HiaaiNs, 
 Mattiikw .J., mijirn. 
 Omond, George W. T., advocate. 1. The Lord- 
 Advocates of Scotland, from the Close of the Fifteenth 
 Century to the I'assing of the Reform Hill, Edin., ISs:'., 
 2 vols. Svo. 
 "Ample stores of Information, either in manuscript or 
 print, have been here dii-'esled and silti-d with jiraisi'- 
 worthydlli|.'eii('eaiid accuracy. We are <listiuclly warned 
 bvtlie author that his "live- arc not complete biographies, 
 Ife traces the descent anil H'velopment of the otiice held, 
 ratherthaii the private hi,-torv of each successive holder." 
 — .Sa/. Jiev., Ivii, lol. 
 2, (Ed.) The Arniston Memoirs: Three Centuries ol 
 a Scottish Hoine, ir)7l-l''3S; from the h'ttmily I'apeis, 
 Edin., I8S7, Svo. (Relates to the family of Dumlas.l 
 ■'Regarded alike from the political and from the social 
 point of view, this book, ha.-cd cliletly on family papers. Is 
 very valuable as 11 ciuitribiitioii to, and elucidation of, the 
 history of Scotland."— .Syirc/ri/or, Ix. lilJl. 
 Omond, Thomas Stewart, Fellow of St. .John's 
 College, Oxford. Poems. By Thomas While, .Jr. Oxf, 
 and Lon., lS7li, Svo. 
 O'Moore, S. 1, The Voice of the New Y'ear, Lon,. 
 1850, ISmo. 2. Annie tJiay ; or. The Experience of a 
 Week, Lon., 1851, sq. ISnio. 3. The Family of (ikii 
 oarra : a Story, Lon., 1851, 12ino. 
 Onderdonk, Henry, [duie, vol. ii., O.siikkhonk, 
 He.nry, Jh., add.,] 18II4-1SS6, graduated at Coluinbia 
 College 1S27; principal of Union Hall Academy, L.I,, 
 1832-ti5. 1. tjueens t^ounty in Olden Times, .lamaica, 
 L.I., lSii5, 4to. 2. The Aiinals of Hempstead from 11113 
 to IS32, Hempstead, N.Y'., ls7S. 3. .Antiquities of tlie 
 Parish Church of Hempstead, Ac, 1880. 
 O'Neall, John Belton, [ante, vol. ii., 0'Nk.u.i., 
 JfDGK,] 171I3-I8H3, b. ft Bush River, S.C. ; graduated at 
 South Carolina College 1SI2; admitted to the bar |S14; 
 chosen judge of the Court of Apiteiils, and subsequently 
 chief justice of South Carolina. 1. IJiographical Skeldies 
 of the Bench and Bar of South Carolina, Charleston, 1850, 
 2 vols. Svo. 3. The Annals of Newberry District, Charles- 
 ton, 1800. 
 O'Neil, Charles A. The American Electoral'ii, N, York, 1887, 12mo. 
 O'Neill, Charles, b. IS31, in Manchester, Eng. 
 1. The Chemistry of Calico Printing, Dyeing, and 
 Bleaching, Lon,, IS60; new ed., 1S7S, 2 vols. 2. Dic- 
 tionary of r:ilicu Printing and Dyeing, Lon., istl2, Svo; 
 new ed., iMJs. :i. (Ed.l The Textile Oolourisl, 1S76. 
 O'Neill, F. W„ and Hilliams, U. L. Tlio 
 American Farmer's Hand-Book. lilu.'i, N. York, 
 I SSI), -^vo. 
 O'Neill, H. C, and Harnett, Gdith \. Our 
 Nurses, and the Work thev have to do, Lon., ISSs, cr. 8vo. 
 O'Neill, H«nry, ['mU; vol. ii., add.,] ISli-lSSl. 
 I. Fine Arts and CivMiization of Ancient Iiclan<l. T*,' 
 Iin, IS63, imp. Svo. 2, Lectures on Painting, L<"v ~ 
 p. Svo: new ed., 1868. 3. Ireland for the Ir>»\ i.-ii , 
 186.S, p. Svo. 1. Two Thousand Years Hence, ton., 
 lS6.s,p. Svo, 5. Modern .Art in England ami Franco, 
 Lon., 1S09, p. Svo. 6. Sat 'Heal Dialogue.*, Iion., I8r», 
 12iuo. 7. The Ago of St- -co: a Satire, Lon., lS7l,p. 
 '^ v^. 
 O'Neill, J. The Blots igs of Temperance : a Poem : 
 with n Sketch of the Author's Life by [saac Doxsey, 
 Lon., 1S51, 121110. 
 O'Neill, John. Hugh O'Neill, the Princeof Ulster: 
 a Poem, Lon., 1859, I6mo. 
 O'Neill, J 
 Students. Lon. 
 O'Neill, S 
 to the Cause 
 an [inlian Mi. 
 Lon., !S7il, I2i 
 O'Neill, I 
 and thu Convt 
 olusivoly upon 
 O'Neill, M 
 Uaron O'Ne 
 by E. .1. Ilaiiill 
 Adilrosses on tl 
 L8S6, j). Svo. 
 Onion, E. 
 I8HII, p. svo. 
 Onley, .Mi 
 1873; new cd., 
 or, Simple Tru 
 Florrio Ross ; 
 IS77, l2nio; nt 
 his Adventures 
 5. Ronnie .Team 
 Queen : a Story 
 7. Tho Myrtles 
 2d ed., 1 SS6. S, 
 !). One Stormy 
 1.888, p. 8vo. 
 Onslow, t 
 Lon., 1S88, 12m 
 Onslow, R 
 lege, Oxford, I 
 Sapey, Hereford 
 ness of Prayer, 
 People about th 
 .And see S.miti!, 
 Onslow, R 
 Armada, (.\.D. 
 Onslow, W 
 Onslow, K.r. 
 colonies 1SS7-SS 
 land. Landlorc 
 Present Coiulitio 
 Onwhyn, T 
 to the Exhibilii 
 Op Broek, 
 Revelation and i 
 Oper, The« 
 Christmas after t 
 of England and ( 
 Papers, N. Y'ork, 
 Algebra. ,tc.. Lor 
 Opper, Freil 
 Pictures and Prin 
 Oppert, En 
 .\ Forbidden La 
 Account of its ti 
 uicrcial Capabiliti 
 and Lon., ISSO, S 
 "ThcF.mhor . , 
 of hav'iig eugagei 
 ■ . He . . . nndl 
 iiiaiu object of his 
 "M in grt-at vcm 
 Kiiitjdom, . . . am 
 .<.iit u«r( lion of II 
 iiiic«.slral uiblets, 
 i'T.I«l his adveiil 
 s«.\i>rs at times of 1 
 and of the British: 
 "His knowledge 
 lire derived from 
 ihrce trips to the 
 iiiiited to any large 
 Ulterior, and visitci 
 of the mainland, u 
 I'lc lareo rivrr Ic-s 
 ci-cd by him."— .let 
 Oppert, Frai 
 'ily Dispensary, I 
 Dispensaries: thei 
 and Management. 
 <!.,?Jt!'.*"V' ■'"II",', J''P"°<'»e F'"' B,)ok for English 
 Btuilenla. l,on., 1S71, 4tii 
 ,„ H,?r"'' ^I'V.?"" "■* """■•«••«• A Contribution 
 ? ' '","": M,"""""'--/ «" the Controver.ic.« of the Day, 
 ijon., IS71t, ll'iiio. •" 
 ...V'.iy"*,"' '*'• "™^"*"- ""f-'ftion of DanvinHin, 
 ivi.l tli« f.onver«o Theory of Devt.|o|,ment : ox' 
 clusivoly upon Ihirwiii's Fiiets, I'hiliv., Issd, 12mo 
 ISmo "'"'*'""• ^'"" ■■■■'■•>« I">vc, Lon.; ISfiO, | 
 O'Neill. Krv. Hilliani Chichester. Hrst '• 
 «ar.,n O'Neill, ,i ,ss,. ,. Soro.o ""•'^ItVlMe""' 
 bi h. .1. llan.i inn Lon., I8«, p. Svo. 2. K,,,.- ami 
 A,l,lro«.c8 on tho Truths of the Christian Ucligion, I,on., 
 i^J?!"'""* *^' '• homo's Futo in tho Luiter Day, Lon., 
 Oliley, .Mary. |. "Carry your Pnreel," I.on, 
 H7d; newed.. IMSO, ,,svo. 2. Above the Ilre,.l<er.s 
 or,!,i.nple Trust, I,on., 1S7.>, 12mo; new e.l., ISSl. ;, 
 Florno Ross; or, The Voiee of the Snow-Dron, Lon., 
 his Adventures by Land an<i by .'Jen, Lon., ISsufp Svo 
 5. L.,nnio . eannie. Lon., Issl. l2mo. .1. Kitty and her 
 yueen : a Mory fro,,, Knglish History, Lon., I8S2, p. Syo. 
 -'' f •• '?;"'• •"■ /?."''• "'« ti.V!'sy Chil.l, Lon., 18S5 LS^o 
 w"r'8Ti2,!;o."'"""^- ^■"""'^ •^'"'°'' '^■"''"-". 
 l»„V"n'?"',' 'f "i'^.' '"'•'I'P''' g>-a'l»ated at E.veter Col- 
 lege, 0.vfn,d IN .,; ordained l,s.(7; rector of Upper 
 ness of Prayer Lon., IS7:t. 2. Plain Words to Plain 
 People about the Holy Communion, Lon., Issl, fp 8vo 
 Ami .*oe .-i.MiTfi, Kf.v. r. G., /,i/V<' ' ' f ">"• 
 Onslow, Robert. Thi Defeat of tho Spanish 
 Armada, (.A.I.. Ion.:, a Tercentenary Ballad, Lon I 
 Onslow, Hillier, fourth Earl of 
 Ons ow, k.C..\l.,i., b. l8o;!, under-secre.arv for the 
 colonies I8N,NN and since then governor ot New Zea? 
 land. Landlords and Alloiment.s: the History ami 
 Fiesent Condition ol the Allotment System, Lon.. 1886 
 „ Vi""'!?',":'^'"""'.**' *'*''■• ""'' «■•■'• "'•"""'s Visit 
 to_the t.xhibit.on. By Pe,er Palette, [pseud.] Lon., 
 Op Broek, Albert. Search the Scriptures; or, 
 KcveliUiun an.l its Development, Ac, Lon., 1S7!I ,Svo 
 Oper, fheo. Christmas, Ne.n Christmas, and 
 thristmas alter that, Edin.. I8ili, 12mo 
 Oppenheim, E. IMiillips-. Expiation: a Novel 
 ot L,ij,'land and Canada, Lon., 1887 12iiio 
 Oppenheim, J. Personal Immortality, and other 
 lapers, A. iork, 18,7, l2iiio. 
 Oppenshaw, T. W. Formulas and E,,uations in 
 Algebra. Ac. Lon., 1884, 12ino. 
 Opper, Freacrick and Emma. Patchwork in 
 Pictures and Print, .V. York, L'^SS, 4to 
 . "J'P^"' Eroest, a native of Xorth Germany. I 
 .V iorbidden Land: Voyages to the Corea ; with an' 
 .Account ot lU Geography, History, Productions, Com- 
 mercial Capabilities, Ac. Illust. and Charts. X York 
 and Lon., ISsa, Svo. 
 "Tho Kuthur . . . is the same wiioni Mr. .«eward accuses 
 of ha ng ei.gngo.1 i„ a bo.Iy-snatchiiig voy^-e o cvirea 
 n.a^i ,ioct;.rh'K-'i.'""' "■'"'"'" '''*"'"' f-^'ls "« that thJ 
 kiiiLdon? „n,\T"" 'i'^ ""■■ ■•««<">» "f this peninsular 
 Kiiimioiii, , . . and to make commercial intrrcnnrsi. ti, , 
 smt «*/«on of the return of the stole ,cV"oi '.'.^ 
 », i'*i/'"^l<"-''' "'' fieirlooms. . .' . Mr i, pert ha' re' 
 ««^^e.l his adventures and ol«ervatio is i a stvle tliat 
 "^Hki,!. ..,'','' ■ ''y'¥ "' """" P'Tt*. '--v. //"«. .X.XX -.Tt 
 lire ,lerK .?! fri*'"-' "' ""^' H*'"!''^' "'"• ""»""•>• is ill a m^s.' 
 rt dernod from personal experience gained duriiiL* hk 
 n me m'P' "','*'« '•■"'""T' ^"''■i"« whie? 1, ugh lot ad' 
 ra iteil to any large town, he took several 1 .hl' walks n tl . 
 interior, and visited many villiiws ■ ii X is an Is the oni? 
 eVedbrhim)'«i;ivl!ii^. ^P'"'' ^«''""'> ""^ 'i^"^"^' 
 Ci?.^,^^"*' Francis, M.D., formerly phvsieian i (he 
 ty Dispensary, London. 1. Hospitals, Inflrmaries, an I 
 lb pensanes : their Construction, interior Arrangene. 
 "ml Management. Illust. Lon., 1867, r. 8vo; 2d ed 
 I 188,1. 2. .Melanosis of the Lungs, and other Lung Dis- 
 [ eases. Lon., 1867. .r Visceral and Hereditary Syphilis : 
 rj'.'j "of*"-*"™ '" Measures of Public llvgiene, Lon., 
 |Stt8, p. 8V0. . n » , 
 Oppert, (iiiNlnv, Ph.D., of Sanskrit 
 Presidency College, Madras. 1. (',„ the Classitleat",,, of 
 Languages: a Contribution to Comparative Philoloirv 
 Lon., 18711. Svo. 2. On the Weapons, Army Orirani/a 
 tion. and Political Maxims of the 'Ancient llinduf w?!.; 
 iLT'v "'"'"■,<"'™'""'"M'"«"lerand Kire-Arms. Madras. 
 8SI(, Svo. ... LiMs .,( ,<anskril Manusc-ipta in Private 
 Libraries ot Southern India; vol. i., Lon 1880 Sy,, 
 Oppler, Aclolph. Three Lectures 'on Edueation 
 I-on., |N7n, Kinio; ;id ed., 187:). i.umati ,n, 
 OranKe, John. I. Timothy ; Letters to the Voung 
 on he l^o-tnne "I Grace, Lon., 1856. l2mo. 2. Anglo- 
 Hebrew liible hxpositor, Lon., I8jil. Svo 
 Orcntt, F. li. The Light of the Ago; or, Mira. 
 cles txplained, Chic. Is6(i, 12mo 
 Orcult, Hiram. I. Seho.d-Keeping: how to do 
 ''""*,'■' "'•'^■'' '2'""- 2. Among (ho Theologies. Bost., 
 5,"V^""' fjam'iel. A History of the Old Town of 
 Stratfon and ihe City of Bridgeport, Connectiout, New 
 Haven, ISNli. 2 parts, 8vo. 
 • "'''J'A* .*-'• , J'*"-' Teaching of Soriiduro on the Sub- 
 ject of Spiriliial Lite and the Sealing of the Holy ( 
 Ac, Lon., 1885, 8vo. 
 inJ?/!}' ''""'Be ^- I-'fe of Alexander Wilson. Pliila., 
 a,".''''' ^,I'''""' A Summer Day-Drcam, and other 
 .Stones: I iree .studies fnnii Life, Lon., 1S85, l2mo. 
 ; Orel, Milliani .>Iillcr, .M.D.. F.K.c P FLs 
 pbysienin t.i, and lecturer on medicine at, St. Thcmias's 
 Hospital London. 1. Notes on Comparative Anatomy, 
 Lon., ls,l, p. svo. 2. On the Intluencc of Colloids upon 
 Cryst.illine Form and Cohesion. Illust. Lon., IS7U 8vo 
 Ordronaux, John, M.D. I. Hints on the Pres- 
 ervation ot Health in Annies, lor the Use of Volunteer 
 Olhcers and .Soldiers, N. York, 1861, iNmo; 2.1 ed., enl 
 • "i ^•. •^'''."""' "'■ instructions for Military Surgeons 
 in Examination of Recruits and Discharge of Soldiers. 
 c^.i u"v\ f;!'"i::- . •'• "" " ^y*"^" ''"• "'« E'^^^nomi- 
 cal Keliel of Disabled Soldiers, N. York, I8i;4 8vo 4 
 Ihe Jurisprudence of Medicine in its Koiations to' tho 
 Law of C.mtracts, Torts, and Evidence, Phila., IS6tf, 
 , ■"• "■ ,^,';,''.C"'1« «f Health ,.f the School of Salernum 
 Lon. and Phih,., 1870, 12mo and Svo. 6. Tho Propel 
 Legal Status ot the Insane and Keeble-Minded. Svo 7 
 tomnientaries on Lunacy Laws in New York, and orl 
 Judicial .Aspects of Insanity at Common Law and in 
 Equity, Alimny, N. York, Is78. Svo. 
 O'Reilly, Rev. Arthur J., a Uoman Catholic 
 clergyman of St. Louis, Mo. Alvira ; or. The Heroine of 
 \ esuvius ; a Romantic .Sensaticm of the Seventeenth Cen- 
 tury, foundeil on Facts recorded in the Acts of Canoniza- 
 tion ol St. Francis of .lerome, N. York, IN77, 12mo 
 O'Reilly, Rev. Hernard, D.D., b. 1,82.!, at Don- 
 ega, Ireland; removeil to Canada at an early aue- 
 studied at the Seminary of Quebec, and was ordained 
 priest ; iviis appointed professor of rhetoric at St. .lohn's 
 to lege Fordham, in 1851, and afterwards attached 
 ) to tiie Church of St, Francis Xavier, New York. He has 
 , since pa.-sed much time in Europe, and is one of the 
 titular officials of the papal househobl. 1. Life of Pius 
 , IX. down to the Episcopal Jubilee of 1877, X York 
 ,hl' 'i""- "■ '^^e Men as we need them, N. York! 
 Ll VruT"' ",""; "''•' '^""•' '**■■*•'• •*■ "«"•"'■ "'"'"t'l of 
 I the liible and the Church, X. York, isrs t Leo XIII 
 : and his Probable i'olicy, X. York. |n7n I6mo. Pamoh! 
 •>. The Two lindes : a Tale. liy Laval. X. York, ]-:') 
 12ino. (This book is also a.seribcd to lU. Itev. Ber- 
 nard ( ieilly. R.C. Bishop of Liverpool.) 6. St. Angela 
 Merici „nd the rrsulincs, Lon., IS80, cr. 8vo. 7. The 
 Mirror of True Womanhooil: a Book of Instruction. 
 I.on INS2, l2mo; 2d ed., Dublin, Iss.j. 8. Xovissima 
 or, Where do our Departed go? Bait., 1886, l2mo. 9. 
 Life of Leo .XIII. ; from an Authentic Memoir furnished 
 by bis Order : written with tho Encouragement, Approba- 
 tion. and Blessing of his Holiness tho I'ope, N. York and 
 ,o'i 'v'oSJr ^"""' ,';"' "'e ''haracter of Leo XIII. that it does 
 ,•■[// V t'le redundant panegyric of liis biogra- 
 .J*''*f,'"y» Eleanor Grace, (Mrs. Robert 
 » Keilly.) I. Grandmamma's Xest : a Child's Storv- 
 'iook, Lon., 1868, 12mo: new ed., 1869. 2. Deborah's 
 .1 **•»... 
 pV j Jj 
h It 
 Drawer, I.on., 1^7(1, Iflmoi ni'W eil., 1875. 3. Children 
 of tho Churcli, \,«n., Im7I, ISmo; «tl) eil„ 187B. 4. 
 Dull World I or, I'Ihv nml Karjii'st, Lon., IN7I, llliiio. ,1. 
 I.lltli' (IriR mid the IMiiker'n I.i'tterri, l.on., IH7L', I81110. 
 fi. Idttio i're»ori|>lion, nnd other Tiilii", l.on., 1S72, iNuiu. 
 7. (liii'iV Min.prit.v, I..JI1., l'-7:i, Itlou- ti-,v i-l., IHT,'). S. 
 i*^lorU'a llicy (l'II iiic ; or, ."^iie iiii.l I, L..11., IS7.), IL'mo. 
 (I. Oluoly'3 t'hoii'i', l.on., 1s74. Il'rno. III. (lirle of tlie 
 Pqimro, find other Tuluf l.on., I.H7M, IL'nm; nt'W nl., 
 I.SSI. II. The Story d' the Ten Thoiisiind Homes, I.oii., 
 187.-*, U'liio; new ed»., ISSI, 18^1. 12. I'hocbo'K For- 
 tiinex, 1,011,, IS7'.l, :\ \uU. it. Xvu; new eds., I.Ssl,'i. 
 ]',\, I'^ii.'fo.x I'^torie.s Lon., ISNO, .1 vul.^. |i, 8vo ; new ed., 
 l."*.'^!. II. Killy Heiiiio of Heed Farm : 11 .Story. IlliL^t. 
 1.011., IS.Hii, l2ui"o| now el., l.^Sl. 15. David Ilroonio, 
 Artiht, liOn., ISSI, a vo^. p. Svo; new ed., Issfl. 16. 
 New' ill the Siiliiirb^ ; new ed., Lon , ISSI, p. Svo. 
 17. DinKlelieid. Ilhi.^t. l,on., l,Ss2, p. >\o. IS. Met;'s 
 Mistake, Mild oilier .-ii.'.-ex ,'*torie.<, I.on., 188-1, p. Svo. 
 111. Our Hero. lliu.^t. I.on., ISS4, p. Svo. 20. The 
 Hod House in tlic Suburlin: a ,*<tory, I.on., Is.s|, er. .Svo. 
 21. Kirke's Mill, ami other Stories, Illust. l.on., 1885, 
 p. 8vo. 
 O'Hcilly, Henry, [<iiite, vol. II., add.,] 18im-ls,sti, 
 b. at t'arriekiiiaeross, Irelund ; reniovoil to the United 
 Stulos in ISIIl; e»taldi?lied the Adverti.ser, Uoidiester, 
 N.Y., 182C. Anierioan Political Antimmonry, N. York, 
 IS 79. 
 O'Reilly, John, M.D. 1. The Anatomy and 
 I'hy9ioloj,'y of till' I'liifenlu, .\. York, l^'ill. Svo: 2d ed., 
 1801. 2. The .Modua rropajrandi of the lliiiiHiii Species 
 I'hy.siologieally lO.xplained, N. York, IsOl, Svo. H. The 
 Nervous and Vascular Connection between the Mother 
 and the Kietus in lleio, X. York, 1881, Svo, 
 OMteilly, John lioyle, Isll-lSlio, b. at Dowth 
 Caulle, Ireland ; joined the Fenian organization ; enlisted 
 in the army for the purpose of spreading disaffection 
 among the Iri.sli soldiorn; was tried for high treason in 
 ISIlfi, and sen'.enced to death ; but, the sentence having 
 been commuted, he was sent to Au.stralia, whence he es- 
 caped lo America in Isfl'J. Ho becamo connected with 
 the Boston Pilot in 1 S70, and was subsequenHy tlio editor 
 and principal owner of that paper. 1. Songs from the j 
 " ■ ■ ■ "v"Mis. Host., 1874, 16mo. 2. 
 'lost.. 1878, 12mo. 3. 
 1- !^ :i.'r-AVorld, Boat., ls79, 
 1 The ."^tatuo.^ in the 
 i. f¥ii, 16m. 1. i 
 ml ill .s last eiiUectioii of Mr. 
 !{v iniiid is that he has coii- 
 (■ ^3 is seldimi able to turn 
 nothing of lute yours so 
 iSouthern Seas, and other 1' 
 Songs, l.egend.s, and Bii'' . 
 Moondyne: a Slory from fi- 
 12ino; new ed., ISS.'J, jritii 
 Block, and other I'oeiii' I < 
 " The ueiieral ini) .v-w ..i^ :i 
 O'Kullly's verse leas,-, .1(1-1:1 
 siderable iioeiical talem w'ti' 
 tu iidvantagc. . . . He lin; 
 good as 
 tagc. . 
 Tlie K 
 ing of the Vu,- and ' The Dukite Snake,' 
 which , . . are still the best Australian poems in the lan- 
 guage."— tV//ic, 1. U2. 
 5. In liuhcniia. Host., 1S86, 12mo. R. The Ethics of 
 Bo.\iiig and Manly Sports. Illust. Host., 1S8S, 12mo. 
 7. Stories and Sketches, Host., 1 888. lOmo. 
 O'Hcilly, Kev. .Ilyles Williiim Patrick. 
 Memorials of tho.«e who sutt'ereil for the Catholic Faith 
 in Ireland in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, 
 Lon., 1868, Svo; new ed., entitled " Lives of the Irish 
 Martyrs and Confessors : with Additions, including a 
 History of the Penal Laws, by Uichard lirennan," N. 
 York, 1S7S, Svo. 
 ♦' O'Uell, .Max," (I'seud.) Seo BtorET, Paul, 
 Orlayt, J. Gumbo Ilarley's Ghost; a Novel, Lon., 
 1870, p. Svo. 
 Orlebar, Mrs. Eleanor C. 1. Harry and Wal- 
 ter; or, Tlie Church ,Spirc, and other Talcs, Lon., 1856, 
 18mo. 2. Frank Bennet: or. The Stocking-Loom in 
 1811, Lon., 1809, 12mo; 2d ed., 1871. 3. .Saneta Chris- 
 tina, l.on., 187S, sni. Svo. 4. Food for the Peo|ilc ; or. 
 Lentils, Vegetable Cookery, Ac, Lon., 1879, I2mo. 
 Orlebar, ,1Ir§. Frederica St. John, daughter 
 of Sir W. E. Koiiso-lJroughton ; married, 1S6I, to Rich- 
 ard Orlebar, of llinwick. Her Serene Limpness the 
 Woon-Faccd I'rincoss, Lon., 1888, r. Svo. 
 Ormathwaite, Lord. See 
 " Orme, Benjamin," (Pseud.) See Japp, Alex- 
 ANHEP II., Kiijirii. 
 Orme, J, 1, The Adventures of Gulliver Redivlvus, 
 Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 2. Stories of Holiday Time, Lon., 
 188.S, er. Svo. 
 "Orme, Mary," (Pseud.) See NicHoi,.s .Mns. 
 Maiiv Saiigeast (Jove, Knprii. 
 Orme, Temple Augustus, teacher at University . 
 I College School, London. 1. An Introduction to Iho Soi 
 I ence of Heiit, Lon., 1869, 12iiio; :)d ed., Is74. 2. 
 Itudiments of Chemistry, I, on., 18S6, p. Svo, 
 Ormerod, Itev. Arthur Stanley, .M.A.. gradu- 
 j aled at E.xeter College, O.xbod, Isl:); ..nlniiicd 1811; 
 I vicnr of llalvergate |s.^:i. 1. "Heboid, I ftand !it the 
 j Door," lie: Sermons, l.on., |s7i), Svo. 2. Cunvi icings 
 of the Coml'orter, Lon., Issl, 12nio 
 ' Ormerod, Kdward Ijathini, .M.D., [«iif<-, vol. 
 ii., add.,] I819-IS7:I. British ' .,cial '.Vaspa; an Intro- 
 duction to their Anatomy and 1 hyslology, Arohitaeture, 
 anil (Jencral Naliiriil History, I.on., IS08, p. Svo. 
 Ormerod, Miss Klciiiior A., daughter of Oeorgo 
 (triiierod, (y. r. ,1111*1, vol. li.;) was iip|ioliit'id consulting 
 entomologist of the lioyal .Agricultural Society of Eng- 
 land In ISS2, and shortly al'lerwards b.came special lec- 
 turer on economic entomology at the Hoyiil .\griciilliiral 
 College, Cirencester. I. Notes of Observations on lii- 
 iurious Insects. Lon., Is79, l2mo. 2. A .Manual of 
 Injurious Insects: with .Methods of Prevention and 
 Heinedy, Lon., 1881, p. nvo. .'I. Lecture on Injurious 
 Insects, Lon., 1882, I2mo. 4. Heport of observations 
 of Injurious Insects during the Year Issl, Lon., Iss2, 
 Svo. Also, similar lieporis for l8s:;-l''S7. 5, (iuide to 
 Methods of Insect Lite, lic. : Lectures, Lon., Issl, p. 
 Svo. 6. Some Observations on the lEstridio, or " Itot- 
 Flies," especially the 0.x Warble-Fly, l.on., 1SS4, 12iiio. 
 7. Prevention and Ucrncdy of Insect Havago, Lon.. 
 ISS4, Svo. s. Second Heport on llic Warble-Fly, or O.x 
 Bot-Fly, 1SS5, Lon., 1880, r.Sv H. The Hessian Fly 
 (Cccidomyia Destructor) in (ire.a Britain, Lon., Is^O- 
 ss, l2mo. 
 Ormiston, llev. James, M.K.A.8., educated nt 
 King's College, London; ordained ISOH; vicar of old 
 Hill, near Dudley, lS7.'i-S0. 1. The Testimony of (iod, 
 I.on., 1875. 2. The Salan of Scripture; 2d ed., rev,, 
 Lon,, 1877, p. Svo. 3. " Hymns Ancient and .Modern." 
 and their Konianizing Teaching; Moth thousand. 4. 'i'lic 
 Shepherd i\( Jerusalem : being an Inciilent in a Recent 
 Visit to the Holy Lar: I : 2d eil., Lon., ISSII. a. The 
 Nazareth id' .lesus : its I'ast and Present, Lon., 1882. 
 Onnsby, A. .S. 1. Heart-Whispers in I'oems and 
 Prose, Lon., |s71. 12nio; new cd., ISSS. 2. In the 
 Arms of Christ : Thought.^ on Our Lord's Attributes, 
 Lon,, 1872, 12mo. 3. Alone with (iod ; or. Life- Lessons 
 learned in Solitude, I.on., 1875, 12mo. 
 Ormsby, John. 1. Autumn Rambles in Noilli 
 Africa, Lon., ISOJ, p. Svo. 2. Stray Papers, Lon., 1S70, 
 er. Svo. 
 " Mr, Ormsby seems to be a genuine humourist, the gro- 
 le.siineness of liis observations appearing to lie iiroiii|iteil 
 by an inbred love of fiin, not by an aciiiilred del'liies.s in 
 the art of siieaking facetiously."— ylW„ No. 'l^'A. 
 3. (Trans.) The Poem of the Cid : with Introduction 
 and Notes, Lon., 1879, or. Svo. 4. (Trans.) The In- 
 genious Gentleman Don Qui.xote of La .Manclia, by Cer- 
 vantes ; with Introduction and Notes, Lon., 1884,4 vols. 
 Ormsby. Iianibert Hepenstal. 1. Nature and 
 Treatment of Deformity of the Human Body, Dublin 
 and l.on., 1875, p. Svo. 2. Medical History of the 
 Meath Hospital and County Dublin Infirmary, from its 
 Foundation in 1753 down to the Present Time, Dublin, 
 18S8, Svo. 
 Ormsby, Robert McK. 1, A History of the 
 Whig Party, Host., 1860, 12mo. 2. Darwin; or, (Iod in 
 Nature; 2d cd., N. York, 1878, sq. lOmo. 
 Orne, Caroline F. Morning Songs of American 
 Freedom, Best., 1870, lOmo. 
 Ornsby, llev. George, M.A„ F.S.A., [unir, vol. 
 ii., add.,] d. 1880, ad. 77; vicar of Fishlake, near Don- 
 caster, Eng., from 1860 till liis death ; canon and preb- 
 endary of York from 1879. 1. (Ed.) Remains of Denis 
 Granville, D.D., Dean of Durham, (Surtecs Soc. Pub.,i 
 Neii^astle, iSOl-65, 2 vols. Svo. 2. (Ed.) The Corre- 
 spondence of John Cosin, D.D., Lord Bishop of Dur- 
 ham, (SurteesSoc.) 1869-72, 2 vol?. Svo. 3. (Ed.) Se- 
 lections from the IIou,aehold Books of the Lord Wil- 
 liam Howard of Naworth Castle, (SurteesSoc.,) 1878, Svo. 
 4, York, ("Diocesan Histories,") Lon., 1882. 12mo. 
 Ornsby, Ilobert. 1. Life of St. Francis de Sales, 
 Lon., 1857, 12nio. 2. .Memoirs of James Robert Hope- 
 Scott, of Abbotsford, Lon., IS84, 2 vols. Svo; 2d ed. 
 same year. 
 " Mr. Onisby's sympathies are with the Roman Catholic 
 element of this luultiform character; and it is no little 
 praise to be able to note the honesty, fairnos.s, and in- 
 dustry which he shows in presenting so fully the other 
 Hides. The valii 
 copious eiilleetli 
 Mr. II ipe-scoti 1 
 Ktoiie.' —Sill, lii-i 
 Ballvsiiihire and 
 Fainiiic of 1S47 
 pseud.) I. M, 
 Coal : a Poem, 
 •Men of the Diij 
 l)ci|iiest of my ' 
 .Muriiiiirings in 
 O'ltm.rk's Bride 
 ami Man's Mis 
 Poem-, l.on., IS( 
 Lon., 1875, ISiiH 
 ISO2, iMllo. 
 trated : with Do; 
 sm. Ito. 
 Orpen, God 
 Trinity College, I 
 Temple 1 877. (' 
 Freih-h ,,| Eniile 
 Socialism in Eng 
 Orpeu, J. M 
 garding Land, L 
 Orr, A., (.Ml 
 Dr. Sejitimius l.i 
 l.eighton. A H 
 Browning, Lon., 
 IS88. (Contains 
 intended to o.xhii 
 " This Is cjiiite I 
 large amount of 
 or published in 1 
 book— and it is no 
 tlirraighiait of that 
 -search, and, bust In 
 ol hand, which are 
 iiia.ster whose art ri 
 J, T. .Vetti-ksiiip : 
 Orr, Mrs. A 
 Tale of the Refor 
 2, Kougemont: a 
 lury, Dublin, 1808, 
 Palestine, Edin., I! 
 a Tale of Savoy, ] 
 Family: an Histori 
 Flower of the Ticii 
 l2nio; new ed., IS 
 a Tale of I'aris, Lo 
 or, Hid with the 
 isS3. 9. Echoes f 
 Orr, Emily C 
 Original and Seloci 
 18SI. 2. The Villa 
 Issl, 12mo. 3. M 
 IS82, p. Svo. 4. Tl 
 Lord's Prayer, Lot 
 Men : an Attempt 
 (), The Golden Ye 
 Original, Lon., \- 
 Thoughts for Every 
 '^8.8, l2mo. S. Tin 
 Month : Original an 
 Orr, Hector. 
 "iih a View to Bus 
 Orr, James. 'J 
 pel from Internal Ei 
 Orr, John. Th 
 Orr, John. Ui 
 liust., 1863, l2mo. 
 Orred, Meta, 
 '■"ug Time Ago : a 
 (hold, and other Poei 
 Worth ; or, Tho Cost 
 Vols. cr. Svo. 5. Av 
 "'1110. 6. A Dream- 
 er. Svo 
 \ ! ■„ , ' """IV "•'.-' '-'""• 2' '■^■itroiuu*; Lr, 
 "11.. lSt),5. Svo. 
 L."!"""''^';,:,,''* •-'"'""""■■y '-if" of D. O'ConnolI, 
 l-"','"r"'"' •'*"'"• '"""I'" »f «he Soul, Dublin, 
 tr,"wm^;: '*'•.••'• .''■'"' «"»"' ExereUe Illu.- 
 Jm. l!«. "'•"'"'l'"vo UtKT-Pr<..B, N. V«rk, ISdS, 
 1.1.1,. « is, . (Ii-anB.) .Suoialisui „f Tu-Day: fi„m tl.B 
 I'm,. 1 .,1 l.;„i,i„ ,i„ u,„, ,,i,h 8ome Aooort of Land, Urn, Ac, oonsidored, C,i,,o Town, ISso, 
 I)r. ,st.,.l,uiiu8 l.oiKl.tnn, and ,m,v „r .vir J.'™!,.,; .L 
 .tin""' 1^ ^''.""' """'' '" "'« Works o- ,;„V''t 
 HsT"?,^' '""•• ••''■:^' .'-'"" i :i'i e'l.. rev. u„d cnl 
 .,.„„■ . *, , '"',"!,'^ cbi8.iti„„tion of the |mein.H in .-roupi 
 "".f ""'""' ""■■ """'""'""» Jelelopment'of tl'e 
 ''This Is rjuite the most vnlimble njnirlljiiti.Mi i,, ii,„ 
 "ot- ,, mJ , •'■"K"'"!' ■ • -Taken lus a wliuL, his 
 Orridgc, II. H. The fi||,.,,n, .,f |.„„,| 
 thi'ir iiiiK-iH Iroiii liiilO to IMI?. I,„n I^flH m„ 
 i..'.V'"u',','"'"^"' ""'. ''I'"'""". « liii,,,,, i,„„. 
 r ,!- ,"" "'""■'>•'"' ■''"'"« a ,„ ,|„. ,S.," I 
 "arm Isro, |,,,n., Is;) vj,, .i.iioi 
 ■■ladled at Ihe l,,iwr„,„.„ S.lenlill,. School :el,Tt, I ,r 
 .'-.-r ol natunil history in Antio.di C.U.go ' ;. I 
 l.r.;H .lent ,n 1S7'J,- ,,n.,ide„t ,.f „ s.a,. I ni or i v 
 .)-l;X.M, a„,| «,„oe then ha. ha.l ,.ha,K,. „f ,l.,!"„.te 
 . il Ohio, ish;;- (Ja^. |,s,S7 
 other l-..e,M;. l.on., ""^,„:: '"'"'=''"• ""'' 
 b at .sVneea 1-all., .N.V. , Kradna.ed at V Mial Col' 
 hel.l ,.a. ,.i„ie„ iMJNfitI; ln,huel„r in natural .,.ien,.e« 
 in the I'niver.lty ol l(,.,.he.-l.r 1 H',M | ,,„, W f 
 nntnral hi«.,.ry in V„..,„r Coll..j..e l>m,-7r ;',,,, 'ion 
 .tie e»,.e,l,tion. to .'^omh An.erint in is.i;. I,';.'),,",; 
 iszii. I, ' Aiidc.- and the .\nni/,.,n; ,.r, Acr..-. the 
 -outh Auiorieu, \. York, ls70. 8vo: nd 
 jT^.^srs:ss^'^ -•'---" -^ 
 J. T. Nktti.i;siiii": .imV7., x.xvrrjji) 
 Orr, .>Irs. Alexander S. i. !,„„,, ij„,„,, . 
 Tale of the Kelorniation in Suvoy, l.on. "l Mi.f . Svo 
 -'. K.mgeinon : a .^-^ketch from the Ki^-hieentl Ccn 
 tury, Dublin ISM, I2n,o. .3. Leah, a Tale of Ancient 
 ;ttle'".ff ^"'- 'p'r- "■"»• ■*• '''"' Mountain I'atrot" 
 a rale of ,Sa yoy, Kdin., ISfi9, 12nio. 5. The Roseville an Historical Tale, Edin., l8Bfl. IL-l. fl'The 
 t ower of the Ticino: a Tale of, h ,n 1871 
 IJmo; new ed., 187.'!. 7. The Twins of .siint-M'areel • 
 a lalo of I'aris, Lon., 1872. n Svo S I' i„„ c ,r"'"'^ ' 
 or Hid wUl. iu Nuns H: rsV7,V ^r/n' ni! 
 Orr, Emily C. 1. Thoughts for Working Davs • 
 ?s"T"1 'The V-'m"""''./-""-' '''»• «1' "«"- newJd ; 
 j ' Allli. ,, hi', hunk docs not Iniil ns i., .i In ,,.,. 
 of Kpeeial.M.,..nIillelnf..rni,ill,,i,;v «{,.,';■ "^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 -'. Indergronn.l 1 reasures : how and whore to find 
 N""v;,rk";8'T'' i'",V '■ ''''^-■':' '■:'l-"n,.n''o7w?„n''!'n 
 i>. lorK. I»,.i 4. Coni,iarative ZooloL'v, Struclnnil nn.I 
 .Sy«.euia,io. Hlust. X.'York. 1877, e',":' s!.;:;'''Z' ^i';) 
 OrviN, t hiirlfs F., an I Clu-yiu.y, A. NciUon 
 l'i*-hing,vith the my: .-^ketehe. l.v Lover, ol I . ArVt 
 "i!!, J":'ii^"o:"" "' """'"' ''''''' *•»-!!-'"'. u.; 
 Osboil,U. S. Hand-!!ook ..f the Inite.l «t„t.. 
 Navy : l.ri„ei|,al Kvent., in llie History of l"et Ve e 
 wi HieUn.ted States Navy Is., 1-,;,, .N'/vork, is.rl, u", 
 Usborn, A. tield-Notos of Ueology, N, York, 
 Osliorii, Kmily k. 
 1888, :( vol.s. cr. 8vo. 
 I>. 1 
 'eocavi : a Novel, J.on., 
 Ofiboni, Hev. Henry StaHord I T, I) r , , 
 -I; ii-.-I'l..] b, lSL.;,,i„ I'hila.lelp" 7nd a e,'l a I'e 
 mversity of I'enn.ylvania I.Vl. a, .f a, N^v Y, k 
 J "".".1'" iJ-'inil .'^enihiary IMH; held ■.■iglorlt,. in 
 Virginia and New Jer.ey lMfi-f,(l;\ r ,t r i M ■., ,i 
 Land 8^, I-,; '• o'- Th ' Kr i'' ,'^,"'^ ""'^ 
 INMesline.p'hii; 8r,i:;n'to wlerlrr^ f 
 Palestine, Phih,. 18«.i, l.^no 4 JM | , r^ v .'•' r' '" 
 iriib!i:;iT'hrT'-""^,'p;:;!i:*i^,^ ^- 
 j 5. Bib teal lables : .S,.n|,ture Slatislics, Phila., 187 , 4 o 
 caM^nrt ?«="!'"y'>Ji«'Kra,.liy of Pale'stine : vith Cri U 
 cal and H storical Notes, O.xford. 0.. 1877, ;i ,,art.s 12, ,' 
 niusrr, ^p■'" "' '''^''i^htof Modei^n i)iseo'veri s^: 
 niust; and Ma,,s. Cin., Is8;i, li.„,o. s. A Manual of 
 I 4 H^ 'I 
 Original, I,on., 1- ;', I2nur 7 Tho d iV i, ,. 
 «i 1 i^'vi'l","*!;: ^ ^'""'••'^ "'■ ^■""'J^n. New Jersey, 
 ».th a \ ,e„ to Business. By a Looker-On. Camden, 
 Orr, James. The Authenticity of St John's On. 
 "^;;:^{;^r''^;^-:i-',8i^'^- ""'■ 
 ;:;.»^ e. A Dreat^lliS^betrToZ'Vi iT; iri^-hKi^'i^S' 
 V-75 1 Osborn, Lieut.-Col. Robert Uurie, of ,he 
 I lsp8"'?''A'M,^''"«''i""?, {'""■•. ^'"l""" »'''l-] 1809- 
 9 ,;■ o r'T' "■■■ The I'aint.T's .Story, \. York, 1867. 
 -'luo. 2. f ilvary; Virginia: Trn-edies, N. York 1807 
 I2mo. ;i. Ilrainatic Works: Tragedies vol !i V 
 Jork, 1867 l2n,o. 4. The Silver Hea.l, N. Y Ik Tso^' 
 sr,9-- ^''« Soho..l of rritic: a C^ifedv, N.' Y rk' 
 S68' I"'"- ,"• m""'^" '^"'"•■""^ " Trageily.N. York 
 2.„o 8 T ^' ,^'r'"'""' ^ " ''"'""^y' N. York, 18^8 
 N To'rk 1808""^ t[ '^^7 "■"'.''""J- B.v Alcthi^heras 
 N. York, 1808. !» 1 he Magnet, zer ; The Pro.ligal : Com- 
 12. Meleagros: The New Cal- 
 I!. Mariaiiine: a Tragedy of 
 [frilM ilM 
 Mi im 
 1.25 1.4 
 ^ 6" 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 072-4503 

 Bengal Staff Corps, d. 1889! went to India Juft before 
 the Mutiny; »erved till after the Afghan ciun|mign of 
 ISTB, but retired as soon as the treaty of (iundumuk 
 hud been signed, " feeling himself unable to go through 
 the horrors of the second campaign, which he considered 
 to bu inevitable, in furtherance of a policy that, in his 
 unofficial capacity, ho strongly condemned." lie was a 
 priilicient at lawn tennis, and died while playing against 
 James E. Ueiishaw, the " champion of all England." 
 lie was a freciuent contributor to magaiinea and news- 
 paiiers, and published in India some transliitions of 
 Oriental poetry. 1. Islam under the Arabs, lion., 1876, 
 "it constitutes a whole In itself, and Is the first of a se- 
 ries of works which will trace the progress iil Islam Irom 
 Mekka to Delhi. ... If clear and vik'orous wriliiiK can 
 make an unpleasant theme endurable, that object has 
 here been aceomplished."— .Sir. Ji'ci'., xlii. Ki. _ 
 2. Islam under the Khalifs of Bagbdail, Lou., I&i7, 
 8vo; nowed., \»>*i). 
 "The second of a trilogy which will form a complete 
 history of the doctrines of the .Mohammedan creed. . . . 
 With all Its faults, we must admit that the book is an lin- 
 portant and valuable addition to the literature of the sub- 
 iecl."— .Si/. Key., xlvi. IM. , , , 
 •■ It is a brief abstract, derived almost entirely from lor- 
 elgn translations."— .WA., No. 'iCtiS. 
 .1, Friends of the Foreigner in the Ni?. tcenth Len- 
 tury, Lon., l.-i'St, 8vo. 4. l,awn Tennis : its Players, and 
 bow to Play; with Laws, Lon., 1-S81, sq. Ilimo; new ed., 
 Osborii, Samuel, F.R.C.8., assistant surgeon to 
 the Hospital for Wouien, London ; surgeon to the R.N. 
 Artillery Volunteers; late surgical registrar to St. 
 Thomas's Hospital. I. Hydrocele: its Several Varieties 
 and their Treatment. lUust. Lon., 1S7.'<, l-Jmo. 2. 
 Notes on Diseases of the Testis. Illust. Lon., IS.SO, 
 ]2mo. H. Ambulance Lectures: First Aiil to the In- 
 jured. Illust. Lon., 1S.S5, 12mci. 4. Ambulance Lec- 
 tures on Homo Nursing and Hygiene. Illust. Lon., 
 188,i, 12mo. 
 Osborn, Uear- Admiral Sheraril, C.B., F.K.S., 
 [',„l(; vol. ii., add.,] 1822-1875; served in the Royal 
 navy from 18H7 to 1S72, having taken part in the 
 Franklin search expedition of 1851), in the Crimean 
 war, where he commandcil the Black 8fca squadron, and 
 in the Cliinese war of 1857-58. I. A Cruise in .lapanese 
 Waters, l.on., ISjil, or. 8vo. 2. The Career, Last Voy- 
 age, and Fate of Sir John Franklin, Lon., 1860, I2mo. 
 3. The Past and Future of British Relations in China, 
 Lon., 18li(t, or. Svo. 4. Japanese Fragments : with Fac- 
 similes of Illustrations, Lon., 1860, sij. or. Svo. 
 Usburil, Yotty. 1. Pickles; a Funny Little 
 Couple. IMusl. Lon., 1878, sq. lilmo. 2. Judy; or, 
 Only a Little Girl, Lon., 1879, sq. I6mo. 11. Jack ; a 
 Chapter in a Boy's Life. Illust. Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 4. 
 The Lyon's Den and its Eight Young Ly(ins, Lon., 1881, 
 p. Svo. 5. Garriek; or, His Own Fault, Lon., 1882, p. 8vo. 
 6. Clifford's Trials; or. The Conquest of Patience. Illust. j 
 Lon., 188:1, 12mo. 7. Two Little Turks; or. Getting | 
 into Mischief, Lon., p. 8vo. 
 Osborne, Mrs. Lady Osborne ; Memorials of her 
 Life, Dublin, 1S70, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Osburiio, Amy. Ellen; or, Training by Trials, 
 Lon., l.'<57. 12nio. 
 Osborne, Mrs. C. I. A Few Pages from Real 
 Life; or, A Guidc-Book from Notes of Impressions re- 
 ceivcil from Well-Known Places, Lon., 1874, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 "Why Mrs. Osliorne calls her book ' A Few Pages from 
 Real Life' we eaiiiiot so mueli as guess, A parson in like 
 raunner will often call liis longest and dullest sermon a 
 few practical remarks."— .S(i(, Itcv., .\x.xviii 2U. 
 Osborne, Dnfiield. The Spell of Ashtaroth, 
 Lon., IS8H, p. Svo. 
 Osborne, Ktlitli. See Blake, Mrs. Edith, (Os- 
 Osborne, Uev. Edward WiHiam, educated at 
 Gloucester College; ordaineil IS89: curate of Kenn, 
 near Exeter, 1872-75; senior assistant minister of St. 
 John Evangelist, Boston, Mass., since 187ii. 1. The Chil- 
 dren's Saviour : Instructions to Children on the Life of 
 Our Lord. Illust. Lon. and N. York, 1882, 2lmo. 2. 
 The Saviour King : Instructions to Children on Old Tes- 
 tament Tvpos. Illust. Lou., l.SSS, KSmo. 
 Osborne, Frances. 1. Black Sam and his Master: 
 a Tale, Lon., 18,^.4, 12mo. 2. The Corner Cottage and 
 its Inmates. Illust. Lon., 1867, 12mo ; new ed., 1880. 
 Osborne, Lord Francis George Godolphin, 
 M.A.,b. IsiiO; sonof the second Duke of Leeds; educated 
 at Cambridge; was ordained in the Church of England, 
 and rector of Elm, Somersetshire, l,'^68-75, when ho 
 joined the Roman Catholic Church. Tried and Not 
 Found AVunting, Dublin, 18S0, 12mo. 
 Osborne, l.ndy Mary C, (Ileadley,) married 
 in 1869 to Lord William Godolphin Osborne, (d. 18^,^.) 
 1. (Trans.) Liso Fleuron ; from the French of Georges 
 Ohnet, Lon., I8S5, p. 8vo. 2. (Trans.) Lcs .Monach : 
 from the French of R. de Bonnieris, Lon,, IH.Hj, p. ."^vn, 
 3. (Trans.) The Great Marl-Pit; from the French of 
 Georges Ohnet, Lon., 18,h6, p. 8vo. 
 Osborne, Rev. William Alexander, MA , 
 graduated, senior optiino and senior classic, at Trinity 
 College, Cambridge, 18116; ordained 1S38; rector of Dod- 
 dington, Somersetshire, 1876-«S; prebendary of Wells 
 since 1887. A Critical Commentary, with Notes, on the 
 Revised Version of the New Testament, Lon., 1882, p. .^vo. 
 Osborne, William II. History of the Twenty- 
 Ninth Regiment of the Miissachusctts Volunteer Iiifiin- 
 try in the Late War of the Rebellion, Bost., 18; 7, Xvo. 
 Osblin, I. J. (Trans.) Inlidduetion to (iualilalive 
 Chemical Analysis, by F. Bcilstein, N. York, 1877, 
 Osburn, William. 1. Genesis and E.xodus illus- 
 trated from Existing Monuments, Lim., 1850, 12mo. 2. 
 The Religions of the World, Lon., 1857, 12mo. 
 Osgood, Hamilton, M.D., of Boston, Ma-.s. 
 Winter and its Dangers, (Amer. Health Primers, No. 6,) 
 Phila., 1880, 18mo; new ed., l'<sl. 
 Osgood, Mrs. M. A. Little Canary Series. Illust. 
 Best., 1872, 4 vols. 
 Osgood, Hev. Samuel, D.D., LL.D., [«m(., vol. 
 ii , add.,] 1812-18S0. He resigned the charge of the 
 Church of the .Messiah, (Unitarian,) New York, in l><li'.i, 
 and in 1870 took orders in the Protestant Eiii.scopal 
 Church. 1. Student Life: Letters and Recollections lor 
 a Young Friend, N. York, 1800, 12nio. 2. Our Patri.t 
 Scholar; Discourse in Memory of Edward Everett, -N. 
 York, 1865, 8vo. H. American Leaves: Familiar Noli- 
 of Thought and Life, N. York, I,x6fi, l2nio. 4. Th.' 
 Gospel among the Animals; or, Christ with the Cattle, 
 N. York, 1867, 8vo. a. New York in the Nineteeiiih 
 Century: a Discourse before the New York Historical 
 Society, N. York, 1867, 8vo. Also, other addresses, ,Vo. 
 O'Shanghnessy, Arthur William Edfiar, 
 1846-18.'<1, b. in London; entered the British Mu.-iom 
 as a transcriber in the department of printed book^ in 
 IMIU, a. d in ISBO was made a senior assistant in tlic 
 natural history department. In 187:i he married Elean' r. 
 eldest daughter of Dr. John Westland Miirslon, j.iij,n,. 
 1. Epic of Women, and other Poems, Lon., 1870, l^nm; 
 2d ed., 1871. 2. Lays of France,, 1871, ii. 8vo. ■■■ 
 Music and Moonlight; Poems and Songs, Lon,, 187 I, 
 " Although distinguished by the same commaiul of hui- 
 guage and rlivllimieal lUnv as marks his former i>oviii-, 
 there is less pa'ssion and exuberantly luxurious dcscriiiii'ii 
 in the work before us. . . . The great defect, apparci-i 
 throughout the work, is want of purpose. Ihc pocni- 
 give tlie reader on impression of having been wniii n 
 without adequate inciteiuent, either from external tliiiii:- 
 or internal in'"nlse,"— .4(/i,, No, :!421, 
 4. Songs of a Worker, Lon., 1>181, p. Svo. 
 " Here, as in his previous books, is to be remarked Uuii 
 subservieiiee to French inlluciices which liecaim^ iiuii'- 
 and more noticeable with each volume that he iiublislic! 
 . . . The translalions from contemporary French [kicIs iiic 
 very good,"— /W'i„ No, 2803. 
 With O'Shaigii.nkssv, Eleasou, loy-Land, Lioi,, 
 1875, Ifimo, 
 O'Shaughncssy, Thomas. Terence O'Donl; 
 or, Romanism of To-Day : an Irish Story founded "o 
 Facts. Illust. Phila., 1888, Kimo. 
 O'Shea, Henry. 1. Guide to Spain, Portugal, 
 ami the Balearic Islands; Hd ed., Edin,, 1S08, er. Sv: 
 7th ed., 1885. 2. The Galleries of the Louvre; a ton- 
 else Guide and Critical Catalogue, Lon., 1S74, 12mo. 
 O'Shea, John Augustus, b. 1840, and educun 1 
 at the Catholic I'niversity of Ireland; was special c.i!- 
 respondent of an American paper in the Austro-1'ru-- 
 sian war, and of the London Standard in the Fraii") 
 Prussian war, and subse'jiiently in Spain, ic. I. '-''I';'^ 
 I from the Life of a Speeii.; Corrcsponilcnt, Lon., 188:', : 
 vols, p, Svo. 
 I " 'Leaves' tell us comparatively little of the u'l- 
 thor's aehievenieiits as a special corresponileiit and a gi'-' i' 
 deal about Bohemian life in Paris."— S(i(. Kei:, lix, (>',•■■. 
 2. An Iron-Bound City; or, Five Months of 1 em 
 and Privation. Lon.. 1886, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 " We can listen with unjadcd interest to the oft-told talc 
 of the Fa'l of Paris when it is told anew by so genial .mo 
 BUMiiymlnilod a hlnlorlftn , . The nnthnr uhii, i, i 
 so^i^l^^?;^.^n::,:,'i^:;: °^ l:;:--' sketches „„ : 
 Osier, W. Rosuoc. Jacopo R(,busli, oulleJ Tin 
 tor.. „,,",ire„t Ar.i.s.H.", 11,,',,,,. r,„„.,',,srn ^l.'^' 
 art ■i:!:^:s,;^','i'/':ir'" ^^"'^' t"'-yn!iXKr;:;i\!ii!l 
 OsmumThoiiins Kmbly.b. 182B, in Summit Co 
 0.: cluen.c., «t Oberlin Cllog'o „n,I in (ie ,"1 ,..".1 
 don^me of' Alfrc.l Ayres." 1. The ; a l>ro. 
 mmncng Manual containing .-iiUU V„r 1^ o 'ton 
 M,.pn,nou.K.e,l, X. York, l.sSI., I6,„„,. |fi„, ,,,'■' ^i'^:," : 
 ■■■ "''•',*"'?''"• " *''"""i' ilcvoteil to lirid- Di^uud' 
 8H.ns„ the Kight and \V,.„„g ,j,e of Word X Vurk 
 4 Thi M "!*''"^^''""'' Annotated. N. York. 1883, leZ ' 
 4. Ihe iMontor, N. York ISSJ i 'ri,„ iJ • , „ 
 i:iocuti„n, N. York, Isss; ,Zo ^^'' '^■^'""""^ "^ 
 n *l?"r,"' ™«''»': "randmother-s Curiosity Cabinet 
 LoZml:i^"; *•• '^^ ^■■"""' I'-nion,and Reunion, 
 Oswald, Miss E. J. I. By Pei, „„,, Fjord- or 
 Scene, and in Icdand. Illust. Lon., 18!^°,, '.Svo' 
 in 'm|^!::nT."s7',?;8?o:'''^ "■''''■' "'■ '"« n~ 
 Osxvald, Felix Leopold, b. 1845, at Xamur 
 lielguun; graduated at Lie«e 1864, wa8 educUM s a 
 Phys.cian but devoted himself to m^ural hi! or' and 
 l>... travelled exten.iyely ; .e.ides in Tennessee. He has 
 con r bated to Au.erican periodical... 1. Suinme Laml 
 l T. X ■ ' ^' '-'""• •'■ J^^''« Secret of the Ea«t • 
 or. Ihe Or,g,„ of the Christian Keligior, and Si^nil ' 
 eance of^,ta Ki^ ,,„,, Decline, Bo.t.f ISS^.^^^no'fiew 
 !;olit^^oo^st:;d^'S^^:t^^:f ^ i::.;^ ^;tf' ";:i;:i,:° 
 KS. , ,sv„. 5. Household Kemedio., 1880. 6. ba ■ anii 
 N. gilts M, (1,0 Tropi,.,. Ill J . . i^ajsanil 
 ho Poison Problen!; or, The Cause and Cure of nien: 
 Oswnid, II. U. Vestigia Insuhe Manui» Anti 
 ;i;.^ Hreat- o^.^^.^L^^i^tic^rSn'i^.r'^s;;:! 
 I hanges expected to occur in 188L-, chic 18X1 73 
 OMvald, John, [„„„, vol. ii. n'u.j' Ui i„n ^f 
 yswaiU, S. W. Manly and Brave: or, ilolidavs 
 ■'t tphton Park, Lon., 1884, ISmo. ' ""''""■y* 
 M^uy^, ' T?V- '• '■''■'"'" *'i'""»"= " Tale of 
 j Mancl ester L,le. ,on.. Is.i«, p. 8vo. L'. Liverpool Ho! 
 , a Mfttter-ol-I.act Story, Lon., |,s57, p, Svo 
 l\ vVrt' I*8nl*'!!' "• *'"'■'•"* '""' C'-n'Tuotive Art, 
 ; Otis, Chiirlps Pomeroy. (Trans.) Voyages of 
 Samuel deChamplain. with Historical Illustrationrand 
 L^!:S:.^ir-^':""- '"-'•■'■"'*I"I- Vol' 
 Otis, Col. KIwell .Stephen, U.S.A., b. ls;!8 at 
 he volunteer army during the civil war, nnd was after- 
 wards coinnn.s..,oned in the regular ar„,v and served 
 "eri"'; \tr ""'-'*'• '''" '"'"-■ «"-'-"■ ^'! 
 I, VsV.*'' Vr!',*'''"'*!' ''*'""' ^■^■' ["""'. vol. ii., add.,] 
 1 M .1 n ""■'•'""• -^'^ • = S™l"«te,; at he Ne; York 
 'Mcl.eal College 18,^2; clinical profee,sor of genito urU 
 nary d.seases at the College of Pi'.ysicians and^Surgo n , 
 V.W \ork, since 1871. 1. Tropical Journeyings, 18,06 
 Ma i'. a, .%"""""" ""il^'""". "»'l of the Paciflo 
 Jul Steamship Company, N. York, 1862, 12mo. ;i. 
 Mrjcture of the Male I'rethra : U.s Hadlcal Cure, X. York 
 8,8, .Svo; new ed., 188U. 4. Clinical Lectures on the 
 Physiological Pathology and Treatment of Svphil^. \ 
 lork, I.SM,.svo. 5. Practical Clinical Less.ins, n Svi.hi' 
 Otis, Cieorge Alexander, M.D., 18.'!0-188I, b in 
 Koston, Mass.; graduated at the medical department of 
 fr;^,; ISfifi ? ""e« of the surgeon-general. Washington 
 torn «?«;.., '' 'r '?' '^,".'^'"'^ Specimens in the Ana^ 
 ton„eal Section of the Tnited States Army Medical 
 Museum, Wash., 188(1, 8vo. Also. Keports, Ac \ I 
 , Woo„«.uu. JosKMH Janvikr. Reports o'n the E.x(ent „ 
 : ^^ are o the .Materials available for the Preparati i "f 
 1880. 4 to. And see WooDWAiiii, J. ,1 , ,•,/•,„ ' 
 vnw'r* ^^""Ff EUmnnd, graduated at the Ilar- 
 G^llTBo'st":',';'^':- '^'""""'""" -"her Poems. By 
 Otis, Jar.ies. See K.u.Kn, Jamks Otis, ,„,„■„. 
 r,„7„i • '. n ^""' l^.vnaniiea: concerning Force, 
 Inipiilsion, and Energy, Lon,, 1884, 8vo. 
 Phna.*,'lS(l7,'^2mo''' "'*'"""'''''''""''*'''''"''''""-' ^""'J''-'''' 
 Ott, Isakc, M.D., b. 1847, in Northampton Co., Pa • 
 graduated at the mclical department of the UniJers ; 
 «1 Pennsylvania ISBil. i. ,.„e,|„, Veratria, and Ucl^ 
 rcsnltned w!rh'';,i,'n T;*"" '■"■ni"''^"' Willi care, and fancy 
 ; ^.t;i;i ^:!,;i:\?!.;i'ir;.^;^;^-s;!v,vii}!?^'-'""' 
 -based upon the Ollendorlian System ; with Key. L. 1 1" 
 I 187fl. 2 vols. I Svo. 4. Uenmark and Iceland, (•■ For- 
 I eign Countries and liritish Colonics,") Lon., 1881 !•>,„„ 
 ' I'on *{«?'"'"' """'"»'"• "f the Swedish Language,' 
 ! n"";','^^^' •'• -";■ «■ A i^iniplified (irammar of the 
 Danish Language, l..,n.. 1884, p.'8vo. With lioiiv. Il.o 
 (trans Views of Xafirc, by A. von Humboldt. (liohii'i 
 bcienihc Library,) Lon., cr. 8vo, With P.vr, Ii 
 i'-h sic'Vn'' ^^•■^' """•■"■' ^"-"'-' '"■ Sketch 01 a 
 h,dd Tl P'!'"<5''.""". .'"^ ,"'-' I'niversc, by A. von Hum- 
 boldt (nohii's Scicntitic Library,) o vols. cr. Svo. 
 ■ „.■■>, '*• "''"'«i's Abron.I: Information re- 
 .-pecting Ph.ces visited, ic, Lon., l8.->2, p. 8vo 
 di„n 1*7' y • fe • '^'"-" **'''''" •■ " •■*'"""''' '«'• tl'o Cana- 
 dian Inlantry, Toronto, 188(1, Ifimo 
 St"l'oh,!'-s '('"m' ^''■■,"''=,'' .^''*"J'' "•■^■' gra-lu^ted at 
 »t, Johns College, ('ambridge, 1847; ordained 1848: 
 diocesan inspector of schoids, London. 1871-86 1 
 1 rophecies and Types of Messiah; Lectures to Pupil" 
 reacliers Lon Isry, l2mo. 2. Church Teachings for 
 .Sunday-.School.<, Lon,, 1881, 8vo. 
 hvV'!,!,',f'' 'i ^.' *V '■'''•""■■'•' A state Crime and Secret, 
 by Coiute de (..irdcn, Lon,, 1877, 8vo. 
 ¥"> ' 
 I .' 
 Ottley, Rev. Edward UickerNteth, M.A., 
 graduated at Kcble ('iiI1c),'l', Oxford, ISTd; (inlnincd 
 1S7I); iniiiiKter 111' yiifbuu Chaiu'l, I.nndon, siiici> ' <S:!, 
 Hulional Asprets of sumo Hevuulcd Truths, liun., iHX', 
 cr. Xyo. 
 tittlcy, Henry, ['lutr. vol. ii., add.] I. A liin- 
 gniidiicrtl and ('ritiiiil Dictionary of lU'Cont and liiving 
 I'liinturs and Ku(;ravi'rs l.oii., 181!lt, 4to. 2. Krrors and 
 Mi.^eliicfs of Modern Diiiluinacy, \,<m., 1S72, (i. .^vo. 
 Otiley, llev. Henry Hickerntetli, M.A., gradu- 
 ated at St. Jolin'fi College, Oxford, 1S71 ; ordainod IS74 ; 
 viear of Ilklev lS7'.l-^:l and of Horsham I.HS4-.S7. and 
 since then reetor of West llaekney. 1. The Oreat 
 ]>ileMiina: I'hrist his IHvn \Vitnes.s or his Own Aecuser : 
 Six Lectures, Lon., IS.Sl, |i. Svo; 2d ed., I8S 
 Ucruian of J. von Verdy du Vernois ; 2d od., Lon., 1872, 
 S\o. 4. .'^tein and 111.1 Reforms in Prussia, l,on., 1873 j 
 2d ed., 1871, 1). Svo. 
 Oiivry, Itev. Peter Thomas, .M.A., h. isil; 
 graduated, senior optimt, at Triiiily College, Camhridgo, 
 18;i4; ordained 18;tli; vicar of Wing 18ou-»i. Practi- 
 cal .^iTtnons, Lon., 18S2, cr. Svo. 
 Overall, William Henry, I'.S.A., b. 182!i, in 
 I.onilon : entered the ollieo id' the town clerk at tiiiild- 
 hall in 1SI7 : wa.s aiipointed sub-librariiin to the Corpnrii- 
 tion of Ijondon in |s.)7, and librarian in ISfi.i. 1. Dic- 
 tionary of Chronology ; or, Historical and ."Statistical 
 Register. Lon., 1 870. "2. A Critical and Historical Ac- 
 count of the liarliest Known Survey of the ( ity of Lon- 
 don, Lon., l'*74. :i. A History of the Clockiiiakers' 
 "\\V rather think ihutMr. nUl'ev'K mode of pultiiit' Hie J Company of the City of London, Lon., I8SI. (He has 
 eai subject iif cbrisl s iliviiiily. lliuinih lull iif .subMiince , also prepared several elaborate catalogues, including one 
 pre „- - . . 
 and reiil drilt, is iint, un the whole, the most eiuivinciiig 
 to the kind of uiiiuls for wliieh lie intends It."— .8;jfC((i/or, 
 liv. 1III8. 
 2. .Modern Egypt: its Witness to Christ: Lectures. 
 Lon., 1884, 121110. 3. The .Seven Voices of the Cross: a 
 Series of Addresses, Lon.. 1887, 12mo. 
 Otto, U'illiani Tod, LL.l)., b. 1817, at Philadcl- 
 phia ; graduated at the I'niversity of Pennsylvania Isiili ; 
 admitted to the bar in Indiana; has held several legal 
 and political appointment.s. United Slates Supreme 
 Court Keiiorts, lN7;'i-82, Host., 187fi-8:i, 17 vols. Svo. 
 OttH, Itev. John Martin Philip, U.D., b. 1838, 
 at I'nion, S.C. ; graduated at David.son College, N.C., 
 ]s,"|i.i, and at Theological Seminary, Columbia, S.C, 
 18(i2; pastor of Chamljers Memorial Church, Philadel- 
 phia, 1878-8,'), and since then of a church at Talladega, 
 Ala. I. Nieodcmus with Jesus. Phila., IS67. 'i. Light 
 and Life for a iJead World, 181)8. 3, The Southern Pen 
 and Pulpit, Columbia, Tenn., 18(lil-7li. 4. Inter-Do- 
 nominational Literaluro, .X.York, 1872. o. The Uosiiel 
 of Honesty, Wilmington, 1877. 6. Laconisms: the Wis- 
 dom of .Many in the Words of One, Phila., 1888, Kimo. 
 On$;h, H. Mints on Drainage, for Owners, Ooeu- 
 piers, and Hiiildcrs, Lon., 18711, Svo, 
 Ould, Fielding. Family Devotions, Lon., 18fi5, 
 p. Svo. 
 Oulton, Richard. Review of the Ulster Revivals 
 in IS.VJ, Lon., ls(!0, Svo. 
 Ouseley, Rev. Sir Frederick Arthur Gore, 
 Bart., Doc. .Mas., 182o-18S'J, son of Sir (lore Ouscley, 
 ('/. c, iiiitr, vol. ii. ;) b. in London, and educated at Christ 
 Church, Oxford; ordained I84!»j was iippointed profes- 
 sor of music at Oxford in 18,)5, and became vicar of 
 St. Michael and All Angels, a church erected by himself 
 on his estate near Tenbury, in 1856. He was known 
 ehiclly as a composer of church music. 1. A Treatise 
 on Harmony, Oxf., 181)8, 4to; 2d ed., 187o. 2. A Treat- 
 ise on Counterpoiiit, Canon, and Fugue : based upon that 
 of Cherubini, Oxf., 18til». 4io; 2d ed., '880. 3. A Treat- i 
 ise on Musical Form and (icneral Composition, Oxf., i 
 ls75, 4to. I 
 •■ Though not altogether perfect, we can . . . heartily 
 recoiiinieiul Sir Frederick Oiiselcy's work as the best text- 
 book ill our language on the subject of which it treats. — , 
 ^cii((., ix. 2(1. 
 With Mo.NK, K. G., The Psalter Pointed for Chanting, i 
 Lon., 1873, l>mo. V.'ith Sidkuotham, J. S., Secular 
 Education: Two Sermons, Lon,, 1869, Svo. And see 
 PllAEUER, F., ill/'ni. 
 Ouseley, Thomas John. Poems, Douglati, 1869, 
 p. 8vo. 
 Outerbridgc, Albert A. Pennsylvania Supremo 
 Court Reports, vols, xcvii.-ci., ( 1880-82,) Phila., 1881-84, 
 5 vols. Svo. 
 Outis, H. Sabbath Haltingsj or. Sacred Poems for 
 Sunday, Lon., ISi'.t, 12iiio. 
 "Outis, II. Donough," (Pseud.) See White, 
 RicilAim (JlUNT, iii/rii. 
 Outran), George. Legal Lyrics: a Metrical 
 Illustration of the Scotch Form of Process, Edin., 1851, 
 Svo. Anon. New ed., with additions, 18S7. 
 Ouvry, .'tliss Francisca Ingram. 1. Arnold 
 Ddahaize; or. The Huguenot Pastor, Lon., 1SI!3, Svo. 
 2. Henri de Rohan ; or, The Huguenot Refugee, Lon., 
 isi;:,, |,. fJy,,. :■,. Iluljvrt M.-.nfrPiiil j or, The Huguenot 
 and the Dragoon, Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 
 Ouvry, <:ol. Henry Aim6, CR., b. 1813. 1. 
 (Trans.) The Prussian Infantry in 1860, Lon., 1871, Svo. 
 2. (Trans.) Agricultural Communities of the Middle 
 Ages; from the Oerinan of E. Nasso, Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 3. ^Trans.) Studies on the Leading of Troops; from the 
 of the works of art belonging to the corporation of 
 London.) With Ov khai.l, Hemiv Chaiii.ks, Analytical 
 Index to the Soric- of Records known as the Reuiem- 
 briiiicia, preserved .imoug the Archives of the City of 
 Lon.lon, A.D. l;)70-lfi(i4, Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 Ovcrbeck, J. J., D.D. 1. (Ed.) EphriBmi Syri, 
 Rabuhe Episcopi Edesscni, Daliei, aliorumijuo Opera 
 Sdecta e Codd. .Syriacis MSS. in .Musu'o liritannico el 
 liibliothcca Rodleiana asservatis, Oxf., 1805, Svo. 2. 
 Catholic Orthodoxy and Anglo-Catholicism : a Word 
 about the Intercommunication belween the Englisli and 
 Orthodox Churches, Lon., 1 Slid, Svo. 3. lionn Confer- 
 ence, Lon., 1870, cr. Svo. 4. A Plain View of the Claims 
 of the Orthodox Catholic Church as opposed to all other 
 Christian Denominations, Lon., I8SI, cr. Svo. 
 Overend, Mrs. G. Campbell. 1. (Trans.) Tlic 
 King's Dream; or, Daniel the Interpreter, by L. (Jiiiis- 
 .sen, Lon., ISfiO, 12mo. 2. (Trans.) The Royal Captive: 
 or. The Youth of Daniel, by L. (iaussen, Lon., Ixio, 
 121110. 3. Stories of the Italian Reformation, Lon., 1S7II, 
 121110. 4. The licsieged City and the Heroes of Sweden. 
 Edin., 1871, 12mo. o. Wanderings of Master Peter in 
 Search of Knowledge, Lon., 1871, 12nio. 6. The (ieriiKiu 
 Drummer-I!ov, Lon., IS71, 12nio. 7. Slave, Serf, iiiiil 
 Freeman, Loii., 1871, p. Svo. 8. (Trans.) Perilous Ad- 
 ventures of a French Soldier in Algeria, Lon., 1872, 
 1 Siuo. 0. The Persecuted Princess : a Chapter of French 
 History, Lon., 1874, 12mo. 
 Overend, James, M.A. Description of Element 
 ary Experiments in Magnetism and Electricity, Kdiii.. 
 187il, l2mo; 2d ed., 1883: 3d ed., 188.i. 
 Overton, Rev. t'harles, [oii(<-, vol. ii., add.,] or- 
 dained 1829; vicar of Cottinghain since 1841. The Life 
 of Joseph: Twenty-Three Lectures, Lon., IsOti, p. sv". 
 Overton, D.,Y. 1. The Code of Practice in lon.i 
 and Wisconsin, Chic., 1875, Svo. 2. Treatise on tlic 
 Law of 1 ' at Common Law, Equity, Statutory, and 
 Maritii: ork, 1SS3, Svo. 
 Ove . W. Harry Hartley; or, Social Science 
 for Wi, . ..on., 1800, fp. Svo. 
 Overtoil, Rev. John Henry, M.A., D.D., b. 1835, 
 at Louth, Lincolnshire; educated at Rugby, and at Lin- 
 coln College, Oxford, where he graduated I85S; or- 
 dained 1858; curate of Quedgeley 1858-fiO; vicar id' 
 Legbourne 1860-83, and since then rector of Epnorlh; 
 canon of Lincoln since 1879. He has contributed to the 
 Ninth Edition of the Encyclopiedia Rritannica, the Dic- 
 tionary of National Biography, ic. 1. William Law, 
 Nonjuror and Mystic, Aulhor of "A Serious Call:" a 
 Sketch of his Life, Character, and Opinions, Lon., 18S1, 
 " Mr. Overton's chapters on mysticism arc as valunbic 
 in relation to the religious thought as his hioKraphy i.l 
 William Law is in relation to the church history ol Uic 
 eighteenth cenlnrv."— .s'ii(. Uei:, Ii. 47S. 
 "This is a delightful hook. . . . Mr. Overloii knows, iis 
 few other men know, the currents of life ami opmivu 
 in the eighteenth century. He i.s at home amul all iis 
 niovfuiems. in one (;ouiitry at least; uciiimiiiled wuh the 
 thought of the century as a whole, he is aide to umlci-sliind 
 ttiiil to set forth, both in their likeness and in their dilUr; 
 eiico, the life and Dpinions of the stnuiKest prodiici ol 
 Kiiglish life and thought in the eiglileenlh century. - 
 Siicclalor, liv. 477. , . 
 2. Life in the English Church, 1060-1714, Lon., lS8.i, 
 " The period of church liistory over which this volume 
 extends Is full of matters of the deepest Interest, ami 1 ivb- 
 enilarv Overton has, on the whole, treated such ol t icni 
 a» eiiiue within the limits he has set down for himsclt in 
 an intercstliig fashion."— .S«(. Kev., Ixi. 114. 
 3. The Evangelical Revival in the Eighteenth Cen- 
 tury, ("Epoohscf Church History,") Lon., 1S86, IJiuu. 
 With WonOSWOBTH, El.lZAnPTII urinoii,,.! „P T 1 .. 
 And aco AniiKV. lU.v, (;. j.^ 
 Liiieiilii, Lon., IH88, «vo. 
 4. A Uound D,uon: Churacter .Sketches, Lon., Issi, p.' 
 iont ,„ tt,e CluMch „r Kn^lan.l, Lon.. I,S7o 4. R f, rm 
 18 7s, Hn"'"""" '■ •''"■ •^•'•'^"'""o "f Letters, Ao." I'on." 
 rh^'Jl"'!' ''"'l?.^- *{• 'T'"' Art Schools of .Me,lin>v,.l 
 Chr.. ten, lorn. Kcl,to,l by J. Ku.kin. !,„„., l87«,,,.Svo 
 b^rm V ., ,v hns'';;:i "'^"""■''. ""'1 I wish the V, rk 
 "Owen, Ashlo-d," (R-eml.) 
 Hbl")'!!"',,^'"""'""*''" ' ''-«"''•) ««« ^'"'". Mrs. 
 Owen, MiUor-Gen. Charles Henry, U a 
 aI!?!! ■ , ^.''* ' "■""Plfs and Practice of Modern 
 Artillery: including .Artillery Material, (iunnery and 
 I ISSr. |.. 8vo. Pofth. fContuina 
 ^ ^pcarc, BroH-nint;, Wordswoilli, ,tc ) 
 Owen, FrantiN lirowniiii;. 
 Brownint;. Detroit. Mich., 1874. 
 Owen, Sir Ilugli, K.C.Ii.. b. 
 bur at the .Miildlii Tcmplo ISfiL'; „ 
 tlic local governiiK'nt hoard Isfi). 
 |ierninncnt pccrclai 
 Act, ,tc., ISOli, Ac: 
 CHaays on .Shuko- 
 I'oeiiis. liy Francis 
 l^-ij; calleil to the 
 .-'ii'tant sccrcl^iry to 
 , .,., „. ■'^'' '■""' ■''"'■I' then 
 I. Ihc \\ 1110 and licer llouiie 
 .Notes and Index. I.on,, ISOll, I'',,,,, 
 See U(ii,K, A.vviE, 
 Owen, Dnvid Pryce. Scriptural Extract, com 
 Masonic Ceieinonie.«, I,on., 187H, 4to 
 ci""::":,„fv^;'*:;. ^^r",iif— ^■"- -" 
 Bo".!7"l'';4t •'^^•^^^"'"'-•'^i^thday.Book. Illus. 
 Owen, Ed'innU, M.B., F.R.C.S., surKeon to .St 
 I en eat Orniond Street, Ac. The Surgical i 
 of Children. IlUist. Loii., ISS5, l2iuo 
 CamS. ^sv," '^•'7."'''!' graduated at Clare College, • 
 Laiibridgc, l.sjj; oidnincd IS5H; vicar of St I'e or'« ' 
 R m f *"■'«'"«■ Oldham, ISBM. 2. Jottings on the i 
 Rubrics for Morning and Evening Prayer, Lon., 187," 
 p f?**"* n' ,?*"• *^"*«' "-A- graduated at Trinity 
 tydX^e it;"' makr'"^r' l^^?!; rcctorof K.ireh' ' 
 ,,^71 *'""^ '/"*'•. Old b'one Crosses of the Vale of Chvvd 
 01 the Ancient Manners and Customs and Legendary 
 t';^a^rl:;:^X';r:t^„f''-t• ^--'os^d 
 .h^feC;^;i^'a[!;^^ei?:;^;!^Ji;r;j;'" ^^[| --hto 
 C-^';^":cn'!"'55'^""" *'""*"'• '""'•""'^•' «y"'^'"»« 
 l.o?.!''l";sf',^i':>!.*;:''- """" ""■"« •• "^ Tale of Destiny, 
 u".,T879'.f8m^ ^"'"^ ^'"'"Ss. [a tale.] Illust. 
 Tal^IrVh' *;?'''"''f''- !• Ritter Bell, the Cripple: a 
 Jale for the \oung, Lon., 1S61, LSmo. 2. Aden >ower 
 or lie Cost of a Scheme, Best, 1862, 8vo. 3. hI y 
 the\Vanderor. Illust. Lon., 1878, p. Svo. ^ 
 I8H., b. at Ulenmore, County Wicklow, Ireland. In 
 rheLnh„'""r";','' Kc^^ James U»en, vice-principal of 
 I heltonham College, Eng., whom she ai, o.l in work 
 l',m IoVa' ^r "' P'>'="«n'>am. She contributed t "?1 e 
 on Sol,n„r''''7',f';- • '• TheStoryof George Washing! 
 on, .Soldier and Patriot, Lon., 1873, p. 8vo. 2. John 
 JJilU, Lon., 1884, 12mo. 4. Essays and Poems, Lon., 
 iiuM., I ^ Manual for Overseer.-, .lc„ as to Powers, 
 uties Ac, Lon., I.s7l, |2m«; 7th ed., ISHl. ;). tIio 
 oor H,, e Assessuieiit and Colleetion Act, KHfill ; fith e. 1.! 
 '7^.,' V " •- '-•!-,■'• '■'"•• """'" ■^'•'' '■^72, I 
 S-r.' ' •, ■'; ,I»' •■l'-;""^^'""^' Edueatiun Acts, Lon. 
 8,4; new e,l., lN7y; Ifiih o,l., I8M. C. The Munieii,., 
 teetion Aet,lS7:>,Ac, L'd e,l., Lon., Is.s,' p'^ s "''' ' 
 JLinual lor Overseers. Ac Lon., Is7.-,, p. 8vo': „ew od ! 
 ill iV "','"'"' ''""'■'' '•''™'i'"'s an,l A icalions f.„' 
 ■SCml Hoards, IM72, Lon., IS7.^, l2,.,o. i'.'Tlie Mu ni ' 
 pul Corpora (inn Act, |ss,:, Lon., 1883, cr 8vo 
 liriv,!*!*'!,' ""^'1;. '^'"■" "''•"t"ne-< of Ceramic Art in 
 . Owen, Isiunlmrd, M.I).. F.R..'.P. Ts^ist umL 
 1";;!,^'' "s'"'i"" """""" '-"ea'a,s;;;i^, 
 Uo.-pi al I. .Supplementary Catalogue of the Patho- 
 h.|^.cal Museum of St. (Icorge's JI„^pi,„l, Lon., ,'' , 
 So 2. Materia Me.lica : a Manual for the Ce of 
 Mu,k.nt,s. Lon., I8s:i, p.s^: 2d e.L, Is.sfi. i\„ 
 Ireatinent ol Acute Rheumatism, Lon , l.Sh3 -m '4^7 
 Owen, Mrs. J. A. 1. UnJer Palm an Pino 
 -... ■», 1, I2..10. 2. Our Honolulu Boys. l',:!. ""I 
 1 : ^ ^ Hiinaway, Lon., 1882. p. 8vo. 4 The Cranberry (^.arrel, Lon., l8S2,'p. 8v,. Anon 
 5. Sea.B„.,som : a Cornish .^tory, Lo. ., |SS4 V" m 
 i:on.?"l'ss;,'''r8vo."""'"'' "' "'" ^^"^ ^^"'^ ^''""'• 
 of"i*m"i'on !^^o '• T ^"™'''' ""'' "••'"' '"""'»•« 
 01 tnem, Lon.,, or. 8vo; new e,l., 1870 „ 8vo 2 
 Homes of .S,.iipturc. Lon., Lsf,.",, |s,„o 3 PeCa-va.T 
 Martyrs, and other Papers, Lon., I.S7I, 32um. 4 L ./ 
 ce":^::^{?:,^;,,j^:i- !^7 ^^r''^ '-"""''' ^"'- 
 10"^""' ''■ "' ^""''''' ^''"" '■"'■"'■•. I'on., 1880, sq. 
 i Owen, Rev. John, graduatcl nt Lamiictrr 185" • 
 ordained l,s,V.j; rector ofVst Anstey sinTsB!/. ' 
 FceTfi\"'"'T""' f'^P"^''' "■■' 1'^^" I>i-«cussion ,n 
 ..,,,""'*''''■'■ Lon., 18SI, 2 vols. 8vo 
 ' th,.!,.,,.'.*''*';''",'^'''''"'^' '"" always phiUis'oiililoal s,'entios in 
 ^^a. (Ed.) Ulanviirs Sccp.«is .Scientifica, Lon,, 1885, p. 
 Wnliy? ?.', ■'•"''" '^' ^""'"^ ""'' •''■'>' [biography of 
 Uillnr,l(,l,„ier, ./.,•.,.„/„•„.] piiin,., I SS4. 
 uwcn, Urig.-(;en. John I'letcher, R A Com 
 rerio":;^^''''"-'"'''""' '""" ''"''^'""^^^^^^^^^^ 
 iJi!7^; IZ ''• ''• '""" ''""" """^^ -■" "»< 
 F,.m::'l.o^.,fs72''sVl'6mo'^ '""'''"'■' "'' ' '''''' 
 Pl,?.r^"' "* Oayips. I. Conspcetu.5 of tl,„ British 
 Pharmacopoeia, 1867, 2,1 ed., lion., IS6!I, 8vo 2 
 R^nW„:[^ I -'"10. 3. Manual of Pharmacy: a .\ote' 
 Book and Counter. Book. Lon. IS7I 8vo 
 «,l,?r7'n'^''V "«»'»*''»« Fre'ire,' [a,„e, vol. ii., 
 J vols. p. Svo. 2. Heroines of Domestic Life ; new ed. 
 pi I 
 V I 
 i !i 
 liOn., 1882, 12ino. 3. Snowed Up, Lon., lSfi3, 3 vols. p. 
 Ou'cn« It. Jones. The Priictioc of Perfumery : a 
 Troiilisi', Soicntillo iind Pniotical, Lmi., 1H7(I, 12ino. 
 Owen, Sir KidiarU, K.C.Ii., M.D., F.U.S., D.C.L., 
 LL,U., [iiiiir, vol. ii., iidd.,1 retired from the olHee of 
 pupcrinti'iideiit of the imturiil history depiirtiiieiit in the 
 Dritlsh .MusiMiiii in lss3, when lie vinf made K.C.B. He 
 i,-' said to hiivo received nil the honors open to a man 
 of science. Tlio followini; list of his puhlieations, subse 
 i|ncnt to those onuineralecl mile, vol. ii , includes repub- 
 lished contributions to the Philosophical Transactions of 
 the Itoyal Society. 1. Crocodilia and Ophidja of the i 
 London Clay. Illust. I,on., \xy.K Ho. 2. Lecture on 1 
 the Classification of Mammalia, l.on., IS.IH, t<vo. 3. | 
 I'alioontoloi^y : a Summary of Uxtiuct Animals, Lon., 
 IsflO, 8vo ; now ed., ISti'.l. " 1. Memoir on the Megathe- 
 rium, or (liant (Iround-Sloth of An'orica. Illust. Ii(jn., 
 1861, -Ito. .1. On tlio E.\tent of a National Museum of 
 Natural History, Lon., I."<l'>2, .Svo. 0. On the Anatomy 
 of Vertebrates,' l.on., ISfiti-l>.-<, ". vols. Svo. 7. Descrip- 
 tive and Illustrated Catali^'uo of the Fossil Ueiitilia of 
 South Africa in the Collection of the British Museum. 
 Illust. Lon,, iJ^It), 4to. .'i. On the Fossil Mammals of 
 Australia, and on the E.\linct .Marsupials of Kngland. 
 Illust. 1S77,2 vols.4to. !•. Memoirs of Kxtinct Wing- 
 less Birds of .New Zealund, Lon., 1.H78, 2 vols. 4to. 10. 
 Ova of the Echidna llystri.v, Lon., I.'<sl, Ito. II. Uo- 
 inains of the tiiguntio Land-Li?.ard from Australia, Lon., 
 188I-S2, 3 parts, 4to. 12. Experimental Physiology, 
 Lipn., \XS2, p. Svo. 
 " Seventy-fonr of Its two hundred ninl sixteen pages arc 
 devoted ... to attacks upon anti-vivisection in uencral, 
 and the Victoria-Street Society and the 'Spectator in par- 
 tienlar."— .s/)«'/ii(or, Iv. 993. Sec, also. Adam, CllARLra, 
 "The Coward Science," supro. 
 13. The Conario-llypophysial Tract, and on Aspects 
 of the Body, Ac, Lon., Iss3, Svo. 14. Tusk of a Pro- 
 boscidian Mammal, (Notclephas Australia,) Lon., 1883, 
 4to. 13. Affinities of Thylacoieo, Lon., 1884, 4to. 16. 
 Pelvic Characters of Thyhuoleo Carnifex, Lon., "884, 
 4lo. 17. Evidence of Large Extinct Lizard, Notosaurus 
 Uentus, Lon., 1884, 4to. 18. Large Extinct Monotreme, 
 Kchidna Uamsay, Lon., 1884, 4to. 19. Teeth of Large 
 Extinct (.Marsupial,?) Genus Seoparnodon Ramsay, Lon., 
 18.SI, 4to. 20. The Antiquity of Man deduced from the 
 Discovery of a Skeleton at Tilbury, Lon., 1884, Svo. 21. 
 Fossil Remains and Foot-Bones of Megalania I'risca, 
 Lon., 18S7, 4to. 22. Fossil Remains of Two Species of 
 n Megalanian Genus, Lon., 18><7, 4to. 23. Parts of the 
 Skeleton of Meiolania I'laticeps, Lon., 1888, 4to. 
 Owen, Kev. Itobert, B.I)., graduated at Jesus 
 College, Oxford, 1842; ordaineil 1813; Fellow of ,Iesu8 
 College |S|,')-()1; public examiner in law, Ac, 18oi)-60. 
 1. Apology for tho lliijli Church Movement on Liberal 
 Principles, Oxf., IS51, 8vo. 2. An Introduction to the 
 Study of Dogmatic Theology, Lon., 1858, Svo ; new ed., 
 1887. 3. Tho Pilgrimage to Rome: a Poem, Oxf., 
 1863, 12mo. 4. Instances of the Power of God : a Lec- 
 ture, Lon., 1801, |). b.o. 5. Sanetorale Catholicum, or 
 Book of Saints, Lon., 18S0, Svo. 6. Essay on the Com- 
 munion of Saints, Lon., 1881, 12ino. 
 Owen, l{'>bert Dale, LL.D., [anie, vol. ii., add.,] 
 1800-1877. During the civil war he took an active part 
 in advocating the emancipation of tho slaves, ami |)ub- 
 lished letters to the President and members of the cabinet 
 which are said to have had much elVect in their deliber- 
 ations on the subject. Throughout the latter part of 
 his life he was a believer in spiritualism and prominent 
 among its supporters. 1. Beyond the Breakers : Village 
 Life in the West, Phila., 1S7U, Svo. (Also entitled " A 
 Story of the Present Day.") 2. ''he Debatable Land 
 between this World and tho Next : with Illustrative 
 Narrations, N. York, 1871, 12mo; 2d od., IS74. 
 " I'pon the (lucstion, On what tia.sis of fact do the al- 
 lei-'ed spiritual nnuiil'cstjitions rest? Mr. Owen ha.s a bet- 
 ter right to bo patiently heard than many, even than most, 
 other writers who have it. A more dispassion- 
 ate mind, a more laborious observation, ha.s seldom been 
 brought to the study of the (juestion. "—iVn(ioH, xv. 269. 
 3. Threading my Way : Twenty-Seven Years of Auto- 
 biograjihy, N. Vorii, L"*7i, 12mu. 
 ".So far as concerns the frankness of its references to 
 himself and his own all'alrs, Mr. Owen's book is exceed- 
 ingly autobiographical, but as regards the matter pre- 
 sented, a very large portion is taken up with an account 
 of his father, Robert Owen, and his grandfather. Iiavid 
 Dale. . . . Of such recollections as relate more strictly to 
 Mr. Dale Owen himself, all are readable, most being light, 
 —such as would makn pleasant, anecdotlcal. chatty rem- 
 versatlon. Some are more than this."— .Vo^oii. xvlll. 12H. 
 "A very iileasanl little book. The style is simple and 
 fresh, and his memories of early life brim,' before us some 
 curious scenes from a state (jf society which already strikes 
 us as verv i|Uttint anil old-fasiiloned."— ,'<a/, Kev., xxxvll, 
 Owen, Sidney James, ,M.A.. b. 1828; called i.. 
 the bar at Lincoln's Inn IS7I ; reader in law and hi- 
 tory and tutor of Christ Church, Oxford; reader in In 
 dian law and history in the rnivcrsity of Cxford ; for- 
 merly ])r(jfossor of history in the Elphinslone College, 
 Bombay. I. India on tho Eve of tlic British Comiucst : 
 Historical Sketch, Lon., 1872, p. Svo. 2. Lecture on 
 the Anglo-Indian Rule Historically consiihred, Lon., 
 IS76, Svo. 3. (Kd.) A Selection from the Despatches, 
 Treaticf, and other Papers of the Marquess Wellesley, 
 K.O., during his Government of India. Oxf., 1877, Svo. 
 4. (Ed.) A Selection from the Despatches and Memo- 
 randa relating to India of tiio Duke of Wellington : 
 with an Introductory Essay. Maps and Plans. 0.\l., 
 1880, Svo. 
 Owen,T. C I. Tho Cinchona Planter's Manual. 
 Lon., ISS3, Svo. 2. Notes on Cardamum Cultivation, 
 Lon., ISS3, Sv.i. 
 Owen, T. M. History of England and Wales 
 from tho Roman to the Norman Conquest, Lon., 1882, p, 
 Svo; 2d ed, same year. 
 Owen, Hev. WiHinm, [nnli; vol. ii., add.] I, 
 Memorials of Christian Marlyrs in llic Indian Rebellion, 
 Lon., lS5i), 12mo. 2. The Work of God in Italy, Lon,. 
 1861, fp. Svo. 3. Pictorial Sunday Reading, Lon., Isil'.', 
 2 vols, Svo. 4. Sketches of Lago Maggioreand Pallan/a. 
 Lon., 1879, Svo. 
 Owgan, Henry, ['(ii't, vol. ii., add,] 1. (Trans.) 
 Horace: the Whole Works, Translated Literally into Eng- 
 lish Prose: with Critical Preface, Essay on Lyrical Me- 
 tres, and Notes, ("Kelly's Classical Keys,") Lon., lN.i4, 
 12mo. 2. (Trans.) Cicero De Officiis: with Notes, 
 Lon., 1855, 12mo. 3. My First Romance, and other 
 Tales, Lon., Is.iS, p. Svo. 4. The Long Hun: a Novel, 
 Lon., IstiO, p. Svo. 5. Manual of Ethics, for the I'so of 
 Candidates, Lon., 1870, 12mo. 0. (Trans.) Thucydides' 
 Pelo|ionnesian War, Books I.-III., Manchester, l^si, 
 12mo. 7. (Trans.) Cicero De Natura Deoruin, Lit 
 erally Translated, Lon., 1884, l2ino. 8. (Trans.) The 
 Meniechmi, by Plautus, Lon., ISS4, 12mo. !i. (Trans.) 
 The Trinummus, by Plautus, Lon., ISM4, |2mo. 
 Owry, II. W. The Land yuestion in England, 
 Lon., 1 87 1, fp. Svo. 
 Owston, II, A. 1. Act for the Better Manage- 
 ment of Highways, Lon., IS(12, \>. Svo; new ed. iMil. 
 2. The Highway Laws: a .Manual, Lon., 1863, p. Svo. 
 3. Overseer's Manual; 2d ed., Lon., 1867, p. Svo. 
 Oxenden, Kt. Rev. Aslilun, D.D., [on*., vol, 
 ii,, add.,] b. ISOS, near Canterbury; graduated at I'ni- 
 versity College, Oxford, 1833; ordained 1833; rector of 
 Pluckley-with-Pevington, Kent, 1848-69; Jlctropohlan 
 Bishop of Montreal 1869-78 ; vicar of llackington 1^79 
 -8."). 1. Portraits from the Bible : Old and New Ti-ta- 
 nient Series. Lon., 1360-65, fp. Svo; new ed., 1872. •-'. 
 Words of Peace: with Meditations, Ac, Lon., 1 81):;, 
 12mo; new ed., 1868. 3. Prayers for Private I'se, l.on., 
 1863, ISmo; new ed., 1865. 4. The Parables of Our 
 Lord, Lon., 1864, 12mo; new ed., 1868, 5. Our Church 
 and its Services, Lon., 1866, l2mo; new ed., IsiiS; Annr. 
 ed., adapted to the Protestant Episcopal Church, by I'. 
 D. Huntingdon, Bnst., 1866, lOino. 6. Decision, l.ioi., 
 1868, ISmo. 7. Short Lectures on the Gospels, froai 
 Advent to Easter, Lon., 1868-69, 2 vols. I2mo. 8. .My 
 First Year in Canada, Lon., 1871, 12mo. 9. Tliouglits 
 for Lent, Lon., 1872, 12mo ; new ed., 1879. III. Thougliis 
 for Advent, Lon., 1872, 12mo; new ed., IS7S. 11. Siai- 
 ple Exposition of the Psalms, Lon., 1873, 2 vols. I2iau. 
 12. The Earnest Churchman. Lon., 1S7S, l2mo: new eil., 
 1879. 13. Counsels to the Conlirmed, Lon., IS7S, Isiiio. 
 14. My Father, ("Heart-Chords,") Lon., 18s4, 32ruo. 
 1 5. Touchstones : Christian Graces and Characters Tcsteil, 
 Lon., 1884, 12ino. 16. Short Comments on St. Matlhiw 
 and St. Mark, Lon., 1885, ji. Svo. 17. Thouglits fur 
 Holy Week : with Meditations and Prayers, Lon., 1880, 
 ?.-[, 16mo. 
 Oxenham, jMiss Frances .Mary, 1 828-1870, h. 
 at Eton ; sister of Rev. II. N. Oxenham, iii/nt ; joineJ 
 the Roman Catholic Church 1857, Edith Sydney: a 
 Tale, Lon., 1888, 18mo. 
 Oxenham, Kev. Frank Niitconibe, M.A.. I>. 
 1840, at Modbury, Eng. ; graduated at Exeter College, 
 Oxfiiril, 1802; ordainei] ls64; inoumbont of St. Mnrgn- 
 ret's, Iiiellan, 1882-87. I. Tho Soul in its I'robiition: 
 Sermons ]ireiiohe(l lit the Church of St. Albnn the .Mnrlyr, 
 llolbiirn, Lon., 1871, 8vci. 2. Everlasting I'linUhment : 
 a Letter to W. K. (llail«lono, I.oii., IS75, 8vo. 3. 
 What is the Truth iis to Kvorlasting Punishment? Ke- 
 l>ly to I'usey, ly.jn., I8SI, p. 8vo. 
 Oxi-nlium, Uev. Henry Niitcombe, [.l//^, vol. 
 ii., ndcl.,) 1S21)-|SSS, b. iit Harrow, Kng., and educated 
 lit Harrow School, and at lialliol College, Oxford; be- 
 came curate of Downinghall, Uucks in |s:-,4, imj of St. 
 llartholomew's, C'ri|i|ilogate, in ISSfi. In ls;)7 he joined 
 the Uomun Catholic Church, in which he took minor 
 orders, lie spent ii year or two at the Oratory in Lon- 
 don, and was afterwards successively professor at St. Kd- 
 inund's College, Ware, anil master at the Oratory School, 
 Birmingham. Jlocspoused thooauseof the Old" Catholic 
 party. I. I'liilip I'aternosler : a Tractarian I.ove-Slory. 
 Byan Kx-Puseyite. I.on., 2 vols. p. Svo. Anon. 2. The ! 
 Catholic Doctrine of the Atonement : an Historical Re- 
 view: with an Introduction on the Principle of Theo- 
 logical Developments, I.on.. |H(i,-,, Svo ; ;id ed.,enl., 1881. 
 3. Dr. Puscy's Kirenicon considered : a Lettc-, Lon., 18(!B 
 8vo; 2d ed., 1871. 4. (Trans.) The First Age of Chris- i 
 tianity and tho Church, by J. I. Dolllnger. I.on., isfifi, i 
 2 vols. 8voj :id ed., 1877. 5. Recoliectioiia of Ober- i 
 Aminergau in 1871, Lon., 1871, U'nio; new ed., I8S(). 
 6. (Trans.) Lectures on the Ueunioii of the Churches, by 
 J. I. Dollinger. Lon., 1872. p. 8vo. 7. Catholic Es- 
 chatology and Universalisui : an Essay on the Doctrine 
 of Future Retribution, Lon., I87li. p.'8vo; 2d ed., rev. 
 and enl., 1878. 8. (Ed.) An Kirenicon of the Eigh- 
 teenth Century : with Notes, Lon., 1878, Svo. «. Short I 
 Studies in Eeolesiaotloal History and Riography, Lon., 
 1881, Svo. 111. Short Stories. Ethical and Heligious, 
 Lcm., 188,'), Svo. II. Memoirs of Lieut. Kudoliih de 
 Lisle, R.X., of the Naval lirigade. Lon., I88ii, p. Svo. 
 "\ graceful and allraelive memorial of one who wai 
 widely known and loved.'— ,<c(i(/., xxx. 8l'. 
 12. Thoughts for Holy Week : with .Meilitalions and 
 I'rayers for Each Day, Lon., 188(1, l:;mo. 
 OxronI, Arnold Wliittiiki-r. (IM.) children'! 
 Services: with Hymns anil Songs, Lon.. Is8;p. IDni.i. 
 Oxiey, T. Jacques lialmat ; or. The First Ascent 
 of iMont Rhine: a True Story, Lon., I8>1, 12mo. 
 OxIey, T. Louis. 1. Calais to Karlsbad, Lon., 
 1878, cr.Svo; new ed., 1880. 2. (Trans.) .Miecislas, Lon., 
 188(1, 8vo. :i. (Trans.) Radicalism; from the ".Journal 
 des D<sbats," Lon., 188(1, or. 8vo. 1. (Trans.) Vadaste, 
 the Wager: a Ccunedy, by Miecislas Kamienski, Lon., 
 1880, cr. 8vo. 5. (Trans.) Annunziata Orimaiii. Lon., 
 1882, 2 vols. p. Kvo. (A translation of" Les Useo.iues," 
 a romance by .Milkowsky.) 
 OxIey, \Villinni. "Egypt and the Wonders of the 
 Land of the Pharaohs, Lon.. 188 1, p. Hvo. 
 Uxon, i>l, A. Spirit Mentily, Lon., 1879, or. 8vo. 
 Ozrniiif, James Willinm. Three Years in Rou- 
 mania, Lon.. 1878, p. 8vo. 
 " The [lages devoted to Uonnianian Kaietles . . . are iiuilc 
 as L'oi.d HI their way as lliose in which the i.olltii'al and 
 ecdcsmslical lii.stury of the country l.s triiced.' — .^l/Zi., No. 
 With Sachs, C.vpt. II., (trans.) Russia in Central Asia : 
 Historical Sketch of Russia's Progress in the East up to 
 187.'!, Ac, by Hugo Stumm. Maps. Lon., 188,',, svo. 
 (>7.anne, T. U. The South as it is; or, Twenty- 
 One Years' Experience, Lon., 1S63, p. Svo. 
 •« 'I 
 Pabisch, Rev. F. J. (Trans.) Manual of Uni- 
 versal Church History ; from the Ninth German Edition 
 of John Ah.og: vols, i.-ii., Cin., 187-1-7B, 8vo. See 
 Byrne, Rev. T. S., niiprn. 
 Pabhe, iMarie, and Pitman, Mrs. Marie J. 
 (Ed.) Wonder-World Stories from the Chinese, French, 
 (Jcrman, Hebrew, Hindoostance. Hungarian, Irish, 
 Italian, Japanese, Russian, Swedish, and Turkish, N. 
 York, 1877, 8vo. 
 Pabor, William E. Colorado as an Agricultural 
 State : its Farms, Fields, and Garden Lands. Illust. N. 
 York, 1883, 12mo. 
 Pack, Col. Reynell, C.B., of the 7th Fusileers. 
 Sebastopol Trenches, and Five Months in them. Illus- 
 trated from Sketches by Col. M. A. Uiddulph. Edited 
 by J. Russell Endcan. Lon., 1878, Svo. Posth. 
 " This volume would have appeared immediately after 
 the Crimean camjialEn, but, as it cimtains strong comments 
 on llie capacity and qualitieatlons of certain onicors, its 
 publication was deferred till a fitting time arrived for ils 
 liisuc."—lC^lract from Prr/acc. 
 " The book is compiled from notes made on the spot, and 
 may, therefore, be accepted as trustworthy evidence."— 
 .^l//i., No. 2f)40. 
 Packard, Alpheiis Sprine;, M.D., [,i/i^, vol. ii., 
 second of the name there mentioned, odd.,] b. 1839, at 
 Brunswick, Me.; graduated at Bowdoin 1801, and at 
 Maine Medical School 1804; State entomologist of Mas- 
 eachu.sctl8 1871-73; curator of the Poabody Academy of | 
 Science in Salem 1868-70; profe.«8or of zoology and 
 geology at Brown University since 1878. ]. Guide to 
 the Study of Insects, and a Treatise on those Injuri- 
 ous and Beneficial to Crops. Illust. Best., 1809, Svo; 
 0th ed., 1878. 2. Embryological Studies on Diplax, 
 Perithemis, and the Thysanurous Genus Isotoma. 
 Illust. Salem, 1871, imp. 8vo. 3. Embryological Studies 
 <in Ilexapodous Insects. Illust. Salem. 1872, imp. Svo. 
 4. Our Common Insects. Illust. liost., 1873, lOmo; 
 new ed., 1877. !>. Life Histories of Animals, including 
 Man. Illust. N. York, 1870, Svo. 0. A Monograph on 
 the Geometric Moths or Phalrenidie of the I'nited States". 
 (Geological Survey of the Territories,) Wash., 1870, 4to! 
 7. Insects of tho West, AVash., 1877. 8. Half-Hours 
 with Insects; their Habits, Modes of Life, &a. Illust. 
 Bost., 1877, 12mo. 9. Zoology for Students and General 
 Readers, N. York, 1879. 10. Zoology (" American 
 Science" Ser.) Illust. N. York, 1880, cr."8vo ; abridged 
 ; ed., 1883. 11. Insects injurious to Forest or Shade 
 Irees, Wash., 1881, 8vo. 12. Elementary Zoology, N. 
 ! York. 1880, 12mo. 13. Kntomologv for Beginners: for 
 the Use of Young Folks, Fruit-Growers, Farmers, and 
 Gardeners. Illust. X. York, isss, l2mo. 14. A Natu- 
 ralist on the Labrador Coast, 1888. And see Uensiiaw, 
 Samiei., Hiijini. 
 Packard, Charlotte lUellen. Helen Orey ; what 
 she .■nought, and what she Found. Illust. N. Y'ork, 1 879 
 lOmo. ' 
 Packard, Mrs. E. P. W., [<,nte. vol. ii., add.] 
 Modern Persecution; o-. Insane Asylums Unveiled 
 Hartford, 1873, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Packard, J. History of La Porte County, Indina. 
 La Porte, 1876, Svo. 
 Packard, John Hooker, .M.D., [nnir, vol. ii., 
 add.,] b. 1832, in Philadelphia; educated at the Univer- 
 sity of Pennsylvania, where he graduiited in medicine 
 in 1853; surgeon to the Episcopal Hospital, Philadel- 
 phia, 1863-84, and since then connected with the Penn- 
 sylvania Hospital. 1. A Hand-l!ook of Operative Sur- 
 gery. Phila., 1870, r. Svo. 2. Sea-Air and Sea-Bathing, 
 ("Amenoan Health Primers,") Phila., ISS(», ISmo. 
 Packard, Lewis llichnrd, Ph.D., 1S30-1S84, 
 brother of J. H. I'ackard, xupn,; h. in Philadeliihia ; 
 graduated at Yale College 1854. and studied at the Uni- 
 versity of Berlin ; profes.sor of (ireek language and lil- 
 eriiture at Yale from 1800 till his death. I. (Trans.) 
 Origin of the Homeric Poems : a Lecture, by II. Bonitz, 
 N. York, 1880, sq. lOmo. 2. Studies in Gre"ek Thought, 
 Bost., 1880, ]2mo. (Collected essays and lectures.) 
 Packer, llev. Isaac George, graduated at 
 Worcester College. Oxford, 1859; ordained 18011; vioar 
 of Thurmaston since 1800. Six Plain Sermons on Sub- 
 jects of the Day, Lon., 1870, 12mo. 
 Packer, O. How the Public are piundeied by 
 Promoters of Compivnics, Lon., 1878, p. 8vo. 
 Paddock, Mrs. Cornelia. 1. In the Toils; or. 
 Martyrs of the Latter Pays. Chic. 1879. 12mo. 2. Fato 
 of Madame La Tour : a Tale of Great Salt Lake, N. York, 
 1881, Ifimo. 
 Paddock, Wilbur F. Eyes and Ears Abroad. 
 Illust. Cin., 1873, 12mo. 
 k'addock, Zachariah. Memoir of Rev. Benja- 
 min Paddock, N. York, 1874, 12mo. 
 I! 11 
 PndKhntn, R. Tn tho Mi'l<t of Mfe we nre In I 
 Douih : n Liiyiimii'ii 'riniuKlit. l-"ri., IHS7, |i. Svo. | 
 I'nKiiii, JniiiPN, iin<l St«iildiirt, .lnini!H II. . 
 Iti'lic'S i>l' AiitiiiMil Ari'liitirliirti niiil cilhcr l'ictiiroi<i|iio ' 
 Si'oiios ill (lliiHKnw; Thirty Uriuviiin" liy T. Fiiirliiiirn : 
 with I.clli'r I'rcaH |)eK«ri|pliiin, Ai'., (iliiiiKiiw, lusj, Mvci. ^ 
 I'llKCi A. I>. (Tmiin.) Kliiwor Olijoit l.c^sons ; or, 
 Fir."! Li's-'uiH ill lloliiny, by K. I.o Mimut. Iliiiat. N. 
 Vork, isr;!. IL'iiKi. 
 I'llKf, <'. !•;. I. How w« Vr<\ till' Iliiliy. N. Vorlj, | 
 IHHI, Mvo. ■;. Tho Xiituriil luru of Cniiniimiiliun, 
 llri^ht's DL^i'iii-o, Nminil){iii. lUii'iiiiiiiliriiii, Ai\, N. York, ' 
 |ss:i, I'.'ino. :i. llnr.ios: tlii'ir Fl'o.I iiihI their Feut : a 
 Maiiiml ol' II.M-.-c lIvKieno, N. York, lMS:t, l:iniO. 
 rilKO, l»livul,'l,l,.lt., {•lilt,, vol. ii., i.clil.,] (1. 1H7U. 
 IIo liiiil lieoii iirofoHor ol' Kcolotfy lit tho Colli'jjo of 
 l'liy>ii'iil Sc'ii'iico at N'«K(!a.<llL', Kii«., «iiico its iHlablinh- 
 iiioiil. 'I'liuiiuh -hut off aliiii>-<l entirely from llolil-work 
 liy physical iiitiriiiity, ho was ii lueiil ami |io|iuliir oxpoii- , 
 itor of tlio iliwovcrii'S of others. 1. ("hip.t iiinl (;iiii|i- 
 ters : n Hook for Aniatuiir iiml Yoiiii); (icologiHts, I'Miii., 
 ISi'iil, p. Svo. '.'. ."Synopsis uf Siibjuols tniiglit in tho 
 ColK'KO, Neweasllo. Ivlin., ISTU, IL'iiio. I). Koonoiniu 
 lloolo);y in its Itehitioii to Arts anil ■Manufaulurus, I'Miu., 
 lsr;i, svo. 
 '♦ I'llKLS II. .v.," ( I'soml.) Seo .Iait, A. I(., niipni, 
 Vagv, Ilaiiiiltoii. 'I'hu l.ady Itcsiilont, Lon., 18MU, 
 • ^ vols. p. Svo. 
 I'ligi', Ilvrbert William, M.A.. F.R.C.S., iiur- 
 guun to, anil Iceturor on snigery at, St. .Mary'j llospltiil, 
 London. Injuries of tho .^pinoand Spinal Cord without 
 Apiiarciit Meehanioal Iicsion, and Nervous Shook, in 
 their Siirgieiil anil Medico- Lognl Aapeeta, Lon., 1S82, 
 Sm; 2d ed., ISS,",. 
 I*IIK<!, IsiilHC K. 1. Idfo worth Living: Thoughts 
 on Christian Holiness, l.on., |S7S, l'.>|,iii. 2. Tho Sun- 
 shine of Heli);ion, I.oii., ISs.O, p. Svo. 
 l'a(C<', J«'ssie. I. That lioy Hob, and all about him, 
 Iion., ISSI, ISmo. 2, Dottles and Carrio : a London 
 Story of Humble Life, Lon., ISS«, ISmo. .'!. Harker's 
 Oardons : a Story of (io.l's I'rovidonee, Lon., ISSfi, ISino. 
 4. The Story of a Yellow lloso told by itself, I,on., issil, 
 ISnio. .'). liick's School-Days : showing how he overeamo 
 thodrampiis, Lon., ISS", ISmo. 0. Bishop I'uttcson, the 
 Martyr of Melanesia, Lon., 1SS8, p. Svo. 
 I'auc, I.. Stars of Earth ; or. Wild Flowers of tho 
 Month : new ed., Lon., Is7;f, p. Svo. 
 Pa){i'» H. N'uinbor Notation ; or. Singing inado 
 Easy, Lon., 1SS|, p. Svo. 
 Page, Iticliard Cliaiiiiing Moure, M.D., b. Turkey Hill, Va. ; educated at the University 
 of Virginia ; served in the Confedorale army during tho 
 civil war; graduated from tho medical department of 
 tho University of Now Y'ork IS6S; professor in tlio 
 Now York Polyclinic since 18S.'). I. (lonealogy of tho 
 Vago Family in Virginia. By One of tho Family. 
 N. Vork, iss;i. 2. Sketch of Page's Battery of Morris' 
 .Vrtillery, Second Corps, .Vriny of Northern Virginia, 
 liy One'of tho Company. N. Y'ork, I8S,"). 
 Page, S. Flood. Disciplino and Drill : Lectures, 
 Lon., 1871, l2iuo; new ed., 1872. 
 Page, T. Oceans, Lon., 1881, 12ino. 
 Page, T. Tho English Language: its Sources, 
 Orowtli, History, and Literatuio, Lon., 1881, l2ino; 
 now ed., 18S3. 
 Page, 'rhoinas EtliclliLrt, M.A., assistant mas- 
 ter lit the Charterhouse Scboid. (Ed.) Tho Acts of th" 
 Apostles: the reek To.\t8 of Dra. Wostoott and llort : 
 with Notes, Lon., ISSB, fp. Svo. 
 Page, ThOHias i\e480ii, LL.D., b. 1853, at Oak- 
 land, Va. ; educated at Washington and Leo I'niversity ; 
 admitted to tho bar IS74. 1. In Olo Virginia; or, 
 Marso Chan, and other Stories, N. Vork, 18S7, 12mo. 
 " It is a series of Black Classics, wherein the color is nn 
 aeciileiit, tlio sonl human and uni\orsal. All that .Mr. 
 I'BRo had to <lii— and he has done it well— wits to lie a 
 faithful ■ recording angel,' to open a symiwllietio and re- 
 teiitlvo ear, to reproduce ill linn outlines what every -day 
 life in Virginia abundantly prdvides, and to clothe the 
 whole In a luimoroiis dialect wlilcli is to the psychology 
 what the salt is to tho soup."— tVi/i'c, vill. 14. 
 2. Two Little Confederates. Illust. N. Y'ork, 1888, 
 Page, W. (i, II. Bibliography of Hull for tho 
 Years 1880-Sl, Hull, 1883, or. Svo. 
 Paget, A. M. P. 1. Three More Tales. Illust. 
 Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. 2. Friends in Need: a Story, Lon., 
 1888, p. Svo. 
 PagPl, rliarleH E. I. Healthy Sohools, (Tntar- 
 nalional Healih Exbiliiiion Hand-Hooks,) Lon,, IS"!, 
 Hvii. 2. The Arrtiugemeiit iiiid Construction of ,S(j||n,,l 
 Siiniitiiria, Lon., ISS", Svo. 
 Paget, Ituv. Edward Murencu, M.A., gradii- 
 aled at Keblo College, Oxford, IS71; ordained IH7ij 
 principal of Dorcheslor Missionary College IS7S-84 | roi'- 
 tor of Trinity Church, Miiseiitino, lown, since ISS7, 
 Ideal of the Christian Priestliood, the True ,Motive for 
 Missionary Work : Four Addresses, Lon., ISS2, er. Svo. 
 I'agt'l, P. .\. Iteporl on the Eionmiiieal Itoiid 
 Mainlenanco and Hnrse- Draught Ihioiigh Steam Itoad 
 Kolling. N. York, IsTil, Svn. 
 Paget, ICev. i'raiiciN, D.D., gniduuted, llrst ehiss 
 Lit. Hu It Christ Church, Oxford, 1S7.". ; onhiini'd 
 1875; vicar of Bioinsgrove I SS2-S,i. and since then Ue- 
 giiis pndessur of pastoral thonlogy in the University of 
 Oxford, and canon of Christ Church ; examining eliiip- 
 lain to the Bishop of Ely since ISxil. 1. Spiriluiil (iifis; 
 Addresses to Ciinilidales for Holy Orders, Lou., ISSI, 
 I2IIIO. 2. The Iteiliiiiplion of Work: Addresses in SI. 
 Paul's Cathedral, Lon., ISS2, 12nio. :i. This Church mid 
 Kealm : Sorinon preiiched at the English Church I'liinn, 
 Lon,, ISS7, Svo. 4. Faculties iind Diflicnlties lor Belief 
 and Disbelief, Lon., ISS7, or. Svo. 
 "due of the most orlKliml eoiitrlbiilliuis In Christiiiii 
 npulogetics Hint iiii iikc es| Iiillv rerlile in this kind nf 
 literature has produced,"— .'<yin7ii/or. Ixi, I'.'fi, 
 ;■>. The Hallowing of Work : Addrossos given at Eton. 
 Lon,, ISSS, fp. Svo. 
 Paget, Ilcv. PranciM Edward, vicar of Elfurd. 
 \iiiili', vol. ii., add.] I. Some Itecords id' the Aslitiiid 
 Estate, and of its Howard Possessors: with Notes nf 
 Elford, Ciistle Hising, Levens, and Charlton, Licblield, 
 187:), Ito. Not published. 2. Faith anil Patience in 
 Work and Warfare, I.dii., IS7H, l2nio. ',i. Sermons for 
 Special Occasions. Lon., 1S7H, p. Svo; new od., Issil. 
 I. Helps and Hindrances to the ('hristian Life, Lou., 
 187S-7S, 2 vols. p. Svo. ,'), The Student Penitent of 
 1695, Lon., 1S75, p. Svo, li. Homeward Bound: the 
 Voyage and tho Voyagers, Lon., IS7(l; .'Id cd,, ISsl, er. 
 Paget, Lord (ivorge. The Light Cavalry Bri- 
 i glide in tho Crimea; from the Letters and Journals of 
 I the Lato (ieneral Lord (Icorgo Paget, Lon., 18SI, cr. ^v", 
 ' " Lord (ieorge Piigcl's eoinnienlN are so fresh and .shrewd 
 that they lend an Interest to the topics which he bandies. 
 lidwevef linckiieyed,"— ,s7»c((ifor, llv. sil,5. 
 Paget, J. C. Naval Powers and their Policy, Lon,, 
 IS7«, r. Svo. 
 I Paget, Sir James, Mart., F.ll.C.S., F.ll.S.. 
 , D.C.L., LL.D., \tinle, vol. ii.,add.,| was created a biironi-t 
 in 187!); vice-chancellor of the University of London; 
 '. surgeon to the Prince of Wales; consulting surgeon of 
 St. liartholomew's Hospital. 1. Clinical Lectures uiid 
 Essays. Edited by Howard Marsh. Lon., IST.i; LM 
 ed., 1S71I, Svo. 2. Hunterian Oration, Lon., 1877, Svo. 
 ! 'A. Ciitaloguoof Pathological Speeimens of the College of 
 j Surgeons, England; 2d od., Lon.. 188:i, r. Svo. 4. Ad- 
 I dresses delivered at tho Opening of tlio Session, Dcpail- 
 ! incnt of Medicine, Owens College, 1887-88, Manelieslei. 
 Paget, John. Parado.xos and Puzzles, Historiciil, 
 Judicial, and Literary, Lon., 1874, 8vo. 
 Paget, M. She wore a Wreath of Hoses: a Novel, 
 Lon., ISS2, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Pk:get, .Mi88 Violet, ("Vernon Leo," ]i8eud.,) h, 
 1857 ; has resided for many years in Italy, making speeiid 
 studios of the history of tho art and literature of thiU 
 country, and contributing largely to loading English 
 periodicals. All her writings have appeared under tho 
 above pseudonymo. I. Studies of the Eighteenth Cen- 
 tury in Italy, Lon., 1880, Svo. (The subjects arc: The 
 Arcadian Academy, The Musical Life of Italy, 
 tasio and tho Opera, Tho Comedy of Mask.*, (ioliloiii. 
 The Venetian Fairy-Comedy of Carlo Gozzi.) 
 "So well bn.s the miis.s of miiterlnl been as.simlliiteil tliai 
 tho result, far from being a scries of heavy papers redoleoi 
 of the musty tomes from which they have been gaiheivd, 
 lias evolved it.sclf, . . . for the most part. Into a iiuiiilicr 
 of charming sketches toiudied in with the light and sure 
 hand nf a master."— Spedntor, 1x1, 361. 
 2. (Ed.) Tho Prince of the Hundred Soups, Lon,, 1882. 
 3. Uelearo : being Essays on Sundry vEsthotioal Ques- 
 tions, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 " There Is much In this thoroughly original and delight- 
 ful book which reminds us of the essays of tho eighteenth 
 century, , . It is rare indeed to find so much thought con- 
 veyed in so easy a style,— to llnd a writer who not only has 
 Jn^t"-!!:!;;/:?^;'^!!! '"'• '"" """ - ^-"" " >v„y „f ..y. 
 .q.'in?,;;:.""^ »" '•;'Kl'"-"'„,ury M^I, ,„„,. ,H.H..,, 
 IIH (Huli; li,. t|„ I , .j; ?,' ''i''' "," ""I'^'I'lii"! '"In. I, 
 lii' y, , • „ si m ':' "1"'"'' rV'"" "!■ il'.H 
 ••"n-ml will, a. tn 'n ,m' /, u I r , 1 '' j";'"' I'"-;"""' 
 I'K'n'niuilun has Immm, ,,,,(, vin'i',,''-',''''','''''''''' 
 imrls.,11 with tlic KcimK-Hiici. """'{., ''fi"KliiK Inl in- 
 Iliilliin Hii she Is lu'avs siiL-,wr, ■ *^ ''I'" .!:'"' *■■"'■» "'"'111 ' 
 Kcr.,) r„ 
 • llor 
 (" Eiiiini'iit Woiiiuii" 
 "iitiloss „f Albany. 
 IHSI, ,,. svo. ■' 
 rn.Hltln,;!';/;;, f ln-l!'r'e;,^!?r;,.^';,r'i'" f""^ ,"'"'»"'" "f 
 ",ru thrust hitns,.,,! .n,',.' « 11 .h,,. ''m''' 'l'.'»'"-'«ht slan« 
 7. Miss Drown: a N'dvuI, Loii., ISSI ■) v(,|h ,. s 
 ;:L'ii::.-Mr. is tn. ia,s., ,„■ „!;u^;;;;;!> i„.'^.j;:l^;;;i I ^t;^^,i^;;"k."""^ "«»- """"■" '"n"-ihi. i;n;i,;;n 
 tmvllalc t.iwanls 11... ..> ■>..:....' -. .. 
 M,i....chu.etl,: «i,l, (l„„.,al„«l,.al K.,Klsl„r, riosl., I.g.l, 
 riliilp, Mnlltert Klni/nr. h u •« ,., i.i ■ 
 0.; a.lniit.,.,! ,„ thobar \'^" l\ uJuflt' ""I"'""' 
 un.l wa« hrcv,.tt...| MMii„r.inn..r'al r , . "'"' """•• 
 ! the Law „f Klecinn. „. ,.„,„„ ORl.,;,.t„:) H'^h'.'Tsss: 
 'l.-'u'l'it'.'H'.'!""'''''- '«'•'■«""«-'■ .N.'.vKn«lan,|. 
 Anll.inarlan S,„.|,.tv : ,vi,h a li.V nf'i ' " ■;."""^""'' 
 prinlcl. • ^'- •'" ""1'"^^"- 
 ii ''"i,!'".' ,,"7;, ;''*'""?'"' "«'». u..i>.. [ v„i. 
 m;. .i.'K',Lr,;r'i;:^rini;^t:;;;i;;ar:!^-i 
 IMn-t. iss.^, Tl ' ' "' ""'" •'^'■•'■'l'l"r<'s. 
 by .Tltlnil ..I'll^h. ,,,,..• ' ""^<'-"l 111.' M.^hrews 
 ■IIS." — 
 fill aii.l unplt.asaiil,"_..|",,V xxJIi '/"'"' "™'"Lwly pahi- 
 U,^ W;"isJr?vi""fe" "f.^'o-.''"" A»pira- 
 rUeal, „;,„ 0„:b.'s .^n^'p.':" ;,u':'n'r"'' ""-' ''"""""• "- 
 ;'.xp<,sltl..n, ft„,i is'^^sMidm,! "'•'''," ""'■;'»""iMi tun, f„7 
 Hand (■ap,H.,l_wlt la t ■■ I mt,,'V "'""'' '"" ™"i^'r «iy 
 fiillKhtcn the lii.bhM, rir.sst.s , i',i ',■; 7"^":,"' **•'"•''« •" 
 lire, she Is in .hiiiK er ,, l' hm,n n, v f, '.'l f'T" ''>• "i"' 
 (■ven mlinlratlon f.irtl'wHler'J „,;;''"'"" "'"PW't "n.l ! 
 Iiiilenen.lenee <,f th..iu:ht a i .1,?"^ 'V'™' r'"''«'i-ity, and 
 •irclky what she ^Z iy'" „ , nnn ',',';''''»' "^ Pii'li"K 
 -^.^o„^s,indr.Sh:;-i -;;----- 
 Seienoo a ytrunghold .if Uullff, 
 st...kmt«tbi'.?;'|r,r,hZ /' rylVs'''''''''^.^'-''''''-''-^' 
 may be, she .ipi.lies larrs,. r JJ ,P,™.",-, ■ • ,■ "'iwcver this 
 t 1.^ .lebathiK if /■ ..'s ..l'*- ;i^ '''.'••""'•■'''.'less t.> 
 Affi'i"' "i'f V,„ hl'n'V'"". *'"""•• '^'"' Con,liti„„ „f 
 '■'in. Ms" l''-'7;"^-\r" <'i'lil"r„ia: a U,.p,„,, 
 K'riii,. "■' ""• '•uiiiiin Itaue, i,on., |s7!i, 
 I'aiiitfr, 11. H. 
 Lon., issil, svo 
 «„/.™ ' ' ""■' ' '■"'''"'•) •'^'•« •^Asn, T»„„.>s. 
 ii.,*!.d':f^*•'•.!fH•■r^,^r"'"^•' ■'•'•»•. [-""■. vo.. 
 "miner o t ; • '" rli v',,f I ' 'i"''^' ',"'r "'"■^•^''■•'" '•■•^•- 
 -11 N^.iona, tn/;:;: c wi'i" , s, •"'?":;!: ■'■^^•^ 
 The Thea-tetus of Plato- wiirn..' ' ^- * ''''""'•' 
 l-on., IS75 1, Svo V ?I • '""■"'lii'^'i"" an.l Xote.-, 
 Mquicy^'lcCmlnib ,""'".''''""■ """^' "-^"i'"' "n He-' 
 I.o»,. 1878 Svo 4 n" ,."""il".""" J'"-" '""''i'" -i"', 
 C.V.1 .ar, and „a, brevett-ora",' irigldr^t^^er:, !': 
 ' •♦♦I.,, 
 ||*«« ll 
 iSJ*' I 
 re;jUtor of fnun H74. I. Mtiiiulr uf Wll- 
 limn I'"nuieii4 Hiirllcll,' Host . I«7h, Ifiiiio. 
 " Till' Ktiiry tnlil III Mr. I'lillrcy'" imKi'n Ih a ^U•<■^lly IiiIit- 
 l«tllH{nllc Mllc.llX all lllf ntllllTM llf till' \ (illlllIl'iT 
 iiriiiy til wliiini Hi" war iintuulil I'lirly illplliicllnii and mplM 
 iiriiiiiiilliiii. (ii'iiiTiil llarlU'll Is ciiiii-iiiiinait I'y lil» ''""'■ 
 iii'w mill Kiilliiiilry ntiil tin. liciuity i)f IiIk iliumi'tiT. — 
 A'ii(/ii/i. x.wi, iim, 
 :!. .Aiilii'iiiiii mill Fruiliriikuburg, (" ('iiin|iBi){U» of the 
 Civil War.") Maim. \. Voili, HM'2, ilinic. 
 I'nM'rcy, John (i<irliiiin« ["»(', vol. ii., ndil..] il. 
 IS-<I. llij^tor.v "f Ni'W KnKlmiil fniin the Kevoliitlon 
 of tliii Sovcnii'oiitli Ciiitury, llii!>t., 1M77, f^vn. (Thin 
 fiiriii!' vnl. iv. iif tlw Ilimmy "f Nuw Kn^lanil, of which 
 vol. v., ontilli'il "lli»t'>ry nf New KiiKland ffmii the 
 Ki'volulion of tliii Si'Vi'ntci'nth L'liiilury to the Kuviilu- 
 tioii oflhc lOightooiilh (,'eiiliiry, vol. ii.," wan coiii|ili'tfil 
 niitl I'.lilwl by 1'. \V. I'allruy, .iiyi/'i, iinil iiublisheJ in 
 I "'.Ml.) 
 PiilRrnvc, William (iiirord, I'.U.o.S., [>•»(', 
 vol. ii., mill.. I |N'.'ll-lM.SS ; n|i|iiiintuil Driliiih I'onnul at 
 Soiikliiuui-KiilCi 1H8I1, ftt Tr«l)i/.imil l.!B7, at the i»liiiiil 
 nf St. Thiiiiiin l'<7:!, at Miiiiilii IH7I1; iMinKul-giiionil in 
 till) |»rini'i|piility nf IliilKariii 1>17H, ronml-giniiral in 
 Siaiii IH.-*!!, anil niini,«ler ro.iiilent in Uruguay ISH7. 1. 
 Kumiyn on Ka-tcrn (iui'i'liiiii^, l.ini., 1><7J, ."ivo. 
 " l>nt our n'HiliTN slnnilil think It Is a dry Vnlinnii of 
 Iiiilllli'al plillin-iiiiliy, «!' iiiav say Hull sili'h rflli'i'llniis iiti' 
 lull liiti'rs|«T«t'il ai.iiMiK iiiiiiislim anil liiUTCstlnx ilfMTi|i 
 Hulls III whiil Is as inuuli u book uf trawl as aiiylhlnu 
 cisi'."— /l(/i,. No. Z»). 
 2. Hermann Anha : an Eastern N'vratlvo,, l.sTl', 
 '2 vols. II. Hvi). 
 •Till- iiMVul Is a mosftU' of oxiuTlniri's ainoiiuf Turks, 
 Kiiiinls. .UkIis, anil niiiiiv uilitTs In .'^liiniliiiiil, Aiiiitolla. 
 Irak, anil Ku-vnl. , . . f In.' yiuiiiK will lake In It I'nr lis lovi- 
 iHirtluiis, tln'oliliT liir Us lU'.i^Tiiilliiiis, siiini' in this day fur 
 Its .\ral. |iliiluMi|,hy."-.l(/i., No. 'SUX. , , 
 ■ III splti'iir It.K ili'foctsiif style anil stury. we may falilv 
 I'nlgrnve, Francix Turner, I-L.D., [o)i(.', vol 
 ii., mill.,] b. ix:'4i was vii'c-nrineipal of the Traininj 
 CnllcKe for Si'linil-Mastcrd at Knollcr Hall ISSO-S.', am; 
 ;). The Ulo«soniiii« Koil, and othor PoeniH, Host., If^X^ 
 aftiTwards private aeeretary to Karl (irauvillo, — not .Mr. 
 (Jlml.itono, as stated on'c, vol. ii. In 18Si he was 
 fleeted professor of poetry ftt Oxford in sucoes.i'ion to 
 I'riiieipal Shairp. 1. Lyrical I'nouis, Lon., I.'<7I, IL'inn. 
 "We reiiiird this viilunie of ' Lyrical I'nems' as 11 k'iI". 
 It Is n eiiiitrilmllon to Hie cause nf order and of liartiiniiy 
 ill the reKinii of the Intelleet and taste; and Its ftiilniatlni? 
 spirit Is a deep and tHofold syiniuithy, on one side with 
 tlie self-sulIieliiK perfeetness of Hellenism, on the other 
 with the niiiinentoiis and tentative ell'nrts of the innderii 
 mind and the Inner consciousness of the iuoiIlTII heart. 
 —Hal. I'll:, xxxi.l')"!. 
 '2. (Kd.) Chrysoinolft ; a .Selection from the Lyrical 
 Poems of R. llerriok : with Notes, (" Golden Treasury" 
 Ser.,) Lnn., 1877, p. 8vo. H. (Ed.) i^ongs and Sonnets 
 by William .Shakespeare, Lon., ISTD, ItSniu. 4. The 
 Visiims of England, Lon., 1881, p. .svo. 
 "The Uvsk Mr. I'alwrave has .set himself is one in which 
 it Is no discredit nut aUvavs tn have I eeii siiccessfiil, for it 
 almnst exceeds the seijiH' uf hiiinaii powers. He has at- 
 tempted to write an epic nf Knulaiid, if we can call that 
 an epie which Is Judiciously eiusi in the form ot a .series 
 of Ivrlcs. . . . He is most successful, we think, when his 
 scenes are peaceful and his measures simple and not 
 uiifamlliar.' — .^Vif. /(«■„ ill. 8'J8. 
 .'i (Ed.) The Poetical Works of John Keats: re- 
 store of facts relating In the civilized pnrtlnii nl till ci.l- 
 oiiy. which he has arraiiKcd in siieli a way that his Imnk 
 must be considered a valinible addition tn our kiinwieilKe 
 of Dutch Uiiiaiitt."— .!(/(., Nn. 'iitil. 
 4. I'lyssea; or, .Scenes and Studies in Many Lands, 
 Lon., 18S7, 8vo. 
 " KcRilers w ho remcmtier Mr. I'ttlgravc's travels In Ara- 
 bia anil his essays nil Kaslerii (|iiestloiis will exiiect, and 
 will certainly liiid. Ill the paues helore us many slrlkiiij; 
 and picliireMiue incidents ol travel and de.seri|iHons nf 
 scenery, iniislvc sketches nf life and inanuers, nriiilinil 
 observations, and cnnlldeiit, if not sweoiiUiK, coiichisiniis. " 
 "Asa scene painter In wnrds Mr. I'aigrave deserves the 
 highest praise. —.'>K'■'"'"^ '"'•'•'""■ ,, , , 
 I'alin, llev. William, [unie, vol. u., add.,] d. 
 1882. Stilford and its Neiglibuurhood, Past and Present. 
 Illust. 1871, r. 8vo. I'rintcd for private circulation. 
 Palit, Kam Chantlra. 1. (Ed.) Speeches an 1 
 .Minutes of the Hon. Kristo Das Pal Kai Bahadur, C.I.E., 
 lsii7- 1881, Calcutta, 1882. 2. TheOrcat Contempt Case, 
 Calcutta, 1883, 8vo. And see Kodinson, O.F. S., Mah- 
 yt IS OK RiPON, iii/ra. ., . , , „„ 
 Pallion, Abel. .Mellony : a Novel, Lon., 1^80, 
 cr. >'vo. 
 Palliser, Mrs. Bury, ['111", vol. ii., add.] 1. lirit 
 tany and its Rye-Ways, Lon., IHIifl, p. 8vo. 2. lliHturic 
 Devices, Badges, and AVar-Crics, Lon., 1870, 8vo. ::. A 
 Depcriptive Catalogue of the Lace and Embroidery in 
 thi South Kensington Museum. Illust. (.South Ken- 
 siiigion iMuscum Pub.) Lon., 1871, 8vo 1 3d ed., rev. 
 printed from the Original Edition: with Notes, ("Uolden by A. S. Cole, 1881. 4. (Trans.) Ceramic Art, by A. 
 Treasury" Ser.,) Lon., 1884, 12mo. i Jaequcraart, Lon., 1873; 2d ed., 1877, r. 8vo. j. Hie 
 " The 'faction wlilch loves to reproduce texts in the spirit China-Collector's Pocket-Companion. Illust. Lon., 
 of a photniiraphermav be cniiKiatulated on the reinforce- ! ]<(j^. „g„ g^^_^ Is'b, 12mo. 6. (Trans.) History of 
 meiit of iLs ranks by so iine.xpeete.l an ,o;lherentjLs -Mr. p„^„jturc, by A. Jaciiuemart. Illust. Lon., 1878, imp. 
 I'alunive, who aeknowledfjcs tn have set himself the very 
 liunible task of reprinlinK In fae-siniile the three volumes 
 is-sued by Keats in his lifetiiue."— .l(/i., .\o. 2a8«. 
 Ii. The Life of ,Icsus Christ Illustrated from the Italian 
 Painters of the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth 
 Centuries, Lon., 188."), r. 8vo. (Consists of chromo-litho- 
 graplis, with preface and notes.) 7. (Ed.) Lyrical 
 Poems of Lord Tennyson : Selected and Annotated, 
 Lon., 1S85, 18mo. 8. Ode for the 21st of June, 1887, 
 O.xf., 18S7, 4tu. 
 Palgravc, Mary E. 1. Marcel's Duty: a Story 
 of War-Time, Lon., I88i. p. 8vo. 2. Under the Blue 
 FIng: a Story of .Monmouth's Rebellion. Illust. Lon., 
 1882, p. 8vo. 3. Blind Jem and his Fiddle, Lon., 1884, 
 12mo. 4. Miles Lambert's Three Chances, Lon., 1S84, 
 p. 8vo. 5. Not in Vain, Lon., 1884, p. 8vo. 6. Pictorial 
 Oengraphy of the British Isles. Illust. Lon., 1887, 4to. 
 7. Kept. Illust. Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. 
 Palgrave, R. II. I. 1. Local Taxation of Great 
 Britain and Ireland, Lon., 1871, 8vo. 2. Notes on 
 Banking, Lnn., 1873, 8vo. 3. Bank-Rate in England, 
 France, and (Icrmany, 1844-1878, Lon., 1880, 8vo. 4. 
 P0litic.1l Economy Reading-Book, New Code, Lon., 
 1,«81. 12nio. 
 Palgrave, Reginald Francis Douce, C.B., 
 [mile. vol. ii., add.,] b. 1829; brother of F. T. Palgrave, 
 «ii/irfi, and W. U. Palgrave, iii//<i ; clerk of tlie House 
 of Commons since 1886. The Chairman's Uand-Rook, 
 Lon., 1877, p. 8vo; 2d ej., 1878. 
 Palgrave, W. Gluyas. Daily Helps to the Higher 
 Life, Lon., 1876, p. 8vo. 
 Palliser, J. W, Course of Problems in Practical 
 Geometry, Lon., 1871, obi. 
 Palliser, Lieut.-Col. Sir William, C.B., 18:iO- 
 1882. 1. The Use of Earthen Fortresses, Lon., 1S71, 
 8vo. 2. ''■ "Cause of the "Thunderer" Explosion, Lon., 
 1879. 8vo 
 PalmeL, Mrs. Common-Sense Papers ou House- 
 keeping. IHust. N. York, 1.877, fp. 
 Palmer, A. Ci. Manual of English Literature ut 
 the XVII. and XVIIL Centuries, Lon., 1883, p. 8vo. 
 Palmer, Kev. Abraham Henry Herbert, 
 graduated at Trinity College, Dublin, 181!.^; ordained 
 1866; chaplain at Thun 1.S79; vicar of St. Peters, 
 Cheltenham, since 1884. 1. My Message in Switzer- 
 land, Lon., 1880, p. 8vo. 2. (Ed.) The Testimony of 
 Jesus: being a Selection from the Sermons of William 
 Augustus Cornwall, [with a Brief Memoir,] Lon.. IsSO, 
 "palmer. Rev. Abraham J., D.D. 1. History of 
 the Forty-Eighth Regiment, New York State \ oUinteeis, 
 in the War for the Union. Illust. N. York, ls87,_>v". 
 2. Divorce Abolished: a Treatise; 2d ed., N. \ork, 
 188.'<, 12mo. 
 Palmer, Rev. Abram Smythe, graduated 
 Trimly College, Dublin, iStiS; ordained i'^fn 
 of Holy Trinity 1884-87, and since then vicar, 
 Leaves from a Word-Hunter's Note-Book : being some 
 Contributions to English Etymology, Lon., 1876, p. 8vi). 
 2. Folk Etymology: a Dictionary of Verbal Corrup- 
 ti..iH, „r W„r,l, perv.rtcl in Form or Meftning bv Kal«. 
 l».,,n „r Mi.iuk.'n Annlogy, r,„n., l""2 ?>„ 
 " m'NhlfN itf* hflirjillf nil tillllinl,«r». M^ l.*l .* . 
 li-h i>i..'M., i.i,.,i„nurV, c„,;,i;;i,i;; i';;""''' ""*■"«- 
 I'aliner, AllVeJ N.-oburcl. |. a lli«lorv .,1 
 w,..xt,„!",;'s'j!' "' ""' ''"'"" ^''"--•" "f wrex'h:;;; 
 I'nlmcr, Alonzo Ilpii.|niiiiii, MD.. |,|,.|,., ,.15 ',,,,,, ,y, Ann Arbor, Mifl,., l,s,iy, s.,,. 2 „« ' 
 oj.ahy: what i, i, v „ s.a.cMncnt a„l I oviow u 
 l>o..lnn,., and l-n,,..!,..., I>otr„it. Mioh., |k.s„, Svo i A 
 b *Mis"''f','f"V "•''^•'•"'in Morgan, U.V.. h\..V 
 b. MI8, at Charleston, S.C; neiihow of lt..v || \I 
 Jlenley Thornwdl, D.D., M, I) Hi,. „, w-^i ", 
 in it. Civil and Churchly A>j^J/Art /.' i'""'"^ 
 .«hMe; .on n Shirley I'almor, M.D.,(,,. ,.,,,: .f'u.: 
 m,d,ed a, the Queen's College of Vjdi •!, Dir „ W 
 """. ""'1 |.rnctl.ed as a surgeon in his native own H,", 
 in ist .H"".""""'" '"i"'" '«'i,«ndwas ordained 
 in l.Sj,». Ho has contributed largely to antiouarian 
 ,\r ti,„ I. . ••.-■•o ■■ "I'-vn.n.. ui rejoarcn into the histor\ 
 the Doniinioan onler in Kngland. I. The Hi- or o 
 lie row,, and Castle of Ta„, worth, 1SI5 2 ,Tm, ) , 
 ;.te of Ueato Angolieo ,1a Fiesoh.,of the Orde of FMa 
 .; .1.. ciSi'i„,,vi „";si,! i:xr'x: 
 lily no other book 1,^ i,"K,^„l.'i" ,''"'"•'• • ■ • "'«'''•' i" proba- 
 ..on."'."r',o?,"'-'«^ ^»«""- ■n.e'We'ed.a-l.oen,, 
 to «f loll- 7.*ii ' '"•'','° 1»"3 was aiuiitted as n sizar 
 to ,.t. Johns College, where he graduated in 1867 and 
 j p : ; ^ppii:;;.7^;^r;;;t;r^;;:;:,:t: :!:^ 
 I «It« i-ilnl Lord Almoner'.- rn, l" , „ ""..nd . I ,, '/ 1'" V!' 
 i|. Can.brolK., ,'niv„r,it,. hJ "r'.'.'ii' ' 7 i'';,;;" ;' 
 I"- 1 to biroinoa journalist on ih,' ,h,tv of I,. ,1 
 Standard and rontrihu.or to he Sa 1 ,! /"""''"! 
 a n.i-Hon to .laHa and the II..H,.rl of i, ' ;""""".*'" 
 ." ""« ''™" " ol i„ ,|,i,. lo. wn. MO ,oi ,,| e li r 
 ■"i-io'fl.'r t.. Il„. lor,.e.,,.„d w,., pro„..,,|i ,L t N .k 1, 
 iin mien lew with ,o,n,. \ruh .look- •.,..,(, 
 H re,,,,,,,., with , ho • hi, ,„ ,,„„.,;o ,: c , ■ 
 I 111. I.l-..,a,,d Lieutenant CharrinK on, ll.\ 'vo? 
 lak.n .0 Kn|<l„ud and buried in St. I'au ', C,tl,.|n| 
 Merous Ilu.trations f,o,n Photograph- I,,,,,! 
 "ilhoiil iiilcroM a ,1 ,I.H,,?,'i '' '' '""""l I'o road 
 .!. A D.wriptivc Catalo^-ue of the A rabi,Vl>ers'i,u,' an,l 
 IsTlI Mv,;. ••^"""""^"' 'I'" Arabic l.ani.uuge,'l,o,.., 
 tbe'';ot'th"";;",;;™';:;""^,ii;m„"triv """" ^r' 
 ],„!;,'i'''V'*""« "*■.""-■ K««J- «nJ other I-ie,.,.- Lon 
 8,(1, ,, 8vo. 8. A Conn.e J'ersian-Kugli,!, IJ ietio, ,rv' 
 Lon., IS76, so. Ifiino: 'id ed , l^si <i V, '^>^""""0. 
 M,u,u„, : Gra,n,„ar Hl^ding Ut^rE^et^ief t: 
 Ideted bv ,J « s.V """"""'-" "y ""^ "utli'o-, and cow- 
 J„I, 1 .■■ ■ ^ S'range.) lit was al,-o tho author of a 
 anslation ,„to Arabic of .Moore's " I'aradi-e 1 the 
 : i:^bl;:;:,r^S:' -'■'■"-"■"■■-■•« ^"-Sst 
 Palmer, Edwin Frederick. I. Ver.nont The 
 [leiier, j.soi. 2. Reports ol Ca-e.- decided in tbo Vnr 
 : u,ont Supreme Court, vol.s. liii.-lviii., (IHsii s6 Jlln ! 
 lieher \ t., and .SpringKcId. Ma-s., l,SSl-86, 8vo 
 ' Palmer. EMen. 1. Cbrisl„,„5.U„y n the lieaeon 
 j tJ.n. S6i,, l2mo. 2. Ellen .Siddell. , .'^ /for " l°il-' 
 St,;"; of ",i' ''p'- ':■";;• •' '^''"= •^"-■'-■■l ^ ' -er a 
 •Mory of the Fourth Centu'y, fdin.. l,s;i, I2,no .| 
 ^ona: 11 Story, Kdin., IS7L', 12,no. i. Little Elsie 
 among the Qu,rry,nen, Edin., 1872, ISu.o. 6 7^,r e 
 Wet Sundays with .bo I!o...k of .los!,,,,,, y,.y,' ,''7? 
 «,"■„'• ■'^'"I'"!, '"IJ i" »■ Fisherman's Cottagc'Edin ' 
 la ks whh- ..'• ^".'^ ^"'-I'T""" '"■ <'"li'eoi of. Sund"; 
 iaiks with Papa, Lon., 875, 12ino !l HeroM nf A„ 
 cent Greece, iidin., 1.7,1, 12,nornewe" 1^*88 lo' 
 1 aimer, Mrs. !■ ranees. 1. True under Trial : a 
 '.'■1>. ' 
 ■f i 
 ' -H t 
 Tall) fnr nnyi. IIIiihI. t,on., I87H, p. Ayo. I. DoggKl 
 Jack. Illiiat. I.on,, IMtll, |i, "tvu, 
 I'nlmur, Kriiiicli 11. Th« Salani'o of Kdiioiitmn : 
 iloHiKiiD.I II* a Text llo.ik for TiM.ohtTK, C'l.i., IHH7, Uino. 
 I'lihnur, rrnncii) ilciiiii'ort, I), IS4A; KriKlxniml 
 at liilnTp-ity I'dlU'uu, llxfiinl ; ralleil to lliii bar ul Iho 
 Inner Tuniplu 1H7;), I. How !» convert >o»r lliiiiiiieiiii 
 Into n Private t'oMipaiiy, I.on., 1X17, >*v>, 'i. I'roroilinlK, 
 Fnriiii, <to., ri'latin)( to (.'oii'iianltm: with Noti>x, I.on., 
 IS77, Mvo; ;M D.l., I^Sl. ;i. Tlio Sliur»ho!ili-r«' an<l 
 I)lriu'tiir»' I.i'Xal Con|uinion, I.on., Iht.H; .lili ed., iNM.'i. 
 I. OoMi|iiiiiy I'ri Icntx lor I'no in Kdaliun to (Nun- 
 iianliw, I.on., Nsil, r. mvo. ,0. Wimling-Up KorinK, 
 I-oM., IMM,'!, S»o. 
 I'lllllicr, l''rilllk. A llriof (lenoaloKii'al IliKturyof 
 iho Aiii'i'Kiiirx arnl liuvi'iMnlanlii tif Sluphen I'liliner of 
 I'anilia, \.ll., Ilrooklyn, l-tnii, Svo. 
 I'liliiiitr, (apt. (icorKCt H N'..'^. I. Kid- 
 nii|i|iiii:( ill till' ."iiiiilli SiMfl : lii'iiiu It \a 'iitivu of ii 
 Tlinu .Months' Cruiaool 11. .M.S. " Itoimrio," lijin., l!*71, 
 "I'nptulii I'lilinprliiuHhown hliaii'lf no HtnilKlitfnrwiiril, 
 niMirly. and ciiiTKctli' In tlir link lir Ims lakcMiTii liand. as 
 to iniiki' liN 1 k wry plni-'aiit iiadinK, lpi".ld<"( tlirowlinf 
 valiialilt'aiid antluMilli' llulit iipmi ii inallcr ol'iiravi' sim'IuI 
 lUuU'viMi Inti'riiatioual Import."— -Si*. AVr.. x.\.xii. Itt). 
 2. Tlii^ .MiK'alion I'ruin .'^liiniir: Link* butwcvn the 
 Old anil Xvw I'onlincintc, I.on.. MTU, p. Mvo. 
 Pillnier, (ifiirtic Herbert, I). ISt2, in Doi-ton; 
 Kfaduatud at lliirvurd IMII,' profi'K.'ior of philomiphy nt 
 Iliirviird, I. (Tran«.) llornor'K Oily^^oy, llookn l.-.XK. 
 Tho Text, and an Kngli.ih Vernion in Kliythinio I'roic. 
 Dust., issi, Svo. 2. I'lisHiblo l.imitationi! of tho Klfotivo 
 System, Host., ISsil-s;, 2 j...rt» .Svo. .1. The Huvf Edu- 
 cation : Three I'apori", Ho»t., |SS7, lltnio. 
 I'uliiier, .>IrN. IlKiirietta l,ec, [unh; vol. Ii., 
 add. I Homo'o in tho lliblc. Ddiled by .1. W. I'almer. 
 lilUHt. Host., ISSI, Svo. 
 I'almer, .>Ii\ior-<Jeii. Henry Hpeiicer, K.K., 
 retired 1SS7. 1. The OrdnaiU'c .■^invoy of tho Kingdom : 
 its Objects, .Mode of K.xcoution, History, and Frosent 
 Condition. I.on., Is;;), svo. 2. Ancient History from 
 the .Miinuments : ,'<iniii, from tho Fourth Egyptian Dy- 
 nasty to tho Present Day, I.on.. ISTS, l2iiio. 
 i'almer, Horatio Itichnioiid, b. IS;i:, at Sher- 
 burne, N.V; Htndiod niu.lo in Berlin and Florence. 1. 
 Elements of .Musical Composition, isfl;. 2. Theory of 
 Music : Practical (luiilo to Iho .Study of Thorough- Ilass, 
 Harm ny, and Composition, ('in., 1.S70. 
 Palmer, J. T. Te.\t-llookof Pniotioal Logarithms 
 and Trigonometry, I.on., ISSS, |2ino. 
 Palmer, llcv. John, .secretary of tho Church of 
 England .Siindiiy-Scheol Institute. I. Tho Teacher's 
 Work: what it is, and how to do it, I.on., lS7il ; now ed., 
 IH.SII, cr. Svo. 2. (Ed.) First Thoughts: oontainin.{ a 
 Tc.\l and Hymn for Every Day in Iho Year, Lon., l.S7(l, 
 64ino; now ed., 1SS5. 1). I'Sctweon tho Bells: tho Place of 
 the Sundiiy-.School in the Church, Lon., 1S76, 12ino. 4. 
 Koot apd Flower : a Story of Work in a London Parish, 
 liOn., 1S7S, p. Svo. 'i. The Sunday-.Sohool : its History 
 and Development, Lon., 1S80, l2mo. I), Bethlehem to 
 Olivet: a Course of Lessons on the Life of Jesus Christ, 
 Lon., ISSII, 12mo; new ed., IS,S:i. 7. Active Service; 
 or, Hints for the Newly Conlirmed, Lon., 1SS2, Svo. 
 Palmer, John Williamson, .M.D., {miif, vid. ii., 
 where the name is erroneously given as Pai.mkii, Jons 
 W'LLiAM, add., J at present on the editorial staff of the 
 Century Dictionary. 1. The Beauties iii.d Curiosities of 
 Engraving, Host., 1S79, fol. 2. After his Kind, [o 
 novel.] By John Coventry, [pseud.] N. York, 188«, 
 Palmer, Joseph William. 1. (Ed.) Brio-i- 
 Brac : a Collection uf Curiosities, Old and Now, and 
 Various Articles from the Newspapers, Lon., 18S5, Svo. 
 2. Nursery Khymes Uovised, Lon., 1HS5. Ifimo. 
 Palmer, Loomis T. 1. (Ed.) (ieneral U. S. 
 Grant's Tour around tho World : Speeches, Receptions, 
 and Travels : with Biographical Sketch by L. T. Rcmlap, 
 [pseud.] Illust. Chio., 1879, Svo. 2. Gospel Awaken- 
 ing; or, Moody's Sermons in the United States, Chio., 
 187!), Svo. 
 *' Palmer, Lynde," (Pseud.) See Peebles, Mrs. 
 Mary L., in/rn. 
 Palmer,' Mary, ('I'owie,) a sister of G. M. 
 Towie, III/ c The Doctor of Doano, Bost., I88S, 12mo. 
 Palmer^ Kev. Ray, D.D., [auie, vol. ii., add.,] 
 d. 1S87 ; secretary of the Congregational Union 1866- 
 78. I. Home; or, The Unlost Paradise, 1872, sq. 
 liino. 1. rameat Words on Trua Sucoeas In Mfe: ad- 
 dresaeil to '.'oung Men and Women, .V. York, |S7;{, 
 Ijiiio. ;i. Poetical Worki, N. York, IS7,i, Hvo. I. 
 Hints on the KoriniiliMn of Ueliglous llpliiion: ad- 
 dressed to Young Pxiple. N. York, IK77, l2ino, 5. 
 VoieoH of Hope and liladness. Illust. Dost., IHS|, 
 Palmer, itonndpll, Karl of Nelborne, {•mi,, 
 vol. Ii., PtI.HKii. Sill Kill MiiKi.i., udil.,j WHS knighted In 
 ISDI, and soon afterwards elected .M.i'. lor lllchnioinl. 
 He represented that borough till 1S72, when ho becaim. 
 lord chancellor of England, and was raised to the 
 peerage with tho title of llaron Selboriie, of Selbnrnc. 
 Hamiishire: in IS82 he whs created Eiiil of .'^dhi rue 
 and Visi'ount Walmer. lie was elected lord rector of the 
 University of St. Andrews in IH77. I. Disendownieiit 
 nf the Irish Church: a Speech, Lon, IHIill, Svo, :'. 
 Notes on some Piissagcs in lie Liturgical History of the 
 Ueformod English Church, l.un., IS7s, Svo. :!. Eiidinv 
 monts and KstalilishmenI of the Church of Eiiglaicl. 
 Lon., ISSH, 121IIO. 1. A Defence of the Chiiivh of En.' 
 lanil against Dlseslalillsliment, Lon, IsMI, p. Svo; lih 
 ed., Isss. ."i. Ancient Facts and Fictions concernini; 
 Churches and Tithes, I.on., ISSS, p. Svo. 
 Palmer, t^arauel. .Memoranla relating to Si. 
 I'aiiciii.-, Lull.. |n70, Svo, 
 Palmer, Samuel, d. Issi, pel. 7ll, a watcr-eolor 
 painter and elchor. For biog., see Vaiii.kv, L. K., hi/yi. 
 (Trans.) The Eclogues of Virgil. Illiislrated by tho Au- 
 thor. Lon., |ss:i, fol. Posth. (Includes also an es.-ay 
 entitled "Observations ua Iho Country and on Itiiral 
 "One of the plensmilpst remcmlirances liN ailmlicrs 
 ciiiilil poKsllily possess of Samuel I'lilmer, In his tbrcelnlil 
 ciipacltv as e.'-sayist, poet, and dranKlitsman." — Actnl., 
 x.wl. ll:t. 
 Palmer, Lady Sophia .Matilda, b. ls,'i2; 
 ilaughter of ihe Earl of Selborne. Mrs. Penloutt's 
 Lodgers, and other Stories, Lon., LSS7, p. Svo, 
 Palmer, W, F. Memoirs of S. S. Jamiion, By 
 W. F. P. Phila.. 1S7S. 
 Palmer, \V. II, Cjuestions and Exercises in Musi- 
 cal Theory, Lon., ISSl, p. Svo. 
 Paln-er, W. J. Tho T.vne and Its Tributaries De- 
 scribed and Illustrated, Lon., ISSI, r. Svo. 
 Palmer, Hilliam, .M.A., [unii; vol. ii., sccund 
 o! 'he name there mentioned, add.,] l81l-lS7il; elder 
 brother of Sir U. Palmer, Lord .s^ollorne. I. (Trans. i 
 The Patriarch and the Tsar; from the Kuss, Lmi., 
 |S7 1-711, 6 vols. Svo. 2. Notes of a Visit to tho Kus.iiim 
 Church in tho Y'ears l.siO, 1S41 : Selected and Arranged 
 by Cardinal Newman, Lon., Iss2, p. Svo. Posth. 
 Palmer, William Pitt, [rmrr, vol. ii., add..] 
 ISO.WISSl. Echoes of Half a Century : Poems, N. York, 
 Issi, I2mo. 
 Pnncoaiit, Seth, M.D,, 1S2.1-18S9, b, at Darby, 
 Pa.; graduated in niedieino at the University of Penn- 
 sylvania rt.')2; professor in Pennsylvania Medical Cul- 
 lego 1854-69. I. An Original Treatise on tho Curubiliiy 
 of Cunsuuiption by Inhalation and Adjuii't 
 Itemcdies, Phila., 1SJ5, I2inu. 2. Onanism, Spermntor- 
 rha-a: Boyhood's Perils and Manhood's Curse, Pliihi., 
 IS.'iS. 3. Ladies' Medical Guide and .Marriage Friend. 
 Phila., 1864; new ed., 1S7B. 4. Blue and Bed Light as 
 Mediums, Philj., 1S77, Svo. 5. Tho Kabbala; or. The 
 True Science of Light. Illust. Phila., 1S7S, l2ino ; new 
 ed., N. Y'ork, 188.'), Svo. 6. Whet is Bright's Disease? 
 its Cunihility. Illust. Phila., 1SS2, 16ino. 
 Panin, Ivan, b. in Uussia; graduateil a. Harvard 
 1882. 1. Thoughts: Two Series, Bost., lS8tl-,i7, LMiim. 
 2. (Trans.) A Selection from thi Poems of Pushkin : witli 
 Critical Notes and a Bibliography, Bost., ISsS, Svo. 
 Panton, Rev. t-eorge A., and UonnldHiin, 
 David. (Ed.) The " Gcst llystorialo" of the De.-lruc- 
 tion of Troy : an Alliterative Romance, translated Iniin 
 (iiiido de Colonna's " Historia Troiann." Now lii.'t 
 edited from the unique MS. in the Hunterian .Museum, 
 University of Glasgow : with Introduction, Notes, and 
 Glossary. (Early English Text Soo.) Lon., 1869-71, 
 2 parts, Svo. 
 Panton, Mrs. Jane Ellen, b. 1848, in London: 
 resident ut Shortlands, Kent. 1. One Year in his Life, 
 Ac: Poems, Lon., iSSl, cr. Svo. 2. Jane C:tIdecotl ; i 
 Story of Cross Purposes, Lon., 1882, 2 vols. cr. Svo. ■'. 
 Country Sketches in Black and White, Lon., lfS2, p. 
 "The essays are all hits of pure word-painting.— little 
 vignettes sketched with care from the life, and often 
riiiii'hpil III ihim< clinriiil 
 llllllllU' illlli 
 ' tliiiii ciiliiiirli 
 y'< <•• iif imliiriil M 
 ii« I'jial wi.riN rthlnh 
 - .. rrllM- 
 HT^' lhllll||,.|) l„.|UT 
 ^ c'Miimiiiii.lucu Kn«ll»li.''„ Nii. j 
 I. I.!'* limn Kin: u N-vol, |,,jn., 1 
 I'nrk, Amifii. t.,i,i i;< 
 IT »o Long Ag.,. |,„n., UM, 
 tMt'n : I 
 ni«li»rClil|,» II 
 lin.l I'yiii. |,„|,., IMM.'), «,,. Iiti 
 u Muiy iif Ccuntry Mr,., I 
 "ur. llluMlriili'il l)v iMIl 
 nid. tl. Tbe <'urat«'« W 
 I'nrk, llcv. I<:«|<viir(in A 
 I'M.) Ill 
 I'mir 1 111., Ilrj 
 «liil, iNHfl, 
 ('•rri't: tllnta l„r Vi 
 in., IM.<il, 2 y„|,, 
 I'm... H, From Klf.lii.n t<< 
 nlutiil t.i Ihu K, 
 ■llllnll, IM)., 
 iir»,., .,„ „,„,„ i|,i,„|„^|,.„, I,, 
 «>'>u« rhiiriit'li.p, An. I 
 [nnir, viij. 
 iiali'iiii.ii nil 
 V. A Tiirinlcl Clmln, I 
 "n)( ..uii'e|i<.r», I 
 ■•", mrlijiu |.iiiii|.lili.t , 
 I'nrU, Onciir. Tlin... i.u.i, 
 'vcr, M.S.'i, Sv. 
 "vcl. I,. 
 , it.iiry ^\. Where T 
 ".. tH^T, 2 v„|,. , 
 .V Hli..tH, l„ 
 ri., Imm; 
 I"*".., ;! v.,1, 
 |). ^v.i, 
 oni|i«iiu blow : a 
 l*«rki-, t;ol, Jiihii (;riiiili, I .?< \ 
 HiM.,] I,. IH2Tt Krii.luni...| III ih,. | 
 .Siiiikfii K»ok«;» Novil, l,.in. 
 iinliili; Aiibri'v. 
 inrj, .1 v.,l». ,,. Sv,,. 
 n,.,'v","'r.''!'' ■'• ",' '' ""»' ' •*'"'"0" "M (Inn- 
 nciv, l„r li.|,.,.r, „t tlu, Aiuillary F.,r,.<.,, |,„„ « ' 
 l*a|. Il„„, A. |.-. H. .\|,.i;i„ir, „f' Tl", , iV n,,, • 
 1"". Ml ,„i,.|.,„. ,M„„.|,„ii,, Iil2;)-I70-, In, iriSN--' 
 will ' i , ;' '" ■*'"''"' "'"' ''^''nui'hu.- or Ti.rohLM. ■ 
 ;',• . ""I'' '■' •' l""-'"iv« I'hil.iloKy „, ,u,,,ii,,,, ,'„• ,,-• 
 c::x:?'^:;;l'tri:;;:) '-""'■'"-- '"^'^'i«'!^ 
 l.iiiM'l!)'.''-.l,';:}.,'l"' "i':!"'"' •■"■■ '"" """ "' »«'•""»"» In 
 IHsL.,'2'vi.^'r'.*t>."'"' '"'"''"'••"'" ""'' N"te-,Oxf., 
 I'npworth, John Uoody, K.U i n a nn.l M,. 
 ui..H.n.i,;y„r,:oa.:orAr;;.;-I;;;s;.,;,i/ '\J ;;;'™i 
 «l,o.o Sh.uM. have been ..lacj u,,„n IluiiilingH. S, T 
 1 laU., ,|,„, to., cm he r..u,liiy aso.rtainod, J».' 
 Papuorth, W. A. The Ronai-Hanoo an.l Italian 
 .Style- in ()r,.«t Ilrituin, Lon., ISSII, .Svo. 
 I arUoe, Ililex C. Byrne Uansom 
 '■• N. York, l,s,S|, ifiuiu 
 I Nil) 
 "orveil through tin 
 ["■>'>. vol. 11., 
 I'ry Acftili'tiiy 
 i'» Buiiaing, II. 
 Ill : N. York, imrmuo ' ""'"""«• ^'■ 
 .^:^„^'',^.L. ... •';":'"",•. "-.■" "-t a ,,rintcr, bul 
 a(-tcr»ar,i; dovot^l hiil.VelV tT,"lUor, t'l'i'ro. T. (ianics for 
 All .-easoni. lly (J. K. I>. Lon., mvj. 2. Bo k" fir 
 nuinbranoe for Evory Day In tbe Year, Lon , " "fi .si 
 :^: :^olJi^lr^^r»i-n^5: "-!-^- 
 _^.I ar,«h, C. H. The \Ve,l,lin«. King, Lon'., IW-S, iq.' 
 Parish, Rev. Wiliiiim Uoiigi-u. stu.lnnt i., 
 nvl law at Trinity College, ijxford, 1 "s8 , ordai " IKSQ 
 .car of Se Imoston Mnco ISe.T, ohanoellor Tc biolo/te; 
 ewe'"; 74"°%' 'y; ]■ Telegraphists- K^'tl^, 
 CoTu p;ir„': 5t, -elfHwes ",S7-"" TTf- """"" 
 the Sussex Dialect, and cX'tiln of'wtrit LIS i 
 !/%:".,^!'l.S.:'""'L"f..^"-»-^.. '-e^es, 1875. ,. A List 
 ;«nn«,, Hiib,^ ,york;. ,[';:: ^;4!::,l :;-;;;,; 
 iin'l Harbors, Wa..h., H77, s,,, ■ |,,,. ,,1 is,- ., i 
 yl','l.« I'nlte,! ,.ta,o. r,.|,i,ii,«' , \-, ,','\ ,t:,;,.,.-:„ ;";7 
 , Opinion, ,,rA.t,.;n:;:',.vl;.::;;:u,i::;;::t;:;:i;,:: 
 £fi^.,;riti;i!r;,n;;;,s;;,-;:;\ -::::,-: 
 .« NMv,«,,,l,,.\Va(,.rs, Itoumlarie, botwern .-<t„t, a, I 
 (mitriict.^ W.uli,, |SM2 Sv„ ' ' 
 S.n«u,arlty , or, Lay, fir .he' Eoee'nt^Iorn,^' «»;'!, 
 K.^'n^vir.^iv;^;: i„i;::"" »' '^■"'"'■''"" ^Jej- rev., 
 Inul "LV7i'„'V""V' Jv""!"'"' "f I'^'l.lons In Crim- 
 N York, ImHo'h^:,^"" ^■"""' »<"•• '-»•. ('«:".>-IH5«., 
 lus 7o, Ts.a -I ,''''"" '" '"^"'"^eHan,! : a T.ile. 11- 
 r '^•„Fe"thors an,l Kairie.s or, ,'<.ori... from Ibi 
 Ainong the Fairies, L, IsS:', ,, s^-,, ' ' ' " 
 ' ".';,':''.ri',i'f.'^«"'.*,','.S- .'i'''e Cabin in ,he Clear- 
 " ,^'5 '"n",^'^ ;V"' «i"g'-"J'i'--'" Notices, Lew;sriS79 
 ^SSB f. "^ «"TV '■^"■•"" ArchiBological .Soc..)Lewe" 
 Pn'nL ?"-' ' ^"''^;''' "'"' J'^vindalisiu., in I'so in the 
 Kloswv'li'aa h,.';'"-''r 'h""'^ '". "* voml.ulary. . . . The I 
 iocly d»Ut.ctical."-.l,.„j., xxxiV. '^T *" ' '"-■'"''' ''''^^""- ' 
 l-u«n'T„'„t'""'"'T; .'• A' of Method for! 
 T«A! ?• ' '•"""P'et and Practice of Teachit .. ■ fo^ 
 Teachers and Assistant JL .tcra, Lon., 1886, iL'iuo.^ ' i 
 in(j,^anil other I'ocius, t'bi,>., |SS7 ]•>,„„ 
 incif !:^'!Cn^d^^i.t lo 'si^-':u^!'i^ir^z^ 
 and Forms, ,><an Fran l.sns si„ ,;"' '""^■' "eicronceg, 
 ptakHl Acts, ,-pec,al Legislation, Ac, San Fran., 1872, r. 
 forU.^ninV V"?'"?,,'^- '^'"' "'""<■• Crosses at Oos- 
 f..rth, tuinberland. Illust, Lon., 1882, 2 vols. Svo an.l 
 »t'^"i'Itt7'co!le!.; S'"'.'^*, •'"rP'" ^'••^•' e^'^'^^'ed 
 »[ irinity tollege, ( ambndgc, >67,- oi-daini'il Isfis- of Gloucester t^,lle«e'sinc S?r Wi „iss J 
 Ood; Hurney rrize Essay, L.^,., Ism, syo 
 W,:r,"Lo„"Vs8;-.,^'8v.,''"'""" ''"""'■'' "f "" Ol-"' 
 1S?["& *='*^'»'""»'. The Roseof A^ondalc, Lon., 
 add'Td^'T^-.,'!"'"'"'!'.'^'"""''". [""".vol. ii., 
 M, ."I A , "'' 'M'puinted superintendent of the I' S 
 Naval Aoa,le,„y 1 87S. 1 . The Fleets of the World • The 
 Hailey Perioil. Illust. N York |S7r Svo 9 Tl 1. 
 tie of Mobile Bay, an,, the r,,',!, rV "fo I,,' ':„:,' 
 (James and Morgan by the Fords of the I'u te,l S ates 
 Bost*:: f";,"?™.""" '^^''"«''^' '^''«-'' '•^«' "Uh M^'p" 
 ••nrker, Francis J. Church.Building,an,IThinffs 
 Witt Br^l^s'f."""""''''^'"''^"' '" ^--roTtl'.'e-r?! 
 Parker, •■'rnncis Waylnnd, b. 18;!7, in Bedford 
 veriVv'of Berlin""' 1" "'" '"''"''•' '^ ''"'"" "" '' "' '"e UnU 
 ..nliii ^ 1 > ?' ""'' ""' "' "»" ''"'e ■•"'Perintendent of 
 Teaeher isiji •! 11 . \ „ — ^"e 1 raotieal 
 leatner, 1884. 3. How to teach Geography, 1885. 
 Parker, Frank Kowley. 1. Aialytical Index 
 nod Digest of the Supremo Court of Judicnture Acts nnd 
 Rule?, Lon., 1S8H, ful. nnd 8vo. 2. The Powers, Dulic.«, 
 »nd liUibilities of nn Election Agent, and of a Kcturning 
 Officer, at a I'arliamcfitury Election, I.on., 188J, 8vo. 3. 
 Election of County Councils under the Local Oovernment 
 Act, Tion., 1HK8, Svo. 
 Parker, Kev. Frederick Perrot, M.A., gradu- 
 ated at Oriol College, Oxford, 1866; ordained 1S67 ; 
 rector of Colton since 187 J. 1. Some Account of Colton 
 and of the " Do Wasleneys" Family, 'iirniingham, 187U, 
 8vo. Privately printed. 2. (Eil.) A Chartulary of the 
 Priory of St. Thomas near .Stafford, (Staffordshire His- 
 torical Soc.,) 1888. 
 Parker, G. W, A Concise (Jrammar of the Mal- 
 agasy Language, Lon., 18811, cr. 8vo. 
 Parker, (Jay. I. Mr. Perkins of New Jersey; or, 
 The Stolen Bonds, N. York, 1888, 12mo. 2. Playing 
 with Fire: a Talo of Love, Sin, and Retribution, N. 
 York, 1888, KImo. 
 Parker, tieorge. An Analysis of Ilallam's Con- 
 stitutional History of England, Cambridge, 18711, 8vo; 
 2d ed., 188B. 
 Parker, H. Vision of Justice, Ac. : Poems, Lon., 
 18711, cr. 8vo. 
 Parker, Mrs. Helen Fitch, [anie, vol. ii., add.,] 
 1827-1871. 1. Rambles alter Land-Shells. Illust. 
 Bost., 180.3, 18mo. 2. Missions and Martyrs of Mada- 
 gascar, Bost., 18(U, 12nio. 3. Frank's Search for Sea- 
 Shells. Illust. Host., 1866, llimo. 4. Constance Aylmor, 
 N. York, 1868, 12mo: new ed., 18611. a. Blind Florette, 
 Bost., 1871, 16mo. 0. A.thur's Aquarium, Bost., 1872, 
 Parker, Henry, M.A., graduated at University 
 College, Oxford, 18j0; Fellow of Oriel College 1851-85. 
 The Nature of the Fine Arts, Lon., 1885, p. 8vo. 
 " He lia-s examined the various theories of the fine arts 
 from Aristotle to Ktiskin. and has found them wanting. 
 His view is that arts which canncjt he reduced to science 
 cannot be taught theoretically, and that laws of taste 
 and cauinis of criticism are absurdities. ... He gives an 
 udinirable history of the term ' Fine Arts."'— .S(i(. Rev., Ix. 
 Parker, J. L., and others. Henry Wilson's Regi- 
 ment : History id' the Twenty-Second Massachusetts In- 
 fantry, the Second Company Sharp-Shooters, and the 
 Third Light Battery, in the War of the Rebellion, Bost., 
 1887, 8vo. 
 Parker, James, M.A., b. IS.St ; son of John Henry 
 I'arker, in/r'i, and a member of the )>ublishing firm of 
 Parker it Co., 0.\ford. 1. .\n Introduction to the His- 
 tory of the Successive Revisions of the Book of Common 
 Prayer, Oxf. and Lon., 1877, p. 8vo. Anon. 2. The 
 First Prayer-Book of Edward VI. compared with the 
 Successive Revisions of the Book of Common Prayer, to- 
 gether with a Concordance and Index to the Rubrics in 
 the Several Edii ions, Oxf. and Lon., 1877, p. Svo. Anon. 
 "In these two volumes, which, with different titles, 
 really form onti consecutive anil elaborate work, we luive 
 tuKiuestionably the fullest and most accurate account yet 
 publislied of the succc.-si ve revisions of the Book of (.'n'ni- 
 niou Prayer, . . , lu the introductory volume the history 
 of the various changes in the Prayer-Book is hunted up 
 and illustrated from a great variety of .sources. , . , The 
 second volume gives a tabular view of all these variations." 
 — Sat. KeiK, xliv. 306. 
 S. Did (iueen Elizabeth talfc ''other Order" in the 
 "Advertisements" of 1566? 0\(., 18711, 8vo. 4. The 
 Ornaments Rubriek, Oxf., 1881, 8vo. 5. The Early 
 History of Oxford, 727-1100: preceded by a Sketch of 
 the Mythical Origin (d' the City and University, (Oxford 
 Historical Society Pub,,) Oxf,,' 1885. 
 " The bc-t jMirt of Mr, Parker's book is undoubtedly his 
 work on Oxiord it.self, as it appears in Domesday, in the 
 various hints to be gleaned iu other writings, and in all the 
 city hius to tell (d' its own early davs in what remains from 
 them boili above ground ami below."— .S(i(, Hn:, Ixi, 21, 
 Parker, James Cutter Dunn, [mil,; vol. ii., 
 I'AiiKF.n, J. C. D., add,,] b. 1828, in Boston; graduated 
 at Harvard 1848, and studieil musie at Leipsic ; professor 
 of piano-forte and harmony in the Bo,«tcm University 
 College of Music. (Trans.) Manual of Har^iony, by E. 
 F. Richler, Bost., 187;i, 12mo. 
 Parker, Joel, LL.D., [anir, vol. ii., add.,] d. 1875. 
 1. The Thri-n Powers of (lovernment : Leotures in the 
 Harvard Law School, 1807-69, N. York, 1869, 8vo. 2. 
 Conllict of Decisions, Cambridge, 1875. 
 Parker, JoEin Henry, C.Ii., [iiii(e, vol. ii., add,,] 
 1806-1884. Ho superintended many excavations in 
 Rome, and was oppoinled keeper of the Ashinolcan Mu- 
 scum nt Oxford in- 1870. 1. The Archeeology of Rome, 
 Oxf. and Lon., 1874-77, Svo. (Only the first volume of 
 this work boars a number, and the full titles are some- 
 times given at the end, instead of at the beginning, of 
 the volumes.) Vol. i. : I., The Primitive Fortifications ; 
 II., The Walls and Gates of Rome; III., The Historicnl 
 Construction of Walls. Part II., Illustrations, (forming 
 a separate volume.) 1874. Chapter or Part IV., '1 he 
 Egyptian Obelisks: to which is added a Supplement to 
 the First Tliree Parts, which form the First Volume, 
 1876. Vol. ii.. The Forum Hoinanum, the Via Sacra, 
 " We must end by again rejieating our deep sense of Mr. 
 Parker's real services to Roman arebiu'logy, combineil 
 with our regret that lack of order should have made his 
 books so much harder to make use of them than tlicy 
 might have been, and that a hick of sound scholarebip, wc 
 might almost say a contempt lor sound scholarship, has Ud 
 him into ini.stakes wliidi are likely to make his real re- 
 searches less valued than they deserve to be."— .Su/, A'cc , 
 I xlil. 509, 
 Part VII,, The Flavian Amphitheatre, commonly 
 called the Colosseum at Rome: its History nnd Sub- 
 [ structures compared with other Amphilheatres, Illiisi. 
 j 1870. Part VIII., The Ac|ueduets of Ancient Rome, 
 I traced from their Sources to their Mouths, chiefly by the 
 j Work of Frontinus, verified by a Survey of the (ironnd, 
 " The whole book, with its minute Investigation of every 
 inch of the aqueducts, will be a useful guide to any one 
 i who wishes to study them ipii the spot. Hut no treatment 
 I could raise the subject id' the present volume to the same 
 level of interest as its predecessors,"- .S(i(, Jlci\, xliii, 171, 
 I Part IX., Tiunbs in a'ld near Rome. Part X., Sculp- 
 i turo among the Greeks and Romans : Mythology in 
 j Funeral Sculpture and Early Christian Sculpture. ('1 he 
 two parts form one volume.) 1877. Part XI., Church 
 and Altar Deeoratiuns and Mosaic Pictures, 1876, Part 
 XII., 'iho Catacombs, 1877. 2. Mi>faic Pictures in Rome. 
 Illust. 1879. 
 "Students of Christian antiquity will find plenty of in- 
 teresting nnittcr in ibis volume of Mr. I'arkei'.s. wbidi 
 ciintains, lie tells us in his prelace. the substance ol' 
 Cialdini's work on Mosaics. I'he subject is not (aic of 
 which he has made suehasiiecial study as he has of Humes 
 other antiquities, and the preseutwork is toa considerable 
 extent made up of extracts from M. Vilei.froin Crowe luid 
 Cavalcaselle, I'.id we have, too, a good many remarks fniiu 
 Mr. St. John ''.yrwhitt."— .^/iccta/or, lii, KW. 
 i 3. Photography, Lon., 1879, 8vo: 2d ed,. 
 rev. nnd cnl., Oxf., 188S, 8vo. 4. The Ancient Pri.-un 
 of the Kings of Rome, Mainertine Prison, 1879. ,i. 
 A B C of Gothic Architecture, Lon., 18,sl ; 2d ed., wilh 
 index, 1881, sq. 16mo. 6. Architectural History of llio 
 City of Rome: based on Parker's ArehieoloL'y. l.nii,, 
 18S1, p. 8vo; 2d ed., 1883. 7. The Histoiy of Dorches- 
 ter, Oxf., 1882, 2 parts, 8vo. 
 Parker, llev. John >Vebster. Sermons on tlu' 
 ' Church's Seasons, Lon., 1876, p. .Svo. 
 Parker, Kev. Joseph, I).D., [mitc, vol. ii., add..j 
 b. 18IU), at Hexham, Northumberland; educated al I'ni- 
 '■ versity College, London; minister of Poultry Cliapd, 
 London, l.'*69-74, and since then of Iho City Teniplc 
 I. (Ed.) Springdalo Abbey : E.\liaels from the Letlirs 
 and Diaries of an English Preacher, Lon., 1868, p. S\i., 
 I 2. Homiletic Analysis of the New Testament: vol. i., 
 Lon., 1869, 8vo. :;. Ad Clerum : Advices to a Young 
 Preacher, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 4. Cily Temple Sernmns, 
 ; ]ireaehed in Poultry Chapel, London, 18li9-76, Lon,, 
 1870. 5. City Temple Sermons, preached in Poultry 
 Chapel, London, 1871, Lon., 1871, 8vo. 6. Pulpit Notes: 
 j with Introductory Essay on the Preaching of Jesus Cliri.-t, 
 I Lon., 18711, p. Svo. 7. lictaehed Links, Lon., 1873, p. 
 Svo; new ed., 1877. 8. The Paraclete: an E.«8ay on the 
 Personality and Ministry of the Holy Ghost : witli sunjc 
 Reference to Current Discussions, Lon., 1874, Svo; nc» 
 ed., 1876. 9. The Priesthood of Christ, Lon., 1876, 8v.i: 
 new ed., 1880. 10. Adam, Noah, and Abraham: K.\- 
 pository Readings on (}enesis, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. II, 
 The Inner Life of Christ, in the Gospel of Matihew, 
 Lon., 1881, 2 vols. Svo. 12. Apostolic Life as revealci 
 in the Acts of the Apostles, Lon., 1882-84, 3 vols. .'<vc, 
 13. Tyne Childo: My Life ami Teaching, partly in llic 
 Daylight of Fact, partly in the Liino- light of I''anc,\. 
 i Lon., 1883, Svo; new od., 1885. 14. Weaver Stephen: 
 Odds and Evens in English Religion, Lon., ISs.'). '-v" 
 15. The People's Bible : Discourses upon Holy Seriptaie: 
 I vols, i.-ix., Lon., 1885-88, Svo. IB. Henry Wm I 
 j Beeeher; Eulogy delivered in the Academy of Musi,', 
 ' Brooklyn, Lon., 18S7, 4ta. 17. Every Morning doth li' 
 ; bring his Judgment to Light, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 "f Real Life 
 Lon.,, 1 
 Revival!", an 
 Milan, N.Y. 
 George T. Pi 
 N. York, 185 
 Morgar. Boy 
 Around the 
 his Banner, ' 
 of a Troubles 
 ester : a Storj 
 night Cry, N 
 1887. 11. p, 
 Parker, : 
 Lonilon Hosp; 
 pital for Wo 
 Laryngeal Di| 
 tions. Illust. 
 Congenital Cli 
 1887, Svo. 
 Parker, 1 
 Jack of All ' 
 Hiokup, Bost., 
 and Work, Bof 
 or. Which W( 
 Runaway, Bosi 
 The Orphan A. 
 Parker, 'I 
 18,80, 4to. 
 Parker, T 
 the University 
 Instruction in 
 1884, p. ,lv„. ; 
 Parker, y\ 
 ings Act, Lon., 
 Parker, >V 
 Comparative Ai 
 of Robert Wieil 
 18.S6, Svo. 
 Parker, M 
 and Wandering 
 Parker, Wi 
 b. 1826, in .Vew 
 tered the U.S. ni 
 as lieutenant 18, 
 the Confederate 
 and held various 
 bight Artillery, 
 2d od., N. York, 
 of the Coasts bet 
 Recollections of 
 1883, 12mo. 
 "Captain Park 
 sensation tliatoin 
 going out 111 a yii 
 breeze. . . . The i 
 the boy of fourtee 
 the parting at .\l)l 
 eracy, i steadllv i 
 and straigbtforwi 
 part of the biKik v 
 IS struck by the in 
 xxxvii, avi. 
 Parker, Wi 
 F.L.S., P.Z.S., F 
 of King's College 
 leyan Training 
 Royal College of 
 Structure and Dev 
 Sternum in the \ 
 Skull of tho Fo« 
 '**71, 4to 4. Th( 
 I'ig's Skull, 1874, 
 (Tropidonotus Nal 
 "f the llatriiohia. 
 f^kull in Sturgeons 
 Lon., 1882, 4to. 
 '■ej-idoslous Os-seus 
 Skoleton Myxinou 
 ^'o- (All tho prec 
 "ophical Transaeti 
 Mammalian Descei 
 livered before tho 
 Lon."^"',?,^!,"'- '""''•■ ^-"h^". "n.i other Storie.-, 
 Aroun.l the Manner, .\. York 18(1 Is, ^' • n ,"■ 
 <H8. 10. Life of 8. li. F. Morse. I retarv in N .» s"„M,"f.'."^'' " **':'.-• became colonial see- 
 I.on., ISSM.obl. l!i,„„ ^'""S'»'«'-'"-l'"wof.Mi„e, 
 ..i£:fei^^i?JrS;^VV^^I;«-„;?;'«'s. at ston. 
 ?'«'" ^7' N- York. 1S86. 10. Life of 8. li'. f'UoZ 
 iJ' ,"• ^ "l'<-''-'"-''l'"i"S to (icncee Count;. 1888 
 C;o„,e,, Cl.b-Foot : it, WtuJe a„r'fr:«"l;;.ent Un'; 
 Jark"of'"A''.', ?'";'* '^„*"'""' ("R"« Abbott.-') I 
 Ja(,K o( All Irades, liost., 18fi6 l(i,,,„ •« t, 
 Hickup, Host., 1S67 Iflnio •< IT .• r,' "• ^'"""'.V 
 and Work, Bo t., 1868 16 1 J -Z V "" n' "■■• ^^"' 
 or. Whleh Won'? iLV 86i,.■^B,,:'"7«i^:'t'rf•■ 
 Kunaway, Host.. 186!). 16,1,0 6 I'inU. ,,„,1i "'" 
 TheOrnhan A.;iu,„, 'Uost. isro; hit! ""' "'""' "^' 
 18,s() Uo"' Combination Telegraph Code. Lon.. 
 nstruetion in Zooto.'u;, , ...reS.) 'i,h „?.•"■ To ;" 
 in.^Yc'?,'L'o„^*;,s7"T;'' ™ "'' A8"-""™l Hold- 
 co?:;::^.?!;; l'::at?,^rfT:.rte&.'f:^.',rtr'r^ "-^ 
 of^Kobert Wieder.hei^.,. IU^t"^!;'.";r„:."V^rrk; 
 anr^!:^:;i,!:[';^,^i!^;-";,,^'-^-ing Thought. 
 fsr'^im'^ ':"'!' '•'"'" ;" '^«« minister 1S7., 
 : lund:< on il„. „Vi,.:l. '■■,>,'.".'*'; .r"'.."": /"»i,diiiK new Ids- 
 the ConfeTe ate si,. e^"r .'"'.'' ""'""'^ "^ ^"■"^ "^ 
 ;.nd held variouVeonrmaLl'- :'ln'Z:ti:;"f:r7"'''J Artillery, Afloat or A.b.r<^T:^:^m2''^ 
 : ^cb}"l^: '''-'K 2' «e"'»r'<.s on 'the'liaw;. 
 of theCoas^"be[;e;;-Sa; Fm^d^^'lT^''''^'^''"™ 
 fioin^^out 1,. a ya^o^Vr ;;^^-,l^o;^ - M^^^^ 
 m™ is Joi,,K i,.'yii:;l!;:„i:fMW;.. ^njre to ^,.,w w„at our 
 ,wn,.^t.'r=:!i;7s:;^''""''-''-iw. uy. 
 I „n , ?/■*?«' Kinetoii. Shelley's " Revolt of r«l,i.„" 
 Parkes, W. K. ^ 
 mingham, 1887, 8vo. 
 Parklmrst, Itev. Ch.irles Henrv h is4o , 
 Madison ..;^ua| vl<^:r^cl;:^:hrZu:[^ 
 SanLi.'S "^iT" "'..""-w^^"'/" Verb, illustrat'ed'T; 
 withoutUen^onVx: Vo;k."^ ^^ '" tI^IV"? 
 Man's tVeed. and other .«e mon ' \ Y^rk 18^ I . 1 "^ 
 Vo^^,^ni^,.r '"" ^'"-"' -" -'- Sl^-ion^ T 
 Parkin, John, r<i/,(,. vol ii h.m i i r. 
 ve„t.o„, ^^ Treat.^„t of ^.''(Jluf^'liiJj,^:',^- 
 'red.-L^^l8; ;:';'';;:tl/''?^r'"f^boie:r; 
 1' 7.^ 88, 2 ,ols. 8vo. -l.Clijnnte and Phthisis.- .Ir. The 
 Thomas Carlyle : an Essay, Bir- 
 goiiig out iiiava(Tit7Vr,i /I,.,. .'*'''■, "o* "* '"<« that of i f ' "unsis, i,on., 1875. p. 8vo- 2d ..,1 isx") ^ iT. .. • 
 EreJe. . . ' VL' n , rrZV^ f^^^^^^^ " spanking, ita Cause. Nature, and Trelli'ne t I'o , |8S^' I "'V 
 anir^tkS!^!; S-^ "if tef,/;--^!!; W. /88?;';;^:- «"«■» •"■ '^.''"e-"- > .-..ular .[. 
 part of the bm,k wh cl eaiswi , 'f,,l'a'',"V,"hiily In ti,a^t 
 Lon.. 1887, p. 8vo. 
 Parkinson, Kev. Henry William. 1821 mrj 
 state CWhes Exa„fn;ej,^^!o.;: Ss^ t™ ^^re^ 
 1078. (Ibis (vaa ej|,„| ^ Thomas ()rp..n „ .. ,' 
 crs .t IIo "e "'/r ■ "r '■"^ ^"■'"" y""' a'clerk a So ^ 
 irsct House; afterwards a j.mrnalist on the staff of the 
 t of the Shouldor-Oirdlo and ' ""y ? 8w ^. n"' '• .A.""^ "' Karlswood, Lon. 
 Structure and Development 
 Mernum in the Ve,tebiata, ^ 
 Skull of the Fowl, 1869 Jto -i ti,; i^ ' .■■^.""'i , .,, 
 (Tropidonotus N;.trix.) Lo^, 1'8?[,/t'"■7."TL'S^' Di^ 'i^d'iL'Ts-'ir'^^''''''' '" ^"'"^ ™ Narrative and a 
 l-e •idoslcus usseus, Lon u.s-i .i,„ to '"'=--•■"'• '" 
 Skeleton My vinoids ' Par I r . ; Marfpobranch 
 4to f All th« .T I- •' 1 •^tfomyzon, Lon., 1884, 
 sophieal Transactions of the KovarSoci'ct; r'M "'o„" 
 I^ri'b- '^■^" on 1-aper, Preston, 1886. 8v«. ' 
 is's"'"'!'"/ t"' ."''^- S'«P»«e>i, D.D., P.R.S., d 
 K888. 1. A Treatise on Optics; 3d ml., Lon., I8;(. 2 
 „ "•■.ii 
 An Klcmcntary Trcntisc on Mochnnice ; 6th cd., Lon., 
 Parkinson, Itev. Thomas, K.R. U.S., ordnincd 
 lS(il; vicar of \ortli Ottcrington since IS71. I. Lays 
 nnil Loiive< of the Forest, I,on., 1S,'*2, p. 8vo. 2. York- 
 shire Legends and Traditions, as toM by her Ancient 
 Chronieler.s, her I'oots, and Journalists. Ijon., 1S8S, .Svo. 
 "Tho critical faculty. If he iwsscsses It. lias not been 
 exercised, but. niitwithstanding this, lie has jiroduced an 
 uniiislnj; biiuk."— /l(/i., Xo. 3178. 
 ParkinNon, William Wignall, b. 1812, at Cat- 
 terall, near Gnrstang, Lancashire, Kng. The Principles 
 of Harmony, 1872. 
 Parkman, Alice. Slices of Mother Goose : served 
 ivitli .'^aucc by " Chump," Host., ]K77, 8vo. 
 Parkman, Francis*, [niiii; vol, ii., Taukman, 
 Franiis, .III., add.,] was ]irofcssor of horticulture in the 
 Agricultural School of Harvard 1871-72. Ho has several 
 times visited France ami examined the French archives 
 in connection with his historical researches. 1. The 
 Book (if Hoses, Host., 18B(i. 2. The Discovery of the 
 ■ireat West, Bost., 186«, 8vo. 
 " Mr, I'lirkninn tells the story with great spirit and in an 
 execlloiit style; bis own experience amoimst the saviiKe 
 deseemlaiitsof La Salle's Indianseiiatjles liiin to add many 
 ebaraeteristic sketches of scenery ami manners ; and we 
 may safely say that the book is worthy of his previous 
 <'laims to a very high place among writers on .Vineriean 
 history,"— ,■*!/, lifv., xxviii. 713. 
 3. The Old KC'ginie in Canada, Host., 1874, 8vo. 
 " He treats his subject as one wlio knows It In a personal 
 as well as in a literary way, . , . His descriptive touches 
 are never vague and rhetorical, , , . His ,Jesuit.s and trap- 
 pers are e,\cclleiil. but his Indians arc even bettar. . . . 
 His style is a capital narrative style, , , . He Is. moreover, 
 a very snihi'ient philosopher, and competent at all points 
 to read the political le.ssoii of history."— .Vad'on, xix, 2-)2, 
 4. Count Frontcnac and New France under Louis 
 XIV., Bost., 1877, 8vo. 
 " The rival systems of colonization are depicted with 
 great force,- that of France ba-sed upon feudalism, that of 
 Kngland upon industry. . . , The whole narrative, so far 
 a.s It describes the of the French and Uiiglish col- 
 onies, illustrates this contrast, and it is admirably summed 
 up."— yatiim, XXV. 259, 
 0. Montcalm and Wolfe, Bost., 1881, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 " .\ book which will tiike its place as a masterpiece in 
 military history,— the best account of the most important 
 war in our colonial period,"— A'lid'on, xxxix, ,')i)6. 
 " He has worked minutely at (loeumcntary evidence 
 both in Kurope and America, and at the same time lias 
 Bucceeded in keeping himself well above the facts; for 
 his story, rich as it is in picturesque detail, Is never over- 
 loaded, and never loses its continuity."— .8W. Jiev., Iviil, 
 " It not only conlirins the view we have jireviously ex- 
 pressed, that Mr, I'arkmau ranks amongst the best his- 
 torical writers of his country, but Justifies the addition 
 that his place is alongside of the greatest hislAirians whose 
 works are Kiiglish classics,"— .4(A,, No. 2'J87. 
 The above works form Parts III., IV., V., and VII. 
 of " France and England in the New World," Part VI. 
 being still unpublished. All the volumes of the series 
 have passed through several editions, and those published 
 previously to 1880 are included in a complete edition 
 of the author's works, in 8 vols. or. 8vo, published in 
 that year. 
 6. Historic Hand-Book of the Northern Tour: Lakes 
 George and Champlain, Ac, Bost., 188.% 12ino. 
 (Jknbhai, Cuitiiism : 
 " If we except Washington Irving and I'rescott, there is 
 no I'nited stales writer who shows greater skill than Mr. 
 I'arkmau in giving full value to bis researches, . . . Kven 
 Motley, lliough a writer of remarkable talent, is not, on 
 '. .' whole, so groat a master of his jieii as Mr. Parkman, 
 indeed, the latter pleases both by what he says and bv the 
 impression which he leaves of saying less than he might 
 say. and by avoiding alike undue emphasis and artiticlal 
 exaggeration,"— ^l//i.. No. 2i\19, 
 Parks, Ilev. Leighton, rector of Emmanuel 
 Church, lioston. llis Star in the East: a .Study in the 
 Early Aryan Religions. Bost., 1887, 12ino. 
 ■■ Vedaism, Urahnianlsm, Buddhism, Hinduism, and 
 Zoruastrianism are the subjects treated of, with the ad- 
 dition of four chapters showing the correlations of Chris- 
 tianity with the Arvan ' stream of tendency,' The book is 
 the outcome of both ndlection in the home study, and of 
 travel on the Asian continent In which religion had its 
 bulb."- C/i(if. vii. 2D4, 
 Parloa, Maria. 1. Camp Cookery; or. How to 
 Live in Camp, Bost., 1878, 18mo. 2. First Principles 
 of 'lousehold Management and Cookery, Bost., I87il, 
 Kimo; new ed., cnl., 1882. 3. Appledore Cook-Book ; 
 new ed., Bost., 1S8II, 12mo, 4. New Cook-Book : Guide 
 to Marketing and Cooking. Illust. Bost., 1881, I2mo. 
 5. Miss Parloa's Kitchen Companion : a Guide for All 
 who would bo Good Housekeeper.", Host., 1887, 8vo. 
 Parmalee, Kev. M. P., M.l). Home and Work 
 by the Rivers of Eden. Illust. Phila., 1888, l2mo. 
 Pnrncll, Col. lion. Artlinr, late R.E., h. 1841 ; 
 son of the t'lird Baron L'ongleton. 1. The Action of 
 Lightning, and the Means of Defending Life and Prop- 
 erty from its Effects, Lon., 1882, 12mo. 
 " .\ii original work on a scientillc subject of unusual 
 interest."- yl//i., No, 'J8.>1. 
 2. The War of the Succession in Spain during the 
 j Reign of Ijueen Anne, 1702-1711: based on Original 
 Unpublished MSS. and Contemporary Records: with 
 J Map, Lon., 1888, 8vo. 
 "Col, I'arnell has brought Into clear relief parts of the 
 contest before unnotieed ; he lias thrown fresh I ghton its 
 lietter-kiHiwn; and he lias woven his copious 
 store of facts into a work which, if not free from defceis, 
 I Inus the great morils of research iiiid freshness. His judi;- 
 niciits, too, uiKjii men and things are, for the most pan. 
 impartial and true; and he has. we think, comiiletelv ex 
 ploded the nmlescrvcd estimate niiule of I'eli'rhoroUKh 
 and liooke, while he has done justice to the niilitarv skill 
 and heroism of tliegreat Huguenot, Calway, on llie"<illiir 
 , band, he has failed to combine his narrative into a dia- 
 j matie wliole. It is loo much a series of deUichcd scenes; 
 and we cannot agree with his judgment on Herwlck,-a 
 really great eliief, whose remarkable e-xphdls he endeav- 
 ours throughout the bcsik to depreciate."— W. O'CoNNoit 
 MoKKIs; .Iciii/., xxxiil, 319, 
 Parnell, E. A. The Life and Labours of John 
 Mercer. F.R.S., the Self-Taught Chemical Philosoidicr, 
 Lon., 1880, p. ,Svo. 
 " His devout and generous soul, his shrewdness and uii. 
 wearied industry, his investigative mind, are well por- 
 trayed in this biograjdiy,"- .lC(i(/„ xxxi. i;>. 
 Parnell, Frank. Ars Pasteria, Lon., 1875, I2nio. 
 Parnell, John. The Last Plank: a Tale of the 
 Sea, Lon., 1871, 12uio. 
 Parr, II. Diuncstic Poisons : Dyes and Colours 
 used in Domestic Fabrics, Lon., 18711, 12mo. 
 Parr, Miss Harriet, ("Holme Lee," pseud.,) 
 [niite, vol. ii., add,,] b. 1828, in York. 1. The Life and 
 Death of Jeanne d'Arc, called the Maid, Lon., 1866, 2 
 vols. p. 8vo; 1809, 1 vol. 2. Maurice and Eugdnie de 
 Guerin : a Monograph, Lon., 1870, p, 8vo. Ii. For 
 Richer for Poorer, I/on., 1870, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 4. Her 
 Title of Honour, Lon., 1871, p. 8vo. u. The Beautiful 
 Miss Harrington, Lon., 1871, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 
 "The narrative is of the domestic kind, very full of 
 rather dreary sentiment, but comniendably free from 
 everything sensational or coarse,"— ^1(A,, No, 2281, 
 0. Country Stories, Old and New, in Prose and Verse, 
 Lon., 1872, 2 vols. ; new ed., 1875. 1 vol. 12ino. 7. Echoes 
 of a Famous Y'ear : the Story of the Franco-German War, 
 Loi.., ?S72, p. 8vo. 8. Katherine's Trial, Lcm., 187,!, 
 12moj new ed., 1875. 9. The Vicissitudes of Bessie 
 Fairfax, Lon., 1874, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 10. This Work-a-Day 
 AVorld, Lon., 1875, 3 vols. p. Svo. 11. Ben Milner's 
 Wooing, Lon., 187(i, p, 8vo. 12. Straightforward, Lon. 
 1878, 3 vols. or. 8vo. 13. Mrs. Dcnys of Cote, Lon., 
 1880, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 14. A Poor Squire, Lon., 1882, 2 
 vols. cr. Svo. 15. Loving and Serving, Lon., 1883, 3 
 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Parr, Col. Henry Hallam, C.M.G., military 
 secretary to Sir Bartle Frero at the Cajie of Good Hope 
 1878-80; served in Egypt 1882-84. 1. Guardana to 
 Isandhlwana : a Sketch of the Kafir and Zulu AVars, 
 Lon., 1880,- 12mo. 
 " Merely repeats In a concise and handy form all those 
 arguments against the Zulu king with which Sir Karile 
 Frere defended his war. and the lallaey of which lias 
 again andagalu been expo.sed,"— FiiANti->iEi.i,K.NCoLE.Nso: 
 Acad., xviii, 213, 
 2. The Dress, Horses, and Equipments of Inlantiv 
 and Staff Officers, Lon,, 1881, ii. Svo. 3. The FurtlicT 
 Training and Emplovment of Mounted Infantry, Lon., 
 188,8, p. 8vo. 
 Parr, Mrs. Lonisa, b. in London; daughter "f 
 Matthew Taylor, and wife of George Parr. 1. Dorothy 
 Fox, Lon., 1870, 3 vols. p. Svo j new ed., 188(1, 1 vol, 
 "A very charming love-tale. . , . It is difflcult todeeidi 
 whether the iialni of interest is to be awarded to the very 
 amusing sketch of the shifty lady of fashion, with lur 
 , misplaced pride cropping out on one oi'ciision, and lici 
 ulicr want of sclfrcspcct when wealth i,s to be .secured, ir.: 
 , another; or to the no less excellent view atlorded of the 
 ! inioleraiice of some forms of Protestant dissent, and ol 
 j the bad ell'eets which religious formalism and social isolii- 
 tion proiluce on the formation of character,"— /l(/i., Ni 
 " It Is when Miss Parr i" among the quiet Quaker trades- 
 1 folk that she really shov great skill. She Is not only lU ■ 
 The Western 'Wnnderer, 
 " '' "" •'appenerl, and othiT Storii.-, Lon., 1871 
 . _I8. p. 8vo. 4. (iosau Smithy, an,l'„ther Storic 
 fioh lr\^- '^"- '• ,^*"" "■"' '^>«. Lon. 
 aNov'ei, Lol,,. I.^is, 3 vl.'^V'i;:;, ^^ ''"^""■^- ""-«'' ^ 
 Parr, llev. Hubert IlenniniT v a . i . , 
 at Trinity College, Ca„M,"gc '^.Volinl^i " T' I 
 1 arrish, Joseph, M.D., [«„(<., 'vol. i'i., ..econ.l of thn 
 lington, N .r sinoo |S75, iu charge of a homo fur ner 
 Ch'„"p"'"''' V r?'""' "'■ "'» 'imerieun Assoc „«n, Kichard P. 
 N. liork, 188,s. 
 ThrT!'''"."V^'''*''>','^""''- '• Charley Uyton • or 
 £ 'aterr,;;,';,,;,;""- =■ '■■•• •"■»; 
 tributed many articles to Grove's Dictionary of Music 
 ItT °rr nT' '^""'P°'r = '''"• i'ortraits ion. isse; 
 r.n:;ks t'o's-riiT) ''"'''''''" ""^ ""^^-'-^ 
 in" numbT-^Stri,;;:''Znt7"Ff,'T '??'"^"'^ '^'<'™" 
 rate eomblnf ,...! of C|',cV"-"4^^t*&f '"" '^""^'^• 
 I T ^,^"v' '^'^T *^''"«''' <iambier, b. Iss.i ; son of 
 o.»i .;.',■'•■ " «'"«™l'l'y. I.on., IS8S, Mvo fGcn 
 !(:l' - 
 »r, Chats 
 ■'ketch of 
 . ""':'.«'• ««''• Edward, D.D.,n„„. vol ii 
 second of the name there mentioned, add ,8;i(ls,;-' 
 i-oiiege, usford : was rector of Aeton, Middlesev ISSO- 
 m9^Z f/'"^'^'"iru """^ '^""'^ »f Can rbury „ 
 1S8J, and SufTnigan Bishop of Dover in 1870 Mp 
 uZlnrlpT'''' ^"'^' ^•^- % >>'' Broth":: 
 Mi'^n"'^' *^'|**'?'''l Abbott, called to the bar at the 
 volume has (lone I li narV.I^ifi; I 1 i>f this tascinal nt; 
 |M'l'rcciatlo„';;f''l^is'' eK.' 'excSel^"' ^r',"' '[''i' '"" 
 A. bp.tome of English Church I istor;, I.on " i c; 
 in::it."''Tr.:' ^^^t:J\^Z '''' ^-n'ana'otlleJl'iet: 
 rca.hihlc ni 
 — AVi(/oH, xivil. :i-i(i 
 I Parry, F. Clinton. African ivt" 
 .bout our An.mal Friends in x\utal : with 
 Kaffir L,fe. must, hon., 1879, p. 8vo. 
 ! INS ""mo "'"' "'"'' "" ''^■"" Change, Lon., 
 Parry, John S.. M n tan i«-r i, . . • . 
 Cte ine :'""""«'™l ^'"•'^''^'0' "f'^l^hiladolphia. Eitra. 
 Parry, Sydney Henry Jones-, b '^IS^o l»t„ 
 I Vho ,n, -'',''"r'"f ''"■'' ^ '''^™y'' ''""•• 'SHB.SVO 
 : chapters ,m mo aios Vl ^ a t^n^ ■contains nstruotlve 
 may bo learnt t i . i '™,"I""S. *:<■■. from wliicb m\ieh 
 i.mnv. There iC a\in,i .:,.,.';;,?''-;,'''''' ","' ^'^ "■-"•''''I '" 
 of Wo^l'^Vi'*'''','^- Sanitary Protection : a Course 
 ■in s^cLt;.' itm.!^,'"^;^',':'' ^'"■'""' »' "■« ^^-y^' »""- 
 P|='D^--Ttr^^87^:i-— -'' 
 WaKne7^'n''■^^?•.^^' >'"''•' '\'-'''"'ovcn, by Richard 
 aj,ner, Lin., 1N|2: ,^J cd., rev., 1x73, Svo 
 n.^p?'*?"*' *^- "• '• I''"' Man with the White Hat • 
 , The Story of an Unknown Mission, U^ 885 n' 
 svo^'Vi-he'TiVti 'w''""'^"";' ''"'''• ^°"- '«««-■ 
 ! sort and Place of Residence, A^, Lon , 1808 p Svo 2" 
 i Lrn-."i^877lp'Tvo"""''"^- '"™""-' "'"" '^'^ ^^^^o^ 
 ^ Ac^^:;r^?,^:;r'^?o^vo''-''- '"^'^ '■-'"- -<> 
 ' .nn^^'f ".""'•V'""''''* ^*- '• Memoir of fsher Par- 
 I Svo' iTr^T''',^^^^'"^' ^'^'""^' I-rovidence IS?), 
 ■Sv 0. 2 The Medical School formerly existing in lirovn 
 ''s^riff .•„;,•' ^™'''-''""" ""-^ «niiuates,^;,"vi!lere': 
 "f he books have been published anonymously,' They 
 in'^l "ie >nany short tale, for children, which are omit ed 
 iithefolowng list- 1. Thornberry Abbey ivTlo of 
 the Established Church, Lon., is/e, p. 8n . 2 Edi'h 
 Lon Ts-- '"'s^'"' T"i!'' "' •'"■" "' M-'i-nor Manor, 
 1, 8;„ ;',';■ '"■,?• '^'""■"'^ ^ross, Lon.,n.d.,[18.09, 
 on i sal; "Z'^'r^^'T" "'" "''•^' ""'' "•■-' '^'"" ^ Tales 
 „ ",-' ',?,' '*''?■ ■'■ Afternoons with Mrs. .Maitland- a 
 Book on o,,.„ ,..,,, r,.,tr,, ri«„ and Entertainment Lon.^ 
 S urv of I.., t'' •'; n"' ■• »y''inglon ,• or, The 
 s H,„h « " ."''?' PfoTerity, Lon.? 1861, p 8vo. 
 s. Ruth Baynard's Stoiy, Lon., 1861, p. Svo « The 
 ITX i'fffr'-"^- ? Novel, Lon.,''i867;) v,;is 'p 
 8vo. II. Irsula's Love-Story, Lon,, 18)19, 3 vols n 
 8vo. U. Avice Arden : The Old Man's Romance. L™*!," 
 1870, p. 8v(). 12. Sun and Shade, Lon., 1871, 3 vols. p. 
 8vo. Kf. lioautiful Edith, Lon., ;Hr2, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 14. The VillBgc of Downo: a Short Chronicle, Lon., 
 1872, p. Svo. 15. The Story of Fordington Hall, Lon., 
 1873, 12mo. 16. Under Teuiptation, Lon., 1873, 3 vols. 
 p. Svo. 17. Marian's Trust, Lon., 1874, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 18. Mnjor Vandermere, Lon., 187l>, 3 vols. p. Svo. li». 
 Wrcclicd and Saved, Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 21). The Life 
 of Saint Colette, the Reformer of the Three Orders of St. 
 Francis, Lon., 1879, p. Svo. 21. Love-Knots, Lon., 
 1 88 1, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 I'nrsoiis, J. T. Sermons to Villagers, Lon., 1882- 
 8fi, two series, p. Svo. 
 Parsons, James. Essays on Legal Topics, Phila., 
 187«, Svo. 
 Parsons, James C. The Living Word ; or, Bible 
 Truths and Lessons. Uy J. C. V. Host., 1872. 
 Parsons, Mrs. Julia, (Warth,) ("Julian 
 Warth," pseud.) 1. The Full Stature of a Man, Best., 
 1886, 12mo. 2. Dorothy Thome of Thornton, Best., 
 1887, 12mo. 
 Parsons, K. C. Cn the Working of Punkahs in 
 India, Lon., 187S, Svo. 
 Parsons, Theophilus, LL.D., [anfe, vol. ii., 
 second of the name there mentioned, add.,] d. 1SS2. 1. 
 The Infinite and the Finite, Bost., 1872, Itimo. 2. Po- 
 litical, Personal, and Property Rights of Citizens of the 
 United States, Hartford, Conn., 1874, Svo; new ed., 
 ]S7t). 3. Outlines of the Religion and Philosophy of 
 Swedenborg, Bost., 1876, 16mo. 4. The Mystery of 
 — ~ '" h. Memoir 
 Life, and other Papers, Phila., 1879, 12mo. 
 of Emily E. Parsons, Bost., 1881, 12mo. 
 Part, H. A. L. Camp Life and its Requirements, 
 Lon., 1S72, Svo. 
 Parton, James, [utite, vol. ii., add.] 1. Topics 
 of the Times, Bost., 1871, cr. Svo. 2. Triumphs of En- 
 terprise, Ingenuity, and Public Spirit, Hartford, 1871, 
 med. Svoi 2d ed., 1874. 3. (Ed.) The Words of 
 Washington, B'>st., 1S72, I6mo. 4. Fanny Fern: ii 
 Memorial Volume : her Cciect Writings and Memoir, N. 
 York, 1873, 12mo. .5. Life of Thomas Jetferaon, Third 
 President of the United States, Bost., 1S74, Svo. 
 " Mr. I'arton has a marked talent for story-telling ; he 
 might liave been of great and of permanent service tu the 
 public. But good wiirk must have conscience in it, and 
 lie lias preferred to 'scamp' his. There are many amusing 
 details ill Iliis book : but the book as a book is Ijad in plan 
 and in execution."— A'eid'™, xviii. 284. 
 fi. Caricature and other Comic Art in All Times and 
 in Many Lands. Illust. N. York, 1S77, 4to. 7. (Ed.) 
 Le Parnasso franjais : The French Parnassus : a Book 
 of French Poetry from 1550 to the Present Time, Bost., 
 1877, l2nioandSvo. 8. Lives of Illustrious Men: the 
 People's Book of Biography : Short Lives of the Most 
 Interesting Persons of All Ages and Countries, N. York, 
 ISSl, Svo. 9. Life of Voltaire, Bost., 1881, 2 vols. Svo. 
 '• Whatever be the delicieii"ics in Mr. Parton's work- 
 manship, liis work has many ami great merits. It is . . . 
 exaetlv what it terms itself— a genuine life of Voltaire, 
 and not a critiiaie upon the life and character of \ oluiire. 
 In tliis respect it ditlers entirely from the works of Straii.«s 
 and Cif .Miuluy. . . . The result of the conscientious tenacity 
 with whicli Mr. I'aitoii has dung to his suliject is that lie 
 has written a book wliicli, whatever its defects, makes ] 
 the English and Anierican public for the Hrst time ac- 
 quainted Willi Voltaire simiewhat in the same sense in , 
 which they have loiij^ been acquainted witli Johnson or 
 Scott."— Audcm, x.xxiil. 270. 
 10. Noted Women of Europe and America, Hartford, 
 1SS3. 11. Captains of InuLstry ; or, Men of Business 
 vho did something besides Making Money, Bost., 18S4, 
 I2nio. 12. (Ed.) Some Noted Princes, Authors, and 
 Statesmen of our, N. York, 1885, Svo. 
 Partridge, F. J., M.A. The Life of St. Bridget 
 of Sweden, N. York, 18S8, 12mo. 
 Partridge, J. Arthur, [unle, vol. ii., add.] 1. 
 Citizenship i'». Secularists and Sncerdotalists in tlie Mat- 
 ter of National Teaching. By a Birmingham Liberal. 
 Lon., 1873. 2. The Policy of England in the East, 
 Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 3. The .Making of the Irish Nation 
 and the First Fruits of Federation, Lon., 1SS6, Svo. 
 Partridge, S. W., [ante, vol. ii., add.] 1. Lever 
 Lines for Spare Minutes, Lon., 1S67; new ed., 1871, 
 12mo. 2. Important Truths iu Sliuplu Veive. Illust. 
 Lon., IS72, l2ino. 3. Be.ids with a String: Brief 
 Thoughts on Many Subjects, Lon., 1872, p. Svo. 4. 
 Rhymes Worth Remembering, Lon., 1 872, sq. 16mo. 5. 
 Jesus of Nazareth; a Metrical Monograph, Loj., 1877, 
 cr. Svo. 
 Parvin, Theodore Sutton, [nntr, vol. ii., add.,] 
 pro .-or of natural history in Iowa State University 
 ISoil-07. 1. History of Iowa, Chic, 1877. 2. History 
 of Templary in America, Cin., 1887. 
 Parvin, Theophilus, M.D., b. 1829, at Buenos 
 Ayres ; graduated at the University of Indiana 1847, 
 and at the medical department of the University of 
 Pennsylvania 1852; professor in Jefferson Medical Col- 
 lege s"ince 18S3. The Science and Art of Obstetrics. 
 Illust. Phila., 1 886, Svo. 
 Paschal, George Washington, LL.D., [xnf. , 
 vol. ii., add.,] 1S12-1878, b. at Skull Shoals, Ga. ; ad- 
 mitted to the bar 1832 ; justice of the Supreme Court of 
 Alabama 1841-43; first iirofessor of jurisprudence in 
 (Georgetown University. I. Decisions of the Supreme 
 Courtof Texas, (vols, xxviii.-xxxii.,) Houston, lsiii.i-71, 
 5 vols. Svo. 2. Digest of the Decisions of the Supremo 
 Court of Texas, 1871-73, Houston, 1874, Svo. 
 Pascoe, Charles Eyre. 1. London Guide and 
 Directory for American Travellers, Lon., 1875, 12nio. 
 2. Hand-Book to the Principal Schools of England, Lon., 
 1S77, 12nio. 3. Illustrated Hand-Book to the Supple- 
 mentary Art-Galleries, 1877, Lon., 1877, 12mo. 4. 
 Our Actors and Actresses : Dramatic List : a Record of 
 the Performances of Living Actors and Actresses of the 
 British Stage, Lon., 187S, p. Svo. 5. Practical Hand- 
 Book to the Principal Professions, Lon., 1S7S, p. Svo: 
 new ed., 1881. 6. Schools for Girls and Colleges for 
 Women : a Hand-Book, Lon., 1879, p. Svo. 7. Dramatic 
 Notes: an Illustrated Hand-Book of the Theatres, Lou., 
 1879, Svo. 8. (Ed.) Every-Day Life in our Public 
 Schools. By Head Scholars. Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 9. 
 AVhere shall I Educate my Son ? Lon., 1883, cr. Svo. 
 10. London of To-Day : an Illustrated Hand-Book for 
 the Season, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. (Contiuued in 1SS6 and 
 Pascoe, Francis P. 1. Zoological Classification : 
 a Handy Book of Reference, Lon., 1877, 12mo ; 2d ed., 
 1880. 2. Student's List of British Coleoptera : Families 
 and Genera, Lon., 1882, fp. Svo. 3. Notes on Natur.Tl 
 Selection and the Origin of Species, Lon., 1884, fp. Svo. 
 1. List of British Vertebrate Animals, Lon., 1885, 
 18mo. 5. Analytical Lists of the Orders of the Animal 
 Kingdom, Lon., 1880, fp. Svo. 
 Pascoe, Rev. William Gluyas, b. 1S38, ut 
 Marazion, Cornwall; r. Wcsleyan minister. 1. Foot- 
 steps of a Prodigal ; or. Friendly Advice to Young Men, 
 Lon., n. d., [1867,] p. Svo. 2. Daily Helps to the Higher 
 Life, Lon., 1875, 12mo. 
 Pask, A. T. 1. From Lock to Look : Guide to tlie 
 Thames from Teddington to Oxford, Lon., 1SS2, Svo. 2. 
 Done in the Dark, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 3. Two Charm>; 
 or, A Hand in the Clouds, Lon., 1887, 12mo. 4. Mid- 
 summer Madness: a Novel. Illust. Lon., 1887, 4to. 
 Pask, B. P. The Apostle to the Gentiles : a Hand- 
 Book on the Life of St. Paul, Lon., 1877, l2mo. 
 Passinghani, Capt. K. T. Missionary Tour in 
 India and Ceylon, Lon., ISSl, 12mo. 
 Passmore, J. T. The Irish Sphinx, Bristol, 18S7, 
 Passmore, Mrs. T. H. Non Angli, sed Angeb. 
 Lon., 1870, 12mo. 
 Passmore, W. Compendium of Evangelical The- 
 ology iu the Words of Holy Scripture, Lon., 1873, p. 
 "Pastnor, Paul," (Pseud.) See Buckham, J, 
 Pastor, Robert. Short Tales for Young Reader-. 
 Edin., 1870. 12nio. 
 Patch, Olive. 1. Familiar Friends. lilust. Lon., 
 18S0, r. Svo. 2. A Parcel of Children : with some Ac- 
 count of their Doings, Lon., 1882, r. Svo. 3. Myself 
 and my Friends: a Tale for Children, Lon., 1883, r. '*vo. 
 4. Sunny Spain: its People anil Places: with Glimpses 
 of its History, Lon., 1884, Ito. 
 Patchett, I. Qualitative Chemical Analysis, In- 
 organic and Organic, Lon., 1S87, p. Svo. 
 Pater, Walter Horatio, b. 1839, in London; 
 educated at the King's School, Canterbury, and at Queen's 
 College, Oxford, wliere he graduated in 1802; clcot d 
 Fellow of B.asenose, in which college he has since licld 
 various otHccs. Ho lias spent much liuio in Italy, Fr:uicc, 
 and Germany, and has contributed to the leading Ivng- 
 lish reviews. 1. The Renaissance: Studies in Art und 
 Poetry, Lon., 1873, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1877; 4th, 
 rev. and enl., ISSS. , ,. , 
 " These remarkable ' Studios' arc among the s gn? ol t le 
 times Since tlie days of the purists, when Mr. Kusl;ii', 'le- 
 !!,'!.",llf„'','' ""? Rennlssance ns hcillow ^,,.1 unholy, n sitiKU- 
 lar change lias cdmu cvit the younger L'un.Tiuion ho ur.> 
 now In turn m.,ul,liuK tlR. literature a "7 he «rtf he 
 country I'oetry [mhuinK, an,l eritieiMu al ke-tlie ietry 
 an(l pictures of Mr. Kossetti, the poetry (,f Mr Swintiinie 
 not to mention a host of iniltatorsalie im ■ 1 1" of " r' 
 Hume JoneM, together with <llver«er ticalwr i i^s eh .ls 
 ,.r, r. l'„ "f "">^«V"''^^. ';' ft '"^^w lift- sometimes iurrei- 
 (lered to passion and to pleasure, but In Its better littl-iL 
 \ r .r, "",",',"' '•"J">""^,"' "'"' l""'t> a-sihetic culture. 
 Mr I'ater, lollowiiiK In the wukco!Cerialn Krench writers' 
 hi.s discovered a pra-Rennlssanee.-to u.h> hisowii words' 
 a UenaKsanee witl.ln the limits of the mi.ldle aje iSf a 
 .riiTi...,. . . . """'" '""' ' ""IS oi uie niKiuie age tse f. a 
 l.rl II nt, hut in part abortive, effort to do lor human 1 fe 
 and the liumaii mlud, at the end of the twellUi a 1 1 t e 
 beKinmuK of the thirteenth century, ■ wha was i ftmvar Is 
 ; a'vii cl wlirb.";e',''.' • • • ;F"S '^^^l^'^^-" '-" "oonnrdo 
 w hoi I ,r„ J . L?"l' '•'^''^" ^>' "'"■'*'-' "h" «re versed in the 
 wiKile library that has grown out of the most fiTiileof 
 ImI'm'S 'i" ""' ,"",','"" ■•"•'^•'"- «»t^tle ami s ' n'h ig in 
 sight Is shovyn in tliat part of the artist's career wliicff 1 es''"""^'';,"^ "';■.""""■"' ""^l ""-■ supernatu a 1, wh cJ^t 
 touched on divination, 'c airvoyance,' the ale em it's 
 secret, with the strange approaches in ininml creatio i to 
 carHes he'lnollirv?' ' ' ' '''•'■■ '''•^' .I'"agraphiiiX'b,'Kk 
 „ n w. •■ "'>)"',ry bi a consumniat on ; [t points to the be- 
 allamltheena.anofeveryphaseofart.pasM; eV, ,",h'^^^ 
 T:., ' ^^^ "'"!■"' .'"."t-'ht seems to be tl at life Is sli rt but 
 tliat art can make it long ; that the wisest men gl ve tl'iem 
 ►elves to art and song, and tluisget as maiiv ulsaUons^is 
 i.o.sslble into tiie alFutted time. Art corny" p?ofess1iB 
 lankly to give nothing but the highest "maUtnoviu? 
 T ^- *?"'."'„•'"! t'picurean: his Sensations and Ideas, 
 Lon., 18S0, 2 vols. (<vo ; 2d ed. same year. 
 book could scjircely be written ; yet the pcturesofTm. lent 
 Hie and ,jld,ects of Italy which It co a ns are i iniej- 
 ous and beautiful enough Uj attract even readers ho do 
 not lianker after mysticism The air of tl le W( rk the 
 atmosiihere through which we see the pictiir4 pf^s ami 
 ZZTV'""^' °"'."' '?<''"" "'"' clear.'^ikeJ^n^f silver 
 ,' I m'h1'ir""-''','"'V'^king on .secular olive ganlens, cold 
 Si; lix J^l' "" """•'" ''""' "f '""''"''^ marbles.''-Sai: 
 3. Imaginary Portraits, Lon., ISSr, 8vo. (Consists of 
 four stones: A I'rinee of Court Painters, Denys l'Au.xer. 
 rois, Sebiistian van ,?torck, Duke Carl of Kosenmold.) 
 "The distinctive merit and characteristic of the whole 
 book will be mi.-sed if the reader does not app4-iatt what 
 the author has evidently tried to do. He must not cou- 
 M.ler himself as listening to a tale-teller but as w ebb r 
 ai.arti>tgr«dunllyad,lii7gstr,,ketostroke aidprm^^^^^^^^ 
 ;.■; V,' 'V',","'!''''*"''^' V"*--'^''. «s in narration, but a cm: 
 IxlM m ' i'"Prcssion, a.s in drawing."-.y«( W"„ 
 J. Appreciations ; with an Essay on .Style, Lon.. 188», 
 cr. Svo. (Contains reprinted essays on Coleridge, Words- 
 wortUf &c, ) 
 Urnkr.\l CniTirisM : 
 of'suJlf "hJ'? ""'"f "■''i'*,'' whoexcels Mr. Pater in grace 
 of stjle. He does mjt indulge in pas.sages of sustained elo- 
 .luenco, but. every word he writes is S : ated to he t e 
 best word 111 that phiee, to have its All! s I'gi "tat on 
 "; l?; ;. >h" ■ i","'' 'V' '.''"'•• "f «">'-se, there are pasS 
 of e.\( eptloial jjeauty ; but. fine as these are, Mr I'a er's 
 special laciiltv for verbal expression Is niore noliceal le iu 
 lii.s occasional use of certain words which Iu N m ,,,1 
 so to speak act like a charm. While he is the i ost rhv ^ '■ 
 inical o! Kimiish prose-writers, his Is the mSuf tl e 
 viola rather than of the violin. "-.KA n" ■.«". '"* 
 I'atersoii, II. Seed-Time and Reaping, Lon., 
 i!>77, or. Svo, 
 Patersoii, Kev. Hugh Sinclair, M.D., b. 18.32 
 at Campbeltown, Scotland ; educated at the University of 
 (.luseow ; entered the ministry of the Free Church 1.44 • 
 pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church, Xotting Hill' 
 Undon, .since 1880, editor of the British and Foreign 
 hvangehoal Review and Word and Work. 1. , "Studies in 
 Life: Lectures, Lon., l!S-|i, l2mo. 2. The Human Body 
 iind Its t unctions: Lectures, Lon., 1880, 12mo 3 
 Icalth Studies: Third Course of Lectures, Lon., 188o' 
 1-1110. (rhese three works were republished together 
 under the lit e of " Lite, Function, llealth : Studies for 
 \"»ng Men," Lon., 1884, p. 8vo.) 4. In Defence: the 
 Larlier Scriptures, Lon., 1882, p. 8vo. 5. Christ and ttitne- E.xamincd.ind Crus.-K.xamined, Lon., 
 ' TK V o',*r??r ''"'' Crowns, Lon., 1884, sci. IKmo. 
 ,. 1 he Fourfold Life : its Antecedents and Consequences, 
 Lon 1884, p. 8vo. 8. Faith and Unfaith : their Claims 
 and ConBicts, Lon., 188,5, p. Hvo. 
 1 **'*?fifo*"'„ •'• Autobiographical Reminisoences, 
 ijon., 187J, p, 8vo. 
 Paterson, James, M.A., of the Middle, 
 1889 rtTv .'■ 7''" ^^■'"'-' ""<"««-■■'• House ict 
 1869-70: wi h Notes, Lon., 1870, 12mo. 2. The Bas- 
 tardy Laws Amendment Act, 1872, Lon., 1872, 12mo. 3. 
 .h„ « V". '^'""•■l- Commentaries on the Liberty of 
 Security of the Person, Lon., 1S77-7S, 2 vols p Svo 
 r,,hJr.5K"'?'"* "i'*''™' amount of Information 'thai would 
 o herwise liave been sought for In very liiacTcvslblc niaces 
 given In a p<|pular and accessible fordi ; i 1 f we c^-,*nt 
 Sir. Palerson's .lefinitioii of the liber "of esidjectli^s 
 U^yr-AZ,%\';l,'^.'^''' "' """" "'■ """ '^raucl'i'of'the 
 i J' \^"^ '''i"'^' "'' "'" •'"''' ^l'*^^"''- ""J Public Woi- 
 ship: being Commentaries on the Liberty of the ."Subject 
 'and the Laws of England, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. li. Notes 
 on the Law of Master and Servant, Lon., 188.i ,Svo 
 Paterson, John. Memoir of Robert Paterson. 
 By his Brother. Edin., 1875, p. 8vo. 
 Paterson, M. Mountaineering below the Snow- 
 Line. Illust. Lon., 18,s(i, cr. 8vo 
 Paterson, Noel H. Manual of the Usages .d' 
 , tlie .-tock Exchange, Lon., 1870, 12uio 
 rn^"!^^*"s"' "• "• Robespierre: a Lyrical Drama, 
 Lon., lSi7, 8vo. ' 
 Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. For biog , «eo 
 Patkhsox, John, «„;»■,,. Memorials of the LifJ of 
 James Synic, Professor of Clinical Surgery in tlie Uni- 
 versity of Edinburgh, Ac., Edin., 1.S74, p. Svo. 
 iwlT'lf ™'"^' "^ '.';'* "leniolr lies In Its .setting in their true 
 •f, ,!,"',:■'*''■ ''r""""'""" ^'■'"s '"the surgervof h s day 
 ma c Of "i'l e" !oln";r "f ■'""r' «<"""S together with ai? e sU^ 
 SUlic^tJiSiS^'^^lSJI,^:^^^^ »-8ica. method or 
 Paterson, T. V. The Art of Living; or, Good 
 Advice for Old and Young; 2d ed., Lon., 1.884, I2mo 
 Pate: son, Thomas, d. 1882; a cabinet-maker and 
 wood-carver, who devoted his spare time to tlie study of 
 social and industrial questions. A \ew Method of Men- 
 1"^ 18^r'''p"1'^'',P^'°""''"-' '" •'"''"'^"1 Economy, 
 Lon., I8S6 Posth. (Contains a prefat.iry memoir bJ 
 the author 8 widow.) -^ 
 I TJ.^,f*« ''!,""^ ^h 1. Ancient Ballads and Songs of 
 North Scotland, Edin., 1870, 2 vols. 2. Guide to Edin- 
 \ burgh, Edin., 1883, Svo. 
 i Paterson, Miyor-Gen. William, [ante, vol. ii., 
 ! Paterso.v, Captain WiLi.rA.M, add.,1 formerly professo; 
 , of military drawing in the Royal Military College, Sand- 
 ! hurst: retired 1885. Notes on Military Surveying and 
 Reconnaissance, Lon., lS7a; 6th ed, 1882 
 i r„*'?!fr°!V' '**,''"'«'"' «''l"l to the bar at Gray's 
 i inn 184,j. Ihe Practical Statutes of the .Session 1885- 
 I with Introduction, Notes, Ac, Lon., 1885, I2mo 
 I atmore, Coventry Kearsey Deighton, 
 ['•nle, vol. 11 P.VT.M0KK. CoVE.NTUy, add.,] reliied froiii 
 his post in the British Museum about 1868, ami bought 
 an astate in Sussex. He has contributed to tlie Edin- 
 burgh and North British Reviews, and was for some 
 years a writer on the Pall Mall (iazette. 1. (Ed.) The 
 Children s Garland from the Best I'oets, (" Golden Trea«- 
 „"?i •;«'••') Lon., 1873, p. , Svo. 2. The Unknown Eros, 
 and other Odes, Lon., 1877, sq. Ifimo. Anon. 2d ed 
 with author's name, 1878. 
 " A ,s'-les of poems, most of them odes in the stricter 
 sense oi the term, others in a laxer sense embodv-inJ 
 rains of very lofty ami occasioiiailv of somewhat"m ical 
 8&;l«;-, I-'SM^"'' '^^P^'"'"-'-'' »■"' '""^ic"' languay.''- 
 [3. Amelia, Tamcrton Church Tower, Ac; with an 
 Essay on Metrical Lore, Lon., 1878, p. 8vo. 4 Flori 
 legium Amantis. Edited by Richard Garnctt. Lon., 
 Is, 9, ISmo. (A volume of selections from the published 
 works of Mr. Patmore.) 5. Poems: Second Collective 
 L.lition, Lon., Lssti, 2 vols. 12mo. (Includes some poems 
 previously unpublished.) ' 
 (fENERAi, Criticism : 
 litile'wilb"!',!"^',',^ "" "r'm''"' ■■"";'>■ been content to do so 
 little with his art ; .so brilliant am luingcnt a thinker bus 
 periuips never been ciitent so long 1, ,1 e he very 
 border-land of insipidity. Horn with a L-ift which w^be^ 
 . evc woun nave enabled hUu loadoiiia wide circle of 
 tliemes. he hits almost obstinately confined himself to the 
 embroidery .,1 ,me. Dowered wfth a rare ear br n etrici^ 
 eflects educated lu all the niceties of metrical science lie 
 has of set nurposc chosen the most sing^-siV^ cff English 
 metres as the almost exclusive vehicle iif his ideaJ ■I'b.. 
 h',!!'';',',''-' I'l'/J- 1 "•■"•t"ble, with his humdrum MoVie^Tif girls 
 thatsiiudlof bread and butter, is In his inmost heart the 
 most arrogant and visionary <.f mystic". Tiiere is 1,0 Hgiire 
 more IntfrestiiiK or more (liflliult tt> niinly7.e on the poetic i L>. Kiirly Heconla relating tu Mining in .ScuilttuJ, Edln., 
 suwt' uf our Kenerallim."— -l"!.. No. Iio.i'.i. 
 " l.iisl niglit 1 rt'ftil till' new I'oi in, ( First [lart of \ Ifto- 
 ricNol' l,ovc.'i 1 omi truly Miy, with ii Kirat ilwil of pleiwure ; 
 1M7S, 4to. 
 " Such B book, . . . revcalhiK as It (Iocs the first develop- 
 meiits of an liidiistrv whlcli lias become the nmiiisprlnK of 
 iittlit to be specially iiiterestlUK to 
 -ami as you know my aversion lo that form of ' ""I'osl: , ,|,^, „„ti,,„„i prosperity. outtlit to b 
 tloii when w,{ ine.xor«t)ly neeessary aiul with what horror j, ,j ,,, jJi,o,^i,nieii."-N<i^ AVi 
 I av.iid the things commonly called • I'ociiis, you mu\ ,' , ,,,.,,„u ,,f ^,,„||,,„,1 ■ a 
 fairly take to yourself a very considerable credit out ol /■■ ihe .Medals oM-otlai d . a 
 tliat fact alone! The iiuestion whetlier it had not licen 
 better that a man of yoiir iiowers had trained hliiiselt to 
 mme, as e.Miiilsilelv as you have to verse, and stood by the 
 viitorous /(ic/ as the L'oils have unalterably made 11. instead 
 of lloatiiiu in this VIkIiI, beautiful way, rods ami ml.les 
 above it- the iiiiestloii whether, even in verse lt.sell. with 
 this admirable power of execution, you should mil now 
 take some more robust class of subjects, and close the Inm- 
 bmluur Enterprise as well (inlshed, these and other iiue.S; 
 tionsare still open with me. . . . There is a great deal of 
 talent in this liook; the execution id' it nearly perfect; 
 and the sentiments and doctrines set forth in it Kenerii ly 
 exalted and noble :-what a pity they went soarinn miles 
 above llie rugKed, contradictory facts, instead ol staiidiiig 
 amid tlieni, toilsomely eoiistralniuK tlicm into melody. — 
 LfltiroJ T. Ciirliik lt> Ciivfulry I'almim; Oct. H. I8WI,— imb- 
 li.sheil, with four similar letters of earlier date, in /l(/i., 
 No. 301)1. „ ... 
 Patmore, <;. Our Pets and IMay-lcllows in Air, 
 Earth, and Water, Lon., IS.-iil, 12mo. 
 Patmore, Marianne Caroline and Coventry. 
 (Trans.) St. Hernard on tiie Love of God, Lon., If^Sl. 
 Paton, Andrew Archibald, ["»'', vol. ii., add.] 
 1. Sketches of the Ugly Side of Human Nature, Lon 
 Descriptive Catalogue 
 of the Koyal and other Medals relating to Scotland. II- 
 lust. Edin., 1SS4, -Ito. 
 Pattee, William M. A History of Old nraintreo 
 and tiuincy : with a Sketch of liandolph and Ilolbr.iok, 
 Quinoy, IS7S. ^vo. 
 Patten, Claudius Iluchanan, d. is.'ii). Englnnd 
 as Been by an American Hanker : Notes of a Pedestrian 
 Tour, liost., ISS,^, 12ino, 
 Patten, Simon Nelson. The Stability of Prices, 
 (American Econoiiiie Assoc, I'ub.,) Bait., I8SH, Svo. 
 Patten, W. The Slide Uule Instructor: Ijucstions 
 and Solutions, Manchester, ISSf. 12uio. 
 Pattenden, F.W. Our Farm. Illust. Lon., IS.sS, 
 Patterson, Alexander, liible Manual for Chn>- 
 tian Workers and Voung Converts, N. York, 1SS8, Itiiao. 
 Patterson, Arthur. 1. Sea-Side Scribblings tor 
 Visitors; or, How to make the most of a Holiday .laiiiit, 
 Lon., 1S87, p. Svo. 2. Notes on Pet .Monkeys and how 
 to manage the.n. Illust. Lon., 1S8S, p. 8vo. 
 Patterson, Arthur J., [miii, vol. ii., add.] I. 
 1867, p. 8vo. 2. Henry' Beyle, (otherwise De Stendhal:) ' (Trans.) The New Landlord; from the Hungarian id 
 a Critical and Biograjihioal Study : aided by Original | M. Jokai, Lon., IsdS, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 2, The Miig.var.- : 
 Documents and Unpublished Letters from the Private j their Country and Institutions: with Maps, Lon,, ISTo, 
 Papers of the Family of Beyle, Lon., 1874. p. Svo. I 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 " Mr I'aton's book Is carefully and clearly written, and : •• The .smdal life and politics which are portrayed in his 
 has many neat turns of thought and expression."— .s'ii(. pages have a suriirlsing air of realitv ; and thou^di wc oc 
 Rev. xxxvili. .TO. ■ caslonally find ourselves dinering from his ccaicliisioii>, 
 "Though Mr Paton has not troubled himself with nr- «e are bimnd to admit that, wherever we have tested thcui, 
 rangement or analysis, being coiileiit to mass together a ^e have found his narratives and descriptions not only uc 
 inmiber of extracts from Beyle's familiar letters ami couple cun.le, but pervaded by an Impartial and diMriiuiimliiii; 
 them with a meandering thread of dissertation, he gives ; spirit. . . . One of the most acute and inlcrcsliin.' Oook> 
 us some insight into the true nature of his hero. '— .Sjiccdi- i which have apjieared for a long time. — .Ni/. l\o\, xxix. 
 "'"'Hc^ seems to have collected in Stendhal's Italian resl- I "Xot a description of the checkered country in its «ii- 
 deuces such details as he could procure from persons who , tirety, . . . but a special study on its central nationality 
 had known the French author; and moreover he has been ... Everything peculiarly Magyar is dwelt upon at lull 
 furnished with a iiuniljer of private letters, which throw , length and— let us add-with orofound kiinwledge, th. 
 uuite a new light on Heyle's temperament."— /l»i., No. 'J430. , fmit of rejicated and protracted so.iourns in the couiiti y 
 ^ _ ". , « . »r . _ __,.!. _ ¥,„ I .,r ., ....«r..n» <a,-.,ni,iriti' \v\i\t til.. M agj'ar iauguagc. and < 
 to Entire Freedom of Trade, Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 Paton, Kev. Robert, ministerof Kirkinner. The 
 Scottish Church and its Surroundings in Early Times, 
 Edin.. 1884, cr. Svo. 
 Paton, William Agnew. Down the Islands: a 
 Vovage to the Caribbees. Illust. N. York, 1887, r. 8vo. 
 "Written with spirit, taste, and relinemeut of a rare 
 kind."— .'<j)f<'/u^H', Ixi. bwU. 
 Patrick, ii. T. W., professor of philosophy in the 
 State University of Iowa. (Trans.) The Fragments of 
 the Work of Heraciitus of Erhesus: from the (Jreek 
 Text of By water: with an Introduction, Historical and 
 Critical, Bait., 1888, Svo. 
 Patrick, Mary. 1. Mnrjorie Bruce's Lovers, Lon., 
 1877, 2 vols. or. Svo. 2. Chiistine Brownlee'a OrJeal, 
 Lon., 1878, a vols. or. Svo. 3. Mr. Leslie of Under- 
 wood : a Story with Two Heroines, Lon., lS7i), 3 vols. or. 
 Svo. ,^ „ 
 Patrick, Robert William Cochrane-, LL.D., 
 F.S.A., 1842; M.P. for North Ayrshire 18811-85; under- 
 secretary for Scotland 1888. 1. Records of the Coinage 
 of Scotland from the Earliest Period to the Union. Il- 
 lust. Edin., 187fi, 2 vols. 4to. Only 2.")0 copies printed. 
 "There is no elo-ss of coins which, at the present time, 
 has a liigher market value, or arouses more interest among 
 antiquarles,than the Scottish. . . . Ordinary numismatists 
 eonceni Ihemselve.s clUetiy with the attribution and clas- 
 siHcation of coins ; while to philosophical students of his- 
 tory the mint regulations and the state of tlie currency 
 at various periods are of great interest. Both classes ol 
 studenta will llnd much that is new to them in the docu- 
 ments brought together by Mr. Cochrane Patrick. —Mh., 
 No. 2068. , . , . 
 " Not the production of a dilettante, but of a real stu- 
 dent,"— C. F. Keary : Acad., xii, 48. 
 the Liabilities of Railways for Injuries to the Pcrsi.n, 
 Phila., 1 880, Svo. 2. Federal Restraints on State Action : 
 the United States and the States : treating of the Rein 
 tions of the Government of the United States and lln' 
 Governments of the Several States with Regard to Ta\;i- 
 tion, ic, Phila., 1S88, Svo. 3. The United States and 
 the States under the Constitution, Phila., 1888, Svo. 
 Patterson, Rev. George, b. 1824, at Putnn, 
 N.S.; graduated at Dalhousie College, Halifax, IMI: 
 studied at the University of Edinburgh, and was pnst"i 
 of the Presbyterian Church at Green Hill, N.S., ISr.i- 
 7fi. 1. The Doctrine of the Trinity underlying tin' 
 Revelation of Redemption, Edin., 187(1, p. Svo. 2. Ili- 
 tory of the County of Pictou, Montreal, 1877, 3. -Mi-- 
 sionarv Life among the Cannibals : being the Life "I 
 the Rev. John Oedderd, 1S82. 4. The Heathen World, 
 Toronto, 1884. 
 Patterson, Grace. (Trans.) Olympia Morata; 
 from the French of Jules Bonnet, Phila., 1387, Ifimo. 
 Patterson, Howard. 1. The Yachtsman's ( 
 in Five Parts. Illust. N. Y'ork, 1887, 4to; new el.. 
 en!., 1888. 2. The Canal Guide. Illust. N. i"ili. 
 1888, Svo. 
 Patterson, Mrs. J. B. Wliy do I Believe or. 
 The Bible Historically True and Divinely Inspired, Lun., 
 1880, fp, Svo. , „ , f 
 Patterson, J. llruniccs. Life in the hann- "i 
 the British Army, in India and on Board a Troop-Sbiii, 
 Lon., 18.S5, 12mo. 
 Patterson, J. W. The Church of England .-. tlie 
 Romish Church in England, Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 Patterson, Mrs. Jane Lippitt. Out of si^fiit: 
 a Story, Bojit., 1883, 12mo. 
 flict of Naturi 
 frequenting B 
 add.,] editor 
 nance, Edin., 
 a I'ractical Ti 
 of the Poor a 
 Edin., 187n, 8i 
 ufacturing Ini 
 Golden .Age, a 
 UJion the NV'orl 
 History and A 
 in Philadelphi; 
 porter in the 
 ordained in thi 
 ates in Cli jrry 
 the Pres'oyteri 
 adisc ; or. The 
 Death and thi 
 Historical Skel 
 lS7(i, lihno, 4 
 Phila., IS77, ]f 
 and its Lessons 
 tory of the Syn 
 Words in Use 
 (Eng. Dialect S 
 Pattison, I 
 premo Court, > 
 Louis, 1879, 8v( 
 Pattison, ] 
 Hornby, Y'orksl 
 1837; Fellow o 
 54 ; ordained l> 
 till bis death. 
 Tractarian inov^ 
 of the Fathers, 
 in regard to tl 
 writers of " 
 devoted to stndj 
 torcst in unive 
 investigating th 
 universities. H 
 res]iondent of tli 
 was a frequent i 
 •Nineteenth Cen 
 boniana, Oxf., 
 Academical Org 
 3. (Ed.) Pope's 
 Isaac Casaubon, 
 " It is needles! 
 Ihroughont on tl 
 iiicnts hitherto u 
 the story gains i 
 through the com 
 conceive that, as 
 century, the pres 
 .No. 24t>«. 
 5. Milton, ("I 
 "This little w 
 limits, and of rea 
 lias the jiccullar 
 manner.''— .s'n^ A- 
 " When he deal 
 loves his Milton 
 that of a listenii 
 Where the book 
 .Milton's appearai: 
 li.titDi.NEK: Acad. 
 8. (Ed.) The ; 
 Library,") Lon., 
 " Perhaps only I 
 study of the voUii 
 know how dltlicn 
 be at once fresh 
 fall thediscrimini 
 introductory page 
 their freedom fro 
 reader."— ,», .Kj^mvi 
 ". Memoirs, Lc 
 " Fo- once the li 
 book ( for such, W( 
 cicntly found in t 
 soul, and in the r 
 worthy, light whic 
 tution andagreat 
 <•! ^"""f »"' John Stnhl, of Berlin, 0. Tho Con- 
 flict of Nrtturo iind l,ife, N. York, 1H83 
 PBltcMon, It. L. Tho Bir.l«, Fishes, an 1 Cetaoca 
 frequonting Belfast Lough, l.on.. ISSO, Hv„ 
 Patlerson, Robert HoRarlh, [,.,„e, vol. ii., 
 ad,l.,] e, itor of tho Olobo, London. I. Railway Fi- 
 nnnco, Kdm IsBS, p. 8vo. 2. The Soionce of Finance : 
 a Iractical Treatise, Edin., I SOS, p. Svo. 3. Tho State 
 Edn mn's"" 'l'^''"''■"7•»'>;l tl'" Iri.h Question, 
 td.n., IS70 s .„. 4. Oasand LiKhting, (" British Man- 
 ufacturing Industni's,") Lon., jsrii, IL'n.o. 5. The New 
 (.olden Age, and the Influence of the I'reoious MetaU 
 mion the World, Edin., 1SS2, 2 vol... s™. 6. EH.ay.s in 
 History and Art, Edin., 8vii. ' 
 ^.t**,'?,"?'.'' "''*'• "»»>ert .Mayiie, D.D., b. ls:i2, 
 in 1 hiladelnliia ; educated at tho liigli school ; was a re- 
 irter in tho I ..S. .Senate; .-tudie.l law, then theology • 
 pii'turtM "f'Z'rt'' i'Z'f""!"' n'' ""i I'^'>-s<>«<1'-mI, a most unfair 
 ^111, .,"""• ""'ii«h one ilrawii hy his own 
 hand. All Mu knew 1, ,,, well In lalor llle iiiiiu. t, (oMIly 
 ■ l'.'.''.'^:!;\"']"'"."i'i' 'n'liealli lii.srflf. 
 > liiiliire at 
 ordained in the I're.sbyleria'n'chun h IS.W; hel.l imstor- 
 »tes in Clurry Valley, Pa., and Philadelphia: has edited 
 the 1 refoyterian Journal since issii. 1. History of 
 Presbyteriani.sni in Philadelphia, Phila., 1872 2 Par 
 adise; or. The .State and Place of .Saved .Souls be'twcen 
 Death and tho Resurrection, Phila., 1874, IBmo. 3. 
 Historical Sketoh of the .'Jynod of Philadelphia, Phila., 
 .Ma !?7r ,«• ^ '^'»"^ "f "'^^'^ven for I,ife on Eartli 
 1 h hi S77, 1 61110. 5. Elijah the Favored Man : a Life 
 and Its Lessons for To- Day, Phila., 18811, 12mo. 6. His- 
 tory of the .Synod of Pennsylvania, Phila., lss5 
 Patterson, Willinm Hugh. A (Jlossary of 
 uC r,'",^fc'" Ih" ^""""^^ <"■ A"trim and Down, 
 (Eng. Dialect Soo.,) Lon., 1880, Svo. 
 Pattinson, Mrs. Children's Tears, Lon., 1886. 
 Pattison, E. W. Digest of Ueports. Missouri Su- 
 izi: 'z%i:''- '-'""• '"'='""^"' ('•^---'•^-«.)«'- 
 Pattison, 3lev. .-Mark, M.A., li.D., I8I.S-lss4, b at 
 m? ^F 1"'^''^'}'V' «'',"'"»'^''' "'OH'-d College, O.Kford, 
 18.17; Fellow of Lincoln College 1840-61, tStor 184:i- 
 54; ordained 1840; rector of Lincoln College from ISlil 
 till his death. He was intimate with tho loaders of tho 
 Iractarian m,.vement, and took part in their translation 
 of tho Fathers but subsequently adopted liberal views 
 in regard o theological questions, and was one of tho 
 writers of "Essays and Reviews." His life was chiefly 
 devo ed to study, but at one period he took an active in- 
 terest in university reform, and spent some time in 
 investigating the condition ami metliods of the German 
 universities. While at Berlin in 18i8 ho acted as cor" 
 respondent ot tho Times, and during his later life ho 
 was a frequent contributor to tho Quarterly Review, the 
 Aineteenth Century, and other periodicaLs. 1. Casau- 
 honiana, 0.,^, 1840, Syo. Anon. 2. Suggestions on 
 Academical Orgunuation, O.xford, Lon., 1867, p. 8vo 
 .i. (Ed.) Popes Essay on Man, Lon., |8ii9, 12mo. 4' 
 Isaac Casauhon, 15511-1614, Lon., 1875, 8vo. 
 " It is iiee( to say that Mr. Pattison'" work is ba-w,) ■ 
 throughout on the best materials, 11 at a variety of S 
 ments hitherto unpriiited have been consulteir a, , th t 
 ho story gains much in vivldnesV as Tdl as in fl 1,1 v 
 through the eonseiemious use of the or gial data We 
 conceive that, .us a picture of literary 1 "it '-t sixteenth 
 NoI"m " "'■'''""" ^^'•S"'P"y Is wflhout a rfyal.'^-a(A ; 
 ^^5. Milton, ("English Men of Letters,") Lon., 1879, p. ! 
 1 "^M'V'w?, '''•'"''' "■'"' ililton as a poet tho reader whn 
 fi. (Ed) The Sonnets of John Milton, ("Parchment 
 Library,") Lon., KSS.i, 12mo. .^uuieut 
 sti'uW nfT„",!"i^ ^^"^ "V"* "h" '"ivc been drawn to the 
 know hmv Smi''" u'-';""-" l"™'""-« of the sonnet, and "vlio 
 know how diffleult it is to add to it aiiythiiiL' whlphVh„ii 
 nmY. "",';'-' ^■».'' ■""• "''tf""tiisti(NwirSp.reciae 
 [ ln^^"^,''"''°"'""'LS''''^''""'-'Pfeseiitecl6y.Mr I'Stis^^ 
 .^r fr "i''^' P"/'-"'*! ^."' "'el" '"'"ling, theiVlucldi ■ a d 
 rtajur -.1. A>.Hri;uM- .Nobi.e: Acad., kx'v. il. 
 I. Memoirs, Lon.. 188.'), p. 8yo 
 bookubTs'ifeh'' tJeft'il™.!'"" "^'' 'h'TV'Bhly Ill-tempered 
 cleiitlv fnnn 1 i,J t'/''"'^^' ^* "-' "•""' <"'" ""•' Preseiit) is sufti- 
 sm ?„,T^..'" ""-■ '*'!''".''!'-' "'"-attioii of its pic nre of a 
 orthTliJhtwlH.'hr,';'''''''''' "' ''"'"1 »■">■» directly trus' 
 «uiLiiy,iignt\vnicU it throws on the h srnrvnf n irtH.,ft Juch 
 tution ancfagreat religious movemelu "-.^a/ ^f.^^'xlm 
 bow deep was the klilil , 
 an •'i;j;;;:-Myi^; :!;:!'■"■ """'-«"-" 
 Iii'lliet.lfl 'lv,'„,',',','l'J"'i,',;'' "■ '"■"""l''l '^""1 "mrred by self. 
 ;,, V ""iiii'ls. but constant and launicl in ioi 
 xxviTi'l,-, "■'"■''' ""-■ "8'"-"-»' ^>■^I.K,l,^^'.|'.,,d 
 ! 8. Sermon.s, Lon., Iss.'i, p. Svo. (Cmuprises nine uni- 
 versity sermons and college addresses.) 
 ..>,".T'i",'.'.'."''''^'" '"""'I''"« "> this voluine has l,een belu'lit- 
 iKd bv the recent revelation of Ih,. Iirencher's "h rie Ir 
 a.s he liiinsell Mepicte.: it in l,is ■Me, s ■' ami iv. I, rs 
 who have been re|ielle,l l,v the traces of tlie'i,, tv I ., , ^, 
 '.nd inorbid .self.onseinu;ne«'wlViel \ e^ll^'.U''^^^ 
 put on record, and Imve been temptiMl to tak, hi ,, a 
 I'ly,',',!",'"",'",'"' ",'1', I'i',»"-Prised' by the "a,, ■ ij 's It 
 ;be::^!;:g";-:i^)^,;i;riJu:' ''^''"'^ "•''''■'-■''•'■■•''■'--« 
 ' shin oTV88o""o'""! ""^ Arranged by Henry Xettle- 
 ship, Oxf., 188fl, 2 vols. ,svo. With others, Essays on 
 the Endowment of Research. By Various Writers 
 Lon., Is, 6, 8vo. 
 : Pattison, Mrs, Mark. See, Emilm F S 
 LAliY, Hiiprn. * 
 ■■ **'IV',\"",' ^"""'el Howies, F.(3..S., U,„te, v,d. 
 ',',•■' ?''''•'! ^ ,','^""' "' ■'^"•"i"'' Ob'ueestersliire. 1. On the 
 i''f''7, »f J'-vangolical Cbristbinity, Lon., 1875, 8vo. 
 -. (Ed.) The Brothers Willen : Memoirs and Miscella- 
 nies. Lon., 1N8(I, p. Svo. 
 "The yoliime before lis gives some account with ahiin 
 '\\Vm.M'^i""f ""• ',"' "'" •'"^■"'•"' «-ork not 'n 1 • r J I 
 Ml iiie (aseoi ,j. 11. « iil^.u wr itvii ,v is diiiiL'liii.r 
 m^tln^case ol Henjamin by .Mr, I^UtiLi. liiiSf.-Ilj 
 «,.?■ "u'-.H!'".'," Topography of England, Lon., 1882, p. 
 Man <•„ ■";■,'""' F'.'tKi-R.c.., The Age and Origin of 
 Aliin (.eoh.gically considered, Lon., ;s8:f P'mo 
 Vn.lf' l?-V '^« '^' '^ '^Jf ^■"'"'^ "■" "» In'fu'ment, X. 
 withs,e;i '1 , f""' -• ^\'\'>" "f \'"i™-l'"'duction: 
 ttithSpeoia Reference to tho Methods of Correct Breath- 
 ing, >. York. 1S8H, liimo. 
 ' t'Kl^iT: '^'i'^"'' ^'* *'e«fRe. Modern HLstory, 
 ir t rn '.""'""■■?' "i"'"T." vol. iii.,) Lon., I8,S7 
 cr.Svo (The other volumes mo by (i.Rawlinson and « 
 ' 1 . MOKC?, (J. v.) 
 i^?^*"."',',; "^V ''Va"c»s Landey, D.D., LI.D., b. 
 ami Knnv T"7'°''' „'<-"•"""'" • '-■''"^'"t'^'l »t rniversity 
 and Knox Colleges, loionto, and at Princeton Theologi 
 cal seminary, where he graduated l.sfis ; held pastorates 
 in New \ork, Bio.iklyn, and other places Is«5-si ; „ro. 
 fessor of didactic and polemic theology in the I'le'bv- 
 ten„r rheological Seminary at Chicago I).7t-8r. of tho 
 elation philosophy nn,l science to tiio Christian re- 
 igion in Princeton Theological Seminary, and of ethics 
 in Princeton College I881-8.S, and since then president 
 lsfi/'°v"«"' '• '^'■^ I-'-'pi'-'Oion of Scriptures, Phila., 
 1S60. 2. Summary of Christian Doctrine, 1874 
 „n^"i'°."' •!• *^'* '^'"' ^""'^ "f D«"'l>^ » Study, by 
 an Orthodo.x Layman, rev. ed., Lon., ISSl, p. •in ' ' 
 : IS?!,''"""' Jftcpb Harris, i,.,„e, vol. ii., add.,] b. 
 VI ,l:./i-"""'" ^''''oi-y of the American People N. 
 York, 18(6, Svo; new ed., 1.SS7, 2 vols. 2. Tho Natural 
 Resources of the Cited Slates, {"< i.,nco Primers,", N. 
 V.ork, 18,!l, Itlmo. ;i. Yorktown : an Account of the 
 Campaign of the Allied 'rench and American Forces, tho 
 I Surrender of Cornwalli.-. and the Close of the Amor can 
 Revolution N. York, 1882, 8yo. 4. The Democratic 
 fl^ •■ i. "'^^'wy "">'' Influence, 1S84. 5. The Triumph 
 ' of the Presbytery of Virginia; or, Tho Separation of 
 I f ., o'""', '^"»<"n Virginia: with a Concise History 
 of the United States. Illust. N. York, 188.s,8vo. 
 • ,.„'.'.'i',vi','i""'"* " Kfeat,''"'"""' "f '"•'•''''■I information,' leav- 
 es r'lr «'."«, ""s"'^'-''',' "■ ''-'»■ l'"l«'-' stateiiient.s, especia ly 
 -.\S«. xivi."]]""'^''"'''"""' "'"' '"■''"•"' '^^''«B«rati^ils,^ 
 , 1798-- S,i). b. ,„ Phila,lelphia: educated .-vt Middlpbnry- 
 jiind Princeton; pastor of churclies in New York City 
 ! during twonty-si.x years: took nn active part in the 
 formation of the WorbP- Kvangelical Alliance. 1. The 
 f'oir "o ^"■"'-■5'"'''"' ' "'- "''"•'^ of "'« Ancients, 
 H- ■ r ,11?, f'^^'g""^'" of Jerusalem: predicted in 
 History, fulhlled in .Scripture, N. York, 1876, 12mo 3 
 Jesus of Nazareth : Who was He ? and What is He now ? 
 N. Vurk, 1878, l6mo. 4. Bililc Prinriiilea illuatrated I 
 by Hiblo Charnoters, Hartford, 1M71», l^riici. j 
 Patton, Hfv. William Weston, U.D., \Aj.U., j 
 b. 1821, in New York City ; grinlimteil iit the UnlviTnity ; 
 of the City of Now Ycirk l";)!*, iiml nt the Union Tlioo- 
 logiciil Scininiiry 1842 j hiia buen |iii8tor of Congrogii- 
 tioniil ehurulies, editor ol The Adviincc, mid since 187" 
 nresident of Howard University, Wii^hington, D.C. 1. 
 Siiiritiiiil Victory, Host., 1S74. 2. I'rayur and its Ru- 
 iniirkiible Answers, Ohio., 1875, 12uio; 20tb ed.,N- Vork, 
 I'aul, Alexander. 1. Short Parlinmentii : His- 
 tory of the Nntioniil Demand lor FroriuontOonenil Klec- 
 tions, lion., 188:1, p. 8vi). 2. The History uf Kelorin . 
 Record of the Struggle in Parliament, Lon., 1884, 12mo; 
 5th ed., enl., 1885. 
 Paul, Charles Kegan, M.A., gnidiiatod at E.\etor 
 College, Oxford, 18IU: curate of (ircut Tew 1851-51.',: 
 and of liloxham 1852-5:ij assistant master of Eton 
 School 1854-B2; vicar of Sturmiuster Maishall, l)or- | 
 setsbiro, 18(52-75; publisher in London. 1. (Trans.)! 
 (Joethe's Faust: a Tragedy, in lUiyuie, Lon., 1873, p. j 
 8vo. 2. William (iodivin^ his Friends and Contem- 
 poraries, Lon., 18711, 2 vols. p. 8vo. | 
 ■' .'<ucli a work as that wliioli Mr. I'anl ha.s well done was i 
 needed. ... It is not too niucli to say tliat not one of Ids 
 pages is without Interest, and t(j this we may add that he 
 has shown a rare skill and ilisereiion in dealing with his 
 materials."— S(i(. Kev., xll. HI. ' 
 3. Mary Wollstonecraft: Letters to Imlay : with Pref- 
 atory Memoir. Portraits. Lon.. 1878, p. 8vo. 
 " Mr. KeKan I'aul is to beeongratulated on his successful ! 
 rehablUuilion of a maligned and nnfortunate woman of i 
 genius."— E. \V. GoiisE: .,lea((., xiv. 573. 
 4. lii(]graphioal Sketches, Lon., 1883, p. 8vo. 5. 1 
 (Trans.) The Thouglits of Blaise Pascal ; from the Text 
 of Augusto Molinier, Lon., 1884, er. 8vo. With, 
 Rev. E. D., (trans.) A Philological Introduction to 
 (Jreek and Latin, for Studcn s; from the German of Fer- 
 dinand Daur, Ph.D., Professor in Mauibronn, Lon., 1876, ■ 
 er. 8vo: 2d ed., 1879. 1 
 Paul, G. Henry Howard, [nntf, vol. ii., add.,] 
 b. 1835, in Philadelphia; removed to England in 1850, ' 
 and some years later became an actor and dramatist, j 
 1. Lord Byron in Love, end other Stories, Lon., LS71, 
 12mo. 2. The Book of Modern American Anecilotes, 
 Lon., 1873, 12mo. 3. Not too Funny : just Funny 
 enough, Lon., 1885, p. 8vo. 4. Smart Sayings of Bright 
 Chiidicn, X. York, 188(!, 12mo. 5. Funny Stories that 
 will make vou laugh out loud, 18S7. 
 Paul, isnac S. United States Digest: a Digest 
 of Decisions of the Various Courts within the United 
 Stales. New Series. Bost., 1888, 8vo. 
 Paul, James Balfour. 1. History of the Royal 
 Company of Archers, the C^ueen's Body-Guard for Scot- 
 land, Lon., 187.), r. 8vo. 2. Hand-Book to the Parlia- 
 ment House, Edln., 1884, Iiinio. With Thomson, ,John 
 M.\ITLAXD, ted.) Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, 
 1424-1. ■)8ll, Lon., 1882-86, 3 vols. 8vo. 
 Paul, llev. John. " Son, Remeinber ;" The Dis- 
 cipline of the .Soul beyond the Grave, Lon., 1875. 
 " Paul, John," (Pseud.) Sec Wedd, Chables 
 Henrv, iii/Vii, 
 Paul, Mrs. Margaret Agnes, (Colville.) 1. 
 Dorothy: a Tale, Lon., 1856, p. 8vo. 2. De Cressy: a 
 Tale, Lon., 1856, ]). 8vo. 3. Still Waters, Lon., 1857, 2 
 vols. 12mo. 4. Uncle Ralph, Lon., 185.S, p. 8vo. 5. 
 Maiden Sisters, Lon., 1859. 
 " Her present tale Is decidedly the most artistic fiction 
 she has yet produced."— .Su<. Hcv., vii. 278. 
 6. Herbert's Holidays, Lon., I8{)0, S.o. 7. Martha 
 Brown, the Heiress, Lon., 1861, 16mo. 8. Thomasina ; 
 a Biography, Lon., 1872, 2 vols. p. 8vo. it. Vanessa, 
 Lon., 1874, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 10. Gentle and Simple, Lon., 
 1878, 2 vols. p. 8vo; new ed., Lon., 1883. p. Svo. 
 " Few lady novelists are so successful witli their young 
 men as the author of ' Gentle and Simple.' "—Speclator, IH 
 11. Kintail Place: a Tale of the Revolution, Lon., 
 1886, p. 8vo. 
 Paul, .ME^or Norris, R.A. Moonlight by the 
 Shannon Shore: a Tale of Modern Irish Life, Lon., 
 1888, p. 8vo. 
 Paul, U. W. Incised and Sepulchral Slabs of 
 North- West Somersetshire. Iliust. Lon., 1883. 
 Paul, Ven. Robert Bateman, M.A., [<fnie, vol. 
 ii., add.,] 1798-1877, b. at St. Colomb Major, Cornwall ; 
 graduated at Exeter College, Oxford, 1820; archdeacon 
 of Nelson, New Zealand, 1855-60 ; rector of St. Mary's, 
 Htauiford, ISfi4-72; prebendary of Lincoln from 18(17. 
 The Autobiography of a Cornish Rector. By the Late 
 James Hauiley Tregonna, [pseud.] Lon., 1872, 2 vols. 
 Paul, Saia T. Cookery from Experience, Phila., 
 187.'i, 12mo. 
 Paul, >V. The I'asi and Present of Aberdeenshire: 
 Reminiscences of Seventy Years; 2d ed., Lon., 1881, p. 
 Paul, William. The Scriptural Account of Crea- 
 tion Vindicatoil, Lon., 18711, ]\. Svo. 
 Paul, William, [miti, vol. ii., add.] Roses ami 
 Rose-Culture, Lon., 1874, 12mo. 
 Pauli, Mrs, (Trans.) Air-Built Cactica: Stories 
 from the Spanish of Fcrnan Caljullero, Lon., 18.h(1| or. svo, 
 Pauli, Mrs. Henry H. U. I. Lucy West; or. 
 The Orphans of High Clitf, Lon., 1866, 12inti; new ed., 
 1881. 2. The Means and the End; or, The Chaplain's 
 Secret; new ed., Lon., 1SI)7, p. 8vo. 3. Mary Elton; 
 or, Self-Control, Lon.. 186s, ISmo. 4. Pride and Prin- 
 ciple; or. The Captain of Elvedon School, Lon., 18(is, 
 ISnio. 5. Tom Watson; or. The Law of Kindness, 
 Lon., 1868, 32mo. 6. Breaking the Rules: a Tale of 
 School-Boy Life, Lon., 1871, 12mo ; new ed., 1884. 7. 
 Miss Herbert's Keys; or. Honesty in Little Thing.-, 
 Lon., 1871, 12mo. 8. Mabel's School-Days, Lon., 1872, 
 12mo. 9. Margaret Ford; or, What a Young Girl can 
 do, Lon., 1S72, l2mo. 1(1. Trevor Court, Lon., 1872, 3 
 vols. cr. Svo. 11. The Greatest is Charity, L<m., 1S72, 
 er. Svo. 12. Oakfield Lodge; or, " Charity sceketh not 
 her own," Lon., 1S74, 12mo. 13. Horace Carleton ; or, 
 "Charity vaunteth not itself,'' Lon., Is7l, 12nio. 1). 
 Frank Merton's Conquest ; or, " Charity is not easily 
 provoked," Lon., 1874, 12mo. 15. Ethel Sevmour: or, 
 "Charity hopeth All Things," Lon., 1874, 12mo. Itt. 
 School-Day Memories ; or, " Charity envielh not, ' 
 Lon., 1874, 12mo. 17. Dora's Dilficuity ; or, "Charity 
 doth not behave itself unseemly," Lon., 1874, ISmo; 
 new ed., I8S5. 18. The Lost HaifSovereign ; or, 
 "Charity thinketh no Kvil," Lon., 1875, 12nio. I'J. 
 Evelyn Howard: Early Friendships, Lon., 1875; new 
 ed., 1880, p. Svo. 20. Dick, the Sailor: a Tale, Lc.n.. 
 1875, sq. 16mo. 21, Waiter's Mistake; or. One Tiling 
 at a Time, Lon., 1876, 12mo. 22. Straight Paths and 
 Crooked Ways, Lon., 1878, I2mo. 23. Only a Cut. Il- 
 iust. Lon., 1878, 12mo. 24. Knowing and Doing : Eight 
 Stories. Iliust. Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 25. EnglefieM 
 Grange; or, Mary Armstrong's Troubles, Lon., 187s, 
 12mo. 26. Mary Ha/.cldine's Desk, Lon., Is7«, Isinu. 
 27. Levelsie Manor, Lon., 1879, ISmo. 28. Harry Fos- 
 ter's Rules, Lon., I87il, ISmo. 29. The Cat Plcture-Book : 
 with Descriptions and Tales, Lon., 1879, sq. Klmo. I'.u. 
 Alice Brookfield's Trial, Lon., 1S79, 18mo. 31. Rolieit 
 Raikes and his Scholars, Lon., 1880, 12mo. 32. Ethel 
 Graham's Victory. Iliust. Lon., 1880, p. Svo. :'.::. 
 Leyton Auberry's Daughters : a Tale, Lon., 18811, fp. 
 8vo. 34. Tom Fletcher's Fortunes, Lon., 1882, 12nio. 
 35. (Trans.) Fairy-Tales, by H. C. Andersen. Iliust. 
 Lon., 1SS2, 8vo. 36. Alice Wiimot's Secret, and Helta 
 Maitland's Mistake, Lon., 1883, ISmo. 37. (Trans. i 
 Grimm's Fairy-Tales: New Translation, Lon., 18S3, p. 
 Svo. 38. Minatoo: or. Little Frankie's Bearer, Lun., 
 1883, 12mo. 39. The Owner of Bioadlands. Iliust. 
 Lon., 1885, p. 8vo. 4(1. Aunt Ellen's Success, Lon., 
 1886, 18mo. 41. Constance Somervillo, Lon., lSs6, 
 18mo. 42. Eva Grant's Escape. Iliust. Lon., Isstl, 
 p. Svo. 43. Horace Brereton's Discovery, Lon., Ism), 
 18mo. 44. Mabel Berrington's Faith, Ac, Lon., IsMi, 
 p. Svo. 45. Philip Thornton's Legacy, Lon., 1886, p. 
 Svo. 46. Two Homes, Lon., 1886, 18mo. 47. The Vicur's 
 Children, Lon., 18S6, 18mo. 48. Walter Stanley's Es- 
 say, Lon., 1886, 18mo. 49. Walter's Mistake, l.i/ii . 
 1886, 12mo. 
 Pauli, Miss Mary Anna. See Rii'lf.y, Mrs. .M. A. 
 Pauncet'ote, Bernard. (Trans.) The Englisii in 
 Egypt: England and the Mahdi, Arabi. ami the Smz 
 Canal, by Col. Eugene Henncbert, Lon,, 18S4. cr. Svo. 
 Pavy, Frederick William, M.D., F.R.S., ['ii,i., 
 vol. ii., add.,] physician to, and lecturer on the practioc 
 of medicine at, Guy's Hospital. 1. A Treatise on tlic 
 Functions of Digestion, its Disorders and llieir Treat- 
 ment, Lon., 18B77 Svo; '.'d ed., 1869. 2. A Treatise cu 
 Food and Dietetics, Pliysiologically and Therapeutically 
 considered, Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 3. Diabetes: Crooniuu 
 Lectures on Certain Points connected therewith, Lon,, 
 1878, Svo. 4. The Harvelan Oration, 18S6, Lon., l^sT, 
 or. Svo. 
 Paxton, Mary >V. 1. Ilyways, r,on., 1878, 3 voln. 
 p. »vo. 2. Where Tcuipota Hlow : ii Novel, I.oii., IH8S, 
 .( vol«. or. Hvo. .'1. MIm Klvostor's (ilrU: a Novel : new 
 eil., Lon,, 1887, p. 8vo. 
 Payn, Howard, called to the Imr at the Mlilille 
 reiiipio M70. Merohanillno Murks Act, 1887, with 
 Heforcnoo to Importation Section, Lon., Isss, r. 12mo. 
 I*ayn, JamCR, [.mlr, vol. ii., n,|,|.,] b. 18;!ll, at 
 fhellfnlmm, Kn^. ; iMlucaloJ at Kton, at Woolwich 
 Aea.lcrny, anil at Trinity College, Cainbriilgc, {raduatin({ 
 in iMol; editor for some ycar« from |s,",,s of Chunibcrn's 
 Joiirniil 'uccocdcd Lealiu Stephen a.^ editor of the Ciirn- 
 liill AlnRazine in 1M82, and has also contrilmted to 
 tlio Nineteenth Century and other periodicals. .Several 
 of his books have been published iinonyiiioiHly. The 
 following list includes the two work.s nicntiouod mile, 
 vol. ii. 1. Stories from lloccaccio, I.on., 18."j2. 2. I'oems 
 I.on., 185;i. ,3. .'(torieif and Sketches, Lon., 1857. l! 
 The Foster Urothors, Lon., 1S.5U, p. 8vo. ■>. Leaves I 
 from Lakeland. (1. The liatoman Household, Lon., ISiiO, ! 
 p. 8yo. 7. niohard Arbour, 18111 ; republished under 
 the title of" A Family Scapegrace," IsflK. H. Meliboeus i 
 in London, 18fi2. 11. Furness Abbey and Neigbliour- i 
 liood, Lon., 18B:!; new cd., ISOll, 4to. lU. Lost Sir 
 Miissingbcrd : a Romance of Uoal Life, Lon., 1884, 2 I 
 vols. |). Svo. Anon. 2d od. same year; new cd., 18tlj, | 
 1 vol. (I'ubliaheil originally in Chambers's Journal.) [ 
 11. Married beneath Him, Lon., 1865, 11 vols. p. Svo | 
 12. People, I'laces, and Thingn, Lon., 1885, p. 8vo; new ' 
 od., 1876. 13. The Clyffards of Clyffe, Lon., 1SI16 ;i 
 vols. p. Svo. It. Mirk Abbey, Lon., 18(111, .) vols, i, 
 8voi new od., I86», 1 vol. 15. Lights and Shadows of 
 London Life, Lon., 1887, 2 vols. p. 8vo. \i\. The Lakes 
 in Sunshine. Illust. Lon., 1867, 4to; new oil., 1870 
 17. Curlyon's Year, Lon., 1868, 2 vols. 8vo. 18. Blonilel 
 Piirva, Lon., 1868, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 19. lientinck's Tutor : 
 a ^ovol, Lon., 1868, 2 vols. 8vo. 20. Found Dead. By' 
 the Author of "BlondelParva." Lon., 1869, p Svo 21 I 
 A County Family, Lon., 1869, 3 vols. p. Svo; new ed " ' 
 1871, 1 vol. 12mo. 22. Ma.xims by a Man of the World',' 
 Lon., ISfiu, p. 8vo. 23. A Perfect Treivsurc : an Inci- 
 dent in the Early Life of Marmaduke Drake, Esq 
 Lon., 1869, p. 8vo. 24. Gwendoline's Harvest : a Novel' 
 Lon., 1870, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 25. Like Father, Like Son, 
 Lon., 1S70, ;j vols. p. Svo. 26. 'iVon— not Wooed, Lon., 
 . 1871, p. Svo. 27. Cecil's Tryst: a Novel, Lon., IS72, 3 
 vols. Svo. 28. A Woman's Vengeance, Lon., 1872 3 
 yols.p 8vo; new ed., 1874, 1 vol. 29. Murphy's Master, 
 Lon., 1873, 2 vols. p. Svo. 30. The Best of Husbands 
 Lon., 1874, p. Svo. 31. At her Mercy, Lon., 1874. 3 
 vols. p. Svo. 32. Walter's Word, Lon., 1875, 3 vols n 
 Svo; new ed., 1879. 33. Halves, Lim., 1876, 3 vols, n 
 Svo; new ed., 1880. ,34. Fallen Fortunes, Lon., 1876 
 3 vols. or. Svo. 35. What ho Cost her : a Novel, Lon ' 
 1877, 3 vols. or. Svo ; 1880, 1 vol. 36. By Pro.xy, Lon.! 
 18/.S, 2 vols. cr. Svo; 1880, 1 vol. 37. Less Black than 
 werePaintod, Lon., 1878,3vol8. 38. High Spirits: being 
 Certain Stories written in them, Lon., 1879, 3 vols or 
 8voj 1880, 1 vol. 39. Two Hundred Pounds Reward' 
 and other Tales; new ed., Lon., 1879, 12mo. 40. Undei^ 
 One Roof: a Family Episode, Lon., 1879, 3 vols. or. Svo- 
 18S0, 1 vol. 41. A Marine Residence, and other Tales' 
 Lon., 1879, 12mo; new ed., 1881. 42. A Confidential 
 Agent, Lon., 1880, 3 vols. p. Svo. 43. From Exile, 
 Lon., 1881, 3 vols. cr. Svo; new ed., 1883. 44. A Grane 
 from a Thorn, Lon., 1881, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 4a. Soino 
 Private Views: Essays from the "Nineteenth Century 
 Review, Ac, Lon., 1882, p. Svo; new ed., 1883. 46. 
 ior Cash Only: a Novel, Lon., 1882, 3 vols, cr Svo- 
 new ed., 1882, 1 vol. 47. Kit: a Memorv, Lon., 1883! 
 S vols. or. Svo ; new ed., 1885. 48. Thicker than Water 
 Lon., 1883, 3 vols. or. Svo; new od., 1885. 49. Some 
 Literary Reoolleotions, Lon., 1884, p. Svo; new cd., 1885. 
 " Tha' most agreeable of topics, literary shop makes im 
 the bulk of Mr. Payn's volume, and Is pfc^amly studdeS 
 wuh plums 111 the shape of aiiecdotes.''-.s,. "Li-.TlvMl! 
 50. The Canon's Ward, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 61. In 
 eril and Privation : Stories of Marino Disaster Retold, 
 Lon 1885, p. Svo. 52. The Talk of the Town, Lon. 
 ^85, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 53. The Luck of the Darrells, Lon. 
 \m, p Svo. 54. The Hmr of the Ages, Lon., ISSti, 3 
 vols. p. Svo. 55. Qlow-Worm Tales, Loi ., 1887, 3 vols 
 v' .?• ?i!- """day Tasks: being Essays written in 
 \ acation-Time, Lon., 1887 x>. Svo. 57. A Prince of 
 the Blood : a Novel, Lc , . -^7, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 68. The 
 tavesdropper: an Unp; ,■ | Experience, Lon., 18Ss 
 p. 8vo. 69. The Mystery of Mlrbrblgc, Lon., 1888. .<• 
 vols. or. 8vo. 
 t»!!,ularll?'" '"";,"','""-• Jeclded merits which JuMlly hi) 
 u'J Iv 11^; i.V " I'^^rlnlnly a merit that be Is alwavs 
 1 v«l), that his pluUs are tle/irly eoiistnicled and s.piiu- 
 times remarkably Ingenious, and that he has a t'eiiuliie 
 h^!\l,\V'^T)'V"'"'''^ ■,„■ •'•>■" r'-'Pri'l>en.slt,|c'-lov"','lf 
 iiail iiuns. — .V<. //ti'., xxxvlll. •■<i7. 
 I'ayiie, A. «., ("Pbillis Browne," pseud.) I. 
 Common. Sense Housekeeping, Lon., 1877, linio " 
 Comnioii-Sense I'apers on Cookery, Lon., lN7''7, r2mo! 
 3. Jiold trienils and Forest Foes, Lon., 1877, so. l6ino. 
 •1. A tears Cookery: Dishes for Breakfast, Lunch, and 
 Dinner for Every Day, Lon., I,s70, j,, Svo; 3d ed 
 issl. 5. WhatCiirls can do: a Book lor Mothers and 
 Daughters, Lon., Issi), p. Svo ; new ed., 1n8,5. 6. The 
 (Jirl s Own Cookory-Book, Lon., 1,S82, 12mo. 7. Choice 
 Dishes at Small Cost, Lon., 1>82, Ismo. 8. Sonny 
 Spain: its People, Places, and Customs. Bv Pbillis 
 Browne. N. York, 1S8I. fl. Mrs. .-^omerville and Marv 
 Cariienler, ("World's Workers,") Lon., 1n87, p Svo ' 
 . l*nyue, Mrs. Alfred. 1. Elder Park ; or, .Scenes 
 in ourUarden, Lon., Isoii, iSmo. 2. I'iis an.l Furnaces; 
 or. Life in the Black Country, Lon.,, lOmo. 3. 
 Ulastonbury; or. The Early Briti.«h Christians, Lon., 
 1871, IHmo. 
 Pnyiic, iHrs. Annie M., (.MitcheM.) 1. The 
 Odd One Lon., 1875, 12uio. 2. Outside the Walls, 
 N. \ork, ISM, 12mo. 
 Payne, Charles G. 1. Candidates' and Voters- 
 Manual, Lcm., 1N8,0, 12mo. 2. .Matrimony by Adver- 
 tisement: Adventuresof a JournalidI, Lon., 1S,S5, 12mo. 
 ■i. \ olo for Pottlebeok ! the Story of a Politician in Love, 
 Lon., issj, 12ino. 
 .J!"*'"!;'"*** fhnrles Henrj, D.l)., LL.D., b. 
 is.,0, at Taunton, Mass.; graduated at Weslevan Uni- 
 ^•7"i'y^-i''~^'''' I"'"-''''"'" "f "'" Ohio Wesleyan (niver- 
 sity l8,6-sl. (Juidesand (iuurdsin Characler-Building, 
 N. -iork, I8S3, l2mo; 6th ed., I8SI1. Also, scvera 
 Payne, Clara. A Loyal Garland, Lon., 1875, Svo. 
 i^.r**"*'^', "'^*' l*a»'c' Alexander, LL.D., b. 
 1811, at Charleston, S.C, of Africun descent; entered 
 the |">ni8try of the Lutheran Church ; elected Bishop 
 V f ,0^/"'"'" M«t'"«''»t Episcopal Church in New 
 ,«/ ,. ^i P.™«"lfn' "f Wilberfoioe University, Ohio, 
 ISh.v-76. 1. History of the African Methodist Episco- 
 pal (hureh, Bait.. 18(1,^, 3 vols. 2. Reeollcetions of Men 
 and J lungs. 3. Domestic Education, Cin., 1SS6. 
 Payne, E. P. Gerard's Monument, and other 
 Poems; 2d ed., Lon., IS77, p. Svo 
 Payne, Edward James. 1. History of European 
 Colonies: with Maps, Lon., 1S77, ISmo. 2. Voyages of 
 Elizabethan Seamen, selected from Hakluyt, Lon ISSO 
 or. Svo. ' 
 Payne, Edwin, [u„ie, vol. ii., ad,l.] I. Rheuma- 
 tism and Gout: a Praclioal Popular Treatise, Lon., 1876, 
 aliT'ifl luiportant Landmarks for Invalids, Lon., 
 issj, i6mo. 3. Consumption: Modern Vions of its 
 Nature and Treatment, L(.n., 1SS3, fp. Svo. 
 Payne, T. M. The Rules of Order governing Pub- 
 lic Meetings, N. York, 1SS7, 1 61110. 
 1 (!?''''".*' *** '■'"'^'^^ ' <"■' '^'''« ^'tofy "f « Crime, Lon., 
 ISSo, p. Svo. 
 Payne, John, b. 1842, in London, Eng., and edu- 
 cated privately ; was admitted a solicitor in 1807. and 
 has since j.raetised his jirofession. 1. The Masque of 
 Shadows, and other Poems, Lon., 1870, 12mo; new ed., 
 cd 1884 ^"'"^''"'^ Sonnets, Lon., 1871, 12mo; now 
 '■ If he is, as we must complain, at times pnivokinKlv 
 ft i<rbeniiiTfnl'"-'TV' "",'^''' '" ^k '"'""'' "''" '^ "» '^''-'^f '^ 
 enntlr.- ,. '• ' '"-'J' '^ '-'"v "<' slsusd husty work ; on the 
 ^lis^?'' •«]',% "'■'•' I"''."'L"-''l '^•* ""ly a scholar loves to 
 p<jiisii. —.Sat. Jiev.. XXXI. Toy 
 ' i^'/uol^' "^ •*''*'^ '^"^ ^^'^t*^' Lun., 1872, 12mu; new 
 his VhnnJu^^^™-^" originality In hi.s poetry, a subtlety In 
 s v ^ tiiifi™," I'r^r ',".'''* l""fc'U«Ke, aii-d a melody in 
 &!'. if'l.'xxxiv '"t"" """ ""^ '"'" "'' '""■ ''''"""*'' P"*-'"-"- 
 l,nn,TMfi, Kh™^ '""■'^ "°, ■■'-'''' "''^■' "'"1. althouKli somewhat 
 f.'J" ij'i' '"..'[>,"" '""1 lexture, are Kcnerallv pale and 
 III.,. ..lie—, \,,(i, ..(,rj- maiiv of the oualiiii's' that im tn 
 ^uV^^'isi ""•' "■''' "'■'^"' •^"■- P-J-iie falls to be !ne!" 
 18,S4 '"""""''' " ^'"*'"' ^°''"' '*''''^' ^^'"°'> °^^ «■*•' 
 Ju ' I',*",'.''ec' is the most direct outoomeof the latest French 
 school ol i,oetry that has yet been seen In England 
 Tho tiifluencG . . . which Ih most »ppnrcnt In that of Ban- 
 ileliilrt'." — l(A., No. 2«K(). 
 5. New l'u«in», Loii,, IHHII, 8vii ; new eil., 1H'*4. 
 "A viiliiiiie iif rtally luiiiull'iil virst', mmhiliUi'il with 
 HUlti' f.x(iul»lt« »klll, iiii'l adiiriiol with ii ijmrvvlluim 
 wriilth nl the rli'hcst wiiril'|iHliitiii|{, iil' viiricil liniiKcrv, 
 uikI tli'llrule fiiticy, uilh xcarri-ly niiu true ami nmiily 
 Ihoiight III It fniin Ih'kIiiiiIiik to end.'"— .S'/<(i'(ii/i<r, Mil. WJ. 
 Ii. l<'riincH Villiin : a Iliijgra|ihk'iil Stmly, l.un., !'''*l. 
 Ilu hag alKii iinulu the I'cillowinK translutinnM, all pub- 
 liahcil liy the Villon Socloly ul' liomlun : I. Tho I'ueiiis 
 rif Mai<ter Francis Villon of Parla, 1 88 1, ii. 8vo. 2. Tho 
 Ijiiok »r the Thousanil Nights an<l One Night, now lirat 
 c'oniplotoly 'lone into Knglidh Prone ami Ver»e from tho 
 Original .'.rabie, IMXL'-H4, U volii. Svo. .'). Talo* from tho 
 Arahio, l8Si, ;) volj. 4. Tho Doeamoron of OiovannI 
 Iloecaooio, now Drat oompletoly ilono Into English Pru80 
 and Vomc, I8S|I, 
 Payne, JoMcpli, Into professor of eilucation to the 
 College of I'roieptors. 1. A Visit tu (Jorman Schools, a 
 Professional Tour, I-on., IH7fi, p. Svo. 2. I.oitures on 
 tho Soienee ami .\rt of Eilucation ; with Essays, Lon., 
 is.sii, 8vo; LM o'l., Ixx'A. :!. Stmlies in English Prose, 
 Lon., I8SI, Hvo. 4. Studios in English Poetry; 8th eJ., 
 Lon., I8H1, 8v„. 
 Payne, Jusepli I'rnnk. A Manual of General 
 Pathology, designed as an Introduction to the Practice 
 of Medicine, [,on., 1 SSS, p. 8vo. 
 Payne, Tliuiuas. 1. Tho Covenant Promise of 
 tho Father. Ac, Lon., 1881, 12ino. 2. Spiritual Death 
 and Resurrection: a Treatise, Manchester, 18S4. l2mo. i 
 Payne, W., and Ilerrtagv, S. J. (Ed.) Five j 
 Hundred Points of (lood Iluabandrie. liy Thouias Tan- 
 ser. ( English Dialect .Soc.) Lon., 1.878, Svo. j 
 Payne, William Harold, b. 18.10, at Farming- 
 ton, N.V. ; cJueateU at Maocdon Academy, N.Y., and 
 New York Conference .Seminary ; professor of tho science 
 and art of icaohing in tho University of .Michigan 
 1879-87, and since then chancellor of the University of 
 Nashville and president of I'eabody Normal College. I. 
 Chapters on Social Supervision, Cin., 187J. 2. Syllabus 
 of a Course of Lectures on tho Science and Art of Teach- 
 ing, Adrian, Jlich., |87i», 8vo. Ii. (Ed.) Short History 
 of Education : Edited, with Introduction, Bibliography, 
 Notes, and Keferences, Syracuse, N.Y., 1881, 21mo. 4. 
 Outlines of Educational Doctrine, .-^ilrian, Mich., 1882, 
 Svo. 5. (Trans.) Tho History of Pedagogy, by (iabriel 
 Compayrfi ; with an Introduction, Notes, and an Inde.x, 
 Host., ISS8, 12ino. 6. Contributions to tho Science of 
 Education, N. York, I88fi, 12mo. 
 Payne, William Morton. (Trans.) Sigurd 
 Slembe : a Dramatic Trilogy j from the Norwegian of 
 lijcirnstjerno lijiirnson, Bost., 18S8, 12iuo. 
 Poyne-Gallwey. See (Iallwey. 
 Payne»Smi(h. Seo Smith. 
 Paynter, Mary Moncure. Caleb, tho Irrepres- 
 sible, Chic, ISSli, 12mo. 
 Payson, Edward. I. Doctor Tom, Boat., 1877, 
 12mo. 2. The Law of Equivalents in its Relation to 
 Political and Social Ethics, Uo=t., 1888, 8vo. 
 Payson, G. S. (Ed.) All for Christ : Sket f the 
 Life and Labors of Rev. Cl arloa H. Payson, ^ Vork, 
 1877, 12mo. 
 Payton, Charles A. I. The Diamond-Diggings 
 of South Africa : a Personal and Practical Account : 
 with a Brief Notice of the New Oold-Fields, Lon., 1872, 
 p. .8vo. 2. Moss from a Ilolling Stone; or, Moorish 
 Wanderings, Lon., 1S79, p. Svo. 
 Payton, E. W. Round about Now Zealand: be- 
 ing Notes from a .Journal of Three Years' Wandering in 
 the .\ntipodea. Illust. Lon., 1888, or. Svo. 
 " The bright and humorons descriptions of scenes when 
 business was subordinated to pleasure cannot fail to strike 
 the imagination of the reader. . . . Perhaps the most In- 
 terestiiij; pages are those in which Mr. Payton relates his 
 travels luid his huirbreaiUh escapes while ilriviiig through 
 the .\h>liie scenery und gorges of the Middle Island."— 
 Ath.. No. 311W. 
 Peabody, Rev. Andrew Preston, D.D., LL.D., 
 [ante, vol. ii., aild.,] resigned his position as preacher to 
 Harvard University and professor of Christian morals 
 in 1881, and was elected professor emeritus. 1. Manual 
 of Moral Philosophy, 1873. 2. Christianity and Science : 
 a Series of Lectures, Lon.. 1875, p. Svo. 3. (Trans.) 
 Plutarch on the Delay of the Divine Justice, Host., 1885, 
 12rao. 4. Baccalaureate Sermons, Bost., 1885, Svo. 5. 
 Moral Philosophy : a Series of Lectures, Bost, 1S87, 
 lUmo. 6. Building a Character, Bust., 1887, 24mo. 7. 
 Harvard Reminiscences, Bust,, 1888, 12mo. 
 " nis aim . . . ha« been to commemorate every nillege 
 otncer whose name wtu) ealalogned uiih Ills while lie wa* 
 iinder-Kriiduale.theologleal student, anil tutor. . . . Iir. IVa- 
 liiidy's pages are eiillveiieil with many Humorous tonclies." 
 — A(i/ion, xlvl.t.H. 
 Also, translalions of Cicero's Do Ollleiis, Do Senectulo, 
 De Amioltia, Seipionii Somnium, <tc. : with Introduce 
 tion and Notes, Host., IS83-H8, lUmo, 
 Peahody, .'Wins Elizabeth Palmer, ['infi, vol. 
 ii., add. I I. Kcminiscouces of William Ellery Clianning, 
 D.D., Bust., I8SI), lilmo. 2. Lectures in tho Training- 
 Schools for Kindergartners, Bust., I s8i), 12mo. 3. Lii^t 
 Evening with .\llslon, and nthiT Paiiors. Host., I88II, 
 12mo. I. Education in thu Hume, tliu Kindergarten, 
 ,tc, Lon., I8'<7, p. 8n.. 
 Peahody, (icorise L. (Ed.) Supiilement to 
 Ziemssen's Cyclopivdia of the Practice of Medicine, N. 
 York, 1881, Svo. 
 Peabody, II. At Rest among tho Laos: Story 
 of the Life of M. .M. Campbell. Eiliteil by Caroline (t. 
 Cavendish. Lon., Iss2, -^vo. 
 Peabody, Selim II. I. Cooil's Books of Natunil 
 History. Illust. Pliila., IS71I, 12mo. 2. (Ed.) Amori- 
 can Patriotism : Speeches, Letters, and other Papers 
 whioh illustrate the Foundation, Devulopniont, and Pros 
 ervation of Ihe United Slates, N. York, IS80, Itimo. 
 Peace, Muskell William. I. The Cual-.Mines 
 Regulation Act, 1872: with Notes, ,te., Lon., 1872, Svo ; 
 2d ed., 1873. 2. Tho Coal-Mines Regulation Act, 1887, 
 Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 Peace, Walter, emigration agent for the Viital 
 government. Our Colony of Natal, Lot.., IS83, 8>o; 2il 
 ed., 1885. 
 Peach, If. E. .M. 1. Historic Houses in llalli, and 
 their Associations, Lon., lSS:i-S4, 2 vols. 4to. 
 " Mr. I'ench's work Is as lull of readable and uiilmpur- 
 taut anecdotes as one I if Mr. llaywanl's'tfuarterly' articles, 
 lint It cannot be said that Ihere Is the like skill In llielr iir- 
 riiiigement. rnforlunately, lliey were sliuiUtHl togellier 
 like the jokes in a jest-book. . . . His book has at least one 
 vital (luallty!: . . . It is never dull.— .4(/i., No. 2UU7. 
 2, Bath, Old and New : a Handy Guide and a History, 
 Hath, 1S8S, p. Svo. 
 Peacock, Edwa.d, F.S.A., [nnle, vol. ii., add.,! 
 of Hottesford Manor, near Brigg, Lincolnshire, Eng., h. 
 1831, at Hemsworth, Yorkshire, and educated by private 
 tutors. He has contributed largely to antiquarian jour- 
 nals an.l other periodicals. 1. (Ed.) Instructions I m 
 Parish Priests. By John Myrc. (Early English Text 
 Soc.) Lon., IS68, Svo. 2. Ralf Skirlaugh, the Lin- 
 colnshire Squire, Lun., 1870, 3 vols. p. Svo. 3. .Miilnl 
 Heron : a Novel, 1. n., IS72, 3 vols. p. Svo. 4. (Kd., A 
 List of the Roman Catholics in the County of York in 
 lft04, 1872. 5. France: tho Empire and Civilizatimi, 
 1S73. Anon. 6. John Markenticid: a Novel, Lon., 
 1874, 3 vols. p. Svo. 7. A (ilossary of Words used in 
 the Wapentakes of Manlcy and Corringham, Linciiln- 
 shire, Lon., 1877, Svo. S. Notes on the Life of Thonuis 
 Rainborowo, Offlocr in the Army and Navy, in the Ser- 
 vice of the Parliament of England, Lou., 1879. '.'. In- 
 dex to English-Speaking Students who have graduated 
 at Leydcn University, (Index Soc. Pub.,) Lon., I8S:1, 
 4to. 10. (Ed.) The Monckton Papers, (Philobiblun 
 Soe. Pub.,) 1885, Svo. 
 Peacock, Capt. George. Treatise on Sblp.^' 
 Cables, Lon., 1873, 12mo. 
 Peacock, iUabel. 1. Index of Royalists whoso 
 Estates were confiscated during tho Commonwealtli, 
 Lon., 1879, 4to. 2. Tales and Rhymes in tho Lind-ey 
 Folk-Speech, Brigg, 188fi. 
 " Noteworthy a.s the first attempt which has been raiulo 
 to use the Lincolnshire dialect as a medium for literary 
 composition."— ^Cfrrf., xxx. '274. 
 Peacock, Richard Atkinson, b. 1811, at Slyne, 
 near Lancaster. Saturated Steam the Motive Power in 
 Volcanoes; 2d ed., Lon., 1882, Svo. 
 Peacock, Thomas Bevill, M.D., P.R.C.P., [«"(•, 
 vol. ii., add.,] 1812-1882; physician to St. Thomas's 
 Hospital and to the Viotorii Park Hospital, London. 
 On the Prognosis in Cmos of Valvular Diseases of the 
 Heart. Illust. Lon., 1877, Svo. 
 Peacock, Thomas Brower, b. 1852, at Ciim- 
 bridgo, 0.; has made several inventions. 1. Poems 
 Kansas City, 1872. 2. The Vendetta, and other Poem-, 
 Topeka, 1870. 3. The Rhyme of the liorder War: l!i-- 
 torical Poem of the Kansas-Missouri Guerilla War befru 
 and during the Great Rebellion, N. York, 18SQ, 12mo. 
 4. Poems of the Plains and Songs of the Solitudes, X. 
 Ifork, 1S88, 12mo; 3d ed. same year. 
 Cross. Illui 
 " Peak, 
 Illust. Phil 
 Emperors ai 
 IS7I, Svo. 
 Lon.. 1871, 1 
 History, Inr 
 Peale, A 
 Springs of til 
 Peale, II 
 Knowledge : 
 trology, Lon. 
 Lon., 1881, I,> 
 1882, p. Svo. 
 Pearce, 1 
 garding Trad 
 phismos Ecoi 
 Present Time, 
 Tho Law of 1 
 Pearce, J 
 Adventures of 
 V.-XII., [veri 
 Pearce, .1 
 Peorce, J 
 Resources of ( 
 Pearce, J 
 Livesoy : coui| 
 troduotory Re\ 
 Pearce, U 
 coin College, I 
 Morden from 
 IS' I. Ho wro 
 cals. 1. 'I'he L 
 ment, and Noti 
 Breeders and 1 
 Vork, 1872, 8v( 
 Pearce, V 
 Belgium, Lon., 
 Pearce- El 
 Peard, .Mi: 
 ster, Dovonshii 
 Peard, R.N. 1 
 South of Fran 
 Year : a Story 
 Lon., 18tl9, p. 8 
 French Town, I 
 tiard Q. By th 
 p. Svo. 
 " We have seld 
 little witch thai 
 can paint pietun 
 tine artistic perc 
 not overload he 
 little to make liei 
 rare and charm 
 among our favou 
 5. Thorpe Re 
 Garden." Lon., 
 " The predomli 
 ment which perv 
 tender, poetical 
 dreary and the c 
 ailractlve. ... A 
 humour and trutl 
 'i. A Winter S 
 gal, and other S; 
 Rough Waters, 1 
 Prayer-Book, Lo: 
 l-*78, 2 vols. p. 
 I-'mo. 12. The 
 Jeannette: a St( 
 ISS2, p. Svo. 14, 
 12mo. 15. Sohic 
 Svo. 16. Alison 
 traJictions, Lon., 
 don School. Room 
 hours, Lon., l.HS.i;, 
 Illust. Lon., 181 
 1886, or. Svo. 22. 
 lsS7,p.3vo. 23. 
 (>■ svo. 24. Two 
 Belfry at Bruges 
 croitt. illiiHt, Loll., |.s7rt, |i svu 
 "Peak, Cnvilan," (Keud.) Suo W.vk, Hrnrv, 
 hu.p«r.,r« Hncl O»nt..a.|,oruri.,. 111,..," nZ, 
 I „n*'''u7*i' ,'.''''*""'• "">'"'»"'« of Heroo.. lll,„t. 
 ''""■■ '^'i. '-' : ni)w eil,, isso, p. Hv,, 
 I eiikoiiit-, K. A. CateohUn. ,.,. (iu.,l„Ky anil Snort,! 
 <, fin'" v.. * f.'*. ';'"''' ""'' Amilynen of the Mineral 
 >|.rln«« „f (lie |'„||„,i st«to, Wiiali., |s,S(l h^o 
 I fUlf, It. S. ( K,i.) The Humt. Libriiry ilf r.cful 
 knmvU.,lKo: u tvol,.|„,.,li„ of H..f..rono... Chi/, 1,SH7,4 
 2, The Sciunoo of the Slurs 
 Illuat. I.oii,, 
 troldgy, I,on., IS7U 
 Lun., IHSI, Isiiio 
 Heart-i', V. Tho Ball of Fortune 
 I^HJ, |i. fSvo. 
 Fcurce, E. H. I. (Trans.) PoiHilur Fttllacies ro- 
 «ar,llng Tm,lu „„,! F„r„i«„ l.utit.,: being the 'so 
 iihismes Koonomioues" of K. Il,i»tiiit, ,i,hii,to,l to tho 
 Ke^ent Tiiue, (CoMen Club I'nb.,) Lon., Inm:-. sv" 2 
 Ihe Law of Hill, of Sale, Lon., Is!s2, Svo 
 A,lv,!n^,1r.f.',"f'i.,"^"°','" '■''.'^•"'-•i" • " Narrative of tho 
 A.lvonturcH of Uly«»e»,,,te,l from the(>ly««ey, Uook« 
 V. -All,, [verso,] [,on., lN,-7, Svi,. ■'J' 
 Feari-e, J. The .Morchant'rt Clerk, I.on., ISso, 8vo 
 H. !,,?''*'*!•';.• -V"""!""-"! Depression at llomo, and 
 KesourcoB ot Ciiniula, I.on., |s,h:) Jr Hvo 
 IV-arce, John. Tho Life and Teaehings of Joseph 
 Livesoyr cm„,,risi„g hi. Autobiography: with an In- 
 troduotory Iteview of his Labours, I.on., I, HS5 8vo 
 „nin /."!f *♦ '?r/ T''"'"""' ■^'•A- graduated at Lin- 
 coin College, (Jxfor,!, lS4.i,- onlained 1815; vioar "f 
 H:^a:.s.&::^^^' "'"•-«- "• to 
 leinple Is:,,; praotl-.s la.f„r.. Ihe ,„„„ , r ™ rt oi ,^ 
 l.ovant, and was eleHod oresid.nt of H ^l.- .^ 
 at Constantinople i,h,s„. , k i- , " ,^,"';"';" '""■ 
 Nnrle. at lion,!, and Abroi^.V,;!,^ h"" '' t'lJC 
 c:ii:ieyc:''';i!;;;'t;/"'''«''-^'-A''^tho Fourth 
 •.f'o\e';m;:l;;a?;t"r'kV'!!■;,^i!•!;:;:rr:'^!' '•»'' "^ 
 I'J- Ui.^ I rib ns,\, '"'''■'' "" ""■ l'y/.aMtli,e iMuplr'o 
 nm. irr ,'bV. ; of n.;;'":!'/;''?'''''' ?'''-■'' I'"' I'l' 1- 
 I'enrse, John U. 
 ,u-i II . , v^w. ui lyoaruorougn ironi 
 al's 1 Tl,yi ' """:''"':l'h,'>Fi'-'IJ and other period!- 
 tals 1. Ihe Dog : with Simple Dircftiona for his Treat- 
 ment an,l Notices of tho Host Uogs of tha Day and the r 
 Breeders and Exhibitors. Illust. I.on., Pafis, an N 
 Urk, 1,S72, Svo. ■>. The Idstone Papers, Lon., 1872. 
 BeKu"L^„.S,To.*''- "'""^^' "'■ ""'"""^ -" 
 Fearce-Edgciinibe. See Kdgiuhbb. 
 PearU, .Miss I'raiices .Mary, b. IMS, at E^niin- 
 Whof L. The Wood-Cart, and other Tales of tho 
 South of trance. By F. M. P. L u., iNfl?. 2 One 
 \ciir: a .story of Three Homes, By F .M P IHu., 
 Lon., m,, p. Svu. J. Una „„res : ^a St<^ry of an 01 i 
 treiioh Town, Lon., 1870, p Svo. Ano... 4 The Rose 
 jiard a. By the Author' o ' " Unawares." Lon" 's?2; 
 oin pa lU pictures, and .she cm draw .•har.ictiirs s le has 
 n t' ov" rhauf lK:r'''li';:;?i"f. '"■■'" ""'' •^'-'^^r. ami she*;!! Is 
 J JJ^!^ i h^ w^^^ffili^eiy ^.^^'^ ^'Z '^:'^!i^ ^ 
 rare ami charm Hir nuaiitios wlii<.|, ,,,,.,!./;,. .'" 
 au.ongourfavouri&wn"e«!-'-"s!;).'«,;?.?«'i'x ! i^'" "" 
 .,. Ihorpo K«^i8. By the Author of " The" Kose- 
 Gardon." Lon., 1S74, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 iHunmlr'^ind truti;!!L>.iii!S,'V,-ii"-.'},';,' «' "" "f ^««>i«tic j 
 I'. A Winter Story, Lon., 1875, p. Svo. 7. A Madri- 
 gal, and other Stories, Lon., 1878, p. . .. S. Thro.-"l ' 
 Kough Waters Lon., 1877, 12mo. ^ ». History of the I 
 fH?r2 vol'''' ^"S- '^'^,' '-■"»• '"• t'artouche Lon.! 
 ■'mJ I2 VL wis V,- ^l"'?" ^'""y' Lon. 18S0 i 
 y^^' J J' ^^b'to Month, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 13 i 
 Jeannette: a S ory of the Iluguenits. ilfust. Lon 
 ^m« ^"m s^M • '■•""=,«'' Alethea. Illust. Lon., 1S82 ' 
 I'vT' i'^- ^.ohloss and Town, Lon., 1882, 3 vols, ci- 
 Svo 16. AlKSon, Lon., 1883, 3 vols. p. Svo. 17. Con 
 tradiofons Lon., ISS3, 2 vols. or. Svo. ^ 18. The Ashd- 
 Is^'ir ^"•'^f i^ «- ^'^ aIL^^ZZ, ?;:^; 
 S87'n3r- ,f 4>renticeHugh. Illust. New ed. Lon. 
 Sv?' 24' TwA".''"."" " ^''''''i-I^aughtor, Lon. 1S87 
 IJelfry at Brug. ., L«n„ 1SS8, ISmo. 26. His Cousin 
 M«nun,etu^of-u:; Mii.ri^^i:!::'::;^ ,:'^:^^::^ 
 Kn'L''""ed'!,!:,M'-"y- i^'"!.!* y"^' ''• '^J-. "t Camborne. 
 ,1,^ I "'"'"'" "«-l'7an College, Shefflehi • or- 
 da.ued a Vesleyan Methodist minister lifiOM'i..^ 
 c' c er'.'" 87'2 • ^"T\^^ T'' ""' "■-■«■ M-" 
 I r K. ■!> "' •"' ™'> '"7,1, IL'ino; new c( .. SSI •> 
 : is?8 ^r.'^^^fT"'"',"'. I"- «"'«. '-".. isr.i. 10, ,0; .(ded:; 
 ^ Ion 18-.- -0."' '^"'?''"' ""'' '''' '{'^^li«i"'.s Opinion 
 I lu;i ' I ;;"• - -"-. '2'-- I Serm^s for cliildren 
 ■llU.Sl. 1,0 1., 18, J p. Nvu; „^„ „, |j,|j,] , , 
 .Mor,es.and other Papers, I.on., IS77 12m ; new ed 
 1 list, Lon., is, 7, p. 8vo; new ed., Iss|, 7 ll,„„„iv 
 ;; ;■ '1 "■„ 'Th's/'- '™,- . '• '"^' «'■' •^''"^ ■"-■'■ '''"«" 
 n isso I'i "^'"','?' '"'""• '•>■ «i"'»» J'-spor. Illust. 
 '"";• '****-,' ■""'• '"• ^<"'"'»'' '^"'ricJ. II ust. Lon 
 nU'Lu'^^sT" Iv, ''''•, "■ ■f"''"«'"« on ii,,": 
 Blessed nf..r' "V J. '"'°- '-• '^""'« '\»P«^'^8 "f tho 
 Ultssed Life, Lon., ISSj, ..,,. jfl,,,,,. ,;,^ ,,f | ,, , 
 I'earsf, T. Frederick. .Modem Dress and 
 Clothing, and its llelation to Health and Disease! jZ, 
 Pearson, A. N. The Development of the Miner ,1 
 Resources of India.- a Course of p'our Popula uXe 
 Uombay, 1883, Svo • "I'umi uiLiurt-, 
 i''r!<T:t'Lor."is'r' '^-^ "'""'^«'' «""" ^-''• 
 Pearson, .Mrs. Arthur Cyril. Acro.stic Diction 
 ?5?4,7'svr* '""'""" '^''"''''^'h""^''"'' Words. Lo,i.; 
 of DevoT";n^'lS8s'78:;, •""''''' '" "'" ^'"""'' »""» 
 „d,M^T°"' ^''?'^'«s Buchanan, [„„(., vol. ii., 
 hUio'n, LX'sri '[.>!""' '"'"'" '''''^"'^ """ T-- 
 adl'^^rw!?,; '-A","*'' ""'"^y' •^'•'^- ["'"^. VOL ii., 
 shh, of i^ • "'/.'''"Ston. He resigned tho professor- 
 sh p of modern history at King's College, London, in 
 i^fni'iv cli' ™A" 'f '''■■""•rod on moder'n histo"; at 
 Inn.ty College, Cambridge; afterwards went to Aus- 
 ra'i,, where he became lecturer on history at th. Un - 
 he o?i,n '°'"r"' '" "" "»« '•"'^^'•"'•=1 a' member of 
 he colonial parliament, and in IS7S was sent to Eu- 
 rope to advocate constitutional reform for Victoria. 1 
 Historical Maps of England during the First Thirteen 
 ^'n^^T: o7'^'^■7!""'""^y E»^^'o' and indices, U^ 
 In spite . . . uf regrets oyer what he ha.s not done, we 
 JUT* tp 
 Is cine wlilch liivlten utinly, «tiil Mr. 
 ' ■ I iirffiiUy. \Vi' wu nil liirMiiKJi IiIn 
 M rnm|iili'il friiiii riini 
 .,t)i .lTi.=luiia! , 
 rmttt U tliu Work 
 „ >th ll># iimtt'iiiivni 
 », ,ltlu- faiwer I" furiii i. , , 
 Willi ';, lit- (MmU- '-.llirclator. xllx. 181', 
 ;i Viotiiria Fiiblio Kiluciillnii K.i 
 fnim iirlKliiiil hniini"-. Iiiil 
 lific niHili' liliiiM'ir Iflinllliir 
 ill> . i*.' <hi. Iif lm» ihiTlKlit 
 lint vii** "• t" "'I' t'Vilil* 
 2. KnglUh Ulitory In tho F«urH«iith Century, Lon., | I'lUvrrilly Coll.g., T,on.l«n. I. Si,cl»ll-in In Tliw.ry 
 ,T<» In N,.. i mill I'mclliM': II I.ooturo ilnjlvorcil 111 » Working-( lull 
 AiiillcncB, I.on., IHH.,. '.'. Thn Klhio o( Irnthouglil : a 
 ,»clt<olliin of Hii«iiy» uml Iiirt irm, l.on., I'^hh, Nvo. 
 " It Ik u iimnirintii liy Hii »I>1<'. Ktralulitfiirwiiril, uiul riil- 
 tlviUtil iniiii Mil liclmlf (ir H ' KniMliimKlil' whiili, UK ili'vi'l- 
 iiikkI III Ilii'M' I'SNiy. hii'lniliK iitliilKiii, luirlullMii. uml ffiv 
 li'vr . . Till' nlijiTtiif till' liiiiiU hillHlliirtly ilnlnrsii In 
 111' 11 1 cliwlniitlvi'. Iml rcHiiuriillvi' unci syiillietliiil,—' 111 
 cli'iliiic » riitiiiiml t'nlliii«iii>iii iiiul ii lu^hll'li' lui"!" nf iii"r 
 r'oinmliiiiun 1 iil».' . . In "lillc nIMruiiifi' uiii'l« uml va-l iif.«iiiiiii1|iiii> 
 1 Mr, I'l'iirwili Ih mllliiT iriickliniliioil imr ii c liiirliitiui ; lii' 
 Ik hm t'iirin'«t, ImiIcI, uml imlilli -plrlt.'il writer. . . . Tin' 
 i'iilliii«l«Ktio nr niiii-triirllvi' klili' iif .Mr. I'l iin-nii'H <ri'iil 
 MiiiiK ti) lis Kliigiiliirly wcuk. iiviii iiltiwllur ulnirtlve. — 
 .1//!,, .Nil. :il.'iii. 
 PeiirNOtit .'Hntthiiii. Tinkling* from t)i« t^htvji. 
 Iiilil*. 1,1111., 1'<7I, 12nici. 
 Pfumun, Phlllppii .M., uml WegiuT, tifr- 
 tnid. (TriiD«,) t'hrli'lil ; « Tiilu nl True l.uok i Irmii 
 lIluKt. I.on., Iff II, ji. 
 One Lovf ri, l.lfe. I<»n., 19".'), j tho (Icriniiii of lludnig I'rclil 
 l.ittio CiiuHin : n Tiilo, Lcin,, | sivn. 
 K('|>"rt, Melbiiuriii' H7H, «vn. 
 Ppiiniiiii, !lev. I'hrlsluphvr HldK'irf M.A„ 
 Srailunii"! iit Queon'n CoHi'ne, CainbriilKe, l^iM "r- 
 aineil \<W , . '"r of I'oniKu Pyne niin'B \>*>*^. Cmin- 
 iclmif tlioWisi' K,'!|?: tlu' I'rovorix (if .•^uliiuion apiilii'il 
 tu Diiilv I, iff. 1,1111., IS'^ll-Hl, 2 viils or. 8vii, 
 I'carMOll, K, The I'lirlluiiifii'iAry I'rovlJonou of 
 CiiiiijiuiiKiill'iM, l."n.. I^"*2, '"vo, 
 PcnrNoiit K. H. I 
 :i viiIk, |i. ^vo. 2. His 
 isr.i, .1 villi. |), svo, Willi ,M.»i i.AioHMV, I,, E. : I. 
 Ailvcnturcs iluring the Viir of 1S70, i.on,, I'*:!. 2 voU, 
 1). Svii. 2. InJer the Red Croii ; a Serie" nf l'a|iori, 
 Lin,, l'<72, ."<V(i, 3, Scrvioo in Sorvia under the Kcd 
 CniH^ l.cin., IS77, ^vn. 
 l>i-ar<ton, Edilh L. KIH* under the 8ea : a Falry- 
 Tiili', l.'in., Its), cr. Ito. 
 l>(>ar«oni Kdwnrd. Sdn'ted Fahlea of IJewiok 
 and Other'", l.'in., li'TI, |i. ^vo, 
 I'carNciii, Mrs. Kmily C. I. Uulenhorn; or, The 
 Wiirld'a lliinufiictcir and the Art of Printing, Iloft,, I.S71, 
 liiiin; ::d od., I8,'<il. 2. Kniin Cottage to Castle, Host., 
 \>S7, 12fiiii. 
 I*carHOll, Ilcv. V. C. Spnrku anmng the A.'hes : 
 Ini'luding Ui'iuinii'cuni'i'K of Ninclei'n Years nf Lahur in 
 tho IMiihidelphia Aliiii'-IIi)ii»e, I'hila., l'*7:i, 12inii. 
 I'l'arsoll, Friidcrlfk W. .MiRon: aTaloof Love 
 and Inlrixue, N, Vnrk, Isss, liimu. 
 Pearsun, (teortie C, a writer on tho .Tapan Her 
 Pearson, Ili'V. Namiit'lt M,A„ pattur of Oreat 
 Oeornc Stri'it Indopendont Ihiiroh, Mvorpocil, IMlU-7ii, 
 I, Kojilv to tho Ut. iliiii. \V, K. Furi'tor'n Uefonoe of I>i'- 
 noiiiina'tionallini, l^*":t. 2. PhnKOn of Truth: Kiuht 
 Uisi'ouri'oii on Ucliuion, I.on,, 1H7I), 12nio. .'1. Seriuuii- 
 on tho Kiiisllo til tho liiilatiunK, Lon., 1S71, p. Xvk. I, 
 Homo to (iod: a (luide on Iho Way, Iion., 1^77, I.'" >. 
 ,'). Weck-Day Living: a llook for Voung Men nnd 
 Y./ung Women. I-on., Ish2, p. Syo. 
 PearNoii, T. The llilde and Teinpeiini'o! or. The 
 Soriplure Uaeis of the Movi'h.'jrit, Lon., 
 I IHSl, p. Svo. 
 Peariuii, Tilidal Arthur. A 1m|,o ulthe.-^tai- 
 ' uten and AetK rolating to .Merchant Shipping in Indiii, 
 Calcutta, 1MM4, 8vo. 
 i Pi>ar§on, William. (Ed.) Iiccliicms of Hon. 
 John .1. Pearson, Judge of the Twelfth .ludicial lliitriet, 
 CountioK of Uauphin and Lebanon, (I'a.,) Phila., I»7M, 
 '2 vols. svo. 
 aid, publi-heii in Yokoliaiua. Flighls Iiinido and Out- | PcarNon, William L., I'h.D. The I'rophci'y of 
 Bide Paradise. Uy a Penitent Peri. N. York, ISXt); 
 1 2 mo. 
 "Tlie author, with Indiilto Jest and iinfalUiiK (jood iia- 
 tuu', pli'turt's tlilii«s a.'! lla'v are. '— .Viidoii, xllll. li>2, 
 Pear8on« Henry Ciemeni). llor opportunity, 
 N. York, 1H8.S, l2mo. 
 PearMon, IIiMiry Uaniel, [mi^i!, vol. ii., add.] 1. 
 .Stories of Christian .Joy and .borrow : Homo-Tales, Lon., 
 1^7", 12ino. 2. Hold" Jack Ulair : ■ oiory of Moral 
 Courage, Lon., 1S8.'), ISmo. 
 Pi'arsun, Hugh William. I. A Hand-Book of 
 the Law of Muster and fiervant. Loo., 1S7S, ,Svo. 2. 
 Tlie Agricultural Holdings (Kiigland) Act, 1883, Lon., 
 L'<8;i. Mvo. 
 Pearson, J. 11^ Remarkable Providoncet and 
 I'ronfs of Divine Revelation, Lon., ISTli, 12mo. 
 PL-ar§on, Rev. John Ualteridgc, D.D., gradu 
 Joel ; its Unity, its .Yim, and the Age of ite Composition, 
 Leipsio, 1.885, 8vo. 
 Peart, J. S. Christmas Day, and other Poems, 
 Lon., 1871, l2mo. 
 Pease, A. E. The Cleveland Hounds aiaTrencher- 
 Fed Paek, Lon., 188B, r. 8vo. 
 Peawlee, Edmund Randolph, M.U., 181 1-187^. 
 graduated at Darimouth 18:)li, and iit the medical school 
 at Y'ale 18111; professor of anatomy and physiology m 
 Dartmouth 1841-71, and of gyniecology in Belleviie 
 Hospital Medical College 1871-78. Ovarian Tumors : 
 their Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment, especially 
 by Ovariotomy." Illust. N. York, 1872, r. 8to. 
 Peat, J. U. Sure ; or. It Pays. Ry J. B. P. Bost., 
 Pebody, Charles. 1. Authors at Work, (" Bio- 
 graphical .Sketches,") Lon., 1872, p. 8vo. 2. English 
 ated at .^t. John's College, Cambridge, 185Jj ordaineil i Journalism, Lon., 1882, 8vo. 
 1856; rector of Whitestone since 1883. 1. U.*ury in 
 Kurope during the Period A.D. IIUO and 1400, Lon., 
 1877. 2. A Series of Observed Lunar Distances: with 
 E.'iplanationa and .Yiiilysis, Lon., 1879, Svo. 
 Pearson, Jonathan, b. 1813, in Chichester, X.H. ; 
 graduated »t Union College 1835, where he has been as- 
 sistant professor of chemistry and natural )ihilo8ophy 
 183i)-4!i, professor of natural history 18J9-73, and since 
 then jirofesaor of botany. I. Early Records of the 
 County of Albany, Albany. 1SI59. 2, Genealogy of the 
 First Settlers of Albany, 1872. 3 
 First Settlers of Schenectady, Schun 
 Pechar, Job. The Paris International Exhibition, 
 1878 : Coal and Iron in All Countries, Lon., 1878, >V'i. 
 Peck, Frederick M., and Earl, Henry H. 
 Fall River and its Industries: an Historical and Stc.tis 
 ticol Record, with Family Genealogies, Ac. Illu.-t. 
 N. Y'ork, 1878, 4to. 
 Peck, George Washington. 1. Peek's Bad 
 Boy and his Pa. Illust. Chic, 1883, l2mo. 2. Tho 
 Grocerymni! and Peck's Bad Boy: Continuation of 
 Peck's'Pi . :;.'y. illust. Chic, 1883, 1 2mo. 3. I'eck- 
 oncalogiea of the 1 Coinpendiuuj (if i un ''hio., 1883, 8vo. 4. How Privut' 
 .idy, 1880. With I George W. ^c:' • u' 1 1 • ) the Rcbellni : o The Funny 
 others, History of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch | Expert .. ' ,i 'i. •.■ruit, N. Yo , 1: »7, 12uio. 
 ,»nd English Times: Contribution toward a History of j Pet ' !: i oiei rgc Wesley, LL.D., b. 181'.', iit 
 the Lower Mohawk Valley. Edited by J. W. MacMur- Kingston, Pa. ; licensed to preach in the Methodist 
 ray. Illust. and Map. Albany, N.Y., 1883, 4to. (Edi- Episcopal Church 1872 j graduated at Syracuse L'nivcr- 
 • sity 1H78 ; president of Hedding College, Illinois, 18,8- 
 tion limited to 300 copies.) 
 Pearson, Ut. Uev. Josiah Brown, U.D., 
 LL.D.. [iiH'e, vol. ii., add.,] graduated, first class Mor. 
 Sci. Trip., at S'. John's College, Cambridge, 1804 ; Fel- 
 !ow of St. John'.' 1804-80, and lecturer 1804-71 ; or- 
 (.''■ 1?'15; vicai of Newark-upon-Trent 1874-80, and 
 ^iji : thep '-*: hop of Newcastle. 1. How to Amend the 
 uaw on f horch Rates, Lon., 1867, 8vo 
 82. 1. The Realization and Benefit of Ideals, Syracuse. 
 1879. -2. Walk in the Light, 1882. 
 Peck, Hiram I). Township Ofiicers' Guide: 
 Manual of Law relating to Rights and Duties of Town- 
 ship Officers in Ohio; 2d ed., Cin., 1880, 12mo. 
 Peck, John Lord. 1. The lltimate Gencraliza- 
 2. Creed or No i tion of Science, N. York, 1870. Anon. 2. The Politio;il 
 , . , . .:.)iree Sermoua, Lon., I.S7I, l2mo. 3. Disoiplcs ; Economy of Democracy, and Capita! and Labor, Phi!' 
 I l-;ubt: Five Sern ) prenohed before the University j 1879, 12mo^ 
 (.; 'Ca^abridge, Lon., '. '.M, 12mo. 4. The Divine Per- 
 soi.iUity ; an Essay. 
 Pearson, Karl, M.A., professor of mathematics in 
 Peck, IJIlie, ("Ruth Elliott," pseud.) 1. WorJs 
 for AVorkcrs, and other Poems, Lon., 18113, 12mo. 2. 
 A ''-ice from the Sea ; or, The Wreck of the " Eglantine." 
 By Puth El 
 3. .Vargory' 
 James Daryl 
 her Frlonda, 
 From the Do 
 and other ,Sti 
 the Bairns ab 
 and other Si 
 Won : a Stor 
 8vo. II. 'Ti 
 Lon,, \sns^ 1, 
 Peck, Ai 
 York, Issfl, I 
 I'eck, W 
 I'eek, Wi 
 Parody iin Y 
 I88S, Iflii,,,, 
 Heck, Wi 
 fliol Ihi'iu; 2.1 
 Lon., |s^H, I, 
 I'eUder, I 
 an I'Nsiiv, \, \ 
 i'edilie, J 
 Ofllee, I.on., l.H 
 188 1, l2mo; n 
 Lon., 1888, IL'i 
 I'eddie, .1 
 Seionl Heforii, 
 Priiver and its 
 Peebles, I 
 pli'able to an 
 Directors of tl 
 1887, Svo, 
 Peebles, J 
 eijibnu'ing Sjiir 
 1>72, 8vo. a, 
 Spiritualism, B 
 or God ; or, Thi 
 ligion Contrast, 
 tality, and our 1 
 Spirits, Good a, 1880, 8vo 
 Peebles, .1 
 Pkeblks, .Mahi 
 a Story, Troy, .V 
 in the Country, 
 Peek, Fr'ar 
 tion, London, 
 Scliools, Lon., 1.' 
 Lon.. 1X78, 8vo. 
 " It is short, to 
 of a man wlmso 
 about, iind wild 
 zeal, and not a»l 
 3. Social Wrec 
 land as they affe* 
 I88M, or. Svo. 4 
 Worthless, Lon., 
 Peel, E. Lei 
 t rated by E. Wh 
 sporting sketches 
 "It will deligh 
 -port,"— .4ond., xj 
 Peel, Edmu 
 lloreb, and other 
 Peel, S. Ou 
 Peel, Sydne 
 C 'liege, Oxford ; 
 H74. A Concise' 
 in Chancery Actii 
 Peeler, A. J 
 Dnguished and c 
 Slates, Austin, Tc 
 Peerie, M. 
 atic 1111,1 Lyrical 
 Peers, J. ci 
 Kvent* in Englisi 
 Peet, Harve' 
 II., add.,] d. 187i 
 America, N. York 
 Peet,Rev. St 
 0.; graduated at 

 her Friendi, i.nii., lb. 
 Friirn tho Dipih*. I,, 
 iinil iithiT Storion, t, 
 ''^iy!^:::;o'-7['Z K^i'ci::* ; z ^fr^"" »»■• "---"■■■'•-urn;;';';:;;;: ^^ , ,„. 
 I'eck, Wnllnce 
 ■'"■'"'y "" Vunkn, Inventlven 
 The Oolden Abo of Palenl,. : a 
 Illu.t. .N.York, 
 M-lrriflTn.*'.;.;'",;:""" """ """^ he ha., no, g„, 
 T,^?."^^ *'""»«•• J»hn, b. HjS; cJuc«i.-.| „, 
 !;f«n;?j^^^^;;:y;':'^il{'3^'''"''"'' ''--'"- 
 2. I'hIloJop, ("Utenitur.. I'rimeri/'i I^in isr? 
 I'"!!., 1888, l:;,,,,,. 
 s'l^M,'? ■'""• ""''"'• '• The of th. 
 , ' "-■'"rmatio., ■„ Spain, L„n., 1871, ,,. 8vo 2 
 IraviraiHl itn Answ-r. l,o„., |sri, r-,,,,, ' ' "' ''■ 
 I'ecblfg, Frank W. a Coi„|,iiatio"n of Uwi «•> 
 rnablo ,„„„,, „,ro,ti„K the Iloa ,| of "r„ 1, "nT an'^i 
 j.,re,.tor. of the ,St. Uui, Publio .-^ehooN! .SuL?.?;; 
 Peebl.-n, Jnmcii H., M.D. 1. Seor. of the Ab.m- 
 -• "*'"";, or. The I.:,,uh.r' Th"olo«v 'an ,7he IV 'o^'ll"' 
 Dxo.n I'ontm.-tcl ; ,M ed., I.on. Ksrs. Hvo | r ,n„.,r 
 tah,, a,, , „„, K,„„I„v,„e„u horeaflor : What al X j 
 i/:'".! isst'',:,"'' '""• ""' "' """^ I>'velM„K...|aec.,:|lir™,i:o„; i 
 Peebles, .lir.. .Mary Loulie. r,,,,^, vol h ' '*' P«'i'i*„"'"»i'- .V"—- "" ■ ""I'M-on., isn, svc 
 I'cill, George. 
 ,,.■ V 1 1 .1 . . """ '"i»".vaiia n, or t i" Ta e 
 ol Na a, l,.r i;ia..»i,.«| Sl„deni,,'ca,„i,H,i,„, |ss, ., , '° 
 leUe, l.c'iu. Solomon Charles FredVrick 
 \z:^":\ ::o" ■"""-'• ■^^'"- »uhKe.H„a'!;rwt: 
 -.n.e.hen reoto „f Ilu.khur.t Hill, l,v.:,\'.' ."s, '.^^.^ 
 Doctrinal and ^aH[,„i, Lon., ISflr,. U'mo. 2 "one 
 ■■ Three Sermons, l,o„., Is;! p 8y„ 
 -ai^riflco for All T.mei., I.on., I.sri, Svo! 
 tion '"undml'^T'w' P.'""""",". ."f ""o Howard A.soola- 
 I.on., IsTfl, 8;o ' *"• 2- '^"'^ •"'»« »''J our l'"or, 
 r„«.!r".' H^-'-vJ"'"'". M..i^.. [""/., vol,' ii.,„,id.,] 
 ,,.,,, i Host., I8S1, l3mo. 
 „ , ,. --. oJ."'Lr.r88tp'sroMd'eT " **'-*"^-'- "«•^•"•' 
 traUd^bvE'whvm?*' V"«';'''„'l'' •^»"'"'"K- m-"- watic, andphy;,:; Ti 
 '[.onrn«'.kaJhe?:rpap'r)" '■^"' •'•«-. (Contains .he„No„.toni(n'lV„,.n.i,!; 
 ^vm:^cT^^l^'"> "« ^""^ Of -anly oufdoor 
 CoUeee b!nm '^^11 i"^" 'j' ',^-'» ' K^'"'"»ted kt Trinity 
 vuuege, uxiDfu : ('ailed to the hi.r jit tho \f;.i,}i» t ■ ' m • '' ;,'. ^'' • *"«'^-^ i ^jukic. uost.. issji Svn 
 M74 A Concise Treatise on%'rp;t;a'n'd'L™2:'.own''M^^^^ ^^^f,?''" " ^«^«'' "^^ >^^'2. in iVeo- 
 in Chancery Actions, Lon.. 1878. ,Svo; M ed . 1883 ' own' ireut^nant f \t"T ""' "'^'=" '" '"■■' ■>»<ive 
 Peeler. A. J. Treatise on Law and Equi y as dis I e y Com.mnv iVi;, ' "^"Z""' .""'' "'">of"l'le 
 Imguished and enforced in the Courts nf (l,„ r„-. i . ■ ^"^1'""^ '!'■'>' ! served sn the c vil war. 1 The 
 .^>«tes, Austin, Tex., 1883. Svo '•'"'"'* I iTr ^'""t^ ""^ "'" ^^'^ t'"'' 'V. B»^t., I^ri' 2 Von 
 Peerie.M. Nugtv Eec!csiastio» : Fragments. Dra J 87^"''' 3^'',, l^'l;'"™'- """' '"ffic"!. and Hist'orlcal, 
 -atie and Lyrical, Edin., 1884, p. Svo. * ' "™ sfs T , ! " "r/'f ^JP/. "" •'■"•'''y^ ""J «ienealogy 
 Peers,/. Chronological Analysis of the Prinoinal ^fpivmoo.hi i »,!'.'', '!''''■ '"*^ I'rofessional Litli 
 t;ve„t. .„ English History, Lon., 1-873. Un:-^Z°V!, | ?ro,n'Sl^",lf ,t.-^';,;!;' 'I^r'^sn"'"' '^^'"'"'^ 
 :i. Social Wreckage, ,. .v^, .ew 01 mo 
 I's".*! "l"-.?, ""■'.-"i!'" !:^»'-.. Lon.. 1883, p. 8vo , '^d-^T., Be;eHV."Ma;;.77r;;:i',: 
 Lcipsio I,87!»; instruct. 
 1881-84, and since ther 
 Pcircc, llev. Brad- 
 vol. ii., Peircb. ]{f v. B. 
 FORI) K., add.] 1. -;toric« 
 told, Host.. I8«(i. 2. The 
 1871). 3. The Young .Shetlii 
 1S7II. 4. Hymns of the Hi 
 Pclrce, C. S. studies 
 Osgood, Ph.D., 1). 1^54, „t 
 'i at Harvard ls7(i, and at 
 in nnithematies at Harvard 
 .^^istant profes.^or of uiathe- 
 tlenients of the Theory of 
 inction.'', Uojt., ISSO. 
 ■rd Kinney, D.D., [.n.i,; 
 and I'KiiicK, Kkv. Buaii- 
 "' ''if^' "hii'h theChaidain 
 "ip!ain with the Children, 
 erond his Home, X. York 
 •r Life, Bo.«t., 1-;7I. 
 Logic. Host., l.'<N,j, Svo, 
 .' ' '. • 
 ) 1: 
 «... I 
 and Trigonometrical Functions, Boat., 1371, r. 8vo. 2. 
 The Elements of Logarithms, 18":). 
 Peirce, Melusiiut Fay. Co-Operative House- 
 keeiiiiig: a StuJy in Sociology, Best., 1SS4, 12mo. 
 Pelhaill, C Chronicles of Criraie; or, The Now 
 Newgiite Calendar. Illust. l.on., ISS", 2 vols. 8vu; 
 new ed., 18S7. 
 Pellew, William George. 1. Jane Austen's 
 Novels: Bowdoin l'ri?e Uii^fortation, Boat., IS.HH, 8vo. 
 2. In Castle and Cabin ; or. Talks in Ireland, N. York 
 and Lon., ISS8, 12iiio. 
 •' Equipped with letters of Introduction to many leading j 
 I'niuulst.s on the one side, and llnmcrulcrs on the 
 other, and armed with a circular letter I'roni .Mr. Timothy 
 llarringlun, the .'^e<'ictarv of the .National League, ... 
 Mr. I'ellcw journeyed throughout Ireland, makinR in- 
 ipiirics wherever he went, ami talkiuK with representative ; 
 men of every elas.s. Thc.-ie conversations lie reported at 
 leiiKth, and the most iniportiuit of them form the present , 
 volume. The fact that .Mr. I'ellcw gives us the opinions 
 of the speakers just as ihcy were given to him, and with; 
 out coiumeiit. immensely enhances the value of hi.s book." 
 — .Sj)(rt(i/()i', l.\i. l.s|,s. 
 " It is an admirable exposition of the dilliculty and 
 complexity of the situation."— .Vud'oii, Ixvi. 58. 
 3. Woriian and the Commonwealth j or, A CJuestion 
 of E.xpediency, Bost., 18S.S, Svo. 
 Pelly, .Miyor-Geii. Sir Lewis, K.C.B.,K.C.S.r., 
 M.P., [iinic, vol. ii., I'Ki.i.Y, Cai'tain Lkwis, add.,] b. 
 1825 ; filled many political and diplomatic posts in the 
 Indian service 1851-77, and has been M.P. for North 
 Hackney since 1885. The Miracle-I'lay of Hasan and 
 Husain : collected from Oral Traditions. Revised, with 
 Explanatory Notes, by Arthur N. Wol'aston. Lon., 
 1879, 2 vols. r. .-^vo. 
 Peloilbet, S. S. Collection of Legal Maxims in 
 Law and Equity, with English Translations, N. York, 
 Pember, Arthur. Mysteries and Miseries of the 
 Great Mctrojiolis. By A. 1". -N. York, 1874, Svo. 
 Peinber, .\il§teil. 1. Alter Ego, Lon., 1884, 12mo. 
 2. Pericles Brum ; or. The Last of the Ue Veres : a 
 Satirical Komance, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. .S. Victa Victrix; 
 or, A Shrug, a Hum, a Ila! Lon., 1885, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 4. "Slipping Away;" or. The Price of a Tale, Lon., 
 1886, Svo. 5. Criesus Minor: his Education and its 
 Results, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 Pember, E. H., [riii(c, vol. ii., p.dd.] The Tragedy 
 of Leshos: a Dramatic Poem, Lon., 1870, 12ino. 
 Pember, tJ. II., M.A. I. Earth's Earliest Ages, 
 and their Connection with Spiritualism and Theosojiliy, 
 Lon., 1876, p. Svo; 4th ed., 1884. 2. The Great Prophe- 
 cies concerning the Gentiles, the Jews, and the Church 
 of God, Lon., 1881, 8vo ; 2d ed., 1885. 3. The Antichrist, 
 Babylon, and the Coming of the Kingdom, Lon., 1886, 
 12mo. .Vnd see Brock, Moira.nt, mtjirn. 
 Pember, Mrs. Phrebc Yates, (Levy.) A 
 Southern Woman's Story, N. York, lS7il, Ifimo. 
 Pembertoii, Edgar. Charles Lysaght: a Novel. 
 By P. .M. Bcrton, [jiseud.] Lon., 1873, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Pemberton, Ilarriet L. Chilcle-. 1. Round 
 my Table, [stories,] Lon., 1880, 12mo. 2. The Story of 
 Stella Peel, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 3. Under the Trees, 
 [stories,] Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 4. Fairy-Tales of Every 
 Day, Lon., 1SS2, p. Svo. 5. Olive Smith; or. The Ugly 
 Duckling, Lon., 1883, p. Svo. 6. Prince; a Story of the 
 American War, Lon., 1883, 12mo. 7. Birdie: a Tale 
 of Chilli-Life. Illust. Lon., 1888, 4to. 
 Pemberton, L. L. Judgments of the High Court 
 and Court of Appeal : 3d ed., Lon.. 1882, Svo. 
 Pemberton, T. Edgar. 1. Dickens' London ; or, 
 London in the Works of Charles Dickens, Lon., 1875, p. 
 Svo. 2. Under Pressure: a Novel, Lon., 1875, 2 vols. 
 p. Svo. 3. A Very Old Question : a Novel, Lon., 1877, 3 
 vols. cr. Svo. 4. Born to Blush Unseen : a Novel, Lon., 
 1S7S, p. Svo. 5. Charles Dickens and the Stage, Lon., 
 1888, p. Svo. 
 Pemberton, T. P. Practical Draughting, for En- 
 gineers and .Machinists, N. York, 1880, l2mo. 
 Pembroke, Earl of. See HKiinp.RT. 
 The Tale of a Spoon, Lon., 
 1878, p. Svo. 
 Pender, .Mrs. Rore, aecompRnipd her husband on 
 a mission to South Africa to obtain subsidies for a tele- 
 graph from Ad m to Natal. No Telegiaph ; or, A Trip 
 to our Unconnected Colonied, 1878, Lon., 187». Printed 
 for private circulation. 
 Pcnderrick, M. Sonnet* and MIseellaneous Poems, 
 Lon., isso, 12mo. 
 Pendlebary, Charles, M.A., F.R.A.S., senior 
 mathematical master of St. Paul's School. Lenses and 
 System of Lenses treated after the Manner of Gauss, 
 Lon., ISSl, Svo. 
 Pendleton, E. W. (Trans.) Christine, by Louis 
 Erault, N. York, 1883, Ifimo. 
 Pendleton, Edmund. A Virginia Inheritance: 
 a Novel, N. York, 18SS, 12mo. 
 Pendleton, Edmund Monroe, M.D., 1815-1884; 
 graduated at the Medical College of the State of South 
 Carolina 1837. Scientifie Agriculture, N. York, 1876, 
 cr. Svo. 
 Pendleton, Garnett. Debtors' Exception in 
 Pennsylvania, Phila., 1886, Svo. 
 Pendleton, Rev. James Madison, D.D., ['inie, 
 vol. ii., Peniii.kto."(, J. M., add.,] b. 1811, in Spottsyl- 
 vauia Co., Va. ; ordained to the ministry of the Baptist 
 Church 1837; professor of theology in Union Univer- 
 sity, .Murfrecsborough, Tenn,, l!''57-«2, and pastor of the 
 Baptist Church at Upland, Pa., 1865-83. 1. Sermons, 
 Nashville, 185il, 2. Church Manual, Phila., 1868. 3. 
 Christianity susceptible of Legal Proof, Phila., 1877, 
 ISmo. 4. Why don't you Inviio us? Phila., 187T, 
 12mo. 5. Christian Doctrines: a Compendium of 
 Theology, Phila., 1878, 12mo; 13th ed., 1885. 6. Dis- 
 tinctive Principles of Baptists, Phila., 1882, 12mo. 7. 
 The Atonement of Christ, Phila., 1885, 12mo. 8. Notes 
 on Sermons, Phila., 1886, l2mo. 
 Pendleton, John. 1. Old and New Chesterfield: 
 its People and Steeple. By Tatlcr, [pseud.] Chester- 
 lie'd, <S2, Svo. 2. A History of Derbyshire, (" Popular 
 Coun'y Histories,") Lon., 1886, 8vo. 
 Pendleton, Lewis. Bewitched: a Tale, N. York, 
 1888, 12mo. 
 Pendred, Hamilton Weldon, late inspector of 
 iron-work to the corporation of Salford. Iron Bridges 
 of Moderate Span : their Construction and Erection, Lun., 
 1887, p. Svo. 
 Penguin, T. II. Warring Angels, Lon., 1S87, [>. 
 Penick, Rt. Rev. Charles Clifton, D.D., h. 
 1843; educated at Hampden-Sidney College; graduated 
 at the Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va., 1869; or 
 dained 1869; Bishop of Cape Palmas, Western Africii, 
 1877-83, and since then rector of St. Andrew's Church, 
 Louisville, Ky. More than a Prophet: a Series of Ex- 
 pository Chapters on the Life of St. John the Baptist, 
 N. York, 1881, l2mo. 
 Penman, William, C.E. Land-Surveying, on 
 the Meridian and Perpendicular System, Lon., 1885, Svo. 
 "Penn, Arthur," (Pseud.) See Matthews, 
 JaMKS BRANni-IB, ilipm. 
 Penn, Sylvia. The Curse of the Ferrills, Lon., 
 1887, cr. Svo. 
 Penna, F. Singing: an Essay, Lon., 1S7S, p. 8vo. 
 PenneTather, Mrs. Catharine. 1. " B'ollow 
 thou Me:" Discipleship, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 2. Songs 
 of the Pilgrim Land. Edited by E. St. B. H. Lon., 
 18S5, sq. 16ino. 3. The Homeward Journey: Poems, 
 Lon., 1887, 4to. 
 Pennefather, Dora M. The Reformers : their 
 Homes, Haunts, and Works, Lon., 1876, 12mo. 
 Pennel'uther, John P. Deafness and Diseases 
 of the Ear: the Causes and Treatment, Lon., 1873, p. 
 Svo; 2d ed., 1876, Svo. 
 Pennefather, John R. The Finale to Diiinu 
 Europa's School ; the Consequences of John's Policy ; 
 and a I'eep into Futurity, Lon., 1871, 12mo. Anon. 
 Pennefather, W. 1. The Bridegroom-King : a 
 Meditation on Psalm xiv., Lon., 1873, ISuio. 2. Origi- 
 nal Hymns and Thoughts in Verse, Lon., 1873; new 
 ed., 1877, l2mo. 
 Pennell, Elizabeth, (Robins,) wife of Joseph 
 Pennell, infra. Life of Mury Wollstoneeraft, (" Fauiuiis 
 Women" Ser.,) Bost., 1884, 12mo; Eng. ed., ("Emi- 
 nent Women" Ser.,) Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 
 •• The author had little more to do than collect the viui- 
 ous rriiKmeiitary notices that exist In other books and 
 reduce them to a narrative, with illustrations from the 
 heroine's own works; and this has been done with thor- 
 oughness and patience."— .V(i/io», xl. 41. 
 " Mrs. Pennell has written a paiiistakiiiR and business- 
 like Hccouiit, but. while caiffullv cimiiicialliiK the i;icts 
 of her heroine's life, she has failed to impart any life to 
 her narrative.''— .KA., No. Mil. 
 (In a letter published in the Alhfniriim, No. 301., 
 Mrs. Pennell states that her book, as published in Eng- 
 land, had been much ohanged, by omissions and other- 
 wise, without any consultation with her.) 
 ii., Pknnklt, 
 some years 
 was appoint! 
 by the Engli 
 Egypt to ass 
 and was non; 
 interior. H 
 view 1864-6; 
 other period 
 of Anglers, 
 1868. 3. Til 
 1S6S. 4. Th 
 Svo ; new ed 
 Boat-Raoe, L 
 1873. 7. Ml 
 de Societt!, 1 
 Legislation : 
 9. FlyFishir 
 anil Grayling 
 Salmon, and 
 11. Fly-Fishi 
 12. Bottom- • 
 Pegasus Re-S 
 1877, 4to. 1 
 Complete Po 
 Fishing : vol. 
 Illust. (Badi 
 Sporting Fish 
 ology. Illus 
 large paper. 
 "The volun 
 hand.soniely gi 
 lustrated bv cu 
 tut\ lix. \mi. 
 17. Modern 
 Illust. Lon., 
 Pex.nell, Ei 
 " This eharni 
 taken by Mr. a 
 heart ol fentri 
 drawintrs in bli 
 ian landscape t 
 ' Pilgrimage.' . 
 ductlon eould 
 is fresh, quiet, i 
 her observatioi: 
 3. Two Pilgr 
 4. Our Sentimi 
 Illust. and Ma; 
 " They start f 
 up and down .N 
 pages with del 
 t'ri'((e, ix. 178. 
 Pennell, j1 
 Boys, Lon., is; 
 tory-Qirl, Lon. 
 tory : the Less( 
 Pennell, I 
 Earliest Times 
 Architecture, L 
 Penney, I 
 Prose and Poeti 
 Penney, V 
 b. at Glasgow; 
 and at Edinbur 
 a judge of the 
 the title of Loi 
 Doctrine: a Hi 
 man's Experici 
 with author's 
 Time's Treasuri 
 of the Year e.> 
 Anon. 2d ed., 
 1866. 3. A Tr 
 Anon. 4. Fait! 
 '.>■ Thoughts of ( 
 6. Readings in 
 Penning, \ 
 Field Geoliiiry : 
 A. J. Jukes-Brt 
 and enl., 1880 
 Lon., 1S80, Svo 
 Geology of the I 
 [oiKc, vol. ii., ai 
 • **f""«"» Henry Cholmondelcy-, [,u„e. vol. I 
 11., I ESNKLi., CiioLM„.viiKLKv, add.,] b. IS'.iJ -, sorved for I 
 eomo ytiirs in viirious departments of the Adniiraltv • 
 was appointed ins|,cot«r „1 fishery in I,H60, and was sent 
 by the LnK'lish government in Is7,i to the Khedive of 
 i.g.vpt to assist in carrying (,ut some couimeroial reforms ' 
 and was nominated director-general of commerce for the 
 '° ?L. i-" '^'''^"1' "'"' J'^i'^'i^man's Magazine .md Re- 
 view 18(14-bo, and has contributed to I'unch and many 
 other periodicals. I. Fishing (ioasip from Note-Hooks 
 lit.' ' ■ nn^ ,°/'.''"" "'"' •^'"■■'"•'' Fi-^heries of France 
 Ihts.s. 4. Ihe Modern I'riictical Angler, Lon., ISTO „ 
 svo; new ed., 1,SS4. 5. The Oxford and Cambridge 
 Boat-Race, Lon., l.s; 12mo. (i. Modern liabylon, I.on , 
 V c '•/""'^os "f Mayfair: Nineteenth Century Vers 
 de ^oc.aC., I.on isri, ll-mo. ,s. Oyster-Fisheries and 
 Legisia ion : a Keprint of Letters to the " Times," ISTj 
 9. !• ylishins and Worm-Fi.shing for Salmon, Trout! 
 and (.rayling, Lon., 1S75, p. 8vo. 10. Trolling for Pike 
 Salinon, and Trout Lon., 1876, p. 8vo ; new%d., ISS.'i 
 . Fly-F.shmg and Worm- Fishing, Lon., 1,S76, p. Svo. 
 I--. Bottom- or Float-Fishing, Lon., lM7ii, p. Svi. li) 
 Pegasus Ke-Sad. led. Illustrated by Du Mairier. Lon. 
 rn'„!;i;f^' P F!:"°>«™^'« to Uay:- Selections from 
 Complete Poems, Lon., 1884-83, 2 parts, 18mo. 15. 
 i: „r^;n" ■ 1-.'"''''M" '""1 Trout; 'vol. ii., Pike. &o. 
 Illust. ( Badminton Library,) Lon., 1885, Svo. Ifi.The 
 Sporting Fish of Great Britain.- with Notes on Ichthy- 
 {"arfe^ paper '• '""■' '''"' '^°' "■»"' "" '''»'"- ™ 
 i,„'!^i'"-' ^■';'"™e before us is extremely inlerestinff It Is 
 handsomely Kot up, and the author's despripti "fare i 
 li- K^'iyg """"'"^ lithographs of great bea!ily.'-.Ve«l: 
 Illik*w:i8;5Vr;Tr'^ " Fishlng-Tackle, Ac. 
 Pennell, Joseph, an American artist. With 
 PiitrL"" ^'■■/.f ""' (ROBI.NS:) 1. A Canterbury 
 Pilgrimage. Illust. Lon., 18S5, 4to. 2. An Italian 
 Pilgrimage. Illust. Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 takeiX'^'ir.u !!^?^"p™'"'fi"' "" '"=™""' of a journey 
 ."art ot^'Jiur 1 IniK- ""'w ' ?" " "'''^y'"''^' ">■■"'"?'' "''' 
 draJi;;L/iirE.i';:;>i .^^^^^s^^tizt n. 
 ■ l'nLri=' '"""."If "'irty sketches wl/h.!^ .teonuJ'l e 
 .;. Two Pilgrims' Progress. Illust. Bost., 1887, 12mo. 
 4 Our Senfimeutal Journey through Franco and Italy. 
 Illust. and Maps. Lon. and N. York, 1888, n. 8vo 
 n,>„,',l'*?""''v "'"'""■;'''"' ™'>'s ft'Kl 'dog' poor Sterne 
 up and < mvii .Normandy to Paris, all the whOe tilling tin i? 
 c"«c, i'x Its "''■''-'""''" ^''''"'' "'"1 uirrdeseriptiSn/'i 
 I'eniiell, Mary A. 1. Bertram Eldou : a Tale for 
 Boys Lon 1S79 fp. Svo. 2. Nellie Gordon, the Fac- 
 tor^ t'h • T ""■' ''!."' ""P- ^"'- 3- ^K""' Wilmolt's His- 
 tory . the Lessons it taught, Lon., 1882, fn. Svo 
 EaHiest Times down to 476 A.D., Bost., 1S76, ]6mo. 
 Peniietlioriie, J. Geometry and Optics of Ancient 
 Architecture, Lon., 1878, fol. 
 Penney, I. The National Temperance Orator; 
 Prose and Poetical Articles, Lon., 1874, 1 fmio 
 reiiiiey, William, Lord Kinloch, 1S01-1S7'> 
 ;" «'*8gow; educated at the University of Glasgow 
 and at Edinburgh ; admitted an advocate 1824 ; became 
 a judge of the Court of Sessions 1S58, and received 
 he title of Lord Kinloch. 1. The Cire e of ChrS^ 
 Uoctrine: a Hand- Book of Faith fr aued out of a Lay" 
 man's Experience, Edin., 1861, Svo. Anon. 2d ed., 
 «h authors name, same year; 3d ed., lSli5. 2 
 limes Treasure: or. Devout Thoughts for Every Day- 
 of the Year expressed in Verse, Edin., 1862, 12mo 
 f"Z S a't 'V'r ""'i''"'':^ ""'"«' '^''S, nmv Z, 
 A : \. ^^"^ ^''' "'« Times, Edin., ISfifi, Svo 
 Anon. 4. Faith a Jewels, in Verse, Edin., ISiill, 12mo 
 ... Ihoughts of Christ for Every Uay, Edin., 1871 12mo 
 0. Readings m Holy Writ, Edin., 1871, I2mo. 
 FieM g"1'^' "'• •*?''"'■»■' ^•"■S- 1- ^ Text-Book of 
 Field Geology ; with a Section on Pal„..,ntolosy hy 
 A.J. Jukes-Browne, Lon., 1876, cr. Svo j 2d ed rev 
 and enl., 1880. 2. Engineering Geology. il|u,V 
 Lon 1880, Svo. With Bi.ow.nb, A. J jfi^KFs- ■! ho 
 «.eo^ogy of the Neighbourhood of Cambridge, 188l', Svo 
 Pennington, Kev. Arthur Uobert, M \ 
 \.'i'>le, vol. 1,., add.,] graduated at Trinity College, Cam'' 
 bridge, ls,S8 ; ordained 18,18; rector of Utterby since 
 1.''04, and prebendary of Lincoln Mnco InSL' 1 The 
 ; Agency of God in the History of the Reformation, Lon., 
 1.S09, p. 8vo 2. Ihe Life and Character of Erasmus 
 , with a Preface by the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, Lon., 
 "Mr. Potiiiinptoii is n paitistftkiiie. hut not a ernpofnl nr 
 ,.Zu}-"' '"'oli IS Pjoasanl t.i read, aii.l will i)c'ai'<'oi',uil)Ie to 
 imii,ya.s contaimnKH succinct ni'oouiu ..f the Mb liir I 
 - 'iT. No."i":r "'■ ''^""""« "■■'1 '■f'-'-lom owes 'so nlucli " 
 . ;i. Enochs of the Papacy, to the Heath of Pius IX., 
 J 18,8, Lon , NS , p. svo. 4. John Wydif; his Life 
 rimes .and leaching, Lon., 18S1, 12,no. 5. Prelu.losto 
 the Keforination : From Dark to Dawn in Europe. Illust 
 Lon.. ISsii, er. Svo. ' 
 Pennington, Arthur S. British Zoophytes: an 
 Introduction to the llydroida, Actinoeoa, and Polvzoa 
 found in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Ishi'nd^. 
 Illust. Lon., 1S85, p. Svo. 
 Pennington, (formerly Sparrow,) Kev. John 
 nlTr „ 'n'"! .'*«'P«"n"8. i'-A., graduated at 
 tlaie College, Cambridge, Is:,!); ordained ls«l; rector 
 De„Tl','"'i'R-. "","%.,"'^'^; .'•, '^'""^•'"" Consolation in 
 fs«« ' ^ i: ,?■ ^'"' .A-iiiKWIity of (Jod's Dwellings, 
 1869. 3. The Mourner's Refuge, 1875. 4. Balm for the 
 » eary and Heavy-Laden, 1879. 
 „„^*'.!'"'",^''""' .*?"""''' ^''''■^- F-G.S. Barrows 
 and Bone-Uives of Derbyshire : with an Account of a 
 Descent into Eldon Hole, Lon., 1877 Svo 
 w" Vf"""V «ey. Peter," (Pseud.) See Roun,,, 
 Corn*.!!"/' l**?T- ^V"''/''' "■'^- gi-oduated at Trinity 
 SH;?"." '■'"!-• 'o"^' "■''''"''"' I'^^S; missionarvat 
 Norfolk Island IS7S-8S, and since then curate of Stoke- 
 P Svo'" 2d If" IsTs" '" '^'"'"'"""' ^"''"- ^""•' '»'*^' 
 pe;;5;^i^^t:^ ^;!'^tins»?f^- 
 p ''^^"ypnV^er, Samuel Whitaker, b. 1843, in 
 rnfvelsV %'p-^ graduated at the Law .School of the 
 Lniversity of Pennsylvania l,sC(i: judge of the court of 
 common pleas of Philadelphia. I. Annals of PI "nix. 
 ville and its Vicinity, Phila., 1878, Svo. 2. The 'rny- 
 Cr";, '""7"'"'^ '• P«""*y'vania Supreme Court 
 hv "^hp U T p"""'^ '^"^'•? ""' '"^"^iS-'itod to be reported 
 by the State Reporter, Phila., 1S82-86, 4 vols. Svo. 4. 
 Historical and liiographioal .Sketches, Phila,, 1883 Svo 
 tal!!]"L"„?l'8-1,'p"8:'o ''^■"'"' ""' ^"""'"'''' ^^ 
 Ko^a'"ir.:Ls73";.o.°"'""''"'^' """ *'""'^"y "^ '"" 
 ^^.^".'^Au**^*' }}^^' <'e"'^ge Frederick, D.D., h. 
 184., at Albion, III.: became a Baptist minister in 1864, 
 and has been pastor of :i church in Brooklyn since 1881 
 • Ihe Angel in the Marble, Bost., 1877, 16mo ; 3d ed., 
 . ■„ " "'" \"l""'e "'■ the Book; or. The Profit 
 ed" sT"""? "/, f'll't, «'-'?• •^■- ^--k, •l87W, 12i„o, 3, 
 Ion I S.J <J»fjf Kgypt: Bible Headings ,mE.vodus, 
 Lon., 13S4, p. svo. 4. T^ie ChrL^^tian and the Modern 
 lSs"7™i2?r" ' '"""'• ■'■ ^"''^ ^""""'' -'^■' ^°'^' 
 IsJ*i^','.J"''''o'*'^*-, *''«"''• '• Lina's Tale.,, Lon., 
 1S.S5; p Svo ' '' " ^'"'" "^ ""' Co-mune, Lon., 
 1 T^'r'n*'"' ^' "•' .("'e')!".) ["""•. vol. iii., add.] 
 1. Ihe l.ovells: a ,-tory (j| the Danish War. Lon 1873 
 p. 8v» ■ new ed., 1S76. 2. I Know ; or, The Verities of 
 the Bible, Lon., 1S78. 18mo. 
 Pepper, Augustus Joseph, M.B., F.R.c S sur- 
 geon to St. Mary's Hospital, London, and teacher of prac- 
 tical and operative surgery at the medical school. Ele- 
 ments of Surgical Pathology. Illust. I,nn„lss:! !^5„„ 
 1 epper, John Henry, [.nw.. vol. ii., ad'd.f T 
 tyclopajdic .Science Simplified, Lon., ls60, Kimo •> 
 i/-'!,'' ,*'"8netism. Pneumatics, and Acoustics, Lon" 
 8,3, 16mo. 3. Chemistry, Electricity, Light, Lon. 
 18(3. Hiino; new ed.. 187li • = > , 
 Pepper, William, M.D., LL.D,, b. 1843, in Phil- 
 adelphia ; graduated at the University of Pennsylvania 
 1802, and in medicine 1864; [irofcssor of clinical medi- 
 cine in the University of I'cnnsylviiniii 1876-,S7, and 
 since then |irufc!Sor of the theory and practice of medi- 
 cine; ]irovost of the University since 1881. He has 
 contributed miiny articles to medical journals, and pub- 
 lished single addresses, Ac. With Staiui, Louis, (ed.) 
 A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, 
 I'hila., 1S85-86, 5 vols. 8vo. 
 Pepys, Hon. Walter Courtenay, b. 1840 ; son 
 of the first Earl of Cottenham ; formerly of the COth 
 Rifles ; called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn 1877. Geneal- 
 ogy of the Pe|iys Family, 1273-1887, Lon., 18S7, 4to. 
 Perceviil, A. G. Northern Queensland, Lon., 
 1881, ISmo. 
 Perceval, E. P. Animal Life Described and Il- 
 lustrated, Lon., 1879, sup. r. 8vo. 
 Perceval, P. Tamil Proverbs, with their Eng- 
 lish Translation'; 3d ed., Lon., 1875, 8vo. 
 Percival, C. S. and E. History of Buchanan 
 County, Iowa, Cleveland. 0., 1881, 4to. 
 Percival, J. .>!• 1. Trans.) The Last von Reck- 
 enburg; from the (icrumnof Louise von Francois, Bost., 
 1887, 12mo. 2. (Trans.) The Romance of the Canoness : 
 a Life History ; from the German of Paul Heyse, N. 
 York, 1887, 12mo. 
 Percival, llev. John, M.A., LL.D., graduated, 
 double first class, at Trinity College, O.xford, 1858; or- 
 dained 1860; head-master of Clifton College 1862-78; 
 head-master of Rugby School sinoe 1887. 1. The Con- 
 nection of the Universities and the Great Towns, 1873. 
 2. Some Helps for School Life: Sermons preached at 
 Clifton College, Lon., 1880, p. 8vo. 
 Percival, .llrs. Louisa Jane, daughter of Sir 
 ,Tohn Wedderburn, Bart.; married, 186U, to Edward 
 Hope Percival, of the Bombay Civil Service. The Life 
 of Sir David Wedderburn, Bart., M.P. Comiiiled from 
 his Journals and Writings by his Sister. Lon., 1834, 
 " This book is more than a mere compilation. . . . The 
 result i.s a very Interesting memoir."— -liw/., xxv, 200. 
 Percy, C. .11. Mechanical Engineering of Collier- 
 ies, Lon., 1882, 8vo. 
 " Percy, Florence," (Pseud.) See Allen, Mrs. 
 Elizabeth C., Hu/u'd. 
 Percy, George. Robin, and other Poems, Bost., 
 1877, 12mo. 
 Percy, H. C. Cashier's Scrap-Book : Portfolio of 
 Bank Anecdotes and Incidents. Illust. N. York, 1879, 
 Percy, John, M.D., F.R.S., ['lute. vol. ii., add.,] 
 occupieil the chair of metallurgy at the Royal .School of 
 Mines from 1851 till 1879. 1. Metallurgy of Lead: in- 
 cluding Desilvorization and Cupellation, Lon., 1870, 8vo. 
 2. Manufacture of Russian Sheet-Iron, Lon., 1871, 8vo. 
 Percy, Stephen. 1. Tales of the Kings and 
 Queens "f England; new ed., Lon., 1886, p. 8vo. 2. 
 Robin Hood and his .Merry Foresters, Lon., 1887, 12mo. 
 Pereira, (formerly Tihbs,) Rev. Henry Wall, 
 .M.A., M.R.I. A., ['iiite. vol. iii.. Turns, H. W., add.,] 
 graduated at Trinity College, Dublin, 1839; ordained 
 1841; vicar of Bobbington 1862-71. Commentary on 
 the Office for the Ministration of Baptism, Lon., 1883, 
 Pereira, Mrs. Sarah M. S., (Clarke.) 1. The 
 Countess Margarethe and her Children ; or. Country 
 Life in Russia. Edin., 1872, ISmo. 2. Franziska; or, 
 The Feldhciiu Family, Edin., 1873, 12mo. 3. (Trans.) 
 The Young Brahmin's Story; or. The Confessions of 
 Bihi\ri Lai, by Auguste Glardcm, Edin., 1H74, p. 8vo. 4. 
 Scenes and Sketches from English Church History, 
 Edin., 1875. p. 8vo. 5. Little .Madeline: a Story for 
 Children, Edin.. 1876, 12mo. 6. An Enemy's Friend- 
 ship ; or, The Christmas-Gift: a Tale of the Franco- 
 Prussian War. Illust. Edin., 1876, 12mo. 7. May- 
 flower Stories. Illust. Edin., 1876, p. 8vo. 8. Miss 
 Trouble-thc-House and her .Adventures. Edin., 1877, 
 16mo. 9. (Trans.) Abyssinia; from the German of Dr. 
 H. W.J. Thiersch, Lon., 1885, 12mo. 10. The Trivial 
 Round : Chapters of Village Life. Illust. Lon., 1888, 
 or. Svo. 
 Peritie, Evulyne Thomas. Wiiy=idp Gleanings, 
 N. York, 1880, lOmo. 
 " Perk, Abner," (Pseud.) See Twcmiilev, Rev. 
 Perkins, Charles Callahan, [nii'c, vol. ii., 
 add.,] 1823-1886, graduated at Harvard 1843; «tudie<l 
 painting in Rome, and at Paris under Ary Schefi'er ; 
 afterwards studied music and etching ; president of the 
 Boston Art Club 1869-79, and of the Handel and Haydn 
 Society 1875-86; a member of the Legion of Honor 
 and corrcs]ionding member (jf the French Institute. 
 1. Italian Sculptors : History of Sculjiture in Northern, 
 Southern, and Eastern Italy : with Etchings and Wood 
 Engravings, Lon. and Bost., 1868, imp. 8vo. 2. .Art in 
 Education, N. York, 1870. 3. Raphael and Michel- 
 angelo. Illust. Host., 1878, cr. Svo. 4. (Ed.) Art in 
 the House: Historical and .-Esthetical Studies on the 
 Decoration and Furnishing of the Dwelling. By Jacob 
 von Falkc. From the Third German Edition : with 
 Notes. Illust. Boat., 1879, 4to. 5. Sepulchral Monu- 
 ments in Italy, N. Y'ork, 1883. 6. Historical Hand- 
 Book of Italian Sculpture. Illust. N. York, 1883, Svo. 
 " In its province, we know nothing which so well fills 
 its niche as this work."— Xaliim, xxxvili. 40. 
 7. History of the Handel and Haydn Society, (founded 
 A.D. 1815:) prefaced by an Account of Puritan Psalm- 
 ody in Old and New I]ngland. Vol. i.. No. 1. Bost., 
 1883, Svo. 8. Ghiberti et son Ecole. Illust. Paris, 
 " Like previous works of the late lamented historian of 
 the arts of Tuscany, this exhaustive monograph, on one 
 of the most original of the Renaissance artists, is rather 
 to be noted for its patient and thoroUKh research, its com- 
 pendious assiniilation of the art st\ulles of other authori- 
 ties, and its catholic appreciation, than for critical acumen 
 or originality."— .VadVm, xliv. 81. 
 "It IS a carefully-written monograph, . . . and contauis 
 a great deal that has hitherto been unknown about Ulii- 
 berti's private life and the dates at which hi.s various 
 works were executed."— J. H. Miuoleton. 
 See, also, Ciiami'lin, Joh.n Deniso.v, Jr., supra. 
 Perkins, D. C. The Homa'opathii, Therapeutics 
 of Rheumatism and Kir Ired Diseases, P u'- , 1888, Svo. 
 "Perkins, Eli," (Pseud.) Sec L.' iiio.v, Mel- 
 ville D., snpia. 
 Perkins, Frederic Beecher, b, 1828, at Hart- 
 ford, Conn. ; educated at Y'ale ; c.dmitled to the bar at 
 Hartford 1851 ; librarian of the San Francisco Free 
 Public Library 1880-87. 1. President (ireeley, Pres- 
 ident Hoffman, and the Resurrection of the Ring: a 
 History. By Pharaoh Endlong, [pseud.] Burlington, 
 1872. 2. Scrope; or. The Lost Library : a Novel, Host., 
 1874, Svo. 3. Check-List for American Local History. 
 Bost., 1876, 4to. 150 copies. 4. Devil-Puzzlers, and 
 other Studies, N. Y'ork, 1877, 16mo. 5. My Three Con 
 versotions with Miss Chester, N. York, 1877, 16nio. 6. 
 Charles Dickens: his Life and Works, 1877. 7. (Ed.) 
 The Best Reading: Hints on the Selection of Books, ie. ; 
 4th ed., enl., N. York, 1877, Svo. 8. Rational Classi- 
 fication of Literature for Shelving and Classifying Books 
 in a Library : with Alphabetical Index, San Fran., 1S8|, 
 Svo ; 2d ed., rev., 1884. 
 Perkins, H. Scores of Cricket Matches between 
 Oxford and Cambridge, Lon., 1887, 12mo. 
 Perkins, James llreck, b. 1847, ot St. Cr.iix 
 Falls, Wis.; graduated at Rochester University 1867; 
 admitted to the bar 186S. France under Mazarin : with 
 a Review of the Administration of Richelieu, N. York. 
 1886, 2 vols. Svo. 
 " We have very little but praise for the work before us. 
 . -Vbout a third (if the work is given to Richelieu; about 
 a third ... to the Fronde; and three ehai.ters at Ilie en^l 
 are of a general nature, upon the administration, sncicly. 
 and rcliiiiou. The reader lays aside the book with a 
 higher estimate of Mazariu's ability and charactcr."- 
 Salidit, xiiii. 215. 
 i " Mr. Perkins combines an industry worthy ot Ins sub- 
 ! jeet with a remarkable i«i\vcr (jf presenting the resulls 
 of his labours in an attractive form. He has a ihovui;!! 
 i acciuaintance with the works of the menn)ir-nTltcrs and 
 letter-writers of his iwriod ; he has consulted State napeis 
 of all kiiuls, both printed and in manuscript. . . . Th.iiii,'li 
 he adorns his book with the vivacity, personal iulcnst, 
 and pictures(iue descriptions that are eharactcrislic <il the 
 literature of the dav, lie bases his hisUiry on authorities 
 i that stand apart from the iiiliueiiee of spite or other scUisli 
 I motives."— S(i(. Kev.. Ixiii. 1"»1. 
 ■ Perkins, John. Floral Designs for the Table: 
 being Directions for its Ornainentalion. Illust. Lon., 
 1877, obi. fol. 
 Perkins, Mrs. Sue Chestnntwood. Honor 
 Bright: a Romance, Bufi'alo, N.Y., 1883, I2iihi. 
 Prrks, Mrs. J. Ilartlev. From HtMitlier Hills. 
 Lon., 1887, 2 vols. 
 Perot, J. M. X. Man and God, Lon., 1881, Svo. 
 Perowue, Rt. Rev. John James SteunrI, 
 D.D., ['(M^ 
 ul. i. 
 bridge 1S45 : ordaincil 1847; | 
 add.,] b. 1823; graduated at Ciiii 
 rcbendary of St. .Vndre 
 nd canon of Llandafl" 1869-78; Hulscan professor "I 
 .w*!.;;;., ^.iate. 
 divinity I87a-7S, deiin of Peterborougli 1 878-1)0 unci I 
 since then liisliop of Worcester. He wus ,i member of 
 the OM Testament Revision Compan.v, is e.litor of tlie 
 Cambridge Bible f..r schools, Ac, and bus contribute.! ' 
 to periodicals. I. Immortality: Hulsean Lectures for 
 m^-, Lon., \m, Svo. 2. .Sermons preached at Lam- 
 peter ami in Llandaff Cathedral, Lon., 187:i |, Svo 3 
 The Church, the Mini-try, the Sacraments: Five 'Ser- 
 mons preached in Peterborough Cathcdml, I,.,n Iss.'i 
 8vo. 1. The Doctrine of the Lord's Supper, l,on ISS7' 
 18mo. And see Thihi.wai.i., rovvop, ii,/;„ ' 
 Perowiie, Veil. Thomas Thoiiiason, [ante, 
 vol. 11., „dd.,] reitor of Re<lenhall with Harleston and 
 \\ ortwell since I.S74 : archdeacon of Norwich since 1878 
 Our Iligh-Pricst in Heaven ; or, The Present Action of as High- Priest, in its Relation to the Worship of 
 the Christian t'hurch, Lon., 18Sj, 8vo. 
 Perrain, Annie Frances. 1. "Go Work •" a 
 Rook for (iirls, Lon., IS.S.'i, p. .Svo. 2. The Opposite 
 icq'J"" <="'"' """" ^'""''' '■"'• Cottage Homes, Lon., 
 ]al~' ','•„"• "*■ ^^"""^ "'"'"' ""J Early Christians, Lon. 
 IS.Sj, l2mo. ' 
 Perrett, Jennie. I. Ren Owen: a Lancashire 
 .Story, Lon., lx,<j, I2mo: new ed.. IS.s:!. 2. Into the 
 Light. Illust. Lon., lS8lt,fp. Svo; new ed., 1883. S 
 Davy s Friend, and other Stories, Lon., ISSl, ismo 4' 
 Harold's Ambition ; or, A Dream of Fame, Lon., ISS7' 
 l-'mo. 5. Filled with Gold. Illust. Lon., 188S, p. Svo 
 R. Ivatj s Re.^^olution, Lon., I8S8, ISuio. 
 Pcrrier, Amelia. I. "Mea Culpa," Lon., 1869 
 2 vols. p. Svo 2. A Good .Match, Lon., IS72, 2 vols, p.' 
 °",Q-- '"'*'■ '" *1"™<!<"'> i^""-. 1873, p. 8vo: new 
 ri?'*''ri",' Jyf'y'nond «• 1. The Student's Dreams, ' 
 ^'"°V ';T'V'^'?°- ,-;. '^'"' '^^'"S''^" «f Philosophy 
 ri'- r?M^r""\'."'" ""^ Knowledge: a Comparison of the 
 Uiict i hilosophioaland Religious Systems of the World 
 Lon., ISS5, Svo. ' I 
 Perrin, William Henry. 1. History of Craw- 
 ford County, Ohio, Chic, ISSl, .(to. 2. History of Stark 
 County, Ohio, Chic, 1881, 4lo. 3. History of Fayette 
 County, Kentucky, Chic, 1882, 4to. 4. History of Bond 
 and Montgomery Counties, Illinois, Chic, ISS2, 4to 5 
 History of Cass County, Illinois, Chic, 18S2, 4to 6* 
 Histor.y of Rourbon, Scott, Harrison, and Nicholas Coun- 
 ties Kentucky, Chic, I,SS2, 4to. 7. The Pioneer Press 
 of Kentucky. (Filson Club Pub.,) Louisville, 188S, 4to 
 With HiLi., H. H., and Graham, A. A., The History of' 
 Ldgar County, Illinois. Illust. Chic, 1S79, Svo. With 
 Rattle, .1. 11.: 1. History of Delaware County, Ohio 
 Chic, 1880, Svo. 3. History of Medina County, Ohio 
 Chic, LSSl, 4to. With Graham, A. A., History of 
 Summit County, Ohio, Chic, LSSI. 4to 
 , r,*!'""';' "•'V. William Henry, D.D., 1827- 
 1S8U, b. at Lyons, N.Y. ; became a Methodist Episcopal 
 minister 18o I ; was for some years a professor at Albion 
 College, Mich. The Principles of Chuich Government: 
 with .special Application to the Polity of Episcopal Meth- 
 odism, tditeil by James H. Potts, 1\D. N.York, ISSS 
 12ino. > > 
 Perring, .Mrs,, [„»r., vol. ii., add.] 1. The Castle ' 
 and the Cottage. Lon., 1S67, ISmo. 2. RIanche and: 
 Agnes Lon., 1S69, ISmo. 3. Our Poor Neighbour- 
 Lon., 1.S70, ISmo. 4. The Twin Brothers, Lon., 187(1 
 IMno. 0. Sibyl Grey, Lon., 1877, ISmo. 0. Lilian Sea- ' 
 orott, Lon., 1S7S, ISrao. 7. Aunt Mary, Lon., I8S0. 
 IJmo. 8. The Three Sisters, Lon., 1S83, 12mo 
 Perring, Rev. Sir Philip, Bart., M.A., b. 1828 : 
 educated at the fni^crsity of Cambridge; succeeded his 
 tather, as fourth baronet, ISOfi. 1. The Spirit and the 
 Muse: containing Original Hymns, and other Poems, 
 Lon IS, 2, Svo; new ed., I8S1). 2. Hard Knots in 
 .Miakspeare, Lon., ISS,'), Svo. 
 ^f'^l!'"?' ',/'"'■.''• Subjects for Fifty-Two Addresses to 
 Mothers' Meetings, Lon., IS7«, ISmo. 
 Perry, A. The School-Master's Trial: or. Old 
 .-chool and New. N. York, 18S1, I2mo 
 ::r' i 
 'erry, A. T. A Windfall,' N. York, ISSO, 12mo. 
 I. Esther Pennefather: a Novel, 
 2. More Ways than One, Cost., 
 Perry, Alice. 
 N. York, !H7S, Hv. 
 1-79, 12mo. 
 1 .*!/'17*'' ■^"'"S' Memorial of Zaohariah Allen, 1795- 
 1^-2, Cambridge, Mass., Iss3, Svo. 
 Perry, Arthur I.athnm, LL.D., [autr, vol. ii., 
 itddj Introduction to Political Economy, N. York, 
 I81 (, 12mo, 
 Perry, neiijamin Franklin, iso.i-issti, b in 
 I endleton District, S.C; educated in Asheville, N.C., and 
 t.recnville, .•?.C., and admitted to the bar in 1S'>7 • wa.s 
 successively district attorney, district judge, and'pro- 
 TTII M''m'""'"" "''/''•""'' '-^"'•"li""- "• Heminisceices 
 of I ubiic Men : prefaced by a Life of the Author by 11. 
 M. Perry. Illust. Phila., lss:i, i2mo. 2. .xk.tchc- of 
 tminen American statesmen: with .Speeches and Let- 
 wi, . l'-r™!iu.',''-"''T' P'-'^I'^'-'^'J kv an Outline of the 
 ^ Author s Life, Phila., ISS7, Svo. 
 Perry, Carlotta. Poem.*, Chic, ISSs Pmo 
 V,^'r"iy' <-'[VV'es Copland, M.A., graduated at 
 New College, O.Mord. 187.) ; late assistant master at Eton 
 College Reports on German Elementary Schools and 
 training Colleges: prepared for the English Education 
 Department ami for the Royal Commission on Education. 
 Lon., 1887, cr. Svo. 
 .u'V^'' P'''^*<-'"t volume, compiled bv Mr. Perry from au- 
 nilfle ,«. , r "'"' ™'l>'S-'i'-,\vl'ieh is tlie result of a lung 
 nVe 1 , n 1 i„ ';''?'"'">'• .^"f'('l'«>* a very m.ees.sary siipplt- 
 V r i,l'^ r . ri ■"'l f"V'|^'"','"-s " i's«ful correcti ve, U> "m r. 
 AriKiKi s report. —Sjirvlalur, ix. J^'JO. 
 Perry, Mrs. E. C, (" Eltin Hall," pseud.) 'Tween 
 Ihou and .Me, Albanv. 1879, sm. 4lo. 
 Perry, Frederick. Dulce Domum : Es.mys .,n 
 Home Life, Lon., 1S73, p. Svo. 
 Perry, Gardner M. History of Bradford, Massa- 
 chusetts, to the Close of 1820, [historical sermon,] Haver- 
 hill Mass., 1 ss:i, Svo. Edition limited to 2511 copies. 
 , ,* effy. t-eorge B. Corporal Bruce of the Bala- 
 kiava M.\ Hundred, Rost., 1S7S, Ifimo. 
 •• *''i7'['u".*o^ ♦•^"'■ge «resley, M.A., [„nie, vol. 
 11.. add., b 1820; graduated at Crpus Christi College. 
 Oxford, l.sJO; ordained 1S14; canon and prebendary of 
 Milton Manor in Lincoln Cathedral since I8f>l. I (Ed ) 
 English Prose Treatises of Richard Rollc de Haiupole. 
 irom R. Thornton's MS., (circa 144U A.D.) (Early Eno'- 
 hsh Text J.OC.) Lon., I86B, Svo. 2. (Ed.) Religious 
 Pieces, in Prose and Verse. From K. Thornton's MS. 
 (Early Lnglish Text Soc) Lon.. IS67, Svo. 3. The 
 Christian Fathers, Lon.. 1870, l2mo. 4. The Life an.l 
 limes of Bishop Grosseteste, Lon., 1871, I2mo ■; 
 .Mudent's .Manual of English Church History, from the 
 1 lanting of the Church in Great Britain to the Silencing 
 of Convocation, Lon., 1S7S-S7, three series, p. Svo. « 
 The Life of St. Hugh of Avalon, Bishop of Lincoln : with 
 some Account of his Predecessors in the See of Lincoln 
 Lon., 1S79, p. Svo. 
 "Tlie ■ Life of St. Hugh.' which i.s it.s ostensible subiect 
 tikes up less than lialf the v,,hime, iiuiret'-'M one 1111- 
 j ed and seveiitv [.ages of wliich are ,levuted to lie I is- 
 tor.\ uf the estabhslimeiit of the see of l.iii<.(,ln and lu bi- 
 ographies of its tirst oeciipants. together witl ske c li 's of 
 i the monurchs niul clergy of St. ifugh's time. an 11 
 mL'?;' "v':.rv':'?""l'".»', '"•:"'«'" "« "'^' leading inms of 
 r„Hf. o ■. ■^'^"'■"k"'''*-' eharacter in.his well-written iiar- 
 - rative. Perhaps it is a.s well that he ho-s not attempted aiiv 
 general .^umniary of his life. Mr. ])im„ck'.s portrait ,' lis 
 .rii^K!'iln""''"i'T,""; ';i»!l"P '» '"" powerfully dra« ii , e 
 eaMly siirptts.sed."— »i(. A'ct., xlviii! xy, 
 7. History of the Reformation in England, Lon.. ISSti 
 12mo. > > 
 ; Perry, J. T. The Transit of Venus : Notes of a. 
 : Voyage to Kerguelen's Laml, Lon., 1S7(;, Svo. 
 Perry, J. >V. The Law of Trusts and Trustees, 
 Bost., 1872. Svo. 
 Perry, Prof. John, M.E. 1. Elementary Treatise 
 on Steam, Lou., 1S74, ISmo; new ed., 1S81. 2. Prao- 
 tical Mechanics. Illust. Lon., Is8:i, I2mo. 
 Perry, John T. Sixteen Saviours or One? the 
 Gospels not Bnihminie, Cin., 1879, sq. Ifimo. 
 Perry, Joseph F., Jr. D.igs : their Management 
 and Ireatmeut 111 Disease. By Ashmoiit. Bost.. 1885. 
 Perry, .Mrs. L. C. The Heart of the Weed, Bost. 
 1888, 12mo. Anon. 
 Perry, .Miss Nora, b. IS4I, in Massachusetts; 
 Boston corres|iondeiit of the Providence .lournal, and a 
 contributcu- to leading American magazines. I. After 
 the Ball, and other Poems, Bost., IS74, sm. 4to; new e.l., 
 1879. 2. The Tragedy of the Cnexpected, and other 
 Stories. Best., ISSO. ISmo. 3. Her Lover's Friend, and 
 other i'oeins, Bost., Is.xii, sq. IBnio. 4. Bessie's Trials 
 at Boarding-.School ; new ed., Bost., 1S81, 12mo. 5 
 Book of Love-.; lories. Host., 1S81. Ifimo. 6. For a 
 Woman, ISSa. 7. New Songs and Ballads, Bost., 188«, 
 Ifimo. s. A Flock of Girls and their Friends. 
 Bost., 1SS7, i2mo. 9. The Youngest Miss Lorton, an.l 
 other Stones, Bost., 1888, 12mo. With others, Margy's 
 "! : 
 . 1 
1' ' 'i' • 
 Two Troubles, ami other Stories. Illust. Bost., ISTS, ' 
 Perry, O. L. 1. Rank and Iia(l;;cs: Precedence, 
 Salutes in the Army and Navy, Au., Lon., 1SS8, 12nio. j 
 2. vjuido to OfBcinl Kegulationu of Guards and Sentries, 
 l,on., 1SS7, 8vo. 
 Perry, Richard l)avi§. In and Out of Fashion, 
 Lon., 1SS5, :i vol:!. |l. .'ivo. 
 Perry, Mrs. Susan Tcall. Little Poemi in a 
 .Mother'! Life. Illust. Chio., 1S77, sq. l2mo. 
 Perry, Thomas Sergeant, o. ISl.O, in Newport, 
 U.I. ; gniduatod at Harvard IHliB ; studied in Paris and 
 Berlin: tutor in (ierman at Harvard l'<8S-7i, and in- 
 .«truetor in English 1S77-SI. 1. (Trans.) Virgin Soil, 
 by Ivan S. Turgenioft'; from the French Version, N. 
 York, 1S77, 16mo 2. (Ed.) The Life and Letters of I 
 Franeis LicbtT, liost., 1SS2, 8vo. 
 " Hi' luus not himself atteniiited U> iirodncy an original 
 Work, Jiiit allows the reader to make the acciuaintance (jf 
 Lielier thniiigli iiis letters, which show him as he appeared 
 to his conlciiiporarics, full of enthusiasm, intelligence, 
 and generous impulse."— .Viif/oii, .\;:xvl. 65. 
 .1. English Literature in the Eighteentli Century, N. 
 York, 1S8;), 12ino. 4. From Opit/. to Lessing : a Study 
 o( Pseudo-ClassicisTu in Literature, Best., 18S4, 12nio. 
 " The aim of .Mr. Perry's volume. a;< stated in his preface, 
 is ■ to Klve some few of the many available pnjofs that the 
 dilfcrent nations of moilern Kurope have passed through 
 verv nearly the same experience in literature.' . . . Two 
 careful readings of it have left us with the impression of a 
 somewhat sketchy and desultory hook."— .V(i(io?i. xl. fil. 
 .1. The Evolution of liie Snob, Lost., 1S87. llimo. 
 "It is not & ji'it-il'mpril. or a social .satire at all, but a 
 serious and really scientilic treatise." — Critic, vi. *J8U. 
 Perry, Rev. Thomas Walter, ['latc, vol. ii., 
 add.,] educated at Chichester College; ordained 1845; 
 vicar of Ardleigh since 1872, and hon. canon of St. Al- 
 bans since 1888. Notes on the Judgment of the Privy 
 Council in the Appeal Hebbert v. Purchas, 1871, Lon., 
 1877, Svo. 
 Perry, Walter Copland, [mitt; vol. ii., add.] 
 1. (Trar's.) lli.^tory of the French Revolution, by H. 
 von .'^ybel, Lon., 1870, 2 vols. 8vo. 2. Greek and Roman 
 Sculpture : a Popular Introduction, Lon., 18S2, 8vo. 3. 
 A Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Casts from 
 the .Antique in the South Kensington Museum, Lon., 
 1884, Svo. 
 Perry, Rt. Rev. William Stevens, S.T.U., 
 LL.D., [ante, vol. ii., add.,] rector of Trinity Church, 
 Geneva, N.Y., 1869-76 ; Bishop of Iowa since 1876. In 
 1887 he was elected Bisliop of Nova Scotia, but did not 
 accept. 1. A Century of Episcopacy in Portland : a 
 Sketch of the History of the Epi!;,,opaI Church in Portland, 
 Maine, from the Organization of St. Paul's, Falmouth, 
 1763. to the Present Time, 1S63. 2. The Collects of the 
 Church, 1864. Privately printed. New ed., Davenport, 
 1878. 3. (Ed.) Of the Imitation of Christ. Four Books. 
 By Thomas il Kempis. With an Introduction. Bost., 
 1864. 4. A Memorial of the Rev. Thomas Mather Smith, 
 D.D. ByW.S. P. Cambridge, 1866. Privately printed. 
 .1. ( Ed.) A History of the Book of Common Prayer : with 
 a Rationale of its Offices. By Francis Proctor. With an 
 Introductory Chapter on the History of the American 
 Liturgy. N. York, 1868; new ed., i '81. 6. Historical 
 Collections of the American Colonial Church: vol. i., 
 Virginia; vol. ii., Pennsylvania; vol. iii., Massachu- 
 setts; vol. iv., Maryland; vol. v., Delaware, 1871-78, 5 
 vols. 4to. 7. Journals of the Protestant Episcopal Church 
 in the United States, 1785-18.35, N. Haven, 1872, 3 
 vols. 8vo. 8. Life-Lessons from the Book of Proverbs, 
 N. York, 1872; .Id ed., 1879, ]2mo; 4th ed., 1885. 9. 
 Historical Notes and Documents illustrating the Or- 
 ganization of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the 
 United States of America, 1874. Id. Hand-Book of the 
 General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 
 giving its History and C( nstitution, 17S5-1S71, N. York, 
 1874, 12mo; new cds., continuing the work to date, 
 1877, 1881. 11. A Sunday-School Experiment, 1874; 
 Md ed., 1H77. 12. The Reunion Conference at Bonn, 
 1875. 13. A Personal Narrative, 1876. Privately 
 printed. 14. The American Cathedral, 1877. l.'>. Mis- 
 sions and Missionary Bishops in the American Church ; 
 a I'aper read before the Church Congress held at Stoke- 
 npr.n-Trent, Enghmd, O.-tober, 1S7f., I.'-.n., !'<77, "v<>. 
 Privately printecL 16. Scriptural Reasons for the Use 
 of Forms of Prayer, Davenport, la., 1878. 17. The 
 Second Lambeth Conference; a Personal Narrative, 1879, 
 18. Some Summer DavsAbroad, Davenport, 1880, l2mo. 
 19. Ober-Ammergau in 1875 and 1880, 1881. Privately 
 printed. 20. Easier with the Poet.', Davenport, 1881. 
 21. The Church's Year, Davenport, 18S|. 22. Catechet- 
 ical Instruction, 1882. 23. The History of the American 
 Episfopal Church, 1587-1883. Illust. Best., iss.^, 2 
 vols. 4to. (Originally projected by Clarence F. Jowett. 
 Includes, besides the history by Bishop Perry, nineteen 
 monographs, Ijy Robert C. Winthrop, Prof. M(jsc8 Coit 
 Tyler, Rev. I'hillips Brooks, and other writers.) 
 "" Everywhere there is evidence of the utmost Industry 
 and pall^cnce and lidellty in the collection of materials 
 and the inlerpretaiion ot the various tendencies at work 
 in the develo)iment of the Church. . . . That he [Hishop 
 I'erry] has not assimilated his materials is impressed upon 
 us from the liegiuniii!,' to the end. . . . They [the mcitio- 
 graphs] constitute the more inti-resting and valualile )ior- 
 tioM of'the whole."— .Va/ioH, xl. :t87, 
 Also, single sermons, Ae. And see Hawks, F. L.. 
 Pernzzi, Signorn E. M., daughter of W. W. 
 Story, iii/rii. (Trans.) Thoughts on Art '.ind Autobio- 
 graphical Memoirs of (iiovanni DuinC, Lon., 1884, p. 
 Svo; new ed., with Introduction by W. W. Story. 
 Peter, A. Petre. Analysis of Decisions of Sir 
 George Jessel i with Notes, References, lie., Lon., 1883, 
 Peter, Richard and Otto liathurst. The 
 Histories of Launceston and Dunheved, Ac, Plymouth, 
 1885, 8vo. 
 Peters, Edward. (Trnnj.) Paulinism : a Contri- 
 bution to the History of Primitive Christian Tlieology, 
 by 0. Pfloiderer, Lon., 1877, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Peters, Edward Dyer, M.D., b. 1849, at Dor- 
 chester, Mass. ; educated at the Freiberg Mining School, 
 Saxony ; superintendent of the Parrot Silver and Co]>- 
 ])er Company 1884-85. American Methods of Copper 
 Smelting. Illust. N. York, 1888, 8vo. 
 Peters, F. H., JI.A. I. (Trans.) Aristotle's Nic- 
 omachean Ethics, Lon., 1881, p. Svo; 3d ed., 1888. 2. 
 (Trans.) Vassili Verestchagin : Painter— Soldier — Trav- 
 eller : Autobiographical Sketches by Monsieur and Ma- 
 dame Verestchagin; translated from the (Jerman and 
 the French. Illust. Lon., 18S7, 2 vols. ii. Svo. 
 " Mr. Peters has doi\e his work so admirably that one 
 can scarcely believe it to bo a translatiun."— .4cn((., xxxiv. 
 Peters, Rev. George Nathaniel Henry, b. 
 1825, in New Berlin, Pa. , graduated at Wittenberg ''ol- 
 lego 1850 ; entered die ministry of ihe Lutheran CI jrcli. 
 The Theocratic Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ, N. 
 York, 1884, 3 vols. 
 Peters, Rev. John Punnett, Ph.D., b. 1852, in 
 New Y'ork ; graduated at Yale College 1873; studied 
 theology at Yale Divinity School ; ordained in the E|)is- 
 copal Church 1877; professor of Old Testament lan- 
 guages and literature in the Episcopal Divinity School, 
 l'hiladeli)hia, since 1SS4. (Trans.) The Political His- 
 tory of Recent Times, 1816-1875: with Sjie^ial Refer- 
 ence to Germany, by W. MUller : with Appendix cover- 
 ing the Period from 1876 to 1881, N. York, 1882, 12mo. 
 Peters, Rev. Madison C, i Presiiyteriun mi i- 
 ister in New Y'ork, formerly of Philadelphia. Empty 
 Pews, and Selections from other Serniunj on Timely 
 Topics, N. Y'ork, 1^87, 12mo. 
 Peters, William Theodore. The Children of 
 the Week ; being the Honest and (uily Authentic Ac 
 count of Certain Siories, as related by the Red Imlian 
 to Alexander Selkirk, Jr., herein truthfully set down. 
 Illust. N. York, 1886, f.q. Svo. 
 Petersdorff, Charles Erdman, [nut,; vol. ii., 
 add.,] b. 1800; called to the bar at the Inner Temple 
 1833; sergeant-at-law 1858; judge of county courts 
 since 1865. 1. Supplement to -Abridgment of Common 
 and Statute Law, 1S63-70, Lon., 1870, r. Svo. (This is 
 I incorporated in later editions of the "Abridgment.") 
 2. Compendium of the Law of Master and Servant, Lon., 
 1876, 12mo. 
 Peterson, Arthur, b. 1851, at Germnntown, Ph.; 
 son of Henry Peterson, iti/ra ; paymaster, U.S.N. Sun^'^ 
 of New Sweden, and other Poems, Phila., 1887, 12mo. 
 Peterson, Frederick. Poems and Swedish Trans- 
 lations, Buffalo, N.Y., 1883, 12mo. 
 Peterson, Henry, [ante, vol. ii., add.] 1. The 
 Modern Job, Phila., 1869. 2. Pembcrton ; or, One 
 Hundred Ver,r= Ag", 1S7;>,. 3. Fnire-Monnt, 1H74, 4. 
 Confessions of a Minister, 1874. 5. Bessie's Lovers, 
 1877. 6. Cicsar ; a Dramatic Study, Phila., 1879, I61110. 
 7. Poems : including " The Modern Job." Second Series. 
 Phila., 1883, l6mo. 
 Peterson, Robert Evans, M.D., [nnir, vol. ii.. 
 add.,] bl SI 2, in PhiladelphiH. (Tmns.) Notes of a 
 PiiUMSt by I,oui8 Moroau (lottschalk, durnri " Pro 
 fes.,,.n,il IVmr. in the fnited St.tes. "ifn . in ,h;. 
 Ant, lie,, »ncl ,^„„th Ameriea: preceued ,yn Short Ui 
 ograpucal Sketch, with Contemporane,,, a ch icWm 
 Edited by hi., Sister, Clara (iottichalk. I'hi a h"i 
 PcterNOii, W. (Trans.) The Speeeh oC Cieoro lor 
 Cluentiu. : with an Introdnction and Notes, Oxf. Hsi' I 
 Pctherick, E. a. Catalogue of Vork-Oate Li 
 brarJ^ ,„r„,ed by Mr. Silver: an to the I. e at . re 
 of Geography, Maritiu.o and Inlan.l Di.eovery, Co ' 
 Xissh's:;^™^";" '""''■ ^-•' '««'/2d ::^. 
 Petit, Aiiieiie V. How to Read, and Hints in 
 ehoosmg .he lie,,t liooks: with Classified' Lists of Wori" 
 onjiiography, H.story, Criticism, Ac, N.York, is'"^ j 
 ArM,h?: /"'"'• F""'-) ^"^"^ "»'' Sketehe, of an 
 Architect during a .Journey in the Northwe-st of Euro, o 
 from the French of Felix Narjoux, Host., Is77 8vo ' 
 LiJ:^;'i:i,^2^;);';!;i?i; ^);r '™'""^'" -^ •^''"-"^ 
 «bp^:;:^',*-.^;e itt^d.^^i'-fi^rt^^ ■ '""'- 
 LS.*i!'!q"?2m^.'"*" ^''""''«"«'' Montgomery, Ala., 
 l8^!'"p':'s''v'o"^"'"* '''"' ^""' ''"8"™' f^o^'^.] Lon., 
 Petrie, W. M. Flinders, b. 1853; educated i>ri- 
 lately ; made explorations and measurements of |,re lis- 
 tone monuments and other remains in Britain in' W5-. 
 f,;.bTp ^«>l'' '■»'• 'he same purpose in 18SI, and 
 for the Egyptian Exi.loration Fuml n l.'*S4, and later 
 excavated the uiounds of San, the Zoar of S ripture 
 discovered ho site and ruins of the long-lost (lra>co 
 Egyptian cty of Naukratis, in the Delta^.n.l was tl^ ; 
 ru n,?f T.."^ ""I f","' "f ^"^ ""'» "f Defenneh, with 1 o 
 ru.nsof Pharaoh's house on the latter site. 1. Inductive 
 Metrology: Ancient Measures from Monuments L„n. 
 Th '• V S'onehengc: Plans, Descriptions, and 
 of S r'M■'/'^'• ■'■ '^^'' ^'>-"""''^' ""'» T'^'-'P^es 
 ■■Mr V. * ^"""- ^'"'■' 1'^'*"''' "• ■»«" ; ifw ed., 18S5 
 .,„.,• ^'""'f ?'"'"' ""le months at (iizeli living in a 
 tomb, contented with (he harde.stlare,aii7l ii a ii "s^coni 
 ..ratis. i-art I With Chapters by Cec I Smith, Ernest 
 F^id-Piiitr ?r;YsJ«,^ro'- ^'^^^p"-" ^^^"'°™"- 
 ,.,i'v?rvl ,'"'','-''"''* "'' '^f''- Pe'trie's laborinii.s work in the lils 
 (•h';„J?."" A^S",,"- ^'"besheh and Defenneh: with' 
 hai ters by A. S Murray and F. LI. Griffith, (Egyptian I 
 L.xploration Fund Pub.,) Lon., 1S8S, 8vo ^''»^I"""> 
 riie annotations '.f Mr. (Jrimth and Mr. Murrav tho 
 loos and learn.'., ,Iis,|,ils||io.i on s,ai.,lard weiKlUs.'and 
 12mo'' 2.f er/sf^'. """''^ ^""^ '^ ^'""' ^'''"•' '""' 
 ^ ?'c'p''b*TH%/''?'p' }*?,"'r "•^- ^''^■^- F'R-So 
 • n.t.l., b. 1,S34, at Roxhill, Lanarkshire; graduate! 
 m medicine with first-class honors at Edinburgh 1861 
 bccamo^a^^stant curator of the Hunterian Museum iii 
 I London lsfi2, curator of the Museum of the Knval College 
 rnllrmfrv"%n"" "'■'''"• ""'' l'""'«l"«i'< to'tlic R -^a 
 in rmarj, ],s(,ii; k.,.ti|,„r ,.„ phvsiology to tliM Rovnl 
 ■"l"g.v of the Ciivulation in Plant i„"',l,. • 
 Aninials.amlinMan, Lon.. I,"-/ i". ' 
 Pettil-reu-"' '',';"';,"""L''"- ^>''-y-Ac„l.. vi. .109. 
 »im(.reu, JCcv, Sninii<> Thomas MA 
 graduated at Trinity Colk.;;c, Cambr l" TsV- ' 
 dained IMS; diapliJin at M'uU.T^'t^l't . "^f 
 ^:ph:t:'L™.!a."'''^"''^^ '""-'•''"' 'f-^"'''- 
 Pi'ttiiigili, lu-v. John Hancock. Ixi.-iss- 
 gradmitcd at Vale In37, and aflnwa d?,, he ('ni n 
 ins.-ioii, in Servm, lurkey, and Oreece IS.vt)-,-,? and 
 .ft rwards tiavelled extensively over ICuropc. . i| 
 ^ ith L f V "'""'-"'"'k "I- Texts, Theme;, „i, 1 
 'tho-[\v,.T. 7.^ '"■"I")-',":"! Tnlemnia; Conflict bctwee.^ 
 ■ vationi.T""'^ ';"'"'"•''"' .Mi..eryand rniversil Sal" 
 i Chic IS?; \T "''"'.;""n ? •'"■ ''""■"■"I "f "'« ^■ittest, 
 ■' th Future i it 1"" M • ''■'''? J'^'-"'">"l"gy .-elating to" 
 : le \a u e , '.^ 1 .."""" f ^'l*^ i^oripture Terms .ouehing 
 it JNatuie and Destiny of Man. I'hila.. Iss], 12 P 
 : la tonism ,«. Christianity : the (Question of I „n, -talitv 
 , JIiMoncal ly considered, Phil,,., Issi, ir,„, Tim 
 L e what is it ? whence is it who,.e is it? a Symposium, Phila., 1SS2, 12nio i The Vn 
 , Ln.yersa : an Analysis of the Game a^ in roved" by the 
 ■ P.utKVlls^'^'jvo'''"*^'^"""''^'' ^'"^'- Three 
 isf/J'?"!" •'•""' *'ewis, [„„„, vol. ii., „,i,i.,] b 
 vl-;'. ,!"""!'' ^''•' *-"-ad.mted in hiw at the In 
 ^ors.ty of \irginia ls,,o, „nd afterwards practised in 
 Ovpi..,« li*, '"'■ "'"' ff"'">"ed abroad till 18S0. 1 
 O^erthe Alleghnnics and across the Prairies, Lon.. 1S69 
 PjSvo. '. Memoir of Willian, M. Pevton Isro q' 
 iMemorials of Nature and Art, issi. 4 Jli",'orv ofAu 
 gusta Cou.,ty, Virginia, Staunton, V,,. SS2 s,'! 5" 
 ^r^:;« I!:!;"~-3 of a Hesidence'Abro„^,s;;u.?: 
 Pfeitfer, Emil Charles. An Account of the '89 
 BotTisi,'';::: '" """■"■^ '"'''^'- «^- ''-' oa" 
 Pft'itTcr, Mrs. Emily, d. 1890; born in Wales. 
 became the wife of „ German merchant setti d in Lo^: 
 don, who died oefore her; travelled extensive ,, AsL 
 I Lon ^"s"'?''oJ •■,"^r:r-"''-' Monuments, and ot^llir Pot " 
 : tj.oM^'"s;;i;,!;;j';;:;,'-i,i:;^'i,ri;!^^-' ;- ".ucn .. 
 2d'e/'i's-^''"''''' • '''* ^'l""™""'! l>i' .^"ng, Lon., 1877: 
 Poems Lm' '?8-o"-,o *• Q""'f '"•«"'- "race, and othei 
 Lyrical -^nd '■Di:;u;;.ic,"L:n:'78;^'=/r" r*^;;^ 
 b.N a host of predecessors. . . . Her Weslcrii ■ Leavc-s' fluttc? 
 ' i^i 
:)iuitoiiy 111 remlliiK a voliiiiie 111' sciiiiu'ts (lUierwIw thiui ^f (ho Albimy Stage: including Xolices of I'roniinciit 
 briefliistalmeius with. siilliiiiiKiiilcTviils between, luTe I ^,.j, ^^^^ ^^^^ aiipcivred in Amoricn, Albany, N.Y., 
 ere Is no siicli barriiT in till' way 111 contliiiums eiijciy- " 
 BUt, because the sameness of the form Is relieveil bpi nL„,„' i„i.„ \%-„i,.„tt mii Isk", b in (Jail 
 nstant ehan^e of Ijey, inoveineiit, an<l expression.''- Phelps, John Moliott, IHl,), b. in i.i i 
 MKs Asikkoi-tNoBIK: Amd..\xsl.Tl. ford, Vt. ; t,'radiiated at V>. Military Academy l^..ll; 
 over the now wcll-bcaten route aernsa the American Con- 
 tinent. . . . Altogether, ' Fiyinir Leaves,' thouith nothing 
 very startling, is about the best book whicli lias been 
 written on the American ' liraiid timr.' Its wealiiiess is its 
 supertieiaiity."— KoiiKKT Huown; Amd., xxviii. 4U5. 
 It. Sonnets, I,on., 1SS7, p. Svo. (Includes the sonnets 
 in " Songs and Sunnets" and other volumes, with others 
 written subsequently.) 
 " Wliile. as a rule, there Is some sense of wearlnes.s or of 
 monotony in reading a voliitne of sonnets otberwlsi' 
 in brief instalmeiU: '"'" " 
 10. Women and Worlt : an Kssay treating on the Ke- 
 lation to Health and I'l.y.fical Development of the Higher 
 Education of Oirls and llie [ntelioctual or more System- 
 atized Kffort of Women, Loii., l.-^KS, p. 8vo. 
 '• Tlie most tem|ierate of men could not have stated the 
 ease of tlie working woman, or the woman who wisties to 
 w(jrk. more lemiieiatelv; and we will venture to say that 
 few men could have stilted it more ah\y. "SiicdaUir, Ixi. 
 Phnyre, Lieiit.-<ien. Sir Arthur Piirves, 
 (!,t'..M.(J., K.C..-*.!., C.Ii.. IS02-IS.SO, chief coniniissionor 
 in British liuriniih. History of Burma; including 
 Burma Proper, I'lgu, Taungu, Tenasserim, and Arakan, 
 from the Earliest Time to the End of the First War 
 with British India, Lon., 18,H;i, Svo. 
 "The authorities for (ion. I'lmyre's narrative are the 
 original liurniese chrouieles of the kiiiKS of Burma, an 
 old Arakaiiese lilstorv of Arakan, and fragments ot a Mini 
 history of I'egu. . . . .No complete account of tiie Hurmese 
 ehronicles has iireviously been given to the Western world. 
 By inscriptions on pagoilas and on sacred l)ells, 1/y refer- 
 " The papers here printcil may meet with various objee- 
 tlons, but we can hardly imagine that any one sliould 
 tliiii them dull."— A'lidVjH, xxxv. ulo. 
 .'<. English Style in Public Discourse, with Reference 
 to the Usages of the I'ulpit, N. York, 1X83, 12ino. 9. 
 My Study, and other Essays, N. York, 18K6, Svo. 
 Phelps, Elizabeth Stiinrt. See Wahi>, Miis. 
 E. .S. 
 Phelpg, II. O. Players of a Century : Uecoid 
 of the Albany Stage: including Notices of Prominent 
 eiices to ;.ic annals of china and .Slam, and from the writ- 
 ings of European travellers,. -lir Arthur I'hayre has verified 
 the general faithfulness of the accounts he lias reproduced. 
 — ylc(i(/., xxiv.MJ. 
 Phayre, llev. Richard, M.A., graduated at 
 Trinity Cidlege, Dublin, 18HII; ordained ISlil ; rector of 
 East and West Ravnham ISiiL'. 1. The Teaching of the 
 Holy Catholic t'tiuroh : Advent, Lent, Trinity, Lon., 
 1876-78, 2 vols. 8va; :td ed., 1885. 2. Twelve Sermons 
 on St. John's Book of the Revelation, Lon., LSSO, Svo. 
 Phear, Henry Herbert. Emigration: a Sum- 
 mary of the Acts that have been jiassed for assisting 
 Emigration from England, Scotland, and Ireland, Lon., 
 188(), Svo. 
 Phear, Sir John Uiidil, M.A., [mite, vol. li., 
 Phkar, J. B., add.,] b. 1825; graduated at Clare Col- 
 lege, Cambridge, 1850; called to the bar at the Inner 
 Temple 1854; puisne judi^e at Calcutta 1864-76, and 
 chief iuatioe 1877-70; knighted 1877. 1. The Aryan in India and Ceylon, Lon., 1880, p. 8vo. 
 " The amount of local knowledge picked up, cither in 
 the eourl-liouses, or in walks and drives, or at second liaud 
 from native correspondents, is abundant and generally 
 accurate."— Sif. /((T., li, 4111, , , .. . 
 "He is aide to see not nieielv the outside features of 
 rural life, but the relation whieli the external aspect (d ttie 
 Indian village, its iioi'iesteads and its paddy-fields, its buy- 
 ing and selliiit;, and its means of communication, liave to 
 tlie laws and customs which govern it, and to the social 
 structure of which it is a part."— .S;)fc/(i(or, liv, 001, 
 2. Internatiunal Trade ; Relation between Exports 
 and Imports, Lon., 1881. p. Svo. 
 Phelan, James, Pli.D., 1856-1801, b. at Aberdeen, 
 Miss.; graduated at the Kentucky Military Institute 
 1877, and studied at Leipsic; practised law in Memphis, 
 Tenn. ; proprietor of the Memphis Avalanche; member 
 of Congress from 1880. 1. Philip Massinger and his 
 Plays, Leipsic, IS78. 2. History of Tennessee; the 
 Making of a State, Boat., 1888, 12mo. 
 Phelps, Mrs. Almira (Hart) Lincoln, ['<n(e, 
 vol. ii., add.,] d. I8S4. The Blue-Ribbon Society; or, 
 The School-Uirls' rebellion, Phila., 187.8, 12mo. 
 Phelps, Austin, D.D., ['inie, vol. ii., add.,] d. 1890; 
 elected jiresident of Andover Theological Seminary 1869. 
 1. The .Solitude of Christ, Bost., 1808, 12mo. 2. Sabbath 
 Hours, 1S70. 3. Women's Prayer-Meetings, Bost., 1877, 
 24mo. 4. Studies on the Old Testament, Bost., 1879, 
 12mo. 5. The Tlioory and Practice of Preaching: Lec- 
 tures on llomilctios, N. York, 1881, Svo. 
 " It is easy to believe that his students found his lectures 
 an agreeable diversion from tlie more solUl work of natural 
 Uicok'gv itli-iCliFistiftii evidences and licrmi'iicutics. Tliey 
 are certainly ■greeubie in their present shape."— A'uduH, 
 xxxiil. 438. 
 0. Men and Books ; or, Studies in Ilomilctics : Lec- 
 tures introductory to the Theory of Preaching, N. 
 York, 1882, Svo. 7. My Portfolio: a Collection of 
 Essays, N. York, 1882, 12mo. 
 ser\ed against tlie Creeks and Seminolcs, in the Mexican 
 war, and in the civil war as brigadier-general of voluii- 
 leers; resigned 1862; was the candidate of the Ameri- 
 can party for President 1880, 1. Sibyllii.e Leaves; or. 
 Thoughts upon visiting a Heathen Temple, Brattlebor- 
 ough, Vt., 185:i. Anon. 2. (Trans.) The Cradle of Re- 
 bellions; from the French of Lucien de la Ilodde, 1804. 
 .S. History of Madagascar, N. York, 1884. 4. (Trans.) 
 Fables of Florian, in English Verse. lilust. N. York, 
 1888, 6(|. Svo. 
 Phelps, M. S. (Trans.) Fundamental Concepts of 
 Modern Philosophic Thimght, by Rudoliih Eiickcn : 
 with Additions and Corrections by tlie Author, and In- 
 troduction bv N. Porter, X. York, 1880, 12mo. 
 ♦» Phelps, Mrs. S. U.," (Pseud.) See Gkiswoi.d, 
 F. I. E., >\ipm. 
 Phelps, Rev. Sylvanus Dryden, D.D., [unic, 
 vol. ii., add.,] editor <if tlie Hartford Christian Secretary 
 since 1876. Rest-Days in a Journey to Bible Lands 
 and other Journeys Abroad: Sermons proaclied in the 
 Four Quarters of the Globe : witli Prefatory Notes and 
 Illustrations, N. Y'ork, 1887, 12mo. 
 Phelps, Kear>Adniiral Thomas Stowcll, li. 
 1822, at liucklield. Me.; graduated at U.S. Naval 
 Academy 1846; served in the civil war; retireil 18s.) 
 Reininis'cences of Washington Territory, N. Y'iprk, is 
 Phelps, W. May, nephew of Samuel Phelps, and 
 Itobertson, John Forbes. The Life and Lile- 
 Work of Samuel Phelps, Lon.. 1886, Svo. 
 It is a cimipilation, not a piece of literature. ... It is 
 ' for all that. .,, The labour of ius compilcis 
 i a worthy book 
 has been sincere and coiisidcral)le 
 too, for a biograjdiy have been in their liands, ami liav 
 been used, certanily upmi tlie whole, witli liiscretioii 
 Tlie best malcriiil- 
 iiids, anil 1 
 and b. 
 guod feeling."— F. Wkdmork : Amd.. xxx, ;ilii, 
 Philbrick, Kdward Soulhwick, 1827 
 in Boston; graduated at Harvard College ISKi. 
 can Sanitary Engineering, N. York, 1881, 4to. 
 Philbro'ok, H. B. Astronomy Corrected: Old 
 Theories concerning Creation and tlie Motions of the 
 Solar System shown to be an Error, N. York, IS.s2, 12niii. 
 Philip, G. 1. The King's Table: Letters to a 
 Young Friend, Lon., 1871, ISino. 2. The Uaiden of 
 Gethsemane, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 
 Philip, John. 1. R-vys of Light; or, Churcli 
 Themes and Life Problems, Ediu., 1871, 12mo. 2. 
 Lights and Shadows of Human Life, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Philips, Mrs. Alfred. 1. Benedicta, Lon., issii, 
 or. Svo. 2. Man Proposes : a Novel, Ljn., 1884, 'A vols. 
 p. Svo ; new ed., 1886. 
 Philips, F. C. I. As in a Looking-Glass, Lon.. 
 1S85, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 "An essentially bad book. ... It is writlcr. with much But it is of tlie earth eartliy, not to .say i.i 
 the devil devUisii."- Jcuci., xxviii. 181, 
 2. A Lucky Young Woman, Lon., 1880, 3 vols. cr. Sv,., 
 "W- can bestow unstinted praise on tlie uiilliiu'i;iiiL' 
 spi.ii and genuine humour with whicli -Mr. I'hillps lelN 
 his story. . . . -Vs Mr, I'liilips lias gained by his loriiiir 
 novel a certain repuuition for riskiness, it is milyfair i.. 
 say tliat the tone of liis new novel, while remarkably nii 
 reserved, is never unwholesome. "—.4(/i., No. 30ao. 
 3. Jack and Three Jills, Lon., 1886, 3 vols. or. Sv, 
 4. Social Vicissitudes, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 5. The Dean 
 and his Daughter, Lon., 1887, 3 vols. or. Svo. 6. Tli" 
 Strange Adventures of I-uoy Smith, Lon., 1SS7, 2 vol.-^. 
 cr. Svo. 7. Little Mrs. Murray : a Novel, Lon., 1888, 
 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Philips, J. S. The Sublime I'ortc : the East Oiite 
 of Europe. Lon., 1880, Svo. 
 Philips, John. (Trans.) La Marchcsa, a Stcr.v 
 of the Riviera, and other Tales, by Paul Heyse, Lon., 
 1887, cr. 4to. 
 Philips, .Melville, a journalist in Philadclpiun. 
 The Devil's Hat: a Sketch in Oil, Bost., 1887, l^nw. 
 An I see Melville, Geoboe W., mpm. 
 as it sliould i 
 b. 1822; hell 
 to 1887, whet 
 Bart., G.C.B. 
 3 vols. Svo. 
 "A biiigrap 
 select and oi: 
 though skllfi 
 seems to have 
 out anytliiny, 
 daughter of ,» 
 privately und 
 made a specii 
 has contributi 
 periodicals, an 
 King's Name 
 1873, p. 8vo. 
 of France and 
 the Early Hist 
 Angelico, (•'{, 
 Princess Oppo 
 Svo. 6. All i 
 7. The Warrii 
 Lon., 18,s7, p. 
 Lon., 1SS7, p. 
 .Slie is content 
 has read and ui 
 ner that prolial 
 biHik without 1 
 knowledge of Ii 
 9. (Trans.) ! 
 Agostino da J 
 1889. She ha 
 Basilike," 1879, 
 brother of Sir 
 Christ Church, 
 Svo, 2. Only u 
 .MemoiiMin : a i 
 Hymns by the 
 rochial Sermons, 
 Chohneloy's Den 
 Stuart : a Tale c 
 p. Svo. 
 C.B., b. 1833; sei 
 Life Mariners; 
 a Sketch for Chi 
 topher Wren: hi 
 Letters and a Dii 
 lished, 1535-I72.'j 
 the information s 
 '.Memoirs' and ■ \\ 
 •i. Our Profess: 
 Church, Lon., ISi 
 1810-1,885, b. in 1 
 at Christ Church, 
 bar at the Mid,! 
 l'<'i:i-57; held su 
 eluding those of ju 
 judge of Arches 1 
 of Justice, proba 
 linighted 1862; ci 
 oil I Law of the C 
 ^vo. 2. (Trans.) 
 I'lefaco and Note 
 on International 
 Principal Ecclesii 
 Arches, 1S67 to 1 
 to tlie Ecclesiastioii 
 1876, Svo. 7. M« 
 i.'jr.l l,y»tl6(.-,n, L( 
 M.A., B.C.L., g„ 
 1N6. 1. (Ed.) 1 
 ilexes and Calenda 
 1SS7; Part II., ISI 
 seik\ an'r ?,';,','l';r tl';!llr«r™n'l!! ''''"«■'' ^""^^ h„w to 
 om anything. ^'/\'Vl^"'jl[i «;',■;';!'' '™'. "f '"'""S 
 of lliis MHTiiifl, yet com XlLMsU ,::''',''' ''.V "i'">"f 
 :i. (Ed.) Tlio Visitiition of thu County of Wnr<.p«h.r 
 I hillippo, .iHines Cecil, iho Climate of la 
 ' miiicii, r,on., l,S7i;, ij,,,,,. v-miiato ot Ja- 
 IM.illi,„„re, Mis, cul.erh.e .>l„ry. oldest ' S89' li"' '•• "VV""'' '"""^ "''''"','' 1. ''i' 
 F.v.toly „„Jo,. the guidance of hur father S 1^ h h h. , , M. '^ " '''T*-'''"" '" "'" >vill' of TLo n, s nil! 
 m.i.lo a special study of Italian literature and art am , t ' "™'"^""y' "«•• Krandlather of hi, |ir«t wile Jin 
 has contribute,! to the KdinburKh Uview 1 H "." """"' '""' '" '"•'■* '" "'« purchase of Shako 
 periodlcUs, and to .irove's Dicti'-n^u/oVi ',u ITh': Cl' Ta"' "' ^'T '''"'"' f'"- 'l-clrpon? i'., of Stra ! 
 K.nK's Namesake: a Tale of Carisbrooke C tie I on ZtTl ' "["' '" ""■" '^^■-'"l'li''l'm'^nt of (ho Shake- 
 the Early History of Ve'nice. hon. ISr- 1 lVn,:"4 Fm iome";''/' '"^ ''";"'" ^'^'^ '" -"^ -»" ed t o;s h! 
 Ange .CO CMJreat Artists,") Loi., 1S80 p Hvo ' o he °o ir''7r'^,"''';"^'-",'. ''^ ""^ ''e«truetlon of s ,„ o 
 Princess Opportunity and l.ndy Keniorse fin \%-> n i ^L ' ' .^'■■'^"''^' "'e list given nni, , vol. i „,anv 
 f<vo. (i. All is Lost sav„ llL,,:" r''I' ,.";'.''""?,.?• a-!" -enumerated under '; Shakspeariann," ,„,/,, vol 
 Lon., 1S87:,!. 8vo. ^'"^"-' '" ^"""'■' ^Uerature, , ascertaining th'e Value and 'oi ec, ons for th^ Al'-.? 
 ^«. (Trans., ^^lect,ons Irom the st;:::n s o ' P „ ^'K,^,^:;«':"'?"li^r "-«-«" o'' -^""-s I."' 
 J. Urans.) ftolections Irum the Sermons nf P..,u„ 
 Pliillimore, Rev. (ireville, M.A I8''l-ms4 
 brother ;d S r U. J. Phillhnore, -V- graduated ai 
 Henley-on- Thames 1867. I. I'ncle Z., Lon 188 , 
 Svo. 2, Only a lilack Bo.x. Lon., 188:! p. Svo 3 l"^' 
 .Memor,;n„: a .Selection of .^ermous, [by G P •! also 
 Hymns by the same Author, Lon., 1884, 8vo."4 Pa' 
 rochml .Sermon.s Lon., 18s.^, p Svo„re,Viee.Admir«.,Ie„rvBo„chier ^ '""-^-f;^: ^rSlirri.J'"^' 'f^' '^™: 
 C.a.b Ls,3.-i;. served in New Zeaband I8,i.i ; " i"" isss' "'" "''""' ^ "»'' >>'ote" orthe cjfic « "'T ,"' 
 L,|e Mariners, or, ilome.ard Bound, UnVr8}7:'*:^: , {-a'a^ End District and^lh^IsS ot'^o^iM^-Lt 
 I hillimore, >Iiss LiiRv. i nici, — «r:iu._/._ "Contains a vnrint- „(■ .■ 
 from a Contemporary Manuscript. Lon., 8 ;, s o' ol v 
 26 elopes printed 10 ,Ed.) 'ihe Sack Ful o New" ' 
 i'i; I 
 Church, Lon., .882: cr: 8^.° "'* ""-"y-'^'"""- of our ^?he'fii!;,^;;ea;olib[arv C'>LJ" ^l*"f "-''^ 
 judge of Arches 1 807-7.^, an,l justice of the High Cour i II t"^''' '"''""'''• ''*• '""'traii, ns of ', ,e i,i ■« " ■" 
 ■ ^kA^s^t:"!;i!"!'^l"':''^'''""'-'"l'-n the Lite and 
 1 i 
 .-' •"> """.. lodu, „ vols. ,^vo. 
 MA Bf"'r^' ""»,«"» Phillimore Watts, 
 1 J A .'•' '■"" ^"•'"•'t Library: a .Serlc! of fn 
 dexes and Ca endars to British Records. iCt I. Lon 
 IS^r, Part II., 1888, 8vo. 2. How to Write the C: 
 wnrk •■""j ',',"".'""'■■'>■ "6 expanded 
 work. —.4«//ior.« Pn/nce. --- 
 2d cd., enl., Lon., 1882, Svn • .'ith ed 1885 
 coplTrofmt'lnal '',l^"b'';[f 1 1'/'^ "■'•'.' '''^'^'res '" have 
 21. Regnal \ears, List of Law Terms, ic, during the 
 I'' ■ • 
 I'll I 
 Shakespearean Period, CriKhton, 18S3, Svo. DO copies, 
 privfttoly printed. 22. (Kil.) Notes of Triiditions tlmt 
 were Current ut Stnitl'ord-un-Avcjii in tlio I.iiitir I'lirt 
 of the Sevenleehtli Century, Irurn tiie Originiil Miinu- 
 script of William Hull I'hillipps, HriKhton, IsSI, nvo, 
 2.'t. The .^triitfuril Hecipnl.' and tlie .<liulic.«peftre Auto- 
 type.-' : a Urief Hi'view of the .'!inguliir Delu^'inns that 
 lire I'lirrent at .-'Iratrord-iin-Avdn. l!y the ipposeil 
 Delin((Uent. lirighton, 18MI, nvo; .')|li od., ciil., INS7. 
 24. A of the Drawings and Kngraving^i 
 illui'lrativc of the Ijife id' Slial<es|iuare preserved iit 
 Jlidlingbury Copjc, neiir liriglilon, lirigliton, JNHI, Svo. 
 I'riiited for jirivate eireulation. L'.'i. A Calendar of the 
 8ha|{i'sp('rean Jiarilies, Drawing.-, and Kngruving.*. pre- 
 served at Ilollingloiry Copse, I.oii., 1.^.^7, ."^to. I'li- 
 vately printed. L'f!. tiljserviitions on tlio Churleeoto 
 Traditions and on the Personation of .**ir T. Imey in the 
 Charaeler of .Fustico ."Jhallow, lirigliton, 1.'<,S7, Svii. Pri- 
 vately printeil. 27. Tlie X'isils of Shakespeare's Com- 
 pany of Aetors to tlie Provincial Cities and Towns of 
 Kngland: Illustrated by K.ttraets gathered from Corpo- 
 rate Kecco'ils, IS.S7. Privately printed. 
 " AUIioukIi ho has met with no netnal mcnlioii of .>ihftk- 
 spearo, he has mueh to tell us about Ihe perambiilalioiis 
 of the I'ompaiiy lo whieli .-^liakspeare behoiKed, and with 
 whleli, we may be sure, he olleii travuUeil."— .U/i., .\o. 
 FliillippH, li. Ft M. Evidences of Divine Heve- 
 lalion, Camliiidge, 18S2, .•*vo. 
 Phillipiis, W. F. Mnreh. 1. Hook of English 
 Elegies, l.on., 1S7'.I, l2mo. 2. I Ed.) Comic liirthday- 
 Duok. l.on., ISsil, :i2iuo. 
 PhillipN, A. \V., and Hoelie, W. tJraphic Al- 
 gebra ; or, (ienuietrical Interpretation of the Tlieory of 
 Ec|ualion8of One I'nknonn yuuntity. Illust. N.York, 
 18.'*2, Svo. 
 Phillips, Charles Douglas Ferguson, M.D., 
 I'.K.P. Edin., late lecturer on materia luedica and tliera- 
 peutics at the Westminster Hospital. 1. Materia Jledica 
 and Thernpeuti(^s : Vegetable Kingdom, Lon., 1874, 8vo. 
 2. iMateria Mediea and Therapeutics : Inorganic Sub- 
 stances, Lon., l.~^'^2, Svo. ;i. Materia Mediea and Thera- 
 peutics ; Vegetable Kingdom, Organic Compounds, Ani- 
 mal Kingdom, Lon., ISSfi, 8vo. 
 Phillips, Charlotte, 1. Ten Years in a Lunatic 
 Asylum. IJy .Mabel Etehell, [pseud.] Lon., ISliS, |i. 
 Svo. 2. A Shower of Pearls: Poetry, Original and Se- 
 lected; new ed., Lon., 1887, ISmo. 
 Phillips, E. W. Richard Galbraith, Mariner: Life 
 among the Kaffirs, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 Phillips, Fdith C. 1. The Orphans, 0.\f., 1874, 
 ji. Svo. 2. Meyrick's Promise; or, Little Fugitives 
 from the Jamaica Itebellion in ISllo, Lon., ISSO, p. Svo. 
 3. Hilda and her Doll. Illust. Lon., ISSO, p. Svo. 4. 
 St. Aubyn's Laddie and the Little Would-be Soldier, 
 Illust. Lon., 1SS2, \i. Svo. o. Peeps into China; or. 
 The Missionary's Children, Lon., 1882. p. Svo. (i. liirdie 
 and her Dog, Ac, Lon., 1882, 12ino, 7. Punch, Lon., 
 1S83, p. Svo. s. All the Uussias, Lon., 18S4. p. Svo. 9. 
 Grandfather, Lon., I8S4, p. Svo. 10. Sir Henry Have- 
 lock and Lord Clyde, (" World's Workers,") Lon., 18S5, 
 p. Svo. 11. t)ur Aubrey: a School-Girl's Story, Illus- 
 trated by Collins. Lon., 1886, 12mo. 
 Phillips, F. Short Sketches of Fathers of the Eng- 
 lish Church, for Y'oung Ueailers, Lou., 1S81, 12mo. 
 Phillips, Rev. George, D.D., [««(<-, vol. ii,, add.] 
 1. (Trans.) Scholia of .Mar .Iac(jb of Edessa on Pas- 
 sages of the Old Testament, Lon., 1SB4, Svo. 2. (Ed.) 
 SLir Jacob of Edessa and Bar llebrreus on .Syriac Or- 
 thography, Lon., isiill, Svo. 3. The Doctrine of Addai, 
 the Apostle: now First Edited in a Complete Form in 
 the Original .Syriao: with an English Translation and 
 Notes, Lon., 187il. Svo. 
 " Dr. Phillips has by this publication earned the cordial 
 thanks of all Syriiie scholars."— P. Lk P,viiE Kk.noI'f: 
 AcdU., xi. 13. 
 Phillips, Henry, A.M., b. 183.s. in Philadelphia; 
 graduated at the University of Pennsylvania IS.ill; ad- 
 mitted to the bar 18511 ; has devoted much attention to 
 numismatics and archieology ; became treasurer of the 
 Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadeliihia in 
 1802, and secretary in 1888; secretary of the American 
 Philosophical Society since 1880, and librarian since 
 1885. 1. History of American Colonial Paper Cur- 
 rency, Albany, lsO.>. 2. History of American Conti- 
 nental Paper Money, 1806. 3. Pleasures of Numismatic 
 Science, Phila., 1867. 4. (Trans.) Poems from the Span- 
 ish and German, 1878. 3. (Trans.) Faust; from the 
 I (le.-man of Chnmlsso, ISsl. 0. (Trans.) Vulk-Sangn; 
 fniiu the Acta Comparationis Lltteraruni rnlvcrsaruiu, 
 ISsJ. 7. (Trans.) Selections from the Poems of .-\le.\- 
 ander I'etilH. Phila., IsSj, 
 I Phillips, II(>nrv Arthur Deiiti-roM. 1. An Ai- 
 [ tempt to e.vpiaiu the Severity of tlie Late Famine, .Mad- 
 ras, l>7s, Svo. 2. iHir Administration of India: being 
 a Complete Aceoiinl of the Ueveiiiie anil C'ollcctorate 
 .'Vilininistration in All Itepartiiients. I.un., 1885, p. Svo. 
 j 3. (Trans.) Kopal-Kuiidala, by IJunkiin Chandra Chat- 
 I teriee, Lon., 18s."i, p. Svu. 
 Phillips, Henry 1>. Free Trade or Fair Trade? 
 Wallinglon, I8S5, Svo. 
 Phillips, J. It. Hrmarkable Cases of Conversii.n 
 and other E.Nperiencrs, Luii., 1878, 12mo. 
 Phillips, .1. S. (iniiid Juries of Sufl'olk, 1800- 
 ISSO, liurv St. Edmunds, ls82, Svo. 
 Phillips, .John, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., 
 foii^ , vid. ii., eighth of the mime there mentionoil, add..] 
 1800-1874. The Geology of O.vford ami the Valley of 
 Ihe Thames. (i.\l.. is'l, .svo. 
 " The eenlijgv (it ().\ford and the Thames Vallev has. as 
 Priifessor I'hillijis heuius bye.\|iliiiiiiiit.', a reniarkaiile bear- 
 ing 1111(01 the widest prob((-iiis of the seieiiee. . . . I'rofe- 
 sor Phillips shows a griis)! of facts and a maslerv of Ilie 
 luelliod of iiiduetive ri.Mi.souiiig which iiiiisl make the 
 W((rk a valuable model for tlieseologlculstudeiitto follow." 
 —Sul, Jltr., .\.\,\iii. ul. 
 Phillips, John .-Vrthiir, F.G.S., [onte, vol,ii.,ndd.,] 
 1S22-18S7, b. at Polgooth, Cornwall, and educated al 
 the School of Mines in Paris. The results of his origi- 
 nal investigations in chemical geology were for the iiiuM 
 part published in the journals of geological and chem- 
 ical societies. 1. Elements of Metallurgy : a Practical 
 Treatise. Illust. Lon., Is74, r. Svo. 2. Copper, (" Brit- 
 ish .Manufacturing Industries,") Lon., 1876, 12ino. 3. 
 A Ti-ealise on Ore Deposits. Illust. Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 " Will probably remain for maiiv a dnv a standard work 
 of reference on its peculiar subject."— .doiif., xxvl. 204. 
 Phillips, John Philip. Social Struggles: tlo- 
 Fundaiiiental Facts and Principles relative to Vnlue>, 
 Prices, Monev, and Interest, ic, N. Haven, Conn., 1880, 
 Phillips, John Itoland, b. 1844; called to the 
 bar at Lincoln's Inn IS7ii: police magistrate for We-t 
 Ham since 1881. 1. History of Cilgerran. 2. .Memoirs 
 of the Civil War in Wales and the Marches, 1042-10411, 
 Lon., 1874, 2 vols. Svo; 2d ed., 1S7S. 
 " As the result of his explorations, it remains no lonecr 
 doubtful that, in the liol contest between Charles the Kir-i 
 and the Parliament, the I'riiieipalitv played an cariiot 
 and decided, it might almost be said, a ruling, part. "— 
 All!., No. 2401. 
 " It is not uninteresting : indeed, its liveliness Is consid- 
 crablv enhanced by the very iirononnecd partisanship 
 which sees every event and action throiinb the medium 
 of Parliamentarian spectacles,"- .s■(|^ h\r., xxxix, 453. 
 3. A Concise History of (Jhiuiorgan. 4. .-Vn Essay on 
 Local Taxation. 
 Phillips, Josiah Samuel, b. 1823, in England; 
 was an engineer in the navy, and afterwards an iToii 
 founder; removed to Nevada in 1866, and afterwards to 
 California. The Explorer's, Miner's, and Metallurgist's 
 Companion, San Fran., 1871 ; 2d ed., Lon., 1874. Svo. 
 Phillips, Lawrence Barnett, F.S.A., F.U.A.S,, 
 b. 1842, in London; was in business as a watch and 
 chronometer manufacturer from ISOl to 1882, and intro. 
 duced various inventions and improvements in the niecli- 
 anism of those articles. He has of late devoted him. 
 self to painting and etching, and is a constant exhibii..r 
 at the Royal Academy. The Dictionary of liiographi- 
 cal Reference, containing over One Hundred Tliousand 
 Names, together witli a Classed Index of the Biographi- 
 cal Literature of England and America, Lon., 1S7I, Svo; 
 new ed., Phila., ISSU. 
 Phillips, .Mary Wills, and Italic, J. Memoir 
 of Thomas Wills. By bis Mother, and her Friend, .1. 
 Luke. Lon., ISSO. cr. Svo. 
 Phillips, Mande (Jillette. A Popular Manual 
 of English Literature, N. Y'ork, 1885, 2 vols., Svo. 
 Phillips, Philip. The Statutory Jurisdiction an I 
 Practice of the Supreme Court of the I'nited States ; 2d 
 ed., 1876, Svo ; 5th cd., by W. II. Phillips, 1887. 
 Phillips, Philip, [»»(.•, vol. ii., add.,] b. 1834, in 
 Chautaunua County, N.Y. 1. Song Sermons; with 
 Hymns, Biblo R.pii(lina;s, r,nd iSacre(J Solos. N. York, 
 1S77, 16mo. 2. Song Pilgrimage around and through- 
 out the World : with an Introduction by J. II. A'iiicent, 
 and Biographical Sketch by A. Clark, Chic, 1880, 12m'j. 
 Phillips, R. 1. The Story of Gautama Bhudd.i 
 and his Cn 
 land, and ( 
 phelic .Villi 
 from the l( 
 Church in /' 
 Lon., ls7S; 
 isri; 2(1 ed 
 Poems, I.eed 
 1st I, 3 vols. 
 bury, Shretv,- 
 Search for t 
 Lon., ISNii, s 
 "Tlie instil 
 of stalesmeii 
 villages, Ihe ( 
 dependence o 
 hitioii which 
 Ihe spade anil releviiii 
 this direction. 
 sive book. I 
 amongst the i 
 .Middle Ages, i 
 rates wilh spec 
 land: the eha 
 story ((fiho III 
 and the hired 
 and entail, ipf i 
 seeling linallv, 
 and Wallace oi 
 United States .' 
 Couiple.v Conn 
 l-sso, s(|. 16mo 
 Phillips, \ 
 tion (pf Storic- 
 York, 1870, iL'i 
 llritish Di.scon 
 Species of Punj 
 the Family, an 
 national .S'cienci 
 , ".Minute, exli 
 lips. —Aci„l.. xj 
 I'liillips, \ 
 of Disinfectants 
 Verse, Lon., 187 
 Phillott, R 
 add.] Hereford, 
 -M.iiiv C, 1,1/ini. 
 Pliilp, R«bi 
 I'<S2, b. at Falim 
 settled in Lond(( 
 c'litor and editoi 
 drew up the huge 
 I8J2, which was 
 S"ns and borne i: 
 stone-masons, li 
 books giving inf 
 mestic inanagomc 
 an immense eiroi 
 anonymously. 1 
 ilm>i', Lon., 18, 
 or Homos made 
 lu'epcr, as Daughl 
 ^'o. 4. The Don 
 tiio Daily Diflieu: 
 mestio and Social 
 ■'-liopkoopor's Gu 
 "The Handy Boc 
 ;'uide," .to., l,S6i 
 Thousand Pounds, 
 united by Pon o 
 iin,l hl« Creo,!: nn Epic, I.on., IS72 „ s,,, 
 2. Dreniii- 1 rilii»(, isjn s... ^ „„ . „, 
 ^Phillips, H. \Vi,„„.,,, ,„ r„„„ . ,,„ ,„ ,,, . , .,__ ( «lf anM.n.1 our Ilou..." |>,);. |. .n;;;";iL':'' "r"'""-y 
 tho Worl< ijf tho 
 Churd, ,n A».Mnil,„i„, I,,,.,., |ss.|, 8v„. 
 IMiilli|)!<, U'. Wlio iviil 
 ■omililigjioil iiiiiler tlu' 1 
 Thin.. ^^! i:j''z :ny'tr' V""^-"' •-' 
 Whv, .1,.. : (U.„„,,,, .<^i I,'' k";. ''• "»• ,H«"-"n 
 V., '-• ,, "• '""'"••'viti'-.s It™^.,n Wliv. I,„„ 
 j |)"-itory, 1,1... 
 I Doublud hy til 
 Diir.v, .Shrt'wsljury, Is;^ Sv 
 anmw relevant CrJ 1 , '""^'HiK I'.r tlie wiiste T,, 
 «ivf l,„„k. u rim J[- """'i'»'^ tMmj.rc.luMi- 
 1"'"1 : til,. >hm aVtrllu^^ "f Kim- 
 an.l the liivil artisan- t.),' ' "'." "'^■'-' lah.airvr 
 an.l entail, „r re i\" ;,( f "','''-^ "' I'nmnt-enitiMV 
 "eeliriK ii„allv. i 1 a iVink •' '"V^"', |ml,li,; deht : ,lis. 
 pr"|.,,>als„n;iile r, \ ,u?,„ I' ■: ,' "''"'','■ ""' '■^■""••■lial 
 r.'tl:|s;ii:::s!';„^^,....'!:'"-' ,"'■."---« of tho 
 I inationiil Kcnsen Mhv 
 Tenets of tlie \-ari„u 
 ' ' ",■ iM'ntiin- 
 Kiving the(iri.;in, lli.torv, an.l 
 < lui.fian Scct.s, Isfid, |^^ 'j-^^ 
 I. I , — -...ivM,,' \ III sr an >i>ets isfin lu ti 
 .■t vol? 
 Complex ''onuad ,u (!. Ilo ,,',i.,l ! "•/"".'■ ^^'f"' a;'^.,,/, ,":^^ . V ',:'"^'""'l>- "I'Wanl.s of one milli; 
 l'*.-*!), s,|. 1(!,„„ >-ollo.,u,ally ooni.idered, X. York, I -'7. New V,„.L ,„.,;;'-,„ c , . . . 
 V»rk, IS70, 1 >„n, ' ^■""'^'' ""'' ''"'■'S'-aph^ X 
 nr!H'h"id,S""";it!:-^f- >.^I--.>"f the ^. 
 ;l!,'a^ IM^^li!:^"; f 'l^, " /err.!"^';:'!^'! '" "^1::'.^- , ^'^- "™- Trea;..., 
 national Seieneo" Scr ) I im iJo- ,'■"'-'•', ( Inter- 1 "le llon.-ehold. Ismi. 
 ,,..,) r-on.,^ ,.,, p. ..„. I p,..„„„, „. ,^ ^,^__^^,^_^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^_^^^^^^^^ ^^^ 
 . xyo 21 rZ ',"""""■>■ "f !'"":»■ "'ants, lsi;i. 
 I o^rapi,;:.!:;,' i:;,,„^ ; "i";,, r^", ''^^ ^;''>'^'-' *^- 
 paratorv 1" ]' r,. , '-' anitional Instilniions pre- 
 ' Il-n'Zn ; |s72;'svo. ^ """--O-'M-tion of their Jhil- 
 time, We . scover ilial li, iJ 1 , ' ' ' ^"W' <<ir the tirst 
 liiLs alivadv reaelied ■,, J k ■ 1 ' '''""""l that ihrir sale 
 ' ■■ • ^':.--.w^,s7, '.i'S';:'''^"''''>- >'l'"ar,l,s of one niilli^j„ 
 I now ^:']^r T".^!! 'r-'f r'^;-"n., ,873. or. Svo , 
 I'ractieal (iuid'ein'HiVl- "I i ' '•"''•.v-Day Book: a 
 ! "'■ i-cnieMi, u," V;:^^'':!^';;" X'; ;-i /'-ly Dimoui.ies 
 land how to Cook it iV-i' s -'V'"'«l: "hat to Jiuy, 
 I ■^'Ties : Domes ie Me Ih.'in '"•> j'"' '^ " *' """behold 
 Ili.n,.,,,.. 1^ oimi., is,>, ,j| fsentunent and 
 Useful Hints for 
 .•^00 iIf:nDEiiT, 
 JlJ^n'o""*'' ^^"'^ Charlotte. 
 e<Utor and editor >vi"h so--'-"--'- '^""""'•'^'l «^ .«"h 
 '•-".■T' ";;:•;',;''*!•-; •■^r-" tho 1,01, Or. 
 to he. and other Diseounses, , 
 : as a 
 ;';"Je," to., iseti, Svo. II. 
 inousand Pouiids, ISifl 8un - ni.., — ',"■' ""-"^"'"e " ^ lor lieinnners 
 «, 1 .u, iJuio. „. Preparation and Uso of 
 i;iii I 
 ,"t!i, I 
' ' i:t 
 Couionln an<l (line, N. Vurk, lss|, 12mii. tl. A Dlctlon- 
 iiry iif I'riiiili'Mil Apioiilturc, N. Vnrk, 18><l, Nvci, 7, 
 Tnicle St'iTctH iiriil I'riviito Ui'i>i|pu.«, X. Vcrk, 1SS7, IL'iiio. 
 i*hilllicy, K. <>. I.ttipr^ «in tljt! Ku.linri^t, aj- 
 (Iri'iniil Ici u .MiMu' er (if tlif Church (if Uoiiie, Dull., 
 ^ IMii|l|>oii, \V. I'raolleiil Advice to 'iVnliitora iinJ 
 K.\i'iMil(ir», l.on., I.S7I), p svu ; .Hh ed., I^^K. 
 l'hi|i|iN, V, M. Knthur^iie. I. Th« Swurd iit D« 
 lliirdHcll; a Tale of Ajjiiicourl, 1,"M., 18S1, p. Svo, 2. 
 AVh.. in tho Victiir;' l.on., \X^t, er. Hvo. ;). Douxhin 
 Archdiile: a Tale of I.uekiiow,, I8s,'i, p. Svo. I. 
 U^iitiii;,' for the Dawn, l.on., I--HS, p. Svo. 
 l>lii|i|)N, Hcv. I>o\viloll M illiiiiii, M.A„ gradii- 
 nli'd at I'enilMTton Collej^e. OxfiiTil, I >.')S ; ordained IS.MIi 
 viear of rplon, willi Clialvey and .<loii>;li, I,s7;t-S(!, and 
 since tlicn reclor of C'liair.Int ,<t. (files. 1. «ook (d' 
 Family I'niycrs, Lon., I>77, ll-'nio. 2. Records of ilio 
 Cliurciie*, liectory. and Viearaxo of I'plon-eiiin-C'halvoy, 
 Iluck^ Sloii-1;. issi;, Svo: also, illust., -Ito. 
 l'lii|i|)K, Itaiiisny HcnIoii. Kenorl on the Xo- 
 ccs.'iity of I'reservini.; and Ueplanting F(jrc»ts : eonipilod 
 at tho Instance of the (Jovernmcnt id Ontario, Toronto. 
 ISs.'i. ' 
 IMiipsnii, Cecil lliiiroiir. Tho liedeoiption of 
 Labour; or, Free Labour upon Freed Lund, Lon., 1SS7, 
 By Tho in One II. u<e 
 of-I)oors: ft Book of Verses. 
 Kdln., ISML 
 I'iiiU, Mrs. Snrnh .tlorKnii llrynii, [miir, vol, 
 li., add..] graduated al Henry feioale ('(■liege, New- 
 eastle, Ky,, ls.51 ; married to ,Jolin Jainos I'ialt, miiini, 
 l_8f)l. I. A W(jman's I'oems,, I'<71, lllmo. 2. A 
 Voyage to the Fortunate Islands, and other I'oems, Bost., 
 1S7-I, I (lino; new ed., 1>S.'). 
 " It {'(Uiliilns many of iIiom' tender. IniBKlnallve.exclani. 
 Btory, and utterly deM.late d.,nieslle lyrics Willi whlcli all 
 tills lady's readers are tainlliar."— .Vn/Hm. xll. .Mo, 
 "In (llelloii iMiil ilie iirliiii(|iiL. of lier art nenerallv slie 
 lias Icarniil iiiiich Irniii llii derii |»iels, and the in 
 lliieiice (it .Mr, llriiwniiiK especially N iiiiiiilslakablc . bill 
 IKillilliK more iinl'allliiL'lv i|isi|i,i,ul»lies her poems iliaii 
 llie solid kernel (It fresli, ..ritiliial IlidUwlit an.l teellnii in 
 each (il them, '— .Icoi/., .x.wlii, ;i(;'.), 
 :i. That New World, and other I'oenis, Uost., Ix7il, 
 Iflmo. 4. Poems in Company with Children, Host., IS77, 
 » in. Ito. 5. Dramalic Persons and Moods: with other 
 New Poems, Host., IS.Hii, |2in(i. (I. An Irish Ibirlai.d. 
 Kdin., ISSt, p. Svo. 7. In Primrose Time ; a New Iri-li 
 (larland. Lon., p. svo. 8. Child's-World llalhoU, 
 l'^87. V. The Little Kniigrants, t'in., ISs7. Id. Tlic 
 Witch in the Glass, n.nd other Poems. Illust. liosi., 
 18,ss, Kimo. 
 ricard, JJeorgc Henry, M.I)., b. isjfl, in Berca, 
 0. i gradmitod at llaldHin College, llerca, 18.,ii, and at 
 the College of Medicine and ,'^urgery in Cincinnati, IS77. 
 2, A Missi..n 
 a Novel, N. 
 i>lii|isoii, .Miss Kninin. The Aniinal-Loro of , , . ,,- . ,„ -^ . 
 Shakespeare's Time: incbidin;: (Quadrupeds, IJirds, Hon- J,', ' ■"»'l'7 "' Inste, N. ^ ork, 18S4 
 tiles. Fish, and Insects, Lon.. is.s:), p. Svo. Flower, ... \or,i, ISSi, ;t. Old Donifii 
 " Tills is. (if lis kind, a slnirularlv liilerestlmt and curious ^ "jJ*' ' ■'^*"' ' -'"" 
 book. .Miss I'hliison's aim lias been to supplv an aecouiit ! 1 icni'tl, II. 
 it tile way in wliicli .^liakspeare and bis eo'iileiiipdrarieH " 
 rcL'unliil the animal wurld, and she llhistrales the subject 
 Willi iiiiiitatioiis taken from (heir wriliiiiis,"— .»//,, No :;'.r.'7 
 "Wbileall Iheaiiimals . . . meiiti.iiied bvsliukspereare 
 brouubt liiK'cthcr, the canes, poiuK, and dens are made to 
 receive such ollicrs as were known In bis lime, althoiiirb 
 mil Idiiiid ill bis colleetloii. The idea ts very apt, and we 
 may eiiiiKiiitiilale the aiitbor on tlio liapiiy way in wliicli 
 Hlie lias carried out her plan."— .Icu-i., x,\(v. 'iV). 
 IMiipsnn, Dr. T. I,., \,n,ir, vol. ii., add,] I. Me- 
 teors, .Verolites, and Falling .'^liirs, Lon., Isilli, p. Svo. 2. 
 (Trans.) The .Sun, by .\. Ouillemiii, Lon., l,'<ii«; new cd., 
 1S7II, p. Svo. ;;. Familiar Letters on some Mysteries of 
 Nature, ke.. Lon., lS7rt, p. Svo. 4. liiographioal Sketches 
 and .-incedotcs of Celebrated Vl(dini»t8, Lon., 1877, |> 
 Svo. ' 
 '■Full of iiiforniatidii intercstiiiK to the general nubile, 
 as well as lo the amateur and profes,sor."-,lc(i(/., xi, l.")'.'. 
 0. The .Storm and it;i Portents, (Ileign of Louis XVI.,) 
 Lon., 1S7S, Svo. 
 Phisterer, Frederick. 1. The National (J uards- 
 an on tiuard and Kindred Duties, Cin., 18711, :!2mo. 2. 
 Statistical Hecord of the Armies of tiie United .Stales, 
 ( 'Campaigns of the Civil War,") N. Vork, 188:), 12fio. 
 Phii'biis, .Mrs. VirKiiiin C. I. Lost on an Island, 
 N. Vork, 1SS8, 12mo. 2. Young Folks' Nature-Studien, 
 N. Vork, 18SS, 121110. 
 Pha-nix, Stephen Whitney, is:il»-issi, b. in 
 New Vork City ; graduated al Columbia College I, and 
 al the law school IS(l:i; devoted himself to genealogical 
 .■ earoh. 1. The liesoendiints of .lohn PIkimiIx, N. Vork, 
 18ti7. 2. Tho Wliitney Family of Connecticut and its 
 Affiliations; to which is prefixed Some Account of the 
 AVIiiliieys of England. X. Vork, 1878, :i vols. 4to. 
 Phyl'e, William Henry Pinkney. How should 
 I Pronounce? or. The Art of Correct Pronunciation, N. 
 ^iirk and Lon., ISSA, Irtuio. 
 Phythian, J. C. 1. Scenes of Travel in Norway 
 Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 2. Three Years After, Lon., 18SI, ,, 
 Piatt, Oonn, h. isni, in Cincinnati; educated at 
 the Allien, emu, (now St. Xavicr College:) studied law; 
 was a julge of conimou pleas in Ohio, and afterward,* 
 secretary of legation al Paris; serve.l in the civil war, 
 and has been a journalist. 1. .Memories of the .Men wlio 
 saved tlio I'njon, N. Vork, 1887, 12ino. 2. The Lone 
 (Jrave of the Shenandoah, [stories,] N. York and Chic, 
 13SS, l2ino. 
 Piatt, John James, [niKc, vol. ii., add.,] U.S. con- 
 sul at Cork since 18S2. 1. Landmarks, and other Poems, 
 1871. 2. The Lost Farm, and other Poems, Host., 1,877, 
 16mo. 'A. Poems of House and Home, Host., IS7S, 12mo 
 4. Pencilled Fly-I.cavcs : ii Bonk of I^^?;,y. in Town and 
 Country, Ciu., 188(1, sq. lOmo. 5. Idylls and Lvrics of 
 tho Ohio Valley, Cin., 18S1, lOmo; new ed., 1888. 6 
 Diol'onary of F^nglish-Dutcli aiil 
 Dulch-Fnglish, (iouda. \^"'l, Svo. 
 j Picciottu, Jame;. Sketches of Anglo-,Icwisli 
 History, Lon., 1876, Sv(,. 
 I "A series of interesting sketches, not a regular hlslorv, 
 . . . I be original purl id' .>,r. I'Icidotto's sketidies betjln- 
 . . . Willi tile return of tht; Israeliles in the sevcntee:ilh 
 , century, —.lc(i(/,, ix,;ai4, 
 "Our autlKir fdund ihe Meld all but uiitrriddeli, Kvcii 
 ] the arcliives df the dlder synagnKiies, treusurcs id Mseliil 
 ] and valuable lure, rem ed scareciv explored or even 
 I known. To these Mr, I'iceii ltd has liad ibe privllci.'.. nl 
 ( tree access, , . For a large of readers the most ..I- 
 , tractive part of the book will probablv be that in which 
 he traces tlic iirlgln and rise (if the .Icwisb families which 
 have made theniselvcs a name, mil in Knnlaiid (uily, hiii 
 ' throuK-bdUl Kiirdpcfdrlinancialaiidcdnimereial abiliiv.' 
 — .sii/. Riw. xli. Jii. 
 Piccosse, J. Index to Wills in Court of Probate, 
 Chester, (.Manchester Record Soc.) Manchester, ls7li 
 Pick, Ilev. Uernhard, b. 1842, at Kcmpen, Pni- 
 sia; • ""cated at I'nion Theological Seminary, New Vork : 
 a ini.i.,-ler of the Presbyterian and afterwards of the 
 Lutneran Cb'irch, and has been pastor of congregatioii- 
 in Pennsylvania and New Vork. lie has eontribuled t i 
 theological reviews and cyclopiedias. 1. I.ulher as a 
 Ilyinnist, Pliila., 187.,. 2. Index to Lange's Couinieii- 
 tary on the Old Testament, N. York, 1882. 3. (Trans,. 
 Jewish Artisan Life in the Time of Jesus ; depictc 1 
 after the Most Ancient Sources, by Franz Dc'.tzsch, N 
 Vork, I88:i, 16ino. 4. Historical Sketch of the Jews 
 since the Destruction of Jerusalem, X. Vork, |ss7, uw. 
 8vo. 6. Life of Christ according to F;xtra-('aiioiiical 
 Sources, 1887. ft. Index to the Antc-Xicene Fatliers. 
 1887. 7. The Talmud: what it is, and wliat it know^ 
 about Jesus and his Followers, X. Vork, ISSS, liinm. 
 Pick, Edward, M.D., K.F.I. 1. Etvmoiogicid 
 Dictionary of the Frencli Language, Lon., IsiiU, svo. 
 2. Memory and its Doctors, Lon., Is8s. ISuio. 
 Pick, Thomas Pickering, F.K.C.S. I. Fric 
 lures and Dislocations. Illust. Lon., 1885, 12mo. 2. 
 Injuries of Joints, Lon., lss6, p. Svo. 
 Pickard-C.'ambridge. See CvMBninoE. 
 Pickering, Charles, M.D., [oik,, vol. ii., add..] 
 d. I87S. Chronological History of Plants: .Man's 
 Record of his Own Existence Illustrated through their 
 Names, Vses, and Companionship, Host., i87il, 4lo. 
 Pickering, Edward Charles, b. isifi, in liosimi. 
 Mass.; graduated at Harvard 1865; professor of physics 
 in tlie Massachusetts Institute of Technology Isii8-77; 
 professor of astronomy and geodesy and director of the 
 Observatory at Harvard since 187(5." Elements of Pliys- 
 ieal Manipulation, Host, and Lon.. l874-7fi, 2 vols. S.'o. 
 ■• The chief part drihe work is liie descriplidii (if a series 
 of experiments beariiigoii the mechanics of sulids, liiiuids. 
 and gases, on .sound, liLtlil. electricity, magnetlMU. and 
 At the Holy Well : a Handful of New Verses. Cin 1887 i '"-''.'' ' ■ • ' 'V buiK""i-'e tbrduglidul is clear and precise 
 - ""- c w „ ~. .,.'... •' - '' i and, even where malheniatieal treatmuiit is brought ill 
 simple and easy."— .4(/i., Xo. 'i:i67. 
 Imo. ^ With Piatt, Mrs. S, M. B., Tho Children Out- 
 Novel, l.on., 
 gle : a .Novi 
 ering, on/c, \ 
 Hvo. Printt 
 l87.j. p. Svo. 
 brotlior of I 
 of physics I 
 Boyden depa 
 ing lliii le to 
 vrriiiH .Mine l 
 Pick ford 
 College, Oxf.j 
 bourne since 
 1. Life of Tl 
 Fads anil Ti 
 ensis. Lon., 
 Dales. .Maiicli 
 Picton, .' 
 b. Isiia, at LI 
 pool Ardiitoc 
 Library, .Mua 
 of tho couiici 
 tccts, ,ko. ; kn 
 on philologicn 
 odirals. I. ; 
 2. PliiliilogiiNi 
 C lass i lied, .to, 
 tiirical and T 
 Ilock Esialo, 1 
 "Tbero Is 111 
 wlilidi is Idld 
 and beVl blsior 
 •'. (Ed. I Th 
 and liecords. 
 Municipal Rol 
 taleii, Liverpo: 
 Pictuii, J{ 
 Sir J. A. Pictc 
 nieuibor of the 
 Tlieories and 
 8vo. 2. Tlie 
 new cd., 1878. 
 Difficulties am 
 4. Oliver Croi 
 1882, Svo; 2i| 
 " Mr. I'lctou': 
 I'lodern Kadici 
 sivle is pleasuni 
 be natural and 
 iiitii iiiiiderii ]] 
 worst is alwavs 
 iiilerest and val 
 and as a usel'u 
 iucliiding soiiK 
 access."— ,s'(i(. A' 
 0. Lessons f 
 C lonwcalth 
 Conflict of Oli 
 Lon.. 18Sj, p. f 
 PiUgeon, I 
 tutc of Civil E; 
 Notes of a Rou 
 (1°, Lon., 1882, 
 "The mast ii: 
 since '(ireator li 
 more than nios 
 discriminating i 
 2. Old Worl, 
 Lon., 1884, p. V 
 " The tone of 
 skies and sinipl 
 (ion to the .styli 
 tlie di,scii,ssion3 
 Hull, xl. ;i8. 
 " His book abr 
 of the leading i 
 and of the soeia 
 Iviii. .'slf). 
 Pidjfin, C; 
 Hureau of Stati 
 Labor Logislatii 
 1S76, 8vo. 2. ] 
 Use of the Stati 
 PickfriilK, Kmma. I. Fomnklnu All Olh«rf! a 
 Ni.vol, 1,011., IH7(i, 2 v<.l-. |i. sv„. 2. Kiriu In ;lie Strujj- 
 K1«: II Novel, |,,iti,, |s7:', ;) vul«. p. mu. 
 i'icki'riiiu, .Miiry Ofiii-, .laii({litiir of .lnhn IMck- 
 frlnn, ,u,i,, vol. ii. |,if,. ul John I'jckerln)?, Uuit., ls.-(7, 
 Hvo. I'rinlcil for iirivutc tlintributii n. 
 I'U-kcrliiK, l>. A. i;>«u^ on Frioiidihip, Lon., 
 IH",'), (1. Nvo. ' 
 I'IckcrliiK, William lliiiry, b. Iy,s, i,, Boiton ; 
 biothur ot !■,. C. I'lL^keriiiK, .„/„■„ ,• gni.lniite.l iit th,. 
 .Mus«iirhu80lt« Institute ol Tcclinolo){,v |s7(i| insinn't..,' 
 of |pli,v.«ii'i 1SSI1-S7, ami .<ini'0 Ihiwi 'in clmrno of th.' 
 lloyilun .lupiirlinuril of tliL' lliirvi r.l Ol)...i.|Vu(ory. Wiilk- 
 iii;j lliii Ic lo thf Mount Wii-liiiinion Uiiii«u. ll'o«t„ ISSl' 
 l'Hk<>rN|;i||.( llllliH).. Sl, (I .M.fKKK. 
 I'lfk.'lt, CliarU'M Ktlwiiril. .'<iinil-liiiinlilin){ 
 i-fj^yiH .MiniMji,ii,blin){ : from (Juo who Known, .Sivn Fran., 
 Pii'lit'ord, Itvv. John, M..\., Knuliiiiicil at (incen'i 
 CollcKr, (Jxlonl. I.s.'ilj onlalnni l^jl; mMoi- of Ni.w- , 
 boiirno ,«iricu |S7:': n lroi| .•onlril.utor to i,,li,.al« 
 1. I.ilu of Thomas I'uit.v, liinhoi, of Dromoru. '>. Now 
 iarU anil 'IVsliinonies touching liitiiaiiiin. Hv Oxonl- 
 en..H. [.on.. Ii7l, svo. :i. A Week in thu Vorkshiro 
 Unl,.-, .\I,Mi,-li,.slur, IMSo, cr. Hvo; 2.1 iM. Mamu year. i 
 i ii'toii. Sir James AllniiNon, K.,-;.A., ' 
 b. Isdo, at l,ivc'r|iool ; Inij lii'i'n prcsj.lunt of tlio Mvur- ! 
 pool Architcnhiial .Souiutj, clmirman of iho Mvoiimol ' 
 Library, .Mu.-euni, nn.l Ual'erv of Arts, an.l a mcnlbiT 
 ot the nmncil of the Koyal I,:-.tiluto of Drill. h Ar-lii- 
 teots .to. ; knighted ISSI. ||,. hiia contrihuto.l iirticles 
 on philolojjical, areh..M,loKical, an.i other topics to peri- 
 odlrals. I. Arohileelural History of, Is.^s 
 2. l'hiloloKi,,al l',,p„rs, I.Siil. Ii. 1', vrhs of Solomon 
 Cla,s.-ihe,l, .tu., 1S7I1. 4. Memorials Liverpool Ills. 
 tonmil an.j Topographiml: inclujin. , llist.,rv of the 
 Dock Ksialo, I,on., H72, 2 vols. Sv,i; m |.,| isV'i 
 whi,'l"'u ,'V,"' '■"r'* "'' '"■"""'" I't-'lit ... In a .m'rmtivo 
 n ..vM.i" '' »"1' "■'•5;. t-'"-''"t "blllty by I,lvur|» list 
 nnM IjfVt bl.-torlun, .Mr. IMclon.' — .l(/i., N,,, sm i 
 .). (I'M.) Thu City of Liverpool: Municipal Archives 
 an.l, from A.D. 1700 to the fassing of the 
 Mnni.ipal Ilelorm Act, A.D. I,S:)5 : E.Uracle,! anj Anno- 
 tated, Liverpool, |S,<2. 
 ^.'V*^'""? ••«"••■• Vllniisoii, M.A., b. 18.32 ; son of 
 .Sir J. A. I'icton, s.7,,.. .• .M.I'. |„r Leicester since 1SS4 • 
 member ot the Lon. lon school 1S7II-7!) 1 JJcw 
 The.jric.s an.l the 01.1 Faith : Lectures, Lon., I,S70 1, 
 .«vo. 2. The Mystery of Matter, Lon., 187:f, p. .svo;' 
 new e, 1S,S. :,. jho Keli«i„n of Jesus: its Slo.lern 
 Dilhculties an.l it-, Original .Simplicity, Lon., 1,S76 ,Svu 
 4. Cllivcr Cromwell : the Man and liia Mission, Lon .' 
 18n2, Svo; 2i1 el., 18.S3. ' 
 ,„!'.,u!^■n''l'^;!'!'i''^"'°''^' maybe ."umnmrily (iosoribed n.s n 
 I'Milurn Ka.licals view iif Cr.imwell. . , . Mr I'lelon" 
 Mvle Is pleaMiiit and ea.-y, as loim as he all.iws liiiiiMdf ,', 
 .e natural and does n,,i fall iiil., • kusIi,' int.) Car v e4 .,r 
 into in.,.lern |,olltinil . . . The ll. , k en' «t' 
 «.,rst IS always readable. hikI ai its l.cst bits .■oiisi'leml le 
 inleresi and value both as a ..f tY.iin n-ll'sXra 'ter 
 jI- of Civil OoTern- 
 Mu., IStT, 12iao. 
 tinp l.if« of I 
 I. .Kelts Volun* 
 ,-.1 I 
 Pler<'e, i. W, ...Mlino 
 inent in in iieil ."timn, Mil 
 1'li'i.e, t K. History at. 
 C, I'ifly-FIrM : i;imi>nt, Mnisu 
 titt, I.stl2-|si,:(, \\,,r.M.!.(„r. Issf) sv„ 
 I Pierce, Kduard l.llllc, i.L D., 1 
 I ci.1.1..) b. I>2'.i, at .•<lon-ht..n, Mass. • gra.luMi 
 ; I niveifiiy |s,-,n, »n.| at Harvard Law .-s, 
 pracli'ed for lome lime in Cincinnati ; fW'. 
 eivil war: district all.Miii.y .d Ma»siicbii»vtt 
 Di-trict, |Mflfl-,iu, ,vc. I, Mem.,ir -uol Lello, . of Chatb.. 
 Humner: vol. 1., ISll-lhas, vol. ii., Is:..s-I84i, Host. 
 I>l I, .' volj. .Svo. 
 I "A belter b.H.k. .fill., kill. I lias rarely come fr.mi the 
 • vio.Vi '1 *','" '"'"•„■ !"'"■ '"■ '■'' ""■""■irs with as 11,,. 
 TI.M. *'r 1 1 ■■'""" ""'■I"""- ">tb...lelli,;irul letters „f 
 ,11.' ' '"''■""-^' -uiiilier.. lellei-s real Iv Rive niiiidi 
 ...■ ■ s.. 1. iiiilrinieiil an.l carry llie rea.ler .leijij,. a,, ,' .^ 
 n.i'ii itiiil things. —Sii(u)n.\\\ \\^\~ " 
 ttel,er.',H,'„^'"""w'l',i;' ''"" ",', «"""'l' "'""■' ""■" "f th,. p„«| 
 ■ u rl I i ■. ■ ■ "''"'■ """illl'K III.' CO lllllllali.,11 ..r |bi,< 
 »..rk wll I Interesi, we can i.ral>e Ibe pre..eiit portbii li all 
 .•.peel. I.m .,„e. .V K'reiil .leal coul.l have /.eel,' 11 
 ,■•',','/""""■ • ,'."i',"'>' "' "'^' ''•■"'■■™ ''" »"' '"^'i-ll public, 1. 
 I (H '11. — Alii 1 1, 'Jhl 1 , 
 2. Ticati.,. the Law of, Dost., LS.m, »y„ 
 ! . *.. '■'^'I'; •■ '■e<'''fit'l* Milloii, b. iVdl. In Worce.. 
 ter to ; rcin.,ie.| to Illinois Is.sii; member of 
 ; niiiny Ameri.'an bisl.,ri.Nil .-ociclios. I. I'ierce llis|.,rv 
 un.i (Jcncalogy, Host., I S7!l. 2. The Harwood Oene- 
 i|lo(;y, |,S|1I. .(. ;iist.,ry of Ibirre. .Mas.-a.diuseits, I^mi 
 I. History of (iraflon. Massa.dui.selts, \V.,r.Tster. Is.Mi 
 :.. History of Hockloni. Illinoi.s, U..cklor.|. l.sMi 0' 
 eiirce ti..nealogy ; beiuK a li rd of ihe i'osterilv ,d' 
 ichard I'earce. an Karly Inhabitant of I'orlsm.Mith, 
 "bode Islan.l: with an K.vl.m.le.l Account of his An- 
 eestrj'. Hoeklord, Illinois, ,Svo 
 I'lercp, <;i||..Tt A. 1. The iiickens Dicliomiry: 
 T,l.? ;■'.,'•,'""■',';'.";'■■' "■"' ''""^•M"! In.d.lents in tho 
 lales ol Lharles D-ekens : with Ad.lilions by William 
 A Wheeler lllnst. ISost.. I,S7;!, 12 new e.l,. I.„„., 
 V 1 ,?■•„• *'T,""' "'■"'""■ L.M"'nence of the ll.m. 
 • >lm liilhnKs. ML., Chic, ISs;), i:>,„„. ;,. z„el.arial 
 the Con(;re<sman. Chic, n. iL, lliuio 
 g^r^'TM^A '%^!hi..''7n;r''''''''"" '"""'^' ^''"•''- 
 I'u'rce, Helen Corwin. The Curse of Ever- 
 lei^'li: a Novel, N. York, l>77. l"mo 
 Pierce, t apt. Henry Iluhl.ard, 1 ..S.A. 1. A 
 thythiiiic Prose Translation of \-irgi|'8 yKiieid, IMiila., 
 Lnirlish Uhymonn.l lilank Verse, I'liila., Iss;; I2„i„ 
 1 Jo"'''''n' '*«-,"<-V- "eiirv .\ilss, D.D.,'l|..D.; b. 
 ii,: i'J',0 "V".''"^',' .'*■'•! »?'-"'l""tcd at lirown Iniver- 
 Mtj 181 ; ordained in tne I'rotestanI Episcopal Church ; 
 re.'tor of .St. John's Cluirch, Mobile, ls.'7-ll.\ an.l <.f St. 
 i. Lc8,son8 trum the Rise and Fall of tho Eneli^h 
 C.iinmonwealth: Lectures, Lon., ISS4, p. Svo (i The 
 C..iillict of Oligarchy and Democracy: Si.x Lectures 
 Lon.. l.S.Hj, p. Svo; 2.1 e.l. same year. '' 
 , } "JS":".''' '*""'«'' r"-"*^-. "ssoeiato of the Insti- 
 tute of t-'vil Engineers. 1. An Engineer's Holiday ; or, 
 i^o'Ton Is.."""'' V'''/''"'" ''""8it"'l« "° "> Longitude 
 u , i.on., 18S2, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "The most intere.sting book rf its eomnrebeiivive kiort 
 since ■(ireaterl)ritaln.' ,*. . The eiigiiicer 'ie 's a r^eat , e„l 
 more than most people, ami be is both .1 seerniViL .1 
 di.«,.rinj,iittting 11, ,,0 or.linary .legreC'-So-cMto ' •'! 1 ,»' 
 2. Old WorK, Questions and New \Vorld Answers 
 Lon., 1S8I, p. Svo; 2il e.l.. ]SS,5. 
 ■'Tlie tone of hearty eiii.iyment of scenery rtii,l Id.i.. 
 nun ..'."'the'sH'l,'." '}'T"''"' "H "'""'' "I""' Ri™ at - 
 e d Ise ssl.o?s vHf " '"",'■'! ''™l*>' interest comes from 
 !'i/i. xl. "w ' conditions <,r factory labor."-.V,,: 
 , f",i'h''.l",''' ''^"'■'"'s i" information with reRard to several 
 of be leading industries „f the .lislricts whicb be vHi, 
 iviii."U '"''''" 'i'« "•'licit l"-evails in llieiii''-^k,V to' ; 
 Pitlgiii, Charles reituii. 1. History of the i 
 Bureau of .Statistics of Labor of Massachusetts, and of i 
 r.^/'^ ''*"''""'" '" """ State from 1S36 to 1876, Bost 
 lS7b, 8yo. 2. Practical .Statistics : a Hand-Book for the i 
 Lse of the Statistician, &o., Bost., 1888, Svo 
 1 ;iul s, .-pnngliel.l. III,, lS(!S-70, an.l since tlien liishop 
 I'L^ ■","""■ ■■ ''* ^fe'"'""''-". "fJ Kll'or Poems, X. York, 
 Pierce, J. .stanzas an.l .Sonnets. Lon., IS.S7 \'>mo 
 fi,\"'I'.'"'i', •'""','■''' "'"' "• ''■'"'••roll. I. English 
 ( he.".- Problems. Lon., 1871, p. .syo; new ed., IS84 2 
 he Pierce Cambit: Chess Paj.ers ami Proble.ns, Lon., 
 Pierce, James O. Fran,hil..nt M..itg«ges on 
 Merchandise: Commentary on the American Phases of 
 iwynes Case. ,S|. Louis, Mo., I.ssi. Syo. 
 Pierce, S. t. Materialism against itself; or, Why 
 lam not a Materialist, Cin., I8SJ, Ifimo. 
 1 icrce, \\ . T. Treatise on "raetical .Solid Dc^^erip. 
 tive lieometry, Lon., IS7;i, 410. > ' 
 Pieritz, Rev. George H.ldoii, M.A., gra.lmited 
 at Caius College. Cambri.l^a..l,s4b; or.laino.l IS-lii: mis- 
 sionary t., the Jews in In.lia lS47-(;4; rect..r ..f Ilar.l- 
 w-ieke lsb4-70. The (iospels fnim the Habbinical I'.iint 
 of \ lew, Lon., lS7.f. I2nio. 
 Pierrepont, Kdunrd Willoughby, 18til)-I8s.^ 
 son of Ju.lge Edwards Pierrepont, formerly F.S. minister 
 to England: gra.luated at Christ Church.'o.xfor.l 1SS'>. 
 secretary of the U..S. legatb.n at R.,me from ISS4. ' Fifth 
 Aveiiue to Alaska : with .'\Iaps, X. York, 1SS4, 12nio. 
 Pierrcpoat, Henry E. Historical Sketch of tho 
 Brooklyn Jerry, lly a Director. Brooklyn, 1879. 
 ^^Pierson, A. <'. The White Church, Cin., 1887, 
 • **■«"»"» Kcv.Arthnr Tappan, D.D., b. 18.S7. 
 m ^V!"- York ; graduated at Hamilton Colleg" <857, and 
 at the Union Theological Seminary 1860; emercl the 
 ministry of the Presbyterian Church; pastor of Bethany 
 4. Ki'r I" the Wnr,|; »r, llolp t.. Ilibl», N. Y.,rk, ' Itliii.,. «. Sevrn l'..rlr.ill. ..f tlio Kuv. C. II. St.urufon 
 1SH7, Iflin,,. ,,. I K.I. I riui ln.|.ir('.l ; a ,S..riri. uf »iili Kcmilliwnc•,■^ l..,h., I-IU, "vo. 7. The fleuT"iil' 
 riipcr* iinil Ail'limcn .li-livi'nvl al 
 CDnlVTiMioc, IHS7, \. Vnik, |i-<i, I 
 I'lnmon, l':rnci<t Of l.iiiici'y. I. (K.l. i Society 
 ViTse li.v Ainerii'iiii WrltiT*, .\. V.,rk, IS>7, liliuci. 2, A 
 Story ■■!' Sew Vurk, Ohio. 
 '>'''','*"',"'' "'.'.'"' "'''I" •"»!'''■'•"'"' W'lrl'l ; Viiw» ul Kiiiiiietil Wrrtor», l.uii., [^.id," |T, Hv.i. 
 '""^ *<. AnocJotf* i>f LuiliiT anil till' Kcriinimtliiii., IN'.'I, 
 or. svii. II. Thu i;ail of SlnillBflmry, li|»,, ami Wurk, 
 I,"n., I--^:!, IL'iiiM. ID. I'iiy |„r ihc l'.ri»hin((.' Ilic 
 l'i)»eriil' Iho lliblu In I.nnilun : with a I'nlaio liy Kiirl 
 Ciilnu. I.nii., I^SI, II. ,«aviiix Id the IttiTiiiiijI : lliu 
 .■^tni-y III Twenty- Five VtMiri-' l.iiliimr in .'^t. (lilo's. ||. 
 lu-l, l.i.n., I"-','), l^rn.i. I:'. Cliarlc- llaililmi .>J|iiir- 
 Ki'iin, l'reuilier,_ Aullmr, anil rbii|inthrii|iii.t, l.ini., Is^rt, 
 |i. Hvo. l:t. Vicloria, l^uei'n ami Knijirem) : a .liibllfo 
 Meninlr. Lon., I,hs7, |,. Svd. II. Alliert, the I'rhiio 
 Ciin^iirt ; a l)|iiKra|ihy fur the l'.'ii|iU.. Ilhinl. I.i.n., 
 iH-sr, (!r. >iii. 1.1. Ilcncath the lllue .''ky i rri'aohinu 
 in tlu'0|ifn Air. Illuft. I.un., l.-os, cr. .>ivo. Itl. Iluvs 
 anil tiirlH who Imvo Itiiion: a I'rlie Hook for Mimii'.ii 
 .'School?*, I.un., I^ss, p, svd. 
 IMkf, Jnmrx .Shcpliprd, I'^ll-lMvj, b. at CalaU, 
 .Ml'.: bcriiUH'ii ,|..iirniilir.l; wuk Wiishlnv'lnn em rfi<|ion.UMit 
 anil ».-Kiii'iatf i-iliiiir of ihii N.V. Trilniiie Ix.'ili-iiO, anil 
 r..>i. inini»liT III Ibf Xfthi'iliiniln IStll-llli. I. Tin- lli«. 
 liiralliin i.f the Curremy, l^M. 2. The Finani'liil 
 t'ri«i«: Its Kvil», and their Hoiiicily, IMIli. :i. Iliiriieu 
 Ureeley in l''72, Itt7:t. 1. A I'lui-lVale ,<tiite, \. Ymk, 
 l'<76. !>. The New I'urilan : New Knulunil Twu lliin- 
 ilrnl Vear.i A«i) ; .■'iiiiio AiMMHint uf the l.ili' uf Hubert 
 I'ike, the I'untan who lUlenilcJ the tjuukerii, re*i»te.| 
 Clerieal l)i,niinalliin. anil o|i|)0(cil the Witehcrult I'roso- 
 enlion. N. York, I. ■•711, .Svo. 
 " Hufiire it!- niiiH'aiance ahMiliitely imlhliiK was kiinwii 
 III IlK Milijec't the nii'iitinn iil hii. name in >avaj!e.s 
 '(ienenliinieal MelimiHry,' iinil the Miint iiiilexe> i.l lulu, 
 nial Keeiinls. . , . Yet here he Is in the.-e liu«e>, the real 
 man; Inlen^e Imt never narrow ; Krim ami slill iieikeil 
 anil hi^h haiiiliil. but liuhl HniL^tninKjiml free iinillrne." 
 — .>ii(/(/H, ,\.\vlil, :!7^. 
 li. The First lllows of the Civil War: Ton YearH of 
 I'reliniinary Cuntliet. ISill-tiO, N. York, |S7'.i, Hvo. 
 IMkf, I.iikc Owen, M.A., b. Is:;.-, i K'nulmiteil nt lollege, U.xloril ; ealleil to Ihe bar at l.inenln'- 
 Inn IMIJ; holila a position in the Record Offiee. 1. A 
 Ili.story of Crime ami of its Uclations to Chiliml I. He 
 in F:nj{lanJ: vol.!.. From the Honnin Inmiiiiin to the 
 Aeeesiilon of lleury YII. : vol. ii., From the Aeees.-iuii 
 of Henry VII. to the Present Time, l.on., IH7;i-7«, S\ii. 
 Slave .if rireumstamjen 
 an.l N. York, l^ss, r.'m. 
 I>iuni<iii, Hev. Ilnmlltoii >ViiiMix, Ii.l)., [.a/., 
 vol. il., a.M.,) b. Isir. In the llin.ihj ur, 01. 1 Time 
 gooiiil, Political, an.l l{eliKi.,u< Life in the .><iimhwe»t. 
 lllust. X, York, IH-i, |o,„„ 
 " It |ire»erves iiii.l exem|illllii4 a hirtff nuinUTof .«iuth- 
 em .VmerlninlsiiiH, ami shi.w>i In ii Kroiit varletv of lluhtfi 
 the lllo lit the rnilu |ieii|iU' whose mliuls he Wil« Id iireiiare 
 fur the eiilp.irteur," — .V.((Aoi. x,\xlll. :tMi. 
 I'it'ime, CliurlCN Ilfiiry, F.C.S. |, ChemiKlry 
 In Ihe llrewin;{ : with I'ables, l,un., If*77, IJmu. 
 2. Olfiielies an.l the IMivsieal ."ienso.-. Lun., 1>.S7, >vii. 
 I'iHiird, Henry U„ b. |s(2. |, a (Jui.le t.. L'ri- 
 naiy, N. York, |i7:t, ,Svo. 2. An Klementary 
 Treatise on l)ineii,ses of the .-ikin, N. York, IS71I, syu. ;j. 
 A Trealine on the Materia .Me.liea an.ri'herapeutic.t of 
 the .slkin, N. York, I^SI, Svo. With Fox, 0. II., Cuta- 
 neous anil Venereal Memuraiehi, |sr7. Iliin.i. 
 I'iKKOtI, rrnni-iit Taylor, .M.A., M,..\I., «railu- 
 ute.l al Trinity i;.,||e){e, 1 ■iimbri.ixo : eallo.l to the bar 
 at the .MiU.llo Temple 1^711. 1. The Law an.l Praeiiee 
 rehitinn to Foroiijn .In. laments : their Fife ■! on Kn){lish 
 Courts, l.on.. IN?'.!-^!, 2 vols. r. .tvo. 2. Pri]ieiple.s of 
 the I,aw of Torts, |,un., Iss.i, Sv... 
 I'iKKOtt, Jenn Sophia. A Roval .<erviee, ami 
 other P.iems, I.un., I,'*77_7i), sii. 16m. 1. " 
 I'iKKOtt, John, F..-<.A.,^., F.O.S. Persia, 
 Ancient an.l .M.i.lorn,, IS71, p. >vi). 
 ■'.Vn iiiiprelMn.llii«l,iitearernllyciiiupiIeil work."— ,IW., 
 Xu. 'Jlod, 
 I'igot, Eli'/iibeth E. Jenny Uooth : a .Story, 
 Lun., |Mi7, jp. svo. 
 I'igot, R. , Trans.) .Moral Emblems; with Apho- 
 risms. Aliases, and Proverbs, of AH A«e3 and Nations, by 
 Jac. Cats and Kub. Farlle. Illuatrateil by John Lelith- 
 ton. _ N. York, l,S7ll, llo. 
 I'igolt, <;, \V. K. .Savntfe and Civilized Russia: 
 2.1 e.|,. liy T. Arnul.l, l,.in., IS711, ttyo. 
 IMb'ott, Hic-hlird, d. issy, ,et. ol; was fur some 
 years proprietor of The Irishman, a paper published at " '' '.■* "'*' ''""'' "'' a clever, harilworkint; man, with a 
 I>ublin; became notorious as the foriter uf letters attrib. >"'^'"\ '"».'' of self-conllilcuee. a proli.nml i-imtenipt lur 
 u.e.1 by the Times ,0 Mr Parnell, an.l when arrested in ' !:t tbere;inl" [i;";^!?/;; ills^l^d'^dn^l^rhiiw';;!! h^hlii;; 
 M;idrid committed suicide. Keeollections of s.elf."-.Mr/. AVr, x.txvli. -.2 "U nis work tur liiiu 
 an Irish Nationalist Journalist, Dublin, ISS2, p. Svo : 2d 
 0.1., iss;). 
 "Much more an Infurmnl history of the events of the 
 last tlvean.lihirty yeais In Irehiml timn an autobiu- 
 srraphie reeiiril."--.v„(. /;,,•., lili. 7:i7. 
 London Birds and London 
 I'igott, T. Digby 
 Insects. liOii., Is.sJ, p. s^o. 
 I'igou, llev. Prnucis, D.D., ['n,ie, vol. ii., add..] 
 b. 1S32, at Uaden-Uaden, (ierinany ; graduated at Trin- 
 ity College, Dublin, is.',:); ordained ISj.', 1 vicar and 
 rural dean of Halifax since 1875; canon of Itipon Ca- 
 thednil since IS>5. I. Early Communion Addresses at 
 Hu.Mersliel.l, Liveriiool, Ac., Lon., IS77, |2mo. 2. Ad- 
 dresses 11/ District \ isitors an.l .•sun.lay-.^ Teachers 
 Lon., issii, l2mo. :(. A.ldresses delivered on Various 
 Occ;isions, Lon., Iss;',, |2;no. 1. Manual of Confirma- 
 tion ; Addresses at Preparation Classes, Lon., Isss^ svo. 
 Pike, <i. D. The Jubilee .'dingers and their Cam- 
 paign, lllust. Lon.. 1S7.1, p. Svo. 
 inll^^Vin 'of Uev .*/,1.''''"l.' •.^- ' ■■\^' "l ^"'^!' •^'"''- : X. •'"^•"«''. Koger. Forness Folk, the'r Savin's an 
 ington, son ol Uev. Uodlrey Pike, a Baptist minister; Dewin's, Lon.. IS7I r.Svo 
 Lombm ls'-.,''T-'''''''i''^'r''' k'"' "'*'"'^-"' '" ';"''""■'■' '" I'ilcher, Lewis S. The Treatment of Wouml.^ 
 18P has t [ c 1 "tti "r",,'"-?""' " ■""■"""" • ■" ?r i" ''r'"'''l'''^^" "'"' P^-^'io^- !""■"• N. York, I8S.S, Svo 
 IS,, has asMstcil Rev. C.H. .•spuigcun in eiiting The Pilgrim, Thomas " 
 2. (Ell. I Year-Booksof the Reign of King Edward Ihe 
 Third, Lon., LSSJ, r. Svo. 
 Pike, NicholHs, U.S. eon.«nl for Mauritius Isi;,,- 
 71. Sub-Tropieai Rambles in the Land of the Aplian- 
 npteryx; Personal Experiences, Adventures, and Wan- 
 deniigs in and iiruiind the Island of .Mauritius. M;i], 
 . and lllust. N. York, IS7.3, Svo. 
 , "iViiiMil Pike's book Is one of ureal Interest to the nut- 
 liialist, as his rambles were eliiellv made in the iiursult of 
 plants ami shells."— .Vn((o,i.'Jl, 
 '■ If somewbal li.ose and desultory In arrangement, his 
 ijoiik shows a wiiltli ami lumprehensiveness of scope, wiih 
 an amount of pains in coUei'ting details, which must en- 
 title the author to inueli praise."— .s'<i(. Uii;, xxxvl. l.'si. 
 Pike, Kichard. I. Quaker Anecdotes, Lon., IsSil, 
 p. .'*vo; :;d ed., IsSI. 2. Remarkable Religious Anec- 
 dotes, Lon,, 18.S2, p. 8vo. ;i. ( Ed.) Railway Adventures 
 ; and Anecdotes, Lon., I8S4. 
 j Pike, Harburtou. (Trans.) Dante's Divme 
 I Comedy; The Inferno, Lon., 1881, 12nio. 
 Piketah, Itoger. 
 Swor.l and the Trowel, while contributing to many^otlier 
 religious periodicals. 1. Ancient Meeting- Houses ; or, 
 Memorial Pictures of Nonconformitv in Old London, 
 Lon., IS7II, p. Svo. 2. The .Metropolitan Tabernacle; 
 or, An Ilistorioil Account of the .Society from its First 
 Phiuting in the Puritan Era to the Present Time: with 
 - - I. Live Boys: Charlev and 
 Nasho in Texas. By Arthur Morecamp, [pseu.l.J "B..sI., 
 IS71I, 16mo. 2. Live Boys in the Black Hills: or, The 
 Young Texan Gold- Hunters. By Arthur Morecamp. 
 Bost., ISsii, |6,„„. :j. Old Nick's Cauip-Meetin'. By 
 Euiri'ne Owl, N. York. IS.sfl. 
 Pilkington, Rev. Joseph Green, M.A., eradu- 
 >.1 .1, T..:n:... r...ll l..-l.T:_ .n-.. ' . . '.^ 
 other .^ketches relating to the Rise, llrowth, and Cus- : at^liiTTrtnUrColTi^/e, DrbL YsSit'l^^d';"^^^^^ 
 touis i^^Nonconformity in Southwark, the Stockwell ; vicar of St. Mark's, D;i;ton, si,ll870: l.Tspidtaai 
 Oarland, \< 
 Lull., IS7C,, 
 tp. »»o. 
 •r» Svllabi 
 I'- 1. I2mi,. 
 Lon., |ss|_ 
 Lun.. IsMs, I 
 "I tliu Eskim 
 rai'liy uf the 
 "n Liin.l Ten 
 grii.luate.l at 
 entered the n 
 «oon aban.b.n 
 of the .\nli S 
 Pilon, .>| 
 i>*i-i. 2. Wl 
 Filter, n 
 "I'W. Lun., I- 
 I'llz, Rev 
 Epistles and 
 through., lit the 
 18711, 8v.,. 
 Pint, lied 
 vol. ii., ad. I., J I 
 called to the I 
 Oravcsenil Isil' 
 |sa;i, Svo. 2. 
 ■1. Dottings on 1 
 svo. 4, The \\ 
 8vo. 5. ,<hip- 
 .lustrics,") Lon 
 I'im, J. |( 
 the Famine, Do 
 Piinblett, 1 
 H'ar, Lon., Iss 
 Issij-lss.o, |,u„. 
 Pinches, 'r 
 antiijuities, liriii 
 Ih*) Palace (Jates 
 ''25. Edited, wi 
 I'escriptions and 
 '■iety of Biblical 
 Pinches, Ht 
 ■'ohn's College, C 
 "f Bretby Isss. 
 Kecoiupense: Th 
 Pincott, Fn 
 ol Vishnusarman 
 Isso, Svo. 2. An 
 and Col. U. U. Mii 
 "Forins in Itself 
 'o which it imrpo 
 ■'<• Himli Mann 
 md Vocabulary, j 
 ••incHo, J. 1 
 "cakness, and Di 
 I'indnr, J. 
 them, Lon., I,s7i| 
 i'indar, W.' 
 lytical Chemistry, 
 Pinkerton, ; 
 Scotland ; became t. 
 to America in IS42 
 was appointed first 
 detective agency. 
 service in Is6|. | 
 Vork, 1877, 12ino. 
 and Detectives, N 
 guircs, N. Y,irk. l' 
 cences and Detecti 
 ^- The Gypsies am 
 ^.'^«f'', I87!», 12ui 
 Betectives, N. York 
 .r. ^»lub:; :; i,,:,T.u'^"i'',';Hl.- ''•■■''''''''' "»"- pinker. ;» •• ™'V'""' " "•'«•.!« ;: ' 
 "1 [,ui„l TeniMv. I,„i., I««() sv„ " * """"• " TruutUe f,„„„ |,,o_ ., J,;, \['- - ' l''"n-Mn.TI,„M,..« , » \„,.„|' 
 IM.Hi, .MnrJiii Ht-Biil i Th, V, .".t « ' ''"•• I*"*"*. I2>«" "'"'"'' "' ^-''"^^"ii'm u,„l .)na..ry 
 , .i'Hon, .MnrJiii llfiful '•/„ x- ■[""u 
 eallo.1 to Ihj har « Tll'im.. r '''", "" '"'' >' ' "' » 
 'iravccn.l 1 l" , "'".I''',' '^'•'' ■^'■''' •">• 
 I'^eji, svo. 2 TI..V '; ""VV"" "' ""' ''"ei"", I.on. 
 - ....■...., „,„„i r,.<|„.ri,.r , |,„n., |ss:i ;, ,,, 
 t'in.. I",,,,, ''""'""I"'' "I tlociitinn un.l Omfry 
 m'l"!::'^^--'- 'r'"' "i-..'y..f r,„,.k.„„,,,i, ,„,„,' 
 I ^v'.'"'."T ',"• '•'-'';■'•""•■"- '■i''le.r-„.,,s;o, 
 "< Co,|M,»t',;,c,l'ur ."''''''•"''' •■■''"' '""» '>ir 
 K^^.v. Uellry Ki'V ,'"d nrlu. k- i''' .'" "'' '^''""■^•'' 
 "'« llfr^v, I..,i,. sri s^ ^/,'.',"'.' "'" Am,„.r,.cy „f 
 "r, Tl,,, .v,.„ ,.,..7.',; '"-.' ','.•'■ ^™- ■!• ■^Hlcr .AK„tlia: 
 'u. 4, 
 ..i;:^^: „i;s:"S-- •■' ■ .«: '"rx-.S'?;e :'"'::,"' ' "",.. .. ». . '...>'• trv, I.,,,,., i>-i , „'• "^"'"""'oni'l ilrnaiiicntiil IV,u|. 
 J'ln .Ma,, igcwm.' It"; I "'■"'''';•, ''■^' ^- ''"""i-y: 
 '0-, 12,ii„,. 4„, ,t. ' '-V"^':' ';-'-'""" Vi-"""''". '■"".. 1-71, 
 ■• . "■ ■■■,'V'"n9: their Varieii,.-, Ma,, 
 V <( 
 ' '3 
 K' \ 
 I'itclier, II. The Horse; a Hook fur the I'cople: 
 I'racliciil 10.\|ii'rience of a lilack.siiiith ; [alpo] Short 
 Essiiv eonourning the Clioice of a Profession, Ht'specta- 
 bility of Trades, Ac. Illust. 2il ed., t'bic, 1S7U, f*vo; 
 .')th ed., cnl., 1SS2. 
 I'itchl'ord, Kcv. John Watkiiis, i\.A., gradu- i 
 ated at Trinity College, Dublin, iMiL' ; ordiiined 1806;! 
 vicar of St. Jude's, ."^outhwark, since ls7(i. ]. The i 
 Uedeeining Love of God, Lon., Is72, ISnio, 2. The 
 Heavenly F'athway. 3. The Jlorniug .Song: a Nino- 
 fold Praise of Love, Lon., l.'*8l, f)i. 4to. 4. Urauiblc | 
 Cloisters. , 
 Pitkin, Albert Palmer. The Pitkin Family of 
 Aniericu: a (ienf.ilogv of the Deacend.mts of William 
 Pitkin, from Ki.iil to l.'^'.'^li. Illust. Hartford, 1S,><7, I. 8vo, 
 Pitnillll, Ueilll. [unit; vol. ii., add.] With How- 
 Ann, Jkuome IJ,, The Phonographic Dictionary, Cin., 
 l^M, Kimo. 
 Pitman, C. Ii. 1. (Trans.) Popular Astronomy, 
 by ,J. Ranibosson, liuureate of the Institute of prance. 
 Illust. l.on., 1n7o, cr. 8vo: new ed., 1877. 2. (Trans.) 
 Florence; History; the Medici, Humanists, Letters, Ac, 
 by Charles Yriarte, Lon., 1882, imp. 4to. 3. (Trans.) 
 Recollections of my Youth, by Kmest Kenan. N. York, 
 188.!, Kimo. 4. (trans.) A Gentleman of the Olden 
 Time: FranjoLs de .Scopcaux, .Sire de Villevillc, 16(19- 
 l.')71 ; being Portraits and Stories of the Sixteenth Cen- 
 tury, iluring the Reign of Henry II., by Cecile Coignet, 
 Lon., 1887, 2 vols. or. 8vo. a. ^Trans.) Recidlections of i 
 Forty Years, by Ferilinand de Lesseps, Lon., 1887, 2 , 
 vols.Svo. 6. (EJ.) Memoirs of the Count do Falloux; i 
 from the French, Lon., Is88, 2 vols. .?vo. 7. (Trins.) 
 History of the People of Israel till the Time of King 
 David; from the French of Ernest Renan, Lon., 1888, 
 demy 8vo. 8. (Trans.) Through the Heart of Asia 
 over the Pamir to India, by Gabriel lionvalot; with 
 Two Hundred and Fifty Illustrations by .Vlbert P6pin j 
 from the French. Illust. Lon., 1888, 2 vols. r. 8vo. 
 Pitman, Mrs. Emma Itaymoud. I. Vestina's 
 JIartyrdom : a Story of the Catacombs, Lon., 180'.', p. 
 8vo. 2. Prolit and Loss: a Tale, Lon., 1871), p. 8vo, 
 3. Heroines of the Mission-Field : Iliographical Sketches, 
 Lon., 1880, p. 8vo. 4. Florence Godfrey's Faith : a 
 Story for Boys. Illust. Lon., 1882, p. 8vo. 5. Gar- 
 nered Sheaves; a Tale for Hoys. Illust. Lon., 1882, 
 p. 8vo. 6. Central Africa, Japan, and Fiji ; a Story of 
 Missionary Entetprisc, Trials, Ac, Lon., 1882, p. 8vo. 
 7. Life's Daily Ministry; Every-Day Service for Others. 
 Illust. Lon., 188:!, p. 8vo. 8. My Governess Life; or, 
 Using my One Talent. Illust. Lon., 188:), p. 8vo. 9. 
 Heroines of the Mission-Field. Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 10. 
 George Muller and Andrew Reed, (" World's Workers,") 
 Lon., 188.0, p. Svo. II. One of the Least, and Ray El- 
 liott's Deliverer, Lon., 18S7, 12mo. With others. Loving 
 Words ; .Short Talks with the Y'oung Folks. Illust. 
 Lon.. 188,), lOmo. 
 Pitman, Henry. Hints on Teaching and Lec- 
 turing on Phonography; 2d ed., enl., Lon., 1885, 8vo. 
 Pitman, Mrs. .'>Iarie J., (Davis,) b. IS.'iU, in 
 Hartwick, N.\'.; married, ISliii, to Theophilus P. Pit- 
 man. ,Sho has written books for children under the 
 ji.seudonyme of " .Margery Deane." European Ureezes, 
 liost., 1882, lOino. 
 Pitman, Ilobert C, LL.D., associate justice of 
 the Superior Court of Massachusetts. Alcohol and the 
 Stater a Discussion of the Problem of Law as applied to 
 the Liquor Traffic, N. Y'ork, 1877, 12mo. 
 " He shows that the law is the only agency that can curb 
 the evil: that lii^ensing laws havealwavs provorl a failure; 
 that prohibition is a siioeess. . . . We would examine 
 Judge I'itman's statistics with care did they seem to us of 
 much value."— .Va(ioi(, xxvii. 182. 
 Piton, C'amille, principal of the National Art 
 Tniining School, Philadelphia. A Practical Treatise on 
 China- Painting in America: with some Suggestions as 
 to Decorative Art, N. York, 1880, 3 vols. era. 4to, and 3 
 vols, of plates, fol. 
 Pitt, John Linwood. Patois Poems of the 
 Channel Islands : the Norman-French Text, with Paral- 
 lel English Translation, Historical Introduction, and 
 Notes, Guernsey. 1883. (The first of a series of books 
 Jjrojecled under tlic auspices of iiie Guiiic .-VHcs Library.) 
 Pitt, Sarah. 1. Dick's Hero, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 
 2. Fritters; or, "It's a Long Lane that has no Turn- 
 ing," Lon,, 1885, p. Svo. 3. "Bear and Forbear." 
 Illust. Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 4. The Cost of a Mistake. 
 Illust. Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 Pitt-Lewis. See Lkwis. 
 Pitt- Taylor. See Taylor. 
 Pittenger, llev. >Villiani, [mif, vol. ii., add.,] 
 b. 1840; served in the civil war; entered the ministry 
 of the Melho 11 t Episcopal Church, and has been a jiro- 
 fessor in the Philadelphia -Niiticmal School of Elocution 
 and Oratory since 1878. 1. Oratory, Sacred and Secu- 
 lar, Phila., 1881, 12mo. 2. Extemiiore Speech : How to 
 Practise and Acquire it, Phila., 188:i, ]2mo. 3. How to 
 become a Public Speaker, Phila., 1887, 12mo. 
 Pit is, A. Jerry's Little Neli. Illust. Lon., 18S7, 
 Pitzcr, Kev. Alexander White, D.D.. b. 18;ii. 
 at Roanoke, \'a.; graduated at llam]iden-.Siilney C<d- 
 lege 1854, and at the Danville Theological Seminary, 
 Kentuckv, 18.j7 : 1ms been pastor of the Central Presby- 
 terian Ciiurch, Washington, D.C., since iM'iS, and pro- 
 fessor of Biblical liistory and literature in Howard Uni- 
 versity. Washington, since 1875. 1. Lcce Deus Honm, 
 Phila., 1807. Anon. 2. Christ the Teacher of Men, 
 Phila., 1870, 12nio. :i. The New Life not the Higher 
 Life ; or. The Believer's Holiness Personal and Progres- 
 sive, Phila., l.''7S, l8mo. 
 I'itzer, George C. Electricity in Medicine and 
 Surgery; 2d ed., enl., St. Louis, .Mo., I,'<83, 12mo. 
 Pixiey, F. >V. 1. Auditors: their Duties ;in.l 
 Resjionsibilitics, Lon,, 1881, Svo. 2. The Duties and 
 Powers of Trustees under the Bankruptcy Act, Lon.. 
 1884, Svo. 
 ♦' Place, Uenjamin," (Pseud.) Sec Tniiixo. 
 EnwAlUi, iii/rn. 
 Plaisteil, H. M., and Appleton, Frederick 
 II. Digest of Decisions of ihe .Maine Supreme Judicial 
 Court, vols, i.-lxviii. inch, ( lS2(i-7y,) Portland, 18Mi, .^v... 
 Planch^, James Ilobinson, [nnir, v<d.ii.,add,.] 
 1796-1880, b. in London ; jiublished, in addition to works 
 mentioned n»(f, vol. ii. ; 1. William with the Ring: a 
 Romance in Rhyme, Lon., 1872, p. Svo. 2. Recollec- 
 tions and Kefiectious : a Professional Autobiogrnphv, 
 Lon., l.-<72, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "If no one can gossip more pleasantly, certainly lew 
 haven better right to t-'ossiji. . . . Mr. I'la'nehe comes be- 
 fore the public in four distinct characters. First, he is an 
 accumiilished man of the world, seventy -six years of age. 
 who from youth has been familiar with tlie stage Mini 
 mixeil with the best literary and theatrical society. Sec- 
 ondly, he has Ijeen one of the most prolific dramatists of 
 his day, having originated a species of drama with re.^iiecl 
 to winch ho lias remained altogether without a rival. 
 Thirdly, lie is a (listingiii.«hed archaidogist. . . . Fonrthlv. 
 he has held for nearly twenty years the rank of Hoiigc 
 Croix Poursuivnnt in llie Heralds' Colletje. and has ((.iim- 
 quently paid ofKcial visits to foreign courts when some pu- 
 tentate liasbeen Invested with theOrderof thetiiirlcr. . , . 
 So many and so good are the anecdotes he relates that luo 
 or three could not be taken from the rest by aiiv process 
 more critical than the toss of a hallpeiiny."— .yi(. ifir., 
 xxxiv. VJ'2. 
 " To the readers of drnmattc bioirraphles the present 
 book will rather bring to their memories Frederick Kcv- 
 iiolds's Life tlian any oiher similar record. It consists lif 
 details of work, aiul of how that work succeeded."— ^(/r. 
 No. 2833. 
 3. The Conqueror and his Companions, Lon,, 1874. 2 
 vols. Svo. 4. Cyelopa'dia of Costume, Lon,, 1876-79. 2 
 vols. 4to. 5. Suggestions for establi^hing an English 
 Art Theatre, Lon., 1879, Svo. 6. Extravaganzas. E^i- 
 ited by J. F. Dillon and others. Lon., l.'-SO, 5 vols. .svi.. 
 7. Songs and Poems, from 1819 to 1879, Lon., 1880, |r. 
 Plant, Joseph, curator of the Snlford Museum. 
 1. (Kd.) Catalogue of the Library of the Manchester 
 Geological Society, Salford, 1875, Svo. 2. Descriptiic 
 Catalogue of the I'ictures in the Art Galleries and 
 Museum, Salford, 18S3, Svo. 
 Piatt, A. E. History of the Parish and (iramniar- 
 School of Sedbergh, Lon., 1876, Svo. 
 Piatt, Franklin, b 1844, in Philadelphia: edu- 
 cnted at the University of Pennsylvania; served in tlu' 
 civil war; assistant geologist of Pennsylvania 1874-^1. 
 and since then president of the Rodicster and Pittsburg 
 Coal and Iron Company. He (irepared the following 
 volumes of the Reports of the Geological Survey uf 
 Pennsylvania. 1. On Clearfield and Jeil'erson Counties, 
 1875. 2. Coke Manufacture. 1876. 3. On Blair County, 
 ISStt. i. The i.'auscs. Kind.-, and Amount of Waste m 
 Mining Anthracite, 1881. 
 Piatt, James, b. 1831, in London; a woollen man- 
 ufacturer and general warehouseman ; member of llo' 
 Londcm Chamber of Commerce: Fellow of the Statistical 
 Society and of the Society of Arts. 1. Business, Lun., 
 1876, p. 8vo; 35th thousnml, rev., 1S77. 2. Money, 
 Lon., 187'J, p. 8vo. 3. Ecoiioniy, Lon., ISs], p. svo. l. 
 Life. Lmi., 1831, ]i. Svd. o. I'rotjreES. Lon., 1SS2. p. Svo. 
 6. Poverty, Lon., 1881, p. 8vo. 7. (foil and Jliimmon, 
 Lon., 1S8,"), p. Xvo. 8. Land, Lon., IsSii, p. Svo. <J. 
 Mammon, Lon., 1886, p. Svii. 10. Leiischulds : I're.-s 
 Reports anil Couiment.-i upon his Evidences, Lon., 18X7, 
 Svo. II. Democracy, Lon., ISSS, p. Svo. 12. I'latt'.'s 
 Essays, [comprising "six of the ubovo-mentioned works,] 
 Lon., 2 vols. r. Svo. 
 IMalt, Walter II., M.I). (Trans.) Pvuria, or Pus 
 in the Urine, and its Treatment, by Uoheil I'ltzuiann, 
 M.D., N. York, i88ii, 12mo. 
 Pliitt, Hi'v. Milliam Ileniy, D.D.. I.L.D., b. 
 1821, at Amenia, N.V. ; ndniitled to the bar l^-lj; or- 
 dained in the Protestant Episcopal l.'hurcli l^.d; rector 
 of .St. Paul's Church, Uochestor, N.V., since I8S2. 1. 
 Inliuenue of Hcligic.n in tlie Devebjpment of .'urispru- 
 dcnce, San Fran., Isrs, Svo. 2. .Mter IJcalli— What ? 
 or. Hell and .-Salvation in the Liglit of .-Jcience and Phi- 
 losophy ; 2d ed., enl., t-an I'ran., 18711, 12ino. :i. Qijd 
 Out and .Man In; or. Replies to R. (f. Inirersoll, Roeh- 
 csler, X. York, I8,S3, 12mo. 4. The Pliilns..phv of the 
 Supernatural, (Paddock Lectures.) N'. York, Iss'li. 12mo. 
 Platting, Miles. A Posterity's Reikmption, Lon.! 
 ISSO, 12mo. 1 ' . 
 PItttts, ,llrs. Frank T. Mem Sahib; or, Should 
 she have told liiin !' Lon., ISS.'), p. svo. 
 Platts, John Thompson, .M.A.. b. IMil ; teacher 
 of Persian at the University of O.\ford ; liirrjierly an 
 inspector of public instruction in the Central Provinces 
 of India. 1. '(Trans.) Ikhwann-s Safa ; or, ISrothera 
 of Purity; from the Hindustani, Lon., l.sOil, svo. 2. A 
 Granunar of the Hindustani or Urdu Language, Lon., 
 1873, Svo. 
 ".\san Urdu grammar, . . . this book is /ticife iyri«cc,.s " 
 — At/L, No. 21;i7. 
 3. A Dictionary of Urdu, Classical Hindi, and Enir- 
 lish, Lon., 1SS4, r. Svo. 
 " .\ want keenly felt by European Orientalists for niaiiv 
 years lias at last been supplied.— a thorooKhlv irnstworthV 
 and salisfaelury Hindustani dictionarv wli'icli lomplic's 
 Willi all the recpiirements of modern schcilaiNhipaiulliimllv 
 supersoiles the aiitiquuteil works of Shakespear and Duii- 
 crtii I'orbes, —Alli., No. 3(J(»S, 
 Playfair, (i. M. H. Cities and Towns of China ; 
 .a (ieographieal Dietionarv, Lon., 18811, r. Svo. 
 Playlair, Sir Lyon, K.C.U., LL.D.,i'.R.S., [n„ic. 
 vol. ii., add.,] held office in the ministry of ls7:i-74 as 
 ]iostnia8ter-gcneral ; was chairman of the comniittee of 
 ways and means and deputy speaker of the House of 
 Commons 18SII-83. 1. Primary and Technical Educa- 
 ticm : Two Lectures, Edin., Is7(l, Svo. 2. On Teaching 
 University and Examination Boards, Lon., 1872 • new 
 ed.. 1S73, Svo. 
 Playfair, Lieut.-Col. Sir Robert Lambert, 
 K.C.M.U., F.R.O.S., K.Z.S., b. 1S2S; brother of Sir L. 
 Playfair, iiipm ; H.lJ.M.'s consul-general for Algeria 
 and Tunis since 188."). 1. Travels in the Footsteps of 
 Jiruce in Algeria and Tunis: Illustrated by Fao-Similes 
 of his Drawings, Lon., 1877, 4to. 
 ." Cohmel Playfair has gone over a great deal of the tract 
 of which liruce had left but a very imperfect account ; 
 and he lias also had the singular good fortune to discover 
 tlie nuinense stores of manuseript.s, drawings, and oullee- 
 lions winch the Abyssinian traveller left behind him, and 
 whicli had lalieii into the possession (if one of his direct 
 i!esecndanLs. . . . The Mitlior seems to have snared no 
 pains 111 order to make his work one which scholars anti- 
 (|iiaries, and historians can read with pleasure and rely on 
 with conhdence."— .yi/. Hei:, .\lv. s«. w "" 
 2. Iland-Book to the Mediterranean. Parti. 2d ed ''• 
 Lon., 1SS2, 12mo. 3. The Scourgeof Christendom ; An- ' 
 nalsof British Relations with Algiers prior to the French i 
 Conquest, Lon., 188-t, Svo. 
 " The boiik is . . . mainly a sober and solid selection ' 
 Irom unpublished State papers. Illustrated liv verv few 
 otlierdocumenls.and set forth with m. ipicteiiceof liierarv ■ 
 r ..f,', f,;,u '-'f".?™ 'i' ""'' '"'"■■est of the subject atone , 
 lor the faultJi of the treatment. —.IW., No. 'JU;i7 I 
 4 A Bibliography of Algeria: published' under the 
 Autlionty of the Council of tlie Royal tleograijliical So- '■ 
 cicly, Lon., 1888. With Gi NTiinn, A. C, Fishes of Zan- ' 
 zibar, Lon., 1867, 4to. \ 
 Playfair, Vvilliani Smoult, M.D., LL.D., 
 F.R.C.P., [mile, vol. ii., add.,] b. 1835; professor of 
 obstetric medicine in King's College, London; exam- 
 iner in midwifery to the University of London and to 
 the Royal College of Physicians, Ac. 1. A Treatise on 
 the Scicnoo and Priiotioe of Midwifery. Illust. Lon., 
 1876, 2 vols. Svo: (Ithed.. IS>8. 2. The Svstematic 'ireat- 
 mcnt of Nerve Pn'stratimi, ,kc., Lon., lMs:i, p Svo 
 Playford, « alter .M. Hints for Investms : being 
 an Explanation of the Mode of Transacting Business on 
 Stock E.^change, Lon., 1S82, cr. Nvn. 
 Play;ie, K. Charold : the llcartllistory of a 
 Poet's Youth, Lon., 1876, ]i. Svo. 
 Playton, V., Elemcntarv Anatomv, Physiology, 
 and Hygiene. Illust. Torimto, Can., I.s7!l, Svo. 
 Plajton, E. W. Hound about New Zealand. Il- 
 lust. l.on., isss, Svo. 
 PIcasanton, Augnstus .lames, b. ISiis, in 
 Washington, D.C, ; gra. United at U.S. Militarv A.'adcmy 
 1S26; resigned from tlie army 1830: admitted to the 
 liar 111 Plul idelphia; served in tlie civil war. aiol w;is 
 biigadier-geiieral of the Pennsylvaiiiii militia. lie 
 claimed to liavc denionstrateil that the blue rays ui the 
 sun were cs|.ccially stimulating to vegetation," and :ilso 
 ajiplied his experiments to animals. InHuence of tlic 
 Blue Ray of the Sunliglit and of the lllue Cidor of the 
 Sky in Developing Animal and Vegetable Life and Ar- 
 resting Disease, Phila., |S77, er. Nvo. 
 Pledge, Uaniel. 1. The (ireat Valley Railway: 
 an Alleg..ry; 2d eil., rev., Lon., \>1\\, I 2mo. 2. Ni.'ht 
 Musings: 7th ed., Lon , ISSo, ]i. Svo. " 
 Pledge, E. Tent and Temple Songs : Meditations 
 in Verse: with .Memoir, Lon., |S71I. p. .Svo. 
 Plenderleath, Itev. Milliam Charles, M.A., 
 graduated at \V:idham College, O.xford, IS.i2: ordained 
 iS.'),i; rector of Clieihill since ISliii. 1. Obstacles to 
 Catholic Heunimi, l-<7.'i. 2. The White Horses of the 
 West of England: witli Notices of some other Ancient 
 Turf .Monuments. Illu.-t. Lon. and Ciilne, ISsij. 
 " Presents a complete and iiMduI summary of all that is 
 known on a subject of coii>ideral>lc interest."— .Sl^ A'cc, 
 In a Corner of the Vineyard, Lon., 
 Pleydell, J. 
 188.3, p. Svo. 
 Pleydell, Ilcv. .lohn Colvile .Mansel-, .M.A., 
 graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge. 1873 ; ortbiined 
 1874: rector <if Bengeo since ISSl. The Ilirds of Dor- 
 setshire. Illust. Lon., 1888. 
 Pleydell-Uonverie. Sec Boiveiiik. 
 Plimpton, I'lorus II. Poems. Illust. Cin., 1886. 
 Pliinsoll, Samuel, b. 1821; M.P. for Derby ISfis. 
 SO. ^Vhile in Parliament he carried on a successful agi- 
 tation against the jiractice of sending out unseaworthy 
 merchant-vessels. 1. Our Seamen: an Appeal. Lon!, 
 1S73, 4to. 2. ^hipping Survey, ic. ; a Bill. Lon., 1S73, 
 Plowdcn, Trevor C'hichele. Translation of the 
 Gunj-i. I'akkhto: with Notes, Lahore. lsS2, Svo. 
 Pines, .Margaret, ['la/e, vol. ii., add.] l.'jessio's 
 Holiday; or, Si.x Months at Throstles' Nest. Illust. 
 Lon., 18711, ISmo. 2. Chats about the Ro.-arv : the Ro- 
 sary Explained to Children ; 2d cd., Lon., Is81. fp. Svo. 
 Plum, William Rattle. The Militarv Telegraph 
 during the Civil War in the United States: with an E.\- 
 position of Ancient and Modern Means of Uomnuinica- 
 tion, and Federal and Confederate Cipher Svstems, io. 
 Maps and Illust. Chic, 18S2, 2 vols. Svo. " 
 Plnnier, Rev. William Suan, D.D., LL.D, 
 <uite, vol. ii., add..] d. 18SII. 1. Commentary on St. Pnul'g 
 Epistle to the Romans, N. Y'ork. 187t), Svo. 2. Com- 
 mentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews, N. York, 1S70, 
 Svo. 3. Short Sermons for the People. Lon., 1872-74. p. 
 Svo. 4. Hints and Helps in Pastoral Theologv, N. York, 
 1874, 12mo. ;>. The Beatitic Visi N. Y'ork, 1878, 
 18mo. Ii. The Christian, Phila., IS7S, 12uio. 
 Pluninier, Rev. Alfred, D.D., b. 1841, at He- 
 worth-ou-Tyne: graduated at Exeter College, Oxford, 
 1863'; ordained IsfiC; master of University College, 
 Durham, since 1874. He has edited St. .John's (iospel 
 and Epistles in the Cambridge Now Testament, .ic. 1. 
 (Trans.) Fables respecting the Popes in the Middle 
 Ages, by J. I. Dilllinger, Lon., 1871, Svo. 2. (Trans.) 
 Prophecies and the Prophetic Spirit in the Christian 
 Era, by J. I. Diillingcr, Lon., 1873. 3. (Trans.) Ilyp- 
 politus and Callistus, by .1. I. Dilllinger, Lon., 1876, 
 ■^vu. i. Intcraporate CiiticiMu, Durham, I s7y, Svo. 5. 
 The Church of the Early Fathers, (External History,) 
 ("Epochs of Church History,") Lon., 1SS7, p. 8vo. 6. 
 The Pastoral Epistles, (Expositor's Bible, Lon., ISSs! 
 p. Svo. 
 Pliimmer, Mi^jor Heathcote. Lost in the 
 Jungle: a True Adventure in In.lia, Lon., 1879, Ifimo. 

 Pliiminer, John Is<unc. Introduction to A.-'tron- 
 omy, Lon., IS7:i, I2jjio. 
 I'luinptrc, C. K. 1. Genenil Sketch of the His- 
 tory of I'lintheisin, Lon., lS7S_7ii, 2 vols. ,Svo; new eil., 
 1S8I, 2 vols. 2. (iiorcliino l!riino: a Tiile of the Six- 
 teenth Century, Lon., 18.'<4, 2 vols. er. Kvo. 3. Natural 
 Causation: an Essay, in Four Parts, Lon., ISSS, ji. Svo. 
 I'liimiitrc, Cliiiiac Charles Molyneiix, calleil 
 (0 the bar at the Miilcllo Teuiplo 1877. A Summary 
 of the Principles of the Law of Simple Contract, Lon., 
 1S7», p. Svo. 
 Pliiinptri', Very Rev. Kdward Hayes, D.D., 
 [(iiil<', vol. ii., aiUl.,] 1S21-1S91; professor (jf exegesis in 
 King's College, Lon. Ion, IS6;i-S| ; rector of Pluckley 
 Kent, |s6i)-7:!; vii^ir of Bickley 1873-Sl ; 
 Septuagint at Oxioril 1872-74; e.\am- ! 12nio 
 lecturer on the 
 iner in the School o'f Tlieology at Oxford 1872-7;'i : prin- i 
 ci]ial of tjuecn's College, London, IS7,^-77; dean of 
 Wells from ISSI. l. liiblioal Studies. Lon., 187(1, p. Svo; 
 AI.*o, single sermons, and commentaries on several 
 books of the Old and Xew Testament, in Bishop Elli- 
 oott's Commentary, the Cambridge Bible, Ac. 
 I'lllliiptre, Eleanor. Words of the Son of (Jod : 
 Gospels for Daily Meditations, Lon., 1877, 12mo: new 
 ed., 1S8I. 
 I'liimtree, J. Modern Thought Examined upon 
 Three Imiiortant (Questions. Lon., IS7S, Svo. 
 I'lunket, Hon. Kmnielinc M. Merric (iames 
 in Hhyme. Illusl. Lon.. I S8,,, .|to. 
 Flunket, Hon. I'rederica Louisa Kditli, 
 daughter of the second Baron I'lunket. 1. Here and 
 There among the Alps, Lon., 1S7.'>, p. Svo. 2. Taken to 
 ....-J, Heart: a Novel, Lon., ISS.'i, cr. Svo. 11. Outside the 
 (irinlield ! Pulpit: Thoughts as to Every-Day Duties, Lon., ISSli, 
 'Vjini- ! 1 9iniK 
 riiinkct, Hon. Isabella Katherine, b. lsi7; 
 daughter of the third Baron I'lunket. 1. Jlester's Fi.r- 
 tune; or. Pride and Humility, Lon., 187U, l2nio. 2. 
 Children's Band ; or, Trial id' Paul's Faith. C"l. 
 Illust. Lon., 1874, ISmo. :!. Words of Help for Work- 
 ing-Women for Mothers' Meetings, Lon., Is77, l2iiio. 
 4. Harold Hardy's Revenge: the Cruise of the " Merry 
 Mermaiil." Lon., 1886, ISmo. 
 I'lunket, Hon. Zoe. The (lirl with the Gol.leu 
 Locks, and other Stories. Lon., ISSI), p. Svo, 
 Plunkett, Kdward, Baron Dnnsany, b. isns; 
 succeeded his brother as sixteenth Baron 18.')2; elected an 
 Irish representative peer Isii4. (iaul or Teuton ? Con- 
 siderntion.i as to our Allies of the Future, Lon., IS7:!, Svo, 
 Plunkett, George Tindall. 1. A Primer ft 
 Orthographic Projection; or. Elementary Practiciil .Soli.l 
 (ieometry Ex]ilained, Lon., 18S), Svo. 2. English- 
 Arabic Vocabulary: compiled for the I'se of Residt..t3 
 and Travellers in Egy|it, Cairo, 1SS6, 16mo. 
 Plunkett, H. M. Women. I'lumbers, and Doctors ; 
 or, Household Sanitation, Ac, N. York, 1885, 12mo. 
 Plunkett, John. Worship, chiefly in Connection 
 with the Meeting of Christians at the Lord's Supper, 
 Liverpool, 1S7S. Svo, 
 Pljmpton, A. G. The (Had Year Round, for 
 Boys and Girls. Illust. Bost., 1SS2, sq. Svo. 
 Piympton, G. \\. l. The Blowpipe: a Guide to 
 its Use in the Determinaticm of Salts, Ac, Lon., IS75. j,. 
 Svo. 2. (Trans.) Guide to the Determination of Uocks : 
 Int^roduction to Lilhology, by E. Jannettaz, N. Yoi k, 
 1S77, 12ino. S. (Ed.) 'i'he Aneroid Barometer: its 
 Construction and I'se. Illust. N. York, 1878, ISmo. 
 Pocklington, Miss. The Secret Room: a Tale 
 of the Marian Persecution, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 
 Pocock, J. Model Engine-Making in Theory and 
 Practice. Illust. Lon., 1888, ]i. Svo. 
 Pocock, Rev. Nicholas, M.A., [niiie, vol. ii., 
 add.,] graduated, first class Math., at i.'reen's College, 
 Oxford, 1834; Fellow lS.38-48; ordaii,ed 1838. I. 
 Records of the Reformation, I527-3:i, Oxf., 1S7I. 2 
 vols. Svo. 2. Studies in Modern Problems, Lon., 1874. 
 3. The Principles of the Reformation, Lon., 1875. 4, 
 The Recovery from the Principles of the Reformati.m, 
 Lon., 1877. 5. (Ed.) A Treatis-: on the Pretended Di- 
 vorce between Henry VIII, and Catherine of Arragon. 
 By Nicholas Harpsfleld. Now first printed from a Colla- 
 tion of Four Manuscripts. (Camden Soo.) Lon., 1S78, 
 , 4 to. 
 I "A work of genuine historical Interest and value "— 
 Ath.. No. 2038. 
 6. (Ed.) The Troubles connected with the Praver- 
 Book of 1549, (Camden Soc.,) 18S4, Svo. 
 Pocock, S. J. Across the Prairie Lands of Mani- 
 toba and the Canadian Northwest, Lon., 1883, Svo. 
 Pocock, Millinni >Villiner. A Sketch of tlie 
 History of Wesleyan Methodism in some of the South- 
 ern Counties of England, Lon., 1S85, Svo. 
 Poe, John Prentiss. 1. Pleading and Praitico 
 in the Courts of Common Law: vol. ii.. Practice, liait., 
 1882, Svo. 2. Supplement to the Baltimore CityCoile: 
 comprising the Acts of the Geneial Assembly of .Marv- 
 land, 1.88(1, 1882, an<l 1884, relating to Baltimore ami the 
 Ordinances of the Mayor and City Council, 1878-1885: 
 with Decisions of the Courts, Bait.', 1885, Svo. 
 Pogson, F. .Manual of Agriculture for India. Il- 
 lust. Lon. and Calcutta, ISS3, or. 8vo, 
 "ohi, A. Thomas Brown's Will : a Novel, Liui., 
 1877, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 — "' "11.11. >Yiia Mii|i.iriai.i and wiuit was i Poirez, Louise n. 1. Rose-Leavcs for Rose- 
 iiiilinp..ruuU-liaK iiececsarily left the picture somewhat Buds. Illust. Lon., 1881, sq, lOmo. 2. Smiles an.l 
 linn un,Uolourle,ss."-,4(A., nV 3186. | Tears from Fairy-Land : New Christmas Stories. Illust. 
 -. ....^ 1. v... .... I . , . iJiuiii;,!! i-Lii'iiCf, ijuu., 1 C?( O, p. OVO 
 3d e.l., 1885. 2. Respice, Aspice, Prospioo, and The Law 
 of Progress in 'Theology: Two Sermons, Lon., IS7t5, Svo. 
 3. A P.ipular Exposition of the Epistles to the Seven 
 Churches, Lon., 1877, p. Svo; 2d ed., I871), 4. St. Paul 
 in Asia .Minor anil the Syrian Antiosh, Lon., 1877, 
 12mo. 5. .Movements in Religious Thought ; I., Roman- 
 ism; II., Protestantism; III., Agnosticism; Three Ser- 
 mons preached before the University of Cambridge in 
 the Lent Term of 18711, Lon., 1871), 12mo. 
 "These are thoughtful lectures, conceived in a very 
 large spirit, and set ulV by that sort of scholarsliip which 
 mills SI) much lit literary elt'ect anil to the discus- 
 sions lit the religious thinker."— ,><pcrf(i/oi-, Mi. (itli. 
 Ii. (Trans.) Christian Doctrine, by K. R. Hagenbach, 
 Lon., 1880-81, 3 vols. Svo. 7. An Introduction to the 
 New Testament, Lon., 1883, 12mo. S. Spirits in Prison, 
 and other Studies on Life after Death, Lon., ISS4, p. 
 Svo; new ed., 1885. ». Things New and Old, Lou., 
 1884, p. Svo. II). Theology and Life: Sermons ohitHy 
 on Special Occasions, Lon., 1884, fp. Svo. 11. (Trans.) 
 The Divina Coinme.lia an.l Canz.iniere of Danto .\li. 
 ghieri : with Biographical Introduction, Notes, and Es- 
 says, etc.: vol. i., Lon., 1886, Svo. 
 "This liaiids.ime v.iUime is the tirst instalment of the 
 great work mi which Dean I'luinptreis uuder.slood to have 
 been fur many years en^atjed, an.l which will I'.omiirise, 
 when c.nuplcte.l, a of the whole of tho ' C'om- 
 media, and also the ' Oinxiiiiiere,' with illustrative notes 
 throughout: besides a life of the poet, and a series of es- 
 .says or monographs on subjects of the highest interest ami 
 imp.irtaiicc c.miiected with his works. The present vol- 
 ume c.iiitains the life and the translation of the ' Inferno' 
 and ■ I'urgatorio.' . . . The life is of very great value ; in- 
 deed, one ul ti.e best that has yet been published in our 
 own iir any other language. It i.s written in a very vivi.l 
 and attractive style, ... It displays the minute ac- 
 jiuaiiitaiice not only witli all the various works of Uaiilo 
 lint with numerous historiensaiiil critics who throw light 
 on the subject, . . We turn with more mingled .satisfaction 
 to the translation. Perhaps a rooted conviction of the im- 
 ims-'ihtlthi 111 the task (viz., the approximate reproduction 
 ol the (crai rimu) may bias one's judginent. . . . We liiul 
 on almost every page epithets or hleas introdnceil which, 
 even It appropriate in themselves, are not renreseiited bv 
 anvlhing m the original, . . . Tho notes . . . are very 
 helpful, contain luiieh curious information, ami . . are 
 olleii very lull, and yet condensed."— E. .MooiiE: -lend., 
 \ol. ii., 1887. (This volume includes a series of 
 "Studies" on "The (Jenesis and Growth of the Comine- 
 dia," •' Estimates, Contemporary and Later, of Dante," 
 "Dante as an Ob jrver and Traveller," and " Portraits 
 of Dante.") 
 " The whole >vork is n monument of manv years' .levoted, it IS Illustrated tliroiigliimt by an in'iusual ran™ of 
 reading and culture in other Helds of literature, and it is 
 accompiinie.l by a most copious ami valimlile index of 
 subjects and names."— E, .Mooat; : .1 yxd., xxxiii. 19. 
 12. Wells Cathedral and its Deans, Lon.. Isss, Svo. 
 13. The Life and Letters of Thomas Ken, D.D,, liishop 
 of Bath and Wells. Illust. Lon., 188,8, 2 vols. Svo. 
 " This, in all likelihood, is the final biography nf Ken 
 , , . .Many searchers have volunteered their services in 
 Dean I'liimptres uiiderlal;iiig; . . . niueh special Infor- 
 mation lias been ci.iitribute.l bv reeognized experts in 
 siiuie of the .subjects treated, , . . But it is not the amount 
 01 alisulutely new material which constitutes the main 
 value lit this life and raises It far above its predecessors 
 Katlier it is the skill and lender patience wherewith ma- 
 terial already known, but neglected, has been inanlim- 
 Ittted. — .Imd, xxxlv. 281, 
 ■' The enormous expansion to which the writer has sub- 
 jected the materials at his commainl— an expansion an- 
 plie.l impartially to what was imp.irtai.t and what was 
 llllinin.irtJint — Ihim I10(>,JnuiirtU- l„l> (t... ..{ — „ i...^ 
 ii:";.'u;,.f^^p^;.^'«'" Taloa of Fair,-Land. 
 L.,r."l"""',,*.I:,,'^""' ■' S'"<'^'i»''« from the Talmu.l, 
 I'.,...K W., and Pole,, a,l,|.,] b 18 4 ' n 1! r' 
 miiighiuu; liiis been i.rofe-^or c,f n vil J " • 
 Ki,,hi„.tono College. i3!>m£y;:;na a ' ' i^ii^^;::!!! " 
 Ln.miaiii, l,s5ii-87; scorctary to the Roval Coinmi^-ioi 
 on Ha.lwaj-s |xfi5-67, an.l to that on WatJ.r-Su r^s ir' 
 ;,!; ■^""". "'.,'" 1S« ho was consulting., St for 
 tho unpcnal railways „f Japan, an,l on ifis e ire ,cnt 
 reccved from the Mika.lo the decoration f e 1 ", 
 legroe of the imperial order of the IUhm.' S n e 
 musical ,l.^ree. at the l^ni;;;:?^'^f'^:,^ ^r'-^r , ^^ 
 contributed many articles to scientific iou;n t t 
 Quarterly Kev eiv, Ac. 1 rEd i Tl,„ Ti, i- 
 »«•,,„,,„ i.„„.'„. .. ,;.'„„':,i„'„'.I;';„,'j;:„;t„;!, 
 6 The I'hiiosophy of Whist: Essay on its ,Soientifie 
 nd Intellectual Aspects, ton., IhJ, 12„io if 1 "ed 
 En|„ee;: ^Lf tn^^l^^.^r"^"^' ''''■• ^'^^ 
 rolkiiighorne, Tregelles. 1. David Faster 
 fsM^ p"C= ''" ^"""^ "^^ «"'«' ConklL Parish, L,:,;?; 
 «,'*r"."'?'n',^"'''^'* William, M.A., graduated at 
 iDcvonport, Eng , daughter of Commander J,dn, I'„l. 
 Two Sisters, lllus,. KdUu 1-7:^ %,o -TluAn '," 
 ■ ster's Daughter and .Jld .Anthonv's Wil : Ta, ..'r'the 
 )"ung. Illust. Edin., isri', i2,,o 4 Tl.e r,Vi i' 
 ouse ,„id other Stories. Ed^ 872^-1 n" -"5^"^ 
 Jliner's S.naW Margaret Vernon. lllus,:"";;,,int is;"^ 
 ■dT, i^-o-'M^'""""':'' ''^■S'"--.^-- "'■• li'-lter than (iold 
 I.diii., 1S,2. 12m,, 7. An Earl's Daughler : a .-;t v 
 .s7n,,^no. n,.Gre;T,rrs,-i.^l'^;;fnfn;m;'^^;V 
 ?" 'i-nV "'Vf "'"'""Slil'l'l'y. 1 ., Is7i;. 1L.,„„. An', • 
 Anon ' 1', ur"^ " •■'"" '"^ ''"•^•^' '■""•■ '■^■'■. ""■" l.i. When we were Voiing, l.on., I,s77 f„ s,',, 
 14. Ills (irandchild, l.on.. 1877, iL'mo. 5. Co n,' or' 
 Ihree U'ars of a Girl's Life, l.on., ISS2, s', nimo ' 11^' 
 Dohorah s .Sdiool : a Village Tale, L.n'u^^^h^'; 
 U. Aunt Hetty's Will. ]||„,,. U^., Is^ p. s .„ '"' 
 Some Klk ,n our Village: a Temperanee T.fle. I11,,V 
 Lon l,s8.1, or ,-vo. 1|., for the Cam,, ig , • 
 Ihe Christian .Soldier's Manual, Eon., I8S;i, s, On o' 
 -I. Josceline: or, The Two Cousins, Eon., 18So,*p 8 ' ' 
 l^ondhy Tr.s,lis: a Cornish Tale. 'lllust. l^o^ EsSS,' 
 is's"."""'' ^' """''-^O"'' »f Virginia, Uiclimond, 
 Pollard, Thomas InwooU. I. The Indin, 
 Inbule and the Eo.s of E.xcliange : an E say on he 
 .^eoretarv tn il,„ m • , , ""* » 'pointed private 
 I s I IS;*;- "■!;,!,"-• iztr ?,r 7 
 (Ed.) Catalogue of the Special Eoan Exh bition of 
 ■Triti 1, \ '/'■"■ • ^' ^"'•'""'■■0 and Wood- Work, 
 Pol.ngto.,, Viscount. See S.vvw.t!! 
 lollitt, J. The Education of Conscience • .1 AVnr.l 
 aj^""*^^^'^ ., Vi-":!'^'' -•; I" ^tony Pllioes: 
 1 vol 
 Ion*'!!*-,''.! 'l'"" Frances, l. Hope Deferred 
 vols n fvn j" V ^^g^noo is Mine, Lon., E>^8(;, ;; 
 "mn"^' / i i- ^"° ' °'' ^''0 Poiver of Love, Lot ES87 
 -'. Eunice: a ^ovel, Lon., 
 a Story, Lon.. 187„, 
 E'i7(i, a vols. cr. Svo. 
 ,,*!?!'"c'^', Allan. A Botanical Index to All the 
 Pollock, C. Frederick, M.D., F.R C S F R « F 
 jJi.pensary, Glasgow. The Normal and Pa. .oIoeicTil 
 1' sfi:'s. '" """'"" ^^-^ ""^ ^y''"'^-- I'iuVt! Lo:;:! 
 Pollock, Oavid. Modern Ship. Building and the 
 Men engage,! ,n it : Steamship Design, .tc., "X isss! 
 v,|^if?r'j«te'^::^:'- -- --.'^^w : ;;po,.oek Edin. c. .- .may x.:;;' pZ:; V 
 .wl.'^y.P'^.' N- \"^V .18-_-. ISnio. 4. 'Decorative Fiild tI ""i:,,^ '" > '"■' ''"-'«> ^Jolie in Farm and 
 "Is. 2. A Piece of Silver N Ym-l; is'-a '1 '■' ' 
 'g.-;;^"'"- ''«■;;'. ^,l•ooms must. N. York, 1882 
 »vo. 6. Gelhvnr: a Christmas Legend of the 
 Field Ion i;-u 'la ' ""^ """" '" Farm and 
 THv in r,;;-, i • '1' '•',■"«• •*• '^i-'' Vears' Darling ; or, 
 ln.x in 1 „wn. Eon., Issii, s,,. Itimo. 4. Over the \Vnll 
 or, Neuiboiirs i.n.i 1,1.. ..V.,,! , +• "><•' me (Vail , 
 >^AXo 7TuV: '""\«l"" """oof them, Lon., 
 N'orth-Land. Illusl. .V Y„rk iss'., , in 
 B,>ston Tea-Party. Iljus 1882 «'«'■ 1-'"n- I' 
 '■'- lllust ISH-i v' V, 8. Songs of Bird- 
 luust. 188j, 9. \agrant Verses, N.York, 18.S7 
 III iv,i \ V •."'»..■'■ '"»""'i ' '-■'■sBs, 11. lork, J8S7 
 " 11 

 ingfi and Doing?. Illu^t. I,on., ISSI, nq. liimo. 13. 
 Spin nnd I'dilgie : wiiiit tliey di.l, learnt, Jic, in Onu 
 J)iiy, [.on., issfi, 4to. 11. .^tory of ii ,'<ccn't, and Secret 
 of a Story. Lon., issti, 4to. I.'). (Jolden Age. 
 Illiist, Lon., 18S7, |). Svo. 16. Right Onward ; or, Hoys 
 and Boys, Lon., I8s7, p. Svo. 
 Pollock, Edward, I823-1S58, b. in Philadelphia; 
 "never hud a day's sehooling;" began to write for the 
 local press at the age of eighteen; went to California 
 in 18j2, and died there. I'oem,^ I'hila., 1S7B, 12ino. 
 ' show a nature susivptible to impressions from without, 
 and pupulile of lenderiu),' suoli impressions witli t\ certain 
 facility anil skill."— .Vii/ioh, x.xii. Xyi. 
 Pollock, Sir Frederick, Hart., b. I.S45; son of 
 Sir William Frederick Pollock, iii/ni ; was educated at 
 Eton, and at Trinity College, Cambridge, of which he 
 became a Fellow in lS(i.'<. lie was ealleil to the bar at 
 Lincoln's Inn l^TI; was examiner in law at Cambridge 
 I87il-8I ; became professor of jurisprudence at Univer- 
 sity College. London, 18f<2, Corpus )irofessor of juris- 
 prudence at O.xford 18S;i, nnd professor of common law 
 at O.xford 18.'<4. Ho is eilitor of the Law (Quarterly He- 
 view and a contributor to periodicals. 1. Principles of 
 Contract at Law and in Equity, Lon., 187,i, .^vo; -Ith 
 ed., l(<8o. 2. Leading Cases done into English. By an 
 A|iprcntice of Lincolr'.s Inn. Lon., 1876. (Contains 
 parodies on Browning, Tennyson, .to.) 3. A Digest of 
 the Law of Partnership, Lon., 1877, 8vo; Jth ed., 1888 
 4. S[)inoza: his Life and Philosophy, l,(m., 188(1. 8vo. 
 " To account for this far-reaching and growing influence 
 of .Spinoza without as well as within the philosophic circle 
 may be said to be one object of Mr. Pollock's volume. . . . 
 Too mucli praise can hardly be nivcu to .Mr. Pollock for 
 the thoroURhiiesf. with which he has carried out his ilitli- 
 cult w(]rk.' — .svi(. ij(i\, 1. 77'.'. 
 "All that has been Bleancd, and gathered, and conjec- 
 tured even, regarding the life and opinic;ns of the great 
 Hebrew thinker has been diligently studied bv -Mr. Pollock, 
 aiul.evcry statement Mr. Pollock makes regariiing the faces 
 nmy be acceptol as .rue. He has given us in the introduc- 
 tion a critical account of all the imiMjrun.t contributions 
 to our knowledge of Spinoza which have appeared in 
 various languages. He has sifted the numerous works 
 ■which in recent years have discussed the various problems 
 regarding the sources of Spinoza's philosophy. He has 
 ponilercil over the aim, purpose, and method of Spinoza 
 until these have become part id' his own mental lie .sets lortli the system of his master not 
 with the calm circumspection iit one who expounds a 
 philosophy, but with the zeal, the earncstne'S, and with 
 something of the intolerant of one who propa- 
 gates a relit'lon."— .S/jfrtiitor, liv. 187. 
 a. Etsays in Jurisprudence and Ethics, Lon., 1882, 
 "Thirteen essay.s on various subjects ranging between 
 special branches of English law and the Stoic pliilo.sopliy 
 as interpreted by .Marcus .\urelius. ... In none of the 
 divisions of the book is light reading to be found ; and yet 
 there is not an obscure sentence."— .Su/. Kc:\. liii. 734. t 
 6. The Lanil Laws, C' Citizen" Ser.,) Lon., 1 
 1883. ].. Kvo. 
 " Mr, Pollock hasccrtainlyearned the gratitude of lawyers 
 as well as laymen for the brilliant essay in which he 'has ; 
 so clearly expounded the principles of our Kiiglish real- 
 property law. and has thrown light upon the strance cus- 
 toms and wiaidrous scholasth; lictions which to some 
 minds are mere monstrosities and to others have appeared ' 
 to lie the perfection of reason. '—C1IAKLE.S I. Elton : ,lca((., i 
 x.w. I'.ll'i. ' 
 7. The Law of Torts: a Treatise on the Principles of i 
 Obligations arising from Civil Wrongs in the Common ! 
 Law, Lon., 1887, 8vo. With Wiiiuht, R. S., B.C.L., of ! 
 the Inner Temple, barrister-at-law. An Essay on Pos- I 
 session in the Common Law, Lon., 1888, 8vo. (Parts I. i 
 (Introduction) and II. (Of Possession generally) are bv ! 
 Sir F. Pollock, and Part III. (Possession and Trespas.t ' 
 in Relation to the Law of Theft) is by Mr. Wright.) 
 Pollock, .Htvjor-Gen. Sir Frederick Rich- 
 ard, K.C.s.I., b. 1827; son of the late Chief Baron Sir : 
 F. Pollock; served in the Punjab campaign 1848, Ac; 
 retired 187',». .Sport in British Burmah, Assam, and the 
 Cossyah and Jyntiah Hills, lllust. Lon., 187i), 2 vols. 
 8vo. I 
 Pollock, «. H. The Anointed Sernph : the Last I 
 made First: vol. i.. Wash., 1388, 12mo. j 
 PoiDck, J. (Ed.) The Life of David Charles 
 Donaldson, better known as "Showman Charlie," Lon., 
 1875, Itimo. ; 
 Pollock, Rev. James Samuel, Ph.D., LL.D., i 
 F.E.I.S., educated at the universities of Edinburgh and 
 Oicssen; ordained 186!) ; perjwtual curate of St. Alban's, 
 Birmingham, since 1871. 1. Resting-Plaoes : a Manual 
 of Private Devotion, Lon., 1870: 3d ed., 1877, 18mo. i 
 2. Out of Ihc liody : a Scriptural Inquiry, Lon , 187.% 
 p. 8vo. 3. .Measure (d Faith. Lon., 1877, p. .'<vo. With 
 Poi.i.ocK, Thomas li.. Gospel Words, Lon., 1873, 12nio. 
 Pollock, Juliet, Lady, daughter of Rev. Henry 
 Creed, vicar of Corse; in:irried, Is 14, to Sir W. F. Pol- 
 lock, iii/i-d. 1. Marre Duniont: the Story of u Farmer's 
 Daughter, Lon., 1882, cr. 8vo. 2. Macready as I knew 
 him. Lon., 1S84, p. 8vo; 2d ed., ISS.'i. 
 "Such reminlscence'i as those contained in this little 
 monograph should be welcome to all who care for the 
 credit ami the dignity of the actor's profession. . . . ufhis 
 art, of his acting in several of his principal part.s, the au- 
 thor gives us siaiie acute and thoughtful criticisms,"— .sVi^ 
 liii:, Ivili, 7;i0, 
 With Ci.iKKoim, W. K., and Poi.i.ocK, W. II., Litilo 
 People, and other Tales, Lcm., Is;,!, p. 8vo. 
 Pollock, Julius. Xotes on Hhcumatism, Lon., 
 1878; 2d eil., 187'.l, i:-'nio. 
 Pollock, W. The Temptation of Our Ble.sed Lord, 
 , and other Jlinor Poems, Lon., 1873, l.'mo. 
 I PoMock, Walter Ilerries, b. I85ii, In London, 
 Eug. ; younger son of Sir W. F. Pollock, iii/rK ; was ed- 
 ' ucnicd at Eton, and at Trinity College, Cambridge, where 
 he graduated in 1871 ; called to the bar at the Inner 
 : Temple 1874; in 1884 became editor of the Saturday 
 Review, of which be had long been assistant editor. He 
 has lectured at the Royal Institution on historical and 
 literary subjects nnd has contributed to jieriodicals. 1. 
 Lectures on French Poets, Lon., 187il. 
 " Mr. Pollock nniy he said to deal with two themes,— 
 Bcranger anu Komaniicism. . . . The book is one which 
 appeals to a wide circle o'' rea.lers."— .S(i/. Rii:, .xlvii. 4;!i>, 
 2. Songs and Rhymes, English and French, Lon., 18S2. 
 " The note of Mr, Pollock's poems is reticence, timplicilv, 
 the desire to .say too little rather than seem to sav u'n) 
 much. . . . He iscontent notto be dithvrambic, tosiiig in 
 a voice that is scarcely higher than speaking, and to draw- 
 bis themes from those personal experiences of I'nioiiou 
 which heccmie so rare in our complex and mechanical 
 .society."— EDMf.ND W. GossE: Amd., xxi. 388. 
 3. (Trans.) The Paradox of Acting; from Diderot's 
 " Le Paradox sur le ComC-dien :" with Preface by Henry 
 Irving. Lon., 1883, cr. 8vo. 4. The Picture's Secret: a 
 Story, Lon., 1883, cr. 8vo. 5. Verses of Two Tongues, 
 Lon., 1884. l2ino. With Pollock, Laiiv, Amateur 
 Theatricals : Illustrated by Kate Grecnaway and Hans 
 Sebald Behain, Lon.. 1880. p. 8vo. 
 " The volume is one which no manager of private theat- 
 ricals can atlord to be without."—.*/. lirr., xlix, ;iO. 
 Pollock, Sir William Frederick, Uart., .M.A., 
 [idlte, vol. ii., PCLI.OI-K, FUEDKHICK, add., J 18l,^-l,s,ss, 
 son of Chief Baron Sir F. Pollock; b. in London: grad- 
 uated at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1836; calleil to the 
 bar at the Inner Temple 1838; was queen's remcrn- 
 branoer, master of the court of exchequer, and scnicr 
 luKster in the Supre;ne Court of Judicoture. Personal 
 Reminiscences, Lon., 1887, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 " The book is a cheerful record of a prosperous career," 
 — 6'u(. Teel',, Ixiv, 8J3, 
 And see Macheauv, W. C, siipni, 
 Polwarth, Uarou. See Siorr. 
 Pomeroy, H. S., M.D. The Ethics of Marriage : 
 with Introduction by Kev. J. T. Duryea, N. York, l.s8s, 
 Pomeroy, John, foa/.-, vol. ii., second of the name 
 there mentioned, add.] I. Until the End: a Xovcl, 
 Lon., 1867, p. Svo. 2. Home from India: a Novel, Lon,, 
 IstiO, 2 vols. p. Svo. 3. Lady May's Intentions: a 
 Novelette, Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 
 Pomeroy, John Norton, LL.D., [ante, vol. ii., 
 add.,] 1828-1885, graduated at Hamilton College 1847; 
 admitted to the bar 1851 ; professor of law in the Uni- 
 versity of Cftlifornia 1878-85. 1. Remedies and Reme- 
 dial Rights by the Civil Action, according to the Re- 
 formed American Procedure, Best., 1876, 8vo; 2d ed., 
 1883. 2. A Treatise on the Sipccific Performance of Con- 
 tract, N. York, 187!», Svo. 3. A Treatise on Equity Juris- 
 prudence in the United States, San Fran., 1881-83, :l vols. 
 Svo. 4. A Treatise on the Law of Riparian Rights, as 
 the same is formulated and applied in the Pacific States, 
 including the !)octrine of Appropri-.tion, St. Paul, 1884, 
 Svo; new ed., rev. and ed. by II. C. Black, 1887. 5. 
 '.ecturcs on International Law in Time of Peace. Edited 
 by Theodore Salisbury Woolsey, Professor of Interna- 
 tional Law in the Yale Law School. Bast.. 18S8, Svo, 
 Posth. (These lectures were delivered in 1866.) 
 Pomeroy, Alarcug Mills, [unle, vol, ii., add.,] b. 
 1833, nt Elmiia, N.Y. 1. Gold-Dust, 1872, 12mo. 2. 
 Briok-Dust, 872. 3. Our Saturday Nights, 1873. 4. 
 Home Harmonies, 1876. 5. Perpetual Money, 1878. 
The Diiig- 
 Illust. .\. 
 Pomeroy, Orcn Day, M.D., b 1S3J 
 niwis !inj Tmitriitntof Uiauiisc-s of the Ear 
 Xork, IW.',, Svd. 
 ls'(°",^4Vo. ^' '^■'"'""'^•'"'■^^ ""-' '""V it arose, Lon., 
 Pond, Fredrrifk Eugene, b. IS5fi, „t Piu'kwau. 
 in ;■. •' «'''""■ "',Wil'l»«..a'. .M„«H.„e, publiZd 
 .Vm"-u>?; "','?. P"'''i^''"^'' ""'ler the |,seu h „v., e ,f 
 " \ ,11 W,ld„oo,l." I. Il„n,l-liook for Vuu„« SpoVume 
 Milwaukee 1S76. 2. Memoirs „r K,„i„e.,t\x „,rt. en 
 N. \»rk Ksrs. 3. The Ou„ Trhtl ,„„1 K el,l Tr ai 
 Recor.l., of America, l.^Si. And see Hk„bkiit, H. W ' 
 imtedat 1 arviml IS.,S; served in the civil war ; editor 
 of he l>h,ladelph,a Record 1S70-7-, and ,inoo then 
 wn er for the pre,, The Shenandoah \-alley in 1864 
 (,; Campaign, o. the Civil War.') Map. N. Y^ork, ]883, 
 „**"""',\".'.'?"'^'' ^' '""'"•■'^ "f I.ife-Suving Aiipli- 
 ances and Military and Xaval Constructions invfnVc fbv 
 Joseph iranc;,: with Sketches „„d Incidents of hi^ 
 Business l.ife, &e. Illnst. X. York. 1S8,0. Svo 
 k""')"- 'I- "'"''.] >!• ISrti; daughter of the fourth 
 Ear of liessborough. I. Nora, Lon!: is'll, .'l vols. p. 8vo 
 vols VX- ■"""""" "'"' ^"'■'^ Liitimer, Lon., IS73, 3 
 Ponton, Mungo, [,n,ie, vol. ii., add.] 1. The «e- its When and its How, Lon., IS7I p ^vo 
 5(a!, k-S™' ''"•''■"''*■ "'"* IJ""""*'" i» parli'l'ulur."- 
 2 Glimpses of the Future Life, Lon., IS73, p. 8vo. 
 3. Freedom of the Truth, Lon., 1878, p. 8vo 
 V V "/' ,M "-".1 ^""'se- '• A Vacation in a Buggy, 
 ]!'^J,''l1mo ' ""• ^- ^""'"^ "' ^'""y '^'•■'"'''' !*"«'' 
 ,tiM,!'„^"'' V'l*''''-"? "?"•■>'• '■ The Customs, Super- 
 stitions, and Legends of Somerset. Lon., 1877, cr. 8vo 
 j. Ihe Customs, .Superstitions, and Legends of the 
 County of Stafford, Lon., 1880 Svo 
 •„,^T'*.',**'^,"'" "^ ^*''" <••' b- '828. in New York .■ 
 served in the volunteer army in the civil war: appointed 
 captain in the II.H. army ISC.T; Indian agent iS6i»-.7(( 
 Among the Smux of Dakota; or, Eighteenth Months^ 
 E.\perience as an Indian Agent, N. York, 1881, 12,no ' 
 ^oole Eva Trav-ers Evered. I. Eveni'ngSta;s; ! 
 .H8J, 32mo. 2. Mottoes and Messages, Lon 1882 
 4MU0. 3. Uolden Links in a Life-Chain, Lon., I88b'"' "'' ^"'''■*""''k«- illiist. Lon.; 1887,' : 
 Poole, Francis, C.E. Queen Charlotte Islands • 
 a Narrative ot Discovery and Adventure in the Nortli 
 Pacific. Edited by John W. Lyndon. Illust. Lon., 1872, 
 Poole, Kev. George AylilTe, [r,,,,., voL ii., 
 ^^'L ^^o- I'«""-''<"-ough, ("Diocesan Histories," 
 Ijoii., loM, iliino. ' 
 Poole, Ileginald Stuart, LL.D., r,„„, vol \\ 
 M'Ja.,] b. 1832 in L„na„„, ,„„„;. K.v. E. I i'ol 7 
 i '■;. '"."■, vol. li.) and of Sophia I'oolc, l„ „ vol i" 
 oo,.K, M„s.;) was educated 'privately in E 'y'ld und t 
 the direction of his uncle, eI W. Lane. 11 ■' va" ,, 
 : pointed assistant in the Department of Aiitimie, at 
 [ he British in l8.-,2 was transferrcl 1 e ne'v 
 I Department of Coins and Medals, .d' which I,.. Wane 
 i keeper in 187(K and is the general editor of the Uth ■ ill 
 \ ,nr '.''"/oyal Academy, is vice-president of the 
 Egvptmn Exploration Fund, and hus recently been 
 elected professor of arch.eology in Vniversity Colle." 
 in the s; „ h t- ^^'^"'I'ti^ .Catalogue of the Swiss Coin; 
 in the Sou h Kensington Museum, bequeathed by C. II 
 [lownshend.- with Introductory and Historical Notice 
 I 1.0,,., 1878, 8V0. 2. The Cities of Egypt, Lon., Iss^p: 
 ' luiunir^'lJtim.'s'" in ".?..'",''■'''!'''','"!■>• '''"'P'"' '" «'"''' '!'« 
 , rususcttttei, as it were, lier ancient cities."«c(«^«-, hi: 
 lu.'f'tX'ilwV,''""' '" ;>"?■ "'' ly^ Prt'dece-ssors, and very much 
 better than some ol theni."-^lca(i., x.\i. 134 
 I oole, Harriet. (Trans.) Great and Small, by 
 Madame Larm^ue. Illust. Lon., 1878, cr. 8vo 
 ,„„="t°!'''- *^''ss..Margaret E. I. Pictures of Cot- 
 tage L,le 1,1 the West of England, Lon., 187U, p. Svo- 
 fi-o r?' "•, 2. Without a C'ha,acter:'a Tale%:on.; 
 INII, l^mo. 3. Pamela's Bequest, Lon., 1881 p Svo 
 Poole, Reginald Lane, Ph.D., M.A., son of 
 Edward btanleyP,,ole, (,,. ,„ „„„., vol. ii.;) graduated at 
 iialliol College Oxford, 1878; modern history lecturer a I 
 Jesus College ]88(i. I. (Trans.) The Principles of He- ! 
 brew Grammar by J P. N. Land, Lon., 1876, cr. 8vo. i 
 i;.„,,ii f T "Ij-" ""S'len"*" "f the Dispersion at the ' 
 iiecall of the Edict of Nantes, Lon., 18811, p. 8vo 3 
 Sebastian Bach, ("Great Musicians,") Lon, 1882, d 
 M-o. 4 of the Histcrv of Mediitviii 
 ,ic,ll"p I-,'" "'l,^^'ll"[tmeuU of Theology and Eeclesias- ' 
 1884 8vo"'' '"''''''"""'"• the Hibbert Trustees. Lon., 
 "The field, when Mr. Lane PnnU- chose hf^ snl.jtfl wan 
 •rieclly for a. reasoned history of Eng isli or of 
 •-uropean soh.dastlcism-that is to sav, of m. d eval 
 «el',l"i?s o^,J^',','=^?i'l!.!!!:4!j:-';}r?/^^ ^i?" " "-^^ ^y """ ">'« 
 Hil.l'.llr. X?!,"!"'^ .''^''''i'''', .'"* ^'^ the fruit of the Travellinir 
 Hibbert bcliolarship lield by Mr. Lane Poole for two years^ 
 ;i. Coins of the Ptolcmiei., Kings of Egypt, ("British 
 Museum C,,t„ogueof(i,-eek Coins/') Lon^f fss; , cr. s o 
 <• Coins ot the Shahs of Persia, Safavis, Afgh .ns, E 
 i'hnns Zands, and Kaiars, (IJritish Mu cum P iblit 
 I li,.ind others Lectures on Art: delivered in Suppor 
 iLon'I'slsT'cf s";"'" ''--'"- "f Ancient Build'ilSgs: 
 wardN';';',;;?',:'^ under the dlree^lo,; of his g;cai:incre Edl 
 ward Wi I ,,„ Lane, the Orientalist, «»,„■„, and at Cornus 
 ,w;2'';"'^r °'"r''' "■'"" ''og^diated m i"78, i " 
 1 g lea, y attracted attention by a treatise on numi mat- 
 0,i n »P.l'°'nt« 'n IS74 to prepare a catalogue of 
 Ol .ental coins lor the British Museum. In IS83 he was 
 n «6 f""-rVlr ^"Vi-^ne" »"d Art Departml., Zl 
 ^^6 he y,s,ted Kussia and Turkcv to study Mohan, 
 ledan numismatics. He is a contributor to fho E'ncv- 
 clouedia Britannica, the Dictionary of National Bk,gra- 
 phy, and various periodicals, and a member of lea,nea 
 t^alZ '!' V "«""'' ""'^ '>" "■« Continent. . E s . , 
 in Onet^tal Nuimsmaties, L„n., 1872-77, two series, Svo 
 ^^ ^^f2:X!:^^"^"'^-' :<^Li,.of^^w:"t 
 fs""^; 3;/^'"-''«'^-ghter and Wife. Lon.,' 
 i Ion' 'js^r'.C^"'''^'".^^""""'''' "■"' British Colonies,") 
 of?he Prnhlrv >' '^™?'-* Speeches and Tabie-Tillk 
 Mo|','„:m,;;'ea"'^^/A.:x;i"^y>- '■'•■l''"»« »" ">« reHgio., of 
 8. Social Life in Egypt : Supplement to " Picturesque 
 Palestine," Lon., 1SS4, r 8vo ') iv,\ \ s.i „.• r 
 the PrnsB w,.it L™. / r , ^'^"■' Selections fi-oiu 
 I ,°f. '^"t'ngs of Jonathan Swift: with Notes 
 Lon., 1 884 1 2mo. in. Notes for a Bibirography of Swil': 
 reprinted from The Bibliographer, lS84,Yon , 1884, " '4: 
 I I * 
 >i' 'i.H 
 f I 
 * i 

 1 1. (K(l.) Swift's Lcltorfl nndJcuirnnl.s Lon., lSf<.i, I2mo. 
 12. (Ed.) Cciins and Mediils .- their I'liice iinil History 
 in Art. I!y the Authi)ra of the liritish .Mii.scuin Ufficinl 
 Cntaloguos. With NumiToiis Illustrations, l.on., InS5 
 " .\ vnlumc wlilcli slioiild 
 IS85, 4to. 6, Rcminiaccnees of .Sixty Vcnrs in tlio 
 Nationnl Metropolis. Illust. I'hiln., i8sfl-87, 2 vols. 
 Poore, <;eorge Vivinn, M.K., M.U.C.P., assist. 
 as'nm^';;,'";vl,lch'7?u.'un,K^ ! "?' I'hysician f. Tnivcrsity ilos|,it„l,"l,ond;,n; and sin,.; 
 -sry". I'v 8:;:;l '^'"'^'"''""'-■"; physician t., th« U.,val Inliriuary for Women and Chil. 
 in Itself asonKrnssini; i 
 tliin can lieilireclud,"- ^ . 
 I.S. Thu Art of the .Saracens in Kgvpt. Illiist. Lcjn '''''-'"• '• ^ Te.\t-liook of Klectricily in Medicine and 
 l..<stl, ,Svo. 14. The Moors In .<iiain,'(" .St.iry of (lie Xa- ! i?'"'*!"!;}'. J-"')-. _\^Jl>,_ p. 8_vo. 2. iTrans.) .Selecti.ins 
 tions,") Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. I.^i. Catalogue (jf the M.. 
 hanmieilan Coins In the Bodleian I^ihrary, Lon., 1888, 
 •Ito. Ifi. The Life of the .'iiglit Hon. ."^'tratford Can- 
 ning', Viscount .Stratford de lU'delill'e, K.tJ.,, 
 D.C.I,., LI,.U., .Ic. : from his Memoirs and I'rivateand 
 Ollicdal I'.ipers: with I'ortraits, l,on., 1SS8, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 •' His l)(iok, . . . while having the eliarui iniio(;rapliv, 
 l.s niiieh more a eoiilrihutioii to niiieleemh cenlurv Ill's- 
 tory 111 the sliapeof wliat aiinsat heiiiKa stricllv imiilirlial 
 reeoKl o one liistoryniaker's career tliuii a IjioL-iaiiliv of 
 the u^nal type. — ..|(//,, No, ;il81. ' 
 " A biouraphy of the very lirst mnK."—Sat. llrv., Ixvi 712. 
 With (iMMi, E. J. W.,and (, Ahtiiuii. The .Story 
 of Turkey, (".Slory of the Nations,") I,on., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 (.Mr. (iibb gave special attention to chapter? on Ottoman 
 Literature apil Ottoman Administration, and Mr. (jll- 
 iiiiin to the Modern I'eriod.) And sec L.ine, Edwauu 
 M'n.i.iAM. Hiijirii. 
 I'oole, M'illiain Frederick, LL.D., [nuir; vol. 
 Ii.,l librarian of th j Cincinnati I'ublic Librarv 1869-74, 
 and of the Chicago Public Idbrary 1874-87, since when 
 he has been engaged in organizing a library founded 
 by Walter 1,. Newberry at Chicago. He was president 
 of tlie American Mbrary A.«soeiation 1885-87, and has 
 since been president of the American Historical Associa- 
 tion. 1. The Ordinance of 1787, and Manasseh Cutler 
 as an Agent in its Formation, lS7(i, 8vo. 2. Index to 
 Periodical Literature; 3d ed., brought down to January. 
 18S2. with the Assistance of William I. Fletcher, and 
 the Co-Operation of the American Library Association 
 ni.d the Library Association of the United Kingdom, 
 liost., 1882, imp. 8vo; First Supplement, January, 1882, 
 to January, 1887, Bost., 1888, imp. Svo. 
 "A book that is a* excellent in Us execution a.sitlsbold 
 In conception and useful in object."— /Icik/., xxiii. 127 
 3. Anti-Slavery before 1800 : an Essay, Cin., 1887, 
 Pooler, C. T. (Ed.) Manual of the Sohool Laws 
 of New York City, N. York, 1884, lOmo. 
 Pooley, C. 1. Notes on the Old Crosses of Ulou- 
 cestcrsbiro, Lon., 1808, imp. 8vo. 2. Historical and 
 Descriptive Account of the Old Stone Crosses of Somer- 
 set. Lon,, 1877, r. 8vo. 3. Arthur d'Esto, Actuary and 
 Quaker: Sketch, Bristol, 1887, p. Svo. 
 Pooley, H., and Carnie, K. Common-Sense 
 Method of Teaching French, Lon., 1884, sq. 16mo. 
 Pooley, T., li.Sc, F.C.S. Brewing and Distilling, 
 (" British Manufacturing Industris,") Lon., 1876, 12mo. 
 Poor, Henry V., editor of Poor's .Manual of Rail- 
 roads, published annually. 1. Money and its Laws: 
 embracing a History of Monetary Theories and a His- 
 tory of the Currencied of the United States, N. York. 
 1877, 8vo. 
 "Of its OiJ capacious pages only 61 are devoted to what 
 Is undoubtedly the most important part of it —in fact, the 
 reason for its existeiiee.^the author's account of his ' Laws 
 pt .Money. . , . A writer whose mind is in the comlitioii 
 from the Clinical Works of Dr. Duchcnne, (New Sydcn- 
 ] bam .Soe.,) Lon., 1883, 8vo. 3. CoB'ee ami Tea: a Lec- 
 ture given at the Parkes iMuseum. Lon., 1884. 
 Pope, A. (fame liirils and Water-Foil of the 
 Unitcil Stales. Illnst. X. York, 1878, ,,1)1. f(d. 
 , Pope, Alfred CroNby. 1. A .Midical Ilaml-llonk 
 for .Mothers, Lon,, 1873, p. 8vo. 2. On the Climate of 
 Davos am I'latz in Cases of Consumption, Lon., I.s7<j, 
 1 Svo. 3. The Stu,ly of .Materia Me,lica : an Address, Lon,! 
 I 18811, 8vo, 
 Pope, Charles Henry. A History of the Dmches- 
 , tor Pope Family, 1034-1888: with Sketches of other 
 I'opes in Englan.l an,l America, and Notes upon Several 
 Intermarrying Families. Illust. Bost., I.SNS, 1. 8vo. 
 I Pope, Franklin Leonm d, b. 1840 at Oreat Bar- 
 rington, Mass.; assistant engii eer of the American Tel- 
 egraph Companv, an,l of the Kuss,i-Ainerii'an Telei'iaph 
 Company, 1801; clitor of the Electrical Engineer''sinco 
 1884, 1. Modern Practice of tlie Electric Telegraph, 
 N, York, 1870, 8vo; 4th e,l,, 1871. 2. Life and Work 
 of Joseph Henry, 1S70. 3. The Western Bmimlarv of 
 Ma.ssachusetts: a Study of Indian an,l Colonial Ilis'torv, 
 Pittslield, 18S6, Svo. Privately jirintcd. 
 Pope, Kev. George ilglow, D.D., ordaind 
 1843; formerly warden of Bishop Cotton School ami 
 College at Bangalore; lecturer in Tamil and Telugu at 
 O.xford since 1885, 1, A Text-Dook of In,lian History : 
 with (ieograidiical Tables, Examination Questions, .t'c, 
 Lon,. 1«71, sq. 16mo; 3,1 ed., with sixteen maps. 1880. 
 2. !iand-Book of the Ordinary Dialect of the Tamil Lan- 
 guage, Lon., 1883-84, 3 parts, p. Svo. 3. The .«acr,..,l 
 Kurral of Tiruvallva-Xfiyanar : with Translation, Notes 
 Ac, Lon., 1886, Svo. 
 Poj.p, Henry. The Struggle for Existence. By 
 Gavihi "eak. X. York, 1872. 
 Popt , Henry IMontngu Uandall, M.A., 1840- 
 1880, graduate,! at St. John's College, Oxford, 1871; 
 Fellow of Lincoln College 1872-74; called to the bar at 
 Lincoln's Inn 1S73, 1. A Treatise on the Law and 
 Practice of Lunacy, Lon,, 1877, Svo. 2. Bills ,)f Sale 
 Act, 1878 : with Notes, Lon,, 1878, 12nio, 
 Pope, J. J. Number One, and how to Take Care 
 of him : Poiiular Talk,s, Lon,, 1S82, 12mo. 
 Pope, James H. 1. Health for the Maori: ii 
 Manual for Use in Native Schools, M'ellington, 1884, 
 i6ino, 2, The State: the Rudiments of New Zealan,! 
 Sociology, Wellington, 1887, Svo. (AVritten mainly " for 
 the use of young Maoris able to understand easy Eu"- 
 lish,") ^ 
 Pope, John BuckinKhani. 1. Railway Raie- 
 and Radical Rule : being a .Series of Practical Question- 
 vitally affecting the Interests of Traders and Agricul- 
 turists, Lon., 1S84, p. Svo. 2. The Curse of Cobdcn; 
 or, .John Bull v. John Bright. E,lin., 1885, p. Svo. 
 Pope, Rev. William MnrI, D.D., b. 1822, at Ho 
 inalcated by .Mr. I'oor'.s language is clearly iwt quallHed I '"". N.S. ; studied theology at Richinoml College, Eng- 
 scTeiitmc m'qu^^^^^ praseeution of any Hand; entered the ininist_ry of the .Methodist ChurclT; 
 2. Resumption and the SiKer Question, N. York, 1878 
 12mo. 3. Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the In 
 professor of theology in Didsbury College, Manchester, 
 since 1867. 1. Discourses on the Kingdom and Reign 
 of Christ, Lon,, 1869. 2. A Compendium of Christian 
 Theology, Lon., 1875-76, 3 vols. Svo; 2d ed., 18S0. 3. 
 The Person of Christ, Dogmatic, Scriptural, Historical. 
 (Fernley Lectures,) Lon,, 1875, Svo: 2d ed. same year, 
 4. The Prayers of St. Paul, lS7(i. 6. Sermons. Ad- 
 . p .. ,, ,, , - , dresses, and Charges of a Year, Lon., 1S7S, svo. 6. 
 in Comparative Mythology, (Trans.) The First Epistle of St. .John : a Contributi,m 
 to Biblical Theology, by Erich llaupt, Lon., 1879, Svo. 
 7. Discourses, chiefly on the Lordship of the Incarnate 
 l>»»ro ii..„i„~- w> . ; ■ ' ■"■ Kcdeeiner, Lon., 1880, Svo; 3d ed. same year. 8. A 
 180,, wsr' i^T'I* "^"/'ey' ["""'. ™'- »- nd'l-,] I Higher Catechism of Theology, Lon., 1883, 8vo : new 
 2 The P^Mt ;.l n • . ""^ ^'.'n' ^'"""'.'"' }Ti- " ^"'*- i ""l" '»'^^- "• '^''^ I""'"-'' Witness, and other Dis- 
 J, ine lolitioal Register and Congressional Directory : courses, Lon., 1SS5, Svo. 
 a Stati.stical Record of the Federal Officials, Legislative, , Popolf, Co' Uantine. (Trans.) What I Believe, 
 ternal Improvements of the United States : with a Re- 
 view of the Charges made against Railroad Corporations, 
 N. \ork, IS81, Svo. 4. Twenty-Two Y'ears of Protec- 
 tion, N, York, 188,8, Svo, 
 Poor, Laura Elizabeth. .Sanskrit and its Kin 
 ared Literature: Stmlics ' 
 Bost., 1880, lOmo. 
 Poor, Walter S. The Law of References, under 
 the^Code and Statutes of New York, N. York, 18SS, 8vo. 
 Executive, ami Judicial, of the United Sf;itcs. 1776, 
 IS7S, Bost., 1878, 4to, 3. Life and Public Services of 
 Ambrose E, Burnside,— Soldier, Citizen, Statesman : with 
 Introduction by H, B, Anthony, Providence, R,I„ 1882, 
 8vii, 4. A Descriptive Catalogue of the (lovcrninent 
 Publications of the United States, 1774-1881, Wash., 
 by C.Hint L,-:; ^oistoi, N. York, IgSil,' 12mo. 
 Porri, Louis. Poems, Lon., 1882. 
 Porrilt, Norman, M.R.CS,, late house-surgeon to 
 the Hudilerslield Infirmary and the General Intirniarv, 
 Leeds, The Operative Treatment of Intra- Thoracic Ef- 
 fusion, Lon., 1883, p. Svo. 
 J:"tpv!^f t^"^!^^, -I . 's^;i"$" ' ^:::l'l^55^;:i,:^:r^r '>;:'^':^; i^^riz '''" 
 irensurc-JIouso in Scotluml. K.iin.. ISTM" n Sv., -i 'I'l.o u • "l ' "V*;;'.' '." "^w'^' " 
 . ., 4. 
 rk, I'-rr, IL'riiii; rev. anil 
 M-Muc'iite.l Mini.itcrsi, 
 l^i;-!, 9111. |,. svo: new oil., 1SM7. in .■ ' i 
 Porter, Alb..., .,. Ni.«„n,, J.,.t an,, Preen.. JuTr::JT:;,^'\^rr T,::^,^' ^^''T', '" '"^ '""■ 
 1SO;)-1,S7,0. li.v ail 111,1 Ito-iJenl 1875. 
 I'orter, Mrs. Anil E. 1. Cousin Polly's (;»l,l 
 Mine: a Novel, N. York, 1878, ,Sv„. 2. M He e 
 noweil., Ii08t., IS7(), Ifluio. ^' 
 T..V"'''7', A""'e- ('i''«ns.) Popular Life „f .«,iint 
 Tere.a„f,Ie,„.,; from the Frenel! of L'Al,be M, e 
 Joseph : wuli a Preface by T. ,^. Preston, N. York l"^^, 
 ter'.^^^'"''"-T' '•'"•'• ":" "f Con„„„J„re iMvi.l Put 
 icr, y. ,. ■iiilr, v„l. „,;) eilueateil at Coliiinbhin ('olle<-c 
 ailniiral ISfl.j ami ailuiiia ,S7(|. |. rifo ,,f (•„,„„„„, 
 DavM Porter Albany, 187.0. 2. AllanDai'. a 1 
 leviable: a Komanee. Illust. X. York. Iss,,. ' 
 j Porter, .lerniaiii U. our I'ek.iial Il,„„ 
 I Aslmnoiiier >. \ lew .,f Heaven, l.„n., I,s.-S, .,„ (, 
 ui:T':i:!!";^i'Y::::- "^--^-f-'-Pyuieof 
 I Porter, John Addison, ,«on of ,I„hn A,|,Ii.„n 
 I'orer, (,„„,, vol. ii. o b. |s,o,;,,„ x,,,, ||, ,,„,.';„;" 
 i gnuluate,! at Yale l>7s, aii.l became a ,i.,i,rnali,i, ' . nij 
 -orporation of Yale College, Wash., mi. 2. A,l nin 
 Vafe'TiH, l!^o;'^' "' "■"^"""?<""- "*^^- 3. Skotehesllf 
 •inL'orpbe^'p''?'' V'- ^'V^'^gy of the Descend- 
 ■ints ol 1 eter Porter, »li., settled at Weymouth, A[a»<a. 
 chusetts, in lli.l.^ Purlinston, .Me., I.s7ii s,., ' " 
 1 orter, Joshua Henry, ,| ' 
 events and Anecdotes of the Civil War, N. York, iss5, I the Wounded' i'^'w^/r'"' '^'^ '' " ''^■■""' ''"■"""«•" '"" 
 i„. ir Vr- ,"'"' ''"' "■•'''''' II Prize was awarded 
 by Jler Majesty the Queen of l'rus..i„ and Km;,ieas of 
 Oeriiiany i„ ,|,, Year 1S74, l,on., I,s7,-., 12in,r ' 
 ■ '""«""» Josias Leslie, D.U., l.L.u.,' r„„,^ ..ol 
 ''■• ''"'7". 1^"-. ,J»„.v I i:,.,] isk'i-l.^s; b at ii 1?" 
 hTs", ^' ^?"''^"'' ''■^■'""''' '""' ••■''"^"•^'' "t t he universi: 
 , "■»"•'.«... Edwart «„«,,, „^„.„^ „ ~SB,.'ri3±.?£ a •' r*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 2d*ed "fl' *I".7T' V ^^^T"J' "IJ Remini»ccnces ; 
 Al (d., Lon., S75, p. 8vo. 2. Twenty Years' Kecoileo. 
 tu,„s ol an Irish Police Magistrate; 6th ed., LonriSSO, 
 Porter, Brig.-Gen. Fitz-John. b 
 Portsmouth^ Jif: g;^uat^'l;-':;J^"t; j; "^L^^ 
 Academy 1845; served in the Mexican war and „ tl e 
 civ.I war, becoming colonel and brevet brigadier . en' 
 ma tialTllfi' ""^- '"'7"?.^^ "'« "'"^''' "^ '^ '^^tl 
 mu tial in ISfi.i; reinstatoti by act of Congress 18SB (l,„ 
 injustice of tlio charges agai^t him h^v^ng b len f.l 
 established Narrative of the Services of the Fifth Armv 
 w"l88,),'cP'8vo^"''"'""'"""°= "" ^"''"™'«^ '^"•"''1' 
 ArchWstn' frT ?'"• ^.^'"^^' ^-'■' «»■"»" Catholic 
 Arthbishop of IJoinbay. Spiritual Retreats : Notc« of 
 th Sae::;d%'l"^' p""^'"«-tions given in the Conv nt o 
 the baerod Heart, Roehanipton ; 2d ed., Lon., 1888, cr. 
 Porter, George William. 1. 
 in th„ I r'"r' '""""'ee ana the Jordan 
 nn %«'"-\'"'^° ""'' ^"''""" «'■ «"■• Lord. 
 Porter, Luther Henry. Outline." of the Const! 
 IW ""'"'^ '" ""' ^'""^"^ States, X. York, 188^; 
 • **<""'"» '^''■s. Martha. Short Records of the Mis 
 .,?'«"«'•' ^"•V*;,.''''"y ^^' 1- I'oor Papa, Boat., 
 18,9, Ibmo. 2. Five Little Southerners, Host:, 188i; 
 Porter, Kev. Noah, D.D., LL.D., r„„(e vol ii 
 add.] president of Yale College 1S71-S6 S American 
 Colleges and the American Public, New Haven" 870 
 Sclli Sa:;!;;,"^!^.'^"^'-'^"""^'"' "" College Jid 
 cuUh'"t'"|,m,^, """■■?.'■ "^"' ' the attention, of all 
 H!;i;^;'X;;;[i;;;<,-,i,^e^:^:f^^;;)^™r?^^'^"""'^'^' '^""- - 
 JI«li.d,.,„, a., ,17., 12,„.. jr H.!,. ,.0«.i,l M,,,' 
 » ■~~io ' 
 N York'l8.''''n' "« '^"■^^' ""'' ">" *'-"• I"-t- 
 .. fho Elements of Moral Science, Theoretical and 
 Practical, 1885. 8. Bishop Berkeley, 1S85. 9. Kant's 
 Ethics; a Criticnl Expujition, Chic, ISStl. 1(1. Fifteen 
 Years in tlie (,'hapel of Viile Cnlk'ge, 187l-188ti, [ner- 
 luons,] N. Yorlf, 1SS7, 12iu.p. 
 Porter, Robert P., nupunntenilent of the U.S. 
 Census of ISilO. 1. The from the Census of 1880, 
 Chic, 18S2, Svo. 2. Protection iind Free Trudo To-Day, 
 at Homo and Abroiid, Host., 1SS4. 8vo. 
 Porter, Miss Rose, b. in New York ; resident at 
 New Haven. She has contributed many sitetchcs and 
 short stories to religious periodicals. 1. Summer Drift- 
 Wood for tlie Winter Fire, N. York, 1870, lUmo. 2. 
 Christmas Evergreens, N. Y'ork, IS7B, sq. Kimo. 3. A 
 Song and a Sigh, N. York, 1877, 12uio. 4. Heartsease, 
 N. Y'ork, 1878, l8mo. o. In the Mist, N. York, 187U, 
 18mo. t!. Flower-Songs for Flower-Lovers, N. York, 
 188(», sq. Ifimo. 7. Charity, Sweet Charity, N. York, 1880, 
 16mo. 8. Our .Snints: a Family Story, N. York, 1881, 
 Itimo. 9. (Ed.) Comfort for the Mothers of .-Vngcls, N. 
 York, 1881, liiuio. 111. In the Shadow of his Hand: 
 Thoughts for Lonely Hours, N. York, 1882, 12mo. II. 
 The Story of a Flower, and other Fragments twice 
 gathered, N. York, 188:!, 16mo. 12. Winged Songs: an 
 Easter Jubilee, N. York, IS8,'i, sq. lOmo. 13. The Gift 
 of Gifts : Loving Kindness in the Morning, Faithfulne.«s 
 Every Night, N. York, I8s:l, 48mo. 14. Foregleams of 
 Immortality, N. York, 1884, Kimo. 16. Green Pastures 
 for the Shepherd's Lambs, N. Y'ork, 1884, sq. 48mo. Ifi. 
 (Ed.) Anchorage for the Storm-Tossed, N. York, 1884, 
 16mo. 17. (Ed.) Lift up your Hearts; or, Helpful 
 Thoughts for Overcoming the World, Lon., 1885, Ifimu. 
 18. Honoria; or. The Gospel of Life, N. York, 1885, 24mo. 
 I«. (Ed.) Treasure-Thoughts: Selections from the Writ- 
 ings of F. W, Farnir, ("Si)aro Minute" Ser.,) Boat., 
 1885, 12mo. 2(1. (Ed.) A Year of lileasings and a 
 Blessed Year, N. York, 1885, 24mo. 21. In Quiet and in 
 Confidence: a Heart-to-Heart Diary, N. Y'ork, 1886, 
 Ifimo. 22. (Ed.) Sunrise; or, Easter Triumi)h, Bost., 
 188fi, 24mo. 2.i. A Modern St. Christopher; or. The 
 Brothers, N.York, 1887, l2mo. 24. (Ed.) Thoughts of 
 Beauty and Words of Wisdom; from the Writings of 
 John Ruskin, Bost., 1887, 12mo. 25. (Ed.) Bits of 
 Burnished Gold, N. York, 1888, 4 vols. 48mo. 2B. (Ed.) 
 From Queens' Gardens : Selected I'oems of .Mrs. Brown- 
 ing, Jean Ingelow, and others, N. York, 1888. 27. Rest 
 Awhile, N. York, Isss, 24mo. 28. (Ed.) The Story of 
 Mary the Mother, Bost.. 1888, 12mo. 
 Porter, Mrs. S. K. (Trans.) Martin Bernhard; 
 or, Seed-Time and Harvest, by Franz Hoft'mann, Easton, 
 Pa., I'<s:i, l6mo. 
 Porter, Rev. Seymour Teuloii, [ante, vol. ii., 
 add.,] minister of an Independent church at Darwen, 
 Lancashire, 1836-48, afterwards at (ilasgotr. Last Ser- 
 mons in a Forty-One Y'eivrs' Ministry, Lon., 1873, 12mo. 
 Porter, Thomas. The Student's Guide to the 
 Practice of Italian Architecture. Illust. Lon., 1880, fol. 
 Porter, Rev. Thomas Conrad, D.D., LL.D., 
 [(inlf, vol. ii., add.] With Coultkh, John M., Synopsis 
 of the Flora of Colorado, (Geographical and Geological 
 Survey of the Territories.) Pub. by U. S. Gov't. Wash., 
 1873, 8vo. 
 Porter, William Henry, M.D. A Practical 
 Treatise on Renal Diseases and Urinary Analysis, N. 
 York, 1887, 8vo. 
 Portman, M. V. Manual of the Andamanese Lan- 
 guage, Lon., 1888, 12mo. 
 Posey, S. A. 1. Te.xas Unreported Cases, vol. i. : 
 containing the Consent Cases decided in 1879, 1880, and 
 1881 by tlie Commission Court, St. Louis, 1886, Svo. 2. 
 Te.xas Civil Digest, including Supreme Court Reports, 
 vols, lii.-l.xv., .tc, St. Louis, 1887, 8vo. 
 Posnett, Mrs. (ieorge. 1. The Touch of Fate, 
 Lon., 1884, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 2. On the Square, Lon., 
 1884, p, 8vo. Anon. 3. Her Golden Forget-Me-Not, 
 Dublin, 1885, p. 8vo. 4. Who am I? Lon., 1885, fp. 8vo. 
 Posnett, Ilutcheson iMacaulay, M.A., LL.D., 
 F.L.S., barrister-at-law, professor of classics and Eng- 
 lish literature in University College, .Auckland, New 
 Zealand. 1. Historical Method in Ethics, Lon., 1882, 
 8vo. 2. The Rioardian Theory of Rent, Lon., 1884, or. 
 Svo. R. Comparative Literature. Lon.. 1886, p. 8vo. 
 " We find very little interest In Mr. Posnett's ' Compara- 
 tive Literature.' The orrangenient seems l)y no means 
 well ordered. Heaps of information (not always correct) 
 are 'shot' (like rubliislii all over the place. . . . How re- 
 mote all this is from tlie study of literature!''— .Sa(. Bev., 
 Ixi. 481. 
 Post, Alfred Charles, 1806-18811. With others. 
 Medical Etiiics and Medical Etiquette, N. York, 1883, 
 Post, Iloyt. Michigan Supreme Court Reports, 
 vols, xxiii.-xxxvi., (1871-78,) Detroit, 1871-79, 14 vols. 
 8vo; 2d el. of vols, i.-ix., with Annotations by J. L. 
 Stoddard, Chic, 1882-84. 
 Post, John J. Old Streets, Roads, Lanes, Piers, 
 and Wiiarves of Now Y'ork: showing the Former and 
 Present Names, N. Y'ork, 1882, Hvo. 
 Po»t, Truman A. Missouri Supreme Court Re- 
 ports, vols, xlii.-lxiv., (1867-77,) St. Louis, 1867-78, 23 
 vols. 8vo. 
 Poste, Edward, M.A., graduated at Oriel College, 
 Oxford. 1. (Trans.) Aristotle on Fallacies; or. The 
 Sophist! Elenohi: with Notes, Lon., Svo. 2. (Tran.s.) 
 The Skies and Weather Forecasts of Aratus, Lon., cr. 
 Postdate, J. L. Uinbraa: Poems and Translations, 
 i Lon., 1881, r. 8vo. 
 j Pott, Mrs. Henry. The Promus of Formularies 
 and Elegancies; being Private Notes, eirc. l.iUl, hitli- 
 : erto unpublisheil. By Francis Baoon. Illustrated and 
 elucidated by Passages from Shakspere: with Preface 
 by E. A.Abbott. Lon., 1882, 8vo. (This is intended to 
 I support the theory of the Baconian origin of Shake- 
 j speare's Plays, — jiresumably by the Baconian process at' 
 ' induction.) 
 i " .'^Ix hundred and twenty-eight pages of ' words, words, 
 words,' resulting in nothing."— Sjicctatiir, Ivi. '21)3. 
 Potter, Burton Willis. The Road and the 
 ' Roadside, Bost., 1866, 12mo; 2d ed., 1887. 
 j Potter, Charles Edward. 1. Genealogies of 
 ' some Old Families of Concord, Massachusetts, and their 
 Descenihints in Part to the Present Generation : vol. i., 
 Bost., 1887, 4to. 2. Genealogies of the Potter Families 
 and their Descendants in America to the Present Genera- 
 tion : with Historical and Biographical Sketches, Bost., 
 1888, 4to. 
 Potter, Mrs. Cora Urquhart. (Ed.) My Recita- 
 tions, Phila., 1887, 12mo. 
 Potter, F. W. (Trans.) French Celebrities, as .seen 
 by their Contemporaries : Brief Biographies of French- 
 men of our Day, by Ernest Daudet ond Others, N. York, 
 1883, 12mo. 
 Potter, Frederick Scarlett, b. 1834, at Stoke, 
 near Campden, Gloucestershire; studied art at the 
 Royal Academy; was awarded a medal in 1863. and 
 is a professional sculptor. I. (Ed.) Papers read bcfmo 
 the Associated Arts Institute, Lon., I86i) el Kirj,, Svu. 
 2. Out-of-Door Friends; Habits of Familiar Aninih!-, 
 Lon., 1875, 18mo. 3. Melcoinbe Manor; a Family 
 Chronicle, Lon., 1875, 4to. 4. Eriing ; or, The Days nf 
 St. Olaf, Lon., 1876, p. 8vo. 5. Song-Mead: with other 
 Narratives in Verse, Lon., 1876, 12nio. 6. Heroes of 
 the North : a Story from Norwegian Chronicles, Lon., 
 1876, p. 8vo. 7. Marian and her Cousins, Lon., 187", 
 Uimo. 8. Sam and his Jokes. Illust. Lon., I.'<77, 
 16mo. 9. Old Snowdrop's F'aniily. Illust. Lon., 
 1877, Iflino. 10. A Spring Day's Adventures. Illust. 
 Lon., 1877, Ifimo. II. Frank Newitt'a Fortunes, Ac, 
 Lon., 1877, sq. Ifimo. 12. Cousin Flo, Lon., 1877, 
 Ifimo. 13. The Sexton's Grandsons. Illust. Lon., 
 1877, Ifimo. 14. Tom Farrell's Favourite. Illust. Lon, 
 1877, 16mo. 15. The Holtons. Illust. Lon., 1877, 
 16mo. 16. Cringlewood Court, Lon., 1878, p. 8vo. 
 17. Soon Enough, Lon., 1879, Uimo. 18. Ellin Hollow, 
 Lon., 1880, sq. 16ino. 19. Princess Myra and her Ad- 
 ventures amongst Fairy Folk, Lon., 1880, sq. Kium. 
 20. Rather Too Clever, Lon., 1880, sq. 16mo. 21. 
 Sylvia's Enemy, Lon., 1880, sq. Ifimo. 22. Tabbv's 
 Travels, told by Herself, Lon., 1880, sq. Ifimo. 23. 
 Ambrose Gran; or. With the Buccaneers, Lon., 18>l, 
 p. Svo. 24. The Raven's Nest, Lon., 1881, 12ino. 25. 
 A Wonderful Goldsmith, (Benvcnuto Cellini,) Lon., 
 1882, p. Svo. 26. Drowsy Dell, and other Stories. Lon.. 
 1882, p. Svo. 27. Wild- Goose Chase; or, Adventur.s 
 of Giles Culverwell, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 28. Mark Wc^t- 
 croft, Cordwainer: a Village Story, Lon., 1885, 12iii". 
 29. Tim Yardley's Y'ear : a Book for Country Boys. 
 Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 30. Perseverance and Success; ur, 
 The Story of William Hottnn, Edin,, 1887, 12nio. 31. 
 Andrew Garth's Apprentices, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 Po'ter, Ut. Bev. Henry Codman, D.D., LL.D , 
 son of Bishop Alonio Potter (y. v., ante, vol. ii. ;) b. 
 1835, at Schenectady, N.Y'. ; graduated at the Theo- 
 logical Seminary in Virginia 1857; ordained the sauio 
 The St 
 «r; rector of draco Chiiroh, Now York I<1R9 ai 
 Potior, Ilev. John IlaNini-h m \ ■ . 
 nt Bni8ono«e CoIIoko " sr^ ,' K?''""""' 
 Vicar of lipper T.„Zg ,i„e„ Ms'. [ ..'.''"'"r' '"!"" ' 
 1X79^""'. •*• '""■»""'" -^'"'"orieH, Lon., 
 |oA::,y!Vo;i.l^r";,.,r^»f «"-'•" Way. 
 ! Wonl •■ Jah," I,,,,,., 1S70 i'!,,," ' ^^ ^'"' Wonderful 
 I'"llltlll.y, A. II. "u"" ■ 
 uoliiaiwc, l.ciii., ISMS, 
 (-'oiiliJcntial: a Dramnlio 
 Potter, ilev. Kobert Mar. 
 Inunutabili.rof Xa uro' Goj- '?l?V'" ' "l'""'^ "'" 
 CorroHpondollco between ,S|> U ami J \ r"S" 
 Potter, Samuel O. Lewis. M n i j t i 
 of Comiiaralive TheraneuUcV w th ?'ii 1 " ^"•'*'' 
 Koinancc, |,„„., isss, ,, syu "■"""-'""": » uramntio 
 Pound, Alfred 'John' MA 1. is,^ 
 »t Kxetor Colleg,., Oxford ml .;;,', 1 , ' ' Kr"''""'"-! 
 Iiri.i«l. (iufana, I,,',,';. Isss. .s;:,/''" '^'"K"'"^'"' Uw of 
 w"""o;s^J. *' •^^"'"''^•'■"'ro, an.1 l,o„ it aro.e. 
 U»!l":t'.,*i;,.„.!'';s1f /:i;" »f Wes.eyan Rule. an.. 
 Powell, Aaron Maey, b, ]sn2. in rii„t,m v v 
 l'rm,ri,.tors, I,„n., IS87, Svo' ""''"'''«"' ""^ Ne>v«f„i,,er 
 Powell, Rev. Arthur Herbert. M A t t ii 
 ^ "p»we;y"';iii^rT''^'^^'"^ itji^'Cnr/is;!: 
 : Bens c il""vi« ^H?"'*' '«•»?"■' C.r.E., of ,ho 
 { ■i;^nure of Iiriti.!i;^„d „" kt ^^ '/tr "," M ''""'} 
 I of Jurisprudence for Fo're,t (Cjr cllll ,^a %.o"T^ 
 ScTi,,ture, 1,0,;! fsse p 8v« ''" "'" "-J Ancient 
 • ouell, Frederick VurL- {i * 
 r.u-1 . „, '. ■•="ciii,K lorh, M.A., graduated at 
 a"e"n Cro^'fo^^ii""""','"" "^ ^""^ »°<' Composition 
 uritn Lropa lor »ilage, I,on., ISSli, 8vo. 
 Potter, Thomas, dork of works tnV^^-j i lu 
 4":;;4;,.r.™",;;:! ?;;:'".•,;''""• -» ""•«"- 
 w ,, "' "^'*' James Henry. DD h irjs , 
 or Light on the^rat'F'„ll^"kil :.'^S ^Sv^^^V 
 The Sp.rxual Lile: its Nature and Excell^ce; N York 
 Anrer":'Lfn:Vsst''".vl""'>'*r-. \^r" f- 
 Potwin, Rev. Thomas Stoughton. The Tri- 
 : Kn«li,l, nuuny fr^L^^^.^ r^-,?;^^;;^' "f "^^-f 
 I hey dressed, wl at w , ,, ns^ "^i,"' /'""e, 'ived in, how 
 lie same time "tten I "dirSe i^^'"' '''"' ^'! i""'"' '" 
 jeets." AV,.., xliii. Iq ""^'^'■"-'J '" '"ore difflciilt sub- 
 I88i 1'-mo "'i 'mir'? ^^j"'"'" "'eConquen.r, Lon., 
 Kev.Z,fe'''poi'e,n2f 'vol-i"?"*"-' ^-^-S- -" "^ 
 Fmin.liillnni.: with PmotlcttI Illu«tn.tinn« of Itokted I I'owcr, E. Outlines of AihmhiI nii.i .Mojiioviil 
 I'IcrH ii» liillowoillii (iiicii)to, tiy K. Iliuiiniinn I rovltod, Hint ■ 
 N. York, inri) 
 Svo ; nnv nl., imiI., Is-* I. 
 I.HSI, |>. Hvcl. 
 Powell, llfv. Ilnrciiiirt MorU'y It<nac, uriul. ! 'lurintf ihr sioK<', I 
 CMver, I'miik. r,ntler» fnun Klimt.m 
 imti'il at Tiliiiiv CiilK'nc DiiMin, Is; 
 rdiiiiif'l Ih:;); 
 l.sxfi, p. Hn 
 III, written 
 I'owtT, Irt-dciitU lli'lili 
 iitt, I'll. I)., h, i,sj:i, lit 
 viuar (jf \V(,llii, kIik'u ISHl. j. Sntirr iin.l tliu Sat- j llu.l.-oti, .\,V., i,'iii.Ium|c.1 mi ihu l'liiliicii-l|,hi'iv CoIIck. 
 KivMit ('(iiirojr: ii Nnvol, Dublin, IHSL', or. of I'lmi' 
 •d.. h 
 ."liiili.'il nt .■^IhicImii' 
 I'owt'll, lliirriut l<'. 1. (Triinn.) Tliu Ducliliulzc^ fiiiiitiii. "(Tr 
 |ilinrmiii',v iiiiil iniiti'riii iiicilii'ii in llir l' 
 k; |iri)fcji.<or of 
 in Italy, liy Julius Stinili., I 
 Cl'mii.".) Friiu Williuliuiii 
 -kctoliefl of liurllii ]Ah', ' l-i 
 iieliona IliiikH, I'liaiumconnoslii'ally 
 siilcied, liy I'. .\. Kliluliigor : willi Satii^, Pliilii., ISHJ 
 by .luliuH Stitidc, r.cjn., I.s,h;, |,. Hvo. a. (Irnns.) One I'owpr, Iliirript. How sin. wi> Kiui,|,>v imd 
 of r.-., by Ossip S.liiiMr, hun., IXf^S, p. Svo. Amu.'' r Inviili,!- ? I ., |.S7;i, pjuio. 
 ipli'n of (llu.-s- ' I'owtT, Henry, K.ll.t'.S., [.tui,, vol, ii., third „{ 
 id SIkicI iili"<«, by 'J'"' »"i"i'. add.,) b. |s:".l: prol'c,>>'iii- cjf physiology nt th» 
 I'owell, llriiry J. Tlir Piin 
 Makinu; |al*M| 'I'rcntHu on I 
 01., IMS:', p. Kvo; I'hiiii., issa, {■: 
 VUtf Ol.isi', by ]|. C. Itiiyal t'ollui;i! of X'.'tiTiiiiiiy Sur^'ooiis.' 1. ('Trana., 
 .Maniiil of lluiimn and Coiiipanitivi! Ilintology, by ,S. 
 "owrll, John J. 1. Tho (Joldon Statu and itr» lio- I ■'^'riuki.T and otli.r.-. X. Voik. I.ST.'i. bop. M 
 somvfs, .<an Knin.. 1S75, ll'nio. 2. Nevada : tho Land ' ""^n'" "'' 'l"i"ii" I'liy.ii.logy. Illust. I,.,n., Iss;), |2i..,., 
 of Silver, ,'<:in Kniii.. I -i'll, Svo. | -'' "''•• ''*^'''' ^*'i'b riKi.n, Ukoiiob 1'., and DiiisroWK, 
 I*owcli, John Wesley, I'll. D., I-I.D., b. isa I, at '',""" '^- ■^'•"- t'^"-"^- Tho .Management of the Kvo, 
 Mount .Morrbs .\.V. ; oducated at Illinois und Whoaton i '''"i': '""' '''bloat, I.on,. Issfl, p. ,sv 
 ollefiex; Hor\ed in the civil war 
 iiiiduutod too 
 Kystomatle .survey of Colorado; ilircotor of the I'.S. (Jo 
 ological Survey cinco 18S1. I. K.vploration of tho Col- 
 orado Hiver of tho W' and its Tributaries, !S«l)-72, 
 Wash., 1S7,-), 4t(). 2. Uoport nn the (Jeolcpgy of the 
 Kasterii Portion of the Uinta Mountains, Wsh., IS7(!, 
 4to. ;i. Keporl on the Lands of the Arid UeKion of the 
 Vniled States, Wash., Is7i|, |to. -1. tntroduution to tliu 
 Study of Indian l.anguogi's : with Word.s, Phrases, and 
 Sen ir'os to bo oolb'cted. Wash.. 1881), Ito. 
 I'owell, Joseph. Two Years in the Pontifical 
 Zouaves, I, on.. If»71. Svo. 
 l*owcll, Kichara Donglas, M.D„ F.R.C.P., 
 fhysioian extraordinary to the 
 lospital for t'onsumplion at lIroni| 
 Principal Varieties of Pulmonary Consumption, l,oi(., 
 1872, p. Svo. 2. On Diseases of the Lungs and Pleuno, 
 including Consumption, Lon., 1878, Svo j ad od., enl. and 
 illust., 1SS6. 
 Po-.^ell, Robert KlephcnNon Smyth Uadeif. 
 1. Ue'onnoissinKx' and Scimtinji, Lon., IsSI, l2nio. 2. 
 Cavalr.; Iiistruution : a Manual for tho Use of Offloers, 
 Lon., 188.-), so. hhno; 2d ed., 18S(1. 
 Powell, Kev. S. \V. (Trans.) Tho Forest waters 
 the Farm ; or, The Value of Woodlands as Reservoirs, by 
 Antoine Itousset, N. Y'ork. 188(i, 12iuo. 
 Powell, T. The Larger Hope: or. Salvation for 
 All. Lon., Issi, Svo. 
 Powell, T. W, Analysis of American Law, Phila., 
 187(1. Svo. 
 Powell, Rev. T. W. Church Order in Worlt and 
 W'orship, N. York, lsS8. IJ.uo. 
 Powell, W. linden*. Canoe Travelling : Log of 
 a Cruise on the lialtie, I.on.. IS71, 8vo. 
 Powell, W. J. Taohyhippo.lamia; or, Tho Art of 
 Training Horses. Phila., Is72, 12mo. 
 Powell, Wilfred, F.U.O.S. Wanderings in a Wild 
 ISS8, svi 
 l>. The Truck Acts, 1S37 and 1881, 
 I'ower, J. Ii. The Kpidcmio of IS78 in Missis- 
 sippi : Keporl id' the Yellow "-'ever Relief Work, Ac, 
 Jackson, l.'^"il. Svo. 
 Ptiwer, John. A Handy IJook about liook". for 
 Hook- Lovers. Lon., 1S71, Svo. 
 Power, John C. Abraham Lincoln. Maps and 
 llliist. Cliic, ls7.-,, or. Svo. 
 Power, Rev. Philip llennctt, .M.A., [iini<; yn\. 
 ii., add..) (.'raduated at Trinity College, Dublin, I8ta; 
 orilaincd ls4jj morning lecturer at All Saints' and St. 
 Augustine's, Lambeth, Isss. I. Abbey Wood Tracts, 
 ry to the i|ueeii; physician to tho j ''""•' "*""' '''^""'' -■ Tho Hag of lllossings ; or, The 
 ilion at Uronipton. I. On tho '^'"K'ng '»i''ir, Lon., 1870. ISoio. a. Ilreviatcs : Short 
 Texts and their Teachings, Lon., ls"l), p. Svo. 4. 'I'lio 
 ."Man without a .Master, 1 ., 1S7(), ISmo. :i. The Feet 
 of .lesus, in Life. Heath, Resurrection, and Olory, Lon., 
 1872, p. Svo. (i. The Stone of tho Wanderer, Lot'i., 1872, 
 a2mo. 7. Tho Sick-lieds of the Saints tho Flower- 
 Reds of Ood, Lon., 1877, ISmo. 8. The Sick .Man's 
 Comfort-Book, Lon., 1877, ISmo. 1). Little Kitty's 
 Knitting-Necillcs, and The One Moss Rose, Lon., !8s2, 
 ISnio. lU. My Soul! (" Heart-Chords,"; Lon.,' 1 Us.'!, 
 32mo. 11. The Further Proceedings of Mr. Truffle, 
 Lon., 1885, Svo. 12. The Cup and Kiss, and other 
 Sketches, Lon., 1888. p. Svo. 
 Power, Victor U'Uonovan. Ronnie Dunravc : 
 a Story of Kilcarrick, Lon., ISSI, 2 vid.s. 
 Powers, Rev. Ilorntio \el8on, D.D., Umio, 
 vol. ii., add.,) I82(i-ISi'(i, b. at Ainenia, X.Y. ; gradu- 
 ated at Union College ISoO, and nt thctjeneral Seminary 
 of the Protestant Kpisco|ial Church, New York ; rector 
 of Christ Church, liridgeport, Conn., 1876-84, and of 
 Christ Church, Piermoni, N.Y., from ISSft. 1. Through 
 the Year, Host., lS7u, Ifinio. 2. Poems, Karly and Late, 
 Chic, 1876, 12mo. a. Ten Y'enis of Song, Bost., 188s, 
 K'mo. With others. Homes and Haunts of our Elder 
 Country; or, Three Years amongst the Cannibals of Now i p ".'" m v /", o',' """ ' 
 Britain, Lon.. ISsa ; new ed., 18SI P".^,'"' N. ^"rk, IS8I, sq. Svo. 
 ;; All that he has to tell Is so interesting, and often so ex- phi,rTs'7V i f.'"'''' 9"".r^ ' 
 citing, that ho ought to obtain many readers. "-.Su(. Jicv., ,,."'".'•' , !.'' ]?'""• ■^- .[^^^ 
 ' Mr. Powell is already known as a Pacille explorer from 
 perscontnbntid to tboiicoKraphical and other soeietioa 
 d llic exceptional leiiKlh of bis resideiiee in a ba-ality 
 little known is New Hritaiii Is an additlonalolaim on 
 our attention."—. !(//., N,i. jiiu' 
 Powell, Mnjor William II., b. 1S38, in Wash- 
 ington ; served in the civil war. Tactical Queries for 
 tlie Infantry : with Answers and E.xplanations : together 
 with Ail Rulings of the War Department, N. Y'ork, ISS4, 
 See Allkx, C. G. B., 
 " Power, Cecil," (Pseud.) 
 Power, D'.Vrcy, M.A., M.B., F.R.C.S., b. 1835; 
 graduated at K.xeter College. 0.xford, IS7S. and in medi- 
 cine 1882; curator of the museum of St. Bartholomew's 
 Hospital ; [irofcs.sor of liistologv at the Royal College id' 
 A eterinary Surgeons. (Ed.) .Memorials of the Craft of 
 Surgery in England : from .Materials collected by John 
 Flint South : with Introiluction bv Sir Janie- Pairet 
 Bart., Lon., 18811, Svo. " - *> > 
 "Thisbook isnot a historvof thesuru'ieal art. It re- 
 lates how the profe.s.sors and pructiscrs of siirgcrv reached 
 the organization which they now possess."— .Sijcrta/or Ix 
 (40. • 
 Muskingum Legends, 
 American Merino : for 
 a Practical Treatise. Illust. N. 
 Wool and for Mutton 
 York, 1887, 12mo. 
 Powles, H. II. P. (Trans.) Flour Manufacture: 
 Milling, Science and Practice, Lon., 1887, r. Svo. 
 Powles, Louis Uiston, b. 1842; educated at 
 Harrow, and at Pembroke College, Oxford; called to tho 
 bar at the Inner Temple ISCO; circuit justice in tho 
 Bahama Islands 1887. 1. Practitioner's Hand-Rook to 
 the New Rules, Lon., 1883, l2mo. 2. Sup|ileinent to 
 Browne on Probate and Rrowne im Divorce. Lon., 1884, 
 Svo. a. The Land of the Pink Pearl; or. Recollections 
 of Life in the Rahamas. Man. Lon., 1S8S, Svo. 
 " It is not an exhaustive co- a sclciitiric liouk, and is none 
 the worse lor beiiiK neither; but it is never dull, and lis] 
 olteii extremely entertaining. "-Kohkiit Hrow.n: vlcad. 
 xxxiii. .aas. 
 " He desii-es to dirert attention to certain grave abuses 
 allegeil to thniiighout the Haliamns for the benefit of 
 the i)rivllej,'ed few, and to the oonstaiit spoliation of the 
 colorod inilnstrm! cIhsw funning the bulk of tho pfipiila- 
 lioii.' —Alh., iNii. Sliiu. ' ' 
 Powlett, liieut. Norton. Eastern Legends and 
 stories in English Verse, Lon., 187a, 12mo. 
 Powley, Miss Mary, d. ISSa, let. 70 j a member 
 of a fomily long settled in Cumberland, Eng. j eontrib- 
 Ulna |mp.T»un I!.>r(li.||.in(l lm.lill( 
 I'nici'uilitiKit of iiri'liu.,,|o>{ic'iil 
 11" mill I'liiitiiiiiii 
 III" nil. I TriiiiHlni 
 I' IHil CLiinhiTl;iii,| : | 
 to (he I'riue, K. II. 
 Illlll tM III,' ll 
 Oritlciiil >i 
 I i.rchr 
 ii«irv, iinil ita A 
 I'oyiiili'r, ilcv. < I 
 (,'ftiiM (Jiilk'iti., Ciiinliriili'ii 
 i"ii-. I.iiii., I>7'), I 
 ;"l i"i'l I>ii.-' , I'riiM, .M,N. i;i|,,, '|. 
 •I'H, chii.., imn:, 1^1 
 I'inriU, AI.A., «ia,|„„t..,l at .1, 
 .^..llIC III' liiT liiiiik- III 
 nniimi,) h. in .\ow Vork. 
 of .S(. Amir 
 I.oril's Iliiilv, 1,1 
 iil|.cllcr, llilntol, 
 ''■'; 'iiiliiincl I Mi: 
 itiyiii. of "lioioilini Al 
 l"fll |llllill>llr.| |it„|,.r (1„ 
 fUlL'O ISNli 
 c'linito lie, Host., IS7.t, | 
 Tho IS74, irtii 
 P(>.vnH«r, i:cl\vnra.l..liu, H.A., h 
 »tuilii'il iirl in l.iiiiil 
 till' Uoyiil Aniili.' 
 Ill iiii'l I'lirii; I 
 >■ l^in. In I'liiini 
 Willi,. |{,iii,|. 
 ■1. A I. ink' W: 
 \ iJIH-hM 
 I. All 
 ^". mill I'll 
 iiy ill Isrtii, 
 iirt III I'ni 
 ■viMiiu' iin iinKoi'iiitoof Mil 
 iiKt'liil'iir Tu-Whit lloir 
 lift., I" 
 iiicinlpi'i- In KS7tl ; 
 the Niilliiniil Alt i 
 1110 tiiiiu iii'i 'liiei'i 
 vriily Coll.'^,,., |,„„,|„ 
 '.TIIS I till 
 11. liniiiiliiiii Ci 
 .Mi„, llur.l'- .\ 
 l!.'.-l.. llln 
 H'lMt.. l>7t!, 
 li.v'.- Il..u,...|ii,|,|. Il|,i,t."lli„i 
 |l".'<t ivllil'll 111. 
 Il« ■"'olliiiil III Soiilli 
 I- nil. I iiiiiii.ipul ,,f |i| 
 •<. <liioil-foi-.\.,i|i 
 iiiK I'lill.v, 111 
 rfiiKiu..! in l.ssl. 'i\.,, | 
 I', .Mls< Alidcliii'f 
 """• lilll-f. D.iMl., i',. 
 I'Ih'M' li'i'liiro, will 
 y |.i.iii|iii).oil fur ihi' I 
 2.1 e.l., issil. 
 wiiiH'sun Alt, 1S7.S, Ko. ii; ii,;;; ^j; 
 lllii-l. It.iHi., |>7 
 St., I> 
 . Mil 
 "iiu I- 
 mm 111,, |.'rt.|i,.(i of I'. J 
 III. (Tiiin.-.) I.iitio 
 r tHoc.i.t'ptliii 
 I'liiiiil iir lU.s.iiKli K 
 ii'iii'llt iiliirtMiii|i.|ii» f 
 IM, wi're iirlul 
 »'" Uirln trifil Fm 
 Ims llu'iiliir,' I 
 n till. .>iliii|,. 
 ,'■11 ll"l - Mill ITilili-l 
 i<'_iiiiii ..r 11,,'ii- „„|| 
 I'rntt, !•; 
 "kIiIci-. I. 
 . r.iiima.S. i. Katlr, th,. Fl."lii. 
 <n.. I,'i7«, 1 
 llll'llts llf tl 
 UllsllTl. Illillll 
 'iy»ii..iiii,.ii,is i.,s|„.i,k„i ,1,1 
 I' I'li-i lliiii Mr. 
 II ii> lii.Mnii'iliiii. hrn.ii, ,,,,n., 1,hs|, ,,. fjv 
 ii'i'i'i.iii .'..i.i.... I I. II iww" - . ' . 
 tlmt Ills . 
 iiilviiiitiiKe. — ,Si^ /, 
 i« yl' the li'iiilu'r; 
 .viik'r liiirly ,'„.| 
 meal lulik'v 
 111". .\no 
 'Xliihl. Il,..<t,, 
 riiiiiijf, llii.^t., 
 2. Til,' Klik'st „f 
 vy » Ann 
 MVil,. Ill, 
 mill il is lii'i-f, i|i,,r,.|- 
 111. .'sti.rv i.f 
 , xlvlll. I, 
 rilii' iiru .llsplay,.,|i,, ,1^. | 
 iii'y's 'I'Mist, 1,1 
 11 Sister's [nil 
 Anmi. I. Uorothy X'imiIiIh 
 "iii'ni'i', l,on., I.s.s,'), i;i 
 With llK.M), 1>. H., Itiiliiin i', 
 I'oyntiT, .Miss Kicniior f 
 or, |inii;^'i.,| 
 l.v-i;, I 
 tlo l.aily, I 
 icre arc 1','rtaiii k'liiali' I'l 
 A 11.111. 
 mi., I --.111, 
 «i'.| in llii. Iiiist, 1,011., I 
 I'l. Till' Uoyul Diinner 
 l.oii., |s7 
 "'anioan I 
 A (J 
 iiiiiiiir iinil Dictinniirv of 
 mi«ii"Ko, Kilitt'il l)v S. ,1 
 "I'lii' llist instill 
 rcniiiiiiiiiiuufiiiiiiiii,, ,;,■;■;;:„,.•,;•;"''';"•; '" ii,""'is wiiU'i, 
 fre.-ii, siiiiiii,', y,'', ..I'K'. ,1 1, '';,,.'■;;.' '-.^ i'^'ha..- 
 ari-li,' anil iiii,.,,., |v wiu ■ \^ Mv ?i '' '"'"^'V't- 
 (lianii'l.'riiflliisiiii'ii/i'.iik, ki'ii'ii' ' •V,.|""S V" > '•* " 
 rliarmliiK: .iniHlv tulf ,,,, til ,i, ;,■ .-'I".' ivlmk' Imuk is 
 lit I, lit)!!., I ■^>,), J VO .J. 1). Svo ^ Tl... \i- 
 Cathorinc. Iion., IS.Hfi, 2vu'i: cr ivo "'"'' "' 
 PoyiitiiiB, Hev. C. T., .mi'l Q,„.n/er. I' 
 rrans.) A History of .Ve„ Te.s.aiiK'iit 'fiiio's 1,', \- 
 Hausnuh.- 11,0 Times of ,Jes„«, L„„., l^^TH^^u] s.ot 
 I'oyiitiiiB, Rev„ Thomas Klfonl, r,,,,^. vol il 
 aiUI.,] a I nitiuian niinisler in Uiieaslii e !,'„; His" 
 toryof .Monlon riiapc'l. I,>;7.0 " '"" 
 ,., r"V'"l"ri""*'- '"'•a"C's John, M.A., ,.iii,i,„„„| 
 K.xcor C illeye, O.xfor.l, IS.",,,; onlaiiie.l i;.,! ," ,, 
 , n! ^I'lhoT "f- '•"•;"«"l"Ki-l Meiiioran, ' 
 I-raod, Mrs. K. .mI, (ia',.'; .b .rT'Au; 
 A«.n;a,ia„ LL'e,ro-,i.,-rsV '3'^|.':,"'VrTo"-' ^l x'T' "'' 
 >l.o '^tuily of a Woman, Lo'n, " '^ 2,0. er Sv^,' 1""^ 
 i ;:of '; t, ''I" ^.""■■>' "'■ •■''"'""™. Li.n., IS.x::, 
 M,,?l' , ,• "«*"«■'•. ''"^87. 3. Zero: a ,Story of 
 Station: an Australian Novel, Ln l8sV 'i iM 
 :;;• cr"s '""' fn^' WeiUock: a N^vI t. .,7,!^V"o 
 .hm'te^ on Knglish Mi.sie hy'the lit or. 7 """""" 
 f'ratt, Rev. Charles Tinlndv vr i i . , 
 .-t ^ue^'s College, Oxl^U, l^ol! "^^^i'^f TI™:' vl :' 
 "f Cawthornc since 1S74 A li;«,„-„ f n 'u 
 Rarnslf-y, lS-2, ;<vo Wi?tory of Cawthoine. 
 ,nn^'i'*M' P5"'^' Johnson, 1 827-1. SS4, b. at West • 
 loreland N.Y. ; graduated at Hamilton College Sol 
 Tj^ZT"t '"T'"^ •" ""-" ™«^"'' »f the Universi ; ' 
 iiieiit.if Mil. series of pulv in ii,,vels wlilc.h ',",'!,''" "'"' ViiriilMilarie«, i.f whirl 
 slim 1. 
 eViii,,; ■'■•'■iiiuiu-. 1.1 wiiii.i, Mr, Wliiimee H'iii iir'l'he 
 m' imituan, :\' ;i '^,,: ,1 '"' !: '-'''I'l.l l.'i iii, mIviii'!!;: 
 ■■-iii'i..iii. Mini ."i .,„',! if/^^ "''"'■ ,""■, '■:iiKii>ii- 
 jo->.i.,;rAiii;a,i:i,n.,;i^s i;!^''"''' '""• «"•"■" ^ "--. 
 on I he Names of tho 
 ioniiin reiiilereil Into 
 n.l Notes, l,on., I^.s], 
 I'eily IS7X 2. Tho ,S,ii,. of - 
 biit,'li.-h\erse: wnh Introiliietion 
 e- fV7^'';!^;^•'■''f |::'-'''l'"^^''''-Hib'esto;:;:;; 
 .. Ni, ll'ii,,,. ,(. 'letiire.l.and Series for lioys 
 ,.,.•;,.,;•' "'.?: *1' """"• ■>■ I'icture-I.and .S'lici 
 I I s 's-' "7;; '; '- "'• i'""'"' '■ *'''il>'- World Mhrii V 
 V rk" h> '-' H, •■"'•. """."• '■'• "''•'■ Inheritance, N 
 V ■ ss"/ ""• "■ '""""'""kes from Santa's I,an>l N 
 I'lati, n,.v saniui'l Wheeler, b. mn, at 1,1- 
 then lit M..ri,e Mieh. 1 A^;::n!i;;;:; p^^;;^ .^^ 
 VrUlleVv' ll'^r'' .«'"«"" t'ooper, U.A. I. Field 
 i^!^iL^'Lon'.7i;;!r'v;m;;'' '^''^r^'-'V'"'' .■'''''^•'"^' 
 M™:'"":.,"'^^*r; e;^ "^f'""' '"""'" '- ^"""« 
 iii!*t""i!":,'^?^,;';v,?'^ """""'' ^'^- ^'— 
 diemo?'''v!V'i""'f,'' .•'"■•v T."?'y ^'''"^ ''i'h 'he In- 
 aicmor . m,|. i. ; .i,\ eil., .N. ^ ork, l.sgi;, Svo 
 ..•^'■^^'"f' Kenr-Admiral George Henry, isiei- 
 ISn.i, b. at Portland, .-Nle. ,■ entered the navy a- a inirf 
 tain isfi- ?" ;-'■ '•"'"' ' ^•""""i.-.'^ionod as eap. 
 ain l,v6,,eommodore 1,^71, rear-admiral 1,><7H; retiill 
 r K • • *'',"? "f "'« "^l^^'l !^'i'"»ier«f War" tire L" 
 Lambn, ge, .'<62 •> The Proi.u r -i ■ . """o. 
 Host Kin •' p- T'n . , " '■"""'.v in Amor ca, 
 Host.. I Mis. .„ First Cruise of the U.S. Frigate '• Essex," 
 'm?:',]'!'!' ^•J'|;''-{"fVh;n;;or;heuni;;;d 
 . ol Amenra, .Naval and Vaelit Club Signals Seals 
 Ch'r„n[Z n """^'"r' '-""S-f the United .^at'iwi'h 
 AncieT a'''Pvr",''"''\'''"''''"''«' J^^nn^rs, and Flags of 
 Preble, M illlam Pitt, son of W. P. Preble, 

 {iiiiir, viil. II.) 1. I'ueiit (.no Imlux : I.IkI <if rixi't I b. iM.ln, nt Kiiigi-ton, N.It. ; fduciitp.i nt iirlviite kIuioUi 
 re|>iirtKtl In Sliito iiml Kwlcriil Ki'|»irts \MiWt I'litciit miiifrlntiiidfiit ..f (lie \Vi.8lorii Unlun 'lulcumiili ('(im. 
 CiiioH, iinil I'lilont Ollico Umelle: with SynnpM* n( Lnw |p«ny I MID, miil nlBctii iiii IxflW; pri'»li|cnl nl' tlii' A 
 Piilnti, llnni., IsMi, r.>iji(). 2, ('.i||i,.iun« in I'nilud j iciin Toli'iilmnu (OiniMiny I'<71»-nL' : Inik iiiml 
 SliileB U'lilura 
 H n I.Mt 111' All tlio Cii.«c< (liMlileil liy ; liivontiniii. I, Tliu I 
 u niuiici'iiiH 
 the Siijiri'iiio Couri dI' i'.i" Unili'il Sliili>.< iinulvinn Mivrl- 
 (lniMili',1, It.isl., I'-SIl, :'llll 
 • : WK.i II Uriel' f<ynci|j«iH c.f ilm IN 
 I'rrcc)', Williuin lluiiry, unl f.lvi-wriglit 
 1IIII>H. Tt'Iixmiiili V- 1 •• 'I'ovt. H....lfa/ ..I' C..i»i,,... " 
 1^711, I'J 
 Hni|.hy, I" Tc\t-llimkl' ijf Hi'ionuu,") 
 Ml., ISNT 
 yii'etX I'hIiin nf lh« 'reli'){rii|ili 
 iiii'l ri.Krul Sy:.toiiM, N. V..rk, IHtUi. 2. Tlii' (lour 
 iiii'iit uii'l III* 'ri'l»t{rii|>li, l!47 
 io 'I'lleKriihli, llliint. N. Ycjrk, I 
 .; I.:.,.- 'i'„i... I 'IV. n.:.. _ iki. 
 Klfctrlclty nnil tlio 
 l>ri!ii(l)!rt{ii>it, ii. \i, A C< 
 till' lliii'l uf 11m 
 iiiplete Ciincunlitnco Io A|>|iliriilliin, Triiii»iiilH» 
 Siic'iikiinj l'olc|.hiiiiu, Tiilkiiin l'lH)iici|{ri>|ih, iiml 
 itluT hlui'Ulu Niivellies. IIIiikI. N. V(.rk, IX7H, 8n.j 
 nuw cl., IS7II. ,'i. Ityniimii-Klcctrloiiy : It.. (Icncnilloii, 
 ti>ni)((', mill Mi'ii.iiiri'inuiit. 
 l*riMidcrKH»l, John l»ntrii'k,[.ni/e, vol. li., mill.] lux Ti'li'iihiinc ; ii^i Invcni 
 N. York, I ^.M, Kvii. II. IIcII'h KIcetrii' H|HMik- 
 tri'laii'l I'l tliu Ku^tiinitiiiii tn tiiii Kcviiliitli 
 III, Iflllll 
 ion, CoHftrui'llon, Aiijille 
 IrtlMl, Lon., ls>t7, Svi). Ami tvo II vi.i.iinv, Chaiilks, m 
 I'rcilth'n, li«v. (i<-orRf, I).l)..l). is.ii, i,t Orafto 
 .Mi'lliii list K{iisi'o|iiil iniiiiHttM' l> 
 in Wi'sU-ynn I'nivordity. ' 1. (Triinn.) It 
 nuvorul ipii.<tonito.i i iiroro».*)r oC ino li'ni liingimKiis 
 I Itiily 
 nl tlip 0|ii'riiii){ of ilio (Keiimcnioiil t'oum'il, by K. il'_ 
 I'ro.-si'iMo, .\. York, I>70. l2uio. :'. Tlio Lifo i.l' (Jillni-t 
 lliivon, lllnlioii of tliu .MothoaUt Kiiis lopiil Church, .V. 
 York, |s,s;i, mvo. 
 I'rnitlce, II. Don Iliirton, N. Y'ork, 1887, 12mo. 
 I'reiiticc, Nainiifl, (i.e., [, 
 ciilli'il III Iho bur itt llii' .Mii|illi> Ti' 
 county iMiurlM aineo Issi. I. |>i 
 in the (^iit'on's lioneh, I,on., Is 
 III, .Moilllluutlon, nml illxtory, llluit, N. Yurk, Inttl, 
 I'rfdcott, llfv. (ieorgc Frederick, M.A., urml- 
 iiiiti'il, Hr.-t clu^:' ('1m»*, Trip., iil 'rriiiity Cullugi', I'liin 
 lir|il((c, IS.'iii ; onliiintiil IS, 
 All Angi'ls I'liililinnliin, Hiiiiii ISlll. I. Short ,'<(ir 
 vii'iir ol' ,>*t. iMii'liM'l iiiifl 
 IMI7, \i 
 llinilraiiecs lu Spiiituul |,i|'(i: 
 l.ciil'turii', I, on.. IS7;t; ni'iv ej., 1.S7U, p. 8vg, :). 
 Coiniiicl.s on I'riiver, liOii., 1,^7.',. 
 i>rt'*<o<itt, Vi'ii. ,l<>liii KiiNtncp, D.D., [miii', vol. 
 11., mill..] giniluiiicil atCurpuK Clin-li Colli'Xf, <'iunbrlil){i 
 vol. ii.. 
 111 eli'i'ti'il Kt'll 
 ■ilniiicil I sis ; vifar of .St. 
 wiiril's, Cmnhriilgo, l.silS-71, ami of .'Jt. .MaryV, (.'ar- 
 |ilo |s):l; Jiiilgit of ' lislv, I877-79; ninon of C«rll»lu tinue Is7(», ami arch- 
 'eoilin;;^' in ai. Aution 
 2il I'll., issil, sv 
 Proeeiliiru ami Kviilnnoo relating to fii li.'tiihle (Jlfvi 
 I'reiiliH!!, .Urd. Rliznbelli I'liys 
 ii., I'liKNTiss, .Mils., aiM 
 (i Ii. I', 
 Oil, [l(ll/<-, vol. 
 larriuil, 1843, to 
 I. iiittle I'reaohcr, X.York, isfi; 
 ilhiio. 2. Kreil, Maria, and .\Io, \. Y'ork, 1S(17, lilmo; 
 new eil., ISSil. 3. Mttio l.ou'.i Sayin;{,-< an I IJiiinR'. X. 
 York, 1S8S, l2ino; now od., l.SSl. 4. 01.1 Umwn I'itohor, 
 X. York, ISIIS, 121110: new ed., |s7i!. 3. Nidwiirlh and 
 Ilia Three Manii' Wand.i, Uojt., ISiii), liimo. II. .Stepping 
 Heavenward, X. York, 1 siil), l2iiio: Hh ed., IH7I 1 ihmv 
 I'd., ISSI. 7. The Story Li/./.iu told, X. Y'ork, IS711, Ip. 
 •'^vo. H. The I'urcys, X. York, IS7,), jfiuio. «. ,si.x l.ittio 
 1'rinoeii.ies. Illust. X. Y'ork, |S7I, Iflnio. 10. Aunt 
 .lane's Hero. \. York, IS7I, 12ino. II. (ioldni Hours: 
 llyiniis and .Soiijjs of the (.'hristiau Life, X. York, lS7:i, 
 l2ino. 12. llrlwiii'' and his Frieiid.s. Mv Cni^in Su.^an. 
 X. Y'ork, IS71, IL'Mio. 1;!. " Kollow .He," mid other 
 Stories, I4011., 1H7.-,, ISmo. II. Christians in Counsel; 
 or. The Pastor and liis Friends, IS73, 12ino. l.i. Homo 
 at (ireylock, X. York, l.s7il, Ilimo. 1(1. Pemaiiuid : a 
 Story of Old Times in Now England, X. York, 1S77, 
 l2ino. 17. Oentleinan Jim. X. York, 1S7S, :;2im). IS. 
 Avis Benson: or. .Mine an 1 Tliiue, and other Sketches, 
 X. Y'ork, 1S71), 12ino. 111. How Sorrow was changed 
 into Sympathy: Words of Cheer for .Mothers bereft of 
 Little Children. N. York, ISsj, l2iiio. 
 I'rentiSM, Kcv. (ii>orgc Lewis, D.D., h. isirt, 
 at (iorhani, .Me.; graduated at liowdoin College ls:i."i, 
 and studied at Halle and Uerlin; professor of pastoral 
 theology, church polity, and mission work in the Union 
 Theological Seminary, Xew Y'ork, since 187.'i. 1. Our 
 National Uano; or, Dry- Rot in Amoric:in Politics; a 
 Tract for the Times touching Civil Servii-. Ileform, N. 
 York, 1877, 12mo. 2. (Ed.) Life of Sc.rgent Smith 
 Prentiss, X. York, 1S79, 2 vols. 12mo. .3. Life and Let- 
 ters of Klizabeth Prentiss, X. Y'ork, 1S.S2, or. 8vo: 
 cd., I.S87. ' 
 Prentiss, J, 
 Lon., 18711, 12iiio, 
 Prescott, Albert Itin.iainin, h. 1832, in Hast- ' 
 ings, X.Y. ; graduated iii ilio .Mcdii'al Department of 
 the University of Miohigan ISiit: dean of the School 
 of Phariuaey, University of Michigan, since 1876. 1. 
 Outlines of Pro.vimate Organic Aimly.«i.", X. Y'ork, IS75. | 
 2. Chemical Examination of Alcoholic Liquors- a' 
 Manual, X. Y'ork, I87.i, 12iiio. :;. First liook in (^uali- , 
 tativo Chcmi.<try, X. York, ls7i), 12nio. 4. Organic 1 
 Analysis: a Manual of tnc Discriptive and Analvtical I 
 Chemistry of Certain Carbon Compounds in Common j 
 Lso, 1887. With Doifii,.xs, Silas II., (Qualitative Chem- 
 ical Analysis, Ann Arbor, 1874; 4th ed 
 Johnson,) X. Y'ork. 1888. 
 i-frsctrii, C. l:i» Tii« ^'.tiiing-ljoat ami 
 agement, X. Y'ork, 188.'!, 24mo. 
 Prescott, E. (Trans.) Odette's Marring 
 bert Delpit, ("hie. 1880, 12ino. 
 Prescott, George Bartlctt, [ant. 
 leaeon since 1883. I. Evory-Day Scripture DillliMillies 
 Lxjilained ; Part II., Oospels of St. Luke and St. .lolm. 
 Oxt„ ISdIl, 8 
 )ireaclieil before the I'ni 
 2. The Threefold Cord: Se 
 isns, 12m 
 ity of Cnnihridge, L( 
 .'!. (Trans.) The Statutes of the Cathedral 
 (.'liurch of Ciirlisle: with Iiitroduction and Xotes, ls7il, 
 4. Christian Hymns and Hymn-Writers: 11 Course of 
 Lectures, (,'ainbridge, Iss.'i, p. 8vo; 2d ed„ enl., 188B. 
 5. Visitations in the Ancient Dloceso of Carliile: a 
 Charge, Lon., Iss8. 
 Prescott, P, Moral Education ; with n Prelim- 
 inary Lssiiy, Lon.,'i, p. 8vo. 
 I'rescott, Hev. 'riiomils, M.A., griiduated at 
 Trinity College, Dublin, Islli; ordained ls3ll; vicar of 
 Caddington since I8II2. Christianity made Science; or, 
 A Life's Thoughts, Ac, Lon., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 Press, >V. II. Victurhin Triumphs : a Jubilee 
 ISoail-lioll, Lon., 1887, l2mo, 
 Preston, Ilcn. Dialect nml other Poems: with a 
 (ilossary of Iho Local Woiils, [by W. U. Hird,J Lon. and 
 llradforil, lS8l. 12nio. (The dialect employed in these 
 poems is tliat of lirndford, York; hire, and its neiglibur- 
 "There Is not a diulcct poem In the book from which 
 we should not like tu quote."— Joh/., xx, ;17U. 
 Preston, l>. S. Columbus ; or, A Hero of the Xeiv 
 World: an Historical Play, X. Y'ork, |S87, 12mo. 
 Preston, K. Unclaimed Money : Handy Hook for, Ac, Lon., Is7,s, gni. 8vo ; new cd., 18s;l. 
 Preston, lOlliott >V. Lord Byron Vindicated. 
 liy Manfred. Lon., 1 871!. 
 Preston, Mrs. ti. J, Wcstorleigh, and other 
 Talcs, Lon., 1S73, l2iiio. 
 Preston. .'♦liss Harriet Waters, [miii; vol. ii , 
 add..] b. abm;t l84.'i, at Daiivers, .Mass. ; educated ehiclly 
 at home : a frequent contrihuior to the Atlantic Monthly. 
 I. lTr:iii-.) Writings of Miolame Sophia Swetchiii'e. 
 Editeil by Count do Falloiix. Host., 18(i9, liinio. 2. 
 Asjiendale^ Host., 1871, ilimo, ;{. (Trans.) Memoirs of 
 by C. A. Sainte-Bcuve. 
 the Nineteenth Century : 
 1873, Iflmo. 5. (Trans 
 ---, --.. , , llimi 
 Marie de Pontoise, and other Poems, j .Madame Dcsbordes-Valinon 
 Bi -I., 1872. Ifimo. 4. Lovi 1 
 " Fragment, Bost. and Lon 
 Aareio: a Provcnjal Poem, by F. Mistral, Bost., 1S73, 
 liJino ; new cd., IS74. 
 "In the matter of metre she has chosen wiselv. . . . 
 often iiriulucing nn cHect of nicludloiis eiw wh'ich it 
 would 1 t tje easy til siiri.nss. . . . • Miivio.' us wc have il 
 ill the viiliitiic bel'nrc lis. is a distinct addition to the liter- 
 ature of the Kiiglish laiigiiu(.'c."— .Vc'n'or. xlvl. .''ill. 
 Ii. Is That All ? (•' Xo Name" Ser.,) Host., I87tl, Iflmo. 
 7. Troubadou.s and Trouveres, New and Old, Bost., 
 18711, sq. 12ino. 
 ..Ill, iw n ! "T'le work which ha.s hroiiijht this school prominciitlv 
 Hitn Otis (^.'before the public is Mistral'.s ' Mircio,' which was trans". 
 Inted in 187:! by Ml-s Preston. . . . The favnraldc rcccntion 
 its .Man- i "' 'bU Work led tin- tiaiisialur to cominue iicr simiic 
 I this Held, and she tins cmbudled the results of thcin In a 
 ,, pleasant series of papers on .Mistral's ' falciidaii.' Theo- 
 '»'■ I dore .\ubancl, Jaciiucs .lasiiiin. the 'Songs of the Tronba- 
 I dours," and the ' .\rthuriiid,' "—.\utiim, xxiv. 118. 
 1. ii.,add.,] I 8. (Trans.) Biography of Alfred de Mnsset, by Paul 
 " II l» 11 Ni;w-W.,rl.| n.iimiii,., (>,.,. fr,,,,, ,|ie ,|,.„,iiv ,,„„ 
 :P''xxx'''l~' """" """^''■"" '''■'''• '"y'ltm" ..1 U."'" 
 .iroiiK, ,l..ll,a(,., unll V.:T-^Wi! ,11 ' -l, ' '■" ''"'"'""■ 
 Will, DuimK, MiNs I,., The (IminlhiiT,; lly the Au- 
 .iv^'f"'*?'' ""'!'■'"•' **'"*"• """"incnl, lllu,,ra. 
 t vo nf Alll.Ml,',iii l|i,tor.v, hillll-lsil:): „i||, I,,ir,„l,i„ 
 S.M "■^"'""' '"""•"•" ' '■"■'"'•» •■^'■HlKAVKN. MI.S. 
 i'roNtoii, .nr». .>I,,rKnr,.t, (.lunki,,,, r„„,,, ,„,. 
 I ., ...1^1.. b. about ISL'.^ i„ |.|,i|,.,i.l|,l,ia, ilil „f V „ 
 l';/; ','rt,'r '• '"-•■''"'"""■ ^■"- I- ('"rtomH, lio..„ 
 .; ^T ■ .' '""■ ■'• ^ "'""'I'l "iillailn, Hunnels, iin. 
 olher Vorno, llont.. IS.S7, Ifiii,,,. ' ""<»»>""": 
 '■111 twii nr thri'K (if licr 'Col., Ilia: llulhi.U' m.- 
 I'rcstoii, H<>b«rt Arthur llerthoii, M.A., I 
 l"*...-.; Kra.limteil at Kxutor O.illogo, Uxf„r,|, |s7,s. ,.,. Id 
 tlw mr at l.incoln'H In,, lM,s|. Yu,.|,tin« under t<tut- 
 utc: Mai-ilimc l,aw, lor (Jwnora, Lmi., Svo 
 I'rem.ill, S. V. I'a.tur.. Ora-s,.,, „„,i F„ra«e IMaut.^ 
 ,on IS7. Sv,i. 2. Original Kssayn. I.on., ls,S4, ii. ,s " ' 
 ion Ks', ">,'?""'" "'" ■''^""''il iiuH of the .rcxts, 
 Preston, Tlionins. I. The Elementarv E.lm.a- 
 tmn A.t, H,0, ,on isro, ,,. Svo. 2. The School lioa"l 
 <.uhloana Tcaehors Manual, Lon., IS7I, l2ino ') 'I'hf 
 Sujirfmu Court of Judicature Aet of I >7;t r.on ' Isf) i, 
 Hyo. 4. The Vcoiuun of the Uu.inl : their llis't'orv fr'o'u 
 \ ,' "^'^'loL'-"' " C"ncise Account of the 'J-owei- War- 
 dcriH. l.on., ISS;,, p. Svo; 1.M .m1., 18,S7. ;,. The .Iiibil™ 
 ol (Icorxe the Third, October ■.',1, ISO'J, I,on ISS" fi, |to 
 I'reston, llev. Tlioiiins Scott, k'l.lh. [„„>,' 
 vo. M,add.,] b. 1824, at Hartford, Conn.; -r ,1 mtV 
 Tr nl^v College I, s,,,. , ^ ,„., ■„„„^,,',' :.:,;"''/ 
 ratlin "i '"""';'' '\'"'* "*'"• '"'""'"« " «"''>"-' 
 Catholir, ;,nl «,i, „, ; „ncd priust ls5l); pastor of .•<t 
 Alin- ., New ^ork, ninco 1S(I|. and in |NS| ,„,. 
 tT.'"l.l ' '""«""« !'■■«''"» "f the pope's household with 
 th- liile „l Monslgnor. 1. The Divine : a 
 «efK-» ol .Meditations upon the Most .*acred Heart of 
 •'cvu,. N. York IS78, 24,„„. 2. The Divine I'araclete 
 iriiion. upon tho Person and Office of the Holy Oho.n, ' 
 v' V 1,' ?2^;.o"' ■^- '''•""'■•'t"ntisM. and the Bible, 
 N. \ork, IMSO, 12ino. 4. lioil and UeiLson : Lecture 
 Vs"i 1 •'!„!?""'"'' "' " "'' *'''""™' Jt'-'ligi"". N. V.irk, ' 
 T.TZTu' «7:,,**V"'""' ^^■^■' Sradiiated at 
 Trinily ( ollege, Dublin, 1S72: ordained ISii.", ; of 
 Holy Irinity, Kuneorn, since |S72. 1. Popul,,,- (■„,,,. 
 chisiu oi Church and State; 3d ed., Lon., IS7:i svo •> 
 KoMiaiiism weighed in the Balance and found Hantin:/ 
 W. In,.-., l2ino. .'!. Infidelilv Contested, 1S81 
 ••rCHtoii, Uev. William C. Mr. Manby's Mid- 
 night \ isitors, Manchester, 18sn, 12m... He is said t,. 
 be the author of "The Bitter Cry of Oulcist Lo" n " 
 «hich 13 algoascr^bo.1 to Uev. Andrew Mearns, sup. ,. 
 1 restwich, Mrs. U. The Harbour Ha;, i fate 
 cd.. I87d! '^"' '■""•• '^■-'' - ^■»''- »'■"• ^"""^ -^e'v 
 1 '^ P' " 9'''. Pen..bury. ClnphRm, near bmdon ; tta 
 in London. He in 1835 to contribute important 
 I fewor of g,.,d.,«y at o,f.,rd In H7I. lis Is a .•..rn-pond. 
 I "«,","■'"'"•'■ '•• ""• !■" I' rn-titule. am has rJelvel 
 • ""■;'"" ' V" "'••"'"Hi'"'! "n'l"ther...cletle. for paper 
 ■ ''•»"■"' M vsicalj vol 11, Strailgraphlcnl and Phy-ical. 
 Maps an.l IHusi. iixf, |s8ll mh, 2 vols. r. s,,,. 
 , " .Vs the .Nestor of tile m'.il.,u|c,il iirnivi.V Itrli.ii., i,.. * 
 '':7'r"i','i'v'r""i"">- ~''""'' •" > « ' vaui,. 
 Isiil S.I lllierii M iviic tint ii,.i .. . ".""'i'"" 
 ; i-;l,,-'»r"ii> . aisn ii,.,sl :ii!a;;!:;'!i'^.:.;:;iir^r. ,; '(;, ';::^;;: 
 • Ml' "• "'''„l""'l"'s'' 111 this work I., Ii,.l,v,| ,, 
 erpiH he iieiii|iall.vii,r,|,t,..l .,m,.,,| ,kv m , ,r. Iiiir 
 io'-'s. J,i''i'i,';:k\':i''i;Vi'''"''''"??'"'''''"^^ 
 loslt. I I, , , V, I ''" "',*' " 1". s».vliiL'; Imi his 
 iipposiii. 11 Is ..nil |..|||,. ,11, ,,.1 cxireiii.- of 111,. , ,,,. 
 :^!::l:;:^;r;;::^'i;l?;lt!r:r;;;llf:^•'^^-•ll- :,' : 
 lu.trMii.„i,,ireiiiii,pic."-.l//, S., ;i|"| **■ ' ' ' "" "' 
 I'ri'Cyiimii, .1. .<lr.iy Thoughts and .Short E„ay,, 
 l.'ill., I ■*( J, [.. S\t,_ '' ' 
 I'r.'t) mail, H.-v. John ll.i.l.lyir.', M.A., gradu. 
 alc.1 lit Innity College, Oxlor.l,; or.luined 1S38, 
 near ol Aylesbury I Ht2-J3. I. Dispauperi/.„tl.,n, L.„i., 
 '•*.«. p.Mv.,, 2.1 e.l. IS78. 2. Three'Leotureson Church 
 lomprehension aii.l Christian Heunion, Lon.,, p. 
 I'rt'vost, f. y\. Terra-Cutta Plays, Lon., 1888, p. 
 • • ., . ■ . *" "' ^"" »»».o(oiricai .^ocietv: win 
 president of the Geological Society 1870-72, vice-mes '- 
 aent of the Royal Society 1870-71, and appointed' ,"ro- 
 FrevoNt, l'riiiici». Fire, of (Jreen Wood, Lon., 
 I'rimiU, ONmoiiil de Hrniivoir, M.A., \,u,u 
 vol. „., ad. lb, IM,.., in (luernsey; gra.lualcl it i^U 
 I Ml- lie „ C, lege (•ainbn.lge L\\. th., bar „t th; lenipie | >;;2. , ||is name was originallv Os. 
 [imnd Beauyoir de Preaux., The Tiavelsof AH- 
 "mil,- ol lyan.i, an.l the In.lian Embassies t.i Home 
 roni t ic_ teig.i of Augustus ,o the Death of .lustinia,;; 
 l.on., IN,, i. p. f,vo. (A revise.1 repiint, in „ ..mall num^ 
 ni ,V;r'» ',''..''"1'"" l'"'''i.'hed originally in the jour- 
 naisot the Asiatic , ■society.) 
 <torv*7;',/\'i-s' ''"^S'y ""^••"' " Temperaneo 
 •; ""'"..I^N !'■ ><vo. 2. "I'nsafel" or, "Mother 
 "ipp e,l me," Lon., l87,H, p. 8vo. 3. Who is .Sylvii a 
 Novel Lon., s>3 3 v,.ls. p. 8vo ; new e.l., 188,0. 4 
 ibe Helping Ilan.l and its Owner; .'^ketches from New- 
 ' n Hect.iry Lot,,, |NS4, p. 8vo. :,. Leaves from a 
 • ountry He. gerow, Lon., |ss.-,. ,2„,o. ,-,. A Hii-tic 
 Mai.l, L.,n., Iss.o, 3 vols. er. > . 7. A Wilful Y. u ,« 
 "■miiin, Lon.. I SSI), 3 vols, p. svo. * 
 8v,' "*■'*' '^""'"' ^** '^''"e '" "'" Ii""!. I'on., 1887, 
 I Coll'e'"ie'''''r.!V'''; 'V'v.'*-''' V'-afe*. Sradiiateil at Now 
 Kollegc, Oxionl. |,s5:;; ,„d„ined 1,853; vicar of .St. 
 I IS r 'i !''!■','• '*''^-'-'' '■ '■™'"^^'-^ »'' I'"'l'' "-'I- 
 U- ,71 •' . ^I'l-nions preaehc.1 in Immanuel Church 
 ! "est Brixton, ,„ ISS2-.S3, Lon.. 1-83, 2 vols. Svo. ' 
 i..,n''T''''ix,"-'!"""'"""'^*«"'"'''' Arthur. Amer- 
 ican Cases .l.ri.led by the Courts of the 
 ....0.1 S,,„,.s „n,l by the Comtnissfoner of latent ', and 
 leportcl l„.iween Is;-., „„,! |,.ss7, Bait,, IS87, Svo. 
 lr..'«, Monnmy, 1807-l,ss.8, b. in Ouorn.oy; 
 . edic.ued at \\orci;8ter College, Ovior.l, where he grad- 
 uate with a .louble fir,-t ebi,ss in IS2y, an.l wasS.p. 
 pointed assistant master in Bugby .School in IS30. lie 
 ; r^»^m■A^h■^x p.,sition in IS51I, an.l in „as electe.l 
 to the .• political economy at, which he 
 ; held down to the time of hi., death. I. The I'rineiples 
 ol lurrcncy; .-six Lectures, Oxf., 1.8(11), Svo. 2. Cur 
 lency an. I Banking, Lon., 1875, p Svo 
 .1. Practical Political Economy: Lectures, Lon., 1878. 
 p. Svo; 2.1 eil.. ISS2. ' • i 
 nrit noiv ','i.',''"'',',''l'',' '■"'•i';"''-',i mode of treatment which 
 notoii J iloes not claim to be .scieiitltic but wlileli sun 
 po.^s the sceiitlHc method t,. be a iiiisrk,',''-/vX.' '"" 
 ine nia!nrity ..f ec.nomisis u-jll, It mav be nreillcteil 
 Kgrcethiu >lr, Fawectt > book (■• Free ' 'r le a, 1 Pro ec: 
 .111"] Is.botl, s,.i,,,,ti(i,, .,,,,1 practinil w ■, iV Mr Fr ™» ij 
 iiellKT -1. K ci.,PKK Lf«LIE; Acml., xiil. 4uy. 
 4. M hat IS Eilucation ? Lon., 1S84. 
 Price, Charlotte A. Poems and Lyrics for Idle 
 Hours, Lon., 1881. svo. 
 ..'•l"?,^' ^"ss Kleaiior C. 1. One Only. By 
 fc. t. P. Lon., I>74. -1 vols. cr. Svo. 2. Constantiu, 
 I : 
 Lon., IS, J, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. Anon. .i. A French Heiress I Doom of the Unjust : with Apuendi.v, Lon., 1870, 12mo. 
 in her Own Chateau Ill,..t. Lon., isrs, ,,. Svo. Anon. 2. Notes and Kollectiuns on Galatians, Lon., 1872, p 
 4 A Lo..-t Batt e, Lclin ls7S. 2 vols. p. Svo. Anon. 5. Kvo. :i. The Church or Assembly of (iod: Modern 
 Mrs. Lancaster 8 Rival: a Novel, Lon., 1.S71I, :! vol.-. cr. I Teachers on thai Subject, Lon., IXli, 12iiu) 
 svo; new eds., lS8;i I8S-1 1885. Anon. (i. Valcntina: I Pridinore, Thomas W. Onide to ihe I'repnra- 
 I .Sketch, Lon., is.v.', 2 vols. cr. .svo ; new ed., 1S8,^. 7. tion of liills of Co,^ts, &c.; 6th cd., enl., Lon., 1879 
 Ihe Foreigners, Lon., 18S:i, 3 vols. p. 8voj new els., ^ Svo; new cd., 1SS7 ,,.,,», 
 1881 188,.. 8. High Aims ; or, .>;tudicH from the Anii.ils ! I'riestlcy, J. Clothing, Manchester, ISS.'f, cr. 8vo 
 of Christian Lndeavour. Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 9. (Jeruld, : Priestley, William Overeild, M.U., V H C I' 
 Lon., 188,1, .i vols. cr. Svo. 10. Alexia : a Novel, Lon., LL,D., b. 1821», near Leeds ; educated at the University 
 11. Hod Towers : a Novel, Lon., 1888, 3 
 1S87, cr. Svo, 
 vols. cr. Svo, 
 Price, Klla lirowii. The Jlajor's Love; or. The 
 Secret of a Crime, I'liila., 1 
 SSS, sij. I Dm 
 Poems of I'oter Peppercorn, 
 Price, Kmniiiicl, 
 Phila., ISSl. 
 Price, V. G. Hilton. 1. A Hand-Book of Lon- 
 don bankers: tosctlier wilh List.s of Hankers from lli77, 
 Lon., lS7(i, cr. Svo. 2. .Monograph of the Oault : the 
 Substance of a Lecture, l.on., 18SI1, p. Svo. 
 Price, Frederick J. The "Weed Divine:" a 
 Short Ksaaj- concerning the U,so i\nd Abuse of Tobacco, 
 Lon.. IS78, 8vo. 
 Price, Henry Clay. How to make Pictures, [in- 
 structions in amateur pl^itography,] N. York, ISS2. i 1-rime, V. (Trans.) A Treatise on Ore Deposits; 
 ,„" "V*^' "'• *" '■ "" "■ linstion ot London Wall, i from the German of B. von Cotta. Illust N ' 
 Westminster, ISSO, 4to. 2. A Descriptive Account of I 1S7II, Svo. 
 the Ouildhall of the City of Lonilon, (prepared by Au 
 thority of the Corporation,) Lon., 1887. Ito. 
 of Edinburgh ; has held various professional appoint- 
 ments, and is now consulting physician to King's College 
 Hospital, London. Tlie Pathology of Intra-Uterine 
 Death, (Lunileian Lectures, ISS7,) Lon., 1888, 8vo. 
 Prime, C. Lesson. Observations upon the Cli- 
 mate of I'cklield, Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 Prime, Ilev. Edward Dorr Grillin, D.D,, 
 [mil,, vol. ii., add,] 1. Around the World: Travels 
 through Many Lands and over .Many .Seas, N. York, 
 LS7I, p. Svo. 2. Forty Years in the Turkish Empire! 
 n Memoir of William (ioodell. By his Son-in-Liiw 
 N.York, IS7li,; 6th od., 1S83, 12mo. 3. Notes, (ieneii- 
 logical. Biographical, and Bibliographical, of the Prime 
 Family, Cambridge, 1888, Svo. Privately printed 
 Prime, F. (Trans.) A Treatise on Ore De): 
 • This snieiulld voliiine contains an elaborate account 
 of tholiiiildlmll as it nowstiinds, interwoven with deserlp- 
 tioiis of the earlier ImildiiiK's wliicli it has replaced, and 
 of the chief historical events as.sijeiated with tliis ancient 
 seat o( iiiiinicipal Kdvernmunt, . . , The volinne is en- 
 riched with a great luimher of liic-similes of cliarter.s, 
 maps, and rare topoK'riipliical ilrawings and prints,"— 
 Acad.. x\Ki.:i:\ 
 "■ h I'uii'i:, F. G. H., A Description of the Remains 
 0) 1, man Buildings at Norton, near Bradinu'. Illust. 
 L -.., 1882. 
 Price, John. Llandudno, and ho\y to Enjoy it : 
 a Handy Guide, Lon., 187,i, p. Svo. 
 Price, Langford Lovell Frederick Uice. 
 Industrial Peace: its Advantages, Methods, and DitH- 
 culties ; a Report of an Inquiry made for the Toynbee 
 Trustees : with a Preface by Prof. Alfred .Marshall, Lon., 
 1887, Svo. ' 
 " Theory and fact are seldom so liapiiilv united us in this 
 volume. . . , .Mr. Price ilocs not fall into the error which 
 has beeii calleil— by ,levons, if wu rememljcr rightly— the 
 lallucy of a single iirinciple. lie is aware that there can- 
 not be 'any single panacea lor social ills.' He expects to 
 see ' the old relation '■ - - - " 
 Prime, Rev. Samnel Irennrus, D.D., [«»rc, vol. 
 11., add.,] d. IS8:). 1. Fifteen Years ut Prayer, N. York, 
 1872, l2mo. 2. Walking with (iod : Life Hid in Christ, 
 N. 'i ork, 1S72, 2Jmo. 3. The Alhambra and the Krem- 
 lin, 1873. 4. .Songs of the Soul : gathered out of .Many 
 Lands and Age,-, N. York, 1874, 12uio; now ed., Isso. 
 0. Lifeof ,«, F. li. Jlorse, LL.D., 187o. fi. Irenieus Let- 
 ters, 188(1-85, two series. 7. Prayer and its Answer: 
 Illustrated in the First Twenty-Five Years of the Ful- 
 ton Street Prayer-Meeting, N. Y'ork, 1882, 12mo. 8. 
 Autobiograjiliy anil Memorials. Edited by his Son, AVeu- 
 dcll Prime. N. York, 188S, Svo. 
 Prime, Samnel T. K. Model Farms und their 
 Methods. Chic, ISs2, Svo. 
 Prime, Meiidell, son of Rev. S. I. Prime, .i^j,,,. 
 Fifteenth-Cerlury Bibles: a Study in Bibliography, X. 
 York, 18SS, Svo. b i j, 
 Prime, William Cowper, LL.D., [«»(e, vol. ii,. 
 add.] I. I go a-Fiehing, Lon., 1S73, p. Svo. 2. Holy 
 Cross: History of the Invention, Preservation, ami Dis- 
 npjiearancc of the Wood known as the True Cross. Illust. 
 N. York, 1877, 12nio; new cd., 1SS7. 3. Pottery and 
 Porcelain of All Times und Nations: with Tables of 
 Collectors. Illust. N. 
 ?i;?.,i^;^;;l;i^;^';!i;^;!ti:'!SrS';^;;!i;;^^;;^:;^S'^,^^ ' FaeU,ry and Artists' Marks, to^^. 
 oration and industrial partnership. Heiloesnot attempt * „' '*^''' ■*'"• 
 to coiilliie within strict chtssiiications the endless variety Primrose, E. D. Fortune's Bu 
 of lUhurs and institutions. At the same time, by a in- Lon., IsSli, 3 vols. p. Svo 
 (iiciotis arrftiiyeinpiit 111, ..ii.ii.i.iv, ,,.*,, ,...,.^-.. ,1... :..: — .,.,.. »»:- ' ' ' 
 dicioiis_ arranuiement, he enables 11s to grasp the inimei'ise 
 mass ol heterogeneous details which he embraces,"— F, Y. 
 LlXlKWUUTll : .lcin(., XKKU. 1(12. 
 Price, K. I). G, Rebecca; or, A Life's Mistake: 
 a Story of Country Life, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 Price,K. J. Moyd-. Practical Pheasant- Rearing: 
 with an AjipemlLv on Grouse-Driving, Lon., 1888, p. 
 Svo. ' 
 Price, yiajor Sir Rose Lamlmrt, Bart., R.M., 
 F.R.G.S., b. 1837; served in the Indian .Mutiny and in 
 China; retired 1,874. The Two Americas: an Account 
 of Sport and Travel : with Notes on .Men and Manners 
 in North and South America, Illust. Lon., 1876, Svo- 
 ulTets and Rewards, 
 Love's Moods, Lon., 1885, 18mo; 
 Prince, /Elian. 
 2d eil. same year. 
 Prince, Charles Lceson. Observations upon 
 the Topography and Climate of Crowborough Hill, 
 Sussex, together with other Subjects of Collateral In- 
 terest, Leeds, I8S0, 8yo. Privately printed. 
 I rince, Edith. 1. Conflict and Victory. Illust. 
 Lon., 1887, 32ino. 2. The Crown of Love. Illust. 
 Lon., 1887, 32mo. 3. Woodland Whispers. Illust. 
 Lon., 1887, 32mo. 4. RoseLeaves. Illust. Lon., 1888. 
 5. Thistledown. Illust. Lon., 1888. 
 Prince, John J. 1. The Flements, of Physiog. 
 . - ... rnphy, Lon., 1877, ]2ino; fith ed., rev. ana enl., ls,s,.. 
 •Ill most of his opinions the educated American wilt '' ^.' ^"''J"*' Mnnngoment and Method, in Theory and Prac- 
 hnd little to iiimrrel with, while for people fond of shoot 
 ingaiK llshiiig.or travelling, the book contains many 
 ful hiiiUs and sugKestions."-.Vu((o», xxv, 7'J, 
 Price, Thomas. (Ed.) Letters of S. Rutherford : 
 with Preface by Alex. Duff, Lon., 1875, p. Svo. 
 Prichard, Helen .M. Friends and Foes in the 
 Transkei : au Englishwoman" ~ 
 tice, Manchester, 187!), ]2mo. 
 ; Prince, John T. Courses and Methods: a Haud- 
 Book for Teachers of Primary, Grammar, and Ungraded 
 Schools, Best., 1886, 12nio. 
 Prince, Le Uaron Bradford, b. 1810. at Flush 
 „ . , . , ' i '"B- I"I-: «"n "f W. R. Prince, (..i,(,, vol. ii. ;) gradu- 
 Thcolo,jical lustructu 
 Albany, N.Y., 
 1S7», 12u 
 new ed., 1884. 
 Prickett, Henry E. Maho Supreme Court Re- Pri 
 port.s, vol. i., new ser., (1866-SO,) ,San Fran., 18,82, 8 
 Pridham, Arthur, [ 
 If, vol. ii., add.] 
 American Uhuroli and its Name, N. York, 1887, 
 nee, Morton. The Nature of Mind and 
 uman Automatism, Phila., 1885, 8 
 e I Pring, James Hurley, M.D 
 formerly physioiun 
 to the Bath Gonornl Hospital. Thn T!ri(^„ „„ i .i. 
 Uon^an un the Site „f Taun'tu.^ TaJn,:,," '',^,t ?? "' 
 Pri ige, C. M. Tho Last of tho K izabothanNc.., 
 me^n: D,.covery of Northern Virginia, IBOirUn" IS.'i; 
 1 "nsle. Mis. M. a., aceoinpanied her hu^baml 
 AloxanJer ITinKle. an.l Itev. 1{. H„ki„, „l,o we '„ "nt 
 01 till Lhuicii ofhcolhiiid, (o investi.'uti. (he relaticns 
 between the missionaries an,] the natives, iwir s he 
 iMountain.s of tlie Moon: a ,I„urnov in K.?JJ . ■ I 
 "ith Maps, Eclin. an,l Lon., "vo '""" ^ ' 
 Pringle, 11. O., [„,,,,., vol. ii.. „d,i.l The Dis 
 eases o Jlorses, Cattle, 8hee,,, .Swine, Do^s ,n.l I "oultrv '• 
 their Causes and Treatmentl Dublin, Is?! s™ ' ^ ' 
 Priiigle, Robert Stensoii. I. Analysis «f,r„shua 
 Judges etc., for I,„eal E.vaminations, l.on, 1878 iC' 
 2 Analysis of the liuoks of Joshua, Judges and rX 
 Manehester, 1SS5, iL'iiio. """b'-i anu nutii, 
 Priiisep, Cliarics Campbell, ,1. issr „,t li) a 
 nieiuber ol a family connected with India for many L-en 
 eratious; was appointed to a elerkshin in X ]^'|i: 
 louse by his unele, Henry Thoby l-riuLp, (',,,," 
 vol. , .,) and was for some time superinti, dii t o 1,', 
 reeonis and af.einvards statistieal report"r. telo 1 f 
 Services of the Honourable East Ind a Company's Civil 
 Servants in the Madras Presidency from 17 1, ,s5s 
 byVonl'fy'lt'o!?""'"."" '^'•' '^" ""^'= was employed 
 Dy 1.0 d hytton to paint a eommemoration picture of fh, 
 a.seinbl„go at Delhi on occasion of the pr, carnation f 
 iion., 11^,11, ,svo; _M oil. same year. 
 «Pw'mM^e'S";;f™:iLT;!r^lP'^' "«« I«tely 
 tniichcs of hill our vl,,bm,l, ; ' i"*^ """'•''". «"'! of 
 from the tirst pa^e k^i,;. la", '- AVSi'''-'''.o--' ••'""''""""■' 
 A.^oMjVl^i^h'Von.f'.^S^X"'"™' "'■"''" ^""'°''" 
 T „r"n''r '?*-'J",'.'"'' '• '^«™'"« ""d Parses in tho 
 Lake Dis rict of Kngland, Lon., 1871, l2mo •' Pel 
 trian Guide to the Lake District; 2d ed., Vimiennt: 
 ISO, .Uol.. p. 8vo. Anon. 2. Hehind the Veil, Lon 
 LS7I, , yo s. p. 8yo. Anon. ;i. E.xpiated, Salisbu ly' 
 Js7?;/vrp'^.r-,„^- ^- 0---hed, ,:;^; ; 
 cr.^v'o"''' ''■ ^''"■'"' ^''°" ''™"' " Top-Gun, Lon., 1880, j 
 Lo^."!"'!-""""^' °™ P'-'<^™ "'« Cniel: a Tragedy, ' 
 Prior, II. c. Alexander, [ante, vol. ii n,id i 
 Grs,"Ln?,"8"72* .C '-''"'' ^-'-' ^^^^^^ 
 M,"s.';t"r.%,5;.„.''"""'''" ''""'•> ""' ^"'^'="' 
 Lon*"M7S^Vo"' '• ^'"'"•-s and their Culture. Illu.^t. 
 iiC;. "L^n..'t88;: s.'^"' '^^^'^- '■ "-^^ «"-''- 
 Pritchard, Kev. Chari: -s. D n r n s r , 
 ^u:r:;?^i,'^j^''^"^!F^- ""'-'^^""'^"^ m:™ 
 nitudeof All .stars yisible to the Naked Eve from ill 
 Pole^to Ten Degrees .South of tho Equatorfo.IfrLSst 
 W; 1880 3";i::-r 8y-„ ""'"■«* Vanbrugh's Mistake; 
 Tni'th,!^-''-^- ''""-'«'«• 2-In..earei,o,-"the 
 toThe"R!;'y^"i.t' {;""^'f ,'l"7;it.>l."nJ senior surgeon 
 n,r ;;''^J:v«:l''f^{ j^v.«r. 'nrii-Notes ,,. 
 f^.i?>i.>i^K.--.-"^i4 r^? 
 Around Settle. .Settle. ISSS ' ' "• , r. n\o. ,1. 
 Proby, Kev. Williniii Henry liantiMt M A 
 of the Old Testament (;anon Lm., I,;? p Z 5 1^ 
 ers -^^- Christian H^igi^,„ ,„,;, V^^^^yr^: V^^i^C;. 
 tie Book o 'r, h' I • '^'; .^V"'i" <iu'-''^tions concerning 
 withoiu beiny profound "!:;:v„i/;„; x'".,^;'"'^ ''^ mMruotive 
 rnj-^ltin^do: ;ji;r'cii:b 'pl.,Ic''^^^:';r 
 ofNapole „ I in'is .■; I n "•, '''''.V : from the Fall 
 in 18)^8. Lon. issl, sy'? "'" '^'"•'' "^ ^"""" Emmanuel 
 ressaM.'m!;;;;i;:;i::;;'^;i!-'v""'>?"^" «'?'"'»■"' <""'^' p^"«- 
 ) -;o.t wri,t..i^i more'S:&J!r^^;T:- il^'^J^P 
 i Fon":'^'; ',!:;., ?i?!!"7^r' "f '^ l^i" of Sale / ^i.h 
 -Is India .-iilvent? Lon., 1881), 8vo. 
 ,-''/V'=.'f' Bna" Waller, [„„„, vol. ii add 1 
 rarii'ai^Su',';^,;;!:;:^^,^',^?-,',^"""" »'■ '- contempo- 
 doubly weh'nV.ef 1, cVli Is, ,'*■;•,"'',' V""''' ''"\« b''"' 
 T«!:^"'^'i^.""".!:n"-^8^-^-,.^ ^--'^-^ -- 
 and x.xiy. were written b'y C. (l'. Tv Lock )'"'"' '"• 
 Proctor, IJerCrd ■s""-i'?' " 
 l'l>"r.naev,Lon.'lS Tsvo. n,, J"''""'' ,"" P™«'ioaI 
 Prortnr Wiiri i '."J "'•• rev. and en .,1883. 
 b. l838"rj',Ser*^N"'/ ""tT' f""^™'- "- """••] 
 L'<72. Kimo. Hm-fian Journey, Bost., 
 sr«pli^if.."*^ai!Tv.6r '"""f"'' ""-^ occasionally 
 Proctor, F. Richard the First: a Drama, Lon., 
 1S7S, 8vo. 
 Proctor, Ilcv. Francis llartlett, M.A., educated 
 at King's College, London; ordained l!<71 ; minister of 
 St. Mark's, Uarnet, 18H5-S8; editor of the Clergyman's 
 I''igazino. 1. Uaw Ueadest Thou? a Series of Prac- 
 tical Kxpositiiins and Thoughts, Lon., ISSd, p, Svo. 2. 
 Classified (leins of Thought from the Ureiit Writer." and 
 Preachers of All Ages, Lon., ISSa, r. Svo. .'I. Words in 
 Season : Short and Suggestive Headings for the Chris- 
 tian Year, Lon., 188.8, p. 8vo. 
 Proctor, Ilev. G. J. The Restoration of (iod's 
 Bani.ihi'd Ones, and other Sermons, Lon., 1881, p. 8vo. 
 Proctor, George. History of the Crusades. II- 
 lust. I'hila., 1880, l2mo 
 Proctor, Iilicici! llrock, b. 1826, at Hanover, 
 N.U. ; graduated at Hamilton College 184 1; admitted 
 to the bar 18.(7, abandoned liis prol'ession in 180:i to 
 devote himself to literature. I. The Bench and liar of 
 the State of New York, X. York, 1870, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "Tlie most spirited iiersonal .sketches are those which 
 iverc furnished to the autlior of llie hook t>y others, .^till, 
 apooil ileal of labor has been devoted to iMlleeliMj; details 
 of the lives of its subjeels. and tnieiiii,' with u earisoiue rep- 
 etition the jiart taken by almost all of tliem in the political 
 contests of their time.' —Salion. xii. 01. 
 2. Lawyer and Client; or, The Trials and Triumphs 
 of the liar: Illustrated by Scenes and Ineidents in the 
 CourtRoom, N.York, 18S.S, Svo. 8. The Legal History 
 of Albany and Schenectady Counties, 1884. 4. Karly 
 History of the Board of Regents and University of the 
 State of New Y'ork, 1SS6. 
 Proctor, Kicliard Anthony, ["ii(c. vol. ii.,add.,] 
 1S;^7-1^8S, b. in London; educated at King's College, 
 London, and at St. John's College. Caiubridge, where he 
 graduated in 1800 as twenty-third wrangler; elected 
 a Kellow of the Royal Astronomical Society in IS86. 
 In 1809 he advanced, on theoretical grounds, a theory 
 of the solar corona which has since been generally ac- 
 cepted, and also that of the inner complex solar atmos- 
 ]ihere, which was afterwards advanced by Prof. Charles 
 A. Y'oung. Much of his time was given to the popular- 
 ization of scientific results. He founded Knowledge as 
 a weekly journal in IS>1, but changed it in lss.5 to a 
 monthly. Ho contributed la'ge'y to other periodicals, 
 and was very sucoesslui as a lecturer. He nnide a lec- 
 turing tour in the United States in 187:i-74, and another 
 in Australia ani New Zealand in 1879, and in 1884 re- 
 turned to the United States and after lecturing in va- 
 rious cities settled in St. Joseph, Mo. He died in New 
 Y'ork in 1888 of yellow fever caught in Florida. 1. 
 Hand-Iiook of the Stars, Lon., ISOti, p. Svo. 2. Con- 
 stellation Seasons ; Easy Guide to a Knowledge of the 
 Stars, Loa., 1807, 4to. ,S. Sun-Views of the Earth; or. 
 The Seasons Illustnted, Lon., 1807, 4to. 4. Half-Hours 
 with toe Telescope. Illust. L.Jii., ISOS, 12mo; new 
 els., 1S7B, 1S7SI. 5. Half-Hours with the Stars, Lon., 
 IsOit, 4to; now ec'., IS-ii). 0. Star Atlas for Library, 
 •School, and Observatory, Lon., 1870, fol. ; 2d ed., 1871. 
 7. Other Worlds tlian Ours, Lon., 1870, p. Svo ; new ed., 
 1872. 8. Lessons in Elementary Astronomy, Lon., 1871, 
 12mo; new ed., 1875. 9. The Sun ; Ruler", Fire, Light, 
 and Life of the Planetary System, Lon., 1871, p. Svo; 
 new ed., 1880. 
 " In the present work we have a vcrv fair statement of 
 thevariiiM'- problems with respect to the sini which have 
 eltlK'r In en .s.ilved or at present await .solution. . . . Mr. 
 Proctor'.^ chief defect is that he is a little too ajit now and 
 then to write as a special i)icader for one of several con- 
 tlictinn theories, for none of which there can be said jier- 
 haps to be quite decisive evidence, still, perhaps the gen- 
 eral public will hardly hioknpoi: this as a fault : and at all 
 events, if a fault, itudds considerable vivacitv loihe book." 
 —.Wi., No. 2208. 
 10. Light .Science lor Leisure Hours. Lon., 1871-8;i, 
 three series, p. Svo 11. Essays in Astronomv, Lon., 
 1872, Svo. 12. T'.e Orbs around us, Lon., 1872, p. 
 Svo; 2d ed., 1875. 1: . The Moon : its Motion, A6|iects, 
 Scenery, anci Pliysica' ComKtion, Lon., 187,3, p. Svo; 'Mi 
 ed., 1880. 14. 'i'he Expanse of Heaven : Essnyi", Lon., 
 I87:i, cr. Svo; now ed., ISSfl. lb. The Uorder-Land of 
 Science: n Series of Familiar Dissertations, Lon., lS7;i, 
 p. Svo. 
 " The Croat TOiijoritvt-.f ttio r-ssovp arewi'll wr.rt!iv..f Mr 
 Proctor's reputation.' No one contrives to make illfticult 
 and complicate Ideas clearer than he. and noonesiirpa.sses 
 him in his power of marshalling facts so that, without the 
 reader feeling in the slli;htist degree bored, a complete ac- 
 count of the subject Is given."— .S(i(. Hev., xxxvi. 7:il. 
 10. The Universe of Stars and Coming Transits, Lon., 
 1S74, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1878. 17. Tran.»its of Venus, 
 Lon., 1874, p. Svo ; id ed., 1878. 18. Science Uy-Ways : 
 a Series of Familiar Dissertations, Lon., 1876, ]i. Svo. 
 19. Our Place among Infinities, Lon., 1875, p. Svo ; new 
 ed., ISSO. 20. Wages and Wants of Science-Workers, 
 Lon., 1870. 21. Myths ami Marvels of Astronomy, 
 Lon., 1877, Svo; new ed., IsSO, p. Svo. 22. Cycloid 
 and Cycloidal Curves in the Motions of Planets, ,4c. 
 Illust. Lon., 1S7S, p. Svo. 23, Pleasant Ways in Sci- 
 ence, Lon., 1878, ]). Svo; new ed., ISSo. 24. Flowers 
 of the Sky, Lon., 1S79, 12nio. 25. Rough Ways nnide 
 Smooth : a Series of Familiar Essays on Scientific Sub- 
 jects, Lon., 1879,]!. Svo. 20. TheUseand Abuseof Food, 
 1879, Svo. 27. 'i'he Poetry of Astronomy : Es.saya on 
 Heavenly Bodies, Lon., IssO, )>. Svo. 28, The Stars and 
 the Earth : Thoughts up(m Space, Time, and Eternity ; 
 new ed., Lon., ISSO, ISnio. 29. Ea."y Star Lessons, Loii., 
 1881, p. Svo. ao. Familiar Science Stuilies, LiU)., 1SS2, 
 p. Svo. ;il. The Great Pyramid: Observatory, Tomb, 
 and Temple, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. :12. The Stars" in their 
 Seasons : an Guide to the Knowledge of the Stars, 
 Lon., ISS.'i, r. Svo. Jil). Mysteries of Time and Space: 
 with Twenty-Four Illustrations, Lon., Iss3, p. Svo. .'i4. 
 The Universe of Suns, and other Science Gleanings, 
 Lon., 1884, p. Svo. .S5. Strength an 1 Happiness, Lon,, 
 ISS,'), p. Svo. ;!6. The Seasons Pictured: in Forty- 
 Eight Sun-Views of the Earth, ami I'wcnty-Four Zodi- 
 acal Mn|is and oilier Drawings, 1S85, 4to. (Contains 
 twenty-seven fuU-puge plates, with eight pages of text.) 
 37. Home Whist : an Easy (iuide to Correct Play By 
 Five of Clubs. Lo. i., 1885, sq. IBmo. 3s. How to Play 
 Whist : wi'h the Laws and Etiquette, Lon., ISS.i, p. Svo. 
 39. Star Primer : Starry Sky, Week by Week, in Twenty 
 Four Hourly Maps, Lon.. ISsO, r. Svo. 40. Other Suns 
 than Ours: a Series of Essays on Suns, Old, Y'oung. and 
 Dead: with other Science Gleanings, Essays on M'hist, 
 and Correspondence with Sir John llersehel, Lon., 1SS7, 
 sm. Svo. 41. Easy Lessons in Difl'ercntial Calculus, Lon., 
 18S7, 12mo. 42. First Steps in Geometry, Lon., 1887, 
 12mo. 4.'i. Chance and Luck : a Discussion of the Laws 
 of Luck, Coincidence, AVages, Lotteries, and the Fallacies 
 of Gambling: with Notes on Poker, &c , Lon., 1887, cr. 
 " Mr. Proctor . . . has written n verv nnnisiiig book to 
 prdve that no such thing as luck, ill the gambler's accepta- 
 tion of the H oril, exists at all, and that every form of gam- 
 bling is not only highly immoral, but must always, in the 
 long run. end in the ruin of every imlividual votary."— 
 J. 1. WiNciiiN : ylcorf., xxxii. 99. 
 44. The Moon : her Motion.', Aspects, Scenery, and 
 Physical Comiitions. Illust. Lon., ISSS, Svo". 45. 
 Watched by the Dead: a Loving Study of Dickens' 
 Half-Told Tale, Lon., Isss, p. Svo. 4fi. Strength i How 
 to get Strong and keeji Strong; with Chapters on Row- 
 ing and Swimming, Fat, Age, and the Waist. Lon., 
 1SS9, p. Svo. (" Old and New Astronomy," which was 
 in course of publication in parts at the time of his 
 death, is understood to have been nearly completed in 
 Proctor, W. Management of the H.irse in the 
 Stable, the Field, and on the Bnad, Lon., 1SS4, cr. Svo. 
 Proctor, W. t. (Ed.) Round the Globe: through 
 Greater Britain. Illust, Lon., 1S87, Svo. 
 Proctor, MiHiam. Popular Account of the 
 Hygiene of Air iind Water, Lon., 1S72, p. Svo. 
 Proffht, John. 1. Treatise on tlie Law and Du- 
 ties of Notaries Public througli the United States : with 
 I'oriiis, Best., 1S77, Svo. 2. American Decisions in 
 Courts of the Several States: vol. i., San Fran., 187>, 
 Prttgler, C, and (Jale, E. II. (Trans,) Trciit- 
 mcnt of Syphilis by Subcutaneous Sublimate Injeclions. 
 by G. Lewin. Illust. Phila., 1872, Svo. 
 Propert, .1. LnmRden. A History of Miniature 
 Art: with Notes on Collectors and Colleclioiis. Illust. 
 Lon.. 1887, fol. 
 " Mr. Propert has gathered together and carefully ar- 
 ranged a large iimoiint of matter hitherto scattered and 
 uiiiligestcil. . . . With regard to iiiliiiatnre art in Kiiulaiul, 
 his work, if not exhaustive, is vet a valuable contrlbiilion 
 to the literature of a comparalivclv neglected and interest- 
 ing liranch of art."— MdNKiiotsi-;: Acail., xxxiii. 14. 
 Proisser, IMrs., [milr, vol. ii., add.] I. The Aw- 
 drios anii their Friends, ami otlier Tales, Lon., ISOS, p. 
 Svo. 2. t)uality Fogg's Old Ledger, Lon., IS09, lOmo. 
 3. Cicely Brown's Trials, Lon., 1871, 12mo; new eds., 
 1878, 1885. 4. The Days of the Cattle Plague : a Story, 
 Lon., 1872, lOnio. 5. A Door without a Knocker, and 
 other Tales. Illubt. I,on., 1S75, sq. lOiiio. 0. Tiie Sale 
 of Oftllowfleias, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 7. The Day aftcT 
 To-Morru,y Lun ,S77, ,,. 8vo. H. Amos Fa/o; or 
 Through tho Wilderness, Lon., Is78, ISmo. y. Froe 
 Alley, and what came out of it, Lon., IS7!», n. Svo lif 
 The L,ght of the World, Lon., 1H7», ,. sJo.' 'll O.'.kby : 
 12. ho Wise Man of Wittlebury, or, CI arity' begins 
 at Home Lon., I88U, 12mo. l.i. Ludovie; or, Tho 
 ioys \ietory; new eda., Lon., Ls.sfl, 1,S8;;, 12mo 14 
 Humphrey Pace and his Wife IL.nnah, and othe; 
 Stones Lon ISSI, p. Svo. 16. The .Spa row on ho 
 House-rop Lon., I8S2, p. Svo. 16. The Ma.ster ol Ayn" 
 hoe, Lon 18M, p. ,Svo. 17. Forsaking All, Lon 1885 i 
 The Echoed Son«. Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 20. The Uear .« < 
 of Daisies and The I'earl of I)iys, [two stories Illut ' 
 Lon 188 , p. Svo. 21. ll,n. Jarvis got his Home and 
 ^aluting tho Colours, Lon., J 887, p." vo 2- Farimr 
 [^8"'o,,^^'%^-^,\h^0"'i.l'ar.Tree^I;;;e "l" . ; 
 888, l.nio. 23. Michael Airdree's Freehold Lon 
 ilank'sh 7-T ^^■J''.' ^"•'•'"- Fo.vlIuntr:;nd the 
 lilank bheet, Lon., 188S, p. 8vo 
 ham,'"?8irsv"' "• '""-"""el'am Invento.s, Birming- 
 Prothero, Ilcv. George, M.A., graduated at 
 Brasenose College, O.vford, l8.i:i; onlained I^lli; 'ecto' 
 ot Uhippingham since 1857 ; chaplain inordinar; to the 
 qiieen since ISIifl; canon of Westminster since IS i 
 The Armour of Light." .Sermons preached belore ho 
 Queen Revised and prepared for Publication by Row? 
 ■^"nl^isl,"^:':™;,. "''^'^'' '^""'^ ^°"'"''- o-^f"--^- 
 AvV/i""""'",' *"eo»-ge Waiter, b. 1848. at Charlton 
 Wiltshire; educated at K.on, and at King's College 
 Cambridge, where he graduated, first class Clas.. Trio 
 1.N2: afterwards studied at Bonn ; was some time assi t'-' 
 ant ma.« er at Kton ; Fellow and tutor of King's College 
 ( ambri.lge ; a contributor to tho Ninth Edition of the I-^, .' 
 ?orf 'f"1' !" ,""""""r- !• .TI'^Lile of Simon de Mont- 
 lort Earl of Leicester : -nth .Special Reference to the i 
 Parliamentary History of his Time, Lon., 1877, p Svo ' 
 mrm'bv R ;'n'r''T ''''' 'V' <^'"^''- '™''"'t^J 
 partly by Rev. D. C. lovcy ..nd partly by the editor \ 3 
 kemoir of Henry Bradsh.w, FLllow^f^ving's Co Ce! 
 and I niversity Librarian, Cambridge, Lon , 1888 8vo 
 p.,sthiinioiis ae(^^laintalloe ns i.s p<)ssi lewith o e of 
 m":,' :^?'voSs L;:;l^/^,^:'»;;;i:;^!t ^[l^:rr 
 Staels Le Direetoire, 1881 , 3 Thierrv's I e» ^ .^^ 
 I'HistoiredeFranic, XrU.-XXrV 1885 
 Prothcro, Hon land Kdmund, Fellow of All 
 Souls College O.^ford. The Pioneers and Progro L of 
 tnglish Farming, Lon., 1 888, p. Svo ^^Kfoas ot 
 Proudfit, David Law, b. 1842, atNewbure N Y • 
 president of the Meteor Despatch Company New V^rk' 
 • Love among the (iamins, an.l other I'oems, N Yo k 
 ^ Proiit, Ebeiiczer. Instrumentation, Lon., 1878, 
 M.^'*"'.V *^?*»'"'' S. (Trans.) Cur Deus Hnmo' 
 if Pan/ 1 " ^'''"T ^^'"''" ^y '^"""^"h Archbishop 
 Note,,' ChZL„"r^ "? Introduction, Analysis, an!l 
 e^l7"887. Claasie.,") Lon., 1880, cr. Svo; new 
 Sv^ern'of''^; ^7«'''ble Clay-Farming under a Just 
 •rout, Samuel Gillespie. I. Hurrah! a Bit 
 [of Loving Talk with .Soldiers, Lon., Is.s], i.s.^^ o 
 Dea"rtm,^p'""l K"' ^'^ ^" '' '^"""1 'fall' wh Very 
 E. m!^'"'"''' '*"»""•'"'•■'" (l"«e"d.) See Olcott, 
 Prowett, C. G., d. about 1870, a>t. M, an Engli-h 
 rr!.sol, J. Dreams of my Solitude; or. Mysteries 
 '>f the Heavens, Lon., Is-Ji Svo '"y-ii-ries 
 I Lon'."l'8?.J," v'" ^' '*■• "^'''^ "'"^'^ ^''■^^•''''' ■■ ■^"■"»"». 
 ' Ja^i^i"^,^ r^f,^ C; ''^"-"-""-'^ I-""^ from 
 Ic^Ovf' ^^s'",-'"'".'' ^'•'^■' g™''"i"<-"l "t Je.«us Col- 
 h iss, ' '^''' T""""' ^^■"■' ■•"■t»rofTrefdraeth 
 si.ic, l.ssO, and archdeacon of Anglesey since ISS7 
 •■ V T ■^''S.'^""'''" lii-iti»'' t-'liurch: an Historica 
 of ^■n'n,*',''' "n"*'' '^"r""'' "'"'' "'' •"'<>•] 1' Great Men 
 of Luropcan History, Lon.. ISIW, 12mo. 2. Tho Hieh- 
 w js of Literature, or. What to Head, ic, Lon., 1882, 
 ,'F'^'^,F' ^'^"'}JSe. Autobiographic Recollections of 
 ,eo,ge Pryme. E.-,,., M.A., sometime Fellow of Trini"y of Cambridge, and M.P. for the li-rough. Edited 
 ^^•'rTKMale"',':'''!.^-""'-^"'-"''*"''^""-] t'ambHdge, 1870 
 , land in nummm .r.'-^,' ^1 ;■"•'''« "''^•'^VVf «"- 
 written, I, ist(,ry.''-.s|,rA';rV.xxi- '!',■) ' ' "'""''''' ""' 
 i Pryiiiii., Kev. George iluiidle, M.A., f,,,,/,' 
 I ;'•,"■• '':,1J", I'; l.'^lSut Looe, Cor'nwall ' gr a i ! 
 I ate., .t t-t Catharine's College. Cambrhlge, ISHy . ' 
 I '/X' 1 't 'V^r ■■••:' 'm'' ''^■"-■■•'■'' l"l.vmouth,'sin;e 
 n'l.t II ,- '^'l"'"'"*'"' JInniml. Lon., isfi4, 32mo. 2 
 : lie Hymnal suited for the Service of the Cl,u " to- 
 An7 ";"',M ■^^'r'"" '"■ Intuits Lon., ISCriSno 
 Lon., 18,6, Svo. 4. The Dying Soldier's Visions and 
 otiier Poems and Hymis, Lon.."s81, p. Svo. 
 Tr;^.'^?'.?''' f**c. ^"y'V'" °" "'" Church Ilvmnal of the 
 Iri^i thurcdi Synod, Dublin, 1878, Svo 
 Pliascli, II. From Keel to Truck : Naval Terms 
 in Lnglish, French. ,te., Lon., 188.-,, Svo 
 b W'i,;'"lf* '^'*,^'?. I-?"-". [""'•-. vol. ii., add.,] 
 .;,..' ."•™," Li'lourche, La.: wrote under the 
 ' pS"s "s "^"i ^^ " *^^"^''''''' '''">'^- ■»■' 
 Fom A ,'" '\'i''"-'"' " ^""■•>""' •^'-•''0"l Life 
 Pulbrook, Anthony, l. The Handy Book on tho 
 Law ana Practice of Joint-Stock Companies, Lon TssT 
 a Jpr't;^:hi^^,i':';!r'^sr;^m:r '"''^'''""°''= 
 IS,84"''vols. "***'■ '^'" ^'''"'"' "'' " ^'"^'''y- ^^'n-' 
 Pullaii, Richard Popplewell, F.S.A., [cue 
 vol ,1 add..] d. 1888. He had lived much in Italv, , d 
 eontributed to the ,,ablieations of the Society of-.\n i- 
 quaries and the Roval Archieological Ins<itut>^ of which 
 e was a vicc-pre.ident. 1. Remarks on Church Deco- 
 n t 01 . Lon ls,8, r. Svo. 2. Elementarv Lectures on 
 Christian Aiv,utecture, Lon., 18711. p. Svo. 3 Easter 
 ernes and Italian Towns : Notes on'ArchiiecUre,^: 
 W H„',\ "a b i"^^"';' '"'" '^'■••'''"Jsti'nil Designs of 
 V^.li .i r.V""'' "' " ■ ""'•S!'^''*' -^•«'A-. Lon. 1887. 
 rvu r 'i r""''"'"'' r"^ t-iandler, Charles C. 
 iv;ti, ch;;r"" "™""' "■" '^""^'""^"">"' 
 Piillen, Kev. Henry William, M.A., [n„tr, vol. 
 .1. ad,., ] gra.dimi,,! „t Clare t'olicgc, Cambridge, lVo9: 
 ord med IS.!. ; vicar choral ,,{ York Cathedral l,8,;2.|,;i 
 and of Salisbury Cathedral 18(53-75; chaplain of the 
 Alert in the Arctic expedition of Is7,-ii7(!. 1. The 
 8 v*„ *T,' ^l"^'f^.f ';"'"*<^'^ <■<"• Chanting, Lon., 1867, 
 t ■ i- ^i" S."",' '^'"■'^ •'^ " Cathedral, Salisbury ls69 
 8»o. 3. The light at i)ame Europa's School : sliowing 
 how the German Boy thrashed tho French Boy, and how 
 • ,JE?t' 
 the Enghah Boy looked on, 1870, 12mo. Anon. (Of this ' to us out of the fiilness of his own spiritual and Intellect- 
 little book 11)2,1100 oo)iics were sold in Engliind, thosiilent ""' lift'."— ■'"'Kc'"'"'". xlvi. 310. 
 one period averaging 10,000 copies a Uiiv. In Americii, I'ulsifer, J. U. iMaine Supremo Judioiiil Courc 
 where its circulation was also very large, one edition Reports, vols. Ixv.-lxviii., {1'j7()-1)^7H,) Portland, 1 vols. 
 , was publislied witli illustrations by Nast, which was re 
 issued in Enghind by an arrangement with the author. 
 Translations were publisliud in I'roneh, ('iennan, and 
 other European languages. A large number of pani- 
 )ihlets, some in reply to Mr. I'ullen's ami some in support 
 of it, were published by various anonymous writers. See 
 Mahan, Fauonkr, «H///n.) 4. Tom Pippin's Wedding 
 Piilsifer, ^Villiam Henry, a manufacturer of 
 white lead at St. Louis. ^ otcs for a History of ],cail, 
 and an Inquiry into the rovclopuiert of the Manufac- 
 ture of White Lead and Lead Oxides, N. York, 1888, 8vo. 
 " His fellow-craftsmen will feel under an esiiecial (jbli- 
 gation to him, but his chapters have interest also for tliu 
 „ V , T, .. . /, r ., , „■ ■ . , , = world at large."— .Vi/f.oH.xlvii. IK. 
 ?„n" i«-i •^' S ?■■ -r. V,"",'" Y'^T't f"'l'«"l.' i Fulszky, AuRUstus, Doc. Juris, professor .,f law 
 Lon., 18(1, p. f>vo. 3. Iiie Radical Member, Lon., I =- "-- "-' ■ "- • ■ ! '- 
 _1S7I, IZino; new eds., 1871, 1877. 0. Everlasting Pun- 
 ishment : Do our Clergy believe in it ? a Plain Question, 
 by a Plain iMiin, Lon., 1872. 7. .Modern Christianity 
 a Civilized Heathenism. By Canon. .Salisbury, 1872, 
 er. Svo; new ed., 1880. 8. The Uround Ash: a'Public- 
 .Sehoi'l Story, Salisbury, 1874, p. Svo. U. The Home 
 that iby lUiilt, Salisbury, 1874, p. Svo. 10. Clerical 
 Erro;^ in the Ueailing of the Bible: a Collection of 
 Passages which iiro commonly read with a Wrong Em- 
 phasis or Punctuation, and are therefore misunderstood 
 by the People, Lon., 1874, Svo. Anon. II. Divine 
 Decrees in their Bearing upon Social Life and Civil 
 Allegiance, .tc, Salisbury, 1874, Svo. Anon. 12. The 
 Council of Canterbury, Lon,, 1882, p. Svo. 13. Er. 
 Bull's Aciideiiiy, Lon., ISSli, IL'iiio. 
 riillcr, llev. Frederick Willinm, graduated at 
 Trinity College, Cambridge, 1865; ordained 180(! ; vicar 
 of lloatli, Uhiinoiganshiro, 1871-80 ; chaplain of St. 
 in the University of Budapct since .1875. The Theorv 
 of Law and Civil Society, Lon., 1888. (The work wa's 
 originally written and published in Hungarian, but the 
 English translation was made, wholly or mainly, by the 
 " Professor I'nlszky's book is a most comprehen- 
 sive ill Its aims, coiitaiiiiiit,' the results of a vcrv full studv 
 on thesi.bjccl, and sliowint; Ihinughout a Mell-su.slaimil 
 yy.uir ol uKlepcndciit thoiiLdu ... 1 ca t think that 
 lie has solved the vast and dillicuit problem vhat be has 
 attacked. . . . .«iill, 1 think that what is novel in his view 
 m.liKles much that is .sUBgcsllve."— Hknhy tiiuowicK ■ 
 llfl'irifiil llcricii; Xii. 12. 
 "Written in excellent English, ... a mine of clo.^elv- 
 packed researches and rcflccticjiis upon an excecdinuiv 
 wid^ range of subjects."— .svi(. Ha:, Ixvi. 110. 
 Puiiii>elly, Kapliael, [imir, vol. ii., Pimi-ei.i.v, 
 Ralimi. adil.,] b. 1837, at Oswego, N.Y. ; educated at 
 the Polytechnic School in Hanover, and at the Itoyal 
 Mining Seliuol, Freiberg, Snxony: a niemljer of the 
 U.S. Geological Survey, and since 1 884 geologist of the 
 On the Divorce and Re- Marriage of Converts to Chris 
 tianity, Calcutta, 1882. 
 Pllllcyne,Mr8. E. 1. Francesea's Love ; a Novel, 
 Lon., 1868, 3 vols. p. Svo. 2. Out of .Society ; a Novel, 
 Lon., 187.'i. .'! vols. p. Svo. 
 Piilliblaiik, Uev. Joseph, M.A., graduated at 
 jSt. .John's College, Cambridge, 1866, and lirst class 
 Theol. Trip. 1867; ordained 1867; senior diocesan in- 
 spector of sch(]ols, Liverpool, since 18S7. 1. The Teach- 
 er's Hand-Book of the Bible. Lon., 1876, p. Svo. 2. 
 Lectures on the Sermon on the Mount, Lon., 1877, fp. Svo. 
 Piilliiij;, Alexander, [mtii;, vol. ii., add.,] b. 1813; 
 called to the bar at the I^ner Temple 1843; sergeant-at- 
 huv 1.S64. 1. The Order of the Coif, Lon., 1884, r. Svo. 
 2. (Ed.) The Law Reports: Index to the Orders of 
 Council, &Q., 18:i(l-l8S3, Lon.. 1885, Svo. 
 Pulling, Frederick Sanders, M.A., graduated 
 at Exeter C.dlege, Oxford, 1875; professor of historv in 
 Yorkshire College, Leeds, 1877. 1. Sir.ro8liua Reynolds, 
 ("Great Artists,") Lon., 18S0, p. Svo. ",. The Life and 
 Speeches of the Marquis of Salisbury, K.G., Lon., ISSj, 
 2 vols. 
 "Lord Salisbury's political career has been a striking 
 one, and allords .scoiie for interesting and iiicnirescnie 
 treatment, lint the trenlmcnt which it receives in these 
 Illumes is tKal ol a lli|iiiaiit and ignorant piuniihlctecr. 
 ■It is not well planned, the detaHs are ill arranged, it is ^ Three E:<ays, Lon., 18S5, l2nio. Also, " Ci 
 1 ol repetition, and it throws little fresh light on the the Eni-tle of St James" in Fllicott's N 
 SrNa'y,^'^' '""^'•"^"'"'' '^""J"-''' """ "•'"'-•" " """''■" clm[;ntar.v? vol iii 
 It was no mere spirit of roving that inipdleil oiir an- 
 tlior, like .so many of his countrymen, to ramble to the 
 lurthest possible di,«taiice from home. IniiMirtant com- 
 mercial and scienlilic interests were involved in the ex- 
 ploration of the chief districts in his route."— *'a(. Ikr 
 With BuooKS, T. B., and Schmidt, A., Iron Ores of 
 Missouri and Michigan. Illust. N. York, 1870, 2 vols, 
 cr. Svo, text, and atlas fol. 
 Punchnrd, Kev. Elgood George, D.D., grad- 
 uated at New Inn Hall, Oxford, 1872; ordained 1872; 
 vicar of Christ Church, Luton, since 1S83. I. Litanies 
 and Forms of Service for Children, Oxf., ls;6. 2. Kin.' 
 Saul, and other Poems, Lon., 1877, 12mo. 3. Seven 
 Times a Dny,_ Lon., IS7S. 4. Christ of Contention : 
 ommentary on 
 ew Testament 
 "Pune'ver, Peter," (Pseud.) See GnKKNLK.u-. 
 Lawkescb X., mipiii. 
 Punot, S. 1. Christine; or. The Bible Girl, Lon., 
 1875, 12mo; new ed., ISSI. 2. Tim's Little Mother: 
 new ed., Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 
 Pun8lion,I{ev. William Morley, [imic, vol. ii., 
 add.,] d. ISSO. 1. Pulpit and Pew : Addresses delivered 
 in Toronto, Lon., 1869, 12mo. 2. Celebrated Lectures 
 and Sermons, Lon., 1881, 12tno. 3. Biograijhieal and 
 Historical Lectures, Lon,, 1881, 12mo. 
 Purcell, Ferdinand Albert, M.D., F.R.C.S., sur- 
 geon to the Cancer Hospital, Brompton. On Cancer : its 
 ?hIX mil^tVrids Hni^i^t^r e&;:^^ I Ames ana^the^Tumors, with Special Relerenee to their 
 period of political historv as for the of (.'ratiiyiiiL' ■ ^""'''oil and Surgical Treatment, Illust. Lon., 1881, Svu, 
 the writers political animosities."— .Spcc(ii^>r, Iviii. 1137. \ Purcell, J. C. Manual of the North-Weslerii 
 Pullman, Jttrs. Margaret IHacDonald. Davs 
 Serene. Illust. Best., 1888, obi. 4to. 
 Pulman, John. Subordinate Clergy and Bishops : 
 which of them should bear Rule? Lon.. 1870. 
 Pulsford, Uev. John, [,(ii(c, vol. ii., add.] 1. 
 Christ and his Seed central to All Things, Lon., 1872, 
 4to; newed., 1876. 2. The Supremacy of .Man: aSug- 
 gestive Inquiry respecting the Philosophy and Theol- 
 ogy of the Future, Lon., 1S77, Svo. Anon. 3. Morgen- 
 riithe: u Book of the Age for the Children of the Age, 
 Lon., 1881, Svo; new ed., 1 8,H3, 4. Our Deathless Hope: 
 tt Series of Discourses, Lon,, 188,"), p. 8vo. 
 Puistbrd, Rev. William, D.D.,d. 1880, a>t. 64; 
 pastor for about eight years of Albany Street (Fndo- 
 pcndcnt) Chapel, E.iinu.ugh; afterwards settled as 
 minister of Trinity Church, (Congregational,) Glasgow. 
 Sermons preached in Trinity Church, Glasgow, Glasgow, 
 1873, p. 8vo. 
 ■"The essence of Dr. PuIsiotiI's preaching lay in thought, 
 uot In form. . . The preacher, we are made to feel, siieaks 
 ----- - tern 
 Provinces Kent Law, Agra, 1879, Svo. 
 Purdon, II. G. .Services of the Sixty-Fourth Regi- 
 ment, Lon., IS82, Svo. 
 Purdon, Henry Samuel, M.D., physician to the 
 Hospital for Skin Diseases, Belfast. I."0n Neurotic 
 Cutaneous Diseases, including Erythema, Lon., IsO'.t, 
 >ii. 2, A Treatise on Cutaneous Medicine and Di.-- 
 eases of the Skin, Lon,, 1875, 12mo. 
 Purdy, Alfred E. M. Medical Register of New 
 York, Nbw Jersey, and Connecticut, N. York, 1877, 
 Purdy, Charles W., M.D., professor of genito- 
 urinary and renal diseases in the Chicago Polyclinic. 
 Bright's Disease and the Allied Affections of the Kid- 
 neys. Iliust. Phila., ISSli, Svo. 
 Purdy, Truman H. Legends of the Susqae- 
 hanna, and other Poems. Illust. Phila., 1887, 1 2mo. 
 Purdy, William. City Life: its Trade and Fi- 
 nance, Lon., 1876, p. Svo. 
 Piirey-Cu8t. See Ci'st. 
 SS h at Icnby, Walus ; secretary to the Areh.i.ol„gio„l 
 Institutu; contributed to the Atheiiivum. ,lc., umlc7tl,o 
 ..gmuureof '■ y " l. UtenUure a„,l it« I'^.t^-lZXT 
 -on 871, ,.. 8vo 3. To London an.l KIsewhe o, l^„ t 
 J. Iliist iind Di„ n.b; Kssays, Un., Isss i, svo 
 !:^rv l•^'''-'^ voion,es! ^^hli; ;^ ,;!;;i^^i';:;;:j,;^,.f;;i--|^- 
 ^'Miui. , Lpstarus, miu ( .oru'iil Krrors.'"— .S(i(. i;e,.,, ixvii, 
 c,,**p";f ^' •!,"''" 'V«"et. M.I)., clinical physician to 
 Sir 1 Dun's Jlos,„tal, iJuhlin. ,\ .Manual oV Hi^ol A 
 and Histological Methods, Duhlin, \SM \''mn ''^ 
 I iirtoii, Walter Onions, graduated at St. Cath- 
 «n„e.. College, Cainhridire. l,s-i« ; ordained 1S,W ree tr 
 of^Poyninga since iss.s. The Communicant, Lon., lS8l' 
 Pnseley, Daniel, [„„ie, vol. ii., add.,] d. I.ss2, mt 
 (u. Most of 1,18 books Her., published under the i„eu- 
 donymo of "Frank Fo.ster." I. Number nnp.,„.'Th 
 W,,v of the World, I.on,, Is62-H,^, thr™ "eHc^.'svJ ^^^ 
 selv'e.'5'-'s<,Sj^,.f':^iri'.'S!!"'^"" '«'-""^' ''' ""'^ "' "■"•™- 
 Lon fs«^."R'''"' "f''-rF''r'y- ^y "" 01'' 'Author. 
 Lon 186,), p. 8vo. ; . The Age we Live in ; or. Doings 
 of the Day, Ur> WV.i p- Svo. 4. Old Acqua ntarcf 
 2d ed., Lon. 18(16, p. Svo. 5. A Journey of IM, fn 
 Long and Short Stages, Lon., 1SB6, p. ,Syo. « OuJ 
 Promior; or Love and Duty, Lon., 1S66, p. Svo 7 
 The Tourist's Assi^stant: a Popular (fuide ti Watc'rin. - 
 Places in hnglnnd, Ac; 3d ed., Lon., 186,^ p. Svo s 
 Who'd be an Author? with the Answer, Lo,., Isfi,, ,,; i 
 * I'i »■ D'^n^l-'-lifcal Note. Book, Session 1S7I. Lon 
 IS- 1, Svo. 10. All round the World; or, What's he : 
 Object? Lon., 1876, 3 vols. p. Svo. 11 New l>liv« nt 
 an Old Author. Lon., 1876 i'- ^^^ew 1 lays. By 
 ....add ] d 1882. 1 (Ed.) Traotatus deVeri. tlScer . ^ 
 tionis IJ. Virginis, O.xf., 1889, 4to. 2. (Trans.) Suffe?- 
 ngs of Jesus, by Friar Thome de Jesu, O.vf., I,>*61» 
 2 vols. 12mo. .S Eirenicon, Part III.: Is Heal hl'ul 
 Reunion Impossible? 0.vf., 1870, Svo. 4. The Minor 
 Prophets: with Commentary. Part IV. O.xf., 187 , 4to 
 CTho complete work was issued in 1876, 1 vo . 4to ) 5 
 fh.s ,s .ny IJody : a Sermon preached before the Un ver-' 
 College, Oxf., 1876, Svo. 9. God and Jl'umanVndepVn 
 dence: aSermon Oxf., 1876. 1(1. Un-Science, notSeiilice 
 Rule of Faith : a Sermon, Lon., 1879, 8vo 12. P ophecy 
 1879T;,"]S^r'" ';"''"""'"'• •^'■■- "Sermons, 
 ,,, f . r • ^""^"'■'""'^ on some Criticisms on Man- 
 ua for Confessors 0.vf. 1879, Svo. 14. What is of F^i th 
 . to tverlasting Punishment ? In Reply to Dr. Farrar' 
 tl a engc m his "Eternal Hope," Oxf^ 1S80, sJo 
 ^ued deposit o^'i^tu^: li? c^j^.';'i;^.,"^^r 
 ^ ^^xl;;:^oS'l-™^-SgI;vi; ^i 
 I^ing. Lon., 1882, sq. 16mo. ^ "> «ev. K 
 lnti„I!'"'v'.' .^; r • '♦"•"verie. Permanence and Evo- 
 II T^' *• '^™''3. History of my Friend- or 
 Liheiftl^Fuuh, Bos_t., Ia7i, p. Svo. 2. A Unitarian 
 f 16mo. 2 Witchcraft of New England Explained bv 
 M..dern Spiritaalisin, Post., issii. |2n,o. :i l",, \I,o^ 
 'em Confcsions:, „riiten through 'a .M„;tar.' 
 and by Spirits who, wi.en in Morl:.l, wore Office s of 
 Harvard C..|le;;e. lio-t., 1S86, I.',,,,, "mccrs ol 
 I'lltliBin, Kllii. l) .Margaret j r„|sol The 
 fingers ,<tory, li„«t.. IS88, 16mo. '" '' 
 M,',!,'l !".'"""' *^'«'«""f»" (l-'^oud., See li.VTKs, 
 Mils. tl. l,„ Hlljirit. * 
 riitnnm, Kev. (Jeorsft-, D.D., [„„/,. vol. ii.,add 1 
 Sermon-^ preached in the Church of the Fir.^t Kcligi „ 
 Society m Ki,xbiiry, I!u t., 'S7.s p,,,,, ^"^' "" 
 son'„"fV''Tj.*'""T "•"•?'"'" !'• '!-*«.!" London; 
 son of , P. •u.n-m. („„ir, vol, ii,;, educnte.l at Coluiii 
 iMa and Udttingcn ; has been a publisher in New V k 
 since 1,866 and is head of the firm of ,j. P. {C'Z, 
 itritl,. i„„".';''"ilH'-""' <^"l'r'«'" "■""*^''l'"-f'l in some of 
 s-u c " 'o '^"'"-'•'' ""'' ''"''''<="' t-conomy, N.York 
 ls-9, Itmio. 2. Authors and Publishers: a Manual of 
 Suggestions for Beginners in Literature, N. York, I,S83, 
 Putnam, J. Pickerins. 1. The Metric System 
 '; ^"'orr'V'^r""^^ :;.ied.,enl.,Bos,., llj^ t" 
 1,^81, 1 2m» ^■"''•''''"™ '" '^'l ^SO^- I'lust. Post., 
 Putnam, James Osborne, b. ISlS, at Attica 
 MS42-' rs'""'-"'"' ^'''"' '■^•'"= admitted 'to the b"; 
 IM^, U.S. minister to Belgium ISsii. Addre-st- 
 1880 iTo"" '^'*-^'-'«l'""''=^. from 1S54 f. 1879, N. W,' 
 ! Putnam, Mrs. Sallie A. Brock, b. about !■ i , 
 iU Madison Court-llouse, Va. ; married to Kev. cha d 
 Putnam, of New York, 1883. She wrote under 1 e ■ "u 
 : N, York; ,861^" H!;„„^; ,^^~'- Amaranth, 
 Yc^^"?s"-"'',P^'»"'"f' »:• '■ ^™"'eUieu.::\Ti.;. , ,N. 
 , Voik. IS,, 16„,o. 2. The Golden Throne: a Kad ca 
 Uoiiiance, N. Yo:-k, 1883, Svo n.mitai 
 I p!^aScv:*:;t;:^^[::!:'::v^T•:lid?^H• 
 lers of intert'Jt."-,s'?/ Ao'^lxli 7.« '■ " '""""" *^"'"« """• 
 . Minua of S^ ''■ 1 M^''"''"':' ■ '• ^"'J'"'''" """'licraft: 
 PL VI- hee Smith. /(,/,„. 
 of A;;ylc;.'k,;''Lon?K'87'rto"''^ " ^--'"-'^-'< 
 Pyle, Howard, h. 1.86:i, at Wilmington, Del • be 
 oaniean artist, and has furnished many iliu,"nUion's fo 
 1«J 19 ,' '"■ ^- ^^'""" ""■' Capes, N. York 
 i18Sd 121.10. 3. (Ed.) Pepper and Salt; or\4 sonin i 
 for Young Folk, Lon., I,i,i7, r. Syo. 4 T e 1 o«e of 
 Paradise, ti York, 1887, 12i,io. :,. The Woiide Clock 
 . York Ts's""'^^"^"'^ '''""''''''"' ■^•"^-- "l"«t N: 
 lork, 1888, Svo. 6. Otto of the Silver Hand. Hlust. 
 , D^athit, Bost., 1888, 
 Oberlin ; or, The Story of Jasper L 
 iBlllo. "^ 
 Putnam, Rev. Allen, 1802-1887, b. nt Danver. 
 Mass.; graduated .tt Harvard College 1825 1 S.druTn 
 vocations : Prayers and Praises publicly ofTe d t m ugh 
 the ^ocaI Organs of Mrs. J. A. Conant, Bo t 376 
 N, Y'ork, 1888, Syo.' 
 latrrt'"«n J"' ?' '|"i:™<^''<^- "'» Gamin of Paris; trans. 
 ™ll.. W2,"l';r:' """" "'"-"''' "^^'^ M-^-ables,- 
 h *^?9T'!.?'V-"'''i; Thomas Unggles, D.D., LL.D., 
 ColeJe 1841 " ,"!*''■!■'. t^"""-.- g.aJuated at Trinity 
 Ph, ih . ""'"">«'' '" the Protestant Epi.scopa'l 
 cXge i c'c r- "r r?' .'•'"'"^""•'''■^ '" ^'^-^- 
 Hct^LL'ht «c V v"'r'',":i"."" '" Chemical Physics, 
 iii^[, L/ignt, Ac, N. York, 1S7R, cr Syo 
 1 ynL,fcveljn. I. Dream of the Gironde, and other 
 .'"f ' 
 Poems, Lon„ 1877, p. 8vo. 2. The Poet ' ^ May, fTerie,] 
 Lon., 1885, Svo. 
 Pyne, Henry U. The History of the First New 
 Jersey Cavalry, (Sixteenth Begitnent Volunteers,) 
 Trenton, 1S71, lOmo. 
 Fyott, William. Poems and Sonjjs ; new eil., 
 cnl., Diinilee, INH5, Svo. 
 Pyrnelle, Jflta, Louian Clarke. Diddie, Dumjis, 
 and Tot; or. Plantation Child-Life, Illust. N. York, 
 1882, sq. 16mo. 
 Quackenbos, John Duncan, b. 1848, in New 
 York; son of (t. P. Quiickcnbos, {initr,vo\, ii. ;) gradu- 
 ated at Columbia College 1868, and at the College of 
 Phyaiiiuns and Surgeons 1871 , adjunct professor of 
 English language and literature in Columbia since 1881. 
 1. Illustrated llistory of Ancient Literature, Oriental 
 nnd Classical. Illust. N. York, 1878, 12mo. 2. His- 
 tory of the English Language, 1884. 
 Qunin, Richard, F.R.C.S., P.R.S., [uiite, vol. ii., 
 first of the niimo there mentioned, add.,] J800-18S7. 1. 
 Observations on Medical Education, Lon., 1865, ^vo. 2. 
 Some Defects in Ocneral Education. Lon., 1870, Svo. 
 ;<. Clinical Lectures. Illust. Lon., 1885, 8vo. 
 Qnain, Richard, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S., [anie, 
 vol. ii., second of the name there mentioned, add.,] 
 b. 1316; physician to the hospital for Consumption, at 
 Brompton, 1855-75, and since then consulting physician ; 
 Lumleian lecturer 1872, and Ilarveian orator 1885; Fel- 
 low of the Statistical, Zoological, and other societies, Ac. 
 1. (Ed.) A Dictionary of Medii-ine; including General 
 Pathology, General Therapeutics, Hygiene, and the Dis- 
 eases pcculi r to Women and Children. By Various 
 ■H'liters. Illust. Lon., 1882, Svo; new ed., 188,1, 2 
 vols.; 12th thousand, 1887. 
 "To Ihcisi'who know somethitipr of the enormous fculk 
 of eveu current medical literature, the comprthen»ive 
 survey of the ' mystery' allbrded by this viilume will appear 
 a marvel of iulDrmed and patient industry. The eoni- 
 prcssioii ot maiter has of neces.«ity been ^reat, but .so Ju- 
 diciously has it been efleetod that eoneiseness dipes not 
 seem anywhere I" have been purchased at ilie expense of 
 clearness and intelligibility."— .Spcrtator, Iv. 1657. 
 2. The Healing Art in its Hiatorio and Prophetic 
 Aspects, (Harveian Oration,) Lon., 1885, Svo. 
 <2iialtroiiRh, Lieut. E. F., U..=.N., b. 1850, at 
 Rochester, N.V. Sailor's Handy Rook and Yachtsman's 
 Manual ; adapted for the Navy, Merchant Service, Rev- 
 enue Marine, and Yachtsmen. Illust. hid Diagrams. 
 X. York, 18,s|, gq. 24mo. 
 Quarry, Rev. John, D.D., ordained 18.32; rector 
 of Dououghuiore and cancm of Cloyne since 1868. 1. 
 Genesis and its Authorship : Two Dissertations, Lon., 
 1861'], Svo; new ed., 1873. 2. Religious Belief: its 
 Difficulties in Ancient and Modern Times, (Donnellan 
 Lectures,) l,(m., 1880, Svo. 
 Queensbcrry, Itlarchioness of. See Douglas. 
 Quceiisberry, C. Reply to IngersoU's "What 
 shall I do to be Saved'?" Lon., 1881, sq. I6mo. 
 Quekett, Rev. William, M.A., d. 1888; gradu- 
 ated at St. John's College, Cambridge. 1825; ordained 
 1S25; rector of Warrington from 1854. Hewas a brother 
 of John Thonuis t^uekett, (<n,ie, vol. ii., where the name 
 is S]icllcd Queo! ett,) in whose house the Quekett Club 
 was founded. " My Sayings and Diings;" with Rem- 
 iniscences of my Life : an Autobiography. Illust. Lon., 
 1888, Svo. 
 Quentin, Charles. I. So Young, my Lord, and 
 True: a Novel, Lon., 1878, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 2. Through 
 the Storm, Lon., 1870, 3 vols. p. Svo. 3. A Fearless 
 Life, Lon., 1882, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 ^Uick, J. The Ring of Pearls ; or, His at La^it : a 
 Novel, Lon., 1876, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Quick, J. Water-Supply of the Metropolis and 
 Trnn-^fer of London Companie , Lon., 1880, Svo. 
 Quicke, W. F. Synopsis of Preliminary Subjects 
 for Local Examinations, Lon., 1875, p. Svo. 
 Quill, A. W. Arguments against Home Rule un- 
 answered by Mr. Morloy, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 Qnilter, Hnrry, M.A., b. 1851: prrnduated at 
 Cambridge; called to the bar at the Inner 'Temple 1878 
 1. Giotto, ("Great Artists,") Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 
 "It Is doiilptftil whether (here is miwh left lo be si.i.l 
 respcetiiij! (iiotto; . . . Imt, whatever the rmiliiuvi. nuiv 
 be, Mr. Harry tlullter has not said it, nor, from what .v'e 
 can gather of his powers in this volume, Is he likely tosav 
 It in the future."— ^caif., xviii. -iUT. 
 2. Sentontiie Artis : First Principles of Art for 
 Painters, Ac , Lon., 18S6, Svo. 
 Quin, Charles William, [dnte, vol. ii., second 
 of the name -here mentioned, add.] (Ed.) Garden Re- 
 ceipts, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 
 Quin, F.dwin Richard Wyndhani-, third 
 Earl or Uunraven and Mountearl, I812-1.H7I : 
 succeeded to the title in 1850. Notes on Irish Arclii- 
 teeture. Edited by Margaret Stokes. Lon., 1875-77, 2 
 vols. fol. 
 "We have now the conclusion of this splendid work. . . . 
 The former volume dealt only with the pagan and eurlv 
 Christian remait:s. Its successor contains Lord Dunraven's 
 notes (jn the round towers ami i,n the later native churches, 
 ! . . . followed by an es.^ay on Irish Architecture [by .Mi« 
 : Stokes]."— .Sii/. liev., xllv.'271 
 j Quin,Wyndham Thomas Wyndham-, fourth 
 Earl of Dunraven and Mountearl, K.P., b. isil, 
 j and educated at Christ Church, Oxford ; was for a tinie in 
 i the Life Guards, and during the Abyssinian war and ilie 
 i Franco-Prussian war acted as special correspondent ol 
 the London Daily Telegraph, lie was under-secretary 
 for the colonies in I885-S6 and 1886-87, ond has con- 
 tributed articles to periodicals, chiefly on honting mat- 
 ters. 1. The Great Divide: Travels in the Upper Yellow- 
 stone in the Summer of 1874, Lon., 1876, Svo; 2d ed. 
 some year. 
 " Co"ntainsa varietyof interesting Information about the 
 country, and the men and animals that are to be nu't with 
 J in it ; and, when be is fairly warmed into admiration, he 
 shows very ('onsiderable jKiwers of impressive and vigor- 
 ous description."— So/. Jivi:, xli. 338. 
 2. The Irish Question, Lon., 1880, Svo. 3. The ,Sou. 
 ! dan : its History, Geography, and Characteristics : ii, 
 ! Lecture, Lon., 1SS4, Svo. 
 j Quinan, John R. Medical Annals of Baltimore 
 from 1608 to 1880, Bait., 1884, Svo. 
 Quinby, Henry C, member of the Odontologicul 
 Societies of New York and Londim. 1. Notes on Dental 
 Practice. Illust. Lon., 1884, Svo. 2. What cnii a 
 Mother do lo Preserve her Children's Teeth ? Lon., IsST, 
 cr. Svo. 
 Quincy, Josiah, [mile, vol. ii., third of the name 
 there mentioned, add.,] 1802-1882, b. in Boston; grad- 
 uat-.d at Harvard 1821; mayor of Boston 1845-r.i. 
 Figures of the Past: from the Leaves of O'.'i Journnl.<, 
 Bost., 1883, 12mo. 
 " The charm of this volume consists in the happy stvlc 
 of the narrator, at once easy, humorous, and polislied. 'its 
 Interest is personal and historical, for the most pait ci.n- 
 liiied to the seecjnd and third decades of the present cen- 
 tury."— jVci/ioh, xxxvi. 238. 
 Quincy, Josiah Phillips, ['iii(e, vol. ii., add.,] 
 son of the preceding. Protection o'' .Majorities : Con- 
 siderations relative to Electoral Reform ; with othei' 
 Papers, Bost., 1875, 16mo. 
 Quincy, Samuel IMiller, [nii/c, vol. ii., add.] 1. 
 The Man who was not a Colonel. By a Higii Private. 
 Bost., 1877. 2. A Prisoner's Diary, Bost., 1882. 
 Quinn, M. Mary Queen of Scots: a Tragedv, \u 
 Three Acts, l,on., 1884, cr. Svo. 
 Quinn, Patrick T. 1. Pear-Culture for Prolit. 
 Illust. N. York, 1869, 12mo. 2. Money in the Garden: 
 Vegetable Manual, prepared with a View to Economy 
 and Profit, N. York, 1871, 12mo. 
 Quint, Rev. Alonzo Hall, D.D., [mite, vol. ii., 
 add.] (Kd.) The First Parish in Dover. New Hamp- 
 shire: Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary, ISS;;, 
 Dover, 1884, Svo. 
 Turns of the Wheel, Lon., 
 ^"3 l.-en chairman of he ^a,l?.'"d,r.'f '°.'^«^' ">"' 
 The CoiMitrv Banker -hi, PI in .,."'" '''■°^' '"■•'• 
 after an Experience oVkoLv '',''"■'"'' *"'' ^^"■'k, 
 5th e,l. sam'e year ^ ^'"'"' ''""•> '««• "■ «'»; 
 anduij^pH^^^i^n^^™ '^^;!^^t by Uje «e,,erai rea,,er, 
 Raban, h. anj B. 
 Motion, L.'.n'^^ Tsni,^, \,'fo' ^f" '' " »'-'« "f I'by sicai 
 Kndtliire, Francis Reynolds Yonee \f \ 
 m'.rioL.Ki ^Jiri^^'^" ,c^p':^%xJ^;^i: 
 the Inner Temple 878 The'ii:'Ji.?''''' '" ">« bar at 
 p RadcLlfe, J. The La«t Daysif Sh'iloh, Lon., ,874, 
 18o":'fv'„',f ,;. .s'^r-'^non'- ^'"^« ^I-''™-"' ^on., 
 ft ilousehoM, Ln 855 i v„lc"" *"'"'" ^"■""'y »f 
 Radcliffe, S. T a i ti ,. 
 other Slories, Lon Issi V.,,;, "' *"""*'' '^'■■""«. xncl 
 CofSe/cImLr^dTen's':!;-.';^^,^;,^?-'.^'^ "' P-''"""' I 
 Inn -.878. 1. Translation^ r ",'f ""■ "' Lincoln's, Ca».bri,lg„ I882! ''"'" "''"^'' "-'» »""•■'■ ! 
 "A little biHik which Ih" lnvi.i.f.f ,••!,„. ■ 1 --,,■■■■■ "nc, uun ibki), a vols n 
 fresh i„ n„etry will read onott inn ,,:,' '' '^?""!»<i "nd | ton's Last Race, Un.. 1881 iT/n? 
 agaiii.aujperlmps often "-"^^''11^^^ "'"' ^^"' '''•■"'' "*''8, p. 8vo. ' ' *^'"°' 
 Radr„\7'^'"'ii [--.J.I'o'n.. ''8^ l«n.„. 
 4to ' *" "• Occasional Verses, Lon., Ls88, 
 tio"s"f "feVfal'eZT.',- ''■?- '.'»•'-'•'*«'• Observa-' 
 Obstetric OpemC " B fj;,"' ^ror';88j' T' '"',f"'' 
 Slime year. -"'usi. L.on., 1880, 8vo; 2d ej. 
 son"or^eoiJS',f;«-»'«- ''• ''P' ''Birkenhead; 
 pursuits, but*^ias traveled ''Jr '"',"''' '" '■■""■"'ercia 
 «;w|^v!f ^ru:;r:":'it„!^f' .K-'-V"' «-. amusing de. 
 "lpi«ut. yet he mil. t I e a^\u 1. , w'''' '" ""'"^■time.s 
 ""Hr?n' ?•=■■' -^^^ 
 titled Sydney Illo't'lJr't''-'''''-'' "f » ^"l""'" en- 
 "n,l inihli hTd a ver i'on\f w?- ''i",'''''^'""' '" '^'2.,ory noL irisl^"" ,m '''•"'' '"''■ ""»> 
 Scnip-liook, 187r 2 Pmf; ' "'''"'""8' f"'m uiy 
 1884, p. 8vo. Contemporary Socialism, Lunf, 
 hH7''.''.7;r'em,".?,'',,«?';".™^■,«""b^sis.w which ^rr. Kne 
 ! I>o^>e^s/■->i,frt/,^,V, h-iii i 'W ' ''''''^' '"^'i""^"' ou«l,t to 
 Rue, John, /,L.D.. F s' \ 1 \f„ . r , 
 >Ient, Monk, Ke urm^r I hwV I' ',"" Luther, Stu- 
 • Kinuultrie, Lon., 
 at'S,n'V{Ir;^6f.''h:s"b' '•'"''' ••""•«'' *° "- "ar 
 of London ne«- pipe .' 'T We^i^'Pfr' ™"''--P»'"'ent 
 Ignite to the £,^1' Lon 18-n"'j' ^^ ''"" •• "'« '''"'••''' 
 new Introduc,o,.r6hS"er,',87 rsd'ld"' fs'-f" ''"" ^^ 
 -*'. ftr., .x.v.vii p! "'"' '''^"' "'^ a Kraphic delineator." 
 ;vish'\h«,;;rba;^^^t'K :;,«-,;;"': i'Vi'Hmi;.;s:;;'i;'^;,:i^ 
 thought, oommerej; '^nS'll^t.l^,, ^^'xS' ^l"^ "^ 
 3. The Whitn V ,^'"?«*« : ^'^arf- ^^iil- 47. '"""• "[„ 'he Domini,,,, ,ir„, y 1 
 i^<^viZ'ZiZr:i'z"t%o " "^""''^'" Russian !uS7;;^^n,?^^;i'i^e;'^^," „ , „« ,„e-. 
 lioand ti;; NewDouiiTion': k^,??" ""> «'™' Repub- 
 by Rail," Lon.. m", "v," ' ^"fl'lement to " Westward 
 of'Z Sl;;l^t,i!:;r^iif ;|-^™ h.- knit ,he province, 
 meii careers as satis v,V.*^^,,,,?,'^;'\''f' K'^'W ''er public 
 would ti,„i at ^v„^!.,i■;,l' ^,, " ''^ I""/.?'',''^ ,"'"H"'"" "^ tbev 
 and seldon, vLslted l^y Kifgiw,'t';urK,JV.""L'".y ""'« k.iown 
 Mr. Rae is a ,rpiinin.. „ 1 '^''''*- — .^'A., No. l'832 
 pa^ion for';i;,\rUden'l?;;Vl^.'.'i!;S''l^;''';)\fi,Y'"' ^ ^^^ 
 4- A Limb of the Law : a Novel. Lon., IsJa, p. 8vo. 
 remain an lutes ml part i' the Br fkb'p ' '"'"■"' '•'""er 
 asepa,„te i,ati,,n.'i.s"wV,/or 1 14-' '■"'P'^ or become 
 Ba.vlo'fl Uonipnoe, Lon., I8.S7, S vols. or. Svo. Anon. 
 2(1 fil., with iiiilii ■• nuiiie, IHSSI, Kl. A Mcidern nrijjiind : 
 a Novel. Uy the .Author of " Mifs Iluylo's Itorimncu." 
 I.on., 1SX8, ;) vola. cr. 8vo. II. Austriun llcnl(li-Uc«ortfl 
 nml Ihu liittor Waters of Jliinnarv, liun., Isss, p. Hvo. 
 Italfnlovicli, Murk Alldr^. I. Cyril unci Lionel : 
 Poems I tSentiincntiil .Stuilicsi, Lon., 1S8I, er. 8vo. 2. 
 I'liboroso and Meiulow-Swcet, [viTse,] Lon., 1885, or. 
 8vo. li. In Fancy Dress, [verse,] Lon., 1SS8, p. Hvo. 
 Itntl'viispcrger, Mrs. A. F. 1. Littlu Stories for 
 (loud Little People, N. York, 1876, 18nio. 2. Happy 
 Homo Stories, N. York, 187il, lOnio. .'!. Sunny Hours, 
 N. York, 187'.', lOino. I. Happy Hours with our Little 
 People, \. York, 1SS2, fq. Svo. o. Seventeen and Tiviuu 
 Seventeen: a Story of New Kni;hin<l, N. York, 188), 
 12nio. I). Fritz's Kauch ; a Hook for Boys, N. Y'ork, 
 1887, 12mo. 7. Patieneo Preston, JI.D., Boat., 1888, 
 Hailter, Cnpt., [unli; vol. ii., add.] The Rifle- 
 man; or. The Adventures of Percy Ulake, Lon., 1877, 
 p. 8vo. 
 Kafter, (<eorge W., civil engineer. The Me- 
 chanics of Ventilation, X. York, 1877, 18nio, 
 Kngozin, Madame X^iialde Alexeieviiai b. 
 about ls;i.i, in Russia; removed to the United States in 
 1871, 1. The Story of Cbaldca, from the Earliest Times 
 to the Rise of Assyria, ("Story of the Nations,") N. Y'ork, 
 188«. 12mo. 2. i'lie Story of Assyria, from the Rise of 
 the Empire to the Fall of Nineveh, N. York, 1S87, 12mo. 
 3, The Story of .Media, Babylon, and Persia ; including 
 ft Study of the Zend-Avesta, or Religion of Zoroaster : 
 from the Fall of Nineveh to the Persian War, N. Y'ork, 
 188S, 12nio. 
 Raikes, Georgo Alfred. History of the Honor- 
 able Artillery Company. Maps and Illuat. Boat., 1879, 
 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Haine, Hev. James, D.C.L., graduated at Uni- 
 versity College. Durham, 1851, and elected I'ellow 1852; 
 vicar of St. Lawrence, York, 1807-68, and of St. Michael 
 Spurrier Oato, York, 1868-85; rector of All Saints', Pave- 
 ment, Y'ork, since 1868. 1. (Ed.) Depositions from the 
 Castle of York, relating to Offences committed in the 
 Northern Counties in the Seventeenth Century, (Sur- 
 tees Soo. Pub.,) Newcastle, 1861, Svo. 2. (Ed.) The 
 Priory of lloxhani : its Chroniclers, Endowments, and 
 Annals, (Surtees Soc. Pub.,) Newcastle, 2 vols., 1864-65, 
 Svo. 3. (Ed.) The Register, or Rolls, of Walter Gray, 
 Archbishop of Y'ork, (Surtees Soc. Pub.,) Newcastle, 
 1872, Svo. 4. (Ed.) Historical Letters and Papers, Lon., 
 1873, r. Svo. 5. (13d.) Dialog! Laurentii Dunclmensis 
 Monachi ao Prioris, [verse,] (Surtees Soc. Pub.,) New- 
 castle. 1880, Svo. 6. (Ed.) Memorials of the Church of 
 SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Ripon, vol. iii., (Surtees Sou. 
 Pub.,) 'Newcastle, 1888, Svo. 
 Raincb, Rev. Francis Robert, [a>i(e, vol. ii., 
 add.] 1. (Ed.) The Visitation of the County Palatine 
 of Lancaster in 1567; in 1613; in 1664-05, (Chetham 
 Soc. Pub.,) Manchester, 1870-73, 5 vol.i. Svo. 2. T'le 
 Vicars of Rochdale. Edited by H. H. Howorth. (Chet- 
 ham Soo. Pub.,) Manchester, 1883, 2 vols. 4to. 
 Rainey, W. All the Fun of the Fair, Lon., 1888, 4to. 
 Rains, Fanny L. By Liind and Ocean: Journal 
 and Letters of a Girl, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 
 Rainsford, Rev. Marcus, graduated at Trinity 
 College, Dublin, 1843; ordained 1844; vicar of Dundalk 
 1854-06, and since then minister of Belgrave Chapel, 
 Pimlico, London. 1. Lectures on St. John xvii., Lon., 
 1873; 2d ed., 1877, p. Svo. 2. Sermons preached at 
 Belgrave Chapel; 2d ed., Lon., 1 873, Svo. 3. The Or- 
 dinance of the Passover, and other Expositions, Lon., 
 1874, 12mo; new ed., 1882. 4. Lectures on Romans v., 
 vi., vii., Lon., lS78-7tf, 3 vols. p. Svo. 5. "Straight 
 Paths lor your Feet :" Notes from Lectures on some of 
 the Most Important Words in the Bible, Lon., 1881, 
 12mo. 6. No Condemnation, No Separation: Lectures 
 on the Eighth Chapter of .St. Paul's Epistles to the Ro- 
 mans, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 7. The .Mystery of his Will: 
 a Practical Exposition of the First Chapter of the 
 Epistle to the Ephcsians, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Rainsford, Rev. William Stephen, D.D., b. 
 1850, in Dublin; graduated at St. John's College, Cam- 
 bridge, 1872; ordained 1873; rector of St. George's 
 Church, New York, since 1882. Sermons preached in St. 
 George's, Stuyveaant Square, New Y'ork, N. York, 1887, 
 Rainy, Rev. Robert, D.D., b. 1820, at Qliisgow; 
 graduated at the University of Glasgow 1843, and at 
 New College, Edinburgh, 1848 ; entered the ministry of 
 the Free (Miundi ; professor of chureh history at New 
 College, Edinburgh, since 1802. and principal since 1874. 
 1. Three Lectures on the Church of Scotland, Lou., 1872 ; 
 4th ed., 1872, Svo; new ed., iss;!. 2. The Delivery and 
 Development of Christian Doctrine, (Cunninglmm Lec- 
 tures,) Lon., 1874, Svo. 3. The Bible and Criticism ; 
 Four Lectures, Lon., 1878, p. Svo. With Mackknzik, 
 Jamks. Life of William Cunningham, Lon., 1871, Svo. 
 Raleigh, Rev. Alexander, D.D., [(i)i(<, vol. ii., 
 adil.,| an Independent minisler; d. ISsO. 1. The Little 
 [ Sanctuary, and other Meditiilions, Lon., is. 2; new ed., 
 1S80, p. Svo. 2. Liltlc Sanctuary Sermons, Lon., 1870, 
 p. Svo. 3. The Way to the City, Ac. : Sermons. Edin., 
 I8SU, cr. 8vo: 2d ed., 1881, cr, Svo. 4. The Book of 
 Esther : I'raetical Lessons, ,te., Lon., issn, p. Svo. 5. 
 Thoughts for the Weary and the Sorrowful, Edin., 1882, 
 12mo; 3d ed,, 1886. 0. From Dawn to Perfect Day: 
 Sermons, Lon., 18S3, p. Svo. 7. Rest from Care aiid 
 Sorrow. Second Series of "Thoughts for the Weary." 
 L(jn., 1S84. p. Svo. 8. The Story of Jonah the Prophet, 
 Edin., 1886, Svo. 
 Raleigh, Mrs. Mary, wife of the preceding. 1. 
 (Ed.) Alexander Raleigh : Records of his Life, Edin., 
 1881, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1883. 2. Studies in the Unseen, 
 Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. 
 Raleigh, Thomas, M.A., Fellow of All Souls Col- 
 lege, O.xlord. Elementary Politics, Oxford, 1886, 12mo; 
 3d ed. same year. 
 Ralfe, Charles Henry, M.D. Cantab., F.R.C.P., 
 assistant physician to the London Hospital ; cxa.niner 
 in medicine to the University of Diirham, Ac. I. Out- 
 lines of Physiological Chemistry, l^on., 1S73, 12mo. 2. 
 Demonstrations in Physiological and Pathological Chem- 
 istry, Lon., 1880, 12mo. 3. On the Morbid Condition 
 of the Urine dependent upon Derangements of Digestion, 
 1882, 12mo. 4. Clinical Chemistry: an Account of the 
 Analysis of Blood, Urine, Ac, Lon., 18S3, 12mo. 5. 
 School Ilygien(': a Lecture, Lon., 1883, Svo. 0. A 
 Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Kidneys and Uri- 
 nary Derangements. Illust. Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 
 Ralphdon, Harold FuUon. The Age of Clcve. 
 land ; compiled hugely from Contemporary Journals 
 and other Original Sources, and edited for Posterity, N. 
 York, 1888, 16mo. 
 Ralston, Rev. Thomas Neely, P.D., [ante, vol. 
 ii., add.,] b. ISOO; educated at (Jeorgetown College, Ky.; 
 became a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church. 
 1. Evidences, Morals, and Institutions of Christianity, 
 Nashville, Tenn., 1870. 2. Ecce Unitas; or, A Plea for 
 Christian Unity. By Eureka. Cin., 1875, 16mo. 3. 
 Bible Truths, Nashville, 1SS4. 
 Ralston, William Ralston Shedden, [miie, 
 vol. ii., add.,] 1S28-1S89; educated at Trinity College, 
 Cambridge; v«a3 assistant librarian in (ho British Mu- 
 seum IS53-75; twice Ilchester lecturer in the University 
 of Oxford; a corresponding member of the Imperial 
 Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg, and a member 
 of other learned societies in Russia. 1. The Songs of 
 the Russian People, as illustrative of Slavonic Myth- 
 ology and Russian Social Life, Lon., 1872, Svo; 2d ed. 
 Siizne year. 
 " It is not often that our literature is enriched bv a work 
 on so virgin a soil as Mr. Hulston has begun to till in the 
 book before us. ... It is thoroughly well executed 
 throughout, and boars no t.ace of the painful toll wliiili 
 Its author must have undergone before he could himself 
 fully understand, and then convey so plea.snntly to his 
 rcailers, the idiomatic sense of the many .songs and spells 
 in obscure dialects of a dlHicult language, which are to be 
 read In easy English in his pages. . . . Mr. Kalston has 
 acted very wLsely in making this, his first took on the sub- 
 ject, neither too large nor too learned."— .8u(. Hev., xxxiii. 
 2. Russian Folk-Tales, Lon., 1873, Svo. 
 " He is brimful of his subject, and encounters no ditll- 
 tulty but that of keeping within reasonable bounds."- .s'a/. 
 Hev., xxxvi. 85. 
 3. Early Russian Hi.story : Four Lectures delivered at 
 Oxford, in the Taylor Institution, Lon., 1874, p. Svo. 
 " The several stages of a political growth siugularlv un- 
 like that of the Teutonic nations are traced with sutli'eient, and in a spirit at once generous and impartial."— 
 Sat. liev., xxxvlii. 411. 
 With Cole, 0. W., Tippoo : a Tale of a Tiger, Ac, 
 Lon., 1886, 4to. 
 Ram, Mrs. Abel John. 1. (Trans.) Spiritual 
 Life: Conferences by PiSre Ravignan, Lon., 12mo. 2. 
 Most Beautiful among the Children of Men, Lon., 1884. 
 fp. Svo. 
 ..."•?'»: „"^v- KUwnrd, Kra,l„fttc,l arst oln.s nt 
 E>.n.-^i,, H,e i,i,tory of the 0.,:.;,?„/l;^„„„!,-:ro„"! 
 12iii.i: nuw I'd., Issii e.r ,s,„ ' ^ " »r. i-on., IS, S, 
 «-.lll. .UHl it l> l„.st II It Si ,,, , " "" '' '"""' «" '"'l'^' 
 Will, IKT |,luTi. "I ly .a Is I n •,, ■\">;. "/"■'■''^^"'"<<' 
 l»uninc.«„dra I'ulim. S™ I', Hvm ' , v' 
 I.Hy K.M„aiMe,l : ,1,. Onliodox Systeu.., lioinLJ, 1^4, 
 Kainage, If. Jumes. Local (Jovermnent and Free 
 .ScliMol.s in ftoulii Caiolina, (JoIiih ll„„kin« r,,l,. 
 Studio.,) Halt.. IS«:!.8vo. I'amph. ' "' ^""' 
 Ilaniasiyami U,Uu, P. V., „f the Inner Temnlo 
 barn»ter-at-law; Tamil and TcIuku Itrtum- at Un v r' ' 
 Un. I,S8,, sq l(i„,„. 2. ( Ed.) The Tales of (ho Sixty 
 orUnriSstlrH-vo'"'^"'""''"" '' """^ «-'»'= ^'-^ ' 
 Kampini Charles J. <;., .shciff of El«in I I 
 'nd"e;..,,'^'i'Xw;,l an;?rn.. l^.sf*^"""' """ '"^" ''^'- 
 Anil Hco Ti.;.M|.LK, Gkohge, infr,, 
 Ilamsay, Miss. Mil,lred\s Career: a Tale of the 
 (inM?"„'!?V '^'«''a",«Jer, F.G..S. I. A liibliographu 
 ( Nile, and Index to Climate, Lon., 1884, 8vo. 2 The 
 "anisay, Sir Andrew Crombie.LLD FRS 
 [«"/", vol. „.,add.,] b. 1814; „a« director of the' Geo" 
 lo^.oa Survey of the United Kingdon, 1872-81, andW": 
 knighted on his retirement from that post. The >hvs ca 
 ne"; e^ ?4,"™f-[''>y "[ «^eat Britain, Loii. ','8-2,\s ^^ 
 new ed., 1878. And see RiDLKii, F. \V., ,„/V„ ' 
 w??h",'^'*'''^.**""-"*^'"'' Balcarres DalrymnlP 
 Wardlaw. ough lieoolleetion, of Military S^rfi! 
 ond Society, E.lin. and Lon., 1882, 2 vols. cr. 8vo 
 eiiterlalnin^ ,vs th/.se ot' oSe 1 a 1,17 "'"""-l^ "" 
 ^i^li^^fiSS wl -' -1 -;^ 
 nent of Au.straha and Adjacent islands, Sydney, 18si, 
 Raiii^ay, Elizabeth P 
 w ,'d 1.s7'"'Vt,""""''m '"'■""' '■-' '■'■ ""il'" '»«" 
 bv his 
 ..i.tieai Analysis ^;^!;;^;,eJ: ,^,,['i';yr;':<; ""'■";'• 
 ri,e,n,e,Mlhe.,o-,^>r ll,.gi„„.„.,, ,.J., „„, 'i::,J,;:"'l^;;l 
 li.,\. lhilosnpl,i,,,| Transactions.) Lon 18s7 ,, 
 I Itanisdeii, llcv. f'harlps Il..iir., \i « r 
 •\iir,<fi,li,. Ti„ , .'■ ■ , ' •'■"Ibiim since 8i;2. 1. 
 • ijo^tolic limes ami their Les.«ons, Lon IST'i -j 9. i 
 '..t"rr.7:„!'-„'^f l'3 """^ ""'""'» ^ -^ Collection 
 : '^'^"Ss''^'\rr'f::r'i^7> hf^^'-'-n^ 
 : .Sbin. and Speed a Sea' Lo ^ 8-8 s^" ^'"' "'"'-Vspherio 
 .\ Kevenue Manual of the British 
 ^t: .^nff^!K,^'^?"- - ^-nsylvan 
 Fnil.irein IndiV, i'loona, 1S77, Svo 
 Han-' "• I • '. 
 i'-versity; „„,, ecfi.,r v.^'tirn^:;.;",,^;";^^,!:;'"''' 
 cal Sket^chi f" r"l,^o''=r' ^"'H'"''-- "ith Biographi. 
 CiH Ski'tches, Cin., I,S72, Nvo. 
 D'Hara and his El 
 liiilt., 1875, 12mo. 
 .,,,_,, ,. n'^-' ii;i,i., i,>,o, i:;nio 
 i'"t',;^^^i!J;i';tr';??vi^;;;^|"},':f - y<^' produced 
 poet s Theodore oVlani aullmr of ^.Th*-'''.'-''""' "'"' "i"t 
 bridjie, 188.8; ,s J!! ^ '"' ""^ ^^«^''° ^o"" War, Cam- 
 , J8S0-4, iind^Vin^"';^;' "^:;;i-;"- '"""ng.horpo 
 l^m""'!,'th"''H .*^''V«''', Augusta.,, b. 18:i7, at 
 XewVorkam'lW 's'li^"^ 
 Ki'ogational minister iIs"-' *//""' ' b'-'™'"^'" Con- 
 or, Was it an>:;;,;rrrNo,e'l,'Lon ,"[ %",";;'v^l"Tto' 
 numanity at the University of GlaJigow. (Trans ) Selec 
 t.ons from Propertii.s: with Notes, Lon., 188? 
 i«.no: 6;T^'rst:t?n,'"hrH,nTT?r' ^]"'^- '«'»• 
 JO. Af,;?- th^- Fr'e^l/:; lo*^;? i8'^''Ar'' \'rt-l?r' 
 Brown-Top, Bost 1881 19, '°"^' '-■'"'• H- Little 
 Rnunhter, Boit., 1880, I2mo. 14. Fighting theBeni or, | ftilly iiorte<l and nrrnnKeil, ami fur n lucid lucouiil of and 
 Wiiilor lit tlie I.ife-SuviriK Station, N. Yorlc, IH87, l2mo, 
 l.'i. Maliinx tlui llcut of it; or, TuimI>Io up, Timi, N. 
 Yurlj, IMHM, I'.'iHO. Ifl. Mai|{io at tho llarlior \Aii\a: u 
 Story succfoiling " Hor <'liri«tnia« anil tier l':iiHter," N. 
 Yoric, I8MM, IL'iuo. 17. Siiilorlloy Hob, N. Yorl<, iS8H, 
 12nio. is. Whon tlio War brol<o out; or, Suilor-llny 
 noli'd .>^ii!iur, .V. Yorl<, 1«SH, I2ni(>. ill. Sihoui ami ('iiui|i 
 Borit'H, :i vols. 211. Ilp-tiie-l.uddcr Club .-Series, 5 vols. 
 21. i.ook Aboiiil Scries. ( In proffres,'.) 
 HiiikI, KdU'iird SpraKHe, [unie, voi. ii., mid.] 
 1. llulbs : II Tri'iiliso on llariiy and Tundor Hulbs 
 ■lid Tubers, Host., istlil; new od., riiv. iind enl., iiluat., 
 1876, Svo. 2. I'opuiur FloworK, and how to Cultivalo 
 them, Dost., 1S7I); new ed., rev. and eni., iliuKt., 
 I87fi, si(. 8vo. H. Rhoilodendrons, Is7i; now od., rev., 
 Uost., i87», Hvo. i. Tho Window. (Jardener, IS72; ^'.th 
 fd., enl., Host., l'<7(), cq. Svo. 5. Orohida : .Species and 
 Viiriiiiies grown at Glen Hidge, near Hoaton ; new ed., 
 lto.«t., IS7H, er. Svo. 
 Rand, Joaepliine. A I'raotioal .Method of Sing- 
 ing bused on Natural and Artistic Principles, N. Yorli, 
 1SS7. Svo. 
 Riind, Mnry TranccR, (Abbott,) b. I -ill), m 
 Tlioinanlon, .Me.; m:irrie<l, isfls, to Hov. E. A. Hand. 
 »"/"•'■•• I. Molly and iMislletou. Illust. N. Vorli, 1S8I, 
 •q. Iiiino. 2. lloine-.Spun Yarns for Christmas .Stoclt- 
 ings. Illui. ,\. York, 1S,S2, aq. Svo. 
 Itiiiidltll, A. Harrington's Fortunes, l,on., 1880, 
 3 Vol.S. p. Nvo. 
 Hiindall, B. Alexander, md Morxe, 
 Ilriiry l^ee, .M.D. l'hot.,griiphio lUu nations of the 
 Anatomy of the Human Kar: with Descriptive Text, 
 Phila., IS87, Ho. 
 Itaiidall, Daniel Richard. CoHperation in 
 Maryland and the .South, (Johns Hopkins UuivcrNity 
 Btuilics.) Halt., I88S, Svo. 
 Randall, Uev. David Austin, 18I;MS81, b. at 
 Colchester, Conn. ; educated at country schools ancl 
 Boiidcinie.s and became a Baptist minister; edited The 
 Washingtonian for many years. 1. Handwriting of 
 God in Egypt, Sinai, and tho Holy Land ; Uocords of a 
 Journey, I'hila., 18B2, 2 vols l2ino. 2. Ham-.Mishtan, 
 the Wonderful Tent: r... »ccount of tho Structure, Sig- 
 nilicance, and Spiritual Lessons of the .Mosaic Tabernacle 
 erected in the Wilderness of Sinai. Illust. Cin., 1886, I 
 12mo. ' I 
 Randall, J. Old .Sports and Sportsmen; or, 
 Willey Country, Lon., IS7.J; new ed., 1875, p. Svo, 
 Randall, John, F.G.S. Shifnall and its Surround- 
 ings, Historically, Topographically, and Geologically 
 considered, Mudelcy, 1S78, Svo. 
 Randall, Rev. John Montagu, [miie, vol. ii., 
 add.,] educated at King's College, London, and St. Bees ; 
 ordained 1848; vicar of Langham-Bishops since 1850. 
 Nehemiah tho Tirshatha: his Times and Lessons, Lon., 
 1874, 12mo; 2d ed., IS7J. 
 Randall, Maude. Only a Kitten, Lon., 1886, sq. 
 Randall, P. M. The Quartz Operator's Hand- 
 Book. Illust. N. York, 1S7I, 12mo. 
 Randall, Hev. Richard William, M.A., grad- 
 nated at Christ Church, Oxford, 1840 ; ordained 1S47; 
 vicar of All Saints', Clifton, since IHflS. I. Sermons 
 preached in O.xford. 2. Lent Sermons. .1. Kcligious 
 Wants and Claims of Children. 4. Simple Thoughts for 
 Forty Days of Lent: with Introduction, Lon., 18SB, 
 32mo, 5. Suggestions and Meditations for the Season of 
 Lent, Lon., issfl, fp. Svo. 
 Randall, Samuel S., [nnte, vol. ii., add.,] 1809- 
 1881. lie resigneil his position as superintendent of 
 schools in Xew York in IS70. 1. First i'rinciples of 
 Popolar Education and Public Instruction, N. Y'ork, 
 1S6S, 12iuo. 2. History of the State of New Y'ork, N. 
 York, 1870. 
 Randegger, Alberto. 
 Lon., 1S78, 4to. 
 Kandell, Annie C. Pagan Pearls: a Book of 
 Parallels, Lon., 1S87, p. Svo. 
 Randell, J, B. Grape-Growing under Glass with- 
 out Artificial Heat, Lon., 1876, 12mo. 
 Kandics, Mat'iihall. 1. For Ever: an Essay on 
 Eternal Punishment, Lon., 1871, 12mo; .Sd ed., 1878, p. 
 Svo. '2. Substitution : a Treatise on the Atonement, 
 Lon., 1877, Svo. 3. First Principles of Faith, Lon., 
 18S4, p. Svo. ' ' ' 
 answer t<i the ciliJeclloiiH raised aiialiiHt their validity liy 
 iiiodern evolutionists and agiMistli's, li cuuld not reiulilv 
 be surpassed."— .Spff/,i/„r,lvlli. 14!«. 
 Randolph, .Wm. 1. (JentianellB, Lon., 1874. :i 
 vols. p. Sv... 2. Clarice Adair, Lon., 1S75, 3 vols. er. 
 Svo. ;i. \Mld llyaiinth, Lon., 1S75, ;i vols. p. Svo. (. 
 No Love Lost, Lon., Is7tl, .) vols. p. Svo. 5. The llm' 
 llien of lleulien, Lon., 1S77, :i vols. p. Hvo. 6. Woo.l 
 Anemone, Lon., 1S77, a vids. cr. Svo. 7. Genista, Lon., 
 IS7H, 3 vols. cr. Svo. S. Little Pansy, I,i,n., ISSO, 3 vols.' 
 p. Svo. y. Lily of the Valley, Lon., |MS(I, ;i vols. 
 Svo. ID. Keseda, l,(in., iMSl. 3 vols. p. ,Svo. II. I,.., 
 Lon., 18S2, 3 vols. p. Svo. 12. A ChristMias R., ,u. L..ii,,' 
 1883, 3 vols. p. Svo. 13. Wooilrofl'e, Lon., IS83, 3 vols. 
 cr. Svo. 14. ryclamcn, I.on,, 1884, p. Svo. 15. , Mostly 
 Fools: a Homanceof Civilization, Lon., 1886,3 vols 
 Singing, (Music Primers,) 
 " ^"1,^2'^^^" statement of the Thei.stic arguments, care- 
 Randolph, .\. n. V, Kansas Supreme Court lie. 
 ports, vols. .\.\i.-x.\xiv., (1878-86,) Coneordia, Kan. 
 1879-M!, 13 vols. Svo. 
 Randolph, Agnes D. Meta Wallace; or, Tho 
 Seen and rnsecn : a Tale, Host., ISSI, I 2mo. 
 Randolph, Anson Davies I'itz, [.mk,, vol. ii., 
 add.,) b. Is2n, at Whodbridgo, N.J.; a bookselliT and 
 publisher in New York since 1. Home Life in 
 Song with the Poets of To-Day, N. York, IS7«,8q. iL'mo. 
 2. At tho Beautiful Gate, and other Ueligious Poems, 
 N. York, 18SII, 24mo. 3. The Palace of tho Kiiic. »iid 
 other Keligious Poems, N. Y'ork, Isst), 24ino. 4. I uto 
 the Desired Haven, and other Keligious Poems. N. York 
 ISSO, 2lmo. 
 Randolph, Charles. The Future Currency of the 
 United Slates. liy an American Citizen. Chic, IS77, 
 Randolph, Kdmund, Jr. One of " Us:" a Novel 
 Lon., IS82, 3 vols. cr. Sm,. 
 Randolph, Rev. i'rancis Charles Hinges, 
 ton-, M.A.. b. IS33; Mill of Francis llingston, ((i/i(c, vol. 
 i. ; ) assumed the name of Randolph and changed the spill, 
 ing of his original name in 1 still; graduated at E.xcter 
 College. Oxford, 1SJ5; ordained 1S5I1; rector of III ii^'- 
 more since 1S60, and prebendary of Exeter since Iss5. 
 1. Specimens of Ancient Cornish Crosses, Fonts, Ac, 
 Lon., IS50, 4to. 2. (Ed.) The Chronicle of England. 
 liy John Capgrave. (Record Ollice Pub.) Lon., Is.i-^, 
 Svo. 3. (Ed.) Joannes Capgrave, Liber de lliustribiis 
 Hominibus, (Record Office Pub.,) Lon., IS5S, Svo. 
 4. (Ed.) A Collection of Royal and Historical Let- 
 ters during the Reign of Henry the Fourth, Lon., Ismi, 
 r. 8vo. 5. Records id' a Rocky Shore; or. Annals of 
 our Village. By a Country Parson. Lon., lS7(i, p. Svo. 
 ". (Ed.) The Register of Edmund Statford, Bisiiop of 
 Exeter, Lon., 18S6, Svo. 7. The Constitution of the 
 Cathedral Roily of Exeter. Exeter, 1887. 8. The Regis- 
 ters if Bishops Bronescombe and (juivil, and the Times 
 of Bytton, (Bishops of Exeter,) Lon., I88S, cr. 
 Randolph, Admiral George Granville, C.H., 
 served at Sebiistopol, Ac; retired 1881. Problems in 
 Naval Tactics, Lon., IS71I, Svo. 
 Randolph, Henry Fitz. I. (Ed.) Fifty Yems 
 of English Song : Selections from the Poets of the Reii;ii 
 of Victoria, N. York, 18S7, 4 vols. 12mo. 2. (Ed.) The 
 Book of Lattor-Day Ballads, (1858-1888,) N. YoiU 
 1S8S, Iflmo. 
 Randolph, Joseph Fitz. A Treatise on the 
 Law of Commercial Papers : containing a Full Statement 
 of Existing American and Foreign Statutes: togetliir 
 with the Te.xt of the Commercial Codes of Great Britain, 
 France, Germany, and Spain, Jersey City, ISSIi-SS, 3 
 vols. Svo. 
 Randolph, Richard. 1. Windfalls. By the Au- 
 thor of "Aspects of Humanity." Phila., 1870, iL'iiio. 
 2. Sober Thoughts on Staple Themes, Phila., 1871, 12iiio. 
 Randolph, JMiss Sarah Nicholas, b. is:;!), at 
 Edge Hill, Va. ; a great-grand-daughlcr of Thomas ,Ii I'- 
 ferson. 1. The Domestic Life of Tlioiuas Jellerson : 
 compiled from Family Letters and Reminiscences, .\. 
 York, 1S71, Svo. 
 " Her book is (ino of singular interest. . . . She bus dune 
 her work well, leaving her faniniis ancestor to ilcsrnbe 
 liinisell a.s far as possible, ami tllliii); up the interstices 
 with skill and grace."— Aijfio«, xlil. SiB. 
 2. The Lord will Provide, N. York, 1872, lUmo. :'.. 
 The Life of General Thomas J. (" Stonewall") Jackson. 
 Illust. Phila., 1876. 
 "The domestic side of his character is brought strongly 
 forward. . . . The more strictly inilimry part of the book 
 is iiiit .so sucecs-sful."— .Yiidoji, xxii. 338. 
 Hiiiid«lph, Rev. Wimam. I. Annlvllcnl Note, 
 on Obiuliiih mill llabiikkiik, l.on., |s7m NvI. 2 \nii 
 Ijrtical Not.'H on tho Fir.t uml Three I.-'t „r ihe'.Mi,,,,; 
 ■rm,li«t.: ktUIi an Appenilix on Uu„|„| i,. 24-L'r, I.„n. 
 ^I'l.V''".' **'"!!"" ""Kl««V, [..",., vol. ii.,a,l,|.,] 
 nnnUn, Mm. Nnni HurhiiKiime. Ciimbin« 
 Foi'in^, Diilt., |N7I, l.'inu. " 
 KiKhts iin.l Hiir,lei,» incident I., the nwn.r»hip of Lan.U 
 anil other- Herituvtei. in .Seutliiinl, IMii,., |S79, sy,,; 2.1 
 tV„„ ,,n'i r th"' "",'""""'"'""' '" I'lfi'-'lloal litem. jO'l.. rev. iin,lenl..|SM|. 
 2.1 eil. ,,iiue ,enr. a. .Mi*™lluneouB Selentillo l-uper- 
 with Memoir or th.. Author, l.on., I8S(|, svi,. With 
 lAMnKi, h. F .Mechanical Text-Hook: an lntro,l«„,i„„ 
 to the >tu(ly ol Mcch.inics an.l KnK'inccriiiij ; with Dili, 
 ({ram*. I.on., |S7:(. IL'mo; 2.1 ed., |S7.-, 
 I he narrative, . . . Hhi.h llttures »n laritclv in thp 
 tl le «ii,l *, meanrely in thv h.ii.k it...df. is unTiiwn i n 
 (It lie (.1,1 .sayiiiK that aliiioM anylmiiv wl , iv i Ji , i ■ 
 fullhnilly reci.ri what he has hcanran. scei I,' /ii' 
 a iM.sllion toa,l,i i,, the piihlic st.„.k amuM.,,aV, . r i i' 
 nl..rmation. T.. the outer worhl this • MiX , f n I ,n r . 
 li.ritnii coiiMiy ■ is eniertalnInK Hinl In^lruc Uv ■ ve , t' er 
 the more vivhl pictures of ilisscniiinr ij, . ,,,.,i .'.,,' 
 author ot -SAWm Chaiiel.' . T r,. ,,,| , . ' ' ''^ ""^' 
 ; ull Htonvearlsome a ,l,/„,.,o,;„;,/^:^|^l 'll H',' , ;.,„i ^,;[^ 
 hat a tolcrahly decer an. I Intensely sellci,iii„|,in ,1 ' , 
 (In y ..toll throu«li tor months past. ■ _.v,(. «,,■„ xlv tIw 
 J. Views „.,a Opin,„ns. Ily Matthew hrowne. i.on.', 
 1H8H, cr. 8vo. 4. flmucerV lOnKhinJ. - -" 
 Browne. Lon., ISHII, 2 v,ils. p. svo. 
 ".Mr. Mattlow Hrowne IsuiiiiiMihtelllyarlcvermnii an.l 
 his Chaucer s KiiKlaml • is m, ,i„ul,t a clev,^.r hiw.k I.Vi ,s 
 cleverness, consists Min|,ly in llie a,lr,,it ami i>i„e io, is »i,v 
 .8?-,,'2'ro',";'p!;':,y;';:'A:\.i,"^,,"r^^ "''''''•■'"''• ^""■• 
 ^..^^e^^rii!,,:;^!^ij;z'^,^!^--:tr' ^"^^'^''- 'i 
 B Mlliput/.eotures. liiust. 1S7I, l«mo. Am.n. 7 
 Lilhput I,e«cn, s lllu,t. Lon., 1872, sq. Klmo. Anon! 
 8. Hellas i,.vciting l>ay, and other Lilliput l,PKcn,|s 
 Lon 1881, p. syo. y. Crcitures Wild, l.dn., 1884, Ito' 
 10. Our hchool-Day llocrs, I.on., 1884 Ito 
 Ituney, George f. Delaware' Snpicme Court 
 Reports, vols. .\vi.-.Ki.\., (I s7iU,m;j.) .. ■ >■ ^ '""■ 
 4 vols. 8vo. 
 Kmikeii, Very Hev. Arthur, M.A., d. l,88H, jct 
 79; Braduatedat thelJuiversity of Aberdeen; ..nliined 
 in the bcoti,«h Lpiscopal Church 1828, incumbent of 
 St. Drostane ... Deer, near Mintlaw, 18,i4 , ,lean of Aber- 
 deen an(l the Orkneys from 188U. Sketches of the 
 Church of ,-^cotland from the Kefornuition, Edin I88'> 
 K.liikCD, Francis A. .Strains and Trus,os ; com- 
 puted by Means ol Diagram with Kxamples, Lon , 1 872 
 oV(t. ^ ^ t i^f 
 Kanken, W. H. I.. The Dominion of Australia; 
 an Account ol its Koundathms, I.on., I87;i, Svo. 
 " A concise aii,| summary .lescrii.ti.,n of tile chief ohvsi 
 cal causes and the ln,liistrr,ii love ,,|,i ,'iit ,,f i ,« ,1 i .1 .' ,' 
 wmrcos of wea th in Austral.,., a„il\ I iieir r esi, Its " X 
 ^mhahle st.clal and pi.liiicttl"-.SW. AvI', xxxvlL 
 F."v"lt''"':;'.''vVr'"'fHrr' '''"' " "'"• ^^-■^- By 
 Itaiikiii, Ilev. James, minister of .Muthill l 
 Character Mudies in the OM Testament, Edin., 187.., p! 
 ii-<i lo ^ ".^"''-•^""kti, the Church of .Scotland, Ed n' 
 18(9, l2mo; .id eU., enl., 188.".. , ^um., 
 Rankin, nev. Jeremiah Kames, D.D., tanie 
 vol ,1 a.1,1.,] b. 182.S, at Thornt.m, N.i{. ; «r,,lu„ed 
 at Middlebury College 1848, and at Andover The login 
 Seminary 1.S54; entered the ministry of the I'resbv 
 tenan Church, and has been pastor of a chirch in 
 Orange N.J., since 1884. 1. Auld .Scotch Mkl e, ,, .1 
 .^h..rl'oems Must. Bost., 1871!, 12mo. 2. Sub. . 
 K,ng,loms W..SI,.. I8S1. ;i. The Hotel of (i„d, a„d i"*? 
 sil'khain^ N.'v<;?k'?T."87."'"P"'"' ''''■ ''■ '"''"<'' 
 Rankin, Rev. John Chambers, D.D b ism . 
 ChurehVmi^Jni^ryt ='11.^4^ "pSr^Z 
 Presbyterian Church at Baskingridge, V.J Zee isVl 
 The Coming of the Lord, N. York. 188-, ' 
 M„.*"'""^ -^«'.'n«»a' Twenty Years among the 
 M^icans; Narrative of Missionary Labors, Cio.flSSl' 
 HnnkinK, Hoyd Montnomerie Maurice, r„a^ 
 vol. ii„ a,ld J isl I-1SM8 ; b. in Sussex ; c.lled to the bar a 
 the nner emple Istifl. 1. , K,l.) Sir Thomas Malory's 
 Morte ,1 Arthur the .Stories oi King Arthur an,l of the 
 Knights of the Koiind Table, l.oni, 1870, p 8vo "' 
 streams from Hidden Sources, Lon., 1872, p. 8vo' '{ 
 .Mories from Italian Ilistorv, Lon., 1877, p 8vo' 4" 
 ■ .■.■-. ...„.., I lljorn and Ilera ; a Noise Legend, Lon., |S78. I'mo' 
 uy iMutthew ft. A Summer .Month in .Vormandv, Lon., 1870 Svo c' 
 I hulgeneius: with P,.em8 (Md and New, Lon.', ISsV,," 
 8v,.. With ri Li.v, T. K., Quiver of Love: Valentines 1 
 new (.1., Lon., 1881), 12mo. "»"ui», 
 Ranking;, I. S. Marjorie's Probation: Chapters 
 from a l.ile-.-tory, Lon., I88;<, p. Svo. 
 Ranney, Ambrose L., A.M., M.D., professor of 
 he anat(,myaiid physiology of the nervous system in 
 the New Urk l-ost-()ra,luate Me.lical .School I'lnd llos- 
 Wtal; pro essor of nervous an.l mental diseases in the 
 Medical Department of the laiiversity of New York 
 L-n ["'"^T,' '"i™"',"' "" *^»'-Ki'^^'»l Diagnosis, N. York," 
 18,11, Svo; 2,1 ed., enl., 1880. 2. The Applie, Anatomy 
 of the Nervous .System, N. York, 188 ,' 8vo; 2d e 
 .lust. 1888 :j Practical Medical Anatomy" 'n? York; 
 1 882, Svo. 4. The Topographical Kelations ol' he Feinale 
 Pelvtc Organs, N. Yorlt, Issil, 8vo. ,^. Praoticil S g! 
 gestion, respecting the Varieties of Electric Currents 
 Pub.'bytheStai;' Yo k I'ss^^T of Kl^trioity „ Medicine. Illust .V 
 by the State, i }"^\i>*>'^,^vo. n Lectures ..n Nervous Diseases fn-n 
 Phila. rsst^Svo." ^""'"■'" "'"* ^'''°'" I"'»""'tion, 
 „ Hn"««ie.' David Watson. Historical Outline of 
 thi'Lughsh Constitution, L..n., 1,SS| i2mo 
 ,.,. ''"^?"' "*'"""■' '""i t-eldhart. Rev. E M 
 Irans., The Ili.-tory of Jesus of Na.ura; conJhlen'd it! 
 t lonne.tiou with the National Life of Israel, and re 
 -s'i. «'",-,fis!'8v,; ""■" "'' ""™"° "^ '^' '^"'"'' Liii.ri87« 
 Ransom, Vvijliam Henry, M.D., F.H S t.hvsi 
 eian t., the General Hospital, Norwich. ' On & hs La 
 Cause of, Lon., 18>s 8vo 
 0n"''r,!r7s's.**i "• '^""''"^ '^'"'"«''" f"^ "«> Little 
 'jnej*, liUii.. f,*>n,), ,i2iPu 
 lic"heHfh",!nVl'^"'""' ^.\°-' ''■'^•S- l«^'"rero„ piib- 
 tc hcilth and hygiene at Owens Colh'ge ; i.hysician to 
 he Manchester Hospital for Diseases ol' the Throat l! 
 On Stctliometry : being an Account of a New an.l More 
 Exact Method of .Measuring the Chest. Illust Lon.t 
 1876. Svo. 2 On the Helation of the Chest MoveiiHmts 
 to Prognosis m Lung Dise.ise, Ac., Lon., 18S'> 8v„ i 
 I s'sYr'slf "'.' '"'''■'"^^"'^^-^"f 'i'ubercle, Muneheste'r; 
 1.884, or. '^vo. 4. boils and Sites, Manchester, !SS4, cr 
 18S5 1^„,?," '1^^""''' "^ Consum,„ion, Mincheste 
 Mrnch.fsr; .8,87'r8'„'"'-"" "' ''"^■^""""« ^---; 
 lc.^*!'v7r",'^,'s-7"'' r'"^- 8™'""""! "t Merton Col- 
 eg e, 0.\t„r, , 18, I ; protessor of mo.lern literature and 
 mstor.v in the Yorkshire College, 1. The Kise"f 
 Constitiitiona (lovernment in England, Lon., 18s;j !. 
 Svo. 2. Our ( and India : how we got them a, d 
 why we keep them. Ion., 18S5, Svo; 2d e.l same ."ar. 
 ;■ .u , " '"'!<"y "' England, from the Earliest Times 
 to^e Present Day. .Maps ami Plans. Lon., I,s87 F^'mo 
 V "fPaUe, Stewart. I. Digest of Decisions ^ New 
 \ork Courts to l.ssi: „ith T.~.hls .-.1 c...^., j„gnv CitV 
 N.J., 187S-8I, 2 vols. r. Svo. 2. Diges of Federal Del 
 oisions ami .Statutes from the Earliest Period to ,sV80, 
 Jersey Oty 1880 Svo. 3. A Treatise on the Law of 
 Witnesse... N. York and Albany, 1S87, Svo. With Law- 
 RB.VCE, KoBRRT L. ; 1 . Tabic it Ame'riean and EnKuTh 
 Cases in Heportod Decisions of the American EngUh. 
 Canadian, and Nova-Scotian Courts, vol. i., Jersey City 
 1 (51 
 ) .1 
 IHM2, 8vi). 
 I-iiw : with 
 i'ni mil Civil I. nil. 
 <if \Vorl< ami I'liiy : Skil(!hc!< frcMii lli« I'lihli,' uii'l I'rl- 
 viil.' Ciin.-r of ,;. I'. Schctky, I,uic .\Iiirin« I'liiiitcr in 
 lnmr> to llor MnJcBty. Uy hln Dnughtor. KJin., 
 ni-Hnm"!""'''!^ .'.''' i'T'?"\ ;""' Kn«ll»l" » '1»1" "f Italian Country MlV, I,„n , l^dS, p. Xv, 
 I»n(lnltion» ol Ihu lechni™! TciriH of Iht ml,, I SUM. :tt. Miisoiio iit l,u,||ow ■ ' 
 ■r>o,v Cily, |Ns:|, 2 v„|„. s,„_ I ■ . . . ' • 
 Liidoiiiilln. Mni'U Vvitr* 
 Hlipcr, li. S|poill Livo»: n Novel, I,on., 1874, u. 
 llaiihavl, II., M.l).. iittemlinu |"hyHlulan for din- 
 carifs of ihu ^'inito-iinioiry orxium iiii.l i.yiililli.j, Ilfllcviio 
 l|oi|iltal, Out I'atHUit l)u|i.iilioi'iit. 1, iTriins.) A I'rae- 
 tioal TroaliHu .,n llif Dn-ca-e* of Cliil.lruri i (Voui ili« 
 (Icrmaii of Alliv.l VogHi. N. Vurk, I.s7l), Svo. 2. Crnin.-. ) 
 J'.ntlirttlicil anil Rolisafivl ; from tliu (iornmn of Krn-t 
 AVoriier, [|H,n..l.,) N. \ ork, LsH,',, 1:'„,„. :i. (Tn.n».) 
 OutliiHjy ol tho I'alliojo^jy and Triatruunt of ."iyiiJiiiiH 
 and Allied W'ncreal iJi^.a^cs, bv Hermann von Zeissl, 
 M.l).; 2.1 ed.. re/. I,,v M. von /,ei.-»l, .M.l)., L„n., 1. ,nv,). 
 „,","';!•'''• Hit-hard C, member of the Institute of 
 l.ivil I'.M^ineern. Hi uunerative Kuilwiiy.i for New 
 C'onnlrieH: with some i,. lunt of the Hallway in 
 China. Illu.-t. Lon., 1,S7 ^, r. Svo. 
 Uli|i|), .Siiiniicl A. Digest of Deoislona of tho 
 Second Comnlniller and Soeond Auditor upon Bounty 
 LiiW.s of the United .'-Itate .\. York, IS70, Svii. 
 Knpaoii, Edwiird .lames, ela8,sieai foundation 
 seholar and llutehin.iun (Indian lanKinigi-l aludent .,( 
 Ht. Johii's College, Cambridge. The Struggle between 
 tngland and Krume for Huiironnicy in India, I he lias 
 I'rize Ivi^ay for I.hsiI,) I,„„., 1s87, or. Mvo. 
 ItaMliall, II. .John llu.-.s, l,un., l.-^ri), ,Svo. 
 ilBte, U(!v. John, .M.A., graduated at tit. Cathii- 
 rinos College, Cambridge, ISIU; onlained ISIO; vioar 
 of Laidcy, .Stallordshire, I,SIS-S1. Tho Vietory of Christ 
 over Satan : Lent Discourses proachod at I'iiulieo Lon 
 ISS", sm. .Svo. 
 UiithlMiiie, A. C. Tho 
 I'oerns, l.on., 1,H7;), 12iuo. 
 ■ *r!'"jf*""*'» '*'''*• '^""«'» (.MuiiiiiiiK,) b. isn7. 
 I. Ihe .'Manion and .Married I/ile ol Mary I'owell after- 
 wards Mislre.-s .Milton, l,on., Anon. 5th ed., 1,><7I 
 i\„Ju!-',TT" "!' '."'f '"'""■^■.''^ '"" '"-'I'l'l ill lts.slmpll,M. 
 ties to iiiiiliiee that liupre.ssion of pniliabilltv wltliinil^ 
 No I'l.' ■■'*'■ '"■'"'^' '''""'•'■■' '"""'' "'■''" '"" ■''''ftj''Ws-"- I'A i 
 2. The Household of Sir Thomas More, Lon„ ISol n 
 8vo. Anon. 5tli ed., l.sfl!). ' " 
 noi an.i''!"! ''''V; ""-' '"'"'* '""liialitled prniw for the plea.s- 
 ant an tulerahly aeriiratc loctiires wliioli it allords uf the 
 douu-.-llu manners of the iieriod."— .l^/i„ No. uiil. 
 /.,■';. '«," I''""'"l"'«'* "f Kdward Osborne, Citizen and 
 Cloth- Worker of London, Lon., I s.^2, p. 8vo; new ed 
 1S«I). 4. Cherry and Violet, Lon., ISjH, p. 8vu; Jt'h 
 r ' ' '"• ^- '1''"' I'fovooations of Madame I'alissey, 
 W, I80.S, p. 8vo; Dth ed., 1870. (1. Hill-Side, Lon., 
 J8,)4, p. Svo. 7. Chronicles of Merrio Kngland, Lon 
 lSo4, p. 8vo. 8. Colloquies of Olaudo tho Colporteur 
 Lon., 1W4 p. Svo; new od., 1870. !l. ,Iaek and the 
 laniier of Hymondhaiu : u Tale of the Time of Kdward 
 the Sixth, Lon., 1854, p. Svo. 10. The Sabbath 
 Dying Poet, and other 
 t.ngllsll n Jale ... (i,,,,,,,, , iiufiiij uiie, ijoii , i-^oil, p. ?*Vo; new 
 , . , and other Uoinan- 
 ijues, Lon., 18(1(1, p. 8vo, .'lo. Old Chelsea llun Honsd, 
 Lon,, isdfl, l:'m„. :i(l. |'a,.„geH in tho Life of tho Faire 
 lio^peller, .Mistress Anne Askew, reemintid bv ye un- 
 worthle I'en of .\ieholas .Moldwarp, II. .\., Lon,', l^dd, p, 
 8vo. ;t7. Jaeiiues lloniieval ; or, The Kays of the 
 DragonadcH. fly tho Author of " Mary I'owell." Li,n 
 18«8, Irtmo. :;m. Diana's Cre-eeiit, Lon., lm)X, 2 vols! 
 l2ino. ::il. The .Spanish llarber: a Tale, Lon., I^dll, p] 
 Svo, Id. One Trip More, and other Stories, Lon., I,>7II, 
 l2ino. II. A Lady of Limited Inomne, Lon., In7I 2 
 vols. p. Svo. 41!. Compton Kriars : Ciointry Life, Lon., 
 18,2, p., Sv„. 4;i. Hei-oesof the Diwrt; Lives and La- 
 bours ol .Ml, Hat and Livingstone, Lon., I>7I, 12mo; new 
 'd., l^^\. 41. Lord Harry llellair; a Tale of tho Last 
 Century, Lon., 1871, 2 vol«. Svo. 4.'). Monks .Norton, 
 Lon., I.S.,, 2 volii. p. 8vo. 4d. An Idyl of the Ali.s, 
 Lon., |.s7(l, p. Svo. ' 
 Itathboiie, nilliiiin, Jr. I'roleetlon and Com- 
 I munism; a Consid. cation of the KlVeets of the Ameriean 
 ranir upon Wages, .\, York, 1SS4, Svo. With 1'ki.i,, 
 I A., and Mo.nt.voi k, F. ('.. Loeal Oov.rnment and I'a.xa- 
 lion, ("Dnperial Parliament" Ser.,) Lon.. 1885 p ivo 
 IlattHli, Voliiey. A Popular Calilornia Flora ; or, 
 •Manual ol lioiany for lleginneis. lllusl. ,San Fran., 
 I^'ill, sq. Mo; 2il ed.. Old., I8s(i, 12nio. 
 Hatte, I'. Catalogue of a Cidleetlon of Fo8«ils in the 
 Australian MuBouin; with introductory Notes, Sydney, 
 Hattenbiiry, II. Owoii. Memorials of Kev. 
 Johii Kattenl.ury. liy l,ia .«iin. i>,| ed., Lon., 1884, p. Svo 
 nattifjan, WHIinm Henry, b. 1842; called to 
 the bar at Lir In'n Dm 187:ij formerly .msistant com- 
 miasionor iil Lahore. 1. Select Cases in Hindu Law, 
 Lon., 1871, 2 vols. Svo. 2. The Hindu Law of Adop- 
 tion, Lon., L-7a, Svo. .i. De Jure l'er.«oniirum : a 
 Ireatise on the Koinan Law of Persons, Lon., I87.S, Svo 
 I. Savigny' Coman Law. Hook 11.; .Iiiral Kelations! 
 *e. Lon., I,- .;, Svo. 5. ( I ans.) Is the llatllo for Klght 
 an Dnperative Duty ? an Answer to and lUfutation of 
 •• Der K«ni|,f urn's Ueeht" of H. von .lliering, by Felix 
 Boaz, Lon., 1884. l2mo. And see Dohlnois, Chaiili'S. 
 Hattnii, James Joseph Louin, M.D., surgeon- 
 major. Madras army. A Hand -Book of Common .s„|t 
 Madras, I877, 8vo. 
 Rattray, Harriet. Country Life in Syria: Let- 
 ters. Lon., IS7d, 121110. '' 
 Uattray, John, and MiH, Hugh Robert. (Ed.) 
 iorestry and Forest Prnduets : Prize Ks,.iavs of the Kdin- 
 burgh '-* - 
 International Foic-try Exhibition, 1884, Ediu.. 
 Ios5, Svo. ' 
 Homo: a .short .Manual for those who are occasionally 
 hindered Irom attending the House of Ood, Lon., 1.855, 
 In. Svo. Anon. II. The Adventures of tho Caliph 
 Ilaroun Aliasehid, Lon., 1855, p. Svo. 12. (iood Old 
 Times, Lon.. 1S5B, ji. Svo. 13. The Year Nino; a Tale 
 of tho lyrol, Lon., 1857, p. 8vo. 14. Some Account of 
 Clarissa feingloheart, Lon., 1857, p. Svo. 15. Tasso and 
 Leonora, Lon., 1857, p. Svo. 16. Helen and Olga, Lon., 
 ISoS, p. Svo. 17. Queen Philippa's Golden Booke, Lon 
 ir" ',!';, ;■"• '^- I'^b'Jfaii's l>'iiry : a Sequel to " .Mary 
 lowoll, Lon., 1,858, p. Svo; new ed., Is«!». 1!) .\;, (lirl'a Account of the Moravian Settlement in 
 tho Black Forest. By Beatrice. Lon., 1 858. 20 Pon- 
 hxr House Ao;idenry, Lon., 18S9, i>. Svo. 21. Village 
 Belles, Lon., ISdO, l2mo. 22. The Ladies of Bever Hoi- 
 low, Lon 18(10, 121110. 2.'?. Family IMotures, Lon., ISdO 
 p. Svo. 24. Tho Chronicles of Etheltled, Lon., IStil p 
 Svo. 2o. Cottage History of England, Lon., ISdl, 12in.,. 
 20. A Noble Purpose Nobly Won; 2d od., Lon. ISii'> " 
 ' ■'" "'; o^? '' •^'' "''•' ' **^"- 27. The Duchess of Trajetto, 
 I8(i2. l;. Svo. 28, " . »» - 
 2y. The Int 
 oney, 1; 
 erruptcd Wedding, Lon., 188.3, p. 8 
 '03, ii; 
 Jleadowleigh ; a Tnio of Ci 
 try Life, 
 2 vols. p. Svo. 31. Belforest; a Tale 
 Lon., 1864, 2 vols. p. S 
 of English Life, 
 a Salt-Water 
 o. 32. Miss Biddy Frobisher 
 Story, Lon., IS65, p. Svo. 33. Sel 
 ■aggio : 
 Rattray, « iliiam Jordan, 1S35-18S.3, b. in Lon- 
 don J grailuated at tho University of Toronto 1S58, and 
 became a journalist. The Scot in British North America 
 Toronto, I880-I8S3, 4 vols. Svo. 
 Ran, Charles, Ph.D., 182(1-1887, b. at Vervicrs 
 Ifelgium ; educated in (lermany j removed to the United 
 .-states in 1848. and was eniator of the department of 
 antiquities in the National Museum, Washington, from 
 18,0 till h.s death. 1. The AiebuMdogicid Collection of 
 the United ,>state« National Museum, Wash., 1S76, 4l«. 
 .. Early Man in ):urope. Illust. N. York, 187B, Svo. 
 J. Articles on Antkiopoligical Subjects contributed to 
 Vi«., ."'i-"',,."'^!'"'''' "'■ """ Smitlisonian Institution, 
 LS63-1S,,, \\asli., 1882, Sv . 4. Prehistoric Fishin- 
 in burope and North Amen, ,, iSmith.sonian Contribii" 
 tions to Knowledge.) Illust. Wash., 1884, Svo. With 
 I'LKTciiKii, l{., and TiioxiA.s, C, Contiibutiims to North 
 Aincrican Ethnology .- vol. v., Wash., 1882, 4to. 
 Kaiich, K. H. 1. Pennsylvania Dutch Instructor, 
 Lancaster Pa 1877, Idmo. 2. Pennsylvania Dutch 
 llaiiil-Uook : a Book for Instruction, I'hila., 1880, ISmo 
 Kane, t. (Trans.) Elements ,.r I'sychology, on the 
 1 nnciples of Beneke ; enlarged by J. G. Dressier, Oxf., 
 IS, I, Svo. 
 Ramn, Green Berry, b. 1829, at Golconda, HI.; 
 admitted to the bar 1853; brigadier-general of volun- 
 .■^-a 'o",""VL'"'t7'"'' commissioner of internal revenue 
 i",o-».i. ihe Existing Conllict between RBi.,ililie,n 
 Ooverninont and Southern Oligarchy, Wash., 1884 
 Raum, John O. II 
 ISSO, 2 vols. 4t . 
 Raven, Joh 
 istory of New Jersey, Phila., 
 , , ,. ;, , "• The Parliamentary History of Eng- 
 Innil Irom the Passing of the Reform Bill of 1832, Lon, 
 iivcii, llfv. John Jnmci, Ii.n.. Krii.liiainl, 
 m.|.|mi ..|.tMi,e, ,it Kmiuu, ,1,1 (',.|l„g,., (•ai„|,il.l«c, |y,:| 
 »r,l,il.„., IW, ; vl.ur „r Frt.-.i„«fl,,|,l, Suir„lk, ,1„™ 
 im. . Iho (liiinh llellM of CnM,l,rl,l«<..l,|ro: ,. 
 .hr.m». . U„ !i,, svn, 2,1 „,., I.khI , s„|, ,„„nt. 
 m .'. Kinii,„M,it.|: ,111 |.;.,„y „n Uuhih, I,',i.„ IS73. 
 Havciiol, ll.'iiry Willi,,,,,, i,|,,i,., r,„„.. v,.I. ii., 
 "''"'■"si- ','"""; 'n '^,'*:" "' H'V"". <V. II., u.l.l.,] 
 Hll-lss, ,. „, ||„,|(,.|,.v, !*x.. „n„l,„„,..l nt Suutl 
 ,|pv..liii« liiii>8,.|l ,., the ,|„.|y „|- l„.liiny. Will, Ch.kk 
 ^l"l"l'J^' ''■■ '•'"""'' ■\»"'rinu,i l-:.v-i,.nal, l,»..., Is-,.: 
 'HBv.'n»croll|, U. c. t„„„ (i„pie„i„^ , II„n,l- 
 Bimk ,.| rrn.y, Sl,,„l„, A,.., I,„ii., Ism:;, U>i„o 
 Hnvenshinv, j. n., „,■ (,,., „„„|j„| „,^,-|| ,„^,,,^. 
 in,ij[i.U-,Llu ,n„| oolh.,.t„r „t Mal.1,,1,, (U»r : iln H,||n, 
 nnd„,». IMItu.l hy h,. WM.nv. I|iu„,. u„ , 
 Hlo Mr. H,iv,.|,^l,.,u, . . . ,u„l i|,,i„ 111,. ,,„., ,,|\ ', 
 K,ivi'ijs iiiw. \\r. Mult' I, ,1,1 Mr III,.. Im,. i-i 
 Hun.„sl„uv, T. F., M..\,, l\,<.A. ,K,|., ,An, 
 f„rtli In ( l,iMn„lci){„.„l Onlor, l,„n,, \h:h, sv„. With 
 ll|iCKsTii,., W. .-<., rh,. Fciial ISiiltor, 1.,,.,., isilll, Uu.o, 
 .1,1 i"l , l.'<7l: iiinv iMJ,, ISH-l. ' ' ' 
 HnveiiNlci,,, Krii^t U., [.,„/,. v„l. ii., ,„|,| i | 
 I)0M,.,„,n,>li.,n,.l ,-.'l,.ti..tic.. ,.!■ i:„«l„„.l mxd Wale., I.on ' 
 \X,ti. p. Hvo. :'. C."piu.s : it, |l,.,„„|.,i., : with lli>.t,i C, 
 TiiurlstB, Lon., IH.- .,. svo. And at-o Joiim.stov, A K 
 I fl. ft. I'niil In r)iini,» 
 7. K»,u, .\(i|nMiiliih, 
 t,iry,") l,,in., Issii, , 
 K«.V|,I. Illii-I. I.mi. 
 1- an, I Ariiliiii, |,,,n., |H77, l2n)o. 
 ,ii,| Kftliir, I" l'iil|,it ('„i„iinn- 
 ~>vci. H. Ill.|„r7 of Ancient 
 I'"*!, 2 v„l». ,Si), 
 Hiivprly, .f|^|«^■ rronry (Jeoritc. 1. Tlio 
 ,i.^ht,. .\!,i„ ,\: ,,„„,„,:„., .tliiai„i,„i,, l.;x,.r,M..,.(.,an.l 
 l)„jloguc8. 1 n I>..<|1, I •.'„,. ■'. XoioH „„ Al«h,.ni-lu„ 
 and Pir of H„l; ,,,.t:,„, (;,., .niphin.l, KH.„„*,-a|,hi,.„l, 
 and Hi.tori,, ' , .mIcI !., „ the Writin^-a uf l.iitk- 
 Known AjKhan ..»; J„iv- ,li>t,ni„n^ ,t,.., an,l from 
 IlHwUoii, H. .Inmes llnm.T, .M.A.,K'ra Umt,,! 
 atlir,i,-un„,«t.( ullc«|.,, Is.'jS; „r,lain,-i lsii:l- vi,-ir 
 of I'restoM 8in,.o I-::, Tho Athium.sian (,. ,| .-J,., liv 
 p081ti)iy A.|,lrt'.-,<i'.-, I.on.. ISs.",, er. Mvo. 
 niiulc, Uilliiii,, lirooke., h. l,-*l:i, i,, I'hila,!,.:. 
 phia; .-o'l ot Chiiil.'s Walhifo liruokf; Kraduatcl ;it the 
 I nivuraity ol I'lMiii-^ylvania \S{y.\; iii,rvi-,| in the eivil 
 war; ii,|niitlf(| („ihi. Imr lNtl7; Pi..e,ulii,v „r d,,. Ilistur- 
 Ical Society of I'eon.sylvania. I. The 1(1^111 l'h,iili i,t,r«, I'hih... IS7,s. 2. With Orogg in the Oetly.- 
 bu,-(,' ( ,iiiip,ii;;n, i>iS4. •' 
 llHWle, MilUiiii, II,.„ry, hU.D., [,„ii,; vol. ii., 
 iul,l..J d. lss,j. I. Sonio Cuntiii.-ts in the Growth of 
 ennsylvanmin Kn-li.^h !,;,«■, |ss|. 2. Oration at the 
 Unyci inK of the .Monument e,e,-le.l bv the liar uC ihu 
 Lnite,! ,s(,uo.s to ('lMer.J,i«ti,e .Marshiill', Wash., IS.S) 
 UawliMsoH, Rev. lieotsv, .M.A., {.wie. vol. ii 
 a,|, .,] w.,s eleete,! C.uii.l,.,! p,-o|es>or of anei.'nt liistory at 
 0.xloril in l.ShI, an,| ina,lo eunon of Uanleihiuy in 1872 
 1. A ,,f Anient,-y, from the Karliest Time.s 
 to the I.,!)! of tlio \\ extern Kinpiro, (l\f , l.stji) ,Svo ■' 
 Ilisturical Illostration.-, ,>f theOhlTost,iiii,.nt. 1,'on., Is?]' 
 12nio. :!. The .><ixth (ircat Oriontal M.,niirel,y ; or, Th<^ 
 (icography. History, an. I Anti<inltie6 of I'aiihia. Lon 
 If*,.!, hvo. ' ■' 
 "Almost if not wholly, free ft-om the sins „i,.; .,v.mcos 
 of hl.s earliur l,ool<s. . it was -.voll that il,e l„«t ryof 
 4. The Seventh (ircat Oriontal Monarchy; or, The 
 Oeography, History. .,n.l Antiquities of the .Sassnnian or ' 
 New Persian hinpire: Collectcl and Illustrated fnnn 
 AniMont an.l .Mo,iern .Sonrees, Len., IS7B Svo 
 re'i'ir'ns'o"i",'',".'ii,"''!?"'r ■""''"•se tc> fxainli^c in' detail the i 
 relKiis (t t,iu Sa.ssani,ls as s,ivi'iv lmis of I'e'via ,ir t,i ,i,. i 
 mommhs ' Mr"r'<' '.','>' i!"' "'",' ''"""l^'- ••>'"-T.'«"i. 'f ii.usV ' 
 I.O K 1 ■; •<' .» ""M"' li'is uiulertaken this u . .rk, an,l 
 lack animation. iii„I the reader niiiv liere an,l there tin iTt 
 I 1 11..11 t U, shake olln .sense of weariness la t Mr. i,v' 
 I I o.' .""'*' ''««»i;i"««l to l.Kveaeenstoine,! himself to the 
 -'——.■ pa<;p lit KH-terii ■.imivans, and exi.> rie,,eo \ih< 
 tauKht lis that we are not t« expeet'frim, lin ei h .r n, ,'e 
 Si t7 ".V"''^ "''•''>■ ™<>vemcnt. .«till, there is „ ihi « ,, 
 regret in the appearance of this volume. It is ,list el v 
 II a,Milion to the siin, „f onrliistori,',.! knowlcli,' ■, w i el, 
 -*J ^«'., xii.™i3. ""' """ " "■""'' '"'■''■ "■'"•'''" '■™'i' 
 5. The Origin of Nations. Maps. Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 
 ■pi. ., , ,,„,^ „,„ 
 Ills l"i,,k, If not wrliii'ii hy Ii"pi'.ore"„,| Ktfvnlol.iufnt 
 iii;.;iir ::,/ u!^^„;i;.nt''^i:.;;;'!'v^!;: !;;;r^'' "'^ ~' 
 V. Kxo.lus, ("I'ulpit Coniinentiirv,") I,on iss" , 
 -v.), .1,1 ,.,!., i,ss:i. n,. iiHi^i ,„■ '.h, ,^,„,i ,( „.-■ ■ 
 usi. .on., I. mm:-, ,, svo. il.The Anti,,«lty of .Man 
 Hinlo, i, 'ally eon»lde,e.|, I.on., LSI.;, ,., syo l'' Kirvi,! 
 and llabylon.fn.m S.,.,,„u,.„ , p,„,„,„ ...nir,;'.,, t.l, 
 •nil.''' .Ir'-, ,'■'■ ""!'«'';''' Tea,.|,in«, of the .S.bliu.n 
 . m\<\ lleautifni in Naluie, I.on., |.s.s|. er. >i,„. | , jiji,, 
 l;|"«r:i|.h.v. l,on„ |ss,i, |2„,„. li. A„ei, nt History, 
 llniv.isal llistor)," vol. I.) I.on.. |.ss7, „. svo! 
 H. ^Aioient hgynt, (".-tury of r.e .\„li,,ns,") l.„n 
 !l th '';. m"' . ','• ""'""■ '•'' ''"■""'"' ■li"'"«.("M,n 
 01 til,. I.ible, ') I.on, >s7, p, Mvo. 
 w;ii-Ke, K.C.I!.. V.H.S.. h.c.i,.. 1,1,.,,., i,„„;,v,i. ii.. 
 ',"'' "I W"« loiippoint..,! a niber of iho Couneil of 
 India in mn. an,l w,h its vi,,.,i,|ent In l^7Mn 
 'VI,,. I, year he h-,i.s ap, ,te,l a trustee of the Diilish 
 .Mn-e,ii„. A.-s, ste.l l,y I-;. \o|.ris, (). ,s,„iih, and T. (). 
 liiielie.s ho prepai-e.l f,,,- p.,blieall..n viil,.. l.-iii.. with 
 , vol. v.. In tivo pn^s. ,.„,„|stii,.; „!■ |,|,„eH, of C, ,o|.,„ 
 -njeription., ol W...„.|n Asia, (llrit. ,Mus. P„h.,) ls,)|- 
 ^xi, tol. |.nglan.| an.l |i„ssia in the K,,,, ■ ,> .<a,i.^ „f 
 I'iper-' on the l'olitie„| ,„„| , ,..oj;,.„|,hi,,,.i f.m.lilion of 
 eta . s,a, l.on., I>7.i, ,svo. (Contains six es.say,, 
 '""'!', "' '' ' heing reprint., of artieles In revi,.>v».) 
 sot'l! v'o'l''seen.', ".'Jfi I'' '" ""I'V '"'""^ " "'Velaliol. tO 
 so( , Ij ,, s,.,.rels wl,l,.h wer,' |.ith,.r wu.lly ,'i,i„.ei,|,.,l i,. 
 I>oino,sl|l I. —.s«/, /,'(;,. xxxlx. ..o.s 
 >l,,>ii ,1 l.e re„,| hyall whoib'shv to f„rn, .s,,un,| on|n- 
 lilt. 1 .sent ,„■ II,.. iiexlKeneratlon." s,„ ■^,^„■. xiyin, .(^ 
 tnst„..|,ons (or W ,11-. ..on., |.s7l, Mvo. 2. Note.^ on Iho 
 M..rtn,ain A,'!, I.uii.. IS77, 8vo 
 Uiiwliiison, Sir HolH-rt, K r.ll., b. 1810- en- 
 gineer (., the - initary Coiu„,i-sion in tl„. Crimeai ehief 
 engineer to the local governuient boar.l I872-.SM, .Ic • 
 ',';i," , T': •■„'-'--• '(epoits. Letter, ami 
 apeis on ,<«i,nitary (Questions, I.on., lM7(i, .Svo. 2. The 
 Hygiene ot Armies in the I'MeM, f,„n., I,Mm;|, r. 8vo ;i 
 llie N.,.,al an.l .\,,,ion„i Influence of the Domiciliary; 
 tondition ol the I'eople : Three A,l,lressc8, Lon., IM.M.I, 
 linw-|i„so,,, W. U. Turner's Liber .«fudlorum : a 
 Ucw..ription a„,l „ Catalog,,,.. |.„„., |.s7.s, ,„e,i. Mvo. 
 gra.luated „t lialiiol College. Oxfor.l, IS75; o,,|aine,l 
 I.S70,, .urate of ,<|. liariiaby, Drisf.,!, Is7,'i-7.'i; vi,.ar of 
 '.osthwaile 8,nee IM.SII. |. a l:e.,k of Ilristol Son- 
 ills 1'"" rj'; ?• """■ -• ■'*""'"''" "' "i" l^"Kli*h, l.„n.. I.ssl, IS,,,,,. :!. (|.:,|., cM,rist for To-Dnv: 
 International Soimons by Kminent I'reacliers of liio 
 Lpiseopal ( hureb in Kn^Ian.! an.l America, I.on., I8n5 
 p. Hvo. .1, .<„nnets ,.„„n,l the Co„,t, |.o„., |ss7, 12ui» ' 
 I,c!he."l,",' I*ss''""''"'"' "'^•'"*'-''- 'il'" "'aters of 
 Kiiwiisicy, iU'v. Richard l)r„„,mo,id B., 
 Lon., SM.l, p. svo. 2. \ Sermon.^. Fourth .Series. 
 lilill.. IMS.), p. ,Svo. 
 Hnwso:,,<;eorgn. I. Hymns. Verse.s, an.l Chant.s, 
 : l.on., .8,fi. p. 8vo. :'. .S.ngs of .Spiritual Communion 
 ' Jjun.. iss.i, sf|. Irtino. 
 ' Raws<iii, .Mrs. Harry. Xoies of Eastern Travel : 
 ■ benig .^elections f,oM, the Diary of a Lady, Manchester, 
 I Kiuvson, Heary (;ilbcrt, b. mi -. gra.hiated at 
 : Christ Church Oxf,„-,|, IS7.I, called to the bar at the 
 rntjer eiuplo I.s77. I'ocket Law Lexicon; 2d ed., rev. 
 'and ciil., I.on.. I8s:i, l2iiio. ' 
 Ra\V8oii,Sir Kan sou William, Kr.M.O.,C B . 
 >■ ixi:-. goveinor of the liahamas l,sill-iiM, an.| of the 
 Uin.lnanl Isiamis l,-hs-7o; ,„.„si,lent of the Inlc,-- 
 natmnal Statistical Institute, ,U:. .'Synopsis of the 
 lariffsand 1 ra.le of the liritisb Kii.pire, I.oii., I881;, .'ivo 
 "Hay, Xsncs," (INeml.) ,Seo Iii.:.v.iAMiN, Mas. 
 hi.iz,iiii.:Tn 1)1, (liKhKi.i,,) «„;„•„. 
 .1, n'f',*'"""','"'"^' '■ (T"-""") V^e Emperor and 
 I the Oalilean: a Drama, in Two Parts, by Jlcnrik Ibsen, 
 Lon., TS76, p. Svo. 2. Tho Fiirni on tho Fjord: a Tale 
 of Lifo in Norway. Illust. Lon., Isrr, 12mo. 3. 
 Agrounil in tlie Sliiillows: a Novel, T.on., IStSO, 2 vols, 
 cr. 8vo. I. Tho Now K.iLodus ; or, The Exiiea of tho 
 Zillertlial : a Story, I. on.. ISS", p. 8vo. 
 Hiiy, Uclgar. Uirtlirighls : a Novel. Lon., IS87, 
 p. Svo. 
 Kny, I^nac, .M.D., [-i,,;,., vol. ii., add.,] )807-lS81. 
 Contiiliulion,) to Mental Pathology, liost., 18711, str . Svo. 
 '■ His views are worthy of allenlioii, not only liy reason 
 of their nniloubled honesty ami the abililv with which 
 they are su|i|iorteil, linl l>eeause the anthor. to his own 
 contnsion. as we Ihir.k, assumes the fnnelions not only of 
 a physician hut ot a 'awyer ami jnilue. and sharplv, not to 
 sav Icroc'ioiisly, criliiises the leu'al Ilieories tjenenillv ai)- 
 plicil 1.1 cases m winch insanity is alleijeil us an excuse fur 
 eriine. —Sution, xvi, -JT-J. 
 Kay, Juliii, ISin-lSSS, b. in Washington Co., Mo. j 
 cilucated at Augusta College and Tiansvlvania Univer- 
 sity ; adinitteil to the Louisiana bar I'siO ; wa.4 twice 
 State senator. Uiiy's Digest of the Laws of Louisiana, 
 N. Orleans, 1S7I1, '< vols. Svo. 
 Ilay, P. K,, D.Sc. Lon. and Edin., profes.sor of logic 
 and philosophy at Dae.-a College. A Text-Iiook of Re- 
 ductive Logic, fur the L'se of Students: 2d ed., Lon., 
 issi;. IL'nio. 
 Knyc, John Joseph Ardavoii, late surgeon 
 Il.H.M. transport service, Zulu cinipaign; surgeon Rilles. Ainbulaneo, for Volunteers 
 and Others. Illust. Lon., 1 884, er. Svo. 
 Kayleigh, Lord. See Stritt. 
 Kiiymoiid, Mnjor Charles W., U.S. Engineers, b. 
 18l2j graduated at the U.S. .Military Academy ISlio; 
 served in the civil war; eouimainled exploring expedi- 
 tion in Aiaslia ISCSI, ,ic. I. Ueporl of a Keeonnoissanoe 
 of the \iikon Kiver, Alaska, July-September, IStiSt. 
 Tub. by U.S. Gov't. Wash., 1S71, Svo. 2. (Trans.) 
 Contributions to tho Theory of Ulasting or Military 
 Mining. Pub. by U.S. (iov't. Wash., Ito. 
 Kaymoiid, Kev. tieorgc Lansing, b. is:i9, in 
 Chicago; grailuated at Williams College 181)2; entered 
 the niinistiy of the Presbyterian Chniohj professor of 
 onitoiy and icsthetio criticism at Princeton since 1881 
 1. Colony IJallads: Separation of the Middle Colonies 
 ot British North America from their Mothc Country, 
 Best., 1877, I2mo. 2. Ideals made Keal : a Pomance, 
 [111 verse,] and ilaydn. Host., 1877, 18mo. 3. Orator's 
 Manual : a Practical and Philosophical Treatise on Vocal 
 Culture, Emphasis, and Oesture, Chic., 1S7U, 12mo. 4. 
 Modern Kishers of Men, [a novel,] N. York, 1879 b 
 A Life in Song, ISSO. 8. Poetry as :•. Uepresentative 
 Art, 1888. 7. Uallads of the Kevolution, and other 
 loenis, N. York, I8S7, Itlmo. 8. Sketches in Son.-, N. 
 \ork, 1837, 18ino. 
 Hayniond, Ilev. .Miner, D.D., LL.D., b. 1811, in 
 New York ; educated at Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, 
 Mass.; principal 18-18-84, and since then professor of 
 systematic theology, in Garrett lliblical Institute. Evans- 
 ton, III. Systematic Theology, Cin., 1877, :i vols. r. Svo 
 Kaymond, Ilev. Oliver, LL.H., [,i„ie, vol. ii., 
 add.,] graduated in law at Trinity ilall, Canibridu'e, 
 1818; ordained 1817; rector of Middleton, SuHolk, since 
 1820. 1. Paradise; or, The Intermediate State between 
 Death and the Resurrection, and other Poems, Lon., 
 1875, 18nio. 2. Tho Seasons: a Poem, Lon., 1878, fn Svo' 
 Hayniond, Itossiter >Vorthington, I'h.K.', 
 [n,iU; vol. 11., add.,] secretary of the American Institute 
 of .Mining Knginecis 18S4-88; editor of tlie Enginee 
 ing end .Mining Journal since 1888. |. The Christmas 
 Auge , N. \ork, I88!l, ISmo. 2. Mines and Mining of j 
 the llocky .Mountains, N. York. 1 1, Svo. :!. Mines 1 
 Mills, and Furnaces of the Pacilic States, N. Y'ork, 1872,' I 
 8v(). 4. Silver and Gold: an Account of the Mining' 
 and .Metallurgical Industry :;.f "^e United States. I'lates 
 N. \oik, 187:i, Svo. :,. Draw livarts : a Novel, liy 
 Kobert-son Gray, [psou.l.] Illust. N.York, 187:1. 12mo. 
 8. The Man in the .Moon, and other People. N. York 
 187-1, 12mo. 7. The Mining Industry of tho States and 
 lerritories West of tho Rocky .\.^)untains. Ac., .\. York 
 US74, Svo. 8. The Book of Job: Essays ami a Metrical 
 Paraphra, N. York, 1878, 12ino. i). Camp and Cabin : 
 Sketches ot Life and Travel in the West. N. York. 18811 
 l»mo; i.c, ed., ISSI. 10. The Werry-Go-Round : Stories 
 for lioys and (Jirls. Illust. N. York, 1880, sin 4to 
 With Lii'MvcoTT, .AIhs. S. J., Treasures from I'airy- 
 Land. I ,.t. N. York, 1879, l«mo. 
 Iliiymond, Walter. Misterton's Mistake: a 
 Novel, Lon., 1888, or. Svo. 
 Raynal, F. E. Wrecked on a Reef; or, Twenty 
 Months among the Auckland Isles, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 
 Itnyne, Mrs. M. L. 1. Her Desperate Victory. 
 Illust. Chic, and N. York. 1889, 12nio. 2. Pauline' 
 or. The Relies of .Mackinac, N. York, 1887, I2nio 
 Uaynolds, Brig..(;en. Milliuni F., U.S.A., 
 graduated at the U. S. Military Academy 1843; served 
 in the civil war as chief engineer of the 8th Army Corps, 
 &c. Report on the Exploration of the Y'ellowstone 
 River: with Geological Report of the Exploration of 
 the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers, by P. V Ilayden 
 . IS.-,9-8ll. Pub. liy U. S. Gov't.; 1888-80, Svo. ' 
 Raynor, I*. E. Printing for Amateurs : Guide to 
 the Art of Printing, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 
 Itayson, Charles. Rabbits for Prizes and Prolit ; 
 new ed., Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 
 Ilea, Alice. Tlie Recksido Boggle, and other Lake 
 Country Stories, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Read, Mrs. C. A. 1. Fairy Fancy: what she 
 Saw and what she Heard. Illust. Lon., 1882, p Svo 
 2. Our Dolly: her Words and Wavs. Illust. Lon.! 
 1882, p. Svo, ■ ' 
 Head, Carveth, b. ISls, at Falmouth, Eng. ; grad- 
 uated at Christ's C.dlege, Cambridge, 1872; a teacher 
 ami lecturer, London. On the Theory of Logic: an 
 Essay, Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 
 " It is, in our iudgment, the most real addition that has 
 leen inade to the subject since the appoarunee of Prof 
 Jlaiiis 'Logie. and one that eiinnot henceforward he 
 overlookei by any one interested in the logic of scienee " 
 —Acad., XIV. 270. 
 Head, I). Nathan Read's Invention of the Jlulti- 
 Tiibular Boiler, Ac, N. York, 1870, l2mo. 
 ^ Head, David. Lawyers and Doctors, Orphans and 
 Guardians: a Plea for the Better Legislative Protection 
 of Medical Men and Helpless Patients, Lon., 1870, Svo. 
 ^ Read, Rev. Hollis, [uute, vol. ii., add.,] d. 1887. 
 The Devil in History; or, Tlie Footprints of Satan, N. 
 York, 1872, Svo; new ed., 1875. 
 Read, Jane illaria, b. 1853, at Barnstable, Mass. 
 Between the Centuries, and other Poems, Best., 1887, 
 Read, Opie P. Len Gansett, Best., 1888, 16mo. 
 Head, H. .Modern Leicester: Personal Experience 
 and Research, Leicester, 1881, 8vo. 
 Read, Mrs. R. H. 1. Dora: a Girl without a 
 Home. Illust. Lon., IS8,3, p. Svo. 2. Silver Mill: 
 a Tale of the Don Valley. Illust. Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 
 Read, Samuel. Leaves from a Sketch-Book : 
 Penoillinga of Travel at Home and Abroad. Illust. 
 Lon., r. 4to. 
 Read, William T. Life and Correspondence of 
 George Read, a Signer of the Declaration of Indepen- 
 dence: with Selections from his Correspondence, Ac 
 i Phila., 1870, Svo. 
 Ileade, A. Norah Moriarty ; or, Revelations of 
 Modern Irish Life, Edin., 1888, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Ileade, Alfred Arthur, b. 1851, at Snelson, 
 t heshire ; resident of Manchester ; a journalist by profes- 
 sion, but in. recent years has given most of his time to 
 the advocacy of life insurance. 1. My Trip to Paris' 
 how to get there, and how to live there. By a Special 
 Correspondent. .Manchester, 1878, 12mo. Anon. 2 
 The Literary Lauder, Lon., 1880, 18mo. 3. How t.. 
 Write English : a i'ractical Treatise on English Compo 
 Pition; 3d ed., Lon., ISS'2, p. Svo; new ed., 1S87. 4. 
 Short Anecdotes on Temperance, Lon., 1883, 12mo. :> 
 Study and Stimulants; or. The Use of Intoxicmts ami 
 Narcotics in Relation to Intellectual Life, as illustrated 
 by Personal Communications on the Subject from Men 
 of Letters and of Science, Lou., 1883, p. Svo. 
 „,"''],'"^ ,.''"">, "'-J'^'ids In interesting bits of autobiogra- 
 phy. —Speclali/r. ^ 
 6. Tea and Tea-Drinking. Illust. Lon., 1SS4, I2iiio. 
 7. Literary Success : being a Guide to Practical Journal- 
 ism, Lon., 1885, p. Svo; 2d ed. same year. S. The 
 House of Commons on Stimulants, Lon.. 1885, Svo. 
 Also, several pamphlets on life insurance. 
 Ileade, Amos. Life in the Cut, Lon., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 (On canal and barge life.) 
 Ileade, Charles, D.C.L., [tmtc, vol. ii., add.,] d. 
 I SSL He jiroduceda dramatic version of Zola's "L'As- 
 soinmuir," entitled " Di ink," which held the stage tor 
 some time, and a play called " Love and Money," (1883,) 
 on which he founded a story called " A Perilous Secret." 
 I'or biog., see Ri-)AnE. Charlks L., in/r,,. 1. Put 
 Yourself in his Place, Lon,, 1870, 3 vols. p. Svo 
 B„v ^M?..t.'i'i"' ''".5'''-'' ' i^eorge Ellof when we say, as wo .lo 
 baj, that the author of • Put Yourself In his Place' Is now 
 till' ;,'a;iiU'st llvinjf writer of EnRlish fictlmi; and thnt 
 iiiiikcs It iill thu niiire iiieliiMclicily thut liu will do what he 
 hail here done."— A'u/i'oji, x. l^ii. 
 2. A Terrible Temptation : a Story of the Day Lon 
 1871, 3 vols. |). Mvii. ' 
 ■•Told with all Mr, Heade's power, and, we nntv add, 
 with nearly all his usual uccentrititv of sivle We do not 
 think, on the whole, that we should like 'lo see him alter 
 this, lor without It he would not lie the Cliiirles Iteiiiletliat 
 wo know: l,ui we hope no our else will iiiiilate it.t.irwhat 
 i.s toleniMo ehielly by reason „( its oriKiiiality would be 
 an lutoleraliluKllcetationil not original."— ,l(/i., No. -.'lixj. 
 :t. Aiilobingraphy of a Thief, Ijori., l.sri', | 
 A Sirnpletiin ; a .Story of a Day, I.on., 187:i, 
 3. Trade Malice, a Personal N 
 E.xodus, and other Poems, Cin., 
 Reade, T. C. 
 Is><4, lliino. 
 Itcade, T. .Ilcllard, [miir, vol. ii., n.ld.] I. The 
 Moun and tlic Eartii. lllust. Lon., IS7(i, Svo. 2. The 
 Origin of Mountain Hange.s, eonfidered E.xperimentally, 
 Structurally, IJynai.iicaliy, and in Uclation to their Geo- 
 loKiciil History. lllust. I.o.i., IsSli, Svo. 
 •■ Ills speculation.s represent years of patient thoucht, 
 while they iMis.sess the rare llllvallnl^^• of lu'liij; put lorlli 
 liy one who eonimands a praelical knowledge ot nie- 
 chaiiies ae(iuired diirin;,' a loii« professional career as an 
 v'liKineer and arehiteel Vecordim; to Mr. Ueade. the 
 lavourile hypothesis of eontraetion l.v loss of heat is iit- 
 8V0. 5, Trade Malice, a_l.erso;ial Narrative, andTlle : \^la:^Z■''u!<^:luX^:^:l:\^l:!l^:^ZluiZ^^^ 
 \\ anderins Heir, Lon., l.STo, p. Svo. (1. (ioMen I'lowns : : earth has not e.Meiided lo sueh a d''|.th that we nee!l e.'n- 
 hunday Mories ; :td cU., Lon., 1.^77, ISiiio. 7. A Woman- ""''''' "'^' iu'ernal eontraclion as a Keolo^ieal cause' Ili.s 
 Hater: a Novel, Lon., 1.-<7S, If vols. er. Svo. S. Keadi- ")^'" .^''y^*'— Jj'^' \n'»' "id'h It is the prime object of this 
 2iiio. 4. I 
 .'i vols, p 
 Keiili """ "e»—iiie view WHICH ;t is tlie priii 
 iviih „ <i,.nl I>'],.,." "■™""^' '" .f'^l'oniKl-ret'iinls mouutaiiirain,^- 
 witn a ."■teol-l late sedimciuation, ' 
 as due to 
 z.^iH^r^s^s.-erir "c;;::is^:;;i:;,;-nJt;:r: I ts;^ iii'iK^ 
 tia- I lleadc, Uilliaiii Wiiiwood, [uni,; vol. ii., add.,] 
 lS.-!9-IS7.'J, b. at Ipsden, O.xfordsliiie. 1. The Martyr- 
 dom of Man : a Compendiion of Universal History, Lon., 
 and papers previously publlslied in the Pall' Mall 
 7.ette anil other papers.) il. (iood .^lories of .Man and 
 other Animals, Lon., 1S,S4, p. Svo; new eil., ISSj. 10 
 Singlcheart and Doublefaee : a Miilter-of-Kaet' llo- 
 nmnce, Lon., 18.S4, p. Svo. 11. The .Jill, and other 
 Tales. lllust. Lon., IssJ, er. Svo; new uil., ISs,',. |2. 
 Bible Charaeter.s : Studies of David, Jonah, and Xehc- 
 niiah, Ae., Lon., 18SS, fp. Svo. 
 Gknkhai, Cuitii'Ism : 
 • Mr. Read 
 1S72, p. Svo : :;d ed., IS71;, 2. The African Skctch-Iiook', 
 Lon., 1S7:!, 2 vols. p. Svo. .S. The Story of the Ashanteo 
 Campaign, Lon., IS74, p. Svo. 4. Outcast, Lon., Ls7o, 
 p. Svo. 
 Header, Emily E. 1. Voices from Flower-Land, 
 , in Original Couplets, Lon., 1SS4, ISmo. 2. Fairy I'rinco 
 considenihle, apl^^l^r^J'^^'^::;^^^,;;';'^^;^!!^ '".^^ ' ]^^^;^^y;^-'!:'-'''i:!l''M'^g)<l"-»let, mJ. Lon., 
 can depict the laitsidcs of his characters adinirVi'b 1I„ 
 oaiiuot or does not make thciu tliorou;.'lilv intelligible hut 
 he can and does make them real. . . . Then Mr. Iteade can 
 both invent and describe incident. stirriiiL' incident with 
 a lorce which has been given to few iiovelisus. . \iid 
 linally, Mr. Keade has a command of pathos whi'ch lie 
 very rarely indeed e.xerts, but which is of a very genuine 
 and rare kind. . . Theseare ureatcpialities in am.velist; , 
 yet Mr. Keade himself will probably regard the reviewer 
 who acknowledges them as a sligntlvinaliKiiani be- I 
 cause he sees in the writing more if metalljr jilescencu I 
 than ol true, sell-derived flash. Well, each ..iie has the ' 
 delect of his (imilitics, ami a nuMlest man could not 
 written ( harles Keiifle's novels at all."— .s;i«'(a/or, Iv. irjS. ' 
 Iteadc, Charles L. and Coinptuii. Charles ' 
 Ueade, Dramatist, Novelist, and .Journalist : a Me ir, ' 
 compiled chiefly from his Literary Kcmain.s, Lon., I8S7' 
 2 Vols. cr. Svo. ' 
 "It i.s a clumsy compilation, made up of hitherto 1111- ' 
 printed essays ami .'craps of letters aii(fdiaries,~which 
 the reader is told, .Mr. (,'. L. Ueade has ■ .selected with care 
 irom a voiiiminous mass of literary and personal remains 
 iiiiliyidually. —and of ' narrative' by Mr. ( '.unptoii Ueaile I 
 Neither portion of the work has been well doiie."-.l(A., 
 No. 3103. ' 
 Itcade, Ilev. Compton, .M.A., gra.Iuated at .Mag- 
 dalen College, O.vford, ls."i7; ordained lS."i7; vicar of 
 Casslngton 18ri7-6!t; rector of Elton, Durham, lSS;i-Sl 
 p. Svo. ;!. The (Jhost of Urankinshaw, and other 
 tales, Lon., 188B, p. Svo. 4. Uo yt llys who Finds yt, 
 L(m , 1S87, p. Svo. 5. The Model Uoy ; Highway Uobbery 
 lit Eyre, Lon., 1SS7, ICmio. 6. three tiiants, Stolen 
 .Icwcis, Ac, Lon., ISS7, llinio. 
 Header, Frank S. Moody and Sankey; an Ac- 
 count of their Lives and Services, N. York, 1,S7(), l2nio. 
 Iteady, Arthur. IHs Good Angel: a Novel, Lon., 
 Real, Anthony. (Trans.) The Story of the Stick 
 in All Ages and All Lands; from the French of Fernand 
 Michel. N. York, 1S7,'), KUno. 
 Reaney, Mrs. Isabel, daughter of the late Robert 
 Edis, of Jliintingdon, sister of Dr. A. AV. Edis, iii/.ni, 
 and wife of Rev. «. S. Reaney, formerly pastor id the 
 Stepney Meeting Congregational Church, and now of a 
 church in Manchester, '•'rom an early period of her 
 life she has been actively engaged in religious and phil- 
 aiithropic labors. 1. Waking and M'orkiiig; or. From 
 Oi''l'' I to Womanhood, Lon., 1S74; new ed., ISSO, p. 
 Svo. 2. Sunbeam Willie, and other Stories, Lon., IS75,' 
 Ifimo. ;i. Lina; or, Nobody's Darling, Lon., 187fi, 
 Kimo. 4. Our Hen: a Tale of Home Influence, Lon., 
 IS7li, Ifinio. 5. The Sermon in Uaby's Shoes: a Do- 
 mestic Story, Lon., 1S7(;, 16mo. 6. Ble.-^sing and Ulessed : 
 of Eldon, Hampshire. ISS.i-Sd, and of Ivenchester since " '"ketch of Girl Life, Lon., 1S7S, p. Svo; new ed., LSSd, 
 1887. 1. Basilissa, the Free of a Secret Craft : a I'oeiu, "• Sunshine Jennie, and other Stories, Lon, 1878 sn 
 Ox(., 1869, sm. 4to. 2. Pictura Picturie: a Poem, Lon., '^mo. 8. Just Any One; or, Kitty's Diea ind otht'r 
 IS, 1, 12mo. 3. " Take Care whom you Trust," Lon., '"•""es, Lon.. IS7S, sq. Ifimo. 9. " I'm All Astray ;" or, 
 1872, l2ino; new ed., 187.'). 4. Hard Lines, Lon., 1S74. ^^'<'"' "'O' Responsible I' a Word for Christiaiis, I.on ' 
 6. The Pollution of Rivers, (Ca.xtonian Angling Soc. ■ '878, p. Svo. 111. " Ar' liaby too :" a Christmas Story, 
 Pub.,) 1882. 6. Who was then the Gentleman ':' Lon., 1 '■""•> 1879,p.8vo. 11. I., fe Scenes and Life Stories, Lon , 
 .^' •' l'"''''^''' ^'■'"- l^'"' ''■ **'■"• '2. English Girls: their Place and Power, 
 Keade, JUrs.Conipton. 1. Rose and Rue, Lon., '■™.. '879, fp. Svo. 13. Our Daughters: their Lives He 
 1874, 3 vols. p. Svo. 2. Sidonio: a Novel, Lon., 1879, 
 S vols. or. Svo. 3. The Brown Hand and the White- li 
 Novel, Lon., LSSO, 3 vols. 4. A Rose in the Sawdust 
 and other Tales, L(m., 1881, 3 vols. er. Svo. :,. Cherry ■ 
 a Novel, Lon., 1884, 3 v.ils. er. Svo. 6. The Maid uf the 
 Mill. Lon., 1887, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Reade, F. E. I. clary's l^mfirniation, Lon,. 1882, 
 p. Svo. Anon. 2. Kate 'Temple's Mate, Lon., IS83, p 
 Svo. Anon. 3. Nell's Bondage, Lon., I8S7 p Svo 4 
 True to Training, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 0. Walter Morris! 
 Lon., 1887, 12mo. 6. After the Winter, Lon., 1888, p! 
 8vo. 7. Brave Tiny, Lon., 18S,8, 12nio. 8. Polly Riv- 
 ers; or, What must I Renounce? Lon., 1 888, 12nio 
 Keade, Rev. John, b. 1S37, at Ballvshannon,' Ire- 
 land; educated at Queen's College, Belfast ; ciimo t) 
 Canada in 185B, and established the Montreal Literary 
 Magazine; ordaineo in the Church of En^'land ISIU- 
 haa been litr.rary e.lit..f -f the Montreal fjazctte siiioe 
 18(4. 1. The Prophecy, and other Poems, Montreal, 
 18r0. 2. Language and Con()iiest, 1883. 3. The Mak- 
 ing of Canada, 188,5. 4. Literary Faoultv of the Native 
 Races of Amcrion, 1885. .'>. The Half-Breed, lss6. Ii. 
 Vita sine Liberls, 1886. 7. Aboriginal American Poetry, 
 ami Hereafter, Lon., 18811, p. Svo; new ed., ISsl; 5th 
 ed., ISS.'i. 14. Rose Gurney's Discovery; a Story for 
 (iirls, Lon., 18S0, cr. Svo. 15. Daisy Snowflake's Secret: 
 a Story of English Home-Life, Lon., 18s2, ji. Svo; new 
 ed., 1884. lli. Morning Thoughts for our Daughters, 
 Lon., 1SS2, 18mo; 2d ed., 18,s5. 17. Our Brothers ami 
 Sons, Lon., 1882, p. Svo; new ed., 18S5. 18. Chippings, 
 Lon.. 1883, 12mo. 19. Found at Last, Lon., 1883, 12mo. 
 2(1. Little Glory's Mission, Lcm., 18S3, I2mo. 21. Not 
 Alone in the Worlil ; or, "Whoso givetli to the Poor," 
 Lon., 1S83, I2mo. 22. Number Four; or, Making Some- 
 body Happy, Ac.. Lon., 1883, 12md. 23. Lnspokcn Ad- 
 dresses. Lon., 18S3, ISuio. 21. Glovie and Madge, Lon., 
 18S4, p. Svo. 25. Just in Time; or, Howard t:i;irion's 
 Rescue, Lon., 18S4, p. 8vo. 2fi. Not Thrown Awaj, but 
 (iiven ; or, The Story of .Marion's Hero, Lon., Is8fi, p. Svo, 
 27, How the Home wa.i Won Hack ; a Story for Mothers, 
 Lon.. I8S7, p. Sv... 2.-*. U„w t,. Help : or, Pen :ind Pen- 
 cil Sketches of the East End, Lon., ISSS,]). Svo. 29. Liv- 
 ing Sermons ; or, Marvels of Gosjiel Power, Lon., 1889, 
 er. Svo. 
 She has lived for many years In the East End, and 
 '.riven in various ways to help and 
 er."— .feud., x.\.\iv. 417. 
 Reardon, George Evctt 
 I '¥'1 
 - jiiii 
 Forms of Acknowl- 
 cclgiiiunts fur Deeds and (,ther Instninienta used in the 
 I nilcil htiitcf, Bait., 1S82, Svo 
 Rcavis, Logan Uriah, [a,,,.; v„l. ii,, Ukavis, L. 
 U.,aud.,] b. 1S.J1, ut t^iingiiiiion liottoiii, III.; became a 
 journnhat, un,l ... l8(iC .ettled in St. Luui.. and,,- 
 cntud ... two paiuphlets (,.„le, vol. ii.) the re.uoval of the 
 ..atiunal capital to that place. I. Thougl.t.s lor the Yoiini; 
 Mci. and the \(iung Women of America ; :',| ed., rev and 
 Tu \l^'l\ '■'"."•, .-• ^'- ''""''■ ""^ '•""""■''' "lo^'t City of 
 the \\orM: with U.ogiapl.ieal .Slietchcs of the Kcpre- 
 Bentative Moii and Women of .<t. huui.s ami .Mi^iouri St 
 Hilliam ,-clby llarne.v : with Intioduct; .n by C M 
 Cliv.v, St. Louis, Mo., 1S73, iL'mo. ' | 
 Keay, Hilda. The Woman that shad be Praised ; ' 
 a ^u\■L■], Urn.. 187(1, 1 vol. or. Svo. 
 Kea.y, Weston. Franci? Willi.igtjn; or, A Life! 
 for the l'oroi;,'n Missions, [a tale,] Lon., 1870 n 8vo ' 
 M-fith'd' IJ's"'**'"' '"'"■■'■ ^'"'■■"" "'"' ''^"°^' '*^'"''' 
 llebef, Cliarles T. Paresis of the Sy ithetic 
 Centers from Over-E.vcitation by Jligh Solar Heat Ion- 
 continued and suddenly withdiawn. Ac. ; So-Calleil .M.° 
 lar.a : its Etiology, Pathogenesis, Pathology, and Treat- 
 ment, St. I.ouis, 187!), 8vo. 
 lleddull, Henry Frederick, b. Is52, in London • 
 removed to the United States: associate editor of the 
 leoplestycopiedia since ISsl. I. From the (iulden 
 bate to the (.olden Horn, N. York, 188:!. 2. Who wis 
 ho , Six Short Stories about .some of the Mvsterious 
 tharaotersand Well-Kept Secrets of .M„,iorn IMmes, .\. 
 York, l.SS,, l2mo. Ii .School-Boy Life in Merrie Eng- ' 
 and : I en-1'ictures of the (ireat Public Schools of K„... 
 Ia:.d : with Sketches and Stories of Famous Scholar", ; 
 J^o- V"'^-' 'J'"' '-"i°- ■•• t'"""-*''"!'. Love, and Wedlock ' 
 i888. ,,. iancy. Fact, and Fable, 1888. 
 Redden, Helen V. Fern Glen Farm. Illnst. ! 
 iion., IvS^-4, cr. 8vo. 
 Redding, W. Wolcott. 1. Antiquities of the 
 Orient Lnve.lcd, Must. 1872, Svo. 2. IVactical Mon- 
 itor and of M. .onio Law and Jurisprudence, 
 must, o^ruv). * 
 Redlield, Aniasa Angell, [„„/,., vol. ii., add.] 
 Treatise on the Law and Prictice of Surrogates' Courii 
 ot New York, N. York, 1877, Svo; .'id ed., 1884. 
 Redfaeld, H. V. Homicide, North an,l South: a 
 t<,mpa,-ative A lew of (Vimo against the Person in Several 
 Parts of the I nited States, i'hila., 1880, 12mo. 
 „i^?.^ "J^ '*•,'"*," ""'etclier, LL.D., [„„,,.. vol. ii.. 
 add.,] d. I>,(,. I. Law of Carriers of (ioods and Pas- 
 sengers, Cambridge Mass., 18011, Svo. 2. Leading 
 American Uailway Ca,ses, IJost., 1870, Svo ; 2d ed 1872 
 f/uri, S- '''-•'"ling American Cases and Notes upon Law 
 of Wills; Supplement to " Law of Wills." liost., 1874 
 8vo. With liioKLOw, M.-.LV.,.,.K M, Leading and Select 
 isn'svo °" "'' '^'"'' "'' ■^■"'••''"•''S''. ""St., 
 Redford, Albion H. 1. History of Methodism 
 in kentui-ky Nashville, Tenn., 1808-70,;) vols. 12mo; 
 „„ ,;;,','•., ^' P''K''"i'-'"i"n "f the Melho,list Epis- 
 copal Church South Xashville, Tenn., 1871, 12mo; ith 
 T.:: . ? V •■ "^lir' "■■'-■'"""«■ ^.v Tim Trlmme.-, 
 [pseud.] Nashv.lle, 1872, IBmo; 7th ed., 1S76 4 
 Western Cavaliers ; History of the Metho.list Episcopal 
 Church in Kentucky, 18;i2-44, Xash.illo, 1875 12mo. 
 6. Kussell Morton XashviUc, 187fi. 6. Life and 
 limes ot Bishop Kavanaugh, Nashville, 1884 
 Kedtord, CliriNtian, 1. .Mary Trelawnv ,i «;.,„.» 
 Lon., 1S76 p. 8yo. ,i. fhe Kingdom, Lon., 18711, p. 8vo 
 tJ^T. "'"■""y '""' ''" Claistmas Waymarks Lon 
 1880, 18n.o. .^. Little Folks- S„,iday, Lon l,?8i' 
 Ln™-18 fi 'rT -' "■?"'"•■ '"•• T*"' Three FHendl; 
 ]2ino '"■ '■ '" "«'''!»}■, I.on., 188,8; 
 P.'v.^t^''"'?' ^.""'■Se. 'Manual of Ancient Sculpture: 
 w ^n' o ' Assyrian, (ireek, Komnn, Lon., 1882- 2d ed. 
 h %f^^i^ """'• *?/"""' Ainslie, M.A., LL.B., 
 b. J8.8 at W orcesicr, Eng. ; graduated at the L'niver.sity 
 of Lon.lon, became a Congregational minister; pastor 
 of Ln.on Church. Putnev. sinco I.87I! ; pr, fc^-sjor of svs 
 temat.o theology and apologetics in New College, Lon- 
 don, since 187:). 1. Apo.tolio Christianity, and other 
 Sermons, Lon., ISf.l. 12mo. 2. Tb.. Chri^'tian's Plea 
 against Modern Unbelief: a Hand-Book of Christian 
 tvi.lenee, Lon., 1881, p. Svo; 2d ed., 188:). 3. Proph" 
 eoy : its Nature and Evidence, Lon., 1882, p Svo 4 
 Studies in the Book of Jonah: a Defence and anE.-i- 
 posltion, Lon., 188.1, p. Svo. 5. The Authority of Scrii,- 
 tore: a Ke-Statcmtnt of the Argument, Lon., 1883 i> 
 ; .--vo. (1. Studies in tiie Book of Jonah, Lon., 1,S8;) ' 7' 
 I 1 rimer of Christian Evidence, Lon., 1881 p Svo" ,■<' 
 Four Centuries of Silence; or, Malac'hi to Christ' 
 l-on.,, p. Svo. He has also contributed to the Pul- 
 pit ( ommcrilary, 
 Redgrave, Alexander. The Factory and Work- 
 ''1"'',-;^J.'' [''"= "'"' ^"""'' *"•- Lon., 1S78, p. Svo; ■„l 
 ed., IS80, 8vo. ' ' 
 Redgrave, Samuel, l,n,ie, vol. ii., add.,] Imi''- 
 |lSrb; studied architecture at the Itoyal Academy for years; was afterwards private secretary to Lord 
 John lUissel, Mr Fox Maulc, Ac., and compiled the 
 Olhcial iLind-Book of Church and Slate 1 A Die 
 tioimry of Arti.-ts of the Engli,«li School, Painters, 
 Sculptors, A.-eli.lects, Engravers, and Ornamentists ! 
 with Notices ot their Lives and Works, Lon 1S74 8v„ • 
 new ed., 1878. ■ 1 ""> 
 riiie'^Mn'^- ■'^'-'•Jsravo tells us that he was induced lo pro- 
 luce llu.s book upon an experience of the liltle inforn i- 
 1 sb s'iof" *■ ";'""""''" respecting the a,-,is.s "If i K g- 
 libli selujol. \\, avree that 1 s verv dillieult iiu'e 'li in 
 obtaii, tr,...t;vorti,>; inrorinalion about iluvcMUdw^^^^^ 
 of nutewortliy ailisis ,,r lliis category, ami Jlr leilLMave 
 has doi.e a good ,1,.„1 i„ ..„ppiy „,^,,J,'„ wl ich ii ■ V, Tl' 1 .- 
 mon with many (.Ibeis lias ex|.ericiR.ed."-^l(/,., n" ill" 
 2. Catalogue of the Historical Collection o'f Briti.ii 
 1 aintings in Water-Colours, Lon., Is76. Posth 
 Redhani, A. E. (Trans.) The Footsteps of Chrijt. 
 by A. laspers, Lon., ].-^7l, ]). Svo. 
 Rediionse, Sir James Vvilliam, K.C.M G 
 L.tuD., M.H.A S ,[„„,., vol. ii.,add.,] b. ISII ; Oriental 
 translator at the foreign Ollice since ^t<&i. I. On the 
 History System, and Varieties of Turkish Poet.T : Il- 
 lustrated by Selections in the Original and in English, Ac., Lon., lS7il, Svo. 2. (Trans.) The Sles- 
 nevi. Book I.: with a Life of the Author, Lon., 1881 
 8vo. 3. Simplified Grammar of the Ottoman-Turkish 
 Language, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 4. A Tu.kish and Eng- 
 I , J"*-;".™"' "''""'"g '" English the Significations of 
 : the 'lerms. )>arts I.-III. Constantinople and 
 l,.on., 1884-85. imp. Svo. ' 
 ! ih'p m.\v'i"v'P' <■'"■".'„"" .."Piidon from this first part, . . . 
 llic new le.\iiiui will, wlien conip cted, be (iir more cm iI 
 prehensive an<l elab.irate than any of lie exist e Euro 
 peai. works of tbis chiss."-.4cnrf., iwii ''Oo '' 
 Redingtoil, Joseph. (Ed.) Calendar of Home 
 Office Papers of the Reign of George HI., (Pecord Office 
 1 ub. ;) vole. .., .,., Lon., 1878-79, Svo. See Rosekts, R 
 A., iii/riK ' 
 Redman, J. E. London Bridge and our Metro- 
 politan Bridges, Lon., 1879, Svo. 
 Redman, Joseph Haworth, b. 1S46; called to 
 the bar at the Middle Temple 1870. 1. A Tieatise on 
 the Law ol Railway Companies as Carriers, Lon 1870 
 p. Svo; 2d ed., I8S0. 2. A Concise Treatise on the Law 
 ot Arbitrations and Awa.ds, Lon., 1872 Svo 3 Hus 
 band and Wife: Law of Married Women's Property, 
 Lon., 1S83 8vo. With Lvo.v, Geouoe EnwAnn, The Law 
 ot Landlord and Tenant, Lon., 1876, v. Svo • 'i,i ..,! |S79 
 Redmond, f,S. Plain Facts about 'infant'Fecd- 
 ing, Ac: a Popular Treatise, Lon., 1886, 12mo 
 Redpath, James, [nm,; vol. ii., i„id..] isx.H-isoi 
 b at; removed to the United Stales 
 about 1,851 ; became a journalist; took an active part in Abolition movement ; lectured on Ireland, Ac. Talks 
 about Ireland, N. Y'ork, Issl. 
 Redwood, Bovorton. Petroleum : its Production 
 and Uses, N. Y'ork, 1887, 24n.o. 
 Reed, Alonzo, and Kellogg, Brainard. 
 Higher Lessons in English : a Work on English Gram- 
 mar and Composition, N. York, 187V, Himo. 
 Reed, Rev. AndrcA%', son of Andrew Reed, D D 
 7. r „„>,; vid. ii.) 1. The Story of Christianity, from' 
 the Apostles to the Reformation, Lon., 1876, p. Svo; new 
 n. ' ''*^^^,^• ^''''" I^'i'lgo of Norwich: a Taie of the of Charles f.. Lon., 1870, p. Svo, :!. Ida : 
 a lalo of the Re-toratlon, Lon., ISSO, p. Svo. 4. Edgar 
 Nelthorpe; or. The Fair Maids of Taunton: a Storv 
 Lon., ISSl, p, s^„, •' 
 Keecl, Anna S. A Single Strand; or, A Year at 
 Mount Holyoke Seminary, Phila., ISSS, I6mo 
 Reed, Rev. Charles Edward Raines, d. 1.884; 
 son ot Sir Charles Reed, and grandson of Andrew Reed, 
 U.U., (7. .•., „„ic, vol. ii.,) and on his mother's side of 
 Edward Baines, of Leeds, (7. v., ante, vol. i.;) graduated 
 Bt Tiinity ColloKo, r.inibridgo, in ISliS; ,v„8 ordaineil ns 
 a CoLgrfaaticnMl n,i„istfr, and beciiiuc swTotiiry to the 
 Briti,-<li an.l lM,roi«n liible .Society. Ilo was killed bv 
 tailing over a |iieci|>ico near Poncpiiiinn, Switzerland l" 
 Coii,i,anion,- ol the Lord: Chaplors oi. thu Lives of ll,,' 
 Apostle^ I'on.. S-H, ,,. Svo. ■>. Me.uoir of .'^ir Charles 
 need, Lon., |N8.!, jj. ,Svo. 
 Reed, Uavid A. (Trans.) Crotctant Foreign 
 Mh^ions: Ihoir Present Sl.te, by Tbeodor Cbri.-tlieb: 
 from the {•oiutu German Edition, Host., IsSII Kiiuo 
 Reed, K. I. The KinicV Pine.m.Ie. ISmo.' 2. 
 Levins heas„.-e in Bank: I'd ed., I'hila., lS«y. 18n,o. 
 ... Ml" Word.. Ph,l.i., ist!.... 4. She hatl. done ,vh;,t 
 she could lb, la., |,K70, 1,Sn>n. o. IJold, Kranki.,een.<e, 
 und Jlyrrb. I'hila, 1S7:>, Ifiuio. 
 Heed, K. America ns it is, Lon., I,S72, p. Svo: nett- 
 ed., l.'^(i). * ' I 
 Reed, Sir KdwnrdJHines, K.C.I!.. F.KS f,,,,/, 
 in lhS6. 1. Our Iron Clad Ship.,; thf^i <i,ialities, Per- 
 formances and Cost, Lon., \m>, Vivo. 2. Letters from : 
 Rus,|ia,n 18,0 Lon IS7(i, 8vo. :). .Japan : its History, I 
 in 1>7U. lUust. Lon., 18SII, 2 v,,|s. Hvo I 
 r„i'„T,'.l'hf.'' ,u!' '■'•'"'''■''' "■'" •«'"'">• "''"^^" ""' I'im while ho I 
 rela es hi.s own i..-ii)enc,i,-es, it cannot liiu bo i-oirn ten that : 
 4. A Treatise on the .-.ibility of Sliins- :,;th Dii ' 
 grams, ie., Lon., IS.s|, 8vo. 5. Kort Minster,' M. !>' ■ 
 •'a Westminster Mystery," Bristol, IK-^o, iL'nio. With 
 bi.MP.S0N, KnwAiu., rear-admiral U.S.X., late president 
 I .S. .Naval Advisory Board, Mo.lern Ships of War' 
 with .--upplementary Cbapter.s and Notei ,'y J D Jer' 
 rold kolley lieatenant l\S.N. Illustrated with' over 
 One llundrcl Lngravings of the Principal Battle-Shins 
 o. England, France, United .States, Italy, Gf.rmany &" 
 Lon., 188,8, r. Svo. ■" 
 Reed, F. R. Experiences of a New Y. rk Cle-i. 
 iS. \o-k, 1877, liimo. ■ 
 Reed, Frederick A. The Boy Loll.ird : a Tale of 
 the KeiiJors of I^.ndale'3 New Testament in the Times 
 ol Henry VIU. IlUist. Bost., 1S84, 12mo 
 Reed, Henry, b. 184fi, in Phihidelphh.; ,.^.,„ of Pro- 
 fessor Ileii^v Iteed, {„nle, vol. ii. :) gradualed at the 'Jni- 
 yersity ot Pennsylvania I. vlo ; admitted to the bar IS69- 
 judge of thn court of common pleas in Philadelphia 
 since 18S6. I. (Irans.) The Uaugbter of an ligyr'tian 
 iV.I?' .? '^,?r*'"; ''-'""'■'• *"'"'"•• "''■>■ """"• ■'"»• -1-, 
 '^^, ., , o '''"' "'' ""^ !^i-tute of Frauds, Phihi., 
 1884, .i vols. Svo. ' 
 "These later volnme.s, (ii. (md iii.,) like the first oiio 
 .«how a constant emleavor to present t the re uler^dl h^'. 
 na erial there is, and to ,i.ssist him throUKh b hil rim , 
 by the mode of arrangement, by o,.,.asi<.iml disuni i. ,, 
 Reed, Henry A. l. Topographical Drawing and 
 V I'SfJ '""'"'''"^ Applications of Photography, \ 
 N^Yirk! ISSVHo'' '"''"'"""^''"y "H'liod to luAeVing, 
 Reed, HiVain F. how to Road : a Manual of 
 Elocution and Vocal Culture, Pbihu, 18S3, l"nio 
 Reed, Hu^h, b. l,s,-,o, at Uichn, nd, Ind. : gradu- 
 Hted at the U.S Military Academy :873; professor of 
 nil htary science and tactics in the Signal .School, Fort 
 Whipple Va., 1878-7!); on leave of absence since 1884- 
 bus made numerous inventions. 1. Signal Tactics 
 ?:'- '■:«"• 2-.C"det Kcgnlations, Iticl^iuond I„t 
 IS81 J Upton ,s Infantry Tactics, abri.Ve.l and re 
 vised, Bait, ifi 4. Military Science and Tactic^ 
 188.. 5. Stan, ard Intanlry Tactics, 1882. «. Broom 
 laetics; or, ( alistbenics in a New Form, 1883 
 Reed, I^aac «„ Jr. 1. Erring, yet Noble: a 
 laleol and or Women, Bost., 12mo. 2. .'roni Heaven 
 btone Fronts, .N. York, 1875, 12nio. 
 Reed, James, l. Man and Woman, Host. ISfi<) 
 '"<<■■'>■ «. Uehgiun and Life, N. V„ik, Iiimo. 3. Swe- 
 'lenborg and the New Church: Lectures deliveroJ in 
 Boston, Bost., 1880, l2mo = <'oi«u in 
 Reed, John C. I. Hand-Book of Georgia Crimi- 
 nal U„ Macon, 1873, Hvo. 2. Practical .Suggestion, 
 »ork, 1876, 8voj new ed., Bost., 1885. 3. American 
 I Law Studies; ,.r. Self Preparation for Practice in the 
 \ nited States, Bost., 1 S82, Svo 
 'i,}\^*'u- }'' ^y.}}^' !"'"'■ "-'• "■• '"I'l-i '!""nd the 
 n.'^vl'"''.^,""l!"^''''.'^ ',''7'»'- '■ '^^"'■'^ »"'' I'''"w; 
 N V i ' w,V"''/u""''^' ""'••• •"'""• 2. Etbcl-s Uif, 
 Bont,"l2;no ' '^^ ^''^'y^'"^y''< I'rovidence. 
 „'*.''*'•' '^''KHiel B. 1. House Plans fur Ev..rvV.dv 
 . N. -iork 1.^7\ ]2mo. 2. Cottage for Vilb.s and' 
 Country IIoiiKs: vyilb C.nipkte Plans and Specilications. 
 lllust. \. \ ork, ls>i:;, l2mo. 
 Reed,SiiiunelRoeliuell,d. I8.>i9, l.TheVicks 
 burg Cam|.a ,'n and the Battles about Chattanoo.'a unde.- 
 the comman.. (if (ien. V. S. Grant in 18li2-(i:j, Cin 1 .•■' 
 hvo. 2. (JR. Thoughts about Women and other Things! 
 L'^-'""y?.] • bv. and .v. YorK, ISss, 12mo. 
 ; w*f'i*'!' ':l^\ ''"^ Adventures of a Thrce-Uninea 
 ' \\ atoll, Lon., I8S3, Ito. 
 Reed, Talliot Raines. 1. Follow-My-Lcadev: or, 
 I u 7"^'! ^,V"'!'l«'"n: ■' •-^'■1 !^l"i-y, Lon., 1SS5, p. 
 i Svo. 2. Th3 Filth Boy at Si. Dominic's, Lon., 1887 . 
 j .Svo. ' ' I • 
 i rmiiiri,^''f ' ^,'V? "'' " «"i"l"-fiiil.v vi\id view of healthy 
 I Lnglish .sehoo! lite." -.>->cc/(i/or, l.\. hiss 'it.""iiy 
 „.-n v '.'''" ;7."'' ""-• "'^ '■•»""»'' ''-^"c- I'oiindnes: 
 with V,tes Historical and Biographical, on the 
 and I rogress of English Typography. Illust. Lon., 
 ' exhanviv';'un'r'l>'' *■''■'"''' 1""'^."* 'I,"*-' t" Mr. Iteed for his 
 exhaus.uo n Ik on a ii.-w subject."--!, ut., xxxi. 2M. 
 4. llie_V;llouglfby Captains: a. School Story. Illust. 
 Ijon., |sS|, p. Svc. 
 Ree»«, Ttioinas Allen, b. is2f,, at Watchet, Som- 
 trsetshire: the head of a linn of short-hand writers in 
 ..ondon ; was lor t'.irty years editor and lilhographcr of 
 I'l r'r;'.!''''" 'l^'l'"""- 1- 'J'he lieporler's (iuide, 
 l.on., l,M,!l, 12m,. 2. Phonographic (Jradus. Lon., 187(1 
 p. svo; new ed., 1877. 3. Pitfalls; or. Hints to Young 
 epoiters, 4 Leaves from the Note-Bo.,k of T. A. 
 A PI,;.;'" ^"•'"''=,^' K'Torting, Lon., Iss7, 12ino. (i. 
 A^Chapter in the Early Ui,-tory of Phonography, Lon., 
 MJh- S,b, \ orld Essays : Among my Book,, N. York, 
 1; I ' '-"i<;- (A collection of critical papers, reprinted 
 hom the New York World.) leprinicu 
 Reeder, A. P. Around the (ioMen Deep: a Bo- 
 manceof the Sierras Bost., Is.s-,, i-,,,,,, ' 
 Reedtr, Charles, b. 1M7, at Baltimore, M,l.; 
 nr"„? '',. 'i" "" ''"','"'•' ''■''""'''' "■"' became a inanufac- 
 Heaf; lllrt.ri'ssr." '''"'"■ "^ ""^ ^y"'""'" ■^''"-■"••y "f 
 .,nd*rl^!tr *^' ^7, '■''''•"''''''■•y Astronomy : or. Notes 
 .ml Questions on the Stars and the Solar System, Lon., 
 1"! I, 12mo. *^ ' * 
 Reenielin, Charles, [ante, vol. ii., add] I. 
 ol.tics as a Science, Cin., Svo. 2. A Critical uiview 
 ot Aii-erican Politics, Cin., Issl Svo 
 wli 1, V. M " ""' "■'"■''"■ l>l"l"^"Pbioal and lii.storbal 
 I , 111 lircct, on Aniericaii iiist tut iiiis Ho IhVu 
 iiu'u ms'i; .'/.'^.I^inl'^' '""usamls, bis inn!i.^n;.es- "d t' 
 rinl.s 0- i.^i V "^ ''','!''"''"''''• ■ ■ ■ ''0 lias emiiodied tho 
 v^.i , ? ," """"""lic"- experience, and rctlection in a 
 volume ol iij.wards of si.v buihlre.l ol,,selv-i.r ii ed larL'o 
 ootavo pages; and be has succeedcl in establisbi ir md 
 .'.'ii'rabl.'fanV'''''-' "i""'' ''".l'"«am thai, the blc of li*is - 
 s, i al .,,^1 l',',''"';.^'',',' "-'"'!'l'"<^o of the simplest phi - 
 g'ii'l.sV,!.'^ '',,'■,,, ''0 .ubjeet Which be atteni .ts to 
 (ircene T..wnship, Hamilton 
 ; Courses 
 3. Historical Sketch of 
 County, Ohio, Cin., 1882, 
 Ree.s,J. Seven Blood-Sbeddlngs for. Tesus 
 for Fridays in Lent, Lon., 188S, p. .svo. 
 Rees, J. Rogers. 1. The Pleasures of a Book- 
 worm ; 2d ed. L<m., 1880, 12nio. 2. The Diversions of 
 a Bookworm, Lon,, |S86, p. Svo: 2d ed., 1887 
 Rees, J. RuntZ. Horace Vernet and Paul Dela- 
 rocbe, ( '(.reat Artists. ■') Illust. Lon., ISSI), cr. Svo. 
 .H,,,,'"' ° '^^ (iciicnv! il.irdon, [vei-.-ie,] Lon., 1885, 
 r-J*'^'".''',, "'"""'"'' f"'"''' ^"1- ii.. n'liL.] J. ISS,-,. 1 
 Lile ot Edwin Forrest: with Hcminiscenees and Per- 
 sona Recollections, Phila., 1874, 12mo. 2. Shakespeare 
 and the Bible: with Prayers on the Stage, Shakspcare's 
 Use of tho Name of Deity, Ac, Phila., 1875, liimo. 
 Kees, Janet E. Runtz. 1. Homo Decoration : 
 with Design,, N York, ISS], ]2,„o. 2. Home Oocupa- 
 tionp. llliit. -\. York, ISS.i, 121110. "i-i-uFa 
 Rces, John David, a niember of the Madran civil 
 3crvi™ since isrf.: un(liT-i.ocr..tary to the governnwiit 
 of M,.,ln„ since W>. Notes of a Journey from K,i". 
 vcon to II.una,liin across tlio Karoghiin Country, Madras* 
 f r,i vliir,,''"'"'''''^^'",'.'''' °' "". ""'I'Tsecnanry to Government 
 I'V'"- ""■"*■''•'"" ■ ■ • ""-"iiKl. an reJ on oi- 
 , rv , ,',"7 ."" '"/'''T' "' ",'""*-■"■•" ^""^ Iron, the "m- 
 Ji I. p ,• '^ '^'^^'■'"'''■- "' "■'">''• ""^ """""• "f those not.'s, 
 r; M 1 "'■'■'■i'l'i"»l ■ippomtnient. is a Persian translator 
 to tin. Madras Kovurnmcnt."— .ir/i., \o. OTJl. """'•"""r 
 »«'«'s, I.. L. \V,. Four: whoio we went ami what 
 we saw in Europe, I'hiln., ISSil, 12uio I 
 tlw^n'"'!' "'•.'" ,.'• ^'; '''"'^'' ''«'8'" ^''S'" from' 
 the History ol an lOventful I.ife, I.on., 1878, 2 vol? cr ! 
 0„"'.,i « i"'",' J'"^*"-'/, to I'lenty ; or, The Labour : 
 yuislion Solved, liOn., 1S8S, p. Svo I 
 Ri'l'M-MoBB, .See .MooG. " [ 
 h V^it""? •?.?'!", ■J".'!"'*' '^'•^*- ['""'•' ■•■"'• "•- «'iii-.] ' 
 b. IMS, „t I'hilailelphia; jinuluated at the rniversity 
 of lennsylvania, andat the medical department 
 I8.t.; ; was a surgeon in the civil war. I. A .Manual of 
 loxioo ogy : Mieluding the Consideration of the Nature, 
 Properties, KITects, and Mean.s of Deteetion of IVisoiis 
 more especially in their Medico-Legal Uelations, Phila.! 
 IH, 4, 8vo. 2 TcU-Book of Medical Jurispru.icnce an 
 Toxicology, I>l,.ia., 1SS4. Svo. 
 Reese, Lizette Wood worth. A Branch of 
 May, [verse.) Halt., 188r. IRiuo. 
 Reese, William I»I. a Treatise on the T .w of 
 1880™sv,?' ^''"''"''°'™''"'«'i"i>' Uuariians, Atlanta, Ga., 
 Heestoii, Oore. Footprints on the Sands j o;. 
 Sket.dies from Keal Life, Paisley, 1884, 1 2,.. J 
 Reeve, Aniin. Euterpe Montana, and other Poems. 
 Lon.. IsSd, p. Svo. ""■■■o, 
 Reeve, Heiii-y, C.B., U.C.L., [„,„c, vol. ii„ second 
 ot the ni .le there mentioned, add,,! registrar of the 
 Privy Co,.^.Mi l8;n-87, and a corresponding member of 
 thel'rt • 'nstitute. L Uoyal and Republican France, ! 
 liOn., 18(2, vols. Svo. 
 "It is heavy work reading old ■ Edinburgh' articles! over ' 
 agn.o thougb t be eolleetion and republleati m , f tl ese ' 
 ae\eiopnuiit(>f the revolutionarv .snirit In Fraiipp — 
 aclMits of ju.stilieation.-'-.sVwrt.itor, klv! 1078. ^'"^e,- ^ 
 2. (Kd.) .Tournal of a Kesidence at Vienna and Ber- i 
 lin m tl.0 Eventful Winter of 180D-lS0ti. By Henrv ' 
 nn,r,,I •fr"f„"T'H''y,'^ "*■ "^"."y J"»"Hed in publish ng these 
 pages from his father's Journa . . . . Tl ere is lianllv n 
 E^''^; to^yh!!^'];!^ ''"" '^ ""^ '""re iJt^iess e!;j^^,;' 
 A. I'ctrarch, ("Foreign Classics,") Edin., 1878, 12mo 
 And seeOREVii.i.K, C. C. F., m,,r<,. 
 Reeve, Mrs. Ileiiry. Cookery and Housekeep- 
 ing, for Large and Small Families, Lon., 18S2 n Svn 
 Reeve, llev. J. W., [.n,ie, vol. ii. add.]']. Lee- 
 ^e'lTih;,' VTVI^-' '"'"•' "*"''• '^'"o- 2. The Death of 
 Sell thoLileof Service: on Isaiah vi., Lon., 1872; new 
 od., 18,.), 2mo. ;i Foundation Truths: Lectures on ^ 
 Romans viii., Lon., 1875, p. Svo. | 
 Reeve, Percy. 1. Love and Music, Lon., ISS.I I 
 so. 11)11).. 2. After the Honeymoon: Early Life of 1 
 Mr. ar^d Ai.-s. Ilonevbee, Lon., 1S87, 12mo 
 er^^bTH^o"7v"''l!^" """'•"'Sha'". (Malh- 
 ers,) b ISj) at Crewkcrne, Somersetshire, Gng., and 
 educated at Chantry, near Fronic; marrieii, IS7li;to H 
 A. Reeves, mjrn. I. Comin' thro' the Rye: a Novel' I 
 Lon., 18,5, p. Svo. Anon. 2. The Token of the Silver 1 
 Lily; a Poeni, Lon., I87B, sq. lOino. Ii. Cherry Ripe • ' 
 a Romance, Lon., 1877, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 4. The Land 
 of the Leal, Lon., 1878, p. Svo. Anon. New ed., 1885 
 5. As he comes up the Stair, Lon., 1878, p. Svo. Anon. 
 «. My Lady (.reensleeves, Lon., 1879. 3 vols, n Svo 
 Anon. 7. The Story of u fin : a Sketch, Lon., ISsl 'i 
 V(ds. cr. Svo. S. Sam's Sweetheart, Lon.. 1883 3 vols 
 p. Svo. U. Eyre's Acquittal, Lon., I S84, 3 -ole cr" 
 18S4, or. 8vo. 11. Found Out: a Story, Lon., LSS5 
 laLT' J "'■.'l'"'^'.'' M" "'laughter? a Novel, Lon. 
 \lf' P' «^»- 13- The Fashion of this World Lon 
 iJ^^n, i2nio, ' 
 Reeves, Henry Albert, F.R.C.S, Edin., surgeon 
 to the Royal Orthopiedio Hospital, London; formerly 
 demonstrator of anatomy at the London and Mh'Uesex 
 II...-P1UI Medical Colleges, Ac. 1. Human Morphology • 
 . !i-caliseon Practical and Applied Anatomy : vol.1., 
 iue Limbs and the Perineum. Illust. Lon 1SS2 r 
 Svo. ■' > '■ 
 ' vo'l'mnes o'fNfrT."'',' '"■ ""-' '|l'l"-\'r''",<-e of the remaining 
 ,. ■ li , A "■ .'wves s work as likely to enrich the liter- 
 ; « Hn.i':,l^MSn;):'^.;viv^"';ii"'''"""-">- ^^""-" 
 2 Bodily Delormities and their Treatment: a lland- 
 Hook ol x'raotiofti Orthopedics, Lon., IS85, ii Svo 
 ' 1 ,*;7*'.*'.'„ *'"'"•'* KJmund, M.D., [„',„., vol. ii., 
 ad. ,, b. 1829. The Physical and Me.lical Topography 
 inelu.ling \ ital, Manufacturing, and other Slatistie.i, of 
 liirit, 1^(71. ™^"^' "■'"-'«""«. I'""". «vo; 2d ed., enl., 
 Reeves, John. The RothschiMs : the Financial 
 Ruler.y.l Nations: with Portraits of the l'riii,.ipal Mem- 
 bers of the Rothschild Family, and an Illustration of 
 the Original House of the Founder, Lon., 1887 cr Svo 
 am,, remu ' 1,',','i '11"1' I'r'"'""*-' i» Mr. Heeves' book.' Nor. 
 vS', Ixiv. iJi "'''''^^■'* '° ''"'"''*' rec,)rd8."-.Sa/: 
 Reeves, John Sims, b. IS22. at Shooter's Hill, 
 Kent; a vocalist; made his first appearance on the 
 operatic stage in lS:!i,, and from 1S4S has maintained 
 his position as the first English tenor of the day. Sims 
 .tr'^'^'^a * "'"' Hecoliections, written by Himself, 
 Ijon., 1888, Svo. 
 ''Out ijf a volume of '279 pages, priiite.l in a lariie tvne 
 rreo..e;ioie'H, nr, r'7' ",".'' "" ".'"'''^' '""rgin Just^M 
 are o( tupied l,y lilteen shi,rl ' seiisai , ,veN "inKh.nRcrt ' 
 ^'he Hims'l's; k nd''''"*!"'^ ^''" 'i''^: '"' ^''- '''^-ves is'lmen 
 ui loi nimb.vsi kind. —SjKetiiKir. Ixi lo.'>8 
 ^ Reeves, .aiss M. v. h. See Roo.vkv, Mi.s. M. 
 Reeves, R. Harris. Bad Drenms, and Imw to 
 w- ""V-.T-"' ^"^^' "" "'« Ventilation of Sewers, 
 ' ^^"'"^.r-V I'.'ttings ami the Origin and Transmission of 
 ; Zymotic Disease, Lon., 1885, p. Svo 
 jej^e and Wm. Illust. i'hila., 1883, 12mo; now ed., 
 Regan, Capt. James, U.S.A., b. 1S14, in New 
 \ ork Manual of Guard Duty and Kindred Subjects, for 
 i St,ai!:=N! Y,:^i;:Yss;:32nm*:"' "'" *'''""' "' ''•' ^"''<^'' 
 j Reich, Emii. History of Civilization: a Cou;-,«c 
 . of Lectures on the Origin and Develojinent of the Main 
 j Institutums of Mankind, Cin., 1887 'svo 
 I , 1*,"'"''",^.' ««*'• Frederick Heiiry, gradu.iud 
 ; at Corpus Chn.ti College, Cambridge, lS79;%rdaiiie,i 
 S84'8r''"T'Pp',''^ "'" Theological College Ma,l.„s, 
 the First and Second Cei.iuries, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 2 
 tive Sermons on Jeans : with Notes, Ac, Oxf., 1887, p. 
 lieichardt, John Christian. At Home wit. 
 Jesus : Living Memorials, Lon., 1874, sq. Ifimo. 
 Reichel, i«o8t Rev. Charles Parsons, D.D., 
 [awe, vol 11., add.,] b. 1816, at Fulneck, Yorkshire 
 graduated at Trinity College, Dublin, 1843, ordainc, 
 1846; rector of Trim f.i.d archdeacon of Meath I875-S5 
 and since then Bisho,, of Meath. I. The Rcfiirrocti.,,, 
 God or Baal : Two Sermons, Lon., 1878, Svo. 2. Origins 
 of Christianity Ac. : Sermons preached before the L'ni- 
 ^ versities of Oxf,,rd an,l Dublin, Lon., 1SS2, p. Svo 
 P Ulilb ,^,7" """'a'*" Joseph, m'.A., F.S.A., 
 JJlhll '«"! g™''""t«l at Queen's College, Ox- 
 College, Oxford, 1865-(19, iear of Sparsholt lSfi9-Sfi. 
 M-^lho See of Rome in the Middle Agee, Lon., 1870, 
 ! meia^ninnuf' *"" Vvf ""? ""''''en to snpeisede or snppk- 
 ImIi,. ,:.,.■ • • • ^^'"" hehasdone stoL'iveusa care, 
 l^illy w,,rked-ont, and on llie whole lriistw,.r liv c,)niV, ^i 
 diiim of the, millennial reign <if tl e 1' p, .y Vr he 
 poiitileate o'' (irepory 1. 1„ ta, X.. ,lKi iTiot'o l" br ■ 
 peniMls „f • growtK,' ■,' and ' , e ' ii e ' Vs , ' ^ 
 ol I-. erenc'. the volume will be Vonml ,,f Kreat servb e 
 V:i^^^^:1le^:^^,si>: '"*"" '■■'^'^'iS- •; "a.xer 
 2. (Trans.) S,,cratos anci the Socratic Schools, by E. 
 Zeller , 2d ed., Lon., 1877, Svo. 3. (Trans.) The Stoics, 
 ■.peureans, and Sceptics, by E. Zeller; new ed., Lon. 
 Chr UHn'n M- ^ ^''f, .^."'y "'■"'« Church i„ Respcct of 
 Christian Missions, (Kllcrton l>rizc E,sa.,,) Lon^ ISS,-,, 
 n • u .* 'i'™™'^ "f Canon Law, Lon., 1887, p. S-o 
 Ii ^!rf ?8;i*^^ri ^^•"""" Coriielins, [,V„L vol 
 ■.., add.,] 1S24- S7«, b. at Salem, N.C. ; edueVteJ at the 
 M.^ravian Theological Seminary, where he was after- 
 wards a profes.sor ; was oniainci in the Moravian 
 «m! i , 
 Cliiiroh ; wns a tcaohor at Bethlehem, Pa., in his later 
 years. The following list of his publications includes 
 the only one montinned mile, vol. ii. ]. History of Naz- 
 areth Hull, I'hila., I,s55j now eil.. inl., I80U. 2. Jlis. 
 tiiry of the liethleliem Female .Seriiiniiry, irs.ClsaS 
 lSi8. ;t. Moraviunism in \ew V„rk ami Connecticut! 
 I>HU. 4. -Memorials of Ihe Muriuum Church, I87il. 5. 
 Wynlusing, niiii the Moriiviun Mission iit Fneilenshut- 
 t.'M, liethlehem. 1871. (!. (Kd.) Names which the Lenni 
 l.ennape or Delaniiru Inilianx ^avc lo Rivers, Streiinia 
 iind Localities within the ."^ti'tcs of I'ennnlvania New 
 .lorsey, Marylan.l, and Virginia, with their Sigi'iifica-; Iro.n the .Manuscript of .John Ilcckewelilcr, 1872 
 7. A Red Rose from the Olden riuie; or, A HambFe 
 through the Annals of the Rose Inn on Ihe 'iaronv of 
 Nazareth in the Days of the Province, Philii., 1872. 8 
 The Crown Inn, near lietiilehem, Pennsvlvaniti 17,')8 
 Doylestown, I'a , I87:i. II. A Register of .Members of' 
 the Moravian Church, 1727 to 1754. liethlebum, 1S7:( 
 alsopublisheda revised edition of " An Aecount if the 
 History, Manners, and Customs of the Indian Nations 
 liyRev. Join, Hockewelder," (q. v., ,.„U; vol. i.,) Pliila.| 
 Ileid, Andrew. 1. (Ed.) Why I aiu a [.iberal- 
 being Definitions by the Best Minds if tlie Liberal Parlv 
 l.on, 1885; new ed., lS8fl, p. 8vo. 2. ( Kd. ) (;iadstor,o 
 or Salisbury.' that is the Question, Lon , |ss(!. p. 8vo 
 .■f. (Ed.) Ireland: a lifiok of Light on the Irish Prob- 
 lem: contribute.1 in Tnion by a Number of Leading 
 Irishmen and Englishmen, Lon., ISSti, 8vo. 4. (Edl 
 Why I would Disestablish: a Representative Rook by 
 Representative .Men, Lon., IS8(>. 8vo. 5. We must 
 Fight it out : and Why, Lon., 1887, 4to. 
 "Ileid, Christian," (Pseud.) See Tikh.vav, 
 MUS. l-HANCKS E., (FlSIIKIl,) infni. 
 Reid, Clement. The Geology of Holdemess and 
 the Adjoining Parts of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire 
 Lon., 188,'), 8vo. 
 Reid, Daniel. 1. The Divine Footsteps in Hu- 
 man History, Edin. ami Lon., I8fi2, 8vo. 2. Natural ' 
 Science, Religious Creeds, and Scriptural Truths. Parts 
 I. and II. Edin., 1874, 8vo. 3. The Law of History, 
 E lin., 1875, 8vo. 
 Reid, 31rs. Elizabeth Jameson, wife of Judge 
 R. Reid. Judge Hiohari Reid : a Biography, N. York, ' 
 1886. 8vo. o I -•> > 
 Reid, F. A. S. Comic Insects. Illust. Lon., 
 1881, 4to. 
 Reid, G. II. An Essay on New South Wales, the 
 Mother Colony of the Australias, Sydney, 1876, 12mo. 
 Reid, George William, 1819-1887, b. in London, 
 and educated as an artist ; entered the British Museum 
 as a junior attendant in 1842, and to be keeper of 
 the prints and drawings, a position which he held from 
 18tiU to 18S3. 1. A (Juide to that Portion of the Collec- 
 tion of Prints, bequeathed to the Nation by the Late F. 
 Slade, Esq., now on Exhibition in the King's Library 
 Lon.. 18fly, 8vo. 2. (iems of Dutch Art: Twelve Pho- 
 tographs, a-.d Descriptive Letter- Press, Lon., 1871, 4to. 
 ;i A Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of George 
 Cruikshank : Etchings, Wood-Cuts, Ac. : with a List of 
 the Books Illustrated by him : with an Essay on his (Jo- 
 nius, by Edward Bell, M.A., ana Three Hundred and 
 Thirteen Illustr.-.tions, Lon., 1871, 3 vols. 4to. 
 "It is not often that an lives to see the fruits of 
 ms labour garnered in .such .sumptuous volumes as these. 
 ...inenrstiif the three volumes . . contains Mr. Keiil's 
 b.-.ef liit.'odiicliou, a Judicious essay of laudation bv Mr 
 .r„,i ',.""" " "i^L (i'lmpli'te and interesting catalogue of the 
 artists productions; the other two comprise a copious 
 fcelettioii irom the etchings and wood-cuts, arranged in 
 chroiiologicalordcr."-'-,,ertu(or, xliv. 1465. 
 ■I. (Ed.) A Descriptive Catalogue of Early Prints in 
 the Britich Museum. Illi:sr. i,on., 1879, Ac, 8vo. 5. 
 A Guide to Drawings, Prints, and Illustrative Works ex- 
 hibited in the Second North Gallery, British Musni -. 
 Lon., im, 8vo. 0. Works of the Italian Eiigr,. v. 
 of the Fifteenth Century reproduced in Facsimile uy 
 Photo-Intaglio; with an Introduction: with Lelter- 
 Press Descriptions of the Works Illustrated, and Copious 
 Lxtracts from the Text of the Poems. First Series. 
 l,.ii-t._ Li:n., 1834, fol. Limited to L'.'ii) copies. . 
 Reid, H. G. Past and Present, Edin., 1871, p. 8vo. 
 IJeid, Henry, [muc, vol. ii., add.] A Prnetieal 
 treatise on Concrete, and how to make it: with Obser- 
 vations on the Uses of Cements, Limes, and Mortars. 
 Plates. N. York, 1873, cr. 8vo. 
 Reid, Herbert J. The History of Wargrave, 
 Berks, in which is included the Legend of Queen Emma. 
 Illust. Reading, 1885, 8vo. 
 Reid, J. Christ and his Religion : Discourses, N. 
 lork, 188(1, It'uiio. 
 T.i"*'i'"''r{* ?,'• /J' I'H'i'bles in the Highlands and 
 Islands of .Scotland, Lon.. 187", r 8vo 
 ! Reid, James O. The Telegraph in America : its 
 founders. Promoters, and Notsd .Men, N. York, 1879, 
 Reid, James Smith, D. Litt.: graduated at the 
 I niversity of ( ambridge ; examiner In Latin in the Uni- 
 versity oi London. (Trans.) The Academics of Cicero, 
 Reid, John. 1. Christ and hi> Uoligi ,n, N. York, 
 i 1 1 t'"''. ■"'-•^",^>'>'™> of Theology for Sabbalh- 
 sch.,,,1 reiudiers and Church-Members: with Introduc- 
 tion by John Hall, Phila., I«S4, Kimo. 
 Reid, Rev. John .Morrison, D.D., LL.D., b 
 18.0, in New \ ork ; graduated at the Iniversity of the 
 City ol New Yiu'k I83il; became a minister of the 
 Methodist Episcopal Church 1844: corresponding secre- 
 tary of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Eidsco- 
 I pal Church 1872. I. Missions and .Missionary .Societies 
 ol the Methodist Episcopal Church, \. York, 1879, 2 
 vols. l2mo. 2. (Ed.; Doomed Religions: a .Series of 
 l-.ssays on the Great Religions of the \Vorld, N, York. 
 I'^84, 12mo. 
 '' V, K^'iJ* .I-ewis II. Living for the Master ; Sermons, 
 I N. \ork, 1,S87, I2iihj. ' 
 1 iwJ^"'*!' .m*'']* '^'"yne* ["""•, vol. ii., add.,] 1818- 
 ir^i- 1. The Itatal Cord ; a Tale of Backwood Itetribu- 
 tion, L,m., 18H1), fp. 2. The Yellow Chief: a Romance, 
 Lon., I NOd, 1 2mo 3. The Castaways : a Story of Adven- 
 ure, l.on. 1S71, 12mo. 4. The Lone Ranche: a Tale of 
 the Staked Plain, Lon., 1871, 2 voKs. p. 8vo. 5. The 
 tinge;- of F^e : a Romance, Lon., 1872, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 •). Ihe Dtiith-Shot: a Romance of Forest and Prairie 
 Lon., 187:1, :l vols p. 8vo. 7. Half-Blood : a Tale of the 
 Flowery Land, Lon., 1875, 12mo. 8. The Mountain 
 Marriage, Lon., 1875, 12nio. 9. The Flag of Distress 
 Lon.. IK7I1, :; vols. p. 8vo. 10. Gwen Wvnn : a lin. 
 nianee of the Wye, Lon., 1877, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. II. 
 Gaspar the >Ja'..cho ; a Tale of the Gran Chaco. Illust. 
 Lon., 18711, p. ,8vo. 12. The Queen of the Lake: a Ro- 
 mance of the Mexican Vallev, Lon., 1880, i,. 8vo 13 
 I '■'je Lances: a Romance of the Mexican Vallev! 
 Lon, 1881, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 14. The Lost Mountain : a 
 lale of .Sonora, Lon.. 188 1, p. Svo. 1.^. The Land of 
 t ic: a lale of A.lventure, Lon., 1884, .so. Kimo. l(i 
 I he Forest Exiles, Lon., 1 885, p. 8vo. 1 7. The Piep.ed 
 Jleart, and other Stories, Lon.. 188.0, 12mo. 18 The 
 Vee- Boers; a Tale of Adventure in Southern Africa. 
 Lon., 188,,, p. 8vn. 19. The Starof Empire, Lon., 1n86 
 i-nio. 20. No Quarter: a Komance, Lon., 1887. 3 vols 
 cr. 8vo. 
 Reid, Peter. (Trans.) William Tell: a Tragedy; 
 from the German of Schiller, by Tarkari, Aberdeen 
 Reid, Stuart J. A Sketch of the Life and Times 
 ol the Rev. Sydney ;-mith, Lon.. 1884, 8vo. 
 «v'!in,iv'^nn-,r'";!.',T'V'r '"'■ '■"'^■'"■•l '■'•""■ >Ii»« Holland, 
 f>iliie.\ smiths graiid-duiisili er, . . . and from a crcat 
 many iitlier ciimpeteiit helpers, as well as l.v, i goi^cuiL 
 a '" Mr 'i'/'''i'T'" "■'■"[''•^ «.»dtr«di,iu„; la- ,.?,,,ld ol!- 
 hoCk:'--'Atl,^o.%j7i'! '"■'"' "'■'-■'1 "" "'lerc^ting and useful 
 ^ *^'^^'.'*','^' *'■ t'hemical Denudation in Relation to 
 Geological Time. Lon., 1870, Svo 
 'r"'**',?'*'"'""* ^* *'"">'**'»''• 18*2, at Newcastle- 
 mi-iyne. Lug.; beciime a journalist in Isf,!; ciitor of 
 the Preston Guardian in IStU. and of the Leeds Mer- 
 cury in IWn; resigned tlie editorshij, of that paper in 
 I8>6 to become manager in the publishing house of 
 Messrs. Cassell & Co.. London. He has contributed 
 largely to the lending English reviews and magazines. 
 . Cabinet Portraits : SkctnW f Leading Statesmen of 
 Both Parties. Lon,, 1872, ,,. , 
 " It is ab.solutcly Imparth. . AlthoiiLMi wri'', tf «■ . 
 mistake not. hy a Rad Cal, tl... ,,i igrapl i eVofV n raeiV 
 I'o" ,^'/' "r'-y,''," ""^^'i'- '■"^'"'"^ "w'e [«' tice hail ,; ftJl^eJ 
 been done to it by writers of their own ,. .ify,"-.-l(/(.. No. 
 2. Charlotte Bronti''; a Monograph, .ihist. Lon 
 1877, p. 8vo. ' 
 "We cannot say that Mr, Iteid's monograph has done 
 more than revive the Impression which ifer stor lU va vs 
 IT}IT\ He has added too little to our knowledge, aid 
 nv far'^.^o"™'!?','^''.';" .'*"«'^' ""l"irta„"0 on the whole 
 Uy tar the most satisfactory part of his work Is that In 
 , )'!lH 
 i : I'' 
 ^K^'?r''^^"^^^^ must. i.o„.. ,.;r ,6„„ 2 
 1:^/9, 2 ols. Hvo. 
 'Kfpriu f] from a proviiio 
 iiiii news- 
 The k.xmre af iln,. eswij .. it ,„„s| bo owned tmrtukes I 
 K..inl,ard George I,. Tl.c Criminal Luw of 
 Jleiter, Williani C. Trcalm.nt of Diplithena • 
 •^".ler t.l,o F,en,.|,, I.,,,," T.'.-"'"'* ->■•"'•""' "■ xun.s ^^^2] "''"" "^ ^°" ''""'"«^ »"'' ''"''"'logy, I'l/ila., \87R, 
 v!mi-.:ictcr» wliich tlicv ills ill i,,,. ,i * llitM|iic.silr,i,s cir 
 .. (Jubnell« .M,,„r,. the V|„wcr of (, I,,,,,., 
 ,':■ 111 «,ii, li >^"u.s ei.j:,,K,.>l, will H„d tli..t 
 Kcnink, •i;it"t!iv.!'w. 
 in Pciinsylnuii,!, I'j,,, , _ 
 Keiiiiiigtot), li, F. 
 Foi' idcrs 1111(1 ;• it;n io- . 
 Jr. Nej;oliable rn.iHniieiits 
 »-S7, Svo. 
 ■■■"iir Nation'il -foiu,: its 
 >. /(M-;., I.«73, l.;i.)... 
 18.., ,„ I>nila,; gra^iu.itcl :,t thj i'lul. dZl.i^a 
 Woe Dre ? l;.'',V'">"'.v m that in.-titution since I«r4 ; 
 ; 1.8 l'hni.„ae„,Me „ iMf^o. The i',„e,i,.e of PL ,.„„,!!' 
 oughl. revt'i: Iswu! '''" "■"'^''' ""'^ """- 
 ; Loo!...;T.. .,,',,1. * ■* ■-"-■" 1ai-)i|.:r. 
 U'-mo, im\. .M„y,o i„ tim Land of i-ogs, L, 
 I?<'i<l H.... iviii- '"'"•' ''■'*•'*' !'• **V"- i toiuinliia Cnllc^-o Isor ; aftenvanN «t,.,l 
 ' rZHf™^'"';""^ c„n..ider;i, Kdiii.', isri! 
 1.1)10. Tlio .Spirit of Jesus, l,„n 1HT2 Km,. -i 
 Everiast DK I'liiii-'lirnenf nn.l M i J- , ' .""""• *■ 
 2.^Va,epe,li„o. .ho Va^tournanfhf^^'/'i^'^j^- 
 lleily, nev. Hilliam McClellan, b ]S!7 „t 
 narf and m r * ""''"^ ",' l'""<^'^"- Tl,eolo|i™l Semi- , ^"'"'8'-'' '-■""""dge; principal and 
 ISSl 12", '^^'•- T''" Artist and his Mission, Phila, > /'»?'""«'" "nd Christianity : with (J 
 Reime„8„vder. II... ...„:..„ „._ . . i :!fr;'""^i'i'^i"«-I''>'-lA|^-nd 
 Ififi.j, ><aii Fran., Ito. 
 ReinsPK. Ira, JI.B., Ph D., b. 184fi in New York ■ 
 pro^ssor of chemistry and physics Tt w!llhi"S' 
 S strv h \v-M 1 • *'"?'•> *'""'"'^^ "f Organic 
 Lliem stry b ! . Wohler: with Additions, Phila., !,s7:t, 
 r. I2J10. 2. Piu.ciples of Theoretical Cht'mi-trv • will 
 P hlT: °lt ^•"'■'''"'""" "f t-henucul Con,;-,!,:' 
 iniin., IN, /, 12111. : nbwed.,cn ., ;i An Inii-n,!,,,. 
 t.on to the Study „f Organic Chenii.tVy / V "oin n.H 
 iry . a for Bej; nner.*. N York m«7 i<)„ 
 Rentlall, Kev. Fn-ilpiin \r 4 1 , 
 -f ■"f^^^pSrj.;^^5X:L:ir;];: Jtd' .^^r 
 ■'='''•• ""'S Critical and E.xplanatory iCe. Ui Iss^" 
 Co!fete*'r'?"'.*^ ■'■''"' "«'"'■''' '^'-A-' F^'ll"w of Trinity 
 Loilege, Cambridge; principal and nrofe^sor „f ."r, 7 
 lenealogical, Clirono- 
 dioes: being the Hul- 
 by c. p. Krauth, Phii;::"is;;ri^;„:"".'"'n;tr'°" 
 Sketch, mi n . ' ,."! ^f''^*""' " '"T"!''"'^"' 
 Phila., IH86. " ""^ Creation: Lectures, 
 Heimcrs, Christian 
 1- The Trnpped Medium; 
 ' — uii.. No. lirno. 
 d fairly exhau.stive skctcli.",(. 
 oxhiiiistlve esai 
 Rc . -,| 
 Book of 1. .^,. 
 Hena ., n 
 endar, I, ,„ isn l2mo 
 Lon., 187', j'/i„ 
 "J V ^^''•'?^^' Concise Hand, 
 of Madeira, Lon., 18.SI, 12mo. 
 1. Portable Plant Protector's Cal- 
 2. Vines and Ground Vineries, 
 Rendle, William, F.H.C.S., meclicnl officer nf 
 heiilth III ihu imiii'h u( St. Gi'oixo tho .Mnrlyr, London. 
 OIJ Southwiirk iinil it.s I'eoiilc, l,,ia.. isT.S, ,svo. 
 " A vnliinu; i.f uinisiml viiluc It <8 thor '.\Kh\'- nnd ml- 
 mitelv; well iiilurinuil ; it is writti'ii In an nnpiolunllous 
 styic, but 11 style tlmt Isnt'ltlicT ilrvnor i!;ill."--J/,'.., No 
 With NoiiAUx, I'irii.ii', F.S.A. Tlic Inns of OM South- 
 wiirk, iiml thfir Asaoeiiitioni. Illust. (jin IS8S r 
 ,Svo. ' ' 
 "Mr, Uendle, whom we may hjul: upon as llic author 
 1ms already written iiu iieeciunt ol' Snuihwark in uliicli 
 thdunh he betrayeil ilie usual weakness ni' the li.c'al Hiui- 
 (|Uiiry. and I'speeially of the London iocil anilciiiarv — 
 namely, an i^-iiurai...e of early medinval hisiory,---he also 
 showec (,'reat skdl in seizing and enlarj,'im,' upon wliat 
 Wonlil interest the general pnhlie. In this leal he seems 
 to Inive sneeeeded a second lime. . . It has one "reat 
 eharaeleristle wliiidi shouhl not he overlooked. ItTsall 
 the result ol oriijiimi reseiireli and ohservatiou."— .S'o( Jtiv 
 l.wli 17:1. 
 Itl'lliiie, JaiiiPN. The Converted Shenhtrd Boy, 
 [an aiit<ihiogra|diy,j Lon., 1.'<7S, .Svo. 
 Reniiie, Sir Jolni, F.Il.S., [anii-, vol. il., aiM.,] 
 I71II-IS-4. Aiitobiofjraphy of Sir ,Iohn Kennie, F.H.S., 
 I'ast President of tho Institiitim of Civil Knginoers : 
 ciunprisin),' tlie IIi,<tory of his I'rofcsiMunal Life: ?oj;elhcr 
 with Koininisccnccs dating from tiio Commeneeincnt of 
 tiio Centiiry to liie Present Time, L(,n., 1.S73, ,s;vo. 
 "At (Miee and manly, simple in nhraseoloirv and 
 Sfiund in its .seientilie coneeplious.hriglit with referenee.s 
 to some of tlie most famous spots in llie wmld, to manv of 
 llie most noted clmraelers of English scadelv wiildn'tlie 
 present <'eutury, and to most of the elilet'eiiLdneeriUL' 
 works of .air lime, the ' AutobioKraphv' of .sir ,lohu Keu- 
 nie is a work of sinctdar iuterest."— .l/A., No, ■£■*». 
 Kenoiif, Peter JLe Page,,S,L„ b. I.slm, in 
 the islanil of (iuernsey, and elueited at Flizabeth Col- ' 
 le«e ; entered as a scholar of Pembroke College. Oxford; 
 beeaino a mciiilior of tlie Roman Catholic ciuirch in 
 1.S42, and in 185.) was ai>pointed professor of ancient i 
 history and Oriental languages in tho Catliolic Univer- ' 
 sit^ of Dublin, wliere ho assisted in editing the Atlantis 
 and the Homo and Foreign Review. In I sill ho was 
 appointed an inspector of sc'nools, and in \>*!<i\ saeceeiled 
 l)r. Birch a.« keeper of Egyptian antiquities at tho Hrit- 
 ish Musouui and iis president of tlie Society of liiblical 
 Arehieology. Ho has contributed to English and (ler- 
 man Reviews. 1. The Doctrine of the Catholic Chuioh 
 in England on the Holy Eucharist, 1.S4I. 2, The Greek 
 and Anglican Communions, 1817. 'i. Xote on some Neg- 
 ative Particles of the Egyptian Languag !, 1.-<I)2. 4. A 
 Prayer from tho Egyptian Ritual. Translated from the 
 Hieroglyphic Te.\t, 3. Sir G. C. Lewis on tho 
 Decipherment and Interpretation of Dead Languages, 
 I.S8;t. 6. A Few Words on tlie Supposed Latin Origin of 
 the Arabic Version of the Gospels, ISliS. 7. University 
 Education for English Catholics: a Letter to the Very 
 Rev. Dr. Newman. By a Catholic Layman. 18114. 8. 
 Miscellaneous Notes on Egyptian Philology, I8li0. <J. 
 The Condemnation of Pope Ilonoriiis, 1868. "(This work ' 
 was altacked by the Roman Catholic press and placed ' 
 on the Index,) 10, The Case of Pope Hono.-ius Recon- ' 
 sidered: with Reference to Recent Apologies, I8(i!). 1|, 
 Note on Egyptian Prepositions, IS74. 12, Lectures on ! 
 the Origin and Growtii of Religion, as Illustrated by 
 the Religion of Ancient Egypt, (llibbert Lectures, 187i»,) 
 l.on,, 1880, Svo. 
 " The analysis of ancient Egyptian belief completely up- I 
 sets the theory ol I)e Brosses, which Profe.«sor jfa.\ .M'iiller I 
 had in the first seriea of the Hibbert Lectures shown to lie I 
 uiitemible.-iiamely, that all religion had its beginniiiL' in '; while the e.iami nation of Egyptian mvths 
 adds vastly to the strength of the eonelusious reached hv 
 romparalive niythologists wdio have workeil in the wiile 
 held of Aryan tradition. To these two points Mr, Renouf 
 addresses himself specially throughout these lectures ; and 
 i we admit the truthfulness of the picture, we must allow 
 that his work has made sulwtanlial additions to our knowl- 
 edge <m a subject the importance of which cannot be ex- 
 UKgeratcd. '— .sVi(. A'ei'., xlix. 790. 
 Itciishnw, S. A. The Cone and its Sections, '. 
 treated Oeometrically, Lon., 1875, r. 8vo. 
 Kciitoii, Kdward II. Heraldry in England: with I 
 Glossary of Terms, Lon., 1888, 4to. 
 Kenton, \\\ Tlie Logic of Style: being an Intro- 
 duction to Critical Science, Lon., 1874, 8vo. 
 Iteiiton, >V. Oils and Water-Colours, Lon., 1876, 
 Ueilton, W, Jesus, Lon., 1880, or. Svo. 
 Reiitun, \V. Bishopspool : a Romance of the Last 
 Generation, Lon., 18S:|, Svo. 
 Kepplier, Miss Agnes, b. 1866, in Philadelphia j 
 Monllilv. Books and .Men, 
 Elliieal Forecasts: Essays, 
 1. contributor to tlie Athinti 
 ' Bust., 1888, l2nio. 
 I "One of those books by a readir wliicli are olteii so do- 
 Mghtlul n resource in leisure hours. I be author is a 
 good writer, with a plea-ant rippling style, and oceashui- 
 xlv'i '''ol ''''"'■' "' (''''""'"'y "" il'L' surface."— A'udoH, 
 lleslicr, Rev. Koliert Root, graduated, lirsi 
 in theology, at King's ('oll.i.'e, Lemdon, Isi;;; ordained 
 1807; vicar of St. Mark's, Wahvorth, I.s7l)-S5, and since 
 then of Purley. The Holy Lain! : Services of Sacred 
 Song, Lon,, I87il, svo, 
 Revell, William I'. 
 I.iui., I.S.S7, |i, Svo. 
 Revere, JoMupli Warren, 1812-1880, li. in Bos- 
 ton ; grandfmi of Paul Revere,- entered the I'.S. navy 
 1828; resigned l,s5n ; t(Jok jiart in tlie .'\le.\iean and civil 
 wars; was court-martiallcil and ciismissed Iniiii the army 
 180:i, but liis dismissal was revoked by President Liii- 
 eoln 1S04, Keel and Saddle: l!elriis|ieet id' Forty 
 Vcar.s' Military and Naval Service, Best., 1872, l2iiio. 
 Revy, J. J,, member id' the Institute (d' Civil Kngi- 
 iieers of Vienna. The Hyilraulics of Great liivers; 
 t!ie Pariina.tlie I'ruguav, anil tlie La Plata Estiiarv, Lon . 
 1874, fol. ■ 
 "It contains an aec<aiiit of survevs umlertaken at llie 
 expeiK-e ol the Argentine Coiifedeiatioii. . . . These sur- 
 veys were carried out liy .Mr. lievv. . . . lie appears to he 
 '.'.^'I't'y '■ pcleiil aiiilsai-oiciiMisofiserver.aiid he ciiseusses 
 Ills results Willi great critical ability."— .icu,/., vi. .'lOo. 
 Rew, R. II. Stack Ensilage, Lon,, IxSS, p, Svo. 
 Rex, lleiijamin F. Notaries' Manual: their 
 Powers, Duties, ,S:c,, under tlie Missouri, Kansas, Texas, 
 and Federal Laws : with Foi uis, St. Louis, 1882, 8vo. 
 Rexdaie, Robert, b. 1850; a journalist at Port- 
 laml. Me. Drilling Songs and Sketeiies, Portland, 1886, 
 I Ohio. 
 Rexford, Ehen Kiigene, b. 1848, at Johnshury, 
 N-V, Urandinothcr's Garden, Illust, Chic, 1887, 4to. 
 Revnnrd»ion, Charles Thomas S. Rirch-, 
 of Holywell Hall, Stamford. 1. Down the Road; or, 
 Remini.scences of aGentleuian Coachman. Illust. Lon., 
 1875, Svo; new ed,, 188;. 
 "This sidrlted and humorous collection of anecdotes, 
 incidents, and <-irciinislanees(jf couch-travel in old limes '' 
 —l^liectalor, xlviii. 409. 
 2. Sports and Anecdotes of Bygone Days in England, 
 Scotland, Ireland, Italy, and the Sunny South. Illust. 
 l,on., 18S7, Svo, 
 ■ I'l-"?'."-* "''",«"it saying that one who is able to write in- 
 telligilily on tlie many and varied incidents of no fewer 
 tliaii sixty winters and summers largely devoted to sport- 
 ing, iishiug. and driving, together with a certain amonnt 
 pt huiitiug, has a good deal to say of interest to sportsmen, 
 both old and young."— .4(A., No. 3120. 
 Reynold, .tirs. The Secret Revealed, Lon., 1871, 
 Reynold§, Beatrice. The Match-Maker, Phila,, 
 1878, l2ino. 
 Reynolds, Charles B. Old Saint Augustine: a 
 Story of Tliree Centuries, St, Augustine, Fla., 1885, 12mo. 
 Reynolds, Kdward. A Digest of the Civil 
 Criiiiinal, and Revenue Cases published in the Punjab 
 RttMird during tlie Years 1800-1875, Lnliore, 1870, Svo. 
 Reynolds, Elmer Robert, b. 1840. at Dansvillc, 
 N,V, ; educaled in the public schools of Wisconsin, and 
 at tlio Medical School of Columbian University, Wash- 
 ington, D.C. ; served in tlic civil war, and has been in 
 the U.S. civil service since 1877, 1, Aboriginal Soap- 
 stone Quarries in the District of Columbia, Cambriilge, 
 1878, 2. The Cemeteries of the Pi.«cataway Indians iit 
 Kittainaquindi, Maryland, Wash,, 1880, ;i. A Seien- 
 tilie Visit to the Caverns of l.uray, and the Endle-s 
 Caverns in the Massanutton Jlountains, 188). 4, Me- 
 moir on the Pre-Columbian Shell-.Mounds at Newburg, 
 Maryland, ,to„ Copenhagen, 1884. 5. ThcShell-Mound.s : 
 Antiquities of the Choptank Indians of Maryland, l88r,, 
 0. .Memoir on the Pre-Columbian Ossuaries at t^ani- 
 bridgeand Hainbrook Bay, Maryland, Lisbon, Portugal. 
 1SS7, ■ 
 " Reynolds, Francis," (Pseud.) See Statiiam, 
 F. R,, iiijiii, 
 Reynolds, Rev. Henry. Baptism by CUri.,t the 
 Only Means, Cambridge, 1871, 12ino. 
 Reynolds, Rev. Henry Robert, D.D,, \_a„ie, 
 vol 11,, add,,] b, 182.5, at Ronisey, Hampshire; gradu- 
 ated at the University of London I8l;i ; became a Con- 
 gregational minister ; president of Cheshunt College and 
 professor of theology and exegesis since 1800. 1. (Ed.) 
 Ecolesia: Church Problems considered, in a Series of 
 I'"n, 1875, 8v„, !;7el |S7,i "" ^"""™ ^'^ '*'7^. 
 ^^>i^!^^r''i^^,!:il!^i^,;i!^\f^^!'n th.M>Khif,>i book. ! 
 ua"a 'T TH,',iu'r- „!;r;'\V' E- ward, M.A., «ra,|. ^ 
 librarian siru,, IS77, I r&n i",! ."'^ ""'' ""hclrnl 
 •Ito. ,) (E ) Onli "l. J^%\ ""('""is") I-on., 1880 
 tion/cN,„K;i„„';u' ;LV' ^a'^t:;',:'-' ''?n^"''"'^''- 
 fro... Various Kconl, T^. ,.H""r- II'"'!'-""^^J 
 Heynolds, J. Hijssell, M D F n q r , , i 
 IS.'fl, I-on.! 18Sa, 8vo. ' """•»""> Oration, 
 Keynolds, James. I" P t i n • ■ ,. 
 ISuTn"",'' /"""^? Emcrsfn, M.D.. FRS b 
 i«»l, at Uooterstoivn, Ouuntv n„h];„ . '•'^•' /•"••'•. b. 
 ceding: iirofcHsor nf ,.h„ • . • ,' """ "^ "'» !>'•''- 
 Dublin Ts SI," t I ,^,';'? '"p-""' UnivorH.ty' of 
 i«try, Lon., IS7V " el ,sr« "? Kxperimentai Chem- 
 W. 1S.S1, 12,n„; llVle,! enl 18,^) °° *"J"'f'-'>-y. 
 Reynolds, liev. Joseph William v 1 r 
 Use ofSci'ne Un l^'^S i'"^ « Verification by Free 
 "^: ■ :;^:^ "';'"i!i"";? ''"^' ''• iieart-c,:;t;i^^ tn' 
 Como: Iinmo t li y a Phv,il:.. v"-. r"' ^^^ "'""-I'' '» 
 Reynolds LF ^'V;"f ' .''"^•'. ^on., I88S, cr. 8,0. 
 new eil., Lon, 1875 p svo '■''('•»va. i. liarbiiru, 
 ^r-77;^r£ ?'r^^^'^. ^ 
 tive linsineer, Firon an a. , Knlin" n '*'"' ^'""•"""'- 
 Historical Notice of the ^-nS'ie-Boy : comprising a 
 and their W^Lr, ,t , , rTsy^TT"^'" ^^'"'""- 
 Locon.otivf En^^ne X; " L,"n"'7isV" ""^ V^"" "^ 
 tae^o.t™ea;^.{/-,;»„f^„^,i^ , 
 FrLd." ' Engmeman's Guide, Philosopher, and 
 Reynolds, Osborne. M A f n s r 
 engineering in O.ens Col'leXi^Ma^nSerrTe^/r 
 H:us:"Dra;n: :,^1" Tir2' e'r'^T' ^ V'"""" """^ - 
 ;^-;n Engineering, Owl!:-;?:;^ " •jy^i:)';::,"; ,!.-- 
 Uraug!;'t'n,t;":on;, iss'.'^l'^' """ "-Scnent of 
 '"nj^r[^^r:^;;^i;'t:*"-"'- ^'.ec ch 
 K>^.ni„„ti„„ of ^yuuZ:^:\:l:^tt^;,r' "' ""' 
 Nolo^Pl/il? isjTgl^""'''''' "'"' Introduction ,,nd 
 •iMme, S».ith™n.Wa;h. 1879 Svo T?" " 'J""^' »'' 
 ^.i^^io^r'7';i^^Kr'«- '•'"'"•^^;^"? 
 Lon., 1887, or Svo ' "' '^ ^ "''•^'' ^""Sl^ ' " t'omedy, 
 ver/'ii;^!^':^;^ pSS°,;^::i«^n"''^ oharacreristics is 
 i Rhodes, Alexnndpr n v i. ■ 
 Le"ur^.''^Ci'n.!*r8'7!f'',2'l"'''r. '• ^reed and «reed : 
 Talk, to Men an,, ^o^i^hu..^^,:::' '^""^^ ■• 
 ch?oh,''L^o''n'.,"l87-'o: 2 1"!,: ^;';:''"' ^^""^ •'^ ""> ^•"-o'- 
 .ia"tS^p'a«^;;Z».:|'fn'??'' ?-^- "^ ^«'^'- "' ^^■'- 
 lii^lihiH ^Vi- K™""'""" in theology at thp Mi-=ioiii.rv 
 iiistittito, belniKifrove I'n isni . „. i ■ ■ ; " """''^i 
 thcran Church ]sfl'> ,,ni .'' u ' ""'"'ned in the Lu- 
 since 1874 1 Th'e P ' n?" " f"^'*"^ '" '^'- '-"'"^ 
 Day, St. Liui, ,874 ^JTr ^^'"''r'"' "^ ">« '""•''•■' 
 Phil ... s™ 12, i^ f n ^.'!°"8'"" '■"'• ■^"""S "<=". 
 bxpo8,Jpry Lectures on Phi 
 1882. 5. Life Thoughtu for YoiiiiK Women, Philn,, I8R4, 
 12mi). H. Vital liuostions pc'rtaining to Christian lloliof, 
 IS.HI). 7. I he rhronoof Uruoo; or, A Cull fur I'nivi'r, 
 I'hila., IHH7, l2ino. '' 
 HhoUcs, W. II., ("Caxton," ,,8t.„,l.) Cuxton's 
 Hook: I'uuiim, Mtetuhes, Ao.. Sun Kriiii., I,S7(1, IL'iiio. 
 Ilhone, I>. L. I'metico ami I'rcjcuss in ihV (rriihiinrt' 
 Court of I'etiNKylvaniu : I'mbruoiii)? I,uw.< rclutinK to the 
 Setlk'iiiunt of K»(ut08 of Dtcedents, Ac, in tlio Courts 
 of Common I'lcus iinU Kquily, IMiilu., lss:i ■' vols Hvo 
 Rhys, John, M.A., 1.. Isio, ut Abircueio, 
 (funshiro; ^ruduutwl, first cluss l,it. Iluui.. ut .Jesus Cul- 
 \ege, OxforJ, ISil!). unci elocle.l Fiillow of M,.,Icm ColluL'f ■ 
 atterwurJs stucliod in Franuo urid (lurriiuriv ; appointed 
 inspector of schools for Flintshire and bcnl.iglishire 
 1X71; becunie professor of Celtic at Oxford |S77 and 
 was elected an honorary Fellow of Jesua College 1 
 Lectures on Welsh Philology, Lon,, 1,S77, cr. Svo- 2d 
 " A valiiuble (•ontrilaitliiM not only to Koltic plilloloi,y hi 
 irtlmilar, Inil tonemTul (•(.mpurativu philology as v,'ull " 
 A. II. Sayck: /laia., XL 417. 
 " l'rorei.sor Hhys In tho volume before us has not only 
 shown the exaet pluee whleli Welsh uceiipies In the v idelv 
 extoiKltil (unillyof .\ryaii languages, but he has throwii 
 considerable light upon the strnelureaud eoinpusition of 
 Aryan tongues generally. '-.Si/. Uev., xlviil. l,-)i; 
 2. Celtic liritain, (" Karly Britain,") l,on., IS,-<2, 12mo. 
 3. Lectures on the Origin and Orowth of Koligion us 
 Illustrutea by Collie Heathendom, (Hibbert Lectures) 
 licm., IHHS, 8vo. 
 "Few even of those who have given some .stinly to the 
 subjeci will be prepureil to meet with sueh an abuiulance 
 of well-established (or, at least, liglily probable) results as 
 are brought together in the earlier chapters. It is ,l„ubt- 
 CS.S true as the author would be Ihe llrst to acknowledge 
 that the book contains, besides the coni.'luslons which mav 
 be regarded as airly secure, a large number of snggestioirs 
 which future liivestigatiou may very likely sli.^w to be 
 untenable. . . The Hibbert Lectures on Celtic mythology 
 will be none the less an epoch-making book."---llK\iiy 
 Bii,U)I.ey: /lcai(, xxxiii. ;i(Hi b "">j«.. iii-..>ky 
 "The whole book is readable, from the vivid sketch of 
 the pantheon of the Allobroges that bikes up its earlier 
 pages down to the suinming up of the proto- -eltic creed 
 111 it-s final I lies . . Full an.l minute L it is, aial com 
 plete in Itself, this volume is but the first part <>( a L-rcat 
 eltie mythology of which two more iiarUs (on the ' liark 
 I uderwold IJivimties' and on the ■ Arthurian Legend') are 
 to appear, It is to be hope.1 »h,.rtly."-P. VoKK I'owkLL: 
 JliKldiical Kei'iew, So. 1\. 
 With EvA.vs, J. UwK.vooviiv.s, (ed.) Y Llyvyr Coch o 
 Jlergest: Y (iyvrol I: the Text of the Mabinogion, and 
 other Welsh Tales from the Ued Book of Hergest, Oxf., 
 1.SS7, Hvo. 500 copies, privately printed, 
 Ithys, If . Dieuilonne : a Study, Lon., IS,><1 p 8*o 
 Itiafto, Juiill F. I. Classified and Descriptive 
 Catalogue of tlio Art Objects of .Spanish Production in 
 the South Kensington Museum : with an Introduction 
 and Notes, ("Soutli Kensington Art Hand-Books,") 
 Lon., 1872, 8vo. 2. Critical and Bibliographical Notes 
 on Early Spanish .Music, Lon., 18,S7, 8vo. 
 Ribton, Theodore, b. 1844; graduated at Pem- 
 broke College, Cambridge, ISBli : called to the bar at the 
 Inner Temple 1871. Law an.l Practice in Bankruptcy 
 under the Bankruptcy Act, 188;i, Ac , Lon., 1884, 8vo 
 Ribton«Tiiriier. See Tiiii.vbr. 
 Ricards, Rt. Kev. James Uavid, Roman Cath- 
 olic bishop of Retimo. The Catholic Church and the 
 Kaffir : a Brief Sketch of tlio Progress of Catholicity in 
 South Africa, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 
 Rice, Allen Thorndyke, 185.3-1889, b. in Boston ; I 
 graduated at Oxford 1875; bee ime editor and proprietor 
 of the North American Kuview in 1876 1 (Kil ) Fs 
 says from the " North American Review,"' W. York, 
 187J, 8vo. 2. (Ed.) Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. 
 By Distinguished Men of his Time. N York 18S6 
 Svo. ' ' 
 Rice, Charles. Posolog-oal Table, including all 
 OfSciual and Frequently Employed Unofficinal Prepara- 
 tions, N. York, 1879, l«mo. 
 Rice, David. The tJowers of Glenarne: a Novel, 
 Lon., 1868, 3 vols. p. 8yo. 
 Rice, E., mistress at Cheltenham Training College 
 for Mistresses. DomesticTlconomy, tilaagow, 1884, p. 8yo. 
 Rice, Rev. Edwin Wilbur, D.D., b. 1831, at 
 Kingsborough, N.Y.; graduated at Union College 1854; 
 studied la,y and theology, and became a Congregational 
 niinister in 1860, and has been connected with the Amer- 
 ican Sunday-School Union since 1871. 1. (Ed.) Pictorial 
 Commentary on the Gospel nooording to Mark. Maps 
 and Illust. Philn., 1882, lL>ino. 2. Peoph's Commen- 
 tary on Matthew, lllust. Phila., 1S80. 3. Historical 
 .''ketch of Sunday-Schools, l.ssB. |, pt.„p|e's Lcs-nn- 
 llook on the Oospel of .Matlliow. lllust. Phila., l.-s:, 
 2lmo. 5. Stories of (J rcat Painters; or, Ueligicm in 
 Art, Phila., I8S7, 12mo. li. I'cple's tjuestion-llook ..ii 
 the (lospei of Mark, Phila., |S88, lOmo. 
 Rice, Franklin I*. I, Keminiscenees of Rev. 
 tJeorgu Allen: with Biographical .<keteli and Notes, 
 Worcester, .Mass., 1883, 8vo. 2. The Worct.'ter Book: 
 Diary of .Voteworthy Events in Worcester, Mass., from 
 165; lo 188.1, Worcester, 1884, Svo. 
 Rice, Ilnrvey, I.L.D., [oa/., vol. 11., adil.] I. Let- 
 ters from the Pacific Slope, N, York, 1870, l2mo. 2. 
 .\ature ami Culture, Bost., 1876, 12mo. :i. Select Poems, 
 Host.. IS78; 2d ed., ISSO, |2mo. 4. Incidents of Pioneer 
 Life in the Early Settlement of the Connecticut Western 
 Reserve, Cleveland, 0., ls,s|, i2nio. Republished under 
 the title of " Pioneers of the Western Reserve," Host.. 
 iss;;, 121110. 
 Rice, Isaac Leopold, b. 1850, at Wadionheim, 
 Bavaria; removed to Philadelphia; studied music Ihere 
 and at Paris; graduated at Columbia Law School ISSO; 
 founded the Acailemy of I'olitical Science, and was (me 
 of Ihe Founders of the F irum. 1. What is .Music? N. 
 York, 1875, 12ino. 2. How (icometrical Lines have their 
 Counterparts in .Music, .\. York. 1.H80, 12ino. Pamph. 
 Rico, James, 184<i-1882 ; educated ut Queen's Col- 
 , lege, Cambridge; callcil to the bar at Lincoln's Inn in 
 1 IS71 ; was editor and pruprietor of Once a Week IStis- 
 ' 72, and for ciglit years Ihe Lonilon correspondent and 
 ^ agent of the Toronto (ilobe. For a list of novels of 
 which he was joint author, see Bes,»nt, WAl.TKn, mi/na. 
 History of the British Turf from the Earliest Times, 
 Lim., IS79, 2 vols. Svo. 
 j Rice, John H. Mexico : Our Neighbor, N. York, 
 1888, 12mo. 
 i Rice, John .Hinot, professor of mathematics in 
 the U.S. imvy, and Johnson, William Woolsc-y. 
 On a New Method of obtaining the Differentials of Func- 
 , tions: witli Especial Reference to the Newtonian Con- 
 , ception of Rates or V^elocities, N. York, IS75, 12mo; 
 ' new ed., 1880. 
 Rice, Lewis, secretary to the native state of .My- 
 sore :(lircctor of |iublic instruction, Mysore andCoorg; 
 com|iiled the official gazetteer of Coorg. 1. A Uazetteer 
 compiled for the lovernment of India, Lon., 1S78. 3 
 vols. r. Svo. 2. (T, ua.) Mysore Inscriptions, Lon., IS71I, 
 Svo. 3. Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Mysore 
 and Coorg, Bangalore, 1884. s .. 4. Coorg Inscriptions, 
 Bangalore, 1887, 4to. 
 Rice, Rev. Nathan ; uis, [mil,, vol. ii., add.,] 
 1807-1877, b. in Garrard Cu., K3. ; studied at Princeton 
 Theological Seminary ; became a Presbyterian minister; 
 held .several pastorates, and was professor of didactic and 
 polemic theology in the Theological Seminary at Dan- 
 ville, hy,, fnun IS74 till his death. I, God Sovereign 
 and Man Fne, Phila., 1S70, Ilimo. 2. Modern Spirit- 
 ualism : what we are to think of it, Phila., 18mo. 3. 
 The Immortality of the Soul and Destiny of Ihe Wicked 
 Pliiln.. 1878. ISmo. 
 Rice, R. Notes on the Geography of Europe, 
 Physical and Political, Lon., 1877, 12ino. 
 Rice, Roswell. Orations and Poems, N. York, 
 18SH, Svo. 
 Rice, Sarah Sigourney. Edgar Allan Poe: Me- 
 morial Volume, lllust. Ball., 1S76, sin. 4to. 
 Rice, Miy. -*;<•". William, Imitp. vol, ii., Rick, 
 Wii.i.iAM, Lit.i n.j I -crvcd in the Crimea and in 
 the Indian Muti. , , •■.In d 1877. 1. "Boy Mill:" with 
 Illustrations in Fac-Simile, Lon., 1876, 12mo. 2. Indian 
 Game, from Quail to Tiger. lllust. Lon., 1884, r. Svo. 
 Rice-Jones. See Jones. 
 Rich, Elihu, [mile, vol. ii., add.] 1. (Trans.) The 
 Bottom of the Sea, by L. Sourcl, Lon., 1870, 12uio. 2. 
 History of the War between Germany and France, 1870- 
 71, Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 Rich, Shebnah. Truro, Cape Cod; or. Land- 
 marks and Seamarks, lllust. Bost., 1883, Svo. 
 Rjc,h=Jonps. See Jones. 
 Richard, A. P., M.A. Cantab. Marriage and Di- 
 vorce : including the Religious, Practical, and Political 
 Aspects of the Question, Lon., 1888, cr. Svo. 
 Richard, Henry, 1812-1888. 1. Letters and Es- 
 says on Wales, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 2. Papers on tlio 
 Reasonableness of International Arbitration, its Recent 
 Progress and the Codification of the Law of Nations : 
■!5 ' 
 Hiii'l at Cunfi 
 ■ iii\ ('AiivKr.r , I) 
 ITl'llCOH, I,, 
 lS«r, Svo. Will. Wii,i,rAMS, I I 
 ichiirilN, Allrcd |i 
 l-^-'Ii-ISTfi. II.. Hu 
 merit, Kon 
 8*/i. 4. Our Fi.lliPr In lie 
 in..', 1.11(1 iillii'i' I', 
 iiii« Ailvort 
 'iliil .liinii'w (1 
 I. li., uild.,] Iliiriiiiil 
 II Serien of SonnrtK. I, 
 ■a: lliu I,nr.|'» Vuiyvt In 
 _rahtii« mlltur .if th.' Ilinli nC A.I 
 ■»•., I««fl. Ito. 5, Tt.oA|,o/tl«of 
 II ry Ki 
 'fill, 1,1 
 Tiilo.,f ih,. i>, 
 <'.!.. Is7;t, 
 i-"r in iM-i), I, it,,|i^i„ ^,|j 
 Ml., I Mill, 12 
 iiiriiiM, lliisl ISSH 1 
 in of lli. 
 •enl Uiiy, I,„n., I,sri, 
 \ fry lluiiiiin : ii | tl.o 
 leu; 11. Alliu.t I),.|ino lli.lmr.l 
 II, .Mrs. Abby Snm 
 I vol.1. |1. 
 Iii('hiird.s, It 
 now j I'licirv, L 
 wifuof I). .'Mi.Ki.rlun.l. 1. .st 
 ( uii.riifil, isiiii, ti) 
 "K lien |ir..viouii| 
 of l.'yrii,H 
 •■y. Cbiirli-N iliTbert, 
 'lin, N.ll 
 ."i. Hicll;,|||M, („|,^, Vol. ... 
 Kill liiiiloil lit Vak. |,si 
 ■.I h. \ n:ii), lit .Mori 
 I 01,1 II 
 «on i.iry of 
 irii'ii from 01.1 Kngli 
 p. (<vo :;. (K.l.) Kong, from II, 
 'Kii'iil ."^eiiiimi 
 iitiil at Amlover 5. I 
 TiiiiiutiMl,... IlliiKt. X. Vorl,, i'h7'> 4„. 
 ■ir Coiintiy t,. iHTfi. niii.t. X. vi.rk 
 Kiitionul dliurri 
 lMlilll|i>., II.Mt. 
 York, I8MI !. 
 »hlp, N. \or', I 
 'slor of tliu First C.iiiKre 
 I. I'ublilu8ii.iiri'...vrl 
 ivr of Klivi 
 'er.'v's V 
 ii-l. Iliir'foril, L 
 'inoo IMIlr 
 C«(l. I 
 'I .'hrim 
 I. Wil CI, 
 li. Fi.inllii.i Tiilli 
 i','". IHii.-l. N. Vork 
 inn I'riii.-.., .\. In 
 •olioii.H for I'ltliliu \\,ir- I, 
 i"., LIS I, i; 
 « on Knulisl, I,ii(.|„t' 
 nio. 7. Stories from |||,| Kiiifli,..! 
 ;i. Ill 
 onii,, fol. 
 »n,. Ito, 
 S^oogn of I'n.iHe unil I 
 .olli'iii; or, I, ..tie 
 d., Ho.«t., issi 
 Ricliarit^ , K, L. 1 |.', .■ m t. ■ 
 ctry, \ V„k IS7M ).. '''","'-^' ^ "' i'lime TriKoiioni- 
 ^if;;u^,^,,:::::;j;:'^:,^,, '— -.,;;;„'"-H»ean. 
 KobortIIi,llo,v..|| lii,.l,ar,|, IS7,-, . i,„f^,„,' "*' "'""•"■'' 
 Hioimstry Ma.«„.|i,i,,ettH Institute .,f ,. .,^„ ;,„,,„ 
 Anon ^''""'^go. Lon., 1888, ,) vols.' or. Svo | 
 incnt. Care, ami Oi,..rat on of Woo.l w il ^"""t?'-'- 
 4. V.„»l C,i,iveri,ion by .Machinery Lon. 187?' cT" 8vo 
 clu'ling it,. All,;.s, I'liila. 1887 ??mo '^''P'"^^""""- '"- 
 Kichard§, i»Irs. I,niirn 'v i" r- 
 Mou,e.Tra,i. 'uy the 'C'n\^^.\u-J7lluTZ,'' 
 880,«q.8vo -M.iitle Tyrant. Illust. Bo.t ^SSo' 
 Tell-Talo fro™ Jlii ,.„., DaL '^^^Vc:'' •.'^..''"froy'' 
 Richards, Walter J. Hi (■: 
 Richards, Rev. William Care v. Ph.D.. r„,.,. 
 sto rates 
 layer, Kiiiin..nt in 1 
 "kI!..'!. I'oolrv. 
 8. (Kil,, 01,1 I,. 
 "Kli-h Litori.t 
 cnliiiiciit ivrltlon by I'cmonn 
 iin. i.nil lli«l 
 . Ifoft., l8S;t. 
 Church till 187 
 . ... .uo IJaptist 
 ■loc when he has devoted him,self to 
 .''SI. 2. Th 
 ■7!?t..l\ ",''l"l»'.,,Ii'""quet,s Chic, I 
 H|. 2ln.o. y. Ali..|ar,| nnd llc'loise"' a .,|i„,v,.| |,„' 
 mini,...: w ti t jo I i.ii,.,.„ „r ii i • ,. "ini'tal l(o. 
 ,,Hi.hard, ;^,^l^;;r.;:^^;- I;-; -{:j:- 
 luian I iiur b, *,. l|y J.^.^, i,^,,,,^ „„„„.,| |.rcH,|.,nt 
 "I 1 '■ ..'i-sity l.ial..c.tio ,Sioi..|v. K,lin. i.n,| I ,,, 87n 
 an, at the I nu-ersity of Si. Andrews; l.,.,.a,i,c. a K^ ,w 
 I-cranco Lcsson-Dook. ' , , )h78 iC^' <) Th t 
 of J<a„i,ary„ee ,.,. Addri, ;'" 77 l!,'„" ' , T 
 2mo 10. I.n.loK„eson Drink. Lon 1V78 Hrn'o ^ 
 of Preventive Medicine, l!:r„.*',';!:sa%,.^"'»««^ " ^-'' 
 •jeingniv,., ''..r-ron -i, '^'•'' ""■"""'li'tion of f,„ t 
 «Me1ense t ha^il ,^1^1 .Tj'J^, ''li",''?'' »" ' "'f .■nnifort- 
 krioHleilK,., nor istifrb" villi nnvv„r?.'-T'i!'''''''''.^'' "i"' 
 fuoture of reaS'.' 1 M 'J 'l 'V ^""^ "«""hyAl«nu- 
 j Felioi. Air E^y Day '^:::d ,,^7^ ^ "t^ ^' 
 SecomU^J^!:-;!;:^::;^-;^^— eofthe 
 West V ruinii ,vl,„i\ , n ,• V''""i''ia, \irginia, and 
 i'"ble uX"'V, ' ';: ' Wni"''Kr forporatiL.., Char- 
 Wash., 1887, M.iio ' ^^ ''«'""» Meetings, ic, 
 Richardson, r. T 1 d; . 
 M«n.,ions, Ac. I , Lon is^n r'^"''/,',?,*'^"' f'"- 
 .\.ii..»nee and ^- •• • •' "*;»• ^vo. 2, The hmokv 
 .. _. nee, and ... ..«u,,-.,y oy Water, Lon., 1870, 8v, 
 Englishman's Jl 
 itere.sted in .Selecti 
 Kstiinates of C 
 '■'^i'l, p. Svo. 
 St, Qii 
 n Practical Guide to All 
 'ing a House: with Ful: 
 i'ies, Ac. Illust. 2d ed 
 , Li 
 j-y Sli,.l,erd, 1884. •*3. ^be A^n^^in A;thI5 1 P«l!i^'S;'"'^?"lt^l"«' «' «^''r'ell. 
 unedin, N.Z., 1875. 
 I, and other 
HIchnrdNon, Clui 
 Clii-i«(iiuiily iiikI the l.iii 
 HichnrilNtiii, c;iiii> 
 liiwill, Mu. ; Krmluatu.! 
 |jriifi>s<(ir ul' llio .Armli).,- 
 anil Mtc'iaturti iit UikrtiiKi 
 Aiiiuriuitn Iiitontluie, H 
 'x. I.nrxci Fortunes; nr, 
 '■■'iblcmn, I'liilii,, I NHS, I2niip. 
 I'rniiciit, 1), Isil, at lUl- 
 Karlrnouth C'lillugu, l^^l i 
 \'<n an.l Kn({lisli l,iiii«iin(5i' 
 "th sin.o l^.l!, I. I'riinnr ,.( 
 . . -- t., IS7S, |,,|,„. 2. Till' Ci-o^H • 
 "/T'"," "','';"""■"• '•'"'"•. I'*"!'. Ki'iio. .i. Tl,.. Choir,; 
 of Hooks. N. York, issl, |2,„o. |. AnMriivin l.itoni- 
 luro, Kill, -ISM: vol. i., Thu ll..v..|o|.n,ent of AnmLnn 
 v'''u«'iiT'M« .'•• ,'^"r'™" '■"'-'"'•>' "'"' ''''""""• >>• 
 1 orK, Ifi.S7-,SH, 2 \'oIs. 8vo. 
 "Tlic. plaiilsloolarKo lorthoinattTlal-.. , . , li u a val- 
 lial.le work; kimI ii l.rlnif U.s.s (■|,it.ho,i-iv • iha ii , 
 nvo»-,.,l .|n,'ych,,„u|lia, aii.T lu*i excliUvv Hon, „ ,,1, " 
 "The NU'aoflho pn'soiit hook Is nrc|,.,Mi.nms, A mi- 
 liirv ht;mr at the varllcM, will he »oon\Mi,,iiKli t.i in, kl 
 sucli pstlniates ol th,. AnnTloai, llteraliire. ,1' 7, 1, y ,"1,, 
 has Htlorm, 0,1. The wisest man In tho worM ',,u l\ ,t , 
 -.'Si, xxxli ,w* '""■'■ ''" '"""'' '"" ''"^•'' ""oni|!l'',l |/'' 
 With C.,M,K IlKNi.v .\. The Colle^o Book. &lito,l 
 •>>■«: F- H an.l II. A.C. Ilhi-t. Host., Isrs, |t„ 
 IllchlirdM.,,, I), v., ...litor of tho Davenport: 
 (Iowa) Deinoorat. A (Jinllo rniinil the Earth : ll'nne ' 
 Letters trom Joreinn, ('hie., IHHT, 8vo 
 „„i',','hi' """"".V i"''ves forward In the hrlskest stylo Im- i 
 llH-linrdsou, Kdward, Jr. "Quakerism ,•-,„„ ! 
 the Umreli. liy an K.v-Membor of the ,>loeiety of 
 Frienils. I.on., 18(10. ' j 
 Ilichardsoii, Kli/a. The Veil Lifted; tho Ho- 
 nianoe an,l Heal- ,f Convent Life, Lon,, 1871, 12i„o: ' 
 new oil.. 1886. ' 
 Uichnrdion, I'rcderika. I. Xavior ami I 
 Lon., LS6S, p. ,Svo. 2. Tho Ilia.l of the i:„..t; a Seleo- 
 ,'"" "f J;"^^*?""'" ''rawn from Valniike'a •• Kan.ayana," 
 Lon., 1870, |>. Svo. 
 Richardson, G., geoond master of Winehe.^tor 
 tollego. Elementary Treatise on Geometrical Conig 
 Seel ions, Lon., 1873, p. Sy,,. 
 IticliardHoii, G. An Account of some Well-Au- 
 llnnticateil .Miracles, Lon., l-^^.'i Svo 
 Uichardsoii, George Gib««ii. The Corn- and 
 Cattle-Producing Diatriots of France. Illust. Lon. 
 1H78, Hvo. ' 
 ..I'm.'," '™"""'"^ ,*"'"' In'preslliiuf facts, ami notwith- 
 sluii. liiB the .iiiaiitlty „r .si,illstlcs, may 1,,: r,;,! f o „ 1 "- 
 Kimilnt! to end with undiminished interest hy „i " ,„\, 
 who rares ahout Fraiueaiid desires toobtali, a mor eu^'i^ 
 rati' knowledge of the »nl)jeet."-.s'n^ ftr , .xlv " "J Wki 
 V 'V",''ocT*'.?„""' "• **'• ■'■'"' >'i"i™al lianks,N. 
 iork, 1880, H2ino. 
 ISsV""*""'"""' "•""""«• Evory-Day Doing., Lon., 
 liiehardson, J. S. G. 1. South Carolina Ueports. 
 vols..Tiv.,xv.,(f8B6-lSf,s,)Chio.,2vols. Svo. 2. South 
 tarolina buprenio I'ourt Koports, vols, vl.-x., (187B- 
 ISTil,) Jersey City, N.J., 1877-1880, 5 vols. Hvo. 
 liiehardson, .1. W. The Works and Words of 
 Uo,l: Illustrations of tho Nineteenth Psalm, Lon., ls:o 
 p. Svo. I •", 
 Richardson, James. The Wonders of the Yel- 
 lowstono, N. Iiork, 1872, I2mo. 
 Hichardsoii, James, ("Adam Stevin," pseud.) 
 hyes Kight: a l' helor's Talks with his Itoya. lllu 
 fiost., 1878, sq. -.o. 
 Richardson, James. Neophonosraphy: .Method 
 t .^'""•'' *",«•'"• Scientif,,., and Easy Alphabetiua 
 Writing, N. V.,rk, 1870. I. 'mo. ^ aoeuuu 
 Hiehardsoii, Ven. John, D.D., b. 1S17,- gradu- 
 atoii 1,1 Irinily College, Dublin. 1842; ordained 1 St" • 
 vicar of St. Mary's, liury st. Edmunds, 18,^7-74, and 
 since then of Camden Church, Camberwell ; archdeacon 
 ol houthwark since 1882. 1. The Preaching of the 
 Uoss: Sermons, Lon., lS(i9, p. ^vo. 2. Gospel fnitie- 
 I-on., 187,,, , 2mo. X Daily 'lleadings for Sea's.ns Eas: 
 ,r '"JVhit.suntule, Lon., 187,-,. p. Svo. 4. Thoughts 
 about Salvation, for Thinking Men, Lon., 1877, 12mo. 
 •-. l-wnrns, r-uggestions ad Cioruni, ... Five Lectures 
 nt Hereford, Lon., 1879, 18mo. «. Early Days in the 
 Christian Life. l,o„ , 1881. 7. Steps unto Heaven, Lon., 
 As Yankees see iia: or, 
 ■ •-^O, er. Svo. 
 reihh 11, ( Anieiican Ileal,!, l'rlmer»,"j Phlla., 187(1, 
 Rit'hardson, l.i'andcr. 
 Cuslnios of the Coikneys, l,(,n., 
 in"'*^j;"^'!:riv''"-,n!;''- '^-•'«'l-^'r'- I'- 
 Richardson, Octavia. (IM.) The Itight Plesaunt 
 li-torie ol he I'uur ,^„„„es of Aymon, (Early Eng. 
 le.xt .^oc. I'ub,,) I.on., Issi, ,sv„ ^ *' 
 first ehiHs •Iheol., „. King's .'olleg,.. l.oiul iMWl, or 
 dallied IStlO, vi,. f ,S.a...n, Devonshire, since 1SS|. 
 1.1 lie Young Coniiiiunleaors Manual, L,m., IssH 
 ■l-mo. 2 Ministering Sen.mts: a Manuol for Cborlsl 
 ters anil .'servers, Lon., I8SH, .')2mo. 
 1 i"''is"i"s"""' "■ ''"'" "' ' *"''»'""'e f"i- Coal, 
 Richurdson, R. Ireland in 18811: with an Agii- 
 ; cultoia Mill, ol Inland, Lon., ISM, sm. 4to. 
 Riihardsoii, Rnl|>h, M.A., M.D., F.H.C.P. Edin 
 be .-„n,plieity of Life: an Inlroduetorv Chapter on 
 i \,',o''f't ;"".:'."'•,'•"" ' '"•■" '=''•• entitled ••On the 
 Valine ol I. lie,' .Ho., |s7!i. 
 I Richardson, Hvv. Roberl. I. Communings in 
 lie Niiietuary, Lexington, Ky., IS72, 18mo. 2. .<eri|,. 
 I Ric'iardMon, Robert, h. |s,',(i, „t Sydnev, New 
 I South Walls: graduated at Sydney Cniversity 1S7(). 
 I and since thei, has followed Journalism and literature as 
 :a protession n, Sydney, London, and Edinburgh, act- 
 ing as a corresnondeM of several papers, and contrib- 
 ( uling to Good Words. Temple liar, and other popular 
 'TrTn'th f 1.';-"" 1""^',"' ^rnngdale, o'r, ' The 
 > rength ol Patience, Lon., 1S7.^ I ~n,o. 2. The Cold 
 .MioiUder; or, A at Caiglen, Edin., 187fl, 
 Uiw. .). Our Junior Mathematical Master, and A 
 enluus Errand, Lon., I87G, ISmo. I. The Boys of 
 illoughby fcchoo : a Tale, Edin., Isr7, 12mo. 5. 
 iilack Harry; or, Lost in the Hush, Lon., 1877, ISmo. 
 0. ino Young ( rag.sman, and other Stories, Edin IS78 
 2mo. 7. Phils Champion: an Irish Story, Edin 
 • fo'c**™- ^- "''""itli Ibe i'ionthcrn Cross: a Story 
 1.011 88(1, p. Svo 9. Almost a Hero; or, School-Days 
 llest I .'"k • "^T- >"•' "*'*"' I'- «vo. 10. The 
 lest ol Chums, and other Stories, Edin., ISSl, p Svo 
 I . Ibe Light-lIouse-Keeper for a Night, and other 
 n Ti'' t?- ""; "*■""• '2- Tbe Little Australian , 
 ?^., ,. '""^^' '" "'" J^""''- •'•^o I'"" . 1881, 18ino, K) 
 Little Flotsam: a .'Slory I ,r Boys and Girls, Ac, Lon.,' 
 8SI p. Svo. 14. Two llrothers, Edin., I.sSl, ISmo 
 l.J. Iho llu m the Bush.- a Tale of Australian Ad- 
 venture, Edin., 1SS2, p. 8vo. 16. Balphs Year in 
 Russia: a .story of Travel and Advenlu e in Eastern 
 i-urope, Lon 18S2, 12mo. 17. Adventurous Boat Voy" 
 ages, Lon.. IS8I, p. Svo. IS. The Story of the Ni^er: 
 a Record of Travel and Adventure from the Days of 
 Mungo Park to the Present Time, Lon., 18S7,or 8vo 
 is?^'"''*/'''*""' ^•, ''^"''"' "' '^'^''"" = "■ Novel, Lon., 
 I8SJ, or. Svo; new ed., 1SS4. ' 
 StJChardson, S. T. "Friends" in Council- a 
 J!rier.u^ -".inday-School Conference; 2d eJ . Lon., 1S75 
 Ru!-.UM>son, W'., M.D., M.R.C.P. Remar'ks on 
 ;■ 'be.,'. jpeeially 11, Kefercnoe to Treatment, Lon., 
 , p. Svo. 
 Richardsun, John, of St. John's, Keswick. "Cum- 
 berland lalk: l>eing Short Tales and Rhymes in the 
 uialect of that Country, Lon. and Carlisle, 1872-76, two 
 series, l2mo. 
 V -SO 
 . '".♦='"• f''^""". W- 1" Di'tioa and Conduct of Nurse, 
 in I rivate .Nursing, Lon., ISS7, n;„\o 
 Richardson, William. I. -'rhc Timber Mer- 
 chants, Importer's, and Ship-Owner's Freight-Book 
 Lon Is ;. p Svo. 2. The Timber Merchant: Guide 
 tor liuilding Contractors, Ac, Lon., 1870, I2nio 
 Richardson, William Adams, Li. 1, , i„„ie 
 vol 11 add.,] b IS21. at Tyngsborough. .Mass., gradu" 
 ated at Harvard Is4,i. and m the law department 1846- 
 electeil ludge of the U.S. Court of Clai:.;. 1874 aiel 
 chiet justice ISS.",. 1. National Banking Laws, 'lS72 
 :,• i^r'"'!"™' rnformation concerning the Public Debt of 
 the United Stales. Wash., 1872, r. Svo Fd ) Re 
 vised Statutes of the Lnite.l States: t^m„ ,,.[■„( em'- 
 bracing the SUitute.s, General and Permanent: with 
 Ketercnces connecting Provisions on the same Subiect 
 v^ff^^rl'^'^, ^"'■'^ '^"-i ''?'• '•' I-^gi^^'ion of 'the 
 ^ortj-rUird to lorty-Sixth Congresses, (1873-81) 
 1277 ' 
 'i 1 1 
 Wn«h„ IHMl, (to. With SAvnKn. Okoikik P„,. I ;). Aclnhled, N. Vork, (872 
 uifiit t<> tho Miu»uoliu»utt« Oeimnil Slututui, IHflO-lHHI, : IHT3. ,'). The KiiUl Dowor 
 ""».' 'J^' '-""-'• -..""'*■ '"'• ! Two P,ul,., .\. V. '■ tH75, ■ 
 lUrhnrdMOii, Williiim C. .Syitcm of ObKtetrl.'. I or, Wlint in Truti Ill-ist. 
 on lloiiii>'o|iiitlii.^ I'riiii'i|ili'!', St.. r,iiiil», Mo,, 1H77, Hvo 
 " ■ I'" ■ ' "" il'i'^t '^i- it<iiiir<, .»IU,, int I, OVO, 
 Itichurilsoii, W illiiliii lluiiry, F.H.A., Knulimtcd 
 BtHt. Miiry Hull, li\l'(ir.|. ImTI; Iniiiii^rly mniMliiot luin- 
 tor In Cbriat Cliurcb Ciitliwlral SlIiuoI, Oxlonl, iiiid in 
 yuiscn Kli/,iil)i'th'» School, I|iBwlch. (Ivl.i The AiiniilU 
 of I|iH«"li''. The l.uwoK, I'lmtoiiiH, nnd (lovernii". of the 
 miino. Colliioteil out of y' Hiiioril?, H.ioki'»,iiiiil Wrilin)(K 
 of thiit Towiio. Ily Niithiuilfl UuiMiii, INtil. Willi a 
 Memoir by S. Wenthorii. I|i»wiih, iaM4, Svo. 
 Itlclien, Mr*. Anna ti., wife i>f K. 11. Riohe», 
 iii/rii. I. The "1 Willa" .,f Scrii]tur«, Lun., IS71), 
 l2iuo. 2. The " I Will" lliillohiy Toxt iiml Yuiir Hook, 
 I.on., IS-tf, ;i2ino. 3. Hid in the Huiirt; Short llihlo 
 Kwidlngd for Kvitv D,iy, I,„n., IHSI, ,|o„io. ). ('„n. 
 <'ernin»? Hiniseir ho Witnosa of the Word to I'luist, 
 l.on., \HH\, f,,. li,,,,,,. 
 lliclie»,fcduunlII.,I.f'I>.,K.K.A.S. I. Stretched 
 Out u|ion I lie WiittTH, Lon., 1S7I), Svo. 2. .My Tour Kimt- 
 wurd: the .Meiliturninuan, Kgypt, Ac, l.on., I,SS7, n, 
 Hvo. 3. Soniethinn Went Wrong: ii Story of Hyiino- 
 lism, Non.. Isss, I'Jmo. t. Doginatisni, th» Cousulenoe, 
 nnd Agnnalicisni, I,on., ISHS, or. Svo. 
 Ilii-hi'y, AlexHiidi-r <;eorKe, Q.C., r,I,.D., 
 iM.h.l.A.; dopuly jiogiu.^ jirofussor of feudiil and Kng- 
 lnh law in the University of XJublin. I. I.ccturen on 
 the History id' In-land, Dublin, Is7i), two series, n. Svo. 
 2. The Irisli l.iind Laws, T.on,, ISS{), i>. Svo. 
 " It I'ontaln.s an I'xainhiHtlori of tliu Act of 1870, which 
 (K'HoryfN tlu' allfiuhm of all Irish land law refornionj."— 
 1. h. ('. I.hMI.lK: ,lcri</,, xvlli. 4l',». 
 3. (Kd.) Ancient l.iws of Ireland: a, Selection of 
 Urehon Law Tracts, 1>S», Svo. I, A Short History of 
 the Irish People down to the Date of tb« Plantalicm of 
 Ulster. Editeii, with Notes, by KoliiTt Komney Kane, 
 Ll,.l)., M,R.I,A, l.on., IS87, or. Svo. Posth. (Con- 
 tains the two seiHfS of " Lci'turea" |irovi.,usly published, 
 a lecture, delivered at Edinburgh, on the Physical Geog- 
 raphy of Ireland, and a fragment of a largo liistory of 
 Ireland, on which the author was engaged at the time 
 of his death, the whole arrange! in a eunuected series 
 nnd annotated by the editor.) j 
 "His study of the Hrtduui lawH .Midowed hlin with an 
 iouleni's» (il uurceiitlijii that oimlil, il hi,,, i,. ii,»,„.i 1.1., 
 «..oo,,, ,vJ ,/,>..■ .1 ., ,.'.v"^'' '''"'"""»" '''"•""'v )iorKsoi Ijeonardo 1 a V ne Lon ISS.'i ■' 
 way with unerrlnK' Instlint Ihroim'h the mazes of Irish 
 Ills ;>iy. More llm|i llii,, It laiiKlit hiiii to appreciate the 
 fl■elln^'Sot the Irish iiatUvs, aiol at the .same lime to do 
 Justice to those ellorLs of the KiikHsIi (lov.riiiiiciit wliich, 
 however mistJikeii In design, however fruitless in result.-, 
 were lor the 111. part born .da good Inteiiliiin and an 
 Iniiiust desire tn riviluc Irelaiiil. , . . His work is not so 
 miii'h a history in the ordinary sense, as an orouiion or a 
 cine wheri'Witli to read history. And this Is liist wliat is 
 wanted at the present time, when -.> many earnest .students 
 are belli),' attracted Ui Irish bi.slory."-K. Uu.SLoi'; Acuil., 
 Iticlicy, Rev. Thomas, D.D., professor of eocle- 
 ■mstieal history in the (ieneral Thc.dogical Seminary, 
 New \ork City. The Churchman's Hand -Book : a Prac- 
 tical Huido on the lUghts and Duties of Reetora, War- 
 dens, Vestrymen, .te., N. Vork, H-i». liimo. 
 KichingH, Ilev. Alfred Cornelius, M.A., erndu 
 ted 111 rhrJ-t'u ri.,!! n I ..; 1 . ..... ' *? . 
 4, /oil Hodman, N. Vork, 
 N, Vork, 1874. «. Tb» 
 ■im. 7. Hope Kayniond i 
 -. - ....... .V, York, 187,0, I ilnio. H. 
 Alice (IrnnI, \. Y„rk, Is7(i, I2ino. II. Harry the 
 lial, N. York, IS's, Irtnio, in. Drifting and Anehore.l, 
 v. York, ISNii, jeimo, n, ii,„i. ciin,,,,, jj. Vork, Issl. 
 Illnio. 12. Hoys Wife, and otiici Stories, N, York, ISs;, 
 l2mo, 13. Woman, First and Last, and what she bus 
 done, .\. York, 18H7, 12mo. II, Anna Maynard, the 
 kinif's Daughter, N. Vork, ISSM, l2iiio. 
 Hii-hllioiid, I. I,, Three Courses for Threepence: 
 Ten l.esiims in Cottage Cookery, Lon., IH.^.i, l2mo. 
 Kiehinoild, J. I\ 1. Tlie llrigbt Side of .New York 
 (City) and its Inslitutions. Illiist. N. York, l^ri, mvo; 
 new ed., 1S74. 2. Diamonds, Unpolished and Polished. 
 Illiist. N. York, 187'!, 12ino. 
 Hii'hnioiid, W, D. I, (irammar of Lithography, 
 Lon.. IS7II, p. ,sn,. i>. Colour and I 'olour- Printing, as 
 ftpplieil to l.illiograpliv, Lon., ISS.i, er. Svo. 
 Hichiiiond, Hevl Hili'rid John, M.A„ gradu- 
 ated at Keblc C.illege. (),\ford, IH7.;; ordained IH77j 
 tutor of Kelile College ls?rt-Hl j warden id' Trinity Col- 
 logo, (Jlenalmond, 1S81-SS. Christian Eeonmiiics, Lon., 
 18HS, er. Svo. 
 "It Is an attempt tn redeem polltleal ecoiiomy from the 
 impntation of JiistKying all the selllsh iiinl godless aclloim 
 which are conimitted In its name." .S/,(e^it»r, 1x1. S.1I. 
 ItlcliK'r, EliKUne. Co-Operulivo Stores: their 
 History, Organination, nnd Management, N, Vork, Isi!" 
 Itichter, Jean Piuil, Pb D., M.A., b. ls47, »t 
 Dresden; educated at the universities of Leipaic and 
 Rostook; was private tutor to the present Landgraf 
 Alexander Pricdrieh of Hesse lS7l-7:t, and allcrwards 
 spent three years in Italy and in the East, making re- 
 searches in connection with early Christian and Kenais- 
 sance art| resiiled in London from IS7S to I SSI, and 
 since then has liveil in Italy, engaged in the preparation 
 ol winks relating to Italian art. He is an bonorarv 
 member of the Academy of Fine Arts, .Milan, and a 
 kniglit (first class) of the onlers of St, Michael and 
 Jrederick. He lias contributed articles to the Academy, 
 the Nineteenth Century, and other periodicals, ami piih- 
 lisbed several works in (icrman, 1. Leonardo da Vinci, 
 ('Mireat Artists,") Lon,, ISSO, p. Svo. 2. (Ed.) Tlie 
 Literary Works of Leonardo da Vinci, Lon.. ISS.'i 
 ....1.1 1 U > T..I- . ....... ' 
 This is a valuable book, but . . . the .style Is dry and 
 Dr. Kleiner does not write tor thetreii- 
 ■ !■ ■ •"• ". .,,.,...11 i\i\. 111 iiiu iiiiiifmai nailery. 
 Illustrated with Photographs and Wood-Engiavini's. 
 Lon., I8S3, 4to. 
 "This is a valun 
 wanting In eliarni. „ >.,„., ,.„i.„ „„i „ ,,n, „„. ^,^^ 
 eriil reader: he specially addresses the art sliident. . . . 
 Ills ohjectistogiveahlstory of the Italian as 11- 
 lustraled by the pictures In the .National Uallery nt 
 the photographs which illustrate the I k it is impossible 
 U> speak with too high praise."— .s>(r/(l^yr, hi. Glli. 
 4. Catalogue of the Collection of Paintings lent for 
 the Exhibition [in the Corporation (lalleries, (llasgow 1 
 by the Mari|Uess of liuto, Glasgow, ISS4, Svo. 5. Notes 
 on Vasari's " Lives of Painters, Sculptors, and Arch- 
 itects," Lon., IH.S5, l2mo. (This forms the sixth vid. of 
 the translation by .Mrs. J. Foster of Vasari's "Lives' 
 publislied in " Uohn's Standard Library.") Willi 
 Si'AiiKKs, J. C. L,, Catalogue of tiie Pictures in the Diil- 
 ated at Chris'fs Col^,^^; Cambr dge ,sV imK """Y'r'n' "^^ Vt ^V '^""''"«i"'-" "^ "'« l''"'"^"" i" the D„l- 
 1S44,. vicar .of Boxmt.V sinie 'iT.S. ' Tl',:, Churls I P::il;te;rC''lsm' """ «'"«"'1''"'='" Notices of the 
 Holy Year: Hymns and Poems for Alltho'sund'iys'and 
 ISsf '^' "'' "'" ^'''"''"''' ''■'"■' '885, ISmoi 2d ed., 
 Richmond, A. 11. 1. Intemperance and Crime: 
 tourt and Prison Leaves from the Diary of an Old 
 Lawyer, Meadville, Pa., 1883, 2 vols, in I. Hvo; newed., 
 entitled " Leaves from the Diary of an Old Lawyer: In- 
 temperance the Great Source of Crime," N York ISSO 
 '?■ .'■"'" a u ^'"" ^ '""' "' Cassadaga Lake : a Review 
 ?L; ,„ "y""'^'-'^""""'"'"'^'^"' Kenort; 2d ed., Bust., 
 18SS, 12mo. ' 
 Th**v'""c'""'' ^"' *^<"« I" v., (Hatch.) I. 
 Ihe Now Science: a Series of Inspirational Discourses- 
 No 1, Lon., 1S73, Svo. 2. Spiritual Ethics: a Series 
 of Inspirational Discourses: No. 1, Lon., 1873, Svo. 3 
 ,0-1;'' ,T'^ Spiritual Light, and other Lectures, Bost.. 
 ;„;;' '„■""• {■ T?" symbol ae.ies or Lectures, Bost., 
 1877, IBmo. .l. \ Dices from Life's Thither Side: Is 
 Materialization True? Lectures, Bost., 187S, Svo. 6 
 Discourses on Religion, Morals, Philosophy, and Meta- 
 phvsics; 2d ed., N.York, 1880, 12mo. 
 Richmond, Mrs. E. J. I. The McAllisters, N 
 ■iork, 1871. 2. The Jewelled Serpent, N. York, 1872. 
 Richter, Louisa Maria, b. 1852, at Broussa, 
 Asia Minor; daughter of Heinrich .Schwab, Aufltria.i 
 and American consul at Broussa ; educated at Iho Dia- 
 konessenschulo, Smyrna, IS«3-llti; removed to England 
 in 1871, and was married to Dr, J. P. Richter, miiji-a, in 
 IS78. I. (Trans.) Italian Masters in German Galleries : 
 n Critical Essay on the Italian Pictures in the Galleries 
 of .Municli, Dresden, Berlin; from the German of ti. 
 Morelii. Illust. Lon., 1883. p. Svo. 2. Melita ; a 
 Turkish Love-Storv, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Richter, Otto. 1. A .System of Chemical Philos- 
 ophy, Lon., ISliS, Svo. 2. Successful Action of Sodium 
 and Iodide of Etliyl, Lon., 1872, Svo. 3. Chemical Con- 
 dition of Glycolio Alcohol and its Ileterologues, Lon., 
 1872, Svo. 4. Chemical Constitution id' Inorganic Acids, 
 Bases, and Salts. T.nn.. 1882. Syo. 4. The Typo-Nucleus 
 Theory, Lon., 1SS3. 
 Rickaby, Joseph, S.,T., professor at Stonyhurst 
 College. Moral Philosophy, (" Manuals of Catholic Phi- 
 losoiihy,") Lon., 1888, or. Svo. 
 Richard, F. J. Mineral and other Resources of 
 lie Argentine Republic, 1869, Lon., 1870, Svo. 
 Rickard, Thomas. The Gold-Fields of the 
 Tranamul; Willi n M»ii, iind iin A|infn(li!i cm tho AiHii- 
 cent Coal ainl Inin nf \iitiil, l,<iii„ iNMl, Mvu. 
 Hli'hiird, W. Miinuiil nf the Motrlo Sy«leiii. I. on., 
 1H7.'. I2in... ^ 
 ItivknrdH, K. IN.IIy; „r, Nothing like Frien.l., 
 1,1111., ISHL'. »(|. Khn.i. 
 KlckunU, lOdith ('. I. Iloro nu<l Iloroaftir 
 Thoughts iin<l .'^iixnialliiiiH, 1,1,11 . |i, Nv,,. n Lmi,. 
 Nel((hhciiirn in I.M.iilnn. Illini, l.un., Jh.hj .,."s\c,. ;|, 
 A StmiiKu Kxhihitiun, ami uthur Tftlen for the Yuunu! 
 Illiixt. I.iin., \>i-*T, p. Nvd. 
 Uirlinrdii, NIr (ieorRe Kollilltv, K.c.l)., M.a., 
 r<(H(.', vol. li., ii,|,|.,| b. IMH; ,.,|i„.,n„,| ,„ |.;|,,|, |,,„| 
 Oxfonl, unil (ili'clc.j II KclldW ..!' (iiiutir« Ciliu^o; fullu.l 
 to thc! bur lit tho Inner 'rciniiln l^<:)7: impli'^sor uf iiolii. 
 ion! iMoniiiiiy nt iixC.r.l ls..l-.'i«. |',,|,ui,ir Kmiyn on 
 I'olilinil K.oiinmy, l,on , l.STI, l.'iii... With Uave.ns- 
 wiiurii, l,(iiiB, IIIIIII..I Tlui /Kni'iil <,( VirKil, in Unuliuli 
 llliiiik Vcr.Hi', Ivliii., IS7I-r'.', ■: vnU. rp. ^v.i. 
 ItiikcIlN, Kev. .Miirtiii Henry, .M .\.,«rii.liiiiti..l 
 lit h.\i!i.!r ('oli.'xc llxlorU, lxl7: orJiiini..! ISIHj vli'ur 
 of KiiiKlilon .linco l•^7«. Savoil by \m l,ilu: Thouijhts 
 on Iho I'liwiit Wink of ('hri.«t, l.on., 1m7;i, p, svu. 
 Iticketts, Pi'tfrdf IN-yNlt* r. Xoten on AK^iivlnir 
 anil Ai-siiy SohciiifH. Illiii.t. \. Voik, I,s7rt, nvo With 
 RusNKi,!,, S. 11., Sk.'iuton \„tM upon Inoraiinio CUuin- 
 Utrv. I'lirt I. N, Vork, I«s7, ^Imo. 
 Itickuit', Andrew !•'. Niimb.ra itpplloil to Com- 
 plete Arithiiii'tio, N, York, l.sSil, I'.'nio. 
 Itickfi, (.curKr. I. Kk'm.iitnry Arithnietie, iwul 
 how lo Teiii'h it, l.on., I,S7!I, p. sv„. 2. Arillinielio for 
 I'uiiil Toiii'heiK, l.on., I.SHI, p. Svo. I!, ubjivi l.usson*. 
 itnil how to jjivf tlifin, I,on., Issil-.Hj, two suriu.H, p. Svo. 
 4. E.XfrcincK in Arilhiiietio, l,on., |sH|, l2nio. .i, Kirxt 
 LesrioiH in AI«ol)rii. l.on., is.nrt, ;) purls, p. svn. i) Xut- 
 uriil lli-tory Objwt Lcvsons : ii M.inuiil for TwIuherK. 
 Lon., IMSH, p. Svo. 
 Riuurd, Frederick Willinm, [,i,ii,; vol, ii., 
 ndd.,] libniriiin of the New Jersey lli.-lorli'iil .Soeiety. 1. 
 KnKliHh .Sonj^a from Foreign t.m^jiie^ Trenton,' N.,/ , 
 I87il, l2ino, 2. The ,<elf.Tornienior i from the l,atin of 
 Terenliiis: with more l■)n){li^lll .-^oiij;.,, Issj. 
 Kiddell, .Mr». Chtirlulle Kli/n liowson, 
 [lllltr, vol. II., lilDIIKI.I., MllH. J. Il„ll,l,|.,) b.ilboilt 1^.17; 
 daughter of Jiimen t'owan, of ('iirrickrurgiis. County An- 
 trim) miirried, I.h,^", t„ ,|, i|. Ui,|,|,.||. „f Winaon (Ireen 
 House, Stallordflliire, Kn^. t^ovenil of lier early novels 
 were published under llie pseuilonyme of " F. U. Tiaf- 
 ford," (,,. v., (iiil,; vol. iii.) I. Austin Friars; n Novel, 
 Lon., IS70, .'t vols. p. Svo; new ed., 1875, 1 vol. 2. A 
 LilV'.i Asaizo, l,on., 1,>*7(I, 3 voIh. p. Svo; new ed., |S7.-,. 
 "Mrs. KlcUIell loses none of the viijcmr of orif{iiuil emi- 
 ceptluii wlil(|li nmrkeil 'HeorKe ileilirnnd made her name, 
 but neither does she lose uny of her faiilLs uh she noes on ■' 
 —foil. A'tT., x.i(.\l. U2. 
 :i. The Earl'.f rromise: a Novel, Lon., IS7;i, X vols 
 p. Hyo; new ed., IS7.S 1 vol. 4. Home, .'^weet Home! 
 Lon., 1,S73, .'1 vols. p. Svo. 5. Joy after .'^orrow, l.oii., 
 IH7:i, p. .Svo; new ed., 1,S77. li. .Morlomley's Kstale, 
 Lon., 1S74, 3 vols. p. Svo ; now eil., IS77, 1 vol. 7 
 Above .Suspieion, Lon., IS7J, :! vols. p. 8v). s. The 
 Uuliiij; Passion: a Novel. Lon.. IS7«, l2mo. !l. My 
 First Love and my Last Love : a Novel, l.on., IS7e 
 12mo, 10. Her .Mother's Darliii;,', Lon., IS77 :j yoh • I 
 new ed., lX-\), I vol. U. Fairy Water: a Novel, Lon'! ' 
 IS7.S 12mo; new ed., issj. 12. Tho Disappearance i 
 ol .Mr. Jereiiiiali Uedworth, Lun., I87il, Svo. 13. The 
 Mystery in I'alaoe Uarden.s, l,..ii., issil, 3 vols. er. Svo 
 14. Alarie Speneeley ; or, A lli;,'h Ideal, Lon.,' ISSI, :i 
 vols. or. Svo; new ed., 1SS;1. |j. The Senior I'artncr, 
 Lon., 1881, 3 voLs. cr. Syo ; new ed., I8,s;i. Hi. Daisies 1 
 and buttercups: a Novel of the I'pper Thames, Lon., ! 
 1S82, li vols. or. Svo ; new e.L, 1883. 17. Thc Prince of ! 
 Wales Oarden-Party, and other Stories, Lon., 1882, p. ' 
 8yo; new ed.. l^vt. is. Weird Stories, Lon., 1882 p ' 
 8vo. lU. A Sirua;gle for Fame, Lon., 1883, 3 vols. or. 
 Svo; now ed., 1884 20. Thc Uninhabited House and 
 the Haunted Kivei, Lon., 1883. p. Svo; new ed., 1885. ' 
 M. busan Drummond ; a Novel, Lon., 1884, 3 vols. cr. i 
 Svo. 22. Uorna Boyle : a Love-,>;tory of the County of I 
 i>cvan, Lun., 1,SS4, er. Svo; new ed., i.sso. 23. .Viitre 
 Court: a Tale of tho Great City, Lon., 1885, 3 vols. cr. 
 8vo. 24. .Miss Gaseuigno ; a Novel, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 2o. Tho Nun's Curse: a Novel, Lon., I8S7, 3 vols. cr. 
 8vo. 2fi. Idle Tales, Lon., I8S8, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Kiddell, John, adyooate. (Assisted by M. Bk.h- 
 iiyuH, Jn., and J. Mo.ntoo.meiiy :) Notes on the Pedlgre- 
 I of Ann (Iroom, DiichcM of Mantua, and of hir .<on, 
 I Charlei Ollley llrooin .N'apiir, I'riiiou of .Miuiljn lo 
 I whieh Ii ailded an Intro,lu(.|,,rv Ks-iv by an ^ Jio..i\ti, 
 of the Hootllnh liar, Lon.. |s7ii, svr. i'riviitui i.i.nleil 
 i Hidden, John n niter lliKliiiniin. i i , r.| 
 noeent Parly in a Hivor.e Cii.-e iii Liberty iih H'j ,.■: i 
 lo marry nKnin ' l,,in., 1870, l2mo. 
 Hidden, lloberl, [„„i,: vol. II., »dd.l 1. .Ho. 
 "''I'"""'' '• "try, \. York, IS73, 4to. 2. .-Supplement 
 to Leisons on Haiid-Halliiirf, Pliilii., 1877, lio. ;i. The 
 : Arlimin. Illusi. I'liila., |s7o, tol. L The Slifle Itule, 
 .■<lniplilied, L.xplaiiied, and Illustrated, Pliila., lss3, »q. 
 Hidden, >V. K. A llrlKht .funset : La, I Ibivsof 
 a Yoiiii^ Fool-Hall Player. Lon., |ss|, 12ino. 
 Hiddle, Albert '4<HllHtin, b. ism, at .Mason, 
 N.H.; adiiiilteil to Ihe bar in Ohio |8|l ember of 
 Coiinre.s 18BI-I13; law-olliiTr of tho Hislriet of Tolumbia 
 siiiee 1877. I. .><IU(leiiU and Lawyers; Iho Philosophy 
 of Politii'al Parlies, .W,, Wash., 1873, 12 2. Hart 
 ItidKeley ; a Story of Norlbern Ohio, Host., 1873, 12iiio, 
 ;'. The Portrait ; a Uomanee of the ('uyalio){ii Valley, 
 fleyeland, Is74, l2mo. 4. Alice lliand : 11 Uomanee .if 
 tho Capitol, N. York, Is?.., l2mo. .L Life, Charioter, 
 and Publie .^ervic'es of .lames A. (larneld, Cleveland, 
 1880. 11, The House of Uoss, iiud other Tale.., Host., 
 IX81, 121110. 7. The Hunler of the Chii(,'rin, |s82. s. 
 Hart and Ins Hear, Cleveland, ()., 1883, lOmo. l». .Mark 
 Loan : a Tale of the Western Ueserve, 1883, 10. Old 
 Newlieriy and the Pioneers, 1884, II. Tho .Su)X ir- 
 ' Makers of the West Wood.s, Cleveland, KSs5. 12. Lite 
 (if Heiijumlii F. Wade, Cleveland, 0., 188H, llliiio. I:). 
 Speeelos and Arxunienls, Wash., 188(1. 14. Tho Tory'f 
 Daughter ; a Komaiice of tho Northwest, 1812-1813, N, 
 York, Isss, |2mo. 
 i Hiddle, Daniel S. Law and Pnietieo in Proceed- 
 ings siipplemeiitiiry to Ivveeulions. under the New Vork 
 , Code; with Forms; 2d ed., enl., N. York, lss2, 8yo. 
 Uidealt C t\ People wo Meet. Illuat. Lon,, 
 1888, 4to. ' 
 I Hideing, ^Villiam Henry, b. I8,',;i, in Liverpool, 
 I Lng. ; removed to Ameriei ul settled in Chicago; 
 served as special correspondent on tho Wheeler Survey, 
 ing Kxpedition 1S78; eilited Driuiiatic Notes in Loudon, 
 1881-83, and has since resided in Boston, where he is 
 editor of the Youth's Companion. Ho has contributed 
 to leading American tiiaga7.inc8. 1. Pacific Itailways. 
 lUust. N. York, 1878. 2. A-Saddle in the Wild West : a 
 (ilimpse (d'Travel among the .Mountains, Ac., of Southern 
 Colorado, New .Mexico, and Arizona, N. Vork, 1879, 
 Itimo. 3. (Kd.) The Alpenstock: a Hook about thc Alps 
 and Alpine Adventures, .\. York, I8S0, liimo. 4. Stray 
 .Monienis with Thackeray; his Humor, Satire, Ac, N. 
 York, 1880, lOnio. 5. Hoys in the .Mountains and on 
 the Plains; Weslern Advcniurea of Tom Smart, Hob 
 Edge, and Peter Small. Hhist. .\. York, 1882, sq. ,svo. 
 0. Young Folks' History of London, Host., 1884, Itimo. 
 7. A Little I'pslart, 1885. 8. Thackeray's London: 
 Haunts and Scenes of his Novels, Lon., 1885, sf|. lllino. 
 0. The Itoyliood of Living Authors, N. York, 1887, l2mo. 
 Hideout, .>lr«* J. H. I. Six Years on Iho Border; 
 or. Sketches ,,f Frontier Life. lllust. Phila., 1SS4, 
 Itimn. 2. Karly Western LilV. Phila.,, ICmo. 
 Rider, Lney J. See .Mkvku, Li cv J., (Kiiieii,) 
 Itider, Sidney Smith. 1. Centennial Celebration 
 of the liatUc of Rhode Island. Providence, K.I., 1878, 
 Svo. 2. Bibliographical .Memoirs of Three Kbodo Island 
 Authors: to which is added the Nino Lawyers' Opinion 
 on thc Kight of tho People of Rhode Island to form iv 
 Constitution, Providence, l.sHO, sm. 4to. 3. Ilistorio 
 Inquiry concerning the Attempt to raise a Regiment of 
 Slaves by Rhode Island during the Uovolutiun, Provi. 
 dencc, 1880, gm. 4to. 
 Ridtiiiway, Rev. Henry Uasconi, b. 1830, in 
 Talbot Co., .Md.: graduated at Dickinson College 1849; 
 entered the mii.istry of the .Methodist Epi.«copal Church ; 
 professor of historical theology in the (larrett Biblical 
 Institute. Evanston, Hi., 1882-84, and since then pro- 
 fessor of practical theology. 1 . Life nf Alfred Cookomn, 
 N. York, 1871, 12mo. 2. Ten Days in Switzerland, N. 
 York, 1872, l2mo. 3. The Lord's Land: a Narrative 
 of Travels in Sinai and Palestine in 1873-74, N. York, 
 I87rt, Svo. 4. Life of Edmund S. Janes, D.D., Senior 
 Bishop of the .Methodist Episcopal Church, N. York, 
 1882, 1 2mo. 5. Life of Bishop Beverly Waugh, 1883. 6. 
 Life of Bishop Matthew Simpson, 1885. 
 '*- *i 
 4 'I 
 if ,' 
 ■''i» 1 
 fi Mi 
 ",'*"','■' '.!" ' •'"'"p,"' '^'-I'-. H-So., physician to | from tlie Beginnings of Civiliziiti.Mi t.) llie I'l-efcnt Time. 
 Lumlon lenipiMMiirc ll„spihil. I. Diet for tlie Siclt : ■' Cin., ISSIl-N.O, :i vol«. Svo. 1. Moiuigriioli oiiAlcx- 
 bfing .Nutritious Couiluiuiticjiis Miiliililu for Severe Cases amlor llauiillon, ISSII. .-,. I,ife and Work 'of James A 
 of Illness, l.un., Is;.",, :(!„,„, 2.1 e.l., 1S,S2. 2. The (!arllel.l. lllust, Chle.. iss], svo. Ii. History of' 
 rompcranTO I'nnier : an Kleuientur.v Lesson-Hook, Lon., Te.\u.s, ]S,S|. ;. Life ami I'ublic Seiviees of Juiii'es (i 
 is, II, 12mo. :i. Ki-Ling of llanlcow: a Chinese Dra- lilaine ; to^'ether with a .Sketch of the Lif 
 mall.' Incwlenl. [verse.J Lou.. !>:«, Ifiiuo. 4. Xon-Al- A. Logan. Ciu., ISSl, ,Svo. Al 
 f (ien. .lolm 
 , school-books. 
 coholic Treatuient of l), Lon., I8S0, ,,. 8vo. I Ilhlsdl.lf, U. .Scenes ami' Advontures' iu (ireat 
 .). Jhe leui|ieranco I'llgrim's Progress: an Allegory, Xiiiija(|Uiilan.i, Lon., 1S83, p. Svo. 
 "'h;.1l.^.» '>l"''u, II r f u- •. r.u = ' "'•'■'•••«l«'» t'' H. Chemical Percentage Tabl. < 
 Sum', l,m, I's? Iiimd of a Writer of the Sunny , aiol Lab.M-atory Calculations, l.„n., Iss:;, p. Svo. 
 lUilgcwiiy, llt-v. (.'hni'ivM John, graduiite.l at 
 Trinity College, Canibri.lge. ISii:;; ordaineil ISiWi; vicar 
 of Christ Cluireh. I'a.l.linglon, since Iss). 1. The Old 
 I'aths, 187.'). 2. How to Prepare for Holy Communion, 
 Lon.. isn;, ISmo; new eil., ISS,5. ;{. How to Ciive 
 Thanks for Holy Communion, Lon., 18S2, p. Svo. 4. 
 Foundation Truths: a Course of Lenten Instructions, 
 Lon.. 1SS7. l2iuo. 5. Holy Communion Instructions 
 aiitl Devotiuns. I,»n., 1S87, ISmo. 0. The Mountain of 
 HIessedncss: .Sermons on the lieatitudes, Lcm., 1SS8, p. 
 Kidgway, E. 
 I{itl!;wnv9 .lanios 
 tory, Lon., Is7,i. I2ino. 
 IlidKWUy, Kobcrt, b. 1>*J0, at Mount Carmel, III. ; 
 received a common-school education ; curator of the de- 
 l)iirtment of birds in the U.S. National Museum since 
 187'.i. His published papers number more than two 
 hundred. 1. The Birds of Colorailo, Salem, Jlass., 187:!. 
 8vo, " -' 
 Dorothy's Troth, [verse,] Lon., 
 Hand-Iiook of English His- 
 2. Notes on the Bird Fauna 
 ialein, lS7;j, Svo. S. Ii 
 Fortieth Parallel. Wash. 
 Uiethiuiillrr, Cliristoiilier .liiiiics, [onie. vol. 
 ii., add.] I. Adventures of N. Brooke : How Imlia Wiis 
 Won, l.on., 1S77, 3 vcds. cr. Svo. 2. Julian the Apos- 
 tate : a Trageily, in Two Parts, Lon.. IssH. p. 8vo. 
 Kieii, CliarlcN, Ph.D., keeper (jf the Oriental JISS. 
 in the British .Miiseuu;. iiiid professor of Arabic and 
 Persian in I'niversity College, London. I. Catalogue of 
 the Persian Manuseripls in the British .Museum, Lon., 
 lS71l-8;i. 3 veils, imp. 4to. 2. Catalogue of the Turkish 
 Manuscripts in the Dritish .Museum. Lon., ISSS, r. Ito 
 lli(,'b>e, Kullctt. Poetical Works, Lon., Is7'5. 
 12mo. ' 
 Rigdcii, Martha. Memorials of Fanny Winton ; 
 2d ed.. Lon.. IS74. 12mo. 
 Ki««, i»Irs. The Pearly Gates, Lon., 1875, 16mo. 
 K'gS5__Hcv. Arthur, M.A., and Gooldeii, 
 « alter T. An Easy Introduction to Chemistrv, Lon.. 
 1873. i>. Svo. 
 lligfS, Arthur, member of the Soe'ety of Engineers 
 and of the Boyal Institution of (}roat, Britain. A Prac- 
 tical Treatise on the Sieam-Engine, containing Plans 
 1 c, ,^-., c on ' "'^'.'"^ 5"" ''"'^'^ ^"'' I '""' Arrangements of Details of Fi.xed Stoum-Enirines • 
 ey. Salem l.s,3, Svo. 3. Report on the Ornithology of with Essays, lllust. Lon., 1873, 4to. *= ' 
 the Fortieth Parallel. Wash., 1S77. 4. A Nomenclature Rise. Caroline 1 ost n tL «„„„■• „,. ti 
 of Colors for Naturalists, and Compendium of Useful , Kent iflf Fisherman Lon., ltV"8mr '■"'"' °'' ^'"^ 
 ^"rM',fo r''i?'v'''l A*'''"''- "I'l-'-i ^";,V'''^'^'>.'^:"- : «igg, Kdward. On the Compensation of Clocks, 
 ... A Manual oi .North Ainerican Birds Illustrated by , Watches, and Chronometers, Lon., IS7il, Svo 
 oTi I . ,-1 ,.. .. . "•> "<'U.,J D. ISil at Newcaslle-on-Tyne, En". : entered 
 oo„^l;';i,^^^!;^;!;i^,;;l/l;;^.^':^';s^!; i'.i^li^:s^^s^Ji;:^T,c7:z:::. '«'^'"■\,': '^'^ ,^-,n^ 
 ol theonlers, families, genera, and olber Kr.>iii.s of tbe l'."""'!''^' "I. "e W e.,leyan Training College. Ho was 
 lords of North America, eonslrueted on the luilitlietical ";""^6" P'''='^"''-'"t ot the W esleyan Conference in 1S7S. 
 He has been a member i,( the London school boanl for 
 many years; has contributed largely to denomina- 
 tional and other reviews, and, as English correspondent, 
 to the New York Christian Advocate. 1. The Churcli- 
 mnnship of John Wesley and Wesleyan Methodism, 
 pnncoplcs lirst Ijroiight into voguo liv Dr. Cuucw in 1 
 . . . I lie work will thus prove of great value to the 
 specniHsi, tlio'igh wi> fear that it presupposes in all ciuses 
 an e.\teiit ol inlbrmalioii possessed bv few studeiiUs or 
 amateur iirnithologists."--.V(i(i»n, xlvi. 287 
 And see BAiiiii, Si'knceh F., Hiipi-ti. 
 Ridley, Annie E. Better than'oood, Lon., 1880, I u;ct;ri'?;n'"l's-i "Z.n\ 'v^ ^\ 
 .Svo; 2d od., 1884. ' i i.ccture, l,on., JS, 1, 12mo. .1. National 
 Eiiucation in 
 Ridley, .-ttarian S. A Pocket Ouide to British ! cTmnaral'ive^'vflw of rfil^^r'Tn""' '"'I-' ^V' 
 Ferns, Lon., ISsl, l2mo. i-oniparative View of Church Organizations, Lon., 
 Ridley, Rt'v. William Henry, [ante, vol. ii., 
 odd.,] d. 1882. The titles of his tracts and sermons oc- 
 e'lpy seventeen pages of the British Museum Catalogue. 
 S.ine of them were very popular, ami of one more than 
 thirty thousand copies were issueil. 1. Bible Headings : 
 The Four (jospels, Lon., IS70, 12ino. 2. Bible Uead- 
 ings: The Acts of the Apostles, Lon., 1S75, p. Svo ; new 
 ed., 1884, cr. Svo. 3. The I'ath of Dutv : a Few Plain 
 Directions, Lon., 187U, ISmo. 4. Praying; the Neces- 
 sity anil Ailvaiitage of Diligent Prayer, Lon., ISSII, 
 ISmo. 5. The .\thana8ian Creed : a Plain Tract ; 2d 
 ed.. Lon., ISsl, fp. Svii. 
 Ridpath, .lohn Clark, LL.D., b. 1840; eilucateil 
 at Asbury (now De Pauwj University; profes.sor of Eng- 
 lish literature at Asbury University IsliO to 1871, anil 
 since then professor of belles-lettres and history, and 
 vieo-president since IS7'.I, 1, History of the United 
 States, for Schools: on a New Plaii, embracing the 
 Features of Lyman's Historical Chart, St. Louis, IS7.'), 
 Svo; new eil., rev., I,S78. 2. Popular Hijtory of the 
 United States, lllust. St. Louis, 1870, Svo. 3. A 
 Cyclopieilia of Universal History: being an Account of 
 the I'rinciual Events in the Career of the Human lluoe. 
 1280 ' 
 10. A 
 . - - = - -, --»., 1887, 
 Rigg, S. S. The Commercial Federation of the 
 British Empire, ("Our Greater Britain,") Macehoster, 
 1888, p. Svo. 
 Rigg, T. G. Political Parties: their Present Posi- 
 tion and Prospects, Lon., 1^S1, p. Svo. 
 RiSgs, Eliaj., D.D., LL.D., [„„u, voL ii.,add.,] b. 
 1810 ; graduated at Amherst College 1S20, and at Ando- 
 vcr Theological Seminary 1832; missionaiv at Constan- 
 tinople since 1853. Ho has published translations and 
 other works in the Bulgarian and Armenian languages. 
 1. suggested Emendations of the Authorized English 
 \ersion of the Old Testament, Andover, Muss., 1873, 
 12ino. 2. Suggested Modi'ications of the Revised Vcr- 
 sion of the New Testament, Andover, Mass., ISS3 Pmo 
 Riggs, Emma E. (Ed.) The .My.stio Key: Poetic 
 I ortune- feller, N. York, 187S, 24m.). 
 RigSs, Stephen Return, D.D., LL.D., inn/,, 
 vol. „ add.,] 1812- iss.i; graduated iit Jeifcr.-on College. 
 I'a., Ls;i). 1. T„h'-koo Wah-kaii; or, The (io.spil 
 among the Dakotas: with an Introduction by S. Ii. 
 Ireat, Secretary of the American Hoard of Congrega- 
 tional Foreign Slisaions, Bost., 180!l. 
 "For a systematized and authentic account of those 

 facts in Piikotnii life which cnnccni the sliKleiit of nbo- 
 riKiniil Aiiiuncmi rol];.'ioM.s unci ciisioiiis wc must l(«il{ to 
 tills uiipiclciiaiiigvuiume rather than iinywhure else."— 
 !tatwn, XI. 01. 
 2. Mury and I: Forty Years with the Sioux: with 
 an Introduction hy .S. C. Dartictt, t'hic, IS80, IL'mo 
 Witli \Vir.i,iAiiso\, .1, S.. Tlie Ilihic in Dalirita, ISrif. 
 Ililey, C'hnrlCN Viilciitiiii", I'li.U., h. Isi:;, iu 
 T.oniUin : ciliiciLte 1 at l)ie|i|n' and lionn : leuioved to tlie 
 United States ii: iMill; was Slate cntoua.lo^^ist cd' .Mis- 
 souri ISIi.'i-TT, iiuil since l.s.'<l ha.s hail uhnygv of the eu- 
 touiolofiical divisicui of tlie I'.S. dciiartuicut of agricul- 
 ture, which he cu'i^anizeil, hohliug also tlie ollU'e of 
 curat,.! of insects in the -National .Museum, liesides 
 reports and numerous papcis, he has puhlisheil : 1. 
 I'olttto I'ests: the Coloiado I'.itato- Hectic and other In- 
 s>,et Foes in .V(uth .Americil: with Suggcstiiuis for their 
 Destruction, N. York, isri'i, IJino. i. The Locust 
 I'laguc iu the Inited Sta'es ; a Treatise on the Uocky 
 Mountain Locust: will, I'ractical Ueeouimciulations for 
 its Destruction, Chic, IS77, hiiuo. 
 Kiley, H. I.. .\rran>;ementof Ccin.«olidalcil County 
 Court Oriicrs and Uiiles, I. on., 1>,S0, p. ,Svo. 
 Itilcy, Uev. I. Syrian Ilome-Iiife: compiled from 
 Materials furnished by Kcv. Henry Harris Jessup, »«- 
 pra,] X. Vork, l.'^ri, IL'm .. 
 Uiley, .1. Ilainsdcil. The Yorkshire Lodges: a 
 Century of Yorkshire Freemasonry, Leeds, Issj, ito. 
 Itiley, Jlimes. Poems, Host., I.s.'di, l2ino. 
 Hiley, Jaiiie:,i M'liitvoinb, b. IS.iL', at (Jrccnfield, 
 Ind. : is conncch'd with the In.lianapolis .loiirnal, and 
 hii3 contributeil to magazines. I. Tlic Old Swimiiiiu'- 
 llole, and 'Leven mmc I'oeuis. liy licnjamin F. .lolin- 
 SNn. of Boone. Indianapolis, IS.S:;', IBaiii. L'. The Boss i 
 Girl, and other Shetchcs, j \erse and prose,] lndi:inapo. 
 lis,^i). H. Afterwhiles, liidianap(dis, iss7, H'm,,. .|. 
 Character Sketches anil I'oems, 1SS7. .'1. Old-Fashioned 
 Koses: Ve ses and Sonnets, Lnn., l<ss, fp. Svo, 
 Ililey, Juli II .Vtlii-lstaii liiiwiie, .M..\., F.R.ti.S., 
 graduated at I'emhroke College, 0.\ford, |. A 
 I'rymer fm- the Laity, set forth after the Anticiit 
 I'rymcrs of S::lisbury Use: containing the Hours of 
 the Holy Name and of Our Lady, the (iolden Litany, 
 the XV O's, and Divers other Devout I'rayers aiid 
 (ii)odly Orisims, (l.\f., IST.S, IL'mo. 2. Alhos! or. The 
 Mcuintain of the Monks, lllust. and Map. Lon., ISS7, 
 '•Mr. Riley studied tholifeof the monks of Miunit .Vtlms 
 under favourable circumstances. He spent si.'c wick ■ 
 among them, and brousbi w illi him an iiurudiiclinu iVuiii 
 the I'atriarch of Cniistaiilinoplc. . . . The romantic iiiicr- 
 est which altaidics to Itiesc mnmisteries ... is here com- 
 pletely wanting. Iliil.iiotwiihslaiidtiigthis.wecaii recom- 
 mend 1 I.I' 1,00k as Hiving al once a triulilul and an amiisiiig 
 aceonni of a very remarkable comiuuniiy."— H. F. Tozi:n: 
 -■lC;;(/,, XX.Xii. Ml). 
 Itilcy, Theoilori! M. Charles (ieorge Cordon, a 
 Xincteemii Century Worthy of the Fnglish Church : a 
 Biographical Sketidi, .Milwaukee, 1S,>;,><, |2iiiii. 
 KilllbailH, i:(Iwill'a I'., LL.l)., [n,il.; vid. ii.,add.] 
 1. (Fd.) The Old Cheiiuc-Book ; or. Book of Ueinem- 
 brance uf the Chapel Itoyal, from l.ilH to 1714, (Cam. len 
 Soc. Pub.,) Lon., lsr2, 4to. '2. Musical tnstruuicnts, 
 ("Pritiah Jliiniifacturing Industries,") Lon., IS71I, IL'mo. 
 Riininer, AlfVvtl. 1. Ancient Stone Crosses of 
 Fngland. lllust. Lon,, ISTfi, Svo. 
 " In spite of all that ha.s been diaie since, there is noth- 
 ing ill it which minlit not have been written seveiitv veais 
 KL'o."— .lcu((., viii. ;i;,W. " ■ 
 2. Ancient Streets and Homesteads of England, and 
 an Introduction by the Very Uev. .1. S. Ilowson, D.D., 
 Dean of Chester : with One ilundred and Fiftv Illustra- 
 tions from Drawings by :he Author, Lon., 1877, 8vo : 
 new ed., 18711. 
 "Mr. Kimiu( r a.ssuiciUv posse,sses the rennisito taste 
 and Hiititiide |iir cx|ioiin(liiig the features ot interest on 
 which his eyes have lighteil."-,S(i^ Avr., xliii. .'rJS. 
 :*. Pleasant Spots around Oxford. Ulust. Lon., 1S7S, 
 Svo. i. Our Old Country Towns. lllust. Lon., 1S81, 
 si|. Kiino. ; 
 'Ht' has extracted the loeal essences of countless county : 
 histories ; he has the local legends niul traditions at his | 
 l!!!::er-eii<!s, and he link- i-.,!,rinivrrtt.i.. hisioile Wf;rlhics 
 with the scenes where they (llMlnguishea themselves by 
 the threads of ussociatioii he has been at iiaiiis to un- 
 ravel."— .sVi(. llei'., II. :m. 
 S. Uauibles round Eton and Harrow. lllust. Lon., 
 1.882, sq. 16ino. 0. About England with Dickens. lllust. 
 I.on., 1S8;1, ICino. 7. The Early Homes of Prince Al- 
 bert, lllust. Edin., 188:!. .Svo. 8. Stunyhuist. lllust. 
 of B:inkruptcy: with :in A| 
 2. Outline of the Law of Tort, 
 1 I,on., 1881, fol, and imp. 4to. With IIowsoN, Joitv 
 I S.M-i,, Architectural Drawing Studies, Lon., 1871, fol. 
 ! Ilinimcr, It., F.L.S. The Land and Fiesh-Water 
 ■ Shells (jf the liriiisli Isles. lllust. Lon., |ss|, er. Svo. 
 ' Itiiiinier, M illiiiiii. I8lii-l87ii, b. iu Liverpool! 
 Fu'.'. . removed with his family to the United States in 
 181.S; studied art and exccutcil several works in painting 
 and sculpture, but dcvoicd liinisdt i-hiillv to ti'iichiiig 
 and lecturing in Boston ami .New York. l'. Elements of 
 l)csign. Bust., 1872: new cil., rev., 18711, Svo. 2. Art 
 Anati.iny: Designs in llcliotypc Plates: with Dcsorip- 
 lue Texl. liosl., 1877, obi. Jto. Only ."ill ci.pies printed. 
 " Dr. Kimiuer is known . . . ns a dniiiKhlsmaii cd' siiij.Mi- 
 lar power, shown especially in a eo.isiniiiuaic nia.stcrv of 
 the liiimaii tigiire. . . . 'I he work , . . is an alias of cii,''htv- 
 iiiie hclioiypc rc|.roiUictiuns of a ^^aies of dr.nvings, ' . 
 Inrniiiig what wc may call a uramnufofexpressicai lor the 
 hiiinan lnrm. . . . There is no separate lexl. bill exiilana- 
 lions are sii|iplie.l by brief notes."— .Yo/Zoh, xxv. l-'o. 
 ItilnU'l-, .1. Dark Mght : a Service of Sacred Sung 
 from Sirange Tales, Lon.. ISsii, p. Svo. 
 ItiliL'r, J. .V. Wyoming Territory Supremo Court 
 Report.-, vol. ii., (187S-S2,) X. York and Albanv, Hs.'j, 
 Itiiijier, Mrs. J. (Trans.) Th.i Blc.-sed will know 
 each other in Heaven; friim the French of Abbe Elie 
 -Meric. D.D.. N. -^ ork, I8S8, 2lino. 
 Itill^'KoM. -inincs T. I. Index to Maryland De- 
 cisions, frcaii 1st Harris ,t .Mcllcnry to lilst '.Marvland 
 Reports, including llland & Johnsc'.ii, (with lieferences 
 to tlie Digests.) Bait., 18S(i, Svo. 2. Table of Maryland 
 Cases, Bait., 1SS7, svo. 
 ltiii;;\\ nit, John Lilthcr. 1. American Fncyolo- 
 pa'dia of Printing, I'liila., |S71, imp. Svo. 2. Develop. 
 iiiciit .if Tian.-port;itioii Systems ii the United Slates. 
 Illiist. i'hilii.. iss.s, Ito. 
 Itin;:u'o<)(l, Itii-linrd, M.A.. graduated at Trinity 
 CoUege, Dnliliu ; lallc.l tu the bar at the Middle Temple 
 ]s7". I. The Principbs •■ " ' 
 pcndix, Lon., Is7!i, 
 Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 Kink, Dr. Ileiiiy, director of the Boyal (ireeiiland 
 Tloanl of 1. Talcs and Traditions of the Eskimo: 
 with a Sketch of their Habits, Language, and 
 other rcciiliarities. Translated from the Danish liv the 
 .Aatlior. Edited by Dr. liubcrl Brown. Lon. and Filin., 
 Is7."i, .--,o. 
 "This small voliniic makes n large contriboiion to the 
 early bistiiry of niankiiul. as well as to its .special subject. 
 . . . 'I be iiiiitirials of th.' laics aial iradilioiis have been 
 gaibereil Ir Ihcoral ni iial of iialives, and Dr. U\i,k lias 
 added a ninst inslriictive and iiileresling iiitroduel.'i v ilis- 
 eourso. — T. E. I i,ih-k I.ksi.ik: ,4c(1(/., ix. 47. 
 2. Danish (ireenland: its Pco]de and its Pro.lii.ts. 
 Fditi'd by Dr. Ilobert Brown. Lon., 1877. p, Svo. 
 " lir. Kink's book is an a.lmirable s|)ccimeii of a closely 
 anil yet judiciously eoinleiiscil niiiiiogra|.li on a most iu- 
 t.avsliiig regi.iii. It lake^ iis place, wiih.jiit dispiucas the 
 best w.irk on liiecnlan.l in llie Fnglish laiignage."-(i,i m- 
 K.STs It. .Maukium : Antil.. xii. I21i. 
 3. (Trans.) Memoirs of Hans Hcn.lrik, the Arctic 
 Traveller, serving nn.ler K:ine, Haves, Hall, Xares, 
 18.-,:;-7il. Written by Himself. Tran.-'latc.l fr.ini the Es- 
 kimo Language. Edited by Prof. Dr. (i. Stephens, 
 F.S.A. Lon., IS7S, cr. sv.i.' 4, The Eskimo Tribes: 
 their Di.-tribulion an.l Characteristics, esiiecially in re- 
 garil t.) Language: with a Comparative Vocabulary an.l 
 a Skelidi-Map, Copenhagen. Isss, Svo. 
 "It I'oiitaiiis ill a coii.leiiscil shape ciaielnsioiis arriveil 
 at alter forty years' study of tli.' Kskimo. ( if those, Iweiitv- 
 Iw.i siinimcrs ami sixteen were s]ieiit in ilrccn- 
 laml. ... Us iiuporlancc 10 illinol. .gists caiiii..t well 
 be ovircslimaled ; for, if Dr. Kink has established aiiy- 
 tbiiii.'. he has clearly shiiwii (hat the Fskimo arc an Ameri- 
 can people, with only sliL'hl relations lo .\sia, ami none 
 whatever to Kiirop... "— .b/i., No. "AV.K 
 Itiolii, Henry, teacber of liussian in the StalfC..'- 
 legc, Cambcrley, 1. How to Head Russian: a Manual 
 basc'l on tlio Ollendoririan Svstcm : with I'relacc by 
 W. R. S. Ralston : with Key, Bost., |S78, 2 vols. Svo. 2. 
 A Oradiialc.1 Russian Reader: with Vocabulary, Host., 
 l.sSil, l2mo, 
 Itiordnn, Itoger, b, 1-48, in Ireland, now resident 
 in N.'w ^"..rK, A S.--.]re of Etchin::? : Exauii'lcs by Cele- 
 brated English Etchers: with Critical an.l Descrijitivo 
 Text. N. Y.irk, issii, fol, 
 Itiorcliiii, Williniii Kciward, surgeon-major. 
 The Origin .4' Heart Diseases and Aneurism in the 
 Ariiiy,, 1 87s, p. Svo. 
 Kiplcy, Charles. (Trans.) History of a Paiisi- 
 cnue, by Octave Feuillet, I'hila., lss|, pn. K'.mo. 
 ! <•« 

 ■."''^l^^',^^^;^'^.rr?":,.!::r.^l^«-i^-^wi> '".-"• m 
 ojoiin (i,,|,.v, „| I'h-mouth. 1. My I'.iri^li iiml wli„f 
 mi'li'jnH ,„ it, ,ilu,j;,„v. IS71!, ,,. ,Svo. 2 The iw. 
 Kiiii-hlcr, (ihiSL'ow, 1S72. i, Sn, ■{ ,ZJ, a- J 
 g.'w/'isV. ;,'7...''- '7"V,/'-,^'"'.'-.':"^'"^« of I'l'loe, (iias 
 ,'. ;■ ■, ^" ' '" "''" "'"■" onairiuil U> her 
 - cc.u.ui, Mr. Itiehmond Thiukorny Uitahi... 1. M Ken 
 sington I,o„.. isr.i, svo: ,|,h o,l. j„,r. '" 
 Svo "'"""■"'^^ I^>-ys, andotliei-.Slnrios, 1,,,,,., I,s74, ,,. 
 s 8 ' V; ' ■ ;.'• ^ '^- ^ '■« F|,„ve,- „f th,. (iras,.,„ark«t, 
 iv. ' J b' , ■•"'"'""'■-"""•^e,Storii..s, I,on., l,S7il n 
 Mo. U Sought ttn.| Save.!, l„m., 1S8I, „ i,,, i^^' 
 Onwaril8crios, ,011., IsM), |, s,.,, i i M„L.Vc- ' 
 or, Wa.,to nor, ^Van't not L„ , is,. • ,*' v!" l'- '7^'' 
 -M" and lili.h, : a Tale, L„n. /s,-^ , ^^^ H ' L ,tle 
 All IS nut (ioUl that Olitter... l,o„., issi, „ '""';,''' ' .',T' 'ul in il^-^en' thai'we ^miy a.^ret'T); 'l^l''!; 'V''/ '■" '"■"?".'- 
 ! 4. Ali.«s An«el I,on., 1,S7.^ p. Svo; new e.l., hil'J 
 ( ri'P •efoiiio IS Angelici Kaumnnnn, the ailist.) 
 Ti,„i,,„,, « „i, „ |.„,„„ „„j Hi,.„i.i .v.,„. 'i™; 
 li. M'KlaniedoSovign*-., ("FoioignChis.«ics for Kng- 
 ) l-,din., I SSI, li'mo. 
 .';'*''■';.•■'"."• .t'"- 27. I, Benjaini 
 the tiiil War, Lon., Iss), „ St-o •>s Th„ vt ". ' 
 Hipley, W. II. Anal.vtioMl iJige.t an.'l Indev In 
 Hipper, \V. Praotieal Chemialry : with Notes an,I 
 ^; "t'lss"" ^"''°-"'='" C'"""-'ry, ton., ISstl's;" ■ 
 •> ^HmMi^'f ' *V '• ""»''-n""l< on China-l'aintin.. 
 .. Iliind-liuokon lape.^try-I'aintin-. I,„n., iss.j ° 
 of ^J^^i:?,.'^!!^': ^,«- ''--'■" Ke."in.ce„ce. 
 are nc,THli".k!''''' ','>■''"''''"' "''niinl^'oiioesnf sistor Dora' 
 <lalu.shioKra,,i,y."_.s^,;,,,„,,„. Hv .,-,-! '^'^^'"' ■^''"'' '-"""■ 
 ^^.Uishell, U5-8«„. E|fHda:"a Ununa, Vhih... 18S:!. 
 lish Iteadors, 
 ' Mis.s Tliackeniv 
 n Jlobeck: a .Story of ;,'' «''^ ""«' ^•'"'"I'in? of lady ImJ^rlS^JT^ 
 vo. 28. Iho Vt..,..),^,,.. '""">■ _ ' • 
 I8si f^';,"'"l''''»^'on'.. Divagations. Illu.t. I,„n., 
 ISSI, p. Svo. S. A liook of S byls: Mi> HarhauM 
 Wjss Edgeworth, M... Opie, Miss Austen, l' on. 1 883" p' 
 |^ at 0,1, e dolicale aii.l (li.s(rlniiimtiiig."-.s<,/: ii", ivj 
 "^- I nl' » 1 i'h iV a .11 . 1' ' "S" ""","!'". '"><" ll"' "Mlv 
 • iK.vF.riii, CiirTinsM : 
 "nahS or ,l™,ri''''"^';■^'''?■^^^ ''>' ■'" "K'"ii.s easy to 
 I ho .N.Miei, the Haiti,., and the Vletoiy ; l/ilV of ]{ 
 £ ;=w:;;;?c»,i!:'fe„:""" """''' 
 Kitchii", Mrs. .Viine Isnbeiln, („w, yoi ii; 
 Ti.ACKK,..u-,M,.ss A.NNK E,.,z,v>KT. a id. ] b ." 8 in 
 -pent ,. .MP j,.a„ „f hor childhood in Fnuiee hut Inn,i the greater part of her lifo in „n J ,?, ,|, ^ 
 """,™ "> ""o (-ornhill Magazine un.ler her father's 
 Hitciiifi, ! K. In I.„,,e ,.,n.i lionour: a Story of 
 f-eot,di Country I,ife, Lon., 18,88 ,.r Svo ' 
 b is.d, at « renihaui, .Vuflolk ; eduoalod al In veroilv 
 College, London: a ,le.erip,ive ,vriter, ..onneete.lnitV. 
 the Viiuy News, tlio London Ill!ii.tniti'.i Xcws, iinil the 
 Christian World, to the Inst of wliiuh hi' has contributed 
 articles umler the signature of " (■hri>to|iher Crayon" 
 for more than thirty .years. 5. Kii'liard Cobden : a Ili- 
 o«raphy, I,on., |srir>, fp, Nvo. 2. The UeliKious Life of 
 London, Lon., LS7(I, Svo. ;;. On the Track of the I'il- 
 grim Fathers; or, lloli. lays in Holland, Lon., IsTH, p. 
 ■Svo. 4. The Cruise of the "Klena;" or, Vauhtin^'' iii 
 the Hebrides, Lon,, IS";, cr. Svo. :,. Imperial sin in 
 South Afriea, Lon., l87il. Svo. li. Days and .\i;rhts in 
 London: Studies in lilack and firay, Lon., Isso.^p. Svo. 
 7. Chrislo|)her Crayon's Christinas Stories, Lon., ISSI,' 
 Svo. 8. KiistAnglia: Personal Kecolkrlions and His- 
 toricnl As.'ociations, Lon., Is,s2, p. svo. !i. Famous City 
 Men, Lon., IS.SH, Svo. Id. Christoph('r Crayon in ,S<-ot- 
 lanil : from the Siraiid to Slornoway, Lon.. Iss.i, p. Svo. 
 11. Christopher Crayon aiiionf;st the iioo>l Saiiiiuitiin-' 
 Lon., LS84, ,Svo. 12. Life of W. K. (Jladstonu, Lon.! 
 ISSI, p. Svo. L). To Canada with immigrants: Actual 
 Kxperience. Illast. Lon., Iss."), p. Svo. II. Money- 
 Making Men: or. How to (irow Rich, Lon., Is.SB, 'p. 
 Hvo. la. Her M'ljesty, Ihm- Ancestors, and her Family! 
 Lon., 1S87, 12mo. 10. Hydropathv and Health; or. 
 Sketches of Kstablishinents, Ac. Illusl. Lon., Isss 
 12ino. 17. Lives of the Seven Sons of (icorgo the 
 Thiiil, Lon.. !8SS, p. Svo. IS. Our Premiers: from 
 \\alpole to Salisbury, Lon., LSSS, p. Svo. I'.l. The 
 Quei'ii and the Royal Family, Lon., ISSS, p. Svo. 
 Ititi-hie, John Paul. Scnuonic Fancy Work on 
 the Figures of our First Aequaintiiiicos in j.itcrature- 
 2d eil., Lon., 1S81, p. Svo. 
 Riti-hic, Rev. Williaiii. 1. .s.ripture Testimony 
 aijuinst Into.xicating Wine, Lon., ISds, l2nio. 2. Tli'e 
 Prodigal's Return: Lessons of Penitence and Pardon 
 Kdin., IsClt, 12IU0. .1. liihie Truth and Broad-Church 
 Krror, Lon., Is78, p. Xy„, 
 Ititteiihoiise, Lniira .r. 1. Mainina'» .Stories f,ir 
 Little People. N. York, 1S86. Ifimo. 2. Out of the 
 l.^pth-s, lirattleborough, Vt., 1S,86, Svo. 
 Ritter, Ulr.s. Fanny Raymond, wife of F. L. 
 Rirtcr. iii/,;i. I. (Trail,-.) Catechisiu of .Music, liy ,1. 
 C. Lobe: new ed., Phila., I87<), 12ino. 2. (Trans.) Let- 
 ters on Music to a Laily, by L. Ehlcrt. L.ju., |s77, p. 
 8vo. :i. (Trans.) Music and Musicians, by Robert Schu- 
 mann, X. York, 1877-SII, two series, Svo. I. Woman 
 as a Musician, N. York, IS77, l2'no. i>. Some Famous 
 Sonns: an Art Historical .Sketcli, Lou., 1S7S, Svo. (i. 
 (Trails.) The Piano-Forte Teacher's tiuiile, by L, Plaidv' 
 Lon., 1S82, p. Svo. 7. Songs and Ballads, X. York! 
 MiS', 12mo. 
 Ritter, Frederic Loiii!*, .Mus. Doc, b. is:it, at - 
 Strassburg; studied music iu France an I InTmany; re- I 
 moveil to the United States in I85B, oig;iiii.:ed musical ! 
 societies and festivals in Cincinnati and .\ew York, and I 
 since IS74 hiis resided at Poughk,;epsie, N,Y'. He is 
 well known as a composer and as a contribuior to peri- I 
 odic.ils. I. The Student's History of Music, Lon,, lS7,'i ■ i 
 2d ed,, 1881), p. Svo. 2. (Kd.) The Realm of 'fones ; ' 
 Portraits of European Musicians: with Biographical 
 Notices and an Appendi,\ of .Vmerican .^Tusicians, X. 
 York, I8s;i, lio. :i. .Music in F;nglanil, X. York, ISS.i! 
 12ino. 4. Music in America. X. Y'ork ISSH, 12mo. 
 "These two volnuies , . , will l,o road with t-cncral in- 
 terest, I lie nulhor d.ies not cmtont himself with a drv 
 eiiumeratioii of ev.Mits. Inn cimtiniiiinv tUsciissos the 
 social aspects ol his lopie."— .\a//o/i, .x.'ixvi'il. 348. 
 0. Manual of Musical History, from the FInoch of 
 Ancient (Jrceoe to our Present Time, N. York, 1888. 
 fi. Musical Dictation : Two I'arta. Part 1 
 Primers.") Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 Ritter, J. P., Jr. Marie; a Sea-Sido Eni.sode, 
 X, York and Chio., 18S8, I2iuo. 
 Rivers, A 
 1S7'J, Kinio. 
 Ain<>lie. Sec Chanier, .Mits. Am£lii!, 
 (" Music 
 John 'Trueman's Rise in Life, Lon., 
 <> Rivers, Pearl," (Pseud.) See Nicholson, Mm. 
 F.i.iz.v .Fank, miprn, 
 Rivers, Rev. Richardson Henderson, b. 
 181 1; graduated at La Orange College, Alabam,,, ISlio; 
 has held many college professorships, presidencies, and 
 pastorates in the .Methodist Episcopal Chui»:h. 1. Men- 
 till Philosophy, Nashville, 1871, 12moj 3d ed., 1876. 
 2. ,'«.^ral P|-,i|..,„phy, X:ishviilc, i,-,Vi, izmo; .'id ed., 
 18,P. .1. Our Young People, 188l(. 4. Life of Bishop 
 Kobert Pttinc, 1884. ' 
 Riversdale, A. Winnie; or, Love's Ventures, 
 lion., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Rivington, A. The Track of our Emigrants: a 
 New Dominion for Englishmen, Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 Rivington, F. Life an.l Writings of SL Paul the 
 Apostle: with .Map, Lon.. l.'-TI, l2rno. 
 Rivington, l,ulu'. 1. Authority: a Plain Reason 
 tor Joining the Church of Rome, Lon., ISS8, p. Svo. 
 2. Dust: a Letter to C. Gore on Roman Catholic Claims. 
 Lon., ISSS, Svo. 
 Rivington, S. History of 'Tonbridge School from 
 \:>:>^. Lun., 1S7(). Ito. 
 Rivington, Walter, F.R.C.S., surgeon to the Lon- 
 . dim Hospital, 1.,.,il Kdueatioii and Medical Or- 
 I ganizMtion. (Hunteri:in Oration,) Lon., 1S7',I, Svo. 2. 
 Tne .Medical I'rofe.ssion. iFir' Carinicliael Prize K>.'say,) 
 Lon.. ISMl, Svo. :i. Rupture of the frinary Bladiler, 
 I based on the Record of more than Three Hundred Cases, 
 I Loll., Issii, Svo. 
 RixforU, E. II. The Wine-Prcss and the Collar: 
 Manual lor the Wine-Maker and the Cellar-Man. lllust. 
 ; X.York, ISS:L l2mo. 
 Roach, Sallie Neill. Theon : a Talc of the 
 I American Civil War, I'hila,, ISs2, 12ino. 
 Roach, T. Elementary Trigonometry, 0.xf., 1887. 
 I !>. Svo. .■. . I 
 Roads, Samuel, Jr. 1. The History and Tradi- 
 tions of M:irblehead. [] lllust. Bost., ISSn, Svo. 
 2. (iiiide to Marblehead. lllust. Marblchead, 1881, 
 Roback, Henry. The Veteran Volunteers of Her- 
 kimer and Otsego Counties in the War of the Rebellion : 
 being a History of the One llumlred and Fitly-Second 
 Xew \ork Volunteers, Little Falls, N.Y., Isss, Svo. 
 Robarts, U. H, lEd.) .Mexican War Vetr.ans: a 
 Complete Roster of the Regular and Volunteer T, oops in 
 the War between the United Slates and Mexico, from 
 IsJOto 1S48. Compiled from OtBoial Sources. Wash., 
 Robb, David Constable, and Veley, V. H. 
 Haiid-Boidi of the l'olari.«coiie ; adapte.l from the (ier- 
 man ol 11. Laod.ilt, Lon,. 18,s2. And see Faii.xvku, 
 I'llA.NK. ^iljtril. 
 Robbins, AHred Farthing, b. issii, at Launoes- 
 lon, Cornwall. 1. in Doubt. By Tom Clifton. |S7S. 
 '-. live \ea:s of Tory Rule: a Lesson and a Warning. 
 By Xeines:s. Lon., IS71I, Svo. 3. Sir Beville Gren- 
 ville. the Knight of the West, Launceston, 18S4. 4 
 Laiinceston. Past and Present, Launceston, 1885. 
 •• Kaivly indeed has the lii.-tory of a single town shown 
 greaier re.-e.uvh than has been displayed by Mr. Robbins 
 III Ins deseriplojii o| lus natiyc place."— .Icuii., xxviil. 41. 
 ■>. Practical Politics ; or, The Liberalism of To-Dav. 
 Lon., 188S, l2mo. •" 
 Robbins, Uaniel C. Statement on the Present 
 Condition of Bankruptcy Legislation in Great Britain, 
 France, and the United States: prepared for the Infor- 
 mation ol the Cliainber <if Commerce of the State of Xew 
 York, X. York, ls,s2. Svo. 
 Robbins, .Mrs. M, C. 1. (Trans.) Eugiine Fro- 
 inentm, I'amter iind Writer. By ,M. L. Gonse. lllust. 
 Bo^t., ISsi), s,|. Svo. 2. (Trans,) The Old Masters of 
 Belgiiiin and Holland, by Eugene Froincntin. lllust. 
 Bost., 1SS2, si|. 12mo. 
 Robbins, .Mrs. S. .S. 1. Highland Scries, X. York, 
 L87,, (i voh. ISino. 2. Moore's Forge: a Talc, N. York, 
 1877, sq. ICino. 3. One Happy Winter; or, A Visit to 
 Flo"hlii. X. York, |s77, sq. Kiuio. 4. Hester Truowor- 
 Ihy s Royalty, X. York, ISSI), l(i,„o. 5. .Mabel's Step- 
 mother, X. York, 1SS2, 16mo. fi. Faith Thurston's 
 Uork, and how she ilid it, N. York, 18S4, 12mo. 7. 
 .Flick, who Persevered, X. York, ISSfi, lOmo. S. Bert, 
 the Enterprising Boy, X. York, 1SS6, llimo. fl. Ba- 
 bette; or. Faithfulness, X. York, 1S8(), 16mo. Ji). Will ■ 
 or, Honesty, X. York, I8S6, 16mo. 
 Robbins, W. K. Hund-Book of India and British 
 Biiiiiiah. lllust. and .Map. Cin., ISS3, 16mo. 
 Robert, Henry .Martyn, b. 1837, in Beaufort 
 DisOict, S.C. ; giailu.ited at the U.S. Military Acailcmy 
 18,j7 ; served in the civil war; commissioiied "lieutenant- 
 colonel 1883. and bus been since (hen sujierintendent of 
 river and harbo.- iiiiproveiuenta and defeiwes at Phila- 
 delphia. Rules of (irder lor Deliberative Assemblies, 
 Chic, 1876. ISiiio. 
 Roberts, Rev. Ale.tander, D.D., [(iii(p, vol. ii., 
 a.ld.,] professor of humanity .n the University of St. 
 Andews. 1. (Trans.) Writings of IreniBus and Illppoly- 
 ■ III" 
 ■JiH'oil.u.lMH., r i, r ', , ',^;'™ >'•"."' '""i^ 'as^u,l 
 lil"i;'f:&;:^';;r,'''^:>''^'''''^^ m .v,e M.iom. 
 R<)l)eTts, Itcv, Arthur \l \ r . , .. 
 Will' :;M"b t ' ^'^■" ^«/-«i ^ix Cemuric. „, 
 » "n^n!^:!,^!{^:r"'- '^^ '.-•■''= re,i..o,latCroe«. ' 
 no>v, isso I's "r ""'"'" '" ""'««• L""., I.S7a, l2mo ; : 
 A"th,..,,„;;,Hr^|'::l";(';,;- ""1''-^. I- A Manual of 
 KobertN, Kredcrick T.. M.U U <,. p i, r. i. 
 o.Nam,nc.,. i„ „„.,|i,.i„„ „ „„, I^,J■a c;;McL; .I'sw;'^-' •' 
 prole»8or„flh,.,.a|...uti,., i„ lni;,.,.-i( r, I, ' "««;'"S- 
 cino, Lon 
 I. .HV(,. 
 I."!'I's7!';";:,-'s',,,'-'''"-' ''"^'""'■«»' "f Threa,lncedlc Street, 
 • 'm?'!"7''*' •'"'"' """Kliaiii, A M M I) h w..> 
 - ^..w M„a.;;e.^^: 7Z fn^l:-'l;^tV!^:"i?- i -.-1 ,, ,„,, -, ,: , ,..,„. . ..„ 
 H..,.tir.t 1,00k, Ma.lenioiselle Moil, was '" 
 lW.„,s_of Wiia Life, (..Ca;..e.bu;y I^tV-TLon; 'iS^ 
 ge.uo._o..i„„, (i,s,Msnrp«b:b;";;;nt.ur 
 l2uio; new ed., 18(14, 
 Ituli,,,,. struggle. "_.s;,^kT:,U*^.i77 "'" ■''-'"""«s "f the 
 2. Uenise, Lon., ISIiiJ, 2 vols' 
 p- •'*vii. Anon. 
 please ev,.,, 11,. si r™ o rs u-'i,;. .V'^ S"," «''r''<'ly fail to 
 novels bu, r,.allyl.'HVrl;,',?.^^^'.s5; l'^,^*! '^^^l '^VV rea.l ,i„ 
 .1. Madame Foutenoy : a ,«iorv i;,'„, 1 siu . a 
 new eds., IS72, 187s r>mn i «,' i 7 , '"*' '• ^''" ■ 
 cr. ^vo, 2d ed:"»,:i„e";,e;i;"""'^Th,: r"'- '^"1^- '''^' ^;'''' «''>i"''"^''"i^'H'lMlumea';;'o''^''''''r^^^ 
 lU \ ictoria. Lon.. IKHA (i U',„„, ,..u. ■ '. ,,*-'"""""■" 1. ■12. 
 Roberts, David Llovd.Af n f n n n 1 •• 
 of","X'ol\v m"''''"- ^'; (T™.-.) The Chancellor 
 12mo. '■reueriLK ill. and \ ictoria, Lon., 1S8,S, 
 18.^8, I2mo, 
 ,„ - : Huh, and'other T„le , L , ; "-; ' ' i',' >• ^ f ' I»,"k« I'l- 
 illust. N.Vork. Woo,,war,,:.„ ^^^.^^fmul^!'- tZ.\!:!:il^ 
 ■ »". I-. Ose: or. The Alpine Flower, Lon.! IS77,' 
 pauI!l''-'r„K'lx!'*^^^ "'"•^' '«""""">': 'herds 
 22. Ilc8ter« Vfiituro: ii W„vel, I.oii., Is.sft, 3 vols cr 
 8yn. 2;(. A ChiM „f .!,„ R„v„mti«„, !,,„., Kss« p ;° ' 
 24. Th. Ki.Ull.r of l„,gu,u,. |.„n., 18:^7, , . Svo "^is A 
 I n.IrT a Clouil, I ., ISffs, erSvo '. !>• »vo. ji,. 
 Hoberls, Morley. The Western Ave.nuii; or, Toil 
 jinil rrav.l in further North AmcTieii, Lon., 1887, cr. 
 ".Mr. Kuhorl.s triiitipfil or worluMl his wiiv roiin.i ii... 
 greater |.,„1 of N-orll, AhumI,.,, with m,,"^,,?,."',, ,',',', 
 h .s Imiids „oul,| ,.„■■„ rr,„]i ,l„v m ,|„v u, 1 v I'l, l 
 '='"i'ir. ,„,ar,i,,„ whom ho ,o,ll,l pi'k" , " ' v l" 
 smption.sol s,.,.nrry are most ajiprecinlivo uMfho eu N 
 II a graphic iiiam.or iho varh'us shili. I . h h .'h ■ , 
 |.U in or,l,.r to keep I y «i„l .soul lo^.ther.-^.s,,/' y;;.;!; 
 Koberts, Oriiii .nilo, b. ISjo, in Lauren.. DUtriet 
 ; ,' K'!'"'""'';'' "' "»• liHver.sit.v of Alahania I8:!fi: 
 8tm iKM law,- chief justio.. of the, ,<„pr.,ne (.'oart 
 I87.|-,ll; sovcnior l,><7'.i-s:i, an,l sin.-e then prole.-sor 
 of law m the I'niver.sity of Texas, (iovenmr liohert-'.s 
 Uvvas, ,St. l.oiHs, l.ssl. 
 ["nn''"?'-!^;. """v'"'" "*■ '^''"™"'' "'"'■■'' C^ntraetr, Ac., 
 I Roberts, T. I'. Ucport of a Ueconnais.anee of 
 Roberts, Will worlli How land, an.l \Vnl|„ce. 
 >rir;,;js:.r- "-'^'^"^'^ -f •^"■i-^"' ^ 
 I ., Roberts, Sir Williniii, .M.D.. i.M{.,s., r,„„„ ,„, 
 ' "•. "'M..] h. .8:;o: kMiKhte.1 l>.s„: prole..,or of elin n f 
 me.liaine ,„ Owen.s Colk-e. .Maiiehester. I. 0„ S 
 taneoux (Jeneration an.l the l.oetrin,. of Contajiu m 
 Vivum, .Man.'he.s|ei-, 1877. 8vo. 1!. Hi-e-tive K.rn.^ 
 an.l til,. Pr,,,aration a„,l f.e of Al^in!;; M , ™^': 
 '■"; './""'••,'■:'"• '"'.' :'' "'•• l^**'. ;'• l-eetures oi! 
 Roberts, P. Louisiana .Supremo Court Reports 
 vols. .x.M.x.-.v.v.xi., ( 1877-7!!,) N. Orlean.s, l877-S(l, :i vols.' 
 Roberts, Rev. R. My Later Ministry ; bein- Ser- 
 mons. Ac, Lon., Is,s7, |,. Svo. " " 
 Roberts, R, II. [-rayer an.l Contemporary Criti- 
 oism : I'lve , -Sermons, i.oii., Is7:i, p Svo 
 Roberts, Ralph Augustus, l] E.xamples ,„,.! 
 Problems ,n Conies an.l Higher Plane Curves, Lon 
 1S>J, p. 8vo. 2. A Colleeti.m of Examples in the Ana' 
 lytieal (leomelry of Plane Conie.s, Ac, Dublin 1881 p 
 8V0. ;i. Inte-ral Calculus: Part I., Elliptic Integrals; 
 ivc. Lon., 1.SS7, n. 8vo. 
 Roberts, Sir Randal Hon land. Hart., b 
 '■;'.; f'-^'r'-lyj'f the :!:!,1 Eout; serve.l in the Crimea 
 an.l the fnclian .Mutiny. 1. Glenmabra; or. The West- 
 em IlighlanUs. Illust. Lon., 1S7II, p. 8vo. " (Tnn's ) 
 Iho Fellah: an Egyptian Novel, by E.lmon.1 Ab.m't. 
 Illust. Lon., 187(1, p. Svo; new eii., |n82. I! Moilcrn 
 War; or. The Campaign of the First Prussian Army 
 .luring the War 18711-71, Lon.. 1871, Svo. 
 "Sir KaiKlal Roberts lm.s belied mir expe.'tiitions an.l 
 proiliice.l a book wbieli i.s little more Iban the '''',! 
 (liiiBol his ori(!iiial letters t„ the ' Dailv Tebvraph ' vil i 
 lie luiduion ofa few tasteless oluin.s wiiieh h.. 1 , s ."i c" 
 .xSi ml *""■'' ^•"'''"'"'■'' "' "'■'* miiul."-8V,(. J?",!; 
 ■'• In 'he Shires: a Sporting Novel, Lon., 1887, p 
 8vo. 0. Ihe Sliver Trout, .in.l other Stories, Lon., 1887 
 p. Svo. (!. Curb anil .sinallle, Lon., 1888 p 3v„ ' 
 Roberts, Richard Arthur, b. is.^i ; o'tillel to 
 the bar nt the Inner Temple 1879; a junior oleik in the 
 Juhbo Reeor.l Olliee. (E.l.) Calenthir of Homo Oiliee 
 Paper-s of the Keign of (Jeorge III.: yol. iii., (Reeor.l 
 Ofhee Pub.,) Lon., 1881, 8vo. ^ 
 Rebels, Richard Lawton, M.D., M.K C S 
 Jllustrate.1 Lectures on Ambulaneo Work, L.m , 1885 ■, 
 8vo; 3ii e.l., 1888. ' '' 
 Roberts, Robert, Christadelphian. I. The AVays 
 of Providence as Iliu.strated in liible History: with 
 Chapters on the Overthr.nv of the .lewish Common- 
 «calth by the Romans, and the Destruction of 
 eiu by htus, Lon 1S8|, 8vo. 2. Twelve Lectures on 
 the leaching ol the liiblc : 0th cd.. Pirmingham, ISM, 
 8v,j ,i riio Iruth of Iho Nineteenth Century : a (iui.le 
 osrc'"."'"u ""'' ^'<"'>'"'^' "f KcelesiiH, liiriningham, 
 I8s.i. 8vo. 1 Christen.l.un Astray: Eighteen Lectures: 
 originally published as "Twelve L,.eturcs on the True 
 leacliing of the Rible," liirmingham, 1881, 8yo .", 
 Ihe \,s.ble Hand of God; or. The Miracles wbh^li 
 have occurred in the Past lloalin-s of Uo.l with the 
 i^ation ol Israel, ISirniinghani, 1881, Syo. .i Dr 
 h,l'.rrs«4'i;.!'""V""''^ " ""-«™r"y: «---«-■ 
 T„Ki ' <• .u T ••/'"""'•' ?re:i-unj 01 uomfort nt the 
 lable of the Lord : being a Se.on.l Instalment of Sun- 
 day Morning Addresses, Birmingham, 1885, 8vo. 
 Koberts, Samnel, M.A., b. IS52; graduated at 
 trinity College, Cambridge; calle.l to thn bar at the 
 Juner Temple 1877. Pojiuliir Law for those intereste.l 
 iJietetics and Dyspe|,sia .lelivcred at the Owens" "",1k '.'o 
 >. n..o| ot'in.'. Lon., Iss.,, ,, svo " 
 Roberts, «, Ilia,,,. The Lily of the Valley: all 
 ab,.ut It. and h.nv lo gn.w it, Lon., I8s:i. „,. -<v„ ^ 
 Tw,,"- 7"', !**'"'""" ^- ■^'"■' '"•'"'"'« '"'i""-" "f 
 N. V.lrV I'ssi sT''"''''' "'"''''■"I''''™' Skelehcs, 4e., 
 at'sV"r'7'?\i',r- "■""«'" I'«g«. M.A.. gnulaated 
 a St. .loin's College, Cambridge. Is(i| ; or.hiined isiil ; 
 vicar of Eye, ,s„n„ik, l8«.(-7s, ami sin.-e then perpiMua 
 -rate ol S,. Peter's, Vere .^treet, L.,n.l.,n. I. 'La'w ad 
 ■o.l; S..rmons, Lon.. 1874; new ed., 187,8, cr. Sv„. - 
 Reasonable .Service, Lon., 1871!; new e.l., 1881), 8y„ ';' in Religi.m, and other Sermons, Lon., 1887" 
 P- Svo; 2.1 eil. same year. ' 
 Roberts, Rev.Willinn, Walter, matriculated 
 at .Merl.,n Co lege, Oxford, 18411; „ R„man Cath.lic 
 K.i o ■ a .•.MiKreCTtK.ii olsciilar pri.sis, ealie.l Ol luVs 
 In ^'-. "T,' »''."";,"'.■ .aidin,,! .stablisbcl in I.o 1, 
 ' 1 . e I ,r, ; ,;', '," ""■ ".'"^'."HMit set ..n To,,! ainongs ! 
 o I ,[ '''"ii:::' :" Vl""'^»-^!" .lem..„M,ated s 
 P Mil :V 11 I'le^eiit w.,rk IS ,1 murh enlari,',.,! re- 
 .•1 th. t.e^ay. . . . The full and true signiij. 
 i:!!;;,. u,:.';;',',!:;;;:;.!!:';;^ no";;;;;;; "" "^^' ''"■« ^"' i''«'"iy 
 Robertson, Alexander. I. Our rmperial Re 
 sources, [,.H|.lresses,l Dun.lec, I880. 2. TwrLectiir ^ 
 'I'sSS sw;'"""™ "'"' '^'"''^' "'' ''"" ""'' ''""''•^"' •'Jin'. 
 m,?Hal'"'n'""' /VT,'"'"'' t'<">"i"Kl'>un. Me- 
 wi 1 t If"',"'"' v"' '"'"'"'^ Harris.(ir..athe.l, K.C.l). : 
 with a Prefatory Notice of the Compiler, (by H. V , 
 Lon ss.'i, Svo. Prir,te,l for private cir,.uh.ti.;,i. ''' 
 , v!""^"'*?."' -'*""«-• •*• -'*'y-^<>l'' ""'1 m.v Helativ.s ; 
 .. i oi; ig i.irl s >,„ry ; new ed., Lon., 1887, p. Svo 
 fir t .hr. T'l'',."'"*' Ar»'lnbal,l, ,M.A. graduated. 
 , ";'"'%'•,','■ ""'"■■ "' J'-in,ty College, Oxfor.l, lS7fi 
 and elected Fellow an.l lecturer: or.laim.:,! 1S7S pHn.' 
 e pal .d Hishop Hatnel.l-8 Hall, Durh.m, since 188;' " 
 ''"'■' f!- ^'""nasius on the [n.mrnali.,n : with an In- 
 troduction for .students, Lon.. I8n2, Sv., " (Trans IS 
 Athanasius on the Incarnation, l„,n., ISS.^'svo ' ■■■ 
 Robertson, C. I,.,„ml Rutherford,.!. (Trans ) 
 ^'vork'iss2;'ii^„::'''' "''"'•'''''=•'''-' '^^^^■'^^^-«-* 
 Kabu^fiHT'"', !''«"»•. thnrles liray. Kurum, 
 Kabul, a Id Kan.lahar: being a liricf Record of Impres- 
 l-illin.'." is|''''V Ii;:;,'"'*'''"--' "'"''•■'• '■^■neml Uoberts. Illust. 
 Robert.^on, I>. T. New York Cilv Court Reports- 
 (ontemponiry Decisions of the .Marine Court, an., occa^ 
 (1M,I-1SS2,) N. York, iss:!. 
 Robertson, K. William, [„»/,, vol. ii., r. 
 llislorical Essays in Connecti.ui with the Lan.l and 
 Church, ,Vc.., IS72, Svo. 
 first .'hiss Lit. Hum., at Lincoln Collego, 0.-tn.rd, 1^7,,' 
 an.l electe. Fellow ..( Corpus Christ! C.dle<re: called to 
 ue ijar at Liii.Mln's Inn 1874; late profes,«V,r of Roman 
 aw in nuersity College. Lon.lon ; professor .d' common 
 law in Lincoln's Inn Hall : .M.P. fu- Dun-lee since I8s.^ 
 author ,d many ariicles in the Encylopcedia l)ritanni,.n 
 A" ernvin H.mie Rule: a Sketch of the I'olitical System 
 in tho I uited Slates, Edin., 1887, fp. Svo. ^ 
 ■■/. i 
 "Wilhin the limits Hint the Kiithnr hiis sot himscir 
 ?.' ,1",' ,''"",'; '"'"■"'■k with slMKNilar m ■urn ev We' 
 Uobt-rlson, Kric S., ;,role..«r of E„^,lisl,, L„. 
 ho,^; clitor 01 •■ (f re,,t Writers.' I K„g|ish I>o, t : 
 n Smcsof Crit>™l I!i„gnv|,hio», l„m.r I8s;i, ,,. Svo. 
 (InolMd., English ,,oetease3 from the earliest to tllo most 
 rci'i'iii tiiiiea.) 
 „„'! 'iI'VT"'' '" >''!'" '"''' ""tan(i well written : It is dlstl'i- 
 B i-lie.l liy a rii;litiies.s of erifeal Jl^lKnlem I v te iiiiie 
 tJJvH J^" ?'}''^"" "'■ ""' '''""•'= "" Anthology : 
 1 is5 •','.'""' '^""-■'•i«^'" Writers of Three Centuries, 
 iellow ,'M;i-eat Writers,") Lon., I.H8fi, IL'ino. 
 Hobortsoii, F. T,.iquil; or, The Bays of Olaf ' 
 Try;;^'vason, Lon., IS7lt, 12m.. 
 Uobi'itsoii, Francis Forbes-. In Herself Com- i 
 J.lele: a l,ove-,Story, I,.,n.. 1S>,-, n. ,Hvo 
 Koberts.m, Mont. Frank, K.E., F.n A R eivll 
 ^■nKineer, Pubiio M'orks Dej.irtment, 1. Tables , 
 I'.ui:! I'HTt.'^v'o ' ' "'"• ^- ^"^'"""'"S Notes, ' 
 Kobcrtson, George Crooni, h. isjs, at Aber- 
 .leen, e.luente.l at .Vber.leen limeisity, at University 
 <^ollcge, London, an. I „t Berlin au.l (iiittin.'on: in I.SIU 
 became assistant pn.lessor of Greek at Aber.leen, an.l in 
 l.-^eepnilessorot philosophy of min.l an.l lo-ie in Ini- 
 %ersity t,,lleKo, London, .'^inec lS7(i he has been the 
 c lor .,1 Mm, a (Quarterly Review- of I'syeholo-y and 
 1 h,los.,p|,y. lobhes, ," J'hilo.,ophieal Glassies for Eng- 
 lish l{eader.s,") Edm. an.l L.m., ISSii, l2mo 
 the n, lun,V'.'V,ll""''r'"''"'''''' .l"""ll"">k, vvhi.di will be 
 ■ 111 miiiiKj jjui.le III a|i|iri'm ees u philiisonhv i.r tAu. 
 tlieory i, polities who seek a.iiuuiiilai ,.|V„' ,' ' . ?il,"s r, d 
 -A inonoKriip'h which is a ini..lel in i|s kind ir.. 
 ini II miioii ol Its v annus parts is miislerly."-.K/,., Xo 3UC8 ' 
 .And see (iii.iTK, (Ik.ihgk, in/jni. 
 Lon., .s,l, 4u,. 2. 'Ihe Art of Etching, with Drypoint 
 Me/./.ot,n , and A,|uatint, Lon., ]KKi, l2,uo. S I'aiiit- 
 '"^, "".>'"'=''' 'l>;;7''-t''"ta. Oil, and Water-Coloiir. Lon., 
 ISM, l.m.i. 4. 1 he Alt of Pen-and-ink Drawinjr eom- 
 morily oalied Etehing, Lon., ISsr, 12m., "'"i"'-"'" 
 Kobprtson, J. The 1 ml. -Scot, Lon., ISS,'! Svo 
 ,.u^."^T'*T' "••.'?;' """"'""• "''"!'= ^'u'l'ismatic So. 
 tiei. ol London A Han.l-Iio.ik to the Coinage of Seot- 
 be ■^iili u"xr "f ''"l-'i"" "'■ Every Variety issueil by 
 e M , ? " ''■'""/ l'-'-^""J«-- i- to the Cessation of 
 the Mint un.ler Anne, Lon., 1.S7S, 4to. 
 rhH*!",7"'","' J-,. '•'•"•'•cs.. Great Painters of 
 Chri.-ten.lom, (rom Cimahuo to Wilkie. Illust Lon 
 IXi^, llo; new ed., ISSI, r, Ito: new ed., Iss,-, f.,| 
 nobertson, J. Mrtiregor. I. l-hy'.Meal 
 Physi,,^ Lieuientary Faets. I'nnciples, &... lion, lis] 
 IS.SS, 12f.;o"'™""'^ Text-Book of Physiology, Lun.! 
 -.^il'rh"' -J- ^V^*'- "•'''•) The Divine and 
 ..acied Liturgies ol our Fathers among the .Saints. .John 
 Uobertson, Rev. James \r i n n <• 
 of n,i„„(„i 1 "»•• JKiiies, .11. A., JJ.JJ. professor 
 . ol Une ital languages in the Iniversily of Glasgow 
 (Trans.) Outlines of Hebrew .Synta.x, by Dr. Augult 
 A.iiller Glasgow, ISS2, ,Sv„ ; ;!,1 Jd., 1888 *' 
 n.ld °rf's?"',''l.'"*' Craigie.M.A.. [„„,., vol. ii., 
 ?v A D S . ■ ;,";-^"''y "f "•" '^''""i^"' Chureh : yol 
 .'ir Li«-i-lal7, Lon.. 187S, Sv.i 
 fhocl'ilr "'"'""','""" ;""'''"''>-'''"l "■'■itiT. Having mastered 
 *rrinVi ,s' ,'!"' """'-Ti'd materials, he arn iges ?ds u^ 
 t., • , "e" ., ull";; '•;>■' l""|''"' ^'Jl'' '■l">Willg^lle reader 
 I o^; ''lM« '""^''"'''"' ".:"''"■ "'■""'^ "'■ "'« J'"!'"' I'ower. 
 I.on., 1876, p. 8vo. 3. (E.i.i \fi,t„riai„ f,., ,j',„ ][j..f.. ' 
 Offi,.e"pMb '' .'^'".'''''J''"!' "•■ C»"'erbury. (U^eord | 
 OlhLe Pub.;, vo,s. ,.-v,., ]^„„._ |S7(i-S:), r. .svo. (Seel 
 Shmm.akd, J H., ,-,,,•,.„.) 4. .^ket.hesofChureh His ory i 
 from AT). a3 to the Keformalion, Lon., 1878, 2 part^ j 
 ,'?'""• 5' '''"■''" '«!"'' O"'' Memorials of Thomas lieoket, 
 I.s.sil, r. 8vo. ' 
 Itobertson, Rev. James Logie, MA. I Orel- 
 lana, rnd other Poems, an.l Lon., 1881, 12mo " 
 i;' "■''!'/') '^f I of tl"^ " I'olly Ann,- an.l other Stories"! 
 a Book of tables an.l Faneies. E.lin. an.l Lon., L>i8,5 „ 
 Svo 3. (E.i ) Letters of Hobert Ihirns, (••('anielot Cl'as-' 
 sins, Lon., I8S7, IL'mo. With lioninirsov, Jankt Looie, 
 1 Our Iloli.liiy among the Hills, Edin. an.l Lon., fii 8vo 
 , "" "L!:.**""' J"*'"- One of the People: a Xov^l, 
 i Robertson, John Ross, b. 184], i„ Toronto, 
 Unaila; edueatc.l at I pjier Canada Colloge; becaino a 
 > i'i'-,.""f "V-"!''. '"I""'*''' "'" '^"'■"•"" ""ilv Telegram, 
 Sill, of which he has since been an.l proprietor. 
 To, ,if„"7.f. ^'•''",""'' f"l-it"l"r Masonry in, 
 4, onto 188,8 2. History of Cryptic, Templar, ami A. 
 anil A. Kite Masonrv in Canada, 1888 
 Robcrts..ll, Keitb. The Knave of Dmmonds: n 
 ^ovel, Lon., 188,',, ji. 8v., 
 add.] I. Chri.sty Kedtern's Troubles, L.m., 186(1, 12mo 
 new ed., illust., 1886, r. 8vo. 2. The Bairns; or, Janet's 
 Love and Service: a Story from Canada, Lon., 1870, ,,. 
 8vo; ,8,1, ed., 1878 .3 The Inglises ; or, How the W„V 
 , Opened, Lon., 18,2, ]2mo. 4. The Perils of Orphan- 
 I h.,od; or, i redenca an.l her Guardians, Lon.. 1871 n 
 I ^)'"; "I-''" "'•■ '''•^l' 5- David Fleming's Forgiveness" 
 I ^,- ^•"■^' i'',^"' 1 ;'"'"• ■• I!y a Way she knew not: the 
 I Story of .Vlli.son Bain. N. York, L8.s\s p,,uo 
 Robe.«>,on, Mary M. Eunice: a .Story of Do- 
 j liiestie Lit.- 11, iNew lOiigland, .\. York, L'<87. l"',no 
 Robertson, Muirhead, A Lombard Street Mys- 
 : tery : a ^ovel, Lon., 1888, p. Svo 
 < Robertson, P. .Manual of Elocution and the I'hi- 
 los^.phy ol E.\pressiin. icyton, 0., 1881), I2mo. 
 Robertson, Will, am, a journalist at Kocluhile. 
 i 1. Uochdiile, Pa.! and Present, Hoehdale, I87,i. 2 The 
 , Li eand limes of the Uight Hon. .John Bright, lioch- 
 I dale, 18,8; new e.l., Lon., 188,'), p. 8vo. 
 Ro!.ert.son, William, ,,rineipal of the Royal Vet- 
 erimir, College, London. 1. •Te.xt-li..,.k of the Practice 
 Own'' u- 'V'^''';'"';-> '""'- 18!^::, M-o. 2. Hints to Stock- 
 Owners,, 18,S4. 
 Robertson, Rev. William Archibald Scott, 
 biidgc, 18ot; ordained I8:,U; rector of Elmley 1800-84 
 and since then vi.-ar of Throwley : hoii. canon of Canter' 
 bury since 1873 ; lion, secretary of the Kent Ardueotg- 
 I ',-,'\. •'''■"'"' '^'''""' "'■ '''' pul'lication-:. since ]87'' 
 I. 1 he Missionary .Societies of Great Britain: a Concise 
 \.ew of their Heceip.s. E.xpen.litures, and Results, Lon., 
 18,.) 8vo. 2. The Crypt of Cantoibury Cathedral: its 
 Arclnteeture, its History, and its Frescoes. Illust Lon 
 lo^U, 4to. ' 
 "A most rnrcfiil and Ihoroiigh account of a i.nrf ,,f 
 ;iii crl.ury Cathedral wlibdi t n ,t ZV'k.mwn t' nn.^li 
 t con uiiis a g,„,d ,i^,a iiiat is of special iiUeres b, hfs 
 torically and arti.-tlc,illy."-,ira(/ .xix i)7 ' 
 Also many archaeological papers, pamphlets, &c. 
 Robertson, W yndham', „„te,'vol. ii.,add.,] 8n,V 
 1 ,\l:;: "' Manchester, Chesterfield Co., Va. ; educated 
 at W„„am and Mary College; admitted to the bi^r in 
 I hnrni' fn'^T"""; f ^ "'«]!''" '**'^''' •'"'' "'■"^"vards a men,. 
 P,l '^^ 'eg>s Htn.e. Ho was a stro- , anti-sece.ssionist. 
 I ocahontas, o/„„ Matoaka, an.l her Lescen.lants by her 
 Marriage at .laiiiestown. 1014. will, ,fohn Holfe. Gentlc- 
 iinan: with Biographical Sketches; fals,.) Illustrative 
 : Historical Notes, by R. A. Brook. Richmond, X'a,, 1887. 
 ■ r*VO, ' ' 
 i,loi'*,'?i'','ii"'I'-^'*',*''"^I"t'>i'e'>istutein popular favor an 
 Idol eMdeiitly hopelessly overthrown. "-Iv,///,,,,, .Mv ■.►■o 
 ,lahl" wVl'rn'V"*'.- y"""' ■^'•'\- K'ni.luated at Mag- 
 lialen Ha . O.vh.r.l, 1805; ordained 1800; rector of Holy 
 iriniiy, \\ imUor, since 1873: chaplain in ordinary to 
 ILmsohold Cavalry. 1877. 2. The Life of the Worl.l : 
 the We of (o,. ,0 .Sinners. Lon., IS7!l, si,. lOiiio. 
 Robins, tdward Cooliworthy, I'.S.A. l The 
 re3r"' ■:.'•'"'"""•■ " Ht.view of the Various Theories 
 res eofng "s Jorm an.l Stylo of Arehitecture ; The 
 Lthics of Art: Two Lectures L.m.. 1887. 8v;,. ■>. 
 im !,e n T '' V':i ^""^""^"K: heinga Treatise 
 on tl e Design and Construction of Applie.l Seience an.l 
 l1. . u ,""*'':m""'' "'"'■ ^"ifl'l-^ l''ittings and Sanila 
 1 '1888 a ''""■ "" ^'•■'■•'"'"■"1 E'li'cation. Illu-t, 
 " It Is too lame a work, and Um teilinlinl, tn fiiiil Us way 
 iito Ihc haiKls of ilu' K.Mieriil rcmlfr; Imt It will prove an 
 lnili.s|iciisali)e work of ruliTiMii e to arihitiTts, Imil/lers and 
 iiiaiiMKiTs ol teHiniual M-hiuih."— ,syi<,'/(i(„r. Ix. liin:i. 
 Itollill!*, U. H. KciMi my .SuiTet: a Novel, l.on., 
 I^sii, :i vols. p. Svo. 
 KoliiiiMoii, Miss A. Mary !•'. See Daii«kstkt]:ii, 
 Mils. A(;Nt;s Maiiv Kji.vm-ks, iii/iru. 
 Kobinsuii, .Mrs. Annie Ooiiglns, (<;rfen,) b. 
 I-'IL', at I'i.vmoiith, .V.ll.; Ims written uiiiler tlie i.seu- 
 ilon.vine of ".Marian Douglas." 1. I'ietiire-I'oenia liir 
 ■\oiing Folks, liost., )S7l, Svo. :'. Peter and 
 )'olly; or, Home Life in New Kngland ft Hundred Years 
 Ago. Host., 1S7I1. ISmo. 
 Ilobinson, liunjiiiiiin Coiilson,, [oik., 
 vi>l. ii., add.,] ealled to tlio bar at the .Middle Temple 
 l^lll; serjeant-at-law since ISfis. Stray Tlioughts on 
 Wealth and its Sources, l.on., |ss;i, p. Svo. 
 Ilobinson, Uevcrley. I'raotieal Treatise on Nasal 
 Ciitarrh. llliist. N. Viok, I8S1, Svo. 
 Kubinson, C, .'Maggie; or, Light in Darkness, 
 I.oM., IS,s4, l2mo. 
 Itobilistill, V, CIoiikIi. A Ulossarv of Words per- 
 taining to the Diiilert of .Mid-Yorkshire: with others 
 peculiar to Lower Nidderdiile: to which is preli.xed an 
 Uiitline of Grammar in the Mid-Yorkshire Dialect, J 
 (Kng. Dialect Soc.,) l.on., l>:ii, Svo. • 
 llobinson, Charles Kilmiind, .M.A., b. is.,:!- i 
 graduated at Trinity College, Cainhridge; eilled to the 
 liar at the Fniier Temple Isrii. |. The Cr.iise of the 
 "Widgeon." Seven Hundred .Miles in a Ten-Ton Yawl 
 l.on., isrti, p. Svo. 2. Thetiolden llinde, Thessale, and 
 other Poems, Lon., ISSO, 12iiio. I!. The Huval Warren • 
 or, Hiimhles in the Isle of Purbeek,, ISS.l, 4u, 
 Itubiiisou , llev. Charles John, .M.A., graduated, 
 first class Classics, at I'liiversity Colle^'c, Durham, IS.i:! ; 
 ordained 1S57; vicar of Norton (.'anon, Herelonlshire] 
 18li5-77; rector of West Haeknev i.S77-S7, mi. I since 
 then vicar of Horsham. I. A His'iory of the Castles of 
 lli'refordshire and their Lords, Lon'., IS70, 4to. 2. A 
 History of the .Mansions and Manors of Herefordshire 
 Lon., |S7:i, Jto. ' 
 '■Bringing to his task quick observation, active research 
 nil. a knack ot grouping t., -ether mutters of local interest 
 liolh ol the past and )iresciit, lie has produced a secoiul 
 volume ot .-oiisidcralile merit."— .>hi(. J!ti:. xxw. Ijc. 
 :). A Uegisterof the Scholars ailiiiitted into .Merchant 
 Taylors' School, l.^iliS t<i 1S71: compiled from Authen- 
 tic Sources: with liiographical Notices, Lowes, IS.S2-.s;i, 
 U \ol3. r. Svo. 
 llobinson. Rev. Charles Scymonr, DD 
 LI..D.,[oii,e, vol.ii,. 11,1,1.,] b. I.S29, at lieiinington, Vt ';' 
 graduated at Williams College IS49; stuilied theolo.'v at 
 I nion Seminary, New York, and at Princeton ; pTi'stor 
 ol the .Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York, 
 1^70-87. 1. Church Work: Twenty-Si.\ Sermons, x! 
 York, IS?."., 2 vols. 1 2mo. 2. Selection of Spiri'tiial 
 Songs; with Music for Church and Choir. N. Y'ork W7il 
 Svo. .S. Spiritual Songs, with .Music, for the Su'iidav- 
 .-'chool, N. York, Isso, |2mo. 4. Studies in the New 
 Testament, N. York, ISSii, |2mo. 5. Selections for Re- 
 sponsive Headings, for Use in Public W. ship, N York 
 1881, Svo. (>. Stuilies of Neglected Texts, N. York! 
 188.S, 12mn. 7. (Ed.j l,iiu.|es Domini: Selection of 
 Spiritual .Songs, Ancient anil .Moilern. N. York, issi 
 8vo. S. The Pliaraohs of the lion.lago and the Evodus • 
 Lectures, N.York, 1SS7, 12mo. 9. Simon Peter: his 
 Life and Times, ISSS, 2 vols. 
 Robinson, Clara I, .>'. liabbleton's Baby ■ an 
 Account of a Beloved Child : told by his Nurse! Mrs. 
 Uluhbins, [pseud.,] Lon., 1877, Svo. 
 Robinson, Conwny, [o./te, vol. i!., add.,] d. 18.84 
 History of the High Court of Chancery an.l other Insti- 
 tutions of England, from the Time of Caius .Julius Civsar 
 until the Accession of William and Mary: vol. i Rich- 
 mond, Va., 1S82. 
 Robinson, E. Can Disease Protect Health' Lon 
 I SMI, cr. Svo. 
 Robinson, K. A. (Trans.) History of Ireland, by 
 IT. 1(. Ilasseiieiiiiip, Lon., ISS8, Svo. 
 Robinson, K. Colpitis. The Geology of Gcne- 
 "^ '■ an Enquiry into the Credentials of the M.jsalc Kec 
 Old .if Creation. Lon., lss:>. 
 Robinson, Edith. Forced Acquaintances : a Book 
 fiirtiirls, Host., ISS7, 12uio. 
 Robinson, Edith. The Lay of St. Jucundiis. 
 I lust. Lon., ISS7, Imp. 4to. (A ballad founded on an 
 old lorkshire legend.) 
 Robinson, Edward A., ami Mall, (ieoiRe A. 
 The Disk ; a Tiile of Two I'assions, Bust., |sn4. l2mo 
 Robinson, Rev. Edward Jewett, Weshvan 
 minister; a missionary in India. 1. Lay Ue|.re.«ent». 
 turn in .Methodism,, 1871, Svo. 2. How to Pray 
 Lon., 1872, er. Svo. :;. Tamil Wis.lom : Tiadilions 
 Lon., is,.), I2ui„; new e,|., ciil., eulitle.l "Tab's and 
 Pnenis ol s,,utli India ; the Tamil," Iss,", 4 Ser 
 mens; The .Mother of Jesus the Pap„| .Miirv L.m 
 IS-o, I'- Svo. 0. The Caravan and tlie Temple, anil 
 .Songs of the Pilgrims, Lon., Is7S, Sy,.. (1, Hin'.lu P,„. 
 t.irs : a Memorial of the Lives of .<iiiimugiin an.l Vaira- 
 iiiuttu, Lon., fp. ,svo. 7. Li.l by the Spirit : Memoirs 
 ol Mrs. Caroline Eliza Walker, of Cheltenham, Lon 
 I^s2, er. Svo. 
 Robinson, EzekicI (;ilmnn, D.Il., LL D 
 ['nil< vol. li., iidd.,] hecanie preshlent of Br.nvn I'niver' 
 sity ls,2. 1. Lectures on Prciichiiig : .lelivere.l t.. the 
 Students of Theology at Yale College, N Y.irk |sN'; 
 121110. 2. Principles and Practieeof Morality ; or. Ethi-' 
 eiil 1 rinciplcs Discussc.l i,n.| Applied, Host., Isss, P'mo 
 Robinson, K. New lleligi., Mdiei : Chapters on 
 Every-Hay Siil.jecis, Lon,, ISS7, p. Svo. 
 Robinson, E. A., M.A. iTians. and ed.) A Col- 
 hitioii of the Athos Codex of the Shepherd of Hermas, 
 together with nn Introduction, by Spvr. P. Lambros 
 Ph.D.: with a Preface and Ai.'pendices, Camliri.b'e' 
 IS.SS, Svo. " 
 Robinson, Miss Eranees Mabel, sisterof Mrs 
 A M. F. Darmesteter, (.iiyoo. 1. .Mr. Ihitler's Ward 
 .on., ISSa, p. Svo. 2. Disenchantment : an Every. 
 Day ,Ktory, Lon,, 1SS6, p. Svo. :i. Irish History for 
 English Headers, from the Earliest Times to the Close 
 "I the Year,-,. Jiy William Stepheii.s.m Gregg, 
 [pseud.] N. -iork and l.on., INSli, Svo ; M ed. sumo 
 \ear. 4. I he Pliin of Ciimpaign : a Story of the For- 
 tune of \\ iir, Lon.. 1SS7. 2 vols. er. Svo. 
 Robinson, Franeis Kildale, d. ]sS2; a hical 
 antinmiry of Whitby, Eiig, 1. A Glossary of York- 
 .^iire\\.,r,s i,nd Phrases, .■olleete.l in Whitby and the 
 .Neiglibonrbood: with E.x pics of their roll„;,ui„l Use, 
 iiiid .Allu.sions to Local Cu.Monis and Tra.litioiis. By im 
 Inhabitant. Lon., IS:^,'-,, l2mo. Anon. 2. A (ilossiry 
 ol Words used in the Neighbourhood of Whitby, (En" 
 Dialect Soc„) l.on., IS7ii. ,svo. "' 
 Robinson, Lieut. Frederick. Seven Gray Pil- 
 grims : a Persimal Hoimime, l!v a Subiiltern of Artil- 
 lery, L.;n., 1871, p. ,svo. Anon. 
 Robinson, Frederick W iijiani, [o„(,, vol. ii 
 add.,] b. LS:;il, in SpitalHelds, I.ond.m ; e.lucated at Clnr- 
 - en.lon H..ii,se ,>-ch...,l, Kensington. Several ,.f his earlier 
 works were published anonymously. I. No Church 
 Lon I8li2 ;i vols. ,,. Svo. 2. Church and Chapel, Lon.,' 
 |s|..., .i vols. ].. Svo. li. Female Life in Pri.son. By „ 
 Matron. Lon., l,s(;3, p. Sv„ : new ed., l.sii.'s. 4. .Jane 
 Cameron: Memoirs of a Female Convict, Lon lS(i;i ■> 
 ; ;■'''."; 1:; '-^"'' "'•»■ ^■''•' "*''*•'<• i- Mnltie: a Stray, Lo!i." 
 Ni4, ..vols. p. Svo. (!. Carry -s Confession: a Novel, 
 l.on., I sua, :; vols. p. Svo; :;d ed., 1S7I1. 7. Prison 
 haraetei-s, drawn from Life. By „ PHson Matron. 
 l.on. Sbf, 2 vols. p. Svo; new ed., ISS,\ 8. Beyond 
 he Church, Lon., ISIifi, :i vols. ji. Svo. 9. Christie's 
 , 1-aith, Lon., KSfi7, 3 vols. p. Svo. 111. Poor Humanity, 
 , Lon., siiS, :i vols. p. Svo. II. Owen, a Waif: new eii.. 
 Lon., is.ll, p.Svo. 12. Stern Necessity, l.on., 1870,.') 
 vols. p. Svo. L!. True to Herself: a Novel. Lon., 1S70, 
 ■i vols. p. Svo, 14. Little Kate Kiiby, Lon., IS73, ;i 
 yi-*;''-^?' '■"'■ "<''' '■'"'■<' «■">' ''<■'■ Fortune, Lon., 
 S,.i, .■) vols. p. Svo. Hi. Second-Cousin ,<ariih, Lon. 
 S74, :; vols. p. Svo. 17. As Long us she Lived, Lon., 
 is.b, A vols. cr. Svo. IS. A Bri.lge of Glass. Lon., IS79, 
 .! vols, or. Svo. 19, Cowanl C.ii.-cience, Lon , 1S79 3 
 vols. or. Svo. 20. Poor Zeph, and other Tales, Lon., 
 i I>-S0, ,'i vols. p. Svo. 21. The Black Speck : a Tcmper- 
 I ancc Tale, Lon., ISSl, p. Svo; new ed., 1883. 22. The 
 Hand? of Justice: a Novel, Lon., lSs:i, 3 vols. cr. Svo • 
 new e.l..., Iss I, IS8.0. 2:i. Women are Strange, and 
 other Stories, Lun., ISS3, 3 vols. 24. The Man she 
 Cared for, Lon., Is,s4, 3 vols. p. Svo. 2,'>. La/.arus in 
 Lonilon, Lon., Iss,',, 3 vols. p. Svo. 26. The Courting of 
 -Mary .^mith, I..,n., ISSO, 3 vols. er. Svo. 27. A Fair 
 I Maid, Lon., ISSii, 3 vols. p. Svo. 2S. In Bad Hands: 
 Stories, Lon., 18S7, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 29. 99 Dark Street. 
 Lon.. 1887, p. Svo. 30. The Youngest Miss Green, Lon. 
 j ISSS, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 "Given !Iie materials of a st.iry, there is no liviiiE Avriter 
 i who can lay them out with siieh skill. In each cliBp 
,iii'! ' 
 .115 1 
 ''.r< <i 
 nriuy beloro uiid 
 'lunu-ih,.. si,.;,a. of M,.|2,) 
 f-n, .run.., isso, ,0 M r s"-''"' .-' f '^/'°1 "^■■^"'''''""■^ 
 Kobillsoil, (•rPl'airJ I II- ..„ 
 ITW, Nvo. ^ "*" '^'""■''•'' "1 iintain, I,un., 
 ' ..r ?,f &,:';.,::,-,„"k: is;,-; s:- >■"•■ v.... 
 I'ra.vforil'.s Wuril, Ao. : Tales, 
 ' ,'■ '^' '''*' Hrl,s of 111 
 Ilobiiisoii, J. W. \y 
 I Loh., isr.s, ;) vols. ,,r. Sv„. 
 ^ SaKla:::";;!^'^:; V'^;i'''"-;rK.exro„„,„ 
 1 Ours. Jllu.t .«aien isri T '" ^^'IHl """"■■' '">'' 
 K ":!:';:"'';;,:f::i-;,r''ih "f ''- '-•'•"to of Civil 
 ;^;r'- •^----aJ';ci:y:;isf;'i.c^s:s: 
 I'ol.alloch; 2!|",'l "„*•"';:?''"" "' ■;''•'" '^''"''"'"' "'' 
 for 1S70, Lon isri s™"""-' ^"''""^"^'^ Cristas 'liowk 
 .^ K^:^^;;;Si«^^•?J^^'s;o^- "'--■•- 
 1.^77, I6,no. ' ' '•' """"• -• !'"'•'.>•, ^'. Vork, 
 Robinson, M. a. 
 i^""'*;"^;'^,''^^"'' ^''--'"^ -^'^ Canoe, I,on., 
 I-^n., in;:,, i';',;;;,'" ""^ ""-'^"'1 •^ Bay Territory. IHust. 
 *» I .... . . 
 nipiils, tin. trap. 
 1. (Trans.) Tlio Curate of 
 notie..,! in a-Vevlow 'on 'I'l?„ '"\'^ '"'" K»"'l-»aturejly 
 R"l-ert lirown „, o ,;• n "".'''"''» >'""Hnen,latorv. by 
 Legislative History, 1774- 
 cn.l Foliii,,,,, ,, 1^ 
 I>«l, Dost., l,s,i<|, 
 in^" /^r"* »1S.^*^y? !"-"[.^- "f P. S. Rob. 
 ™l'h.v, I,on., ,,SS4, 12,no.-\'i!,r;';', '"''?■ '',"""'«- 
 ao ... .t. ,..,.„ tograpbie IlandT lio-'k" '■ """ ""■■" '° 
 *• i..etters 
 ■nm-iiil nn,l ,«,K-ial Inforiaation. X York'T-rs?" J'," " 
 Robinson, Pliiiiii ijtP,.„w , ' ^' ^t"- 
 Robinson,") r ". ,?, n ,n 'i"*.""" "' " P'"' 
 at Marlborou.l, C,| J,.', u ^''"""'■' '.'"'"'• '">'' eilne.teil 
 Pioneer, .r Xru't^dl^'Z l^^'^^il^'""" ""^ 
 editor, in ISilil; „„, aim,, ,(n,l r. .''!'""'""'• """ 
 Arobives of the 'C r T' • et % "/ ""^ "'^"'""^ 
 '■•orature Isr;, : „f a.ur';,;!;:;;^^-"'^-"'- «f 
 ^toaia Cultivation: Two j "^l^ '-^;-;;'\of^ Ut.natu^, ■iii;;-;;t;„— ;; 
 Mr. Ph.. Kobtnson write, so pleusantij^h;;;- he chooses 
 UjatwecnnnotlMil rosoiU this pl.Tu of l,o„k innkiiiir 
 tile ii«.' to Hiiy one, an. I the exc'eulloii Is lis ■ are eis . « 
 It po.vihly could Ij,.." -.u/i., No. ".hi:, uuiilm h» 
 .1. Siiiners ai„i Saints: a Tour across tho States an.l 
 round thcMi, L(jn.. Is8."., or. Svo. 
 ■' Kavlnn Joiiniovi.d IlironKli t'hu I'lilteil StatcK lie de- 
 clres to Miy .v.iuHhl.iK new almin theni . SK,;., ,^ ,'( 
 Mormonl''"'^'''! '"■ ''"'I'"''" '" '''- »"rk ,U.„1 Hi 1,. 
 .Mormons. , . lie tan wnu: Miiooih y. and li,. |,as oincli 
 exper enee of iho worl.l. Mad 1„. re I • irlv n r 
 tiM.UK, tolh,.Mnrn.onprolUen,,lH.,nii uivM.od • d 
 reM.lMlile skc (.■iH-s or III,, in c,,.!,, hut, a> i H |,K " ,1' 
 areoiiitea.. nnattraetiv a,. I,l> • miurmx.' •■- //' ^^ '! m 
 Ui s s iM,t altotiellior a Moriuon l,o,,k. flie aniiior 
 to"ri/,m" ^V""<';ye-M, to California, and 1. ,!' 
 1 .llJhl • ■« ■ •"'■" •^''••■''"■"' •, •, ■ ""-■ '"'"k "» II whole I,- 
 0. Chysing a'Voitune: Talc, and Sketelie.s I.on., 
 Poets' Itirds - I„n.,, p. .svo. S. Ti^-ors at Lar«.. : 
 Tales and Skelehes, I,on., I,S,><d, l.snio. U. The ValTev 
 ol Icetotuni Trees: Tales and .Sketches, I.on., l.s.sii 
 Kol.inson.Ucv. nicliar.1 IlaycH, educated at 
 hnitfs College, London: ordained \S6i\ ; perpetual 
 eiirale ul .St. Oorinans, Itlaekheath, since Iss) i 
 Thought and Deed : .-^cnnons on Faith and Duly, Lon.! 
 18,.', l.'nio- 2d ed., \hTA. 2. The Creel and the .\ge: 
 a Lecture delivered at the Uuildhall, liath, Lon., l.ssi, 
 llobinson, Robert. Thomas lienick : his I.jfo 
 and liiue.s Newca8tle-(,n-Tyne, ISs?. I'ub- 
 lished by the Author. (Contains letters un- 
 published and new impressions from the original blocks 
 ol some ot Uowieks engravings.) 
 "The local cult (d-liewick . . . is of loiii; standhiL' n..d 
 wasiiever more nourishing than now. \\V ow ct ni i 
 ilyl is towuMiian's impulse to build lliis latest m', 
 iiient P. the artist aii,l to ihc i,,,,,,, hm that access to • , I i-c- 
 , K A- ■■■ ■■ "'^^ ""'"•' hist admirer of Ibcir lather who has 
 had the intimate ae,,imimance of the -laui itei-s r iw 
 ;■>.'?'■"■ 'l'""-"^^'-<'i'»l"ry. as a (lUalilicHti.mi'ur the task 
 wl,i.;h^lie lius iiowaeeom|,li»he<f so crediUibly."_A««i,,, 
 Uobinson, KoulaiiU E. Incle Lisha's Shoi, : 
 7.1^ in a Corner of \, N. York, l.ssr, 12mo 
 Robinson, S. Light in Darkness; and DarkneJs 
 1 list, a .Sequel, Lon., 187ti, lOnio. 
 Robinson, .Samuel, lVil4-I884, b. in Manches- 
 ter, J'.ng., and educated at Manehester \ew Colleue 
 _iork; became a cotton-manufacturer, and devoted his 
 leisure to the study of German and Oriental literature 
 ile bequeathed a collection of Oriental books and .MSS 
 '' ^"'■■"J' .''"■'^S'-' Manchester. 1. Life of Ferdoosee; 
 1 'P^,",^','/ •"'""^''- -• (Trans.) .Schiller's Wil- 
 lam Pell, 1825; new ed., 18.S4. (Tho first English 
 translation ol this drama.) 3. (Trans.) Jlinor Poems 
 of Seh iller 1867. 4. .Specimens of the German Lyric 
 I oets, 8,8 5. Translations from Various German Au- 
 ''"'f' p'-"' . '^: ^ '■T*""' ''""'"•y '»>• i:"«lish Readers, 
 h^ w A P,"'"'y •"■'"""'• ('-^"""^'i'od «Jssays, with notes 
 i>y W. A. Llouston.) 
 Robinson, Rev. Samuel, educated at Trinity 
 College, Dublin; ordained l,sr4; incumbent of Hay, 
 ""■ '^i'"'' ^l;''"'' '■'""-"•■'• ""'I «f Nurnev, Ireland 
 since I8SS. I he Alhanasian Creed, Melbourne. 1882 
 Robinson, Stephen T.,of Edwardsville, 111. The 
 Shadow of the War : a Story of the South in Keconstrue- 
 tion Tunes, Chii'.. 1H,S4. Anon 
 Robinson, Stillmun Williams, b. I8.!.8, at i 
 .^HU h Reiuling, \ t. ; graduated at the l,'niversity of 
 i, ', (""^m ■' I'J"'^*",",'-';f Physiesand mechanical engineer- i 
 iiig 111 Ohio .Stale I niversity since 1S78. 1. A Practical ' 
 Treatise on the Teeth of Whales : with Theory of Use of 
 Kobinson s (M.mtograpb. X. York, 1S76, l.Smo. 2. Rail- 
 road tconomics: Xotes from a Tour over Ohio Railroads 
 under H. Subiiie, Commissioner of Railroads and Tele- • 
 graphs V York, ISsi;, 24mo. A. The Strength of 
 Urought-Iron liridgc .VIembers. (ieneral 'heory of 
 lieams, .tc, N. Y.irk. ISS2, 24U10. 
 Robinson, T. California Supreme Court Reports, 
 ^•l^x.\xvlu.,. San Fran., 1871), Svo. ^ 
 „ "»■""»»". T. Aurioi. Timothy Crinpla: or, 
 i» K- ~''" '"'"■• '■'''•^' 2 ^i"- !'• s^'o- 
 nf .i" n ^"I"' '*'• "• Determination of ube Constants 
 I , „ ,i;';,P„t"^'""""''"'"' (I'b'>"''4'l'i«'l Tfansactions,) 
 Lon., I87!t-81, 2 parts, 4to. ' 
 rvnTV'""?'' r^"' Tberese Albertine Luise, 
 (von Jacob,) [,„„,., vol. ii., Rom.s -n Mhs. Epwaki, 
 ■add,] I7!«7-Is7n Fifteen Years: a Picture froiu tho 
 Last Century, N. York, |S7|, .syo 
 Robiiisoi, Thomas. I. A Suggestive Coinmen. 
 lary on the Kpislie to the Itonians. Lon . In7I, - "is i, 
 , 1 I 'h' r is-;. """"''•'"•';l ''"i"inc„t„ry on the Hook 
 Robinson, Tom,, 'physician p, St, .Ldin's 
 ospita t,M- Diseases oHho .Ski.l, London. I. The "i! 
 "'"«>; '""'I'"'".!.'.*- 'I Treatnient of Ilaldncss and Gray. 
 lies.-, Lon., I.SS2, p. 8vo: 2d ed I.MS'i - 'ri,,. i,i " 
 ami Treatment 'Jf ,Sypliili.','Lo',i ' ISM,,-p',t, ^''Tln 
 Ec,,_ema : its, Pathology, and Ti'eutmc'n.,'L,u, 
 I ■? ' I , I), nvi), * 
 Ro>inson,Trar.v. The Song of the Palm, and 
 Robiisou, Vincent. I. Ii„cks and Hoses, or, 
 , t wilh . l"; ';""•'. '^'^ ''• '"'■ -• '"i-'tal Car! 
 I.O.I.; ISv' ' ""' ^ ■^"' "'•'"''«'' '"i'l»ood. must. 
 Robinson, « illiam, F.L.S., [o,,,,, yol. ii., „dd.] 
 .Alpine Mowers for English Gardens. Illust. Lon. 
 ire 'I;: r ',""'• *■■•'"•• ',""/'■ ""'■'• -■ Mushroom-Cul- 
 ture, its Lxtensinn and Improvement, L..n., Is7() „ 
 ,™' '"■•" '■'';•■ Vr"' ^'^■'' ■'■ The lllustraled W'i i 
 fnl hv >i '"^.O""- '".'■'"!'» ■""! .Shrubberies made lieauti- 
 ul by the Natural,.at,on of Manly Exotic Plants, Lon., 
 ,,i,i ■'.'■• "'"' ";'•■ "'*'• ■'■ ""'^y i'l"»ers: Dc 
 .«P ies '1™ "IT-'V"'^ "' '■■"»"'' "'- '^'"-t Ornamental 
 Autll • or"'' l"' r.""- '"'• ''• ***■"■ '■'• «"'''^ ^"ro 
 ,; ISS. s' "'„", '^'i''"-;""-"-'-' ■•'■ the Future. Illu.-t. 
 ;"u isso, Svo; 2d ed., Iss:i. 7. The English Flower- 
 ll ,'iss;;;';s>^*' "' ^'"'""'"' ""'• Ammgeiaent. iCt. 
 those ol most ninaleiirs. it meets the great w,,ct|.v 
 ii.^'''Ci;ui,'rf::*i!^';:-,,f p-'""- "f '"e 
 'T.^:!:^ln::;.*\j!.^«-;^''"- i^-^lomie Oottre, or 
 lss2"2''4u^.""' "'"'""' ^' '^l«»'»"'"y I'«w,, 
 Robinson, William Clarke. 1. Introduction 
 times to the Norman Conquest, Lon., Iss.i. p. 8vo " 
 Ihe Revolt of the \etherland.s, Lon., IS.s.-, -'no - 
 foi the VT,f' "i'!'«"' '"^cy. !• h.Uy S;rviees, 
 t .1 the ,e of I'uldie .Schools. Lon., 1874, ISmo. " 
 Private Prayers, for Ihe Use of School-Boys Lon 874' 
 N«„. . Aids to the Holy Communion, for. SehooU 
 f8^,\..'sv::'" ''""•• '''"• """"• '■ '•--' «"-'4, 
 Roi)inson, William Stevens, I81,S-i870 b at 
 Concord, Mass : became a .journalist : was Roston 00" 
 respondent of the .New York Tribune and the S.^ i^'fieTd 
 lepubhcan under the signature of " Warrington." 
 Ihe .Nilary Grab : a History of the Passage of the Aci 
 ncreasing he Salaries of .Mcmhcrs of Congress, Host 
 Ibmo 2. Warrington's Manual of ParliaiiKmlai-; Prac': 
 ce I est., I,s7o, 16mo. ;;. Warrington Peii-Portfa ts a 
 tolleetion o Personal and Political ReminiseenceMS48! 
 IS:7,' t'^mo ^' "' ^- '*°'''"^™^ Bost., 
 Robson, Charles. ]. ,Kd.) Biographical Enoy- 
 c lopiedia ot Pennsy K,„u„, Phila., 1874 4to. 2. TEd 1 
 Maiiuhicones aiv^i Manufacturers of Penn.sylvania 
 ./o:„': '■;/."■ .:'-(■■'.''■' '•"■«'^'l'liieal Eneyeloptedi,; 
 Biographic:i| En- 
 ''f Illiuois, Phila., 1875,Tti,'. "I'.'i'Ed 
 I cyclop;edia of Ohio. Phila.. 1871! 4to 
 Robson, E.R. School Archiieeture : Planning 
 Designing. .Vc.. Lo„., IS74: 2d ed., 1877, Svo "»' 
 ti ""'!'"";?ri,i!'"'''""" '^"'"^^"o liuilding Construe. 
 i of ^"m^e^Z'i 'n,"' ;""' '''"y.""-' S- (Trans.) History 
 , so:,';tnd ^ol. ii. In- .{.n Ta';";' ) '™"'"""' "^ *"•- ««"• 
 i Un^w'^sl,?','^ *;«"T.'^'?""e' ^- '"'0' graduated at 
 ILn.veiMty College, Oxford, l.s;«, ealled to the bar at 
 ' ) 
 %'^ \;* 
 .. Iho llibl, ; ii,s lUvulatiim, Iii.Hp,rnti(,n ,',nil IM 
 »i'-n», ( Hible-Clns, I'mnns") Kdin., I,S85, IHm„. 
 Collection nf Church VeMincnI., Dr,.„..- Hllk Stuff. 
 1 .\N«„,i l{,.mnn(.e, l.on., Inns, I2„,„ "' ' "" 
 '(■„ "r""' "• ^*-" "'"'""'•) '^•X' 'r..o„,.,,o,,, J,.„v 
 '•y i»imr,„„„.u„t,- ,>„,„ the Tibcnn of nk,i,.i;';';',';;! 
 Jloby, Ileiiry J<,h„, [„„,, j,,, n ,, , . 
 ",.,th, |.;„«. ; «r,„luute.l, scm i, olut'il „, St' 
 of 'hh^u;l''is'^,?„?,:^:\™7,','",'\' '"■"■•«• The oxcellc.,>,.e 
 ■■i'M). (Niiticc ,,r v,,| i , '"'"""r l"""y cciimiry."-.l«., N„. -.>v(/. AVr., 1x1 ,Ti"' ""•'"'"i'M"" ol unpurmm Inturi'Ms." 
 Kcst''to.r,lt'h'.!'r"I>"i'i'i!"'' u'u^". ^""'^ »f Justinian's I.i- ' ingan.l .nstn.Vtivt^nVMiNT" t;:",;;:"^':' """""" "f '" 
 «">■.*.,. }».,..„„ i=_...„._ ., . „ . "-^t to (iR. ,\e,v V,„k s",,. „ u!..., 'v. '.?''" '."'•." «™l"-'»- 
 InM.- ,. .I.;,-; 
 Louisi, /'■;■,' 
 I. IJU. 
 ;| •!..) Art of Singing ; now ed., rev., St. 
 co.nm,m';iT,;,t'5Vh"v''n\V ''';"'-«"';'n^'l im.l hon. cl.- 
 „[;''"' '"' cil. same year. ' 
 im..'^?;:;if"^j>'f »,- l^''' "^-^'J- P'^fre of South African 
 an.l l-nK.(i,.„ i„ Uankn „t„v .' , 1 i ' ^^i'''-' *"• Lnw 
 , Hoche, Jnmes'ie^VeV' 1- ^"4"' TJ^'o ™- ■ 
 'o""ty, IrclanJ: e,lMn„L. .f '... ' r^ ■*^! '" Q"«en » 
 and smee then I)rolV^sor of ..l,.nt ""I'lt" IJ< -l-.s), 
 i^y|lr^^^etL:;- i!:- i!;^t";:"^;^-" '"^-^ .« "^tt;;^!^ ":-!!:^;--r t;!;\^i!'r'i-'- 
 R.^z fi^:;^,ir!"^"*='-„ ^-'^ "'''-^ 0^ the! r-,.j-&i:"r ^iri^ri«.!!:"t"i/:e: 
 HorL V ^ .i Vuieiiea, Buttalo, I8S:'. | ni ",„,., ''P''^;^'-"' • ""tl» Introduction by Wilde 
 I ., loou, p. svo. 7. Frederick, Croivn 
 PrInoB iin,l Emperor ; « lli.,,ic«l Sket.h, .Inllnite.l 
 K;,!rri!'r;;:i;:r;::!;,;;r >;:?■'"'''"''"'''''''•• '^"'''"" 
 with .h« s™.M.M-„i,H snu.Xair; '•':'; :,;;'';;^^^^ 
 .service in K,„„, Vir«i„i,. ,„„" f, „ ' ^ , 
 ountr.v , n„.|,„ ,„« U.M..,||,,,i„n. ..( Offlcor., A.,.. , 
 inean ,.,,,1 l,e AnKln-UuH.i,.,, Dispute: ,.„ A™, ,n "f 
 Mcda of Il„„„r: .,„„.. „f ,1,,.. X„|,|,. ,„„,,, ,„,. ^: ,{ 
 111.) M.'.lal ha,! 1.U..II awanliMl, .k.gcriihvl l,v tho.e w , 
 have w„„ i,. 1H«,-,S8«. rilu.t. .V. Vmk/ Issfi Sv," ' 
 I.." t>7':.'';:su" ' "• '-'«'" "" ''""^ '^'•"'^-. 
 IlodlMl'iii, A. K. (Trana.) Th., Ko,„,t,.,,, „f Chrl.t • 
 from the ,.rma„ „| A. Ta^por,. Kait,.,!, wi.'l, u IVefacc,' 
 by C. II. II. UriKht. K.liii., ls7|, hvo. 
 Rodmun, John. K.p„riH „( th., K,ntu,.l<y Court 
 Hodn.y, Mrs. .Wiirinn ( nIh.Min I.eRure 
 1. .Sca- 
 .Maid of 
 waa .^I'lit to 
 (Beeves,) b. ab.uit Ih.,i, „t ciiaritn 
 writton iin.lcr the p.ieiiil.inyiiio of " I'a.l 
 Drilt, I'hihi., l.siiU. 2. WiMirithonie ; . 
 ol Tu-Day, Philu., 1872, l2mo. :i. A i 
 Ari'aili.', .\. Vork, ISSS, l2nio 
 ItodriKiies, Jos6 iiirlos, [,r,.li., „,ia ..nt to 
 Panama „. 1871. hy th« New Vork Worl.'l.To at u W ,1 ^ 
 .•..n.l.tmn a,„l |„„,p«,.ta „f the .anal: the condu, o," 
 he arnye,! at was that ha„kr..,„c.y waa i,„,„i„„„t ,„ 
 leaa the I rench «overi.,nent ,.h ,1 eon,,, to the aaain- 
 Its lohlical Aapeuta ami tirLaiiehil l)iHie.ilti.>, N York 
 anil l/on., iM:>, p. .Syo. 
 "While the ta.^-le of |»,rlh,ns,,f Mr. limlrlL-inss w,,rL- i. 
 notex«ellyl„l,|.,,r„i4.i|, . . . we r n i K ,, tl" 'i, 
 era a.ieiira.'y of if,e .sial.'inent.s „( thi. aiith r ' (,rJ, ' 
 .■arlv hi.sli.rv of the M-hi.„„. i» CMneenieil ; »'.' Irn ■ ■ v, rM 
 hi.s fMiaii.'ial Maluineiil.s to a hiri/e e-iteiit ■ iim w.. , 1 
 Na £' ""'"^ '''''''"'■ "' '"" ^-'"^^^^n'^l^^.'^Di 
 nr^h"*"^^?"' Vr."- '"'' f^'""''"' ""''go: 'i Homanee 
 of theM.xteenth fViiturv, l.on., 1.S8.S Kvo 
 a,"M'',*r"' ,*"V"i';^*' I"m I''.K.A..S., a'elenee tnaater 
 a .Marlborough College. 1. Dietionary of Sim,.,," 
 ( I ayile,, ber.,) Lon., IS7I, ,Hvo. 2. .Vole.. o„ .Natural' 
 'h,lo..ophy : be,n« the .Sub-^tanee of a Cou,-ae .>f I.oe- 
 t; rea deliyereil at Uuy'a Hospital, Lo„., 187:1, l2,uo. :;. 
 hel!„-thofChe„i,Htry. Illu.^t. (" Nature" .4er.) Lon 
 I SI, p. 8yo. I. .South by Eaat : Travel in .Southern 
 •ni-ope. must. |.„„., 1S77. r. Sy,,. i, Ktna and it 
 jrupnona. lllust !„„., I,s78. p. 8yo. «. lle.t aud 
 :''","'/.■; "',"."<'f ."' '^il*"'-. .Mereury, Lead, and Cop- 
 per, (1 hilo.-ophiual I'r.inaai^tions,) I,on I88;i .(to 
 Kodwell, Itev. John .Wedows, .MA.! [.,„)e. y.,1 
 M., add.,] graduated at Caiua College, Ca,«bridge, I8;)(). - 
 "rda,ned ls,jl ; reetor of St. Ethelburga, Ijisho ,s,Mte' ^ 
 J.neo lHi;i. The Propheeies of I.saiah;.r'an -h ,' f 1 . 
 the Hebrew, Lon., 1881, p. Syo. 
 Hoc, Mrs., [,,„«■, yol. ii., add.] 1. .Sketehe,, from 
 Knghah H,at«,y, for Oirls, Lon., 187,! ; new eil., 1878 ,, 
 >vo. 2. I nciowned Queena : Historic Vignettes ro 
 printed, with Additions, Lon., 1878, 12,uo ' , 
 I '■V'*'? ^''^' **'«"♦■"»' [""'«. vol. ii., aild.,] d. 18,86 
 :, Resolution i or, The Soul of Power, 1871. 2 True 
 Love Kewarded ; a Tale, .V. York, 1877, 12mo. 
 Koe, Kev. hdward Fa.vsoii, is;is-i8,8S; b. at 
 A oodna. New Windsor, N.Y.; edueateil at Williams Col- 
 lege, .ind at Auburn and Cnion Theologieal Seminary, 
 Ne,y York; served as a ehaplain during? the civil war 
 laator of a Presbyterian ebuieh at Highland Falls, X.Y 
 l«(i.,-,.l, and fiom that time until bis .leath gave himself 
 up to Mteraturo. The sale of his works .lown to the time 
 "t hia death is said to have exceeded 7al),miO voluinea I 
 iiarriera Burned Away, N. York, 1872, 12mo. (A story 
 relating to Iho C!,ioago iire, pni.liRbr-d .„,i,-ir..,liy ,,s \ 
 serial it, the New York Kvangelist. Of a eireap edi on 
 issued in 1882, 87,.W0 copies were sol.l.) 2. I'lay and 
 Proht in my Garden. N. York, 1873, 12mo. 3. Whut 
 can Sho do N. Y'ork, 1873, I2mo. 4. The Opening of 
 k™ /■ M v""i: ^- ^"'^' '*''^' >2»'o. 5. From Jett to 
 Earnest, N. York, 1875, 12mo. 6. Manual on the Culture 
 ^i; ,^^^;i ;;-if" ,;:',;,rri;:..^';:- »; ; 
 N.^.rk, I,s8u 12mo i ,. Am Origina lie, N. Y..,k 
 , M), 12n,o. 20. Ibe Karth T,cmbled, N. York l^s?" 
 ' /."... 21. A Ilornefa Nest, N. Y.irk. I8,H7 ( ,o •.•.' 
 NrtV^l^ V2m;."'^'" ""•^' '^'-- ■"■ *'i- ■'-: 
 ;ay Ser„.,ns, Chic, 1 8,s,,, ,„,„„, ... Kr,„„ the 1,.^ en 
 ^ me Kevolution, ( bie., 12mo. 
 s.,!.*r."' '■'!''*■',!':'' T- <■'■'"'!""' I'roi.edure of I nited 
 Slates Courts, I 'hii.. Is,s7, .svo. 
 Ho.-, .>lrg. J. Ilareoiirt-. I. The Ilaehelor Viear 
 ;wu:on.'"i^ss:'::?-^.::'- "•'*-• ^-^vnosewiie? 
 Hoe .Miss .Mary AhiBail. K,ee. yet Forging 
 .id,'i*Ti""i'''' ,•','■.'!"' f";""'*"'- ■'•• "'""««. J-. M..i>., 
 Willi, n," V i;'-'",'^^'"' "'.■'"""'^"■. l««l. :;. I.elt in the 
 I "ok ol M.akespeare .Music : being an Aciount of Tli,ee 
 . nihed an,| K.fty Pieees of .Mu?ic .set to Words taken 
 I m the Playa and Poe,„s of Shak..sp,.are, the („, ,po 
 T,',,,.. u;;ri's7!;.''uo'. '■•'''■"''^■"'"" --^k" "> ""' I'^esLt 
 p.^s"!!^'"' """■ ^ '"""'I'™ to Honour, Lon., 1876, 
 t.oelhe, ,n Kngliah Hexameters, Lon., 188,8, n. 8yo 
 ealleil to the bar at the Inner Temple 18,^!I, judge if 
 <u,'': n,r'r" rr, ■ ','"• '^'''" '"^^ ""'» Practfeelf the 
 Supieme Court ol Jud,iature, Lon., 1875 8vo 
 t,„!V'M''''' (>"«""<"•'* C- '• .<k,.tcbea of'l!..presen. 
 .live .Men North and .South, llluat. N. York 1872 
 ifu'st n'-v^JV-.-i °"'- ''-p--"t"'iv- .Abo,i: 
 lllust. N. Vork, I^,.|, .Itoj 2.1 ed., 187.1. 
 I i nvf:i^'T\"^^ Koser,) Rev. Charles, D.D. ' 
 phero the Roy.U Historical Society of Ureat ILi a^,^. 
 LLu f'Z" '^°"\^''^' ''''■'' ^ Memorials and Hecol- 
 ! 2. -Memortal.s and Uecollectiuns of I^Mward liann'eV- 
 the (oninonplaee IJook of Jamea Boswell : with a iMe- 
 mo,r and Annotations, Grampian Club Pub.,) 1874, 8vo. 
 io?,'of''li;rMf'-"\'""' "'«.»"«'"'" '^'S. in the posses: 
 aion ol Lord Houghton, consisting of a quantity of loo-e 
 Huarto sheets, apparently intended to bj used in a vol- 
 ume ol tteiary anecdotes. ) 4. Life of < Jeorge Wishart. 
 he .soot lah .Martyr : with his T,-anslation of the Helve- 
 of'wil, H^'p'.' ""i '' ':'"'™'",«i™I "i^Cry of the Family 
 of M>.^h,r . hdin., l,s,r.. 5. Leaves f,-om myAutobiog- 
 niphy, (( Club Pub.,) Lon., IS7(i, 8vo. « 
 (h.l.) Historical .Notices of St. Anthony's Monastery' 
 „"';■ '"ci "'-•'"^'''•'••'1 "' Invents which oecurreil in the 
 Nor h o Scotland from 163.-, to 1645 in Relation to ho 
 National Cov.nant: from a Contemporary .MS., (Gram- 
 pian ( lub Pub) 877 ,Syo. 7. Oene'alogical Memoi s of 
 he Family of S,r Walter Seott, Lon.? 1877, 8yo. 8 
 i ■•' Vv •"'■'',"'' "'" Christian: Home Hymns by 
 Living Writers, Lon., 1877, fp. Syo. V. Memorials of 
 1 '■. 
 I 4 
 ^y ^^ 
 1.0 s 
 50 "^ 
 ■^ !■■ 12 2 
 113 6 Hill - 
 1.25 1.4 
 6" - 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14583 
 (716) 872-4503 
 -sis:::r:::;::::::r iSs™ 
 .._...•, . . '^^^'I'^^* ''""'I/' tlieIiurgoynurM,,,,mi„n, Albany, 1SS4. 
 strtMiii: will, ItelatiVo 
 .1 tie H„„,es f Colt and Coult., (C^ottonian s" 
 a. 1 DmIv M, „i', ' V"- '"• Christian BirtlKla,.Bo„k 
 de.ldmini;:;i^^-i™!i,^^,:^'-" -"tune, but i, sadly 
 I.S. .xociil Lie,. i„ ,-<eutianJ from Early to Recent 
 Times, Kilin., ISSI-M!, ;i voH Svo «ecent 
 S^'ln^"?''!"" ""'«'" '"" "'« i^'iil'lisliGd Church of 
 LoZ Ksst';, «;'o '"'"""'' ''"^^'°- ^■-""- tS: 
 ^s"TvScf•sv^""'''^" ^•"""-■'' ^'-«'. W, 
 L."."f^s',!'i2'f,:^'"' '=• *'"''«""«'« ^^I^«'-y : a Novel. 
 vi?^"^^."!*' }}' "• Kan'inisoencos ot Military Sbp 
 Ne>v f,o,,tl, Wak.,. 1. (Jranlnmr and Lojjio of tl e \ ne 
 yen h Century a.s seen in Syntactical Analy. of tl ^ 
 tn«,,4, language, Un., Iss;!, ,,. ,svo. 2. , Kd T e 
 Au..tralas,un federal l>ire,.„„y if Connneroe Tra le , n 1 
 I «hc e he graduated, Krst cla.s Lit. iluu,., ISIO "natter 
 of .1,6 schools ISo.-i, and classical cxan iner IS57-58 
 I Jooke ,,r«fe.-.sor of economic science at King's ('dieae' 
 "rdTse/'eT „':?"' •r'-f-o-f Politi-1 ec",foLy a o'v; 
 lur I iSb^-es, and re-elected ISS.s. Jle was for sonie veir, 
 "oifTthrcr''''", C''"-'""-'^"g''^nJ. ^"t avlil i n! 
 Pal im nt r' '■^'"'f bill to become a candidate for 
 I a. nunent ;nd was member for Southwark 1 f<t<0-86 I 
 I .> oncal ileanmgs: a Series of Sketches, Lon.. IsCM- 
 .«, two series, ,,. ,svo. first series: Montagu, Waoole 
 fv'iV" *""'*■' ?''*>""• ■'^«""'J series: Vic if Zl' 
 an amliority. Kew im, I f, vVln, r *.*-' ? "i '""'"'" '" 'J« 
 i"a',:assiisri~i^^ ^^ 
 e'roi^Ma^ ■'%''' '^""'- ^^- '^^"'^'""' »'■"' Mo<lcrn"rolUi 
 IS7.1 Xo '"^^ "" *^'"'"''" ''"""'='" Topics, Lon 
 Tse'o "ri4''%"''"°'T 5, '=»^ipi<'»». i« EnglisI 
 I 1®' "■>'■' '"i^, I2mo. 3. ColJen and •■ " 
 nin',u;.r'f I'leml crefcv;;ve,",,l'v'^'■'''r^''"''•'^« "f "'« 
 listing of a St cMm-i t I- \tv7'' '•r'V^''''^^!' '" " lexicon- 
 Lon ?s'T''^ ^""'^'^'i''" "f the Protests of the Lords, 
 gr":^^:r;t ^r?'""' >• '«^^- - I>iniadelphia;|~l:?Z;^,-.^!-.l^''i%,^M^^ 
 re.-tual MagneMsm, \. York, 1M77. IS,„o. " : o.xpresstV f bu this is ycry ji^!^^^^^^^^^ 
 researches, f" r 1 e to is ns^h, f .. . '^ '",' '\".''.' "f '''' 
 iitliore, mast ntMinhV nr ,^,,,1.'""' "'^ P'^'''''"' "hicli, of ni; 
 rortal) e in , ifi.', n pr > "ibly ronard as the most iinconi 
 Itamlal. M hi, l! « '7' .'.•'';'"';y..V"^. •■e^H-V ."H!'ke.l by' s,iT,. 
 -..,..., to 
 AsMr' iini'.'.^ "^"'"c us tesiiiy Is simidy enormous 
 iy will 1h' a 
 t-s ard the 
 statistics on Ss»br.' 'I'".!""!'"''' ."»^. ">"-^' ^''"'"mto 
 <.....„.>..-..," .'"^"-e?. boti If l,„„i and of commodities of 
 rcstrial Magnetism, \. York, lM77""Vsmo' 
 ^^^l^Sor::ro gi^oi^'^H^ 
 VM2 ' 
 express s It i.nV.V. , """ ""i' is the w 
 r.^Sls ''.J^ S^'iie i;\H^,'lrl\r"y .he-r..„l, of his 
 iithore, mast nuonliV ,„ ,^,,,1.'""' "'? P*^'''''"' which, of all 
 fortab e in , ifi.', n pr > "ibly regard as the most iiii 
 St I Id , ml ";''''' '"""i;y """ '■eallv marked by' 
 • he I be Ih eMiturl'';;;,,';'.'; '•^' /" ""'•>•' ""■ eivirbrHls, 
 were the ," ,> ''„'.'i''''i' 'J": \^'''>;.>-';'";s<i' the slxteti Hi 
 «rlis.iii, ami the lUoirer ■ ■ '*: t.'' '"'•'^''iV"!'""". '"e 
 Kiigllsl peoide'hesiivs »v,.;,' r ."'* >'ondllion of the 
 numot,,, , us ros neiM V ' ''^"'-Ki'1% ''"'' !""' '"" '"' "'"'"'^t 
 thepracliceofen claMnV/nnini- ""*''-'''■'* '" "'"'erBiveiUo 
 It finite an iiMlispcnsalilo l,(«,k to all wlin wMi I., »tn,lv 
 (■Ill nil. I sncia I .-tiirv Ml' til,, liiiipv ,,t ,,i,T I ,1 ' ''"'" 
 l.loii.l,.,! Willi ihis, iMMl a. eidii ,,'/''*■•'■ "''■'"'• 
 coiuni>i, «v have i,„w a,!;! ti'cn 'x .■> ,J 1 '";;;;^;)rr 
 iiiK » Inch jar on tin. roader.'-.lW,., .\,, 'ir,., ' '^ ''-^'• 
 s. KnsilaKc and its I'n.-pects i„ i.;„f;|i,h' Ami.ultnie 
 I, on.. \Hyi, I). Hvo' ''d pil TSSJ ij ^'^ ''^'""nnil'. 
 tuic. wlu«,. .letails may I'l'f , Xr' .'i IV'?,',','-''.!''';- 
 Hank of Englan.l, O.xf., I.SSS, Svo. (Contains a wLklv 
 re^MStor, , iscovured by Mr. Rogers, ol' the pric s of ,1 o 
 the reasons of the (luctuations, Ac.j 12. Holations of 
 t^nonne S,.ien,.o to Social. Ac, Action, Lon., s.^ f" 
 ^. ,, 8v„'.""""'' < ""■" '''"^y of "- •^''"'""'.") Lori:; 
 "He treat-s almost cvervsidp nf h)« tni.i..^* „ 
 <la.mina iron, a w««on in HjUo rark.''^;l/"'/ta.'TxW: 
 U. The Economic Interpretation of History: Lootures 
 Kogers, llev. James GiuiiiiessV'ii'.A., !,.nir 
 vol. ...,a,l,l.,] Congregational minister at Ashton:un. e>^' 
 ham^ "'"7';,'™. Eng., !SM-fi.^; aftcrwarjs at Can- 
 ham I Anglican Church Portraits, Lon.. 1S7(! „ Svo 
 ! Tirink... I)rinl«.r.s and Drinking: .ir, Th,- Law and Uis. 
 orj o| Intoxicating l,ii|uors. All>anv, 1ns|. i2mo 4 and Medical Men, Oniggisis, ic, Lon,, l.sS.^', cr' 
 JSssy,' Hvf.i'' '"'■'"'*'"« Down-G^ado Controversy, L^on.! 
 Rogers, James Webb, b. 1,S22, at Hillshorough, 
 ^■C; graduated at Princeton 1811; took orders in tl.J 
 f^TthTl ""■'''= r""'' '- ""= Confederate army d 
 ng themv.lwar; became a Roman Catholic in 1878 • 
 studied law, and was admitted to the bar. I. Lafitte^ 
 or fhe (ircek .Slave, Host., 1870. 2. .Madame Sunt?: 
 or, Lectures on the Protestant Faith, Lon., 1,S7,!, So' 
 3. The King's Palace, Lon.. 1885, :!2n o. 4 Tl e V«r K 
 ^enlys of Christ, Lon.. m7, cr ,Svo. Wi h R,c,u ,V 
 ^^rii^lX-IsS^W^""' "''''*' ^ ''-'-- ^^^i- 
 Pi™"!!"/"' •'.".«eP*» ^- I'rinciples and Practice of 
 ml^vor.^fedlfe.'f"';^?^'"''"^ '^"""«'="' '"^' ^■-''' 
 ph^v.?!?!.';''.^'"''- '^'''f Wayorley Dictionary : an Al- 
 W^Unr'Z,,7"w""'T^^.' '^" tlie Characters in Sir I 
 a%'cM:"Ls7r.'2mf '"'^'"" "'"' ""-""''"^ ^- 
 or^T?*'*^"'."- ^»»«'»">n> 1- The Law of the Road • ' 
 or he Rights and Wrongs of a Traveller, San rra ' I 
 1H,(,, 12,110. 2. The Law of Hotel Life; or, The 1 iXs 
 and Wrongs of JI„st and Ouest, Bost.,'l879, 6n o.*" 3 
 IloRPrs, T. (Trans.) liuddhaghasha's Parable- 
 IroMi the llurniese, Lon., ISTii, .syo ' 
 <ti!dv'""'r,' '''• **",•"'••>'.• Cnekoo Cloud.Land: a 
 ■-tihly ..n 1 to|,iasand I lN|,ittn.». Lon., 1SS5 .|t„ 
 Ii,!Vf'^,r'''*' :''''"'"""• ''""'"i™l Kxeursion to the 
 liieiidalhaiii. .Moiinlains, .Manchester 1.n7j 
 Kogers, llov. Willi,,,,,, M.A.. [ohm, vol. ii 
 fourth el the mime there mentioned, add.,] h. IM!. in 
 London. He,,ii„,.<eences of William liogeri, Hector of 
 and'l'tM^L"^!'"'*!" '*• , C»l"l"guo of Six Hundred 
 1 1 ighteen Stars observed at the Astronomical Obser- 
 .; Zf,""!™'";' ' "',?'"'ly »ir|i the Meridian Circle 
 'limng 1'-'I-.2,.IN74, I87.\ Cambridge, LSSO, .|to. 
 ,sN"^.''rf',V ■""«'" "'"'y Hamilton F.S.A.b. 
 Scpiilelira LITigicsand Monumental and .Memorial Sculp- 
 ture of Devon. Illust. Kxctcr, 1877, 4to 2 .Memo 
 rniLs of the West, Historical ami Dcscripti e: cole' d 
 on the ]!order-Land of Somerset. Dorset, and Devon 
 wih Heraldic Plates. Portraits, Ac, Kxetir, ?8S7 Svo 
 •logei, !■ . I'., iif (jeneva Iniversitv, tutor in oom- 
 paralive philology at the rniu.rsity of Kdinburgh. An 
 Introduction to Old French: Historv, (irammar Chrcs" 
 tomathy. and (Jlossary, Lon., 1SS7, cV. 8vo 
 184fi"i„ p' ^[?- v'V^" Katharine, {(ireen,) b. 
 Cole I u '■'"•^^•^.■' gra.luated at Uiplev Female 
 tollege, I'onltney, Vt., in I,s67, and in IS5--(:( Ihcd in 
 lirooklyn 1. The Leavenworth Case: a Lawyer's Story 
 N. iork, IS7.\ 12mo: new ed„ I.s84. (This' book has 
 had a large sale. A French tmnslation, purporting to 
 at Pa"ri'':'if,'rs U™'' ^' ',' ^''it ^'"'"y' "^ I'uIZ.ed 
 so I L -i ni ^«""S? K'^iil'Pearanec \. York, 1S79, 
 sq. Ihn .i a he Sword of Damocles : a Story of New 
 the Bride, and other Poems, N. York, 18,^2. sq. Dimo. 
 ,■ M ■ •• ," P^^i^'ive Story. N. York, ISS.'i, so. Ifimo 
 b Hand and Ring. \. York, 1 8,8.1,' 12mo?" 
 The .■\I,1| Alystery, X. York, 188fi, lOmo. 8.' 7 10^2 • a 
 ," ", J^.^i'S 't'^^'- •• " !»•"■»«, N. York, LS87 l2mo. U) 
 BehindClosedDoor.s. N.York. 18,88, l«ino. 
 Fditebvw'^l'*'!','r-./''''';''"''S''°'-'''™^"'''''n<' Profit, 
 n ic Abbelt. Lon., I8sn, s vols p Svo 
 Oxf S^-« s',*^* ,'-,.^"f''."' L'se of Liturgical' Colours, 
 PiJcUcIf' fn" r"'''",.^'?'""- .''""■1"=" ■■ Pop"'" ""d 
 1 actical: un liook on a Difficult Subject: with 
 iMipies in I,ss8, Lon., 'ss. , cr. Svo 
 lloHe, William .lamps, M.A., Lit.D., r,,,,,. vol 
 lio^ht^ >'■ "7 "•■■'■''" ''"•'"'" ^'-•''^•"■« Ncws'since 869! 
 He has edited, with notes, .-eparate works by Milton 
 ;ray, (ioldsniith. Scott, Ryron, Macaulav, Tennyson 
 J>n.wning; ft so the plays, sonnet.^ and imJuis of Shake 
 speare forming 40 vols. 12„io. and ' entitled "The 
 FnuMi'sf n;",'";"' • ^•.''"^''' '"'V- < '^''•' ™os from 
 orsi!-";?*"','' ^''•"'r^' , '• The Rook of Canticles, 
 1858 4o •^"'"■'""\<«;;'«o>l and Kxplained, Ac, Lon. 
 ' . 1 • ' , . ,^".'i"- ■■ ^"^^' »» 'he Aiiocalypse as Ex- 
 plained by the Hebrew Scriptures: the Place in Pr dieoy 
 o America and Australia being pointed out, Lor;.,'l8Ti^ 
 8vo Amm. A. Mnz.«r.,th ; or, The Cnsteilulioiis Lon. 
 istio, r. ,8vo. Anon. New ed., I87J. 4. Metrical Ver 
 sums of Early Hebrew Po.try,' Lon.. 1867 r .^vo T 
 LoL '," -*T'"' '';^"";'r-,..^'''''^"' ''>■ ^^"'■"'i"-' Dent: 
 E2edb^^ ;■ n J''« ''%'ini"g« of Harmonia. 
 bdited by Caroline Dent. Lon.. 1874, p. Svo. 7 The 
 111* I 
 m lili 
 F R °"mn'"Ijm*'.*°!'^M',.K*'- V- J-^^'^-'^- f-^'-^' I Me.lu8n). Lon.. 1880, 4to. rt. Ani.nal iMtelligonco, (" 
 l.K.b., IHiO-i8SI, b. at MiiKby, Yorkshire: graduated, tcrnatiimiil Scientific" Ser.,) Lon., 18S2, p. 8vo. 
 ar«t cl.i88 Lit. Hum.,nt 'embroke CoMegi. Oxford, ISSd; | ..Ti,is is tlio tlrst uttempt to nrrscnt sy'tcmaticHlly tlio 
 studied uieUicino at M. Darlliolomcw's , well-iismired results (if (it'serviitiou mi iho mental lifu of 
 aniinnls. . . He has carefully ciiisslllod liis facts, brinL'Inff 
 tlie whole animal kiuKduni under review in the ascendinu' 
 order, and arranKlu); the observations nnide on the illlHr- 
 ent orders and swcics under the proiier lisycholoirical 
 headlnns."— «(!(. AVr,, liv. 3W. • • i J fc 
 " Better compiled, on the whole, no doubt, than most nf 
 Its predecessors, but still disllL'urcd bv alleKCd facts that 
 rest on slender evidence, ur, If substantiated, that are in 
 Fellow 18,>l-«2 ; 
 Hospital, served as surgeon Id the Crimean war, and 
 after practising for several years booanio hinaoro profes- 
 sor of human and comparative anatom.v at Oxfcjrd in 
 1862, retaining that post till his death : Fellow of Mor- 
 ton College from IS71. Ho published numerous memoirs 
 ard papers on scientilio subjects, devoting himself espe- 
 cially during the latter part of his life to prehistoric eth- 
 nology. I. Forms of Animol Life; a Manual of Com- 
 parative Anatomy : with Descriptions of Selected Types, 
 Lon., 1870, 8vo j 2d ed., rev. ami cnl. by W. 11. Jackson, 
 Oxf., I8H8. 2. llarvcian Oration, Lou., 187,S, cr. 8vo. 
 .S. Soicntilic Papers and Addresses. Arranged and edited 
 by William Turner, F.R.S. With a liiographical Sketch 
 by Edward B. Tylor, F.K.S. Illust. Oxf., 1884, 2 vols. 
 "Altogether about eighty cs.says and discourses arc re- 
 printed ni volumes. The first .section is devoted to 
 aimtoniy and physiology, and here it is that we find his 
 learned dissertations on prehisioric omnia. And this sec- 
 tion deals with zoidogieal suliiects. . . . The third budget 
 of papers Is purely archieological."— .1(A., No. •JUM. 
 Kollestoii, T. W. II. (Trans.) Tho Kiiohiridion 
 of Epictetus: with Preface and Notes, Lon., 1881, 
 8vo. ' 
 Rollin, C. V. Masonic Test-Book, Rutland, Vt., 
 1870, U'nio; new ed., IS72, ICmo. 
 UolHli, Horace J, studio. Field, and Gallery : a 
 Manual of Painting, N. York, 1878, 12mo. ; 
 a S*?„"rv if' ^M*""^i5 ^'f 'I-'''?'* ^?J-'?' h"'""'" ^'""8« = i Mr Konnfues is an evolution'ist along the whole 
 a Story of Musie-llall Life, LoD., 1871, 12ino. .- . ,- , .. . . " . . <- 
 Rollins, Mrs. Alice, (Wellington,) b. ],S47, 
 in Boston; for several years a teacher; marrietl, 187t{, 
 to Daniel M. Kollins, of New York. I. My Welcome 
 beyond, and other Poems. By Allio Wellington. N. 
 York, 1877, I2mo. 2. The King of Amethyst, N. York, 
 1878,8vo. 3. The Story of a Ranch, 1885. 4. All SorU 
 of Children. Illust. N. York, 1886, sq. 8vo. 5. Tho 
 Three Tetons ; a Story of the Yellowstone, N. Y'ork, 
 1887, 16mo. ti. Uncle Tom's Tenement: a Novel, Bost.. 
 1KS8 l'»inn ' 
 ollins, Ellen Chapman, (Hobbs,) I8:!l 
 . Wakefield, N.H. ; married, 1855, to Edward i __ 
 ns. Her books were published under the psoudo- 
 3of"E. II. Arr," 1, New England Bygones, Phila., 
 Ash ton 
 1888, I 
 b. at 
 1880, 12mo; new ed., illust., 1883^ 
 " A true picture of New England life in the more remnte 
 districts, with its stern and unamiable iVatures unsoftened, 
 and its strong, hardy characteristics uuheiiihtened."— -Vci- 
 tton, .xxxi. 3o. 
 2. Old-Time Child-Life, Phila., 1881, 16mo. 
 Hollwyn, F. A. L. Comets and tho New Comet of 
 1874, Lon., 1874, Kvo. 
 Hollwyn, J. A. S. Astronomy SimpUaed for Gen- 
 oral Reading, Lon., 1871, 8vo. 
 Uomun, Alfred. Military Operations of General 
 Beauregard, 1861-1805: including a B.icf Personal 
 Sketch and a Narrative of his Services in the War with 
 Mexico, 1846-48, N. York, 1H8;{, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 "The narrative throws light on not a few of the great 
 Junctures, . . . and is enriched by a mass of oflicial docu- 
 ments, many of which are publijlied lor the first time. 
 The arraiigemeiil is clearand the style easy. . . . The book 
 s not .so much a history of Ceiicnil Hcauregard's career as 
 it is a fulsome panegyric of him."— Autoii, xxxviii.214 
 Homanes, (ieorge John, LL.D., F.R.S., b. 184S, 
 at Kingston, Canada; graduated with honors in natu- 
 ral science at Caius College, Cambridge, in 1870; was 
 Burney prize essayist in lS7;i, and Croonian lecturer to 
 the Koyal Society in 187,0 and in 1881. Ho has been re- 
 ! .several cases ojicn to the charge of misiiiterpreliition."— 
 Sitccldlui; Iv. llTli, 
 7. Charles Darwin: hisCharacter and Life, Lon., 1882. 
 8. The Scientilic Evidences of Organic Evolution, Lon., 
 1882, 12mo. 9. Mental Evolution in Animals: with a 
 Posthumous Essay on Instinct, by Charles Darwin, Lou.. 
 1883, 8vo. 
 " .Mr. K.imanes' book Is remarkable for Its clearness of 
 method, its cogency of arguments, for abundance nf in- 
 teresting evidence, and for exactness anil lucidltv of defi- 
 nition. That the metaphysii iaiis will find many ixiiiit.s on 
 which to combat him we need scarcely say."— *■(l^ AVr 
 Ivll. 88. ' 
 10. Jelly-Fish, Starl'isii, and SeaUrchins : Nervous 
 Systems, (" International Scientific" Ser.,) Lon., 1885, p. 
 8vo. II. Mentjil Evolution in Man: Origin of Human 
 Faculty, Lon., 1888, 8vo. 
 " This volume Is the first Instalment of a series In whidi 
 Mr Homanes proposes to deal with the whole subject of 
 mental evolution in man. . . . Language . . . has been put 
 forward of recent years as the Iiiellaeeable distinction lie- 
 tween man ami brute, the impassable interruption to a 
 continuity of mental developineiit from one to the other. 
 Mr Komanes is an evolutionist ahmg the whole line ; and 
 he joins i.ssiie on the one reiuainiiig point where the theory 
 is still disputed by the only o|>ponuiits worth consIderiiiK '' 
 — ALFRKD W. Benn: Aaul., xxxv. 134. 
 Komanis, J. Manners. The Great Western Mvs- 
 tery; or. From tho Caucasus to the "Caucus," Lo"n.. 
 1886, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 Komanis, Rev. William, M.A., [diifp, vol. ii., 
 add..] vicar of Wigslon Mogna 1863-88, and since then 
 of Twyford. Hymns written for Wigston Mogna, Lon., 
 1879,8(1. 16mo. b . . 
 Homer, A. Anecdotal Natural History, Lon., 1872, 
 2 vols.; new ed., 1873, 1 vol. p. 8vo. 
 Romilly, Hon. Edward, M.A., [<mtf, vol. ii., 
 odd.,] b. 1838; son of Sir John Romilly, Lord Romilly, 
 {(iiile, vol. ii.;) graduated at Caius College, Cambridgi'; 
 called to the bar at Gray's Inn 1864; a master of the 
 Supreme Court since 1879. (Ed.) Sir Samuel Romilly's 
 Notes of Coses from his Manuscript Notes, Lon., 1872, 
 Romilly, Henry, [aiifi;, vol. ii., add.,] 1805-1884, 
 son of Sir Samuel Romilly, {cmie, vol. ii.) The Punish- 
 ment of Death : to which is appended his Treatise on 
 Public Responsibility, and Vof.i by Ballot. Edited by 
 Col. Frederick Romilly. L' '6, p. 8vo. 
 Romilly, Hugh Has O.M.G., b. 1856; son 
 of Col. Frederick Romill., , ;ndson of Sir Samuel 
 Romilly ; formerly deputy cu..i . Msioner for the Western 
 Pacific, and acting special commissioner for New Guinea ; 
 consul for the New Hebrides since 1888. I. A True Story 
 of the Western Pacific in 1879-80. Lon., 1882, p. 8vo. 
 2. The Western Pacific and New Guinea : Notes on the 
 Natives, Christian and Cannibal : with some Account of 
 the Old Labcir Trade, Lon., 1886, cr. 8vo; 2d ed., enl., 
 same yeac 
 "The most Interesting, and bv far the most diverting, 
 account of wild peoples and half di.scovered lands that wo 
 have read since the I'akeha Maori published 'Old New 
 Zealand.' "—*■«/. Jlci:, Ixi. 411. 
 "He claims that in the i.slands to which he has pri 
 centiv (18801 elected Fullprbin iiriif,.»«nf nf ,>l>„ai„i„™» ot ■ c'P»lly devoted his attcnliou he has iniiigled more tliiin 
 thrUoval l.itot^nn „n !■;. .^■^•"■'^f ' ,°' '''y^'<>l»Ky «■' , most iieoidewith the natives, and lliat he has been allowed 
 the Koyal Institution, and is also zoological secretary of ! to witness things usually concealed fnmi the white man 
 the Linniean Society, and lecturer on the philosophy of I w 
 natural history at the University of Edinburgh. 1. 
 Christian Prayer and General Lows- with Ajipendix '<n 
 the Physical Efficacy of Prayer, (Burney Prize Es.say, 
 1873,) Lon., 1874, cr. 8vo. 2. A Candid Examination 
 of Theism. By Physious. Lon., 1878, p. 8vo. 
 " It is Imiwsslble t^) go through his book wlth(mt form- 
 ing a very high opinion of his siwiilative and argumenta- 
 tive power, and a sincere respect for his temiHTance of 
 ststenieiit niid Ids diligent endeavour to make out the 
 ease he can for the views he rejects."- O. A. Simi.o.x ; Acad., 
 xlv. 19r>. ' 
 3. Observations on the Locomotor System of Medusie, 
 (Philosonhioal Transactions.) 4. Further Observations 
 on the Locomotor iSystcm of Medusae, Lon., 1878, 4to. 
 6. Concluding Observations on the Locomotor System of 
 ith scrupulous tiiiTe."—Sijccliilijr, li.\. <J57, 
 Ronay ne, Edmund. Hand-Book of Frecmiwjnrv, 
 Chi(\, 1875, 12mo. 
 Honayne, Rev. Maurice, S.J., b. 1828, at Castlc- 
 mortyr, Ireland ; educated at Ciirlow College and iMay- 
 nooth Ecclesiastical College; removed to the Unite.l 
 States 1856, and is now professor of history in St. Fran 
 cisXavier's College, New York. 1. Religion and Science: 
 their Unions Histnrioally con=i.leii?d, N. York, 187'', 
 8vo. 2. God Knowable and Known : Discussions in City 
 and Country, N. York, 1888, 12mo. 
 Ronile, Louisa. Via Cruois: a Novel, Lon., 
 1882, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 Rood, Ogdcn Nicholas, b. 1831, at Danbury. 
 Conn.; graduated at Princeton 1852, and studied at 
 Yale, Munich, and Berlin ; professor of phvMos in Co- 
 lumbia College since l.sdii. Moilern Chromulics: with 
 Applicationa to Art and Industry, Illust. N York 
 IS71I, p. f«vi). ' 
 "A W(irk so laden with tintlrlni,' iind skilful observation, 
 mid so (-ear and .■asy to read, that It is plainlv .icstiiiud 
 remain the cliissleal aceovml of the color-seilse for many 
 years to (■(jme.—.V(i(/on, xxix. L'tJj. '"»"} 
 ilookc, Rev. T. (J. rh-; church in the Wilder- 
 ness : Sermons preached at Krome, Lipri., 1S77, 12mo. 
 ! Rooper, <;corse. 1. The Aiitubiocraphy of the 
 ,I,iUeSalmoSalar, Ksq. : comprising a Narrative of the 
 lliife, 1 ersonal Adventures, and Dciitliof a Tweed Salmon 
 Eilited by a Fisherman. Lon., ISlir, p. Svo Anon' 
 iNew ed., 1886, 12mo. L'. "A Fox's Tale:" a Sketch of 
 the Hunting-Field, Lon., 1S67, Svo. Anon. 3. Flood 
 Field, and Forest, Lon., 1S89, p. Svo; new ed., 1871- 
 ■Ith ed., 1S74. 4. Thames ami Tweed, Lon., l'87(l, n' 
 8vo. h. Tales and Sketches, Lon., ls7o^ .,. gyg \{ 
 The Fox at Home. Ulust. Lon., 1876, 12mo. 7 A 
 Month in Mayo: Chariictoristio Sketches cf Irish Life I 
 1-on., 1876, 12mo. ' 
 Rooper, Henrietta and Wilhelinina. An Il- 
 lustrated Manual of Object- Lessons. Edited from the ' 
 Work of F. Wiedermann. Lon., 188,3. j 
 Rooper, T. G. ILind-Book in Illoculion : Lectures 
 bcloro the Keightley Teachers' Association, Lon., 1888, ■ 
 Roosa,Daiiicl Bennett St. John, M.U.,LL D I 
 [aiile, vol. ii., add.,] b. 1832, at liethol, X.V. ; graduiited 
 at the medical department of the Inivcrsity of .New 
 York ISliO; professor of diseases of the eye iind car at 
 that college 18ii,i-S2, ami since then president and ' 
 professor ot diseases of the eye and ear in the New 
 York Post-Oradualo Medical School. 1. Anniver-^ary I 
 Discourse before the New Y'ork Aciideniy of Medi- I 
 cine, N, York, 1874, 8vo. 2, A Doctor's Suggestions ' 
 to the Community : a Series of Papers upon Various i 
 Subjects from a Physician's Stand-Point, N, York, l.-<Sii 
 12moj new ed., 1884. :j. On the Necessity of We:irin.' 
 Glasses, Letroit, 1887. With Bii.i,, C, S„ and Haiki.kv" 
 C. h., (trans.) Treatise on Diseases of the Kye, includ- 
 ing Anatomy, by C. Stellwag von Carion. Illust. N 
 York, 8vo. With Ei.v, E. T., Ophthalmic and Optic 
 Memoranda; rev. ed., N. York, L'<sil, ;i2ino. 
 Roose, Edwin diaries Kobson, M.D., F.Ii.C 
 P. Edin., late physician of St. Johns Dispensary ami 
 St. Andrew's Home for Hoys, Brighton. I. Gout, ami 
 Its Keliition to Diseases of the Liver and Kidneys Lon 
 188,-), p 8vo ; 2d ed. same yea; 2. The We:ir and Tenr 
 of London Life, Lon., 18Sli, ,,. Svo, :). Infection :ind 
 Disinlection : reprinted from the " Fortnightly Keview " 
 Lon., 18!«S, cr. 8vo, 4. -Nerve-Prostnition, and other 
 iMinctional Disorders of Daily Life, Lon., LS88, p. 8vo, 
 Roosevelt, lllanclie R. See .Maichkt.v. 
 Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell, [„„^ vol. ii 
 add,,] li, 182!l, in New York; admitted to the bar lS-,1). 
 New York State fish commissioner 18B7 ,s,s, and «inco 
 then V.S. minister to the Netherlands. I. Florida and 
 the Uaine Water-Uirds of the Atlantic Coast and the 
 Lakes of the United States. Illust. N. York I8ii-i 
 12ino; new ed„ 1884. 2. Progressive Petticoats: a Satir- 
 ical lale, N. York, I87I, 12mo. :t. Love and Luck : the 
 Mory of a Summer's Loitering on the (Jrcat South Bay, 
 N. York, I.SSB, Klmo. With Giikk.n, Sktii, Fish-Hatcii. 
 ingnnd Fish-Catching, Rochester. N,Y„ 1879, 12mo. 
 Roosevelt, Theodore, nephew of R. B, Roose- 
 velt »,,j,n, ; b. 1858, in New York ; graduate.l at ILir- 
 vurd 1880; a member of the New York A.ssemblv f. 
 several years from 1881; now a member of the" F ,> 
 civil service commission, 1. The Naval War of 181' • 
 or. The History of the United States Navy during the 
 Last War with (Sreat Britain, N. York, 1SS2, Svo, 
 "The impartiality of the nmlior's Judgments and the 
 '±'S'f ""■'" ,"■'"' V •''«'• "»' evidence i « siVd are vl 
 niarkable and worthy of high praise,"~A-,.(,o,., xxxiv. 
 2. Hunting Trips of a Ranchman : Sketches of Sport 
 on the Northern Cattle Plains, together with Persinal 
 txpcncnccs or Life on a Caitle-Ranch, Illustrate.l by 
 K. Swain (iillord, J. C. Beard, Fannie E. Gilford, and 
 Jlenry .Sandhaiu. " Medora Edition." N. York, 1885, 
 Svo. (Edition limited to 500 ooiiics.) 
 till ."y, "'."^ ''•','"'" "f c''"^*-' P'Twmal observation. . . . 
 vJ, M* V '" '^ "M''*^ '<"'• devoid of pretence of Hue writinir, 
 jet nis descriptions ol scenery are often almost elmiueiit 
 I ; ;; ''''"1 "'"'""'"l""? ■ ■ • are the W(.rk of artists of renu- 
 ponray '- VaJ^rxll'""*' ""•''""'^^'^■'■■•' '^''"^ ""■' "■'•''"^^» "'"y 
 :i. Life of Thomas Hart Benton, (•'American States- 
 men, ) Bost., 1SS7, i2mo. 1. (Jouverncur Morris, 
 (" American Statesmen.") Best., 18S8, l2mo. 
 ,..i"T''^l blugraidier's style is easy, graceful, ami spirited, 
 Hliile Ills inelluid leaves somcthiiiL' to lie desired It is 
 rallic.r disenrsive, apt to elVervesce Into facile general ies 
 on slight suggestions."— .V,i//oH, xlvii. iTi;. ^ 
 5. Efsays on Practical Politics, N.York, 1SS8 l''mo 
 6. Ranch Life and the Hunting-Trail. Illustrated by 
 trederic Remington, N, York, 1888, fol. 
 • il'f"^ 'the true that ranching-/, c, stock-raising on tlio 
 m . .'i"' '" '' l"'«-'^i','", f'l" mod, and can hardly 
 ! \fr rV'^'^'r"'";!' "" "1^' '"'"■'■• K™tefiil (,ngl,t we to be 
 to .Mr. riieodore Koo.sevelt lor having sterecrtyped its es- 
 sential leatiires and presented them to lis In .so attractive a 
 ln,';!inM''V' ''.'i''-"-r" ^■"'"'»S- ■, ■ • "'■■ ■■■"■'h'rlc Remington's 
 rawings. lioili of man and beast, are at oiu'c true to na- 
 ture and admirably selected types of Western lile and its 
 ^ snrrolllullllgs."-.s,^ Kn:, Ixvl, 771). 
 I Root, James P. General .Statutes of Illinois on 
 the Law of Corporations: with Forms for Organizii- 
 tion ot Joint-Stock Companies, Ao., Chic, 1872, 12nio. 
 Root, \. \\. Taylor. I. Contral-nd Christmas. 
 Illust, 1800, Ifimo, 2, Our Song-Birus, N. York, 4 
 nos., Hlmo. 
 Rope, .Miss. (Trans,) Mademoiselle's Story, by 
 Mrs, RilTel, Lon.. 1S87, 12mo, 
 Rope, V,. T. Sketches of Farm Favourites, Ips- 
 wich, 1881, sq, 16mo, ' 
 Roper, F. f. L. The Flora of Eastbourne, Lon,. 
 If^io, p. 8vo. 
 Roper, Stephen. 1, Catechism of High Pressure 
 or Non-Condensing Steam-Engincs, Phila., 187:i ISmo: 
 .W ed., 1874. 2. Hiind-Book of the Locomotive. Illust. 
 1 hila 1.S74, I8mo. 3, Hand-Book of Land an.l Ma- 
 rino Engines,, Phila,, l,sr5, i2mo, 4. Hnnd- 
 liook of Mo, em Steam Fire-Engines, including Running, 
 tare, and Maniigement of Steam Fire-Enginea and Fire- 
 Pum,,s, Illust, Phila., 1876, 12mo, o. Use and of the Steam Boiler, Phila,, 1877, 18mo, G En- 
 gineer's Handy Book. Illust. Phila., l,s8(»,12mo; Kith 
 ed., 1888. ' 
 Ropes, Arthur Reed. Poems, Lon.. 1884, 12mo. 
 Ropes, John <odninn, b., at St. Petersburg, 
 Russia; graduated at Harvard 18.,7, and at the Law 
 .School .so I. The Army under Pope, ("Campaigns 
 of the (ivil War,") N. York, issi, I2ino. 
 ,„!'„ioi""!'i"'''' y '""* .";".''•'" "" "'ili'ory service, he has every 
 ,1,1 '"',■ " '"""!"■>■ »■'•»".-"" adniirable military 
 Jiidunuiit, a clear and attractive style, a good sense .jf 
 .Tin r'moi'M'i'rr'"*-''' '"'""I^'Ib'' "f the facts, and a 
 j p;'r;:Hi.''-i:;;;;!^:'x':;^i^:'^.''' "''^' p^^j>">i™« or me war 
 2. The First Napoleon : a Sketch, Political and Mili- 
 tary. Maps. Host., I8S5, |2mo. 
 ,„,'',;^. ";,",'/■",'." f.'"V'; '""' '■'."ivenient outline of Napoleon's 
 ■areer, full ot vivid and clear analvscs of facts, , and 
 j '';;i»tV";f """"'I'^'i''"'!-" 'lear an,! livelv style, which 
 ' m, r;, '■ '""■.■;"'"•<■■ "•,""' fe-rowint,' .lull or wearisome for 
 ; luT , ;,■, ; ■ ' "-' """"""- '!'?"-■ '"'■ military stn.lies has 
 I a.l too happy eiilarwmcnt ot his»„rk in thi,s directhm, 
 ;,t'i'i,.,i!>!T7"" '^' -^"P"'"'!'"' theory that the extensiim 
 ^f. 'if,,. ,r ';■""'"■'' >■ • •, ""',""' J"-«titl,.l,le result of ag- 
 gressue nnrs l,egun by the ..tlicr I'.iwers. He even de- 
 I RmuIs the excciitToii ol'thc Due d'Enghk-n.-'-iVcito" .xH. 
 •• We shall not go far wrong if wo take the goo.l of Na- 
 Ps Mffl.',!;"! •^''- ""Pe^v""'! ,"»■■'""' '■•""' Mf Seelcy. It 
 Rope.-*, .Mary Emily, b. IS.|2, in Boston, Mass,, 
 rcsi.les 1,1 ,St. Petersburg, I, SpringfieM Stories, I87;<. 
 2. I Inly a Beggar Boy, and other Stories, Lon.. 1875, 
 Jino. .S. Can.line Street: or, Little Homes an.l Big 
 Hearts, Lon.. IS77, ,,. Svo; new cd.. I.-^Sj. 4. Finette, 
 the Norman Girl, an.l her English, Lon , 1S77 
 12mo. :,. His Little Hetty: or. Out of the Dark, Lon.! 
 1 C',, ,""• '''■ ''"'■'' "'" •"''"'"P''!-. I'on., 1878, Itlmo, 
 7. lill the Sugar .Melts, Lon,, l,-i7ii, 18mo. 8. A Child 
 .shall Lciid Them: the House that Jack Built, Lon,, 
 I8.S,, Ksjn... .). H.incsty the Best Policy, and other 
 Sl..r_ie.«, Lon,, ls82, p, 8vo, 10, My Golden Ship, Lon,, 
 ,.'"■-•,.'-'""• "• ''^''"''> '-■'™'- "t f-ast; or, Story of a 
 len-Poun.l Note, L.,n„ 1884, 32mo. 12. Prince and 
 lage, Loii,, 18S4, 12mo. 13, Tony the Tramp; or, 
 Good for .Nothing, Lon,, 1884, 32mo, 14, Ragged Robin 
 Lon,, ISS5, Lsm.., li',, Bob's Trials an.l TcstsrLn., \m, 
 8ino 16. Forlnnesof the Frcjiialts: a Story of Russian 
 Life, Lon,, 1887, p, Svo, 1 7, Out of Cabbage Court, Lon,, 
 tssi, IJmo. IS. Solomon's Cross, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 19. Toin'a lionnie, Lun., lsS7, ISnio, 20. (Jinnnv'a 
 iMrlini;. I-cm., ISS.S, Ismo. 21. Tiilkalive Fripixlsiii 
 Kielil. riirni.iiri'l K(irc.«t, Lun., n>s. It,], With IIai.i.,.'^., 
 Seven ,'^'c|p>i r|i\viinl; Stories fur Dd^s iiikI <iirlK, Lon., 
 1881, Hi|. Iiirnii. 
 Iturrr, David. 1. 'I'reiili-e tin the Law nf .Juilicinl 
 anil E.xeiiilion .^^alcs, Chie., lS7:i, 8vo: L'l ed., eiil., 
 1878. L>. On Inter State l,aw, Chie., 18711, -^vu. 
 Ilorcr, .11 rs. S. T. I. Canninj? and l're.<ervin«, 
 I'hila., |s,-.7, K'uio. 2. lint- Weather iJishe.^', I'hilu., 1^>S, 
 Itoscoo, DcniU"," (P-eu.l.) See Vatks, Fiikd- 
 KIMC li., ill/ill. 
 H08COC, lOdunril SInillCV, ttranilaon of WiMiani 
 Uii,<coe, [iviti, vol. ii.,) I). IS4il, in Liver|ioo| : ciliieati'il 
 III St. I'eter's College, Uailley ; eailcil to the bar at Lin- 
 coln's Inn lS7l. I. Outlines of Civil I'roeeiliire, l.on., 
 1876, |.. 8voj 2de>i,, l-^MI. 2. A Treatise on the ■hiri.«ilie- 
 tion anil I'raeiicu ol the Admirnlty Uivi.aion of the Ili);h 
 Court of Justice, Lon., 1S7S, i). ^vo; 2il ed., 18S2. .1. 
 .•\ Dij^eet of Cases relating to the Construction of lUiild- 
 ings: with Notes, I,on., 1.'<7'J, p. 8vo. 1. liainble.s with 
 a I'Mshiiig-Hod, Edin., 18,s,'i, cr. .><vo. 
 Law of Light: 2d ed., Lon., 18,sti, s 
 iiutlior'k t.ine is thomutihly fresh and aniniulecl : his infor. 
 niiilinii isniien original and uhvays cniiveyed with spirit." 
 —xiit. i:,i., \s\\\. .ill. 
 '■ My far the iiest I k ii|ii>n S|innWi |ieasaiit life that we 
 have nut wilh, Viilualile iiirnruiullnii Is ini|iarted III 
 an liiinesl, straigliiriirwanl nianiier, anil iiotliing i.s exait- 
 gerated."— .l/A,, .\'... JIT'J. 
 2. Aiiiniig the S|iaiiish reople. Lon.. 1.877, 2 vols. .'Svo. 
 "These miles of .Mr. Kose on the .s^paiilsh people are 
 si'nreely inleriiir in interest to his ' I'liinul.len spmn.' al- 
 llioiii;h he u'lies over viMy similar gniiMid in Kmli. The 
 fact is that hi- snlijeel i« singularly |iiemresi|Ue and pracv 
 lleally ine.\hansiilile, and few Kngiishnicn can have mas- 
 tered it sii ilKirimghly us -Mr. Uose has ihuie."— .S(i(. Itiv., 
 xliv. 7sj. 
 Kose, JonIiiih. 1. Complete I'laclical .Maehinist, 
 I'hilii.. |.s7(i, l2nio. 2. I'attern-.MakerVs Assistant, X. 
 York, 1.S7S, l2mo. 3. Slide-Valve I'ractically Ivxplained, 
 I'hila., ISSII, ISino. L .Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught. 
 lUiisl. Lon., 18s;!, Svo. ,0. .Modern .Machine-Shop 
 IVaeliee. Illust. Lon., 18811, Mn. (1. Modern Steani- 
 Kngiues : I'lainLanguage for the Worksliop, Ac, Lon., 
 \XH\, llo. 7, Key to Engines and Eiigino-Uunning, 
 '■on., 1SS7, p. Svo. s. Steam Uoilers : a I'raetieal Treii- 
 A Diirest of the ! ''*" "" Boiler Construction ami E.xaniinution. Illust. 
 ' Lon., 18S8, " 
 ItoKCoe, .sir Henry ICiitieid, LL.D., F.R.S., !, K. E. (icms for the King's Crown; or, A 
 [mil', vol. ii., Ko.sioK, IIknhv E., add.,1 b. ls:i;i ; son of '■ Pastor's Ueiuiniseenccs, Lon., 187,'*, I2iuo. 
 llenry Hoseoe, (7. r., iiiitr, vol. ii :) was educated at i Uose, Stewart. Ignatius Loyola and tho Early 
 Univerrity College, London, and at Heidelberg; became i Jesuits, Lon., 1S7II, Svo. 
 jirofessor of chemistry at Owens College, Jlanehester, in ! "His volume, though not wanting ill eurioiis and tii- 
 I8,VS; received the gold medal of the Royal Society in I "'.'■'J^liiiK imnatives. musl fall under that iiiexurahle fate 
 1873 for his researches in regard to tlie chcinical ac^tion ^HrHV^J&.il!!^;;;:;]^;;;, ^^i^ll'^^i."'' "" '""'" "' '""" 
 of light; was knighted in, and in I8S0 e acted i»„„„ •v v w.i .1 ii- . • , . t.. 
 M.I'.^or South .MTinehester. l.'cheinistry, ("Science „„,'\" ,•'.^, '.i /v l!' .."^''^n' l!f'°n^L°'! »".! 
 Primers,") Lon., 1872, l8mo. 2. What the Ear^h is 
 Composed of: Three Lectures. Illust. Lon., 187(1, 12nio. 
 3. Technical Chemistry. Illust. ("South Kensington 
 Science Lectures.") Lon., 1877, 12mo. I. Chemical 
 Action of Light, Manchester, ISSII, ,8vo. 5. Description 
 of the Chemical Laboratories at the Owens College, from 
 the I'lan? of Alfred Waterhouse, R.A. : with Litho- 
 graphic Copies of the Original Plans and Elevations, 
 Manchester, 1881, 4to. With SciloilLKMMKii, C, A 
 Treatise on Chemistry, Lon., 1877-S.i, 4 vols. 
 Kose, K. J. Sermons, Lon., IS84, p. Svo. 
 Ruse, Edmund. Delirium Tremens and Delirium 
 Traumatieiiin. Lon., I8S1, Svo. 
 Rose, Edward. "V. R. :" Adventures of Three 
 Days in 1837: a Comedy of Errors, Lon., 1887, 12mo. 
 Rose, V. W. Notes of a Tour in Spain. Illust. 
 Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 
 Rose, lieorge, ['inie, vol. Ii,, Rose, GnonnE, also 
 Skkti iii.KV, AiiTiirit, (pseud.,) add.,] IS17-I882, was 
 for some time a clerk in the custom-house, London ; 
 afterwards graduated at Magdalen Hall, O.\ford ; was 
 ordained and held curacies, but withdrew from the 
 Church of England under the influence of ,J. H. Newman, 
 and was for live years tutor to the Duke of Norfolk. All 
 his books were published under the above pseudonyme. 
 1. Mrs. lirown at Play, Lon., 1S70, 12mo. 2. Mrs. 
 Brown on tho Grand Tour, Lon., 1870, l2ino. 3. Out 
 for a Holiday through Switzerland ami Italy, Lon., 
 1870, 12iiio. 4. Mrs. lirown's "Olliday Outins," Lon., 
 1S7I, 12mo. .■). Mrs. Brown at the International E.xhi- 
 bition : the Play, Lon., 1871, 12mo. 6. Mrs. Brown on 
 the Battle of Dorking, Lon., 1871, 12mo. 7. The 
 Goings-On of Mrs. Brown at the Tiohborne Trial and in 
 her Own Family. By Mrs. Brown. Lon., 1S72. 8. 
 Mrs. Brown on Homo Rule, Lon., ISSl, 12uio. 9. Mrs. 
 Brown on Jumbo, Lon., 1SS2, 12nio. 
 Rose, (.inu. 1. A Match in the Dark : a Novel, 
 Lon., 1S78, 2 vols. cr. Svo; new ed., 1879, I vol. 2. Tho 
 Little Princess Colombo, Lon., 1879, p. Svo. 3. Modesta, 
 Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 
 Rose, Ilenry. 1. Summer Dreams; a Vacation 
 Reminiscence, Lon., 1883, cr. Svo. 2. Three Sheiks, an 
 Oriental Narration, and Tho Fishers, a Cantata, Lon., 
 1S84, er. Svo. 3. From East to West, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 4. Ten Years; an Old World Story, Lon., 18SS, cr. Svo. 
 Rose, Rev. Hugh James, M.A., 184I-1S7S. son 
 of Rev. Henry John Rose, [iiiile, vol. ii. ;) graduated at 
 Oiiei Colh-gc, *}.\ford, r-6j; ch::phiin to her 4M;i,ics-ty'*.s 
 forces at Dover; chaplain to the mining companies of 
 Linares 1873-74; chaplain at Jerez. Cadiz, .Ic, from 
 1S74 till his death. 1. I'ntrodden Spain, and her Rlack 
 Country, Lon., 1S7.'), 2 vols. Svo. 
 "lie leads us into scenes and among classes of Spaniards 
 where few Kiiglisli writers have preceded him. , . . The 
 cal Atlas of the New Jersey Coast, Phila., 187S, fol. 
 Rose-lnnes, See In.nks. 
 Rosebrugh, Abner IMulliollnnd, M.D., [nniv, 
 vol. ii., add.,] b. IS3J, near Gait, Ontario; educated at 
 Victoria Cidlege. Toronto, and in New Y'ork and London ; 
 established the Toronto Eye and Ear Imirmary 1887. 
 A Hand-Book of Medieiil Electricity, 1885. 
 Rusecrans, S. II. The Divinity of Christ, N. 
 York, 1880, 11)1110. 
 Roseieur, AITred. Galvano-Plastio Manipula- 
 tions : Practical Guide for the Gold and Silver Electro- 
 Plater and the Galvano-Plastic Operator, Phila., 1873, 
 Rosengarten, Joseph (ieorge, b. 1835, in 
 Philadelphia; graduated at the University of I'ennsyl- 
 vania 1852; admitted to tho bar 1856; served in the 
 civil war on the stafi' 01' Gen. John F. Reynolds. 'The 
 German Soldier in the Wars of the United States, Phila., 
 1886, l2mo. 
 Rosenthal, Henry S. Manual for Building and 
 Loan Associations, Chic, ISSS, l2ino. 
 Rosenthal, Isidore. General Physiology of 
 Muscles anil Nerves. Illust. (" International Soien- 
 tilic" Ser.) Lon.. 1881, p. Svo. 
 Rosenthal, Lewis, b. 1856, at Baltimore; grad- 
 uated at Dartmouth 1877, and became a journalist. 
 America and France : tho Influence of the United States 
 on France in the Eighteenth Century, N. York, 1882, 
 " .Mr. Rosenthal has carefully groped his way through 
 the materials surrounding him, has t'otod his authorities 
 at every step, ha.s held the balance of probabilitie.s with a 
 level hand, has expressed himself at all points with crit- 
 ical niddemlioii. has clothed his Ideas with clear and ele- 
 gant English.— ill short, has produced an exceptionally 
 good specimen of critical historical work."— ^V«(io;i, xxxiv. 
 Rosewater, Frank. No More Free Rides on the 
 Jackass; or, Protection Forover and Everywhere, Cleve- 
 land, 0., ISS2, 16mo. 
 Rosewood, Prof. J. II. Life of Horace Greeley. 
 N. York, 1S72, Svo. 
 Kosher, (ieorge Brenchley, M.A., b. 1852; 
 graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge ; called to the 
 bar at Lincoln's Inn 1878. A Treatise on the Principles 
 of Rating, Lon., 1883, Svo. 
 Roskutcn, Robert. Carlotta ; a Tragedy, in Five 
 Acts, Peoria. III., ISSO, Svo. 
 Roslyn, (Juy. (This is said to be a pseudonyme 
 for «;p(>rgp itarnett S^mith.) i. Village Verses. 
 Lon., 1876, ]i. Svo. 2. George Eliot in Derbyshire, Lon., 
 1876, 12ino. 3. Lyrics and Landscapes, Lon., 1878, p. 
 Svo. 4. Throughout the Y'car; Poems, Old and New, 
 Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Ross, Rev. Abel Hastings, pastor of the First 
 Congregational Church, Port Huron, Mich. 1. Sc-mons 
 for Chihlren, Host, 1MS7, 12mii. 2. The rimrch-King- 
 (loiii : Loi'turca nn l'.ingri');iitiipniilisiii ilelivernl in An- 
 duvcr Thecilogii'iil SiMiiiimry, ISNL'-Sti,, Isss, Mvn. 
 llo§8, Itcv. Alcxniid'cr .lohiisttniK-, '>.!). , gra !- 
 uiitod iit the l'nivi'r.«it.v "f KilinhiiiKh ls:i^, unci in thr. 
 ology ISlli; onhiinccrin the Chureh nf Kntfliind IstiJ: 
 vicnr of St. Philip's, Stepney. iHtl'.i-s;!. I. |)i.i,.|Ke ol 
 the Doetrino of the Aluiiernent, Is,'i2. J. I'oniius I'iliite: 
 Two Sermon!", Isi:'. n. .\I,.|noir of Alexander lOwin),'^ 
 D.l'.L., Hishop of Argyll and the l.^les, L„n., 1^77, !<\» ■ 
 2ded.. IS7'.I. 
 ■'This is ail ndmiriihlu lih.Kriiphy .,fn iiol.le-hearled mid 
 hiBlilvKilted '111111. . . . The hdi.U i. i.iie (lull siimilil he 
 rend liy all who lolluw triilli ralluTlliaii muliorii) , and are 
 la.t alraid tu j^ii .vlierever lunie.-t and devunl imniirv may 
 lead them. . . . 1 Imse wliu did imt kimw Ale.sainler KHiiiL; 
 eaii but dimly i,'iie>> what he was even Irmii these animal. 'd 
 piiKes, but we iiiii»l he Ihankriil that .so iiiiieli (,i' what was 
 ( oepest tuid truest in the hlslmp's lilu is here aeeiiralelv 
 deserihed. — .>';/<W(I^ll■, I. r.'TI. 
 Koss, .Mrs. Alcxnntler Johiistoiio. .Memoir 
 uf Alexander .J. Koss, D.l)., of Snelston, Derbyshire, 
 and Stepney, I.on., iss..^, p. .Svo. 
 Koss, Alexniider .Milton, M.D.,b. ls,S2, at lielle- 
 vllle, Out., Canada; removed to .Vew York and worked 
 ns a compositor on the Kvcniiig I'ost, at the same time 
 ."ludying luedieine under Dr. Valentine Mott | served 
 for a short time as army surgeon in the civil war, and 
 was altenvarils employed by Preshlent Lincoln as enn- 
 lidcntial eorrcspondent in .Montreal. Ho is a meinlier 
 of the College of I'liysicinns and Sur^'eons of Quebec 
 and Ontario, and of many scientilic sooieiies, and Ireas- 
 urer and commissioner of agriculture of the province of 
 Ontario. 1. Recollections of an Abolitionist, .Montreal, 
 ISii7. 2. Birds of Canada, 1 S72. H. liutterllies ami 
 .Moths of Canada, I,S7:!. -1. Flora, of Canada, 187.!. ;,. 
 Forest-Trees of Canada, 1S74. li. .Mammals, Ueptile.^, 
 and Fresh-Wat^r Fishes of Canaihi, IS7S. 7. Vaccina- 
 tion a .Medical Delusion, lS8o. 8. Medical I'raolice of 
 the Future, 18.S7. 
 Koss, Andrew. The Microscope. Illust. X. 
 York, 1878, 121110. 
 Ross, .Andrew, ^..^^.C., b. 18l!l; IJnte pursuivant 
 I8S,')-SS, and since then .Marchmont herald. IIM Scot- 
 tish Kegimental Colours. Illust. Kdin., Is.s.^, ful. 
 Ross, t'lmrles Henry. I. The (ireat ()un : an 
 Eccentric Uiography, liy lioswcll ISutt, Ksq,, [pseud.] 
 I.on., 1805, 8vo. 2. (Jreat .Mister (iun : his Shauiel'ul 
 I.on., 1870, Svo, H. 
 . . . 1 8711, :i vols. p. Svo. 
 4. A Collection of Unlikely Tales and Wrong-lleaded 
 Essays, I.on., 1872, I2nio. 5. A Shillingsworlh of Phiz: 
 Bottled by Judy, I'ncorked by C. il. Koss, I.on., 1S7I, 
 '•This work isnii exhansiive mniii,i;raph on thc> subject 
 ol which II ireats VI! the pri.|.,,-iiioi,~ ^t loilli In the 
 Ini.ikaresiippniic.l enpiou.,— rd- 
 ereiices and i|Uotalioiis. . . . The sivie nl" il„. l„„,k |.^ L.,Kal, 
 and ilssuhsiaiicee.xi-elleiit. ( '.iiiiiiiL', as ii il.pes.luthe.sanie 
 ' i'liisioiisas.Mr..-eel,(.hiir.l„,,ik.wiilisu(diiin immense 
 array ol aiuliorilies iii siip)H.rt. il is elnir thai the idil 
 Iheory which lliids the ori^;ill „r leiilonii' lite in fiveduni 
 and iniiuiiuui-m, in lace "I ilie new doelrine, wliicdi linds 
 il ill slavery and iinliviiliialism, needs at lca«l c,,iiMdcra- 
 bic revision, if. indeed, it must not he ahaiuluiieil alio, 
 t'elher."— .s'/.((7.i^/i-, Ivii. .il. 
 ■• The auihoi's object i> iioihliiK |e>s Ihaii to iiverliirn the 
 received opimiai a- i.. ilie lii>i,,rv of piupcrlv. ... Is he a 
 couipeiciii and iiilelliKeiil erilic .' We tiiul (lurselves con- 
 strained to pronounce, iiiul ihat Willi ihp uueertuili .sound, 
 thai he is iieilhcr."— .^V|^ Hi i:. Ivii. hi. 
 <wecl Sisiers, Ac. : Tales, 
 Prince Cyprus: !i lli-toric 
 verse, 1 Belfast, ISSI, Svo. 
 Frauds and Ileartleirs Impostures, 
 Private Inquiry : a Novel, Don., 1 
 Ross, K. St. C. It. 
 Blackpool, lss7, cr. Svo. 
 Koss, Fdnnind. 
 Tragedy, in Five .\cls, [ 
 _ Ross, Kdward. (Trans. I The Art of Beading, by 
 Ernest l.egouve; with Xoles. I'liila., Is7!i, 12iuo. 
 Ross, .Mrs. Kllen, (lirook.i Her early books 
 bear on the title-page (he name of •■ Ndsie Brook." I. 
 Never (iive Up: a Christmas Story for Working-.Mcn 
 and their Wives. I.on., 18(12, l2mo. 2. Oerlrude Winn; 
 or, (lur Nation's Curse: how it Works in Homes, l.un., 
 Isti.l, p. Svo, 3. Rosa .May's Chrislnias Dream, and 
 what came of it. I.on., Isfi:!, 8vo. 4. Come Home, 
 .Mother. I.on., ISiii, 8vo. b. Tottie's CliristniasShoes, 
 I.on., ISCdi, p. Svo. (!. Ernest Clarke's Fall; or, "Lead 
 us not into Temptation," I.on., IMi", Svo. 7. Christo- 
 pher Thorpe's Victory, I.on.. IS7:i, Svo. S. Never (jive 
 I'p, and Ned Lee's Freehold, Lon., 1S7;!, so. Iliiiio. II. 
 Daddy's Pet: a .Sketch from Humble Life, I.on., |s7:i, 
 Itimo. 10. Lucy Bell's First Place: a Slory for Do- 
 mestics, I.on., l.s7.•^, up lilino. II. Nothing like E.x- 
 ample, and (ieorge Kanl'ord's Happy Christmas Eve, 
 I.on., 1874, llimo. 12. Dora's Boy, I.on., 1S7S, |2iiio; 
 • Id ed., 1SS4. 13. Wiiinifred Marthi : a Story of Eng- 
 lish Family Life. Illust. Lon., IS71I, p, .vyo : new ed., 
 Iss4. 14. The Flower of the Flock, Lon., IS79; new 
 ed., IS80, 12mo. Ki. Dear Wee Winnie. Illust. Lon., 
 1880, l2mo. IC. Dora CJruy's Christmas Errand. Illust. 
 Lon., 18S0, 12mo. 17. Little .Mother .Matiic. Illust. 
 Lon., 1880, 12mo. 18. Benjamin Holt's Boys, and what 
 they dill for him, Lon., ISSI, iruuo. 
 Ross, Eniinii Mnry. Only a (iirl : a Novel, Lon., 
 18N,^l, p. Svo. 
 Ross, Frederick, F.U.II.8. Celebrities of the 
 Yorkshire Wolds, Lon., 1S7S, p. Svo. With Stkaii, K., 
 and Iloi.IiKli.SKss, T., A Glossary of Words used in Hol- 
 ..uiiie. oy duuy, i ncorked by L. II. Koss, I.on., 1871, .lerness, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, (Early Eng 
 Svo. b. Crackers and Kisses : a Party Book, I.on., IS7R, Text ,«<«• ) Lon 1S77 Svo 
 8vo. 7. The Eastern Question Tackled and .Satisfactorily i,„.„. Hp^,. ',•'„„ i:„.„a nm »..„i :_ 
 Disposed of. By Ally Sloper, [pseud.] Lon 
 l2mo. 8. Twopenny Twins: a Domestic Drama for 
 Home Reading, Lon., 1877, 12ino. It. The Penny Wed- 
 ding: n Romance of Love and War, Lon., lS7i>, 12ino. 
 10. High Tide at Any Hour: a Book for Low Water and 
 Low Spirits, Lon., 187il, 12mo. II. Contra Dictionary ; 
 of London: Ally Sloper'.s Sentimental .Journey, Lon.,! 
 1880. 12. Ups and Downs of Ally Sloper : some Humili- 
 ating Confessions, Lon., 1882, 4to. I.S. Margate and 
 Kaiusgate, Round and About them : (ios.«iping Oui.le, 
 Lon.. 1882, Svo. 14. Merry Cohceits and Whimsical , 
 Rhymes. By Edward Evans. Lon., ISS2, 4to. Ij. 
 AllySloper's Comic Crackers : with Moral Mottoes, Lon., '< 
 188;), 4to. 16. Little Sly-Boots : a Candid Confession, ' 
 Lon., 188.S, Svo. 17. (Ed.) Judy's .Manual for ISS7, i 
 Lon., 1S86, Svo. 18. Our Lady Queen : Events Public ! 
 and Domestic, Lon., 1888, Svo. With Ci.,vuke, Am- | 
 nnosK, The Story of a Honeymoon, Lon., 1SC9, p. Svo; i 
 new ed., 1877. ! 
 Ros8, Christian K. The Father's Story of i 
 Charley Ross, the Kidnapped Child, Pliila., 1S7«, 12iiio. ! 
 Ros§, Clinton. 1. The Silent Workman, N. York, I 
 isstt, |2mo. 2. The (Jallery of a Random Collector, N. 
 York, I8S8, ]6mo. I 
 Ross, David, CLE. The Land of Five Rivers :j 
 Sindh Sketches, Historical and Descriiitive, Lon., lss:i, j 
 Ross, DenmRH W., Ph.D. The Early History of i 
 Land-Holding among the Germans, Boston, iss;). Svo. 
 " He brings up an amount of evidence, from laws, char- j 
 ters, etc., \vliich, in the faec of the Village Community I 
 tlieory, is truly startling, in favor of absolute individual i 
 ownership of land among the liermaiiic nations at mid 
 utter the period uf the migrations."— Audmi, xxxvlil. 78, ! 
 Ross, Rev. George Gould, D.C.L., graduated in 
 civil lawiil St. .Mary Hall, Oxford, IS.OC; ordained ls.07; 
 curate of Eweliue since ISS8. (Trans.) The (Jreat Com- 
 mentary of Cornelius a Lapide, Lon., 18S7, Svo. 
 Koss, H, Y'oicks 1 Heads and Tales, 'Tips and Turns 
 Over, itc, I.on., IS7S, Syo, 
 Koss, J. IJowlett. The Laureate of the Centaurs: 
 a Memoir of the Life of Adam Lindsay (Jordon : with 
 New Poems, Prose Sketches. Ac, Lon., ISS8, p. Svo. 
 Koss, Jnnies, .M.D.. LL.D., F.U.C.P., senior as- 
 sistant physician to the .Manchester Royal Infirmary ; 
 professor of nie.licino in Owens College. 1. On Counter- 
 Irritation, I.on., IsK'J, svo. 2. The Graft Theory of 
 Disease: an Application of .Mr. Darwin's Hyiiothesis, 
 Lon., 1872, Svo, 
 " The main idea of this work, as stated bv the author, is, 
 that the three processes of vegetable grafting, animal 
 graltiiig, and the coiiiiniinieali if the zymotic, 
 are cs.sentially one."— .4W,, .No. .';!tj. 
 ;i. Protoplasm : an Examination of Dr. Stirling's Criti- 
 cism of Huxley's Views, Lon., 1874, p. Svo. 4. A Treatise 
 on the Diseases of the Nervous System. Illust. Lon., 
 ISSI, 2 vols. Svo: 2d ed., I.'<S,'i. o. Notes on the Diag- 
 nosis of the Various Forms of Paralysis of the ilusclcs 
 of External Relation, .Manchester, 1884, or. Svo. (i. 
 Hand- Book of the Diseases of the .\ervou3 System. 
 Illust. Lon., ISS5, Svo. 7. Aphasia: being a Contri- 
 hutioii to Ibe .Subject of tlie Dissolution of .Speech from 
 Cerebral Disease. Illust. Lon., 1887, Svo. 8. On FJvo- 
 lution, .Manchester, 1SS8, Svo, 
 Koss, James, .M.D., formerly physician to the Brit- 
 ish legation at St. Petersburg. On the Present State of 
 Therapeutics, Lon , 1S70, Svo, 
 Koss, Rev. James. W. Lindsay Alexander. D.D., 
f i 
 »ilh Illuitrntiona of his 
 LL.!). : his Mfo nnj Work; 
 Toaeliiiijf, [,iin., Issii, or. Svn. 
 llosH, Jniiu's. 1. ScyiM..ur'» Inlu'ritiinco: a Short 
 btciry in Illmik \ crso, Uristnl, I8SC,, 4t„. :>. A Sonni't 
 rT,""';t'',".' ".!"','''"'-''*■'' ""'"■• '''»^^"' • '""'■. I'<M!, 4to. 
 4. n! '■•''•""■■'iii'<l. "till olhiT I'oetnw, Uli., ISHd, 
 4to. I. Tho l.cpcr: ii I'ociii, I.on., Isss, li„. 5. 'fhu 
 " inil. nnil Six SoiinclH, I,on., Isss, itu. 
 UosH, .liiineN Alj-XHlitler, M.O. Consumption: 
 Its Irciilinent l.y,., I„,n., IS7(i, l2mo. 
 7 ,.'!';?'';''• :''""'• '^""' ''""Klitor of Sir A, r.nnO 
 l-ail> iliitl (Jonlon, ,»/„„,• manicd, lst;{i, t.. Henry 
 Jimu-sltos^of Alexamlria. 1. I'uliun Sketches. Illust. 
 I.on., ISSr, p. Svo. 
 l- er> line ot her l.o„k ; Dr. vvhni,. i, ln>pirr,l l,y atlcrli. 
 ?. luru'T; ''•'■ ""'""ie'lKcMin,! (1,.. ,'„n,l,ln„ii„ « v." 
 VLTT^r,^ . "f»"'""i»l*"l>Ji I'rarii,., ,!» Is in.l'ced 
 \tr.\ KriMit. It 1« hiLsi'il iipiiii III! txpiTi'iice (if I'lL'liluiMi 
 2. Three (ieneration« of Knjjlishwonien : .Momoir-s iind 
 Corre.,p,,n,h.nce of Mrs. John Taylor, Mrs. Samh A«.,lin, 
 nn,l U,|y Uuir-Oordon. Portraits. I.on., ISSS, 2 vols 
 qr. 8vo. ' ' 
 vlI',>'i,'.T,!s'rV^!","" '''■'"^■'""« ';''"P'" I" fHinilyaiid pro- 
 l.\vl Im literary and social histury."-.s-«/. Aet:, 
 ,, ""?"' '*,"*'• John, a Scotch missionary of tho : 
 I nited Prosbytorian Church, who resided seven years 
 in Manchuria. 1. A Mandarin Primer, Is77. 2. A 
 torean Primer, I,on., 1877, .Svo. ;i. History of Corca, 
 Ancient and Modern: with Description of Manners and 
 I Nstoins, Language and (ieography. Maps and Illust. 
 I'aisley, I SSI), Svo. 
 nf" M.'i" m"'!'' "!"?■ "" 'Jl'"'" !'>■ **''''• "■'"' "o"-ortirs • Hfetory 
 dire,ilv')r f','!'; ,'V'"'' "'n/''-''"''^ '" " "••'■• «" '"fawn 
 4. Tlie Manchus, or tho Reigning Dynasty of China: 
 heir Kise and Progress. Maps and" Illust. Paisley, 
 J8M1, Svo, ^' 
 "It is apparent that he has cnnsiiliecl nianv rhinew 
 doe.inu..its not avftjlahle tu ,l,e or,l nrv sumU while 
 Itoss, Jolip iMerry, LL.D., IS.i.'i-iSS.'), b at Kil 
 niarnock, .Scotland; studied theology, but turned his at- 
 tention to literature ; was assistant editor of Chambers's 
 i.ncyclo|m'dia, nnd aftorwanis editor-in-chief of tho 
 T i^,. ■""^''■'"I'""''"' '" "''''-''' ho contributed largely 
 In isot, he (vas made English master of the Kdinburgh 
 lligh School. Scottish History and Literature to tho 
 I enod of the Kcformation. Edited by James Brown, 
 V.I), trlasgow, I8SJ, Svo. 
 "A masterly and eoinplete survey of the oeriods nnd 
 Bul.jeots with which it deal»."-.l«., 5:,' 2;'."7 P^"*"* """* , 
 «08s, John Wilson, d. 1887. Tacitus and Brae- ' 
 oiolin. : the Annals forged in tho Fifteenth Century, 
 .h .•;, ' '■■ **■"• '■^'"' """""-'s name does not appear 
 on the title-page, but occurs in the dedication.) 
 " Disnassioiiale and Impartial readers will we think 
 allow that tlio lacLs adduel'd hv Mr. Hoss ai 1 tluM.n 1 u 
 sions which he draws from them, (.all for cak'fil."xaini 
 nation and tlioroiigli sifting.'-.W. A'ei... xlvl ;ilVi 
 Ross, Joseph Carne>, M.D., F.K.C.P. Edin 
 hon. idiysician to the West Cornwall Infirmary 1 Ob- 
 servations upon tho Modes of Treatment of Pleurisy 
 with tffiiaion: with Special Reference to tho Thera- 
 peutic A aluo of Thoracentesis, Edin., 1SS2, p. 8vo 2 
 ( hd.) John Came : Letters, 18l.'i-lN:i7, Edin., 1885, Svo' 
 100 copies privately printed. 3. Quintura : its Singular 
 People and Customs, Lon., 1886, 12mo. 
 Koss, Kate. A Sicilian Legacy ; or, The Journey 
 of a Quartette, Lon.. 1879, 2 vols? p Svo 
 .. "r *?' J^""'" ^^' *'"""''' "f J*-"""'', "'lapted to 
 the Code Sy.stem, and especially to tho Code of Iowa, 
 Iowa City, la., 1882, lOmo. ' 
 Tl,"?.*^' ,'"?"'. i!,"'' trooper. H. Stonehcwer- 
 The Highlands ol Cantabria ; or, Three Days from Eng- 
 land. Illust. Lon., 18S(i, Svo 
 ■' I^seiitially the hook is a good book. The writers have 
 a keen love lor nature. . . They have eaimht ilie true 
 cliaracter of the peasantry and Wf the cni '? ■ „emrv f 
 ^ortIlc^l Spain. . . . These and other cxceenciesjn /ar 
 ^in;i^^is'^!;.i!^!^.i!Sz; ^--,<"«-i.^h';;'^r{ii^ij 
 .on""u.;.;l8fl'; ^" r.- «""«-^-'-"8 ^otes of Les- 
 "Tagl "*''*'' Charles Dalhousie. Air as Fuel : 
 [ Petroleum and Mineral Oil. Ullliiied, Lo„., 1874 : 2d ed 
 I 18,5, p. Svo. * ' 
 Iloss, V. II. W. Federation and the British Colo- 
 nies, Lon., I8S7, Svo. 
 Iloss, I'eri-,. I. A Misguidit Lassie, Lon., 188,3, 
 p. 8vo. 2. A Comely without Laughter. Lon., 1887. 1. 
 : I'rv.] ■L,t.,'Tssrcr. 8vo^'""""^ ' '""'" ^"^■•""™' '" 
 ""."*' 'V **• , '• """"i"' "i- Sliame? a Repiv to Mr. 
 ladstone, Lon., 1878, Svo. 2. Removal of tie India 
 Iroop, to .Malta, Lon., IS78, Svo. ;,. The .Monk of S, 
 t.all: a Dramatic Adaplaiion of .Scheirel's •• Ekkchard " 
 Lon.,, er. ,Nvo. I. Ariadne in Naxos. Lon., |ss2.' 
 I ^ KOSS, U. II. Occasional Verses, Lon., 187.^, p. 
 now "1*'' V'^\\ Kxposurcs in Fire Insurance, Daven- 
 port, la., IS(,), 12nio. 
 Iloss, >V. U. Prnclical Solid Oeomelry, for Military 
 Students and Draflsiiien, L.<n., |SS7, p Svo 
 Koss, Walter Ilullar. 1. Comp„lso'rv Vaccina- 
 lion Lon., 1871, lL-,no. 2. VaceinalL, oiVicer'.r "nd 
 j lublic \accinalor's lland-Book, Lon., IS7'' i.>,„„ 
 iloss,Kcv. William, LL.D. Ahordour and Inch- 
 co nie: being Historical Notices of the Parish and Mon- 
 i asleiy : in Iivelvc Lectures, Edin., Issj p svc, 
 Iloss, Lieut.-fol. William Alexander, R.A., 
 *.0.S., member of the Oermnn Chemical Sneiciv I 
 I I ho Equatorial Needle; or, which Swin.'S Kasi 
 'Ttrv 'iV, 'r ■'.''"■ ',?-•. ^- ''^"""S>-' "M'-ir«nicm: 
 ; istry. Illust. Lon., 1875, cr. 4to ; new ed.; 1880. 3 
 A plmlictical Manual of Blowpipe Ana!v.sis: showing 
 I All Known Methods, Old and New, Lon., 1881), p Svo 
 I liiu''.^' ' Lo:.'.;'','8,^rp:"8vo.""^' *""""'"«^' ""<• •^'="'°«>-- 
 ."",**» V''"'"'" Stewart. 1. Tho Last Century 
 of liritish History, Ac, Edin.. 1870, 12mo. 2. History 
 of J.nglaml to the Present Day. Lon., 1872, 12nio. i 
 Book of English Literature, Lon., 1877, 12mo. 4. Ene- 
 and 8 Safety in the Present Crisis : the Eastern Question, 
 Lon., 18,7, Svo. 5. System of Elocution, Lon., 1878, p 
 8vo. 6.^ Lays of Romance and Chivalry, Lon., 1881 
 I 1-mo. ,. Isaure, and other Poems, Lon., i8S7, p. Svo ' 
 : Iloss, William Tait. I. Poems; new ed Olas. 
 gow 1881 l2mo. 2. Waifs: a Handful of Essays and 
 ^ketche.s, I^n 1881. 12mo. 3. The Fine Arts and Arts 
 of Design: their Origin, Nature, and Influence: with 
 , an Essay on Recreati(m, Glasgow, 1885, 12mo 
 Ross-Lewin. See Lkwis. 
 I P,?}r1'S'-'"''V. "'V""""""' '• I""!' Rebels in 
 I English Prisons N. York, 1882, Svo. 2. EdwanI O'Don- 
 nell : a Story of Ireland, N. York, 18,84, 12uio 
 ?*"^^*'' .^y''''- Jlenry. (Trans.) The 
 School of Painting, by A. J. Wauters, Lon., 1885, p. Svo 
 1 ^riv'' ^y"''""' "enry, [„„/c, voL ii.,' add.] 
 1. Ihe Bijou Oazetteer of the World, Lon., 1871, 64mo. 
 new eds 1S7:I, 1876, 1883. 2. Deviation of tile Com- 
 !,"'f„,'" /■■"" ''^'"1"> for Kxaminations, I.on., 1872, Svo 
 •t. Ihe Law of Storms considered Practically. Illu«l 
 Lon., 1876, Svo 4. Yachtsman's Handy Rook for Sea, Lon., 1877, Svo; now ed., 187!). 5. Elementary 
 r'i'?li'„"'"/"T ^'"""'5 ■*'nnien, Lon., 1877, Svo; new 
 ed., 1879. 6. Locf.l Marine Examination for Extra Ma*- 
 er, Lon 1879, Svo. 7. The and Constellations: 
 how and when to Find and Tell them, Lon., 1879 4to 
 8. Stellar Navigation : with New A B C Tables. Lon , 
 1S8.;, r. 4 to. 
 Rossetti, Miss Christina Georgina, laiuc 
 vol. 11., ad.l.,] b. 1830, in London; contributed, under 
 tho pseudonyme of "Ellen Alleyn,"to The (!erm, the 
 organ of the Pre-Raphaelite movement with which her 
 brothers were as.sociated. Her first volume. "Verses by 
 thristina G. Rossetti, dedicated to her Mother " wn« 
 printed privately hy her grandfather, G. Palidori, in 
 M7. 1. Commonplace, and other Short Stories, Lon., 
 8,0 p. 8vo. 2. Sing.Jsong: a Nursery Rhyme-Book, 
 illust. Lon., lS(l, iDmo; new ed., 1S78. 3. Annus 
 Domini : a Prayer for Each Day in Ihe Year, Oxf , 1874, 
 Itimo. 4. Speaking Likenesses. Illust. Lon., 1874 p. 
 r\ i\ ^'"'}: ""'' f'"^ • " ^»"'''« Series of Short Studies 
 of the Benedioite, Lon., 1879, 12mo. 6. A Pageant, and 
 other Poems, Lon., 1881, p. 8vo 
 " Thf prliicliml piM'iii In this vduiiie Is n pcrwinini«lliiM 
 of Ihv monllis. . . . riillkf liiToilicr ulk'unrli's. iKuvcvcr 
 tills imi'lll MTks In illlllliiltl' lli> illMllli't liHiml ll'SSiJIi A- 
 Krari'liil anil Iji'mIicIiImk ms llic cliililreri lor wliiini II l» 
 written. It Is ulsd MS niicnnsc'lcins iis llifv. . . . TIiitu iiiu 
 8(11111.' (■ImniiliiK Miiinew in the volunn'."— ,1//,., x,,. jkh. 
 7. Ciillfil til bo J^iiiiitii : Ihu Minor Funtlmis Doviitjiin- 
 iilly Sluilicil, I,i)n., IMSI, |i. Hvo. 
 '■One (if till, most elnirnilnt,', IhoiiKli most iinciiiml. 
 WdrliH uf a I'liarmliiK niiil iini'i|iial writer."— .liw/./xx. 
 S. Letter nml ."Jiilrit : Niites mi the Cnminiui.lnu'nls, 
 l,i)n., ISHU, IZinii. II. Tiiuo Flies: 11 KeaUilii' Uiarv. 
 Lon., \ss:y, IL'ino. "^ 
 Oknkrai. Chiticish ; 
 '• I'.ielrv mure iilitiiresqiie It wuiilil lie Ininl In ilnil. It 
 ^11' I.V that alier It fs e-Xprcsscl, she eaii set nlV ami 
 Illustrate her thmiKlit ur li'elinn l.v |iliiiires, Inn Unit pie- 
 tine IS her eiistuniiiry iiiul miniral nifuns uf e.xiiiussinn 
 The iihstract she has imthlnK In iln with ; In her nilml a.'i 
 her iiiliiil Is here revealeil. every l.leii puts mi shape anil 
 foli.r. Inelileiil tn this piiwer ulhers Is thai ehiiracierlstle 
 of her writiiii,' which, una lirst perusal. Isthe lllllst■.trikillL' 
 anll wlileli has heeii su atirai-tlve In the wearieil reader 
 ofnlnety In a luimlred of recent pi.cls.-Maniely. the slni- 
 plleil.v. freniieiitly homely ,.r iiiiaint the iiletiirlal vivid- 
 ness, the Hie, of her laiinnaKe.' —.\itlit„i. III. 17. 
 ".Miss liiissetll ranks foreniust ammiL' HvInk puelosses 
 She and she alone eonld write such inaitie Ivrlcs as 
 ■Dreiiinl.and.' Iler sonnets hea- lull a snnill proportion 
 to her piirelv lyrical poems. .<oiiie were wrltlen at a verv 
 early hkc; tliey are all or mostly very .sonihre, hut are as 
 linpri'ssive as they are heaiitlliil. . . . 'Miere l.s a verv 
 marked allliilty lietweeii much of Mi>s Itossettl'swork anil 
 that of her hroiherdahriel."— Wii.i.n.M Sii.viii-; Suniuli nf 
 lliin Cinluri/, .Notes, 317. '^ 
 llo!t§ctti, Gabriel Charles Dante, known as 
 Uante (iabriel llossetti, [it,,/,; vol. ii., adil.,] 
 lS2,s-lM.S2 ; b. in hondon, and educated at Kind's Collen'o 
 Sulioid ; beeame a student at tlie Hnyal Aeadeiiiy, and in 
 l.S4y exhibited his !irst picture, "The (iirlhooil of Mary 
 Virgin." About that time the Prc-Ka|iliaelito lirotlier- 
 h(jod, of wliich he was the Icadin;; spirit, was (oriiieil, and 
 in IS.iO thoy established a uiUKuaine, The (ierni, in which 
 some of Rossctti's piiouis appeared, two of which, "The 
 lile.saed Damozel" and " My Sister's Sleep," were written 
 before he was nineteen years old. Ik'sides his eontribu- 
 tiiins to the Ueriii, a periodical which had only a brief c.\. 
 istence, Uossetti puiilished a few poems in the ().«ford and 
 Cambridge Magazine in 1S.06. For many years he pub- 
 lished very little; and, while he exercised a marked in- 
 fluence upon the Knglish literature and art of his day, 
 his poems were known only to a lew, and his painting's, 
 which he refused during bin lifetime to e.xhibit in any 
 public gallery, were all in private collections. lie dieti, 
 after a long period of ill health, at Weslgate-on-Sea, near 
 Margate, Kent, and was buried in the neighboring 
 church-yard of Hirchington. Two exhibitions of hil 
 niclures were held in London after his death. For 
 biog.. see Hai.i., T. Caisk, and Kniciit, Joskpii, «»io-o, 
 and Shaiip, Wit. r.iAM, /»/•,„. 1. I'neiiis, Lon., lS7ll.p ,Svo 
 "In no poems Is the spoiitaiieoiis and haliitiial i'nter- 
 penelralloii ol matter ami manner, which Is the es.sence of 
 poetry, more complete than In these. An original and 
 Mihlilelii^^autyof exeeullon expresses the Oeep mysticism 
 of thought which In .some form and degree is not (vantlni; 
 eerlamly to any poets of the modern seliool, but which in 
 ..iriosseltis work Is both great in degree and im.sslonate 
 111 kiml. Nor in him hH.s it any tendency to lose lt.scir 
 iimiil allegory or Hbstraetlons ; indeed. Instead of lurniiiL' 
 hiiiiian hie into symbols of things vague and not under- 
 stood, it rather gives to the very .symbols the personal life 
 and variety of mankliid. No poem In this hook is .vithout 
 the circle of this realizing mysticism, which deals won- 
 (leniigly with all real things that can have poetic life eiven 
 tliciii hy pas.sioii, and refuses to have to do with aiiv in- 
 vi,sil.Ic things that in the wide scope of its imagination 
 cannot he made perlectly distinct and poetically real "— 
 William MoiiHis: ylea(i,, i, lint. 
 2. IJallads and Sonnets, Lon., 1881, p. 8vo. 
 "Thesupernatnralelomciit of poetry . . . iind-s here an 
 expres.slon as genuine, as unadulterated with the self-con- 
 sciniis kiiowingness of aseientifie age. as if the poems liad 
 .i..(.'iMvrj ten in the time of Shakspeare. or oven in the 
 line of lioger Bacon. Here perhaiw Is Mr. Hossetti's jlis- 
 tinctive and most prominent place in the literature of our 
 time. What other people try to do and fall to do-glvp a 
 poetic embodiment to the ' ecrlo' mood of nature as she lies 
 ilreaming of man's destiny-Mr. Rossetti does with so much 
 >.o"2m" ""*" scarcely seems to try at all."— .t/A., 
 :t. C'olleoted Works. Edited, with I'reface and Notes, 
 by William M. Rossetti. 18S6, 2 vols. p. 8vo. (Includes, 
 besides the contents of former volumes, here newly ar- 
 ranged, nieces and fragments in prose and verse, some 
 reprinted from periodicals, and others previoui>!y un- 
 published.) ' ■' 
 (iK.VKnAi. riimnsH : 
 " I'crhaps ihc most obvious positive cliaraeterlstle of Mr. 
 Hos.setlls poetry Is its plclurc-i|iiciii - lie is not iiii rely 
 a painter and a poet, lint a painter puit, which Is a illiler- 
 enl Ihiiig. . . , Ills ImaKinatloii is >o concrete that i|v cre- 
 iiMoiis always prcscnl themselves to him as things of form 
 and colour, and his soiinctsspreail themselves mit like fair 
 pali|i|iigs on the walls of the gallery of the nilinl, , K,ir 
 sonnet craltsiiianshlp which realizes the lilcal, uhlili 
 leaves ii.sw^llh the plcasnnl lanuiiorof (omplcle salisliic- 
 tloii, Ihedcliclousdrowsliicssof fiiliillcil ilcllght, we know 
 III nothing comparable to these great gifts which we owe 
 (o liaiite l.abrlcl UnssettI,"— J, A, .Nidii.K: (hiilniiiiururu 
 I Uiriiir. xxxvlil.lCil, ' * 
 ■•Kalling back upon Milton's well-worn epilbets, in |,|s 
 letter to .Master llartllli 'dn Kilucnli ' we protest ihut 
 the poetry of these ■ Sonnets' is neither ■simple, -.■nsn,,iis,' 
 , nor 'piL-sliiinile,' 'lliat the laiiKinme Is too often Iraiinht 
 ; with what sir IIiihIi Kvaiis would eall ■ iillectiilions- i> a 
 I matter of small nionieiil, and verbal critieisiii just now Is 
 a.', tar as possible from our IhoUKlits. Dm the ideiis are, for 
 liiiieteiiths of the siilijcel niiitter, hir too line ami subtle, 
 I l.ove strong as death Is, ri>:lillv and natiirallv enouuh.thc 
 I '•'aiile ol such a series, and Willi Mr, Itos.-ettI I'.ive Is lord of 
 a 1, lie -sluhs like a fnrnace,'— there is no mistake at all 
 ; abiiut that; but arc blssonni'ts reallv passionate'.' In our 
 I bellel they are nol,"-,s';i(c/<i(»r, Iv, 'JC'J. 
 "Sonnets . . . uiiexamiileil In the F.nglish lamiiinge 
 since sinikespeare's tor ilcplli of tbouwht and skill and 
 lellcily III execution."— Wn.i.iAM Miiuuis: .|,„,^, I. p.i'.i 
 ! •■ Halite (.alirici llossetti is not only one of the u-rcat 
 poets ol the cenliiry, but Iheone KiikIIsIi pod whose s.u,- 
 : iiet-wink can gcnnlncly be wcii-beil In the balance with 
 I liatol shakes|icarcHni| wlthtbalof WiinlsHorlh, No in- 
 llneiice Is at present more marked tliiiii lii> : lis sireiim Is 
 I narrower than that of 'I'eiinyson and llrowning, Imi the 
 ' I'urrcni isilccp, and its fertilizim; waters have peiielniled 
 , lar Into the soil, , . , It has taken lime lor the growth of 
 wlilespreail ailmlration of the sunnct-work of this mn-t 
 imaginative of all the Victorian p. ids, 'Ihcre are aliviulv 
 lint a le» aniniig the best jiiilges who consider him the 
 greatest sonneteer of our language, his ,soiinets having 
 tlieliindameiital liraiii-work' of Shakespeare's, the beaiitv 
 111 .Mrs, llrownings, the dignllv and, occasionally, the suii- 
 lit transparency of Wordsworlli's, with a more startling 
 and Impressive veheineiiee, a greater of 
 iiri,'eiil music."— William Siiaiii': soiimts u/ tliia Cailiirii. and .Notes. Ixxi. and :j17. 
 Ilwssctti, illaria Frniice».ca, 1S27-1S76, sister 
 of Christina and (i. ('. 1). Rossclti. Miy.™ ,• b. in London, 
 and educated at home; was a teacher of languages and 
 liislory. In lS7;i she entered the Anglican Sisterhood 
 ol All Saints. 1. A Shadow of Dante: being an R-.-ay 
 towards studying Jlimself, his World, and his I'ilgrim- 
 age, Lon., IsTl. p. svu; now ed., ISSl. 
 ''A book which is not only deli^'hlfnl In It.self to rend, 
 I'Ut IS admirably adapted as an encoiirat;eiiient to those 
 stiiileiil.s who wish to obtain a prelimliiarv survey of the 
 land b(|lore ihcv attempt to follow Dante tfiroiigliliis long 
 ami ariluous pilgrimaKe."— .Si/. Jtrv., .xxxii. (UK) 
 2. Letters to my liible-Class, Lon.. l!<7'2, Isnio. 
 Jlossctti, Hilliani Michael, [•ii,i<; vol. ii.. add.,] 
 b. ls2y, in Lonili.n, and educated at King's College 
 School, London 1 became a clerk in the Kxcise (jllice in 
 1S.15, and assistant secretary in the same olliee in i.siil). 
 He has acted as art critic ;'or several of the leading Eng- 
 lish periodicals, and has edited new editions of the 
 works of many Knglish p •:,», the more important of 
 which arc included in I illowing list: I. (Ed.) 
 Poetical Works of S. T. t H- Jge, Lon., 1S71, p. Svo. 
 2. (Ed.) Poetical Works of Muron: with Memoir, Lon., 
 ls7I, p. ,Svo. ;!. (Ed.) Poetical Works of Thomas 
 Campbell: with Memoir. lllust. Lon., 1S72, 12uio. 
 4. (Kd.) Ilumoriiiis Poems, Lon., 1872-78, p. Svo. 5. 
 ('I'rans.) Chaucer's Troylu? and Cryseyde compared with 
 Bocoaecio's Filostrato, (Chaucer Soc.,) Lon., lS73-s.'i, obi. 
 •Ito. B. (Ell.) I'oetical Works, Lyrical and -Aliscellane- 
 ous, of William lilakc, Lon., 1S74, l2nio. 7. iHd.) The 
 Complete I'oetical Works of Percy Dysshe Shelley: the 
 Text carefully revi.sed: with Notes and a Memoir; new 
 ed., Lon., \H7», ;) vols. p. .-^vo. (The 1st ed. is mentioned 
 an(c, vol. ii.) 
 "On the whole It might not be unfair, while warmly 
 eominendlm; both editions as admirable eontrilnitioiis to 
 English literature, to say that .Mr, Formairs will be more 
 aplireciateil by students and ,speclalists, but Mr. I{os,settr3 
 by the general public,"— K, \V, Gossk: Acad., xiii,'273, 
 8. Lives of Famous English Poets, Lon., 1878, p. 
 Svo; new ed., 1885. 9. (Ed.) Shakespeare's Works: 
 with Glossary, Ac, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 10. Life of 
 .T"lin Ke:tt.-, ("(ircat Writers.") Lon., I8,'37, I2uio. 
 Rossiter, E. K., and Wright, F. A. Modern 
 Ilouse-Painting. lllust. N. York, 1882, obi. Svo. 
 Ro8siter, Mary. 1. Gathered Lily, and other 
 Poems, Lon., 187H, I2mo. 2. Mildred Gowcr, and other 
 Poems, Lon,, ]H';t, 12mo. 
 Rossiter, William [kii/c, vol. ii., add.] 1. Ele- 
 'r,!l>"'ls»!.''".'r""'!,"l:I'"'"'' ■•''•'«""""'ot'-.v: with Key, 
 orl .' I «'.■'"''• •• ''''^"""""^y llMn,l-l)„„kutTl.e- 
 ore c,U AKrh,.„u., ,„„ mr.L I-,,,,,. ,. iii,,,,^,.,,,! 
 Uiolioniiry (,l Sncntiflr ■|Vriiis, f.ori., |S7S, i, ,hvo 
 HoNHlyn, Karl oi; Sw Kuhkink " 
 Kost, \. » |)„i„y. (Trun,.) Ulli : the Story of 
 ^on'^li^Q"' 'J'' '"'"' "'" ""''"""' "'■ '•■'""'■' "ill-"-, 
 Jj'>n,, inHH, cr. Svu, 
 Host, Itfiiihiilil, |„„f,, vol, ii., nilcl.] (IM 1 Mi,. 
 (•.•lhuii.niiH l'„,„.r« r«l,.tin« to Imlo-Cliinii .iii.t tlio Indiiin 
 Aivli,,„.hi«", l,on., |s,stl-S7, 2 hurts, sv„. 
 KoMVylh, H. LIttIo Hunt: u Sketch, l,„ii.. 188" 
 cr. "^Vn. "' 
 »"!!'' '.'•."'■'"■'.■ ''"•'^""ifi-y A-iuTt, L,,n., ISHd, Hvo. 
 IColli, hilwiira, |„„(,, V..I. ii., „,M.| I. (Tr,,,, , 
 riio lt,.li„„„r„ ii„„ c'lul.. I,v JultM \\.nw. Ill ^t \ 
 \ork, 1875, :2,no. :-. (Trans.) Aruun.l tho Moon, by 
 Julo. Vorne. 111,..,, X. v„H,, ,sr.), lo,„„. 3. ^■^•S,!) 
 To thoSun: o Journey through IMunctiiry ,S|,u(t, by 
 KoHi, Henry IJiik. 1. a Skcloh „f tl.o AifrioMl- 
 ■ V'r"', 'r'.''',""7 "' '••"*""■" «'""i". '""■•. ISrS,p. Sv„. 
 llifnrmallun 11,. spent („„ years, be tells i- rsanmr was emplnye,! iVirlia? tl„. khmi t V.rt f tl e , t In 
 j:;'iti'.;;:;;.l^'i;;ii:;;;;i:'^ii:,)i:>i^-!-,/:"...'oacbi„« i^. :^ 
 IHsb'^l''' °,".r'.'!'""""';'' I^'a^'"""- Ill'Ht. Lon., 
 issj, 8vo .), Bibliography and Chronology of JIiUos 
 Owenrn.loxSoo. Pub.,) I.on.. I8.s7.,st.,. Itof 
 Ncu ee of Physieal K.lueation un.l llygiono by Parlia 
 inent. I.on., I87y, or. 8,0. 2. JK.Iioal an,l other Notts 
 col ccte.1 on a Holhlay Toi.r to Aroaehon, liiarre,,., l-ani 
 Lon 187 "s"'''"'. ^V;"'^^'-'."*-!''''™^ i» tl.o l-yionco, 
 L..n., 1871, 8yo. A. An Kssay on tho Previ.ntion and 
 Kational Treatment of Uteral Spinal Curyature. Ill, ?t 
 fl I'illi^i ' "r- .■*• '^'''* ''h.v^iuloKi""! Ert-octs of Arti- 
 Hcial hlocp: Ireatinont and Cures, Lon., I,ss7 
 Kolli, H E, Klo,nent3 of School llyjrieno, for 
 reach,.,s; „i,b liibliosraphy, Lon., 1888, 8vo '^V. A. (Trans.) Atlas of . Surgl- 
 cal An,,,„,„y: I |„st,-ati„s the Apolication of An.ito.ny 
 to Med cino ami Snrgory, by W. llenko, noy ed.. Cin^ 
 llother, E. The Beglnnlng.s of Phnrnmcy : an In- 
 Dnig^r, i;:r ;8U"s.::™""-' ^"""""'-'"» -^ 
 Hotlicrliiim, Joseph II. I. The Xe>y Te-.tamont 
 newly t,anslate,l from the Text of Trcgclles .fnd "ritU 
 o.ily emphasized accordini; to tho Logical Idiom of 
 Onginah with an Introduction and Occasional Not 
 Question, Lon., 1879, 12,,;;. " ^''^ ^"'"'""'""" 
 Van"n''i'"'l'' -^'Z"' '^''*'>' <^'" (Hume,) editor of the 
 I^ationa ,Anti.Coin,n,lsory. Vaccination Keportcr, Ac 
 Lon., 18,,.), l2„io. 2. The Wedding (}„ests; or, The 
 Hivppinoss of Life; a Novel, Lon., 18.^7, 2 y„ 
 ""n"" '*'""-'''l'*"'' ''""•- "*?"• 2 yols. p, 8voj 2d ed., 
 l,.s'lran,r.'T.l!,,'," "'■'"'••" '.?, "", V""'' ,"'>','«' "-'"' con-Mcml.lo 
 sii a,,(l (■U«a,iie, . . . llie bis ,,r(:,i i.iirtloiis csi«?elj,llv 
 c b ograpl. In. , o.x,ell,.„t. . . At'lho saln'e'tl'me ?[ 
 lloart : a llnu- 
 Lon., IS8|, 
 ippinco, „. ,j„„. n .,uvei, i,on., 18.17, 2 vols. n. 8vo 
 3. Norin,ton: a Dramatic Poem, in Two Pa,^! .yith 
 4. T.yeho Ob- 
 - — ....- 1 1,,., 
 other M,scellaneous Pieces, Lon., 1857. 4. i.yeUe Ob- 
 scure Icxts of Scripture Illustrated. Lon., 1301, f, Syo 
 6. .^appho; ,. P„e,u, Lon., |8I!2, p. S.o. K. The U olden 
 Rule, and other Stories for Chil.i,en, Lon., ISIW, « ,'" 
 7. The P,„yer and Huu.ble Petition .0 y, een Vict,," 
 r,.l p"^^','^"'^"^''*''"""'" "SHinat a Systen. of eg, 
 or or M l''"'i'n"-' "•""• '"'■ '■ '^"'-" ""'• I>" " 
 is7l', "y^. '™' »^»P""»"> i" England, Manchester, 
 ,r".'"''n*.''^ "'• "• ""'' ''«n«-y C. Tho Diyino 
 Unity, Trinity, and At-one-ment, Manchester, 187^! cr! 
 ,„""'!"■»«'?' Joseph Trimble, M.D., B.i^o., b 
 18Ji) ,.t Mc\eytown, Pa.; graduated at the Lawrence 
 Scientific Scho,;l |s,14, and at the .nodical depa't u.eSt 
 of the In.yerslty of Pennsylyania 18(iS; professor of 
 Vartirr."" .^'"'y^-ify "f Pennsylyania'sTnco ; 7. 
 liiuot. Ph. la., ls8L li'nio. ' 
 Rothschild, Miss Climeiitiiia de. Letter, on 
 the Fundamental Truths of Ju.laism. Lo„.. 18(iri2mo 
 13W ^"■''"''"*'' """"■■ding to the Old Testament 
 Kolhwcll, .1. .S. S. F.,„„ Kye , 
 ijiiet id An and Poetry, Lon., Issl, Iti 
 KoiiiHl, O. S. Aahton Hall: a Tal 
 p. 8\ci. 
 KoHiid, nillium Marshall I'itts, b. Isi ,. at 
 Pawtuck.^t, li.[ ; reeeivcl an a,ad,„,i,. education, nd 
 en e,^ed Harvard Medical .School, but did n„. g,„dua.,. 
 jde>oted bl„,»elt to journalism and liten.lur., and has 
 K ven much attentiou to the ..uesti,,,. of pHsn'n re,„r,„. 
 h,.. publ.sbe,! books under the,. „f •• |(ev. 
 1 o r s-«"V '• Ar''r"'' ■■ " ^'''^ '•:"Kl"»''l l.ile Study 
 «mo. .). ( h,ld Marian Abroad, Host., Is77, Kinio I 
 lal: the btory of „ Clodhopper, iJost., I8811, 12mo.' i,' 
 teBos;:,f;*8;:,;;L^'"'""" '''''■'•'' »"'''^" " 
 hams"'.''',!""' 'V"--*""" A. E.,da„ght,.ror Wilbra- 
 h»n S lole„,„che,„ Dorfold IL.II. Chesbhe, marricl, 
 S.., to Charles Savilo Roundell, M.P. Cowdray : tho 
 Ills ory ol a (treat Ungllsh Mouse. Lon., 1881, r. 8vo 
 ! 1. ■; Tee ri!;.""i '"■'"'v.\«''i'^' •i"^' i'^'i"">f tills ( .1 -v. .,',0 
 ,V,l,^ *■",■ ''>■ '''"'«,«" melaneboly aii.l mvsteri ,1 is 
 S.,!f-".'."'' '''«"'-t^^',"- WilliB,,, John, late of the 
 ol .Soltisl. LI.. X \ork. 1,881, Itimo; new ..d., 1881. 
 York 'l.s. "",«"•" "'""'"'• " Te'"P"ance .'Jto y, N. 
 Yo,k 188), l.-nio. I. Ellie Patterson's Stoiy : a Tale of 
 noilys New Home, N. York, 188(1, l2mo. (i. An-us 
 Lesho's Daughter, N. York, 188,8, 12„,„. 7. K^zla .u 
 8. The La,r,l's .Son, N. York, 1,S88, 12mo. 
 House, S. Street Lane Manse; or, A Record of 
 Conyer,salions. Hipley, 1871, |2mo. 
 In!nM,!!,1,''' ""!'?• ""•"'""K ■''"•■''■"«»' ""'' Borrowers' 
 Instiuetioiis and Suggestions. Lou., 1871, 12mo 
 sic an"':o",'b^'5"''"* "'r^ '•'«""'' •^'■f-"w;ior phy- 
 (Tren L,?n, In r;,""" "f''-"' ''"• Women and (':hi|. 
 c V ,,„?;-«• "^'-■'"'."•X «'"' I'^niature Menial De- 
 cay, Lon., I.s.fl; new e,l., 1877, 12mo. 2. Cheeks to 
 INipulation: the Moral and Physical livlls, Lon. l,87i." 
 ndd.] I ho Stability of a Oivn State of Motion nar- 
 ticularly Steady Motion, Lon., 1877 8vo ' 
 at't*i!*e"fn' ■'t'" i^'"?--''". b- 18J«.- ™llod to the bar 
 at the Inner lemple 1872. The Law of Artistic Cony. 
 Is' l.'st.^'"^'-'' ''"'"""'■■"' ■""' "hotograpi,^;:, L,ln'.; 
 nol^'i'V."^''^''.^ *'*'""""'' ;• '•vol.ii.,add.] Every 
 ttoutledge, James, [„„„., . 1. (,., „jj j j/p ": 
 ular Progress in Knglan.l.- Chaptc.s in the History f 
 Popular Progress, chiefly in KelaCon to the Freedom , f 
 the Pre,.s and Trial byiury, l(i6(i-|820: with an A ,i- 
 cat on to Later Years, Lon., I87(i, 8vo. 2. EnglH? R lo 
 and Natue Opjn on in India: from Notes tak^n in fs'70 
 -/•*, n.n., iHi I , -Svo. 
 A't'.., il|v!-^7l"''' •>''"' '" '""« '"•"uylit before tliem.--,s„(. 
 Jh I"8"«'ein Hall and Chadwick Rise, Lon., 1878 3 
 F,!]**"l"s''-^''' **»^''■«• »•*«-. 1-'.L'.S., of Manchester, 
 Lon' I8r« i 'f '" "oP""!' 'r^'" J'''i'"«'P'>y in Earnest 
 Lon., 1880, p. Svo. With Pkppkr, J. h' Discoveries 
 ami Inventions of the Nineteenth Century' L^n. 18 5 
 p. .^No, new ed., ISS.i. With others, (tr.uis.) Electric 
 l^^l'll^^v,^-""'/!",^;:";;'' "^ ^' ^- '■• "" ^''•"««'- '"'"•. 
 Hi.Mtl|.,lK,., Tho;iinl». Il,„„l,„„ con.Mrrf.l „h <i 
 IWr-. Making .M„„.r l,„n.. !>;.', s,,, '"'^" "" " 
 IJov..r, WiiMii,,. I. I,,.,,,,,,,;,, l'n.,.fl,.„is,.lci„.,.. 
 n: Ct: ih::-: i'j::;- •■ •"^■i"""^' "• ""■ «"M-.ii.,r„, ; 
 toriuul Tiiith. I,.,M., |S71> |..,.|,, I n ' I : 
 |..Ho.l,n Ihu l.„»t \V,„I<H of S,„,„.s an,l .Mi,.;;- I,;, '• 
 5. Kcamns for Ileliovins in Cl„istiani(v, !.„n., is;; 
 I2mn; new eel |ss|. ,1. A|„ 'hri .i„nitv : H 
 Hi8t„ryan,l Dovflopnient, l,„n., |,sm|, |o,„„ : ,,'. 
 Iat,„n ami .M,„l,.rn Tlit.„l„K.v C.ntn...,.,! ; „,'. Tim Si ," 
 «. A Alanual of Christian Kvijences, (" Tlicol„«ioal i 
 E,lue„ or,") Lon , ISS«, l2mo. II. Fut iro Ik'tri . uion 
 mr C '^^ '^'«'" "'■ """'"" ""'^ "evelatU^" Lon" ^ 
 Row.P. S.,,mdOlcoU, II. S. Om! Hin,luiMn '• 
 he Dw,.„a I.h.)o.,,,hy of .Ma.lli.v , h ya ! 
 comp.lcl Irom the Original .Sanscrit, Ala.ln..-, Is.xil ,i , , i 
 i.".Tv"": ^.!'.;';.:: ''■ «-<'»'^"""- : - N-e,; lo';.:; ; 
 ^■^"ZVl' '■"'■^'''■'•Icn. (Trnns.) McJitations on 
 .ill I ' ""r'' ,■;'";"">■- ^y J- »• I». Z^ehokke. Con, 
 IMleJ by Itev. L. K. Dunu, V.V. N. Vork, I8SJ, 2 roll 
 Rowan, John J. The Emigrant nnj Sportsman 
 in (ana.ia, Lon., 187fi, p. 8vo '"""an 
 tion*ZrFv','"l'*"""'*- ' ■•*^""' = Spmitanoous Comb.,,- 
 non and b.xplo.<ions occurring in Coal Cargoes : their 
 Treatment ana Prevention, Lon., 1882, 8vo. 2. Ex .1, 
 8.0U ot Coal ,n Gas-Bunkers, Lon., ISs.i. :i. Disease .n,l 
 Putrcscen A.r : some Principles which must gover", the 
 tthcient Ventilation of Sewer.«, Lon ■'vo """"o 
 Kowbctham, Elizabeth P. *, 
 a Collection of Poems, Lon., 1,S75, I' «„ 
 Kowbothain, Francis Jameson. A Trip to 
 I ■:. The Uea.hof Kolun.l : „„ Ki.le Poem, Lon.. Iss?, 
 , ^to. ( 1 he ,o,.„, IS »rm, n in unrVivnicl •• .-aiale, t 
 omoters,- tins i„ea,„re M,,^ sel.v.e.l as •• .ho , , -t p" 
 ' to "lay;'";"""'"""" "' '■" '"""""" """''"i "•"ten.rof 
 111.-, ,,n (III' wli,,li. i,i»fiM.,i I i" ''f. .Mr, liinvl,i,|li„iii 
 Houcrolt, <hHrl«"N. Talis of Australia; or, A.l- 
 »eniu,,.s ol ail l-.ii,i«,anl. Lon., l>Ml, l:'mo 
 IS-","n;m!:"' '" ^' ■''""^•' "'« "'"'"I '■"">•, l...n., 
 ". "r^iil^ i^;r;"'to::?^^r;:";.o^"« ' '■-'" 
 N'.'v""kri-r. f'l'no.'""'-""^ '■''" '" '•"""• '"-• 
 „ """«':,*'• •••• •'^'•■\- "• 'niant Lispings : Keli.-i,,,,, 
 ■oetiy must. Lon., IS7S, „,. |„,„„. ' o.^^„ '.,;■] 
 iiuin s Vie.s on (^...stions of ,|',e ,,„y i,. Vi..,oria, Y;;,,., 
 niiHii'the c„ioui!ri:on::Ss8^"::"::';'^' '^"«'"" ^'- 
 ••Tl!"n*",'- ?■•«- ■^I'"""''" "•"''•'"• «"'i'hie^ Ivlitor of 
 Hii' lliilisli \\oilu„an," Lou., 1S8I, 11' 
 ' . I. K.I.I Memo,, alsol ,|„. l.„„, m,,. ,vi||i„,„ M 
 Hilling: being .SeliMi.ous from his ,>^ermons. Letters. 
 in,l Poems : Hi.h a lii„g,„pl,i,.al Introduction by Thomas 
 m.,v,il Hunting, Lon 1S7II, ,,. s.,,. ,. At his Feet: 
 'larps of Zion : 
 gnition, Lon., 188.'), p. 8yo. 
 Uowbotham, iohn Frederick, b. L'<,,2; son of 
 I cy. Freilerick Kowbotham, of K.linbulgh; educated at 
 Cxlord, where ho graduated first class Lit. Hum ■ rel 
 sided several years in (lermany, stu.lying music an,i col- 
 leeting materials for his History of Music, and since ts 
 pub leation has turned his attention to me.liieyal ,roctry 
 He 18 a ecu ributor to the Nineteenth Century ami other 
 leading periodicals I. A ilistory of Music, Lon. 1885 
 -S7, 3 vols 8vo. (The first vol. treats of " Preh storic 
 Music- and the music of the Assyrians, Egyptian He" 
 s^:omi?;rr' I'^l.-^'^r*"- »-> "''■or^Mo'nSs he 
 the ChrisMi^ ' °^ '?'" ^T^ '""''''■' ""'' "'« """«''="'• 
 tiv hit ' vuo „„,, P'""",'' >-''orts to piece mus c togetlier bit„^?,fr*" P™."l's« "'> ">"P1« liHKl „r curious ai d i - 
 r ally Lessons in the (Jo-pels, Lon.. ISM, ..„. lii„,o. ;( 
 salms in Private Levotion, Lo„„ iss.t, „. |,j,„„. ,,. 
 On his Day : a Moining Portion for the S„l'l„,th, L.n.. 
 1 >■, sq. ^. A Pioneer: a Memoir of Key. ,Iol,i, 
 ho mas, Mipi,ma,-v to ,|,e tViimdly Isles. Lon , |8nV 
 I'.M". «. Life of .I„l„., Hunting, Loi,., ISS7, „,■. 8vo 
 icoue, JoMhiiu lirooking, V.S.A F L .S b 
 1^.., at Pl.vmooth; n,lmiit,.d an attorney 18(1(1 :'scere." 
 iry of the Ilevon and Codiwall Natural History .Sue.- 
 Jl,!;p ,' ';;r.'-''''^""'""'l "i-^H-ry of Old PUmouth, ami 
 l.e_Par,sli, \ i,.ars. ,in,l Church of St, Andrew, Plymm.lh 
 1^ I. Priyalely printed. 
 (i,','o',M.'5'' l.\".",'''^''''"'''" '"'"'< ""''''h many an • outside' an. 
 ,1 »i> .ih,^i„n„!, """I'l I"' iK'MitilyKlii.l i„n,Ks'ss lit 
 T.!^"*V'' "', *'• , ^^"^'^ 'J"l'eo"!lu. (PhiloBonhieal 
 lr„„sactioi,s,i Lon., I8SL', Ito 
 Roue, Richard, d. |S7!». He left n,ft„v wcks in 
 ■miiuscript, several of which have been published. 1. 
 , Kpisodes in an Obscure Life, Lon., I,s7l, ') vols. p. 8v„ 
 Anon. .New ed. same year. 
 2. Friends and Acijuaintances, Lon., 1S7I, ;( vols n 
 8v,i. Anon. ;i. (Ld.j liackwunl (flames, Lon., 18'74 
 p. 8vo. Anon. I. .Jack Afloat an,l Ashore, Lou., 1873 
 p. .svo. 5. A Corner Hook : Stories for lioys ami Oirls 
 Ijon., l,s7B, 12,„o. fl. The Lucky-Iiag: .Stories for the 
 It?' 'i'.'"- '"'"• '-'»"• ■' TI.0 Tower on the Tor: a 
 rale tor Loys L,ui., Is7(i, 12mo. s. A Holiday Hook. 
 Stones for the \oung. Illust. Lon., 1877, l2mo. tf. 
 A Haven ol Rest, ami Dr. Pertwee's Poor Patients 
 -on.. 1878, 8vo, new ed., Issi. „,. The Hist, y of 'i 
 ..fe.Doat. Un. 1878, 12nio. II. |.,„,„^,,., tj„ the 
 Diary of an Early Methodist : with a Preface by T. P 
 Hunting, Lon.. ISnO, 12mo. 12. Picked up in the 
 .Mieets: Struggles for Life amongst the London Poor 
 -on., INSII. Li. Roughing it in Van Diemen's Laud 
 Ac. ; new e,|., Lon., 1881, 12uio. U. How our Working' 
 eonlo Liv,,, L„n |,S82. 12mo. 1.",. The H.,y in the 
 Bush: a Tale of Australian Lile. Illust. Lon 1885 
 !'• ™-, ";■// V''" ''"'"bliun's : a Story of Prepara- 
 tory .'-,.hool Life, Lon., 1886, p. 8vo. 
 ■The author of • Kplsodcs In an ohsciri. Life' .ijo.i we 
 ,,ntm.'-;;.!,". V"",!!^'""' I"'*''">.. ""'Ihis nana, is conrparatfvely 
 ,1,1 nr.,, ,1'".' "'""■\" «''"P'-»;lio has attained Uli fame 
 "l"m/ , xxviil 271 I"*'*'-''*"' " 'itl'« nf his genius."-^ 
 Rouell, John W. Vermont .Supreme Court Re- 
 f„°r^.?''- •''lv'--lii.,( 1872-80,) Rutland and Monti.elier, 
 181.1-81, 8 vols. 8vo. 
 Rowland, Rev. Alfred, LL.B. The First Letter 
 ri'nl Itlilory plckoil up In tlm Weft iind .>'>iutli iluiing 
 llu' l.aul Thirty Viiirii. Il«i»l., INHH, 12inc). 
 " Itiiyiil, 'llnlph,*' (I'lo.ii.) See Aiiaiidaniili., 
 (lArnll, Hiiftni. 
 Uoynll, n illliliii I,. I. A PlKett <>( the l)ooMon« 
 (if I'll' .Mu|iriMni' Ciiiiil cpf Apiii'iila nf Virgliilii, cnritriineil 
 In (Imtlan'ii Ki'|M.rl<, vuU. I. In x.\l., N. Vork, 1^*7.1, 
 Hru. :>, Anilrow Jiinkmin iiml lliu iliiiik i>f tlii' I'nitBil 
 ytiiti'ii,' lllnliiry 1)1' I'lipcr Munoy in llii' I'liilid ,»<tiilei(, 
 u.iil UlKoiUKlnn "f the CuneiiLn (iuiKlInn, N. Vnrk, INMO, 
 U'liio. H. Ki'ply to '• A KiJiirn Krriinil." Ily lino of llm 
 Kool», N. V„ik, I8HII, I'Jnio; ;ii| cl., 1m.h|. 4. 'Ihu 
 I'lcniilonl'ii UvlBtliinn with Seniilor Mahone nnii Hopu. 
 iliiitlon, N. Vork, |ssi, \>,„„. 
 Itoycc, CcorRC .Mciiiritr. I. The Mttio Hurler : 
 11 Tiilu of till' A riciiii Civil Wiir, l.on., I MhO, l2nio. 
 2. Two KncliKliniin. Itv an AuuTlcnn. I,on., lN»i, u. 
 nojrc, JoRiali, I'h.n., b. J855, nl (Iriim Viilloy, 
 Ciil.i KiaJimtnl ill the I iilvcrnity of Ciiliforniii IMT5; 
 I'tuilieu lit l.clpnii.' iinil liilttlnxen, ami wan Fellow of 
 Johns Hopkins I'liiveri^lty l><7ii 7^; iiMinliinl profe^-or 
 of philo-ophy at llaiviinl »iiico l^sj. I. A I'riiiier of 
 I.oKiial Anaiysii', San Fran., ISSI. 2 The llolinious 
 Aspecti of I'hiloKophy : n Critiipie of tho Uttici of Con- 
 iluei ami of Faith, Host., ISH.i, linio. 
 "Slnrtiiin fniin RrepllrlBiii, Mr. Itcvcc wiirku hinw«y nut 
 Into all lili'iillKi piwltlon. lliniiuh one that l« iieiiriT to trail- 
 Tho Ueliiiiona ! "I'l'ii'li'iHal tlieUni tlian In eonwrvatlve ortliinloxy."— .Va- 
 " ' //oil, xl. 117. 
 .'t. California, from the ConfiucKt in lH4fl to tho Soeonil 
 Vi),'ihim'o ronimittoe in San Fnincl.ico, ("Amoricun 
 Coinnionwealtiis,") Hojt., Ismi, I2iiio. 
 "Tlie viviil (Uwerlptlons, the Uvelv iiiiirative. nml tho 
 keen and pithy relleelions make his work Htliaclive, ami 
 (Hie «hleli may he nail wi-.h genuine pleiiMire. Tho 
 Kiealer |airl of it dealK with events Milise.iiieiit to 1N)(), 
 when Mr. Illlleirii hi.^tiiry elnne.*, and It thim forms H con- 
 venient sequel to llnit history."— /W/io, Vi. 1. 
 ■1. The Feud of lliiklleld Crock; a Novo! of Ciilifornia 
 I,ife, Host., I.SH7, lllino. 
 of Paul the Apontle to Timothy ; n Poimlar roinmenliiry ; 
 with a Sorloi" of Forty Somionotto*, l.on., Ihm;, u, Svo. 
 Itiiuliind, i^rN. Kll/iihnlh M. Adolthu : it 
 True Story of a Wouian'n Mfo and Work, Host., |m,Si, 
 ItowlniuN, John itciwcn. The MlFuslnKii of 
 Jesin; or. Short Iteiidinx- on the Iluutitiide.i of Our 
 Lord, l.on., |S7!), Svo. 
 ItotvliiiidHOii, 'I'. Fiirthi|Uiiko Diingert, flan 
 IMii., Is7il, 8vo. 
 Itnulnnilnun, llrv. Hiinnin lli-nry, M.A., 
 gruliMled at Corpus I'hriiti Colle(<o, Cainhriduo, I sil.i ; 
 orduinod l,Sfl7; reolor of Oreat llraxtoil «lnco |s7,'.. The 
 OoKpel iiooordin>{ to St. Murk: with i'rulo({om«nii ; 2il 
 «d.. lion., IM71), p. Svo. 
 ItiMVlall, Itichnnl. I. KIshini; in Itcop Wators, 
 Loll., l,S7ii, :t vol<. p. Svo. 2. FJntriincud by u Drouiii, 
 Lon., IHH:>, ;) voIm. or. .'<vo, 
 Ilowlcy, Cliiirlo*, n inomber of the oily cnunull, 
 Man luster. Tliu I'ietiirei of the Year: .\oto» in the 
 Academy, tho lirosvcnor, tho other Flxhihilions, and on 
 (oiiie I'ieturos mil piililiily shown, lly Uolaiid UilJeriiy, 
 [p-<eiil.| Miinehostor. IS77, Svo, 
 tlowley, (;(><)rK<^ I>iuvfioii, M.A., F.Z.S. Ornl- 
 tiioln^rii'iil .Miseulliiny, (loxt only, I l-on., IS7(|, .) vols. 
 IttMVivy, Ufv. Henry, [on/., vol. ii., add.,] or- 
 dained lsr,(i| ur)(ani7,inj( soorolary of tho Soeiety for 
 tho l'ro|iii;{iiiion (d' llui Uospel. I. Afriea I'nveiled. 
 Map and lllust. l,ou., IS7I1, p. Svo. 
 of tho Afrieana, l.on., IS77, iiino. :i. Twenty Years in 
 Central Afriea; the Sto.y of the Universliiea' Mission, 
 from its Commeni'cment under liisliop Maokenziu to tlio 
 I'resoni Time, l,on., |s,sl,p. Svo; 2d od., ISSd. .J. Is 
 it Noihiu)? to you? Social Purity, Unn., Issi, or. Svo. 
 And see Wii.hkiikoiiik, Ur. Kkv. S.uiiki,, I'li/Vo. 
 KtMVlry, Hun. Hiuh, [0,1/,, vol. ii., aiid.,] b. 18,3.1; 
 eon of tho second Huron Landlord. 1. OamosiiKUin- 
 nion; or. Hints 011 Hymen. Illu»t. l.on., ls7U, lllmo, 
 2. Ailviee to I'lirlies about to .Marry, l.on., IS7I, 16mo. 
 a. Sage Stulliiius for (Ireet: Uosliuj{s. lllust. l.on., 1871, 
 lllmo. I. .\Ioro Puniana: a New Collection, Lon., 1874; 
 now ed., 18711, 12mo. 
 Itutvlcy, .liiineft, M.A. 1. The Uiseof the People 
 and Iho Orewtli of Parliuinont, l^llo- 1 IS.j, (•' lOpoehs 
 of F;n),'lish History, ") l..m., I87it, I.Sino. 2. Tho Setlle- 
 ment of tho Cimstitution. I1ISII-I78I, (" Epochs of Kng- 
 lish History,") l.on , IS77, I8mo. 
 Ruu-ney, Horatio UickerHtatTe. 1. Tho Wild 
 Tribes of India, l.on., ISS2, p. ,Svo. 2. The Younj,' 
 Zcmiiidiir: his Krratio Wa.idorings, L^ 
 |l. smi. 
 Itoworth, \y. Tho Coming of Christ: Will his 
 Koign be I'ersonal or Spiritual? Lon., lS7tf, Svo. 
 HoWMcll, Francis >V. Uocolleotions of a Re- 
 lieving Officer, l.on., ISS5, 12ino. 
 Kownell, Miss .'Wary C. I. .Saint Nicholas' Eve, 
 Ac, Lon., 1S7I1, p. Svo; new cd., IS71I. 2. Love Loyal, 
 Lon., 1878, :j vols. or. Svo. :i. Jonnnotto, Lou., I8SII, :) 
 vols. p. Svo, 4. Tales of Filial Devotion ; Heroism of 
 Oirls, Lon., 188:), p. Hvo. 5. Number Nip: or, Tho 
 Spirit of tho ()i:int Mountain.s, l.on., IS^'l, p. 8vo. II. 
 Traitor or Patriot? a Tale of the Rye-Houso Plot, 
 lllust. Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 7. Tho Pedlar and his Dog. 
 lllust. l.on., 1885, p. Svo. 8. Fisherman Urim. lllust. 
 Lon., IS8I), l2mo. 9. Miss Vanbrngh ; 2d ed., Lon., 
 1886, 12mo. 10. .Seppnrl tho Drummor-Hoy. lllust. 
 Lon., I8S6, l2mo. 11. The Silver Dial, Lon.. 188«, ;) 
 vols. er. 8vo. 12. Han- tlio Painter, Lon., ISS7. 12ino. 
 13. Hatto's Tower, iind other Stories, I.on.^ 1887, 
 Rowton, W. (Jod's Trial by Fire 
 and Stubble, Lon., 1S7II, p. ('.vo. 
 Roxburgh, Francis, Jr., LL.M., son of Sir 
 Francis Roxburgh; educated at Trinity Hall, Cnm- 
 bridgo; called to tho bar at the .Middle Temple 187;i. 
 1. .Marriage: its Legal Effect on Propertv, l.on., 1879, 
 Svo. 2. The Bankruptcy Act, 1S83, in tlic Form of an 
 Alphabetical Index, Lon., 18s:i, 8vo. ;i. The Law and 
 I'ra.tice nndor the Bankruptcy Act and Rules, 1883, 
 Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 Roxburgh, J. In Memoriam : Rev. Robert Bu- 
 <ihr.iiiin, Lnn., l«75, 16u'o. 
 Roy, G. For her Sake : a Tale, Lon., 1888, or. Svo. 
 Roy, James. Catholicity and Methodism ; or. The 
 Relation of John Wesley to Modern Thought, Montreal, 
 1S77, Svo. ' 
 Roy, Joseph E. Pilgrim's Letters ; Bits of Cur- 
 •ItlsKood in plot nml workmanship, and in the por- 
 " ' "■ ■ " ' I'hnriieler; it Is naiural and llfO' 
 Irayal niid eoneeplloii ol 
 like, iiiid 11 Is imerestins."— .V(i//cii, xllv. I'':i. 
 Roycc, ^ialnuul. Deterioration and Race Kdu- 
 eation : Practical Appli"ation to tho Coiiditiuna of the 
 Peoiile anil Industry, N. Vork, 1877, 12mo. 
 R<>yK>, Charles, b. IsilS; entered tho navy in 
 Isfil, and was a paymaster Isfi2-fi3 ; called to the bar at 
 Lincoln's Inn isfio ; ci 'siil at Alexandria and a meuiher 
 of the commission fur judicial reforms in Egypt. Tho 
 n., 1883, 3 vols. 1 Egyptian Campaigns, IHS2 to ISS.'i, and tho Events 
 which Icil to them, l.on., Isstl, 2 vols. Svo. 
 " Whoever reads the hook with care has Kone'a eonslder- 
 nble way towards mastering the illtlieult F+'Vpiian uiies- 
 tioli, bristling tliougli It Is wllh dlllleultie.s and ohseured 
 by (iiplomalic liicoiislsteneles and subtleties."— .-K/i., No. 
 Royle, H'illiam. Laws relating to Englisli and 
 Foreign Funds, Shares, and Securities, Lon., lS7o. 
 Roysc, N. K. 1. Manual of American Literature, 
 N. York, 1872, 12mo. 2. .Manual of English Literature : 
 for Schools of Ailvanced (Jrades, Phila., IS82, 12- 10. 3. 
 Some Ancient Melodies, and other Experiments, Cin., 
 1882, 12mo. 
 Ruben, Edward. The Path to Fame, N. York, 
 is.i;, l2mo. 
 Rubinstein, Joseph Samn?!. Tho Convey- 
 ancing Acts, 1881, 1882; oth ed., Lon., 1884, Svo. With 
 Waiii), S., Tlio Articled Clerk's Hand-Bouk, Lon., 1877; 
 2d td., 1878, 12mo. 
 Rudder, Rev. William, D.D., late rector of St. 
 Stephen's Church, Pliiladelphia. 1. A Rationale of tho 
 Church's Liturgio Worship : a Study for the Times, 
 Phi' , lllmo. 2. Sermons, Phila., 1881, I2ino. 
 Ruddock, Edward Harris, [on/c, vol. ii., add.] 
 1. Consumption and Tuberculosis of tho Lungs; 2d ed., 
 Lon., 1871), 12mo. 2. The Common Diseases of Infants 
 and I'hildron.and their Homoeopathio Treatment, l.on., 
 1873, p. Svo. 3. The Text-Book of Modern Medicine and 
 Surgery on Ilomoiopathic Principles, Lon., 1874, Svo. 4. 
 Essentials of Diet in Health and Disease. Revised by 
 E. B. Shuldham. Lon., lS7fl, I2ino. 
 Rudkiu, illeasiiig. Tho History of Horsley. 
 lllust. Durslcy, 1884, Svo. 
 Rudler, Frederick William, curator of the 
 Museum of Practical (ieology, London, and Chishoim, 
 George C. Europe: ("Stanford's Compendium of 
 Geography and Travel.") 
 of Wood, Hay, 
 Edited by Sir Andrew 
 j**"""/' *'"• Btl>n..logloal A,>|..n.lU l.y A. II. K.un.. 
 Ml.lJlu cm|,l., IH- , 1 T,,, ,mu,|c.„f, .. Auxillu..." to 
 lh« limtitiitsa of Jiixlirilun, l.i.ii., |,i7i), i^iuo 2 A 
 Tniiti.u ii|Miii the Kiiiiilovcr"' l.iiililllty Ai't ' ' 
 llliKKl<-s. <•. I.oriiln. (Uiicml llunkor, tlieOrmt 
 AriiDrii'iiii f>iMMit iiim S|iv, \. Vurk, H/d. 
 ItliBKic". Ili'iiry.' (i..imi.iiy .i.n 'without >i|,rct.i. 
 olfn, llo«t., IHn;i. Shi. ' 
 HilKltli>», Il.-iiry J. The .M„|| „f .«hak.,|,o«ro 
 r« an Arti-t ,|..,|ucM..| Imm nii Aijil.vKi, of hh 
 IniKf.llrH nnil Cu liin, N. York, l->7ll Ifln,,, 
 llult-, Mnrllll, .M.\.,„„ K.,«li,!, ,.|,.r^vin,n, who 
 Join,..! tho flaireh nl 1(,„„.. |. Th„'. „n.| Ti„,.,M of 
 N. Ar,-Wm, Aichhi»ho|. „r Cantorhurv hikI I'riiiiutu of 
 til"' IIiIihIim. I.on., Is^i, ■> y, j,, h,.,, ' 
 ••li,.,|ii chuniyvst. Ansolm' Is oiu. of ih<. ina>l..ri.l..o..» 
 crillrai, whhl, Mr. Jfiil.... iM^k.^rlali l> |h „ i, fa? 
 iiH .■nia.TM.. I R. dal...ialloi, of .Mr. KiiV'. ,1 Jrailliv o 
 «lilc'h 111' loi" l«'.stovvi'il ii|.oii |i."_,s„( A'M'.. Iv :lll 
 iSw al«.., a review hv K. A. Kreeiiniii. iii .1,'.,./.. xxlil , 
 ji'l, anil II rqiiy hy Mr. Hiil.- on p. Tii.) J. ( Kil I Ka,|' ^ 
 ini'rl lli^lmia N.ivoruiu In \n«lia, el ()|mHoula ',l,m ,lo ^ 
 \ ila .-iinutl Aii.elmi ct ,,nihii.i,lHin .Mirnculia ejii-, | Uiooril , 
 CHic'o I'uli.,! l,on., IHSI, Svo. 
 Hulf, Philip M. The Cat: It, Xaiiin.l lli,|ory. 
 >Hhu.,ii,' \ arielio.-, I)Mea.e», an I Treatiianl. IIIuhI ' 
 Jjon., I8M,, <'r. Svo. 
 H.ilc, llov. Illric ZuiiiBlinN,),. IsjH; c,lucate,| 
 lit V|orooalcr (olleKu, (ulor.l; onlaincl I "Kl I ; eurate of 
 M. IVlerV, Portia, I.Sss. The l-arenli.' Manual (or Ho- 
 IlKioufi Trulnin;< of (" lilnMi, l.on., 1S7I1; new cil. Isro 
 I^ino, '' ' ' 
 Kiile, llev. Uiiliiiin Ilarrin, D.D., r„„/, vol 
 I.. mM.,| b. ISIIL', at I'enryn. ('omwall ; onlainV.l li 
 \ie*leyan ininlvler IsUfl; 8U|ierlnten.l™t of We-levan 
 UMH.Ion.. in Spain 1832-42; retire! from eirouil ,luly 
 J, •■ , ; ,? "'"'"'■""'I Kxposition of the Hook of 
 Diiniel tho Prophet, I,.,n,, ISIIU, p. Mvo. •> The llolv 
 ftihhatli in tilute.l in I' nn.l perlV..t\,l ihrou-ii 
 V':';''/'""-w.':"' '-"■"• =^- '"*""••'■ "'"^ '^""ito 
 .le»i<, I,on., 1S70, i;. Svo. 4. Ooundl., Anient ami 
 Mo.lorn, l,on., Is,0, ISino. ,5. liibliral Monuments 11- 
 luslrateil hy. I. Corbet And.Tjion. l.on., IS7;i, r Svo ti 
 'hiental KeforiLs: Monumental, l,on., 1877, Svo' { 
 Oriental Keeoril.^ : Mintori™!, I,on., IS77, Svo 8 " The 
 EslabliHliment of Wc.slcyan Metho.lism in the li'rili-h 
 Army Lon., I88:f p. Svo. il. I.lfe ami Work at Homo 
 an.l Abroad : Wesleyan Methodist Conferenoc. I,on I Mi 
 p. ^vo. ' ' 
 .•ItiliHoii, 111. Rev. Nfisoii Si nirrv;ile, I) D 
 b. IS42 ; graduate,! at the Kpi.-eopnl (ieneral Theological 
 Seminary IStl2; ordained I.sfiil; roetor of ,':t iCiulV 
 Chureh, Cleveland, 0., IS7li-Sl, „nd sineo then acsisiant 
 Bishop ot Central Pennsylvania. History of St. Paul's 
 Church, Cleveland, Ohio, Cleveland, IS77 
 Kiiloftcii, Willinm Ileriiiaii. The Dance of 
 Death, lly William Herman, .^an Fran., 1S77. l2mo. 
 ,,,?'""''"'' **" Horace, Hart., K.C.M b 
 182 I i minister to Chili IS72-7S, to the ArKentiue''lie' 
 public 1879-81, to .'Sweden 1SS1-S4, to C.ieoco 1S84-S8 
 anil since then to the Xcthorland.s. Tiie (iroat Silver 
 Hiver: Notes of a Few Months' Reaidonoo in Buonos 
 Ayres. Illust. Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 -ITjlevluiTm "''"""^'■"'•''"I'sro'it.saiul Invc.'itors." 
 llilnibold, Thomas F. Tho llvgiono and Treat- ' 
 inent of Catarrh, St. Louis, 18S1, I2imo I 
 lluinpf-, Miiia. Clerical Workshops and tho Tools 
 used therein, Lon., 1872, 12mo 
 Kuiiiple, Itev. Jethro, D.D., b. 1827; graduated ' 
 al Davidson College ]s,-,0; was ordained to toe Pros- 
 by erian iiumstry 18)7, an<l has been pasior at Salisbury, 
 N.C. since 860. 1. History of Howan County, North 
 taiolina, Sali.sbury, 1S81. 2. History of the First Fifty 
 Ica/s of Davidson College, Knieigh, 1888 
 Kunisey, Almaric, b. I82o ; graduated, first class 
 Mathomaties at St., M.-»ry H«l!, 0.,f„„i ; called to the bar 
 '■'P"" n'» Inn 18o7 ; professor . f Indian jurisprmlence 
 nt Kings College, London, since 18Vt\ 1. County Court 
 Jurisuiction, Lon., lSfi7, 8vo. ?. A Chart of'llindu 
 lamily Inhentunce, Lon., 1877, Svo; 2d ed., cnl., same 
 year 3. The Moohumniudan Law of Inheritance, and 
 Jdrlits and Relations affeotlng it, (Sunni Doctrine,) 
 l-.Making untilu Siilv and Kuny, 
 Lon., IH>iO_ Sv„_ ( ^yi 
 Lon,, I'HN, li'mo. 
 Ilum.ey, llniry \V., M.D., K.H.S., [„„,,, vol. II., 
 «d,l,| L.siivn and Paper- on -o Fiilliuie. u( Slalixliea 
 oonoernlng l.ile and Death. Ilealih and Dlsea.e, Lon., 
 Hlim»py, « ilham. The Pra.liee in Acth.n. and 
 Bpeilul Proceeding. 1„ the i;,,,^,, „f |( ^d of New 
 Vi'i ""''"'^"'" '''"I""'' Civil I'roeudurc, N. Vork and 
 ,Hunc|lIlrtll, Jam,.., h., „,|r aled ; ma- 
 rieulated at the I oiversily „f j.omh.n |n71; „,„ a 
 eaeher for soiiio t „„., then became a j nalist, un.l ha* 
 been a special .respondent, I. Tb. It e of the 
 toast: lale. ii. Sketches of Norll, Countrv Fishing 
 L<m,, ISS.t, p. 8vo. 2. (Irace llalmaign's .■-woet- 
 Lon,, 188,1, l2uio, :t. ,'<choo|.lloaril Idylls, Lon., 
 i.iuo. 4 Skippers and ,>^hellba.>ks, Lon.. Issj, 
 ■I. Schoids and Scholars, Lon,. I^,s7 \>„u, tl 
 thc.|ucrs; Ihc .Natural llist.oyof a Public- llou.«e, Lon.,' 
 I.'<>\ SMI Svo. 7, \ |),e„:,i of the .North Sea. 
 HmirimHn,.M..M. Kule-.d I'eispeciive, Kxplalned, 
 llluslnitnl, Mild Adapted to Practical Ise, Lim,, ISSft, 
 I J parts, Nvo. • 
 ' K'lliMc, John naiii.'i, Ph.D., LL.D., [„„(,, vol. 
 "•. "dd,.l b, |S2i;, at Itool, N.V., p:„fessor of iniilhe^ 
 , iiiiitics in the Muss,;ehusetls Institute of Technoh.gv 
 "ince SOS Klements of Plane and .Soli' Analvrio 
 lie.riiicli y. Host,. 
 ' UiiiiiielM lohn S. Iowa Supreme Court Iteport., 
 j j;';j;.^\»^>iii.-lvi., ^I87a-8I,, Dos'Molnoj, 1874-82, t» 
 Ilniliu.|,, M. T. History of .Sanbornton, New 
 llamp-hin.: vol, i,. Annals, Host., ISX2, 2 vols ,>.vo 
 Kiililiioii, Janii'it U. (Trans.) (Jra/.lello, by Al- 
 I'.'so"" ' '"'"""■'""'■ Chlo., I87i, sui. 4to; new ed., 
 ■ lliiIim,Willinin«i|«oii. Aduid. -he Study 
 o the llis|,M-y and Ihe Constitution ui the United 
 Males. Host., Isss. l2nio. 
 ! llMsbridgi., A. llee-Kcepiug, Plain and I'ractical. 
 lllu.-l. Lon,, 188;), cr. Svo. 
 HiisihtiiberBir, Miiliam S. W., [ow,, vol. ii., 
 I ";•'!;•] I77'.'l'ntj;f tlie Academy .d' Natural Sciences of 
 Ph.holelphia 870-82, and nt the College of Phvsicians 
 of^Philailclpliia lS71l-h;). The Hroihe.vs Rogers," Pi,ihi., 
 KiiMlcii, (ieorge William, b. isii', i„ Sunev : went with his father, Kev. (i. K. Uusden, to New 
 South Wales in I>:i4: was engaged at first in pasloml 
 ■ursuiK and alterwards held several appointments in 
 he civil service inclmling that of cicrk of Ihe Legisla- 
 tive Council and clerk of Parliaments; retired 1S82 I 
 Moyarni: an Australian Legend, in Two Cantos, Mait- 
 i'"'.' 1 -i" 2. Discovery, Survey, and St!tlemci:t of 
 ,'"■• ' ' !'■ '•"»•. 187-', 8vo. ;i. Translations and 
 liagmerits, ■„,„ , 1874: new ed., with additions, Mel- 
 bourne, Is71i. 4, History of New Zealand, .Melbourne, 
 .■"ydney, and Lon., ls>;i. ;; v„|s. Svo. 
 ...iVy,?.''"''";.*"'!". '" '""'•■' '"■<■" ^I'lir'eil in collui'tlng and 
 • I ',fs"..','',"'"';T' "'"', '!'^' ■■'■' "I "I'Pears to I, ' ,i, t 
 'le. H^ tmsuvorlhy as it Is iniiiiuo,"-!-.s>cM(„,-, hi. CIS 
 .,,, V|. • \f "" " '- •"Millie, —.■'iiiatmir, ivi. u 
 Ihe History ol Australia, l.on,, 18,s;i, H vols. Svo 
 the sk 1 ™r'"','i"i "■'"■!'' "'«y,»'^^ll '"■ ^■■"teliil to , for 
 progrc" of our great .-oiiilicrii (■ol(,lllcs,"-,S,(^ lla\. Ivlll. 
 , '■ .Mr, Kusilen's gluaiilic aeeiimulutlons for Australasian 
 I '^'^•,; '-'''jnliiir ill The lluyu „f (Ju-cn VM„ri,i. il. 47(!, 
 II. Il.d,| Auieieianga: the (Jroans of the Maoris. 
 I Lon., ISSS. |>,imph. ' 
 I KllshliriUBC A. The Path we Trend; or. The 
 I Fields otl.ileralure: an Allegory. Lon., 1871, l2mo. 
 Kiishliirookf, William <irorge, M.L., Fellow 
 I of .St. .lohn s ( ollege, Cambridge. iSynoiiticon : an Kx- 
 j position of the Common Mailer of the Synoptic (iosi.els. 
 j Lon.,, f, pans, and Appendices. 4to ; also in i voL 
 Hlishtoii, James. (Kd., Abstract of the Accounts 
 I of the County Treasurers and other Public Oflicers of the 
 I 1","'],^' ' "'"«ino of Lancaster, 1810-1884, Preston, 1885. 
 I obi. fol. ' 
 i , ''"»''«""» ^Villiam Lowes, [„„ie, vol. ii., ndd.l 
 I 1. Shakespcire Illustrated bv tho Lex Serii.ta. Part I. 
 Lon., 1S7(I, p. 8vo. 2. Shakespeare's Euphuism, Lon., 
 18i ,, p. Svo. ' 
 Uiiskiii, John, LL.D., [,w,e, vol. ii., odd.,] was re- 
 elected to the Shide professorship of art at Oxford in 
 I 1876; retired, on account of a severe illness, in 1878; 
'l Ml J 
 :ll>' I 
 IS.''.'), unci hiis sinou res Mod oliieflv iit Iir«i.(iv„ml „„ i* Iwinnst strictly niiil arniiik'od oviTv i.ilii 
 rZ"";'«"'^,'"""-. Tl..' following lis.",l,M .o„H. " ''i'^ "f 'l>e Kngra •,• 1 Wk ,ff'J M N^ Cn^^^^ 
 tl'nP ^ ■neompletc. I. SaLrtto und Elcphnnta; a "f Kngli..!! IWody : f„r Uso in S OcureeV iol ,,l 
 mo lNK.u,r„., ted .nti,oTh™.re, Oxford, JunL 12, l,S8i.,Kx|danutory „f the Vurim,V"vr m. n ,f in 'M^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 S.IU ne«.o, Orp,n«ton Kent, IS'.H. 2. I'ocns, IS.'.II ifoneyco.nb." Orpington, l,KS,l, Svu"o \ toso",';., o^ 
 Nath.nul (iullery. Part 1. (All publisliod.") h,m.. 
 C;:ni" f fh^M'-'' V '^'^'- ''•'li"™' "t the Annual 
 iHeotmg of the Manchester Sulioul of Art, IS.V.I Man ' 
 Chester, 1859 ,",. Lectures on Art, cleliverid bef.'.ro the 
 Inivorsityot Oxford in Hilary Term, Isril, 0,f I.STO i 
 Art Society.) I.on., 18S0 
 •logo Ki'^^: ^Till 'J^^-C!^:;^;^.^fi^^,^-;p: 
 Mr. .lohn KuskiM . . . has kIv,.,, „s. Hluiicver i,e lils 
 o".l ';";«s""; h.^"- ""' '-■»'«". 1"2; 2d ed., 
 lor,.^!'';;,"'':'"",'' Vlsiif aphoristl,.«it niHl wis,i„ni are scat- 
 on teulpture <lelivered at Oxford 1S7()-7| T „„ „,„| ' "nmioiis nn.l i,i-,„,..v„i. ; , ' ;"J • '< "n.aiiiiu ununi)™! 
 Keston, 1(S72, .vo; 2d ed., 1,^8.. 1 1. The EaglJ's Ne" 
 Ten Lectures on the Kelation of Natural Seieno, to Art, 
 gu en before the I niversity of Oxford in Lent Torni 
 W2. Lon. and Keston, I ,X72. 1 2. The Sepulchral Mon 
 opinions and l^opoi is in.;? i'r,.^ ," '; of'lli;!; „„. 
 prac lyal c hnrHoter, 1 think ilie reader will never he ."s 
 feel hinisell stirred and aninialed in a wa v n v| ,VI, , ,^ 
 187 , .-<vo. Privately printed. U. Ins'r Ln/?n t"^ | "'i^'ry^Vn'^e ^» ^,^:{;' r rit ''- 
 Wtnr -J; « L*^' f"'"-' '•""•^' >'^"- "i- Love's Meinie : I ™" xix I'w'""""" '"''•' "" '" vain.'-.M.*HK piW « n : 
 Arm^je Florentina : Six Lectures on \^:d' and j.e ai ^7^' <v:,;;^^ 
 bngraMng, given before the Tnivcrsity of Oxford in ,","'^'' )''",''', '**»'>"">• KivtMi ,ip t,/ma iters ni iV h^ «h' 
 Michadmas Tmn 1S72. Illust. Kesto,ra„dOrplng o^ i ^^^i^:^'''' ''' '- ';""'>'"f''V^^'^"''l" '-^'^" >!S.^ ^ 
 \r,"'v „ ' \ ^"' ^/^™° • ^''■" '''•'^'"••«s »" the Tuscan i iul I c riier'h, ve ■ ved^^^ '"""1" '"'"■'"''' "I'o".lli>"e 
 Ar directly Antecedent to the Florentine Ye„r n.' vi " I two. . Tl^,, "";',,, I'.' .'..•''."."■^^•'^•^:'' " "">teli for any 
 Th., >,.... ,••■.•"'■ '"iiii.-iMes a inaic 1 dranv 
 Ihe most eiirious and iniporlam Ixiilion of Ih;. 
 ■ever. IS ii.v-,,i>.i ..n .],,,,),, ,i. / ("itnoiui inc 
 loiiiji, iiie .second volume, in 
 all sortsof questions 
 x'orded."— *■(('. Kev., li 
 Am 1 / .11 . "'"""• *''" 'A'ciures on tno Tu8( 
 tor „« ■ ^ Antecedent to the Florentine Year of Vic- I t»o The most ..ririousanVf inM,', 
 tones, given before the Tniversity of Oxford in Mich- i '""',''"■, ''"""i'''. is. I'l'.voiid all , hub il 
 \? ','' \""'> IS'.'l. Illiu«t. Orpington, LS74. l" | ,";^J^'' ''''^;''"^'f»ir-^''f the authors 
 Fronde.. Agrestes. Reading,, in Modern Painters, chosen ! {"l'""""""-'" """ "" "■''-■•■ ■ ■•'•■'•■»^— '■ - 
 -..- ■->"■"■ ^'. ijuucaiion : uiJIect 
 Lapse of Waves and Life of .Stones, Parts I -VIlT I and AutnVnn „7'ls«.'('n "•' \"°"' """"S "'" '''l'""K 
 . .' =,. ' , ' ' ' ■"• '-• .Mornings in r orence • 
 being iM„,ple ."Studies of Christian Art tor English Tniv: 
 trr';;m.°';'rf"T',''l:'-"' ■"'■ <f^''-' «il^ii"theea si. 
 torurn. \ol. i.,The Economist of Xeuophon, translated 
 by Alexander D. 0. AVedderburn and W. (ie shorn Col 
 hngwood; vo.ii. Keck Honeycomb: Broken Pieces^ 
 fo, 8-''-7'Mr\'f!''^!-:. ''"'f- r^on.andOrping- 
 2/ l\t: : V • * ^t- ;"• ""'' "■ "■" y*- published ) 
 24. Letter to \oung (firls, Orpington, l,S7t^. 25 St 
 ieh f '''p "t "'""^y of 'Ven'ice, 'written f;;' the 
 Help of the Few Travellers who .still care for her Mo - 
 ,',";' • " "viceiiuii HI inought 
 oes, and Ajdionsms for Every Day in the Year. Col- 
 Asf f"'' 1""T'' l^ *'-,f «• ""^ "• ^^ Orpington, 
 1884, fp. 4to .i,. ( Enarrant : Studies of n„„, 
 out of Modern Painters," Orpington, 18,S4 8vo {8 
 Ca aloguos of Selected Examples of Native S lica in t' he 
 British Museum, South Kensington, 1884 «Te 
 Pleasures of England: the Course ,.f Lectures .lelivered 
 at (Jxloi-d during the Autumn of I,S84. Parts I -IV 
 The Laws of Ff,s„le: a Faiiiliar Treat s" on the Ele' L^„, L^ 1 ^^o '«""" "f Mi-''cellaneous Essays, 
 -entary Principles and Practice of D^^^and pHt ' t™ '^s^'fi'^t^/i^^'^^P^'r'"'" 'Tlf'''' '""'•^■ 
 ng, ,1,. .leteimined Ijy the Tuscan Masters: arranircd ' tures of Sir r p mmi""' ^.'? "" ""' ' "tK^ipm '"'»- 
 ;^..>eUe of Schools: vol. L, ,t.„r t„) 0^,.!^^^, \p^^ U^^O^"^ 
 ^"'leisms, Lon., L88fl 8vn .11 /p.i 1 r, li-- ■ 
 Ptreet^ork of Intistiaii architecture, ier Campanile, I lional \'erses "^b^ J„\n ^1^;' "'^rill^^; Zf^^t, 
 ton, l87i 
 ni, I2:n(i 
 l^'i ',"".',"■ „'^-, "'"■"" Inclnsu.-: Messnges from the 
 Hood lo the (lanlon, sent in lliipiiy Day* to tli, I „lie< 
 of the Thwuite ('oni.ton, hy then- Thnnkfnl Vri,u.\, 
 John Huskin. >elec-te.l iin.l An;,nj;c.l liv \lbnt Fluni 
 ;"«• ?::L""«'","; '■'^r'- "■""'^i^ts of hlters, written he- 
 twmi IS, I and addressed to Miss Susie liecver 
 and her sister, with some of liieir n|dies ) 
 4.). iJileeta.' eonsi-iin- of Corresiiondenee, Diary 
 Notes and Lxtraets Irom Hooks, illnstratin>c l-neterita 
 lartsl.-ll. .„.|„n,„o„, iss;. -Ili. l-neterila MJntlinei 
 d >™nes and I ImiukIUs perhaps Worthy u( Mnmoiv in 
 "r, 1 I n"" 'V""'';"'^-"l'''^ ^ ^■"'*- i-ii-vol.-iii. 
 liiit>l,-U. Orpin^'ton, I>.s7-S!<. 
 I)k.vh:|!ai. C iiTiiisM : 
 "It is simply iiiip,,ssil,I,. f,,r ih(. prevent u'enenilfon t., 
 comprehend what Mr. liiiskin lia. d.'ne i;, \n K e 
 tlioM. who most reyeivnee him can never iv'ali;;,.' Inilv ih 
 I illyreiiee and imioraiiee \vliieli prevailed a 11, • til. ■ 
 t leirpnl, leatioii, . His writini,,,m,. like', rev .,i, 
 Iheljeantvot his lanKiniKe, the depth „n,N n'^''": 
 nneonveimonality of his views. tl,[. lirmnl.tnV ";;.,, 
 y elM.iis, nay i.yeii his very inioleranev, all tended t, r a ' e 
 niteiuioii and interest. His iiiMiieniv has p'',- X '■"„ 
 "lid wide, and aets now on many who are •,,',' 
 muonseums of It and of what tliey owe hiin. '-l^^JX;^ 
 ".Vt Ids worst Mr. Kiiskin is a hetler writer than in,, si 
 .nen; at his I, est he is ine i.urahle. lie I is „! 
 cent voealMi ary a perfeet and niierriin,' sense c,r ""V vJ. I 
 Mon, aw.mderli.l insiinet ,d' rhyilim. . . . There are Vw 
 manners in liicTatiire at onee so allli.ent and so varied so 
 eopKMis and so siihtle. so eaimble and so full of re i", V, 
 fts that .d the an hor .d' • .^lodeni Painters ■ Tie re J,; 
 why It IS ell ,o 1„. so is, HO take it, that Mr. 1 sk 
 faet, is not only ^reat as a writer. Put ^reat as an ii el 
 Beiieeaiula man. To a mind extraordinari v a etive vet 
 e.ipiieioiis, e.Ntiwirdinarily viKorons yet siiht e ,, i^„ 
 .iKinatnni iinw..nte.lly rhdi ami vivid and ■ j, lie 
 adds the prevnms altrilmte of a iiohle heart .. e a, ,1 
 earnest temper, and a Kood-will These ,ir 
 bnles are oereeived in his work, ami impar tto however 
 q.liesti(mat.le,ils aim and however (Inl ital. e i s ■ n In^ 
 sions, a eertaiii Ine ami human .iiialitv f reality lie 
 is one .se<Tet .if its prodijrioiis foree."-.u/, No '.7^; 
 1 he eardinal doetrine which runs throuKli a'lfhis teneh- 
 the works (d men, men and not materials, or maehiiies r 
 ?i',''',',i V'l ";V" ('".■""■^■''■,'."- stati't's, or puldi.Tu I inKsi 
 sln u d be the prune ob ecLs „f our care, and reverence 
 at d love. Hence its that, as a writer 01 ar , he lece a^ 
 r ly beeomcsa inoralisi, since be must needs i lou re fr.mi 
 wiat human laculties docs this work cd' art , r '! am o 
 jyba human facn lies does it appeal ? He 1, e it is't la i 
 the decline o airiitectnre or p'aiutinR he reads the cKr 
 datio.iot national character, Heuee it is that t le fe of 
 le workman appears to him to be (,f higher inoor a, ce 
 hau the.iuanliiyof work which iKMuriis ,t "ee i^ 
 IS that be,l biniself to the ortliod x . o inV 
 economy, with a sense that man, and the life ami's 1 ,f 
 man, cannot be legitimately set ashle while vecosier 
 ajiar from these the laws of wealth or of so-called tity 
 No other truth can be .piite .s„ important for <h r w ie' 
 or for any age, as the truth preached so unco sClv mi 
 so impressn-ey by Mr. Kusl!in."-H. DowbEN: vito" 
 l.ilimliirr. m r«iii..w/;,^ aiic/ .sy«d)V.s, 2a:! xuuinin 
 ■■ Mr liiiskin's writing will always be looked nnon as the 
 Ihe ,'0".',""';^ ^'"7 ",'•"' '"'■" """' '''K'^"'" inb "> e sin e 
 the e idless hre.ids o| «rt procedure, and bequeathed 1 r^ 
 lllisling, Jnnu's K. Across America; or, The 
 (.real \\ est and I'acilio toast. Illust. N. York. I2uio • I 
 new cil., I,S77. ■ ' 1 
 ir^f"?.?"^"' ^•'•'•'*»" Pfnio, of Wilmington, 0. 1. ' 
 Half lints; or, lable ,l'H,-de and Drawin^-Uoom, N 
 lork, LSI,,. Anon. 2. Library Xote.«, Host., 1S7,^; new ed rev. and en!., 1S7I), :!. Thomas Cor- 
 win: ft .skotch Cin., IS.m, 12ino. .». Characteristics; 
 .>kotohe8 and hssays, Host., \ii»i, I2mo. .Several later 
 I. '1 '\ w"'' "'One; or. Passages from the Note- 
 Jlook of a Man who might have been Sociable, Host 
 I8Si, lOnio. Anon. 
 HiLssell, Chnrlrs. The True Robinson Cru,.oe: 
 bones of Adventure; from the French, Lon„ lt<7l) 
 I (lino; :!,| ..,(._ jss;!. > ■ '1 
 UiisselUSir Chnrles .\rtliiir, Q.(^, b. ls;);t at 
 Newry, Ireland; educated at Trinity College, Dublin- 
 practised as a solicitor at Belfast; called to the bar at 
 Lincoln s Inn IH^iH; M.l'. for Dnndalk lSS(i-,s.-, and 
 since then lor South Iliickney; knighted I.SSH, and was 
 nttorney.general in that year; counsel for the defence in 
 the I'arnell case 18W)-90. 1. i\ew Views on Ireland' 
 or, Irish Land (irlevances and Itcmcdies, I,on., ISSl n 
 .syo. ' ' ' ■ 
 i,!'„^'",'i"''' ''Vr'»'li<''! I'.v every niic who desires to under- 
 .Maud the existinu' crisis ,.iai„l. . . . m,. Ku' Jn ,,^ a radical relorm, which, like bis de'cr, Hi, 1 ' 
 serves atleiitvestudv Mr |(,k„. I'l ' 1, ' • ,',^ 
 totix«s,ai,,lar,l,,fi.eii,-,;i,^l:,,'^"a-^, ';■,,:.•-;«, y 
 e|iaf;.^:^;^;i-i:i:';:r^;.;i'i;l ;-;;■;;.- -^J;'~ 
 ■2. The Lans-lowne Kstates in Kerry, I,on., nv„ 
 Uiiss.-ll, Churlcs Mflls,d. ivso. The lall of 
 Dama.seus: an Jlistoru-al Xovel, li,,.,|., |s7,K \->,„„ 
 Hllssrll,Uorn. !. The Miner's (lath, 'an",l Inder- 
 gr, (ind I..1, 1S71', p. ,Svo. 2. Koutprints in the Snow, 
 ,011 l,s,,. .i v„ ... ,,. svu: I,s7.s, I v,d. X Hcnealh the 
 »)aie: a Novel, I.on., l.S7!l, .i vols. cr. Syo. -I. The Vicar's 
 .on IS8(I, .i vols. cr. Svo. (i. .Vnnabel's llival, l.on.., l.'nio. ,. Croesus's Widow, I,on., Iss;t, ;{ vu|« cr 
 svo. .\ 1-ady S.dton's l-ri,le; a Novel, I,o„., l^^ji 
 l-'mo. !l. On (iohlen Hinges; a Xovel, l.on., iss,i, ; 
 vols. 111. l-or the ChiM's Sake, Lon., IS.S;,, p. ,svo I I 
 Hetrnyed : a Xovel. I,„n., psS.",, p. Xyo. 12. The Hroken 
 Haunton's late, l.on.. IS.Sh, 12mo. 11. (^,itc True: a 
 Novo, Lon., s.sii, l2nio. 15. Hidden in my Heart: a 
 Nove, Lon., ISS7, ,'i vols. er. 8vo. 10. The Track of 
 the Storm : a .Novel, Lon.,, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 , Jflissell, E. H. .Sam and Tim j or, I'ebbles for 
 rolishing, Lon., I,'<,s2, p. ,Svo. 
 Itussi'll, I'ox. 1. Cross-Country neininiscences, 
 Lon.lsN p. Sv,,. 2. Horse-Keeping, for Amateurs; a 
 I'raitical Manual, l.on.. IS,s7 r'mo 
 TrbdVv'r'i'i' '■"';""?'*', •'^'■'^■.''^•'I'^in: gnoluatcl at 
 Trinuy College, Cambrnlge; callcl to the bar at the In- 
 iier Jeniple lN4l : reconler .d' Tcntcrden since ISiD. A 
 n-eatise on (he Power and Duty of an Arbitrator, Lon., 
 Uiissell, Col. Francis Shirley, of the Hoyal 
 Ibagoons. . (Trans. , Cavalry Field Duty, by .Maj.-tJe.n. 
 \on .Miru.s, Lon., IS72, p. Syo: new ed., l,-<7:i. 2. Rus^ 
 sum Wars with Turkey, I'ast and Present, Lon., 1S77 
 p. Mo ; Jd ed. same year ;i. The Earl of Petcrborongh' 
 an,l Jlonmouth, (Charles .Mordaunt :) a Memoi-, Illu«t 
 J. on.,,, 2 vols. s\-,i. 
 "He has eonsulteil various .scairces of information- be 
 as .sought to paint I'eterboroimdi as wl ,,u. uii ,"; 
 -.fl?. V,',"'-)1('I-' "'^"^■'■'"•'"^•IJ-H-s possible his individuality " 
 iiig before us 
 .m.. Sii. 
 I'l'Vf '',"„' ""*'• ''fanc's Thayer, [„ni,; vol. i' 
 add., b. 182S, at Roxbury, Mass.; rector of .Sf! Mi'rga. 
 ret_s Dioeesan School for (iirls, Waterbury, ( 'onr .nco 
 18, J. Tic \J,e of the Voice in Rea,|ing ami Si.eak- 
 nig: a Manua for Clergymen am. Candidates for Holy 
 Urders, N.iork, ISs:!, l2nio. 
 Illissell, ticorRe. Fragments from .Many Tables : 
 , K'ing the Recollections of some Wise and WittyMen and 
 Women, Kilin., is,«s, I2ino 
 Riisscll, H. Hutherl'ord. I. Tom: the History 
 V " ",'^',^'S"" ""■'■' ''""■• '■"■•'• P- «>■»• 2- ■l'""I Seven 
 } %=1' h'"- "'■■'• '-""'• ■■'■ •'*'-v ^"»y- niu.'t. 
 Lon. 187B 8mo. 4. How Molly Spent Christmas; 
 ■The Sexton s lirandsons, Lon., I.S77, sq. lOmo. 5. Hid' 
 I Uen Workings, Lon., 1S7S. p .Svo 
 , JV'?*"' *';"""" "«'"> "'"triok Marie, b. 
 j „„ *' '"■/,.'.'"'''■ ;""' lepi-cscntative of the Russolls, 
 I TV , ,.". '^'"'"'K'' : '■■•eate.l a count ,d' Rome by Pius 
 i },,,■'-.■ '• ,''"" "'"' ""^ I'.vrenees, Lon.. l871,"l2mo. 
 ! 2. Iliarritz and the liasque Countries, Lon., 1S7:), p. Svo. 
 i,i','„"Sr'l"" '','■".'''"' "'>":l' i" Ihose parts, ami hjs made 
 -.!>W A',r.".x.vx vi";'^',''"''"" '" "" ^■■"l""<i">'i'-' la'desti^ian!" 
 KllNsell, ll(.|ii-y .Stuart, member ,d' the I.egisla- 
 ive C.nncil ,d' New Soulh Wales. The Genesis of 
 tiueenslan.l : an Account of the First Exploring Jour- 
 neys to and over Darling Downs: the Earliest Days of 
 their Occiipathm; .Social Life; Statbm-Sceking ; the 
 Course c,| Di.scovery, Northward and Weslward, and a 
 V "'"'"' ;;•' ,i "; *^'"i:*-; "''"-•" l>-^i t.-. S.parat;,.,, IVom 
 New Sou h Wales: with Facsimiles of .vi„n,s, Log, Ac, 
 Sydney, r. Svo. * ' 
 ,,," ',i;:l|'"'To" "' "';n''e<;lsely that kind ofsraall wealth 
 ■ lie t,; ', r;,i',',',"''';''-",''''- ""•" .ir"^"""! remlulseem-es 
 wlil'l!;. lu^'Xabh-^^Lli!;;-;;;!," l^;>;-.^-tral.a., eobinies 
 V 'vrn'^f '"iSSs'V*''"' " .J,i''^'-^'M'l'i"ni 'I. L-^7fl. Poems, 
 A. loik, 1888, I2mo. (These poems are mostly in the 

 i ii 
 add.] AVay?ido 
 r. , . , " •- ■" ^■'^'»n;i iMiuiHi: l!iUUCai 
 • Ri.T,p[i '". ^r "";'- '"'''"• ^""•' "^"' «*•»• '''""-"• ^""- "^'S 8vo. 
 is" n Sv'/ "" '"'' '" *''<"'»»''' Paisley, Klls«ell, K. P., [„;,,e, vol. ii 
 RiKi'ooll' I A c -i ir ,„ ''''iV "■■' •'''"""-'• Lon., 1 8.S0, I Ohio. 
 „mvl',„"^'"- •^'- '^'""«"'' "«"»'"'•. O'J "las. I Kussell, Rev. Mat hew S T ir 
 llussell J S. I. aoomotry in Modern Life. Un J .Cnt;,D;bir;'T88risl"l "J.^J '""^\".'"' "'» 
 it '.%.,"• ^^"^■<"""f™""''tion in Oceana of Vat"; Cuthol c, Dub in iSSI I'smo '^'V^J^'^V I;''*''' "»J 
 li ;S'el 'V ' s"'' n •' P "•' '••''' !'• '^■''- ',"''"^^' "-' L..t ilelics of hTa. i L ; r S J Clin- 
 ic. Vk XT ' v. ■^" ^'"' P»™usia: a Critical Inquiry l'<8«. cr. 8vo. ' °"'' ^""'m. 
 i^i^ n::irn::r,^^°r^ "^-^ '^-^^■^ ^-""'' ; L<^"!^^!'^^rV -^ K^,A,frec,„.„a ot,.erroeu., 
 nijconces of Yarrc. ': witi;'aT?efa:e 'by Ivof sT^r cl ",;: i Au h„r^•„;^L'o T^Hb'p'Tv'o' "^'^ l,'""i'l'-'"' ""Vi" '" 
 an Lr aJ'm"'' ""'- '^"I'J;1''■"«»"'^V Chapters by Kev. Ale.L Lon., ]S8fi.'l2„,":' ' ' ' ■*• ^^^ ^'™"S' " ""' 
 youngcT Imve a so.kI ,1.mi1 of int^'resP-Si'/rwekThKriftV' 
 Kiisse I, Rev. James Matthias, graduated nt 
 since m' V'V, «^;^'""«'' '5^.- ""nvte "f Hexllam 
 since 8,S( . 1. The Cant of .Science, and other Tale- 
 [''-"-' '.'''^'2mo. 2. A Cry from the Depths, Lo , 
 , .i. Christ at the Door, Lon., 1878. i. The His 
 \o^yo( Umnono. Illust. Lon.,18S2, 8vo ie\vei, 
 iV sv„ « Ti ^''"'•?''-T''»«'"f*airley Court, L„n, I8s;i 
 !;„„ «, •■ Squire's Hat, and other Gospel Temper- 
 ance atones, I,on., I8S5. p. 8vo ' 
 ""s,*e''» John. Earl Russell, r,,,,^-, vol ij 
 add l-;^^2-1878 1 Selection from SpVches'of 81 ^ 
 4 , and Despatches, 1859-65, Lon., 1870, 2 vols 8vo ■> 
 pii^l^^o^tSe !^;rl;t^™-Ki;i,^:rin L'{;^^':? ^ 
 with If ' "'*="«'•'.• England's Danger and Duty 
 with Keferenee to Kussia's Advance, ie.,lon., 1885, Z 
 Ulster Tenant-Right for Ire- 
 .on., 1885, p, 
 liussell, Richard. Wonders of the Pun Moon 
 ?::n.fl886; ^^' "' '^"^'"-""■^ ^^'--"^ "'-: 
 Kussell, Robert. 
 land, Lon., 1870, 8vo. 
 ^^Rlissell, Rollo. On an Iron Nail, Lon., 1S8C, 
 Lo","?l7t''^2m;."'* ''"'"""'' *'•'''''''"« '"■^' "yeiene, 
 Russell, William. 1. .Jack Thurlow and !• or 
 How will ,t End? Lon., 1871, 12mo 2. Hearts' are 
 ^^^'"".''iVmo!"' "'^^""'^''"""« "f English Peasantry, Lo",.° 
 Russell', William. .Scientific Horse-Shocing for 
 R',Zln"TvV;""'^'='"' I""^«'- Cin.,187",^8. 
 Russell, W.I ham, M.D., M.K.C.K Investiga- 
 i;SS=i;«^^^^^^ ' - ^li^^SP^^i^-^^iL?^ 
 ■ fv."f.l*"'? \V"''":J *■'!»'''' b- IS-14, in New York 
 ^^..Ke.,lectio„s and Suggestions. 18,3-.87., Lon., cit^r '.If '?,:I.!:r lJu^K^.^i;:i: (^T I:)^ 
 =ii'r;J,,i!^,:i^iv .;;,-. se^;^;;?;;;r r;;^-,'s-ii5^ i j/ri,:^;;- '"r - "■:: ^^-don jou^a.. L^e^uie^iir? 
 Harrow, at Edinburgh, and at Trin ty College C.n- 
 bndge. .M.P. for Nottingham 18<irt-CS.^ He coTh ibut" 
 several. articles on religious and philosophical sublets to 
 the North British, the Theological, an,l the Fortii. Itlv 
 I ,'"'■• ..,• ^'""""^ Subscription in the Chu oh of 
 U J ..... **.. it.-mi;:? iivi 
 ook of Authors: a Collection of Criti 
 c.sms ic, Lon., 1871, I2mo. 2. { Ed ) Me.noirs ,f 
 Mrs Laetitia Booth, [pseud.] Writ.el byirerself: Lon 
 1.^-^, p. 8vo .). Representative Actors : a Collection of 
 Critic sms Anecdotes, and Personal Descriptions i-efe, 
 and a '", "l" /^«'«"t ^Vntury : with Notes, Memoirs, 
 newo':i.,'l'Sr5,12m:."' "' ^"'"''' ^-=""S, Lon., 1872,: 
 U-nuIl"! "'" t'\''t'r''j"n of a little autnl.iograpliv of Mr 
 made ,1 •"'•'; m',„" '"^ f'.mniem.s by ,l,„ i^lillu'/it is ali 
 Russell. John 
 ■t. Book of fable-Talk of Poets, Philo.«ophers, States- 
 men Ac Lon , 1874, p. Svo,- new ed., 1884. 5.' Jilted. 
 ,°'"^Iy I'nole's Scheme, Lon., 1874 .S vols , 8vo' 
 Family HistorjsEMi-n. and Ln "I'^sr'svo"'"'"''''' ^' v„l""n sVT "ohl.sworth. Chief Mate, Lon.,'l875 "i 
 1. Sir,, a TU w ,• ■'"'';"'" *""".r, Lion., 1^,(1, .1 vols, 
 of 1 L; f ? ^'■'•T^.^f "'" ""■•osvenor," and Mutiny 
 of her f rew, Lon., 1878, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 9. Auld Lan ' 
 fyoo Lon., 1873, 2 vols. cr. Svo. ^ 10. A Sailor^^ Sweet" 
 beart, Lon., 880, 3 vols. er. Svo; 3d ed., 1881 I. An 
 Ocean Free. Lance, from a Privateer's Log, 1812, Ion 
 St Lot-ms'-?' ,'-• "^'J" "^'"•'^- ■'^'""'■' ■"'^''"°"" 
 l?l(i;,n,Vr4-.r''^"'';;'*"r"'^''"J"'-'""»'<i'i>s it was between or YuVn. « ' 2 ''"''■.,"- '■ ''"• '3' My Watch Below , • 
 .i r It. 4',tT;; ,. '\'i,"^ '", ^^'"'■'' i"H,i,le\h,,sI.'^,'f' ' g''J" "/ ?P"" 7^" <"[ D»'y ! 2d ed.. Lon., 1883, er 
 |roii,^!^;;.e\;;'l,;^'l',,!;J;,l:'V;;:^;.tKr'i;r5V^l^"!''^'«^ 'Ilssl- \?"\3^^P\^"'^: !««^d vols. er. Svo, new 
 is.ii'VvI-m'^""''"'' "f ""-' ■'i'''^'" 1' I'lkei, in" Turner (In 
 "^ iinarmiiiK I „,■ ,uq, -- .-■- -i— -■"' ,"""•' ''^''•^' •' ""''■ <"■• 8vo; new 
 my whicl. l-» I Collection of Sea-Term's,!" Lon-., l583.7vo':";'^"':/f:k': 
 Courtship I,on., ISS4. 3 vol«. cr. Svo. IS. English 
 Channel Ports „„,! E.tate of the Ea.t an,l We,. Ini a 
 ^'ie. of t„o ^hip„i,;« cou.^:.^:;;, i::;;.:^^^:'^^ 
 Ii■t;:e^lu^^te^:""l«i^^^^ir•^•r^■ ^^■ 
 to the Cape, Lon., .S: •, ^ Vv„ ' '"' ~^- ^ ^ "^*8" 
 "The Interest nf If/. ', 'i Is twnfnlil • iirvi „ w i ■ 
 24 A B„ol< for the Hammock, Lun., 1.SS7, p. Svo 25 
 The Frozen 'irate, Un., 18,s7, 2 vols, cr"^ 8 o 26.' 
 The(,ol,len Hope: a Uomanoe of the Deep, I.on., ISS? 
 iZl■v^■ ""u V "'" lJ«i"l'-^''i|': a,s!,'ange Story •• 
 Iol"j,::rr/vf'''-' '•^^"'" ■''"■' *'''"'''"-^'^^''=''-. 
 Russell, Milhain Howard, LL.D., r,,„(e vol 
 ..., aa<l.,] represente,! the Times ilurin- he Franco -' 
 Prussian war of 1870 when he aecompanrd the stall of 
 the or....- pnnce, anJ was present at the battle of Se- 
 altachea as honorary secretary to the staff of the Prince 
 of Wales ami aecompanied the prince on his visit ?o 
 Iti.lia, acting as correspon.lenl of the Time.^ I My 
 Diary during the Last (ireat War, I,on., l,S7:t n Svo 
 i The Prince of Wales' Tour: a Diary in India- 
 with some Account of the Visits of His Ho/u Ili.Mn.e's 
 wth Illustrations by Sydney P. Ht'lj, Lon., 1S77, r 8 o • 
 2(1 eJ. same year. •■,i.o>u, 
 3. Hesperothen : Notes from the United State« Can 
 ada, and the Far West, Lon., IS82, 2 vols. ct. 8vo' (A 
 [n!'ido^,f '""■" '" ""^ •^''"■"'"" P"''' recounting the 
 ncidcnts of a journey across the North American con- 
 tinent in company wiih the Duke of Sutherland ) 
 tryiL^»,t:, h:. X:!^\^i&^:i^[ lii^ «-'- 
 . «."«». «ev. Cyprian Tlionuis, LL.IJ., gniiluated 
 in c,v,l law at Queen's College, Cambridge ISi2 or- 
 darned I.S,,2; rector of Westerlield since 1875. 1 Tlie 
 Higher Criticism, Lon., 1S78. 2. The IJreak of Day in 
 the Eighteenth Century, Lon., ISSO, l2ino 
 12m,r'' '''*"'*^* ^^'•"'J''*'" E.Khumed,' Edin., 1S70, 
 Kust, Rev. John Cyprian, M.A., gra.luated at 
 rr,;"f%V'"'*'"'.' ^"'""bridge, ISliU, onLned 864 
 rector of Sohain since 1874. 1. The Revelation of St 
 Sel^"-."'."'. •"'!""' AP"«"'.V|'tic Writings, Cam-' 
 bridge, 18i„'. 2. Antiooh : a Poem, 1S7!I 
 MR"ri""yr =^«f.erwanjee Kliory, M. d., 
 ve'r.i'iv 'f « 7 ""'' '"^M"'""" '" "'edicine in the IJni: 
 P,A?n "'""''"y= "";''i'^'" «««■>■ in charge of the 
 Parell Dispensary, !iomb,ay J Fellow of the Royal Me 
 i'i.h ^l' '^^""' ^'■'"'■•'Pl" and Practice of .Medicine- 
 with a bhort Account of th,- History of Me.licino ad 
 Tables of Indmn Materia Medica, Lon,, 18711, Svo- ''d 
 ten'.r V e l'""-' Vt!' ^ ^■'"'- ^"'- -• Tt'O Uo.nbay Ma- 
 teria .Medica and Thcraiieutics, Lon., 18S8, Svo. 
 RutherforJ, Emily M. The Light at an Unncr 
 Window: a Novel, Lon., ISSI p 8vo ^^ 
 1 .".*'■"■ '''"'"erford's book, wiiicli does not nrofe-s to ho <• 
 I877,?vJrrs";"'"^ "' ""^ ^'"'""' Conspuacy. Lon.. 
 "Displays an astdnishinD; acfiiiainlnnrc witli ii,.. i,n„f 
 ami prcscm liistorj- uf F,-,,i:inisiiVb't T e 1 i ' , ?.' 
 icii. . . Hut 110 M,,ry could l,c ni<.re wcarisoi 1 , thV, "S^ 
 -SK"xl!v'.':.^,'.' ""-' ■^"""-' '"'■'« -■" -id'^.^er'il'ii'i^;.'.; 
 OeI*r^,"'rH""'' ' V ^r i"""''-^' '^""^8e t-e,-.»» Henry 
 (leorge: a Review, N. York, |SS7, Ifimo 
 A«l, i""'*Jf"'*'' f?"!'*-'"- '."ving-Kindness; or, Tho 
 Ashdown Howcr-Show. Lon,, 187,'!, ISmn 
 stifnt"!V'^p"'"i-''' William, .M.D., profc'ssor of the in- 
 ,H1?. ,-T'^'''''"','t,?'''^ Iniversity of Edinburgh. I. 
 Outlinesoi Practical Histology, Lon., 1875; 2.1 ed 1878 
 or. Svo. 2. E.vperiinental Researches ,m tho Phys'ioloui' 
 cal Action of Drugs, Edin., Issii svo ' ".>--"'i"Ki- 
 RuUierford, Rev. William itiunion, LL.D., 
 |b. 1S.,J; educated at the L'niversitv of St. Andrews 
 j and at Balliol College, O.xfonl , took orders in ISsTl 
 held a classical mastership in St. Paul's .^cho.d IS7R-88 
 when he was appointed Fellow and pralector of Uni-' 
 ' versity College, O.vfoid, and in the same year head- 
 master of Westminster School. 1. A First (ireek Gram- 
 mar, Lon., 1S7S; new ed., ISSO, 12mo. 2. Tho New 
 1 hrynieus: being a Revised Text of the Ecloga of the 
 Orammanan Plirynicus: with Introduction and Com- 
 mentary, Lon., Issi, Svo. 
 oid'tMi«''^\'r'^Pm/,ll,.r?'''?'' '!'^ ■^'k''"'*' "^ '^'"'^ literary ac- 
 i.L ,. ■ ' 1 ''"""'I fijr<l » aim is so to ( eturmlia- its iiiinii. 
 on of \w"''-' " l'"*<-'^'! "'",' inl"llible rule for te.'ni-n 
 Cri.'ic'al'' V /'"'"r" = "■'!'' I""'<»l»'^t»ry 
 121110 Commentary, and Le.xicon, Lon., IS.sii, 
 veI*ofVlf7r'-''',''Tr-' »'"■■'*•■'"' geologist, Oeological Sur- 
 ey ot the Lnitcd 1. .Mineralogy, Lon., 1S74 
 \','T f P J^f ^'"','>' "*' ""''''= »° Kleinentary TcU-' 
 Mi^t^L! i!;n!:i^si"';;-si:;;"' ''"'- '■ ^-^-^-ing 
 adfl'h^'Ko;' ,'^!»«''»''> Manning, [„„„, vol. ii., 
 Tfh'l Vn V" ^•"'""K'on, Vt. I. History of tho 
 Iribca of Hudson River Indians : their Origin, Man? 
 ners, and Customs, N. York, 1872, Svo 2. History f 
 Orange County, New York. Illust. Newburg, NY 
 tion*^''.'^l«^i"■ J'^'""""-''U Mysterious Tribula- 
 lion, I, on,, loS.l, cr. S\o. 
 v^/u "',-"**'• Abram Joseph, 1839-1SS8, b. at 
 CaHn t' n' r'^r' !''•''" P"'-"'""'"'! in the Roman 
 do n ,h -"'' '••'"'P,'"'," in the Confederate army 
 tZA "V I'-y- . • ^'"' Conquered Ranner, and 
 other Poems, Mobile, Ala., ISSO, |8mo. 2. Poems, Pa- 
 triotic, Religious, Miscellaneous, Rait., 1880, 4to 121110 
 and Svo. ,i A Crown for our Queen, Rait., 1882, 12mo' 
 .,"?;""; tatherine. Convalescent Cookery: a 
 lamily Hand-Rook, Lon., 1881, 12mo; new ed., 1S84 
 and I'.V' "'n-^' "'• '; '^••'''"•"ti"" between Capital 
 ,ut. ',"''■ '\,"':'"^ ""•' "" Argument, Columbus', U., 
 Co^'umb^^lss^.tno''"""''"' ">« O"^'-""" "t 1787, 
 Law,*To;i'.,Vssrp: Svo.- ^- "• '^"'-■'"""' - «"-- 
 lSSo'r2mo*^' "' ^'^^"^^ ■^^"""" '" "'" *'™"' ^°^-' 
 Ryan,.J. Gold-. Mining in Indi.i, Lon., 1881, Svo. 
 Ryan, Most Rev. Patrick John, LL.D, b. 
 ..' (loncyharp, Ireland; educated at Carlow Col- 
 lege Ireland; ordained in the Roman Catholic Church 
 Im' ; consecrated Archbishop of Philadelphia lo84 1 
 What Catholics do not Relieve, St. Louis, 1877. 2. Some 
 of the Causes of .Modern Religious Scepticism, ISMS. 
 Ryan, Rt. Rev. Stephen Vincent, b. 1825 in 
 Ipper Canada; ordained priest 1849; liishop of Ruft'alo 
 since ISliS The Claims of a Protestant Episcopal Bishop 
 to Apostolical Succession and Valiil Orders Disproved • 
 with Misstatements of Catholic Faith Refuted, N. York" 
 18'<0, 2 parts, Svo. ' 
 Ryan, William Thomas Carroll, b. 1839, at 
 Toronto, (..-.nndii; ,>lue,-Ued at St. Michael's College. 
 Xoronto; entered the army and served in the Crimean 
 war, and afterwards devoted himself to journalism. 1 
 Oscar, and other Poems, Hamilton, 1857. 2. The Sones 
 ol a Wanderer, Ottawa, 1807. 3. The Canailian North- 
 west and the Canadian Pacilie Railway, IS75 4 Pio. 
 ture Poems, 1884. 
 Rychinam, Rev. E. M., D,D. The Ambog.ador 

 fiM- ChriKt: ntvturos on Preaoliing. Toronto, Canivda, 
 is^n, l2mo. 
 llyUc, Kdward, C.E„ and Lyon, Arthur. Ro- 
 Iicirts of Apiicals .■ Koiirth Kdition, liroufjia down to the 
 I'lesont Diitc : Willi iin Introduution to ttie Viiluntion 
 (.MotropolU) Act, IX(i!i, |,y W. (', Hvdo, Lon., Issj, Sv„, 
 Hyde, Mnller Crnnley, M.A., ot the Inmr 
 Temple, iind Thomas, 10. Lewis, M.A., I,I,.M., of 
 Lincoln's Inn, barristers-at-law. The Local (Jtivcrnnient 
 A.t, the County Klectors Act, Isss, (he Jliirieinal Cor- 
 pnriilions Aet, 1x82: with Full Kxplanatory .Votes, Ac. 
 l,on.. ISSS, 8vo. J > , 
 Kyder, Aiillii- II. 1. (i;,l.) .New i:Ve.y .M.nnini?: 
 :i\ear.Iiook lor (iiils, liost., ISSft, Ifimo. 2. .Margaret 
 Ke;^is and some other (Jirl.i; a Story, Host., ISSS, 12iiio. 
 Kyder, E. A. I. The Wheel of Fortune, I,on.,' 
 1S7.I, :i vols. p. Svo. 2. Though liroken, ]!ra\ o, I,on., 
 IS77, ;( vols. cr. Svo. ;i. The Marble yuoen, Lon., 1 87a, 
 a vols. cr. Svo. i 
 Ryder, Kdwnrd. 1. The Morning Star: a I'oem, i 
 N. \ork, 1S7S, l2nio. 2. ICliziibeth Fry: Life and 
 Labors; from her Journal and other .Sources, N. York 
 ]8S:!, Svo. ' 
 Kyder, ."»Irs. G. (Kd.) Sibylline Leaves: boin.' ' 
 One Hundred Acrostics Lon., IS"!, Ifuuo. " 
 Kyder, II. I. O. I'oenis, Original and Translated, 
 Lon., ISS2, fp. Svo. ' : 
 Kyder, Sniniiel. \ow Hook on Roses: how to' 
 (iiow Hoses in the Garden and in Pots under Glass, '<■ 
 .Mancliester, ISS,'), Svo. ' 
 Kyc, .Mrs. !•'. A White Child, Lon., iss.i, cr. Svo. j 
 Kye, John. Kirby-in-the-Dale, Lon., 1SS4, ,i vols, 
 cr. Svo. j 
 Rye, Walter, a solicitor and antiquarian, of Nor- ' 
 wicli. 1. Account of the Churches of Shipden and 
 Cromer, Lon., 1870, Svo. 2. Tourist's (juide to the 
 County of .Norfolk. Man and Plan. Lon., 1S71I, l2mo' 
 3dcd., ISS.'). H. (E,|.) the Norfolk Antiquarian Mis- 
 cellany, Norwich, ISSI-SS, :i vols. 4. (Ed.) Pedes Fin- 
 lum, or Fines, relating to the County of Norfolk, levied 
 in the King's Court from the Third Year of Richard I. 
 to the End of the Roign of .Fohn, (Norfolk and Norwich 
 Archieological Soc. Pub.,) Norwich, ISS2. 
 "This precious bookling is the fruit of years of '■vbour 
 such as only experts are (lualided to enter upon.' — J(A 
 No. 2SiiO. ■' 
 5. Inde.x of Norfolk Topograpliy, Lon.. 1882. 6. 
 (Ed.) Some Rough Materials for a History o," the Jlun- 
 dred of North Erpingham in the County of Norfolk. 
 Part I. Norwich. ISS:). 7. A History of Norfolk, 
 (" Popular County Histories,") Lon., I88j, Svo. 
 " It is not a history, it Is not a hand-bnok, It Is not a 
 chronicle, it is not a romance, it is not statistical, it is not 
 geographical ; and yet it is all these and more, and at once 
 the most learned and entertaining countv guide that has 
 ever been i)Ublished."— .IW., Xu. 3027 
 " A periml of the book makes it evident that the author 
 was not clear m his own mind a.s U) whether he were Irv- 
 ing to write a history or a guide-book. . . . Much new iii- 
 torraation of real value, the resultof hisintimatencnuaim- 
 ance with the records of the past, Is placed before usbv 
 Mr. Kye ill an eiuinently readable form."— .S'a<. Kev., Ixi 
 lol, ' 
 8. The Murder of Amy Rohsnrt: n Brief for the 
 Prosecution, Lon., 1SS5, 8vo. II. (Ed.) The Monumental 
 In.scriptions in the Hundred of Holt in the County of 
 Norfolk. Collected by Walton N. Dew. Norwich, 18S5, 
 8vo. 10. A Short Calendar of the Feet of Fines for 
 Norfolk in the Reigns of Richard I., John, Henry III 
 and Edward L, Norwich, ISS.i. II. The .Monumental 
 Inscriptions in the Hundred of Happing in the County 
 of Norfolk, Norwich, 1886, Svo. 12. A Month on Nor- 
 folk liroads on Board the Wherry " Zoc," Ac Jllust 
 Lon., ]S87, p. Svo. 1.1. Calenda, of Norwich Freemen! 
 from l:iI7 to 1603, Lon., ISSS. 14. Records and Reoord- 
 bcarching : a Guide to the Genealogist and Topographer. 
 Lon., 18S8, Svo. r o i 
 " This excellent and most readable ' Guide' to the .studv 
 of a vast and intricate subject."— a(/i., No. 3172. 
 Rylance, Kev. Joseph Iline, D.D.. b IS26, 
 near .Manchester, Eng. ; gradaiiteil at King's ('(diege, 
 London, ISOI ; removeil to the I'nited States Isflii, and 
 has been rector of St. .Mark's Church, New York, since 
 IS7I, I. Preachers am .reaching, Lon., 1SB2. 2. 
 Essays on Miracles, N. York, ls7l. ;). ,«„oinl Ques- 
 tions: Lectures on Competition, Communism, Co-Opera- 
 I tion, and Christianity ami Scjcialism, .\. York, ISSO, 
 l2mo. 4. I'ulpit Talks on Topics of the Times, n! 
 I ^ork, ISS2, l2mo. 
 Ryland, F., late scholar of Si. .I.ihn's Collcire Cam- 
 bridge. I. The Student's Hand- Book of P.sjciiologv 
 ami Ethics, Lon., Isso. p. Svo. 2. Questions in Psy- 
 chology, .Metaphysics, and Etliios, l.oii., I8S7, ji. .Svo. 
 Rylands, Anne. I. The Little World of .^chool, 
 Lon., Iss.,, p. Svo. 2. .Icnnie and her Charges ; or. True 
 and False Enuality, Lon., ISS7, p. Svo. ;i, The Two 
 Harvests, Lon., Isss, p. xvo. 
 I Rylands, .>Iiss I>. Two Little Lives, Lon., 1S85, 
 ' p. Svo. 
 Rylands, John Paul, F.S.A., b. isifi; called to 
 the bar at the Middle Temple ISSa. 1. The llolcrofi 
 iamdy. 2. (Ed.) Lancashire In<|uisitions returned 
 into the Chancery of the Duchv (jf Lancaster, and now 
 existing in the Public Record Oflice. London, (Record 
 Soc Pub.,) 18S0. .•!. (Ed.) The \-isitation ut Cheshire, 
 1_5S0, (Ilarlcian Soc,) Lon., ISS2, Svo. 4. (Ed.) The 
 Visitation of the County of Dorset, taken in the Year 
 l«2:i, by Henry St. George and Sampson Lennard, (Har- 
 leian Soc.,) Lon., I.^S.'), Svo. 
 Rylands, L. Gordon. Crime: its Cau,«es and 
 Reme'ly, Lon., ISSS, Svo. 
 Ryle, Rt. Rev. John Charles, D.D., [,n,ir, vol. 
 11., add.,] consecrated Bishop of Liverpool in ISSO 1 
 Expository Thoughts on St. John, Lon., ISliO, 2 vols] 
 p. Svo. 2. Shall we Know One Another in Heaven ? 
 I'?",-''^?"' ''21110; new ed., 1878. a. Home Truths, 
 highth feerics. Lon., 1872, 12mo. 4. Knots Untied: 
 i lain Statements, Lon., 1874; new ed.. 1880, p. Svo. b 
 Hymn-Book (Additional) for Public AVorship, ton., IS75 
 24mo. (i. Holiness, and other Subjects : new ed. Lon ' 
 1877, ]2mo; enl. ed., 1S7S, cr. Svo 7. Old Paths' 
 Statements on Weightier Matters of Cliristianitv. Lon., 
 18,,, p. Svo. 8. Bible Inspiration: its Real'ity and 
 ^ature, Lon., 1877, ISn-.o. ». Practical Religion : Plain 
 I apers, .tc, Lon., 1878 ; new ed., 18S0, Svo. 10. Church 
 Principles and Church Comprehensiveness, Lon., 1870 
 sm. Svo. 11. Boys and Girls Playing, and other Ad- 
 dresses to Children, Lon., ISSO ; 2d ed., l.SSI. 12. Facts 
 and Men: Pages from English Church History, Lon , 
 1SS2, p. Svo. l.'i. Thoughts on Immortality, Ac, Lon., 
 l8S.i, ISmo. 14. Charge t) the Clergy of the Diocese of 
 Liverpool, Lon., I8S4, cr. Svo. 1.^. Principles for Church- 
 men : a Manual of Positive Statemenls on Doubtful or 
 Disputeil Points, Lon., 1S84, p. Svo. 16. Thoughts and 
 Questions about Holiness, Lon., 1884, Ifiino. 17. Thoughts 
 on Baptism, for the Use of Churchmen, and especially 
 ol Candidates for Confirmation, Lon., 1884, I6nio IS 
 Thoughts on Sickness, for Invalids and their Friends.' 
 Lon., 1884, I6mo. 19. " The Thing as it is," Job xxvi! 
 i: being Questions and Answers about the Lord's Sunuer 
 Lon., lSS.i, 8vo. 20. Thoughts on Prayer, Lon., ISSfi, 
 121110. 21. Thoughts for Young .Men from Many Points 
 of \ lew Lon., ISSO, Svo. 22. The Upper Room : being 
 a Few Truths for the Times, Lon., 1SS7, p. Svo. With 
 Frekmaxtlk, Vehv Rev. W. R., Christ and his People, 
 Lon., 1S88, p. Svo. ' ' 
 Ryley, E. The Tablet and its Correspondents: a 
 Remonstrance, Lon., IS80, Svo. 
 Ryley, James Beresford, M.D., late physician 
 to the Finsbury Ho,si)ital for Women. Sterility in 
 Women : its Causes and Cure, Lon., 1SS5, p. Svo. 
 lol!;''!^^''' •'• Note-Book for Dental Students, Lon., 
 ISSS, 12mo. ' 
 r **.y?.*.? A,*i*"' The Squires : a First-Classical and 
 Im-Pohtical Burlesque, Lon., 1S85. 
 Ill if 
 Sabbcii, JniiiPs T., M.D nml llrn»-..<> i » 
 Balfour, b,u.,.isu.r-,u.l,;„..,"'"^ :',:;,/, ,• 
 ,n All Muttors relating ,„ U„„„,. IVactive; ';'onVi872' 
 Sabiii Joseph, [,„„^, ,■„]. ii., „,i,i. i ].s'>i_ksi 
 Sachau, Karl Kdiiard, Pb.D., h. is4;, at \cu I 
 inunsttTj pro lo.sur of Oriental lan«u,^,es i„ ', I, n," ' 
 versify ,.f Ijerlin since Isri!. 1 (fr'in° .,,1 , -i 
 To^;;,^ '■'''■'/","'' ^"'''•'^"5. l.on.ri8ri., svo 2 
 rans.) Alberun,'. India: a„ Account of the Rel gion 
 I'h.losophy, Literature, UeoKraphy, Astronomy (^^u^' 
 om, Laws,anJ Astrology of l'„,lia about rD.' lOiO 
 from tbo Arable, Loii., Isss, 2 vols i, Svo ' 
 Sachs, U M.D. (Trans.) Psyeiiiatry: a Clinical 
 Sachs, E.T. Lacrosse for liegiuners : Full In- 
 inur-Loi: ^J^,,^:;^;;:;^"' ^"^^'^^ "f ''- <'-• 
 Sachs, Edwin. Sleight of Hand: bcin- Minote 
 Instruot,ons. Illust. Lon., ISTil, p. Svo; L.d'ea., enl't 
 la Warr"'b''',sr'',""'i^ •'"»'" ^•' Countess De 
 1,1 ' • f , ' J^xgl"*"- "f the lirst Baron Lam- 
 ? th ZrX', 'w^' '°. "''g'"'''J Win.l«.r Saekville, 
 to':"'iri:,',t'''i,„t™88r8to""^°'"" "^ -''"""^^^ "- 
 T) !*i?'!,'f*'n. *"■* ^V ("■^'"=0'' Garwood," pseud.) ]. Tho 
 Bnok of Cerioal Anecdote: a Gathering from Manv 
 f,"''T P, "!«„\""quities, Humours, and*' Eccentricity^ 
 01 ••the C„th," Lon., 1871, I2,no. 2. The Story of the 
 Undon Parks. Illust. Lon., 1872, 2 vols. io ;■! 
 Theatrical Anecdotes, Lon., 1882, 12mo. \. For;nsic 
 01 the .Men of the Law, Lon., 1882, 12nio. AVith Hot 
 TK.v John Camokv, The History of SL^n-Boar |i fron 
 the Larliest Times to tho Present Day :°wit Ane^do e 
 lln:;T867,'cr8™o.'^"' Remarkable Charaetei '"ifC! 
 Sadler^ Rev. Michael Ferrcbee, M.A la„i,. 
 b iJi-'mr'^ gnvduated at St. .lohn's College K .' 
 2de,I Lon 8«oP?f "« ^ /''"P '^'•""'^ ^ -Sermons: 
 Sermo';,, Lo^ 1871 v^ ~i '^'''''J""' ''"'o, and other 
 of rhli=,- r P' '^■""- ^- ^•""'"'^'1 Teacher's Manual 
 of Christian Instruction, Lon., 1872. r>mo 4 Cn,l 
 .n,in,ci.nt's Manual, Lon'., 1872, ;i2m;:'-nr; ed.', ^8 i 
 2.1 °d L™ 'T8--^'i9''"''"'"«^\^'"'' "f 'he Euchari t 
 i8"8,l2; !?; :;^ S'"P.,^'"-t"'»- -".ResuUs. Lon,. 
 i. «....,_' -■! en., I...M.1. ... i,,^ Go.spcl aocoidiiij; to 
 ■and,iow,he.M.., ^',,^f;,^,-,I^ --'^-, 
 a story of the Sla;c •^;.,:Ln 'l^:' ^'rr^'V 
 Savers and Cruisers. Lon.. 188(1, „ ,. .„ s 'ti,, r, 'j 
 ;:''^7-'^'-■•J^«toryo.•T,v;,',,r.:,hers.■LI, 8 
 Uuc' 1,„ ^'L '™"-':' ^''•""^ " '^'o^v of Treasure! 
 WUkin 'r? iT''""',"",- •^'"■"■'•ial Sketch 'of Eilwln 
 l^r:l',p^s^•o. ' "" ' '^'^'^"^'^ ^'^ '''" ''• ''"'"'«f' Lon, 
 wiii^i^lo,;';''":!!:^^',/''''"- '■™y«" -^^ Christian 
 Sndlier, Agnes, l. (Trans.) Angel Hilda- from 
 XrTry'" "'",'"■"" '/•■"•''-baclfN.'vork,' 17, 
 01 » Ilerchenbach. N. York, 18.sC,, ,2,no. X (Trans ) 
 The \oyage of the .■Veronica;" from the Germanf 
 H. Herchonbach, N. York, 188(1, 12mo 
 (Irais.) Ilie Kecluse of Uambouillet, N. York, 18mo 
 2 (Trans.) Mathilda of Canossa; faLol Yoland of 
 TruisTThe^i^ ^l"'- ^-T^''""'' -^^ ^^^^ ^^ l 
 ; V V Ik V )^ onders of Lourdes, by L. Gaston de .^egur 
 Shadows' of le'V '■ ^"'f "'•'"""""' "• ''isl>'^»n 
 York 87- I,' "?■■.? American Independence, N. 
 ' .(,„ M 'I A'""- ^- ^''^ K'"g'« ''age: a Legend of 
 I V Y ;;"''lS7""^^. '" ■^l--. -J "">e'spanish'st",ries, 
 Y^rk lS--fVo '""•-*'■ ..^"'" Years and Mair, N 
 fron'tlo'T;,! '"'r .'' """"'^ I'"''''" ""J I^enc 
 '> v,i= " '"" "^ ^"'""'» Bi-esciani, N.York, 1878 
 York Isio^W'' "■-'•' *"?"'■* "' <^""""'« Thought, N 
 lork, 1882, Ifimo; new ed., 1887. !). Names that livn 
 jn Catholic Hearts, N. York, 1882, 12m„. U. (Tra;o 
 ^ I'om 'h;'\?''' f '='■'";' ,"f "'« I^"« Chaussc^e d' Antin 
 fioi. tie .iTcnch of Marie de Saffron xNavery, ,",'o David, "liaoul de Naverv,"! N York 188? 
 I 2mo. 1 1 . , Trans.) The Monk's Pardon :' an Historief i 
 ' French '.7 M'"-''"r V^.'''""'' "■• "' Spafn , f™m ui 
 : ver"" N y'T fj^^^^.T ^"'"y- [«"«"' Je Na- 
 i i!^',n;i; «• ^'"i.'-'I'^nt Woman of Alood, 1887. 
 l82o -n^ nZrV ;.^;' i'!"' r:^"^'S^^"-- J:'.:'-i<^-] b 
 ?-^T''8:,^ '^^^"'^ critical ,:^:r¥:,s'^,;: 
 with'Z't t' -P'" ""'P"' "ecording to St. John- 
 ng o S t ^ ^r- ''ft^P- »^"' >»• The'Gospelacco "n 
 ; K to St. Mark : with Notes, Lon., im, cr. 8vi 1 1 The 
 .To' T2"t°^';' '>'• [""^"^ -ith Notes Lon! -1^8' 
 is7 ■„ « ,.^°L' ""^ ""-' -M'ostles : with Notes Lon 
 I 1820; ."arried, in 18J,i. to James Sadlier, publisher, of 
 ' N York Vs-,- ;i""'''"S ^"'"' ""•■^•'"'in'l's Daughter, 
 ,;: Ir'T'c:' ••""'• -• (''•""■^•) '^I'e Year of Mary 
 M ,„ K I'T" Mf™.::' "•■ "'« ^^''^■■'^"J ^'i'-gi«. by Abbe 
 IMenghi-d'ArviUe, N. York, 12mo. 3. (Trans ) -The 
 Poacher, N York, 18mo. 4. (Trans.) L fe o? the Vir 
 gin Mary, by Mathieu Orsini, N. York, 8vo. l. Tran 
 Duty ot a hristian towards God, by J. B. de la Sa" e 
 ' t" ^"^. '-'""• "• (T--""'-) "i-^t'^-y of the Life of 
 ' bv Fra^n'"",' " "' "''^•^/^ "' '"« ^^'^ «"" "'« Apostles, 
 , by Irancis de l.igny, N. York, Svo. 7. (Trans.) The 
 r xr,.''° "'""■■ ""•' '^bat does he ,lo ? from the 
 a Ta"le'or IM "■''; V"'' ';''""' '■ ^'^'-""'-^ '^^^ «»»»' = 
 a Tale of Poland, Lo„„ !88;,. ,2mo. if. The Old House 
 by ttie lioync, Lcm., 1888, p Svo """-« 
 Grofe''p,f'' ' ^T','",' P|»'*P.'Pb.D., b. 1847, at Pino 
 Grove, la., graduate.l at I'ennsylvania College 1867, and 
 at the Lawrence .scientific School, Harvard, 1870; pro- 
 fessor of genen.l and organic chemistry in the uiilor- 
 i^tfrin H "'-Vm'-,"",' f'?™ ''-"' '""^ P™fes8or of ehem- 
 \T-l P.. ' ■ P"r''='Pb'» College of Pharmacy since 
 18, ». Chemical Experimentation: lUnd-Book of Leo- 
 turo Experimonts in Inorgiuiio Chemistry, Louisville. 
 Ky., IS7S, Mvo. ' 
 Saultzer, Alexander. Trentise un Acoustics in 
 Connt'utiiin with Vcntiliitidii, Lori., 1873, \>. Hvo. 
 Sall'ord, .Mi§» Mary Joniinn. 1. (Trims.) The 
 Prohistiirio World; froui thu Frenoh of Elio Durtliet. 
 Illust. Phihi., 1S711, 12mo. 2. (Trans.) A liuestion ; 
 tho Idyl of a Picture by hi.s Friend Alma Tadoina, bv 
 G. Kbors, N. York, ISSI, IBriiii. ;). (Trans.) Higher 
 than the f'hureh : iiu Art-Legend of Ancient Times; 
 from tho (lerman of Wilhelininc von llillern, N. Vork, 
 1H8I, Ifinio. 4. (Trans.) Thu Iiurgoma8ter'.s Wife, by (1. 
 Ebers, N. York, 1SM2, IHiiio. 5. (Trans.) Count Silvins: 
 a Romance ; from the (Jerrnan of O. Horn, N. York, 18S2, 
 12nio. fi. (Trans.) Antinous: a Komanco of Ancient 
 Rome, by (Jeorgo Taylor, X. York, 1.h,s2, ItJmo. 7. 
 (Trans.) A Word, only a Word : a Romance, by U. Kbors, 
 N.York, 188:i, ICmo. S. (Truns.) Clytia; a Romance of 
 the Sixteenth Century, by George Taylor, X. York, 1SS4, 
 Kimo. It. (Trans.) The King's Treasure- House : a Ro- 
 mance of Ancient Egypt, by Wilhelm Walloth, N. York, 
 1S86, Kinio. 10. (lOd.) Tho Christmas Country, and 
 other Tales: a Collection of Stories, Original and Trans- 
 lated. Illust. N. York, ISSO, 12mo. 1 1. (Trans.) I'io- 
 tures of Hellas: Five Talcs of Ancient Greece; from 
 tho Danish of Peder Mariager, X. York, l.'^SS, Itimo. 
 12. (Trajis.) Danira; froui the German of E. Werner, 
 Ohio,, 1888, 12mo. With Ai.i.en, JLviiv E., Health and 
 Strength for Girls, Boat., ISS4, Ifimo. 
 Satford, Nathaniel Morton. Vanity Verses, 
 N. York, 1877. Anon. 
 Salford, Truman Henry, Ph.D., b. 1S:!6, at 
 Royalton, Vt. ; became noted when a child for hi.s e.\- 
 trnorilinary power of mental calculation ; graduated at 
 Harvard 1854; appointed professor of astronomy at the 
 University of Chicago 18(i5, and at Williams College 
 I87ti. He has contributed to scientific journals, and 
 edited two volumes of the Annuls of Harvard College 
 Observatory, Ac. Mathematical Te.iching, and its Mod- 
 ern Methods, Host., 1887, 12mo. 
 " This little brocluire . . . shouhi be roail and pondered 
 by every pnjl'essor and teacher of mathumatics in thu 
 land."— .Vu/(oH, xliv. 17;<. 
 Sage, Agnes Carr. The Jolly Ten and their 
 Year of Stories. Illust. Best., 1888," l:'mo. 
 Sage, Dean. The Ristigoucho and its Salmon- 
 Fishing: with a Chapter on Angling Literature. Illust. 
 and Maps. Edin.. 1888, 4to. 
 "A very practical monograph (in the river that forms 
 the boundary between LouerCaiiadaaud .New Brunswick. 
 . . . Mr. .Sige's humcjr and love of aue<'dotu. mid an ex- 
 ceiitioiial descriptive power, furiiisli ^reut attraction for 
 any one capable »( appreciating these iiualities, whatever 
 the theme. —.Viid'on, Ixvi. u7. 
 Sainsbury, William Noel, ['uite, vol. ii., add.,] 
 b. 1825 ; assistant keeper of the public records, London, 
 since 1887. 1. Calendar of State Papers, Colonial .Se- 
 ries, preserved in Her .Majesty's Public Record Office, 
 and Elsewhere, (Record Office" Pub.,) Lon., l8fi0-84, 6 
 vols. 8vo. (Vols. i. and ii. are mentioned tiiilf, vol. ii.) 
 2. Hearts of Oak : Stories of Early English .Adventure, 
 Lon., 1870, 12mo. 
 Saint, John James Heath, b. 1828 ; graduated 
 Bt Christ Church, Oxford, 1850; called to tho bar nt the 
 Inner Temple 1854; recorder of Leicester since 1884. 
 1. Voters and their Registration : comprising the Repre- 
 sentation of the "eople Act, 1881, the Registration Act, 
 1885, Ac: with Xotes, Lon., 1885, cr. 8vo. 2. Digest 
 of Parliamentary Municipal Registration Cases, Lon., 
 1887, p. 8vo. 
 Saint Arthur, E. Astray and at Home: Little 
 Mollie and her Rrother, Lon., 1877, 18ino. 
 Saint Aubyn, Mrs. Daisy. "The Dark Hour," 
 [a ilrama,] Lon., 1885, 8vo. 
 Saint Clair, A. B. Russian Imperial Freedom r. 
 Turkish Constitutional Liberty, Lon., 1877, 8vo. 
 Saint Clair, George. 1. Darwinism and De- 
 sign; or. Creation by Evolution, Lon., 187:!, p. .8vo. 2. 
 Evil, Physical and Moral, (" Modern Hand-Rooks of 
 Religion,") Lon., 1887, 12mo. And see Dawson, 
 Gkorok, 8tiprti. 
 Saint Clair, John. Appeal to Parents on the 
 Education of their Children ; 2d ed., Glasgow, 1874, 8vo. 
 Saint Clair, iMary. Somebody and Nobody : a 
 Tale, Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 
 Saint Clair, Victor. This is said to be a pseu- 
 donyme for George Waldo Urowne. An Artful 
 Widow : a Novel, Lon., 1880, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Saint Clair, W. .John Laird Muir Lawrence, 
 Viceroy of India, Lon., 1887, cr, 8vo, 
 Saint C^olumb, George. An Ascent of Parnas- 
 sus by Way of Mendaciii, Lon., 1880, p. 8vo. 
 Sainte>i:iaire, Arthur .M. dc. On the Causes 
 of the Teriiiiniil Dilferences aficcting the Gender of 
 French Nouns, Edin., 1878, 8vo. 
 Sainter, J. D. Jottings of Geological Rambles 
 round Macclesliold, Lon.. 1878, 8vo. 
 Saint Germans, k irl of. .'^ee Ei.iut. 
 Saint John, A. W. 1. Piactical Hints on Ele- 
 mentary School Work. I!y an Experienced Examiner. 
 Lon., 1885, p. 8vo. 2. Practical Hints on Infant School 
 Work, Lon., 1885, p. 8vo. 
 Saint John, Ambrose, M.A., 181(1-1875, gradu- 
 ated at Christ Church, Oxford, 18;!8; became a convert 
 to tho Roman Catholic Church in 1845. (Trans.) Tho 
 True and False Infallibility of the Pope : a Controversial 
 Reply to Dr. Schulte, by Joseph Fessler j from the Third 
 Edition, Lon., 1875, 8vo. 
 Saint John, Charles Henry, [nntc, vol. ii., add.] 
 Country Love and City Life, and other Poems, Host., 
 1880, 16mo, 
 Saint John, E. P. The Congregation in Church : 
 a Plain (iuide In Reverent and Intelligent Participation 
 in the Public Services of Holy Church : with Infor- 
 mation concerning the Six Points, Lon., 1885, 8vo. 
 Saint John, Capt. Henry Craven, R.N.. b. 
 18.'i7; served in the Chinese war 1856-57, &c. Notes 
 and Sketches frimi the Wild Coast of Nipon, Edin., 
 1880, Svo. 
 Saint John, Mrs. Horace Roscoe, [«ii(c, vol. 
 ii., add.] The Court of Anna Carafa, Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 Saint John, Molynenx, special correspondent of 
 the Toronto Globe. The Sea of Mountains : an Account 
 of Lord Dufferin's Tour through British Columbia in 
 I87f), Lon., 1877, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 '■ The author is chiefly concerned with the incidents of 
 the tour, and the aspect of the Hll-ulisorbini; question of 
 the Caimdian I'aeitie Uailwuy."— .Icac/., xii. 105. 
 Saint John, Percy Uulingbroke, [nnie, vol. 
 ii., add.,] 1821-1889. 1. Good as (iold, Lon., 1870, 
 12mo. 2. The North Pole, and what has been done to 
 reach it, Lon., 1x75, 12mo. I!. The Flower of the For- 
 est; or, Mary Rock, Lon., 1878, 12uio. 4. My lieautil'ul 
 Daughter, Lon., 1S82, l2mo. 5. The Young Buccaneer, 
 Lon., 188;!, 12mo. fi. (Ed.) Polar Crusoes: a Book of 
 Adventure, Lon., 1883, 12uio. 7. A Daughter of the 
 Sea: n Tale of Peril and Adventure, Lon., 1884, 12ino. 
 Saint John, Sir Spenser, K.C.M.ti., F.G.S., 
 [xiili, vol. ii.,add.,] was appointed minister resident and 
 consul-general at Lima in 1874 ; sent on a special mission 
 to Bolivia in 1875; appointed minister resident to the 
 republic of Peru in 1881, and envoy extraordinary and 
 minister plenipotentiary to Mexico in 1884. He is a 
 Fellow of the Royal Geographical and .Vsiatio Societies. 
 1. The Life of Sir James Brooke, Rajah of Sar.awak; 
 from his Personal Papers and Correspondence, Edin. 
 and Lon., 18711, 2 vols, p, Svo. 
 '■ lie has related with admirable simplicity, clearness, 
 and vigour the .story of a life on which Englishmen of 
 fu lire generations will dwell with unalloyed .satislaclion 
 and jnstiliable pride."— ,8a(. Jicv., xliv. (iSi. 
 2. Huyti: or. The Black Republic, Lon., 1884, cr. Sv ., 
 " It is certainly disheartening reading fur any believer in 
 the doctrine of development, or for any friend of the 
 African race. 'I'lie resultof twenty years' persiuial knowl- 
 edge is the impression that the country is in a statu c^f 
 rapid decadeiiee, and that, in .«plte of the civilizing clr- 
 nients around them, there Is a distinct tendency to shik 
 into the state of an African tribe."- ^<i<. Her., Iviii. 572. 
 "This remarkable, terribly honest, and ruthlessly realis- 
 tic book is not so unicli a liislorical and statistical iiccouiii 
 of Hayti as an iiidicliiieiit iigaiiist the people tliat inhabit 
 it, — or shall we say a plea for its aiiiicxatioii by any nation 
 that may claim to itself tlieCarlvliati of 'chainiio; 
 anarchy'? sir 8i)enscr St. John's object is to prove thai 
 Hayti is sunk in misery, bloodshed, cannibalism, ami su- 
 perstition of the most sensual and denrading character; 
 that as an experiment in negro self-government it is a 
 hideous fttiltue ; and that yet. bad as its condition now is, 
 still lower ileeps of ruin are gaping wide to receive it. . . . 
 It is not ditllcult to tell how such a book as this is likely 
 (TO Inog—whetbiT rlKhtlv or wroD^ly- !•> In- transUtted 
 nito action. It cannot forever be tolerated that man 
 should be allowed to do his worst In a C(uintry for which 
 Nature has done her best."— .>-';«r((itor, Ivil. 1521. 
 Saint Johnston, AITred. I. Camping among 
 Cannibals, Lon., I88:i, p. Svo. 2. Charlie Asgardo : thu 
 Story of a Friendship, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 3. In tjuest 
 of Gold ; or, Under the Whanga Falls, [a story.] Illust. 
 }f°1vJf^A\^' y- ,■•• T«'y"<'«'' Rclcmption : a Story 
 of Willi Ailventurc, r,(jn., ISS7, n Sv.) 
 Saint Lfgcr, John. t'n.ler 'tho Ddusinn : ,i 
 Novel, I, on.. tXxT, •> vols. p. Sv(i. 
 nd.l.,] a. I,s>... 1 ( Thcoiogy ,„„1 .M,„ii,r„ Sofi,' 
 ticimn; iu-'»v ('(1., I.oii., 1S72, i,. svn ■' J),,,, .1, 1 
 Deinoonu'.v ; Pha^-i of .Mo,lcr'n I'olitieH. I'on., Issi*)' p svo 
 Saint Paul, .>I„ri„. stea,in,-t lor Ch,l«( : L ll^e 
 of thoM.xlc'(>nlh CiiiUurv, I.on., 1 s>;i |0|„u 
 Saint Itutli, W. II. l'|,y,i„,| Kiucailun and De- 
 velo|,iiii.nt ot CliiMren, l,ori., I,sr2, I ■'mo 
 Saintsbiiry,<ieorge KUward Hateman,.M..\ , 
 b. IHI, at Southampton, Kng. ; e.lii™(e.l at KinJ', fol- 
 logo !«fhool, London, and at .Morton ColU..-,. Oxford 
 whero he (inuluat.d Isr,". H,. „,„ senior elas.ical 
 master in hlizalioth College, (Juernsev, ISi;s.74 and 
 head-master of llie Elgin Eduealional Institute l.S71-;ti 
 and has contriLuted to the i;ncyelop,edia liritannioa 
 and to eadir.g English periodicals. I. PHmer of . 
 French I. iteratiire, Oxford, Is Id, |2nio " I)rv,l..n 
 (" English .Men of Letters,") uon., issl.,. ,;;.„"'^^'"' i 
 ,.^^.'',';.''-!'.'.'™.","". Kry.loM's .•lalm to I.e reinemliered not 1 
 only as a Kreat, Imt as a nrvat K iiKlisU. wrltwM M ,,,v 
 Ar!! lf!"m ^ vlndleated l.y hisTnost' ree™u.d;!e."-S^;; 
 ;t. (Ed.) Corneillo's Horace 1 with an Introdm.tion and 
 Notes, Un.lS82, 12ino. (. A .Short lli.,tory of Fren" 
 Literature, Oxf, IS82, p. Svo; 2d ed., ISS5 
 " .Mr. 8aint.>ibnry's kiiowk-di;e of Krejich' liii.niMirn ic 
 certainly iinparalfeled am. uik lCn«l M. m • of e, ' fan 1 
 it Is even prohabu. ,|„u ,,0 Kremdi s,.l,„lar 1 , ' Void " 
 widely, or «-e luid.t say. so ,u.ivers,illv, . i, [. ,,1 ! 
 iniiispeasable lo ilie stn.lent « liu is mui r^, t" 1 , "" .^ 
 .some acnuainlance with the t r„r,, li , „ n .^ 
 poses, an/1 lo t le scholar whose a [..ntinn 1 as ■ . ■ : ; 'f 
 dOToted U. authors and particular periods, '-.s'.invr.lh', 
 0. French Lyrics: Selected and Annotated, (•' I'arch- 
 French Literature, from Villon to ilugo, L„n., Issh er 
 Svo. ,. Marlborough (" English Worthies,") Lon., Iss,",' 
 ^UUr. , m' * •;'!'««i"'«n'"'f l''n«lish Prose .Style, from' 
 .Malory to Macaulay : .Selected and Annotated : with 
 an Introductory E-say, Lon., Iss,,, largo or. .svo y 
 rraiis.) Scenos of Travel, by Theophile (lautier : So' 
 lected and Edited, Oxf., isstf, 12,,,,.. 1(1. A History of 
 £l,zal)ctlian L, feature, Lon., Iss", p Svo 
 „m!i','^Vi'"",'!"''-l"'- ''^■'•"" '"^ '■'"-'wssfnl Its it i.s possible to he 
 Within the l„,i,ts ,mp,,s,Ml n|Mm l,i,u. . . , s,,,i„, \,,,|Ve K 
 a pro„„„e„t cl,a,„,.,eristi<t of .Mr. Siuntslniry's , 1,', e„ 
 vi,'!,'",', ','",■"' "'"',' "'"''■ '■'* '"^" 'l'" i'"th,.sia.s, w lit 
 /«Jo,-J.xi.'«l7 '""' ' '" '■'''''""' ""'■''-■ litfrat,>re."-.s>c. 
 •' Mr. Sai,,tsb,ii-y clonic not with the greater liL-hts o„K- 
 |,;;r with t ,e lesser lights „r any partioiil,,r group of t™,' 
 .'if','" }]^""^ "" "" "'-«1'"™W« whole, ai 1 Lis a a 
 ^!u. to ;ixv 1™, '■''■ '"" " '""" •'•''^'"'i'-''" "f »uthors." 
 II. Manchester, Lon., 1SS7, p. Svo. (Originally un- 
 dertaken a.s one of the books in the series ot' " Historic 
 lowns. edited by E. A. Freeman.) 
 " It I ilo nut profess to look at .Manchester histnrv fmm 
 Mr. s.iintsbury.s point „f view, or to agree with a "h^is v ™ 
 I ic.ul.M'i''of"t'h?V.'iu- r'" ";',' '"■''"-■" '">• V-nuitiMeVor 1 L 
 \ iiaicaiuiii ot the city Iroiu the gross car cature of Dick- 
 ens s ,H,orest work,-' ({,ir,l Timcs7-i,or will it prcvci nh. 
 mm recognizing ,he ju.lgment'wiil, wl : ' he s, li ', t 
 J ui'w KlSti^;:;;! !};- j;:!;.-?,!'!;- ^}i-£^ 
 .(r'^g^ti;";r/::.";ss,^'r5^ ''- '" ^"^'' 
 . »•«««?» Charles E., .M.D. Hay-Fever an,| its 
 .Sueceastul Treatment by .Superficial Oiganic Alte,-ation 
 ot^Uie Nasal Mucous Membrane : an Ess^iy, Phila.. ISS." 
 Saker, Sydney. Perfected Svstem of Builders' 
 Uook-Keeping, Lon., I8S5, Svo. 
 Sakes, L. A. Christ i-c,-.,,. Krishna ; a Brief 
 toi.,p,irison bc'tween the Chief Events, Characteristics 
 and Mission of the Babe of Bethlehem Juda-a and the 
 Babe of lirindabun Math.trapnri : with a Concise He- 
 view ot Hindooism, proving its Derivation from rhri"- 
 tianity,, ISM. Svo. 
 Sala, George Augii!*tus Henry, [„„(., vol. ii., 
 HoiyjT ''"'•'•^''l"";;''^"' "'■ the Daily Teleg,aph at Meti 
 during the Franco-Prussian war of 1S7(I, and ..peeial cor- 
 respomlcnt of the same paper in Russia in IS71!. In 
 iwo He visited Australia, and furnished a series of arti- 
 cles on that country to the Daily Telegraph under the 
 title of "The Land of the (i,i|,lcn Fleece." I. , Ed ) 
 ! iankeo Drolleries: Amerhan Humourists, Lon ISfiB- 
 ,0, two series, p. .svo. 2. fharl.s Dickens, Lon., IS711, 
 I. mo. ,). Papers, lIumoi„us and Palhilic, Lon IS7" 
 p. "vo. 4. I Oder the Sun : Essays written in Hot Coun- 
 nes LoD l.s,2, Svo; new e,l., l.ssi. j. ,i,„|igi„ „„,, 
 I'aylighf, L,m., 1S72, l2mo; new ..,!., IS711 '',•, The 
 Mory of the Cornte do Chamhord : a Trilogv. Lon M7-t 
 ; -n>o 7 Paris Herself Again in lS7.S-7it: with y„uT 
 Hundred Illustrations by liertall, Cham, Pel™,,, (ircvin. 
 Ac.. Lon., |S7!i, 2 vols. Svo ; 7th c,l., I SSI. ' 
 anil tb,'."l';.',Sl'i',',!'"..'}'l"" "•■ "''• '"t""'tivei, of his stylo 
 anil till' lertiiity ot his resources, "—.s„^ /.■,,■ xlviii Mi; 
 S. America Kcvisited. Illustrat,;d witli Nearly Four 
 irnmred Engravings. Lon., I8S2, 2 vols. Svo; 4th cd., 
 ,„,'!,"'"' ■'^'.■'- i'ala devoted the miincrous pi',-es now tilled 
 o ,.| ,,",!';"'l^''-'' "|;''r|;';i"'' n'itlcism ot „',c,Vts „, d M Hki 
 Is ,,[.."' S" '*' '"''"'""iliiiK "11.1 .haraclcrlMi,. fa,.is, 
 know .i„ •'"'<' 'Vy-' ',"-'V" " valuable ailditiou to our 
 klioHlcilge. — .s;,f|.(,(/o,-, Ivi. 2'.l.s. 
 ,''•''''■'"",'•""''"": '">'»K Kchoes He-Echocd. Lon., 
 SS.J, Svo. 111. Dead Men tell no Talcs, but Live .Men 
 do: Nine Stories, Lon., ISS4, Svo. 11. Echoes of the 
 lear l.sNi : with Portrait of the Author, Lon., ISS4, Svo. 
 , I.. A Journey Hue .«„uth : Tiavels in Search of Sun- 
 shine. Illast. L,m.,, Svo. Li. The St,ange A.l- 
 , jciitiires ot t_,iptain Dangerous, Lon., ISSfi, p. Svo. 14 
 Bow Leils Annual: Bight round tho World, Lon., 18.S7. 
 Salaman, Annette A. 1. Footsteps in the Way 
 ol Life, Lon., Is7;i ; new ed., 1874, p. Svo. 2. Aunt An- 
 nette s .Mories to Ada. Illust. Lon., IS7.H, s,,. llhno. 
 Milunian, Charles Kensington, b. IS14, in 
 London : a musical composer and critic. Jews as thev 
 are, Lon., I.ss2, p. Svo; 2,1 ed., IS.s.j ' 
 in'l'i!rmari!',n 'a,':'!'';;,,.''''''''''; '"' '"'"^'^""K ""d valuable 
 Salaman, J. Manual on the Practice of Trade- 
 .Mark Kcgistration, Lon., Is7,i, ,Svo. 
 Salaman, J. S. I, The Bankruptcy Lawof ISfiltj 
 •id ed., Ion. I,s7ll, Svo. 2. Li(,uidation under iho liank- 
 ruptcy .Act I.S.I., Lon., I.S7I, p. Svo. ;i. Amilytical I„. 
 Hex to the Bankruptcy Act, ISs.'i, Lon., 18S4. 
 Salaman, .>l. C. Ivan's Love l^uest, and other 
 Poen,s, L,in., I,s7!l, li,no. 
 "Salamanca, Don Felix de," (Pseud.) See 
 Ixoham, J. II., nuj,,,,. 
 . Sale, Mrs. Louise Montgomery. ,s,i,iJest of 
 I All IS Loving, N. York, ISSl, 12mo. 
 ' is?«"',"' ■^'■'S' f*"' '• Savouries ,1 la Mode, Lon,, 
 ; l.-se l.'mo. 2. Entrt^es ,\ la Mode, Lon., 1SS7, 12mo 
 .i. Dressed liauie and Poultry, Lon., I.hsS 12mo 4 
 Dressed \egetables i la Mode, Lon., I8S8, 12mo.' o' 
 O.vsters a la Mode, and One Hundred Ways of Cooking. 
 Ac. Lon, l.sss 12mo. 6. Soups and Dressed Fish i la 
 Mode Lon. 1SS8, I2nin. 7. S«eet.s ami Supper Dishes 
 a la Moile, Lon., ISSS, p. Svo. 
 iSalisbiiry, .Mnrqnis of. See Cixii.. 
 Salisljury, Albert. Phimology and Orthoepy : an 
 bleiiien ary 1 realise on Pronunciation, Mailison, Wis . 
 1S-(!I, 12,110. ' ' 
 Salisbury, E. G. Border County Worthies. First 
 ana Sceoiui Series, in one volume. Lon., 1880, limo. 
 Salisbury, Kev. Edward Elbridge, Imiie, voL 
 11., ml, .,j b. 1S14. in Boston; grailmiteil at Vale l.'<;i2: 
 stiidieil theology ijicre for three years, and then studied 
 Urieritiil languages under Silve.sti'e de Sacv ; professor of 
 Saiiskrit at Yale lS42-.-,4. 1. Mr. W. Dfodato and hi^ 
 Italian Ancestry, Lon., l.>i7l5,4to. 2. Familv .Memorials ■ 
 a Series ot Oinealogical ami Biograiihical" ionogruphs 
 jOn the Families of Salisbury, Ahlworth-Elbri.lge, Sew- 
 t ',',"' ' ■v''''>-'"- I'uminer, Walley, Quincy, Gookin, Wendell, 
 1 lirecse, Ac., New Haven, ISSS, 2 parts, 4to. Privately 
 printed. ■' 
 i Salisbury, J. H. Statement of the Salisbury" 
 j Ireatmcnt by Alimentation, Lon., 18S6, Svo. 
 Sallada, William II. Silver Sheaves, gathered 
 I hroiigh Cloud and Sunshine, [Autobiography and Se- 
 i lection ol Essays and Poems.] Illust. Des Moines, la.. 
 . I'^SO. Initio. 
 Snim-Salm, Agnes, Princess, 1842-IS3I, b. at 
 Baltimore, Md. ; became an actress under the name of 
 ! Le(!lerc(i • marricl to Prince Felix Salm-Salm in 18(32, 
 and after his death in I8,U to Charles Heneage, an at- 
 : tnche of the British embassy at Berlin. Ten Years of 
 my Life, Lon., IS7fi, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 I " The author has seen and done many thi! thitare 
 '1 M 
 f'l?.""?.!?. '.'*.ri*y.'.",'??.'' .,rT"'l!V.'. ."".'' "^1'.'.'", "'.™V ',''"' •'"" • "" Annl.vsi- i)f the Clmracteristios >i( the Various 
 " " - — — • ■■ ....... . ... .- Xjitioniilitif!, ('Iiic, 1S.S7, I2ino. 
 Saloin«i:N, Alfred. (Trnns.) The Count olTuln. 
 verii ; IVdin tho Dutch cif ,1. Viin I,ennep. Uy A. Arnolil, 
 [pSfllcl.] I,nn.. ISSd, |i. Svo. 
 Salt, IIiirrJH Sliirloy. I. A .-^hollcy I'riuier, l,on., 
 I8.S7, or. 8v(i. 2. I.iti'iiiiv Sketches, Lon., l''Ss, p. Svo. 
 :). Shelley Mnno){niiih, lii.n., Iss8, 12niu. 4. The U(e 
 (if Jiiuios Thiiin..'cin : with ii ."^eleetiun I'runi lild Letters, 
 mill II Stuily cil' hirt Wriliiij,'^, Liiii., Is>!i, Svi). 
 iSallcr,' I'miik. Kcummi.' in tho L'se of Steiim, 
 Lun., IS71, p, Nvci. 
 Sillier, J, The Asintio in Kngliind : Skctehes of 
 Sixteen Yeiii!' iininn;; Oiientiil", I.on., Is7;i, p. Svn. 
 Salter, J. .\, l'nliil.i;;ne of i> follei-tinu of 
 have liceii mudcrately ndveimirniiN. Hut she tells lier 
 story simply, wilhuut any \vi>li in punnle lier simaeltv cir 
 CduriiKe. . . . 'Ihe accmint nt the last leiv uidmiIis ol'ilie 
 unlurtiiiiati' Maxihiiliau's relwii Is very ({niplilc, . , . Tlie 
 III ink Is excel leiu reailhiK- Tn us It seenisali-iilmely simple 
 ami hiMiest." — .■^yiic^Uiir, xllx. JIM. 
 Salmon, ('liarl<'!4 S|i('iieer, b. lx'i2; culnnial 
 eeerelary ainl ailniiriistratur of the (lolil Coast l.S(ilt-T2; 
 chief eouiini.<siiiner (if the Soyehelles IS7l-7!l; |iresi<lent 
 of Nevis I8H1. I. The Crown Colnnies of (ireat llrituin: 
 an In(|uiry intd their I'olitieal Kcimouiy, Fiseal Svsteiii9, 
 anil Tnulo, (Ciihilen CIuIj I'lib.,) I.on.. 1 tM'i, Svo." 
 " lie ileiili'sat (Hiee llie aclual luusperily iif the Cniwii 
 Ciiliinies. ilieir ciiiiteiitiiieiit willi llieir lot. and the bless- 
 t'lliiessuf Itrilisii t'liliiulal udiiiliiisiralion."— .s>f(.'(a(or, Ix. 
 2. The Caribbean Confeiloration : a, I'lan for the rnion 
 of the Fifteen llrilish West Indian Colonics, (Cobden 
 Cliili I'ub.,) I.on., Isss, 12ino. 
 "The Keiieral reader will iialiinilly be most interested 
 111 llie ehiipleis Mr. Salinuii ilevmis tnii refiilallnn (it many 
 (it the slalemeiits made liv Mr, Kniude In bis recent 
 Wiiik, 'The Knulisli In the Indies.' If (invernnr 
 Kaliiiim is eiirrect, (and he gives chapter and verse hir all 
 that he .says.l Mr. Kninde's work teems with (,'riis.s inaeeu- 
 racles."— .U/i., No. 31."ifi. 
 "Thcuist of the ('(intention Is that, while Mr. Fronde 
 considers that the West Indies in general and the iieKro in 
 pariiciilar wniild licnellt by beiiiK iiliiced under antoerallo 
 but iHitcrnal rule, Mr. .•salmon wun'.d estalillsli at once a 
 sclieiiie of • local sell'srovernniem' for every island, with a 
 low I'ranehise to allow the black man to exercise lull 
 polilical iliilils, so that the control mlubt not be in the 
 liandsofa white ollijarchy. . . . Mr. Salmon proposes that 
 the lilleeii suites (including Hritisli (iuianaand llondiirasl 
 eominised in the vast area of the West Indies should send 
 niemlicrs m a Heneral As.senibly In proportion tu their 
 jiopnlaiion."— .svi(. Hn\. Ixv. 701. 
 Salmon, K. 1. Analysis of tho Four Parallel Gos- 
 Jicls, l.iin., 1876, Ito. 2. The Gospels in Four Collateral 
 Columns, I/on., 1876, 4tn. 
 Salmon, K. Rosalie. Summer Holidays at Sil- j 
 versea, Lun., 1872, 12nii). i 
 Salmon, Edward. Juvcn 'e Literature as it is, ! 
 Lon., 18,SS, p. ,Svo. 
 Salmon, Rev. (ieorge, D.D., D.C.L., LL.D., ., [ante, vol. ii., add.,] b. 1819, in Dublin; gradu- '• 
 ated at Trinity College, Dublin, IS.SU; ordained 1814 ' 
 Caiiibridge, 1s7."., Ito. 
 (iuiile til tlie Tliamc; 
 Lon., 1881, 121110. 
 Dental Pathology and Sur 
 brian and .''ilurian I 
 Salter, John II. A 
 tho Souree tu Waiidsvvnrlli, 
 Salter, S. James A. 
 gcry. Liin., 1 S7 1, ,svo. 
 Salter, W , A. .Sermons, and Notes for Seriiions, 
 Lon.. Svo. 
 Salter, Rev. >Villinni, b. 1821, in Brooklyn ; 
 graduated at the University of the City of New York 
 1840; resides at liurlingtnn, Iowa. I. Life of James W. 
 Orinies, Governor of Iowa, N. York, 1876, Svo. 2. ,Me. 
 inoirs of .losejih W. I'iekett, Missionary, liurlingtun, la., 
 1881, l2iiio. ;i Words of the Lord .Jesus: arranged for 
 Kesponsive Readings, Chic., Is.-^.'i, Ifiuio. 
 Saltire, iManriec. (Trans.) Hollaml ; from tho 
 Italian of E. de .\miois. Lon., IsS.'i, 2 vols. er. Svo. 
 Snltoun, Lord. Sec Fiiaskr, Alkxanheii. 
 Salts, Rev. Alfred, LL.D., graduated at St. John's 
 College, Cambridge, 18(iU; ordained 1862; vicar of Lit- 
 tleborough since l.s72. Godparents at Confirmation: 
 one of the Church's A)ipointed .Means for Ketaining her 
 Y'ounger Meniber.s, Lon., 187U, l2mo. 
 Saltns, Kdgar Evertson, b. 1858, in New York ; 
 studied at Paris, Heidelberg, and Munich, and graduated 
 at Columbia College Law School l.s80. I. Balzac, Post,, 
 1884, or. 8vo. 2. The Philo.sophy of Disenchanlnient, 
 Host., 1885, 12mo. 3. Tho Anatomy of Negation, Lon. 
 and N. York, 1886, 12mo. 
 ' Has as much to do with the anatomy of negation as a 
 Regius professor of divinity at Trinity College 1866-88, i vamped-up volume of aneeihites ttb(iut'cat.s and doKs has 
 and since then provost. He is a foreign member of the i todowlth the anatomy of dentition. Moreover, Mr.SnIlus's 
 French Institute and honorary member of the academies j Pages s"''irm with mistakes and mLsstatements."— -lani., 
 of Berlin, Leipsic, and Copenhagen. I. The Reign of *^'""' '''• 
 Law, and other Sermons, Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 2. Non- 
 Miraeulous Christianity, and other Sermons, Lon., 1881, 
 p. 8vo. .'J. The Revision of tho New Testament : a 
 Paper, Lon., 1881, 12mo. 4. Martin Luther; a Sermon 
 preached in Trinity College, Dublin, Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 0. A Historical Introduction to the Study of tho Books 
 of the New Testament: being an Expansion of Lectures 
 delivered in the Divinity School of the University of 
 Dublin, Lon., 188,5, Svo: 2d e.l., 1886; ,'ld ed.. 1SS8. 
 " It will take Us place as a elass-book and as a te.xt- 
 book."— .svi/. /I'fi'., Ix. 7'J'2. 
 " His must be respected, though it is rather 
 out of date who think Indepenaently."— ,4(/i.. 
 No. 3010. 
 6. The Historic Claims of Episcopacy: a Sermon, 
 Edin., 1886. 7. Gnosticism and Agnosticism, and other 
 Sermons, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 8. The Infallibility of the 
 Church: Lectures, Lon., ISSS, Svo. 
 Salniond, Rev. Charles A. 1. (Ed.) A Woman's 
 ■\V(irk : being Memorials of Eliza Fletcher, [of Glasgow :] 
 with a Sketch of her Life, Glasgow, 1S84, p. Svo; now 
 cd., Lon., 1885. 2. Prinoetoniana : Charles and A. A. 
 Hodge: with Class and Table Talk of Hodge the 
 Y'ounger. By a Scottish Princctonian. N. Y'ork, 1888, 
 4. Mr. Incoul's Misadventure: a Novel, N. York, 
 1887, 12mo. Jj. The Truth about Tristrein Variek, Chic, 
 and N, York, 1888, 12mo. 6. Eden: an Episode, Chic. 
 d. ISSy. Honey and Gall, 
 Two Months with Toher- 
 p. Svo. 
 and N. York, 188S, 12ino, 
 Saltns, Francis S. 
 [verse,] Phtla., I87.'i, 12ni 
 Salusbury, 1>. U. U 
 naieff in Servia, Lon., 187; 
 Salvia, Osbert, Strickland curator in the Uni 
 versity of Cambridge. I. (Ed.) Sir Andrew Smith's 
 Misceiianeous Ornithological Papers, Lon., 1880, r. 8vo. 
 2. A Catalogue of the Collection of Birds formed by tho 
 Late Hugh Edwin Strickland, M.A., F.R.S. 3. (Ed.i 
 Leach's Systematic Catalogue of the Specimens of In- 
 digenous Mammalia and Birds in the British Museum, 
 Lon., 1882, Svo. And see GonMA.v, F. D., aiipia. 
 Sal yards, Joseph, [nnl,; vol. ii., add.] Idothea ; 
 or, The Divioe Image: a Poem, Newmarket, Va., 1874, 
 Silnia RSn, P. Principles of Malmmadan Law: 
 with an Introduction and a Glossary of Technical Terms ; 
 3d ed., enl., Madras, 1S85, Svo. 
 Sampson, A. C. 1. Spoiled by a Woman, Lon., 
 1877, 3 vols. or. Svo. 2. Buried fur Gold : a Novel, Lon., 
 1882, 3 vols. 
 Sampson, Henry. 1. The History of Advertis- 
 ing, from the Earliest Times. Illust. Lon., IS74, Svo. 
 " The chapter on 'Swindles nnd Hoaxes' is full of enter- 
 tainment; but of that the volume itself is full from the 
 tlrst page to the last."— .i/Zi., No. 2457. 
 2. Modern Boxing. By Pendragon. Lon., 187.8, p. 
 Salmond, Rev. Stewart Dinp;wall Fordycc, 
 D.D., b. 1838, at Aberdeen; graduated at King's College 
 and University, Aberdeen, 1S58; entered the ministry 
 of the Free Church of Scotland; professor of systematic 
 theology and New Testament exegesis in the Free 
 Church College, Aberdeen, since 1876. He translated 
 works by Hippolytus, St. C.regory, Ac, for the Ante- Svo. 
 Nicene Library, wrote the notes on the Epistles of! Sampson, Rev. John Edward, ordained 1852 ; 
 I ot^r .'»'-bnt! .^ I opular Commentary, and i.- the : rector of Bariuw-on-Humber uud Wray lecturer there 
 editor of the Biblc-tlass Primers. 1. The Life of tho | since 1S78. 1. Lectures on the Church Catechism, Lon.. 
 ^.P«'m i,''""''n^'^'"" .l^'M:- ^- '^^^ ''"■° "'■ '^''""'''' '**"^' l""'"'- 2. Inroads of Worldliness upon Christian 
 ( Bible-Class Primers,") Ldin., 1SS7, 18mo. 3. Ex- j Works and Organization, Lon., IS7.8, 12mo. 3. John 
 position of the shorter Catechism, Edin., 1887-88, 2 I AVinsome's Homo; or, Hints and Helps to Christian 
 vols. Smo. „ ^ , . I Parents, Lon., 1882, sq. 16mo. 
 1™2*"'*""' Marriage License Win- 1 Sampson, Rev. John Patterson, D.D., b. 1837, 
 Bt ■ : .InRton, y.C. ; «tu.lio.l liiw nttho \nth,nal Law 
 '.u"f- .-T' ^^"■■'''i''«'"ii. l>-t'. ; WMS a.liniti«l u, tho liar 
 0. hol.,,.,-,,,|,m,a. C.mrt IS-.!; .„lor,..| .he ministry 
 (if Iho Alnoan Alctlioilist, K|ii8,..,|ml chiinli I8s2 1 
 (omrn(.n-S..n>i« I'liys «y, ll,ii„,,t„n, Va., Isso.' 2 
 rio D,»a|,,i,„„l.,l liri.l,., |ss:;. i To.mienniM.nt ami 
 JMiiBnoloKy „l Mixivl UaiM.., Tr,nt„M, ii.,1., l^^l 4 
 Jiilly 1 TOjiJo, llmniitun, l.ssc. 5. niustialions in The- 
 Sniniison, S. S.TiiitiirnI Rovoli.tio., of Immor- 
 tality o|i|M,8c.l to Con(liti..niil Immortalilv, Isth 
 Svo. ■ 
 Sams, C. Whittle. A llii,.f Comiiaiison ..f t\w 
 MuHt liii|iiirtaiit Statutes of the ('dilcs of Virirhiia of 
 ITIian.l iss:, lU.limon,!, Va., IsHM sv,, '"«""" '" 
 Sailison, Iliv. tieorKC Whiteliclil, D.D \„ni.- 
 vol. ii^aihl..] iiresi,l,.ntof Uutf,'er. Female folleL'r New 
 york City l>7l-7._i, ami .iiieo l.HSil. |. The Ato,„.„„.n. 
 viewed as An.-iiiiieil Divine Ues|Hiii.-il.ilitv, I'tiila l>.r>: 
 I" 2. Tho Iliviiio Law a.< to Win,.;, I'lijl,,,',' ismi' 
 11.1110. .t The Knglish Hoviser.s' (in.i.k Text shown t.i 
 he lnaiilh.,ri/.e,l e.we|it by Kgypii.n Copie. .( 
 by Ureekn, nimtiri,l«o, Ala..-., 1SS2, lllnio. I. Gui.le to 
 .S.t_-K,li.oation. is.sii. ;,. .l„i,U. ,0 llible [nfei-pretation, 
 l.'^^i. II, I'lols ot ianhion anil Culture Isss 
 Snmiiel, S. >l. ,Iewisl, l,ife in the Ka.t'i lepiintea 
 from tho", lewHh Chnmicle," I,oii„ issl I'l,,,,, ' 
 Sniinii.||,|lii.h„rd. .<evei,, the ,-<,iVre.l Number- 
 itff Lse 111 .NMipture an.l it,.< Applieiition to liibiioal Crit- 
 ici.-m: with a Chapter on the Uible ami .Scionoo, Lon., 
 l>s,, cr. ,*^vo, 
 .SninuelM, .Miss .Ideliiide Florence, b. isi.^ 
 .11 Uoston ; sister of K A, ,<a,nuels, i,,/,:,. 1. A.lrift in 
 the World Host., 1.^72, Ifiino. 2, Mttle Cricket, W.; 
 .., fiavers; or, Tho (iirls of llivo Hall, IS7(1 1 
 I)iuk and Uai.y Scries. Ilhist, Iio,t., , vols. Itlmo: 
 5. Dick fravers Abroad .Series. IlUist. Uost., 4 vols 
 Saniiiels, Edward .\iigiistiis, [.,„(,, vol. ii., 
 add.,] b. I.S'jti; assistant secretary of the .Massachusetts 
 •Mate Board ol Agriculture l.><(10-,sil. (^„r .Vorthern and 
 tastern Birds. • Descriptions of liirds of the Northern 
 and Kiistern .states and Ilridsh Provinces: with .Sumde 
 iiieiit from lloldon's " ..iiiierican Fauna." lllust, i\. 
 Sumiiels, Samuel, b. 1S2.-,, in Philadelphia; wont 
 to sea, and became at twenty-one captain of a meivhan'- 
 nian ; was general suporlntendent of tho Pacilic Mail 
 .-tcamship Company at .San Francisco 1S7,S-7(I and in 
 vSl organized the United .Stales Ste lleatin" and 
 ..wer lonipany. From tho Forecastle to tho Cabin, 
 lllust. N. iork, IS.'i7, 12ino, 
 -Ills book is as fresh and as free as the ocean air that ho 
 has breathed Iroin liovliood. ... In iho ear or of r,!,.! 
 .Suiuiels the truth yichls iiotliiii^^ 1 il.s thriVlini ii icre t' o 
 the tictionsof .Marryat and flark KiissVll,' ■-!\^/"«'xliv! 
 Samuels, Susan Blagge Caldwell, b. mt^, in 
 Dedham, .\Ia,s_s_. ; wifoofK. A. Samuels,.,,/,,.,,. 1. Cherr 
 the .Singer. lllust. liinio. ' 2. 
 ^pringdale Stories 
 us. Boat., 6 vols. I Bmo. 3. Golden Kule Stories. ll- 
 lust. Host., 18,'<(i, (i vols. Ilimo. 
 Kamiielson, Sir Ucrnhard, F.R.S b is^n- nn 
 iron-miister and manufacturer; .M.l'. for Banbury ISj'J 
 and istu-s;,, and sineo then for O.xfordshire. I. Studies 
 M the Land and Tenantry of Ireland, Lon.. IS69, I2mo 
 -. Keportcm the Hallway Goods Tarifts of Uermany. in 
 Lull., ISffH, Svo. '' ' 
 Samuelson, James, [„,irr, vol. ii.,ad(I.,l b. 18''fl. 
 .ruther of Sir B. Sainuelson, «„;„■„ ,. callcl to ho bai" at 
 he Middle Temple ISrO , founder of the Popular .Scieneo 
 Ueview and the Quarterly Journnl of Science. 1. Con- 
 iniuty in Civilization, Lon., l.^Oy, ^vo. 2. Views of tho 
 ucity, traditional and Scientific, Lon., 1M7I, p. ,hvo 3 
 jhc Natural Foundation of Religion, Lon., I.S76. p.'svo' 
 a;,l p"iv'","7 "*" Y'"^'- " J^*""''' Social, Soiontific, 
 and Political, Lon., 1S7,S Xvo; new ed., Isso 
 lii'.'mrv v'^in'"^'*™.''-' 'I."^'o"-y of Drink' has soarcelv any 
 1 lar \alue,aiHU.arriesn,iwciKhtataIlwiththe,scfiolir 
 t Is a laree pamphlet, in wliiidi faci.s chosen in am re r 
 less cismi way are trciteil v'l!- f-iir., , . 1 , "" y^ ",V 
 — .sdf. Jt(i:. .xlvi IW l.' ,111a muderiuioii." 
 .-o'mV;!.','.",!',"*' ttiiiple 'proof of the fact that, even when a 
 ,era . P.Pf'" '? ''" ',""'*! ''^■«"""' ''.v the sill of in". ■ 
 K .'r" ^' eii'l'iwed with a power of moral recoverv 
 ,t ^'1' '^""™ '^"e^iially e.xercised, will soon enable it to 
 take its place among sober iiations.--..l/A., x" ■Sm 
 0. Useful Information for Intending Emigrants' to the 
 ^.ostern Prairies of the United States, &e.7 Lon 1878,, 
 n. RiMiniania, Pa»t and Present, Lon., 18.S2, Svo; 
 ,. Ililgarin. P.isl and Present; Ilislorical, Political, 
 and Des,.riptiv,.. Map aii.l rilosi. |,on.. I,'^^^s ,mvo 
 Sanborn, .V. I,., „n,l ll.rrymiin, J. U. Snn. 
 plement to the Uisconsiii Revised Sti.lutes, lS7il-18,s.t 
 with .Votes to Statutes of |,h7s, Ac., Chicago, 111., 188;t; 
 Siinhorn, Kdwin David, LL.D., isiis-issi b 
 lKlo''"','"'|.""i', •"*'■"• •,«':"'""'■'' "• I"""""ulh Coll'eg.; 
 IH.S. ; stiidie,! law and alterwanls divinity ; professoi. ,,f 
 oiatory and belles-lettres at Dartmouth lM);i-8ii, „„d 
 afterwards profes.sor of Anu'lo..s„xon „nd the Engli.-I 
 language and literature. Ili.-tory „f New Hampshire, 
 .Mancliesicr, N.ll.. |s;i; Svo 
 Sanborn, I'ranlilin llenjamin, b., »t 
 Haiiipton Falls, N.ll., gra.lmdcl at Harvard I-,,.,; one 
 of the louii.lers, and since ls7;i chief se,.retary, of tho 
 American .So,.ial ,Seien,-o Associalion. and in ls7it aided 
 ill ounding the Concord Summer School of Phih,so,,hv 
 I. llie W ork of Social .Science, Past and Present, ( Ainer- 
 lean Soe. Soi. Assoc.,) Detroit, 1S7.X Svo. 2 { F,l ) Pro 
 oeedings of the ConlVrcnce of Chariti,.s and Corrections . 
 •Seventh Annual Conference. Cleveland, L^M), liost |M^(I 
 ,l''"'",''i! "."",'■' "• ■'''""■'-■""- ("•American Men of Let- 
 ti.'.ii'^lr.^'l.ii'f.H^m'",''''.'!'''"' ""'5' VV "'".'i'l'Ted iw n vindlcft. 
 loll, a I riiu.ism. a eulogy, ,,r a hloi;r,i|,hv . ami In no on.. 
 these asp..,.i> ,s u „ very suc,.,.s.fl,l -liu.,-, rv ,e |!.ri 11- ,,■ -r- • ' " ■''"*-'''^' trail of Tlioivan'schano^..^ ,xce t 
 iviui':in>":us,r;;i[iJ;'^^S:'i^^;^';ii:^' '^ '"""'^"^ -■' 
 I. 1 1'. I.) The (ienius and Character of Kmerson : Lec- 
 ure.s at the C..nconl .School of Philo.sophy. Host., 1,HS4 
 -mo, ,, (Id.) The Life and Letters of J,din Brown 
 Liberator ol and Martyr of Virginia, JJost., l^^Xu, 
 'l U ,%^^^ the 
 iwii.ic sinr> rests. 1 1i,.m. have been e,i ccted wltli no 
 lir^vn': Bo;l!78;;;,"vo!'''"' ^'•■■""' '""'"''"' "' ^""" 
 Sanborn, .Miss Katharine Abbott, b. I,«..!), at 
 Hanover, N.I . ; daughter of E. D. Sanborn, e„j,r„ .■ pro- 
 lessor of I-.nglish literature in Smith College for several 
 years to LSM. 1 Home Pictures of EngMsh Poets ; for 
 tireside and School-Room. Ilhist. X. V.u.k, ls6ll 
 -mo. -'• ( IvI.) (Jrandma's Garden : with .Many Original 
 I U.St. Ii".;t., Ls.sL Svo. 4. A Year of Sunshine ; Cheer- 
 ul Lxtraet.s or Kvery Day in the Year, Bost.. ISSI, 
 6mo. 0. Ld.)_The Wit of Women, N. York, ISs.V 
 -ino. 0. iho Vanity and Insanity of Geniu.«, N. York, 
 l^.'>.), llinio. ' 
 b '??,"*'",''^' *'"*'>1 Virginia Frances Zerlina, 
 b. !;*.>; daughter of the .«ecoiid Marquis of lleadfort 
 niarried, is.di to Joseph Sandars, M.P. I. The Heiress 
 of Hare-lale, Lon., ISMi, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 2. A Hitter 
 Kepentancc, Lon., l.sss. ;; vols. p. Svo 
 Sandars, \V. Collett-. 1. (Trans.) Poems of J. 
 li. Lhland. in Lnglish Verse, I.on., IMi'J, p. Svo 2 
 Iran,-.) A Hand-Book of Architectural Styles; from 
 the t,eruian of A. Rosengarten. lllust. Lon., 1876 cr 
 8vo ,i (I'mns,) The Blue Banner; or. Adventures of 
 a Mussulman, a Christian, and a Pagan, in the Time of 
 the Crusades an-1 Mongol Conquests, by Leon Cahun. 
 Ilhist. Lon., 1S77. cr. svo. 
 Sanday, Uev. William, D.D., b. IS13, at Holme 
 jierrep.iiit, Nottinghamshire; graduated, first class Lit 
 Hum., at Corpus Christi College. O.xford, 1865 ; Fellow 
 ..t rrinity College 18i;6-7:!; ordained 1867; vicar of 
 Barton-on-the-Heath. Warwickshire, 1873-76; Ireland 
 professor of exegesis of H,,ly .Snript.jre at O.xfurd sinco 
 l.'->l, and tutorial Fellow of E.xeter College since 
 t.. u J^" " "'" '^'''*"'' "f " R'"nins" and " Galutians" in 
 Bishop Ellioott s Commentary. 1 . Authorship an.l His- 
 torical Character of the Fourth Gospel, Lon., 1872, p. 
 Svo. 2. Tho Gospels in the Second Century : an E.xam- 
 inatio.T of tho Critical Part of a Work entitled "Super- 
 natural Religion," Lon., 1876. p. Svo. 
 "Mr. SaiKlay's book is not meant to be a popular one but 
 A >.\m 

 It U n very lmi«irl«nl diie fur llio crlllciil ►lilc of tlu' (iin;!i- 
 tli/ii iiH tn IIk' iiiilliiiillclly of Ihi' New resliiiiuiil, iiiul li 
 IB liftrilly iMiMolhU' to Liiiicolvi' (it'll wrlU'iMilKiTiiliT hilr- 
 ice»», cniiiliuir, ami M'rii|pnlciiiMii*-."— >/i(Y7(i(i<y, xllx. Vi.\. 
 Naiidbi'rKt .Yliiria. I. I.ixlil in lliu l.itiiiKj ; :'ij 
 ccl., I.iin.. In7'.i, .■!Jiii". 2, (iliiii|i9('i< of ll(.iin'ii i Kven- 
 iiiH .M"ilita(icin!< liir Suiuliiy. I.on., I smi, r. Ulimo. 
 !Sllll(li-ll, .IUNC|ili. Alfiniiianila ul Art and Artl»t», 
 1/IMl., 1^71, |). ''HI. 
 SiiikIciiiiiii, K. I". Ki^hi .MimtliK in nn Ox- 
 Wii;t;r,,n : liiMiiiiii-ecnci'H iif lloci-'e, l.nn., I»7»,cr. Wvii. 
 "I'll (iiif wlio canic ciillrcly fiwU u, cliv Milijoct tills 
 wiiulil Iju a iiluiiMint ami uiiTplalilu bonk."— .Icm/,, xvll. 
 Nniidcrn, .MrN. .Matiln'w Half, Fanner, I,i.n., 
 ]f>.S2, U veils, (1. svii; iii'w I'll., |SS7. 
 Nuilllt'l'N, \, Analoiiiy of llio Central NorvoUK 
 i^y.'liMii in W'rlihrnli' .VniniaN, l.iin., l.S7',l, -Iti). 
 SailderN, l.loyd ChiirlcN, h. l-.i?; Kra.luali.l nt 
 Cliri>t Cliurcli, O.xI'.iril. Issii; e.litur uf llic " iStiile.Miivn" 
 Pcrit'.«. I. (I'M.) C'clubriliea nf Ihii Century: lieiny a 
 I)ii'tiiinary cif .Men iiml Wdiiien (if the Nineteenth (,'«n- 
 tiiry. j.iin., |s>7, r Svii. 2. Life (if Vi.<c(iunt I'alnier- 
 ftim. I" ."itate.tiijen" Ser..) Lmi., Isss, y, .Syn. 
 SaiiderH, O. S. i;.i.<uy on .Menstruation ami Ovu- 
 latiiin, l.un., I>7S, |i. Svo. \ 
 MaildiTN, S. J. W. liricf Xoles on Structural 
 liolany, I, on., IS711, .•i2nio. 
 Sai'idcrs, T. >V. (ianlen Calendar; In-Door and 
 Out-liuor Cullivaliiin, ,ii'. lilujit. l.on., I.'<s7, p. .Syo. 
 Nanders, »illiain UnNcvi. Fac-Simlles of An- 
 glo ,'<axon Manu,*.'ri|it3, iihotozii ,?ra|ilu'il by I.ieut.- 
 (leneral .1. Cameron : with Tian.-ilutiun^, Ao., ,'<outhaui|)- 
 ton, Is-.-f, f,i|. ' 
 Kaiidi-rs, M'illiniii Jilisx, arehitcct 
 of Curved Dak in the Wood-Work and Furniture of An 
 (lent Ilouse.i, ehielly of the .'^i.xleeiuh and .-Seventeenth 
 Centurie.s I.on.,, |„|. 
 SaiidcrNuii, Itev. Udgur, M.\., [xni,, vol. il., 
 adil..] (,'radualeil at Clare Colle^je, Camhrid^'e, I silll ; or- 
 dained IMiL'i head. master sui'ee.<slvely of .Stoekwoll, 
 JIac('lealield,and Ihintinj^don Krammar-,<ohools IS7U-8I. 
 1. History of the Uriti-h Knipire: h ilh Tahle.s, .Maps.nnd 
 ! Saiidford, .Inhii li. Annlynii of Couiln's Piy. 
 Choiojfy : Willi .Niilei, l.on., |,S70, IL'uin. 
 Naiidlord, .lolin l.aiiHloii. Kutlmalos of tho 
 Knulish Kinn", l.oii.. 1^72, «vo. With TmvNsKNn, .M., 
 (iovcrnini? Families of Fnnland, Kdln., |S7 |, 'J vols. Hvo. 
 Naiidlurd, .Mm. !>!. K., daiiKhler of liahriol .Stone 
 I'ooli', and wile of Kev. Henry Kyder I'oole .Saiiford. I. 
 I'ainela's llii|uesl : a .Siory, I,on., IHMI, lamo. 2. 
 Thonitts I'oole and his Friends, I, on.. Iss"*, 'J yuls. cr. Hvo. 
 " Il Is si.lllcleiilly clear lliat an accoiiiil of I'oole would 
 have liceii aice|i|alile even If he had never liiol any friends 
 more oinluerit than hlniMdl'. 'I'lielr pn-ence. no diaihl 
 has added xreallyliolh (o llie value and llii'ihiinii of these 
 voliinies ; but I'oole himself Is kept In the loieur I, anil 
 the reader Is made to feel Ihal he was worlhv of the liosl- 
 lion. . . . All (he virtues, faulls, and folliles'lhat went to 
 make 1111 11 iioialile iiiaii are drawn wllh extraordinary 
 skill and lidelily hi this admirable ldogiu|ihy."— .IM., Nii. 
 Saildliaill, II, I. IIM.) Catalogue of .Mere ilo 
 Marine ami .\'aval .Models in the .-^oulh Kcnsinxlon .Mu- 
 seum, l.on., I f(7 I, .Svo. L'. (Kd.i CatiiloKiieof ihe.Muni- 
 tionn of War In tho .South Kensington Museum, Lon., 
 I.'<7,^, .svo, a. (Kd.i CataloKuo of .Models ..f .Miieliinerv, 
 DrawinK-Tools, Ae., in the .'^outli Kensington .Museum, 
 l.on., |s7.-|. sv". d. (Ed.) Catalogue of Ship .Models and 
 .Marine Kiigineering in the South Kensington .Museum, 
 1,011., |S7S, Svo. 
 SiilidhlirMl, V, T. Tahle-IJook of Art: History 
 of Art in All Countries ami Ages. Ilhist. New ed., 
 N. York, l>s:i, .1(0. 
 KHiidlaiids, John Poole. I. The Voi.o nml 
 I'ublie Speaking. I.oii., |s7ii, p. svo; .".d ed., I>8,'i. 2. 
 How to lievelop (loneral Vocal Power, l.on., InhB. p. .ivo. 
 SHlldft, J. Out of the World ; or, Life in St. Kilda, 
 Exn'mplci h"".. I.S7li; 2.1 cd., I-*??, p. Nvo. 
 Sands, J. Frank I'owderliorn ; or. Adventure- ... 
 the I'aiiipas of lluenos Avres, l,on., l'-,S:i, p. svo. 
 j Sandu'itli, if. 1>. 'The Walci'-Sup|ily of London; 
 j its Foulness, and the Hemedies, l.on., |s7ti', p. Svo. 
 i .Sandwith, llinnphry, M.I)., D.C.I,., c.Il., f-oK., 
 vol. ii., add.,] I.s22-lfs.s|, son of Humphry Sandwith, 
 Sr., .M.D., ((/. I'., aiiii; vol. ii.;) b. nt liri 'iiigton, Vork- 
 .sliire: t'jok hia medical degree at (ho I'niversity of 
 I'lans, Lon., ls,s|, I2iiio. 2. Outlines of tho World's •■^bi'i'deen ; was inspector-general of hospitals at Kara 
 History, .\ncient, .Mediieval, and .Modern : with Sjicoial . during tho siege, and afterwards fur a time colonial sec- 
 Helation to tho History of (.'ivilization and tho Progress ' retar.v of Mauritius; took an active part in ihe relief of 
 of Mankind, Kdin., I.'^s.'i, er. Svo. 1 the wounded and other suli'ercrs in the Franco-tieruian 
 \ strange mixlnro of things useful and things oriia- ' "»'.' Turkish wars. For biog., sec W.viiii, T. 11., 
 ill/ill. I. Land and Landlordism, Lon., 1S7:I, C.'mo. 
 2. .Minstcrborough : a Tale of linglieh Life, Lon., LSTfi, 
 'A vols. p. Svo. 
 Sandys, tJrorpe >Viiidie. Don Garcia in Kng- 
 land, Lon., 1S7U, svo. 
 " To thiise who enjoy a book of .social criticism, neither 
 tanie nor olleiisive, albeitsomewhat cliinisllv put tiwlher 
 and who are ready 10 for'L'ivc two or thrce"loolish iiur, 
 mental, of solid Instruiiive reading and of iliings (luito 
 (lilt of ]ilace. . . . .Mr. .'^indersoii is well furuishcil with 
 tacts, and, as liir as we have observed, his date.s uri; all 
 righl."— .Ic.i./,, xxvii. l:;n. 
 Sanderson, Frederick William 
 Hydrostatics, Cambridge, IS85, p. ,Svo. 
 Sanderson, (J. 1*., officer in charge of tho govern 
 iiicnt elephant-catcliing establishment of .Mysore. Thir- 
 teen \ cars among the W ild licasts of India. Maps and diictory ehaplers 111 virtue of a score of wise and witiv 
 Illust. Lon., I87.S. 4to; 2d cd., Is7i». I'"'"'"gcs 111 Ihecoursc of the work, wecaii lioueslly icconi 
 mend .Mr. .--amlys' book. '■-.s■;l,,•^,/„|■, liii. 4(17. 
 Sandys, John Udwin, Lit. 1)., [miie, vol. ii.. 
 add.,] b. HI I, and educalcd at St. .John's College, Ciim- 
 'Mr. ,«amlersoii did not u'> to Imiia to pick up stray 
 anecdotes and write a book on spor(, but ho has written 
 well beeaiise liis duty fell in with his lileasufe."— .'-iif. 7,'(i' . 
 xlvl. 313. 
 "Must long rank as the standard autliorltvon ti-e Indian 
 t'lciihant."— .lo«/., xiv. I."i7. 
 Sanderson, John Scott Burden, M.D., LL.D., 
 F.U.S., b. 1S2S, at Ncivcastle-on-Tyne, Fng., and edu- 
 cated at Edinburgh Cniversily: became physician to 
 .Middlesex Jlospital and the Urompton Hospital for Con - 
 suiiiiition ; was superintendent of the lirown Institution 
 1871-7S,' ,Joi' ■■ 
 Ircll professor of physiology at Cniversity , Cambridge, rsSi,.Svo. 
 College, London, l,'<7-l-s2, ami in I''" -'- • • ..-. = '.. .. •^'"' 
 bridge, w •■ he graduated as senior classic in lMi7. 
 was clas.- lecturer of .Jesus College 1S67-77, and was 
 elected public orator of the university in IS7(i. I. (Fd.) 
 The Uaccut of Euripides: with Introduction, Critical 
 Notes, and Arclucological Illustration.s, Cambridge, Issii, 
 er. xvn; new ed., enl., ISSa. 2. (Ed.) M. Tulli Ciocro- 
 nis ad .M. lirutum Orator: a lievised Text: with lutro- 
 luctory Essays and with Critical and Explanatory Notes, 
 '■'" ''" " .3. An Easter Vacation in Greece : 
 Sanderson, Kev. Joseph, b. 1823, nt liallybay, 
 Ireland; graduated at Koyal College, Uelfasl, 1-i,^- 
 emigrated to the I'liitcd States L'<4C,' entered the ' 
 try of the Presbyterian Church ISl'j; ed 
 Treasury since Lss:i. I. Jesus on the iioiv Jiouiit. N. pami 
 York, 1S69. 2. Memorial Tributes, I.S83. 3. The How j Sitntbrd, Mrs. D. P 
 Ileginning: Komarks on Certain Modern Views of the 
 Creation, Lon., ]X7X, p. Svo; 2d ecL, ISSII. (Published 
 -^-inally in parls. I.'i7,"i-7,'S.) ,3. Antithcism : Ke 
 ntered the minis- ; marks on its Modern Spirit, Lon., 1S,S3, p. Svo. i. 
 ''.'"V'','!"' ^'"'l'" ! '^S'^^""' "'"' o"ier Poems, Lon., 1S86, p. Svo. Also, 
 Holy Mount. N. pamphlets. ' ' 1 
 in the Clouds; or. Words of Comfort for those in Sick- 
 ness. Ac, N. York, 1888, sq. I2mo. 
 1. A Houseful of Children. 
 Illust. N. York, IS7fl, sq. Svo. 2. Rose Dale liooks ; 
 new od., N. York, I87T, 3 vols. lOmo. 3. The Little lirown 
 ~ "X^'T'^'-'X^-^^jn^'Xr—: 
 Houie nnJ the Chllilren who livcil In it, N, York, IS77, 
 •i|. Hvo. 4. Siiii.liiy Kvcniii^ Hour. N. Viirk. |s77, iq! 
 r, Ml, Nvo 1 
 N. V..ik. 
 Mvo. 6. Friiik iiiiii lii.i Kliick, N. V.irk, Ih; 
 8lh thmiiiiinil. ll. I'mny TipTuo'-i Kumilj 
 li'M,'' "1;. '*'"■ J' ,'■'""" -'^•"y •" ' i"■i^llll.l. lit Thorn.' 
 ilill. lllu>l. N. York, 1>NL'. H(i. sv„. 
 Nniilord, MiiiN licii.iniiijii. .\ liutory of Con- 
 ni'CliiMit. .Miii^ un^l llliisi. Ilnrirnr.l, l-ss, f:;,,,,,. 
 Hnill'onl, I''. (Triiii-.i lii.iinijn.l,« iin'l I'rwioii* 
 ,'<lonoi : 11 l'o|iuliir Account of Ui'Mi."; Irom thu Krenuli 
 of I.tiuia Diciihifiiit, Loll,, iinil N. York, I.H7;i-7(l :' n,|«. 
 p. Hvo. ' " 
 Nimrorti, John \V. A. Ahihnnm ,Sii|ireino Court 
 ltf|port!', vol. lix., .Montnoiiiury, IS77, 8vo 
 Sanford, Mrs. I.iicy 1;. 1. Pn.vcr: Seleotloin, 
 .N. \ork, ls7:i, X2i»„. L'. lli«torv of Two Uvch, X. 
 Viirk, \>7:>, I Si 
 Sniil'onI, .Mrs. .M. .>I, A Visit to Kl-fay-unn-himl. 
 IlluM. X. Vork, Is7ll, ,'i|. Illiiio. 
 Sllliucr, ('. MIo'h Ndya^ti-: a I'mni, l.on., 1S77, Umo. 
 MniiKHlur, Mrs. .MiirKiirct Kli/Hhclli, tMnw 
 KOn,! b. |.s:i,s, »t \i,w Kocliflle, N.V.; luiuiic.l, Is.^s, 
 to (ieorgi! SlUlK.^t(T; clilor of llnr|ic'r'.s V.ninK I'fopio 
 sinoo ISSL', mill of thr Cliristiiiii liilulliKcncf r siiico |.s7y. 
 I. Splcnili.! Tiinoi!. IMuat. X. York, I '<7,"i, sm. H,,. o" 
 FiviUliiiiny Wuek.s. Illust. X. Yo.k, lf<7.i, I •<iiio. .■!" 
 Home ivnil llettvon: 11 Hook of Tlioiit,'lits aii<l Skclolic/ 
 liliii't. Uo.^t., lllmo. -t. May Slanh.,|ii. ami her Krieinl] 
 h, \ork, 1S7«, lilnio. :,. Manual of Missions of the 
 Roforiiicil Church in Aincricii, .V. York, |S7S. 11. Hours 
 with Oirl.t, N. York, l>sl, IHmo. 7. I'ocins 'of the' 
 HouBvliolil, X.York, Iss:;, |2nio. s. Miss Dewberry's' 
 !<cholars, unil what they illil, X. York, IH,s2, 12ino. 1» 
 lloinu Fairies ami Heart Flowers: Twenty ."^tu.lies of' 
 Children's Heads, witli Floral I':iubellisliiii...nts, ,ic. lly 
 Frank French. Aecoiii|,iinie.l by I'oeuis by Margaret 
 E. .'^anK'sler. X. York, ISS7, fol." 
 Nniiki-y, Itfv. I'linrli's, M.A., Kiadualed at ,<t. 
 John's College, (.'aiubridge, IMI; onliiineil 1n||; viear 
 of Darton from 18.i5. Tlie S|iartan and Tlieban Su- 
 |ireniaeies, ("Kpoehs of Hi.-torv,"i l,oii,. IS77, |> 
 Snnkey, l.ieiit. Mnttlicw lU-ury IMiincus 
 Itillll. (Trans.) The Theory id' Iron Koof and llridge 
 Constnietion j frmn the (leriimn of I'rof. Kitter, I'll It 
 Illiist. .'id ed., I.on., |f7il, Svo. 
 Sniigom, Arthur lOriiest, MI)., F.R.C.l'., [mi^, ' 
 vol. ii., .Sa.nso.v, AiiTui-ii Kunkst, add.,] |ihysician to the 
 liondon Hospital. I. Arrest and I'reventio'n of Cholera: 
 Anti.septio Treatment, I,on., ISIifi, l2iiio. 2. The Anti- 
 septic .System in Medicine and ,Suij,'ory : a Treatise on 
 Carbolic Acid and its Compounds, Loii., |s71, 8vo. :i. 
 hectares on ;lio Physical Uiagnosi.s of Diseases of the 
 Heart; 2d ed., Tjon., I.S76, 12mo. t. The '''reatnient 
 of some of the Forms of Valvular Disease of the Heart 
 (Letlsoiiiian Lectures ' I.on., Iss;t. l2nio. 
 Sansone, Antonio, late director of the .•School of 
 Dyeing at the .Manchester Technical School. 1. Print- 
 ing of Cotton Fabrics, Calico liloaching. Printing, ," c, 
 I.on., ISH7, 8vo. 2. Dyeing and liieaching of Wool, 
 .«ilk. Cotton, Fla.v, ,te., Lon., ISSS, Hvo. 
 Sanfinm, O. U. Digest of All the Fire, Life, Ma- 
 rine, Accident, and Guarantee Insurance Cases decided 
 in Kngland, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, and the I'nited 
 States to IS76, Chic, IS76, 8vo. 
 Mantvoord, C. V. Memoirs of Eliphalet Xott, of 
 Union College, X. Y'ork, ISjii, p. 8vo. 
 Snphir, Ilev. Adolph, D.D., [.mif, vol. ii., add.,] 
 b. IHllI, at Pesth, of a .Jewish family which became 
 converts to Christianity in I84:i ; graduated at the Uni- 
 versity of (Hasgow 18.)4: minister of the English Pres- 
 byterian Church, South Shields l.>i,ifi, Urcenwich l.sfil, 
 Netting Hill 1,872, and Belgravia, London, since KS.s. 
 1. Lectures on the Lord's Prayer, Lon., I sen, l2ino; 9th 
 cd., 1884. 2. Christ Crucified: Lectures on I. Corin- 
 thians ii., Lon., 187:< ; 2d ed., I.S74, p. Svo. .'i. Christ and 
 the Church : Lectures on the Apostolic Commission 
 Lon., 1874, p. .Svo; 2d ed., 18S4. 4. K.xpositorv Lec- 
 tures on the Epistle to the Hebrews, Lon., 1875-76, 2 
 vols. ,'•). The Life of Faith : its Xaturc and Power, 
 Lon., 1871!, 12mo. 6. The Hidd;n Life: Thoughts on 
 Communion with ftod. Lon,. 1877 ; new ed,, 1,S70 p, 
 8vo. 7. Our Life-Day: Thoughts on .lohn ix. 4, Lon.i 
 1878, p. Svo. 8. The Compassion of .Jesus, Lon., 1881), 
 18mo; 2d ed., 1882. 9. Martin Luther: a Witness for 
 Christ and the vSoriptures, Lon., 1884. 10. The Ever- 
 lasting Nation j 2d ed., Lon., 1885. Also, single sermons 
 and tracts, in English and German. 
 HapRWorth, Klixabcth. The FifOi VnlvornI 
 Monarchy; or, The Kingdom of Christ and his Saints, 
 Lon , 1879, Svo. 
 Naptc, W illiani. I. Our Smoking Concert : being 
 Grave and Guy ItecitationH, Lon., |8S7, l2mo. 2. 
 Ltttler-liay Legends: being Iluiiiiiiy lloniances, Lon.,' 
 I8Hj, Hvo. .'1. Cricketers Oiived lor I8S1I. Hlust. Lon 
 SarKnnl, tharh's llrnry, .M..\., b. |s.-,ii; grndu- 
 aled 111 Xew College. Oxford, 1879; called to the bur at 
 Lincoln's Inn |Ss2. Ground Uents and Iluilding Leases, 
 Lon., 188(1, p, 8vo, 
 NarKnnt, K. ,>l. Simple Lcsons on Great Truths i 
 Suggestions to 'reiirliers, I.on , 1^88, |2mo. 
 NarKaiil, M illiinn'as, [fim,, vol. II., add.,] 
 IHI19-I88II; educated at llie liiiwrsily of Cambridge ( 
 a iiianufaclurer iit Hi, iiiiiigliiiiii. 1, K-says of 11 llir- 
 luingliam .Manufacturer. Lon,, ls(i',u72, I vols, svo, 
 "llciiUvays writes, ami It |v a IiIkIi nierll. like 11 tlior- 
 "iigli mail n| business, lie goes straliibt to the iioiiit, ami 
 ,*„,'" '"''5' '■l'-'i;r-lieacled and sensible,"— ,s<i/, AVc, xx,\l. 
 2. Taxation, Past, I'rcsent, and Future, Lon., IS74, 
 .," ^^'flhy of iittciilive perilSHl. both as a brief lii-tnry of 
 hnglls 1 liiiaiice for very Iiearlv a eeiilury, 11ml us a close 
 ami M.berly-reiiso 1 omiv ii|niii the Ibeorellcal priiieiiiles 
 ol taxation ,ui.l ibe [.rHclinil coiisiileriilious wliicli nmst 
 iieeessiiii y nioilliy ,,r vary abstract llieoiles,"— .s>fc(a(or, 
 Xlvii, ll'JI.i, ' ' 
 :). Inductive Political Economy: vol. i., Lon,, I887, 
 '■ ItmlrulK rn liMrrmtiit Is the device and ilosltfn of this 
 volume, Heiiln with real facts iiml actual ease.s, then 
 brilii; In iiriiiciples iiml ilellnltions by way of roference. 
 llii- iiiellioil Is ap|,li,.,| to a variety iif t'.ibjects. , , , The 
 comlitioii ami ireaii ol ol tlie iioor iMciipiesii ediiBliler- 
 able pan i.l tile b •. , , , ' .Mr, Herbert Spencer's Ilarba- 
 risiii IS -be subject -ml titb' of one chapter. , , , A more 
 leeliiiichi part of social science Is treated in ll e es.sav on 
 llie Depression of Tniili',' , , , I'liitlifiil to Ills niottri, be 
 IS iilwiiys liiterestiiiu and Keiierally Instructive,"— F, V, 
 I-.iii,i;\vi.iiTii: .1(0./, x-\xll. '.".Hi, 
 SaiKcainil, t apt. K. A., H,E. Xotos on the 
 Climate ,d' the Earth. Past and Present, Lon., 1875, p. 
 8vo. ' 
 Saigrnt, .'Mrs. C. II. A Railroad Waif, Cin., 1885, 
 Sarscnt, Cliarlrs .Spragiic, b. I8II, in Hostoni 
 graduiited at Harvard 18112; editor of Garden and Forest 
 since 18SS; professor of arboriculaire at Harvard, 1, 
 A Few Suggestions on Tree- Planting ; from the Report 
 ol the .Massachusetts Stale Hoard of Agriculture for 
 IS7.'), Rust., 1870, 8vo. 2. Catalogue of the Forest-Trees 
 ol Xorth America. Wash., 1880. H. (Trans.) Treatise 
 on Pruning Forest and (bnaniental Trees; from the Sev- 
 enth French Edition of Adoliihe Des Cars. Hlust. Host., 
 Issl, lOiiio. 4. Report on the Forests of Xorth America, 
 (Tenth Census, I Wash.. ISSI, 4to. 5. Report of the For- 
 est Comnii.ssion of the State of Xew York, Albany, 1885. 
 (i. The Woods of the United States : with an Account of 
 their Structure, (Jualities, and I'.s-js: with Geographieal 
 and other Xotes upon the Tree.* which produce them, N. 
 York, 1885, Svo. 7. Asa Gray. l!y C. S, S. liout.. 
 18Sii. ■ ' ' 
 Sargpnt, Kpes, [miie, vol. ii., add.,] ISl.'J-lSSn. 
 1. Planchelte; or, The Despair of Science. liy E. S. 
 Host., isiiu. 2. Proof Palpable of In irt.ilitv : an 
 Account of the Materialization Phenomena of .Modern 
 Spiritualism, Host,, 1875, 12uio. .3. (Ed.) Harper's 
 Cyclopiodia of liritish and American Poetry, N. Y'ork, 
 ISSl.Svo. ' 
 Sargent, Frederick Lcroy. Guide to the Rcc- 
 ognition of the Principal Orders of Cryptogams and 
 the commonly 'ind more easily distinguished Xew Eng- 
 land Genera: with a riill Glossary, Cambriilge, .Mass., 
 ISsi;, 121110. 
 Sargent, G. Hewlett. 1. Adventures of Two 
 Brothers, Lon., 1882, 12mo. 2. Joe Harman's Expe- 
 riences, Lon., Issi, 12nio. .I. Ned, the Barge Bov. 
 Lon., 1885, 12mo. ' b j, 
 Sargent, George E., [ante, vol. ii., add.] 1. 
 Down in a .Mine; or. Buried Alive, Lon., 18fi3, l8mo. 
 An.™, X,'w {"!„ r-7s, 2. Harry the Whaler, Lon., 
 18B;i, 18mo. Anon. Xew ed., 1879. Ii. Lilian : a Tale 
 of Three Hundred Y'ears Ago, Lon., 1864, 12iho. Anon. 
 New ed., 1878. 4. Frank Harrison's Story. Hlust. 
 Lon., cr. Svo. 5. Harry the Sailor. Hlust. Lon., cr. 
 Svo. I!. TheSpcnsers; Chronicles of a Country Hamlet. 
 Hlust. Lou., cr. Svo. 7. Nails Driven Home; or, Mr, 
 iluiiie: .. -i„ry of (M,l I.,„i,|„n, I,..,,., IHII, IWiii,,. 1,1 I * ' •' 'M"""""'"' 
 It will . . . Mrn, ,s,irl.,rli.'« imrll llml ivitv mii' i.l luT 
 chiinirtiT-, pn.m niMil or m.t, l...,i. ,i ii l,|, , ,.r l„ r " I 
 IKPllI IM.Tl'.|llll,n|,) ir |||,.,'-,>„,, ii,,.^ Ml'.' '■ 
 Niirtoriiii., .»lr». Kriiitalliic, wife ' ,p7tli« int., 
 Miijiir-di'd. Mirturiii». Tliruo Moulin in tliu S„u.lnii 
 ■ 'Mil., iMH.'i, ^V;». ' 
 Mlitlri, M, Nealiimlrl, of vciimo- 
 illiir .lii.lit.. In iliK IV.-.i.l. y C.ll,.^,., Mihlrim. Notu, 
 oiv Arynn iind l»riu idlmi IMiilolo^v. I'lirl I ISHft 
 S»|ou-, Krn.'.t Mn MM., I,. |(ii,|, j^nVlu- 
 «(.■ .1 (he I mvuiHltv of l.un.lon ; ,l,ii„in.-«u ««,ri'liii y 
 I" t ,.. llMfMh h.gutlon ut Tokio l.sns-Hlj inlni.f.r rcsl. 
 iknt iini coiisiil-Koninil iit lliin«kok lMs;,-sw, uii.i ■.„»■» 
 tliin in UriiKiiiiy. With IIawkh, I,ifM t. A. (I. M li M 
 (retited.iA llan.i-llook for TruvHlcr* in Cfnln,! '.ni.'l 
 Nortl».,n .Jii|,Mn: Willi As.Tiii, „r ,|,o I'liiK.ii.ul .M„un. 
 t.iin» ami l>.;..Tii,tioi,« of Tiin.|,li..,, lli,i.,ii,.„i Nolry, „n<| 
 '..•Kun.lH. U ith M„i,*Hn,l I'lani. Vukolmn.ii, ,xh.,nKl,.,i, 
 ,, ,..„„^ ■""' ll"n«-kon;{, |sf(o, 
 iin Aiitol,ioj5ni|iliy, l.on., istfl), p. , „",. "'^' '"'""ir "inl nwnrcli (•oiisii|cii..ii.s In iliK vdlunio 
 t (.'nn.brian. aiLlotl,.,, St„ri.., .If ! " I' '";'",",""""'V"""^""'' "'l'"i-''""l'"i • //ii-'l ill' val- 
 tllUflllT 111 Mil- I'Ur KllM."— ,\y«c/,l/«,-, Iv hill. 
 With Masak iTA, IsHiiiASMi, „f the Imperial JapiinL.,,. 
 I;or..|«n (Iffl,.,., An KnKli.l,.,Iapunc»u |)i'li„iiaiy of tho 
 .spoken l„ii,«iiaK,., l,on„ IS7ll, .,,. |rt„i„; :m ,,|., 1^711. 
 S.iltiTl.'«, II. L. Tho l'olitic.,i History ul tlif 
 rrovini'ool .Now York, X. V„rk, \HH:, Hvo 
 SiUtfrlhwaltis T. K. M,.„u„l of lliHolou-y. 
 Illii>t. I,.iii., issi, 8vo 
 S.iltliiijmHlhHn, Hev. W. T. Six Month, in 
 hiife'liiii,! I 1,11,,^ a ( 0111*0 of I.iTiiircH hy a Native CI.t- 
 Kynmn ol thu Church Alin.ioniiry Mocicly, Alu.lras, InsI, 
 .,**"'"'■';'. ''J'''^" ••'• "i'tory of TuL(.roiiIo8i.. from 
 the 1 iiiif .,1 .vyUiu» to t|„, i-roHont I)ay : in Part 11 TnuiM. 
 irlhcourt, IsTj^ Irtiim. || 
 '"n IK;.), IHuio. IL'. An Ol.i 
 I, (., -i •>. 1:!. Eihol lliiioni or, 
 l.on., '^7i, I . .. I 1. The Poor, 
 .i.i.( Hixiionce, (..,,, 1^71, 11, svoij 
 ,«l., -^'A. Ifi. Tho C^uilfy, !tpd ! 
 ' ; . -. l.on., •''4, f,. 8n. : now f-i , ftsg. i^ 
 jh U1..M;,' Turnliix, Sii:| llfktr "ItetchcH, l.on., |87ft, 
 'l|iiio. 17. Ilurlock (Jliiasej or. Am.. ng tliu .Sussex Iron 
 Works, l.on., |S7rt, \f,wo. IH. .Muik.Mel Will. l„,n 
 I8<«, jonio. 111. Arnold l.,v.lii': a WurkiiiK .Mann l.ilu 
 •M I-.xpericnoo I new cl.. |,„n., IS78, 1,. nvo. Anon. 
 ». Ou, lon-WeekH'.Strike, l,on., I»:s, IJuio. .'I. Iluy« 
 «IH)BU„y.-. illu^t. l.on,, IS7U, p. vo. 22. My Scar. 
 IWSbawlj or, iiiii of |j,.|,i, i)„t of D,,, .'.r, l,„n., l"-», 
 B*. '"• 2.1. L«n,(,lon .Miiio.r : .<.Tne« aiol .^ketohun 
 I" Mi.ioi r ;i Kaiiiily llible, l.on., IS>l>, l2mo. 
 , 3 iii'i l.on., I8S(I, l2nio. 2.). IMiilip (iaiu-- 
 ror,|,p,,,„, , l„M,<, I.oii.,, p. Svo. 211. The Story 
 of Charles o-u. je; an Autohiography, l.i 
 Mo. 27. The V,,unn Ciiinbriaii. ami 'otlioi Storiea of 
 School- loys, r.on., |N'<ii, ,-vo. 28. Without Inteudinx 
 It; or,.John Timroft, Ila.helor and lieiiedict, Lon., I>s|, 
 »i|. Iilmo. '.'11. The Franklins; .,r, I he Story of a Con- 
 viel, I,on., HM2, nc,. |ii„i„. ;;:.. Alice Harlow'.- Trunt ; 
 or, I rineiple in Kverylhinn j new c.l,, I.oii., |S8;|, p. 8vo. 
 .11. .Missiiij; the Seholarsliip, I.oii., 1887, l2nio. 
 NllrKont, II. \V. .Merlon Sundays: Sonuona of 
 the I. ale II. W . Sargent, l.on., |S7ii, p. ■8vo. 
 Nnrgeiit, Henry U'iiitlirop, („„/,, vol. ii., iidd.,1 
 is 111 IN82. Skeleton T s throuK'h Knghuid, Iroiunil 
 and Scotland, .V. York, IS711, |siii„. 
 t^argviit, John ONlioniu, [.(.,/,., vol. ii., add.] 1. 
 Common Sense e, .•.,„ Judicial Legislation : tho Itulo 
 .\. York, IS7I. 
 lnMinol'.s Case, lly a l.iiyiiian ,, , ... ^. , . ,^n„,., ,„ 
 (T'ran.i.) Tho Last Knight, by Anaslasius (Jriln", \." I ""'""'"''''■'*''""''''""' -^'I'litii"", Irom the (German of 
 York, I,S72. ;i. Chapters for Iho Times. Ilv a Uerh. ! A. Spina; [also] Account of ,he lu-searclie, an'TVis 
 coverie,. of U. Koch and oiher Itecent Investigators, 
 Lin., 18>.i, I Ohio. " 
 Saui'r, (jeiirge. 
 , . • , •'*• t'haplers for Iho Times. lly a Ilerh- 
 ehire iMiriiHT. I,,,o, lierkshiro Co., Miiss., I8,s|, 8vo 
 Sartfcnt, .Mrs. .lolin T. ( i;d. 1 Sketches aii.l Rem- 
 iniscences of Iho Uadieai Club of Chestnut Street, lios- 
 ton, llosi,, issii, |0||,,, 
 SnrKcnt, .\iitliHn, [./H^■, vol. ii., add.,] 1704-1875, 
 b. at I'ultney, Vt. ; ndinittoil to the bar I8I1I; hehl puc- 
 CBSsively several offices at \Va..|iington, including that 
 ot commLssioncr of eustoiiiH l8iil-i)7; was Washingion 
 oorrcspomlciit of tho Cnitcl Siate.s (JazcUo, and wrote 
 under the pj.iiilonyine of " Oliver" I'ublic 
 Men and Kvcnts, from tho Commencement of Mr. Mon 
 roos Admiiiislniiion in I8I7 to tlie Clo,so of Mr. Fill- 
 moro's Administration in l8.-.:i, I'liila., 1875, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 whilln'"',''''' /'; "'"• ','"'''".' '""' I"'l'i'hir class ut w.,rks' 
 wh, ,""■■'''' ,""""'>■ "' I'cr-oiml rcmini«viices, ami 
 whici 1 lii.s rank animm- the l„.st ,,r l,i.„„ri,.al materials 
 , I .M ,,.,'■' r'l""-' ""'h' '" '"•■•""Kcd ami ,v„ ,.,„„bi„ed Willi 
 ^ithei mileriuls as 1,1 lorm a pretty compl,.,,. poliiicai his- 
 tory of ilie period which it embraceb."-i.V,k« .ix 4 '7 
 SargiMit, H'. M. (Ed.) Maine Wills, 1(110-17011, 
 rortlami, 1887, Svo. 
 Sarson, Hev. (Jeorge, M.A., graduated, senior 
 optime, at.-t. Culharine's College, Cambridge, 1870; or- 
 dained 1871 ; vicar of Holy Trinity. Dov, 1, since IS.sil 
 I. Address to Secularists, Lon., 187ii. o .^.i^ |[„| 
 tuch.u.-i and Common Life: a Devotional Commentary, 
 lion,, 1' ..1, si(. Iiimo. •^ 
 Sartoris, Mr«. AdclatUe, 1814-1870, daughter 
 of Charles Keinble, and sister of Mr.,. Frances Anno 
 Kcmb e, «a;„v; ; achieved celebrity aa an opera-singer 
 in Italy and Lngland, but retired from the stage on bur 
 marriage to Frederick Sartoris in 1843. 1. A Week in 
 a Irench Country., Lon., I8II7, p. 8vo. 
 ei.'ouL'h 'ev'; '■'""'Y''^''' ^■'";»K'' di-playcd. therj is Inei.leiit j 
 Mtiii '. ''Th' '"■ "'"l'-''-^'"."d. lu this Ihiii vnhime lo 
 Am 1, '•.[-■ '1 ""^ l'!"'"}-""'! filiated novelsof ibe ■ l,«,iy 
 WHS , .-.■ i , ■> ■ • ■'"■'' '^ ">"«■%'">• "i' originals, pcrhap.s, ! 
 2. Medufn, and other Tales. ISy the Author of ". 
 Wee_ in a F 
 " The stories 
 music, with the: 
 it Is ineidn,-i,i|y 
 Slid Inigical .,;c-, 
 singing conve>^i. 
 No. 2122. 
 3. Past Hor.rT,. !K,: led, with a Pref. 
 Daughter, Mm. Uc.'J^ii. J.,on., 1880, 2 v. 
 1316 > • ' • 
 1 Country-llouse." Lo,,., |S6S, 8vo. 
 .ni.-e fnimuwork for ti. • thoughts about 
 ^i"o;;ni ihell.'st, . . . Hliicli.allbougli 
 ' ,.■ .'ert.s i.ji.; niiisie, Is ,1 paiiifiii 
 . Ill; erit!- - vi on the iiuthod of 
 c, •ui>.Mi\i'jt;leinstructioii."— -KA, 
 (•y her 
 cr. 8vo. 
 I . ■ "-• '• Ihe Telegrnih in Kuroue. 
 , ,t','-. r '"• Vk-,."- ■■ """J-B-'-k of Kuropean cX. 
 luerce, Lon.. I,s7il, s,,,. ,svo ' 
 i F.,"..*^"""' "' """ <''"""'•' ^"^ ^''"''' C'unLKs 
 , Sanndby, Dr. U. (Trans.) Lectures on Digestion • 
 :nn In rodiictioi, to the Clinical Study „f Diseases of the 
 I'l.-slive !lrguns b.v Dr. C. A. Kwald, Lon., I880,cr. 8vo. 
 .lainderH, A. W'., Jr. A n.lments to the Vir- 
 ginia Code ol l^ .■i-IS,H2: including Amendments to the 
 Revised Criminal Code. Ac., Lynchburg, 188,1, liluio 
 Saiinders, AMred. I. Our Domestic Hirds : a V ac 
 ticai 0,1 iry-liook, Lon., is8I, 8vo. 2. Our Horses ,0^, 
 18^5, 8v„ " """"■"""' by the Rest Drains, Lon,! 
 .Sannders, Frederic, [„„„., vol. ii., add.] 1. ( EJ.) 
 Our .Nali.mal , ubilee ; Oration.s, Addresses, and l>„e , 
 delivered Fourth of July, I87ii, in the .Seve'ral States of 
 Dy tlie Author ol "Salad for the Solitary and the S.,- 
 cni." Lon., 1885, 8yo .•(. Evenings with the Sac c 1 
 loets femgcrs and their Songs, Lon., 1880, 8vo. 4. 
 Iho Story ol some tamoua Rooks, X. York, 1887 Hi,,.,, 
 !Sn..,M er«, li The Healer Preaelier: Sketches 
 Medical .Mission Work, Lon., I8,s.| p 8vo 
 i..fR"'!^'":rt'"'7!:;''ii^i"''^^'^'' «""""' "f «"'■ 
 Sannders, J. Hints for i ..o,,' 1., ,eli. 
 '1 iiigement; 2d ed., Lon., 187.'',, p ,:u> 
 Saunder§, James. R,. ;ir ',„|, 
 Poems, Lon., 1 888, l2mo. 
 Saunders, John, \,n,ie, vol. ii., „,i,m 
 Mort, Overman. Lon., 1876, li vols. p. 8yu. 
 RardiVii'rt'h'aflM.M;'!' '" "'"'•^»'>«>' r. novel, thongi, rc- 
 ' I on Class 
 ^iiid other 
 I. LsracI 
 2. Iho Shiii-OwMi-r'n naM.rt.*^. . „ v I T 
 2. Ihe ,'^hip-Owner's Daughter: a .\oyel, Lon., 1870 
 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 3 The Lion in the Path, Lon ,1876 , 
 bvo. 4. Jasper Deane, Wood Carver of .■«( P- u I's • 
 Tale, Lon., 1877, cr. 8vo. 5. The Sherlocks Lon Is-ii 
 vols er 8V0. 6. The Tempter Reh,t[; 'i fe i^,' 
 Wl' itn"' 1880 1" 'f ^- ^- ■'•"> "f^" Dreani'ers; a 
 ^>io\ei, l,on., 1880, .i vols. or. 8vc; new cd I88S 8 
 Love's Martyrdom : a Play and Poem" Un!, 18Jv2mo: 
 p ^vwjM.^ i^ .. i .iM I i^ j^-njwy 4t -v 
 Miirtynliinr wm mlwl ,„ii,„ i|,i,iv ,. . 
 much ,r,.i...i ,,v i.,..k,.„,':„.i ;,'^,,i '•• "^v:;,"'" 
 \l>'lliii; or, The Mi ,| |),„|hv l>nl ■ „ ■r,.u 
 ^ «..u,.U..r,. Ii,„h..rl„t.. M„. .w,:„. Mb«, h .r„- 
 i;;.w»,,i,n.uo,.N..«,i:::, i,.,,!;,'. :';^^ 
 a' si'. ;, ;• 'v,V: ■'■, '"; '•'"""""y •''"■i"iioii„„ 
 Ih. .Munh.||,Ml CnriMM,,,!,,,, Act, Is,;^^. „ , „• ' 
 SnumltTs, W. II. Ami.uIh .,(■ l'„rt„„outl. Ill, 
 lon.'Ml, l)h,;{m|,hi,Ml. ,k.'., I,ui,., I^Mi sv„ "'""""'' ""• 
 HuiiiuUtn. «. II. lifrnard. ' ,,„^;,,„,, „„,, t,,^. 
 Lot' ,';;';'""K''""-^l-o: >vUh Cullu.vpe "/.,i„,X 
 exhaustive, un.l l/i« « JH.rmi.i^^lt'^S-lAS.-xxii: 
 2. Tho N'cHT Piirlianient, IsM), l,on., IS.SO i, 8vo 
 S«ui..l..r«, Willi,,..., I.M,.s., ,1, ,„r l/f tie ex- 
 pcrnnontu lan„» of the Dou.inlon ,.f C„„.i,la. In,cc a 
 inj^unuu. to Fruits, I'hila., iS8;i, V'uu.; IM ed!, c"nt 
 Siivhrc, a. I». (Trnn...) Th- Stone Sciil„turcH nf 
 •oprtn «n,l (2u,ri«ua, ,i,uwn l.y ||. Me^.e ; li t,"^,, | 
 ana l.e,en,,tm. Text by J. S.h.nhit, \. V„rk, IMS,') , 
 iiL"ri'h"rf:"?' ^Val,in«,or,i..«to,.y„rA;u.r: 
 .■i v'?.l*s'",T8'vo'* ^^'"""''' " ''""'"■■ = " •'''°^°'- I-""'. '■'''''«. 
 SuviiBe, (Jc;orge H., M.D. Insanity nnJ AllicJ 
 .Nouio»c«, I'ractinil ana Clinicnl, I.on., IsSJ l"m„ 
 . aiuar tan Ho>,,i. ,| u,r Al'„„,cn ana ChiMren, l.on.lun. 
 01 I S^'l.?";.",'"-"' '"""""'"gy- -""• ."^ur.McalAnaton.y 
 Mho,l.,l"H2 '■='"« 0''S''"«' I""»'- I.on., l!.-0. 410, 
 SnvBge, Marmioii W., [„„„, vol.- ii., ada.,] 1823 
 f,r «:„'„„ K"*"'""''"t official in Dublin, an,l afte waras 
 ■„,,„n /.?" "^"'"' ".' ""> '"'"J"" E.xau,ino>. The 
 Moman o( liusine.. : a Novel, Un., 1S70, :i vol.. p. 8vo. 
 Savage, Hev. Mi.iot Judson, b. 1S4|, ai Nor- 
 [nar7'iMV '■■.'''k'"'""""' '" """«"' Thoologi.,,1 Sem- 
 X^r.f , ' i'.K l"™'"" * t'ongreKational minister; 
 nee 1874 \ rf- °/- '^^ ^'"">'' ' '^'"'"'"''n. ) ""'ton 
 05t 187^" 19 ^-*"-'»"»""y ">" ^"''"'■o »'• Manhood 
 of Co'tuw' f T. ^- '■'«'" "" "'« ''""''^ ■ "'■ 'lint' 
 Th T :• • ' """" "' «""ow, liost., 18-fi. l8mo, S 
 111 m ="'o "'' ^'''"'"i'"". Boat., i.H7tl, sq. 12mo. 4' 
 Wuffton : a Story of To-Pay, Host. 1878, IL'mo. 5 Life 
 Question., i;„8,.. ,s7il, l2mo. fi. The Moral. ;f Evolu! 
 .on Best.. 1S8U 12,„o. 7. Talk, about Je.u,, C "., 
 S»!f ; I ^i ^"^'"^ '" "'"' • Examination of some 
 Fundamental Theistio Problems; [al.o] Address on the 
 llo.t., IHMI, I .,,10 III Tor. "■'• •'■"'''*>""'. 
 ll«lou» lte,on.tri„.ti:,n. It,,,,., Is^H I'.,,',. Viih P^. 
 1-.. V, i,y i.n-tino llio/., j'hihi., IsM, „.. i,,,,,, 
 Navagc H. .<lia.rord on-Av„„ ;^^.,t.,, ,1,,. vol 
 ."i"*.",!'?', '*"*'• **'""«'!• "ijhnrd, At \ „„,|„ 
 H«"l at Trinity < "iloK,^ .•alui^■^|,H^ l^.:- : ^r uiic.m" i 
 ,"■',"■ 1;^ •^'V''* "'"'■" "*"• ■n.o Soul.. „i ,l,e iX'oi : 
 >*'«vll«', ll«-v. lloiirol.ior Hrey, M A r„„/, v.,l 
 ... add.,! Bradmued a, l; .,„.,.| ( Vl .., , '; , j, " ' 
 1 I". Mo. ... Ihu I'.nd.'nd' of ( „. Kifvidian Mono 
 ments to the .^.■ioiirn nC il,.. i-.. r. '«•*['""" .'lomi- 
 I 'ri... 1.1 ' '1'""^" 01 the i,-raelile, in Kkvui. ImT" 
 .1 .0 All,ana.Hian freed I our Duty i„ regard o i 
 .'?,':'""'.!""'■ '■ '.: •\';>'>-»tiv.. of i.^iet,, 1,0,' ,1 sr,; 
 ■a.. i->u, p. ,sv„ 
 /laruiony between th.- 
 llolo^y o| hgyiitalid thellil.le, ^71. 7 , |.-,| , » ,.|„.l 
 ltoi,m„« the KiiKli.h Chu, 1,,- L„„., |,n"i" •'' 'I' 
 r I ''"""V,''" "'"'1* 01 Coinm, I'l-uye V ImV? I- 
 i:^7,r'i^;rl:!;:r"ri"'^l;:' '■>-■'' ''''^'-■"- 
 a iU-ply to the |ii.-ho|, of i,i„eol„, 
 .Millunniuni. [,„n., |>77, m,„„ , 
 ..suy on the Catholic I'ractiee'of A, 
 , ..,;'■ '^"-' "■'■■ '■'."'••lite:. ;' the 
 tory, l'hilo.«o,diy, „n,l Kihnolo^y „n 
 ide of Chri.-t : with 
 'lid a View of ilio 
 A Letter to Dr. 
 I ieular Confessiun, 
 i •-'limoiiy of llis- 
 10 .'•llbjei-t, l.sril. 
 rauiid of Gizeh, 
 ^Vorld" ill 
 I'-i-iiilii Mother 
 to llll^^-ia and 
 y the Kn;;li..h 
 ■vo. 111. 
 i-ui-y ami thu 
 211. I-'ultill..,! 
 '■«'. I.'^'<2. 21. 
 ■' and Coin- 
 ■'or IluKlcy 
 ; . Lon., Is86, 
 {<!. '^I'Klo-l.raelisni aiid'tiie'u/cat 1 
 .on,. l.-,s,,, .sv„. l7,"TheKnd„fth, 
 »-. acoordint! to tho I'roj.hecie.-. of th 
 ;Mii|,tnn and Aneicnt I'ropheeies rolati 
 lurkoy l,.,sl. 18. llo>v India was Wo, 
 under tlivo and ilasting.-, Lon„, ,, 
 ATlellW""'' ;:" "'" '^-Ki"- Israel 1.. 
 Alleged Advent ol Chri.-t in 1^82 1881 
 ropheey in I'roof .d' the Truth of'serli.'r 
 Iho 1-irst Ucsurrei-tion the lieliever'- II 
 r.h tr ."-Mr, (Jhid.tone .:,:;■ Pro, 
 oi.^tho Mosaic Cosmogony : „n E.xaminatio 
 lKi^r;;a^;;!i^iji::..':7-;-- -••--- 
 « story of liitualisni, I.on. ";880,-;, ," fino' '' "" -^ie 
 !e..utiul House with i,,s Seven IMIIafs. lI;,. L ,': 
 !2mo, "<-•"!«; or, Not Forsaken, Lon, 18 "s.: 
 SavilU lliam. (Trans.) The Grandidiers 
 itiquotte, N. York, 
 » i 
 III'- '•'" 
 Tiile of Berlin Life, by Julius Rodenberg, Lon., 18S0, 
 I! vols. |). S\Mi. 
 •'Snvill, I'lin," (I'seiid.) Soo IIkpwoiith, Mus. 
 GKuHOK lllOllKS, KIIJHii. 
 Siivory, C II. The ('ii])cr-IInngei-, I'nintcr, 
 GrniniT, iind Deuurator's Assistant. ]iy u Decorator. 
 Lnn., 1S7S. 
 Savory, II. S. (ieometrio Turning: n Xew Pro- 
 cess iif Cutting ami (jniving Copper, I, on., IS?:), ^vo. 
 Savory, William Scovell, h'.U.H., [miir, vol. ii., 
 aild.,] 1). ISL'll; Mirgeon and lecturer on surLiery at Uni- 
 versity Hospital, London : president of tlie Koyal Col- 
 lege of Surgeons I.S.SS-.SIi. 1. On the I'atholugy of Can- 
 cer, (liradsiiaw Lecture, 1S,S-I,) Lon., ISSa, .Svo. 2. 
 Ilunterian Oration nt the Koyal College of Surgeons, 
 Lon., ls>r, ."^vo. 
 Saward, II. ('. 1. Arti.stio Flower Decorations for 
 liall-Uo.uns, Halls, &i:., L.jn., 1S3L', p. ,Svo. 2. Decora- 
 tive Painting : a Practical Iland-liook, Lon., ISSS p. 
 Sawkillii, J. <J. Reports of Geology of Janiaion, 
 Lon., isili), .Svo. 
 Naivtcllc, Mrs, E. W., (" Tracy Towne," pseud.) 
 1. liest Ornauient; nc? ed., Host., IS7.S, lliino. 2. Best 
 AVay , 'Series, Host., IS'S 3 vols. 4to. .'i. Pen and I'eneil 
 Pictures, Lost., LS7S, 4to. L Pet's Christmas Honor; 
 new ed.. liost., ls!7s, Ifono. 
 Snwtclle, Rev. Henry Allen, D.D., [miie, vol. 
 ii., add .] ls:i2-ISS.O, b. at Siilney, Mo.; graduated at 
 Colby University ISil,nnd nt Newton Theological ."Sem- 
 inary |S.")S ; entered the ministry of the Iia|iti8t Church. 
 Things to Thinli (jf. San Kran., IST.'i. 
 Sawyer, Arthur Robert. Accidents in Mines 
 in the North Stall'ordshiro Coal-Field arising from the 
 Falls of Hoofs and Siiles : their Causes, and the .Means 
 of Diminishing their Frequency, &.a. Illust. ILmley, 
 ISSIi. >vo. 
 Sawyer, II. C, .'NLD. Nerve Waste: Practical 
 Information concerning Nervous Impairment and Ner- 
 vous E.vhanstion in Modern Life, San Fran., 18SS, 
 Sawyer, Sir James, M.I)., F.R.C.P., b. 1S14; 
 senior physician to (Queen's College, Birmingham, since 
 l-'Sl, and professor of medicine in Queen's College since 
 lS;<.'i; knighted Iti.Sj. I. Physical ijiagnosis of the Dis- 
 eases of the Lungs and Heart, Lon., ISTd, 12iuo. 2. 
 Contributions to Practical .Meilicinc, Lon., I.sSii, Svo. 
 Sawyer, John, Fellow of the Institute of Account- 
 ants. 1. A Criticism of the Rev. C. Vcjysoy's "Frag- 
 ments from Rcimarus," Lon., LS8I), p. Svo. 2. The 
 Automatic Calculator, Lon., 18S0, p. Svo. 3. The Au- 
 tomatic Multi]ilier, Lon., ISSO, p. Svo. 4. Automatic 
 Arithmetic, Lon., 1SS{), sup. r. Svo. 0. Patent System 
 of .\utr)inatic Calculation, Lon. 
 Sawyer, L ■ S. Ii. United States Reports of Cases 
 in the Circuit and District Courts for the Ninth Circuit, 
 lS7ll-S,'i, San Fran., lS7l-8fi, 10 vols. Svo. 
 Sawyer, Rev. Leicester, [nnte, vol. 
 ii., add.] Final Theology ; vol. i., Introduction to the 
 New Testament, Historic, Theologic, and Critical, 
 Whilesborough, N.Y., lS7i), 12mo. 
 Sawyer, S. E. History of the West Roxbury Park : 
 how Olitained: Disregard iif I'rivale Rights, Ac, 1S7;I- 
 18S7, (ilouceslcr, .Mass.. l,sS7, Svo. 
 Sawyer, Rev. Thomas Jeiferson, D.D., [miir, 
 vol. ii.. add.,] b. 1SII4, at Heading, Vt. Fndless I'unish- 
 nient in tlie Very Words of its Advocates, liost., ISSil, 
 • Itinio. 
 Sawyer, William. 1. Ten Miles from Town : with 
 Poems, Lon., isiili, liirno. 2. The Legend of Phyllis: 
 with a Year of Song, Lon., 1872, l2mo. 
 Siiwyer, William Edward. Electric Lighting ' 
 by Incanilcscence, and its .Application to Interior Illu- i 
 minaiion. Illust. -X. York, ISSI. Svo. 
 Sawyer, Migor Williuni Ilarcourt, brigade- j 
 major, Alflershot. (Trans.) (ierman Field E.xercise, 
 ]xss: being a Translation of Part H. of the New German 1 
 Drill-P.ook, Lon., ISSS. ISmo. 1 
 Sa\l>y, Elizabeth M. A. F. 1. Earth's Many' 
 Voice, Lon., iMi.'i, two scries, Ifimo. Anon. 2. Parables 
 of Life. 1S72, sq. Iiimo. .Anon. .S. Voices cjf Nature. 
 Illust. Lon., 1-77, sq. lOmo. 4. The Parabic.f of the ' 
 Kingdom : Our Lord's Parables simply told for Children. 
 Illust. Lon., lS7i», sii. lllmo. 5. The Dible Story. liy 
 the Author of "Earth's iMany Voices." Lon., 1883, p. 
 8vo. Ancjn. 
 S,,xby, Henry L. The Birds of Shetland: Ob- 
 servotions on their Habits, Migration, Ac, Lon., IS74, 
 Saxby, Mrs. Margaret Jessie, ( Edmonston,) 
 j wife of .'I. L. Sa.\by, mi/irii. And sec EnMOXSTON, Kkv. 
 I Bn)T, iii/irn. 1. One Wee Lassie, Lon., Is7r,, I8mo. 2. 
 j Duala-Mist: or. Stories of Shetland, Lon., 1870, l2mo. 
 I .'!. Rockbound: a Story of the Shetland Isles, Lcm., 187", 
 j l2ioo. 4. (ieordie Hoye ; or, A Waif from the Grey- 
 I friars Wyml, Lon., lS7!t, l2mo. .'1. Snow Dreams; or, 
 I Funny Fiinoies for Little Folks, Lcm., I^Sl, s(|. llimo; 
 new ed., 1SS3, 4to. 6. Breakers Ahead ; or. Uncle 
 .Jack's Stories of Great Shipwrecks, Lon., 18S2, p. ^vo. 
 7. Hen Hanson : a Story of George Watson's College, 
 Lon., ISS4, I2mo. 8. Preston Tower; or. Will be no' 
 eouie back again? Lon., IsSI, p. Svo. !i. The Lads of 
 Loudon, ISS7, p. Svo. 111. Dora Coyne; or. Hid in the 
 Heart, Lon., 18S8, p. Svo. II. Lindemann Brothers; 
 or. Shoulder to Sb(mlder. Illust. Lon., l.'sSS, |i. S\o. 
 12. Oil on the Troubled Waters : a Story of the Shetland 
 Islands, Lon., ISSS, p. Svo. 
 Saxe, John (>odrrcy, LL.D., [nnir. vol. ii., add.,] 
 d. 18S7. I. Fables and Legends of .Many .Countries, 
 rendered in Rhyme, Host., 1S72, ICmo. 2. Leisure-Day 
 Rhymes, Host., 1S7.'), llimo. 
 "Saxon, Van," (Pseud.) See SiMfsox, JIiis. 
 Ev.AX(:h;i,ixi-: M., iiin-<i. 
 Saxton, W. W'. The New York E.\(!ise Law : with 
 Civil Damage Act ami Amendments. Albanv, IS7,'), llimo. 
 Sayce, Rev. Archibald Henry, LL.D., b. isifi, 
 at Shirehanipton, near Bristol, Eng. ; was educated at 
 Grosvenor College. Bath, and iit Queen's College, Oxford, 
 where be graduated with ■■ first class IsfiS: became a 
 Fellow in ISfia, tutor i.i ]S7II. ami afterwards senior 
 tutor. In 1870 ho became Professor Jlax MiiUcr's 
 deputy in the chair of eom]iaralive jdiilology at Oxford. 
 He became n member of the Old Testament Revision 
 Company in 1S74, and baa contributed largely to the 
 journals of learned societies and to periodicals. 1. An 
 Assyrian Grammar for Ccuuparative Purposes, Lon., 
 1872, p. Svo. 2. The Astronomy ami Astrology of the 
 Babylonians, l,s74, :i. The Principles of Comparative 
 Philology, Lon., 1S74, p. Svo; 2d ed., rev. and cnl., 187o; 
 .'ill eil., enl., 1S85. 
 "We llnd, as \vc must in all Mr. Sayce's writings iu 
 wliieli his nnicino knowledjre of Assyrian bus any jiart. 
 nuicli that is siijitfcstive and likely to lead to eonsiilerable 
 niddilicaiions of preconceived ideas,"— ,S'(i(. Ner., xxxix. 
 "Whatever may be tbo fliml jtiiigment of sebolars on 
 Mr. ."-Payee's ilistinelive llieorios. llio book in wliieh lie has 
 .set them forth is cxeeedingly attractive, and cannot be 
 neeleetcd by any student ol comparative pbilology."— 
 .lcu((.. x. 1(17. 
 4. .An Elementary Grammar: with Full .Syllabary 
 and Progressive Reading-Book of the .As.syrian Lan- 
 guage in the Cuneiform Type, Lon., IS7.), 4to; 2d ed., 
 rgv., 1S77. 6. A Lecture <ui the Study of Comparative 
 Philology, 1876. 0. Lectures upon the Assyrian Sylla- 
 bary and (irammar, Lon., 1S77, 4to. 
 "Mr. .Sayce has furnished to the seientilic world what 
 has Ions,' been a want.— namely, a ik'liuite and systennitie 
 analysis of the main relationships of Assvriaii to llie 
 other languages of the Semitic family.' —.l//j"., No. 'Jf>20. 
 7. Babylcjiiian Literature: Lectures at the Royal In- 
 stitution, Lon., IS77, Svo. 8. Introduction to the Science 
 of Language. Lon.. ISMI, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 "1m lliese two volumes Mr. ."^ayee attempts Mo tjive a 
 systennitie account of the science of lansruaKe, its luitnre, 
 its progress, and its aims, wliieh shall be at the same time 
 as tlioroUKb and exlnuistive as our present knowledge and 
 materials allow.' "—Afli., No. 27ii:!. 
 " It is truly an ' Introilnetion' to tlic seienee of lanKUa'-'e, 
 although perhaps it is siunething of a (iermanism to call an 
 essay which tiiNtlitleinpts to lay down the ultimate law- 
 ami coinlitioiis of the scieiu'e. and to vimlicate its riKlu to 
 exist, and then pas.sos in rapid survey the mntnal relations 
 of the many families of lauguaRe. an introiluetion to it. 
 . . . Hut theiiennau Einkitiniii Is not Kcni'rally delivci'eil 
 to mercbcKiuiier'-, l.ut to students who are al rea'dv faniiliar 
 with many details of the subject under discn.ssic'ui, and is 
 inteiuled to .itniile tliem to a larjre philosophii'al view of the 
 bases, the extension, the limitations and eomlitions of tlie 
 same. This is essentially the fuuelion which rrolessor 
 Sayee's work attempts with the science of language, ami 
 wliieh bis lariie experience on many widely aillereiit tields 
 of lannuatfc of all ates, and his sound principles, both of 
 Inductlonaiidof deduction, have enabled 111 into di.scharL'c 
 with rare, if not iiuiiiue, abiliiv,"— ,->;)rd<i/or, iiii. nil, 
 ■' It is all of a piece. If Its mutually hostile liaU'vicws 
 were allowed to cancel one another. Its whole fimiidalion 
 of 11, ,,Miistic philosophy would drop out of it. We know 
 lU't where to point out in it anv doctrine that is clearly 
 apprehended, distinctly put forth, and consistently main- 
 taini'd,"— W, 0. WiiiTNKV : Xalioii, xxx. :fJ9. 
 P,!l '^1'%'^,""'''"'. "'l''"'^"" In^t^npHon ,li,covcrP.I nt the 
 Pool of S.loam ,„ Jerus,.!,.,,,, ,,„n,. Issi. ,„. ulZ. 
 otus, I.-lir., ( rho AiKMcnt Kin|,ire.. of tho East •) with 
 Notes I„tro,ludio„, an,l A|,|,en'lic<.s, 1,„„ Iss{ Vo 
 otiis as 1„. ,,,11 r,.a,l i„s,.ri|,ii,ms u ,i,. « ■ T -r ,V ' " 
 iiuTv l,„|, imzzk.s, ,„„l a., ho ,.| j , ', I tl, ,?,';''' 
 opi IIS u;liioli 1,0 ,,.,e ,aii ill • , n .1 ,','''''''''''' 
 J he An-„ent E,n,,i,-e. of the E„st .• a .Seios of Essays 
 I.on lw4, or. 8vo. (Sulst.ntialli. a m„int , f the T, ' 
 I.e„J,ces lotho first th,-ee books of'lIe,.o!lo us ' ' 't' 
 sy,-,a: Its .rjnces, Priests, an,| IVopie, (•• By.p ,th, „f 
 IJihle Knowleil«e,") I.on., iss,5 ,,. ,sv„ » •""« ot 
 " 01 all tlu'chaiitorsiii I'mf Savi'fM,,,,',!- n, ,t i. • 
 is III,. „ins, i„i,.,vsti„^-. 1 is,, I ,'ise V, ' '''" '''^''*''""! 
 coiinlrynioi, „f iheir L',oal aij,,"i,n V^,. V ' ',"'.'' 
 for othor parts „f il,o l„„-,k ..f i;o„ '^-l i//, n ' '"i ■ ' 
 U. Intro.luction to Kz,-a, XeluMoiah. aiolEstluM-iL,,,, 
 of Ueli«i,)n as ill,istnite,| by (lie KeliuM.m of H,p 4,V 
 Babylonians, (Hibbert Lec'tures for "i;?:", llon^ i";"' 
 <.r,UT-lh,MlKl, not VVill,n,,,v.o.,.ii,m ,''*■' " " '"-'' 
 racy, nia.l.. T„ yimy ,' f laiiy ,v, s i A ,, ":,',' '■'""■^' '".T"- 
 16. Ihc lliltites: thu .■^lory „l' ,. F„r, „, ,„ i"',' 
 (••liy-PathsofliihleKnowle^.," iont^, '";:• 
 Ami sec AiTLKTON, John- H., .„y„.„ '' ' 
 r n;**'*"M<M*'' "^''"•y- (K<l-) <'!n.n,l International 
 iSayer, Kliznlictli Price. (Trans \ ti„. n.n „ . 
 Snyor, .laiiH.s Bryiiges, M.A., b. ISoC, , gra.Iuatea 
 -Miihlle Teinii e issi. With .s ivi, ■ ■■ i it,. b,.fore\MaKistraterf','n., l"«8~' "" ^'" 
 "!;>'■', ™-'ii;;i-' 're V" ;'-olr,u!a;;,' ^r;.: ,^;;i'i;;: r 
 "C^^S, s™.''" "' l'-"^--"^ »"'• liusinis Me; 
 ....^".y'^' ;*"!'"' ,f"'"". vol. il„ a,l,l.,l one of the !„„ 
 t.K i.ij- of Hnyior Uniiersity since I.Sno. | Treatise 
 on he r,a,v a«,| Practice in -.Justices' Tourls in T.v ,» 
 «ith Forms Houston, Isim, Sy., ; „e,v d.. Is i o' 
 T.v!,."" "".,'';'."'"'''.'" "'■ I'l^'ling in Clyil Action's i";,' 
 ic.xas: w,tli I'i-eee,ient8, 1S72, 8vo. .3. The I',- bat 
 Laws of Texas, I.S72, ,Sy„. 4. Note, to ' vias 1 e m s 
 (vols.i.-x.xxi.,) 1872, 8vo. 5. (Ed.) Texas Cunltitu-' 
 I tions, with the United States and (^nfederato .^tntes 
 ,Cnnst,tu„„„ .t,..: w.h Annotations, Houston, Texas, 
 I ''^'-;.°"'- /'• ,'•'•'"•■•' hapieme Court Uejiorts, yuls. i.-iii 
 Mo. , Jhc Masonic .lurispru.lence of T.'.vas • with 
 tonus for tho Vse of I,o,kM.s,'|s79. s, (Ed ) The I 
 vised ,Statnt,.s of Texas relalin;; t,. the Organi atin 
 Sayles, Lewis (■|mil..s, b. IstL'; cnllcl to the 
 l^ii^'r;'";^/.';:^::'- ^''-'-vo f.acing.wi;'^ 
 Sayrc, Lewis Albert, M.I).: |,„„,, v„l ii" , ,1 i 
 \; '^^"..'" i;v«io N.J. f:.a,iui.,.,i atV ;„ M ' .'i'. 
 Un,«Ts,ty, K.V., IS.IS, ,„„| a. the (Vll,.j;e of Phytic, 
 an. Su,.geons 1S42: |.r.,lcvs„r of ciini,.arsur-e,T . c in 
 liclloyue Collogo Mclical |l,...,,i,al since is,? ^"j ^ 1, ", 
 contributed la.gely t„ .uedical journals. I. I„.et»res n 
 Ortho,,a.,l,c .Surgeiy and Diseases of the .loints. lT„ 
 tie, l,eatiuent by .'.;us|,ensi„n and the I'se of thn 
 Plaster-of Paris P.andage. ' Illus,. Phil!,., 1 .'7,", l'.,„o 
 1 Nnyw.. I, . osepl. I.einiiel. ilM.i The History 
 N^ ,h V't " -^.'"■'l'"ll'-''"'". Vorkshire: ,vith Xotes^ 
 .Northallerliin, Iss.i, svo 
 Scad,li„g lu-v. i|,.„ry, D.I.., f„„„, v,d. ii., 
 a,M.,] rector of II„iv Trinity. To,-.,nto Is]7-7.i 
 To,-on.o„l 01,1; C„lle..,ions a,.,l Hcc,.ll,.cti,uis illustratiyo 
 tz^:^!^^::::zn:r' '"''-' '''''''''''''''^''^' 
 -A most usclul a,„i anmsing l„„,k."„f/., vi. 4. 
 -. loioatus iMisI (ieriu, (Fo,t Tonuilo: S,)iuo Ex- 
 da.ictor.y .Notes in Relation thereto, Toi-ont,!. I.S7S. ,Sy„ 
 ... 1 he 1.0U,- Decades of York, Ipper, 18,S4. 4 
 A Il,sto,.y „f ,|„ Old F,cncl, F,„t at Toronto, ls87 
 i..^!:'is"^jo*Vy.dr'M:„'"' "'"'"" ■■ " ^'^'■"'" "f ^'"1--. 
 M ^^10,'""^ "' V-' '■'•"•'•«-\-. F.'-S. breweries and 
 .|nd^ll..nt, I.on., Is, I, ,-. .sy,.; ,„.„ ed., by F. Colycr, 
 Seaminon, t apt. Charles .>!., is ,,.venuo 
 .i.'i'.i.u'. The Mau„nals „,• thU-,,,- hw .^tern 
 Loast of ^„rtl, Au,..ri,.a Described nn.l Illustr, <T 
 Scani...||, rioreiiee.' .Syly'ia's Daughters. 
 n s^ '" .''■ " 'J'"''-' '"■ T»-» Siii.ii.iers. 
 l.ou., iss.s, 4 yols. H|. ll-.iuo. ;). 0„l,lu„ Win-'s 
 1. In 
 mas in (iermany, Lo„., iss.S, jq. io,„„. 4. J|ij;l,„.av 
 men: (hnsouas in Engh,„.l, l.„n.,, gn 1 ,0,5 
 Je,.n N.„.l: in F,a„oe. I,.,,,., ^ ;";,„:; 
 h. PiH.ran: Christmas i„ Daly, l.„n., IsSs. ,:,,.'| «,„, 
 ^carboroHKh, Mildred, .lyerrulel : ' or, tLo 
 f^toi-y of Mai-y l.anc, Pliila.. Iss7, 1"u„, 
 Searlctt, Hon. I'cter Camphell, CD.. l.,„tr 
 L' ;,':;; ,'"'''•.■] \^"-'-^^-h son of the'.i,st I.'or.l Abi g ri 
 eld ,nc,-,..s.s,vely ya,.,.,„s a|,|,oi„„ncn.s in the di, mtic 
 en ,ce, including that of u,i„i..,cr ,0 ll,.a/il ai„ln,ini.«ter 
 Fi, I H /■•^''■""?r",''^' '"='" """".inible .James I ,,,1 Ahingcr, ( l,„.f Ilaron .,f Il,.r .Majesty's Court 
 ,xch,.,|„er; ,uc ,„l,ng a FiaguienI of his Autobiog- 
 &.e::ln::';'s^r':y,r"" "'^ ^-'-i-"'-- -"^ 
 > and "Kin"' iV,-'"- ''• ■'''•" ■'""■>■ "'■ ""' 01'' f'i'"'"lie 
 ' and Ivin. ,-c.| M.,yem,.uts, ,tc., I,„n.. ISs;;. „ 8yo,l..] g,aduale.l at Christ College, Cambridge, I8;i7: 
 'inbiine.l IS.i, : ,.ector of Wrington since IS71. 1 (E,l. 
 Picture^<,,uc Il,,tl, : Illust,.«l,..| l,y a .Series ..f .Sketches 
 Irom Nature, by Caroline M. K. .«„„l,e,t .• with De 
 s,.r,,,t,on. I,„n. IS8I, („,. 2. Roman Uritain, ( 'Early 
 Britain .s-c,-.,) I.on.. iss.'i, I2mo ' 
 I ■■ As an Introductory guide to the stinly of tho Romau 
 ' « 
 I 1 
 (I' , 
 i| ■ 
 ^'u^J^^l^^^^^T'^^'^/'^'^'^^^^^''^^ «>' that 
 SchaeltT, Edward Albert, F.R.S., .I,„lrell pro- 
 fc.o,- „t |,h.v..„log.v in l-nivcr.ity College, Lon.lon. I 
 f„?ri?-- ' '•"'•■"™l,;ii^,V'l"K.v, ( I'lTpan.tion of Tissue..) 
 l.on. 18,,, ,, 8vo. 2. The Xurvoiis S^.teni „f the aJ 
 re .a Aunta. Lon., ls-(,, ,to. a. Tl,o K.,sential/„f Hi". 
 toJogy. Desenptive an.l I'nictieiil, I,on., IS8,\ 8,0 
 Sclmll Hev. Phlli,,, v.u.. Lh.U., [<„,„, vol. ii., 
 ;"n"v',"h ;"•""■ °f "'™l"«i™l eneyelo|,a..lia an,l Christ 
 1 01k, IS, 11-72, of Hebrew I,s72-r.|, „n,l of siierecj litcra- ' 
 tnre sinee l,s,,-, .■ presi.lent of the American liihle Ke- 
 viMun tomnnttee, which he or-anize,! in |S7I , „ ,|ele. | 
 fe elir'""rr'T"?'' "f "'« Evangelical .Alliance. 
 *c.; e.|itor of the Anglo-Americn e.lition of l,„n.'e's 
 Connnentary on the 01,1 an,l New Testaniont., (N. V?,rk 
 an.l Ivdin 1m;-(-SU, 25 vols.; new e,l., 18m;, ) Vn.lo f the 
 TeT," r, ""fv^'V^'' ^"'"""■"•-■yon ihe Old and N e w 
 les lainenls, (N. \nrk an.l Eilin., I^78-S.3 -I v.jIs ) ,te 
 Cree;i""''f'rr'- f^-";'^"'^-^ ^^'^^'='>>^ UniversalisT'The 
 Creeds of Ihruten.lon,.- with a History and Critical 
 Note., N y,rk and Lun., 1S77, 3 vol... .^vo; .,,1, ed., 
 I„;».' 2- Harmony of the Reformed Confession., as re- 
 lated to tlie I'rescnt Sh.te of Kvangelical Theo v, N 
 ,-iork, IS7, ir.n.o. 3. Through liihle Lands: N.^tes of 
 Travel ,„ Kgypt the Desert, and Palestine. \ 
 , fthe"'!! 1 1 "",■ P '-' "''• '\?' -'^ *"'■■ '''•'■•• ■'• Dietionary 
 in, r?' '"[.'':■'",",'''■ '•"'"''''•'''' ''"'' '^""Jay-Sehools. 
 Illnst. I'lnla., l.ssil, 12mo; :!d ed., rev., Isgo. :;, Jnter- 
 \ Yor'L ss'."!.''" F"""'"'"^''"'y "" *'"-■ ^'^'^ Testament, 
 (. eek lestament and the EnglisI, Verslo , : with Fae- I 
 bimile lllu.sirations of Jl.-^.x., .tc \V„rl- iss'i ro,,' 
 jMc^..,S8s 7. History of u;:chri;n,;n'^h:^;;:X 
 iv-vi A.D. olHl-l5.-iO, N. York and Edin.. 1SS5-S8 
 ^^,^' J . ,""","''"",'" "' *'"''• '-■''■• "■"i'-'-'lv rewritten 
 and greatly enlarged, was published |SS2-,S-1 ) 8 His 
 toncal Account ,,f the Work of the An.erican Con.mittee 
 Wlde'-'nT "' ."',• '^"",'-'''^'' "^"Sli^'' Version o? t he 
 liible: prepared from the l.ocuments and Corre.spon.l- 
 enceof the Comnuttee.N. Vork. 18s,-,, „;mo. II. i' hdst 
 and Ohr,st,a„„y: .<tudies in Christology, Creeds, . 
 Pr indo!es'\.c "v^ v"'r" 'T'' «"'"''"''°". Kefornn.tion 
 i r ncip es, Ac, ,N. -Sork and Lon.. 1885, ,svo. 10 The 
 K ,ufr„ 'n " '""■ *"*"r '"""'^°*-''- The Didache and 
 Jv.ndredlJocumcnt.s .n the Original : with Translations 
 on;'a;^l^ii^in'VM^t^;!^^^;;:r:i:;i^'-™^'^^:i'-;-; f; , 
 -.Y//-",' Na'i^b"""'^"-'' "'™''^'^^ "'' " "'"<= toopromilTeuu'." | 
 Ilioilanhi,^."^" v"*L "^■'.""o""'"- »nd Neander: Three ' 
 J.iog aph c.-, N . -V ork and Lun., I ssii, er. Svo. 12. 1 Ed 1 
 A ^elect Ld,rary of the Nicene and I'ost-Moene Father 
 of the Christian Church, liuHaloand N. York 1887-8° 10 
 vols. 8V0. 13. Church and.<tate in the Unite 1 .' ates '0 
 ' i^Fff'^'^v v'"-"';' "f ''^'''""'"'^ ''i'"--'-'.-. ''nd it P a'e? : 
 o Ifiqo r' ' • l"'^' ."*^' '*■"• '^' '^'''» Toleration Act 
 (ed.) Ihe Philosophical and Theological Library N 
 V,rk and Lon., 1872-7!), vols. Svo M'ith P in, ■ S 
 I.u^-..:ns, (ed.) IVoceedings of the Genera Coteelice 
 of the Lvangelioal Alliance in New York, \. York 871 
 i oetry . with Biographical and Literary Notes, N. York 
 Hk • '"";; "\V ''-"' '"=" ^''•' '''■'■ With 'jtK„x 
 S,; H.RV, A Religious En..yclopa.dla ; or, Dicti, nar • . f 
 1 1 Ed"n isslj';';''''.^'^'"!''''''^' "f ""^"g' '^'^- >«■• Voi^k 
 11- . t' ''*''2-s4, .) vols. imi,. Svo; rev. e.l 1887 Ja.kso., Rkv. 8. M., Enoy'clop,edia of L vl^g D : 
 -u.opt and America: being a Supplem.^nt to Ihe Heliair- 
 J8s7,"fn,p"s^t''"""'' "'■ «^"sio-- Knowledge, N, York, 
 Schnilile/charles II., M.D., [„„u, vol. ii , add 1 
 1. An^I..say on the .Systematic Training of the liiaffi 
 Memorial Essay, published on the Occasion of the Fir«t 
 Centenary iestival o( Frederick L. .Jahn, L.)n., 1878 or 
 8vo. 2 Seeing ami Thinking: Elementary (irammar ;' 
 iin t.ssay : 2d ed., Lon., 1SS(, cr. Svo. 
 Scharf, John Thomas, LL.I)., b. 184.;, at Haiti 
 more, M.I. ; serve.l in the Confederate army an.l navy 
 Uuring the civil war; was iiiimitled to Ih4 bar 1871 ■ 
 coinmissnmer of the lan.l office of .Marvlan.l since Issl' 
 1. Chronicles .,f Baltimore: History of "Baltimore 
 Town and Baltimore City, Bait., 1874, Svo. 2. History 
 DavlZluls-";;™!"''"-''"^'''"'"^ '"''-'•--"' 
 MU., two his history w,-,nl.l have bee , 1 , ■ I , e w„ ." k 
 l..^re.l..r_t„,aiia nuicli the better book to reair-.V,,/;-,";,. 
 •■•History of Baltimore City and County, Phila., 18S1. 
 ; 4. Hi.story .,f Western .Maryland, 18S2, 2 vols. .0 His 
 ' e?c ^^- ' v"'' v"'",'- ^ '■"''■ "• "'■■'""•y "f Westches- 
 ter County, New York, 1SS6, 2 vols. 7. History of the 
 , ronfclerate i^tates Navy, from its Organization to the 
 j (Mil-render of its l,„st \-(-ssel. N. York, ISS7. 8yo 
 i led Mr'","h',n-r"i,'""i''' ""l"" """ K™' ami allractive siih- 
 ' iin, c, u ;h •, 1, ''™" '","""""■• i" hayiiignii absol„„.|v 
 , ouoci u| le.i iiulil, . . . lie has shown ev lent .liliL',0 h'l 
 regard to style or tostnictiirafarrange , em ' The 1. 
 S 1' ::k i^; ;'^';::'^i """•"•"• 'i ^'•- ^.■harfVoihemS 
 bUl r I, "s wl i, I """■'■■'•I'rrem of ,,„liiieal aniimisilv an.l 
 oilli rness w hich penetrates all his references to the ."ausHs 
 uiade;^."^S,;^y^';i^:'"' """ "'""^'^ ^^ '"" ''''i-' 
 8. History of the State of Delaware, 1888. With 
 n.a'rrL?n','*fs'i's,'?;.i-.,'" '"'""^^ '"''''""S'"" «""»■ 
 SchaiiHJer, Kev. William Gottlieb, D.D., 
 h,,'P^/ [";"'>/■"'• "•. •'^'■"AirPKrt, W. <i., add.,] 17!lsJ 
 it..tes TsoV '^'7'''',"""""^' """•""'^ '" tl'il'nited 
 n 'v 1 "o • «;"!*""«' "' An.lover Theological Semi- 
 naiy ls.,0 ; ordained 1S31 ; became a missionary in 
 n.nh?'V'u-''M "" "''!^' "' C^-'tantinople. Aut,d,iog. 
 rapliy of W illuini O. .'^ehaufiler, for Forty-Five Years a 
 Missionary ,n the Orient, N. Y.ok, 1S87, 12mo 
 Scliaw, MBJ..(Jeii. Henry, C.U., R.E., .leputy 
 director of works for fortihcations at the War nffice 
 I Ci',"!;' ''V?^ !.'''■ '"'" ^^■'''^""« ""J Attack of 
 I ed is'si "" ''"'^"'""^8 ; -J (••J-. Lon., 1882, p. Svo; 3d 
 184^(!"!m.'"''^ ^\V •'.',!,"'*' ('•'''"'"PS"!!,) b. about 
 ^X^;;l!'rs83;*^,jl!;;; ^'-^i«-'ny,and other atones. 
 'ii^'mt'^'^: ^'--'-f Ophthalmic Prac- 
 Schenck, U. S. 1. The Burning of Chambersbur- 
 Pennsylvania, l-hih,., 18(14, 12iiio.^ 2. Mercersbur'' 
 I Do,', in*^-' '"'.■""'■■"•,''".t,»itl' Protestant and Reformation 
 j Doctrines, Pliihi., IS74, 12nio. 
 I ii„^o''.'-""''V ""»><;'-t f'mming, b. ISOI), at Fiank- 
 i n ; graduate, at .Miami University 1827 ; ad.uitte.l 
 Br i m," .'"™'>«'^",f.''"ngress 1843-51; minister t., 
 Jiiaiii ISJ1-.J.!; served in the civil war I8(il-i;3, becom- 
 n,Lr'.T!l;^'i" -',;'' '" '.''" ^•"'""teer army ; member of 
 Congress sh.i-, ; minister to Englan.i 1870-70. Laws 
 a ..Practice Euchre. By a .Member of the W s ! 
 gton Luchre C ub T., which is ad.led Rules for Draw 
 Pok.T. Phila., 1S77, 12,110 
 Schermerhorn, Martin K. (Ed.) Sacred .«crin. 
 tures of the World, N. York, 1SS3 ,Svo ' 
 Schild ittarie. I. characters suitable to Fancv- 
 tmt^r" "'r''- '"'"■' "'*'' "»• 2. Old English Cos. 
 1? •,"?., m','""'"" »'■ '^"'""»' Co^'unies, Lon., 18S:i, 
 I'sr. 4l'o ^'"'''■■^''^ ^'"'"'"y Costumes. Illust. L.m., 
 Schiminci, H. J. Mary Hollis; «. Romance, Lon.. 
 Schindler, Albert Iloutiim, and \orman. 
 Uaron ,„,„« de. (Trans.) Diary kept by Mi. MiH 
 e.^ty the .^hah of Persia during his .Journey t,! Europ' I'n 
 i^i -. Lon., is,',,, 8vo. " ' 
 Schindler, Kabbi Solomon. 1. Messianio E^- 
 Cto'n'""ir,?^' ^'fr /"''.'"«'°^ Lecture, delivere/nn 
 8 10,:,^"' oM""-"''.'"^^""!;. ''y «• ■!■ lavage. Boat., 
 1 »o, 10,10. 2. Dissolving Views n the History of 
 Judaism, Boat., 1888, 12m.j. "'lory 01 
 Schley, >Vi„Ht.|d Scott, b. is;i!», in FrclcLk 
 must, x; v:';k ,',ss,-'-,s!^'-'"^' "^ ''""''>■ ''"''i'- "■"• 
 w<.rrhy.i iiiKiMit.r;'4v'//,,,",x|"':;;|,i"' '" »" 'i'Knilifd aiiU 
 The Life Mnnifestecl, Lon., 1886, sq. 
 i ini (lid to tlie 
 iilar shuiikl be 
 Scl.lieinniin, Ileiiijich^ IS22-ls.)i b „, 4n 
 c«nsi,lcnihlo fortune, de.ur, ,,e Is ' "■"""''^'''-■'.l '' 
 self to ardmM.loKicU rose" XV If :,. ^'™ V^ '"'"- 
 .pent in tn.velli^. i„ diiCl " iar^"^' t 7"^ .i'^r: 
 in a course of preliminary stuilv .it P r!. I , i '' 
 1871 the explorations at Ili-ar ik ,1 , « ' T"'''' '" 
 ancient TroJ, whic-h result! ii'diVeovcri^^Z '"' " 
 a strong interest not only amouK eho ,r b t , h'n"' 
 i^ed citizen of the Unied State during, ""h \'"''"'^-\^- 
 California in ISod. and he nr, L ^ ^ '"'>' '" 
 visits to America. In Isfis L m 1 1 1,0^ '"'"-T"" 
 (ierman, a work on l"h ,ca t e' lei, ' '" ^™'r'' '"'■' 
 and in 187.1 a work on T w ,d I en 'in''-'' p' ^'■"^■' 
 ^hich wa. translated ini^ E g sh'by 'mI " ""T:!; 
 behmilz, (7. t:. ini'm \ TI,o 1 . "J* '»i»- li. Dora 
 an unexplored stralm.r/d' , ried 1 ,7rv « '"it'T "'5 '"! ' 
 the energy to do what il,.. i-;,.. ".'*;"0- ■ . . He lias bad 
 talked ofdoiug for een'aS'r'iU''-;,;', ']£."''i',^.' ^i"«'" '""'e 
 \ irehow, Max Miiller ,\ ir c '^ ' roies,„rs Kudolf 
 ;;rugsch'B„,, p S:e™n",^T^';.do :;::'"!i' "• 
 Sclilicnz, A. 
 iS'^;.to^nl;,^•';/ ;.:'f ^ «'r- ''-- 
 Lon., isss, ;i vols. ,-r. ,s\" "' ' "" ' " -^'"'"'' 
 Schmidt, Alexniulc'r, Ph. D ,<<,„.<,r,. i • 
 I con: a C'omplelo Uictionirv of u , "'',' "-"'l P*!"^ '■<^'"- 
 !i:^ri^7;;;'h;r^-^S £--'"-- 
 vJi^oli'^i:"'^ ^^ic'^^s/^:""^^ -■' ^-'-"ont of 
 •^["■are's Dramalic .An, by 11 Hrie f- ,„ls V^ "" 
 ■on., 1S76 l-'riiii 1 /T "• ' ' ^"'^- 1. and 11., 
 "•..•■''"-. 9. -' Svo. i. (Trans.) The liuch 
 : Sketches Vie;, ^;;j^''^::;!nrPa:;-'t;;:,f^^i'V 
 a llenowcd Appeal 
 »i.y,c,^u,;Zs'o^.','s72: ^d":;r;t' ^^/'r'"'"', ";"'^^^- 
 „ „ . .---•• •*' Christ's Church: 
 on 1 rimiliye Christian Union, N. 
 Schociihof, Jacob, late 
 I'-ng. 1. De-^tructive Influence 
 lir. ^Hdieinan, or ,,,t„,i„\;..M-,' ;',,''''',' '■'', '""" »'"' 
 a trained arelueolo.'i t, 1 L ' ' , " ''''V'"' '''""''i"' "'' 
 man of real geul C v, nne f '^' '""«, l^flter: be is a 
 lived the life l.r s .Idle ,a m d .rn*^''"'"-, ■''""''' '""''= 
 riipby, keeping ahvavs , l \,is,^I .1 ,"■' 'V" a"l"lii'«- 
 "'■»• book qule a ,U I u- '"■'■''"'^ thing and bis 
 "riler. lie is eiilaiiu'led li, , .. ^ • ' ',"" •■hmiee as a 
 ""ii^sandcan.pZllmuV^is 'r •: 'I! -'-''' ™'"'>^ "'' '■'« 
 consul at Tunstall, 
 ; Mluation and the Que«t on of W, L "• J. ^"J"^*"al 
 I'lO-siolo-y \ Y,Tk ,Tol ,.,^^"'''' • i' '^""'.V in •*"cial 
 n^t>s.;f liober. Harold Ainswl.rtl.^chool '.MA m'b" 
 Founh'Dhnei:- ;;;,;t: I As^i^r' "■-■'-' ^-' ^"» 
 Tower ,. , ,.s .acce.;iye ;i^n;;riloUo,f ';^,;;';^^'T 
 l;o ton liibliography, and Jottings of Uook-Loro wi.h 
 Notes on Local Authors and Pri„*ters, Mlth^rer; 1886^ 
 coyeries in tll^r^IlTo?',;!" '"'^?' '^-™-h- «-' l>i- 
 TuuMtli and otl e .'^ e ZL in ",i'' v '' '","'" "''''•"''^^ 
 par. of an arelneolog/^;;, libl^i^-lil^'S, Ix'^ '"""^ 
 M'H;::^::',;?n'i;„,:-^]'<',;;"">':%i'i'>'e Expositor, 
 , Iceland, Lapiand:,lr:nh,,;i.L::;;:r^^„^'''^'''^.; 
 tuiiotiii . .411 ,>, lints , tdinhuriri. s linn IsiR- ti... i-- 
 Cometh: Advent Meditationsl'ro,; " 8S4 fp S 0^ '^ 
 Scholl. r, lii.'tiorTrv ,.f (■",,. .''l';"'"- 
 ence, Lon.,' ISM), V;^-;;^-',;^ ' "'"'""ctai Correspond. 
 SchomberK, <;eii. <;eorge AuKustus r n 
 ^f i nt;i]:^isi:^t;,^:-:\^!:^-vSl?- 
 of the Cheuiis,,,- of the ctrbon t^otpolndsl'o^ o;^ 
 ■f il 
I ? ' 
 Chemistry. Illust. Lon., 1874, Svo. 2. Tho Rise nnd 
 Development of Organic Chuiuistry, Manchester, ISii), 
 p. 8v(i. 
 Schott, Charles Anthony, b.lS2fi, at Mannheim, 
 (ieriiiany; educated at Mannheim and Carlsrulie ; re- 
 moved to the I'nited States in 1S4S and entered the ser- 
 vice of the Coast Survey, and lias been assistant in that 
 de|iartment since 1856. lie has contributed many papers 
 to the Smithsonian publications. I. Tables and Results 
 of tho I'rccimtation in Rain and Snow in the United 
 States, Ac, Wash., IS72, Ito; new ed., 18S|. 2. Tables 
 of Distribution and Variations of the Atniospherio Teiu- 
 peiatnre of tho I'nited States, X. York, I87li, (to. 
 Schott, Wilhelliiiim I). Health llir.ts to 
 Women, and tho Danish Cure Explained. Kdited by 
 Frederick ,;. Newkirk. N. York, ISSj, sc(. Ifimo. 
 Schoiiler, James, [„,ii,; vol. ii., ad.l.,] b. IS.i!), at 
 Wist Cambridge, .Mass.; graduateil at JIarvard I8a!t; 
 studied law ami praetisod in lioston ; iectiirer in tho 
 Boston University Law School ami in the Xational Law 
 School, Washington, D.C., since 1884. 1. Treatise on 
 the Law of Personal Property, Bost., 187:!-76, 2 vols. 
 8vo; 2d ed., IS84. 2. Treatise on the Law of Bail- 
 ments, including Carriers, Innkeepers, and Pledge, Bo«t 
 IS.SO, Svo; 2d ed., 1SS7. .3. ifiatory of the United 
 States of America under the Constitution : vols, i.-iii 
 Wash., 1881I-S5, Svo. (Vols. iv. and v., 1SS!».) 
 " •\'''' •'V.'i""'V'' enters ill detail Into the social and eco- 
 nomical ife (d thepeuijlc: their recreations ; their habits 
 01 thoiiglit and action; their municipal arrangement-- 
 the character and iiiHuencc of the immigration ; the iii- 
 nucncc of classes and liuuilies upon the mass of voters- 
 tile (lillu-ulties of intercommunication; and the provin- 
 cial pecuharitiesdf the newspapers and other sources of 
 mlormation. And the result is a book which tlioivli 
 very lar from perlectioii, is in maiiv rcspec-'s the nio-t real 
 liislory ol the United States yet produced for the p.-rlod I 
 which It covers."— .Viidofi, x.wiv. II, 
 4. Treatise on the Law of Husband and Wife, Bost., ■ 
 LS82, Svo. 0. Treatise on tho Law of E.vecutora and 
 Administrators. Bost., ISSli, svo. 0. Treatise on the 
 Law of Wills, Bost., 1SS7, Svo. 
 Schoiiller, Rev. James 11., D.D. A Manual 
 of the United Presbyterian Church of North America 
 Pittsburg, Pa., 1S8S, 8vo. 
 Schreiner, .Miss Olive. The Story of an African 
 Farm : a .N'ovel. By Ralph Iron, [pseud.J Lon., 1883, 
 2 vols. or. Svo. 
 "Mr. Iron has followed no recognized moilel of romance 
 but contrives to tell his talc in a series of studies illus- 
 trating the wild life of an ostrich farm, and .setting before 
 the reader with striking vigour the problems which trouble 
 a sti-iuig intelligence and an imaginative ambition remote 
 l^roiii any possibility of ciilture. His descriptions arc won- 
 derlully graiihic, and his pathos is forcible."— .K/t,, So. L'888. 
 Schroeder, Lieut. Seatoii, U.S.X., gradn.ited 
 at tho U.S. .Naval Academy IsOs; commissioned a lieu- 
 tenant 1872 ; has been employed on special duty in the 
 Hydrographic Office, the Bureau of Navigation, ,to. 1. 
 (Comp.) The Cixist of South America: Part I., Brazil, 
 from French (Juiana to Kio Janeiro; with Supplement 
 froiii Hio Janeiro to Rio do la Plata, Wash.,, Svo. 
 2. Tho Fall of Maximilian's Empire as seen from a 
 I nitcd States (Jun-Boat. IlUist. .V. York, 1SS7, 16mo 
 With W'.uNwniiiiiT, LiKi-T. RifiiAHi), U.S.N., Arotio 
 Azimuth Tables for Parallels between 70° and 80° 
 Pub. by U.S. (iovt. Wash.. IsSl, Svo. 
 Sehroeter, Fredcrio. Homoeopathic Poultry 
 Physician, I'hila., 1S7S, 
 Schlickers, J. >V. 1. Brief Account of the Fi- 
 nances and Paper Money of the Revolutionary War, 
 Phila., 1874, Svo. 2. Finances: Panics ami Specie Pay- 
 ment,s Phila., 1874, Svo. 3. The Life and Public Services 
 of Salmon Portland Chase, United States Senator and 
 Governor of (Ihio, Secretary of the Treasury, and Chief 
 Justice of the United States: to which is added the 
 Eulogy on .Mr. Chase delivered by William .M. Evarts 
 before tho Alumni of Dartmouth College, Juno 24 1S74 
 X. York, 1S74. ' 
 •'His book i.siittlomore than a skeleton narrative of the 
 public career ol his subject."— .Vo/isn, xi.x. ;W3. 
 4. Tho (Juestion of the Resumption of Specie Pay- 
 ment!! Stated and Explained, I'hila., IS70, l2nio. 
 Schuctte, Ilev. Conrad Herman Lewis, b. 
 LS4:'., at Viirrc!, German; ; graduated at Capitol liii- 
 versity, Columbne, 0., Ison. ami at the theological de- 
 partment ISO,'); professor (d' mathematics and natural 
 science since 1872 ; profcs.«or of e.hics in the theological 
 department since IsSl; editor of the Columbus Theo- 
 logical Magazine since ISSO. I. The Church .Member's 
 2. The State, the 
 Manual, Columbus, 1870, 16mo. 
 Church, and the .School, lS8;i. 
 Schiietz-Wilson. See Wii.sox. 
 Sehillte, John. Roman Catholicism, Old and New, 
 and Infallibility, Ontario, Is77. or. Svo. 
 Nchulte, .Mrs. .Mart Jemima, b. 1847, in Liver- 
 pool, Eng,; daughter of Evan .MoC(dl ; niariied, IssI, 
 to I'rof. Otto Henry Schulte, of Hasbrouck Institute, 
 Jersey City, N.J. Bide a Woe, ond other Poems, Buf- 
 falo, iS70. 
 Schultze, Leonora. (Trans.) The Speaking Par- 
 rots ; a Scientific Manual, by Dr. Karl Russ, Lon., 1S84. 
 p. Svo. 
 iSchumachcr, Gottlieb, C.E. I. Across the Jor- 
 dan; being an Exploratiim and Survey of I'art of Hau- 
 ran and Jaiilan : with Additi(m3 by Laurence Oliphant 
 and (luy L'tstrange. (Palestine Exploration Fund.) 
 Illiist. Lon., 188,0, p. Svo. 2. (Trans.) Tho Jaulan: 
 Surveyed for the (ierman Society for the Exjiloration of 
 tho Holy Land. Illust. and .Maiis. Lon., 18SS, cr. Svo 
 Hehumacher, II. A. I'ctrus Martyr, N. York,' 
 Schumann, V. .Manual of Heating and Ventila- 
 tion in their Practical Application, N. York, IS7S ]"mo 
 Schurmun, Jacob Gould, .M.A., D.Sc, b. Is:.4," 
 at Freetown, Prince Edward Island ; graduated at Lon- 
 don University 1877; professor of English literature in 
 Dalhousie Odiege 1SS2-80, and professor of philosophy 
 at Cornell University since I.S-*4. 1. Kantian EtIiiJs 
 I and the Ethics of Evolution : a Critical Study, Lon., 
 1881, Svo. 2. The Ethical Import of Darwinism. N 
 York, 1887, 12mo. 
 Schurz, Carl, [ante, vol. ii., add.,] b. 1S29, at Lib- 
 lar, Prussia; educated at Cologne and Bonn; took pait 
 in the revolutionary movement of 1848; removed to 
 the United States in lt,J2; practised law; was major- 
 general of volunteers in tho civil war, U.S. senator from 
 .Mis.souri 1807-75, secretary of the interior 1877-80, and 
 afterwards editor of the New York Evening Post till 
 1884. I. The Neiv South, X.York, ISS5, Iflmo. 2. Life 
 of Henry Clay, ("American Statesmen,") Bost., 18s7, 
 2 vols. I6mo. 
 ".More than any other of the biographers o'' the series 
 he approaches the life which he narrates ficjm the twofold 
 point of view ol history and practical politics. . . . In this 
 Ijook we have, therelore, what is really a political 
 "»•.;■ ",■;'"."";- -"^"-"■■i-, ,»iiiivi3 iedii^ It iKMiiK'ul history 
 ol the Lnitcd .'■lates. based upon the public life of Henry 
 Clay. . . . Hut Us literary merit is equally Kreat. . . . It is 
 a true biography, written in a style which carries the 
 reader along by the very in .erest of the narrative."- .Yd- 
 Win, xUv. 0,-iO. 
 .Schuster, Lady Isabella Emma Elizabeth, 
 daughter of the lifth Earl of Orkney; married, 1858, to 
 S. L. Schuster, of the Grange, Leatherhead, Surrey, (d. 
 1884.) Hands, not Hearts, Lon., 1S78, cr. Svo. 
 Schuyler, Aaron, LL.D., [„nie, vol. ii., add.,] pres- 
 ident of Baldwin University, Ohio, 1875-85, and since 
 then vice-pres.dcnt and professor of mathematics iit 
 I Kansas Wesleyan University. 1. Principles of Lcic. 
 j Cin., ISOO, 12mo. 2. Complete Algebra, Cin., IS7(i, 
 l2nio. 3. Ray's Surveying and Navigation : with Pre. 
 ^ liminary Treatise on Trigonometry and .Mensuration, 
 Cin., 1S7.3, Svo. 4. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 
 and Mensuration and Logarithmic Tables, Cin., 1875, 
 8v , 5. Elements of (Jeiunetry : with Exercises for 
 Students and Introduction to .Modern (feometry, Cin., 
 1S70, 12ino. 6. Enipiriciri ami Rational Psychology! 
 Cin., 1S82, 12mo. *' ' 
 Schuyler, Ilev. Anthony, S.T.D., b. 1810, at 
 Geneva, N.Y. ; graduated at Hobart College IS.'iO; prac- 
 tised law in Ithaca, N.Y.; ordained in the Protestant 
 Episcopal Church 1850 ; rector of (Jrace Church, Orange, 
 .V.J., since 1S08. Household Religion : Sermons, .\. 
 York, 1SS7. ' 
 Schuyler, Eugene, Ph.D., LL.D., [,(„ie, vol. ii., 
 add.,] 1840-18HO, b. at Ithaca, N.Y.; graduated at Yale 
 1S,)'J, and at Columbia Law School IsOli; entered tbo 
 U.S. diplomatic service 1806; held various consulships; 
 was secretary of legation at St. Petersburg 1870-70, 
 minister resident and consul-general to Greece, Servia. 
 and Rouinania lSS2-84,and appointed consul-general in 
 Egypt shortly before his death. I, Turkistan : Notes of 
 a .L.urney in l'^7;i in the Rus.-ian Pruvinue of Turkistan, 
 the Khanates of Khokan and Bokhara, and the Prov- 
 inces of Kuldja. Maps and Illust. N. Y'ork, 1870, 2 
 vols. er. Svo. 
 ,. " •^" excellent knowledge of the Ru.«8lan language and 
 1 ' "".'■ ,1' *V'!lc reaciiing aciiuaiiiUince among the official 
 Lla.s.s ol Russia, gave -Mr. Schuyler command of fae'llties 
 beyonrl those of most traveller,'-; and while his .■,,i,«„inr i 
 e.\|ierieiice iimy he MipiKp.-ed |„ have titt, l.i, ■ r, . ■ , 1 
 inK the ,mlitlcf,l „n,l' nMnnuMTi U as ee . of' i^^' I; f,! I 
 prohleins, his imtioiialily eiial,led liin I , exere Is^. nn ? , 
 i;""x"i^,T """'' ''"'^'^' '""'' '''^ in " i^^iiciai,"-:;-;- 
 "Mr. .«ehuyler, by travel ami adventure hv iiiterennrs,. '■ 
 witli various ehisses of p,.,,,,!,. a,,,! hv i iV i.L f ^ .v ^ 
 doe.,n,ent,s. u,„.i|hlishe,l re'ennls „ f .vale let ha 
 iirndueed two vounies which for sr)iii ■ li,,,.' i "-'"-'^^ '"'■■' 
 fairly ra„k as wurks „f conshu: " 'nT,' ee , ' ^rZ-^iU, ^ 
 wliieli 11.1 l-.imhshinaiisuniild let'iird will ,,i,r „i I' , " ' 
 yetwhieh lew eaii «,„,n,aeh wi^l^liriVr^llldllle:"!^^;^' vS! ' 
 , Jl ^f ■■"•'?•) Tlie cossneks, by Count Leo T»„y, I,on 
 IS„S 2 vol. p. Svu; X. i-ork, 1 vol. l2ii,o. ;i l-e," 
 the (.re;.t, Kmperur of Russia: a Study of Ili.toriott 
 liiogriiphy. IMust. X. York. Iss4, L> voN ,Svo 
 ■•In the work before us tliere is no rouiideil oirinn. ,.f 
 either I'eier, his nation. ,,r ids li,,,,. i,, , |.. !r i',,' ,' . " 
 nn.l his time are made o ,„ ss I ' ,Ve ' in^^rV ":!■■ 
 tudes, aetions, and stages, in el r. ol, [o,. ' 'r' ^", "" 
 reader is left ,o jnd,aM7,,d\.m.,w; '".^' ;'i I; „!'''! .'^^^ 
 belore him an iinnuMise literature f'n n, w , , , ", V 
 materials. . . . lie has availed iis,.|',r ,, '"'**' 
 memoirs, diaries, correspondenee, and reH.i' s , f a? 'ki, iJ 
 «ii amount of pariienl,[rs snllieient o Ki ' a f, , ss /,^ 
 eaeh separate snhdivisini, <,f l,is snlMe,•l^ln,| va t 'm,, , 
 leielii lie hoth the strennth am the weakness ,.f\ir 
 Nduiyler's work The .livision un, ,rr n^em . , r' ': 
 matter are, excelleiil, and Ihere is „ider i U e ,lL a I 
 svmmetrv in the parts; hiit the fulness o f h . ,, r m,!^ .! 
 the whofe heavy though eleariiess is every vher,', re 
 iv;.ct«to"'lwS"' '"'""^ ""^ '^-'^ - "-' valuab^^^ 
 "The author is more at home in th<> nraetieal d,.inii= 
 and hiLsiness of diplomaev ilian in thL lied , r i ■ 
 ffuitium. ills hook' is niai\dy ah ble fori e i, uVI? 
 Schuyler, George >Vashiiigtoii,, b I 
 V i iw'^if ' ^■^■' g™'""'^"' "t the University of Xew 
 18b3-65 and he d nuious other State offices. Colonial 
 f^I, ^''vUls. 8vo.'" '"'''""■ '""' •"' ^''"""^'' ^- ^"'^' 
 ■'This faithful study of an nneestralline throws «stp,„„r 
 lijtht ii,H,n the .soli.i virtues of the I)i tel Vjun 1 ■■> of r 
 commonwealth, and deserves the pra .'e of a 1 n'Jw VoVl' 
 erswho are proud of the truth that Ho llaii lis a n eouai 
 Schuyler, John. Institution of the .Society of the 
 riueuinati : forme.l by the Officers of the AnieH, n 
 Army of the Kevolution, IIHS, N. York, ISS,^ i vot 
 Schiynb, Moses. (Trans.) The Talmud of .Jeru- 
 salem : translated for the First Time into English ■ v ,, 
 ... The Ireatise of Beralcboth, (Blessings,) Lon., m:,', 
 Schwartz, J. •!. W. 1. The Morning of a bovo 
 and her I'oe.ns, Lon., bvS5, p. Svo. 2. .Nivalis: a 
 Tr'!,?o1r '" p!"' 'J"'*' {-""•' ' ''*^''- «'■• «"• :i- Julian : a 
 nets Loi ' ' '*^"- ■*■ ^ ^'""'*'"f '^"°- 
 Schwatka, Frederick, b. bS4D. at (ialena, III.; 
 graduated at the U.S. Military Academy 1871, and held 
 a commission as lieutenant of cavalry till 18S4' eon- I 
 dueled an expedition te search for traces of Sir John ' 
 Franklin s party 187S-S(l, t.xplored the con- e of the 
 IhT \ li '^ '^-'i- ""'' """'■■"""'•"I «» expedition to 
 Alaska for the !^ew York Times in l,^' ,6. I. Ninirod in 
 the Nor h ; or, Hunting and Fishing Adventures in the 
 Arctic Uegions. lllust. N. York, 1885, 4to. 2. Along 
 Alaska s Oreat Rivci : a Popular Account of the Alaska 
 ixploring txnedition of 188;i along the Ureat Yukon 
 liner, from its feource to its Mou'.U in the liritish Xo:th- 
 K Yo^rMsr'tvo '" "-^-^'""■^' "f ••^'-^- i""3t. 
 M r 7v^' ♦re'^Be .n. The Electric Hath: 
 McMhcal I scs nn.l Appliance.-, .V. York, I,s77, lllmo 
 schweiiiit^, Ediiiiiiid Ale.vaiidcr de, .s.T D 
 [«../.•, vol. .,., add.,] ls...-,-|,ss7. I. Some .d' the Fathers 
 ot he American Moravian Church, liethlehem, KS.Sl. 
 s:;yrLKh,;:h!:, 1^. ''■"'''■'''=■"- «-^"-'-^ 
 Schueildlcr, Louis. Instructions for Tesline 
 Telegraph Lines, a„,l the Techni,.al Arraiigcinen "^ 
 Offices : wnttei, .m liehalf of the (iovernnient of India 
 un, er the Onlers ,,f the Director-General of Tel egrnX; 
 in India, Lon., I,s78-S(i, •> vols sv,, b'"(oi.T 
 Sridmore, Miss E. Huhaiiiah. Alaska its 
 ^T;::.titr' '"^ ^"""" '^-"'""'"«''- ^"-^ 
 Sclater, Philip Lntley, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S . 
 l'n,>,-, vol. 11., add.,] edit.,r of Ibis. I. A .Vaturali t's 
 utl.Birds, ((ialbuhdio and liuconi.lie.) Parts I -VI 
 L,,n IS8„. 4to. 3 (Ed.) Catalogue of Animals of 
 1 /r,^ ,'""•■"' '"■ Fiiunula Americana, Lou., IS,S2 Svo 
 4. (Ld.) lorster's Animals of JIu.lson's Pay, Lon., Ls,s2' 
 fn.miC L^^-.' .l^l'Sl^V"'" '^'■"i'l'-'losioal Memoirs n ..he British Museum: vol. xi., I'asseriformes • 
 iiigi lilorioes. l-artn., vol.xiv., Pas'seriformes , ( lU 
 goni.No.he. Lon l,s,s6-s.s,,sv„. With, W. IL, 
 Argentine Ornithology : a Descriptive Catalogue of the 
 F,^::?!J::'5^^»!i;;j,4;-^^--'"f ^oicnceana 
 \o'!cl"l"''''''is"Ir.f"'', •*'«"• 1- "'^■■» 15<^l"*v: a 
 jFaiiacies,/. vo,.o n-;;::T^,^:;^i:rr:tio:;^ 
 ' iv^io 1 E pe i^uce;:i.;Vr ^.is "i^^Z^^^;^ .1!;-"' 
 ,".•;"';« '•'"ev. S. K. Hidden Sunbeams Real 
 i ["sfl I'l'mo" ""''" ^'^'"° "'"'"" ■'^■"'' ^'"'^^ i-hilu"! 
 j Scolliird, Clinton, b. ISiin. at ninton NY- 
 'graduated at Hamilton College l^h ; a.s,ss" nt'orofo' 
 sor ot rhetoric an.i literature in Hamilton Co eg^K " 
 1. I'ictures in Song, N. York, l,s,M, 2. With 
 th^vl'r<' "'• ""1'"S»«- '• I'ublic Schools and 
 he I ubiic .^ervice Lon.. I.s7.^, r. Svo ; 2d ed., 1,S77. 2 
 ^volMd'e.l.l^Lss;'""' "^ ^'"8"^°'^ ^'=""'' I"">- '^■'^". ".■ 
 Trf","","?' "r- "'"'«"> Dalton, graduated at 
 n^,i; V *.''""•' '■""""■■* ^■'"'^'■- " Tragedy, in 
 Lngli.di \eise, Liin,, l.S7y, Linio. ^ 
 Scoreshy-Jnckson. See Jackso.v. 
 rlcdrHiV,.;^- "frVl'^'-'n "■^'"'".''■i '^''"' •^^'^"i'^^ -^ Com. 
 tte liistoi.v .,1 their Open an.l Secret Procee.lings from 
 he Poun.lation o the Order to the Present Time^ 'J™ld 
 ..the. berman People by Theodor Griesinger. Lon!^ 
 The Family of Kiver Farm, Lon., 
 wtu'^^", C''''''"i» of 'he Cold, N. York, 1SS6, 12mo. 
 iV« ,"o "' '""'''''' "'' ^""Ser and Adventure, liost., 
 iooS, 12:110. ' 
 Scott, Agnes 
 l'-'^^', p. .-<vo. 
 Scott, .Miyor-Gen. Alexander De Courcv 
 .E., retired l,s82. London Water: a Review t'^ho 
 Metropolitan System, Lon., 1S,'<4, cr 8vo 
 Scott, Henjamin, F.R.A.S.. [o„^.,'vol. ii., second 
 •.N^l.'-4tr"' ''-^ ' '^^^ ' ^""^""^ «"" "'■ i'-^""-, Lon., 
 IS.^if'c^'sJ;''* '"''"' ^™""'™ of Sheep. Farming, Lon., 
 Scott, Cecil. Kate's New Home, Lon., 1872, 18mo. 
 Scott, Kev. Charles, M.A., era.luated „t (iu„en'- 
 St'^Paor^y'ir 'r'^'''''V ''^'''"■'^''''■^7'''- '"'="'"bentof 
 C eed^ , l' . "' VT i'""- '• ''^""'« Account of the 
 All rt '^i'""/ i;"^ ^'- P'""'=l'' Dublin, 1872. 2. The 
 Ald.ey Church of Bangor, Belfast, 1882 
 of u':e"(!,',th,''.7"'fh'^- A"''"'""- "^''fi'"". Apostlo 
 Ch, h . F-"";' "'"' "" Account of the Gothio 
 c!:ridge:f88i,''r.v':!'='"^' '""•^^»" •-^^ '^-^■') 
 U I; 
 In!! '.'■' ',".'"''' "'"" "■"^' '"•'"'""'■o lie has succoodcil fn tlirow- 
 l-Mi I*',', i"!'.,!'"?,","";," ■'"'I' "'^" '."'"'"i-si'rwiM.lars like 
 „,**.*^*^"» Charles >'e\vtoii. 1. The IWcglcMims of 
 Uiristmnity : an Kssuy on the KcligiouH Jlisloiv of An- 
 tu,uit>- I.on W7, ,,. Svo. 1'. l.yries and Elegies, 
 Jion., issil, 121110. 
 Scott, Cloinciit Williuiii, b. ISII, in London- 
 son ot Ucv. Williiiin >Si:ol(, /,,/,•» ,. was ediiratcd at 
 JMiirlboroiigli College, and becaiiic a clerk at the War 
 Oflice in IsliO. lie eontribiited to several of the London 
 liajiers, niul on retiring fi i the eivil service In IS71I 
 joined the staff of the Daily Telegraph as diamntic 
 critic, bceoiiiiiig also editor of the Theatre in I88II. Ho 
 has ada|dcd plays from the French for the London 
 theatres. 1. Urawing-Uo.Mii I'lays and I'arloiir Panto- 
 niinies. Collected by .Aliiiaviva. Lon., IsdU, p. 8vo • 
 new ed., 1871. 2. Koun.l about the Islands; or, Sunny 
 Pjiots near Home, Lon., 1S7:!, 8vo. 
 «, .,'5'','^'"!}-'"'""''" f''i''J,'«'i's descriptive of many of the 
 ?lvii lllr! "''""* "' '^"«''""1 '""1 Ireland."-.i>c(./n("r, 
 3. ],ays of a Londoner, Lon., 7882, or. Svo; new ed., 
 18>.>. .|. Poems for Hecitation, Lon., l8S:i, 12ino 5 
 loppy-Land Papers : .lescriptive of Scenery on the East 
 ,'':'J''.i"'"" '■'"'''' '•""'• "• '-''y' ""^' ^yr'e>, Lon., 
 lo.'-N, INnio. ' 
 o. 1*^"^'' ?• ?• ^ '"'""'' O^tUaa History of the United 
 States, N. York, I8sii, I2ino. 
 Scott, Eben (Jrceiiough, 1. The Development 
 of Constitutional Liberty in the English Colonies of 
 America, X. York, 1SS2, Svo. 2. Commcntaiies upon 
 he Interstate System of Pennsylvania ; 2d od., Phila., 
 lS8i, Svo. ' 
 Scott, Edu-nrd. 1. The Art of Waltzing and 
 (»uidc to the liall-Uoom, Lon,, 1885, Ifimo. 2. (3race 
 and lolly : or, Dancing and Dancers, Lon., 1887, 12mo; 
 2d ed., 1SS8. ' 
 Scott, Edward Benjaiiiin. The Shin-Owner's ' 
 Iclegraphic Code; 2d ed., eiil., Lon., 1880, Svo I 
 Scott, Edward John Long, M.A., graduated at 
 Lincoln College, U.vlord, lsf)2: keeper of manuscripts 
 and ivlgerton librarian, British Museum. (Trans ) The 
 Eclogues of Virgil, translated into English Verse, Lon., 
 1884, 12mo. 
 Scott, F. J. The Light of Life ; Sermons preached 
 at lewkesbury. Second Series. Lon., 1881, ]2mo 
 ., ^?,"".' r'„ !**«'<««»• The Place of Shelley among 
 the English Poets of his Time, Lon., 1878, Svo 
 Scott, Frank J. Suburban Home Grounds, and 
 Uest Modes of Laying Out, Planting, and Keeping Deco- 
 rated (,round.s. Illust. X. York, 1871, 8vo: new ed., 
 with title "The Art of Beautifying Suburban Home 
 (Jrounds of Small Extent," ISMi. 
 '^''ll"' Ji^edcrick Cie-jrge. The Soul's Quest, 
 and other Poems, Lon., ISss, fp. Svo. 
 Scott, George F. H, Theodore, and other Poems, 
 Scott, Sir George Gilbert, R.A., F.S.A., [auie, 
 vol. 11., add.,] ISI 1-1878. He was knighted in Is72 a.s 
 architect to the National Memorial to Prince Albert 
 1. Lectures on the Rise and Development of Mediiuvaf 
 Architecture : delivered at the Royal Aeailemy. Illust 
 Lon., 1879, 2 vjis. Svo. ^ 
 "The real place which wc believe that Sir Gilbert i^colt's 
 lectures may successfully claim i„ the educatioii of the 
 man whether profes.sioiial or amateur, who "sires ,, 
 atuuire a scieiitilie knowledge of ICiigli.sli arcl Itecture 
 w-ifl be that (dthe second essential book, iie.xt to 1 c m is^ 
 SfeluiclMi"; T"'^ technical manual, 'it will 1 ' re n - 
 mended to the learner as the supplement which he w 1 
 reqinro in order to freshen up aiu/iive life ai ,1 m en le 
 to the drier details of whatsoever text-book he mavlmve 
 xlv^ltWO."" ' groundwork of his studies.--"",'/, 'j^.,'; 
 2. Personal and Professional Recollectior >. E.lited 
 by his Son (} Gilbert Scott, F.S.A. With an Intro.luc- 
 T 7-,'"' ^"y ^^<'*'- •'"'"> ^^''lli'"ii Burgon, B.D. 
 L(jn., Is79, Svo. 
 th'iVvohimn will''nr''''' '^'•"f^"'^ ?"""'■' profes-sioiinl lal.curs, 
 nan's f» 1, Prove of service ; as the story of a good 
 mans life, it has iiiueli to interest; but the iileaviire i>f 
 iS^lS i^llv?;,^"!'^ r",V^ l'y.the antag^Inislfc'p:^ u™ 
 so irLquentlj assumed by the writer."— .s>j('du/oc, 111. l(M«. 
 .^. hngli,!, CImrch Architecture prior to the Separa- 
 tion ol England from Pome. Lon., 1881 fol 
 Scott, Graham. The Sandcliff V stery : aNov'el 
 Lon., 1888, cr. Svo. ' 
 Scott, II. T. Counsel to a Young Wife, Lon., 1870, 
 ( Scott, Henry >V. Kansas Probate Law and Prao. 
 tice: for Attorneys, Executors, Administrators, ,Vc., To. 
 poka, 18S7, Svo. 
 Scott, Hew. Fasti Ecclesiro Sooticana? ; Succession 
 of Ministry from 1560. Parts I.-V. Lon., 1871, 4to 
 ,, ^V,"l' /'t l'''''"-''P'e8 of New Testament Quotation 
 Established, Lon., is;.'), j,. Svo. 
 Scott, J. Cranford. 1. Arthur Jessic.son ; a \ovel 
 Lon., IS7S, 2 vols. p. Svo. 2. The Swinlons „f Wan- 
 dale: a Novel, Lon., 1S78, a vols. p. Svo. ;i. Elsneth • 
 a Drama. Lon., 1880. i ' • 
 T ^l^"}\' "'.' '■'• ''"'"' "iinchback of Carriginore; an 
 Irish laic, Lon., 1877, 12mo; new ed., KSsii 
 « t'^'i" o'r"'* •^'•. ''''."' •'^■"'■'."■'' "I' Angus and .Mearns : 
 Scotch Ueformation. Paisley, ISSfi, p. Svo. 
 Scott, J. H. The Family Guide to Brussels, Lon 
 ISi I, p. Svo. 
 Scott, Kev. J. W. The Dove : a I'arody on " The 
 Haven," Phihi., Is7:!. 12nio. 
 r'*i'"'h"'iJ'".?'* '■eoi'Se, b. 1837; formerlv captain 
 o. the 5th Fusileers. 1. The Barman: his 'Life and 
 Notions. By Shway Yeo. [pseud.] Lon., 1882 "vols 
 p. Svo. 2. France and 'Tongking: a Narrative of the 
 ( aiiipaign of Iss 1 and the Occupation of Further India : 
 with Mai) and Plans, l,on,, 1SS5, Svo, 
 , "-\,,!'"'le<'tion of a-iifics written at diflerent times and 
 ndillcrent places When, bc.wever, the I, ,.?,""« 
 taken by lliemselves there is no ,,,11 Wr »nv 1 i, , Im 
 praise. They lone . , , all the life an, eo r • ?cl is 
 on y to be louml n Ihc reports .d' an eye-wi less o 
 tlioiraigh y cmipeleiit to estimate all hi' sees at its riirl t 
 value. Mr, .Scolfs kio.wledu-e of liidn-clii m is , r,,bablv 
 .s','/,"i?"'.','-iix.'7V.i;^ '"•' '"" ''"' '"""-' "'■ '"^ "''' ''''"'''''""- 
 3, Burma as it Was, as it Is, and as it Will Be, Lon 
 IsSb, cr. Svo. ■' 
 "Mr. Scott claims to have covered the whole L'rouiid 
 and, as there is „ol,o,ly ,.oi,ipeteiU to critic se I h,i ex"tnt 
 liinise f, we shall not presiniie to sjiv how far 1 e las su? 
 ceeded. What, however, may be aiserlcd with sol te 
 Si'iiiiiiki^^j;;;! ^J:z^^!^" " ""^^'^^ -"""^'^. -^ 
 Scott, James Ilenat, F,S,A. Memorials of the 
 Family of Scott of Scot's Hall in the County of Kent. 
 Illust. Lon., 1S7(), imp. 4to. 
 "The author of this line work hasnot.sparedeitbernains 
 i 1 snf n™''''"'^'* "■■ ^''■'V"^'-' '" thewaySiwhicl tiR. re- 
 fcult.s of those researches have been piil-befoie the reader 
 . . .It i.s superfluous t,) recommend it to the ii,, i,e of 
 English biographers and county liist.aiai s, r t cm it 
 becomes, by reason of the tlioroughlv j:ei i ii,e a l"lis 
 ne'essi?^"l^;V;,N^,;!iM" " ''"^ ^'^'^"'vrS, allnost a 
 Scott, Rev'. John,' D.D„ b, 1820, in Washington 
 .1 "iu'Vu' ';'.'"™''=J privately; entered the ministry of 
 the Methodist Protestant Church 1842, and was e,litor 
 ?' , 7"'!"\''''''g'""8 juurnals. 1. Pulpit Echoes; or. 
 Brief Miscellaneous Discourses, Cin., 187:). 2. The Land 
 of Sojourn ; or. Sketches of Patriarchal Life and Times : 
 with Introduction by A. Clarke, Pittsburg. Pa isso 
 12iiio. ° ■' ' 
 Scott, John, lalo professor of agriculture and rural 
 economy at the Royal Agricultural College. Cirencester. 
 I. Ihe Farm Valuer, Lon,, 1878, p. Svo. 2. Rents and 
 Purchases; or, The Valuation of Landed Propertv, Lon 
 18, 9, p. svo. 3. Farm, Fences, and (iates :"a Prac- 
 tical Treatise on the Roads, Tram-Ways, and Water- Wavs 
 of the !• arm, the Principles of Enclosures, Ac, (" Weale's 
 I ng . a I ractical Ireatise, (" Wcale's Ser.," Lon., lss;i 
 I 12mo. J. Irrigation and Water-Supiily : a Practical 
 Treatise on Water Meadows, Sewage Irrigation, Warp- 
 ing, Ac, (' Weale's .Ser.,") Lon., 1>8,3, 12iik,. Ii. Ba n 
 Implements and Machines : Treating of the Application 
 Ton S9. ,.''" OPf'ion-' of Agriculture.' Illust. 
 Tr,;;;. ' i "'!; ■J,- ^'"'■° «"ilJi"K''^^ " Practical 
 Ireatise on the Buildings necessary for the Various 
 rl 1,? . °f '■"'",«',">"'• ,A'-™ngement and Construction,, ("Weale's Ser.") Lon., 18S4, 12mo. 8. Agri- 
 cultural Surveying: a on Land Surveying, 
 Lev,dling, and Setting-Out, Lon,, 1884, l2mo, ft, Fiehi 
 Impleinents and Machines: a Practical Treatise on the 
 \ arieties now in Use, Ac, Lon., 1884, 12m,). 10, Farm 
 EngincTring Illust, Lon., ISS4, 12mo, (This com- 
 prises .nos. , to inclusive,) With Morton, J, C, The 
 m iff ? m"™' ^.""•' '•'*'2. P- •'<vo. With ScovT, C„ 
 .tt!'t''if,,'{';8i:- ,!'8t.""'"''^' ^^^'"'"s'""-'' ^- 1'- 
 to't^**„'f' "!",''"' n"'"^- "•'^- (T™"^> The Regimen 
 to be adopted in Cases of Gout, by W, Ebstein, Lon., 
 (iuil,l. Ill'u«t. Totm^ llT^'y "' ""-• '^-vn an.l 
 Ncott, llev. JoM-,,1 j,i'i 7,-. 
 Chester, 187!., l2Mm; ncnt '!| issj" ^ 'VUh .\u.e., Mun- 
 "»d other Uhyn,os «t. "ouis Iss i'"""-"' 'i"""*!"". 
 Uuok of Ch,.isti„„' 1.; i, e", i'' St • '?"'"; -■ "'""1- 
 KnSVin?; Un?18"74''2^r"s^'''""«^'-' -'" Civil 
 voir ' '^*' "^ ^"'»- 8>'"! new eU., Issl, i 
 ISSU";,^"""'^- '"■">; or, Hi„„e,„.Un, Phil,.., 
 to Hon. Joseph ( ,n t«l le M.V^ «"■''' """'"••■''' "■'■'. 
 X,^.ri^'''°- "" ""'Si:;:''. ^^t^tSi;^: 
 -S-|^^'<-- ■-:■-•"'"'"" ""- 
 •scon'' R- f'-'^.T- .',;;"•' ''^■'' i^u-o:'- '■""• 
 Poe,n"'L'„'n."rs^:-;:?^::„/ ^'"■"l-'"-«pHng: a Pri.e j 
 J^i, ReUna. Edith : a Novel, Lon., ,SS5, . vols, j 
 Scott, Robert Henry, P R s f r s r . i 
 "•, add.,] b. If<:!;i in MnhUn ' V ." '^•''■^■' I"""; vol. 
 logical Council. The dai " ""T''^\"^ ""■■ •'^''"'"'■•o- I 
 London papers' are prepa ed rde^h "T^''^" '" "'« 
 , '^Jrlij-^ir;^;^'!.:!^,,;^,!^';"^ nt """ '"■"""-• ^" 
 school of art IhiT." ,1,1, '''""" ^■^■">-' •" establish a 
 trade, and so„,e J^,n':';;l r' : evllll^l^^ Vr "T"'^ "^ 
 "IKS. ft series illu-tratin.' (,,. h^ . ■" "^""^ l'"'"'" 
 {'o.-der. n, «-ellin«;:,ri,' I .'"-VrS' M -, l'"', '•';i«"-^" 
 London, where he wi- .|<...,.i.,, , ,"' ' '•'nfH.v in 
 i.e Iirotherh„oj;\r, il^r;;'" s^ " ,! " ''--'i''P^a"l. 
 under the education huard II,. I,., . ■'.' ''■^■"'""er 
 to periodi-Mls. and 1 ■, o,i V,. I ''■'\f^^"""i''"ted larKelv 
 of F -eneh Art : or. "e i .«',rf ' ' ' {m""' '^'- '• "'^"'■^ 
 >^rO, Jto. ■'. .M„ lern el"- , ,"I^;"' .' '"'<«n.phs, !,„„., 
 B-l.l-= -i.h-K;n::W',.^r't"a;!^''i y'"'-L '''"'to- 
 I'om .Nature, sJnet e '';, '7'^ ^,""'''^' ■'"""^•-^ 
 -;"Mance rather t^n,,!':;,- XZi:!^}'^i:z:i;::):^,z 
 I'-eri2!!":iU:"tn''lrT^"i,"'' ^^-X- "''h 
 ("Ore,.t .-Vrtists,", ";; ''iV-/ J'' '''"'« •^'''■'"=". 
 3To"^™^' '"'■'""'"a' I'ofm 
 M.:,>S;;"eon,,'e^v^s-.Sni;/'"^ "-^"'^'l 'I'C iMtolIeotual 
 <,'.' torn,. Co,',..: ,',i,';r, /^ '« i'i ['"I'V."",' !" '■.,.,sidorat,on 
 -I"- l";oir.v l,„s ,i„t htJi ,'e .0 ve,i S^ ","■" ^""^tancl. 
 \v,„p„th.v It doHTves.''- irt '■v,^'!,^i"' "'lytliing like the 
 SeOlllleli. Hot I .■'*.;"^''- 
 Renuiiie Idylls."-.!^,;., xxi. 
 iii.,, Lon.fisstsvo*! ' ^■■'''' ""'' ^1"'P""^nt , vol. 
 of 1n?"'cf;:,*^,i;'^3'"-^ ''"' """"S the Villages 
 i8frp!*8 Jfr.?d., i'.?ft ^'-^"^'^ ^'f« "^ •^-«. r-., 
 Bun'I": 1 o;.!'l«7l" l3i"" "' "" ^^»« P"'-'". Oreat 
 *i<|^"s^;.?;si^,^:j"'i^"t^,;^'^ ^''"- 
 Scott. Walter M i r !■' '*""' *"■"• 
 Oxford Copies of the Ha,.„ ?i ' ?. '^"'alogue of the 
 the Te.UsTf .Seveml IW i ""''".^'r'^' '"S*-'"""- ^^i"' 
 Notes, Oxf., I,S85, Svo '^^ "'"' ^""■«duetion an,l 
 I'olwar'th! b'*,i3>,"T,^'^''^"'"' *•'*«" ""--ou 
 ^•oniee, 18S8 ' "' *™- 2- The Cimorra in Venice, I 
 t«rc:lVerTi'asToT ? W ' ^""'%r'- "- ->"- •>« - ' 
 h. at St r„ 1 ' ^^■■■'''AM 15., add.,1 ISll-isgri I 
 ^«,tt e'„'gra^vr'"t eX t^' I "'^"•.«'' V ^"" "^ «' '' 
 V%-83 ' ""^ •'''"""ted at th8 Edinburgh High | 
 United I'resb^'er an (Su,r ."'■'^ 't "'""'''y "^ 'h-^ 
 fpring,, Presb'yte:y";,a,"r '•,,-, Vg«'-f f '''« B'« 
 he Pre..^b.vtery of Art-vie IsJn J i ,, "'^tory of 
 Lnitcl I'resb/torian c'luroh, SSl'- ^ ^""H"' "f '.''« 
 I History and Influence..-. I,>i85 J- Calvinism : its 
 I Sick : the Art':f 'tl>;:^"^:'Ck Ts^? !': ''° '^■- "- 
 Scratchley, Arllinr vi V >' ' """"• 
 I'. 1824; calle, oThe b , '„. 'Thf -f ^'"'t' ™'- "•' '^'•''■.] 
 Decisions in Idfe .■ l„,-.„,, , " ^I'"" ^""»l''« '''5,!. 1^ 
 The Law of Land Soeei ."„'"(' o"" '' '' ''■ ^™- 2' 
 •■Med., Lon., l.s8""svoVvf.l.iV' '"'■"'"'' Farming; 
 Law of liui ding .'^oc^eties wifh"J','"""'' ^- ^^'•' The 
 Lon., 1875. •"'"eties . with Uigest of Statutes, 
 gr'S'^J's^J^'s*!^,':^^' f'""? -'• "- '"llo] 
 :Sticklb,-d since 1876 1 \', '"'''T"';' "^' •• ^■'™'- "f 
 |ing, Lon., 1>67. ..^Bearint o"f"v "^ '^r""''^' ^""''■ 
 i Church, Bust., 187;/ "\^""S'>i Jsoncunfonnity to the 
 aceordingto8..M „hew An "^s-!"^' "" ""« ««'!'«• 
 ( Scribiier, Charles If t .■ 
 Dower- will, a , ■ ■ , J,* "eatise on the Law of 
 iN.^::^'"::^^;.^*'"""- ^^•'■-^^^Li,. begin? 
 ' wiu""uX^V* j;"i?:i;;,,]' ^"^(. %'%li^o^y Spirit: 
 I'ray for yoiir Children Pl.t 'l s„ l'^' f^\ ''"'": ?■ 
 for .<ouls, N. V„rk, 18,-" l",no ' "' ^""^ 
 niondsoy, .<urrev."ii,..,r„f"ii„V,", ""'>V^V' ''^'■*' "t Her- 
 en.lary l( E.^e...,'. ,e ^% '"tei'vu'r?"''''-' ''"'' P'^''" 
 , h ,,, ^. isV., .: . "'V'.'.'.^' P'''^"" of £100 

 and in iiid of tho publication of his works. 1. (Ed.) 
 Tho t'ftinbridjjo l'iiragrii|ili Bible of tlio Authorised 
 Eiij^lish Ver!<ion : with tho Text revised by a Cullution 
 of its Karly and other I'rinuipal Kditioni', CuiubriilKe, 
 IS'li, 410 ; Student's Kdition, IH75, U vols. -Ito. 2. Six 
 Populiir Lectures on tho Text of the New Tostiinient, I.on., 
 1871, |). 8vo. H. Index to Itisho]) Wordsworth's Commen- 
 tary on the Old Testament, Lon., IS77, r, Hvo. 4. (Ed.) 
 The Oreok Testament, according to the Text followed in 
 tho Authorised Version : with the Variations adopted in 
 tho Koviscd Version, Cambridge, IH(<|, cr. Xvo. b. Tho 
 Authorised Edition of tho English liiblo, (1611,) its 
 Subsequent Kcpiints and Modern Hoprosentatives: being 
 tho Introducticm to tho Cambridge Paragraph liiblo: 
 with Corrections and .\dditions, Cambridge, 1SS4, cr. 
 Svo. 6. (Ed.) Codex S. Cenddic I.atinus, in Ecolesia 
 Cathedral! Lichtioldiensi servatus, ,tc., Cambridge, 1887, 
 4to. 7. (Ed.) The I'arallel New Testament, Cireek and 
 English; being the .\uthorised N'ersion arranged in 
 I'arallel Columns with the Revised Version and with 
 tho Original Ureek, Cambridge, I8S8, cr. 8vo. 
 Kcniggs, Mrs. M. V., (" Elsie Earnest," pseud.) 
 Sketches, Host., 1 874, l2mo. 
 Scriitton, Thoniasi Edward, M.A., LL.B., b. 
 1856; graduated, lirst class .\Ior. Sci. Trip,, and senior 
 in Law Trip., at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1880 ; called 
 to the bar at the Middle Temple 1882; professor of con- 
 stitutional law and history at University College, Lon- 
 don, since 188,'i. 1. The Laws of Copyright: an Exami- 
 nation of the Principles which shouhl regulate Literary 
 and Artistic Projierty in England and other Countries, 
 (Yorko Prize Essay, 1882,) Lon., 188:i, 8vo. 
 "The plan Is well conceived and consistently oairled 
 out ; the statement is clear, ooriciso, accunito, and fresh. 
 . . . The theory of the absolute right Mr. .Scruttun dis- 
 misses with scant eerenioiiy."— ^/iic/d/or, Ivii. »87. 
 2. The Influence of the Roman Law on the Law of 
 England, (Yorke Prise Essay, 18S4,) Cambridge, 1885, 
 "A review of the amiable and groundless statements of 
 Mr. Kinlason, and of the m<ire serious arguments of Mr. 
 Coote and .Mr. .Seebohm, . . . leads him to the negative 
 conclusion that, except in the narrow field of written 
 documents, there is little trace of direct Roman influence." 
 — Acad., XXX. US. 
 3. The Contract of Affreightment as expressed in 
 Chartor-Parties and Bills of Lading, Lon., 1886, Svo. 4. 
 Land in Fetters; or. The History and Policy of the 
 Laws restraining the Alienation and Settlement of Land 
 in Englanil, Cambriilge, 1886, Svo. 5. Commons and 
 Common Fields; or, Tho History and Policy of tho Laws 
 relating to Commons and Enclosures in England, Cam- 
 bridge, I8S7, Svo. ; 
 " The first part of tho essay deals chiefly with the cur- 
 rent theories of the origin of commoners' rights in ICiig- 
 laiul Mr. Hcrutton seems to prefer the view that they 
 began in almost every case with an actual grant from a 
 Norman land-owner. . . . The second part of the work . . . 
 contains a lucid and well-sustained account of the ixilicy 
 of the legislalion and the practice of the land-owners with 
 regard to enclosures. Mr. .Scrutton has studied the subject 
 thoroughly."— r. lii.TO.s : Acad., xxxiii. ir>3. 
 Scrutton, \\. Tho Birthplace of Charlotte Brontej 
 2d ed., Lon., 1884, r. 32mo. 
 Scryingeour, Uev. Edward Phillips, gradu- 
 ated at Oriel College, Oxford, ISliS; ordained 1S6S; 
 curate of ,St. John's, Marylebone, since 187U. The 
 Doctrine of the ; a Contribution to the Theory of 
 the Christian Life, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 Scudainore, Frank Ives, C.B., [mire, vol. ii., 
 add.,] 1823-1884, was secretary to tho General Post- 
 Offioe, London, 180(»-7o, and superintendent of the 
 Turkish Post-Oflice, Constantinople, 1875-84. 1. Day- 
 Dreanis of a Sleepless Man. Lon., 1875, I2mo. 2. 
 France in the East : Contributions towards the Eastern 
 Question, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 Scudamure, Kev. William Edward, [ante, 
 vol. ii., add.] 1. Notitia Eucharistioa: Commentary on 
 the Order of Administration of the Lord's Supper ac- 
 cording to the Church of England, Ac., Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 2. Incense for the Altar, Lon., 1874 ; 2d ed., 1S75, 32mo. 
 3. The Diocesan Synods of tho Earlier Church, Lon., 
 1S78, Svo. 
 Scudders E!isha« [ante. vol. ii., .idd.,] 
 was editor of the Riverside Magazine for Young People 
 1867-70, and in 18',)0 succeeded T. B. Aldrich as editor 
 if the Atlantic Monthly. He is editor of the " Ameri- 
 can Commonwealths" Series and other works published 
 by Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1. The Oame of Croquet : 
 its Appointment and Laws. By a Fellow. N. York, 
 1868. 2. Doings of tho Bodlcy Family in Town and 
 Country. Illust. N. York, 1S7,7, 4to. 3. Tho Dwell- 
 ers in FivoSistors Court, N. York, 1876, lOmo. 1. 
 (Ed.) Men and Manners in America One Hundred 
 Years Ago, N. York, IS76, l2mo. ,'). (Ed.) Recollec- 
 tions o"" iamuel Brook r with Passages from his Notc- 
 Book.s, (1771-1862,) I'hila., IS77, l2mo. 
 "One of tlKjse conteniiH>rary pictures which one Is 
 always glad to meet with, by "homsocver skelclieil ; but 
 .Mr. Ilreck was not a comnKjiiplace man, and had no ordi- 
 nary opportunities."— .V(i()uH, xxv. 31, 
 6. Tho Budloys Telling Stories, Bost., 1877, sq. Svo. 
 7. The Bodleys on Wheels, Bosl., 1S7H, gq. Svo. S, The 
 Bodleys Afo(jt. Illust. Bost., ISSO, sq. Svo. «. Stories 
 and Romances, Host., 18X11, l6mo. 
 "Thi'y are the work of a writer who has a thoroiigh re- 
 spect for his art, and would not ihink of Irlllini; with it, 
 though he nuiy be an eniinentlv successful triller in it. 
 Thus Ihelr sllKhtiiess becomes an lni|iortanl merit, and the 
 writer is so careful to preserve literarv proprictv in making 
 it a conspicuous (|ualily that we have llnishcil each story 
 with the wish that there had Ijeen more of it."— .V(i/ioH, 
 xxxi. 3II>. 
 10. Boston Town. Illust. Host., 1881, Svo. II. Mr. 
 Bodley Abroad, Bost., 1881, sq. Svo. 12. (Ed.) Tho Chil- 
 dren's Book : a Collection of the Best and Most Famous 
 Stories and Poems in tho English Language. Illust. 
 Bost., 1881, sq. Svo. 13. The Bodley Grandchildren and 
 their Journey in Holland. Illust. Bost., 18'<2, scp Svo. 
 14. Noah Webster, ("American Men of Letters,") llost., 
 18S2, 12mo. 
 "Mr. Scuddcr'sbook Is not a common biographv. ... It 
 Is more like a very long magazine article on Webster and 
 his times. A good many important facts in his life are 
 given in one place or another, too often without dates, and 
 they are told in a pleasant style, and in such order ami 
 form as to be interesting to a ca.sual reader, if not alto- 
 gether satisfactory to the statistician."— A'ddoH, xxxiv. 441). 
 15. The English Bodley Family. Illust. Bost., 1884, 
 sq. Svo. 16. A History of the I'nited Slates of America: 
 preceded by a Narrative of the Discovery and Settlement 
 of North America and of the Events which led to the 
 Independence of the Thirteen English Colonies, Phila., 
 1884, l2mo. 17. The Viking Bodleys: an E.xcursion into 
 Norway and Denmark. Illust. Bost., 1884, sq. Svo. 
 18. Men and Letters : Essays in Characterization, Bost., 
 1S87, I2mo. 
 "They are rather literary talk about men and books 
 than strict criticism, and they gain in interest by the per- 
 sonal cumlity w liich one feels in them now tha't they are 
 collecteil and can be read consecutively."— AVid'oii. xlv. 031. 
 "It contains much intelligent and thoughtful criticism." 
 —Acad., xxxiii. 110. 
 ID. The Book of Folk-Stories, Rewritten, Bost., 18S7, 
 lOmo. And see Taylor, Maiiib H., iiij'm. 
 Scudder, John M., M.D., [uute, vol. ii., add.] 1. 
 On the Use of Inhalations in the 'Treatment of Diseases 
 of the Respiratory Organs, Cin., ISOB, l2mo; 3d ed., 
 IS74. 2. Eclectic Practice in Diseases of Children, Cin., 
 1869, Svo. 3. Specific Medication and Specific Medicines, 
 Cin., 1870, I2mo. 4. Specific Diagnosis: a Study of 
 Diseases with Reference to the Administration of Keuie- 
 dies, Cin., 1874, I2mo. 
 Scudder, Moses Lewis, Jr., b. 1843, at Charles- 
 town, Mass.; graduated at Wesleyan University 18ii3; 
 vice-president of the Equitable 'Trust Company, New 
 York, IS72-73; a broker in Chicago. I. Brief Honors: 
 a Romance of the Great Dividable, Chic, 1877, I2niii. 
 Anon. 2. Almost an Englishm'\n, N. Y'ork, 1878, Uimn. 
 3. National Banking : a Discussion of the Merits of the 
 Present System, N. York, 1870. 12mo. 4. Congested 
 Prices, Chic, I8S3, I2mo. 5. The Labor Value Fallacv, 
 Chic, 1SS4, I2mo. 
 Scudder, Samuel Hubbard, b. 1837, in Boston: 
 brother of H. E. Scudder, nujira ; graduated at Williaui- 
 College 1857, and at the Lawrence .Scientific School 
 1862; assistant librarian of Harvard 1879-85, and pahcun- 
 tologist of the U.S. Geological Survey since ISS6. IK- 
 has contributed a large number of papers to scientili': 
 journals. I. Catalogue of the Orthoptcra of North 
 America, Wash., 1868, Svo. 2. Fossil Myriapods fniiii 
 Nova Scotia, Bost., 4to. 3. Revision of the Large Sty- 
 lated Fossorial Crickets. Illust. Salem, Mass., 186!', 
 imp. Svo. 4. Species of the Lepidojiterous Genus Pain- 
 phil.a. llost.. 4tQ. 5. Fossil Butterflies. Illust. 
 Salem, 1875, 4to. 6. Catalogue of Scientific Serials ol 
 All Countries, including the Transactions of Learnci 
 Societies, 1633-IS76, Cambridge, Mass., 1879, Svo. 7. 
 Butterflies: theirStruoture, Changes, and Life-Histories: 
 with Reference to American Forms. Illust. N. York, 
 1881, Svo. 8. Nomenclator Zoiilogicus : an Alphubetic:ii 
 tho Eclipse P«rty. ly a S-', ""»''""« " »""i , 
 JWs from (k.<,rKO MaoUona ,1,'x. U^k ' /f,']-', ';."''-''-''^J 
 Scull, <iideoii Delnnln I e Th p "' • 
 Amork.,.. 2. D,.r,,the» s'oU. U^foJ" lsS2 ''i^"V'j 
 for private eirouliitiun. •• "• "^'ufJ. "'82. Printed 
 America,, Indian, fro,„ loi^t^UM^i^m-^T^ 
 Ilic'ory and Use of the Church ('a endar in tt,„ vr ' ' 
 mont and Distribution of Tinie, N (tV|s-> J'""'T i 
 Senfield, Countess of. SeotiiuNT 
 in.£ u;::!- sfr "N'^ihet" '"'^'""^" - -^ ■ 
 int^;a;^;on!-.i:ni!^:'ris^' ^r'"" ^"'' '^''*-'"' 
 Kvor2d'eZ"l"V ^"°'' ""'' ""'" ^'""'"■'' 1'°"- '883, p. 
 1\, k IS70 19;„„^'".r'v" '-y^"""" "f ""vernment, .\ 
 1 orK, 1S70, 12mo. 2. \ lews of Nature, and of the I'l,. 
 ham^ cX?e ?f"s^"' i'"'^T°"'^ '"""'"^ i" ">« Dt- I 
 nam Lollege of .science, Xeivcastle. 1. (E.limi, tl,„ 
 D,ck Robins; or. After Many Days, Lon isn ;„„"' 
 new «1., ,882. 3. The Youn,^ MiL'o„art,'S.,'l8"r4; 
 Stories, Lon., 1881, so lOmo !, ' V„ v • ku^ "P',"? "^ 
 0. V. His Heart's Desire, Lon., I88fi l2mD I 
 1888^' 8^. '"^'' """ «»^'^ R-afd. Vlllft'^o':; 
 PhiC'^rl,,'!'"!'.'*'" ''• "• '-''"'"' '" ^'tonography, 
 Searing, Mrs. Annie E., rPidspnn ^ i ti, 
 t" : '^^ ^:t"knis"-v ? ^-v^Smi^'LII ! 
 lu N York 8^] ^.'" ^o'S^i" '''"' Traditions. 11- 
 .onomy. ^Jn.n„. of "^1 --.;;'7; J;-;^;; -^as- 
 £r?:.,feK^,^--ra M.A. g^^ 
 3. Kasydlile Lo :,^."f';;;:„«"7'-' ';""•: '8-^1 '2">o: 
 a ."lorv Lon li-- 'o' ■ f; ' ""'ma's Ambition : 
 a Ser pture Text L'V. "";, '•. •'•"""''"y Me,litations : 
 18m,'!' "''' "^"^ ^'"y ^"y i" 'he Year, Lou.. 1880, 
 Scnrlc, Iter. Georee iMarv h is'<ii i„ r , 
 brother oC Arthi, . u i "■"'»• ■>• I'^o'J, in London: 
 N. York, 1877, 8vo. '^•'I"-'"'''-" ™ntaining Problems, .tc, 
 Scarle, Malcolm Hillinni. LL I! h issn 
 -8frcr.'8:.of2',red''r8's's*''% 'i P-' H-'O-n, Lon., 
 Lon. 1875 or sv ■' V i 2 ''?»»H-body and Xobody, 
 ! pathic' t^s^liiK* !um h rihe'wS "? ""''^'^'^'' '»■ h'>'"<^o. 
 the leaves o I'er V a ,-V, a "'""» .■'""^^li'-'e, is chewing 
 be • the «reat ,,r\"erve , f ffo al,;! Iw'.T,',' '^'^ I-"'' '"""'^'^ '« 
 tioiis.' • Had iiir .mnv t PM 1,,?'' '' '" f"""'^' Pi-'-ifra- 
 it. r-o,' and his trcM, "\ leort ,,,• ' r''^'-' ''™," ^'il'l'lied ivith 
 .-jpiral: with Complete T.tbiUof' a^'f'or' 
 ilinates for Spirals, X. York, 188:i l^m" ""'' °'- 
 voMi'^'iallMsnM'Jv'V"* V«'n>i'K'n. D.D., [„,„,, 
 ,./„,.■■' '^I"-!'''''. .Sandislield, Mass • zradu 
 S ol' 1 1'";"" ff'^f If'' ""J "' "^"va.d ofvin ty 
 ocnooi I8.,7; entered the ministry of the Unitarian 
 Church, and was pastor at Westonf Moss , 1865-18^6 
 •'■u ft'ir ,1 ""^^ %' i''"" »'■ Christ Bost' Is 2, 
 a::tiai"'Ll^:' i! s^; i vfvsir "f ^?^r °^ T 
 Life: Sermons and Poem^'fios-t Tsrti •lOmo'TT a? 
 Glorious Song of OhL Ulust. Bost., 1S83 "q. 12mo'."" 
 V York'Hsf'^o^*^' 1. Woodcraft. By Nessmuk. 
 york,T88r.'f2l."""- '■^'"''' '^""-' I'—. N. 
 Do&,^X' "Jf J^^^i.i^ae-'bin on ,1^ border, of 
 \o^-?r'' '^?,-. ?*''['""• 1- Cleansing Fires: a 
 fon 'l8-'- '9 "V '^ ™c- "• •'"»• 2. Kismet: a NoveL 
 ^^8";:3"v'o'ii.or:to.''- ''"■ '■ ^°"^^ ■ ^^-o'- 1---. 
 i. , 
 I- yi 
 If 1 
 I'liurcli Wiprk HiiiunK 
 iifiiriii;; IVr>|i|i' 
 riio (ioi<|iel of iho Tiibcrnnclc, Lon., ' anlmiil frdtn n dlimlo bone. He lin* b*Biiii hy utiulylng 
 llie ri'iimlii" (if the "poll tlvM ^y»tpnl lii Ills uwii trnviislilii 
 111' IlllrlllU. (lllil InilU lllflllf hll'. pllK'll'iluil tn iMlIM Up II 
 lilstciry 111' llif sysicm'liniii Kiinliiinl. 'Ilii^ >\\u\v 
 liiiiii llic lll'c, ii.s niic limy Miy, Kivis lil- Murk lUi i'«piilii'l 
 Vlllllc. UN lilcl- win III. Holivillll. fVlll tn IhlihC Willi llf>l- 
 tiilf III iicci'piliin ciiicliisliiii., whicli nil nt the nnit hI' 
 miiiiy 11 I'liorMiiil heller In llie primitive lieeiluni nf the 
 KiikIIhIi race. . . . We iiiii^iMikiinu leilne thiil Mr. Heelmhiii 
 lllls llimle II llliist Vlllllllhle eiilltl llMltlull In hWlirle ,'lllilv " 
 —s,ii. /;,!.. hi. ill I, 
 ■•Whiilever mny lie tlie nlllniiue view wlilcli niiiv he 
 mlnpieil II- 111 Ihenrlu'lii uf the KiiKllsh.iiliiI ..r the Knitllsh 
 vllliiue eiiimiiiiiilty mill the niilveiMilllv nt the ii'iiniirliil 
 \v-leni. Iheie i- iiiiiliiiilii ihiil lliewliule -iil.Jeet mii«t hii 
 iisiileicil III llie lli;hliit the In iv liiet- lunl new iul-ii. 
 II'")'. Ivi. 
 Searx, it. E. 
 ixr.'i, |i. svo. 
 Scartli, J. 
 I.iin., Is.sii, svi 
 Nentoil, A. K., niember nf the Iii-titiite of Nnvii 
 An'hilirl.", ,Ve. i leiliirer iit the Kn.viil N'liviil College, 
 Wiiiihvieh. A Miiiiiial nf Murine KiitjinuerinK : einii- 
 pri-inK iha l)e.-i)j!iiin);, Cmntnieli iinil Wurkiii)} nf 
 Murine .Miiehinery. Illii^t. l.iin., I"'^:!, ^vn ; Tlh nl,, 
 Willi Aililitiiiniil Infiiriiiiitiuii on 'I'riiilu unci yua(lru|ilB 
 E.\piiii.-iii" Mngines, IS.^.s. 
 St'iiioii, Sir Thtiiiinm, [.mir, vol. il,, mlil.) 
 Jliiniiii, of Fill riiltiii); iinil Wnoil-t'arvlng : with Diii- 
 gnuMs leiii., I>7.i. IL'imi. 
 NcRloii, » illiiiiii John, Uepmt on the Fore-ts 
 mill Alphii Ue.-iiiireeK of Algeria. .Vc, Lon., 187(1, Kvii. 
 Sfbiistiiiii, Lewis Hoyd, .M.A., li.C.L., b. ls.)2; 
 grailiiale.l at Ivveier Ccille^jo, O.idViril, IST.'i; oalle.l In tlio 
 bar lit l,ineiiln'.< Inn 1^7(I. 1. The Law nf Tnnlc-.Marks 
 nnil tliuir Ueni-triiliiin, Lon., I>77, Xvo| '.M e.l.. l-^^l. 
 " The enlleetinii nf eases is very ample iiinl .salisliielnry, 
 Mr. Selinsliiiii never hiviiitr iliiwn a pnipiisiilnn williniit 
 piipniirliiiK it hy almiiiliiiiee nf anlhurllles. Aniurieaii iis 
 Well as KiiKllsh.'— .sii(. li,r., .\lvi. Iss. 
 '2. Digest of ('ii.sus of Tniile-.Mark, Tnulo-Nunie, Traile- 
 PciTCt, Oooil-Will, Ac, Lon., 1S71I. 8vn. 
 St'ci'uinhc, .loliii TlioiiiHS, .M.D., .^LR.('.S., h, 
 Ls:f4 ; .lurgeiin of Ihe Lynn ilislricit nf the Great Xnrtliern 
 Railway, ,'suienee. Theism, and Uevelation in Uelation 
 to Mr. Mill'.s Essays on Nature, Kcliglon, ami Theism, 
 Ljn., l.HT.'i, ,Mvn. 
 Secconibp, liiriit.-l'ol. Tlioniiis Strong. 1. 
 Army anil .Navy Drnliories. Lon., I.H7J, 4tn; 2il eil., 187(1; 
 new eil., ISsl. 2. Cnmic, Droll. Funny, lluuiornns I'le- 
 tnres, Lon., 1S77, 4to. ;). Military Misrcalling.^ from 
 Sliakspeare. I'rinteil in Colours. Lon., 1S8II, 4to ; new 
 eil.. Ish;!. 4. The .Story of Prince Jlililehrand anil the 
 Princess Ida. Illust. " Lon., Is.sil, r. 4to. ,0. Army 
 and Navy Ilirthday-Iionk, Lon., 18,^1, ,S2ino. (1. Comic 
 iSketches from English History for Children, Lon., 1.SS4, 
 Sccretnn, Snmiiel. Rules for Oeriunn Gender, 
 Lon., 1878. 8vo. 
 Sedart^, N. M. The Life of a Love, in Songs and ' 
 Sonnets, .\. York. 18.82, sin. 4to, 
 nieiils IjiniiKht In hear (111 it In this hunk."— .SkWii' 
 "lie eermlnly lias lieen |he (Irst In make It elearly 
 iiiulersiniid whiii the sysie f cnliivallnn an. I hiiiil'inhf- 
 liin really was."— W, .1. Asiii.KV ; liitimliwlinn h Kmlith 
 J-.iniiiiliiir llii'lurii iiiirl Viiiini.U. 
 "It is (litlleiili. iiiileeil. InnvereMliniite llie Iniporlanee 
 III Mr. .-eeliiihnrs new e(inlilliiilinii tn one nf the nmst 
 ve.\eil i|iie»llniis in Kn>;l|sh hislnrv. We ihliik thai he 
 lines lint iillnw . . . slinieiellt senpe I'nr Ih eviileliee nf 
 enni|iiiialive law Mini hislnrv. . . . lint, selliiit! aside these 
 iiiid the nil er ijiie-liniis we have raised, the l.mad fuel re- 
 mains lliiit the villune (■niiiiiiiinitv is hv Mr. .■^eehnhni 
 hrnin;lil wiihin the niiice nt linniiiii inllireiiee; and this 
 (lie! niiee periuaiiemly prnved must iissuiedlv lead np In 
 snnie eniielnsiniis Willi lemiid In eiirlv Kiiu'lish hislnry 
 whieli will, nil the wlmh', Inilnw tlu- fines nl .Mr. (note 
 rather lliiiii those nf .Mr. Kieeniiiii."— .I'/i . .\n. i;'.ilii. 
 "The i|iiestinn. as he lirn|.iiiiiids il. is whether the enii- 
 (liiernrs nf ^:ll^:l|lnd liiniideilnr revived a sneieiv m Inrdf 
 and .serfs, nr whether they eniislnicled the ^'ate nil the 
 principles of Ireednni and eijiiiililv. U'liiisw 'Ld in nne 
 wnv, iiiir Kniilish eennniiiie hislnry must hei,Mi with free 
 village enmniiiiiities. whii h ^'radiiuUv deKeini'iled liiln 
 tlieserldnin nt Ihe .M iildle ,\i;es ; 'il' answered i.' he niher 
 way, it heKins wiili Ihe serldniii nf the nia.sses nl the rural 
 pnpnh-.iiiiu under .-a.xnii rule, a serldnm Irnni \r|u li It has 
 taken nne thnuMind years nf KiiL'lisli eeminniie evnlntlnii 
 tn set them free.' lie iirelers Ihe latter view, and cnn- 
 eludes that a niannrial system e.xisled in this ennntrv 
 while htilj n prnvinee nl llie Kmjiire, whii h was either 
 adnpted or revived hy n Gennaii people wlm were I'Hiiilllar 
 with the nnelent elvllizatinn. . . . NVe shall all rei|Ulre 
 evidence id' a niiieli wider and more striiineiit kind heliire 
 we aekiiiiwledge that inir iiiiiiinrlnl svslem and cninmnii 
 held industry were derived from Komaii liilluence."— 
 CilAliLKS 1. Ki.TiiN : Anid., xxlv. l.W. 
 "Tlie most e.xliaiislive and hield aeeoiint of this svsteni 
 Seddall, llev. Henry, was curate of Forgney and """ has over been made. . . . Mr. Seehnhm . . . slinws hy 
 Irish secretary of the Church Missionary .^oc'ety. I. "verpower.iiK evidence that the Kll^dish villiiKc eninniu- 
 Malta Past and I'l-nsniit Ton 18-0 Sen •> .el,.: Mi/ I "','5 "''>'< " "'"ilc eniiimiinily at every iiiie (if tile stiiKes hy 
 Malta, 1 I .St and 1 resent, Lon., 13,0, ,s»o. 2. Ihe Mis- , whieli lie traces it hack f ' iin the laltJr part nf the ^Iiddle 
 sionary History of hierra Leone, Lon., |S|4, 12nio. 3. Ages to the si.\ili and sevi>;'h centuries.''— .Vii(((;)i,.\.\xvill. 
 The Cluireh of Ireland: a ilistorical .s^ketch, Dublin, '**■ 
 ]88o, II. 8vo. ' Sct'bohni, Henry. 1. c-iberia in Europe: a Visit 
 Seddon, Henry Cooper. Builders' Work and '" "'« Valley of the I'clcbi ra, in Northeast Russia : 
 the Building Trades. Illust. Lon., iNsf,, Svo. w'th Descriptions of the Natural History, Migration of 
 Sedgwick, Arthur (George, b. 1844, in New ' Birds, Ac. Illust. Lon., 1880, p. 8vo. 
 York ; son of Theodore Sedgwick, the third, ((iiifc, vol. , ','*^^"'-' "">>' K«^' "" fxeellent idea of the contents of the 
 ii.;) graduated at Harvard 18i!4; served in the civil , ?;i!ll'"i!: V.^i Vi',':'.,'."^:''.''.,^'!'''^'.:.''','.''',";",''*''*,,^ ',''•''.' »r*'.I'!i".t 
 war; adinilted to the Boston bar. With Wait, FuBn- 
 ERicK S., A Treatise on the Principles and Practice gov- 
 erning the Trial of to Land, N. York, 18S2, Svo; 
 2ded., I88B. 
 Sedgwick, Mi^'or W. 1. Light the Dominant 
 Force of the Tniverse, l.,on., lS8.'i, p. 8vo. 2. Life: the 
 E.xpliiMition of it, Iion., InSo. A. India for .^ale : , 
 Kashmir .8old. Lon., ISsii. Svo. 4. A Heady Remedy for ' 
 India's E.xchange DilBculties, Lon., 1880, 8vo. , 
 Sedgwick, W. T., and >ViUon, E. B. Biology, 
 N. York, I8,s|l, 8vo. | 
 See, James >V., ("Chordal," pseud.) Extracts 
 from Chordal's l^cetures. Illust. N. 'York, 1881, 12moj ! 
 enl. cd., 188;!. 
 Seebohm, Frederic, [nuii , vol. ii., add.,] a mem- 
 bcr of a banking linn at Hitchin, llertfordsnire. 1. On 
 International Reform, Lon., 1871, 8vo. 
 "This e.s.say. written during the American civil war. Is ! 
 only now given tn the public. ... It seeks ... to Khow : 
 that the greater part of the relations among sovereik'n 
 .States are still not governed by any rules deservinu' the 
 name of law: tiiat the want of any such troYernmeiit is a 
 grievous liiiidriiiice In the iiitcreniii-se of nalinus, and that 
 the necessity Inr estalilisliiuK snuie kind nf order is daily 
 becoming more imperious."— .s^xcdidu-, xliv. 7;!7. 
 2. Era of the Protestant Revolution. ("Epochs of 
 .Modern History,") Lon., 1874, 12mo. H. The English 
 Village Community examined in its Relations to the 
 Manorial and Tribal Systems, and to the Common or 
 Open Field System of Husbandry ; an Essay in Eco- 
 nomic History, Lon., 1S8;1, 8vo ; .3d cd., 1884. 
 "Mr. Secbolini ha.s gone to work somewhat upon the 
 principle of the naturalist who reconstructs an extinct 
 graiiliie in their realism, and which will hear exiini-niiig 
 again and again, lint the book Itself is most iiitercMliit.' 
 reading, tllnn^l. iiatiinilly there are parts nf it which 
 cliielly reeonimend tlieinselves m the practical ornitholo- 
 gist. "—.Si/, ltd-., li. 27. 
 2. Siberia in Asia : a Visit to the Valley of the Y'cne- 
 say in East Siberia: with Descriptions of the Natural 
 History, Migration of Birds, .tc. With Maji and Illus- 
 trations. Lon., 18,82, Svo. 
 "It is iniposslhlc with the space at our command to do 
 jnstiee tn the freshness of descriiitinn and the vividness 
 of portrayal with which Mr. Seebnhni ]iliiees het'nre us the 
 country and its inhahitaiits."— .i//i., Xn. •>7ii. 
 "Ornithologistii alnlie can fully apiireeiate the scieiitllie 
 results at which Mr. .''eebnlim arrived. . . . .\s regards 
 that iiorlion of his work which describes Siberian scenery 
 and manners, it is of unusual interest"— .s'«/. Hcv., liv. Kii 
 3. The (icographical Distribution of thcCharadriida', 
 I or the Plovers, Sandpipers, Snipes, and their Allies. 
 I Illust. Lnn.. 1SS8, 4to. 
 " In every rcsnei't an important contribution to ornitho- 
 logical science.' ~.s■.l^ /,'«■., Ixv. riOO. 
 "Seedair, Stephen," (Pseud.) See Dksehet, 
 Phinkas, 'Kpni, 
 Seeger, F. (Trans.) The Art of Singing, by F. 
 I Lieber : with an Original Chapter on the Hygiene of the 
 Voice, N. York, 1872, 12ino. 
 Seelbach, rarl. Proverbial Treasury: English 
 and Select Foreign Proverbs: with References and Ex- 
 planations, N. York, I8S0, ]2uio. 
 Seeley, Harry tiovier, F.R.S., professor of geog- 
 rajdiy in King's College. London. 1. Inde.x to Fossil Re- 
 mains of Aves, Ornithosauria, ReptiUa, Lon., 18C9, 8yo. 
 2. Ornithosauria : an Elementary Study. Illust. Lon., 
 " A tteriiTHl view of KiiniiMMm Ici.thv, 1 , . 
 nn.l »|«.H,., „r Kiin,,K...ii rMw, J' V'''"''.'"''"' '''■'''•''''• 
 "I vvhiii 
 UN aim 
 '?"m::.^'^'"i};!:&;}"it,ri.a, .;.tii„ 
 WHMu|li,lu!M,\h.; Vi.;.rr. «"lii;'t',"V ■ ,■ ■ ."i»»ln' 
 iivfii({,. Kill riMiM'rilii. ii,.,. i.v , ''"'"x'"'!'! iriiiiiry, lo 
 "iTi'l.t l'r..|',>v,,r .-r,.|..v'« ii ,H, ;■ ■ ■ ■,^*'-' I'liiiiii.t . , 
 v"l- ii., mill.,) 
 « |irolV».-,,riii| KcN 
 i"»-iii,, ,it cihH nil : c 1 ,il"i''?":'r"^'i" ^'•■'• 
 IH"'li'f.e.l, 111 «cl,li,|,.„ tr, vo ka ■ on, • '" I ■■ "" '"'" 
 .^kLtoli. L„n., IMilii sv, An,n W r "" ''''"'"™l 
 .n,i,lci. .. The I,l.;.',.i„Mi:l; :;, K, :i: "m" ;^1;' "'"^ 
 (loli'iioo of K.lwunI I. „g„iii.t the ,.hT r ;• 1, '- '-^ 
 nn'^I!:V"h:;ii'a'tk;:,;'i;';";;^ 'i:^:s ir^p'i 'V^, -"- 
 '"-'"ry. . . . Tlif iiiitlini- Is „."!V r.i'"'" "f '■-"''■''«'' 
 vyriM : ho i, „„ ,„|voc,ili. •■ till .- ,||' ,,' ''^'■"^'"""1? P'lii,.- 
 ■M. . „i the. ,|iic.Mi„ii;'_.s„. /'; ;.': ^ r '^^^^'iin "" ""« 
 -'. I.eitiire« 1111,1 K«:<:,v l„, is-,', v 'f 
 three lecture, „„ ,. i : ;. . .'"■' '>.*>"• ; ln,.|ii,l,.- 
 ■ .''tiirios li„m the fiest Uu 
 1'1'iuil, Lon., IsHl, I2m,i. 
 .Sec'ly, Howard. 
 'I'ho W„rl.l bi.f„ro (ho 
 •». trub t'oiiit, l,u„., |>si, |,, 
 three lectures „ii •■ ituiiiu, r,..„ •■ 
 - " Libpnii K,iiioa.i:::";r ri ': ::"^ , v:^ .t'- 
 >Wiool,,'- •■ The Chuich ,1., a Toaohir rf .M„n,l i*? "'' '" 
 i"en(..ry I'riiioiplo, |„ Alt," " .Milt,,i, " J' '■'' 
 Ihu lei.tiiroMi,, 1.' i • .. ' '"' 
 • Klu- 
 ■ Alt„«,. hor the.-,, s ," J.' "i"'V'' .'•'"■>■ '""•^' '" 
 ;"»lBht 111 Mr. .-^ec.! ■ •■sv. 1,1 1,,."'' ,' , ',"'.' i"' , '""""^ ''"■ 
 "!"1 nniiplet.. timt t i" wVirk w 1,1 , ,„ "''•' ,'~ -" ""i-h<"l 
 virli: ,.;• thiu il.mll,y\.|,,, ,^.'1:^^ , ■';''"'|;;1 »'teml„ii l,y 
 .i. Life ami Tiine; „c si..;„ . '''."■ ''"^■i->- _ 
 •\^^n,,h„ni,..U-e.n: a .V,"v,.).N-'''vrk I ';."",';., '■ '' 
 ';"■ iiiclioinul waters, a, lio, ,,t <', ,. . ' T"'"' "'' 
 ""'ve,l t„ tl . n .V,r s, . • ; ",l *- '"'"^.V, I'ninee ; i-e^ 
 works n Fnndi i v„ ' 1. . ' , , l'"'j""ho,l many 
 .>.- wi.^t:L^!r^5J^'^:i;7,-^ !^-"" Temp;-: 
 c.inr^;"?:;^;:lri; V;,rk'-,^;!''-^^^";f ^"'"-■' 
 •Mveliti- „r 11,., ii, ■ I,' ''^'''-'^ .1 v<,la. 8vo, 2. 
 A/luU iii: ( /'J^^'^l':; ' '-/^"^ «Pi°"l l^.raly,iX ,,7 
 a folleoti„n o K..,,;. iVti.'l,:.''!"'; ^' Opera Minora: 
 lN6t!-l,ss2, \ Y ;. . ,'ss i ' L«etures,ana Addressee 
 I I'l"!".. l' rfi, to o 7i ■„^;,'"",:' ","■', .l'"':H,loKieal, 
 Treatment ot' I. ".„.;;,,( ;?eTr\"' Vi'''""'''-' -"l 
 lies. 1,1,., X. .^■.rk:isy;c,5rr2d" /::;' ^:;:i- 
 i'hl,;;;:^:^;!'Zii;:'' ''''■^"'^"'''"''' ^»''-t" im^t: 
 I be^^r^:^,S^f^„«-„^", American Theatr. 
 the (iospols: vol. ii., \ York H-. 19 L«''""-es on 
 m ,'„'-""'• '• 1 ractii-a .'<eruion< Isro « 
 "'" ■■''""■■' of Faith l^ssii ,) rf 'V "■•''.• »• 
 nmc to ooiiie."_,sv,;. L;. Yxi \v, -'^•'P"l'-'oii Im m,iuu 
 M.4'M'ten,e^[r;;f;;i;i;''l :V'i(''> ;every,hi,i« is 
 his ehnracter or e.stim tu his .m,^ ■'L " ' ,'i'"!.'-''' '" 'imilvzc ' 
 ;'";n dos(.ri,,tl,,n ,,f Iho tvl,\l^.?'i:;.'^l>.''~%^^"r ,svek:y's 
 ..LifVi and Time., ,f Stein, or, UenimliV:^!! 
 !i"w ed..-'ls's", ""'" ^^''' ^'""'''"''««. l^r.S .! vil' 
 "1st oi- hhr.inii,ia: ■;;;;;',!;;i/l^,;;!K'i y" "* ti... prota,.,. 
 "I "i.e stal, s..,i,i„' ,," ho u , , " :","l'"' '^ ."«r"|.hy 
 niiiiihor who ilustere,! mun, ,i,„ . ''^'^I'.'I'l'^ >'I a •-'r.'.ii 
 lliiii, uiiil with ,1 s,|n s I , is ' , ;. "l""'r"' <-■'"""'■' "Uli 
 the merits ttin'l ,k.fc.,.ts ., ' tl Is i,i i„ 'i, ,''"* >''!"'^ I'"» "H 
 i> n,iii|,letf biography' i re ,er r • ,,1 ,,'i'''''''~'"" "' '""■'■ 
 manual of seiisll.lo .lis,. ,,,,'''• '. .' '".""•'""H"". Mn,l a 
 purpose of tt biographical em v,.'!,;,,'-,..! , ,"'n' ","-"i'is Ih,. 
 i.ernmm, who prayiil iir iVtlie i',' ,!'' i""' •■'"'!'-"' 
 eiirly years of the preset t cei tnr ■ ''"'!.'' I''^",'''-'' "' "'e 
 . e leeLs whlel, ,1,, not iiVise fr , 'i ; ni,,;, ' '■',!;,";:■■'<, '"!>"!-' 
 •lelects Is its enormous prolix' ' 'ri,.''' "'";",""■'*'•' I 
 of tho^boeik is « eertalli llahll^less U^^^^y^l't^^ ; 
 itself /hlsl'i";.(:K'-'';,«r"'j- to liuerpro, '"<- "^e to 
 s on to the hl).Mier .strlvii il.'if il„ *: ih^ ""['Milaie expivs. 
 Ih,-. problem of these la ter , [vs „i , "'• ,'■' I""-'' '''''"'Ij' 
 ''"ihor'saopearai,,.,., -T';; .,'™ «;;' "'>; 1","''^ '« '''^ 
 "»n. . . . T5ilsi,,ueh,f .nirv ,,., ' " ""'' but his 
 • > ir.. ;.. . . 
 .1 rf" 

 Nrlltoriic, Kiirl of. 8«o P*i.mi!r. 
 Ni'lliy, AiiKcliea. Oti Duty: k Htnry fi>r Chll- 
 Jron, l.oti., !''■>«, «((. Iilmo. 
 Helby, II. M. Thi' Slmliei<|>cnro ClftMiciil Dl.alon- 
 ttry; ..r, Mvlholdijioiil Alliiii.ini. in tho i'liiy» of flhiike- 
 »|'CMire i;x|iliiiii(i|, 1,011., I.Hhjj I-iiiici. 
 Melliy, T. <t. Till! Irn|it'rl«)ct Angel, iin<l HlhsrSor- 
 liiuiii', l,iin., ISSs, Mm. 
 Nflliy, U'llllurU l>., oftho I'liliM.' Iie,.,nl Offloc, 
 l.oii'li.n. I. (1-:,|.) I.ilc-l{e.-iiri|rt of <'lmuiiur-: Ironi Om. 
 • i'lii|ioriiry Kiir-ilnicnI.-. (Cliuueur .Sue. I'ub.,) I,<in., lH7.'i, 
 Ai'., 8vo. 1!. (I'M.) I.iinwuhiri' iinil ('li..»|ilrt' ItecinlH 
 lirfiervcd In tlio I'mIiHo lluoor.l uiH,.,., I,,, 11, Ion. In 'I'lvu 
 I'uiii. ( Liinciinhlru jin<l I'lifuhiii' UblmmiI Soi'icty I'ub. 
 VoJH. vii. lui.l viil.) lN,Hl>-.S:i. ;). Thu Jubilee |)iilu.llool<' 
 ol Ihc Kii; unil (^iccnn of Kiiijliinil, l-ou., IS>»7, IL'ujo. 
 Sell'f, lioNe K. How Diinto Cliiulio.l ibe .\I,mn- 
 liiin ; .■^iin.luy lirai|inK'< "ilb tlio C'liildii'ii Irooi tlio ■ 
 "ruigulorio:" witb a l'r,.r,h!i. bv tbo III.'^Ihoi of ! 
 HijMin. I,(jn., |sM7, |r,iii.]. ' 1 
 Neliginnii.KUu'ard llobcrt Aiiilcrnoii, I'h.D., | 
 b. I8iil, In New V„ik t'it.v; Kia.luiili'il at (.'olumliia t'ol- 
 IfXo IXT'.i! a.ljurn't iirolV.-sor of politiual economy at,' 
 ColuMibiu ('oll..;;c.. I'lvo ChapliMs on the iMeaiiVviii 
 Ouilils of Krinbind, lliilt.. I^s;, sv(,, j 
 Nt'll, Kev. KdwiirtI, 11. 1).. .M.It.A..''., cluentcl at ' 
 till' Chiirfh .Mi.iBionary Collu^^u at I,«lin«lou; orlaiiiod I 
 ISi'il; .leorctary of tbo Cburob Mi»sioniiry ,«<o<'ietv for I 
 l(iuouseof .Mailni.f. Tbc Failb of Isluru, I,ou.,'l-isii 
 valmililf It 
 '■ 'I'lil-i volunir xivi's m 
 till' il.ictrlni''i iind piillty (II i-ium timiiiiiiy 
 emie sl/.f thai kv iirv ar,,ii,iiiiioil Hitli In tbo ICnu'li'.h 
 iaiiKuiiKc It 'oiiibiHlii.^,' tbo oiilbur tolls 11,, ■a^iii,|yiif 
 l.-laiii iliiriiii; a ro-l.ioiico of IIIUtii yoars In Imlia, Ibu 
 giVMlor |,iirt ol wliioli tliiio be Ini^ boon In daily liiter- 
 t'liiir-o Willi Miivsiilmuiis.' "—V;„v'Ai/.»' llv lilMO 
 Sell, Hi'iiry. 1. Ulctiouaiy of ibe World'n Press, 
 IS-'tl, lion., ISSd, r. 8vo. 2. Tulcgraiihio Code, Lon., 
 iti^l], 8vo. 
 Selhir, Alexander CmiK, M..\., 18.35-IS!)|), b. at 
 Jlorviob, SiilbeilaihNliiro; Kradiintcd at Ilalliol L'ollej,'o, 
 Oxioi-d. Is..!l; a lueiiiber of tho Faculty of Advoeatcs 
 of .Scotland from |srt2; .M.l". , since 1881.'. I. Tho I'aa- 
 »iou I'lay in the llif,'hliinds of Uaviiria, Edin. and l,on., 
 l^'il, l2ino. :'. .Manual of tho Kdueation Act for Soot- 
 lanil, Kdin., IS71.I; „„„. (.j., isyii, ,svu. 
 Hvllnr, Itulx-rt. Tbo History oftho County of 
 lliiiiliii>;don, and of tbo .<eip[niories of t'liateau),'iiy and 
 JSeiiiiharnois, from tbo First .Settlomont to the Year 
 I'-^iS, lluntinnilon, (^lebeo, INSS, Svo. 
 Scllur, Tlioiiias. Tbo .'Sutherland Eviotiona of 
 ISU: .-itiiteiiiciits Kxauiined. I,on., lM8;!, r. 8vo, 
 Sellur, William Yuuiig, LL.D., [miie, vol. j|., 
 ■".,] I^L'i-lsiJll, b. in Sulherlandsbiro, .Scotland! 
 ol A. C. .Sellar, mi/ji-n ; becamu professor of 
 humanity in tho University of Edinburgh in I8«:i. Ho 
 has contributoil to the EncvcloiuiHlia liritannica an.l to 
 Iiorioilicals. 1. Tho Uoiuan I'oots of the August m Aire: 
 \irgil, Oxf., 1877, Svo: 2d ed., 18S:i ; new ed., I8SI 
 "A voliiine wblcli. after all dediietloiis. Is tho most lin- 
 portaiitollortlhiiliiii.s yot Ijouniiiado to iiitorprot Viruil for 
 modern roadors. . . \Vbotbor ills to bo aeJ'eplod as tliu 
 best and last word tbat eritieisiii lias to say uiioii Virifll U 
 RiiotliorinioMion,"-.s„^«fr.,xllli. ;Wti. 
 2. (Ed.i .Martial; Extracts for the Humanity Classes 
 ol Edinburgh ami Olasgow. Lon„ 1881, p. 8vo, 
 Sellers, C. Tales from tho Lund of Xuts and 
 (■rapes, [.Spain and Portugal.] Lon., isss, p. svo. 
 Sellers,. >Ii»8 Kliznbetli Jniidoii. From Eigh- 
 teen to Twenty : a Novel. I'hila., ISSS, 12tno. Anon 
 Sellier, I'. (Trans.) Wondcr.i of Engraving, from 
 the Earliest Times, bv (J. Uuplcssis, l,on., Is7(i p syo 
 Selous, Frederick Courtney. A Hunter's 
 "andering.s in Africa: Nine Years among the Oaiuo of 
 the Interior. .Map and I.on., ISSI, 8vo 
 „ 'M'V ■'^;''';."'*'« luiiiting advoiitures have neuos.sarllv a 
 good deal ol .sanieiies.s ; but tliey arc well told, and, owliig 
 to his laoulty of close observation, tliov iiieidentallv eon- 
 till a good (leal of information 011 the liabli,s of the 
 luiliimls. — Aili., No. 2.S"_*"). 
 Seloiis, Henry Courtney, d. I8y0, itt. 87; an 
 artist, (" Kay .Spen," pseud.) 1. True of Heart, Lon., 
 I8Cs,p. Svo. 2. The(Jreen-Eyed Monster, Lon., H7I p 
 8vo. 3, Tottie'sTrial, Lon., 1872, p. 8vo. 
 ^ Selons, S. Annie's Story, [verse,] Lon., 1885, p. 
 Seiss, Albert .>I„ Ph.D., professor of German in 
 the University of Dublin. 1. (Trans.) (Joethe'.s .Minor 
 loeiiis, Selected, Annotated, and Re-Arranged, Lon., 
 18i5, p. 8vo. 2. Goethe's " Faust." Parti. The Ger- 
 miin Text: with Btigllih Notw and Inlniduelory R*. 
 umrki, Lon., Ihmo, cr, Sv„. .'l. A llrl.f History ,d iba 
 (ii'rmiin Language ; with Five ll.iok.i of the Nibelungon. 
 Had, elitej and annotated, Lon., Iss.',, Svo. 
 Helwyn, AKrod Uicliard Cecil, direoior of tha 
 (lao„iglciil Survey of Canada, lluport of Canada Geo. 
 logical .Survey. Ily tbo Direoior, Im7S-7i). llliiit ami 
 I Maps. Montreal, I877, j.vo. With Dauson, Gkoiiuk 
 Mkio Kii, Descriptive .'^keleh of the Pliynieal Geo./, 
 raphy and Ge.dogy nf Ciinada, |.hn(, ,Hy„. 
 Nelwyn, Uilliain,, [ouv, vol. il„ add.] d 
 1 81.'', having been since IH.'itf Lady Margaret professor 
 ol . Ivlnily at Cambridge. 1. .'^peeebcH delivered at 
 Cambridge on Various (leciisions, Lon., In?,., ito. 2 
 I'liKloral Co||oi|uieson the .<outh Downs: Prophecy and 
 Miriides Lon IX7.',, Itl,,,,,. ;:. (l.;,!., Origenls eontm 
 telsuiii, Lihri l.-I\ ., Lioi., IS?!), Hyo. 
 Nemmeii, Ha|iliiiel,^(l; '{877; b. In Maryland; 
 entered the V.H. navy about |h2i1, and boeaiiio com- 
 mander about 185:,; jgined the Confe.leriile .States na .y 
 I8H1, and eomimiiided the "Sumter" and the "Ala- 
 bama." ,<ervloe Alloat ; or. The Kemarkiible Career of 
 the Confederate Cruisers " Sumter" and " Alabama" dur- 
 ing the War bctwein the Slates, Hall., I8S7, Hyo. 
 Seniple, ( harlen Kdwnrd Armand. I. Aids 
 to lloliny: Outlines of Elementary Fads, Natural 
 Orders, Ac, Lon., 1877, 1 2mo ; new ed., I88:i. 2. Abls 
 to Chemistry, Lon., 187S-71I, ;) pnrts, CJiiio. .'). Aids to 
 - nrnrmiitloii almiit ' ';'""^i'i' -"t''"™ "iid rhcrapcutics, Lon., 187(t-N;), 1 pare 
 f Miiiii than any I k of mod- ! j2nio ; ilib thousand, l8S,'i. 4. Aids to Pbarmucy, Lon 
 Yoga, Objective 
 By an 
 I88:j, IL'mo. 5. Diseases of Children; a Hand- Hook for 
 Students and Piaelilioncrs, Lon,, I8,si,'l, p. 8vo, fi. 'J'he 
 Mother's Guide: .Maniigement and Feeding of Infants, 
 Lon., is.^.l, er. Svo. 7. The ;oice Musically and .Medi- 
 cally considered, Lon., 1881, 12uioj new ed., I8S(!, s. 
 Poekei Pharnoii'opii.ia for 18S5, Lon., Issfi, U'mo 
 Seni|ile, Oavid. (Ed.) The Poems aiid'songs 
 and Correspondence of Uohort Tannabill : with Life 
 anil Notes, 
 Semjile, Hobert Hunter, M.D., F.R.C.P., phy- 
 sician to the Hospital lor Diseases of the Throat, Lon- 
 don. 1. A Manual of Diseases of the Heart ; their 
 Pathology, Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment, Lon., 
 187o, 8vo. 2. Diphtherial its, Pathology, and 
 Ircatnient, Lon., 1S7I», cr. Svo. 
 Sen, linbu Kexliub CI dra. 
 and Subjective, Calcutta, 1881. 
 Sena, Kefiaraeliandra. True Faith. 
 Indiiin Theist. Calcutta, ls71). 
 "Senilis, Johannes," (P.seud.) See Nkl.son, 
 JoH.N, Hllpt'll, 
 Senior, l.ieut.-Col. Henry William John. 
 I be liritisb Israelites; or, Evidences of our Hebrew 
 (bigin, gathered from History, Genealogy, l'hil„li,gv, 
 and Heathen Customs ; to which i.s added the Scriptural 
 Testimony of I'ropbecy compared witb Existing Facts, 
 Answers to Objections, and a Lecture on the Great Pvia- 
 mid. Illust. Loll., 1885, p. Svo. 
 Senior, James. Ueligio Modeata; or, A Siirh for 
 I'eace, Lon.. 1874, Svo. 
 Senior, Joseph. Smithy Rhymes and Stithy 
 Cbiiiies, ic, ShelKeld, 2 parts. 1882-84. 
 .Senior, L. M. People in our Circuit : Methodist 
 Lile, Lon., 1887, cr. Svo. 
 Senior, M. H. My First Trigonometry, Lon., 
 1887, p. Svo. 
 Senior, Kev. Walter, ordained lS(i5; vicar of St. 
 Paul's, .Shetiield, 1884-87, and since then of Holy Trinity, 
 .Margate. I. God's Ten Words ; Lectures on the Deca- 
 logue at St. Thomas' Church, Nottingham, Lon., ISSO 
 |). Svo; now ed., Issii. 2. An Old Mirror Reburnished ; 
 the Churchman's Ideal in his Daily Prayers, Lon., 1882, 
 Senior, William, (" Red Spinner," pseud..) angling 
 editor of Tbo Field, and member of the councils of the 
 National Fish Culture Association; went to Queensland, 
 Australia, in 1875, under n government ajipointnient, to 
 start an official daily report of the Parliamentary de- 
 butes there. In IsSo he returned to England, and re- 
 sumed journalistic work as S|iecial corresiiondcnt of the 
 Daily News. 1. Notable Sbiiiwrocks: being Tales of 
 Disaster and Heroism at S0.1. Ry I'n.-le finr.iy. L..r.., 
 187.3, p. Svo. 2. Water-Side Sketches : a Book for Wan- 
 derers and Anglers, Lon., 187,'). p. Svo; now ed., 1885. 
 "Just the book for an angler to slip Into his pocket and 
 read at luncheon by .some trout-stream."— /Ictirf., xxvii. 
 aL?/. fT'%7?'^ «;»: .nook for W„„,|eror, an,l 
 Anitltr: I.nti., I«77, |>. Nk.i new ...1., I8711, 
 N;,"i'm" ""*''"■'"■ '""" "■ «'■'•-'• ''i«iV him kbZ;iV-rii;r 
 .u''?"'"' »'"' Trout in .h„ Ani,,,«,U.,: „„ Annlor'. 
 i..I1'^b1mmi7i,':,'v'!X, '"'''' "^-'"ly' «■'"' -^v,.i,M,r''. ..,; 
 »; i« ,.n,,,,».iu.n n.,uiM,udiy\:M;. p:^, v\ ;. ;m^^^^^^ 
 (.1 llR' l,uliirt..siliiil iiu|.rf.M.,|'ilin,'*^ >ViVV,'-V x" uV 1 
 otlMT. Ihc. U,,v„l Hiver, ,ho Tham.. Lm Hour.; o 
 r'";, V;;,"'"'''""''' '""•"'''••»i, j'iot,,ri,ii. iiiu,t. i,„„., 
 N.Min".;n, llirl,,,,-.!, It.v., ,.|,k.f in,,M.,..„r of ,„„. 
 chi.HT.v A.lmn.llj-: .•M«in..,.r in-hi, f ,lf ,|.o U„ i| 
 niivy 11,0 .M,.,;,ni< St..,u„.|.:„«i„„: a Trciti,.. f„r ll", 
 Niivy. Millet. ,.,!,., IhsJ. sv,,. •.,! „, ,^g, ^'" 
 Lunl'TssV,^; ^v*;, ^'"'"P'"« "r'"»>»"r. V„oabul„ry, io., I 
 Lu^il^T^H' Vi'"''"'''., '■.I'i'''l*.v "'"' '"- Frlcn,I,,l 
 Lu,., IH,ii, ,,,. |,„„„. 2. Cnu's Cru'ii.l,.. „n,l other 
 T,. e, L,m isso |s,„o. :i. My Nolly 'h Stury, „" 
 i»IIM,,y. |,ad, l,„„., IS8I, |s,„r, ,,. m.yon.l 1.."." 
 [It nnvol.l I.,,,., iss;,, vol,, r,. mvo. :,. A J, U,,..,, l' 
 n I onmnr,., 1,„„., ls,H.|, ;[ v„f.. or. ,Svo. .;. .V , s,i|„i: 
 «, .o„„ NMO, 2 vol,, er. Svo. 7. ,J„..,.l,iV Wit 
 a Nov..!, I „„. INS7, :) vol.. or. Hvo. ,s. .^cv..,„y Ti , 
 (•.■von : » NovH, l,„n., Immh, 3 vols. or. nvo 
 SerKi-niit, LeuU. |. I„,ro,luotio„ t„ J.:„>,ii,|, 
 Cc,„|,o,,l,„„, I.,,,,., |M7L>. 12mo. 2. Klemon.Hrv .Mat It' 
 m.t,cs m onncaion ,vm, .SH.nce und Art U,-u\,rm.m\ 
 IHTs'.'svo ""' ■" "'■'•■™'-'^ "'"' •^'"1'^ ''•»'., 
 "He l,..,ks to the fstftlill.slinirnt of 11 ..oworful (irtfU 
 I. (Ir.coe. Illust. (" Foreign C«un.ri,.« „»,! Uriti.l, 
 Colonics.") I,on., 1 ^SO, l2nio. 5. Knalan.l's I'oli v 
 it- Tr,„lition« and I-rubl^m^, Kdin,. ISMl'^sJo ^ ' 
 i*;';a"^-:u',i::{T;r' ""^ ^''■'"""•' '^-"'^^ ^^^rui 
 l.s"2/J."8vo'.' *''"' <"^''«"«'' ''"""■"" Leaaer.,") Lon., ' 
 Serjeant, William C. Kidon, Follo,v of tl.o 
 c!z:';!;:;:;',^:i^-s,::'''"' ''-■-'«■' ^''-^'-t Great: 
 and'ThlV'i?' '^'"';'"J"'>' •'""«' (Christie.) Destiny, | 
 and Nther I'o.Mni., N, "i „rk, Iss;), ,„. Hhno. ' 
 Service, Ilev. Johii, U.U., 1S3.3-I,S84, b. at fanin 
 su.. Scotland. oducMled „, ,hc University of a.^ v 
 ..Mnistcra. I a.nil.on ls,;2, but re,i«ned on aoelft f 
 I he,,l h and went to Au.lralia. where he held aharg h 
 Mi4-,l); number of Inch lN72-7!l; incumbent of 
 llyndland Kstablished <'hureh, (ilasgmv, 1^7™'"? 
 u!^ s'-'^^ " f"7 "'■ ^""'''^ ""'' Australia., Lili; 
 I-i'n., IS,5, ,S voK Svo. Anon. (Oi-ieinallv ,o,b'iihp, 
 n,; Good Word,;- under the title ,lf .'!,"v!,'n^ ••""'"' 
 4.t;rx6:';:;v:f„:!;:r'irr^^ "^''"^^^■ 
 Onl?""-' *'%"", *'"»»«"'• Astronotny with an 
 he S "„r!r"ir " P"!'" ",.fntroductioi. to the Study of 
 llie btarry Heavens, N. York, 1S8S 8vo 
 cufd^'tT't' A'f ander J. The Lord's Dav Res- 
 Jow^ettXtlTs^stllmo.'^ "■''• "^^'" '""'■«■ «• 
 NeiKloii*, II. r. Clerk'., "^hcrKT", «nd r.)int«bl«'« 
 (luidc, Detroit. IH7.'!, IJi,,.,. ••"•■Jit, • 
 Neth, Andrew, .M.A..' i,rof..«.or of |„^i„. rhetoric, 
 and ,ne,a,,l,y,|,., |„ ,h„ Infver.lty of St. Andrew,, | 
 I ev,.|,,|,„„.„ fr.,,,. Kant to lIcK,!: „i,|, fhaplrr, on 
 « l'hll.,.o|diy ol U,.||«i„n, l.on., I ..H2. svo. 2. .Scottish 
 ' '''T "' l"",'-"""f '!"■ •^■■"t.l.h and .l,.rm« 
 K:;i:":,'y,o!::ni.;i;'t:r ''-'-■■'•'"••"' '-""-•' 
 c,;imi,;:i;::ri!!'iy,;;!„i''.i;;:;:;'";;^,;^";;;7 -• '''•"'»•■ which 
 •■1. llcXcliuniM.. and IW.onali.y. 1 .Second Hcrie- of Hal- 
 I f.ur I,ceiu,e,,, K.lin. ,ind I.on., IHH7, |2n,o. With ll,i ,. 
 ANK, lu.MAI.l, ll,ui«,N, (cd.l K.says in l'hi|o,„,,h|.,a| 
 I ritic:,,,,, I,on., I Hs;,, s,,,, , Contains essay, by ,| , , 
 tors and several other writers I 
 Se,„„ ,; ^„,. „^ [■'"". vol. ii., ad,l.,] b. 
 1'*--. Kiaduated at Kveler CollcL-e, Oxlord Im',. n 
 lueiuber of the .Scottish Faculty of Advocates IHIfl 
 .-riotary l„ the General KcKistry Offioe, KdinburKh! 
 iFd ,' is-o ,0"''' '""" ,'•'•""""'"• I.Hler-WriteVs. 
 1-d n. |M,0, |.J,„„; ,|„j^ ,„, ij,.,, 
 n.jd hesen. I.di,,. and r,o„.', |s-s,.„„. ;,. M. ,,i of 
 Alexander ,Seto,,, Karl of l.unfern,li„e, Seventh I'resl- 
 enl ol Court .. .Session, and Chancellor of .<,.otland- 
 I' ih.oN ''IT.'"'','! '■■""•"''l'"« " ''i^' "f '!'« Variou. 
 , , I- , ""■>,'.'"" ""'I Gcnealo^'ical Tables of ih« 
 a>. l.din.and J.on., ' -, ,.„. ,|, a Jludxet of Anec- 
 1.01,., I,SH,, |2m,i; 2i| ed. same year. 
 Netoii, J. !■". .s„ „, i,j. pir^,_ ,,„„^ ,,^g^ 
 >elon, .1. I,. s„tv> on the Operations of the North 
 ■cnoan I roop, i„ Lorraine and I'icardv : taken wh,le 
 K IZl.Mr''*' principally the Fortieth, oV llohen"on rn 
 I'usilecr KeKiinent, Lon., l'<72, Hvo 
 Ileal' nirihcMl''",'";''' ,"""r";«lion' rcKardhu, the prac- 
 M'h!:;';:.,:"'!^Vf:?^-8,?» ^«t;ith-tl,e GoMcn 
 Setoii, III. Hcv. ilobert, D.D., b. Is.ii,, „t 
 I i.-a Italy; educat,.,) at .Mount St. Mary's College K. 
 "t.burg, Md., an,l in ,he Acadcuia Kccl..<i" s "i 
 V:;'".^;,':.r'''^"f St. Joseph's Koman Catholi. C ,'r „,' 
 , l-n7f? S • ; """', '■.'^•'•' ''™" "'■ ""•• M»"^i«n"ri of th^ 
 KM a eth tL '• "'^'1'"'". '^"""s, and Journal of 
 „"■'"'"'•'•'""' ^- ^'>rk, 1SH!I, 2 vols. .Mvo. (.See 
 >?nm:. C,ia,m.,:s J >e. vol. i,i., 2. Ks"ay 01 
 \ anous .v„n,e,.|H. chiclly Koman, N. York, I8S2, 12 no 
 i at Mo';;:?'^,* ''""l"' ^'«3'. m Xev Y;,rk ; edue"t;i 
 at MiMUt M. Ma,.y s (.'ollcge. Einmitsburg, M,l. ; served 
 ' "ic e"f'rT''- , ;. """";"«'= "f ""^ Charter Oak: a 
 .. .n, f .?''"r"' ^ '.""■■'' ^' ^■'"•''' I"""- 2 vols. 12mo. 
 He, .• ' t"[- ''.''"'"K"'" : » Tale of the American 
 ,, 't ; ^"i;.^' J."*"' ""■ ^'"'' ■'• Kichel's Fate, an 
 other J ales, N. York, ls,S2, |2mo. :,. The I'o r Mi 
 The'sh;," ^f '"' -^■'i7 ^'"'"^ '■"■-' N- Vork. 1884 . 
 Seton-Kiirr. See K uin 
 It ^ev<'r.u.ce, Mark Sibley. Hammersmith : his 
 Ha u,r,i Days, liosl., 1S78, 12mo; new ed., I8,s2. 
 M.ssv'ofM,;, •!;■!',"''■'""''' *P^™^'^ ■'^- T"""-^"- 
 ^ i.m':^'ss";'jr'!.t:' '''"''"'^"- '■'"" """- ■ » >^»-'. 
 ii,^ '•,"'."';•'',• ^^\- «™'"''ted at liowdoin College 
 . r' "f':'- '","'""' "' ""^ '"'iversities of Tiibingen and 
 lerhn l>o9-,l ; entered the ministry of the New^Chur h 
 , '; r Vr^T '; ^■■■'""'a l-niversity 1870-86; now 
 III,,. ' iVi"i' , 1?. ,T"' "' ^'"■'= • ^ <-'h"-'toias Story. 
 IZ « •'"•', 't""' '**'""• 2- The Ilem of his Gar 
 ment : Spir.tua Lessons from the Life of Our Lord, 
 I'h la., I2tno. .'!. The Pillow of .Stones: Divine Alio 
 weK'„ ''"" :.r^i""" *'™"'"K' i"'"'"- >2.. o 4. tI; 
 Welcome: w,th .Services, Catechism, Scripture Ques- 
 '* i 
 *•. ' 1 
 .5 .' 1' 
''■I' * 
 tion?, Ilymns nn.l Tunes, I2ino. 5. Daily Bread for 
 tviTy Housuholil, frum the Wonlof God, X."York, 1S7B, 
 sm. Jto. ti. The Young i\fw-Churclmmn's Guido to the 
 ,.-? ,'i"^' """• ^- '^"K"'". "le Circus-Boy, I'bilii., 
 H'?-' '2"i"- «. The New Ethics; or, Tiie Morul Law 
 of Ise, N. York, 1881, sq. Svo. 1). (Trans, and ed.) 
 Itie .Soul ; or, Kational Psycliologv ; from the Latin of 
 i-iuanuci Sweilcnborg, N. York, HS", Nvo. 10 The 
 >ew Metanhysics: or. The Law of End, Cause, and 
 tlfect : with other Essays, Lon., 1SS8, Svo. With Dvv, 
 ». «., I'rayer-IJook and Hymnal for the Iseof the New 
 < hureh, Phila., Ifinio. 
 ivMr"'"!:.''' ''■■e^'erick Willinm, LL.D., son of 
 » I liaui Henry .'^cward, |y. v„ mil,; vol. ii.,] b. ls;iO, at 
 Auburn, X.Y. : admitted to the bar IS51. (Ed.) Auto- 
 biogra|,hy of William Henry Seward, (I81H-1S;U ;) with 
 .Memoir of his Life, and ^"eleetions from his Letters, 1S31- 
 IMfl. Ilhist. .\. York, l,s77, 8vo. 
 Seward, George Frederick, b. 1810, at Florida, 
 n,,''' "• "'■£'"-'" of W. II. ^Jeward; educated at Union 
 Lollegej L.S. consul at Shanghai, China, ISGl , minister 
 to thira I87f)-su. Chinese Immigration, in its Social 
 and Lconomical Aspects, N. York, I8S1, Svo. 
 wnn'jl,"'''"^'''''' l','^ '"'■'hod is calm, candid, and jii«t. His 
 ™^ 'To.tnl""-' '"'i^'"^'"-^ ""'1 inc(,rrec,;,ess ol his e", 
 nom e iioiK iis. . . . bvcry one who desires to form an 
 -S',!,;'xxxii.''l;;"'-''' '" '""'""" *"""''' read hisT,ok" 
 (Reward, Olive Kisley, adopted daughter of W. 
 H. reward. (Ed.) Travels around the World. By W 
 H.Seward. Illust. N. Y'ork, KS7;i, Svo. " 
 Sewell, A. lihick Beauty: the Autobiography of 
 aHorse, Lon., 1S77, l2uio; newed.. 18S0 
 i! ^ h'?V' •'''If E'izaheth Missing:, [<,ni,; vol. 
 11.,] b IMo, in the Isle of Wight. 1. Thoughts for the 
 Age, Lon., ls,(l, l2moi new ed., 1874. 27 Tales and 
 Stories, Lon., 1S71, s vols. 12nio; new ed., 1S72. S 
 Grammar made Easy, Lon., 1872, l2mo. 4. Catechism 
 ot History: England, Greece, Rome, Lon., 1S72-74 3 
 vols. ISiiio. o. Some Questions of the Day, Lon., 1S75, 
 p. !<vo 6. Popular History of Franco, from tlia Earlies 
 Period to the Death of Louis XIV., Lon., IS7C), „. 8vo 
 - 7. i mate Devotions for Young Persons, 1S81 8 I et 
 ters on Daily Life, Lon,, 1S84, p. Svo. ' 
 Sewell, .Mrs, .Mary, [„„^., vol. ii.. add.] 1. Pic- 
 turcs and Ballads of London Life, Lon., 1870, 4to. 2 
 Davie Blake, the Sailor, Lon., 1S74, 12mo. :i. Mother's 
 Last Words, and other Ballads, Lon., IS75, i2mo. 4. 
 Thy loor Lrotlier: Letters to a FrientI on Helping the 
 tre s didnt know, Lon., ISSd, 12mo. Ii. Poems and 
 Ballads : with Memoir by Miss Bayly, Lon., 1880, 2 vols. 
 Inn^Ys''-!,'' **»'•«'■«• 'Analytical History of India, 
 Sewell, Itev. William Henry, M.A., graduated 
 a Truiity College, Cambridge, ls.:,8 • ordained isl" 
 J car of Ya.vey since 1S61. 1. Christian Caro of the 
 Dying and the Dead; new ed., Lon., 1878, 12mo ' 
 Memoirs of Sir James Tyrell, Knight Banneret of th'o 
 lime of Richard III., 1878. X. The Se.xton's Wheel 
 and the Lady Fitst. Illust 1881. 4. Practical Pa 
 on Funeral lielorm, Yaxley, 1883. Also, many ant 
 quarian papers. • 
 Sewill, Henry E., M.U.C.S.. L.D.S., late dental 
 surgeon to the West London Hospital. 1. Irregularities 
 Guide 'Jo'lT f ,"\" "^r"'- ''""- ' '■"• 2- '^''"' Student'-, 
 ^s-fi , " ^^" 'i' '^"»,'°'»y "nJ Surgery, Illust. Lon., 
 18,6, l.'mo ■ 2d cd., 1883. ,j. Dental Caries : a Critic" 
 Summary, Lon., 1884, Svo. ^iim-ai 
 Sexton, A. Humboldt, F.C.S., professor of metal- 
 Co fie" the Glasgow and West of Scotland Techn cal 
 ?""^«f:o.'- '^"•'""'' °f Qualitative Analysis. Illust 
 2d"d..' Lon.ri,H;:^' °""""'' "' Quantitative Analysis, 
 1 on^Vs-V' "7- *'*'?'"?.^- '• F""acie» of Secularism, 
 dX'l T ' '^' ■"• f ""'"'"'' ''''■' «<=nO"ncing Inli- 
 Fabri o^ s ^".-"r^^""'.' ""' P' **™- ■■'• The Baseless 
 -iu ,° ."^ Scientifle Scepticism, ton., Isru, p. Svo 4 
 The t.dly „f Atheism, Lon., 1880, cr. Svo. 5. ThJistic 
 I on I'sVo T "" u;'',"'"'^ '■'' Relationship to Man, 
 Chri's'tii S/l.. ™!«''", ^!r%C.: 1. liebate on 
 Secularism^'which Is Better ?Lon.:i8^2:p!'8v"' "'' 
 Sexton, Maurice John. Pooket-Book for Boiler- 
 Makers and Steam-Users, Lon., 1875, 32mo 
 1*""' **"'"»«'' *II>- The Ear and its Diseases : 
 I {'«;.ng,Pfactioal Contributions to the Study of Ost"ohiev 
 Edited by Christopher J. CoUos, .M.D. N. Y'ork, 1888,' 
 Seyd, Ernest, F.S.S,, [„„(-., vol. ii., add.] 1. 
 liullion and loieign Exchanges considered, Lon ISfis 
 svo. 2. London Banking and the Bankers' Clearinir- 
 Ilouse .system, Lon., 1872, Svo. .!. The Bank of Eng- 
 land -Note-Issue ami its Error, Lon., 1S74, Svo. 4. The 
 Banks of Issue Question: a .Memorial, Lon,, I S75. r 
 8vo, 5. Ihe 1-all in the Price of Silver: its Causes and 
 tonsequence.^ Lon., 1870, Svo. 0. The Wealth and 
 Commerce ol .Nations, and t.,e Que.-tion .,f Silver, with 
 tepecial Hclcrence to the In.lian Valuation, and the In- 
 ternational .Monetary Congress at Paris, l.on 1S78 8vn 
 ,. Ihe Decline of Prosperity: its Insidious Cause an.l 
 ?HsV ■■' /?'"','>' ,'"'"•' '"'"' '■"'• ■'*• liiuH-tallism in 
 ISSO, and the further Fall in Silver, Lon., ISSO 8vo 
 SeyHarth, Rev. tJnstavus, Ph.D., D.D.', r,,,',,,. 
 vol. 11., add., 17ilO-lSS5, resigned his |.rofes8.,rsliip at 
 m; rV"' 'v ''"','•■ ",'"' '"'''^"'^ ''"""« ""■ remainder of 
 s li le ,n .New York 1. Egyptian Theology according 
 I. %}'"Y '^''"""'y-Cofrin. Illust. N. York, lS7ii, Svo 
 -. The Literary Life of Gustavus Seyllurth: an Auto- 
 biographical Sketch, N. York, ISSO, Svo 
 Seymour, A. S. Sixth North Carolina Digest- 
 embraemg the Reports from the Eightieth to thu 
 iNinetietn .North Carolina, inclusive, Raleigh, IS80. Svo 
 Seymour, Charles W. The College Widow : an 
 Improbable Story, .\. York, ISSI, 12mo 
 Seymour, Frederick H. A. Rienzi : a Play, in 
 live Acts, Lon., ISSO, Svo. 
 Seymour, G. E. Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin. 
 Illust. l.on., 1S83. 
 T T^l",* ?",'"■,'. 'f*' '*''^' ♦■eorge Franklin, S.T.D., 
 C,die^;;^8 n 'i° ?'"," \',"'.' ' Kra'luated at Columbia 
 College 1850, and at the Episcopal (icneral Theological 
 Seminary 18o4; ordained 1854; professor of history in 
 the General Theological Seminary 1805-7,8, and since 
 then Bishop of Springfield, III. 1. Introduction to 
 Papal Claims, 1882. 2. Modern Romanism not Catho- 
 licity, Milwaukee, 1888. Also, charges, addresses, Ac 
 1 T^''"! "!','■' Mnm'lton.nnd Hobertson, Keith. 
 1884 .>t'" '',"'..'"■•/ "■"'••'* Of Madness, Edin., 
 1884. 2 i he .scarlet Cord : a Medical Lovc-Story, Lon. 
 lotto, p. ^\o, ' 
 Seymour, J. S. Analytical Inde.v to the Bank- 
 ruplcy Act, 1S83, Lon., 1883. 
 Seymour, Mrs. Mary. 1. Shakespeare's Stories 
 ^^."'•''j;T"'..l; with Outlines. Illust. fon., 1880, cr 
 ^< r,, ^."■"i'^''- a Novel, Lon., 1881, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 3. Chaucer s Stories Simply 'Told. Hlust. Lon. 18.83 
 sq. lomo 4 That BoyTom. Illust. Lon., 1880,,,: 
 80. Girlhood Days, Lon., 18RB, p. Svo. Anon. 
 Charlie 8_Successj or, 'The Little Ambassador, Lon.. IS87, 
 UuZ"' /■ i^J-'"-'' ""'" "°'"''' "^'»-'Sars would Ride 
 ad the 4 "•' ?'' ''• '?• **• '''"'« ■^■•"'"'- at 'lie Zoo, 
 and the Animals he saw there, Lon., 1,SS7,„ Svo 'I Dp 
 throned: a Story for Girls. Illust. LonI, Issr, p.'.Svo' 
 0. Competitors; or. The Story of a Friendship. Illust 
 ■IjOII., Io^O, p. ,svo, 
 Seymour, Mrs. .'»Iary A. I. Life and Letters of 
 Bost , lsTo,T2mr'" "'"• "^ ''""'^''' """^'^'' ['^^'"''•1 
 nv^,fr\'"r "'■' '^'''?; '"*''»'■»'' (Harrison,) b. 1835, at 
 0.vford, Conn.; wife of Rev. Storrs 0. Seymour, of 
 '"f <"■''• , '• Mollio's Christmas Stocking, N. Y'ork, 
 V V , ,""','""« ■""! Starlight: Scripture Texts, .tc. 
 c^liier^s':' '•'*«\'^2mo 3. Posy Vinto'n's Picnic,' and 
 other Stones, N. York, 1870, lOmo. 4. Ned, Nellie 
 ami Amy : a Story of the White Hills, N. YoJ^k, IS70' 
 Ibmo. 0. Recompense. Illust. N.York, 1874, 12mo' 
 «. Every Day: T^ext Hymn, Prayer, and Record l^; 
 Every Day u. he Year, N. York, 1877, 18mo. 7. 
 Through the Darkness, N. York, 1884, 18mo 
 Seymour, Rev. Robert G., D.D. Light for the 
 Journey from Rutherford's Lamp. Phila., 1880, lOmo 
 ISTS^l"!"'""' *' '^""'P™'' "f ^''O''' Whist, N. York, 
 Seymour, William Digby, LL.D., QC U,nt.- 
 vol i.. a,ld.,] b. 1822; graduated at Tri'nit Co lego 
 1840 .MP for Sunderland 18.52-54. and for .=o,,thRmr.- 
 8U T Th' ■',';'=»■•<*" of \ewcastle-upon-Tyne sin™ 
 Mntii™ T ','r"'''r^™"""^ ^°°'' "f P'ai^es: New 
 Me rical Translation, Lon., 1882, p. 8vo; new ed., 1883. 
 Lon.n" I H ''^'' *'•"'' '^"Premaoy; or. Nationality 
 reconciled with Empire : an Essay, Introductory and 
 Explanntory : with tlio Draft of n nm r .1 
 "lent of Irelnn.1, Un.. ISSs er s ■ n''" ^'•■''^■™' '■"^•'=™- 
 Shncklerord, John ir r .' . 
 tl.M.To.t ITibuhltion?"""!-,. \" ,^ ^'""^^■" i--|.e 
 Shndhnit, S. II n,,, 1, , ' "• 
 -^1^. ''•;■-'. r.;:V4';^;^?''-^->Pai«n. of IS7S 
 1-n., l>sl,,,.'svo! '• ^^"'■"'''■■"•> Tangle. II|„se. ; 
 ShaUucll, l„h„ E,„i,i,„ , I 
 IMS; -riKliiiil,'.! lit Christ t'liiMvli (Me 1 '. •"-^■' ''• 
 to the l,„rat Lincoln's Inn V ' •^^"T'j "«■' • ™"''J 
 liticnl Kcononiv. I,on Is"- ',„ '• ^ *•>■'""" "'' 1'"- ' 
 hi: v'lok 'il^ni^i,?;;.^,^? l;^^-r;;' r^^^' '">" "1.1.0. 
 woKes. lU'nin,,sMi,.4.iri"hinL 1 M,'.''' ■''''■,''■■« ™l"''niM 
 5,^nav.r.a law ol ..,J';^'^-(;^;^;)l^,rn.u^.Ui^ 
 Mountain Wa fif^' niu.t, , .',1 '/''"T'""'^' f'"- I- 
 a a thos,. lH.r.>liar,.|/ar leNtu' 7L;,T J",'""'' '!'''r'"^li'H 
 u fale'rAI^V,ernie,!rfV '• ^evillo „atherle, : 
 Ei.ic'3 Foot;;!"";': «t,«s ;;,„';''','■>'''-•,''• ■^-"- 2. 
 Naomi's Siecrot ,ti' T nn w\;i ■ ^^" •'•-Sus; or, 
 4. Almost a Wrl.k Z" I ''K''"'' '"•'^^ <"'•. ''^SS 
 Lon.,ISS,i., 5' The r l ^^r^V""' '■'"-''■''«"- 
 "' ■ ■■' ^- ^- ,^'"'f''«™l''n(lsof Oaklands; or, 
 CleansingK.res, l.on.,! so |,im, ,;m •,„ 
 takn: ft. It,.!..!.. 1 : .1 . . '.I' ' '""o. (,. Jlaggie's JIj, 
 take; orriiright'Lighun ti;;'c;;;;;;i: u„\,,, , , 
 (. Avonclaie Priory; or, "Sho h ,. I, i ■''■'• ■*"■ 
 Illu-<t. Lon.;i,SS>f,'l2'„" '^ IJr.Jther's Love. 
 Sharter, .\exvto,, .Vl i .l', -f^T" '""'•!'•«''"• 
 York.'ici^'^ '"'""" '" or.^:'J::-'s^^, ^: 
 cJucated at tilasg„tn,lo;'^'f",f '■■■«' ■^^•»"""''. «»'l 
 humanity at the Uni vo . u "f i.'^T'";" ^'""'''"" "^ 
 ->l prineipal of the Unite, Co ,^; „''A',^'=:Uv" ""'i 
 M. Leonard in the University ^^^1, ■""'""'' f 
 In ISrr he was elnetp.l . r : •■^"''r"'" m l.sfiy. , 
 For biog., :.:t:!:^'u^"^:^, ;;' ■'"""•^ "' t",-^-'""''- 
 lowing list of his pnhli eat.ons ne ', u . Ih""'""- ^''^ '"'- 
 <>"l<; vol. ii. 1 . The W, nt. ,,f ,1 1^ """ ""*•' "'entioned 
 -d some of the HemJIi^^^ "^tph " '^^'"'1^ 
 1S08. 3. Kiln>ah,c°: a Higlfii'VrP,.';"'','^'- ^'T"'^'^ 
 Poems, Lon and Cambrifig " [s f'T^,- "''/' f'r 
 Keble; an Essay, Edin., 18(17 l''m„ ■%/;'•'" 
 tion. Edin';,"'/^;,^ r2lf ^'r'e"„:L^r A',i'>^'" «"'- 
 theperfeotiuM of o^MaV.^.'^f,,^: •''•"';;''■ ',""' "' "'"k'"K 
 velop.nent of all it-s cai i 'iti.Ps i n, '"-' '"'"""'""Us .It- 
 or a, voeating a cult, re whiH. , .,'V"""''''''" "l"' I'l'" 
 ;ipriu..|ple,?',ttml „ .'^^^:T'r''■'"';'V^ 
 Svo; 2d ei, l^frS ^ Wordsworth. Edin., LS74, p.' 
 B "' a purpoue. ... As a painter Jola 
 I always uee...,,..lati,,"; , Jj ■ "'''.'V ' "^^^ \V'.r.lsw.,rll. i% 
 I work. . . . There is virvi'. ■,!"-''^"' " i"^ '"r her hroiliei's 
 ! >iM.ts?j are sek'ct ..I -V, ' ,*-; '"'' "■•,",'",«• '^"' 'I"""-' Pa 'ts 
 I P.'etry."l.s„/. A'f", .xxxJlij "Is " "■'""" "'""I'l 'ol'l lu 
 j«v:\":i^:;;lL:';!:r''''^- of Nature. Edin., ,s:7, 
 rue ...telle,.„.«l lea-t.vii.i.'srn ',,'''',''''•'* p.'.ivi.le.l a ,.,l,|,.,,sses l.i...seH ,^|,' ' ' V '" »b""i hf es. 
 e.>iiii...inio„ with a .. 1 vh ,, „ '' l."^^'o«'lv,.s lu.r,. i,, 
 their .li>p„.„|. •_.v,,„.,,;;,;,.7'J,'.;; I'''"'^-^ us r.,.h resources at 
 l87U.'^:s™.'''"""^'<"^"S''^'''^I«" "'■ Letters,", Lon., 
 : ''.i and lm^.l';fi^L"-:;/';\;;^;,^«"v-i '■. i;- vory,h,„ 
 ■•^ullli'lelit se...e of lli,. 1, ! ' ' ' ''*, "'"' H hanllv irives 
 |.er „f ihc Kr eat ,,' , , ^* '"r"' ""j' '""""I i" the I e, ,' 
 I "•* li e ,s a,l.,.iral,l,., a, ' i , , ' ' " "" (.'"^'Iry ami „., 
 : Vere."-,s^„,/„/,„., Hi ,■.,7"" "'" l""^'' '•erla.uly „„( ,ou ^^.. 
 :Oxli:;,L'll^^:;^,;'-'i^,; '^-"^ '-."re. .leliveredat 
 !|.VH^.n";|{:r;'l;i,■j;'.^;-:■;;r"^e these lectures wi„. 
 •-I'ecis il„.y si.ilcr.l,, t i, ;, le V h • ''T"'-, '" ""'">■ f'- 
 .■ompaiis,,,,. , . Th, V , , , . ■ '^'.''aiiil.v Wiin, l,v the 
 essays . hi. ■n,,... ,. , ..i , ^ "■> ''''"■ '1'"" -^Ir, An.. Ms 
 i,!!"^- poets, ;.; V I ,m"em n;"; ,"r i""-"''"!"^ ,.s„":,s , ,? 
 v:.."i^dl::ys^|;t^^?r r-;'f-%-ohn 
 ■ riwet, ,, ,10 wise ....,.' i,]' ;„",'?' ",'^"' ''>■. spirit of soft 
 , ;..; «i...,s were s.ill ,' 'i^ r, , ' 1'".^. ; »:hou the lli^-l,! 
 wuh a |ra>s nil f,,r wil.i ,,,, ' ■ '. ""'> are .si.t.ii-atc.i 
 "'"i^in.lf'.hehealhc."'':^.!;:,^:^ "vv^!!;"'^;r ''''""^•- '■'•■^ 
 h'^'in' bv'n'ud-:;:,; V^ ^ ^^^^h of Principal 
 ' F.H.IJ.,^., Life a,;; ',■';' ^''"■'■'' ^- '^''-^^s,' 
 Lon., isr3, Sv'o. °" "' •^'""<^'' ^'^vid Forbes! 
 .-ni^MiionS',!^?;;?,.:^?^;^':^^;'.'!" ^li^-""' -I'^t^-r 
 .bail that liner ,', . 1,. L,,.""^ t.. sav n.ore 
 I 'MWHi Will, the ,^;;;^i »'. ch :^:;,^;'z,':";! "[''■ '""■• ^^^ 
 i "";^ ■■■ails of .■itarac er"-"^''/^"'^^ ';f L"lore.tJ,ig h.^^^ 
 .lay'{i"!:k.r„"'";s^i"!',i;: "='••) ^he Tennys„n liirth- 
 o:S- onlaincd IS,1| ; cur.tCf^V 1 ''['"'^'"■Sl' l«l)- 
 ton, ls,i:i_s:i ,, ' "'\T f • •'"tephen'.s, Pa.lding. 
 ''liri^tianitv i„ lie hti-.n to ? '" -^thoo^ : .Spiritual 
 Thoaght; Nine ,^e , , '• ithT pT"'',"^ '^'•"'--''■■' 
 Canon Farrar. l).D.,u,^ "s'^s p g''''""'-' ''•^ ""-' «'■'■• 
 ,f^Hin.ii7th:]^.^liu:;;^'[;;:;;i;::;;;r "•'!'' has ivu vcrv,,.,.. 
 logieal i.leas .if tic p .",,",,'''- r^'V'"!'''' ,"'"' 'h^''tl e, - 
 ;ai.i,,ui.tofsvii,palliv w ih I.. I • '"■'"' '"'^ "" ^'ittht 
 I there is un Veil ,",•,,„,, V/.l''."'','' ^''''i''^'l>- believes fiat 
 • the sermons. t,„, ,,r ,, . ' ' '^'''"ei'i. them. They 1 re 
 KWrt'.^^'t^nes'i!-r'^''«.i"-'"- of 
 :vil; Lectures, b; Erilest Vi Wli:-', ^""^ i^'^"'"'-''" °f 
 School, Har^nl," 8 " tvel ^"^ ^"wrenco Soientiflo 
 sor of paheontoh'igy at'llar -a , "^ H 87'" T' ^"'^''- 
 professorof geol.,|v. ile has h l„ „ f""' """^ """"' ""^n 
 to A,„:u;„;'^ra"t":*r'"' =""'"''"'<'' 
 "• Antiquity of Caverns ii^fr ^?'?'"8 magazines. 
 Valley.'* I,Lt. Bolt !to' '^'"Zt'''? S^ "><, Ohio 
 > ^'o. .,, tast „f Braehi.ipods 
 I 'I'!),! 
 ?• J 
 ' <<i'i 
 from the Island of Anticosti, 18fi5, Svo. 3. Question 
 Guide to the Environs of Boston, for lieginners in (Jeol- 
 ogy in Hurvnrd University. Part I. Somerville iind 
 Ciimbridge, l.S7.i, ll-'mo. 4. Recent Chnnges ol Level 
 on the Coast of Maine, linst., Ito. f). Tlioughts on tlic 
 Nature of Intellectual I'roperty and it.- Importance to 
 the .State, licwt., KS7H, Svo. fi. On the Fos.sil lirachio- 
 pods of the i.lhio Valley: witli Plates, Cin., ISS.S, 4to. 
 7. A First liook in (Jeology, ISSI. S. Kentucky; a Pio- 
 neer Commonwealth, (".American Comuion\vealths",'<er.,) 
 liiist., ISSI4, 12nio. With D.ivis. William Moiihis, in- 
 structor in geology in Harvard I'niversity, Illustrations 
 of the Earth's ."-urfaoe : Glaciers. Illust. Host., IS.SI, 
 " The first volume of a proi>ose<l series designeil to illus- 
 trate the iiromiiiont features of the earth's surlaco My 
 means 111 |ihotou;raplis and other pictorial or graphic rep- 
 rcseiitatiun. . . . Kach of the several vcihinies will present 
 some statement or <liscussion of tlie essential facts and 
 theories that belong to its .special subject. "—-Vii/ioH,x.\.\iii. 
 Sliallnw, J. (This is said to he a pseudonymc for 
 John V. A. Morohcad.) The Templars' Trials: an At- 
 tempt to estimate the Evidence published by Dupuy, 
 Kaynouard, Jlichclel, Von Hammer, and Loiseleur, Lon., 
 18SS, r. Svo. 
 Sliaiid, Albxnnilcr Inncs. I. On the Trail of 
 the War, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 2. Against Time, Lon., 
 1S7II, 3 vols. p. Svo. 3. ."^hooting the Rapids, Lon., 
 1872. 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 " The story is bright and lively; the author has the lare 
 merit of writini,' about things which ho really nnder- 
 Maiuls, and his book may be cnuiited amuiis; the not too 
 luimerous novels which it is not an absolute waste of time 
 for a grown man to read."— .S(l^ l/cv., xxxiii. 477. 
 4. Letters from the West of Ireland, 1SS4; reprinted 
 from the "Times," Edin., 18Sj, p. Svo. 5. Fortune's 
 Wheel : a Novel, Edin., ISSti, 3 vols. or. Svo. (i. Haifa 
 Century; or, Changes in Jlen and Manners, Edin. and 
 Lon., 1SS7, Svo. (Sketches, of which many arc reprinted 
 from the Saturday Review. Among the suhjeot.3 are 
 "The Old and the New Clergymen," "The Old' and the 
 New Earmcrs," " The Old and the New Labourers," &c.) 
 Shailtl, It. \y. South Carolina Supremo Court Re- 
 ports, vols, xi.-xix., (|s7tf-18S3,) Jersey City, N.J., 
 18SII-S4, Svo. 
 Shiiiiklnnd, Mrs. E. K. The Matron's House- 
 hold Manual, Dubuque, la., lS7a, sin. Ilimo. 
 Shanks, T. J. (Ed.) D. L. Moodv at Home: his 
 Home and Home Work, Ac, Chic, ISSii, |2uio. 
 Shaiin, G., M.A. Elementary Treatise on Heat in 
 Relation to Steam and the Steam-Engine. Illust. Lon., 
 1877, p. Svo. 
 Shapcote, Mrs, E. M. 1. Eucharistio Hours: 
 Devotiim towards the Blessed Sacrament. Lon.. ISSli, cr. 
 Svo. 2. The Story of Little Tina, and other Tales, Lon., 
 ISSS, fp, Svo. 
 Shapley, Iliifiis Edmonds, b. 1S40, at Carlisle, 
 Pa. ; graduateil at Dickinsim College ISfiO ; admitted to 
 the bar, r. id has practised in Philadelphia since l8H(i. 
 "I'm fur 'im :" Solid for Mulhooly : a Sketch of Munici- 
 pal Polities under the Leaders, the Ring, and the Boss, 
 N. York, 18SI, l2mo. Anon. 
 Shapter, Thomas, .M.D., F.R.C.P., consulting 
 physician to the Uevcju and Exeter Hospital. Notes 
 and Ub.scrvations on IJisoases of the Heart, and of the 
 Lungs in Connection therewith. Lon., 1S74, Svo. 
 Sharkey, Seymour John, M.A , M.D., F.R.C.P., 
 graduated at Jesus College, Oxford. iS7(|, and in modi- 
 cine 1S7J; assistant jihysioian and lecturer on pathology 
 at St. Thomas's Hospital, London. Spasm in Chronio 
 Nerve Disease: the Oulstonian Lectures, ISSti. Illust. 
 Lon., ISSli, Svo. 
 Sharkey, T. K. Mate to Mate : a Novel, N. York, 
 lS7y, l2mo. 
 Sharland, E. Cruwys. 
 Devonshire Village : a Book 
 Lon., 1SS5, 12mo. 
 Sharman, J. Schnctz. 
 teria Medica .mil its Chemistry, Lon., 1S85, SvTi 
 Sharman, Julian. A Cursory History of Swear- 
 ing, Lon., IS84, p. Svo. 
 Sharman, S. Slips of the Pen, [verse,! Shahia- 
 hanpur, 18S3, Svn. 
 Sharman, S. K. Ono of the Least : a Story founded 
 on Fact, Lon., lS72-Sn, n. Svo. 
 Sharp, David, .M.B., F.L.S., F.Z.S., president of 
 the Entomological Society of London. 1. The Object 
 and Method of Zoological Nomenclature, Lon., 187.1, Svo. 
 M'ays and Means in a 
 for Mothers' Meetings, 
 Notes on Inorganic Ma- 
 2. (Trans.) The Walks Abroad of Two Voiing Natural- 
 ists; from the French of Charles Bcaugrand. Illust. 
 Lon., ISSS, Svo. .\nd see (JooDM.tN, F. D., Hiiprii. 
 Sharp, Mrs. Elizabeth Amelia, (Sharp,) mar- 
 ried, about |s,s.',, to her cousin, William Sharp, litfni, 
 iShe has written for jieriodicals under the ]>seuilonyino 
 of " Elpcth II. Bar/in." I. (Ed.) Women's Voices : an 
 Anthology of the Alost Characteristic Poems by English, 
 Scotch, and Irish Women, Lon., 1887, cr. Svo. 2. (Ed.) 
 Sea Music; an Anthology of Poems and Passages de- 
 scriptive of the Sea, Lon., 1SS7, sij. Ilimo. 
 Sharp, Miss Emily. (Ed.) Outlines of Sermons, 
 taken chiefly from the Published M'orks of tnitarian 
 Writers, Lon., 1872. 
 Sharp, iNatlC. Saul of Tarsus, Ac : Poems. Lon., 
 ISSS, sm. Svo. 
 Sharp, James, a retired (ilasgow merchant. Tlie 
 Captive King, and other Poems, Paisley, 1SS7. 
 Sharp, Kev. John, .M.A., graduated at .Magdalene 
 College, Cambridge. IS33 ; ordained Is33; jierpetual 
 curate of Horbury since 1S34 ; lion, canon of Wakelleld 
 since IssS. I. Poems and Hymns, Lon., ISSO, 12iuo. 2. 
 Apart with Jesus ; Meditations and Addresses, Lon., 
 ISSI, iL'lllo. 
 Sharp, Kate Dooris. Eleanor's Courtship, and 
 the Songs tliat Sang Themselves, Cin., 18sS, 12mo. 
 Sharp, L. Nan's Story; or, The Life and Work 
 of a City Arab, Lon., 1885, cr. Svo. 
 Sharp, Peter. Flax, Tow, and Jute Spinning; 
 Rules, Calculations, and 'fables, Dundee, lss2, p. Svo; 
 2dcd., ISSli. 
 Sharp, Samuel. Rudiments of Geology, Lon., 
 1875; 2d ed., 1876, p. Svo. 
 Sharp, Sarah. My Jewels ; Select Sacred Poetrv, 
 Lon.. 1887, Ifimo. 
 Sharp, >V. H. 1. Universal Attraction: its Rela- 
 tion to Chemical Elements, Lon., 1884, cr. Svo. 2, Babel, 
 Miinchester, ISSti, ]i. Svo. 
 Sharp, William, b. 1S55, at Garthland Place; ed- 
 ucated at the University of Glasgow; editor of The Can- 
 terbury Poets, and a contributor to periodicals. He spent 
 some time in Australia after leaving college, and has 
 since resided at dilVerent jieriods in Italy and (Jermany. 
 1. Humanity and the Man ; a Poem, Lon., 1S7S, 12mo. 
 2. The Conqueror's Dream, and other Poems, Lon., 1S7S, 
 12mo. 3. 'The Human Inheritance, and other Poems, 
 Lon., 18S2, p. Svo. 
 "The intellectual substance of these poems is superior 
 to their form, but a book of poetrv slrikiiiglv original and 
 reproducing with photograpliic tidelily the uiiii|ue scenery 
 nf An.stralia deserves attention, and, in some sense, de- 
 mands it."— .4(/i., No. 2iH9. 
 4. Dante Gabriel Rossetti ; a Record and a Studv, 
 Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 "To our knowledge of the life of Kos.settl Mr. Sharps 
 bulky volume adds little. . . . The general character . . . 
 of the estimate will onmiiiend itself to the esoteric rather 
 than the general public. A few poems not Included in the 
 collected works appear."— J(A., So. 'J.ssi. 
 5. Earth's Voices, Transcripts from Nature, and other 
 Pi ly.ns. Lon., ISS4, p. Svo. 
 "The freshness and originality of the vohinie can liardlv 
 fail to make it a favourite with those to whom Nature is a 
 delight In all her moods."— yH/i., No. J'.Kll. 
 6. Euphrenia: or. The Test of Love; a Poem, Lon., 
 1SS5, cr. Svo. 7. (Ed.) Shakespeare's Songs. Poems, 
 and Sonnets: with Critical Introduction, Lon., 1SS5, 
 ISmo. S. (Ed.) Sonnets of this Century : with a Criti- 
 cal Introduction, Lon., ISsfi, 4to and sq. Ilimo. (The 
 sale of this book has exceeded 30, mil) copies.) 
 " The editor has gone far atield, sparing neither time nor 
 labour in .studying, discovering, and ciunparing sonnets 
 which may be coniited by hundreds. He has composed a 
 suggestive (Ui the history, structure, artistic ca- 
 pacity, and various species of this poem. Short biograiih- 
 leal notices of all the writers included in this voUiinc have 
 been written, those which deal with living persons bciiiu 
 marked by a happy mixture of frankness and svmpathv. 
 . . . Working thus, Mr. .<harp has produced a sonnet-boiik 
 which represents the best eroft.snianship of the nine- 
 teenth ceiitury."— .ttwi., xxix. 11)3. 
 «. Shelley : a Biographical Study, (" Great Writers,") 
 Lon., 1887, fp. Svo. 10. Life of Heine, (" (Jreat Writ- 
 ers,") Lon., 188S, fp. Svo. 
 "TnoHo who obtain their knowledge of Hcdne's life and 
 character frmn Mr. Siiarp will have vcrv little to unlearn 
 or :.< modify .■•—ylcmi., .vxxiv. 41;i. 
 11. Romantic Ballads and Poems of Phantasy, Lon., 
 ISSS. ' 
 "This little volume, small as It is in compas.s, contains 
 some of the truest imaginative poetry."— /lead., xxxiil. 40s 
 He has also edited Scott's Poetical Works, Selected 
 Essay, of De Quincey, Ac. And .ee AfARsr.v, P. P., 
 Sharp, William, M.D F n 5 ti 
 in K..«la„.l and W.les, l"! I "' .,;, 'V.„ ^'"'^'^•' ^""^ 
 History, .I'ulf'f ,%'«''• '"t"- !".^ A-lu.cetura, 
 the Six Period, of lirit .h Aroi^iteet, re ,n r,;" Ih"*?' "' 
 quest to the Keforination, I.on Is' I 7 "' " *'""■ 
 Middle A(?es,"-.-l(/ifxo' jj j,','""-'' " '"' ""•■ '"-'"'•y of tlie 
 6. The Churclies of the Xeno A'.illo,. v .1 
 of tlioir guide ■•-^l/A, No ll.s''"™''-'' '" " '"'""Ht worlliy 
 .Sliarpt', Mntilda. (P.m nn r. 
 >,4,- beeame an assistant in the Uri ish M , eu , s- I 
 records olerk of theeity of London since lS7i All • l' o ' 
 the bar at the Inner Teinnle 18SS 1 n.. r V^ • '■'' 
 0.uldhall: withtu,IntrXrn;Lo "s^^'svo''™ "' 
 , Nhcrpe, Kichard Uoudler, K.L.S F Z s a, 
 sistaut keeper m the department of ^oolo^yi, the ijrUi,!; 
 ii;:K;^«^ie?frE:';^;^t:^t''s:,-e^f F? 
 Bird, of Prey, voi; iU 'Vi Th;'l'a''-;.Hf °''""'''' 
 Perehing Bini^l vol. x., Pa^eH Jl '^ i^;;!^:^;,,- 
 and•^^t"T, P.1:f ",,,^'"=''j^.«^'^\!f-«-"/ , 
 Coloured Plates ;f Bird'C'seen W d by p"^ U.'lb:,:; """j 
 other Illustrations, Lon., l.sss \eo\Vi,;.i '•'',',';' 
 llAKcoi'KT, British Dird. Illu.'t ?;. v, ,n r,r": " ' 
 Lon., 1S8S. With Wv.vT , v'um' \v Tyf l,""'''"'-^ 
 Sharpe, Samuel, [ante, vol. ii., add 1 17.W h^i 
 was a nephcv of Samuel Rogers, i„ wh,te 1 ■ mkin ""l !n ' 
 ho was eninloved in e.irl„ iif„ '',""""- "'"'King-liouse 
 in the nrm'of'lha pe^A '^01 n , '^^^'TY ," ^'"'"''' 
 Apostle pl'uVrn., , Vo ;"new"d 7s' o'i''-'"'" Z^,'"^ 
 \ .tal 0. Seymour, Connecticut; Seymour, ISSS,' 
 Sharpe-Youngs. See Yot.vos. 
 Sharpless, Isaac. 1. Klementary Plane Geom- 
 iiinsl: phMa^is'"',';;:""- - ^'""'" i'''"-»i'''r. 
 Ki^;;:;:i^;'K?^:;.li:;f ^,;:;.^«;;et ^Vabulary of "- 
 I Miaw, Albert, Ph.u.. b. is^r at' \,.«- t 1 
 !0.,- graduated at Iowa Collew V-o ,• ''O"'^","' 
 i Minneapolis Tribune "ce IS f 'l ',"'" "^ ""= 
 ; b; ^""ifsf"!^"^ ,';°'"'' '^ove;n„..^it -ri ■: ;;;'S' 
 Bait I SX s' *^""t'' (J"''"^ llopl^ins Univ. .sVudie M 
 Li^'"ir^.s^"r;or^^:,^:;;^;r ""^ ^- ^'- '- 
 er« P?,!?',' '''^^^• ^""''"" Market-Gardens; or Flow 
 I 15^3-81 ' ""^' ^^S'''"'^''^^. Lon., Is8.., p. 8vo- J^w eli 
 jof h^'^rr! A'VJ''''irL Lt''\ "^ ?""''«•'' """ «"' 
 '11:11 ' ' 'ny L.ifo. liOn., ISSI) n Sv,. 9 
 i Only' a "c' ' '•'^''"'t'' '"' ''" 0""' ^on- 18S1 P s '0 f 
 L™ fss'rn"sv^"- '«•?' P- ''"■ ". Aliek's Her„; 
 ' Son ^•ot' 'Little ' Me^ "'•' "'',' "■• ''"■ '■ »"' '" "'« 
 Fathoms I)',.,^ -Messengers, Lon., 1SS.3, l2mo. 0. 
 s™ ^' , ™';' "'■• Courtenay's Choice, L, „., ls,S4 n 
 Uiekies Secret, Lon., I8sr, 11 ^vo !■) T„,L ti u 
 .n a Large World. Lon. I'ssrito'-V^^w-'n"*''''' 
 jPuss at Play, Dolls at I'lay, PI v by the ,« a "Cn '^ 
 the smuggler's I.aughte'r,^:on , isss.'p'^s^r"" '" "' 
 R.r f"; ^v!""^' '^' '^'^^'""-^ Trove, cJntral Falls, 
 Tl "N.;',f ""f !;'"'«""S-'Sf"b-, N. York ISM 'omo' 
 i x: vor^ J!:;:^ ;^.:^^' -" «"ir«;;r'i.;t:LS 
 rounty"rnrk "'!'•, "^r^ Massey, C.B.. b. 18,-iO, in 
 l-ountj Cork, Ireland; educated at Trinity rollncp 
 PublMi; entered the army, l,„t retired ilsfin if? f 
 mr 1 'llP'^^'^PoHta-i'Fire BHilde'.'L,!:!, ^ 
 I'lH. . ine Surveys: a Summary of Prineiides to ho 
 observed .n Estimating Risk of Iluildingri' n ,' "72 
 p. S\o. 2. Iires in Theatres. Lon., 1876 8v„ ■ pL„ 
 l:on!^87^s;^'-^""^^'"-- ^- "f ''- i^n^- ^^^ 
 aio ( Contains selected satires, Ac i "•, 'as.;, 
 d. JlHiZo,^:,^X.^|;l,Jl%!f;i»j;;; '--"f. '-vin« the best 
 * 'I 
 - 1» 
 Yi H 
 1SS9 iS"'' " •'""7 ^°' ^'"""8 People- IHust Lon 
 1882, 12mo, new cd., 1335. 3. A sia Change IMu"t': 
 L( n., 1S85, p. Svo. 4. Colonel Cheswick's Camimign, 
 Lun., 1SS6, 3 vols. or. Svo. 
 ShilW, Frnnces A. 1. (Trans.) Brokan Chnins, 
 l)y_f;. Biiratenbinder, [" Ernst Werner," pseud.,] Dost., 
 1874, Svo. 2. The Kiistern Que.^tion ; ii History of 
 Hussia: with Aecounts of the .Successive Dvn,istics. 
 Maps. Host., 1877, ISnio. 3. (Trans.) Victor Hufo : 
 his Life ami Works; from the French of A. liarbou, 
 ("Groat Citizens of Franco,") Cliic, iSSl, Ifinio. 4. 
 (Trans.) Art of (jratory : .System of Dulsarte; from the 
 French of I,'Ab']i'' Delaumosnc. Illust. .Albany, N.Y., 
 ls>2, 12mo. i). (Trans.) Vincla. the Phantom; from 
 the (icruian of Ernst Werner, N. York, 1S86, IBmo. 
 Shaw, George. 1. Kambles about Filey, Lecils, 
 lS(i7, IL'ino. 2. Our Keli{;ious Humourists: with Anec- 
 dotes and Illustrations, Lon., 1S7'.', p. Svo. 
 Shaw, Kev. George A., F.Z.S., of the London 
 mission, Tamatave. He was t.\pelled from .Madagascar 
 by the French, but received siibsctiuently a large indem- 
 nity. Madagascar and France: with some Account of 
 the Island, its People, its Uesouroes, and Development. 
 IMust. J,on., ISS.'i, or. Svo. 
 "After narrntiiiR the events in Imorlna and on the const 
 'Uirinj? the Froiiidi oecupaiiDii, if sn.'h it can be called, 
 and ^'iving an imerei.tiuK review of the present civil ami 
 religious state of the Malafe'a>y, witli some .siynilieant and 
 suggestive statistics, Mr. sliaw linislies his oaiiital bocjk bv 
 a pontiliir account oi the fauiui and llora of .Madagascar.'' 
 —Aih., No. liSi'.ia. 
 Shaw, George Ueriiard. 1. Cashel Byron's 
 Profession, Lon., ISSO, r. Svo. 2. An Unsocial Socialist, 
 Lon.,, 1SS7, cr. Svo. 
 Shaw, Henry S. Hcle, professor of engineering 
 in I'nivcrsity Cidlege, I.iverpo.jl. 1. Continuous Calcu- 
 lating-.Machines and New .Mechanism, (Philosophical 
 Transactions,! Lon., 18S6, 4to. 2. .Mechanical Integra- 
 tors : including the Various Forms of Planimetors, N'. ' 
 York, IssCi. 24 mo. 
 Shaw, Henry Wheeler, ("Josh Billings," pseud.,) 
 ['((Iff, vol. ii., aild.,] 1S18-18SJ, b. at Lanesborough, i 
 Mass. ; was for some time an auctioneer, and afterwards i 
 :i lectiner and writer under the above pseudonvme. His 
 jiroductions, consisting of humorous essays, Ac., charac- 
 terized by a grotesque mode of spelling, were mostly 
 contributed to the New York Weekly, but his most 
 sui-ees-fol publication was Josh Billings' Farmers' All- 
 niiiiax, publish&l annually from 1S70 to 1880. For biog., ' 
 see S.MIT}!, i'R.iNcis ?*., infra. 1. His Sayings, N. York, 
 1S61S, ) 'mo. 2. Everybody's Friend; or. Josh Billings' 
 Proverb .>1 Philosophy of Wit and Humor. Illust. 
 N. York, IS76, Svo. 3. Josh Billings's Complete AVorks: 
 with Biographical Introduclion, N.York, 1876, Svo. 4. i 
 '■-!' Billings's Trump Kards: Blue Olass Philosoiihy ' 
 Illust. X. York, 1877, I2mo. .i. Old Probabilities: 
 reprinteil from vol. i. of the "Farmers' Allmina.x," 
 1S7(;-1880. Illust. N. York, 1880, Svo. fi. Josh Bil- 
 lings's .'^pice-Bo.\, crammed with Droll Yarns, N. York. 
 ISSl, 4to. ' 
 Shaw, J. C. Election Iland-Book for Candidates, 
 Agents, ,tc,, Lon., 1SS4, Svo. 
 Shaw, Jennie K, 1. Margaret's Old Home; a 
 Tale of Christian Love. Illust. N. York, 1871, lOmo. 
 2. The Neighbor's House. Illust. Bost., 1871, 16ino! 
 3. The New Commandment; or, Ella's Ministry. Illust. 
 Bost., 1S71, 16mo. 4. Lettio Sterling. Illust. N. 
 York, 1S72, ICmo. 
 Shaw, John. The Golden Halcombes : a Story, 
 Lon , ISss, p. Svo. 
 Shaw, John Begg, M.A., 182,8-1880, b. .at Hulme, 
 Manchester, Eng.; graduated at New Inn Hall, O.xford, 
 1856; called to the bar at the Inner Temple 1863. 
 He contributed to periodicals under the signature of 
 "Sigma.' 1. Chimney Trifles. By an 0.\onian. 1858. 
 2. Sonnets, and other Poems, By Sigma. Lon., 1S63, 
 p. Svo. 3. Varieties in Verse. By Sigma. Lon., 1879, 
 sq. 16mo. 
 Shaw, John C, and West, John H. Analyti- 
 cal Inilex to General and ''necial Laws of Jliunesota. 
 lS4i)-lS7o, St. Paul. 1876, Svo. 
 Shaw, Marian. (Jueen Bess; or, What's in a 
 Name? N. York, 1SS5, 16ino. 
 Shaw, Ilev. .Morton, M.A., uraduated at Bra- ■ 
 seiiooe College, O.iford, l,>>42: ordained 1842; rector of 
 Itougham since 1S54. 1. The Position of Celebrant at 
 the Holy Communion; 3d ed., Lon., 1875, Svo. 2. The 
 Positiouof the Holy Table and the Celebrant; a Letter, 
 Lon., 1877, Svo. 3. Voluntary Schools and the Public 
 Taxes, Lon., 1883, Svo. i 
 Shaw, Mrs. O. ,11. Reccipt-Book and Y'oung 
 Housekeeper's Assistant, Portland. .Me., lS7s, 12mo. 
 Shaiv, U. E.xposition of the Ccjiifession of Faith 
 of the Westminster Assembly, Glasgow, IS77, 12mo. 
 Shaw, Robert, British Commissioner in Ladak. 
 Visits to High Tartary, Yarkaml, and K.ashgar, (for- 
 inerly Chinese Tartar/,) and Heturn Journey over the 
 Karakcuam Pass. Map and Illust. Lon., 1871, Svo, 
 " Fnim a literary point of view Mr, Sliaw's long-ex- 
 pected volnnie cannot but lie iiroiiounccd disnpiiointing 
 . . . Contains amply enough of Ibc pure gold of fact and 
 Oliservation to give it a place (jf sterling value among iho 
 records ot travel and iliscovery,"—,sVi(, AVr., x.vxii s,"io 
 Shaw, Capt. Vcro-IienibaU. I. The Illii-. 
 trated Book of the Dog: wiih an Ap|iendix on Canine 
 Medicine and Surgery. By W. G. Stables. Lon., Is7il, 
 : 4to. 2. (Ed.) The National Dog Club Stud-Book, Lou., 
 1883. 4to. 
 Shaw, W. n. George Villiers, First Duke of 
 . Buckingham, (Stanhope Prize Essay,) Lon., 18S2, Svo. 
 Shaw, >V. J. Solomon's Story : a Novel. Illust. 
 ' Cin., IssO, 12mo. 
 f Shaw,Lieut.-Col. Wilkinshaw. The Elements 
 of Modern Tactics, practically applied to English Forma- 
 ' tions, Lon., 1S71», 12mo; new cd., 1S80. 
 Shaw, Rev. W illiam Francis, M.A,, gia.liialed 
 at Caius Colleg?, Cambridge, IS62; ordained 1862; 
 vicar of Eastry since IS67. 1. Liber Estria' ; or, .Memo- 
 rials of Royal Villc and Parish of Eastrv, in the County 
 of_Kent, Lon., 1871, 4to. 2. Sermon "Sketches, Lon,, 
 l>-7y, p. Svo. 3. The Mourner's .Manual, Lon., ls>2, 
 sq. 16mo. 4. The Great Example: Six Lenten Sermons 
 upon Our Lord, Lon., Is84, 12mo. 5. The Preacher's 
 Promptuary of Anecdote: Stories, New and Old, Ar- 
 ranged, Indexed, and Classified, for the Use of Preach- 
 , ers. Teachers, and Catechists, Lon., 18S4, Svo. 
 " Few readers who turn over the pages of this little book 
 ... can have any idea (jf the once nourishing class uf lit- 
 erature of wbich it is a remarkable example or survi\al," 
 — .4cci(/., xxvii. 2.')4, 
 j 6. Foreshadowings of Christ; 2<1 ed., Lon., 1SS4, p. 
 8vo. 7. A Manual for Communicants' Classes, Lon,, 
 ISS.I, p. 8vo. 8. A .Manual for Confirmation Classes, 
 Lon., 1887, p. Svo. <). Voyage of Life: Six Lenten Ser- 
 mons, Lon,, 1S87, 12ino. 
 ShRW, William J. Forward Forever: a Response 
 to Lord Tennyson's " Locksley Hall Sixty Years After," 
 N. York, ISSS, 24mo. 
 Shaw, ilcv. William Mbav, M.A., graduated at 
 Sidney-Sussex College, Cambridge, 1S39; ordained 1S41 ; 
 yicar of Yealand-Conyers since 1857. The Scriptural 
 Harmony between Private Judgment and Church Au- 
 thority, as chiefly apparent from the Four Go.-pels, 
 Lon., 1874, p. 8va. 
 Shaw, William N. Report on Hygrometric Meth- 
 ods, (Philosophical Transactions,) Lon., 1888, 4to. 
 Shaw-Lefevre. See Lefkvre. 
 Shea, (George, b. 1S26, at Cork, Ireland; son of 
 John Augustus Shea, [nut,', vol.ii.;] admitted to the bar 
 in New \ork ; chief justice of the Marino Court of New 
 York 1870-82. I. Hamilton : a Historical Study, N. 
 York, 1877; new cd., cnl., entitled "The Life and 
 Epoch of Alexander Hamilton : an Historical Study," 
 ! Bust., 1870, Svo. 2, The \ature and Form of the 
 American Government founded in the Christian Ke- 
 ; ligion, Bost., 1S82, l6mo. 
 I Shea, John Uaw^on Gilmary, LL.D., [n„i.; 
 ' vol. ii., add.] 1. Life of Pius IX., and the Great 
 ' Events in the History of the Church during his Pon- 
 tificate, N. York, 1S7S, 12mo. 2. Catholic Churches in 
 New \ ork City : with Sketches o. the History and Lives 
 of Present Pastors. N. York, 1S79, sm. 4to. 3. A His- 
 tory of the Catholic Church within the Limits of the 
 Lnited States, from the First Attempted Colonization to 
 the Present Time: vol. i., The Catholic Church in Colo- 
 nial Days, N. York, ISS6, Svo. 
 Shea, William L. Christian Theology with Re- 
 lation to Christ and Modern Thought, Lon., 1S71, ii, 
 Svo. ' 
 Shearar, James. Prinkle and his Friends: a 
 Novel, Lon., 1877, 3 vols. er. Svo. 
 Shearer, D. Juvenile Wit and Humour; Wise, 
 >"'i''o'o';"'-* ^^^SS'-"''' •''"ying=, Lon,, lSSi,p. Svo; new 
 ed., 18S(. 
 Shearman, Kev. John F uncis. Loca Patri- 
 oiana: an Identification of Localities, chiefly in Leices- 
 ter, visited by St. Patrick and his Assistant Mission- 
 aries, and of some Contemporary Kings and Chieftains, 
 Dublin, 1879, r. Svo; new ed., 1S82. 
 Teuii.le ISMI. Athletic- ,1 P , m^"'' "' ""■■ I""'''- 
 .i;;n W Si,. Uicln/rd W^b^t '/c'c" m' ; ^.^VT"*""- 
 Library,") I,on.,, or ,sv„ ' ' ""'''"'"ton 
 j^'U bri„g« the;,",low„ to >latc.."-.v<-M/„. 
 the L,Hvof Keul l>ro|,e,,y, Lon s^V k""'«T""''' 
 line of the L.nv of Contract Ton ,'si,,^'"- "• ""'" 
 ftudcnf. Guide to the Bur So i "".W'^'an','-'',- '■~"' • '' 
 Kxaminations, Lon., Isro s„' , l"^' ""'l I niver...ty 
 for Candidate; for the IhX' i^l V'",','""'^ ■''""''« 
 Solicitor," ISS7. 4. wlo t of Har- fJ,'":"-^"-''- '"'J 
 E-<ami..ation., Lo„ f^ , "s,o 't"^ •'"'":'""'-f Fund 
 '.-ento.- the Law of IW.l^l l>^,,e; ;, U^SM^'' ''" 
 ?.r^'w;iVMl^^^::-:;,li- 'f C 'Sit 
 port, Me. ; wife of Joel Herbert Shed l' n ,1 ' ,"'-^"'- 
 Famous Painters and Pai.ti„i I ''%!'" ' 'V-'- 
 t-vo; Med., ISM, l2mo 2 Th'„ ri m ■ """•' ''*"^' 
 i^iiiief "iiiu^; ^'^^riis^'^^"^-"- --1 'i^'^ 
 literature in'lfniJn Theohlgi^';; ^ty'Tsc', T'l ^ 
 finoe then professor of sv^tmnn.;.^^ i- • f^ 'f'e.i-,4, and 
 to the Nattlral M,u , N V s^r^s'"''^" '• ■?","°"' 
 Theology, N. Yo;k, ISS., 2 ^ol, t'-o " ""=""'"''' 
 hament in its Transfornmtions i " 1, '^."^Thlu uH 
 Oettysburgiad : a Jubilee Poem, 1S76 « T-.-hn. 
 ^ong rr.bute, 18S3. 7. Brief liikory' of JL.'rtin Ltuher: ^ 
 scho''orl•'^^^?e?c:::.rJ^f•/^s'rf•''*'^""■• ""~f 
 Modern Times, ma., is"; ,?.u','„°'"" '" '^°'='"" "«•! I 
 l-eua, curate of St. Mar^g^lret ."tlfie;^ 'm i o'l ' Jl": 
 I'-iS. 1 Sacramental Confession, Lon I^'i o , ' 
 i'K'ous Education and Secular InsS'ionrLon.f 1I2; 
 .-vo. "" " '=' <^raham»luini, l>>2, 
 SheilUs, «''v.^ John Samuel Sandys, D.D., 
 ; ordained , 
 the AVay, 1 
 Fi'-^t^^-t^',-M.''x^V :k"i^ '»' J"^'"«-''f-" 
 tl'e,'.,.ienial*i :'«::« Un";,: 'I'l '^'^ '1"'^"^'" "' 
 New York, l>«y--:', ,,„.■., """'""^'' •''-■"nnary, 
 critic. 1 A„,eri;nTain;r'''ii;,V'''r;:;V'''il^S' 
 4to 2. Hours with Art and Arti-ts X V.i.k sV ,m' 
 "-nmf^ol^'^^- vS;^^! -"i^;;-^;- '-'-"."Plete 
 l-'6.''T'i^li!:;!;;S^in- , ^- "r'-'^^ Country.Seats, 
 I'lealsof Anu^icLnA:? fl"''" '"'' ''''■ '• "^'^'•■•" 
 x.'V^k!'?'s;'!^^:,*"^"^rp '• f'^r'"'' ■^-'-pi^. 
 -^i^'o .'C^^-;yi^^^:--«"-^;,;^;W^. 
 Co' v','";' ""r^""^ " N-uvel .\. York s'fi' 
 •Slieldou, Ilenrv v t." .■ 
 '■oKa.ion, lioj. ,""f ^^.J;- ^'^^""='= "» ""•' Law of Sub- 
 'iustave Flau'b^': LZ\t;^ <^™"^') ^'"'"""'W, by 
 '.t K'ni's"'coiic!ri-,,!:[r'd *"':"""!•' »'"''"■"«'' 
 E.^^:Q^;;^,,^:on!i^^ :;■;:;!,/" ««'"-"«f'o 
 Jam' W.','!,?;,.,,'"- ^""«'" ''l'-"J.) See, 
 ^Hj AH.ianeislo;",'^^?^^!^^; trT^.S^'"'''- 
 ^'hire and ne,,l"ew of heT,»? Z^)'"'''''"" """'«' ""'"l" 
 dier Gttards.' 1 A I »n, 1I i'' 'T''''" "' "'"ti'-e-a- 
 must. L..n 1^72 —^""^ «° tl'e «ird.s of Egypt. 
 colic 'ih^iita;;'/;,;^^^';,"^;:^ f:;^;''-'' "^ '\"">rc complete 
 .spcj.ics „r birds to 1 c me «^iu, w . .'.',i:';'r'M' }'"•' ^""""S 
 and the Second Catarai't ^S'^'ve" the Mcclitcrraiieau 
 ,,,,-,' ^ •■"--'nicrraiiean 
 t-ll the most rare or char- 
 Kjadaa^d ;t ^iij;— ,---„--- 
 Lon:^S.V. S^'o'"'""'' '**''^-«''- "^"l-" 
 Shekleton, Margan-tta. 1. Palestine: Biblical]' 
 . acleristic varieties liiiirii.rn'i;,,;..'''!' ""■' "•"■^""'f o. ,..„.- 
 : colours, some ^nnlm^^^'^^ill^^-^'l'^^n 
 , >ssn,'f2"::^::''^,f '"" ^-'^-iJ-, ,Sun.Birds!) Lon.! 
 hi^;ni"f;:'^,if"^rvv i;^i-'^'- ^-o^ and 
 COUP'S: " : tLlm-:;"^: l^l eheu,is,ry i„ Clifton 
 I'rin.^pln. Ill's, ^"^""'fiJ : Llementary Facts and 
 of <fla s-'lilow n' for tTo"!-. ■"';-\^r"'. ^- '^^' ^'"'^"'^^ 
 .-tuden,,, Lon. ''I'SS . p.uV'' "3' JI'.VS'™'a»a Chemical 
 Lonrisn '"mo* o ,f ■'f.""" .?" Fable: an Essay, 
 >*he,.ard, Charles E. ;„d Thomks li; Digest 
 f ! ]i'f '; 
.. '» 
 1 1 
 ■I ■ 
 of Reports, Wisconsin Supreme Court, (1839-1883 ;) with 
 Tables of Cttses, N. York, iss;!, 2 vols. «vo. 
 Shepnrd, Edward .'llorse. Martin Vim Buren, 
 ("American Stiitesnien,") Itost., I8SS, Itimo. 
 " WlmteviT jii.l);nH'nt may \iu paswcil upon Van Buron 
 by tlie ri'ailers of this biuilt, tlicy can certiiinly liave l>iit 
 one concerning tlie antlior: he has prodnced a mastur- 
 piuce."— A'ud'im, xlvli. 217. 
 Sheiinrd, Evelyn. (Trans.) Our Children and 
 their Friends ; from tlie French of Susanue Cornoz. 
 Illust. N. Yorls, 1S8,H, ICmpo. 
 Nhepard,(>. L> Atienealugieal History of William 
 Shepard, of Fosseout, Northamptonshire, England, and 
 some of his Descendants, Salem, Mass., lS8(i, 8vo. 
 " Shepard, Haxel,"(l'flcud.) See Smith, Hklks 
 A., ('((//-(I. 
 Shepard, J. S. Over the Dovrel'jelds. Illust. 
 Lon., is-.'i, 12mo. 
 " We have read many bookK of NurwoKian travel, but, 
 thou^'li some iiave lioen miiri' t'ompreheiisive and more 
 earetiilly writtL'ii, we have seen .lune so pleasantly narra- 
 tive in Its style, and so varied in iia subjeet."— Syjecfi/or, 
 xlvi. KKI'J, 
 Shepnrd, James II. Elements of Tnorganic 
 Chemistry : Descriptive and Qualit"tive, Bost., issj, 
 Shepard, William. See Walsh, William Shep- 
 ARP, ill/ill. I 
 Shephard, Holman. Fruits of n Retired Life: ! 
 a Selection of Pooms by the Late llolinan Shephard ; 
 with a Met. .c of the Author, Lon., 187U, p. Svo. 
 Shepheard, Rev. H., [(vitr, vol. ii., add.] 1. 
 Ithuriel's Spear: Is it Christix.n ? Reply to" Ecce Homo," 
 Lon., 1S67, p. 8vo. 2. Traditions of Eden: Proofs of 
 the Truth of the Pentateuch, Lon.. 1S7I, Svo. 
 " Undertakes to prove the historical truth of the Penta- 
 teuch Irijin certain chanicteristies ai)pertaininK to ancient 
 worships. . . . The author indulges in tlie odium llieului/i- 
 cum to an extent we had imagined obsolete."— -1(A., lio. 
 Shtipheard-Walwyn. See Walwvv. 
 Shepherd, A. B., M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. Gul- 
 stonian Lectures on the Natural History of Pulmonary 
 Consumption. Illust. Lon., 187", r. Kvo. 
 "Shepherd, Dorothea Alice," (Pseud.) See 
 Pit.MT, Miia. Ella, su/n-a. 
 Shepherd, Mrs. E. R. 1. For Girls: a Special 
 Pliysiology, N. York, 1882, 12mo. 2. For Boys: a, Spe- 
 cial Physiology, Chic, 1.SS7, 12mo. 
 Shepherd', George H. A Short History of the 
 British School of Painting, Lon., 1S8U, p. 8vo. 
 Shepherd, H. A. Antiquities of the State of 
 Ohio, Ciu., 18S7, 8vo. 
 Shepherd, Henry Elliot, president of Charleston 
 College, South Car(dina. History of the English Lan- '. 
 guage, N. York, I87U, 12ino. I 
 Shepherd, J. Poems, Lon., 1878, 12mo. j 
 Shepherd, John \V,, [aiiie, vol. ii., add.] Ala- | 
 bama Supreme Court Reports, vols, .\xv.-xli., xlix.-li., 
 Ix., Ixiii.-lxvi., Ixx., Ixxvi.-lxxviii.. Montgomery, AIn., ' 
 1854-80, 29 vols. Svo. With Tillman, John P., Ala- i 
 bama Supremo Court Reports, vol. Ixviii., (1880-81,) ' 
 Montgomery, ISSl, Svo. [ 
 Shepherd, Peter. First Aid to the Injured:' 
 Revised and Added to by B. Morton, N. Y^Lfk, 1882, j 
 sq. 24mo> | 
 Shepherd, U. Miss Nelly's Sins: a Tale of the j 
 Confessional; 2d ed., Lon., IS7fi, 12mo. ] 
 Shepherd, Richard Heme. 1. Tennysoniana: 
 Notes Bibliographical and Critical on Early Poems of 
 Alfred and C. Tennyson, Lon., 18(16, Svo. Anon. (Cited 
 under Tknnyson, Alfued, aiiie, vol. iii.) 2. (Ed.) 
 Lamb's Complete Works, in Prose and Verse : reprinted 
 from the Original Editions, with Many Pieces hitherto 
 unpublished, Lon., 1874, cr. Svo. 3. (Ed.) George 
 Chapman — Plays, Ion., 1874, p. Svo. 4. Notes of the 
 Principal Pictures of the Royal Academy, Lon., 1874, 
 Svo. 5. Visitor's Hand-Book to the Exhibition at Bur- 
 lington House, Lon., 187tj, Svo. ti. (Ed.) Waltoniana: 
 Inodited Remains in Verse and Prose of Izaak Walton ; 
 with Notes and Pref.ce, Lon., 1S7S, p. Svo. 
 " For lovers of Walton who possess the ' Complete Angler' 
 ,'md thi-. hifigrsphle-, it purriorts to provide all else pub- 
 lished by that charming writer; and this, In fact, it does 
 provide, with one exception, the two letters entitled ' Love 
 and Truth,' published by Walton in his ol<l iiKe, in 1080, 
 under the title of 'A Quiet and Conformable Citizen of 
 London.' "—Ath., No. 289.5. 
 7, (Ed.) Studies of Sensation and Event; Poems. By 
 Ebenezer Jones. With Memorial Notices of the Author 
 by Sumner Jones and William James Linton, Lon., 
 1S79. 12mo. (See Jones, Ebenkzeii, mili, vol. i.) 
 " Kbenezcr Jones may be described as a theoretical ad- 
 vocate fur nakedness, a practical pleader for a rending of 
 all veils ami a banishment of all reserves. . . . To us the 
 man is fur nmre attractive than the work, and the records 
 i)f him wliich are given by his brotlier anil Mr. IJnton are 
 full of peculiar and pathetic interest."— .><pec((i(or. 111. IIHI. 
 8. The Bibliography of Ruskin in Prose and Verse, 
 from 18,14 to 1S79, Lon., 1879, p. Svo. 9. The Bibliog- 
 raphy of Dickens, Lon., 1880, |i. Svo. 10. The Bibli- 
 ogriijihy of Thackeray, Lon., IS.Sl, p. Svo. 
 '"riie special feature of the list is the enumeration of 
 Thackeray's eontrlliutions to 'Fraser's Magazine' and 
 ' Punch." —.loid., xix. 90. 
 11. The Bibliography of Carlylc, Lon.. 1882, p. Svo. 
 12. The Bibliography of Swinburne, Lon., IS84, p. 
 Svo; new ed:, 1SS7. LI. (Ed.) The Comidete Works in 
 Verse and Prose of Percy Bysshe Shelley : Prefaced and 
 Annotated, Lon., ISSS, 5 vols. cr. Svo. With William- 
 son, Ciiai'.les N., (ed.) Memoirsof the Life and Writings 
 of Thomas Carlyle, Lon., ISSI, 2 vols. 
 " The industry of Messrs. Shepherd and Willlanv on has 
 unearthed frniu newspapers ai..l Kevie .vs various writings 
 of Carlyle not iucliided in his authorized collections, 
 wliich, as presented in appendix form, are, on the whole, 
 the most interesting portion of the work."— ^4cu<i., xx. 172. 
 And see Dickens, Charles, supra. 
 Shepherd, S. The Tragedy of Calvary: an Illus- 
 trated Sacred Poem dedicated to the Children, N. Y'ork, 
 ISS:i, sq. 24mo. 
 Shepherd, Thomas J. Westminster Bible Dic- 
 tionary: prepared for the Presbyterian Board of Publi- 
 cation. Illust. ii. id Mops, Phila., 1880, Svo. 
 "Shepher'i, Tom," (Pseud.) See Hazard, 
 Thomas Robinson, mipi-n.. 
 Shepherd, .Ma,ior William, R.E. Prairie Ex- 
 periences in Handling Cattle and Sheep. Illust. Lon., 
 1884, Svo. 
 "He has written a book which, simply as an entertain- 
 ing piece of travel liteni'iire, is well worthy of perusal; 
 while as a specimen of n .■ver-iucrea.siiig • ranch litera- 
 ture' it is the best which ^s come under our notice."— 
 Acad., xxvi. 140. 
 Shepherdson, W. Reminiscences in the Career 
 of a Newspaper : Starting a " Daily" in the Provinces, 
 Lon., 1870, 12mo. 
 Sheppard,E. E..M. Perfected For Ever: Flowers 
 on Earth transplanted to Heaven, Lon., 1870, 12mo. 
 Sfieppard, Edgar. Leciures on Madness, in its 
 Medical, Lega', and Social Aspects, Lon., 1873, Svo. 
 Shcppard, Joseph Ilrigstocke, LL.D. 1. (Ed.) 
 Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, Archbishop 
 of Canterbury : vol. vii., (Record Office Pub.,) ]<on., 
 1885, Svo. (See Robert.son, J. C, mi/jia.) 2. (Ed.) 
 The Letter-Books of the Monastery of Christ Church, 
 Canterbury : vol. i,, Lon., 1SS7, Svo. 
 Sheppard, Nathan, IS;i.:-lS88, b. at Baltimore, 
 .Md.; giiuiuated at Attleborough College 1SS4, and at 
 Rochester Theological Seminary 1859; acted as special 
 correspondent of New Y'ork and Chicago papers during 
 the civil war and the Franco-German war; lecturer on 
 English literature and teacher of rhetoric in Chicago 
 University 1873-1877. 1. Shut up in Paris, Lon., 1871, 
 " This i.s one of the best siege journals we have met with. 
 It abounds with the results i,( acute observation, is spark- 
 lliiK, siitirical without being cynical, and not overladen 
 with the private theories and adventures of the writer."— 
 Ath., No. 2-J87. 
 2. (Ed.) The Dickens Reader, 1881. 3. (Ed.) Char- 
 acter Readings from George Eliot, 1883. 4. (Ed.) The 
 Essays of George Eliot, 1883. 5. Darwinism stated by 
 Darwin Himself: Passages from his Writings, N. Y'ork. 
 1884, 12mo. C. Before an Audience; or. The Use of 
 the Will in Public Speaking, N. Y'ork, 1886, 12mo. 7. 
 Saratoga Chips and Carlsbad Wafers : the Pursuit of 
 Happiness and Health at the Two Great Mineral-Water 
 Resorts of America and Europe, N. York, 1887, 12mo. 
 Sheppard, Thomas. Local Taxation and Pa- 
 rochial Government, Lon., 1870, 8- i. 
 Shepperson, Alfred B. jtton Facts: a Com- 
 pilation of the Croiis, Receipts, Exports, Stocks, Ac, for 
 a Series of Years, N. Y'ork, 1882, Svo. 
 Sheppcrson, W. The Medical Man's Handy 
 Book, Lon., 1882, 32mo. 
 Sherard, Rev. Charles William, graduated at 
 kebleCollege, Oxford, 1875; ordained 1879; curate of 
 St. Martins, Salisbury, since 1879. Infant Baptism : a 
 Scriptural Inquiry, Lon., 1.885, 12mo. 
 Sherard, Robert Uarborough. 1. A Bartered 
 Honour; a Novel, Lon., 188,1, 3 vols, cr "(vo 2 
 Whispers: Poems, Lon„ mi, 12mo ° Thl'i, i 
 Marquis: a Novel, Lon., Iss.s 1" i;,,„„'- ^l^o American 
 raphy of the Forau.inifera, Ue'm and !.'„. M ^"'*■ 
 KH65 to 1SS,S: with Notes, l'o„; 188S, Jvo ''"' ''""' 
 Sherbrooke, Viscount. See Lowk 
 Sherer, John. The Classic Lands nf i.'„r^„. 
 ombellishea with S K^gnw Z^:' "'V,',"'' ""■"'I'"- ^ 
 U-9tT h^^V' Mar/J-a ^t,^'^ vi^C ' 
 SSO'?; ™- --The C„njurer-s Daughter. IMust.' \Z: 
 g«icj or, Wd o?"Himseif,''ion, l,s«- '''ri^ "^c ^'s'"" 
 0. Worldly Tales, Lon., ISsV,, 12mo. .1 II .'.h; v ' 
 elist : a Novel, Lon., liss, 2 voider. 8v„ "" "" ^'"- I 
 Sheridan, .Maud. Klaine's Story :' a Tale of the 
 Afghan Frontier. Lon., 187», 2 vols. er. 8vo i 
 •V,'«"«lan, Gen. Philip Ilcnrv. isil iss^ k I 
 at Albany, N.Y. ; graduated Tt the U ^^'.\ li Mtrrllld' ' 
 emy 18o;i; served through the civil wa vMtl treat d" ' 
 always interesting. . For )iirn,yi"s,,f i* "'" '"•'''" i** 
 one uouia wish t1 at tiieTi h' ? i P'i'''"""^'""'''*'""-, 
 •'' V.'P-r"- 2. Heroes jn the .Strife • Temnei- 
 Led 1«S3" ^/"'l""™-- I"-t- Lon. ISSl V2mo; 
 Le sons Ion IsV^ . ''i "'f ^J '^ LUe-Storyand its 
 iA.sons, i,on., 1882, p. bvo. 5. Amethyst: a Selection 
 "//'"Perance Prose Readings, Lon., Lsss or sto ■ 
 A Lady of Property, and othfr'Talc"s Un [ sV T2„, ' 
 an, 1877-80; rector of Clane m Mainham .tc K^>t i 
 in Scripture, Dublin, 1876, 8vo 5 The I^M„ . ., 
 Yo..„g,^,,„d Ueligious Edu'ca.i-on and^ulb'tf, Dubit 
 wfdJin^'"T?i'n*^^^"^^ *'??'«""'• ^ Bachelor's 
 "euaing Irip. By Himse f. Phila 1888 19,..V 
 Anon. ;Wed., with author's name, ISsS" ' '"' 
 ?'?".„,"' '*''*• Ellen, (Ewine.) (Ed ) ivf» 
 " Shenna rFri^rh"' °"'»- ''^^ '"''• ''''.«- 
 Peekskni N V ">'' "«'"l'S'er, Ph.D., b. I860, at 
 reeKskil, N.Y. ; graduated at Columbia Colleee 188i 
 iMadrigals and Catches, N. York, 1887 16mo 
 1844 ; niember of the U.S. House of Kepresentatives I8o5 
 Sherman, Gen. >vVlliam Tecum eh 'L'ld"' 
 1SS4 f5^,. h " "l", g™'=™l-in-chief I86II; retire, 
 l^M. ior biog., see Howman, S. M ,„,„.„ i 'rT' 
 Military Lessons of (he War • bei,,, ,t ' i ' !' , '^ 
 ;^n;!^ -'|,-l-i ' £ £■ ^ •?'ai''fnft^ 
 ^^-;. Memoirs, liy IIim.self. N. York, 1875, 2 v.ds.' 
 -^^ S£rf-?r-~ 
 Hll^"S:;^^,!^*f ,;i":l^"«:'»'r. «"-' fi'ur yea,, of 
 inili(ary iiMerations un .■ „i,V,.".,rr'"""T' """' """' years ui 
 ''f«Y-' - 
 better fr.,m one l,,V/;,«^V.'riv.- i",f '•'-"l"-"''!^"' someHiing 
 of West l^,im' •- «// No";jV;^^^ ""-■ '-•^^•■'■•"•-■'it eUueatioS 
 2 v^t'er.";*!.'. •'• ''""'''•" '''""P ^'">"«' ^-•. 18.S8, 
 (innm.7. , t i i ""' '"- '" * Politician (i) the 
 Manual, and .,il T^ide Kead^kecLJer Lo .,^8^ "s""' 
 Bout ; ';'nd'■r,;.'•^^s?2"Tto''''2'^,'^^T'^•'."^• ^l'''"""^^ 
 iii: rt /.:tfZk,<^^;2 :?:^»- --■'■"■ -'^ 
 in.e?estii rCs ""' "u 'if to's',?.f '^'' f ""'"*"'■• "^ "'^t 
 i!J^u«t!?r;;;?^K^S^" '^^^ 
 BenKarpresi.Iencv Mr Jh,.t^-?. '?' *" "„'•'*'■'*''' i" the 
 Mibje,;t, and h^NvriWs" eu''':, •'^.few'' '*"",','''''''"« 
 liii. M. "tttra. —hat. Men., xxxiv. G09, 
 tlJI; r'" "'""y "'' P'-"t<''*'ant Missions in India, from 
 V Man "nr'^is"-' '". ''"' '" ''■^"' ^ '^"" an illustr. 
 .•~paf:i;;i<:;;:r'yto?^,«;!^;.r''-"^ ''-«'>' 
 4. The Hindu Pilgrims,' L(m., 1878, cr. 8vo 
 Sherwood^ Rfv Iim^iJ •» • 
 ii.. add!,] b 18 U , t Fi'shk^l N y" T'"^', "•""' '"^^ 
 in the Plesbyteri'aif Church Ii""- d tr^'t iVh,™ 
 lhe%":r""'!?^ '?;■'• ' TheLambTn e'MiitTf 
 the Ihrone; or, The History of the Cross N Ynrl, isaa 
 snerwood, John D. Comic History of the United 
 l^; nel^tl?8,.'"''"='"^^' fP-'-f "B^.t'^mo'! 
 'i fl 
 I- ti 
 Sherivood, Kntc Urownlve. Ciiiiip Firo, Mo- 
 iiiuriiil Day, niiil other Pcioin.-i, Chic, 1885, Ittnin. 
 Shcru'ood, Miiry Kliznbcth, (UiDioii,) b. 
 183(1, lit Keono, N.ll. ; wifo of .lohii Sherwood, of New 
 York. 1. The .Siiruiism of Destiny; or, Nina's Kxpe- 
 ritnoe, N. York, IS77, 12nio. 2. Amenities of Jlouie, 
 X. York, I.HNi, l:'nio. :i. Ilunie Aimiseinonts, N. York, 
 iNSl, 12uio. 4. A Tran.ipliinled Koso : iv Story of New 
 York Society, N. York, lss2, Klnio. .">. Aliinners ami 
 Social I'saKcs, N. York, 188 1, lOino. 6. lloval (iirlsnnil 
 Koyal Courts, IJost., 1887. 12iiio. 
 Slierwuiid, Mnry Nciil, has made many transla- 
 tions from the French, S(jmo of them under the paeudo- 
 nynie of "John Stirlini;." 1. Aumura of JMiilippe, by 
 Octavo Feuillct, I'hila., 1S77, s<[. 16nio. 2. A Woman's 
 Mistake; or, Jac(|ucs do Trevannes, by Mmc. Angelo 
 Knssand, I'hila., 1S7S, sq. Illmo. .). liosia, by Henry 
 • licvillc, I'liila., 1 <7S, sq. 16ino. 4. -Marryinj^ olf a 
 Dan^jhte-, by 11. (Irfville, I'hila,, 1878, sq. Kinio. 5. Sii- 
 vell's K.\|iintion. hy II. (Jrcville, I'hila., 1878, sq. Ifinio. (i. 
 Sonia,liy II. Orf'ville, I'hila., I87S, s((. Kimo. 7. IR'lenoi 
 a Lovc-Kpisdde, hy Kmilc Zola, I'hila., 1878, sq. Kimo. 
 8. Little (iood-fcir-Xothin„', by A. Damlet, liost., 1878, 
 IBnio. 9. The Abhe's Temptation, by lOmile Zola, I'hila., 
 I87y, sq. Ilimo. 1(1. L'Assommoir, by E. Zola, I'hila., 
 18711, sq. Ilimo. II. Honbenr des Dames ; or. The Shop- 
 Girls of Paris, by K. Zola, Phila., IS7«, .sq. IHmo. 12. The 
 ConiMicst of Plassans, by E.Zola, Phila., 1879, sq. Kimo. 
 l.'t. The Markets of Paris, by E. Zola, Phila., 18"!), sq. 
 Kimo. M. Angele's Fortune, by Andre Theuriet, Phila., 
 1879, sq. Kimo. 1.0. The Hougon-Macquart Family, by 
 E. Zola, Phila., 1879, sq. Kimo. 18. bonne Marie : aTale 
 of Normandy and Paris, by H. Greville, Phila.. 1.S79, 
 S(|. Kimo. 17. Pretty Little Countess Ziua, by H. (3i'6- 
 ville, Phila., 1879, 24mo. 18. Clorinda; or, The Rise 
 and Reign of His E.xcellency Eugiine Rougon, by E. Zola, 
 Phila., 1880, sq. I6mo. 19. The Trials of Rai.ssa, by II. 
 Gr6ville, Phila., 188(1, Kimo. 2U. Magdalen F«rat, by E. 
 Zola, Phila., 1880, Kimo. 21. Nana, bv E. Zola, Phila., 
 1880, 16mo. 22. Lucie Kodey, by H. Grevillo, Phila., 
 I8SII, Kimo. 23. Princess OgbC'rof, by H. Greville, 
 Phila., 1880, 16mo. 24. The Ballet-Dancer's Husband, 
 by E. A. Feydeau, Chic, 1880, 12mo. 25. The Parricide, 
 by A. liclot, N. Y'ork, 1880, 4to. 26. Sabine's Falsehood, 
 by Princess Cantacuziine-Altieri, Phila., 1;<8U, 16mo. 27. 
 Bellah, by 0. Feuillet, Phila., 1881, sq. 16mo. 28. Th6- 
 rese Knquin, by E. Zola, Phila., 1881, Kimo. 29. Saints 
 and Sinners, by V. t'horbulioz, N. Y'ork, 1881, 8vo. 30. 
 Nana's Daughter, by A. Sirvcn and H. Leverdier, Phila., 
 1881, 16mo. 31. Madame Bovary; from the French of 
 (iuatave Flaubert, Phila., 1881, Kimo. 32. The Girl in 
 Scarlet; or, The Loves of Silvfire and Miette, by E. 
 Zola, Phila., 1882, Kimo. 33. In the Whirlpool, by E. 
 Zola, Phila., 1882, Kimo. 34. Sylvie's Betrothed, by H. 
 Gr6ville, Phila., 1882, Kimo. 35. Monsieur le Ministre: 
 a Uonnince in Real Life, by Jules Claretie, Phila., 1882, 
 sq. 16ino. 36. Pot-Bouille, by E. Zola, Phila., 1882, 
 Klino. 37. LaFaustin; a Life Study; from the French 
 of Edm. de Goncourt, Phila., 1SS2, sq. 16mo. 38. Bona- 
 parte and his Times, by Theodor Jung, N. Y'ork, 1882- 
 83, 2 parts, 4to. 39. Salvator: Conclusion of the Mo- 
 hicans of Paris, by Alexander Dumas, N. York, 1883, 
 5 ]]arts, 4to. 40. Guy's Marriage, by H. Greville, Phila., 
 1883, sq. Kimo. 41. L'Evangfiliste ; a Parisian Novel, by 
 Alphonse Daudet, Phila., 1883, sq. Kimo. 42. The Joys 
 of Life, by E. Zola, Phila., 1884, sq. 16mo. 43. A Specu- 
 lator in Petticoats ; from the French of Hector Malot, 
 Phila., 1887, 16mo. 
 Sherwood, U. (Ed.) The Constitution of the Isle 
 of Man, 1792, (Manx Soc. Pub.,) Douglas, 1882, 8vo. 
 Sherwood, Scott R. The Lays of a Bohemian: 
 being some of the Metrical Conceits of Scott K. Sher- 
 wood, N. Y'ork, 1885, 12mo. 
 Shettigue, Jaue H. Jephthah's Daughter. Lon., 
 1885, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 Shield, J. The Death of Lucretius: a Poem, Lon., 
 1872, 4to. 
 Shields, Kev. Charles WoodrutT, D.D., LL.D., 
 [aiile, vol. ii., add.] He is an earnest advocate of the 
 restoration of the Presbyterian Prayer-Book of 1661 for 
 optional »sf, !. Kniiginn and Soienoe in their RclHtion 
 to Philosophy, N. York, 1875, 8vo. 2. The Final Phi- 
 losophy, or System of Perfectible Knowledge, issuing 
 from the Harmony of Science and Religion, N. York, 
 1877, 8vo; 2d ed., rev., 1879; 3d cd., entitled " I'hiluso- 
 phia Ultima ; or. The Science of the Soience.s," vol. i., 
 I "Here Is a volume to excllu attention indcfil. llarinimy 
 j Is really to lie elli'i'leil between Scli>nce Kn<l Uellnloii at 
 last. And not (jnly Is the vi'iiinitilc <lis|mie to lie settled, 
 but it is to lie settled Ipy nietliuds exelusively .\merienn, 
 we are told : ' The Ameriean neoifraiihy, genealogy, polities, 
 and religion are simply luiparuliek il, either In aiadelit ur 
 modern civili/atiuii, and tonelber liirm itn aguretriite of all 
 that is jieeuliar to the elvilizatluns of Kumpe, .Vsla. and 
 Africa. Sueh a medley (d'ellmates. of races, of Instltotloiis, 
 of ('reeds and thenries, I'usiiii; under one political system, 
 adiirds materials lor a phlliwipliv which eaiiiini but lie 
 linal. and by projeetiiiKon a Kiaiider scale, and with fuller 
 cunditioiis. all the time-wurn Issues id' hislurv, shows iliat 
 here, If anywhere, the old terrestrial jiroblem" is at IciiL'th 
 to be solved.' "—.\'iiliiiii, xxvlii. IS. 
 3. The Order of Sciences : an Essay on the Phil- 
 j osophical Classification and Organization of Human 
 Knowledge, N. Y'ork, 1SS2, 12mo. 
 ; Shields, G. O., ("Coquina." pseud. i Rustling 
 in the Rockies: Hunting and Fishing by .Mountain and 
 Stream, Chic, |ss:i, I2mii. 
 Shields, Inane II. (Ed.) The Pennsylvania Penal 
 Code, Phila., l,ss;i-S4, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Shields, J. E, Treatise on Engineering Construc- 
 tion, N. York, 1877, 12mo. 
 Shields, Joseph D. Life and Times of .Soargent 
 Smith Prentiss, Phila., 18S4, Svo. 
 Shields, R. J. Knights of the Red Cross: Alle- 
 gorical Stories. Illust. Lon., l.'<82, I2uio. 
 Shields, Airs. Saruh Annie, 1 Frost.) 1. Par- 
 lor Charades and Proverbs, Phila., ISIIO, 12mo. 2. Origi- 
 nal Letter-Writer, N. York, 18(17, Iftmo. 3. Laws and 
 By-Laws of American Society, X. Y'ork, 18(i9, Kimo. 
 4. The Art of Dressing Well. N. York, 1870, lOmo. .1. 
 A Week's Holiday. Illust. N. York, 1872, ISmo. 6. 
 Sunshine for Rainy Days. Illust. N. Y'ork, 1S73, sm. 
 4to. 7. Very Little Tales. Illust. N. Y'ork, 1873, 4 
 vols. (■4mo. 8. Common Sense in the Kitchen, Phila.. 
 i 12i,io. 9. Dialogues for Y'oung Folks, N. York, Kimo. 
 10. Grandpapa's Home. Illust. X. York, l.'<mo. 11. 
 Happy Summer; or. The Children's Journey. Illust. 
 N. York, I87«, 4to. 12. Almost a Woman. Illust. N. 
 Y'ork, 1876, 16mo. 13. Evening Amusements, (" House- 
 hold" Ser.) Illust. 1877, 8vo. 14. Amateur Thcatri- 
 cals and Fairy-Tale Dramas, N. Y'ork, 16mo. 
 Shicll, Anthony Ceorge. A Year in India, Lon., 
 1879, 8vo. 
 Shillaber, Ueivjamin Penhallow, [ante, vol. 
 ii., add.,] d. 1890. 1. Partingtonian Patchwork. Illust. 
 Boat., 1873, 12mo. 2. Lines in Plea.sant Places : Rhyth- 
 mics of Many Moods and Quantities, Wise and Other- 
 wise, Best., 1874, 12mo. 3. Ike and his Friends, Bost., 
 1879, Kimo. 4. Cruises with Captain Bob on Sea and 
 Land, Bost., 1880, 16mo. 5. The Doublerunner Club, 
 Bost., 1881, 16ino. 6. Wide-Swath, 1882, (includes 
 " Lines in Pleasant Places," Ac.) 
 Shillaber, Lydia. Mr.s. Shillaber's Cook-Book : a 
 Practical Guide for Housekeepers, N. York, 1887, 12mo. 
 Shilleto, Rev. Arthur Richard, M.A., gradu 
 ated at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1871 ; ordained 1871 ; 
 has held several curacies, and was master of the Proprie- 
 tary School, Ulverston, 1879-82. 1. (Trans.) Pausanias' 
 Description of Greece: with Notes, &e., Lon., 1886,2 
 vols. 12mo. 2. (Trans.) Plutarch's Morals : with Notes, 
 Lon., 188,8, 12mo. 
 Stiillito, J. Womanhood: its Duties, Temptations, 
 and Privileges, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 
 Shilton, A. J. Household Chemistry for the Non- 
 Chemical, Lon., 1882, p. 8vo. 
 Shimeall, Rev. Richard Cunningham, [ante, 
 vol. ii., add.,] d. 1874. 1. The Prophetic Career and 
 Destiny of Napoleon III., 1866. 2. The Distinction 
 between the Last I'ersonal Antichrist and the Many 
 Antichrists of Prophecy, 1868. 3. The Unseen World ; 
 ur. Where and what is Heaven ? N. Y'ork, 1870, 12mo. 
 Shinn, Charles Howard, b. 1852, in Texas; 
 graduated at Johns Hopkins I'niversity 1884. Mining 
 Camps : a Study in American Frontier Government, X. 
 Y'ork, 1885, 12mo. 
 Shinn, Earl, ("Edward Strahan," pseud.,) 1837- 
 1886, b. in Philadelphia; studied art in Paris; was for 
 some years the art-critic of the Nation, and a contributor 
 to leadini: periodicals. 1. The New Hvpcrion : from 
 Paris to Marly by Way of the Rhine. Illust. Plnla., 
 1874, 8vo. (Based on a French work by "Xavier 
 " There is much more originality in the work than the 
 scrupulous adapter lets be supposed, and his brightness 
 and wit will thoroughly amuse his audience."— A'ad'on, 
 xix. 403. 
On It,iilroi„J Accounts nn.l Roturna, 
 Exhibited: wi^i^ex""!!,:!;: ?i;;"z ""'';;:/'"'- 
 Mo.loru French Art. Illu..i. X V, rkV.>' r ,«.•'," 
 ?tt^' ::tx"t^^'- "^' A:or^a:;"-Trr;:i: 
 »...[ Philu,lelpl,ia,- onlui„o.i i,tt,o I' it" „ t" > |''«""'f 
 <' lurch : rector „f ( Church \evtu' ""'"," 
 Munnal of Instruction ,.,,.,„ the rone".. , ,,.,";• ,,„'; 1 
 io,,,el.H for the Chri.Miun Year, X V, -k ,'s-j v * I 
 1'. Mnnual of Instruction on the Vn.Vc '\ x"T 
 Questions ,.buut our Chu ch, X Vm.!, ,«" I : ""• -'• 
 c^..t,,., that trouble r^^,u:r::;^:^J^^:-':-^^ 
 Shinii,W. P. 
 X. York, Is'ii, Svi,, 
 Shipley, Miss ,>Iary Kli7nhi>th i, >.,, 
 Slin.lon, Sussex, Kn«. ; Mau,!f',cro^' >"'.''•.,;-•, "' 
 Lonaon morohant; has comrihi.i,. ' ' ' • ' '"l'l»'.v, a 
 .''»o. ,j. Lofty Aims anil Lowly EllorfJ ■ „ • i ."' ' 
 1^73, p 8vo. 4. Dail.v Help Tor^a ^'Vee , t-'i, ;""- 
 Worses, Un, I87:i, p, Svo, ne«. ed 187'. V 7' '"'? 
 at Brighton, an,l whV came of it^I.'on"' ;-,■'•, tf'"'"'' 
 Chnslums at Annesley; or, IIow h," v. "' 
 their llulhlays, l-on., 187°, 'l" , '- ",""",'? .-^I"'"' 
 or. What Children n.a'y -io for , us.'lo 1 " V ^ l','" ' 
 Deborah's Whim: a Tale Lon A7S i\ ' ^"""" 
 11. Looking Back; a Men ory\f tU Li 1? 'V ™- 
 Shipley, Kev. Orby, r„„^e vol ii n,i,i ii ^q.,. 
 jects, Lon., 1868, 8vo 2 8iv smLT^ ^ ^'«'°''' ■^"''- 
 .Mormons Lon., ,S70, I2,„o. 4. (Ed.) Ritulr.,f the 
 Altar: containing the Office of^ th^e*^ i I "',^:11 
 1-on., 1870, 12mo;'2d eTls^fs""^ 'rl^ ^-omnmnion, 
 VU» and 1662, Lon. 1871 I i?! «" .^/'r/"""'^'"" "f 
 Month, Lon.,'lS7?'l2mo '-ru^f- "'"V""'""^ lor a 
 Homeopathic Family Guide; Sth id Ch e "'-, ?■, - 
 South Ca^l^a, xXl^len:? '1^^;^""'^'^'" '" 
 ixii.-llcfi'l., n*8r6lf,7!^'x\^or;:°''i"'i"''S'; «%»''''. vols. ,^,^ . „f -,;:■•-■ men, an,, the Fro.he, So- 
 « d partmen of1h"eS^""°''?'' ^*/'' """^ »'""-' "'" '' 
 entered the navvn V^'^ersity of Pennsylvania 1848: 
 mUsioll 1 ^ ' assistant surgeon in 1849 ; was com 
 Z^ZtZZToTZT' """'^ '" the'eiviir,-! 
 « surgeon of the European squadron lS71-7;ij| 
 rnodieal director of the Xaval Ilo-pital |s7|l .„ ti ■ . 
 'li'Mllyarc Imrt of the ■ '|i,*: ^^?'', ' .."""•'^' "''i'li evf- 
 inoreMlrrliL-in ih "r™ i /,,, ' ,,*,,'^ ?:>'''''^'. '"'■ 'n'"-!' 
 •Shiptoii, Anna, [.i,,,,- v,,\ a .,1,1 1 , .- . . 
 |0 .he Flock: Xarra.ites of Chr";;," ''lL i ,^;""< T 
 1 1-ino; new cd., s7H. " The I,. 1 In ' ' . ' ''"' • 
 '.- 5 1 Kllno". ";;"■''■ ''T'^ ■" ""^ Wildirnc"; 
 I'ooiis, Ion r7 12;,,, -^T'^^*,"' '">' '•il«"»"i«e; 
 0.W with Us:" the Believer's lv;r>io,;:/on:'l^ri2„ ' 
 !-..!lss7;'l',r"""' I'-idents from my j;.u™;:;; 
 Lon., 1SS3 ,, Svo' J P ■• '\ • '-"^ Jl'-nths' Friend, 
 8vo ', Th V;.?' •';,'^'-'»';"'g tlic Voke, Lon., 1884, p 
 P- Svo. 7' Th ' T n!; '^?.'?f""'"' ,»"J ■''ons. Lon., 1885 
 '.""., issl; Pm„ "\' ^cf't ,"";' ""'" ^l'"rt Stories 
 l'^87, „ s-n u^n ; •'•"""sesand Views, Lon., 
 Shirley, Evelyn Philip, F S A AT K t a r , 
 Vo . 11.. aild 1 il Is>;>i II •' , ' "'•"■I.A., [mile, 
 'lerine n Lord Bea.'^r^r, \v ""t '"■' '"■'«'""' "^ '^l''- Ar- 
 KTibcd as '•■„,,?, ■'' I'""'"i>-," "here n, ^s dc- 
 everybody ei- e' '^l^ "."r"' ^'"^'T ^"'"'''^' "''^ ''"-' 
 contributed to xrtetnd.""- "'T"" P''-'''^»»'>t." Ho 
 >"ent, and puWished in vr"' ^""" '*' ""'"mence- 
 «"'^, vol i T,; f . ''"'"l? ':' '™''"^ "'entioned 
 ««han, Lon.; isso, f'',! ^^''"''^' "^ "»' <^'""nty of Men- 
 lectcd.''-jc„,^, XV -luS ^ *- accessible has been col- 
 I pj-^Il«nley and the House of Lechmere, Lon., 1884. 
 I ton**'x'iT' •f"''" .-■♦"Hon. 18,'!I-1,«87, b. at .^anborn 
 ^::isr?^7^l.t;-'- ---"^ "-- -s^^ 
 Patriot,' a .Sketch lon li-o """"'^ Demagogue or 
 Shirr..H- lii ""L^" ""lai Law. Lon., I,s88, 8vo. 
 add 1 b KU ' '^'""»' ^""« Em [-„„. vol ii 
 bIo]i',\irirk'isZt''if'Z''i;,l's'ir^''^'^ ^^-^ ""-^ valua- 
 I eduoatioi. uf •l.e^'cilnC'illkT. "ea^'',7^r\v';^t'"i'i,}"2 
 '• 'J 
 .» . 
 ; . ;/!i^ 
 KliLlewarti'ii Is m-t ujv They can make a Kindergarten l matprlKl, l.ut hii- arrftngcMl It very Im.llv ; he liM rHlIoil t(> 
 at liiime.' — >'!/. Ilir., Ivll. 7iil. ' ill»tlii|jiii»h l'ro|H'rly lulwuin the iirchlstorli; ttii(l iiuTily 
 4. llDiiio I'Muiiition in Uelatlon to KindcrijartL'n : Two j 
 Lei'turuK, I.oii., I«HI, 11. Svo. 
 Shouk, Wllliiiiii Henry, h. |h2I, iit IlFiltlinoro, 
 Mil.; cntereil thu niivy Isij; (jiiKincdr-in-oliii'l' of tho 
 navy 1h77-s:i, when ho wan rutlreil. He i" I' ' inventor 
 of many naval »|i|iliiinces. Sleiiiii Itoilern : ti.eir Uenign, 
 Conntruetion, anil .Munngenient, N. Yorli ami I<o»., ISSU, 
 Nhocniaker, Joliil V., M.I). I. Tho Oleates : an j 
 Invostiniitioii into tli ir Nature iinil Action, I'hilii., ls^'5, 
 li'miii. 2. Toxt-lliiolt of Diseases of tho Sl«in. Illunt. 
 N. Yiirli. 18SS, Svo. i 
 SiKdie, Imiiiio, F.d.S., asaoeiato nieriil)er of tho In- 
 ftitute of Civil Kngineors; ex-iiiayur of Wrexham. I. ! 
 (iravitatinj: Sewa({o .■^choino, hon., |S7'.i, Svo. 2. Scien- 
 tiflo anil Sanitary Sowerai{o ami Drainage, Lim., ISSd, 
 Shoolbrrd, Jaiiiet IV. 1. On tho I'rosont fetato 
 of Klcotrie l.ighlint?, I.oii., 1S7X, Kvd. 2. Electric Light- 
 ing iinil its I'nii'lii'iil .Xpiilieatiun, Lon., l**?!!, |>. Svo. 
 Shore, \rabclln. 1. (Trans.) A Daughter of tho 
 Malpeires: .» Tiilo of tho " Anoieii lU-ginie;" from tho 
 French of .MaihiTiio Keyljaml, l.nn., ISS.i, p. Svo. 2. 
 Dante for lieginnors : a Sketch of tho " Diviniv Com- 
 meiliii i" with Translations, Biographical ami Critical 
 Notes, Ac, lion., 1 6, p. Svo. With Shohk, Louisa: 
 1. War Lyrics, Lon., ISa.i, p. Svo. (This is mentionoil, 
 uiilp, vol. ii., umler Shohk, A. L.) 2. (lemma of tho 
 Isles, a Lyrical Dramo, ami other Poems, Lon., IS.V.I, 
 p. Svo. :)". llunnilml : a Dniiiui, in Two I'arts, Lon., 
 miiMiimentnl c'lvllfzalloiis anil those which. faillMif 
 , tluiirlshlni.', were still In exl.-lei ut the iHTliMlof the ills- 
 ciivery anil iif the Spanish cimiiuesl, auil has iiverliuuleil 
 i Ills wiirk Willi a mass uf speciihil , ahsurd conjecture*, 
 iiiKl iieeilless rcl'iilalion."— ."vi/. Hii 1. 37.'). 
 j ;). Uhici: II Sketch of ita Inilustriiil Progress, Clme. 
 I land, D<«2, lllmo. I. Historical Kcl'erenco Lii-ts I'l .ho 
 I Students in tho Ohio Stale University, Cleveland, i i>2, 
 I I2mn. 
 4. Fra Dulcino, and other Poems, Lon., 
 IS6I, l2mo 
 1S70, 1). Svo. 
 Shore, Sir Charles John, second Unron 
 Teigniuoiith, D.C.L., LL.D., F.H.S., [.n,(e, vol. iii., 
 Teioxmoitii, add.,] 17!I6-1SS5. Keminiscences of Many 
 Yours, Kilin., 1S7S, 2 .-ols. Svo. 
 "The miistcrpiccc ii Lord TelKnniiiiith's gallery Is W 11- 
 Hani WIlbiTl'nrcc. . . . Lord Tui«nuunitli photoiiraplis the 
 man. . . . We are niider tun many nlilltsa'.loiis tu Lord 
 TeiKnmiiiitli fur havinu' rescued fnnii iililivlon many very 
 piquant savings and iloiiigs to iiiiarrel with him tor treat- 
 ing a siiiiafjlile ill a Yiirksliirc piuish as uf eiiual Interest 
 with the idiusvncrasies ut Macanlay or uf I'eei. "— .Sut. Kei\, 
 xlvl. O'JS. 
 Shore, Hon. Henry Noel, b. Isi7i son of the 
 second liaron Teignmouth ; a lieutenant in the lliiyal 
 navy. Tl.e Flight of the " Lapwing :" a Naval Officer'^ 
 Jottings in China, Formosa, and Japan. Maps. Lon., 
 1881, Svo. 
 "The book contains plenty of readable matter, and 
 throws some light on the progres.s of ei', ilizaliou In tho 
 Far Kast."— .liw/.. xix. i'lS. 
 " Nij livelier iiccimiit of the general aspect of Cliiim ways 
 and nmniuTs, and the general look of things Chinese, has 
 been pulilislied."— .Vii/;-);/, xxxii. 13!i. 
 Shore, Ilev. Thointis Teignmouth, M.A.,, b. 1811, at Dublin ; graduated at Trinity Col- 
 lege, Dublin, 18iil; incumbent of Berkeley Chapel, 
 Mayfair, London, since 1873; chaplain-in-ordinary to 
 the queen since ISSl ; editor of " Helps to lielief." 1. 
 Some Dittioultios of Belief: Sermons preaclied at Berke- 
 ley Church, Mayfair, Lon., 1S77, p. Svo; Sth ed., 1SS7. 
 2. The Life of the World to (Jonie, and other Subjects, 
 Lon., 187S, p. Svo; Jth ed., l.-s."). :j. Shortened Church 
 Services and Hymns for I'sc a Children's Service, Lon., 
 18711, ;i2ino. 4. The First Epistle to the Corinthians, 
 (" New Testament Commentary for English Readers,") 
 Lon,, 187'J, 121110 ; .^th ed., 1S8J. 5. " Saint (ieorge for 
 England," and other Sermons preached to Children, Lon., 
 IS82, p. Svo; 6th ed., IS87. «. Prayer, ("Helps to 
 Belief,") Lon., ISSfi, so. 16ino. 
 Shore, Thomas William, M.D., B.Sc, lecturer 
 on comparative anatomy and assistant demonstrator of 
 anatomy at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Elementary 
 Practical Biology: Vegetable, Lon.. 1887, Svo. 
 Short, Ilev. C. The Duration of Future Punish- 
 ment, and other Sermons. Lon., 187S, p. Svo. 
 Short, Frederick II. The Crown Office Rules and 
 Forms, issil; the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 
 and Rules of the Suiireme Court, 1SS3, relating to the 
 Practice on the Crown Side of the Queen's Bench Di- 
 vision, Lon., issrt, Svo. 
 Short, John Thomas, professor of history in tho 
 State University of Ohio. 1. The Last Gladiatorial 
 Show. Illust. Cin., 16mo. 2. The North Americans 
 of Antiquity 
 Civilijation considered, N. York and Lon., 1S80, Svo. 
 "Mr. Short has gathered together a quantity of valuable 
 Short, Itcv. Walter Francis, M.A., graduated 
 at New College, Oxford, 1m6m; Fellow la.'il-S;); rector 
 of Donhead St. .Mary, Wiltshire, since 1S82. Chrint's 
 i Soldiers : Sermons preached at Woolwich, Lon., 1S71, p. 
 ' Shorter, C. K. Fifty Years of Victorian Litera- 
 i ture, 18:t7-18S7, (llasgow, iSss. 
 , Shorter, Thomas, ("Thomas Brevier," pseud.) 
 I 1. (E.'..) Poetry for School and Home, Lon., Isfll, p. 
 Svo. 2. T je Two Worlds, the Niitural and the Spirituiil : 
 their Intimate Connection iind Relation illustrated by 
 Examples and Testimonies, Ancient and Modern, Lnii,, 
 1SB4, p. Svo. :t. Immortality in Harmony i .th Mun's 
 Nature and Experience: Confessions of Sceptics, Lon., 
 1SV6, Svo. 4. Lyrics for lleiirt and Voice : a t'ontri- 
 butiiin tu tho Hymnal of the Future, Lon., lss;t, Ithiio. 
 Shorthousc, E. A Present to Boys, Youths, iinil 
 Y'o'.ing Men. Illust. Birmingham, 1881, Svo. 
 Whorthousc, John Henry, b. ISH4, at Birming- 
 ham, Eng. J educated at private schools, and at (irovo 
 House School, 'I'ottenham ; a manufacturer at Biriiiiiig- 
 ham. He has contributed a few papers to Macniillan's 
 Magazine and the Nineiecntli Century. 1. John In- 
 glesimt : a Romance, Lon., ISSl, 2 vols. p. Svo. (An 
 edition of DID copies for private circulation had been 
 printed at liirmingham in issn.) 
 " If It had much less toolfcr than it has, nuich Icsschanii 
 of stvle and description, and many fewer pathetic and 
 toiicliliig Ineldcius, the character ol John liiglesanl alone 
 would win for It a sympathetic circle of readers. . . . flic 
 peculiar religious tone and temper which belonged to llie 
 liner and more poetical minds in the TractJirmii move- 
 ment . . . Iliids here delicate and lieaiilllul Interpretation," 
 —Silt. /iVc, HI. V. 
 '• The Italy of Milton's day, Its superstition and its scep- 
 ticism, ami the sophistry that strove to make the two iis 
 one; its monks and !t.s hraviies; Its processions and Us 
 iiintuinimes; its cult of the Passion and Its cult of I'agiiii- 
 sm ; thu oiiulcncc of its past and the impotence of its 
 areseiit; will be found depicted by sympathetic genius In 
 I {lie second volume of 'John Ing'le.sanf."'— K. Gak.nktt: 
 j Ll/e uf Mitloii, M. 
 ' 2. On the Platonism of Wordsworth : a Paper read to 
 the Wordsworth Society, Birmingham, 1SS2. 3. Tlio 
 Little School-Master Mark ; a Spiritual Romance, Lon., 
 1S83-S4, 2 parts, p. Svo. 4. Sir Percival : a Story of 
 the Past and the Present, Lon., 18S8, er. Svo. 
 ; " This book wants substance. It Is ull atmosphere and 
 Imprcssiun. . . . 'Sir Percival' might be called the story nf 
 a girl's emotions about her home, her love, and her fuiih. 
 and a very interesting story it Is ; hut the life in it is lianlly 
 subslaiitiiil enough to carry all the colour with which the 
 poetic feeling of the writer has invested it."— Specliilor, lix. 
 5. A Teacher of tho Violin, and other Stories, Lon., 
 ISSS, cr. Svo. 
 "The characters In the stories here are, like all the au- 
 thor's characters, somewhat shadowy ; but their shadowy 
 (lualitv is given l>v a skilfully maiuiged remoteness, not 
 by careless, unimaginative work."— J. A. Noble: Acail., 
 fi. Tho Countess Eve: a Novel, Lon., 188S, er. Svo. 
 Shortland, Edward. Maori Religion and Myth- 
 ology, illustrated by Translations of Traditions, <to., Lon., 
 1S82, p. Svo. 
 Shortt, John, LL.B., graduated at Trinity College, 
 Dublin, 1 Still, and in law at tho University of London 
 1865 ; called to the bar at tho Middle Temple 181)6. 1. 
 The Law relating to Works of Literature and Art, Ac, 
 Lon., 1871, Svo. 2. Information, (Criminal and Qo 
 Warranto,) .Mandamus, and Prohibition, Lon., 18-i7, 
 Shortt, Mary Lesingham Dicken. Lines an 1 
 Lays for Wedding Days, Lon., 1S85, 32ino. 
 ShoBuke, Sato. History of the Land Question in 
 the United .-tales, (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 
 Fourth Series, Nos. 7, 8, and 9,) Bait., 1886, Svo. 
 Showers, Lieut.-Gen. Charles Lionel, b 
 1816; served in the Rajputana and Punjab campaign^ 
 their Origin, Migrations, and Type of j l^+J-^^' »■>V^' ''''''"r'Tr"r"''''u''^'^hro,';,!f,!^l' 
 ..»..'.".- jj,gg JjJ.^^ I juring the Mutiny. 1. The Cossack at the Gates ot 
 ' ' India, Lon., 1885, Svo j 2d ed. same year. 2. A Mis.!-- 
Lines an 1 
 l.,m.,_lHH,. H^,, ,1. N„„„nul,iy not S„,,ur«ti,.n, L.,„., 
 Shrevr, Miimnel Henry, rs:.i,_|ss(,b.„tTr..nt.m 
 N.J.I Kra,l,mtt.,l ,,( lvi,„.,,„„ |,,h „„ , „, , ^;' '" 
 IW^^w!'!:;^^.'"^"-'-^- ^-"" Marriage,.,... 
 SI,r(H,l„iry, ll.v. John V. li. "J,,,,." „„,, 
 other .>.enimn» h, ChiLhen, l.o,,., l-s.,, |fl,n„ ' " ' 
 ^ . Nhrinipton, A. n. T,„u UlinekH • a Novel, I,„„., 
 iL'mo."''''"' ■*'"'" '*' '^'""""^ " •'^'"^'''- ""I'- '"^N 
 Nhncy, l> H History of tl„. Slu.ey Family in 
 Amon™, Inmi 17.(2 to Is;,;, (,„„en.lor, l^l.; iNrTl M,m 
 I.O.,.. ls,| .,„„. ,„|, „,_ ,,^- , ||e,„i„,i,J, „,,j 
 Cau,«i... un,l rroalinent, l,un., 187il, ls,„„. ;; (•'",' 
 Ijn,! 1-ir Cure, I.on., IS'S. p. sv'o. .,. CI r.^Z V 
 Sore Ihroat .to., Ion., IS78, ,hvo, 5, Stamiia.rinK I o! 
 nmrk, on V,uu,n lv,n«Hley'« Elocutionary Kulc., Lon , 
 .Sh nnou, An<lrt'H'. The Lovoa of a I.awyor : hi« 
 liu.ui.lary, anil how it eanio out, Chic, Is;.-,, jdmo 
 S.nnk, W.llian. FinUlay. The Fioll Rniri. 
 neei- H Handy Hook of I'rartico in the .<,„vev, Loeatim 
 l"mo H''ilroa,ls. Inu,t. N.'Vork, IHmI; 
 Shnrley, K. I,., i,„,i Veniiins, C. C. (Iran',.) 
 >sea,e. „. the .Va.nal Cavity au,l ,he Vault of tie 
 Pharynx, Iron, the German of 0. Michel, xV. York 
 Slinrt, Theodore. 1. Helps to Devotion for my 
 ShnnicH, Hev. Ernest Warburton, b. Isfl> at 
 no.ton i educate,! at Il.yvard, and «,„,luated at Andover 
 rheohigical Seminary ISSS, an,l he,.auio pastor of a Con- 
 gregational church at I'ahuer, Mass. I. Poems' with 
 liitroduetioi. '>y H. liuttenvorth, Host., Iss.J 9(;,,„ „ 
 t,«tor Gleam-. Host., IMl. .J. .^,m.- of Hop;., N. y^u, 
 ISSD 4. W hen I was a Chihl, Dost., l.sso. 5. Xe^ 
 lears Peace, Host., ISS7. ' 
 Shiirtleir, \nthnniel Urndstreet, M.D., r«„^. 
 vol. >,., a,l, ] l,si„-l87t, b. in Ho.^lon ,' graduated at 
 8.S-7U. . John Ileal o llingham and One Line of 
 his Hcscen,lants. Hy M. Jj. s, H.ivt l.sir, " Toiio 
 graphical and Historical iJescripti.m of UiJatim ; w th 
 Ancient Maps and Plans, Bost., 1,H71, r. Svo; 2d ed . 
 Shnte, Anna Clara. Posthumous Papers, Lon 
 18,. I, p. ,Svo. ' ' ' 
 Shute, E. A. Lights and Shadows, Me.litativo 
 and Lyrical, Lon., 1.S7U, ll!mo. 
 Shute, Hichard, LSlO-issfi, educated at Eton, at 
 Cambridge, and at Xew Inn Hall, O.vfoid, graduating 
 in IS72 ; was afterwanls professor of logic at Uombay 
 .A Discourse on fruth, Lon., 1S77, p. 8vo. J. On the 
 llist,iry of the Process by which the Aristotelian Writings 
 amve,l at their Present Form: with a Hricf Memoir 
 "1 the Author, (toningt,m Prize Essay for 1,88'' ) O.xf 
 1^S8 svo. (The author advances a theory that the 
 Aristotelian writings as wo have them were not written 
 by Aristotle himself, but ,mly contain his opinions ■' fil- 
 tered at least through other minds.") 
 " If Kli'haril Shute was rather weak on th(> hist.iWeni 
 ShHtle, Ilev. Ileginald Meale, [„'„„. vol.'ii., 
 add.] graduated at Gonville and Caius College, Cam- 
 brulgo, 18o2; ordained 18.0',; rector of St. MaTy'^teps 
 k'Sv"-:. '^"1"""^' "'"■"'* ■" '^'""■ee of I'ortsea mission 
 lM,h-,.,„nd since then rector of St. Michael and All 
 .\ngels, Portsmouth. Hetter Days, Lon., ISSI, 2 vols. 
 Slnittleworth, «ev. Henry Cary, M.A., grad- i 
 chaplain of Christ Church, Oxfor.1, l874-7ti : minoj ; 
 oan,,n of St. Paul's 1876-8,S, and siiice then rector of 
 ■M. .Nicholas, London. 1. The Seven Last Words of Our 
 Saviour; Ad. ressea, 0.xf., 1879, 32mo, new ed., 1S8.0. 
 -!. (M.) Our Vicar's Stories. First Series. Lon., 1883 
 1'. Mo. 3. Songs, Lon,, 1885. i. (Ed.) The Diary of 
 Hvo ' T^ " ; '"»''•" '" '""K" I'lfe. I'"n., I8S4, p. 
 I,m ImU h'';''** I"'' '^'"'^'^,'""' "''' N'"« Democracy 
 V "■',.*•, "• <^',""''"l""-'iry Fi-li.m : Note. ,>n Ennllsh 
 ir!::t!-""-' ''''' '^'- ''■"■ "^ ^■h'-rch Congress 
 utlT'iiTT'i '*\' /"T" •*•"'"'"' '*•'».. 
 Muri., .M 1)., u ( I,., [„„,,., vol. „,, ,1,1, 1 ] isiM 1,77' 
 1. Ih.Mights and .Niggesti,ms o„ Certain .io..ial Pr, I n 
 ems: ,■„„ „i„„,l chiedy i„ .Vddr, t,, M,.e lings f 
 Uorkmen in Lani-ashir,., Is?.!. 2. ltihb!,:s,lale , S a 
 oaiihire ,<i.xty V,ius \go, Lon., Is?! :i vol' n's- 
 WhnttI) worth, .Miss Janet lilizaliit'h liav. 
 daughter ,d- ,^ir J. P. KayShuttlew,,"" '.'V' ,.'*"' 
 a:.s , Ihe Lite,.! .l„hann .<eba,tian Ha, 'h : ahri Ig. i 
 Iron the Uermati of C. ||. Hitler: with a Pref,,.,' v Si 
 Julius Heno,liet, Lon., |s7,'J, Sv,). " , F,l 1 rll I 'i 1 
 "f Cv.lips; „r,U'h,;t ,s .<oundr'Hy ie'l', „'■'',' ;,: 
 Ivay-shuttleworlh. Lon., Is78, l2mo ^ 
 Sibbald, James llomanes. (Trans.) fho in- 
 i!ilin., issfi'vo. ^"'"' """ "" '■"''"'"""'ry K^.^ay, 
 n.!,',h.r",l"r'','.""" "■'■''''' »■""!'' protmldv give nil KiiL'll.h 
 H»."'l's'8^ •'"'"' 'l"'""'""'^''^' t""'". vol. ii., a,|d.,] 
 i ;""-l\»/';'iKne,! the office of lihrariai, of II irvard 
 . I;" «""y '" -<.r7. Hi„ .Sketehesof ,ira,l tes 
 !s7:us.-,"sv„ """""^ • '■"'"• '-'''- Cambridge, Mass., 
 01 11 111 : 1 „1,1„. Lile an,! Ministry, Lon., l.SM, n, Svo 
 >ibree, Ilev. Janien, Jr.," F.H.G .'^., „ .n*^^ „, ,, 
 m.s.s,onary to Ma,la«ascar iMfifi, ,„„, bas b en in lemti 
 gable 1,1 ..olle.:ting an,! publishing information conce „. 
 n,fn! V 1 w' "'"' ".' '""'I''^'' '■ "^■"'■''■^ contributing 
 ii.iny valuable memoirs to the (iuograph' .al, Asia c 
 jut,, I n 18,,,, and subsequently brought out, the An-,irivo Annual, nine volumes of which have an- 
 >tar,.,l,,.„ntainiiig ,,uai,titie8 of inlorniation on Malagasy 
 I opogrnphv, mitural productions, customs, folk-h,re • nd 
 irSl ''r'"7 -^"^-e: 1. M;.,!a„'an; 
 ; iu, r' ,■ 1 [,"■' "' " Four dears' Residence: with a 
 ^ketc „ the History, Position, and Prospects of Mis- 
 ! ^ on Work aim.ngst the Malagasy. Illust." Lon. 1870, 
 .Miuhigascar. Maps am! llhist. Lon., 18711 Svo 
 ' ii,i,.,i . V i'^'*-'" """ I'li'''i'»t 11 l.xTOof n'work he en- 
 title,! .Miolii,;iis,.nr an. Us I' ' aii,l Mr V 1 «'s .ti,™ 
 tiotf„U,'"M^"r"' '^;'^l'"«"'l'l'y : inclu,ling l-ublica- 
 tions in the Malagasy Language an,l a List of Maps of 
 Aladngascar, Antananarivo an,l Lon 18SB 
 1ss*i"!T' """o"',; '• *'""'y' ""'' o'l'er Poems, Lon., 
 ?';■'• '':■. 2- I'ouiis : including "Fancy," " A Ke"t 
 ing. Place," .tc, Lon., 1884, fp. 8v,7 
 Sibson, A. Aitilicial Manures: How to Make, 
 liuy, \alue, an,l I'se them, Lon., 1878 ; new ed., 1880 
 II. 8vo ; new e,!., Is88. -^u", 
 Sibson, Francis, M.D., F.K.S., [ante vol n 
 a,ld.,l 1814 187f,, b iit'cross Canonly^'st.;;;!;,";;;"' , :': 
 cate,! in Ldinburgh; obtained his diploma from the 
 Uoyal College ,jf .burgeons (E,lin.) shortly after thecom- 
 pletion of his seventeenth year; in isa.-i ajipointed resi- 
 ,lcnt surgeon and apothecary to the Nottingham General 
 Hosmtal; in 1844 publishcl a paper on Changes induced 
 in he l-ituation and ,-triicture of the Internal Organs 
 umler \ arying Circumstances of Health and Disease' 
 which gained him a high reput,ition ; some years later 
 he remove,! to Lon,lon, where he became a member and 
 subseiiueutly a Fellow of the Royal College of Physi 
 cian.s and one of the physicians and lecturers at St 
 Mary s Hospital, where he accumulated the material for 
 his work ()n Mcilical Anatomy, mentioned as in progress 
 ,,»(<., vol. 11 and publishe,! in full, Lon., 18(19, iinp fol 
 Collected Works. Eilited hy WiMiaiu M. Ord M D 
 Illust. Lon., I,s8l, 4 vols. 8vo. ' • ■ • 
 ti,',!I'^?,l'-;.t'-'' ''■"'X" "'■'^ Included in the collection. Of 
 hese a great iiiajority are anatimiical in substuncs if not 
 111 nam,.; a lew are coiicerne,! with the physiolOKi^al 
 action ,111,1 tlHTapeutic uses of certain narcotics '^AU 
 are market by the (listinguisliing,,ualities of he tiuthor'^ 
 a" i;,' :rl',";;'i:"„"'-'" '"I"*"-!- '"'^l «"at may almi^t be cXd 
 a passion lor accuracy and precision of statement, even 
 when Ihli iliii'n 11"! Kcdin til lie rnlli'ii ir liv llii' lnlrlii«li' 
 lin|ii<rliiiii't< III lliv iimitcr In Imiiil. , . . 1 liv rlmrt lilu- i 
 Rniphliiil nutloc III' tlif iiiiihur is ii niwU'l of li" lilml."— 
 villi./,, xlx, l.iii. 
 Slbtliiirii, lt<'v. Ilichiira Uuldo, M.A.,, 
 1 7'.!'.'- 1^711, ri'liii'iii'il In llui liiiiiiiin ('iillinlii! I'liiiroh iiinl 
 HiK rcivJiiillli'il 111 11 |iiic."t ill iMi.i. lliiily llruiul ; 
 Mnrninn .Mi'iliMlimis I'lir u Vuiir, liiiii., I>7li, |i. >^\n, 
 SlckeU, i>. H, I'liltuil StiitcH Aliiiiiiii l.itw-i: 
 iMiriim tnr KatiibliKiiinK I'ruiil' ti! C'lniiiii, <tc., ■>>an Finn,, 
 !■','< I, Svn. 
 SU-kelH, II. v., llciiiirls New York ('nitrl of Aii- 
 fi'iilH, v'll.i. xlvi.-M'iv., (I>ri-«l,) Albuiiy, l(i7:'-f*4, 4'.l 
 Vuln. 'no. I 
 ••Siaduiiw, Jlliili'H II.," (I'.-iii.l.) ?i'i' Stiii'-1 
 UI'KI.KII. J. 11., ill/ill. 
 Sidcliolhaiii, lt(>v. Henry, .M..\,, Krailuuti'il nt ; 
 llcrlliiril CiilK'^i-. "xliii'l, l>i)l : "iil.iiiii.l |sii;li rliii|i' 
 liiin lit .Mciiliiiu' i.iiiiv' I.S7S. I, 'i'lio C'liuii'li "I' Knuliiii I 
 in lloliilinn til lMiri.'i){n Churulii's, Lmi., l-si'. 'i. '\'\\<! 
 l)i,<ci|ilino 111' Ti'iiiiiiiiiiim, iinil utlii;r .■^uniiiini', Iiun., 
 is.i^l, Klinii. ;i. Uiir iJiiil.v llii'uil: A "reiiunilion Inr | 
 lluly Ciiininuniiin, .U',, l.'ni., H"*^, .'iljiiio. I 
 SiUvy, JniiieN A>, .M.l>. I. Mi'luni L'tiriui'n: 
 licina 11 llij.'i<loilv I'in^lcily 111' .^I'otoli Kn;,'li.ili tri.-li M^- 
 (,'or lioiliii); (.'iirlinif L'niuie S«i-i"U-i iiml .■'uiitinu'iitiil Oilil- 
 iinil Kills of liliynioK anil F.'.liliM. liy K. Cnici'lli, Willi 
 Illii.iliiitiiins by Clnirlc's A. Doyji' anil Jolin Sinarl. 
 Kilin,, ISIlll, Svo. 2, "Altor KjUHilom :" Iji'ln;,' Miiolliiir 
 Instiilini'nt of LIIik ami liviii's: witliOno llumlnil mii| 
 Filly l'on-anil-Inl< Slictclius ami Ooeasioniil Music, 
 Kilin., IH77, Ito. Anon, 
 Niduwick, Alfred, grailiialoil at Linooln Ciillogo, 
 Oxfiiril, X^l'.'f, F'fliow of (twens Collej^o, Manuliu.iti'i', 
 ISS2. Falliii'ii's: a Viuw of l.oj{io from tlie I'l-acticial 
 Siile, (" Inturnatioiiiil SL'ientitlo" Sur,,l Lon„ I8s:i, p. 
 Kidgwiek, Arthur, iM..\„ brotlior of Henry Piil){- 
 wiok, I'li/Vii .■ f^railuati'il nt Trinity ('olluj{i), Cainl)iiil;;o, 
 I.Sii.i; Fellow l.'<i!l-71l, anil ."inoe 1'<,S2; as.iistant master 
 of Hugby Si'liool 18l')l-7'.t: lecturer ami tutor at Ciii'- 
 briilgo IS7y-s2. 1. Introduetion in Ureek Prone Coni- 
 |iositiiin, liOn., IS77, or, .Svo; new e.l,, ISM5. 2. A Key 
 til Ureek I'rose Conipo.^itinn, Iinn.. 1X78, cr. Svo; new 
 e.l., IB**!!. 3. First (Ireck Writer: with Kxorei.-c3 ami 
 Vooabularies, Lon., 183U, l2uio, 4. Form Uisnipline; u 
 Iicoturo, Liin,, 18Sli, cr. Svo. '■>. Ijectures on (ireck Proso 
 Coiiipo.jition ; with Exorcise,^, Lon,, ISSii, 12ino. Also, 
 sohiiul eililions of several Ureek ami Latin Works, willi 
 notes. With .MouirK, FiiANCis U.vviu, An Introduction 
 to Greek Vorso Composition | 3il oil., rev., Lon., I8Sa, 
 Sidgwick, Charlotte S. The Story of \orway. 
 Illust. l.iin., IS.s.'i, r.'nio. 
 Sidgwick, Henry, .M.A.. b. 1838, nt Sklptim, 
 Yorkshire; was ciUioatcil at Kugby. anil at Trinity 
 College, Cambriilge, whi-TC he was Fellow lSa'.)-IV,), lec- 
 turer 1S59-7J, ami eleeteil hon. Fellow 18S1 ; appointoil 
 prioloctor of moral ami political philosophy in the uni- 
 versity in 1875, anil Knightsbriilgo professor of moral 
 philosophy in 1883. 1. The Ethics of Conformity onJ 
 .Subscription, Lon., 1S70, l2iuo. 2. The Methods of 
 Ethics, Lon., 1874, Svo; I'd ed , 1881; .Supplement, 1>77. 
 "It claims to bo an examination, at oner cxpcwitory and 
 critical, of llic ilill'i'ivnt inctliods of ulituining reasoned 
 convii'tiiins as to what iinsibt to be done which are to bo 
 fonml— cither explicit ur iini>licit— In the moral conscious- 
 nc-s iif mankind 1,'cneriilly, and which, from lime In time, 
 have lici'ii dcvclupi-d, cither singly or in comlilnation, liy 
 individual thinkers and worked up into systems now liis- 
 torical." — Authnr'g Pr(Jacr. 
 " Mr. Sidgwick, inverting Aristotle's pliniie, proposes as 
 his end knowledge, not practice, and adopts the impartial 
 and scientllic treatment of a German psy.diolngist. He is 
 neither the advocate nor the assailant, but the investigator. 
 And it nuiy be that this kind of originality, the originality 
 of method, i.s all the originality he woul'd Idmself claim 
 for his treatise. He has no new theory to propound, nor 
 does he offer any novel array of argument in support of 
 any one of the standard theories. Yet . . . we have in 
 reading Mr. Sldgwick's iiages a of that originalitv 
 which may be imparted to any subject by its being handled 
 In its whole extent and expounded in all its breadth by a 
 powerful mind, a mind whiih has not only mastered it" in 
 alllts details, but infjrinei! them with lU own life."— i>u^ 
 Kew, xxxix. lib. 
 3. The Principles of Political Economy, Lon., 1883, 
 " Mr. Sidgwick tjcgins his book by speaking of n recent 
 reaction against the olaini- of political economy to lie re- 
 garded as an establi.sheil science. This reaction he con- 
 siders ' inevitable and iveu salutary,' but at the same time 
 as carried lull far ... It Is nmiiicstiiiiiiilily the wciuhtlest 
 bimk on Ihc subjecl which has appeared In this cunniiy 
 for some lime. " — .li'iii/,, xxlil. ;U'.i, 
 I. Tliu Scope and .Muiliud id Ke'inoniiu hel«nec ; an 
 Address. Lon., I8s.), p, mvo. 
 " It wiinld be ililUeiilt to llnd llfly imgeK wlileh contain 
 more wisdom than lli.isc belore us. 1 here Is also aliun- 
 dm fa iiuallly siiii i-nrer In i nnmle lilcratuie,— hn 
 niiiur,"— F. V. Kiii.KWiiiiru : .leni/,, xxix. IT7, 
 it. iiiillines of llie History of Klhic«, fur Kngli-h 
 Keaders, Lon., Issn, |.|.. nvo. (Ilcnised and eidarged 
 from an article enntribiited to the Enuycio|iiediii Url- 
 tannlca. I 
 " Kills In a very aiUniualo manner a connplcuom gap In 
 Kngllsh elhlciil literature."— .IW.. So. mKi'.i, 
 *» Sidney, .Mnrmtret," (I'scud.) See LoTiiien', 
 Mils, li Minn I .Ml 1 1 nun. i.iijii'ii. 
 Hidney, Ntininel, [o/./i, vol. 11., aild.,1 secretary 
 to tlic Agi it'iiltiii'iil Hall Cmiipany, The Hook of the 
 Horse: wiili Hint.- on llorseiiiaiiship, tlie .Management 
 of the Stable. .Vc. lliii-l. L..n.. I.s7."i. Ito ; 2d ed., I>7tl ; 
 new ed., re\,, witli a Section on "Veterinary Inl'oriiia- 
 tion," by (lenrge Fieuiiiig, Li.,lJ,, F.U.I'.V..s'. 
 Sieb'e, Henry. Tlie t'oni|nc«t of tlie Sea; a Ilnok 
 abiinl "livers and IHving, Lon.. 1871, 12niii. 
 *»Siegvolk, I'nul," (Pseud.) See M.vtiiews, 
 .\I.1IKI1T. «ii/.Ml. 
 SiemeiiN, Sir < hnrle« Millinni, Ph.D., LL.Ii., 
 IJ.C.L., F.llS,, Is2:i-l.s8:'., ' , at 1.1 iitlic, lliimiver; edu- 
 cated at l.iibeck. .Magdeburg, and (lilttiiigen ; went to 
 London in I8|;;, and. with his biotlicr Werner, engaged 
 in various enterprises, niamifai'tiiring the Siemens' steel 
 by a priieessof their own invention, and taking out num- 
 erous |iatents for eleetrieal a)iparalus and other scicnlillc 
 inventions. Tlicy laid the direct I'nilcil .^tates cable In 
 1874 witli the steamer " Faraday," whicli was built for the 
 purpose from designs by C. W.Siemens, who was knighted 
 in recognition of his seientilic services in 1883. He was 
 president of the .S'liciely of Telegraph Engineers, of tlie 
 Institute of Meehanicul Engineers, of the Midland In- 
 stitute, and, in I.ss2, of tlio llritish As.sociatioii, and 
 contributed numerous papers to tlie Transactions of the 
 Uoyal Society, .Vc. For biiig., soe Pnl.K, W., miprii, I. 
 On the I'tili/.atinn of Heat and otlier Natural I'orces : a 
 Lecture, Lon , 187^, cr. Svo. 2. The llyminio-Elcctric 
 Current and its Steadine.-s, (Phiiosopbical Transactions,! 
 Lon., 1881, 4to, 3. On tlie Conservation of Solar En- 
 ergy ; a Collection of Papers and Discussions. Illust. 
 Lon.. 1883, 8vo, 
 'This volnnie contains a reprint of sir Win, Siemens' 
 original iiaiierun the'Conservalionol Solar Knergy,' com- 
 ninniented to the lioyal .siocicly early in Issj, and a num- 
 ber of crllicismsand discussions to wliich that paper gave 
 rise. . . . The widc-sjiread Interest whicli lias been taken 
 in tlie new theory, and the fact that fresh evidence will 
 priibably be brought forward and fresh dlscn.ssions I'ollow 
 In lonnectlon wiili it, arc a .suttleient Jnsiitleiilinn lor the 
 repiililicatliin of lliesc pajiers in a eollecled form. . . . sir 
 W. Siemens' theory suggests u solution of the dillieulty, a 
 solution at once ingenious u. id well considered,"— -Icui/., 
 xxiv, »-2. 
 4. Scientific Works: a Collection of Pajiers and Dis- 
 cussions. Edited by E. F. Bamber, C.E. Lon., 1888, 
 .'! "Ills. 8vo. 
 ' What most strikes us in ojicnlng the volumes here and 
 '- -' --- '-'-- - the extreme riieidity ol -ir William 
 li as a w Titer and speaker. Not only is 
 ear in itself, but the anniiL'enient of 
 of thought are precisely »liat are re- 
 us exposition. 'I'lic papers include ex- 
 .'Iher witli presldcn- 
 there at random 
 Sicmens's style 1 
 each statemeni 
 matter and onl 
 quired for luiii. 
 jilamitions of ins own invi-ntiuns, tnge 
 tlal addresses and popular lectures."— .l//i.. No, ;i21(i. 
 Sieveking, Albert F. (Ed,) The Praise of Gar- 
 dens : a Prose Cento with Proem by E. V. B., Lon., 
 1S85, p. Svo. 
 Sievekiug, Sir Edward Henry, M.D., LL.D., 
 F.S.A., F.U.C.P., L"'i"', vol. ii., add.,] b. ISlli; pliysi- 
 eian-in-ordinary to the Prince of Wales since 1803, and 
 to the queen issS; knighted 1880. The Medical Ad- 
 viser in Life Assurance, Lon., 1874, cr, Svo; 2d ed., 
 Siewers, Carl. 1. (Trans, and cd.) Under the 
 Hay.s of the Aurora Borealis; In the Land of the Lapps 
 ami Kvnjns, bv Sojihus Tromholdt, Lon., Ixs5, 2 vols, 
 ^vo. Illust. 2. CTrans.) Fairy-Tales, by H. C. Ander- 
 -^r,, I!hi=trRted by ,s:eHndinRv"inn Artie's. Lon,, !SS7, 
 Sigerson, George, M.D., M.R.I.A., |irofe,ssor ol 
 biology in Catholic University College, Dublin. 1. Mod- 
 ern Ireland: Vital Questions, Secret Societies, and Gov- 
 ernment: 2d ed., Lon., ISlli), 12mo. 2. History of the 
 Land Tenures and Land Classes of Ireland, Lon., 1871, 
 -':^.ut;i:::::,;,,l::;;::,,;;;;,::);;-;,H.i;.- i „.■,.; 
 Hir„iii,|ii,.u,e. I...r.., I^ill, i:;,,,, ■>,',,, i, '* 
 J..l.n M..rri,,'. M v, \ V,„'k s' '■'>.'-"",'• ='• 
 8.c«i,i„«.: ,. (Nn.i.t„;a;.:;;V. .V v;rk' ^.r^r'-''^* 
 ..e.„.ou,o K,,,,„i«i., ,„„i ii,.i,h,:i ;:'•,: ;'r:'' 
 <*.. j.hnv ,'„ii,.«.,, oxr„j, is" " ,^; ,;i'^':;';':"^'V" 
 iii.,j .1. I.vs.l, ( •>. r..ii.-ul „t Car,! II', \v„|,- IV,,,,, is", 
 l.un., ISill, Svd: in'w uj., |NS(i. iini-i. 
 xlvlTrff "'"''''•■•""•' ''»■ '"J ""'»'"■'* unk.„rne.l."->„/. /,.,,„ 
 2. lUmblo, and Studio, in Old South Wale,-. III,,., 
 l-"n.,^ l>x|. .1. btudio. of A.M>.,„, Un„ \ssl, 
 A Manual „ .N„n.u,-Oxi,i. Ana'stlioMa; „ I „ "1 ■,,.. and (i..„,.ral I'raotiti.m.rH. U,„., Issi sv„ 
 1>«1I, and otliLT St„rif.s f-on., is^^l |..,„„ ", , 
 i.iiiic Hooks, i,o„., issn I ,"•; ' P- ■ *"• ^- i"" 
 2. Puen,8, lio,t., IMS- 10 "■' IW, T ' ^' l;'",'""'' 
 I. The Itiiiuoroiia I'anion, 
 >er„ions ),rcai-licd to thu Mas-e*, 
 .) Sco Si'DIIOTK, 
 Diaovfry of tlio Nntiiro of 
 'i.o'":ri?,f:!;;r' '" '■"«"""'• '-'■•"■'.■-• .><™.i«nd, 
 :sa!!.!!:'r;:.7':^:'fr:V'"- '^ "■'"^•••■n.u."";; 
 !;:::!";u';;'^,':::-'-'"- -^-itb; ^uJrsu.;;.,^; 
 , >*il><'rl.Mi, IJ,>i. |.;..|. 
 '•"" . i-ri, i:'i,„ 
 M^*.'*ii'Ti?''*:;/:"'" """"<••-'"'• 
 SilvcKr, IIi'iiiyH. 
 tlH^S|,l,.,.n. |.„n., Is; I,,,. ..„. 
 ISV irs!?' '" "" ^"'^'''^•' »•"' """"• Tulc. l.o„., 
 sIm ?;'*•''•./ ''''''^■"'''•«^^''l'.f-n.,l>,S, 
 '■'^'.'i!;lt n.n-'i;l^:;'„";i,^';;'^;:f;'">""' r.."'i .u- m,.kii. 
 'I'Mi il„. Hn,l,| u I ,1 ,, , , , 'A^, '' '■"1'^ ""inu, to ,,r„vo 
 lilt ami iioti'iuT „ „ , -^ iliM'tliiiiiiMt iiK ifiwicii 
 pi'iiott-Miinn, ,i„ ,' ■ ,!i i , ,,,'-;i i ;; v,';V ;""' ''^•'; "-"«' 
 mi.«t. ■■->,,,, v,i/„r, 1, ii> li'illusoiiliy i» nitTu coli.iiii.,1 
 ! 2. K|,iso.|es i,l ,|,e 1,'ives of .Men, Wo 
 l.«tonc>,i |,„ii,, |ssj_ |,^ ^j.,,^ 
 Siincox, tiforKf .Augustus, .M..\., r,„„^ ,,,1 ii 
 !s !!;4t:'^:^'Yirv';:f I r "";""• "'"^'- '""• 
 niu.'to iin,.,h-i,;!, l':;:::i>"!;,'';';.i^:;r'"- ^x"- '-- 
 oral y^r^ M;;/;;'i;;;';urf"i^;:^'"i;fr"""'t ^^-^ v-" «^»- 
 Miiilunts."->„/. fi,,:, Ivi^n. ' "'"'1'"^ '"■ les* advanced 
 , and Lover.*, 
 or " The.'o Little One.s," 
 ■ or l„ii,i,L„ ,hZ:^ui , ' I. . r .^. ',»." I»'»»l"natt. leali- 
 • is.siiirii,' 111 autloii iui,l ilete,'. 
 Ziiliiiii i.r Immaii llioViI'iit a 
 HTv,.> to nmke the ™ "'■ ,1 fvi, ; ^'V'" . ""['"'T''-'' "•'"^•'' 
 I'Ul.ii. JoCd isrOSti • ;„'^ • • "'P<";>n"-'»ilent uf Detroil 
 Miehigai Sate \or, :,ri h'T 'i.'"" i'™"V-^^ "i the 
 l>"n', 18n" fi^"""""™ '">J Coiunierce: an Allegory, 
 snioby, Lee. Whieh is Uight ? a Tale, Lon., I :;,, 
 ^ a" W'i.h p"'"' "''i'-l ''• '*'-«' "'Newbury, orV 
 ■'■'-• With l-OMEits, Lke L., Cathedial Town.^'and 
 .heni^an;'V'':,,-n;."" T'''."^''" '^™"""« "f Demo,. 
 ISimoox, «. A. A I'K' 
 of S'^J'iS'";; ,.!»'•'""'" '?''"^^' ^'•^- "-""=' 
 i l.uK'u:;:Vm,^;i .Ir llftnJhe^'rr'lV™? "i^e delivered 
 Kenta,,,! I „„"l, III. tii he k l n he.lral . . . Ii„el|l. 
 Siiiie, Jmnes, JI. A., [«„/<. voiii .,,1,1 V ,11 
 •■ „ nll'l I r ■ .''""«• ''""•• '"^' 2 vols. Svo. 
 .he^l^,l:'Xn;:!^;:f /i;:^{|^;j,^;^';illy more M,,.ed ,0 
 of .e^-inu l,y Adolf .-^talV. ' H . laf ,'' 1 ','-■. '""tffPl' V 
 material. pinvM,.,! lor liiin in ,1... w ^ ' " e .I'xcelleiit 
 and Gulirauer uith ii d . rv an .k n*-'"u"'"-'"'' '^ """^''I 
 eoiiversant with I U' nil's mv,, vril ' "'' 's Hon .uglily 
 .1"" of .110 many im^.tn^^^t^ll^l^^i.^lM^JV™^- 
 • ? ' :-tt ? 
 ' 1 "I 'i 
 nearly always faithful, spiritud, nnd iiettt."-Sj)Crtntor, 1. I Simmons, Thomas. Oaktlalc (.ian;,'o: a Tale, 
 1111. Lon., 1870, 12ino; new e.l., 1S72. 
 And scf ZiJiMKHN, Helen, 111/™. ' Simmons, Rev. Thomas Frederick, M.A,, 
 3. Deutuninoniy, tlio People's Biiok : its Origin and isij-18s|, educated at the Royal Military College, 
 Nature .- a Uefenee, Lon., 1S77, Svii. Anon. 4. Scbiller, Sandhurst, and at Worcester College, O.xford, where ho 
 Lon., 18S2, 12nio. J. The Kingdom of All Israel .- its ' graduated 1S4S : rector of Ualton- Holme from LS53, and 
 History. Literature, and Worship, Lon., 1SS3, 8vo. 6, 
 Life of (Joethe, ("Great Writers,") Lon., ISS8, ]2mo. 
 Sinie, William. 1. King Capital : a Tale of Pro- 
 vinoial Ambition, Edin. and Lon., IS,s3, 2 vols. p. 8vo, 
 2. The lleil Route; or. Saving a Nation, Lon., I'* St, .3 
 vols. or. 8vo. 3. Houlderstonc 
 I'opuhition, Lon, 188.7, 12mo. 
 Lon., |S8li, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 Miino, .Mrs. MiHiiim. To and Fro j or, Views 
 from Sea and Land, Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 Simeon, S. L. (Trans.) Russians and Germans; 
 from the French of V. Tissot, Lon., I8S2, Svo. 
 Sinies, J. Henry C, and White, J. William. 
 (Trans.) Syphilis, hv V. Cornil : with Additions and 
 Notes, must. IMiiia., 1882, Svo. 
 Simmins, S. The Modern lieo Farm and its Eco- 
 nomic .Management. Ac. Lon., ISSS, 8vo. 
 Simmonds, Henry S. All about Uattcrsea, Lon., 
 L8S2, p. 8vo. 
 Simmond!<, Peter Lnnd, F.L S., F.R.C.L, Ac, 
 [niitc, vol. ii., add.,] b. IS14, at Aarhuus, Denmark ; son 
 of a Danish officer; byname a midshipman in the British 
 navy, and resided . 'amaica 1831-3.1, and since then 
 has been a .journa n Kngland, and correspondent of 
 various colonial paiicrs. lie has been connected with 
 prebendary in York Cathedral from 1S69. 1. On Courts- 
 Martial, Lon., 1843, Svo; .'ith ed., 1875. 2. The Laity 
 in Convocation; 3d ed., 1870. 3. (Ed.) The Lay Folk's 
 Mass-Rook; or. The Manner of Hearing Mass; with 
 Rubrics and Devotions of the People : in Four Texts : 
 ; or, New .Meu and Old ' „ith Appendi.x, Notes, and (Jlossary, (Early Englisli 
 4. Cradle and Spade, I'ext Soe.,) Lon., lS7il, Svo. 
 "The rich fulness of Canon Siramnns's book, not only 
 for our many students of ( Hd KiicHsh. but also for a wider 
 I circle of readers, is evident from its contents. '—Acad., 
 xviii. 74. 
 I 4. (Ed.) The Lay Folk's Catechism, (Early English 
 i Text Soc.,) Lon., 18S2. 
 Simmons, llev. William Johnson, D.D., b. 
 ! 1840, at Charleston, S.C. ; of African descent ; graduated 
 'at Howard University, Washington, 1873; entered the 
 ministry of the Baptist Church ls"9. Men of Mark, 
 i Cleveland, 0., 1877. 
 I Simms, Rev. Edward, M.A., graduated at Wad- 
 ham College, Oxford, 1827; ordained lS3(i; vicar of 
 Escott, Devonshire, IS(l7-77. L Holy Thoughts and 
 Prayers, L848. 2. Devout Musings on the Book of 
 Psalms, 1851. 3. (Trans.) The First Si* Books of Ho- 
 mer's Iliad : with Notes, 1873. 4. A Spiritual Commen- 
 tary on the Book of Psiilins, Lon., 18S2, Svo. 
 Simms, Frederick Walter, [nnii; vol. ii., add.] 
 a great number of international exhibitions as manager i 'rj, q .^'^j^nj Houtei England to Calcutta in 1845, 
 or superiiitemlent of dift'erent sections, esiieoially 
 of colonial products, and in the preparation of reports; 
 has been actively employed as a lecturer at the South 
 Kensington Museum, the Crystal Palace, Ac. ; and has 
 received the decorations of the Legion of Honor and the 
 Crown of Italy. 1. Science and Commerce: Statistical 
 Essays and Lectures, Lon., 1S72, 12mo. 2. Hops: their 
 Cultivation and Commerce: with References for Grower, 
 Ac, Lon., 187«, p. Svo. 3. Fibres and Cordage, (" Brit- 
 ish Manufacturing Industries,") Lon., 187li, 12mo. 4. 
 Tropical Agriculture : a Treatise ou the Culture, Prejia- 
 ration, Commerce, and Consumption of the Principal Pro- 
 ducts of the Vegetable Kingdom, Lon., Is77, 8vo. 5. 
 Animal Products: their Preparation, Commercial Uses, 
 Ac, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 6. The Commercial Products of 
 the .<ea ; or. Marine Contributiims to Food, Industry, 
 and Art, Lon., IS78, Svo: new ed., 1883. 7. The Com- , 
 rcial Products of the Aninuil Kingdom employed in [ y.l"" '". I 
 Lon., 1877, fp. 8vo. 2. The Principles and Practice of 
 Levelling, lllust. Lon., 1S84, Svo. 
 Simms, J. H. Pearly Mall: a Tale: with Hints 
 to Wives and Mothers, Lon., 1S87, 12mo. 
 Simnis, Joseph. I. .Nature's Revelations of Char- 
 acter; or. Physiognomy Illustrated, Lon., 1S74, Svo; N. 
 York. 1883; 8th ed., 1887. 2. Hunmn Faces: what 
 they Mean : how to Read a Personal Character. lllust. 
 N. York, 1887, Svo. 
 Simon, C. Solar Illumination of the Solar System ; 
 the Theory of Inverse Squares. Lon.. 1879, \i. Svo. 
 Simoii, Rev. David Worthington, Ph.D., b. 
 1830, at Haz.legrove, Eng. ; educated at Lancashire In- 
 dependent College, .Manchester, and at Halle, Germany ; 
 professor of general theology and philosophy at Spring- 
 field College, Birmingham, 1809-84, and since then iirin- 
 u-ofessor of systematic theology and church 
 Nations, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 10. The British Roll of 
 Honour : a Descriptive Account of the Various Orders 
 of Chivalry, Ac, and Detailed Record of those British 
 Subjects will! have been decorated by the Queen and by 
 Foreign Sovereigns during the Last Fifty Years. lllust. 
 Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 Simmons, Alfred. 1. Old England and New Zea- 
 land, Lon., 1879, Svo. 2. State-Directed Colonization: 
 The Proposal E.xplained, Ac, Lon., 188(5, IBuio. 
 Simmons, II. Farnborough Hall; or. New Life 
 on the Old Farm, Lon., lsS2, 3 vols. cr. Svo. i 
 Simmons, II. E. Glad Tidings. lllust. N. York, I 
 1872, sm. 4to. > 
 Simmons, J. F. 1. The AVeldod Link, and other 
 Poems, Phila., 18.^1, l2mo. 2. Rural Lyrics, Elegies, and 
 other Short Poems, Phila., 1885, l2mo. 
 Simmons, James I*. 1. War in Heaven : a Dis- 
 quisition, Biblical and Rational, concerning Angels, 
 Devils, and .Men, and the Creation, Fall, and Redemp- 
 tion of the Human Soul, Phila., 1870, Svo. 2. 
 Earth : in which is presented the Brief and Plain f-ys- 
 tem of Religion which is revealed in the Bible when 
 construed as applied to Pre-Existent Spirits, Fallen 
 Angels, Ac, Bost., 1S7S, 12mo. 
 Simmons, ticn. Sir John Linlorn Arabin, 
 R.E., O.C.B., G.C.M.G., b. 1821 ; served in the Crimea, 
 me... - - 
 Dorner, Edin., 1801-63, 5 vols. Svo. With I rwick, \\ ., 
 (trans.) Biblico-Theological Lexicon of New Testament 
 Greek, by Hermann Cremer, Edin., 1872, Svo; n"W ed., 
 1878, 4to". 
 Simon, Eliznheth S. (Trans.) The Will-o'-thc 
 - ■ • - " ,1877. 
 Ac.) consul-general at Warsaw 1858-60; governor of , l"< 
 the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1870-75; re- , an 
 tired 1888. The .Military Forces of Great Britain, Lon., In 
 1.871, Svo 
 •' Simmons, P. 
 De Witt C, mipni. 
 E. U.," (Pseud.) 
 AVisiis : a Tale ; from the German, Southport, En 
 Simon, Fanny. Miss Blake's Times, Lon., 1883, 
 p. Svo. 
 Simon, J. I>. House-Owner's Estimate: What 
 will it Cost ? Lon., 1874 ; 2d ed., 1875, p. Svo. 
 Simon, Sir John, K.C.B., M.D., D.C.L., LL.D., 
 F.R.C.S., F.R.S., [<inU; vol. ii., add.,] b. IS16. 1. Ex- 
 periments on Life, as Fundamental to the Science of 
 Preventive Medicine: an Aildress, Lon., 1882, Svo. 2. 
 Public Health Reports. Edited for the Sanitary Insti- 
 tute of Great Britain by Edward Seaton, M.D., F.R.C.l'. 
 Lon., 1887, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Simon, Robert M., M.B., M.R.C.P., assistant 
 Peace on physician to the Birmingham General Hospital. Lec- 
 tures on the Treatment of Common Diseases ol the fkiu. 
 Lon., 1888, 12mo. 
 Simon, \y„ .M.D. Manual of Chemistry : n Guide 
 to Lectures and Laboratory Work, for Beginners, Lon., 
 1SS5. Svo. 
 Simonds, Arthur Ileaman, Whlttemorc, 
 George Francis, Farrer, William Gardner. 
 ad Ilnrtwell, Emory Adams. Catalogue of tlic 
 . hienogamous and Vascular Cryptogamous Plants ot 
 Fitchburg and Vicinity, Fitchburg, Mass., 188ft. 
 See CooLEV, ' Simonds, William Edgar. I. The Law of Dc 
 I sign Patents: Reported Decisions of the United Stale- 
 Courts N. York, 1874, Svo. 2. Manunl of Patent Laws : 
 with Appendix upon the Snlo of Patents .\ York 187.) 
 12mo ;). yumiuary of the I,aw of I'ntenls for Useful 
 Inventions: with Kornis, N. York ls>i-i lo,,,,, 
 Simons, Ezra l>e Freest, l. DiVi.a. pi„,u,es of 
 the Christian Centuries, Troy, N.Y, I ^7o Ifinio •> A 
 Regiinental History: the One Ilun.lre.l 'ai„l Twe"ntv- 
 Fillh New \ork V^oluntuprs. Illust. N.York ls-;s ><vn 
 bXTZX^''- *-''"'"^"-"- '"''' ■■ " ■^"''•••' '^""'"K- 
 Simons, John W., [„»„, vol. ii., acl,l.] The Beau- 
 scant ; a Manual for Knights Templar, N, Y'ork, 1874 
 12ino. ' ) "> 
 w til the (.real Preaohers : with ]!i..;; Noti.^es 
 Phila., 1S,1, Svo 2 (iospel Awakening Sermons. A,l' 
 tT"'- iVu-f ,"f/^'™'"'"" ™"'l'"--'-l I' «i„l 
 Sankey in Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, and 13oston : 
 with Lives. Illust. (Jhic., l'<77, I2ino 
 Sinipkin, H. l. IJur Sol.liers and .bailors in Ejsyi.t 
 Lon I8S2, t.,K 2 Following the Drum: .Soldier Lfe 
 in Pence and War, Lon., Isss, cr Svo 
 Simpson, Uev. A. L., [-w,, 'vol. ii., add.l 1. 
 L-/^'""" "'"' "!*' *'"■ \ "-■»■' "■"' "ther Sermons. Edin., 
 Life and Works, Lon.. 18711, |2ino 
 Arh'r,X""8'8.^' '^'•''"- ''""''' ''"'••''^'^- I""^'' 
 Simpson, Alexander Hussell, M.D F H C P 
 Edin. i.rofessor of midwifery and diseases of 'women 
 and children in tlie University of Edinhurgh. Contri- 
 butions to Obstetrics and (iyna'cology, Lon., 18,80 
 8vo. ' 
 Simpson, Mrs. Alexander llnssell. l. Gales 
 and iJoors, I,on 1884, .■f2mo. 2. liuilding for (iod : or, 
 Houses not made with Hands, Lon., 1887 Ismo 
 Simpson, Archibald Ilenrv, M.A., b IS14. 
 gra.luated at Christ's Coll.-e. Cambridge: called to tlio 
 bar at Lincoln's Inn 186>. Treatise on the Law and 
 Practice relating to Infants, Lon.. 1876, 8vo 
 Simpson, Arthnr llarwiok. The Gospel of 
 Healing, Lon., Ls8a, p. Svo. And see Simpson, Siii J Y 
 in/ni. ' '' 
 Simpson, llentham. Outlines of Natural Phi- 
 losciphy, Lon., 187:!, 12nio. 
 Simpson, Christina N. The Prince's B.i.x ; or, 
 Iho Magic Mirror: a Tale for the Youni', Lon ls79 
 iMno. ■' ' 
 Simpson, Edward, [.wt,, vol. ii.. second of the 
 rame, add.,] b. 1824, in New York; entered the navy 
 IStl); graduated at Annapolis 1846; served in the 
 Mc.vican and civil wars; commodore 1878 ; rear-admiral 
 1884; retired 1886; president of the U.S. Naval Insti- 
 tute 18S(iS8. 1. The Naval Mission t<, Kurope, Wash., 
 Jg^.' 2 ^'''«- '^^■'•' 2. ixeport of the (inn-Foundry Board, 
 Simpson, Mrs. Evangeline M. Marplot Cupid. 
 By \an Sa.\on, [pseud.] Host., 1883, 2 Imo 
 Simpson, Eve Ulnntyre. Dogs of other Days: 
 ^elson, Puck, Ac, Lon., 18M. 12mo 
 Simpson, II. F. Morland, (Trans.) The IV- 
 Jlistory of the North, based on Contemporary Memorials, 
 by the Late Chamberlain .1. J. A. Worsaae : with a Brief 
 Memoir of the Author, Lon., 18S6, ji. Svo. 
 Simpson, Henry, M.D. 1. Typhus and Typhoid 
 lever, Lon., 1882, cr. Svo. 2. Hull Koyal IiiHrmarv 
 Ihysicians, Surgeons, &e., from 1782 to 1887, Lon' 
 188s, cr. 4to. 
 Simpson, Hev. Henry Trail, M.A.. late rector 
 of Adel, Yorkshire. Arch.e.dogia Adelensis ; or, A His- 
 tory of the Parish of Adel, in the West Biding of York- 
 shire, Lon., 18711, r. 8vo. 
 tli'.'.hls'fo'rvI';f''fi'i?,*''i'' •^'l''>«"5i«' 'splres to he more than 
 ii, t„ 5 .. f'-'f'*^ parish: it i.s Intended to be a con- 
 til Jiilioii to tlie history of England. . . , Thointh the 
 rafh, „M,l"'i ""'■''■'•■'" '\^' I'll'freiit In the mutter, 
 railiei than in the form. . . . E.tpent s.s n mere TOlleetlon 
 t»'^,Tf!}' ^"' •■'""■•,•■ clyssifloatlon the »V k m, t bcM o- 
 nounced a cnmparative fftliUrc.''-.>7;crt,i/„;- 111 t"S7 
 Simpson, J. E. I. (Trans.) Aliette, ( La Mort,) by 
 Octave Feuillet, Lon., 1S8«, p. Svo. 2. (Trans.) lu^ne, 
 by Irincess Olga CantaouiJne Altierl, Lon., 1886, cr 
 Svo .). (Trans.) H6lenc, (Madame Villeferan Jeune,) 
 Zvt« l?u^^'"«?' ^""•' 1»8«.". 8vo. 4. (Trans.) 
 ^yte, by Hector Malot, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 I Simpson, J. J. The Grape-Vlne: its Propagation 
 j and Culture, Lon.. ISSH. 121110. 
 I Simpson, Sir James Young, Bart., M.D., 
 D.C.L., [o,w,, vol. ii., ad.l.,] isil-isro. For biog., see 
 Di-.vs, John „,/„■«. I. Obstetrical and Gynieeological 
 Works. Ldited by A. R. Simpson. Edin:. 1871-72 3 
 1, . '°n, • '^'■'■■*'»-'"l"Ki"il Kssays. Edited bv John 
 Stuart. Edin., 1><72,2 vols. 4to. 
 t„n""l''-s"'V.. "'""o ,''•,'■ ^""'^'"K Havenward, 
 ls".i; s, Ifimo."'" ' '"''"' ""^ """'^ ''"""'• '"'"■' 
 Simpson, John Hawkins. A New Crusade to 
 put down A\ars, Lon., I,s71 l''ni,i 
 isrr*,'J'''i«-'i''"''i! '•"'^'•"ve. ["»^., vol. ii., add.,] 
 180., ,Vlss,, b ,1, Norlolk. Hng., and educated at C,,;. 
 pus Chri.sti (olege. Cambridge; eonlrihuted largdv to 
 periodicals, and was the author of a number of plays and 
 adaptations which have been successful on the staae 
 tor Ever and Never: a Novel, Lon., 1884, 2! 
 Simpson, Joseph. Claims of the Church of Eng- 
 land (.n National Support, Lon., 1874, p Svo 
 Simpson, Margaret. Stewart. 1. Steps through 
 ! the Stream ; or, Daily Headings for a Month. Lui,., |s7!( 
 I f<l- '*•>»<>■ 2. Beautiful upon the Mimntains; or, Even- 
 ing Headings for a Month, Lon., 1880, lOnio. 3. Wells 
 of Hater, Lon.. 1882, s((. lOmo 
 I of Nassau Villain Senior, (y. r., „,„,, vol. ii. :) married, 
 1. oj, to Charles luriicr Simpson, barrister-at-law. I 
 (Irans.) Correspondence of Napoleon with his Brother 
 Joseph, Lon., 1850. 2 vols. Svo. 2. (Trans.) Memoir, 
 ,ia\ ' ""',' '^'=>"'""« "•' Ale.vis de Tocquevillc, Lon., 
 C-. • „- ';"'■'■ •"'■"• '^- --^ '"'"g Summer's Day, Lon. 
 1 8 1. J, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 "A .siniplo pleasant, sparkling storv, that mk'lit easilv 
 be Ir le, , oaliiig with kin'dl.v, (MillivatL^ , , 1 ,1 "X,r 1 a',\ 
 ;o . lo placed amidst all the nameless reliiiintMiflTiXcs 
 ot lovely and (jiiiet soeiiery."-,sy„rtu/or. xlvi. l,^so 
 4. (Trans.) Summary of Modern History, by Jules 
 Mi_ehelet, Lon., 1875, 12; . 5. Winnie's Ilistorv, Lon., 
 T ' ;Ly"'*- '"'• **■"• " »c"'l'line and her Suitors 
 Lon ,1880, .1 vols. cr. 8vo. 7. (Trans.) Monsieur GuizoJ 
 in 1 rivate Life (1787-1S74,) by his Daughter-in-Law, 
 Madame De \\ itt, Lon.. 1880, Svo. s. Jufius and Mary 
 Mohl : Letters and Recollections. Illust. Lon., Issf,'^O.i-' ';V"'i "■'I''''-',!'™'' |"'\^I'>'ln'"'' Mold's letters, and 
 not lor M. Mohls. though .\ . Mcjlils letters are .tton 
 hite.i V ■ i'r .? '-'"1"' ''.':"' '""''V l'-'">l'-'"H'ss and slinui- 
 -Maiianie .Molil, —.■^jKclalur, Ix. 700, 
 She has also edited (he following works from the 
 inanu-scnpts left by her father: 1. Journals kept in 
 France and Italy from ls48 to 1852: with a Sketih of 
 the Revolution of ls.18. Lon.. 1871, 2 vols. Svo 
 Mr. Senior know iiitiniatelv inanv of the best men on 
 the (oiilineiil.and ^-atliered I -oin tlieir 11 .V,,t S"?" 
 IlV,',',','.","'^ '""•'' '^'T' '^"' '-''"■'•'■^•'- "' » I'" vo, Id next be 
 done, together with a great deal ,,f niiseellane, is and 
 "vrUh','i!>'l',;; ''l,''''V''""^ ''V,"'." V"-M"" »''"• l'"''e.'rd 
 writing Ijiit he irec|ueiitlv iiidmed his inforniaiits and 
 gossips to revise what he lia.l written: so tlm 1 le w s a 
 . •■ The Hevolmion of isis and the coh;< irnul have now a 
 atw-n";?.;,' .';•■''■ ■'",','■ "'"' '■""^^■'l"^'"lly there islittltha 
 is absolutely new HI lliesi.j.niriia s ; . . . while nmst of tin 
 ;ire"; •':"l'V,';"" "■ '!'■ ■'Y;'"^'^"''^ on m.neh . -a s 
 mv .vor t f ;;n''"'"^' PUblioation, . . . Ciid.aiMo.Uv, 
 M>r xxxi % " *-'^'""""' '''^'"■•i'-'ul value.' -.Sad 
 2. Correspondence and Conversations <d' Alcxi.s de 
 jcqueville with Nassau William Senior, Lon., 1872 cr 
 civo. 3. Conversations with M. Thiers. M. Guizot, ami 
 other Distinguished I'ersons during the Second Empire, 
 Lon., 1S7S, 2 vols. Svo, 
 otii,'^r'Il!,H"'^ o-h'"*-' "^'^ J""™«'s lu've heen published, and 
 e ,0..' L, ' ""■ '*'-;'"'^ ."■"-■'■*•' "' 'I'tVerenl times freelv cir- 
 culated in manuscript; Imt the present seleclioii edited 
 wi h remark.. ,le skill an.l judgment b v ,\li' Simpson is 
 extriuinlinarily full ami int-jrestiiig "-,■;■„/),.,,• ."ivl ."3 
 4. Conversations with Distinguished Persons .luriiig 
 the Second Empire, frmn i860 t.. I SO:; Lon isofl 
 Vols. Svo. ' ' " 
 "The Journals now publisho.l are the which Mr 
 noirn'o? o w- "■"-.'^'•vle au.l matter .lispla • his holies 
 m. a m,',Si; "';',',';' 'S ^™",'''' ■"' ""--rature whloli he 
 ma> he said to have Invented. "-Su(. Kei:, xli.x. 
 T "• *%'!??"'"'';"■' ''"'^ Journals in Egypt and Malta, 
 iion., issj, 2 vols. Svo. 
 " Mr. Senior's reports of the lanRunfte of French stBtes- 
 mun MU'l iiiilitic'iiuis \.^rc nnt iniiptly niimeil the lujok of 
 unliillilleil iiropheey. The interest of liis KK.vpliiin junr- 
 nal is iif 11 (lidereiit liiml ; fur. with tlie e.xeepticm uf M. 
 <le, seareely any of liis Inl'nrniants prcjl'esseil to 
 nmiie any fureeastof the I'nture, except tliat it was liope- 
 less."— ><(/. litt:, liv. (iiii'i. 
 Siinii!<oii, U"V. Matthew, U.D., LL.U., ISII- 
 I8s|, li. at Cadiz, l>. ; eilucateil at Mailison College, Pa.; 
 sliiilieil ami piiu'liseil incdicinc, but in isiio entered the 
 ministry of the .Methocli>^t Episcopal Chuieh ; presiilent of 
 Indiana Ashury University l.'<:i'.l-lS4.'<; elected a bishop 
 Is.'iL'. 1. One" Hundred Years of Methoilism, N. York, 
 |S7ii, 12nio. L'. Cyclopiedia of Methodism: eiubracing 
 .'^ketches of its Kise, Progress, and I'resent Condition, Ac 
 I'hila., l."-7S, r. -^vo; .'ith ed.. rev., Is.s2. '■'>, Lectures 
 on I'reacliing, X. York. ISV'.I, 12uio. 4. Sermons. 
 Edited, from r'hort-IIand Reports, by George K. Crooks, 
 D.D. N. York, iss.o, Svo. 
 SiinpNOii, Itichiird, [on'c, vol. ii., add,] 1. Ed- 
 mund Campion: a liiography, I,on., ISO", Svo. 2. (Ed.) 
 The .School of Shakespeare: with Notes, ie., Lon., 1877, 
 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Sinipsoii, W, Gralinm. Micawber Uedivivus ; 
 or. How lie .Maile a Fortune as a. Middleman and Suc- 
 cumbed to Direct Supply. By Jonathan Coalfield, 
 [pseud.] I Must. I.on., ISS:!. Svo. 
 Simpson, Sir Walter (iriiidlay, liart., b. 
 1813; graduated at Cambridge; a member of the 
 Faculty of Advocates. Scotland, since IS72; captain of 
 the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Oolfers, The 
 Artoftiolf. Illust. Edin., 1SS7, Svo. 
 Simpson, William, I'lnie, vol. ii., Simi'Sox, W., 
 third of the name, add.,] b. ls2;i, in Glasgow, Scotland; 
 has been employed in various parts of the world as 
 special artist to the Illustrateil London Xews. He is a 
 member of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water 
 Colours, and has published numerous arclueological 
 papers. I. A Souvenir of the War of 1S7II-1, from iho 
 Commencement to the Fall of Paris: with an Introduc- 
 tiou by John Koran and a History of the War by Ilcary 
 Holl. Illust. Lon., IS71, 4to. 2. Meeting the Sun : a 
 Journey All Round the World : tJirough Egypt, China, 
 Ja]jan. and California: including an Account of the 
 Marriage Ceremonies of the Emperor of China, Illust, 
 Lon., 1874, Svo. 
 " It is certainly surprising tliat ho should have been 
 able topiiii sncli' varied anil correct iiirormatiuii about the 
 countries through whii-li ho passeil In the very short time 
 he was able to devote to eacli."— .IW., No. 2418. 
 3. Picturescjue People. Chrcjuio-Lithograph Plates; 
 with Descriptive Letter-P;:ss, Lon., Is7."i, fol. 4. Shi- 
 k,"ire and Tomfisli!, ; a Souvenir of the Visit of the Prince 
 of Wales to India. Illust. Lon., 1876, 4to. 
 Simpson, Kev. William Sparrow, D.D.,F,S.A., 
 [iinl(, vol. ii., add.,] graduated at Queen's College, Cam- 
 bridge. IS.M ; ordained IS.Jl ; rector of S^. Vedast w 
 St. Michael le t^uerne, Ac, London, since 18.j7; minor 
 canon and librarian of St. Paul's Cathedral since 1861, 
 and su'ii-dean since 1881. 1. Sermons preached at St. 
 Matthew, Friday Street, Lon., 18.59. 2. (E.I.) Reg\'- 
 truiu Statutorum ot Consuetuiliiium Ecolesiip Cathedralis 
 S. Pauli Londiuiensis, Lon., 1873, 4to. 3. (Eil.) Docu- 
 ments illustrating the History of St. Paul's Cathedral, 
 (Camden Soc. Pub.,) Lon., Issu, 4to. 1. Chapters in the 
 History of Old St. Paul's. Lot;., Iss], 
 "Full of fresh information treated in such a manner 
 that we can read from cover to cover with pleasure."— 
 Acn<L. xis.. 315. 
 Simp8on-Baikie. See Raikik. 
 Sims, (.'harles X. Life of Thomas ■>:. Eddy, D.D. : 
 with Introducticm by Rishop Simpson N. York, 1879, 
 Sims, Dnviil. In Manbury City : i Xovel, Lon., 
 1876, 3 vols. er. 8vo. 
 Sims, tieorge Robert, b. 1847, in London, and 
 educated at Hanwoll College, anil at Ronn ; is the author 
 of a number of acted dramas, including The Lights of 
 Lonilon unil The Romany Rye, and has contributed 
 largely to the Referee, under the pseudonyme of Dago- 
 net, and to Fun, the Weekly Dispatch, and other peri- 
 odicals. His letters to the London Daily News on the 
 condition of the poor attracted much attention, anil, with 
 olh'jr revelations, led to the formation of a Rova! Com- 
 mission. 1, Divgonet liallnils; chi.;fly from the " Referee," 
 Lon., I.'<79, cr. Svo. 2. The Social Kaleidoscope, Lon., 
 1880, 12ino. 3. Zeph, and other Stories. Lon., 1880, p. 
 8vo. i. Three lirnss Rails : reprinted from the " Weekly 
 Dispatch," Lon., 1880, p. Svo. S. Uallads of Babylon, 
 Lon., 1880, p, 8v 
 the •' Wecl 
 ivo. 6. The Theatre of Life : reprinted 
 from the •'Weekly Dispatch," Lon., 18S1, p. Svo. 7. 
 How the Poor Live. Illust. Lon., 1883, 4to. 8. Rogues 
 and Vagabonds, Lon., 1885, 12mo. 9. Stories in lilack and 
 White; reprinted from the " AVeokly Dispatch," Lon., 
 18S5, p. Svo. 10. The Ring o' Bells, Ac, Lon., ISsfi, 
 12iuo. 11. Mary Jane's Memoir; compiled from MS.: 
 with Portrait, Lon., 1SS7, 12mo. 12. The Land of Gold, 
 and other Poems, Lon., 18SS, 12mo. 13. Mary Jane 
 Married: Tales o"" a Village Inn, Lon., ISSS, l2mo. 14, 
 Dagonet Reciter and Reader, in Prose and Verse : Se- 
 lections, Lon., Is8s, p. Svo. 
 Sims, James .Uarion, M.D., LL.D., [nuii:, vyl. 
 ii., add..] 1S13-1SS3, giaduatcil at South Carolina Col- 
 lege 1832, and at Jert'erson Medical College, Philadel- 
 phia, ls:i;i; practised in Montgomery, Ala., lS35-.i3, in 
 New York 18,)3-61, in Paris and London I862-6S, and 
 afterwards in New York, where he was a member of the 
 board of surgeons of the Woman's Hospital, of which 
 he had been the projector, until 1874. He gained a 
 World-wide re])utatioii by tiis skill in the treatment of 
 uterine disease, and the metliods and instruments 
 which ho devi.^ed for facilitating operations in cases of 
 this nature. 1. Ilvariotomy, N. York, 1873. 2. The 
 Story of my Life. Edited by H. Marion-Sims. N. 
 York, ISsi, l2mo. 
 "It reiinins a very clear conscience and perfect guile- 
 lessoess to expose one's self as lie lias done: but, having 
 done it, the reader sees an enrnot man, of complete jiurity, 
 ■lischargini; his daily duty with singleness of ]uirpose, and 
 reaching lame bvco'nscieiitious and intelligent exercise of 
 brain and Imnd.''— .Vu/ioa, xl. IT. 
 "The whole I k is dcliKlitfuI, though llie unprofes- 
 sional reader \vill piYibably eat bis dinner with more ap- 
 lietite if he skips some of tlie professional passages."— .s'u(. 
 A'cc. lix. 7;!'J. 
 Sims, T. Dyeing and RIeaching, (" British Manu- 
 facturing Industries,") Lou., 1876; 2d eiL, IS77, 12mo. 
 Simsun, Alfred. Travel in the Wilds of Ecuador 
 and the Exploration of the Putumayo River, Lon., 1886, 
 p. Svo. 
 "Gives a vivid picture of the present social and ma- 
 terial condition of the settled and unreduced provinces of 
 Kcuador. '— ,lfn((.. xxxi. 177. 
 Simson, James. I. Contributions to Natural 
 History, and Papers on other Subjects, Lon., 1875, Svo; 
 2d ed.," ISSO. 2. Charles Waterton, Lon., ISSO, Svo. 3. 
 Reminiscences of Childhood at Inverkeithing : Life at a 
 Lazaretto, Lon., 1882, Svo. 4. Ginsies, as illustrated 
 by John Runyan, Mrs. Carlyle, and others, Lon., 1SS3, 
 Svo. 5. The Social Emancipation of the Gypsies, Lon,, 
 1885, 8vo. And see SiM.sox,, <nit<\ vol. ii. 
 Sinclair, A. C, and Fyfe, Laurence 11. The 
 Hand-Rook of Jamaica for 1882, Jamaica and Lon., 
 1882, Svo. 
 Sinclair, David. 1. The History of AMganiWi^jan, 
 2 vols. 4lo. 2. Ujis and Downs in Bumpkin's Mayor- 
 alty of Boroughtown. Manchester, 1SS5, p. Svo. 
 Sinclair, Dorothea S. Sugar-Plums for Chil- 
 dren. Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 
 Sinclair, Kllery. Victor, N. York, 1888, 16mo. 
 "Sinclair, Euffcne," (Pseud.) See Mooue, 
 FUKOKUIIK A., mipi-d, 
 Sinclair, Mrs. Isabella, wife of Francis Sinclair, 
 Jr. Indigenous Flowers of the Hawaiian Islands, Lou., 
 1887, imp. fol. (Plates, with descriptive text.) 
 Sinclair, Ilev. J. 1. .Sabbath Sermons from the 
 Westminster .Usembly's Catechisi^i, Edin., 1886, si|. 
 Uimo. 2. The Church on the Sea; Sermons for Eacli 
 Sunday in the Year, Lon., 1888. 
 Sinclair, J. M. 1. Mary Cloudsdale: a Story for 
 Girls, Lon., ISSI, p. Svo. 2. A Story for the Sehool- 
 Room, Lon., 1 883. ]). Svo. 
 Sinclair, J. S. Division-Court Acts [of Canada:] 
 Annotations of Division-Court Acts, Rules, and Tarills : 
 with Instructions to Clerks and Bailiffs, Toronto, 1879, 
 Sinclair, James. The Free Public Library Ques- 
 tion Discussed. By Sigma. Aberdeen, 1883. 
 Sinclair, James, fonrteenth Earl of Caith- 
 ness, F.R.S., 1821-81. 1.1 lures on Popular and Sci- 
 entific Sulyectf, Lon., 1877, p. Svo; 2d ed., snl., 1879, p. 
 Sjuciajr, Vd). .!ohn, M.A., [nnlr, vol. IL, add.,] 
 1797-187.). 1. Harecourt Church during the Ministry of 
 Rev. A. Raleigh, Lon., 1875, p. Svo. 2. Sketches of Old 
 Times and Distant Places, Lon., 1875, p. Svo. 
 " Its store of anecdotes will furnlsli something to the 
 taste of every reader."— i'u/. Rev., xxxix. 289. 
 Lo^',".'^'*?!';. •'"'/""• ^''"^''"^'-- ->• "the- P.,c.u,., 
 the Count .10 m" Imp la ''"''',; "V'"'"'> "'•^'. '" 
 loiineenth E„rl of Cithiie.; M ,■" i.' , " ""* 
 sity'ueiui^,:';;!,,.'^:;;'''!'::^'"-;;" "- 1.-,, r„iver. 
 .i..ns";;!;::^f;!;.;^i:^^-''!:«''-i-n,. Turkish 
 Sinelair, Tlionias, M.A.', b l<4! „„,. t) 
 Scotl,,,,,! ; „ relative of Sir Jol , ii n,,: ,i, ,' "■''"' 
 subsequentl.vstu.lie.Mivinitv theOH ,? i" ' ',""' 
 at (he \ew College, K.liXrL'J. ■'"""''='''■ '^■•-•■' 
 setiger [verse,] Lon., 1875, li-.uo. C l^veC'lr ,^'^" 
 Poem, Lon., sro n Sv,, a 'im, i '■"*e> inlugy,-,i 
 it. English heightJ^-,^:;;:, ,tvrr^^;;""r *';^'Vr 
 Fortune: a Xovel, I,on., Issi • ,,, ' t -^he 0».l>k.,,i 
 Essay., Lon., ISSJ ,, X' ' ^™- ^' <^"'^*t = 
 ^lM(;.. xxviii. 11.3. ^-^'-^ ^'^ ^"^'^ '»i^^ ii^-'»i-t us a):io.-- 
 7. lluiiiunitit'?. Lon isq^ .1. a.. f> 
 ' Arabia. II, ^l^a'-U'';;''" ;^I''l'"»>meclaus of ,<o»tl,eru 
 .-^an.e year! ' ''• ''■'"•' '"'«' <"•• 8vo; 2d eJ. 
 ;<pl^ "^ZZ^'ISL^^! ;:^[|i" • ^;'>t it cU^servert toll- 
 lliere is nut an ov,V n,^ 'I",,, ■ "«e ",,,1 ,l|s<;rotin„. 
 vant ,a- uninterc.Mint; ^^1, is ,, ';':'"', '"" '"'■ '"^■l'-- 
 Engian,! ,n ISr , aK f ' ''^'i' ^^^^^^ '" 
 •■^tan.ianl- „c.„t tn r li , . 'oaile-H-nt.r ..n the 
 haba.l in isr l "' "'''•'"' "^ "'« l'i'">e.r, Alia. 
 '?"' /"H'VM. A., JI.D., honorary 
 AJ.nehester Southern Hospital for 
 -..Micn; prol.ssor of obstetrirs at Owen 
 1888,-p. Sv„ ^"'"'^'•'•''-'^' In'-tion in \Vouien, C! 
 Sinclair, Rev. William Macdoiialcl Va 
 ISSii 3 vo ; Pr" 8. I' -? '"'I'Sl' Love ana AVnr, I,on., 
 a N.;vei:tn:\s^^, ti^lr^;;? "^ "^'^" "---' , 
 S>inker, Ilev. Uobert. \r A ' n n r - , .. 
 -i-M h. .s;is, at Livorpo" g^lt. e^t^ T:?h;ii:'bof' ' 
 Mlll'i!u.xUe^':'!!';,;^,tH,''f 7 i^ a school „f philosophv 
 Mienie 'have been i'., ,,,•'• ' '"" "'"'leni jihvs cal 
 "'•eiHt Phil,,';, .Vi.'^^s I ^;,:,v^\V'7'^ '''■*'■''■ l^''"^ 
 "■I'ile. ! . . M,! s'i, ,'„'-',■'. ,\^'' /, '» i'l" ■"eas,.rf all il,o 
 Esoteiio Buajhism, Lon., 1883, p. 8vo; o.h «J., 
 inii of oi'l" Hnin,!,!;';"^'^ "'"^I'H'if"' ''eems to be n blen,!- 
 "^e M-.uhl ;,,'", ■''r„lS,'.t';', t"i'l."- '•"" ;«nsteri,y' wi 1. 
 iiett .Iclivei's hisKos*i?el with nii.r 'r,'''-'''""" "'"t Mr. Si,,. 
 guo,| liiilh.-.s„( /-t';!- i"i ,',™tieli clean,us.s a,i,l obvious 
 A'M'., li. 8j;i 
 •'i. " 
 '/.^^.h'r!'i-K>;^~ i/ic.p 
 "hieh ii„ e i>, his ,,l iVo'- X '' '"'n'^'* '•'■■"!' "^""«« 
 "f ts absunuiies b;^;„\o ivi I^,".' '^ "^. i "'hole. A, spite 
 ■■'if'" u'"' ' ", ^''"■'■'' '"'"•• 'SSfi. 2 vols, cr Svo 
 'li»",V ,u„i' ,mh ,',';' /'X/i'l'v"-' '"'f '• '"-'■''*""» "f n '""St or- 
 '"" " veiy h.'ilvoi^i"' 1^ ";''''>• I'^'l'Te may ya move 
 most IniJiscvi, ,.,,,,,1 .i..,,V'''' *- ""leeil, so, wo s.,,,,,oso, Ihe 
 vul,-ar."-,^;,^rf;,';„,!'',Yx 1V,8 ''""'""'■ "'"' "<^"'sio""nv 
 f..r'''PM'chiear'H.. "'"',''' ''''.'=r"'^""'" ""^ "-e Soeietv 
 Bl--a.ikv;"!,n"l;j:::r!;;/'"' -^ ^-'-t "y JIada,„o 
 nett, .,„..,. The Purpose Of xb:;^;;:^^L:!-.88^';:- 
 8vo 4 Th. T p""''8'-'- Cambridge, Ca,nbridge, 1876 
 morldge, 18,9, p. 8vo. 5. A Catalogue of the Engliah 
 Siree, J«,„es. Saved by a Smi'e, Lon., 1886 p 
 Wo, ", p. K,',g', •,888"" ""'"■' "^ •■^"«"vood Forest, 
 i-l!'l^n^'' ^' •?• j^""''' •''^"'™^ "^ History-Art 
 .iiH"w''',^;':"i^r ^- ^''^'™'^^ a story far 
 IS^6';*''!'o' •"";,'^"»\ '• O^^fi-rey Bennett, Lon., 
 The',[:;ii;; «;,^ r iti^' Y;^' '>^:;7pi^°- f 
 Steadfa,«t Purpose, Lon., 1887 p 8vo 's I f ^.^O *' 
 '• 0,1 the 
 of tV, ' ,r ■; T ■" • "*'"• "• The Golden W 
 of T«o iJirls' Li- =8, Lon., 1S88, p. 8vo. 
 • ti 
 i 5' i(T 
 Moor, Lon., ISSS, 12mo. 8. Will Trahair'^ Friends, 
 "si'tWL-'li , Sydney Mary. 1 . T.ijjiR AmWs First , 
 ria.c, L.m., KHHtl, p. 8vo. '.>. Aunt Kcjmh s A\ .11, Lon j 
 ISSl V Svo. ;!. Born n Soldier, I.on., 1882, sq. Ifmio. 1. ] 
 Kuth Allen'8 Foundling, I.on., l:o2, sq. IBnio. 5. Seek- j 
 cth not ber Own ; or, The Workers of I.iv (.urnye, Lon., j 
 1882 I) Svo. 0. The Church Fiirni, Lon., 1882, p. 8vo. : 
 r. The Dreadful Cousin, Lon,, 1882, sq. 8. (irowth 
 of the Knglish Colonies, Lon., 1883, 12mo; 2d ed., 18,s.i. , 
 9. The Liidy of ,'^1. Uuen, L.m., 188:i, p. 8vo. 10 An 
 Innocent, Lon., 1S81, p. Svo. Jl. The One Army, Lon., ; 
 1881, p. 8vo. 12. A lirigl I'arthing, Lon., 188a p. M'o. 
 n. A Great Kevengo, V .., 1885, p. 8vo. 14. l«o , 
 Friends. Illiist. Lon., I'-io, .'ij. Ifiuio. 
 Sivette, II. Handy Book of Cottage Hospitals, 
 Lon., 1870, cr. 8vo. . i .f „. 
 Sizer, Nelson. 1. Thoughts on Uomesiic L't" i ?'. 
 Marriage Vindieated and Free Love E.xposod, lS,iS, 
 12ino. 2. What to do, and Why; and how to Lducate 
 Each Man for his Proper Work : describing Seventy- 
 Five Trades and Professions. Illust. New ILiven, 
 Conn 1875, 12mo. H. How t" Teach according to 1cm- 
 perainent and Mental Development; or. Phrenology in 
 the School- Kooin and the Family, N. York, 1877, Umo. 
 4 Forty Years in Phrenology : eiubraoing llecolleclions 
 of History, Anecdotes, and E.-ip ience. Illust. N.Ycirk, 
 18'*'' 12mo. 5. The Koad to Success Practically De- 
 scribed and Illustrated, N. York, 1885, 12mo. 
 Skiiile, Ilobcrt II. 1. (Ed.) The Survey of the 
 County of York, taken by John de Kirkby, cominonly 
 cai'.d Kirkby's Inquest; also, Inquisitions ol Knight 8 
 Fees &<:., (Surtees Soc. Pub.,) Durham, 1867, Svo. 2. 
 (Ed ) The Register of the Guild of Corpus Christi in 
 the City of York, (Surtees Soc. Pub.,) Durham, 18,2, | 
 ^'skeat, Bertha M., .laughter of Rev. AV. W. Skeat ■ 
 hilni A Word-List illustrating the C.irrespondence ot 
 Modern English with Anglo-French Vowel-Sounds, ; 
 (Engli-sh Dialect Soc.,) Lon,, IsSl, p. Svo. „ t> i 
 Skeat, Rev. Walter William, M.A., LL.D, i 
 [,n,lc, vol. ii. add.,] b. 1835, in Lon.lon ; educated at 
 King's College School, at .Sir 11. Cholmeley s teohool, 
 Highgate, and at Christ College, Cambridge, where he 
 gr.Mluated, first class Theol. Trip., 1858, and was elected 
 a Fellow; ordained ISCll; curate of Last Dereham 1801 
 -02. and of Godaliuing 1863; mathematical lecturer at 
 Christ's College 1SC,4-71, and English lecturer 180,- 
 8:;' Elrington and liosworth professor of Anglo-Saxon 
 at Cambridge since 1878. He is a member of the 
 English Dialect Society, which he had the iinncipal 
 part in founding, and of the Early English Te.\t So- 
 iietv, and vice-president of the Philol,,gical Society 
 of Cambridge and London. 1. Parallel E.x tracts from 
 Twcntv-Xine Manuscripts of Piers Plowman : with Com 
 ments," (Early English Te.xt Soc.,) Lon., 1806, Svo. 
 2 (E<1.) The Romans of Partenay, or ot l.usignan, 
 otherwise known as the Tab of Melusine ; translated 
 from the French of La Coudrelte: with Introduction. 
 Notes, and (ilo.-sarial Inile.\, (Early English Text hoc) 
 Lon 1860, Svo. 3. (Ed.) The Vision of William con- 
 cerning Piers Plowman, (Early Eng. Text Soc.,) Lon., 
 1867-85, 4 vols. Svo. (Vols. i. and ii. are mentioned 
 under their full titles, «„(,■, vol. ii. ; vol. in. contains 
 Text C, completing the three versions of the text, wit i 
 Richard the Redeles and The Crowned King; and vol. 
 iv,. which is in two iiarts, contains notes, glossarR-s, ic. ; 
 Stmlents' Edition, Oxf., 1886, 2 vols) 4. (Ed.) The 
 Lav of Havelok the Dane: composed about A.D. l.'Mt: 
 for'merly edited by Sir F. Madden, (Early Eng. Text 
 Soc.) Lon., 1808, Svo. 5. (Ed.) The Bruce. By Master 
 John Barbour. Lon., 1870-77, 3 vols. , Svo. 6. Hand-List 
 of some Cognate Words in English, Latin, and dreek, 
 Lon.,1871,8vo. 7. (Ed.) Joseph of Arimathie: otherwise 
 called the Romance of the Seint Graal,or Holy Grail : an 
 Alliterative Poem, written about A.D. 1350, and now 
 first printed from the I'nique Copy in the Vernon MS. 
 at Oxford: with an Appendix, Notes, anil Glossanal In- 
 ... . .. . ri..... C .. \ I.... HJ7I tt.-rt S IV.A 1 
 dices, (Early Eng. Text Soc,,) Lon., 1871, Svo. 8. (Ed.) 
 8nn.Mm<!nsnf Enalish Literature, AD. 1394 -1579. Oxf., 
 li<71 12ino. it. (Ed.) Specimens of English Lit.'jrature, 
 A.D. 1298-i;;'.l3, Oxf., 1872, 12mo. 10. (Ed.) A Treatise 
 on the Astrolabe : addressed to bis Son Lowys by Geof- 
 Irev Chaucer, (Early Eng. Text Soc, and Chaucer Soe.,) 
 Lon., 1872, Svo. 11. (Ed.) The Gospel according to St. 
 Mark in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian Versions, Lon., 
 1872 4to. 12. Questions for Examination in English 
 Literature, Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 13. (Ed.) Sevrn Ko- 
 printed Glossaries, (English Dialect Soc.,) 1S73, 8ro. 4. 
 Ed.) Rav's Gh.s.sary Reprinted, 1874. 15. (Ed.) Tales 
 from the Canterbury Tales, Lon., 1874, 12mo. 1«. (Ed.) 
 Chaucer's Prioress's Talc, Sire Tbopas, ic, Uxt., 1S|4; 
 2d and rev. ed„ Lon., 1877, 12mo. 17. (Ed.) Ihe Gospel 
 a.;cording to St. Luke in Anglo-Saxim, 18;4. '^- Ifd-) 
 Plutarch : being a Selection from the Lives in North ' 1 lu- 
 tarch which illustrate Shakespeare's Plays: with Intro- 
 duction, Notes, Index of Names, and Glossanal Index, 
 Lon , 1875, or. Svo and p. Svo. 19. (Ed.) The Two Noble 
 Kinsmen. By Shakespeare and Fletcher. Cambridge, 
 1875,121110. 20. (Kd.) Chattcrton: including the Ac- 
 knowledged Poeies and Satires, The Rowley Poems, with 
 i nn Essay iiroving tlieir Authorship, a Memoir ol the 
 I Poet and Selections from his Prose Writings, (Aldino 
 i Edition of the British Toets,) Lon., 1876, 2 vols. fp. Svo. 
 j 21. A List of English Words ,lio Etymology of whicti 
 ! is illustrated by Comjiarison with Icelandic. Prepared 
 I in the Form of an Aiipendix to Cleasby and Vigfusson s 
 ' Icelandic English Dictionary. Lon., 1S7B, 4to. 22. (Ed.) 
 Five Glossaries, (English Dialect Soc,,) 1870. 23. (E. . 
 Chaucer's Man of Law's Tale, Ac, Oxf., 1877. 24. (bd.) 
 Alexander and Dindimus; c:-. The Letters of Alexan- 
 der to Dindimus, King of the Brahmans: with the Re- 
 plies of Dindimus, (Early English Text Soc.,) Lon., l^,s, 
 tivo "5 (Ed.) The Gospel according to St- John in 
 Anglo Sii.von, Ac, 1878. 26. An Etymological Diction- 
 nrv of the English Language, arranged on an Historical 
 Basis, Oxf., 1879-81, 4 vols, 4to ; new ed., 1884; Supple- 
 ment to the 1st ed., 1884. 
 " Mr Skeat has few rivals in knowledge of the EiigUsli 
 language and its history ; and as for philology, '''•-■''f, '«';': 
 ,lmrbt llial the root of the nuUler is in liini, Ktxniologs 
 with him is a scicntitie process, aiul "<'^ >\.^'^''%'''^l'Z^,\ 
 L'licsses more or less iiigciiinns and siiccesslul. He i'- "t-" 
 mi.l both ill literature Olid patient, nidiisti ions, 
 11 d painstaking. AecoidiiiBly, bis ,licti,mory is indisiien- 
 "aMtPrallwho w-,,ul,l study the ICiiglisl. aiid Us 
 origin soientilically and hi-torica ly. It »■'":''" ?,'^ 
 copious rimmt of n.oileni I'l''l''l"B'''"l.rVf™"',li ','/'. 
 wl'ioh has been (iiliwiitly »nd suceessliilly lultn uted, but 
 it adds to the labouis of olliers the mature results ol -Mr. 
 i-keat's own profound studies in the same held, — .!(/,. , 
 ' No. 28:10. , ^ 
 27. (Ed.) Isle of Wight Words, by H. Smith: Ox- 
 fordshire Words, by Mrs. Parker, Ac, ( Dialect 
 Soc.) Lon., 1881, Svo. 28. (Ed.) Aelfrie's Lives ol the 
 Saints ; being a Set u{ Sermons on Saints' Days formerly 
 observed bv the Englisli Church. Anglo-Saxon and Eng- 
 lish. Part's I., II. (Early Eng. Text Soc) Lon,, 18s - 
 f^o 8vo. 29. (Ed.) History of English Khy'hm. By E. 
 Guest. New ed., Lon., 1SS2, Svo. 30. (Ed.) Fitzh'T-'s Husbandry, (Eng. Dialect Soc.,) 1SS2. 31. The 
 Jo-pel of St. Mark in Gothic, according to the Transla- 
 tion made by Wulfila in the Fourth Century : with a 
 (irammaticul Introduction and Glossarial Index, 0.\f., 
 1S82, fp. Svo. 32. A Concise Etymological Dictionary of 
 the English Language, Oxf., 1883, er. Svo ; 3d ed., 1880. 
 "It is not a mere nbridgnient, as Mr. Skeat is careful t.i 
 fxnlain, but has been entirely rewritten. It is^ nrraiiKcl 
 , ,11 what the author calls 'an unusual but exeelleiit plan. 
 Ml the derivatives of a given word are made to fol i,\v tiic 
 (.riiiinal word, but the ilerivntives are also given in ihcir 
 ali,lial">llcal order with H cross-reference to the pareiil 
 word The plan is ecrmiiily upusiial ; as to its excelleiice 
 there will probably be niiicli dillerenee ol oiiinion, — .l»i,, 
 ' No, 'JSiifi, 
 33. (Ed.) The Kingis Qunir, bigether with A Ballad of 
 i Gooil Counsell. Bv King James the First of Scotland. 
 (Scottish Text So.' I Edin., 1S84, Svo. 34. (Ed.) 'Ihe 
 Talo of Gamclyn, Irom the Harleian MS., Collated, Ac, 
 Oxf., 1884, cr."8vo. 35. (Ed.) The War" of Alexamler. 
 ' (Farly Eng. Text Soc) 1SS6. 30. The Principles ol 
 i English Etymology. First Series : The Native Element. 
 ; Oxf.. 1887, p. Svo. ... 
 \ "A elearand interesting analysis of the ' n""™' ';1,';'»,<^,';, 
 I In EiiKlish, III some points it sliows a distinct ad\anre on 
 1 he author's • Ktyniohlgical Dictionary of the l-''Klisb -; ; 
 ' L'uage,' The misleading theory ol ' root ,leeriniiiati\c> 
 ! r,as disappeared, and the laws of vocalism lavc beco c 
 far stricter, . . , The book Is, ,m the wlnde, the best guide 
 i to English etymology that has yet appeared. — .U'ln'., 
 I 37. (Eli.) The Gospel according to St. Matthew in 
 i Anglo-Saxon, 18S7. 38. (Ed.) Chaucer's Minor Pocim- 
 ! Oxf., 1888, p. Svo. With Nun.\i., J. H., (ed.) A Biblio- 
 i graphical List of Works illustrative of the Various Dm- 
 ! Icots of English. Compiled by Members of the Engli-h 
 i Dialect Society. Lon., 1873-75-77, Svo. And see Mav- 
 HEW, Rev. a. L., »i<^ir.i. „ , , , 
 Skccn, William. 1. Adam's Peak; Legendary 
 Traditions ami Historic Notices, Lon , 1S7I Iflmo 2 
 Mountain-Life and Coffco-Cnltivation in CoVlor., Lnn.,' 
 « ' .^■""•. • ^V.'^' Typography, Colomlm, 1872, ,Hvo 
 SkilUiigtoii, llev. Sydney William, il A 
 praduuted, lir.t clas. Lit Hun,., at Ura-enoHo Coll^^-t-; 
 Oxfo. I, IMil; ordained l«fl7 ; Fellow of l-niver<.itv Col 
 lege «in™ 1809; formerly assistant inasler in Cijartcr- 
 housc .School. 1. The ,<lnless Sulferor: Six Sermons 
 Lon 1S7I, p Svo; l.3,h cd„ 1883. 2. 0,.r Sin,' "j 
 Our .Saviour: Sermons, Lon., Is7li p Svo 
 .Skfldiiii;, Susie Unrstow. I. (ki.') iji;,i, „f 
 Meiolow and drove. IHusl. N. York, ISSi;, ,,„. gvo 
 2 (lid.) iamiliMr Uirds, and what the I'oet.^ .in« of 
 them. Illuat. N, Vork, 1S8(1, s... Svo ;', (M,iii,,n,A 
 of Birds, must. N. York, IS8B, .»,,. s;.o; 4 (K!r 
 Songstcraof the Uranohes. Ilhist. N. York, lss6, l8mo 
 0. (hd ) Flowers froui iJcIl and Bower: l>oems. Illun* 
 ^. York, ISSii, lSm„. ^'lu. u 
 1 , o'^Vsl?,"?..'^'""'- ^"'''"'' "■'"«-^' »"'' ■"'"-•f rooms, '■ 
 Ijon., 1 S80, 12mo. ' 
 Skeltoii, Mrs. (Jcorgc. How it came to I'a^s • a ' 
 ^ovel, Lon., 1871, 2 vol.s. p. Svo ' i 
 ,,**'f'='V;"V''?''"''^-"-,I'f-D.,b. 18.U; amemberof ' 
 the laculty of Advocates, .Scotland, since 1S5 I ; .secretary I 
 ol the Board of Supervision, .Scotland, since ISBS- com ' 
 missmner of supply f„r the county of Abertlecn. ' S.,me 1 
 ollus works were imblished under the pseudonymc of 
 ■Jhirley, 7. ,-., .„„,., vol. ii. 1. Thalatta! or. The ' 
 (ireat (commoner: a Political Uom^nice. Lnn ISil" Svo i 
 2. lienj.arnin bisraeli : the Past and the Futme : a Let- ' 
 ter to John Bull. By a Democratic Tory. Lon 18i;s i 
 .{. Boardin;; Out of Pauper Children in .Scotlan.l, Edin ' 
 r 'u '^^'n" ■*• ^!"' li"P«!'^lii'ient of .Mary Stuari! r 
 and other Papers, Lon., Isrti, Svo. 5. Essays i,, i),, ' 
 mance and Studies from Life, Lon., 1878 svo 
 "The graceful writer who ha." tjaiiieil a'n ontranco ini.i 
 many of the most dolightliil comers ol^,,,r m," ™ • m Ir 
 the name o ' slnrlcy' i.s scrcely .second t., anv , fiis ie ,- 
 ■ration. W lien lie coincs down out of those i",h' sa„t va 1- 
 le.vs an,] pathways bordered with classic a.J li , el a 
 wnles himself ■John Skelton.' discoiiiso'ii , t P 
 Iws, or clears out the eiiciimhered hv-wavs \,f hi "orv Is 
 Y'l'k IS that of an expert. wIkoii lii,; leirow.w.,rkmei'i 1' 
 he new 
 [Long Lsland College Hospital since 1S72, and dean of 
 I , .'";""|^' ""™ '■'""'; profc.sor of gvnieeologv in the 
 ]'o,s Miraduate Medical School since 1884. I I,i ease" 
 ol the Bladder and Ircthra in Women. Illust. N. York 
 •spV^,';,!''.'^'™'',? "". ?'"■"''■" "f Women, for thJ 
 1 se of students ano Practitione-s, >;. York, Ivss 8vo 
 Skene, M,sh |.-elici„ n. V., [„„„, ;.„|. m ,„,,n 
 I . U uylanng Sketches among the (i re-ks and Turks, and 
 on the Shores of the Danube. By „ .Seven Year-^ {e"i 
 dent m .ireece. Lon., 1S47, Svo. 2 I'so ai 1 Ab use • 
 a Tale, lS4t., 12mo. i The Tutor'.s iv, rd, n. 5 ' 
 2 vols, p svo. 4. The Divine Master: a Devot oni 1 
 Manual 1 lustiatn,- the Way of the Cross, Lon. S52 
 sm,: 1 he,., Isss. 3. St. Alhan's: or, The Prison- 
 ois ot 1 ope, Lon., I.s;,;!, 8vo. An... (i. A .Memoir of 
 Alex^inder, Bishop of Brechin: with a Brief xS ^ 
 . » Brother, the Hev. (ieorf;e Hay Forbes. Lon., 187«, 
 ,, ^^",""- .^;' "'l-. l'^.'^'^. 7. Life of Alexander Ly^ 
 I^ f,'",','^'''-;''''"''"'^ "'■ ""^ (-'ylKcii'!'. Bon., 1877, p. Svo 
 S. ilidden Dejiths; a Story ofCruel Wrong, Lon. 1.885 
 p. Svo. !t. A Strange Inheritance. Lon.. 18SB, .3 vols' 
 er. ,Svo. 1(1 The Lesters: a Novel, Lon., Iss7, 2 vols." 
 Z\.t?\. ''■ A«;'kene.l: a Tale in Nine Chapters, 
 ( (iristian World Annual" for ISSS,, Lon., I887 ].>„,„ 
 Skene, James Henry, formerly British coWul ,a 
 Aleppo, ,,|terw,.rdsresi,lent at Co-fu. 1. The Frontier 
 La Ids of Christiau an.l the Turk : comprising Travels 
 II the Legions ol the Lower D:.nuhe in Isjo „ml Is.Ol 
 with a precision which delights the traVle' " 
 j.crie.s_of the'Es.says (If Shirrey' now givcil to the oubl 
 are. .f dates varying Irom i,s.-,| t„ ,, ver? recent p ' „; , i.i 
 consist not 01 criti.l and hist..rica studies like V, 
 ..ready issue. . but ..f what the a.itlmr calls 'l^'av,^ 
 lv..ii.ance. aiul simli,.., iv,,m Life.' . . . The h s 
 Millie for th.'sc ..migiinuivo sketches-the .li.iciirsiven'.ss 
 au.I frecd.,m,il which are among their chief eliarms-the 
 chariicterol mlcs.''-.8pccta(or,li. 141.7. '-" tiie 
 II. The Crookit Meg: a Story of the Year One, Lon 
 IssO, p. 8vo. 7. Essays in History and Biogniphy, i„.' 
 clu ling the Defence of Mary Stuart, Edin. and Lon., 
 ISSJ, Svo. 
 "The es,says which Mr. Skelton has lately rcpnblishe.l 
 fi. 1 to .show any rea.s..n for their resiiscitatinn iVom he m which their i.arent ' Fraser' sluinbcrs."-sTAv'^ 
 c'nhiv^ 'i-if/".''*' P'>l>t^'^.,l''»'-'icSilarly those on Blake. Ma- 
 f«;d?^.'<ii?5^Su!J;,i;;;'c'^'"'""'^ ""'""''■ "'^ "^''^'■»'" 
 s. Maitlan.l of Lethington an.l the Scotland of iMarv 
 .Muart : a History. In 3 vols. Vols, i., ii., Edin. and 
 Lon 18.8,-88, Svo. (Vol. iii. will contain the letters of 
 "This volume rthe first] is strictly nreliminarv It 
 consists es.seiitially of a skitch .,f Scot ish 1 is rv ami iii; 
 up to the time wlieii .Maith„.,l reall bee nc n r'c in 
 both as sccreUiryor ininiMer to MaryStiiait \s such 
 can hardly be prai.sed highly as a sustained elf r 1 
 pieturesqiie de.scrl ithui and narrative."-Wii.i.nM w.ii': 
 of"tl,?onlsni'%',V" ''"'"''''1.' "'■ ^"■' ■'^kelton's views cither 
 ,,.!. > ^n.*^'" 'T ""^ '"V-* "' ■'^'^"11.11111, no rea.lcrwill lav 
 1 11^ mr ,'. w '',""■" >*■"""" '■«■"'"'' """ '"■■ "«'L'S the 
 w .?, i '''•'" " *-'™"""''-" ''»■ a Ix'ok of great rescircli 
 Ii ■'^"•'7.1''*=""'"", "'"'ii'ig. .....I .»t the same time 
 biKhly stimulative to th.mglit and rcllectioii."-.l(V. .Na ! 
 Skelton, John Fawcett, b. l.s.'iO, at Bolt.m. i 
 Laicishire Lng. ; author of poems in the Lancashire I 
 u.i.ieot. Ihe Gleaner, [verse,] 187(i. ; 
 i ^n'Z^,^ '*"' ^*«"'«»''t "f Ii- Lancashire. ' 
 I. Ihe D hyncourts of Fairleigh : a Novel, Lon.. 1872. 
 ■^ vols. p. 8vo. 2. The Family Honour, Lon., 187(>, cr 
 i'™ 3. Recliford Holm. Lon., 1877, cr. Svo. 
 1 .sf..""' Alexander Johnston Chalmers, M.D., 
 u. l>;J'. at Fyvie, Scotland; eduoateil at King's r^Uese 
 IsTiTr' ,'," '^''r ^'"'"•■"''iy of Michigan, an.l at Lon^ 
 Lslnnd College Hospital; professor of gyniccology in the 
 I ic-'. " ' "'■*"'!"" "f '^'"■'•■nt.V Years in the East. 
 Lon., ISo.i 2 vols. Svo. Anon. 3d cl., 1831. 2. Ana- 
 dol: the Last Home of the F:,ilhfiil. L.m., 1853 Svo 
 ,rr"',vs.:,l^'"'' ^'""-^ ■''tfatford in the Crimean War," 
 ; ijo,,., I SS3. 8vo. 
 '.iiul'.'ii'riv'''''"'''''''""''"'''''^*^-"'' """•e or le.ssnmusinK 
 hU. sis. ■ '"'^■^"""■■1 '"'^■•i' "r l'-''^'' authentic."-.v,,/ ito?; 
 ^irn'.'f.^rli'/'l'/lfS",';^. *^«""' '■'"■t'lne to have enjoved Lord 
 s, m . ^^ ,1 *""''''"V * eonlldence during, iiiiil iinlee 1 lor 
 ■'.','; ,^'V" hotoK the (■rin,e„ii war. While the a lies 
 l.llm '■*?'""■' •■'.^■'"'^1"P"1 '"^ ..Heilas the a„,li,ss,„'^s 
 .1 i.lident ,,l agent at the siatof war. . . . His book will ,,. 
 I . h b^dier value. It 1.. a carefuT record bv , keen i , te 
 1 le ,,,1 mai,i,e,-s of tl„. i,„ier life, so t,; spe ,k ,, f t^e 
 licht II, the (■r,iiiea, am of 11 mUiiIi.i, nti,. vimL- 1,. wiiO.i, 
 rfie'aiJii::;;!; 'ir'-' """ "!"' *r™' '^'age'S'-iini,::." ' 
 point '-'I'vw'k^^^^ '■'•■'■J' '■''-'"'■• «'"' '■"" of 
 Skene, «iilinni"i'orbes, LL.D.. D.C L f„„(, 
 vol ,1., add.,J h. LSiiii, ,„ Inverie. Sc.itland; 'studied 
 in Oermany, an.l at E.linburgh and St. An.lrews. and 
 Lh",I"Mil/Tr'? '" "," •'^'=""' '" '■'*"' '"> '^"ceeeded 
 .Jo.iii Hill Burton as historiographer for .Sc.ithind. He 
 IS a iiicmhor ol ..'any learned societies, and has coutrib- 
 uieu "" -' * =- " ■■ - — ■ 
 l,r (.'•ii'"'ri," ''"-'''■{''^•'-■e.lings. 1 ,'E.i.) Tracts by 
 Dr. Gilbert Skeyne, Medicinar to His SLijestv, |.'amc.s 
 I., King ol ilreat Britain and Inland.] iBanna'tvne Club 
 ;Pul..) Ldin.. ISiiu, 4to. 2. (E.l.) Cnronicles of the 
 lets and Scots, and other Early M.^morials of .Scottish 
 History, (.Scottish Record Pub.,) Lon., IStiS, r. Svo 3 
 rhoLoronalion. Stone, Edin.. iSfifl, 4to. 4. (Ed.) .John 
 ot l-onluns Chronicles of the Scottish Nation I871 9 
 vo.s. Celtic Scoilan.l: a Hist.iry of Ancient Alba'n" 
 VOL 1., history and Ethnology, Edin. and Lon., 1876, 
 "The subjec! of tliis work will Ue most coiiveiiientlv 
 reatc. , three .separate or books The r'l 
 ', '. ,1 ■ I ' o '' "■'"' "'i'^- ':-"'""l"K.v ""'I Civil Ili.s ory of 
 the d I ere It n.-'cs which occupied Sc'iitland. . . The 
 In I 1"';'' "■" ■'''"' "'"' ""^' '•:«'''■''• Celtic ClHircb of Scot- 
 and ami , ts iiuiociice or the hiiigiiaf.'c and culture of I he 
 ico| c. I he subject of the lliir.l ami last book will be e 
 '■':,"; '"", i'>';'l''^' "' ><'"Il.ui.l."-.t,///..„.'., JnlnMhu'lUm 
 itwoiilil be a iii,.-tnke to regar.l his labours as haviim 
 an e.\<'lusivc licMrim.' im the bisiorv ofSc.tlHii.l Tl, 'v 
 are 111 truth, a siirve)- of the historical develo'praent of 
 wImV; Waml '--I'lli'^'^.K;!:'''''''"" ""^'^ i'.lmlitii^ the 
 Vol. ii. Church and Ciliture, IS77. Vol. iii.. Land 
 and Pe.ipln, Issii. ' 
 i.r ,iL',-l '^'""'i'' '" i;!'.<-'-^'imi".ition of • the early land ten- 
 ires ami .s,„.,„l ,.„i„liti,,ii ,il the Celtic iiibabitniits of Scot- 
 land a'ul .iver the jieriod bcgiiiniiig with the 
 tinctioiiol the chill sy.stcm In lb., iriirhhuids '■—«,■/ p,.,. 
 "Here we po.s.sess what may be considered the full final 
 and richest result;: of the author's liicdoiig studies The 
 present series ol essays is destnictive with the critl- 
 b,d,li'a"s!"-'i()i , !^.^,"!;ri,j'''-''-'"»s"-u>-'live witli reasonable 
 O.The (Jospei History for the Young: being Lessons 
 on the ife ol Christ, Lon., 1883-84, 3 vols. p. Svo. 7 On 
 the Traditionary Accounts of the Death of Alexander 
 ^ 1 
 I \ '-a 
 III., (reprinteil from tlio I'rocccilinffs of tho Society 
 uf Anli(Hi;iri08 uf Suolliiiid,) Edin., 1S,SM. 
 Ski'rry, ti. K. 1. Digesting Ileturns into Siiiiiinft- 
 rii's; frmii KxiuninntioM I'lipcrs, I.i^n., 188(1, Svo. 2. 
 Special Hints to Civil Service Ciiniliiliitei", Lon., 1HH7, 
 iL'iiio. :i. Conipiinion in Knglinh History; Lectures: 
 with Noter-, .4c., Lon., 1887, 12uio. 4. (.'ivil Service, 
 I'nivcrsity, Legal, .Medical, Ac, lOxiiininations, I-oii., 
 18SS, 12iiio. 5. I'raeticiil I'lipers on I'ivil Service (le- 
 (jgriipliy, Ac, Lon., ISS8, p. ,'<vo. 6. I'nieticiil Spelling- 
 llooli, ('(jntaining Word.s likely to be .Mi.s.ipelled, Lcju., 
 188S, p. Svo. With CiioMii, \\'., (/ouipo.-<iti"n 
 or EjMiiy-Writing, Lon., IX^i, ,Svo. 
 Skcrtclily, J. A. 1. .NiUurftl I'hilosophy : I'urt 
 I., .Mcchiinios ; Parts 1 1, and I [ I., Hydrostatics Hydrau- 
 lics, and I'neuiiiaticH, Lon., 187;i-7l, 12nio. 2. Dahomey 
 as it is : being a Narrative of Kight Montlis' Uesidencc 
 in that Country. Ulusl. Lon., 1871, .hvo. 
 "Mr. Skerlcldv's route even to it-s I'unlicst limits Iia,s 
 been pine over lieloro by Kiironcaiis. . . . lint Ins liook ix 
 valuable, as enibnuinji the latest iiil'iirnialioii on l>a- 
 bonii'V by a cumpetciit and Iriislwiu-lliy writer.'— -KA., 
 No. 'IIJI. 
 ;i. Melinda tho Caboceer ; or, Sports in Ashnnti, Lon., 
 ]S7,'>, p. Svo. 
 Skvrtchly, Sydney U.J. 1. Physical Oeography, 
 Lon., 1872, U'uio. 2. (ieolosjy, Loi:., 1873, l2ino. It. 
 Cieojogy of the Fenland. IMust. and .Ma|)3. (.Memoirs, 
 of tho (ieological Survey.) Lo;.., 1877, r. 8vo. 4. ! 
 I'hysical System of the I'niversc Lon., |87S, p, 8vo. 5. j 
 lin the .Manul'actureof (iun-Klinis, tho Methoil of E.tca- j 
 vating for I-'lint, tho Ago of I'a'ieolithic .Man, and the' 
 Connection between Neolitliio Art and the (inn-Flint 
 Trade, (.Memoirs of tho (ieological Survey,) Lon., ISi'J, I 
 r. 8vo. 
 " Sketcliley, .Vrtluir," (Pseud.J Seo Ucsk, Rkv. ! 
 tiEOIUJi:, Hiiprn, \ 
 SkeCchley, J. A Review of European Society, with 
 an l-;.\position and Vindication of tho Principles of Social 
 Democracy, Lon., 188.'), ]>. 8vo. 
 Skewes, Ilev. Joseph Henry, graduateil at 
 Lichtielil Theological College ls7a; ordained 187()j 
 vicar of Holy Trinity, Liverpoid, since, 1^78. I. Tho 
 Polity of .Methodism, 181)9. 2. Classilied Inde.x of Wes- 
 ley's Journals, ls71,cr. 8vo. :). Lay Preachers in tho 
 Church of England, 187('). 4. E.xtonsion of the Diaoo- 
 natc, 18711. 
 Skey, .'Mrs. I,. C. 1. Holly Bough; or, Christmas 
 Scenes, Lon., 1S78, sij. Kinio. 2. Sunday Talks with my 
 lioys, Lon., l.s7'J, ;i2mo. :!. "Comforted of God:" 
 Thoughts for Mourners; 2d ed., Lon., 1882, fp. Svo. 4. 
 " All your Caro :" with Preface by Kev. H. \\. Randall, 
 Lon., 188;',, ;!2mo. 5. A Christmas Pudding for Voung 
 Eaters. In Three Parts. Lon., 188.'!, p. Svo. 0. Dolly's 
 Own Story, told in her Own Wonls, Lou., 188:!, sij. Kiino. 
 7. " Lovest thou .Me?" 'Thoughts on tho Epistles, for 
 Holy Week, Lon., 1884, ;!2mo. 8. " l!e Kind :" with 
 ]'r-.'face by Ven. Archdeacon Denison, Lon., ISsii, 18mo. 
 il. " Perfect Day :" Restful Tlioughts for the Evening 
 of Lite, Lon., 1880, 12mo. 10. Christe Eleison: Ser- 
 vice of .Meditation and Prayer, for Lent, Lon., 1887, 
 12mo. 11. The Tabernacle of (lod : Thoughts about 
 Uod in the lilessed Sacrament, L»n., 18ss, 12mo. 
 Kkidinore, Harriet .>!. Reside the Western Sea: 
 Poems : with Introduction by J. S. Alemany, N. York, 
 1877, 12mo. 
 Skiiiker, Tlioina,-« K. Mi.ssouri Supreme Court 
 Reports, vols. l.\v.-l.\.\vii., (1877-188:!,) St. L-.uis, 1.3 
 vols. 8vo. 
 Skinner, .Mrs,. 1. Anthony Rogers; or. Led .)y a 
 Child, Lon., I8S:!, p. Svo. 2. Malcolm's Enemy, Liui., 
 18S:i, fp. 8vo. :l. Doctor Phill ; or, As in a .Mirror, Lon., 
 188s. p. 8vo. 
 Skinner, V. E. Guide of Life; Prayers for 
 Women, Lon., 187'*. :!2mo. 
 Skinner, David S. The Science of Change of Air, 
 Lon., I88j, 8vo. 
 Skinner, II. J. The Lily of the Lyn, and other 
 Poems, Lcm., 1,'*84, 12mn. 
 SkiiMier, J. Hnlstou. A Key to the Hebrew- 
 Egypl'an Mystery in the Source of .Measures, originating 
 the I! itish Inch and the Ancient Cubir, Cin., 1875, 8vo. 
 Ski -Iter, Ilev. Jatnes, M.A., 18l,s-lS81, b. at 
 Forfar Scotland ; graduated at the University of Dur- 
 ham H:iti, and elected Fellow; ordained 1841; incum- 
 bent ol Newland 18«l-77. For biog., sec TiiK.vtii. .Miss 
 M., iiifrii. 1. Coelestia: the Manual of St. Augustine: 
 the Latin Te,\t Side by Side with an English Inter- 
 pretation in Thirty-Six Odes : with Notes, and a Plea 
 for the Study of Mystical Theology, Lon., 1881, 2. A 
 Synopsis of .Moral anil Ascetical Theology: with a 
 Catalogue of Ancient ami Modern Authorities, Lon., 
 1882, Ito. 
 Skinner, Joseph J. Principles of Appro.ximato 
 Computations, N.York, 1870, H'muo. 
 "Skinner, Mose," (Pseud.) See IJuows, Jamks 
 E., iiijiiii. 
 Skinner, Orrin, a member of the New York bar. 
 The Issues of American Politics: a Discussion of the 
 Principal Questions incident to the (iovernmental Polity 
 id" tho L'nited States, Phila., 1872, or. 8vo. 
 "Tlu' work i,s, ill the nnilii, writte.i in a clear ami for- 
 cible styii', and contains a series of able discns,>4iona."— 
 yaiiuii ,\v, 3:;(i. 
 Skinner, W. 1. That Loon o' lia.xtcr's: a Tale 
 of Scottish Fisher Life, Lon,, 1878, 12mo; 2d ed., 1880. 
 2. The F'irst of Three: a Story of School and College 
 Life, Lon., 1881, 18mo. 11. Musical Andy: tho Story 
 of a Kidnappe<l Roy, Lon., 1882, p. 8vo. 
 SKipsey, Joseph, [anie, vol. ii., add.,! was for 
 many years a pitina,-, or working coal-miner, of I'ccy 
 Main, near North Shields. His lirst volume of ,crse 
 was published in 18ii). He has edited several V( lumes 
 in the "Canterbury Poets" Series, — viz., lilake, iiurns, 
 Coleridge, Poe, and Shelley. 1. A liook of Miscnilane- 
 ous Lyrics, Rcilington, 187.8, 12mo; 2d ed., 18,82. 
 " A volume of iiinloubtediy gennlno poetry."— .4//i.. No. 
 2. Carols from the Coal-Fields, and othc" Songs and 
 Dallads, Lon., 18S(',, p, 8vo; new ed,, 1883. {This is 
 practically a complete edition of the autlior's poems.) 
 "What he has liiin.self seen and felt, and iiotbiiie; be- 
 sides, be has embodied in bis Vv rso. ... It is not very dif- 
 lieiilt to lliid bailing linesand irremilar rhymes, especially 
 in his longer pieces; but to find slnaig and true ideas in a 
 beautiful .setting is easy."— .Iok/,, .x.x.xi. 5;). 
 Skottowe, Ilritilfe Constahle, M.A., graduated 
 at New College, O.xford, 187U. 1. Out'incs of English 
 Constitutional History, for Students, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 
 2. Our Hanoverian Kings: History of the Four (ieorges, 
 Lon., 1884, p. 8vo. 3. The Life of Joseph Chamberlain, 
 Uirm.igham, 1885, 8vo. 4. Sudden Death; or, My 
 Lady tho Wolf, Lon., 18S6, p. Svo, 5. A Short History 
 of Parliament, Lon., 188B, cr. Svo. 
 Skrine,Ilev. CInnnont, M.A,, 1820-1887; gradu- 
 ated in theology at King's College, London, 1855; or- 
 dained 1855; minister Ol Emmanuel Church, Wimble- 
 don, from 1873. 1. Safe Churchmanship. 2. For the 
 New Year; Safe Weapons: a Senucl to "Safe Chureh- 
 inansliip," Lcm., 187i), lOmo. 
 Skrine, Rev. John Ilnntley, M.A., educated at 
 t'ppinghain .School, and at Corpus Cliristi College, 0,\- 
 ford, where he graduated, first class Lit. Hum., 1871 ; 
 Fellow of .Morton College I871-7i>; assistant master of 
 rppingham School 1873-88, and since tlien warden of 
 Trinity College, (ilen limonil, 1, Uppingham-by-the- 
 Sea, Lon. 2. I'nder Two (Queens: Lyrics for the Ter- 
 centenary Festival of rppingham School, Lon., Is84,cr. 
 Svo. 3. The Ocean Throne: \'ei-.-c for the Celebration 
 of Her Majesty's Jubilee, I'ppingham, 1887. 4. A 
 Memory of Edward Tliring, Lon,, 18110, cr. Svo. 
 Skuse, F. A. A. liritish Slalk-Kyed Crustacea and 
 Spiders, Lon., ISSO, p, Svo. 
 Slack, Capt. Charles. I. .Artillery Drill; also 
 Repository E.vcreises, F'ield (luns, Ac,, Lon,, 1884, 12mo. 
 2. Tourist's and Student's .Manual of Languages, ,4o., 
 Lon., 1886, ISino. 3. .Manual of Uurmeso; also of Pro- 
 nunciation, Grammar, Money, Towns, Jtc, Lon,, 1888, 
 SInck, iMajor J. History of the Late Sixty-Third 
 (West Suti'olk) Regiment, Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 Slade, Ulanche E. (Trans.) The Little Princess, 
 by E, .Marlitt, Lon,, Iss:!, 2 vols. or. Svo, 
 SIttde, Daniel Denison, M.D.. graduated at 
 Harvard 1844. " welve Days in the Saddle: a Journey 
 on Horseback in New Englanil lUiring the Autumn of 
 1883. liy .MeJicus. Rest., 1884, llimo. 
 Slade, II: P. Short Practical Treatise on Dow 
 Ponds, Lon., 1877, Svo. 
 Slade, Louie. Two Little Cousins, Lon., 1886, 
 Sladen, Douglas Urooke Wheelton, b. 1856, 
 in London ; educated at Cheltenham College, and at 
 Trinity College, O.xford, where he graduated with a first 
 class in modern history 187U; went to Melbourne in 
 187it, an.l hcl.l the chair of history in tho t'niversitv of 
 S.v,ln.,.y from 1,SS2 u, l'^><t, .yhn' \,^ r.UnxZi, VnJ. 
 Iun,l; ha« «,„eo ro>Move,l to .\..w Vorl<, 1. Fri | L ,"^1 
 ItiKcbjorK, and othiT I'ooriis, I,on 1SS2 9 a'''' 
 t,!n Z'^ ;,»'l^-.Sy,lnoya„J I'.rama. a, 18h: , 21%, | 
 U„ ISM„ lb,,.,,; Second Serio.,, 2d od.. i.on. a,, SyC 
 wall u„d Across thu S..a |vci«c 1 wwi, I- "• '»''"'•''■ 
 ^uvonshirc Un., iss,,, „. Svo. ti. Kdward ho "u k 
 'nnco: an Kpic Dniroa, Florence, iss,) . ., , ' i' , 'V 
 r'-"' '; !'••''■' '\"«t™lianl!allad.:a"ndlihv;,e'; 
 under the 
 i- di.iiMv 
 lo-y i,r iiiL. 
 liiil lor iis 
 "MiK'S have 
 !uT' P.\ a'?!"- '•^•I"''''i^l'<''l. wilh'addj|i,;„; 
 title of A ( entnry of Austialiii,, S»nL'." 
 "Ml'. 1)mi,>,'1(i.s sliLilin's pretiv Ijtili. v,,iin,,, 
 •v':, ';'.:""■■,",'■' "■";': ,»^ "'- li'V,,',; .u ' 
 >on'i«,'st horn oi lirimin's ,r,-eai domiiii i i ■ 
 lileasant ii,tr(,dn,.li„„ t„ the si Jrs so' 
 luaile iti,|,."-,l,..,i((., xxxiii. HO, 
 J<. Tho .Spanish Armada; a liallad of loSS I,on ISSK 
 Is'sTer.'i,!.''''' ^"''"""" '•"^■'»' '^^-'''^"'ion; 
 "The Selections In (his voliiiie fn,m th,. i,„,t.,- i . 
 alone respo,,sil,le."_:i;.';,^,'x^xjv'SI,J^ ''"* ^-"'"i"" "ro 
 f't!"^,''',', *''.'"'■'"*'» '"'•■'wi'it" mciiTlierof tho rnstituto 
 of C,v,l tn«„,ce,.s. 1. Sanitary Work in the S n ler 
 row,,, and ,n V,lla,.os, Lon., 18711, l2,ao; L'd cd s'" 
 ^ir:i^^r:'^i:3 E'^::r '"'''"^ "^ ^-^"'' ^""■ 
 a«o Ireatment, Purification, and ftiliza ion : a PmoUell 
 Manual, Lon., Issr, p. Svo. "^laLiicai 
 Sinter, John Herbert, b. Is5t: called to Hm l,,,. 
 at t e AliddloTcnple 188:1. i. Ubrar'v M i a : Uuido 
 to tho Formation o a Library, >tc., Lon., iss.i, ,, " -o 
 2 A ( to the Lo^^al Profession: Va ious Me hod 
 of Lntoring, Ac, I.on., I,s,s;i, ,,. ,svo. ;). Tho '„v ,', 
 iHhiig to Copyright and Trade^Marks, Lon., ISS Svi'" 
 „M :'*7' P'V, ""•»"• ""'"O ..f tho Ancient Parl-'h 
 ol (niiseloy. llhist. I.,on„ l.ssil .(to 
 Slater, Uober'.. l. Telegraphic Code to E„.u,o 
 isri'to ' ' '"""• ^- '^'^i«s™p'"'' Te.ts, u,;." 
 . Slater, Thomas Kbeneaer, of the London Mis- 
 T":Z ^r^u^- '• 'i''" I'hilosopby of Mi,.Mon a 
 I'resunt-Dav Plea, Lon., IS82 n 8vo 2 tv'..«hoV. r'h 
 dra So,, a,,,, tho ir,0,nn. 8„!;„!^-:'t,l/; ^ ^^^ -; 
 of Indian Thoism, from l.S.'jO to I.HsL toc^etlier wiVh 
 .SelecMonsfrom Mr. Sen's Works, Madras, 1S°V, en sVo.'' 
 Mater, W.l. am F. MethodisV ip the Light of 
 Lon isfsf Svo!'' ■■ ''""*'' '''^ '^"■"'"""' rernley Lfcturo, 
 Collci"nf f '^''w«°'"V ^^■^■' (?™J"»'<"I "t Lincoln 
 College, Oxford, ls3S: ordained ISII); ixn-tor of Wbite- 
 me"nt 'IvTs '"'• '•, ^''^''^'''''li^l-'ent and Ui.-end w- 
 Zlll ft S^"""?'. ''«"- I8«8, ,Svo. 2. The Studont's 
 Uospol Harmony, Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 b I'sus ^,!'t"y' "*V',P''"*P' IJ-Do ["'„., vol. ii., add.,] 
 h. 1808, at fepringhold, Va. ; son of W. D. Slaughte 
 " /'" ,■ educated at tne University of Vir-inia and Tas 
 ?^u;cln8^4.t Y 'T-' '"•""^'"'' "'"ho E^J^ 
 of M„ 1 ' *"' '.°<"' f'"' '"'■"'"^ y""" historiograp ,er 
 of tho d,„coso ol A irginia. 1. History of Uristol Par 
 V ' 18-1* I'V '""Vir"'"*'""^' "f '■''""'Ii''-''' Hichmon,!, 
 \a., 18,tf I'mo. 2. Memoir of Col. .Joshua Fry Pro 
 ZV" l^'"""".""'! M"^V College, Virginia, an nVi.- 1. 
 if, A . k"""" '? <-"'"""""• "f Virginia Forces, 17.51: 
 «ith Autobiography of his Son, Kevf Henry Fry Kidi 
 l^nLL.U. Jurist and Scholar; [also] A Histo i 1 
 Iraot by Judge Greon, Ac, Richmond, lSS:i, ,svo t 
 M:!"".'!''''.'".^.''.'^".M""n'«A'i in the Fiftieth Year of, 
 Mi.,:. - --— ■ "j^-uMiaiu 111 lue riuictii lear 
 C ,. . ot^ir "'":'■"'««- ^- I'ork, 1884. 5. Tho Coloui 
 Lliuroh ol Virginia, ISSo. 
 Siaughier, William Bank, 179S-I87!i. b in 
 ulpcpor Co., Va. ; educated at William and Mary Col- 
 lege; admitted to the bar. 1. Modern Genesis In I - 
 Sri'r"of"p?'' Credibility of the Nebular Theory"! L 
 " Komini ^^""'^"y »?'• «^ A'-'o N. York, 187e, 16mo. 
 Mi wauL"r 8?" "' 1"^"°8"-'^«<1 M- I have ,, 
 ' Toril^h.'Z'V ^'"*"'"'? ""'*'""• Torpedoes and 
 Uiiran 1 P "/r.'iss "';","'!""« !' ' '""Pletc Acioun, of tl, ' 
 of Leek, ,n StafTordshire, including Ilorlon r," Idle on 
 and [psloncs. ||i,,„. 2d ed., Lon.. 1 ";, ,'""""• 
 S e.«hl .>|„ry II. ,. ,,,cgo C hro ie , •. or The 
 Sl.-Ml;..r, .Mrs. Elminn Un^ke ' ,:2;' Ta 
 rriNM • ' p'"'T'^'': '■":"'■■ "' '^--Sl^nkcr. 1 V Lit? 
 Slessor, Hev. Join. Iie..V^Al,g ,,;;,;,'",?; 
 University College, (l.xfonl, 1> |.| Fellim fi - 'o 
 J;.ined IM,; ,.e.,orof He^dbou,;' V^ h • si;;;^'Mn- 
 Sligo. Mrs A V *! , ,,,,'^- ^"7.' '8,i>, Ibmo. 
 ' Si'oam'' '/; "•. '^'l'i°^>^'-">.I'On., ls7..M2n,o. 
 8v„ '"' '■^- ^"">> i'^'O. lliiuo; new ed., 18S4, 
 Sloanc, Kdunrd 4 ti,„ <■ ii 
 "f^i"-;"H?"'i"'Ki^:Li;!:,^^!;^'i::^r"'^ "•'■*= 
 Slonie, Thomas O'foi or, P, D b I'^jl in 
 ^n \n;'''t!;;;"r[^" ,'•' ^■•. ^'"'"''^ xr^er^s c ;«: 
 " I", and at the Col„n,li,a Sc ,oo of Minna i«70. e 
 edijoi. oUhe Scientific AmS'H^:'^;^^^^^ 
 tains biography, sermons, and addresses ) ^ 
 Ne^wtoii' 'rf''"'''^,.,'^-; ""'' Crossland, Mrs. 
 nces of Manchester Fifty Years Ago, ManehcsJer 18 i 
 51^.ui;^;ce^tn:%-:7S,^:'"""'^ ^'-o™" --i 
 Slutcr, Hcv. iieoi^e LuUewig, b. is:)7. at Ro 
 Fulto^n'-'M:"';"',?' ^T^rT' " ^^'-'""n^terctnegc 
 m"tl :>«;,' f o' " P""<^'-''«>> Theological Semi- 
 Min„„=^; ' r , ' ""^ P'-''%'»"'in churches in Missour 
 Minnesota, Indiana, and since 1881 at ArlinVton V T 
 illo"lnrV't^"'^,'-M"'" •^•1"" H-if'onf sli'olby: 
 \H-l' S "u- .' -; '^lemorial of Mrs. Jane Major 
 18,4. J. H.Story of our Beloved Church, 1876 •■ 4! 
 ' J til 
 • i 
 > n 
 rffs ■ 
 (Ed.) Acta I'ilati : Iui|iortiint Testimony of Puntiua 
 Piliito concerning the Crucifixion of Christ, Shclbyville, 
 1S79, lOmo. .■). The Keligion of I'olitics, Hhelbyville, 
 1S8I1. (1. Life of the Kmiieror Tiberius, 1(<81. 
 SinalCH, Edwin C. Echoes of the City, Manches- 
 ter, i«ai. 
 Small, A. K. The History of the Sixteenth Maine 
 Ui'KiTiienf, Woiiilfords, Me., lh>"^, .^vu. 
 Ninallt Albion Hoodbnry, president of Colby 
 University, Watorville, Me. The Growth of Ainericiin 
 Nntionalitv : r.n Introduction t» the Con.ititutionul 
 History of the I'nited States, Wiiterville, isxfl, Svo. 
 (Printed lor the use of students in Colby University.) 
 Mninll, Ueorge. (Trans.) The Totfi Kahuifi; or. 
 Tales of a Parrot. Lon., 187'), 8vo. 
 Small, Henry llvauniont, [milc, vol. ii., add.,] 
 b., at Marltet Boswortli, Eng. ; educated ut King's 
 College, London, and Lincoln College, O.\ford ; removed 
 to Canada, and has been chief clerlt of emigration and 
 quarantine since 1,S85. 1. Chronicles of Canada, 186H. 
 2. Kesources of the Ottawa Valley, Ottawa, 1872. 3. 
 Mineral Resources of Canada, 1880. 4. Canadian Forests, 
 Montreal, 1S85. 
 Small, J. One Hundred AVonders of the World in 
 Nature and Art. Illust. Lon., 1871), p. 8vo. 
 Small, John, M.A., LL.U., F.S.A. .Scot., [niife, vol. 
 ii., add.,] ls28-lS8fi. 1. (Ed.) The Poetici)l Works 
 of Gavin Douglas, Uishop of Dunkeld: with Memoir, 
 Notes, and (ilossary, Edin., 187), 4 vols. cr. 8vo. (The 
 first collective ed.) 2. (Ed.) The Image of Irclande : 
 reprinted in Black Letter: with Introduction. Illust. 
 Edin., 4to. (Impression limited to 2;'>U copies.) 3. (Ed.) 
 Description of the Isle.if of Orkney. By Rev. James 
 Wallace, .Minister of Kirkwall. Reprinted from the 
 Original Edition of 16ii:); with Illustrative Notes from 
 an Interleaved Copy in the Library of the University of 
 Edinburgh, .te., Edin., 1883, 8vo. 4. (Ed.) The Poems 
 of William Dunbar, (Scottish Te.\t Soc.,) Edin., 1884, 
 8vo. 5. (Ed.) Laing's Select Remains of Ancient Popu- 
 lar and Romance Poetry of Scotland : with Memorial, 
 Introduction, and -Additions, Edin., 1885, sm. 4to. With 
 Hali., F., and MuuuAV, J. A. 11., tod.;) I. Sir David 
 Lindsay's Works : The Monarche, and other Poems. 2d 
 ed., rev. 2. The Historic of W. .Meldrum, &c. : The 
 Minor I'oems, (Early English Te.Kt Soc.,) Lon,, 18ti5-71, 
 6 jjarls, Svo. 
 Small, John >V. Scottish Wood-Work of the Si.x- 
 tcenth and Seventeenth Ct '-'nea. Illust. Lon., 1878, 
 imp. Svo. 
 Smalley, Clugene Virgil, b. 1841, at Randolph, I 
 0.; clerk of the .Military Committee of the House of ', 
 Keprosentatives 1865-73; editor of the Northwest, St. '. 
 Paul, Minn., sinoo 1884. 1. History of ;lie Northern 
 Pacific Railroad. Map and Illust. N. tork, 1883, Svo. 
 "8i) far OS ho has been able, he has given biographical 
 sketches of the men most promiucMt in all the romantic 
 pha.«esi)f the achievement, and his account of the tinaneial 
 opi'ralions may bo taken us absolutely autliorittttive."— 
 ^utiiiii, .NXxvii. 271). 
 2. History of the Republican Party, N. York, 1885, 
 Smart, Andrew. Germs, Dust and Disease: Two 
 Chapters in our Life History, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 
 Smart, llath Charles, M.D., b. atUalsham, Cam- 
 bridgeshire, Eng. ; resident in .Manchester. With Crof- 
 To.s, H. T., The Dialect of the English Gypsies; 2d ed., 
 Lon., 1874, Svo. 
 Smart, Charles, M.D., ("Polywarp Oldfellow, 
 M.D.," pseud.) Driven from the Path, N. York, 1873, 
 Smart, Hawley. 1. Breezy Langton : a Story of 
 Fifty-Two to Fifty-Five, Lon., 1869, 3 vols. p. Svo; new 
 ed., 1875, 1 vol. 2. Bitter is the Kind, Lon., 1870, 3 
 vols. p. Svo. 3. A Race for a Wife : a Novel, Lon., 1870, 
 3 vols. p. Svo; new eds., 1872, 1879, 1885. 4. Cccile: 
 ,.', Modern Idolaters, Lon., 1871, 3 vols. p. Svo; new 
 i., 1877. .'). False Cards, Lon., 1872, 3 vols. 12mo. 6. 
 Broken Bonds, Lon., 1874 3 vols. p. Svo; new ed., 1876, 
 12mo. 7. Two Kisses, Lon., 1875, 3 vols. p. Svo. S. 
 Courtship in 1720 and 1860, Lon., 1876, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 9. Play or Pay: a Novelette, Lon., 1877, n. 8vn. 10. 
 Bound to Win : a Tale of the Turf, Lon., 1877, 3 vols. p. 
 Svo. 11. Sunshine and Snow: a Novel, Lon,, I87S, 
 3vols. or. Svoand 12mo. 12. Social Sinners, Lon., 1880, 
 3 vols. cr. Svo; new ed., 1881. 13. Belles and Ringers : a 
 Novelette, Lon., 1880, cr. Svo. 14. The Great Tontine: 
 a Novel, Lon., ISSl, 3 vols. p. Svo. 15. At Fault: a 
 Novel, Lon., 1883, 3 vols. or. Svo. 16. Hard Lines: a 
 Novel, Lon., 1883, 3 vols. cr. Svo; new ed., 1884. 17. 
 Salvage: a Collection of Stories, Lon., 1884, 12mo. 18. 
 From Post to Finish: a Novel. Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 19. 
 Lightly Lost, Lon., I8S5, 12mo. 20. Plucked: a Tale 
 of a Trap, and othei Contributions, Lon,, ISS5, Svo. 21. 
 Struck Down: "a Tale of Devon," Lon., 1880, p. Svo; 
 4th ed., 1886. 22. Tie and Trick: a Melodrumatio 
 Story, Lon., 1S85, 3 vols. er. Svo. 23. Bad to Beat: a 
 Novel, Lon., 1SS6, p. Svo. 24. Outsider: a Novel, Lon., 
 1SS8, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 2.). Pride of the Paddock, Lon., 
 ISS6, p. Svo. 26. Cleverly Won: a Romance of the 
 Great National, Lon., 1SS7, l2mo. 27. A False Start: 
 a Novel, Lon., ISS7, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 2S. Saddle and 
 Sabre: a Novel, Lon., 1887, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 29. Master 
 of Rath Kelly : a Novel, Lon., 1S88, cr. Svo. 
 "He is undoubtedly at this time unequalled as a re- 
 corder of sporting life, manners, and matters,"— .Si(. Kev., 
 Ixiv. 2(19. 
 Smart, J. 31, Rcminiscenoea and Essays, Lon., 
 1885, cr. Svo. 
 Smart, James II. Indiana S-jhools, and the Men 
 who have worked in thcin, Cin,, 1876, 12mo. 
 Smart, Thomas (.regory. Birds on the British 
 List : their Title to Enrolment considered : with Re- 
 marks upon " Evolution, " and Notes upon the Rarer 
 Eggs, Lor 1886, Svo. 
 Smart, \V. A Disciple of Plato: a Study of John 
 Ruskin : with Note by Mr. Ruskin, Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 Smart, W. Sugar Bounties: a Case for and 
 against Government Interference, Edin., 1887, p. Svo. 
 Snieal, A. Rhymes for Railway Reading, Lon., 
 1884, i2mo. 
 Smeaton, Donald Mackenzie, M.A., of the 
 Bengal civil service. The Loyal Karens of Burma, 
 Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Smeaton, Rev. George, [tniir, vol. ii., add.] 
 The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, (Cunningham Lectures,) 
 Lon., 1882, Svo. 
 Smedes, Mrs. Susan, (Dabney,) b. 1840, at 
 Raymond, ,Miss. ; has been a teacher in one of the gov- 
 ernment Indian schools since 1SS7. Memorials of a 
 Southern Planter, Baltimore, 1887, l2mo. (A record of 
 the life of the author's father, Thomas Smith Gregory 
 Dabney, a Virginian by birth, who resided in Mississippi 
 from 1835 till be was impoverished by the results of the 
 civil war, after which he removed to Baltimore, where 
 ho died in 1885.) 
 "Sihe tells the story of his life well enough to make a 
 good .sketch of the nian, who was worth knowinj; c>ii his 
 own account, and a good i)lcturc of Southern civilization 
 in the time of slavery."— .Vod'oii, xlvi, 35. 
 " It is a volumr of rare interest, and of value for its local 
 coloring."— y.ifeniri/ Wurtd, xix. 19. 
 Smedley, Miss Menella Bute, [ante, vol. ii., 
 odd.] 1. The Maiden Aunt: a Talc. By M. S. Lon., 
 1849, 12mo. 2. Lay=>nd Ballads from English History. 
 Ac. By S. M. Lon., !858, 12mo. 3. Other Folk.-' 
 Lives, Lon., 1S69, or. Svo. 4. Two Dramatic Poems, 
 Lon., 1874, 12mo. 5. Boarding-Out and Pauper Schools, 
 especially for Girls, Lon., 1875, p. Svo. With another: 
 1. Poems written for a Child. By Two Friends. Lou., 
 1868, 16mo. 2. The Child-World. By the Authors of 
 " Poems written for a Child." Lon., 1S69, 16mo. 3. 
 Silver Wings and Golden Scales, Lon., 1877, Svo. 
 "Her shorter poems , . . are what her reputation as a 
 poea'.s.s chielly rests on. Throughout these a very iU)lilo 
 tone of thought runs; the lanenage is well nuiuagcd ; the 
 forms of verse are treated delicately."- Kuif t-. Koukkt- 
 SON : Etujlifh I'vetes^ses, 335. 
 Smee, A. Hutchinson. I. Milk in Health and 
 Disease, Lon., 1875, 12ino. 2. Suggestions us to Lines 
 lor Future Research: Oration, Lon., 18SI, r. Svo. 
 Smee, Alfred, F.R.S., F.R.C.S., [imie, vol. ii., 
 add.,] 1818-1877. 1. My Garden: its Plan and Cul- 
 ture : together with a General Description of its Geol- 
 ogy, Botany, and Natural History: Illustrated with 1250 
 Engravings, Lon., 1872, r. Svo. 
 "Its author has endeavoured, SI) to speak, to catch Nature, 
 animate and inanimate, in a trap of some seven acres 
 and a half, and to chronicle all Its everyday features and 
 operations with a sort of Uoswclllan fidelity."— A'a(. Ji'ci'., 
 xx.xiv. 194. 
 2. The Mind of Man : being a Natural System of 
 Mental Philosophy, Lon., 1875, Svo. 
 Smelt, Thomas. Maiden Stakes: a Comedy, in 
 Five Acts, Lon., 1870, 12nio. 
 Smiddy, Rev. Richard. An Essay on the Druids, 
 the Ancient Churches and Round Towers of Ireland ; 
 2a''o!"l.,'^[Hf"' ^''"^ '""^ •'*}""''""»■". Dublin, IS7I, :2mo, 
 Nmii-tuii, J. (i. (Trans.) J,„(. „„,! ii,.„i„„,i„ 
 Miiiil<>N, Robert ivilsoii. b isic*. i„„.i r 
 witlKiiit IdViiiK anil a.linirl 1^ ihnl. ,vi, '' ' i'>-'it'>t, 
 ■■). Thrift, I,on., hsrs, i2„„j; now c,i., Iss:i' 
 adnilmhle t.^s«y o„ wimt inari e 'a iImI , ! l?. T'' "V 
 common [\[^."—Ac,uI., x. 301. " ioMliftics of 
 4. Life, of a Seot'oh Naturalist: Thomas E.lwnr.l 
 Assoomte of the Unna-an Society. I.on , VsrS er 8vo ' 
 iiy lilt 
 als he 
 say.s; but it is to sncl. "I'/.ofs-ibaV Na'tu're re'v 
 mostunrosurvtMllv."— .10:./ xi 107 """^ ^^'' 
 pi-are,! to his associates. |-,, r &;l'i , ,"■" '" i'''" 
 riBhtwas conhrmc.i by the n i,.|kA 'l' ',"" L ,v ^ 
 an;^t."t:st''to":^s//7i?:r *"^""'«'^'""" '^- 
 i::ji™lt'rs^?{^^-i'yf^'^^i-^ ;gti.-i, ' 
 (. Duty : with Illustrations of Courage, Patience an.l 
 r»'lt'nr','.'?n i",'.'' ^'''^""' "■■• f'''"™'^'"i*tios Of Men of 
 Culture and (.emus, Lun., 1S87, p. 8vo. Sec also \a<i 
 B|"'i|:^^p3t-!;-inj:;^s7K:- ^ 
 Smiley, Sariili !•'., [„„(,,, v„i. ii., aa.l I I F„i 
 ne.s Blessing; or. The i„.,,,el of Chr ,t a s |lus"tr!t i 
 from the liuok of Joshua, N. York, I»76. 1-n o 
 .arjlen (.raith, or. Talks among ,ny Flowers, N. York' 
 i«8I, 12mo; new e,l., 1883, l6mo. ' 
 A ,."!""' ;*•• ('^''•) Sea-Bathing GuJJe, containing 
 Articles on Sea-Bathing, Lon., I87« Svo """"""'"S 
 i>':r;'i^;sst w,'i^:^'c:n:r"^''* ''-"^ ^"'^'" 
 Smitll, A. JUeade. Commissioners in Chancery in 
 Virgm.a: a Digest of the Statute Law governrnTcom 
 uusstoners, under the Code of Virginia, Kiohmond, m",' 
 I ib'^t^ir^^!*;, ;%^:r'«'- *'---' vo.ume. 
 Smith, A. I'. (Trans.) The Omphi.'al Statics of 
 Smith, Abbotts. Impclimcnts of .•^pocch < i.m and Stuttering; 1,1,' e,|., ,„,„.. S7.^, '"mo' 
 Hd ""^Vd^^vT I'?"-. '■ '^■'"' «"■"""'.""; Lady 
 Illu""^hi^!'l!^,^emf "" """ "" «'^""'"'"- 
 Smith,Mis8,\g„CH, b. at Irvine, Ayrshire .'icol 
 land ; daughter of a solicitor of thit t,A.n 1 1-' . 
 Pikrims: Travels of Three l-adiJI^'L!:: ";.7 ] T'" 
 the Maxwell: a Novel. Ln„„ |,s7«, ;) ;„i,',' , . ' r 
 Monmavts. Ion., 187i., 3 voLs. 8vo. 4. tL ' ilri Ic; of 
 Ardujore: aStoryof Irish Life, Lon., Is8l, er. 8vo new 
 IsX'.'svo 6- il'iough Cypru... Illust. Lon,! 
 Smith, Albert. History of the Town of Potor 
 ^;:o^of ^r"'r"«' r"""*^' ^^^^ "-""'.; e:'wuh 
 lUportol the tentennuil Celebration in ]x::ll- A, ,„„„,, (Jenealogical and Historical Kegiae'rI'ZI' 
 olfi!^i'o!'krht''^^^.,^-rVl''-'-,/"""^"' '"<""«" 
 ««^.sis„ndTre:.!^:;n!:n': si;;;;',^, ^;:f^;:j:i''?,^i- 
 Smith, Alexander, F.H.S. V I A \ L ifi ? 
 o Aoerdeenshire, Kdin.'and Lon .-18 ^^2 n, 8 L '2^ 
 Old and New Aberdeen, Aberdeen I8.K2 er So ' 
 .^;A't^:^'=!r<^r'^;i^2 ^^^ '"'"^-- 
 Smith, llev. AUrea Charles, MA h is-'. 
 Ii .nl s . 7,'"," ''"'",■'' ";,""y l'''P"r.s. I . The Nile an, In 
 IS ''2 v'on"p"s o"''^;?" '".'^'Syi.t and Xubia. Lo„. 
 ar,l ";,' :,Ij'"^'- ^'"=-,"'- '''■'' """^ Blanch- 
 course b,!,^j;,:^i,^;'!!:;;:;;;f^^-^^«'X^''y;^ .mve re. 
 ined and Lxplained, L<,n., iss;j, p. Svo. 2. A .«v» m 
 of .subjective Pol,tic:.l Economy, lion., 188,!, p Svo 
 S,n?,h n % 't'.'"''' Keonomist, Lon., 1 ,?7. cr "svo 
 Ontrv'n ••';.," »""J- C^™"^-' li''eace:adoiu7o 
 Upera, by Henri Chivot, Lon., ISS2, Svo 
 Smith, llev. Benjamin, [„„/,., vol. ii., add 1 a 
 We;^ley.|n mtn.ster. 1. At the Feet of Jesus, Lon 1 es! 
 ■J!"'!'^'".'"-;.'''"';..!'- S»-"- •'*• «ems Ueset: the Wes- 
 I ,-, .'. • t' *"• •'• uems ueset: tne Wo 
 leyan C..,c,.hism imijlnUcd by Imagery and Na rati 
 placed by Royal Authority 'on the King's Sway 
 de^li; I'ri^- r-T '■ "'^'"^ "f Methodism in^Mac^: 
 cleslie d. II ust. Lon., or. Svo. 6. Soon Home: a Me. 
 morial.if John Robert Wardill, Lon., I8mo 
 Smith, Borden D. Powers, Duties, knd Liabili- 
 ties of Coroners and Constables, Albany, 1883, Svo 
 ■ III 
i '' i 
 I ''' 'ft 
 1 H^^ 
 Smith, Mrn. V, A. (TranB.l Mujiirt'ii Early l)ny?, 
 by Fninz llnll'imiiin, llujt., 1S7;| ; now ml., IHTI, Ifluio. 
 Ninitli, ('. (irilliilin. I. KiiKlnverin); Piipcr" : 
 Morliir, I'raitii'iil lr'>ii-\Vork, Ac, Lim., |S75, Nvo. 2. on tho EJueiition of a Civil Engineer, Lon., 
 ISTIi, Sv». 
 Niiiitlii t'. J. Synunyuia illscrimlnated, I.on., IH7I, 
 \U SVM. 
 Niiiilli, ('. Ii> Hniiio Iloeollcctions nnd Village 
 Soi'iic-. I.ciri., I^^ril, Itiino. 
 Niiiitli, Mtn. CaroliiK' I..,("Aunt<';irrle,"|)scii').) 
 1. (Eli.) l'o|>ulnr I'iMliini's I irFii'Miiml Firu^Mo, fiprinu- 
 Th'IiI, Miisa., ISIS-, Klniu. 2. Ilium; Arts lor OM iinJ 
 Yniin);, Doit., IS7K, IDiiio. ;t. Home Gntucd for Old nnd 
 Young, liosl., 187:!, Klmo. 
 Smitli, .MrNi ('il«t|p, (" rSremlii," jiscud.) I. 
 '•Nciiliing to Noboily." I, on., 1^7.!; new cd., lS7fi, 12nio. 
 2. J'roggy's l,iltle lirother. Illiist. I. on., lS7,'i; new 
 ed.,, r. Svo: new ed., I8S7. 3. '' Es|iucinlly those;" 
 a iStory on tlie I'riiyer "for All Conditions of Men." 
 Ilhiiit." Iion., I'-T', llWno, 4. A .'>utiirdiiy'« linirn, Lon., 
 1^77 ; new cd., 1 ^S(i, cr. Svo. o. Lotiy's'Visit to (irimd- 
 uinniiniv : ii .Story lor the l.ittio Oiie<, Ijon., l'*77, ii. >^vo. 
 (1. Victoria lies": The l']!." and Downs of a Doll h Life. 
 Illiist. lion.. IST'.i, s(|. Ilinio. 7. Little Cousins; or, 
 Oeorgie'.s Visit to Lotty, Lon., L'*SO, |i. Sro. S. Fynie's 
 Flower, lllust. Lon., Is80, |i, 8vo. «. Without a 
 Hol'crenc'c: a Christi'ias Story, Lon., 18S|, p. Svo. Id. 
 Old England's ,S|ory in Little Wonls for Little Chil- 
 dren, lllust. Lon,, |ss:t, p. Svo. 1 1. Five Little I'ur- 
 tridges; or, Tho Pilot's Jlouso. Lon., ISS.i,' 
 I'Juio. 12. Ilinah Mile: a Story of To-Day, Lon., IsSt), 
 121110. Li. The Shepherd's Darling, Lon., ISs7, p, Svo, 
 14. Uncle Sieve's Loeker. lllust. Lon.. ISSS, p. Svo. 
 Smith, Cnthcriliv E. I. Wrought by Prayer, 
 Lon., Issil, |2ino. 2. Love Never Faileth, Lon., ISS7, 
 p. Svo. .">. Treasure Lost, Lon., ISS", p. Svo. 4. Loyal 
 to the Last, Lon., ISss. p. 8v„. 
 Nniith, Cecil, [<iiii<; vol. ii., add.,] b. 1828,- gradu- 
 ated at Trinity College, Cauihridgo, IS|S; called to the 
 bar at tho Inner Temple 1852. Tho liiids of (iuernsoy, 
 Alderney, .'•ark, Jethou, lleriu, Lon., 1879, cr. Svo. 
 Smith. 4jhnrle8. I. An Elementary Troatisa on 
 Conic Soction.s, Lon., 18S2, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1883. 2. An 
 Elementary Treatise on Solid Uoomotry. Lon., lSS4,]i.Svo. 
 3. Eljiiientary Algebra. Li,n., IS86, l2nio. 4. Solutions 
 of ;'.io Examples in " Elementary Conic Sections," Lon., 
 loss, p. Svo. 5. Treatise on Algebra, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 Smith, Hcv. Charles Adnm, D.D., [<oir>, vol, 
 ii., add.,] IS0U-1S7U. 1. Among the Lilies, Pliila., 
 1872, llimo. 2. Inlets and Outlets, Phila., IS72, iUino. 
 3. (Ed. I Stonoridgo: Etchings from the Sketch-Iiook of 
 a Country Pastor, Phila., 1878, 12mo. 4. (Trans.) Tho 
 Parsonage of Libenau, by Franz llotl'umnn, Phila., 18S0, 
 Smith, Charles Edward. Baptism in Fire: tho 
 Privilege and lIo)ie of the Church in All Ages: with 
 Inlroiluetion by Augustus II. Strong, Host., 1SS3, 12nio. 
 Smith, Charles Gowen, b. in Lincolnshire, Eng. ; 
 a journalist, and author of a number of pamplilots pub- 
 lished at Manchester. Domesday Book of Lincolnshire 
 and Uutlandsliire. Manchester, 1S70, r. 8vo. 
 Smith, Charles Henry, b. 1828, in Lawrenccville, 
 Ga. ; educated at Franklin College, Athens, Ga., and 
 admitted to tho bar; servcil in tho Confederate army; 
 mayor of Konio, Ga., JSCS-C'J. He has contributed 
 humorous papers to the j)rcS3 under tho signature of 
 "Bill Ar|i." 1. A Side Show of tho Southern Side of the 
 War, N. York, ls86. 2. Bill Arp's Letters, X. Y'ork, 
 1S6S. 3. Bill Arp's Scrap-Book, Atlanta, 188(1. 
 Smith, C:harlGS J. Erith: its Natural, Civil, and 
 Ecclesiastical History, Lon., 1873, Svo. 
 Smith, Charles Roach, F.S.A., M.N.S., [dnii; 
 vol. ii., add.,] b. 1801, at Languard Manor, Isle of 
 Wight, Eng. ; was one of the founders of the British 
 Archieological Associatioi,, and for some years secretary 
 of the Nuniisiuatic Society. I. Uemarks on Shake- 
 spearo, his Birthplace, cic., 1S6S. Privately printed. 
 New ed., Lon., 1877, Svo. 2, Tho Rural Life of Sliako- 
 speare, as illustrated by his Works, 1S70. 3. (Ed.) A 
 Catalogue of Anglo-Sa.xon itnd other Autiquillva dis 
 covered at Favorshaiu, in Kent, and bequeathed by W. 
 Gibbs to the South Kensington Museum, (South Ken- 
 sington Museum Pub.,) Lon., 1871, Svo. 4. Hetrospec- 
 tions. Social and Arcbioological : vol. i., Lon., 1S83, Svo. 
 "This volume may be said to contain n rujiid sketch of 
 the hl.storyof the researches of English antiquaries during 
 the last forty years, with iiersonal reinlnlweilceii of the 
 leacllim nieii whip have been more or lesK Interi-Hted In Mr. 
 Uoach SmIili'H lavoiirlle study."— .IM,, No. 'JWift. 
 Smith, Christopher. Hur Mental Capacity : In- 
 saiiitv, Crime, ami Modern Society, Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 Siiiith, Hcv, Daniel, F.U.U.S., graduated at St. 
 llees ISii:;; ordained ls82; rector of Siindiacrc sinco 
 |S7<J. I. F^nglaiid's Sin ami England's Punishment, 
 1888. 2. Thoughts on Ilobrews .\iii. 10, 1870. 3. Ser- 
 nioiis for iho Times, 1872. 4. E.\iiueitiun of tho Athana- 
 siaii Creed, |S72. ■>. Seed Growing Secretly, ls7l. 8. 
 Will-Worship, 1878. 7. A I.ooking-Glass lor Liidies; 
 or, flic Scriptural Portrait of a Virtuous Woman, 1.^78. 
 Ninith, Daniel DraKe. (Trans.) The Ethics of 
 n. do Spiiio/,a ; fioiii the Latin ; with an Introductory 
 Sketch of bis Lite and Writings, bv D. D. S., N. York, 
 Smith, David. Three l.ceturoi* on the Preaervation 
 of Sight. I.on., I>7I, p. Svo. 
 Smith, David. New Weights nnd Measures Act, 
 IS78: 'I'abU'.-. .Manchester, ls7H, lllmo. 
 Smith, David .Murray, [niiit, vol. ii., add.] 1. 
 nullines of Technical Knowledge, Lon., 1>TII. IJiiio. 2. 
 Ar'iic E.xpcilitions from British and Foreign Shores, 
 l,..ii , 1877, 3 vols. In I, 4to. 3. Silver Star: a Uomance 
 of tlie .Vorthland, Lon., Inso, p. Svo. 
 Smith, E. The (ireat Problem : Prize Essay on tho 
 Kelation of the Churidies, .te , Liui., I"<s3, p, Svo. 
 Smith, E. .\. Collection Compendiuui : Digest of 
 the L;ius of l.very State: with Banking ml Attorney 
 List, ail I Stipulated Kates for Collection of Claims, St. 
 Louis and N. York, 1878, Svo. 
 Smith, E. II. Maine Supreme Court Reports, vol. 
 l.\i.,(IS74,) 1 vol.; vols. Ixii.-I.\iv., ( 1S74-7'),) Portland, 
 3 v(ds. Svo. With HlTiiirorK, E., (ed.) Reports of Cases, 
 Illinois Supreme Court. By E. Peck. Vols, xiii.-.wil., 
 (18,il-IS56,) Chic, lss8, 5 vols. Svo. 
 Smith, E. G. Dakota Supremo Court Reports, vol. 
 ii., ( IS-.-i-lSsS,) Yankton, ISs3, Svo. 
 Smith, E. II. F'ighting an Omen; or, Happy is 
 the Bridi that the Sun Slilnes on, Lon., 1SS3, 12nio. 
 Smith, E. N. 1. Surgery of Deformities. lllust. 
 Lon., ISS2, p. Svo. 2. Curvature of iho Spinp, Lon., 
 1S83, Svo. 
 Smith, Edgar F., professor of chemistry in Wit- 
 tenberg College, Springtield, 0. 1. (Trans.) Inorganic 
 Chemistry, by Victor von Richtcr, Phila., 1 88 1, cr. Svo, 
 2. (Trans.) Chemistry if Organic Compounds; or, Or- 
 ganic Chemistry, by Victor von Kichler, I'bila., ISsd, 
 cr. Svo. 
 Smith, Edward, M.D., [miie, vol. ii., add.,] d. 
 1574, ii't. 55. 1. Foods, ("International Scientilic" 
 Ser.,) Lon., 1873, |). Svo; new ed., 1S76. 2. Iland-Book 
 for Inspectors of Nuisances, Lon., 1873, )i. Svo. 3. 
 Manual for Medical Officers of Health, Lon., 1S73; 2d 
 ed., 1874, p. Svo. 4. Health: a Hand-Book for House- 
 holds and Schools, Lon., IS74, p. Svo. 
 Smith, Edward. The Peasant's Home, 1760-1S75, 
 Lon., 1876, p. Svo. 
 Smith, Edward, F.S.S. 1. William Cobbett: a 
 Biogra)ihy, Lon., 1878, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 "It may be fairly said that the life of Colibolt was worth 
 writing, anil iierhaps it is not noiiig too far lo.say that Mr. 
 Smith's Life uf Cobbett is worth reading. But there is a 
 good deal of hard work to be faced bv the reader who sets 
 himself to get through tliese two volumes. .Mr. smith 
 found that he had selected a dreary piece of work, and 
 thimght he might eoii.solo himself by adopting tho style 
 of a seiLsntlonal novelist."— .">ii(. A'fi'., xlvll. 8o. 
 2. Tho Story of the English Jacobins, Lon., 1881, 
 12mo. _ 
 Smith, Edward. Foreign Visitors in England, 
 and what they have thought of us ; being some Notes on 
 their Books and Opinions during tho Last 'Throe Cen- 
 turies, ("Book-Lover's Library,") Lon., ISSS, 12mo. 
 Smith, Edward II. The Elements of Plane Trig- 
 onometry, Richmond, Va., ISSl, 12nio 
 Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth (or Lillie) Thomas, 
 (Meade.) 1. Lettie's Last Home, Lon., 187.7, 12uio. 
 2. David's Little Lad, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 3. lireat St. 
 Benedict's: a 'Tale, Lon., 1877, p. Svo; new ed., 1S71I. 
 4. A Knight of To-Day, Lon., 1S7", p. Svo; now ed., 
 I87S. .5. Mips Toosey's Mission, Lon., |S7S, isn-,.^, 8, 
 Bel-Marjory: a Tale, Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 7. Laddie, 
 Lon., 1879, ISmo. 8. Outcast Robin; or, Your Brother 
 and Mine : a Cry from tho Great City, Lon., 1878, p. Svo; 
 now od., 1SS4. ». White Lilies, and other Talcs, Lon., 
 1575, 12mo. 10. Scamp and I, Lon., 1S7», p. Svo; new 
 ed., 1880. 11. The Floating Light of liingtinnan, Lon., 
 Olpsic.; or, T,ik U,,^ a.i,! II,,!! i| „ „ ",\i,"-' "'"" 
 Mother llorrinKV ChiXn \ iJ^'i '"'"l '*""'• "^' 
 I-on., l,Ms;t /,. svo ; 2,1 0,1 :« '.■"•,'" '"i'"''' ^"''"' ' 
 1SS4, ISino. ■>3 Th, A ,, '. , ."■• ' »■" ■^"■-Icrs, I,,,,,., j 
 i."n.; isH , fp :.,o"/,""Tir,';' ";'■ -^'"--^ iiiu»'. 
 2^'. scriot A!„.,„onoM:,;„.''M's ;;;,"•• . .r^i^H'',,'"'; 
 of ri.rco. Illust. I,on I8H4 '„ J ' -,': ^^o lJaii,| 
 Silver Truii,,„.t, III,,?' Lo„' ',:,?"'■ „"■ A Little 
 Little Ann ■{ Tale, Lon., t^; .sto'' '^"■n'^ ""J 
 of Love. Illmt. Lq,, igso i „ 'i,, . V'""*"S^' 
 Girls: the Storv of r int, i' , ' ■"'' '^ ^*<"-l'l "f 
 Boy. Illu,t. Un., 18,s7 "•'svo '.4"'.;;; '' • V'"'''.^'" 
 of Inohfawn, I,on ISS7' ,. s' '"*•,?'"' ^ ^'omuHs 
 8v„. 3H. ".Sweet Nar„.v " r I, ,io}' ^""'^ IS'^T, p. 
 ta,ly „f the Foro.l ", ' ihZ\ T' ''•.'*™- •'«• The 
 Ilujsak. must, ^^Y,,^k, Is^^Svo ' ^ '"'«"'' 
 smith, Kustncc, .M.D Fiir'p .1 •• 
 II.M. the King of tho'ioliians an.V^; .V '''>■"'','"" "> ' 
 ll'ispital for Chil.lren i r" I 'n L/'l? '''"" '"'"''"» 
 ilren ; .5th e,l., Lon.,, p. Svo 
 ninith, Evaiieeliiip h" t r ... 
 L,m., ISS:) 3vola.!.?.'Jv„^ V A Cr "l V "'"• ^''",''°''' 
 ISSH, p. Svo. '"'^' *^»oi^^ssity, Lon., 
 i» "'"!!:.T-„i;';."Sj' '■*"~' "»'"••■ ■-■. 
 Names of Plaies i'o " " r '■ ^''™,'"'''"'y "f ''roper 
 Hi^t™r'v'of fhi'ni*""""*^ J^- '• Brazen (Jate. : a True 
 Host.', KsTo ISmo''.'''" Lutev^'lT^/'";,"'' ^"'■<"''' 
 H. F„ ts J;^'^o?k!',^S"i2n!o'.- ''"' '^"'^ -' ^' 
 more M!f;.'„S«, "»/'<*»«''". b. 1838. at Balti- 
 (Spain, llollan.l. n„| I, I ™, 
 ;'-:"y \hi t,^:'''7K- ;^::i' '--'p;'r ^? 
 Linus In \ew I)l„ek ,.. ui i. ;„' *' '"'' 2. OM 
 'lulen nml other P,„.„„, ,M,'i|„., ,:,„;; The 'kou„K Ma«. 
 >V^:"' ^r Lniii;,"^!'"'"',,^''''- The .,.ll„o 
 '""' ni,,i,.ali; C ;i wm;'' !• Tt-n.peutieally, 
 /''i-nnteof Lilumn.^,.,. 'it. rT.''' " ""' ""' 
 |M:ri::.:^;:::!.r:'-j,^»'";^»ho,!'Mana,o,„e„t: a 
 Il.viiienoptera „ the (■..leii, mi. ■.•■'''■'''"' "^ 
 s.'k;:^i^„'i^^^^i^!:, "• "-^^. Mi;,,.;;:;, an,. 
 try.'";'':',;-;; i^.;;;: ■" '"» -^""'y "f'Pr,.etioal Cheml,. 
 Mni h, (.corfjc, C.I.K.,' LL.D., K R (j « r « « 
 ^:^o;'';h?^:f:;-5? fr«'^''''-"'' -- 
 A,lr.nni,trati„n, .Seran, „ re m.J 7^' ^"" .' "f^f"'""" 
 '"'"•iMl- of the kov I n ?. • J,^.' '' '"I"- 2. Me- 
 i«ter of th. Free Churc^f\• "f; •^'"■?'°''">- an.l Min- 
 jmt the .oelal „„., oW^Vl^J^ H/Z^;-^::)!!! ^^^'^i^. 
 wn.vi7,'lt'l,!l!!;,.y;;;ii,.^i:^'-j;,;i«n;« i^ «s « household 
 Jnl '11 S-^'l^;;- -:'^^T;^-l-BrU^ 
 E.Ji„.. 1S84. . A , 2a e,l l^ifi "■>'"^-!""^' ""'l ""«•' 
 lian. Carey, 1).D., Shoenn ke .In , M- ^■'"' '''^r'' ^*'"- 
 of .«nnskr t lien™ i ,n v '.^ .^''*""n»i-y. Professor 
 William, c;,lcuU,r"Vr,"'rn" I'ssf .^^''^^^ "^ '^"^ 
 ser^?ell"i;„';!:•!;,:^,|;j,'Ji';';y "vesof I.r Carey, an,l he de- 
 omthe,n,,,,-ilM,r, «My ;,?d '.WM^^^ • ' ■ ^^MnSn 
 wuier, ink. than tlm wli" s iV, ' r.^« "^^^ 
 .>->W,(toi-, Ivlii i.'ios '"'"'"'"""ere.'-tua in missions. "— 
 I interested ii, lndia."J.«/, .Vo Slhi' "^'""'y "'^'^er 
 I.i.b^i.a,an,lP,;rtn";'u;''«!'I.''|.f' ^"""' ^^"' 
 foeN.s, l.on.rrsro" ' ^^^ '^'"""'' ^'=""', "nd other 
 Ch!l""L!'rc'"c^7 Enl""'?"' "• '" ^^™''™' C^- «-) 
 printer in the (ina'if M?:' f r°n''"'"",'^' beeame a 
 throughSirHenry Kawiin,,n% ' "7 ^ '^Sncw, an,l 
 in tlu^reparatio^ ^^M^Jl^Z^^ ^IZ" ^'"^ 
 Insortpfons of M'estern Asia, war^pjinred Tnlsr'S 
 K, i 
 J. I 
<* • 
 uiUtniit t(i Dr. lUroh, keeper uf Oriental Anll'iulUc* nl 
 Iho llrilUh Mun.iiin. In \HT.\, Imvlnx prcvlHUily (lo- 
 ciiiliorocl iin imperfect euneil'oriii imerlptfon I'Dntiilnliijl 
 II Clmiaoiin account of llii! .leluKe, .t.-., he went I" (lourcb 
 lor the mining fniKinciit on the r te of Nintvoh, ftni 
 lucceede.! In lln lin« it. lie uiiulv another ■"'0«"»'''' 
 oxnedllion in ll" lulluwinn yciir, iiii.l it third m l»7S-7n, 
 but died lit Aleppo on hl« way home. 1. The History 
 uf AHinirbiinipal : tnin»latod from t'uneilorm Innurlp- 
 tioni., I.on., 1871, Imp. 8v». 2. The Vhonetlc Viiluea of 
 the ('unciform Chiiractcrs, l,on., 1!<7I, Imp. Svo. .t. 
 Asayriiin DUcovcries ; iin Account of Explorutiona and 
 Discoveries on the .Site of Nineveh during l«73 and 
 1874, liOn., m;>. Sv..; ;id ed. »amo year. 
 " .Mr. Smith lui« told tlu' story of hl» enr >'. cfsiiys In 
 cuneiform interpretuU..... and ol' the VM'"','';,;;',; ?'.'„" 
 undertaker l,y lilui lor the luanimcrs of Uh' Dally 1 lu- 
 gnph'«" Hie trustees of the llrltlsl. Mum .n Mth a 
 mo leslv lone «« well ii« with a power oi dtar and 
 nraWiinrward d. rlptlon such aa weatly ei'l'*";;« 'ho 
 e Imrm whi.-U the mle of 1. s ri;searrCes "'""t I'''-;^^'-,,J' ' 
 every reader ot thounht and la-te. Kr:. nx.xi.x IJil 
 "Of the volume helore us li'.l p»tfes are devolt \ to Mr. 
 Smith's trnvcU to and fro, and to dcla s o his ■HKKlnt^ 
 8 "of his diMiules with the Turks ; while the larger and 
 n ore ImportM It oart, amounting' to alioiit 2H) IV'KeN Is oc- 
 cupied wUh the i^ »nd e.xp..sltlon nl iV ex Is 
 he Imd been in^triimentai in either lin.llnt? or completinij. 
 ~".Mr. Smitii's'book Is one of Kreat Interest for the s/'holar 
 as well an for the Keneral public It is ..mpluUhally 
 A ncord of dlscuverles. and at the same time a mo mmeiil 
 ol patient jKTseverance ami comiuest over dilllcultles. — 
 A. H. .SaYck: .lend , vli. IM. , t> .u # 
 4. The Af\viian Eponyni Canon, from the UeatB or 
 Solomon to Nebuchadnezzar, I.oii., IS75, Svo. 
 " For the (Irst time the KnKll>h reader has a full account 
 get before him of the evidence upon which the (din.iioloK> 
 of the A.ssyrian monarchy rests, and ,d its bcariuK upon 
 the contemporary idironohiwy of the khmdoms oi Israel 
 andJudali. . . . f'or the chrouolo«i^>t and the student of 
 the Hlhle the volume Is more than handy ; It is iiiaisiM.>n- 
 sable."— A. H. S.vvi.e: vicud.,x. »*. 
 b. Assyria troui the Earliest Times to tho Fall of Nin- 
 eveh, Lon., l-<75, l.Smo. «. The Chaldean Account ot 
 Genesis : containing the Description of the Creation, tho 
 Fall of Man, the Delu({e, tho Tower of liabel, Ac, from 
 the Cuneiform Inscriptions. Illust. and Maps. Lon., 
 1875 8vo 
 " The present condition of the lesjcnds and their recent 
 discovery alike forbid me to call this aiiytlilin,' more than 
 a provisional work ; but there was so «enera a desire to 
 to iMdInR KnglUh periodloah. I. Poets and Novellitt: 
 a Series of Literary Studies, Lon., 187.'), |i. 8vo. 
 "The writer has a facile inn and a nenerous sympHlby 
 with literary excellence, his readiiiK is eonsiderable. and 
 his taste euO.ollc. but he strikes us as entirely wanlliiK In 
 orlKlnality ami critical sagacity. "->/"W(i/i)i-, xllx. ia. 
 •i. Shelley; a (Jritical Ilioxra|diy, Ldin., 187,, I'.'ino. 
 "Mr. Smllh's undertakinK as an expositor of .xhclley to 
 the world is not exactly Mi|KTer(pxalory. lor some iisiliil 
 work was to be done on the very llm- on whlcli Iicm hemes 
 to do it; but it comes near to beliiK suiKrtlnouh. — ". .M. 
 ItdsHKTTi: Aciiil., xlii. 48. 
 H. Life of William Ewart (lladsloiio, Lon., I's7il, 2 
 vols 8vo. 4. Sir Hobert I'ecl, (" Knulish political 
 Leaders,"! Lon., 1881, cr. Svo. 5. (Kd.) Illustrated 
 Dritlsh Ballads, Old and New, Lon., 1881, 2 vols. r. 8vo; 
 new ed., 188:1. tl. Life and Speeches id' ,Iohn Ilri^ht, 
 Lon., 1881, 2 vols. Mvo. 7. Hull- Hours with some 
 Kamous AmbasBadors, Lon., I8s;i, p. «vo; new ed., 1885. 
 ,H. Victor Hugo : his Life and Work, Lon., I8S.',, p. Mvo. 
 ». Tho I'rime .Ministers of tjueen Victoria, Lon., 188«, 
 ,Svo. HI. Life of liucen Victoria: .liilillee Kililion, Lon., 
 ISMfi, 8v(ii new ed., 1887. 11. Wiiliiiin I. ami the (ler- 
 man Empire: a IJiographicul ami llistoriciil Sketch, 
 Lon., 1887, 8vo. And see, Oiv, ni/nii. 
 Smith, George CJ. Trii' of the "I'orgiuj" or. 
 Tacking up the Hudson, liy Urloktop. N. York, 1874. 
 Smith, tJforge II. Elements of Right and of the 
 Law : to which is addid a Historical and Critical Essay 
 upon tho Several Theories of Jurisprudence; 2d ed., 
 Cliic, 18S7, 12ino. 
 Smith, (Jcorge Putnam. Tbo Law of Field 
 Sports, N. York, 1886, 1 2mo. 
 Smith, Kev. Geortje S., ininlstor of Cranstoun. 
 The Weil-Ileing of Nations: i'- Essential Element, 
 Edin., 1885, I., xv'i. . ^. ^ , , 
 Smith, Itev. tieorge VniKi-, I'h.D., D.P , [ddf, 
 vol. ii., add.,1 b. ISIH. at I'ortarlington, Ireland; eilu- 
 cated at Manchester New College; I'nitarian minister 
 at York 1858-75; principal of Ciuimirthcn Presby- 
 terian College, Wales, since 1870. 1. The lilble and 
 Popular Theology : a ItcStatcment of Truths and Prin- 
 a i)rovisionai woik ; out lucivj "**--- -7' ^^"v ., V .7i..., 
 sec tlie tran.shitions tiiat 1 have publislie.l them, hoping 
 my readers will take them with tlie same reserve with 
 wliieli I have given them."— /'ido'dc'/ioji. 
 •• .Mr. Smith's Kuhemerism will doubtless shock schol- 
 ars trained in the methods of nKjdern historical and phllo- 
 loL'ical emiuiry; . . . where Mr. Smith sees actual person- 
 BKcs of liisiorv. iither Assyrloloitisls see only solar heroes 
 or the iiersonilicatlons uf natural phenomena. —A. li. 
 '^^ 111" one volMiiio of very moderate dimensions .Mr. 
 Smith tells us all that AssyriologisLs (and hinisoll pre-emi- 
 nently at the head of such researches] have nmde out up 
 to this time on the interestlni! subjects ol the lelUKC, hi. 
 Creation and Fall of Man. tlie (po-ible) buildiiiii of tl le 
 Tower of Uabel, and the identillcatioii by him ul the U b- 
 liciil Nimrod as a personage he tprovisioiially) calLs izuu- 
 bar."— t(/i., No. 'iMi. . , , „ . , 
 A New Edition, Thoroughly Revi.sed and Correctca 
 (with Additions) by A. H. Sayoe, Lon., 1881. 
 "The mosaic work involved in edltingabook likef.corgo 
 Smith's has been performed with a miicii greater degree 
 of success than might have been expected. . . . Ihe trans- 
 lations have been brought up to what the accompUsbed 
 editor regards as our present knowledge ol Assyrian. — 
 T. K. CiiKVNi;: .4c(i(/., xlx. It'd. 
 7. History of Babylonia. Edited Ijy A. H. .Sayce. 
 Lon., 1877, 12mo. 8. History of Sennacherib, from 
 Cuneiform Inscriptions. Edited by A. H. Sayoe. Lon., 
 1878, imp. Svo. , ,, ,„ 
 Smith, Capt. George. Uses and Abuses of Dree- 
 masonry, N.York, 1875, l2ino. 
 Smith, George, of Coalville, Eng. 1. The Cry 
 of the Children from the Uriokyari;;! of England, Lon., 
 1871, p. Svo. 2. Gipsy Life : an Account of our Gipsies 
 and their Children, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 3. Canal Adven- 
 tures by Moonlight, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 4. 1 vo been 
 a-Gip»yingi or. Rambles among our Gipsies, Ac. Illust. 
 Lull., I8s:i, cr. Svo. , ,„., 
 Smith, George Barnett, F.K.G.S., b. 1841, nt 
 Ovenden, near Halifax, Yorkshire, and educated at the 
 British Lancastcrian School, Halifax ; went to London 
 in 1864, and became a journalist on the stuff of the 
 Globe, and was afterwards connected with the Echo. 
 He has contributed to tho Encyclopu-Hlia Britannica and 
 iples, with Special Rcleicnce to Recent Works of Dr. 
 Liddon, Lord Hathcrley, W. E. Gladstone, and others, 
 Lon., 1.871, Svo; ;id ed., 1872. 2. The .Spirit and the 
 Word of Christ, and their Permanent Lessons, Lon., 
 1874 • 2d ed., 1875, p. Svo. 3. The Prophets and their 
 Interpreters, Lon., 1878. 4. Texts and Margins of the 
 Revised New Testament, Lon, 1881. 
 Smith, Uev. George Williamson, D.D., b. 
 18;)6, at Catskiil, N.Y. ; graduated at Hobarl t'ollcge 18.1, ; 
 ordained I860; president of Trinity College, Hartford, 
 Conn since 188:i. Memoir of Rev. John II. Van Ingcii, 
 Rochester, N.Y. , 1878. 
 Smith, Gerard W. Painting: Spanish and French. 
 Illust. Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 
 Smith, Kev. Gervase. The Rev. J. Rallenbury : 
 Menioiiai Sketch, and Memoriui Scnr.on by Rev. W. M. 
 Punsiion, Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 
 Smith, Gilbert J. 0.-tricli-Fp;ining at tho Cape 
 of Good Hope, Ciijie Town, 1878, 12i..o. 
 Smith, GolUwin, M.A., i.L.U., \i<Me, vol. 11.. 
 add.,1 removed to Canada in ls71,nnd became a mem- 
 ber of the senate of Toronto liiiversity. Ho 1 'is editor 
 of the Canadian Monthly 1872-74, and i-r . "vnei 
 and editor of tho Bystander. He has contributed largel,^ 
 to the English reviews. 1. The Supiiression of Doiiiit 
 is not Faith : a Letter to the Lord Bishop of Oxford "ii 
 his Two Sermons entitled "The Revelation of God tlic 
 Probation of Man." By a Layman. Oxf., 1861, 8vu. 
 Anon. 2. A Short History of England down to the 
 Reformation, Lon., I86II. 3. The Relations betwcc,, 
 England and America: a Reply to the Late Speech 't 
 Mr. Sumner, Lon., 1869, 16mo. 4. The Political D>s- 
 Mr. ouiliuer, uun., loww, luujv. .. - — • - 
 tiny of Canada, Lon., 1879, p. Svo. 5. Cowper, (' Lng- 
 lish Men cd' Letters,") Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 
 "The inadeiiniicv of the present memoir is the more cm 
 phatic from the com|iaratlve excellence of Mr. lieiiham ~ 
 prefatory memoir to the Globe ICditioii of Cowm-rs 1 oein-. 
 Mr. Uoldwiu smitli mentions, as he could hardly "i 
 to do, his ackiiowledgmenbi to this previous; memoir, mu 
 he has not found a word of praise fur his predecessor. " e 
 cannot wonder at his reticence in recommending -^H- 
 licnham's essay, for. havli.g , r.refullv .•'.•vir.i-^[''d ^■'^l 
 througlumt, we find not one page in the later biogruii> 
 which is an improvement on the earlier; and inilcci , i" 
 all who POS.SCSS the Globe Edition (d' Cowper. this new l."e 
 by Mr. Goldwiii Smith Is a mere encumbrance."- Sni. A' ' . 
 "'in his little book on Cowper, Mr. Goldwln Smith i- 
 both too brief and too apologetic. ... It seems to us tlmt 
 (IctlT. l(,ii lllllf UN II I 
 VlIlT WrIllT, to.) Iltti 
 lij.i iiiiiiMi lis n p»Hr-Si„,l.ii„r. lill, ,-„i| 
 I). I.ootiiri'i itMil K.ii«>'«, TciMiit,, Is-,, 
 CunUurl of l;ng|„„,| („ rroliin.l. I,,,,,., '| 
 V iM II luuii, iin^ 
 KitUe (I 
 l«tlo, \. 
 irk, 1sm:i : 
 7. ThB 
 Sinllh, lli-iirv Arlh 
 Ai'iil .Miiiiiit 
 ii'iiiri', I... II.. i^:;! 
 lir. rheiiilitry „( Suliihurla 
 NrnJlh, Henry Arthur 
 nrw oil., I 
 liilmiii (ir fcini-Socinl. 
 Iht' I 
 iif K 
 f| f-li.ll., b. \Ki-*; 
 onlloil to,. .Mi.Mlu To„.,,|„ IH7S.' I. T,,,Vr 
 lily. I..I1.. i,ss'>. •'. 'rh„ M„,..i..i ti- ...,'' 
 iM'.ncnt no Homclv ; 
 IZiiio. 10. A Trip t.i i:ii«l„",„|, I 
 I'M A.Mri'i.», I.. 
 IT. Mvil. II. 
 I HSIl, 
 orty Act, ixs^.. I., 
 Nmilh, .>Ir». lie 
 I ■"<.■). 
 I'ho .Vlnrriwl U'.)iiieir» I', 
 "1. aii.l \. Vurk, |N»N, 
 Smith, «JuMavu. UooUson.b, IS22, a „on.>rnl 
 in the I un(oilumti) .iriny. I. x,,..,, ,,n I Ifn r„..* 
 I'..r( I., Theoretical; I'art H T 'A'tlil , lih aT" 
 er:rn:.i;'.v-:!",..^;r" """"'«'"'"'" °'"''' "'■ *""■ 
 Sniith, U|.v. li. Prrcy. (K.i., ,j|,„,„rv«f Term, 
 anil I'lini.e^ l.„n.. |ss;i, „„.,i, ,sv„ ■ ,,1 ,„i VJ! '■'"'"" 
 Nmith, II. I'«rry,an,l Hnllnci- F ll \t i 
 Niiiith, II. H. Ton .«hort Sermons, preaehed nt 
 (.runge.over-S,.n,l«, L.,„., |S7S, I2.n... 1™""'"^ "' 
 Mlin h, llHiiiiltoii, Jr. Hyilraulio,: <l.., y)r,. f 
 Water ,hn,n«h ()ri.k.e,-. over Weir., i.nil , .../b ,>•!. 
 Con.luita uii.l I'lpea. |||u,,, .\. v„r|, |^ ■^\'* ^ 
 Smith, Mrs. Ilaiiiiiih, (Uhita;,) Vjf, of 
 U..b.. I I'earsull Smith. I. IIoii„e., an g t S . / „ X 
 foripture.-, 21mo. 2. l!e,,.onl „r a Han ■ I 
 iiiorial!! of Franklin Whilall Smith, fiv i.' 
 I'lHla., IMr.i, 12„,„. :,. The ci,ri,ti„n'J .sV 
 II Smith: hi.i I,i|' 
 iiry lloyiitiin. 
 ii'l W.irk.X. Vork, IMSii. s 
 (Kil.l Henry 
 Nmilh, lli-nry KoroyU, |,„„,, vol. ii., „,M , i 
 I Heliiiiie» ol ih.. AnnloSiixun 'hiirch... .,1 i, Ii • i .' 
 »"il St. llihIehorKa. W.M Ki, klycv'i 1 ^im ''''■' 
 of u.., . I II ,, "" "'v> ''"1 "Hire: with noma 
 of Iheir Seniil,. in, .Monuiiuntn. IHu,,. l,, 
 1,11 ■ /■.""■ '•i""f>"IConi»liorouKh Cattle ■ with 
 I liiii|ij«» <if Ivanhoe-Lanil. III,.,,. W,,rk u , ih 7 
 , Ito. I.iii (.Miiie, only. "°"l ■ '""'> 
 Smith, llev. lieiiry Wnllin, D.d., ,„ini,nr of 
 !K>rkn..«,..,„ „n,l Kii-t CuLKt; o„„'„r ,i,' 1.,",";,^ 
 m.toral ieoo«y appoin.e,! l.y thencneral A. I W ? 
 ' re,. hi::''."^>'""""'!- ' • ■'■'"■ ' '"'"^ »« IVeacl f , r, 
 live, I?.!,'. """'«" """"nut...,, an Am,.rionn »ho 
 he 'o. f '■ ii;^: "'v'","^"/ "'"-'. ""• Auiiuon,, ami 
 I'.ey lull t. iVcM It, rl. 1 1 ,', l«'"'i'ii-'li''l a I'lriii, that 
 Hiippy I,ife, IS77, ||,|„;,_ i-ti^g Veil .•',;| I. , . 
 £:,tn:,'r.".rsv,;;'"''"'"^ '"■"" »f ^""o «"j- 
 Smith, Miss IlHrris. (Tran^) Te.xt-ISook of 
 eneral Uolany, by Wilholm Jul,,,. n,.|,renr Fiom 
 the seeoii, Herman K.lition. Uevi.cJ by 1'. tied le 
 Illiist. I'Miii., I«H:"), p. Kvo « ■ utmieii. 
 Smith, llev. Iln^kutt, .M.A., grmluateilnt Christ's 
 ollege, Cimbriilge, IS71I; or.|,iin?,l IS70; rect" of 
 l!raum.e,vell ,r Anwiok, I.iiK.„l„,|,ire, ,inoo \sh. 1 
 I °. ;,: ''f'-'''!:r-^- '" ;!'-i,''-«re.sive Scene, Lon 
 Ml'... .; ^'" '''"■''' '■•"y".- a .Scries of Shor 
 Meihtative AililrcHsej, l.on.. |ss:-i, lOiiio ' .-iiort 
 Smith, Helen Ainvlic-,i"»azelSheiMinr'„<iP,i,i 1 
 I. Animal,, Wil.i ,i,„lTame. lllut^t. \7c r'n'sB t,'? 
 2^ mrJsanil J-i.hes: Natural Hi^t'iry Stu e^ i'n'uC;; 
 o bttsy Heading. Illi,..,. .v. Vork, lvH6, 4to. ;). , |„ 
 Hundred Famous American,-. Ill„.,t. X v.'rk imJi 
 to 4Hi,lory of Japan in Words orOn'e.^^vllablo. II! 
 America. Ilhi.t. X. Vork, I>S,SS, s„. Svo 
 Smith, Helen Butler. A jlodem Ja.iob iw 
 lle.-ter.stuurt, [p.seu.l.] Host., 1S.H8, l-|„o ^ 
 w,o:::;."'N^\*„^'if,^72. "■"'' "" ^^^"^ ">"'"' ^--- 
 Smith, Rev. Hely Ilntchinsoii AuBiistus. 
 M.A., gradmite,! at Worcester College, oXd > ' "' 
 ur.lained Is.',:'; rector of Tanslcv IsilT .<ii „„ 1 ' ■ ' 
 7.1, ^ l^" '^''«-'" '"■"">■' ''«"•• '^■l.P. .SVC 2 
 v'f i'b"ed' '1M4 ^"f V'^'T '■"'?'"• '-"^ '^^^■•' P 
 >o, lao eu., 1.^:^4. 3. im-Sr ii,.< T,,,,, <q-% 
 'li.;;yo. 4. Is the Book Wrong? I.oi, 1877 or »[-,' 
 Ihe Frescoed Chamber; or. The Ne w Te t^n^nt I 
 ■ .si^talf!rU' '^"■""''r *'•''•• '"'» Pliyiieian to the 
 and-liook liir IMiystcmns, 1-hila.. Is78, IL'mo; ne,. ed.. 
 er.svo '^""'"''^"' tneatholic, l.on., I,s79-S(;, 3 parts: 
 Smith, Henley Grose, and Kirbv. Willinm 
 N "v *H 1^; H 'opaloura l.:xotica : being Ill'u'straio"? 
 ]■■ I; i V'rt"' ^"''8"7ji-S|'^"'«« "f ButterHics. Illust. 
 i irts l.-\ir. Lon., 188r-iiii, 4to 
 -tniih, Henry, F.R.i ..-,„ [„„„, vol. ii.. add.] Sir 
 "•^ illiam tergu^son : a liio^-raphical Sketch, Lon,; 187r' 
 >-nr'*a'''cVi^!'^^ ^'^^ ^'r"^" ""J ''i^ ■^""^"n- 
 ■^tl"!:;,Ci,^,'"i;::;;^r= «.<>. a Translation of the 
 I LSS-) o I,,...' "■■'■'":' »'.""*•■ I'^is, i-mo; new ed. 
 lm'n7.L"o-„.,''l'-"/7."'";,':r' '" ''"'""'"«^- ""^ •^-»t 
 ■ le,!!"!'^"*,' "•"■",•■•"♦ ''• '''■i«: graduate! at Trinity Col. 
 Tnmi e isn'. '''"■ '""• ?',"'"' •" ""' ''" »' tho Inner 
 femjile I Ml.' : reorder of Lincoln since 1 S8 1 . The La" 
 ol .Negligence, Lon., 1880, 8vo- 2,1 cd 18S4 w ,k 
 makci ver r :, ,'la Ik ' ^'""V' '"'« '"'"Ut the v„I,„nc tlla 
 I'llues are pror, ! ." ;,Vatc, r .'ali'V r''", *!;'"' "'.''''' "'^ 
 ■If tlioii, e..!troiii,.|.v s|,lri,!.',t.''-.s [ ■" vxxvi' ns' """■>' 
 |.>- State .^oci,fli;,i,, Oxt.l, is-.s^"' ''°"'"""'° ^-^l'^^'' 
 IWr and Liberty by ^tT'l^^f x!']^;^,^^^^^- 
 f.l V • , V I'""'-' ^''« ^'»I't"in> Doi: a Story 
 l>?'ri'mo.'' '■"' ^'''"" ■'"'■^i"»"y Sketches, Bost,, 
 .Smith, Rev. Isaac Grei;ory, M A LT T) 1, 
 de.sel saviour: with Introduction and Notes, Lon 
 S64 I imo .1 huth and Philosophy : Essays on some 
 of the icjdencies of the Day, Lon., 1867, 8vi. 4 To 
 -liver Bell.,: „n Allegory. Illust. O.xf, s ,iJ' 
 1 f """ViL*™A'"8'''rv1"^ "•"" Short Poem;, LoT; 
 NLnllil'v <;■„ ^";"'- /• n.e Characteristics of Chistian 
 r™'"?' (I5«»'P ">' Lectures,) O.xf.. 187.S, 8vn; n..w ed 
 I". .. lti...,glil, ..u Education, Uxf.. 1880 8vo s' 
 Prayers for hvcry Hour; 2,1 cd. Ox f. 882^9. ' The 
 Ethics of Aristotle, Lon., 1880, 8vo ; 2d ed 1887 WiVk 
 ONSLOW, R.v. PH.PP3,^Voroester ("Diocesan ^s 
 tones,", Lon.. 1883, 12mo. i^ioceBan uis- 
 I'lVi'^'?',''**'' tiregocy. Atla; a Story of 
 : the Lost Island, Lon., 1886, p, 'vo. " 
 Smith, Isaac W. The Theory of Deaeotions and 
 of Liititude." and BeiJiirtures ; with Special A|i|iliciition 
 tu Curvilinear Surveys, itc, N. Vorl<, 1NS4, 12nio. 
 Smith, Kev. J. 1. Humorous Scutch Stories; 6th 
 ed., Edin.. 1^71!, 12ino. 2. Hiibbie and Jladf;e: Scot- 
 tish Dialogue;!; 2d ed., 1S72, 12in(]. ;i. .Jennie lilair's 
 Maunderings ; 2(1 ed., 1S72, 12mo. 4. Well.'- o' AVearie, 
 and other Stories, 1,S7!I, l2ino. ,'). Ualbroom Folks: a 
 Novel, Paisley, ISSS, 2 vols. ii. Svo. 
 Smith, J. The Coming Man, Lon., 1873, 2 vols. p. 
 Smith, J. The Teni]ierance Reformation and the 
 Christian Cluircli, liun., 1S7.'); new ed., I''7.S, Svo. 
 Smith, J. Note? on Denial Surgery, for Students of 
 Medicine, Ac, Lon., ]SS7, 12nio. 
 Smith, J. U. Sayings and Doings of Children. 
 Illust. Lon., IS7.S, ISiuo. 
 Smith, J. II. (Trnn?,) Quantitative Estimation of 
 Phosphoric Acid, by M. H. Joulie, I,on., 1S81, cr. Svo. 
 Smith, J. Ilui'knall, C.E. A Treatise upon Cable 
 or lioj.c Traction as ajiplied to the Working of Street 
 and Cither Railways, Lon., 1S87, (to. 
 Smith, .1. C. Christian Work: Recollections of 
 Several Years' l<abour, Ac, Lou., 188,3, cr. 8vo. 
 Smith, J. Chaluiier, Mem. Inst. C.E. British 
 Mezzotinto Portraits : r Descrijjtive Catalogue of these 
 Engravings, from the Introduction of the Art to the 
 Early Part of the Present Century, Lon., 1883, 4 vols, 
 sup. r. Svo. 
 Smith, Rev. J. Frederick. 1. (Trans.) Com- 
 mentary on the Prophets of the Old Testament, Ijy G. 
 H. A. von Ewald, (Theological Translation Fund Li- 
 brary,) Lon., l87o-SI,5 vols. Svo. 2. Studies in Religion 
 under German Masters, Lon., ISSO, p. Svo. ,3. (Trans,), 
 Commentary on the Book of Job, by the Late Dr. G. II. 
 A. von Ewald, Lon., 1SS2, Svo. 4. (Trans.) The History 
 of Israel, by Heinrieh Ewald, vols, vi.-vii., Lon., 1883- 
 85, Svo. 5. (Trans.) The Intluence of the Apostle Paul 
 on the Development of Christianity, by Otto Pfieiderer, 
 D.I)., (Hibbert Lectures, 1885,) Lon., 1885, Svo. 
 Smith, J. Frederick, [(inic, vol. ii., add.,] d. 1S90. 
 1. The Freemason's Daughter: a Novel, Lon., 1879, 3 
 vols. cr. Svo. 2. Minnigrey; a Romance, Lon., 1888, 
 Svo. 3. Stanlield Hall : an Historical Romance. Illust. 
 Lon., 1888, r. Svo. 4. The Will and the Way. Illust. 
 Lon., 1888, r. Svo. 
 Smith, J. Jlenry. Healing Leaves, Lon., 1875, 
 Smith, J. Moyr, [miie, vol. ii.. Smith, J. Mayh, 
 add.] I. The Prince of Argolis: a Story of the Old 
 Greek Fairy Time. Illust. Lou., 1877, 12mo. 2. The 
 Tales of Old Thule, Lon., 1879, sq. IBmo. 3. The Woo- 
 ing of the Water Witch: a Northern Oddity. Illust. 
 Lon., ISSO, sq. ISmo. 4. Album of Decorative Figures, 
 Lon., 1881, fol. 5. Ancient Greek Female Costume. Lon., 1882, sq. Itiuio. (1. The Hades of the Ar- 
 denne: a Visit to the Caves of Han, Ac. Illust. Lon., 
 1883, sq. lOmo. 7. The Wooing of .^thra, Lon., 1885, 
 32mo. 8. Ornamental Interiors, Ancient and Modern. 
 Illust. Lon., 1 887. 
 " Smith, Prof. J. (J.," (Pseud.) See Burt, 
 John 1'., xupm. 
 Smith, J. T. Silvei and the Indian Exchanges 
 discussed in Qnestious am\ Answers, Lon., 1880, Svo. 
 Smith, J. T. Mendicant Wande:ers through the 
 Streets of London. Illust. Lon., 1883, Svo. 
 Smith, J. Y. Mathcran Hill: People, Plants, and 
 Animals, Lon., 1S71, j). jSvo. 
 Smith, Ilev. James, of Cheltenham, [niiu-, vo'. ii., 
 add.] 1. The Believer's Daily Remembrancer, Lon., 
 ISOy, 2 vols. p. Svo; new ed., 1873. 2. Still Waters; 
 or, Kefroshment at Eventide, Lon., 1871, 32mo. 3. 
 Plain Thoughts on the Scaled Book, Lon., 1S72, p. Svo. 
 4. Jesus' Banquet ; or. Monthly Meditations at the 
 Table of the Lord, Lon,, 187S Uimo. 5. Our Father 
 and Comforter; or, (joil the Poi ' m of his People, Lon., 
 issl, 18mo. 0. The Better Land, and Words of Comfort 
 for Zionward Pilgrims, Lon., 1882, ISmo. 7. The Nat- 
 ural Truth of Christianity : Selections from Discourses, 
 Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 Smith, James. 1. GeoL.otry of the Circle and 
 Mnthpm«lic=. !,■■)■.., T-C9, Svo. 2. Curiositic- of Mathe- 
 matics, Lon., 1870, Svo: new ed., 1S72. 
 Smith, Mrs. James. The Booi.. ilk Tribe of 
 South Ausiralian Aborigines, Adelaide, 1 SO. 
 Smith, James «■ i ig, M.A., F.R.S.E., surgeon to 
 the Bristol Royal Intirmary; lecturer on 8ur>:! o' in 
 Bristol Medical School. Abdominal Surgery : being a 
 Systematic Description of All the Principal Operations. 
 Illust. Lon., ISS", Svo; 2d ed., 1888. 
 Smith, James Ilambliii, M.A., of Gonville and 
 Caius College, <.'ambriilge, [mili, vol. ii.. Smith, J. H., 
 third of the name, add.] 1. A Key to Algebra, Lou.. 
 18711, p. Svo. 2. An Introduction to the Study of Geo- 
 metrical Conic Sections, Lun., 18S7. p. Svo. 
 Smith, James Ilicks, b. Is22, in Manchester, 
 Eug. : brother of Kev. Isaac Gregory Smith, gujini ; a 
 barrister. 1. firewood: a Resume, Historical and To)!- 
 ographical, 1807. 2. Reminiscences of Forty Years of 
 an Hereditary High Churchman, 1808. 3. The Parish 
 in History, 1S71. 
 Smith, James M illiam Gilbart, M.A., gradu- 
 ated at Christ Church, O.\ford, ISSO. 1. Jly Lady, and 
 other Poem.?, Satirical, Philosophical, Ac, Lon., 1881, 
 cr. 4to. 2. The Loves of Vandyck : a Tale of Genoa, 
 [verse,] Lon., 1884, cr. Svo. 3. The Log o' the " Norse- 
 man," Lon., 1S84, p. Svo. 4. Serbelloni, [verse,] Lon., 
 1887, 12mo. 
 Smith, Mrs. Jane Green, (Symc,) daughter of 
 William Ireland Syme, who held the post of distributor 
 of stamps for the counties of Dumfries, Wigton, and 
 Ayr, Scotland; wife of Major Michael Edward Smith, 
 Iiifi-ii. 1. Tit for Tat, [a novel,] Lon., 187.0, 3 vols. \\. 
 Svo. 2. It might have been, Lou., 1S76. 3. The Pity 
 of it, Lon., 1SS4, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 4. Love and Liking: 
 a Novel, Lon., ISSO, 3 vols. er. Svo. 
 Smith, Jephsun Ilnband. Notes and Margi- 
 nalia illustrative of the Public Life and Works of Alfred 
 Tennyson, Poet-Laureate, Lon., 1873. p. Svo. 
 " Probably no fjuo who reads this book will fail to be re- 
 minded of that ancient story of the wellnieaning ass, 
 which, in trying to kncjck a fly from his sleeping unistcrs 
 nc),se, smashed that prominent feature with his hoof."— 
 Alh., No. 2300. 
 Smith, Kev. Jeremiah Finch, M.A., F.S.A., 
 graduated at Brasenosc College, O.\ford, 1S37; ordained 
 1839; rector of Aldridge, Staffordshire, 1849-86; preb- 
 endary oi Lichfield since 1884. (Ed.) The Register of 
 Manchestei School. A.D. 1730-1S37: with Biographical 
 Notices of some of the More Distinguished Scholars, 
 (Chetham Soc. Pub.,) Manchester, 1806-74, 3 vols. 4to. 
 Smith, Jerome Van Crowninshield. Ways 
 of Women in their Physical, Moral, and Intellectual 
 Reintions. Illust. Hartford, Conn., 1873, sni. Svo. 
 Smith, Jessie \V, 1. Both Sides, Lon., 1887, 
 12mo. 2. Stciihen Gilmorc's Dream; or. Coals of Fire, 
 Lon., 1SS7, 12mo. 
 Smith, John, {ante, vol. ii., sixty-second of the 
 name there mentioned, add.,) d. 1S8S, ret. 90. Ho re- 
 signed his position as curator of the Royal Botanic Gar- 
 dens at Kew in 1804, owing to failing sight, but even 
 when totally blind continued his botanic investigations 
 with the aid of an amanuensis. 1. Domestic Botany: 
 an Exposition of the Structure and Classification of 
 Plants, and their Uses for Food, Clotbin2, Medicine, and 
 Manufacturing Purposes. Illust. Lon,, 1871, p. Svo. 
 2. ilistoria Filicuui : an Ex])Osition of the Nature. 
 Number, and Organography of Ferns, Lon.. 1S75, p. Svo. 
 3. Bible Plants : their History and Identificalion. Il- 
 lust. Lou,, 1878, 12mo. 4. A Dictionary of Popular 
 Names of the Plants which furnish the Natural and 
 Acquired Wants of Man in All Matter.'! of Domestic and 
 General Fjouomy : their History, Products, and Uses, 
 'jon., 1882, Svo. 
 Smith, John. Sketches in Indian Ink, Calcutta and 
 Lon., 1 88 1. 
 " The deep pathos of Anglo-Indian life, which would be 
 overwhelming if it were not driven oot of the minil bv 
 hard work, here constitutes the main thread of the story, 
 and, indeed, may be detected in almost every page of the 
 book."— -k'd'/,, xix, 310. 
 Smith, Mrs. John A. Letters from Euroiie. By 
 .Aunt Esther, Chic, IS70. 
 Smith, John Ilurker. Pharmaceutical Guide to 
 the First and Second Examinations, Lon., 1870, p. Svo; 
 2d ed., 1874. 
 Smith, John Uroun. The First Fonakigraphic 
 Teacher: a (iuide to the Literary Style of Phonachy- 
 graphy, an Improved Substitute to Long- Hand Script, 
 Aiulierst, Mass., 1876, Svo. 
 Sniitii, Jolin Cum|ibell, sheriil of Dundee. Writ- 
 iu(?s by the Way, Lon. and Edin., 188,^, p. :Svo. (Con- 
 tains biographici'l sketches of Lord Neaves and othc, 
 Scotch judges. Prof. Ferries, Ac, and essays on Carlyle, 
 Newton, " The True and the False in History," Ac) 
 "These sketches . . . deserve the careful utleiition ot 
tiino anil Ritiinl, N. v„rk is-j .r m- ' 
 and New, N. Vo l<, rsVi' •) 'rt ni •^''f';''"""!'--. OM 
 X. York, INS '2„V ^T Tho-V'r''^ "'■ ""^ t'''"^'^'' 
 !!iinitll, John <;iitlirii>' P t: 1 c. 
 '■f S.,-a(hbIane, an.l ,] '|,'i ' r,"^; ■^«"'' The I'ari.h 
 b-n, I,s7(i, l2,„o: „;.'; c'i l"-| ^ ^^ ^'^ '""■^'' ^'•»"l<- 
 »t .he M;.lie:;i ci eg 'so.ah'c^r-i-"' ''"«';''"• -'" i 
 Cliernisti-.v : Original He-ear, 1, i- •^f,'"'-'''"'"gy .ma 
 e.l..on]., with iSog^phTeal ^t^'e :?.'''n''''^' ^^'^ ' »••■>' 
 Smith, John Xelso,;. ,sci 
 1. A Woman o"cuturp '", V''^'.''"'''-■ ''''"'•'-■h "SM. 
 2. History f O.M nrn- r.i'''"''' •> ^■'"•''' ^^^■^' ^vo 
 Boy, l,s,''><. . I '■, i.ino. J. The I'rairio 
 Simitk 11 *'•',' ""- ''leat Urine,- Head Is?". 
 viMun, Lon., 187'' Ifim.,. „ ' ,' {"° "'hlerness Pr... 
 "!■ ■Scripture' .■ Foi; h " oU o7 ?^ ,''-• -'• ^he Bride, 
 S™. 4. The Prnnl,„f f , ' '" ""'"'"' ■-«"•. ISS;< „ 
 Of Christ^tn. t^;' 't7' r\''""'"^" ^ ^'-"- i 
 {■•till Waters, Lon., ISSrfn Sv,', :4l'r'" n""""'' '""' 
 Smith, Knlhleeiilliniv i n,,i i . 
 Ip.^vo. Ano,' e rt rrn\"''J'''^'"- Lon.,' I,. J 
 ^•f" ^""^'' ""-^"-sp'tf'"'''"-'"^--^^ 
 ;S.'!"t!n^^'5^;„„f^-),The Man„,ao,ure of 
 tor-General of Mine-- wiVl ,. / ' ■ -• "'"' Jnspcc- 
 '"w Proec-- in th, r- i' '^I'l'"""" ""'l"-' Besse- 
 Illust. r,n.."sr '.,'„"'"-"' ^""^•■^' ''•'■ "'« Translator. 
 >sMr"*5,: t^;!';?;*' ':•■'"•*'>". f""'". vol. ii., add..] d 
 Smith i.,' ;;:«"«■"/■ '■"';''^' '■''^'•' '«^2^^- 
 Atlas of th, tnU,d '^rf,;. "'.■""j'"''," ",■"' Chronological 
 Smith «i ,''"'' ""sh.. I.s,s f„|. 
 ^l^ t.^ ;"rV'"'!'"'"'' ''• l^^S, in Boston, 
 ;She „..isted he " ,^ " "'?, '^: '-'^ ""'l '"ed IS,i,,. 
 teliKence,) or Si.n dV K e,u ^'ou ,"' ^f ^■.'^"- i ''- 
 ofL.leandOriginof .-^peeie. ,,| V • ' " ""^ '"^Pi'-it .'She a^.M^tedT;; i',',l":" ■''''?. "•''-'^ ""'l 'lied is,i,,. 
 Constancy of K,.,|,.s,,,,L-'"V,:'"'.'.,^'','.',''.'.'''!"'^«"ftho ! ..„„o years a er h ^ V"' ^""■■"y »"'•''. and fo 
 , , . .> ..«ltor h,., ,lea,h was en.ployed in collating 
 Walter liye'f Xooik "»„;''" ^ 'l"'«'' '" Norwich for 
 "'-orboduj'" for Voll -i,,,^," I'l";'/'"" Mi^'ccllany, and 
 ™.u.I,cnkn,ale, Heilbrlnn ^^"""^ ff-f '-'""; I'ite- 
 ; "111 Ordinance.-- of more .], ,„ A '•'.''''■' ihc Origi- 
 ' Introduction and GiL- X b* ,i r' '"'", ^'"'"'' ""^ '"> 
 liminarv l•;,-^av in I'iv P . ' ^^''''fe'hter, and a Pre- 
 ' velopn,ent of" Gi"). "b*-, V ^ f 7; "'"•' ^"^'"^i' ">"' Ce- 
 ;Te-Vt Soc.) Un. ,'n,,i.i'"J%,^^^^'"'""". (EfHy Eng. 
 I ''-'hed separately I "> ' , i"/ , ..V"' ,^.-say was also pub- 
 ; Kalcndar lly j;, L,7 if "l .'" '^'""''' »'' Bfi'itoweis 
 Centuries : now firsr r in, ',.- l'"'"' '""' '•'""■""' 
 in the Library of o V \ K ""•' Unique Manuscript 
 tion and Gl,;.-. y n f " wJ'"'""" '' "■'''' "" Introduc- 
 Knglish (irammarami I'an.;,'' '"?• t' ^ ^^'""""1 "f 
 '««fi, l-'n,o. 5. (Ed The b'IP f'^yr Self-Help, I,o„., 
 , I,.. ,';.."'. ''"''e<'f Bronie: a Common- 
 Theological' .S' ry V i'' '■''• '■*"' "'"' ''" '"^''•''" 
 •i"nnl Church l" i« Vre 1' '"'"■''' '" "'^' '-"nsrega- 
 li"ard of o'nerr ?Fo-'"\';-' "'""■■ '^""'"^■'"' 
 '• Lectures in CI rcT H I, '''*''l "^ '■■'■■^'""■' 'inee |ss|. 
 Tine from the Begi, nin ';■',]'''?.' "'" "'^""-y "f ^uc 
 Oberlin, l.ssi •> p, ,*i"' ""I Chnst Era till 1i!m, 
 Smih, Julia if "'™ «n Modern History, ISSl. ' 
 SpfiSl.-'^/.lif '»;-p",r '"ey tnade a Man of him. 
 Smith, Mrs. Julie P.Td 188, ,t. „ • ! "W-'iVe^^cln^^sXt' Isre Jo ''• "^'''•'•>' ^"'''^^ '■ 
 "■-•^n^tii^f y • 1^^' S^-^'^ '-rt ; ^^^' '-• -"• ' "'' """• ^- ^^''-'-^'"-- 
 friends. N. York I'^V .A.. '"' J^".'.?.'. ^^ Ki's ""J be 
 themi.sipart, .H,in,kT„>iv„ 1'^' "" "'' '^^"Hi'ction.s arc for 
 of linunc' Will i,/t !l " , V ""T^ ^e • The Boke 
 es I.ettres, Conseiller ' Ami,, .'' f' ''• •/'"'^«''"nd, Docteur 
 S>o. riM,eautho .crvie':,;'''; " "^'- Lon., 1888, 
 "bout a third of new m,uter ) '""*'""""' "-"l "cbled 
 fieM"","'.' t^*'"- I";«lln,;Dowd,^ h. 1847 .,t Shef 
 i^. . ""o " •»«. 1.1. xurK, 
 I'.'M.ght r, N Yo;k 88i «• m " ''''^ ""'''■-"■i'b's 
 -N'- Vork, 188,3, 12ai.'^"' '"''"" ""^^ " '"^'"vol, 
 Lon'"!,''';,-": 8,^:" ^'"^"''^' "■•' M"t«tio„, new ed., 
 Smith, M, df Vnro r ,• 
 Smith. .UiHB ,M M .;.' ".".'• 
 1i ,.'. 
 Smith, .>liss'i>i. iil 
 Kick him Down-HIll; or. 
 : 1 
 1- ■ 
 Up." an J Downs in Business : a Story of Millions, N, 
 Yoric, l87o, Svii. 
 Smith, M. W. Studies in English Literature: Se- 
 loctiuns from Cliiiucor, Spenser, Shnke^pciue, liiicon. ami 
 Milton, and a History (jf Knglish Literature to tile 
 Death of Dryden in I Till), Cin., I8S2, Svo. 
 Smith, IMaignrct K. (Trans.) Industrial In- 
 struction a I'ediigii'ric and Social Necessity : with a 
 Critifjue upon Oiyections advanced by Kolmrt Seidel, 
 Bust., 1SS7, I'.'mo. 
 Smith, Marianne. 1. Twice Found; or, The 
 Heavenly and liarthly Father, I. 'jr.., !'>72, Klmo ; new 
 eds., iss'4, \Sx:>. 2. Charlie and Lucy; or, The Lonely 
 Heart made (Had, Lnn., 1S7,3, 
 Smith, .Mrs. Mary I-. U, Among the Sti'rs; or, 
 Minnie Weston's Astronomy Claf?', I'hila., 1 S76, Ih'no. 
 Smith, Mrs. .Mary Louise, (Itiley,) b. 18)2, at 
 Brighton, X.Y. ; educated at liiockport (N.Y.) Collegiate 
 Institute; married, 1S0'.>, to Albert Smith, of Spring- 
 field, 111. I. A Gift of (lentians, and other Verses, X. 
 York, l^^Si, sq. >v(i. 2. The Inn of Rest : Later I'oems, 
 N. York, isss, 12mo. 
 Smith, Mrs. Mary Prndence Wells, b. 1810, 
 at Attica, N.Y. ; educated at Hartford Female Seminary ; 
 married, 187-1, to Judge Fayette Smith, of Cincinnati. 
 1. iTcdly (io'icl Times; or, Child-Life on a Farm. By P. 
 Thome, [pseud.] 'lost., 18"o, sq. lOmo; new ed., 1877. 
 2. Jolly Good Tiun",: at School : also Sumo Times not 
 quite sn Jolly, Bust., 1S77, 16mo. 3. The Browns, Bost., 
 1884, 16mo. 4. Miss Ellis's Mission, Bost., 188C, 
 Smith, Mary Rebecca Darby. Recollections 
 of Two Distinguished Persons: La Marquise de BoisSy 
 and the Count .le Waldeck. Illust. Phila., 1878, 12mo. 
 Smith, Mr.s. .Mary Stuart. 1. Heirs of the 
 Kingdom. Edited by A.G. ILiygood. Nash-, il.e, Tenn., 
 1874. l8ino ; 3d ed., 18711. 2. (Trans.) At a High Price; 
 from the German of Ernst Werner, [pseud.,] Bost., 1879, 
 12mo. 3. (Trans.) Herman, by Ernst Werner, [pseuJ.,] 
 N. York, 1833, 4to. 4. (Trans.) A Hero of the Pen, by 
 E. Werner. N. York, lss3, 4ti). 5. V'rginia Cookery- 
 Book, N. York, 1884, 4to. (i. (Trans.) Saint Michael, 
 from the German of E. Werner, N. York, 188S, 2 parts, 
 Smith, Kev. Matthew Hale, 1810-1879. 1. 
 Bulls and Bears of New York: with the Crisis of 1873 
 and its Cause : a History of Wall Street during the Past 
 Twenty Years, incluiling Biogra]>hical Sketches of Lead- 
 ing Speculators. Illust. Hartford, Conn., 187t, Svo. 
 2. Marvels of Prayer illustrated by Fulton-Street Prayer- 
 Meeting; with Leaves from the Tree of Life. By Bur- 
 leigh. N. York, 1877, cr, 8vo. 
 Smith, Mrs. .May Riley. 1, A Gift of Gentians, 
 and other Verses, N. York, ISS2, 4to. 2. The Inn of 
 Best, X. York, 1838, Ito. 
 Smith, Major Michael Edward. Stanley's 
 Wife: a Novel. I, on,, 1879, 2 vols. p. .^vo. 
 Smith, Minna Caroline. The Boys of Cary 
 Farm, Bost.. 1887, 12mo. 
 Smith, .Viel. Communion in a Season of Afflictio.i, 
 Lon.. l^'72, or. 8vo. 
 Smith, Rev. Philip, [iiiiin, vol. ii., add.,] d. 18S5. 
 1. Student's Ancient History of the Hast, to the Con- 
 quest by Alexander the Great. Edited bv William 
 Smith. Illust. Lon., 1871, 12mo. 2. Smaller Ancient 
 History of the East, to the Conquest by Ale.vander the 
 (Jreat.' Illust. Lon., 1871, Ifimci, ". The Christian 
 Church iluring the First Ten Ceutuius. Illust. Lon., 
 1875, p. 8vo. 4. (Trans.) The History of Egvpt under 
 the Pharac hs, by 11. Brugsch Bey ; 2d ed., Lon., 1881, 2 
 vols, 8vo. 
 Smith, Philip H. 1. Acadia: a Lost Chapter in 
 American History. Illust. N. York, 1881, 8vo. 2. 
 Curiosities in American History: The Green Mountain 
 Boys ; or, Vermont and the New Y'ork Land-Jobbers, 
 Pawling, N.'i',, 188,i, Ifimo. 3. Legends of the Shawan- 
 7unk and its Environs. IPust. Pawling, I8S7. 
 Smith, Philip Henry Pye-, M.D., F.R.C.P., 
 physician to (iuy's Hospital. Syllabus of a Course of 
 Lectures on Physiology, Lon., 1885, cr. 8vo. 
 Smith, Philip Vernon, M.A., b. 1845; graduated 
 at King's Coiicge, Cambridge, iMifi, and elected Fellow; 
 called to the bar at the Inner Temple 1809. History of 
 the English Institutions, Lon., 1873, 12nio. 
 Smith, Priestley, M.R.C.S., ophthalmic surgeon to 
 the (Queen's Hospital, Birmingham. 1. Glaucoma: its 
 Causes, Symptoms, Pathology, and Treatment. Illust. 
 Lon., 1879, 8vo. 2. Short-Sight in Rehitim to Educa- 
 tion ; an Address, Lon., 1881, 8vo. 3. Introductory 
 Address at the Hospital for Women, Lon,, 1884. 
 Smith, R. Impressions on Revisiting the Churches 
 of B'jigium, Ac, Lon., 187,5, 12nio. 
 Siiiith, R. How to Grow Peaches, Nectarines, and 
 Pears on (.)pen Walls, Lon., 1880, 12mo. 
 Smith, R. Howie. (Ed.) Poetical 'Works of Sir 
 Alexander lioswell : with Memoir, Lon., 1871, 12mo. 
 Smith, R. M. (Trans.) Experimental Pharmacol- 
 ogy, by L. Hermann : with Notes and Additions, Phila., 
 1883, ■l2mo. 
 I Smith, Reginald Rosworth, M.A,, b. 1839, at 
 Stafford rectory, Dorchester, Eng. ; educated at Marl- 
 borough College, and at Corpus Chri.-ti College, Oxford, 
 where he grailuated 1862; Fellow of Trinity College 
 1803-66; assistant master at Harrow School Ho has 
 written letters to the Times on Eastern subjects, and 
 contributed articles to the Nineteenth Century. 1. M^i- 
 hammed and Mohainineilanism : Lectures, Lon., 1^74, 
 p. Svo; 2d ed., 1876. 2. Carthage and the Cartha- 
 ginians, Lon.. 1><78, ]). Svo; 2d eil., 1879. 
 "The Ktiniinc historical student, even thoUKh he may 
 have to traverse gi'oiind witli much of which he has been 
 lci:it; linniliar, will be stirred bv the enlbusiasin of the 
 aiitiior, and will acknowledge tliat he has sained from 
 tliese i»agi'S a more lively, more truthful, and mure impar- 
 tial view of the whole subject than he could have liopcd 
 liiinsnlf to attain without bestowing upon it months of 
 toil."— ,Si(. Kir., xlv. 8-J7, 
 3. Rome and Carthage: the Punic Wars, ("Epochs 
 of History,") Lon., ISSl, l(<uio. 4. Life of Lord Law- 
 rence, Lon., 18SH, 2 vols. Svo; 5th ed. .«ame year. (The 
 sixth edition, published in 1SS5, contains an ap))endix, 
 supporting the charges against Major Hodson, of Hod- 
 son's Horse, which were publi.shed in the work, against 
 an niteinpted vindication in the third edition of Hod- 
 son's life, by his brotlier.) 
 "We shall be much surprised . . . if these volumes do 
 not take a ';igh rank amongst those biographies which 
 tell us exactly what we want to know abcui' men who have 
 risen to greatness without crime or guilt, and by native 
 vigour rather than by scientiMc discoveries, scholarly ac- 
 quirements, or far-ranging intellectual powers, "—.S(i(. Rev.. 
 Iv. •J4,'j. 
 " It is as the reader advances from page to page, and 
 from chapter to ehajiler, that he gradually learns to pic- 
 ture to himself the lineanK iits of that rugged and iiower- 
 fill exterior, with its strong and nevcr-hiiliug inward 
 common sense, its grim niid somewhat pondemus humour, 
 combined with an astonishing physical capacity for work 
 and an ardentlove of justice and the public weiil."— .4(/i., 
 No. '.'SSy. 
 Smith, Reginald John, LL.B., b. 1857; gradu- 
 ated at King's College, Cambridge, 1880 ; called to the 
 bar at the Inner Temple 1883. The Yorkshire Regis- 
 tries Acts, 1884 and 1885: with Rules, Notes, Ac; new 
 ed., rev., Lon., 1885. Svo. 
 Smith, Richard, b. 1843, in Manchester; gradu- 
 ated at Balliol College, Oxford, 1871 ; called to the bar 
 at the Middle Temple IS81. The Society of Jesus,, from 
 the Foundation of the Order to its Suppression in 1773, 
 (Arnold Prize Ussay,) Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 Smith, Richard Morris, cjf Philadelphia. I. 
 The Burlington Smiths. 2. An Outline of the Future 
 Religion of the World. By T. Lloyd Stanley, [pseud.] 
 N. Ycjrk. 1884, Svo. 
 Smith, Richard Somers, 1789-1884, b. in Phila- 
 delphia; r.S. consul at Gothenburg, Sweden, 1810-12 ; 
 received the order of Wasn, in recognition of his servicc> 
 to Swedish subjects in America, 1880. Reminiscence- 
 of Seven Years of Early Life, Wilmington, Del., 1884, 
 16mo. Posth. Printeil for |]rivate circulation. 
 Smith, Rev. Richard Travers, D.D., M.R.I. A., 
 [iiiite, vol. ii., add.,] graduated at Trinity College, Dub 
 lin, 1852; ordained Isj.'i; vicar of St. Bartholoineu, 
 Dublin, since 1871; canon of Si. Patrick's sinie l>7-. 
 1. Church Membership on Principles, Dublin, 
 1869, p. 8vo. 2. We ought not to alter the Ordinal, 
 1872. 3. Religion and Morality, Lon., 1876, n. 8vu 
 4. St. Basil the Great, ("Tiio Fathers for Engli-li 
 Headers,") Lcm., 1879, lOnio. 5. The Church in Roniiiii 
 Gaul, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 " The account of the religion which the Roman conquer 
 r.fs found in ''-an] i= "xcc-llpnt , . . 'i'hr t*st i.Rrlr,f il;- 
 book Is that which treats of the worship of the Clirlstiaii 
 Church intjttul."— .Iciii/,, xxiv, 41 J. 
 6. Man's Knowledge of Man and of God, Edin., I8si;, 
 p. Svo. 
 " Briefly put, his suliject Is the analogy that exists be- 
 tween (}ur linowledge of man and our knowleilge of God 
Nectarines, and 
 )J, Edin., 1>-^ 
 uient .,!■ tlie wlicle snt'jt, '•_'?/ '''''''.';-'l''''''"' *""«• 
 •SinUJi, Kicliinond Mav ' ' ^^r^?' "' , 
 economy ,„„! ..qWhI scien.e in .'■ '"',""" ""^ I'"''*!""' 
 tienl Sci..r,™, Jialt., 1SS8 sVn Outline of Stntis- 
 Smith l?<v !.,.-« a' 
 ■ A Centcnury i 
 Smiti, n„|,ert Angus, Ph D t r n p ,, ^ 
 ™l engineering ,vt M,^ S t^ O i:!"' 'il^' '"'^■\""'- 
 Dates previous to ?he Mi, i.? ,.''<' ^<'™'-"'i"n-^ ^ "f 
 ed., re,-, an.l enl. by C. E., . ,n ] si. ' .^' • f' 
 Kensington Art Hnnd-Ii„„l<s.) „r'ls-x ii ^ '"'"' 
 A List of \Vo,l<s on Ornament in t' .' V- '.' ^",' , '• 
 Teherai, 1S60-S5, and si^^'h^ di.^ ' "fl i;?'^^' 
 Smith, Very llev.KobertPaviip. \f x r , 
 ^^1, 1., .add.,] canon of Cliri.t Cliurcl n i'KeV'u'/',';'; 
 fe^^ur of divinity, Oxford, and rector of Kwelm iJ ? 
 ' since tlien dean of Canterbury T :il 
 .Syriacus: colln,„,.r..„. ,i ._. . .."^^- '• -I "esaurus 
 Arnoldi, Ag 
 is to be complete in i' vols.) 2. Gen ■<!< • ivWi, r " 
 ^.ry, (;'C„,umentary for Lu^toCl^T::;; 
 of ^'^:::::!l. - ^"^^-" "f 'h^ iii3[;r;cai p'r- 
 It:. """"'•"" ""<' ^-o-'-'O l>"-.s, N. Vork, l,SS5, 
 Council Of the A'atic n Id o' f , Vu ^ "■' ^^- ""^ 
 H'-an 0,ngre,a.i,r ■ ^'y^Xl^^r^Z:'^'" 
 'f -y''v IWedure in Criminal and riV' '-" '■' ^™- 
 "I l.cclcsiastics in the United 
 nee then dean of Canterbury. 1. Th^.auru, 
 g? 1 "fLT; ,*^-r '-■-. I'-nstei,;. uX , 
 grell, iield, Huediger. fasciculi I.-VU. Oxf 
 ". fo . (I'aseiculi l.-\ . form vol. i. The work 
 of the Writings ;f^'^u^;r;.;:;:t:i:'/:^7 
 ^,N». Also Comment^iries on .even.l book* of he Ohi 
 le tament in the Speaker'.. Commentary tl e Puln t 
 Commentary and liishop Ellieotfs Comment, rv. "''"' 
 a <,?v'rf"''if •"'.'' "• Tlie .Science of Uusincs. 
 Smliil'^'J- "i^'r^"'™- f'lust. Lon.,lS8.T4t., 
 Smith, Ilev. .Snmiiel, ordained 1878- rector of 
 iour fhou.^and (Jems of Thought, I,Jn., issr, „ 8 vo 
 ii Id 1 ' "T k^^'r' ^''-""s b.D..'[:;,' ,1. 
 .^ea-kings, or.The Middle Ages. II u^t' Bon ""4 
 i ■ to 18/u, IJino. fi. Missionary Sketches Host m-o 
 ?!;v!'L,!- ;'r^2.!!i}'3^'?"', To^^n and 
 Present Time, 
 ■■^tatis N. York, 1887, 
 J.."^:""' "'"'•"'>•'" ('■-'10 See Cnns, Ei... 
 Cou;;^*'!^;,ri'-:--; ,i:'"rl;;^°':- Modem county 
 co.iie'of'l.h^sfe^;,^- ; |-^;;r .^^,:!'' f r ^-^ 
 p- .,d .ractij^r^e::;;!. ^lii^^^^r^^-rv- 
 Homes, and what to 
 ,."• . I"""- ""'I Map. Bust., 1880, 8 
 n Mission Field.-, Boat., 1884, 16 
 •Smith, Snqui. ' jh 
 vo. II. Ram- 
 '>ovel, N. York and 
 e Serpent Temiited ih 
 io., 1888, iL'nio 
 Smith, Sara Henderson.' i 
 Sm*»h, T. Our Christian 
 inal<i. them, Lon., Isr7 lOm, 
 ("Men Worth Hem:;:b:Hy,g "'10/- l^^T'to^^J 
 solfohor'l's77!'".Tr/'"'.?'"i""' ''■ '•'^"•- "'"'"'»-' " 
 soiioKor 18,, cLilcd to the bar at the loner Temple 
 fracti. in-A'dL-rali;- <^nflJ^ZZ7^tt''V"l 
 c^^nH:: 'ikt": "'"'/?=^'™ '" fe^:;ia:;^ici^ 
 J ire frm ■' 8^! I ', ' T'" '"' ""^^'"g'""- Lincoln. 
 T~n;:il,^!-,8jl!';!;^!'™' ^"'■-'- »f ^^ ^^^v 
 Smith, Thomas Parker, M.D. (Trans 1 A 
 Description ,i„d E.xplanation of the Method of n^rfirm. 
 '"-i!!:^^:^^!;"^i^'r^'"".'"'"i»°« *« the ueadiiUso ;^ 
 ^ Berl 
 I^'.'^ll, fp. Svi 
 in Cliarite Jlos 
 'pital, by iludolph Virchow, L 
 r,'!."!/''''."''^ .Thprnley, [«„,., vol 
 .^....1.,, ,icv. • norney, «„((.. vol ii .,1H i 1 
 ■p to the Light : with I Jerei 
 2, The Prophet of .Sorru 
 Jiniah, Lon., is; 
 r, The Life and Ti 
 p. 8vo. 
 ». P- Svo. :t. Sudden Death 
 t 6 
 'II 1 
 f ,, I 
 a » 
 I ! 
 . ■■ 
 Thouffhts on the Loa;" of the "Princess Alica:" with 
 a [,yrio on the Event, Lon., IS'S, H2ino. 4. The Ohrist 
 of Ciilvary, Lon., Issl, ji. 8vo. 5. A Christian Mither : 
 Memoirs of Mrs. Thornley Smith, inoluaing Extracts 
 from Letters, Ac, Lon., 1>*S5, p. Svo. 
 Smith, Tom C.,iind King, V. C. A History of 
 Longridgeanil Di.-trict, 18Sf*, 4to. 
 Smith, Uriah, a Seventh-Day Baptist, of Battle 
 Creels, Micliigiin, vfhere his boolis were publi.*hed. 1. 
 Tlie Destiny of the Wiclted, is;;), Ifiino. 2. The Nature 
 and De-'tiny of Man, l.-i"3, llinio. ;i. Thoughts Critical 
 and I'raetieal, on the Book of Daniel, IHTS, 16mo. 4. A 
 AVord for the Sabbath; or, False Theories Ex 
 [verse:] •'id e.l., IST.i, Klmo. 5. The United States in 
 the Light of Prophecy : an Exposition of Revelation 
 13: 11-17, 1876, 16uio. 
 Smith, W. Endowed Territorial Work : its Supreme 
 Importance, ( Baird Lecture, 1875,) Edin., 1875, p. Svo. 
 Smith, W. Angels and Men, Lon., 1^78, p. Svo. 
 Smith, W. B., ("Kelsio Etheiidge," pseud.) 1. 
 Slippers and Gown, N. York, 1S75, IL'ino. 2. Egypt 
 Ennis ; or, Prisons without Walls, N. York, 1876, 3. 
 Nine Little Busters, X. York, 1S76, -m. 4to. 
 Smith, W. Herbert. Walks in Wcardale ; 2d ed., 
 enl., Durham, ISS.-i, Svo 
 Uses of Electricity, Lon., 1873, 12mo. 2. Commentary 
 on the British Pharmacopoeia, Lon., 1875, p. 8vo. 
 Smith, Wilder. Extempore Preaching, Hartford, 
 1884, 12mo. 
 Smith, William, F.S.A.S. 1. A Trip to Franco 
 and Switzerland, 1861, p. 8vo. 2. A Yorkshireuian's 
 Trip to Rome, Lon., 1866, p. Svo. •3. Rambles about 
 Morley. IlluHt. 1S66, or. Svo. 4. The History and 
 Antiquities of Morley. Illust. 1876, demy Svo. 5. 
 (Ed.) Old Yorkshire. Illust. Lon., 1881-84, 5 vols. 
 Svo. B. Morley, Ancient and Modern: a Contribution 
 to the History of Yorkshire. Illust. Lon., 1886, 4to 
 Theories Exposed, i and Svo. , . , 
 ineorits ..xi , , ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^.^^ ^^^^^ soMowhat discursive pen, and 
 treats of prettv well every subject which can be broimht 
 wilhin hisBcoiio."— .l(.w(., xxx. Hiii. 
 Smith, William, Ph.D., LL.D., D.C.L., [niiff, vol. 
 ii., add.,] ceased to be classical examiner in the I niver- 
 sity of London in 1869, and became a member of the 
 senate of the university. He received the honorary de- 
 gree of D.C.L. from the University of Oxford in 1870. 
 The Student's llallam'i Middle Ages, Lon., 1871, 12mo. 
 With Hai.i., Tiikoi'Iitl;!s D., M.A., A Copious ar.d Crit- 
 ical English-Latin Dictionary, Lon., 1870, r. 8vo. 
 " It represents llu' fruit of tifteen years of that sort of 
 labour which, to perfect Us ivork, does not shruik 
 Smith. W. h. Portsmouth Poems: Songs of Love niyilitications or improvements, even though they in\id\L 
 " ' * a begiiiuin; afresh when the goal is well-nigh sji-due.l. It 
 is the rcsi'U of a clear insight into ihe faults ot its prede- 
 cessors as to -ilan, chissitication, and exumjiles, and ol an 
 equally dear conception of the task ul coiistrucliiig, on 
 eiitirclv new lines, a work that should avoid those faults. 
 —Hill, kcv., xxix. 28'J. 
 With CnKETiiAM, Samiel, A Dictionary of Christian 
 Antiquities. Illust. Lon., 1875-80, 2 vols. r. Svo. 
 With Wace, Hesry, ('^d.) A Dictionary of Christian 
 Biography, Literature, Sects, and Doctrines, during the 
 First Eight Centuries, Lon., 1S77-87, 4 -ols. r. Svo. 
 " Not only have the great names been adequately treated, 
 —a result not dillicult to secure when so much ability and 
 learning is at tlie coiuinund of the editors,— but obscure 
 persons and events are described and recorded with what 
 and Loyalty, Lon., 1S77, p. Svo. 
 Smith, W. Nelson. Coins, Weights, Ac, of the 
 World, with their Equivalents, Lon., 1SS7, p. 8vo. 
 Smith, W. 11. and H. Laws concerning Pi.blio 
 Health. Ac, Lon., ISS;;, Svo. 
 Smith, W. T. Sandraccdtus, [a drama,] Lon., ISSS. 
 !9mith, W. W. Echoes of the Past, Present, and 
 Future: Poems, Lon., 1S70, "Smo. 
 Smith, Walter, ['mic -1. ii., add.] 1. Art Ed_u- 
 oation, Scholastic and In ■ 'al. Illust. Bost., 1872, 
 Svo. 2. Industrial Art Educ .on, considered economi- 
 cally, Bost., 1877, Svo. 3. Examples of Household 
 Taste. Illust. N. Y •'<. 18S4, 4to. 
 -• - ■ ■ • ■• ' "i of New 
 Smith, Walter, ("Old Saltbush," pseud.,) of iNew jj.^^^^VJi'i.uiiyai'runhUliiig accuracy and completeness.''- 
 South Wales, A'.stridia. The Death of Oswald, ana ' i,j,jj,(,(„,, |xi, iif,. 
 other Poems, So:igs, and Ballads, .Sydney, 1SS7. ] Smith, William. The Uses and Abuses of Do- 
 Smith, Rev. Walter Chalmers, D.D., LL.D., b. ; ^^^^■^^, Animals, Lon., 18S7, p. Svo. 
 1S24, formcrlv minister of Roxburgh Free Church, and, smith, Rev. William. Life's Possibilities: a 
 now of the Free High Church, E.linburgh. 1. The : g^^i^g ,|f j^abbath Evening Addressef to Young People, 
 Bishop's Walk and the Bishop's Times. By Orwell, i j,;^^ ,f,^^^ jj,,,,,, 
 Cambridge, 1861, Sro. 2. Olrig Grange: a Poem. Smith, Rev. William A. 1. Whois Hesponsible? 
 '■] Glasgow, 1872,1 ^^ „f American Life, Bost., 1883, 12mo. 2. The 
 Edited by Hermann Kunst, [pseuil 
 12moi 4th ed.. 1888. „, , 
 " The reaihT will, no doubt, readily detect, alike in sub- 
 stance ftiiil rlivtliir certain echoes and reminiscences ol 
 what is liiiiiiliar; he will perceive a manifest sympathy 
 Willi the ■-'cuius of Tennv.sou ami Browning, showing 
 itself ill the general tone and in particular tricks of phrase ; 
 but he will hccoiiic aware also that be is in communication 
 with a richlv-eiidowed mind, sensitive to original impres- 
 sions, and capable of reproducim; them in lelicitous ami 
 resonant words. Thus the vcduiiie is both admirable and 
 disaPiKiiming. ... It has genuine thought, creative im- 
 au'iiiatioii. and Ivrical sweetness, though sometimes the 
 thouL'hi is uiilv s"urface-d' ■")>, the imagiuaticin is wanting 
 ill vivid completeness, ".nd i le render stumbles over care- 
 .css anil clumsy lines."— Hjjtc((i(or, xlv. 033. 
 3. Hilda among the Broken (iods. By tbo Author ol 
 "Olrig Orange." Glasgow, 1878, 12mo. Anon. 2deil., 
 with author's name, 1S7'.); 3d ed., 1881 ; 4th ed.. 1889. 
 " We have not read for some considerable time a poem 
 which IS more riveting in interest."— i^pcctatoi-, lii. IIW. 
 4. Raban; or. Life Splinters, Glasgow, ISSO, p. Sjo. 
 Spinning-Wheel of 'Tamworth 
 Illust. N. York, 1884, 
 Smith, William Anderson, b. 1842, it Perth; 
 educated at the Perth Academy and the University of 
 Glasgow ; member of the Fishery Board for Scotland, and 
 of the Highland Industrial Committee of the Highland 
 Society; spent many years in investigning the marine 
 fauna of the west of Scotland, and was the first writer to 
 call public attention to the condition of the people of the 
 Lews; a contributor to Scotch newspapers. 1. " Off the 
 Chain :" Notes and Essays from the West Highlands. 
 By Gowrie. Glasgow, 1S68, 12mo. 2. Lowsiana ; o.-. 
 Life in the Outer Hebrides. Illust. Paisley, 1875, 12aio. 
 " Mr .\iiderson Smith's papers in the 'Glasgow Herald' 
 had the precedence in point of time of Mr. Black s novel 
 ["A Princess of Thule;''] . . . he has therefore uone wisely 
 to reprint tbein, w ilh many ethers, in a separate volume, 
 one which is reallv of considerable interest, bringing, 
 as it ilocs, most distinctly before us the lives of the inliab- 
 itanis o,' tlre>e little-known islands, and grouping together 
 ! granliicaliv, yet succinctly, much information coiiceriiiiig 
 ..„ „ ^-- - ! their flora; their fauna, and their ancient history.' -S/jcc- 
 5. North-Country Folk: Poems, Glasgow, 1883, p. (aMr, xlvlii. ,W8. _ , ,„ „ ,, , 
 8vo' newed., 18SS. 3. Benderloch : or, Notes from the West Highlands, 
 " He hcs not, we think, done anything better than the Paisley, 1882, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1s83. 
 best thing-i in this botik."— Jcu(i., xxiii. 3(Hi. ■• \Ve have something more than a charming book on 
 6 Kildrostan: a Dramatic Poem, Glasgow, 1884, p. , natural history; for it contains a variety of valualile anil 
 „ ont-ol'-lhe-way information, the result of close and intelli- 
 '%^e. with good things IVom first to last."-^c«.., I S^^^f-f ^-.ili^l^ll^land s^e^Ser^'all w-J.::!:^ '^ 
 ^''^'•' Tlr'-'.'f """l f'"!-''" f"^ ^""'^''y ^^■'"'"«'' ""''■ I "fconsdentfa •• or, Latter-Day Pilgrims, 1882. 5. 
 ^".^J.^SlAiU;";: Verht X" S- uniformly equal of ' Loch Creran : No'tes from the West Highlands, Pai.ley, 
 the CSS ! cimv whicli lie seldom fRll'^ mid v.liich he wltli s ■.tticisms, these pairea possess a charm of Ibeir own 
 hardly'ever rises 'FhlB is true both of single volumes and from the acute observation and vivid descriptions ol tlieir 
 of the total of his work."— .S;Ko((i(or, Ivl. 903. ' " ' ' ' 
 " We can onlv say of ' Raban' that it isa worthy successor 
 • ' Hilda,' though utterly unlike it, either in the warp or 
 1 the woof of the story.' —Spcdnlur. liv. IJSI. 
 Smith, W alter Edward. 1. The Recent Depres- 
 sion in Trade: its Nature, Causes, Ac, Lon., 1880, p. 
 Svo. 2. Fair Representation : an Essay, Lon., 1885, Svo. 
 Smith, Walter G. I. Lectures on the Clinical 
 author."— .lead., xxxi. 369. 
 6. " According to Cocker:" the Progress of Penman- 
 ship from the Earliest Times, Paisley, 1887, obi. 4to. 
 Smith, Kev. William C, [aiKf.vol. ii., add.) 1. 
 Sacred Memories : Annals of Deceased Preachen of the 
 New York an.l \ew York Fast r^„e 
 1870, I2mo. ... l.iiia,Vi„ f^f /"ifei-cnees, X. York. | 
 ceased Laymen o f ,o Vo'l. M ' 'J-"'' ''■"" '"'"''- 
 York, I87I, 12", *'''""«'i*t i-iHscupal Church, N. 
 ihusea of Do- 
 i!St llighlnnd?, 
 Hawley. The Kvolution of 
 '««'"''"■ "'" ■■:'"■' '^"l "1' 'lie Kiitct 
 - Chanoes, hi. Chunt'es, an,l how 
 !,'raphioal Memoir by Ur I've s;,„;.i, r 
 tifio" Ser..) N. v„k, lVs2 P ,V '""•■"'"t.onal Scien 
 Smith, Williani 
 "DoiUl" in hi3 Stni;,'- 
 in Himself, trnuini; T 
 LiC .^iiine out, Ij„st., Isn;, !■>„,„ 
 Smith, Willinm Hciirv 1. i< • 
 eo.,N.V.; ha, been a jou , , i'<t i"n Oh'i' ''' n "'."'"'''•■' 
 customs at Chiea- , &o ai I / , k ' ,'"""■'<"• "' 
 oals. I Ea.) The St nVi, ''" " nbuto,| to |,eri„,li. 
 vices of Aiihu ;^'ch "' i^z:: '■ li^ •"n' ''r'''^ ^- 
 War, Ac, Cm., I SX2VL' s'" "'■■volutionary 
 • mith, Itev. Uiiiimn Kp-r. \r 1 
 at Corpus ChrisH Coll. 'e (w".' .Z^' g''»''"'"C'i 
 Gospel?, I,on., Isss "r Sv" '"'°"' ^I'^^'los. ana 
 .sfS;):!^!:r"ls!^; Ke,,o,ron,er'.IIia.,,Phi|„„ 
 Le^Vlrn^^y'^ll^enft'"' '''P' ^■"•^' "^'i"- 
 Lon.,ls7o,,,s'.„ ;%'',;;' ln..n>n«of Nurses. Illus,. 
 Smith, iViiiiam Robertson rrn 1 , ,. 
 f "imp n-ton IS1I7 i;o .,„ 1 .'""^'"^ '""'l-i.s: vicar of 
 '. 0b.4w '/"To' Mi "r™"^" "'■ <''.es,or.'inoe is?, 
 ■feaohers, |.„„. |>" j, ' ,' J::;^, ""= ^se of Sunday-School 
 I'a-^ been an " it 1 1 ' '"^ "«'' '" ^"""''"- "''ere ho 
 '^'^.S Toronto ;>^'r^or„^'"«'X'r'''.'"yV?'"- '• 
 Smith, Woithiugtoii G 
 Toa,ls,o^.,^,|i,le an.ri.o"„r 
 1. Mushrooms and 
 of the Free Church la »L V *•' P?";'' -^-^embiy 
 professor of Arabic in tie CnveHt" , 'r'' V'T"''' 
 !■'*•<■■!, and in IS.sfi exclr n.-e,? .1? . ' ''. Cambrid-e in 
 librarian to the unive if ,''"'''''''" ''''' '''^'' '"' 
 and on the death of Tro,-^'; '!« "'^ associate editor, 
 cu'tor, of the Ninth EditW,,, V ,^' r ^ "*■'' '"-'••'•""« '^'"'-'t' 
 Comuanv ■in,l l,.,o "" "atament Revision 
 odiefir^'fnsss ,""•'" " "="""■""'""• to leading peri" 
 H...b;t at the F eeChrhcT,'"""!,'" 1'"" ^'°"' 'f 
 UM Testainentin the "with CuuH,T''''r"-r '■ '^'"= 
 on Biblical Criticism! EdTi I iVi'l'; ',' -sv':""'' ^'"''""-^ 
 I smitr/"t'^ "'"'«'' ''-•••^«"- 
 «mith,/achariah Fridirick h iso- ,, 
 The History ^f Kent ,' tv >^'' '•'."'''.">' ♦•"> '■■"'1 «ar. 
 "if;: t'™ ■"«;S.;;- &' as? 
 Smithsoii, M. I. 
 rnvciicd : the Art ,.e \v 
 K,,i,..,., 11 ,. } ' "■ "inning 
 K'.bcit I loiidin, \. York. 1ssl> io,„„ 
 (Trans.) Trick.s of the Greeks 
 inning at Every (fame, by 
 ^■■L', 12nio. ■^ 
 rr-'Phets.aiuI the I'e t, ieiich Jrin ' ""-' ''''^"'ry, ' toe 
 whfch he handles wi tar Im? 'V range of sulijeots, 
 ■ ■, ■ His general pos ,„ \"', f; ^i.''' '■'"''■•^S «n<I oamior 
 critics. ... It is th,. ' '^ '",'?', °r "'c advanced style, a id' interesting^ ,?, V"" ""r'''''' "'"' "^ vigorous, 
 decidedly rpn,l„hi"'^'v.'"*' ""ode of treatment ' ' 
 Kduea..„.,,:Se::, t-^^-^^ 
 «t"he''cio?e"''f°',V'C^=™''''' ^nJtl'eir' Place in Uistory i "'s,n'l'',i:'-''i-^^''-'''- .'5'>''- ■^■^'^■'i6n7o-'. 
 t«i;:^nd g1:sS^!"/^^7s^/''^- j^^" ^^ ! ■«-"'' *^"'''' •'• '■'"'- ^"-' ^- ^-^. '^^', 
 i""fey 3;^!^?H,rF;!iV,^''f^'V"", ■"<«*' ''Hlliant 
 •IS Independent of the .Ji f, ,f^;.V''''"' ' '^' ?'«"t«r part 
 t " '".' '- ..-".v.' tne trltiea views which Br. Smith 
 1385, p. 8vo. 
 ffl;uJ^!n!f,?«^,^^!f,l'!^=',^rivcd at very clearly proves that 
 - "f kinslJ^p tliroull^l:^- il^,S-^eceded by ..^sys- 
 Smyth, Mrs, (iillcsnie. 
 PnncMiln, L".. _ iB-_^ j-i| ,, 
 j^.Smyth, J„-,„c8.' bavid Garrick, Lon.. 1887, sq. 
 Stories of Courage and 
 I.- i 
E *' 
 U ' 
 incumbent of .i:.'«t r.arcli, Kingstown, since l.'iSS 
 How we got in;r .fiWc . an Answur to Questions eug 
 ftested bv thr N..-. :' ••'.■ion, Lon., ISstl, [i. Svo. 
 Smyth, Slcv..> ,'ii'nK, Fo(jt)irintsof tlicSavKJur: 
 Di'votioniil Stu'lich ■ - i:ie Life and Nature of Our Lord, 
 Bost., ISSB, iniiio. . „.,, 
 Smyth, 1*. J. 1. The Wild Rose of Lough Gill : ft 
 Tiile of tlio Irish War, Lon.. 1>' ", p. Sv<.. 2. The Vrioat 
 in l'..litic8; Itli cd., Lon., l^*sj, j). 8v(j. 
 Smyth, Hobcrt Brough, [niKc, vol. ii., ail.. ,p. 
 1S.30, at t'arvillc ; went to Victoria in 1N..1!, «n 1 was 
 secretary for mines LSiilt-TH. The Abjrigines ol \ lo- 
 toria: with Notes relating to the llabtM 'd the Ni.t.yes 
 of Other I'arls of Australia and Tas.i.ania: comjMled 
 from Various Sources for the tiovernment of \ iet..-iE, 
 Melbourne and '.on.. 1^78, 2 vols. ilo. 
 " Mr liroUKl; ^myll' lias been .Secretary to the Board for 
 Proiee'tiun oft-.e AI.H.ri^'ines, and the Uovernment an m. 
 l)"ConKnitiilat;a on liavins entrusted lilni with the t, -i- 
 Of c, Ueetini; l.iis literary nui>eui;i, one ol the most \al>i- 
 able of the ki id ever published.'— .l//i., N". J'-H- . 
 "It u..!r.-.:;e people! who still believe m the s mpli, 
 of sa> av;.; 11/.', Mr. Itnninh .■^myth'.s work uii the Aborigi- 
 nes. if Viuiida' will undeceive them. . . .Here are some 
 thouiHnU Vii«es tilled with details .ilmiit the society, poll- 
 tics u-!iKl .»: war, and art of tribes who are supposed to 
 be ftlmojL the lowest examples of l.'imaii'.'i. —biU. Jitv., 
 xl.3t>». , ,^ 
 Sm- ?!», R<iv, Si»muel Philiips XewmHii, U.D., 
 b. is;;!, at Kruii^wiek, Me : brother ol Hev. E. V. 
 Smvth, eiqmi : ,ri,idai't-: :'. liowioic Coll>;,?e lS6:i, and 
 at And vor The.,ioginil fc'.M..,u.try l--,i'.;: p.istor of !.:i« C'ongre>;ation:il Chui,:ii, Now J(!i, Conn., sui )8 
 1X82. 1. Reiij^ious Feoling; a f. r 3'';i:tli, -V. York, 
 1S77, 12mj. 2. Old I'aith.i in .V >v | i>.ht, N. iork, \*Vi, 
 .,-¥,,. *. .1. 1,.,. TU.w.,,. .. .. I'.-. li.iw ^J YnrU. 
 I Interests were deeply Involved in the struggle."— iVu/ion, 
 I .\lii. 3'J.'). 
 12mo. ;<. TheO.-.b'doxT'iMlt:,!} •. IcDay, if. \ork, 
 l^il, 12inoi n3W (d., li^Sa. +, T..' Reality ot taith, 
 K, York, \hM, 12iuo, 5, The Morality of the Old 
 Test;.-inent, ("iie;i,< to Celief,") Lon., 1886, XMco. 6. 
 Christian Facts aii 1 t'orcos, N. \ork, 1887, 12mo. 
 Smyth, Sir Warrington Wilkinson, M.A., 
 F.Il.S., [o/K./, vol. ii., add..] IST, -18'J(I; knighted 18SJ. 
 I. The Bible und the Doctrine of Evolution, Lon., 18/3, 
 II. .■<vo. 2. Met.iiio Mining and Collieries, ("British 
 .-.ianufacturing in.iustries,") Lou., 1876, I2mo, 3, Evo- 
 lution E-vplftineil, L .ii., 18S3, 8vo. 
 Smythe, Eniilj Ann, Viscountess Strang- 
 ford, [o'Ke, vol. ii.. under Sth.vnokoiih, add.,] d. 1887. 
 Kiiri'ig the Uusso-Turkish war she raised and adminis- 
 tereu a fund for the relief of the Bul;,'arian peasants, 
 mid organized hospitals. She founded The National 
 A-,..i. i!,r,ion for Providing Trained Nurses for iho .Sick 
 anc; ">or, and also established hospitals and acted as 
 nurse in the Egyjitian war. 1. Egyptian rioiiulehrcs 
 and .Sy.lan Shrines, 1871. 2. Hospital Training tor 
 Ladies, 1874. 3. Report jn the Bulgarian Peasant Re- 
 lief Fund, 1877. 4. (Ed.) Original Letters and Papers 
 of the Late Viscount Strangfurd upon Philological and 
 Kindred Subjects, Lon., 1878, 8vo. 
 -The reader win rise from the book with a feeling of 
 (lis.ippoiiitment. We expected a scholar, and we hiid only 
 B.dilctlanle."—Alh., No. 'JISO. 
 Smythe, Gonsalvo C. Medical Heresies His- 
 torically considered : a Series of Critical Essays, Ac, 
 Phila., 1880, 12mo. 
 Smythe, J. Lawn Tennis, Lon, 187S, 12ino. 
 Smythies, Mrs. Ilarrictte Maria, [oufe, vol. 
 ii., Smvti!1es, Mrs. Gordon, and Smythiks, Mrs. Yorick, 
 adil.,] daughter ot Edward Lesmoin Gordon, and first 
 wife of Ucv. William Yorick Smythies. 1. Acquitted: 
 a Novel, Lon., 1370, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 2, Eva's Fortune, 
 Lun., 1875, 3 vols. p. 8vo. 3. Our Mary : a Novel, Lon., 
 ISsO, 12nio. 
 Smythies, J. K. Problems on the Motion of 
 Atoms, Lon., 1885. 
 Smythies, T. B. Stories about Horses: compiled 
 by the Editor of the " liritish Workman," Lon., 1871). 
 Snape, Joseph, [miie, vol. ii.. - 'd.] Keminis- 
 cenoes of a Dental Surgeon, Liverpo. ', '^I, p. 8vo. 
 Snend, Thomas Lowndes,' , in Henrico 
 Co., Va. ; graduated at Richmond, iSlli, and at 
 the University of Virginia 1848; adraitied to the bar; 
 served iu the civil war, and since then h!>- pi,ioti=od law 
 in New York. The Fight for Missouri, from the Eleo- 
 tim of Linoolri i) the Death of Lyon. Illust. N.York, 
 l.sSH, 12mo. 
 "The writer, who both saw and took an active part In 
 all that he relates, has tried to tell the story with as (Him- 
 plete impartiality us is possible to one whose feelings and 
 Snell, Anna. Reading made Busy, on a Rational 
 System, Lon., 1^73 ; 2d ed., 188(1, 12ino. 
 Snell, Mrs. Charles. Isabello de 'S'erneuil ; or. 
 The Convent of St. Mary's, Bait., 1873, 12mo. 
 Snell, II. II., [""'•■, vol. ii., add.] rnnurr: for (h. 
 Flock of (iod, Lon., ls75, \\. 8vo. 
 Snell, H. J. Instructions in Er, inii'l I'aintiiig on 
 Ulass, China, Tiles, Ac, Lon., 1S74. - u. 
 Snell, Merwin .'Warie. Hini^ on tii, Hui^ of 
 the Sacred Books ; with Introduction by A. . iau.'t, 
 Bait., 1887, 8vo. 
 Snell, Simoon, M.H.C.S., opl'*l)ii!mic suti'" !i ♦' 
 the Shclfield (Ji ueral Iniu-nnry ar ■ i.. the in.-i'-lution 
 f(jr the Blind. The Elect.. .Magn:., and its Employiiipa', 
 in Ophthnlini' virgery, L,,n., 188'1, cr. '■■o. 
 Snellii-p. F. The Ilo,. ^-Purchat., ' Guide: with 
 I'ractical Il\r.'- i'.r Ilousehol 'cr. Lon., I8s4, '■ii. Kimo. 
 Sneyd, i'ls-rury, Cyllcnc ; or. The Fall of Pagai,- 
 isii.; a Clae^iial i'ule, Lon., 1873, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 Sneyd, Pamela. 1. Jack Urquhurl'c Daughter : 
 I a Novel, Lon., 18s:', 2 vol- cr. Svo. 2. I'oint-Blan! : ^ 
 N'oM'l, Lon., 1881, a -ols, i r. ><\u. J. The King can do 
 n.i "Vrone, Lon., 1- vj, 2 vols. p. "vo. 
 Sneyd-Kvnnerslcy. Se.^ 
 Snider, Denton .Sstqu'S, b. 1841. at At .out 
 Gileud, O. : cducried at Ol< rlin i^l^cge, beu.itic a leach.T, 
 nnd is now a lecturer on genera! literature, i . A System 
 of Shakespeare's Dramas, St. Louis, loV7, 2 vols. 12mo. 
 2. Delphic Days : Poems of (Jreece and the Grecian Era, 
 St. Louis, 188(1, Svo. 3, A Walk in Hellas; or. The Old 
 in the New, St. Louis, 18sl, 12uio; new cd.. Bust., 1883, 
 8vo. 4. Agamemnon's Daughtpr: a Poem, Best., 1885, 
 16mo. 5. An Epigrnmmatii Voyage, [verse,] Bost., 
 1886, 12ino. 6. Goethe's Fan.!: a Commentary on the 
 Literary Bibles of the Occid^ni, Bost., 1886, 2 vols. 
 12mo. 7. The Shakespearean Prama: a Commentary : 
 The Tragedies, Bost., 1887, 12iiV,. 
 Snively, John H. 1. TaM « for Systematic Qual- 
 itative Chemical Analysis, N. Yc '', 1876, 8vo. 2. Treat- 
 ise im the Manufacture of PerfuLi..- and Toilet Articles, 
 Nashville, Tenn., 1877, Svo. 
 Snively, Ilev. William A.- D.D., rector of 
 Grace Church, Brooklyn. 1. Family Prayer for the 
 Christian Year: Rubricated, N. Yo.k, 188S, 16ino. 2. 
 Parish Lectures on the Prayer-Book, N. Y'ork, 188S, 
 12mo. 3. Testimonies to the Supernatural, N. Yoik, 
 1888, 12nio. 
 Snoad, A. Warner, (Hull.) 1. Clare Peyces 
 Diarv : an Old Maid's History, [verse,] Lon., 1875, 
 12mo. 2. As Life Itself, [verse,] Lon., 1876, 12ino. 
 Snodgrass, John, d. 1888, wt. 38. He was en- 
 gaged in mercantile pursuits at Paisley. 1. (Trans.) 
 Wit, Wisdom, and Pathos from the Prose of Ilcinrich 
 »U, >» ISUOIU, aim I itinos liuiii luv l utov ui iiv;tui.v,. 
 Heine : with a Few Pieces from the " Book of .Songs," 
 Lon., 1879, 8vo ; new cd., rev., 1888. 2. (Trans.) Re- 
 ligion and Philosophy in Germany : a Fragment, by 
 Heinrich Heine, Lon., 1882, p. 8vo. 
 Snow, Edwin M. Alphabetical Index of Births, 
 Marriages, and Deaths recorded in Providence 1>36- 
 1850, Providence, 1879, Svo. 
 Snow, George d'Oyly. Theologico-Political 
 Treatise, Lon., 1874, p. Svo. 
 Snow, Rev. Herbert. See Kvnaston, (formerly 
 Snow,) Rev. Hehdkht, siiprn. 
 Snow, Herbert L.. M.D., surgeon to the Cancer 
 Hospital, Broin(iton. Clinical Notes on Cancer: its 
 Etiology and Treatment : with Special Reference to the 
 Heredity Fallacy, Ac, Lon., 1SS3, p. 8vo. 
 Snow, Herman, [miii:, vol. ii., ..idd.] (Ed.) Visions 
 of the Bevond, by a Seer of To Day ; or. Symbolic 
 Teachings from the Higher Liff ^- '., 1877, 12mo. 
 Snow, Marshall Solom 1842, at Hyannis, ; graduated at Harvard "■ ofessor of history 
 in Washington University, St ■■. ,s, ,nco 1874. The 
 City Government of ~' Loui Johns Hopkins His- 
 torical Studies,") Ban., 
 SnoAV, Sophia F and Willie's Prayer. 
 Illust. Lon., 1.H84, 4f , 
 Snow, T. B. Pi 1. 
 Return to Gaeta, Lon., i "f 
 Snow, Thomas, MA 
 eter College, Oxford, I86b . ....... 
 Temple 1865. With WiNSTAltli- 
 cipal Statutes, Consolidated n _ , 
 Rules of Court of the Court i . i: ery of the County 
 his Early Life, to the 
 Wn ; graduated at Ex- 
 uaHe.!, ii! '.'"1 bar at the Inner 
 <i krt: 1. The Prin- 
 ncral Orders, and 
 4. The New YorhCit^M !"''•, '>■ ^'"•1<. '-'^3, Svo. 
 W«r, J.on., 1871), r^vo™'" ""> ^ """"^ O,,on,tio„a .,f 
 tngllsli Iiingunge."-..!//,., So ■>>■;" ' ""-' ^reiieli iimi 
 18-8-85; ourato of St ol ■t.?^'"''"'"''''f''""'"-'dg'^^, 
 >^S7. An Exp si „^';fl^«"- ^:f ''--'vieh, .in'co 
 >^H rr.J .^'^o^t^of •is:^'^-'"''-' - ■'"« ^Ving. L„„.. 
 -•y "t Delhi, On do;;i'nce ."f" v'l'''V " "''^■^'""- 
 and Materialism. 'roroZ^'stJlT''^"''-''''^^'"^ 
 J^ol:\TC!sl- ^'"'«-'-oVs.'ju„.:„ Novel, 
 M-.'r'g'r„fcl.t?iS''ls^-„ '^^^''' "' '^-^•"•■T. 
 tbe publication of the na Tl Jj \ '"I;","""''"!™' of 
 '8-6. 2. Memo r of John H ^'"^^ Aea.le.uv, AVash., 
 Privately printol 3 Th^ .^"''f,'' ^"""I'olis, Iss^ 
 I ■■':'»*k;hiit.stranL'et l.K- hli ' "'''"''' ''v hrliiL's to 
 I n ':'.'illSJ';:i,S^l.';!f';|»'-;k'" exist l,v in.n ei„« 
 ■•^tiilos: it'. .M,'„„l!'fjr'I'* ''^'""i""i. Colorado, rniteil 
 s.n.^to. ' •""• ^"c'-cal Keligion, Bait., 1876 
 j''"'""'.n::m, £^;^«^;•'r'''/^"«''^''I'«"- 
 •\IIi'"U};li 111,, essav- o ' ,■ d^.'h r, " *ere. at a l,l,,w. , . 
 e-n,e,,,. ^ihich'larj'li!^; i^ 11^ U^^^l^^liC^^llki::^ 
 for I.oalin'. with ,h; AnvT,m» r"''""'^' '^°""' ' "i"'^ 
 Tlie"liibl^-T„lL"'Serie. I i',.^'"-"- "'■'' '«"'»• 2. 
 ^_;; Sortera, -Unria," ( See Lkstk„, Makv, 
 Vomers, A. 
 E.;^:!,^'""*' «•'" (''-«".) Sec FA,.KONnK„o, B. 
 ^^"^.nbre, Samuel." ,l'.et,a.) See G.a.Ro, j. 
 Shakespearean Ballads, Manchester, 
 ''''"^ •'^'"'■'^■' "f Glencree, Lon., 1878, 
 _. „ .„ .. . -, „. „ » ^^■"■■. l'7<>-^^\.J:^S,^-'}"''Rj^tates since 
 ISf^S, I to. 
 iD?„''"''»^*'wa''»l» F.R.S PSA r, . > •• 'liicst, woulil Ijo alj'i. toVm.".',';.,'" ■7,"""-'': ■'"""'^' "'eir con 
 --'-«• ^'-as\conrr!h^[^fcr:;-^-^r;;!uial^^;;;^f'ri,!;^a'i?^^ 
 borof the council of't.e In- ;:',"-"'"l «.lhcren,.e to fcv ■ i''f^;;T. 'X'T"'--'''.''' "•« 
 *..; i.(m., I „s has prevailed in' li'V,iS,7.m^t?,"?'' ".-'""e of thi 
 Notei nnrt n.; ■ •contributor for many 
 ties of Honour. r.„niJi^, ,??""'• ^'•'""''' "fl " Woran .ln,i i;,„,.. ,., , . . 
 Iri<}, tim"' VI,'' "' neroaitary Ena 
 Son %f '"""'"■ ^""•' '•''^"' •"» 
 Israel jfronitlfe'oer,','*- >T^' "^^^ Antiquities of 
 <'""ingen:"'o„:,',s-:r'svo '^ """''''='' ^^^''^^ "^ 
 M^'l^ci^'S; £f Vr'- ■;•• """•] '• ^^'orkin,. 
 ISW.p.Svo oZ'"f ^''""i"'!,""! Institutes, Lon, 
 '■ '^ - "'^""•' "■"' his Friend the IJoct 
 I.t is Perhapsli 1, '^,f,?,:'^["'^^'"ra'cyon'i.s ob.servations 
 nnrr/n',;:,'''^:;"'';^^--.!'^^'"'''"'',) Act, 1872: with Vot», 
 System of Issue,' Lon"' ll?^ n'\''^''"'''''i ^-S"'''' ""'^ ""elr 
 an A,,peal to the Av/.-Jr"',?^:'™- *•. ^rade I'nions: 
 liecord of theixSec! of^rnft"-'"''v'''" ^'''""■- ^' •'^y'tcm of I 2' U^'' l\n n'" 
 •";-M Lon.. .874,'2';.or-8v: ^"'"'" '"""^ '^'-' [^ -/>'';-' •« "•- "Wkl^glc^sse. and theiV^ f"' "'7 ^ 
 Somerset, Sir Henry Charles FiUroy, 
 KO I'C, eighth Duke of Ilcaiifort niid Mnr- 
 qi'iis of Worcester, b. 1H2.1; auocmdoil liia Intlier 
 ISDS- a. retired lioutuimnt-oolonul. lie is joint editor 
 witli Alfred K. T. Watson ol the lindminton Library. 
 With MoHiiis, MowmiAY, lluntinj?: with Contributions 
 by the Karl of .Suffolk and Uerkflliire. Rev. E. W. L. 
 Diivies, ito. Illust. 0' Badminton Library.") Lon., , 
 ISxb, or. 8vo. 
 •' This book is the most practical on Imntinp as, a science I 
 wm lias been written since I'eter eeklord s ' 1 lioUKb W 
 upi.ear.d, inure tliaii a eentiiry ago. -.l«i(/., xx\ill. 2b,. 
 Somerset, Wellington. 1. The Other Side of 
 the Herring- I'oiid, Lon., 1807, |i. Svo. Anon. 2d ed., 
 ls;0 2. A Continental Tour: tojjether with Note.H and 
 Anecdotes of Uiplomatic Life. By May Fly. Lon., 
 sdmerton, Alice. Leyton Court; or, The Story 
 of a Prodigal, Lon., 1SS2, j). .Svo. 
 Somervell, Robert. 1. Letters to a Cambridge 
 Freshman, Lon., 18SI. 2. The History of tJovcrnment 
 in England: in Si.x Lectures, l''vorp""'. 1*^»5- 8vo. , 
 Somerville, Hev. Alexander N., D.U., lau- 
 1889. 1. Lectures on .Missions and Kvangelicism, hdin., 
 1874 p. 8vo. 2. The Churches in Asia : E.xtract8 from 
 the Home Letters of A. .N. Somerville, from the Region 
 of the Seven Churches, Paisley, 1885, Svo, 
 Somerville, Miss Martha. Personal Recollec- 
 tions from Early Life to Old Ago of Mary Somerville I 
 with Selections from her Corresponuence. By her Daugh- 
 ter. Lon., 187:1, p. 8vo. 
 " Mrs Somerville's own simple notices of successive 
 periods cjf her lite, with occasional letters inter, persed, are 
 BUIlered to tell their own tale; the (.mps beinc IllltHl up t^y 
 such sliL'lit para^rnplis from her danttbters band as may 
 serve to lint towlher each episode and tjive the necessary 
 details of (■ireiunstiuiec nr time."— .s''i(. Ji'ei'., .\.\xvil. od. 
 "The eimiplelf imprission upon the reader s mind of an 
 admirable and lovaljle ebaracler, the feeling It gives him 
 as of having been in tlie company (jf a superior woman, 
 lend to these reminiscences a veritable personal charm. 
 —Xatiun. xviii. J'il. 
 Sonimerfeldt, Ilakon A. Elementary and 1 rac- 
 tical Principles of the Construction of Ships for Ocean 
 and River Service, Lon., 1880, 12mo, with atlas r. tto. 
 "Sommers, Jane B.," (Pseud.) See jo.ves, 
 Cornelia, sii/ini. , ^ , . 
 Sommerville, .Maxwell, lecturer on glyptology at 
 the University (d' Pennsylvania. Engraved Gems : their 
 Place in the ilistory of Art. Illust. Phila., 1877, 8vo. 
 Sonnenschein, Adolf. 1. The Truth about Ele- 
 mentary Education at Home and Abroad : being a Reply 
 to .Mr. Matthew Arnold's General Report for 187.8-79: 
 a Lecture, Lon., 188(1. 2. Foreign Educational Codes: 
 relating to Elementary Education: prescribed by the 
 Austrian, Belgian, Gorman, Italian, and Swiss Govern- 
 ments : with Introduction and Notes, Lon., 1881, or. 8vo. 
 ,■), Code Reform : Foreign and English Codes, Teacher s 
 Edition, Lon., 18S2, 12mo. ...„„.,. ,o-, 
 Sonnenschein, Edward Adolf, M.A., b. ISol, 
 in London ; educated at University College School and 
 University College, London, and at University College, 
 Oxford, where he graduated, first class Lit. Hum., 1876; 
 assistant to the iirofessor of humanity in the University 
 of Glasgow 1877-81; professor of Greek and Latin at 
 Mason College, Birmingham, since 18S2. 1. (Ed.) T. 
 Maoci Plauti ^Japtivi : with an Introduction, ^Critical | 
 Apparatus, and Explanatory Notes, Lon., !87y, Svo; 
 also, a seliool edition. (An appendix contains Bent- 
 ley's unpublished emendations of Plautus found by Mr. ' 
 Sonnenschein on the margin of a copy of Parens in the 
 British Museum.) 
 "It would be dimcult to mention any English edition 
 of the plays from which so much may be learnt as to the 
 lainjiiagc and syntax of I'lautus as this." -11. Ellis : ^loati., 
 xvii. 411. 
 2 (Ed.) Bentley's Plautino Emendations, from his 
 Copy of GronoviuB, Oxf., 1883. 3. (Ed.) Plautus : the 
 Mostellaria: with Notes and Introduction, ("Bell's Pub- 
 lic School" Ser ,) Lon., 1884, cr. Svo. 4. Latin Grammar 
 for Schools, Ac. : Part I., Accidence, Lon., I88.S, p. 8vo. 
 With Po'JATsr-HKii, Alois, (ed.) Select Poems of Goethe: 
 with Introductions, Notes, and a Life of Uoethe, Lon., 
 1882, 12mo. , ,. ^ , 
 Sonnenschein, William Swan, publisher, Lon- 
 don. The Best Books : a Reader's Guide to the Choice 
 of tbo Best Available Books (about 25,000) In All Do- 
 partments of Science, Art, and Literature down to 1887, 
 with the Dates of the First and Last Editions, and the 
 Prices, Sites, and Publishers' Names of Each Book : with 
 a Copious Topical Index, Lon.. 18.><7, Ito. 
 '■ (ill the whole, the work Is admirably done."— /IIA., No. 
 Sophocles, 'Ivangelinus ApoNtolides,LL.D., 
 ' [„iil.; vol. ii., aid.,] d. L-^s:). Greek Lexicon of the 
 Roman and Byzantine PerioJs, (from B.C. 146 to A.D. 
 1100,) Bost., 1870, 4to; new ed., N. York, 1887. (An 
 I edition of less than 300 copies.) 
 " We are not using extravagant language when wa say 
 1 that Sophoeles's (ireek Lexicon dca'S greater honor to 
 ; American scholarship than any work in the comblnea 
 i llelds iif classical and sacied learning that was ever pub- 
 I llshed. We doubt whether there Is another mall living 
 who could have written the book."— .V(i(i"», xi. lo. 
 Sorenson.C. liodfrcy. (Trans.) Over-Prossuro 
 in High Schools in Denmark, by Dr. Ilcrtel : with In- 
 troduction by Dr. Sir J. Crichtun-Browne, Lon,, 188j, 
 p. Svo. , , . , 
 Sorley, William Ritchie, professor of logic and 
 philosophy in University College, Cardiff. 1. Jewish 
 Christians and Judaism : a Study in the First Two Cen- 
 turies, Lon., 1S81, Svo. 2. The Ethics of Naturalism, 
 (Shaw Fellowship Lectures,) Edin., 1885, p. Svo. 
 Sortwell, II. T. Elementary Arithmetic, Lon., 
 1873, 12mo. „ , „ . 
 Sotheran, Charles, b. 1S47, at Stoke Newington, 
 Eng. ; removed to America in 1874 ; became editor and 
 proprietor of the New York Echo in 1878, and literary 
 editor of the Star in 1S79. 1. Genealogical Memoranda 
 relating to the Familv of Sotheran. Illust. Lim., 
 1S73, sm. 4to. 2. Ales'sandro di Cagliostro, Impostor or 
 Martyr, N. York, 1875, ISmo. 3. Percy Bysshe Shelley 
 , as a Philosopher and Reformer : including a Sonnet by 
 C. W. Frederickson. Illust. N. York, 1S76, Svo. 
 i Soule, Charles C. 1. Romeo and Juliet: a New 
 ' Travesty, St. Loui.s, 1877, Svo. 2. Hamlet Rovami)ed, 
 Modernized, and Sot to Music, St. Louis, 1880, Svo. 3. 
 : Lawyers' Reference Manual of Law-Booka and Citations, 
 i Bost., 1883, Svo. 
 South, C. Out West; or, From London to Salt 
 Lake City, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 
 South, Mrs. E. L. Wayside Notes and Fireside 
 Thoughts. By Eudora, [pseud.] St. Louis, ISS.i, 
 12nio. . , , , „ 
 South, John Flint, ["ii'c vol. u., add.] Memo- 
 rials of the Craft of Surgery in England. Edited by 
 D'Arcy Power; with Introduction by Sir James Paget. 
 Illust. Lon., 1886, Svo. Posth. 
 Southall, James C, M.A., LL.D. 1. The Recent 
 Origin of .Man, as illustrated by Geology and the Mod- 
 ern Science of Prehistoric Archieology. Illust. Phila. 
 and Lon., 1875, Svo. 
 "Although it is the boldest attennit hnu^rto made to 
 meet the advocates of the antiquity ol mi i on their own 
 ground, the author contributes no new tacts to the e\ i- 
 dence on record. The chief merit of Ins work Is that lie 
 haaeolleeted . . . a vast amount of information not other- 
 wise readily accessible."— ^Icad., viii. 4:il. . .^ . . 
 2. The Westminster Review on " The Recent Origin 
 of Man," Richmond, Va., 1877, Svo. 3. The Epoch ot 
 the Mammoth and the Apparition of Man upon the 
 Earth, Phila. and Lon.. 1878. cr. Svo. 
 " Undismayed by the long array of distinguished names 
 which he acknowledges to be opposed to his v ew ol man s 
 ' comparatively recent origin, .Mr. Southall boldlv proclaims 
 the theory of evolution a failure."— .s<t(. Jico., xlv. ii.>. 
 Southall, W., F.L.S. The Organic Materia Medica 
 of the British Pharmacopoeia, Lon., 1874, p, Svo; 4th 
 ed., 1S87. „ , „ ,, 
 Sontham, Frederick Armitagc, M.A., B.M., 
 F R.C.S., son of George Southam, (fintc, vol. ii.;) grad- 
 uated at Trinity College, Oxford, 1S73, and in medicine 
 1877. Regional Surgery, including Surgical Diagnosis : 
 a Manual for the Use of Students, Lon., 1882-86,3 vols. 
 ^'Soiitham, Gertrude A. Double-Dealing, Lon., 
 1SS4, 3 vols. or. Svo. 
 Southam, Rev. John Henry, M.A., graduated 
 at St. John's College, Cambridge, 1872; ordained 1873; 
 1 vicar of Trull since 1882. The Three Great Systems of 
 I Worship, Lon., 1875. 
 1 Southam, Thomas, LL.D., b. 1823, hi Manches- 
 ter, Eng. ; a solicitor. An Epitome of the Tcaehingi= "f 
 Jesus, Lon., 1873, 12mo. 
 Southby, E. R. 1. Brewing Practically and Scien- 
 tifically considered, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 2. A System- 
 atic Hand-Book of Practical Brewing; 2d ed., Lon., 
 18S5, Svo. ,, , 
 Southern, F. «. 1. Severed by a Ring: a Novel, 
 •Southern, J. \V. Fannoiin • ,.r a n 
 W,,„,u„: .Shropshire l':— ' I'i^VA "rc-.'^S^Js* 
 Soiithesk, Karl of. Soo Cah.vkoik 
 Southgate, Henry, [„„,,, vol ii" „,i,n , . 
 AVin a Wife: ^i.h'E'xl'n.e;; I.' .,''",mC VC ' 
 geshvo Thoughts on Ueligiou. s„bi«'tj' Lo^ isso . '^^ I 
 7. Chri,t0^unieaoo,ner: AuughuIaliodi^alKC; I 
 Suiitligate, Mr§, Ilenrv tk„ nu ■ .• 
 oen iTriter,- .1 All Agca, Lon., 1Sn3 |0,ya 
 Literature, for Sohool!,, Ph la. " ss;i 'uJ^^^ ^.^"'^r I" 
 _^Sou,h,vick, «. U., M.D. Gynecology, Bet., 
 Herald. 1 Four Thousand Miles of African TWol. 
 worthy inforniutiim iiVrh .i '"''" '''''' '" it trust- 
 winbe^di"ap,^;iV/ted/'-.l'r NVr'VS'' "^ '""'^'^"' '^"■i" 
 ISSO.^on'g^o. '"'""'" "''""^•''^ '^^ '"''"«'«'''. N. York, 
 Southworth, Edward W., and Jones I> v 
 and Business Corporation Act of 1S75: with said Acts i 
 Forms, and By-Uws, X. York. 1884, 8vo ""' ' 
 Southworth, Emma Dorothy Elizn (Vo 
 No.el, Phila. 1879, q 'eL^- 8 ^Thf BrPdaT"-"""" = " 
 the Madcap N York Iss.s, l2,no. With Ba .'k^' ' 
 l'-'7ri2mo 2 Th .h"^"'""' ?."?" °"'«^ Stories, >, la 
 the Hour^f Flfnt' au^'otw's^''''''^' '"■' ^'>° P"" "f 
 „-:???.'".«'f.«y' ^hon-as S. 1. Pers;nal Appoaranco 
 m";%w"r6nfo''"o"'r -'^"■^t^a7■to"6C:^^ 
 ,,,.,•' *^'^' *i lomo. J. Cam nnd r'nUMp-, _p pi m i 
 iniia., ISSO ]->iuo " -mcure ot CbiMrcn, 
 KbI,. .,,1 Tu,ki«.„, f,„„ n. „,„|,.^ u., i,„, 
 I 01 the .Supreu.o Court, and I'Vu," pekl'^K. r'-'^o' 
 ' 'iJ red i-n a ' nrt'of fe" ""'' "'7''"« " '''"''^'- -» 
 .w Various Oei^ii^i^i^^rc:';?;"^;^::: '-"'-'' 11,. „^.y j„, j,„„e',,;';.r 1, man 
 Archb.shon\C5 1- :;:;-7-;'^^ e'- '"'" "', 
 Reviews, K. York Is77 vZ, .,'-,; ,.". ^'^"y and 
 j For private distribution ■"'"""""' ■f^'"- '«'", 8vo. 
 !scJf:^I^*/?j^.^;,,f^::-;:;5«,^'Jeu,Ues Explained b, 
 Demonology • ■ n E. „!^n ? l'"''-; """'^y- Elizabethan 
 the E.xistfnc of De .^." nd";i:" .'"" '" "'« "<"'"f "> 
 ni.i'profe'ct"rPh'i,a!Vs7^7:"l2ro' "^"""^ "" ^'S"'" 
 Co -fu?,?;!;^ i-che';riL?„';l ^1 :! ^r.'' 
 Spanton, William Duuneir F R r ^ p . 
 Lon.. 1SS2, r. 8vo. '^atients and the Profession, 
 {Geography, Cost., 1S87 ' " "' ^ '^'''S' "> 
 ,^.^Mus.eaI Memories, Lon.,, ,,', g,;; '^j'^-jP-.^-; 
 of^nU^^S;;;:/:^!^!'^^ "!l S!Kc?^ 'eminlscenco, 
 Ihoutflnis ucontributicm to m «,v„i i^ it very readable, 
 slib'ht inilecd."- l"/I , No sii^ *'"" ''"^''"tu'-o its value is 
 B't^ol■^?'p^• '"• '• ^^'«h'=">atics for B. A and 
 DeeSrX-'trk^^'H^-; .'a "'"i^'" ■<-;'>!"« and Tile 
 the l..a,.M,:o ..f Potn'p; n. rV Y^i'Ts'-f t!' '» 
 Bo;,Jsa„Aiu:^;,lo^:'^;;;ftr^ "^ ""'^""•'^ 
 iJ^F^'^f' ^<» »'«'«« IsnacM.A MB Frpp 
 count of failing health, and IVrti^ei'-St'^ilertr.^e': T 
 ' ! " i 
 i fT 
 I ■ j 
 (Trnns.) Thu EliMncnlsiiif Thernpeutics : ii Cliiiicnl Ouldo I 
 to the Actin,, „(■ l.y C. Uinz, M.l>., l'r«fe»»"r 1 
 of I'hiiriuiiecili>){y in the I niverslty of nunii ; wltli Ail- 
 ,lition« In Cnlorinity wuii the llritish iiinl Amenran 
 Pban,u.eo,.«..i»., I."n.. 1-7S, >t. Sv.. 2 Ihe liv.ortt: 
 Skctohei of the llcalth-Ue>ort9 of tho North Mediter- 
 riincui t^oi.^t of Fn.ii,M. ami Italy. .'.""•. I •^,'1'. •'';/''"• I 
 MiiiirkH, Mrs. Mary < rowiiinshiflU. Hyw i», 
 Iloin,., My M. C. -. .\. York IS>r J r- ; 
 Spiirks, S. y.. Noteaof lufaiit t'la*« Su!iu.iy-M!i' ul , 
 Lessons I.on., isS:,, 8vo. . u ^ •. 1 
 SnnrkM, William Iloiiry, IMlu i-.' h „a .-t. , 
 SIm'iiV Islaiul.ti...; ^tii.lie.l law, an.l ."o»l l!(50 u.tcre.l 
 into |„.rfu.r,hip «ith .1 a.lah 1'. l!...ja.;.ii.._ Memories 
 of Filtv Vears: BioKnq.hieal Nolio. u Uistingu.shtMl 
 AiaeriJuns, Anoclotci. of Hemarkiibm Men, Ac, 1 hlla., 
 1,H7(I; Itli e.l., Iss'J. , . 1 » 
 Suarks, Kfv. William Hain-nv. (trnauatea at 
 Eve'ur College, oxfonl, 1^72; ordaine.l l^7:i; |.er|ietual 
 curate of farringlon «in.-o lss:i. Uur \ illago Mission : during ft Week of a VilluKO Mission, Lon., 
 ISSH, 12rno. ^ , 
 Simrling.H.Uuluaay. (Kd.) rrish Minstrelsy: 
 being a Selection of Irish Songs, Lyrics, and Itallads, 
 Original and Translated : with Notes and Introduotmu, 
 ("Canterbury I'oets.") I-ou., Is87. 24mo. 
 Sparrow, William. Select Discourses, ?). \orlt, 
 ^'imui'diiiK, Georce W. A Treatise on the Publio 
 Lund System of tho I ni'od St;ite9: with Reference to 
 the Land Laws, iUilinus. Ac., Sun Fran., 1SS4, -v... 
 SpauiaiiiR, ,!o eph Whitman. 1. «""«»»■ 
 prcmo Judicial • lurt Kciiorts, vols. Ix.M.-l.vxyii.. (1881- 
 8i,l Portland, 1^72-86, 7 vols. 8vo. 2. Practice in Civil 
 Actions and Procedinga at Law in Courts where the 
 Cunmioii Law Practice is in Vogue: with Amcnduieiits 
 necessary to incorporato tho Provisions of the .statutes 
 of Mainland Massachusetts, Por:;and. .Me., 1881, 8vo. 
 Spaultlilig, .M. V. Hand- Hook of btutislics of the 
 United .States, N. York, 1874, l-'mo. ^ „ ,. 
 Spnilldillg, S. J. MeiiKdr of Henry C. Perkins, 
 of Xewburvport. Sulem, .Mass., 187:!. 8vo. 
 Spawtoii, E. W. Night Winds, and other Poemi 
 and .Songs, Leicester, 187'.i. 
 Spi-nr, U. The Bible He.iven, N. York, 18S8 
 Snear.Joliii Murray. TweuiyYearson the Wing : 
 a Narrative of Travels and Labors as a Missionary sent 
 forth by the A.^sociation of Leneticent.s m Spirit-Land : 
 with Preface bv A. Putnam, Host., 187:t, 12mo. 
 Spear, John W. 1. Grace Winslow ; or, Gold anjl 
 Dross, N. York, 188:i, 12mo. 2. Out of the Tolls, N. i 
 York. 18M7, l2nio. . „ I 
 Spear, .Mrs. S. F. Tho Academy Boys in Camp, | 
 Bost., 1.881, Ifirii.). , ,. , i 
 Spear, llcv. Samuel Thayer, D.D., [<"((«, vol. 
 ii add.,] b. 1812, at liallston Spa, N.Y.; graduate.", at 
 the College of Physicians and Surgeon^ ' '■ ; ordanie.i 
 in the Presbyterian Church 1835; pasti,, -. the &u^i.i 
 Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, 18i:i-7l, u.ia since then 
 editor of the New York Independent. 1. The l.egal- 
 Te'i.ter Acts considered in Uelation to their Constitution- 
 ality and their Political Economy ; new ed . r.-., N. 
 Yr-k 1876, 8vo. 2. Religion and the SI , . ■, me 
 BilJle'and the Public Schools, N. York 187t., l2mo. :). 
 The Law of E.xtradition, International and luierstate, 
 Albany. 18711, Svo; new ed., rev., 1884 ; Hd ed., 18S5. 1. 
 The Lasv of the Federal Judiciary, N. York, 1883 Svo. 
 Speariuau, H. U. (Ed.) The British Burma 
 Gazetteer. Illust. Rangoon, 1879-80, 2 vols, -vo 
 Spearmitu, K. Haunted lleirlocmis : a Christmas ^ 
 Story, Lon., ISS.^, p. 8yo. ,, . ,, , , taAi. . \ 
 Spearman, lludolph Hemes, M.A., b. 1S45 , j 
 graduated at "riel Co'^ge, O.xford, 187,i; .-mvI ed to the 
 bar at the Inner Temple 187.i; recorder ot Bridgnorth 
 since I S.-"). The Common and Statute Laws ot High- | 
 ways in England and North Wales, Lon., 1S81, Svo. 
 Spears, U. Unitarian Hand-Book of Boriptural 
 Illuti-ation and Exposition, I.on., 1883. 
 Spfcht, George J., and others. Topographical 
 .Surv-eviuL'. Illust. N. York, 18S4, 24iao. 
 Speck, Kev. Edward John, M.A., graduated at 
 Trinity College, Dublin. ISIU; secretary to the Church 
 Pastoral Aid Society 1 8tia-82. The Church Pastoral Aid 
 Society, Lon., 1881, cr.8vo. _ ,,iion,m.;i 
 Spedding, James, [,uite, vol. n.. add.,] l^^f "'^^ - 
 h at Mirehouse.near Basseuthwaite, Cumberland; grad- 
 uated at Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1831, and was 
 afterwards elected an honorary Fellow of that oollogo. 
 At Cambridge he *ft» a contemporary and Inliiiiutn 
 friend of Alfred Tennyson and Edward Fit/gorBbl, and 
 he was -iibscquently well acquainted withCarlyle, Thiick- 
 eray, and other men of note; but his own life was a 
 very iiuiot and uneventful one being almost wholly ile- 
 voted to study and research iu louneetion with the work 
 bv which his name will be permanently reniombcred. 
 In . I, .preparation of hi^ edition of Bai-n's Works ho 
 L . - is mentioned ".,(., \ ol. ii., the assistance ol R. 
 (, ICllis and I). D. Heath; liut by far tho greater por- 
 tion of the labor was uxccute.l by bimsclt. '■ C'"".- 
 panion to tho Railway Edition of Lord Campbell s Lite 
 of Bacon. By the Railway Uuuder. Lon., I8^).l. — 
 (Ed.) The Letters and tho Life of Francis liaoon, in- 
 i eluding All his Occasional Works, iitwly collected and 
 ! set forth: with a Commentury, Biographical and His- 
 torieal, Lon., 1857-74, 7 vols. 8vo. (Vols. i.-v. are men- 
 ' " The tlioronghm-ss 'i - Infinite palns. "'i' ^''"te;,,"',','' 
 1 which Ml -i.'.l ■ I' rforiiieil to wh li he 
 ! 1 y V . u. ..avB .a-Miird his lir-, ouiilit to excite the 
 ! miiutiondfnn students, and the hamei.r a pind imiiiy. 
 iuve cannot hdi. wishing that one who knows «(, .ui. i 
 about his subject had found a less cunibroiis mode ol put- 
 Uiig ih "res'ilts ■ •( hi-- kii. .wlcdne before us. A work which 
 uriniably he could do better thuii anyone else, a Ht bliig- 
 ^'''' iUs 'imt'merely that his great c.mtrlbiitlon t" Kn^'Wi 
 history bus no rival for accuracy ol juilguieiit, and fur in- 
 us rv n 'rrled to the extreme point ; or t lat he has taught 
 us In ■know ill his true character one ol ''{V' «'^''' S^'.j' f, f^, 
 nun of a land fertile in statesmanship. "i>-, ,''' "V*, ,X 
 than a history, more than a hiok'raphy. It is a uionil 
 "el ol teac liig historical writers i„ combat the am which 
 m St easily b^^^^ the tendency to put their own ii- 
 terpretatuiu upon doubtful facts, >>•'' .''i^' ^^JIJ"' "'"^''' V* 
 int'i the minds of men of other ages. -SAMftL R. t.AKDi- 
 i '"'''s.'pubiisli'ers and Authors, Lon., 1867, 12mo. 4. An 
 1 Account of the Life and Times of Francis Bacon ; ex- 
 1 tracted from the Edition of his Occasional W ritings, 
 ; Lon 1878 2 vols. p. 8vo. 5. Reviews and Discussions, 
 1 Literary, ,'olitical, and Historical, not relating to Bacon, 
 Lon., 18711. 
 " Some of the essays were nubUslicd many v-mi ago ; 
 i butMr. Spedding rightly Juiiges that ibcy will ^e 'fefil 
 contributions to the history oF questions which may pos- 
 slbh be reoiiened hereafter.' -i>al. Hcv.. xlviU. o7.. 
 (i. Iveniligs with a Reviewer; or, Maeaulay and 
 Bacon ; with ii Prefatory Notice by 0. S. Venables, Lon.. 
 1881, 2 vols. 8vo. (This was lirst printed, for jinvate 
 "'■^'t is't""be regretled that in Mr. Snedding's lifetime this 
 work was only privately iiriiucd tor the use of a few 
 fVi.nds. . . . ■flieniatter.Uliii.irlinf U.claiigiiiiKy .v;o 
 distributed through the several volumes "' »'',^„ ^f "' ,^ 
 and Life of Bacon.' where the coiitliin"iiV'''i?.T,?^,"'Vid 
 iwwer of tlie argument i, Irillcred away by the long an 
 viquent 1 a ks between itsdilTerent piirt.s. In itsoiTgluil 
 shai CN wl ii is now made public for the llrst time, Kvcii- 
 lugs wit Keviewer' is a lull and minute exarainatiou ol 
 MacauV cs.s.iy on Daenii. And never was a showy and 
 ii low >l,-|.lay of rhetorual criticism more thorough >, 
 laliei.lly.a'iKl pitilessly dissected by a true critlo."-»a(. 
 ■ llii:, nil. 503. 
 I Andi-ce G.vliiliNKii, J.IMKS, »ii;.ra. 
 ' Speed, H. F. Cruises in .Small Yachts and Big 
 I Canoes; fr n. tho Log of thi ' Watersnare, Lon., 1883, 
 ''■ Sp°eed, Ii., and Pryor, F. R. Sophocles : (Edjpus 
 Tvrannus: a Record of the Performar^e U Camoridgc 
 in November ' 7. Illust. L-n., 1888, s.n. fol. 
 Speed, * omns. The Wilderness Road . a De- 
 sc.i, -ion of tlic Routes of T'ravel by which tne Pioneers 
 a 'irly Sutlers tirst came to Kentucky, Louisville, 
 ed' Mrs. Cornelia Mary, wife of Captain 
 I ly. ' Wanderings in the Soudan, Lon., 1881, - 
 ' ' ■ Made upof letters sent home to her Wends in England, 
 it furms a eaiiital story of adventur, imoiig the wil 
 IrlK the Desert and the half-elvili^c.l lacesol Egyi.tiaii 
 ' towns,"— .8'<i(. WfC, lix. 121, , , r.- i „« i 
 i Speedy, Thomas. Sport in the Hi^; .nds and 
 ! Lowlands of Scotland with Rod and Gun. Illust. fcdin. 
 *"' Wnu'ake'it.s place beside ' The Mo.-.r Riii! Ib-c I-ncJ'' ','" 
 the book-shelves of sportsmen and amateur naturalists. 
 Sul. lia.:, Iviii. 7U2. 
 Speer, Emory. The Removol of Causes from the 
 State to Federal Courts, and Analysis of the Law as 
 changed by Act of Congress of March 3, 1887, Boat,, 
 1883, 12mu. 
 Hpcor, Hev, Ulllliiin, D.D., h. 1S22 at N. r 
 Alexuij.lrm, l>,i. I Knidimi,,! at Kcny„ii c.Wlr,fe IMIn 
 itu.linl „K.,|icl„.> .i,.l .livlnii.v : I1,..,h,,i ,„ ..r,,,..,, i„ ,,,, 
 Vtx.M,>t.n»M ChurrI, IS4H, ,„„i ,,,„ ,„ t.,,,!,,, „; ^["J^; 
 I. Thu (iMf8t iinJ the .\..»«,t Kin). ire: Cl.iim iin.l the 
 Kulf lor Chnslian (iivin«, I'hil.i., Is;;, i,),„„ 
 l.snrsvo'"' ^ ''"'""""*• l"''" Luck of Huir, Lon., 
 .uia.,J b. s,|o. ,a Liven,,,,,) ; „,|„ea„.,l a[ a |-.,„,„| i.i 
 «ch,.,.l M, iho north of K'n^l,.,,,!, hd.l f,.r m„nv ynus , 
 l,o«,tion on one 01 t ho chi.f Kngli,!, railwuv/, but liaa 
 rDccntly given l,„ »h„k. .ticniion to hl,.r„„;,T lie a, 
 been a ,.„ntntn.tor to All .ho Veur llo,.n,l, ll„u„.hul,l 
 Word, lie gravm an, other |,eri,« I. In the l>ea, 
 of .\ «ht, Un., 1S74, .■( voU. ,,. svo. Anon. 2. A Se,.r,.t 
 of the ,sea, Lon., Iti78, :) vols. p. kv„. Anon i The 
 My,.en,.,s of Heron Dyke: a Novel of Ineidem, Lon., 
 ISSU, J vol". IT. Svo. Anon. 
 " 1"ho liul.lenls are exciliiiK aiul iinexi>eei,„l ■ 11,.. ,,,1.1, 
 terlos thoroi.Khly mysterious an, >{\ n I |e\ t Ml ' ,f 
 rierUM'tly re,t^,.ual,le e-xflanutlou. ? . Tl e iiult ,f 1 .. 
 -.t(l,'.N-l',:"TTi? ••""^"'•'"»"« >"" I.cT;onali;'airru"live:" 
 wiV ^ ""."."'io'^'"",', ■'""■• '^**«' '2"'"- ». WIfo or No 
 Wife? an,l A Cloeo .Shave, Lon., IS.H? U>|u,. 
 "Speii, linv,»(l.„eu,l.) SeoSKLor,, il .„„,.„ 
 Speiice, C. (Trans.) Christian Kthie- oy'lJi'ho; 
 ?87;!,'s"r' <"*'•"■«'«" '^''""'logioul Library,") Kdin!, 
 I o!!''7ss>^' '•''''*■'"■"' ^' A Freuk of Fate : a Novel, 
 Lou., I ^oo, p. '^ ■; ,). ' 
 b. I s.jrt, in London ; son ot (ieor(,'e .Speuce, M 1' ,,, ,. 
 "l"U '■"'■ ";,;' .r« '•"'"""•-"I »t \Ve..|ruin!,ter .-School, and 
 u Corim. Chnsti College, Cambridge, where he g adu- 
 uted, lirst ,,..... Theol. Trip., in IshI' „„ beoamt pr,!- 
 fes.or of i.ualorn literature in .<t. Davi,l's College, Lam- 
 pe er, in IS«o; rector of 8t. Mary de Crypt, (ilTnoe.ter, 
 87.1; pnneipal of th. Theological College, (Jlouc,.,-ter 
 ><<o; viear of St. I'auorus, London, 1^77; deau of 
 Oloueester l.SMO. He is the chief editor of the Pulpit 
 ZZ'T'/Z^'if "',';, ""miletieal Library, and L 
 I'ontributcl to Uishop Ellioott'a and Dr. Schars Com- 
 I.; -iiries. _ (Tran.-. ) The Teaching of the Th elve Apo,,- 
 III.-: ^liM,, TO,.. Ja,5.,a 'A-roaToAu,!- : with Notes and Kx- 
 cuf-u.-^ a.-t.\.nllu,..trativeof th,: "Teaching," and the 
 raxi K;n., LS«."i, I,. Sv,,. 
 ■ 1. Sunday .Mornings with my Flock: 
 olossians: Discourse.-, L,.n., 1S7.",, p. 8vo. 
 ,ry Prayer of Our Lord, and E.\p>sition, 
 . -, ^. Svo. ' ' 
 Speiice, J. C. The Stability of Ships, Explained 
 and Calculated hy a New Method, Lon., lss+ ,it,l 
 2 'r"v,f; 'rxvsTfi'*"'"''" "" ^-«"^''''-" '^''. 
 Speiic.-, James Miidie, F.R.tJ.s., a nuMuber of the 
 Alpine Club. 1. Ascension al Pico do Nai.-oatil, 187'. 
 j. Lite on the Great Ilydropathium. Jiy :.,,„ x U 
 Leevitt, [pseud.,] of Ch. kouiaugo, Ohio, fnucd States.' 
 Lon., In,. 3. Ihe Lao I of Uolivar; or. War, Peace 
 ??i Adventure in the Kepublic of Venezuela. Lon., 
 18,.S, 2 vols, .svo; 2d ed. same year. 
 " ^'u one colli bo fitter to l-m i,, Veneziioln thnn Vr, for he i. interested in puhii, ^ iKy Vmntali L 
 xiv.^iu'.'' ' "'"' '"'^'■'^""•'«""--' Hieratiirc."-.iw. T": 
 ..I'.'To" P<:''^0'">' naii.aivc, which forms a laiw but des- 
 uUorily (lisinbuled iwrtioii of Mr. Spencers book s t ,nf 
 he reader, ,|es not Exactly know wKL' is it times is 
 spirited and mterestiiig,"-.Spcc(a(or, li. ■7" ' 
 Speiice, Mury. See Kellv, Miis. Mahv 
 Npeiicer, Charles. 1. The M,.dem Gymnast: 
 Iructical InstruolMis Lon., 186(i, 12mo. 2 The lii 
 cycle: its Use and A, tion, Lon,, IS70, l2ino. 3. The 
 JIo,lernB.eyole: Instructions, Choice Training, Road- 
 U'A Ac., Lon., 1876; new ed., 1878, p. -^„ ^"4 -nhc 
 Iiu_,ule Koad-Book, Lon., 1880, p. Svo- ,v ,,1 iss? 
 iiistory ol the Machines, Lon., 1883. I2mo. .; The Cv- '' 
 ^:.!^^:X;X^'''''''' ^'''■'''''" ■-' "''^■ 
 Spencer, Charles Edgar. 1. The Viking, Guy, 
 A Legend ! the Mo.'cahala, and other Poems, Phila., 
 songi, Phlbi,, 121110. 
 NpciKcr, t'hnrloite I'raiiecN rrvdcricn. 
 (oiiiilciiN S|i..|icc|-, lauitlitcr of F, C. W. .Sovmour • 
 i.nirried, |.„., ,,, ,i„. ,i,„. Karl Sp,.nc«r. (Ed,, East unj 
 » O-C, 1-,,11., ) ^, I, S\ ,,, 
 Spencer, Uwight 
 24 mo, 
 Spencer, E. W 
 Church Kiuuiice, N. York, 1 8711, 
 Trans. 1 The Last Grave of tlio 
 the Herman of E. M. Vaonno, L 
 Greek Text, 
 St. Paul t„ 
 2. The Inter 
 Lon., IS70, p. 
 Nlliescos ; from 
 ! Spencer, EdKar .1. Hint, from a Lawver; or. 
 j Legal A.lM.e I,, Men an,l Women. N. York, I-"-, l2mo 
 Spencer. Edward. Outline of the Publi,. l.,fe and 
 Services ol Iboioaa K. liaynnl, .Senator of the Cnilod 
 Nates iroiii Delaware, l>i;ii-l>so : with Extracts from 
 wuo 'iT " '""^ "'® Debates of Congress, N. Vork, 
 1^80, 12ino. ' 
 Spencer, Herbert, [ri„t<, vol. ii., a,ld.,] b. Is2ii, 
 at Derby, l,„g. ; ,vas educated by his father, a teacher In 
 ihat town, ,„„1 by his uncle. Rev. Thomas ,<,,encer. Ho 
 wa,s ar(i,.lcd to a civil engii r in 1N.!7. but gave up the 
 pro ession eight years Inter, having in the mean tiiiio 
 contribute,! to the Civil Engineer's and Ar, hilccCs .(our- 
 nal. He then scttle,l in London, where he was sub- 
 editor of the Economist ls48-o;j, and a contributor t,) 
 the Westminster Review an,l IMinburgh Review. Mr 
 Spencers publb^ation of evolutionary views untedalcl 
 tbat ,.r Darwin s b,;ok, an,l his lite has been largely ile- 
 yole.l to the development of his System of Svnthclio 
 liiiosopby. (the programme of which »aa is'sued in 
 i>ou,) which IB an en,leavor t,) carry into ibo whole re- 
 gion ol phenomena the laws of evidnlion as set forth 
 in his two essays of |s.07. In 1882 h,. paid a ^isit to 
 lie Lnite,! states. Jlc has been a oonlributor to 
 Icii; ing periodicals, chielly of articles in defence of his 
 pliilosophioal system against the Duke of Argvll and 
 other assailants. I. The l>r iples uf PsyJh.dogv, 
 L„n., l!<7(l-72, 2 vols. 8vo; new cL, 18,^. (This is an 
 enlarge,! e, iii„„, with a new arrangement of the matter, 
 ot the work with the same titie meniioned n,,/., vo). ii.) 
 L- .r'T-'^ "f *':'""i"f-'y. '."»•. i>:;i, svo; nth ed. 
 ',■'■„ ■'•, '•»s»y'. .Scientific, I'olitical, and Speculative: 
 vol. 111., Lon., I '•74, p. ,Svo. 
 iLs"nr/:^!!?,'.',.!l"l "''"'' "''« ,^-V'"»'C will be found equal to 
 ^n S imTf ','.' "f^""'!' ''"I"'"""™ and interest. The 
 roiMirtloii of critical and c.iiiroversial matter Is irreatcr 
 f' wr linl'ln u 1, ','h \,"''"' '" ^^■'-' ■ ''"' ""^ i"* not th'l.Tl fd 
 I, mvl.?., . '• '' ••'■■■ '■I','-''."'.-''- '•■'"■'^^Is. »i>d the time and 
 ■ veiMlb'. 1 : r ',' h'" "■1'I>"'K '" Vi'l^'i'""» I'l'Pear to us, 
 r,m . , J , ri' '^'^^'"V, '^'.f «ii'tfs«ful, to be so nniidi !,.«£ 
 ron the stock available lor his principal work There is 
 10 linal answer to hostile criticism of „ grea „■ ,rk V,'t 
 he periiianence of the work Itself Howeve . Mr sfi^Mi eer 
 tblM'?'! "' «;'"!' ''ir;-.'""-*'"^ "'■ ''is toiistruethx' gel h .s i^n 
 is. ^c"^ xxxAiS. "'^''"' "'"^ "" '^'" ' "' «">'-'>•'"■■■- 
 4. Descripiive Sociology; or, Groups of Sociological 
 tacts; cmipiled and abstractcl by , lames Collier, I'ro- 
 fessor 1) Duncan, of Madras, and Dr. Richard Shciipig, 
 Un., 1<.,1-S2, s numbers, fol. No. I, English j'^Xo! 
 ., Ancient American Races; No. 3, Lowest Races, No- 
 gntto Races, Polynesians; No. 4, African Races: No. 
 J, Asiatic Races; No. i\ .\mcr .,111 Races; No. 7, He- 
 brews an, Pha-nicians ,s, j ,.., French Civilization. 
 (Ihis work was compika umler Mr, I-. - noor's direction, 
 and lurnished hiin with facts !.nd 1',, rrations in sup- 
 port ol his views. For a corr , .,:,l,.n. e in regard to its 
 character ami value, in which ,:-;,. fpencer, Mr. Collier, 
 and Mr. S. R. Gardiner took p»rt, see A, ad., v. 92-»4, 
 oiu.J'^,'n,7?^''„ '* dcsigiie<l to be a gigantic book of rcfer- 
 ?,'fer;.n '? ?i ^""' ^■'",''"' y'"" '"">■ '"" "^^a'le'' a '"'Ok of 
 .,,,,1, io,^^ "' ^'S"!."' ""''■'''• i'i"smii> h as niaiiv of tho 
 a thuritiescoiin.ilcl Iroiii are themselves t)ooks of refer- 
 uoc lor which rea.son a .jo, lidous reader who w,.nl,l u,se 
 .Mill safety an, 1 profit must bring to it even moiv than 
 the ordinary caution required in consulting such works," 
 'Hit. mv., xxxviii. 185. 
 a. The Principles of Sociology : vol. i., Lon., 1877, 
 ovo ; ■vi L'li., 1SS6, 
 b,rZ''f„fi';"'"'','-''"'"^'^ ^'^'. Mr. Spencer's undertaking Is 
 • ■? li«n .''''li-'" '!'"■' " i'* ""occupied, or nearly so. 
 . 1 nr„^r,", '"'■?'•"*•' '■'"'P''-''-s i" this voUiine, though per- 
 ! ,'.''p';"'!j,,"'S,'"""' iniportant in the gcieral „lau. are tlinse 
 1' , ,-;!■: '^pcoecrs workcimes into contact, .sometimes 
 nto CO lisioii, with that of other iuouirers, who h, ve Kone 
 and U?!lV^yr';'' <'£P"'n'™ts oT the history of c^^ 
 aii,l beliefs, ihe book contx ns ndee<l a series of ehal- 
 dl'S'Tlfiw/'w '•'■''""''' '"^" ""'"'• ^"-^ «11 suffldci ly 
 ,.,.,, si i„ we may expect to see taken up in due 
 /'• '■ , xliif. m'" "'*""" ^^^^ Pii"wpully eoiicern."-.Sa«! 
 ( '.I 
 I' » 
 r.., In«litiill(.n«' heinit l'«rt IV. (if llio ! HiriMiuo IlIiiMrRllniiB, nptly clioseii fur til • riir;..M-« Ihejr 
 ii,,l,.y of Snolology. (vol. I., I'.irt I.,l l.on., I Nil, ^vo. | l^fj j'^',;j-^^ . yi^,,,,,,,,,,,,,! „, j.,.*, r,|.,.,l mitiiml lHuiiUlf« 
 hf U'Bcliim liU'K Mlilrli Mr, Spi'iucr ilcvflnhn iili.l II- , ^^^^^.^, ,.mii>.I.m1 IiIiii In KiillU'V li|i wllhlu lil^ ili'llniti' y«t 
 Cltl llt'AIII 
 Imvf I'liii))! 
 mTUMi'. «rii«|i, 
 ... Ill untlU'V up wllhlu 111* ili'llniti' y«t 
 ■ ti (inly llif iimliltinlliioii" tlirfuil" npun 
 liislriitfH iill lliroimli llir li'iok s iliat In tliu nirlv lil..lory ,„,„,„„ , „„. . . _.. 
 iif Kock'lyiiiiil lii»illiillon» lorin liimKiiuflu'lorc-iilistuiiiT, , , .,.,.|,,|'n ,iisiiivi'ri'r» in iiliyhhiil n'li'iiiv, luit Him) 
 Mr S|K'lllTrlul» ulrillllV>lHHVIlUt..|oll'llr\ 1.1 llllOlT- ">">•■ ^<" I.' ... 
 rule thv CMiiiiilfxUy of k.h'ImI iplii'iiuiiiciiii, iiii.l in Jiiiii|i at 
 hnliiiluiis wlilrli oil till- liire nl ihfiii iin- inmli too uasy to 
 lir true . . . Iiini'iii'iul, Mr, S|K'iii'iT'hivilllioiltlv*. iiotliolil 
 ail. I iifw, iiru loo miii'li I'liiiiiUcI iiiiil too llttlu wvIkIuiI. , 
 'llic ilclfi'lN arc iHrlmiw lii»i'|iaralili' Iroin tl luilioil iiiol 
 cMiilltloiiH of hh work ; ami, allcr all i> *alil. hf lm» I'ol 
 Ifili'l a uri'at iiius.1 of scalliifl I'acl* iiiol iiiiolc Iliuiii «ii!- 
 lillliaiil In till' UkIiI of mncral lili'im a.- I tlii'r llvlli« 
 iiniii .■oiiM liavo iloiie \{:'-S,il. Iln:, xll.\. I'l, 
 ■ ■I'lioiii.'h Ir Ilii' imliirfof li»MiliJiTt-iiiallrr 't caiiiiot 
 lu'coiisliliTfcl Hhoni.' of Mr, S|H'nc<T'.'<ino»tvali. .u- worlm, 
 llii'iv are mTliapK IVwof llii'iii iiioiv i.|arlllmi iii ilif illiex- 
 pecU'il orili'r soailnilralily liilroiliiii'il Into a mii»» ot ulia- 
 otic iiialurhil."— (iii.vNT; ,1.iii/., xvll. iis, 
 7. Thu Data of Kthics: bi'ing the I'lri-l I'drlionof the 
 I'l-iiidplfii of EthicH, l-on., 1S7K, Svo; llh f.l., l^-*4. 
 '■a shown Mr. SiK'iiccr's coiistnictlve p.iwcr ut ll.slicst, 
 mill lakes rank In the hli;hc>t onlcr ol plillosoplilcal 
 wrllliiKs, ihoM! Mliich Klvc lis nut only aruuiuciits liut 
 Ulcus, '-.Si/, Iln.. .xlviii, U7, _ . „ 
 "fhc iiiicstlon al.oul action 1. the most urKunl of all, 
 iinil It 1- therefore iniillcrof rejolcinu that such nil liiear 
 triosii yet more snlitle lllircs « hich our recent hes( kliuwii 
 p»ycnuliit(lst« Iniveilrawii lurth; iicavliin Ihe whole, wllb 
 (li'xIeronssklU.lnluHn Itiiellccuuil falirl «rcnt delicacy 
 Hiiil apparent cohe-ioii, .Mr, spencer has inileei! m cii- 
 onllnalcil, ~nppleiiicnle.l, ami .Icvelupcil llio iluclrilieti of 
 his cuiiti'iiipurarlcs ami Imimilialc prcilece»«ors that tUo 
 plillo«uplu he sets lielorc ii- K Ihe very ciilnilnalloii of 
 Ihelrelloris,— the lilooniaml Iructlllcalloii resnitiiiu frnm 
 long-contlniieil anleriur piuccssen oluroHih, , , , It 1b the 
 presence of Ihe po-iilve elemeiil» 111 .Mr. t^pencer's phllus. 
 ophy u'hicli makes us hojiefiil as lo mmie ol It* rcsiilH In 
 one illrectloii. while ileplorliiK Its fatal cllects Kunerally, 
 . , . Ills system l»ii..| II Unci rcslliixphi'-e, hut a halllliK- 
 sintion In" the philosopher's progress, ami one at wlilcli 
 leiieerisin, like I.ockl»ni, 
 lory of philosophy."— 
 hhlluMipliy is of thai large 
 have liithcrtu asso- 
 several ruiuls nicel iiii<l iliverKu. 
 inny furiii a lnmliiiark In the 
 Huiirlirlii A'li'., I'xxxv. MK 
 " Mr. spencers conception of i 
 ami amliitluiis iliniaclcr whici 
 chilcil cxclnslvelv Willi the iiiiiiics of (.'oiilincnlal, anil 
 esiH'chillv of (icninin, thinkers. In liis view science resl* 
 upon eei'taln nlllniMle necessities of thought or 'i iiriori 
 principles, ami the llrst principles uf the special sciences 
 are likewise ii in-imi : ami II Is Ihe hiisincss of philosophy 
 nalioiiisuch a perfect sawmill, we were «uln« to .say, of :•- ,- ,■ , i , ,, , . ,. , ,-,i„,v.,- 
 tvoliniiinlsm as Mr Sp.ijncer shoiiM have seen lit lo puli- to unify kuuwledKe liy exliilniimt it as a iledncllun Iruiu, 
 llsh his Kthles In ndvauce of their proper place In the or synthesis of, these lirst pilnciples. '1 lie provlnee of 
 rk to which he lias devoted his life, . . . Ills work con- each special science in of necesslly llmiteil ; It deals with 
 ■ '" the universe In one or other of lis manv as|Kcls or rela- 
 llons, and aceordliiKly it ran never tell us what the Ulil- 
 terse Itself Is, liiit only how It alilH'ars from one point of 
 view. When, llicrcfure. Rclentlllo achievement has beeu 
 carried to Its liirlliest limit there will still remain the 
 further (piestloii— What, artiT all, Is Ihe universe Itself? 
 To sonic minds this ipiestiun at jircsent seems, and 
 doiitillesK will loni,' cuiitinue to seem, hopeless of solu- 
 tion. It iH, hoMcver, lliis (piestliiii, and no other, to 
 which Ihe 'Synthetle I'hlloaophy' is Intended hy Us 
 author to funilsli the final answer, , , . He claims to 
 have established Ills ontoluL'ical doctrine upon a sclen- 
 title basis, upon the basis of the idea of evolution applied 
 as an universal method to ihe InlerpreUillon of the phe- 
 nomena of the universi;; to have Introduced Into as- 
 tronomy "" 'bi' "lu' band, and psychology and its de- 
 iK'ndent science.s on the other, the same method which 
 tains» of strlkliiKly-exprcs.sed crilleisni and lllus- 
 irailou of the Incohereiiceof onractual ethical vtiiudards. 
 It Is certain to form a powerful centre of cryslallliatlon 
 fur the lluid tboiiKlit of recent days, and Is, It seem-, to us 
 allcr this llrst pcru.sal.decidedlv the must notcwurthy pro- 
 duction of its enerii'etlc author. — .Vnr/oii, xxlx. 178. 
 "The elleetof the biaik oil the mature student of phll- 
 osuiihy will he lo ciiuvey to him much that is sUtfBe.stlvo 
 and dellKhtful, In Its laborious and subtle iiiialysis, and iu 
 display, so congenial to all really thoiiuhtlnl minds, ot lliu 
 i.assloii for an all-eomprehendiin? Keueralizatlon, whether 
 lie Is led lo eoiicur with Ihe authors views or not. At all 
 events, It cannot fall to Interest liliu as an earnest, and 
 what we eaunoi avoid calling a desperate, ellort to dra« 
 the noblest phenomena of our nature Into the evolution 
 thcorv."— ■'"'yWiidir, 1111. -'I'l. 
 •Tfils volume contains . . . .Mr. .«pencer's attempt to 
 iilace morality mi a ilcdnctlvc and linal basis. We have liarwiii applied exclusively to biology; ami bv so dolim 
 in It most of llic data from which in his opinion future ile- i to^ have acconiiillshed^ thai unllicaliiiu of knuwIeclKe 
 ductlons are to be made; and we may say that, thanks to ■ ' ' ' '- '•' ' 
 bis power of selcctlm,' from amoni; the llrst principles 
 which are 'in the air' those which are most scieutllle 
 which, aswe have seen, In bis viewponslllules iihilo.sophy, 
 Mr, S|,encer's philosophy can bariUv be hinKliveil. 
 . . . The inevltiible verdict of iiosterity will ratify ourowu 
 in pronouncint; hls'uiiillcation of knowledge' a clumsy 
 piece of legerdemain."— /.o/i'/im i/uiirlirlii Hit., Ix. XVi. 
 "Ill spite of the interneelne warfare between his prin- 
 and probable, llianks also to his IiIkIi powers of analys 
 ami eo-ordinatlon, he has produced a treatise on morals 
 which may be reK'arded as more truly representative of the 
 gains ot modern tlioui;ht than any that has yet apiH'arcd. 
 At the same time, takinn this volume by it,-ell, we must ,--,-, , . , ,., . , ,, .,., , 
 bear in mind that the principles he lays down in it are lolinit the force and clcarne».sof his genius, theextelit and 
 meant for ideal men in an ideal socletv ; they are not meant prolundity of his .scientific knowledge. It is questionable 
 to be translated immediately Into practice; they are ana- whether any thinker of liner calibre ha.s appeared in our 
 lytieal rather than bi-lnrical or actual; and any attempt country, altboUKh the future alone can delcrinine the 
 of the kind we have mentioned would be autioipatinK the ] isisltion he is to assume in Hi.story ' ' ' ' 
 cljiles and the Ibeological and metaphysical principles 
 omdally admitted, even antaKonLsts are compelled to 
 course of evobilion, and would be dangerous rather than 
 beneficial in its elVccts,"— -K/i,, No. '^"a. 
 H. Political Institutions ; being I'art V. of the Prin- 
 ciples of Sociology, (vol. ii , Part II.,) Lon., 1S82, .'^vo. 
 "His generalizations, founded mostly on extracts com- 
 piled for him in the folios of • Descriptive Sociology' are 
 often of inferior fpinlllv, partly from the extracts them- 
 M'lves being scraps, ami partly from his own method of 
 inference being uncritical."- E. Ii. Tylor; Acad., xxlii. 
 9. The Man nr^iii the State, I,on., l.'^St, Svo. 
 "According to Mr. Herbert Spencer, the true Liberal 
 doctrine is • greater freedom from restraint, iiartlcnlarly in 
 pulltieal institutions.' . . . Mr. Silencer would restrict the 
 functions of the State to those of the police magistrate and 
 policeman."— .s'ptc/u<()r, Ivlii. 421. ,..,,, 
 "As an analysis of a temporary tendency, Mr. Herbert 
 Spencer's book Is very interesting ; but we are far from 
 thinking it a complete or adeiiuale treatment of the sub- 
 ject."— \(i(ion, xli. 39. 
 10. Ecclesiastical Institutions : being Part VI. of the 
 Principles of Sociology, (vol. ii., Part III.,) Lon., 1885, 
 " He always writes didactically: he expounds his opin- 
 ion on some subject and then proceeds to illustrate it by; 
 facts drawn from auv race or age; for such purposes ol 
 illustmtion one traveller's tale answers as well as aiioiher. 
 Hut when these illustrations have .served to make clear 
 what .Mr. Spencer's o|iinlon is. the reader is still at a 
 to understand how it is proved."— .I'/i., No, 3i>4o. 
 11. The Factors 
 from the " Nineteenth 
 Genbuai, Ckiticismi 
 " ro, as he does an acquaintance with almost all 
 branches of physical .science, together with a singular 
 quickness in tbe'dctectlunof anaiouies, and much analytic 
 power, he has the good fortune to be f.lso aljle to manifest 
 Kis wea Itl/o tliVmSht by a corresponding richness of die- „ »P«""rV, ""'• ^"^ .""',' •' i", ^'^ 
 tlon his slvle being clear and forcible, abounding in pic- ; St. David 8 College, Lampeter; ordained 1871 
 ViTi ' 
 ,\t present he is too 
 close to us for an accurate estimate,'. , . He alone of llritisli 
 thinkers has organized a .system of I'hilosopliy."— IJ. H. 
 Lkwks; Thr Uixlurii nf Philiisniiliii, llh cd.. 11, 7.'iii, 
 " No iihllosopher achieves .sucli vast popularity as .Spen- 
 cer except by rea.son of some real merit. Mr, Spencer's 
 principal merit is his jilnck in tryiitg lo do what every 
 philosophy must do,— to formulate the phenomenal uni- 
 verse in a simple, positive, dogmatic way. His next merit 
 is that lie Is profuse of facts familiar as well as remote, 
 ami nntechnlcal in his manner of exposition. When an- 
 other anthor shall arise who, stamling as little aloof from 
 the plane of the popular intelligence as Mr. spencer, shall 
 make a .synthesis as truly complete as his is spuriously so, 
 as (listincl in Its fonnulatioii as his is equivocal, as con- 
 sistent as his Is incoherent, that author will easily drive 
 Mr. Spencer from his stronghold in the popular imagina- 
 tion.' -.Vu/iVm, XXX. 'i'J2. 
 Spencer^ J. Elementary Practical Chemistry and 
 Laboratory Practice. Part I. Lon.. 1883, 12ino. 
 Spencer, J. Stiitt'ord. Dips into Nature : Poems, 
 Lon., 1872, |). Svo. 
 Spencer, Rev. Jesse Ames, S.T.D., [miff, vol. 
 ii., add.,] professor of tlie liicck language and litera- 
 ture in the College of the City of New York 18(HI-7il, 
 and professor emeritus 1879-81 ; appointed custodian of 
 the Standard IJihlo in 1883. 1. The Young Ruler 
 who had Great Possessions, and other Discourses, 1S71. 
 2. A Course of English Reading, 187:1. 3. .«kctch of 
 " the 
 gment, Eternity : 
 Studies in Holy Soripu..e, X. York, 18S7, 12mo, 
 Spencer, John. Things New and Old; or, Store- 
 house of Similes, Lon., 1871, 2 vols. ]i. Svo. 
 Spencer, Rev. John Louis, li.D., graduated at 
 vicar of 
 ','""" , ;,"^ i/i V ■j'liV- -• A l.ourse oi r-ngiisn Iteauing, i»i.>. a. .-acicn < 
 VV, ■ {'Z,u?t\n^' r,.r,r\,,t^,\\ i^e History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in t 
 ol Organic Evolution : reprinted ; ,,^..^_, ^^J^^ ^,., . ,j,,.^ ^.l^ , ^1^^ ^ , y^^^. 
 h century, Lou., l.-^si, 8vo. Intermediate .State, irrection. Judgment,' Eternit 
r* ■ % 
 H|H.iic..r, Thi.odore C;. Tl,„ Hu»^^u. ,„, ,, 
 llKi"U.,.,„l P„|i,i.„| |„u.rty, N. v,„h, In"; ■.„' '" 
 H|..-iii-er, W. A. MinnoHuf. Sm,,,,,,.; (" , i „. ' 
 I")rl.-, Ml «. x.-xx ilsrt'i -1 w'l.i "T" '"" ' iMirt l(e- 
 1i, li vul-. ■';;;"'•' I '^"''-' '.) " I'l". ami Si. Puui, |^,i,u 
 ^.!'«'"j:''''','^"- >Villi,„„ l,„r,„g, I, ,., ,, .„ 
 ..A I'lu.'k.v Orif, N. V„rk, IH.-fi l'),„„ i ,.' , . ' 
 June; ,..S,„r.v,„ „„. l.lH,.k'll lb, N.-y 'k \s^~^\Z' 
 IHDl, .) vols. p. m,, ' ,{',': ; '••■ "" '" ""ir. I."li., 
 vols. 11. Svu; n<m oci Ihhii i i, . '""••, I '*''». •! 
 sl"ry."-.l(/,., N,, !to,| "^""""' ''"• " I" reiilly a iK'Hshtliil 
 lialh : TlH.rn„.l WhUt-, L.ln 'is8S"hv„ ' "• ''• ^''" 
 »io. x. iiii Ooiith us 10 Piirt. I.on Issi <i „„i ' 
 «vo. ,0 Mr. Nobody, I,on.. 18 "4 ';<";. , ! v'o u'^L 
 Recollect.on. of a Country Docto'r. Lon.,V8S5% "i, t^ 
 i-w-TTv'or'^rs^aVfi"'"- ^'p^"! ^«"««' »f '"«; 
 C.un,;.,.,,V.t;rk,1|8^,''r^,/- """'"'= "» '^"»'-- ^ 
 ^Spenser, P. Flowers foV Sunday,, Lo„., 1871 
 St:Kv,lo,f"'^'7/''"t "• 1- l^/'^'^g""^ » Cornish 
 a ■^fl/r'f^nfw!""''' ^•'""«"- '• ^ Brief Account of 
 "aV l™ s-v "'"''^n'' '" "■« E.Urome North of Xo/. 
 Of lial'-a;.; t;.r,"884'8v^o '"""" "" *""' ^"^"'-"™ 
 v.— 8fl ' 
 ■ l"i., .Vo l"?':! ■ "'" '"<'»• '"■ 'III' KUlllollnu."- 
 ^^N|.io..r, S„,,|,i„. .r>vo l.ittlu ll,..t,,... L„„., 1H7I, 
 i^-''v"jdH"r:n.,'';^T;tr '''''*■" '''■'■-"■''' 
 Sor,!T',V',l,"K,!;.!:i''"''', :'""" ^"'''' ."'O Ar,.hi...c.urul 
 S...i..- 1' ."">?' A.ihlfiny, I.oni on. 1. Kuvut ■ a 
 I..m,, \s^^s,T*^' - Arohiteotun.] l.r,>,vin«. I,|.,,,. 
 .hr'Tin!!.'''r'Jj™'"'' "'""^y '.f Tu.,..roulo,i.., from 
 -!'^'V:;j::,^:,'^;,j .< ..f i.«votio„. n„. ed., 
 nwriwrno'V'T,!;",' """■•,'";■■ "^ "'« ^""itute or 
 i dune ,r,r.i . ^' r''"f™"- of iiiedie.ll jurispru- 
 i y"ten," ;' : ?^;,";':'y;'n- physiology of tho^erl^us 
 I W^rerf'u'nd Alf ".• *'","7" •:"[«""»««", Designer,, 
 TextiiWbtsf Tr :; Ty ' 7s^ to*'"rh''"r''' "' 
 your. ■' ' '' ^""J ^'h ed. same 
 . >*Pi>n'<)r(l, Aiiisuorth Kami 11 n r , 
 . mid 11. lU'n . ,'■. """U, Lli.U. Irni^e, vo . 
 "•. »nu.,j b. If'-'S, lit (filiimnton, N.ll • lihrRrinn „f P„„ 
 i:ress (iinc« isiu 1 ti i> •(■"•■i., uuriirian 01 con- 
 he r *,'""•'"' "^ I'^rlinmentaryRule,.. co> 1, iledfor 
 cmi'T"'!*' *!"• """'«" i;iizabetl., (Prcs- 
 C U ) t„ ,, vol. ,,., p,„,,„„_ „ ^,,,„ K .1 AHKTH 
 ilie Thief in the .\ight, Uost., 1872, rt„,o T Arl 
 '«^oratiu„ ap,,lied to Furnitui'e. I l.Lt N Yolk 
 i il' 'Muio "5 P- '^'>%f--"»-«irl Question; lit 
 iifaotnrr.1 \f . -^ '"'I' "'•™i|'ts, for tho Ise of Man 
 is'i'r";'::[:,^f„^v„^''"'"^-«'"'«« """-y^' j--- 
 Spooner, Very Kev. Edward, M.A., [„„„, vol 
 ' ■ ■•! 
 j' ' 
 .' ' 
 Hi I ^ -ill 
 1 • ' r^i 
 ! ■ - 
 ii., add.,] graduated at Exeter College, Oxford, 1843; ] Indianapolis Ind.; '"""'f;, ^^f^i '» ^"''T'silf 
 ordained 1846 ; vicar of HoMon 185»-7o, and since then | Sjiringer. 1. Beechwood, Phlla., 1873, 12mo. 2. htlf, 
 rector of Hadleigh and co-dcan of 13ocl<ing. 1. Twenty 
 Sermons, Lon., 188(1, p. Svo. 2. Ten Minutes' Readings 
 in the liouk of Gencis, Lon., 1S7(I, p. Svo; new ed., 
 1871. 3. i^t. Oswald's Sunday-Scliool, Lon., 1870, 12mo. 
 4. Last Words : Six Sermons preached in lleston Church, 
 Ilounslow, 1875. 
 Spooner, Elizabeth. 1. Historical Scenes se- 
 lected from Works of Standard Autliors, Lon., 1877, 
 12uio. 2. Daily Headings for a Year, Lon., 187it, 12mo. 
 3. Miscellanies of Animal Life, Lon., 1881, p. 8vo. 
 Spooner, Tlionins. Memorial of William Spooner, 
 16.'!7, and of his Descendants to the Third Oeneration; 
 and of his Ureut-Orandson, Elnathaii Spooner, and of 
 his Descendants to 1871, Cin., 1871, 8vo. 
 Spooner, W. C, M.R.V.C. History, Structure, 
 Economy, and Diseases of Sheep. Illust. Lon., 1874 ; 
 now ed., 1878, fp. Svo. 
 Spooner, .Mrs. Z. H. (Ed.) Poems of the Pil- 
 grims, Host., 1881, 16mo. 
 SpottisHoode, Will?ani, F.R.S., [mitr, vol. ii., 
 add.,] 1820-1884. He was chosen i)residcnt of the Koyal 
 Society 1879; president of the Mathematical Society 
 1871, and of the British Association at Dublin 1878. 1. 
 Polarization of Light, {" Nature" Ser.,) Lon., 1874, 
 12mo. 2. Forty-Eight Co-Ordinates of a Cubic Curve 
 in Space, ^Philosophical Transactions,) Lon., 1882, 4to. 
 Spottswood, Mrs. Lucy A. 1. Alice Dunbar, 
 Phila., ISmo. 2. The Fentons. Illust. Phila., 1874, 
 16mo. 3. Hugh Cheaton's Vow; or. The Trials and 
 Triumphs of a Step-Mother. Illust. Phila., 1S7«, 
 IBmo. 4. Harilah. Illust. N. York, 1881, 16mo. 5. 
 Margaret Linton : a Religious Temperance Story, Har- 
 ri^burg, 1883, lllmo. 6. Lodebnr, N. York, 1885, 12mo. 
 Sprague, Charles Ezra, b. 1842, at Nassau, 
 N.Y. ; graduated at Union College 1800 ; secretary of the 
 Union Dime Savings Institution of New York since 1878. 
 1. Logical Symbolism, N. York, 1882. Privately printed. 
 2. Hand-Book of Voiapuk, N. York, 1888, 12mo. 
 Phila., 1881, 12mo 
 Sproat, Gilbert Malcolm. I. Scenes and Studies 
 of Savage Life, Lon., 1808, ]i. 8vo. 2. The Education 
 of the Rural Poor, Lon., 1870, Svo. 3. Sir Walter Scott 
 as a Poet, Edin., 1871, 8vo. 
 Sprot, Lieut. -Gen. John, b. iS;iO; served in 
 India 1857-00; retired 1887. The Best Mode of Pro- 
 viding Recruits and Forming Reserves, Lon., 1875, 8to. 
 Sprott, Rev. George W. The Worship and 
 Offices of the Church of Scotland, Lun., 1882, p. 8vo. 
 Sproull, Rev. Thomas, D.D., LL.D., b. 1803, 
 at Freeport, Pa. ; graduated at the Western University 
 of Pennsylvania 1829: entered the ministry in the Re- 
 formed Presbyterian Church. Prelections on Theology, 
 Pittsburg, Pa.. 1882. 
 Spry, Capt. F. Schools of Instruction for Officers 
 of Auxiliary Forces, Lon., 1872, 32mo. 
 Spry, W. J. .1., R.N. I. The Cruise of Her Ma.j- 
 esty's Ship "Challenger:" Voyages over Many Seas, 
 Scenes in Many Lands: with Map and Illustrations, 
 Lon., 1870, cr. Svo; new ed., 1879. 
 " Mr. Spry has made a specialty of giving us a shcjrt and 
 instructive historical sketch of almost every point ol note 
 on the route, ami numerous capital illustrations add much 
 to the value of the book."— .Iciu;.. xi. 108. 
 2. The Engineer Officer's Watch, Station, and Fire 
 Bells, Lon,, 1885, 12mo. 
 Spurdcns, W. T. East-Anglian Words; from 
 his Supplement to Forby, (Eng. Dialect Soc.,) Lon,, 
 1879. |). 8V0. 
 Spurgeon, Rev. Charles Haddon, ['■"'<. vol. 
 ii., add.] The poi)ulurity of Mr. Spurgeon as a preacher 
 has suHered no aiminution, thougli his health in receiiti 
 years has been somewhat impaired. The annual publi- 
 cation of the Metropolitan Tabernacle PulpU, contain- 
 ing the reports of his sermons, has gone on without irter- 
 ruption, reaching its thirty-lhird volume in 1888 
 a circulation of 25,000 or more. Besides a Pastors' 
 Snrasue, lieury II.' Women' under t"he Law of ! lege, schools, almshouses, and an orphanage have bee 
 .■51>i«gu»-, «»<="., ...',. „ . ., _ ^., , T>:..„u:i: p,.„.,.i„,i i., nnn>.,.,.tinn «• th the tabernace. endowed i 
 Massachu.^etts ; their Rights, Privileges, and Disabili 
 ties. Best., 1884. Svo, 
 Sprague, Homer B. Masterpieces in English 
 Literature, N. York, 1874, 8vo ; new ed., 1885. 
 Sprague, John T. 1. Electricity: its Theory, 
 Sources, and Applications, Lon., 1875, p. Svo; 2d ed., 
 1884. 2. Electric Lighting: its Probable Influences 
 uiion (<as Interests, Lon,, 1S78, Svo. 
 Sprague, .Miss Mary A., of Newark, 
 Earnest Triller, Host., 1879, lOiUii. Anon 
 founded in connection with the tabernacle, endowed in 
 part with the proceeds of two testimonials, amounting 
 to about £12,000, which were presented to Mr. Spur- 
 geon on the occasion of his "silver wedding," in 1879, 
 and of his fiftieth birthday, in 18S4. For biog., see Ste- 
 VKNSON, G. J., Iii/ra, and Waltkks, Ri:v. William, 
 inf'ni. 1. The Treasury of David; Exposition of the 
 Hook of Psalms, Lon., 1870-85, 7 vols. Svo. 2. Feathers 
 An ! for Arrows; or. Illustrations for Preachers and Teachers, 
 Lon., 1870, 12mo. 3. The R.>yal Wedding, Banquet, 
 Earnest Triller, Host., |J(i 9, liimo. anon. | .,.,.,., ..i..,. -...". -. -■■--■',■,,,,. =■ , ,p'.,_: 
 "A clever little love-story <if a sort that clever women and Guests: Icmr Sermons, Lcm.. i8il, lOmo. 4- 4JP>^s 
 know best how to tell,"— -Vii(iV»i, xxx, 04, i and Emblems : Sermons, Lon., 1873, p. Svo. J. Ihe In- 
 Sprague, .Mrs. Rose Mueller. A Gay Day for | terpreter ; or. Scripture for Family Worship, Lou., 1874, 
 Seven. Illust. Host., 1887, obi. l2mo. 4t«. 6. Flashes of Thought: Choice Extracts. Lon., 
 Sprague, Rev. William Buel, S.T.D., LL.D., 
 [aiile, vol. ii,, add.,] d. 1870. Life of Jedidiah Morse, 
 N. York, 1S75, Svo. 
 Spratly, W. J. The Spectral Rock ; a Poem, Lon., 
 1881, 12mo, 
 Spratt, Mrs. Guide in Time for Every Clime: In- 
 struction of Churchmen, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 
 Spratt, Mrs. Uoru E. W. Daylight; or, A 
 Daughter's Dutv, Phila., 1887, l2nio. 
 Sprecher, Rev. Samuel, D.D., LL.D., [anti-, vol. 
 ii., add..] b. 1810, at Hagerstovvn, Md. ; educated at 
 Pennsylvania College and at the Theological Seminary, 
 Gettysburg ; professor of systematic theology at Witten- 
 burg" College, Si>ringfield, 0., since 1874. Groundwork 
 of a System of Evangelical Lutheran Theology, Phila., 
 1879. „ , 
 Spretson, N. E. A Practical Treatise on Casting 
 and Founding, Lon,, 1878; 2d ed., ISSO, Svo. 
 Sprigg, Rev. D. 1'., D.D. Short Prayers for Pri- 
 vate Use for Every Morning and Evening of the Week, 
 Lon., 18S7, ISmo. 
 Spring, Elizabeth T. Memorial of Eliza Butler 
 Thompson. Hy her Daughter. N. York, 1879. 
 Spring, Leverett Wilson, jiroressor of rhetoric 
 in Williams College. Kansas: Ihe Prelude to the War 
 for the Union, ("American Comm-juweallha" Ser.,) 
 Bost., 1885, 12mo. 
 "The book lt*elf has a taste of the Border in it, an ac- 
 cent and spirit which would be infallible mirks of a 
 Western orit,'iii were it anonymous. , . . The slory itself la 
 of till' most abscjrbing interest."— .VKdort, xli, 384, 
 Spring, R. Hedged with Thorno, Lon., 1873, 12mo. 
 Springer, Mrs. Rebecca, (Ruter,) b. 1832, at 
 1874, p. Svo. 7. Trumpet-Calls to Christian Energy : 
 Sermons, Lon., 1S75, y. Svo. 8. Lectures to my Students, 
 Lon., 1875-77, two series, Svo. 9. The Metropoliliin 
 Tabernacle : its llistor and Work, Lon., 1870. 10. Com 
 menting and Commentaries ; together with a Catalogue of 
 Biblical Commentaries and Expositions, Lon., 1870, 8vo, 
 11. Christ's Glorious Achievements set forth in Seven 
 Sermons, Lon., 1877, 32mo. 12. Seven Wonders of 
 Grace, Lon., 1877, 32mo. 13. Realistic Sketches at 
 Home and on the Road, Lon.. 1877, p. Svo. 14. Thi- 
 Bible and the Newspa(ier, Lon., 1878, 32uio. 1>. 
 Speeches at Home and Abroad, Lon.. 1878, Svo. lil. 
 Spare Half-Hour, Lon., 187S, 32mo. 17. The Mourner 
 Comforted: Discourses on Isaiah Ixi. 1-3, Lon., 1878, 
 32nio. 18. Memorial Volume: Sermons and Addresse.- : 
 with Music, Lon., 1879, Svo. 19. Eccentric Preachers, 
 Lon., 1879, 32nio. 20. ,Tohn Ploughman's Pictures; More 
 of his Plain Talk, Lon., 1880, 12mo; llOth thousand, 
 1885. 21. Sunday-School Dialogues, Lon., 1880, 12ni". 
 22. The Sea: a Sermon to Seamen, Li:.n,, 1880, 32mo, 
 23. The Saint and his Saviour, Lou., 1880, p. Svo. 
 24. Be of Good Cheer : the Savicmr's Comforting Hxhoi 
 tation, Lon., 1881, 32nio. -'j. Farm Sermons, Lon.. 
 1882, p. Svo. 2ti. Twelve Serm^'OS on Various Subjects 
 Lon., 1882, Svo. 27. Twelve Soul- Winning Sermon-, 
 Loil., 18S2, 8V0. 28. Twelve St-iititij; Sermon?, L"i' . 
 1882, Svo. 29. Illustrations and Meditations; or, Flow- 
 ers from a Puritan's Garden Distilled and Dispensed, 
 Lon., 1883, lOino. 30. Present Truth : Sermons preached 
 lit the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Lon., 1S83, cr. 8s ", 
 31. The Clue of the Maze, Lon., 1884, 04mo. 32. M,v 
 Sermon Notes, Lon., 1884-87, 4 vols. Svo. 33. Storm- 
Villmni M, 
 lu. 2. Sell; 
 Text of the Hook of (ienusis, O.v^, s'r sto ''' 
 m U >c.,-,pture, from tho Original IlebnMv, Lon., 18. s" 
 Spurrell, William. I'ruetioal Lessons in W..rci, 
 H, Inntat.on of tl,„ X„,„ral McthoJ of Lear "i J to Sn k 
 a Language, Carmartlicn, iSSl ^ to .^pcak 
 Squill b, Ktlward H \f n 
 chemist in Bro„kl/n N Y AJuItem.inn"'"" p''"'.""''^ 
 .Medicine. N. York, lS7'j, 8vo ' "' '° ^"°'* '""^ 
 •.i^"u^^^:o^"f^!i*-s.^"^'^"-- "-'^ «-'- and 
 lS2l''?S87' ^pPhraim George, [-,„„, vol. ii„ add.,1 
 arduous expiom ion it , , t w. ''f^^''. >'<'"" »!>"it in 
 inHVlVA"- ^' ***^ 'T"-""'-) Prolegomena of the lli. 
 a.wT'Y''; '^"''|«"''«'' Balmnnno. [.„,., vol. ii 
 V h^ut iear . ''" w^i,'^ '^'""^ •"'"<' "' OblitWation i 
 Iemper,U„res in lleal.l? a„,l Diiase, iL.'mtt 
 2. Ihe lemperature: ()b.ern.tions, L„n., 1871, :; pa t ' 
 >:y>. .1. Puerperal Temperatures, L,m., 1871 Sv, 4 
 L:;;r;^ r"8 r'i'T, '" '"- "^r"^"' -^ ^'''^-- 
 f ,' .'- »• ("lyeosunu, Lon., ISS". Svo (1 
 ri. L ;'" 8S7^5;: ''--;»''- Medicine : with' (Jiv^os ^ 
 ■,,..•',. XT ' *"• '• '"fc'-'i"", and I'se of Di". nfect 
 ants: w,t, Notes on Health of Children, L,w^ 1 ^7' 
 ::d DL::xr"[8s?^s:;r"^-- "" ^-"^"'^ ^"-i-^ 
 I'hia ,.-] I, "y •/'■""ic Woouville, [pseud. 
 Th^^;\t^;'u^':;^);-.-r^.!;-t"!^; -•J• 
 ?^anJ'TC:;;i,jr, ;:^';"■;«r"^:i^r'f- 
 i i ;ri- n 'I^:;f ;; ";''• i^-thfm'triS^.nlrFaV r 
 i J^n;;,wn Kreeds, Lon., 1S8,1, ^vo, 4th ed„ rev 'ss7 
 Lands, on Many .'^eas, Lo'n., i 8,S-t . Svo Ifi ,«t?,n e^ I'r? 
 :;^?:^ni^'s:i::^:?8^-j -^^'^^^^^^^^^^ 
 Specal serviee: a Tale of Life at 'Sea, Lon,' ,,v6^' 
 lU'- :\ n\ ^"'HniK Da.vs of Old. Illust Ion 
 mon Sense about Food and I'bvsio r n,; i'>j J o"'" 
 Yo'rrs^i! ,'v- """' ^'""■""^ - "- ^'->-. N. 
 Mo^n'th?^' P""''"' "f ""^^ «^"e"' oivil service Six 
 Jlontiis in Persia, Lon., 1882, 2 vols or 8v 1 
 ..i'lri.::.";;:?-.,,::"" ■■ ■ '""•""• ■"- 
 Stacpoole, M .' li. 
 .;,.,",.• "".Mr Points, Classilieation. Ailment" and 
 "l.™ (. Ihi I'uUI,., 3«i.P, S,nil.,,, „d L.J.I, L™, 
 «"eie(v, Lon is/!. '"'•""'" '^^ "-e Victoria Diseussioa 
 ^. 'f""i::^: ^^f''p ^'^ '^ ^™i^ "f ^^"ter, and other 
 mui^f ;::'? (^n^i^nt^tti^" t:™' "-^ ^^°^"''' 
 12m!"'"' *"• •'• "" ""^I'y 1'l''-"<;l't^ Host., 1887, 
 «•«• ■ '»"" si-e iNoiiTFI. l.,Ki(iiir<. 
 then of St Paul's Pnthoi, 1 . '^' ""'' ^"'"o 
 of Harmony founded on the Temporal Soat,"Lc7 
 1875 ' 
 1S71, r. Svoi Sth ed., ISSl. 2. Harmonv, (" Music ' hope, D.C.L., K.R.S., F.S.A., [((m('', vul. ii., aJ.l.,] 
 Primers,") Un., 1S77, Svo. 3. The OrRiiii, ("Music 1SO,0-1875. In Is72 lie was ulcetcl one ol llio six fur- 
 Primers,") Lon., 1S77, -ltd. 1. Tlie Music ul' tiie Ilil)lu : 
 with an A('ciiunt of tile IJevduiiment of M.iilcrn Musical 
 TnstruincntM fmm Ancient Ty|ie8, l.on., I"<ry, cr. Svo. 
 i. Com|iiisitii)n, ("Music Primers,") Lon., IHSII, Svo. 
 And see Hauiiktt, W. A., mijiru. 
 NtaiilCH, C. K. A Vindication of the Oiiiuni Trade, 
 Lon., ISM, cr. Svo. 
 Ntaintou, II. 'I'., ['i"'-, vol, ii., mid.] 1. The Xat- 
 ur.Tl History of the Tincina ; vols. xii. ami xiii., l.on., 
 eign members of the French Aciidemy of Moral and 
 Politicul Sciences. 1. History of Kngland during the 
 Ueigii of Queen Anne, until the Peace of Itrccht, 1701- 
 I 17U, Lon., 1S70, Svo ; '2d cd. same year. 
 I " Though Lord .Stanhope cannot claim any one of the 
 lilKher inlellectual cinalilies which ko to the writinn of a 
 1 liistorv that is dcslined to live, his intidliucncc, laimc.s.s, 
 , and research iiiiil<c him usmilly a sale KUide as to facts,"— 
 Sat. l\rr., xxix, 4,'i2. 
 .'. .Miscellanies, Colleclcil and lidited. Second Series, 
 18711-T:',, Svo. -'. The Tineina of South Kurope, l.on., ; L„n^_ |S72, p. Svi 
 18711, svo. And see Ci.kmkns. liu.4i.Ki;Niin)(iK. «ii/»o. , •• [,'^.^1,^,^ „„„.^. imiTosiin); than anv other jiart of the 
 iStalker, Alexander .>!. Memorial sketch of , v,,im,iL,|i,vt\v . t,"(Hi]w of letters whichVive us ilic views of 
 John Stock Lon lsS,'i Svo, several men .)f m ue or lesj eminence with regard to the 
 Stalker, Rev. James, b. Is IS, at Criefl; Scotland ; I'olitic.s of ;lieir ...n times,' ->at I!,,:, xx.xiv. 'Jo.), 
 educated !it Edinburgh University and New College;, 3. Not- ol Conversations W'th the l)uke ol W elling- 
 ministcr of St. lirvcedale Free Church. Kirkcaldy, .since ton, l;,Jl-lSM, Lon., lS8S,cr. Svo. (Prcvnmsly printed 
 IS71. 1. The Life of .lesus Christ, Kdin., lS7y, \>. Svo; 
 .Sd cd., ISS-I. 2. The New Song, and other .Sermons for 
 the Children's Hour, l.on.. ISS2, p. svo. :'• Th« Life of 
 St. Paul, Ellin., ISSI. p. Svo; new el.. Is.-;. 
 Stall, I'ev. Sylvaiins, h. 1S47, at Elizaville, X.V. : 
 graduated at I'enn-ylvaniii C(dlege 1S72, and at theliet- 
 tyshurg Theological Seminary lS7t: ordained to the 
 Lutheran ministry IS71: pastor at Lancaster, Pa., Issu- 
 87. Methods of Church Work, Heligious, Social, and 
 Financial, N, York, |s-7, 12nio, 
 Stallo, John Uernhard, [miie, vol. ii., add.,] b. 
 Is2:'>, at Sierhauscn, dermany ; removed to America in 
 IsliO; studied law; ap)>ointod U.S. minister to Ital\ 
 1SS5. Tlio Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics, 
 Lon., (" International .Scientitic" Sor., ) IS82, cr. Svo. 
 StallylMass, James Steven. 1. (Trans.) Teu- 
 tonic Mytholojy, by Jtioob (irimm : from the Fourth 
 Gerniai! 'Edition: with Notes ami Appendix, Lon., IS7i»- 
 88, 4 \'A>. Svo. 2. (Ed.) The Wanderings of Plant.s. and 
 Animals from their First Home ; translated from the 
 (jerman of Victor Helm, Lon.. I -S J, 8vo. 
 Stainer, W. The lientleman Emigrant: his Daily 
 Life, Sports, and Pastimes, in Canada, Australia, and 
 the United States, Lon., 1S74, 2 vols. p. 8ro. 
 Stamer, W. J. A. Dolce Napolt: Naples, its 
 Streets, People, .tc , l.on., |S7S, Svo, 
 "A most life-like himI iiilerestint? sketch, in which the 
 main features of life in Naples are carefully and graphi- 
 cally descriljcd, "— .Icik/,, xlii, ool. 
 Stundash, P. J. The Master of Woodleigh ; ,i 
 Poem, Lim,, IS7I. p, Svo, 
 Standing, II. I"., of Antananarivo. Children of 
 Madagascar : Illustrated from Native Sketches, Lon., 
 1887, 4to. 
 for itrivate circulation.) 
 "The volume is a museum of anecdote, history, and 
 oiiinion. . . . There is, of course, a little repetition, with 
 adilitions or varialiiuis. Several stories have lieen told 
 hefore; but, these drawbacks nolwithstundink'.the book is 
 fresli and bright from beKiniiiiig to end."— .sVH•c^^^)r, Ixi, 
 Stanhope, Walter. 1. The Maid and the Monk: 
 a Kouiiiulic ri,r.,uicle, Loii., ISS7, ;! vols. cr. Svo. 2. 
 Monastic l.ooilim : an Analytical Sketch of the Monks 
 and Monasteries within the Metropolitan Area during 
 the Centuries 12011 to 100(1, Lon., 1SS7, p. Svo. ;i. A 
 Martyr to Pride : a Dramatic Uomance of the Present 
 D:iv,"Lon., ls->^. rr. Svo. 
 Staniland, William. Songs after Sunset, Lon., 
 I SSI, cr. Svo. 
 Stanley, Very llev. Arthur Penrhyn, D.D., 
 LL.n., [..,i(.., vol. ii., ail.'.,] ISI.J-ISSI. In 1872 he was 
 for the second time appointed select )ireacher at Oxford, 
 in spite of a vehement opposition occasioned by his lib- 
 eral views in matters of church doctrine and discipline; 
 in 1874 he went to Moscow to solemnize the marriage of 
 the Duke of Edinburgh according to the English ritual : 
 and in 1S7S he visited the United States and delivered 
 sermons and I. Sermon, June 19, 1S70, on 
 Charles Dickens. Lon., Is70, Svo. 2. Essays, chicBy on 
 Questions of Church and Slate, Lon., IS70, Svo. 
 "These ' Essavs' range over a period cf twenty years, 
 n8.i0-1870,) and "thev a series of siiinnlarly inter- 
 esting illustrations of the great controversies which aavc 
 agilaled that time. , , , Every one. inileed, of his ' Essays 
 has achieved in its day a success whii !i makes recoinmeii- 
 dutlou uiinece.ssary."-^.s>fC(ii/oi'. xliv. .'51. 
 :f. The Athanasiah Creed and the Uitual Commisi.ion, 
 Lon,, 1871, |i. Svo, I. Sermon : Distress in Paris, 1871, 
 Lon., 1871, /2mo, 5, Sermons : National Thanksgiving, 
 Lecture- on the History of tin 
 Lon,, 1807, lOmo, 2. Home and Church : a Chapter in 
 Family Life, Lon., lS71,?il. lOiuo. :i. Homilies on Chris- 
 tian Work, Lon,, 1S7S), \: Svo, 4. I'hilip Doddridge, 
 (".Men Worth Uemembering,") Loi:„ ISSl). p. Svo. :>. 
 Voices from (':ilvary : a Series of Homilies.Lon., ISSl, p. 
 Svo. 0. The Lord's Prayer, ( "' 
 position,") Lon., ISsn, 12nio, 
 and Unbelief, Lon., ls>,'i. lOmo. S. From Calvary to Oli- 
 vet : a Course of Homilies, l.on., IS^.i, p. Svo. i). The 
 Evening of Our Lord's Ministr\ : being Preludes to 
 "Voices from Calvary:" a Course of Homilies, Lon,, ISSO, 
 Svo. 10. The Wit iind Humourof Life: beiii:,' Familiar 
 "I'lie Ilean bus civeii us exquisite sketches of the Celtic 
 and Chureli period, most liiiislioil dramatic episodes of 
 Covenanting story, has iirenched mn-t eloi|Uciit lessons on 
 eharitv, esiieciallv in the sermon, prefixed ti the lectures, 
 which" was delivered in the time-honoiired church of ohl 
 Household Library of Ex- [ Greyfriars, in Edinburgh, on (he 'Eleventh Coniinainl 
 7 Alternatives of Faith ■ inent,' ' That ye love one niiothcr ' Hut as It .seems to us. 
 '• and as It has seemed to some of his greale-l admirers in 
 the North, he has simplv posipoued iiidennilcly the grcai 
 moral result which luii-'ht havellowed from his Iccliire- 
 by his ignoring, first of all. ibe inlcnse belief of the Scotch 
 people ill theirecclesiastiial imlepeiidciiee; aiiil,.secoiiilly. 
 Iiv his jilorllicBtion of a i|Uestioiial)le generatlon-llie 
 W'orld-famous ' Moderates'— as representatives In their day 
 of the deepest worth of .Scotch eliurehmen."— S/;cc(u(ui. 
 xlv. fi'.M. 
 (A letter from Dean Stanley, replying to (he criticism 
 in this article, is printed in the ,Si„ri„i(ii; xlv, 720, ami 
 a rejoinder by the reviewer in xlv. 7.'>2.) 7_. Prospiii- 
 f Christian .Missions: a Sermon, Lon,, ls7:i, 8vo, 
 , Lon., lS8fi, p. svo, 
 .'lay-Time .Sayings and Do 
 talks with Young Christi:in 
 StanTord, Kdward. 
 ings. Lon., ISSH, 4to. 
 Stanford, .'♦iiss Hope. 1. Down the Way: n 
 Novel, Lon., ISSI, .'! vids. er. Svo. ? The Otways' 
 Child, Lou., ISSl). p. Svo. , .. _ _ 
 Stanford, W. Itedell. English Verse for Uepc- oimrles Kingsley: a. Sermon preached in Wcstniinsti r 
 lilion: with Notes, Eon., IS7P, : new cd., 1S70, Ismo. i ,\lil„.y, I,„n„ 1875, Svo. 11. The Early Christianity ol 
 Stanhope, I'^li'/.abeth Still, Countess of j x„,.thumbria: a Lecture, Lon., 1S7.'), 12ino. 10. Leo 
 Harrington, ihiughter of liobert Lucas dc Pearsall ; i tures on the History of the Jewish Church. Third 
 married, ISIill, to the seventh Earl of Harrington, (d. | gei.ipg. Lon., 1S75, Svo. 
 laSi.i 1. I'ocmr. liy E. !!. ?. !,<m., 1S74, Iftnio. .. ;; .> iinotfodu"- mRoy t^ a Mtpr kiiowledirc of Juds 
 Ism, and prompt tliiMU to study it. llr. Stanley lias sliowi 
 Anon. 2. The Prime Minister and Tom: Plavs for 
 Young People, Lon., ISS7, sq. Iflino. 
 .lis ability to transfuse life liilo the past of Israi 
 stands in n middle p li between advanced scholars an 
 Stanhope, Jieorge. iTrans.) On the Imitatii 
 by Tiioinas a Kcinpis, Lon,, ISSfl, p, Svo, __,^ _ 
 Stanhope, I'hilip Henry, tilth Karl Stan- i legendary together Into a web of pleasing texture, wllhoiu 
 I Kcneral readers, ami flosses over Ibliuts unpleasant to 
 ; average English mind; If he weaves " '' ' ■■'' 
 the' historical an. I 
'■ rr n <rrii,...|-,,l i., ... UHTlt. in Issj ..C .I.T i. _ ..^ ' ' '""- '"'I Oi lUl 
 have r..w rivMl.-. Hut I ,'■ 1 m .:',■"„.';: ':""'"''- "'"'I'' 
 all. to write hiMury lui.l li ,m -, ^^'V""" "•"'"•r 
 iiicnt. in 
 SI t out 
 Kiniti I'ii^hii, 
 letiirrjcil to KuP'riii 
 liy their ,Sun. Lon., 
 An Inniun 
 --,- ■ ."ion, (,on 
 ntoiasgow, Lon:,"is7!;:s;:;;'" "''^''^'•™' 
 wanl ami Ciithcrim; .Sl;inlrv. 
 ilize,! worl.l.ilhrv 1 ,u „,'"'■ ""■'/"-'I'"''! the civ 
 wliieli ux<Teil the>em v, i ,„ ' ''.T''; ,"""',\ !"^-i"oir.s 
 iMuml value .,r i.eri,,iuU .iiV ■ ", ' "'S',' " ''"" "'' '" »"• in 
 haveleait ■ go "a m, r ., ;,; ' 
 10. Chrislian Inslilution* • \-\<i„vt ,.., i- i ■ . 
 ^•j/^M^ets, I ,. issi, .,,„"„;, ^:;';J^;'" '^™l-,a.t,.al 
 s.u.hle,! will, faot^ aille'; la '': ;,,','' T" ""-^^y 
 ■'•■/•' rt//«--, liv 'w;i '^ '"" t"i"i""iulment.s."- 
 l^ho Uite,l States and ,.i l.^rs, I.o.T., Ks.!; |,' 
 IS. Sermons for Chil.lron, ineludin 
 Ac, I,on., ISS7, |,, Svo. 
 ',' "' "■« ^■llo»>tone, an,l anion- the liey.or- an;i 
 ..on! mrsv^"'"''" ''• '''^•"''"'■- '" '•'-•-. 
 iiilerviuw.s lie h«.l with them."- m .V„ V ', ' ""-' 
 vilf„'".'',";>'' ,"-• '• '■^'"'"-•t I-'H™'!,' Vllenrv (JrC- 
 y"if,i;;:i,i?s„ii;sr;;i,;:"""— ••>' ;<S 
 (•■M. ot the Congo Fr..e .«tato. In l>S7 he 
 m an,e.|,tioii organized for the relief of 
 ""■!• Ii^'ving ac,.on,plislu,l this purpose, 
 '■r:!-rr;:;;„"s ;""""""■ ' -'Sv:;;; 
 1 ■' ■ , ; .' '■ ".''■ "''\< "I'l^^ which l,e- 
 Icll '.Mr. .-ta'tiievin , ; '" '' '"■'■ "''\' "f'^^ wl,ieh l,e- 
 Aniericai ,. ni, i.V ""■ "'.liirn to iher,,a,.t. . . . ijie 
 iaiiilv M >ia, \-^e a o'ImI'' '"' '"!'' ^'/'■'■'■'•'^- »'"' "^i-- 
 N.i'.^nne,M,r , he f,,e"'!!-,^,:/^;y'-^Viv'r '"'''' ''^'■'^'''^''' 
 irnsiwoiihv a '•',,,, ■,■;,',"'' '""V '\" ""il""! "■"! 
 .l-rU;t,ons,r :U;" ':■':=.<;;;;!,, 1--- ..y ex..el,e„t 
 a .Story of 
 the Ueatitudes, 
 .My Kalulu, I'rinee, Kin- and 
 -.V'./».„, xviii ,.^1 *''-""i"''"t«"f the whole perCormanee." 
 {;;;;in..,a,o"iLrt^ihr:u;:„^-^;-r'' ""- "- 
 lllu>t. LiMi. and .N. York, l,-<7,s, 2 vols 
 Alaps and 
 and were aetiiu..,i V,,- ,p„. 'V '''"'''' ""^ -aiae 
 A«/io«..x.xvil.i7y ^ ""'*"""' motives with hini.self."- 
 SfVo^f w"fk ';:„'. 'r" '',"""'!'"« "'■ "' Free State: a 
 Lon^.;;!i^'^::,.^iU^!;'X'- ^'"I-s and must. 
 " '" r ' i,:;,^!::;vi:t!/':^!;:;!?'' '« iii^^pt-intiiv. The ron^,. 
 .on., mi, Svo .(. (frans. ami e.l.) Narrative of the 
 Portuguese to Ahys.sinia, Ii2ll-li27 by i'r m 
 eisoo Alvare.,, (Uakluyt ,s',e. Pub.;, I.onVlssi; 
 ,,Mi^"'/:>i'.J!.':.''/''. •■*?"■•'«"'. '^''««' name was origi. 
 :fl^,-!'!'"!.«!'-'«.^a?,b.isio,Jearr,e;bigCw;.^:; !?;;^!:;;i!i- ••i-;^^/^ti.:!;':i'i;:^C^^^^ 
 at the age of fifteen ...oiled as a cabin-l,..v to Ve'w Orleans 
 „/,! tlie Oonledeiat -my in the eivil war, 
 ■ mict. In ISd, he went with the Hritidi arinv to 
 I 'S"! '" ™"-l'"r""" "f "'« New York .1 
 In lHi() he was sent bv th" -»mc -.•iier ••. \f ; • 
 KMd'Vmr"*^"';'";;' ^^""" ''^''™'''' i""^"veu,i,e;; 
 .:?« :^^;f;';;?ie t .^5;;:;^^^;k ^lei^dii*,,!:'; t . -^ 
 l-f.a he .inUertook an expedition, Htted out by the King 
 poi^ihi::- ';t';[,k;i?^r'Pr '"'^^^ 
 owh. Ill' Vfr , .hr,,, "- '"■"■Inu.ts and inaniilaetiirei-s 
 «. In Darkest Africa; or. The Quest lu.=..ue ■•,( 
 Kmcat .f Kuiie, G,H;ernor of K.^iltoria: IIU^: and 
 Jlaps. I,„n. and X . Y ork. 1 ,syi), 2 vols. .^vo. 
 Mailley, J. Tuscan Fairy-Tales, Lon., IStO, p. 
 4fT\':ir,:'';"f • .'•/J'''"'^!'''''- °f '^^ ««d., Lou , 
 S87, 2 vols! {;; Jvo. "'' *"'" "' ""' ^™'' '^°''- 
 ( I 
 Stanley, Knte. NceJlo-Work and Cutting-Out: 
 Hints, Suggcrtions, Ac, Lon., 1S83, p. 8vo; new cd., 
 Stanley, Miss Mnry, 1S14-1S79, daughter of 
 Biidiop StiinU-y lA' Nunvieh, and sistiT of tlie dean of 
 Wc^^tuiinsliTi was a niirpe in the Crimean wur, and 
 afterwards organized nuineious eharitable in.^titutions 
 in London. She hecunie a Human Cathidie in 1K56. 
 True to Mfe; a Siinide Story. By a Sketchor from 
 Nature. Lon., is;:!, p. svo; new cd., ISTfi. 
 Stanley, iMnry. Measure for Measure: a Novel, 
 K. Vorl{, 1>S2, IJmo. 
 Stanley, Hon. Maude AUhen,b. 183:! ; daughter 
 <if the second Baron Stanley of Alderloy. Work about 
 the Five Dinl.<. !,on.. l-^TS, ]i. Svo. .\non. i 
 "Stanley, T. Lloyil," (I'seud.) See Smith,] 
 RicnARn iMouiiis, xkihh. I 
 Stanley, VV. I- . K.\|K'rimental Keseiirchcs into 
 the I'roperties and Motion- of Fluids, Lon., ISSl, Svo. | 
 Stanley, W. G. A New Sea and an Old Land, , 
 Lon., ISTI, Svo. ! 
 Stanley, W. O. Memoirs on Remains of Ancient! 
 Dwellings, l.on., 1>7I. i 
 Stanley, Wallace P. Our Week ABoat ; or, IIow 
 we Kxplored the I'eijuonset River, lllust. N. York 
 and Chic, ISSS, 1 2uio. 
 Stanley, /. L. The Mysterious Doctor: a Novel, { 
 N. York, ISSS, 12mo. 
 Stannardv Mrs. Henrietta Eliza Vaut;lian, 
 (".lohn Strange Winter," pseud..) b. lso{'), at York; 
 diiughter of the late Rev. ilenry Vaughan I'almer. 
 rector of St. MargaretV, York, who previously to taking 
 orders had been an officer in the artillery ; married, , 
 18S1, to Arthur Stannard, civil engineer. Most of her ' 
 books have appeared under the above pseudonyme. 
 Many of them are descriptive of army life, and she has 
 been mentioned by RuKkin, in a letter to (he Daily Tel- 
 egra]di. as "the" author to whom we owe the most 
 finished and faithful rendering ever yet given of the 
 character (jf the l!riti^h soldier." She has also written 
 under the pseudonynie of " Violet Wbyte." 1. Cavalry 
 Life: Sketches in 'liarracks and out, Lon., IsSl, 2 vols. 
 Svo. 2. Regimental Legends, Lon., IS8;i, :! vols. cr. Svo. 
 3. Booties' liabv : a Story of the Scarlet Lancers, Lon., 
 188o, 12mo. (." lloup-la: aTale. Ulust. Lon., ISSo, 
 cr. Svo. 5. The (ihost of an Old Love. By Violet 
 Whyte. Lon., 1S8J, 3 vols. cr. Svo. ti. Pluck, Bristol, 
 1586, l2rao. 7. Army Society Life in a (iarrison Town : 
 a Discursive Story, Lon., Is^-O, p. Svo. S. Mignon's 
 Secret: br. The Story of a Biirrack Bairn, Lon., ISS6, 
 12mo. 0. On March": the Story of a Man of Honour, 
 Lon., 188ti, 12mo. 1". (iarrison (Jossip, Lon., |SS7, 2 
 vols. cr. Svo. II. Mignon's Husband: a Novel, Lon., 
 1587, p. Svo. 12. A Siege Baby: a Novel, Lon., 1887, 
 2 vols. cr. Svo. 13. That Inip, Lou.. |SS7, I2(no. 14. 
 Wanted, a Wife; a Story of the Sixtieth Dragoons; and 
 other Tales, Lon., ISS7, 12mo. I... Beautiful Jim: a 
 Story of Army Life, Lon., 1888, 2 vols, cr, Svo. Hi. 
 Booties' Children, Lon., ISSS, 12ino. 17. Christmas 
 Annual, Lon., 18SS, Svo. IS. Confessions of a Pub- 
 lisher: Autobiography of A. Drinkwater, Lon., 18SS, 
 p. Svo. 111. My Poor" Dick. Illust. Lon., 18SS, 12mo. 
 Stannard, Henry. Outdoor Common Birds: their 
 Habits and General Characteristics. Illust. Lon., 187:), 
 p. Svo. 
 Stannard, Mrs. M. 
 of a Professional 
 Lady Nurse, Lou., 1S73, ]i. Svo. 
 " Merelv the very uninteresting autobiography of a per- 
 son who maniigeil ill the ttohl-liolds of Australia, oil ship- 
 board, and clseHhero, (o earn a livelihood iisa iinrse, and 
 ended by becoming matron t.j .some liospilal."— .Si<tf(a(ur, 
 xlvi. Cl->. 
 Stanning, Kev. Joseph Heoton, gradu ited at 
 Clare College, Cambridge, lSo',1; ordained 1S,",(); vicar 
 of Leigh, Lanc:ishiie, since IS71. (13d.) The Registers 
 of the Parish of Leigh, Lancashire, from February, 1J68, 
 to March, 1(')2,^, 1S,8:!. Privately printed. 
 Stansiield, A., of Kersall. (Iround Flowers and 
 Fern Leaves: being a Selection of Poems. By A. S. K. 
 Manchester, IS7(1. 
 Stansiield, K. Twenty-Five Original Hymn Tunes, 
 l,;;r,,. !H7!. p. Hvo. 
 Stantial, K. K. (Trans.) The Marriage Tie ; from 
 the (icrman of J. van Dewall, (pseud, for August 
 Kuehne.l Lon., 187!). 2 vols. p. svo. 
 Stanton, E. II. Good Little Daughters: a Story 
 of (jirl Life, Lon., 188(1, p. Svo. 
 Stanton, Mrs. Elizabeth, b, 181.^, at .Johnstown, 
 N.Y. ; daughter of Judge Daniel Cady, and wife of Henry 
 Brewster Stanton, in/ni ; has taken a prominent part 
 in the advocacy of woman sull'rago. With ANTnoNV, 
 Sl-san 1!., and Oa(;i:, .MATii.nA .ros(,YN, (ed.) History 
 of Woman Suffrage, Ists-lssi, Rochester, N.Y., ISSI- 
 87, 3 vols. Svo. 
 Stanton, Evon. Ruhainah : a Story of Afghan 
 Life, Lon., lss(i, iL'nio. 
 Stanton, (>eorge K. Rambles and Researches 
 among Worcestershire Churches, Lon., ISSI, p. Svo; new 
 ed., lsS7. 
 Stanton, Henry Hrewster, [ni,i,, vol. ii., add.,] 
 18(15-1887. Riinilom Recollections, N.York, |SS7, I2mo. 
 (Two previous editions, |iriviitely printed, in ISSS and 
 1SS6. Relates to political ond social life in Connecticut, 
 the anti-slavery movement, journalism, &c.) 
 Stanton, il^nry Thompson, b. ls:',4, at Alex- 
 andria, Va. : educated at several colleges in Kentucky, 
 and at tlie C.S. Military Academy; serveil in tlie civil 
 war; has been U.S. Indian Commissicmer for several 
 years. 1. The Moneyless Man, and other Poems, Halt., 
 1870, 12mo. 2. Jacob Brown, and other Poems, Cin., 
 187.'), l2nio. 
 Stanton, James. Judas Wright, Lon., 1875, p. 
 Stanton, R. H. New Digest of Decisions, Ken- 
 tucky Court of Appeals, embracing All Reported Cases, 
 17"2'-187ti, Cin.. ()., 1S77, 2 vols. r. Svo. 
 Stanton, Ilev. Kichard, of the Oratory. A 
 Menology of Fnghind and Wales; or, Brief Memorials 
 of the Ancient British and Knglish Saints, arranged ai'- 
 cording to the Calendar: together with the Martyrs of 
 the Sixteenth and Seveuteentn Centuries. Compiled by 
 Order of the Archbishop and the Bishops of the Province 
 of Westminster. Lon., 1SS7, Svo. 
 "To those who are working on niediceval historj" the 
 book will be most useful."— Kdwaud PeacihK; Acad., 
 xxxiii. 'Jls. 
 Stanton, Theodore, b., at Seneca Falls, 
 N.Y. ; son of H. B. and E. Stanton, «»;/i'( ; graduated 
 at Cornell University 187(i; adopted journalism as a 
 profession, and resides in Paris. 1. (Trans.) Life of 
 Louis .Adolphe Thiers, by Franfois Le Goff, N. York, 
 1879, Svo. 2. (Ed.) The Woman (Juestion in Eurojic : 
 a Series of Original Essays : with an Introduction by 
 Frances Power Cobbe, N. York, 1SS4, Svo. 
 Stanton, Rev. Vincent Henry, M.A., B.D., 
 graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge, 187(1 ; ordained 
 1872; Ely ])rofcssor of divinity in the University of 
 Cambridge, The Jewish and the Christian Messiah : a 
 Study in the Earliest History of Christianity, Edin., 
 ISSli, Svo. 
 " An exceedingly able work on a very important sub- 
 ject."— -loc/., xxxi. 91. 
 Stanwood, Edward. A History of Presidential 
 i Elections, N. York, ISSii, 12mo; 2d ed., rev., ISSS. 
 ' Staples, Rev. Nahor A. The Way, the Triith, 
 and the Life: Sermons: with Life by J. W. Chadwick, 
 Best., 1870, 16mo. 
 Stapleton, Miss, [mile, vo\. ii., add.] 1. Apples 
 ; of Gold by Starliglit, Lon., 1S73, lOmo. 2. The Life of 
 Christ: a Poem, Lon., 1877. p. Svo. 
 Stapleton, Edward J., b. 1839; son of Augus- 
 tus Granville ."-'tapleton, ((iii(<', vol. ii.;) educated at 
 Brasenose College, Oxford. (Ed.) Some Official Corre- 
 i spondenco of George Canning, Lon., 1887, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "These volumes admittedly aim at completing gaps in 
 ' earlier publications. . . . Some of the voluminous eorre- 
 spondeiiee of, and to, jirivate individuals is very iiiteresi- 
 iiig, some of it tunny, some of it dull."— ^bvKi., xxxii. 41ii. 
 Stapleton, J. The Thames: a Poem, Lon., lS7s, 
 Stapleton, J. (Jlobe. Shall we Live again? a 
 , Poem, Lon., Is7(5. 
 Stapleton, John. Horace Plumpton : a Novel, 
 Lon.. ls^(,, 2 vols. cr. svo, 
 Stapleton, Patience. The Major's Christmas, 
 [stories,] Denver. Col., 1S8(>. 
 Stapley, .-Vlfred M. The Mechanism of Nature; 
 an Essay on the ••'undaniental Principles of Natural 
 Philosophy, Manchester, issd, cr. Svo. 
 Stapley, M. V. History of the English Church ; 
 3d ed., 0;if.. 187.); Ith ed., 1 878, p. Svo. 
 j Ntupylton, Ilenry Edward Cheiwynd-, i'- 
 IS22; graduated at University College, Oxford, 184:! 
 ; 1. The Eton School Lists from 1791 to 1877: with Notc^ 
 land Index, Eton, ISSii, sm. 4lo. 2. Chronicles of the 
 1 Yorkshire Family of Staplelon. Illust. Lon., 1S85. 
 Slarck, E. L. A I'hilosonbical Study : Gmmmur 
 and L,.nK.,a«o : an Attempt at tU Introduction of Wio 
 into (.nununir, Host., 1SS7, ]2mo. Only 500 copies 
 printed. ^ > ji^k." 
 Stark, C. H. A Digest of Missouri Reports: em-, vols 1. to x.xxix. of the Reports if the Su> 
 prcme Court, from Is72 to IHSt;, and vols. i. to vxiM 
 nuf. .'."'•; *-'""',' "f Ap-'oals, and „f ,he Kansas 
 , ''-l .'""','■ "' 'M'P«"1''. Ii-''m 1876 to IS.sfi, St. Loui« 
 ln>^( , .i voln. Svi). 
 stark, James, M.D., F.R..S.E., |„w,, ^„|. u ,„i,i i 
 St. Man hews Oo.<pel,- with tho I'arallei I'a.^sa.'es'in the 
 other hvangelists sloiwing their A-r.ements and iJitler- 
 cnoes: with Notes and Cominenls, I'di,,. und Lon , 1,m7S 
 hvo. Anon. > ' i i 
 Stnrk, James Henry. I. rilustnited llisiorv of 
 Boston llarhor. I nst. and .M„p. |i„„., is:;,, iif,„„. 
 l8«^;^oi;';,r^:^;,^">""^'<'-"- ii-t. uost.; 
 \^T\^n2' William. Poems and Translations, Lon., 
 Starkweather, George B., Tho Law 
 of he.x: hein;; an !■ .vposition .d' the Natural ],aw hy 
 whieh the Se.^ ot Ollspring is controlled in Man and -ho 
 Lower Animals. Illust. Lon., |ss:i Svo 
 ^!;Kri^':^^:;i;!,^!^'in?t"^ ''"'■^■'^ ''-'-- ''-'';^ 
 starling, Matthew Henry, LL.B b lSi7. 
 graduated at King's College, London, IS.Mt, calle,! to 
 the bar at he nner temple |M,;:i; practises before tho 
 High Court ot liombay. With Const.uii.h, F I! M A 
 Indian ( riminal Law and Procedure: including 'the 
 Irocedure in the High Courts, as well as that in the 
 Courts not estabhshe.l by Royal Charter: with Forms of 
 Charges and Notes on Kvidence: Illustrated by a Lar>'c 
 Number of' English Cases, and Cases. lecided in the iliW, 
 Courts ol India; .'id cd., Lon., IS^S, nied. Svo ° 
 Starr, Miss Eliza Allen, [""'•, vol. 'ii., add 1 
 b. KS24, at Beerfield, Mass. ; a teacher id' drawing and 
 painting and lecturer on art in Cliica-o. I Patron 
 Saints. Illust. Bait., 18,h1, Svo. 2. Pilgrims and 
 fchrines. Illust. Chic, ISSIt, 2 vols. 12uiu. ;). The 
 Songs of a Lifetime, Chio., IsS7, l2mo. 
 Starr, Frederick Katchrord,[-,H^e, vol. ii..a<M 1 
 b. 1N2I ; established the Eclio Farm Coiiipanv at Lit.'ii- 
 lielil. Conn. I. Farm Echoes. Illust. N. Vork, IsM 
 12i;io. 2. From Shore to Shore, Phila., 1S87 ' 
 Starr, George O. " Forest and Stream" Iland- 
 Rook for Hillcmen: with List of Rillo Associations in 
 America, N. Vork, 187(1, 18ino. 
 Starr, Louis, M.D. L Diseases of tho Digestive 
 Organs in Infancy and Childhood, Phila., IsSG Svo '' 
 Hygiene (d' the Nursery. Phila., I SSS, Svo. ' 
 Starr, M. Inde.x-Dlgest of Rei -"rts. Wisconsin Su- 
 preme Court, (1S42-I8S2,) Chic, III., 1S83, Svo 
 Starr, Sydney. 1. Katty the Flash : a Mould of 
 Dublin Mud, Dublin, ISSd, s^. lOm,,. 2. A Sou of Man ■ 
 a .'^'tory in Three Chapters. Lon., 1880, 12mo. 
 Starr, William Holt. Centennial Historical 
 Sketch ol tho Town of New London, Bost., 1S7!(. Svo 
 Starrett, Helen Ekin. Letters to a Dau.'hter 
 and Sermons to a School-Cirl, Chic, 1885, l2uio With 
 Ai.i.isoN, Mns. FnAXcKS Ekin, Tho Future of Edu- 
 cated W onion : Men, Women, and Money : Two Essays. 
 Chic, 1;<S5, Kimo. ^ 
 Starrett, Lewis Frederick. Poems and Trans- ■ 
 lations. Host., ISSS. 
 Start, T. W, Ji, i;.\crcises in Mensaration for Ju- 
 nior Students, Lon., ISSti, l2iH0. i 
 Startin, James, M.R.C.S., [on^., vol. ii., add.] I. ' 
 Uingworm, and other Diseases of the Skin and Hair, ' 
 Lull., I87:i, sm. 8vo. 2. Lectures on tho Parasitic bis- 
 eases of tlio Skin. Illust. Lon., 188 1, p. Svo. 3 
 Syphilitic Eruptions of the Skin; or. The Svphilo-Der- 
 mata, .tc, Lon., L^So, Svo. \. Healthy Skin; a Lec- 
 ture, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 Stutham, rtaiiuin Ueginald. 1. Alice Rush- 
 ton, and other I'oems. IJy Francis Reynold-i, [pseud.] . 
 Lou 1868, p. 8vo. .?. Glaphyra, and other Poems, 
 i^y Francis Reynolds. Lon., L87(), p. Svo. 3. Eu- 
 charis- ii Poem, Lou., 1871, 12mo. i. The Second 
 (.rrnvth of the Nineteenth Century, Lon., 1872, p Svo 
 r' ,'0,0''' '" ^""^ ■ " ^'''•'"^^'' "'■ ""^ Present Position,' 
 Lon., 1872, p. 8yo. ,;. niacks, Boers, and British: k 
 Ihree-Corncred Problem, Lon.. IS8I, p. Svo. 7 Free 
 rhought and True Thought : a Contribution to an Ex- 
 isting Argument, Lon., 1881. p. Svo. 
 ti,"„^',';'i''^'".""l'" "■"■'" ",'"■'-■ niinistrrui'a ,«mt<di congrcKa- 
 1 11 whn lui,| nn^'inally giuhcred n.iin.l a ox-rSe- 
 galioiia iniiusler n.r wliom Mr. llii.xlcv 'k', lie of and lIitiiiiliMii, to be worked bv a learoi./l 
 lo'K'Vm m,ri V'v''^' ""''! ""■' '" ,'l>^"'"'-di.?ate.l ' 1 
 me'u n ,. ' -^i '■' ">■ '" ""■ ''""idry parishes, by 
 let t f i',',"; '"■' "','!'■' "^ I"-"l<'->"rs„l'dailvcoi|. 
 ^'. .;' • • ; ." '** '" ""' negative- iiart c,t his liuc.k iloit \Ip 
 statlian.liiiTiself.siRTeedsl,est. TluM-bal ci ! 'T e Iiati; 
 i;T,.:;,x'i';.o//:''i^'vi.'::i'"'''^' ''""'•■ "''"''^^ 
 S. The Zulu Inc|uirv, Lon., Issii, gv(i 
 Statham, llev. William Mann, Um., vol. ii 
 add.! 1. Sure of the Faith, Lon., Istifi, p 
 IS-; h ^^'"■'''«! '''-■"1th lor Every-Day Life, Lon., 
 INI, .,. ihe Abiding Christ, and other Ser- 
 mons. I,i,n,, ISS.i, p. Svo. 
 Statoii, James Taylor, \,i„ie., vol. ii., add,,! isifl 
 -ISio ; a and a writer of pieces in tho Lanc.i- 
 shire dialect. 1. Bobby Shuttle „. liis Woife Sayroh's 
 \isit to Manchester, un to th' (ireigbt Hert Treasures 
 Eggshibition. W ritten lor Bobby hiiuself, by the Editor 
 oth Lowtuii Luminary. Manchester, 18(17 12nio "> 
 Missis Caustic's Hearthstone Lectures, Manchester, '1807," 
 :''l."',''' {'' \ 'Si' t" "'0 lireight Parris Eggsibishun, 
 ■•<IM, Manchester, 1S(57. cr. Svo. 1. Rays fro' tli' Loo- 
 meiiary: Lanraisbire Tale.s, Manchester, 1S7I, p Svo 
 Staufer, Frank H. The C^ueer, the Quaint, 'the 
 nr^UN^ul^'T's'!"' "" '''"■""'' ''"""- '''='' '^''' 
 ad^'^'^'vl^ "^T- "■'"'«'", D.D., l„nie, vol. ii.. 
 add .J b. I.M.i, „t Chester, Kng. : removed to the Cnited 
 ..tates at the age of lifteen ; was ordained in the Prot- 
 wt'k 1 'i'«o''"' ?'.'"■■''• '"■■^•' ' *-''"■'■■ "I' '"^"™ parochial 
 work in 1S59, and has since then been engaged in liter- 
 ary work. Episodes in Clerical and Parish Life: with 
 other Questions „n Church Subjects contributory to 
 Christian Initv. N. Vork, 1880, 12mo. 
 '1,'"";'V ^' ''• '■ ""•'S'J Spiders, Lon., 1866, 8vo. 
 .. i.-ritisli Insects: a Familiar Description of the Forms, 
 Structure, Habits, and Transformation of Insectii. Illust.' 
 I^on., I>i I, p. Svo. 
 "Slawcll, .\ugustus," (Pseud.) See Lkogb, 
 ALl'HKO InVKS, Hiijtiil. 
 Stead, K. The Lads of Little Clayton : Stories of 
 \ illage Boy Lite Illust. Lon., lS8(i, 1,. Svo. 
 Stea« , William Thomas, b. 18 19, at Embleton, 
 Kng.: eduated at Wakelield ; editor of the Pall iMall 
 .azette issii-s.); founder and editor of tho Review of 
 leviews since Isgtj. ]. The Mai.len Tribute of Modern 
 Baby on, Lon., 1885. 2. No Reduction, No Rent : a Pica 
 lor the Ilnn of Campaign, Lon., ISSd. 3. Sketch of 
 Josephine L. Butler, Lon., 18S7, p. Svo. 4. The Truth 
 about Russia, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 br'i'di'tiv"„n''iHv" '''■ ''"■' ''""'"■'K «'<"» lie has writlon 
 To^,,^',' ■?' '-^ >""""''^'""*l>''"iid, I think, wisely 
 111 V,. ImVl'm'!!'''''''*-'' '""' "'.'"»">■ Englislimeii ilij most 
 Il''U'H<N,, "!''■' '■'■''i"i','« "'6 Emperor Alexander 
 'w"^ 1 ' Hai.ston : Acad., xxxv. ;!.'i. 
 sfa' ."'„ '!',-'Mi ,■ "'i/''"''! ""''^' "'' "■'"" ^'"" 'a-' -"aid tor Rus- 
 ' aiTot' lu^r " ","^'*'f '/"'■««" l">li''y. to wbicli great 
 ,, I ,i .„ , , • "-'^''"^d-ljy, a» eiitlmsiastie advocate 
 ,, , , "-r " '.^'Ji-'^ amhorities lor bearing tho wolfs 
 Ixvii '1 ' ■ ""'"'■''' "■'"' ""•' '""'Ij-'-'Sa'. /.'tc, 
 St.'ane, Hev. Edward, [««(., vol. ii„ add.] The 
 Doctrine ot Ciirisi developed by the Apostles, Lon., 1872. 
 Stearns, Charles Woodward, M.D., [,„i(' , vol. 
 11., add ] 1SIS-1S87 : graduated at Yale lS:i7, and at the 
 medical department of the University of Pennsylvania 
 1840: entered^the army as a surgeon. I. Tho Constitu- 
 tion of the United States: with Concordance, Index, and 
 Questions, N. \ork. 1872, 12mo :inil Svo. 2. The Black 
 Man at the South and the llnhnls. V v-'k H"'' i"..,.. 
 Stearns, Itev. Fdward josiah, 'd.d'' [ante, 
 vol. 11., add..] 1810-litm, b. at Bedford, Mass. ; gradu- 
 ated at Hanard IS.'i.i; ordained in tho ProtesUnt Epis- 
 copal Church, and was pastor of several churches in 
 Marylan.'. 1. A Platform for All Parties. By Austro- 
 Borealia. Bait., ISBO. 2. The Afterpiece to the Comedy 
 of 'onvooiUion, liult., 1S70. 3. Birth and New liirth: 
 a New Treatiiiunt of an Old Suljjcct, 1S72. I. I'ho Faith 
 of our Forefathers : an K.xaniiiiation of Arehbinhop 
 Uibbons' "Faith of our Holy Fathers," N. York, 1S7U, 
 12ino; jth ed., 1881. j. Tlie Artdibishop'a Champion 
 brouKlit to Book, N. York, 18S1, Ifimo. 
 Stvnriis, Ezrn S. 1. History of Rind^e, New 
 Hiuiipshire, ITilB-I-"*?! : with a (ffiiualugieal Itegister of 
 Uindgo Families, Host., l.'<7o, .''vo. 2. History of Aeli- 
 burnhani, .Massachusetts, from the (Jrant oi' Dorchester 
 Canada to the Present Time, 17o-l-lssil: with a (Jenea- 
 lo);io:il Itegister of Ashburnham Families, Ashburnham. 
 1>S7, Svi). 
 Stenrns, Henry Putiiiiiii. Insanity; its Caiisu- 
 and Prevention, .\. York, Iss:!, l2iiio. 
 Stcurils, J. (;. 1>. The .Meaning and Power of 
 Baptism, N. York, Is7ii, 12mo. 
 StcariiN, Kev. Oakiiian Sprngue, D.D., [anic, 
 vol. ii.. add.,| b. 1^17; prolVssyr uf Biblical interpreta- 
 tion of the Old Ti-'stanient in .Xewton Theological In- 
 stitution since isiis. 1. A Syllabus of the .Messianic 
 PassM' ■• in the Old Testament, 188-1. 2. Introduction 
 to the r."''(3 of the Old Testament: with Analyses and 
 Illustrative Mteraturc, Most., 18SS, Unit). 
 Steariii*, >Viiifrid Aldeil, son of William Augus- 
 tus Stu.rtis, (luilc, vol. ii.) 1. Ijabrador: a Sketch of its 
 Peoples, its Industries, and its Natural History, Bost., 
 !bSI, 12mo. 
 ".•Vn excellent account of .■'oullieni Labrador liy one 
 who hu.s made three voyages to tlic and wintered 
 Upi'll it." — yittinii, ,\1. 3t)'.l. 
 2. Wreckeil on Labrador, N. York, 188S, 12mo. With 
 Coi-KS, Ki.i.ioTT, New England Bird Life : .Manual of Now 
 Enghird Oinitbology. kevisod and Edited by E. Coues. 
 Part I., Oseines; Part II., Non-Oscine Passeres, Birds 
 of Prev, (iauie and Water Birds. Illust. Bost., 18x1- 
 8.!, 12mo. 
 »teavenson, A. L. (Trans.) The Theory and 
 Practice of Centrifugal Vcntilating-Machines, by Daniel 
 Murgue, Lon. and N. Y'ork, 1.88H, Svo. 
 SteaveiiNon, William Edward, M.D., M.R.C.P., 
 casualty physician and electrician to St. Barlholomew's 
 Hospital, London. 1. Spasmodic Asthma: a Thesis for 
 the M.B. Degree, Lon., 187'.), 8vo. 2. Electricity and its 
 Manner of Working in the Treatment of Disease: a 
 Thesis for the M.l). Cantab. Degree, 1881: to which is 
 appended an Inaugural Medical Dissertation on Elec- 
 tricity, written in Latin by Robert Stcavenson, M.D., 
 in 1778: with a Translation. Lon., 1885, 8vo. .'J. The 
 Treatment of Uterine Fibroids by Electrolysis, Lon., 
 1888, 8vo. 
 Stebbing, Miss Grace, b. in London; daughter 
 of Rev. Henry Stcbbing, D.D., Imili;, vol. ii.) I. Walter 
 Benn, and how he stepped out of the Gutter, Lon., 1S7B, 
 12ijio. 2. James Sullivan; or, Ready for the Turn of 
 the Tide, Lon., 1877, 12mo. ;i. Brave lieordie: the Story 
 of an English Boy, Lon., 187!t, p. 8vo. 4. The Year 
 through at Silverdale Rectory; or. The (iolden Liuk.s, 
 Lon,, 1880, p. Svo. 5. Fun and Fairies ; or. Those Four 
 Little Girls, Lon., 1881, sq. Itimo. 6. Edward Bertram ; 
 or. The Emigrant Heir, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 7. Gold and 
 Glory; or, Wild AVays of Other Days, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 8. Lost her Shoe, and A Few Little Threads, Lon., 18.s:i, 
 12mo. U. Our li.ibby ; or, A Sea (iift, Lon., 188:i, ISnio. 
 10. Old Fables with Now Faces, Lon., 18,;:!, 18mo. II. 
 AVinning an Empire, Lon., 18S;i, cr. 8vo. 12. Tlio 
 Robber Chief; or, Too Good for his Trade. By Edward 
 Burton, [pseud.] Lon., 188:i, p. 8vo. Li. Graham 
 McCall's Victory : a Tale of the Covenanters, Lon., 1884, 
 p. 8vo. 14. In Wiclif's Days; or, A Safe lliding-Phice, 
 Lon., 1884, p. 8vo. I,i. What a .Man Soweth, Lon., 1884, 
 ]i. 8vo. 16. Among the Carbonari ; or, The Adventures 
 of I'cyton Phelps with the Secret Society, Lon., 1885, 
 12mo. 17. That Aggravating School-Girl, Lon., 1885, p. 
 Svo. IS. See for Yourself, Lon., 1886, p, Svo. ll». Home, 
 Sweet Home, Homeless at Home, Somebodies' Homes, 
 Lon., 1S87, r, 8vo. 20. Only a Tramp, L<n.. 1SS7, p. 
 Svo. 21. "In All our Doings;" Golden Truths of the 
 Collects, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 22. Jcs.samines, Lon., 
 1S8,S, ISmo. 2.1. Our Neighbour, Widow Yates, Lon., 
 188S, p. Svo. 34. That Bother of a Boy., 1S88, 
 4to. 25. A Will made in Haste; or, Baumgarten'.s Ad- 
 ventures in a Texan Town, Lon., \HiF^ p. 8vo. Shu has 
 also published two anonymous novels, and "The Smug- 
 gler's Cave" under a pscudonyme, and has contributed 
 numerous stories and sketches to periodicals. 
 I ftlcbbing, Hev. Thomas Koscoc Rede, M..\., 
 son i)f Rev. Henry 5tebbing, D.D., {mili', vol. ii.;) 
 graduated at Worcester College, Oxford, 1857; Fellow 
 1800-08; ordained 1858. 1. (Trans.) Longinus on iho 
 Sublime, Oxf., 1807, p. Svo. 2. Darwinism : the Noachiaa 
 Flood, itc, Lon,, 1870, Svo. Ii. Essays on Darwinism, 
 Lon., 1871, Svo. 4. The Amphipoda, (" Challenger" Re- 
 puiis, vol. xxix.,) Lon., 188.8, 2 parts, Svo, and vol. of 
 Ntebbiiig, William, M.A., [anie, vol, ii., add..] b. 
 1832, in London; son of Rev. Henry Stcbbing, D.H., 
 (aii(c, vol. ii. ;) graduated with a double lirst class at 
 Worcester College, Oxford, 1S54; Fellow 1856-71 ; called 
 to the bar at l.incoln'a Inn 1858; assistant editor of the 
 Times 187U-77. Some Verdicts of History Reviewed, 
 Lon., 1887, Svo. (Contains c.«says, republished from 
 periodicals, on Cowley, Lord Shaftesbury, Cobbctt, Ac.) 
 " .Miundant food for the enjoyment of everv taste is con- 
 tained in Mr. Stctlbin^''s volume.'— .U'(i'(,, xxxi. 'j:!0. 
 ■' Each oneof the essiys dcuninds and will repay careful 
 ami repeated study, IWr every digression Is a eliapter in 
 history, ancl eveiy periplinisis contains the es.scncc of a 
 biography.''— .4(/i., No. lioiio. 
 Stebbiiis, Miss Emma, ISI5-1S82, b. in New 
 York; studied scul|iture in Rome, and, besides other 
 works, made a bust of her friend Charlotte Cushman. 
 (Ed.) Charlotte Cushman : her Letters, and Memories of 
 her Life, Bost., 1878, Svo, 
 " From this biography there is much to be learned about 
 her as a woman. There is nothing— iniiecd, less than 
 notliing— to be learned abniii lier as an actress,"— .VufioH, 
 xxvi. aui. 
 i iStcbbiiis, (ieiievieve. The Delsarte fcvs'em of 
 Expression, .\, York, 1885, Svo; 2d ed., 13SS. " 
 Stebbiiis, Giles Badger. 1. Alliance of British 
 Cotton-Spinners and Slave-Holding Cotton Lords to 
 build up " Free Trade," By ii. B. S. Detroit, Mich., 
 1871. 2, (Ed.) Chapters froo' the Bible of the Ages, 
 . Bost., 1872, 12mo; 0th ed., 1884. ,S. After Dogmatiu 
 Theology, what? Materialism, or a Spiritual Philosophy 
 ; and Natural Religion? Bost., 1880, 12mo; 3d ed., IsSl. 
 I 4. The American Protectionist's Manual ; Protection to 
 j Home Inilustry Essential; 4th ed., Bost., 1SS;1, 12mo. 
 Stebbins, Jane E. 1. Fifty Years' History of 
 the Temperance Cause : with a Description of a Plan of 
 j Labor by Woinen. By T. A. H. Biown. Illust. Hart- 
 I ford, Conn., 1874, Svo. 2. Earthly Trials and the Glory 
 ■ of the Immortal Life. Illust. Hartford, 1875, Svo. :i. 
 ; Illustrated History of the Bible: containing Biograph- 
 ical Sketches of Noted Characters in the Bible. Illust. 
 Hartford, Svo. 
 Stebbiiis, Ituflis P. 1. Study of the Pentateuch 
 for Popular Reading : an Int{uiry into the Age of tiio 
 So-Called Books of Moses, Best., 1881, 12ino. 2. A 
 Common-Sense View of the Books of the Old Testament, 
 Bost., 1885, 16mo. 
 Stebbiiis, Mrs. Sarah liridi;cs. 1. Annals of 
 a Baby. By One of its Slaves. N. York, 1877, sq. 
 lOmo. 2. He and I. By the Author of "Annals of a 
 Baby." N. York, 1S77. 
 Stecher, William A. School Tactics, for the Use 
 of Schools and Gymnastic Associations. Illust. Cin., 
 1888, 12mo. 
 Stedman, Algernon Mcthnen .Marshall, 
 M,A., graduated at Wadham College, Oxford, 1878. 1, 
 Oxford: its Social and Intellectual Life; with Remark^ 
 and Hints on Expenses, the Examinations, the Selection 
 of Books, Ac, Lon,, 1S7S, Svo, 
 " His book does not profess to he more than a rellectioii 
 of nndergradnato life: but its pages oll'or a nielaneliolv 
 ; proof, if proof were nccdcil, of liow poor an ideal of ii 
 I university the ordinary young Oxford man is content 
 ' with."— ,Sa(. Rev., xlvi. 373, 
 2, French Examination Papers in Grammar and 
 Idioms, Lon,, 1SS5. p. Svo. H. Greek Testament, for the 
 I'iu of Schools, Lon,. 1886, fp. Svo. 4. Latin Exami- 
 nation Papers in (irammar and Idioms, Lon,, 1886, p. 
 Svo, 5, Latin Vocabularies for Repetition, Lon., 1886, 
 ISmo, 6. Greek Examination Papers, Lon., 18S7, p. Svo. 
 Stedman, Edmund Clarence, M.A., [«iitc, vol, 
 ii,, add.,] b, 18:!3, at Hartford, Conn,; matriculated at 
 Yalu College 1819, but did not graduate; became a jour- 
 nalist, and was war correspondent of the New Y'ork 
 World I8«l-6:i; baa been for many years engaged in 
 'ou.!'.nejs as stock-broker in New Y'ork, while devoting 
 much time to literature, ehioBy in the departments of 
 noctry and criticism. 1. Complete Poetical Works, 
 Bost,, 1874, cr. Svo. (There is also a " Household Edi- 
 tion," 1884.) 
 I H'fl 
 .H'aSi\,:'!l,:;;!;;;;,'!!;f';i,n;;;^lr';i;^r. n>{t thn.oth„t come 
 ti'ni«:~.\ali„n, xviii. in "-■ "''"'' ""■■ ""■-' "'"I'i- 
 2. Victorian I'ciuts, ll,,<t m?.-. ,„ 
 IV "upplomenturv cliuMor I'sg? ' '"" ' '■'"' •-"'•• ""I' 
 , As u lillllcl-lMicik ij Ihi. r>,„!tl , 1.. 
 'Inrln,; thu I„m „„.| n'-. m': ' ''.'''''''v';'' '"' '•""'"'"i 
 •■xpre8sl(,„ iliMi, i„„|v ',,t|, ,!'';, ""I I"'"'-' lliUM.r.v (,r 
 ' llu intiv not Imvt' lin' Iiirif.. .ii I 
 ;;' 'lie i| khni .V,: .;;,';;\\\'; ';''■■;■"■•>• jt,.i,.n,.,,t 
 tive, and which nre h^LImm I m,„i , ■ "'" "'""'~' <■'■'"• 
 tlic main n ji.'lin, l',,';S '',,'; ^'''''l''^' ;r'",l'>T, and in 
 •; ' I 
 tfiox in a nnin,„'V;;iHl.',,'',f..'^'|l>"l " >"<'k<-i <•( CT,.at in. I „ Steele, T. Meditations ,J I.!! c...,: _ 
 I."n., isrii, n svo .. ' •"'• Vf "niuir.v Students, 
 ^vo. ^i.A'iLt;;eo,M,'[H:x.:'of"u,:i; '"■";' ^'*^'' 
 I^,ak:'-':,n"|^'ru:; ''""^■" "--lion'l-neJn,;;;; 
 SleiM, Rev. Koltprt li ii r . 
 l« I. «,. , ■ '-'"idonc'd, I,on I" 
 !■». p. .Svo; neiv td., |SS| ' ' ' 
 Srt. ,S,S':ri:;:!,;.;-,;-;;f i -I*,,;,,.;:;:,,;',:: ; »io« 
 islfni ""." l'"';-'dliac IV,. tolhei-uaderasit I <^l'''^-°- '-"»•, I ■-.•>, ISnio 
 — .^- V 111 ,1 muiiiifr u lie I s iw „tt,.,w.,,-,. . ■'. ' Hi'iu III 
 i"aui;;,:^^;!lS;^;;;;';l;^^- •'-...., snh„eor disn-m,. 
 eunals him in hread li .vn,, '' """.'"-' "UrMivus uli„ 
 allurement by the wi. '.,';' ''>■,•;.■'■ '" •■"■jlily i" re-i>, 
 pensahle.''-.l«., .v„ ^y;,l""-t"al .indent it is ,,nlte ii„iis. ^ 
 Ii'..»t.. l.sVr, V'mo """"'"""^. ami other PoenuV 
 «lw::i;:';i^n";i;[,™^|->[,|'';;-0;ex,.,.,„ion Which should 
 pool's ,,la,.o ill ihj hier 11- ■•V,'':",'!!'''''- '■'■'■■" ""'"''^ "i" 
 uilned.'-.V„(/oH, xvvi m * ' *''•'""■■' "* H'' unduter- 
 o "• ^y:'}'.'!""^ I'lyll-S with other Poem.. Ton |s-<) „ 
 n-o,n V 1 ""'^'"""' '""''= ''.V the :u t ,o ";;■ ;:;•,: 
 iloin vohitiKia I11-.1..:... ,1.. j"'*'^Lni\ 
 Meditations on the h;tations 
 of tlio 
 '■ Hints iind Models lor 
 I-'nio. 2. A KinderKarlen 
 a<.hers, l.on., Isso, p. Sv 
 Steele, |.-niiK-is a. 
 I Oral J caching, ;,on., IS77 
 Hand-IJook for Kiui-liuh t,. . u 
 Will, <, '•■"Slisli leai.hers, .on., ,, , 
 w::ldo:;:';•,;f:,::?St-^;;;p'^.-.ions,.J;,:■,^ , 
 n;y..eal M«„, of Pulmonary bi^ea^iel'Ll;.!;-?;;^,^: 
 .«''':a'^tr,i!^:::[:,^;-:««;^'?^e„''reo, D.n,,h. 
 'aii_t uo., Vii. ; heeanie a minister 
 i'l tlie Methodist Fio\",w,'; ..'iVm ' "V ,""'™""' ^ minister 
 Wiihnihani Acad 11 ;! M ' Vi'".?-''' '•■■■'■'; '"■""•''1'^'' "^ 
 poems-froni ;dun;;r ^ t ? Zl h;"!'''"' l"' ^'■^""'>- 
 •■Themostdisfniiuishe,! M,. , 1' " ' '" ^"'"lica.) 
 since 1K.J0. . , lie is ess, ,,,''>" '" ""' ''"i""' .^'ates 
 "f a liigh (,r,ler. 1 is^ ,..'•", y''l^'. "'"• '^ Ijnsl . . 
 of meim.ries of ,'0,. ^ ' ,' ■ T'' '""' '^"" am. ful 
 seenKs to confiin the ol, ,0 .n -^''-V"'" '"^i^^^nenees, and 
 «. Edgar Alh.ii 1-oe, Host'., fs.sii. |«,„„ 
 his work'^;;'s,ii^^>-,;r .i;^';^,!^;!!::;:"^"" '^^ "■^-^ "" 
 is sometimes „ linle pro xity ui ,*l : l'''""'"'^"- ''''^'iv 
 a touch ,,r judi,i„l sell- .Tnsci" ;' , .s '■'' "^•"■^'H'""'-': 
 hut a small almteinent,/fh^,V-!^i :.■,■• ' ' >>'' ' •^'■^'^' "re 
 work."-.V,i«„H. xxxi. mj """"•''"« lorsueh admirable 
 7. Poets of America, Bost I,'<,Si I9,„„. . 
 ed. imite,! to l.,i) ..opi'e., o '-.'.l, s";, ' '■"'g'-'-papo.- 
 'f-^-^^^^^rlvllne hu!u';tti;?;i^'7'''' /•'■'''--« •'■'-' 
 the rea.ler is apt to fee 1 ■,',,! V;!' ''Ti"' «'^'V«'-"liMtion 
 'li"Uj,'lit."-.V„'/o„. .xli pio "' ''"'adih and vohime of 
 ^.yio wiif belhJ'S^r;:i^^^f|'^,:;:'"rV''' ^"■- ^•-"■'-■^ 
 " critic, that h,M-si;vhlv,, '"^' 'I'.i-V^ ¥^'"11"^. lac 
 rea,l ,leeply as well a^wh el*;!' r;;;"!',' !'-''.4 ''"Ulie li,i,s 
 very pcnetratins.'-.s.,,,. 'j'^'^ V;';/; 'J,'" l>« "'-sislit is otlen 
 loan l.ileralure, from the k.V',^';™'"^ of Anier- 
 l>re.ntTime,N\Ck/;'-::ss^.; 1l\.rtr' '" '"" 
 _^Steamau,S.«. Allen Bay! 'a^^:;,ri,hila.. ,s:«, 
 uTl^-!^ t'„^; '^''"^'" '" '"'".v "n.l Music in Earnest, 
 Lon., 1888, p. ,s'vo ' l*'"'"iinton Library,") 
 wiK;ii:^'I:„t:.'^rcr'.?'""',.'?'«' ^'"p*- «• f. 
 '■liil'lren, between Sunset in l" '"'"■"' '"'l" ''^' ''""'■' 
 ".";! Kashmir, B^:"'^.^:,^^^- '"■ ' ? .''"".'^'' 
 -.'Ides the translation not.,/ """- '^8.'. ( I .mtains, be- 
 ■.fthelneidemr r^,: ^'i-,^,;;^'^-^ -^-^.r, ..r„„, b. ,S;i2, at 
 "r^' good n.r Ixilh u.'^u. f. .''« pea.s:ii„ry in'th,. Pniijan 
 "'H K'"o,l for the stn, ly''"!! l^r?-?,'"' :'•■ "^^' ^'Imol-^oom 
 rogardS of%he clrcS.n"'' f "'^' '-'"-■"' '"^<'='-' 
 till, ^-iicuinierenee, hon., Isy] gvo. 
 ™nsul at .Matan"as IsVl" , "i'"""', "'' """• ^'.S. 
 abie'':°''^ri^,;:[.»j';;"*^''^-7r"""S "-^ verv unlavor. 
 ■inito vividllesc ,, V ale nt"''' v>:''' "^ ''r""''0- and a 
 .1 I..,,.,. , I '^ *-'""-"'■ —■>fn'io!(. xxxiv. 4.' 
 -• 1 lontier Army Sketches, .\. York I SS-^ i.', 
 Ku/a J fa'kayaTpn', uK^", '■"^"'"" ''--Storv : 
 other 8t„t^L,m s-'o't"'.';; ''T",'!'"?' P-" -vi.h 
 a Vohinie of V,;-"^' [on.; ^srui-^i, ^"''" "'« ''"'"'^ = 
 < aniera : M Tvvo.|li,ii,l,-,.,i u^ ■,. ', '' *^""»<' an. 
 F...S. V .ork!';'is!; '12^: :: • :^i:;^ '^« ^-^-r 
 of Un,lon ls'|7; ree ,r;Vl I'ir "'« .f'niversity 
 >8«8-72; ".issiomir;i,:c;!;,^ '^^ :;i'-^ 'nnTf "■"• 
 then lM,«hcp. For hiog.. see Ihtv kv , vV ' ""^ '^'°"' 
 ";■ 'p it^^T'i ^ ^-'- "f z^yz;i,„'- 
 "itli the Church's Vear .,7 Asj ''7"%'" 'r'^""'^" 
 iwS',',.":;"'S;; 'i'sr"r'-" - 
 l,f.,.,r V -. . --;; -tales; with r.wj,_,.; ,,,.,1 ^ 
 or tX?^;,i5:TlU;, if'""^ "^ '"« '^'-" 
 tint'don',''!.,;',-^^™'" '^'''"«^^"™' O''^"-'"'^' Hun. 

 Tho Studcnl's Ariil)ic-Knglisli Dictionary, lion., 1SS4, 
 NtcinhniKT, Mrx. II. A. Helen Egerton ; or, 
 Fur Consolcnuo' f^uku. I!y Miirie Cozinslii, [pseud.] 
 I'liiliv., 1S73. lliiiio. 
 Stciiimnii, Emiim V. C. Our Little Oipsy : a 
 Kovel, l.on., I^Sl, :i vols. or. Svo. ., . . 
 Sli-iinvulir, Adolf Wilhclni August !• ricd- 
 rifh von, litirou, ls22-lS77: l>. m lil.inlieiiliurg, 
 llrunswii'li : ri'inoveil tn tlie I'niled Sliites in; 
 BurveJ in tlio Union iirmy during llie civil war, be- 
 coming Ijrigiidier-gcnenil cif vulunteer?. Tlie Centen- 
 nial (laiotteer "f tbo United States, I'liila., 1874, Svo. 
 Ali<ii, scliiiiil-bodka. 
 !Steuliou§e, Mrs. I'., "■ native of Jersey ; cnnvertod 
 to Moruiunisni througb the iireucliing of " Klder"T. I!. 11. 
 Stcnhimse, /M/'nr, wbom she married; pa.-sed some trme 
 in Swit/.erland, with her luisbnnd, making jiroselyle.^ : 
 left En"hind for Anu'rien in 185;'), and proceeded to Salt 
 Lake Cilv. 1. A Ladv's l.ife among the Mormons, 
 Lon., 1873, 12mo, 2. An Knglishwoman in Utah : an 
 Autobiography, X. York and l.on., ISSO, p. Svo. 
 " Tlie liook, as ii whole, is well worth reading, and merits 
 the emphalio reeoiinneiKlalion liivin to it by Mrs. lieeclier 
 I'^luwc ill a iirefnee."— .1"'., N". -"'I- 
 SU'lihouse, T. II. II. The Rocky Mountain 
 Saint«; ii Full and Comidete History of the Mormons, 
 from the First Vision of .losepb .<uiith to the Last Court- 
 ship of Brighftiii Young, Lon., IS7I, 8vo. 
 "His wrilleiibva luriner .Mormon elder and mission- 
 arv who was in his secular capacity a newspaper editor 
 Hiiii pripprietor, ami isareljcl analiist Hri(,'lmm ^ ouiig, wlni 
 iVii^, 'ill ills opinion, pcrvcried the gospel once delivered 
 to liie saints. . . . The book is only unendurably tedious, 
 iioi indecent."— .'spectator, xlviii. l.V). 
 iStenhuuse, W. M. Poems, Songs, and Ponnct.", 
 Lon., 1SSB, p. 8vo, 
 Steut, U. C. 1. The .lade Chaplct, in Twonly- 
 Four Heads: a Collection of .Songs, Kallads, ,S:c., from 
 tho Chinese, Lon., 1874, p. Svo. 2. Entombed Alive: 
 Song and Ballads, &c., from tbo Chinese, Lon., I.s7'.t, p. 
 Svo. 3. .Scraps from my Sabreta.<ehe : Adventures with 
 tho Fourteenth Dragoons, Lon^ 1.8S2, p. Svo. 
 Stent, Jollll. Electricity ie/«ii» Uas, Lon., 1888, p. 
 'stenzler, Adolf Friedrich, I'h.D.. 1S07-18S7; 
 b. at Wolgast, liermaiiy ; was employed for some years 
 in tho lilirarv of the East India Company, Lon. lon ; pro- 
 fessor of Oriental hiiiguages in the University of Ures. 
 lau from l^'.Vi. (Ed.) The Institutes of Gautama : with 
 an Inde.\ of Words, Lon., 187fi, Svo. 
 Step, Edward. I'lant-Life: Popular Papers on 
 the Phenomena of Botany. Illust. N. York, 1SS3, 
 Stephen, Alexander t'ondie, C.B., C.M.O., 
 F.R.ii.S., b. 1.8011 ; second secretary of legation at Vienna 
 since 1887. (Trans.) Tho Demon: a Poem, by M. Y. 
 Lerinontoir, Lon., 1881, 8vo. 
 Stephen, .'Wiss Caroline Emelia. 1. Ihc 
 .Service of tho Poor : being an Inipiiry into the Reasons 
 for and against the Establishment of Religious Sister- 
 hoods for Charitable Purposes : with Especial Referenco 
 to Nursing, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. (The author argues in 
 favor of secular associations of nurses as against sister- 
 hoods formed on a theidogical basis.) 
 "Wo recominend Miss Stephen's book to all -who arc 
 tbinkiiis-'oreiileriiigsislerboods, and still more to all who 
 ore engaged in the conduct of Ibeni. They will lliul in it 
 much that deserves consideration, much from which, if 
 they boiiestlv applv it, they cannot fail to derive rirolit. 
 But wc c.iiiii'ot agree with the conchisioii to which she 
 wi.shes to lead the general public, ami we are sure that 
 .she would find the end she has at bean injured by any 
 ueneral adoption of her ailvice."— .'^n'. AViv. xxxi. 474. 
 " U touches incidentally, and with iiinch wisdom and 
 ti'ndcriicss, on so many of the rehitions of women, narticu- 
 larlv of single women, with society, that it may be renil 
 with advantage by many who have never thought ..| en 
 tering a sisterhood."— .8/;fr/a/of, xliv. 1070. 
 " rhc book . . . is the llrst one we have ever seen in 
 which the subject is treated rationally, dispassionately, 
 and thoroughly."— iVofioii, xii. 418. 
 2. French History for English Children. By Sarah 
 Brook, [pseud.] Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 3. Three Sixteenth- 
 Century Sketches. By Sarah Brook, [pseud.] Lon., 
 1884, p. Svo. 
 Stephen, Carr, b. 1835; called to the bar at Lin- 
 coln's Inn iafi6 ; formerly judge of small cause court in 
 India. 1. (Ed.) Tho Indian Registration Act, 1871: 
 with Notes, Calcutta, 1871, Svo j 4th od., 1877. 2. A 
 Uand-Book for Delhi) 2a ed.. Ludhidna, 1876, 12ino. 
 3 The Archoeology and Monumental Remains of Delhi, 
 LiidhiUna and Calcutta, 187B, 8vo. 
 Stephen, Mir (ieorge, [""('■■ vol. "•. '>dd. '• 
 Insolvency Ueforiii, Melbourne, 1811(1, 12mo, 2. Lile of 
 Christ, Loll.. 1>71, |i. 8vo. 
 Stephen, Herbert, LL.M., b. 1857; son of .Sir 
 ,1 F Stephen, Inl'm ; educated at Trinity College, Cam- 
 bridge; called to the bar at the Inner Temple 1881. 
 The Law relating to Actions for Malicious Prosecutions, 
 Lon., 18X8, r. 8vo. , . 
 Stephen, J. The Play-Orouml of Science : a Series 
 of Scicntitic Experiments. Illust. Lon.. 18SS, p Svo. 
 Stephen, Sir Jninex I'itzjauiee, Ilnrt., 
 K.C.S.I., D.C.L., ['tnh, vol. ii., add.,] was appoiiilcl 
 legal member of the council of the governor-general ol 
 India in ISCll, and in 1872 returned to England, where 
 he became professor of eonimoii law at the Inns of Courts 
 in 1875; was iniininated a K.C.S.l. in 1877, and ap- 
 pointed a judge of the High Court of .lustice (Exchc(iuer 
 Division) in 1871/ ; retired ISlll. He has emitributed to 
 the lending English reviews. I. The Indian Evidence 
 Act, (of 1872:1 with an Introduction on the Principles 
 of Judicial Evidence. Lon., 1872, 8vo. 2. Liberty, 
 Eipiality, Fraternity, L"n., 1873, Svo: 2d ed., 1S74. 
 " Mr Stephen represents, at once lairly and forcibly, one 
 side of'a (piestioii which has been already dealt with trom 
 I the other .side by Mr. Mill."-.l"i., N" ilT/. ,.„,,.,.,,.„, 
 " If Mr. Stephen were a prolosed deleiiderol established 
 institutions. Ills criticisms of liberty c.|iiality, and m- 
 tcriiltv niiL'ht laThaps be e(|iiiilly loreible. but ilie\ wnuu 
 ' .cmiichless novel. . . . Ill' avows 1 anseir a utilitarian 
 and a dlseiple of Locke, of Uenlhaiii and to a certain ex- 
 tent of Mr. Mill."- ,Sa(. Itcv., xxxv. ..1 , , 
 .•I, Supremo Court of Judicature :\^ •••■, 1873, 1874, and 
 1875. Consolidated, Lon., 1875, 12mo. 4. A l>i!;est of 
 the Law of Evblenco, Lon., 187(5, l«mo; 4th ed., 1881. 
 5 A Digest of the Criminal Law: Crimes and Punish- 
 ment, Lon., 1877, Svo. t). A History of the Criminal 
 Law of Englnnd, Lon., 18s3, 3 vols. Svo. 
 " U is n bislorv of the Kiit'lish eriniliial law. and a very 
 uood hlslorv. well told, will i.ropoitioneil. lively, yet dis- 
 creet and digiiitied. I'-ut it is also very luiieh >u"re. It is 
 full (if piriuaiit ilisscrtiitiniis ,ai ninttcrs nl Muieiit intertst 
 We tind II sketch (d the criminal law id Itonie. ail 
 t'lai«irate comparison of the merits of the KriKllsh and 
 French methods ol eriniiiial procedure, a siilitle illsquisi- 
 tioniminsaiiitv.aii.l » collection of typh'al Knulisb and 
 French trials lielltihtl'ul anil instructive Iroiii one end 
 to the other."— •'>o/. H> r., Iv. ;^Hi. 
 7. Letters on the llbert Bill : reprinted from tho 
 " Times," Lon., 1 883, Svo. 8. The Story of Nuneomar, 
 and tbe'lmpeaehmeiit of Sir Elijah luipoy, Lon., 1885, 
 2 vols 1, s\o, 
 "Wlieii the present work has had time to produce its 
 nroner ellect, the judicial murder id' Nuiicnmar will bo 
 relegated to the limbo of exjiloded tietion. — .Mi. hcv., Ix. 
 "In these two niiddlesized volumes . . . the aullior has 
 torn to shreds the whole tissue of slander and misreprc- 
 sentaticui whi.di enabled the great WlUKCwayist toconsigii 
 —for a time, at lenst-to popular inlainy the fair Inme ot 
 R judge as iiiiright and wcll-ineaniiiK as ever, jwrhaps, sat 
 upon the Calcutta bench. "—-4»i., No. :i011. 
 With Stki'Iikn, Hehhkiit. Digest of the Law of Irim- 
 iiial Procedure in Indictable Olfences, Lon., 1883, Svo. 
 Stephen, James Kenneth, b. l.S:^!); son of Sir 
 J. F. Stephen. ■<nj„;i ; graiUiated at King's College, 
 Cambridge, 1SS2 ; called to the bar at the Inner Tcni|ile 
 18S4. Tntcrnatioiial Law and International Kelations. 
 an A«t«mpt to nscertnin the Best Methods of Discussing 
 the Topics of International Law, Lon., l.«S5, p. Svo. 
 , Stephen, Mrs, .lulia Vrinsep, l Ihickworth, 
 married to Leslie Stephen, in/ni. Notes from Sick- 
 Kooins, Lon.. 1883, 12uio. 
 Stephen, Leslie, [nnic, \ok ii., »dil.,] b. 18,32, at 
 ' Kensi»«.ton, London ; son of the late Sir James Stcj.hen, 
 (<]. I-., xnte, vol. ii.,1 and brother of Sir James Fit«jame> 
 S«»ph'en, «i(/i™ .• was e<iucated at Eton, at King's Col- 
 k-ge, London, and at Trinilv Hall, tambridge, of which 
 he was for some y«ars Fellow »iid tutor, lie was editor 
 of tho Oornhill Magazine 1^71-82, and resigned that post 
 in order to b<SMme editor of the Dictionary of Nationa! 
 Biographv. In 1SS3 he became lecturer on Knglish lit 
 erature ai Cambridge, but he held t' n office for only 'ii- 
 i year. Ho married Harriet Mariou, younger dauhht. . 
 i of W. M. Thackeray, who died in 1875. Mr. Stephen luis 
 contributed to liie Saturday lUyie» and otriti j.crioai 
 cals. 1. The Play-tiround of Europe. Illust. Lon., 
 1871, p. Svo. (Consists of articles describing Alpine 
 ascents and adventures.) 
 "The spirit of the playground is just that In which 
 the book before us is written. There is all its vigour anil 
 '>kiii« fUHl I'lainsia.ukiiig. L'cn., 
 Ksiiay.s on 
 (Ilo,,n„,e.i Iron, th. Crnhill M„g,»i„o i .a^;];j2 
 will InfiT, In a sd ,, If .V/.V.k'V, ,'',"'.'' 'I i"\'l"^ '-"I'lcr 
 I,o;;:,'Jsrs"J :^|— -'"l^"^!'''' M,.„ „f Letter 
 lint iii.t stinn^' ii it laiHiMi I, , i ■"" 'J''' - i> lliri.iiL.||. 
 5"imse a 1 "1,1 ,' I, I'i'.'.'v'Vi';''' ''■•'; rv, '■•"''■■'''''"""■^- "'"' 
 iiiu!;:'"!:":''^i^';"Vv}'"""" '" ■^'"■'"'^ '''«"""8- 
 W l.ilinhuigh K.tle \Mli,ntocT liri.-aik.. Kdin,, \Ml, ^,, 
 ll A I _ 1 ». , _ 
 7. Thu Soience uf Ethics, Lon.,lSS2 Svo 
 ^ (*. S-wilt, (" Kngiish Men of Letters,") Lon , ISS" ,, 
 1 i%,v „„ Va *"' <""i'n>Mi|mable wlietlier ^lr. siepl s 
 . J' i'-'"''',"',-^'"' "'"'■''" "f "'■'"■>' FicMing: with a Iii„- 
 «ro|,h,eal I-Wy. IMust. L„n.: l.sS2, 10 v„l! r svo 
 i ''.ly?. «'!'"^' fiirt'iiniike the e./iii'm ,|„ar, 
 '•uiililiocl. w 
 imn^l^lw'^;"'"*'"""'''^''^''^''''''"^^- • ■ ■<Jf Ml' Stephen 
 lsv'„ «*" '"•'*' l'«"™": with Tito Portraits. Lon., 
 <..■ memoir"*' '"T,",'''"'";,' '""'-"' '" "'f' «'=""^' »f « l'i"«rapl,y 
 vol. i *"""'■' T''" ^,''"'"'"'^'^ "f XKlional Biogra.ihy : 
 'olf. i.-xxv., Lon., Is,S,i>-!)I, Svo. * I J- 
 "The iileal dictionary of English biography would have 
 n,i,i';'!;''r"'' ^v*'?';'""''" "»"""<>". ['-"^.voLii., 
 I'n ;',,! ^, . .■ ^\^"'"l"-''"l""" ■■! till' History of the 
 •o L IS-', 'fo"'"" ""•■ '''."■"^•■^' .^I'ftlenH.nt.s to IS72, N. 
 ■ ■!, .1. 1 orK, IKS.I. 2. 1 1,„ Keviewors Heviewed- a Son 
 1 ement to the '; War lielween the States," N. Wk l' ' j 
 >»o. Also, vanou," single -peeehes. ' 
 Stephens,. Mrs Ann Sophia, [»u(.,vol. ii.,a,M.,] 
 Eso' ^f wft! ';'• ir^?"'^"^'^- % Jonathan Sliek, in la., I.s.ll, lf„„o. .(. 'j'hB l{ei,-„i,i„ Belle 
 •h.a„ 1^,72 ;jvo. .X Lord Hope's Choice, Pllill, IS .j 
 -uiu. (.. I'heoMC Frosfs K.xperience, I'hila., 1871 
 12n,o. ,1. Bertha V Engagement Phila. IsT.O, .Svo ,S 
 torsions Rest.- a \ovel. I>hila..ls77, U'mo 
 S'lepheiis, .Arohilmid J„h„, [„„„, ,,,1. ii., add.l 
 ' iiidneln',!>". " '" I.''''""' •''"■•^- "'' "'i"'!'^-'"- «t the 
 Mkhielmas Quarter bessions. Ksiil, Lun., I.SIil, Svo ■> 
 A Siiljstiince of ll,e Argument in the Case of T. B. .Sliei" 
 .iiiii against W . J. E. Bennett, Lon., 1872, .Svo 3 T L 
 I'll kestone Hilual Case : the .-^ubstanee of the Argument 
 dehvered on Behalf of the Bespondents, Lon., 1S78, ,Svo 
 jwf'&s^''!!?,;;:- ""K«<=ospe,s,'and;th.; 
 ' Bv'*!i7'','V"*' V'"*'''*','' '***'""'y' 1- Camping Out. 
 ly "Kif .-Mephens. Host., 1872, Khno. 2 Off the 
 .eysers. By Wade. Bost., 1872, 16mo. ,3. Left on Lab! 
 Lnv"' n' «■'"■> '"il"-' "'■ •'"-■ ^'''"oner-Vaoht •' Cur- 
 ow. By \\ash. Bost., 1872, llimo. 4. Lynx-H.uU- 
 .»g, Bost.. isr,^, 16mo. .-,. Eox-Iiunting, Ilost. l" 3 
 liiiMo. I,, (in the .^mazuns, Bosl., 1873, l(i,„„. r. The 
 ioung.Moo.«e-llunters. Illust. Host., Is;.', 12mo-ncw 
 , '■ ;, ■"*• ,Knoek-.Ab.,ut Club in the Woods: Adven- 
 ures ,n the W,I,N of .Maine and Cnada. Illust. Bos", 
 ' -• Z"",, ■miek-About Club Alongshore: Adven- 
 uresof ,.i Tarty from Boston to the Land of the Mid- 
 ' °h h"- .r'""-*- ""^••'^-^■■'.'^vo. III. Knock-About 
 Clubui the Tropics: Adventures in Ne.v Mexico, Mexico 
 and Central America. Illust. Host 1884 ivo' 
 Stephp.^ Charles Henry. Thc'yuebeo Law 
 Uigost: b. ,,g a Compilation of All the Reported De- 
 cisions ni the Province of Quebec to the First of Jan- 
 uary. I^. .. .Montreal, !S;s. Sv(,. 
 1 **!*', ''*"?,' *'• , '■ J'"''"-'™ Infidelity Disarmed, In a 
 1- I ly I . Renan s "Life of Jesus," Lon., 1876, p. Svo. 
 c„,i '■ ^ ■'» '" Conversation between a Roman 
 an, /■ ;" "1 f .'■'"Y'""'' ^°^- '**"' «™- •■'• Atheism 
 ind.. ' turcLile: being a Reply to Two Lectures by 
 t. Brau .ugh. Lon., 1878, 12mo. ' 
 >" ' ■ 
' .: i 
 SirphcHH, I'roclrrlc (ioorgr, [iinir, vol. II., 
 ii'M,] I. W. llcilmiin Hunt mill lii« Wiirks, I<on., tx»n, 
 8vu, ,\n(>n. 2. Hi-'tory nf (lilnulliir iiml ilK SiogM. 
 lllUMt. I.on., isnii. It,,. AniPii. :'.. Tho Karly U "ik« "I 
 .■Sir I'MwIn l.iindKi'cr, K.A.; ii IliicI' .'^ki'lcli 1 1' iKo I,if(i 
 of the Arti.-t: Illu>tr;iliMl bv IMiuti.Kni|.ln of .>>ixtecii of 
 bis .Mdst l''i|iiiliii' Wurk.'<: witli ii Ciiuijili'to List nt' bin 
 Kxbiliitt'J I'lctiiron, lion., IHit'i. Ito. Anon. Now ed,, 
 enlitlcil " .Muniniia ot' .<ir li'lwin l.nnilni'or," lM7l. 4. 
 Flc'ini!'b unci Kruiicli I'ie:iiro- : ivitb Noti'.i oonoorning 
 tbo I'iiintiM-i iiml their Wurkn, Liin., 1^71, r. Xv», .'i. ."<ir 
 I'Mwin l.iimliii'or. I'Mlrciit ArtintK,"), ISSI), p. nvn 
 or Ito. (1. Cntiilo^ur "f llio Works ol' Sir .((■fbiiii lU'v- 
 nulils cxbibiti'il lit tbo (lro.<vurinr Oiillery: witli llis- 
 loric'iil Nolo.*. Illu>l. Lon.. ISSI, HvM. 7. Art Anniiiil : 
 .r. C. Hook, bis T.ilo iwi.l Works, I.on.. ISSS. Ito. Wilb ! 
 Hawkins, Kiiwahh, riitiilonuL' of I'lirils uri.! I)riuvin){« j 
 in tbe liritisb Miiseiiin, Divisii.n I. : I'olilU'iil ami I'or- I 
 -lonal Satires. [Ivliteil by tl. W. Uebl.| Lon., lH70--<:'., l 
 vols. Svo. ! 
 HtepheilN, <<curK(<« [•mli; vol. ii., add.] 1. Hurrah 
 for Denmark: [verse, | .<toekbolm, |S|S, Svo._ 2. lie- ■ 
 venijo; or, Womau'.s l.uve : n .Melodrama, in Five Aets, 
 Lon., ISJ7. Nvo. ;i. (iuecn Hanmar's Cross : Fue-.-^imile 
 in (lold and Colours of tbo lOnarnelled .(ewcl in tlio Old 
 Nortbern .Museum, Copenbanen, Denmark: wilb Intro.: 
 ductory Itemarks, I.on., I'-liii, Svo. I. Uutbwell Cross, 
 A.D. li'^O ; witli its lluuic Verses, Lon., IMJH, fil. .i. 
 Uunie Mall in tbe Did .Nortbern Museum at Co|jeuba(;en, 
 Lon., l>llll, imii.Svo. 11. Maibetb. Karl .^iward. and Duir 
 dee; a Coutrimilion to Seotlisli History from tbu Kune- 
 Finds id'.-<i'andinavia, Lon. and Ivlin., IS71I, Itr). 7. Tbii- 
 nor tbo Thunderer, enrved 011 a ."^eaudlnavian Font of 
 abcjut tbo Year llHld : the First yet founil ( Fif^uru of 
 our Soando-duibii; F'orefalbers, Lon. ami Ivlin., Is'S, 
 •Ito, h, I'rof. S. liuj^^e's Stuilies in Northern .Mylludogy 
 .Shortly lv\auiinc<l: with .^^lny lllu.strations, Lon., |SH:i, 
 Svo. 'Reprinteil from tbo '■ .MConoires de la Societe 
 Royale de.s .Anti'iuaires du .Vord.") '.». The Old North- 
 ern Uunie .Monuments of Senndinavia and Kniiland : 
 vol. iii., I SSI, fol. (Vols. i. and ii. are entered nnie, vol. 
 ii.) 10. Hand-l!(Jok of tbo Old .Vr.ri' ■■■ . JIuuic .Monu- 
 ments : now first Colleeted and !-)€■ ;. ;i ■ ■ Lon.,, 
 •Ito. (Ccjiitaius most "f the enj?niv-. ■ "r— ij.tiona given 
 in the larger work, with e.\|ilani>l-'i . . ■■ ■:, i^.) 
 "Facts, studied with earnestne: > .-t- i.iv.preleii with 
 modestv, nru tbo ba.sis i.f Dr. .s\eiih"tiii'.'. ri.udlntjs."— Su(. 
 Jin:, Ivll. 717. 
 With Cavam.ii-3, H., (Kd.) Obi .\ ' Fiiiry-Tivles, 
 [translated by Albert Alberi;,] Lon., l.-).>_, p. Svo. 
 Stephens, II. Kindergarten Education, Lon., 13SS, 
 Stcpliciis, Henry Morse, grailuatod at Balliol 
 College, Oxfcu-d, IS>2; librarian of the Leeds Library 
 ISS7, and sinee then |irofessor at I'.alliol College, Oxford. 
 A History of the Freneb Revolution, In :i vols. Vol. 
 i., Lon., 'issi'i, Svo, 
 "While recogniziiii; the worlli of what ha.s been douo 
 by (ilher writers on the period at laru'e, be has entered 011 
 the same Held a.s an independent worker, ami luiSKiveii lis 
 tile resnlls of an imlepeiideiit and laborious e.xaininatioii 
 of a of special ami iiii'.,'iiial authorities. , . . Ailiuira- 
 ble as the Industry is that .Mr. Stephens ilisplays in this 
 volume, one is tempted to wish that ho bad read less and 
 spent more time in tryim,' in pietnro to himself and his 
 readers the e-vetits with which ho ileals. for his work seems 
 as if it had bail all life crushed imt of it by the luiiltitude 
 of hooks ho has consulted. . . . His biHik, when complete, 
 will bean imporlaiit adilitioii to tbe history of the Kovo- 
 lution.aiul (iiie that iio>liident of t!'e period may safely 
 neglect or will be inclined to undervalue."— Siif. liev., Ixi, 
 Stephens, Henry Pottinger, and St. Lcger, 
 Warhain. The liasilisk : a Story of To-Day, Lon., 
 ISSO, p. Svo ; new ed., ISS7. 
 Stephens, Uev. James, ordained 1S73; mission 
 priest of the Chureb of England .Missionary Society 
 since 1S7'J. 1. Living Waters for Little I'itebers ; .Mis- 
 sion Addresses, Lon., 1S82, p. Svo. 2. Light for Little 
 L.interns : Address to the Young, Lon., ISSd, p. Svo. 
 Stephens, James Brunton, b. I8.'l,i, at Borrow- 
 stounncss, Linlithgowshire; emigrated to Queensland in 
 ISOli, and, after acting for some years as a private tutor, 
 was appointed head-teacher of a government school. 1. 
 Convict Once: a I'oem. Lon., IS7I, p. Svo; new ed., ISS7. 
 2. The (Jodolpbin Arabian : the Slory of an Arabian 
 Horse ; adapted from the French of E. Sue, Brisbane, 
 1873, 12mo. .!. The Black Gin, and other Poems, Jlel- 
 bourno, 1S74. 4. A Hundred Pounds: a No"elette : to 
 which is added Bailed Up with a Whitewasb- Brush, 
 Melhournn, ISTfl, p, Svo. j. Misoollaneous Poous, Lon., 
 ISSII, p, Svo. 
 " IHs fine poem, 'Convict Once,' tllllun an octavo \ol- 
 lime. Is farand away the must Mi«lalned ell'orl tbccobinies 
 have yel scioi. It is wriiteii In hexameters. |S(diobirly, 
 well cniicelvod, uiilhigitiui.' Ill Interest, iiiiil perfect In eX' bus in.l, however, caught the po| ihii ear; as 
 was perhaps to be expected. . , . 'flic poem . full of life 
 and culiiiir, and that vivid preseiilmeiit wlii U ma ks iIio 
 possession iif 110 ordinary share of llic dlviiit allhitiis, and 
 alone siiihces In carry tl'ic reaib r ihnaiu'h a work of such 
 leiiu'lb'— ''o/iMmionir// l!ii\. Hi 112. 
 SlephuMN, Juhn .Mortimer, .ml ItawNon, I'. 
 I'ercy. Hvmns arranged for Use ut tbo Ordinaneu if 
 llellevci's Baptism, Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 Stephen!*, Thonin<<, I'liite, vol. ii.,add.] (Trans.) 
 TbeOododinof Alieuriii (iwawdrydd : an FJnglisb Trans- 
 lation, wilb Copious Explanatory Notes, a Life of An- 
 euriii, and sevral Lengthy Dissertaliiins illiistralivo 
 of the •Mfoilodin" and the liattlc of Callraetb, (Cyniiii- 
 rodoiioii Sue, Pub.,) Lon., |ss|, ,Ve., Svo. 
 Stephens, M iHilim I'. Canoo- and Boat-Build- 
 ing for Amateurs, N. York, Iss/,, 2lino; Itli cd.. I -sil. 
 Stephens, Itev. William ItU-hiird Wood, 
 .M..V., b. |s|l); a nephew of Biir'.ii Hatbcrlcy ; gradu- 
 ated at lialliol College, Oxford, I Sii2; onlainod lsH4; 
 prebendiiry of Winbt King in Chichester Cathedral since 
 |S76; rectorof Woolbedlng since ls7fi, 1. St. t'brysos- 
 toni : bis Life and Times ; a Sketch of the Church and 
 tbe Empire in the Fourth Century, Lon., 1.2, Svo; )fd 
 ed., Iss:;. 
 "Mr. .sic|ibens writes smiioibly, temperately, liilelli- 
 l-'entlv, and like an Aimlican of Aimllcans. lie caiiiiot 
 himself riiii;el,anil he does nut allow Ills readers to remain 
 ill iKiiiiriinci . llial be Is a nephew of Lord lliithirley niid 
 11 si.ii-ln-law of lir. Hook. . . . We arc nidelited to .Mr. 
 Steiihens lor a Kood book, which would have been 'lill 
 tieltcr if the autlinr bad exercised with a little more free- 
 ilom his niiilnnljted right of rejection."— .S(l^ AVr., xxxiil. 
 " .-V work iif permanent interest 'ii.| value."— .S;«c((i(()r, 
 xlvl. 342. 
 2. Memorials of tlie South Saxon Sec and Calbeilral 
 Church of Chichester. llliist. Lon., lS7(i, Svo. 3. 
 Cliristianity and Islam : the Bible and the Koran : Four 
 Lectures, Lon., IS77, p. Svo. 4. Cathedral Cbaiilers 
 considered as Episcoiial Councils, in a Letter to tbo 
 Bishop of Chichester, Lon., IM77, Svo. 5. Life and 
 Letters of Walter Fariiub:ir Hook, D.D. By his Son- Lon., isrs, 2 vols. Svo ; new cd., IsSS, I vol. 
 "The ccn'ral point of interest In tils biogmphy beiiiiis 
 mill ends w itli his iiimi/int; and Miceessful activity ns Vicar 
 (if Leeds ; It was in Ibis that be was able to allaiii tbo 
 reiuite of being, in .Mr. (iladstiiue's words, 'the liireiiinst 
 parish priest of the age.' . . . It is not too much to say ibat 
 Jlr. Stephens lias added a iienmiiiciu coiitributioii to Kng- 
 lisli eccleshislical bioi:ra|iliy. . . . His work is by no means 
 free from literary'l we can eoiiceivetliat itnilKht 
 have turned out 11 heavy and dull iierfnrniance but fortlio 
 assistance whiidi he has received from Iieun Hook's life- 
 long friend, I.nrd lliUherley. not only Ibroimh tbo long 
 ami interesting elm (iter of early leiiiiiiiseencescontriliiiled 
 by the latter, but siill iiinre by the rich mass of uiilobio- 
 grtiiibical iiienii. rials which he has supplied in the .-Impo 
 (if Hook's letters to himself."— .s'(i(. Krv., .\lvii. .'lO. 
 I 6. The Burial Question : a Letter to tbo Bishop of 
 ' Chichester, Lon., 1S7S, Svo. 7. The Soulli Saxon Dio- 
 cese, Selsey-Chiehestcr, ("Diocesan Histories,") I.on., 
 1S81, 12mo. S. (Ed.) A Memoir of the Right Hon. 
 William Pago Wood, Baron ILitherley : with Selections 
 from his Corres]iondence, Lon., 1SS3. 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 ' " His work is far too long, and in the scleetlons ho has 
 mndo from the materials placed at bis disposal bo has not 
 i always bnrno in mind tlie necessity fur ('onsiiltini; tbe 
 ] wishes of the general public as to the life of sindi a man 
 HS Lord Hatherley. ... It is ealcniated to increase Ihe 
 reputation of its siibjcct."— .s';i(rf(i(«r. Ivi. 487. 
 " The autobiographical sketch is w ritton in a manly and 
 mildest spirit, and exhibits the writer tu more advantaj;e 
 than bis letters."— .S'uf. Ha:, Iv. 411. 
 y. Hildebrand and his 'Times, (" Epochs of Church 
 History.") Lon., 1888, 12mo. 
 Stephens, Itev. William Robert, M. A. .gradu- 
 ated at Trinity College, Dublin, IS5I ; ordained lS,'i2; 
 chaplain of Christ Church, Rue Crespel, Brussels, since 
 1 871). I. Confession and Absolution as taught by the 
 Church of England, Lon., 1874. 2. The Vision of 
 Patinos, Lon., 1882. 
 Stephenson, V. H. Pin.lee Singh, the Pearl of 
 Dude : a New Spectacular Play, in a Prologue and Four 
 Acts, Bristol, 188U, Svo. Privately printed. 
 Stephenson, Mrs. Eli-^a, (Tabor.) All her 
 works have been published anonymously. 1. Oleanings 
 from (lospel Story, Lon., Isfil, 12iuo. 2. Annette; or. 
 Ears to Hear, Lon., 18(11, 12mo; new ed., I8ti3. 3. St. 
 l-t, I,,,,,., INTO, |.. N V, ii' wi?;,„ • """-y/'f " N"*"!- 
 •Mi-« I'nmroM,., |,„„ |s7((, :) vols „ s,-,, •<! '. 
 ake, I,,,,,., IHSI, ;, ,„,,. •^%; '• .,-, '■,• .J'"," ' -^'^ 
 S^ngjuan, .„.„., ,^83, 3 volsl';,^'^;:' ^C Ti^ uZZ 
 "e.|<lin){, I.OM., |S8r, 3 vols. ,,. 8m, '" 
 VllllllO I Ini 7 • Vt(*llt* 111 C* C "••11. I.M- 
 •^' '1 III Knxliiiiii, LoD., 188J, 
 StCDlii'iKinn I» if V "''• """"""S nml trucls. 
 t.:r .li'r.'rr;,'" '"""'""■ "' «■'• ^ia 
 Also, singlo aennuns, Ac lumo. 
 I NIt'rndult', .>I. r. 
 Nlerndale, U„|„.re .VniiitaKe, I Mt.d .s FZS 
 ^^11 .^^1^ .^witl, l.iitc.i.I ,,.s |.e»cT,,,tMm of Kuoh l'|.u>, 
 -yivunia is,;i,, „ ,. ' i , , l" ' '""■'■■">■ "'■ '■""■■ 
 : ll-l i- UV.,»'n| y ll.! ,■,'''',' V.^'*-'"' VVtlllK.l.ll.l 
 '!;;"^;;::^j.^^;:i'r'«',,t ill "'''''•'• -"- 
 -Vd^iV,,/, xli. ■.••Jl. ■ '"" '" ""'« K'^jn'uis a new, liKht."- 
 ' -v.'v-,S."i';«; l';,,,?"":' ;,■; i=~"" "-"gr „.■■, 
 ■Itn I'll., rev., 1S.S8 «"ik, io^.;, |J 
 ■WK,:™';:^!:;^^""''''' ('■--'•) see li,.oK„K, 
 I , •''•t'rrclt, .litliii Rubtrl Sillinirtnii pi, u 
 iii.) Ma,,.,. o.t ^'"msX. .'"a"' ,^"'^'"'' ^'"l' 
 Journey i, A«i,i M „',r n'.'.. '' r .t '^" KjMgruphical 
 of Ci,,s^i,M.I S, li,' ' Vt , ;»^V' the American .School 
 Ji'M.k fo, „„ II. ?• '; i''^•^'"•"leoock Papers: a 
 Travel.' Lou. ' ""J' ^'T' n '',' ■''■ ^■"' -'• ^iny 
 '•^ri!, p 8vo 4 T : ,„": ■';.^""'',""- ballads, Lon; 
 -.. — -..,.,,.,„, iio(Minster, Loii. Ss4 l''ii.,. \' \',i,.l iu-. i., ' ^ ■^-luuuiuio Alonoirranln ' 
 !• (Trans'r'n,7ii'"V""'"7''-' l"'"'»""-.a surgeon .,-m,i. 
 Malarm and Malarial Disease., N. YoVk, 1884, g^o; , 
 ..'Retake;; rsi;,::;,t,^:'i';;;;!'- .,2;-'^'''- " «"ok 
 it ^ -r;:i,^':cir^ «-,^f ^7'>'.ea.ion ^ ^'-t 
 licsl., 1873, IL'ino nelv'", '1,-6 '""'' ■'''""''' '™"»'' 
 a Novel. !,„'„., l" r ,, svi •\;^''i'';'n"'^!'% Daughter: 
 invuitii:n";'o'';i,o'\'c,?r'i':i 't'i-\.'r '■""',""^' "^' «» '■'«i'''^«to 
 I'f known Hbo u I . I m o 'i;';' ','! """■""' "" "'« i" <> 
 pastes which Dr. Sieve ■'s/asilpv ;;'''',''' .'"''T"' 1'''« 
 roini.lii,... i,, rhp i'., ,'i V , y -*-'' t" his hero ne'- -ur- 
 shew„s r,r;, «h, i e m' V'L'rl '''",'"•>■ P'VT'k' With Nvhom 
 hirifi'ly mnile upJrf'ouota'tionJ - ,,- '^"' 
 ;;l'a of ^rl,.e. ,je St,i7" S u-- '. ■-- -^' '''^n Set a better 
 ( rahl) Kobinson's " 
 ^aliun, x.x.\ii, a28. 
 <. ^'^ 
 >- Ib III 2.2 
 ^ 6" - 
 '<# ^^ w 
 4g&^ ^^ - 
 rc^ «"^» 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 
 2. Chariiiter Sketches, N. York, 1882, 12mo. 3. 
 Christiiin Work iind t'onsolntion : the I'robloui of an 
 EITectivc U11.1 Ilnppy Life, N. York, 1882, 12iiio. 4. A 
 Oouipon'lious History of Amcricftn Methodism : abridged 
 from the Author's " History of the Methodist Episcopiil 
 Church," I.on., 18S5, Svo. 
 Stevens, Agnes. (Coinp.) How Men Propose: the 
 Fatal Questi'm iinil its Answer: Love-Soencs from Popu- 
 lar Works of Fiction, Chic, 1888, 12ino. 
 Stevens, Altred James. The Repulsion of Solid 
 Bodies referable to Radiation : a Speculation concern- 
 ing Molecular Physics, Lon., 1875, Svo. 
 Stevens, Benjamin Franklin, b. I8;;;s, at Bar- 
 net, Vt. i joined his brother Henry, I'li/'ni, in the book- 
 selling business in London I8(i0. (Ed.l The Cam]mign 
 in Virginia, 1781 : an Exact Reprint of Six Rare Pam- 
 phlets on theClinton-Cornwallis Controversy : with I'n- 
 publishfcd MS. Notes by Sir Henry Clinton, Lon., 1M88, 
 2 vols. Svo. 
 Stevens, Charles Wistar. 1. Fly-Fishing in 
 Maine Lakes; or, Camp-Life in the Wilderness, Bost., 
 ISSl, 24rao. 2. Revelations of a Boston Physician, 
 Bost., 18^:1, 12mo. 
 Stevens, Rev. Edward Thomas, [nnie, vol. ii., 
 add.,] gniduntcd at Worcester College, Oxford, 1871; 
 ordained 1871; vicar of Sibford-Oower with Sibford- 
 Ferris since 1874. 1. Flint Chips: a Guide to Pre- 
 historic Archii.'ology, as illustrated by the Collection in 
 the Bla, kmore .Museum, Salisbury, Lon., 1870. 
 "A very complete and svstemiitichaiul-book to the study 
 of prehLstoric art in gei'cral."— .s'(i(. Kev., xxix. 580. 
 2. Guide to the Blackmorc .Mus'^uiD, Salisbury, Lon., 
 1870, Svo. 3. (Ed.) Domestic Economy for Girls, by 
 Various Writers, Lon., 18711-77, 3 vols. Svo. 4. Jot- , 
 tings ' Objects of Interest: Stonchenge Excursion,! 
 Lon., 1882, 12mo. 5. Teaching of the Praycr-Book for ' 
 Chihlren of the Church, Lon., 1887-88, 2 parts, 12mo. i 
 With Monnis,, (ed.) .\nnotated Poen's of Eng- 
 lish Authors, Lon., lS7t>-77, 7 vols, liimo. 
 Stevens, Eva, illoss-t'hnrch.) An Actress's 
 Love-Story : with a Preface by Florence Marryat, Lon., 
 1888, 2 vols. cr. Svo. I'osth. 
 Stevens, F. II. iEd.) Yale Examination Papers, 
 Collected and Arranged, Bost., I8SH, Svo. 
 Stevens, Frances. The I'sages of the Best So- 
 ciety : a Com|ilcte Manual of Social Etiquette, N. York, 
 1884, Ifimo. 
 Stevens, George. The People's (Juiile to the New 
 Botanic Treatment of Disease, Lon., 1881, Svo. 
 Stevens, George T., M.D., [mile, vol. ii., add.] 
 Functional Nervous Diseases: their Causes and Treat- 
 ment. Illust. N. York. 1SS7, Svo. 
 Stevens, Ilalscy U. 1. Scripture Speculations: 
 with an Introduction on Creation, Stars, Earth. Primi- 
 tive Man, Judaism, Ac, X.York, ls7,-,, 12mo. 2. Faith 
 and Reason : Heart, Soul, and Hand Work : Concise 
 Account of the Christian Religion, and of All the Promi- 
 nent Religiims before and since Christianity, N. York, 
 187il, 12mo. 
 Stevens, Henry, [<inir, vol. ii., add.,] d. ISSft: 
 member of the committee for promoting the Caxton Ex- 
 hibition, 1877. 1. Sebastian Cabot — John Cabot — 0, 
 Lon., 1870, 4to. 2. Bibliotheca Geographioa et His- 
 torica ; or, A Catalogue oi" a Sale of Ancient and Modern 
 Books, Maps, Ac, illustrative of Historical Geography, 
 History, Ac. Part I. Lon., 1872, Hvo. ;i. American 
 Books with Tails to 'em : a Private Pocket-List of the 
 Incomplete or Unlii'-ished American Periodicals, Trans- 
 actions, Legislative Documents, and other Continuations, 
 Ac, Lon., 187.'i, Ifimo. Privately printed. 4. The Bibles 
 in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877: or, A Biographical De- 
 scription of Nearly One Thousand Representntive Hililes 
 in Various Languages, Lon., 1878, r. Svo. .'i. The His- 
 tory of the Oxford Caxton Memorial Bible : Printed and 
 Bound in Twelve Consecutive Hours, June :10, 1877, 
 Lon., 1878, Kimo. 6. Photo-Uibliography ; or, A Word 
 on Printed Card Catalogues of Old, Rare, and Costly 
 Books, and how to make them on a Co-Operative System, 
 Lon., 1S7S, Ifimo. Privately printed. 7. Historical 
 Collections, I881-8B, 2 vols. 8. Who Spoils our New 
 English Hooks? A:,i:wi and Aii.-iwcrcd, Lon., iSSo, IHmo. 
 «. (Ed.) The Dawn of British Trade to the East Indies, 
 ns recorded in the Court .Minutes of the East India Com- 
 pany, l.'i«'J-16U:!; with an Introduction by Sir George 
 birdwood, Lon., ISSfi. 1(1. Recollections of Mr. James 
 Lenox, of New York, and the Formation of his Library. 
 Lon., 188fi, I2mo. Posth. 
 " D<jes contain a good deal of autobiography, ami for 
 ihat we are thankful."— .I(A.. No. 30<i5. 
 Stevens, Henry, b. 1S47, at Bradfleld ; graduated 
 at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1872; called to the bar 
 at the Inner Temple 1873; general inspector to the local 
 government board since 187s. With Mii.i.Kii, Hoiiai'b 
 E., LL.B., of the Middle Temple, barrister-at-law, Tha 
 County Council Compendium ; or. Digest of the Munici- 
 pal Corporations Act, 1882, the County Electors and 
 Local Government Acts, 18SS. Ac, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 Stevens, Rev. Henry William Pettit, gradu- 
 ated at Downing College, Cambriilge, 1875; ordained 
 1878; vicar of Tadlow since 1888. Old Barnet, Barnet, 
 1888, p. Svo. 
 Stevens, J. C. Publio Health Act, I87£, Lon., 
 187fi, l>. Svo. 
 Stevens, James. I'niformity of Masonic Ritual 
 and Observance, Correspondence and Opinions, Lon., 
 1879, Svo. 
 Stevens, James Gray, b. 1822, at Edinburgh; 
 educated at Edinburgh University; removed to New 
 Brunswick 1840; admitted to the bar 1847. I. A Digest 
 of the Cases determined in the Supreme Court of Judi- 
 cature of the Province of New Brunswick from 1835 to 
 1873. St. John, 1874, Svo; new ed., 1887. 2. Index to 
 the Statutes, Rules, Orders, Regulations, Treatises, and 
 Proclamations of the Dominion of Canada, St. Stephen's, 
 1876. 3. Indictable Offences and Summary Convictions, 
 Toronto, 1880. 
 Stevens, John. Art of House-Painting, N. York, 
 1877, ISmo. 
 Stevens, John Austin, Jr., [nnte, vol. ii., a<M..] 
 b. 1827 ; grailuated at Harvard I84fi, and became a mer- 
 chant in New York City ; founded the Magazine of 
 .American History. 1. Resumption of Specie Payment. 
 By Knickerbocker, N. York, 1S73. 2. (Trans.) Notes 
 on Paris : Life and Opinions of M. Frederic 'Thomiis 
 (Jraindorge, [pseud.,] by H. A. Tainc, N. York, is:,'i 
 new ed., 1876, 12mo. 3. The Burgoyne Campaign: an 
 Address, Richmond, 1877, Svo. 4. Yorktown Centennial 
 Hand-Book. Illust. N. York, Issi, I2mo. 5. Albert 
 Gallatin, (" American Statesmen,") Bost., 1884, 12nio. 
 ■'It Is a m(]re iK'rsonal biography than that by Mr. 
 Adams, . . . written with eoual impartiality of parly 
 views, while following more closely in detail the pi'ljlic 
 life of it.s subject, and only incidentally dwelling on the 
 political changes of bis time."— -Viid'o.i, xxxvii. 417. 
 Stevens, John I,., LL.D., recently U.S. minister 
 at .Stockholm. History of Gustavus Adolphus, N. York, 
 1834, Svo. 
 " It is as a biographer, rather than an historian, that Mr. 
 .Stevens ha.s tiest succes.s."— .Vo^ioii, xi. aiT. 
 Stevens, Joseph, M.R.C. I'hys., local member of 
 council for Berks, and late of Hants, British Aroha'o- 
 logical Association. Parochial History of St. Mary 
 Bourne: with an Account of the Manor of Hurstbourno 
 Priory, Lon., 1888. r. Svo. 
 Stevens, N. The Crimean Campaign with the Con- 
 naught Rangirs, 1854-56, Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 Stevens, Thomas, b. 1855, at Groat Berkhamp- 
 stead, Eng. ; removed to the United States ; made a tour 
 of the world on a bicycle 1884-86. Around the World 
 on a Bicycle : vol. i., From San Francisco to Tchernn ; 
 vol. ii.. From Teheran to Yokcduima. Illust. N. York, 
 1887-88, L' vols. Svo. 
 "His achievement Is an extraordinary feat of perse- 
 verance and pluck, and the I k in which he records it 
 Is a nonchalant, uiuill'cctcd account of interesting adven- 
 ture."— .Vo/i'im, xlvii. .'iJCi. 
 Stevens, Thomas W. Stevens' Manual : Rules 
 and Calendar Practice of the Court of Appeals of New 
 York anil Supreme Court of the United Stales, Ac, 
 Albany. 1SS5, Ifimo. 
 Stevens, William. Methodist Plans: Plans of 
 One Hundred and Sixty-Six Sermons; with a Memoir 
 I of the Author, Lon., 1870, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1872; 3d ed., 
 I 1878. 
 i Stevens, Williaru. The Truce of God, and other 
 ! Poems, Lon., |S7il, 12mo. 
 I Stevens, Rt. Rev. William Bacon, M.D., D.D., 
 I LL.D., [atile, vol. ii., add.,] d. 1887. I. Sabbaths of 
 (lur Lord. Illust. Phila., 1873, 12mo. 2. Lambeth 
 Cfmfcrcncc, I'-^TS : :t .^crtnori prc:ichcd at IVir •'•■ftr-lu-i'-o 
 of the Lamb'jth Conference, Lon., 1878, Svo. 3. The 
 House of God the Hate of Heaven : a Sermon preached 
 in Christ Church, Neuilly, Lon., 1879, Svo. 4. Sermons, 
 N. York, 1879, p. Svo. 
 Stevenson, Sliss. Homely Musings. By a Rus- 
 tio .Maiden Kilmarnock, 1870, Svo. Anon. 
 Stevenson, Mrs. A. E. Henry St. Clair ; " Light 
 ishown for the Kigliteous,' Lon., IS76 ii Svo 
 Stevenson, Alexander F. Batilo of Stone's 
 is'/o"',"""" M"'-f™'''"'r">'gh, Tennossie, December 30, 
 1H62-Januftry 3, 1863. Maps ami I'lans. Host., l!<81 
 ova. ' ' 
 i«?..'7/"*""' **""• KI«""-''"8 "f Mcthoais.N, Cin., 
 lol'.i, Iflnio. ' ' 
 ISIj-I8,S(,j son of Ho ,t.rt Sicvenson, th. engineer of' 
 the Bell RoekLi^ht; b. ni IMinlM,r|,'h, Sootlan.l : eilu- 
 catea at the university of tliut eity, and entered into 
 partnership as an engineer with his father and bnjther 
 JIo was the uncle of Robert Louis Stevenson, infra'. 
 lie published, in addition fo works mentioned ,inle vol 
 11.: 1. On the Ueelitnmtion and Proteetion of Agri- 
 cultural l.iuid, Kdin., 1874. Svo. 2. I.ife of Robert | 
 btevenson, Civil Kngineer, Kclin.. 187s, lUi. 
 ".Mr. K(;l|ert.«tcvi'iis(in lias not Ifft hol'iimriiini tho ren- 
 utatioii ol Ins iM.Klish winteinponirv of i ear y 1 " Kiime ' 
 Maine. Hiittheeimiiiferof ihelfull iiock UkI lllmvj'e^ 
 X\ I^evertheless, no beiiiKU mere effort of b.K.knn kiiii; 
 Iw W, • xl'vi! il'i) "■''''•■'' " '''■'''^'•''' ™" '"""•^'-' l'""Velf ' - i 
 nf^i*'';h'*?"v'^- V, "'''"" C"oka<les: an Ineident '' 
 of the " I-orty-Five," Lon., IS87. p. Svo 
 Stevenson, .llrs. Ksni6 Scott-, wife of Captain , 
 fccott-htcvenson, assistant eoinniissioner in Cyprus I 
 Our Home in Cyprus. Lon., IS7!), sv(>. ' ' ' 
 " When she yets interested in her siibjeetsho ehatsawav 
 pleasantly eiiouKh."-,S;«rf(i(u/-, lii. l.-,71 ^"awaway 
 2. Uur Ride through Asia .Minor: with .Map, Lon, 
 J8.M,8vo. .(. On Summer Sens: including the Med- 
 iterranean, the .Kgean, the Ionian, and the Euxine, and 
 a \ovage clown the Danube, Lon., 1883, Svo 
 n,',V„,"'f,'"-1V'^<"','*>' "10 same spirit which' made 'Our 
 Home 111 Cyprus' an usiiiK and livelv ruadi'it; . Tl,,. 
 ;;"'"'"«!•, ■'•i'«s whieh lave the shore.s-o„ whid, iiio'.t ' I' 
 Levant, and the Adriatic."— .l(/i., No. I'jyi ' 
 Stevenson, «J. de St. Clair. Alsaee and Lor- 
 raine: I'ast, I'lesent, and Future, Lon., 1873 8vo 
 Stevenson, George John. 1. The Am'eriean 
 Lvangehst: a Sketch of the Life of tha Rev. II D 
 Northrop, Lon., ISUl), U- 2. The Prince u{ Preach- 
 ers, C. 11. Spurgeon: a Sketch of his Marvellous Life- 
 Work, Past and Present, Lon., I8B7, Svo; 2d ed same 
 year. 3. (Ed.) Historical Sketch of the Christian Com- 
 iiiunity, AD. 1818-182.!. lly One of its Members. 
 Hith an Introductory (ilanee at its History during 
 Ninety-.Six Years. Lon., Istl8, Svo. 4. Tho Methodist 
 tlymn-Uook and its Associations: with Notes by W 
 M. Hunting, and an Introductory Poem by H. Uouah' 
 Lon ISUi), Svo; new ed., 1883. ;,. City Road Cbapei; 
 London, and its Associations, Historical, Biographical, 
 and Memorial, Lon., 1S72, .Syo. 6. Memorials of the 
 Wesley Family: including Biographical Studies of All 
 'i".,*'"L"''?,'''' "f "'« '•""'"ily. >""'•, 1««, «vo; new ed., 
 V . .ru- . 'I,"'' ?'l'"''~«"n: '"8 I'ife "nd Work to his 
 Forty-lhird Birthday, Lon., 1877, Svo. S. Ilist,.rie«l 
 Records of the Voung Men's Christian Association, 
 Lon., 1S84, 12mo. ' 
 Stevenson, James, F.R.S.E. The Civilization 
 of Southeastern Africa; 2J ed., (JIasgow, 1877, 8vo- 3d 
 ed. same year. 
 Steveiisou, James Hunter. " Boots and Sad- 
 dles: a History of the First Volunteer Cavalry of the 
 War, known as the First New York (Lincoln) Cavalry, 
 and also as the Sabre Regiment. Illust. llarrisburg 
 i'a., I.S/U, Svn. °' 
 Stevenson, llev. John. Hynienomyeetes Bri- 
 tannici: British Fungi: with Illustrations. In 2 vols. 
 \ <>l. 1., I SS(). 
 Stevenson, John J., architect. House Arehiteo- 
 lure. Illust. Lon.. 1 880, 2 vols. r. Svo 
 U.a'de,i^^/f'^\\'!r"'"LV,'''',''.J-:: "''"™ '>>""''« "f "-e "ble..t 
 ri V 1, • '"'■V"",^'>', <i"wi' Anne' iinivemeiit. The 
 rst volume is exclusively devoted to ' Arcliltecturo ' and 
 "'V,»;"ind to •lIous...piaiii,i„g.' . . . T he ge L.ra r^a er 
 'I tleaiiimatud and plcturcMnie way In which the sublect 
 the author's views, and . . . his eariiestnws« h,„'i lii/e laSe '• ■ 
 .liA., No. 27('.i;. la-lL. ■ 
 Stevenson, Hev. Joseph, M.A., [,,»«., vol. ii., 
 add.] I. Calenilar of State Paper., Foreign Series, of 
 he Rcign of hlizabcth, preserved in Her Majesty's 
 ubiic Record Oftioe, .to.: vols, i.-vii., 1558-1865, Lon., 
 isw-(U. SeeCuosnv, Ai.L,\N .Tamks. 2. (Ed.) Narra- 
 tives of the Expulsion of the English from Normandy 
 [1449-14.^0! Robertus Blondelli de Reductione Xormon- 
 j niic: LoRecouvrementde Normemlie, par Berry, Heiault 
 , " ,y\ t'onlercnces between the Ambas.-adors ot Eng. 
 land and Irnnee, Lon., 18113, r. svo. 3. (Ed.) Radulphi 
 deCoggeshall Chronicon Anglieanuni, Lon., 187.). r svo 
 Stevenson, llev. Joseph, ,S.J. i. (Ed) Tho 
 "ri"? "^^r"?, ?""'V;'' •■'"'" "'" -^I '"■''" "f lii'><--i'> 
 until her Flight into England. By Claude Nan, her 
 Secretary. Now first printed from the Original Manu- 
 8cri|,ts: with Illustrative Papers from thG Secret Ar- 
 chives of the \ atican and other Collections in Rome. 
 -c*<iin., 1S83, svo. 
 " The v<iliiine before us has a siiccial claim to attentlnn 
 as giving what to all intont.s and |m poses nit K^^^^^^^^^ 
 of her lilc iii which her aclioiis are most caiiva,'l 
 , This remarkable fnigmcotiias exislcd'ibr'"'ricarir'tli'ree 
 i th ." ,o''T !," "■'•",S""-^ 'i!"'""' "11 ttlongthe bes km VI and 
 tlie most accessible collccllon of .M.s.^. i,i the whole kii L-- 
 do.n imincly, the ( ;ottoi,ian Library, and no one Ul Iwi S 
 : e last lew vears took the tniiiido to (lecipher it and t. 1 
 the world what was in it."— .4//i , .No 289.-) 
 2 The Truth about ,lo!in Wyclif, his Life, Writings. 
 and Opinions, chiefly from the Evidence of his Contom- 
 i poranes, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 
 va'uari'c?,T|-'n "■'},V'IH''"'i'"!>y provoked to his task by the 
 1, i'fl^ -', ""- "^''''f <l'"'"Wideii«ry celebration com- 
 ann lion , ■ "'"*■ "'■";l'.' "'" "'""'>• '"* "" i'Klioatioiiuf the 
 s'iri V n J;j "''I','''""-''""*-' 'i„P»,ri'ly hisujrlc matter i,i a 
 titP 1 .1 mt ' ^""''"!'' """■ '"""■■■■ ^"-'venson has emu. 
 rcs?.„r 1, • 1 " '" ,""';'». i"'"li' Ib'it a work displaying real 
 research and ninth ability n|i„u1,i have been undertake 
 InsULdi aspirit."-J. V. Wiiit.skv : //Moricui S!,\ No. 7 
 3. Mary Stuart: a Narrative of the First Eighteen 
 Years ol her Life, principally from Original Documents. 
 £i<lin., 1886. 
 r,i'r,l!v"'ii"„'?.'';,'"iV''\T'" "'''"'Wi' "« a contribution to biog- 
 SOscI "vowedly the work of un advocatf."-^(A., N5, 
 4. The Life of St. Cuthbert, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 Stevenson, H., A.M. (Trans.) Engraving, by 
 Le \ icomle Henri Delaborde: with a Chapter on English 
 Engraving, by W. AValker, Lon., I.S87. 
 Stevenson, K. Uandolph, M.D., formerly chief 
 surgeon of the Confederate States Military Prison Hos- 
 pitals, Andersonville. (Ed.) Tho Southern Side; or. 
 Andeisonville Prison: compiled from Official Docu- 
 nient.s. Illust. Halt, and Lon., 187(i, Svo 
 Stevenson, Itobert Louis llalfour, b. IsjO, in 
 I'.diiiburgh, Scotland ; .-on of Thomas Stevenson civil 
 engineer, ,„pra, ami grandson of Robert Stevenson. 
 (7. r., auir, vol. 11.:) was educated at iirivato schools 
 and at Edinburgh University, and intended for tho 
 engineering profession, his ancestors having been for 
 three generations engineers to the Board of Northern 
 J^iglit.-. He gave up thiit profession, studied law, and 
 was called lo the Scottish bar. but never ,,-actised, and, 
 his health having failed, he devoted himself to literature 
 and to travelling. He has twice visited tho United 
 States, having once made the jouriiev to -«an Francisco 
 as an emigrant, and later spent a winter in the Adiron- 
 Uacks and has recently spent some time in Samoa. 1, 
 An Inland Voynge, Lon,, 1S78, cr. Svo. 
 sivlcs'of <'il'"i'.'Lyi'.'^''!:^''i' «'*^'"'< <», '«-■ a conip<iund of the 
 fctj Its of Mr I'liilip .-idncy and Bacon, (ieorge Herbert 
 fin ti'i'rV""" "■;Jl ',"■''"';"'?> 7.'?' ^■"«racter.s*'of the last 
 (Liiturj. . . Looking at tiiglish c position from his 
 very peculiar i»,iiitot view, iioihlng can be iiiore c?edit! 
 able than ilic ex'.reme trouble he rake^ l, g mt of lis 
 iinplc words that wouhl uiiparciitly answer his pur- 
 pose. . . . Weaclniittliatbeorte'iMinius'SiiswilYi iVclcvcr 
 thing; and not i,i,rre,,i,eiitly wc come on o el dea 
 aiiioiig a crowd o plalftudcs rather prettily expressed 
 Now and then, when he appears tc lorget himself he has 
 lias bes of iiiiatrcctcd livelim'ss ; 1,, <la.4es"e ling little 
 sketches of (diaracter, and has gracelul touches ol'v Id 
 landscape-painting, "-Sa(. Hev., .xlv. Tdl 
 • Arnrn',', "['•'"f'" '*""■' '" '"'" ''"'""■■'*• '!"' ' Cigarette' and the 
 rivers • r\" " "'V,"^'' '1',', '"'""' "'■'k'"" »I"1 1'"'^H'I» 
 ei er suHlcieiitly into the author's mood to eujov the 
 hill-lium.irons, half pathetic iiioraliziugs wliid k ve a 
 na't'u'rc wl ;T ^"""'"y ' ' »'.' Stevenson does nol look a* 
 nature wllh the eye of a poet, Imt be does see nature with 
 his own eyes instead of ihrough the spectacles of books 
 ^a!ld vl\?i" 'I'V^-'-'" '•" ''■"'■l'"'<s lanu\.Hu'cxv!iat !u'"S 
 a.Kl wliai he feels, —.■^im-uttiir, 11. ;rj«. 
 ' „„.i. ./'"'""''"' l">»'nKt'« of feeling, humour, insight, de- 
 \ZnuZ\rVr^;'^ "■'"' "">•'"'■>■ '""1 finish I the best 
 manner of . . . Paradoxical vet froin 
 I to time striking out a Hash both new ami true --I u 
 n.oroi.sly or cordially rebellions, but never "our or puling, 
 ^- n i s'.'h'r; *"""?',■ '", '''" I'l'ilosophy, but anon fill 
 01 ancles the most chivalrous or tender —this tirilHuTif 
 I and eiilerlaiuinK writer may at one monient show himlolf 
 ■>■ t' 
 lot) raw in youili. nml nl niwilher liis wonls may noem to ' 
 carry in lliom mi rdio of Heine, or at aiHilliiT of sierni'; 
 bnt wo sliall ndinowli'ilxr llial lie liiis lioHi |;iri.s and jironi- 
 iM', ami one inestiiiiai)le Kill in ef^peeial,— ciiaini."— /1^/i-. 
 N I. 'jrilil. 
 '■ I woiiiler liow many people there are in Kiiiilaiii! wlio 
 kiMW that Holiert Louis Stevi'nson is, in his own way, (ami 
 111' i> wise enoiiKh to write simply in his own way,) one 
 <if the most perliil writers livini;. one of the very few who 
 may yet do sunnlliiin,' that w ill lieeume elussleivl'.'"— 1'. ti- 
 ll 1 MKliTON : AimI., xiil. 5-17. 
 2 Kdinhurgh: I'ieturosquc N'ulcs: with Etching." hy 
 .\. lirunet-Debaincs, Vignettes, Ac, Lon., 1^7^, fol.: 
 new ed., 18SS, p. .svo. 
 " Mr. Sleveiison ean see KdinlinrKh as she is : he seems 
 tu have snlVereil from the ailoieis of lliirns. and even ap- 
 jiears lo takea niisehievoiis pleasure in lelliiiK his iiniiurj;- 
 men the re.^lllt of a dispassioiiale inspeelion of llieir capi- 
 tal. . . . Onr (jiioUitions . . . make it needless to say 
 niiylhini; iiboul liis style. It speaks for itself; it iseapli 
 vatiii); and irritalinn'. it keeps the alteiilion awake; it 
 sketches a picliirc; in two words, it is never eomnioii; 
 Jilace; it retains an accent of tiie cpiaintness uf a time of 
 leisure."— .s'(i(. Her., xlvii. I'.'O. 
 H. Travels with a Donkey in thoCevcnnes, Lun., 1S7'.', 
 p. Svo; 3J ed., iN.'^.'i. 
 •■It would lie doint; Mr. Stevcn.son a preat injustice to 
 pretend that lie sets the hare fads of lliis journey hefme 
 us as of any value. . . . The merit of his uiie is in the 
 toUinn, and we must read the hook slowly, for it is on 
 account of iLs style that it merits oiir atleiition. . . . His 
 wrilint! is as elegant as ever, bnl it is more natural, and 
 the phr.ises of liuiiioiir and the iiarentheses of line retlec- 
 tion no longer seem put in w illi any art ; Ihey have urown 
 Willi the iirowUi of the narrative. There is the same 
 strong sympathy Willi linnianily. the same power to read 
 the "red leavedaiid confused liook of the licarl.' the same 
 liaiipy tliuht of ipiainl and orii-'inal fun; but there i.s les.< 
 etfolisiu. and the view of ii.Uural life is sweeter and 
 lieallhier. It i« remarkable Ihat on so slight a thread so 
 luany jewels of Ihouaht and fancy can be hnnj;; for the 
 thread, we must confess, is e.\eeediii(,dy slight."— .Siit. A'tT., 
 xlvii. 770. 
 4. Virginibus I'uerisque, and ollior Papors, Lon., 
 l.ssl. p. Svo. 
 "There is no paiKT in this lilllc oolleetlon but Is sure of 
 it.- reiulers. none tliat can fail to i;ive a novel and exciliiii? 
 pleii>nre when the rit^ht man or opens the book in 
 tile riKht mood and the rlKlit hour."- .Si/. AVc. 11. .'iJH. 
 " HcKardlng . . . these essays as elaborate studies in the 
 literarv art. . . . one cannot be deaf to the which 
 his reilned and lle.\ible style has so fully deserved, and 
 which may here be eudorseil williout repetiiion. The 
 many instances of strained nictajihor. forced illustratiou, 
 and otiscure e-Xtraviiiianee which we mii:ht ipiote are due 
 not to defects of .style, but to barrenness of matter."— 
 .It'll'/.. XX. 'Jl. 
 5. Faiuiliar Studies of Men and Books, Lun., 1SS2, p. 
 "Mr. Stevenson is not seen at Ills best in this voUiine. 
 Of course his ■stnilics' are elenaiitly written and pleasant 
 to read : but criticism is lianlly his forte. The turn of his 
 miml is distinctly subjective; and he is eertainly happier 
 wlien he is tellinir Ids readers how the immediate objects 
 of seiisi' :.IVe';t him than when he is tryinj; lo estimate 
 other |,eople who have in their own waydone the same." 
 — .l(/i.. No. 'JWO. 
 " All the essays will repay earefid perusal, because, apart 
 from fresh facts or novel suj^j^estions. they often act U|m)U 
 us aggrcs-^ively, exciting to independent though t."—.Sii(. 
 AVr., iiii. MS. 
 fi. New Arabian Xighta, Lon., 18s2, 2 vol.*. p. Svo. 
 "There is little but pleasure to be nnl out of the ' New 
 Arabian Ninhls.' willi their strikinx fertility of invention, 
 their cliarniin^ toucli of a chivalry which "is Ijv no means 
 too common either in real life or in lietion. ain! that other 
 quality of ilie aiillior's. also by no means too common, of 
 makiiig his readers -up full ol horrors and yet putting no 
 offence in it."— .sii(. / ., liv. i;.'!*). 
 "As a collection oi ^'rotcsiiue roinanees. the ' New Ara- 
 bian Niuhts' are perfect in foriu and Huish ; and siu-li an 
 Him i" not only legitimate in itself, but constitutes a fresh 
 departure in romance-writing."— .S;;tc((i/(/r, Iv. U-Ml. 
 7. Troasnre Island. Lon,, lSS:j, ii. Svo; 2il cd., 1SS4. 
 "II is a liook for boys which will tie delightful to all 
 grown men who have the sentiment of treasureliunting 
 and are toui'lied with the true spirit of the Spanish Main. 
 . . . It is written— in tljat crisp, choice, nervous Kinjlish of 
 which lie has the secret— with such a union of measure 
 and force as to be in its way a masterpiece of narrative. "— 
 .Sn/. AVr., Ivi. 7;i7. 
 s. The Silveradi) Squatters: a .Sketch from a Califor- 
 nia Mountain, Lon., ISS.'t, p. Svo; new eil., ISS(. 
 "It is not the best of Mr. Steven-sou's works; but only 
 Mr. Stevcn.son would have written it."— Sat. Itcv., Ivii. 
 9. A Child's Harden of Verse, Lon,, IS85, p. Svo| 2d 
 cd, same year. 
 " Never before has the Inner life of childhnnd been so 
 apprehended or portrayed hy an Knglisli writer."— .t(A., 
 No. ;«"ii. 
 "Some of its lyrics would undoubtedly delight anychlld 
 old enough to dellKht In such things at all ; while others, 
 again, will undoulitedly be read Willi pleasnie by its 
 elders. What we look lor, however. In a book of this sort, 
 lhou«li perhaps it is putting our requirements loo iiign. is 
 the comliinallou of the same kind of altracliiui in the 
 same jiieces. . . . This point, hmvevt-r, is rarely attained 
 in Mr. Stevenson'.s verse."— -Si/. Itii\, lix. ;;'.M. 
 10, Prince Otto : a Honiance, Lon-. Iss.',. p. Svo. 
 "The ordinary material of the novel he throws aside; in 
 half a dozen sentences he gives the results of ii whole 
 Volume of realism ; he goes slraijjlit to the i|nick of tliiiiKS, 
 and coiiceriis himself witli none but oseiilials. . . . The 
 antlior's theme is the morals of niiirriai.'e. . . . ' Prince 
 Otto' is a protest UKainsl the exisience of most of that 
 which is unworlliv in the theory and jiractice of modern 
 literature."— .1//!.. N'o- :iO;t(l. 
 11. Strange Case of Ur. Jekyll and Mr. Hydo, Lon., 
 IS8li. p. Svo. ' 
 " Nlr. Stevenson's idea, bis secret, (but a very o|ien .secret.) 
 is that iif llie double personalily in every man. . . . While 
 one is thrilled iiiid possessed bv (lie horror of Ihe central 
 fancy, one may fail, at first rcadini,'. to recin;iii/e the deli- 
 cateand ri'strained skill of llie treatment of accessories, 
 (Ltails, and character."— .svi/. liir., Ixi. .w. 
 " In form it is but a simple tale of magical trausl'orma- 
 tions, yet few sermons coulii pronounce more awful warn- 
 ing against a sinful life."— .Vu(/"». xlii. I'.'l!. 
 \'l. Kidnapped ; being Jleuioirs of the Adventures of 
 David liulfour in the Year 1751 : how he was Kidnapped 
 and fast Away I his SulVerings in a Desert Island; his 
 Journey in the Wild Highlands; his Aci|iiaintiinoe with 
 Alan Brcck .Stewart and other Notorious Highland .lac- 
 ohites; with All that he sufl'ered at the Hands of his 
 rncle, Kbenezei- lialfour of Shaws, falsely eo called: 
 wriiten hy Hiin,«elf, and now set forth, Lon., Issfi, p. 
 "While this book is not quite so iinii|ne as ' Treasure 
 Island,' it has perhaps even more of the iiualilies proper to 
 all true literature."— .S;iri'/<i/»r, lix. 'Ml. 
 "In tlie Highland portions the imiit;inati(Ui is of an ex- 
 ceedingly high and rare kind. The scenes are Hashed not 
 onlv niion the mental vision but upim the actual senses 
 of the reader. And even in the earlier chapters, where 
 there is but little imagination in this narrow seii.'C. we 
 come upon single touches where there is imagiuiitiou. but 
 then It leaps up in a short, sudden, dazzlint; llaiiie, as 
 when the cry forced from the murderous uncle by super- 
 stitious terror is likened in sound to a sheep's bleat."— .;l(/i., 
 No. ■M'». 
 "■Kidnapped' is as fresh and strong, as thorough in 
 workmanship and well sustained in interest, as anything 
 which he has yet Kiveu to the world. 'Treasure Island 
 it*clf not excepted."— .s'u/. liei\. Ixii. I'.ii. 
 VA. The iMerry Men, and other Tales and Fables, Lon.. 
 I8S7, p. Svo. 
 " The two really remarkable stories are ' The Merry Men' 
 and the short ske'tch entitled ' Thrawu .lanct.' Mere hor- 
 ror is easilv conjured up, liut it is onlytnnder toe jiower 
 of genius that horror can permanently fascinate. ■'—.Iok/., 
 xxxi. 1-1 1. 
 M. Underwoods, [verse,] Lon., 1887, er. Svo. 
 "There Is In poemslitlle or nolhini.' either of that 
 originality or of that satisfying beauty which conjointly 
 eharacterize Mr. Stevensoirs best prose. '— \Vil-l.i.\M .>^il,\iii': 
 ,lc<i(/., xxxii. 213. 
 ■■His liiiiLMiage is well .'-elected and beautiful, his 
 thoughts ale (rraecful aim inlcllectually stimulating or 
 satisfying, and Ihe whole has a music lit once caressing 
 and iirovocative. . . Oil Ihe other hand, his happiest 
 phrases come short of full inspiration."— .!(/)., No. 31i!-l- 
 16. Memories and Portraits. Lon., ISS7, IL'nio. (Con- 
 sists of essays, many of which had appeared in periodi- 
 cals.) Hi. 'i'he lilack Arrow ; a Tale of the Two Uoses, 
 Lon.. ISSS, cr. Svo. 
 " If ' Ivanhoe' be the most brilliant tale for boys which 
 genius ever penned. ' The Dlack .\rrow' cerlaoily deserves 
 to be mentioned next hi it as one which, withoul even 
 suggesting an imitator, displays a master-hand in the same 
 field."— .S;icc(ii/or. 1x1. vm. 
 17. The .^Llstcr of liallantrac, Lon,, 188L', p. 8vii. 
 With Stkvkvson, F.^.n.ny Van nv. (iiiipr, The Dynami- 
 ter: more New Arabian Nights, Lon-. ISS;'), p. Svo. 
 "Those ... to whom the 'Suicide Club' and the ' Pavilion 
 on tlic Links' are already classics will lind the ■ Dynamiter 
 eipiallv charminj.'. . . . Aeain .Mr. Stevenson shows his 
 \inii|ne power of vivid ami p"iietratlve language, his abso- 
 lute comiuand of the ritilit word. Never was a work ot 
 an inexact and even painfid dcscrlplioir written in suili 
 dainty and lucid Knglish, or with .so light a play of wit."— 
 .Icii'f., xxvii. ;i'>8. 
 And see .Iknkix, Fl.KEHINq, mi/iin. 
 Okxkihi, CniTicisM ; 
 " He is the true ^ypsy and wnndcrioL- ciilcjtaiucr of th-.: 
 I time, heguliiim us'wifh song and fortune-telling. ... In 
 I the full tideof realism and of analysis Mr. Stevenson stands 
 I for the romantic spirit, and has eonstilnti'd himself the 
 ; defender of bygone failhs. the champion and reviver, by 
 precept and practice, of the much-abused story for Its own 
 {sake. He brings back old (■liivalries and piracies, aid 
 I talks to the boyhood of to-day of shipwrecks and hlgli 
 as thiiniiigh in 
 id Fables, Luii., 
 rnlilik' at il.s cnii, ilir'r'i il.t" 'tis ..hImv ,;V,; " :"".' "'"I't' uii 
 [iKns„iisi„,i.s a, ,,,,„?. "" """ nmscm,- 
 11 '» I'vll,,. ,.„| a „| (., , , -I u i '"''V'.'!'''' *-'""ii>'Mts. 
 ["■i-.v- -I „>,. tiK. l,r„ I'n u , ■ , - V , " ' "'I'' '" "'"« l">>- 
 li"ll Ihr chann Jic has ,• ,,] ,i, ''' ' '"" '"• ""Hklv, 
 wears it with rnurau-c w , ;;.r ,, ,'.'' T"r ',' 'I'''* "'1,1 
 pmno a,a as so „„„■:, ,, ai' .^ , , ^,"'^ '^'•\;'"'Vcl „r a 
 N. Vor'k. 1 -no • 2 K,"" 1 v,',';" ";.'"'' ,'<""»i"« about 
 SlcHviinl H..V. <;e«rBo, [,„„e, vol. il., a.l.i.l ti,„ 
 ^"•va .,,, ,,,., iiiinisc le ciiii.s i,,,,r,. 
 that 1,,. rares ii„,m r,,,- is J ,i , n i ;,' "'<■ I'arl (,f life 
 sMMi ,,(■ II,,. i,,v,.„r v,a, his- I ■ "'■ "''■ ''"■^■'■' i-'-Mirus- 
 "lilnl,|itst.i II lillssi,,,/. ,,, , , ' 'll.lS ilvilKlltlu Ii,.ri.ii| 
 V|7'"KleMwi,l,'h'la , s". , I'V'v ';il^''^l.f''^ 
 fa(., It roprosi'iiis a i-wil (iriL- i , if • ■• tV ' " "i-'™i-y sur- 
 (ii;/,™ j/,,„„..,„,, XXXV ixiil hi!.',-'- -'"--^"v J.vMKs: y'Ac 
 "■",1 l,.v writi„KS wl,i,.| ..rJi,-, i",a h.,?'''''"" """■'' •'""« 
 oils literary hag^nKv that V? s;,..,,', " '""" I'liscolhiiio. ' 
 all Ro"'l.tli"n«h\a,i, 'iv iun^ V *,',' "''■"''■''■ • ■ • ■' ■'« 
 arc a-s ..aroliiily ,inuv„ as I is A,,' -.Jr '""""' i'''ai-"(.turs 
 are tl,.. vv„rk ,;f a "liii 1 as ,ttv t\ v. . i''','''^T'' ' ' '"'^'y 
 Milion i„ati. ,,r ubliturHt" . lea svvl, '''"'"' "' r^'aily to 
 I ic study ami of iMspira i" ^r,.,?r % ^ of work i„ 
 turo8 of T. JI. JIuxlev II , v" v' T'" ">« ''"••<'- ' 
 tect of the liell li,Zk Zl, II '""^'n-*"". archi- 
 Uoardof Norther, 'iaht"? ,;."""'= "^"''"""^ ^ "'O 
 ""jirovements in i' ,t ft/r ^^ 1,^ "any inventions and 
 for the Illumination on! L «":'",•;■'"'• : }'"'Vos.\. 
 .io.Hto\"'v"'-';,f'i'f """'""* <"'-"«'. ^- '.Si;i, a 
 ■ • b,; A ivJl'l!!;:^:'".:';'^^'!"'^^; -stored Ihe 
 Cliurcb I '»„'"i- ■"" '." '"" ''lo'estnnt !■ 
 »iew»„, ab„c, m.; i„.„; ,., „ , 
 Meven§oii. Th<>>n«„ ». ■. ., .. _ __ i terconrsu „.oi. .1..' ' ' I'li^'inal ohserva ion jm.i ,.i,.^.. i.. 
 ^»". 2. Christinniti. conliriued by .I,.„i.^: '..I, . w' .,'"' 
 rcstiniony and the Deduetions fr, 
 Ac Kdin., 1877, 8vo; 2,1 o,|., |871) 
 .^pirit-Or'avitiU'r w "^ 'a rtr" mliV "'i'!"""' 
 MM "■ r ^:;i;!:!:';^:f;:.f^::nf ; >• nib,io«ra,bieai 
 eatf, from 1817 to IS-," l' j, J ./'o '"'"''""""' ^ilvo. 
 J'nvid latin,,: to V, it; is , i', \''V"'- , "• ^"''""^ "t 
 ;. ' "'*. }"'"'' '7'7 at" IH2S retm 
 ) The Sclio, 
 t-~ ;^>rli'"Hr--"-- --^ 
 »■"' the Fi'incvKiUr I, ""'"," i'V"' J"'.'">^''.« ^oviHe 
 and Vanity, LonlsJ<j'rsmn %\''P Cousins; or, Pri,lo 
 Faitl,fuland T^C^u Z to uX\'"rr'V' "'' 
 'ivnis ; or, Scenes „ Vl , '„ V ''■•?'•'>■ J*>- ^ti" Cluirch Fen- 
 12. Eu tace .'.r >^:, 'i,"'? f "'« '"-t Child, I.,n., I,s,„o 
 ""'1 how l,e ro"; in th. W ;7,"k" ""^'^ ^'I'^ture^, 
 , Alone in "he W 'id ' L, ,;"^lS-n'".' '«'"' J^.no. 14.' 
 Florence O'Neill. ,r t'c'"' '^*"- ^""". L'- 
 -, The Foster-Sis'ters W; I 'li 2„'J''''-Tf ^V''''^""/ 
 !^.;^^;;O.^JofC,,,.q-e!.!:;;.^-^ "t^Xliornton: 
 Moses and Sdenceh, '11 '*'"'•■"; ^'"' C'-<--«ti"n ; «r, 
 MKN.,Ks.Aurv (trans Tri;, 'T' I^""' '^v"' "'ith 
 tlio liasis' of its U st,rv bv Ott .' r"';''^ "' ',if"e'"" "° 
 Translation Fund Ub. j K.n s fi '=^:^"'?':' <""«''l"Kio«: 
 lo the loi*"" "*• - ■ 
 od,l bits of iia 
 InM- purely til,, les lU'oroi.i'sVin.irr.i'.s. . .• ■ -• "^- 
 ^::;-:^:^^: •-- '-i'i-n^V^N^^iSi:;;i;;!:!fs.^; 
 ifJoii;;; ,!-v;Ji.;^^s'SSF''-»^^ 
 ;'nti,.|sn,.a„,l imeresi .A ,, .^,1?, & ' ,'!';r"'''" "' '''""V 
 I'y lb|. auihor hi a va^whi,./, l:,7'\''-''r^^^^^ 
 Pl™.a„t rc.a,Ii„K."-;J',^,,;:;;,'; 'ii'"'siS '"" ^"""^ "■'""■emely 
 Mosaic Sac,';; T^li , tte of7'"'!^ of Aberdeen. 
 l2ino. " •^"'<'^ot I-eeturos, Lon., 188,'), 
 NUvcnsaii, W. II. (R,, 
 ''ollc'lioi, of 11^ 
 ""I., 1>81, 1(1 
 inns for I'se in Soli 
 ,!?•,'"!:!;!."'""' ."«'*'• ^Villinm, D.I). 
 'lad Cuiuni' 
 leinorativo Celebrat 
 ions of St. K 
 . I 
':. f 
 comprisinR the Lnughable Ailvcnturcs of Bob Johnftnn, 
 Ac, Kilin., l!<Sfi, Svo. li. Wiiniloring Willie: a Koiimnoo 
 of tho (Jrent Tiiy 'Jridgo Diiastor, Lon., 1MS7, p. Svo. Ji. 
 Ono Kiilso Step: a Novel, Udin., Isss, p. ,Svo. 
 Stewart) Andrew. Tho Amcriciin System:! 
 Speeches on tho TiirilT Question nnd on tho Inlornivl 
 Improvements: iirineipiilly delivered in tho IIhuho of 
 Representatives of tho United States: with lliograph- i 
 leal Sketch, '"'ila., 1872, 8vo. 
 Ste."\re. 2/ev. Archibald Francis. Sermons, 
 Kdin., Il^i'll, Svo. Printed lor private circulatiiin. 
 Stewart, Aubrey, M.A., lalo Fellow of Trinity 
 College, Ciimhridge. I. (Trans.) Terence's IMiormio: 
 with Notes, 1-on., IST'J, 12mo. 2. (Trans.) T. Macci 
 Plauti C'aiitivi, in Knglisb, Lon., issl, 12ma. 3. 
 (Trans.) Xenuphon's (Eciimcnicus, Lon., 1!<,S5, 12mo. 
 4. (Trans.) Of the Holy I'laces visited by Antoninus j 
 Martyr. Annotated by Col. .Sir ('. W. Wilson, It.E. | 
 (Palestine Pilgrims Text Soe. Pub., No. 1.) Lon , ls,S5. [ 
 :>. (Trans.) Of tho Buildings of .Justinian by Pruiupius. , 
 Annotated by Col. Sir C. W. Wilson and Prof. Hayter \ 
 Lewis. Map, Plates, and Plan. (Palestine Pilgrims j 
 Te.\t Soe. Pub.) Lon.. ISSti. 8. Tho Talo of Troy, 
 done into Knglish. (For Children.) Lon., IHSfi, 12mo. I 
 " Twelve short chapters, beauti fully and simply worded." 
 —Aaiil., XXX. 'S'J'S. ! 
 7. (Trans.) L. Anniinis Seneca on Benefits, Lon., 1887, 
 cr. Svo. 8. (Trans.) Plautus: with Notes, Lon., 1888, 
 12mo. With Lo.Nii, (Jeouhe, (trans.) Plutarch's Lives: 
 with Notes and a Life, Lon., 1880-82, l vols. 12mo. 
 Steivurt, Ualfour, LL.U., F.R.S., 1828-1887, b. 
 In Eilinburgh, and educated at tho universities of St. 1 
 Andrews and Edinburgh ; was superintendent of Kew 
 Observatory 18,iU-7l, and added to that office in 1867 
 that of secretary of the Oovernuient Meteorological Com- 
 mittee, which he resigned in ISIi'.l. In 1870 ho was ap- 
 pointed professor of natural philosophy at Owens Col- 
 lege, Manchester. In 1808 he received from the Royal 
 Society the Rumford medal for his discovery of the law 
 of the equality of tho absorptive and radiative powers 
 of bodies. He was president of the Society for Psychical 
 Ueseiirch, and of tho Physical Society of London, and 
 contributed papers to the Transactions of tho Royal 
 Society. I. Lessons in Elementary Physics, Lon., 1870, 
 ISmo. 2. An Elementary Treatise on Heat; 2il eil., 
 Lon., 1871, 12mo. 3. Physics, Lon., 1872; new ed., 
 with Questions, 1S78, l8mo. 4. The Conservation of 
 Energy : being an Elementary Treatise on Energy and 
 its Laws. Lon., 187:1, p. 8vo. 
 " The lirst two chapters are devote<l to the consideration 
 of mechanical encrnv and its change into heat. . . . Tho 
 remaining forms of energy are then cx|ilaincd, and the 
 law of its conservation is statcil. and its operation traced 
 through all varieties of transmutations. An historical 
 sketch of the progress of Mie science, and an examination 
 of Professor 'Ihoniwju's ( irrelative theory of the Oissl.m- 
 tion of ICncrKy, follow; and the work concludes with a 
 chaiileron the I'osilion of Life. . . . The style is all that 
 it .should be , it is dillicult lo understand how so much in- 
 formaiion can be contained in .so few words."— .Sit(. Rev., 
 xxxvii. llfi. 
 With (iKK, W. W. n.\i,i>ANK : 1. Lessons in Elemen- 
 tary Practical Physics: vol. i., 1885, p. Svo. 2. Prac- 
 tical Physics for Schools and the Junior Students of 
 Colleges: vol. i. Electricity and .Magnetism, Lon., 1888, 
 cr. Svo. With Tait, Peteu (Jiitiiiiie: 1. The Unseen 
 Universe ; or, Physical Speculations on a Future State, 
 Lon., 1876, Svo. Anon. 3d ed. same year. (The second 
 and third editions were published with the authors' 
 " This is an ingenious series of corollaries from hypoth- 
 eses that occupy the extreme Ijordcr of aeientitic enciuiry." 
 —Aciul., vii. '<'i'J. 
 2. Paradoxical Philosophy: being a Sequel to " Tho 
 Unseen Universe," Lon., 1878, cr. 8vo. Anon. With 
 Waim), Adoi.imm .s William, (ed.) f>says anil Addres,ses, 
 by Professors and Lecturers of tho Owens College, Man- 
 chester: published in Commemoration of the Opening 
 of the New College Buildings, October 7, lS7;i, Lon., 1874, 
 Stewart, V, I*. Vatican Influence under Pius V. 
 and Gregory XUl., .tc, Lon., 1877, Svo. 
 Stewart, Charles. I. Notes on Sabbath-School 
 and Bible-Class Teaching, Edin., 1808, p. Svo. 2. The 
 Uaelio Kingdom in Scotland: its Origin and Churdi: 
 with Sketches of Noted IJreailalbane anil (llcnlyon 
 Saints, Edin., 1880, p. Svo. 3. The Killin Collection of 
 Uaelic Songs, Music, Ac, Lon., 1884, 4to. 
 Stewart, Charles. Recalled, [a novel,] Lon., 
 188o, or. Svo. 
 Stewart, Rev. Charles Henry ilylton-, 
 M.A., graduated at St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, 
 1873; ordained 1875; minor canon, sacristan, and pre- 
 oentor of Chester Cathedral, and priest in charge of tho 
 Cathedral precincts since 1S77. ( Ed.) Words of Anthems 
 in Vfo in tho Cathedral Church of Chester, Lon., 1880, 
 Stewart, U. J. Illustrated History of Lycoming 
 County, Pa., Phil:.., 1876, fol. 
 Stewart, David. I. The Law of Marriage and 
 Divorce, in England and the United States, San Fran., 
 1883, 16uio. 2. The Law of Husband and Wife, as es- 
 tablished in England and the United States, San Fran., 
 188.'), lOuio. With IUhkv, FiiANcis Kiso, Digest of 
 the Law of Husband and Wife, as established in Mary- 
 land, Halt., 18,S1, 12mo. 
 Stewart, Duncan. A Concise Hebrew tirammar: 
 to which ore added the Hebrew of the First Chapter of 
 the Book of (Jenesis, a Complete Vocabulary for the 
 same, Ao., Edin. and Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 Stewart, Ilev. Duncan, minister of Spott, Dun- 
 bar, liand-liiiokof Deductive Logic, fur Medical Stu- 
 dents, Lon., 1885, 12mo. 
 Stewart, (Jeorge, D.C.L., Litt. D., b. 1848, in 
 New York; remosed to New Brunswick, and bpciinie a 
 journalist; editor of tho Quebec Morning Chronicle 
 since 187i). 1. Story of the Great Fire in St. .lohn, New 
 Brunswick, 1877, (Toronto,) 1877, 12mo. 2. Evenings in 
 the Library, 1878. 3. Canada under the Administration 
 of the Earl of Dufferin, Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 Stewart, George Vesey. Notes on the Stewart 
 Special Settlement No. 4, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand : 
 with a Short History of the Previous Settlements, Lon., 
 1883, Svo. 
 Stewart, Henry. 1. Irrigation for the Farm, 
 Garden, and Orchard. Illust. N. York, 1877, 12uio. 2. 
 The Shepherd's Manual ; new ed., cnl., N. York, 1878. 
 3. The Dairyman's Manual : a Practical Treatise oij tho 
 Dairy. Illust. N. York, 1888, 12mo. 
 Stewart, Henry. 1. Our Redcoats and Blue- 
 jackets : War Pictures on I^and and Sea : forming a 
 Continuous Narrative of the Naval and Military History 
 of England from the Year 1703 to the Present Time, 
 Lon., 1878, Svo; new ed., ISSI. 2. The. Ocean Wove: 
 Voyages, Seamen, Discoveries, Lon., 1883, 12nio. 
 Stewart, James G. Freedom of tho Will Vin- 
 dicated ; or, President Edwards' Necessarian Theory 
 Refuted, Glasgow, 1870, Svo. 
 Stewart, James Lindsay. (Ed.) Uolfiana Mis- 
 cellanea, Glasgow, 1887, Svo. 
 Stewart, John. Scripture Questions, and 
 of the Gospels and Acts, Lon., 1S77 ; new ed., l.'-70, 
 p. Svo. 
 Stewart, John II. A Digest of Decisions of the 
 Courts of Law and Equity of the .^tate of New Jersey 
 from 1700 to 1887. Trenton, N.J., IS7li-S7, 3 vols. Svo.' 
 Stewart, John H. J. and Duncan. The Stew- 
 arts of, Edin., 18S0, 4to. Privately printed. 
 Stewart, John Lindsay, and Urandis, Diet- 
 rich. The Forest Flora of Northwest and Centi^il 
 India. Illust. Lon., 1S74. Svo. 
 Stewart, Kensey Johns. The New Teslanunt ; 
 or, The Rcfturation of the Hebrew Comuionweallh : 
 showing the only Rule of interpreting the Soriptuie I 
 the Prophets, .\. York, 1871, 4 parts', Svo. 
 Str^wart, .>I. (Trims.) Dournof: a Russian Stor.v : 
 from the French of II. Grcville, Pliila., 1870, sq. Ifiuiu. 
 Stewart, Mary Clementina. See Wake, Miis. 
 M. C, hifro. 
 Stewart, Phillips. Poems, Lon., 18S7, 1 vol. 
 Stewart, It. Morris. Studies in Christian Ilistorv, 
 Ellin., ISSo, p. 8vo. 
 Stewart, S. and K. The Professor's Last Expcii 
 ment, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 Stewart, S. A., and Corry, T. II. A Flora 
 of the Northeast of Ireland, (,'ambridge, 1888, cr. ^m. 
 (The work was begun by Mr. Corry, and after his deiilli, 
 in IS83, Wiis completed by Mr. Stewart.) 
 Stewart, S. E. (Trans.) Conversations on Ait 
 Methods; from tho French of T. Couture: with iiii 
 Introduction by R. S. Gilford. N. York, 1870, 12mo. 
 Slewnrl, Kev. .Saninei J. Tlio Gospel of La» : 
 ! Discourses on F^mdaniental Church Doctrines, Bust., 
 1882, 12mo. 
 Stewart, T. G. Memoirs of Mrs. RebeccaStewart, 
 Phila., 1877, l6mo. 
 Stewart, Thunias A. 1. New First Greek Course : 
of Lycomin); 
 ) Uolfiana Min- 
 l'u,,.l Tfuc .or, in my District. K.lin., rs?!., p 8v„ T 
 un:: ls82: uZ. "*• '^"^ '" ^''"'""'"' ""■^" ^'-"'•. 
 Stewart, Thomas (JraiiiKur, MD Fits 
 tdin., [,,»«., v„l. ii., ud,l.,] b. Is.iT, i„ iburcli .ui,! 
 0, ucatcl at K,li„burgh University a^,! in , „ 1 ^'m? 
 .atl^oloKy at burgeon.,' Hall, K.linburgb, ,.n,i ,„uhol„Ki8, 
 to tie Uoyal InHrmary i„ |s,i2, an,l i„ |,s7(i was ,,,, 
 pointe,! prole.-sor of tho practice of pbysi. i„ |.;,li„b„rib 
 Un vers.ty. lie is president of Ibe .Me,ii,.„.(bin,rJicM 
 Society of that city, an,l pl.ymeian.i„.„rdinary t , t^ e ' 
 queen for Scot anJ. 1. Clinical Lectures on nlo t, nt ! 
 f'ympomo: (J„l,line88. l,on., I8.S4, Svo. -. lli'nt "n | 
 Ilea 111 to the Ovcrvv<,rked, Manchester, 1S8I !■!„", 7 ' 
 btu,l.y of piseases of the Nervous System : Lectures in' i 
 Kdmburgh, E,lin., INSJ, ,.vo. 4. Clinical Lectures on i 
 Important Syiuptoms: Fasciculus U., Ac, Kdin., Isss ' 
 1888 8vo ''"otures on Albuminuria, N. York,' ; 
 Stewart, Thomas McCants, b. 1851, at Charles- ' 
 ton, b.t., of Alricin parentage; gra,luate,l at the Cni- 
 vers.ty of (South Carolina 1875; practise,! Ia» ; enter" 1 
 York ll;- 9 •■';!' f'« '^■'"•■"'-•"-African Kepublie, N. 
 st;.«^»',V ^.'i"'''Vf "'^'■'-'1" City, iNsr. 
 !/.„. The Star of Hope, ami other 
 Stiles, Edward II. I. I„„a Supreme Curt Ro. 
 ports, vols xxM.-xxxvii., (::<fl7--:i,) 'cbic. an,! De» 
 Momes, l8fi7-75, I« vols. Jto. 2. Digest of the De2 
 ions of.the hupremo Court of Iowa: Continuation of 
 xi^iine;; ;';v»^8r8:r^"''^""^^^^"- '"•'-- ^- 
 St.lex, Henry Reed, M.D., M.A., [,,„(,., vol. ii 
 aJd.,J prolcssor of niental an.l norvous di^eas^s in tho 
 'Y" V''''. »;'.'"an'8 Medical College and Hospital I8S2 
 |-«J. 1. A History of Ibe City of Hrooklvn,\tc • vol 
 i Ml., (completing tho work,) |S7(| svi) 
 I -AS'xLu'ir "' '"""""""^ '" "' ''i-t"rian a.s Hro„klyn.- 
 I 2- (Kd.) Illustrated History of the County of KinL's 
 and City of lirooklvn, Hst, 2 vols *' 
 |.h'?r"i">' ,V'*"',a"''v,"f African descent, resident in 
 hiadelphia. The Underground Railroad: a Uec.,r,l 
 I ,'T-'' '*'!";<'""" Narratives, Letters, narrating the 
 Hardships, Hair-UreaUth Kscapes, and Death-Struggles 
 Phib,." wT^v'o" '"■ *^"'"''" '''"■ I'"''™'''""- I''"''t- 
 "We must award high praise lo the liternrv si.n«<. .ir.t 
 .M"s^.ry'lai',*;Z-. ^"'V' ^T,^''' ""-'■"'trived'tfM^ri e 
 ma siorj again and again williout saineiiess."-.Va(ioH, xlv. 
 Stewart, Victoria. 
 Tales, Lon., 187«, p. 8vo. 
 Stewart, W. C., [o„^, vol. ii., add.] A Caution 
 to Anglers; or, 'The Practical Angler'" and "Tho 
 JIi«lern Practical Angler" compared, Edin., 1871. l2mo 
 Stewart, W. M. Eleven Years in the West"rn 
 bUlcs ol America: with an Analysis of Prairie Soil 
 by b. .Macadam, Lon , 187(1, I2iiio 
 Stewart, llev. William, D.D., b. 1835 at An 
 nan, bcotlami ; gia.luatcl at Ulasgow University ISBIji 
 professor ol divinity and Biblical criticism in the Cni- ' 
 ersily of Gla„g„w since IS7;i. The Plan of .><t. Luke's I 
 oospel: a Critical Examination, (ihisgow, |H7a 8vo 
 Stewart, William, Ml)., surgeon-maj,;r army 
 medical department. Clinical Researches on the Thera 
 pcutic Action of Chloride of Ammonium in tho Treat- 
 mint ot Hepatic Disease, Lon., 1879, 8vo. 
 Stewart, William John, b. 181!); graduated at 
 ..veer College Oxford, 1872; called to he blr at the 
 [.""rLs""'.'';.. ''™"""' '■'■■'"''''^' ^'"""''^ ^''"■"■ 
 Stewart, William Kobert Henry, F.KCS 
 ,,;''!,",•• i"",,"";'?*';" ;" "',""•««"'' t'-™" n"<l ear depart: 
 ,? i, Yf ,■■■" '"""':"' ''"'I'i'"!; »»rgeon to' the 
 HX8 ■<'? ^"^"■''"■■' '""' '"J"''"-'^ "'■ 'to Ear,\on., 
 If^xs, .f2nio. ' ' 
 Slewart-Thompson. See Thompsov. 
 Stickney, Albert, graduated at Harvard 1859. 1 
 he Lawyer and bis Clients, Host., 1871, 8vo. 2 A 
 Iriie Republic. N. York, 187(1, l2mo. 
 ,Zn} ''1" '""•''l.v™ll it a plan of reform, because the 
 t isc.rl.'.Vnu";,'f""" Vf "■" ^I'S-'K*-'-""'"" <« torrem.'to" 
 ti . 1 "'■ '"'"■'''•'^'"^'"">»''i">P'"''antcoiitribulioi 
 ih h n"'*"" *"'"'■'■'• """'I' '"" "^'O- alarmed, rJn"" 
 1 1 ;;, •"■■"'"' ".■'"•'<i»« "f purty g.ivernmeiit ii e 
 Y'lbH^u"'."'?"'' "overnmeut: a Study of Politics, N. 
 I'irK, 1883, 12nio. 
 I,,!.,!'!!.',! i'^'''- ■'^'i'l^iey. as far as appi>ars from this book 
 %r "sMcUoH^'""^^'!'''^- •.■ ■ EviTi.tly that w hdi ab-' 
 ," n,, u, i' '.^'"■^ ? ."hole interest is the plan wliicli he 
 i-^ e olved Ironi his own consciousness, and which e 
 mn * •",'■""*' ''"'""•''' '" 'lisiH'iise with aiiyth iig 1 , re 
 than (jeneral argumeiit."-A«/,-iH, xl. 527. 
 Stickney, Julia Noyes. Poems on Lake Win- 
 iiirsaulice, Haverhill, Mass., 1884, IBmo, 
 Stidolph, H. E. The Nativity, and other Short 
 louiis, Lon., 1877, l2mo. 
 Stigaud, William, [a„re, vol. ii., where his name 
 '■ <jrrn,„,ously given as Stioant, add.] The Life, Work, 
 •Hid Upimons of Heinrich Heine, Lon., 1875, 2 vols. 8vo! 
 l.,im;iv ,■.'., ■.'"""''' ''''^ fulnt'.s.s and liUciest of Mr. .■^li- 
 M ''',""l'',''i'J „V!;",""'' »■<-■ 'ear, be regarded as a literary 
 r I Ml' 1,1 . " "'" " '■"fl','»>' selection of material for a 
 , ' ' 1, '.f^"!''''' '"'." "'"•'' a biography itself. . . . 'fho 
 in *;' ''■ "■•"':'"^i''»» 'rom letters, newspaper articles, 
 i,;i,,, 1 .'"-'■" «-'■'"*'."'""».' to several pagcs,'are really si 
 i:uK^\^";!,t:?^^ST.!.',"i'i^'i^"'' "p ^'- «"«'""!•'' '-0 
 Stil 6, Alfred, M.D., LL.D., [,„.te, vol. ii., add 1 
 I. fepidemio or Malignant Ch.dera, Phila., 187:!, 12mo. 
 i. Othello and their Characters, and Desde- 
 18,r wT{, "•*■ ^\- ^'"'"' fr"''-] I''"'"-. ^8«, 
 torv n, n. ■ ' .'^'^'f "••'""" M- Tlie National DispcnsiJ 
 to y . con aining the Natural History, Chemistry, Phar- 
 inacy. Action.., ,.„d Uses of Medicines. Illust. I'hila.. 
 IhlH, 8vo; 4||i td., 1888. ' 
 Stille, Charles Janeway, LL.D., [ante, vol. ii., 
 «)<!.,] resigned the position of provost of the University 
 pbi,:.?"i;^2'72mo'"'- '• '•"'"" '" '''«''"^^^'" "'^'-y- 
 .;;:55tt;.iJii.?^^:^^i,:ii^;;j!™, ^ii^.^ .^o 
 avT, !,.""■ i'"-'''^^'"*-''^ "'"' '"'"iliar vfew's but m ii a 
 I tiv^''.^.(Siv^;,',".:;:x"xiV.'T.'r"""'^'^''"'^ ""^•" very'suggL* 
 2 Heaumaicbais and " the Lost Million :" a Chanter 
 pbih!;.! ^c^'^:' -' ""> ^^">"'»n Rev^iS: 
 ,, •?,"""',«»» J- I>. B., A.M., M.D. 1. Seekinir the 
 Sa" '^Fr 'n'"T.W' 1^^'^/^ \'"-i ^^'f" i" Ca'imfrnt 
 ll.,7u,„ K t ' ™- ^- ^'"' ""rso n Motion, as 
 AniZl ^M r "■•""'r"' Photography; with a Stud- on 
 The r of n' i"!"","', "V "''''■'' " De-oon^trated the 
 |.„biM ? S"'"',"'""'''' I'"™"i"tion. Executed and 
 pi;.tc,:."'"'i„r'^",8':'2 r"""" -' '••^"'"'^ ''""^""'- '^ 
 tad't^'xT."' "["'/T •',!""•'«' ''• '^-^' "' S-^henec. 
 tadyN.\.; graduated at Union Cdlcge 1848; studied 
 pain ing umler F. E. Church, has devoted hin'isefti 
 nsV„;''?"-r"9'"Tt '"/."• '• 'f- Acropolis of Ath- 
 ^nal^::>^^:fr:^:;;:!;!^^iU.r.Uich cannot easily bo 
 Bo'!t 'h'-h il"'"", ''"'■"""'-'•' "• Cambridge. Hlust. 
 ri^,-h .K ' ^'°- ■*• "'-''■i'«^g"vina and the Late Up- 
 . ing the Causes of the Latter, and the Remedic.., 
 i.on., i.s, 7, p, 8vo. ' 
 i., Vi'l!'^''"'""" "■'!^ correspondent of the Uiiidon Times 
 u s tile ni,i >Ti,;,,; ; "'" ''"."'^ H ■■"""-'■• " tlcscriptlon of 
 uMait(.itiiiiigMbnnaiiarnUiveof evciits."-.Vu(iurt, yxiv. 
 histo'rv nf'ii';!."'!,'''T ":\sinu)Iy and straightforwardly a 
 hxcursioii in ( of the so^Mcd VenuV of Melos" 
 tl.. . „'„r '"/";''«-'"'W ">«dc .luring a Cruise among 
 •he (.reek Islands, IMust. P,o»t., I88g .fto f Hc- 
 '"■' o'n ; ,"il"' '".V'^T'' ''■'"" ""■ " Century.'") ' 
 , e' r',,: i";:;,fl!«^M"l"-l Mr.«till,4n'has some- 
 V.V,',;^:,,.''.';~:■..:'.'''.l''',''L"■«'i"B "• s«y.nowo,i a qncsHoiro-f 
 ' " Kins of the Hellenic pc- 
 >. " . " ".i^iv^iiii^ It, ,say, I 
 r odlhatZVe I n'h'r' ,"''"■''" r»'»"'S"t tlie Hellenic pe- 
 ls i.Vof I io,i?.r,V?-\'':'''' "«'"" "I>"ii the character- 
 AV /,, 'v .\r'"'' "'"'abitaiiLsof these famous sites."- 
 ; ^ 
 viMi ^ 
 Aalidii, xlv. SiUH. 
 •riio book is very pleasant to read, and from Its vivid- 
 ness nf (Icwrlntloii mu\ Hint fn-sli .irlnlniilltv wlilch mines I Philonopliy of I.iiw : togellior with Wliowoll and Ilc({oI, 
 fnim (ilisiTviiliMii iniiflo II llr^l Inm.l. is ii inovt imrwBlilu ,i,„i l||.;ri.| nml Mr. W. U. Smith- u \ imlicalion in a 
 " ' ■■" l'»vc'li"-Miitliciniitic'iil Hi'Xiir.l, l.mi., is;:;, Hvo. :i. (I'M.) 
 ( liun«i' 111 till' Wfiirlcil sf.iilfiu al'l.T t.iiliiit.' tlinmt;li iniissi's 
 of till' 'lull, lliiiiiKli injrliiiiK leiinii'il. ri'M-MrclH's "1 the or- 
 iliiiiiry ilri'sl(li,iin'lm.'uloni>t,"— .Si(. I!ii\, Ixv. 'Jl". 
 Stilhvoll, Williani II. Noti's on tlm Utaconiliints 
 of Nieholiis Stillwull, the Ancestor of the Stiilwell Fuiii- 
 ilj- in America. N. York, ISSif, Svo. 
 Stilwcll, <i('<ir({«'. Olwerviilions on the .'^urRlciil 
 'J'rentineiil of lii-dniwiii); Toe-Nuil. I.on., ISTli, Hvo. 
 Stini|)80ii, Uilliiiiii, M.I>„ in,i,, vol. ii., luM ,1 
 il. IS7L'; became ciiiat'ir of the t'hieago Aoadcni.y of 
 Si'ienecs in l^lil, iinil iifterwanls iti^ i-eeietiiry.^ I'reliiiii- 
 iiiiry Keport on the Cruiilaeoii ilreilgeil by L. 1''. cle I'oiir- 
 tiil^s, CHUibriilne, Mass., ISTd. ■'^vo. 
 Ntimsoii, Freilrric JexiilM b. isja, at De.llmni, 
 Mass.; grniluate.l at llarvanl ISTii, ami at tlie law .-ehool 
 1.'<7S; assijtant atlorney-Kenoral of iMas.''aehiisetts 18,S4 
 -8J: hiii novels have been iiuhlished under the pseudo- 
 nynio of "J. S., of Dale." 1. Olos.'^ary of Teehnieiil 
 Terms, I'hrafe.s and MiL-iiiua of tlic Coininon l,aw, 
 Host., 1'<S1, IL'ino. 2. IJuorndalo: an Old Story, N. 
 York, \>^>'2, 12nio. :;. The Crime of Henry Vane: a 
 Story with a .Moral, N. York, l.ssi, llimo. t. The Sen- 
 timental Calendar: being Twelve Funny Stories, N. 
 York, l.'^sii, iL'nio. .'>, American Statute Law: an Ana- 
 lytical and Compared Digest of the Constitutions and 
 Civil I'uhlic Statutes of All the States and Territories 
 relating to aud Property in Force January 1, 
 ISSli, Host, l>sii, 4lii. 
 "It will prove of the greatest help to the student of 
 social science and eompiiralive law. . . . I'"ew praetisin 
 lawyer* who have to prepare a case which recj'iires ui 
 wide raiiKcof art;iimeiit and ilhistration will mid it pi with this e.xeellent guide."— Audo/i, xlii. 
 6. First Harvests: an Episode in the Life of Mrs. 
 Levison (lower: a Satire without a Moral, N. York, 18.'<s, 
 121110. 7. Tlio Uesiduary liCgateo; or, The Posthumous 
 Jest of the Late John Austin, N. York, ISSS, 12uio. 
 Stimsoil, John Ward, b. ISoO, at Paterson, N.J.; 
 graduated at Y'ale l'*72; studied art; supcrinteuflent of 
 the art schools; connected with the Metropolitan Mu.seum 
 of Art in New York for four years. The Law of Three 
 Primaries, N. York, l.-iS4. 
 Stiilisoil, IjCWis A., .M.D., surgeon to the Pres- 
 byterian and liellevue Ilosjiitals ; professor of clinical 
 BurKery in the University of the City of New York. 1. 
 A Maiiual of Operative Surgery, lllust. i'hila., 187!», 
 ]2mo, 2. A Practical Treatise on Fractures. lllust. 
 Pbila., IS.S.'j, Svo. :i (Trans.) (irowth of a People: a 
 Short Study in French History, by Paul Lacoiube, N. 
 York, iss:i, Kinio. 4. A Treatise on Dislocations. lllust. 
 Phila., 18SS. r. 8vo. 
 Stirewnit, J. P. Grades in the Ministry: with 
 Remarks on the Ministerial Ollice and Ordination, New 
 Market, Va.. Issl, Svo. 
 Stirk, Henry. Coal-.Mines: the Cause of Fixed 
 1S7:!, Hvo. 
 Iliirns in Drama: together with Saved Leaves, I'Min., 
 ■ 1S78, Xvn. I. Texl-l!i ok to Kant : The ('riiiiiueof Pure 
 I Keason : .■V.stlietio, Categories, Sehoinatism, Translation, 
 Ueprodiietioii, Coininentary, Index: wilh Diographical 
 I Skeleh, I'Min. and Lon., 18SI, Hvo. 
 I " Mere l>r, stlrlint; supplies wliat his well known Inipor- 
 I lain book the 'Secret c if llenel' promised, -iianiely, an 
 i Interpretative aecouiit, iin .similar lines, of thai uri'iil utile- 
 cedent doclrliie from wl 'eh— as he expressed il in Ills lor- 
 I nier work— llcL-i'ls philosophy was 'a developiiieiil into 
 full and linal shape.' "— .sjiiv/o^/r, Iv. ir.l. 
 .1. The Community of Property : Nationalization of 
 Land, Lon., 1885, 12ino. (1. Of Philosophy in the 
 Poets: Opening Lecture. ,to., Lon., Issj, 12iiio. 
 »' Stirling, John," ( Pseud.) See SiiKnwoon, Mils. 
 M.MIV Nk,VI., nnpin. 
 Stirling, Miss M. C. See McCAi.i,rM, Mns. M. 
 C. Stiui.iso, «iiii/ii. 
 Stirling, Tntrick Janu-»t, [nuie, vol. ij., add.] 
 (Trans.) Kconomie Sophisms, by F. liastiat, 1S7II, Svo. 
 Stirling, Thonmn. Uible liKidenIs: arranged 
 for Travellers in the Holy Land, Lon., ISSI, l2ino. 
 Stirling, VioSa. The Henry Irving llirthday- 
 liook. lllust. Lon., iss.'i, er. Svo. 
 Stirling, Millium, .>LD., ^e.D., professor of physi- 
 ology at Owens College and Victoria I'niver.sity, Man- 
 chester; examiner in the Honours School of Science, 
 Oxford. 1. Text-Hook of Practical Histology: with 
 ..,.„ ,, .,,,„ Outline Plates, Lon., 1881, 4to. 2. iTrans.) Manual of 
 prepare a case wiiich reij'iires any I Human Physiology: including Histology and Micro- 
 ■ ■" ' '" ' ' - scopical Anatomy : willi Special Keference to the Ue- 
 quireuients of Pructieal Medicine, by L. Landois, M.D. ; 
 vol. i., Lon., 188.'), Svo. :i. Outlines of Practical Physi- 
 ology : with Special Keference to Practical Medicine, 
 Lon., 188S, er. Svo, 
 Stirling-Maxwell. See Maxwki.i,. 
 Stistid, Georgiana M. A Fireside King, Lon., 
 1880, ;i vols. er. Svo. 
 Stobart, James William HampNOn, gradu- 
 ated at Worcester College, Oxford, lSo7. Islam and its 
 Founder, Lon., Is77, fp. Svo. 
 Stock, C. II. Shoring and Underpinning Iluinous 
 Structures. lllust. Lon., 1882, Hvo. 
 Stock, Engcne. 1. Lessons on the Life of Our 
 Lord, I,on., 1S70-73, 2 vols. Hvo. 2. Lessons on the 
 Acts of the Apostles, Lon., 1S72, Hvo. 3. Tho Story of 
 the Fuh-Kion Mission of tlie Church Missionary Society, 
 lllust. Lon., 1877, sq. llimo. 4. Japan and the Japan 
 Mission of the Church Missionary Society, Lon., ISSO, 
 Svo. 5. Lesson Studies from the liook of IJenesis, Lon., 
 1H85, p. Svo. With Stock, Sahaii (Jkhai.dina, iii/i-o, 
 Steps to Truth : a First Course of Teaching for Sunday- 
 Schools, Lon., 1878, Hvo. 
 Stock, Lady (Gertrude Georginna, (Doug- 
 las,) b. I 
 Air: with Observations on Tomiierature, JJ^l'tl'i '""' i nuecisb'errv 
 T..,. _.___! i-_„.:i..,: T — iQQf; u..« !\ •' 
 EH'eotual Ventilation, Lon., 1885, Hvo, 
 Stirling, A. W. The Never Never Land; a Hide 
 in North Queensland, Lon., 1884, p. 8vo. 
 Stirling, Ucv. Charles, graduated at Exeter Col- 
 lege, Oxford, 18411 ; ordained |S51 ; vicar of New Maiden 
 with Coombe since 1H67. AVords of Warning: being 
 Two Letters addressed to the Editor of the " Daily Tele- 
 graph," Lon., 1S70, 12ino. 
 Stirling, E. Old Drury Lane: Fifty Years' Recol- 
 lections of the Author, Lon., 18SI, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Stirling, Elizabeth. 1. (Trans.) Self-AVill and 
 Ool's Will; or, llow to Discern what is Ood's Will in 
 the Perplexing Questions of Life, by Otto Funeke, Lon., 
 1SS7, p. Svo; 2d ed. same year. 2. Standaid-Iicarers ; 
 or, Heroes of the Scottish Faith, Lon., 18S8, p. Svo. 
 Stirling, Ucv. James, a Congregational minister. 
 The Stewardship of Life; or, Studies on the Parable of 
 the Talents, Lon., Is7.'i, p. Svo. 
 Stirling, James Hutchison, [unir, vol. ii., Stiii- 
 I.i.NO, Jamks Hi rclliNsoN, add..] h. 1820, at (ilasgow. 
 Scotland ; was educated at lilasgow University : .studied 
 medicine there, and held appointments as surgeon to 
 siimc iron-works in Wales, bin gave up practice in IS.M j tiide, Lon., I871», llimo. 
 842; daughter of the seventh Marquis of 
 ■y ; married, 18S2, Stock. Natures' 
 Nursling: a Komanee from Real Life, Lon., 1S85, :i 
 vols. or. Svo. 
 Stock, Kev. John, LL.D,, [anit, vol. ii.. Stock, 
 Rkv. J., add.,] minister of Salendine Nook Congrega- 
 tional Chapel, Huddcrsfield. 1. The Church of Christ 
 Independent of All Secular Authority, Chatham, 1SI2, 
 llimo. 2. (Trans.) Massillon on the Deity of Christ. 
 Lon., 1852, 12nio. 3. A Hand-Rook of Revealed The- 
 ology : wilh a Prefatory Notice by C. H. Spurgcoii. 
 Lon., 1862, Svo. 4. Confessions of an Old Smoker, 
 Lon., 1872, Svo. ''. History of the Congrcgiitioniil 
 Meeting in Salendine Nook Chapel, Iluddorslleld, Lon., 
 1S74, 11)1110. (i. Inspired Ethics: being a Revised 
 Translation of the Rook of Proverbs, Lon., 1877, p. svo. 
 7. (Trans.) Vineentius Lirinensis, The Commonitoriuiii 
 against Heresies, Lon., Is7», 12mo. 8. Advice to a 
 Young Christian, Lon.. 1871), Svo. 
 Stuck, Sarah (leraldinn. 1. Lessons on Israel 
 in Egypt and the Wilderness, Lon., 1874, Hvo. 2. The 
 Child's Life of Our Lord. lllust. Lon., 1S7«, sq. innm. 
 ;(. (live ye tliem lo Eat; .Meditations for Sunday-Sehcmi 
 Teachers, foundeil on the Miracle of Feeding the Multi 
 4. From the Call to the (iloiy ; 
 and spent six 
 nd philosophical st 
 lilies. He has contributed to peri- ; ISSl, 12n 
 st'o People : a Bible Study, Li 
 Rible Stories from the Old Testanieiil, 
 idieals, and puhli 
 lied, in addition to works meiilionei 
 d I Li 
 188.5, 12n 
 .And see Stock, EliiiKNK, 
 iiii/c, vol. ii. : 1. As regards Protoplasm ill Relation to 
 Professor Huxley's Essay on the Physical Hasis of Life, 
 ion., isiill, Svo"; new ed., 1872. 2. Lectures on the 
 Stock, St. licorgc William Joseph, M.A . 
 graduated at Pembroke College, Oxford, IH7;i. Attempt- 
 at Truth, Lon., 1882, Svo, (An argument, founded eu 
.l.l'M, Mhs. M. 
 ie King, Lon., 
 nning Uuinoua 
 "»piritimliMn •• In favor of i„„„, rUlitv, hut nm,in«t tlio 
 rx,,,c„.<. of .10,1 Will, Muoor, IU:V. C. a", ,"■ „ 
 S ockall, llnrrieu. .. Po,.,,,,,, ',, So„'„„,; i„„„ 
 u:::\i:^:i^:r'-' '''''■ -•• *^--'^-i.: 
 1 (tl K I I .^r^i", ."lit, 
 Stockbri.lKt', ll.v. .lolin miviii, DP., b. |s|s 
 nnivnnoi.lh, Me ; «,i„l„nt,M| at liomloin r.,ll,.,-o |n,),h 
 iiii.l «t thu .Nuwion Tli(.„lo>;i,.„l Smiinarv ISIl; .■ntrroil 
 tho ministry »f lh„ |l„|,ti..t ClMin-h, lunl 1m.|,| varMm- 
 t.aslorates m N.w Knglan.!. I. A Mo,l..| Pa,to,- : „ 
 Meiiiuir of Ilaroii Stow. \. York, |yri, i,. M,o " The. 
 Anth,,!,,^ Memori,,!: a Catalo^r,,,. „,■ ,|,„' |,„,,i, ,,;,||,.,, 
 tion ol Aioori™,! PoHry : ivilh liLi^'raphifMl aihl Dihlio- 
 graj.hiral Notify, l'rovi,|,.nc,., It. I., \nHi\, Svo 
 StOfkdlllc, Jnin.'H. An .s C'iit.rmo',.hn.-.i.3 ; or 
 AniialH (.1 Cartiiicl, (■|vcr>t..ii, Lancashire 1S7" ]■>,„„ ' 
 Stoi-kcil, Jailu.N. lOk. „t. of Denial 'Materia 
 fini^;;;;;' m::r^^ """ '""""'"" ■'"• '•'''"■- 
 ii'";;^r^ vi'L.''*'"'"" ''" '^"^'^^ '' N"^''''! 
 Stockett, John ShHUlf. Maryhm.l Court of An. , 
 peals Ueports, vols, xxvii.-lxiv., ( l,Si;--|>-i,0 ) !!,,| ' 
 I8I1S-S(!. :!tl vols. Svo. '' ' 
 Stockhain, Henry. Many Vidssitu.les, I,„n . ' 
 Stockholm, J. How to tiiko a Turkish Hath- ",1 
 ed., I.(jn., iss.'i, ijiii,,. 
 Stocks, John. Tho Suocossful Evanifciisf Mo- 
 ',""'" ,'''PV;,"'''"''-' '^'"i"'. ''^"« of Kston. Yorkshire, 
 i.on., 1S| (I, IL'nio. 
 Stockton, Allrcd Angnstns, , PhD 
 D.C.L., b IS.I2 at Stn.lholm. .\e„ lirunswiek ,• gra'.lu-' 
 atod at Mt. Allison College ISC, I; admitted to the l,ar 
 f-fiN and became a memlier of the Xei» llrunswick 
 Legislature lS8:i I. (K,!., Uules of the Viee Admi 
 ralty ( ourt in Xew Uriinswiek. ,>t. .Lihn Hm » 
 I K.I.) "ortori's Ueports of the .Supreme Court of'xow 
 ilrunswick, ISS2. 
 Stockton, rrnncU Hichnrd, [«.,/,, vol. ii., a.Id 1 
 h IN 1. „, I'liila.lelphia; heeame an engraver, but s,mn 
 a Hindoned tliiii oeeupation for journalism. 1. K.iund- 
 nhout Uamhips in Lands of Kaet nn.l Fancy. Ilhist 
 N. 'iork, 1872, Ito; new- cd., ISSl. 2. What might 
 have been expected. X. York, Isri, 12mo. ' 
 •• • lioi.n.lalK.nt Ifainhles' was m, very well tohl a eolloe- ! 
 ion ot Merles thai it was natural to sns|Krt Mr. .^luekldii's 
 hoavei|.|,,,rii mission to he writiiiK lor ehil, r.Mi T at 
 SUSP no., beeoniesa llxed helief after rea.lLJis v(due 
 or this year. It Is one of tlu^ runniest, most eiitertaii ii r"^ ' 
 3 Tale.s out of ^.■\ I, N. York, 1,>*7.i, -Ito; new ed., 
 INSI. 1. Kudder (.range, .V. York, ISi'.t, Ifimo; new 
 ed., cnl., illusl., L'<,So. 
 "The .story . . is (iiiito amusiii);, not tooviolentiv px- 
 IrayiiKan , and not viifpirat nll."-.V.,//„„. xii\-i'W 
 ■• Iheehanii wiii.l, lies heliind tliu di-ollervof ■ I'tu.lder 
 lo Musi ■ 1, ';,'","" ■'■»r;"'-'^'< '""1 '■"'■olie sfmplieit V I 
 Mops Just short, too. of th,. extravairance whiVli inakes 
 much ol our fiii, l,eavy.-„r would si,,p sli or i ' I e. I,,V? 
 Would ,only omit the last two eha|,ters The lii 1 l' 
 lie* w„l, whi.;h the .■liaraolers a.- ,;,,„vn «iv's t e , k 
 w *• '\ '^.n!'^ ^'''ll'^vship. Illust. X. York, p. 
 Mo. «. fho Hoating Prince, and other Fairy-Tales 
 X.\ork,, ,Svo. 7. The, or tho Ti.'er' an, 
 other Stories, X. York. l,S.>t|, Ifimo " 
 sJ.V''''i'V If/'y.'"-,'!"-' 'I^rerr leaves n question t,i he an- 
 s«, re,| hy the rea,ler as he pleases. . . . The ease is i,ii| s , 
 '■11 Ihat it Is impossible not to tease ,.n,:self «1 , mt lie ", In 
 ■;ii. ;;;id not t<. think that wliieheverw y one lee •; 
 « lll^oul■',?f'■;.'v*^\•,^ ■■ '" ","•' V"'"»""-i«« M"-- ■'' "''k n 
 M is Inn out of everythiiij;, whel her ho Is itiviier a tale of 
 \ The Story of Viteau, X. York. 18SJ, I2m,). (1. The 
 ss,','",'?,'^""-'' ',','' *''■"• '■™'<'' ""'• Ml-'- Ale,,hine, N. York, 
 I ^K l.'ino. (Hejninte,! from the " Century .Magazine.") 
 mill ;im';' \IP "I '''!' '"■'''•>' ''"Vers of this volume, it Is eer- 
 Kwlly a^„;;'^l^j;y;;r;''|:U'^- '^•'■""i"^- ^^ill neverbeca^t 
 I". The Christmas Wreck, an,l other Stories, X. York 
 ;^'<«, 12mo. 11. Tho I,ate Mrs. Xull, X. York, l^Sli' 
 1 -inn. ' ' 
 nrv n,'!;:'*i'"''H'">"''' n';'K'"»lity consists in arrangiim a liter- 
 itn 1, nl'S!''" V'"''','''? '' ""•""»■''' " ^"»'" "r»hin.sieal 
 ■ ituutluns, linally Kolviiig It or not at his pleasure 
 «'MT.n'"i'"'' """"•I"" In 'The Lale Mrs NoIP Ih either 
 i es V y L e'ff 'll'l'i'.'^' ^1?'' >"l";" '""-' ' ""'" '"■■-'''•' 
 \'Yor'k"l"s-"'^'."," '"■?"•.".?'' """•'■ '•'"'"•i''"l '••'"^•'. 
 Y.'.rk is's- .'..' '^'"'i'', "• ""• ""'"Indlh Man, \ 
 Iork, Iss,, |2„m. M. Am„s Kiloright: bis .\,|sciti 
 im.^ Kx,,er,en,.es: will, other Storied X, York. ISsi. 
 IJmo. \\ iih Sro, KTov .M V ■ii,.. ii . V ■ 
 ,i„.„i.i 1 I , "' '• •"• '-• I lie II, line: where it 
 ■■'';; 'I'l 1 ■. iin.l what lo put In it. X. Vnrk. IS72, 12mo 
 Slockwi-ll, Ihcstrr TwitclicM. The Ilvohitinn 
 Ihi'liK.''. ^' <"•• ■■^"»-'«-ti,u,» of a„ rndivi,|nal I,n- 
 iiMtal lybaseil upon ,mr Organic and Life llisturv. 
 Stockuoll,.lohn \. Memoir on tho Secular Vari- 
 ^::x.:^u:t^:^X:' '"^ '■'''' '•^'"^''"" ' "■'" 
 Stociinelcr, jonohim Ilnyward, [„„„, vol. ii 
 "n,l Sippovs. .LuiKs II., w h is a psemlonvine, ad. I 
 I. Ihe Itoulei.f the Overlan,! Mail to lu,|ia. Lon., \sm\ 
 gal Aimy Lon., ls,.s, mv.,. ;t. A Familiar llistniy of 
 he liritish Army, from ,he Itestorali,u. in Kir.l) to the 
 I resent lime : inclu.ling a Description of tl... Volunteer 
 M..vem,.nt. and the Pi„gre..s of the Volunteer Orgaiiiza- 
 ti,ni, Lon.. l.silii. Svo; new e.l., Isn, .|,„ *> 
 w.Vk'ls'uH.mi ';m,'l"aiS''o "'"■''''•'''' ^'"'''""* '''■"'"■•I-"' '"9 
 i... 1 '7 ''^"■'"h "11.1 "I tinii's even iiiierestini;; but when 
 , 1'..-'^> ''"""V' "i'""i-y <d' tho Horse-tJiiards from 17,01) 
 ■ Cv.'.r;, ,"?■■• lY""-J- ''■''-■ •'^l-'I'espearean Keferee: 
 a Cyelopa.lia of Four Thnusan.l Tw., Ilun.lre.l W.,r,l.s, 
 Obsolete an, .A „,lern„ccurring in the Plays of Shake- 
 speare, \\ ash.. I>.>4il, l2mo. 
 Stodnrt, llobcrt Kiddle. Scottish Arms : beini 
 a tollc'tion ,.| Armorial Hearings, A. 1). I370-Ifi7s re 
 proilnecl in Fac-Simile. K,lin., Issi, 2 vols fol ' 
 h f '"!''•;'!•,''' *'"«'"i;»"ar.en, [,„„., U ii., „,i,i.,] 
 b. LSI.,, at liociester. X.\ . ; e,|ueale,l in Xew York an, 
 aldoinia: pro cs.sor ol Fnglish literature in the Xoire 
 IJamo College. In.lmna, lss;,-s(i; now lecturer ,m Ki,.'- 
 hsh literature at the Cath.dic University, Washingtoi^, 
 Mr. .^t.aMard is a liumorist,-a ('alif.iriiia Immorlst — 
 ami th,' rea.lerisnot will, him un,ler the lie e'sslt "s ho 
 , , 1 ,•, "" "' """■'' '''■" ''•?■"•"' I"i\>' » K I ileal of 
 111, leniable amusement in then,.''-.V„//o„ xvii 111 
 .. isummer Cruising in the South Seas. Illust. ' Lon 
 l>. I. p. Svo. ::. Mashalhih I a Flight into Egypt: Ad- 
 venture and Travel, X. York. ISSO, |,i,„„. 4. fhi Lepers 
 of .Molokin, Xotre Dame. In.L. ISS,", Ifimo 
 Stoddard, -Mrs. Elizabeth llarito»v, U,»te, 
 vol. ,1., a,l,l.] Lolly Uinks's Doings. \. Yo.k. IS7-I, sq 
 Stoddard. II. II. An Egg Farm: the Manage- 
 ment ol Poultry in I.aige Xumbers. Illust. N. York 
 IS7B, I2mo. ' 
 Stoddard, John I.., grn.luated at Williams College 
 18,1; a public lecturer. Re.l-Letter Days Abroad. 
 Illust. liost., IS.Sl, Svo, 
 Stoddard, Richard Henry, [oi,t«, vol. ii., add.,! 
 has e,|ite,| tlio " I!rio-a-Iirac" Series, in ten volumes, I,S7 1 
 -,li, anil the " ,Sans-Souci" .Series. I. The Hook of tho 
 Last, ami other Poems, Host.. 1S7I, Ifimo. 
 •■The piei'es that seem to lis to be the best, as being most 
 iiisiinetively the poet's own. are s,une wlili^h express with 
 a reserve or vagueness .if snwesiion which is takinif, 
 soini' evanescent mooil of „,ii„|. ,,r. perhaps w,. mi"!,' 
 leiler .say. .s„me „i,„„iii„.ss of lediiig. . . . They are not 
 lor all times. |)erliaps. any more limn for all time; but 
 now ami auaiii wbi'ii the i-ea.lers moo.1 helps the author. 
 ! ll'.f.iTv !n„'k"' " " !"■ ",«!"■,""»■ Mr- st,aUlar.I oeca; 
 sioiiall> makes a lyni^ wliieli is t-ay with a sort of iialety 
 which we .shoul, guess t.i be n.,t imnie.llately his own, 
 1. t his .secondarily rather, and rellexively."-.'fnto„, xlii: 
 'i. A ('(•ntury After: l'i(luri'i'i|iie <llim|i!ic-< (if Plilln- 
 <li'l|ihlii mill IViiii^ylviinht: with Kn^finvliiKA Inim III- 
 rigUK by T. Muriin, I'. 0. C. I'lirli'y, iiiul i.tluTii, I'liilii., 
 lUTIl, lti>. i). (Kd.) Anceilutii lliii)(rii|iliy iil INrry 
 Hv'sslic Shelley, C'Siiii!* Si)»cl" Ser.) Illiirit.. N. Vi)rk, 
 1S7(1, IL'iiio. 1. Wllliiim C. IlryBnt, N. York, InTH, 
 H2IIIII. I'iitii|ili, 3. l'o('iii!>, ('(iiiiiiri'lu Kilitioii, N. Yiirk, 
 ISSO, »c|. Svo. (), (!'M,| lionry Wiiilcwurtli l.iiiiglV'IKnv : 
 II Miilli'v in I'rnHo iiikI Vir*!', N. Vcirk, Issu, .sij. .^vo. 
 Stodiliird, Nfllfoa Itoy. I. 'I'ii'nnili'niKii: I'li^t 
 unil I'rfJt'rit. " .Mixeil." II. im a IliHtory of Tioniuli'- 
 rcif{a. Alliuiiy, Is":;, Svn, J. Luke (>u>r){i^ Illiinlriilcil : 
 II llciok ofTd-liny, (ilins Kiills, N. York, I87U, lliiiiip. ;i. 
 Tile Ailininilueks IlliiKtrittvl : u Niirrativo of ii 'I'lmr 
 tliriiiiKli tlie Wiicleiiii'.-'^ : with Illiil.-' for Ciiiiip nnd Tniil, 
 VaiiuiiB Ue-iirl.-, ,tc'. : new ,■•{., (liens Fall.-, I>SI, liliiiu. 
 StoddartI, \> illiiiiii Oxborii, li. I>:i.'i, at llunier, 
 N.Y.; Kniiliiatcil at tlio I'liivorsily of Uiichester IS.iS; 
 privule necrolary Id I'le.iiilont liint'dln I SO I -III, aii>l siiieo 
 then lian been a jiiiirniill^t ; lia» niaile .several iiu I'lilicinH. 
 1. K»yal Deercos »!' Seiiniluniiin, N. York, IMiU. '2. 
 Verses iif Many Days, N. Yiirk, IS7I, IL'iini. li. Dis- 
 missed, I S7S, -1, 'I'liu Heart of it : a Uuinanceiit' East anil 
 West, N. Yiirk, IsSil, Itinid. .'). Ksaii llanlery : a Nuvol 
 of Aiuoriean Life, N. York, |ssl, 12niiii newcd., lasit. ti. 
 Dab Kinzer : the Sliiry iif a (jruwin;; Boy, N. Y'ork, ISSI, 
 l-iiio. 7. The (^(larlct: -eiiiiel to "Dab Kinzur," N. 
 York, |ss|, I2i ,S. .<allill,) Uciys, N.York, IHS2, ll!ino. 
 (1. 'I'alkin;; Loaves: an Indian Story, N. York, ISS2, si). 
 lOiiio. III. Anion;; tbo Lakes, N. York, I8.s:i, I2niii. II. 
 Wrecked : a Xiivel, .N. York, Issil, |2iiio, I'.'. Abraham 
 Lincoln: the True Story of a Ureal Life; Hlmwing the 
 Inner llrowlli, .Speeial TraiiiiiiKi mel reeiiliiir Fitness 
 of the .Man lor his Work, llluat. N. York, IS.SI, Svo. 
 LI. Winter Fun, X. Y'ork, l.ssi, IL'ino. U. Two Arrows, 
 N. York, ISSli, Uinio. 15. Llysses 8. (Irant, .\, York, 
 ISsi), K'inu. It), (ieorgc Wasliinston, N. York, IssH, 
 12iiui. 17. The \'oleiino under the City. liy a Volun- 
 teer Speeial. X. Y'ork, 1.SS7, lliiiio. Anon. IS. The 
 Red lleauly : a Story of tbo Pawnee Trail, I'bila., IHS7, 
 I'Jnio. III. .lohii .Adams and Tiionias JetVorson, (" Li\es 
 of the I'resideiits" Ser.,) X. York, LSS7, l2nio. 2ll. 
 James Madison, .Limes Monroe, and .John tjuiiiey 
 Adiims, (" Lives of the Presidents" Ser.,) X. York, 1S,S7, 
 ]2iiio. 21. .Andrew .lackson and .Martin Van Itureii, 
 (" Lives of tbo Presidents" Ser.,) N. Y'ork, 1ss7, iL'mo. 
 22, drover Cleveland (" Lives of the Presidents" Ser.,) 
 N. York, 1SS8, I2inii. 2.1. William Henry Harrison, 
 John Ty'er. and James Knox Polk, (" Lives of tliu 
 Presidents" Ser.,) X. York, Iss.s, |2mo. 24. Zaebary 
 Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin I'ieroe, and Jainea 
 liucbanan, ("Lives of the Presidents" Ser.,) X.York, 
 IsHs, IL'nio. 2.'i. Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, 
 (" Lives of the Presidents" Ser.,) X. York, LSSS, 12mo. 
 Stoddart, James llaNtie, LL.D., is:t2-isss, b. 
 at .Saniiuhar, Dumfriesshire, Seolland . was self-edneated, 
 and en>;aged in business in early life. Ho eontribiited 
 to the tilasi;ow Herald, of which be became sub-editor 
 in 1S82, and editor in IS7i. I. Village Life, |apijeiii,| 
 Lon.. 187'J, 12ino. 2. The Seven Suga.s of Prehistoric 
 Man, Loll.. I SSI, p. svo. 
 " A series of word-pietiires in verse, descriptive of sec- 
 tions of the luiiiiaii race in iUi earliest slaKcs."— .lead., 
 .\xv. 2;t'.i. 
 StoddarC, Jane T> 1. A Door of Hope, Kdin., 
 1SS8, p. Svii. 2. (Trans.) Still Hours, by lliebard Uotlie : 
 with an liitroduetory Kssay by the llev. John .Macpher- 
 son, {" Foreign l!iblii-:il Library," vol. i..) Lon., ISSIl, p. 
 Svo. :i. In Cheviot's (liens, Ivlin., 1.SS7, p. Svo. 
 Stoddart, 'I'lioiiias Tud, [antr, vol. ii., add.,] d. 
 1880; a native and resident of Kelso, .Scotland; con- 
 tributed to periodicals, and published, in addition to 
 works mentioned tiiit^, vol. ii. : ,Songs of the Seasons, and 
 other Poems, Edin. and Kelso, |S7;i, 8vo ; new ed., ISSI. 
 Stukcr, liram, M.A., business manager of Henry 
 Irving's theatrical eomiiany. 1. Liiilerthe Sunset: with 
 Illustrations by W. Htzgerald and W. V. C'ockburn, 
 Lon., 1S8I, fp. I to. 
 " Pure and beautiful arc the beings with wlmm the Conn- 
 try under the Sunset is iieopled, odd and liuinnrous. tiio; 
 and the tiilc of their loves and tlieir deeds is in the best 
 Mylenfimairlimlive uiirrative, with charmliur little toiichos 
 lit' nature and reference to every-day things, .so that the 
 loftiness of its meaning (wliieli is also quite simplei shall 
 not be too sustuitied a strain upon the small ri-ader. nor 
 his attention be fatigued or puzzled."— .Spertator, liv. HW. 
 2. A (iliiiigise of America : Lecture at the London In- 
 stitution, LoD., 1881), Svo, 
 Ntokpr, (•. L Clorftymnn'a 8ore Throat and VnrU 
 Nasal Catarrh, Lon., |ss|, er. Hvo, 2. Deviations of 
 the Nasal Septum, lllust. Lon., ISS8, Svo. 
 Sinker* (•. S. I. Inorganic Cbeniistiy : Kleven 
 Years' Papers, Lon., IMS I, I2mo. 2, FiiHy Lessons in 
 Chemistry, Organic and Inorganic, Lon., |SS2, p. H\o. 
 With llooi'Kn, K. ('., Cheiniiitry, (Irganie and Inorganic, 
 Kleiiienlary and .Kdvanied, worked out in full, an Models, 
 Lon., ISSI, p. Svo. 
 Stoker, (•eoruei With "The rnspciikables ;" or, 
 Tno Years' Cuuipaigniiig in Kuropeaii and Aniatlu Tur- 
 key, Lon., IS7S, p. Svo. 
 .Stoker, Jaiiei I. Home Comfort: a roinplele 
 .Manual ul Domestie Li'ononiy, Lon., IS7.>, l2iiio. 2. 
 iManiial of Domestic Kcononiy : Iteading-llook fortlirls' 
 Si boots, Lon., 1S7.>, l2uio, 11. I'sefiil jlucipes : a IJook 
 of Home Lessons on Cooking, Lon., |s77, l2nio. 
 SlokeN, Alfred t'., ,M.l). .Miero.seopy for Ilcgin 
 ners ; or. Common (Ibjoits Iroiii tbo Ponds and Ditches, 
 lllust. X. York, 18S7, IL'ino. 
 StukeH, V, W. I. An Ini|niry of the Homo Scitc 
 tary as to whether Professor Tyndall has not subjected 
 himself [in his Ilelfast Address] to the " Penalty on Per- 
 Pons expressing llbispheinoiis Opinions." Ily a London 
 Merchant. Lon., Is7t, Hvo. 2. The Now Heligion, 1877, 
 Stokei), K. P. Tho Harrow Uoute to tbo Isle of 
 .Man. Maps and lllust. Lon., ISS.I, r. Svo. 
 StokvH, Frederick A. College Tramps: Adven- 
 tures of Y'ate Students during a .^uninier Vacation in 
 Kuropo; a Voyage to Itolterdain and Uclurn in the 
 Steerage. lllust. X. Y'ork, ISSII, 12iiio; new od., en- 
 titled " A Jolly Summer," N. Y'ork, |s8;), 12mo. 
 StokcH, Sir (ieorge Gabriel, liart., F.U.S., 
 [iiiiti, vol. ii., add.,] b. IsH); president of the Uoyal 
 Society; created a baronet 188U. I. Absorption of 
 Light and Colours of Xatural liodies. lllust. Lon., 
 1S77, 12iiio. 2. Mathematical and Physical Papers: 
 with Xotcs by the Author, Cambridge, Lssil-S.t, 2 vols. 
 Svo. 1). llurnett Lectures : On Light. First Course : 
 Tho Xaturo of Light ; Seconil Course : On Light as a 
 Moans of Investigation; Third Course: On tiio Itenc- 
 licial Kd'ecls of Light, Lon., ISSI-M7, ;; vols. p. Svo. 
 '■'file evidences in favour of the ether-wave theory, and 
 its success in explaiiiiiiK tlieinosleonipliciiled plienDineiia. 
 under the iiiost crucial tests, are admirably set forth."— 
 .S(((. I!(i\, Iviii. .V.I. 
 Stokes, George J., professor of mental and social 
 science at yuccn's College, Cork. The Objectivity of 
 Truth. Published by the Hibbert Trustees. Lon., 1 SSI, 
 ' Svo. 
 Stokes, Rev. (ieorgc Thomas, D.D., b. ISIH, 
 at Athlone, Ireland; graduated nt Trinity College, Dub- 
 lin, ISfil ; ordained ISIiti; vicar of All Saints', Newfewn 
 Park, Dublin, since 1S7II; professor of ecclesiastical liter 
 I ttturo in the Inivcrsity of Dublin since ISSli; kco|ier 
 I of St. Sepulchre's Public Library ("Primate Marsh's 
 Library") since 1887. He has contributed articles on 
 ecclesiastical history, arehieology, ic, to the C./nteiiip" 
 rary Ueviewaiid other periodicals, and to Smith's Diction- 
 ary of Christian liiography. 1. Scriptural Authority lor 
 a Liturgy, Dublin, IS68. 2. Work of the Laity in tin 
 ] Church of Ireland, Dublin, ISIiO. 11. Kcclesiastical Hi- 
 ! tory and Scientific Research, Dublin, 1.8811. 4. Ireland 
 i i;nd the Celtic Church : n History of Ireland from St. 
 I Patrick to the Knglish Conquest in 1172, Lon., IsSti, p. 
 ! Svo; 2d cd., ISSS. 
 ( "MiHlestly disclaiming fur himself all credit as an origi 
 1 Iial li.vcstigator ill the Held of Celtie philology and anliq- 
 iiitics, Prof, stokes professes to be 'simply a diligent siii- 
 ' ileiit of the results skilled iiaiuirers have attaineil,' which 
 I lie. in turn, would endeavour to weave into a connected and 
 I interesting narrative. . . . 'fhe chief charm of the book 
 ' lies ill its graiihic and picturesque descriptions."— .Iciu/., 
 ^ xxxi. 87. 
 j b. Mcdiieval History, ("A Sketch of Universal His- 
 tory," vol. ii.,) Lon., 1887, or. Svo. fi. Ireland un I 
 I the Anglo-Xornian Chuicli, Lon., 1889, ii. Svo. With 
 [ WnioHT, Rkv. C. H. H., (trnns.,) Tho Writings of St. 
 j Patrick, tlio Apostle of Ireland : with Notes Critical and 
 I Historical, Dublin, IS87, Svo. 
 1 Stokes, H.G. Tho Secret of Life : a Poem, in Four 
 ; Parts, Lon.. 1871, l2mo. 
 Sluki-s, Rev. Henry Fainc, M.A., LL.M., grad 
 uatcd at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, L875; or 
 ilained 1875; vicar of Wolverhampton since 1882. .An 
 Attempt to determine the Chronological Order of Shak- 
 speare's Plays; the Harness Essay, 1877, Lon., 1S78, 
til tlio IhIo of 
 'lilt as nil (iripi 
 Poem, in Four 
 Rtokc'K, Henry Mcwell, I, mos, nt fllbmllar : 
 I""'""''' "; '"' i"lv Ill' ill thi) Slurincrion' Court, ('"rn- 
 Willi. I. I)i-,.„uis6, „n 0|.lnioii: Tlio (Nninoction l)«. 
 '* ' Kiiowli'ilKo iin.l Virtu.' un.l tliu I'ro«.- ,x, an Unirin.' 
 for Ihu DiiruHion of KiiowIcIkc |,„n., |,s;i| Nvo •> 
 lllOin,..- from ('„rnwall. I ., 1^71, p. Hvo. Aiinn! li] 
 Mi',..- : u LilV. KpiloKue, I,,,,,., is;:', ,,. H,„. Anon, 
 Ninv .■,{.. witli A Liiiiii'iit lor I'rinconH Ali.c, |s7(i. 
 " ll j-lioiilcl hiivo liciii writiiMi II ciniiirv iiK" when It 
 in Kill»lly wniivil uinl iviuliiu iiiilur It ■ li, 
 Mil.. Ill l.;all..'» '.MlnMr.r anil tl„. ^■^l li wriTk'- , i^'ui. 
 < .•r."-K. W. (Iiissk: .l.-.i.(., xvi. 11:1. '""•« "' >■"' 
 I. I'ufini. ol l,al|.|- Vrars |,i,m., is;.!, |o,n„; rvv wl 
 .nlitli'.l "The I'hantr.v Owl, ami nlh.T \'ur,<t.«," Issi. :',' 
 {.■ ii l,cK..nil of l'i.r«, tli.' I'atriot 
 I ni'Ht, ami ollirr Vcr.".'s l,i.n„ l^7l, it, Svo Anon 
 Ii. I lu^ (Jal.. of ll..avcn, Th.' IMaint of .Morwcnstoiv, ami 
 .iti.T \,r..i», lliiilniin, |S7(1, Kvo. 7, l.anlrv.lrock : an 
 K OKY. I,„n., iMs;). s. Voyage ,if Arunil...|," ami i,ih„r 
 iiliVMic.^ Iriiin Cormvall ; n.'iv ..i|„ |,,in., 1^S|, p. svo 
 NtokcN, John, lin.' llumlroil«criiiturellio«raipli'icH. ' 
 Loll,, IN'.'I, Hvo. Of. 
 Sloki'H, llcv. I i«, gnuluiitcil at foriim. Chrisli 
 (oll..«.., (;„ml,ri,lK,., IHril; or.lain.Ml Is,!)' a^.^lMtani 
 .li.H'.san lns|i..cti,r of «.|ii,i,U for thu Viwrna of l.on.l.m 
 rom 1X82. juiielicrs' (Jrii.lual Leaaons from the C'huieli 
 < al.'.'liisiu, 1,1111., Ii-H,',, |2mii. 
 Nlokcs, MiNN Mnivc> S. II. Tmlian I'lilrv-Ta!..., 
 (•.ilnitla, IS,;i, Kvo. I'riviili.l.v |iiinlnl. .\e,v, „iih 
 IVot.'.s by Wary .><tokos, ami an Introilmlioii l.v W, l( ,-; 
 Kalft.m, l.KSO. 
 Ntoki-N, MnrKiirct .>lr\iiir, li. ls;i2, at Dnliihi • 
 (limjfhtor (if J)r. William ,<l.ik.'H, /„/>„ ,. rr-iilcnt at 
 Civrrig Uracc, irowtli ; honorary memlier of Ih.. Koyal 
 Irisli A.'nileniy anil nssociiito of tlio .^^collisli ,<.ii.ielv of 
 Anlii|uarios; ii contrihntor to tlic A.ia.iemy, Art .lournal, 
 r.irtloliii, Itinuo Ari.ihf'olo);i.iuo, ami oth.T iiorio.lioal-i 
 an.l itntii|mirian imblioutlona. In a.lililinn to hiT lil.'r- 
 nry work, Mi.«< Sloko... bus furnisb.i.l illustrations for 
 " riic Cromleob on llowtb," by ,><ir ,S. Ferguson, «i,i„„, 
 " Uie Iliiiik of Kolls," Ae. 1. Chiislian lnsiTi|i|i„ns in 
 tlic Irish l,ungiiat!c. Chiolly Collciteil an.l Drawn by 
 (ii'orfc'O Petri.., M,.D. (Kilkenny Arebieolo.'ical Soe 
 Pub ) Dublin, 1S72-78, 2 voIk. It.i. 2. Karly fhristian 
 Architecture in Irclaml. lllust. Lon., 1S7S, iuip Svo 
 {This in a re|irint, with eonsi.leniblo nlternlions in mat- 
 ter anil fiirin, of the " Notes on liisli Areliileeture," .-on- 
 tnbuteil by ,\liss to Lonl Dunravens work.) 
 ■• Deals with the iirclill....tiin. projier of ancient Irolan.l 
 Inii lu..i.l ami liifiieal way. ami .l.^ars obseiirilies whl(.h 
 lia.lljeeii mtr.i.lii.;eil by lnip..rre.lly.|nfonne.l writers, win. 
 reaile.1 as H.ispel the wllil,.>t ami .rmlest lan..i..s 
 Miss .st.ikes s elmpier iiii ee.' towers, ami Hiat mi 
 I- ' ^i^^ "' ""•''"-' to»L-i's. I'll.' peenllarly valuable."-, U/i. 
 :i, (Tran.i), ami oil.) Chri.stian leonograpby : a His- 
 tory of Christian Art in tho MiJ.lle Ages, by the laite 
 A.lolpbc Nnp..l<.on Di.lron. Illust. Lon,, l.sSO, 2 vols 
 f;vo. (Vol. i. was tninslateil by K. J. Millington, »»;»■„,' 
 Miss .Stokes translatoil vol. ii,, anil c.lite.l tho whole 
 w.irk,) 4, Early Christian Art in Irelaml, (,«!i,uth 
 Kensington Ilanil-Books.) Illust. I,on,, l.i^S?, p ,Svo 
 Anil 860 QiiiN, E. K. W., TiiiitD Eahl ok Duniiavk.v' 
 snjifn, ' 
 Stokes, Whitley, r.f^.h, C.I.E., LL.D., D C T, 
 I""'', vol. ii., uilil.,] b. I8;iH, at Dublin; son of Dr' 
 Milliiim .st.ikes, ;„/•,„.. oilucatetl nt Trinity College, 
 Dublin ; ealleil to the bar at the Inner Tempi., \h:i-, ■ re- 
 li.irtcr to the High Court ami noting adniini.stralor.gen- 
 cral, Mailras, l.S(i:)-R|, and subsequently secretary to the 
 government of In.lia in tho legislative .lepnrtuient ; law 
 incinber of the council .if tho governor-general 1.S77-S2. 
 presi.lent of tho Imiian Law Cuiniission 1879; lion' 
 leliow of Jesus College, Oxforil, since 1SS2; bon. mem- 
 ber of the Doutsehe .Morgenliin.lischo (iesellschaft nnil 
 eorrcspon.ling moiubcr of the Aoa.lC.inio des Inscrip- 
 tions et Delles-Lettres, Institut do France. In 1868 lie 
 Iranieil the scheme for collecting and cataloguing the 
 Sanskrit manuscripts preserved in India. I. (l-M) 
 Three Irish Glosses, Lon., IS62. 2. (Ed.) The Play of 
 llie Sacrament : a Middle-English Drama : with a Ulos- 
 fiiry, Berlin, 1862. 3. (Ed.) The Passion of Our Lord ■ 
 a .Middlc.-Cornish P,",em : with a Translation and Notes, 
 lierlin, 1862. 4. (Ed.) Gwrcans an liys : The Creation 
 ol the World : a Cornish Mystery : with a 
 iind Notes, Berlin, 18B3. 5. The Indian Companies Act, 
 D>6(). 6. (Ed.) Sanas Chormaio : Cormne's (ilo.»s«ry, 
 Translated and Annotated by John O'Donavan : with 
 Notes and^os, (Irish Areliii' Hoe Pub ) 
 Dublin. ISOM, |,„. 7. ,i„i,|„|i™ ■ „|,| ,„„| ,.;„, jiij,,,-' 
 Irish ()l.,s...s, Prose and Versu,, |s72 svo N 
 (Kd.) llounans Merlasck : The Life of ,><aint'Merlasok' 
 llishop and C.infessMr: a Cornish Drama; wilb a Tr«n.' 
 I ..tlon and \ol.,s L„i, , 1S72, Hvo. ,1. The (l|,lor Stalut^ 
 in lor,.e In India, Is7l. jn. (|.:,i., .j'|,„ [,„,.,,..,,,", 
 tlcneral A.'ls of tho (Jovornor-lien.'ral in ('..unci Cal 
 .mitu, |s7i-7i;, .1 vols 8v.,. II. ,|.:,|,, Mi.blle-ll'rel.n 
 Hours; with a Tninslati Cabnlla, |s7r, m,-,. i" 
 (Ld.) Thr.'e Miil.lle Iri-h llnniilies on lb.'. Lives..? 
 .Nnnls Patrick, Drigit, and Columba, (transcribed 
 Ihe l.ebar llri-c,) Calculla, IH77, s,.„. imi , u'/J! 
 y.itely prinl.;,l. I:t. On Ihe Cahndar of Oengu- Dublin' 
 LSMl.^llo. 11. (Kil.) T.igail Tr.ii, Calcul,"!' IMsl 15' 
 A , ..leitmn ,,r .Statutes ..elating to India, Caleutla," 
 . • • ,- '"'■'';, ^™-, l'>. (I':'!.) 'I'lH' .Siltair na llaun ; a 
 ollcction ol Early Mi.ldle. Irish Poems: " 
 .xoni.'nsla," •■Me.liu'val and .Mudern" Seri.-.s, vol 
 •iirt III, OxC, issl), s„,. .„„, 17. ,,,;,,, ,j.,,^ ^ •• 
 Imlian ( od.s ; vol. i., .Sulislantive Law: vol ii Ad 
 je.'tive Law, t).\f., 1SS7-SM, ,sv„. ■ ., nn- 
 '■ Nil litter ...iil,! i,av.. been f.inmi t.i .imlernik.. 
 Ill s work timn .Mr. Wliitl,.y st„k..s. In „. • ," . .^t hK 
 ..II1...M1 ..yperk.n.... 1, ,' |„. ,„„|; „„ „.',,!,. '1 I 1 1 ,' 
 ■vpariition ami pa.ssing „r ..'Veral ..flbe , .tl be '. .1. . 
 le. t ,1 ; be Is laniiliar Willi llie maihiiii.rv 1,1, , . ,,v. 
 .'; Koe'l'l'l 1" '""■ '"" 'I",''"' '" '"■ ''""i>i"> »il II le in 111 
 reader » lb of, H.'V"' ' vT V.'" "i"'','^' '"'"' ''^■'"H.i on 1 s 
 oil"' 1.''''' ''"^ '''•■ipii'-lite Life of ^1! Patrick, with 
 her Documents ri'laling t„ that .Saint. Parts I and 
 ( I. (K.'.'on Onieo Pull.) Lon., IHS7, .Svo. 111. Tic 
 OI.LIns 1 (flosses at Wiht.burg and Carlsriihe, Lon., 
 Oxf,"lssi| '"'■' '""""■' ''■'"" "'" """'' "'■ ''i«">"™! 
 j NtokPH, « illinin. 1. The History of the Midland 
 Associatni.i Baptist Cburehes from the Year Iti.-,,^ to 
 ^ij; with th.. C.infession of Faith of Itisii- „|.„ an 
 '.ssay on Cre,.ils. Lon., l.s.^ft, |2„,.,. 2. Imlian Iteform 
 I. Ills; or. Legislation for In.lia 1 7liil to I Sis. also 
 an Argument lor a UepresentativetJovernment in India! 
 1 eacc. Liberty, Fnenil.ship, .le., Lon., Is(li), I2m.i. 2d 
 c pies. Century by Century, to tho Present Time Man- 
 Chester isn.'i. Svo 5. British War History .iuri'nghe 
 I'lesent Centur.y Lon., ISCli, I2m.i. <i. P.^.nh.r Ddu- 
 L.m.'TH76 sTo ^' ^'""■°'' "*" ^'"8'"i"l' an Essay, 
 ."Stokes', w'iilinm, M.D., LL.D., [„„^., vol. ii., 
 ndd.,] d. 1S7S. Published, in additi.',! t.i works ine.,: 
 tioned ,„„r, vol. ii. ; 1. The Life and Labours in Art and 
 Ari'liieology of (1. Petrie, Lon., 1S6S, Svo. 2. Lectures 
 on Fever. Edite.1 by J. W. Mo.ire. Lon., 1871, 8vo 
 ,„•'!'"''«';?»,'*'' W.i||inin, M.D., K.B.CS.r., son of 
 Milliain (Mokes.M.D., »„/„.„,. h. Is:iil; knigbled 1S80. 
 is!s^, Svo' ""'""""" "' ^"'S^'y '" Jledicine, Lon., 
 F„!s'iw*''^''f*'^'"'nV'""''- '• ''"ItBO'itologialndica: 
 Fossil C..phalopoda, Calcutta, I,S|16, r. 4to. 2. Cretaceous 
 laiina of .S.iuthern Imlia, 1872-73, 4 parts, fol. 3. ,Soi- 
 enlihc K.y=u Its of the .Seoon.l Yarkand Mission; based 
 cTho, I, ls-\°"",? ""^?;'°"'» "f ""-■ I""o F. Stoliczka, 
 £ ■'^ '"•„,' ^,;^„"°• (t""t"ins ni.mographs by « 
 Neville, W. T. Blanford, ami others ) 
 18S0,°l'2mo;'"''''* *^"""' ""'^ ^'"■'•' "'' ^"""'' ^'•'"''•' 
 12mo""*' ■^ * ' "'■''"'■y "f I'^-'glnnJ, Bost., 1879, 
 Stone, Rev, Andrew Leete, [,n,tr, vol. ii., Stove. 
 iw-'vir/s-.;,""''-] ■?• '?'•'• "' °'^''"'"' ^"""- ■■ *---" 
 Sii ^ '''■*^ '"'■'"'",';'.' ■" "'" Congregational Church 
 IS41; pastor of the Congregnlional Church, San 
 Francisco, S.i6-Sl, and since then pastor emeritus, 1. 
 Mem.,rial Discourses, Bost., ISliti, ]2mo. 2. Leaves from 
 a I'lnisheil Pastorate, 1,SS2. 
 Ifiino""^' '"'^''" "' *'' ^"" "'" 1'""""' B«st-. 1«80, 
 Stone, C. E. Cloister and Closet ; a Plea for Mod- 
 itation, Lon., 1SS4, sq. lllmo. 
 Stone, Mrs. Cecilia. The Old Leaven Ca..t Out: 
 a Aew Church Catechism, Lon., ISSfl, 12mo 
 Stone, Lieut. Charles A., graduated at the U.S. 
 Naval Academy IS(,8; connected with the Bureau of 
 Ordnance since 1886. (Trans.) The Probability of Hit- 
 ting an Object of any Form, by P. BrC'ser " Pub bv 
 U.S, Gov't. Wash., 1883, 8vi. ^ ^ 
 ' 1;, 
 Slont', tharlm JtJhn, ! Il.ll.H., .■.ns.r,., l-^iiT-l Hlonr, Jiilln A. Illu.tmlnl In.lla 
 IHKfl, cdiii'iitBil nt Kinn's I'lilli'^!!', I.nn.l .p, anil iit llrii- | iin.l l'e"|ili',_ll, 1X77, Hvu, 
 ll" I'rlnc* 
 lenimo ('iilli>(;i', ('jturil; nillcil In thii har iit llici Inner 
 TnMi|ilo IHiSI. 1. Cruillo-Lunct III Arl« iiiwl I'rt'oili ! '<r, 
 Nntlilnn Ni'w unilcr the Him, l.'m., 'SHii, svii. L'. Clirli- 
 tiiinily lirl'ore Christ; nr, I'lnliityiPCH uf our I'liitli iiml 
 Culluro, l.uii., [•'■-i, |l. ""Vn, 
 Ntoilf, i:. IIukIi Mouri'.or, Whntl.i Hcmour? Gdin,, 
 1^<H,•l, ■> viAf. or. '<V". 
 Stoiir, K. Ilfrhfrt. I'liu Ni/.mn'H Sliite Kiillwity. 
 Illu>t. l,.in.. l-<7ii, "1)1. ll 
 Nl<)iit>, Itcv. Kilwiirtl Dniiirl, gnulnnti'il nt 
 KinK'.< Culli'Kc, CiMiibriilgi', .i7 i nnliiined l.'<ilii; iik 
 finiinl uii\KtiT lit Kinn t.'iilU'ijo 18S7-.'*!. 1. Imilil 
 Nloiiv, Kiitlirrliie AInry. Our KIhk, n Lay of 
 till] I'l.iitilliiil /."uiiviv ; iind iillii-' I'lii'UK, l.iiii., I87H, Mv.i. 
 NtOIIIS l.ivillKiit<)lli l)iiiiieiilioiit«<l 'rruiit : llow to 
 Ilroi'il iiiiil (iriiw (hi'in. Illuiit. Iliiat., l->7:i, l(liuo;.'li| 
 I'll.,, N.ll.. 1^*77. 
 NUMlf, .Mrit. iMliry Aiii<>llll. A Hunnniir In Hoiin- 
 iliriiiviu. IlliiM. N. Viirk, l.s.t. , l:'iiii>, 
 NtolH!, .Mliy !•:. 1. rill! l)uil,ir» I'mti'^C, Chli;,, hij. 
 Illiiii). L'. A r.Ui- I'li'li.'liin. Cliir., \m:\, I'.'nm. 
 Ntoiic, OclaviiiM I'., F. It. U.S. A Few Muiitlm in 
 .Now (luiiifii, lllufl. 1,1111., IS71I, or. Kvn. 
 "llu la It I'liisu iilisorvt'r hT luiiiirii ami nT iiii'ii, iinil IiIk 
 ili'Ciilliit iil'tlic! iimiiiii r» nC lliv liilaii lii> iiirl l» full iif li\- 
 KxoriiKcs in tiri'ok liiiiibioj! : with Vtioiibuliiry. Ktmi, icirniiillnii. "— ■>'ii/. A'h' . xhlll. .ill. 
 187:', IL'mii; '.M eil., ll*?*;). 2. (Kil.)'riio llunnilialian | Mtune, .WrH. Olivill ,>1. I. Norway In Junii ; wiili 
 (ir .Socimil I'linii' War: r.\traoliil frmii tlio 'I'liinl Dwaile IMuBtriitinnH Irmii l'liiiliiKra|iliii,,>, p. Mvui LM 
 of l.lvy: Willi NntcK, lOliin, IH7:i. I'r. 8v<i. ^1. (Trann.) „,i_^ i^s;). ■>. Toni'ritli' ami it* ."^i.x ,>iiilollit('it ; or, Tlin 
 A riiiliiloxiiMil iMtniilmtiiin I" (Iri'ik ami I.iilin, by K. i t'anury Inlamln, l'iii<t unil I'rein'nt. Map ami lllui-t. 
 Uiiir, Etiiii, I.S7ri, Svo. I. lainliio Verse bimeil nn the ^ i,,,,,^ ism7, 2 mis. Svii. 
 PrciiiioihoiiK '';ni'liis, litmi, 187.'*. ISuin. "Ah a work nt iiiilborlly iiii tlic Canaries, iir as snpur- 
 Ntoiio li'ilu'iiril liiiiiiiii F K .■* h |s;i| in Lin- .scilliii,' I'uriiuT Imuks, il has iin iihice; lull as a iiarrallve iil' 
 Ntoiic, fccIUIirU J""!l"' '^;'|: ■' ^' v.; " ' ." ,rav,r, piire ami sliiiple. It Hllf be reml wUli |ileaMire."- 
 iliiii, Fnn. ; grailiialt'il as tilth wrangler at the I iin efMly ||.,|,( x.t.\lil. 7.1 
 of t'anibriilne in iH.iK, ami was eleeteil Follow uf tiiiien s ' •• \vi.i| TrciiliUMi as thi' '.viirlil-remiH ..eil 'I'l'iierll'e Is, tho 
 Ccillpjfo; was aiiiioinleil chief afsistant at (Ireenwieh in same eaniml be salil of Us six su-ealleil satellUes i ami Mrs. 
 ISdii. Her .Maje-tv's aslroiionicr at thei'ane of (iooil llepe Stniie deserves llie llianks nt Ilie Iniirlst wiiihl lur |iliiiieer- 
 {870 and Kadelifte Observer at OxIWd n 1H7I|^ (kI, ^^:^: liX:;!^^-:^^^ i:\^:l:^^^i:ili^?^i^^^^^^^^^^ 
 Results of Aatronoiiiieal Obnervations uiado at the iMld- , y|.|_, ' 
 clilTe Observatory in the Year lS7(i, 1880, 8vo. | 'ji,„„e, |l. Freill-li, M.D. Elements of Modorn 
 K.I., I^f*:), >vii. I ,m„. :>. Tim 'I'liwii Councillor's Muniiiil, or, (luide to 
 Htune, fclltt. I. Ornco Murray : a .'«tory, I<"n., ,1,^ u„(i„g „fM„„j^.i|,„| Cirpi.nilinns, l,on., 18(111, l2iiio ; 
 18Sj, p. ,Smi. 2. Xellie Urabam; or. The .'^lory ol a „^,^y „,i,^ r„v., |s7;t :i. The Educiitiiui Act Manual; or. 
 Coniuiiiiipliicu Wiiimin, l.on., l.'<87, |: 
 Stone, Evelyn. Hugh Moore; a Novel, EJin. 
 and l.iin., 1 885, 2 vols. ji. Svo. 
 Ntone, t'npt. T. lileadowe, U.A., graduate of 
 the .StalVCollege ; instruetnr uf foriilication at the Kuyal 
 Military t'iille(;o, .'sandwich. Tactical .'Studies from the 
 Fraiico-licrinan War of 187()-71, l.on., I'-Hli, 8vo. 
 "Will lie iiiiiio than weliMimc to all stuilunt.s uf tactics 
 and military lil.story."— »i(. Wtr., I.xll. Ul. 
 Stone, Kev. II. i;., of .NottinKham Tabernacle. 
 I. Friendly Wo-ds to Viuini; Women; with an liitio- 
 iluction by .Mrs. .Meniies. Lon., 18S(i, sq. Itlniu. 2. 
 David, the Man alter (iod's Own Heart: a Book for 
 Youiij; Men, Lon., I>*8S, IJnio. 
 Stone, Ilvnry 1). I'ersunal Uecolloctions of the 
 Urama. Port. Albany, Is?.'., 12 
 Stone, J. B.,, C'.i;. Magnetic Variation in 
 the United .States ; being a Ciiiiipilation nf Observations 
 made in America I'roui the Year UUO to the I'resent 
 Date: Tubulated and Arranged for .Surveyors, N. Y'ork, 
 An Analysis of " lue I'lenicntary Education .Act, 18711:" 
 with Notes, l.on., 18711, I2imi. 
 Stone, Siiinuel. WIml I Learned at Sea; or, .My 
 First Voyage, l.on., IS7II. (i. Svo. 
 Stone, Itev. Suniuel John, .M.A., [mi'i', vol. ii., 
 add., I graduated at reuibroke Cullegc, O.xford, 181)2; 
 ordained 1^(12; vicar of St. I'aul's, Uaggorston, siiico 
 1874. I. Thu Knight of Intercession, and other Poems, 
 i Lon., 1872, 12nio; -Itli ed., 1877. 2. .Sonnets of the 
 187.1, Ifiino. .'i. Deare (,'bilde : a 
 Lon., 1876, Itiuio. Also, single 
 8acred Y'.ar, l.on.. 
 Parish Idyll. Illust. 
 sermons and iioems. 
 Stone, 'I . W. .Simple Hydraulic Forinulu', Lon., 
 1881, p. >vo. 
 Stone, William, [mde, vol. ii., third of the iiuiiio 
 there mentioned, add. J The Story of the Harden of 
 Eden, Lon., 187:i, 8vo. 
 Stone, William l>OMiett, .M.D., F.K.C.S., jihy- 
 sician to tho Finsbury Dispensary. An Epitome of Tbor- 
 ttpeutics, Lon., 1874, p. Svo; new ed., 1884. 
 Stone, William Henry, M.A., M.H., F.R.C.P., 
 1878,121110 , „ ^...,, _._., 
 Stone, J. Harris, and Carter, Percy. The | [■„„,,, ^„J| iin,,ji] j^|.,ni,int„,i ,,1 u.jHiui coll-ge, Oxford, 
 Nihilist Napoleon, Lon., ISSli, p. Svo. 1 1,^52, and in medicine 18jti; physician and lecturer on 
 Stone, Kev. James Kent, b. 1S40, in lioston ; natural philosophy at St. Thomas's Hospital, London, 
 graduated at Harvard isiil; studied at the University i n,„i medical registrar of the same; lecturer on music at 
 of Oiittingcii ; enlered tho Roman Catholic Cliureh in | Trinity College, London. I. ( Ed.) St. Thomas's Ilospi- 
 18(i'J and beeaiiio a priest, and is now a missionary in tal Statistici.l Iteport, Lon., 186U, 8vo. 2. Sound ami 
 South Amoricu. Tho Invitation Heeded : Koivsons for a Music, (South Kensington Lectures.) Illust. Lon., 
 Return to CaOiolio Unity, Lon., 1870, Svo. ; 187(!, 12iuo. Ii. 'The Scientilic liasis of Music, (" Music 
 Stone, Ilev. James Samuel, I).D., b. 1852, at 1 Primers,") Lon., 1878, Svo. 1. Elementary Lessons on 
 Shipston-on-Stour, Eng. ; emigrated to Philadelphia j Sound. Illust. Lon., I87'.i, 1 ■'ino. 
 1872; graduated at the Divinity School there IS77 ; or- | Stone, William Lecte, Jr., [mile, vol. ii., add.,] 
 daincd 1878; rector of St. .Martin's, Montreal, lss2-8tl, | graduated at tho Albany Law School 1859, and afterwards 
 andsincethonoftirace Church, Philadelphia. 1. .*.uple j practised law in Saratoga. 1. The Life and Tiiuca of 
 Sermons on Simple Subjects, Toronto, 1S79, 12iiio. 2. Sir William Johnson, liart., Albany, 18ti5, 2 vols. 2. 
 The Heart of Merrie Eiiglaml, Phila., 1887, 12mo. . Roininiscoiices of Saratoga and Rallston, N. York, 1875, 
 'Keeping roniotc from the great cities, nml uviiidiinj ] 16mo. :i. Campaign of Lieut. -Oen. John Rurgoyno and 
 vili. iiti. ' ' i 8vo. 5. Third Supplement to Dowling's History of 
 Stone, John Ben.iamin, F.ILS. I. A History | Romanism, issi. tl. (Ed.) The Orderly Book of Sir 
 of Lichfield Cathedral from its Foundation to the Present i John Johnson, Albany, 1882. 7. (Trans.) Journal of 
 Time: with a Description of its Architecture and Mono- i Captain I'ausch, Chief of Ilaoau Aililloiy during tfao 
 ments. Illust. Lon., 1S70, 4to; now ed., Is7a. 2. Ai Rurgoyno Campaign, 177rt-1777; with Introduction by 
 Tour with Cook through Spain : being a Series of Let- 
 ters descriptive of tho Ancient Cities and Scenery of 
 Spain. Illust Lon., I87;i, p. Svo. 
 Edward J. Lowell. Illust. Albany, N.Y., 1886, Svo. 
 8. The Family of John Stono, one of the First Settlers 
 of Guilford, Connecticut, Albany, 188,8, Svo. 
 •Moinici.||.n II pnem, r,nn., 
 Ki'ld'n ]Mu: ft 
 -'■1 ed,, Whllby, 
 S(oiii'|ii>wnr. ABiifii. 
 iurd, l:'.iH,. 
 l"'"l^ "- Ann..!,, ,• „„,,,, sL,,; '," '' Uu,',' 
 ISKII 1 II.. II .' .7 ' '•' ■'"'I I I'W II., 
 ij«.i. 4. iiiu ,>i,wi, „,• i,,v„,., I, l.iv.;,,.,,,,, 7;v; 
 Sionehoiim., niiiiain. Tmm, 
 '^^m7h '„""""''""''' ''•'■'• ^■"'■l^l'''^' 
 rij,, st.„«,„ ,i,„uT .i • MivcM .,:;il;t„:; 
 Sttoii,.,, ^I,^j„r I'raiu.j, Sii,||,.ir, ll„v,il Anil 
 Niormoiui,, |i,.v. .I„„u.;, ,1, |,h:. „,, 57 , 
 hlyin'.lnKinii „n,| l'„,i,..,.„.in« I)l,.,i„„,irv nf iho Kiik." 
 I iT'^.:;;; ,^V';r'- '■--"•"■'■"^ • i-:- 'i'«-'' 
 l>"lliii« IIiiIoh: lioiiitf 1.11 ,.\|tniii,i m Svlwmnll,. ilii 
 .; I"" ln-;.i n„ Hi,. A.„.l.v,i, , ,• S,.i,.',i,.e.. : CirinlnK Put 
 III. "t tho Il„n,ly KiikHhI, \V„r.|.| k, l,„i, !s77 „ 
 .yllabiofth,,,,. 1,,,,., ,s77.|,..w,. I.. ..\ .M , ,,„V: 
 I rv .' ['''"';• J''-'"""'"^'""'.,iKi,,ul. ,„„| lOxiihina. 
 ( tl"' KiiKliMi i.'iiiigii.,;.,., I'n.n.imieinK, Klyiii..l„ii,.|,| 
 n>"l lvX|;l,Mi,u„r,v, thu IT,„„„i,.iuli„„ n.rWiMlv k:!;.."! 
 ,'u« wn U , 'r''' '"■T' "" •'''"• '• '"" "''"'""liiillv ,i 
 liu« unrk.l K.Imi. unci Luii., 1>>|, |iii|,. sm,, 
 ,ll..l ... 1 I "" '"' I »'"lllll"r'.Olllnl|,|,i.H.||,.,. |,,,|,.,|| „|,| 
 I leik (.,„ii„,ar, |,„„., sv,,; ,„■» ,.,|., |H7». :' 
 ^'.r.H .-,■ li,,, I. ,„i., |y,.,, ,,,. ,sv„ ;;. (TriiriH.) Tr.ivH i'lr. 
 bv 1 r ..'.IT' "'«'"'"■'■,""'' " ■''''» "■^"""'tio .SJhoo'," 
 by iiiinc-li lliini'. I.iju.. |H,S7. |:>|,|„. 
 must. I.I1H., iNii), Hvo. I'ru,ii,.|,. „iiiii,.,| u-.;i, 
 .("NKN, ClIAIll.KS, A 'lV\t.H„nk ,,1 ill,, ■•' ,"•. " '"' 
 Sloiicy, <i. .lo|,im"|„„e. Tlio Xmiuniil ."Jy^imi „,• 
 \s:is:^. si!r"' '" '"" '■"^"'«-- ">■ '^-'"";' 
 SloHoy, |l„|„.rt H„k,.r. Tho l.uuV, IIoii,|„y. 
 bniiK,.,, I.M,nMV .nt„ llio l,„r,|V. l,„y ,„„, |,„,, , i^' 
 bo iib.iorvuil, Diilili,,, |,s7i), ,sv„. • n auuiii,i 
 Ktopen, Htf*. t'hnrlottf, (Cnrmichael i ti,„ 
 liacon-Slmki-peaio yue.ti.,,, An«wc™i, Tm.7 ijsi" 
 Henry. ,M,ilt nn.l .Miilting, Lon„ l.W, 
 Storcr, Francis Ilmnplircys, [„„,,. vol. ii 
 An.iPymn, boil. I>,|)-,.), ^ |mits, r. Sv„. 2. Aiiricultiin, 
 •'"vi'iirsv,,''' ""'""'"" «""' '■•"••-ui«try, N. Vi^rk, Is'," 
 Storer, llarri.-t <;. An Autobiosrapliv : heinir 
 r'f .'■"",', "i. '-;'■" •""' i'">Kr..,\n^ T„ W. City "l- 
 ll"^l"ii. Ily Ii. I). I,. C.imbrM;;,., .Mass., 1871. 
 Vf7' ","■■"'*" K«>l»ii.Non, .\I.D., r,„„. vol 
 H., aiM ) gni,lu,ito,l at llarv.inl Ism, ,t !,,,,, l^! I 
 .ch„„l there IHJ;.. ami at ll,i. law soh„„l I.SliV . "i . 
 '"''•■'' !rJT"""'^ "'■ '*'"'•'" ''''""'■<--. H".'t-. 1S7» 
 I^l.n-r' T''" '''"■'"'"""• ^''""■"'■""'' ■I'TOXiiicntiil- R,.|l,.,' 
 Hi I li„„„ .,^ Km„al« lly«ione: a I,™tur<., I'hil, , 
 ini-ii^iiirki^i^rn^r^ti!"'^ -^ ■• '■™""-^'-'- ^r 
 htorer, ilev. John. Tho Wil.l Whito Cattle of 
 reat lirita.n : an Aecount of thci.- Origin, lli«l irv an I 
 ■resent ,Stato. Kili.ed by hi« Son, ,JohP Store ^ij'' 
 l.Siil, Svo; new ed., l.SSI ' 
 und'"0Vl,':,n"n.^ Adplphiis. Uo^oly liallail,, 
 unii 'iiu.|.a,i|i,„|,.,| i)„e,|is, 1,1)11., ISHO Svo 
 Storey. Maskclyne. .See ,'ki.vv,;. 
 Mork, Kev. Charles Augustas, D.D., 
 tout),'.. I.Sji , enteieil tho Lutheran ministry Li^lil • ,iro 
 imo 2 Af, f'""'<'\''"'' ">e Bible, I'hilu., 187.3 
 • ol.A"""'"'"- Miscellaneous Paiiers. Port 
 Storm, t. John fortcscue Koynokls, Q.C., of l,in- 
 I ^„ k"'p""."; ■\'."-'- " ■""■-•) Maria Wu, „,,.| I„„.,,„ 
 l.Ma k. KoKlish |',,„„„f T«.o (iernian OriKlnals, Li,„., 
 .ls>2. ,1, Tiiivi:,,, II., CunterlMiiv r\nme, ■ v I a es retoM |„r Chii.lren, 1„,„., •|S7S, I L'f, 1^ ' 
 I Storr, John Stephens. (i;,i.j Pubii,.h..,i tw,.,,. 
 sponilenee on Connuission.s, .Mereanlile ai„l Profess ,,|. 
 rei.Hn e,| ,,„„„y ,- the •• Times- of I.eoember, s ij 
 isr"/, It',, ""'^' *" '■ "'"' """"■ t-'unfibution,, Lon.. 
 Slorrow, Uev. Edward. I. The Millennium : or. 
 Slorrs, C'harl'.-s. (k,l.> The Storrs Family : Qen- 
 ealoKii.Ml and other .Menioran.U, ,V. York, Is.sfl s vo 
 ne^t eu";-' ^11'" "■'"'!,"«• '•''"' " '••-veoti^th 0,„. 
 neetieut : a lie^'Muent.U History, An.sonia, Conn., l.sis.!, 
 r w'n"'?' J*"': "••^''"'••t Salter, U.D., f,|. o., 
 L.ll.a, ,,„ ,, vol. u., seeond of the iianie there men- 
 10 ned, a,ld.,l prominent as a lecturer »n,| pulpit orator. 
 I. l.>nd,t>ons of Su,.,.ess in Preaching without Note.s 
 Ihree l,ee ures, N. York, ISr5, l2nio. 2. Tho Early 
 Anienean , spirit and the (lencsis .d it ; the Declaration 
 of fm epeii,len..e and the Kllects of it. ,tc X York 
 ,,;'•' ""\/\J")"i W.Vclillo an,l the First Knglisli'ltible • 
 Oration, \. york. ISMI, ,Svo. 4. lieco.oit'on of tho 
 Supernatura ,n Letters and in I,ife r Oration, .\. York, 
 >M, 8vo 5 Manlinca in the .Scholar, .\. York. 188:1 
 , : 1 f' T'le I'saltor: with Form of ,Servieo 
 V "', "I'.v^ '''« ^^""■^' "f "'« Pilgrinis, llrooklyn, \. 
 \ork,ISs:, 8vo. 7. The Divine Origin of Christia.iy 
 indicated by ,t., Historical 'illects. N. York, 1884, »l. 
 V i .o'o''"''"'"^'*'' '\'l™"ceof Christian Missions, n! 
 M '.n -I, ''"n. .""'''^'' '^""S« iind Outlook of the 
 Modern tollege Training 1887. Also, many single scr- 
 mons, addresses, ,to. * 
 >iiO,V!,'i*'i;^' i'"*. The Face n.s indicative of Character : 
 isv! "V "'"' '^"'•'"'.V P'-rtraits and Cuts, I,on., 
 Story, .Vlfred T. I. Historical Legends of North- 
 aniptonshircv Lon., !88.3, cr. 8v„. 2. Only Haifa Hero: 
 •} P„ ">?,*'-'''>?''-««"n'in War, Lon., 1885, 12mo. 
 .). Filliie .- Vovel, Lon., 1887, 2 vols. or. -Svo. 
 Story, J. tapes. 1. .Manchester House; a Tale of 
(:; ! " 
 Two Apprentices, Lon., 1S79, p. Svo. 2. Lads of Kings- 
 ton : a Talc ol' ii Seaport Town, Lon., IShs, p. 8vo. 
 Story, James 1". Cliuisv, [fiction,] Bust., 1^72, 
 Story, Jenil. Sub.-lnntiulism : or, I'liilosojiliy of 
 Knowli'ilge, I!<i.'<t.. i><7'.l, llinio; new ed., entitled " Sum- 
 mary of Substar.tialieui ; or, I'liilosopliy of Knowledge," 
 Bo:.t., ISSl. 
 Story, I,ieiit.-Col. Philip, I'.S.C, lute lOlli 
 Regiment and Cameroniaiis, ^airi>on instruclor, Ac. 
 Nummary of Military I*uw and Procedure, tor the l"se 
 of Oflicorp of the Keguiar Forces and the Militia, Lon., 
 ISsii, p, Svo. 
 Slory, llov. Itobcrl licrliprt, D.l)., [niiie, vol, 
 ii., add.,] b. Is:;,'), at Ko.-eneatii. l)iiml)arton.<hire, Scot- 
 land: soeceedi'd hi.< father as rector of that parish. I. 
 I'oems by a Paison. l.on., iSli;!, ,'<vo. Anon. 2. William 
 Carstares : a Chanicter and Career (.f the Kevoliitionary 
 Epoch, (lfili)-ITI."i,) Lon., 1.S7I, ■'^vo. 
 " Mr. Slory has had aeecss to a (;oiu". many family paja-rs, 
 and lo iiiiiiH'riin.s niaiiiiscripts in tho(ilasp;ow I'niversily 
 l.llirarv and the Advocates' Lilirary in iMliidaiiKh. ami ho 
 lia- hiinli'il thr.iiiKli tlu; piiMished work,- cunccniinn the 
 l)eri(id which have come within his reach. Hut he has 'lot 
 executed his task very well."— .l//i.. No. 2IJ7. 
 II. Creed anil Conduct : Sermons preached at Rosneath 
 Church, tJhisgow, IS78, p. Svo ; new ed., 18S:t. 
 Story, William Wetniore, D.C.L., [o/l^■, vol. ii., 
 add.] I. The Roman Lawyer in .leru.salein : First Cen- 
 tury. Bost., !.S70, ISino. 2. Xero : an Historical I'lay, 
 E liii. and F.on., IS75, 12ino. 
 " lie has (Tiiwdcd his stau'c. laid his hand upon every in- 
 cident and detail that seeiio'd haracterislic, and painted 
 a j:oodly ]>icturi'. . . . There is no drainalie ])ivot, as it 
 Were, on which the story may turn and show us its diverse 
 faces. "—.Vo^/oif. ,\xi. ;il.'>. 
 "There is Utile room for dctjiiled criticism ; there is only 
 the^'cneral conseioiisness that this is the laudable work of 
 a nooil and even eNcelleiit aliility. IhoUKh here, as it seems 
 to us. e.x)iended on ungrateful matter, and that genius 
 would have done it otherwise, o, dime something differ- 
 ent."— .S«/. I!rv., xll. nil. 
 8. Castle St. Angelo and tlie Evil Eye : being Ad- 
 ditional Chapters to " Uoha di Roma." Phila., 1S77, 
 12mo. 1. Ode on the Anniversary of the Fifth Half- 
 Century of the Landing of (Jovernor .John Endicotl, 
 N. Yorii, 1,-<7S, ?q. Svo. .'). Vallombrosa, Edin., 1881, p. 
 Svo. (!. He and She; or, A Poet's Portfolio, Host., 188-1, j 
 ]2ino. 7. Fiammetta: aSummerldyl, Host., 188,i, I2mo. I 
 "Thissim]ile skclcn of an artist's holiday, low-colored ] 
 and restrained as it is. is not less heaiilifiil, not lcs,s impres- ! 
 Sivc. of its tjiiiet tones."— .Vu/Zoh, xlii. I'Jt). 
 8. I'oenis, Ellin., 1885, 2 vols. 12mo; Bost., 1886. I 
 Stotliard, Ilobert Thomas, [unit; v<d. ii., add.] 
 1. Propensitorial Zodiac ; or, I'sychoneurology. Lon., 
 1871, 8vo. 2. Education defectively considered by 
 School-Boards as being Deticient in Feeling, Lon., 1874, 
 8vo. ;!. The World as it is, and the World as it might 
 be, Lon., 1876, 8vo. 4. The A B C of Art: being a 
 System of Delineating Forms and Objects in Nature 
 neces.siry far the Attainments of a Draughtsman, Lon., 
 18711, p. Svo. 
 StothTil, IlichartI Hugh. Notes on Defence 
 by Submarine Mines; 2d ed., rev, and enl., Brompton, 
 Kent, I87;i, 8vo. 
 Stothcrt, James. French and Spanish Painters: 
 Critical and l!iogra|>hicaI Account of the Most Noted 
 Artists of the French and Spanish Schools. Etchings. 
 Ijon. and Edin., 18711, 4to. 
 Stothert, >V., B.A. Truth and its Adversaries; a 
 Rhyme for the Times: with other Poems, Lon., 1871, 
 Stott, Mrs. Helen. I. Daniel Eyssctte: an Auto- 
 biographic Sketch, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 2. (Trans.) 
 Cloud and Sunshine, (Noir et Rose,) by G. Ohnet, Lon., 
 1887, p. 'H-o. 
 Stoiighton, George. Worthies of Science, N. 
 ■i"ork. 188(1. 12mo. 
 Stoiighton, Itev. John, D.D., [miie, vol. ii., add.,] 
 b. 18(17, in Norwich, Eng. ; minister id' Independent 
 Chapel, Kensington, 18i:!-/5; afterwards filled two 
 professorships at New College, Edinburgh. 1. The 
 Christian Philanthropist: a Mcinorial of Jolm How- 
 ard. Lon., 185H, 8vo. .;. Lessons for Nonconformists, 
 Lon., 1862, 8vo. .'t. bjcclesiastical History of Eng- 
 land, from the Opening of the Long Parliament to the 
 Death of Oliver Cromwell, Lon., 1867, 2 vols. 8vo. 4. 
 (Ed.) The Daily Prayer-Book, for the I'se of 1 imilies: 
 with Additional Prayers for Si)ecial Occasions, Lon., 
 1870, p. 8vo; ;id ed., 1873. 5. Ecclesiastical History of 
 England: The Church of the Restoration, Lon., I87(), 2 
 vols. Svo. 6. ( Fd.) Memorial of the late Rev. Thomas 
 Binney, Lon., 1874, 12ino. 7. Ecclesiastical History of 
 England: The Church of the Revolution, Lon., 1874, 
 "Thriuighont the whiilo work Hr. SloUKhtou e.xhihlts 
 great impartiality and candour, and his (•riticiMus arc dis- 
 tinguished hv their freedom from the bias of parly; Imt, 
 llot\vithstllnllin^^ it is sull'icicnlly a|ipaiciil tliiit. heyuiiil 
 the mere iiivestigatiiui of tacts, lie iiims at the illustration 
 lit' a piincinlc. ronscicntiuusly opposed to the connection 
 between Church and State, he .selects fur special promi- 
 nence whatever wiuild seem to show the ilisiiilvanlaKcs 
 and evils resulting from such a connection."— J. Bass Mri.- 
 i.ixiiKu: Aiwl., vii. .'i7. 
 8. Homes and Haunts of Luther, lllust. Lon., 187.'i, 
 4to; new ed., with additiunal chapters, 18S:i. il. Re- 
 ligion in England under (jueei. Anne and the Georges, 
 17(12-18(11). I.iiii., 1878, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 "It is as an annalist of Niincoiil'ormily and Noneon- 
 fonnist ministers that our aiilhiu' deserves our uratitudc; 
 and herein his distiiu'tive merit consists."— i'a/. A'cc., xlvil. 
 1(1. The Progress of Divine Revelation: or, The Vn- 
 folding I'nrposc of Scripture. Lon., 1878, )i. Svo. II. 
 Oar English Bible : its Tninslations and Translators, 
 Lon.. 1878, er. Svo. 12. Worthies of Science: liiograjih- 
 ical Sketches, Lon.. 1 8711, p. Svo. i:i. William Wilbcr- 
 force, ("Men Worth Uemeinbering,") Lon., l88t(, p. 8vo. 
 14. An Introdnetion to llistorieiil Theology : being a 
 Sketch of Doctrinal Progress from the Apostolic Erato 
 the liefiirmation. Lon., 18811, p. Svo. 15. Footprints of 
 the Italian Rcl'ormers. lllust. Lon., 1881, 4to. Ki. 
 Williiim Penn, the Founder of Pennsylvania, Lon., 1882, 
 p. Svo. 17. The Spanish licformers: their Memories and 
 Dwelling-Places, Lon., Issli, lio. 18. Religion in Fng 
 land from ISOnto 1850: a History: with a Postscript on 
 Suhseciuent Events, Lon., 18S4, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 " 'flu' re is. of ci..,rse, here luiicli biography, often with 
 the cliarm of peisunal reminiscence, as the author had a 
 lart:e acijuainnince amoiit; the chaiactcrs he ile.scrilics, 
 and was on terms of frieiiilshiii with many of them. . . . 
 On tlu' whole, it may be safely said that the present book 
 will long be the sianilanl aiu'liority on tlic iin|iortant sub- 
 ject of which it ireiits.and tliat it will be read with pleas- 
 ure and instruction not only by those w ho may symptithi/e 
 with all the views of the author, but by many who regard 
 the history of religion from a very dili'erent stand-pmnt." 
 —Acml., xxvi. :)18. 
 lU. Howard the Philanthropist and his Friends, Lon., 
 1884, p. Svo. 20. Golden Legends of the Olden Time, 
 Lon., 1885. )i. Svo. 
 Stonghton, John A. Winsor Farmes: Glimpse 
 of an Old Parish, with the Deciphered Inscription from 
 a Few Fonndation-Stones of a .Much-Abused Theology, 
 lllust. Hartford, Conn., 188H, Svo. 
 Stover, 11. M. I. New York Supreme Court and 
 Court of Appeals, Howard's Practice Reports, vols, li.- 
 Ixvi., (1870-188.'!,) Albany. 1870-8:;, !.■> vols. Svo. 2. A 
 Digest of Howard's Practice Reports [07 vols.] from 
 1814 to 18,84, Albany. Iss7, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Stow, J. I*. South Australia: its History, Produc- 
 tions, and Natural Resources, lllust. Ailelaide, 1884. 
 Stow, Mrs. J. y\. Probate Confiscation, Bo.''t., 
 |s77, l2ino. 
 Stow, Mrs. S. I). Ii. History of Mount Holyoke 
 Seminary, South I'adley, .Massachusetts, during its First 
 Half-Century, I8;i7-I887, Springfield, 1887, 8vo. 
 Stowe, C. E. History of the Books of the Bible, 
 Lon., 1887, 8vo. 
 Stowe, Edith. Under Suspicion, Lon., 1887, p. 
 Stowe, Edwin. Velasquez, (" Great Artists,") 
 Lon., 1S8I, p. Svo. 
 Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth, (Ueechcr,) 
 [<(ii(., vol. ii., add.] I. Little Pussy Willow. lllust. 
 Host., 1870, sin. 4to. 2. Pink and White Tyranny; a 
 Society Novel. lllust. Bust., 1871, lOino. 
 "We object to Mn*. Stowe's representation not only on 
 aci'onnt of its nselessness as an agent of moral reform, but 
 Its falsity as a delineation of Anu'rican society."— A'udoii. 
 xiii. 'Jl. 
 H. My Wife and I; or, Harry Henderson's History, 
 N. York. 1871, 12mo. 
 " The hook is not really a novel, but a sort of guide to 
 yoiinj; men with "lender Incomes who are wearied of 
 boardlng-honse lite."— .Vn^'on, xlli. :W4. 
 4. Woman in .Sacred History: a Scries of Sketches 
 drawn from Scriptural, Historical, and Legendary 
 Sources. lllust. Lon., 187.'!, 4to. 5. Betty's Bright 
 Idea, and other Tales, N. York. 1875, 12mo. 6. Wo and 
 our Neighbors; or. The Records of an Unfashionable 
 Btrett: a Scquol ti. " My Wife n.ij I," N. York, 1875 
 8v«. 7. Deacon I'irkin'.. F,.r„,, nn,l <-| ,i.,f« Chri t i us- 
 ami otljer h ones, I,o„., ,S7r,, |o„'„, „,, .^,,,„ .ji^'^^-^Y 
 the M,ll, and other Stories, l,„n., IS7», 1S,„„. ,,. 1 il, e 
 Uomen; new e,l., N. "i u,k, Isrs, ,Svo. 12. JWanue 
 I'eople: their I.ove.s an.l Lives. N. V„rk \H7S l",n!, 
 in^i";^;,feT:''r }!!!}:': -"ur'' " ""'i"-. sh„„i,i' .« 
 .'t-eiUer .sort of liicuhnuioii.s," 
 tliese clieernil. joK-trot, swee 
 — yution. x.\vii. UK, 
 13. A Dog's Mission; or, Story of tlie 01,1 Avery Ilon.n' 
 an.l other Stories, N. York, Issf, sq. l:-,„„ \Vi ,, ,1. 
 P..x^J|f One by Half a Do.en o'f t'ho Other, I'on.;,;;^^' 
 bii.|.lon,\\„ree..ter County, Massaehusetts ; -..ith (fcne- 
 ah.-y of iMiniilies, Hiihbiinlslon MSI sv„ '"'"""<- 
 T,.vfTl"vV.;''-. ■'■'"•■ ""' ^'■•'-^''f'^nstantine; a 
 KYork:ls^.;lo;:;;r"'^'''^'''''''"'''f^'"-"'''•J "'-^ 
 Stowcll, flmrles Henry, M.D., I,. l8,-,() „t 
 Jerry, N.\ : KiaJuatecl at tlie nicdieal dcparlinent of 
 the Unn-ers,ty of Michi.ran isr:', ..nd is now olio r 
 ol histology and n,ioroseo|,y tliere. 1. StudcM, '' Mm 
 ual oil stology, for, Praetitione, " , lu^ 
 co|Mst8, Detroit. Mieh.. Issi, l2nio " Th . Ml., 
 ieal Strueture of the Il.,„,.n Wh, -0.^':^ '/ssr'^r 
 hysiolo^y and Hygiene, Chic., I.SSS. With StowVi 1 " 
 mi. Illmo." ""■' ''^ ^^' ""'"''• ^""-'- Chi"., I 
 Stoweli,Mrs. LonJMa .>Iaria H,.ed, b. is.^ti at 
 (.rand Jilat.e, Mieh. .• gra.lualed at the Utivrsiy ,d- 
 M.ehigan 187«; .narried Professor Charles Henty .'i^-o ' 
 Chie-TS.''''- *""'--'W-" ^'trueturo of'^la^t; 
 and'li'hri,',!' J's"' ^^"^^"v' "f '^"""'^<-^ '" A-atotny 
 anil 1 hysiology, Syracuse, N.Y., KS77, .Sy,, ' 
 I Jn,v Arrangement of Itattalion Drill, for the 
 }.:.n.,i.s^'or:;!i;'r''"' "■ "^ ''=''""' '"■ i"«"--'io". 
 Stracfy, ilev. ivilliam James, U,,,., y„| li 
 >M.,] gnu iuatea at Magdalene College, Canibridge, 18M • 
 orda.ned lK.5, reetor of Oxnead with lin.xton since 
 •, V.^ bliort Analysis of Bishop Pearson's Ex„o- 
 n th lA" C'-™<1, Lon., I8l,s, ,Syo.' 2. Short Serm ns 
 on the I'salma in their Order, I.on., 1875-81), 3 yol" p 
 I iieiit, Iiiimnn factors Imyo been llie brothers <irm.l,..v 
 "Ith .SriiAcHKv, l,ii:iT..liKN-. KiaiAHi,, U.E., FHS 
 i8M.'ir"';s">"''s,^:,''''''^' "'•"■'^» "^ i""'"- •-; i8«rto 
 ! !;' -■"1'»''H'.m/ the ':^''li',, ' . i : : VI b^l ''^r 
 ' i nir^;r''----"'-'i' '^^ 
 Strachey, L,eiit..(;eii. Kicliard, c'.S.I., K E 
 I lij'ngal.J I'.l .8., brother of Sir John Stmebey »,,;;.:; 
 , b. IM, : member of the Indian couneil since 1 875 -retired 
 ' Societ'y'Vs*;'-'''''!' ' '"''■■'"'''^•'" "'■ "''■ K»y"l <ie"gn.phical 
 .enlor",?,?'' "rV., ♦"""'■Be Martin, graduated, 
 '■(■nioi optiine, at Christ's College. Cambriihre Isv.' 
 ordained 18,-„i,. reetor of TiHin^t;, ,i„™"l8% Ka" 
 nn 18"'?,''*''"^ f™'",.'l'o li'"'l< "I foinnion Prayer, 
 I-' n.. I8,J lluno. >n as set forth in Holy Scripture 
 llhi scan Lecture, , ].„„., 1875, er. 8yo.^ ' "'"' 
 mi,w^' '."',''■**-"'«"■• Norman Maclcod, D.D. : a 
 .SliKiit lontribution towards liis Uiography, hon., 1872, 
 Kuu'I'm"!',""' *'•'"•"'■'''" ('■^'^^"JO See Sii.nn, 
 Strnlian, .Mrs. Lishrtli <iooch, (S^^guin.) | 
 b "m^^:;^ '^:''"V'^ l>i;'turcs ,.nd Stories. ^K.ted 
 bv Milhii "e- V ■ ■';""'" """ 'Clones, illustrated 
 W IL '.;'':• '"'"•' "'"■'• '""">; ""^^^v ed., l.S8-(. 2 
 8yo' new elb^'Tisii'""' '" ^""""•"""«^' !-«■'•, '«?«. P-" 
 iie'uV,!;;"';.:',','/';.',;;'' iV ,':'';l!''"i!:';""'« '.»* ^v^'". «'•" ocrtainu- 
 Strachail, John. M'hat i« Play' n Ph...; i • , ' rics l „„'"Vs-«"""?""' •^'•^""".v <liilil, and other Sto- 
 i-egends. l,on., I,s7i.l, p. ,Svo ; ;id ed. 188-, ' 
 (Ion, mul'i,"''''';'"''''"' '""' -^rn'rliiicli, and many clcyer 
 an!llhc'll!'';i:',""'r''' '''^„''"*'-'"'' ^'^V- the lliglilunda 
 and II e 11 glihindcrs oi liayaria, Lon., l.ssil, p. Syo. 
 lvlin.,'1877, 12mo. 
 Strachnn, lapt. John, F.R.u.s., F.K.C I of 
 Kvdney. Explorations and Adyenture., in Ne>v (iuinoa. 
 I lust. W 1888,cr. 8yo. (The author visited New 
 (.uinea m 187+-7o, and again in 1885, and explored 
 some portion of the interior.) "-.tpioreti 
 Strachan, Ut. Hcv. John Miller, M.D., D.D., 
 b. 18.i2; educated at St. Augustine's College, Canter- 
 bury, ordained 8fl I ; consecrated liishop .^f'ltang'ion 
 882 From East to West : the Church's Work in Dis 
 tnnt Lands, Lon., 1882, p. 8yo 
 1 iu'Tr m".',"'"!'" ,•■*•' •^"^■' ""'l WilXins A. S., 
 I.'.m.', I8S8 p. 8y„ ""'• ^'"''■"'8'^' '■'"• T™"sl'"ion! 
 A,^?',?,""'''?' M •.^- ";«'»'-i«''l '"kotchos of Montrose, 
 Anlin "' *I'«i«'". illust. Montrose, 1879, 8yo; 
 „,'*,"'"'''',''>'' Mfs- Jane, (Grant,) wife of den 
 , !'h ■^",";; «■>•■'"/'■"• I'ay Texts for the Young, in 
 J.nglish and i-ronch, Lon., 1887, 18mo. 
 Strachey, Sir John, (i.C.S.I., C.I E b LS-'l- 
 nieiiiber of the council of the Goycrnor-Oencml „> India 
 •'^rr'it- "!»'.'"""«"'■""'"■ "*■ "'0 Northwest Pn>y. 
 IOCS l8i.)--,6; himncial member of the ccmncil of the 
 (ioyornnr-l r.r,Ai.f,l ..f rrii!i-i l^i^fl vo , 1 r 
 , ,. ' "." -" inuia iBitl-M) member of the 
 Jn,l an council since 1885. India, Lon., 188,8, 8yo \ 
 "It forms the most tnislworthy record wliiidi lois v„. 
 ohali^X whi;^,'s''"i';',"r -"r'r"''^^ -'■'> ''"'™'' ^ 
 BileiX sl^ift 'V "''' '",'•'" "' ""-' <-'"'"P"ny lias been 
 d a iTl.n n,^""-' ' "',"' T'"''^''}' "'"'"'K'll'-d into tlie iich 1 r 
 U a ol the Queen. In that .Icliberute reyolmimi ,r bib v ; 
 the iwo most powerful, and certainly the two ma'l periul,'- 1 
 n 8v;)''''«'''"A"'i.- ;'" '^'""'Ji""""''!'''-'' ''""•' "*■'<'. 3 vols, 
 ll'lu t N xJl,"lTT, ^""'" '" >'i''""<'-''I"« I-ands. 
 Illust. N \ork, 1882, lol. it. Rural England: Lanes 
 (oinmon-S.des, Ac, Lon., 18S|, ,„,. ,„. \y,,^l, ^""j^^: 
 varia: an Autumn in the Passion- Play Country I,cn 
 1S84 p. 8y„. 1 1. The Children's Pastiuic : Pic n^cs nd 
 mlT r-' ',''l-- ."• ^ """"'' '"■ Sunday Sto es 
 Kw:-;s88:lt;, '^'•■'■'-'^'g-no-S.ay«:a 
 Strahorn, Kobert K., (•< Alter Ego," pseud.) To 
 l.ieihc Railroad and Branches, Omaha, 187» 
 T , , '■•'"f,''*?.".?"B'n'*. ("S ey Daryl," pseud.) 1. 
 Pol, ,„ the Tw. i,,.bt: Sh.,r. Stories, Lon, lMi7, imo 
 f8(!7 8™ "A"'"""'■<"^ i"-^'"" «''' """-"vinn.' Lon" 
 18118, 1 mo. J. With the Tide ; or, A Life's Voyaac ■ a 
 Mory, Lon 8.!8, Itbuo. 5. Routledge's llandTook of 
 QiuMts and Bowls, l,on., 18fi8, 8yo. 6. Old Pictures ^n 
 a New Frame. Illust. L„n.,' 1877, p. Syo? ° 
 Stranahan, Mrs. Clara Cornelia, (Harrison,) 
,J k : i 
 Contributions from Science l» tlio Hope of Immortality, 
 and Kindrcil 'rheiiies: with nn IntroJiiction by Ilirnm 
 W. Thomiis, D.D., Cliic, 1SS4, 8vo. 
 Strnii!), Oxciir Solomon, b. IS.OO, at Ottcrbcr;,', 
 liiivaria: omi)!n>'i!<l to tlie Inited States ; graduated at 
 Columbia College 1S71, and at the law schijol IS7:!; ap- 
 pointed luiniatcr to Turkey 1887. The Origin of tho 
 llepulilican Korm of (lovcrnment in the United States 
 of Auicriea, N. York, IsSti, I'-'uio. 
 StraiiNs, (aiistiive Louis Maurice, l'h.t>.. (" An 
 Old Bohemian," pseud..) [.(/,(-■, vol. ii., add.,] IMI7-18'>7, 
 b. at Ti-ois Kiviere.", Lower Canada; was educated at 
 the Klo.'itcrsehule, Magilcbur^, (iermany, at the Univor- 
 .sity of lieilin, and at the Monl|iellier .School of Medicine 
 in France, and in 18;i;i went to .Mgier? as assistant sur- 
 geon to the French army. He returned to France after 
 some years, ami in is;!'.) was banished for supjiosed c<un- 
 plicity in a revolutionary Jih't and settled in London. 
 lie oontributeil extensively to a number of journals, 
 and wrote some plays, one of which, a farce, was pro- 
 duced successfully at Drury Lane in Isi'iS. He was (mo 
 of the founders of tho Savage Club. 1. ('frans. ) Tho 
 Art of Photography ; from the (ieruian of G. C. II. 
 ilalleur, Lon., 1S54, 12mo, 2. Men who have made tho 
 New German Em|ure : a Series of llrief ISiographical 
 f the eliminatiuii of forms froni pie-e.xisUng Sketches, Lcjn., If74, 2 vols. 8vo. :). The Itcmiuiscenccs 
 .lc(l(^, viii. 40.'*. I of an Old liohemian, Lon., 1SS2, 2 vols. p. Svo. 4. 
 9. The Legends of the Old Testament traced to their Stories by an Old liohemian, Lcm., 1SS3, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Apparent Primitive ."Sources, Lon., 1874, Svo. (A sequel 5. Philosophy in the Kitchen : General Hints on Food 
 to "The lliblo: Is it the Wonl of tied?") 10. The ! and Drink. By an Old liohemian. Lon., ISSf), Svo. tl. 
 Sources and Development of Christianity, Lon., 187 J, I The Kmperor William ; the Story of a Great King and a 
 8vo. II. Tho Pauline Lpistles, Lon., lS7o, 8vo. 12. | Good .Man. I,on., IS87, cr. Svo. Posth. 
 Tho Portraiture and .Mission cd' Jesus, Lon., I87li, Svo. i Streane, ItfV. Alinc§l<'y WillirtlU, M.A., grad- 
 13. Scieneo and Scripture, Lon., Is7li, Svo, 14. What uated at Trinity College, Dublin, I8(il), and first class 
 is Christianity ? an lliatorical Sketch, Lon,, ISSO, p. Svo. Class. Trip, at Cambridge 1S74; ordained 187.^; Fellow 
 15. Contributions to a Series of Controversial Writings of Corpus Christi College ; Hebrew anil divinity lecturer 
 issued by the Late Mr. Thomas Scott, of Upper Nor- at Corpus Christi College since IS7.^, and dean 1S77-S:{ 
 of Brooklyn, N.Y. A History of French Painting from 
 its Kiirliost to its Latest Practice: including an Account 
 of tho French Acailemy of Painting, its Salons, Schools 
 of Instruction, and Kcgulatioiis. lllust. X.York, issS, 
 StraUiJO, Cnlthorpe. Two Worlds of Fashion, 
 Lon., IS72, ;i vols. p. Svo. 
 Strange, Lieut. •Col. T. ItlnntI, Dominion in- 
 8]iector of artillery. .Artillery Retrospect id' the Last 
 Great War, 1S70: with its Lessons for Canadians, [lec- 
 tures.] (Quebec, 1S76. 
 S(rnu!;e, Thomas Lumisden, [nnfp, vol. ii., 
 add.] I. A .Manual of Hindoo Law, .Madras, 1S5«, Svo; 
 2d ed., ISIi.l, 4to. 2. A Critical Catechism, Kamsgate, 
 1871, Svo. :i. The Bible: Is it " The Word of God"? 
 Lon., 1871, Svo : new ed., IS74. 4. The Speaker's Cimi- 
 mcntiiry lleviewcd, I.(jn.. lS7l,p. Svo. 5. Clerical In- 
 tegrity, Kamsgate, 1872, Svo, Ii. Communion with God, 
 Lcn., 1872, Svo. 7. The Kxercise of Prayer, Lon., lS7;i, 
 Svo. 8. The Development of Creation on the Karth, 
 Lon., 1S74, Svo; new ed.. ISS2. 
 " Made up lualnly cjf two essays.— the one on ' The Pro- 
 cesses of Creatinii :'"tla' o er on 'The .Uiticiiiity of tiie 
 Karlh and its llunian In..,.bitaids.' . . . Mr. Siniiige is a 
 llrni believer in what use.l to lie called 'spontaneous gen- 
 eration,' but whiidi he cnrionsly enough prefers :■> term 
 'the proce 
 wood, Lon., ISSI, p. Svo. 
 Strniigt'ortI, Viscountess. SceSMVTiiK. 
 Stratlbril, J. Kobert Kaikcs and others, Founders 
 of Sunday-Schools, Lon., 18S{), or. Svo. 
 Stratford, J. Wiltshire and its Worthies: Notes, 
 Topographiei:l ami Biographical, Lon., 18S2, 4to, I 
 Stratford de Iledclitle, Viscount. See CA^J• 
 Strathedcn and Campbell, Lord. See Camp- | 
 BKI.I.. j 
 Stratlieir, \V. R. (Trans.) Book of Songs, by 'i 
 'Iciin-ich Heine: tr;uislatcd in Verse, Lon., 1SS2, p. Svo. 
 "Strathesk, John," (Pseud.) See Ton, Joii.v, i 
 Stratmann, Francis Henry, Ph.D., [ante, vol. , 
 ii., ;idd.J A Supplement to the Dictionary of tho Old 
 English Language; :id ed., Krefeld, Issi, 4to. ' 
 Stratton, Kzra .>I. Tho World on Wheels; or. 
 Carriages: with their Hist'jrical Associations from the 
 Earliest to the Present Time. lllust. N. York, 1878, 
 4to. ! 
 Stratton, Frederick. Tho Public Health Act, i 
 1S7.), and Kivors' Pollution Act, 1876 : with Index, Lon., * 
 1S77, Svo; new ed.. 18SII. [ 
 Stratton, J. .\. Keports of Cases, Oregon Supremo 
 Courts, vol. .\ii.. ( Iss4-ss,) San Fran., Cal,, ISSO, Svo, i 
 Stratton, John Proudfoot. Chitor and the I 
 Meiv;ir Family, Allahabad, IS81, Svo. Anon. 
 Stratton, Itev. John Young, grailuated at Mag- 
 dalene College, Cambridge, 1S,"):1; orilained 1S.J3; rector! 
 of Uitton, Kent, since I8.")t). I. Suggestions for Legis- 
 lation relating to Friendly Societies, ami for a System 
 of Insurance for the Wage-Paid by .Means of the Po.«t- 
 Office, Lon., ISdS, Svo. 2. Farm-Labourers: their 
 Friendly Societies and the Poor- Law, 1871). .'i. Insu- 
 rance for Labourers. IS72, 4. Method of Improvi' , the 
 Condition of tlic Labouring Classes, 1872. 5. The Poor- 
 Laws, 1S73. B. Hops and Hop-Pickors, Lon., 1883, p. 
 Stratton, Joseph II., D.D. Following Christ: a 
 Manual for Church Members, Phila., ISS.i, Iflnio. 
 Stratton, Thomas, .M.D., [iiii(c, vol. ii., add.,] d. 
 ISSli, He had served for twonty-si.x years in the British 
 navy, during whiih tinu ho was chiefly ."st.itiiincd in 
 Canada. He published, in addition to wmks mentioneil 
 luiti; vol. ii. : 1. The t'eltic Origin of a (ire;it Part of the 
 Greek and Latin Languages, Edin., 1870, ]i. Svo. 2. 
 Affinity between the Hebrew Language and the Celtic ; 
 3d cL, L. 
 1S72, 12mo. 
 Straub, Jacob. Tho Consolations of Science; or, 
 and since 1SS5. The Book id' .Jerendah, together with 
 the Lamentations, (Cambridge Bible for Schools,) Cam- 
 bridge, 188 1. l2mo. 
 Streatfcild, F. The Dabchiok, Lon., 1887, 12ino. 
 Strcatl'eild, Frank N., resilient magistrat'i in 
 Kalfraria, and conunandant of native levies during llio 
 Kaffir war of 187S. Kaffirhind: a Ten Months' Cam- 
 paigning, Lon., lS7i), or. Svo. 
 "A lively imrrative that gives highly graphic sketches 
 of the life it ile.scribes."— .s,i<. Her., xlviii. 33."). 
 Streatfeild, Rev. tieorge Sidney, M.A., grad- 
 uated iit Corpus Christi College, Oxford, ls6(i; ordained 
 18117; vicar of Immanuel Church, Streatham, since 
 1S83; suffragan of tho diocese of Hochestcr and rund 
 dean of Streatham since 1S87. Lincolnshire and tho 
 Danes. Lon., 1SS4. p. Svo. 
 " Theciliject of Mr. Strentfeild's book is, by a careful ey 
 aminutionandclassitieation cd'tlic place-names id' Lincoln- 
 .>.hire, in which, as he tells ns, he was fur some years tho 
 vicar of ' a busy parish,' to trace the various streams of 
 Danish invasion and to point iinl the ilistricis in which t''" 
 invaders became settlers.''— .Sid. 7i'cr., Iviii. 3o'2. 
 Commended by Henry Bradley, in Arail., x.xv. 180. 
 Streatfeild, Mrs. Sophia Charlotte, [inUf, 
 vol. ii., STFtKATi'Kii.n, Mus. CiiAiii.KS X., add,] 1. Tho 
 Story of the Good Shepherd, Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 2. 
 Hymns on the i,ovc of .Icsus and the Home Above, Lon., 
 187.5, obi. Ilimo. 3. Words of Comfort for the Sick and 
 Sufiering, Lon., 1875; new cd., 187M, 4to. 4. A Littio 
 Garland of the ."^aints, and other Verses, for the Children 
 of tho Lord Jesus, Lon., 1877, sq. 16mo. 
 Streatfield, Emily. Spout Alley, and what eamo 
 out of it, Lon., 1S83, sq. Ilimo. 
 Streatfield, Henrietta S. and Kniily. Tales 
 from Life, for Mothers' Meetings, Ac, Jtanchester, Isso, 
 sq. lliuu). 
 " Strcbor, Eiggam," (Pseud.) See Roai';iiTs, 
 Machik, Hiijini. 
 Stredder, Miss Eleanor, b. atRoyston, Eng. I. 
 The Raven of Redruth, Lon., ls(i2, 3 vols. i). Svo. 2. The 
 Price of Silence: a .Vovel, Lon., Is73, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 Stredder, Mixs Sarah. I. Tho Fate of a Year, 
 Lon., 1S(13, 3 vols. p. Svo. 2. To Have and to Hold, 
 Lon., ISS4, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 Street, .Arthur Edmund, gradunted at Magdalen 
 College, Oxford, 1S7S. Memoir of George Edmund 
 Street, K. A., Architect. By his Son. Lon., 1888,2 vols. 
 " Laborious, careful, and affectionate, yet not uiulnly 
 laudatory, and written with Insight and perspicacity, this 
 i.s a biography of great value 
 Ath.. So. 3181, 
 Street, Itev. lieiyaniin, ['inie, vol. ii., add., 
 Br.ulu«to,l a, Trinity Cllegc, Dublin, l,s.39; onl„i„e,l 
 1S.!9| vicir 01 llarn,.|ln-lo.W„l,l ,i„„; IS07 , h, 
 Aoeoun. .,ni.„ ,.i,u,,h „f St. jl;;;^; s^;;; 'i ; Dtt'n'" 
 .epm^ed fn,„, •• Areh.olo.i,. C^ntinna/'"^;" ' l' J 
 thiirch Cathoilrul, Dublin, „n tlio Uc<tor ,ti m „( I 
 Catbodral fiuMcb, Dubli;., ISiIh's u.'" "ne Nc^ 
 Cu,,-ts of Justic,.: Notes in Hoply to Critic .,,,, U, 
 KS,2, .Svo. ,,. Tlie Cathedral of tlic llolv Trin itv n ,'' 
 ".only calle,! Christ Church, l)ubli„ : „rA.c u ,V of 1 
 cstorat.on of the Fabric. .U: : with IH.torica Sketch by 
 Precentor teeyn.our, and IJeUicatorv Preface b • Sir T ieo 
 (Jorc Mardn. lllust. Dublin, Is,;.') u" ^ ^'""■ 
 »f'-'Ct, J. C. The Hidden Way across the Thresh- 
 old , or, Ihe Mystery which hath been hidden lor Ze 
 and from ienerations.- an Explanation of the C ,ceaM 
 Jo ces .n Iwery JIan to open the Ten.ple of the S uf an 
 1 'm"| p/""'"",™ "'■ ""^ ^'"^'•■'='' '>"">!. Ili"l ate 
 to other authorities for Hannah Smith. The lady is 
 i 5. Alone in J.ondon. Lon . lst;o ir,„„. n xt n . 
 iL . T,","' ""•'";'''"■«. Lon., 1871, [i;mo. S. The 
 joctor 8 Dilemma, Lon., 1872, ,S vols. p. 8vo - 
 JJede 8 Charity, l,on., 1872, p. 8y„. lO.'The Kind's 
 ,.V;rv„,,ts, Lon., I87;i, lOmo; new ed., IS75 n ]",f,t 
 (..p. Lon ixp, Himo; new ed., 187.5. 12 He er 
 •Morley'.s Promise, Lon., lS7;i,;i vols p. .s-,. \:l cZl, 
 l.on., 1S7J, lOiio; new ed., IS7!t. l.'i. Two Chri^tma., 
 I "1 8 r-l fin '•■'',-"";"•■ ',"• ^'" "'"'X "" "'™' 
 i-on., 18,5, Ifimo, ],. Priend.s till Death, and other 
 S ones Lon., 187,'i, sc, 1 <imo. 1 8, The Wonderful fe 
 ' ; ' J. ' • '/"""• '■'• •^""''■■«'' I""-i»'-'' Cross, and 
 other .Stones, Lon., 1870, s.,. Ifimo. 2(1. The Wo th of 
 a I^.by and 1 ow Apple-Tree Court was Won, Lon 
 Mm"; Tru^r^ ^'r*^'!' """ " ^"y- •■""•• "^'fi A 
 inio. J^. The Crew of the "Dolphin " Jllusi In,, 
 , .;"',!"■"»• /?•. O'J 'f-nsomo, lU. 187fi, no. oV 
 II S orm of L.fe. Hlusl. Lon., l;7«, Ifimo. 25. A 
 -,//',? ?' h.8 Word, Lon., 1,87s, sq, Ifimo. 2fi. Enoch 
 Kodens Training, Lon., 1S78, r. 8vo; new ed 188? 
 iJiit, ,on 187.S; new ed., 188(1, p. 8vo. ^8. ThrouL'h a 
 iSViur^^^-^ •;;":■ ir\?-i-t --•:■'•. >-ry^L 
 l^no. .-». A Ihorny I'ath, Lon., IS7!», p. 8vo ;iu 
 Cobwebs and Cables. IHust. Lon., I8il', ^q ICm": 
 Streett-r, Edwin Uilli,^^,- >,< „ s , ,.„., U,e ( u 1, '."S^ ■''"!:!!;^ '^™V.''''82. P- «-• •■^•Mlnde, 
 Streett-r, fcdw.ii Uilli,,,,,, f.u.q.p. , „( , 
 o Purchasers of Jewelry on the lUlative A', lue of t" e 
 Different tiualitics of Uold, Lon., I8fi7, Ifimo 'Pre 
 C10U8 Stones and (Jems: tlioir History ind Di tin^u h 
 ing Charactensties. Hlust. Lon., 1S77 ; 2d c 87i 
 read and apnroved by Her Majesty the Quten it 
 Isl.*";! "™' "^T'nlH ''i- ■"•"»• '■''■ Carola, Lo„7, 
 Book for nttl, ^ " ,^'vcet Story of Old: a Sund,.; 
 liooK lor Little Ones, Lon., 1881, 4to. ;ifi pikn-im 
 3 "l er'on!"'-^ *"■ 'l'""^'"-'^^ Life, Lon., 1 8fi ^Z. 
 j3. Her Only .s„n, Lon., 1887, 18mo. With Lamb K 
 l?S7,tr8vo. '''' "' •'^"""*'""^ '^'<^'^''-' '''■'-".•; 
 " Slreykc, tJnrbord," fPseinn ti,o «„„ d- 
 and^^Creek: Sketches of ^he' Eriaftl^L^n^.^^Vs^;: 
 ^-, , — .,,, „^ ^,^., iuiiji'M[y [lie i^iieen The ^-i'""' ' ■«> -i 
 by Joseph Ilattun aiul A. II. Keano. I.on.. 1882 
 iS^^iSft ¥"-"■- "^J'Si=J'';i,s 
 he Mechanical lormatioii of the Human Voice, fo t 
 f . :„ v"°- u ^"'--""il'li-'S: Mechanical l-'or iiaLn 
 ;:fMus^:B:;t':'t^7:(^>';.'''"- «• •■^'-"^ E'emei;;: 
 M,!'rylamJ,''T^7fi,"8^-:i. '""'"" °" "'" *^"^'>' "'^'-^ "f 
 Sirettell, iMiss Alma. (Trans.) Spanish an.l 
 ohi's S^r"°^^ r'l"'- l''V"»«™vures'a,/er sJitd" 
 „ '?■ "fu"i' *'■"'"■'" ^- ^'''"•'y- Morelli, and W 
 sfrot'i:'lT-'«^'"' ■■• ':;;'.'"• (I"^l'"le.s music ) 
 I un„ 1 ,„per; or, A Narrativeof my Journey in Search 
 i'Hndi;:;t;;;:, ■;;/;;; ^z;:; ^-^ New source Lfuevduo 
 ..^f:a!^;7;e,^;,i!J- .Ve./!tr,^rt 
 I'mI";":^;?^'^"'"' ■^'■-ti-"» H^'iiway AccidentCl':;i^ 
 .10 r'n 7'",* '"'■;' Catechism. Loil. |«:i 
 ii'aio. ,j. Ihe Scholar's Manual of Devotions ,.,„l 
 Niered Formularies Lon., ,S5.5, 18mo. 1. Th . s,".y 
 01 tl e .Serpent : an Essay (orthcsc Times, L„i,., 1870, Z^ 
 Lamr s'a',',' 'T""' J^>>^' "^'^iog '■' lialkc, and' 
 1-aing, ,s a p.-cudouymc lor Sarah Smith, and according 
 2. The Sea-ShlVo^ r ,"ir ^fiZ; P ■ ,T- 
 4. Life ol Mary l,!uce ' Scots, Lon., 187.3 2 vols 
 : ,, 'J«",'"<,'n"«l' •'""« ^■♦'ttignrct, {,.„„■. vol. ii., add 1 
 Suffolk, Lng. She published, in addition to work men 
 I female mhm-sl..^f;l'^ hiivcV"",'' ,'""''"' """ "^ ™n>« 
 i uo„|,l n, re A n , V 'kil ,1 ' ' '',"■'''■1 ^"""Kb. but it 
 Viu!;;:^KV:^- ^:-, '■'■--) ^•'■- ^-ies, by 
 .struklaiid, Ilcv. Millinni Jnincs. MA 
 graduated a. Tr iiity College, Dublin, 187"rorda ntd 
 1.^,. .• yicar ,d East Duhvich since 18.^8. '11 o Ch 
 of ninst Crucified: Slior, I.cntcn Kcadings, L^'ll",' 
 Striimer, (>(>orsc Vlfmi t : m ^ . 
 ■ .1 i -^«»v .xiiii (I, I't'ir-ttrL' .iinnirn^-i lit 
 ^'1^ n^r';" '„"';'■ ^"'' '^^"'"^ "■"• '^"-'tT^-ei" 
 I 01 .Johnsons Dictionary," liutralo, N.V., I88«, 8vo 
 i audS^/;;;:;: ,'^!:;^;,/l^r i:;;;'— f «"vor.L^d, 
 , «'■•»'!■", t-«^'-trude. 'l. The' Universal Cookery- 
 I m 
 Stroiiach, (ieorgc. I. New aioanings from 
 Qliulsuino, I'Min. ami Lim., 1M7'.I, Ito. -', More Glean- 
 ings frmii (iliidstdMc, Kilin. and Lon., 18811, 4to. Anon. 
 3. The I/iberiil Mia- Lenders, Kdin. and Lon., 18S0. 
 Strong, Augustus lIopkiiiN, D.D., b. 18:111, at 
 Uochcatcr, N.V.; griiduuted at Vale lS,->7, und ttt 
 Kdchester Tlieoloi;ioal .^ominary Is.-iU; president and 
 prolcsaor of llililiwil theology in the latter institution 
 since lf<72. I. Lcclurea on Theology, ISTR; new ed., 
 onl., and entltlcil "Systeniatie Theology : a ''oni|iendiiim 
 and ('ommunplace Hook, for the Uao of Theological 
 Studcnla," Hoohester, N.Y., ISSli, 8vo. 2. I'hiloaophy 
 and Ueligioii : a Series of Addresses, Essays, and Ser- 
 mons designed to set forth (ircat Truths in Popular Form, 
 N. York, I8S8, Svo. 
 Strong, UesNie. Conquered : a Novel, N. York, 
 1878, 12ino. 
 Strong, Dnu'.sonno .Melnnctliuii. (Trans.) 
 Selections from tlie Uostaii cjf Sadi, in English Verse, 
 1872, l2mo. 
 Strong, Eliznbrtli I*. Pin.ling Jesus; [also] 
 Johnnie's Vacation. Illust. I'hila., 1880, Kiiiio. 
 Strong, Herbert Augn^tUN, M.A., graduated nt 
 Corpus Christi College, O.xlord, l.^li;!; professor of 
 humanity in .Melbourne University 1872; professor of 
 Latin in Liverpool University College. 1. Specimens 
 of Translations from Catullus and Virgil into Englisli 
 Prose, for the Use of University Students, (ilaagow, 
 1870, 8vo. 2. (Trans.) I'lautus' The Haunted House, 
 Lon., 1871, p. Svo. ;t. (Ed.) Selected Poems of C. 
 Valerius Catullus ; Notes, Lon., 1879, p.Svo. 1. (Trans, 
 and ed.) Principles of the History of Language, by 
 Hermann Paul, Lon., 1888, Svo. With Lkki'KH, A.: 
 1. (iuido to Classical Reading, Lon., 1881, ISmo. 2. 
 (Trans.) Thirteen Satires of Juvenal, Lon., 1882, 8vo. 
 With MKVun, Kino. Outlines of a History of the (Jornmii 
 Language, Lon., ISSt!, Svo. With Tkesdale, F. D., 
 Musie (iermanicii', (Jlasgow, 1870, Ito. 
 Strong, JitnieM, .S.T.I)., LL.D., [aiKe, vol. ii., 
 add.,] professor of e.vegetical theology in Drew Theologi- 
 cal Seminary, Miulison, X.J., since 18(18. 1. A Literal 
 Translation of the liook of Ecclesiastcs, 1877. 2. Scrip- 
 ture History delineated from the Biblical Records and 
 All Other Accessible Sources. .Madison, N.J., 1878. 3. 
 Ironies : a Series (d' Essays showing the Virtual Agree- 
 ment between Science and the liiblc, N. York, 18s:(, 
 I2mo. 1. The Tabernailc of Israel in the Desert. Illust. 
 Cin., ISSS, 4tci. See. al>.i, .McClintock, John, »iijini. 
 Strong, Kev. JokihIi, b. ls.l7, at .N'aperville, III.; 
 graduated at Western Keserve College ISliU ; studied at 
 Lane Theolcjgical Seminary ; entered the ministry of the 
 Congregational Church; geneial agent of the Evangeli- 
 cal Alliance in the United States since issii. Our Coun- 
 try : its Possible Future and its Present Crisis, >f. York, 
 1885, llimo; 4olh thcjuaand, 1887. 
 Strong, Latliiiin Cornell, I81.')-1871l, b. at Troy, 
 N.V.; graduated at Union College 181)8; studied at 
 Heidelberg, and afterward j devoted himself to litera- 
 ture. 1. Castle Windows, Troy, N.Y., 187ti, 16mo. 2. 
 Poke o' Alocjnshinc, .\. Vcok, 1.878, IBmo. H. Miilsum- 
 mer Dreams, N. York, lS7(t, Dimo. 
 Slrong, Leonard, [miie, vol. ii.. add.] 1. (Jod our 
 Uefagc; or. The Narrative of a Voyage Homeward 
 across the Atlantic; :;d ed., Lon., 18.02, lllnio. 2. A Lily 
 (iathered Early; or, The History of S. Palmer, Lon., 
 I8.')i), Itimo. :i. A Personal Testimony to the Truthful- 
 ness of C. H. Spurgeon'a Witness concerning the Evan- 
 gelical Clergy and the Er'ors of the Prayer-iJook, Lon., 
 18til, 12nio. 4. Lectures on the Book of Daniel, Lon., 
 1871, p. 8vo. 
 Strong, Matthew. Jan Verclootz : a Story of 
 Chance, Lon., 1888, limo. 
 Strong, .Hoses .M. (Ed.) History of the Territory 
 of Wisconsin, ls;[ii-.|8: preceiled by an Account of Some 
 Events during the Period in which it was under the 
 Dominion of Kings, States, or other Territories, Madi- 
 son, 1886, 8vo. 
 Strong, Peter Reinsen. "Awful" and other 
 Jingles. IJy P. K. •><. N. York, 1871. 
 Strong, W. v.. Frnit-Ciiltnre and. the Liiying-Out 
 and .Management of a Country liome, Host., 188,^, Tfiiiio. 
 Strong, William. Two'Leclures upon the Kolation 
 of Civil Law to Church Polity, Discipline, and Property, 
 N. York, 187.0, 12mo. 
 Strond, John. The Voice of Time; u Word in 
 Season, Lon., 1871, ;j2mo; new ed., 1878. 
 Strnthcrs, John, M.D., [miir, vol. ii., add.] 1. 
 How to Improve the Teaching in the Scottish Universi- 
 ties, Ellin., 18.011, 8vo. 2. Historical Sketch of the Edin- 
 burgh Anatomical School, Edin., I8li7, 8vo. 3. Lessons 
 on the Human liody, Lon., 1871, 12mo. 
 Strutt, John William, liaron Itaylcigh. 
 M.A., F.K.S., b. 18;02; educated at the University of 
 Cambridge, where he was senior wrangler and first 
 Smith's prizeman ISfi.O, and Sheepshanks aalronomical 
 exhibitioner 18(M; elected Fellow of Trinity College Isiirt, 
 and appointed professor of elementary physics in 18711; 
 succeeded his father in 187.'i. He married, 1871, a daugli- 
 I ter of the late James Maitland Balfour, (y. r.) 1. The 
 i Theory of Sound, Lon., 1877-78, 2 vols. 8vo. 2. Value of 
 j the British Association Unit of Resistance, ( I'liilosophical 
 Transactions,) Lon., 188:i, 4to. .S. Circulation of Air in 
 Kundt's Tubes, Ac, (Philosophical Transactions,) Lcm., 
 1884, 4to, 4. Electro-Chemical Ei|uivaleiit of Silver: 
 I Force of Clark Cells, .Ic, (Philosophical Transactions,) 
 Lon., 1885, 4to. 5. The Clark Cell as a Standar.l of Klcc- 
 tro-.Motive Force, (Philosophical Transactions,) Lon., 
 1886, 4to. With SimiWicK, : 1. Experiments on the 
 I Unit of Resistance, (Philosophical Transactions,) Lon., 
 1883, 4to. 2. Specific Resistance of Mercury, (Philo- 
 sophical Transactions,) Lon., 1883, 4to. 
 > Striitt, I'enclope llarpnr. 1. Fifty Dishes suit- 
 able for Breakfast in Middle-Class Families, Leicester, 
 1877, Svo. 2. Self-Help for Ladies, Leicester, 1877, Svo; 
 2d cd.. enl., same year. 
 Strntt, Percy, [oa/c, vol. ii., add.] I. A Memorial 
 , of the Last Sickness and Death of Sophia Strutt, Lon., 
 ^ 1848, Ifimo. 2. The Inductive Method of Christian In- 
 I quiry : an Essay, Lon., 1877, Svo. 
 Stryker, Peter. Bible Tcetotalism ; or. The Scrip- 
 j tures in Favorof Total Abstinence, N. York, 1870, 12uio. 
 ] Stryker, William Scndder, b. 1838, at Trenton, 
 I N.J. ; graduated at Princeton 1858; served in the civil 
 war ; admitted to the bar ISIIIi. 1. (Ed.) Official Register 
 of Oflicers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary 
 War, Trenton, 1S72, Svo. 2. (Ed.) A Roster of New 
 Jersey Volunteers in the Civil War, Trenton, 1872, Svo. 
 Also, many monographs relating to the history of New 
 Strykor, Cornelia. .Musings of a Middle-Agcd 
 Woiiian, Phila., 187' l2mo. 
 smart. A., C.E. The Suez Canal Dues, Lon., 187,3. 
 Stuart, Ah xandcr Hugh Holmes. A Narra- 
 tive of the Leading Incidents of the Organization of the 
 First Popular Movement in Virginia, in ls(i5, to re-estab- 
 lish Peaceful Relations between the .Vorthern and South- 
 ern States, Ac, Richmond, ISSS, Svo. 
 Stuart, Kev. Alexander .>Ioody, [aiiu; vol. ii., 
 Stiaht, a. Mooiiv, add.] I. Death-Bed Scenes, Edin., 
 1S43, 12mo. 2. An Inquiry into the Character ot the 
 Present Educational Connection between the Free Church 
 and the (iovernuunt, Edin., 1848, Svo. 3. A Visit lo 
 the Laml of Huss, >,ijn. ami Edin., IS70, Svo. 4. Recul- 
 lections id' the Late Jidiii Duncan, [q. r., »(i)>ra,\ Edin., 
 1872, Svo. 5. Recent Awakenings and Higher Holi- 
 ness: the Opening and Closing Addresses in the Frco 
 Church (ieneral Assembly, 1875; 3d ed., Edin., 1875, 
 32ino. 6. Israel's Lawgiver : liis Narrative True and his 
 Laws Genuine, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 7. The Bible True lo 
 itself: a Treatise on the Historical Truth of the Old 
 Testament, Lon., 1SS4, cr. Svo. 
 Stuart, Andrew John. A Manual of the Tinr.e- 
 velly District in the Presidency of Madras, Madras, 
 lS7il, Svo. 
 Stuart, Charles. Being Afraid, and other Stories 
 for the Young, Edin., 1871, l2iiio. 
 Stuart, Charles, .V D. Eilin., of C.'iirnside. David 
 Blythe, the (iipsy King, (Ii. other of Queen Esther:! a 
 Character Sketch, Kelso. IS83, cr. Svo. 
 Stuart, Charles Ilcebe, ['oi^, vol. ii., Stiiatit, 
 CilAiii.Ks 1!., add.,] d. 1S81. Lives and Works of Civil 
 and Military Engineers of America. Illust. N. York, 
 1871, Svo. 
 Stuart, Clarence Rsm^, [miir, vol. ii., Stcakt, 
 C. E., add.] 1. The New Testament and its Translations : 
 being an Attempt to .slmw whrthr-r thr. Protc-sfiUit 'if 
 Roman Catholic Version, in French and Italian, is most 
 in Accjrdance with the Inspired Original and the Latin 
 Vulgate, Lon., 1855, Svo. 2. The Bible and the Versions 
 of the Bible; or. The Vulgate compared with the Origi- 
 nal Scriptures. Lon., 185H, Svo. 3. Primitive Chris- 
 tianity, Lon., 1871), l2mo. 4. Uitualism and Christianity, 
licrtic: an Olil M.m's Story, Lon., 
 if."h"N7-^' '!;";"• ^- ■''"' Resurrection of the Body • 
 uition. a, liref hn(|uir>- as to the Tcachinif of lloiv 
 fsSs. """ "'»'« ^''''J'-"^^'-'. I'"-., ISSI, p. Svo; 2,1 edi^ 
 Stiiurt, E 
 18.SS, fp. Svo. 
 b^tl illust V ^^^'w'--*-'';:''''''''^ under' Queen iciu ^ 
 "••in. iMust. Lon., M"a, .|to. ■> Tim i iin„ n 
 «irl: a Story for Childron,' I,on , IS77,Sv ,,'«"" 
 '"J'"" « Cl'arKo. Illu,t. Lon!, 1878, 'iL-m I Mi i 
 isntp: svV "'""■" '•'^'^ '" '''"^""'""^- I"""' '"•; 
 3. Tho liolfry of St. .lude: a Story, I.on., 1S80 n 
 man Life, Lon., LSS2 Svo n Vl ' '^w' "'"■ 
 Story of .^.e Revolt of ti;;2^;n:^; ^882 ';:^;.; 
 12. La: a Tale of Nuremberg, Lon., 188:t „ 8 v, 'f 
 The Fate of Ca.tio Liiwenganl : a S „rv of he Day, 'f 
 l^nlurj.; or •• Peggy Pepper V^'^l^^Jr^to 
 7. A Damzell : a .\ovel, Lon. 188.^, 3 vol ' 8 v"' 
 18. Jesse Dearlove : a .Story, Lon.. ISS.",, p 8vo l'. ' Tl e 
 Last Hope, Lon., L88a, p. 8vo "(l I i ,i„ p '•'•me 
 1885 1^111,, •>! \i ■' ,, ~ • '''"'o 1 lace, Lon., 
 Ursula's Fortune, Illust. L.,„., IS8tf, p.'slo "■-, V- 
 Lon iZ' ;""s-' "'J: "; 'V'u "'■ ^''"-- 'VoMumke s 
 an Sv,^:;-;;.^-:^:!^!^ t..; Me.:--!^;:; 
 wifil tlm/l'JIJrrr' J*-'"""' "" ''^y'"''"' Q'"-"^^": together 
 r, IDi e,^er .' ^"'r"""?""? ■•««""'!"«»"'" .Monuments 
 4.a 1^^ J|- T:- T;;^ - t.'»Hn« a Tour of 
 tl.5 l.;us ap,H.Mirod tbr »:„;« ul„e'..i':',,^'V;,''%!,J''■''™'''^y 
 sore ami sear of the mlniiiuVra IV-ivsl 'm ' I - '^'■■' "''''T*' 
 e g ovonm ent , i u ,'Ti,'''''' "''' l-"'"^ '•"<•!"! ecurt hoi,;^!, 
 v,'e";::;i„;'',o';;'^;;^il'';i;,;^ "' *^"«'- = ""> '^"i-'» 
 Stuart, J. A. Erxkine, L.R.C.S. Tho Bronti,- 
 :s";7 hZ '"''"«"'P''^' A'-tiquitie^, and Ililry, Lon." 
 '^iimrt, Rev. James, of Strctford. Tke Lord is 
 n„!?V"*-'"V,.>"''*"'^*' "f ""■ K'linhurgh police force 
 ticeVl'dln!, VsThvo"' '"""'''"' '" ■"»"«''' ""^ 'W 
 bei'?,!r""n'l.-''.',\"'r' ''V'^- ''"""l'''^' °f Christianity : 
 ei g ,,n K.S.. y towards a more Correct Apprehension 
 of U,r,st,an Doctrine, mainly Soteriologieal,' [on , ?888" 
 .f**iJ""''.r' •'"'"es Montsomcry. l. The Historv 
 of Free Trade in Tuscany, (Cobden Club f'ub., Lon^ 
 s;.„ ' • - lie'n'niscenees and Essays, Lon., 1884, p 
 ISm'T.s^o""""'" •^•»'"^"«- ''^-B» ""J Verses, Lon., 
 18^/7": l'"''"' \b^-' ["""•- vol. ii., add.,] ISi;!- 
 ; . ; ;. f i',"""*' Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and elu- 
 He!il.'r I ^ of Advocates in that city ; entered I1..M. 
 ' kcL^e 01 tZ"; ^^"'^""S^: i" ■8'^-^. '"xl «as appointed 
 ; «4'er Of the register of deeds in I87:i He was secre 
 . tary ot the Spalding Club throughout its e.x s,enee }tlT 
 H), and b.can,e secretary of the Society of Ant qu^ it 
 ItVh "?'iu" "^^- '• Memoir of ihe LateT I 
 eUm'te'^'fi' f"'"""" ''"'" '-^^''-esp^nd.- 
 LS6I ,8 ••.%;,';' ,f""l'""- es of .Scotland,) folin., 
 of Ma v (Pub' >^nn ' I TV" "'."'" ^'"'"y "f "'« 1«1« 
 1.S68 ^Jo ■! nA\ u^"\"^'""l'V'^ Scotland.) Edin.. 
 ,r,,l' :■ •'•^"'''•) I'ruidism E.vhumed, by .J. Ru-t 
 1 Clf- "• •'"'"« Circles of liritain «cre% ufdicii 
 lunplc : he.ngan Anal^Ms of the Treatises on "St no 
 £"cles ,n he Late Spalding Club's " Sculptured .StoZ 
 4 ^^j'Tf ;• '"I''^'^'"^ '''"'-' Aberde'etm , 8 o 
 4. (Ld.) txtracts from the Council Re.ri.ter of th« 
 i Burgh of Aberdeen, l.i25-16.12, (Ifi4;i-17j7 Pr n d 
 for he Scott sh Burgh Recor,ls' Soc. Edin.! Is "'o 
 LJ .■"•t,?' ''^''■» "•'""•dsof the .Monastc y of Ki,:: 
 l"*s: ,v,th I lustrative D.,cu,nents. Illust. Pub Soi 
 01 An,f,uanes of .'Scotland.) Edin., 1872, ito 6 A 
 IU.:oveT"N-"t' "" I'T''"' '''"••^ Queen" fScotI 
 jUco;ered. ^o lees of Jauie.s, Earl of Bothwell and 
 the evJmsJ^illJi^eKX/f.'J'?;'"" '"'"'■ <'i^^"tation ,.„ 
 (!-«,t. Records Pub.,) Lon., 1878-8(1, 8vo. ' 
 Mliurt, Julin C. InL'crsoll's "ril„.=to ." n. 
 in|.i,.. of R. ,1. Ingersoll^^b^^tion'r U^ l^ble ™" 
 I ButrK ^f-^f ',"s?>''"';f'* Crichton, Marqnis of 
 of Bute Ve ,;•,„■,,.';' "' * """' '^,'""'"' "'"'«'■• '" 'h" I^'e 
 ^ h s "tthe^ iTsii '"'=™''-"'"l '" tl'e title on the ,leath of 
 Cure Oxforl l' "'^""""i';' "' """<>^v, '"'J at Christ 
 tencd he honorary degree of LL.D. from the universi of (j|a.sgow and Edinburgh, to tho former ol which 
 ^xj^T^t ^^iT^sirL \j"v^r 
 Lon. 18S2 ' '"" ^"'"™ •■"■• "'« !«'•'»'« I>»y. 
 Lon,',"l'J'76'Vr""'- ^-"'S" Tariffs and Bad Trade. 
 L:1^:^J^T:!:Z. ^-«^"-- aLoycStory, 
 : "I'l 
 Stuart, Rev. Kcniiulh Moody-, M.A. Urown- 
 Imv Norlli : KecurJs and Kt'Ciilliictions, Lcm. iiml Ayles- 
 bury, IS7H, Svo; new ed., iibriilgeil, enlitlid " lirowiilow 
 Norlli: llie Story ul' liis Life Mini Work." |s;il. 
 Stuiirt, .Moses. Kxcgcliciil Ks.-ays on Sovcnil 
 Words relating lo Kuturt I'liniHiinicnt, I'liila., ISTf*, 
 Ntliart, It. Critical Ks.siy on the Revi.-ed Vor.Mon 
 <if the New Testament, I,on., ISS7, 12nio. 
 Stuart, Itev. U illiuni,and MHcplii-rKoii, Itcv. 
 J. iTnms.) Apologeties ; or, Tlie Seienlilie Vindieation 
 of Christianity, by J. II. A. Kbrard, Kdin., ISSti-tiS, :! 
 voN. NVII. 
 Stuart, Col. William Kicr, C.B., late SBth Kcgi- 
 inent. l{uuiiniseenee.s of « Suldior, Lon., IS74, 2 vols. ii. 
 "Tlierc is scarcely ii paw (if his reininiseenees but Is full 
 <if eiilertaiiiin;; nialter."— .1^'/.. No. ■Ji;;:!. 
 "]n it we liave a lyjie of the liritisli (illieer and .soldier 
 the eorrectiu'ss of wlii( li lew observers can liill to eerlify 
 nnd ai'knowleilKe."— .<!« 1". J. (ioi.MBMii): Amd., vi.'JlM. 
 Stiiart-(-lounie. i^ce Hi.k.vnik. 
 Stubbs, Kev. C'barles >Villiain, b. lS4."i, at Liv- 
 erpool ; graduated at .Siilney-Sussex College, Cambridge, 
 with ijiathcmatieal honors and the Lc lia.s University 
 (irizc, ]Sii»: ordained LSliS; viear of (Jranborough lS7l'- 
 XI and of Stokcnhaiu l.'<.~<l-S,'<, and sinec then reetor of 
 M'avertree. 1. International Jiorality, Lon., IS6II, Svo. 
 2. Village Polities: Addresses and Sermons on the La- 
 bour Question, Lon., IS7S, l2mo. 
 "There is a ring nboiil this little volume which has not 
 been heard ollcn of late in tlie speech cd' Knulish clergy- 
 men,— .scarcely, indeed, sime ' I'arson l.ol' was delivering 
 his soul in 'l'(jlitics for the I'eople' und the •Christian So-,'in the crisis (d the Chartist agitation thirty years 
 ago. . . . The strei;gth and worth of the book lie in its 
 hopefulness, that most dennicratic and yet most Christian 
 virtue; and the ground of all his hopes for the rural ixior 
 lies in association. That is his last word, as it is fast 
 coining to be the last word of all those w ho can look the 
 signs (pf their time sipiarely in the face."— .Syjfc/d/or, 11. 11)69. 
 H. The Mytlie of Lile : Four Sermons: with an In- 
 troduction on the Social Mission of the Church, Lon., 
 issn, Svo. i 
 " We strongly commend the excellent little volume be- I 
 fore us, and its admirable introduction, to all among 
 the Clergy who see how much the Churidi still ini.sses in ' 
 its growing endeavour to do its duty by the nation."— .S>fc- i 
 tatiir, 11 V. loo. 
 4. Glebe Allotments and Co-Oporative Small Farming, 
 Lon., ISSfl, |). Svo. 5. Christ and Deinooriioy, (L'niver- 
 .«ity Sermons,) Lon., iss;i, p. Svo. 6. The Conscience, 
 and other Poems, Lon., l'<84. 7. The Land and the 
 Labourers : a Kcuord of Facts and E.\periments, Lon., 
 1S84, p. Svo J 2d ed., IS85. 
 "All interesting record of facts and experiments in cot- i 
 tBge-furraing and co-operative agriculture. . . . Heforc 
 writing upon his subject. Mr. Stubbs took the very practical 
 .step of testing the c|uestion whether small farming could 
 be made to pay in his own vilbme. . . . We hope that . . . 
 the forcible argumciit.s and eloijucnt pleading of Mr. 
 Stubbs will bear good fruit."— .s.y/rrtii(o)-, Ivii. I.'i7. 
 5. The Church in the Villages, |SS7. 'J. (Jod's Eng- 
 lishmen : Lectures on the Prophets and Kings of Eng- 
 land, Lon., 18,s7, p. Svo. 10. Urgent Questions in 
 Christian Life, Lon., 1S8S, p. Svo. 
 Stubbs, E. T. In Memoriam : II. M. ,M. S., Lon., 
 1S77, Xvo. 
 Stubbs, Lieut. F. A. Eciuitation for Ladies: 
 Style, Fashion, and Manners in the Saddle, Lon., IS73, 
 1 2uio. 
 Stubb.s, Franci.s M'illiam, major Royal (late 
 Hengal) Artillery, retired IS7S. History of the Organ- 
 izatiijn. Equipment, and War Services of the Uegiment 
 of Hengal Artillery: compiled from Published Works,! 
 Official Kecords, and Various Private Sources, Lon., 
 IS77, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Stubbs, Kt. Rev. William, D.D., LL.D., [niK., I 
 vol. ii., add.,] b. 1S2.5, at Knaresborough, Eng. In i 
 IS7.') ho was presented to the rectory of Clioldertoii, 
 Wiltshire, which he resigned in 1S7'.I on being ap- 
 pointed canon residentiary <jf St. Paul's Cathedral, L(m- 
 don. In 1S.S4 he was consecrated liishop id' Chester, j 
 and was translated t.i Oxford in ISSS. I. (Eii.) (iesta ! 
 Regis lleiirici Seeundi lienedieti .Abbatis : Chronicles ! 
 of the Kcigns of Henry II. and Richard I., I IIIH-I lit2, j 
 krioMii under the X;inic of Benedict of I'ctcrborough, j 
 Lon., Isn7, .><vo. 2. (Ed.) ^^elect Charters ami other Il- 
 lustrations of English Cjiis.itutional History, fnnn the i 
 Earliest Times to llic Reign of Edward the first. Lon., 
 18711, p. Svo. ;t. (Ed.) Meinoriale Fratris Walteii de 
 Covciitria : The Historical Collectiuns of Walter of Cov- 
 entry; Edited from the MS. in the Library of Corpus 
 Chrisli Cidlege, Cambridge; vols. i. and ii., Lim., 1S72- 
 7:i, sivo. 4. The Constitutional lliatoiy of England in 
 its Origin ami Development, Oxf., IS74-7S, ;i vols, Svo; 
 new ed., issii. 
 ■'The work of Mr. Stubbs is the lirsl Coiistituti(Uial His- 
 tory (d' England, at once miniile and eoiitiiiuous, wliieli 
 has been undertaken since awhollv new liK'ht has beiii 
 thrown ii| lattcr.s of this kiicl by the reseandies of the 
 great <leriiian writers, Wuitz, the two Maurers, and others, 
 ... It shows the inillcnniiims Ihidiigli which we .seem to 
 have lived In point of historical insight within a vcrv 
 few generations, if we coni|ian' llie fulness, the seientlll^ 
 precision, the wide coiiiparative Krasp, of the opcninn 
 cliaptcrs of Mr. Slubbs's History with the childish talk of 
 Ulackstoiie or even with the luenKreness of Ilallain. . . . 
 The book i.s. in short, a masterpiece. . . . It isbrlmful of all 
 the knowlcdKc on the subject .scientilically treated and 
 orderly arraiigeil."— .^Vl^ A'fr.. xxxvill. 21 1. 
 " The central and dominant idea of the book mav be 
 siiid to be that KiikIIsIi constitutional history is tlie hi.s'tory 
 of an ovcdution.and an evolution maiiilv Irom Teutonic 
 elements. . . . .Neither in blood nor in institution docs .Mr. 
 Stubbs trace anything EiiKlisli cither to liritisli or to Ho- 
 nittu sources. . . . His dominant idea on this point leads 
 .Mr. Stubbs to underrate, we think, some n(ni-(icnnan in- 
 llueiices, and, for example, to attach .scarcelv sulticient im- 
 portance to the part of the (diurch ortheeliTKy in sbapinK 
 the English polity and inslitnlions duriiiK the centuries 
 between the introduction of Christianity and the Norman 
 CiuKjUest,"- ^1(A., No. 2122. 
 '■'1 hough hissubject formallv ends before the begiiinini; 
 of the sixteenth century, yet he gives us incidental sketches 
 both of the sixteenth century and of the seventeenth. He 
 has ttii estimate both oi' the Tudor and of the Stuart 
 reigns; and the hand which hiui paintecl the early An- 
 (jevins in full has drawn life-like miniatures of Charles 
 the First and of the later Cromwell. In these short 
 sketches Mr. Stubbs shows the same keen insight and 
 amazing impartiality which lie shows evervwhcre. . . . 
 He contrives to be the partisan, he eerlainlv can be the 
 spokesman, of all sides at once, .'•io it is with" institutions. 
 ... He thoroughly .sees that there is no ideally best set of 
 institutions, but that any form of government which de- 
 serves the name nmy be best or worst, according to the di- 
 versities of countries, times, and men's nmiiners. ... As 
 it now shinds, Mr. Stubbs's Constitutional Hist(jrv, even if 
 it stiHid by il.self, without the other great, tlioUKh less svs- 
 lematic, writing's which have come from the same pi'ii 
 would be the worthy work of a life."— .s'(i(. Jicv., xlv. tiU2. 
 '■ Mr. Stubbs might certainly have done more to dissi- 
 pate sinne prevalent delusions, rnfortuiiately, as I can- 
 not help thinking, he has not quite succeeded in even 
 emancipating his own mind from them. Hut w hat he has 
 iloiic is invaluable. He has at least lliorouKhly surveyed 
 the whole ground. There is absolutely noibing material 
 to the subject that he has not investigated, and investi 
 gated with perfect candour. Whatever mav be said of his 
 generalizations, liis facts are iK'rfectly trustworthy, and 
 even one who dill'ers from his point of view mav really be 
 content to rest the whole controversv on statements made 
 by himself. There is no fear, certainlv, that the work will 
 be superseded for many a longday— if, indeed, it ever cai 
 be superseded— as a pcrlect magazine of facts relating lo 
 constitutional history in the Middle Aires"- ii mi-si 
 nkk; ^Icad., xiii. 291, 
 die Ages."— jAMi-:.s(,iAiRi)- 
 5. (Ed.) Memorials of St. Dunstan, Archbishop of 
 Canterbury, Lon., IS74, Svo. fi. (Ed.) Radulfi de Diceto 
 Decani Ludoniensis Opera Ilistorica; The Historical 
 Works of Master Ralph de Diceto, Dean of London : 
 vols. i. and ii,, Lon., lS7li, Svo. 7. The Early Plantnge- 
 nets, (" Epochs of .Modern History.") Two Ma|>s. Lon., 
 1S76, fp. Svo. S, (Ed.) The Historical Works of (iervase 
 of Canterbury ; v(ds. i. and ii.. The Chronicle of the 
 Reigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Richard I. IJy 
 (Jcrv.ase, the Monk of Canterbury. Lon., 1S79-80, r. 
 Svo. 11. (Ed.) Chronicles of the Reign of Edward I, 
 and Edward II.: vols. Land ii., Lon., 1SS2-S,'I, r. Svo. 
 10. Seventeen Lectures on the Study of .Mcdiooval and 
 .Modern History und Kindred Subjects: delivered at Ox- 
 ford, nndcr Statutory Obligation, in the Years 1S67-ISS4, 
 Oxf., ISSII, p. Svo. 
 " ThrouL'hont the work the student will lind ample food 
 fiir thought. He may not always sympathize with the 
 view there taken : but he must admit that it is always one 
 worth consirleratbjn ; and he must adiiiiie the quiet but 
 pervading spirit of humour wliich leavens the lU.shops 
 great learning and makes him incapable of pedantry.' — 
 ■iai. Rn:, Ixil. :):!!. ' ' 
 II. (Ed.) Willoliiii .MonachiMalmesbiricnsisde Regain 
 Oestis Angloruni, Libri V.; ct Historiie Novella', Libri 
 III.: vols. i. and ii., Lim., ISSS, r. Svo. 
 And .-i-e Uaioia.n, Kkv. A. W., nKitni. 
 Stuckcubcre, Hi'v. John Ilonry Wilburu. 
 D.IJ., ['nit,; vol. ii., add.,] pastor of the .'Vmcrican Lu 
 theran Chapel, IJcrlin, Oerniany, since IsSO. I. (Ed.) 
 -Mnety-Five Tlicses, for the Seventh Seiai-Centonnial of 
 the lloformation, Raltiuiore, 1SB8, Svo. 2. Christian 
 Sociology: a Discussion of Principles, N. Yorit, 1S8II 
 Urissrsv,,'"- •■'• ^'"' ''"'"''f i"'munu:.l'Ka„,; 
 of"the nr,,™"?,''!';"' i" •-'''''",? ''''^ '■™''"'' '' vivid .sliOt..), 
 iu- nrs,;;' '""'irv' V •,"?'"""^'i•"f"y"- 
 ill pnicluciima ri'iillyKudd lii,,i;nii,hv v^iiil ft ..^V 
 '■ A vaIiml)U; ai],l inlLTcsliiij; wurjj, wiittoii in tl,,. „„,vt 
 ■■.nsfienlious spirit, a,„I ividuntly t t' ,e' , ' .Vr ,,S 
 lal)ciiran(ircsoar<'li."-Sp„v,((or Ivi I'l 
 ISSs/s'vo'"'"'''""" '" "'" '^""'^' »''"l'''il'«npl'y, I^on, 
 . '^'''''^r' *'• „ Knien.lan Ja ost Orthogrniiliia : a Trent- ! 
 isoonh|icllin« Uelunn, St. I.ouis,,, 
 Studer, Jacob II. I. Coiuiubus, Ohio: its His- ' 
 tury UcsourcTs a„,l ('rogross. lilust. 1873, 12mo. j 
 j. {hd.) I'm.ular Ornitliolcgy: tiio Birds of Norti. ' 
 Amcnoa. l),a„„ and Colored from Nature by T 
 il'-Tv'.. .?"'•' ""'"''•''J and Nineteen I'latos. N.York' 
 I>,-l-.s8, 40 parts, fol. ; iss;!, 1 vol ' 
 N ^Y"t' K^s'*',"'''' •'• "''"I' T "'^'^ ""Sht to know, 
 r,. lorK, IS, 8, 12mio ; now ed., 1882 
 Sturdy, W'il'iom A. Individual Rights : a Treat- 
 ise u,,„n Man's I'owers and Duties, suggtsting a New 
 Jletho.!.,! lialloiing. Host., IS88 Svo "K i i>cw 
 Sturge, Catherine. 1. (Ed.) A Diurnal for the 
 Changes and Chances of this Mortal Life, L»n 18S4 
 l>mo. 2. Southwood: a Tale, Lnn., 1886, 12mo' ^ ' 
 ,T "?.?.? ^i"^' ,•''«"<'. wife of fJeorge Sturgo. 1 
 (Trans.) 1 he .Son of Man: Discourses on the Hu^„i,V 
 ot . esus Christ, by Franck Couiin, Lon.. 18g" 1- n„^ 
 2 Trans.) Heligiotis Life i„ ,i„„„a'ny du ing lie w"rs 
 rndependencc : Historical and Biographical Sketc e' 
 ^,.n '"""""'""■• ''"»• '""' N. York, 1870, 2 vols lo „„' 
 j^. (Trans.) The Period of tho Reformation 1517 tol""' 
 by L. Hiieusser, Lon., 1873, 8vo. t (Train \ Pi,.i„i, ' 
 Hutten: his Life and Tinies, by 'b!'^f?"^;Ja'u "" L ,7 
 18,4 p. 8vo 5. (Trans.) E. Kictschel, .Sculptor, an 
 he Lessons of his Life: an Autobiography, lin" 'ls"i 
 p. Svo. 6. (Irans.) Travels of Dr. and Madame Ilelfc; 
 Lon .878 9 "? '^™'J''' <''''™"""'y ""'J'"''« "el er.^ 
 Lon. 1878, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 7. (Trans.) Galileo Oalile 
 am the loman Curia, by Karl Von Oebler, Lon.^ , - 
 >vo. 8. (Irans.) Loid Boaconsflold : a Study, by Georire 
 lirandes, Lon 18S0, 8vo. y. (Trans.) Tho iW 3 
 the^Iiennoh; from tho French of A. Burdoe, Lon^.ris"o^ 
 1^!^:^^^'"^' «"«^ ^-^'^ -1 Sketches,' 
 StmlTof clin^'i'M''*,"'- ]■ ''" I"'^o<I'""ion to the 
 study ot Clinical Medicine, Lon., 1873 n Svn o tuI 
 Natural History and RclatiJns of i'neumlmia :"a clinfca 
 i>8 i.1,'.".st, ""^^'"^•"' "'-^- o'/ra-riy^'i^f^'^^r.: 
 Poc,i'fl^:,',V7t"2mo. '""' '''"' "' ^"^''' -^ o'"- 
 Stiirgis, Frederic Itussell. M n h ish • 
 the Philippine Islands, educated in Lndon^ndBoi,^" 
 graduated at Harvard Medical Scliool KSO"? prots "o; 
 venereal and genito-urinary diseases at thoXev YWk 
 "St-Graduato Medical School since 1882. 1. Hunmn 
 Iri.e Of the Boylston Medical Society for 1807 cZ 
 bndge, Mass., 18117, Svo. 2. Student's Manial of 
 \ oiicreal Diseases, N. York, 1880. '"^nual ot 
 Sturgis, Julian Itussell, b. 1S4S- ,rrndiin(„i „. 
 Bulliol College 0.xford, 1875; ^Ued to Ui' b ?t tl" 
 >^s:l;^'Zn '•^»''--«— .I':>iin.and"L,t 
 il~"nVr5%M''rt'h?,''.;;fv'l.''-' 'r"H-f'"; " "- «ttnu.tivo_is in 
 -.\S,f,^xxvii. ;««.'■'" '••'"■•^"^'•■''' ""-' ■""'"■• -■■liaracters." 
 -itu?.,^';'-'!""'''''''""' •''■""•'"ii'n, Kdin., |S7!I, p. Svo 
 laid ill Vol., ' .,1 • • • • ''"• scene iif t n. st.irv is 
 «nd sky are chimViVng/^-A'^iS, xxlV'-j ""'" """ "^ ''>-''' 
 „•'• '^'"1" ^'"'"eclies, Lon., 1S80, p. 8"v„; new ed., enl.. 
 l^tT^^:;;!.;-,;;^-- --,---:-. .ine« 
 ■1. Dick's W andci'ingH, Kdin., 1 8S2, 3 vols. p. Sv„ 
 liuiimii lm^lr,^■■_.s^,,,rf,/^',■' iv ,!',K "' ""-■"»>-■'■ sbades of 
 .0. My l-'ricmls and 1, l.„n Issi ,.r «,„ « t i 
 Mai.lnicnt, l.on., 1S8,',, 2 vol. .'r .^.l '°- "• •^'''"' 
 hi- iiiaMcr V , f a ii ^ ,, , I'.'^^^.v .'" •'"■'''.■'' ""' li™rl,Hiid 
 I. iliraidoin, Lon., 1SS7, |i. Svo 
 Mnrnier, llcnton ioduard von. MA irradu 
 m re ,■ ''"r"^ '-^"""''"'' ••a.iib.idge. i8,-!i ird ncd 
 tainin - r7„ : t """'«"'-'''l "ui'lc to Colchester: con' 
 Pib i? II, iT'"'""? ""^ '" ''''»'«•"■'. I^ibraries, and 
 1 ubiic Buildings, Lon., 1S;^5, 12nio. 2. Christ tho 
 Divine Man: or, Deity \-ciled, Lon., 1880, p. 8 •" "" 
 Su ie t I on "s-T '■ ." ^'"?''','' Cycio ,a.dia on the 
 . UDjta, l.on., 18,8, p. 8vo: Mh tliousand, 1880. 2 The 
 Co iiplete (uide to Bicycling, L„n., 18so, ^r. Svo, 2ci Id 
 Bic.;;ie,Lon.:i8::ir'8:r"'"'' "'"'■"""'^ *" '"" «"f«'y 
 rPdVL''"*'''.''''..^''!*'"'*' '-""'i"' b. 1842, in Boston 
 SU ti n i';s2 S7 "' w'fr i''""^ ^g"-"-al k-vperimti 
 oiauon 188^-8 (. With .NTIIITKVANT, JoSKPH N Tbn 
 ii ^',n'r;'*','c',."''*'- •*""'•«" Monson, [«„„ vol 
 |iori---rt^,lr;Sile;^~ '? 
 ^.iiauio lemplo 1881. Law relating to Betting Time 
 Bargains, and (, Lon., 1884, Svo. ^' 
 Stutlicid, HughKduardMillincton b 18,8. 
 fotXr Vrr """T- C-'b-j"" ""s'l 'c:. ed 
 9011 ?!■ ?.^,, ^""'"' lemplo 1884. El .Mau'hreb- 
 Animated his accnnnt ,.nri„,„i,. ....... ,'r' *"• 
 - ...„„ „,,,uug,, morocco, ijon.. I^^Sfi n Svn 
 En-i^,fFrPn'*nf'' Vt"^"?' "J^''^^"n'»"ieal Cookeiv, 
 l^ngl sh, Frencli, and Turkish, Lon., 187,3, p. 8vo 
 Myrap, Jukes, M.U.C.S., physician-'e.' tVao, iinarv 
 a e pbys.cian-in-ordinary, to tile Salop Intirma v coT 
 1 iig physician to the South Salop ilnd .M mgomery- 
 shire rntirmaries. 1. A Code of Medical Elides -with 
 , rfsrrs'^'' Duties of Practitioners to therr'Taiiei:',' 
 pared for the r„f; li" *'f .'™-CI"i-"rgical Tariffs pre- 
 firUish Med .1 1 ^'''•."P''"'-o Kthicnl Branch of the 
 I isss, V /t,' -^'''"-•"'"<'°'- J'l' «J- rev. and enl., Lon., 
 Suckling, Cornelius W., M.D M R r P nr^ 
 c:iT:L:"n""'>'"f """"^ ""'' <'-ap-.<i ; a^Q^e'^n's 
 Ho ItalDiZ ''•''' 7^. !'•'>-'"-' ' " Queen's Colleg^ 
 lH8l^'"p'ril"a?;i:!'prt;',i"'^'"-" ^"-^'- '^"-^™^-' 
 Dim.Uil""''i',?*r- "• ^'^- ^" O'Phan „f the Old 
 1873 ] ","; "^ '"""'"'' ^"^■e-'vale, [pseud.J Phila., 
 on a (.inversion to Roman Catliolioism, Lon' 87 , 8vo 
 874 So '\?, P"'",r ""'' "'f •• K.P-tulation," Lon ; 
 The Land of tho Broads: a 
 ' •i-iii 
 , ''?!: 
 Suniing, Krncst II. 
ms ' 
 Ouiile for Ploasuro-Scekcra on the Broads nnd Elvers of 
 Norfiilk and Suffolk, Lcm., IS85, |i. Svo. 
 Sutt'olk, W. T. .Miuroscopic'iil Maiiipiiliition: bcinK 
 tho Subject-Matter of a CourHC of Leeturea delivoreil be- 
 fore the (Juukutt Mioriweopieal Club. Iliui<t. I.iiii., 
 1870, l:;mu. 
 SuH'olk iind llcrkgliirc, Earl of. See Howakd. 
 Siiliviiii, Kenr-Atimirnl (ieorRe l.ydiiird, 
 K.N., b. 1S;I2, Dhuw-t'haxiii); in Zaii/.ilmr Watcra iinil 
 on tile Eaulern Coast of Afriea: Narrative uf Kivo 
 Years' Kxperieneo in tho Siippressiun of the >Slave- 
 Tradc, Lon., 1873, Svo. 
 " It lells the horrid Iriith so iilalnly and si> i-iniply that 
 it Is sure to inllunie Mhe old fever' of anti-slavery, iis the 
 Bishop of WInehester ejills U."—Sji<flitt(n; xlvl. .■|(il). 
 Sullcy, II. The Teinplu id' E/.ekiera I'ropbooy, 
 Lon., IHSS, Ito. 
 Sllllivnil, A. (>. Standard Faets and Fi);ureH; or. 
 What you do know, what you dcin\ know, what you 
 want to know, N. York, 1.S73, llinio. 
 Sullivnii, Alexander Murtin, 18:!0-1S84, b. at 
 Castletown, County Cork, Ireland, of peasant ])arent8 ; 
 wont to Dublin anil became an illustrator of perlodieals 
 and a journalist. Ho was the editor and proprietor id' 
 tho Nation 18,"K')-7fi. He was imprisoned on a charge 
 of sedition I8(i8; was elected .M.l>. for Louth 1S74, and 
 for Meath 1S80, ilo was called to the bar in London 
 1876. I. The Story uf Ireland: a Narrative of Irish 
 History from the Karliust Ages to the Present Time, 
 Dublin, isii7, 8vo; new ed., continued, by James Luby. 
 Illust. N. York, ISSli, 8vo. 2. New Ireland, Lon., 1877, 
 2 vols. 8vo; 8th cd., 18S2, 1 vol. 
 "It is a very interi'stiiig and, to a eertuin extent, a very 
 Instnii'tivo hook. It is written alwavs with vigour and 
 liveliness, ami generally with impartiality and nooil sense. 
 I!ut it is very del'ective in method. . . . .\l'ter readiiiK' -Mr. 
 Sullivan's honk we are led to the eoneUisioii that tlio 
 Home Rule nioveniem is not somuch a movement fur any- 
 thing in particular as a eunsolation and vent to Irish feel- 
 lug. —.Si(, AVi'., xliv. CmI. 
 3. A " Nutsholl" History of Ireland, from the Karliest 
 Ages, Lon., ISSH, .'(L'ino. Also, single speeches, 
 Sulliviin, Christina. K.\planation and Apjilica- 
 tion of tho Klements ainl Rules of Perspective, lllust. 
 Cin., 1882, 12mo. 
 Sullivan, Sir Edward Ilnbert, llart., [tmi'; 
 vol. ii., Si'LLiv.!.-*, Sill KiiwAun, add.,] b. 182(i. 1. I'ro- 
 toction to Native Industry, Lon., 1870, 8vo; new ed., 
 1S7S. 2. Happy England: a Few Words upon the Ar- 
 ticle "Germany, France, and England" in the Edin- 
 burgh Review, Lon., Im71, Svo. 3. "The Froth and tho 
 Dregs," Lon., 1871, Svo. I. "Our Economic Cato's," 
 Lon., 1873, 8n). 5. The Princes of India: an Histori- 
 cal Narrative; 2d ed., Lon., 1875, p. 8vo. 0. Joint- 
 Stock Farming: a Suggestion, Lon., 1880, Svo. 7. Free 
 Trade Hubbies, Lon., 1883, p. Svo. 8. Stray Shots, 
 Political, Military, Economical, Ac., Lon., 1884, Svo. !). 
 Protection to Native Industry, Lon,, 1881, Svo. 10. 
 Gladstoncse, .Manchester, 1880, Svo. 11. .\scot r. Monaco, 
 Lon,, 1SS8. (Letters on tho subject of tho Turf, re- 
 printed from the Morning Post.) 
 Sullivan, J. P. 1. The Hritiah Working-Man, by 
 One who does not Uelievo in him, and other Sketches, 
 Lon., 1878; new cd., 1S8L 2. The British Tradesman, 
 and other Sketches, Lon., 1880, 4to. 
 Sullivan, J. T. Report of Historical and Techni- 
 cal Information relating to Intoroceauic Communieation 
 by the American Isthmus. Maps. Pub. by U.S. Gov't. 
 Wash., 188:1, 4to. 
 Sullivan, John, M.D. The Endemic Diseases of 
 Tropical Climates: with their Treatment, Lon., 1877, p. 
 Sullivan, Mrs. lYI. The Day of Wonders : a Med- 
 ley of and Nonsense, Lon., 1878, cr. Svo. 
 Sullivan, H. E. Table of Coses, Mississippi Su- 
 premo Court, (1S18-1S22,) Chic, III., 1883, Svo. 
 Sullivan, lYIrs. Margaret Frances, (Buch> 
 anan,) b. in Tyrone, Ireland; removed in childhood 
 to tho United States; was educated in Detroit, and be- 
 came a loader-writer for the Chicago press; married, 
 1874, to Alexander Sullivan, counsellor-at law. Ireland 
 of To-Ihiy: the Ciiuses and Ainia of Irish Agitati.-in : 
 with an Introduction by T. P. O'Connor, Phila., 1881, 
 Sullivan, T. Russell. Roses of Shadow : a Novel, 
 N. York, ISSJ, 12mo. 
 Sullivant, William Starling, LL.D., [anie, 
 vol. II., add.,] 18fl.'l-lS73, Supplement to luunea Mus- 
 coriim, Lon., 1874, Svo. 
 Sully, James, M.A., LL.D., b. 1S42, at Bridge- 
 water, Sumersetshire; was educated at tho Indejiendent 
 College, Taunton, at the Regent's Park ("ollege, London, 
 and at the University of (iiiltiiigen, and graduated with 
 honors at the University of London in 180(1. Ho beeaino 
 a contributor to the Saturday, Fortnightly, and Wesl- 
 minster Reviews about 1871 ; he has also contributed to 
 .Mind, and to the Ninth Edition of the Encyclopadia 
 Britinnica, and has lectured on psychology, logic, and 
 pedagogics in London, Cnmbriilge, Ac. I. Sensation and 
 Intuition: Studies in Psychology and iEstheties, Lon,, 
 1S74, Svo; 2d cd., 1.S80. 
 " The materials furnished by a nuiek and lively natural 
 sense are haiiplly ordered by a mind Irniiieil In seieniille 
 method. Tins merit is espeehilty rnnspleuotis in thuse 
 paru* of the houk whiTe, with abuinlant ingenuity and no 
 mean success, .Mr. Sully endeavours lu tliruw some liylit 
 of eusmle order iiilu the chaos of lestheliis,"— .s'ii(. J!ii<., 
 xxxvlll, 438. 
 2. Pessimism : a Hi.-tory and a Criticism, Lon., 1S77, 
 " Is the ideal of life realized, or capable of lieliig so? 
 This ijucstiou has been so lianilled by Mr. Sully as to niako 
 his bonk an Important eoiitrlbutioii' to ethical science."— 
 fut. ]\'^l'., xllv. 140. 
 .1. Illusions : a Psychological Study, (" International 
 Seientilic" Ser.,) Lon,, ISSl, p. 8vo. 
 " Mr. Sully's analy.sis of his wliole subjccl leaves us at 
 the close impressed, on the one hand, with the ability uf 
 the wrifr's treatment ; on the other, with the I'uice of Ills 
 practical eonclusiuii tlnitonr Intuitions ur perceptions of 
 things are more relutively than absulntely true, and that 
 . . . the true standard of reality, as opposed to illusion, is 
 a stable eoii.sensus of general belief."— .>(/(. I\'cv., ill. 141. 
 4. Outlines of Psyeholngy : with Special Reference to 
 tho Theory of Eilueatioii, l.on., 1:184, Svo; 2d cd., lS.s,->. 
 "The value of the work maybe .said to mainly 
 ill a convi'iuenl restateiiieiil uf'the doetrine and analyses 
 of the English school of psychulogy, so rearranged a's to 
 leave space for all that is known and part of what is lure- 
 boded as to the idiysiolugy uf sensation and thought. . . . 
 The ' Outlines' iiniy be weleomed as a substantially reliable 
 iiUri)iliielioiili)psyi'liol(.i;y ; wliiletlieeducatlonalaiblenda 
 are enriched with remarks, some uf which, we hope, iiniy 
 get ill 'elibly regi.^tereil In the nervous system of the rising 
 geiieraiion of teachers,"- Eiutm Slmiox: Amd., xxv. 
 See, also, a letter I'loin Mr, Sully in Acml., xxv. 400. 
 0. Tho Teacher's lland-Uook of P.«ycliology, on tho 
 Basis of the "Outlines of Psychology," Lon., 1880, p. 
 Sully, Thomas, 1783-187?; b. ot Hornoastle. 
 Lincolnshire; removed at an early ago to the United 
 States; studied art in Boston and London, and fruin 
 1810 resided in Philadclidiia, where he was distinguished 
 as a portrait-painter. Ilints to Ydung Painters, and the 
 Process of Portrait- Painting. lHust. Phila., 187:i, sin. 
 4to. (This was written in ls,',l, and revised by the au- 
 thor in 1871.) 
 " Summerfield, Charles," (Pseud.,) late judge 
 of the Rio Grande District. See .ihiunoto.v, Ai.fiiku 
 W., mipya. 
 Summerhnys, William Frank, and Toogood, 
 Thornton. Precedents of Bills of Costs in tho Chan- 
 cery, Queen's Bench, Lon., 1877, Svo; lid eiL, 1879. 
 Summers, Thomas Osmond, D.D., LL.D., 
 [(inti; vol. ii,, add.,] 1812-1882. 1. Convenient Food, 
 Nashville, Tenn., 1853. 2. (Ed.) Mrs. J. T. II. Cross's 
 Works, Nashville, 1853-6,8,4 vols. ISmo; new ed., 1870 
 75. 3. Post Oak Circuit. Edited by a Member of llic 
 Red River Conference. Nashville, 18.'i7. 4. The (iolden 
 Censer: ,an Essay on Prayer: with a Selection of Form-, 
 Nashville, 1859. 5. Commentary on the OospcN. 
 Nashville, 1808-72; new ed., 1874-75, 4 vols. I2iii. . 
 fi. Friendly Talks on Union, between a Northern ami i 
 Southern iMethodist, Nashville, 1871. 7. Coiiinientiir.v 
 on the Ritual, Nashville, 1873. 8. Commentary on .'\ci-. 
 Nashville, 1874. 9. Azilo: 2d ed., Nashville, 1875, 12uiu, 
 Summers, Thomas Osmond, Jr. Anntomv, 
 Noshville, 1 875, 24mo. 
 Summerside, Thomas. Anecdotes, Romini- 
 cenoes, and Conversations of and with the Late George 
 Stephenson, Father of Railways, Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874, b. in Boston; gnnl 
 uated at Ilnrvurd 1833; admiUetl to the bar 1831 ; uieie- 
 berof the U.S. Senate from 1851. J^r biog,, see PiKin i:. 
 EnwAun L. Mr. Sumner published numerous sing! ' 
 speeches, orations, Ac, which are included in the c.i- 
 leetivo edition of his writings. Complete Works, Bost., 
 1870-8,'!, 15 vols. Svo. 
[> luunei M US- 
 UI, Lon., 1H7 
 Niimnpr, ChnrlOH Allen, h i835, nt (irent Bar 
 luur. iiri.i J '• 'ravels in .'-uuthom Euroiic. 
 12m,;. "■"■■"' "'"""• "- ''""»••• N. York, 18^7, 
 thf M(st Noble. Onlor of th.i (l.iiter, duiini; a Furtv i 
 U^arti' Kpi«co|mti.. Lon., 1S7C, Sv„ ^ 
 Siiiniicr, Mrs. Cieiirirp lionrv n ir ■■ i 
 .he Ka«,. .3.i,., ,, ,•[. h'IuJ!.:::;'^^^ ^; 1 z: 
 ^J ed. naiiip ywir. ' ' 
 Sumner, lleywooU. 1. Tho Itchen \'all,.y, frnu, 
 ru-hljorne to Kouthanipton : Twcnlv T.i„ l.-..,i,i. 
 fv-ui. 'ivxe 1 i.o„., ,,ss!,, fo,. '2 ' '^,'rVho Bo :,: 
 "'is,'.;."" """'' ''^'"""^^ *"""* S""*!'^- i"iu«t. i.,.,;.; 
 Sumner, Hev. William (Jrnhnm, b. 1S4I) at 
 .ottingen and Oxl„rd : .o„k „rdo,s i„ tho EpisJ^,, 
 rl ^!;"''rT "p'"''"-" -j -eiai -'ion;:' 
 lilosinoo l,s,.>. I. A„ry „|- Aiiieriniii Currem^v 
 ;v,lh Chapters on English |i„nk Uos.ri.tio . and A ,: 
 trmn Paper Miinoy, N. York, I,s7l, iL'nK,. 
 ''It Is a dismal l.iit very in.stnictivc story andtheonlv 
 to ll we are disposed t.i IHhI with Mr. Si im, 4'" e i„l • 
 2. Ainerieaii Finance, N.York, IST.-i, 8vo. .'1. |,ec- i 
 Uires on . he Ijistory of Prote,.,io„ in .hi United StiU ^ 
 N.\ork |s,,,Hv„. .(. Andrew .lackson ,19 a Puhli . 
 .Ul win '"/.""'!' ';''"".'''"'"'^^'" ''« '""Land what 
 I6.n» """"'( American Statesmen,") Dost., ISS2, 
 "ltimisthecnnres.sed that these pa^'e.s are dry reiidinu 
 . , . Ihis is not aUvuys the miiIIi,1's f.iiHt. t is a Z; 
 ,,,?," '" '■""'l"-<'-«"l into a volume of a pres tIh' | ' iJ ^ 
 '^^y:^^!^:ii:.;:!^^}:it' """' "^^•' '■- ---f ■ 
 188,i Tfiml ^"''"' *^'"''"'"'' *"*" '" ™'''' ""'"• ^'- ^''"■''> 
 '«S.lJ"^h^lrn!:;r ii;ietl;;^.n"^;l,^ ■^;i;^i:;:' 
 iniiidiiit. your own 1, isiness Adv ee of t Is k- ii,, i ,'^' 
 «. Problems in Politieal Economy, N. York, 1S8( 
 ■'"",'• ^' ' '•'"?,^'i","i«>" •• tho Ism which teaches that 
 W.ete makes Wealth, N. York, 188,^ l,l,„o. s. C . 
 ledcd hssays in Politieal and Social Science, N. York, 
 Sm XI ^Y,''''''''''''''-'" "■" '"^™'^i"""lly "nforluiiaie."- ' 
 I'l'rt':^:'^^,:^""" *'• "-'">"-'«'>'r Travellers, 
 for^Z'^r e"!'^.; 'V "'• .^\"'' "" '''""« Differences; 
 Un!, ?si.C8vo. "' "'" ^""'"""' "*' Actuaries, 
 SiindeHand, John T. 1. Orthodoxy and Rcvi- 
 ;'""" '■ ^""""" "" '»'« Q»"'<ti"n at Issue, N. York, 187( 
 .'mo 2. What is the Uiblo? an Attempt to Answer 
 c u , , the Light of tho Best Scl'iolarshV," an, 
 nulic Most Ueverent ami Catholic Spirit, N. York,' 1878, 
 ^"^:2Z'Z^^: MSe:;e;:"8r:: , t, ''■"^"''"^■ 
 An„,KM.:'S': """*"" ''""'•' See-BnooKs, 
 \nZlfV ^' **'• ^"^"""'-^ '^^•' 0""er of Words in the 
 In I .„ ■ w^I'T' ""'"('"■•ed with that in the Modern, 
 "i llenn Weil, liost., 1887, 8vo. ' 
 Niipl<ic, Kcv. ThomnN Onnly, b. I84.l,|n Phila- 
 delphia, graduated at l;r ton 1871,',- stu,lic,'l theology 
 .^lol ' il'';? ^":""^y ■""'"'"'• I'hila'Iflphia; rector 
 ol Cour lan,lt Place K,.ho,d, Lakew,.o,l, N.,I . sin,'e 188', 
 .1. Kivc solo : a Uomuncc, Primelon, I.S71. ,|,p|„in 
 Talks rrenton, 1872. :,. Idfe „f Epliniim .0, l.W 
 't'{ ';'••• ' ",1,".''" "f "'« ''"xb-v'-rian Ilosi it i^n 
 it;:iy';^fer ''';••.''"'■ ^■^'■> t--'' "» .h" 
 .Miiuy 01 Worils: l,cctur,s, X. Y,irk. 1878 |''i,i„ - 
 lo'w"o'f pl'in"'7' 'l'."i'!'' '''■>."^' ''■'"' M»tli..;iiatk.arFe : 
 "'"'k of Civil (),>vernment un,ler the Constitution f the 
 bnitod States, Phila., 188:i, Pmo 
 ed.'"('xf.','l8>.,, S"!'"'""" "' ''■" ''''"""" ''"'•" ""-"!!'' i"."!"'* *;""«»'etl.. 1. .S.a-nirds, an,l the 
 Lessons of their Lives, Lon., I87fi-8l., l8mo. 2. ()oo,l 
 -ut .d tvih a Talc for Chihlren. Ilhist. L„n., I87- 
 l^mo. ,i. Animals and of the Bible : a Coloure,! 
 I P cturo-Book, with Descriptions, Lon., 188(1 Ito 
 S ones about Dogs. Illustrated by Harrison Weir.' 
 lllu.-t Ic, by Harrison Weir. Lon., 1881, 4to. fl. Pets 
 a". IMaylcllows, or. Stories abou't Cat's a 1,1 Dog 
 Iliu.-t. Lon.. 188;,, r. 8vo ; new e,l , IS88. ^ 
 MiirriiiKe, Kev. Henry Artlinr Dillon. M A 
 I gra, uatcl at Hcrlfor,! College, O.vford, "iV, r la neii 
 M "' 1"";'',;'.^ "'8'' ''•-•!«''. f'hc.hire, since IHsl A 
 i87i, il;mo."'"'* '" ^""''"'^ ^'■''^■'"'■^ "f "'" 1'""^ i-o". 
 CooIk"!",!": t^*""" "^ ^""S'o's Nest, (Pseud.) See 
 n.f."-'''i!"''' J*'"" Fnnny, ("Cherith," p.,eud.l 1 
 tori,>, Lon 18,7, Itimo; ,id ed., 1880. 3. Bvwav 
 (,„gs: .^ergcant Cotton Sturt, Lon., 1878, fp. 8 J f 
 S rrnn. »"'• "Z """■•■ Sinries. Lon., 1884, 2mo. 
 Surtecs, Hev. Scott Frederic, „«^., vol i 
 ^:HyVngli^:!^::^y"' f-y, >t'"' ""^ •••« '>« -^ t.^ 
 i-iriy i.nglis 1 Text Society, Hertford, 1871, 8va. .T The 
 Ornaments Rubrics, Ac, Miscellanies, L, n., 1877, 8vo 
 l' hp. L,m.':",%sf8v".''^ "'' """"'"^ "' Sh'akesiiiare" 
 iThe"Dv!n"i'lt''""'"^: ^''^ Neglected Letter, or. 
 «e::.!;?A;:^,^'tn:,'i8l"i^7' ^""^^^^m;^- 
 ' .i,.**,"V''n""'"",'?' ""*'• Alexander, D.D., b. 1833 at 
 ^8" « ; "r ;• '-■"-■J '"P-uch in tho'Meth,;di;t Ch. 'rch 
 since'lsVr "i% "■"' ^''"T" "f M«'h"'list Missions 
 Sn i. .r'l„ir"»""''' .'" '■'■"i'-i^'-l"'"'!. Toronto, 1882. 
 Te„M, e Is-T •''"r''':™'''--'^ •" "'« l^"^'" 'he Middle 
 lakutta. Ihe Digest ol Indian Law Ueports • a Com 
 n"; 'i";-'".i "r ? ';';"«,^ "' '"" "■«" ^■<">' t if -caic,: j 
 j aZittai'ls" ,st '"^'^ ''""""■' '■™'" '«=" '"'*'^«. 
 I Edin" 187 ',""vf : ^' ''"'""''' °f »"''"'«'' Archa,ology, 
 I Mn If ri"''"!.'',' *"e»fge, head-masterof St, Andrew's 
 I thf ;^!!;r"v^::;t*^i::^-ss^7^t ' "^' ""^-^ '» 
 _^Sutherland, J. Talks on' 'idving Subjects, Chic, 
 ag:!:'j^;:!!ij:^i^; ^VoJr '"""""' ^- "^ °- 
 D-nighus^ri?""' •'• ''• """Slas, and other Poems. 
 Ch^",'^"'"":!,', •""""«• T""<« »" I-'ve Subjects, 
 W,u!Is\v,m!,"."„''p •'i"™*' Middleton. William 
 »oi,|s«orth a Popular Story of his Life: with Critical 
 Remarks on his Writin.r., lJ„ j^^r ..^ sy > °'" 
 Sutherland, Jane Dunn'. Lays of the Luri and 
 other I imcs. IJy t-„a. Keighley, 1885, Svo ' 
 ,f ""'"'"■"'. Kobert. The' History of the Pro, 
 byterian Church of Victoria, from the Foundation of 
 Sutherland, Lieut. W. H. H., U.S.N. 1. A,i- 
 ■ ■ v> j 
 nuitli Tulilo* for Parnllols botwoen ni° N. and (ICS. fiit tlio TlienloKiciil Semiimry "f (lie nrl'.H mil Cliuuli, 
 I'ub. Ijy I'.S. Uiiv't. Winli., ISn;), 2. Nniitical Mmio- I Nuh Ilriiimvii^k, N..I., 1>J"; \iasUir i'( ii Ufliirriieil 
 griiph", N(i. 4: Till- Xorlli Atlunlii- Cvoluinjn of August, cliiiri'li In .lun-vy City Miiico IS71I. 1. Tlio Crutrcr 
 18SH. I'ub. I)y I' S. (i,.v't. Wash., H". I'liiuily, rhihi., IHIU, ;;. Cruel ,lini, 1870. .'). Tbu 
 NiitlicrlillKl, »illiniil, |{»<'<l<'iicr tn the Eiirl «il' Wrpck-.MiiKtir*. lly KnlckiMbuokor, Jr. I'hilu., IS7(I, 
 MintM, llMii.i-llni)k nf Ik-rlmi'i'oui iinJ AI|iino ' Hiiii". 
 Flnwi'rs, IMiii., I>71. |i. >\". ' Sir/.or, llciiniMl, .M.Il., CM. IMin., M.l). rnrU, 
 Nlitro, TluMUlorci Tlii.' Sulr.i Tunnel ('(iui|iiiny wan .■ent by llic cnloiiy (if Mauritiu:' ai" a dulcgalo to 
 Rlid tlio Suiro runnel: I'mipertv, Incu'uc, rrii.-|ieels, ami Mudy .M. I'liMeur's treatment nf bydruidmbia at I'aris. 
 I'ondinK l.itiKaliuui KeiKirt to tbu .ftni'kbulderi!, N. Mydrn|.bnbia : an Aecount of .M. l'a>leur'« System, ocjn- 
 York l>87 lllni'i lainin;,' a Tran.ilatiun iif .\ll lil^ Cinnmunio'illiinn nn the 
 .. '..' ' . .'.. .. .... .... I p .1 ^■. .1 1 . .. .1... 'I',... I...; f 1.;, M...1....I I .1... I ..t»^» 
 SllUlT, Arcllillllld, C.i;. Kdili., ineiuber nf the 
 Imititule of Civil Kn^ineers, Limdon ; Inspiietor in II. M. 
 Land Ollleo. I. Amuriean Nnte.s ls>l, I-iui., 1>'<1.'. p. 
 8vo. '.'. Per .Mare, I'er Terra-! : boiuK a \Mt t.i New 
 Zealand by .\u:'iralla for the K.Kauiination nf Certain 
 l.iindH there, diirinK l>S;i-SI, and .\nieriea, in ISSj. 
 Mii|.9 and llhi-1. I.on., er. ^vo. 
 NlltU-r, Jlllif. 1. (Trans.) .Synniivc .-iolbakken ; 
 from the Nonvejjian of lijorn^t.jerno lljilrnson, l.on., 
 l.s.Hl, cr. .''vo. 2. (Trans.) liilihild; a Talo id' tbu Iri^h 
 ubject, the 'lei'hni(iuu id' bis Metbod, and tbu Latest 
 ."^taii-tieal Ke.-iill-. lllust. I, on., \s'<-, y. Hvo. 
 SwalK'V, Itcv. ,>liilirirc, M.A., ^''aduated at 
 Kinn'n Colleiie. .Nina Seolia, l'*.')2; ordained viear 
 of St. Tboniiis's. i;.\eter, and |ier|ietuiil euralo of Oldrid^e 
 ciiiee 1871. 1. Voiee> from Al'et,'«eit ; or, 'fbu lliuno 
 on the Wave, Lon., 1878. 2. Annals of St. ThoiuaH, 
 K.xoter, A.D. IJiil to 187s, ls78. 
 Mwnby, Itt'v. Williiiiii I'roctur, li.D., K''nd- 
 ualed at HatlieM Hall. Ihii ham, 187:; ; md.iined 187 
 Mi.isionarios in ifennany, A.D. 70;i; from the (ierinan nuU'ra^an of the dioeese of Durham ninee I ^No : viear of 
 of I'rofen-or Klirard, l.on'., I>8:i. p. -vo. ^ ::. Luther and 
 the : an lli.<torie-l)io),'raphieal Tale, l,on.. |Sn:i, ' 
 11. 8vo. •). Tlio Iktbleheniites; from the (ierman. l.on., 
 1880, p. 8vo. ;i. Maddalona, the Walden.'ian .Maiden, 
 I,on., 188(i, or. svo. Ii. (Trans.) liaehel, the Little 
 Captive .Maid; from the (ierman. l.on.. 18'<(i, p. >vo. 
 7. (Trans.) For the Uigbt, by K. K. Francos, I,on., 
 l>^r, p. '•vo. 
 Siillill, .Matlliew. The Works of the Poet Coaob- 
 iniiii. .M. Suttill, .N. York, 18sj, sv„. 
 Sutton, CharlON. New York Tombs: its .Seereta 
 and its .Mysteries; heiii); a History of Xoted Criminals, 
 with Narratives of their Crimes. Ldited by James I!. 
 Mix and Samuel .\. .Maekeevor. Illust. 187L8vo, 
 Sutton, Charles Williiim. iKd.) A List of 
 Lanoashire Authors ; with liriuf liioi;rapbioal and llib- 
 lio;,'rapbii'al Notes, ( .Maiu-hester Literary Club Pub.,) 
 Manidiestor, 1>7(1, 8vo. 
 Mutton, Uev. Frederick Ilentlicoto, 183:!- 
 1888, graduated at .Ma),'dalen College, O.xford, Is.'iiij or- 
 dained isiil i rector of lirant liroughton, Lincolnshire, 
 187:1-88, and prebendary of Lincoln from l>8:i, I. 
 Some Account of the .MeJiiuval Organ-Case still existing 
 at Old Radnor: with an Ajipendix containing Fifteen 
 Etchings illustrative of liolhio Organs. Lon., IHIiti, fol. 
 2. A Letter to the Dean of St. Paul's, printed at the Ue- 
 quDst of the Executive Commilteo for the Completion 
 of St. Paul's Cathedral, Lon., l.-*7l, Svo. :i. Church Or- 
 gans : their Position and Construction : with an Appen- 
 dix containing some Account of the .Mediaeval Organ- 
 Case at Old Radnor, South Wales, Lon., 1872, fol. 1. 
 Papers on M'all Paintings and Koof Paintings in 
 Churches. Rcuiiissanoe tJlass, ,to., IS7S. 
 Sutton, Henry, b. \^ib: graduated at Christ's 
 ving- , ^ 
 dom : with Notes on the Law and Practice, Lon., 1874, ' mid miiiirpbolis state. This large Imily of popular bcllels 
 • ho lias svsteniatizcil and, vvliuii necessary, contrasted with 
 Cunline'iilal superslitiuns. . . . It will ilelight all lovers of 
 country snuiuls and sli,'lits."— .Ifin/.. xxxi. I'Jt. 
 ■'.Au'lnilispensftljlc companion to Wliil''^ 'Selborne,' to 
 Thoreau's writings, to 'an Oxford Tutoi Year with the 
 Hirils.' "— Sill. Hn\. 'xiii. I'.s. 
 Swninson, II '-v. I'linrlcx Antlmiiy, D.D., [oatt, 
 vol ii., add.,] b. Is2ll, at Liverpool; gra. mated at Trinity 
 College, Cambriilgc, 1S41: ordained I84.'i; Lady Mar- 
 garet jirofessor of divinity in the I'nivcrsity of Cam- 
 bridge 187(1; ma.stcr of Clirist's College, Cambridge, 
 18S1; vice-chancellor of the University of Cambridge 
 188fi. 1, Kx;iniination (Questions upon Ijishop Pcarson',- 
 Exposition of the Creed: with Additional Notes. Lon., 
 iN:')!), IL'mo. 2. Essay on the History of .\rticle XXIX.. 
 Is.'iO. .-i. "The Atlianasian CreciP' and its I'sage in 
 t-7iim/ii, a&uiiij, i-.. I Tif • ^,.. ...... I..-. ... ^..... 
 College, Cambridge, Is('i8; called to the bar at Lincoli 
 Inn 1870. The Tramways Acts of the United Kii 
 St. Mark's. .Milllleld, since 18>4. History of llylton 
 Castle, 188:i. 
 Swain, (linrles I"., i" U. 0, Sault," pseud.) Cap- 
 lain Waters and Hill bis lioson : a Tale of the Ocean and 
 the Farm, lio^t.. 1877. Uiino. 
 Swain, William I'anI, F.U.C.S., [natu, vol. 11., 
 add.,] surgeon to the South Devon and East Cornwall 
 Hospital, Dcvonport, 1. Injuries and Diseases of the 
 Knee-Joinl. and their Trealiiient by Amputation and 
 Excision contrasted, l.on., I Mill, 8vo. 2. Preliminary 
 Medical Education at Provincial Hospitals, Lon., 187 1, 
 Svo. ;i. Surgical Emergencies : together with the Emer- 
 gencies atteiidiint on Parturition and iiie Treatment of 
 Poisoning: a Manual. Lon., 1871, ii. Svo; ;id od., l8Mi. 
 4. Hints on the .Viijilication of the I'oroplaBtio Jacket in 
 Spinal Curvature, Lon., 188(1, Svo. 
 Swaine, Ann. (Trans.) History of the Doctrine 
 of the Deitv ol Jesus Christ. 187(1. Svo: new ed., I87s. 
 Swaine', llev. Steplicn Albert. 1. The Re- 
 ligions Revolution in the Sixteenth Century, Lon., 188(1, 
 121110, 2, (Jcneral C. Ii. tiordon, (•■ World's Workers,") 
 Lon., 188.1, II. Svo. ;i. Turner the Artist, ("World's 
 Workers,") l.on., I8S5, p. Svo. 1. Faithful Men; or, 
 .Memorials of liristol liaptist College and some of its 
 Most Distinguished Alumni, Lon., issa, Svo. 
 Swainson, Hev. diaries, M.A., graduated at 
 Christ Church, Oxford. |N(i:i; ordained 1804; rector of 
 Old Charlton, Kent, since 1874, 1. A lland-Iiook of 
 Weather Folk-l.ore: being a Collection of Proverbial 
 Sayings in Various Lan,L'iiages relating to the Weather ; 
 with Explanatory and Illustrative .Notes, Edin., 1^7:!, 
 12mo. 2. The Folk-l.ore aud Provincial Names of Urit- 
 isb Birds, (Folk-Lorc and Dialect Soc. Pub.,) Lon., ISSil, 
 " He has broiigbt togetbcr . . . a mass of folk-lore which 
 was previously scMiteivd tliroiigb many books In a crnde 
 p. Svo. 
 Sutton, Henry (iawen, M.B., F.R.C.P., physi- 
 cian aud lecturer on p;itlio|ogy at the London Hospital. 
 Lectures on .Medical Pathology, at the London Hosjiital, 
 l>S.'i, Lon., I>s(i, p. Svo. 
 Sutton, Henry Septimus. 1. Poems, (ilasgow, 
 "Poems wliich have the charm of true, if not highly 
 imaginative, verse."— .s^;)ic/<i/»r, Ix. 730. 
 2. Poems. .Manchester, 1^87, fp. Svo. 
 Sutton, Henry Smith. Eternal Hope and Eter- 
 nal Punishment. .Manchester, 187(1. Anon. 
 Sutton, John liland, F.R.C.S., assistant surgeon 
 and lecturer on coinpiirativo anatomy, ,tc., at the .Mid- 
 dlesex Hospital ; iirofessor of pathology at the Royal 
 Veterinary College. 1. An Introdintion to (ieneral the English Church : an Investigation as to the Original 
 Pathology : fpunded on Three Lectures delivered to (he Object of the Creed and the Growth of Prevailing Mis 
 Ruyal College of Surgeons, London, I. sSO. Illust. Lon., conceptions regarding it ; a Letter. Lon., 1870, p. 8vo. 4. 
 1886, Svo. 2. Ligaments : their Nature and .Morpliology, ' A Plea for Time in Dealing with the Athanasian Creed : 
 "a Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury: with I'ost 
 scripts, Lon., 187:i, p. Svo. ."i. The Rubrical (Question ol 
 Lon., 18S7, p. s^vo. 
 Sutton, .Martin J. Permanent and Temporary 
 Pastures : with Descriptions and Coloured Illustrations 
 ot Leading Natural tjrasscs: and Clovers: bii?ed "ii an 
 Essay by .Martin Hope Sut 
 1874: a llrief Historical Enquiry as to the Purport 
 toe Kiibii'-s ,',-Tniiig the i)rnnments r.f tlie (bur;: 
 and the Jlinister, Ac, Chichester, 1874, Svo; 2d ed,, 
 Slltton, Uobert. The Elements of the Theory of ' IS7,'i 
 The Parliamentary History 
 nf the Act of Uni 
 •M ed., enl., Lon.. L's"!, Svo. 
 Suydani, llev. John Howard, D.IJ., b. I8;i2, at 
 Brooklyn, N.Y ; graduated at Rutgers College Isjt, and 
 formity, l:i and 14 Charles II.. Cap. 4: with Illustr 
 tions from Doeuments not hitherto ] 
 The Xi 
 blished, Lon., Ls7. . 
 eand Apostles' (jreeds : their Literuin 
 HlKtory : toRothcr with an Account ..r the ,jr„„||, ,.n,l ' 
 "M '••'llivnllM^i- In ^ \';■n■'''"'!l'''''VV■'■'■'■l'■- 
 nn.i N...s.,",mi^u":r',^;; ' :^r -;;; i^^^;;':i5' i:'";f < 
 nM»..,m..r.H „r l'u„,eH l.;,.,.U..,Hi„,„i,.„|, „, „,• h, \u " , ' 
 t.u. of tiM. l(e„l,„v „„ „i,t„,|,„, I.;n,,,.i V \vitl "'.' : 
 ^":i;:s";sHt^';v "^r^'friiT^U'^ilf'^^'';' '•'^'"■■ 
 -."'^.facJ,,.e,,;.,;;;!t'.,l,l';^:l::^:^i;:'!^ -^^^^^ 
 I'l itK ( iitliclrul 1,1 ('li|,.|,,.|.. >|,|.| [. I,,,,. |,sn 11,, 
 . u lH,r,t,..s: „,th ,„> A|,|,i.,„lix ooiituinl,,,- t „• '» , 
 nlumry Cnon „f ,ho M,,.., !r,„„ Tw„ .\I:m, u ,Ti ,t , 
 ;^:nl:;^«!:tlsr';:^:v»!;''''' ■'■'''•--'''•'>■' ''^•^- <'»■■"; 
 Sunllow.IlVv. Henry James, r.U.^.r. FSA 
 ri'ctiir (Il lliiivthdin Kincu ,ss,',. I h,, v„..„ y:,, . 
 Tho^ II;.«»o „f Novill i„ su„4nne L'il.'a^rJ.i'.'.'Vs;',;; | 
 8vf: '^''"' ^''"'""■'"'•■'' "'■ ili9to"ry'; 2(1 ed., Un., ISS8, or. 
 Swallow, S. C. Cnni|i-,Moetin«»: their Orisin 
 {'-riii,,:: ^"'''^' "'■'" ''""' »'«"'-'rM"nr\. v'M-k,' 
 SwAn.y sirMfltu Coomftrn, ls:ii-iS7!i h in 
 C ylo„ , o,.l e,l ,„ the l,„r at Li,,..,,!,,'. '[„„ ,-,,;:) / a nK-, , 
 ^s-;' V"',W"l""y.. Council of.'eylon,- kniKhtcl n 
 r.nt'l iV * 'T'' •^'■i"'"""''-". 'ho Martyr of Truth: " 
 isn sn ^,''.?-^'""':"i'^""';; »■"' Introclu.tion, I.on. 
 IV4, s»,>. 3. irmns.) .Sutta .\i|iata; or, Dialo.ruc'i an, 
 Swan, Annie S. 1. Up.s an,l Down..-: n Family 
 \T\t:> ''""■; '■•^•^-•;8vo: 2. Oran,ln„„ho"'; 1 , 
 ■mn ^ ',» • ",• ■'•/''''adowcd Live., Lon.. 18,s2 I 
 ^to V Lon' Isx.''' ■"•, ••'• ^'"' '""'•/««»'<'': " IJoniclv ' 
 •n7'., I •; H- 'T """"• '• *''"■'"» Kor.'.yih- or" 
 ln«„,tto.l rom the WorM, l.;,lin., IS.s.i, so. 10, o .s' 
 M,« taken, 18,s;!, ,,,. ,„„,„. „. Dorotl,l.a Ki k; or," ' 
 t rce to .VMve, K.l.n., 1 ss-l, 1 2n.o. 1 1». The lietler !>.,"• 
 ? 'n f; Tn T'' ^\'":^ ' '• •'^''"'^ '^-boroul-h-^ V !•; 
 ' Ik' on'?Hs>'"' J- '-»':""r"= "■■• AuM,„g I,othian 
 .M tlK. Ton '.i'j "•» '^- V'""''^ ^■'^'»"' ""•• Si.'ter 
 T e Jm.tU I'i .'*',';; ^''°- ^*- ^^'''•■"''■•'» Chase; r,r, 
 lie lie tie Heart. Ilust. Lon., I,-<84, cr. 8vo. 15 
 Xho Bonnie Jean," Ola.^eow. 1,'^S4 i, s.-n in a 
 Uividea H„u«e : a ,Vo^. Life, K.n';.; f^ 'i, J%,t 
 .am., o||_ ^j„m Hepburn's Vow: a Tale or 
 lurk and Covenant, Lon., l.s's:>, ,,. 8vo. 21. 11, davs 
 fcdn., l.V^B, p. ,Svo. j:i. Thomas Dryburffh\s Dream' 
 a .Story of the Chlldret.'s Hospital, Lon., f"s(i, ,, s ,' 
 .dm,, I8,S8, 12mo. 26. The Uates of Kden : a .^toiy „f I 
 Tale""' nh;,f''"V' "'?'.i'- "'•"• -'• "^'i""' Winnie :"a ' 
 li'le. Illiist. Lon., l,<8li, ],. .'^vo. 28. Jack's Year of Lon., 1887, p 8vo. '211. The Strait Gate Lo ., 
 \^>,, p. 8vo :<0. liriar and Palm : a Study of Cireu 
 ance and rnfluenee, Edin., 1,S87, p. 8vo 31 Dor s 
 ' lieyne: the Story of a Noble Life, fedin., 1S88, p 8vo 
 ..2. WronKi. RiKhlod, E,lln., 18Ss, 12,„„. x\. The ,«eoret 
 I ane Lo„ IHSM. p. 8vo. .11. ||a„.|| and ti-,„" C". 
 ■I , Kdm. 18.S8, p. ,Svo. ;ij. Mi,, Lavl.r', | „,, . , 
 "rr s JIaven, Kdin., I>SH, p gvo 
 y^r-^^'ti^: u::^:^^'" TheD„ctor'. 
 Swiin, .lames U., f,,„^, vol. li., a.M.l | The In 
 ; uli: ;;; Kor::!';'^:^! .';:r;872:Hr ' '" ™°""" '" '""• 
 l.^T*"?"'.,^' " "'"■''■ '^'"'"^ "'' '^""••"lian Life, Lon., 
 Swank, James .Moore, b. is,i2, at Lovalhanm 
 ". ; secretary of the A«,eriean Iron and Steel a'sooI,.: 
 li:' , """'.' ';"'',""'l Kcneral manager since i ^s:,. |. a 
 History ol the Department „f Agriculture, \V„sh., |s7l 
 -. the Iron in 1N7H, l'„liii,.allv, Ills' 
 t'ricaly,an.|.Mat,sti™llyc„„sidere,l, I'hila.. I,M7fl; iilmo. 
 in IV nn's'vi' '^'.""""f "'■„« an,l Cal-Alining 
 >N lennsyhanm, I'hila.. 1^7S. .(. Statisth's of tlio 
 American and torelKn Iron Trades i„ Issi, N. York 
 Iron'in'ni ;'• ■ ,"■' "i-""'.v -f the Manufacture of 
 for Vl / li ''"■■ ","''. l""-"''"l"rly in the I'nile.l ,<t»t,.s 
 ISSI S-! ""'"'''*'' ^'■''"•»' "•""' li« to ISS.-,, I'hila., 
 H,nitH^:'?':;^ ^^:^'\::T')^T "" '""'"'" 
 Suauwiek, .Miss Anna. {„„„;' vol. il., „,|d.l 
 I. ( I nu,s., 'Ihe Dn.mas „f .Ksc.hylus, Lon.. Is7;i Vol. 2 
 iss.s.fpl's'", '""'"' "'"' '"'"■ '' '""^ ''" '■™"^'-'J' L"n., 
 Swanwick, Catherine, [,.n,e, vol. il., add.] I. 
 u.i.Jn'r ,'""'■ ;' JJ'-""""'^' ''"<"»•• a T-,le.d' the .••'if 
 ■cnth Century, Lon., 18(12. Svo. Anon. 2. The T, li - 
 ' 1\':. ^"TtI " ^".'" "' ""•• '■='">■'■""' '^"■""^y. '''■'•. 
 III. Svo. .1. Ihi-TO Dramas, Lon., ISDii, sv„. .] il„|er' 
 a Drama Lo„ 1,7!., ,,, 8vo. 5. Kichard Ca.ur do Li , i 
 a i.c>,'cii.|ary Drama, Lon., Issil, Svo 
 ,.. »V"",^>'' "«.""■>' ""Hbi.ionKli, A..M., Mil., 
 .«.l..^.I., examiner in ophthalmic -ur.'erv in the 
 loyal Ln.vers.lyof Irelaicl', and to the cmjoln I, ,1 
 lov % Vl"" ""; i'""^''"'^ ^'""^■«^' "'■ ''''.vi'inns and 
 ■\ ti,„l" r "', '^J"-*!?"'. '"'l'"!'!,- surgeon to the 
 -National Lye and Kar Inlirmary, Dublin :oi,htlialmio 
 surgeon ,0 ,h._. Adelaide Hospital, Dublin.' I T , n" ) 
 Atl lot Opl„|m|m,,s,,.pv : represenliiig the Normal ai 
 vitMb.'-n, I ,^":"'"""' <" "■« I'-undus Oculi as seen 
 V the OpMhalmoscope: com,,osed of Twelve Cbromo- 
 Lithographic Plates, (containing Kifiv-Nine I-'igircs ) 
 ,«ur! ., I'o <, t1 • "',"'i;'-"''y '""■-"King Ophtbaimio 
 .ur),(oi to .St. Ibomas' Hospital, Lon.lon, Lon |S7i) 
 to: Al ed., 188,-,. 2. A Hand-Dook „f the Dise'as s of 
 the Eye and their Trcatmct. Illust. Lon., lisV p 
 Svo; new cd., I8S5, ", •.- *, p. 
 ^ I8:';^*h,''if'„"7', •',""'' ^•^- ['""«'■ ^•"'- "•• '''W-] b. 
 Iclui d ,;'.»" ' ;;■""•':• ^"•' l'">*<»'-«i-a Lutheran 
 : Uew'.Ln :•?'■'''• .';'•' T'" '■'^'' '• U'-eamings of 
 he Waking Heart: with other Poems, Harrisburg, Pa.. 
 : 18,1, 12mo. 2. Lyra l.utherana, ISSM. o' • "•• 
 I .Swas-ey, J. U. A .'sew Essay on' Man ; and Mis- 
 ^oellaneous Poems. X. York, Iss,;, ,Svo 
 Siinyne Kev. (ieorgc Carless, li.D., ["»'-. 
 for/'i's'lu '^ f':"''","!!'!.;" ^'"T"^ Chrlstl College, Ux- 
 ,b, • J. '■ "''"i""-''! I'" '•' ; assistant chaplain ,it II ivre- . 
 %:Z,tT" 'I'v^-- ■ ''^'""^•' 'l'b« Einuenides of 
 Asch.^lus, I„n., IS;,:,, Svo. 2. Herodotus, ("AniMcut 
 '^vvVm*^^;'"""' ""'"'■"'") '•■"- "*'»• >-'mo. WUh 
 Svo •"■^""■^I'KT ^-ULVii, Poems, Darmstadt, 18B8, 
 Swayne, Rev, Robert tJeorge, M.A., graduated 
 a Wadham College Oxford, IS, 2; ordained I :sf™r,,n 
 of .Nilisbury since 1871; chancellor since 1S77; proctor 
 o dean and chapter since l88(i. 1. The Voice of the 
 . K,,l Miepherd to his Lost .Sheep : being a Practical E.v- 
 siti.m ..( ,!,e F„„ncr Part of the Parable of tile Prod- 
 igal hon. Lor,., istis, l2mo; new ed., 1876. 2 Tho 
 ion rjs"' ,?"'" 'V'T." 'r' 'J'^y«- five Addres s! 
 Swii/py, John ll..( • Ali.rhln.I-.'."|...Mi.l.) 3(.inoi N\vr«'in|ipli', llcv. Henry Onrrrll Niidell, 
 01.».Tnni"iM ii|i.n llh- Civill/iilldii i.r tlifl \V.-i.rii llur- ; (<l iil \i»';<>i>'» ''""'■«»•,",<'""!• '^'*_': ''''',"",'."! 
 buriiiu«i |>iirtiriiliirly of lliii KiiKlixh, iiiii'io iliiriiiK it 
 lU'iiilonL'U uf Kiiiiio Yiiiri In tliuKu l'i>rtii. Triiiii'lutc'il 
 fniiii 'lio ('hliiii.1' Inti) Knirliih by J v Yu-.s'- Sukjtho 
 lln«t., IsTtl, l:'m.i. 
 Nwri-iiL'y, llrv. Jiimcii K(f'V 't. 
 All Siiiiil»>» mill f" 'iviil* ,.f tin 
 voN. or. •"vn. AI-. •i-je's "•f'" 'n* 
 Nweenvt Jiinifs 'f 'V«i(i.. j U 
 ('iMirt-' 111' I 111' CII.V "1 ' \i<rk, vof*. »iiV- -"x.xil,, 
 (IHIUI Tii.l I'lib. Iiy Ihi .1.-^,. 1S70, 2 viils. Ni,, 
 NwcctlVi l'liilip> *-a(i^ull<« (^untruvorxial I.Mttera, i 
 I.lill.. I^>.., IT. ■• I 
 N\V«'<Ht Alox««i*4'V fcilwln.b. ISU 1 iijiitirnaliKl, 
 Willi Km)\, J Ah<hvy: I. Thno Dii/.in lliiml .Slurnn 
 fini.i "'l'.<.\H» .■',(1111*-." LUisi. N. V.irk, l^«7, Svo. 
 :;. iKil.) (Ill II M»» >fii^tuii(! iijn/u>!b 'I'l'.xiin, fnim 
 till' (iiiir ti> llio Km v,u.: i.". lllint. iiiirllunl, t'liiiu., I 
 |S,-S, ,Svil. I 
 Swccl, ChnrlOM, I.i nury of KiikIIsIi ; 
 L;iw, ('1)111111111111; Di'liiiitiuu.- Ml ui. i !, "-nl TiTiii.* in! 
 iMu'lcrii r.'i', iiii'l 11 Ciiiii'ii'O SliUeiin'hi .. 'Ill' Uiik'K ol' 
 Liiw oll'cclitit! till' l'iiiiel|ml Siilijceta ; « llUtiirical 
 iiii'l Klymiiliitfii'iil Nnii-i, l.'ni., |.ss2, «vii. 
 •' X work of loii-lili'iiihU' iillllly. . . . An e.xiunliiiUloii I 
 of Mr. Swi'i'l'i hook iloci not illsrloye iiiiy uri)iiiiilH for sup- 
 lio-iiii; Hull lie will .-iiin'n.L'il« clUnT of lilt iircilwctoin'."." I 
 — .11/1,, No. J.vVi. I 
 Sh ret, Henry, M.,\., Ii. 1HI5; Knulunli'il iit lliilliol ; 
 Culk'rfc, O.vfonI, IsTii. I. il'M.) KiiiK Airrt'il'-i Wt'.-!- I 
 Sit.xoii N'or.-iimi of IJrc^ory'i I'uitoriil Ciiro: witli an \ 
 Kn^li'li i'nin.^hiti'in, llie l.nliii Text, N'oti'.s ami Iiitro- j 
 tluelion, (Karly Klig. Tii.xt Sue,,! I.iiii.. l."<71-72, 2 |iart.i, j 
 8vo. 2. A lliitiirv of Kiinliili Soiiiiil.i froiu tlii' Kftrliest ! 
 Purioil : incluilinK an Invi'sliKalinii of the (ii'in'riil I.iiwh 
 of Himml I'liaiiKi', anil Full Wonl I.Ul.-, l.oii., l>7l,Svu; 
 Ill'W I'll., Oxf., IK.>^-<. 
 "It will proliiiljlv liiiiK contliini' to lie tlif nio'-t ptTfi'ct 
 oxI.itliiK iiaiiilliook of Kiiall'-li I'll! I"«:y H !■< ii"t likely 
 that many rc-iills of iiii|iortaiiiu will In' aiMoil lo IIiom, 
 wlik'li .Mr. Swi'fi \iA> lirri' lonnnlali'il until Knijli'-li ilia- 
 li'i'L'i have lifi'ii I'.xliaiistivi'lv >tii(liuil aiconliiiK to scicii- '. 
 Illlc ni(.'tlioils."-.l(/i., No, ;il7o. I 
 H. All An>;lo Saxon Uoiuler in I'rosc ami Verne, Lon., 
 1>76; 2(1 eil., I.'<71l, l2ino. 'l. (Kil.) n|,| KntjIiKh Ueailini,' 
 Primers: I.. Sdei'teil l!.iinille!< of .Klfrie; II., KxIriioU 
 ' 11 All'reil 'lio.iiiiH, (l.\l'., 2 vols. f|i. .Svo. ."i, .\ llaml- 
 .k of 1'! tii'.i: iiH'lii'linn a l'ii|iiilar Kx|ioHitiiiii of 
 the l'rinci|i of .''iiulliiit; Itcfonii. Oxf., IS77, f|i. Svo. i 
 fi. An AnKlii-.-^axon Primer; with tiniminar, Notes, and 
 (!lii».»ary, Oxf., I.SS2, 12 
 "Tlieino'i vuliialilc part of llie book m . . . Hie ai'i'oiint 
 of tf e soiiiiii-, of tile iiiiiu'imne ami llie .ili'Hiolony ; lull the 
 whole of Hie uraiiiinar i> ailmiralily ami very eaiefiilly 
 ti.iupileil."— Wai.iku W. .>ki;.\t; .1m(<(., xxi. ll.'i. ; 
 7. (I'M. I Kint; .Alfred's Oroaiua. Parti. (KarlyEng- 
 liah Text See.) l,on., I8s:i, .Svo. H. (I'M.) The Kpinal 
 Olo.isary, 1-atin ami Old Kn^li.ih, of the KiKbtli Cen- [ 
 tury ; Plnito-Lilliojjraphed Inim the Ori);inal M.*. by 
 W, (Jrig^s : with a rran.lation, Introduetiun, and N'ole.*, 
 !iOn., 18S;!, .Svo. «. Kir.-t .Middle English Priinor : with 
 (irun ir ami lilii.i.iaiy, Oxf., 18S4, I2mu. 10. (I'M.) 
 The Kiiglisli Text.s, Charters, Ac, ( Karly Kiig. 
 Text Soe.,) {>si), 8v(i. II. leelandic Priinor; with 
 (irammar, Notes, mid (ilossary, Oxf., issii, I2iiio. 12. 
 .Second .Middle Knglisli Primer: Kxiriiets I'roni Chaucer : 
 with (iraininar ami (ilo.saary, Oxf., ISsii, 12iiio. 1)1. .\ 
 Pc(!ond Aii;;lii-Saxon Kuudci. .' rehaic and Dialectical, 
 0x1'., ISS7, 121111). 
 Sweet, Huiuer 1>. h. iKd.) Twilight Hours in 
 the .Vdiron'lauks : the ll.iily Doings ami Sevenil .Sayings 
 (if .Seven Sober, SdcIiiI, .■^eientilie .'Students in the llreat 
 Wilderness of Nortbern New York, Variously Verbified, 
 Syrai'ii-'C. IS7{l. Svo. 
 Sweet, I. i>. J. The Klements of Draughts, N. 
 York, IS72, iL'ino. 
 Sweet, Hevi .<nine8 Ilnidley, [<i)i((', vol. ii., 
 add.,] gradiialed at liallio; College, Oxford, ls;)i.l; or- 
 dained 1S41 : vicar of Otterton since 1S7S. 1. Christ and 
 t^alan, Lon., 1S7(), p. Hvo. 2. The Forgiveness .)f Sins: 
 its Comlitions and Mvidence: u Piipor, hon., 1S77, Svo. 
 .'I. "There's no (iood to be „ot at ( '-..n b :" this Clmrgo 
 ISHIl i eunilii of Nei»enl since iHsil. I cannot go back : 
 b)r those who liii' e been Ciinllriiied, I.on., Iss.s, ISnio. 
 Nwo<>tinK, It. ■>• ll> ■'-'"ay on Ibo Fxiierleneea 
 nnd Opinions of .1 llowiril, I.on., Iss|, svo. 
 Nweelliinil. Ilerhert S. T '* Adventures in 
 ifcnriili I Slia.l'iw-l.aml. Illu^t. I, l''S7, l2iiio. 
 ilW< •■'ttnilii, Henry Miiviine, giiidinited at Trinity 
 up«lof i rollep'. Pub .rtffi-leriit luw. ( Ireland.) iiml llnnil* 
 .'.1 and Exposed, I 
 cock, <iniili|«'U8 f'f**!. 'iek. (Kd.l Calen.bir of 
 Ibi! uiilenls .elating to (f liMid 111 llur .Majesly'i I'libllo 
 Ktc'id omee. I.oiid'.ii. 1..*!,., 11*75-1*0, liiii). sm), 
 Mueclniiin, Walter, I (''•, vol. ii Id.] I. A 
 Few 111. lights on the lilfidlit'iiitv of the Pope, I.on., 
 IS7n, p. 8voi 2il ed. iiaiiie year. J The lliiughtors of 
 ll.i Kiiig.nnd other Poems : being a .-^eiiiiel lo"Tlirougli 
 (be ight"uiiil " Onward," I.on., lH7I,p. '<vo. ;i. ,><om" 
 Thouglil- on Freo-Will ; to which Is added a Short Per- 
 sonal Stiiteiii'-nl, Kill) . . 1S7;I, .Svo. 4. Lost Footslepi : 
 Poems, Kdin.. I'-T.'i, '•i 
 NweelRer, .Mi>»t'» ' ••rster, b, isis, at Newbury- 
 i)orl, .Mass. ; eduealed at ll.lnit aiel ('oliinibiaii Colleges. 
 1. (I'M.) The .Middle .'States: a Iliiml-Uook for Travellers 
 to the Chief Cilies of the Middle Slates, Host., 1871. 
 12m». 2. (I'M.) The Mariliiiio Provinces; it llaiiil- 
 Ib.ok for Travellers : ii (liiiilu to the Chief Cities, Coasts, 
 ami Islands of the .Miiriliiiie Pn. vines i.f Canada, Host., 
 187:'i, l2nio. :!. Kurope for Two Dollars a Day; a Few 
 Notes for the Assist iiiee of Tourists. Host,, ls7.i, Hlnio. 
 1. (Ed.) The While .Mmintains : a lland-Ilook lor Trav- 
 ellers, 111., -I., Is7l'., l2nio; stii ed., Iss7. !>. ( Kd.) Ar- 
 tist lliiigniphies, Host., Is77-7'.l, 1.') vols. Isiiio. tl. 
 King's Ilnnd-lloiik of Huston Harbor. Illust. Cani- 
 bri'lge, .Mass , lss2, 12mo. 7. Suiiimc.- Days Down Kast. 
 Illii-t. Portland, Me,, ISH.I, sni. Ito. S. Osgood's 
 Poekel-lini.le to Kurope, Host., 188.1. 
 Hwein, K. H. iKd.) Spiirgeon's (lold ; New Sclco- 
 tions lioin bis Works, Wash,, 1888, Svo. 
 " Suerdnil, .Mrs.," ( Pseud.) Sco Andhkws, Mrs., 
 Swerinisen, Hirnni V. Pburmaceutieal T.cxioon : 
 n Dictionary ol Pli:irniaceulit-al Science, Ac, Phila., 
 |,^7;i, r. S\o. 
 Swele, llev. Henry Ilnrrliiy, H.D., b. isii.'i, at 
 Hristol, I'.iig. ; gni.liiated at (liineille .mil Cains College, 
 Camhrilgc, 1S5U; onlaiiied ISoS; rector of Aslidon, 
 Essex, since 1877 ; examining chajilain to the llishop of 
 St. Albiins since 18S| ; prolessor of pastoral theology. 
 King's College. London, since I882.' 1. Two Sides to 
 Every (Question; or. Nine liueslions to the Haptists : 
 with an Exaiiiiiiiition of tlicir Heply, I.on., Istlll, Svo. 
 2. ( I'M.) St. Paul's Epi.-tl(, : The Epis"tles to the Tliessa- 
 loniaiis ; with an Introduction, ISlio, Svo. H. What is 
 the Itiglit .Method of condiiuting the Defence of the Old 
 Testament in the Kationiilistic S|.irit which has come 
 iipoti theChnieb ? n Paiier, Lon.. Iso:), Svo. l. England 
 II mux Iti.nie : a Hrief lland-Hook of 'be Homan Catho- 
 lic Controversy for the Use of .Members of the Englisli 
 Church, Lon.," ISI'.S, Svo. .'i. On the Early History of 
 the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit ; with Especial Kefer- 
 ence to the Cuntniversies of the Fourth Century, Cam- 
 bridge, 1S7.'!, l2ino. B. (Ed.) Theodorus Lascaris Junior : 
 lie Proeessiono Spiritus Saneli Oralio Apologetica, Lon., 
 18'i.'). 7. On the History of the Doctrine ol the Proces- 
 sion of the Holy Spirit, from the Apostolic Age to the 
 Death of Cliarlciiiagne, Caiiibridgo, 1870, l2ino. s. 
 I Ed.) Theodore of .Mopsuestia's Commentary on the 
 .Minor Epistles of S. Paul: the Latin Vercion, with the 
 (■reek Fragments: Edited from the M.SS. : with an In- 
 troduction and .Notes, Cambridge, 1SS0-S2, 2 vols. Svo. 
 '.I. (Ed.) The Old Testament in (Jreek according to the 
 Septuiigint : Edited for 'mi Syndics of tlio University 
 Press: vol. i., tJencsis-l V. Kings, Cambridge, 1S87, ■, 
 Swetc, Hulin, (This is said lo bo n pseudonyme.) 
 Waller Ellithorne; a Novel, Lon., ISStt, p. Svo. 
 Swete, Horace. Handy Book of Cottage Hos- 
 pitals, Lon., 1871), Svo. 
 Swett, John, [mite, vol. ii., add.] 1. Questions for 
 W.itten Examinations: Aid to Candidates for Teachers' 
 Ceriificatcs and Hand-Hook for Examiners and Teaeli- 
 Sweet, .'tt. Alice. Coals of Fir 
 Pauper's Uevenge, N. York, 1878, ^i^no 
 tor'- of a j crs, N. Y'ork, 1872, 12mo. 2. Centennial History of 
 :'i« Public School System of California, I8.')0-187i'., San 
 Sweet, Willis. The Carbonate (a-., Ii(,-.dvill7 ; Iran., I87i:, Svo. :i. Methods of Teaching, N. Y'ork, 
 and Ten-Mile, of Colorado, Kan.<(aa t-fj h'^ 
 Sweet-Kitcott. See Esuott. 
 1881), 12mo. A Is 
 Swet!,., '^'illiain, I82j-I884, b. at ilenniker, N.H. 
Ill : New Soloo- 
 SIlllKWS, Miis., 
 Kri..lunl...| nt thn Jn-lllul- l„r Dcf Miilo.,, ' 
 (lii-lrii.l .Sil;,M,l |„r iMilMutt.* (l'.mn,|M,| Dv hiii -iilf ill 
 llic Mliiri' AliiiiiiiiiiiH, lli'iiiiiktir, N II |S7( 
 Kv'HIi-iihiiiii, l-rinik A.,<'..M.(|., |iriii,|,r„,i,l,.,,., 
 li.-h an. Miiluv I,mm«uhk,.»: vol. i., I,„n.. INHII, Nv.i. 
 SwUI, l«roiii.NN. Iho |,„i,y ,.h«in: l'oo.iiii, 
 nii«iiml 1111(1 rriiiK-liitiiil, Vciiici,. Is.s) '| 
 Nu'ill, AiiKiiNliiM .♦!., .1. Imsi. ' c„|,i I Ml) \ I 
 lurk. |N>2, IHiiiii ' ■ ■' ■ 
 Nuiri, Kiliiiiiiiil. I, i|.;,|,i M.iiHiul M ilio I),,,:, i 
 '"I'",".."'" •^'■"' 'I'i'i'l': ..•..ii.i'il.'.l Inim tim Th,.„. I 
 l"Kinil U riling* »! JMiiuimH .-■,v,.,|,.r,l,„r«, I..,,, Is7ii I 
 H>..; ni'W r.!., Issii. :>. |.:i„„,„„,| Sw,., .■ n'l',. Man 
 mill liM \i'„ik.-, 1,(111., I«- ,!, |i, svu. 
 Nw ill, lliirold. Iloiirl Voice* In l-miry and I'mnu, 
 l/IMl., 11"!, |l. f*V(|. ' ' 
 Muiiuiil. |llii«i. N. Vdrk, Hs.i, |),„„ » I ■ ' 
 Uolierl (ircullmi.,,., .\. \,„k, I 'ill, I'Jtim. ' 
 Nuiil, .loliii I,. Al.diit, ll(j.t„ I8SI), 12„|„. 
 ,s-"'I, ' ',,"! '^'i- .i''"l'".-|..»„-,. [vemcj 2d ed., 
 It. .', itliiKi; I'lillii., I'*T;). 
 SHilt, UJIIiiiiii. W illii ' W„n,lorin«« ; iin Au- 
 tobi.i^riiiilij, l,(,n , Ix;., , si.,. \,i,,„ 
 SMiiiboiirii,. ,\llr..d. r, .(„„'l,„gi„, or, Tlio 
 <iniv« iiiiiiloOii. I. 11., I ■; I, Sv(i; .,1 ,.,| Is-O 
 Nwiiiburiie, AiK<ri Minrl.!«,'|i-co „„/,, vol. 
 KlM.n,] b. INI., in <!„., Street, (InisveiK.rl'liacl.iin- 
 ■lun; Hi.n .,( lli« |,,to A.lmiriil Ulnirles llcnrv .Swin- 
 Imrni., und I ,i, „ilu, l„„ij, ,,,,„„ |i,„ri„„„ ,i;,„„|,„,, 
 of tlie 111,, (I hurl „r A.-lil„irnliuni : h„.s ,,|i,(.,,te,| i„ 
 •ranuc, and oiiterwi liitlliol Culk.g,., 0.xl(.i.l in IS',; 
 DiiiMiK Ins stay at llio university, wliich h,,. |,,rt witli„iit 
 lakin« a dogrou, ho was ,„io .if a small hand of students 
 whd wrote and |iublislied ii |icii(.dij,il .•nlitlid •• l-„,l„r. 
 Kradualo l'a|iors.- After le,ivin« Oxford lie spen. soiiie 
 lime in !• lorem'e Willi Waller .Sivawe l.andor. lie ha. 
 eonlrihnled to the l'ortni«litly Kcview and to the Kn- 
 .•voloiiii.diu lirituiiiiica. I. (Jde .,n the I'riHlunution of 
 the iToneh Hepubli,-, Septeinher I, I,s7ll, l.on 1S7() 
 >V(i. 2. .SiuKs heforu .-^unrise, l..,n., Is" I, ,,. Svo 
 Mr. .'<wliibiirne |ierhaii.s uels wiselv in Ki.iiit..rii,.r 
 l.rm,«h his »ri.i,,..s 'pussiiies s„ ii.lerlv , I , "e « i^,^ 
 lo lorce his r-iiders to livlli'Ve lliiil IluV iiiiisl si.iii L |r..m 
 adlsordere. liraiii. . . . Ami yet ,„i„.i,l, „1 I, is J^^Ir, v 
 KHiiee, this liisliaii H..ill,y ,.t,i s,., ,| AiuM, ii 'i-i ,| i| ,. . 
 are 1 lies, shu,/.a,s and ,,„;.„. whieh are i ' ■ ry I'l y' a. '■ 
 niraWe Indeed, llieie is. «e helieve, more ivmI ,,.Hi . 
 t,elsa,.i„,iee..f l.l,.|i,lii,n his |.a.ssi„n fir freed lui with 
 deseripioiis „l nature, we are iiriiek (. nee iuore Iv (1 
 marvellous power-in whicli he has n.isi eri r- of .i, k 
 emiiKiiiiUerm thiims witli a spirit of , i sdoiis ,'. i,, 
 .1 leaving all ,i„.ir features ii,,re salient ad eii 
 -di^Nol'^!];^^''"''''''''''*''^^''^' *'''''■'' ''"'"'^nlivl^^'heln^ 
 .1. Under the Mierosuopo, l.on,, 1372, l2mo. I. I! ,th. 
 well: a I ra({ody, l.on., l!>74. p. ,Svo, 
 ih^;rr';;.^,ril-^-r;l^^;i.;;r-,d! I s 
 lenniker, N.II, ; 
 "i!l!!n,'i'i"'i*''","l''''"' "''."*?■'* ""• "'"'■ "' '■^■"■ard exerii, 
 .N'l'Klid pietures.suotle analyses of passion in.i u./iole'r' 
 in r"';^a;i"i!;r^";r' ,v"' T"r ^^^"^^'"^<^i!'"^^ 
 As iniure';,,'' I •,''■'' "■''"'!■■ ■ :ii™iiipi---hensil,le. 
 Ira 11 f ■ T' 1 " ^ "' '' '""" "' «'■■"'"•'* i» "iiliollt ceil- 
 tninnt,; as a play, u ,s without a ellniax." .!(/,., N„. 
 .1. Soug.s of Two Natlon.s l.on., 187.-i, p. ,Svu (Oon- 
 ,",".'.' "'" ■;,';;'."« ?,'""b-" " Ode on the Krench Uepnb- 
 |;:sv;:tw id ^Wh''-''"''^'^""'^ ''"'''"-• ''""•''«-' 
 crTtieism. and makes a eonsiderahle show „r I.hi • a 1 
 . illDsophy, liut will, deep appreeintioii ills wriii ;:^se2m« 
 xxi. 73 '""^ '■"■'■ ""'*-• '" J-.'-^o""". mm-,rjamS:< 
 •■ His wealth and wimniaiid of words (rive him a sinirii. 
 r power ol throwing a general atn.ospl ere h™1 col "iiJ- 
 , ,'^^™'""e Impression, and at ( rst seem to he , he whole 
 imi-ressloii. But the rieh veil of diction clotlics! though 
 II may for ii time ill»uul«e,.Iellnllellionulil« whieli emrrint 
 iiilleeiii lint II 1, not pr,,»e \ her nin.irkalde feai. 
 lire (.1 these essays Isihe i-owir of whatHe must eall, 1,11 
 wanlol a heller (;r more .iellnile iiaine, literary delliie«. 
 Iloii, , . . Ihe.Tl leaiinHali,ivliiHii»ae,uitliiiiousp|,.|iirj 
 liiiJliuj:':;:;' "i:i':X'^^;r^i'i 1:1. T" "" """""'" 
 7. (leor-t , piiiiui: a rrithal Kjmiv, |,„n., I,h7,-, p 
 Hvo. M. Kreei ,i«: u Tra«udy, l.on,', |)s7il, „. ,hv,'| 
 -d cd. »Rine yi >r. 
 dm.f'i,"^'):;r'/:i'r;'^ii!r-,"'"^' ""■" """ "•" '""■' '"'"i""- 
 ".\ •oiiKHii,! ,„,i,ie i>»unienl ol liirlpldes, preserved hy 
 I.yelirKiis Ihe.iral.,,, Ill Ills orallou aualnsi l.,'„raleH,-hlN 
 one siir>ivliiK work, liiis -iipplleil .Mr >« lohuriiu w lli 
 lil"siil,J,,T , It may, pel I,,,,' he . . d, . .le I wheil J 
 le .,ass„«es n wlHeh .>ir ,s«',„! approa!d,ei e oX 
 1 I 11! ' "'" '"'I'l'l''"!. ,"1 « hlMher he is not lllmt 
 I Mil when, a,,,, Hie iwoiLles res,,eellv(.h ileserlpUve 
 L V s ,1 ^"i''"'."':',"l"' !'"■ '■""""'■"'•'•""'"' "f i'llll.-, he 
 ^,.M„. r .1'" f.'w " ''i"i«ii""l"ll Hlid liidulKes hi a pi,.,|| 
 nierainfe,''!^"''/!:! NllIl'Ti, ** '""' ''''"■'•' '" '■''''^'' 
 !i. Nole of nil Kngliih ItepiibliiMin on the .Mumwito 
 rusade. I.on,. IS7I), Nvo. 111. A Nolo on Charlotte 
 llroiite, l.on., |S77. ..r. Sv.i, 
 iT.',J''Vi '"■">"''■ "''.'l"'.'!'"''!, strong little woman of ilvi 
 .""""rll rs, who'ha.l i i,.-eiise ahoiit her,' If ever 
 I iitsiipieiiie pra se miKliI he ai.plle.l to a woiiia i, eoiil.l 
 Mie have ha.l „rekii..H ledu'eof ,\lr. .^wiiihnriies inl.^nth. tiM 
 her re«iinl, woiihl surely luv heeii llial olieii ipioied 
 e. (save 111,; Ironi 111.V Iriemlsl' KxlravaKame nil nwid, 
 the sum ol Mr. >wiiihurii, 's ■ .Vote.' "-,v,„,./„/„r, | ii,.,,-,. 
 II. I'oenisaiid llalladH. 8econd Series, l.on I,m7S 
 ur. Svii. ' 
 I so'/..^"!'!'"','!"!'"'""/""" !'"' violence of some of the polltlenl 
 sonnet iiiis vi.liim,. is m no way iiiiworlliy of llie i.oh|. 
 on he has iMkeii. Moreover, It ifisplays a Uc oV n,i' ro 
 siieh as was not seen III his prevlou.s hooks."-.U/,., No. 
 ;.'. A Sillily of .'.Jhakcspcnre, Lnn., 1S7(I, p, Hvo, 
 overwIolMlll.T';. "iVl"'' "'"' '"'■'"I';'"' I" •"">■>''. " ml "'lU'li less 
 n rHemlited Hilh ..rniimem, ihaii aiivihliu; we have re- 
 •eiveil lr,,m h,s p,,, or hue vear.s. . . •. When Mr iwlii- 
 mriie IS happy i,,,,lalerl,hlss;.,,i,.iiees,irea,l,iilrahie; It 
 when he is I'oiiMiaiiie.l hy th,. nature, .f his theme lolrav- 
 mlo,r',';"" ^""" ""'■^""' ^l""''""y "lira, t him l|. .. 
 .V ... I V' ^"'"" ■""■■"I'l'iK lliat anluous earthward l.,ur. 
 ey outride Hie kmIcs ol Hell. . . . 'n„. ^-reat interest of 
 iiMilCr.^ n"'t'-' '■'' V"' ll*-"" »■''''" ^"■- '^"■liilHii'.ie irows 
 «mnem'"^^;^'^;;^rlyi;l!'?^;i^" ''-"•"- "•"- """" - 
 l:i. The .Modern lleptalo^ia ; or, The Seven HLMiiist 
 Sense: a (ap with Seven Hells; l„The Higher Panthe- 
 ism in a Nntsbell; II.,, John .loms; HI., The I'oel and 
 'n'n. v",".', '";•■ '^'' '''''» '''"•'""' "'■ 'I'" ""•"", (Idyl 
 ,fT V. '■'*•• ''"" Wonls of a .'-'cvenlh-Hatu I'oot ; 
 VI., Sonnet h,r a Picture; VII., Nephelhlia, l,on., I.SSO 
 ','•';,'■"• '^"""' '■•• ^""8" uf the Springlides, Lon., 
 ISMII, p. Svo. ' 
 wi'iHo' ■'''»'"''i!"l'''M"if li'ii for the ik.a Is well known : in 
 It U' ahout I he IS alwavs at his he«l, ami in this l„„ k 
 lisele, r that h,. has eaiiKlil those very sea secrets whieli 
 ' '> ' 'li'i <lw a in; poets has eaiiKht him. Ili.s 
 ' ; ,T,'i," '■""""•■' ^'i^'* "'■ tl'ii'c P0.111S of some lentil! 
 which, as the de.seripllons are ehiellv .if Ihe sea and ilie 
 \, have a (•onnectlon Willi each other, f,, love 1 by 
 j a hir hday ode to Victor Him'o."_.|(/, , N,, ■>-;\'^ ^' "' 
 " .Mr, .'-wmhuriie's new p,,ems seem In us proioiiKcil and 
 •'"""."!• ii'l'i'l ii-^ of ohl ihemes. often ohs Vure inVl "rl 
 ■'■';""' ",i allii- ami almost alwavs cloi„le,| will nisfa 
 :'to",'xll;.';!'ii""''^' "■'"' ""■ "'""■'^ of "djeciivis! '1!!^ 
 l.>. Studies in Song, I,on., ls»o, p. ,Hvo. 
 "He has no curl. His nor prol'oniid thoiiK-hls to explain, 
 , an, he appears to have never ,„ine in n.niaet with the 
 ■lid; he knows iioihinK ot il.s sorrows, lis dellttlits ta 
 111, them into p,,eiiis as Mr. tciiiiyson or .Mr. Ilrown- 
 111.'. lie therelore .stands apart, ami siiiRs of L-rief love 
 ale an. .iespair „s ahslraet seiilimeiit.4^ . . . The irtisj 
 ml .IniV'iei'h'l' "i ""■"'rlniet soon llmlshi.nscif alt' 
 in, I ol his Uther. I.ove. hate, hope, and desiiair have 
 oulh'illf's'i', '" V";; '"■■'' ""I"","' '" '"^^ ■second.'third HI i 
 . itl hesiiKsol lliei,i aKaIn, ill a.lilVereiitselof phrases- 
 inH"*-''';'. '""'-' "'"« ""•" l'^'''"'i>e'< no mo e fri i f in' 
 sunrises than a name of dominoes. This is exactlv \ • 
 ■'-H f ihuriie's present position ; he has suiik' of the streimti 
 " "e «'",« I death, and h,' siUK's of thenV piin m" 
 clsely as he saiiK of Iheni hefore, . . ThcVe s iiotl ul' 
 nn:'i:i!;;;^,lv,"? ;■"",'"'••■";• """""»■' •""-^' »" "i-serv o.'; 
 h'T, "!' " ' '•l'a">''l«'r "F sentiment; luiih ins, cither 
 ' ^■'"l';'''™' '"'l"'J'''''"'"«'™'-"-V'''<""''. liv. :tI6 
 It). Mury Stuart: a Tragedy, I.on., IS.S], p. 8vo. 
 I he play is, as it strikes us, nndramntic. hy which we 
 do not mean merely iinthcatrlcal. Jf it does liot ' lose tho 
 name of aeti..n,' yet the actimi moves so slowly and iit 
 such leUKth, that the interest of a reader ea not but flaa 
 at some points where it should be most aroused The vcral 
 If; :... 
 tK , 
 iRthrniiRlioiit flno. and it noeil linnlly hcsniil tlir>t mftiiy 
 ILiSsiiKi's iiri' strikiiiK and w. every way wuriln cf their 
 autliur; l)Ut tliey are, <m tliu wlicilc, oiitW(if.'lieil hv ilie 
 uiassijf \ui:rc talk, wliieli i^ indeed framed in words tliat 
 are '' '. mi tlie liest seiisi', l)tit are .siipertUioiis so I'ar as tlio 
 dt'-v. innent of eliaraeler and action is eoneerned."— .vi(. 
 *«•., iil.Toj. 
 17. Trintrnin uf I-yonessc, and otlier l'')ern!', I-im., 
 ]'<S2, n. Mvo. 
 " Tills is (lie nn.^i varied and important vnlunie of verse 
 tliat Mr. S\Mnl>nrne Inis yet imtilislied, and in all prolia- 
 liilily it will lie tile must |«i|iidar. Wider in ils appeal 
 than any pn vions hook of his.— more nananiie, loo, and 
 more inleri'>i':;i;, ii vel retains llie rhylhnneal ]iower and 
 pro|iiietie pi..--iuu wliieli hive hitlierfo Keen the most no- 
 tieeat)ie eharai'terislies of his work."— ,l//i.. No. -.VpCi. 
 "'Trl.strani of I.yonesse' is I'liU of geniiis. — too fnll of 
 pa.s.sion, heeause tiu' passion is imi ilie hif;her imauiimlive 
 pa.s.sion, hilt an imn^jinaiive expression of tin lowest phys- 
 leal passion.— hut in its elements eonl'nsed and sailiy want- 
 iiij; in clearness of outline, 'fhere are glorious Hashes of 
 suniifilit in it, lint not iiiifrec|iienlly, for i)aj,'es tou'elher, 
 the Words, line as they are. are more like tlie lavish sjiray 
 of a waterfall llashini in liie siniliijht or KliinmeriiiK in 
 the sliade, than the inlerpreteis to the mind of any deli- 
 iiiteanil sjieeilie iiieanint;."—.s;)i c/Kfor, Iv. IO.V1. 
 is. A Century of Itoiiuilels. I,on., lS.s:t, Ito. 
 "The restraint imposeil on Inm hy the veniele he has 
 ehosen is tihvitmsly an advanliiL'e in one respect. His 
 j;reat faults, dilVnscness of e.xpression and loii>"iiess of 
 thoiinht.are here held in elieck by the eliains to which lie 
 luis subjected himself; on the oilier haml, his greatest 
 merits, his rush of emotion and verbal movement, cannot 
 lind vent here."— .I//1., No. '.'iKi:). 
 Itf. .\ .Midsumuior Holiday, and other Poeius, Lon,, 
 1SS4, p. Svo. 
 " AUoKi'tli>.'r, this volume shows avipourof hand, a bril- 
 liant mastery over arlistie means towanis artistic emls, siieh 
 as Mr. .-^winliurne lias never surpa.ssed and rareiveciualled." 
 —Ath.. No. ■I'.m. 
 •Iti. Marino Kaliero : a Tragedy, I-on., 1885, p. Svo. 
 " Tlioiiuh neither Mr. .'^wiiihnrne nor any (Uie eonld 
 make such a motive as thai of Miirino f'aliero's revenue 
 strcuiK enough tosupi.ort a livi-acl iilay,— especially a play 
 full of such mat'niliceiit writing as Mr. Swinburne was 
 sure to put into it.— he has, by tlie importation of other 
 issues,— love and patriotism,— produced a tratjedy of a 
 noble and, in many respects, of a uuioiie kiuil. — ^l//i., 
 No. 31K17. 
 21. .Miscellanies, Lon., ISSfi, p. Svo. 
 "Of the judicial faculty— whicli is, in other words, the 
 faculty of seeiiiK tiling's as iliey are, despite any temptation 
 to see them as lliey are not— >Ir. .Swiiibiirne lias not even 
 a trace. . . . When . . . Ids entliusiastic love of literature 
 has free iiiay, , . . then, ami very often, he writes ad- 
 mirable, and puts it ill langnaKe w liicli is more than 
 admirable."— .s'«(. Kcv.. l.\ii. loo. 
 22. A .Study of Victor Hugo, I,on., I.'^Sfi, p. ,Svo. 
 " Not for a moment does Mr. Swinburne hesitate or quail 
 to place the object of his adoration aloiiKside llie very 
 greatest names in the literature of the world. . . . Apart 
 altogether from the critic's own comments, tlie facts of 
 llUL'os literary lil'e are focusscd with so niiieh knowlediio 
 and so iiuicli skill, tlie selections from llniio's poetry are 
 so admirably made, . . . tliat to the Kiench as well as to 
 the Entjiish student the book is unite indispen.sable."— 
 Ath., No. %)¥>. 
 2H. Loerlne: a Tragedy, Lon., 1.S87, \, Svo. 
 "That under such artistic reslrielioos as h,' lias cho.son 
 for himself Mr. swuiburne should have iirodnceil a piH'in 
 .so fni; of dramatie life iw ' Loerlne' is really wonderful, 
 (inendoleu is oneof the strongest eharaetcrs in uiueteentli- 
 ceiitury drama. In her we (;et not .so much love turned to 
 hate as love at war with liate,— a nincli more subtle con- 
 ception, l.ocrine, too, is a living man, and Sahrina is e.\- 
 ceedinnly win.Minie. Altonether the book add to Mr. 
 Swinburne's reputation, of beauties of a jiurelv poetic 
 kind tlie play is more fnll than anythint; NIr. ,«w'inbunie 
 has before given the [lublic in dramatic form."— J(/i., No. 
 24. SBleotions from his Poetical Works, Lon., 1887, 
 12mo. (S!e]ection3 understood to have been inado by the 
 Gknkiiai. Ciiiticis.m : 
 "The liiKli ehiiin;* of his p<ilitical and |iliilosophienl 
 poetry rest upon tin' swinn and of vcrsiilciuhm. the 
 vigonrand vehenieueeof diction, the grand musieal elVeet, 
 clashing and clilniiiu; like .S(mie great cataract, til r more 
 llian upon the reiteration of a few nnfrnitful ami nnorigi- 
 luil ideas."-K. (iAHNKTT; art. Litcralm-c, in The lieiim of 
 Queen Victuria, li, 187. 
 " No one of his fauifi happens to be of those wliich are 
 fatal to a great poet ; and all his merit.s are thosit wliich 
 are to a great poet nece.s.sary. Atiove all, he has tlie one 
 thing needful,— he sings."— UiioitiiK s.-uNTsiifav: .liwf.. 
 " Ilefore tlie advent of Swinburne we did not realize tlie 
 full scope of Knttlish verse. In his hands it is like tlie 
 violin of I'aganinl. The rannc of his fantasias, roulades, 
 arias, new elleet-s of measure and scainci is incomparable 
 with anything hitherto known."— E. C. : I'ic- 
 turmn I'ntis, :!80. 
 " No living poet is in certain ways more brilliant 
 or powerful than Mr. Swinburne, ami it W(Uild be ditlietilt 
 1 name any who is so uneipial to himself. . . . He plays 
 on tile Knghsli language as a musieal iiistrumeiit. and is 
 never wearv of prodneinw new studies and variations of 
 its tcaies. Many of his slighter jiieces must be regarded 
 purely as such studies. ... It would be perverse to de- 
 mttnd" a se*-ious meaning in them."- s'ti/. lit c, xlvi. 8'>. 
 "His nature is e.sscniially yielding and receptive, with 
 stormy mists of passion ami indiscriminatini; impulses of 
 emotion. ' 'fhere is no strong ma.senline formative ciualily 
 about him, wliich c.\]»lains wliy lie use.' so many adjectives 
 and sngj^csls so few (lioupht>, . . , 'flie ttital iinpres.sion 
 left on lis by Swinburne's prose is the same as that of his 
 vt^rse. ilrilliantly gifti-d, profusely voluble, passionately 
 rhetorical, it outs before lis too often phrases instead of 
 thoi.ghts, verbal contortions insiead of conceptions. . . . 
 Mr. Swinburne is, howi'vcr artistic, yet not an artist, and 
 however cultured, yet still an amateur : for he is not crea- 
 tive, not original in the best nnrl lai'Kcst sense of the word, 
 because not instinct witli iilnminaiiiig ideas,"— \V. I.. 
 Cdlur.vKV : FiirlHiiililhi licrkw. ,\liii.,VJ7. 
 Su'iiibliriic, Jiinies. I. I'liictleal Electrical Units 
 Popularly K.\plained. lllust. l.un., 18s:i, 12mo. 2, 
 Practical Electrical Measnreuicnts. lllust. Lon., isss, 
 Swiiibiiriie, Louis Judsoii, 18,'>.'i-I887, b. at 
 Albany, N'.Y. ; graduated at Valo 1»7'J. Paris Sketches, 
 Albany, 1875. 
 Swindells, Ituiivrt. A Summer Trip to tho Island 
 of St. .Michael, the .Azores, Manchester, 1877, Svo, Pri- 
 vately printed. 
 Swing. Ilev. David, b. IS.'iO, at Cincinnati; griul- 
 uated at .Miami I'liiversity IS52; became |iastor of tho 
 Fourth Presbyterian Chnrch, Chicago, 1806, and con- 
 tinued for several years, but cliarges of lietcrodo.xy were 
 preferred against him by Kev. Krancis L. Patten 1871. 
 He was ac<|uitted, but afterwards withdrew from " 1 
 Presbyterian Church. 1. .s^ermons, Cliic, 1874, p. .s\o. 
 2. Truths for To-Day, Cliic, 1874-711, 2 vols. l2mo. 
 X. Motives of Life, Chic, lS7!t, Ilium. 4. Club Essays, 
 Cliic, I8SI, Kimo. :>. Sermons, Chic, IS84, 12mo. 
 Swinglchurst, Ili-nry. Notes from the Conti- 
 nent: or, llermany and the Rhine, 18tiil-7ll; 2d ed,, 
 Edin., IS711, p. Svo. 
 Swinglfr, \V, II. Painting for tho Million, and 
 Property-Owner's Companion id' Iseful Informatiiin upon 
 Painting, .ic, Wakefield, 1878, 12iiio. 
 Swinnev, .iU'red J. U. A lland-Kook to tho 
 E.xaniimilion furt^jlliery Manager.-i' Certilicates of Com- 
 petency, Lull., IS7S, 8vo. 
 Swinstead, P. K, How to Draw a Map from 
 Memory, Lcn., ISS,'), 4to. 
 Swinton, A. II., member of tho Kntomological 
 Society of London. 1. Insect Variety : its Propagation 
 and Distribution : treating of the Odours, Dances, Col- 
 ours, and Music in All (irasshoppers, Cicadie, and Moths j 
 Beetles, Leaf-lusects, IJees, ami Butterliies; liugs, Plies, 
 and Ephemera); and CNhibiting the Hearing of tile Sci- 
 ence of Entomology on Oeulogy. lllust. Lon., 18su, 
 Svo : new ed., IsS.'i. 
 " It is, nnfortnnalely, deficient In the clear judgment 
 and logical analysis which the siibject.s discii.ssed require 
 for their proper elucidation. Vet readers id' very ditlereiit 
 tastes may find the work interesting and Instructive. The 
 naturalist will appreciate the close oliscrvatiiai cd' insect 
 life displayed by the writer, and will lind the large a.s.^em- 
 blageof facts which he has indiistriimsly brouKlit together 
 of considerable value; while to the less scientific the pic- 
 turesque deseriiitious of .scenery and id' insect habits, the 
 wealth Id' literary quotation and allusion, the eccentric 
 style and the enigmatical philosophy, will have a greater 
 attraction."— Al.KHKii It. \\ ai.i.aci-:; ^Icm/., xviii. 2S).'i. 
 2. An Almanack of the Christian Era: a Record of 
 tlio Past, Lon., I88:t, 4lo. 
 Swiuton, Alan A. Campbc^ll, associate S.T.E. 
 1. Tlie Principles and Practice of Electric Lighting, 
 Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 2. Tho Elementary Principles of 
 Electric Lighting, Lon., 1S8(!, p. Svo. 
 Swinton, (.;. E.xiled ; or. In tho Highland.s of 
 Mexico, Lon.. 1886, 12mo. 
 Swinton, Jdlin, brother of William Swii'lon, in/rn ; 
 b. ISHO, at Salton, .Scotland ; em';iiate.' • , Canada ISI.'l ; 
 educated at Williston Seinnary, .Mass., and adopted 
 journalism as a profession. I. Tlio New Issue: tho 
 Chinc.ic-.\nicrii'an liue.-tion, N, Vink, IS7(I, Kvo, 2, 
 John Swinton's Travels ; Current \'iew3 and Notes of 
 Korty Days in Prance and England, N. York, I8SII, Svo. 
 Swinton, William, [,.ll^•, vol. ii., add.] His 
 Inter publications, which are principally school-books, 
 include tho following: I. A Condensed History of 
 ' .AW 
Iligblanil:! uf 
 'aini^«On,:|.„n,lr;:;i '!:i.eV,r^.;:'H:!^r''"■ 
 , 'ill cil. smnc yc',11'. 
 "I'lio (■ImpliTs III! .\rr-« 
 tK'VMll tl.u l,utUu„l.,ni,''l„„'k 
 -wisslioliiiVs li,,.s|>i(Ml expcri- 
 ■ fvci-y i.ilu'i- in|,ic, II, „|, „,i 
 vivi.l lui.i |TMiniuri'i','i;.',v''t Vi',',', '''',',.' "'.'-'■I"'' I'.y iliuir iiiuru 
 Cluja... Oac.ehi.,u Explained': witl, ^4;!' L„riS7r!; j 
 CMHona '„e,„s: prelixed by u Few Wo, ; , n 'm,';,. i •' 
 Compos,,,,,,, IJy J. ,s. jjfi |,t„ / '^ ;^ ■^'^■tn-.^l : 
 Mn!^&!l™*^lS^O ;^™f --"Phical Ouido to Knglan.1 
 Sylvester, Herbert Milton, b. Lowell 
 Ma..-.: a.|,mtte,l to the b,u' in Po,t and 1872 I Pro ' 
 I'iistorals, Bust., 1887, l2rno i-lroso 
 na;u;^;^x™,;i'i^il^';,,';r!;;fe';!^'!;'r't^? ''!'" ■>" "'■'»«" ^ 
 mark, \.y. ; „,]mit(e.I to the bar at n,^yvm, \Si2- an- 
 po.meJ co,„,.„.„o„er of the f.S. Circuit Court at Tro'y 
 Sarat,,«a a„.i't„ei:;plr !/„:;:;;„ \-,;-,'/^«-"j,::'- 
 torical Narratives of the Ui,|,ur ll,„i;,, , r .,l„ , ' 
 ""'I Uk. Chamj.lain, Phila.I'l8s,S ' ''"'^'^ <'*^"''fc"'. 
 Sylvester, <V. A. The Modern Iln„so-rari,cnter', 
 Co.npa,,,,,,, „,„l i!„i|,|er'8 (iuiUe. I'lale.. Jo , "' 
 [ llmio; :),1 thou..<an(l, 1883. liust., 1>8., 
 ^Es':;^':^f'wT<:,*'-p,'ff''',^''«''''*'e,, labors, and 
 I Syilies, Hey. .lohi. Elliot.soii, .M.A., graduated 
 I »t )"»„,„« CollcKe, Ca.nbridfje, Isn ,■ o,-da ,h S7 ' 
 C'rz.f,^TT ■",U""-'-^y ^'oil.^ Norn :: 
 |.read,.i in Xewea.,,...; J^l' .^l^^l^^'^ ,^;^; ^^^"T 
 A .Short J'ext-liook of PolitinU Eeo, omv wi j, P,.,.):' 
 n ' V ""' ■" ; - •'•".^rel a,.„o,.di,,,, to .I.d,," i:,?„'. Is:"' 
 X. icL!.^e^":;^-,;-t!:;:;;^i:;;r;^;r!;r 
 1 , ■ tt'f '!''. '"'"^ '" "'» I^i«ht of the Son 
 xlv. Hi, 
 2. llonie.>ite,i,I nig|,,v„ys, lio,,t., |sss, 19,„„ 
 iriiu^ii^lrhi.,!::,!;^ H; i'' f "i"'-^ 
 timt hi. own .-i'hi^'li!l^;-;:/ie'^^',:;t?l;;^^;^'j;'j;,^y i 
 Sylvester, James Joseph, l,I,.D.,F.R,'^ I 
 XranshUionlrr.! ,«;',1":'.''L'" .^^H',"!','"}."' '" ^'^'rieal 
 J0II\ Camdk.v, tiiprii 
 Sylvester, Nathaniel Bartlett, b. ls25,at Den- 
 ot Man, l,„n., Iss), p. ,svo 
 ■n I'oetry and l>,ose, Lon., 18SI - vol. I" , - ,V f 
 to onr itoys, Paislei, l8S j ,•!■>,,;.",,■ 1", ""' ..,'• r",'"" 
 Ruction by l.yuu,/AlJl,'{^: t t^::%^:: 
 1. Ihe Holy li.ble arranged in Chronologic,; I and 
 ' ' in 
 Historical Order nnd llnrmnnizeil ; 2(i 0(1., Madrns, 183S, 
 8vo. 2. A l''amily Liturgy, comiiileil from \ arioua 
 Sources, Madras, 1S05, Svo. :i. The Ke9|,onsive lor- 
 tions of tlio Family I-iturgy, Madras, 1«8J, Syo. 1. 
 Ilavo Missions to the Heathen been a lailurc? being a 
 Kcplv to some Current Objections, Lon., ISTIi, 8vo. &. 
 The Kingdom of Christ: its Ultimate 1 numj.h over 
 Evil in the Subiectiim and Koeonciliation of All J lungs 
 to (iml, Urn., 1S7:1, Svo. fi. The Ultimate Reeone.lni- 
 tion and .Subjection of All Souls ; 2d ed., I,on., in, 8. 
 Syiuoiids, II. C, formeily major an.l commissary 
 of subsistence in llie army of the I iiited btates. Keport 
 of a Commis.*ary of Subsistence lSt51-05, Sing Sing, i\. 
 "■' KecoUections of a Commissary' would ' \i\ ''.";, ;;'"^',:7,V,'- 
 able till.'. . . . The book tlircAvs valuabU;sido-liK Is ii mn 
 t,m... imiH.r.aiit .lucstiuns of l,istory."-A<. »"., -xW i. m , 
 Syinoiids, J»lni AaUuigtoii, M.U., J'liC'-. 
 [„„,;, vol. ii , add.,J 1807-1S71, b. at .-Vston, O.vlord- 
 shire. and educated at Edinburgh ; practised medicine 
 at Diistol, where ht was physician to the hospital, in 
 IHDl he removed to Clilt.m. Miscellanies: Selected and 
 Edited, with an Introductory Memoir, by his bun, Lon. 
 and ISristol, 1871. Svo. Also, single lectures. | 
 Symonds, John Addiustoii, son of the preceding, 
 b. ISJIl, at linstol, Eng. ; was educated at Harrow School, 
 and at lialliol College, Oxford, where be obtained the 
 Newdigate prize and a first class in Classics in ls62 and 
 was elected to a Fellowship at Magdalen College. He 
 has for many years been obliged on account of ill health 
 to reside at Uavos-lMal/, in Switzerland. 1. An Intro- 
 du.'lion to the Study of Dante, Lon., l';"2 p. Svo. ] 
 ■• It is rather a series of criticisms ini Dante than an in- 
 troduction to his iioems/'-.K/;., No. jJiM. _ 
 2. Studies of the Greek Poets, Lou., 18, 3-, 6, 2 \ols. 
 '''•-r'liey popularize the results c,{ s<*alarsliip «;tli great 
 Bbiliiv Tliev arc iicillKT very protoiiiid imr tlinis 1> 
 8 lie i'Hal Thcv hit the right level ot pleasurablu le - 
 Ini an 1 while hev deman.l an educaled mn.d lor their 
 fuU'a reciition, tllev viehl inucli which wil inlurin and 
 1 CTCS Tim", who know merely the broader facrs <d 
 a iciem hW. rv and a lew of the greater literary names 
 It wul( not be dilliciill to cite a goo. niaiiy passages 
 in wliic 1 we feel carried olf our legs by the ™* "< ' • 
 1 is •mis imagery; but this is readily condoned b> a 
 reu li" f . iiy 5ener,,sity, ».s a result perhaps ins^parabe 
 f o 1, tl e e lliusiaMii lur his subject without ^vj.ieh 1 e 
 book wmihl lose all its lasciiiatioii and much ol its solid 
 '■'""viiii.^we'lmvJ'ean.mnnid scholarly analy^s of the 
 books ami their eoiUeiits, Mr. ^y»l"7 «''';;,";■■ ',''«; t,/,^. 
 show us how these ciiteiits are liiilited up and inailc 
 R li Iv and c npletelv intelligible only 1" s" lar as we en e . . 
 f^^" 1 lueiital aiulsocdal ,;,u,ditions ••• • !« ^^''^rs at d , 
 M- fl, oriLrinal leaders, and verily tliereliy the tlioiigius 
 «I,VlVeliii"s which tlH.y'havo slinpower to e.fll lorth ill . 
 theniselves."-.s;«:rf(imr, xlix.OM. 
 ;i Sketches in Italy and (ireeoe, Lon., LS74, p. Hvo. | 
 •■ SkeUdies is perhaps scarcely the right woril /'»• Pi'^l"''"*' | 
 of travel so careful in eomi-osition, «".".;'<-■. • «' 'J ; 
 oniie as these by Mr. .-^yinoiids, ... Ho tjrings ueiore inc i 
 n lerthe erv eM-ret.dtb..<.harm(.fJ'erugaor(i.r«eiil ; 
 lit KH^ s and expres,^ the personality, a.s it were, ol Ua- 
 veifna r ..f Irv elo; he .•ouveys the se»li»)''"l ;,'',^> V,V. 
 ••use or Vtheiis. . . . Siunetimes we may think that the 
 c lour ami ten IV of mere words becomes a a templalioii 
 «,, In tl t 1 s s\\-le has a southern fragrance as heavy as 
 Uial oUlie I'^noieblossoms, and a glitter in Asiatic taste," 
 —A. L.\Nii : Aatd., v. ■*>■>■ „ , ,, 
 4. Renaissance in Italy : the Ago of the Despots, 
 ^"^iii*^^:sen;'^.ii^ne': ''Is-historical, ami shows nsthe 
 polUieal'lnHf'^ocUl'nniditions in ami ""'-f «"i^^,' [^ 
 Rii.l ilieii the rest of Europe awoke to new lite. 1 et it is 
 n.',;' . a liisfory propcr.'bnt rather a light by which U, 
 read all Italian histories. ■—>iJfi-fntiii\ xlMti. »■;>• 
 ',. Ueiiaissance in Italy: the Revival of Learning, 
 ^ ""lie' hnsN^ad^d through «m'"-i"K p^'P'^''^'^ "^ '.''td' I'll; 
 ^''li.' Renaissance in Italy : the Fine Arts, Lon., 1877, ^ 
 **'"iTe tells us that he 'does not pretend to retrace the his- | 
 tory of nle rtal'-'an' arts, but ratliir '"-IHlne their rehUbms 
 to the main niovemciit .d Ueiiais-siince c"'.'' " ,„i r i .^ 
 & 'wriUeiuiXJri.iJs; but hO rilf^lV »"!^!;^-^,l"XX; i 
 mont His descriptions show (piii'k perccptiiii's and 
 kindle' InU. eloquence under a diction which sometimes 
 ha" less .^ the sobriety of the historian than of the ardour 
 "'.''^^rllll'J^ll^I^isl^^hd/t't^iiasl^Jthis ^.,lnme Mr. Sy- 
 m,,nds br'in,Van liislghU,oth iiitelligciuaiid synna^^^^ 
 in exnre.'^sion he is copious and laeile ; 1 nt the exail aim 
 linal phrase, 1 think, lie does not often liU,"-SinNKY Coi,- 
 vin; Acad., xii. 11.^;. 
 7. Renaissance in Italy ; Italian Litornture. In Iwo 
 Parts. Lon., LS81, 2 vol.s. Svo. 
 "The two volumes give the completest 'iceonnt ,,f the 
 subject yet published in EngUsb; ""'V'^^-V iV. ,',, is 
 side's what bclontjs strictly to the period ol the Hcna s 
 s ice. i roductury chapters of ^reat interest racing tl e 
 earlier growth of the Italian laugnage and literature. f 
 the whole si^ries thev form probably the most practically 
 useful part."— >■(!(. A'fc, lii-i;*'- ,^ . ^ 
 8. Kcnaissance in Italy : the Catholic Reaction, Lon., 
 : ISSli, 2 vols. 8 
 O, ^ \ yjiB. u, ". 
 Mr svmouds's two volumes form a very necessary sup- 
 nliMoeiit'to his historv of the Ueiiaissance. ... It is pei- 
 vV' t',1 'i ■■'■gi-etted that the anlhor has not cast >t more n 
 the form of a regular bi.story, instead ol a ?'-'"''<:'\"f '',';"' it; 
 AS it stands, it is calculated rallier to sliimilatc than o 
 .iiiitisfy the serious student of the period -All,., >;''■ •;"S1_ 
 •' Mr .^yniiaiclss study ol the Kc^naissance . . . must cer- 
 taiiilv rank among the considerable literary moiiuineut.s 
 of ir time li > a learned, a thoimhlful. and a briUiant 
 ,L'k Tl.eaut • knows a great deal about his .snaect, 
 weiudis carelullv what he has to say regarding it, a"'l .J •'<• 
 re4es himscll" with precisi..n and strength, and (dtcu lence. . . . Mr. Symonds is iiuidoKinatic or prag- 
 mat (• lu he isc,,nli(lent in bis own views; and as these 
 ■M ,1 tide, upon extensive and minute ^'"■"'•.^ > « J" : 
 idenee is In the main a beiient to the reader, who is thus 
 fti^riislied with distiiK't rcsnils r"''''-'^' '"'VSi'u '- 
 suppositions, or notions still in process ol loimalion. - 
 .K/i., No. 2M1. „ ,.. , 
 t (1. The Sonnets of Miebael Angelo Ruonarotti and 
 Tommaso Campanella, now for the First Time Translated 
 I into Rhymed English, Lon., 1S78, p. Svo. , ^ , . , 
 •• The tran.slator has made a real, a 'lyl'"'"f/ "",'].• '..l Xh 
 an enduring addition to the spiritual wealth ol Lnglisli 
 readers."— K.liownr.s; -^lc(i(/.,.Niii.'-;i'. 
 10. ilany Mouds : a Volume ol Verso, Lon., is,x, 
 ' '''"Isa descriptive poet Mr. Hynionds cannot take a high 
 rank but as a poet id' emotion and spec ilati.m, and a 
 ' finished sonneteer, he can certainly hold his own."-.W'... 
 : '"''"■i-ii'j'lv.iis us modestly in his preface that be does not 
 elai u • the sacred name of a poet.' but tins yo nine as.sured y 
 : enti^tles to a place, and to a place of distim;tion, among 
 I living poets. " I18.''i. ^ , ., „i t „ iu-< 
 11. Shelley, ("English Men of Letters,") Lon., 18,. s, 
 ■ '''" iV'is written with knowledge, grace, and tact."-yl(/i.. 
 ' ^'•'■Mr''svmoiids is a refined and enthusmstic writer, and 
 , enters inu" the transcendent beauties "f ^''^'"'^/^ «V' '' i; 
 wi h an ardent and a thoughtful adiniration. J*'',' ' « '«;:j 
 ' no intelligible standard with hiin by wh eh totrj hhelle> s 
 curiously Uiinted nobility of natiiro"-.^j,«/ator, 11. 1101. 
 12. Sketches ami Studies in ""ly. ,'""■• '"''«• '■,;,' ' 
 "Consists in part of sketches of Italian life and ad 
 scam' n part ,d' critical studies written j'" '"?» '" ' ^' ^1 
 ami deali'ug with Italian or od Uoinan to , ns • • • JVIu e 
 it answers to the tirst part ol its title ... it '" .{'"'f '"?."'> 
 good The ■.'Studies' arc of less equal value. '—Vi/. lur.. 
 ■""i'iI'ncw and Old : a Volume of Verse, Lon., ISSO, 8v». 
 " To some extent the po,.|ry of Mr. Synumd.s fymce. ;e 
 self-reliant boldness which is one element ol orlglnalll^. 
 w., ?fii l\,,si ..11 lis are s.i far less nnmcrous than hose 
 W 1.1 bX g l^s" of inJre U.ste ami seiitinu;nt that it 
 niavbe.l.ndilcd wb.^ther the former will make their due 
 impressi.m."— .1".., ''•";■-''"-•,„„„ ,„ 
 11 Animi Figura, Lon., 1882, l-'mo. 
 "■•h s iiteresting volume is made up of a series of son 
 net ' .. net iL^es eiudi se,|iien<H. being the soiil .s ..»',1;.«<1.^ 
 ^lhffi?^ul<^rnhig s!aue Prob";';' ';r >';V^;;;[J; ^,^U 
 some special experieii.;e ol tW '"Y,', '' ,,''i '" ,\, xxii 'i 
 the .-aiiie lime a bivcr ot trutb."-L. 1). AUii-.N . .1. u.(., xxii. .i. 
 I ■, Italian livwavs, Lon,, 18s,i, p. svo. 
 .^'■11,, gb tm! author's aco'iiiit of what Jh. >;•-«-";, «»; 
 of tb,. associations which it awakt.s in bis mind, is g ^; >' 
 1 g nge t exuberant for the taste o persons brn ig t up 
 plain Em;lisb, the intellig..n..e and learui iij '','''' ,h; 
 as ,'f all Mr Syni.ind.s's, must give it ccmsiderable \alue. 
 ""Tl'; s'h'akspellre's Pre.lecessors in the English Drama, 
 Lnn., 1S84. 8vo. , „, , „„ ,. 
 "(iocs .town .uily lo the death ot Mtrlnvyc . ■■»f'] 
 always that tlier.. s a «f™ " ™' H, ™^;.«" 
 iaii.iablv anxl.ius l.i say it W..11 ; but bis ''" i^", ",'""J;,',, , , 
 , . «' there is not to sav w.ail.l appear t.i be mu ii 
 !"skee The "i""^' riglJ ''rilb' m'lst pronounce h; 
 mok a coixl ail useful .nle, c.mlaining not .mly miah 
 so ml cr ic s n t a general view .d' literature will.;-; 
 very well worth'vlewlng, and which few rea.lers are bUeU 
itiire. In Two 
 Reaction, Lon., 
 rse, Lon., 187S, 
 rs,") Lon., 1H78, 
 and tHiCV'—Alli., 
 K?lvil''?8l'.'''''''''"''''^' "'' '^'^'"ni"i'>K »t first lum,V-Sal. 
 17. Wine, Woniiui, nnd Son-: Mejianal Punea in 
 Knfjiisli ViTsp, Lon., I,SS4, I2uio. *" 
 tn''>TI.\'f ^',''''''!''r- ''''',''''''''''''' '™'' ''It' li'ii^lvliihliuKniplier 
 .m, . I, • t i "hi' ;;;'," ''>■'■'■';"""""• "m-, n„ ,««;.',, 
 ..>1;m-.v 1.1 t ,esl„.|,t.„i; an i„ii,ii,„l,|v ^v T'il X"^ 
 ior-i„.,M.,i witii s,,irii..,i Kimiisi, tmHsi,uiu;is,'^.u;, "x!;: 
 IS. Viigaliundi Libellus, l,„n„ issi p sv„ 
 01.011 a vnlnnie ,if „voi- 'J.-i im^os uhiol iV i, , ' ' , 
 iiitorostinKaii,lsiim('liiKUionio/'->v,,rMMlviii^ ■•'"■'''' 
 Lo!;::i^s,,!p;t''''"'^''''''"'^''''''''^'''''f ''''•^-.'') 
 rh'lVlli'd'T.V m/''^'"'-'' "•','■'.■"''"'■» "Il.l will ,l„llhtl(.S.S 1„. (KS. 
 iHHiks. -11,1, .ho.hin^nii.iiyVi^;,',:,' , :' 1 rr;;;™^^,^ 
 Mr Lox Hiiiinie's woli-kiiinvii ^ymk:■ -M.'X'^J^;!;''' "' 
 20. Ben Jonson, (" Ivnglisli Wortliies,") Lon., 1886,! 
 Ji. ~V0. ' I 
 " •' Isa work thai llie .^liiilont ,,f t.-dav raiiii,,t ^o salolv ' 
 1 ."'i' '''^■'XV I'."'-'"'' '*«"*™i"of^ellini,.\owlv Trans- 
 lated: wi h Ktcliiiigs, Lon.. issr. 2 vols.; 2d ed.. ISSS 
 1>. 8V0. And see ."^vMONris, .John AmuxcTo.v, (tlie elder,)' 
 SymoiHls, llev. Hilliam SnniiiPl, [„„,,., vol. 
 ...add ] MMssr, rector of l-e.idook, Wm^ter^liire 
 .1 ".; .'^'.'» '"""'" "»»'fi-ou.s papers on local ge gy to 
 the lintiHh .\.ss„ciation and to Wientifie jounial.. ^ o 
 possessed .„ intimate knoivle.lge of the ge.ilogy „f the 
 Malvern !!.|l,s, I. Recor,ls of the liocks; or, X„te/on 
 the (.eol-v.,, .Valiiral lli.sfiry, and Antiquities of Noi'th 
 iIIumI^Iuo," ";:::;, ^^j^^S' "°' ^'"■""""-"" ^— us 
 iiioie d.sci.rsive imliiialist ami l„ tlie ..r arv iris ,, 
 2. Malvern Chase: an Episode of the M'ars of the 
 o-esand the liattle of Tewkesbury : an Autobiography. 
 hdited by W. S. S. Tewkesbury, ISSI, p f<vo "^ 
 ,,""■.' }T: •'■ ■ *■"• **• •"'"■'"•n i^trnitsi or. Notes on 
 Jil:ie,al^Drifts, .le., Lon., ,SS3, ,Syo. Also, dingle-lee 
 Nymoiidson, F. W. H. 
 Two Years abaft the 
 f87«,'p.°H'vJ.'"^° "' " '"'"' ^I'l'renticc, Lon. and Kdin., 
 Syinoiis, Arthur, b. lKfi.5, at Milford Haven; resi- 
 Symons, iieorgo Jniiies, F.u.s. l. Distribu 
 tionol Ram over the llritisl, IslJs, lN72-7!Min 1872 
 -81 8vo 2. l-ocket Altitude Tables, Lon . 77 ;{2r„„ 
 •i llntish Rainfall, 18S|, L„„„ i,ss2, Sy . I r ilT . h 
 .iidaM at More than Two Thousaild ^Uti ons's!;^ 
 Lon., l,s,s(, Svo. .,. liniish Rainfall, issii, !,„„ is,S7 
 Hvo. (1. (K, , The History „„,! Descrip i! „ rf' H.^ 
 Lniptionol Krakatoa in the liay of Sunda. ('„,i pi ed 
 by he Coniinittee of (ho Royal .Society. Illust., J aps 
 and Diagrams. Lon., 1S8S, 4to " ■■, i>iap8, 
 Symons, John ('. l.ife „f Rev. Daniel .T. Draper 
 who was OS, in the - London," January llth. 18110 : ^u ,' 
 listoiiea N„„ees of AVesleyan Methodism in Australi 
 IjOIi,, J S, {}^ p_ SvO. 
 e..m.!!""i*"''' ,'5*, ^ C<"'>'ncrcial Traveller's Reminis- 
 Syinpson, Thomns. 1. Letters concerning the 
 Lincoln („uiity Jlospital. Lincoln. Is7:i, ,Sv„. 2 Old 
 and .\ew Lincoln County Hospitals, l.on., 1878, 12mo 
 T ^"\f'. '•.'•<;"'ef'»--k Hit-hard. A Code of En-lisb 
 a Solictor » Olhce, Lcm., 1870, Syo 
 add l"nn',V"V> ?"'""««?" "C'TV, rm,^, vol. ii., 
 !,'w.>V. Follett. 1. Olivia Raleigh, Lon., 
 I'-io, p. ,Svo; new ed., I8S4. 2. Tom ,«inL'leton Drn 
 fioon and Dramatist, Lon., Is7tl, 3 voK p. "t!^ ne,v^: 
 ' 1 TI?e'T,n' ''""ll' «''"'«"'»"' [""". vol. ii., add.] 
 -. Ilie Art of leaching .School, Phila., 1872, 12mo 
 lK^'"pi\V^^'-"-. ''"^'"""J "-' l-rieLon., 
 l.s.N^ I'livately printed. ' 
 i p J!'^'':/"'''"'^^*'-" IndyslaxvSomervilleLach-, 
 *-'V"- ■• '■"""■' *"l' "■< add.,] b. 1811, at Dcvon.mrt' 
 Liblical (.ntechism, Redrutli, 1871, 8vo. 2. Some P eas 
 ; for the Faith especially designed for the of Mi,! 
 Moniiries at Hotne and Abroad^ Oxf.. I87:i, 12,„o 3 A 
 Short H story of I'enzanee, «!, Michael's Mount St 
 Ives, and the Land'.s End DIstriet, Truro and Lon. 1878; 
 .4 Alericl; or, A Voyage to other Worlds, Lon. its J, 
 ' 1 /.u ',"'•' ''^"' »• fl""-cd. History of Cornwa 
 and of the Diocese of Truro, 1887. '-ornwall 
 i. ■- 
 English Drama 
 Taber, Mary J. 1. The German-English Puzzle 
 Primer, New liedfind, 18Sr> 
 iis;.t;npi2^S/^^!^,;;:^';!^^5.'^'""""™"^<= •""•"'"^y "■ 
 Ti;i.r[''r"'''r^'''\''''"""""'"''' Secret: a Tale of the 
 Iwellth Century, by Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, New 
 licdford, Mass., 1887, Ifimo. 
 Tabor, Eliza. .Seo Miis. Eii/a 
 (IaHOII.) Kl,/ii(,. i^i.i/n, 
 Aim^T*".""' '^'1'"^ I-nnrence Alma-, daughter of 
 Alma ladema, the well-k.iown artist. Love's Martyr, 
 I. on., 18^0, p. svo. "^ ' 
 'I'afcl, Rev. Undolph Lconhard, Ph.D., [,n,i,- 
 ol. 111., add.,1 .son of J. V. l. Tafel, (o,„., vol. iii.'; p,,,! 
 csaor of modern languages and comparative philol'igy 
 hen a S>/."" .^ '"■'"'■■'"•'■• •"• ''""'"' '■^"-'-«'*' '""' ^'"^ 
 hen a Swcdenborgian minister in London. I. Eman- 
 ' ie .'««- w* "' \ ''I"'"""!'!'''- »n'i Man of Science, 
 ,. ' i::„ "i' 'r,'""', ^- ""•■ "•'avenward Journey, Lon,, 
 Tt. ••• '*"'''.""t.v '" the New Church, Lon., er. Svo. I 
 ;;„,;;,' '■™«'>ing (iilt: Abrogation of Representatives, i 
 ;.|J other Snb,|e,-ts, Lon., Is? I. (i. (Trans, and cd. ' 
 'liilo.onr™i1'"''r'-"'/"'""""™"j'' l'''y'i"l'>Ki™ll.v, and l 
 Hiilosopliically, by Emanuol Swedcnborg: vols. i. and i 
 II., Lon., Hvo, 
 ( iT ? Tl, *'r ''••' *""'■"' "•' •''■" ""'1 Taft. P. n. 
 i C « ix--'"-"'"."" •"'"'""'■ *'•""■' Heporter, vols, i.- 
 I... ' in., ISi 2-1. 1, hvo. 
 ./'"."I',',"'.""""'""' t""'''. vol. iii., nild.l Index of 
 Oental I'eriodical Literature, Phila., isso ,Svo 
 loi"!";?''.*:'',"'"'"**.^'''"'"""'"- 1- ^■■^■'"t Alice, 
 "•',;''•■ ™'^-. !'■, ■"^•"' -• Crowned, Lon., I8(i8, 2 
 >ols. p. 8vo. i. .study of the Works of Aide, Tennv- 
 "on' 'Ts-,i'-> '"?■' 'I'"' ••• ''■"■ ■'■ One Maiden dnl^, 
 ijon., |S|U, .1 vols. p. 8vo. •" 
 r, '!,'".''!;''!''■*•. ,('!''■'"'■■' The Two Chancellors: Prince 
 IIV' ',' ': '" • "•-■" «''•• '877, p, 8vo. 
 FRS Klin'''* !*•**■', i^'i'l'-ew, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D., 
 KR.S. Ldin., onlained 18,00; of Moylongh since 
 sine 1s"T","^,'m'"" '"'.-":'«■'; l'--"vost o'f Tu" u 
 since 1888. 1 Out hncs of Dogmatic Theology, 1,8:V,). 
 the lio k of the Revelation, Lon.. 1884, Svo 4 The 
 i, I 
 t J 
 Tail, Most Ilev. Archibald Campbell, D.D., 
 D.C.L., [""(•■, vul. iii., lulil.,] lsi;i-lS82. For biog., sco 
 BlcKLEV, A. C, »u]in,. I. The I'risont I'osition of the 
 Church of Engliiml : Seven Aililresses j 2(1 oil., Ii<m., 
 1872, Svo. 2. Suinc T huiij^lils nn the Diilica of the 
 Kstablishod Church of En),'liiii<l as a Natimial Chunh, 
 Lon., ISTH, Svo. 'A. Letter in Answer to Ciuion Ciirter 
 of Clewer, Lon., 1ST7, 8vo. I. The Church of the Fu- 
 ture: 11 Churge, Lon., IS8I), ]<. Svo. With Fkaskh, Ht. 
 Kkv. Jamks, Bi.^hop of .Miinchester, Sermons preiichotl 
 Ht the Swansea Church Conferonoc, Lon., LSSI), Svo. 
 rait, Charles Williiiin Adam, M.A., gniduated 
 at (iuecn'H College, o.xfor.l, ISTH; «.ssistnnt master ol 
 Clifton College. Analysis of English History : based on 
 Green's "Short History of the English People, Lon., 
 LITS, 1). Svi>. , , 
 Tait, G. >I. Notes of Lessons on St. Matthew s 
 (io.spel, Lon., 18>.'!, 12nio. 
 Tait, Kev. James. Mind in Matter: 
 Argument on Theism, l.on., 18S4, Svo; 2d ed., enl., 1887. 
 Tait, James Selwill. 1. The Cattle-Fields of the 
 Far Vt'est: their Present and Future, Edin., LS8I. 2. 
 Emigration by Colony for the Middle Classes, Edin., 
 188d, p. Svo. 'A. National Banks and (iovernment Cir- 
 culation, Ketrnspectivo and Prospective, N. York, L'88, 
 Tait, I.awsoil, F.Il.C.S., surgeon to the Birming- 
 ham Hospital for Women. 1. (T'rans.) Compendium of 
 Children's Diseases: a Hand-Book for Practitioners and 
 Students, by Jolianu Sieiner, M.D. ; from the Second 
 Oerman EdiV.on, Lon., 1871, Svo. 2. Diseases of Women, 
 Lon., 1S77, p. Svo. :i. Hospital Mortality in (Jrcat 
 Britain: Fifteen Years' Statistics, Lon., 1877, Svo; new 
 ed., 18S(). 4. The I'selessness of Vivisection u|ion Ani- 
 mals as a Scientific Hesearch, Lon., 1SS2. Svo. 
 Tait, M. Yorkshire: its Scenes, Lore, and Legends; 
 from a Prize Essay. Lon., 18S8, ?([. Itiuio. 
 Tait, Peter tiuthrie, ['(nU; vol. iii., add.,] b. 
 is:)l, at Dalkeith, Sc-otlancl, and educated at Edinburgh 
 University and St. Peter's College. Cambridge, wliero ho 
 graduated as senior wrangler and Smith's prizeman in 
 18.U'; became Fellow of his college in ls.'i2 ; was ap- 
 )>ointed professor of niathemiitics at (Queen's, lielfast, in, and professor of natural philosophy at Edinburgh 
 University in 1860. 1. Lectures on some Kecent Ad- 
 vances in Physical Science, Lon., lS7li, cr. Svo; 2d ed. 
 same year; .'mI ed., rev., I8S5. 
 "Tho central and dominant thcmo of the book Is the 
 modern doctrine uf energy."— .S(i(. licv.. xli. 'I'jn. 
 " The lectures before us are marked by tlieir clearness 
 and aciMiracv, iUiil by a vigouraiid originality of thought 
 and e.xpressi'uii wliicfi will be welcomed byall students ol 
 science."— -Ini./., i.-c. (ill. I 
 2. Light, Edin., ISSI, p. Svo. A. Heat, Lon., 1884, p. j 
 Svo. 4. Properties of Matter, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. And 
 see Stewaht, Balfoi'ii, «ui>rn. \ 
 Tait, Uev. William, :.l.A., [•mie. vol. ill., add.,] 
 chaplain at Pau ls«5-S,'!. 1. Thoughts ;'or the Thought- 
 ful, Lon., 1871, p. 8vo. 2. Faith in tho Blessed Ood: 
 Nineteen Lectures, Lon.. IS74, p. Svo. ;!. Sermons, 
 E.xpository and Practical, Lon., 1S77, p. Svo. 4. The 
 Bilile and' the Church ; or, Lesson Teachings and Col- 
 lects, Lon., 18s:i, p. Svo. 
 Talbot, Charles Ilemington, (".John Brown- 
 jolin," " .Magnus Merriweatlier," pseuds.) 1. Miltiailes 
 Peterkin P.iul : his Adventures, Bost., 1S77, 4to. 2. 
 Koyal Lowrie; or, .\ (ieneriil .Misunderstanding, Bost., 
 isfs, 12ino. :i. Little Miss .Muslin of Quinlillion Square: 
 her Fortunes iind .Misfortunes, lUust. Bost., ls7S, 4tn. 
 4. Don (Jui.\ote. Jr.: the Further Adventures of .Mil- 
 tiades Peterkin Pau'. [Must. Bost., 187it, sq. Svo. 5. 
 Honor Bright: a Uomaiioe, Butl'alo, ISS.'t, 12ino. 8. 
 A Midshipman at Large : .a Story of Newport and Ocean- 
 Yachting, Bost., 1SS7, ]2ino. 7. Uomulus and Remus: 
 a Dog Story, lllust. Bost., 1888, 12mo. 
 Talbot, Clara. Elinor: a Novelette, Lon., 187S, 
 p. Svo. 
 Talbot, Eleanor W. 1. Tho Mother Goose Gos- 
 lings, Lon., Iss:;. 4to. 2. Jack o' Lantern, and other 
 Khynies, Lon., I'^'-l, 4to. 
 Talbot, Kugeiie Solomon, M.D. Irregulari- 
 tic.' uf the Teeth :iiid their Tfeiitment, rihrst. Phila., 
 Talbot, George Foster, a lawyer, of Portland, 
 Me. ,Jesus: his Opinions and Character : the New Tes- 
 lament Studies of a Layman, Bost., t8s:i, 12mo. 
 Tulbot, Geraid I'raser, b. 1848; served in the 
 Prussian army 1870; major of the Staffordshire Yeo- 
 manry since 1887. Analysis of the Organization of the 
 Prussian Army, Lon., 1871, r. Svo. 
 Talbot, ilaunah Lincoln. Not in tho Pros- 
 pectus. By Parke Danforth. Bost., 1887, 12mo. 
 Talbot', John .\. Table cd' Cases, Cite.l, Affirmed, 
 Modified, and Overruled, of Reports of the Michigan 
 Supremo Court, (18;!8-187«,) N.York, 1S7S, Svo. 
 Talbot, Hon. Thomas. 1. The E.\ilo, and other 
 Poems: translated from the Greek and Latin, Lon., 
 1879, cr. Svo. 2. Greece and tho Greeks ; or, A llistorio 
 Sketch of Attic Life and Manners, Lon., 1880, |). Svo. 
 :!. The Enchiridion of Epicletus and tho Golden Verses 
 of Pythagoras, translated into English Prose and Verse: 
 Short with Notes and Scriptural References: t.)gcther with 
 some Original Poems, Lon., 1S81, p. Svo, 
 Talbot, Thorpe. 1. The Granvillcs: an Irish 
 Tale, Lon., Iss2, :i vols. cr. Svo. 2. Philiberta; a Story 
 of tho Australian Bush, Lon., lS8;j, 12nm. 
 Talboys, W. P. West India Pickles; Diary of 
 a Cruise through the V/est Indies in the Yacht " Jo- 
 sephine," N. York, 1870, 21mo. 
 Taloott, Mrs. llersey Bradford, formerly iMrs. 
 Goodwin. 1. Roger Deane's Work, Is64, Ifimo. 2. 
 Sherbrook, N. York, 1860. 12mo. :;. Madge; or. Night 
 and Morning, N. York, 12mo. 4. Dr. Howell's Family, 
 Bost., 1868, 12nio. b. The Fortunes of Miss Follen, 
 N. York, 1876, 12mo. ". One among Many, Bost., 1884, 
 Ifimo. 7. Our Party of Four: a Story of Travel, Bost,, 
 18S7, Ifimo. 
 Talcott, Sebastian Visscher, b. 1812, in New 
 Y'ork ; became a civil engineer ; was ([uartcrniaster- 
 general of New York State 18fi2-fi4. 1. The Talcott 
 Pedigree, Albany, 1876. 2. Genealogical Notes of New 
 York and New England Families, ISSIi. 
 Tallack, William, [uote, vol. iii., add.,] b. is:il, 
 at St. Austell, Coinwall; educated nt the Society of 
 Friends' Schoid, Sidcot, and at the Flounders' (.Friends') 
 College, Yorkshire; secretary of the Society for the Abo. 
 lition of Capital Punishment 180:1-116, and since then of 
 the Howard Association of Great Brit:iin. 1. Malta 
 under tho Phenicians, Knights, ami English, Lon.. 1801, 
 p. Svo. 2. Penological and Preventive Princi|)les : with 
 Siiecial Reference to Europe and America, and to the 
 Diminution of Crime, Pauperism, and lnleni|)erance, 
 to Prisons and their Substitutes, Habitual Ollenders, 
 Sentences, ,tc., Lon.. Isss, Svo. 
 Tallman, George 1). 1. Tom's Wife, and Ijow 
 ho managed her, N. York, 1877; new ed., 1878, I2mo. 
 Anon. 2. Innocents from Abroad, N. York, 1S7S, 
 I 12ino. 
 Talmage, Kev. Thomas IJe Witt, D.D,, b. 
 \ I8:i2, at Bound Brook, N, J. ; graduated at the Univer- 
 sity of the City of New York 185::, and at the New 
 Brunswick (N.J.) Theological Seminary 185C'; onlaincd 
 ISJO; jiastor of the Central Presbyterian Church, Brook- 
 lyn, since 18011. He is the editor of Frank Leslie's Sun- 
 day Magazine. 1. The Almond-Tree in Blossom, Phila., 
 1S70. 2. Crumbs Swept Up. lllust. Isri, l2mo. :!. 
 .Abominations of Modern Society, 1S72, 12iiio; new ed., 
 187fi. 4. Sermons, N. York, lS72-7li, 2 vols. ]2mo. .'). 
 One Thousand Gems : Striving Passages, In;idents, and 
 Illustrations, IS7:!; 4th ed., 1S76, pou.. I2imo. 6. .Arrows 
 at a Venture, Phila., 187:1, 12mo. 7. Around the Tca- 
 Table. lllust. 1874, cr. Svo. S. Old Wells dug out : 
 Sermons, :iil series, X. York, 1874, 12nio. U. Daily 
 Thoughts. Edited by J. V. D. Shurts. 187,'), 12mo. 
 10. Evcry-Day Religion: Sermons, 4tli series, N.York. 
 lS7,'i, 12nio. 11. Preaching to the .Masses, N.York. 
 1870, 12ino. 12. Sports that Kill, N. York, ls7.i, 12nio. 
 l;i. Night Sides of City Life, N. York, Is7s. 12iiio. II, 
 Mascpie Torn Off, Chic, 1870, Svo. I.'i. The Brooklyn 
 Tabernacle: a Collection of line Hundred and Four 
 Sermons. 1884. 10. Shots at Sundry Targets, N. York, 
 1SS6, 12mo. IT. Talmage on Rum: Sermons and Ail- 
 dresses, N. York, 1886, 12mo. IS. The Battle for Bread : 
 a Scries of Scrmnn.'s relating to Labor and Capital. N, 
 York, 1886, 12mo. I'J. The Marriage Ring, 1880. 20. 
 Talbot, Frederick. 
 1878, cr. Svo. 
 vols. or. Svo. 3. The' Scarsdale Peerage: ft Novel, Lon 
 1. Pandora's Box, Lon., ! Woman : her Powers and Privilege 
 Novel, Lon.. 1 878, 3 mons, N. York, ISSS, 12mo. 
 Series of Ser- 
 1880, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 4. Lottie's Fortune, Lcn., 1S8U, 3 | sidered. Lon., 1870. 8 
 Tame, C E. Supremacy of tho Roman Sco con- 
 vols. or. Svo. 
 I'amlyn, Hartley. I. The Missing Sheriff, 
 [vorse,] Lot!., 1881. 2. Tbo Albino: a Personal Narra- 
 live, Lun., 18S8, p. Svo, 
 1. ?„""".?"'*' ??"*'• "sliofne Milliam, M.A., b. 
 n f ' '. ,J,n"' '-';'■""■''" i graduatocl iit Kxetor College, 
 OxforJ, lst!2i onluine.l ISOI; hcad-iuiister of King LM- 
 wiiiM « (Jnimniiir..Schu..|, Xorwieb, since I87il. England 
 Uunng the American and lOuropeiin Wars, from 17(15 to 
 l.^LU, (" Lpodisof English History,") Lon., 1878, ISmo. 
 Also, school-books, 
 Tnmly, Miss. Tim Pcghir's Secret; or, Tbo Won- 
 derful Kgg, l,(,ii., IS88, ISmo, 
 Tandy, Mrs. Sophia, wile of Rev. John Morti- 
 niore landy. 1 uld liarnMby's Treasure: a Story, Lon., 
 18,0, I(,,„o 2. ianny Hrown and her llonev-Iiees 
 Lon., lS7f., IBmo. :i. Lizzie Sydenham and the'Wroog 
 Turning Lon., 18MI, ll'mo; new e'd., Lssj. 4. Aunt 
 Margery's Maxims, Lon., ISS.i, l2nio. 
 Taueyliill, .M. Ellen. The Younj, Folks of Ren- 
 frew, I'hila., 1878, ISmo. 
 Taiioyhill, R. H. The Leatherwood God : the 
 Apiiearanco an.l I'retensions of Joseph C. Dylks in 
 Eastern Ohio in 1828, Cin., 18SU, 12mo, 
 Taiigye, n. heminiscenoos of Travel in Australia, 
 America, and Kgypt, Lon., Iss.'j, svo; new ed., 1SS4 
 , '^'*'";!"'',"«*'' Ueiijnmiii Tucker, D.D.. b 
 18,3j at I'lttsburg, Pa., of .> frioan parentage ; studied at 
 the Avery Institute and Western Theological Seminary 
 entered the ministry of the African Methodist L'piscoimi 
 Church lSfi2; editor of the A.M.E. Church Keview 18,']-- 
 88 and since then bishop. 1. Paul rcr„„ Pius the Ninth 
 Bait ISO,,. 2. Apology for African Methodism, 1SI17.' 
 If •♦• '^';"',"« "' l''« 'i'story and (Jovernment of the 
 Atrican Methodist Episcopal Church, 188.3. 
 Tanner, Henry, F.C.S., senior member of the 
 Royal Agricultural College; senior examiner on the 
 principles «)f agriculture under the government depart- 
 inent of science ; director of education in the Institute 
 of Agriculture South Kensington. 1. First Principles 
 of Agriculture, Lon.. 1878, ISmo. 2. Jack's Education; 
 /^J I ''-n,'^?,''^' ^'""""'^' I'On., 1879, Svo; 2d ed., 
 I ,L, ,'■ ^^^"^^^ ''"■'"' ■"■' I'raotice with Science 
 Lon 188 l.'mo. 4. The Alphabet of the Principle 
 of Agriculture, Lun., ISSl, 12mo. 5. Elementary Les- '• 
 sons in the Science of Agricultural Practice, Lon., ISs'l 
 121110. (,. Further Steps in tbo Principles of Agricul' 
 Zl ';""■■ ''*^' '2"'°', ■'• ""It Castle; or, Threefold 
 Interest in Land, Lop , 1882, p. Svo. 
 Tanner, Ilenr , The Martyrdom of Loveioy : an 
 Account of the Life, Trials, and Perils of Rev. Elijah 
 I . Lovojoy, who was killed by a Pro-Slavcry Mob at 
 Alton 11., on the Night of November 7, 1837. By an 
 Eye. Witness. Illust. Chic, 1881, 8vo. 
 -Tanner, Rev. James Gosset-, M.A., graduated 
 n Magdalen Hall, Cvford, 18.^4; ordained lSo5; vica 
 of Emmanuel Church, Maida Hill, since 1874. 1 Power 
 niid bow to use it, 1802. 2. Lectures on Erasmus and 
 II the Cherubim ; or. The Glory of the Saints, Lon., 
 1S7.), 2mo. 4. Sevenfold Blessings; or, Sa vatioi 
 throu,'_h the Blood of Cb ist, Lon., 1880. p. 8™ 5 The 
 Sevenlold Gift; or, The Power of the Spirit, Lon., 1883, 
 Tanner, John, M.D., M.R.C.S., physician for dis- 
 oases of women and children at Farringdon General His- 
 pcnsary,, c. Practical Midwifery and Obstetrics. 11 ust. 
 Lou""r"s.''' '^'"''*' ^-^- "*'■"''' "™"'l<'y'« Rovengo, 
 lapley, I), J. .Amateur Photogranhv : Practicnl 
 Instructor. Illust. N. York. 1884, "^•"="<='" 
 T „„ "!\''l''w "*• '^''■''''''™ "" "'6 Cultivation of Onions, 
 ijon., isi I, I2mo. ' i 
 I'ln"*''"'"' * ""' ^' ^' ^^"^V"""-' N- York, 1871, ' 
 mI"!'!!""' V'**''^ 17X'<-IS7;i, b. at Northa, pton, ' 
 -Mass.: a nicrchant in Xev York; proprietor of thj 
 Jo .">al of Commerce, and an active Abolitionist. 'I'le 
 1-7(1 "••mo"' ^"•''"'"' "y '''' Brother. N. York. 
 iii'tlo.'mT.'"''' "'"" " •'ir''"'*'''^'' ^■"'1"'- » is f. sketch ' 
 lie I, a,.,:iiraltMiii,l unculnrcl, tlmugh lacking -orm : 
 V -mxi '.- '"' "''1<^''-' »" luved his fellow-niun.' "-! , 
 , xi. 'ji;:.. 
 Tarbotton, .M. O. 
 I. Nottingham and Leen Val- 
 ley Sewerage Board, Ao., Lon., 1875, r. Svo. 2. Ilouso- 
 Drainagc, Lon., 1S77, Svci. ""use 
 Tarhox, Rev. Incrcnso Xilcs, D.D., [„„,,, vol 
 t \alc ISJKj became a Congregational minister, and 
 Society 1>01-S-1. 1. Winnie and Walter Series, 185!.- 
 fiW, i vols. smo. 2. When I .vas a Bov, Bost., 1SB2 
 18mo. A. Uncle George's Stories. Bost., 4 vol« 
 18mo. 4. Journeys and Labors of St. Paul,, lOm.V 
 ;'• /;"«,"f I«™ol Putnam, ("Old Put,", Maior-(;cnenii 
 lii6s!."l8T6,'8v" "'^' "'"' ""P ""** Illustrations, 
 ' t^^i^ii^,^::^!!!^,}-;;:^;--^^ --."Hhij a.;;^ti,;ii 
 «. Sir Walter Raleigh and bis Colony in America, 
 Prince Soc. Pub.,) Albany, 1SS4, 4to. 7. Songs and 
 Diaries for Comrion Life, 1885. 8. (Ed., Diary of 
 Ihomas Bobbins, U.D., Bost., lSSfi-87, 2 vols. 4to. See 
 Roniiixs, Thomas, imie, vol. ii. 
 Tarbnck, K,lward Lance, [n„ic, vol. iii., add.] 
 K»,"?! . ,"' ,""'"" l'''>P«ty, Lon., 1877; 2d od. 
 I8HO, IL'mo; 3(1 ed., 18S|. 
 a i*"'*,''??.""' "• '• 'Account of Denco's School and 
 Sehool-.Masters at Cranbrook, Lon., 1806, Svo. 2 An 
 nals of Cranbrook Church, Kent, Lon., 1871, Svo 
 larn, Edward H yndhnm. 1. The Science of 
 iiuilding: an Elementary Treatise. Illast. Lcm 18711 
 8vo; 2d ed., 1S81, p. Svo. 2. Practical Geometry fo^ 
 lie Architect, Engineer, Surveyor, and Mechanic, Lon., 
 i ',';. '-',"",•,. ■^; ^.tudcnt's (iuide to .Measure and Value 
 Artihcer s «ork. Lon., 1S71, Svo. 4. Elomentarv Treat- 
 ri^V^o" <-"f^truction of Roofa of Wood and Iron, 
 ivon., ips.^, Uino. 
 Tarn, H. C. 1. The Difficulties of Algebra made 
 iZ^^Tv-'^^V'-a"!' '■ ^^'''K"'^tism and Electricity" 
 i-on. and Edin., 1886, Svo. 
 ,. 'Vf,''''?'!''. "• '^'''"''* "f Refreshing, from the Ear- 
 liest Period, Lon., 1870, 12mo 
 'rarring, Charles James, M.A., b. 1845, called 
 to he bar at the Inner Temple IS71; vice-consul and 
 nssi.. an judge of H. B. M.'s' Suprem'e Consular Court 
 ■rurki'4, r'""' """? '^*''' '• A P™^"™' Elementary 
 luikish Grammar, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 2. British Con- 
 sular Jurisdiction in the East. Lon., 1 887 Svo 
 ad,fr'r ^*'"*'»"» 'llncDouall, [;„we,voI. iii., 
 add.] Essays on some Modern Works, chiefly Bio- 
 graphical, 1876, 2 vols. Svo. ' 
 the S^l^fV.f •„■'•' P'^-A-, F.R.I.B.A. A Guide to 
 1888 " '■^' ^■■''•''teeture. Illust. Lon., 
 I Taswell, Rev. Stephen Taswell Taylor-. 
 i M.A., graduated at St. Mary Hall, Oxford, 1871; or 
 [ mI?'i T 'n ' "''"P'^'ji '" C-^y'"" l««'*-«8; --eeto of 
 March-Bjildon, near Oxford, 1872-75; lecturer at St. 
 ! Bees is, 0-83; vicar of Cbilvers-Cotton I883-S7, and 
 .•ince then rector of Witherley. 1. The Heresiarchs : 
 , Lilcrton Theological Prize Essay, Lon., 1876, Svo. 2 
 Ecclesiastical Courts: their Past and Future, Lon., ISSl" 
 I a.s\vell.Langniead. See Laxg.mkad. 
 nJ, " • ' i>' " '?'''!'-'l'; H'lnJ-Hook for the Amateur : 
 containing Practical Hints on the Proper Keeping and 
 Preservation of Oil Paintings. Ac, Lon., IS7<( Svo 
 „f ,/V^' ■•''"II''f, ^\ ■"''"■'^'""■Sed and Different Forma 
 of Retaining Walls, Lon.. 1873, ISmo. 
 .rate, John. At Home among tlio Atoms, Porta- 
 Qown,, Svo. 
 Tate, R. M. Michael .Malcolm; or. Annals of a 
 Seiniurt Town. Lon., ISS7, p. Svo. 
 'late, Ralph. 1. Ru.limcntary Treatise on Geol- 
 ogy, Lon., _IS71, 2 parts, 12mo. 2. I 'lass-Book of (ie- 
 o ogy. Physical and Historical. Two Hundred and Fifty 
 II ustnit.ons Lnn. 1S72. 12ino. 3. Physical Geologv, 
 Li "s,' Un I-Trll^sv, "'■'""•^' ''■ ^■'■' '^'"^ ^■"'•k«'>i'-e 
 " Tatem, li. .M.," (Pseud.) See IIazlktt, Hki.fv 
 Tatham, Rev. Edward Henry Ralph, gradu- 
 ated at Brasenose C.>llc,;;o, Ov,-..„i, i «o ; „nlain,'i 1881 ; 
 rector of \\ell „■ Claxby since ISS7. John Sobieski 
 Lothian Pi-i,.e Ks.^ay for Issi, L,,n., ISSl, Svo., John, M.D. Measles and Whooping- 
 Coii^'b. I, on.. 1SS2, sm. 8vii. * 
 Il,lli"l",'''If'' ■^••-'''.•"'••'' ''■'Hbot, M.A., graduated at 
 "■' ' t-"llege, Oxford, 18S1; a master at Westminster 
 '■ Ml 
i K 
 School. (Trans.) The Philootetes of Sophoolos, in Eng- i 
 lish Prose, I,on., ls,s;i. 
 Taunt, II. W. A Concise Guide to HughonJcn, 
 Lon.. 188:), I2iii(i. 
 Tniinton, E. W, P. Lite and Immortality in 
 Chrii-t Only : Six Ivcetures, I,on., IMTO, IL'mo. ' 
 Tnuiiton, M. T. I. Tlio I.ndt of the Ciitholio , 
 O'MiiMoys: ii Tiilo,, 1870, IKmo. 2. My Lady, at 
 liiist, Lon., 18SL'. 
 Taunton, Thonius lli-ury, MA. I'ortraita of 
 Celebrated Uiice-H(jrses (■!' the I'list iind Pri'^cnt Ccn- i 
 turli'ii, commcneinj,' in 1"(I2: togcthfr with tlieir Ke- , 
 spectivo IVdiKrees iinil I'crl'orniiincus recorded in full. 
 IlliiKt. Lon., ISSS, 1 vols. cr. Ho. 
 " The fimr Imiidsonie volumes are sueh as every owner, 
 hreedor, trainer, rider. Mild lover of the race-horse, whether 
 ill thiseoiimrvor In iiiiv oilier, will desire to ()<)sses,s. . . . 
 The volumes are hv no means without value from many 
 other piiiiils of view, espeeially the antliiuariaii and 
 artistie,"— .l(/i.. No. ;il7». 
 Taussig, rra:ik M'illiani,b. LS59; graduated at 
 Harvard l8Ti); assistant professor of political economy 
 at Harvard. 1. Protection to Young Industries as ap- 
 plied in the United States: a .'^tudy in Komiomio His- 
 tory, CanibridKc Mass., \s$S, I2mci. 2. The History of 
 the Present Tarilf, IMil)-lS,8;i, N. York, 188H, 12ino; new 
 cd,, 18,Sa. :t. The Tariff History of the United States: , 
 a Sorios of Essays, N. York, IS88, 12iuc. I 
 Tawney, C. II. (Trans.) Uttara Rdina Charita: 
 a Sanskrit Drama, Calcutta, 1871, 8vo; 2d ed., 1874. 
 Tayler, Rev. Clinrles II., ['nile, vol. iii., add.] 
 1. Found at Kventide : the Story of a Young Village 
 Infidel, Lon., 18711, Itiino. 2. Sacred Kecords : in Verse, i 
 Lon., 1872, ISmo. , i 
 Tayler, Frederick. Studies in Animal Painting ] 
 in Water-Colours. Illust. Lon., 1884, 4to. I 
 Tayler, II. W. The Times of Daniel ; an Argu- 
 ment, N. York, 1871, 8vo. i 
 Tayler, James. 1. My Childhood's Home: a; 
 Poem, Lou., 18711, 12mo. 2. My Manhood's Home, 
 Lon., 1871, 12mo, 
 Tayler, Itev. John James, [nnie, vol. iii., add.,] 
 17!t7-1872. 1. Letters, embracing iiis Life, of John 
 James Tayler, li.A., Professor of i;ccle8iastical History 
 and Biblical Theology, and Principal of Manchester New 
 College, London. Kdited by John Hamilton Thoin. : 
 Lon., 1872, 2 vols. or. 8vo. I 
 "The letters . . . are suffleieiit, as Mr. Thom says in his 
 preface, to show both the outward course and order of liis 
 life, and the inner spirit of his being in his various cliar- 
 acleristic aspects, as sclicdar. as minister of religion, above 
 all, as a man."— .''j<ec((i/or, xlvi. 80. 
 2. Last Series of Christiiin Aspects of Faith and Duty, 
 [sermons,] Lon., 1877, p. 8vo. 
 '"They represent,' says the editor, 'the views of his 
 later years.' It is impos-sible to read them without feeling 
 that they show not oiilv no failing of intellectual power, 
 but a distinct growth, a stronger i!ras|i of the suhjccis 
 handled, and a deeper insi>,'lit into truth, "—.s/iff/dd/f, 1. 7tW. 
 Tayler, Willi^im, [.oi(e, vol. iii., add.,] late com- 
 missioner of Patiia. Thirty-Eight Y'ears in India: from 
 Juganath to the Himalaya Mountains : with Two Hun- 
 dred lllustratiims by the Author, Lon., 1882, 2 vols, 8vo. 
 Taylor, .'Miss. 1. The Wise Nun of Eastonmere, 
 and other Tales, Halt., 1876, Ifimo, 2. Dame Dolores, 
 Halt., 18711, iMno. S. Known Too Late, Bait., 1877, 
 Taylor, A. I*. For the Dear Lord's Sake: a Story 
 of Every- Day Life, Lon., 1877, or. Svo. 
 Taylor, A. T. Towers and Steeples designed by 
 Sir Christopher H'rcn, Lon., 1881, Svo. 
 Taylor, Alfred. Peeps at our Sunday-Schools, 
 Lon., 1880, l2mo. 
 Taylor, CommandeT Alfred Dundas, 
 F.R.ti.S., superintendent of marine surveys to the gov- 
 ernment of India. The Inilia Directory for the liuid- 
 ance of Commanders of Steamers and Sailing- Vessels, 
 founded ujion the Work of the Late Capt. James Hors- 
 burgh, F.R.S., Lcm., 1874, 2 parts, sup. r. 8vo. 
 Taylor, Algernon, [unit; vol. iii., add.] Ouionne : 
 Notes of an Autumn Tour, Lon., 187H, p. 8vo. 
 Taylor, Alice. (Trans.) English Associations of 
 Working-Men. liy Dr. Bacrnreillier, Lon., 18,S8. Svo. 
 Taylor, Annie. Life of U. M. Murphy, Lon., 
 I88H, p. 8vo. 
 Taylor, Arthur. Ancient Topography of the 
 Eastern Counties, Lon., 18711, 4to. 
 Taylor, Augustus. Poems, Lon., 1874, 12rao. 
 Taylor, Ilayard, [ontc, vol. iii., add.,] 1825-1878. 
 (Ho was named after James A. Ilayard, and sometimcil 
 used the signature "J. Dayard Taylor" in early life, 
 which led to the erroneous form in which his name ap- 
 pcared on the title-page of his first book.) His life con- 
 tinued to be one of alternate travel, lecturing, and news- 
 Iiaper work in the office of the New York Tribune until 
 10 was a)ipninted U.S. minister to tlermany, less than a 
 year before his death. He had been long collecting ma- 
 terials for a Life of (joctho, but the composiiiun of the 
 work was never begun. For biog., see Tavi.oii, Mauik 
 Hassk.n, and SciniiKii, Hoiiack E., in/ni. I. Faust: a 
 Tragedy. Uy ,lobann Wolfgang von Goethe. Trans- 
 lated in the Original Metres. Host., 1870-71, 2 vols. 
 4to; Lon., 1871, 2 vols. p. Svo: Lcipsic, 1871-70, 2 vols. j 
 later editions in America, 2 vols. l2mo. 
 '■ Fully to aiipre<'lale the success with which he has 
 trhimphed over many of the ditllculties in rhythm and 
 sense which a poem I'ike ' Faust' presents to a Iransliilor, 
 one must muke a careful coni|iarison of his translation 
 with previous elVorts. . . . We llnd for the most part in 
 the lanKuagc selected a delicacy of car and a justness of 
 (M'rceptioii which leave little to be desireil. . . . Altogether 
 we think it can be safely niainlained that the rich and 
 varied music of ' Kaust' has i-.ever before been so faithfully 
 represented to I'liialish ears. In single i)a.s.sages we slionld 
 still prefer the utterances of some of -Mr. Taylor's models ; 
 but for a general high average of excellence we think his 
 work will have nniny advantages over its competitors."— 
 S(i/. Kcv., xxxii. :i71. (.Notice of the First I'art.) 
 " To our mind he has had a belter success than any met- 
 rical predeci'ssor of his who hiLs attemiited tin ■ l'"aust' as 
 a whole. With llayward's prose translation for the sense, 
 and Mr. Taylor's for the metres, and for collateral ligliton 
 numerous passages, the reader who knows no (ierman 
 may gel as^ood an idea of the poem as is perhaps possi- 
 ble""-.Y(((»yii, .\ii. 'JOl. 
 2. Joseph and his Friend : a .Story of Pcnnsylviinia, 
 N. York, 1870. l2mo, 
 " We do not think that he has eciunlled his firmer novel 
 cither in originality of conceiition or in charai'ter ; allhough 
 there is coiisuleratjle power in this book, and it will be 
 read with interest."— /l(/i., No. -JoS. 
 ;i. The Masque of the (iods. Best., 1872, lOmo. 
 '"The Masque of the Coils' is not exactly inspired,— it is 
 no cup of new wine from fresh-pre.ssed grapes ; but it is a 
 Iioem to read more than <iiice. and a poem for which, in 
 these days of Mr. Tupper and others, we ought to be grate- 
 ful."-.4«.. No. ■J;f27. 
 4. Beauty and the Beast: Tales of Home, N. York, 
 1872, 12mo. 5. (Ed.) Illustrated Library of Tr.ivel, 
 Exploration, and Adventure, N. York, 1872-74,8 vols. 
 l2mo; new ed., 1881,0 vols. 6. Lars: a Pastoral of 
 Norway, Best., 187:1. Ifimo. 
 "The iiofiii is plcusing, with several pretty pictures, 
 much good leaching and good feeling, and sinue charac- 
 ters in whose reality the reader will be glad to believe."— 
 A'dd'on, xvi. ;i21. 
 7. School History of Germany to 1871. Illust. N. 
 York, 1874, 12aio. 8. Egypt and Iceland in the Y'ear 
 1871. N. York, 1874, 12mo. 
 " This might be called Iceland visited and Egypt re-vis- 
 ited, for two distant countries are brought together in one 
 book, tliev formed the ,scuin> of Mr. Taylor's 
 travels in one year. . . . The individuality which the 
 writer possesses gives an interest to many of his descrip- 
 tions of scenes familiar enough."— .4(/i., No. 2404, 
 fl. The Prophet: a Tragedy, Host., 1874, ! nmo. 
 " He bus written the tragedy of Mormonisin, and taken 
 Joe.^mith and BriKliam Voting for his heroes. . . . lie has 
 changed the names of his in'rsoimges, elalionited his plot, 
 left certain details gracefully vague, ami, for the most pint, 
 steered clear of local color. But his desire has been to uii- 
 liere to reality lus much as was practically convenient, and 
 to eiijov whatever benefit there miubtbc in leaving to bis 
 drama'the savor of the soil. ... It is imposMlile t« deny 
 that 'The Prophet' ilocs not bike holil ii( the iunigiiialioii. 
 It is the reverse of viil|,'ar in is careful in 
 execution. It has a dozen comnieiidiibleiiuulilies. . . . lliii 
 it wants stvle, it lacks heat, it misses tie' nameless some- 
 thing which .sir Joshua Ueynolds, in the anccdole, indi- 
 cated by a snap of his fiiigers."-.Y(«7/i Amcrivun Hvviiac, 
 iUenrii Mimes,) exx. 188. 
 10. Home Pastorals, liallaiis, and Lyricf, Host., 1875, 
 12mo. II. The Echo Club, and other Literary Diver- 
 sions, Bo- i.. 187li. sq. 18mo. 12. Boys of other Coun- 
 tries: Siciries for American Boys, N. Y'ork, 1876, sq. 
 12mo. i:!. The National Ode: printed in Perfect Fac- 
 simile of the Manuscript, Host., 1870, 4to. 14. Prince 
 i Deukalion : .i Lyrical Drama. Best., 1878, sq. Svo. 
 i " An allegoric sketch of thespirifual history of mankind 
 from the time when the pagan wa-s passing into the cliVi- 
 tiaii atie. ... In altem;iting thus to write of the liighc>l 
 spiritual result in the past and the highest spiritual liO|ic 
 of the future, Mr. Taylor has won the success which a 
 man of talent could obtain by a vigorous tour tie force.' — 
 yal'-m, xxvii. fflV. 
 ij Studies in German Literature: with an Introduc- 
 i tiou by George H. Boker, N. Yofk, 1879, 12ino. 16, 
 Jew 'J' l^s:;;'"',!"?,'"?.'"",^,'^'' •) "-'- ISSO, I2,no,. 
 N Yurk HS.' loLw "/'"""•'■' ""'^ l-il«n,ry Notes 
 nnil other Sketoiii;s. 
 SoiiKu of Ycslerduy. 
 Uotween the (Jatos 
 Illiiit. Chic, 1S78, 
 II ;"'(. Chic, ISM, l2n,o. „, 
 Illust. Chic, 1S77, ,Mvo. B, 
 Summer Ruiiihle.< in Caiilbrnia. 
 er. 8vo. 7. Siiiiiirier Savory : 
 » . • I v., »,i, OVU, 
 Wor'k,.CI,ic:is,^;",2',Kf''''"- "• ^"'""l^''« I'-tical 
 tion and its Pathology, l,o„., |SS5, ^';,/"<"^''l'""'" ^'•- 
 College .Sehooi. London, ^n.i s"' Jo, 1 ■/"c,';) ..'l' 'V"S'^ 
 br,dge where he gnulna'ted Is,).; wal' lie'e' %^^^^^ 
 IHI.l, and master of the college IMSI • ordainel l««T 
 vice-ehnneeMor of Cambri.lgo Univer»'itv ISH-r ss 1 ' 
 . 72'- 5t"; cd' ?8S8 ;"'T;"'^,v"-""""*^-^"fC""iei, L«n 
 (- , Jill C(l., ISSS. ,j. Tlie D rge of Coheleth fin l,\. 
 Critical and Illustnaive N"tet Cum'C lie ''^^-V T^' 
 5. An Intrcluction to -he Am.ientn'Al ;aer„' Scorn ' 
 Taylor, crinrlcs Favettp V ii r „., i 
 .^.n^: Lectures, Nv,.k .sl/ir^Lo:- ^^;r;;;:;r 
 W. 1... M.I),, Manual of Treatment: ' 
 "S'Z''T;";1 'V^" ""'■""'' '"^^T'luallty of humour."- 
 •'• Jiick an.l Mrs. lirown, and other Stories Ilv iim 
 Author of '•Hlindnits." Kdin |s7.|,,l". " i 
 r.Kcv.ChBrles Snm„nl. vr .. ...,.._. . I OH Jtl ",!;'■•].'■,*'.•.*•,• "* ^nt a Day without a Lin 
 ^ Talcs, adapted from the Frc^ch;"Lon.!'ls;;^;'|2ro'! 
 mJnt"v',?'' ['"""."'S^.- ^■•« Legislatures Parlia- 
 isBi!; iln.: is;",';,"'i'j ^"'' "^''' ""•' "^'''"-' ^^'' 
 iuL-^wi'trv ■''■'"""",'.• '• ''"■"^'•"f Piano-FortePlay. 
 ro;-c U e I "T""" ^-l^i-'P''-''^- Editcl by Sir (ieorgo 
 the*Aliri,'ti' '.l^'^T**-"" "■• (•»>--) wVeet'ons for 
 Prof 1 i l,o' ■ i,''.'^".'""''" "f Wounds as employed a[ 
 l.rol. liillioth s Clinic : arranged for Slu.icnls lind Phv- 
 See) 'F,risV';.'L"i7"st ''"'"""'"'•^'"^'^ Arch.ologi::! 
 IsKni:' "• "•' '^'"'I''f«"fl'aul. must. Host., 
 W"l''"!;',f;™ l'"I'l'y-Uog Tales. UyanOldDog. 
 anJlt!;l^'f,i!^:^-l^^:^j;«-,;,(W) Church 
 Taylor, Edward I 
 V'>ik, I Hail, 3 
 1. Souvenir of the Novitiatp. 
 Marriag;,'b;'^,;;;^^:;-,,^^i^^-^ "^^^tV^ ?^!:p"^ 
 Ve'?:es''i:!",:.,*V8,^;,2!;7^''' '""'^ ''^'■"■'^''"-' »"- 
 was an army chaplain in the Confederate service duriniJ 
 The"l]': ,tT' 'T "? ''"""-' "« * ">i^-"nar; IS r l! 
 J^ma.ssage i.ssl. i. Pelvic and Hernial Theraiieutios 
 ISB.S, 3 vols. p. «vo. 
 oidedly ' Bllndpils' i 
 but the storv !« ,.h„r„,y,S*,i7'..^'.'^^'.""Vy as weP as power, 
 . Taylor, Uev; (Ve^l^^J.^^;^:^' ^'^' '2-. 
 an Klcgy ; aiid othei- S ^'"Twhl^Xui w^'T 
 887 5 Tl,„ vf» Af-"^''?' "A '^'•■"'•ning-- a Poem 
 N York,' lS88,8v„ '"'""''•• "^ ^^-^-'-y and Destiny.' 
 b ?'7"j'"Tho"A':7^f I-Wwell, [ante, vol. iii., add.,] 
 b. I, J. fhoAuto-Uiography of an Octogenarian Archil 
 tcct ! bfinc a Keoord of his Studios nt Home and Abroml 
 .luring Bi Years, Ac. Illusl. I.on., lS7()-73, 2 vols. 4t«. 
 ■■ \.s n roccjrd, not without pathos, and, whoii rwarded 
 l,v inoderii fvos, ,. tli.|,-e of ,|ualntness ''' '\ l;;"«>'\Vj',';'': 
 clifciuered, and industnonscarwr. this li;> .k i ia> " in l 
 serve, nolwlthsumdlnn Its lenmh, a ronsiderahlo sha e of 
 the a ten Inn of those who, hasklnt; In tlie auinnm sun of 
 ei iv " n.v e.Mv to take a .sail but intensely real jilea-s- 
 lire in revlewl'nt; portions of their own prohahiy parallel 
 careers in lite,"-.!'/!., No. 'J'^IW. 
 Taylor, Helen I-. 1. Th« Manor-llousc hxhibi- 
 tiou. must, l,.u.., ISTH, ISmo. 2. Out of the U ay. 
 must l.on., ISS.t, p. 8vo. ;i. Utile Christians Pil- 
 griiua(!o: the Story of the lMl(!rim's Progress siuiply 
 told. Lon., or. svn. 
 Taylor, Sir Henry, K.C.M.G., D.C.L., [<.M(e, vol. 
 iii add 1 IsiHI-lSXtl, b. at liishoii Middlohain, Durham, 
 En''.; settled in London in l.Si;!, and was for forty- 
 cii-ht years a clerk in the Colonial Office, declining in 
 )8I7 the post of permanent under-seoretary, and retiring 
 in IS?" In istill ho was made a kniglit commander 
 of the order of St. Michael and St. Oeorge for his di9- 
 tin^uisheil services to the state and to literatiiro. A 
 collected edition of his works was published in 1H7S, J 
 t-ols svo. Add: 1. Autobiography i>( Henry Taylor, 
 180II-1S7,'), Lon.,, 2 vols. Svo. (Previously printed 
 for private circulation, 1S7I-77.) ~ , , ..,, 
 "There can he lillle doubt Shat .«ir Henry Taylor sujl- 
 iimes will take a permanent place ''»'''■'«,''''"' ;\^,^"''," 
 hulions to a must imcresUiiK I'VI"'"'''"';',' i niiVlo sm"h a 
 They possess all the .,oaliin;s which ^b:;"',^,^",'/™.,^'^"-" "^ 
 work to cl ■ ' 
 scss ail loe iiuMiMi. .1 v'"^" '^v , V. n„ ,-u 
 •laini a lasiiiii; rc|HiUition. —t^al. ltei:,nx. ■!(«. 
 •■ It presents a scries of studies ill chariictcr drawn from 1 
 the most eminent men and women of the last si.xty years 
 .Sir Henry Taylors portraits of his ureal cmitein poraries , 
 are not hastily thrown olf ; thouiih sometimes;^ achieved in 
 comparatively few lines, they are the result of carelul ami 
 cxaA observation. "-E. DowiiKN ; .Ir-iti., xxvii JI.7. 
 '• The more stirring and cosmopolitan halt of sir Henry 
 Tavlor's career is dealt with in the first of his two volnn es^ 
 wlJiidi is, on that account, far more interesting than Ihe 
 ■'"'T'corVespoii'lcnJe of Henry Taylor. Edited by Ed- 
 ward Dowden. l.on. , lsS-<, Svo. 
 '■ \bout iwo-thinlsof Ihe letters are from Taylor sown 
 pen and of the remainder about half were written by 
 such friends .,t llic inner circle as Miss FenwlckSir James 
 Steiihen .lames Spcilding, and Mr, .\ubrey de \ ere, Iho 
 Vol nc u.les, heiidcs, men of widely various pnrsui s^ 
 such as Mr, (iladstoiie, Karl Grey, the •wt^Laiireate, Mr 
 Swinburne, and Mr, Vcnables aiuoiiK the living; and ot 
 the departed, Mrs. Austin. Mrs. Norton \\onlswortl, 
 Southev, and Macaiilay. Taylor's own letters are ad- 
 dressed to a still longer list of friends and, while they do 
 not exhibit him in any conspicuously new Ph'';'-';; ' M 
 Ueepcii the impression produced by the ■ Auiobiograpnj, 
 and serve not a little to illustrate his character, tastes and 
 powers, anil their limitations; especially, perhaps, their 
 limitations."— .l^/i.. No. Shw 
 The Liturgy and Ihe Dissenters, Lon., ISfili, Svo ; 3d od. 
 same year. {This is erroneously incUuled among the 
 works of Canon Taylor's father, nnli. vol. m ) •!• 
 Words and Places; or. Etymological Illustrations ol 
 History, Ethnology, and Oeography, Lon., ISfiJ, p. 
 Hvo- 2d ed. same year; three Inter eds. 4. Ihe family 
 Pen; Memorials, liiographical and Literary, of the 
 Taylor Family of Ongar, Lon., IHl'.7, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 
 "This work, however InlerestlnL' in point of subiect to a 
 certain world of readers, is patchy iid unsatisfactory. 
 — ,i(/i., No. 'Jo;;!. 
 'j. The Uurdon of the Poor: a Slight Sketch of a 
 Poor District in the East End of London., Lon., 1867. 
 (). Etruscan Uesearches, Lun., 1S74, Svo. 
 " Mr Taylor believes that Ktruscan Is a member of that 
 Altaic (or, as he calls It, Vgric) class of 'niraiiian which 
 Includes the lannuaL'cs of niaiiy tribtvs of .\rctie l-.iirope 
 and Siberia, of llic Turks ami llieir kinsmen ot ( eiitral 
 Asia, of the lliingarians, and others. , . . Thcslroimest ar- 
 L'ument ... is that drawn from the tomb-builMlim. . . . 
 \Ve do not think Mr. Taylor's linguistic evidence at prcson 
 stronc cnoUL'h to coiuirm it. . . . llCorsseiis |iliilologl al 
 evidcMicc for an Italian origin will stan.l oxaniumtion. he 
 rgric hypothesis iinist fall, lint it is looiir """''« •',;'; .','- 
 that no satisfactory linguistic pnsd wi 1 ever c drawn 
 from such unsatisfactory materials, -.K/i. No. -l-S. 
 "Krom first to last its interest never tlau's; an 1 tic 
 reader as he closes the b.iok will h'cl thai, even Mi 
 Taylor's conclusions cannot 111 everviuslancc be sustaii. 
 the conditions of the cimtroversy have at tliu least licui 
 malcriallv elianired."— .s'lI^ /I'cr., xxxvii. Wd, 
 !• Asbr'th the s^emitic and Aryan keys have failed lie has 
 tried a Turanian key. "«,bas eertaiiilv tiirned his key 
 once or twice, but the lock is not opened, and t«. reason 
 1 whv the key turned round at all was siiiijily because it is 
 verV .smooth and small and has very lew ward.s ■ • • Mr. 
 I Tavlor, before attempting a task tha has biillled e best 
 scliola^, has not even made him.sel ""'"l!"!'';'"' ^ J \ "''•: 
 simplest rules of Comparative Philology. — Ma.\ Ml i.lkh . 
 1 ^ 'seo letter from Dr. Taylor in reply to this article, in 
 ' ^ ''mV. ^yl'; lias feUe.1, oyer and over ^^^ 
 Taylor, Henry, town-clerk of Flint. Historio 
 Notices, with Topographical and other Gleanings de- 
 scriptive of the Borough and County Town of Flint, 
 Lon., 1883. ^ o, . i • 
 Taylor, Henry, architect. 1. Notes on Sketching 
 Tours. 2. Old Halls in Lancashire and Cheshire: in- 
 cluding' Notes on the Ancient Domestic Architecture of 
 the Counties Palatine. Illust. Manchester, 1884, 4to. 
 "The value of Mr. Taylor's book is in the plates, hut the 
 letter-press which accompanies them is useful. —Atli.. ^o. 
 ^''■"i'he book Is indispensable to an archseologist."— 4cad., 
 Taylor, Henry Osborn. Treatise on the Law of 
 Private Corporations having Capital Stock, Phila., 1884, 
 Svo: 2d ed., lsS8. , „ . , 
 Taylor, Henry W. The Times of Daniel : an 
 Argument, N. York, 1^<7I, 12ino. 
 Taylor, Hugh. The Morality of Nations: a 
 Study in the Evolution of Ethics, Lon., 1S8S, cr. Svo. 
 Taylor, Ida .\sliWorth. 1. Vcnus's Doves, Lon., 
 1SS4, 3 vols. p. Svo. 2. Snow in Harvest, Lon, 1SS3, 3 
 vols. p. Svo. 3. Allegiance: a Novel, Lon., 1886, 2 vols, 
 cr. Svo. 
 Taylor, Kev. Isaac, Litt. D., LL.D., ['lutc vol. 
 iii.. add..] h. I.s2i), at Stamford Kivcrs, Eng. : son of Isaac 
 Tavlor, LL.D., (7. <:, «nte, vol. iii. ;) graduated at Trinity 
 CoiWge, Cambridge, 1S53; ordained lSo7: vicar of ,st. 
 M:itlhias. Iletbnal Green. 1S,V.-I',!I, and of Holy Trinity, 
 Twickenham, lsiill-7.'i; since then rector of Settrington, 
 Yorkshire: canon anrl prebendary of 'i'ork Cathedral 
 since I8S0. The following list of his publications in- 
 cludes the onlv one meiitioncil 'iiit,. vol. iii.: 1. (Kd.) 
 Charioles: Illuslrations of the Private Life of the An- 
 cient (Jrceks. l!v W. A. Becker. Lon., 1854, Svo. 2. 
 strangi mistake of citing a.s riiiAvWi (Turanian) \yords 
 w Icfi are really either J.y.6/c (Semitic) V, /":';.',' ".-V/w"; 
 KiiriMiean.) Every Orientalist knows that the I urkish ul 
 Constantinople is a composite language, ike lliiidiisiftiii 
 and that it has adopted a host of Arabic and Persian 
 "•oc'iblesof all kimis' Hence those who are "•'", "ll"!'," 
 with these other tongues must use ■lurkish voea bu bines 
 for iihilological puri.oses with greatcaution. How mrMf; 
 Tavlor's arguments are alVeclcd by this pervading error, it 
 is easy to see."-WlLl.I.\M WiugHT: .4(/i., No. 24'22. 
 See, also, the letter of Richard F. liurton in the same 
 number of the ^(AciisHm ; that of Hyde Clarke in No. 
 '>423: that of Lord Crawford and Ualoarrcs in No. 
 2424 ; the reply to all these of Mr. Taylor in No. 242, ; 
 the rejoinder of Lord Crawford in No. 2430, and of Capt. 
 Burton and Mr. Clarke in No. 2431, (Capt. liurton 
 writes, " I hold the Mongoloid theory to be the book s 
 one (ethnological) virtue, linked with a thousand (an- 
 thropological and linguistic) crimes;") the surrejoinder 
 of Mr. Taylor, and a fresh attack on him by James S. 
 Reid, in No. 2432 ; a letter in No. 2434 from S. Birch. 
 (who writes, "Without disparaging the researches ol 
 Lord Crawford and Mr. Taylor, it may be premised 
 that they have treated the subject as comparative phi- 
 lologists, and not approached it as archaeologists or de- 
 cipherers. The two persons most eminently qualihed 
 for this task, the late Mr. Edwin Norris and Dr. Hincks. 
 are no more;") another letter from Mr. Taylor in No. 
 2436; a final note from Capt. Burton in No. 243S; and a 
 letter from Mr. Taylor on Prof. Corssen's interpretation 
 of the Etruscan epitaphs in No. 24il5. 7. Greeks and 
 Goths : a Study on the Runes, Lon., lS7fl, Svo. 
 "His purpose is to show that the runic alphabets . . . 
 must be trace<l to the alnhabets of the (ireek ot I lie hge. " 
 and of the Hellenic colonies on the coasts (.t t e ma ^t- 
 .sea in the sixth and seventh centuries belore theChristiau 
 era . U must, we think, be allowed that the evidence, 
 so far as it goes, is most cogeiit,"-.S(i(. llrr.. ■<"''!Vi,,: „r„„ 
 "In no cose does he critically rcliite any ut the argu- 
 ments of Dr. Winimcr. but he eoudemiis tiiem a most 
 cavalierly On the whole, therefore, the question o 
 the origin of the Hunes remains where " wax- ' J^ V"',. 
 liable portion of the book isthcdLscuurseon the Oghams. 
 — .4//1., No. 2t'.UU. , , „ . , , ,, 
 S. The Alphabet: an Account of the Origin and De- 
 velopment of Letters, Lon.. 1SS3, 2 vols. Svo. 
 " Dr Tiiylor has spareii iiii pains to make his work as 
 thorough a-s jiossiiile. He lias devoted iiiaiiy years to us 
 nposltiiui, and hiu< coiisulled iunuincrable nionograpli- 
 byspeeialists ill every dcpiirlmeiit of paUeography, tnoiitn 
 we miss a few eminent names and cardinal works, lie 
 has had the advice and assistance of such scholaij ii- 
 Kricdrich Miiller, Eutiiig, Rurnell, I.eiiormant, and Stnl- 
 lebrtt.s. and especially of Professor Saycu, whose pala-o- 
 to this article, in 
 k'Mst suli>f«,.(Mry ill tli/lM/,k ' iVT^,i r/ T'' "^^ ^ il">", Lnn.. l.sM. „ s. ,>.._ „ « .."^.".'B 
 .Mit<,f his ,k.,,|l,."->v,( / ivi T."*'"' '" '"•'■'' "''•■'"•'>■ 
 !) Tl,,. M l> ■'. -.'- 
 i'. The .\iiiiix Huni's l)ipiiL'li^ iKsrt in i Ihc wrih-i- lm,l r..,lis,.„v,'r M 1 i,r „ , m" I""-'''"' 
 layior, J. «.. t„ur |||st,„-i,.„l Sermons- „„ Au- 
 li'.st., ISS7, 
 iiient ,it Molroso lliglijiitiils, 
 I on'"! '"''•'• •'"'"• '■■''^^""■"•"y Cliesa I'roblcm., 
 Lnndauor. lllust. l,on., |S71I, ox L' sv,, ^ ' ^ 
 1. li.e .Scottish Covenanter., Uh., Isn], |L'„,o o n '?• 
 '/r-layIorhn><amini),lishc<laii,si.|i,n, .It j„ ..h,,,,,,,,, 
 Taylor, James. American I>„litieal Philosophy • 
 iin Inquiry «« to the UenieJies for Social nn,l I'ol tica 
 a, isli'i^C ^ """'^' *^™'«" ""'^ ""'"^•^' ^'""'''"^""- 
 "Taylorrjames W. Historical Antiquities of Fife, V^i^^\ 
 ehiony heclcsmsfcl; L',1 e,i., l,Min., l.ST.^'a vols. 8vo "'■'■•'''""!■■' 
 1 aylor, Jeinungs. The Last Three IJishops of 
 the Ai.Klican Church, Canaila. 1,„„., 1870, Kimo 
 I aylor, John, librarian of the Bristol Museum 
 ""' h'}"J"y-, '• A """i" '" Clift'.n. 2. Tintcrn Abbey 
 an,l Its Founders. .3 A Book about Bristol, Historical 
 l.e,lesiaj.tical, and Biographical : from Original Ho' 
 search. l,on.. 187,3, p. Svo ; new oil., IS77. 
 1,0'n I V "l"^ '' '"T'ly " KUiiU-book for straiiKors, parllv a 
 haii.l nmk lor aiitiquaries."-,s„(,\iii ■S,i ^ ^ 
 I. Bristol and Clifton, Old and .New, Lon., IS77,'i. Svo 
 1 aylor, John. 1. Oreat Lessons from Little 
 Thing.s Illust. Lon., 1,S73, 4to. 2. Ueminiscences of 
 iMiac Marsden ot JJoncaster, Lon., lS8;t, „ ,svo S 
 I'icture Truths : a Series of 'practical" Lessons on the \\vJ'f,^ °^ r''"' ^""""''' ■'^"'i'h. tlie Famous Negr 
 rorination of Chanicter, Lon., ISS:,, 'p!'^" 4" tI" j" K^^Zl Vr^?'^ T!^ 1" ^"'^"^-^r-ly ll- 
 Formation of Character, Lon., ISS.'l p 8vo 
 Apostles of Fylde Methodism, Lon., cr. sVo 
 ■ ?,"*;,"'■'•'?'!" A' '-IJcfence of Insanity: Address 
 in the fnal of J. .1. Burroughs, 18-fi, Svo. 2. Kxone ! 
 ;;::i"ViX"^voit''l'::^n:o "" '""^ '■'' ^""'•"«'" 
 iiiir'Lo'ii'it's^'';.:!""'''- '^•■•"'-"'■'" '^'-'"""-■' 
 Taylor, John Kllor, Ph.D.. F.L.S., F.O.S., r-././f 
 v"l. 1,1., lAVLoii John E., add.,) b. at (iorton, M.ui' 
 liester, Eng. ; editor of Science (iossip. 1. (Jcological 
 ..-.i.y.^ and Sketch of the Geology of Jlanchester, 1804. 
 .. I all-IIours at the Sea-Side, Lon., IS72; new ed., 
 "Ml, p. hvo. .i. Half-Hours in theliroen Lanes, Lon. 
 N-; new cd 187y, p. 8vo. 4. Oeological Stories in Order, Lon., 187;) , new ed., IS71I. p. Svo " 
 Ld. Notes on Collecting an,l Preserving Natural-His' 
 dom Lon, IsNI, p. Svo. 12. Our Common' IlVi'tis'h 
 1-ossis and »he,eto find thn,,. I,..n., Iss.,. p. 8v 3 
 inin^'ir: 'i:::;:'?":/ '^'•'''■''''"•« ""''''"^ "'^"'- 
 ti.o Ai^s^i-;;!;;::; n;!::;;!;i:,;;;;r:;,i^:7i™ '''/"o iiteratur.; of 
 ...Kt.y i.ii;,iiinrc. .,iiikj\',,r, , Vr .■ rhv'ii, :;^^^^^^^ 
 traveller "-,s>,(M(or.lix. IliiH ' '""""■" "i ""' "idli.ary 
 K„'i;v,nn;:;"L;:::'';;;i;;';"i^;;:""y "f suflbik. by Kivcr, 
 Taylor, Jo».i-|)h. 'Fast Life on the .M„dorn Iligh- 
 Ve^.^.'""."'' .■",'""'"'" '"'" ""• ""il-oa,'.Worl, f ,fa 
 j -New Po,„t ,d View, X. York, l>7l, l2mo 
 'denne- r' Jo-fph S. (Ed.) A I! ance of IVovi- 
 I den ee : >e,ng „ lli,io,y of the Church of the Stranirers 
 .n.lieC,.y„f New V,„.k. ,||,„,. .v. York, IssSo 
 I ^lajlor, I-Mcy, 1. i.d i„t„ 1,1^,1,,, i,„n_^ |.,^j 
 ' ;r'i«.«' 1"'" '''""■'"■'■ '"■• »•'"'■'"« <li« Footlights,' 
 l.on., 18SB,|, Svo. :!. Sundial Court. Illust. Lon., Iss7 
 ]>. >vo. I The Children's Champion, and the Victories 
 lewcm; Pictures from the Life'of "The (Jood Earl," 
 Lord Shatte-sbury Lon., isss, p. Svo. 5. Marching - 
 -Icr-; or, Nddier Mobbic. Illust. Lon., Isss, p Svo 
 I aylor, I.ylton. Index. Digest of the ■I'ennes.sco 
 Reports.- ei„bra,ong All the Heeisions of the .Supreme 
 Court ol Icnnessee. Irom 1st Overton to 16th Lea, in- 
 vilTe.'lSss sv'o ''"'' '''"""'■•'"='' •'''"'""'•y Keports, Nash- 
 eo,n,??'f",T' /^'"'«;"'n <nnii)b<.||. Historical Ac- 
 1 , ,es?r ,^. "'7 '".■'»'^'" <'l'"i.-'l. ..nd State, (St. Oiles 
 J.ectiiies,) Ldiii., 18S(1, Svo. 
 o.lw","p'""'' '^''"•B!»''et Scott. Boys Together, and 
 other Poems, Lon., I8S4, p. Svo 
 f..T!^,V"l' '^',''"."- <'^'"""^-' ■'^O'""'"- <"■ Children: 
 oy .Mrs. Jlcnry Ueeve, Lon., 188;!, 12mo 
 m„nv. ?'"',"'■''''',"""*'*'"') ^- '«21l,at()otha,Oer- 
 i.mny daughter otP,.„f. Peter A. Hansen; married, 
 of her h„sr^"r' ^"^t'"''' ""'""• ^^" """''"ted severa 
 ,, it.! T'^'T^f 7"'l;r '■"" '■«■■"»'■'. "'.J ..Iter his death 
 1 11 ed a collected edition of his .Iramatic works, Ac. 
 1, •,.^''T""r"' ■'"""''• ^^ "■''■> Life and Letter, of 
 Bayard l„yl„r, |i„st., ISS4, . ,ols. Ilimo. 
 onLr, I'rn'.nM "''.''''' "'■<"*'•' voLimes revoal on nwrlv every 
 im, , l'"il'',V '■'/J,';"' y">"l'l"l ar'bir to <,f intirfi^ 
 .'■•'-iiicc the publication of .Mr. Cooke's bioirraobv nf 
 ii.rc/lr.ivil^^or'' "' " '^'""""" ""^' Bracioiiilife.-U 
 iJ-'^V*"':}*^"' '^*a"''a>l William, D.D., 1846- 
 .„T'.',i' "m ^""'B""'- Ky., of African parentage, en- 
 vertlnVV •".'"''"","."'"*"'^' '''2; «''i'"' °f the South- 
 nee ism'" r,^'''"?''i',''"'^''-^''''J '" New Orleans 
 I "A .' Ir, •13"''^' "' '^■^' "™'"e« W. Downing, 
 , I H,„ "w' ■' Pl'intation Melodies and Revival Songs 
 " the Negroes. ;i. The Life, Travels, Labors, and 
 Helpers of Mrs. Amanda Smith, tlie Famous Negro 
 Missionary Evnmn.iwt. ,„;,i, „. i_... , .. , •'\\s'o 
 4. The Negro in 
 .1. Krehbiel, D.D., Cin., 18S6, 12mo 
 Methodism, ISs?. 
 "Vil^'i7M''"'"'''' /,''■'' "'">' "f ^^'""i^"; f™'» the 
 \ ictona Magazine," Lon., IS7(l, 12iiio 
 Un."l''"''l2mo."''*"- '""""" "'■ "--'"J"'"'" "'="'''^. 
 Taylor, N. Sneyii. Introduction to the Study of 
 Holy .Scripture, in Questions and Answers, Lon., 1872, 
 l.s7'4"l2mo' ^'"""»"'«"- IJi'^J-'intcd Jottings, Lon., 
 I..nd!l!i:i^83 fu'' ""'"■"'■ ^""'^'"^^ '■^°'" '^'-y- 
 Lo'n."l'85.',**s™.'' **• "" ''''"'• f^'"'™ '» «««•-.) 
 Taylor, Colonel Philip Meadows, C.S.I., 
 [""^•, vol. 1,1., Tavi.or. Cot,. Mkapows add I Hns- 
 ISii;, b. in Liverpool, Kni; 
 ir Origin, Shapes, i'er'fiimeV'.rn'd Colon'rs ^ '"ni^'V k""'"' "' '" ''i''''V"'>^, Kng.; went to India in 1S24, and 
 '»., ml p. 8vo! 2d ed. same ;e, n ?. M untain ."d b ur'w^s"af,'; w"' " /'"' f'^'V ''"''" "' "'« ^^''^ 
 J!""r,C. Natural History Kanibes,") Lon. IsTCo ' "..'../in^^ *'' ""^ ''"'y' »'"' '" 
 ^ Inderground, L„n.. im, l2mo 9. Tl e i,,. Hum ^ the It 'f., ''''"''•''''''■"'"'■' ''"""« ""■" """""'y °f 
 ■ts Inhabitants, Structure. a,',d Ma, agVmcnt. lJ S7V governcnli'^^^^ . 1^'""'"°''"""^ "^ Shorapore, which he 
 r. ^™ ;^2d ed., 1881. ,0. Nature's I^y-Paths 1 a 'Serie^s' | ^f"th7^i'i:Vi'n';..^"'i?; ;r:fterrls'';VoiS'b^;ire 
I- : I' 
 H m 
 lirilisli governmont doiiut.v i'oiDiiiin«loncr uf tlio woslorn 
 ceJwl (lixIrkUnf tho l)eociin. Ho retired in IS6rt. 1. 
 Sei'lii, 1,011., IS7;t, H vnla. i>. ^\o. 
 "TliiiuKliliuriiKinUliiK Willi 118 iireilcceRsnm, It 1« fur more 
 Cdnipli'x, II lilwiicr IllKiit iif iiimisliiiillim, ii iiinrc riiiiimitli; 
 Btiiily, anil u. twirv liiipr<'Hhl\c ciimpiilsinTi "f IiInIi'O; ti; tlui 
 novi'ilst'N imrpiiws, ijuciiUM' tiie iil^tury Itliut uftiiu M''tiii>'l 
 micmuiiclluil Is luiir, Milciiiii, unci suKiiesllve to iia «11. — 
 Sptdiiliir, xlvl. 111. , , . „ , . 
 2. The St(iry ul' my l,ifu. I'Mitoil iiy lim Diiuglitor, 
 Ellin. ivnU I-on., 1S77, 2 vols.; new cd., IH7H, I vol. \i. 
 ***o. ^ ,. 
 " If luiyliody wniits to know llii' arts by which a hiimpt'iui 
 (■liiiiilitiiiniiMuiiiluiicyovortiic' iiulivf miiiil. 1ft him study 
 this iiii|iililm.'riii>liy mid lio liifoniii'd,' - .s-i.«r(ii(i>r, 1. 1. ►!■.'. 
 "Thf Icadlim' liii'Us (if Coldiicl T.iylor's lllc limy lie (■;iii- 
 diMisiMl liitoaMiiiilUl'iu'e. . . . Ho'v llicso siiiililt; iiiaterliilH 
 win lif luiiii'd liil'Miii atlractlve lil "iirttpliy, the interest i.l 
 wliicli does lint lliiK fur two voliiiiies, It iimy iiiit be very 
 easy for a crltle to sViuw. ( me reiisoii, perlia)is, s the ciuiir, 
 niaiily, and simiile style in wlili'li Hie antlior li'lls Hie sUirv 
 of his Hie. Aiiollieriiiiiv be rMiiiid In tlie inlliniile lamlll- 
 arily wllli iiallve iiiaiiiiers. the neiierully soniid estluiat«| 
 of native cliiiniiter, and Hie immfs uf a let,'itiiiiate and 
 liindly ii.seeiidency over alien and snbjeit raees, wli eli 
 everv pane iiUcsIs. In lact, there are some toiielies wlileli 
 remind n» or the ehlvalrv of Oiitram, and others wiiiehsiiK- 
 liesl the L'enerosltv and benevolence of Henry Lawrence. 
 . (Ither men in Hie Indian services have written or 
 edlUMl readable tsioks; otiiers, wlio have never taken peii 
 In hand, exceiit to Indite an olllclal reimrt. liave civilized 
 ureat kiniidoniM: but very few have exhiliiled the same 
 iinhiiiation of lilcrary ami oillcial talent, and scarcely 
 one, except in Hio earliest days of the (■(mipaiiy, has, from 
 such slender bei:hiniiiKs, iiiaile for hlin.sell a inorc en- 
 dnrinw and honourable naiiie."-,s'ii(. Ilei:, xliv. 770, 
 ;i. A Noble Queen : a KoniancB of the Kintern Mu- 
 tinv, I. on., IS'.s, :t vols, p, svo : new ed„ ISSc, 1 vol. 
 "'The late Colonel Meadows Taylor bail one surpa-ssiiiK 
 Kid as a writer of Indian romances. His intense sympa- 
 thy with Hie people enables liim to place their lives belore 
 the Kiih'lish reader in a fainlllar, liunian way that does 
 more to dispel Hie cominou ignorance and arrogant ii.s- 
 mimplion reKardint; the natives of India Hum a the 
 formal histories that ever were written."— .s'lifrtu^"-, 11. -m. 
 "It is the tjreat merit of Ills works that though they all 
 convey liistriict;oii of no litHe educational value and a 
 moral of inealcnlabh' im|«irtaiice, neitlier instruction nor 
 moral is permitted to overlay the interest of the story. — 
 Mil.. No.j;;r,i). „ „, 
 Taylor, .Mrs. 11. H. The A Ii C of Chemistry, 
 Ediled by W. .M. William,-. Lon., 1S7:1, IHmo. 
 Taylor, R. L. I. Analysis Tables for Chemistry 
 Students, Lon., I^Hii, K'nio. 2. Chemistry for BeKin- 
 ners: Examinations in Inorganie Chemistry, I-on., 18S7, 
 p. Svo. 
 Taylor, 11. W Imtely Cooke. Introduction to a 
 History of tho Factory .System, Lon,, ISSli, Svo, 
 " It is a collecHoii of a number of curious facts and 
 instructive, If not very appropriate, quobitions Hut the 
 considcralion of Hie factory system U' the lust tliiUK that it 
 touclieson. . . . The history closes wliere the factory 
 systeinbeuins,"— .s/«T((i(or, Ix. 711. 
 " It merelv aims at natlierliiR up from divers sources niiil 
 nuthoritltwwhat Is known of must labour orKaiiizations,,ana 
 traciuL' their inlluence ui Hie prcsenl,"---tfai(., xxx.'iii 
 "The imporlance of Hie book is largely as a contribu- 
 tion towards the solution of tile great problems ot tho 
 day."— .ViidiiH, xliv. 8.'i. 
 Toylor, Kichaid, lS2ri-l,S79, only son President 
 Zachary Taylor, b, at New Orleans ; graduated at Yale 
 ISI.'i; served in the Confederate army during the civil 
 war, attaining Hie rank of lieutenant-general, destruc- 
 tion and Ucconstruction : Personal Experiences of the 
 Lato War, N. York. IS7!I, Svo. 
 " This book is both nseliil and misidilevouR: useful, lie- every such contribution to the history of the time by 
 an actor in it will lie of more or less help in reaching just 
 concliisious; and mischievous, Hie writer has used 
 to the utmost his inlluence with the people of the South- 
 ern Stales to tcacli contempt for popular government, 
 worship for aristocracy, whether of rank or wealth, talse 
 notions .if Northern society, dislike for all occupations 
 exceiit 'plantiiiK,' and a general belief tliat the triumph 
 of Hie (Joverument in the late war was the nun of civili- 
 zation on the coiilincnt. . . His sketclies of Lee. Joseph 
 E. Johnston, Stonewall Jacksiui, and of several subordi- 
 nate otVicers of ditVereut grades are discriminating, and 
 seem to catcli the salient ouiiiues of idmractcr in a way to 
 give liveliness and vitality to tlic picture."— Audoii, xxviil. 
 Taylor, llev. Richard Vickcrman, F R.H.S., 
 [:t:tlr. vol. iii.. add..l graduated at the Liiiversity of 
 London lSa<J; ordained ISiili ; perpetual curate at Mel- 
 becks, Yorkshire, since 187S. I. History of Alvord 
 Church, Sheffield, I8;;9. 2. Ecclesiic Leodienses ; or. 
 Historical and Architectural .Sketches of tho Churches 
 of Leeds and Neighiiourhood, Lon,, lS7ti, p. Svo. X 
 Anccdot.T Eboraccnfics; or, Kemarkable Incidents in 
 tho Lives of Celebrated Yorkshire Men end Women, 
 Lon., ISM3, er. Svo; Second Herloi, 1HS8. 
 Taylor, Robert W. Kyphilitio Lesions of tho 
 Osseous System in Infants and Young Children, N. York, 
 IS7.-I, Svi . 
 Taylor, 8. Iteconls of in Active Life: with Inci- 
 dents, An., I.on., issfl, p. Svo. 
 Taylor, H. Howard. Kato Uyrno, Lon,, 1871, 2 
 vols, p. Svo. 
 Taylor, Scdiey, M.A., late Follow of Trinity Col 
 lego, Cambridge, I. Sound and Music: a Non-Matlie. 
 matical Treali^e on tho Physical Coiislitution of Musical 
 Sounds and Harmony : including the Chief Acoustical 
 Discoveries of Professor Helniholt/., Lon., Is7:i, p. Sm; 
 2il cd., lss:i. 
 "In p<ilnt of style .iiid mode of lllustraliou our author 
 may well lay claim to Independeiil workmnns liji. . . . 
 The clilcf Interest, however, of .Mr. Taylor's book is due 
 not so inuidi to lucid exposition of physlca: sclcuee as to 
 the intimate aiipialntance of the author Willi the- two 
 sides of ninsical theory, the physical und the asthetic. — 
 .S(i/. Jlev , xxxvl. ;1S7. 
 2. Profit-Sharing between Capital ami Labour: to 
 whicii is added a .Memorandum on tlie Industrial Part- 
 nership at tho Whitwood Collieries, by Archibald and 
 Henry Hriggs, Lon., I8S4, p. Svo. 
 " We heartilv recommend Mr. Sedicy Tayhir's book to 
 Hiose who arc 'desirous of seeing not merely what results 
 may be antlclpiUed, but wlial rcsulbf have actually been 
 realized by prolit shariiu;."— .s'/wrotor, Ivii. 7U1. 
 Taylor, Sliepliard Thomas. I. Early Ancestors 
 of tho Prince of Wales, of the House of Weltin, Lon,, 
 188 1, Svo. 2. Ueniinisiences of liorliu during the 
 Kranco-aernian War of |S7(I-7I, Lon., 1SS5, p. Svo. 
 Taylor, Sophia, [oN'c vol, iii„ add.] 1. (Trans,) 
 The Tiieology of tho (lid Testament, by (1, F, Oehler : 
 vols. i. and ii., Lon., ls;4-75, Svo. 2. (Trans.) Chris- 
 tian Charity in tho Ancient Church, by (!. Ihlhom. 
 Edin., ISSii, p. Svo. :i. (Trans.) Scenes from the Lile 
 of Jesus: Lectures by E. Lohnninn, Lon., ISSl, p. Svo. 
 1. (Trans.) The Doctrine of Divine Love; or, Outlines 
 of tho Moral Theology of the Evangelical Church, liy 
 Ernst Sartorius, Edin,, 1884, Svo, i, (Trans.) Com- 
 mentary on ticne.sis, by F. Doiitzsch : vol. i,, Lon., 1SS8, 
 Svo. With CiiiusTiK, Kkv. Pktkh, (trans.) A History 
 of tho .lewish People in the Tiuie of Jesus Christ, l.y 
 Emil .Sohiiror. Second Division. Vols. i. and ii., EJiu., 
 Taylor, T. II. Old Theology turned Upside Down, 
 or Right Side Up, Host,, IS7I, l2mo; 2d ed„ IS7:i. 
 "Taylor, Theodore," (Pseud.) See Hottkn, 
 John C.vmuks, sa/o'o. 
 Taylor, Tom, [<iii(', vol. iii., add.,] d. 1S&'. He 
 was editor of Punch IS74-SII, and also art critic t the 
 Times and (Iraphio. In 1870 he began a series „f his. 
 torical idays witli"'Twixt Axe and Crown," followed 
 by "Joan of Are," 1870, " Lady Clancarty," 1S7;1, and 
 "'Anne Boleyn," IS76. I. Leicester Square: its Asso- 
 ciations and its Worthies: with a Sketch of Hunter'^ 
 Scientihc Character and Works, by Richard Owen, 
 F.R.S. lllust. Lon., 1S74, p. Svo. 
 "This is a bad specimen of a bad kind of book, and ccv 
 taliily ought never to have been wnlteii by a man wiih 
 .such fair claims to a respectable rank in literature as Mr. 
 Tom Taylor."— .S(i(. lie.v., xxxviii. \il'A. 
 "Tlieliiographical largely preponderates over the t"|"- 
 uraphicnl elemeut in Hie book ; but this is not greatlv in li.' 
 reiirclted, as it allows the author room for a lull and livcl.'. 
 account of the various arlisls, philosophers, and statcsiiiiii 
 who were either inhubitanUs or lodgers in the Square. — 
 Acad., vi. 228. 
 2, Historical Dramas Lon,, 187 1, p, Svo. 
 Toylor, U. Ashworth. I. Wayfarers: a Nov.l, 
 Edin. and Lon., l8S(i, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 2. Tho City nl 
 Sarras, [a novel,] Edin. and Lon., 18S7, p. Svo. 
 Taylor, V. O. Every .Man his Own Doctor, lliii-- 
 dale, N.H., 1S70, 16mo. 
 Taylor, W. Memorials of the Life and Mini.-^tiv 
 of C. C. Mackintosh. Edin., 1S70, p. Svo. 
 Taylor, W. (Ed.) Diary of James Calder. Editt 1 
 from tho Original MSS., with Illuftrativc Notes. Stir 
 ling, lS7,i, Svo, 
 Taylor, W. The Freedom of tho Will, Lon., 1>M, 
 Taylor, Waller C. 1. A Physician's Counscliit- 
 Women in Health and Disease, Cleveland, 0., IS7l, 
 12ino. 2. A Physician's Counsels to Men in Health an I 
 Disease. Cleveland, 0., IS72, 12mo. 
 '."aylor, Walter Ilcrroii, b. is:!8, at Norfolk, 
 Va. ; educated at tho Virginia Military Institute; wi^ 
 mill Women, 
 Iff: Willi Iiioi- 
 e, I-on., 18T1. 2 
 life and Ministry 
 Will, Lon., ISSl, 
 Iiiljiitttot-Konornl (if the Arinv nf Northern Viralnliv 
 .lurniK Iho eiyil wiir, an<l •in,,, ,|mi, hu« beun ii bank.r 
 II Niirlolk, Vii. I. Th« liimk of TravoN of u |)„«tor 
 1)1 1 hysio: luintiuninn I'i" "»b»orviUi inmlu in Cortiiin 
 lortioni" ot li.e 'I'wi. CiintineiitH, I'hilii., |S7| ii,,,,, ■> 
 Four Voiirs with (IninnI l,c.(: hoinK ,i SuuMmiry of Iho 
 More Important Kvents tom^hlnn Ihr CariMT of (iiMioriil 
 Hoiert K l,oi., in the War liHwioi, lli.. ,Stut.« : toKothrr 
 with iin Aulhontiitivu StiitiMnciit ..f Hiu SironKth of the 
 Army wliioh ho (MMiimiinilud in tl'o Fielil, X York 1S7>* 
 8vo. ■ ' ' 
 "Thcru lire Hcrniw nf Innirinutloii whlcli we l«.||,.vi. ti, 
 be i|im.. MOW an, whloh arc Lill „r Int,,,.!. 1, ii I'ru a c 
 onlyoiioiiKliof ila.|„ („ ,„„k,, ,„ |„„^, ,„r „„,',',, "'^'^' '\\^ 
 .elfL.vo lliat he IKS not oxhaiiM,.,! Ih,. MihJ.ot » hich' fur- 
 ilslios Iho niiist In rtniit part of |,i, book, but II a lie 
 ha» iloiie murli to ai.l the fntiire Iniiulrer.'-A-,,)/',,', xx! i. I 
 Taylor, Knv. William, \.,n„., vol. lii., ihirteenih ! 
 of the namelhere menlioni'd, aiM.. | b. 1821, in Virginia' I 
 became a Motlio,li,-t preaehcr 1812; ,ervnil aa a mi».ion- i 
 ary in Alrica, India, and South A nerieii, an I in |HS| 
 wa« made Missionary Iiisho|, of Africa. I. Christian 
 Adventures in ,<oulh Africa, Isfir. 2. Four Yearn" 
 tampaiKn in Imlia, l,on., IH75, p. Svo. .i. Our South 
 American ToiLin-, N'. York, IS7S, 12mo. I. Letlem (o 
 a (Quaker Friend on Haptimii, ISSd. ;,, Ten Years of 
 .'^ell-Supporlini? .Missions in India, N. York, 1XS2 IL'mo 
 laylok-, Hilliiim. Veritas Vietrix, l.on., 1X78] 
 Taylor, Williui;, \. Eighteen Presidents and 
 Contuinponineous Uulers. Illust. I'ittsliiirir I'a 1H7() 
 l2ino. " '' ' 
 Taylor, Williair Ambrose, b. IS.,.,, at llieen- 
 tmni, llerk'hire; assistant curator and librarian of the 
 Hoyal Ooologieal Society of Cornwall. iKd.) A Cata- 
 loKUo of the Library of llio Koyal (Jeolofrical Society 
 ol Cornwall, I'lymoulh, ISS2, Sv„. ■" 
 Taylor, Williom Charles. An Agricultural 
 «ote-llook to assist Canii hites in preparinL' for Uxami- 
 nations in Ajjriculture, I.oi,,, Iss,,, p. hvo. 
 Taylor, Ilev. William Francis, D.D., M, D 
 graduate at Trinity CoIIckc, Dublin, I,S17; ordaineij 
 1M8; vicar of St. Chiysosti Kverton, since lS7n 
 (Trins.) The Hook of liurtram, A.lJ. SID, do Corpore et 
 Sanguine Domine: with Notes and Inlroduction, l,on., 
 Taylor, Rev. William Frederick, ordained 
 IhJll; chaplain at Tristan d'Acuiiha ' .s.^ll-.OH .■ rector 
 of St. I'oter's, Mossel Hay, Cape Colony, since ISSO. ] 
 Account of the Seltle-.ient of Tristan d'.. iiiha. I.on ' 
 lH5t). 2. Thirty-Two Years of Mission Life, L,,, l,S8:!' 
 Taylor, William .>l. The .«onit..r: a Manual of 
 FreeiniLsonry, adapted to the Work and (iovernment of 
 the Lodges subordinate to the Grand Lodue of Texas 
 IL.uston, Tex., lS7ii. l.Smo. 
 Taylor, Hev. William >lacl<ergo, D.I)., 1,1, D 
 [itiili:, vol. iii., add.,1 b. 1N21I, at Kilmarnock, Scotland: 
 graduated at the University of (lla.sHow 184«, and at the 
 Iheological Seminary of the Inited Presbyterian Church 
 in Edinburgh '852; pastor of the IJioadway Tabernacle 
 Conxregational Church, .\ew York, since 1872 ; o.lilor 
 of the Christian at Work |S7(i-8(). I. The l-ost Found, 
 and the Wanderer Welcomed, N. York, I87II, l2mo • 
 new ed., 1884. 2. Memoir of Kov. Matthew Dickie' 
 Miled by James Davis. Bristol, 1872, p. t>,o :i 
 Prayer and Business, N. York, 1871, 21mo. 4. David! 
 kinxol Israel: his Life and its Lessons, X. York l^~b 
 121110; new ed., 188:i, Ito. :,. Klijah the Prophet, x! 
 York I, ■,7(1 1 2mo; new ed., I,88». ti. The Ministry of 
 the Hord, (\ale Lectures,) X. York, 1876, p Svo 7 
 Peter the Apostle, N.York, 187(i, 12mo. H. .Songs in 
 he Xight, N. York, 1877, 2lmo: new ed., 1881 II 
 Daniel the Beloved, N. York, 1878, 16mo. 10. Moses 
 the Lawgiver, N. York, 187!», er. 'vo. 11. The (}ospel 
 Miniclcs in their Holation to Christ and Christianity. 
 X. York, 1880, l2mo. 12. The Limitations of Life, and 
 other hormons, N. York, 1880. Svo. 13. Paul the Mis- 
 Monary. Illust. N. York, 18S2, 12mo. 14. Contrary 
 » Mills, and other Sermons, N. Y'ork, 188:) ,Svo la 
 Jesus at the Well, 1884. 16. John Knox, (" Men Worth 
 Keinembering,") Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 17. The Parables 
 ot Uur Saviour lixpounded and Illustrated, N. York 
 1H86, 8vo. 18. Jose,)h, the Prime Minister, Lon., I887' 
 p. 8vo. 19. The Scottish Pulpit from the Reformation 
 to the Present Day, N. York, 1887, 12mo. 20. Shut In, 
 N.York, 1887, Ifimo. 
 Taylor, Winifred. 1. Violet Rivera; or, Loyal 
 to Duly, Lon., 1S7I, l2mo. 2. Silverton Court : a Tale. 
 Illust. Lon., |8N,^, n. Svo. 
 Taylor, Winnie Louise. Ilii Broken Sword, 
 Cliic, 18SS, I2nio. 
 Taylor-TnNwell. s..,. Taswki.i, 
 Teal, AllKi-line. J„bn Thome's Folk-: a Study 
 of Weslcin Lile, Ho,!.. \Ht\, \Jiw>. 
 Teale, Thomas PridKin, .M.A., F.H.C.S., grad- 
 I ualed at llrasenose College, Uxford, iN.'jO; surgeon to the 
 ! Leeils (ieneriil Inllrmaiy. I, Dangers lo lleallh in our 
 jOwn llousc». Illiisl. L„„., 1877, :<vo; 4lh ed., 18s:i 
 I 2. hoonomy ofCoal in House Fires, llhist, L.,n |ss;t 
 8vo; new ed., I8S|. ;;, i|„rry, Worry, and Monov.tho 
 j Bane of .Mo.lern Ldiication. Lon., lss;t, Sio. 4. Domes- 
 1 tic Fireiilace lo-lrucliori, Lon., 1HS(), Hvo. 
 Teall, Jcthro Justinian Harris, M.A., I .(I.S 
 1. A Criticism on Di.Crol|-a .Molecular Theory of (llacier 
 Motion, 1880, 8vo. 2. British Petrography :" a lescrip- 
 lion of the Ordinary Hock.- of the ilrilish Isle..; with 
 Special Hefercnee to the Igneous Books. Illust. Lon 
 188s, r. Svo. 
 Teape, Rev. Charles Richard, Ph.D., F.U.S. 
 Ldin., gradiiate.l at Trinity College, Dublin. I8,i0; or- 
 daineil Is.iiJ; incumbent of St. Andrew's, Kdinburgh, 
 since I8.')7. 1. Till Prayers of Scripture, Edin., 18mi[ 
 2. Confession ami Absolution in the Anglican Church' 
 Kdin., isfis, Svo. .1. The Berkeleian Philosophy: witli 
 Alipendix on Dr. Temple's Essay, Edin., IS7U. 4. The 
 Alt-Katholic Movement in (ierinany : with an Intro- 
 duction by the Kev. W. Scott Moncrielf ; 2il ed., Edin., 
 8,,) ,,. The Busso-Tiirl'ish War, us foreseen in the 
 Irophecy of Daniel, Edit., IS7S. 6. Ritualism Ex- 
 posed: .Sermons preached in St. Andrew's Church, Edin- 
 burgh, Lon., 1SS2, 12mo. 7. Miracles of the Old 'Tosta- 
 meiil, Edin., Iss7. 
 ., 'f«;»»l», William. I. .Sii ition, not Vaccination, 
 the^lrue Protection against ,-,. Jl-Pox : a Paper, Lon., 
 1882, 8vo. 2. Compulsory Vafination in England, and 
 Kelerenee to Foreign Stales. Lo,<,, ISS4. 
 Tedder, II. R., librarian of the Atbenipuni Club, 
 London. I. A Catalogue of the Hooks in the Library 
 at the Koyal Academy of Arts, Lon., 1877. Svo. 2 Li- 
 brariansbij, as a Profession ; a Paper read at the Library 
 As.soeiation, Lon., 1SS4, sin. Svo. 
 ^T^"'*;'. -"»«••* Kendall. (Ed.) The History of 
 Millon, Massachusetts, 1040 to ISS7. Illust. Bust.. 
 ISSS, Svo. ' 
 Teelinf;, Capt. H. Military Maxims and Apoph- 
 thegms: a Soldier's Diary, Lon., Iss I, so llimo 
 Teenan, Joseph. Song and Satire. Lon., 1876. 
 12nio. ' ' 
 Teesdnle, Rev. Frederic Uobree, M.A., 
 I'.S.A. Scot., graduated at New College, Oxford, 1868; 
 ordained ISfiO; bead-master of the Isle of Wight Col- 
 lege since ISSl. Poems, Lon., 1871. 
 Teesdnle, M. J. (Trans.) Goethe's Hermann and 
 Dorothea, Lon., IS74; 2d ed., 187.'-i, p. 8vo. 
 'I"eirt, Rev. Uenjamin Franklin, D.D., LL.D., 
 [ntilr, vo . 111., add.,] ISlli-lsSi, U.S. consul at Stock- 
 holm and acting minister to Sweden 1861-04; pastor of 
 a church in Portland 18(i0; editor of the Northern Bor- 
 der, Bangor, 187:,-78. I. Our Political Parties, Bost., 
 ISSO, Kimo. 2. Evolution and Christianitv ; or, An 
 Answer lo the Development Inlidelilvof ,Modern Times: 
 with an Introductory Letter by Bisiiop Simpion, Bost., 
 188;,, l2mo. 
 Tegetmeier, William Kcrnhard, F.Z.S., [<i„ie, 
 vol. 111., add.] 1. The Homing, or Carrier, Pigeon, (Le 
 Pigeon Voyageur:) its History, Oeneral Management, 
 and Method of Training. Illust. Lon., IS7I, 12iuo. 2. 
 Pheasants— for the Covert and the Aviary : their Nat- 
 ural History and Practical .Management. In Four Parts. 
 Hlust. L(m., 187.S, 4to; 2d ed., Issi. 
 " .Vo one will regret that Mr, Tegclnielcr's skill in bring- 
 ing to bear upon any departnient of llie liistorv of galllna- 
 ceuus birds Uie stores of research which he lias ania.sscd 
 n^^Dcen_dirccted at length into this channel." Hev., 
 .'i. Scholar's Hand-Book of Household Management, 
 .tc., Lon., 1876, ISmo. 4. Pallas' Sand-Grouse, and a 
 Plea lor its Preservation, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 "I'egp, William, [,.,,/f, vol. iii., add.,] a bookseller 
 in London. I. Laconics, Lon., 1875, 18mo. 2. Proverbs 
 from Far and Near, Lon., 1875, ISmo; 2d ed.. 1879 3 
 A Collection of Epitaphs, Witty, Grotesque, Elegant, Ac., 
 Lon., 18,5, sq. Uiino. 4. Wills of their Own : Curious 
 Lccentrio, and Benevolent, Lon., 1876, sq. 16mo. 5 A 
 Mixture for Low Spirits; 4th ed., Lon., 1876, 16mo. 8. 
: if 1 
 U JJ 
 Tl... I.B.t Aot; being the Kunernl Ulte. ..f N«tl»n. »n,l 1 innn» |.r.Mi«l.e,l In H"Kl,y Soliool : Hec.n.l Serlw, I^Bi- 
 " . ' • • , • __ ||„. .iirit"!' Pr rcTiiplc'KlKPWiT-Hinlfi'W wliM hiMird 
 mill li'W wliM ri'ii.l lIu'H' wriiiniiN Hill ilciiy Ilic |iiiwrr--lH 
 lhi'ili'i'|i>|.lrMiiMl lii«iulil iiUviivi. MMlcwly ijllt'u loan In- 
 ifiiw liiitiiim syiiiipalliy."— ■>'/"i"i'i"'. xi'v. l-'TI. 
 2. 'I'lio lliliitiiin:' l)L'i»i('n lli'lluioii iinil Hciunoc, 
 (ll>iiii|itnn 1,01'liiri'i' I'lr INMl.), \»i, \>. Hki. 
 ■' 111' lm» Klvi'ii III lliiw Willi 1 iiri' 111 niiiki' nii' "f It J 
 iMiwiTliil mill riliiUvr miUili'lc iiuiiiii»l llif iiin'riillnli of 
 IliiiM' tiiliTiilii'i- wliii'li iirr iiiiw lliiviili'UliiK UK with Intel- 
 Kiiiit Tii'il : MiirriiiKc ( (iri'iiiniiii'K, lion., I""'! -il <"l., 
 I«7S, U'liio, H. Mi)ctiii«H mill (Iri'i'tiiius : i-^iiliitiiliini", 
 Ai„ of NatliMiK, l-iin., I»77, mi. Mini". ». <>ik' linm^H 
 llmnllnt? iin CuKti'inii, Seiwonn, I'liliiliiyi', .Vo., i.nn., |i7", 
 nn. liliiiii. III. I'listK mill ri'k'KniiiliK : tlii' Ti'lniilnmo 
 uiiil l'liiiiiiiKm|ili, liiin., I>7.S, .i], liiiim. 1 1. Sliiik«i<|ii'mi' 
 iinil liiH (•iiiit.'iii|Minirii'i',, l^TS, p. Hvu. I-'. ('Iirin- 
 ll.iii Siii-imiiii'ii, 1,1111., l-iN^I, l'|i. «i". 
 TflniiKt KAtkillAtliTriiiilmk. iTninK.) Illiaitn 
 Tiiil(tili'i, with tlui rnniitiii)<riliyii lunl lliu Aiiiixfiri, 
 ("SiuTi'd llii.ika uf Iho Kiisl," viil. viii.,) 0.\f., l^M.', 
 Id ho II iisiMi- 
 •iinoi'liil Wiinl, 
 Ivlin., ls>l, |i. sv.i. 2. llriltii ; ii 
 llliist. I.iiii., iNXil, p. Kvii. a. 
 li'i'iiml I'liukTii."- Ny"i(ii(or, Ulll 
 'rcin|ilc« <Jp«»r««. (Tliin U kuIiI in ho ii 
 iliiii VINO I'm- ('. Iliiiii|pini,""/- 
 .\l.l'. : II l.iivr-Sliiry 
 ' 'tc11«t, Minn. Hv no I'milt III tiKirUwn: » NiivH, Sliiillaml Kmiinn™. , ,. , , , ,v., ,, 
 1,' I,-/ ■) ..,,1- „ '„„ i Poor l.iltlo Ml" : ii Kmiiily l'.|il-o,k., I.i.n., \nxn. I.'inii. 
 • •■;. I^r; iMn J 'Hiichan, U.N.. 1. Tempi.., Ilev. Iln.rv, .M..\.. K'l-lua.cil at llr... 
 Th V '^1 ,i"l Tnin^ti'l: U.n,, iv Narni.ivc of a ,o„o,„ .oIIlki., .>x(or.l, IM., "';l""- '^,:' i, - :,;:^ 
 J„urn..y in the Kuubmi, in (ioiiria, (IcoiKiii, Arnien „, (Nwalilkii k Mnei- S.„ ; I'"""'',' '•;"','' 7' ■'^,^^^; 
 O-olv. Iiii-riliii, ,-<waiiii.'ly, ami .Min«rellii, iiml in the l^*7s. I'litlmlu; hiilli; or, " I" "'>' '.''"^l' '''',"*'' 
 Tuu I. Uannii. llln.t. l/on., I>T(1, 2 voU. 8vo, 2,1 cU., ami ivliv .• Six l.o.HiroH on the Alhmia.ian ( lecl, I,on.,. 
 Ij,-- \ |H7.'I. 12 
 ' lir givis t'lU'lR and ll«iin», (h'wrljitlon Riiil plftiifi'i with Teilipli', J. A. 
 I. Kiniiniiiil unil Moroiinlllolluhlo 
 to Krim<"h iSlmnv. I.on., IS7I, It". 2. (luiilu to Net 
 Slcilin« Valni' "I Dni' llumlrua I'liuml^ Sioik anil Shaii'>, 
 l,"ii., I. •'711, I2IIIII. :i. Invi'. lorK', l'urcliusi'r«', ami 
 Valuom' (iuiilo; ni'w I'll., I.nn., ls7S, ISmo. I. Key I" 
 the ('out of WiiifK, .S|iiiil.-, Iluor, Ac, l.on., 1S7'<, r.'iiin. 
 :i. ('oiiijiliitc Kisi III All Ihf Cniwni'il Kiiiijs ami tiiicius 
 of KiiKland, l.on., I»'<2, l2nio. li. Tlio Uoyal l'oili«i'TO, 
 lion., I >?*:!■ "^vo. 
 ms.iMMirnvu, ui. Tempi.', U.'v. .l<.Mnl. II<.u.ird. 1. (I'.d ) 11.-- 
 MmiiKe.Hloiy. llmr.lUM,i,li,iiKui-MniyM.Ty;lH.l»li.Hit'r lory of .NoiHi lliookliyld, M,i.-ai„.i-i u, : ,,r.ifedod hv 
 it was wiirlh wliilv to nikf up m. iiimli Uiiii is iiii'ivly „„ Aoeoiinl of Old liniihnai? Iiidimi mul Knulo-li (li'L'upii- 
 aisgiiMllnn Is a iiiieMioli wu leave to faptaiii tellers n,,^^ |ti.l7-lli7tl ; lirookllelil UeiMiril:i._Uisil l7H;t, Norlli 
 the Impartiality ot a pliiaii«nipliiT. ->/lM■^l^/r, 1. —I. 
 ••Mr. 'feller is at liome iii i;u>»iaii .s,.i lely. lie is, we 
 uiitliiT, a Kilsslaii hy liirlli. ami liilrly ImiiUlar willi llie 
 Idlsslail lalr^uilKe. . . . Hotli vi.lllliHsare . . . replete Willi 
 vuliialile 1 itler."— Nii(. /I'li'., .vlil. -W. 
 2. iTriinn.) Doiidano and Traveln of Johmiii .'^ehililt- 
 W«er, |;i!lli-ll27, (llaklii.vt Soc. I'ub.,) l.on., IsTS, Svo. 
 ;). riie Stranno Career of the Chevalier Wl'.oti do lluau- 
 iiiiiiil, Loll., 1>*HI, l2nio. 
 ■• ( iiptaiii Melfer hiLs spared iiii pnlns to '."";" ^';'',.',''.;',**'',V.'.^; 
 reailen*." -.^(i'. A'd'., Ix. ;!ii-. 
 ■• fhis viiliiiiie la a h.iiidsiime and neiieroiiM trllinle to a 
 uieiiioiy not iinworlliv of it. ll will lend tn reseiie lioiii 
 un iiiinieriuil iimrtyrilnm ut ndieiile Mini olilmpiy a man 
 lliookllcld, |SS7, Svo. 2. llistnry of KraininKliani, Man- 
 PiiehiiHett.i, early known as iJiiiil'orlh'n FariiiK, ItilO- 
 " ' " With SllKI.IION, (iKoiioi-;, 
 IS.SII, FraniinKhani, l>f*7, Hv 
 uf stroiiK and eiilii-'liU iied pielv. nl' pure and lilanieless i|i^|„|.y „)• Northlield, Mannaohinielt.s, for One llundreil 
 nioral.s, id aeule and Kiave iiiiiiii. lit jiiiliiii'* anil delleale ^^^^^ Kil'lv Years ; wilh Aeeount of Trior Indian Oeeii- 
 !^;;i!:;,'\';;io\,;ea(;ie^::d'J:^'m'd;d:'.i;,^;:l:::iV-^:- j.„m,i,,>^dwi.l. family ..enealo«ie«. IMrt.andnius., 
 work he Inid to. ll^ 1,111 il.iiiik' lliat work and meetliii,' 111- ^■^'"'^'[^•■'■^'■'"- ,,.,,, . .,,„,, , „„ ,.-,, 
 dangers of It with manly lorlltude and philosophy. — T.'mpic, It. II. Diphtheria; 2il ed., Lon., l»iJ 
 Aiwl.. .xxvil. 71). I ,Svii. 
 And sec Nkimasn, K. K., »";<TO. 1 Tempi.*, Sir Uu-hiir.l, Hurt., U.C.fs.I., C.I.K,, 
 Tell'ord, John. I. \Vc«ley Aneoiloteo; a Sketeh i uci,., |J,.1>., b. I.'*2S; was ediieulcd at Uunby -School 
 of the Life and Work of John Wesley, Lon., ISS.i, er. „,„i ll„i|,.vhnry College; entered the liengal eivil «. r 
 Svo. 2. The Life of Charles Wesley, soniotiine ,«ituilent 
 of Christ Chureh, O.xford. llluat. Lon., I^^O, or. Svo. 
 3. Two West Knd Chapels : .Skotehes of London Method- 
 ism from Wesley'a Diiv, 1710 to l-'Mi, l.on., or. .hvo, 
 Tellord, Mary Jewett, and others. Mark at 
 Lake Hanehe, and other Stories, Host., IS7S, IBiuo. 
 Tellor, Moyd V. Diseases of LivoStoek. and 
 their Most KIHeient Keinedies : inoludin); Horses, Cuttle, 
 Sheep, and Swino, I'hila., I--?'.', Svo. 
 Temple, C E. A. Outlines of Medioine, Diseases 
 of the l.iinKS, Ao., Lon., IS7'.i, Svo. „..,,, .^ 
 Temple, C'rona. 1. .Milheenfs Homo : Child I.ile 
 in the West of Ireland, l.on., 1871, IHiuo. 2. Uoyal 
 Captives, Lon., IS7:!, 12mo; 2d ed., Is7fl. 3. Truo- 
 llearted: a liook for (iirls, Lon., lS7f, p. Hvo. 4. Lile 
 at Hill Farm, Lon., ls7o, p. .'<vo. i. Seed to the Sower: 
 Stories and Lessons for Sundays, Lon., IS75, p. J<vo. ti. 
 Jolin Denton's Friemls, l.on., I»7fl, p. Svo. 7. The Least 
 of These, l.on., lS7ii, l2mo. S. Nobody Cares, Lon., 
 Is-, ll, l2nio. y. The Story of Two Islands, Lon., Is77, 
 Ip. svo. 10. Little Wavie, the Foundling of Ulniiherg, 
 llimo, p. Svo; new ed., Lon., IS7'.i. II. Lady Koso, 
 Lon., IS7U, 12nio. 12. Ktta's Fairies, Lon., 1S71I, ISrao. 
 13. The Old Kndeavour : a liook for Hoys. I Must. Lon., 
 ISSU, p. Svo. 14. Thnmgh the Rough Wind: a Story 
 of the Collieries, Lon., Is.sO, p. Svo. I.>. The Cellar of 
 Madeuii.iselle: a Story of Normandy, Lon., ISSO, sip 
 Idnio. Irt. Her Father's Inheritance, Lon., 1H81, p. Svo. 
 17. Out of the Shadows, Lon., ISS2, p. Svo. is. With 
 Swallows' Wings, Lon., 18s2, p. Svo. 10. A Valley of 
 Diamonds, Lon., |ss:!, p. Svo. 20. (iriirinhoof, Lon., 
 1SS4, p. Svo. 21. liound with a Chain, l.on., ISSj, ]i. 
 svo. 22. A Wider World, Lon., 1SS5, p. .Svo. 23. The 
 Pillar of Suec'jas. lllust. _^!,i.n„ JSSti, p.^ Svo. ^ 21. 
 Diana Uosenburgl '" ' ' " " 
 Vive in is'lti; served as private seerelary to Sir .lohn 
 Lawreiiee in the I'linjaiili, and was afterwards appointoil 
 political resident at Hyderabad; linmieial member ol 
 the govornmont of India lsfiS-71; lieiitenaiitgovernor 
 of liengal 1S71-77; governor of llomhay IS77-SO; cre- 
 ated a baronet in 1S711; .M.l'. for South Worcestershire 
 since ISS.",. I. India in ISSO, Lon., ISSl, 8vOi 2d ed. 
 same year. , , ■ 
 " A hook In which the entire range of Indian adniinis- 
 tratlon is explored, and all llie •niipliealed slruetiire nl 
 the variiiiis great Sliitr liepiirliiieiits siilislaetorily ex- 
 plained, liiil wliieli is, at the siiiiie lime. I'roiu llrst to last 
 a iriumph of liieidily. "— .s,ir A'd'.. 11. h'l'-'. 
 2. Men and Kveiiis of my Time m India, Lon., 1S8., 
 " i'rolialilv the weightiest i^oiitrlluition towards the his- 
 tory of Iiiiliu during llie most erilleal period ul lis eiiiiiiei;- 
 lion with I'Jiighiml that has yet appeare.l. '— .l(/i., No- >■''' 
 3. (Kil.) Asia: with Kthnological Appendix by I'rol. 
 A 11. Koane, (Stanford's '•Compendium of (ieog 
 raphy,") Lon., 1SS2, er. Svo; 2d ed., ISSti. 4. Orienlal 
 Kxperience : Selection of Kssays and Addresses. Maps 
 and lllust. Lon., ISSS, Svo. 5. Cosmopolitan Kssavs, 
 Lon.. I SSI), Svo. 
 "Ill all these es.savs, which emliraee coiiiilnes .«o liir 
 apiirl as Clilim, (ireeee. the Soudan, mi.l North .VinerKM. 
 w'eniavadmil the preseiue. as claimed by Ihe iiutlior liim 
 sfir ul' ■ jo.rii», iiiie giM,liiig idea, one moral,— iiaim;l\ . 
 thai uf lirilisl, duly and re-|iiiiisibility in allairs who; i 
 colieern aliimsl every part ut the world. -Al/i.. -No. ..o..l 
 tl. .loiirnalskepi in llydcrabad, Kashmir, [sikkim. an 1 
 Nepal. Fdited, with Introductions, by his Son, Uichanl 
 Carnao Temple. Majis and lllust. Lon., ISS7, 2 vols 
 •■The contents are varied: there Is a ' private diary "! 
 politics at the eunrturihe Si/am ut Ilydorabad : there iii'' 
 juunials of travel iu Kashmir; ami there are. 
 d other Stories, la 
 The Ferryman's l!oy,an 
 I. 21). with Hooks of Steel, Lon., 18S7, 
 1SS7, l2iuo. 
 Lon., 1SS7, p. 
 Temple, Ut. Ilev. Frederick, D.D., [<iii(<-, 
 iii., add.,] translated to the see of London 1SS5. 1. 
 ■ds uf tours ill sikkim and the KaMern 
 kaili uf these pieces is introduced by a use 
 from the pen ut .sir Uichard's soii.Capl. ■Iciiiple.uf H" 
 Deiigal StiilV Ciirps 
 The •juuriiiils' arc all good, tl 
 (Iced, lorms more 
 —.lead., xxxi. 443. 
 I, whiih, ill 
 than^tlireelimrths of the tirst volume.' 
 impurtant tiy far bi'lng thai tirst nieiitioiied 
i., Lon., 187'J, 
 am, Lot!., 1HS2, 
 7. Pnloxiue Illu-lrnlH, HSH, Imp Sv„ 
 "liiT Ill III ', ,r h »»,.,.. |."'"'t1 '"^''"^I'l'iK 
 ini|ili>, Hiiiiio. 
 |>I I'liiijillils.' ivitli SiMciiil l(,.|,.|un,''.. i„l',-, ,■„ V '"" 
 .. Ilio l,..K..n,l»„f |1,„ ru„jr,|,: V..I. i l,„„ !„ 
 vint vet:^h,:'::;,i;;„!;r'^'';',v'i;ir'>' 7- '^- m,j, 
 K ipai viiim. kn", ,' , ,,',:';"";" , ■;'>""' 
 \Uv ln»i«hl will, I, 1 Ih.y . , !. h 'ii 1 1, ', rV''"' "" '," 
 K. .^ 1U1..STON : |V,W, xxvT III * ^"" "■""'l''-^"! ~W. 
 Vul. II., INS,-,. S,.,:,ul....' >,,:,:,„ Ml,.. I.'. A., ,„,„.„ 
 ^^..:;l.'n.^s^;;'':;^,.•^"'•'■''''^'''''■' '^"'^ '^■■■'■- "i.h 
 llll.lUKr II. ' ''"'"'■) >«« IJ.VHBKIl, I 
 Cn uu'rrC'""' '•''•"""'V'" ' I'-'"') s™ Ai,.VMs, : 
 'reirii.liii, J. I). Al,ii,|«„„.„t „f |.„.i,i„n» In .1,,, ' 
 Mii.ri.,,,,. (;,„„■, „| !„„,,, |s:;i.-7:., !),■, .\I ,i ,h "71 sj 
 T.'H llrook, 1.' Ai,„.,i.„n .^tato Unl 
 vcTKine.: tl,olrO,-i«in „„,| IV,,.,,.. , ||„ „ „ f t- " " 
 «rf.ssi„„i,i l-„i»-,.,,itv Liina-dnmh- wiVh n .■ 
 A.c.«„t»fti.„.,„i..,.i,,„frM«,:\' ,;';■''■": 
 2. IranH I „„„.y „r the Thiitv V,.^,s' War, by A (J ' 
 Joly, N. \,„.k issi, 1; V..I.,. ,sv,.; I,,,,,., isii •* -^^ ""■ 
 I ciicli, Mary V. \. |. .m,„I«« „n,l liur Prion,l«. 
 "I-. I.ivin« lint,, Oti,,..-,, Un., lss|, ,,. sv,, ^ Tim 
 Tenimni, Hob.-rt, I,. i.sM; .m.I>. f„r i.,,,u Isri- 
 Mil c..mim...,„„cr ,„ .x„nlir,i„. .Sunllnia nii.l i,- |{o 
 Bouroo.. Map a,„i iiiu,i. u„„.„ „„,, v,';,';; ;^;.««; 
 will. U."-l{„i;,.:ur ItumvN l',„V " ?vi!i "1 "''' '-■"""""•'•'' 
 FJiv'"'?/l.|"''f' '■'"";',"■'• ''"y"""-" 1- Jubilee 
 IS7S . ? l"'^'- """"• •'• Af;ai,u.nti,^.H., 
 Anon '•■ '"";•, '■ V'T'""™ "f '^™-l'". H'"" - ■ -■•<'■' 
 Anon. ... Ai,'iUl,rtan,ltho,><ba,low, Host,, ISS7 A,,,„, 
 re.„,,.y Kev. Herbert Melvil e. ChHs "n 
 ><• lena.: ,t« Truth an.| Error,, 0. ISSS , l, 
 I enney, Su„bor.., [.„„., vol. iii., 'k, ,1., V " J 
 ^'w'-lsTf:;,,;::. ' ''• '■^"' »- o,i.;' n, j., 
 ..tThT'^'^'v ''■"'• *!"""' ""-"'viison, is:i9-isrfi h 
 m "of Win--' ''r'""''"', "f «^-'-» A. lirown.'o ; 
 l.l'''lJ?'F'Ks"'r,1^,I,''T!' '*'»'"" Tciiiiyso,,, D.C.L., 
 11,^ ." ■."■ *' " '";-"• '■*■'■• *''m '*''•'■>] •■t-i'icd !i peer InM. 
 V ./'"Chirr"'" "'-M '"' "^'"^ '"""- ^"" ^'-■"-"i" 
 xul, hut hia fa,.,o will no ,loi>bt ruat cliiully „„ thu 
 »■ rK,^ enumcratoa ,u„c, vol. Hi., alt gb his la(o, „;,! 
 ni3 fe'cniu.^. I. Tho Window; or, Thu .Sonirs of the 
 M rens : „i,h Mu.sio by Arthur Sullivan, L«n."1s70, 4to! 
 'L'!:rs7Vll,o''"'''''"' '■""' '"'"' '■'"' Tn«r„iH„»„,,] 
 ;i. M.vlU of ilH. .•i,K, IM7:l. ■: vol,. Hum IS71, l2,no. 
 Sv:!;:;;;:;,::;:;: ;'••'"«'''""•• '•^"''••''■•-'i-Ti.^ 
 •I. Wufen Maiy : a riniiiia, IS74-77, I'.'mo 
 "lt»| laMlliliiMilt , . : I., H,|,|ii,.,.„ny.v,aii„| r.M.«oii 
 ■'. Mar., 1. 1 : u liraiiiii, 1,H77, fp. ^^.„ 
 .nis,ak;,^:;';!,!;;;r,::;';'i',"M'''','''''''yi'"' "-"^t v ™""'' "'" 
 , ,, ,,li, ,"'""-"' '''"'""'I'' i^l'i-c.-s, ill cftraKk! 
 ! V'r,, xllll Jl'' ""■ ""■'■^' '■''"""" "' Kl""iny evwilK"-.'?,/, 
 (1. Tho (,ov..rV Talo, IS7», IL'nio. {Written i.hont 
 Mb.' ;"'."■'' '" ',"■'•'' '"" "i<l"l™wnfr thepre.s, 
 Hb ,.,u,ntl.v •pinite.l" In„„ i,„p,.rr,.,.t p„,ol>, an, ,10,; 
 wt'h''';r';' ", ""■; •■ ■"■• -vi<Miliy prim,., . , 
 qiiffiis 1111, iiMi;tilv.|,iv..iy 11 '',""'"' ^' III I loi Iholr 
 " lli.i'«l','''''-.'Tr' v"".!' '■'"""• "'"• '-""•• T"''''"!-'" 
 I, I o ■'-•..■■ ;';"'-""'i".'"«r. I'he Defence of 
 l.ii'luiow, " lie \ oya^-e „r .MaeMuno," ,te. ) 
 cs|\v,Vrk'-.v'^;).i iilV^,"^^^ 
 N 'i'lie Cup, „ii,| •[■ho Falcon, l.on., I,s,s.|, |i!,„„ n-„^ 
 thr.:l;;;iri::irl'"''^" '''■'"''• "'""^''-'^''-^ 
 '■>■ Ueeket. l.on., IHS4, •, ,Svo 
 "•. Iiiwias, nn,l other I'oems, Lon., l,«.i |-,„u 
 "*-' ""' '"■-' '"" '"' ""■™ J-"'i--- 1 y 11 poet cons . 
 II. I.ooksley Hall Si.vty Years After, nn,l The Prouii-o 
 ;'e.e,',"^ fej'^'^"' '"""'• Cr- " ''™-- "f M.iy"w„: 
 miirH',' V'V''^-^' """' "'■ '"•''«>■ is not Inferior l-i work- 
 12 ijemeter, anil other I'oem.s I,on., IS80, 12mo. Of 
 collee ive edition,., later than th„,e inenti«n;d „n°, vol. 
 111., the luoa, complete are one in 8 vols. cr. Svo ISSS 
 and another in 1 vol. cr. 8vo, ISUO. An edition'of hU 

 I Rvo. 3 
 1. The Lnnguagea of China liefore the Chinese! 
 ;hes on Iho Liinguugos ppoken by the Pro-Chi- 
 ?ong9 ."ct ti) miiaio by various ooiiiposers, lulitcJ by W. G 
 Ouams, w,us ,mbli.hecl in Lon.lon, I SMI, 4to. , ^^u,^, of' China ITopo? ,,reViou,ly to the Chinese 
 contonipumrius, i;,iKlish or i\,n-inu. ... It is ust.mi.sliiiiK , triice.s U'U by thi' prin.itue 
 tliiit tlif limn who wrote tlie ■ .Morto (l'.\rlhur nnd ■ I lj>- 
 sus- wmtc also -Thu N..rtln'rn l'"arnu'r.' ami lliai lie "r"'^' 
 'Thi' Liitiis-Katcrs,' and a^ain siirli a lyric as • 'tears, Iclle 
 Tuars.' Wlio conid liave believed t>erure the imblieation 
 <.r 'TheNnrllieni iMirnier' llmt tia> i'"el "t ■ l.oelisley llali. 
 lis he once used ta l)e called, was all the while nm; ot the 
 first humourists that Kui.'laiid can boast of.' lor it must 
 always be reiiieinbered tliiil the huiuourol ■ 1 be Northern 
 Karnier' -s the deep humoiir of iriilhfiil represemalioii 
 and not the biiiiioiir of satire, .ir wbiiii. or caricature, and 
 that coiisciiui'htiv it is. tbonub so small in iiuaiiiuy, to he 
 placed ill the same as the hninonr oi I'eryantes, 
 Shakspeare, .•^terno. and the creator ul .Sir Kuyer de I ov- 
 erley. — .l(/i., No. 2771. , , , 
 ■'Whatever ... is most truly eharaeteristie of the cul- 
 ture and thoimht of the llrst Vicloriau perioil is imperson- 
 ated ill Lord Tennvsoii, ami the |«istcrity that may wish to 
 learu the nialiirest'judj;uient of the most relincd circles m 
 his (lav will liud no sources of information comparable to 
 his piienis."— K. (i.viiNETT, in The'KdijnoJ Qiu'fit Uclurm, 
 ii. 4iiii. 
 Tennyson, Hon. Hiillain, b. 1852; eldest son 
 of Lord Tennyson. Jack and tho liean-Stivlk : Knglish 
 He.\anu'tors. ' Illustrated by Randolph Cahlecott. ijon., 
 188B, Ito. 
 " The chief of thco verses arises from their au- 
 thorship. . . . They certainly attest the litness of the Eng- 
 lish hexameter for lmrlesi|Ue."— .b'lc/., .N.xxi. 7. 
 Tennyson-U'Eynconrt. f'ec DKvsooriiT. 
 Torgolina, Anna Carolina Engenia, Con- 
 tessa (li. 1. Sketches and Stories of Infe in Italy. 
 I!y iin Itidian Countess. Lon., 1871 , p. 8vo. Anon. 2. 
 Faithiul unto Death ; or, Su.nine and Clauilo, Lon., 1378, 
 12mo. li. Tho Uable House; or, Tho Picnic in the Val- 
 ley. By the Author of " Sketches and Stories of Life 
 in Italv." lion.. ISS,"), ii. Svo. 
 Terhune, .>Irs. .nary Virginia, [miir, vol. i., 
 II.VWKS, Miss Mauv, and vol. iii., Tkhiunk, .Mns. .Maiiy 
 VlIiOiNU, ttihi.] Most of her later book.", like her 
 earlier ones, have been publisheil under the pseuilonymo 
 of •• .Marion Ilarland," and have had an extensive cir- 
 culation. 1. Miriam, N. York, l.SCll, 12in... 2. Ilu.sks, 
 [and] Colonel b'loyd's Wards, N. York, isfiii, 12uio. ,'!. 
 Husbands and Homes, [stories.] N. Y'ork, 1865, rinio. 
 4. Helen (iardner's Wedding-I)ay, N. York, ISIIT, 12uio. 
 5. Ilubv's Husband, N. York, 18(18, l2ino. (i. Pheinie's 
 Temptation, N. York, ISIi'J, 12ino. 7. At Last: a Novel, 
 N. York, 1870, 12ino. 8. Jessamine, .\. York, 18711, 
 12mo. 9. Common Sense in the Household : a .Manual 
 of Practical Housewifery, N. York, 1871, p. Svo. 10. 
 The Empty Heart, N. York, 1871, 12mo. II. lireakfast. 
 Luncheon, and Tea, 1875, 12ino. 12. The Dinner Vear- 
 Book, -N". York, IS7S, 12iuo. Ki. Dor Daughters, and 
 What shall we do with them ? N. York. IsSil, l2mo. 1 t. 
 Loiterings in I'leasanf Paths, N. York, isso, |:;ii,o. 15. 
 Eve's Daiivjhters : (^nnmon Sense for Maids, Wives, & 
 , tribes in China: he follows 
 them into their new homes and environments, anil tiiyes 
 ns an ethnological pan' 
 niiiia of their nii(,'ralions. That his 
 >rd is ineoini.lele he is the liist to ackiiowledne; but 
 who uiiderstaiid the ilitlicuUics of his ti..-k will lully 
 anltreciaic IOC hncces> \t iiu o ot- im^ „» in .^>.. ''^ ••■■■■.- 
 coidially couitratnlatc him on bis present work, which is 
 a monument of scdiolarly insiinct and patieni research. - 
 KoiiKnr K. lioKd.AS; .Ico.r, .\xxii. 'JTl. 
 •■ Professor de l.aeouperie's data, which he admits to lie 
 'of ilie most scanty description,' are altoKetbcr too meagre 
 lo suiiport the elaborate svstems he has coiistrui'lcd wilh 
 Iheni. . . . 'Ihe volume may be retarded as a kind ot ex- 
 tended biblioMraphv, which future iiupurers into the 
 philoloi.'y of the tonal inonosyllabic language will hnd 
 extremely nsefnl.' — .s'«(. l!n:. l.xiv. 531. 
 Terry, James. liaptisni ; its Subject and Mode, 
 Kirkwall, 1S7(I. l2iiio. 
 Terry, Ilev. .Hilton Spenser, S.T.D., b. 1840,at 
 Cocynians, N.Y.; graduiiled at Yale Divinity School 
 lsti'2, and entered the ministry of the Methodist Kjiisoo- 
 iial Church ; professor of Hebrew and Old Testament 
 exegesis in Oarrett liihiieal Institution, Evanston, III., 
 since ISSl. 1. Coinmentuiy on .loshua to Samuel, N. 
 York, 1S7.'1 ; 5th ed., Issl. ' 2. Commentary on 1. Kings 
 to Ksthcr, Cin., 1875, I'.'mo. '■': Biblical Hcrnieneutics : 
 a Treatise on Iho Interpretation of the Old and New 
 Testaments. N. York, 18811, Svo. 
 Terry, Rose. See Cookk, Bosk Tkhuy, «u;)n(. 
 Terry, Samuel Hough. 1. How to Keep a 
 Store: embodving the Conclusions of Thirty Years' Kx- 
 perienco in Merchandising, N.York, 1882, 12mo. 2. 
 Controlling Sex in lieneration : the Physical Law in- 
 fluencing Sex in tlie Kmbryo of Man and Brute, and its 
 Direction to produce Male or Female UlVspring at Will, 
 N. York, 18S5, 12nio. 
 Teuton, Uev.Josiah Sanders, M. A., graduated 
 at Lincoln College, tlxford, ISoO; ordained 18B5; vice- 
 principal of Chichester College 18S;!-S6, and since then 
 principal; prebendary of Chichester Cathedral since 
 1S71I; canon since isss. The History and Teaching ot 
 the Plymouth Brethren, Lon., lS8;i, 12mo. 
 Tevis,A. II. Beyond the Sierras; or. Observations 
 on the I'aeillc Coa-st, P'hihi., 1877, 12mo. 
 Thacher, Mary P. Sea-Shore and Prairie, Bost , 
 187fi, tq. l8mo. 
 "Tliaekcr, Page," (Pseud.) See Biuwell, 
 Lettii: M., I'lipni. 
 TliHcker, W. Itidley. Ballymuckbeg: a Tale of 
 Ei"hty Years Hence, Lon., 1884, sq. llimo. 
 Thackeray, Anne Isabella. See Ritchie, Mns. 
 A, I., ttuprtt, 
 Thackeray, Kcv. Francis St. John, M.A., 
 Uiiid', vol. iii., add.,] graduated, lirst class Lit. Hum., at 
 Merton College, Oxford, 1856; Fellow of Lincoln College 
 1857-61 ; ordained 185S; assistant master of Eton Col- 
 N. Y'ork, ISSl, !2nio; new ed., 1SS5. 16. Handicapped; ;„„ 185S-S:!, and since then vicar of Maplcdurhain. 1 
 a Collection of Tales, N. York, 18S|, l2mo. 17. Judith ; ; Knglisli Literature of the Seventeenth Century : a Lec- 
 a Chronicle of (lid Virginia. Illust. N. York, 188:1, ; (n^^^ i,;,^,,^ 1^70. 2. Eton College Library, Lon., IHSl 
 , The Sword of Damocles 
 Cradled in a Storm ; ii 
 12uio. 18. Cuiikery for Beginners: a Series id' Familiar | 
 Lessons for Young Housekeepers, Host., 1S8I, Klmo. I'-b ' 
 Tho Home Kitchen: a Collection of Practical and In- ; 
 expensive Receipts, 1S84, or. 8vo. 20. Common Sense 
 in the Nursery, N. York, 1885, l6mo. 21. A (iallant 
 Figlit, N. York, ISS8, 12uio. 
 Terpening, C. W. .Mysterious Uhymcsand Poems, 
 Crestou. Li., |s7.s, lOmo, 
 Terrell, Alexander W. Reports of Cases ar- 
 gued and dcciiled in the Texas Supreme Court, (1878- 
 85,) Austin, 1S7U-S6, 12 vols. Svo. With Wai.kf.r, H. S., 
 Texas Supreme Court Reports, (1873-77,) Houston, 18S0, 
 11 vols. Svo. 
 Terrell, Thomas, F.C.S., b. 1S,52; called to the 
 bar at (iray's Inn ls70. Law and Practice relating to 
 Letters Patent for Inventions, Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert E. J. H., 
 professor of Indo-Chinese Philology in Iniversity Col- 
 lege, London. 1. Early History of Chinese Cieilijation : 
 Willi Preface by Prof. it. K. Dougla,5, Lon., ISSii, Svo. ^_ 
 (The author traces the origin of Chinese civilization to , Vork, 1872, 16ino; new ed., enl., 1S76, am. 4to_^ 
 the non-Semitio population of Chaldd'a and Elam, and ; Aniong tho Isles of Shoals, Host., 187:), 16mo. 3. Drill 
 ■ '• ' ,_ ., _..:_.. .....I. I ... ,", „i r._-. ID-,. w...„ 4, Poems for Chil 
 16mo. 3. Guide to the Roman Coins at Eton College, 
 Lon., 1S82. 
 Thain, Leslie. Noll, the Kitchen Angel, and 
 other Poems, Lon., 1S85. 
 "Thnnet, Octave," (Pseud.) See Fiiknch, 
 Alice, »"/oo. 
 Tharp, Theodore A. 
 Lon., 1880, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Story of Oaunchesler-IIaugh, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 Thatcher, Erastus. 1. Digest of Statutes, Rules, 
 and Decisions, Uiiiteu States Supreme Court, Bost., Iss2, 
 Svo; 2d ed., lss:i. 2. Digest of Statutes, Admiralty 
 Rules, and Decisions, United States District Courlr, 
 Bost., 18S4, Svo, 
 Thatcher, II. N. Tho Fascinator : an Essay 011 
 Tobacco, Lon., 1S7I, l2mo. 
 Thnxter, Mrs. Telia, (Laighton,) b. 1830, at 
 Portsmouth, N.H.; married to Levi Lincoln Thaxter, ul 
 Watertown, Mass., 1S51. She is a frequent contributur 
 ..f verse to loading ■\mcric:in periodical;. 1. Popius, ... 
 promises to give detailed proof of this theory in a work 
 to be entitled " Lo Yb-King et les Origines asiatiques 
 occidenlales de la Civilisation ohinoiso.") 2. On the 
 History of the Archaic Chinese Writings, Lon., 1882, 
 Weed, [poems,] Bost., 18711, ISmo. 
 dren. Illust. Host., 1884, sm. 4to. 5. Tho Cruise ■ . 
 tho " Mystery," and other Poems, Bost., 1886, Ulrao. 
 " Mrs. Celhi Thaxter's verses have for u principal merit 
jcot and Mode, 
 or, Obeervntions 
 d Prnirie, Bost , 
 Seo BritwELL, 
 r : an Essay mi 
 riiit 1 maRi's U\v sc"ncry of a Norlliern Kea-const Thrv ' 
 fssoite,. Kive us tliesf images niiuli'i to,ie< mMitaiicl 
 nils aiMi. Mrs. lliaxteronu il,,."-.V(i/i»n, xiv, lO'J 
 iilil.,] b 181,, at Nmth Nutick, Mas.-. ; Lrriuluatetl at I 
 Harvard 184;;, and at the Law K.hool .herflSIS rs i 
 consul at rnosto ls,^9-S2. His Life „f Hcthov en. 'in 
 in Knglish Il.o Hebrews and the Ued Sea. Man 
 Andover, Mass., ISS.'t, 12in" ' 
 Tli(iyer,EllaClieevcr. Wired Love: a Ilomanco i 
 of l)(,t9 and Dashes, N. Y„rk, Isrw, Itlmo • 
 Mn.'""'^ "'?"."''! "'•«'"«y»''. l^il.'at Haverhill,! 
 Mass.; graduated at Harvard 18o2; professor in t,ie 
 law sehool at Harvard. A Western .lourney ui.h Mr' j 
 hmerson. Host., IS.S), |R,„„. (Contains also Matthew 
 Anolds Leetnro on Emerson.) And see WniunT/ 
 LH.Vi .Nt l.\ , infill. ' 
 .-JlIl?,T' ."',?'• •''"',•"••'' "C'-y.''- "828, in Boston; 
 graduated at Harvard I N,M), and at Andover Theo- 
 logical .•^wninary 1857, and |>rolVs.sor of sacred liler- 
 ■ re^i^tln^f h'"'^''^''-,!'™''^'^"'^ -"' '^^'•-'-" ""'""t-- 
 |..etation "f the New Testament ut Harvar.l Divinity 
 School sinco 18,v . 1 (Trans.) A (iran.mar of the New 
 lestauRMU Greek : Authorized Translation from the I 
 .erman of Alexander liuttmanri, with Numerous Addi- 
 lons and Corrections by the A.ulior, Andover, Mass., 
 T^'; • ■"; ,^-- "^ "•''^k-Engli-h Lexicon of the New ! 
 Xe.stament: bcinj,' (irimm's Wiike's " Clavis Novi Tes 
 anTEd\'n7l886.''''"''' "'^''""'' '""' '^"'"^S'^''' ^^- ^'"'^ 
 be'^tS'n'^nuf'Jini'.Vr''' "'''''■''' ' '^° ""' 'lo"l>twill be the ' 
 -loo./ , XXX. am '"""*' ^'""^ '° eume."-W. Sa.ncay: ! 
 Thayer, Rev. Thatcher, D.D., of Newport. K.r. I 
 Some Inquiries concerning Human Saerilices among the 
 Uoinans, I'rovitlence, 1878. s •■ "- 
 Thayer, William Makepeace. [„„,., vol. iii., 
 ' 'L'So^.'i'I^ "'J'"* ""•■""'"'""'•'tts Temperance Alii' 
 ance lS60-187r,. The circulation of his books is said to 
 have amounted to nearly a million of volumes I Nel 
 v"v °',' ?c"-! '\^'""'<-'y 'i"y H'i'Je his Wav in the City, 
 N.\ork, 18,8, l6mo. 2. Charles Jewett: Lifeand RecoU 
 lect ons Bost 1S79, 8vo. 3. Tact. I'ush, and 1-rincinlc, 
 Bost., IfjO l.'mo. 4. From the Log Cabin to the White 
 House: Life of James A. (Jarlield, Host., 18SI p 8v<j ■ 
 newed 1,S8.1. 5. In the Me.shes ; or, A Drop of 'fcton 
 BlueBhiod. rilust. Cambridge, Mass , 1881 sn i'),,,,, 
 <>. Our French Visitors: Documents relative tV, tlieir 
 Alagnihcent Reception in Boston and Delightful Tour 
 Iliust. Cambridge, Mass., IS82, sq. 12mo. 7. From' 
 Pioneer Home to the While House, Norwich IMS'* 8 
 Froin the Tannery to the While House, Bost., 18,-<j Pmo' 
 Thayer, William Koscoe, b. I8.,7; graduated 
 a Harvard 1881 1. Confessions of Paul Hermes, and 
 other I'oem.s I'hila LS84. 2. Hcsper: an American 
 Drama, tainbridge, .Mass., 1888, IJuio 
 Thcal, George MacCali, b. in Canada; resided 
 lor some years in the United States, and aftiTwards in I 
 South Africa, where he has been custodian of the archives 
 ot the (ape tolony. 1. History and Ucography of .South 
 Alriea : a Compendium of South History ; lid ; 
 cd., Lon., 1878, 8vo. 2. Kaffir Folk-Lore; or, ASolec 
 [1011 from the Traditional Tales current among the IVople 
 1882 Vo "'""'" ^""^'"' "*" "'" ''"''" *^'"'""^' ''""•' 
 rJiP^' '*'"f'^'' "■''''■'' •^■'■- Tl'"'' ''1^" collectcl duriiiK a ' 
 residence of tweiily yoars aindiiK the Kallli-s are very, iiri I 
 ousand iniere.stii,g; and il„. infurmali, he givjs?! i ■ 
 irodm.tnm and notes, about wild people-am ii>J 
 whom he has oxereised many funot s, i lelu llii|t "^ 
 u!.!'iL"'-d"A^N:'.'a',''' " ''"•''^•^ magislrate-iV'lst vaT 
 :i History of the Boers in South Africa; or, The and Wars of the Emigrant Farmers, from 
 their Leaving the Capo Colony to the Acknowlodgmtnt 
 01 I heir Independence by (iroat Britain, Lon,, 1887, 8vo 
 lie has resiiled long on ilio Cape frontier; he ha.s col- 
 l.T led hist.,rTcal materials, hoth iiiSuth Africa 
 m in Ho land ; and, at the instance of the Cape govern 
 iicii he has collaled arranged, ami publisla.,] ,,1 tl e 
 ailhentle records of Ihellasuto tribe. . . . ,\s .mm. "if e 
 <uH objects of liUvvoik i.s lo preseniihecnmluct ■ e 
 ight 11 an other writers on the same subject have done It 
 iismSA.,No.il2L'''"'" "" ^'"'"""tol to exei^^critl' 
 4. History of .South Africa, 1486-1091, Lon., 1888, 
 Bvo; 2d ed. lame year. 
 In f h 'r""'^ ''"■ i^'"^' ■^■^r"' ?'"""'"1 n" "I" "I'i f»'tch records 
 n ho (ape archives, he has also visited th.' llanue ai d 
 spent .snnie moiilhs in examining the sevenleeiiih ( ent iirv 
 manu.scripts and maps that are colhried lere wii tl?e 
 of", ,', ',"i '"' "■'";''■ «'" 'r'"""' invaluable t./all stude ts 
 01 South AL.can history."— .S||^ A'(c , Ixv 507 
 « i*"'',^'*,''';' **,"""»" •'• »••. J^'i^llow of the Royal 
 School ol Naval Archilocture ; member of the Institute 
 of Naval Architects; surveyor to Lloyd's Kegisler of 
 Shipping. I. I'ractical -Naval Arcbitectnre : a Treatise 
 or Laying-Olf and Building Wood, I,oi„ and Composite 
 Ships Lon 187.1, I2I110, and plates 4t„. 2. Tlieorelical 
 Naval Architeetnro: a Treatise on the Calculations in- 
 I^'^'i'ti'm ',""''?,"' 'r"»- '^"". 12i»". and plates 
 „1 i «; I '" ", ''1 ''""'"■*' "f '"''ip-Building in Iron 
 and Steel, Lon., Ism;, .svo, and plates 4lo 
 Th^baiul, llcv. August J., S.,I.' I. The Irish 
 Race in the Past and the Piesent, Phila., 187:! Svo 2 
 Louisa Kirkbride: a Tale of New Yo;k. N. York I879" 
 Svc. :i. The Church and the Monil W .Id, N York' 
 i'^rVrir \- '^''."..T^i'-'f""*": a Christmas Allegoricai 
 Story ot Birds. Illust. N. York, 1881, sq. 8vo 
 Iheed, .narioii Fosbrooke. What she di.l with 
 her Life, Lon., 1870, 12mo. 
 Theobald, 1). Magio and its Mysteries. Illust. 
 Lon., 1-<8I, l2mo. 
 Theobald, F. J. 1. Rob and I; or, Forget-Me- 
 No s from God's Garden. Lon., 188(1, 12mo. 2. Homes 
 and Work in the Future Life, Lon., 1884, Svo 
 iheobald, Henry Stiiddy, M.A.,b. IsiS; grad- 
 "ated, |, class Math at Balliol College, Oxfonl, and 
 I (I led I'ellow of Wadham College ; called to the bar at 
 lie Inner Temple 187.'!. A Concise Treatise on the Law 
 otUills, Lon.. 18711, 8vo; ,Sd ed., 18S5. 
 Theobald, J. Ormsleigh's Ordeal; or, Lost in the 
 Snow, Lon., IS,s2. 12mo. 
 Theobald, Morell, F.C.A. 1. Spiritualism at 
 Home, Lon., 18,S4. 2. Spirit-Workers in tli'e Home Circle: 
 an Aulobiograpliio Narrative of Psychic Phenomena in 
 laniily Daily Life, extending over a Period of Twenty 
 iears. Lon., 1 887. 8vo. ' 
 Theobald, It. M., M.A., hon. secretary to the 
 Bac'on Society London. (Ed.) Dethroning Shaksiiere : 
 a Selection of Letters contributed to the Daily Tele- 
 graph, With the Preliminary Editorial Papers: with 
 ftotos and Comments. Lon., 1888, cr. Svo 
 Theobald, W. Selections from Poets: Passa-es 
 illuslrating their Style, ic, Lon., 1885, Svo 
 : P, ' "f "!'"r*'' •*•■>»• (Trans.) Don Luis; or. The 
 Church Militant : adapted from the Spanish of Juan 
 \ alera, Lon., 188a. p. Svo. 
 I Thickiiessc, Ralph Thicknesse,b. 1.856; grad- 
 I ualed, hrst class, at Church, Oxford, 1878; called 
 M„ 'rl^w "*■ '']""'}"'' I°° '8«1- 1- A Treatise on the 
 Married Woman's Pr<iperty Act, Lon., 1882, Svo 2 A 
 l>igcst on the Law ot Husband and Wife as it' affects 
 I ropeity and the Married Woman's Property Act, 1883, 
 I Thickstuii, Frederick. See Clai.k, Fukhkiirk 
 THICKSTIV, kiijiiu. 
 ' Thiebliii, Nicolas Leon, 18:!4-L8.S9, b. at Bo- 
 logna; studied at a mililary academy at St. Petersburg 
 and served in the Crimean war; afterwards a journalist 
 : m London, and, from 1874, in New Y<,rk ; was special 
 i correspondent of the New York Herald in Spain during 
 the Carhst war. 1. A Little Book about Great Britain 
 By Azamat Batuk. Lon., 1870, 12mo. (Articles ro- 
 , printed from the Pall Mall Ga.etle.) 2. Spain and the 
 I Spaniards, Lon., 1S74, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 ' nsH.'iT"';' ""-' '"" J"""^^'' '" "">' "»" "lis is the most iiitcr- 
 nen^^l '1'',"'""' ''',"'" ""'"be Spaniards that has an- 
 ft"-W,, .No' ■■'-iT • '"""•'' ""'^' "'""' "" '"'"■■'' '■'''''''"8 
 cr^\vm\''l,'!m "'''"'' w ''T™' ""'"' '■",""" ^'' "»''™ ''is reft'l- 
 xU'ii.s'lo ' ''"*■'•' '"-''■'" »l"ithesaw."-,sv«rt,.tor, 
 Thigpen, Miss J. The Lover's Revenge, and 
 other Poems, Macon, Ga., 1876, 12mo. 
 Ihilo, Marie von. (Tran.s.) Buried Alive; or, 
 len iears of Penal Servitude in Siberia, by Fedor Dos- 
 toyetfsky, N. York, IS8I, 12mo. 
 Thimm, Franz J. L., [„nic, yol. iii., add.! 
 .M,akosp,.,,r,;,„.j fr,„n -,..;,ji j,, |j;-,_ j^^^ _ j^.-^ ^^^^ 
 rhin, George. The Causes of the Tientsin Mas- 
 saere, Lon., 1870, p, Svo. 
 Thin, George, M.D. 1. Intro.Iuetion to Practical 
 Histology Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 2. Cancerous AfTections 
 o the Skin: a Treatise on Epithelioma and Rodent 
 Ulcer, Lon., 1880, Svo. 3. Pathology and Treatment of 
 lUiiKwiinii, T.on., ISS7, Svo. 4. I'silosis, or "Spruo:" 
 its Naliirc ami Truiitiiicnt, I-oii., ISSS, 8vo. 
 Thirdly, <i. A Foul's Stripes, Lon., IHS", 12iiio. 
 Tliirlu'iill, Ut. Itcv. I'uniiop, D.I>., [unir, vol. 
 iii., :ij(l.,] ITitT-l^*"."). He ro.«if,'niMl the I'l'O of t't. Uiivid's 
 in tlie yt'iir prertMling liis iluatli, in onlur to ilevotu him- 
 self to the labor of Itible re\i.-ion, in whieh he had been 
 eni^agetl for fsonie time. 1. Kemains, Ijiterary and The- 
 olo<;ieat. Kdited hy .1. J. S. l*ero\vne. Lon., lS7()-77, 
 8 vol.-'. 8vo. (Vol.H. i. and ii., Charges; vol. iii., Mssay.-^, 
 Siieeches, and Sermon.s.) 2. Iiotters, Literary and Theo- 
 logical. Edited by the Very Kev. .1. J. .■*. I'erowne, \).D., 
 unil the Kev. l.oni.s Stoke.". li.A. With Annotation.-< and 
 I'rciiniinary Uemarks by the Kev. Louis Stoke.". Lon., 
 ISSl, Svo. " ;i. Letters to a Friend. Fidiled by the Very 
 Uov. Arthur I'enrhyn .'^luriley, D.U,, Dean of \Ve.«tmin- 
 fter. Lon., issl, svo. 
 "Two vulnnies of uiiciiual Interest. . . . The 'Letters to 
 n Friend,' even if they bad been written by an (ibsenre 
 iierson, would yreiil intrinsic interest."— a'ii(. AVc, 
 Iii. r.'.i'.i, 
 TliiKi'ltoii, Kt'V. Allrctl Clnyton, eilucated nt 
 King's ('(diege. London: ordained IS.'i'.l ; chaplain of 
 lierwiek siiiee IS.'il. I. Overlooked Truths. IMili. 2. 
 The Story of .lob, and ,Meditalions, Lon., IS7II, lUnio. 
 .■f. Church and Home Lessons: from the liook of the 
 I'roidiet llose;i. Lon., Is74, 12mo. 1. Memorial Sketch 
 of Mrs. Henrietta I'endleton, Lon., IS7J, p. Svo. 5. 
 .Mern.irial Sketch of IJishop \'erschoyle. 6. With the 
 I'rophets Joel, .\mos. and ,)oniih. I,SS2. 
 '1 hisletoii-Uyer. See UvKii. 
 TliiMtlewooil, A. Whist in Rhymes for Modern 
 Times. Lon., l»7:i, 12mo. 
 Tliobiini, Ilbv. Jiiitios MillM, b. 18:!t>, at St. 
 Olairsville, 0.: grailuated at .Alleghany College, I'a., 
 lSo7; iniasionary of the .Methodist Kpiseopal Church in 
 India isjll-isii, and .Missionary llishop of [mlia and 
 Malaysia since Is.'^S. 1. My Jlissionary Apprentice- 
 ship, N. York, 18S4, 12mo. 2. Missionary Sermons, 
 Thoni, A. Bisspt. Tlio Upper Ten Thousand: 
 nn Alphabetical List of Members of Noble Families, 
 Bishops, ,tc., I,on., 1875, 12mo. 
 Tlioni, Adam, LL.I)., [iniie, vol. iii., add.] 1. 
 Guunanuel: botli the (ierjn and the Outcome of the 
 Scriptural Alphabets ami tlic .Metallic Hnage: with an 
 Apjiendi.x of Individual .Analogues; a Pentaghit Minia- 
 ture, Ac, fi parts, Lon., 188.5, Svo. 2. Kmnianucl Alone, 
 for his thvn ,Sake, through Time and Space alike, Lon., 
 1S8.\ Svo. 
 Thoili, (i. Outlines of Elementary Physiology, 
 Lon.,, p. Svfi. 
 Tlioni, Itcv. John Hamilton, [nnie, vol. iii., 
 add.] Laws of Life after the Mind of Christ: Dis- 
 courses, Lon.. |sS2-s(i. two series, p. 8vo. 
 ".Mr. Tlioni is well known a.s a minisier who does not 
 belong to any of tlu' nriliodox ehnrehes. hut it would be 
 very dillienlt" to lind amongst who belong to (uie or 
 other of those clHirelies so profound ii grasp of the spirit- 
 ual aspects of Chrivtiaiiity and so living a delineation of 
 them." —■'<{nrlaf'ii\ hi. .si. 
 And see Tavlku, .Iomn .T.imks, mtjira. 
 Thorn, >Villiam Taylor. Two Shakespeare Ex- 
 atninations : with some Remarks on the Class-Room 
 Stuily of Sh;ikespeare, Host., 18s:), liimo. 
 TIlomnN, X. Reports of the Supreme Court of 
 Wyoming Territory, vcd. i., 1870-78, San Fran., 187!», 
 Thomas, .\bnor C. Treatise on the Law of Mort- 
 gages of Real and Personal Property in the State of 
 New York : with Appcndi.x of Forms, N, York, 1877, 
 Svo; 2d eil., 188 7. 
 Thomas, Amos Kiissell, M.D., b. IS2il, at Water- 
 town, N.A'. : graduated at .Syracuse .Medical (.'ollego 
 I8.'i4: professiu' at the Hahnemann Medical Cidlege, 
 Philadelphia, since 1M'7. Post-Mortem IC.xauiinations 
 and Morbid Anatomy, I'hila., 1870. With others. The 
 Diseases of the Pancreas, Chic, 1882, 8vo. 
 Thomas, Annie. See CrnLip, .Mits. Annik, mipm, 
 Thomas, Miss Ilertha, d liter of the late 
 Canon Tboniaa, vicar of All Hallows, Harking, and 
 grand-daughter of Archbishop Sumnor; is a contributor 
 to the Cornliill, Fraser's .Magazine, and other periodi- 
 cals, i. Proud Maisie, I, on., 1^77, H vols. er. >vo; new 
 eds., 1881-8,'). 2. Cressida ; a Novel. Lon., 1S7S, 3 vols. 
 or. 8vo; new eds., 188|-s;). .1, The Violin-Player, T,on., 
 1880,;! vols. or. Svo; new eds., 1881-81). 4. In a Cathe- 
 dral City, Lon., 1882, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 5. oeorge >Sand, 
 (" Eminent Women" Ser.,) Lon., I8s:i, p. 8vo. (i. Ich- 
 aboil ; a Portrait, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 7. Elizabeth's 
 Fortune, Lon., 1887, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Thomas, C 'The Frontier School-Master; Auto- 
 biograpliy of a Teacher; [also] Essay upon the Manage- 
 ment of our Public Schools. N. York, 1880, 12uio. 
 " Thomas, Caroline," (Pseud,) See Dor.n, 
 MiiS. ,Ii'M.\ (Itiei.KV.) 
 Thomas, Cyrus, Ph. P., b. 1825, at Kingsport, 
 Tenn. ; entomologist to llayden's I'nited States survey 
 isn!l-7.'l: professor of initural scienci^ at the Southern 
 Illinois Normal I'niversity 187.'!-7li; State entoinologisl 
 of Illinois ls7.'i-82, and since then arehieologist to the 
 V.^. bureau of ethnology. I. Synopsis of the Acridiithe 
 of North .America, Wasli., 1873, 4to. 2. Reports on the 
 Noxious and lieneticial Insects of Illinois, 187(1-80, 5 
 v(ds. 3. Study of the Manuscrijit Troano, l>'S2. 1. 
 Notes on Certain Maya and ftlcxiciin Mjinuscripts, 
 Wash., 1881. 5. ISurial-Moiinds of the Northern Sec- 
 tion cd' the United Stales. Illust. Wash., 18SS, Svo. 
 Thomas, Rev. Unvid, I).l>., [imir, vol. iii., add..] 
 b. 1813, at Hollybush-Vatson, Wales; eilucated at New- 
 port Piignell College, liuckingham ; entered the Indepen- 
 dent minislry ls4l ; minister of Slockwell Indepemlent 
 Church, Lundiin, 1845-74. He founded a ncwspa|ier 
 league and other societies. 1, Homiletic Commentary 
 on the Acts of tlio Apostles, Lon., I8liil, Svo. 2. The 
 Practical Philosopher: a Daily Monitor, Lon., 1872, Svo; 
 4th eiL, ISSo. 3. Probleiiiata Mundi : The Rook of ,Iol> 
 Excgelieally and Praclically considered; with an In- 
 troduction by Samuel Davidson, Lon., 1878; 2d ed., 
 1879, Svo. 4. Thomas Carlyle: The Cedar is Fallen : a 
 .Alemorial Discourse. Lon., 1881, Svo. 5. The Rights of 
 Man ami Wrongs of .Man : a Homily for the Times, Lon.. 
 1881, Svo. 6. The Hook of Psalms Exegelically and 
 Practically considered, Lon., Hi82-S3, 3 vols. Svo. 7. 
 The (Jenius of the Fourth Gospel ; Homiletic Sketches, 
 Ac, Lon., 18S4-S(!, 2 vols. Svo. 8. Septem in Uno : the 
 First Seven A'olulues of The Uomilist in One, tic, Lon., 
 ISSfi, 1. Svo. 
 Tliomns, V«n. David Itichard, M.A., U.S.A., 
 graduated at Jesus College, (Ixford, 1850; ordained 
 1S57 ; rector of St. Mary's, Cefn, 1864-77 ; Ciinon of Si. 
 .Asaph's since 1881, and archdeacon of Montgomery 
 since issti ; editor of the Arclueologia Cambrensis Is".') 
 -SO and 1S84-S8. 1. Esgobaeth LlaneUvy : a History 
 of the of St. A.saph, (ienoral. Cathedral, and 
 Paroi'hial. Illust. St. Asaph and Lon., 1874, Svo. 
 " He gives us a Iiistory of the diocese of St. Asaph, from 
 the earliest iieriod to oiir own times ;, a history ol ihe 
 eatlii'iiriil. from its wooden original to its [irosent state of, now undergoing restoration."— ^W/i., No. 'J117. 
 2. St. .Asaph's, ("Diocesan Histories,") Lon,, ISSs, 
 I2rno. Also, nniiiy works in AVelsli. 
 Thomas, Uev. David Walter, M.A., graduated 
 at Jesus College, Oxford, Is.'.l ; ordained 1852; vicar of 
 St. Anne's, Llandegai, lS5i,l-7S; procurator for the dio- 
 cese of Bangor 1880. The Church in Wales, Lon., 1870, 
 Thomas, Dudley Hardrcss, The Touchstone 
 of Peril; a Talc of the Indian .Mutiny, Lon., 1SS6. 2 
 vols. ]). Svo. 
 Thomas, t). W. Twenty-Five Years' Labour 
 among the Friendless and Fallen, Lon., 187tf, p. Svo. 
 Thomas, Miss Kdith Matilda, b. 1854, at 
 Chatham, 0.: educated at the Normal Institute, (ieneva. 
 0. ; a frequent contributor to the Atlantic Monthly and 
 other periodicals. 1. A New Year's Masque, and other 
 Po ms, Boat., 1885, 12mo. 
 " Miss Thoma.s's work, liotli prose and lues 
 not yet comblneall (|nalities.—t(ie rich and mellow human 
 clement is still rather wanting in it; but it is unsurpu.ssed 
 I in coniemporary literi ture for the llneiies.s of its iiiterpre- 
 taliiin of naliire aiiu the dellcute subtlety of Its linaKmu- 
 tion." — .\<itiijit, xl. ;")04. 
 j 2. The Round Year, Host., 1880, l2mo. 
 ! " .V poet's ralber than a naturalist's book, fuller of deft 
 I fantasy than of ornithology."— Aadoii, xliil. 317. 
 I 3. Lyrics and Sonnetsj Host., 1SS7, Ifimo. 4. Babes 
 j of the Year. Illust. N. York, 1S8S, 4to. 
 ' "ilf the delightful seliool of American writers on rural 
 and pastoral themes, .Miss Thomas Is iierhajis the bright- 
 est ornanient. The equal of her colleagues In sviupathy 
 with nature and in accuracy o( observation, she adds to 
 these qualities a sparkliUL'. jioetie fancv which Ls ttU !icr 
 own."— (VfYic, vl. 1U4. 
 Thomas, Edward, F.R.,S., member of tlio Asiatic 
 ! societies of Bengal, London, and Paris, [auii; vol. iii., 
 add.,] 1S13-1889. I. The Chronicles of the Path.'in 
 I Kings of Deh'li : Illustrated by Coins, Inscriptions, and 
 np!^if;i'Z;;;;;,':;i;:;:^;;:^';;|;^i:\!'';,;;:;;'',- ^^^-^ \ Ti.o„ms, ucv. .i..,.,., „.a,i„uto,i „. st. m.. is., , 
 uumr inc imir liniiis cjt lii-cripi nii>, WiUt.-n lli^ ,lrv 
 J n, it,„„s. ,ui,l (■,,iTi>, ai„l ..»(h divisi.ii is wai "i?,; 
 u Jiiinisrii; or, Tlio Early Fiiitli of A.«.,ka 
 liistratiiin.s „f the Ancient UoiiKions of th 
 the I'antlu' 
 witli II- 
 Kast, fi-orn 
 a Nnti,., I I" 1 -.N^thian.. To „l,icl, is a-Mcl 
 a Notice on liactrnui Coin,-, and In.linn IJalcs 
 18,,, p. ,vvo. 7. (Ivi.) Tlie Inl 
 Orientalia. Illust. I, 
 1. contains (> 
 on.. IS7S- 
 lernalioiial Nnmlsnnita 
 ... ■' ^''il^- r. Ito. (Vol. 
 r .... „ . '""■'"• "y ■"«l'!"":itc writers: vol. ii. consists 
 of The Coins of tlio ,Iews, l,y [■; .v. .\la,l,i '^""""'■' 
 vol. iii. eonsista of 2 parts, liy ."^ir A. I'liav 
 nujn-it ; 
 mil ,'^ir 
 W. Klliot.) 8. The In'ilian f'wastivka anil its \Ve< 
 ii'le")'''!',!;',! IssT""*''' ''™'" "'" " ''"'""''*'"^"i'= t'h 
 ./'■';""',",''' •';'>'ward A. I. At .S^onls' Points- a 
 ^ovel, Pu a., 1877, 12,no. 2. A Con.pruhcnsivo Die- 
 tionaryol Uiography, Phila., IS,-), 12,no 
 ■xl^xT%^\::t:^' •'™"^'- «''-''-'•- " 
 Colwe "n?,"' f^ i"-""' t^'I'ester, Kra.lnate.l at Trinity 
 tollego Oxii.ri . is, ,, ealleil to the bar at .iray's Inn 
 ., , "i V ''''^''"g •"■"'^^s "' Constitutional'hriclly 
 stateJ, Lon., Is7(;, 8vo; 2,1 eil., ISS,,. :;. (Trans V 
 I.story of Materialism, anil Criticism of i\s I're'sent 
 mportance, by Professor F. A. I.ange. (•• ICngli^h an 
 lorcgn Piulosophical i.ibrary,") Lon., lW7-s''l, .i v,", 
 'I'- li'"" ;,' Y- '""' """■'•' '''"^ I'liilobiblon of Uieharii 
 lie Bnry, iishop of Uurha u„I somethue Chatice or 
 of tdwuril HI., l.on., IS8S, .t. Svo ^"antciior . 
 Thomns, Goorge I'miicis'. of the ' 
 Un. of Lakes, liy (ieorge Francis. Chlclss" 
 Ihomas, II. Arnold. (K,l.) .Memoirs I'.f y. 
 Ihornas. F,lite,l by his Son. l.on., IS7ti, p. Svo 
 I hoiims, II. II. Popery within the Church, Bath, 
 Tank Angling in India, Ilhist. 
 a liarris- 
 age. 1 
 Tliomns Hev. .lohn, a dissenting minister. 1 
 Ihe ll,;;!, Places of the ISible, Lon„ |S7(! ,, sv„ ■' 
 iean.n.l-lashes: Tales to Knforce Tempera'nce. Illust' 
 ;"';.•• "r"',-^'i-. '"'.""; •'■ ■•'l"-' ''i'« "nJ Times of J, 1 . 
 1.. l.ongh. lS17-8(i. l,on., IssC, p. Svo. 
 Ihonias, John Kewis, gra.uiated at Pembroke 
 ("lege, O.vlonl, IsS.O. An fndergraduate's Trip to 
 Italy and Attica in IsSO-SI, l.on IssI p Svo 
 -lioinas, Il,.v. John >Vesley,7,;,„., Vol. iii., 
 . 1. Ihe "wer, the Tnnple, and the Minster: 
 "'"il and l.iograpliiral Associations of the Tower 
 o London, ,-t. Paul s Cathedral, and Westminster Abbcv 
 lllns Lon., 1S72, fp. .Sv„: 2d ed., Is7i,). o. Willi.,",,, 
 •I";,,';'''-'"'' '''i"- ■ "ninge. Lon., I,s7:!, fp. 8vo 
 « ''"'"«*;, Joseph, M.U., LL.I)., [,!,.,e, vol. iii , 
 b. IMI. in Cayuga Co., X.Y. ; educated at Yale 
 and at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Trov 
 gra.liialed in mclicine in Philadelphia. I 
 Pronouncing Dictionary " "• 
 Phila., 1S7U-71, 2 vols" 
 I add 
 I Coll 
 of Biography and Mylhologv, 
 >*vo; new ed., rev. and eni.. 
 ,i,.'.!,fl!'.'^',f""" "** "■*■'".«■'' ">e most comprehensive book of its 
 « IK «1?ieh''h','" ""■" ""-■ !"-■" "f "'"^ «?iU.r" i,, „i y ™""-' """^''' ^'U"" "otiuo."-.V„(,o,r, 
 1 '^'-^ ?,"">,''''"' l''"n">iiKMng Medical Dictionary: ein- 
 Inaeing tlio Terininolo!.ry „f Jledi, ' - ■ ■^•'' ' 
 ciences, with tlieii 
 lieine and the Kindicil 
 . .. '"■' •"■iifiiilication, Etymologv, and Pro- 
 nunciafon: on the Basis of Thomas's Cm/pr "liens! ve 
 niiuncing .Medical Dicti, 
 English journalist, who went 
 L . ^ '" '■""'" "'' corresiiondent of the Mel- 
 bourne Argii.s. Cannibals and ConWcts: a IJes, 
 „, •. . -..Jonary, Phila., ISsli, imn 
 Ihomns, Julian, an Fngli-'- ■- '■- ■ • 
 to .\ew Caled 
 1871, 12mo, 
 Thomas, II. S. 
 Lon., 18SS, cr. Svo. 
 Th.MnnH, Hailing ."W. Charlie Leslie 
 tors Lo.e-.s;torv, Lon., ISS6, 12mo 
 Th„m„., Hcrbrrt Prosto... I. The Church and 
 tlic Land: being an Account of Inouiries into Ih 
 ilition of so ■■ • -■ - ' 
 Con-IXote^rolmiainlllfr""'"'"^''"'^- - ' " ""'-""^'-l 
 ThomaH, J. 
 ton, fi.C. i has been a computer in the office' of the I'.S. and ,1.0, letie .-^urvey at Washington since Isii: 
 the Battle; or. One Girl in Ten Thousand, 
 Thomas, J. Meredith. The IVofessor and 
 Daughters : a Novel, Lon., IHS.'i, .1 vols. p. Svo. 
 I nomas, J. W. Treatise on Conl-.Mine (iases, Ven 
 Illation, and (iases enclosed in Coal, Lon,, 187.8, Svo. 
 I'hila.. 1SS2, .s,, umu. 
 Thomas, Mr.s. N, 
 on., Iss.i, p, Svo. 
 1. Homologies and Succession of the 
 n„,.ii I. . ' V " ■'* C'ci't Magnihid. By Rev. 
 Uavnl Bavies. Lon.. ISS.^i, p, s ■" 
 Thomas, t» 
 Teeth in the 
 Ion l'" - .', '"■-y"'"':'"'.! l'l>il"'"phieal Transactions,) 
 M,,7,,ri., . •'• .1, .'-.".'"'"S'le of the Marsupialia and 
 itb.:l Lon!:,'s",s's",^"''^'' *'— ' <«"«"' «~ 
 Thomas, Kev. Owen, D.D., b. 1S12, 
 at Holy. 
 licid, Wales ; a luiniater of the WcIhIi ClvinisUc Mcth- 
 oili-t Clmreli ; li"? cniitriWutiMl many iirticles to religunis 
 nml i,liil.i.-,mlr.c..l iml.liciition^', mid trnnslatod dittos 
 IMcto'rial New To.U„i,,.l into Life of John 
 Jutwf. (Tals-arn.) Wiexliani, ISTl, :! vols. . 
 Thoiras, H. Knnnamiel Churoh : a Chapter in 
 ical Ili>t"r.v, L"n., IHTl, p. Hvo, 
 crncluiitca at Wudhani College, Oxford, l-<:,!<; ordained 
 ISSil; chaphiin to tlie embassy at M. I'etershuij; IM.i- 
 77- vicar of Arundel lSTlt-S7. Home Word.- for \V ander- 
 ers: Sermon!" preaeheil abroad to Knglish Worshippers, 
 liOn., l.-fTo. p. svci. 
 rhomnson, Uev. AiiKiistiis thnrle§, D.D. 
 vol. iii., add.] 1. Moravian Miaaionn; 
 ■~ ■■ Happy 
 Thoiras, H. Kn.manuel Churoh t a tnapier in ., •""",»(„•'„,,,, i i. Moravian Missions; Twelve 
 Eeele,ia.-,ieal Hi.tnry, Lon IHM, p. Hvo. , ; ; j^^ ^'ork, IHS'J. 12mo. L". Happy New Year: 
 Thomas, Kalpli, ["" ", vol. ni.,add.l '• " "" " .-f ,, „ ureetin«, N. York, ISSI), .q. Itimo. 
 Catulojiue 0^- KtehiuKS and l>07"'"';. ';">V' '*'\\'.^, , j 1 " V,; ;™„^ c. II. Commereial Treaties and 
 ISSSSSSasSS 3=::=i's,;3,;jf trs ,.<„. 
 ealTy, l-on, l>sn, svu. nivineSov- ''riionipMOii, Kev. Clinrles. Delaune : the Eng- 
 ThoinUH, Hen. Kcieii, D.D. 1. 11'^>"^,*"'\ ,;.,' ," ,ilt Matvr. IMiila., ISTO, Itimo. 
 eally, 1-"" . I 
 T ho in us 
 creignly, and otli 
 (irafeuburg l'eo|)l( 
 Hev. Kciieii, D.D. 1. Divine 
 Sermons. Host., 1HS5, ).. •''vo. 2. 
 iMotiun but Fael. lllust. Host., 
 1,-SO, 12mo. :!.Thinu-h Death to Life: Disburses on 
 St. Paul's Great Uesiirreetion Chapter, Host., 1>8.S, 
 Thomas, Kov. Kobcrt Owen, ^Maduated 
 Aidan'.s ISTl; ordained l>T(i ; head-master »l 
 lli^h School is,-*l-st, of Conway College 1S^4 
 since then of St. .James's School, Deganwy 
 of Paley's " Evidences of Christianity " 
 2. Keyto Samuel and Corrcspondin 
 &c.. I'.on., I>^1, 12mo. 
 Period l()i;('i~lK)l, Lon. 
 Thompson, Kev. Charles. 
 lish ISaptist Martyr, I'hila., 1S70, , r^ „ , 
 Thompson, Uev. Chnrlts Lemuel, D.D., b. 
 XW. at Cooiierstown. I'a. ; gnulualetl at Carroll College, 
 It St 
 -Sli, and 
 1. (lutlines 
 Lon., I^^S1, llinio. 
 Parts of Chronicles, 
 England' under the Normans: 
 l,><sl, cr. Svo. 
 Thomas, Siimuel K. 'I he How in Dime Albion's 
 School • or. High, Low, and Broad Ideas of Essentials : 
 in Two Scenes. liy S. E. T. Lon., 1871. 
 Thomas, T. ( Ed.) Mem.iirs of the Life and Labours 
 of Uev. Tliomas Jones, of Chepstow : including an Auto- 
 bio^raiihv, Lon., lf<7."i, 8vci. 
 Thomas, Thomas .Morsnn. Eleven Years in 
 Central Africa, Liiii., 187:'., «vo. 
 Thomas, Kev. Thomas William. His Ur- 
 , nal Pre-enco; or. The Secret of a liright and Iragrant 
 Life- with Introduction by II. F. Uowker, Lon., 188,), 
 'Thomas, «cv. I'rUah Bees. Notes of a Year's 
 Ministry: Sermons ai liristol, Lon.. 187(1, 8vo. 
 Thomas, >V. IJ. Constantinojile and Athens ni 
 the Time of PeriJes, .to. : Lectures, L,in.. 1877, Svo. 
 ri.oinas, VV. Cave, L"""^. vol. i''-,,"''''-] 
 Mural or Monumental Decoration, Lon., 180H, Svo_. 
 Symmolrical Education f Min.l and liody, L.m., ISi.i.p 
 Svo. :i. Ke>-iBed Theory ';f ) '-iilit 
 Lon.. !S", 5, p. 8v 1. 
 Thomas, William. 
 Lon., 187.1, |i. 8\„, 
 Thomas, »ilh:»m, o. 
 Valv of '.j'l'e : "low lo Pro 
 '^Thomas, WilUaMi iHenry. lioyhooil Lays, Lon 
 Thomi's, Williiim Henry, ['hHc, vol. m., add.,J , 
 b 18-M at Portland. Me.: became a printer, and alter- 
 ^Yardsa' j.mrnalist .ind contributor to magaz.iiies '"■• 
 filed in I'alii'ornia, Australia, and India 
 East Indies, Post., i>70, 12mo. 
 ventures in the ."Jandwich Island 
 1871 12mo. ;i. A Slaver's Adventures 
 Land,, 187:1, 12mo. (These three are also coni- 
 pri-sed in •' Ocean Life" Series, ;! vols.) i. Uniuiuig ihe 
 liilookad", Lost., 1871, 12mo. 3. The Helle ot Austrft; 
 lia; or, V'ho am I? Post., 1883^ Svo. 6, 
 Sea, l-~'ti. '■ Lewy and I, I8S7. 
 Thomiinson, William. (Ed.) , . , 
 wed: a l.lographical Sketch, Middleborough and Stock- 
 ton, 187U, Svo. 
 Thompson, A. R., sometime lecturer on the Eng- 
 lish Language in the University of St. Vladimir, Kieff. 
 I lEd.) Dialogues, Russian and English. Lon., 1882, 
 II 8vo. 2. (Trans.) The Unfortunate One- ii Novel, by 
 Ivan Toorgeyniefif; from the Uussian, Lon., I8S8, or. 
 ^Thompson, A. W. The Law of the Farm: a 
 Treatise on the Loading Titles of the Law involveil 
 in Farming Business and Litigation, San Fran., 1877, 
 Thompson, Alice C 
 Loll., IS 
 Section 1., Colour, 
 P'ack and Tan : a Novel, 
 if 'iiverpool. The Safety- 
 ■ eiit Disease, Lon., 1S85, 
 1. Life in the 
 2. A Whaleman's Ad- 
 and California, Host.. 
 Sea and 
 On Land and 
 Thomas Whit- 
 A, C. 
 Thompson, Andrew. 
 Characters, Lon., I87», p. Svo 
 See Mkynbll, Mrs. 
 Sketches of Christian 
 Wis., 1858, 'anil at McCormh'k Thcologii'al Seminary 
 Ism'; entered the ministry of the Presbyterian Church: 
 iiiisto'r of the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, New 
 York, since 188S. 'limrs of Uefrcshing: a History ol 
 American Revivals. Chic, 1877, 12nio. .„,„,. 
 Thompson, Charles W., F.R.ti.S. The Sextaiit 
 in Determining Time, Latitude, Longitude, Lon., 1887, 
 Thomi-son, Mrs. Clara M. Hawthomdean; or, 
 Pliilip lienton's Family, Phila., Is?:'., l2uio 
 Thompson, Daniel (ireenieal, b. 1>j(>, at 
 Mootpelier, Vt. ; s.m of Daniel Pierce Thompson, (.ni'.', 
 vol iii.;) .'laduatedat Amherst ISIill; admitted to the bar 
 in New York 1872. I. A System of Psychology, Lon., 
 1884, 2 V(ds. Svo. 2. The Problem of Evil : an Introduc- 
 tion to the Practical Sciences, Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 " The reniarkalile feature nf this book is it.s violent and 
 (mtspoken prolest uuainst Christian (lognias,-no- 
 tablv the dm-lriiie of siii. 'I he writer clupts in substi iioe 
 tbec'lhical i.riiieiples «f Mr. Leslu' ."-teiplooi and Mr. llor- 
 bert Sociieer; bat the disciple far uutriins bis teachers in 
 iiis sweeiiinti eondeiiiiiatinii of many cd' the .salient leutiires 
 of Christianity."— .8ji(c/ii/or, :.\i. l(Hi,H 
 1 :). The Religious Sentiments of the Human Jlind, 
 I Lon,, 1S88, Svo. 
 "The author's intention in this work is to vindicate a 
 fair standing grounil for religion considered as a science. 
 : \Ye uin liniiesllv eoniiueiid it lo our readers as tlie 
 ■ otiicome of profound' Ihouglil. "— .tc.iii., x.xxiv. 221. 
 i 4. Social Progress, L(ui., ISSil, Svo. » 
 I Thompson, D'Arcy Wcntworth, Jr., ])rofes,-^or 
 I of biology at University College, Dundee. 1. (Trans. 
 ; anil cd.) The Fetiliy.ation of Flowers, by Prof. Hermann 
 ' Muller: with a I'reface by Charle.- Darwin, Lon., 18S:i, 
 Svo. 2. A Dibliiigraphy id' Protozoa, Ca>lentorates, 
 Worms, and eeitain Smaller ^)roup^ of Animals, ]inb- 
 lished during the Years IMil-l8S:i. Cambridge, 188o, Svo. 
 Thompson, Mrs. K. II. Oeins, N. York, 1882, 
 3 vols. 48mo. 
 Thompson, E. M. Phidias, and other Poems, 
 Lon., l87St, 12nio. , . ^ 
 Thompson, E. S. Colds and Coughs : their Causes 
 and Coiiseiiiicnces, Lon., 1877. l2ino. 
 Thompson, E. Skellington. Mov O'Brien i a 
 Tale of Irish Life, Dublin, 1887, p. Svo. 
 Thompson, Edith. History of England, (His- 
 torical Course for Schools,) Eon., I87;i, 18ino. 
 Thompson, Edward Ilealy, M.A , foiK', vol. 
 iii., add..] b. 18i:i, at Oakham, Rutland, and educated 
 at the grammar-school of that town nnil at Emmanuel 
 College, Cambridge, where ho graduated with honors in 
 is:)!!; was joint editor of the Clilton Tracts in IS.'il : 
 professor of English literature in the Universiiy of 
 Dublin 18.):i-,VI, and sub editor of the Dublin Review 
 lSll2-(il, and is editor of the Library of Religious Biog- 
 rapliv. 1. Life of St. Aloysius (Jonzaga, Lon., 18''>7, 
 12ino. 2. The Baron do Renty ; or. Perfection in the 
 World Acoomplishcd, Lon., 187:^, fp. 8vo. :'.. The Suf- 
 ferings of the Church in Prittany during the (ireut Revo- 
 lution, 1878. 4. The Life of Jean-Jacques Olier, Founder 
 of the Seminary of St. Sulpice : enl. ed., Lon., 188:"), Svo. 
 :>. The Life and (ilories of St. Joseph, Lon., ISSS, Svo. 
 Thompson, Edward Maunde, D.C.E., LL.D., 
 F.S.A., b. 184(1, in Jamaica; educated at H.igoy School, 
 and at Universiiy College, O.xtord : called to the bar at 
 "■ -.vjis iir.iuiintcd to a plac 
 the Middle Tctoplc !'-•')" 
 Thompson, Mrs. Arthur. A Peep into Ceylon : 
 Book of Travel written for Children, Lon., 1886/ 
 Thompson, Kev. Arthur Steinkopff, M.A„ 
 .,. the British Museum in IS«I ; became keeper of the 
 manuscript department and Egcrton librarian in 1878, 
 and principal librarian in 1888. 1. (Ed.) Clironiomi 
 Angliie, ab Anno Domini i;!28 usque ad Annum r^8s, 
 Auctore Monaoho quodam Sancti Albani, ( Record Oi.oe 
 Pub,,) Lon., 1874, Svo. 2. (Ed.) Letters of Humphrey 
tlionidenn ; or, 
 Iliiiniin Minil. 
 il otlior I'oeuis, 
 ;lis : their Causes 
 Mdv O'Brien i ii 
 Pridcmx t„ John KIlis, Under-Secretary of State, 1fi74- 
 ii.'J, (Camdon .S(ir.,) l,un.. ISrfl It,, ■■ 1 1.' i i i-m ■ 
 (Ciiniilen .Sic, I,„n., 1S7S, L' v„|, -. , , u„'r 
 Hieh.,... Cooks. Capo M^-eh^ln, in the'ln i',. ^^^ t 
 I'l" )• ■ ;V^^ ^vith C„rre»,.on,i..nee. , l.aklu,, ioe 
 iui),) l,(,n., l,s,S2, 2 vols. svo. (i. (|.;,], imlcx (» ihn 
 ( .taloKueo. AJ.Ii.inns to tho .M„nusuri,„i i„ t , i, 
 Aluseum ,„ the ^ eu,s l.S.VI-lsr,-,, l,„n.. |s,S(,, ,sv„: " , ,, 
 in the \ear« ISrii-lSSI, |,„„„ |,s.S2, Sv„ 7 (' :,| , ',„' 
 ot a ,«d™tio„ tn„„ the .<lowe Manu>c, ipts.', Ij',- I M , 
 joum,) Lon l,ss:),.lt„. Wiih W.u,vk„, (i! K., ,,,1 >„ . 
 l-^isHKsr'U';::'^'''''^ '"'''"'''■'''''■ ^'-^^^^^ 
 Thoiii|,H„„, .llrs! Kliznbfth. I'i^-ures uf ll,ll ■ 
 or, Iho r..m,,les „!• .iarchu.s : ,U;\u,aM U?,\n- l,ioen,o 
 »n,l Mnn„ia„„„.e™ „f IJeor an.l Whi.-koy, N. Vork, I^si! 
 Knohmie, >„ la,v at Chrisf.s Cnlle,,,., (';a,„b,. I.."' ,S77 • 
 oal e, ,0 the bar at (ho Inner Temple 1877. A Ne^' 
 "Avalunhk' Ixiuk. of n snim-u hut n.., ....... 1 ■ . 
 iix lo,-*'"'" '"""'« " '""'' •^^^■'■""■"1 1-no.l.' '-y,."';<!/m^ 
 riioiiipsoii, .Sir Henry, M.i,., K.jt.c.'^ roar, 
 vol.,,, , see«n,l of the name, a,l,|.J 11„ „„, knighte.l hi 
 I- I ; IS professor enierilus of elinlnil surL'.M-y an.l eon 
 «u nng surKoon to University College HospitaVl" nZ, 
 .ml las l.een professor of surgery nn,l pa hology in the ' 
 Hoyal lolleg.. of Snrgeons. Jle has also stuflie,! a , ! 
 ■Hi »K^ oxlMhitea paintings in the U,.val Aea.len.v n i 
 the Paris .Salon. I. The Preventive Treatment of C. I 
 culous ..soase an.l the Use of Solvent' ies Lon 
 l«..i. 2, ed., l,^7.i. 2. M,Hle,-ate Bri^kir. 
 t^ lit'e v' 'r-, "'! '-■""• '^- C'lalogue of l!l."e"^,i I 
 M h.te Nankin Poroelain. Lon.? 1n7s, .|to A, i 
 acemnit o h.s „wn collection.) 4. Fo, ,1 an, UeedinJ' ' 
 wit. an Appendix. l,on., 188,.,' p. 8vo; ;id od. l.ssi 1 i 
 surgery t the I rinary Organs, Lon.. 1881, Svo. ti 
 V.n ■;?■ '^'T"'"rV^""'^ a Story of .Medioall.ife. Hv 
 Jen Ul.ver, [psend.] I.on., 18S4, p. 8vo; ;i,l ed ISS? 
 .run,. Mrs 01 the lih.d.ler : thei'r Nat .,-e, Sv.. n|„„' ' ' 
 an. Snrg.c. Treatment, Lon., ISS-I, 8vo. S )ie ■„' 
 Uelat.on to Age and Aolivity, 1.,,,,., Issf,, |o„„; , '^ , ' 
 St"!rL,r n^r^r'"" "' »''-'"« "'« B'->''- f"V' 
 B,t: a Chron.olo of Luxenford Life. By Pen Oliver 
 lllustrate.1 hy the Author. Lon., ISSB, „ Sv, 
 Ihonipson, He„ry, M.I).. K.U (' i> o'on..ultin.. 
 an.l Lases, Commentaries, l,on., |ns„ svo 
 fie h,, ... 'r '"C' ^""'^'- '-'^'""^"JK"! ealied t, 
 m«l I LI ".« r"'"'^Te.nplo 1 S79. The Complete An- 
 ho Ye,f,L, \"J. ' "l"''*'"'^''"* *" Ail the Courts f.,r 
 Tlm.»„ • S""-"' by Alfied Em.lon, Lon., 1,S87. 
 Thompson, Ht. Rev. Hugh Miller, S.T.D., 
 |LL.D.,[„a,.,vol ill, a.ld.,]b. I8:in, in Iieland; odu- 
 cated at .Nashotah House, Whs. , ordained 1S52: reetor 
 iishop ot .M.ssis.sipp, iss;), and since 1S87 Ho 
 h,is e.|,.e.l re ,g,.,us periodical.,. I. irnity a,.d is Uos- 
 .., U,o„ N \„,.k I8,i„, 12, 2. .Sin a,!.! its Pen,. ";, 
 181.-'. .i. iMrst Princples, X.York, IS(!8, l2„,o. I 
 opy: b«ays from ,„, E,lit.,r's Drawer, on Heligion' 
 , Literature, an.l Life, llartfoid, 1,^72, l-r,,, ", A £ 1 1 . 
 lf'r,T'v"v' l^'r-^T' «• f^""'.,:rni:g'lh,:'Kh^ m 
 th... og,,s,. Bedell ,!c..,u,.es, ,88,,;, n;v,!::|,'^s;!;U^ 
 uris, 1^88,) \.\rTk, 18,ss. |2m.,. ( Jlost of these works 
 have gone thn.ngh manv e.litions ) "' 
 noits''"c".!e'""!'r*""'? ,*"'""•• '• A>"orican Uc- 
 ,fl,^, ; V ••'^^"'■''■"l Interest deci.led in the Court 
 L,..tUes™t .nKvory State :vol.s.i.-xvi., Albany, 1S7„- 
 Alhinv K- J''"" .'.''' i^""''""'" K^'l""-t.s, vols; i.-xii., 
 C ..rks ' M ' ,'"■ ■■'; A?'"'""'*'' t''. an.l Town 
 Ue,ka Manual; Forms, Albany, 187.-,, 8vo I 
 Superv,s„r.s Manual: with F«,ms, Albany, 1S7:,, 8vo' 
 J.. N,.t,onal Bank Cases: containing Airi)eeisio„s of 
 A ha. V Ts- s"";' '^""^C.";"'-^ '■'•■'"'i'lK '" National Banks, 
 Albany l>,,s ,Sv„. \\ „h Cook, U. I)., New York Su' 
 p.e,,.e Court Ueports, Alba..y, lS7;i-75, 6 vols. 8v k 
 p.m ..1 .Metb.Mis of In8t,uction, \. York, 1878, 12nio 
 a s.;'L"',''pV'!' •'',*:'•, V^'™"^-' ''''"^ I!l'aga;„.l-(;iia: 
 .licli,; CI, '':-!''';:;"' ''°""' ■■ "■"' ^^-^'^^ and Intro. 
 I ..union, I Ilk!., 1^(1. l2mo. 
 ! sbc^wwir?."' •'• """I'Well. Beci.ual Acreage: 
 .^bowing tie lielativo Value in .Statute 
 Jlea ureol any Decimal Par. of an Aero, Lon., 1876. Svo 
 ; ^ s::.;:ttl;•;Ye:i-;u::li;^:"•1^;;!;„l^t 
 Tlionipson, Juincs, \,„„c, vol. iii., second of the 
 : era.e ,.rn,y the civil war; Slate geoL.K-i.t ,ui 
 e,,e o the departn.ent of na.urd hi-.or'y o, Yndil.'na 
 i c^,, ,cH ,■ ,'■ ■■; ^''.';" " '^l'"-'"! oontribuior to Amor- 
 iu,l N 'V.lkJ.'-t "?:,"' ^^'^""y: a Complete Man- 
 '("Houn.lV K- -c' -"'"• •^- '^ Tallahassee (jirl, 
 .Hound I ob.n- ,Ver.,) Bost., 1882. Ifimo. Anon. 4 
 , l.s .Second Campaign, (•' Round Bohin" Se.-..) Bost., 
 s.„ ' - • ^*^ ¥." ' Kx"'--'"'''-. -V. York, 1885, p 
 I 8 A l-;,,, -'""-y ,r' ^'---l-N"'^'. N. Vork, 188.0, 12.'..!^ 
 sects in Bin -Songs and Books, N.' York, 1887, f2n« 
 'nm Vr'Mif "«;"■ '"""''-r " Novel, N.'York 188,8 
 . .u,,^''" ' '"'■y »f I-«"isiana, ("American Com 
 Stiiv o ;; ll ";, '■■"!" ■" Ardwry. a Complete 
 2.|mo. ' ^'"""''- ^""■'*' N- "^■"'■k. J»r9, 
 th jA!!"'.r"r ,'■ "?'• •••"'"• '• Life. Work of Peter 
 ,.f loh' 1 '4 'IV 'r'"' '-"'"• 2. Mfe an,l Writlncs 
 ot John the Apostle, Lon., 1.882, p 8vo 
 1 hoinpson, John. Text-Book of Facts for Stu 
 ilfnl,, in Naval History, Wash., 1877, I2n.o 
 ilompson, John Ashburton, M.D, M.R.CS 
 r1 Iw'iv'c" "' ^'"""l '^""^ '" ""^ "-«' Nor Lern 
 witi s^Li^r'lT'f"-''- '"" l'l'on-l,orus in Medicine: 
 wth Special Bofcence to its Use in Neuralgia : a Con- 
 tr^ibut,™ ,0 Materia M,.,lie„ and Therapeutics, Lon , 
 Thompson, John C. History of the Kleventh 
 I Li;erT,;„dri'8^5,';"i'o"" "' '''" '" ^'^■"P""' • ==<» ""^ 
 I Thompson, Joseph. The Owens College: its 
 Founilation nml Orowtli, iiiul its Connection willi tlio 
 Vicliiriii t'nivoraily, Munehc^tcr, Miini'hcstor, ISSfi.Svo. 
 '■ A vtTy ciMiipU'lf liisUii-y iif Owens ('(iili'^i' from lis llrst 
 boniiminf; to il.s p-i'M'nl iiosilioii us purl ol' the Vicloria 
 I'liiviTsiiy. U is M iniisl insirui'iivo imrniliM'."— /;)i//((Wi 
 i/i*Yi)riVii/"AVr/cir, No. xii. Hll. 
 Tlioinpswiit Kev. .losoph l»iirri»li, 1».I'., 
 1,1,. I)., [,./i^, vul. ii.. mill.,] I.>*lil-I87i»; ri''il in Iter- 
 lin, Ocnnan.v, Ity'J-T'J. 1. Thocilogy of Christ, IVoni hi« 
 Own Wiinls,' N. Yorl(, ISTII, Svo. 1!. Miinie Worship: 
 Selei'tions fnuii Iho ,s!i.'ri|ilnrt'.s, with IMi'iiiliilions, I'riiyiT. 
 nml Son)!, for Kvory Day. Illust. Host., I S7 I, Svo. ;!. 
 Church anil Stuto in tlio Tnilcil .Slates, Host., I,S7:i, H'mio. 
 ■I. .Josns of Nazareth: liis Life for llie Youn),'. Illust. 
 Host., l,S7fi, Svo. .1. Contennial of .Viueriean Inilepen- 
 (lenoe. Host., IS77, er. Svo. li. The I'nileil Stales hs 
 a .Nation : Lectures on tlie Cintenui;il of .Anioriean In- 
 ile|ienilenec. Host., i>77, Svo. 7. 'I'hu Workman: his 
 False Krieiiilsanil his True Frien'ls, N. York, IS7!), l2nio. 
 S. .Aneriean Cmiunenls on Kuropean (Questions, Inter- 
 national ami Kelinioiis, liosl., ISSl, IL'nio. 
 Tli<>iii|)80ii, Julia i'nrrie. I. Aspenriilgc, Phila., 
 IS70, liimo. 2. Trye's Year among the llinilous, Phila., I'Jmo. 
 Thonipsuii, Knte. A Ilaml-nook to the Puhllci 
 I'icture-liallerios of Europe. Lon., IS77, cr. Svo ; ;'al oil., 
 illust.. isso, cr. Svo. 
 Thompwoii, Kev. I,«'\vis <)., 18.19-1887, b. at 
 Hergen, Norway: grailuateil at lieloit College ISliii, anil 
 at Union Theological ,Seininnry, New York, ISOti ; enleroil 
 the ministiy of the Preshytcrian Church. 1. The Pres- 
 iileuls anil their .■VilininiHtratioiis : a ''iml-Hook of 
 Piihlical Parlies. Imlianapolis. |S7:1, l2iao. 2. Nothing 
 Lost, N. Y'ork, lS7t). :(. The Prayer-.Mceting ami its 
 Iinprovenient : with Introiluclion hy .\. K. Kiltrcilge, 
 Chic, IS7S, 12mo. 4. How to comluct I'niyer-Meclings, 
 Host., ISSII, IL'nio. b. Nineteen Christian Centuries in 
 Catline: a (iuiile to llislorioal Sliulv. Introilnetion by 
 J. K. .Miller. Illust. Chic, |x-<I, r2iuo. 
 Tlioilipsoil, M. J. Fvolution of Sonml Kvolveil: 
 a Kevicw of tlie Article entilleil "The Nature of Sound 
 in the Prohlcm of Human Life," (.'in., l.'<87, Svo, 
 Tlioinpsoii, .>Iary. Kober' Forrester : a Novel, 
 Lon., 1S7.'), )!. Svo. 
 Thompson, 1*. J. The Life Assurance Primer; 
 being the Prize Es.say of the Briton Life Association, 
 Lon.. lS7o, Kiuio. 
 Tlioinpsdll, Uev. I'eilc, SI. A., grailuated at 
 Trinity College, Camhriilge, 18(57; orihiineil 1877: curate 
 of Christ Churcli, .Marylebone, since Issi. .Short Family 
 Prayers. Lon., issij, l2ino. 
 Thompson, I'hillipN* The Politics of Labor, 
 N. York, 18S7. l2mo. 
 Thompson, It. Angnstus. California Sunrumo 
 Court Keports, vols. x.\.\i.\.-.\li., (187(1-71,) ,San Fran., 
 1871-72, Svo. 
 Thomp.son, Ki-ginald Kdward, M.D., F.R.CP.. 
 senior iissislaut physician ami pathologist to the Hospital 
 for Consumption, Hrompton. I. The Causes ami Kesults 
 of Pulmonary Iliemorrhage : with Hcniarks on Trcal- 
 nient. Illust. Lon., 1H7!(,, Svo. 2. Physical E.tamina- 
 tion of the Chesi. Illust. Lon., 1871'," 12mi). :i. The 
 DiH'erent Aspects of Family Phthisis, in Kelati'.n espe- 
 cially to Heredity and Life .Vssunince, Lon., ISSI, p. Svo. 
 Thompson, Iticharil Wigginton, b. isno, in 
 Culpeper Co., Va. ; ailmitlcil to the b;ir of Indiana 
 18:'il; secretary of the navy during President Hayes's 
 ndniinistratioE ; chairman of the American committee 
 of the Panama Ciinal Company 1881. 1. The Papacy 
 and the Civil Power, N. Y'ork, 1877, cr. Svo. 2. The 
 History of Protective Tariff Laws, Chic, 1SS8, Svo. 
 Thompson, Uev. Robert Ellis, S.T.L)., Ph.D., 
 b. 1814. in Lurgan, Ireland; graduated at the Univer- 
 sity of Pennsylvania ISd.'i ; entered tlie ministry of the 
 Presbyterian Church ; profes.sor of history and English 
 liteniture in tlic University of Pennsylvania since 1881, 
 1. Social Seieuoo and National Economy; a Haiid-Hook, 
 Pbila,, 187.1, 12uio. 2. Hard Times, and whal to learn 
 from them : Plain Talk for the Working- People, Phila., 
 1877, ICmo. ;i. Elements of Political Economy; with 
 Reference to the Industrial Ilislory of Nations, Phila,. 
 18S2, ll'mo. 4. Uelief of Loc:il and .State Taxation 
 through Distribution of the National Surplus, Phila., 
 188.'!, 8'0. 5. Protection to Home Industry ; Four 
 Lectures delivered at Harvard University, 1885, N. 
 York, ISSR, Svo, 
 Thompson, S. ,'Millett. The Thirteenth Regi- 
 mcnt of New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry in the War 
 of the Rebellion, ISIil-tl.^); a Diary covering Three 
 Years and a Day, Host., Isss, Svo. 
 Thompson, Nvymoiir Dwight. I. Treatise on 
 the Liabilily of Stockholders in Corporations, St. Louis, 
 187i>, Svo. 2. Charging the .liiry. St. Louis, |S8(), Svo. 
 "Contains a good deal that is of interest to lay as well 
 a.s professiomil readers. "-—Ao^io/, xxxii. l.'). 
 ;S. The Law of Carriers of Passengers: Illustrated by 
 Leading Cases and Notes, St, Louis, 188(1, Svo. I. The 
 Law of .Negiigci. ;e in Kelalions not resting in Contract : 
 Illustrated by Leading Cases and Notes, St. Loui.-. ISMi, 
 2 vols. hvo. b. Liubililiea id' Directors and other Offi- 
 cers and Agents of Cor]iorationB ; Hook of Leading 
 Cases, with Notes. St. Louis. ISSl, Svo. With Stkoku, 
 TiloM.vs .M., Compilation of the Statulo Lav.s of Tennes- 
 see, St. LiHiis, 1^71. Ii vols, ill 2. Svo. 
 Thompson, SilvilHus I'hillips, principal of tho 
 City and Ciuilds Technical College, Kinsbury ; formerly 
 professor of physics in University College, Hristol. 1. 
 Elementary Lessons in Electricity and ,Magnelism. Lon., 
 ISSl, ISmo. 2. Philipp Reis, the Inventor of the Tele- 
 plione : a Hiogriipliieal Sketi-h : with Docuniontary Testi- 
 mony, Lon.. ISSII, Svo. Ii. Dynamo- Electric .Machinery : 
 a iManual for Students of Eleclro-Technics, Lon.. Is^l, 
 Svo; 2d oil., enl., 1885. 4. (Trans.) Electricity iind 
 Miignetism : a Popular Treatise, by Am(''dce Ouill"iiiin. 
 Illust. Lon., ISSS. su]i. r. Svo. 
 Thompson, Slason. (Ed.) The Humbler Poets: 
 a Coilcction of Newspaper and Periodical Verse, I87n to 
 188.'). '.'hie, ISS.i, Svo. 
 Thompson, T. C. Hanno: a Play, in Five Acts, 
 .ManchcsUT, 1880, l2iiio. 
 Thompson, W. Stories for the People, Lon., 1887, 
 Thompson, W. ii. Training-Sehooli for Nurses : 
 with Notes on Twentv-Two Schools, N. Y'orl , ISSli, :' Imo, 
 Thompson, >V." W. A Digest of the .^ct- of As- 
 sembly relating to, and the (icneral Ordinances of, the 
 City of Pittsburg, 1S|14 to ISSti, Piitsburg, Iss7, 8vo. 
 'rhompson, William I'hillips, head of toe In- 
 ternational ("ntent Ollice, Liverpool. 1. Hand-Hook of 
 Patent Law, Hritish and ForeiL'ii, Liverpool, 1S74, 12ii ■; 
 Stli eil., Issll. 2. American Yarns and Fables, Liver- 
 pool. 1877, 12mo. 
 Tlioms, John Alexander. A Complete Con- 
 cordance to the Revised Version of the New 't'estamcnt : 
 Marginal Readings of the English Revisers as well as 
 those of the Anie;ican Committee, N. York, 1882, Svo. 
 Thoms, William John, F.S.A,, [anir, vol. iii., 
 add., J d. 1885, having been deputy librarian to tlio 
 House of Lords 18t.>-82. I. Human Longevity; its 
 Facts and its Fictions ; including an Inquiry into some 
 of the .More Remarkable Instances, and Suggestions for 
 Testing Reputed Cases, Illustrated by Exam]ilcs, Lon.. 
 18711, Svo; new ed., 1879, 
 "If every man Is sent Inlo the world with a lairpnso, 
 Mr. Tlioms's must be to protect the Iroiilier of 
 longevity rriim eiirioacbmenls under false pretence^. . . . 
 Tlmt Mr. Thorns has done iiiueb in this volume to clear 
 away eases . . . wiii. we think, be on all hamls 
 ailm'iUed."— .So/. I\ii\, xxxv. 78S. 
 " The of as-erted {■enlenarianism of which Mr. 
 Thorns fully shows Ibere is no positive evidence are I'arr, 
 .leiikins. and llie (' of liesmond. Tin n tollows a 
 moi'O modern series, in which lie ilemonslrules whal the 
 real ages of Ibe oersons were." — Ath., No. 2;J7y. 
 2. (Ed.) Survey of London, written in l.'iilS, by ,Iohn 
 Stow, Lon., 187.i, r. Svo. II. The Dealh-V.'arranl of 
 Charles I. another Historic Doubt, Lon., 1880, Svo. 
 Thomscn, Ur. Villiclm, profes.,!or of compara- 
 tive philology in the University of Copenhagen. Tho 
 Relations between .\ncient Uussia and Scandinavia, and 
 the Origin of tho Rus,sinn Stale; Three Lectures de- 
 livered at tho Taylor Institution, 0.\ford, in May, 1870, 
 Oxf., 1877, 1). Svo. 
 " In exeelleiit English, and with hardly a trace of for- 
 eign iilioiii, lir. I homseii lias Irealeil a dillicnlt subject in 
 a manlier at once salislaelory lo scholars and, it maybe 
 hoped, inieresling even lo geiii'ral readers."— Is.vAi T.w- 
 I.OK : ^Icud.. xiv. 285. 
 Thomsett, Ur. Gillham. 1. A Sacred Trust ; a 
 Story of .Military Life, Lon., cr. Svo. 2, Kohi'it, Kuram, 
 and Khosi : Reminiscences of tho Lute Afghan War, 
 Lon., |.~'S,i, p. »vo. 
 Thomson, Mrs. The Chevalier: a Romance of 
 174,i, Lon,, 1877, l2mo, 
 Thomson, A. G. Mixed Colours; or. Favourites 
 of Fortune, Lon,, 1879, p. Svo, 
 Thomson, Allen. Structure and Development of 
y, in Five Acts, 
 )|)le, LoD., 1S87, 
 a Romance ut' 
 . '•"''oniNoii, Hcv, Andrew. I» D F K s p 
 p. vo. .i. L,|e of l'r,nc,|„tl ilurper. D.I)., KMi,,.,' ,«si: 
 iHrKdy in tlu. ..''si'' .n'-'j"'',',"-^' ',"""'"1I<,.1 
 Lo'„.r';ssr',,"rv'"''"'' <"'''^"' ^^■''"■'''' "--m'-Hn«,") 
 iii''T;~i.«^^;.^;:r:r, ?""?'"[;-"..■ •! 
 coi„(^,M,.Ko,6xionl o^^lZ,! ';' KTm, „t l,in. : 
 wanls in,f;.,;,.,e„t, ' sC • \ ''''''',''';•'''''' '''''''''•■ ' 
 The Milestones „n,a: ,0-1 |S-' I . '' ^ '"""'■ '■ 
 '•^h:^.::i;.:^''''';^i''''''%i' '--■'- -•'"•■^ 
 «un'";v-^ ^;r,,^r"nci';'-;,'^^7"'"''"' "'' 
 Inner Ten.pll 18,^2. .Mulnkini H ".'"'"'.'■."' ""^ 
 }^i^. .i..nM.A.„;'.ilM:rc;;l,e«l^^;.!:;;i-v-::: 
 co;!;^;rr'.!!;^''?CHo,::";!:?^^ '^v"" ^'"^ """ ' 
 roulHce,, E.lin., iSS,i ,' s'„ '"' ""^ ''i-q'itmtion of 
 uu^;l:■l:S ;;;';, !;;:;:;^;!:'r:;r^'r'7''- ^r- 
 mrgh 8,0, an appointment which he re3i«nofl in is" 
 n n '••''i'TM" "'"."-.^'inS o*! t , "V '. ! 
 ning an, Porcupine" in 1868 iiml I8ti» „n,l in Is- 
 WIS .tppointcl the .scientific chief of the " pi ,ln ^ 
 oxpeilition; kni"hte,l ISTrt T 1 „ f- V''"""'"g«'' 
 DreiJging Cruises of ll.M.Sa. '' I'oronni o" ,,„ .. t • 
 ning" during the Sunnnoriof 1 sfi^ ' 69 .„ '," 's n ,fi' h 
 .Numerous Illustrations an,l Map.s iZ. is?' Sv,. . 
 cil. same .year. ' ' ' '™! '-'' 
 <.v:?'M:^S;uri^,l":;i'^S^5;ville Thomson shows 
 1!. The Voyage of the "Challenger:" The Atlantic- ,l 
 licMm.nary Account of the Oencal Results of the Fv 
 Sir 'vyvm;^'^&,;r,s^'^c:;;;,"?«,»!:, i-'«imontof 
 containing only 'The At iaiit^,. i' . .? ' ' "5 accornt, 
 i("%^")'''?;c:' ';;;:rvs:'i'[;r' '^"'^''' "-"-. 
 jntcrcstlnion... llu !l ' .,V,' , '^f;.■".ri," ^■^"■J- J"" 
 passe.l hcl«,v, 11 ,'. , 'h' ^^iJ""' "H.moniiola wl,i,.|, 
 llrownc'sra,.iltM„an«g.mM , Ukm,hm. 'ao,'!'',''''''V;: "'' 
 . --:i";"?^;'tsiir'"'''''''''"-™''-'' "--!«!;. iichi^^^ 
 ' „',/'''" ""•■•'''■""■^s "f the form Ilabl,",t, f„r Ilablot aa 
 Ar.nln,,,/, x.xvi (III , '">k«ell, in a letter to the 
 ;:^'5^!S-it4;S:''ni r^ 'r;'"- 
 OnJu, Inssions: In^-^^^li.-'-.r'll,,;^;-; ,!- 
 sq.''ir:m,'r""' *'• "'• ''"■■"''' '■'■"'» •J"P»»- r-°- '«84, 
 "f lie!ng"?o"' !;-■"?•■; '• i''r"^^'"f " •^■'■-"'"■■'d 
 tion, I ,^;, ',";•„' p' s,';; "'"■ '■ ^^^■""""•■' '">'' Involu. 
 i-n.;is'^r;;)8;o"\tm'"^ " '"""'™' '^"^'^^'i""- ''«- 
 •'.;;i^;""^'i;ni:'i^,i^i^s%,';^';j;; ^■'— > ^. 
 1 lininsoii, J, Arthur 1 ,'i' \ i> 
 ^^ K. f^elcnka, (••Challenger " Report- I I.on IssV j ' 
 2. {Tr„,,s.) .SIphonophora.. by K.'ll n„^;ck;:| ?:< ri l' 
 -nger" Reports, vol.' .xxviii..! I.on ]sS8 , t'o « ' 
 d.X%-.n'-'M "™",^' i'-ac"in..m:,a: by F K 
 Sd,ult^e, (•' Challenger" Re,,orts, vol. .xxi.,') l.,fn., iss?,' 
 sei:r?jr ' t!^\.r^to '-- -^ ^-'"•"'- 
 riiomson, J. J.. M A F«a'pii 
 lecturer of TrinUv r!!ii ' /'^ i" ^•'""''' ""'' "■'^i-'-lant 
 ri,.>.k M ^,"nity College, Cambrdge; succeeJed I 
 Mutual AcHo;;- f T,™t Si:',;;, 7('i^i^';!;',"'" 
 riuinal loo^s fu r ,;'rtv^ riV""'' P''"'.''"''"! from thj I "'J! .;i"V'.^'}.r.'.y "" '■««»-'s prinlea with «■,. 
 '■mil 8ucces.s."-..i«., Xo. ■Iain. 
 o Dynamics to J-bys',,. „„,1 Chemls ;y; .,^„'" ™ '^ 
 '■^& r-HKf ?!; r : °- 
 Ncn Zealand ?, ,.i„i P, . 1 ' I'™ncl, Poulhland, 
 La-vof lX„„t"/:,'„.,^-;!,l;-;">- "» Inquiry into the 
 , •l'e^piH!;;^Ir',!„^i:;j";;ir.!i«^ ';|'h;1^ to answer (V,r in being 
 I Tnrnlmn Tho'niM, „ e'cp, Mr Hprt.","-^ ^"' ."'"t Mr*! 
 Thc"msry"o,^;!,r:e:"''bei:"' "'/"='« — ' •»««««. 
 a pecuiia,^;^;::;;: ,"^;: ,;;i ?r"n''!;"?^" 
 I " Crcpusc 
 '^uilus. In IMS army.lifo ho made the aonuainN 
 acq II 
 an™ of Mr. Charles Bnidlaugh, (7. r.,) then n private 1 2. ThrouKh MasSi I and : .1 J""rn«y "^ Explnrulion 
 soklier, who in ISIHI o.-tiiblisho.l the Nalioniil Ui'formor. ! iimon^ the Sn.m-Clii.l \ olcanio Mountains ami .stranBO 
 to which Thomson became a contributor. In lsfi2 he Tribes of Kast.Mn I.^MUtorml Africa : beinij the Karra- 
 ■ ■ Koyal llcogranlncal Society 8 bX]icdltloii to 
 in anil l.alio Victoria Nyania 188:i-H4. Illust. 
 left the army ami entered a solicitor's office in IicJiidon, 
 residing with Mr. liradlaugh. In 1S73 ho .seceded from 
 the National Reformer and became a regular cimtrllj- 
 utor to a periodical called Cope's Tobacco I'lant. Ho 
 suffered from depression and insomnia, and during his 
 latter years gave way to habits of intemperance. Ilia 
 pocins had already o.xcitod great admiration anil obtained 
 a high reputation through their publication in periodi- 
 cals before any publisher could be found to bring them , inanjam to Kuvlrojii 
 out in book form. 1. The City of Dreadful Night, and j i^,>^,';[!^:;^,^,i)^;;:,, exi'l' 
 other I'ocnis, T,on., lf<'<0. p. Svo. 
 "'Till' City of Iireailful .Sight' Is, cs may be renilily np- 
 rreheiuleil, the ahndu of llio.«e who, seeing no hereafter, 
 fret them, olves at the prospect, or, rather, llie lack of it. 
 ... It is e.xceedinglv raru to tliul a vulnmo in wb cli so 
 large a niiinlier of the pieces contained have a illstinet 
 and Individual poetic altraitivencss."— U. Saintsuiiiv : 
 .Iciiii.. xvil. 432. 
 2. Vane's Story, Weddah and Om-El-Bonain, and 
 other Poems, Iion,, l.'i.SIl, ji. 8vo. 
 •' It Is a pity that ' Vane's Story' .stands first in Mr. Thom- 
 son's voliune. We have only to turn to ' Weddah and Oin- 
 Kl-Honain' to see what a true pmt he is, after all. .\s 11 
 piece of solid, vigorous, and luasculiiie narrative, it wouhl 
 be dillicult to llnd it.s s oerioramong the writings of con- 
 temporary poeUs."— .1?/*., No. '277.">. 
 ,'!. Kssays and I'bantaslefl, Lim., If<81, cr. Svo. 
 "The poetry is good, though of a somewhat laboured 
 sombreiiess, 'The literary criticism is keen and striking. 
 The theology, and especialy the huniour applied to the 
 theology, is deplorably vulgar."— -Iiuii., xix. 'M'. 
 4. A Voice from the Nile, and other Poems : with 
 Moinoir by Bertram Dobell, Lon., 18S4, p. Svo. 5. 
 Shelley: a Poem: with other Writings relating to Shel- 
 ley; to which is added an Essay on the Poema of Wil- 
 liam Blake, Lon., 1834, Svo, Printed for private circu- | 
 "The poem on Shelley Is a wellconceived Invention for I 
 the purpose I if svmbolizina; that poet's typical position, and, 
 though not, iMi the whole, of IukIi importance in point 
 of writing or ilevelopmcnt, it has timnigliout a large 1 
 measure of beauty. . . . Of the prose writings on Shelley 
 the majority deserve some attention even now."— ,4(/i.. No. 
 Thomson, John, F.R.d.S. 1. Illustrations of 
 China and its People: a Scries of 200 Photographs 
 with liCtter-Press Descriptions of the Places and People 
 repre.«enled, Lon., 18";!-74, 4 vols. 4to. 1!. The .''traita 
 of .Malacca, ImhiChina, and China; or, ren Years' 
 Travels, Adventures, and Residence Abroad. Illust. 
 Lon., 1874, Svo. 
 "This Is, on the whole, a pleasant book of travel. . . . 
 Mr. Thomson is not a literary artist, so that the ciuideusji- 
 tion and classifyiiiK which his materials needed have not 
 been sulHciently done. . . . He went on his travels as a 
 photographer. . . . Ifsoiuewhiit hindered in these ways 
 from iiriiducing a b(K)k of high value, Mr. Thi)mson has 
 given ample compensation in the pictures with which his 
 books are most IjeautifiiUy illustrated ."—.Sj)cr/a(or, xlviii. 
 tive of the ! 
 Mount Konii 
 Lon,, 1885, 8vo ; :td ed, same year, 
 "His travels were an undoubted success; and hisile- 
 scriptions . . . will no doubt give an additional iucentivo 
 to that spirit of geographical research which is one of tlie 
 slrikiiiK characteristics of our age."— .S(|^ ltd., llx. 4h:i. 
 "To Mr. Thom.son . . . belungs the credit of having first 
 crossed the wbole of Masai Land, from the fuotof Kill- 
 Knvlromlo. on the shores of the Victoria 
 s Journey caniiol rank with the far 
 more extensive explorations of a Livingstone or a Stanley, 
 '■ it is vet one of the most remarkable. Iniilful, and during 
 whicli an .Vfrican ex|iliirer of onr own day could have 1111- 
 j dertaken."— .I//1.. No. •J'.IOO. 
 I With Smith, Miss Habiiis, llu : an African Romance, 
 Lon., 1888, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 I Thomson, L. Modem Miracles: Manifestations 
 of (Joil's Love and Labour, Lon., 1888, 12mo. 
 Thomson, Ninian Hill, graduated at Balllol 
 College, Oxliinl, IS.i;); uiember of tlie Faculty of Advo- 
 cates, Edinburgh, 1855; called to the bar at the Middle 
 Temple 1877. 1. (Trans.) Discourses im the First Dec- 
 ade of Titus LiviuBj from the Italian of Niccoli^ Machi- 
 avelli, Lon., 1883, large cr. 8vo. 2. (Trans.) Tlio Prince ; 
 from the Dalian of Niccolii Machiavelli. By N. H. T. 
 Lon., sm. cr. Svo. 
 Thomson, S. Torquay, Past and Present : a 
 Sketch, Lon., 1877, cr. 8vo. 
 Thomson, S. I>. Treatise on the Liability of 
 Stockholders in Corporations, St. Louis, Mo., 1870, 8vo. 
 Thomson, W. Si/.ing of Cotton (iooda and Causes 
 and Prevention of .Mildew, Manchester, 1884, Svo. 
 Thomson, W. liiirns. Seed-Time in Kashmir: 
 u Memoir of William .Jackson Eimslie; 2d ed., Lon,, 
 1875, p, Svo; .Sd ed„ 1882. 
 Thomson, W. Stewart, M.A., F.S.Sc, F.R.U.S. 
 Complete Tot-linok fur All Public Examinations, Lon., 
 1880, 4to. 
 Thomson, William, M.D. 1, The Political Pur- 
 pose of the Renascence Drama. By Cermion. Mel- 
 bourne, 1878, 2. Bacon, not Shakespeare. By W, T. 
 Melbourne, 1881. H. The lierm Tlieory of Phthisis 
 verified and illustrated by the Increase of Phthisis in 
 Victoria, Melbourne, 1S82, Svo. 
 Thomson, Most Rev. William, Archbishop of 
 York, [mile, vol. iii., add.,] 1819-1890. 1. Materialistic 
 Theories: a Lecture, Lon., 1871, 12ino, 2. Word, Work, 
 and Will : Collected Papers, Lon., 1879, p. Svo. a. The 
 Synoptic Gospels; The Death of Christ; The Worth of 
 Life; Design in Nature; and other Essays, Lon., 1880, 
 cr. Svo. 4. An Outline of the Necessary Laws oi 
 Thought, Lon., 1881!. 
 Thomson, Sir William, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., 
 [(i)i(c, vol. iii., add.,] b. 1824. at Belfast, Ireland; son 
 of James Thomson, LL.D., (7. c, uiilr, vol. iii.;) 
 4. (Trans.) The Public and Private Life of Animals, 
 from the French. Illust. Lon., 187(1, cr. Svo. 5. 
 Through Cyprus with the Camera in the .Autumn of 
 1878. Illust. Lon., 1870. 2 vols. 4to 
 3. The Land and People of China, Lon., 1870, p. Svo, educated at Glasgow University, where hia father was 
 professor of mathematics, and graduated at St. Peter's 
 College, Cambridge, ISl.'i, of which he was elected 
 Fellow. In 1846 he became profcBSor of natunil phi- 
 losophy in the University of Glasgow. He has contrib- 
 Mr. Thomson has' not linly given us .some very aseful utcd many papers on subjects connected with niathemiiti 
 datii from personal observation, but a series of admirable 
 photoiirapnic views."— .S()CO/«/i)r, Hi. 154. 
 With S.MiTii. A., Street Life in London : with Photos 
 from Life, Lon., 1S77, 4to. 
 Thomson, John. A Descriptive Catalogue of the 
 Books forming the Library of Clarence H, Clark, Phila,, 
 1888, 2 vols. Svo. 100 copies printed for private distri- 
 Thomson, John E. H. The Upland Taj-n : a 
 Village Idyll, Edin., 1881, Svo. Anon. 
 Thomson, Rev. John Kadford. Life and Work 
 of Wiclif, Lon., 1884, 4to. 
 Thomson, Joseph, F.R.G.S., b. 1857. 1. To the 
 Central African Lakes and Back : the Narrative of the 
 Royal (ieographieal Society's East Central African Ex- 
 jicdition, 1878-80. Maps and Portraits. Lon., 1881, 2 
 vols. Svo. 
 " Mr. Tliomson trod new «nil almost from the moment 
 he set foot in Africa till his return to the hospitable Arab 
 roof which sheltered him at I'nyanyembo. '—Alh., No. 
 " No geographer can atliird t« neglect the information 
 which ho Is in a position to give, while the general reader 
 is sure to derive considerable amusement, together with 
 instruction, from the vivacious narrative in which the 
 author has related what befell him."— .dead., xx, 82, 
 cal physics to' the Proceedings of learned societies. I. 
 Papers on Electrostatics and Magnetism, Lon., 1S7:1, 
 Svo; 2il ed,, 18S4. 2. Tables for facilitating Sumnci's 
 Method at Sea, Lon., lS7(i, fol. 3. Elasticity, Lnn,, 
 1878, 4to. 4. Elasticity and Heat: Articles reprinted 
 from the " Enoyelopa;dia Britannica," Lon., 1880, 4io 
 5. Mathematical and Physical Papers oollcctcd from 
 Scientific Periodicals, Cambridge, 1882-84, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Thomson, William, [auic, vol. iii., tenth of tlic 
 name, add.] The Safe Landfall : consisting of flic 
 Shortest Possible Method of finding the Latitude at Sea, 
 Ac, Glasgow, 1S7S, Svo. 
 Thomson, William I>. The Christian Miracles 
 and the Conclusions of Science, (Hand- Books fur Bible- 
 Classes, Ac.,) Edin., 1888, p. Svo, 
 Thomson, William H. The Great Argument; 
 or, Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, N. York, 1884, 
 Thorburn, John, professor of obstetric mclicinc, 
 Manchester. A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of 
 Women. Illust. Lon., 188i, r. Svo. 
 Thorbnrn, S. S., of the Bengal civil service. 1. 
 Bannu; or. Our Afghdn Frontier, Lon., 1876, Svo. 2. 
 David Leslie: a Story of the Afghan Frontier, Lon,, 
 eiiD KuiniviK'e, 
 I Present : a 
 Oorse Bloom, and other 
 Saltan. ,L,^ru„"'.7HHV'"8t'''""'^-''"''"" '" ""> I p 'T'"";"'"". Be»"'ey. 
 A Guide to thei,,,;.; ,"\" '"," "■''"■'> iK.niiiiiMralcjr Him .■viiniuii.u 
 /iM ,' J'" ,'.''"■*:;*■ "'"' ^''^'isoetion, Liin., ISSI, p.Svo H 
 ( h;U Iii.lian t airy- Tales. Il|„„,. j,,,,,., , ^^^^ j,_ ^^„ / 
 p. Svu. 
 Thord<>ii, K. M., a Swodi.-h profc^-Kor of nolitioal 
 economy; 1,,.. published in K»sli.h an account' (ct 
 nan university |,f., onlilled •' tl,e August 81 ado 
 of German I niversities," Ipsala, ' ssi). 
 Thorell, T. 1. Euroncan Snid-rs p.ik r !•« i i ;;; '■.'."■' V'^n"' """""< '^'>v ; uni 
 1^70. Uo, 2. l)o-ripti!,n of'l^'; lu'ru'ro'iJn"^':^^^^ '• " 'i'- I'-iou" 
 North A(n,.„n Spiders, l,on., 1875, Uo. ' '"^ rende e^l' 1„ I' r ^'■"M'^ "'.'"'* "^ "'" ^■""'i' f-'^ly 
 c.:: j!:r"' •^■"''^'" < "--•' -^« •■«--. k..,.. | p^ ^s;". '^^I'^a'^-nii":^- i^:!? i^ei' ^ 
 feonga. Illust I-»n 187.., r. nv„. (. lluunted 1-ondou 
 W th Wa .Foi.„, EnwAur., Old and Xew London : a \ ir 
 raljve 01 .ta History, i,s People, and ita Place Iltu t 
 an, Muns. [,„„., |,s72-7S, (> vols, r 'vo ( Vo 8 i an I 
 n. I.y Tl>ornl.ury ; vols, iii.-vi. by WalfnM ) ' 
 Kenu'llllMMe! s, \t y '•i f \v I'ieh-'l!.''''' l" ,"'r """"• "^'^' 
 origlnals."-..lca,/ XV. ■'7y '"" """!'"-' 
 lady''b*'?s"'':u''ToI;'"*;"''n" "'" l'^«'-'"»y"« of a 
 I'k., ; "' ^'"''-■'"'Ke, Ilert-s; spent her early life 
 at I'lyn.outh, where her father, a Congregational n. in 
 ter, wa,, professor of theology in an Llt,:7:LZ. 
 ili.n. Illus,.'un!:i^ri2,n;,.''V'^;^b"Ga'"'t:' 
 7'' ;r;',."^'' '"""■ *• '" ''""''0" Kield.s u StorJ 
 of a Chdd'a Life, I.„„., i.sst, svo. ,^. .V Man o7 
 8SR n ? ; '',:' ''''«"l"i, ("SunHowor" Scr.,) Lon 
 7i',tl. M -T r Worcester Jug; or, John (Iritlin's 
 I'lttle Maul, I,on., SH.s. cr Svo li Ti.„ \r ' '".. 
 Glen Clunie, Ion., 1888, p. Svo ^'"' *'"°''' "' 
 AlnLbetie.;ilv a" ""' '" "'" ^"^■'™"^ "f London, 
 K^rvT wnL. v-'l,""'''^ eontnining an Aceount of 
 f.vcry town and Xillagf, and of All Pluees of Interest 
 "^'rlVioK^s::'''^'^'"^ *•"- -»nj ^o.:5oi':t^;;:; 
 potent, and wliieli will n;,,., on??, i''l'J"'-i' Inmself eom 
 lleeor''h,fl',lim!?/. •, ;.tt''i"-Vi'gliK'dng attack (,n tli.^ prac- 
 i<i)n., l>*n(,p, Svo. ■' 
 Thornton, Elmond Garth- For Uvo and 
 l)nty : a Kou.anee of the Peerage, Lon., mi, 2 vols. er. 
 12,1''"'"'""' •■'• "''"■'' *■"' ^''"' ■■ ^o"""' I'""- I«S3, 
 in ft 1 nblic House, I,on., 1885, bo. IBmo. 
 I hornton, Itev. Francis Vansittart. M A 
 graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge 18";„rdaned 
 eano,^ „7t"' "' .^''"'"B'"". Cornwall.' 1S64:86 , Ion 
 eanon ol Truro s.noe 1882. 1. Confirmation and tho 
 I reparation lor it. Lon., 1871), cr. 8vo. 2. Three S.r 
 ^i^.ZuZ::' ''"''""''• ^"■'•' •««'' "■ «- Ai^o. 
 raler"'?","' ^^^''T "' T^"" Modern Stenog- 
 r::|;.;v:N.''vo^C'i'8':^MC" -' ^'^^'-^'-^ ^''•"•"'«- 
 T'hf»i'"""f"' •'"''"' "f """on. Eng. Elementary, l?8sl';,^8r '''""''"'^"'"' •" thesludyof y^l 
 Thornton, Leslie Melville, M.A., graduated at 
 n|ver.s„y College, O.xford, 1880 ,' eonneet^edwUh the 
 ho n'.: i^s'i;;' :r rs::- '""' ""' "^ «•«=■-"" ■■ -^ d™-: 
 N.'V:ri8""'8™: *'"'=''"•"•"«• »' ^"y= " Novel. 
 ofTIl^i'""',""!.*'^''*"'' ^- '• The Reeovered Thread 
 of tngland'8 Foreign Policy; an Appeal, Lon., 18>"s 
 toT8..f.-L':n'.:'f^8?!srrrorH:o'^ ^''"'^''''"•' ^^"'--^ 
 Svf' "/'tk' S°'""'' """^ "' Surroundings, Lon., 1885. 
 8 0. 4. Ihe Brunswick Accession, Lon., 1887, 8vo. 2d 
 ed.»me year. (Based on the inedited'" Hanover'Pa- 
 raL1ci?mvle,'l,V,w°f ,?'■'*""'' importance towards an accu- 
 J,",^,>.".?.".,r.'KS,of ."!<-' I-'?"','',', over which there stUl hangs 
 See OiiAv, Miss 
 "Thorne, Kate," (P.,cud 
 l.OnSA M., «l(/;,.„. 
 1m".I!'"'"";™'''' ^^"""^-^ S«eS.«,Tn, Mns. Mauv 
 K,™"^-^;.:,^''''^'''''' ('■-"■) See W„,xK..s-o, 
 in 'n!!l'"^v.' '**'*'.">'" J'enry. Modern Idols: Studies 
 in Biography and Criticism, Phila., 1886, lOmo. 
 ^'^i^i^^^l^i^J^^^^ 2""'i?''l^^"" «'• Ambrose: hia Lit. 
 Thornton, W. wi l. The Universal Oyclona;dia 
 m^Zo "i'\„APP-<''- of Forms, Northpifrt'k'Y.t 
 tio.^'l'nd'an^poHs'lTmr^r"' Construetion^nd Cita-' 
 1 hornton, Willia n i>ni;in mpp« i_. 
 «eon ,0 the Hospital for'DiS'of^i^^^^i^J^it 7n 
 [IT^::'ZV'T'"/ '" ?•"""'"' '» Di^eas; if the 
 Laonx and Trachea, Lon., 1876, Svo. 
 Thornton, William Thnmna on r . 
 iii luld 1 I8!'5 loan '"""nag, t.B., [ante, vol. 
 p.'^ r„ !'•■' r'-^-'^'S"- was a clerk in the service of the 
 tt i,ve'rnnr'r?^.'5?''-'*'' ■""» "" '>>« transference of 
 the government of India to the Crown became secretarv 
 for public works in tho India Office, a post which he held 
 ■■' I'll 
 I i 
 till Ills (Ipnih. I. OM-I-'iiKliiciiRMl Ktliii-s ami Ciimmon- ' 
 Sense Meluphjcirs, Lnn., Is7:i, s\u. 2. Indiiin I'ublii' 
 Wcirks fiixi ('o(!iiatt' Imliiin Topics, l.oii., 1S7.'>, p, Kvu. j 
 " All iTiNinicllvf IrriiilM', i'iiiii|iiiM'cl liy iiiu' wlm ciTlalnly ^ 
 unil<'i«lanc|> ibc Mihji'cl as IVw laii prcli'Mcl m iiiulrrslaihl 
 11, 1'illuT ill liiilhl or Kiinliiiiil.'-N/xidi^.i'. xlvlll. liiti."i. 
 :i. (Tnin^.) Wm-d I'lir Wuril Iimiii llcinicu: tliB Oik'H I 
 Literally ViTnilieil, hoii.. ISTH, rr. Svo. j 
 Thorolil, Itt. Iti'v. AntliDiiy WiUon, D.D., 
 [Miifr, viil. iii., ailil.,1 I). IS25, at ll<jii);hiiui, LiiK'nlnHhire : 
 ({railiiiiti'il at l^ii'on'n Oollc^e. Oxl.ird, IM7; unlaiiieil { 
 LSI',); rei'liir uf .><t. liiles in the Kirlds. I.iinilun, ISST- 
 tl8: vicar and riiriil dean "f St. I'aiicra- IsiilP 77| l!isli(i|i 
 of Uiii.'liei'ter 1S77: IranHliitcil !■! the see (d' Winelie.iter 
 IMIII. 1, I'liroehial Mii<si.jn.-<, l.on., I>7:i, lllnini 'lew ' 
 Oil., ISS4. 2. The t)<is|iel of Clirist, I.iin., n*\. I'.;iiiii ; 
 new eil,, cnl,, Is"*:!. :t. I'lie Chiiin ut' I'liriHl on the 
 Young, Lcin.. ISS2, p. Svii. 4. The Yuku of Christ, 
 1,011., is,s;i, er. Hvo, 
 Thorold, Fhircnoe. The .«tory of a Y'car told 
 in Koiir Sea-ims, I, on., iss;), l2iiio. 
 Tli<iro\VK<><Ml< John i'hiirleH, .M.I)., F.U.CP., 
 [oiifc, vol. iii., 'riioiioHiiooii, llii., add.,] hite leeturer on 
 patholo};ical cliuuiislry ftt Si. Thoiiui^'s Hospital. I. On 
 Oonsuinptioii and itii Treatment bv the llypophosphites ; 
 2d ed„ l.on., IHtIS, 8vo : lid ed., IS8II. 2. The Student's 
 Ouido to Materia .Me.lica and Thera) ities in Aeeord- 
 nni'o with the Uritisli l'harmaeo|iieia, I, on., IS74, I'.'iiio; | 
 2d cd., ISS2. :i. (In liioncliiiil Asthma: its History,' 
 Nature, .tc, ( Lettsomian l.i'ctiiies,) l,i>n., IS79, 8voj 2d 
 ed., 1.S85. 4. Aids l,i Diagnosis: I'art II.. "hyslcar 
 Diagnosis, l.on., ISSI, 12iiu). j 
 Thorp, 111 Ca-limero Misgovernnient : I'robloms 
 for Students: with I'ret'aoe liy I'rof. lloseoo, Lcin., IS7II, ] 
 Thorp, W. II. Architect's Sketch-Book at Home 
 and Abroad, l.on., |s^l, 4to. 
 "Thorpe, Kainpn," (Pseud.) See Bellamv, 
 Mils. K. W., «"/w.,. 
 Thorpe, ,.>IrM. .Mary. I, (Tran.s.) Letters from 
 Italy, by Kinile ile Laveleye, Lon., 1S84, l?mo. 2 
 King Frost: the Womlera of Snow and lee, Loi., I8S,5, 
 121110. .'!. ^Tl•alls.) Tlio Social Results of Karly Chris- 
 tianity, by C. Schmidt, Lon., I^S.^, p. Svo ; 2d cd., 18H.S. 
 4. (Trans.) The lialkan Peninsula, by Kmilo de Lave- 
 leye: with a Letter from W. E. Gladstone, Lon., ls,S7, 
 Thorpe, Percy. History of Japan, Lon., 1885, 
 p. 8vo, 
 Thorpe, .Mrs. Rose Iliirtwick, b. 1850, at Mish- 
 awaka, Iiid.; iiiarrieil to Edmund C. Thorpe 1871. I. 
 Fred's Dark Days, Chic, 1881, 12mo. 2. (Ed.) The 
 Yule- Log : a Cluster of Christmas Selections for lloliilay 
 Times, Chic, ISSl, 12nio. li. Curfew must not King 
 To-Night, liluat. Bost., IS.s;!, sq. 12mo. 4. The Fenton 
 Family, Pliila., ISSI. 5. Nina Uruee. I.SSU. ti. Tem- 
 perance Poems, Pentwatcr, Mich., IS87. 7. Kinging 
 Ballads, Uost., ISS7. 8. The Chester Girls, Phila., 1.HS8, 
 12ino. 9. The Year's Best Days, lor Boys and Girls. 
 Illusl. Best., isss, lOmo. 
 Thorpe, Thomas Edward, Ph.D., F.R.S., b. 
 1845, at llarpurhey, near Manchester, Eiig., and edu- 
 cated at Owens College, Manchester, and at the univer- 
 sities of Bonn and Heidelberg; became professor of 
 chemistry in Anderson's College, Glasgow, 187(1; pro- 
 fessor of chemistry in the Yorkshire College at Leeds 
 Is74, and professor of chemistry at the Normal Sobool 
 of Science ,nd Uoyal School of .Mines, South Kensing- 
 ton, 1885. Ho has contributed largely to the Philosoph- 
 ical Transactions, to the Proceedings of the Uoyal So- 
 ciety, and to scientific journals. I. Chemical Problems 
 for Students: with Preface by Professor Roscoe, Lon., 
 1870, 18mo. 2. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Lon., 
 187;!, 12mo. 3, Inorganic Chemistry: vol. i., .Nim- 
 Metals; vol. ii., Metal.s, Lon., 1874-77, l2mo. 4. (Ed.) 
 Coal : it.s History and I'scs. By Professors Green, Miall, 
 Thorpe, Kucker, and Marshall, of the Yorkshire College. 
 Lon., IS""*. (Consists of loc'ures delivered to public 
 audiences at Leeds and Keighley.) 
 "These lectures I'urnish models of jxipular exposition." 
 —Sfit. lla\, xlvii. !.•>■> 
 With .Mini, M. M. P.. Qualitative Chemical Analysis, 
 Lon., 1874, I2mo. 
 Tlioyts, Rev. Ernest, M.A., graduated at Oriel 
 College, O.xford, l^74: ordained 1875: priest in charge 
 of St. Andrew's Church, Tain, since 1884. Four Medi- 
 tations on the Passion of Our Lord, O.xf., 1879. 
 Thrall, Homer S. I. History of .Melh.idism in 
 Toxa-, ll')iistoii, Te.x., 1874, 1211IO. 2. .Mission Work, 
 Nashville, Tenii., 1874, l2iiio. ;i. Pictorial History of 
 Texas. Illiist. St. Louis, |M79, 8vo, 
 Threllall, Jeannette. Sunshine and Shadow: 
 Poems, l.on., \^T2, p. 8vo; new ed., I8.s|. 
 Tliresli, .1. ('. Physics, Experimental and .Math- 
 eiiiaticiil, I... 11.. I^"*!!. l2n'io. 
 ThriiiK, Rev. Edward, ['mtr, vol. Hi., add.,] 1821 
 -1SS7, graduiii^d al King's College, Camhridge, 1811, 
 and elected F-'low; ordained I8II1 j head-iiiaster of I'p- 
 pinghaiii School from \s.,:',. For biog., see Skiiink, J. 
 H., •ii/ii-o. I. 'I'houghls on Life Science. By Benja- 
 min Place, [pseud.] Lon., iNtlH, 8vo ; 2il cd., 1871. 2. 
 The Elements of (Iramniar, taught in llnglish, Lon., 
 I88II, p. svo; now ed., |N85. :i. Bortli Lyric^s, I'pping- 
 liaiii, 1881. I. The 'I'heory and Practice of Teaching, 
 Cambridge, 188.1, p. 8vo ; new ed., 188,"). 
 "The most iiotii(ih> feature uf the book Is the I'lnphnsls 
 with which the author eiit'orces and illustrates the fiiiida- 
 iiicutal ditl'ereiice lietweeii leaching and lialiiliig."— J. G. 
 Kin 11 : .li'(ii(., .xxlv. ili'iii. 
 .', Sermons preached in llppingham School. Second 
 Series. Cambridge. Issrt, p. Svo. «. Songs of Upping- 
 ham School, l.on. 7. Addresses, Lon., 1887, l2mo. s. 
 Poems and Tiaiislations, Lon., 1887, 12ino. 9. Upping- 
 ham School Songs and Bortli Lyrics, Lon., 1887, 12nio. 
 ThriiiK, Rev. (i<>dlrcy,'[<i"/c, vol. iii., add.] I. 
 ilynins. Congregational and Others, Lon., ISIiti, l2iiio. 
 2. Hvmns and Sacred Lyrics, Lon., 1874, 12ino. ;i. A 
 Church of England llymn-liook; 2il ed., Lon,, 1882. 
 Thrin^, Sir Henry, Ilnron Thriiiit, K.C.B., 
 M.A., [iiiili; vol. iii., add.,] b, 1818; graduated at Mag- 
 dalene College, Cambridge ; called to tlio bar at the In- 
 ner Temple 184,'); counsel to the Home dflico l8ll(l-(!8: 
 parliamentary counsel I8(l8-8(i; raised to the peerage 
 1888. Practical Legislation; or, The Composition and 
 Language of Acts of Parliament, Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 Thrivier, C. L. How I canie out from Home: an 
 Autobiography, Lon., IS'll, 12mo. 
 Throop, (leiirgc II. Lyndc Weiss: an Autobiog- 
 raphy. Illust. Phila., 187.1, 12mc 
 Throop, Montgomery Hunt, [oa/c, vol. iii., 
 add.,] educated at Geneva, Switzerland, Naples, and 
 Ilobart College; admitted to the bar of New York 1848 ; 
 \,a8 chairman of the commission for (ireparing the New 
 Y'ork code of civil procedure; since 1878 he has devoted 
 himself to legal authorship. 1. Treiitiseon the Validity 
 of Verbal Agreements as affected by the Legislative En- 
 actments iu England and the United States, Albany, 
 18711, Svo. 2. The Code of Ucnicdial Justice, Albany, 
 1876, Svo. :i. New Y'ork Justices' Manual, Albany, 18811, 
 8vo;Sthed. 1887. 4. The Constitution of the United 
 States and tne Constitution of New York, N. York, 188:t, 
 Svo. 5. 'i'he Code of Civil Procedure of the State of 
 New Yoik : with Notes, Albany, 1887, Svo. 6. Digest 
 of the Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court of Mas- 
 sachusetts, 1887. 
 Thropp, J. Rei)airs to Roads: Suggestions to Sur- 
 veyors of Highways, Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 Thriipp, Adelaide. History of Lorraine ami 
 Alsace, Lon., 1870, 12mo. 
 Thrupp, F. The Angelic Nature: an Essay, Lon., 
 1879, .sij. IBmo. 
 Thrupp, George A. The History of Coaches, 
 (Society of Arts' Lectures.) Illust. Lon., 1877, Svo. 
 With F.titn, William, Coach-Trimming. Illust. Lon., 
 or. 8vo. 
 Thubron, R. Dock and Port Charges of the United 
 Kingdom: with Maps, Lon., 1877, Svo. 
 Thndichiim, John Louis William, M.D., 
 F.U.C.P., [iiiilf, vol. iii., add.,] late lecturer on patho- 
 logical chemistry at St. Thomas's Hospital. 1. On some 
 New Methods of treating Diseases of the Cavity of the 
 Nose, iiaiticularly Polypus and Oza'na, Lon., 18(18, Svo; 
 4th ed.. 1881. 2. (Ed.) Annals of Chemical Medicine: 
 ! including the Application of Chemistry to Physiology, 
 Pathology, Therapeutics, Pharmacy, Toxicology, and 
 Hygiene, Lon,, 1879, 2 vols. Svo. ;i. Aids to Physio 
 logical Chemistry, Lon., 1884, 12ino. 4. Aids to P'lbli. 
 Health, Lon., 1S84, 12mo. 5. The Chemical Constitu- 
 tion ..f the Briiin, l.on., 1S8I, Svo. With Dii'iif. .V- 
 (II ST, Ph.D., Treatise on the Origin, Nature, and Varic 
 ties of Wine: being a Complete Manual of Viticulture 
 and (Knology. Illust. Lon., 1871, Svo. 
 Thuillier, Cien. Sir Henry Edward Landor. 
 K.A., C.S.I., F.K.S., b. ISlli; surveyor-general of Indi:i 
 and superintendent of topographical surveys 181)1-78; 
ami Sliivilow ; 
 till iinil .Mitth- 
 ; an Autobiog- 
 m Eeaay, Lon., 
 S8 u( tho United 
 KnKluTi.l un.l Iroland, Lon., 
 n Triigejy, 
 iliiirlow, T. J. ||ovi>ii I '. 
 ^rr^;^:::;-: - '--t-u;, -';-,:/:;! 
 ThiirNMcltl, Kiniiv 
 l>*f<l, 121110.«t„„, I W. (Tnin».) JIclc. 
 I>.^ I;. I.rill|,i,r/...r. l,ori.. 18711. ,,. .Myo 
 .-,"r::;^:::^'^:"-- :;';;'-'«"• «on.„,o«i.,, 035-„«ry to the Sunllwi" Y.|,f„Z .' Z 7',',,' '''"""f 
 Journals Selected and ArranirL hv li • . ' " '""' 
 iMich., 1882, 8vo. ^""ngL,! by llursell, Ann Arbor, 
 '* Thurston, Oliver." n>,<n.i,i I c t. 
 Thurston, Hobertllenrv.b imo „f n , 
 R.r.; graduated at liruw'/ r'fCi ''"'",■■'"'' ^'"'■'^ 
 of luecbanieal enKinoeri,„ ,.."„!.!■.',;.'.'',_';'.■'".• l'[".f?««or 
 nolugy I87I-S.',, „nd (....u,. uu-n .iirect,,,- „r , 
 of Construcrof. N WW '«?'i'"''"''r'''' ^'""•■"''l« i ""«'■ 
 , <'''''Hlvv;;i!:ii';;;r;:',':!;stiJi^'th "'"'^'v "i/-"''^ '""i 
 mirilines/'~rr/^,'^viVl. 'i * Hif »wl«l tliinkiTs id' 
 I Thynnt', iliirrii-t iriincPH. ,i \^si . i i. 
 isri :r'vor/""s"v"'-.. '•.;!-'"" 1'"'""^'^ »-VoveM„.n., 
 i.on.:isir,'".'.';,:.V°;.,;„'"^ ""-••""-•■ •"^'-'. 
 •rim.e'n;!'''' '??.""" "• '^''"'.^ ■^'i""l<o^ Mended • 
 I .e Ihou.^and Co,Te,.ti„n, in .-^neakin... .Ic the ^^,i 
 l>S?"! Irtm,' <'""Sres8>onaI (iovernn.ent. Wash., 
 neeri,gatstv;;n;-^„:ti;;;„!;f'S: v^^!^^i^^:"^!::'l^,^\P- ^••^f-''; •^""'•. ->ior 
 |J sua.,, then director of the Sibl.y N'ervouH Syst, i ! ■ „ ' """I" '.'I. '"• 1»>'<'«>""< of the 
 niveraitv „n,i ..,..r, .. ■■•.'""> | . ,,„ ' , ' f°' '"' ' "™ly8ii!, and Kpileiisy, I^ondon 1 
 lland-Uook of M„,,i,.„| „„,, ^,,^^.J^ Ele'lri^ity; 
 of Conatruoi ^on, N. York I S7.( s,-,, " •! i 
 ;)ro»th of the Steam.^L ne ' iLt N'" "T " "'" 
 Alloys and their '(l!„n8tituents,NYo;k'8v„ " r""" 
 and .Stee . N York s.„ n ,, . ' *"■ ''• Ii"on 
 •vo ;%7'-. "^ '■^"«i"^'"'"g. N. York J8st8fi ^*1':' 
 ■ncnts, Lon., ISSl ,, i'l'^ '"'' ^"^^-"'^'''sting Arrange-"rnfKs'8,f'f8',^; \ T^ T h'"""- -" ^^i" 
 111".^!. I-un.; isss. : ■""•fi,,,^; ^ ^'^"' "f I'^ll'' I'ooms, 
 irer:''En"fe''^!un; /"''," "' '''^h Cookery Ree- 
 ed., iss" ' "P'- *"•• I"v«r|)ool, 1883,; new 
 Lon., isr;;, 8vo; 2d e.l.. 
 cnl., 1877. 2. How to 
 ratn, and Methods ^.r A,:;:;i;^'^,.,ii^;;^i:^,^PP«- 
 A "trait T''^' '""^/V'*'' '""''^■» "f Treat„,e,^t: an 
 i :f w't""'' ^v""""'™' '^-■o-tratfons';' Tujl 
 'tb";' u.\ior(i, i>,ij I^ellow of Un vers tv foil..!,.. t«9» 
 0; eallcd to the bar at the Fnlier xtje f^l9 and 
 aftenjoird. became a Ito.nan Catholic priest The Inenr 
 ?s,'7, Tr°tr'' "" ''"■'"'"" '" "■" •'^-red-I.earl Lot 
 uli:^'^; Lo;,.'787r;.8vr '"'•''''''■= ''"«'™''' 
 .n.,''rHed ",^.'; 'yT-' ^""a, daughter of Samuel Eliot; 
 in.irr.ed IMJl, i,, („,org„ Ticknor, /„/•,•«. (Ed.) Life of 
 oriugt .Mas>., l.s, 1 8,0. Privately printed. 
 u.^'^'i"'"'' •* ""nnk ". Poems. Edited bv K M R 
 I ifT"i'*I',r' *'^"'P, [„»/,., vol. iii., add..] 1791-1871. 
 since 1886. 
 v.— 90 
 nt Andover Thcologicar.<icniinary"is7M 
 gregational Ch 
 1. American Colleges 
 pastor of 
 """"" '^'''-^--'s-s.:;".?"?;* i ;3s:s::iS;:™iSi?:=^^^ 
 •-: :^ 
 f(irm ft »iil>i.tHmliil n.Mlllmi l<> Hie I'""!''' '"i "»' "t'/'lf '•>»* 
 hnM< llw inrm.ilrH nf ,rol,t,»nii, uf, i.f MHcUlnl.iKli 
 .t ti...i .. ..!.>.... ■...rtiiii.M i<lfiN4> to the Lite <>i 
 -Siiloin. XXil. 
 ^ ____^^ __ 'IHI, HI .llHIKlllHPnil, 
 I'liiii' llii'V iViViy'liiiii u' |iiiin', mrliMp", cliin; In llir life V'f 
 Himllii'V ami Hie IHiiry (ircnilili Udbliwnii. • 
 "The ll"t (if nUiti'miii'Ti, ni' iiiitlinri, iiml cif piTi-iins ipI' 
 Kiii'litl Hiiil Inlfllerlniil illi-tlmilcjii, wlioiirr im'iitlnm'il In 
 Mr Tii'knorw JiiiiriNilHiiiiil IflUTi", wniil.l iiloiii' llll m'VciiiI 
 IMiim ..r Ills I k. l.lllle ace. lint !► kIviii IpV 1iI» lilnKni- 
 lihiTH (if lli>' pi'iwiiml iiiiiiHlleM wlilcli ^ iMii l.i liiivcsci'uri'il 
 hir hliii iinivci-Mil vyWvin aihl Kuml will, llh l.'llers mil- 
 liinnly illslpliiy K I hmim' himI kchpiI IWIiiik, I'IH Hicy eun 
 tiiiii ii'ilnii'i' p.r iilirilUaiiey which wiiiiM|peilia|>» mil liavv 
 (iiinlrllpiilcil tu hlsunlvcrMil ippp|piil»rllv. . . . hi every cup- 
 luil (if Kunpiie lif hud ic I mily ac(|iiafiitaiices IpiU Irlciiilx, i 
 hikI al iKPinu he KceiUN l.> liuve Known every cniliicnl (•"ii- 
 tcni|«prary. . . N.willve (pr re('e|.tlve (iimlllie* liiivi' ii ] 
 vuliio (>r llieir (iwii if Ihcy are cdiiiblncd w ilh liilelll«c cc, 
 kniiwle(l«e,an(lii(p»er( . . . Syihicv MiiUli s 
 Wiirlen ipr Macanlav's ni.indhajn.'H |ir(plial)ly pnidiiced iin 
 Mr TlckiKirH mind exactly Hie pr.Piper llilprc»^l(pn. ... 
 Of the llprlKlltlle^» and sipiindiicNi (.1 Ills imiral ainl ihpIiII- 
 eal liidKineiil.i hi» letters Cdiitaln ainiplc pniot. In tlic v- 
 rles cxtendln« (pver m.pre lliaii llHy years llicre 1^ 
 H slllv iKir u liiiiiKpripii.s seiitcme. and there Is scarcely an 
 (irluli'ial remark: yet the cplledhpii Is extremely Interest- 
 liiK as a rccppi-d (if liitercdiirse with cipiispiciKins and cele- 
 brated persiiiis,"— ,S(i/. A'li'., xlll. IT.s. 
 ■••fhe twii v.iliimcs arc, niiddiiht, l(in«, but th.y are so 
 full (if Interest that we hardly knnw whether aiiylhlni,' 
 emild have been s|iarcd. . . .On the wlmle, we are In- 
 ellneil in think that this Ih the very hcsi luidk (pf its class 
 that has ever cipinu (iver t(i lis from .Vmerica.' — .l(/i., Nn. 
 ""'■We lliid little stories ami remarks abniit hundreds (if 
 eelebrated pe(ppleln these Iwd IdiiK Vdliiims, but In liPin.iy 
 diie (bi we llnd that Mr. ■I'ickiKir really iiiiderstddd 
 the nature (if the persdii he wa.s ilescrlblii^, K(■^•ardl■( as 
 the experiences (if a clcar-slKhteil man. eiiddwcd wdtli a 
 niarvefldus faculty fiir wnrk. this bdnk pusse-ses an inter- 
 est (if itM (iWii; lull re«ar(U-d in any way as a llle, nr a.s 
 havlnt! any Inturesl bevdiid that which arisi-s Inim the 
 number iif celebrated pedple Mr. Tlckiiiir met, and with 
 many (if whdin he was Intimate,) the liodk Is a lailure. — 
 Sptrldliir, xlix. lliKI. 
 TidbnlU Utig.-tiKH. John Citldwell, l>. 1^2.^, 
 in Ohio Co., Va. ; gra.luated at tho I'.S. Military Auad- 
 ouiy 184S I served in the civil war, and was afterwards au- 
 iiorintendont of artillery instriictidii »t tho U.S. Artillery 
 School, Fortress Monroe, Va., till I.SSd, and commander 
 since ISSI). Manual of Heavy Artillery Service: pre- 
 pared lor tho Army and .Militia of the United States, 
 Wash., USSII, KiiiKi. 
 TitlbalU .Hiiry Luil|i;dou. Ilarhara's Vagaries, 
 N. York. IMHII, IL'nio. 
 Ti(l(l«iiian, I.. E. 1. In the Leafy .Month of 
 June: a Novel, Lon., ISSIl, p. Hvo. 2. Twins, Lon., 
 18>>. l^m(l. 
 TidniHll, Paul, (" .Mark Evans," pseud.) 1. The- 
 ology lor Children, Ldu., 1S72, S(|. lliuio; 2d ed., entitled 
 "The Story of Our Father's i.ove," 1873; Itli ed., 1S7S. 
 2. (Ireat Truths tor Children, in Questions and Answers, 
 Lon.. l.'<r;t, 8(1. Iilmo. :i. A Hook of Common I'rayor 
 and Worship for Family Use. Compiled by .Mark Kvans 
 from the Holy Scriptures. Lon., 1S76. 12iu(>; 2(i ed., 
 IHSII. 4. The Gospel of Home Life, Lon., 1H77, [i. .Svo. 
 5. Tho King's Story-13ook : I'art L, Stories by the Lake ; 
 Part IL, Storic's of the Journey, Lon., 18.S0-S1, 2 vols. 
 Tidmaii, Paul Frederick, CM. (J. 1. Hold and 
 Silver Money, Lon., \>^ni, l2ino. 2. Money and La- 
 bour: Address on tho Currency Quertion, Lon., 1H87, 
 p. »vo. 
 Tidy, Charles .'♦leymotJ, M.U., F.P.S., master of 
 surgery ; professor of surgery and of forensic medicine 
 and public health at tho Loudon Hospital ; medical offi- 
 cer of health for Islington ; late deputy medical officer 
 of health and public analyst for the city of London. 1. 
 Modern Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic, Lon., 1878, 
 8vo. 2. Reports on the Quantity and Quality of Lon- 
 don Water in 1M7H-7'J, Lon., IX?'.!-"^", 2 vols. 8vo. 3. 
 Legal Medicine, Lon. and Phihi., 1882 -SI, 2 vols. Hvo. 4. 
 Tho Tre:itinentof Sewage, X. York and Lon., ls,S7, 18mo. 
 With Woodman, W. Bathiihst, A Handy Book of Foren- 
 sic Medicine and Toxicology. Illust. Lon., 1877, 8vo. 
 Tidy, Charlotte Elizabeth. I. Nothing to 
 You: a Story for Maidens. Lon., 1887, 12mo. 2. The 
 Valley of Vision, i.ou., i.-(r..,p. Syo. 
 Tiedeman, Christopher G., professor in the 
 University of Missouri at Columbia. I. Elementary 
 Treatise on the American Law of Red I'mperty, St. 
 Louis, 188;i, 8vo. 2. A Treatise on the i. imitations of 
 Police Power in the United States considered from both 
 a Civil and Criminal Stand-Point, St. Louis, 1886, 8vo. 
 Tieil, llcv. .\nlonlo, I'h.O., M.R.A.S., ordained 
 I - the I'hureh of England INtlM; formerly chaplain at 
 (luniltiir, I'onstantiiiolile, Ac. : ciiralu of Holy Trinity, 
 .Milti,- ...xl tiravesenil, and lion, secretary to the Eiig. 
 li-h Egyi.lian Mi-si. m since |H;il. I. flio Levant In- 
 terpreter: II I'dligliil lllaliigue Hook, l.dll., 18711, r.'iiio. 
 2. Egyptian, Syrian, and North .Mrieaii Hand lb". k, 
 Lon., I8x;l. ISnid, ;i. .Maiiiml of ('(illnqiiial Arabic, 
 1.(111.! I^8,'i, r.' I. Neo-llelleiiic Manual: Vocabu- 
 lary,' Hialngue, .Vc, in English, Lon., I8s7, I'.'iiki. 
 'ricriiaii, .MrH. rraiiccs V„ ("Cbii.lian Held, 
 pseud.,) b. lit Salisbury, N.C. ; daUKliler (if Col. ('buries 
 F. Fisher; marriid to James .N. Tieniiin in 1^8S. I. 
 Valerie Aylmer, N. York, l^'7(l, 8v(i, 'J. Mabel Lee. N. 
 York, 1871, 8vo. 3. Mi.rb.n House, N. York, IH7I, 8vo. 
 i 4. Ebb Tide, N. York, 1872, 8v(.. .'i. Nina's Atoiio- 
 I inent, N. York, 18711, 8vd. II. Carmen's Inheritance, 
 \ Phila., I87;i. 7. A Daughter of lUdieinia, N. York, 
 ' I87:i. Hvo. 
 1 "The Hbiry Is well tdld ; . . . the eharaelers are some- 
 ' thlii« like real pecple ; . . . the pint Is lu.t a bad • ; and 
 tin' readers interest Is i cpt up Iriiin the beglnniiik' td tliu 
 end of the li(i(ik."-.V(i(io/i, xlx. in. 
 S. A (ienlle llelle, N. York, I87.'i, 8vo. «. Hearts and 
 Hands, N. York. 187.'), 8vo. 10. A Question of Honor, 
 \. York. 187.1, I2II10. II. Tho of the Sky, N. 
 York, 1875, 8vo. 12. After .M:'ny Days, N. York, 1877, 
 Svo. i;i. lionnv Kate. N.Y.irk 1878, 8vo. II. ASnin- 
 nier Idyl. N. York, 1878, Svo. LI. Hearts of Steel, N. 
 York, 1882, 12nio. Hi. Aniline: a Story, N. York, 1884, 
 Svo. 17. Udslyn's Fortune: a Novel, N.York, ISS.i, 
 12mo. IS. Miss Churchill: a Study, N. York, 18-;, 
 12I110. 1». A Child of Marv. N. York. 1888, V2m«. 2(i. 
 Philip's lieslitution: a Novel. N. York. ISSS, 12iuo. 
 Ticriiaii, Mrs. Mary I'., iSpt-ar,) d. isul. ut. 
 :>;,. 1. llomoselle, I" Uound Kubin" Ser.,) Host., 188|, 
 IfliiKi. Anon. 2. Suzetlc. I'.. Jack Horner. 
 Tietze, E. 1. (Trans.) Pathogenetic Outlines of 
 HomaMipathic Drugs, by C. Heinigke, Phila., Issn, Svo. 
 2. (Trans.) Scrofulous Affectidns, and the Advantage of 
 their Treatment by llomoBopathy, by II. Ooullon, Phila., 
 Titl'aiiy, Charles C. Modern Atheism, N. York, 
 1871. l8mo. 
 Tilt'any, Uev. I raiicis, graduated at Harvard 
 1817 I a Unitarian minister. Bird-Holts: Shots on tho 
 Wing. Host., 1882. 24mo. 
 Tiffany, Joel, [milv, vol. iii., ad 1.] Man and his 
 Destiny, according to the 'X'eachings of Philosophy mid 
 Kevelation. Host., 1S81. 12iU(i. 
 Tili'aiiy, O. II. Oems for the Fireside : Library in 
 Prose and Verse. Illust. Host., 18SI, Svo. 
 Titlill, W. P. Chronograph of How, Chelsea, an. I 
 Derby Porcelain Manulactures, Lon., 187.'), r. Svo. 
 Tighe, Ambrose, formerly tutor in Yale College. 
 Tho Development of the Koman Constitution, (History 
 Primers,) N. York. 188li. 2 lino. 
 Tildeil, liOuise W. Karl and (irctchen's Chri>t 
 mas: a Christmas Poem l'..r Children. Illust. ('in., 
 1878. sq. 12iuo. 
 Tilden, M. II. Hi'tory of Stephenson County, Il- 
 linois, Chic, 1S8(I, Svo. 
 Tildeu, Samuel Jones, 1S14-1SS8, b. at New 
 Lebanon, N.Y.; educatcl al the University of New 
 York, and admitted to tlio bar; was counsel in many 
 important eases ; elected governor of New York in 187 I. 
 and was tho Democratic candidate for the i'residency in 
 187(). The Writings and Speeches of Sm uel J. Tilden. 
 Edited by John Higelow. N. York, IS8 . 2 vols " 
 'Each Uocunieiit or speech ... Is iiitrodueed by .i 
 short note showing the circumstances which led to ii- 
 cdinixisliloii or deFlvery; and thus the piipers with 11..- 
 notes make a Uilerably eonnected hlstiiry of the lilc an. I 
 times of the siil)ject. 'I'hc enlleetidn will pniDab bee .■■ 
 more and more valuable as time goes on. —Aatiun, x:i 
 'filden, William Augustus, D.Sc, F.K.S., pi 
 fessor of ciieinistry in .Mason College, Hirnungh ■.. ; 
 professor of dental metallurgy in Queen's College, Iin - 
 mingham. 1. Introduction to the Study of Chciui..! 
 Philosophy, Lon., 187«, 12mo; fith ed., 1888. 2. I'rm 
 tical Chemistry : the Principles of Qualitative Analysi-, 
 l.oii.. i-r.t), !2in-, ; Ith c::., !-". :!. SobiWIity »f H..!:.-, 
 in Water at High Temperature, (Philosophical Trai.-- 
 actions,) Lon., 1884, 4to. 
 Tilden, William s. (Ed.) History of the Town 
 of Medlield, Massachu- tts, 1650-1858: with Hcncal..- 
 gics of Families, (tc. Illust. Bosl., 1887, 8vo. 
 Tildesley, James Carpenter. A History of 
 eiaui, N. Yiirk, 
 nson County, II- 
 PsnkriilKo, in tho Cmmtv i^ 
 ""r,"" ';n«ll»l' lll-lorv. tll,„i. ||,„(., |h7(i, 
 Mu-. 1. ,l>.) y«i.., II,,,.,,, ,,,„„„ ,; » ; 
 »...o_r ,., «,. in,„„ ., , ,,;,,., .,.,,„ ,v,^,, .,„;i.„, ,;„„ 
 In Zs . ,V'"-""\^"-«ll"'." *•••) :i. ( K.I.I Sun „ 
 n li„S,„.l , P,„.„„, |i„M., 1.S7(1-n:|, two ,orl..«, ls„,„. I 
 ••Im, a 'T,'",.'-","^ *''"■""•" ".vnins il,„t., (nth, 
 "o'^I^Clftlr '• "^''•' ^'"""i" ""r-i" ""Hud.; 
 I '"I""'','! ,>'"""• AhriiMiin, M.A., b. IS,',|, in 
 I."ii.l|.n ; l..ll„>, M„,| |„,,,r„r KinK'» i'uU.g,, Ciimbri l«„. 
 iliii'toiy I'.H^i.y, Ciiiiihri.l^,., I hh;,, ., mvm 
 tiixluiiil, Nrcvcn lliily."-,lo„/., xxvlll r'" '"•"""">■ 
 Tilley, William .lamcH. MilIlt,,' „f ||,„ situ- 
 u..M,,^or, H,„„u S„.r.t- „f unj l-ower, (ihl". 
 TilliliKiiilHt, Uilli,,,,, IIo|,ki„«,|,. |s,-,i. „™,i. 
 Nu«. (rmn«.l K|,„,„u„ „r A„,.i,.„,, .\I,.,|,„,,„|, „ j 
 dltloiiH, l)».t„ ISM. I2,n.); 2,1 U.I., |.S,S.| """'"" '"^- ' 
 '''»"'"'««•, J<>hii |.. AluLanm .Supremo Court U,- 
 imrl' yolg. x,v -Iv.x,., ,Mont«..UK.ry, iMS-.-s,, ;, v ok 
 BM). ,'<1'0. lll.4„, .SMKl'IIKrill, J. \V„ ,,i/,n, 
 TillOtHOIl, J„h„, ^„„,,, ,„| iii.; ,„„„„,, „f , 
 mum, llK.r. uinaionH. a,M.] I. Pal.Mino : i,/ |1 .u 
 felted „n,l .S,,cro,l .>,ory, l,o„., IS'I, Svo. 2. (ireut I> / 
 f:?!;;,'/::,;:.^;"^ ,to""" ^ '» cat. „it,. .^,u:« 
 TiNley, JWrH. M. J. i. U|,/an,l Down. Ml 
 .sjn.o., No Frow,,.. |,o„.. ,.sO, I. Svo. 2. At i o 
 Mo her'. k„.,o, I,o„., ins;), „„.,,(„. ;,. i,im„ Tu„,||"° 
 an. luH nuyini.t,... Iljust. I,,,,-,., |8sil r ,Svo 
 lilstoii, Kcv. Thomas, [,,„/,., 'vo'i. in' „,|,| , 
 «raauate,l at Trinity Hall, Cuubri.lKo. ISBl!; onlain.'. 
 s ' VT, "' •:''• ""^"^'1"^ Mi,l,llo II„„,1.,„. ,i",,e 
 1H7I, |). .Svo J Ihe KHurn from tho faptivily I.„„ 
 dula, anil other l>ouui8, l.on., IS7U p,,,,, "'J'- '■"" 
 Tilt, Kdwnrd John, .M.U.,M. !{.('. p., Knieht of 
 tho Crown of It.ilv. [.,„i,, vol iii ,,,|,| i „,;,,', . 
 of tho Ob»tet.iearsi.i,.,y'of L^mh-lltirUi,!^; :?;? aoeoueheur to (he Karrin«,lon Ueueral l.i.m'niarv 
 ami LyinK-In CImui.v. Iln.llh i„ [n.lia for liriti^h 
 Women, an.l on the Prevention of Disease in Tro ,i.., 
 Clmiales- 1th eil., Lon., |h7.-,, or. Hvo. ir"pi,.,i 
 Tiltoii, .Mrs. Caroline, wife of John Kolli,, jil. 
 ton, an Auieriean artist, ls:i:i-|s8S | (Tran- C „ 
 8tanlino|.le. by l;Mu,on,lo ,le An,iei,, Lon. a„,l N V,,' k" 
 \tun°- M^r""'' """"'"' ""J '<■' I'^I'i-^ from 
 tho Italian of Edmon.lo ,lo An.iei... Illu,t l,„ , „n 
 N. \ork, isso, Svo. 3. (Trans.) .Mon.eeo it Wl„ 
 and Plaee.s by EJmon.lo .le A«>i..H "i lust. l.ll 
 ami .\. York, 1S82, Svo. ». ,1V„„,., l,.„i,.| Cor.i a 
 fssr! i«u""' """"^ '^"'""'" '•""^"•'■Hro.N.York! 
 Tilton, Theodore, [„„,,, y„\. in ,,,|,n „,,, 
 connection with tho Now Y^rk r'„.le,a.„; '.It ; in," 
 n is, I, an. he e.stabli., ,e,l, and edit "for 
 two years, the Ool.len Aae. Sinee Ins:: o ha • ,le I 
 "1.™.. I. Sanetum .Sanet.,ru,n ; .,r, Pr,, ?-Shee,s l' m 
 an Kd„or-s Table. N. Y,.rk. IS7(., iL-m... 2 
 ?s"f V'Th""'"^"; -T- ^''f ' ''"'■ '-"'»•• "-eZ r^ , 1 
 ^ht .. « v"', ^' " ''•"'« "f """""1 Life: with 
 tx^r"7^^-]f''- "'"• '-'"»• ■•• •""«'>'«« St=rie« : 
 phiiV.:ii8.rH-vo.'"""' " "'" ''■""' ^■*'""''- """»: 
 tJIT^^I"' ^f ^'«'n««hn8 T., a native of Oreeoo, 
 nsidont in America. 1. The .Modern Oreek ; its Pro 
 ^unna,„„ ,^„ , K„|ation, to Aneient Greek: w,tl an 
 Appendix on the Rules of Accentuation, N. York, 1877 
 r Staffonl. Wolverhampton, | 12i„o. 2 A lli,torv of tlreoec. fron, ,h„ |.:,.r||„.i Tim.. 
 I" the I-rc-nl. Map, and Illuat. N. York, ISHI 3 
 voN. l2nio. ' * 
 '■It '"'"apiciilhiraiilnialloiiniMlillreclnexNWhkli nmli.. 
 » narrallv.; ii>MM.inni..nly ullracilve. , W , ,, ih? ,,, 
 thor ...iv..- 11,,. ||,.|,| „| „„;rall.,n l,e l» le.; l.-iV, , ti T « 
 ! :(. tlr,.,.e in the Tim.- of || or: a„ Account of tho 
 jilo, (.u-ton,., and Habit, of the (Jree^, .lurinif 
 I ou>..r.o Penu,! N. York, Inn,',, |fl,„„. ,. The.lrlKinal 
 .Mr. Jacob! : a Htartlinu Kxpo-*, N, York. IsHs, 2mo 
 Anon. ' ' '-•""• 
 I Timb«, John, F.,-^ A., [„„„, v,d. ill,, a,l.|.,] |n„i_ 
 1S7... I .\,h,.ys, (allies, an,l Anci,„, Hall- of Kng- 
 li.n. an.lWal,,: their LoKen.lary Lore „„,| P„„u|*p 
 INNt'f'voi:"- ""■ ' '"'"■ "• '"'■' "^^ '"''■• '""' 
 I " It In warcely a |„«,l( to I,,, coveleil by ||„. „„,ier of >i 
 - niry « roim In vmwiy hisiorl,., an.l LV ( , ,^n i 
 ewn,!s „l any ^i,,.,, |,|„,.,,. „, ,„ .,,,„|. |, . tn,l|„irv 
 ore ,, ,. i,elKl,l,,,„rl„„„l„l,.,.,, ,.„ ,„„^ .i,,',',:,, .If^.l^'lS 
 xxxi :u!. "'"'"I'l I'Mtortaliiinem un.l im,t\t."~sJi: Ji^", 
 2. Notabilia; or. Curious and Amufinii Facts about 
 Many h,„Ks. ,,,ltti„e,| „nd IHustrHle.l, I.„„„Vs 1°. 
 Svo. .1. ( „e Thousan.l Domesli,. Hints on !'„vi i,n' 
 Cookery, Ar., I.„„., |87l, l2„,o. 4. l'„,,ular Science ! 
 ■Siin. Moon Stars, Met..„s, ,le„ U„., S71. 12m. V 
 01 fait", .storn's, and Hinl^ I,„n., 1872, or Svo fi 
 < har,ic.eri5ti,.s of Kmin.nt M.n, l.,',n., 872, C' 7 
 Curio»,„.„ ,„ A„in,..l and Vege, e Life, Lon. 'iHri; 
 —-,:■,, :!ri^?5:^r2:i;'i::Jv;!"^^'''" """"•■' 
 ». The History of Clubi and Cluh-I.ife in I ondon . 
 I nnbll^/i^nee'ii;,,:^;^:':?;!^;''^!?;..!?;,:"''"" i\/^ii:!"7'"^ "' 
 ;i"i"l"'rl..sN ,l,.,„i|„ <:,,"'.ri, "1-11,0 iKi. aMi.o "uL^^'l 
 lav.Tiis w(,i,.|, „r« vahial.le illns|r,l,,ns .,r i.";'^''''''f 
 iJi"nr^".'i""' >"";,' •'""'^"•''i Of. Ancclotes of the Me.l 
 (»n Artificial Disinfection, I.on., 
 /•'' , >XXV. O.VJ. 
 riming, J. if. 
 In:n, ,svo. 
 TimniiuN, Samuel, [nm,-. vol. iii., „dd.l i He- 
 2 oni i'r"'""' •"•:'"' "'""'"»;'■"»■. i-on., sets 0. 
 i. Lord .'-|,.-„cer'« J.,b,ary : a .«ketch of a Visit to AI 
 li,,rp. ^..r,han,pton.hire, Birmingham, WO L„l' 
 r.ntc.l „r pnvate ci,e„lation. 3. (fd.) The .Sfree' ,?f 
 ,f'7l',""f.'"",'l '" '""; «'""« •'"'^'"■"es.lndOeeu a ,ion« 
 of the invelleis ,n ihe To»n One Hundred Year aZ 
 with an I.„ro.l,^,ion, l,irn,inghan,, 1SS«, Km.jJo "l' 
 torie'.-l'Ton'ls" """''''"'-■' <"^"P"'" "^''""'^ "'- 
 I...r"s"'.''|o,i:„ '"""'"■^ ■""''" » ^'''"'""" ""d Proet, 
 F^^ilrMliK!**:!:;^!:" <^-"''» ^- «""•- «-• 
 wor'^h"M';."'b,i*'"' '""'■'' "^8"^"' •>• "*■■'■'' «t Ell,. 
 Churci/in I'sfi- ^ f '""""'' '" "'" '*'"""' ^'"''""io 
 at W 1- . '■ "'■"■'' "' " """" '" " "lilitory hofpilal 
 tWa.hington during tho latter part of th,. eivil ? r' 
 rcsnled in It,,ly lS7:i-87. .She ha.s contributed short 
 .«t»r,e8, .ketehe., and serials to A„,„ri,.„n mal-ine, 
 I ;'"''?•; "'"' J'-"',»- •'''' -'•. -V. Vork, T87278v": 
 ih -''ft 
 ■■■ 111 
 1 Art; 
 V 'i 
 •"Slgnor MonnUllni's N'loce' is full of tlio cluirm of 
 Rome. Tlu' lUiUior fi'cls, ami eiiii reproiluce, tlu- loveli- 
 ness of form niiil color which iiiiiUcs it iiii cnchniiu-o i 
 pliice: itsKlowiiiB liK'lit. its sort air. its I'rv,'',"'*'-' "'"'f'T-ni',", 
 of llowcrs, the sleailliust licatity ol the lulls, tlie iiiliiiite 
 variety of tlie Ciuiiiiagiia, the power (jI lis architecture, 
 nnectiiiL' tlie mind almnst as the w. irk ol natural forces 
 the varied heaiityaml ahiiiiihince of ils luiiiilaiiis,-nll 
 these rise like visions before the readiT who cliaiiccs to ne 
 also a lover of Home. Not only tlie wondcrlul city hnt 
 its Mirrdiliidiniis are familiar to tliis writer: the writtiiiiK 
 olivi-trees, the stately neglected iMiil.liiiKs.the wideiairple , 
 dislMiice. the hill-sides steeped in varymu liKhl mid shadow , 
 are all used in the settiiiK" and hack),'round ol the stor.v < 
 Tlie mifc ai mriie beiiin so good, wliat are the aetois 
 . . We take it to he the writers inlentioii to protest against 
 the usual conveiilional restrictions on wonien s freedian 
 of action, hut die s'j/ ;»rii'( m,il. and almost all her eh.aijU- 
 ters turn out as her opponents minlu desire. . . •, ">- "\; 
 lleve, from internal evidsnee, that this hook is written h> 
 an .Vinericaii woman ; it is very clever, hut its atniosplieie 
 is ratlier what we expect in the work ot certain cle\>.r 
 Frenchmen,"— .Vii'/iji. , ,. , , ,., 
 •■It is throm-liont of nnc(nml merit, hut it alioiinds ii 
 admirable haiches. . . . Perhaps tlie best that can, be said 
 of itistliat it makes liackueyed scenes ami situations iii- 
 terestiuK, and that life. ab(ait which so niauyear - 
 loads of follv have been written, is jiresenteil lu it Willi 
 exceptional liveliness and lidelity."— s'ii(. AVi'., 1. 1^:!. 
 Ii, liv the Tiiicr., l,ssl, lOmo. 
 "It is utterly formless, . . . Nevertheless there is a good 
 deal of the power and much of the cleverness which 
 marked ' Sii?iior Monaldinis Sieee' in ' liy the liber, — 
 Ad/ioii, xxxii, 110. ,,,,,,-■ 
 •■ From the llrst to the last \tage the book is full of imagi- 
 native tire. . . . The pictures of society at Koine are bright 
 and humorous, the sketches of Italian scenerv vivid and 
 true, and there is a chapter clescribiug tlie tligbt ot Bruno 
 after the murder of Viltorio which shows that power ot 
 conceiving situations and seii-sations completely lOved 
 from pers(aial experience whicli is the severe st ot 
 the imaginative faculty."— Cosmo Monkhousl, Acad., 
 '"' It'eonflnes itself entirely to a narration of proceedings 
 in Home and llic neighbourhood ; are related in such 
 a manner as to convey a great impression of reality. — 
 UlieclulDi-, Iv. IGO. I 
 7. The Jewel iu the Lotos, Phila. and Lon., ISS:!, | 
 ]2mo. '• 
 "There is really good work in this book, better even 
 than the writer's'elcver tale, ' Signor Monaldinis; Niece, i 
 had led us to expect from her. The ngures ol the two 
 girls in whom the interest of the -story eeutre.s are bril- 
 liantly drawn, and represent with singular distincliicss , 
 two very diverse types of womanhood."— .'^yjtridfur, Ivil. j 
 "MlssTinckerisan idealist who in these days of realism j 
 Is not afraid to conceive according to the iiispiratiou ot | 
 herownpoetie genius. , . . The novel is Inllol beautiful ' 
 pictures, -/.itei-nr;/ World, xiv. 4.55. ' 
 S. Aurora. I'hila., 1S85, 12mo. ' 
 " It is unique among the novels daily turned out by the . 
 press in being full of the local color of a locality not too 
 fiimiliar, and in being a story without a purpose, ideal i 
 rather than realistic, aiming at little but being a renrodue- 
 tlon, at once faithful and picturesque, of lile under |iic- 
 tiirescpie conditions as it may still be lived and seen in 
 Itjdy and Spain."— 'ViVic, v. Hi. 
 y. Tw.i ('orimels, Host., 1.S89, 12nio. 
 Tindal, Henrietta E.,(Mrs. Acton Tindnl,^ from lilinkbonny 
 liiite, vol. iii., add.] Khyuies and Legonda; with a " ■■•'••■ 
 Prefatory Memoir, Lon., 1879, p. .'<vo. 
 Tindal I, llev. E. II. The Wesleyan Methodist 
 with Introduction on Art and Artists, Lon., ISSS, 
 p. 8vo. .1. Saint Margaret, Lon., 1SS8, p. Svo. 
 Tisdale, F. Ci. Inivcrsal Ahiman Rezon and 
 Freemason's .Monitor, N. York, 187(5, 12nio. 
 Tisdall, Uev. William St. flair, M. A., gradu- 
 ated at the University of New Zealand 1878 i ordiiincd 
 1882; principal of the Training College at Lahore IsSj- 
 s() ; missionary in charge (d' the Muliammailan Mission 
 at Bombay since ls87. A 8iiiiplilicd Punjabi Urammar 
 and Keailing-liook, Lon., 18S,s. p. 8vo. _ 
 TixNington, II. llob o'-Link Uallads, Lon., I.s81, 
 Titcomb, IU. llev. Jonathan Holt, D.D., ['.afe, 
 vol. iii., TnroHBK, Ukv. J. !1., add.,] 18111-1887, b. in 
 London ; graduated at St. Peter's College, Cambridge, 
 1841 ; ordained 1842; Bishop of linngoon, British liur- 
 luah, 1877-82; Bishop Coadjutor of the English Chureh 
 for Northern and Central Europe 1884-8ti; vicar of 
 St. Peter's, Broekley, I8S(i-87. I. Uevelation in Prog- 
 ress from Adam to Miilaclii : Bible Studies, Lon., 1871, 
 p. 8vo. 2. Churcli Lessons for Young Cliurchinen, Lon., 
 I87;i p. Svo. :i. Before the Cross: a Book'of Devout Illus- 
 trations, Lon., IS78, p. 8vo. 4. The Anglo-Isrncl Post- 
 Bag Lon., 1878, 121110. 5. British Burma and its Cliurch 
 Mission Work in 1878-79, Lon., 18S0, 8vo. 6. Short 
 ■ Chapters on Buddhism, Past and Present, Lon., 1883, 
 p. 8vo. 7. The Church of England in Northern and 
 Central Eurojic: a Pastoral, Urn., 188f), 8vo. 8. A Mes- 
 ' sage to the Church from the Nineteenth Century, Lon., 
 1887, SCI. Kimo. 9. Cautions for Doubters, Lon., cr. 8vo. 
 1(1. Personal Recollections of British Burma. lUust. 
 ; Lon., ><vo. 
 i Titcoinb, Sarah Elizabeth. Early Now Eng- 
 land People: Ellis, Pcmberton, Willard, Prescott, Tit- 
 comb, Sewall, Longfellow, and Allied Familes, Best., 
 ' 188;l, Svo. „ , 
 i Titteriugton, Mrs. S. B., ("Grace Graham, 
 cud.) 1. Mabel Livingstone; or, Cliristward led. 
 Illust. Best., 1872, lOmo. 2. Folded Hands : Poems 
 of Considation and Cheer, X. York, 1878, 16mo. 
 Titns, Mrs. Frances W. Narrative of Sojourner 
 Truth, drawn from her "Book of Life:" with Memorial 
 Chapter, Battle Creek, Mich., 1884. 
 'I'obey, J. F. Bhode Island Supremo Court Re- 
 ports, vols, ix., X., (1808-74.) Pub. by the State. 2 
 vols. 8vo. o u Ti- 
 Tobie, Edward Parsons. History of the tint 
 Maine Cavalry, 18()l-6o. Illust. Bost., 1887, 8vo. 
 Tobin, liev. F. L. Notes on " Progress and Pov- 
 N. York, 1888, Ifimo. 
 crty :" a Keply to Henry George. N. Y( 
 Tobin, John A., engineer I'.S.N. Improvements 
 Illust. Pub. by 
 tlas of England and Wales, Lon., 1870, fol. 
 Tiuling, Kcv. James F. II. 1. Early Roman 
 Catholic Missions to India. Lon., 1871, p. 8vo. 2. Hid- 
 den Lessons from the New Testament, Lon., 187(>, p. 
 8vo. :i. The Death of the Princess Alice, Lon., 1879, 
 12mo. 4. Fifteen Hundred Facts and Similes for Ser- 
 mons and Aildre.sses, Lou., er. 8vo. 
 Tinn6, John Ernest, M.A., graduated at I'mver- 
 sity College, Oxf,, lMi7. T'he Wonder- Laud of the An- 
 tip"odes, and other Sketclies of Travel in the North 
 Island of New Zealand. Illust. Lon., 1874, r. Svo. 
 Tinsley, liaura. 1. A Woman's Revenge, Lon., 
 188.'), 2 vols. cr. Svo. 2. Cousin Dick, Lon., 1885. ;i. 
 The Little Witness: a Tale, I,on., 1885, 12mo. 
 Tipple, S. A. 1. Echoes of Spoken Word.s, Lon., 
 1877, Svo. 2. Sunday M 
 and Sermon.s, Lon., I882,j), 8vo. 
 Tirard, Nestor Isidore t:harlcs, M.D , 
 F.H.C.P.. prnfcsBiir of materia medica and therapen- 
 tics in King's College, London. The I'reseriber's I'iiar- 
 niacopccia: containing All the Medicines in the British 
 Pharmacopoeia, arranged in Classes according to their 
 Actiim: fitb ed., Lon., issii, :)2mo. 
 Dante Gabriel Rossotti 
 in Naval Engineering in Great Britoin. 
 U.S. Gov't. Wash., 188:!, Svo. 
 Tobyn, A. M. A Woman at the Wheel, Lon., 1S7H, 
 3 vols, ]). Svo. . . 
 Tocqne, P. Newfoundland as it was, and as it is 
 in 1S77, Lon., 1878, cr. Svo. 
 Tod, John, (" .lohn Strathesk," pseud.) 1. Bits 
 ..jiu lilinkbonny; or. The Bell of the Manse: a Tale of 
 Scottish VillageLife ; 3d ed., Lon., 1 882, p. Svo ; new cd., 
 1884. 2. Little Bluebird, the Girl Missionary, Lon,, 
 1S83, Ifimo. 3. Miss Graham's ProtC'gC', Lon., 1884, sq. 
 16mo. 4. More Bits from Bliiikboiiuy, Lon., 1 884, p. 
 Svo. 5. "Come" and "Go:" Family Text-Book for 
 Every Day in the Year, Lon., 1887, Kimo. (1. Bits about 
 America, Lon., 1887, 12mo. 
 Todd, A. II. 1. The Circling Year, Ac: Poems, 
 Lon., 18SI), cr. 8vo. 2. The Homes, Haunts, and Battle- 
 Fields id' the Covenanters, Ediu., 1886, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Todd, Albert, lieutenant U.S.A., b. IS54, iu Rhode 
 Island. The Campiiigns of the Rebellion: with Map, 
 Manhattan, Kansas, 1884, Svo. 
 Todd, Alpheus, [(vHe, vol. iii., add.,] 1821-1884, 
 Parliamentary Uovernment in the British Colonics, Lon., 
 18811, Svo; 2d ed., 2 vols., vol. i., 1887. 
 tion of despatches and of Instructions 
 "Chielly a collect _-_. - , . . .„ 
 from the Colonial omcc, . , , The most IniporUiiit chapters 
 rnings at Norwood: Prayers are those in which be treats of (be fiuiclions ot the Gover- 
 nor, the sole counectiug link between the mother-eouiitry 
 and her offspring."— .4(/i.. .No. 274S. 
 Todd, Charles Ilnrr, b. 1849, at Redding, Conn. ; 
 aeonliibiilor to m,i;^.i/.in<s and newspapers. 1. ^^ 
 General History of the Burr Family in Amoriea, N 
 York, 1878. 2. A History of Redding, Connoctiout, 
 188(1. 3. liife and Letters of Joel Barlow, T,L.D., Pod. 
 Statesman. Philosopher : with Extracts from his Work.=, 
 N. York, 1880, Svo. 
 Tircbnck, William. 1. ...... v>- ;•,,"■ I .. .• . it ti i i r) .„ 
 his Work and Inllucuce, Lon,, 1882. 2. Great Minds in | and hitnerto Unpublished I oom 
 M\^sii.I'u7lw'~All :^::^1:;^'^'''' >-"' ■''^ ^as not ,l„ne • Isro-T-I. He o.„-lv aban,,„n 1 ., 
 •• The >^u,ry of the VU.i^'Ht v„„ ^•.., and d;.';,,,';',-";'^ "•^'"f^"^'' "'" l'^-";"™ "f """'i'^ine 
 Yo!-k^^''>*;""i'7 "f "'«' "'-'i'y ''I' -N'ow York. Illust \ ""J <i''vo(ed hin,.-.!! 
 ^'^!b."!^':}r""'- '• ^- redded in London. 1. LaurolU and ,„her IW^on 
 pa*, la.t he hn.s, ,ve or .",e,'", i''*' r''"''^' '■''.'"■ 
 T.:^";?''coK-c^f"S'i:i'f "-""-"- 
 of Youth, 'and olhor iC. Yon^^O^^;;"/"!!" Ar 
 , ^. "■''Mil. IIIO 
 to litcratine, an. I since isrit hns 
 :";;;r'i,.™;n:'u;";i;-,} 1 ' HS''^-!; a,v those h! ^1 ev'.h'd '>"'', ''7'''-'' ""'I 
 -, isiti „ i„, 
 ■•<liecliil(,r, liv. 21!i. 
 van ; or, The Sto,-, of a Swofd /'a Poe;;;; 'CZ li^iC^ ! 5" ^,^'r ^ii"«^. --' other Poen,,, Un,. ,ss,, ,.,.,„ 
 . 5. The l,.ue Iragedy oi Uien»,, Tribune ol' Kon'e, LoL j 
 hi Jnf ",' f.°'"" ^- . (■=•'■' •^»'>" Todd : the Story of i •'^'^-^ '2">''- "' ' "' '"•"""'^ "' ^'"""■•' '"'" 
 "ever l.eeii hiM siX^f, m , ' ""■ staKe liave evi.lenih 
 srerla '^,^«eMi «; ■ all;;?.;," Illl ^""'''l'' ''"'\ "' ""^ ^'"'^^ 
 .iveH,ani,^v\\,;iHu:s''vel're 1^^^^^ 
 Events in the Hi 'to vo^ I'- ^''.r'";','"'' "'"' 
 and Delaware l-enin^Lr Phlhl! 'li:;;;^ j!!,. ^ ^'"■•^'-" 
 Reasons for not co-o,,erating '"■;.•.- .^•: ■ ^"'.I't.''™' 
 li. Helena in Troas; [a drama,! Lon. I88fi IXmn 
 """' I'hila., |S7( 
 ^•omna, Jl. H. U'etures on Practical .'^urgery. 
 untouched.' "L.|;,,''.sy",,;5.'/"'>^^""» '"« l^een left alnnit 
 lefts in devisit.i "t ,»■ tr t eir ; , I'i 'V' •-' "IV''' !'"'•''■ 
 ixtcniling or recluci .1' „r,i,.J .'."I"'"' "'"' "'ill take to 
 nnUhem.^icswS'lltVe:;' l^s'^^hftf ,i;'"^r l"' "''^'"^'• 
 Iccled hv „,. or such work .Mr To ,1 t r I 1 i" "f^' 
 ^^^^""^ -luahie' jhau ":>^j\i^"^:,^^i^,ni^:^'; 
 . 3. The ConHict of Studie.'., and other Essays on Snh 
 jeet. ec.nnected with Education, I.on., is?) ?vo 
 the i'anil,ridK? syt e, wl ,. , r '"'l|'."-","'t P"i"ts of 
 own kLMvle.Tw,,,m,,iw,tn,''''-'''' ''''■'>■ "'"'"» '''« 
 liKhtene,; e.M)er c el, 1 ^' ^ ""fr"' '" '"' <-'"- 
 <iear.- includinL/'th; " V , i"'""" ^'?""''''' E-'span.ion 
 J^^r^ v,;irirvf--\F" -^^ 
 <iear'eJ Ste.un Engine ?V '- '^" ""'' '"i'^'^n-Valve' 
 l-on.,,e.xt4to;\ulaS'oT;iatV'T''''"""' '" ""^ '"'">"' 
 l.-<82,- vicar of Vvhitvi.k^"'' . r'' '"'i "'^""'eJ 
 , Lenten s;;";.;! 0. r s "'".''^T "'s',""™ J 'i-'*- ' " 
 i Ark, in a Cour..e'of I'i'g , Lt^J'o^f'T.-f.f'''^'' 
 ■'Theliiilk (if the irtf,.i ■ l'">ate circulation. 
 4. William Whewell IM) M„ , f... ■ • "Ppeaie.l in the •Fointhi ''p.' '''■"""''''■'« '"'' ^"^ 
 Nketehcs."-.iV,^/ xxvii .1'. *•*'' ' ' ' '"''^^ thebioKraphicai 
 cambHd«:;'-r Zt !^^iL ^ hI;;:,;:^ .^;i;^i^""r«' 
 ^eafle.l VcachO^le in*^ ' , , "^ '"'V-;-! '"''"■..^'-yeci 
 •«ea[led-^cad;ide in any naturaUe^^^e;'-::^,;;:^?;!;^^;;' 
 '•■^^^rlI•!^^!y'^tXi;J^^^!:fh'^;" r™"«'^' ">^ '""'^^""^ 
 lir. Wlieweir., I K -t' with 11 n P""'''''!^' """"jsls of 
 Ironi his l.'tlers, Ive LK IJ, ,^ i,"' ■', ','.''' I"-* «'lectiu„ 
 "'■ a Mt^niariy treA.^aS,;;-^;;;;; '^ij^^in.x;!'^" '^'"'"'^ 
 :!:r'?"Li!'l""'«.,»"'v„e, ("M. E 
 J I -, 
 Tolmer« Alexander, b. in London ; served in the ' 
 English euvuliy ; went to Adelaide in 18J0, und wus 
 tul)-in?|iector, iind ul'tenvards coniiuissioner, -f police, in 
 Soutli Austriiliu. Ki'miniscenues of iin Adventurous | 
 and Chcqueri'd Career at Home and at the Antipodes, j 
 Lon., issn, 2 vols. n. 8vo. 
 " An amnsinit book."— .IcfK?., xxiv. 142. 
 Tolinie, >V. Fraser, and Dawson, George 
 Mercer. Comiianitive Vocal)ularie8 of the Indian 
 Tribes of IJritisli Columbia, (Canada (ieological and 
 Natural Ili^ory Survey,! Montreal, 1,SS4, Svo. 
 Tomastson, Beatrice, and Wiistenburg, 
 C'aecilie. (Trans.) The Chimes of Erfurt: a Tale, 
 Lon., ISS5, p. ,><vo. 
 TomasNun, W. H. With the Irregulars in the 
 Transvaal and Zululand. Lon., l^.Sl, er. Svo. ' 
 Tomes, Charles fSissniore, Jl.A., V.U.S., grad- 
 ualed at Christ Churidi, O.xlnrd, ISIill; licentiate in dental 
 surgery ; lecturer on anatomy and physiology at the Uen- ' 
 tal Hospital id' Lonilon. A Manual of Dental Anatomy, 
 Human and Conii>arative. lllust. Lon., IS7(), or, Svo; ^ 
 2ded.. IS!<2. 
 Tomes, Robert, M.D., [>iiiic, vol. iii., add.,] 1S17 ( 
 -L8S2. Mv Colle-'e Hays. N. York, KHHO, iL'ino. 
 "This is one of the bonks whieh prove the truth of (lie i 
 remark that aiUohiography is never dull. . . . Mr. Tumes's 
 collegiate e-Nperieiico was nut rennirkablc, apil liis nar- 
 rative of it gains no factiti.i\is aid from imaginative color. 
 . , . It a verisimilitude which . . . makes it very 
 agreeable and at limes amusing reading."— .Vu/ioii, xxxiii. 
 Tomkins, Mrs. D. Twilight Versos, Lon., 1886, 
 p. Mvo. 
 Tomkins, Kdwartl. 1. Machine Construction and 
 Drawing, Lon., IsTIi, 2 vols. 12mo. 2. I'rinciples of Ma- 
 chine Construction : vol. i., Lon., 187-*, text 12mo, plates 
 Tomkins, Frederick James, M.A., D.C.L., 
 [iinlf, vol. iii., ToMKl.vs, FiiKDBEir<K, add.,] b. 1814; 
 graduated at University College, London, 1847, and at 
 Heidelberg lS58j called to the Ijar at Lincoln's Inn 
 18t)2. The Institutes of the Houian Law. Part I. 
 Lon., lsr)7, r. 8vo, (This is erroneously entereil nmler 
 ToMKlxs, J , niife, vol. iii.) With .Iknkkkn, H. D., Com- 
 pendium of .Modern Roman Law, Lon., I87(», Svo. 
 Tomkins, Kev. Henry George, graduated at 
 Trinity College, Cambridge ; ordained L'sJ"; recto:- of 
 St. Paul's, Kxeter, 1866-88; vicar of IJransoombe 1868- 
 72. 1. Studies on the 'rimes of Abraham. lllust. 
 Lon., 1878-7!i, 4to. 2. The Life of Joseph : Illustrated 
 from Sources external to Holy Scripture, Lon., 1880. 
 Tomkins, Miss J. II. From Four to Fourteen, 
 lllust. N. York, LSTIi, llimo. 
 Tomkins, S. Discordant Notes, [verse,] Lon., 
 1878, sm. Svo. 
 Tomkins, Zitella E. Sister Lucetta, and other 
 I'oenis, Lon., I8S7, 12mo. 
 Tomkinson, E. M. 1. Benjamin Franklin, ("The 
 World's Workers,") Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 2. Sarah^ Kob- 
 inson, Agnes Weston, Mrs. Meredith, ("The World's 
 Workers,") Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 Tomlin, J. Scriptural and Historical Interpreta- 
 tion of the Uevclation, Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 
 Tomlin, John Hewitt. Papers on Sunday- 
 School Teaching, Lon., Isso, Svo. 
 Tomlinson, Charles, F.R.S., [aiiti, vol. iii., add.] 
 1. Winter in the Arctic Regions ami .Summer in the 
 Antarctic Regions, Lon., 1S72, p. Svo. 2. The Sonnet ; 
 its Origin, Structure, and Place in Poetry, Lon., IsTI, p. 
 "The greater part of Mr. Tomlinson's Ixiok is taken up 
 witli criticisms cui Petrarch, and his own views on transla- 
 ti(jii, aecnmpanied with specimens oi' Ills own work as a 
 tri.nshilur."— -K/i., No. 241)1). 
 ;). The Literary History of the Divine Comedy: In- 
 troducti.ry Lecture, (The liarlow Lectureship on Dante,) 
 Lon., 18711, Svo. 4. Simnets, Manchester, ISSl, scj. lHuio. 
 6. Kssays, Old and New, Lon., 1887, cr. Svo. 
 Tomlinson, Frederick Vhilip. The.Iudiciiture 
 Acts ami the Rules of the Supremo Court, 1883: with 
 Conci' e Notes. Edited by R. T. Reid. Lon., 1884, r. Svo. 
 Tomlinson, II. Artificial Incubation: Breeding 
 and Rearing of Pouiiry, Lon., ISHll, Svo. 
 Tomlinson, H. 1. Influence of Stress or Strain on 
 the Action of Physical Forces, (Philosophical Transac- 
 tions,) Lon., ISS.'t, 4to. 2. Coefficients of the Viscosity 
 of Air, (Philosophical Lon., 1887, 4io. 
 3. Stress and Strain and the Physical Properties of Mat- 
 ter, (Philosophical Transactions,) Lon., 1887, 4to. 
 Tomlinson, J. T. The"Legiii llisto:y"of Canon 
 Stubbs : being the Basis of the New Scheme of Ecclesias- 
 tical Courts, Lon., 1SS4, Svo. 
 Tomlinson, John, [ante, vol. iii., add.] 1. Ram- 
 bles Twenty Miles round Doncaster, Doncaster, n. d. 2. 
 The Level of Hatfield Chace and Parts Adjacent. lllust. 
 Doncaster, 1882. (The edition consisted of 2110 copies 
 in r. 4to and .'ill in er. fed., and the author engaged to 
 give the entire proceeds of the sale to the Doncaster In- 
 firmary provided all the copies were disposed of before 
 Jan. 1, 1883.) 
 " A voUirae which appeals to almost every class of anti- 
 quarian students."— ylcud., xxi. 24. 
 3. Doncaster from the Roman Occupation to the 
 Piosent Time. lllust. Doncaster, 1887, 4to. (This 
 volume deals with " secular items,'' and is to be followed 
 by one containing the church history of the town.) 
 " Tomlinson, Lizzie Joyce. 1. Alice do liurgh : 
 a Home Story for ({iris, Lon., 1874, p. Svo. 2. Fairy, 
 Lon., 1876, 12mo. 3. Mazie's Joy, Lon., 1877, l2nio. 
 4. Nellie, Lon., 1S78, 12nio. 5. Our Laddie, Lon., 1S8I1, 
 ISmo. 6. A Little Wild Flower; or, Rosy's Story, 
 Lon., 1882, 12nio. 
 Tomlinson, S. Principles of Agriculture, (Ele- 
 mentary Stage,) Lon., I88ii, 12mo. 
 Tomlinson, W. iiy-Ways of Manchester Life, 
 Manchester, 1 888. 
 Tomlinson, W. W. Comprehensive Guide to the 
 C(mnty of Northumbirhiud, l,on., 1888, cr. Svo. 
 Tomlinson, Waltei, M.A., grnduated at Christ 
 Church College, Oxford, 1873. The Art of Landscape 
 Painting in Oil-Colours, Lon., 1871, 12mo. 
 Tompkins, Uev. E. S. lie G. Through David's 
 Realm: a Book of Holy-Land Travel, lllust. Triiy, 
 j N. Y., 1888, 12uio. 
 Tompkins,^ Hamilton Ilnllock. Bibiiotheoa 
 JetVersoniana : a List of Books written by or relating to 
 Thomas Jefferson, N. York, 188.8, 8vo. Edition limited 
 to 350 copies. 
 Tonison, Graham R. 1. (Ed.) Border Ballads; 
 with liitroduetiim and Notes, ("Canterbury Poets,") 
 Lon., I 88, 21nio. 2. (Ed.) Ballads of the North Coun- 
 trio: with Introiluction and Notes, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 Tongne, Cornelias, ("Cecil," pseud.) 1. Records 
 j of the Chase and Memoirs of Celebrated SiHirtsmen, Lon., 
 i 18.')4; new eds., 1877, ISSO, l2mo. 2. llints on Agri- 
 1 culture, adapted to a Midland County, Lon., 1855, Svo. 
 ' 3. The Stud Farm : Hints on Breeding, for the Turf, 
 Chase, and Road, Lon., 1873. l2mo; new ed., 1S75. 
 Toogood, Mrs. Harriet, l<tiil<, vol. iii., 'Toocoon, 
 Mrs. J., add.] Poems and Ballads, Lon., 18711, p. Svo. 
 Toolcy, M.'s. Sarah A. Great Lives and Simple, 
 Lim., 1887, p. Svo. 
 Toombs, Samuel. New Jersey Troops in the 
 Gettysburg Ca:npaign, from Juno J to July 31, 1863. 
 lllust. Orange, N.J., 18sS, Svo. 
 Tootll, A. (Trans.) The Captivity of Hans Stiide 
 among the Wild Tribes of Eastern Brazil, (HakluytSoc, 
 , Lon., 1874, Svo. 
 ! Topley, William. The Geology of the Weald. 
 : Maps and lllust. Lon., 1S7.'>, Svo. 
 j Toppan, Robert Noxon, b. 1836, in Philadel- 
 phiu . graduated at Harvard 1858, and at the Columlii:i 
 j Law School ISOl. I. Historical Summary of Metalli' 
 Money, Host., 1>84, 16mo. 2. Biographical Sketches ut 
 Old Newbury, Ncwburyport, 1885. 
 Torlesse, ''harles Martin. Simie Account "i 
 Stoke by Nayhind, Suffolk, lllust. Lon., 1877, 4to. 
 Tcii, Cecil, M.A., b. 1857; educated at Harrow. 
 and at Trinity ('ollege, Cambriilge; called to the bar iii 
 the nnor Temple I8S2. 1. Rhodes in Ancient Tinio. 
 Illi:st. Cambridge, 1885, Svo. 
 1 ' A nore or less exhaustive compilation of facts from 
 ' all soirees relating to tlic history of the island, down ii 
 the time when Vespasian finally deprived it of indciiei. 
 dence and maile it a lioman province."—.'^!'. A'cc, Ix. T.'iv 
 "Mr. Torr deserves the licst thanks (d' the student "1 
 Hellenic liislory and art for collecting into this one siuii.i 
 volume information concerning Rhodes which has only mv 
 [ yet appeared, in a hopelessly .s<Mittercd form, in (ierniun, 
 French, anil Knglish arcliieologicttl Jimrnals and works, 
 in volumes of inscriptions, and in records of travels." - 
 : Am., No. 3i»o. 
 2. Rhodes in Modern Times. lllust, Cambridg' , 
 : 1887, Svo. 
 "A worthy sei|nel to the BUtlior's former work. . . . It 
 covers the period f'rinn the third century of our era to In ' 
 Turkish iiecniialinn ; and. tlmugh It does not profess to be 
 ' exhaustive, yet the author claims the meritof having iiM 
 I ically compared the primary authorities, und having I 
., \ 
 J- class of anti- 
 of the Weal'l. 
 t. Cambriilg' 
 rived inforiimtion from sources which had not nrevlouslv 
 been mves igated."-!!, K. Tozkb: Acmt., xxxll. ») *^ 
 1 orr, J. 1 . Lyni Hesurrectioni? : a Collection of 
 buored Poetry, liOn., IS7II, IL'mo. 
 Torrcns, Sir Itobert Richard, K.C.M.O., U,„ip, 
 vol. ,1, a,M.,] ,1. I,s,S4. An on the Transfer of 
 Liincl by Kegistration under the Dupliciite Method oiier- 
 is'so" !s"-, '° ■"''' '''"'""''=*' (^"bden Club I'ub.,) hon., 
 Torrcns, Williuin Torniis McCiillagh, 
 LL.U [,„„c, vol. ,„.. „d<l.,] M.l>. f„r Kinslnirv Lstla- 
 K,. I. Empire in AAn: l,o»- we CMnie by it: a Book of 
 Conressions, Lon., I,S72 ■ -,, 2. yU;,u,ns of the Kt. 
 Jlon William, Second Vi.^eount Melbuuriie, Lon., l»77, 
 Z vols. Svo. ' 
 '•His work, ni>twiilistandiiiK some oddities of .stvle and 
 a (U- Iciencv (,f pers il ,let„T|s, •orn,^ , ., fi comn" ^ 
 tioii to the history (d- the time.--.N.' /,■,,■ xlv V i 
 i'"-''!^?.'*'",']"'' ""'' '''"''""e: Welaiey'iin.l o'Connell • i 
 yoh 1., The Marquis Wellesley, Architect of liurope, Lon., 
 j'S( ;>, 8vo. * 'J 
 tors, anil at Ihe «'."";,tin;c_ lk>(iioiliMf. ciiuiikIi (,, conipet. 
 I which the book really Is, and which is pursued wilb irreat 
 candor and no small dlseriminatb.n, ind ev de y^lSs 
 ; an empirical ba«is."-A-,i(,„n, xxix. -141 ^ 
 I 7. I'l^s and Thistles: a Western Story, N. Vork, 1879 
 , I2mo; new ed., 1 883. 8. JJrieks without Straw: a 
 Novel, N; \ork, Isso. l2mo. 9. John Eax and Mame- 
 ion ; or, Ihe ■■•outh without the Shadow, N York 1882 
 Ifimo. III. Hot 1 loughshaies : a Xovcl. II1„A n' 
 ^o,k, ISSH, 1 :;„,„. II. An Appeal to (>sar, N. York,' 
 1X84, lOmo. (Lfsiiys on .social and political qucsti'.ns.) 
 ■ 2. Buttons Inn,, Is87, l2mo. 1.1. ] |,„.i( Ice 
 fsJ"r; "'"'rJf'"";, .'^- ''^■••-■» •" - K'n«. N. Y.rk 
 1888, u,uo (Ihe "king" is a young American -vlio 
 has reached the age of twenty-onu years and become a 
 •' His novels have b. en powerful objectdessoiis in con- 
 U'lnporancuus an,l uiiltbellum lKdilics/'-««c™Hn« cSc, 
 .1 IJ,.f,._ !• Il_ . ■ 
 n/'/'fu'",,"','.'''".™'''"''' '" '■"■•''"'"''nt to Clear the 
 liloc-k of I'ublio Business, Lon.. 1881 p Syo 
 Torrey, Urodford, b. Is4i, at 'Weynioutb, Ma<. • 
 assistant editor of the Youth's Comp„ni,m since I8>(l'. 
 Birds in the Bush. Hist., Iss.i, l2iiio, 
 "As a keen and di.scriminaliiii;i>iiscrvcr lie iscntiilcd t,, 
 hlKh rank as a licbl oniilholo«isl. whil,. tV hi ' ,'.' j, ' 
 happy way of tellii,« what he >-^^<--Smnn \\\ <}l 
 I orrey, K. S. .sketches .d' the Old Santa' liarb:.,a 
 Ml. sion where aie gathered the Kianoisoan Kriars II- 
 lust. Troy, N.Y., 1S88, sq. 8vo 
 L><«ri2uio' *" *^'"""'''"' "'■ 2- ■'^'- """'Pl'roy, Pliila., 
 at'TilnfKl'cl,' "■■'"",'"•,"'"''■'■""■'' -'^'•'^- ''■•»»'"«='• 
 at Irinity College, Cauibndge; c:.lled t.i the bar at Lin- 
 coin's I„n 1828. William the Third, Lon., 1887 ]0m 
 tothe Westof Lngland lOyo Inlirmary. at I .ctcr 1 
 Lctropion. Lon., ISS2, er. Svo. 2. i'-.. ■,.. ,„r,i| pmcti' 
 KS'un! l^s!;:^;^:- "-""^^ ' ..cEyeand 
 Tolhill,Mary 1). Pen an .Notes on the 
 Riviera and in North lulv, l,„n„ i^;,,, ful 
 Totteii, Charles AdicI Lewis, b. 18:^1, at Now 
 London,; graduated at the U.S. .Militarv Acid 
 «?'^..'''pM. '!■"'"?"?'' ."!' """""•y ^■-■''""■^' "■"' '^''-ti'--^' in 
 St. 1 aul s Cathedral .School, (jardcn Cilv, L I Issj-sO 
 and since then first licutenint in the Fouith 'vrtiilcrv' 
 1. .strategos: a Series of American Games of War' I 
 based upon Military Principles. Plates. X. York IsSl) i 
 ^vols. 4to. 2. (iems, Talismans, and (niiirdians: the' 
 iacts, tancie-s. Legends, and Lore of Nativity. By Ten 
 Alcott, [pseud.] 1887. ■^ 
 Tottenham, «. I., i. Charles Villar.", at Cam- 
 bridge Lon., 18,18. 2 vols. p. Svo. 2. Harry Egerton : 
 or. The -iounger ,son ol the Day, Lon., 18119, ;i vol, „ 
 is-n 9 ^l^'"'-'""" M«"""an. the Irish Tenant, I^n.; 
 18i0, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 4. llarcourt, Lon., 187.!, 3 vols 
 p. Svo. ' 
 . '•;°"enham,<J. \\ (Tmns.) Tl«, Pilot and his 
 , ,8vo ' -^"""=;?'''" "f .loniis Lie, Edin., 1877, 
 th Jh !"'p"'' '^'i''"'' ,"• ^""""^ ""' Vagabonds of 
 the Kacc-Coursc, Lon., |s7;i, l2ino. 
 Toiirgee, Alhion Wine<;nr, b. isxs, at Wil 
 Imiiisheld, (;. I educated at Uochesicr University ; served 
 in the civil war; studie.l law, and was judge of the Su- 
 perior ((Hirtof North Carolina 18(18-74. IIo ha« been 
 engaged in various journalistic enterprises. 1. .\orth 
 Carolina •arm-Book, I8«9. 2. Toinette: a Tale <,f 
 .Sou hern Life. Uy Henry Churton, [pseud.] N. York, 
 18,4, IJmoi new cd., entitled " A Royal Uentleinan," 
 r^^s^^^-t:^:^^^:]^^ '"°™ ">■'" •"- "«■•'' I 
 3. North Carolina Code of Civil Procedure: with Notes I 
 and Uecisions Raleigh, 1878, Svo. 4. A Digest of Cited 
 Cases, North Carolina Siinreme Court Ueports, Raleigh, 
 1879. 8vo. .-i. Statutory tleei-ion.-. of th:- Narth rsfllo- 
 Courts 1879. 8. A Fool's Errand. By One of the Foois. 
 N. Vork 1879, I6mo. (Of this work 135,000 copies are 
 Baid to have been sold.) ' 
 d,.'i'ini.''V""i''''' "/.'"■>:' '''^a""B with what Is In general In- 
 dcll Itcly described as the Sunthorn iiroblein. .The 
 Mory Is given only to float Ihe poliilcar and so<da ic dy 
 Tovey, Charles, [ontc, vol. iii., add.,] d. Is88 i 
 J Cnamiiagne: its History. Manufacture, anti Properties" 
 I Lon LS7(M,. Svo. 2. Wit, Wi.dom, and Morals, dis- 
 : illed from Bacchus, Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 3. Wine Reve- 
 lations, Lon., 1881, Svo. 
 i -rovey, Lieut.-Col. llaniilton, R.E. 1. Mar- 
 tial Law and the Custom of War: or. Military Fo.ce i n'' 
 Junsdiclioii in Trmiblons Times, Lou., 18S(i, p. Svo. 2 
 ! .Military Law : with the Military Law of Foreign Staies! 
 tjon.. I SS, , Svo. 
 I '"?,"!''"' *'■ **' '"*• Instructions on Modern Ameri- 
 can liridge-Iiuilding: with Applications and E.xamples, 
 Ac. Illust. Bost., |S74. 12nio. 
 l.r'^"*V'^*' :?,Vl"'' '• 'I'""'*'''- I'il«. Manchester, 
 ' ,,r- 2; '•'•'' t^'"l'lr<^^n ^ing. Manchester, 1870, 12iiio. 
 add ] b. Is I, ,„ „.«hington, D.C. ; graduated at Yale 
 isoi.and at the Harvard Law Scho.d |s(i:i; consul at 
 Nantes 1S60-6S, „„d at Bradford 1868-70; resides in 
 Bosdn. I. ( I rans.) Around the World in Eighty Days. 
 by.lule..j \crne. Illust. New cd., Phila., IS7li;i2mo. 2! 
 Irans.) Dr. Ox, and other Stories, by .Jules Verne II 
 Inst. Bost. I2mo. .'!. The E,istern"(Juestion : Monte- 
 negro: Modern (ireece; Principaliiies of the Danube, 
 Servia and Houmania. Majis ami Illust. Bost 1877 
 .. vols. ISmo 4. Young Folk's Heroes of History' 
 con aining Magellan ; or. The First Voyage around 
 he Worh ; Marco Polo: his Travels and Adventures: 
 izarro: his Adventures iind Conquests; Raleigh : his 
 L.xploug and \oyagcs; Voyages and .\dyentures of 
 ls-'s"s1% "!"'i ^'-'^^^ I'"' '^^■"-K'-S "f I^evon,) Host., 
 liHcdP ■ rn"-- ''■.'•■■'"-•"■'■-"^•l": Literary and Po- 
 itical Career of I!enjaini-i Disraeli, N. York, 1879, ISmo. 
 Ib^t" is",; 7c "'' '^''-' V^'l'""' "f f''*'"S Chameters, 
 li".-t., issn, if,„,„, 7. England in Egypt, 188,^. 8 
 \oung Peoples h story of England, Host., 1886, 12mo. 
 9. IheNation in a Nutshell: a Rapid Outline of Ameri- 
 can Hi.story, Bost 1 887, 24mo. 10. Young People's 
 History of Ireland. Host., 1887, 12mo. 
 Towne, K.lward. Owings: Aphorisms of the 
 Three rhrecs. Cliic, 1887, 12nio. 
 I ,. '^"""'Jf' "•^*'' ^'ilward Cornelins, b. I834, at 
 I •"flj';.".. Jf"'*'^-; Bra.luated at Vale College 18.^6. and at 
 i the Divinity School 1860; pastor of the Church of the 
 tratcrnity. New Haven. 1. The (Question of Hell • nn 
 L.-say in the New Orthodoxy. By a Puritan. New 
 llavei, |s,3. 2. Electricity and Life; or. The Electro- 
 \ ilal Theory of Nature, Cambridge, Mass., 1887, Syo. 
 1 owiie, H. C. Causes of Life, Structure, and 
 Species, L(m., Is78, 12mo. ' 
 "Towne, Triscy," (Pseud.) See S.*wtku.e, Mrs. 
 r-. >\ ., nu/ira. 
 Townes-, Ansbiirn. i. Chcdayne of Kotono : a 
 story ol Ihe Early Days of the Republic, N. York, 1877 
 .•;'""■ -,• '^"'^■" y^y '" " I'nlliaaii Car, N. York, 1883. 
 l-'ino. ,). After Long Years. N. Vork, 1883, I2mo 
 I ounscnd, Helton O'Neall. Plantation Lays, 
 I and other Poems, Columbia, S.C, 1884 
 I Towiiscnd, Calvin, [,n,i,; vol. iii., add.l 1. 
 CoiiipRr.dium of Commercial Law, N. York, IS71. Svo 
 f. Analysis of Letter-Writing, N. York, 1872, 12mo. 
 A. .Shorter Course in Civil Uovernmcnt, N. York. Is 'i 
 Tounsend, Charles K. 1. Rs.ay, ,,n Mind. Mai, 
 ter. forces, Iheology, Ao., N.York, 1876. 12uic. 2 Se- 
 quel to E8say.s, N. York, 1878, l2moi 2d ed., 1879. 3. 
 I2T0" I """^P'ea »f the Universe, N. York, 1883, 
 Townsend, Mrs. Charlotte Aurelin, (Win- 
 der.) I. Memorial of John, Henry, and Richard 
 ii: y 
 Townsend and their Descendants, N. York, ISfl.'). Anon. 
 2. Fugitive Verses, Unit., IS"6, 12iuo. 
 Towusciid, E. (.'oriiing. The Stiituto of Dis- 
 criiiiiniitiuu, liull'alu, N.Y., ISsS, Svp. 
 Townsend, M^or«(>en. Kdwnrd Dnvis, 
 U.S.A., b. 1817, in lloston, Muss. ; Kniduuted at the r..S. 
 .Militiiry Academy lH.i7; was adjutant-general at Wash- 
 ington during the civil war; retired from active service 
 i.SSII. 1. Catechism of the liible, (The Pentateuch and 
 Judges,) \. York, 18,)ll-ti2, 2 vols. 2. Anecdotes of the 
 Civil War in the I'nited States. Illust. N. York, 18St, 
 "(ienoral Townseiid's book will be found liftbt, plea.sant 
 rendinj;. Hmi betaken u ditlorent view of lii;i resjxtnsi- 
 bilities, we sbmilil have found his book more valuable."— 
 yation, x.\.\viii. ID,'). 
 TownMend, F. The Flora of Hampshire: the Isle 
 of Wight. Illust. Lon., ISs;!, ,><vo. 
 Townsend, Frederick. (Trans.) ThePcei\sof 
 Qiacomo Lcopardi, N. York, l."*."!?, Iflmo. 
 "Mr. Townsend's renderings are verv good."— -Icud., 
 xxxii. ll.'i. 
 Townsend, George Alfred, I'lute, vol. iii., add.,] 
 b. 1841, at (ieorgetown, Del. I. Poems, Wash., 1870, 
 12mo. 2. .Mormon Trials at Salt Lake, 1872. H. Wash- 
 ington, Outside and Inside. Uy Laertes. Illust. Hart- 
 ford, lS7a, 8vo. 4. Washington Kebuilded, 187;i. 0. 
 Tales of the Chesapeake, N. York, 1S80, sc|. l2mo. 6. 
 liiihemian Days: Three American Tales, N. Y'ork, 1881, 
 Hlmo. 7. Poetical Addresses, I88;i. 8. The Kntailed 
 Hat; or, Patty Cannon's Times: a Romance, X. York, 
 1884, Kimo. 9. President Cromwell: a Dranni in Four 
 Acts, N. York, IS^o, 12mo. 10. Katy of Catoclin ; or. 
 The Chain Breakers : a Xatiunal Romance, X. York, 
 188t), l2mo. II. i.ife of Levi P. Morton, 1888, 12mo. 
 Townsend, Rev. George Fyler, D.C.L., [auii; 
 vol. iii., add.,] vicar of Leo .linster 1857-02, and since 
 then perpetual curate of St. Michael's, Burleigh Street, 
 London. 1. The Sea-Kings of the .Mediterranean, Lon., 
 1872, cr. 8vo. 2. The Siege of Colchester; or, An Event 
 of the Civil War A.D. 1648, Lon., 1874, (i. 8vo. ;i. A 
 Cruise on the Bosphorus and in the Marmora and .:Egean 
 Seas, Lon., 1875, l2mo: new od., 1HS4. 
 Townsend, Rev. Luther Tracy, D.D., [mue, 
 vol. iii., add.,] b. 1838, at Orono, Me.; graduated at 
 Dartmouth l.~<.jtf, and at .Andover Theological Seminary 
 1862 ; entered the Methodist ministry : professor of 
 practical theology in Boston University since 187:i. 1. 
 Credo, Bost., l.-iO'J, Itimo: new ed., 187:!. 2. Sword and 
 Uanuent; or. Ministerial Culture, liost., 1871, Kimo. It. 
 God-Man: Part I., Search and Manifestation, liost., 
 1872, 12mo. 4. Outlines of Christian Theology, N. York, 
 1873, 12mo. 5. The Arena and the Throne, liost., 1874, 
 16mo. 6. The Chinese Problem, Bost., 1876, Ifimo. 7. 
 The Supernatural Factor in Religious Revivals, Bost., 
 1877, 12mo. 8. The Intermediate World, Bost., I.s78, 
 16uio. U. Elements of (jeneral and Christian Theologv, 
 N.York, 187y, :6mo. 10. The Fate (d' Republics, Bost., 
 1880, l2mo. 11. The Art of Speech: Part I., Studies 
 in Poetry and Prose ; Part II., Studies in Eloquence and 
 Logic, N. York, 1880-81, 16mo. 12. The Mosaic Record 
 and Modern Science, Bost., 1881. 1.3. Bible Theology 
 and Modern Thougi\t, Bost., ISS.i, 12nio. U. Iland- 
 Book upon Church Trials, X. York, I8S5, 12mo. 15. The 
 Bible and other Ancient Literature in the Nineteenth 
 Century, Bo.>t., Is85. 16. "Faith-Work," "Christian 
 Science," and other Cures, Bost., 1885, 8vo. 17. Pulpit 
 Record, 1886. 
 Tt-wnsend, Mrs. .'Mary Ashley, (Van Voor- 
 hees,) b. l>i:;6, at Lyons, N.Y. ; married to Uideon 
 Townsend, of New Orleans. Some of her books were 
 written under the iisemlonyme of " Xaritfa." 1. The 
 Brother Clerks, N. York, 1850. 2. Xarilfa's Poems, 
 Phila., 1870, 12mo; new ed., 1881. 3. The Captain's 
 Story : ai'oem, Phila., 1:<', 4; l2uio. 4. Down the Bayou, 
 and other Po.miis, Bust., 1882, I2mo. 
 Townsend, Mrs. ,Mary E. 1. Heart and Home 
 Song:', Original and Selected, Lon., I87ii, 12mo; new 
 ed., I8N5. 2. Links of (iold : Thoughts on Praytrs of 
 the Bible, Lon. 1877, l2mo. 3. (Ivl.) Ten Stories for 
 our (iirls, 1 on., 1877, sq. l8mo. 1. Maidens of Scrip- 
 'ure, Lon., l,->78, l>mo. :>. Litanies, Lon., l.fSO, 12nio. 
 0. Steffun's Angel, .\nil other Stories, Lon., 1880, p. 8vo. 
 7. So Tired, and other Verses, Lon., 1881, cr. 8vo ; new 
 ed., 1885. 8. Thoughts for Workers, Lon., 1882, p. 8vo. 
 9. Th(]ught« on the Marriage Service, Lon., 1882, I8mo; 
 new ed., 1 881. 10. Birdie's Bonnet, and other Stories, 
 Lon., 1884, 18mo. 
 Townsend, Pauline D. 1. (Trans.) Life of 
 Mozart, by Otto .lahn, Lon., 1882, 3 vols. 8vo. 2. Jose] h 
 Haydn, ("(ireat Musicians,") l-on., 1884, ji. 8vo, 
 'fownsend. Miss Virginia Frnnceii, [mni; 
 vol. iii., add.,] b. IS3ii. 1. .Max .Meredith's Millennium, 
 1870. 2. The Deerings of Medbury, Bost., 1871, 16mo. 
 3. The Mills of Tuxbury, Best., In7I, I2mio; new ed., 
 1874. 4. 0»e Woman's Two Lovers; or, Jacqueline 
 Thayne's Chcicv-, Phila., 1872, 12nio. 5. That (iueer 
 Oirl, Bost., 1874, Itimo. ti. Elizabeth Tudor, the yuecn 
 and Woman, 1874, 12mo. 7. Margery Keith, liost., 1875, 
 liimo. 8. Only Uirls. Illust. Bost., \x~:>, 12mo. l). 
 The Protestant Queen of Navarre, the Mother i<( the 
 Bourbons. Illust. N. York, 1877, 12mo. 10. Six in 
 All, 187.S 8vo. 11. A Woman's Word, and how she kept 
 it, Bost., 1870, 12mo. 12. Lenox Dnre, Bost., I.'-.'*;, 
 12nio. 13. But a Philistine, Bost., 1884, 12mo. 14. 
 A Boston (jirl's Ambitions, Bost., 1887, 12mo. 15. Life 
 I of Washington. Illust. N. York, 18S7, 12uio. '6. Our 
 I Presidents ; or, The Lives of the Twenty-Three Presi- 
 dents of the I'nitud Slates. Edition do Luxe. N. York, 
 1888, 4to. (Many of her stories for young people have 
 been republished under the general title of "The Break- 
 water Series," 5 vols. ICmo.) 
 Townsend, VV. J. 1. The Church and Dissent in 
 Principle and Practice, Lon., I.s80, '.2mo. 2. The (ire'it 
 Schoolmen of Ihe Middle Ages: an Account of their 
 Lives and the Services they rendered to the Church and 
 the World, I.on., 1882, p. 8vo. 
 " An Interi'sling and in the main acotirate sketch of the 
 lives and teiicliiiig of the principal 'doctors,' vvliicli may 
 bo appreciated by many w ho linve no elnim to be ((iiisia- 
 tred theological or liislorical exiierts."- .8«(. Jiiv., liii. 77fi. 
 Townsheud, Charles Ilervey. The British 
 Invasion of New Haven, Connecticut: with an Account 
 of tho Burning of Fairfield and Norwalk, July, 1779. 
 Illust. and Mops. N. Haven, 1879, 8vo. 
 Townshend, C'apt. Frederick Trench, [unii; 
 vol. iii., add..] of Second Lile-tiuards ; graduated at 
 Exeter College, Oxford, 1860. 1. A Cruise in Greek 
 Waters : with a Hunting Excursion in Tunis, L<.n., 
 1870, 8vo. 2. Wild Life in Florida: with a Visit lo 
 Cuba, Lon., 1874, 8vo. 
 Townshend, John. A Catalogue of some Books 
 relating to the Disposal of the Bodies and Perpetuating 
 the Memories of the Dead. N. York, 1887, 8vo. 
 Townshend, S. Nugent. Colorado; its Agricul- 
 ture, Stock -Feeding, Scenery, and Shooting, N. York, 
 1870, 12mo. 
 Towry, M. II. 1. Clanship and the Clans: a 
 Pojiular Sketch, Lon., 1869, 12mo. 2. Spenser for 
 Children. Illust. Lon., 1877, r. 8vo. 
 Toy, Rev. Crawford Howell, b. 1836, at Nor- 
 folk, Va. ; graduated at the University of Virginia 
 1856; professor of Hebrew at Harvard since 1-880. 1. 
 History of the Ucligion of Israel : an Old Testament 
 Primer, Bost., 1882, Ifiino. 2. Quotations in tha New 
 Testament, N. York, 1884, 8vo. 
 Toynbee, Arnold, 1852-1883, son of Joseph Toyn- 
 bcp, ((111^, voi. iii.;) graduated at lialMol College. 6.\- 
 ford, 1878, and appointed tutor and lecturer on political 
 economy to students of Balliol prejiaring for the Indian 
 civil service. His assiduous labors annmg the poor in 
 O.xford and London, and other ellorts in connection witli 
 projects of social reform, which led to the break-down 
 of his otherwise delicate health, have been commeni"- 
 rated by tho establishment of Toynbee Hall, the seat of 
 tho " University Settlement" in Ihe East End of London. 
 1. " Progress and Poverty :" a Criticism of Mr. Henry 
 (ieorge: Two Lectures, Lon., 1883, 8vo. 2. Lectures on 
 tho Industrial Revolution in England : with a Memoir 
 by B. Jowett, Master of Ballioi College, Oxford, Lon., 
 I.S84, Svo. 
 Toynbee, William. 1. (Trans.) A Selection 
 from the Songs of Do Beranger, Lon., 1886, 8vo. 2. 
 Song Words. Lon., 1888, 4to. 
 Tozer, Rev. Ilrnry Fanshawe, M.A., [ante, 
 vol. iii., add.,] graduated at Exeter College, Oxford, 18,')0, 
 and elected Fellow ; ordaineil 1852 ; tutor of Exeter 
 College since 18.')5. 1. Lectures on the Geography of 
 (iieece, Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 
 " Mr. Tozer has got hold of a good subject, and he treats 
 It thoroughly well, . . . He takes geography In Its widest 
 sense, and hl.s special object is to iKiiiit out the etfect wliicli 
 the physical character of the country had in so many 
 ways upon the political and intellectual life of its Inhab- 
other Stories, 
 &r''^^^'.-^;'l -;'||;.-5V. ana eve,u.HK to Uo , ,ve can «n. .. Mr .,„, ^^ , , 
 1iinliii,.|ui„ns f,,r ,';.*..'; '"■''V*^'^ •-"UK. of tl,,, „»„„M=i " It is ii hnuk iIm.T,.!, ; '7..,.,. ... _ 
 t a 
 a fo;oi/n nntl!;,:'.' '7'''^ ;-;;■-'' ''- ->- been 
 'las anlmiuiil Mr Traill T 1/'* f'"'*''''' '"' '■ynipalliy 
 unitary inspi ""of th Z^^, "^ "^'"''""''''^ '»"^- 
 York City .« „ee Is? I .„„,? ''''''"''"'^■"t of Nov 
 mati,a; foi- Hou.eboblVrs, "-";'■ T is" t.'"""^ ^"f"^" 
 i- Jl., M(;)TO. ' '""-"u-J »eo (Jeldakt, 
 An Amoric-an Hirl aZL ii, .'''T?";''' ^^'- '• 
 -, Katherine Earle. ^.t. '" ' 't "h 7 "!;.'' '«'""■ 
 ili3 Inberitanco, Bo.t., isrs l",,, ' ' ""'"• ^• 
 Traftoii, Edwin H.r.M"; v ,.•,. 
 in the Secrot History of N„uv V ' " ?"*""" Episode 
 N. York. ISS.S. 2 r '^'" ^"^'^ "-"^ ■'^'' l-'^ter'burg, , , .,„„, .nomas W 
 Trnfton, Rev Mark r,„„ . - Civil En« neers He,, !!,'' ""^^™''i'^°f 'he Institute of 
 jralee, KH.„.... c^-rAll i :k;^:^.eenj uJ:'^Vi!;^.e^"•^'^"^^^^^^^^ 
 ■Vrfa/yr, Ivii i;!7j >*•' ^'fu'igoly sublinio iiiitiirc "— 
 4^''l!:tl^i,!T.I"'' """''^ (•• English Wor- 
 l.Io^li;Jwili;.b',,}!':i^i;^i'i^^"''e™ dear of the special 
 pttRo to the l„,t „ ,'^, , V,f,' 1 ,',|,. 'i,'i,' "V,'-^'' " "'""' ""•' 'l>-st 
 HrynieritsMr. Tniliv bik- n' '■'' .I'orlts liHT. 
 less fii„l many rea iors v '.-', 'f V^V,"''' "'" ''"»•>'■ 
 , ttwail.sabi,,«rapbVr"l:i,/,:^Xo' .y^f?, '««» Sl.aflosb.iry siill 
 I I.on., isss, n. Svo! * ^wolve English Slutesmen,") 
 ' w^rti^rJisil'iii^t":;!'!™ S'^';,/;:^^"' "•»"-" »i-''. <« 
 we began it."-.v<V/„H, xhil l!?,}''*-'"''^'! ""o book as when 
 contributed large y to iVoP I , ''^^."'"t ^ "'' '"'« 
 'lay Ueview, the London Da'ilvTe Ik '"' '?" ''"""■- 
 ing niaga,.i ,es | cZirJl ,1 ^'^''^Sraph, and to lead- 
 li»h Citi.en" Sor. ) L,?„ iHi.";"^"""'"' '""^''"^ '^'"S" 
 HsM^>Sf"^iX?;5;Sni?ci?f^^ various unties 
 ernment_ wbieh are /, ^r* J'" H, ", "f 'I't^ I'-xeonUyo ti„v 
 Reform, Lon., iSri, „ n^n , -.p , „ . - """■ 
 ornmeTu ivh eh a^ ,1 ^^^"IHIi;^ "^ ">'^ Kxeoniiyo o^ v! ^ -"^^Artiele,. l!„st., issl^ g^^ '-"'"™"'^ ''«' '"^ Origi- 
 <•"hl„et.■•-..(tt.,^^?^JS^» Bcnerally ropresonteU in the , ./'Traveller, A. C,»meud ^ «. r 
 „^2- Sterne, (..Kngllsh Men of ..tter^'; Lon,. 18S2, i VralV^l'vah M ! '^" '^*"^' ^■"• 
 "I'll dealt with i tbe r m,Ks Ide In In ''• "'"' '"■'' «P''«1'' y 
 "r IT. . With ,111 i,Lv !"- '""""•'"^e niion him as r 
 ;v'.rldsgrea,est 1 l';i,t"LK!'"h7r"r'"V"" 
 liC'^tow upiiii Mr TriVi V 1 ' ? ■ , *- hlBlii'St pra so Hecan 
 '"■I f'^n to n hi, n a ""'.'i '" ","" "■« 'l'i"l< that t ea 1 
 '»K a S. H„s of Dialog!;;. ,;'i,.eh™d Un" 'rss'i'V '" 
 Englelield ISSI S4 % ^ ' ^''^"''^' '"*■"'! rector of 
 of Oxford' it it Proft.nT''l ''?'"''""' '" "'o Diocese 
 -l"me;r.ndV|T;7tle; Z?r,lii/i;^^^^^^^^^ >l>e present ''»"■ '-« ^. 
 ''cariy contemporary I VuWwtiMV'' '^^^ 'ravers, Mar. Thn^Jnin.. ,„. 
 1 arj subject ibc nearest formula! Lon., I»r2, 2 yols d. 8to ^P'^"*" of Blatohington, 
 ^ . i 
 1, (Train.) Tronsliitions from Pinilar into Kn«lii'li liliink 
 Verso, Lon., IHtiB, 4to. 2. Principles of Oovernmont 
 of Ancient ami .Moa3rn Times, Lon., IHS2, p. 8vi). 3. 
 A Miinuul of tlio Principles of Government, Lon., 1884, 
 p. Hvo; Oi'w ed., I.'<S5. 
 Trciiih, Uev. Francis Clienevix-, [ante, vol. 
 iii., mid.,] 1SI(B-I88fi. Islipiaim, 1861): Piipers on Re- 
 ligious Sulijeets, Lim., 1H7II, r.'mo. 
 Trench, Miuor-tien. Frederick Clienevix-, 
 C.M.(i., [idllr, vol. iii., TllKNCH, Oapt. K., mill.,] b. 18:i7i 
 son of Archbishop Trench ; served in the Indiiin Mutiny, 
 4u. ; retired 1887. 1. Short Service and Deferred Pay, 
 Lon., 1875, 8vo. 2. Ciiviilry in Modern Wiir, ("Military 
 lland-Iiooks,") I,on., Iss4, 12mo. 
 Trcncli, Frederick F. Things Above, Lon., 
 1871, p. 8vo. 
 Trench, John Alfred. Precious Truths for Be- 
 lievers, Lon., 1870, Ifimo. 
 Trench, Miss iMuria, daughter of Rev. Francis 
 Chenevix-Trench, mijiva. The following ljool<8, all pub- 
 lished anonymously, are ascribed to this lady. 1. De- 
 votions before and after Holy Communion. 2. The Life 
 of St. Theresa, I-on., 187,7, j). 8vo. :',. (Trans.) E.xiles 
 from Paradise, Lon., 1S7«, 12mo. 4. Charles Lowder : a 
 Biography. liy the Author of the " Life of St. Theresa " 
 Lon.. 1881, p. 8vo. 
 '■ Whenever the religious history of Enslnnc". In the nine- 
 teenth eiMitnry is written, niori^ than one i>araK'raiih in it 
 must 1)0 devoted to the life and laboursof Cha.les Lowder. 
 ... it is impos-sible to read this most liitereslinK Ijiograpby 
 without seeing that Mr. Lowder's success was due (ilniosi 
 CMtirelv to the daily speelaele of eourajce, zeal, and (jenuine 
 philautbroin- svbich his life displayed."— .lc(i((., xxi. 188. 
 " This is iho record of a very noble life. ... It is for Ins 
 work amont,' the poor and outcasts of the of London 
 that Mr. Lowder is best known. . . . I!y his self-sJU'rilicinu' 
 devotion he tameil. and to a birtje extent civilized, one ol 
 the rudest and most lawless and vicious di.stricts in the 
 metropolis."— .S'/itcdi^jr, Iv. «3. 
 ■' A book which, apart from the interest which attaches 
 to its nominal subject, otters material for urave Ihounht to 
 all who pdssess the smallest ' enthusiasm of humanity.'"— 
 C. J. KoHiN.soN : Aeml., xxi. Ih8. 
 6. .lames Skinner: a Memoir. By the Author of 
 " Charles Lowder." With a Preface by Canon Carter. 
 Lon., 188H, )). 8vo. 0. Letters from an Unknown Friend : 
 with a Prefiico by Rev. W. H. Cleaver, Lon., 1884, fp. 
 8vo. 7. (Trans.) Spiritual Headings from Jeremy Drex- 
 elius. Edited by Uev. William H. Cleaver. Lon., ISS.'i, 
 er. Svo. 8. (Ed.) Richard Chenevix Trench, Archbishop : 
 Letters and Memorials, Lon. 1888, 2 vole. 8vo. 
 " As Archbishop Trench desired that no life of him 
 , should be written, the editor of these volumes liius been 
 enlered the War Olliccasadraughtsman in 18:)5, and was 1 pi,i„,.il j,, ,iitIi(Milt circumstances. To print the corre- 
 ap|)ointcd chief draughtsman in 18«t> ; member of the .spiuidence without some biographical details would have 
 Travis, Henry. Effectual Reform in M»n and 
 Society, Lon., 1875, 8vo. 
 Travis, J. A Law Treatise on the Constitutional 
 Powers of I'arliamcnt and of the Local Legislatures 
 under ti. "'>"sh North American Act, LS67, St. John, 
 N.B., 1884, 8^.. 
 Trnyner, J. Li'tin Mnxiins ami Phrases: with 
 Translations and Illiistralions ; 2d ed., Lon., I"7fi, 8vo. 
 Treacy, James J. 1. i Ed.) Catholic Flowers from 
 Protestant (ianlens, N. York, 1882, Ifimo. 2. Conquests 
 of our Holy Faith ; or. Testimonies of Distinguished 
 Converts, N. York, 1888, 12mo 
 Trcacy, Uev. W. V. Irish Scholars of the Penal 
 Davs, N. York, 1887. 12mn. 
 treadwell, John II. 1. A Manual of Pottery 
 and Porcelain for American Collectors. Illust. N. 
 Y'ork, 1872, 8vo. 2. .Martin Luther and bis Work, 
 ("New Plutarch,") N. York, 1881, i,. 8vo. 
 Treadwin, Mrs. Antique Point and Honiton 
 Lace, Lon., 1873, 8vo. 
 Treat, John Harvey, b. Is.'iO. at Pittslield, N.H. ; 
 graduated at Harvard 18t!2, and engaged in business in 
 Lawrence, .^LlSs.i presented a large collection of boolts 
 to Harvard College, and a large collection of entomologi- 
 oal specimens to the Museum of Comparative Zoology, in 
 1888. 1. Notes on the Rubric of the Communion Office, 
 N. York, 1882. 2. Truro Baptisms, 1711-1800, Law- 
 rence, 1886. :i. The Catholic Faith j or, Tlie Doctrine 
 of the Church of Rome contrary to Scripture and the 
 Teaching of the Primitive Church, Nashotah, Wis., 1888, 
 Treat, .Mrs. Mary Lua Adelia, (Davis,) of 
 Vincland, N.J. 1. Chajiters on Ants, N. York, 1879, 
 ,S2ino. 2. Injurious Insects of the Farm and Harden. 1 
 Illust. N. York, 1882, 12nio. ;i. Home Studies in Na I 
 ture. " Y'ork, 1885, 12ino. 
 " .Science is indebted to her for many additions to kiiowi- i 
 edge of the various animals and plants that have received ] 
 her attention. . . . The vnhime bel'cjre us eoniains chapters 
 on familiar birds.wasps, ants, spiders, and plants."— iVafion, 
 xli. 'iSV 
 4. .My (Jardcn Pets, Bost., 1887, 12mo. 
 T red well, Daniel .M. 1. .Monograph on Privately 
 Illustrated Books : a Plea for Bibliomania, Brooklyn, 
 1881, Svo. 2. Apollonius of Tyana : A Sketch of the 
 Life of Apollonius of Tyana ; or, The First Ten Decades 
 of our Era. N. Y'ork, 1886, 8vo. 
 Tregear, Edward. The Aryan Maori, Welling- 
 ton. New Zcalan I, 1885, Svo. 
 Tregellas, 'Valter Ilawken, b. 18,11, at Truro 
 the Royal Archaeological institution 1867. ; been to destroy its value 
 .,..:i,...„.i „ ,.;,.i.,. .„ „.,„.„„..„,•. „n,i i Trench's career would be to disregard hi 
 to relate many incidents ol 
 wishes. A mid- 
 council of - - ^ „ , ... 
 He has contributed many arUHcs to_ newspapers and | ^f^»,^;-_^--,--; jj^--Y,,rel,oen imrsue<l, and the result, 
 I o-s In most coinproinises of the kind, is not satislaelory. 
 ! The reader of the book will find himself frequently ask- 
 , ; iiig questions to which he gains no answer, ami. when llio 
 arohicological journals. 1. China: the Country, His 
 tory, and People, Lon., 1807, p. 8vo. Anon. 2. Tour- 
 ist's (iuidc to Cornwall and the .Soilly Isles, Lon,, 1878, 
 p. Svo. :!. Historical Sketch of the Defences of Malta, 
 Chatham, 1879, Svo. 4. Cornish Worthies : Sketches of 
 gome Eminjnt Cornish .Men and Families, Lon., 1885, 
 2 vols. < 
 Treglohan, Thomas P. 1. Friotional Elec- 
 tricity, Lon., IS86, 12pi(>. 2. Voltaic Electricity, Lon., 
 1888, 12ino. 
 Treherne, George G. T., and Goldie, J. H. 
 D. Record of the University Boat Raoe 1829-1880, 
 Ac. Illust. Lon., 1883, 4to. 
 Treherne, J. T. On the Bankruptcy and Debtors' 
 Acts, 1869, Lon., 1871, p. 8vo. 
 Trelawny, Sir J. Analysis of Evidence before the 
 Contcgious Disease Commission, Lon., 1872, 12mo. 
 'rrelease, William, professor in the University 
 of Wisconsin, and Gray, Asa. (Ed.) Botanical Works 
 of Oeorge Engelmann, collected for Henry Sbaw. Illust. 
 Cambridge, Mass., 1887, 4lo. 
 Treloar, W. P. 1. Ludgato Hill, Past and Present, 
 Lon., 1881, 12ino. 2. The Prince of Palme. Illust. 
 Lon., 1884, r. Svo. 
 Treniain, Henry Edwin, b. 1840, in New Y'ork; 
 graduated at the College of the City of New Y'ork 1860; 
 scrveil in the civil war; graduated at the Columbia 
 Law School 1867. Sailor's Creek to Appomattox Court- 
 House, 7lh, 8th, 9lh April, l»05; or. The Last Hours 
 of Sheridan's Cavalry. Edited by J. W. De Peyster. 
 N. York, 1885. Svo. 
 Tremenheere, Hugh Seymour, C.B., [«ii(<;, 
 vol. iii., add.,] b. 1804; gr duated at New College, Ox- 
 ford, 1827 i called to the bjr at the Inner Temple 1834. 
 luincs are closed, his impression of the central charac- 
 ter will be somewhat vague and misty. Some of the lent- 
 ures stand nut promineiitlv ; but all the man i.-: not seen 
 in his letters, and, while we listen to bis oiiinloiis, wc arc 
 seldom brought into his presence."— ."^jjecdi/or, Ixi. 889. 
 Trench, Most Uev. Hichnrd Chenevix, D.D., 
 [iintr, vol. iii., add.,] 1807-1886. 1. Charge to the Clergy 
 of Dublin, September, 1871, Dublin, l.'<71, Svo. 2. 
 Plutarch: his Life, bis Lives, and his Morals: Four 
 Lectures, Lon., 187:t, I -'mo. 
 "There is no depreciated ancient who more deserves 
 rehabilitating than I'lutarch ; and there could scarcely be 
 a modern scholar more lined lor the task than Aichbisliop 
 Trench."— .Su(. licr.. xxxvi. 417. 
 3. Sermons preached for the most part in Dublin. 
 Lon., 1873, Svo. 4. Lectures on Mediieval Church ili-- 
 tory : being the Substance of Le'tures delivered at 
 liueen's College, London, Lon., 1877, 8vo ; 2d ed., IS?'.'. 
 " The groundwork of his present book has been a course 
 of lectures on c' iirch history ilclivered to a clas.s of girls ; 
 . . . and he gives It as his ooiivietioii, 'after some e.xpc- 
 rieiicc in lecturing to the young ot lioth .sexes,' that ' there 
 is no need to break the bread ot knowledge smaller Inr 
 young women than for vouiig men.' . . . We do not liiid 
 that the quantity of breiul here bestowed is at all alarm- 
 ing."— 8'ii(. /I'fc, xlvl. 342. 
 5. (Ed.) Household Book of English Poetry: wilii 
 Notes; .id ed., 1879. 6. Brief Thoug';te and MedUa- 
 tions on .'scripture, Lon., 1 884, p. Svo. 7. Struions, Nc^ 
 and Old, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Trench, S. Le Poer. (Trans.) Will-o'-the-Wisps, 
 Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 Trench, William Stenart, [antt, vol. iii., add.,] 
 1818-1872. lorno: a Tale, Lon., 1871, 2 vols. or. Svo. 
listricts ill the 
 I«tri(,iisni and rai chmr (.f MrTr ' m.|i .i ml r."""'"'^' 
 (•yen loss UKreenble lo «. tli/mKhifi'i ,J .v, r , .■ V' ' ''™ '" 
 • lifulilios „f Irish l'if„'!V,'i'i,;,><;;en<'. ami ^e^^^^ of his 
 w:\s.ts;o."'''' "" ^"=''-^" ■^''■"■'^""'- ""'• No?:;, 
 l6".o. 2 (Trans.) Froa, the T„„e W„r H : a Seri ', ol' 
 I .wff'*'*"' ^" Charles Edward. Uar» 
 K c.ii., [„„„, vol. iii., add.,] mr-issa ,i'"Zlu. 
 a «r„net >r. 1S7,. I. Three. Letter, f, the " Tin e " t 
 I-nn.l.m I'auponsm, L(,n., 1870, 8vo. 2. Fron, Vsth to 
 lir.ndMK an .Autumn Tour In I.S«!(, r.on., is Svo S 
 (L ntu.ns a lecture, a reprinted article.., Thuggisu , .to i 
 pant'".'-'. "''The edito'r hi sad.'irT '^ o.hurcholatry run run- 
 ler which, while a^vi™"!n,i;' !i;;!r ""'i^^'"'" '^""■•"-■ 
 venr littl.^ infi,rmatlol""-v:^^;i^'ll^^.^™?'""». ^""veys 
 Ircvelyaii, Sir George Otto. Ilan vt i 
 ;;;.^, vol. III. TaKv.,.v...,^,. o!'"',."i:'-,^:^-^i 
 K..hle.v lemple, Leicestershire: educate 1 at Ilarroir 
 mi altv HM '^2^'^'''««««' ^'n™ l"*^-; civil lor.l of the A.l- 
 miralty lS(,9-,0; secretary to the Admiralty I8SI) so. 
 euef secretary for Ireland I8S2-S4; ehan eJlor of th^ 
 d..chy of Lancaster 1884-85: seoretarv for Sc? lan.l 
 18^6. 1. Horace at the Univer.sity .,f Athens • - e, 
 Cambridge, 8t)2, 8vo Anon o 'n.^ i /■ ■ ' ,", "" 
 men,, an'd other Pieces, I^Z- Is;. ' %';r"l '" ' f '- 
 "n Army Keform, L,.n. 187(1 Svo ' ! The'l it anil f 
 te« of Lord Macaulay;Lon.,'l876, z'^t^, "„tX 
 Will to rate hianlv iho i,f ,,n *•","" "' ""-' mWeH.ils 
 era^'pulnfof'^ulw'Kfi;!":;';""' "I ^'"""'1^' f^'"" « '"• ' 
 , „''''';'-:"'?'-'V''''"K''apl>! hr, n„,i n j, ,.,,,,„,,,,vi ' 
 i^e';l&^!;;;s-Cti:z;;;Vi!.;tTil HlSi 
 »Y^ti-M?^ n^;^-e'^;;r;nsi^?£ < 
 hue been reou re.l, for there was in MacLila -"Sracti-r 
 n er^ff^ '"'l '"'PHlicnt side, which iiust lavo ha lilsl 
 ; rw,!'iii!:.t*;;z^^^i. a iii«i;i;ri,;;s!^?'^| ';"•> i"r'>- 
 rapid, invariahly clear an.l , 1 1 o ... ii , ^ "'''"""■ 
 lj<; lo the UKc „i- tweMlV:ilve\v,\! rs , : V hav "; r',''v!;i: ,1 
 -^^cm{;lr;iM^!S' "■ "' " '""« volume, m,^.5-au!.,:i'|l^: 
 I,l'';*i?i'r.".' M- l^ / ^■''" '" I'eshawur, an,l a .. Hide into the Khyber I'a.^s, Lon., 18711 i, 8vo 
 1 revelyaii, Marie, lirave Little Women ': Wes 
 of Heroism of Girls, niust. Lon., L888, p. "v" 
 I and aZ 107' »*«"'•"" •*: ■''^•''•""""■^ '™'" ''itcrary 
 ana rtriistio Kemains, L.,ri., 18711 Svo 
 M Av^'i!",!.""'"' '''"""""n.''' (IVud.) See Fla- 
 Treves, Frederick, F.:' C.R, surgeon to, and lec- 
 turer .,n anatomy at, the L,.n, ,., Ilospitul: fo iierlypro 
 fc.-."or ,d pathology at the Royal Colljge of Surgeotis ' 1 
 Scrofula an. its Oland Diseases: an Intro.luclion t^ the 
 .eneral P„ hology of Scrofula, Lon., 1 N82, Svo. 2 Surgi! 
 "1 Applied Anatomy, lllust. Lon., Iss: , l2mo 3?n. 
 le.-tinal Obstructions: -heir Pathology, biagnosis and 
 me t'lT'cC-i ''"W,'"'"- '■ Tl- 'Ana.r;';'f",he 
 inlistina Canal ami Peritoneum in Man, (ilunterian 
 r' S '"TlV T'-^'"- ■'■ ''''' I"«"-eeof Uoth „g 
 on llealtl IMust. Lon., 1886, p. Svo. «. (KdlSur 
 fs8V:"o;s™2;n: ''''""""' ^""'""- 1"-* i-^: 
 ! Tr!^.l',?'I.'"'^l Francis, C.E. The Life of Richard 
 I /'r 1 -M V"'"' "" ^'"'""' "f his Inventions. is- 
 s- ":" Engravings on Wood by W. J. Welch. l!.„ 
 J li '— • Z »(l|S. i>\*o, ' 
 .•.i.'.':uil'.'lelalN "'" ^;'\''^"''«^"} «ith teehi.ical or profes- 
 ' an interest aii.l a va e f its m m' i ^ '"' """• '"^ 
 i ni,,venieii\ if nm.l^rn'llnlc"!'::^.;;/ Jll^J^^^^^^'"'^^'^ 
 ! 1 revor, Albiaia. A Wi,l.,w's Tale • or The S,.n 
 rament of the Forest, Lon., 1871, l2nio ' °' 
 - Lon.'^8?fiV"vo"* '"'"" ^•"' """■'^"glUh Morals, 
 irickett, Milliani. l. The Pennsylvania Uw 
 of Liens, Jersey City, N.J., ls,s2, 2 vols 8vo 2 tZ 
 I-aw in I'ennsylvania of Voluntary tsign^ent's in 
 Trimht" ^'fi' "f .fersey Cit'y?"88" 8,4 
 oas'!i'i''re"5'i'mia*'°A''f/r' '"'".• /"'""'" "^ "'^ "'•' ^an- 
 i «r„n i '^'''"'''•. ^ "eformed Army for Home and For- 
 I eign .Service, Liverpool. IS7I 8vo 
 i Trimen, Capt. H., late ,35th Regiment Reiri 
 L:n"'^"-s"^„^"'''" ^™'^' <='"-''nologif:M;trafe 
 At iinal Movement, N. York, 188.0, 8vo. 
 B., ,J"r ' ■'"''"'" >'""""^-^ "^^^ ^'^''•"•^' O"'""'" 
 Bo'?i"l's''7'6*i2.?,n^^ V'""^% ■'^•"''''"' f'if« "t ""vard, 
 Jjosi., t.S(«, i2mo. An.ui. New ed., 1877 
 l~:s™r.v, u.fisjv'.r-'"'' «*"-■"»': 
 • ' 
 .' -.* 
 ^H % 
 Tristrnm, Kev. Henry linker, D.D., LL.D., 
 F.U.S., [ni\lc, vol. iii., 11(1(1., I 1). l.HL'2; Ijueiuiio cnnon of 
 Diirhuiu in 1H7I, ImviiiK rf^ij^ni'd tlio livin^of (Irciithum 
 in ls7:t; ninil (loan of Uurlmin finoo l8Sil. I. (Kd.) 
 Tlu' I)iiut;liter8 of Syria ; u Narriitivo of KlVortx uiiido 
 liy .Mi-,1. liowcn Tliouip.son for tliu KviuiKoli/iition of 
 Syrian Fciimlos, Lou., l.sfiO, p. Hvo; 3(1 e(' , 1.^71. 2. 
 The Sovi'n Ooidt'n Ciindiosticlts. Illust. I.on., I.**?!,!). 
 Svo; now ed., 18.S1. ;). Tlui TopoKnipliy of tho Holy 
 liiind : II ■''ut'oinet Account of All iho I'huic.^, HiviTs, 
 and .Mountain.s of tlio Land of I.«niL'l inontidned in ti.e 
 Jiiblo; tofjetherwitli tlu'ir .Modern Xuiiies and Historical 
 liefcrcnces, Lon., 1872, p. ."vo. 4. The Lund of .Moali : 
 Travol^ and Hiscoveries on tlio Hast 8ide of tlie Dead 
 Sea and the Jordan: with a Chapti.T on tlic I'er.^ian 
 I'alace of Masliita, by James Fei(;uson. Illust. Lon., 
 187:t, cr. 8vo. 
 " I'lea.saiitly wrillcii and well illiistnited, the narrative 
 sustains it.s interest llinmKlKUit, and wives a vivid iileturu 
 of the present e(jiHiiti(]n of tlie ecjuntry,"— .l(/i., No. l.i^l. 
 5. Incidents in liibic History diiselled on Ancient 
 Monuiuenti, Lon., L'<7a. fi. (Hd.) Flowers of tho Holy 
 Land, Lon., 1875. 7. Palestine in its Physical Aspects, 
 ("Solenco Lectures,") Lon., issii, Svo. 8. Pathways of 
 Palestine: a Descriptive Tour tlirough tho Holy Land. 
 Illust. Lon., lSSi-S2, 2 V(ds. fol. 
 " In his descriptldiis. wlietlier of the scenery or the his- 
 torical remains hallowed tiy tlie assoeiations of eighteen 
 centuries, he shows hiniself ut once in sympathv w ith tlie 
 best instincts of Cliristlan belief, and c'ritieal tn dealing 
 with the evidences supplied either by the records of tlie 
 piLst or the research of recent years,"— .vi(. Ri{\, liii. 4&1. 
 l). The Fauna and Flora of Palestine, (Palestine E.t- 
 ploration Fund Pub.,) Lon., 1881, -Ito. 
 Tristrnni, ThomiiN iliitchiiison, t^C, D.C.L., 
 b. 1825; brother of Kev. H. B. Tristram, /m/;™ ; f;ra(l- 
 uated in law ut Lincoln College, 0.\ford, 18,0U| judge of 
 the consistory court of London; chancellor of the diocese 
 of Hereford and KIpon, Ac. Contentious Priictioe of 
 the Hi^'h Court of Justice, Lon., 1H8U, 8vo. 
 TriNtram, Willinni Oiitrnin, b. 1859. 1. Ju- 
 lian Trevor: a Novel, Lon., 188:1, ;i vols, cr, Svo. 2. 
 Ciinedies froai a Country-Side, [stories,] Lon., 1885, p. 
 Svo. 3. A Strange Atl'air: a Novel, Lon., 1887, 3 vols, 
 or, Svo. 4. Coaching Days and Coacliing Ways. Illust. 
 Lon., 1888, r. Svo. 
 Tritton, Joseph, treasurer of the Baptist Mission- 
 ary Society. Baptist Missionary Society : Kiso an(l 
 Progress of the Worlt on tho Congo, Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 Trivier, C. L. How I came out from Homo: an 
 Autobiography, Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 
 Trobridgv, (Jeorge, head-master of the Qo'-ern- 
 ment School of .Art, Belfast. The Principles of i-e. 
 spective as applied to Model-Drawing and Sketching 
 from Nature. Illust. Lon., 1884, obi. 4to. 
 TroHope, Anthony, [nuie, vol. iii., add.,] 1815- 
 1882. After his retirement from the post-ofTico in 18B7, 
 he undertook tho editorship of St. Paul's, a new maga- 
 zine, which was discontinued after an existence of three 
 years and u half. In 18l!S he visited tho United States 
 on a postal mission, being also commissioned by the 
 Foreign Office to inakean effort in behalf of international 
 copyright. In 1871 he paid a visit to Australia, return- 
 ing by way of .America in 1872, and from 1873 he made 
 his ]>crniancnt home in Lontion, His habits of literary 
 labor wore in the liighest degree regular and methodical. 
 The time which he gave to it was three hours daily. " It 
 was my practice," ho says, " to be at my table every 
 morning at 5.30; and it was also my practice to allow 
 myself no mercy. ... It had at this time become my 
 custom — and it still is my custom, though of lato I have 
 become a little lenient to myself — to write with my watch 
 before me, and to require from myself 250 words every 
 quarter of an hour. I have found that tho 2.tO words 
 nave been forthcoming a.s regularly as my watch went. 
 But my three hours were not devoted entirely to writing. 
 I always began my la: k by reading tho work of tho day 
 before, an operation which would take me half an hour, 
 and which consiste.' ( niefly in weighing with my car 
 tile sounii »»f tl' wo. ..- phrases. ... I have never 
 written tli.eo i. ve ^ .- .i year; but by following tho 
 \\V\:\ above dcscrihcii f have written tiutre than as nturh 
 as three novels. ... It may interest some if I state that 
 during tho last twenty years I have made by literature 
 something near £70,000. ... I look upon the result as 
 comfortable, but not splendid." ("Autobiography," 
 written in 1875-76, with some additions made in 1879.) 
 His son adds, " Every day until his last illness [a month 
 before his death] my father continued his work. Ho 
 would not otherwise have been happy. Ho demanded 
 from himself less than he had done ten years pre\'i<iusly, 
 but his daily task was always done." The nuiiilier of 
 his works, including thirty which are entered (iiil>\ vol. 
 iii., amounts tosi.xly nine. Some of them wore first pub- 
 lished in monthly parts, and others as serials in maga- 
 zines. I. Nina ilalatka: the Story of a Maiden of 
 Prague, I'Min. and Lon.. IsOT. 2 vids. 12uio. Anon. 
 New ed., IHSO. 2. Linda Tressel. By the Author of 
 "Nina Balatkft." Ldin. and Lon., 18B8, 2 vols. 12nio. 
 3. All I'Mitor's Talcs, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 4. Sir Harry 
 Hotspur of Humblelhwaite, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. .'i. Com- 
 mentaries (d' ("aius Julius Ciesar, ("Ancient Classics for 
 Knglish Headers,") Kdin. and Lon., 1870, U'mo. D. 
 Struggles of Bhiwn, Jones, and Robinson, Lon., 1870, p. 
 Svo. 7. Mary (ircsley, Lon., 1871, 12mo. 8. Ralph 
 the Heir, Lon., 1871, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 " A story which, if not in his best style, is yet a miirvcl 
 (if freshness h hen we consider the prodigious number ol 
 Its jiredecessors."— .8(i(. liev., .\.\xi. .M17. 
 U. Tlic Kustaeo Diamonds, Lon., 1872, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 10. The (iolden Lion of (iranp("re, Lon., 1872, p. Svo. 
 11. Australia and New Zealand, Lon., 1873, 2 vols. 
 Svo; new ed., 1875, 1 vol. cr. Svo. 
 " He is a line specimen of the true .lohn Hull in politics, 
 . . . The mislnrtuiK' is tlnit lie has carried into anotlier 
 province id' literature the habits which are ccrtai'ily ex- 
 cusable, and perhaps meritorious, in his peculiar stjie of 
 (Ictioii. . . . 'Ihe liabit (jf coniposim; in perfectly simple 
 sentences, ea(d> of them conveyint., 'lie easy proposiiiun. 
 makes liiin iiitoleraldv dilVuse. — .8(i(. Htv., ."txxv. o.'i^l. 
 " While the ^'Ciieral reader w ill lind nothing to interest 
 ■ him, the statistician will be able to place Ihcni in his library 
 I Willi the conlidence that their facts are accurate as far as 
 they go."— .4(/i., No. Sim. 
 j 12. Phineas Redux. Illust. Lon., 1873, 2 vols. svo. 
 I " The new story seems to us in every way even the sii- 
 j periiir of the old. There is more body in the plot, and 
 more subtlety in theconcepli(Uis,tli(iiigh not perliupMU'ire 
 llnisli ill the execution."— .S;)( editor, xlvli. 16. 
 13. Harry Jleathcote of Uangoil : a Tale of Australian 
 Bush Life, Lon., 1874, er. Svo. 14. South Australia and 
 Western Australia, Lon., 1874, 12mo. 15. Victoria and 
 Tasmania, Lon., Is74, 12mo. 16. New .'^onth Wales and 
 Queensland, Lon., 1874, l2ino. 17. Lady Anna, Lon., 
 1874, 2 vols. p. Svo. 18. The Way we Live now, Lon., 
 1875,2 V(ds.8vo; newcd., 1870, cr. Svo. 19. The Prime 
 Minister, Lon., 1875-70, 8 parts. 
 " As regards the public. ' The Prime Minister' was a fail- 
 ure. It WHS worse spoken of by the press than any novel 
 1 had written. . . . 'The American .'Senator' and ' I'opeii- 
 joy' have appeared, eaidi with fair success. Neither of 
 them has eiic()iiiiierc(l that rciiroach '.\liieli. in regard to 
 ' The I'rine .Minister.' .seemed to tell nie that my work a.s 
 a iiuvelist should be liroUKlil to a close. .And yet I feel as- 
 sured that they are very iiilerior to ' The Prime Minister.' " 
 — AiUobioyraplij/, Ann.'r. ed., :>-3, 3'J4, note. 
 20. The American Senator, Lon,, 1877. 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 21. South Africa, Lon., 1377, 2 vols. p. Svo; 4th ed., 
 " In his two volumes on so very dull a subject as South 
 Alriea there is scarcely a dull page."— .8(i(. Kit., xlv. J41. 
 22. Is ho Popenjoy ? a Novel, Lon., Is78, :' vols. cr. 
 Svo, 23. John Caldigate, Lon., 1879, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 21. An Eye for an Eye, Lon., 1879, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 25. 
 Cousin Henry : a Novel. Lon., 1879, 2 vols. or. Svo. 26. 
 Thackeray, (" English .Men of Letters,") Lon., 1879. p. 
 " While he does not enter into much biographical detail, 
 Mr. Trollope bus succeeded, without telling anything abso- 
 lutely new, ill weaving his materials iiitou most truthful 
 and complete likenes.s. . . . He by no means tries to repre- 
 .sent Thackeray a-s a model of all the virtues. Hut alle( - 
 tidii draws him to the noble side of the character, and 
 alike in his record of tlie life and In his criticisms of the 
 books be writes so as to increase love and reverence." 
 —,ilh.. Xo. 2004. 
 " .Mr. Trollope, whether from a lack of intellectual power 
 of sympathy, or fnnn some other, wholly fails to ajj- 
 preciate Thackeray, though he does undoubti'dly make a 
 ilouiideriug attempt to do so."— .Vu(('oii, xxlx. IS!. 
 27. The Duke's Children : a Novel, Lon., 1880,3 vols. 
 p. Svo, 
 " 111 the present work we find him not quite at his best. 
 But tlie writer's familiarity with his characters commiiui- 
 cute.s itself imperceptibly to the reader; there are no ditli- 
 cult or awkward intriiduclioiis; the toning of the picture, 
 to use an artistic phrase, is uiiexccptioimble; aiui if it iy. 
 rather tinted than coloured, the tints are so handled that 
 only the masters of colour could produce anything more 
 likely to recall reality."— .Spec/iitor, liii. "5-1. 
 28. The Life of Cicero, Lon., ISSO, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 " No clever book written by a clever man is likely 
 altogether to miss its mark. ... If, for all that, we adhere 
 to our opinion that this biography of Cicero is superlUious, 
 1 Ins WHS lolt unHnished.) ;)». An bhllV.;,'ir 
 E,lin., 1881, 2 vols. p. 8vo. " ' '"''"'' 
 with b„tl, his fonts n it f, ox.'J' ''''*'''''J'''"l'''''"'«<i 
 with fiitilf anihili,,!, ftLr 'n L .i^^,'*'''''-'' """ '"'"»« 
 His proper .lonmi, ' Vs wi, k^'^.t , ShK, *-',""'^ ^','"i 
 •'lie: he is inimitably at Im mV^ru e u, ui, ^ < iversi le.l 
 us tljere to visit hin/ue nmyVe su're of ''."th^L '^^l'^^ 
 Mhoesonie entertniiimeiit 
 vols. II. 8 VI 
 (•ltie.s, thcirouKhh we I •,;, 1 • ? ""i ^.^''^'Nery, and its 
 lite K,,,i n.a„;;er^ ulil^rv^';;.!!^'-- i^i^li;,^V!!;^ '"^fn 
 : Tr«l|oi>p, Trnilk, [ante, vol. iii., nddl I Tl.„ 
 ; Ma^k..-; Alan: a Novo), I.on., 1871 2 Xl" , 8v; o" 
 I ho Lawyer'^ Daughter , a Novel. 1 on., 87« 3 voi; e'r' 
 cr.'vo!- '"'"'"" "'""^'^'^ Wooing. Lon:'?i80: 3' vo": 
 th™v"&' "'"'">' ^"ivale, b. 1846, .on of An- 
 - .... ..■jfc (ijifiv IIUIII 
 smer in the ; tlmt 
 lii-i ^^ehavenuneof ,"•! ,'" ''^'^ ho removed from Florenco fn lj„n. 
 -■swhteh .eetntobri,,. : where ho „a, f„. „„„« y,„,„ threorrespondent ^fTl^o 
 -;il!l?^^^.!;"l^3;!liSi2^S ! ?^! te' conclave -^3^-- ITj:^--.! 
 deserilled iii; wll^king of S. fcelilll? "in' ^"'^'^Tfnlly 
 attemnted to depict vKit n s^i™ ■''' ''.'''•'■'^•".''H.has 
 desoriVd, not Mrcnm f^ m h 'A,^ ' "^ always, in fact, 
 ward siKis of Ifeeliiiu *'ti. '*"- '""*^' "bvioiis out- 
 Troliopi^sMiAU^s ohefun. rf,f':',''™' ".''"'•'• "f Mr- 
 he BivSto tl e almost mivN,i J' „" r """sfiietion which 
 •'fevery.daylifi?,^ 1' \Y. ■ -' •''■'^^'•''™"r''teslietehe8 
 _.--., ....^ >>>\>, •*iiM 10 Liie ('( 
 or the easy optimism wliicli'sees'i,, i:'„:V-'V •.■■•""'n 
 II n/Mu „»io... .(.„ , .. ' .!'".'.' " ^its Ml I'^mlish .society, as 
 SSI bloarnuigements in iht 
 A. \ . IJRKv : .Vii^ioH. xviii 
 U*t of all iwssible worlds 
 a.;;™^ ur.^l'/iliinii^lS^^!:;^ ™^!|';'"'- -"> remain 
 writers of Ki.Kiisl, pr ,%m'i,' ,,t it' ('''1'''""^'' "*' '''•-■ 
 i'!aiui;s^^^'i:aiy^!"i -:^i^ ^r --"■! ^he';Sr!:i?^r^?;f 
 .li ,1? '"I'f^ «»• Kev. Eclw«rd, D.D.; K.S.A r„ 
 "I. 111., add..l mins....r,.i.,.l 11; . I „■ • * "^.n., I'l 
 IS87, 2 vols. 8vo ^ Romember, 
 men Miiitfed hrcaSs' in !?"™V''''" '"veried foot- 
 •■Kvaiigelicalism^' and ••low An 'i'V- ' '^^''''• ""1 '*^''en 
 vnlgarity ;• l,i,t "ir. Trollone 1 as r i i''" ";«,■•? » "<«'' ''f 
 .. The"Qo^;',^f\^; Luko'"??'/"'"^' ^■'"- '"- ^'"'•] 
 Cambridge. .87.1 '«.,„"''„" •^„^''?.'''8»"'«""' »nd Notes 
 : K' 

 vimrof Alnwlok ilnce ISBlt. 1. Sins of the Fcimily : 
 ScnminB preiiflKMl in Alnwiclf, l.i>n., 1872, |). Hvo. 2. 
 'I'lio Churirli i.f KnK'liinil : liur Kiirly lli-tory, licr 1 rop- 
 crly, iinil hiT Mir-niun, l,on., IS»7, p. Hvo. :!. Tlio Churili 
 (if UnuliinJ; lier Rcfonimtion History: a Sorion of Lec- 
 tures, Unn., IHSS, r.>mo. , , .. 
 Trotter, John U., u.-»lslant elcrlt to llif ju»tico», 
 (luil.llmll, l.onilMii. A|>|kii1h from tlu; Ccmvictionii ami 
 Onlcrnof .luKtiecs I'on., IH!<I, 8v(>. 
 Trottvr, t'n|>t. Lionel .^inies, ['<""■. vol. in., 
 ttiUl.,1 b. 1K27, lit Ciili'iitla; u.lucalwl nl tlie Clnirter- 
 houac, iinil lit Merlon College, O.xlor.l; went to Inilia in 
 acailet in IHI7; served Hiroiigli tlio I'unjiib ciiui|MiiKn 
 of im.'<-l», rcieivinn ii uie.liil and two iliisii.i; iii tlio 
 soeon.l Ilurnie»e war, {X'M, Ae. ; retired on hiill.|iiiy 
 181)2. lie edited tlio Indian Mail lH(i7-7i'. and liascon- 
 tribulJcl to periodi.ala in India and Ilcjidea 
 the workK nienlinned '<"'<■, vol. iii., lie Ini.a ) ubii.-lied ; 
 I East and Wewt, and olhor I'ocin.s K.iin., l«.ill. -• 
 (Trans.) I,a Sorei.'Te, bv I Mielielet, L"n., 18(17, p. Svo. 
 :). llistor; f India, I,on., Is7l, svo. 1. Warren llaat- 
 in;.'s: a Hio^^rapliv. l,on.. isrit, 8ki. 
 " Kegarded as a deleiice or a suininar)- 
 is neces.sarlly drpeiideiit on older and In 
 separalo IdoKiapliy Ho- vulunio lias a liiyli o "'i" ' 'I''" 
 from Uie general nireluliiess it exhlliit.s. -.m, No. Ji..«. 
 5. I.i.ra Lawrence: a Slieteh of bia I'ublie Career, 
 Lon 1881), fp. Svo. H. lIL'-torv of India under Queen i 
 Viet.iria, from ls:t6 to 1S8II, l,on„ ISStl, '.' vola. Svo. | 
 "The liiilk of Captain Trotter's liooli is taken np with | 
 war, IliiaiRV, famine, and peslilenic. . . . (oil ierlii|,' to- 
 Kether, Willi Oiimil lael and labour, the eompllealed ek- 
 nienls of liis va>t an.l arduous prulilem, h- shows loi li 
 both error and aehievemoiil ; avoids slrom; laiiKUano in 
 eeiisiirliiK where he thinks eeiisure due; and does not 
 daiib the portraits of his more lavonred eharaeters Willi 
 HftlteriiiK eoloiirsof fnlsoine panegyric. — .lend., xx.ii. in. 
 7. Life of Lord Uaihousie, (".Slatemuun feer.,) Lon., 
 18SH p. S\o. 
 Trotter, €ni)t. Philip Durham, of the 9:id High- 
 landers. Our .Mission to tlio Court of .Morocco in I8S0 
 under .Sir John Druinmond liny,, Minister I'len- 
 ipotcntiary and Knvoy Kxtraordinary to Ilia Majesty 
 tlio Sultan. lllu.n. Kdin , ISSl, Svo. 
 ■•The hook is, on trie whole, very niiieh like other books 
 of travel wrilteii hy eaplaliis. Il has a brlsknes.s and a 
 L'aieiv which carrv the reader easily alontf, Imt whenever 
 he pauses ill his readinn he llnds m !•.; set down to a ratlier 
 iw Intelligibility 
 u older ami loller records: ar •■ 
 lii;hl refection."— .l//i., No. -7«7. 
 Troiiesxurt, Udouiird <jOUis. Microbes, I'er- 
 nicnts, andMoulils. Illust (," International Seientilio 
 ,Scr.) Lon., 18SB, p. 8vo, „ .,• i 
 Troup, Charles Kdward, Braduatcd at UalUol 
 College, Ox'nrd, l8,-^;t. 'file future Work of Free Trade 
 in Knglish Legislation, (Cobden Club I'rizo Essay,) Lon., 
 18St, ji. 8vo. 
 Troup, F. The Spectrum: its Microscopy and 
 Diiignostio Signifiealions. Ilhist. Lon., 188(1, Svo. 
 Troup, tieorge KImslie. Life of (Jcorge Troup, 
 Juuriialist, l,ou., 18S2, IL'uo'. 
 TrowbriUsc, Miss Catherine M., [miie, vol. 
 iii add.l 1. Satistied. IMust. X. York, IS78, Ifiino. 
 2. A Crown of tilory, N. York, 187'J, Kimo. :i. Mis- 
 takes Host., 18S0, Kimo. 4. Korestville Sheaves; or, 
 Sowing and (lathering, N.York,, Kimo. 0. Vic- 
 tory lit, N. York, 18.s2, 12mo. (i. Will and Will 
 Not; and Or. Martindaie's Wanl, Pliila,, 188:1, 12mo. 
 7. Snares and Safeguards. Illust. Phila., 18SB, 12mo. 
 S Changing Places: How line Hoy climbed up, while 
 Another slipped down. Illust. N. York, 188S, 12mo. 
 Trowbridge, John, S.D., [«»/.■, vol. in., aild.,] b. 
 1813, in Boston: graduated at Harvard 18116; professor 
 of experimental physics at Harvard ISSO S: , and since 
 then Kuniford professor of the application of science to 
 the useful arts. The New Physics : a Manuul of Experi- 
 mental Studv, N. York, 1881, 12mo. 
 Trowbridge, John Townsend, [nii'e, vol. in., 
 add.] He was editor of Our Young Folks 1870-7.1, and 
 has been a freiiuenl contributor to leading periodicals. 
 Since 1S48 he has resided in Boston. 1. Lawrcnc_e s 
 Adventures among the Ice-Cutters, Ac, Phila., 1870, 
 Kimo. 2. Coupon Bonds, and other Stories, 1871. 3. 
 Jack Hazard Series, 1871-75, 5 vols.; new eil., Phila., 
 ISni, t) vols, itimo. I. Fast Friends, Pliibi- 1871, 1 
 5 Doing his I!e.'t, Phila.. 1878, 12ino, 6. The Book ot 
 Gold, and other Poems, N. York, 1877, sm. 4to. 7. 
 Bound in Honor; or, A Harvest of Wild Oats, Bost., 
 1877, Kimo. 8. His Own Master, Bost., 1877, IBmo. 'J. 
 The Ureal Match, (" No Name" Ser„) Bost., 1877, IBmo. 
 (This ia also ascribed to Prof. John Trowbridge, inpra.) 
 10. Young Joe, and other Boys, Host., ISTB, !2nio. II. 
 The Silver Modal Series. Host., 188(1-82, B vols. Iliiiio. 
 12 A Home Idyl, ami other Poems, Host., 1881, I'.'mo. 
 13. The Tide-Mill Series, Host., I8S2-87, B vo s. IBiii... 
 14. FameH's F.dly, Ho.-t., 18Sl, Kimo. I... Mnl mid 
 his Friends, Host., 1881, IBmo. IB. Tinkham Brothers 
 Tide-Mill, Host., I8,H1, IBmo. 17. The Little Master. 
 Illust. Host., 1887. IBmo. 18, Peter Hudstone : the 
 Boy who was Ha/.ed. Illust. Bust., I8S7, l.'ino lil. 
 His One Fault, Host., 18S7, l2mo. 20. Hiding his fime; 
 or, Andrew Hapnell's Fortune, Host., 188S, 12iuo 21. 
 The Lost Earl, and other Poems and Talcs, in Vei,'e. 
 Illust. Host., IS88, Svo. 22. A .Start in Life: a Story 
 of the Genesee Country, Bust., 1888, Ifliuo. With Coiiu, 
 C. E., Heroes of '7fi : a Dramatic Cantata ol the Kevo- 
 lution, Bost., 1877, Ito. 
 Trowbridge, Oliver U. ininois and the Nation: 
 how tliey are governed. Chic, I sS7, 12ino. 
 Trowbridge, William I'etit, Ph.D., LL.I)., b. 
 1,H28, in Michigan; graduated at Ihe I .S. .Military 
 Aeiidomy 1818; professor of engineering in the bchoo 
 of Mines, Columbia College, since 187fl. 1. Proposed 
 Plan for building a Bridge luross the East Kiyer at 
 Blackwell's Island, N. York, I8C,1». 2. Heat as a huuree 
 of Power: with Application of General Principles to tlio 
 Construction of Steam-Generators. Illust. N. lork, 
 1874, Svo. 3. Tablcr: witli Explanations of Non-tou- 
 deneing Stationary Steaii. Engine, and of lligh-Pressuro 
 Stcam-Hoilers, 4to. 4. Turbine Wheels: On tiio Inap- 
 plicability of the Theoretical InveBtigations of the lur. 
 bine Wheel, Ac, to the .Moilorn Constructions, N. York, 
 i 1879, 181110. .». Statistics of Power and Machinery em- 
 ployed in Manufactures: I'.epurls .n the Water-Power 
 ' of the United States. In 1"> Parts. Parti. (<jn'o* 
 Beport, vol. xvi.) Illust.. Maps, and Plans. Wash,, 
 1885, 4to. 
 Trower, Charles Francis, M.A., [i»ii<: vol. m , 
 add,] b. 1817; graduated, lirst class Lit. Hum., at 
 Balliol Ccdlege, Oxford, 1839, and elected Fellow ot 
 Exete- College; called to the bar at the Inner Toniplo 
 1842. I. The Law of Building of Churches, Parsonages, 
 and Schools, Lon., 1874, p. 8vo. 2. A Manual of the 
 Prevalence of Equity under the Judicature Act, Lon.. 
 187B, Svo. ^ ^ 
 Trower, Kt. Kev. Walter John, D.D., [nun, 
 vol. iii., add.,] 1.'^05-I877; rector of Ashinglon, .Sussex. 
 1S71-77. 1. Familiar Expository Sermons, Lon., 1871, 
 p. Svo. 2. New .Metrical Psalter, Oxf., 1875, ISuio. _:i. 
 Short Comments, Genesis to Deuteronomy, Lon., 187o, 
 3 vols. l2nio. 
 Troyte, iMrs. C. E. Acland-, Froiatlie Pyr- 
 enees to tlie Cliannel in a Dog-Cart, Lon., L-87, 8vo. 
 "This narrative . . . was well wortli puMishing. If only 
 to .sliow how easv of accomplishment such a trip is, and 
 liow miKdi of interest in Ccnlral France awaits the tourist, 
 t'speeially if lie have ii taste for urehieology andarcliiUr. 
 lure."— .lc(i(/., xxxii. 38. 
 Troyte, Charles Arthur Williams, b. IsU: 
 8<m of A. 11. Dyke Acland, who in 1S52 assumed tlie 
 surname of Troyte in place of Acland; lorn, colon. I 
 of the 1st Devonsliire Yeomanry: resides at lluntalium 
 Court, Devonshire 1. Change-Hinging: an Introduc- 
 tion to tlie Early Stages of the Arl of Church- or Hand- 
 Bell Kinging, I.on., 1872, p. 8vo. 2. Morse Alphabet 
 and Auxiliary Signs or Signals, Lon., 1871), Svo. 
 Troyte, Lieut. John Edward Acland-, M.A.. 
 graduale.l at Christ Cliurch College, Oxford. 1871.'. 
 Through the Banks to a Commission, Lon., 1>81, Sv.i 
 'Troyte, Rev. Reginald Henry Dyke Ac- 
 land-, .M.A., brother of C. A. W. Troyte, (07-10 ; grad- 
 uated at Trinity College, Oxford, 1874; ordained 1874; 
 chaplain at Pau since 18S5. Holy Week and other .'scr 
 I mens, preached in St. Andrew's Church, Pau, Lcm., 18>\ 
 ! fp. Svo. With TiiovTK, John Acusn-, llic 
 ■ Change-Ringers' Guide to the Steeples of England, Lon.. 
 1873, 12ino. „ . r , 
 i True, Rev. Charles Kittridge, D.D., ['h.ic, vol. 
 1 iii., add.,] 180U-I87S. 1. John Wintlirop and ihcGreat 
 1S75, Ifimo. 2. Life and Times 
 Colony, N. Y'ork, , n 1 
 F-.-t F(iendi= Phila- 1871, 12mo. 1 Sir Walter Kaleigh, Pioneer of Anglo-Ainerican t.jlom- 
 '^^ ' • • • " zation, Cin., 1877, IBmo. 3. Lite and Times ol Joh, 
 Knox, Cin., 1S78, lOmo. 4. Memoirs of John Howard, 
 the Prisoner's Friend, Cin., 1878, 16mo. 5. The Ihiriy 
 Years' War, N. York, 1879, IBmo. 6. Life of Captain 
 John Smith, Planter of Virginia, N. York, 1882, IBmo. 
 7. Heroes of Holland, N. York, 1882, IBmo. 
iind llio Nallun: 
 C.",J","'' ""'""'" (^'""J-) See Cn.nwinn.N, T. 
 .jSl'"/i;^.S""- ^'•«"Clu..»n,IOur.. I.- 
 TrueHdcll, l«|,„ W. Il„t,„„, K,,ct, ..oncoming 
 the ,soio,.,,o Ml .^pinluali,,,,, fr ,„„,„| lnv«.tiKation1 
 covennK a l-.r,,,,! uf Tv»..„ty-Kive Yeurs, N. York, ISM, 
 Truman, Ileiijiiinin CiiniiniiiKs, b. at i 
 l'r(.vi,l(;n .., Ul.i e.lucuted iit Canturhury, N.ll, .," ! 
 recently bu«n ,;o„nuute,l with the I'acihc Ituilwuy Coin- ' 
 imiiy. 1. Iho. Smith iiltor (he Wiir, N. Yurk Istir •> ' 
 7i'-Hi"'wl' !-'""■';"""■ '■"'"• ■'• "'■•'•i'l'-ntulSketihe",;! 
 1«,». 4. Winter Ue«.rts of fulilorniu, I8SII. j. From 
 the CreKoent City to the (iol.le.i (iftte, 18s:'. ,). Tlie I 
 luL'l VT,'";,'"-""*' 'i roMiplelo and (•„ 
 lii.Htory ol Uuellin« in All Countries, N. Y-^^,rk ISHJ ■ ,. Homes aiul ll,.|,,,ine..s in the Oohlon Uate,' [ 
 ^1'.""^,'"': ^^,}^•' '^a"°'-y. J. A., a„,i Ship. 
 nillii, II. A. (Ivl.) Collection of Decisions relative 
 to Hallways, N. \ ork, lS7:)-7l!, 8 vols. Svo 
 I nimble, Allrcd. I. Swurd and Scimolar: the 
 Konian.o of the Crusades. Illu-t. .N.York IMS(i4to 
 a. The Moll Street Poker Club : the Secretary's .Minutes.' 
 Xllust. ^. \ork, IH8,S, ,Svo. 
 Trumbull, Gurdoii, b. lSll.atStoninKton,Conn. • 
 studied art, and has of late years devoted himself to 
 ornithology. Names and Portraits of IJirds which in- 
 terest (iui.nors : with Ueseriptions i„ Language under- 
 utandod of the People. Illust. N. York, [MX 8vo 
 (Contains descripiions of the si.Uy-ono game-birds of" 
 Jiaatorii North Amerini, with a ■' portrait" of each, and 
 in the index, a of the various names, more than 
 a thousand in number, by which they are popularly 
 known.) ' ' ■' 
 Ju)/"""'} "'"' Ki;">''»V' !''>-■'''•' "f wiTk. inadc up mostly 
 of JiUormatiou n„i t„ be had elsewhere.' -Au(io;i xlvii Vl 
 Trumbull, llev. Henry Cluy, U.l)., l„„/., voh 
 ill., add., J cdilur of the Sunday-School Times n( Phihi- 
 delphiasmue lS7a. In I8S1 ho travelled througl, Kgynt 
 Arabia, and Syria. I. The Worth of an Jlistorio (Jon- 
 eeiousness, Hartford, 1871). 2. A Model Superinten.lent ■ 
 Sketch ol the Life, Character, and Methods of Work of 
 ilenry P. Haven, N. York, 1880, l^'uio. ;i. Kadesh- 
 Harnea: its Importance and Probable Site : with the 
 Story of a Hunt lor it: including Studies of the Route 
 ol the i-.xodus and the Southern Uoundaiy of the llolv 
 Land, N. York, 1884, 8vo. 
 „" ^J,'*-' deein Howlaiida's Ideiitilieatloii of Kadesh, which 
 Mr. Iriiiii Mill .s.) weightily MipporUs hy lil.s te.siiiiionv and 
 research, the strongest ul all Ideiitilleutions known to us." 
 — .\it/(o;i, xlviii, iL'ii. 
 "The Murv, iia we have it, is very remarkable and iiitei- 
 es, Dr. Irnmbuirs book is certainly a valuable ad- 
 ;"""',' ''I '"y, '"ready eiiorm.iii.s mass of Palestine litera- 
 ture. — .S(it. Jicr., Ivii. 6,")0. 
 1. Teaching and Teachers; or, The Sunday-School 
 teachers Teaching Work, &u., Phila., 1884, U'luo. 5. 
 The Ulood-Coveuant: a Primitive Kite and its Hearing 
 on Scripture, N. York, 188,"), l^mo. 
 l,„'ih''!V, .''li"'''. ''',"''','"'"'■1'"'; ' M'liKnRe himself from 
 111 t 10 theol.n;lcal and llie niitl-ilieological bias, will 
 1st admire the industry aiiU patien.'e that have gone to 
 llie CO leclioii and arrangement uf .su many painful facts 
 aii.l then aukiiuwiedge his surprise that Dr. Trumbuli 
 s umld consider their siguiticaiiee so great fur Christian 
 tlieologians, '— .Nutioa, xlii. i!80. 
 «. The Sunday-School : its Origin, Mission, Methods, : 
 and Au.\iliarie8; the Lyman IJeecher Lectures before 
 Yale Uivinity School for 1888, Phila., 1888, 8vo. ' 
 Trumbull, James Hammond, LL.D., L.H.D., 
 ['iiile, vol. iii., add. J lie is a member of many learned I 
 societies; was elected pre.-ident of the Connecticut His- 
 torical Society in 186,1, and was for a short time lecturer ' 
 on Indian languages at Yale College. Besides the works 
 mentioned miir. vol. iii., and many memoirs on histori- 
 cal and philological subj.ias, he has published: 1. The 
 True Blue-Laws of Connecticut and New Haven, and 
 the False Blue-Laws invented by Samuel Peters, Hart- 
 ford, 1877, l2ino. 2. Indian Names of Place.s, Ac., in 
 and on the Borders of Connecticut : with Interpretations 
 Harlford, IS8!, Svo. s. {Ed.) The Memorial lIi»to,y 
 of Hartford County, Connecticut, 1I133-1884. Illust 
 Bost., 188B, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Trumbull, M. M. 1. The American Lesson of the 
 Free-Trade Struggle in England, Chic, 1884, 8vo. 2. 
 The Trial of the Judgment: a Review of the Anarchi.-t 
 Case, Cbiu., 1888, 8vu. 
 rrumpii, Dr. KrnNi, 1828-188,',, b. at Ilsfeld, 
 (lermany; studied at Tllbiiigon ; librarian nf the E!a«t 
 Inilia House, Lond.m, and afterwards a missionary la 
 iiindh; nrofossor of Oriental languages at flic Cr.iver- 
 sity of Munich from 1874. 1. liraminarof the Hindhi 
 Language: compared with the Sanscrit, Prakrit, and Iho 
 < ognate Indian Vernaculars, Lon., 18/2, 8vo, :'. (Jraiu- 
 1 ftd the Language of the Afghans, Lon., 187.1, 8vo. a 
 [,•',';'""•'.„''''"' '^'" •''■"n"' : "1-. I li" Holy Scriptures of the 
 Sikhs: Translated from the Original (iurmukhi: with 
 Introductory Ksaays. Printed by Order of the Secretary 
 of State lor India in Council. Lon., |877, Svo. 
 . If""'®"' '^''"' •■*•• '■•» (" 'Ma.xwell dray,'" pseud.) 
 I. I he Broken T-yst : a .Novel, Lon,, 187«, p. 8vo. 2. 
 Iho Silence of Dcaii Maitland, Lon., 188B, ;i vols or 
 8vo. ' ■ 
 "One feels almost iLshamed to be carried away by such 
 a plot as this, and c'spei'lallv to be liiipres.sed by the elu- 
 iiueiice ol tlie ilyiiig Dean, lliit we ilel'y any honest lover 
 S'«V( '"'■*' l'l'''S''' ''^'"'■"■'"'''■'f^ "**">■ "ml so ilnpres.sed,"— 
 ;l.TheKepl•oa.■h(lf Annesley, Lon., I88U,3vols. p. 8vo. 
 I ryon, Ucor^e niiNliinetun, [anu; vol. iii., 
 add,,) ls:j,s-|,s88, was conservator of the oonchologieal 
 section ot the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences 
 ^ from 187,-. till his death. 1. Land and Fresh-Water 
 I .Niells ot North America, Wash., 187:t, 4 vols. 8vo. 2. 
 .Monograph of Terrestrial Mollusca of the United States. 
 i Illust. Phila., 8vo. !. American .Mi.miio Conohology. 
 I Illust. Phila., 1873, Svo. 4. Monograph of Strepo- 
 matidx., Wash., 1873, Svo. 5. Manual of Conchology. 
 Phila., 1879-85, 12 vols. B. Structural and Systomatio 
 ( oiichology : Introduction to the Study of the Mollusca, 
 Phila., 1884, 3 vols. 8vo. 
 "Ttenrub, Elohta," (I'seud.) See Birnktt, 
 AfllOl.K, KUIlld. ' 
 Tuck, Rev. Robert. 1. A More E.xcellent Way • 
 .sermons, Lon., 1872, p. Svo. 2. Within the Wicket- 
 iiati. : or. Beginning to Live for Christ, Lon., 187 1, Ifimo 
 .). The First Three Kings of Israel, Lon., 1875-7(1, 2 
 vols I2mo; new ed., 1881. 4. Will Jones's Workshop- 
 the Story of an Earne.-t Sunday-School Teacher, l.oii 
 18i«, 18mo. 5. The Age of the (ircat Patriarchs, Irom 
 Adam to Jacob: with Notes, l.on., 18S0-«1, 2 vols. or. 
 Svo. (1. The Aliens of Netley .Manor: the Story of a 
 ,"1."m7 \''l'"Be, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 7. A Hand-Book 
 ot Uililical Difficulties: a Reasonable Solution of Per- 
 plexing Things in Sacred Scripture, Lon., 1887, Svo 
 lucker, Bei^amin R. 1. (Trans.) Works of 
 ,lierro Joseph ProudlHrn: vols. i. and iv., Princeton, 
 Ma ., 187B, 1888, Svo. 2. (Trans.) God and the State 
 from the trench of M. A. Bakunin, Bost., 1883, Svo. 3 
 (Trans.) What's to be Done? a Romance, by N g' 
 ! Tohernychewsky. Port. Bost., 188B, 8vo. 
 Tucker, Mina Charlotte, (" A. L, 0. E,,") [nnu 
 vol. 111., add.] 1. The Shepherd of Bethlehem, King 
 ol Israel, Lon., 1861, p. Svo; new ed., ISBD. 2. Our 
 Sympathizing High-Priest: Meditations, Lon., I81I5, 
 12mo. 3. Kesoued from Egypt: Lec'ures on the Life 
 of Moses, Lon., 1865, 12ino; now ed., 1871. 4. The 
 ; Triumph over Midian, Lon., 186B, p. Svo; new ed., I8S6 
 5. The Wanderer in Africa: a Tale illustrative of the 
 Thirty-Second Psalm, Lon., 18611, 12ino. 6. Sheer Off- 
 a Tale, Edin., 1867, 12mo. 7. Winprs and Stings, Lon.! 
 1867, Svo; new ed., 1868, 12mo. - What is a Chris- 
 tian? Edin., 1868, 12mo. 9. The Oiant-Killer; or. The 
 Battle which All must light, Lon., 1868, p. 8vo. 10 
 I Stories from Jewish History, Lon., 1868, 12mo. II. On 
 I the Way; or. Places passed by Pilgrims, Lon., IS6S 
 12mo. 12. The Lost Jewel: a Tale; new ed., Lon.' 
 18BS,12mo. 13. A Sunday Chaplet of Stories; new eds, 
 bdin., 1869, 12mo, 1876. 14. My Neighbour's Shoes; or, 
 Feeling for Others; new ed., Lon., ISB'.i, 12nui. l,"i. The 
 Mine; or, Darkness and Ligut, new eds,, Lon., 1870 
 12mo, 1875, 187S. 16. The Story of a Needle, Lon., 187o! 
 I2mo. 17. Precepts in Practice; or. Stories illustrating 
 the Proverbs, Lon., 1S70, p. Svo. IS. Old Friends with 
 New Faces, Lon., 1870, 12mo. 19. Cyril Ashley; a 
 Tale, Lon., 1870, 12mo. 20. The Robbers' Cave: a Tale 
 of Italy, Lon., 1870, 12mo; new ed., 1873. 21. A 
 Wreath of Smoke, Lon., 1871, 12mo. 22, Hamblea of 
 a Rat, Lon., i»/l, l2mo. 23. Whispering Unseen; or 
 "Be ye Doors of the Word," 4c., Lon., 1872, 12mo' 
 new ed., 1881. 24. Try Again, and other Stories, Lon.. 
 1872, ISmo. 25. The Silver Key: a Tale, Lon., 1872. 
 12mo. 28. The City of No Cross and its Famous Phv! 
 sioian, Lou., 1872, cr. Svo. 27. The Hymn my Mother 
 taught me, and other Stories, Lon., 1872, ISmo. 28 
 Fairy Know-tt-Blti ft Nutihell of KnowlwlK*, t.on , 
 1>i"'.', p. >*V'H 'ill e<l., ISHl. 29. Fiilry Frl»kot ; or, 
 l'et!|iiiit iDneet Mfo, I.oii.. I^*"-*. \>- «v(i: new oil., IH7(I. 
 ;)ii. .Scrliituro I'loturf riiiJilcii ; Suveiitli iinil 'I'oiitli Hv- 
 riod, l.iiti., If<74. :il. 'I'lio Sjmnliili Onviilior: ii Story 
 of .'^ovlllii. Ily .X. I.. I' K. *•»»: I**"-! i X"'™ «<••> "*7^' 
 t). 8vo. 32. Ivlon 111 HiiKhinih ii Tiilo, lion., I^^71. 
 121110. H.I. A FriL'iiil in Ni'imI, lui.l hor SlorioH, I.on., 
 I>*7I, IHmki. III. I'liwiirJn unci Di.vvnwiinls, iiikI hiIiit 
 Sldiloa, liciii., 1s:i, |2mi(i. :15. tluod fcir Kvil, iin.l iillicr 
 Sliiricii, liiin., 187,^, IHum. ;ifl. A Wri'iitli "f Imliiiii 
 StoricK, I.iin., IS7fl, I2inii. ;17. Ili»ri>lil i ur, KullowiiiK 
 (lio Fuolprintii, I."n., IS77, 12iii.>. :1H. I'umoKriinfttfH 
 friim tho I'uiiJbuI) ; Imliiin Stiirios, l.nn., l'*7S, 12inn. 
 311. Littlo Ilulietrt I'runi Haliilii, l.un., IHSII, iL'iiio. 10. 
 Diiybrcuk in Hrituin. llliist. Urn., l«»ll. I2mo. 41. 
 Flora; or, Sulf-Doot'iitiun ; new eil., I.on., ISSl, l2ino. 
 42. Prido iinil hia Vriaoiiori': 'u>w oil., 1-on., 1S82, Ji. 
 t<vo. 4;i. Life ill the Kiiglo'H si : a Taleof Afuhuniii- 
 Inn.Lnn.. I^SI), 12ino. 14. Tbf (ioMon Flecnf; or, Wlio 
 wins tho I'riio? Lon., 188,3, ji. Hvn. Ij. Maliiilft, tho 
 .lowish Slave ; a Story of Kiirly Chiistiunity, I-on., |8«:(, 
 11, svo, 1«, Life in' tlio Wlii'.' Uonr'n Don. Uluat, 
 liOn., 18S4, p. Svi), 47, (Ira.. Vernon; or, Christiiin 
 I,ove lui.l Loyalty, I.on., \XM. l2ino, 48, I'earU of 
 Wisiloin from tho Paniblen of Chrint, l,on„ 188,i, p. 8v.), 
 4U, rii'turea of St, Paul drawn in an Knnli,-li Home, 
 Liin,, 18,H5, p, ,Svo. SO, Porcival's Picturedallory, I.on., 
 1SS6, m. IBnio, 51, Pictures of St, Peter drawn in an 
 English Homo, Lon,, '^8«, p, Svo, 52. Driven into 
 Kxilo; a Story of 111. Huguenots, Lon., 18S7, p. Svo. 
 6,1. Harold'a Hrido: a Talo, I.on., ISSS, 12ino, 
 Tucker, Kcv. F. The Uainli.iw round llie Throne, 
 and other Sermons. K.litod, with a Sketch of his Life, 
 by hia .S.m, Le.mard Tuukor. Lon., 1S87, p. 8vo, 
 Tucker, <ieorge A. Lunacy in Many Lands: 
 being an Intro.luetion to tho Uep.irts on tho Lunatic 
 Asylums of Various t'ountrioa, vir.iteJ in 1882-5, Lon,, 
 1887, r, 8vo. 
 Tucker, George Fox. 1. Tlie Monroe Doctrine: 
 ft Concise History uf its Origin and (irowth, Host., 1885, 
 ]2mo. 2. A Manual relating to tho Formation and 
 Management of Mercantile and Manufacturing t'or- 
 |i.)rationa: a Book of Massachusetts Law, Host., 18S.S, 
 Tucker, Uev. Ilciiry- Holcombe, D.D., [mile, 
 vol. iii., add.,] 1819-18110 ; graduateil at Columbian Col- 
 lege, Washington, I8;«; admitted to the bar 184fl; en- 
 tered the ministry of tho Haptist Church ; chancellor of 
 the Tniversityof Heorgia 1874-78, and afterwards e.litor 
 of tho Christian Index at Atlanta. The Old Theology 
 re-stated in Sermons, I'hila., 1884, 8vo. 
 Tucker, Rev. Henry William, M.A., b. 1830, 
 in Devonshire ; graduated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, 
 1854; ordained 1854; secretary to tho Society for the 
 Propagation (d' the Gospel since 1879; prebendary of 
 St. Paul's Cathedral since 1881. 1. Clerical Ueereati.ins, 
 Penzance, 1864. Anon. 2. Under his Banner: Papers 
 on the Mission Work of Modern Times, Lon., 1872, p. 
 8vo. 3. Memoir of tho Life and Episcopate of Edwar.l 
 Feild, D.D., Bishop of Newfoundland, 1844-78: with 
 Prefatory Note by W. E. Gladstone, Lon., 1877, 8vo; 
 3dcd., 1879. , . 
 " It is a rather obvious remark of Mr. filadstone, whose 
 voluminous oorresixiii.lenee eanimt always be oracular, 
 that • to home bisli.ips it is hardly itiveii, from llieir i«>sl- 
 tion, to rise so liiKh i" labours and saerillce for Christ us 
 lilshoi) Feild.' "—Acad., yi. 312. 
 4. Memoir of the Life and Eiiiscopato of Ueorgo Au- 
 gustus Selwyn, D,D,, Bishop of Now Zealand, 1S41-IS01I ; 
 Bishop of Lichfield, 1887-1878 : with Two Portraits, Ac, 
 Lon., 1879, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 'The manner In which Mr. Tucker has done his work 
 fully iusiitles the eonfidonee and urKOiiey of those who 
 desired that it should be put into his hands. —.>.(<. Itev., 
 xlvii. 740. 
 "It is to tie regretted that, in addition to good Inten- 
 tions and admiration lor his hero, Mr. Tucker had not Im.l 
 cnoUKli of the bookniakei's Instinct to seek to make his 
 volumes readable."— .".'Kf/nfor, Hi. 821. 
 5. The English Church in other Lands; or. The 
 Spiritual E.xpansion of Englan.l, {" Epochs of Church 
 History," i.,j Lou., ISSO, p. .'<vu. 
 Tucker, J. Thermopylse, Ac. : Poems, Lon., 1878, 
 Tucker, J. II. .Manual of Sugar Analysis : with 
 Introduction on the Cliemistry of Cane Sugar, Dextrose, 
 Levulose, and Milk Sugar. lUust. N. York, 1881, 
 Tnckrr, Col. John .Monlniorcncy. The Life of 
 the Ituke of WilliiigLin : compile.l from Derpatehof, 
 ,Vc, lllii>.t, L.>n-. 1879, r, 8vo. 
 Tucker, John tJwen. I'he .Mute: a Poem of 
 Victoria, an. I other Poems, Molbourno, 1^70, 
 Tucker, T. W. Waifs fi the Way-lllll« .d' an 
 itl.l Kxpressman, llo<l., 1872, liliiio. 
 Tucker, Uev. UilDnin liuine, [unh; vol, til., 
 11 id, I lsl2-l^"<ll, b. at Haiiipsten.l, Dcvonshlrn; 
 grailuateil at St. Peter's I'olloge, Caiiibri.lge, |8:t.'i; or- 
 ilaiued IH;t.">; chaplain in the Uoyal navy 1844-71, and 
 from 1885 to 1871 bea.l of the naval .hnplaiiis; vicar of 
 Kamaoy from 1872. I. Everybody's SonK-Il.i..k ; with 
 .Music, Lon., 187 1, lOiiio. 2. Uce.ille.'tioiis of a Clmidaln 
 in the Royal Navy. Edited by his Widow. Lon., 1888, 
 p. 8v.i. 
 Tucker, Willlnni JnmeN. Life and Society in 
 Eastern Kur..|ic, I.on., ISHil, ,Svo. 
 TurWt'r, iVilliain W. (Trans.) fhe Republic of 
 San iMiiriii.i; from the French of t'oiiite C. do Ilruc, 
 Cambri.lgo, Mass., 18H(|. Anon. Privately jiriiiled. 
 Tuckerninn, Alfred. Index to tho Litornture of 
 the Sp.i'ti' •I'ope, Wash., lf<88, Hvo. 
 Tuckerman, Arthur I.ymnn, b. 1861, in New 
 York; son of C. K. Tuckerman, i.i./. . .• studle.l archi- 
 tecture, and was Bp)iointcd superintendentof the Metro- 
 piditan Muecuin Art Schools 188S. A Short History of 
 Arohitecturo. Illust. N. York, 18H7, 12iiio. 
 Tuckerman, Uayard, b. 1855, in New York City; 
 grailuiited at llarvaril 1878. A History of llnglish 
 Prose I'iction, from Sir Thomas Malory to George, 
 N. Y'lrk, 1882, 12ino. 
 " May 1«. calUil a history of the evolution of the Anglo- 
 Saxon novel lus illuslniled by the iiroifress of An^lo-.-^axim 
 eivili/atloii and morality. . . . Mr. Tuckerman s style 
 eo-sy anil sliiiple, and his li.iok, both fnun Its sutijeel ai 
 treatment, liiteresllnK throunhoiit"— .Vii(/im. xxxv. IO.1. 
 ".Mr. Tiu'kerinrtii has written a bail liook. and the worst 
 of it Is that he tills up with his liail book the vacant niche 
 that a good liooli might have lllleil."— .Sii/. Kfi:, Iv. 213. 
 Tuckerman, Charles Keating, [mne, vol. iii., 
 a. ill.,] U.S. minister to Greece 1868-72. The Greeks of 
 ToDav, N. York, 1872, 12mo. 
 " We' know of no book which so combines freM.iiess and 
 fulness of information. The author had many ail\aiitaKes 
 from his otlicial \Kisition, and seems to have use.l them 
 well."— A'nWoH, XV. 4jy. 
 Tuckerman, Kdward, LL.D., [miie, vol. 111., 
 add.,] 1S17-1^8I); professor of botany at Amherst 1858 
 -86. 1. Genera Lichonum : an Arrangement of North 
 American Lichens, Amherst, Mats., 1872, 8vo. 2. A Sy- 
 nopsis of the North American Lichens, Bost., 1882-88, 
 2 vols. Svo. With Fiiost, Chaki.ks C, Catalogue of 
 Plants growing without Cultivation within Thirty Miles 
 of Amherst College, Amherst, 1S75, 12mo. 
 Tuckerman, Henry Theodore, [aiiie., vol. iii., 
 add.,] 1813-1871. The Life of John Pondleton Ken- 
 nedy, N. York, 1871, cr. 8vo. 
 " The chief merit of this book Is the attractive pletnrc it 
 gives us of the best sort of Southern gentleman, well edu- 
 cated, of literary tastes, an honest politician, and u good 
 lawyer."— AiidoH, xlii. 32,j. 
 Tuckerj , Rev. Henry. Life's Golden Morning : 
 its Promises and its Perils : Evening Lectures to Young 
 People, Cin., 1887, 12mo. 
 Tuckett, Miss Elizabeth. 1. Our Children's 
 Story. By One of their Gossips. Lon., 1870, p. Svo. 
 Anon. 2. Tho Children's Journey, and other Stories. 
 By tho Author of "Our Children's Story." Lon., 1872, 
 Svo. Anon. 
 Tuckey, Janet. Joan of Arc, " the Maid," {" New 
 Plutarch,") Lon., 1880, or. 8vo. And see Leland, C. 0., 
 Tudor, John R. The Orkneys and Shetland: 
 their Past and Present State; with Chapters on Geology, 
 by Benjamin N. Peach and John Homo ; Notes on the 
 Flora of tho Orkneys, by William Irvine Fortescue ; and 
 Notes on the Flora of Shetland, by Peter White. Maps 
 and Illuat Lon., 188H, p. Svo. 
 " lie has evidently been over every inch of the ground 
 he undertakes to describe. His book will prove an inval- 
 uable companion to all tourist-s In those parts. '—Hal. Iii:i:, 
 Tiidor, Rev. Richard, [mitn, vol. iii.. add.,] 182"- 
 18S2; graduated at Magdalen College, Oxford, 1851; 
 vicar of Swallowclilfe, Wiltshire, 1877-82. The Phi- 
 losophy of Church Life. Edited by Kov. John Lechmere 
 Tudor. Oxf., 1SS7, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Tuer, Andrew White, F.S.A., b, 1838; privately 
 educated; member of the publishing firm of Field .t 
 mil Siioiely in 
 I'll., ISNII, ijIjI, 
 **"i-k». Illu»t. 
 clchiNKH l>y TriHlrimi Klli 
 IUrtol„„l: «|„, „ ,,,„ „,. ,,. 
 IH'<.'. .' KlU. Ito; 2c| |.,|. |sMi 
 "Till. prhiiiT.. purl In i'h(. | 
 "III, -Aciiil., xxl. IS. 
 ■'• ''i::^"iHr; "'"i "'*';'"•"'""« ciiiMiiii 
 I."':t7-:is. Ill";" '',•;„' '"'i i:;-',). '■" '" " •^ill-" l^'i«i.. 
 Tu(H„ a. „„| lia„M'.„,„i^ ^, K. n.6 iHl.. 
 "I I'lirljock the " (li.i.l,.' , u 1 '" 
 HiTttniiKc |SH, ,Hv„ ^ ' '" ■''"""iiige, An., 
 •*<<iriiii«n, Killti., IS7J. 
 , ^'^ f s M:i,j K,n;;:;;,,;n:;>%;:!; j''.^i;ni« crouii 
 •;;:{,:>- '; .!."!:; ,' "^iii^SS;SiiS^ 
 •'-I'll l'.Tf,.rnK.,| „ltl. K I »HlH«Mnh„ r .^ . In , ^^ u h''. , "'' :!'""'I"K «» 
 ; lulli'iv .III iim,ii,u.„i »lil,'l-,!^^ "',,;'''•''■ ll"''"""'/ '" 
 II 'I'i'l cl'iH. IliiiikliiK,'„ .,,,.", iV',"'' '■'"»'' li't'-'lldiH 
 i Kiiin. uii'i r,,;„ris :' \':^'''" n, ^^-'i""''. i-M r«. 
 ,. I,, ,, •■.(,•■> 11. -II fcl. Hiiinc vein-. 
 .''. I'lmi'iil, ( 
 Kiliii. imi) I 
 • ■■""■"""■ "'"ll}» ruilill. I '—.s^f^.. 
 . (" F,.rul«n Cla.,lo, for l.;„„||,|, lu.a,|or,.") 
 1 'I'. ill. ...1.1 1 . . ' "■ 
 iUl'd"i .V/a';:v,, iioJ" "" '■'"■"•'iJi'ii'.ii ii. till. 
 »lllll)- III' 
 [dulr, vol. ill., ft,|,| 1 1, l^u'i- . 1.. - ■ 
 in Am.ioiit iiml Mode n l' ilo' vTth ci'' 'f' "• '"'","">, I,,,,,., 1S7S, i, Sv,' '-'"H'tera on its I'ro- 
 wh,;^;ir:;n;;;ai;s"i.fe!',v,""'' r""r ""• '"-»• •'"-<• 
 Take, W. S. (Triui.s.)Cllnio«l Ucturns „„ Sen 
 xx- 1, 1. 
 '■< '.fHcli, ,ou8 Tlioi,„iit In Dritain during 
 . (.«nh, lieina llH. Fini, S..,u.,s of the 
 '■'• ■• ■ i- iiini Liin., IMNj. Hvo. |'o,«tli 
 I 111' l-.iirly Oriel 
 TliMidge, E. W.' History of Salt Lake City 
 l^-t H8lf 'i? "■ ••"''"' "•'^- ["""■■ vi'l. iii., iiM i 
 'X .li; 
 I ~. Ml lIMII' 
 I >liu Ninou-1-K 
 ■■"1. liilen Lei 
 '■llislifnik ■ 
 ^'li'K'lHmn/M''T''''^'^''";' '''"^'■l''"''. 
 Mi'ven,;;;;'.'^";^ .^;s.;'^,!'^'"''' ^^''¥'-'■H^ 
 '"'"'•' ■■'■•'''iiiiis rkr v^„^ Vv (^;r':, ' '""'Kilt i" ^^cit. 
 ^""'rt Mill ami Ills SHi„,V. i'' «';',"» «I'Iiit,' Mohn 
 'f mS; i'SSSij-s; 7--" ifr 
 uivor:;:;::^,'^^^;^^^:;;'^;^ '.ji-esioryofth, 
 f^tu.lie,, Cin. l^•<" 4, "" AI'il'llo A^es : a Series of 
 1N78, It,,. '" Album. Illust. Lon., 
 1453 ' 
 tr. y 
hi " 
 Lon., 1877, p. 8vo. 2. Little Loving Hearts: Poem- I 
 Book. lUust. Lon., IHSl, r. Svo, 
 Tupper, Martin Farquhar, D.C.L., F.R.S., [ante, \ 
 vol. iii., add.,] 1810-18SU. 1. A Creed and Hymns, i 
 Lon,, 1870, Svo. 2. Fifty I'rotcstiint Ballads, Lon., 
 187-1, 12ino. 3. Three Five- Act I'luys and Twelve Dra- 
 matic Scenes, for Private Theatricals, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 4. Jubilate; an Oflering for 1887, Lon., 1886, 12mo. 5. 
 Mv Life as an Author, Lon., 188tl, 8vo. 
 "A book which, for simple-minded suir-eomplacency, 
 kindly ()ptinli^nl, and uncnnseious humour, will he . ■ . 
 hard to beat."— .sVi^. Hew. Ixii. ao. 
 Turchin,JohnB«sil,(Ivnii Va8ilcvitch I ur- 
 chinotr,)b. 1822, in the province of Dun, Russia; grad- 
 uated at the Artillery School at SI. Petersburf,' 1841 ; 
 served in the Crimean war and rose to the rank ol colo- 
 nel ; removed to tjie United States 1866; served in the 
 civil war as colcmcl and brigadier-general of volunteers; 
 established the Polish colony of Hadom, Washington 
 Co., 111., 1873, and has since resided there. The Cam- 
 paign and Battle of Chiokamauga, Chic., 1888. 
 Tuning, J. F. B. Le.-iSons from the Life and 
 Death of I'lincess Alice, Lon.. 1S7!I, 12uio and 4to. 
 Tiiriibull, Charles Smith, .M.D., Ph.D., b. 1847, 
 in Philadelphia; son of Dr. Laurence Turnbull, iii/m ; 
 graduated at the medical department of the 'Iniversity 
 of Pennsylvania 1871 ; has made a specialty of ophthal- 
 mology and otology, and is chief of the aural depart- 
 ment in JeflVrson College. 1. (Trans.) Injuries of tl.o 
 Eye, and their Medico-Legal Aspect, by Ferdinand von 
 Arlt, Phila., 1878, 12ino. 2. (Trans.) Tenotomy ol the 
 Tensor Tympani Muscle, bv (Jruber. 187'J. 3. (Trans.) 
 On the Methods of Connections of the Ossicles, by Bru- 
 ner. 18S0. 
 Turiibull, John. Treatise on the Compound En- 
 gine. Illust. N. I'ork, 1873, 18mo. 
 Turnbiill, Laurence, .M.D., [miti; vol. m., add.,] 
 physician to the department of diseases of the eye and 
 ear in Howard Hospital 18,^7-87. 1. Hints and Obser- 
 vations on Military Hygiene, 1862. 2. Imperfect Hear- 
 ing, and Hygiene of the Ear, Phila., 1871, 8vo; .Sd ed., 
 ISai. 3. A Clinical Manual of the Diseases of the Ear. 
 Illust. Phila., 1872, Svo; 2d ed., I8S1. 4. The Advan- 
 tages and Accidents of Artificial AniBsthosia: being a 
 Manual of Aniesthetie Agents and their .Modes of Ad- 
 ministration. Illust. Phila., 1878, 121110 ; 2d ed., enl., 
 Turner, B. B. Guide to Commercial Knowledge: 
 Terms in Daily Use, Lon., 1877, 12ino. 
 Turner, B. U. Arkansas Supreme Court UeporU, 
 vols, xxxv.-xl.. Little Rock, 1880-83, 6 vols. 8vo. 
 Turner, Bessie. A Woman in the Case, N. York, 
 1876, 12ino. „ „ i 
 Tr,rncr, C. J. Ribton-. A History of Vagrants i 
 and Vagrancy, and Beggars and Begging. Illust. Lon., i 
 1887, 8vo. I 
 " Mr KibtoM-Tiirncr's book is not so much a history as a 
 collection of materials for the historian. He lias souglit 
 far and wide; and. while it cannot bo denied ihat some ot 
 hisspeeulaiioiisare more than doubtful, it would be uu- 
 Eracious not to frankly recognize the value of the nias,s oi 
 detailed information here bniiiKbl together from all sorts 
 of sourc'es. Wherever the reader may dip into tlie lx«>K 
 he will liiid something noteworthy."-\V. h. A. axd.n. 
 Acml., xxxii. 2(13. .„,.,. 
 Turner, Charles Edward, English lecturer in 
 the University of St. Petersburg. 1. (Trans.) On the 
 Eve: a Tale; from the Russian of Ivan S. Tourgueneff, 
 Lon., 1871, 12mo. 2. Studies in Russian Literature, 
 Lon., 1882, p. 8vo. . . ., 
 " It is certainly a valuable hand-book preparatory to the 
 studv of Kussiaii literature."— .IcufJ., xxiii. 3i. 
 3.' Count Tolstoi as Novelist and Thinker; Lectures 
 delivered at the Royal Institution, Lon., 188H, cr. Svo. 
 " In this little book we have a faithful portrait of a cen- 
 uine, a man who is ( oiiteut to act wh le 
 others are declaiming."— W. It. MoiiKii.i,: Acad., xxxiv. 
 Turner, Hev. Charles Tennyson, [nm., vol. 
 ■> iii., TBNNY.SUN, CiiAiiLKH, and Tiunkr, (^ Tkn- 
 NYSON, add.,] 18(18-1870. 1. Sonnets, Lyrics, and Trans- 
 laticms, L(m., 1873, 12mo. (Scmie of these poems are 
 rtririiiled from ft voluon' piiblishwl in 1830.) 
 '■The (jreater part of Mr. Turner's volume is co.oposed 
 of gracefully-written sonnets, which prove the autluir to 
 be a man of cnlture, with special gifts of taste, but without 
 that Infoniiim.' power which lieloiiKs only to high and gen- 
 uine imetic gcnius."—^(A., No. 2.390. 
 ■;. Collected Sonnets, Old and New, Lon., 1880, 12nio. 
 " The reader will tind In these sinnets i " only the true 
 song of a poet, but the record of a beautiful and harmonl- 
 ous life The earliest poems in the volume were publlshccl 
 Hflv years ago. . . . The latest series (d' sonnets appeared 
 in 1873, and these are followed in the present collection by 
 tlfty soiniet-s 'now 11; t published, except four or tivc, 
 which have appeared in maga/.iiies. . . . 1 he book con- 
 tains three hundred and Ibrty-lwo sonnets -a iiuriilier 
 which has been surpassed by Wordswortii, and, we believe, 
 by Wordsworth alone."- .SjKf((i(or, liv. lii-l. 
 Turner, Chipman P. The Pioneer Period of 
 Western New York, Rochester, 1888, Svo. 
 Turner, Kev. Douglas Kellogg, b. 1823, at 
 i Stookbridge. Mass. ; graduated at Yale 1843, and studieil 
 : theology at Andover and Yale Divinity School; enteie.l 
 the ministry of the Presbyterian Church 1848; corre- 
 sponding secretary and librarian of the Presbyterian 
 Historical Society since 1873. History of Neshaminy 
 Presbyterian Church of Warwick, Ilartsville, Bucks 
 County, Pennsylvania, 1726-1876, Phila., 1876, Svo. 
 Turner, E. Hints to House-Hunters and House- 
 holders, Lon.. 1883, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1885. 
 Turner, E. B. Border Tales around the Camp- 
 Fire in Ihe Rocky Mountains, Lon.. 1878, p. 8yo. 
 Turner, E. J., and Morshead, E. D. A., M.A. 
 (Ed.) (iocthe's Faust; the First Part; the Text, with 
 English Notes, Essays, and Verse Trunslations, Lon., 
 1882, cr. Svo. 
 "They have produced a thoroughly adequate edition of 
 Ciocthe'.s miustcrpiece, and the best Knglisli introduction to 
 that difficult poem."— vIcik/., xxi. '245. 
 i Turner, Edmond K. A Treatise on the Km- 
 ' iiloyers' Liability Act, 1880, Ac, Lon., 18S2, p. Svo. 
 Turner, Edward F. 1. Tantler's Sister, and 
 other Untruthful Stories : being a Collection of Pieces 
 for Public Reading, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 2. T Leaves: 
 Pieces written for Public Readers; 2d ed., Lon., 1882, p. 
 Svo. 3. More T Leaves, Lon , 1887, p. Svo. 
 Turner, Edward F., solicitor, lecturer on real 
 property and conveyancing. 1. The Duties of Sclicitur 
 to Client as to Sales, Purchases, and Mortgages of Land, 
 Lon., 1883, Svo. 2. The Duties of Solicitor to Client 
 as t(j Partnership Agreements, Leases, Settlements, and 
 1 Wills, Lon., 18S4, Svo. 3. The Organization of a So- 
 I lioitor's Office, Lon., 1886, Svo. 
 Turner, Eliza Sproat. Out-of-Door Rhymes, 
 Host., 1872, 16mo. 
 Turner, F. S. The British Opium Policy, and it^ 
 Results in India ami China, Lon., 1876, 8vo. 
 Turner, Francis, called to the bar at the Middle 
 Temple 1864. The Contract of Pawn as it exists iit 
 Common Law ; 2d ed.. Lon., 1883, Svo. 
 Turner, Francis C. A Short History of Art : 
 with Numerous Illustrations, Lon., 1885, Svo. 
 Turner, <J. G. 1- Hypermnestra: aGra'co-F-gvp- 
 tian Myth, Lon., 1881, cr. Svo. 2. Somnia; Pociii^, 
 Lon., 1887, 12mo. , ,. , , 
 Turner, ii. L. AVish and Will ; or. The Psychol- 
 ogy of Desire and Volition, Lon., 1880, cr. Svo. 
 Turner, George. The Promise of the Father, 
 Lon., 1871, 16mo. 
 Turner, Kev. George, LL.I>., ['«m(. , vol. iii., sixili 
 I of the name there mentione<l, add.] Samoa a HundivH 
 1 Years Ago, and Long Before: together with Notes .ii 
 the Cults and Customs of Twenty-Three other Islaiul- 
 in the Pacific: with a Preface by E. B. Tylor, F.R..'^., 
 , l,on., 1884, p. Svo. 
 I "Dr. Turner is not ft theorist. He has not written hi-. 
 ' '.look to support notions of Henotheisni, nor Totemism, >-r 
 hypotheses that T tlshlsm or the sense of the liitiiiKc i- 
 the Kcrm of religion. Dr. Turner gives a straigbtlorw iii ■! 
 nnvarnished account (if the beliefs of a people whom h. 
 ha^i known Intimately for more than forty years. ... I Ic 
 book isexcei nt. fulfof matter.and Indispensable, dcsjuic 
 lacuna;, . . . lo the student of man and his institutions. 
 SiU. Ka\, Ivli. 416. 
 Turner, George T. Cattle Traffic and Caitle 
 Diseases, Lon., I'<78, p. Svo. _ 
 Turner, Godfrey Wordsworth, b. 1825, in Lon- 
 don; studied art, but gave it up to become a journiili-t, 
 and since 1860 has been connected with the Lon.i' n 
 Daily Telegraph. He has contributed largely to perc i 
 icals. 1. Homely Scenes from Great Painters: Tweiii\- 
 Four Full- Page Copies of Famous Pictures, printeil In 
 the Woodbury Process: with Text. Lon., 1871, 4to. -'. 
 Art Studies of Homo Lite: Twenty-Four Full P:' •■ 
 Photographs from Paintings by Great Masters; wi'li 
 \ Text, Lon., 1875, 4to. 3. Picturesque Wales: a Hiu. i 
 r . k of Scenery accessible from the Cambrian Railwa\ -. 
 M...'i8 and Illust. Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 
 'burner, II. Maxims and Miscellanies for Mer- 
 chants, ,t ■ ; 2d ed., Lon., 1878, 12mo. 
I'lT Period of 
 of-Door Rhymes 
 Truflio and Ciiltle 
 ccllanics for Mer- 
 anIS-ecrrL'uv;u;.,t88°",rtr' ^^'""P"'"" """' 
 crTvo "*■'''' rff""'- J- 'i™"'"': a Tale, Lon., 1S77, 
 cr. isvo. .. (,raee: a Novel, I,„n., I87il, 2 vols cr .Svo 
 n Colon,,, JI,,to,y, .\,.wpo,t, K.r., Isrr, Sv, 2 W,i 
 lm.„ Cod, hngto,, in Khode Island Colon'ial Affair ,„ 
 iIistor,cal In,,u„y, Pnnidenoe, K.I., ISrs, ,,„ ] " ' "" 
 Turner, ilev. J. «. The l-iu ,eer M onty in 
 Mn» '/„ 1 1 '■. "" ' 'oneer Miss,onnrv ir 
 N:u.,:^:l'^:!;.„!:;;"i:;;,;::iH^-r^- '-^^ -^ fe i:: 
 BHghous ' 1 sslr' "' """ '""'- •-•""•'->•• "-' O-^nhope. 
 ,„i'''n •T^''' f'l'^'en M- Contributions to the Natu- 
 l^e^inn!:^-"' i^!^^' n^^./^lV ^^'^'""'^"'-^ "^'^ 
 L'n^lo!,';i '■','*'.','""'"■ ?■'•"'"' ''• '■'*"'' "' I!"lti".oro, 
 Krailiiiiled at Harvard l,S( 1). i rxnina ^ i.'„;„i .. 
 I;''-'^"f «-: ;l-!««no. .■„.„. theTeu!. t " -.J Mo', ,";„'.: 
 2 a'su"?; "/'.' ^"'"■^"•"' ■^'"P.>f.York, iss" 2,r 
 Thn«; , M n- "'? """"^'"i" Constitution f,ou, Ka ly 
 Tunes to tl,e D.ssolut.on of the E,npi,e, N. York, IS88 
 on w,th Piddington since 1SS6. To 'the D L t „n\l 
 I "ri; .Sv,'/."'"' ' "^ '^""'''' *"•• '" '**"-"»' ^°"' 
 ! Tute, Kev. John Stanley, [„„(f, v„|. in. ajd 1 
 , J,'n„lu,tted at .«t. .John's Collefre Ca.nhr'dge i^l! .r 
 [dH.ned 1846,- viearof Markingt,m since 18^41. Me n a. 
 t.on. on t e Most Precious Bloo,l and Example of C , |l", 
 Ijon., I.Sj5, I2iiio' new ed.. issl 
 Kim"!rT "7' T''"""'*'' K'-'"<""t'"I in theology at 
 Kings College, London, 1870; ordaine.l 1870- ehania n 
 Jvondon, 18,2-82, an,l 8,noo then vicar of St. Saviour's 
 I t2roy Square .'When we were lioys:" a Sto v of 
 Sunday-.Sch,jol Life, Lon., 1879, lii|i,o ^ 
 rurner.Sir Willinm, .M.B„ LL.D., F RS [,„,„ 
 vol. 1,,., tentl, of the na,„e, .idd.,] b. mi; profc'ssor , f' 
 n,nf f .1 ^^ • '• 'l«>""'-«s "I the Coufparativo Anat- 
 hH A^n ^"""•' ^"",■• "'"• ■'^"- '• rntrodueth n to 
 Huinan Anatomy ,„„lu,|ing the Tissues, Lon., ]878 , 
 actions'!-) uZm^!"^!'' Apes, (Philosophical Tra'nl: 
 L»T"l's7ir'p'**8 "***'"• '''"""''' "'^"'"'' ""'^ °""'"''' 
 Bii!""^H'«;i^r- ^'-''-«-'^»f"-Bi'>ie, 
 Turner, William Henry, 1S28-1880, was con 
 nected w,,l, the Jio,lleia>, Lib,-ary. 1. ( E,!. The V si 
 a .ons of the County of Oxfo,-d i,, im,V,U, , „,1 l,i w' 
 (Uarlcian Soc.) Lon., 1S7I Svo " r t.M \ «,., .' ' 
 fro,n the Record's of the Cui of ^.xfo'nl "-wi h' t,:": 
 l2mo "" ^""'""' ■""' " Lfl'ost-Story, Loi., 1888; 
 Turnock, Kev.Jnmes Robert. M.A., [„,.,e, voK 
 m add ] graduated at .Magdalen Hall, Oxford, 18.^1 • 
 lce"7s« ■' ' '""" °f ^'"- ^'"y '" Tower, rpswich; 
 I , '';»'!'"'"• ainon of N,)rwicli since 1885. One 
 Uod.v : the Story of the Church of England, Lon., ["s"" 
 Tiirpie, Rev. David .McCnIman, D.D. I. The 
 Te tamnr'-'^Vv '" ^r'- "'" '^'•"""i""^ (^'»» the 01,1 
 lestanicnt in the Now d .ssille.l acconling to their Agree 
 1 eiulings ,.n,l \ ersions of the Passages : with Critical 
 Notes, Lon., L8,i8, ,. ,s,„. o. .Manutl of the Child™ 
 .mlonh^T"" '"""« \"<"'""'" "f the liiblieal ChaMee^, Ijoii,, IHtV, sq. Hvo. 
 l„„'!i",?i.''>' •■^'.''''''•'.I?- '• ^P""« Blossoms: Chihl- 
 Voulh:i^;:;:V;;"i2i:;^' '^"- ^-S—r Flowers, 
 ,„f !"".''.' "'.V'.* ''"• '• ^'"■''' ""> Sunotuary, .Support, 
 ., Nilety of h,,s Saints : A,l,lresses, Lon., 1884, 8vo! 2 
 ?,' '^^"' ''<■■!■'«■•"" i'ath, Lon., IfiSii, 8vo. 
 „, ! i''''^ l^ }}^^' "•""■>' Joseph, M.A., graduated 
 L nooln College, Oxf,Md, 1848; ordaincl W%; curate 
 II II M • '" '^"■'"y- °'"^'"''' '«52-54; m,i8ter of Tnr- 
 n^L,l n^*",? T'"'-V-.Nino Articles of the Church of 
 'nglund Briefly Explain-d, Lon., 1874, I2mo. 
 rhri!If,!l,''i',' ^' ^' ^: "'■«'" »"'' Bevelopnient of 
 thri.«t„in Dogma: an Essay, Lon., 1888 cr 8vo 
 ArSt'i'','y;"'*"' "• •• I'™cti.;;u L 'ssons in 
 Arch,ectural Drawing; or. Working Drawinirs an 
 .spec,hcat,ons or Buildi,,gs. I„us,.' ^'tnTMl^', 
 an:fj'^^;:,^:,«J'j;i;^J^ ^'-"^^„ook 
 rJo,!!?!'^' ,*^''""'!.** ^- California Supreme Court 
 Mr] -\rt •^'['"•-■''•"ii- (l«i;:i-(!7;) Vols, xli.-l. 
 c\, .1.1 '' ;'" .*'■""•• "*''■»-«*<. 1872-70, Svo. With 
 vol. ,1,., ^|^^7|,) .S|,n Iran., Svo. 
 , '*"""!f' thnrles Richmond. 1. Oer al His- 
 tory ot the State of Michigan, Detroit, 1874 Ho 2 
 order A\ ars of Two Centuries, 1874, Svo. .3. Hi tory 
 In,I,ana Des Moines, 1875, Svo. 4. History of ho 
 Uomimon of Canada. Illust. Bost., 1878, Svo ^ 5 The 
 ; Bo";' fs- " ,'^"-"<;";.[,-;--] liy Jean Clark [ps;.,, ," 
 ' ,Z 'ew-' ^""- ^^"'' »"""«, Daniel S. : . His- 
 ; tory of V,8cons,n to 187.',, Madison, Wis., 1875, Svo. 2 
 I Ilii>t,iry of Iowa to 187(i, Des Moines, 187«, Svo. With 
 Pknnock A. C. The Centennial North-W, -'t ; an Illus- 
 I trated ll,story, Ma.lison, I87fi, Svo 
 ' u!t"'"k^'"^^1^ Boys Book about Indians. 
 add"Vb'?8M?'''^.,*''"T'«<'*°'"''' r"""' ^o'- !"•. 
 '"■"'■ .'■ """elle, ISfifi. 2. The Lyceum (iuidc, 187(1 
 : .i. Stones lor our Children, Toledo, 1874. 4. Poem. 
 I From Soul to Soul. 1888. ■»■ i oems . 
 Tuttle, Herbert, b. istfl, at Bennin-ton Vt ■ 
 li™; "« r'o"/; " :^"r--''>-,«'- Vermont IS^f .^Idale 
 piolcssor of the history an,l theory of polities and of 
 |nternat,on,,l law at Cornell since 18S1. V Oernmn Po- 
 r ■J-';.'"^'-'''; ("""ef liiographies,") N. Vo k „„a 
 1! V'"!!*'.'?''"'*"'"' ["""• ^"1- "'•. aJ>l.,] b. 18:;fi, at 
 ,r; l,:;'*''",'sV^- ,.V C-eerof theChrist'Lleam liil' 
 tory l.ost 18t,,J, 1J,„„. ;i,| „, ,^-., ,. fnreer of 
 ehgious Ideas, N. York. ISfisi, 'i2m„. .•;. Or gTn an,l 
 Chic iss ■,■ ,;?'■"'■ ," ^"'^ "f ^'"■■""'" i'e>-"'iy, 
 thio 1881. (,. Heloise: Love or Religion, 18S2. 7 
 Camile; or. Love nn,l Labor, 188" 
 add.,] b. isls. ,it BloomlioM, N..i.; irradiated at M, 
 etta College, Ohio, 1841, and" at Liinl: Th logica ,s .'m I 
 y, Cincinnati, 1844; enteral the minisfry of to 
 C. n;'i'll.. n'r"''-' •"•'V''"'" °'' Wabash College! 
 ' riiwioi'isMiie. 111., since IS,','; Thn w.i., t , J 
 Found. Phila., 1870, 16,m, ' ""^ ^"'*' ""'' 
 ..k" L.X",'. ^'"'*'" '''''"''•^ ^'^ ^''''"'''•''' ^*"- 
 Tweddell, George Markham, [„nie, vol. iii., 
 •) parts, 8> 0. 2. Iho Odd-Fellows' Reciter and F resid,^ 
 Companion, Lon., 18(10, 12mo. 3. Furness, Past ana 
 rrosent, Lon., 1870, ft parts, -Ito. And soo Ca3TII.i.o, 
 "'rwecdie, Rev. W. K„ ['niie, vol. iii., luM-l 1- 
 Juscpli Kii.l his liiTtlirL.n, Lon., 1S72. Ulino. 2. hii.^teni 
 Munners iinil Customs, 1.011., 1^72, 12II10. 
 Twflls, K«"v. Henry, M..\., [niu,; vol. lu., ji.l.l.,! 
 gm.luatea i.t St. I'cloi's College, rumlirMj;;', IMH ; or-^ 
 diiineil islil: recto,- of Wiiltliam on the since , 
 1S7I. 1. EMeii>ion of the Diaoonato: Siue.h in I.mver 
 Ilonse of Convociilion, Lon., 1S77, Svo 2. \ ilhi«o Ora- 
 torio; The Prince of Lifo, l.on., 1880, 12mo. 11. 
 The Storv of K.'.lcmiition, Lon., IS'^l, 12ino. 
 Twcll., .Mrs. J. II. 1. The .Mills « the Gods, 
 Phila I^Ti, 12ino. 2. Souci, l-hila., 1S77 12mo. 
 Twigs, Itev. 11. Sermons : with a Preface l,y the 
 Bishop of Lichlield, Lon., ISSH, p. Svo. 
 TwiiiiiiK, -Miss Louisa, ["»'.. vo . in., add.] I. 
 A Few Words ahout Working-Men's Clubs and lom- 
 ,,erance Societies. Lon., lS7y, Svo. 2 UecdleCions of 
 Workhouse Visiting during Twenty-iive \ears, Lon., 
 18SII, 12ino ; new eil., 1SS4. 
 Twilling, Kiclmrcl, a grand-nephew of liev. 
 Thomas Twining, i v '■■■ """■• vol; Hi- ''^eond ot the i.amo 
 there mentioned.) 1. (Kd.) Kecreations ;'>"l "'"^ «^ 
 of a C.untry Clergyman ,.f the Lightcenth CeiUu y . | 
 being Selections from the Correspondence (if Ke\ . 1 liomas 1 
 Twining, M.A., Lon., 1SS2, Svo. 2. (Ed.) .-elections, 
 from the Papers of the Twining Family : being a Sequel ; 
 to the •• Ueereations of a Country Clergynan of the i 
 Eighteenth Century," Lon., ISST, cr. 8vo. 
 °Thegroftterpartoftlie>o papers was written a hull, rod 
 venrs iiTo- but hev have Icsl none of their Ir.'sliuess, an. 1, 
 levmi'l ail ...visiomil fnrmality in the 'i"' .'V','',','," ' i 
 w.m.ierfully imie in them that eoiiM be . alle.l .ihl-las i 
 kill. i ■■tv e ..r M-iUiiuent. In the earlier .volume ho 
 com r V .•iergvinai, was the central llgiire,; in '"s, « 
 ciilef emitribut..r is his brother, Uichard Twining.' -ipio- 
 talnr, 1.x. :!■)". « , n i 
 Twining, Thomas. 1. .Science for the Peop.?, 
 L.iii IS70 Svo. 2. Technical Training: being a feug- 
 gcsti've Sketch of a Nati.mal System .if Industrial In- 
 itruction, f.iunded on a General Dillu,sion of Praetica! 
 Science among the Pe"i,le, Lon., 1S74, svo. 
 ■■ The whole tenor of his liook will make it .•vi.lent hat 
 theiv4"i hLMulv,)', 
 aUii^^U^/V^iS^'perscle or vr^y''^^^i^^l^K<^>{"^'Z m ^^ 
 exivtinir e.lueatioiia nstitulious. . . . IViliaiis trie n osi 
 me e t^ing ar .r the book lies in tbe m... lest 
 reeorl of Vr/rwinlngs.iwneir,nts 1. the^^^^^^^^ 
 si'leiititic iiistructi<iii."-S;«'f'"("'', xlvu. l»>.>. 
 :i. Science made Easy: Familiar Letti;rs, Lon., 18, s, 
 6 iiart- Ito I. Familiar Lectures on Food and i\u- 
 trition ' Part I Lon., 1SS2, p. Svo. •>. Botanic Stand : 
 Agreeable Instruction in the Natural P">.'^'-„"f i;'""'"; 
 L.)ii., lSS:i. li. Science for the Upper and .Middle Classes. 
 a Suggestive Mom.irandum for the C.insi.leration of 1 er- 
 sons interested in Educational Progress Lon., I^*-*^'- «;•»• 
 Twistieton, Hon. KUward Tnrner Boyd, 
 [„„(,, vol. iii., ad.l.,] d. 1S71. The Tongue not Essen- 
 tial to Speech : with Illustrations of the Power of Speech 
 in the African Confessors. Lon., 1S73. \i. Svo. 
 ■• Mr. Twistieton, who sums up his ■J'-'V"'? ';>;"l'''fr|'' "f 
 Ihe text of all passages or ilocumeiils bearing upon tliun, 
 1-. iliy .■ li tlelhi inter that all .lue^lions iiivolve.l m the 
 01110110 1011 of speech ill the Alrieaii, cmtess.irs . 
 Tti'v within the .Iniimin of natural seieiice. ami that 
 IhJ^e is mMicrasion t),r assenting or ^^^^^"1^"^^"^'- 
 iiloiis iii the matter, -Sal. Kfi>., xx.w i. im. 
 Twiss, Sir Travers, dC Vn.S., D < .L., ['."';, iii., a.ld.,1 held the chair of civil law at Oxford till 
 1>7II, and the otfice of advocate-general till •'*;-'•! 
 (Ed,l .Monumenta .Turidica: the Black B.)ok of the Ad- 
 miralty : with Appendices, (Ueord Office Pub.,) Lon., 
 1S71-70, I vols. 8vo. 2. The Doctrine of Contiimous 
 Voyages, as applied to Contraband of War and Block- 
 ade. Ic. • » lUper, Lon., 1877, Svo. X (vl. Ilenru.. 
 de liraeton .le Legibus et Consueta.linibiis Anglne Libri 
 IJuin.iU" in Varios Tractatus, ad Diverso-iim 
 et V.tustissimorum Codieum ''olhitionem Typis \ ulgati, 
 (liecord Office Pub.,) Lon., 187S-8;i (1 8vo. l. 
 Belligerent Kight .in the High S<!as, L""- l/*-"*/. 2™- ,„ 
 Twiss, W. Ilai. l-Kailing .m the Block System, 
 "Twist,' lie'v. Thomas Howard, M.A., gra<lu- 
 ated at Emmanuel College, Camhri.lgcs S08 ; or, aine,l 
 JSliS; principal ..f LiehfieM College, ami viear 
 of S. '.Michael's, Derby, 187(1-81. I. Four h.'rmons 
 preached at lierby, Lon., 1880, 12r«o. 2 Analyst, of 
 the First Epi.-tle ..f bt. Peter, L.m., 1SS2, Svo. 
 1- wombly, Uev. Alexander Slevensoii. Merry 
 1 Manic Leaves; or, A Summer in the Country. By 
 Ah r Perk, [ pseu.l.l I Must, N. York. 1872, sm. 4to. 
 1 Twopenny, U. E. N. Town Life in Austrnlm, 
 I ^"'Mr''Tw.'.pe'nny"is .ihservant, an.l .leseribes crapl'lojvlly 
 wh, t e sees if anv .inc .lesires to kiaiw wliat the .\us- 
 tr IS... like ami what their eyery.,h,y l'';' 'M'.-;^';',','! 
 1 not .lo better than sen.l for'T.)WU Life in Australia. - 
 I '' Twylord, rapt. A. H. 1. (Trans.) Popular Ac- 
 j count of the Frauco-(icrm.,n War, 1S7U-71. Part 1. 
 ■ lon 187') '• 8vo. 2. York an.l Yin.» Castle: an Ap- 
 p'en.'lix to •' Iteconls of York Castle," Lon., 1S88, p. Sv... 
 With liHirnriis, .Ma.1011 Airnini, Ue.'.inl.s of ^>;^rk 
 Castlo: Fortress, Court-Iiouse, and Prison, Lor., is..', 
 "'•■it Is in lid -sense n history, hut rather a series of anec- 
 d.iti's ni.iro or l.'ss intii-ialefy eonneeted wjlh the great 
 fortressprisiiii of tlii' .Norlb."- .I.'.o'-. .xyi,;''.- . _ 
 TyacU, «cv. "« . Uavis. 1 . Hie -Miner of Perran- 
 zabuloe : Ueords of a ( Man s Lite l'""-. 'SBT, 
 12iuo. 2. The Snow, and other Poems, Lon,, 1S77, i. 
 ""''ryns, Ucv. Robert, [o./.-, vol. iii., ad.l.] 1. Si^x 
 Short Lectures .Ulivered during Holy Week, L.m , ISfiS, 
 12mfi. 2. Compimi-m t.i the Weather-Ulass. Is.O, L.m., 
 ismi I "mo. ;t. Tithes ami Tithe Bent-Charge: tlie 
 Value Use of Tables, Lon., 1S73 p. 8vo. 1. 
 .peaking Fl.iwers, to which a Sentiment has been as- 
 signed, Lon.. l87o, ISmo. 
 Tyerman, Rev. I,uke, b. ls2(i. at Oi^>'>"t"=rley, 
 Yorkshir.';'atc.l at Kidsbury Wesl,:yan 
 Theological Institution, n.'ar Mancliester; entcre.l the 
 Weslevan ministry. I. Life and Times of the Bey. 
 Samuel Wesley. M.A.. Hector of Fd'Worth. L,m,, Ishft, 
 Svo 2 Life and Times of Bey. John W eslej, M.A., 
 Founder of th« Meth.i.lists, L.m., 1S7U-71, :'• vols. 8yo. 
 -The;hiiess with which he <loe.s his work, and 
 th" 1 inso.kiog .lillgeii.'e be has earried even i"'", «>> "f: 
 liiale art , f it, are .|Ualiti.'S s.i rare and yalualjl.' tiat 
 ev w.i our pr ■p..ssessi.iii .m his behalf Ir.ini the hrsl 
 ' .^ • utteily la.ks the gra,;es of Southey s styk' ami 
 tie genial kin.liiess .if .■soiilhey s heart, he 1".";, ^P ■,''■; 
 ess a.lvantaK.' .if a lh..r,iiigh l^'" l^' ';'''«" "',,,ent 
 an.l •-iiirit of Melli.i. siu; his whole lib' i^ an itinerant 
 preu' n 1st liase l.eeii'.itiiig him for he ask i.; 
 as un.lertakei. in the lull matnrily | ."';''' ff,'',', 
 years an.l experien.'O. Vet. with all this t. tell i" ni» we will n.;t ilo the .■ommiiiiioii so griev- 
 s w oi.g a.' t . assume that ho fairly represents. iUi t.uie 
 d teiliper those ^^h.. ^hiiik th.-v may be g« d 
 Chrisliaiis enoiiKli witli.iut '"!<"'«';'',,'', ,/'J;-'"t^^^^^ 
 tiek.'l, or asseiitiiiK hi every proposition set lorUi •'« M'sry 
 iiillie pulilisiied serni.iiis of glorious John. -.N.'t. Aei.. 
 ':! The Oxford Methodists: Memoirs of the Bev. 
 Messrs. Clayton, Ingham, Gambolil, Hervey, and 
 Broughton : wiih Biographical Notices of Others, Lon., 
 '"t.iI^o; many .iocs the name of Methodist siiggcst the 
 (ixford liilm.lM of the ' iKhteenth eentur> ' \et it as 
 men like clayMii an.l liitjlmin and l'^'"';'^, " ' ;, ' f,f. .'.'; 
 llieir Hiinalisin, really s,;altere.lir.i.vleas IP "^^^^^^^ 
 the lan.l the priii.'iples the yilality ol whie i ">-. ,L \ •' 
 as It were, re.Useovered. In Ihr yilnme before us Mi. 
 Tv.rmaii I as given ns an able and, as it seems to us, v^r> 
 inVpartial history of the or six of these ,neii." 
 "'V.' iJi'll' of the Bey. George Whitelield, Lon., I8T7, 2 
 ' "• Mr.'r'y.-rman b.iast-s that he lins ma.le "^'C »f f ';;,';^;'; 
 amount .f hiographi.'iU imiterml, imieli "f "'''^'',f,'^^''', 
 i have been unki'.iwn to previous l''"l-','-''l'l» --s. J'le re- 
 suit Is two laiye voliinies. .•.mtaiinng iibout twelve liiin- 
 d I pa«Js, yer which the reader w 1 ^t times we lea 
 ' iH&d to slumber. Th.Te is "".[''"'f*' > '', j'Toy 
 10, b.iok ... If we ennmil lirais.' the biogiap u r s slUi 
 . U ste, iu. .leserv.:s, we think, v.;ry I' >•:'', l';"'?:'.',"''iT'..i,'', 
 i Iheseruiiulouslv.'iirefiU manii.'r in which he hasiMlleeleil 
 his materials. "—.s'/OT-fd/or, 1. t;,'o. i „,,„,.. 
 .', Wesley's Designated Successor: the Life, Letteis, 
 and Lit.-rary Labours .if the Bev. ,Iohn William Fletcher, 
 Vicar of Mi'ideley, Lon., 1882. Svo. 
 ; ■■ ..\ very iioiir book on a very Interesting subj.'Ct. -S/x ■ 
 '''''iVlcoiit, Frances Isnbelle. 1. Father KuC 
 hind: or, The Ban ol St. Peter, Lon., 1877, 12mo. -. 
 Sunshine through tlie, Lon., 187.S, p. 8y.). 
 ! Tvler, •J= Has .Man a Future? or, Materialism and 
 Cliristianity contrastoil. Lon., 18711, l2nio. 
 ' Tyler, Katherinc E. The Story of a bcandi 
 navianSummei,N. V.irk. 1881, 121110. 
 Tyler, Lyon <Jardiner, son ot President .!. I " 
 Tyler, b. 18511, in Charles Co., Va. ; graduatod at^ t »■ 
 University of Virginia 1875; pnictised law in Kich- 
eld, Lon., 1877,2 
 ig siiiijcct."— «;>f 
 TnigiHly, in Six 
 Tylt-r, .11. I,. Anno li„l,.vi, • 
 ActK, L(,n., ISS4, s'li. cT Sv,, ' 
 the ministry nt' tlio CV,n."iMr,,ti,,„ ,i /■ i , ' "''''"^'' 
 tliinkin- iiiiii,l."_.v,i/,V,„, xxviii 1,' ' 
 I. .>liinn;ll ■■ •• - 
 ISfl7, I2mn. 
 roiniiiiuc, ' The 
 "thcr I'oo'iiP- 1 
 <"' '■l>livioii, aiHt 
 ' iiiliTuH tci fvury 
 't Kaslish'Liu.,'at„','c, X. V„,.k. is;., ,sv„ 
 K lUMiry, cAuioi-iuan .Stateiiu...i,,"j Itet.,'lSS7J 
 0. I',i( 
 I-a. ''V'l^;i?;):!^;;;^:y';^{;\^'-;; --nstru.t.l the lite ..f 
 KTOit iiimi fV,;,i. IlK. I I I, vVi I iM ,".' ■.•">^:''""-yof lliat 
 whiHi lias i,.vn pia,'ni",i;':;,';;'!.'!::^;^;^;,;"^:^^"'!M>stima,e 
 ryler, h.,.„„c| u,.l,., f,„„„,;„,. iii. Ji ,„„_ 
 l^i.s. I. Mraiuirol ll.^re,. |!m„k,. raiicv 1,1 I) rM, , 
 fStr '''''"'"'^ •'•''■'•' "^''-^■"''"'^'^'^^:S'. 
 ot his i.ub)ieai..ti..ii ""w, nV^'si'^ '"' '""*' ''" '"""^'' 
 iiatimial lilV, •■hit.^Jusii,'; V, iv ,,m '' '"'''""' "' ""•' 
 XVI.-XXrV., N. V,;,.k ,H-.r'''* "™"^'^^ """l. U",.k, 
 I T*""!!' '•^•'wnrU Uuriiptt, LI,.I)„ D C I, r H <! 
 At use 
 "in, anil in Issii 
 I'pei- (if the Oxford 1 
 jTc^^i.l.Ml .,r ihe Anthiop.,loi;inil' 
 ilturo: Rcseareli 
 . '!" .... 
 ii'iety. 1. |>i 
 «o;;/^.i;:^l:!^r;Wi;:;l,;,-;-!!!'i!;;^;;i .)- ,,ost ^ 
 . ''.'\.'!''ln,rp;:;^n!;;r',:'';:,.!|:;''l;;i'- ,"■•'' ^-., ,nys„..rie.. 
 thuti«i,tfiil r,n- w ' „,. 1 • ,'..'.", "'"l.lil'M,., 1,11, the 
 i-v... Msi, .2..::;" ;l:xi;tk"- ;;:'"•.'-''--. 
 "fains a version ,f the old Ce;tie 
 ' ".;r"" ,"'„"iarn. uid .irainne,'' and 
 Iviulnll, J„|„i, L|,.|,„ i..c.l,., FHS- KC< 
 hi (tVl. ,'"''"• ^i-elai'd; was educated partU- hv 
 hi^t :'''i,^;:^,^t1'f''M'''?'^^■•?^••'''"^'■-■'■- 
 vl■v• ii isii ,- -"V'' """ ''■'*''' '"'iiianee Sur- 
 i&l'-ifrsiiiSirasi : 
 as a Di.scoverer lon Isii>i . '''-""'""•'>• '• <-araday 
 I i.;i.'-''5r?,::'iK; '",',?,;"■".""•' ■■?"? >•""■• 
 "iyjH ,.,„„,„..: ,„l,r^:.:;./Eg:;C^;!; 
 "lie Anie I,, ,1 ,.i to nno lo,, ' "'i ''^'"'■'"I'lit from 
 familiar Willi Ih ei eU v k,.,l I v7V' ''""'■^■'■'■. "I"' are 
 !;"^^::n.r;:;:;i'^i;.^S SE?^ 
 n^i^;';;tS,.i^,;;iii S^ 5? i-"v;^v/'^^ 
 e 13 
 : -VXW!. 11,-|. 
 1 Krasp of physical tnitli.'''— .s„/' 
 Ihiiosophy, KellKion, Art 
 into the I'evelopnwnt of Mytl 
 V"; 2d eil., 187.;. 
 larly elear In styl 
 and Cnsti 
 iiKemeiit, it ln'an 
 ill honest ui'id 
 le, rieli in leaniliisr, nietliodieal 
 ii;'>^« til the fact that 
 ample witi 
 imelli«eiit labour has been btitowea 
 11. Add 
 assemhled at lielfast 
 12. On the Trans 
 Lon., I.S7.1. m. 1 
 slinitioii, lsro_7(i^ 
 tion, lion., l,s~r. 15 V. 
 the A 
 delivered before the I! 
 with Addit 
 rilish Association 
 ion.s. Lon., 1874, 8 
 ransmission of .Sound by the Alinosp'l..,. 
 Ii-Vr"?!"' ■"-••; «"••"■'■:!'>■ "t the Roylll I„ 
 p. 8vo. U. Foruienta- 
 • i„ u I .• ;■ :;**">'■" "1 tlie Floating .Matter of 
 in Uelation to PutreCaetion and Infection. Lon , 
 If,. Free .Molecule, ..n,l Raaiant Heat, j 1S49; ordninea 1851 , yiear of 8t. Mary Magdnlcn Ox- 
 ' ford, 1S5S-72. 1. Christum Art and teymbolisiii : Hith 
 some Hints on the Study of Landscape, [Lectures: 
 with an Introduction by John Uusliin.] Illust. 1-on., 
 1872, 1>. l^vo. 
 ■ It was Mr. linskhi who pressed him t 
 Hoiisckcepins in Old 
 I new ed., lUcliniond, 
 18S1, or. 8vo, 
 (Philosophical Transactions,) hon., 1SS2, 4to. 
 Tyiig, Kev. Stephen Iligginson, D.D.. [(iii'c, 
 vol. iii., add.,] d. ISSi. Office and Kuty .d' a Christian 
 I'astor, N. York, 1S7I, l2mo. 
 Tyng, Kev. Stephen Iliggiiison, Jr., D.l)., 
 b. 1S3U, in Philadelphia; son of Kev. S. U. Tyng; 
 graduated at Williains College ls:,8; studied at the 
 Alexandria Theological Seminary, Va. ; ordained in the 
 Episcopal Church ISIil ; rector <if the Church of the 
 Holy Trinity, New York, 1885-81, and since then resi- 
 dent in Paris. 1. He will Conic; nr, Meditations upon 
 the Return of the I.ord Jesus Clirisi to reign over the 
 Kerth, liost., IS77, lliiuo. 2. The ."^nuaro of Life, .\. 
 York, 1.S77, sq. Ifinio. ".. Our Church Work, N. York, 
 1878, Kiino. 
 Tyree, Marion Cabell. 
 Virginia, N. York, 1N7", '.-iiio 
 Tyrer, mthberl Evnn, graduated at Oxford 
 187>i. Kiftv Sonnets, I,-iii., 18SS, fp. Svo. 
 Tyrrell', thriNtinn. 1. (Trans.) Success, and 
 bow he won it ; from the (iernian of E. Werner, Lon., 
 1871), :i vols. p. -ivo. 2. (Trans. I I nder a Chariu ; from 
 the (ierman of E. Werner, Lon., 1877, :1 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 •S. (Trans.) A Son of Sweden : a Talc, by C. F. Van der 
 Velde, Lon., 1879, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 4. No Surrender; 
 from the (ierman of E. Werner, Lon., 1879,3 vols. p. 
 8vo. ft. (Trans.) Lizzie of the .Mill ; from the Ocrman 
 of W. Heimburg, Lon., 18811,2 vols. p. svo. 6. (Trans.) 
 Fickh' Fortune ; from the (Jerman of E. Werner, Lon., j 
 1881, 2 vols. |i. 8v(i. 7. (Trans.) Ephraim : from the 
 German of A. Nicmiinii, Lon., 1883, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 8. | 
 (Trans.) Raymond's Atonrdient; from the (ierman of ; 
 E. Werner, i.on., 1884, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 9. (Tnins.) Uer 
 Son : a Novel ; from the German of E. Werner, Lon., 
 1887, t vols. cr. 8vo. 
 Tyrrell, llobert Yelverton, M.A., Fello.. 
 Trinity College, Dublin; professor of Latin in the I ni- 
 versily of Dublin. 1. (Ed.) The Correspondence of 
 M. Tiillius Cicero, arranged according to its Clironologi- 
 cnlOnler: with a Revision of the Text, a Commentary, 
 and Introductory Essays on the Life ot Cicero and the 
 Style of his Letters: vols, i., ii., Dubli i and Lon., 1879 
 -8t!. 8vo. 
 •' The editor lias brilliant scholarsliip, aoiito percoptiim, 
 and iircat coiitidciico in himself. He is evidently an ex- 
 cellent linguist and a wide reader. M'liese are valuable 
 qualities fur an editor of Cicero's Iclters. and il exacliu'ss 
 and ilcliberation be added in briiigiiif; out Ihc rest ot Ihe 
 work, it will jirobably lake a liittli place in tne estimation 
 of scholars."— W. \V.\iiiPi-; .laid., xvi. ti'J. 
 2. I Trans.) The Acharnians of .Vristophanes, in Eng- 
 lish Verse. Lon., 1385, p. Svo. 
 Tyrrell, Walter, M.R.C.S. I. Epilepsy, and its 
 Treatment by a New Process; 3d ed., Lon., 1879, cr. 
 8vo. 2. On" the (_'se of Strychnine in Epilepsy and 
 Nervous Afl'ectious, Lon., 1879, 12ino. 3. Notes on the 
 Climate of Malvern, with Reference to its Effect on 
 Disease, Lon., I8S2, U.'mo. 4. The Tonic Treatment of and Kindred Nervous .\fleetion.s, Lo' , 1887, 
 11. 8V0. 
 Tyrrell, I ieut.-^ol. William Henry. Pub- 
 lic Works Reform in India, Lon., 1873, Svo. 
 Tyrwhitt, Kev. Kichard St. John, M.A., [miie, 
 vol. iii., add.,] graduated at Christ Church, Oxford, 
 _.. ._ 11 deliver the Ice 
 tures, and wiie'ii'tbcv were I'leiivered lie told people to read 
 them ■ as thev would my own.'"— .Imi/., xxxiii. Wi'J. 
 2. Our Sketching Club ; Letters and Studies on Land- 
 scano Art, Lon.. 1874, p. Svo. 3. Hugh Heron, Christ 
 Church : an Oxford Novel, Lon., 18S0, ji. Svo. 4. Greek 
 and Gothic: Progress and Decay in the Three Arts of 
 Arc', itecture, ."Sculpture, and Painting, Lon., 1881, Svo. 
 " Altliongh lliore isnuicli that is valuable in this book, 
 and more that is eredilable to llie antbor. who has made 
 good use of diversilied reading, there is a lack of balance 
 in his judi;inenl and some defoet of power to urasp and 
 mould' his materials iiUo a whole."— .4f/i., No. ■.;817. 
 5. T'lie .Natural Theologj of Natural lieauty, Lon.. 
 1882, p. Svo. 6. Christian Ideals and Hopes: an Ar- 
 gument for Moral lieiiuty, Lon., lSs3, p. Svo. 7. An 
 Amaleur Art-llook: Lectures at Raiibury and Oxford: 
 with some Notes on the Oxford Educational (Collection 
 of Oasts, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 8. Free Field Lyrics, 
 chiefly Descriptive, Lon., 1888, er. Svo. 
 Tyrwhitt, Walter Spencer Stnnhops, son of 
 Richard St. John Tyrwliitt, Aiiyxvi ; b. IMill; gra.Uiiitcd 
 at Christ Church College, Oxford, 1883. 1. The New 
 Chum in Queensland Rush, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 2. The 
 New Chum in New Zealand, Lon., .r. Svo. 
 Tyson, James, M.D., [imli vol. iii., add.,] profes- 
 sor of )ihysiology and microscoiiy n the Pennsylvania 
 College of Dental Surgery 187(1-78; professor of general 
 pathology and morbid anatomy in the medi-jal depart- 
 ment of the University of Pennsylvania since 18711. I. 
 Introduction Co the Study of Practical Histology, I'hila., 
 1873, 12mo. 2. Practical Guide to Examination of the 
 Urine. Illust. Phila., 1875. 12mo. 3. Transactions of 
 the Pathological Society of Philadelphia, 1874-75: vid. 
 v., Phila., 1870, Svo. 4. Treatise on liright's Disease 
 and Diabetes, with Reference to Pathology and Thera- 
 peutics; [also] Section on Retinitis in Bright's Disease, 
 , by AVilliam F. Norris, Phila., 1881, Svo. 
 Tyson, Mrs. Martha K. 1. IJrief ,\ccount of 
 the Scttlemeut of Kllicott's .Mills, (Maryland Hist. Soc. 
 Pub.,) Bait., 1S70, Svo. 2. IJanneker, the Afric-Ameri- 
 can Astronomer: from Posthumous Papers. Edited by 
 her Daughter, [Anne T. Kirk.] Phila., 1884, Ifimo. 
 Tyson, .Michael. (Trans.) Uncle Herman; from 
 the Gernuin id' Emile Erhard, Lon., 188(1, Svo. 
 Tyson, Kev. William. Expository Lectures on 
 the Epistle of Paul to the Romans, Lon., 1S82, Svo ; 
 new ed., 1885. 
 Tyte, Rev. C. C. The Mystery of Godliness : Six 
 Sermons on I. Timothy iii. I(i, L(m., 1883, p. Svo. 
 Tytler, A. F. Leila: Leila in England and at 
 Home, Lon., 1877, u. Svo. 
 Tytler, C. C. Fraser. See LiniiKi.i,, Miis. C. C. 
 F., Hupnu 
 Tytler, M. E. Fraser-. 1. Evan Lindsay, Lon., 
 1S74, 12mo. 2. Grisel Romney, Lon., 1S8II, 2 vols. cr. 
 Svo. 3. Transplanted: a Story of a Country Town. 
 Lon., 1883, 2 vols. er. Svo. 
 Tytler, M. \.. Lost Identities, Lon., 188,8, 3 vols. 
 cr. Svo. 
 "Tytler, Sarah," (Pseud.) Sec KKbDiu, Miss 
 HeNUIKTTA, 8il/tl(l. 
 lidali, Thomas C. The Little of Life; or. Chris- 
 tian Conflict and Victory, Lon., ITS. l2mo. 
 L'llathornc, Most Kev. William Kernard, 
 [<iiitc, vol. iii., add.,] Islld-lSSy ; Roman Catholic Hishop 
 of Birmingham 1860-87. 1. The Catholic Mission in 
 Australasia; ;id ed., Lon., 1838, 12ino. 2. A Reply to 
 Judge Burton, of the Su'ireme Court of New South 
 Wales, on " The State of Religion" in the Colony, Syd- 
 , 184(1, Svo. 3. A Plea for the Rights and Liberties 
 the Bill pro- 
 motes on the 
 l:.iiucBiion yuesiion, ijoji., loj/, ovo. .,. uctters on La 
 Saletic, in Reply to Articles in the " Edinburgh Review" 
 ncy, 184(1, Svo. 3. A I'lea lor tne uignts ant 
 of Religious Women, with Reference to the 
 posed by Mr. Lacy, Lon., 1850, Svo. 4. Nol 
 Education Question, Lon., 1857, Svo. ft. Leti 
 U.. !..,,#. in na.,lu 4/1 Art),.],,.: t 1^ t llA " F.lH tlllll rCT 
 and the "Rambler," Lon., 1858, Svo. C. The Anglican 
 Theory of Union, as maintained in the Appeal to Rouic 
 and Dr. Pusey's " Eirenicon :" a Second l^otter to the 
 Clergy of the Diocese of Birmingham, Lon., ISOfi, Svo. 
 7. Threo Lectures on the Conventual L'fc, Lon., isils, 
 p. Svo ; 2d ed. same year. 8. History of the Reforniii- 
 tion of the Catholic llierarchy in England, Lon., 1871. 
 Kimo. 9. The D<illingeri(es, Mr. (iiadstone, and Ap" 
 tates from the Faith: a Letter, Lon., 1 874, Svo. I"- 
 Ecelesiaslieai Discourses deb ereil on Special Occasion-, 
 Lon., 187fi, Svo. 11. The Endowments of .Man con 
 , sidored in their Relations with his Final End : Lcctun -, 
 Lon., 1880, r. Svo. 12, The Groundwork of the Chri= 
DKI.L, MllS. C. C. 
 tian Virtues: Lecture? Thbo h ni, ■ .• 
 I'mphelby, Mrs. i>i. E. i i a (i.ii i r 
 er 8v„ " '^■"'S'"'-''-' [" "'l^'.) T,,,.,., 18.S0, 
 Missing Unki,. Mo,le,„ ^^ 'V^l^li^trr h^l 'a 
 -f 1 r «i lor?or'-r..'mll'r,:" ^'.T'-''",^''' ^ "^"'''^^ «'>'•> "o" any 
 i;ici^;^^^;;!,s;-i^;d:«'' - 
 Inn S7^/\ """•■,."',"" '" "'« bar at Lincoln's 
 ?",■'-• ,.'• '\"'"'l'* "I tl"' Hocks: ;i l-.,|,ular Sketch 
 ot the Leading Fact, of ,ic .l„..y, I,„„., ^,-"Ts,uo •' 
 f>niXrAe;'' I "-'.■■'■ '"', ".",''"""' •-^'■'"•-"■^'■i^" Minos 
 ,T, ,V .h '. ' /"■■ ■■■ -^ •''■■"^'i^i nn,l Concise Man- 
 concise Ma^al „r'tho vtL^- o\L 'n^ry I?' 
 terTi o' ' "ss'*'''' ':"'"■' °"' ''■- "■' Aetionran^['M : 
 Ku ui ; i', „ 'is^'"' .^- ^ ?."""'-^'' ""i''« •" Modern 
 t.4inty, I,„n., IhS:,, ci. Svo. With AiAsnv, H L A .,.v,,„s,tion of the .New Conveyanci, ./ \et and 
 of the boltotor's Hcnnnemtinn Act: wi.l" Praclic 
 TRh, t. ( M., A humm:iry of the Law ol Torts; ,ir 
 4lh "i'^enl'Ts"; "' "^ '-'""•^"^'' '"'"- '•^'•'. '2'""' 
 Ulicierhill, CI arles. The Questions of Future 
 Pumshment and Co„tin,a.nt In,u,o,tality deter nin by 
 Underhill, Eu«vard li'eaii, LL.D., [„„,, vol iii 
 »'!>.] . Life of J. M. l>hi!li|,l Mis ionar^ in ," 
 Atr ca: a iiiogrniihy, Lon., I SSI, p. Svo 
 <^n!rfin"N^"',' r ''"'*^'' *■'• '• I" "t the Death : a 
 Sporting ^ovel, Lun., LSS7, p. M-o. 2. Literary K,,oeh, 
 Chapters on Periods of Literary Activity, Lon.,' iss-; 
 ..on'i:,'',!o'n'!:Vs!V^:.;„ ^-^^---» '- «-e^ Acci- 
 ca^'H::;:i:;,i!:^i^^; s^^'^^^ ""'• ««'^'™' '^""- 
 UnUerhill, VS. G. 'iiio Soldier's Pocke'-Guide to 
 Shooting, Lon., LSTS, :J2ino. """ii- lo 
 „.!!'"'*'''''"' 'I''"*' ^"fi' <l'«"gh(or of Charles A. 
 ).ina, «»/„.„ (I'rans.) Uicliard [Charles] Lepsius : a 
 N.'vo'rk^ LSxr^'T-iiT *^"""'" "'' '"""^ *^'"'"- ^'"'■'• 
 f„rd "«'"'■"'•*"*'?*•''" ««»»«. 1828-IS88, b. at Mil- 
 l>m, Mass j graduated at Brow.. University 1S49 ■ ad- 
 ?hre„ v" '•','-' bTlMS: served in the civil^var 'The 
 Inr,n,r P ■^''"'"'^^' ">« Thirty-Third Massachusetts 
 n.ntry Reg.nient, 1882-LHi;.,, and the Campaigns and 
 Lat les in which it took part, Host., I8SI, 8vo 
 IJnderwood, Uev. Almon, [„„^, vol. iii., „,ui.] 
 I. Future .'unishment: its Nature, Certainty, and Dura 
 lost {HHr'^o '"'- '2"""- 2- The Kest thi'a renmi ns, 
 liost., 1887, 12ino. ' 
 Underwood, Arthur Swnyne, M.K.C.S,, 
 I^.U.i-,.^., assistant surgeon to the Dental Hospital of 
 London I burgery for i^enta! Students. Loi., ISSI, 
 p. svo 2. Aids to Dental Surgery, Lon., (Hss, K'nio I 
 Underwood, Benjamin Franklin, b. iMiii 
 lormerly editor of "The," Boston. I. Inllucnce: 
 ol t-hristiaiiity on Civilization, N. Vork, I2iiio •' F« ' 
 says and Lectures, N, York, I S8.'i 12ino 
 IJndeiwood, Cnarles C'raddock. The Oulf 
 indged; or, '' Tlio Everlasting tiospcl" in the World 
 Uino: with a Note on th., Creation of the Universe, 
 iion., 1885, 8vo. Anon. 
 ..,r!,'.fVr\i'°'^' *'"*"*='" ""■•-••y. I.l-.D., b. 1825, 
 It Lntiold, Mass. ; was connected i,,- .<orne vears with the 
 I'uolishing-ho.ise of Phillips, .Sampson & Co., and assisted 
 in the management of the " Atlantic Monthly :" clerk of 
 the bupreme Court of Boston 185'J-70; U.S. consul at 
 "lasgow 1885-89. 1. A Uand-Book of Knglisb Liter, 
 Christianity and Matcrial- 
 Tleroines of Free Thought, 
 u'V I|."',"'i Authors, Bost., 1871, cr. 8vo. 2. A Hand 
 1 1 ,^.. •'• Cloud-Pictures, Bost., 1872 I fimo i 
 Wdol Himself, [a novel,. Bost. 1874 12.t TMan 
 uus, 18M). (A„ abnd^'mel.t of the work of Brucsch 
 f.f-'^L'; ""■>•;>•, "''"'«»orth Longfellow: a I io"n p 
 ical Sketch. Ijlust. Lost., 1S8* |'),„„ " i ' 
 K..seM Lowell: a Biographical Sach:'''ni„s::'^;;;;:: 
 Imo;;.'^';;,.;:; ^^^;;:;i::'™f "•'■■"i— i'i"«raphy: 
 sto^"^"?""^,'","-?'"' '"""•""' ''■ '«■■'. at Wood. 
 stoLk, .N \,; grad.iated at Syrai.,i.-c Univer tv 1877 
 and piolessor „f botany there sin..,. Is ,:i. ] Our N, ' 
 j ive terns, and how to study them: w th Syno ,tUai 
 Catalopieof North American llepaticie, 188. P' 
 tudcrwood, II. I", 
 ism, .\. Vork, ls7.|, l2nio. 
 Underwood, Sara A. 
 N. York. 187(1, 12iiio. 
 Underwood, W. Life of Dan Taylor: a Mono- 
 graph, Leicester, 1870, ISnio 
 Ko''tc"'s,"r""*\y'* ¥• ' ■^•'•' I'"""i^ •'^""' t^-^ ■■ with 
 i>otc, .St. i,o„„_ j,o _ |,s7;i_75 2 vols, in 1, ,svo 
 Underwood Key. William James de la 
 Ilnje, graduated at Trinity College, Dublin, Is,).-,; or- 
 dained Is.^; vicar of Bracewell since 1S8(., ' 1. Voices 
 Vil'M,?'""'^ ".'"' "'e Field, [verse,] 18fi4. 2. Ou 
 Village Homes. I Mi,;. :i. Hymns, 1877. 
 Uliper, \^ . II I. , K,,,] The Student's Blue-Book : 
 Ac 1 .o, 'l '-'""f r'" '^"'^'i"' C""««P"n'leneo, Reports, 
 U Lon., j,s,o, fol 2. Two Hundred Tests of English 
 Or lography, or WonI Dictations, Lon.. 1877, 8vo 
 Unsworth, William, [an,e, v„ . ii.' .i'l l 
 on mr'rK'f ^"'{''^ '"'"•=' and its uion ; 
 l.ou., 18,2, 8vo; 2,1 ed., enl., L8SI. 2. The AL'sressivn 
 Character of Christianity, Lon., 1878, p su> '''-S'''"'" 
 Unwin, William Cnwthorne, fonnerly a pro- 
 fcssor in the„y„; Engineering College, Coop'er's HUI 
 Ion 18-H J" 9',"' ,'"•-;"■'"""''-■ and other Tables 
 Chi,, n ' T'^ "^Jv l'^'«- «• The Elements of 
 Machne Design, Lon 1877, 12mo, 2d ed., 1878, «th 
 n „' 1' « 1 f" V"""'-" "'•'<'"(? for Elementary and Tech- 
 nical .Schools, Lon., 1887, fol, :,. The Te«tin^ of \l 
 terials of Construction : 'a Te.xt-B.^ok f" L Eng U 
 ™ring Laboratory an,i a Collection of the Results ?f 
 L.xpcnm<.nt. lllust. Lon., I,S88, 8vo 
 Upeher, Frances, [„„,,., vol. iii., add.] Little 
 Anme and the Beautiful, [,]'Lon., 1875! sq. 
 Upcott, Lewis Edward, M.A., graduated at 
 tor,,,,. Christi College, Oxford, 1874, assistant naste 
 s™iptr:'s:",S'^;;«.^.vo'" '"'^°^"^''"" '" «"-^ 
 . IJP de Graff, Tliaddeus S. Bodines: or Cami, 
 ing on the Lycoming: a Compl,:to Practical O'lide to 
 tamping Out, Phila., I87U, ]2mo,- new ed., entitle.! 
 "Camping on the Allcghanies; or, Bodines," 1883 
 I'pn, 1 . Crumbs of Verse, Lon., 1884, 12mo 
 Uphain, Hev. Charles Wentworth, [«»/,., vol 
 'I., .Hid., ..d. 1875. The Life of Timothy Pieke ing • 
 ols. 11 111., and iv., Bost., 1873, 8vo. (Vol i mib 
 VuHV^' ""' ""•'"" ^'- '^•^'"^■'"^ I'iek«^ing.' "^See 
 PlrhKlilNO, TlMOTliY, «,l(e, vol. ii.) *" 
 "''■■'•.larii;; and lively chanictlr thai Uiefl St ^^^', 
 ! neiit literary reputation. "-.VdMo,,, xvlli, 03 Itiiua- 
 l,-,,,,^'''',''''!-"""' ''"^""'''' "^ he .ioubtless supposed in the 
 sui'tessful i,;„i cr ,iKai„st the Union ; hut tl ^s u 1 rcsMon 
 rei.lers the book nearly worthless."- to'fe.,,,/ /. ,' Df/ife 
 of George Otlmt : Xdlion, xxv. 12. '^ " *" 
 »hy?r''f'"' ^'r^n .."""""'"'Sy "nd Family History of 
 the Uphams, of Castine, Maine, and Dixon, Illinois: 
 . f. 
 ^i h 
 :mj. iii. 
 vith Genoi\1oj(ical Notes of ntlivr Familiea, N'ewiii'i, 
 X.J., IHS7, Svo. Printc'l f .r priviito circuliUion. 
 l!piiain, l<'rniicis William, l,'..l>., [.ii/(<, vol. iii., 
 ndil.,] b. 1S17, at Rciflu'Stir, N.ll. ; gi-;"|i!;il«a ft- liowiluin 
 Ccillogo IX'M; luliiiilti'd to tho Mnss , ,. ■<!' mr 1844; 
 professor of iiifiitiil |iliiloso|ihy iiml K-'i t,- , ■: hisii.ry in 
 Riitgurs Ki'iniilo C'olk'go, New YorW C.i. ■. The Star 
 of Our Lonl ; or, Christ Jesua Kiiigof .■ ■ I'wrlds, both 
 of Time and Spaoe, N. York, IS7;i, IL'iiio. ;. ThoughU 
 on the Holy (ill^|lel3 : how they eaine to bo in Manner 
 and h'orin as thoy are, X. York, 1S!<1, l:!oio. 
 Uplillill, Mrw. 1*. L., ['•Ill'; vol. iii., add.] 'fi;.- 
 Crysliil Kountiiin : or, Fiiitli and l.ifi', Phiia., ISTIi, 12mo. 
 Upliniii, Samuel V. I. Nolos of iv Voyage to Cali- 
 fornia nd Ca|)c Horn. Ulust. I'hila., 1S7S, Svo. 2. 
 Notes frotn Siinlaml, on tho Manatee Uiver, (iiilf Coast 
 of South Florida: its Cliuiate, Soil, and I'roduetions. 
 Illust. 2d ed.. I'hila., ISSl, 12uio. ;i. Florida, Past and 
 Present: its Cliumte, .Soil, and I'roduetions. Illust. 
 Jacksonville, Fla., iss;!, r.'ino. 
 Vpliam, Uev. Tlioma.s Cogsv ell, !>.!)., LI..!)., 
 [ante, vol. iii., add.,] d. 1.''72. I. l!.>ok fir tho Home, 
 [verse.] Illust. Bost., 12mo, 2. f hrist in tho Sool, 
 N. York, 1S72, 12ruo. :!. V kvi of tU Absolute Keligioii 
 based on Philosophical I'li ■.■■jilcs .nu Uoutrines of tho 
 Bible, N. Y'ork, 1S7."., l2nio. 
 Upham, William P. 1. Afc-moir of General John 
 Glover, of .Marblehead, Ai^^.-.u, it! is.i., IStiH, Svo. 2. 
 Papers relating to Kev. ,>.iur:iv-' ,'d<elton. .Salem, 1875, 
 Kvo. :!. Letters during t;ic Oerupi'Mn of Host"!! !.iy the 
 liritisli, 1775-76, Saleui. IS,'.. ^,'... ;. Jtrlo.' illi.'j y of 
 the .\rt of Stenography: »iio .i I'mposed Now .Sy'ltmi 
 of Phonetic Short-Hand, Saloiu, 1877, ?tv(). 
 Jpton, Emorv, [miti', '■ ! iii., mid.,] (.".'U ■ ?'riU ; 
 educated at Oberlin l.'ollege, and gr./duatc ) at tb.> V.^. 
 Military College ISIil; served 'n i[\j oivil ivar i con- 
 mnndant of cadets at. the I'.S. .Military Ae^ideniy I8,'U ■ 
 75 ; sent on a tour of inspection of tho ,ii 'ni".-i of Kurop i 
 and Asia 1S75-77, and li iiis return was n.-iigiied to ttifl 
 artillery school at Fort'-ess Monroe. For hiog.. set' 
 .'.ficIIiK, P. S., siij}iii. 1, Taolies fo; Non-Military 
 Lodie- •. adapted to the Instruction of PoHtiol Associii- 
 tions, Police Forces, Fire Organizations, Ac. N. York, 
 1870, 12'U), ?.. The Armies of Asia ami Kiirope : ciu- 
 braclng iit!ir-ial Reports on the Armies of Japan, Chinit, 
 India, 1-ji iii, Italy, Ru.ssia, Austria, (' ;:uiany, Frauot-, 
 and Kngland, V. York. I37S, Svo. 
 •• ^'aronil pel ii->il of this work suggests the doubt whether 
 very miu'li was ., iiied by the uuthor's person r e.\aniina- 
 liQii ill the iDcii.iu.- visited. . . . The merit '<( General 
 I'pton's work does i'."t con.sist in exhibiting th'.' results of 
 original iuvestigali);; or ii: such vivid description as 
 mi^•ht 'lave beeii hoM-d for from hi.s netual inspection, 
 but he piesenls in one wei'-arranged volume what before 
 Ui the .\meriean reader i-oiild only be eulled I'nim nu- 
 merous rejiorts, lists, and U' in several languages. 
 The coinpihitions, in their ;.>>'ral divisions and in their 
 smnmatioii, are aecompauie-; hy lelleetioiis and sugges- 
 tions which, from the autluir's ilistinction in the .studies of 
 his profession, should and doubtless will be attentively 
 considered." — Xiitiou. .K.xvi. :170. 
 IJptuii, George I'litnain, b. is:i4, at Ro.xbury, 
 Mass.; gr.idoatod at Brown U:iivcrsity 1851, and be- 
 came a jour.iilist in Chicago. 1. Letters of Peregrine 
 Pickle, Chic, !Sii9. .. The Great Fire, ','hic., IS72. ;i. 
 (Trr.ns.) .Meoioriea : ;i Story of German Lore, by F. 
 Ma.x MuUer. Chic., 1S75, sm, tto ; new ed,, 18S(). 1. 
 Woman in .Music: an iissay. Illust. Bost., 1880, sq. 
 12mo. 5, (Trans.) Biographies of .Musicians: Haydn, 
 Liszt, AVagner. by Ludwig Xohl, Chic, 1883-84, 5 vols. 
 12mo. fi. Tlio Standard Operas: their Stories, their 
 Music, and their Coinnosers, Chic, ISS.'i, lOmoj 4th 
 thousand, ISS7. 7. The Standard Oratorios ; their Sto- 
 ries, their Music, and their Composers: a Hand-Book, 
 Chic, 18si;, I6nio. 
 "Two books which deserve to be i>laced on tlie siime 
 shell with tirove's and Rio;;mnn's musical dictionurles."— 
 Naiion, xliv. WV 
 8. The Standard Cantatas: their Stories, their Music, 
 and their Composers, Chic, 1887, lOmo. 9. The Stand- 
 ard Symphonies: their Histoiy, their Music, and their 
 Composers: a Hand-Book, Chic, 1888, 12mo. 
 Upton, H. M. Profitable Dairy-Farming, Lon., 
 1888, p. Svo. 
 Upton, Jacdb Kuiitlrick, b. 1837, at Wilinot, 
 N.H.; graduated at the Literary and ScientiSo Institu- 
 tion at .Vew London, N.H. ; studied law; oliief clerk of 
 the treasury department 1877-80, and assistant secretary 
 of tho treasury in 1880. Money in Politics : with an In- 
 troduction by E. Atkinson, Bost., 1884, 12ino. 
 Upton, J( -ie. I. Echoes from the Walls of our 
 Ancient .Abbe. . or, Evening Musings in tho Vicinity 
 of Walthain AH'cy, [verse,] Walthum Abbey, 1865, Svo. 
 2. Tho Panorata of Prophecy ; or, Tho Visions of tho 
 Apocalypse; a Popnlar Exposition, Lon., 1871, 2 parts, 
 Upton, Roger D. I. Newmarket and Arabia : an 
 Exauiinalion (d' tho Descent of Racers and Coursers, 
 Lon., 187;t, p. Svo. 2. Gleanings from tlio Desert of 
 Arabia, Lon,, 18S1, p. -yo. 
 Upton, W. <J. Uncle Pat's Cabin j or, Life among 
 tho Agricultur:.! Labourers of Ireland, [a novel,] Dublin. 
 1882, p. Svo. 
 " The facts hIi caino within his own ken, and happened 
 in his own iicisidiourluiod, the neighbourhood of .Xrilaijh, 
 . . . 1 ret'omhiciid the book strongly to those who want In 
 undLrsUind Mr. Iiavitt's scbeme. In this view sneli astory 
 is I i ive timely tliaii a score of ' Harry Ix)rre<iiiei>,' '—11, 
 S. K.voAN : ,^tC(i((. .\xiv. 157. 
 Upton, William, [uiiir, vid. iii., Ui'ton, '•'ii.i.i.v" 
 .VI., add.] 1. I'llun's Physioglyi-diic?;. Lon., Is U, Svo. 
 2. The Japetie I'.'iilosophy and Phy: ionlyphics; oi. Nat- 
 ural Philology, Li II,, iSBl, 12mo. ?,. fh-;- Circle Squaieil : 
 Three F'anious Pri.i^kns of Anliciui'v Geonietricullj 
 Solved, Lon., 1872, s.i . 
 Upton, Willuuii W., b. 1817, at Victor, N.Y. ; 
 ailmittcd to the Michigan bar 1845; asdociate justice of 
 the Supreme Court or Oregon 1868-74. A Dig' : of the 
 Decisions of the Second, omptrollor ef flio 'licasury. 
 ISOO-ls-l, Wa^h., 18S5, ^vo. 
 tlpuard, Allen. Songs in Ziklag, Lon., Isi8, 4 o, 
 Urbiiio, Mrs. S. i\, 1, An American W. in 
 Europe, ilio Journal r.f Two Y'ears and a Half .iojourn 
 in Geii'iaiiy, Swit'.erlaiii;, rrance, and Italy, Host., ISIi'.i, 
 i£iuo, 2, (Traii.M The Princes of Art: I'^ngravers, 
 rt»,.'l<vrs. Sculptor;, and Architects, Illust. Bost., 1870, 
 l^*!ao ; ne^? e>i,, l,s7'.', 
 IirC) V. Our Fancy Pigeons, and Rambling Notes 
 VI a Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Uriin, KichartI Denny, F.S.S., M.R.I.A., [rr.//-. 
 vol. iii,, ii<ld..] b. Is20; educated at University Collcio 
 .School, Lontion ; called to the bar at the Middle Tenif !o 
 1852; a member of the London scliool board since 18> '. 
 1. A Manual of tlie Law relating to the Office of Tr«- 
 tee: with the Recent Decisions and Statutes, Ac, Di.' ■ 
 lin, 1857, 12mo; :td ed., IStiS. 2. A Handy Book of tlo 
 Law of Trustees: their Duties and Liabilities, Lon,. 
 1866, 12nio; new ed., 1879. :!. John Wesley's Place in 
 Churcli History, deterniine<l with the Aid of Facts and 
 Documents unknown to. or unnoticed by, bis Biogra- 
 phers, Lon., 1870, 12mo. 4. A Legal Guide for the 
 Clergy : with Appendix of Statutes, itc, Lon., 1878. p. 
 Svo; 2d ed., 1881. 5. The Churcliman's Life of Wes- 
 ley, Lon,, 1880, p. Svo. 6. Hints on Business, Financial 
 ami Legal : Fourteen Letters to a F'riend, Lon., ISSli, p. 
 Svo; new ed., 1SS8. 7. Local Government Act, 18Ss: 
 an Analysis and a Full Index, Lon., 188.8, 12ino. 8. 
 Wills, Probate and Administration, ie. By M. H. 
 Jones. Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 Urner, N. Dynamite Abroad : a Tale of Sea and 
 Shore, L(jn., lS84,'l2mo. 
 Uruer, Nathan D., (" Mentor," pseud.) Never, 
 Always, and Stop : Three Brochures, N. Y'ork, 1884. 
 Urquhttrt, U. Tho Channel Islands: Norman 
 Laws and Modern Practice, Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 Urquhart, Itev. John. What are wo to Believe? 
 or. The Testimony of Fulfilled Prophecy, Lon., 1887, 
 Urquhart, John W. 1. Electro-Plating : a Prac- 
 tical Hand Book, I,on., 1879, p. Svo. 2. Electric Light : 
 its Production and Use : embodying Plain Directions for 
 the Working of Galvanic Batteries, Ac. Edited by F. 
 C. Webb. Lon., 1880, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1883. 3. Sew- 
 ing-.Machincry : being a Practical Manual of the Sew- 
 ing-Muchine. Lon., 1880, 12ino. 4. Electro-Typing: a 
 Practical Manual, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 5. Electro-.Mo- 
 tors : a Treatise on the Means and Apparatus employed 
 in tho Transmission of Electrical Energy and its Con 
 version into Motive- Power. Lon., 1882, cr. Svo. 
 Urqnhart, Walter Charles. (Trans.) Graziell: 
 and ether Poems, by M. L. A. de Lamartine, 1871, 8v 
 r , ick, II. Al. The Thornclitfes : a T 
 1,'. ., er. Svo 
 ck, Itev. William, D.D., [aiitr . or biog., see Uhwuk, WiLLi.VM, Jr., 
 Christ's W'rid-School : Essays in Verse, Lon., i d 
 2. Biographic Skelohesof J. D. Latouche, Bank, 
 lin, Dublin, 1888, Svo. 3. A Father's Lettei . 
 , Oil" 
 to b; 
 lambling Nutes 
 '\gi'. r.un., |)<7| 
 -f|. Irtino. I 
 Son upon l|i« c, ruing „f 
 Mso, single sfiiiiDiis, .t,.. 
 Kregaii«n'.ilV'hiurh^,!t''!l'*Tiv, "''"•' ;.'''''''''' "'" "'« "'"»■ 
 Now College, E,/i;,,g,,' ,^M.T; !'«'''l"'' """^ i" 
 of \o„™nfornM(v ,n t ho Lnlt'-,',''"""''' ''^'"'^''•'' 
 M.u.chc...e,- ,„„, l.„i" ,s;;7'sv!;"'o""!,."' "'^' Cou„,y. 
 Kogrimtius: ,i Comncinliu,, „f i|,"'n ,''"•"■''■' '^'"'"""n 
 M'u. :t. (TniiH ) Tl,.. (M,, r 'V '"'■"■"i. I'Min., ISilii, 
 -Miuie.. i.u„„ isfis, 1^ nl "'i '.;;' '"■';:'"" "f •-^'■'. '■>• •'■ : 
 I'ils: a f.-oiirso of I uftiircV 'm, '„ i ™"","-'""-'"l Cuun- 
 wick. K.i;:c.,lbv Ls , I^^i-'" '"' "''"'""' I''- ' 
 8vo- -.. /."nn, 1 iii >li r ,'""' " ""■'' '■"»•■ "f*?-', I 
 in Herts: beinir Lcc^fnr..^ .„. , Vi v- ->"nranloriuiiy 
 tliie- of St. A"tu! a,T \y '"■,^"'"-'">f"rn,ingWor- 
 llertf„r,l, L,„l 18S| ' ''""''"' "' "'» '-"'"'tr of 
 mem))..!- ever t< Im ■ ,. l "" '" "">• lli»t we du i,..t re- 
 .;iK.H ..f „„„., pun I'. ^ki,L;'' eM. ';.:!; a,?''' "■'"'•" ■^""»« 
 ^e^k^i^ti'?!^ ';^^;r '£^ ' V' -^'- ''--'^■•^ 
 ""■1 the S utute,, o ■'','■ ^."l;''^'''';; '''"'i'-i"! Court. 
 vol,, p. Svo ' -1 Tl,„""w '",'"'"' '•■'"•• '"'"•■ ""^^J. •■ 
 lAretlo'oee",. iZ.!^^ "u!^':' ^' Kou„u,ce of ,i,o 
 , si.lore,!. l,o„., IsVs " ",, ^' '-""""-*■' ""^ ''"litinilly eon- 
 .„ I'MII, Hev.' Jai! ." ^'j;.V ev-ArA'- •;• ^™' , 
 I'nnity Clleg,., k..*' V'^- '-'""'""''•■■I "t 
 n;on, on,. rop,,e.,.Ku,,l, J „;;;,;;;;,, -^i;^-;,^- 
 '-'.^'1.. Only im;':,!;:': :^if '■''^' ^"-'- l-,. 
 -w! yT^JS""'""' "''""y "'"' l!"* yet been written.- 
 Svo. I'riv.toirprint?,!"-' "' """"""' "^•^'^'"''. '"'■i'. 
 iwl?^ab?e,'A":."V;r'i^: ^'•'iy^7'' "• '«^'- ^'t 
 Poem., li,„t., I.HS,; u;mo ^" i'"",';l'ter, and otlier 
 the Areli,le„eonrv of .'<u",e ls.!I '-t' '•<-*'"'■«" 
 1 >^vo^,>aroebial .eru.„„« ^^.^^l^-it^.^^, (f;;;) 
 ^ale of Sea anil 
 Vaclier, Francis, Af n rr.i \ T.-ni ir 
 India and M..,.y,.. , M.:nZ\Jn-lJZ'lo'7,,]? 
 S'vo. AI,o, many medical pampblel.. ' "" "^*'"' 
 l-...u^s in Uie XationaMJallery, Und";!;, ' ^^M 
 -on, entitled •■JMie Old i'bren„l„gy anfl the Ne'v' whiih 
 Vain, .lime, U. 
 the Duties of Aliin, 1,> 
 I. (Trans.) .■<ihio I'ellioo on 
 '"n.o. 2. (Trans.) Heaven to 
 All who Love, from theP^leh JV ^iSJe^lr^^/C 
 at uSjl/Rl^^l^fJi^ ^- V-"; -'l^-'to ">e bar 
 to Further Amenlthe I iwnfp''"'''""' ''"'"""■d's Act 
 Trustees: „l,h .Vote' Ion Jj"]''''^' ""'' '"> R^""^" 
 on the of Sett e,ne„r ',■ p ' '-'""• ■■ A Treatise 
 H.^oand other 0:™:^V^^L"'i;rs^V"'t 'T"" ''"■ 
 " Va e. Fi>riin '» ( I. , V' ''''"-'^•S ■> vols. r. 8vo. 
 v., „„,„,,.' """' <'"•■"''•» i^ee Hallett, Miss E. 
 TeJ^K'r,? S:Tv^'^'- \^ '^'"'oratory 
 Qualitative Anal -4'^" , j ""'':-,^; "i;- Introduction to 
 ..Vahe,, J. W. ^ ,. J..,i„: „,, .,,„„ ^^g„„,^ ^ t^i.sses of the Seie„,.e'?;:.V Vi''r_«'' f- •''« Elementary 
 '■ fhe Four Seasons, X. York, I'sTS," 
 I,-, ' '"■ ■^' i"e hour Sensons, N York m-u i »• i ... 
 '""• " . >• lorK, is,f<, Valentine, Feidiiiniwl r- i /r 
 , Vail, Walter .«. (E,1 l The Wo,!, r t . ■""' "'« "^'thanites, by ear lf,.ln • ^™'") «"tham 
 lliaine on the Issues nf ti.ln ' '^ "^■'""'' ''• Chio. ISSii |",,„, 'o %■ '/, Heinrich von Karlstein, 
 >>iile, Charles A, fJuivan 
 orKo. 8 Manual : with Tables and 
 ' Service of John A. I With IIint;!: (,,.,„ ''IV"''''"""''' •^- ^''"■''' IS"! 
 I in« and Teaebing, o^slfe 'luleib/^u^o.^r.; 
 J87j, 2 vole, imjn Jto. 
 •j.g .^■''. -^i ; I 
 ■■ r-i'iiv. 1 'mil «'i>n In hli onalnl niul vl(?oroufi style; the Kiik 
 , ncfttrioe; or, Six Yours .if <^I'''J*>™''^ k full 'f m.v enK""^^ imtwIthstmi.liiiK nn "ccnsf;! 
 ., 1 S.V.I, l2mo. 4. Baby Iliiitifii ; or, flie , l:^/,^l^,^. ^.„r,| „r (U'frctlve idiom, is luinlly evfr olwcii 
 i^ni .. Ut... .^ I'ltllaifft UuAilini;r<, ' AH, N.v -MI'iH 
 185U, 12mo. 3 
 nnJ Voutli, Iioii , ■- ~j ,, ,. 
 Venetians, I.on., Isfil, ),. Hvo. 5. <'»ltaKB H«;y mKs, 
 Lon., isn:i, Hvo. li. No More, No Less, Lon., 1^'''; J"^'- 
 7. llonora's Sunday-Hook, I,on., ls«5, ISmo. ». (hd.) , 
 (lold Silver, and Lead: a Collection of Ordinal Stones, 
 Lon ISl)7, 8vo. a. Nursery-Tales: a New Version, 
 Lon" ISfiT, isino. 10. Sea FiBhts, from Sluys to Nava- 
 rino'.'l.on., 1867, II. (Kd.) The ""'"^^i'^k " 
 I'lea.-'uro and Instruetion ; new ed., Lon., 18»i, i^mo. ^ 
 1" (Ed.) Games for Family Parties ami Children, Lon., 
 isii.s 1). Svo. i;i. Land liattles, from ILv3tin(;s to Inker- , 
 man, Lon., 186S, 12mo. 11. (Ed.) The Nobility ol Life : , 
 its Graces and Virtues Portrayed, Lon., m>\ Ito. I a. j 
 Sea Fi«hts and La.. ' "'ttles, from AKred to \ ictor.a, , 
 Lon., ISliS, ,,. 8va. Ki. (Ed.) Beautilul Bou.,uet8, | 
 gathered from the Poets of All Countries. Lon., lM..t, 
 8 vols, liimo. 17. The Knighfs Hansom, Lon., ISfiS, p. 
 Svo- new ed., ISSL l"*. Heroism and Adventure: a 
 Ii,.ok for lioys, Lon., 1871, 12mo. HI. Oaring '^nd Doing: 
 a Book for Boys. Illust. Lon., 1871, 12mo. 20 Tlio 
 Bravo Davs of Old : a Book for Boys Illust. Lon.. 
 1874, r.'mo; new od., ISSI. 21. .Maidenhood ; or flic 
 Verge of the Stream, Lon., lS7tl, p. Hvo. 22. (Ed.) Tlio 
 Girl's Home-Book, Lon., 1877, 8vo. 21!. Kate Dunean ; 
 or, A Hidden AVrong. Illust. Lon.. I871I. (i. Svo; new 
 cd 1887. 24. (Ed.) Gems of National Poetry, Lon., 
 1880 p Svo. 2o. (Ed.) Ilalf-IIours of English History, 
 from James the First to Queen Vietoria, Lon., IHHl.Hvo. 
 2li. Shaksperian Tales in Verse. Illust. Lon., lS81,4to. 
 27. The Amenities of Home, Lon., 1882, p. 8vo. 28. We 
 Tlireo Boys; or, A Year of Adventure, Lon., lsS4, 4to. 
 29. Domestic Edueator, Lon., 1884, 12nio. .10 The 
 Dawning: First Biblo-Book for Children: the Old lesta- 
 ment, Lon., 1885, 16mo. .■fl. The Day-Spring: a First 
 Bible- Book for Children: the New Testament, Lon., 
 ISSo I8mo. 32. On Honour's Roll: Tales of Heroism 
 in the Nineteenth Century, Lon., 188,% p. Svo. .13. Peril 
 and Adventure by Land and Sea, Lon., 18So, P- »vo. 
 34 Valour and Enterprise: a liook for Boys, Lon., 1883, , 
 ]2mo. 33. Tlie Queen: her Early Life and Heign. II- , 
 lust. Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. 36. Household Handy Book ; ; 
 with Praetionl Illustrations, Lon., 1888, p. 8vo. j 
 Valentine, Rev. Milton, D.D., LL.D , [anie,vo\. 
 iii Valk.'<tink, Kkv. M., add.,] professor of systematic 
 theology and chairman of the faculty of Gettysburg 
 Theological Seminary since 1S84. Natural Theology; 
 or, RationalTheism, Chic., 1885, 12mo. 
 Vnlentini, Philipp John Joseph, b. 1828, in 
 Berlin; resides in New York; has made a special study 
 of Me.xican arcluiMdogy. The Landa Alpluiljet : a Span- 
 ish Fabrication. Illust. Worcesicr, .Mass., 1880, Svo. 
 Valerie, Mdnie. Cookery for Amateurs; or, 
 French Dishes for Knglish Homes of All Classes, Lon,, 
 Vallaiice, Lucy. Paul's Birthday. Illust. Lon., 
 Valiantiigham, James h. Life of Cement L. 
 Vallandigliam; 4th ed.. Bait., 1872, Svo. 
 Vallings, E. Harold. The Superior Sex: a 
 Novel, Lon., 1888, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. . . , „ , , 
 Vallings, Kev. James Frederick, M.A., grad- 
 uate,' at Keble College, O.xford, 1876; ordained 1877; 
 vicar of Sopley, Hampshire, since 1887 ; hou. Fellow ot , 
 St. Augustine's College, Canterbury, since 1883. Jesus 
 Christ the Divine Man : his Life and Times, (" Men of 
 the Bible,") Lon., 1888, p. Svo. ,. ,, ^, ci . 
 Valpy, Francis H. Audeography : the New Short- 
 Hand ; or. The Art of Regi.stering on Delivery the Lt- 
 teranccs of the Human Voice. By Digamma. Lon., 
 v'amb6ry, Arminius, b. 1832, in Hungary ; was 
 fur some time a teacher in Constantinople, and subse- 
 quently travelled in Central Asia, visiting Kliiva and 
 Bokhara in the disguise of a dervish. He is prolcssor 
 of Oriental languages in the University of l-csth. lie 
 has published several works in English. 1. Travels in 
 Central Asia : beiug the Account of a Journey from 1-- 
 heran across the Turkoman Desert on the Eastern Shore 
 of the Caspian to Khiva, Bokhara, and Samarcand, 186,!, 
 j^^^ , j(«4, Hvii. •>. Sketches of Cen'rnl Asia : Additional 
 <'hapters on my Travels, Adventures, and on the Eth- 
 nology of Central Asia, Lon., 1867, Svo. 3. History of 
 Bokhara, Lon., 1873, Hvo. 4. Arminius Vamb6ry: his 
 Life and Adventures. Written by Himself. Illust. 
 Lon., 188.1, Svo; 2d cd. same year. 
 "The character and temperament of the writer come 
 the English 
 5. The Coming Struggle for India, Lon., 1885. With 
 the collaboration of Loris IIkii.I'HIN, Hungary, C Ihe 
 Storv of the Nations,") Lon., 18S7, p. Svo. 
 Van Aalst, J. A. An Account of Chinese Music. 
 Illust. Lon., 1885, 4to. . 
 Van Amringe, J. H. Life Assura cc and .Savings- 
 Banks, N. York, 1872, Hvo. . ,^ ,„,„.. , . 
 Van Antwerp, David M. Tin Princi|.les of 
 Church History adapted to tlie Young, N. York and 
 Biooklyn. 1869-71, 2 vols. 12iiio. 
 Van lluren, J. U., Jr. I. Investigations of For- 
 mulas for the Strength of Iron Parts of Steam Ma- 
 chinery. Illust. N. York, 1869, Svo. 2. Quay and 
 other Retaining Walls, N. York, Svo. 
 Van Buren, J. M. Gospel Temperance, N. iork, 
 1877, 12mo. , _ 
 Van Buren, Willinni Holme, M.D., LL.U., 
 Iniile, vol. iii., add.,] 1H19-ISS3, b, in Philadelphia; 
 educated at Yale, and at the medical department ol the 
 University of Pennsylvania. 1. Lectures upon Diseases 
 of Ihe Rectum, delivered «1 Bellevue H(jspital Medical 
 College, 1869-70, N.York, 1871, 12mo. 2. Lectures on 
 the Principles of Surgery. Edited by L. A. Slii"son. 
 N York, 1884, Svo. With Kkvks, E. L., A Practical 
 Treatise on tlie Surgical Diseases of the Genito-Urinary 
 Organs, including Syphilis. Illust. N.York, 18/4, Svo. 
 Van Campen, Samuel Richard, an American 
 of Dutch descent. 1. ILdlanU's "Silver Feast :" an 
 Historical Kulogy suggested by the Occurrence ol the 
 Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Accession of William 
 III., King of Uie Netherlands, Lon., 1875. 2 parts, Svo. 
 2. The Dutch in Ihe Arctic Seas. In Two Volumes : wit i 
 Illustrations, Maps, anil Apjiendix. Vol. i., A Dutch 
 Arctic Exoediticm iind Route. Lon., 18i6, Hvo. ^ 
 "A mere compilation, written in a very dull style. — 
 ' T ('rrans.) Barents' Relics: recovered in the Summer 
 of 1876 by Charles L. W. Gardiner, Ksq., and presented 
 to the Dutch Governnunt : Described and Explained by 
 J, K. J. de Jonge, Deputy Royal Architect at the Hague. 
 Published by Command of His Excellency W. F. \a>r 
 F. R. P. Taelman Kip, Minirter of Marine: with a Prel- 
 ace. Map, Illustrations, and Fac-Simile. Lon,, 1877, Hvo. 
 "Vance, Clara," (Pseud.) See Denison, Mhs, 
 Mauy a., "imif. 
 Vance, KImcr E. 
 a Rimiance 
 Nellie Harhind ; 
 of Rail and Wire, N.York, 1888, 121110, 
 Vance, George. Memoir of William Fcckman, 
 Lon., Is85, Svo. . . „. . ir i 
 Vance, James J. Philosophio Elocution : Vocal 
 Culture ; a Treatise on the Siruciure and Cultivation of 
 the Voice ; with Approjiriato Exercises, Praxis, and Se- 
 lections, Bait,, 1882, 12ino. 
 Vance, Susa S. Lois Carroll ; or, Her Two Selves, 
 Phila., 1874, 12mo. „ ,. , , . 
 Van Cleve, B. Frank. The English and Anion- 
 can Mechanic : comprising a Collection of 3000 Receipts, 
 Ac, Phila., 1874, 12nio. ^ „ • 
 Vandam, Albert D. 1. An Every-Day Heroine, 
 [founded on " Anne Rose," a domestic story, from the 
 Dutch of J.J. Cremer,] Lon., 1877, 3 vols. p. Svo. 2. 
 Amours of Great Men, Lon., 1S78, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "The compiler has collected, In a haphazard way, a 
 nuraiyer of facts and conjectures about the loveatlairs ol 
 famous people."— Sa(. Jiev., xlvi. 2o7. 
 3. (Trans.) The Story of the Coup U'Etat, by M. de 
 i Maupas, Lon., 1884, 2 vols. p. Svo. 4. (Trans, and ed.) 
 The Land of Rubens : a Companion for ^ isitors to Bel- 
 igium; from the Dutch of Conrad Busken Huet, Lon., 
 '■■ 1888, cr. Svo. , - 
 >' Vandegrifit, Margaret," (Pseud.) fceo Jan 
 i VIBU, MargaUKT, «ii;)rn. , ... jj i i 
 Vandenhoif, George, [o«(e, vol. in., add] 1. 
 Common Sense : a Dash at Doings of the D-ay : a Social 
 Satire, in Verse, Bost., 1858, 12rao. 2. Life; or. Men, 
 Manners, Modes, and Measures: a Poem lor the Union, 
 i N. York, 1S6I, 12mo. 3. The Art of Reading Aloud_in 
 i Pulpit, Lecture-Room, or Private Reunions, Lon., ISis, 
 'vanderbeck, CC. Hints for the Summer Months, 
 Phila., 1882, 12mo. 
 Vanderbilt, A. T. 1. What to do with our Girl.^ 
 or, Employments for Women: being a Complete anl 
 Aitbentic Hand-Book of All Employments for Women. 
the EiikUnU 
 /'hinceo Muxio. 
 le and Saringa- 
 rnnco, N. Yi)rk, 
 ind : a Romance 
 illiam Fcckman, 
 Her Two Selves, 
 'seud.) See Jan- 
 e Summer Month?, 
 Vnno, Chally«. l. s>,c.t UHI. .Inn^Ied ; a Novel, 
 f*vo. i. Still fniure, Lon., IMrfl, 
 liOn., iS7:>, 2 vols 
 or. Svo. 
 Vane, Ucnzil. 
 If^^O, .■) vols. cr. Svo. 
 lion.. 2 vols, or 
 Novel, Lon., 
 n Rninanoe, 
 " The tniiisliitor 
 llrcW.v, Scptumiiur Jl lhs7 im iiiorj . —J'tilj/ia/ara' 
 •ill eil. saiiioyeiir. """•, loou, izmo; 
 Van iler Vyner, l>. F. .V. 
 I.iin., 1SS2, |i. Svo, 
 Henrietta's Promise, 
 t f '• -h'tiK. L.r.; graduatcl at Cornell C ,iver iv sri' theticnoral Theolo«iual Seminary Hi o^dii" j 
 i„ce'l's™i"'" ■"V/nclrcw's Church, New York CUy" 
 Ma".^"?ld»!!"'„''"'' .««B"."'V.E. C. (Trans. 
 iier, Lon. 
 rK-fi"""" "' *^""«™' Pathology, by E. 
 Tr^","r ?>'•='*' Ed»vard Abbott, (Tran. l 
 fs'stVvo. '""'"' ''■■"'"'"■^ '" ^«^'"' ^y V Artin 
 "Vandyck, Ricter Hoden,' 
 JIliK, Andhkw C, miplr, 
 Van Dyke, Rev. Henry Jackson. The Lord, 
 I'niyer, N. ^ork, 1871, l2rno ineL,or<la 
 h \h^> ".''!'.''' "**'• "«"'■>' Jackson, Jr., D D 
 b. 185.', lit (icrmantown, Pa • son of tl,., , -„ 7' 
 Kradu.ate.l at Princeton IsV',. atid at the Pil' 0^x1^0' 
 lZ:i!'!i;^!^f^Z'«!l.- "'-"-' at lierlin/p;,:;:?^ 
 (Peeud.) .See 
 I) • 1 ,11 , — ■' ""'' "luiiicd a[ tier in ; nasturofUm 
 ej 18S5 2%,?f .."''B'""' N- York. ISS4, p. 8vo , 2d 
 Van Dyke, John Charles, b. 18,58, at New Brun, 
 wick, N.J. ; admitted to the New Vork bar 18-- i I 
 N York ls^7 12,:" f",?' ^"' "•'A'-' '" 'l''"'ory, 
 at y.o,InVTl''*''i! ?r7- •^"^•'Ph Smith, D.D., b. I8:i2 
 at Ilound lirook, N.J. ; graduated at Princeton 857 and 
 at the Princeton Theological Seminary 1861; pastor o 
 , kI?-""' S^"''^ "t tlr'^nbnrv.N.J., since lSfi9 
 . Prohibition of the Liquor Traffic, N. York 1879 
 Poiiorv thp Pno nf il,„ r,i 1 . ' ..*"'■*> """ 
 '• Like l.uiifer: a 
 2. From tho Dead 
 • - , - .„.o. tl. 8vo. 
 Vane, James Edward. iv,\ \ \i.,ii. .. 
 Lon.':'''s'5.';"'s';,r ^- ''■""'"« »■■ Cur-O [a tale,] 
 ja;?/:",^;,,.:;'"'^''" f''--'-) ^ee 1,0.,,,, ««,,. 
 to.yf " *^,'""*".' •'oh". Expository and P.-aotioal Lee 
 Van"/ ';.''/."' ""\Zcch„ri„l,, l.„Z 1882, , Svo. ""■ 
 F.N."" K;;''.-,"v„;';";;;.'',";r "'"■ '" "'"• 
 Van Gelder, Mrs. Jane. (Trill ^ Th» a. 
 houses of tbeKii^g; or, it Py^a'iifid ' 'f^Eg^ , .^'^rt' 
 they arc and who built them, Lon., 1886, 8vo ' 
 1871. "k's"'"*"' ^' ^' ^ """-'"y in I-I«n.l, Lon., 
 Van Iloosear, David Ilermnn ti,„ i-,, 
 "ilrst"' libany;"i';':;s"8!'o"'''""""' '"""''''' f'""' *>--• 
 viit,. Miii. "'^i^""" "■ "• Thomas, chiefly from hi.s Pri- 
 M^a military Journal and other Doeumenfs. Illus rated 
 wt^Can^.aign and Battle Maps compiled by EUwa d 
 -|> m earryi,,, Lh^L/^l'^;,-'L|t;;"i™|;v. ---.B 
 P^jri;^a^!;\,:;s"TS!^1^8^'^« "• ^^»■"- 
 would be ';, ,d In a -iiraSvs nf'!\^^ '■"' ^""^'^^ 
 Vnn if„,,i' 1 „.*> ''l"'"'^^^- ~-^''''''''. XXXV. 335. 
 L^i'^-i^j'je-v.^r^t?^^;^- -'- 
 burgh"A^,fdeni'v"7':?p' ""' ,<"'''"' "'"«'"» "' 't>° Edin- 
 e^^rc^TX. Tii^el-liii ':1^4^,t^r ^iJ: 
 ^d ed 1877, also 4 vols,, 1877. 2. !>"„«:) Wo^^k, of 
 Mol.Sre, Lon., 1875-77, 6 vols. r. 8vo. 3 H storv of 
 French Literature: vol. i.. Prom its Origfn fo the r/ 
 naissnnce; vo . . Pm,,, ti.„r.T.,„:... ,. *» . '" '"* "*" 
 ■^^; •,. '• ^'iftation Camp , or, Tho Riflo, Rod and Hon ""^ '"*' ''egree^.rtrustH "rtliy 'Ti d is ^riHnT""',' '«■''' ' 
 4. The French Revolutionary Epoch : being a History 
 r:i -I I 
 of Frnnoo rrmii (hi' Ilngiiiiiin}; iif llio First Frcich Revo- 1 1 
 lution t(i the Knd of tho sjeeoml Kinpire, Iinn., IS7S, 2 
 Yulii. Hvo. 5. (Tmrn.j The Kiviil DiHtnrs, hy A. Lii- 
 nointe, N. York, IK8I, 161110, tl. (Triini".) (iil Idas, hy 
 liO HiiKc, in KiiKlivh : vol. iii., I.ciri.. issil, r. ''vo. 
 Villi lieiltK'p, A. O., ami Schiliilll' r, A. I'. 
 (irowth of Chri»liiinity liiiriun Niiu'tui'ii Couiurici: K\- 
 hibiliMl in a Soiios of C'Imrts and Nuiuoiicul Tiibloa, N. 
 York, I-"*-!, Hvo. 
 Villi I.ciiiicp, Itev. Iloiiry John, [nni' . vol, iii., 
 ftil'l.,J li. ISIfi, at ."^inyina, A.«iii Minor; gnuluatiMl at 
 Aiiihcr."! ('ip1Ii';!o |s;',7; ciiIitcmI thi' iiunistiy of the 
 run(;ri'(,'iilioioil Chiiri'li ami rcliip- ^'d to Ania Minor a:< 
 II nii^i^ionary I lircifi'iisor "f natural Hcieni'O.i and niiidorn 
 langua|{i'.i at iiifiliani I iiiversity, i.o Uoy, N.^.. 1!<"H- 
 7K. 1. 'I'riacis in Little-Known Parts of Asia Minor, 
 N. Yoik, ISTil, L' vol,.. Svo. 
 "Dr. Vail Li'iiiirp was i'iii|iliiyiMl as an .Vnit'ricaii mi-. 
 Blonary fur thirty yi'ars in Asia Nlliiiir. . . . His honk kIvis 
 us a ideasaiit ihi|irt.'ssion of tlie writer."- -*'<i(. Hei., xxix. 
 '.'■J I. 
 2. Ten Days anion); tholireek llrigand.s, Host., I."<7I, 
 lOiuo, It, liible I, anils: llieir .Modern Cuslonid and 
 Manners, illustrative of .sioripturo. Iliust. N. York, 
 I87II. 2 vols. ji. ,Svo. 
 "The several ehuptens read more like ariicles from a 
 Bihle dletionary than ileserliitiiins of the doniestie habltn 
 of liviiiK men ami wiinieii ; lliere Is no life, miemlnislasni, 
 nu sympalhy with Ihe people. . . . We mnsi not fur^et to 
 I>olnt out that it I'ontaiiis a of Inforiiuaion on the 
 manners and eiistoms uf Illhle lands n"t reaillly aeees. 
 nihil' elsewheri', and (hat soim' i.f the siihiei is are 'reuted 
 with ureal"— .ir/i.. No. 'J')17. 
 Van I<<>oii, .MrN. Kli/.abclli. I. ,\ Heart Twice 
 Won i or, .Second l.ove, I'hila., lS7,<i, I'.ni.. 2. Tlio 
 SInidow of llampdin .Mead, I'hila., 1 nH IL'mo. It. Un- 
 der the Willows ; or. The Tiireo Con. !■ mi'S, I'hila,, 187'J, 
 IL'ino. t. The .Mystery of Allanwol.l I'Irlii., IS.SI), 12ino. 
 Van .Martcr, H. Light for tho Litdo Ones, N. 
 York, 1S7'J, IL'mo. 
 Vnnnnli, Kali!. Verses, I'hila., I.H.s.'t, 81). IO(ni>, 
 Van Nortlcn, Itev. t;|iiirl<>s, b. ISt:j, in .New 
 York; j;i'aduated at llamiitin (College LSfi.'i; Congre- 
 gational ministor at .■^utRuiil, Conn. The Outerimist 
 Kim and Heyond ; a Contribution toward I'atiencc. Kev- 
 crenee, Silence, and Spirituality in the Study of Nature 
 andofOod, N. York, ISS'.', l:!mo. 
 Van Nurtwick, William II. Tho Anti-I'apal 
 Manual : a Hook of Heady Keferenco for Amcriean 
 Protestants, N'. York, IS7t), |2mo. 
 Van .\iiys, T, f. Chemieal Analysis of Healthy 
 and Diseased Crine, tiuantit.ilive and Qualitative. II- 
 lust. I-;;ila., I.S,SS, Svo. 
 Van Pelt, Kev. Daniel. 1. (Trans.) Tho Hol- 
 landers in .Nciva Zeuibia, 1;JU(!-I.V.I7 ; from the Dutch of 
 Hendric'k Toilens. Prefaee and llistorieal (niroduetion 
 by S. K. \'an Campen. N. York, ISs4, iL'mo. 2. 
 (Trans.) Walter Harmsen : a Tale of Heformation Times 
 in Holland; from tho Dutch of E. Uerdcs. Illust. 
 I'hila., 18MB, llimo. :i. (Trans.) The Soldier's Ward; 
 or. Saved for Martyrdom: a Seipici to " Walter Harm- 
 sen;" from the Dutch ol K. tiordes. Illust. Phila., 
 XXSJ. Itinio. 
 Van Itensselaer, His. Mariana, (Griswoid,) 
 b. 1851, in New Y'ork ; married, 1871, to Schuyler Van 
 Rensselaer. I. Americm Ktcliors. Illiist. N. Y'ork, 
 IssK^ Svo. 2. Book of American K^ijure. Painters. II- 
 lust. Phila., l8,Sii, fol. .(. Henry lloh.son Richardson 
 and his Works: with a Portrait and Illustrations of the 
 Architect's Designs, liost.. 1888, 4to. Edition limited 
 to ."ilIU copies. 
 " .Mrs. Van Ken.s.selaer's binitraphy has the qualities 
 which come from a tiritjht iniml and a practised pen. It 
 is rather sisierly than jiidieiai in tone; and this makes her 
 pre-enlation of ilii' man himself none the less interesting 
 or valnahle."— .Yd.' n'l, .\lvii. ill. 
 Van Kcusselaer, Uev. .tfainisell, D.D., LL.D., 
 b. |NlS», at Albany, N.V.; gradunl' I at I'm. .11 College 
 |8:;8, and at the Kpiscopal (iener.u Theological Semi- 
 nary 18U; ordained 1841; r'haplain of tho House of 
 the Holy Comforter, New \ -ir;, (;ity, since 1880. 1. In 
 Mcmoriara ; Sister lac Story of her Life- Work, 
 N. York, 188;i, Klmo. 2. Annals of the Van Kensselaers 
 in the Tnitoii SLitc.., e.sp(,.ialiy as Ihuy relate to the 
 Family of Killian K. Van Rensselaer, Representative 
 from Albany in the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth 
 Congresses, Albany, 1888, Svo. 
 Van Ithyn, G. A. F. What and how to Reiul ; a 
 Guide to Recent English Literature: containing a Clas- 
 Aiiicrieiv during tho Past Five Years, N. York, iH':>, 
 Van Ithyn, J. (i. Discitablinhiiiont a Duty: an 
 Appeal to the Conscience, Lon., I'^76, 8v«. 
 VanNanI, .\. I. Life of H. .Mattlson : with Skctchoi 
 of Sermons, and Introductiun by E. Thonip.*on, N. Y'ork, 
 1870, K'liio. 2. Rachel Weeping for her Children : with 
 Introi|i"'lion by C. .M. Siins, .N. York, 18711, lihiio. 
 Van Nantvoord, Itev. CornelinH, D.D., [niii,; 
 vol. iii, 1 "■ 11 lleilcville, N.J. ; graduated 
 at Ui'. I ' I ' ' S" ''■ ntered the mini^iry of tho 
 rtilt '. Keforined rhuvcii. I. .Memoir of Lliphalet N'dt, 
 ^i.'ity-rwi Years Presld. nt of Union Collegii ; with 
 ( iitribiu and Revision by Taylor Lewis. Port. 
 \. >ork, I871I, l2nio. 2. Liinitaiion of tho Liabilities 
 ■11 Ship-llwners under the Laws of the United Statea, 
 N. York, I8S7, >v„. 
 Van Mchaak, Henry Cruder, [diitr, vol. iii., 
 add.,] 18(12-1887, b. at Kinderhook, N.Y. ; admitted to 
 tho New York bar 1821). I. liistorv of .Manlius Village, 
 Fayeltevillo, N.Y., 187H. 2. An Old Kind.'rhook Man- 
 sion, N. York, |S78. ;t. Cat '■ '" ' Tis, 1882. 
 Van Summer, Eli/.-r ' .(■. 1. i..Mnil KranUlin's 
 Victory; a Temperance iaie. Illust. Lon., 1371), cr. 
 8vo. 2. ily I'p Hill Paths; or. Waiting and Winning: a 
 Story of W'irk to bo done, Lon., I">8;), p. 8vo. 3. Mar- 
 tin's Inheritance: a Temperance Tali', Lon., 1887, p. 
 8vc, 4. St. Chris: a Slory of To-I)ay, Lon., 1887, ii. 
 "Van TrneNdale, I'helcg," (Pseud.) Seo 
 All.tMS, Fll.WrlS Col.lUIlN, 111/11(1. 
 Van VallieiibnrK..lohn. TheKnightsnf Pythias: 
 a Coinpli'l'- .MaQual and Text- Book, cuiitaining the His- 
 tory and Ilovernmoiit of the Order. Illust. Phila., 
 1877, 12mo. 
 Van Vorst, Frederick Ii, Widiout a Compass, 
 N. York, I8.S5, IL'mo. 
 Van >Vnrt, Irving, Jr. Tho Cioldon Cross, ami 
 other Poems, \. York, Is70, 8vo, 
 " Van Wert, Iliiperl," (Pseud.) Seo Ennv, 
 D.V.SIKI. ('(..MlKi:, Kiljiril. 
 Van Xile, Kdward S. tVanted, a Sensation: a 
 Saratoga Incident, N. " irk, I '^I'l, l2mo. 
 Variau, Italph, The Harp of Erin: a Hook of 
 llallad Poetry, Lon., I.s7(l, Ismo. 
 Viirley, llcnry. I. TbeSacriHceof Praise; Hymns 
 for (,'ongregationai Use and (Jospei .Meetings, Lon., 1872, 
 24ino. 2. Torso Talk on I'iniely Topics, Lon., 1881, p. 
 8vo. 3. John Wyclif: a ( hapter from English Church 
 History, Lon., 1884, l2mo. 4. Spiritual Light and Life, 
 Lon., I880, 8vo. 5. Christ's Coming Kingdom ; or, Tlio 
 Lord's Reign on Earth, Lon., 188(1, p. Svo, Also, single 
 luMresses. piiuiphlets, Xr. 
 Vurley, John. i'.iliihition Canaries: their Special 
 Properties; lid e^l , Lon., I87(i, 8vo. 
 "Varley, John Philip." (Pseud.) Sic Mit- 
 IIIKI.l., L.VM;tlON El.WVN, HIIJil 
 I'.irley, I/. It. Memoir ■ -.Palmer; with a Cata- 
 ioj: 1' his \V. \j, ,tc., Loi SS2, 4to. 
 \ I . iiey, <iLorgc J. I. 1 oe Young Pc |.lo's His- 
 tory 01 Maine to 1812; 2d ed,, Pordand, 1>7:!, 12iuo. 
 2. A (iazetteer of the State of .Maine. Illust. Host., 
 1881, Svo. S. A Brief History of Maine. Illust. Port- 
 land, |s" , ' ino, 
 Vo-i.ey, W, F. Historic m..! Dcaeri;itive Kand- 
 Book of (^'rishiooke Ciistio in the Isle of Wight, New- 
 port, 187(i, 8vo. 
 Varnish, Edward G. (Trans, 1 The Eucharistio 
 Life of Christ : being the Life if . ..s Christ in the 
 Holy Sacrament of the Altar, l'\ .*I. Jacijues liiroat, 
 Lon,, 1880, 8vo. 
 Sewpi liases 
 their Nature 
 Dwellings, lirooklvn, 
 I ork, 1882. 
 ry Solved : being a 
 ..f Edwin r)rood," Lon., 1878, 
 Varona, AdolTo 
 and Origin, and how i" 
 N.Y'., 18711, Kimo; 2d 
 Vase, <iillan. 
 Sequel to "The Myste 
 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 Vnsey, George, [miie, vol. iii , add.,] b. 1822, near 
 Scarborough, Yorkshire; removed to America; gradu- 
 ated at Berkshire .Medical College, PittsHeld, Mass., 
 ISIS; botanisi to iho department of agriculture ai 
 Washington since 1872. I. The Beauties and Utilities 
 cd' a Library, forming the Student's tluide to Literature, 
 Science, and Philosophy, Ac, Toronto, lS.i7, l2mo. 2. 
 The Philosophy of Laughter and Smiling. Illust. Lon., 
 1875, p. Svo. 3. A Descriptive Catalogue of tho Native 
 ! 'fl 
Lm IH77 Mv V C -^ "', '•""«'"" nn.l Smiling •■ 
 1X80, Mv,,. ' ■"•^niM .>ow-iiornc, Hielimond, Va., 
 I.m^, Isr. is,:,'"'""*-' *''•■'""""' "f ""'^i" Harrison' 
 el.vere. .n the Tc,„pla ('lunch. Lo.^ Is^^^Z'-lH 
 V"-^ now oj., ,> ,, r. The Two-Qrc/t T^'.^uion'.'; 
 ■ ■> luiii tlif Icmptation of Christ: 
 11! leiiiple Cliurrli, Lent, IS?'' 
 8. i'lio I'rusence of (j,„l i„ |,is Teiil! 
 «<!., l8St. !). The Voung 
 t Service: Four ycrinons, i 
 the Tfiiuptation of 
 Lectures delivered 
 Lon., 1872, U'mo. . _ 
 |ilc', l.on., 1872, l2fiioi 1, 
 l.ilo equipping itself for 
 WunU of Hope 
 i-, I87.'i, fp. Svo; 
 'plo: iin Appeal 
 'is: Three Leo- 
 .'. The Solidity 
 lion., I ^71. 8vo. 
 l-on., 1873, 12nio; „en , 77 in 
 fromthel'ulpitof T..„.i„„ci,„rol,, l„ 
 ■Wed 874. 11. For..,., thine Own 
 lo the Home Church lor Foreian ^ 
 tiirca, Lou., 1874, Svo; newed.TlS.s 
 of frue Religion, ,ind other Sermon,, i.on., I ^7 
 i,*' .?qi ■;;;ri&;'''r,'.''SraT;;:r''li;,; 
 ri ■ Lord's Prayer, Lon., 187.-., p. Svo ; ::,| ed i":?i ia 
 Hebrews, Lon., 187(1, 12mo 18 Mv « .. ■' 
 issft i Addresses to Toilers in th. .Ministry Lon 
 p. 7"- ". Authoriae.l or Uovised ? .■^vnoon- o, 
 ■I'Hions, address..., pan.plil .U- ^ ° 
 :Clti\\^^T " ' """^ ^""'^Be, Cambridge, 8 18 , 
 •ince 187^ .' a" p """v? "/ ^'"'"'^"""^Sb Oithcdra ; 
 i'" .„ .' i- A *<"» Words about Private Tuition i 
 i-yalutor. Ca,„bridge, 1852. Svo. Anon. 2 Sermons i 
 ' CrV'-n"',.''. ''Tch, T,oi„,.ster. Cambridge, I s,,«, 
 I 5fl s^'o . 'n, u "" "" '}'"""""■•"'. <'«tlibridKe 
 or Prin';,,, ,r'V - ' \"" ""' '"^'' <'l'"rch (iuestion 
 or, rrinoiplc of L, ;(i«hition ai plicablii to l'r..'„i,i li 
 fjuiremuntH, l.on,. |8i;s i. s,.,. ' 'i i. ' "''" 
 f. Alb„ns, si,.,.,. I85i, 1 n, rs;'"",',;'""'"'^- '"' 
 of C.u- tl.'l, H,:;,, ■ '■"■•"'■■'■'"t-Colonel Vau^-han, 
 IS"""" !S=;;f:™:,;st3^;;';?sia 
 S''''s;'rr ?r "»■"*:!"■ v"ii.'i^ 
 l("g, I.on lis. 6mo Alio'"'- ,'' "" '-I''"""" 
 Vniiohn.. I V; """"• Also, sm^'le sermons, lie. 
 vailghni,.!. D., a resident, for thirty vearrof 
 -•!'..], «mdua'ted ., IlaNioTc ,,^^6^^ nl^ ™ '. "I- 
 da.ned 18 0, perpc. ,al curatoof ChfistCh rcl', Bri -hton 
 d aSTsn^'r-^."''""™ ^■"'" '" nuche;terCat ": 
 Vaughnp, Jami-s, a missionary of the Cho,,.h 
 Missionary > . cty I l.'„ifiii„,i i" \ ... ' ""i^n 
 ' n 1- ^ rmcnt, the Crescent und #k 
 Cj^« -. ^ .ew of the Ueligious History J^rilo^::^^: 
 n. V "'I?'d""r,.f"I''',','"'''"'''T"^ T"""y Chapel, Haok- 
 '">■ (i.n.i I unity Hymns, Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 ViiiiKliiin, Kenclm. The Poi.nin,- it. «!,<•. u r.-,. 
 encouri^^l^ ,, eath.dic nlur^hl'Si; 18^^^'" 
 ISu'Js'is*"' ^rS^'^* .«"«" «'*'"«'" Bed.., 
 , a!:!;:rp:,!:::''^::-1,i:^ii-pi'if ^^« n:;^ 
 Ai|tiliiiiH mill hill tlmcH It hiix Im-n mir k'"") fiirtune (i> |w 
 f„ t'f, 
 ' III KiikII"! 
 1(A., No. 
 '1. Kc(^li'«itt ClirlDti I Wuidii Kiiiikpn lit Iho OiieiiiiiK "f 
 tho Soi'dnil ScHniciri of llii> l'"urtli I'nivliii'ittl ('ouncll "f 
 Wciliniimtor, Loii., |s;:i, mvo. :i. I.wtiirfs on tho 
 Kenminiiblnneaii nf ClirlKtiiiiiily niiil lliu SIiuIIiiwiipi'h <>f 
 Ciibvlirr, Unit., ISni, I^iiio. 1. .Science ami Kuli|{iun ; 
 now Fil., Unit., IHNS. 
 ViiukIiiiii, Victor <'.« iirafetaiir of ohemlttry In th* 
 University u( Mlrlii|{iiii. 1. O.-tcoldgy iiml .Myolii«y of 
 tliiH million Konl.diilluK Uoinc^iioiii', Ann Arlmr, .Midi., 
 1871). i;!nin. a. I,oelurc-Notc« on I'liiiniiciil l*hy»iology 
 anil I'litlioloKy : 2a eil., Ann Arbor, Midi., IHTtf, Hvuf 
 Sil 0(1., onl. iiihI illiiKt., IM8II. 
 VnilRlinii, VirKinio. I. (TninH.) Antoniu; Mnn- 
 iiriit ; Tliu .Siiow-.Mim, liy (Icorgu Siinil, Uoi'l., l."*?!!-?!, 
 ;i vhIh. llliiio. L'. ( TriuiH.') .Suilinu on tlio Nilu; from tlie 
 French of I,. l,ii|iorte, IH7'.', 8vo. 3. 'i'ho New Era: a 
 Driiiiiatic Poem, l.nii., I.ssu, p. 8vo. 
 VniiKlian< Uev. William Cobboid, griuliiiitml 
 nt Cuiiibnio Collcijo l«7l; oriliiiiicil IK7H; ciinito of 
 iliininer with Tiillern, dloueso of ,<t. AMmn», from I.H8I). 
 1, .Six Villiige Sermons from Nature, l.un., l^.'<4, IJiiio. 
 2. I'liiin Ia'ssoii!! on the t'rccj for Suniloy- und Duy- 
 SchooU, l,on., IH.M.I, l2mo. 
 Vuux, C. Uutvyer. Canno-IIunilling, Uy Dot. 
 N. Vork, \Hsh. 
 Vaux, llev. Janii'd Edward, .M. A., F.,s,\., [mifp, 
 vol. iii., Vaix, J. 1')., ioll.,| Kniduiiloil iit Trinity Col- 
 logc, t'lun bridge, 18,)1 ( or.diined 1851 ; licenced preiichor 
 of t lie diocese of Lincoln since 1809. I. Doctrine of the 
 Atonement: Six I'liiin Sermons, Lon., 18(17, I'imoj L'd 
 ed., 18S2. 2. The I'rosencc, the Sncrilicc, the (Commu- 
 nion : Three I'luin Lectures on the Doclrino of the Holy 
 Eucharist! 2d ed., Lon., IStlil, .Svo. :i. Christ on the 
 Cross: n tiood-Fridiiy .\lanuiil, Lon., 1870; 2lilli thou- 
 sanil. 4. Sermon Notes : llel|).< for Voung or Over- 
 worked Preachers, Lon., lM7l-7(i, |',iiir .scries, Hvo. 5. 
 (I'M.) Medit:itions on tho [ncurniitiiin. Uy the Author 
 of "A Short Introduction to .Mcditution" uml " Med- 
 itali'ns on the Passion." Lon., Is7^, lliino. 0. Tho 
 Preacher's Storehouse: a Collection of Pithy Sayings 
 nnd Choice Passages on Keligiou.s and Moral Subjects, 
 Lon., 1S78, p. Hvo. 7. Preaching: what to Preach, and 
 how I') Preach: Practical Hints for the Clergy, Lon., 
 1882, p. 8v(i. Ho also assisted in editing " The Priest's 
 Prayer-lSonk" and other devotional manuals. 
 Vuux, Ilichard, [miii; vol. iii.,aild.] Urief Sketch 
 of the Origin and History of the State Penitentiary for 
 the Kastcrn District of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, 
 Phila., 1872, Svo. 
 Vaux, William Sandys Wright, [miir, vol. iii., 
 add.,] d. 1885. From 1>'71 tn 1H7I) he was engaged in 
 cataloguing coins in Hi" liodleian Library at Oxford, 
 and in 1871! was electii secretary of the Koyal Asiatio 
 Society. 1. Persia, from the Karliest Perioil to the Arab 
 Conquest, (" Ancient History from the .Monuments,") 
 Lon., 187.i, 12ino. 2. Ureek Cities and Islands of Asia 
 Minor, ("Ancient History from the Monuments,") Lon., 
 1877, 12mi>. Also, pamphlets. 
 Vawtur, Ji U., I" Sergeant Oats," pseud.) Prison 
 Life in Dixie: Short History of the Treatment of our 
 .Soldiers by Rebel Authorities. Illust. Chic, 1880, 
 Veazey, Wheelui'k (>. Vermont Supreme Court 
 Reports, vols. ,vxxvi.-xliv., (18tt»-"2,) Uutland, 1872, 
 Veazie, Jo§eph. Asphalt: its Preparation and 
 Application. By J. V. Z. Host., 1875. 
 Vt'dder, Paul. (Ed.) Dramatic Year, 1886: with 
 Descriptions and Illustrations, Lon., 1887, i2ino. 
 Vecder, Nicholas. Cometallism : a Plan for Com- 
 bining Uolii and Silver Coinage, Ac, Pittsburg, 1885, 
 Veitch,Rev. James, D.D. 1. Statement concern- 
 ing Innovations as now attempted in the Church of 
 Scotland, Edin. and Lon., IStili, 8vo. 2. Sermons: with 
 Memoir of the Author. Edited by P. J. Oloag. Edin., 
 1880, {). 8vo. 
 Veitcli, John, LL.D., professor of logic in Glasgow 
 University, has published, in addition to works mentioned 
 .(li/-, vol. iii.: 1. Mrinoir 
 Bart., Lon., 1860, 8vo. 2. 
 • Ills liiHik Is of IIiobo collectlnns nf ballade 
 iiaiiv, nor an lilstorlt>iit 
 till nf which there are already 
 t nf thcKc lyrics nt iiallniml Idc. He Inoks at his 
 Hccniint nf thcKe ., 
 Miibjecl Irniii a uenlnglcal |Hilnt nf view. . . . LV' ry Inni nf 
 IheKmiinil Is lumllhir In hlin. and lie ban the somewhat 
 rare faeiilly id' de»i:rlbiiiK tin' Mines which archn dour In 
 hlnisell III hiiiKiiaxe thai convi'js a clear and dlstlMCt Itii- 
 prfsulnn tn the reailer."~.>>'n/. liii:, xlvl. iVi. 
 0. Haniiltoii, (" Philosophical Claasicl fin' English 
 Uoadors,") Edin., |M82. l2nio. tl. Sir William llaiiiil- 
 tiHi : tho Man and his Plillosnphy : Two Lectures, Edin., 
 l.H8;i, I2IU0. 7. Institutes of Logic, Edin., 1885, p. 8vo. 
 8. The Feeling for Nature in Scntlisli Poetry, Lon. and 
 Edin., 1887, 2 voN. p. Hvo. (A seleelinn of poems, pre- 
 ceded bv a lecture. 
 " I'rol'. Vcllch leads lis tlirmigh a charming .cuintryln 
 these Iwn vnliiiucs, prepares n» lielnre we start » itli a lec- 
 ture nil what we arc tn Innk Inr, and eiilerlaliis us with 
 luiicli eX'' ilelil dl.siinirsc by Ihc way." — .Inn/., xxxll. IM». 
 Veil) h, Sophie I''rance8 l'"an<'. I. Views in 
 Central Abyssinia. liy T. E. With Descriptions by 
 S. F. Veitch, Lon., l8liH, 4to. 2. (Trans.) Tho Visit to 
 the Colls ; from the (ierman of E. Eckstein, lS7il. Hlmn. 
 11. A Lonely Life. 1. Angus (Irii'ine, tiainekcepor, 
 I'aisloy, ls,s;i, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 5. (Trans.) The Saga of 
 IlaU'rcd the Sigskald : a Northern Tale of the Tenth Cen- 
 tury, by Felix Dahn, Lon,, 18Mtl, p, 8vo. <i. James 
 Hepburn, l-'recChunh Minister, [a novel,] Lon., 1887, 
 2 vols. p. nmi. 7. The Dean's Daughter: a Novel, Lon., 
 1888, 2 vols. cr. 8vii. 
 Veilch, /epherina I*. Hand-Book for Nuraes of 
 the Sick, Lon., 1S7II, 12niii; 2d ed., rev. and cnl., lS7t). 
 Veley, Miss .TIargaret, !8i;t-|N87, b. in Brain- 
 tree, Essex, Eng. ; lived in that town till |s-i(l, when she 
 removed to London, She contributed tn lilackwood's 
 Magazine, ilie Cornhill, and other periodicals. 1. " For 
 Poroival," Lon., 1878; new ed., illuat., 1870, 1 vol. or. 
 8vo; new ed., 188:i. 2. Damocles, Lon., 1882, :i vols. 
 or. 8vo. ;i. Mitchelhursi Place: a Novel, Lon., 1884, 2 
 vols. p. 8vo. 4. \ Garden of Memories; Mrs. Austin; 
 Lizzie's Bargain, Lon., 1887, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 5. A Mar- 
 riitgeof Shadows, and other I'ocms: with u lliugrapliical 
 Preface by Leslie Stephen, Lon., 1888, fp. 8vn. 
 Veley, V. A. Conditnms of the Emlulion of Oases 
 from Homogeneous Liquids, (Philosophical Transac- 
 tions,) Lon., 1888, Ito. 
 Veley, Victor Hubert. (Irons.) Hand-Bouk of 
 the Pularisoope ; Iroio the German of li. Landolt, 1882, 
 Venable, Frank Preston, Ph.D., b. 1850, at 
 Longwood, Va.; educated at the University of Virginia, 
 and at Bonn and (iottingen; professor of chcuiislry in 
 the University of North Carolina since 1880. A Short 
 Course in Qualitative Chemical Analysis, Kaleigb, N.C., 
 Venable, Williiini Henry, LL.D., b. IH.'li), in 
 Warren Co., 0. ; graduated at the Morinal school at Leb- 
 anon, 0., 1802, and became a teacher, but ubandoneil 
 that in 1886 to devote himself to literature. I. Jiiio' 
 on the Miami, and other Poems, Cin., 1872, 12uii>. -. 
 School History of the United States. Illust. and Map-. 
 Cin., 1872, 12mo. .'1. The School Stage, Cin., 1873, 12in'.. 
 4. (Ed.) The Amateur Actor, Cin., 1874, l2ino. 5. (Ed.i 
 Dramas and Dramalic .Scenes. Illust. Cin,, 1874, 12mu. 
 6. The Teacher's Dream. Illust. N. Vork, 1881, sq. 
 8vo. 7. Melodies of tho Heart, Songs of Freedom, and 
 other Poems, Cin.. 1884, 12ino. 8. Biography of Wil- 
 liam D. Gallagher 1888. 0. Historical Sketch of West- 
 ern Periodical Literature, 18S8. 10. Footprints of the 
 Pioneers in the Ohio Valley : a Centennial Sketch, 1788 
 -1888. Illust. Cin., 1888, 12mo. 
 Venables, Itev. Edmund, [rniie, vol. iii., add.,] 
 b. 1810, in London; graduated at Pembroke College, 
 Oxford, 1842; ordained 1844; canon residentiary and 
 precentor of Lincoln Cathedral since 1867; diocesan 
 representative in the Society for the Propagation of the 
 Gospel since 1881. 1. A Guide to the Undcrclifl' of the 
 Isle of Wight, Shanklin nnd Blackgang: with Notes on 
 the Climate, History, Topograiihy, Geology, iVc, Vent- 
 nor, 1867, 12ino. 2. (Ed.) llunyan : The Pilgrim's 
 Progress, Grace Abounding, and a Kolation of his lui 
 prisonment: with Biogrophical Introduction and Notes, 
 Oxf., 1870, 12mo. ;i. (Ed.) Tho Private Devotions ol 
 of Sir William ILiinilton, Lancelot Andrews, I8HH, f.:-:-.. i. Tijr, oh.irch of Knt-. 
 Lucretius and the Atomic {land: its Planting, its Settlement, its Reformation, its 
 Theory, Lon., 1875, p. 8vo. 3. The Tweed, and other Renewed Life: Four Addresses, Lon., Is86, 8vo. 
 Poems, Glasgow, 1875, p. 8vo. 4. The History and i Bunyan, ("Great Writers,") Lon., 1888, | vo. 
 Poetry of the Scntiish Border: their Main Features! Venables, U. H. 1. (Trans.) The i -le and Fall 
 and Relations, Gla. _.>w, 1877, p. 8vu. | of the Emperor Maximilian, by E. do K^ratry, 1868, 
 (TniDM.) An InlnHluotii.ii tn the 0|,| T«t« 
 l>y F. Blo.,k, I„„V,'i 
 m>, 2 v„i. 
 ;t: (Tr«n,.y Tiie'Wclriu •,; ,h;''AL^l" ' ?": '"'■; ?"• 
 Th.„.i,„.v, f .1 V v., ' ' • '• ( rfiinn. li b ioa 
 i,l!",Hv« ' '^''" '^"""»^"". by C. F. Sohu.l°uI 
 Vt'iiabic,, llev. <J.'or((e, F.Il.A H h ih2i 
 liey „re in Covenant with (In.l ; :M ,.,| |,, „ s u s! 
 ?. (hil.) Ih Korm of ,s,,l|.rnni/.iiii,ii ..I vf . i 
 |iHni|ililet8. ' ' '"• ""U) 
 p. Hvo"""""" '" *-'• ""•• ^'"'"' S^'^ty. Lon., 1887, 
 ,.-•«* ^'^'"'■'''y- "'"' ^'l'Kilivo Pirn./ iJerJp 
 fts a Qu.,|.|,onol the l),..v, viowod from u Xeutral 8.S' 
 I'oint: Two Lectures. l,on., 1874, Hvo 
 Venn, Rev. John, .m.a,. r,,,,/, „,.! ni .. j i i 
 Km,lu,...Ml at Qu..en'H ColleKO (r.nb;i,,,e Ih '^ 
 St. Paul's E,„8t]e to the Romans, Lon . ISnTo • 
 Covenants and Oath, relating to Eternal Life, Lon ,l'87s' 
 .Hvo J. A foinmentary on the EnJHtie of .St pLl i,! 
 tho Qahitian.s Lon., I87S, 8vo. I. Tract. "nil ,.'% 
 and moral science lecturer. I The I ,„m,. .■ pi 
 ;[n EHsay on the Foumh.tlon. u iir, e'' '.rjL: 
 Theory of Probability, „i,h Especial if e,K.„t„ 
 A ppheafon to Moral and Soci,ll Science, L ," " fi 1 
 8vo; .Id cd enl., 18SS. '•. On .some of the Char e ler 
 tics of HeI.ef, SoientiHc and UeliKious : boinL the 11, 
 «enn Lectures for 1809, Lon l87ii 8v.. t J ,. 
 Logic. Lon., 1881, 8vo. ' ' '"• ''• ^J'""'"'!"' 
 ^? Z' ^ '^"^ '"'"- '- ™'''^'«""' rein..;;is^:^ I 
 Venning, Hev. Edwin James, M.A.. eraduate,! 
 rate ..f" r'h"" <^""eKe. Oxford, 18B;i, ordained' 18687" 
 Trans> i?'"n^^"■''^' ^^''^"""K. S"««ox, since 88 . ' 
 Mm,?."^''."''' Men'-y t'eorge, fI^r'.s!',' 18ro-l884, b. at 
 Montreal; graduated at MetJill University 18fi0 and 
 tudied ehoraistry at the Montreal Medical College » 
 member of the Oeological Survey of Canada fromlsfis 
 He attained considerable reputation as a meteorologist 
 ment, I Our llirdi of Pr.y ; or. The Eagle 
 Canada. Nrvork^ndMr;;;:'!"::^':;:'';;:"" •^•"« "' 
 'ii.l>lle,l,"-.V,;;„;„ x!!",';',' l'''" '"'<'-"|.i>.V is «ysle,„atle,.l|y 
 Ventura, I.. |>,, and Shevitiih «i \ii m • 
 Kemnant-, Most., |s8t), sv„. ' •""'"" '""' 
 yenliiri, .nudanii' l-imiile A«h..,.. ...r. 
 Kmllie .\Nhnriit, 
 mJ.J t, ' "'' 'i Memoir: .»i,h Two E.»ay, by 
 of Man " I . T '-- "" "'•''""-•^"••y and "The Uutie, 
 K.o»^:'t';": ^"'''"'^•''' <''-•■-••' «-HA„n,s, 
 V.-r<li, Tulli,, SiiajtnrB, A.M., M.D . h 18>l) at 
 Mantua; „„ ollieer in the Austrian '„ my ,SJ7-48, .'.n 
 1" tho .Sardinian army 1,ni,s-(|». r, ,,.,„| ,,, ,1 iV' ." f 
 • rdX^i, 18 /''"'h'''"'' "' "" ""'"'•■'"■'"n College, 
 ing tnl^ C 's nee li''-'''"''i''''''''''" ^'''y''"'"" "' ^V"-'- 
 V>re? A?nrev' ''a""'"'' '"• ^'•"^' ^'''- """"• 
 yiili, V,., ^^^' /..',"'"■"' "'"' M'"l"n Magic- 
 With Kxplanationa of Tricks performed by Messrs 
 IH8?2;os "?'„'• ^/l'"'?, K-'iKht: a sHui Lo„., 
 I 1881, 8vo "underful Travellers, Lon., 
 .M^.or Worse: a Tale of our Own Tunes, ion., I884; 
 Vere, S. Lady Helena : a Novel, I on 1877 n «..„ 
 •he .<„lmr,i in ij V """"""I"" una the Oases of 
 M>!.\7*'''''. ''**>'"«'«"'" (I'^'-^uJ-) I. (Trans) 
 A Ite -Uinner Utories from Honore de Bahac ."no 
 nto Lnghsh, N. York. 18811, Ifimo. 2. (Trai TTales be 
 with,, p; ' "'1 'r'' ''' ■^'^'"'"■■' ^■"■•elst, an I delayed 
 M,.i *n •?"*''1''"» ['"I", vol. iii., add.l 1 Tho 
 -. 1 nsii o (.old: a iireside .Story, Loo.. 18lin |"mo 
 .'.Idyls o. the Hearth, Lon.. l.s«5, p 8vo 4 Th; 
 On Passenger: a Christmas Story. Lon , 18U8 n 8vo 
 vol 'svo - p' ^'T'- " '"*'""■'' Lun.. 1872, 3 
 vj)U. p. 8vo. ,. J-oeras, Grave and Gay, Lon., 1880, p. 
 (Ed.) The Uorks of Sir George Etheredgc, Lon., ISSsI 
 oJ.*,"'*'' "°''<""t' ["""■■ vol. iii., add.] Subject and 
 ting"b\u'^e' hLThlJu';"i\rre''r%'^'"'?"?'5'' '" » "<='> -^t- 
 virni' jl"n"- ^f ■^'''' '^''.'' P™"- 18?8. 12mo. 
 p. 8vo ' ^"' **•='"»"«». [verse,] Lon., 1878, 
 Veilicy, C. My Stoii-Futlior nnd I, and the Hyp- ' bation nnd I'unishtiieiit : ii Uiiliimiil uivl Soiiiilural Exy 
 otist, Lon., 18S7, 121110. • • ■■ •■ • • • 
 Veriicy, Capt. Kdwin Hope, U.X., [ 
 , vol. 
 ervod in tlio C'liuieii iind tlie Indian Mutiny ; 
 retired list ISSI; M.l'. I\.r North liucliingliainsliirt' 
 ISSri-Sli. 1. The ]m»1 Four Days ol' the " lOurydicc." 
 Portsiiioulh, 1S7S, 8vo. 2. Village Slietchca ; or, (.'hap- 
 tiT.s from tlie History of Jolin Jones and llobert Koberls, 
 I'arniirvon, IS7U, Svo. 
 Vcnii'v, Fraiicfs Partheiiopo, Ln<Iy,d. IsiMi; 
 eldest daughter of William Kdwanl Nighlingale, Ksc)., 
 of Lea Hurst, Uerhyshiri', and sister of Miss Florence 
 Nightingale; was niarrieil in Is.'iS to the Ut. Hon. .'>ir 
 Harry Verney, .M.l'. 1. Stone Ivlge. Hlust, I.on., iSds, 
 Svo. Anon. 2. I,ettiee I.isle. lllusl. ],on.. 1S7U, .svo. 
 Anon. a. Fernyhurst Court: an Kvery-Hay Story, 
 hvn., 1S7I, Svo. Anon. 4. Llanaly Ueefs, l.u'n., 1S7;|, 
 11. .Svo. .'1. .Sketches from Nature with I'en and I'enuil, 
 Lon., IS77, si|. ICmo. Ii. Real Stories from Many Lands, 
 Lon., 1S7S, ISino; new ed., ISS.'i. 7. Peasant l'ro|ier- 
 ties. and other Selei-ted Essays, L(jii., iss,'), 2 vols. Svo. 
 "Those of the essays wliieli ileal with peasant i>ropertics 
 are likely In ni'oive ilu- exeliisiveallention of readers and 
 reviewers alike . . . They form little more than u I'ourlh 
 <il the volumes. . . . Tliey are well deserihed bv the 
 nnllii. ress liei-self as ' juttiiii.'s diirinn autumn rambles.' . . . 
 slu' lias reiidereil good serviie lo liie disens^ioii (jf wliat 
 .Mill deehired to he 'one f.ttlie most ilispuled ipiestiuns in 
 the raiine I'f iKjlitiiaU eeon.miy.' "—Sal. Ii(i\, Ix. ."-i.'). 
 "S,, strongly is she prejudiced against the svstem of 
 peasant piopnetcuship that she does not even feeof-'iiize 
 the immense satisliietion derivable from a sense <d pos- 
 .sessicui, which is so clearly marked by ilic prevaleiiec of 
 land linnger aniiiiii.'.>t so larK'c a purlion of eivilizeil popu- 
 hitions. (io where she will in f ranee or ilermaiiv. I.ady 
 Verney sees nothing but objects of jjiiy and compassion, 
 lis well us waste of time, of labour, and of monev. where 
 others llnd admirable examples of thrift, of induslrv, and 
 ol self denial ; and most especially is she indinmuil'al the 
 idea that the introducticm of a similar system can possibly 
 l>rovc advantageous cither to lis orour Irish iiciKlibonrs."— 
 ,Sj,(rhtl(tr. lix. -22. 
 ■ Lady Verney's Hile is true, but the moral is forced."— 
 KniTii Si.Mc.ix; Acuil., xxviii. 70. 
 8. Cottier Owners, Little Takes, and Peasant Prop- 
 erties: a Reprint of "Jottings in France, Oermany, and 
 ."wit/.trland:" with Additions, Lon., ISSj, l2iiio. U. 
 How the Peasant Owner lives in Parts of France, Her- 
 niaiiy, Italy, and Russia, Lon., ISSS, p. Svo. 
 Verney', Frederick Williiiin, b. isiii ; called to 
 the b:ir at the Inner Temple 1875; English secretary to 
 the Siamese legiitioii since 18S2. Notes on Siamese 
 Musical Insiiiiments, IsS.'i, Svo. Anon. 
 Verney,. >IiOi)rtieorge Hope. I. Four-Handed 
 Chess, Lon., |,sM, 12uio. 2. Chess Eccentricities, Lon., , 
 1SS5, p. Svo. ' 
 Vernon, Arthur V. (Trans.) .Schiller's Minor i 
 Poems and liallada : with Historical and Literary Notes, 
 Lon.. |ss7, cr. svo. 
 Leaves from a Mid'a Diary, 
 American Railroad Manual, 
 Vernou, Uouglas. 
 Lon., I SSI, ^\o. 
 Vernon, Edward. 
 Phila., IS74, Ho. 
 Veruon, Henry. Thoughts of Leisure Hours: 
 Poems, Songs, Ar.. Edin., IS71, Svo. 
 Vernon, llev. .lamei^ Edmund, M.A., gradu- 
 ated at Wadhaui College, Oxford, ISj'J; ordained ISOU; 
 vicar of Olveston siiico 18S5. 1. Catholic Sermons for 
 Ch.ldrtn, Nob. l-lli, Oxf., 1S71-73, 12iao. 2. IJiblo 
 Trut' ■ in Simple Words : Short Addresses to Children, 
 Lmi., Is7(), l2mo. :i. Short and Easy Addresses toChil- 
 tlreii, Lon., 1S7S, I2mo. 
 Vernon, Uev. John Ilichard, M.A., graduated 
 at Hertford (,'ollege, Oxford, IS.V.I; ordained IS6I); rec- 
 tor of St. Audrie's, West Quantuxhu:id, Somersetshire, 
 since IS72. I. 'The Harvest of a (Juiet Eye: Leisure 
 Thoughts for Rusy Lives, Lon., ISii7, Svo. Anon. New 
 ed., ISSU. 2. Christiiin Burials: Some Thoughts about 
 Church-Vards and Funerals, Folke-'tone, IStiS, Svo. .'i. 
 Uan.loni Truths in Common Things, Lon., ISlili, p. Svo. 
 4. I'oppies in the Corn; or, Glad Hours in the (Jrave 
 Years, Lon., 1S72, Svo. Anon. (Reprinted from Lon- 
 don Solsiety.) 5. Kalendar Notes: Short Hevotional Com- 
 ments for Every Sunday and Holy Day in the Christian 
 Year, Lon., IS73, lOnio. «. The Church of England the 
 Ouidc for her Children : Six Sermon.-, Lon., !S7i, I2mo. 
 7. The Kiss of Death ; or, The Serpent in our Own Eden, 
 Lon., IS7fl, Svo. s. Ingleside and Wuysiile Musing.s, 
 Lon., 1S77, so. Ifiiiio. 
 Vernon. Uev. Samuel M., D.D., pastor of the 
 .Seventh Methodist Epi.sounul Church, Philadelphia. Pro- 
 1468 ' 
 sition of the Doctrine of the Future Punishment of the 
 Wicked as held by the tJreat liody of Christian Believers 
 of All Ages, Phila., ISSfi, |2uio. 
 Vernon, Hilliam Frederiek, [nuir, vol. iii., 
 add.,j b. 1SU7. Notes on the Pari^h of Harelield, County 
 of .\Iiddlesex, Lon., IS72, 4to. Privately printed. 
 Vernon-Harcourt. See H.\iuoniT. 
 Verrall, Arthur \Voolli;ar, M.A., Litl. D. ; b. ; Fellow (pf 'frinity College, Cainbriilge ; called to 
 the bar at Lincoln's Inn 1870. 1. (Ed.) Euripides' 
 Medea: with Introduction and Notes, Lon., IS8I, Svo. 
 2. (Ed.) Euripides' Medea, ("Classical" Scr. :) with In- 
 troduction and Notes, Loll., ISS.'t, fp. Svo. :i. Studies, 
 Literary and Historical, in the Odes of Horace, Lon., 
 Iss4, Svo. 
 '■ Nothing better of its kind has been published in Kiig- 
 lanil sini'e the iippearance of .\Ir. Miiiim's ■ Elucidations 
 of Catullus;' and if Mr. N'crrall's sclinlarship is not ijuilc 
 so accurate as was that of the disliiiKUished editor ot I.u- 
 crclius. his liierary criticisms are quite as brilliant."— .s'otc- 
 liiliir Iviii. '.u:i. 
 I. (Ell.) The Seven against Thebes (d' .TIschylus : 
 with Introduction, Commentary, and Translation, Lon., 
 IS,S7, Svo. ;'). (Trans.) The (Ivlipus Tyrannas of Sopho- 
 cles : with a Translation of the Songs of the Chorus in 
 Verse, Lon.. 1S87, Svo. li. (Trans.) (Edipiis the King: 
 with the Songs of the Chorus as wrideii for the Music 
 of Dr. Stanford. Lon., I8S7, Svo. With Vkriiai.i,, Maii- 
 GAUKT 111: (J., (trans.) One of the Forty, (" L'Xminor- 
 tel,") by .Mphoiise Daudel, Lon., ISSS, p." Svo. 
 Verrall, .1. <:. (Ed.) A List of Horses in Training 
 in England. Lon., ISSS, ISnio. 
 Verres, J. 1. (Ed.) Manual of Catholic Devotions; 
 from Approved Sources, Miinchen-Oladbach, 1SS:1, Ifluio. 
 2. The (iarden of the Soul, 1884, 16nio. ;i. (Trans, and 
 ed.) The Key of Heaven, 1SS4, |). Svo. 4. (Trans, and 
 ed.) The .Manual of Catholic Piety, Leipsic, 18S4, lliuio. 
 &. Luther: an Historical Portrait, Lon., 1SS4, Svo. 
 Verrey, L. C. The Leghorn Fowl, Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 Verschoyle, Rt. Uev. Iliuni'itun, [nuie, vol. iii., 
 add., J lMi:i-|s7ii, lii^hop of Kilniore. Elphin, and Ar- 
 dagh. The Story of Old il. Kiernan, Lon., 1S74, 24ino. 
 VerstiHe, .Mrs. II. W. Southern Cookery, .Maeon, 
 Ua., 1S7(), l2mo. 
 Very, Fduard W., lieutenant I'.S. navy. The 
 Navies of the World : giving Concise Descriptions of the 
 Plans, Armament, and Armor of the Naval Vessels of 
 Twenty of the Principal Nations. Hlust. N. York, 
 ISSd, Svo. 
 "His work is volnminous, and the information is con- 
 veyed generally in the form of ligiircs and tables, but 
 these are clearly arranged, and the bonk is inlelligible to 
 the noii-professiomil reader."— .ViidoH, xxxi. ;ji'i. 
 Very, Jones, [niiiv, vol. iii., add., J d. issii. 1. 
 Poems; with an Introductory Memoir by William P. 
 .Andrews, Post., ISS;!, I6mo. 2. Poems and Essays: 
 Complete and Revised Edition: with a Biographical 
 Sketch by J. F. Clarke, Post., Issil, Svo. 
 Ve.sey, Mrs. Fruneis (herald. My Own People: 
 a Family Chronicle. Hlust. Lon., 187.'i, p. Svo. 
 Vetch, Col. Uobert Hamilton, H.E., b. IS41; 
 assistant inspector-general of fortilications since 1888. 
 Professional Papers of Royal Engineers, Lon., 1877-81, 
 6 vols. ]i. Svo. 
 Vetch, William Francis. Piquet Duty: Com 
 piled an I Arranged, with Four Practices for Instruction- 
 Drill, 1,011., 1875, llhno. 
 Vevers, C C. Practical Amateur Photography, 
 libist. Horsforth, 18S(I, Svo. 
 Vihart, Henry Meredith. The Military History 
 of the Madras Engineers and Pioneers from 1743 up to 
 the Present Time, Lon., ISSl-S;i, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Vicajee, Framjec U, Antoino Arnauld: his 
 Place in the History of Logic, lionibiiy, ISSl. Paniph. 
 Vicars, A. Antiseptic Vaults beneath ,St. Michan's 
 Cbureh, Dublin, Lon., ISSS, r. Svo. 
 Vicary, John Fnllord, d. ISS7; the owner of 
 extensive mills in Devonshire, Eng. ; jiassed many holt- 
 days ill Norway and Denmark. I. A Danish Parsonage. 
 By an Angler. Lon.. 1S8I, p. Svo. Anon. 2. An 
 American in Norway, Lon., ISS.'i, p. Svo. ;). Headings 
 from the Dane, Lon., ISS.'i, p. Svo. 4. (Ed.l A Stork's 
 Nest; or, I'leas:iiit Reading Iroin the North, Lon., Issii, 
 p. Svo. .J. Olav the King, and Olav King and Mailvr, 
 Lon., ISSli, p. Svo. e. Saga Time, Lon., 1SS7, p. Svo. 
 Vickers, George. The Fall of Bossism : History 
 of the Committee of One Hundred in Philadelphia. 
 Phila., 1S83, 12mo. 
 ^■"-"'"5:is£-rH;Ss:^!^S»;:':£^^ -""■■■ 
 Origrn an.l l^o.-r Vof ch ,, i , ''''il'''""^'''"" of .he 
 I^fi!', p. Svo. 4 Tl I •!."" ''""■''.':'' '"■• '!"= A^'c, l,„n., 
 fhk-^w!'l2":,"-' '' """''-^ """"^ "" Arbitration, 
 <Tr''a:,^';*'7'T!'xt:,3^^,':r^rV''""P'" »- ^'- »•• 
 ,,-. ,.-... I, ■,i>t;r|ioor, rfi.S7, Svo 
 VicT.w,, Mi,s. p. F ,,,1,1 1 K is-V 'J '■ '■"'• '"• 
 umrrieil, lUfiL', to Ili.nrv r' \'; . ' 
 "'1.0.; Stories, Is'"! '" *^"^'' ''"""iope, and luirlry i,r Scan lii i h^ ," V "^'.■"•■^.'lO' "f il.c nn- 
 ii.f Ill's, ,i,iu., »i '"„,', y ",'',',',"' ,''"^■'"■'1 '■"■■ 
 ii.aiiis (,f prinwcval Tciiioni , ' ','"' ^^'"'^i' •■*-'- 
 Hi^ylllnevisions,,r(",Vii M, , .''"'^ 
 l«.ei,.s i„ wl.iol, tlie r H V ; : !';"^^;^^ H.ccoHrtly 
 the liiims wliose .J.^sccm ! ■ , .'mv 'h '"' """'""■■'I 
 «^. ..arvest, anU sunslMnJ^^;^-;;,^-- ^^,^..- of 
 fenary', "'""'""' '" -'"■•«"'o™tion of'the'.Jrimm S 
 eurate of Sf. iVter's vCo ^V , j m ' 1 \ '"''""'«<' 1 «.T ; 
 York ISB,s, ir,„„ ■ An' o r ■'•'"■•^- "'' '''"-"".v. -N'. 
 N. York, IS6I1, Svo. ; . i-a "h,,'/. o^P rl""''' tl'^*""'-! 
 StrugKlo: an A.Uobiogr, ,Z''^-' y , ll ''.'-V'''i',^ •^''''^ 
 The Had Doy's Diary, N. V ,Vk i^s Vr '' l^"'"' '• 
 The Ha.«i,or Family 'NvV'k,Ss^'«- ^"""- ''■ 
 The Naughty (lirl'/bury, N Virk 'iss "'iV '^""l' «• 
 Victoria Alexand iua, Oii,.fii ..f .• 
 Kr;:.!;';i^,';o'ir;^lt'^->;j;;!!'n,c;f vi,.v ,,„.ro is no, a 
 tl.e,ic rallio, ;,V,V„ , f,,: ,'i '*'i ' I"-<'^'l'l.v a syniiai* 
 Tha, tlie;iMaimoi4,-i; ;,;.," '7 . ""'","*-']' ■•*'''.l"..e.'l' ! 
 I- .1 rciLson wlH-tli ..r.rV.r V ,;,;'',' J ''^''-'"'^^''•■"''''J I 
 '\wm:-~Ath.,^i,'>iPH """> "' "'e widowoil lifuof a I 
 I'i'Honary ; ba.icd on h . M'^ ■ , [."'''"'"'"■-■■:nj.'Ii.i. 
 1..,., ''"'.■> ''")i'-i.i, ■! parts, I, o 
 '-ler^llin'ffis^jf,;^.!^';^:'!;-'^ "- Oxn-r,, Press in 
 !.'n-.i,intt i^ Will n "f wm M.e r r. w^^^ ''^■■•*"'">'-' "" 
 Viles, EduarU, an.l ruriiivnil. P I i iva ^ 
 ,^balei.a,^:^:::'7,^sj*"«"''' "»" ^-"^''^ond,, (nIw 
 i<i-;ii!:';;?AKrM^;',^''«' (^vhito b. m,., 
 ; BriKb.on; marVied i %« « ' v"""^ >'™'-' M-''. for 
 'lied in IS, " „ " ,S8' b.Knor \ ineenp.o Ma.ini, who 
 I Italian h ., nan Prof.' or PaJrV^t-V,'' ."-'i"«"i">ecl 
 to wri,o niter e de ,h nf ^1 r " ^ ,'"""• •^''^' '"'gan 
 aNovel, ],n, Isn'V.l •'' '" ^'"'"Ko Inelmnged 
 i '-'...0. i (T anil ',•■ ••■'■ ^,l»""''l''Eond, I,on., IS82 
 jof JI. Jokir "i ISS.;",;"^;.:7' ):'-7t';«"»..i?arian 
 j «i«o u- the,el;;';;,:;;;:j'<;j^;^-s";;^;;J i-!^f ;:"j knoWi- 
 ' 8V0- ^"'wh'* 'r"'"""^ " Novel,I,o„;: ,V i,V,ols cr 
 <iirolan?o,i onaro a b^T' '^"J''^" ''"'' Times of 
 •iatiir":! M„4?'''']'i'/'™r,'; ''"""y^ "'■"•■ ll'us- 
 'iarnier. (> outh Ken^in H V '■'""""" ""'' ''-''"""'■J 
 l.on., iSH.(' sv,; '""''"g'"" M>"'eu.n Art lland-IJooks.) 
 .•ated'I'sr'.V''?"^',-? Pellinm, M.A., b. ks02 , edu 
 .u\:l,;X/^ri^^?^i^;'t-';l?«' «■;■'-' '-i-blJr 
 I"il'li«l.e.l ill K, L-lmd u ' I? -7,,'.' •'r;',''"(rl,v » wcirk to l',e 
 i "'• A^!" i:.n!'^l^:-.,f ^-'l'-^' -. ■'''- Magieian, 
 -^^l^yi^J^''^:*'-----'"^'"^^^^ '"^'""'■' """ ""-■ ^orl;nl;'Lon 
 '-'• (I'-d.) Storiijrw.,. «,„- imi., II It. , Viiicp, Ilenrv s i ■' ■ - ,. 
 Viiicenl, llniinniin < c i 
 Diitionaiy ,f 1 a, ""V-n" f "PPloment to Haydn'a 
 Royii! Military ColIc);c, Sandhurst ; served in the militia 
 18HS-78; called to ihe bur at the Inner Teaijile ISTti; 
 director of oriminal investigations on the London police 
 1878-84; appointod colonel commandant of the Queen's 
 Westminster Volunteers 1SS4 ; M.l'. for a division of 
 Sheffield since 188j; editor of the Police (iazctte since 
 188:1, Ha was special correspondent of the Daily Tele- 
 graph at lierlin in 1871, military eommissioncr of the 
 sauie paper in 1877, and has lectured on foreign armies 
 at the Uoyal United Service Institution. 1. (Trans.) 
 liaron StotTel's Reports on the Military Forces of Prus- 
 sia : addressed to the French Minister of AVar, 1868- 
 187v, Lon., 1872, 8vo. 2. (Trans.) Russia's Advance 
 Eastward, l>y Lieutenant Hugo Stumm, Lon., 1874, p. 
 8vo. S. The Year-Hook of Facts in Science and the 
 Arts for ls7l-,'\ Lon., l>7o-7li, 2 vols. 8vo. 4. The 
 Law of Criticism and Libel, Lon., lM7fi, 12mo. 5. A 
 Police Code and Manual of the Criminal Law, Lon., 
 1881, p. 8vo. 
 Vincent, Lieut. -Col. E. H. I. E'emeiitary Mil- 
 itary (Icoi^raplii'iil Ilecunnoiivinf; and .'^kctrOiing, Lon., 
 187:t, hinio. L'. Improvement of the Volunteer Force, 
 Liui., 1878. Svo. 
 Vincent, Edgnr. The Turkish Debt: Report on 
 the Administration of Ceded Revenues, Lon., 1882, 8vn. 
 With DuKso.v. T. U., A Iland-Rook to Modern Greek, 
 Lon., 1879, 12mo. 
 Vincent, .>Ir.s. Ethei Gwendoline, daughter 
 of George .Moffatt, iM.l'., of (ioodrieh Court, Hereford- 
 shire; married in 18S2 to Charles Edward Howard 
 Vincent, «»/jrii. Forty Thousand Miles over Land and 
 Water : the Journal of a Tour through the British Em- 
 p:-e anil America. Illnst. Lon., 1885, 2 vols. 8vo; 2d 
 ed.. 1880. 
 Vincent, Sir Frniicis, Bnrt,, [uni'. vol. iii., 
 add.,] lS0;i-188(l. 1. Sir Hubert Marston ; a Novel, 
 Lon., 1867, ;< vols. p. 8vo. 2. On the Brink: a Novel, 
 Lon., 18ti8, ;; vols. ]i. Svo. :i. The Caryil.-: n .Vovel, 
 Lon., 1871, X vols. p. Svo, 4. The Fitful Fever of a 
 Life, Lon. 1S72. :; vols. p. ^vo. 
 Vincent, Frank, b. 1848, at Brooklyn, N.'V^. ; edu- 
 cated at Vale; has travelled c.\ten8ii-e!y in many parts 
 of the world. 1. The Land of the White Elephant: a 
 i'ersonal Narrative of Travel and Adventure in Farther 
 India; embracing the Couiitric- of Ruruia, S;.irn, Cam- 
 bodift, and Cochin-china, ( 1S71-7:'.) Illust. N.York, 
 1S74, Svo. 
 '■ Not so mnoh has been written slx)iit the curious civil- 
 ization of Farther India, and itsarehitectiiral remains, as 
 tomake itdillicult f. r the latest visitor to bring back an 
 interesting tale. This .Mr. Vincent lia.s done without he- 
 crayiiig any peculiar iiiialiliiations as a tourist or as an 
 nnthor."— .V(i/(j)i, .x.\. ;:o. 
 2. Through and Through the Tropics : Thirty Tnou- 
 sanii Mile: of Travel in Oeeanica, .^ustralf.sia, and Inilia, 
 N. Y'ork, IS7ti, i.'mo. ;;. Two Months in liurmah, 1SV7. 
 4. The Wonderful Ruins of Cambodia. 1S7S. 5. Norsk, 
 Lapp, and Finn ; or, Travel-Tracings from the Far North 
 of Europe. .Map. N. York, 1881. i2ino. 
 "We iiv no means liiul the Ihoroimli ' ethnographic, 
 philological, and topograjiliicul' treaimenl of the North 
 which .Mr. Viii.jeiit sots out h, ),mvc us, and it is evident he 
 had not ilic necc^Miry eiiuipmciit for such a task. Hut his 
 Work has uiie iiiiporlaut iniiiliiy: it is graphic ami very 
 eiilcrlaiiiiug."— .V(i(i«ii. x.\.\iii. 4.Vi, 
 (i. Arcuind and about South .America, 1888. 7. The 
 Rejiublics of Situth An'.erica, ISSll. 
 Vincent, George E. 1. !~ome Italian Authors 
 and their Works, lin>l.. I8S7, lomo. 2. (Ed.) Eight 
 Songs fr.iin Horace, N. York, 1888. 
 Vincent, Kev. .lolin Ileyl, D.D., LL.D., [nnt,; 
 vol. iii.. \';\(KNT, ,1. II., aid..] b. lS;t2, at Tuscaloosa, 
 Ala.; eniered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal 
 Church ISO.':; founded the Cliautauqua Literary and Soi- 
 cntilic Circle for the Encouragement of Home Reading 
 187.'t: elected bishop lsS8. I. The Church School and 
 its Officers, N. York, 1872, 16mo. 2. Sunday-Senool In- 
 stitutes and Normal Classes: with Introduction by A. 
 Taylor, N. Y'ork, ls72, 12ino, 3. The Lesson Commen- 
 tary on the lulernalional Lessons of ISSII, Lon., 187!', 
 8vo. 4. International Lesson-Hook. Parts I., II,, and 
 III. Lon., 18M1, Ismo. ... The Chautauqua Move- 
 ment: with an Introduction by President Lewis Miller, 
 Host., Issfi, sill. Su>. 
 '"fhc chantanqiia nicivcnient is so various in its a.'tlvity 
 tha; this accu'int of il.s history and view of its present 
 Btiite, both cdiicali.inallv and KCograpliieally, is a eoiitrl- 
 biitioii to pcdiiKouic literature of a notable kind."— A'adoii, 
 xliii. ir>. 
 (1. The Modern Suiiday-.School, N. York, 1SS7, l2iuo. 
 7. Bolter Not : a Discussion of Certain Social Customs, 
 N. Y'ork, 1888. Itimo. With ,!ov, .Iamk.s R., /n Outlino 
 History of (irctce. Illust. N. York, 188s, Itimo. With 
 PoLi..\nn, JosKcni.SK, (ed.) The Home Hook for the 
 Mothers of our Nation. Illust. N. York, 1887, sq. Svo. 
 Also, various pamphlets on the Chautauqua Reading 
 Vincent, Rev. iWarvin Richardson, D.D., 
 [oii<. . vol. iii., add.,] b. 18;i4, at Pouf,hkeepsie, N.Y.; 
 graduated at Columbia College 1854; entered the min- 
 istry of the Methodist Episcopal Church ISCit), but after- 
 wards became a Presbyterian; (iiistor of the Church 
 of the Covenant, New York. 187:i-88, and since then 
 professor in I'nion Theological Seminary. I. Amu-^e- 
 ment a Force in Christian Training: Discourses, 1S()7, 
 121110. 2. The Two Prodigals, 187(1, sq. 18mo. .1. What 
 is it to Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? .\. Y'ork, 1877, 
 I6mo. 4. Gales into the Psalm-Country, N. York, 1878, 
 l£mo; now ed., 1883. 5. Law of Sowing and Reaping, 
 N. York, 1878, 18mo. 6. Stranger ai'.d Gu»st, N. York, 
 ]s,<,', 24vDo. 7. Faith and Character, N.York, |SS0, 
 !2ino, 8. Minister's Hand-Book, N. York. 1882. 16mo. 
 9. In the Shadow of the Pyrenees, from Basqueland to 
 Car"«i.«onne: with Etchings and Maps, N. York, 1883, 
 12 mo. 
 " Ho gives perhaps too many details of what fell under 
 his notice.— while walking, riding, or reading about his 
 subject; but we readily pardon the minuteness ol the re- 
 production on account of lis vivid faithfuln-jss."— A'ud'on, 
 xxxvl. 4'J4. 
 10, The Expositor in the Pulpit. N. York, 1884, IBnio. 
 11. God and Bread : with other Sermons, Lon., 18S5, p. 
 Svo. 12. The Covenant of I'eace. N. York, ?8S7, Svo. 
 i:!. Word-Studies in the New Testament: vol. i., N. 
 York, 1887, Svo. 
 Vincent, Rt-v. Thomas, .M.A.. graduated at St. 
 John's College, Cambridge, 1812 : ordained 1842 ; rec'or 
 of Pusey, diocese of Oxford, since 1868. The Church and 
 Dissent ; or. What the Bible says about the •' Church," 
 Oxf.. 1881, Svo. 
 Vincent, Thomas McCurdy, b. at Cadiz, 0., 
 is:j2; graduated at the l.S. Military Academy 1853; 
 served in the civil war, and since then has been identi- 
 fied with all the iuiporlant changes in the methods of 
 transacting the business of the War Department. Tlo' 
 Milit'iry Power of the I nited States during the War of 
 the Bebellion, N. York, 1881. 
 Iliheeifi, Vin. l. Wrong on Both Sides, Lon., 
 1885, p. 
 of 187(1, Lon.. I8S7, |8mo, 
 Vincent, iVi/liam Thomas. Warlike Wool- 
 wich : a Hi:torv lind Guide to the Royal Arsenal; new 
 ed., Lon., 1875.' :2iiio; Kith tliousa^(/, (885. 
 Vine, Rev. Francis Thiiiifus, B.A., rector ot 
 Eastington, Glouccst"rshiic, lately rector 'if Patri.x 
 j bourne-cuin-IJridge, Kent, Ciesar in Kent: the Land- 
 ' ing of Julius Ciesar, and his Battles with the .■ineieni 
 ': Britons: ivitli some Account of Early British Trade aim 
 I Enterprise, Lon., iSS7, sm. Ito ; 2d ed., rev., with maps, 
 I ISSS, (Tlie author iinlcavoi;: to show that Deal was the 
 ; place of (,'iesai's landing, and that traces of bis cam[i 
 ! still exist.) 
 Vine, j. R. Somers. 1. English Municipal Insti- 
 tutions: their Growth and Development from 1835 to 
 1879, Lon., 1S79, r. Svo, 2. Iriui Road.J Dictionary. 
 Sections 1 to 3, L. C. and I). Railway, Lon., 1881, Svo. 
 3. County Companion, Lon., 18S3, Svo. I. Municipal 
 Corjiorations Companion, Lon., 1883-86, 3 vols. Svu. 
 5. Municipal Corporations Diary, Directory, 4c., 188(1. 
 Lon., 1886, Svo. 
 Vine, \V. R. Latin-English and English-Latin 
 Dictioniir\, Lon., l8mo. 
 Vines, U. (Ed.) Te.\t-Book of Botany, Morphn- 
 logical and Physiological : Jd ed., Oxf., 1882, r. Svo. 
 Vines, Sydney Howard, M.A., professor of hot 
 any at the 1,'niversity of Oxford, 18S8, Lectures on th" 
 i Ph'vsioliigv of Plants, Cambridge, 1886, Svo. 
 i i'iiiesj T. II. (Ed.) St. Botolph ; or, The Mis.Mn,' 
 : Key, Lon,, ls68, p. svo. 
 Vinicombc, II. V, Universal and Uniform Ex- 
 I change Tables, Lon., 1880, Svo. 
 i Viniii^, l^dward r. I. I'liu Mystery of Hamlc: : 
 : an Attempt to solve an Old Problem, Phila., 1881, lOinn. 
 2. An Ingloiious Columbus; or. Evidence that llvvii 
 Shiin and a Party of Buddhist Monks from Afgliaiiistnii 
 I discovered .Vmerica in the Fifth Century A. D., N.Y'oik, 
 i 1885, svo. 
 Svo. i. Lavinia's Trust. Lon., 1SS7, sq. 
 The Old Marquise : a .Story of th,- Great War 
 d Unifurui K\ 
 covered tribo of snvmi.yi;-,: i'.; "T h'xviiif; dis- 
 kraul, a Inderal,!,. M.('Vjk"t?;v"' ',",''', ' i^'''', '^'"^•f 
 <'ee( » to tell Ijow tl.ev,- , r,.,,M,>. ' '""'"''' "crliii, lit pro- 
 so oii,"-..iM., n'^o";,!;'"""'' "n'>'«''neiils, iii,lustiies, aiul 
 (1 1.' i _ 1 ' . 
 d. i.-;:-. The 8ym,„e "um,h "ri^ is- • '"•'"'^''•'^ i '^'^'''eira : " d, No'tie'^V, f"'.,,,; ' wr''" "''?"' 1'^^' ''"^ 
 Court Ke,u,rt.,, vols. MiX ' (V^n -': ^u'":: ' ."l',"''""" 
 w.U. new taatter. by li. D. Verrill, Per an 'Vo 'i ' ' 
 miele eliaiiiberlain of honor lo thn miDe in'TsVi'. ^ 
 Armv IS-,!) " <I.m\a,. '.\ ' "Oi'i'-liook fur the 
 Tnn„y College C;unbridge. M./^. IV^r A^i^Co^l, 
 mV*;."*'!' ^" "'•"fy IlHssey, Hart., b. 18"! • I 
 M.I', tor ^,van..ea Di.strict .sineo l^sV. Note of ■iT:,..'. 
 tjy^l^'lr ''"«"-^' '"' '" ^^•-•"»i'"'r i7th:\sr";| 
 7,f \.f''" V's':"t>on8 ol Cornwall, eomprisi,,,, the Her 
 ion' Vn'/'l'v"","^ IMO, r57:t,and 182(1.' ParT./f !xvr 
 lC„!^' (4')''^'>«'\-Wt''ii'!J^of llo^ounly'Vl^^^ Pent^If' V^^:''?''''"*' ^1.0 Mos,.io Origin of tho 
 -11 .n tl,e ioar Ifi20, (iiarleian Soo. Pub.,, ij.f^^f, | ]^::';i:!;;^ n'r/t^ ^Ir'"'^ '^ "'i-"^ 
 Olr^li^j!!:;::^-,^:: irand^^nireelor, and I ^r PhH^! fJ^H-i.^^-"^"'' ^ Ua^lIlT- EI.„o„d . . 
 Fr«n■f"1^, •'"''■"•■ ''''■"■'■'•«v« of"'a four through i ISU !;f\f,t?;^V'"'"7''' f''"'^' ™'' '"•' "'I''-.] b. 
 Vi^rd, P. E. ,?-A Conei. Manna, of the Prae- 1" ,'^;?:i;^^'^^!!-r'^ '"h' "'' '^'-^'-5" y'^-Hlf 
 :i;; '';'.. ""1^ ■" '*!-;- -.h a Cha,„or on l!M.,a:^ '''n,r'';!^;'"::'^''-''''-i«'»"n>'^'r„eturcof^ 
 •( v!!' ■"-,"" '"e ceverai i-rovince.-, Lon., IS7",i svn 
 V«BCl, Ma,. On lieer : It Statistical Sketch,' Lon., 
 The Tale of a Pioneer Church, 
 e Century of Discovery: 
 le Portuguese and Si.ani.«h 
 enry to Pizarro, N. York, 
 ■' or^Wrc^.f "',"^-'''*"'"- '"'" ''"■"■"'ion of Poverty ■ 
 or. SoKf.T.V*^;,**'-,*'""- ^'^'-''i-" "f Chen^istry ; 
 N. York Is:.-:, .miro*: "' '"'"-'"™' ""-» *""- Lyric, 
 Voorliees, Daniel VVoUpv k i ut j 
 v;„,„'i J,. • ' ■• • '"'-'"ator from Indiana «ince IK77 
 Svo. " "" " Ii'"b'i-"|ihical Slietch. Cin., 1875, 
 Vors, Ircderic. Bibelots and Curios': a Manual 
 tice of the Court in Uane: with a Chanter orrthe 
 't'°:i't ''•'.' '^"r' "^^'f"""' I"'"-, l'"*". PS 
 cia::rr..n:ris;^ :;::"'''"" ^^ ^^''''>-» "'• '«^'- 
 K^^rK;,1:,„.''[8j:":;vr""''"'-^ "''•'"" 
 ViitelPlly, A. (Trans.) The Chaplain's Secret- 
 I'om the I'rench of l.,-.o„ do Tinseau, I.oi,.. ISS."*, n ,Svo' 
 » izetelly, lleury. 1. The Story of the Diamond 
 j;^.. ;n,phie Method ,. r-iolvit.lj'^fgt:;;, ^;^,^-;::;,b;.t.^-S;:"{^^^,-;:rvrTXZ! 
 Voyle, George Elliot, mul Stevenson, <J. de ' 
 Saint-l'lair. A Military Uiutiiinai-.y, coiiiprising 
 Terms, Scicntilii' iiiiJ otlu'rwiiie, ounni'i'tcd with the , 
 Science uf Wiu; Lnn.. 1-72 : lid eJ., IST'J, p. Sv». 
 Voysey, llev. <'lilirlcs, [mitr, vol. iii., ml.l.,] b. 
 1S2!<, in l!(jnili>n, Kn;?., iin'i },'n"'i'i'tei' "' •"■'• '■•'''"U"'' 
 Hull, Oxl'onl, ISil ; held sevenil curiicies, iinil hecamo i 
 vicar uf Ileiilauf^li. Vnrkahire, in 1811-1 ; \?iis <lcpriveil of j 
 liis Iiviiij5 im a charge of heresy in IS"1, iind has since ' 
 lectured and preached at .'■'t. George's Hall, and at the I 
 Theislie Church in Lomlon. 1. Appeal lo the .Judicial 
 roniuiitteo of Her Majesty's Privy Council from the 
 Jud;^ment id' the Chancery Court of York on a Charge 
 of Heresy, Lon., IS7II, Svo. 2. (Kd.) The lievised 
 Prayer- Hook : for the Use of the Congregation assembled 
 at St. (Jeor're's Hall, Langham Place, l.on., IS7I, Svo. 
 :i. The Sling and the Stone : vols, v.-viii., Lon., IS72-S1, , 
 ji. Svo. -t. (Ed.) Ou the Deity of .fesus of Nazareth, i 
 I,on.. 1S73, Svo. 5. Kev. Charles Voysey on Messrs. , 
 MiMidy and Sankoy: the Fallacy of their (io-ipel Kx- j 
 posed, Lon., 1S7.), Svo. i'>. The .Mystery of Paiii, Death, • 
 and Sin, and Discourses in Kefutiition of Atheism, Lon., 
 187S, svo. 7. iKd.) Fragments from Koimarus : vol. i.. 
 translated from I.essuy, Lcm., lS71),Svo. 8. I,ectures on 
 the Bible and the Thei.«tic Faith and its Foundations, 
 Lon., ISSI, Svo. !i. A Letter to the Lords, on the 
 Present Kelations of Church and State, Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 HI. Family Prayers: with an Appendix containing 
 Prayers, Lon., lS>i7, p. Svo. 
 Vredenbiirg, C. Edwin. The Case against the 
 Church, N. York, 1^76. .\non. 
 Vrooin, Garret Dorset Wall, b. isi.'i, at 
 Trenton, N.. I.: graduated at Rutgers College lsfi2 : ad- 
 mitted to the bar 18ii.') ; mayor of Trenton I'or three 
 successive terms from LSSl. New .Jersey Supreme Court 
 Reports, 18V 3-88, Trenton, 1873-88, 15 vols. 8vo. 
 Vrooin, Peter Dnniont, LL.I)., l"!ll-187:i, b. at 
 Hillsborough, N.J. ; graduated at Columbia College 
 18118; admitted to the bur 1813; governor of New Jer- 
 sey 182',l-:i(l. New Jersey Supreme Court Reports, vols, 
 xxx.-xxxvii., (1803-74.) Pub. by the Stale. Svo. 
 Vroonian, Henry Wellington. Haifa Million 
 Insurance. .N. York, 1S88, 12mo. 
 Vyner, Lady Mary (Gertrude, daughter of the 
 second Karl de (irey ; b. Isiiil; married, 18.')2, to Henry 
 Vyner, of Xowby Hall, Yorkshire, (d. I Si) I.) " Every 
 Day a Portion :" adapted frojn the Bible and the Prayer- 
 Book for Private Devotions in Widowhood, Lon., 1874, 
 "Vyse, llertie," (Pseud.) .-^cc A'Dkikkit, 
 AuTUi'ii Wii.i.i.nM, fiiijtrii, 
 Vyse, Gritlin >V. 1. Southern Afghiinistan and 
 the Northwest Frontier of India: a Refutation of Mis- 
 takes made in India; 2d ed., I.ipn., Issl.Svo. 2. Egypt, 
 Political, Finiincial, and Strategical; together with iin 
 .Vccount of its Engineering Capabilities and .Agricultural 
 Resources, Lon., 1 882, p. Svo. 
 "(mly a series (if cuttings from other books and news- 
 papers, '—Amil., -xxi, \X>. 
 ','i. An Kngli-hman in a Harem, Lon., Is87, 12mo. 4. 
 Vidore, Lon., IsSS, l2nio, 
 Vyse, Mrs. L. Howard-. A Winter in Tangier, 
 and Home thnmgh Spain, I, on,, 1SS2, p. Svi;. 
 Vyvian, Frances. The Baron's Head. Lon., 1S84, 
 p. Svo. 
 Vyvvan, Edward Reid, d. IssS; a nephew of 
 Sir Ric'bard Vyvyan, I7, r.. mile, vol. iii.) (Ed.) Dover's 
 Annaliii Dubrensia. Cheltenham, 1878, 4to. 
 Vyvyan, Ilev. Thomas (.rent'ell, [.m^f, vol. iii., 
 add,] Introduction to Plane Trigonometry, Cambridge, 
 I 1882, p. Svo. 
 Wace, Rev. Henry, D.D., h. is:',r), in London; 
 graduated at Brasenose College, Oxford, 1S6II; ordained 
 1861; curate of St. James's, Piccadilly, is(!3-t)9; cliii|>- 
 lainof Lincoln's Inn 1872-80; professor of ecclesiastical 
 history at King's College, London, 1S7J-8:I, and since 
 then principal; prebendary of St. Paul's since ISSl ; 
 chaplain to the Archbi-shop of Canterbury since 1SS3 ; 
 hon. chaplain-in-ordinary to the ([ueen since I8S4. 1. 
 Christianity and Morality ; or. The Correspondence of 
 the (iospel with the Moral Nature of Man : the Boyle 
 Lectures for IS74-7,'), Lon,, lS7fi, p, Svo; 2d ed., 1S77. 
 "Mr. Wace's book is one of the very few of its kind 
 which have in them not only intellectual bui also spiritmil 
 force,"— ■Sp(C^l^Jr, 1, 318, 
 2. The Ethics of Belief; to which is added the Discus- 
 sion thereon, Lon,, 1877, Svo. 3. The Found;itions of 
 J'aith, (Bampton Lectures for 1S7«,) Lon., IS8U, Svo; 
 2d ed., ISSl. 4. The (iospel iind its Witnesses: Some 
 of the Chief Facts in the Life of Our Lord, and the 
 Authority of the Evangelical Xnrnitivo, considereil in 
 Lectures chielly pi-cached at St. James's, Westminster, 
 Lon,, 1SS3, Svo; 2d eil.. ISSl. 
 "The creed in which he believes is the same as that of 
 the lirst century, witho\it fanciful reconstruction or niudi- 
 lieation : Ijut liisTuiml is a mind of this century, aiicl he 
 sees all the ditlicnlties of the pre.-cnt day from modern 
 points of view, m) that he can really discuss the embar- 
 rassments wliich we feel in the way most iiseful and inter- 
 esting to n:i."—Sjieclat(ir, Ivi, 8:14, 
 b. (Ed.) The .Vpocrryplni : with an Explaniitory and 
 Critical Commentai-y, and a Revision of the Translation. 
 Lon., l>ss, 2 vols. lucd. svo. i Uniform with and on the 
 plan of The Speaker's Commentary.) With BfCHHKiM, 
 C, .-v., (ed,) First Principles of the Reformation ; or. The 
 Ninety-Five Theses and the Three Primary Works of 
 Dr. Martin Luther, translated into English : with Theo- 
 logical and Historical Introdui'linns, Lon., IS84, Svo. 
 Sec, iilso. Smith, \Vii,i,iam, LL,I),, Hii/ir'i, 
 Wace, Walter E. Alfred Tennyson : his Life and 
 Works, hdin., {»•{. 12ino. 
 Wackcrbarlh,.'*!. .4. 1. Locking Rack : a Novel, 
 Lon,, 1879, or, Svo. 2. 'Twixt Friend and Foe, Lon., 
 ISSO, 2 vole. p. Svo. 
 Waddcll, .1. A. I.. A Sy.'tem of Iron Unilrond 
 Bridgi-" for Japan, ^Tokio EaLici (Jakko, Yedo.) 1885,8vo. 
 Waddell, Joseph A. Annals of Augusta County, 
 Virginia: with Reminiscences illustrative of the Vicis- 
 situdes of its Pioneer Settlers ; Biographical Sketches 
 of Citizens Locally Prominent, and of those who have 
 founded Families "in the Southern and Western States ; 
 a Diary of the War, lsBl-(ij ; and a Chapter on Reccpn- 
 struction. Maps. Richmond, 1880, Svo; new ed., with 
 Supplement, ISSS. 
 '■ His work is excellent both in conception and perform- 
 ance."— .Vii(('o/i. xlv. 121. 
 Waddell, Uev. Peter Ilately, [unti; vol. iii., 
 add.] I. (Trans.) The Psalms, frae Hebrew intil Scot- 
 tis, Lon., 1S71, 4to. 2, Behold the Man: a Tragedy 
 for the Closet, in Five Acts, Lon., 1S72, 2 vids. cr. Svo. 
 .3. Ossian and the Clyde: Fingal in Irehiiid, Oscar in 
 Iceland; or, C>stiun Historical ami Authentic, Olasgow. 
 : 1S7.1, Ito. 
 I Waddington, Kev. John, D.D., [nnie, vol. iii,, 
 add.,] b. Islil, at Lecils ; a Congregational minister. I, 
 .lohn Penry, the Pilgrim Martyr, l.ioii-l 01)3, Lon., 1854. 
 Svo. 2. Congregational Martyrs, (" Historical Papers," 
 First Series,! Lon., 1801, Svo. 3. The American Crisis 
 in Relation to Slavery, Lon., 1802, Svo. 4. Bicentenary 
 Prize Essay: Congregational Church Hi.-tory, from the 
 Reformation to l(i02, Lon., IS62, Svo. a. l:^'iy-102ll : 
 Track id' the Hidden Church; or. The Springs of the 
 Pilgrim Movement; with an Inlroduction by Rev. K. 
 N. Kirk, Bost,, 1S03, 12nio. 0. Surrey Congregationiil 
 History, Lon., 1S06, p. Svo. 7. The Wolf in the Fold, 
 Lon., 1S07, Svo. Anon. S. Congregational History, 
 12(10-1,007, Lon., ISOtt, Svo, 1). Congregational History. 
 I,i07-17(lo, in Relation to Contemporaneous Events, and 
 the Conflict for Freedom, Purity, and Independence. 
 Lon.. 1S74, Svo. 
 " Ills pages supply koihI material for a bonk, ut pres- 
 , cut the volunie is little mote than history in enibryii. He 
 ! ^ivos numerous pxtrui'ls from the Stale Papers, from tin 
 Tlarleiai), l.nnsdowiie, Sloan, and uliier collectionsof mim 
 u.401"1l»*>. but these I'.ro sihijul'irly iiru-.iiiiil in value, and 
 ; not a tew have already api"eared'iii prilii, wiiile the caie 
 I lessness with w liich they have Ijceii put together is incx- 
 cu.suble."— J. Bass .Mii.i.inuki". : Acad,, v. b'.U. 
 II), Congregational History, 1770-1880, Lon., iS7S- 
 ' 80, 3 vols. Svo. 
 Wnddington, Samuel, b. 1S44, at Boston Spa, 
 )ii anil iiorfurm- 
 lit Boston ."-['ii, 
 Yorkshire; irradinifnfl nt t> 
 a N.,to on the Hi?,^ „f the sl'l T "^ "I'-'g'*'^ •• «itl, ^ Orphu,, II, k ',.'.''';: l" "'"« """""J 'i'l-e (ircnt 
 I-on., 1S82. or. Svn ^' '^'""S'lMi M„nofe'ra|,l,, 
 "ItKllCI\V.S Hbllndllllt L'(jn,l „,ll 
 cdL-eof (.xlernal farts, l.iit it i .1 "',1'' " '•""'Pelont knowl- 
 s Kill and ailsalik,. i, YiiiirhS?''''''''^ "f <-'"ii-"l in- 
 4 Soiim.,,, ,„„, other Vorse. I,„„ issii9 
 Mr. Waddinirtiin is „ '''!"•• '"■^'> >2ino. 
 wh„M. ,,,„.riUlv cm L't.n'iv 'nnil"""*-',,'""' ''t-'H-'"!!. carver 
 D.nS^V,;^:!«'";^ J"«of .-H. liev. Satnuel ^ 
 and Avlcshury, isrs p !;;;; ^"""S'-'^t i)u„Khter. Lon, 
 Ske!r,!'',l,f f^t'aLl'i T'" '■'"""•^ "f ^'o"' -"• a 
 Year with the ivM ^.^er ■•':',•. "i'' "'"""• -' '^ 
 so, for ^^llnhurgh l«s''-s-, V T ' '';•: ' ''""■"^''l '«''■'- 
 I'metical tiuidu 10 h«" r : ' '" '■"*-'''-^'' '''''■•I'o : a 
 A Harmony .,r', ," (il in''.'; ^T'"' "'"''»• **™- -'• 
 I'arailcl Colun.n.. !,o„ 'ih';'-" 'l,'" ""^'^'--'l Version, In 
 voi**in'a^:i.^r;j,!^Ar ':^h"^'»"''' ^•f'' f-"-. 
 times preside, t of the Cnf.'.-,''''-^'"? """'"«■•• ■^'•■>-^''-'l 
 ers of' Sheffield Co ilU K . 7> ''"'' ''"'•' "'' "'O f'-nd- 
 8vo, ' '"""ons., Lon., IsrB, p. 
 M^"1";«^|r *- '• ^''- ^'"-'n. Cambridge, I 
 rel!^iv^!^ ^i^'^Z^ tetir'- [''v ""''-J ^'- •^"J" 
 1-<7(I, ,Svo. " *""*' "f New York, Albany 
 l'arnas..uH, iiir„,i„.ha..,, H7 " Ifi,,:; " ■''' J'"'''' '™"' 
 'Jo.Klowers, fverse.l l"i"?,!':"";..."'V.',l'; 8^"- ■»• Way- 
 tllo.j..' ■ uiti, .. ^^^ .' ,..•.'."•' 
 adsuoith, Hev 
 :"'^^snt;r- ^-' - -i"-. ^.^..-oiVPhn;;;: 
 III-.. I.awren,.e:A;;,';lrs*'rZ'"«'™' '''""■^"-■'■' *- 
 I'rufessorof „ine'raoi;',„f"''"',""' •"' """•''"» l'^'^; 
 '■•<8,-.-,S7 and ",,„ "^^ ' K'^"I"W in Colby rnivei-itv 
 i;eriortlv.;!.bHdg ,;;"^ ".!r-'V'r':'<='« °f j""^e su.- 
 I8«^- •■!. Prcliminnrv i> ■ '''"">losi>'al Studies, 
 •fal^bros. huZ" IZ \Tl'X"'" f "'« I'«'-iJotite.s 
 ..e.-u,a «eol,;taU;jx,.' ,','?', r/'f Mi'"-ota, (Min-' 
 I'aul, issr, Svo '>"ti'i"l History .Survey I'ub.,) St. 
 O.Sfi^';'^;i|'»-''%,7^o^«IUor, Bitter Cry of 
 ^'^^''""m^TZl Tr "'"'''""' «o«th.Breathi„g: 
 ^ I'<^";^r:i"-,nd:t'-l.''r^""''r.^''"'--ith Note,, 
 ^-o^rf^-^S:- '??-r"--''- 
 Verse, Lo„, |S8,s p %;.„ i''-'<"fa"""8 in l' and 
 WaKiier, Milheiiii,' Pb.D i ,i.m , t v ,„ . 
 Aulularia : with Jfotes and Li,., ■ ' ^- *^'- ""»'' 
 Vosody, ,.„„., Is^rC 2 En '|;'"t" "" ■'';.""""' 
 ili't..- »i,|, .\„,, ,,R,,"- ■( ■,;,7;\, • Tereni, Com.L- 
 T. .M I'l.n.ti tI; ' " ^''''"'' I^""-' "^"O, p. Svo A 
 ' Jah.- 1S13. by F. Koh aus h ""^ l^' .^!^ ;..A '^^''•' I"- 
 \fi,.; », . '^i.iluu-.-son;; 
 .>mstL', Manchester'> ,i'i ♦ 
 MikIb I,, ', ^--''•^ t»o ser o.s, l2mo 
 w" : 'b^v'*^ J7i^ii«j!^,i>-i>- [""'"; vol. iii., 
 graduated at Ila i It^ , C^j ^ '' ,' ,,^- "' '^^'''-'fe"'. N.Y., 
 H«. a Baptist niissiona y in i;.i " VhT'. "',"-"""' 
 Bielionary, be^un bv Be," w , ■ Angh.-KarL.n 
 ana conipletcdln- M?, 7',^ ;.^^"''"';/'-'''i»^'l, enla,-ged, 
 Manchester: with a Itrief sk , ' "V^?""'"""""''-^' i" 
 V"lice: e ..braHm'Th,. P ■ ; ""'"' "" ""■ f-aw <'f 
 chasers, I'rinci ,.1? , I ''''"' ','"'' '''"hilities of l-ur. 
 ■^0.. Ch c', 87 ■;:;■' V?'''''.''""'"""-''' •■'"'■ Tenant., 
 ,. _' . .' '"' • '^'''. ji, Ireaiisc ,,t, ti,„ n .. 
 oi Uuu.erniann, and |.n»li i, v . r, — ,' ■•"■"" "hb 
 '2"io. 111. ,Ed ) TheU-*^ , ^^'-V.'"' Cambridge, 1879, 
 withXotes 8 V 1 u':;■''^"' • 'l''"'" '^''akespeare 
 ,-^r ^ ""- ,.nd Tenant, ::;;i^^t:r>^V^'"^^'^^'^^ 
 '•■'nstruelion of Rotoaciive ' "" 'h-llporation an. 
 'titutional l.imitatfonn.dr ,••,"; "'^''^"^ ^'>- ^"» 
 Louis. 188(1, .Svo. m" If'"'";"" '"'^■■■|"-'.'tnti.,„.. .S,, 
 a» practised in the Wes'i/.,,^''''''"?" *''""''' '■''»■ 
 '■"Ui-S l.'*82, I«,.,o 0., he ■>rr"v^"''"'"'-"'"' •^'• 
 -«^;iv.| Rights and u^;e,;ic:/irH,^i;^r,^-"!:^^'- 
 -'•Van„' I8,8h;2 vois :?;,^'"'""-"' ""-J «iarnishmenf; s'a^' 
 Wndieigh Frances Ellen 
 l(V. fa nnvn 1 V \- ,_ .„.„"■ 
 Vi/ "on., 18.0, S\o "lu » 
 "nRstair, Rev. Frederic, b Hi? „. «. 
 Lssex; iiiiiii.,ter.,f n.,>.n„^i r . ' "■, "*'''i at iStanway, 
 .shire, l8.;.5-60 of 1 , in ^'fP^-'O^nt Chapel. Devon-' 
 Hear Chapd, nea 'i ", n«ha.„"'"i'8" "^'"i "' '^'-' 
 .;i.,'n-B„,,rds. I,,,,,, i.s'";"'!"^"'"' o"'^l,.JvArn« "'« 
 Ligiit . „i, Tim .. I ,,,, , ,r T. .. „", ' ■""' i':t.-i:nes5 to 
 .,., . , „, , >'i.^*ionary!lVr:i;if "','"♦ "'^T'"^, ''' '''« Church 
 Iwixt Wave and iKookhopc;i)url,uu ,8-7*0'''' "".''"""'^ '*'•"■ ''"ar of 
 ."■.. {'■"rati- 'f Chri't n;,'l^"M' ""'I /inco then perpetual 
 tntitiuo unrl M^! .!._ o .'""•'• '""i^cn, Mace esfip.) 1 t..„' A _ 
 til,,. 77" '""' ' '«nces Klien. 'T. 
 ' hVorship, /,o.,., KS77'i2„„j."' ^''*^°™''«'"''e«ofUivino 
 WaBStnHe, M'illiiim Wnrwick. Tho Student's ' 
 Guide 111 lluimin 0.-li->liigv, Lmi., Is;.), I2iiio. I 
 Wttlll, O. W. 1 iiu Liinil of the Czar, Lnn., 1S74, 
 " His l)()(ik M'ems In itr llii>nmf;lily liimi'st anil fair, anil 
 fne froiii llio crass itimprancc and tliu vnlnar |irijiiilict's ; 
 wiiii'ii (lisliuiire S(i nu)'iv WosU'rn duscriiitidns of llii' i 
 ' KastiTii Ciilcissns,' as it is dovniil nf tin' sicldy eiuliiisiaMn 
 wliicli liasliispiri'rl ('criaiii rosi'-ooloiirt'd skt'lulius of liiis- 
 siuii lifi'."— .s'ii(. Rir., xxxix. :vs,l | 
 Walilt Williiiin II., I'li.O. (ialvaiii>|da.slic Miuiiim- 
 liitiiins : ft Uuido for tlic Kleetro-l'latcr, I'liila., I.SS4, svo. | 
 \Vni|;llt, Cieorge. Tlic llislory and Description ; 
 of Allliallows' Churidi, Tottenliaui : with an Aeciiunt of | 
 till' utiior Ecclusiastieal Aiitl((Uities of tlie I'arlsh, l.on., j 
 ]f*7ii, Svo. 
 Wtiiles, Robert. 1. Tho Reporter's Manual of ] 
 I'lionojiraphic Short-Hand, and Su|ipleincnt. '2. Tho ' 
 Joined-Vowel System of I'honoj^raphie Short-JIand, 
 I.'.'.i., I.18II, Svo, 
 Wtiiiiwriglit, Rev. Charles Hpnry, M,A., 
 graduated at Trinity College, Caml)rid};c>, IS.j."); or- 
 dained ls,")5; vicar of I'hrist Churidi, I!laek]Miol, since 
 ls61. The Secrets of Ilitualisin : a Word uf Warning; 
 2d ed., 1-on., 1S77, Svo, 
 Wailiwriglit, Rev. S,itiniiel« [ante, vol, iii., add,,l 
 graduated at St, liees 1 ./ 1 . vicar of Holy Trinity in 
 J\Iicklej,'ate, York, IStiO-li'J; curate of I'hrist Church, 
 Highbury, 1S7I1-72; perpetual curate of St. Stephen's, 
 t'laphain I'ark, ?inoe I"--*). 1. Uituali.sin, Koinanisni, 
 and the Keforiiiition : a Question of Fact, Lon,, 1^711, p. 
 Svo; new ed,, ISS4. 2. Soienlilio Sophisms: a Review 
 of Current Tlicoi'ic") cone 'rning .\toins, Apes, and Men, 
 Lon., IS81, 8vo. .''. Tnivellers' Talk on England's Crisis, 
 I>on., IS8I, p. S.O. 
 Waisbrooker, Mrs. Lois, [nnie, vol. iii,, add.] 
 1, Aliee Vail: a Story for the Times, liost., ISO'.I, 12nio; 
 4th ed,. 1874: 2. lltien Harlow's Vow, Host., 1S70, 
 IL'nio : 4th ed„ 1S7J. .'), .Mayweed liloasoins, liost., 
 1871, l?ino; 2d ed., IS75. 4. Nlithini; like it; or, Stops 
 to the Kingdom, lios' . 187.'), IJmo, 
 Wait, Emma C. One for Another ; a Novel, Lon., 
 ]87.'i. p. Svo. 
 Wait, Fretlerick S. A Practical Treatise on In- 
 solvent Corporations: embracing tho Rights, Powers, and 
 Duties of Receivers, the Roiuedies of Creditors, and 
 the Individual Liability of Stockholdora and Officers, 
 N. York, ISSS, Svo. 
 Wait, William, ['int,; vol. iii., add.,] ]S2l-1880, b, 
 at Ephiatah, .N.\'. ; admitted to the bar 1846; district 
 nttovuey of Fulton Cimnty, N.Y., 1S48. 1. (Ed.) Tho 
 Co le of Procedure of the State of Now Y'ork ; with Notes, 
 Albany, 1870, 12mo, 2. A Table of Cases Affirmeil, Re- 
 versed, or Cited in any of the Volumes of the Reports of 
 tho Stale of New York, Albany, 1S72, Svo. H. The Prac- 
 tice at Law, in Equity and in Special Proceedings in All 
 tho Courts of Record in tlie State cjf New Y'ork, Albany, 
 1S72-7.'), I'j vols. Svo. 4. A Treatise upon some of the 
 General Principles of tho Law, whether of a Legal or 
 an Enuitable Nature: including their Relations and Ap- 
 plication to Actions and Defences, Albany, 1877-79, 7 
 vols. Svo. 
 Waile, .Vrthur Edward. 1. \ Lyric of the Fairy- 
 Land, and other Poems, ijon., 1S7H, Ito. 2, lEd,) The 
 Mysteries of .Magic : a Digest of the Writings of V:iiphiia 
 L6vi : with Biographical and Critical Essiiy, Lon,, ISSB, 
 8vQ. (" Kliphas LC'vi ZaheiP' was the jiseudimynie of 
 Alphonse Louis Constant, an obscure Parisian, born 
 about ISDS, who went to Englanil in 1 sa:i, and, by his 
 pretences to the possession of magical powers, attracted 
 the attention of the late Lord Lytton ami other ]ieoplo 
 of note. He died in 187.i.) :i. A Soul's Comedy, 
 [ver.«c,] Lon., 1887, I). 8vo. 4. Tbc^ Real History of the 
 Rosicrueians : founded on their Manifestoes, and on 
 Facia and Documents collected from the Writings of In- 
 itiated .Members. Illust. 18S7, cr. Svo. ,■>. Lives of 
 Alchemystical Philosophers: based on .Materials col- 
 lected in 1815, and supplementcil by Recent Researches: 
 with a Philosophical Demonstiation of the True Princi- 
 ples of the Magnum Opus, or Great Work of Aleheini- 
 cal Re-Constrnction, and some Account of the Spiritual 
 Chemistry: to which is aided n HibHogrsjdiy of Al- 
 chemy anil Hermetic Philosoiihy, Lon., 1S8S, Svo. 0. 
 (Ed.) The Magical Writings of Thomas Vaughan, (Eu- 
 genius Phihilethes :) a Verbatim Reprint of his First 
 Four Treatifies, Anthroposopbia Tbeomagiea, Ariinni 
 Wagiea Ab.=eondita, .Magia .\dainica, the True Cudum 
 Tenie : with the Latin Passages translated into English 
 and with a Biographical Preface and Essay on the Eso. 
 terie Literature of Wes-em Christendiui, Lon., 1S88, sk. 
 4to. 7. (Ed.) Ellin Music; an Anthology of F'nglish 
 Fairy Poetry, (" The I interbury Poets,") Lou,, 1888, sq. 
 Waitu, Charles lliirlingamc, b, 1824, in Wayne 
 Co,, N,Y'. : educaied al K'nox College, Illinois; admitted 
 to the bar 1847. History of the Christian Religion to 
 tho Year Two Hundreu, Chic,, ISSl, Svo, 
 WaitP, (•. II. Prospecting; Eighteen Months in 
 Australia and New /.ealand, Lon., 18711, p. Svo. 
 Waite, Rev. Ileiiry Randall, b, 1845, at Copen- 
 hagen, N,Y. ; graduated at Hamilton College ISliS; \iaa- 
 tor of the Amerieiin Church in Rome 1871-74, and of 
 the Presbyterian Cbureh in Pelhain, N.Y'., 1876-80; 
 editor of variou- journals; president of the Political 
 Science A.ssoeialion of New York, Ac. 1. Carmina Col- 
 Icgensia; a Complete Collection of the Songs of tho 
 American Colleges, .le,, Host., 1868, Svo; 2d ed,, 1876, 
 2. The Jlotives of St, Paul's Life, Rome, 187:1. 3. Il- 
 literacy and .Mormonism : a Discussion of Federal Aid 
 to Education and the I'tah Problem, Rest., 1885, Svo. 
 Waite, James K. Catalogue of the Rooks in that 
 Portion of the liollon Public Library forming the Little 
 IJolton Branch of the Free Lending Library, liolton, 
 1870, Svo. 
 Waite, John Mnsgravc. Lessons in Sabre, Sin- 
 glestick, Sabre and Bayonet, and Sword F'cais ; or, Hi.'vv 
 to I'se a Cut-and-Thrust Sword. Illust. Lon., 1881, p, 
 Waite, Otis I'. R. I. New Hampshire in the 
 (ireat Rebellion, Claremont, ISfis, Svo: new ed., Pbila., 
 187.'!. 2. (Ed.) (iuide-Book for the Eastern Coast of 
 New England, Concord, N.H., 1871, Uiino. 
 Waite, Rosamond. Life of the Duke of Wel- 
 lington, (" llislorical Biograidiies,") Lon,, 1878, 12uio; 
 new eiL, 18s4. 
 Waites, Altrcd. Historical Student's Manual, 
 Best., 1S7S, S\o. 
 ' Wake, Rev. Charles Henry Middleton-, 
 M.A., F.L.S., graduated at Christ College, Cambridge, 
 ^ 1S.)1; ordained ls51 ; vicar of Lingen 1870-74: assist- 
 j nnt chaplain of the Savoy ISSI-Sa. 1. Notes on Rein- 
 1 brandt, Lon., 1878. 2. A Descriptive Catalogue of tho 
 Etched Work of Rembrandt \'an Rhyn : with Life, 
 Lon., 1870, r. Svo. 3. A Reply to a Letter and a Pam- 
 phlet published by F. S. Hailen, Esq., Lon., 1S70, Svo. 
 See H.viiKx, F. S., kiij)iii. 
 Wake, Charles Staniland, [ante, vol. iii., add.,] 
 member of tlie Anthropological Institute of Great 
 Britain and Ireland, and editor of the Journal of An- 
 thropology, 1. 'The Evolution of Morality : being a 
 History of the Development of Moral Culture, Lon., 
 1878, 2 vols. ji. Svo. 
 "Mr. Woke modestly says that his bonk is only a ' study, ' 
 but we tear the siilyect is lon wide and ditireiilt to bo 
 treated in the form ul an essay."— .Sii(. Kev., xlv. :i70. 
 2. The Origin and Significance of the (Jreat Pyra 
 mid, Lon., 18S3, p. Svo. 3. Serpent-Worship, and other 
 Essays: with a Chajiter on Totemiam, Lon., 18ss, Svo, 
 " The antlior belongs to a school which liaiidles subjects, 
 ill Ihenisolvcs su.sceptible of plain and siraigbtrurwaril ex- 
 jilanatioii, in a spirit iif esoteric mysterioinysiieity eniially 
 repufziiant to siliolar.ship and good taste. . . . .Mr. Wake's 
 entleism of the .svstcms of ulliers i.s frequently acute." — 
 ^i(/i., No, :u;;;!. 
 Wake, Henry Thomas. All the Monumental 
 Inscriptions in the (iraveyards of Brigham and Bride- 
 kirk, near Cockermouth, in the (.'ounty of Cumberland, 
 from lsr)6 to lS7li, Coekermoiilb, 1878, Svo, 
 Wake, J. Photographic Colouring, Lon., 1S7S, 
 Wakefield, .'♦liss. Mary tho Primrose-Girl, Lon., 
 l'-78, 12nio, 
 Wakefleld, William, ."VI.D., late army *iirgeon, 
 and physician to the West End Hospital for Discuses 
 of the Nervous System, Loudon, now resident at Nice. 
 I. Our Life and 'j'ravels in India, Lon., 1S7S, Svo. 2. 
 The Happy Valley : Sketches of Kashmir and the Kash- 
 mirians. Maps and Illust. Lon., 1879, Svo. 
 "It ei,nlains initbiiig very striking or new; but it is 
 pleasniilly written, and will .serve to bring the country and 
 Its iiihabit.inLs tiiirlv well before nianv who are never 
 likelv ii) see it witn their eyes."— .Spfrtn.'iir, lili. 21f). 
 3, Medical Missions in India. 4. The Baths, Bathing, 
 and Aiiractions of AiX-lcs-Uains, ,te,, Lon., 1886, 12mn. 
 Wakeford, Itev. John, ordained 1884; missionei 
 in the diocese of Chichester. Rural Missions : with a 
 Pref' by the Bishop of Marlborough, I, on., Is88, ISaio. 
 , V 
 lentV M;inunl, 
 rofe-Oirl, Lon., 
 ISId-W-,, 1. „, '*• ■"'■"•P" "m ""'', vol. I ., ftilJ. 1 
 ;rc.a,.h.r: a l'or,™itur. of Kov. W 'nvo " .•: '"'I's,'?; 
 ilotfs of tho Kcv. (Ico 
 • C(l., IMltitloil "Allot 
 a Skotcli of his Cliiirnoti'i-, N Yuik' m--, ia 
 I'on.", ISS7 svo ' ■^''•■'"'"'^^''f 'he University of Oxfonl. 
 ;n:o:!;^::i^i;;i f!r».^!^;^,.!;*;:;:;! •;v,^t,^;;!''■^/^'^ 
 (burte.., Soc Pub.:) vol. ii.. Newcastle, ISr.S, Svo 
 Engia ml and on tho Continent, ami in I.S72 > .11.' 
 Lon H7^' |.;;, "";^'i';■''> ",?'*^ " Cli"«t,nas.Iiook 
 li .n., 1S73, 12mo. 4. (Kil. " Hash :" a Mixed Di^h t„i 
 tnors. Jleliiourne and Svi iiev Isrr sv,, ■-, i r-V.i 
 Tin IMale. an,l.^,er Ve^e^.^Jfo^oJ^Hs., " ^ ^'"'" 
 York Nnn"^?''^"'* UooUttle, b. is.oo. at Xew 
 lorK .Mils N.V.; beoanie as.si3tant f;ooloL'i8t on tho U ~; 
 Geologieal .Survey 1S71., and palieoiitolo.i^t i„"dii«e id- 
 he |iaheoi,,o,„ divi-sion „f invertebrates'ls,S;i. ^ ^ti -i 
 «7J,'^';™l_Nir_vey,) Wash.. ISSJ, -Ito 
 cott."- u/i Si, ■•111 '"" ■^'"""•'''i""> "I I'ratoiitor Wal- 
 ind liOiK. IS77 I*,. 
 xlv. ye. 
 With KoiiKuTsciN, Will, AH A mulii .Sott fi.,I \ 
 2 ;:;;!'. "^iir'' '■"'"'" '" ''•■"' '^■'^- 1-2! '^-.I'l/ri^nl 
 title 1^.7, gnidi,a?o,i^';f'k:ill^^;^l,;;:^-:^;^,-,^o 
 «n eors : with .-Statistics of theVar and of KeW l" ^o ' 
 Illiist. and Maps. Host., 1,S82, 8vo • risons. 
 Period'*"?*"' ^'*\^J'^^ H- Cnncord in the Colonial 
 of le A idf^r . ^"'"■'"''' ■•^""'"""■''t t» 'he Overthrow 
 "t the A.idros (lovoninient, IB.I.I-liisu, Host., 1!-,S4 8vo 
 And see BiswuM,, H. p ,„.„.„ ' "■> '^ ■>> »"<>■ 
 Ii D 'fTa ' r"7- ^'««.'"'"^ie Kdward Charles, 
 ; -1 ''. j-"-'^-' I'""'. »■"!• 111., add..] 1,82l'-IS,S0. lie con- 
 ou^n,:' "T"--,!'!'!-- to arcliieologlcal and olh^r 
 Journal.s^_ !. Traditions and Customs of C.itho,ir„i. 
 Ti,"J''p "'■i'./'" "^'" ' -'' "'•■ ''"'• '""' <'"l-, »amo year. £ 
 nL„^"tltt^T\ ""'.! ^-y"""" .Kwleslastioal of the 
 Old \er,Mon, nnrecovcred in the Xew, X. York, I882" 
 -^"Linf^.;^ ,l;7:'8^:'^' -"' " ^^-ta^^el^^t 
 «al«lsteiii, Charles, Ph.D., A.M., L II I) Tit 
 . .rector of ,h.. Kit.william MuPcni 1883 , s ncet's "h 
 la. been director of the Anieric, „ .School 'of Jr.di col i^y 
 ar;;'^i;''i:i'^iS'^i^:^^i'';;„™';i-f;"r^ K->er«ll.ies Of 
 niiniilia; a.s are iis, , iV we "„,v ''''.i '"''"''''"'"«''"" 
 dent. . . . Mr \V,il " ."1, 1 ,1 ,' '"'■ '" H'c .<^pccial stii- 
 \Vni„^.. ;.7'' ""'"•• '^^*- ""• "■'■'" ""-' t^xaulillation ,.f leeor r, • ^/.^ " "1 '"-""Kuisliert 
 Wn cott, Charles Folsom, LL.B ls;i6-1887 h ""^."'e works of art themselves v'tiicln^ 
 llopkinton, .V.ll. ; graduated at Ha " rd is® 7 ,';,• 'i'^er the peciliarilics ofir is '„, ,,'™,'^ ."j' '"'"' '>''- '" »>;- 
 rv of the Twenty-First Regiment JL ^chu^tis " " ^J'iC&^u'^i'Y- ^"'"^'''" '''>' "^u' hi; d^ ^^ J 
 I eors : wi h Statistics of the \Yar and of uZ^iso " ef^.it w iU?li ' v ,7;::^:;. l!!, ! i;'!''.'''?'')'-- ' 'i^.^' "• 
 asms, n-hile lhes,.l,,,L,.'lJ^'^" "'•''> I'l^enthusf- 
 !Si;;;^iii!™;-!i;;^!i-iH 'r'^v?^^» 
 his propositions but it iniist I .\ , /m''',"'''''''-' "■"«'"' to all 
 earr'y ll'ie reade alo .' wm^'i "'.. '"."1''^ -^ ""«■ I'cdoes 
 Chnrch of vl.i , -..""...- i.cciesiasiioai ot the hs nron<)siti(,Ms but it niwfi; '■..'. ''"1''^'''-' '«•''«'"' to a 
 I Dr. «aldstein is no friend of the phllologioal treat- 
 philologiofll treat- 
 ment of iirchirolnglcnl subjects, ami does not set n hlRh | 
 viiliic on the reiidiiiK of niieieiit authors iinrt the atiiily of i 
 texts. He iiiins exeliisively nt tmiiiliiK the eyes for stylistic 
 iiivestli.iilion. Indeed, the book brink's nbiiiidiuif evidjiiee i 
 of his talent hi this direction,— the more wcli ome iis lie i 
 does not confine himself to stJitiiiK Kcnenil '.niiiressions, 
 but endeavours hv a special analysis touivc an exact ac- 
 count of Ihc peculiarities of style. . . . llul slylislic anal- ] 
 ysls is nut tiie only method of aridiieoloiji' al study."— A. 
 Mh' .Icik/., xxix. (m. 
 Waldiick, Henry. I. Tlie INippis of the Kclectio 
 Discussion Society, Lon., |ss:i, cr. 8vo. 2. Uarwlniaiu | 
 refutoil out of Darwin's Honk, l,on., ISM5, cr. 8vo. i 
 Waltly, Frances Helen. 1. The Alperton ^lhoat, \ 
 Lon., lS7(i, ]i. Hvo. :;. Uonuio I'Mit'.ia Copplestoiic, 
 Soarljoroiigh, IS8(i, IBino. li. Froiiu : a Seivrboro' Ro- 
 iinince : a Sequel to " lionnio EJithaCopplestone," I.oii., 
 1887, p. 8vo. 
 Willi', lilirlilldltuil II. 1. Tlie Clnistian Stu- 
 dent's lland-Iiouk of C'oinpar:itive l'liilolo(;y : a Con- 
 tribution to liiblieal Science, Lon., 1S7.'), 8vo. 1!. 'I'lic 
 Hunk of Hebrew Roots: showing the Ideal Meanings 
 anil Various R;iiiiilioations of the Principal Hebrew 
 Radicals, I.oii., 18711, p. Svo. .'). liiblieal (Outlines; or. 
 The Distinctive Characteristics and .Mutual Relations of 
 the liuoks of the liible, &u., Lon., 1S7B, Svo. -t. Tlio 
 Closing Days of Christendom, aa foreshadowed in I'arii- 
 blo and Prophecy, Lon., lS71t, p. «vo; new ed., 18S3. | 
 6. Tlie Ministry of the lleautiful : the Christian Coin- j 
 panioii, Lon., 1881), p. Svo. j 
 Wale, Kev. Henry John, became a cavalry offi- j 
 cer, and served in India ISI.i-Jl, and in the Crimea i 
 lS5f-5"; graduated at Magdalene College, Cambridge, j 
 18(11 ; ordained I8(!l ; rector of Folksworth, Huntingdon- 
 shire, lSli.')-78; organizing secretary of the Society for 
 the Propagation of the (iipspel in the dioeeso of Roches- 
 ter since 1881. 1. Sword and Surplice; or, Thirty 
 Years' Reminiscences of the Army and the Church; an 
 Autobiograjihv, Lon., 1880, Svo. 
 " Mr. Wale tells the story of his military and clerical life 
 in a very pleasant and gooil-hiimunrwl way, I'ot with- 
 out occasional remarks that show Kood feeling and good 
 Bense." — s^jedatnr, liv. .'i7. 
 2. My tirandfather'a Pocket-liook, A.D. ITOl-UO, 
 Lon., 18"s:i, Svo. 
 Wair<ird,Cornelins, F.S.S., F.R.II.S., 1827-188.,, 
 b. at Witham. Kssex ; called to the bar at the Middle 
 Temple ISiiO, and practised as a legal advis^er on insur- 
 ance questions. He was a member of various learned 
 sueicties. 1. Decimal Coinage Familiarly Explained, 
 Lon., 1855, 8vo. 2. The Insuraneo (laide and Hand- 
 Boo k : being a Guide to the Principles and Practice of 
 Life Assurance, Lon., 181)7, Svo. :i. The Insurance 
 Cyclopiedia: being a Dictionary of Terms used in Con- 
 nection with the Theory and Practice of Insurance, a 
 Biographical Summary iif the Lives of those who have 
 contributed to the Devdopuient of In.-uraiue, .tc Lon., 
 1S78, r. Svo. 4. Famines of tlio World. Past and Pres- 
 ent; being Two Papers read before the Statistical Society 
 of London, .tc, Lon., 18711, Svo. 
 "The doleful title of this volume should not deter the 
 serious reader who may tie inclined to glean historical 
 noticc^^ of mankind's experience of starvation. . . . .Mr. 
 Cornelius Walford has reprinted from the SiK-iety's Jour- 
 nal botii his own es.siivs upon this subject, and the report 
 of what his colleagues said after hearing each paper. 
 Their contents, when treated with a fresh analysis, will be 
 found to vicld a certain amount of aseful instruction."— 
 S(U. Hev., xlvlii. 270. 
 5. Deaths from Accident, Negligence, Violence, and 
 Misadventure, Lon., 1881, Svo. 0. Kings' Briefs; their 
 Purposes and History; a Paper, Lon., 1882, Svo. 7. 
 The Outline of a Scheme for a Dictionary of Periodical 
 Literature, Lon., Is8:i, Itlmo. S. Fairs, Past and Pres- 
 ent ; a Chapter in the History of t'oinmeroe, Lon., 18811. 
 " NotwitlistaiidiiiK the large" miis,scs of material that lie 
 ready at haiol. Ihc Imok before us and Mr. Henry Morley's 
 'Dartlioliiiiiew I'liir'are the sole worthy contribiilioiis to 
 the history of fail's that we can call to mind u.s existing in 
 our tongue."— .l(/i.. No. 2'JIJ. 
 !). Gilds; their Origin, Constitution, Objects, and 
 Later History, Lon., 1SS8, Svo. Posth. 
 Walfortl, Edith. Little Content, and other Stories, 
 Lon., 1871), IJiiio. 
 Walford, Kdward, M.A., {nnip, vol. iii., add.,] 
 became a convert to the Roman Catholic Church in I85;i, 
 returned >■-. the. CIum-cIi of Kn-.-land in ISfiO. and was 
 readmitted to the former Chnrch in 1871. 1. Juvenal, 
 ("Ancient Classics for English Readers,") Lon., 1870, p. 
 Svo. 2. (Ed.) Speeches of Lord Erskine; with Life, 
 Lon., 1870, 2 vols. Svo. H. ,'Traiis.) .Juvenal's Satires 
 in English Prose, Edin., 1872, 12mo. 4. Louis Napoleon 
 III., Bx-Einperor of the French; a Biograiihy, Lon., 
 187:1, 12nio. 5. Talci of our Great Families, Lon., I877, 
 2 vols. or. Svo; Second Series, 1880, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 " For such a work to be of any value requires great cure 
 on the part of the compiler. It would seem that the iii- 
 illspeiisable care has 11. it been exercised In this"— 
 Alh., No. ■Ji)7'J. 
 ti. PleasMiit Days in Pleasant Places, Lon., 1878, p. 
 Svo J 3d ed., I8S.1. 7. Londoniana, Lon., 187U, 2 vols. 
 p. Svo. 
 "The render will be surprised to tlnd productions so 
 obviously cpbeineral preserved within the cuvtrsof a vol- 
 ume. II, however, the book hicks solidity, it <'iiii boast of 
 variety, and there is not one of the subjects trcalcd from 
 wliicli it may not be possible to glean some aiiiusemcnt." 
 —.Sjiecliiliir, Hi. IHC. 
 S. (Ell.) Percy's Reliqiies of Ancient English Poetry, 
 ("The Lansdowne Poets.") Illust. Lon., ISSO, cr. Svo. 
 i). Holidays in Homo Counties, (" Rogue's Half-Hour 
 Vidnmcs,") Lon., 1880, p. Svo. 10. The Life and Politi- 
 cal Career of the Earl of Beaconsfield, Lon., 1S81, 12mo. 
 II. Tourist's (iuidc to Berkshire; with some Prelimi- 
 nary Remarks as to its Early History, Antiquities, Wor- 
 thies, Ac., Lon.. 1882, fp. Svo. 12. Tourist's (iuidc to 
 Essex, Lon., 1SS2, fp. Svo. 111. Ephemerides; or. The 
 Dayea of the Veare ISSll: an Aunliente Annuale, con- 
 taining many Curious Matters and a Kalcndar for 1883, 
 Lon., 1882, r. Svo. 14. Greater London: a .Narrative 
 of its History, its People, and its Places. Illust. Lon., 
 18S;;-SI, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 " 111 these two volumes Mr. Walford bus gathered up 
 much Miitlireil iiiriirniiiliini wbicli it is convenient to 
 lirtve at luiiiil. . . . Helms given many interesting anee- 
 dotes of the dwellers in the ilill'erent places; but when he 
 comes to descrilic ibc pliices themselves we feel a eertaui 
 want of dclinite inriiniiaiiou. There is not that vivid de- 
 .scriptiou wbicli one expects from a personal iii.speetion. ' 
 —Alli.i No. 3(110. 
 l;'i. The Pilgrim nt Homo, Lon., 188fi, 12mo. Hi. 
 Chapters from Family Chests. 1886, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 " Pretty nearly eve'rylhiiig 111 these two volumes may, 
 we take it, be found iu print already. Mr. Walford. how- 
 ever, has (lone well in collecling them."— Spfcta/or, Ix. 840. 
 17. Jubilee Memoir of Her Majesty (ji hui Victoria, 
 I, on., 1887, 12nio. See, also, 'TiioiiNUi uv, Gr:oi)GK 
 W.M.TKIl. 9ltltr't. 
 Wallord, Rev. Lancelot Charles, M.A., b. 
 IS43; graduated at Trinity College, Camliridge, 18ft,'); 
 ordained 18fi7; rector of Bucklcshiim, Suffolk, lSt!!)-7o ; 
 vicar of Christ Church, Tunbridge Wells, 1875-86, and 
 since then vicar of St. Saviour's, Upper Chel.-ea. I. 
 Four Sermons preached in Christ Church, Tunbridge 
 Wells, Lon., 1875, 12nio. 2. Seleclions from the Book 
 of Common Prayer, Lon., 1875, Kimo. 3. Work, and 
 other Sermons preached in Christ Church, Tunbridge 
 Wells, Lon., 1881, ISnio. 
 Walford, Mrs. Lucy Bethia, b. 1846, in Scot- 
 land ; daughter of John Colquhoun, author of The Moor 
 and the Loch, {q. >■., aitlr, vol. i.,1 and grand-dau,-';hter 
 of Sir James Colquhoun, third Baronet, and of Janet, 
 Lady Colquhoun, {7. v., aiilr, vol. i,;) married, 18119, to 
 Alfred Sanders Walford, of Cranbrook Hall. Ilford, Es- 
 sex. She has contributed to Blackwood's Magazine and 
 other periodicals. I. The Merchant's Sermon, and other 
 ; Stories, Edin., 1870, ISnio. 2. Mr. Smith; a Part of his 
 Life, Edin. and Lon.. 1874, 2 vols. p. Svo ; new ed., 1875, 
 1 vol. 
 " We never knew a ease of a hero of whose life «n 
 ei|ually small part was ttdd. . . . There is not a little merit 
 in the story. It is a pity, however, that there is so uuu li 
 vulgarity and villaiiy to "Uthalance It. The villain is a 
 very dull one, and, though the vulgar jn'ople arc oUcu 
 drawn with a goisl deal of cleverness, Wc get us liearlil> 
 weary "f them as «e should were we to nuci them iu iviil 
 life."— .8(1'. Hev., xxxviii. 614. 
 3. Pauline, Edin., 1877, 2 vols. p. Svo; 5th ed., niH 
 new ed.. 1S85. 4. Cousins, Kdin., 1870, 3 vols. cr. *\<«i; 
 new ed., 18S5. .'). Troub-Vioiue Daughters, Edin., ISSo, 
 3 vols. p. Svo; new ed., ts85. 6. Dick Netheiby, Edin., 
 '• 1881, cr. Svo; new wi, 1885. 7. Nan, an4 other Storie-, 
 I Ellin., 1884,, 2 voht. cr. Svo. 8. The Baby's GraudWMJther, 
 ; Edin., 1884, S vols. p. Svo. 
 "More dilVu^c than Mrs. Walford's former biwks. . . . 
 I The heroine is a clmrming creitioii. and as original as she 
 Is charming."—. U/i.. No. oix;.-,. 
 " In its way a work of genius. It is too long."— .^yicc/utor 
 i Ivli. UO'.l. 
 ! <i, The History "f <', W>»k, Kdin.. issft. n, Svo. 10. 
 I Cheerful Christianity ; Brief Essays dealing with the 
 j Lesser Beauties and Blemishes of the Christian Life, 
 1 Lon., ISsfi, 12nio. 11. Four Hiographies from "Black- 
 1 wo(,d;" Jane Taylor, Elizabeth Fry, Hannah More, an I 
 I Mary Souierville, Lon. and Edin., 1888, p. Svo. 12. V 
ing."— .S;lccM'"r 
 MblO Chilli, Loil ISSS nr a 
 1.011., I8,S8, or. 8v„ ""' ''''"'■ ""'' "H'er ••^torics, 
 llH' IVHi,une„turv <1 .n nu , ' h' ''","■• I'^'^". Hvo. 2. 
 (••A^MIaryIt|,,Kn,-|,i.i,-.;' I,, h''" '*"" ^''*" "''"•. 
 "His ,.„nin,,.„is , „ III,' 1 ,,, ■; , "■ "'• '"'■"• 
 T.,_.-7,™ '' •' I'"'"' '^'■- **'•"• Ana see Ab„v, j. 
 I. Trciiliso on the Practice 
 Wiilker.Ciilviii H. 
 "f the I'ciisiun lin 
 'i-"!^:^Strif"i'^v''' '15'' ••''"'■'"■'•» '« 
 •N'"iiic' of Jesus :%''•,:,.,, -..A''^' '■'■'■■>• .''f "'o H.Iy 
 Walker, A:"^;'T,.;;:'r'/;'^'"r' ""^■ 
 Walker, Alhprr i c 
 Iilack,,.„ith' !,/"?"• ....'; ;>"'"'' I'iek, the Village 
 -N'. York, 
 '!'« English Chu r,,," s,r,).""""'i' ,^'""b^" of 
 "f the Churrh: « I, ,l,,i,' ,'''"'"■ '• J I'o ."erviee.s 
 file I'se „f Ihe III, !,,"'"' '""•^•'i""" "eeording t„ 
 Pile,l from ,1,,, •' n i / '''"I"'''"';'" "'' ''''''''■^ ^ ^•'""- 
 """•r .^ourecs: lor " > ,!,./'',",'""" *""" ""■' 
 IheAIanne -v.- ■_■-'":;'';.« Hand-liuok : 
 Otlcylsrr; IJ number,:, |,i„„ 
 Walker, Vllurt II i tn 
 "nity : the I'lcee,.'/ u'l Ooe hI '' /'''"■^''^ ^'hristi- 
 ■Mark, Luke, «n,l r,, ,"'•■'';?''■■'''••''"' ''^'''"''c^v, 
 .■mal,/.ed and arran' .^i ,, "'^f^'^.y.''-''" Christ 
 ISS2, 10„,o. 2. Te^t. i ok of .? "' ^^''''J'-'''''-'. ^' Vork 
 'i»^J' rh^^:;:^;;:^;;?.'::!!;'- "f -le v:;.titute or 
 for the Voung UaX • ' r a ' .'" '""'"'^^'"'^ "«l|> 
 "•^•M, l2mo """""rs or Aeeountants' Clerk, !,„„' 
 W^'_ ii. _ . - _ *' 
 ii>:!'l's;i?"^:'"'"'"«^»" " -«'-J m .l.e Dalani^-Dui;: 
 Walker, C'linrlpR it i>- 
 tlieClraduat'es a," f^- ,e"',„. '"K^"!''"-;" Sketches of 
 ■■titule who fell durin, ,1 W ^ !'"""" M'litar.v fn- 
 I'liila., 1875, Kvo*" ^^'"^ ^'^'"""•■n the States, 
 W'alker. Alfrpil it 
 1^8, 8vo. 2 l|i,?,s to lir'^'""'™" r^^'v; 7thcd., Itet 
 >f. r\,rk, 18-S, !;.!;;,': '" ^^''""•'" "" "'^' ^aro of Property,' 
 ;< vols. er. Svo. ;f T u ■ ir , ' •/ '^"'■'^'' '"'"- l«" 
 ^'O- ■•. Hollywood, 'U, ■' ,s^; '".; .7- '-^■'*. ■■' vols, cr! , 
 R.™i Uves. a X„v,.,, I.,;;,.; is;; V olf ,71.'- ^''° l'™'V=«^or'';n".^:i"Th™!™i" ,'lf'- "■'"'"■" S|"'rrow:b.i; • 
 i'K.V|'t a.s a Hvulth W..„., ■ J. "P.;>.„«o<-hai«|,ton. I. | ,, .^.^^^' ^ ' '• '-mo. 4. Sorrowing not without Uooe 
 teiiialic divipity an,Uo ile'tinr ""'"„[" of<''.so.- of .sys'. 
 "'illiain Duval, Civ Mi' V .""'e''"l'''.V "^ K^n'. 
 ".i Corre. pon I'c^nce ; r',v ■"■''"'r'^' '''*• '■ 
 .„,.. .._ ., ' .... "•■"01 'ill. H ilhani Sparrow, D.D,, 
 [•;K.V|.t a.s a, Hr.Uk%Zn ^Z ""J «oc,,,,„,„„„. , 
 *^- ^rtknr. ,. The Rifle: ',,« rhoory „„d 
 '1 c<l., Lon., 18(15. 
 ' Nature, Lyn, 
 -■ -""lire, uon, sT' r'liii, ' """■> inoo 
 r ^'^'■'I'^r^i^!:- *^«-^«''. The Cor 
 'mer,i?.[i;.n°J Pol ^'^Ir:'.:^""'','- "'^ " '''"'"- 
 .o.uonts of ChrstL vA^^ H n""" "'"' "'"««- 
 '"vs, Lon., ISSO n s !, '• ""-' '''"•"-'''""ion of the 
 Wnikor i»„..V_ ■ 
 ^5i:-t'^»i?^.,-i -:;;-,-«; 
 lament .'<ubjcots. 
 i«r;i, 12010. 
 Walker, EUuard D"-"'-- 
 3": e,i.l„r of the Co.wnonoliian'Xf'."' f"''"'"^*"' ""out 
 tion: a Study of ForgottW Tr? ^^'".f'"'""- «"nearna- 
 Wa"'eM'. Briekw..;.:, 
 '^ ^. *vviiiearni 
 Host., 1S8S, I2nio. 
 optical Treatise em- 
 mciples of Bricklay. 
 »o; 2ded., cnl., 1885. 
 •ynAmo-Building, for 
 Wnlkcr, II. I«. Adams-. (Tmn-.i Wmimn in 
 tho I'nal, I'roiiit, una Kuliiif, by Augui't Ucbil, l.un., 
 WnlktT, II«Miry, VM.r*. 1. Saturday Aftornnon 
 Kuinlilr- i-iin.l l.'iiHliiii: Hnriil nml <ieoli>|{ienl, Um.. 
 ls7l, hv ' •-' llii' <llivciiil lliiltn uf Jluxwull mil unci 
 I'incll.y. Miiii ami llhi^t. l.cii., iNT t, Hvn. 
 ^\iilkrr, llciiry H. 1. Tlic ('(iinCMlif Iluiimiiu-, 
 mill ilH Autliiir: with 'l'iiiii«lutioiis I'luiii the Kri'iu'b 
 of liukftf, l.oii,, 1S7SI, cr. X\«: IR'W o.l., IHSl. 2. Tbo 
 I'ni.lice (111 SiKniiiK JiidKuii'nt in tlii' lllnh Court of 
 .lii>tic'e, I-on., iNTli, p. ^vo. 
 Walktir, Ilfiiry IN., [iml'; vol. iii., aiM.) (l'..l.i 
 Mii'bigiin iiii'l il^ liisiincos: Sketi'lic' of tbi- (irowlb 
 ,,, ■; 'i'r„7, ,ril,..,l 1 ,.i,l,l.iiiliTii of Ibu Stiilf, it:* Inilur'Irii'S, I'roduolion-', iin.l u Hfviow 
 (■Ii,.r,u.|c.r« ol 1 „,l,..,.nb,.,| lA,,i.| ra ^ oj^ !;';^,^_^^,_.;, Cbnn.elc.,i»lic» as a llo.ri,. ; U cJ., han- 
 Wnlker, FriincU, F.I-.f., ["«(', ""1. lil.,»dJ.] • 
 Ll-I nf thi' Siicc'iiiiciii' of lloiiiniiti'roiiii FnicctH In tbe Tol- 
 Icotioiiof tbu l!riti.-h Mus.uiu, l.on., IS^-iO-SS, 1 iinrtu and 
 Miplili'niiMit, IJiiio. 2. l.iKt of lliu S|pei'iiiicn:. of U'Jii- 
 do iKTou:< In^'Oi'tn in tbe Oilliition of tbe Unti-b Mil- 
 KCUin, I-on„ IsM-tltl, ;tS |miiIs 12ino. 3. List of liriti^-b 
 KuiiUxolitcni, Oilboplcni. 'llijMnnoptora, iiml lleiuip- 
 tiTii, l.oii., ISilli, llo. I. CiiliiloKUu o( Ibti Spi'i'iiiu'ii- of 
 Iliii'iipliTn llctiToptcni ill tbe ('ollfi'tioii of tbu llriti.-b 
 Mii.-.'uni. l.on., |Sll7-7:i, '.I piirts Hvo. .>. fntiiloi^ue ol 
 till! ,»p(Tiin>>iia of lllaltiiriic in tin- Collection "i tbo lintinb 
 Miisioiin, l.on., 1>(1-*, Svo. ti. CatiUoBuc of tbo .><ppt'i- 
 liu'iis of l)eriiia|itcra S.illaloiia, and Pnpplciiii'nt to llio 
 lilattaria-, in tbe ColU-.'lion of tbe BiiiiKb .Mmiuni, 1 -• 
 ISfi'.i, svo. 7. Cbaraflorw of I'ndi'siTilu'd l.i'pidop 
 llfleiofiTa, l.on., Is7n, Svo. s. List of'opti'ni col- 
 Uriel by .). K. Lord in K|,'ypt : witb Cbanictt'r- "f t_n- 
 de«'ribcd Spci'ic , l.on,. IsVl, svo. H. A I.i>t ol lly- 
 monoptfia collo,.i,d by ,1. K. Lord in Kj;.vpt, in tbe 
 .Nci!?lil>"iirbood of ibf Kwl Sea, and in Arabia: with 
 Leseriptionr: of tbo Now .^pooics, l.on., 1^71, Svo. 10. 
 Notes on Cbaloi.lida', Lon., ls7l-72, 7 partn, 8vo. 11. 
 Note:: on IMptora and List of ,'Spc<'ica. lirst .Serios. 
 Lon.. IS7I, Svo. 12. Transbilion of Synoptioal Ar- 
 riiii),'oiiient.t of joiiio Kuropoan Fainilioa and Ooncra of 
 llviooiioptera, Lon., IS74, Svo. , i r. 
 Walker, rrnntis Aiiiasn, A.M., I'b.D., LL.l)., 
 b. Islii. in lioston: tcrailualcd at .Ainborst Collego ISliO; 
 sorvoil in tbe civil war; ooinnii.'<HoiKr (pf Indian affairs 
 IS71-72: professor of political oconoiiiy and lii.-tory in 
 tho Slioffiold ,*cionlilic Scbnol, Yale, IS7:t-Sl, and i-inoe 
 thou prosidont of the .Massaelui.-.elts Institute of Toeb- 
 nolou'v ; superiiil.'iiilont cd' tbo .Ninth Consu.s IS7II-72, 
 and'of tho Tenib Consus 1S7',I-S1. 1. Tbe Indian 
 yuostion., |S71, T-'ino. 2. Tbo Wa«ea tjiiostion ; 
 a on Wages ami tbe Wages Class, N. York, 
 l?7li. Sr 
 sing, iss::, svo. 
 >Valk(-r, Horace F.atoii. Tho of DarJalc, 
 and other I'ooiiis. Maii.liostor, N.II., IS87, 12ino. 
 Ualkcr, .Mrs. I. I'bo Itosl Altuinod : In Jlomoriani 
 J. Itobortsoii, .M.l).. Ki'lso. Kdiii., IS77, Svo. 
 Ualkcr, J. Tbo llanily liook of Objoot Lessons ; 
 from a Teaolier'.s Noto-liouk, l.on., 1S74-75, two series, 
 Walker, J. Address to Believers of tbe t.ospel ol 
 Christ, Lon., Is77, p. Svo. 
 Walker, J. Knglnnd's Naval and Military W eak- 
 noss, Lon., IsSl, 12nio. 
 W alker, J. Tbo Theory and I'se of a Physical Bai- 
 anoo. Lon., ls-7, Svo. 
 Walker, J. Hubert and Eraineline, Poems on 
 Naturo, ami otber Poems, l.on., ISSS, fp. Svo. 
 Walker, J. U. Cbarloy Ashley; or. The Adven- 
 tures «f nil (111. ban Hoy, l.on., I^7», 12iuo. 
 W alker, J. II. .\ I'ow Knots and Suggestions on 
 Mor.ov, Trade, and l!;iiiUing, Host., Iss2, l2ino. 
 Walker, Kev. James, of t'arnwatb. 1. Tbu 
 .'Mr'walker shows a dooide.1 bias toward tbe labor side I Union Quostion an<l tbo Minority of tbe Last Asscnibly 
 of tho^i iSi solhat ,11 Iboir rolatioiis to bin. the labor i Kdin., IsOS, Svo. 2. The '1 boology and 1 bo, lof;iani 
 advooalos may \,v ocioiiarod to a lilinaiit who liius lor the „f .«i.otland, diiolly ol the ,s-cyontoonlb ami I'.iglili'ontl 
 tirst time fouiid an advooate to pre.seiit tbe strong points ^'enturios, (Cunningbain l.ootnros,) Kdin.. IS72, Svo. 
 of ills case."— .V(i^/"», x.\iii. 1 
 :;. Money, N. York, IS7S, Svo. 
 ■•'fbo most notioeable foiiliire of Profos.sor Walkor'' 
 work is tbo tone of judicial impnrlialiiy witb wli d . 
 treat.- a subjoot In wlnoh ovory man who knows, or H- 
 bo kiMWs, anytbiiii,' about it lools it almost a duty to ■ ■. ;> 
 some soiiso a iiurtisau."— .Viid'im, x.xvi. 241. _ ^ 
 1. Tho World's Fair, Philadelphia. IS7<1; a (■.. j^iI 
 Aoooiinl. X. York. I.S78, Itinio. 5. Money in <■ <■•■•■■■ 
 tiiin to Tra.le and Industry, N. York, IST'.i, l2iuo. 
 "The work does not at all correspond to our idea..i ;. 
 svstomatii' doyelopiiioiit of tbe siibjcot. . . . The idiaptc..-- 
 oV noist iiilerosl and value arc those wliioli treat ol the 
 relations of tho proidoiis meUils to values, inolndiiig the 
 nniltipU" tomlor, and tbe oH'ccls of metallic contraction 
 and inllatioii."— .V(i(/"", .'(xix. 1!»7. 
 (i. Land and its Kent, Host., IS.SIl, 16ino. 7. Political 
 Economy, ("American Science" Ser.,) N. York, 18s:i, 
 12mo. S. A History of the Second Army Corps in tbe 
 Army of tbe Potomac, N. York, LSSti, Svo. lb Tbo 
 Manual Laboring Class; [also] Mine Labor in tbo 
 Hocking Valley, by K. W. Bemis, ,tc., Ball., 1S8S, Svo. 
 Also, many volumes of Reports and other official docu- 
 Walker, <;. Prayers and Hymns for Morning and 
 Evening. Kdin., I87«, 12ino. 
 Wnlker, Kev. James, Baptist mini-tor. Phases 
 of Boliof. Lon.. 1S7:!. 
 W oiker, James. Tbe National Inboritanco, Lon., 
 ■■ 74, Svo. 
 Aalker, Rev. James, I>.1)., LL.D.. [nac-. vol. 
 .,t , eigbtb of the name, add.,] 17'.M-I^74. Faith, 
 i. ason. and Uiity : Sorinuns, Host., I87«, sq. 12mo. 
 Walker, Janies, F.U.II.S. Hall and Cottage, [a 
 lale,] Miincboster, Issil, cr. Svo. 
 Walker, James. The King's Realm, and other 
 Poems, l.on,, Issl, p. Svo. 
 Walker, Ilev. James Barr, D.D.. [oute. vol. in., 
 add.,] 1S0O-1SS7, b. in Philadelphia; graduated at tbe 
 Western Ueservc College, Ohio, ISIil ; became a Presby- 
 terian minister in 1841. I. Poetry of Reason and Con- 
 fcionoe : Immortality ami Worth cd' tbe Soul. Ton Scones 
 in tbe Life of a Lady of Fashion, and .Miscellaneous 
 Pieces, Cbio.. 1871, 12mo. 2. Experiences of Pioneer 
 Life in tbe Early Settlements ami Cities of tbe West, 
 Chic, I8S1, 12mo. 
 Walker, James liryant. Ohio iJigest : con- 
 taining all reported Ohio Cases to the Year 1S75, 187i. 
 Walker, James Douglas, M.A., b. 1811;gradu- 
 W alker, G. P. .Scriptural View of Baptism and ' ated at rniversity College, Oxford, Isii.i; callcil to the 
 other Religions Observances, l.on., 1S70, Svo. ' bar at Lincoln's Inn ls06; a commissi..iior ol supply 
 Walker, (Jeorge, IS2I-1SSS, b. at Peterborough, | for Aberdeenshire. A Treatise on Banking Law, Lon., 
 N II.; «radiiatod at Harvard La\f School 1S45; prac- i 1877, Svo; 2d ed., ISSa. . „ . , , , 
 tisod law in Sjiringfiold for many years; was sent to Walker, Kev. James Kdward.M. A., graduated 
 Europe by tho government on confiilential inission.s in at Corpus Cbristi College,^ O.xford, IS 
 Isil.j anil" 1879; consul-general at Paris IS8U-87 
 (Trans.) Bi-Motallic Money, by F^mile do Lavebiyo, N. 
 York, 1877, Svo. 2. (Trans.) is'ew Tendencies of Polit- 
 ical Economy, by Emile de I.avelayo: witb Appendix 
 containing Kcmark.s at tlie Adam Smith Centenary in 
 London, N. York, 187'.t, 12mo. 
 Walker, tieorgc. Motbodistic Ritualism; or, A 
 F'ew Thoughts on the Methodism of To-L)ay. By an 
 Old-Fashioned .Methodist, l.on., I8Sj, Svo. 
 Walker, (ieorge Edward, F.U.C.S., surgeon to | Records, Oxf., 1SS5, Svo, 
 was orilaineii 
 in tho'Cburcb of England, and was some time vicar in 
 ('bollonham ; afterwards a minister of the Scotch Church 
 in Cheltenham. 1. Sacerdotalia : tbe Iligb-Priest ol 
 Israel a Type of Christ : being an Abstract of Sermon' 
 delivered "in tbe Church of Scotland, Cbeltonham, Lon,. 
 1881, Svo. 2. The Death of Aaron, and tbe Hidden 
 (irave of .Moses, Lon., 1887, cr. Svo. 
 Walker, James Manders. The History of tbo 
 Oxford University Chess Club, compiled from the Club 
 St. (Jeurgo's'Eye and Eisr Hospital, .to. . Liverpool. Es- 
 says in Oiihtbalmology, Lon., 18711, p. Svo, 
 Walker, tJeorge Kalph. Coming Home ; or, 
 Sitbors to (irind : a Fireside Story, Lim., IS?:',, p. Svo. 
 Walker, Gertrude, and Jeuks, Harriet S. 
 Songs and Games for Little Ones, Host., ISS8. 
 Walker, Jerome, M.O, 1, How we raised our 
 Baby : with an Introduction by tbe Author of " Uelens 
 Babies," N. York, 1S77. .sq. IKino. Anon. 2. The FirH 
 Baby : his Trials and tbe Trials of bis Parents, N. York, 
 issi, 12ino. :i. Health Lessons: a Primary Book, -N. 
 York, 1887, 12ino. 
Iipritanco, Lon. 
 aim, nnJ other 
 Walk , John. 
 Ar""' „,„MCr„' ,,.';„;.'"; ,/" f--"< «i.h Prom 
 '■"M.,;, l:r,,„ 'V Ti, '{,"' 'l"''^->;.<'V-t,Ms|l„vi,,, 
 M.inu„l : „iih „n Art l/,n,l,:K„''';V '''';: " ''^ 
 l-.iii.. I,H,SC, ,,. Hvo! I. i'l",. <| '' ' '"'"""""Kiniw 
 Hii'l Iii«ou.e, t.dii., is.s'r I, 'sv„ 
 * • '""' '**"*• '"•■luine.l |,H,i|,. perpetual 
 -,. ..- L„,* ,. „,,„j , i:^;;;i;;;:i:;:i",:,f ;;;„ ;",',.."i -;■ m;;.;:;;';-,;;: 
 ^■'lle, IM«7-T„, The '|„',i, ';''■«;; •''':''""'• '""inox- 
 ' M,"k ,1 „ '(. ''""'■ '"••'"■''" fi'Hn the Sketch. 
 ""'7^1.. Ten ^„r,„o„5: Lon., IsVV r.,,;" ^''"""'" ^'- 
 ti.""^i?'7V ^*''!n'"'nn«. K,.,tw;rd 
 «nlker,T. A.,,M,„„truc.tnr 
 rue Severn Tiiiiuol 
 >;; I. ,. :;.l•^M■e.,^,,■^,,wll!;,,,;; '..'V^' 
 S7.. . . ro.peelive .AL-ri.M.Uur,. i„ \^ I , , u ' 
 va.ti«,:ti,,„;;^;::i^^ ::'[;;,/■---;-. ...ji. 
 Coni-tilui,,!,. an. I „f (he nil v 1?. "" *>''lfnil 
 <'"nc.,.r,l, in wl,'".,; , "s n t ru.:!''''', '■'f''''!;'',''''? •"■ I 
 ,s\',,. '• 'fni>t. Host., ISMH 
 Therapeutic^, f'„n,l' u,,, Iti , , "'"",'•' ■^'"'"'k^"' 
 tl.oi.Jv. hy V H >^.| "'^"'l"« »«J Cellular I'a- 
 Mi;..ene. Crete, ;^:^,;:;:i.;-:'tr;;^^t,^!;:;? 
 Egypt, Pulea- 
 I'liiliy and Illust. I, 
 IMNS, 1-. 
 ■vern Tunnel. 
 I I>ifliciiltle3. 
 , •^■"•jf .'inii r ana 
 I in the l.ifu ,,f a Curate, 
 Vouiiduiohiigai"r'p tI' ;:^^^^ "I': !":•. '"I'M '• 
 I'l^' ">ve to ,).„t ,„ h i Paten, "r 7''"\^ '.'L'"^ ••«'- 
 vailing Cause «hi,\^ .'TT,'!" " """"' "f "'" ''''■■- 
 "ndtieusnph^ ',,,;'"' V "• '"''''«"■ C""M"oreial, 
 iii™n.'^:-.!t~^ •'"•=''';-•' [""-.vol. 
 ".. Ecele.,ia,,iioal lii'-snud.y'-l.Mi';;'" ,-'!"=''''"-'• '^•■^- 
 "I'ree Cliureh" i„,,v,.„ ,.,,, n ' ' ' ''•'^'■iliiilj' perin,!, [thu 
 mori.1 Of „„ Mnpc,rt«,:i'S!^;;.;;ri!.sji.^;^^;:;M::i;-'^-. 
 ■*. Tl .rii 
 Hook, t B?ble Ja.'eT'';l'on ''7s° '. '"1"''>'- <""'""'- 
 l-rnel^lllCn , i n^:^ ^^-«e S..teu, ,.rMei: 
 ■■"^i- the p.,.u,lony„,eof t1 ^H^g, 7' "'-■''-" •""'ii.hecl 
 fessor of clra'v 4re,U ;^,^ J "d H '"f' '''.^'''- ' " l""" 
 "rt. I. Lessons on An 1 ami V '"''"*' ' ''"''' "» 
 r.»n,l.cape. Lon., I,s7(l s.o \':^'"''M;' m>'>od to 
 ish Land,.cape -a Work fl^s. > '•'"•^■~ 'reesof IJrit- 
 3. Hand-Boo'k\;f"l,™ ,g 'u' "','T-'.^. V,',"-' i'^'^' ^'°- 
 I.N79. r. !^vn. ' fi |. !, n':. .1" '"•.'"' .'""I" Ones, Lon.. 
 Walker, P.M. i.>i„', \v 
 'oe and Erin's Weal; or, 
 Ii-,.l..„ 1 • • '•""■■* "oe and I 
 Inland a. she ,., ha.s been, and u,|ght be : a Poem, im, 
 »>aiker, II. The Two Threes- Tl f't \tT 1 
 l-nUrnl 8ea: II,.,iday Note.. Lo",',';^'; -o ^' 
 ti,"^!^;''::', .•««;"'>•. The Organi^atio,;"of ..oeie. 
 M'Bll-er K^ "r 'w l^ C"»»Mered, Lon.. |,s7I,Svo. 
 '"t^e'l;:::;^«^;^:^-;f^.;U..I|., graduated 
 Seottish E|dsoopal Clm d IS(2 1 ' '"-'i""""! in the 
 musk since isil 1 {t '?'2; incumbent of M„ny. 
 Alexnnde ,Jo|,, ■ u "7 "^ !'" '"K'" ««verend 
 I.^:'. 12,„o. Tnon''-'^^;',, "'3 "s^^'T,^}'"'^""' 
 Skinnc;,"M.A'- o 'Tintirt" ''""^^ "''.""= ""■• ''^^^ 
 tloen Aithoi o ■ • t m ' ^""'''""le, Doan of Aber- 
 I ■• Win t M arnilvlnt^^^^^^ '^'"-■"^'^<"'- '-^^S 
 I ""e old <1.nv'f".„-n);A/,r«d,';,^'; ,;?;.". «r;preoiato this 
 i and even ^.-ay, „ii tin. s . ,',ii. , <;<"';nv(d to Ix. liappy. 
 (Ill tluMvliolu Mr \Vh uwi''-'^-' "'."'''^ "f rtlerniaii. .'*' 
 mimbl., onfall la car.^n;,l^'"«™P'^ i^ an Vd- 
 -S/JCdator.M 11-3 '"'^ '""J >-'xeciiteii as it is admirable/' 
 4. The Life and' Time.'! of John Sk^.n-.- v 1 
 Abcr.leon, and Primus of tho o ..• C'^^'^i i^ishop of 
 Aberdeen! I."s7 "^ ""^ ^"""'*'' Kjiiscopal Chiiroh, 
 Kp;i:^;;il V!;;,?;i; '^^r^^fH ';;f 'jj!;/:'::!"^"^ '^e scttish 
 ^ ,f^ ' 

 " 3.2 
 •^ I 
 V ^ /,„ *^^ 
 -* 6" - 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 

 (See Dahwin, C. R., tupra.) llo differs, however, from 
 Darwin in nsoribing tlie doveloimient of the mental and 
 moral faculties of man to a pioeess distinct from that of 
 iihysical evolution. Like Professor Croolies and some 
 other scientists, he is a believer in " Siiiritualisni." In 
 recent years he has advocated a scheme for the national- 
 at Exeter College, Oxford, IHTl ; called to the bar at | ization of land and become the president of a society 
 Lincoln's Inn lS7:f. 1. The Partition Acts, IsfiS and ! for the promotion of this object. He v,as ""ardcd the 
 1S78: a Manual of the 1-aw of Partition, Lon., lS7(i, | royal medal of the Royal Society in IW,^ and the gold 
 8vo; 2d cd., eiil., 1H82. 2. A Compendium of the 
 Globe by Proofs of Periodical Changes of the Earth's 
 Ax\f, Ac., Lon., 1871, p. 8vo. 
 Walker, Willinm t'arey. History of the Eigh- 
 teenth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers in the War for 
 the Union. Illust. Norwich, Conn., 1S85, sq. Svo. 
 Walker, William Gregory, b. 18J1I; graduated 
 relating to Executors and Administrators, Lon., 1.HS0, Hvo. 
 With Ei.c.001), EiuiAR.I., K.C.L.. M.A., A Compendium 
 of the Law relating to the Administration of '.he Estates 
 of Deceased Persons; 2d ed., Lon., 188S. 
 Walker, Williston. On the Increase of Royal 
 Power in France under Philip Augustus, 1179-122:!: 
 Dissertation, Leipsic, 1888, 8vo. 
 Wall, A. Condemned to Death, Lon., 1887, p. 8vo. 
 Wall, A. II. Fifty Years of a (Jood Queen's Reign, 
 Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Wall, A. J. Indian Snake Poisons: their Nature 
 and Effects, Lon., 1883, cr. 8vo. 
 Wall, Annie. 1. (Trans.) Is Lying Easy ? a Corn- 
 medal of the Geographical Society of Paris in 1870. Ho 
 is an ocoosional contributor to leading periodicals. 1. 
 The Scientific .Aspects of the Supernatural : indicating 
 the Desirableness of an Experimental Enquiry by Men 
 of Science into 'he Alleged Powers of Clairvoyants 
 and Mediums, Lon., ISIifi, Svo. 2. Contributions to the 
 Theory of Natural Selection : a Series of Essays, Lim., 
 1870, p. Svo: 2d cd., with corrections and additions, 
 1871. 3. On Miracles ami Modern Spiritualism : Three 
 Essays, Lon., 1S75, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1S81. 
 " Mr. Wallace by iin means confines himself to the 
 spiritualistic plienoiiu'iia \vlii<Oi have occurred under hi» 
 own obs<irvatloii or in our own time, but slretclics Ins hy- 
 pothesis ill a nuist ela.'-tic liisliion to all the <icciiricnccs in 
 ancient and nicdia-val history which have over Ijecii re- 
 Mr. Crookcs |" Kcscarclics in 
 edy; from the German of II. Benedix, St. Louis, Mo., I puled to be >*'n'eriNUural Mr (rook^^^^^ 
 IsU 16mo. 2. Outlines of English History, St. Uuis, : il:^,;;i-y;Soi;™a^oSh his ^ifeycsand'a" 
 1880, 12ino. 3. Sordello s Story retold in Prose, Uost., : ij„f„^. witness, but equally pu/zles the uninitiated reader 
 1886, 121110. 
 Wall, Caleb A. Reminisconoes of Worcester, His- 
 torical and Genealogical. Map and Illust. Worcester, 
 Mass., 1877, Svo. 
 Wall, Charles II6ron-. 1. (Trans.) The Works 
 of Moliiire in English Prose, Lon., 1876-77, 3 vols. cr. 
 Svo. 2. The Student's French (Jrammar: with an Intro- 
 duction by E. Littre, Lon., 1878. 3. Practical Grammar 
 of the Portuguese Language, Lon., 1882, cr. Svo. 
 Wall, Kdward Cant-, son of George Favell Cant ; 
 assumed the additional surname of iVall ; called to the 
 bar at Gray's Inn 1876. Ireland under the Land Act : 
 Letters to the " Standard," Lon. 1882, or. Svo. 
 Wall, Grorge, F.L.S., P.R.A.S. 1. Go id and Evil 
 in their Rclmion to the Dispensation of Providence, 
 Lon., ISSfi, p. Svo. 2. The Natural Hittory of Thought 
 In its Practical Aspects, from its Origin in Infancy, Lon., 
 1887, Svo. 
 " Attention has of late years been drawn to the genesis 
 and development of thought, both in this country niul 
 America. '1 he subject has u twofold interest,— speculative 
 and practieiil. It is the latter which .Mr. Wall cliiclly deals 
 ■with ill til's very able and interesting work."— .-Icuit., 
 xxxiv. '."21. 
 Wall, Rev. George William, M.A., graduated 
 at St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. 1846; ordained 1847; per- 
 petual curate of liurnside, Westmoreland, 18,00-69, and 
 since then vicar of Uickcrstiiffe. I. The Student's 
 Prayer-Book ; being Notes, Historical and Explanatory, 
 on the Book of Common Prayer, Lon., 1870, 12moi 2d 
 ed., 1883. 2. The Student's Proper Psalms for Certain 
 Days, Lon., I8S4, 12mo. 
 Wallace, Rev. Adam, [ntite, vol. iii., mid.] 1. 
 A Modern Pentecost, Phila., 1872, Hvo. 2. The Earnest 
 Minister : a Biography of It. V. Lawrence, Phila , 1873, 
 Wallace, Rrv. Alexander, D.D., [nnte, vol. iii., 
 Wallace, Rkv. ALKXANOKFi.and Wallace, ALEXANnEii, 
 add.] 1. The Desert and the Holy Land. Illust. Eilin., 
 1S68; 2d ed., 1S82, p. Svo. 2. Sketches of Life and 
 Character, Glasgow, 1809, p. Svo: new ed., 1872. 3. 
 The Gloaming of Life: a Memoir of .Tames Stirling, 
 Glasgow, 187a, p. Svo. 4. The Clouds of the Bible: 
 Sermons, Glasgow, 1878, p. Svo. 5. One from the Ranks : 
 a Life Story, Glasgow, 1878, 12iuo. 6. The Model Life, 
 and other Discourses, (ihisgow, I87C, p. Svo. 
 Wallace, Alexander, M.D., .M.R.C.P., b. 1829; 
 graduated at Trinity Cidlege, Oxford, I8.i2; consulting 
 physician to the Essex and Colchester Hospital. Notes 
 on Lilies and their Culture ; 2d ed., Lon., 1879, Svo. 
 Wallace, All'red Russell, K.K.S., F.R.O.S., 
 D.C.L., [f(ii(c, vol. iii., add.,] b. at Usk, Monmouthshire; 
 was educated as an architect and surveyor, but gave up 
 this profession in ordor to devote himself to scientific re- 
 search. He has made several extensive tours with tho 
 view of studyina the flora and fauna of different regions, 
 including South America, the Malay Archipelago, Aus- 
 tralia, Ac. The course of these investigations led him 
 to abandon the belief in an original creation of distinct 
 species of animals, and to formulate a theory of evolu- 
 tion substantially tho same as that which Darwin was 
 then engaged in working out but had not yetannounoed. 
 by the suddenness of the leuji which he takes Ironi llie 
 simple plieiiomena of niediunislilp to the nio.'-t advanced 
 instances of what is eulled in the spiritual jargon ' ma- 
 terialization,' imssiiiE at the same time fr' ni the attituilo 
 of a scientific^ Bcei>ti'c to that of a religious enthusiast. — 
 Acad., viii. fi'22. 
 4. Tho Geograjihical Distribution of Animals; with 
 Study of the Relations of Living and Extintt Faunas, 
 1 elucidating the Past Changes of tho Earth's Surface, 
 1S76. 2 vols. Svo. 
 It has been the aim of Mr. Wallace, in this important 
 workof M-ieiitifie descriitiiMi iiii(i classification, to set fortli 
 a scheme of ' );e( t;iapliical zoology' with reference to the 
 origin of species, as Hflccted by past or present conditions 
 of the different terreslrial regions. A corresponding stmy 
 is tliat of ' zoological geogrniihy,' which is here previously 
 treated of . . . He finds reason to believe ilmt the ninjii- 
 laiid of Europe and Asia, and likewise of North Amcrila, 
 existing as land from before the earliest of the ■fertiury 
 periods, constituted the area in which alone the nicecs- 
 sive Ivpes 01 vertebrate animal struciure were oriKiniilly 
 produced. . . . We are griitilicil by the masterly skill with 
 which Mr. Wallace bus mMi>luillcd an immense number 
 and complex variety of facts info his detailed exis.silion 
 of a threefold argument, dealing with cliissifivd zool „'y, 
 with piiUcimtology, uiid with physical geography, in sup- 
 port of bis ideas. . . . Mr. Wallaces labours cannot fail to 
 be highlv useful, and w littt he shows us is not less deli^lit- 
 ful, apart f'rcmi its value as a contribution to the 'Dar- 
 winian' theory."— 6'a(. Ucv., xlii. 172. 
 5. Tropical Nature, and other Essays, Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 " The first four |es.«nvs] contain vivid descriptions of the 
 principal aspects of ■ tropical Nature.' while the remainder 
 are more or less devoted to llie flieorv of evolution, and to 
 the explanafions which it oilers of the causes and origin 
 of the said phenomena."— ^Icoif., xiv. 91. 
 6. (Ed.) Australasia: with Ethnological Appendix by 
 A. II. Kcane, (" Stanford's Compendium of Geography 
 and Travel,'') based on Hellwald's "Die Erde,' Lon., 
 1879, cr. 8vo: 3d ed., 1883. 
 'The original German work has .supplied only a tenth 
 of the matter of the volume. For the majority of the rest 
 it is indebted to Mr. Wallace. Mr. A. H. Keane has. how- 
 ever, snpplii'd a valuable etlinograiihical appendix."— .'<(((. 
 Itei'., xlvii. 8U0. 
 7. Island Life ; or. The Phenomena and Causes of 
 Insular I'liuniis and Floras, including a Revision and 
 Attempted Solution of the Problem of Geological Cli- 
 mates, Lon., 1880, Svo. 
 "Mr. Wallace has entitled himself f<ilx> called the father 
 of the new science of zoologli'ul geography, showing that 
 we have in the present distribution of living things over 
 the earth's sorface a key to the problem of the most uii- 
 eieiit relations of land and water, . . . For this study 
 islands posses*, as he iMiinLs out, special advantages, since 
 Ihev have a restricted area and delliiilc boundaries, and 
 their geographical and geological limits, as a rule, com- 
 cide."— .svi(. ker., 1. 676. 
 " The work throughout aboniids with inleresf. and even 
 the facts themselves with which it is richly stored would 
 be of high value without the theories wliicli they enforce 
 and Illustrate. ... It may bo read with equal pleasure by 
 thosowhoare already acquainted with the general prin- 
 ciples of dlstribiilion. and by th'ise who w!»h Ibr Ibe lirsi 
 time to learn something about modern biological geog- 
 raphy. "—/1(A., No. '2767. 
 S. Ishinils, lis illustrating the Laws of the Geograph- 
 ical Distribution of Animals, (" Science Lectures for the 
 ieople,") Lon., 1880. 9. Land Nationalization ; its 
 Necessity and its Aims: being a (.'omporison of the 
 Co., InU '•■ ' ■ 
 Kix years In aVqiiiriiitf a k mwi, h i""f -V ^ 
 capital usoof liistiniL'a ,1 innVrrffi' ' ' ' "e 'ia.s made a 
 many (>thcTs f s*,,H, v»f. V' " ' '"'•K'^'' "-eatinK, with 
 »ai ace . . . has (fiveii to the w-i-' ■■ .>•■'■-''/.■ ' ' ■-'"'^• 
 must impdrlan- ■ •■■■ - ■ 
 11 eoiiceptioii, M-nuiany 
 lionahle in style,"-.svi/. /in:, Ixlii ''"^^ 
 has:VMlH.hUnch'!;s.'/^,T''' '"'"''•"« "' "-" "'Pi'". H 
 whii,. , i"' ;■ ; "" "' l^fuok^'ille, Franklin 
 .1,,. M ■' " '"" »'"''t'nt 'crvcij as a volunteer in 
 Mov,ea„ war; „„ed to ,.„ bar iS487 80";" n 
 •oln^t. "■■' "'"' ""' IToiuoted uiajor-gonerul r tie 
 bad an ,,,^^^ >;«> ^^i^^l'^^-^-^t -^ 
 ..,.rii,...i „. .V.^ . ,"'^' .'.^ f^Kleiit: Mexieaii palaces are de 
 •'Tl^o*^^iln!"' /','." *;8yP.'i"n Question,' L.n., ISS;i, Sv„ 
 .irews and at Lincoln College, Oxford, ,vrriie«;„"du' 
 roiH 18S1 It!' "'".""'' ''b>-'"-i''n. '"tor, dean, an,l, 
 wrli- . ' ^'?''.-P''"*»st- Ho contribiilcd larwlv to 
 periodicals, writing for several years all the S ™l 
 Kal notices for the \Vestnu„,i,,r Hevlew. (^u no 'of 
 Wallace, EUuiii R. Descriptive Guide to the 
 Adirondacks, and iland-liook of iravols to Saratoga 
 '^'i;' W'^' '^'""'' ^"' «'!•. ro*-". If<7fi 
 r..nh **»' »^"e"'ie. Jr. The Amateur Photog- 
 r. .her : a Alanual of I'hologrnphio Manipulation „th 
 ""'"■•> 1884, 12mo; :i(l ed., 188S 
 n„,f '!?''"' F»-e«tericU T. " Men m,d Events of 
 Halt a Century, Cleveland, 1882, 8vo. 
 iiiaddTf'rT '■'*•'! iWn«well, Lady, [„„«., vol. 
 ia- f.„;-' >l '''""'•' Alexandra Feodorowna, of Rus- 
 .>oi8. 8vo. 2. (Irans.) A (ierman Peasant Romance- 
 Ella and her Vulture, by Wilhelmina von Uiller^ Lon j 
 hav:^';;;.^;!-^;:^"''«''^;^{jaTisioH;:ar',i;;^^i!; ,hat we 
 [B^. V^heL;^:;^/^:;.^;:-i,N;jork,i88«, 
 Ufe'of "i. ■*• T^"^" "/ """"'" l^"^^" "">■"«'"'! [also] the 
 king's Royal, Rifle Corps, formerly the Sixty-Second ,^r 
 K r Churcif m„ ""^ert, pastor of Cathcart Road 
 f ,„ • ^""""' ."l»«Kow. The Doctrines of I'redes. aa- 
 tion Reprobatim,. and Election, Edin., 188(1, 12,„o 
 rur 1" Sv^n^rV'"'^'"" "' "«"™l""« and 
 luiai economy in the Iniversty of EdinburL'h nml 
 formerly professor of agriculture Z the Col![^'e „'l'cir"e"n 
 I8sr-„ Sen T '";«-S.">l< "f «reat Britain, Edin , 
 Lon : ,'88h^h;.„ '■ '"'"^ '» '««^- I""«t. Edin. „„d 
 .t ''^JiJ^^ntti-i^i^^-s-^rs,!;? ;,:;;:i^j^ 
 ^,ri„gs^....orgc,.c. .,ap,;-sy™^^^.e^^ 
 bta"'^^;;!^:^;'^ "" ^"J,;' v^?y'sn.«irpcrvU,;iagri^ 
 ?^^«;2:rti3,s SS ™ - 
 written f,ook."-:i"/, .vi; afJi'"'"''' '^ "'ougntful and well- 
 ^s?''^":;s%.^:^''*'•■ a Ufe. Destiny, Un., 
 187T""Hvo''2""d"8«V ,'• J'f.^r,'''^ "-"• ^O"- 

 Wttllace, Hoger William, b. 1S54; called to the 1 
 bar at the MiilJIo Tuiiiple 1882. 1. Practice fir obtain- I 
 ing Letters Patent for Inventions. 2. Patenis, Designs, 
 and Trado-Marka Act, 188:i : with Notes, i.e., l.on., ; 
 1884, p. 8vo. 
 Wallace, Susan Arnold, (KIston,) b. 18,30, at 
 Crawfordsville, Ind. ; iiiuriicd, 1852, to Ueneral hevih 
 Wallace, Miipi-a. 1. The Storied Sea, Host., 188;i, IBnio. 
 2. Gincvra; or, The Old Oak Chest: a Christmas .Story. 
 Illustrated by Lew Wallac". N. York, 1887, sq. 8vo. ;i. 
 The Land of the Pueblos. Illust. N. York. 1888, 12mo. 
 Wallace, William, JI.A.. brother of Edwin Wal- 
 lace, «i/;)/.i .• graduated at Merton College, Oxford, 18R8; 
 Fellow 1S()7; tutor, deiin. librarian, proctor, sub-warden ; 
 lecturer at Oriel College 1873-74 : Whyte's iirofessor of 
 moral philosophy since 1882. 1. (Trans.) The Logic of 
 Hegel; from the Encyclopicdia of the Philosophical! 
 Sciences: with Prolegonienn, O.xf, 1874. 8vo. 2. Epi- | 
 cureanism, ("Chief Ancient Philosophies,") Lon., 1880, 
 12nio. .S. Kant, ("Philosophical Classics for Ei,gliah , 
 Readers,") Edin., 1882, 12ino. j 
 Wallace, llev. William Bailey, graduated at 
 Trinity College, Dublin, 18()7: ordained 1870; rector of ^ 
 Moresby, Cumberland, 1875-79, and since then vicar of j 
 Lannarth. The Eucharistic Sacrifice, the Eucharistio 
 Presence, and the Eucharistio Blessings: Three Sermons, 
 Lon., 1875, 8vo. 
 Waller, Mr;). Maude's Visit to Sandybeaoh; new 
 ed., Lon., 1884, 18mo. 
 Waller, Uryan Charles, M.D., F.R.C.S. Edin., 
 late lecturer on pathology at the School of Medicine, i 
 Edinburgh. 1. The Twilight Land, and other Poems, 
 Lon., 187.'), 12mo. 2. An Investigation into the Micro- | 
 scopic Anatomy of Interstitial Nephritis, Lon., 1881, p. 
 Waller, Hev. Charles Blaekmore, .M. A., grad- 
 uated at Worcester College, O.\ford, 1846; ordained 
 184(1; vicar of St. Paul's, Woodford, London, since 1855. 
 1. The Apocalypse viewed under the Light of the Doc- ' 
 trinesof the I'nfidding Ages and the Restitution of All 
 Things, Lon., 1878, 8vo. 2. The Bible Record of Crea- 
 tion, viewed in its Letter and Spirit : Two Sermons, Lon., ; 
 1885, 12mo. 
 Waller, Rev. Charles Henry, M.A., graduated 
 at University College, Oxford, l86;i: ordained 1864; : 
 minister of St. .John's Chapel, Hampstead, 1870-74;: 
 McNeile Biblical professor in the Lond.n College of 
 Divinity 1882, and principal and chajdain 1884. 1. The j 
 Names on the Gates of Pearl, and other Studies, Lon., 
 1875, 12mo; new ed., 187!t. 2. Adoption and the Cove- 
 nant: Some Thoughts on Confirmation, Lon., 1876, cr. 
 8vo. 3. A Grammar an<l Analytical Vocabulary of the 
 Words in the Greek TestamenR Lon., 1S78. p. Svo. 4. 
 The Silver .Sockets, and other Shadows of Redemption, 
 Lon., 1881, p. 8vo. 5. "When ye Pray;" or, Le.-sons 
 on Prayer, Lon.. 188:!, p. Svo. 6. Deuteronomy: with 
 Commentary, ("Commentary for Schouis,") Lon., 1885, 
 12mo. 7. Every-Day Life; or, The Ineventful Journey, 
 Lon., 1885, p. 8'vo. 8. The Authoritative Inspiration 
 of Holy Scripture. Lon., 1887, p. Svo. '.K Iland-Book 
 of the Epistles of SI. Paul, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. (He is 
 also the author of the " Commentary on Deuteronomy and 
 Joshua" in Bishop Ellicotl's Old Testament Commentary) 
 Waller, J. U. German-English Medical Diction- 
 ary, Lon.. 1 884, ISmo. 
 Waller John Francis, LL.D., [aulr, vol. iii., 
 add.] 1. i'ictures from English Literature. Illust. 
 Lon., 1870, 4to. 2. The Revelations of Peter Brown, 
 Poet and Peripatetic, found in his Black Box. By Jona- 
 than Freke Slingsby, [pseud.] Lon., 1870, Svo ; new ed., 
 1872. 3. FestivalTales, Dublin, IS72; new ed., 1878, 
 p. Svo. 4. (Ell.) Gulliver's Travels: with Explanatory 
 Notes and a Life of the Author. Illust. Lon., 1875, 
 8vo; new ed., 18S2, 4to. 5. Boswell and Johnsim : their 
 Companions and Contemporaries, Lon., 18,^1, ISmo. 
 Waller, Rev. John Thomas, graduated at 
 Trinity College, Dublin, 1850; ordained 18,-|0; rector of 
 Kilcornan since 1855. 1. The Mass, Dublin, 1S82, Svo. 
 2. Baptismal Regeneration a Blasphemous Fable: Letters 
 to Canon Crosthwaite, 1SS3, Svo. 
 Waller, S.E. Six Weeks in the Saddle; a Painter's 
 Jn.irn;il in Iceland. Illust. 1874. i>. «vo. 
 " A very lively and readable book.' — /KA., No. 2412. 
 Walley, 'I'liomas. The Four Bovine Scourges: 
 Pleuro-Pneumonia, Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Cattle 
 Plague, Tubercle, (Scrofula,) Edin.. 1879, r. Svo. 
 W allich, (ieorge Charles, M.D., F.R.O.S., [ante, 
 vol. iii., add.,1 surgeon-major in the Indian army ; re- 
 tired. 1. Eminent Men of the Day Photographed, Lon., 
 1S70, 4to. 2. Deep-Soa Researches on the Biology of 
 Globigerina, Lon., 1876, Svo. 
 Walling, tJeorge W. Ror' lections of .1 New 
 York Chief of Police. Illust. N. >ork, 1887, Svo. 
 Wallis, Alfred, and lleitirose, William, The 
 Pottery and Porcelain of Derbyshire: a Sketch of the 
 History of the Fictile Art in the County, Lon., 1 870, Svo. 
 W'allis, Charles. A Dictionary of Water-Colour 
 Techniciuc, Lou., 1SS5, 12mo. 
 Wallis, Charles Woodward, M.A., graduated 
 at Wadham College, Oxford, IS75; called to the bar at 
 the Middle Temple 1S71. (Trans.) The Law of Italy 
 relating to Concessions : Railways and Tramways Ex- 
 propriation and Companies, Lon., 18S0, er. Svo. 
 Wallis, (J. Language by Touch: a Narrative, 
 Lon., 187.'t, 12mo. 
 Wbllis, George, F.S.A., [imie, vol. iii., second of 
 the name there mentioned, add.] Jewelry, ("British 
 Manufacturing Industries,") Lon., 1876, 12mo. 
 Wallis, Harry. The Foundering of the "North- 
 fleet," 22d January, 1873, Lon., 1873, Svo. With 
 FLETcnEii, M., Leaves of Fancy, [verse,] Lon., 1873, 
 Wallis, Henry, of Biggin Hill, Norwood, Eng. 
 1. Notes on some Early Persian Lustre Vases. Illust. 
 Lon., 1887. 2. Notes on some E.\amples of Karly Per- 
 sian Pottery. Illust. 1887. 
 Wallis, Henry White, d. 1887; graduated with 
 honors at Cambridge in 1883; gained the prize in He- 
 brew in the Theological Tripos of 18S4 ; gained the llib- 
 bert studentship and went to Germany, where he studied 
 the Veda, under Prof Roth, at Tubingen, and on his re- 
 turn to Cambfidge devoted a year to the study of the 
 Vedanta, with Prof Cowell ; was elected a Fellow of 
 Gonville and Cains College in June, 1887, a month 
 before his death. The Cosmology of the Rig- Veda ; an 
 Essay, Lon., 1887, 8vo. (Published by the Hibbert 
 " Mr. Wallis set before himself a iletlnite and a limited He has necomplislied it with conscientious scholar- 
 ship."— W. W. Hintkk: Acad., xxxii. 301. 
 Wallis, John Calvin. A Prodigious Fool, Phila., 
 1S8I, 12mo; new ed.. 1883. 
 Wallis, Talhot H. Catalogue of the California 
 State Library, Law Department, Sacramento, 18sfi, 8vo. 
 Walnisley, Herbert Edward. Cotton Spin- 
 ning: a Practical Treatise, Manchester, 1883, Svo; 2d 
 ed., rev. and enl., 1SS5. 
 Walmsley, Hugh .Hulleneux, [tiute, vol. iii., 
 add..] son of Sir Joshua Walmsley. 1. The Ruined 
 Cities of Zulu-Land. Illust. Lon., 1869, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 2. The Life-Guardsman, Lon., 1871, 3 vols. p. Svo. 3. 
 Branksome Dene: a Sea-Tale, Lon., 1872. 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 4. Wild Sports and Savage Life in Zulu-Land. l"os'. 
 Lon.. 1872, Svo; new ed., 1879. 5. The Life •■■ 
 Joshua Walmsley, Loii., 1879, 8vo. 
 " Of Sir Joshua Walmsley himself we seem to have 
 ture, e.\<ept as an ambitious and bard-working polii.c i. 
 who threw all his weight into the scale of the Liluriil 
 party. His lll'e— if wo are to call it a lil'e-will inierest nil 
 imliticians, especially Liverpool p*>oplo, who rem, mber the 
 stirring vears in the earlier part ot the century, Inmi isiv, 
 to 1846. ." . . It is (me of the book's merits that we hour as much of Hmnc aiulCobdenas of Sir Joshua him- 
 ! scW'—Sinrluliir, liil. 49. 
 Wulpole, Arthur Sunuior, M.A., graduated "t 
 Worcester College, Oxford, IS74. 1. (Ed.) The Phormiu 
 of Terence: a Revised Text : wilh Notes and an Intm- 
 duclion, Lon., 1879. 2. (Kd.) Virgi'.'s ilvneid. Book 1.: 
 with Notes and Vocabulary, Lon., 1882, ISmo. 3. (Ed.) 
 Select Fables of Pha'drus: with Notes, Ac, Lon., 1884, 
 Walpole, Charles George, M.A., b. 1S48; cdu 
 cateil at Eton, and at Trinity College, Cambridge; called 
 to the bar at the Inner Temple 1873; president of the 
 district court, Cyprus, since 1882. 1. A Rubric of tli- 
 Common Law : being a Short Digest of the Common 
 Law, illustrated by Leading Cases, Lon., 1880, Svo. -. 
 A Short History of the Kingdom of Ireland, from tlo 
 Earliest Times to the Union with Great Britain: with 
 Maps and Appendices, Lon., 1882, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1SS4. 
 " As .-. fiiiv and readable popular hi.story of Ireland, tin- 
 work is a most useful anil timely contribution."— .dWi., f>". 
 3. The Ottoman Penal Code, Lon., 1S88. 
 Walpole, F. G. Lord Floysham : a. Novel, Lon., 
 1886, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 tory; Mr. "Sii^^n^ru',;:!::,; .^'l;'';"- «,'"• ''"HlHmentary l,ls- 
 vnUie."-.v,„. AVt., xxxvii ,0 "* I"'»f.-M..s cinsidiTuWe 
 >an,i .l-nvXi'Lon" IT" "'' •■'""■-''-^'■-'■-iea in K„g. 
 lanJ, from ,o\' relu f„'n' V'";, ^\ ^ "'''"^^ "f ^^^'K- 
 lie iiarnuivu Ijfco.nes i Jti„ct 'i I ',' '""" Urfwili, ,„„1 
 uttm>.tivc.."-.s;„w„/„,., Ix no ' ""''-''■^ in.|,iri„i,r „,k1 
 Mat,ho>v«, ^";vingli s'iv;;'7>!-::,' '««"' ;•'':" °f ^^t- 
 Miperintendent. of Z;,'„n„7v' V"' ','"'' "'"'^e (hen 
 the London Diocesan ^IM"^^ ""'' "''"-^'"ry of 
 Jlaud-Books.) Lon., ISS3 
 Stoo^o"::;!^,'?^X'''r'"-I''"'0 0nes:". 
 'lained 185;!; vi^r "P. , ''^ H"^ I""'! i or- 
 Throwley, Kent isfo /, |^'' "".-''•■-I'alo lMiS-7(l, of 
 l-^r.l, 12niq 1 (■',,f, •"',''''' '''••f""™ I ion, Lon., 
 Ser„;„n,:ro„., Is:;, kC ""'' A''»'"''""» = Five 
 graduatcl at' Iiamo>cX'ge,''oVfo'''l8, '''.•',',''' 
 I 1S8.1, svo '"'^'''*'' "" ^ »'•'""« Occa.«i„n^ Lon., 
 ' r"-"':!:',"',-,,!*?^^ Y8yo'T„"'r »:•"'-"«•". ^-d.. 
 i Trinity College I) blin fsdi ."""'f ' «™''''""-'J at 
 ' Cashel isr.vfs' „,H| ' ";J,. ' "f"'"'-''' l«^:ii dean of 
 and Leighlln ' ] The V. n" ^""Z"^ ^'""y- F-^rns, 
 l-n., I8ti8,8:„. 2 .ut^,e'il'«"' '^';""'' '" ^^"'""d 
 ■■''le'l., Lon., LS72, 18„"o i T^'T"'!'"""'^''^ ''™J'«" 
 liible, and thei Teadlng; Ion IS-^'^V"^'' "^ '"« 
 for Holv slil.J:."';!:'!^;!';*'™-. •■• I>aiiy Readings 
 Arthur Penrhyn'stanlev D I) M ^ . a Preface by 
 I.on., IS72, ,Svo; 2d ed. |'s7l ' *-"" "' We.-t[uinster, 
 <.fV;Xh'i;!;:;rcilS'J-i'}ho highest and «„est .ense 
 -inioilon for his fidloeis ',,••.,■,!'"'' »:"'!« ^>'^>' in in- 'on of Kub^rt U. Wnlsh"r„*;7"" "■■■■''°^' '» ''""s 
 MriioUon for his 1 
 interest fur all 
 live, the .story ,, 
 ol a synijialhet 
 Xvo 10. The Deealogue'of 
 M VI, '""yl '^""''ay-.^chool Work, Lon IS'*' 
 11. tchoos of Bihio History. Illu„. ' tZ', m?, 
 Wiilsh, William Slieiinrd h i«e. • „ 
 Illust. I'hila.. 1887 4ti. ii i> i " ^ . uiui. 
 and denionstrnt,.; „f ?.".:.''? ''*''' a.«.«i8tant .«urgeon 
 Walsh, John Heiirv PRps r | I'ital, .to. "r'A nli'TtV 'r''r 5'"''.'''"''''"" Free Hos- 
 a.M.,] 18111-1888, h. at Il?e'k„ev F.f; ^"""■' •^■'''- '"- '''^- U.^« "f Student ,t"t "^ '-"'*^."-:!'' '"""">'-'gy. for 
 Kery in Worcester, „„J i 18 7«"etUed in'TT' ^r" I ^'^'V'^' Lon, ls^8 8 ' 2 ?"'" ^ ^ '' '!""'<"»">-'"'« 
 lame editor of The Fio d in Isf- London; be- Mu.sole.s Tendo.H Pa^nil' ^•/"•""•"'« '""1 Diseases of 
 I'o'ilion till his death I (Fi Th" n" '?'""'' """ K^V : I i.-^I'^f f fv',""'' ' "'^"•' ""-"'oradio 8ur- 
 Islands: reprinted from •'.■n 'J ^'', ""'''' "^ '''"' ''"ti'b i 18s'ii 8vo ' q, -foso and Nasal Cavities, Lon 
 ';« ed., 187^' t Th^^iodi r S^: ,!;?r;,:::; Vl" ' ''™' '^"^- ^^ ' ' """' ""'' '™"""^- ^""''' 
 md Kevolvors. Lon.. IS.So.mi .> .'.,.>? """ '!.""• '*'tii-', | 
 Mulxho, Walter IInyl*% M.I)., [.>"(<■, vol. iii., | 
 iidii.] I. Dninmtic .■^inKiiit; Pliysicilogiciilly Kutiiimtod, 
 Lon., IS8I, p. .Svo. 2 Till' Colloquiiil Linguistic Fiiculty 
 iiml its riiysirilogical UroundWDrk, Loii., ISS5, ji. Svo; 
 2il c(l., cnl.. ISSy. 
 » nlNinKhnm, lii>rd. Pi'e I)k. Oiikv, Thomas. 
 WulNillKhnm, C'liiirlottc. (This is snid to bo ft 
 iisei' '■mynic.) 1. .\iinetto ; or, The ("hronicli'." of 
 "Jcl! .■. c, I'hiln., I87.\ 12mo. 2. O'er -Moor und Fen, 
 I'hilft., ISiT), 12mo. ' 
 "Walter, feiii-;ic," (Pseud.) .<co Dki.mah, .\i.- 
 EXAMiKll. mijirii. 
 Walter, J. Munual of tlie t^tiitutes of Limitation ; 
 3d cd.. I,on.. IST'J, 1-. Sra. 
 W alter, Jainex, formerly nmjor of the 4th Liincii- 
 shlre Artillery Volunteers. I. Notes und Sketches dur- j 
 ing an Overliind Trip Iroui New York lo San Francisco, ! 
 Liverpool. ISfiU. 2. Shiikespeiire'.s Houii iid Rural Life. 
 Illust. Lon., 1S71, Ito. :!. The Twenty I'irst Year of 
 Kmbodinieni : the Volunteer Force; History und Miinuiil, j 
 together with :; Couipleto List of ()llicer.s, Lon., L'^SO, 
 I2uio. 4. The liiilish Volunteer of Yesterday and To- 
 Duv : a liuhvink lor Europe's I'eace, Lon., n. d. .'). 
 Meuioriuls of Wiishiufiton, and of Mary, his Mother, and 1 
 Martha, liis Wife; from Letters and I'apers of Robert! 
 Cary and James Sharpies, N. York, 1SS6, 1. Svo. | 
 Walter, John, of Woodlands, Stone. Kent. Hints 
 to Y'oung Sportsmen; or, The (iun. Saddle, and Rod, 
 Lon., 1871, Svo. 
 Walter, Hev. Johnston Estep. The Perception 
 of Space and Matter, Host., 187'.', Svo. 
 " We have rarely read bettor critical pajri's than those 
 in which he review's llaniilton's, Bain's, Spencer's, and 
 Brown's theories of perception."— ,Yu(i'o/i. xx.xi. U'J. 
 Walter, K. O. The Rivalry of Zeuxis and Par- 
 rhasius, (a Historical Drama ;) with other Pieces, [verse,] 
 Hammersmith, L875, llinio. 
 Walter, W. Gregory. The Partition Acts, 1868 
 and ls7f), Lon., 1S76, Svo. 
 Walters, Kev. Eilinond, M.A., graduated at 
 Hertford College, Oxford, 1871; ordained 1S73; rector, 
 of March Tialdon 187t)-S:i, and since then vicar of Lang- , 
 ford, Oxfordshire. 1. The Pearl of Anjou, and other 
 Poems, Lon., 1884. 2. The First Principles of the 
 Faith : a Hand-Iiook of Christian Doctrine, Lon., 1884. 
 ;i Martin Luther; a Poem, Lon., 1SS4. 
 Walters, Henry L. The Political Telephone: a 
 Short Historical Sketch, Lon., 1878, Svo. [ 
 Walters, John Thomas. I. Tory or Liberal; 
 for which shall I vote? Lon., 1880, Svo. 2. Thrift Les- 
 sons ; in Fauiiliar Letters, Lon., 1881, p, Svo ; 2d ed., en- 
 titled "The Art of Thriving," Ac, 1884. 3. Ireland's | 
 Wrongs, and he: .v lo mend them, Lon., 1S8|. 8vo. 
 Walters, Julian. A Cast of the Dice, Lon., 1872, 
 p. Svo. 
 Walters, Sophia Lydia. I. A Dreamer's Sketch- 
 Rook, [verse.] Illust. Lon., IS78, 4to. 2. The Brook ; 
 a Poem, Lon., 1S7'J, cr. Svo. 
 Walters, Kev. William, [miir, vol. iii., add.] 1. 
 Rays of (iolu from the Sun of Righteousness; or, Morn- 
 ing Meditations for Every Day in the Year, Halifax, 
 IStil, 16mo. 2. (Ed.) The History of the Neweastle-on- 
 Tyne Sunday-School. Lon., 1870, Svo. 3. Lessons of 
 Life; Nine Lectures, Lon., 1878, Svo. 4. Life and Min- 
 istry of C. 11. Spurgeon, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 5. Life and 
 Labours of Robert .Moffiit, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 Walters, William Thompson, b. 1S20, in Penn- 
 sylvania; engaged in business, 1841, in Baltimore, Md. 
 He has for many years been an intelligent patron of the 
 fine arts, and owns a valuable collection of paintings. 
 1. (Ed.) Antoino-Louis Barye ; from the French of Va- 
 rious Critics, Bait., 1885, Svo. 2. (Trans.) The Per- 
 cheron Horse ; from the French of Charles d» Hays. 
 Illust. N. York, IsSfi, 4to. Privately printed. 3. 
 Notes upon Certain Masters of the Nineteenth Century, 
 N. York. 1886. 
 Waltham, Edward. Our Journey to Fez, Lon., 
 18'«2, Svo. Privately printed. 
 Walther, II. B. Adams. (Trans.) Woman in the 
 Past, Present, and Future ; from the German of August 
 Rebel, N. York, ISSB, I Brno. 
 Waltoit, .\my. 1. Tli.- Hawth.-rr=: a .Stnrv ahniit 
 Children. Illu.«t. Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 2. Our Frank, 
 and other .Stories. Illust. Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 3. A 
 Pair of Clogs, and other Stories for Children. Illust. 
 Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 4. Susan ; a Story for Children. 
 Illust. Lon., 1888, p. 8yo. 
 Walton, E. 1*. ( Eil.) Records of the Council of Safely 
 and (lovernor and Council of the State of Vermont, 
 177r)-IS12. Illust. Monlpelicr. I S73 -70, 4 vols. Svo. 
 Walton, George Edward, M.I).,b. isny, at Cin- 
 cinnati, 0. : graduated at llillevue Hospital Meilical 
 College 18114; served in the civil war; pnd'essorof med- 
 icine and surgery in Cincinnati College since 1880. I. 
 TheMinirnl Springs of the I'nited Slates and Canada; 
 with Analvses anil .Notes on the Pnuuincnl Spas of Eu- 
 rope, N. York, 1873, l2iiio. 2. (Trans.) The Hygiene 
 and Education of Infants; or, How to take Care of 
 Babies, by the Committee of the Socicte Franfaise 
 d'Hvgicnc. Cin., 188(1, 2lmo. 
 Walton, II. t'. Evcry-Day Wants: a Book on 
 Everything wanting to be known, Lon., 1883, l2mo. 
 Walton, James E. Model Yachts and Model 
 Yacht-Sailing; How to Build. Rig. and Sail a Self-Act- 
 iiig Model Yacht. Illust. Lon.. lS7il, 4to. 
 Walton, Mrs. Oftaviiis Krank. I. My Little 
 Corner; a Book for Cottage Homes, Lon., 1872, lOmo. 
 Anon. New ed., 1870. 2. Angel's Christmas, Lon.. 
 IS77, ISino. 3. A Peep behind the Scenes. Lon., 
 1877, p. Svo. 4. My Mates and I, Lon., IS78, p. Svo. 
 5. Saved at Sea; a Light-llouse Story, Lon., 18711, 
 sip Kinio. ti. Was I Right? Lon., 1879, p. Svo; new ed., 
 1884. 7. Little Faith; or. The Child of the Toy-Stall 
 Lon., 1880, ICiiio. 8. Olive's Story ; or. Life at Havens- 
 clifle, Lon., ISSl. p. Svo. SI. Christie's Old Organ; or. 
 Home, Sweet Home, Lon., 1882, imp. Svo. 10. Nobody 
 Loves Me, Lon., 1883, sip I61110. II. Shadows; Scenes 
 and Incidents in the Life of an Old Arm-Chair. Illust. 
 Lon., 1S84, sq. lOiiio. 12. Taken or Left, Lon., 188.'), 
 12mo. 13. Launch the Life-Boat, Lon., 1886, 4to. 14. 
 Our Gracious Queen ; Jubilee Pictures and Stories from 
 Her Majesty's Life, Lon., 1886, 4to. 15. Poppy's Pres- 
 ents. Illust. Lon., 1886, 12mo. 
 Walton, T. II. Coal-Mining Described and Illus- 
 trated. Illust. Lon., 1885, 4to. 
 W Hiton, W . M. The Life and Adventures of Ben 
 Thompson, the Famous Texan. Illust. Austin, Tex., 
 1884, llliuo. 
 Waltoin, W. Mpencer. "Rest and Victory;" 
 with a Preface by K. W. Moore, Lon., 1885, 16mo. 
 Walworth, Kev. Clarence Alphonsus, [:nite, 
 vol. iii., Wai.woiith, Rkv. C, add.,] b. IS2II; graduated 
 at Union College 183S; admitted to the bar 1841; 
 studied for the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal 
 Church, but eventually joined the Roman Catholic 
 Church and was ordained |iriestj rector of St. Mary's 
 Church, Albany, N.Y., since 1864 ; one of tha founders 
 of the order of Paulists in the I'nited States. Andia- 
 toroctf, or, The Eve of Lady-Day on Lake George, and 
 other Poems, Hymns, and Meditations in Verse, N. York, 
 1888, Svo. 
 Walworth, Mrs. Ellen, (Hardin,) b. 1832, at 
 Jacksonville, III.; wife of Manstield Tracy Walworth, 
 i?/'to. Saratoga : the Battle, Rattlo-Ground Visitors' 
 Guide. Maps. N. York, 1877, 4to. 
 Walworth, Miss Ellen Hardin, daughter of 
 the iireceding, b. IS.'iS, at Saratoga Springs, N.Y. An 
 Old World as seen through Young Eyes, N. York, 1877. 
 cr. 8.0. 
 Walworth, Mrs. Jennctte Ititchie, (Ilader- 
 mann,) b. 1S37, in Philadelphia; daughter of Charles 
 Julius Hailermann, formerly president of JcfTerson Col- 
 lege ; married to Douglas AValworth, of Natchez; resi- 
 dent in New Y'ork. 1. Forgiven at Last, Phila., 1870, 
 ]2mo. 2. The Silent Witness, 1871, 12mo. 3. Dead 
 Men's Shoes, Phila., 1872, 12mo. 4. Against the World, 
 Bost., 1873, 12mo. 5. Heavy Y'okes: a Romance of 
 Southern Life, Host., 1874, Svo. 6. Nobody's Business, 
 N.York, 1878. sq. 12mo. 7. Matry and I, Memphis, 
 Tenn., 1883, 12mo. 8. The Bar Sinister, N. York, ISS,,, 
 12mo. 9. Scruples. N.York, 1886, 12ino. 10. The New 
 Man at Rossmore, N. York, ISSti, Svo. II. At Bay, 
 1887. 12. .Southern Silhouettes, N. York, 1887, 12mo, 
 (Relates to the period before the war.) 
 "The pictures are clearly and daintily drawn, and they 
 are truthful even in tlicir fuimor."— jVit(/oh, xlvl. 36. 
 13. That Girl from Texas, N. York and Chic, 18ss, 
 l2mo. 14. True to Herself, N. York, 1888, 12mo. 15. 
 A Strange Pil^rrimaze. N. York, ISSS, Igmo. IB. With 
 out Blemish ; To-Day's Problem, N. York, 1888, l2nio. 
 V/alworth, M. T. Twenty (Questions : a Shori 
 Treatise on the Game; to which are added Rules an.i 
 Specimen Games. By Hotspur. N. York, 1882, sq. 
 «..KMH^f"','^r^'r"" '"^?'' f""'- ->. iii„ 
 Ma,Hk, N. V,.,.|,,',.sf^"";,„^;- "cverl^-, „r, The Whitr 
 ;'<e!',- onl,ti„e,l IS ' i- ' ,';'"^""' 'i""''''-"'' "■^''"'''' 
 llonryiinj Mmcarut In„l i. , •^"""'''"^' •-mci. INS.',. 
 l-'uthor an,l Mofher L<m l !'s ."''''™''' ^ .Manorial, „f „ 
 «n"S'!;:il:'r::;"','f- ^'- '--f r„„,, ,,,.0,, 
 ^Tho Uas-KngineorV cilemieal Man- I » 
 iml, Lon., IHsii,,,. s,-,). 
 n'vJaines Alfred, M.U.c.s., 1. 
 i'lryatuelLfe,;';;;;:^'';"' ''".«" •-"""'"' «''«""- 
 ••■hoinjstrv lit tijo Inii,l,,„ i .• . ' """ "'"lo.-aor uf 
 on clM.„i.trya"a,'^^i^, "';;••';;»» "i"''?'" '«^-'"-r 
 I. Milk Anal,: 'raiCtTol'l ?''''."' " >"""'« "'""•'•«< 
 nation of Milk an lir, n",.-^ ''''''''''« "» 'I'" K-''a">i- 
 W. J., Broad Analv.-ia: a Practi ., 1 rv ,• ' ^'""'^■"> 
 «um;atiun of Broad, L on . Iss i 's''™ " ""/'"' '^•^■ 
 Waiiliss, T. D I T f. ' "• """■ '^'i- 'S"*"- 
 Victoria, J.on., IS7U 8v„ 9 ,<;""'*""'''"«") Contest in | 
 INoafor'Natlo;.a,,Se'„fi;„";„, -."^^'.-.f,;''^': ^-'^i'- - ' 
 Praotiee, Chic ,"ss;j*,4,o "''■"'""' "" I'^^'iamentary 
 i8.?"trra'n5taVsl'rrn P''"",' ^■'^'•"- '■^••■'- 
 1853. in South Austral wl ore |T "'"' "'"'"''• '''""" 
 cmumand of the colonia?,,ol ™ f„ ° «"'\"|ip"in(ed to the 
 t"ol<, in company wU i' ™I° ^V '? »"''«""'ie'- 
 expedition into the i m an 1 i '"{ .'"■^"^''■^••''" 
 great ditficultios and „■ v alio j Z -^^ '",■'''"" "'' 
 region intervoniDgbetwerthe'l.tT, '''*'' [''" "''"'" 
 western sea-board? Journev an ' , h ^f'^'^V^ ""'' "'« 
 of Australia: with an ?nL?i ,■ "'" ^^.''''«''" '"'"!"■• 
 ,.^!!,""-','"(rodiir.ti„„ . . . Mr eharl,.« h i- . r 
 expl.irallon, from KyreVrem^^^^^^^^^^ "' ■^"^traliaii 
 "' -■• «-.....<,,'-?. "."'"rkablejonriioy ali.nj; the 
 ---1.. "1111,1,11, irom hyres rr'niiii-i/,.r,i . ■ "" ■voMraiiaii 
 ^;no;^]S^ «-" ^i«htx;rt'^,i^"--^,.«'^;;i;j^ 
 voK*'m.!"add"l'''fT'?"t«'"«« K«er.„„, [„„„ 
 [verso, 'Lon ,875 2 Cm "^v*^ "" ''"■• '""'d'o- ' 
 ^peetor of schools ISM-S an, o7 r in"'"'"',',' "'' ^ "'- 
 S.^; procurator for the , oan „„?. V ?"*' "'"''K'-'' '•■*'"'- 
 -^ineo I8«|, Edward I " ^,?^„'^^'"V't''r of Winchester 
 t'^ry,") Lon., IS™ 8vo'' < ^''"°''« "^ J'odern Hi,. 
 cSu?,?',':.!;;., f^sg;;""'"'-' «■''="=" "^ «• Th«m,. of \ 
 new "'J'l'stfi-.'^- ^'"""'« Victory, Lon., 187.3, p. 8vo, ! 
 .. Ward, Adolphiis Hiliinm ru»n r i 
 II"., add.,] b. 1837 at It,.,,,. V j 'r "• "•' f"'"'^- vol. ' 
 «ern,an;;nd at l-^te 1 'u "''r,?,1' ^T"^"'!' "'»™'<'d i" 
 -rof bi^tory il, (JwTn;'™ J;'''',';':i:^f ^ ^ecanjo profo.s- 
 'f '"nv principal of thoool lece lie I,',', '*■' "J S(i(j, and 
 "f «uoonfAn„t,"C wTt^oliTo! "^^ '" ""^ ^-"' 
 Hkc'iio li;;,;;;^^;::t!;;,;';-|-;';'];-no wri,e Of a .„4e,.t 
 has pr,„lu,r,l a nsenu ,i; 1 .'',.'"'■ •,■ ■ Mr. War.l 
 Mil- ."eha.SKiv,.n,uialvsi.s',,r„ ,r ' " •'■•li"lt'nt .■an con- 
 mtl.'.sm nj,,,;; mn.M ■•,,',',, ' ".,>;'7:"'."'"ny plays and a 
 I'^'runre is. liowevcT, .still ,;,''«r|^;^';;'r.vnl,,dr.u„all,. 
 ivo! ""'"™'' '"'•'"«'-" '^"" "n-e.a''s;)u;n:;Ts79.p. 
 s.mi^i!!';ji? ;;;:; s.i;;'^ !;::„!^^™!?vo ,,ve pop„,ar 
 »b| ' 1 as now afliioved."-.i,,/ /,■ ! "'.,,V"'L',"'riH" soliolar- 
 inman „au,,,, and .,„,■,. ^,';"'„','r1'-'r "/ <'"■ sterols of 
 iiin what .wnis to is (/,["'"' '""' ''"nllv fmnid In 
 ""n niim . I 11 he 111,1,1.. 11 „ - ,r'' l>"lei,l,i.s,.,,,„. ,,f , ■ 
 t^xlravaKaneo."4>,;rfX; W 7!^ "'"«"' '" '"-^ whimsi.^al 
 iV.,l.nevV,^'V-df «:■;'/,■■'' ">'«"'"'^' '•''""""« ^'"""ge 
 ";'nf st,:^';r?oa'Yr''i8fii^ \ *•"'"-' »'. 
 Maps. (" Through Gu do" Spr ; t '?'" ^^ouDt'es. 
 ■i. Ireland, fl'art 11 )TL w .^ ^''"- '•^«3, 12mo. 
 I'ublin, A- ., "iVroui ' idJ't' ""'V'"""'' '""'"ding 
 Cornwall, 1885 'w th it, •.' ^o""' I>"-<'n and South 
 I for Cne'n, Lonl^LssIr;-^ .^Jf ™ ^-'^'-■' a Chapter 
 ' n.e"";t^-fei:i:"L;„'"'l^;|?"f-f -"-"al for Sports- 
 i-oTrot^^^S'^'ir i^^r-'^^^^^ 
 story of Avis,'Bostr';^7'r.'"«:ro' f"""'^ '«"• ''• The 
 tru.?,":;5?i,.',viifrr .;fnlJ';i'^ai;■';^ vf, ™-'v -p--«i 
 "iliJUKal inlellitlty. . A, sn,rv nf,i '"■ 'i^"^ record of 
 and fnl! „f p-ttv l.\ ,,;,:, 'IV '^ory. altlmnKh a paitif.i! .-,„e 
 of fact."-y„(,„;,.xxvTl>S. ' ^"^ "" "'0 solid ground 
 8. Gypsey's Kiiiny.i) jj 1^ „ York 1877 n„ n 
 My Cousin and r, 1879 K) An OM «,v' • ■, V°- *• 
 ISrO. II. Sealed Ordori I o^t 87^ 1 fi ""' ".^."™'^"«' 
 tion of short stories ) ' ' ""' '^"'o- (A oolleo- 
 "Mlss Phelpa excels In stories of kindly and lonely 
 , ■■*■ 
lil ■' 
 womon. for the most pnH MiikIo, warped Into »"<■<•«'«"■ 
 tricltv thnt Is qualm nml nmlnble l>y a n.irri)W lile »lt i- 
 (IniWM nil the reiilllles anil aellyitles ,, ll e worUl 
 save the iniiiortant exception of charity. -,\alii>n, xx.\. 
 '"12. Friend!;; a Duct, Host., 18SI, l^nio. i:i. Doctor 
 ZttV, Boat., IS.SZ, liino. 11. Beyond tlie Gates, Bust., 
 IRHIi 12ino. 1,'). Little I'oems for Little People, Bost., 
 18S6! l«mo. 16. The Madonna of th« Tubs, lllust. 
 Best., 1HH7, 12ino. 17. The (iates Between, Host., 1HH7, 
 12mo. 18. Jack the Fisherman, lllust. Bost., 1»87, 
 ""'ward, Mrs. F. IWnrslinll, fo"", vol. iii., add.) 
 1. Phcirt Stories for Youni? People, Lon., 1H70, Ifliuo. .. 
 The Vairabond, Lon., 187U, 16mo. 3. Cris Miller, Lon., 
 1873 Ifinio. 4. Charlie Bell, Lon., 1875, ItMno. 0. 
 Jasper Lyle : a Talo of Kafirland, Lon., 1878, 12nio. 
 -I. ■ BK w-^ - ..■: .1 l^ii IC ■l*«%<* r II lift' 
 ward, Uev. Ferdinand He Wilton, [<.»(,. vol. 
 iii., add.] History of the Churches of Kuchester, N.\., 
 Roohcster, 1871, 8vo. 
 Ward, «. Mason. Compand of Chemistry, 1 hila., 
 188,3, 16nio. . , , „. , , 
 Ward, II. M. O. (lorman Simplified : a Short and 
 Practical (Jramiuar, Lon., 1876, 12ino. 
 Ward, II. Marshall, ))rofossor of botany at the 
 Royal Kngiiioering College, Cooper's llill, .^taines. 1. 
 The Morphology and De"olopment of Peritheeiuiu ot 
 Meliola, Fungus, (Philosophical Transactions,) Lon., 
 1884, 4to. 2. (Trans.) Lectures on the Physiology ot 
 Plants, by Julius von Sachs. lllust. Oxf., l/*"; ■•• 
 8vo 3. Structure of Entylonia Ranunculi, (1 nHo- 
 sophical Transactions,) Lon., 1887, 4to. 4. Tubercular 
 Swellings of the Boots of Vicia Faba, (Philosophical 
 Transactions,) Lon.. 18.H8, 4to. 
 Ward, H. Neville. The Westminsler Grand 1 riio 
 and Election Stakes: Notes and Anticipations, Lon., 
 188.5, 8vo. „ . ,. ,„ , ^ 
 "Ward, Mrs. Ilarriette Oxnard," (Pseud.) 
 See MooRB, Mns. ('i.aiia, (Jkssit,) ««;)ni. 
 Ward, Henry Dana, [unie, vol. 111., add.] 1. ihe 
 Gospel of the Kingdom: a Kingdom not of tins World, 
 Ac, Phila., \>*10, 8vo. 2. The History of the Cross: , 
 the Pagan Origin and Idolatrous Adoption and Wor- 
 ship of the Image; 3d cd., Phila., 1871. 8vo. 3. The 
 Faith of Abraham and of Christ, Phila., 1871, 8vo. 
 Ward, Henry Leigh Douglas, b. 1825; gradu- 
 ated at University College, (Jxford, 1817. 1. (Trans.^) 
 Fairy-Tales, by Hans Andersen, Lon., 18i2, 4to. -. 
 Catalogue of Romances in the De|)artment of Manu- 
 scripts in the British Museum, (British Museum lub. ;) 
 vol. i., Lon., 1884, r. 8vo. , , , . ti. . 
 Ward, Hetta h. II. Davys Jacket. lllust. 
 Bost., 1873, 18m». 
 " Ward, Ireland," (Pseud.) See Widdemer, 
 IkkNE, tuf'rii. . 
 Ward, J. Paul Jones, a Naval Hero of the Ameri- 
 can Independence, Lon., 1878. . .. , - . 
 Ward, J. Bible Anticipations of Modern Science, 
 Lon., I8SO, sm. 8vo. 
 Ward, Kev. J. Clifton, d. 188O; was for many 
 years connected with the (Jeological Survey .)f Great 
 Britain, and editor of the Transactions of the Cumber- 
 land Association for the Advancement of Literature and i 
 Science; gave up his professional work late in life and 
 took orders in the Anglican Church. 1. Ice: a Lecture: 
 to which is appended a Geological Dream on ^klddaw, 
 Lon., 1870, 8vo. 2. Klementary Natural Philosophy; 
 being a Course of Nino Lectures, Lon., 1871, 12mo. 
 3. Elementary Geology : a Course of Nine Lectures, 
 Lon., 1872, 12mo. 4. The Geology of the Northern 
 Part of the EnglLsh Lake District: with an Appendix 
 on New Species of Fossils, by R. Ktheridgc, (Geological 
 Survey.) lllust. Lon., 1870, Hvo. „ „ . 1 
 Ward, J. H. Ballads of Life. lllust. Salt Lake 
 City, Utah, 1880, 8vo. . 
 Ward, James. Three Napoleons, from Ajaooio, 
 1769. to Chiselhursi, 1873, Lon., 1873, 12mo. 
 Ward, James Langford. Colonization in its 
 Bearing on the Extinction of the Aboriginal Races, (Le 
 Bas Prize Essay for 1873,) Leek, 1874, 8vo. 
 Ward, John, C.B., b. 1805 ; British consul-general 
 in Saxony 1845-60, and in Hanover 1860-65 ; mimster 
 resident at LUbeok, Bremen, and Hamburg 18«.'>-70 
 Experiences of a Diplomatist: being RecoUeotions ot 
 Germany founded on Diaries ke|)t during the Years 
 1840-1870, Lon., 1872, 8vo. „ „ , . 
 Ward, John, M.D., b. 1838, in New York; gradu- 
 ated at Columbia College 1858, and at the New \ork 
 University Medical College 1864; served in the civil 
 war. The Overland Route to California, and otlier 
 Pocins, N. York, I87.=i. „ ,, u 
 Ward, John Montgomery. Base- Ball: how to 
 bcco:ne a Player, Phila, 1888, 12 
 Ward, John K. Lyric Poems and Thoughts in 
 Verse, Lon., 1874; 2d ed., 1876, l2ii)o. 
 Ward, Lester Frank, A.M., b. 1841, at ,lolut, 
 III.; served in the civil war; graduated at Cohimljiaii 
 University 1801); assistant geologist of the U. S. Gei>- 
 logical .'Purvey 1881-88, and since then geologist. 1. 
 Ilaeckel's Genesis of Man, Phila., 1870, 8vo. 2. Guido 
 to the Flora of Washington and Vicinity, Wash., 1881. 
 3. Dynamic Sociology; or, Applied Social Science, N. 
 York, 1883, 2 vols. 4. Sketch of I'aleo-Botany, «ms1i., 
 1885.' 5. Synopsis of the Flora of Ihe LaramieGroup, 
 1886, 6. Types of the Laramie Flora, 1887. 7. Geo- 
 graphic Distribution of Fossil Plants, 1888. 
 Ward, Marcus, publisher in London. A Practical 
 Treatise on the Art of Illuminating: with Examples, 
 Lon.. 1873, 8vo. 
 Ward, Mrs. Mary Augusta, eldest daughter of 
 Thomas Arnold, mipni, and niece of Matthew Arnold, 
 i,n>r(t; married in 1872 to Thomas Humphrey Ward, 
 iii/rii. She has contrib ited to leading periodicals. 1. 
 Milly and Oily; or, A Holiday among the .Mountains. 
 Illustrated by Mrs. Alma-Tadcma. Lon., 1881, 12mo; 
 new ed., 1883. 2. Miss Bretlierton, Lon., 1884, p. 8vi). 
 (The heroine of this book is popularly identified with 
 Miss Mary Anderson.) 
 " A study of the extent to which Igiioraiiee mny smother 
 even true ilriiiiialie Kenius, and of the power ol that Keiiliis 
 when aronsed to l)reak tliroHKh the eiiveloiung and sul O- 
 oatiiig medium. Mrs, Humphrey Ward writes mlm rahly, 
 thoiich she erra a little In the direction of over-deserlption. 
 The tale, though it hardly wives evidence ot creative 
 bower, and though it does not make even .Miss Ilretherton 
 iierself a very li\'ng character, Is lull (d iiilerest, and now 
 and then of true pathos."— fyifrtii'or, Ivli. 1(37. 
 3. (Trans.) Amiel's Journal: the "Journal Intimo" 
 of Hcnri-Frddfiric Amiel : with Introduction and Notes, 
 Lon., 1885, 2 vols. p. 8vo. 4. Robert Elsmere, Lon., 
 1888, 3 vols. cr. 8vo; 13th cd. same year. (The 5th to 
 the 13th cd. in 1 vol.) 
 1 " 111 • Robert KIsmere' the burning questions betweeii 
 old-fiishioiie.l faith and the new (;ljri.stiaiiity are diseus.sed 
 and presented and worked out in the lives of the charac- 
 I ters with a fulness of kiiowledee, a breadth ofanpreejatimi, 
 ' and a critieal talent which shows a rare coinhination ol 
 Kifns of a very high order. . . . The oritlcal spirit is strong 
 111 her, and it is as u critic that she makes a powerlul iiu- 
 nressioii. Her book dix« not prove her to be a novelist. 
 The art of telling a story does not come by nature, nor 
 always by labour, and • Kidiert Elsmere.' though it bears 
 marks of almost painful toil, shows, unfortunately, that a 
 natural Inaptitude for the novelist's art has not tieen over- 
 come." — Ath., No. 3153. , , . , ■ 
 " All that the critii' of llction commonly looks to— Inci- 
 dent, evolution id' plot, artistic .seiiiience of events, and 
 so forth— seems secondary when compareil with the star- 
 tUiiKly vivid presentment (da human soul in the storm and 
 stress ineideiiwl to the renunciation of past si;intnal cloiii- 
 stress ineidenuii 10 me renuiiciuiion <n [hum .■.,..■,,,.... ...■•■■ 
 Inatlon and the aeeeptanee of new hopes and aspirations. 
 Merely as a tale of contemporary LiikIisIi lite, a llcti- 
 tioi'is record of the joys and sorrows, loves and antaijo- 
 iiisins. fortune and niislbrtuiie, of men and woiueii more or 
 less like individuals whom most of us know, it Is keenly 
 interesting. . . . Mrs. Ward's literary method la that ol 
 Geonje Eliot. Indeed, there Is a curious ainnity in ' Kol.ert 
 Elsmere' to 'Adam Bede.'— though there is jn-rliaps not lui 
 incident, possibly no play of character or acute side- i>;lit 
 or vivifying suggestion, that could be found in both, » lulc 
 the plot and general sidieme are entirely dissimilar, in 
 scope ' Kobe-t Elsmere' is ampler, In human sympatliy ii 
 is broader, in insight it is as deep, if not so k ;en ; on the 
 other hand, it lia.s little of the other -vorks dramatic iii; 
 tensity, ami it has one ominous Haw which 'Adam He. c 
 h.w iiot,-thougli 'Middlemarcb' and 'Daniel Deronda 
 are not void of the blight,-lt sutlers Irom dilluseness. - 
 W Shakh: yl«l(/., XXXlii. 18!i. . , , , , 
 "This would not be the remarkable book it is by v rtuc 
 either of Its few very striking characters or id the keen 
 humour and insight it evinces, without the tiassionate in- 
 terest which It betrays in the main subject of the bojik, in 
 .Iwiiidling theoh gical belief of a mind which Is Intended 
 to gain from first to last in religions development and in 
 depth of faith. That is the real sub ect of tills imaRiiiai> 
 bioirraphv, and that is treated with a power, and otlcii 
 with a passion, which it Is imp<jssible to ignore. -Ajxv/.i- 
 " ' Robert Elsmere' is hard reading, and requires toil and 
 pfTort Yi't, if it be ditScuU to iM.T''l«t. it Is impossible 1" 
 stoi> The prisoner on the treadmill must work seveiv.i 
 to perform his task; but if he stops heat once receives i. 
 blow which brings him to his senses. Here, a* there 11 1 
 human infirmity which shrinks; but here as not there 
 the impelling motive Is within. Deliberate juilgmeiit ai d 
 deep interest alike rebuke a fainting reader. The slrenglii 
how to 
 or the Ipook (,vi.rl,..„,i. WAR 
 ProlmUy ,„.,k.. ad . ' '':;,','«'" "-. tl„„.. lu„l ' , , 
 Hard, >V. 
 N. Ycirk, ISM), 
 Wiird, W, 
 ^n.e i„ it, Uolnti.-n to Singing, 
 Hnrd. Mr«. m..., ..j_. ' I ..'.'. '. ' 
 Jliiy, Inks, 
 **nrd, Hubert ti ,'.' ' . "■ 
 ^tard< Itnliprt t 11 ' I 
 Cl.ri.s,ia„,V*"r!" f^;„ *j::i'j''/; "'o EvMcncos of 
 Svo; 2<lo(l., 18«L'. ■"" *^'"^'J- Illust. I.on., ISSO, 
 Ward, Stephen Ileiirv r„„/. , . •• 
 »omo An«.ti„n8 of the Uv,7'„f "' ' " : "'• .'"''M On 
 Lon., 1872, 8vo. 'nlestiniil Caiml, .U' 
 Vkunon1:kk:.S.!'x!;1^, ";!;''•''■ "^'^ "»^^« *.J.hiM„»."_ 
 «e^-"J?^;,i^;,'!{;.':'i:;jsi:;;:^;^j™»''»' Not. o„ 
 Hard, UiiliHin CJeoree. PI, n n r. r 
 IM., Ihl,l.,) ISI2-INS' ll„ 1 1 ' •' "•"■• [""'<■• vol. 
 "•"n us 0, itorof tho"J)„hli„ P "^''''-'^'y'J C,.nii„„| Wi„o. 
 •'Dublin Ucview,"' r ;J-f « ' ■■•-T'-'nteJ from Iho 
 ChurehV I'oclrinil A |;;,r itv ;,, H -• ^'"'y' "" "'« 
 •' Dublin KeviiMv," U„ s^80 T ^ '?T"^ ^""" "'« 
 Philu,.„|,hy of Thiism ;' ri! ' i J ' •*; '^'""'^'' "" "'« 
 view," 'Jl elite" vif'ni''",'" "' "?"''''" «"- 
 I'^'^lV'^vo' K '""-"''""'ion, by WilfriJ 
 istrv." .\r„„.,i.„..„. ,„-, .'.''-■"""^ '" I'lork'aiiiu Ch.,,n. Al»,. «»„„>,.i , , . 
 view," and 
 "'iird, L„n. 
 l;i-i'..>s«ys„f I),.. Ward'Vsove V aim^ "hat nmkol 
 li-fy. .Mauehestor, isri |..,„„ '" """^«'"iio thorn- ••^l»", .'evcral |ia,„,,lilcts 
 Uraaenoso Coll..-,. o\ Cu, 1, ^ "'■ ■^'•''"'"'> '""' »t '""'•. I'<sr. *>'""""'■*• wth Acts, Rules, and Pornis, 
 Fellow lS(i!.-72" lutoV nd ■ •'■" 'T «""'"''M IHM ■ j Harde, W. Eldre.l i • r, 
 h»8 since bee. e .« ' 1 "„,';""'': '''"" '^■'-^l. 1I<' ' '^-ti. P- Sv'o. '•''^''- ^'"'^«' G™ve and (lay, r,on.. 
 Verses annually prist J''.^" "5^ '^'"'~'' •'""«■""" "f 
 of a not^ltoKerlier ivivolL ■ i""-'"'"""^ Confessions 
 orkand Chiol. 18881.." ,/^''"-"' ^"l^'" ^- Dwyer, N. 
 Wnr.l^ll 1... ■ ' „.'"'• 
 • 1 !i 
 bio.n.,ddo„l-^;;j;LyU^:;i^„^7Pi ,88, 
 fv;.i4;'un:;ii;::; "uE™;l,c'„^';;;;;r„-'^"'ii^^ -»- or 
 havethijiiKht it prudent „,i,'^ ,V ""'',' "'"'"' '"itfht 
 "re serviceable i .„ ak , '' ' " ' ■ , '"■'"l.v all „f wiiiel, 
 i^i'lenily aeenrnte aceS , V ih,. Vjf 'i'''*' '■'""Pl.'te and 
 ''"111 r ^^^' "- •^'-"^--i^eiSble n^tl!'^ 
 ^-i^;?«- "!' 2J'^t"f i^';;!-i;'|^ was won w„r,h 
 "!i<l Pluoky doctor ImV iVund a, n .'''''^'■■^'■■■•^I'''-i'''''. 
 hlosraplK.r."_Si,(. Hg, , 7'.'„'' "» '"jlo and synipaihetle 
 "ooiivieh. 188" 8vo r""uer anu Uuncotton, 
 n5&o^{s:::''^i;^:\f:^-"'- '■■■."<'<•.] >• 
 I'roceedings of the G ^11 "f Vj'V """'y' ^'ntutos, and 
 of Craflsnion, Lon. 1872 iJ'fT^ "'"' ^'''''omities 
 >l«e, 188(1, (to. .Liescriptivo and Historical, Dun- 
 ass^c^M^Vitlf Chj':;.""?'?'" ^'"";'"' P"<=h = Thoughts 
 io«^pi;.:^..-^;;:v:;!:,^-ii;/ "» "•^■o «mi syn^;^;^;;;;;;; "<:i!j^ ;^- A-'i-ew. 1.0,;:. ,;;;^,,^;^"- ^o-^- eo- 
 including, P "•',"!. "y Iweity-two different authors. Warden. «Jnr.,..j_ 
 l«enty-flvo chanters bv 7, '.'•'"'"• Consists of 
 iiichard Oarnett, and other "'^^ ' '"'' "" '^'"'"•'' I '" «V-i""- „ 
 "" • ^>^'^^S:j^-5^-Jii[;7. 
 ' An Am-niint „f .u. r. ^^'L admitted 
 As a Hird to (he Snare, ton., 
 vol. iii., add.,] 
 1487 " 
 rf i 
 iinimri'mly Ic.l lilm to thii conclusion tlmt Mr. ( linvi' Im.l | 
 no prlvatr or luniiim fwllntp ul nil."— Aa//"», xlx. Ml. I 
 •Seu Sen i(K Kits, .1. W., tujini, , 
 >Vnrilcn, Thoiiiiis. Cru«»toril : » Novi'l, I.on., 
 1R;'.i, 2 vol,', cT. Hvo, , ' 
 Uiirdcr, CtMiricc W. 1. I'ooticnl KniK'nicnt* ol 
 t'dlli'jto l''M'uis St. I.cniis, l:'nio. -'. Kili'ii Hi'll, iiml 
 olhcr rooniH, Kiinsim Cily, Mo., IHTU, ISino. ;t. rto|ihiii 
 DriMinis iin.l l.olun I.ciivi'^ [verm,] I-mi., Is^.'i, cr. Svo. 
 WnrUliiw, (iilbert, l-ii'-, vol. iii., n.lil.] llm 
 I.nolioK t'lirisliiui I'.viilcnicH, ami the I'rinclplci on 
 whicli to e.^tiiniiti! tliem, l.iiii., I><7», p. '^vo. 
 Wartlh!, .Mrs. Mliry. 1. 'I'liu Law, Monil, Cerc- 
 mniilal, anil Judicial, I.on., ISTU. 2. The (iosiiel, Lun., 
 "*•"• ... . ■.• ■ 
 Wiirdlc/riioninn. 1. I'ftrin Lnivcrsal l„\hiliilion, 
 1S7.S ■ Moiiogni|iha on the Tusi-tr anil olher WiM Silks 
 „[■ Inilia, l.on., Is78, 8vo. 2. Jland-llimk of the Cnl- 
 leHion illudtralivc of the Wilil Silkr- of Inilhi in the In- 
 ilian Section of the South KensiiiKlon Museum : with a 
 l'atalo«ae of the Colloelion ami Xumennia llluflrations, 
 I.iin.. I^>ll, ^vip. :i. Silk : its KntoinoloK.v, History, Ac, 
 at ihc Manelie.ster K.thihition, l,on., I88S, er. 8vo. 
 >Vardro|), Oliver. flie Kingilom of (IcorKia; 
 bcinj? Notes of I ivel in a l.aml of Women, Wine, aiol 
 Song ; to which are apponiluJ Historical, Literary, ami 
 Political Sketches, Specinieiis of the Niilioniil Muaie, 
 anil ft Coinpenilious Hibliography. Illust. Lon., 1S88, 
 ' ''■' \Ve .shoiilil willingly have heanl nioroof that wllil anil 
 roniaiitie ' KiiiKiloni ufiieuiKia.' lint, as uls.lie ha;' """■h 
 that i.s (nnions to tell of ita history, trailillons siiperslitlons, 
 anil of the miinners of a seinl-savagu peoiile. —.Nit. Jiev.. 
 Ware, J. I). The Coacliinaker's Hanil-Book: In- 
 Ptriietions. Illust. I'hila., IS?.'., 8vo. ' 
 Ware, James KeddiiiR, [".k-, vol. in., mliJ.J i. 
 Wonilerful Ilreams of Remarkable Men and Women, 
 Loll 1SS2 121110. 2. Mislaken Iilentitioa ; Cases of i 
 Vnileaorvcil SulVerins, I.on., 1S88, or. 8vo. :i. Crriins.) 
 Monto Christo, by Alexandre Dumas : ailaptoil, Lon., 
 ISS-, 2 parts, Hvo. With Mann, U. K., The Life ami 1 
 Tiiiie.s of Colonel Fred, liurnaby, Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 
 Ware, Kev. John Fothergill Wateihoiisc, j 
 [ante, vol. iii., Wakk, Rkv. JoilS F. W., luld.,] d. 1881. j 
 Wrestrni;; and Waiting,, 1882, 1 2mo. ; 
 Ware, Lewis S. The Sugar Beet: including ft ! 
 History of the Bect-.'ugar Industry in Europe, Vftrioties 
 of Sugar Beet, Soils, Ae., I'hila., 1880, 8vo. 
 Ware, Mrs. Mary Clementina, (Stewart,) 
 wife of Titus r.ibbert Ware. 1. l>r. llarcourfs Assist- , 
 ant : ft Tale of the Present Day, Lon., 18(18, :! vols. p. 
 8vo. 2. The llunlock Title-DceiU: ft Novel, Lon., Ifi2, 
 p 8vo. ;i. The Uunchhftck Cashier: a Talc of the Last 
 Century ; and Iliillow-K'en, Lon., 187«, p. 8vo. 4. The 
 King of Bath ; or, Life at a Spa in the Eighteenth Cen- 
 tury : ft Picture of the Life ami Times of lieftu Nftsh, 
 [a novel,! Lon., ISTU, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. i. Life's Seven 
 Ages, Lon., 1880, 3 vols. 8vo. B. The Water Tower: 
 ft Story, Lon., 1882, :i vols. cr. 8vo. 7. The Life anil 
 Correspondence of the Late Samuel Ilibbert Ware, Man- 
 chester, 1882, 8vo. 8. His Dearest Wish, Lon., 1881! 3 
 vols cr. Svo. ». Friend Ellwood : ft Tale of Life in the 
 .Seventeenth Century, Lon., 1884, 3 vols. ur. 8vo. 10. 
 A Happy Error; or. Facts Bomctimes Stronger than 
 Fiction: a Novel, Lon., 18S5, 3 vols. cr. Svo. H. In 
 the King's Service: a Novel, Lon., 1887, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Ware, Ursula. Flowers, and the Plants thoy grow 
 on, Lon., 1877, 12ino. 
 Ware, W. Powell. The Ten Thousand Dollars 
 Prize Rule for the Eiiuation of Payments, Pbila., 1872, 
 ismo; 3d ed., 1874. , ,. . 
 Ware, William Robert, professor of ftrcbiteoture 
 in the School of Mines, Columbia College, New York. 
 1. (Ed.) Greek Ornament. Illust. N. York, 1878, 8vo. 
 2. Modern Perspective : a Treatise on the I'rinciplcs and 
 p'inctioo of Plane and Cylindrical Perspective: with 
 Portfolio of Plates, Bost., 1883, 12mo ; new ed., ISSii. 
 Warlield, Rev. 11. B., D.D. An Introduction to 
 the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, Lon., lS8(i, 
 cr. 8vo. ... 
 WnrAeld, Mrs. Catherine Ann, [ante, vol. in., 
 add ,1 ISIG-Isrr, 1). at Natchez, Miss. !. Mifiam Mon- 
 fort ; or, Monfort Hall, Phila., 1S73, 12mo. 2. The Ro- 
 mance of Beausoincourt, N. York, 1S74, 12mo. (Hepub- 
 li«hcd as " Miriam's Memoirs ; or. The Romance of Beau- 
 seineourt," 1876. Anon.) 3. Hester Ilowftrd's Tempta- 
 tion, Philn., 1875, 12mo. 4. Lady Ernestine, 1876, 12mo. 
 5 Sea and Shore, 1876, 12mo. fl. FiTno Fleming, 
 Phlla, 1877, I2mo. 7. The Cardinal's Daughter: a 
 Serioel tn " Kerne Fleming," Pbila,, 1877, 12mi>. 
 Warlield, Klhelbert Dndley, A.M., LL.B., bnr- 
 ri-ler-at-law. The KentuoUy Resolutions ol 17118 : an 
 Historical Sillily, N. York. IN87, 8vo. 
 •In tills liitereMlni! slmly Mr. Warllelil dlsellwes wl li 
 uTvat itooil temper and tlioroimlniess ilieiliifiimeiilary his- 
 lory of the famous ' Itesi.liitloiis of 17118, us passed hy bo 
 Kiiiliickv l,o|.'lsliitiirc. of Unit year In eoiiiliiiinuUon of tlio 
 Alien aiii'l ,<eilitinii l.a\vs,"-.\iir/im, xiv, .■•J.s, 
 WarinK, ,\"«<'la. Marigold Manor ; or, Mnohlel 
 and Merrv-Making, Lon., 1x72, l2mo. 
 WarillK, Charles. I. Some Things In Amerien, 
 set lortb in Thirleen Letters, Lon,, 1880, 8vn ; 2d ed. 
 same year. 2. Slate I'uiehaso of Riiilways, Lon,, 1887, 
 ^'wariiiK, Kdward John, CLE.. M.I)., F.R.C.P.., F.LS., [oil'', vol. iii., add..] b. IsID; surgeon- 
 inaior of the Madras army; retired 1808. 1. An Eii- 
 iiuiry into the Stalistics iind Pathology of some Points 
 eoniieited with Abscess of the Liver ill the East Indieji, 
 Trevandruiu, 18,',4, 8vo. 2. Cottage Hospitals: their 
 Objcels, Advantages, and Maiiagcinent, Lon., IsOi, 8vo. 
 :i. '(Ell.) Pliarmacopceia of Indift, prepared under the 
 Autbority of Her .Majeslv's Secretary of State for India 
 in Council, Lon., I8i1h, 8vo. I. Tli« Hospital Prayer- 
 Book, Lon., 1S7'2, 12mo. 5. Remarks on the Ijes of 
 some of the Ba/.aar .Medicines and Common Medical 
 Plants of India; 2d ed., Lon., -.87 I, 12 ; 4lli ed., 1883. 
 (i. liibliotheca Tbonipoiiliea ; or, llibliographjil fhcra- 
 peutics, (.New Svdenhaiu Soc.) Lon., 1878-70, 2 vols. 
 • 8vo. 7. (Ell.) Precious Jewels for Daily Use, Lon., 1881, 
 ISmo. ... , , 1 , 
 Waring, <Jcorge Kdwin, [nnii; vol, in., add.,) b. 
 ' 1833, at Poundridge, N.Y. ; served ill the civil war as 
 colonel of cavalry In the volunteer army ; was for soiiio 
 vears an agriculturist ; resides at Newport, R.I., and is 
 I ■iniich eniploved as a drainage engineer, superintending 
 many largo operations. 1. Handy Book o'' Husbandry, 
 N York 1870, Svo; new ed., rev., entitled " Book of the 
 1 Fiirm," Phila., 1878, 12mo. 2. Whip and Spur, Bost., 
 1875, 18uio. 3. A Fanner's Vncation : a Scries ol Pa- 
 i pers. Illust. Bost.. IS76, Svo. , , ,, 
 I "An nnnsuallv eiilerlHlniiigand merltnrloiis book, lis 
 i RoUil matter embraces such siibjeds as Liitcli drftiniiKe 
 i Kiluni cheeses, Holstoln <'allle, ami AUleriiey cows; . . . oit 
 ' the author also carries Ins readers from Dutch canals 
 , tbroUKh the uiifrei|Vieiited ways of Normaiiily to the ein- 
 howereil lanes (if Jersey and the picturesiiue precipices ol 
 L.,., ..1. ■' \'.. /;,... vvii rjl 
 Sark."— .Vdd'oji, xxil. .''■O. 
 4. Sanitary Drainage of Houses and Towns, 18i(i, 
 cr. Svo. 5. The Bride of the Rhine: Two Hundred 
 Miles in a Moselle Row-Boat, Ac. Illust. Bost., 1877, 
 18ino. ti. Sanitary Condition of City and Country 
 Dwelling-Houscs, N. Yorti, 1S77, 16mo. 7. Village Ini 
 provements and Farm Villages. Illust. Best., 1877, 
 18ino. S. Tyrol and the Skirt of ttu Alps. Illust. N. 
 Y'ork, 18811, 8vo. 0. How to Drain a House; Practical 
 Information for Householders, N. York, 1885, 16mo. 10. 
 Sewerage and Land Drainage, 1888. With Cadi.k. 
 (Jeouoe W.. Social Slalislics of Cities: New Orleans, 
 La., and Austin. Texas. Illust. Pub. by U.S. Gov't. 
 W'ash,, 1S81, 4to. And see Coiihtnky, W. S., »ii/i«.. 
 Waring, John lliirley, [""('■, vol. iii., add.,] 1823 
 -1875, b. at Lynie Regis; an architect and arc ' 'ogist, 
 1. Poems inspired by Cerlftin Pictures at the A Treas- 
 ures Exhibilion, Manchester. By Tennyson Lonj; How 
 Smith, of Cripplegale Within. Illust. Mancl ester. 
 1857. 2. Poems. By an Architect., 1858, p. Svo. 
 3. The Iniversftl Church, Lon., 18(iB, Svo. Anon. I. 
 Stone Monuments, Tumuli, and Ornamente of 
 Ages: with Remarks on the Early Architoetuie of Ire- 
 land and Scotland, Lon., 1870, im)i. 4to. 5. Tin 
 English Alphabet considered Philosophically and lan- 
 tologically. By a Great Big Fool. Lon., 1870. li. 
 " Broadcast." By the Writer of" The Universal Church, 
 Ac Lon., 1870. 7. A Record of my Artistic Life. Lon., 
 1873, p. Svo. 8. A Record of Thoughts on R .■ligious. 
 Political, Social, and Personal Subjects, from 1843 t" 
 1 873 : to which is added " The Story of the King's Son. 
 Lon., 1873, 2 vols. p. Svo. 0. The State : ft Sequel t . 
 •' The Universal Church :" together with a Suppleuientiil 
 "Record of Tliuuihts." and some Essays, Lon., 1874. ji. 
 Svo. 10. Thoughts and Notes for 1874, Lon., 1874, ?V" 
 11. Ceramic Art in Remote Ages: with Essays on lb' 
 Symbols of the Circle, the Cross and Circle, Ac. : show- 
 ing their Relation to the Primitive Forms of Solar am 
 Nature Worship. Illust. Lon., 1874, 4to. 
 Aii«u^ii' All.ii 
 'i«''. \. Y„rk. IS 
 Cnll to ilu. !• 
 ■■'"«, "i||i,„„ /f 
 "iiK. ^v I TIrcil Chrl 
 "f H'liuinl 
 iiiiiiiiri, \ 
 . "f ('"l.iniil.,, Cecil Co., .M,!. A 
 l«M, ll'ii 
 "iiliiiiiiii^ AllllKl 
 i"tiaii», IMMI, ||)|,„, 
 ' '• The l.ixlK 
 ';'• W'liiK Alloih Thuo? 
 HariiiKt,,,,, <j,.„f^, 
 "f Hill 1 
 iiliili'ui'h V'irjcl 
 »"!'■« c.r their Tu- ti 1.1 1.11 i 
 I- Til,. ||i.^l 
 t'l tllll l-iX.I, I 
 iiiiiii« iiltir Ituiii, Issu 
 'I' tho .Miin 
 111. c 
 '"«•■ Clear 
 *livi:i(, .-ii s.A.v. 
 ">» Corners, iMsr | 
 '^ A Hug of .Stori 
 '|i <'i>li)n'ir.H 
 nmn iiC ih,, I'limvl 
 Oi'i'Ml Kxiimiii to 1 
 .•I ■'<■■■■«■• ILI'V. 
 •T, Kcv: llrverlry Km 
 'iirl I, of IS7I1 
 'i»ii'<lriKinofili,. I',.,, 
 I l-;ii«liiii,|. |„ 
 "illi I'^rls I[.i„„l III 
 "f lli«li.,|i (',,1 
 I Nil:) 
 c'liii^iiliTpil inc 
 Hy a 1,1 
 HiiiD.I 111 Triiiiiy ( 
 "O". h. IH.-,;,. 
 aiiii'.l ill lliH l'r.ili....|,ii,t \- 
 'K<', lliirlf„nl, 
 'lint! ;tioij 
 'I'll- of ('liri»l Cliiiifh 
 TH ; a 
 '"-. I'^iii. .'I. i'l 
 ,.;, " i-ii,viiiiiii oi till. CI 
 •ii'n.ii,- "Ciiiiial I'!« ilm \Vi,<,|„ 
 fit) I'll 
 ■lI'MlllMlJliir Uu.liiit 
 liiiri'li III' I' 
 ■l'i-''"|ial Cliiircli 1M71I; 
 '""ITo-Dui., I'hil 
 l"'il, Cniin. Troiil)!,.,! 
 11.. I •<>!,■), 10 
 "Ki.nil. .\I,i 
 ■"^vo. I. Thi. I 
 I'l llnji'll 
 li'Otn, l.on., 18(1 
 ii"|Mniliciii i,|'S,.r 
 |,. h™. 
 triiutors: it llmjow, j,,,,, ' | 
 atidni iir, Tho C.i.s 
 ■in'i' "I (in, I, I 
 iplurc: \^^ |,ii|,i| 
 i"i'H» l';\fiii|ili- |,i,v,|i 
 'mier. n.„r|,., I>,„||,.y, (, 
 K>'ailiiali''l ill II 
 m,. Isii, 
 • a 
 ||. |nii'ti»i.|| (,„ 
 |">'I i;f- ill lliutlonl 
 e|iiirliiiiiiitc>r the [ 
 '.ll'.'i'l"" C"llixr l-.-il 
 'iiiu. AIko, 
 2I». at PliilnnclJ, 
 ami at tho 
 uiii"," ami IIh !)„. j| 
 :l"ii III .M.iil, 
 ay 1(1 II 
 liu K 
 ,'iiny ciC (),. 
 (I. 'I'hc Wi'iiliuCl 
 !■ is llN 
 >'i'aii! in CI 
 imiTsity „f I'lniisylvaiiia I 
 in., whfif ho li 
 iiya^o, aiMl ill I Mil) 
 I"*?:!, II 
 llviiin.i. I, 
 II. \\\ 
 inj?'s I'liluc 
 an wii ll,.|i«v 
 ti''ii was 111,. I'uiit 
 in .Mi 
 on-iilareil in ji^ | 
 r,.- ' ami isth|.,.il 
 '(fry, I., 
 I.S7I, li 
 'iinoi.|i.,| oilit 
 ilorof th,. 
 iriiilly will, 11,1 
 filil,..| II, 
 H Oil ; 
 '»nim,.i- in „ ,)„,.,|p 
 frii'iin M, 
 I'o <'iMiriinl, 
 nnf l.i.tlcr, 
 II. «•. Ili.(.,.|„.|., II 
 111. I-;. I 
 in., H7i;. 
 iiilali.iii.h wiiiiui 
 '"., I''<7I, Ian. I 
 IS ami I.iiimI, 
 I Hd'l.. I> 
 irtliinl, l.«7(). I 
 »■■ Willi an Inlroil 
 n ; tho l,ow Counir 
 ll xh. 
 uction Ijy 
 -• f*aiinli.iin){,«, 
 ami tho Uhino- 
 ,!:*■",':'"«'""' "'"••ert.ThoCh 
 ;';hi.. i',uyoi..„,„.K ,„ y,,^";^ , ...n.Vh^l'rnii^a !!i';!, ^1,.!?""^ 
 nil I'l. 
 ii"ni.t|.y(,f thoKi 
 li'aii hii 
 iiKir— cHii li 
 liiK. I 
 V will 1 1' I 
 hniminiiis bddk— 
 i"! I,; la^hli.ii [(iniij 
 ";ar.,.i„.., H,.,,,- ;,-'--;- 
 an I I'lil., I SSI). 
 a I I'D r 
 'I'll Is Is imi 
 I »lii,li shall 11,(1 
 I I'lcli'iid t(, 1,1'. It I 
 a KiiHI li( 
 "i'tiii« .■^i.K'kinus, .s,..i<,. „,.,, |^' 
 iroi'liiinH an'l 
 ^Ivorv (Jn 
 ■'^vo: (1th I'll 
 ' Iss 
 (III Kiir 
 reck Willi 
 pi', iiiir 
 W;«rleiKli, llt,„r, s. i 
 ontiilo'l " Ivnittin;; |(,r .M 
 _noo-Ca|i«, I Had(|,.,.|<, „„7| „„„ 
 'ion, .\lv. |ii,s 
 '"• llln-l. Il,„t., |,s 
 Warlow, Jn 
 i'ln (ir |.;vii I', 
 woK-,. Dis 
 ■s and .M(i,sl. 
 "rt „r Thi 
 and Ilia! in ii,si.|f 
 . sm. ltd. 
 !• thf till,. 
 !<!ins. llaiti'did. Is 
 I'K. Ilnst., |s7(, isii 
 111- ami Th 
 •^oiissmns, iirdviii;. .Miimnii,.s and 
 'My Wini 
 •(I, Si 
 and \'i(ii,iri,! 
 ""<!«. Kaith: its I 
 in^'s 1,'in., Is7:i 
 Warlow, T. >! 
 I'l' .KtIivI 
 and .iihcr I 
 I'm cm 
 1. (T 
 l''<s:>. It 
 ' Th 
 II' iiidsi hi 
 n'L'i- 1(11 llio Nil,. I, 
 ") "■ In tho 1 
 I lioissiieil 
 iiKdiK tlio 
 (ovani, JJost., 
 ■inchc^lcr. Issii. 
 cans.) Tho IVrs 
 ■I'd IlKdiLdi th,. whdl. 
 Id -Til 
 .iiminiiis ,-hu|ii,.r is ihut 
 «arlo,v,\V. II. An I 
 (il Jiidi(.aliii(. Ai'K. |S7 
 'anchc^iiT, I8SS, |d, 
 n Indu.t Id thu .s. 
 "^ III cms .Vlirdiiii 
 l>iH(k Is III u 
 iilidiit thi, i(„i 
 ms.) J, 
 his r,.s|„.|.i ,,|||j. |,||.^,,.| 
 ii'calli.d il 
 .which il .vd ,„||,.| 
 H'anmi,,, Kdunrj || 
 ■iidin Kii,.„,|.. |Va,;,i,.,,| 
 aii'l IS7,-,, \,. I 
 ipreino Cnint 
 1. War 
 and \ 
 lllnst. 1),,,., 
 I'^'l.) The l!„,(k or V.h 
 i-', C(,ni.„|.,|, x.||„ is/f.'i 
 iisKin. ■— .Vii^i 
 'I ii'scintiles 
 "I, .\.\v. 
 'qnincc: Kxtracts 
 ig. Keiiitinif 
 nian'd |s7s isn 
 Id I, 
 ISS..*, 12 
 arnmn's Praciifal Ortbi 
 I'crsdnaling, Chi 
 'tidiis (in Keiid. |j 
 . I"*"^!), li, 
 luepy ani CritiiMie, Ch 
 .-t., I SSI 
 l'<77, I 
 III. The A 
 - 'S. He 
 ""<>• II. fn the Wilder 
 •) tidineliine Ijov 
 II. ( 
 nieriean .\'e 
 in I'roso 
 ing n lioy. 
 , Host,, 
 Wttrinan, John U 
 lablatnro, ami 
 ' .New Kn.'land 
 . The 
 an(l II 
 '1'1,'an: ita ronipass, 
 leoaiplelu Oetaves, Loii.. 
 leriean Worth 
 ' The liK 
 "l .\. ■i 
 , . . >vs|ia|ier : an Kssay, 
 apljiin J(,li„ .Smith, (15711- 
 nia and Admiral of 
 ■ernnr (d' Virgi 
 •tndy of his i,ifo'"i','n,r'Vv' 
 rk, Issl, 1(1,1 
 Wiirmoll, John |< 
 ,((,,. 11,1 .. '."I'li'di .-^innii Cdtii , I 
 1 Cdiiildnes, i 
 llio .Most II 
 len, I 
 l.v Child J 
 riCNjIy. Tho Littio Book of '""'<"ii'lc(inii(araliiel 
 "itlKini shirki 
 n a rare decree. 
 iiisl((ri|. Ini|(((rta 
 (dn., Is7ii, :);( 
 esus : a I 
 Warne, Charles, I. 
 'rayer-Uook fur his 
 l,;scribes il 
 'A Ihe hist 
 ieally lm|Kii' 
 iiian-Dritish pott 
 C(dloutidn in Dorcdi 
 "■^.A., (d. 18S 
 iiiado a valuable eollo.'t 
 7. ict. S.-i,) of 0' 
 12. Wiisli 
 icni with ih 
 '"», .\.\.\iii. JD.S 
 •y, which ho presi.ntol 
 on of British and ltd. i 1 
 r- I lldsl., I SSI I 
 iiifjlon Irv 
 i"S. ("Ai 
 lino. i;). A liu 
 iitor to the Arahiedl(( 
 Loltle, Kdin 
 Uu w 
 I. D 
 as a I'l 
 to tho eo'iiity "In ih| 
 ■oquont I'diitrib 
 ! .scribes tl 
 Is viilnnie. which relate 
 ic varyim; land 
 '"•setshiro,- its Vestiges, f'."'";! 'iie wesfern 
 !<-■ iniuitive skill or a 
 lericnn Jlen of I.cltors,") 
 ndabout Journey, Host., 
 's the adventures and de- 
 ■' Tho (-ebi'i'T ■"'■'f.""' ""'' Danisli, l.on., ISil.v sni 
 vivid, I 
 |(e 1(1 l„. met wilh i 
 '^:, \]]\ r'-liii-csiineile 
 "sidlllie .Medil 
 a Jdurii,., 
 crraiiemi, there Is ib'o 
 • am the iiii|,re.ssld,i ,,1 a 
 Jl'Tyi'iiiiiK il Ic ice m nil ';■;;,';;:' I,'','' ""I'n-ssion ol a 
 "rienlal iravels r,„ii,' Ibe 4iiiie pi'i, '■" vl'^/^^'i^;!'.'''!'.'''-^ '"' 
 t^oltio, Ud,mi,i:'s,U;n";;„;r-o,^. ^"f "' "-^"t: tlio l.^ '''n'llilfS" ';;*^:„ J!^*^, 'j^;' '''"'^^ 
 Cdunlv, ineh.ln, ',7^ I.' rK " • '^""',1"'H<'-' "f Hio and TVnne.s.see : will Not,", ,,f ■•''V '^ ".""''"■"''""• 
 ''notion to the Eth, II,: ;rn'"'TL'''?:''''„" '•'''•"M C'''''"'"i''. B"--'.. ^^. M AI Wit ''p'' '" ""•'"■™ '""' 
 ■>^ Ilourn,,,,,, , i',:'?. ; ^''"«'' ''3' ^r. T. W. Vf. I 1', •' I-., sti.lii'.s .irWii^ i, V 'T''-"''' ^^' '^- «n,I 
 'Bai' ■ ,;>,,i «n-...i . ' "7""' 
 '"^''iv'' """'■'""imiiith, 1872 fol 
 .', ,!d, "f/».,^'""« *•"'*«''»'«•. Profe: 
 Bn, I . , •■'■"'■'•''• ^- I'., iiinrn 
 and'^;,H.,.,';'!''„r;i?^;;^' ^l)™;^1.':;i""l"^ wlU, elevomes, 
 and »,ilH.,.|y: ai etive <.;',.,'"'''' *>''''' ''''-verness 
 iniai;,naii(,ii„r path ,s. im, "' fiut il n''"''","-"-'" "■'•''" """ 
 •v . ■••(., Kdii., IB,-,, 8v(i i ™"n ilial s neversii-iiL',. ,1, 1"*.'^''^ "Jif'Tiaiidsar- 
 Warner, Aino,s Krisivold, rofess'or if noiic i ,",''»-''" ™" «'ornlf'L.'?^ •„.:'■;,!'„'" "'"' H'ciu'whil, e 
 I'eduouiy in the University of Ne ,r k a Tl "^m "'",' V'' ""'''''•''"''^ of MK^.^r ',',';■'' ""«^'"tle' of all 
 aiiti iiiU tZ}S'^- '^'"^ '""-^'"S I'*' "f i'- boct 0"J,:''-' I'ivesi or, (iralian iind'l' yYlt'V""^-^ 
 ™iuparatve anatomy ami „h, •' 1-," """''^^"O'" of 
 lego (If .'^urKoois T 'n„'li? "'"f^' '" •''» K»^«I Col. 
 Medicine afd'jLi,'',;/', .eti' 1?,? y""'"", '", ^^""'-' 
 TroatUo on the t?fonVN\;l.:So'f a'^dZ^ o? 
 ■I'hi-i ■--■'•■•'">'• .;. ino Ale odv of the 
 lii U T !'"• I- ^''"•'*- "''«'••• 2<ino,- 7th .'( |,S7. 
 latt Jack's Kour Ussons, N. York 81 I I S^i ("i i 
 I'*?? •'mo 111' « • !■,'""■ "• ""f"'' ''*"!« "»'"li 
 l«m,'. I IT- .^iH." ^'"K ""'1 Cloth of Gold, 188(1 
 ""no. 11. Tirod Church. Members, I.S8I, 16mo 12 
 IUI^I< llll'» II villi nivilt i;iii\-|i;t» iiiv ••■■^t.i >.■■^•.•■•■" 
 I^.'l7i liCMiiii' lmIoiicI \Sf.'>; wim i'iii|il('il in imikiiin 
 jxi'tiniiidiiK lor IliO I'lilvntiiio Kxiiliiriiliiiii Kuml I '■117 "0; 
 Orowlh: i|.-1lv(«r<..l Hi Iho Koyal Oolloifr of Siiriicm' of 'Two r)n>\xni' by W. Crnno. I.on., IH^^S vnli 
 Kiinliiiiil, l.'in., IfiN?, |i. 8vii. 1. Tilt I'liiMrcii ; Ikhv I" ~ ' 
 SlU'lv Ihtiii; Kniilicl Snuiely Iit'itiin'i«. Iinii., I'<"'7, 
 >ViiriM'r« (■t'orgfl V.,, nn<l I'ootv, (iiiirlcii M. 
 1. llUtiiiy «( Dukolii County iin.l tliii Citv nl lln.'liiij.'n, 
 Miiiiini|i"ll», ISni.hvo, '.'. IliKlory or lliiiMM'|iiii Ciiiinly 
 itnil lliii L'lly (if Minniii|iolii«. Minnciiliiili". I'*-'!, "vii. 
 it. Ill-lory of Ititiii 1 Ciiuuty an. I Iho lily of Si. I'uiil. 
 Miiirii ,i|iiili'i i>**\. -"vci. i. History ol \Vir«hiii|{lon 
 t'niinly mill llic Si. I'roix Viillcv, .\iinii™|iollii, I.nsI, 
 NVD. ( Kacli of llii!i>« Ijookn iiiciuiU'- tlm Kx|iIoict« iiml 
 rionocru of .MiiiiicKolii, liy K. H. Ncill, kk/iio, iirnl Oiil- 
 liiim of llii' Hi. lory of Miniii'soi.i. Iiy .1. K. Williniiix.) 
 WiiriHT, <:corK<' rrcth'ric'k, M..V. I'aiulo^iie 
 of III!) .Miuuii'iri|il!« ami .MiiniiiiiinU of Alloyn'K rnlii'ge 
 of iIimI'k liift al |)iilwi.-li, I.iin., (SSI, ^vo. | 
 Mnriior, Mth. II. I*. I. Po<Mn.< of ll.iuio l.ilci 
 N. York. 1h;1, «,,. I'^ 2. llouml by Iloiiml, .N. \ork, [ 
 ls7.ii, l^nio. 
 >Viirili>r, Ili'iiry K. Tlic T,uw of Kviili'in'o iimlcr 
 Ibo t'.iilc Hi' I'ivil I'r Iinx of tlio Statu of .Now York, ; 
 AUmiiiv, IH>'7, ><vo. I 
 HHriHT, llciiiy liPi', I'lHow of SI. Johii'a Col- 
 lci»o, Ciiiiiliriilac. Iliiil< ami 1Ic'1|ik fur Latin Klc^lam, 
 0.\t,, I vs.-p, IJiiio. , 
 Warner, .loliii .\lloii. 1. The Tw.. ra|ilainn; or, 
 Iiovp's liabiMir mil l.o«t: a I'i'lilo I'liineily, in Two .Vi'Ih, 
 F'llki'Hiono, IH77, iL'nio. li. Kionii, anil olhor I'oi'iiit, 
 Soiiiliinn|iliin, l'<71li Svo. 
 Wnrner, John l>e W ill. The Solar Theory of 
 M\lha, Albany, lS7il, >vo. 
 \tnrncr, L. <'., M.D. W m's Ilaml-Iliiok in 
 lli'aitli ami Di.iuasc. N. York, l>H7. IL'ino. 
 Wiirnfr, Kcv. Kii-hnrd IlycU, .M.A., )(railiiatc'<l, 
 piMiior opliini, at rorpus rbrisli I'olli'xc lauibriili?!', 
 ISil:;,- oriliiineil l>lll; vii'iir of A-lli'V. Warwicksbiro, 
 1S72-77, anil simie then of Alnu'li'V, llurufurilshirc. I. 
 iifo ami l,i'«enilj of Saint I'liml, llisboii of l.ii'hliuM : 
 with Kxtriii't.s from I'nulilcil MSS. lllust. Wislii'ch, 
 1^*71, ^lo. 2. Thu lli^-tory of Thorncy Abboy, I'un!- 
 briil){OMbiri', I'roni ils I'ounilalinn toils Dissolution: to- 
 ({I'ibor with pinip N'o'lfo of Ihe .Moilurn Varish. ami 
 lla|ili.sinal Itcgistcr of llie Kruneh IJolor.y, VViubcih, 
 1.'<7'.I, -Ml. 
 Wiiriicr, .'Mrs. S. K. Our Hiiby, [vorso,] X. York, 
 187.1, l>iuo. 
 Hurni-r, Miss Snttnn, [finie, vol. lit., adil.,] l.i|«- 
 ]MS5. 1. .Mclbournii llouso, N. Y'ork, 1S«I, 12mo. 2. 
 Daisy: a Si'iiud lo "Melbourne Ilou.'o," ISilS, i2nio. 
 3. Daisy in the I'ieM, Isfiii. l2ino. 4. What slio foulil, 
 ]S7(I, l2ino. 5. The House in Town, l-<7l, 12nii>. 11. 
 O|i|)orlunitic»: a Sei|uel lo "What she CouM," 1^71, 
 I2nio. 7. Trailing: linishins the Story of " Thu House 
 in Town." In72, I2im). .S. bosaons on Slanilanl-lJBarorii 
 of the Ulil Testament, 1^72, 1-lmo. 1). The Little ('ain]) 
 on Ka«lo llill, 1^7.1, iL'uio. III. Seeplres anil Crowns, 
 1S74, l2mo. II. Willow lirook : Sei|Uiil to "The Little 
 Camp." Lon., IS74; now ei|., 1S77, 12uio. 12. The 
 Flag of Trui'o, |H7J. IL'nio. LI. liivinn Trust: Tales 
 illuslratiiiK the Lonl's Prayer, I'i7.'), I2nii). 14. Wycli 
 Ila/.el, Lon., |s76, I2ino. 15. The Ulen Luna Family, 
 Lon., 1 ■'77, l2mo. It!. Diana, 1S77, l2nio. 17. Pino 
 Neeillcs. H77, 12mo. is. The Kingdom of .luilah, 1S78, 
 ]2mo. I'J. The Broken Walls of Jerusalem, I87H, 12mo. 
 2ll. My Desire, 187'.l, 12mo. 21. The Lu'lof a Coil. ISsO, 
 I2rao. 22. The Letter of Croilit, N. Yi rk, 1882, l2mo. 
 2:i. Noboilv, N.York, ls8:i, 12mo. 24. S.ephon. M.D., N. 
 York, 188;i, 12mo. 2j. A Red Wall-Flower, ISSI, 12iuo. 
 26. Daisy Plains, N.York, 1885, l2mo. With Wauskii, 
 A.VVA li.: 1. The liirtlnlay Vi'jit to Holly Farm. 18«ll. 
 2. Uertruile and her Bible, 18B4. ;i. The Prinee in Dis- 
 guise, L<B4. 4. The Uose in the Desert, 1S64. .i. The 
 Carpenter's Daughter, 1861. 6. The Widow ami her 
 Daughter, 1864. 7. Tho Two Sehool-Girls, 1 8(14 
 plei. (Conlaiiis two dramas, one emisisting of pal. 
 sajjes fri-ely Iranslaliil from Homer, wliieli was er- 
 fiirmed al Cromwoll Hmiso In In-".'!, and the other an 
 abriilgeil version of the " l)re.stes.' whieh was played at 
 the Prinees' Hall, Pieradilly, in I'-Hil, with niusi i- 
 poseil lor Ihe oecasion. The illiislralions arc fnun tub- 
 leaux ilesigiieil by Leighton, Holiday, and Walls.) 
 Wiirri'M, .Miitti. John Knox and bli Times, Lon., 
 IMIlll, I'.' 
 Wiirrcn, Mr. (?l'sunil.) How thi'y Mismanaged 
 their House on iibw, ii. Year; a Narrative, Lon., IH7H, 
 p. •<»o. 
 Warrflli .\. .1. 'Hie Apnreiialion of .Money ; its 
 Llleets on Debts, Industry, ami National Wealth, Phlla., 
 1H78, 8vo. 
 Wnrrcn, Anif>N W. The Young Man's iJnide, or 
 Malhemalii'al I'lmipenilium. llnlland, Vt., |S7L', inino. 
 Warren, Nir fhiirles. ti, K.C.ll., F.U.S., 
 Ac., b. 18IU; edneateil al I'heltonhnio l.'ollege, Sand- 
 hurst, and Woolnieb; entered the Koyal Kngineers 
 exeavaiions for the Palestine Lxi 
 served as miijorgeneral in Ihe /iilu and Kgyptian wars 
 1881-86: ebii'l eominissioner of llio metropolitan polieo 
 I8KI1-88. I. I'ndergrouml .lernsalem ; an .\eeount of 
 some of tlio Prineipal Dilliiullies eneounlered in its Ex- 
 ploration, and the Itesulls olilainod : with a Narrativu 
 of an Kxpedition through Ihe .lordan Valley and a Visit 
 to the Sainurilans. lllnst. Lon., 1^*76, Svu. 
 " In the annals (if the iliMlngnlsbed eoriis of lioyal Kii- 
 ,!ineer» lliere can lie lew tales of palieiil loll and Imnrly 
 risk lit lite noire wnrlliv nt recunl than those wliU'li niako 
 npllic niiassninlngiiarraliveor ' linleritround .lernsalem.' 
 . . . ll In Ihe imrralive of persnnal adventures, . . , 
 rather than In arehieolotiiial (llscoveries and faels. Unit 
 the allrnellon uf Captain Warren's Vdliinieeiinsisls."— ^'ll^ 
 liir., xllli. NK). 
 2. The Temple or the Tomb: giving Further I'Mdeneo 
 in Favour of the Aullienlieity of the Present Silo of tho 
 Holv Sipiilehrc, Ae., Lon., 1S8I1, Svo. 
 "Ciilunel Warren . . . surveys In ample del.ill, lliongb 
 Hllloiiil luiieli svsteniallc arrangement, llie whole Kruiiinl 
 of ennuiiversv lietweeii -Mr. KeiKUssim ami his (ipponeiits. 
 . . . 'riiciiiKli (he lire may be loose and Inlerinlllenl, there 
 Isseauely a sliol Iml tells."— ,s'ii/. lin:, II. ;ili' 
 I And see Wilson, Sin Chahi.ks Wh.i.iam, I'n//— . 
 I SVarren, CliiirleN, slatistician of the United Stales 
 Iluroau of Kdueation. Answers lo Imn'iriefl about tho 
 I'nited Stales liureau of Fducaliyn. I ist. Pub. by 
 I'.S. (iov't. Wash., l^sSII, 8vo. iThis is a revision to 
 dale of the History of the lluronu of lidueation, pre- 
 pared liv Dr. Sliiras.) 
 Warren, E. My Hoy Jack. Illust. Lon., 1887, 
 r. Svo. 
 W arren, K. l*riolean, and Cloveriey, C. F. M. 
 The Wanderings of Ihe " lleetlc." Illust. Lon., 18Sj, 
 4to. (Narrative of a siinimer trip on the Meuse.) 
 I Mnrren, Kdward, .M.D., brother of J. C. AVarren, 
 [mill', vol. iii., add.] I. The Iiile of John Warren, 
 ■Surgeon in the Hovolutionary Army, Host., 187', 8vo. 
 2. A Doctor's Experiences in Three Continents : Let- 
 ters, Halt., 1885, l2ino. 
 Warren, Mrs. Klizn, [<iii(e, vol, iii., Wauhkv, 
 ! Mils., add.] 1. Comfort fur Small Incomes, Lon., I>6(1, 
 j p. Svo. 2. .\ House and its Furnishings, Lon., l^BU, p. 
 8vo. 3. The Art of Imitating Oil-Pnintings without a 
 Knowledge of Drawing. Illust. Lon., 1871, 4to. I. 
 My Lady Help, and wiinl she taught me, Lon., 1877, 
 12ino: new ed., IssH. 5. The Way it is Done, Lon., 
 1878, 12ino. 6. How the Lady Help taught the Girls to 
 Cook and be I'scful, Lon., IS7a, 12mo. 7. A Young 
 Wife's Perplexities: with Hints on the Training ami 
 Instruction of Young Servants, Lon., 18811, I2ino. 8, 
 Cookery for an Inco e of £200 a Year, Lon., 1887, p. 
 Warren, Miss Elizabeth, [<iii(c, vol. iii., Waii 
 The Little Black Hen, I8(U. 9. Martha and her Friend i hks, Mlss, add.] I. John Knox and bis Times, Lon., 
 Rachel, 1S61. in. Martha's Hymn, 1865. II. The ' 1867, p. Svo. 2. Illoiiiiilield : a Tale, Lon., 1870, 12imi. 
 ■Word: Walks from Eden, 1866. 12. Sybil and Chiyssa, ;i. Tho Last Passover; or, Closing Days in the Lifeol 
 and The Little Xe.rso of Cape Cod, 18611. 13. Theiioldl Him whose Name we bear, Lon., )873, 18mo. 4. The 
 of Chiekaree, N. York, 1876, 12mo. 14. Little Nettie; I (ireat Forty Days: designed lo bo a Help to Sunday- 
 or, Home Sunshine, 1878. 15. Carl Krinken : his Christ- \ School Teachers, Dublin, 1876, ISino. 5. Savonarola, the 
 mas .Stoekinir, Illust, Now ed., N. Y'ork. 1880. Kinio. I Florentine Martvr: a Kefornier before the Reformation, 
 Warner, Theodore Uavenport. Madalena ; 
 or, Tho .Maid's Mischief: a Drama, Pliila., 1887, 12ino. 
 Warr, Prof. U. V. Echoes of Hellas: thr Tale 
 of Troy and tho Story of Orestes from Homer and ..'ischy- 
 lua ; with an Essay and Sonnets. Prejented in Eighty- 
 Lon., I8SII, er. Svo ; 2d ed., 1H8I. 
 Warren, ErneNt. 1. Four Flirts: their Cards, 
 and bow they played them, Lon., 1880, Svo, 2. Laugh- 
 ing Eyes; or, A Cruise and ita Consequences. Illust. 
 Lou., 1881, 8vu. 3. The Queen of CoqUetteii: her Cour- 
their Card?. 
 . 2. Laus'i- 
 ncos. Illust. 
 ju : her Cour- 
 '■-•y yu,l. „„..•. 1-;: ,',:;';/,,:;"■ '^^ •'"- 
 C.-..T (:„ii,.«., 1^7 - '^^^^^^^^ •<-'i'i':" 
 "-''"" 'n'-.-" r'"^:;^''■'^;'vr"^""^•- 
 n. Vi."T",' <■•;"'«<■ >vii,i,i„Ki„„ ' " 
 ol the lliinkiT Hill M.MHiiM.iit U. 
 ••ir^t ('.■nlur-.v „( i\u- Liiitcl 
 Ilnsl., I.S7-, sv, 
 1. Till' History 
 'ii'iiitiiin (liirin){ (|,u 
 on Imur.-I.mwi,,;;, I,:,,,., |,s-,;' .svo". ^i 
 W,urusunUruvv,,,«,,„,l|.,.|„ti,,J. i|,„^^ • 
 Urn.,.':;;''.:'""' ""■"" '"" I-'-l^nyme of William P. 
 ;;«?: si! ?7 "-?:';- '-i'Kd 
 |<-n'"7fo,:!"^k:l,{^,/i,j:-''}^' Trc.,..e on 
 l'"lli Cr;,| ■ L I: I '"'i "'" '"'■""'■ ""I't'To; or. Th^ 
 «nrr.-i,, i,. ,.. ni,,,;,,,. „;;-'""• 
 Ihi'li- ( i)ilc.;„„i,|ein.u iiihI 
 "arrcn, M. J. 
 .:.i"r:::i"',^"'f!!^j:'''''t>''»'""i'--.n,iK „, 
 t'iiiTo<l Poriiiluru* : 
 >iKMiliiHtion, l,i,n., ISNO, Hvo. 
 i'liiiiiiiil or Kldfutioii, I'liilii. IN77 
 I. A Text- 
 A Troiiti 
 Liim., 1S7I, 
 w::;s'^^';:rir,':;.-^-'. T,„,Hi„„ry„f 
 .Ml A.l.lrc,,, l,y ll,.„ • liv ^^^ ';;im|.r,si„^ Hi,,,,,;. 
 Warren. I'ortlan.l, M., i.;,;"';," "-''"'«-. b.v •■^"i»»i'l 
 wu!;;::::^!::::.!';:^!';'";^ ?■■'•■ ^i''^^"^ 
 "■^-■l; cnt,.rcMl ,h„ nim' V ,rVi. \ 7''.'' " "l.^-^'-'i'^ 
 e'l;?e by Travel, N. V, rk s7l '' "fl"^: .-r K„„.»|. 
 N York IS7S ■, I, ' ■ - ■^"i'li"f ol 
 i.."."i"°";,';:r- '■ " ' '■'■»• in*;......".;,, 
 ;|,;>'l Ant„,u„ie.., ,t,.. III,.,,. |)„„. ,s;rs\.' , t7 
 n.ri,f, se.o„,ic„,„i:,i^, au^:':^KZr';TT "'■ 
 .ion .»,..";„ ll^jL':t;;Kt%,;;;;.'^T-'- 
 * lit n'rita : I'ooms, Lon iSrtM i o. ., ., . ' • 
 Mon,„ or/ A Coliect'on rv '^'^,''>«"-^ ""'1 
 Wtee. Metrioa, Dra,,,;, l"; ' ^sl,, '^^S, I ^ 
 I li-H ^,^' ; 7;-;';;"' <!''■ l'--Ha..r I-ulyteoh,,;.! 
 i l'"i"n, .\ York s74-«;. ' " ^"••f"'""' "1 ""vo- 
 'lane nn.l S,li,lKr,.,, 11 ,',,.' '**''•, ^- l*'l«'»Pnl» of 
 Tl"E''\V •;'"'"••■' /"■• ^ ''">"I.c>..i'u.n of ,1,0 
 I Jmro.i u.,io,; i.y j;.,,:;',,;;^:!,,;:^';.;;"'' '^ i'i"Kn,.hioai 
 Ti,v'\''."' '■''• """''"""''i [""''-, vol. iii ft,i,n 1 
 X. York, l.sJ^; I'l,;;,';; "■ " ^"""B t'"n>.tl,ian Yaehbumn, 
 c.a!!'^o^'l:,.i^^^:'^Vlj/":"' M-A. graduated, firat 
 < nnorsi .\ l«.,,,, became,. Motliodist minister JXbb an I 
 envard. ..udied theology ut Andovor iTo i"'.""^ 
 I. e,_^profe,«sor of sy.tematie theology n he M th 
 "d s( E,„..c„p„l JIi,si„n Theological In.ti "tc Urw. en 
 ; i::^z ^r '"v'-'^t- ''•'-«.oii';;f%™ir^ 
 The Tr,« -? . I '"" ^ "i^crsity since 1873. 1. 
 'e;,grlry^,^, ':i ^z"' ^">' "".;' •y^"-'-' 
 2,'o"'''r'T"'",r'*''i^"'™ ^^'-'''' 'I'-t ?jo t., 
 Warnns, Charles B. " Strike, but hear me .- 
 [1; ^ ';/ / "l''« '» "",1 S'-'ly of Book i-iat";' ' 
 I'ibris,) Lon., lASO, 8vo. 
 (Nos. 1-7 
 - (Ex. 
 in the foregoing list 
 the Mosaic Aoctiunt of the Crontion, the Mirnole of To- 
 Dny ; or, New Witnesses to tlio Oneness of Genesis ami 
 .■^cienee, N. York, 1S7), Iflmo; new ed., 1877. 
 >Vnrriiigtoii, K. The Chomistry of the Farm, 
 Lon., ISSl, |i, Svo. 
 Wiirriiigton, Sydney. Purity Unwin: the Story 
 of a Frii'nilslii|>, hon., ISsI, or. Svo. 
 Wui-ti'Kis, Clifvalier de IlesHC-. Tunis : the and the I'eople. Ilhist. I.nn., 1S82, Svo. 
 " A eleiir, ami clmililless an Hcouraiv, accounl nl ilie oiiu- 
 (litiuM of Tuiii> at tlie time of tlie Kreiicli ocviipalinn."— ; 
 yitlinii. xxxv. ml. „ , , , ,• . I 
 ■• WlK'ii the nidinieiitJirv pvciilianlies of the C lievalier.s i 
 FiiKli-li are uiiderstood, . . . and w lien its vat,'ueiie<s and 
 rertunilancy liavr oeased 1<> bewilder, it is l.nind timt 
 ■during a sojourn id' several nomtlis in tlic reueiuy lie 
 niust have taken notes imiiistr'.msly. ami. in spite ol all 
 drawliaeks. we dare sav his Imok wili take rank as an ini- j 
 piirtial deserlption id' "I'linis as it was belore the FreiK'li 
 invasion.' -.l(/i., No. is;;:!. ... ,, i 
 >Vi»rtcr, Rev. John Wood, In,/', vd. in., add.,] \ 
 1S02-187S. An Old Shropsliiro Oak. Edited by Kjchiird 
 Harnett. Vols, i., ii., lion., ISSii, Svo; vols, iii., iv.. 
 " The book may be described as a rambling account of 
 the history of Slirupshiie, and of Kiisilaml (,'eiierally, 'de- 
 livered nn'der tlie similitnile of a dream.' "--.I//1., No. .ioi:,. 
 " Kmimiitly a bo.ik for the scholar, the divine, and tlie 
 conntrv neiitieinan."— -IciKi., .\xi.\. 177. 
 " Wnrtli, Julian," (I'seud.) See P.utsoNS. Miis. 
 Jt'M.V Wahth, •m/irii. 
 Wnrvflle, George W. A Practical Treatise on 
 Abstracts and Kxaininations of Title to Ueal Property, 
 Chic, iss:!, Svo. 
 Wash, Henry. Bible Evidences Summarized, Lon., 
 187.-.. l2ino. 
 Washburn, Charles Ames, b. 1S22. at Livcr- 
 raoro. Me.; graduated at Bowdoin 181S; admitted to 
 the bar; settled in Cali."ornia and became a journalist ; 
 appointed U.S. commissioner to Paraguay ISIil.and was 
 minister resident there ISe.'i-liS, when ho was obliged to 
 leave the country to avoid being arrested on a charge of 
 conspiring against the dictator Lopez. (See .M.viiSIIM.W, 
 Geoi'.ok ¥.,iiiijji-(i.) lie has since resided at .Morristown, 
 N.J. L The History of Paraguay: with .Notes of Per- 
 sonal Observations and Keminiscences id' Diplomacy 
 under Difficulties, and .V. York, IS71, 2 vols. Svo. 
 " Mr. Washburn's personal recollections are inlonsely In- 
 teresting; . . . lint it is these very rceoUectioiis that almost 
 entirelv unfit him for an historian, even if on other 
 grounds he were iinalitlea for this vocation."— .Vn/ioii, xu. 
 "After making every allowance for unrestrained feel- 
 ings, ami for the just hatred in.spired by the ai'tions of 
 three detestalile tvrants, we cannot but recognize the gen- 
 eral acciiriicv of "thc'-e pages, so far us Paraguay is eoii- 
 cerned."-.tA., No. •>m. , ™ .. 
 2. From Poverty to Coinpetenee: Graduated Taxation, 
 Phila., 1887, l2ino. 
 W ashburn, Dexter Cnrlcton. Songs from the 
 Seasons, and other Verses, St. Jolinsbury, Vt., 1888, 
 Washburn, Rev. Edward AbicI, D.D., isi'.i- 
 1881, b. in lioston, Mass.; graduated at Harvard 18:18; 
 became a Congregationalist minister IS42j ordained in 
 the Protestant Kpiseopal Church 1814; rector of Calvary 
 Church, New York, 1866-81. 1. The Relation of tlio 
 Kpiseopal Church to the other Christi.iii Bodies, N. Y'ork, 
 1874, Svo. 2. The Social Law of (iod : Sermons <ni the 
 Ten Commandments, N. York, 187o, 12mo; tith od., 1884. 
 3. Sermons, N. York, 1882, 12mo. 4. Voices from a 
 Busy Life, [verse,j I88.'i. 
 Washburn, Emclyn W. 1. Studies in Early 
 English Literature, N. York, Iss:;, Svo. 2. The Spanish 
 Masters : an Outline of the History of Painting in Spain, 
 N. York, 1881, Svo. 
 " The volume is not to be elitssed with the authoritative 
 work of .Morelli. but hikes its place lus a hand-book ol iin- 
 queslioiialile value."— -V.i/i'oii, .xxxviii. iWl. 
 Washburn, Emory, LL.i>., [""'«. vol. iii., add.,] 
 18011-1887. He resigned his professorship at Harvard in 
 1871). 1. Lectures on the Study and Practice of the 
 Law, Bost., U"4. Svo. 2. Manual of Criminal Law: 
 including th- Mode of Procedure by which it is en- 
 forced. Edited, with Notes, by M. D. Ewell. Chic, 
 1878, 12nio. 
 Washburn, Rev. i'ranvis, recior of the church 
 of the Holy Spirit. Uondout. N.Y. I. The Soul Athirst, 
 and othur Sermons, N. York, 1S76, 12mo. 2. Thoughts 
 on the Lord's Prayer, N. York. 188:!, 24mo. 3. Medita- 
 tions on Charity, N. York, ISS7, 24mo. 
 Washburn, Israel, LL.U., 1813-1883, b. at Liv- 
 crmore, Me.; admitted to the bar 1834; governor of 
 Maine 1S6I ; collector of customs at Portland, Me., 1863 
 -77. Notes, Historical, Descriptive, and Personal, of 
 Liverniore. Maine, 1874. 
 Washburn, Jean Bruce. Yo Semite; a Poem, 
 San Fran., 1S71, 12mo. 
 Washburn, John .M. Ueason r». the Sword: a 
 Treatise, in which it is shown that Man has no Uiglit to 
 take Human Life, N.York, ls7;i, l2ino. 
 Washburn, W. T. The Unknown City : a Story 
 of New York, N.York. IS8(l, 12mo. 
 Washburnc, Elihu ]ten.iamin, 181(i-lsS7, 
 brother of Israel Washburn, sii/.,,, ,- b. at Liverniore, 
 Me.; studied law at l.arvard; admitted to tlie bar Is40, 
 and practised in tjalcna. III.; iiunibcr of Congress 1 s.">:! 
 -l)!l; secretary of state for a short time in ISIi'.l, and 
 U.S. minister to France from that year till Isr7. He 
 wrote his loiiiic (originally Wasliljurn 1 witli a final e. I. 
 Sketch of Edward Coles, Second (iovcrnor of HIinois, 
 and ihc Slavery Struggle of lS2:i-2l, Chic, IS82, Svo. 
 2. Kecolleetions of a .Minister to France, 18fi!(-IS77. 
 Illuat. X. York, ISS7, 2 vols. Svo. 
 "Although written somewhat stilUy. it gives a graphic 
 picture, friini the stand-point of a close olwrver, ol the 
 most striking episode in recent Kiiropcan history. It is 
 disappointing onlv in itscharaclerizations ol tlie extraor- 
 dinary men who iignre on its jmges. of w horn Mr. W ash. 
 bnrne gives rather siipcrliciul sketches. . . . Notwilhsliind- 
 iiig this defect, ;!ic hook deserves the high place whiili it 
 will dimlitle.>.s take among contemporary memoirs, — 
 Sdtiiin, xlvi. 1:11. 
 Washington, Elizabeth. Posie. the .Mini^ter'3 
 Daughter. Illust. N. York, 1S71, Kinio. 
 Washington, Mrs. Lucy II. Echoes of Song, 
 [verse] X. York, IS7S, 12ino. 
 Wasiiington, Miss Mna. Ethel's Pearls, N. 
 Y'ork. 1S72, Himo. 
 »ason, II. Ii. Letters from Colorado, Bost., 1S87, 
 Wnssa, E. Truth on Albania and the Albanians; 
 Historical and Critical, Lon., 1S79. 
 Wassell, II. A. The Holy Land and the Temple 
 of the Millennium, as given by Ezekiel. Maps. Lon , 
 IS7.'i. Svo. 
 Wasscrniann, Lilins, and Weddle, Isabella. 
 The Counter of this World, Lon., 1884, 3 vols. p. Svo. 
 Wasson, David Atwood, {'n,i,; vol. iii., add..] 
 lS2:i-IS87, b. at West Brooksville, Me.; became a I ni- 
 tarian minister; was settled at (iroveland, Mass., 1851- 
 57, and had charge of Theodore Parker's ehurcl: in 
 186.^66. Poems. Bust., 1887. 12nio. 
 Wtttcrfield, W illiani, [oiid, vol. iii., add.,] Hymns 
 for Holy Davs and Seasons, Lon., !s77, 32nio. 
 W aterfo'rd. Marchioness of. See BKni-:st'onn. 
 Waterhouse, 1'. H. The Signification and Prin- 
 ciples of Art : an Essay, Lon.. 18S7, Svo. 
 Uaterhonse, diaries Owen. 1. lllustrationsof 
 Typical Siiccimens of Coleoptera in the Collection of the 
 British Museum, Lon.. lS7y, ic. Svo. 2. (Ed.) Aid to 
 the Identihcatiiin of Insects. Illust. Lon., 1880, 4to. 
 And see (loiiMAN, F. D., mijini. 
 Waterhouse, Harry. Reformed: a Drama, in 
 Three Ads, Manchester, 1870, Svo. 
 Wttteihousc, N. I. Memorials of the Families of 
 Cropper, Cubhaiu, and Wolsey of Bickerstuffe, and of 
 Winstanley of Winstanley, Liverpool, 1804, 4to. 2. The 
 Siege of Hennebon, and other PocuiB, Lon., 1871, p. 
 Waterhouse, Sylvester. Memorial to Congrc-s 
 to secure an Adciiuate Appropriation for a Prompt and 
 Thorough Improvement of the .Mississippi Kiver : with 
 an Appendix, St. Louis, 1877, 12mo. 
 Waterloo, Stanley. How it Looks. Illust. N. 
 York, 1888, I2mi>. 
 Waterman, Luther Dana. Phantoms of Lil'e, 
 [verse,] N. York, lss:i, bij. Ifinio. 
 Waterman, Thomas W hitney, ['iitl'-, vol. iii., 
 add.] 1. A Treatise on the Law of Trespass, N. York, 
 IS7.'i, 2 vols. Svo. 2. Digest of Decisions in Criminal 
 Cases contained in the Reports of the Federal Courts 
 and' the Courts of the Several States. X. Y'ork, 1878, Svo, 
 3. A Treatise on the Law relating to the Spccillc Per- 
 formance of Contracts, X. York, Is'-I, '-vu. t. A Treat- 
 ise on the Law of Corporations other than Municipal: 
 with Citations from the English and United Stales 
 Courts, N. York. 1888, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Waters, Alderman Thomas Houghton, 
 M.D., F.R.C.P., [diile, vol. iii., add.,] physician to tlic 
 Royal rnnrimiry, Liveri,,,,,! r , u ■ ^^'^ 
 rs. Clara,?;%'/::::!^A;:^,<;'""-,!<n.;wn „a , ^//r -ii-','""y -e^ livii;;!'; n.^; i;;;-;,;;;;:!;^:', '"-^ ,"' ^^^ 
 h eiiiiljl..« )ii... ",K"^ 
 jMrs. Clara K.;^..; <;.e,„en,;/;,. ,s;„, ,„ g, , ,, 
 IjOiii's, iMo. ; ijiiirrieil r.r«> iv, 
 Advertiser. She „,hv ■ V "i' """''■''• "Hheltet,,! 
 • - • •'•.('7"s.) English (Vna-re,,: 
 "i'li tl.e pus,. ,ul;i "'• ' ".1^1 '^""'iV'^'l'"' .•" 
 jjome and CliriVfi,inii'y- M,in.„- i" ,■ 
 ,H«.'"an, lios,., |ss,i p,,„ , ";. •■^""■'■"■S iiy Urnost 
 b-;.ry of Ent,.r.„i„ini in.,;.,. -A '''f I','' , "I,""' <" ''i- 
 0H.'Cu,-|„„„„. rilu.-t "A '•> '"V ■"•""■ "-Chur. 
 Vork, IS,S2, 12 m ™ u n ,'•■ ''^„"''"0' <iifvilie, .\ 
 tmn Symbol. „„. St.,r bs ,^ Hi ^^ .";""l-"""l< "H-'hris- ' 
 Beginners and Students- ,v ,| •* Archiieetnro lor 
 '"St. N. Vork, l.Ii.IiG s'vo"'',,''"'"l'''''« l»'l«cs. II- 
 Ai'ti.«ts.- Ilistorieal and' De-r . ."l, n'"' '"" ''"'^ »"'< 
 1-'. Allistorvof Art r„Vl> • ' ''• ""^'■. I'^'^li, Xvu 
 im..t. .n'. Yo;k, 188 sir ■ur',^,'"'"l'l'^'V' Indexes. 
 Arii,-(9 of the Nineteenth C, . '"'"• '"'IR':'" k, 
 Hand.Iiook coo.a, " li,, "'I'-.y. ;>"' «l..Mr Work.« 
 1«7!'. 2vols. IL',„o. " ^*"'o'i"|'l"i:al Sketulies, Best., 
 "ftters, <'vrii A A n 
 Professor i'aweeU's «„,;,„ „"f plfJ^T.-'^ ^'"''^ "t 
 '■^S'S p. Xv„ *'"""''l "f Political Eeonumy, Lon 
 -Manehe.srer, I.S7,; l-nio Servia's History,! 
 "aters, Mrs. John a v -'""■ ' 
 ;n,i'.'H, dnrin, th^;^!:::;,^^:- :;;H^^Aa.^..e, 
 >Vaters, John Ileiirv M n 
 rojiolitan police, .to. ■ 'enior h ,n " "''^'""' "> ""= ^et- 
 Treitment of (Ve.. of Inseii'ihi'li','^' "'hI Iniiiie.liato 
 I'lin., l.'ir!!, p. svo. ^ns'.ii^ibility and Convulsion,., 
 Waters, IVatliaiiiel Kaiiisai- ti, ■ « 
 »n.- " 'Memoir of (■|i,.i,ti.,n 7,„i I?* ^'"■""f?'' Runie 
 I'enenee, N. Vork, 1877 limo^ t-^t.'a-Clnistian E.,- 
 "aters, Kobert.'b. KsU „f ti 
 ™n>e to Canada 18-12 .work*'! ^'""'':"' ■'^<-'<"land ; 
 •■tudied in (Jermanv. .md ha. J „ ." T"-''""-""'"= i 
 'low to get on in the 1 ' -i i , '"-' '''"«'" •'°'""'l- I I 
 "»J '."nguage o WH ■' ''V",'"""'-'™'*'! hy the Lif. 
 Kngiish^riif J::;;i:i.,^^'^''i.J«l-]^Cobbe,,.^ 
 iramatie Henm. rir„.. ' , V"."/*'''"^ "f "ne 
 •'■""■bar at the Inner ■ n p le' V.l''"';''','"'' '7^''''^'' 
 Memoirs of the Ki„,|red Faui ie ol'TI "'•'»";'''"«i<-'"l 
 Archbishop of Canterbury an Ti T' ^ ''■"""er, 
 •;' I.iehlield: Illustrated liirT,!"'", ^^""''' "i"'"'!' 
 Engravings of All Arehbish , • ''"' I''"'' ''•■'Hgree.i, 
 ' ""neotions: Illustrat* w hsii^' , ''?."" A..oe.«tors „„d 
 "I -^rms, I,on., I87r, iv? /aZ, ' P'''''''''''''''''''^''''" 
 ■■■k next mentioned ) (Another chapter from the 
 said .,'f no'l^V hMbe'K;'"' ''"'"'■'■ ' i'>^rim?i1t "uil'l 
 pages, „,„| review! u^ n,or';'"f ,'•'''''■''''"'« "^-(-'r m q r,r, 
 ; Nome th.Misaiick ,,|- t,.,! "^ ''•'" t'lrefiillv the lives „■ 
 not even piulesi lo 1„. ni.ire , o,;,'7" '",'''• '""■ "'''eh dot^s 
 nn e.xtiiu:t family of kS''^.;;:''™ ;«''■"' ■^'7"'>''-.' ol 
 tliat It Is not oiilv a roadahl i.,„ l. 1 ""' ■-i'<'<'"d rnnk,- 
 ""'"'»,' one, and Ihat it le 'er ve , , ,'' !'" ""(■"■"".v '■nlcT- 
 de contribution (,, il,,. ,i , ^.'^'.^ i' '"'~'' ™"'< '"< a valna- 
 mve iio.hi,,,- lik,! i,' ,>, , " ;;'l!^'7,v or KuKlan,!. ' ^e 
 Mloiil„,.,l whether even the , , V .', , '"nnel „i„l it niav 
 li'o(Iui.,.,| a work at oiirn ..,,, ""' rri'neli geiieadgists ever 
 ■U-oisTi-s Jixsoi. :',';;,';," '^l.'?.\f>' "n,l s„ exlianstivo,"- 
 "nirisl:rS;'lWu1''"'f ''" ^""""- "'Chester 
 "]-' "'• -ho F^^Tili"^ •];7''^":i."";'^''""';i'buiy;and 
 i "!,";;». Oxon, and UloneeSii'; lI'^J.^s "",',',; "•^'^^' 
 ol l.oiiilon; and l,v v,V, ,,''"'''•""""' Lord Mavop 
 ^'''l'"r lures ! s' ;,,•,,.■', ','"r'''','''''''''"^ wileherV 7ho 
 ; iJomesday Sa ev of .T"-''' '""' '■'"npa.ed witii the 
 ■-'ciated Are tee"^, .d'sK.hT "?/'"""' '''■'■"' ""-" A^- 
 'B'^S : vol. xvi jt , , •'"'''',' ""-■I""'" "nd I'apers. 
 ! '!<-«i-sters in in^Z aJi^nn ""'■/'°- "• l'''"«' 
 j '^nggestions for" .„ ' 7 ' :'''^";7 '"'.^ ^"ntenls : with 
 ! "vation, Lon. . "1 „ "'!" ' "'""'^ '""' Pres- 
 : .fry List of the .„i,;,bit";,ts of V i."'"' '" ^ ^•"""- 
 Lon., 18.S.-,. 8. (i„„dr,,d„ , u- *-\|'lanatory Xotes, 
 »■ Critical Examimittn'.f, IT, *'■:'' ''■■"•' (-f f^nnev ; 
 , Parentage; wit IWni at s ,' ^'™«'«:'' '^'"ries of her 
 ] ter nor the Step-D,* ',1 ter ft.""' ","'"'" "'« »»"«!>- 
 queror, I.„„., ;;^l'jl^"%'l"<--r of Rmg WiHiau, the Con- 
 '''t.^;ar;h?i?rr^?-w-v^'""' '"■ 
 "That Tiresome Child." Ilh'is, I " ')'"*'" ^^'"O^'. 
 ■ 'to. .i. ^,J^,,,|„_,. Afternoon., at Rose 
 ."inio. 4. Stories 
 ,JV«ter«, Robert Kdinoad r:..„..„ ' ' ""^ ^^i""" cSre;;''li:^ ^:;:;; i^«V ^Jr/l'''^ ^- «'-i«' 
 ■Ito. .' ^''tt'e Children, Lon., 1888 
 Wathorstoii, Kduanl I ti. t, 
 "nd for Ily the since 187^' 1 Tb^"' *'"'Hl*l'<"-t "•'^'M-fiS, 
 ■ni'nt, Manchester. 1874 8;.oP ","""*'"••" ''''■"«- 
 Canada and the State. ^ IWoll ^'''""'^ •'""""'■ ^'• 
 Lon., 1887, 8vo. "^collections, 1851 to 18.(1, 
 .n.^:^nu!\;li:;:Sr',;[ '^H^.-t. .1, devoted 
 '■England and Wales. mat "''',' ■"''''l"''''^" '» 
 ■•■"m^-ehc.'.oineli,,w,.r„„r,,..;..."i-."'^'".'- •" the l.e..l ad V'" <•"*<:• raiiK 
 niii'ine skill In'settini? oin,,. „,.;;■ i";.. , ■,■- - 
 ■'• tJenoalogical Memoirs of the FrH„„, v ■, 
 ' 'loster of Chieholev • (i„.i. a ''"itinct Fam y of 
 '-".. L878, 2 I'd, 7,0 """ ^"'''""^ "»d Descendants' 
 •It Is the men, of Mr. Wate,.' volumes that they never 
 yet i/een'writl;;;; on u!;,'{i:;^' '"™' '■I'^torles that have 
 'Icml., xxlil. 4LM. "omaii oecupatioii of IJritaln "-- 
 ™.iini';:";;:;^;i^[:',7-,A i;-criptio„ of Roma„ rc. 
 L'*Sfi,4to. ^"""tJ"'f Cheshire. Hlust. Liverpool, 
 tion,. While u',r.';;Ki'r».S;',rU'i:",^5 ,T'"^'" '■^ou. 
 erest of Its niaterlttl.'c" (A 'x^' X! '"'"'"""'ce 
 i 'ii 
 and intcres 
 Wntkins, A. Singing in Elementary Schools : Lee- 
 of the li.i.-'ili 'an Church of lirixwurlh. I lus • I^""-. 
 imlV Sv 2. The Day o( Days: a Pooin in Commcm- 
 ir ion th; National Thanksgiving. 27t . February, 
 ?S72, »n,l other I'oeins, l.on., 1872, 8vo .). Quo War- 
 ranto- or. The Athanasian Treed, Loll., Ih7,i, •* o. 
 "walking, llev. Frederick Uall, M.A., g™iua ed 
 at St. dohn-s Ollege. Cambridge, 1S.,.<; or.l e,l N-,0 
 nrofes^or of (ireck and Latin in Queen a College, l-i^^r- 
 E,o 1867-81 •, ver,,etual curate of Speke-Oarston since 
 ?87a. 1 (Ed. iiKl trans.) (ioethe's Hermann und .- 
 otW: the .ierman T«t with Oorrcsj.,, 1 gW^h 
 bv Wilhclm Uusch. must. N. \ork. 18,.!, ^vo. 
 .1,. „ivil war • attending surgeon to St. Francis Hospital, 
 Jersey CUV sin e 18 "fand^o Christ's Hospital s nee 
 ^8, 7 1 ha« contributed nun.erous papers to mechea^ 
 :^u.„a,s. l.Amj.uta.i„ns.2»^:-rt'!l^;: 
 ^porlsm;:nC^rai!i:r or, Vhe"i:ake Lands of Canada. 
 r:;m','lf;uiion urthe%.o.ting literature of the eountry."- 
 I -"wui^l^.!'!:. S.acy.. The Silvery Hosts of the 
 cal.ul"ry '"-' l>'"l"S»os for the Use of the Army and 
 ! '"W;^/^, mvld^'Disciplcshif, and other Poems, 
 • Wilhclm Uuscli. iimsi. .>. — ■- ■;•■ , , , i :„■,„;„., x\'io Koman Catholic Church] addressed to the 
 walk ns.Ven. Henry Willi«...,I>.>...«™''';:;l;' i i eg"" and Congregations of Christ Church and S t^ 
 a, University College, London '^f > <? llrelv^U e 1 ^"l>-''«. «'• I'^"""^'"'^ "" ^'''- ^^""' 1^''-^"^'"''"' "'' 
 vicar of Much Wenlock 1873-75,and of ^ • ^J^^, « , Koru.e; Church. I.on., is 
 G,;ea., Canterbury. 187i^S,,;hashcdee.p,^^ 
 Great, t'anteruury, i.-i ■.'--", ■ "- — •• "- ■ ,..^.„„ 
 Miii.s in King's College, London; prolessor ot "ebrew 
 snips HI iviii), = f ii,,i,„,„ jincM' ISSO; archdeacon 
 ill the University of Durham since i . i , 
 and canon of Durham sim:e ss2. 1. 1 e « ''■l'« ' ^ 
 pordinz to St. John: with Commentary. Lon., !«..', 
 li ^ l-reviously published in Hisliop Kl ico.f. om- 
 men^arv.) 2. Keligion and Science: Two l>ap<=vs, Lon., 
 IST'.I, Svo. Also, charges, A-c. % n„ nhri., 
 Watkins, John >Vc«trop. \-^y"X-\%^Z 
 tian Cumiiionwealth, by 11. W. J. l'""',?'',' ',Ve mken' 
 2 (Trans. I The Cathedral of Cologne, by K 1 . "«l'»«>^^"' 
 Cologne. 1881, 8vo; 2d ed.. enl , 1884 H. Popular U.s- 
 tory of r.gvpt. IlUist. l"'"-. l.-^''''' "»• „ . .,<,., 
 ?Vatkini, Rev. Morgan « eorge, M^A.,b . 
 Sea. liy an Ex-Curato of the 
 Wa'tsoniKBbcrt P. l.''^>e ^Meru J'-etice of 
 American .Machinists ami Engineers, 1 '^^'i - \^'*' '""'"• 
 2. Manual of the Hand-Lathe,, 1>,'J, l-mo. 
 Watson, Eleanor. Faith «'«=■!'«• '"';^, ';"'«' 
 Poems, Sacred and Miscellaneous, Lon., 8, U, 12nio. 
 Watson. Emily H. 1. Child-Life in I'.urope. By 
 WaUon e^miij ^ child-Life in Italy: 
 a S 'ry of SxYars Abroad. By the Author of " Child- 
 I foTn 1 urope." Bost., 1874, 12mo. li. Is our Republic 
 a i^uTure? a Discussion of the Rights iindAN rongs ol 
 Oie North and South, ^■. York, 1877, 12mo. And see 
 Watson, Gkoiick, iiitin. 
 Pencil: illustrated by OiacomclU, Lon., 1881. '"'•"• Ap'^^i^S''^!,^'^^^^^^^ l«0, p. Svo. 2. The Delenders of 
 irthe Country: Essays, Lon., 8.;. p 8vo ;,7,^„! J[-'^; ,,^an^nd,e, 1^ ,^._,^|_^__ , , 
 Worthies of Lincolnshire, I-on., l^Vi. ^;''-. J- "„" ' a„!l Th rd CoAturies, (" The Fathers for Engli.^h Read- 
 ings from the Natural History ot the Ancients, Lon., i and ihird ccniurie., ^ _ ____ , , ,,__ i.„,nh,ts 
 "watkins, Sa-nuel U. 1861 ,-. '^f ^^o. Aytch 
 Maurv (irays, First Tennessee Regiment or, A 
 sl,„>v „f the BiL' Show, Columbia, leiin., 188., »\o. 
 " WalViuson^ llev'. Wi^lliam L. •■ T^^^'-y "^ 
 a. Bible Mission to Public-Houses, 1-on., 18,2, H mo. ^. 
 ^Se;'sigi.s, and other ^X'^;'",^-^^^']^ 
 ?;y;7i::;.'T'he'Bi;gi;:,:ing'';.f the chri.iai. Life, 
 1 on 'l88-, so. Irtmo. o. The Inlluence ot !^cept.clsln 
 on Character,^..,.., 1887, 8vo. «. The Programme ot 
 Life, Lon., 188,h, sq. U'mio 
 «;■,■"■) 'Lon , 1878, 12mo. 3. The Law and the Prophets, 
 (li'ul.icnn I eclures for 1882,) Lon., 1884, bvo. 
 Watson, CJeoree. Universe of Language: Uni- 
 form Nou"n, and fhissification of Vowel-, adapted to 
 Al Languages. Edited, with Prelimin.iry Ls.say., by 
 e! 11 W.ltttsmi.] Introduction by William W. Goodwin. 
 N York, 1878, 12nio. ,, 
 Watson, H. B. Marriott. M.r-huna: a Ro- 
 mance N. York, 1888, 12nio. 
 Watson, Hev. lloury William, M.A., D.S ., 
 F Kh", graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge, 185n 
 odined 18,06: rector of Berkeswell since 18(,o. \. Ibe 
 Watlock, W; A. Next .'Ninety-Three,. or, ^^^t ,f ^^o ^. --^.^ ^'t^^^ ;rt 
 Crow^ "mmanc. and Colony, Lon., 188.-,, to. '.'.'i'f'iTThe'ory of ( es 'oxf., 1876, 8vo. 11. Descrip- 
 Wu.ney, II. Minute Anatomy of tlie "!'>>•■"-• riet7;V;VoU 
 (Philosophical Transactions,) Loi,., 188.1, 4to. 1 yvo ^.^^^ i!u„u,„v, Samiki, Hxwksik^ .1. A 
 - ■ ^"''^'"y "^'''« •^.''y.^";'iT,4aise on the Application of Generalised C.M^^^^^^^^^ 
 to tho Kinetics of a M'''erial^«t-n."f;; '«-.;-; 
 Wutncy, John, hon. '='"■• j -. - . 
 Guilrs of* London Institute. Sonic Aecoun o S • 
 Osyth's Priory, Essex, and its Inhabitants, Lon., 1871, | 
 *'wats«u, llev. Albert, M.A K™>ua.ed first 
 class Lit. Hum., at Wadhain College, Oxtord, 18.,.) , *e 
 l!w of Brasenos'e 18.V2-86, and sine . hen pnnc.|^ • • 
 ( lid.) Cicero : Select Letters : with Lng ish Introduttions, 
 N^ es an,l Appendices, Oxf., 1870, 8vo | .id ed., 881. 
 2. (Kd.rM- 1- ^''"«^""'* Epistohe Selects, Oxf., 1874, 
 '''\v»*;»,.n \lfrcd E. T., editor of tho Illustrated 
 ^\»"*""Vn ,J,n,,i,. N-nl 1. Sketches in the Hunt- 
 ing-Field. Illustrated by John Sturgoss. Lon., 1880, 
 Kvo; UdeJ.. 1881 
 wJriar's A sis^ant, Lon., 18711, 8vo. 2 Spinning and 
 Thread-Making : with Calculations and Tables, Lon., 
 "waTson, James. Jedburgh Abbey: Historical 
 '"';^:^' Je.^; L: a''.^8-:"l. By-<lone Days in our 
 Vimig By' J I^ V Ivlin.. 1861. 2. Round the Grange 
 Fa M or t^Jood Old Times, Edin., 1872, p. 8vo; new ed 
 ' IS ;"' li.'The Counties of Peebles. >«j;lk.rk, an 1 ox- 
icis Ilosjutnl, 
 iinpitiil since 
 rs to meilical 
 tics and their 
 vo. 2. The 
 3 of CiinaJa. 
 ioorKiaii Hay. 
 triH't "f wild 
 iiliii\inilinK in 
 Mr. Wiitson's 
 iin 1111(1 trust- 
 1111 iiiipnrtiiiit 
 i« country."— 
 Hosts of the 
 i the Meilian 
 , 18S5, ]i. Mvo. 
 h-Amhic Vo- 
 lic Army ami 
 other Poems, 
 1 Apology [for 
 ilrcsseil to the 
 lureh and Pt. 
 -Curate of the 
 rn Practice of 
 liv., 1!<T4, rJnio. 
 ■y, I'.'ino. 
 lie, auil other 
 1«70, 121110. 
 in Kuropc. By 
 -Life in Italy : 
 thorof "Child- 
 I.s our Republic 
 luul Wrongs of 
 2iuo. And see 
 B.D., graduated 
 ,; Fellow IXTI- 
 icd 1871 ; rector 
 e then vicar of 
 he Ante-Nicenc 
 (Ilul.-ean Pri/,o 
 lie Defenders of 
 J of the Second 
 r Kiiglish Head- 
 nil the Prophets, 
 , 8vo. 
 Language: XJni- 
 wel', adapted to 
 nary Kssays, hy 
 r"huna : a 
 rn, M.A., D.Sc, 
 Janiliridge, 1^*50 ; 
 nee 18(15. 1. The 
 •y, ("Text-Books 
 \ Treatise on tlie 
 8vo. ;l. De.scrip- 
 ilic Schools, l.on., 
 l.wvKSi.KV : 1. A 
 ili/cil Cniiidinatcs 
 , O.xf., 1H7«, Svo. 
 icity and Mftgnet- 
 Wiirp-Tiiblcs and 
 2. Spinning and 
 and Tables, Lon., 
 \bbey: Historical 
 ,--(ionc Days in our 
 2, p. 8vo; new cd., 
 Selkirit, and Box- 
 Phiccs of Interest. 
 i(:h and Lafid " ^hi' 
 liailway, by Crieff, 
 d Highland Tour; 
 idonian Canal, Iii- 
 ;eld, Perth, Edin., 
 Lon., 1880, p. 8vo. 
 Life of X„,„„n Mac eo-l. i , iVl" '.':;'' :"''• '"'"■ '" "-' " ' 
 ivdc;,andjii:'Zw;i;'';;^i;l';i'r7f'^- ■■" 
 tcr by Hec. .,oh„ Ker, JlLj^'r^s " ,''t"" T' 't' 
 Watercress. Ii„v, r,.,, i«a9 i,. ' .' !'• '''"• li' Tie 
 Cargill,K,,|„./;s!;^';^"^4 ""7; '. l-ilc of l^ooald 
 Edin., 1M82, so. Ifi„„ ' n,- ; t"""' "• '"'neron, 
 Bon, Ministi^rof St •..,.' .;.';° °^, H'"/ '^"''™'' ■'■|"""- 
 l.-<'<2,cr.8vo. 2n.]^'^ri^l^"t'-^'y>'''-'^i>.ii'nn.. 
 liilin., 1882, cr. Sy,' "" '^"""' ^"ndlisli, D.D., 
 liuiii Wilson."-.!,.,,,, xxim •'*-"'"'^i"'» • • • byUr. Wil- 
 FourCanto.«: hTX^7 ^! u"yf^' ^''-^ = » ''"<"».'" ' 
 College, Cain'brid,":, T 72 ^n^; f 7.' '>"'''' "' ^"''"'' 
 ley, Stalfonlsbiro lS7(i ;i , ' '^'-i ^"•■i'- <'f Han- 
 Vorkshire. 1 Lesson on « 't™ "'"" "'' ^'-'''-^^tcs, 
 Sunday-School TV^r,.", ' ^^^^'^^ .^^-^"'y '- 
 Our Lord,for.^un,°y-sllTT 'T'™ ■?"'' ''"™bles of I 
 A; The Church o EnHr .'S^,t''7' ''""- "'-• «^-- ' 
 Hull, 1S,X4, Svo fi il" ^ "" ''C^turea; 2d ed., 
 1«M f,,' : !^; I'<';;7'»'< on the (Jospol Story, !,„„ ] 
 s?Hi7 ?# ass. 
 School esson, on the Chu;ch Catcichi,: m, ,, " ',r<' "•; 
 W.lVs.^r'.it^--""™' '— - "'^ l'r";'er'B'o;i'; 
 . Watson, J„h„. The Present Position of P,.„fe..,o, 
 it.e .Mountain Path. I.on.. ISs.<' ^' ' ' P' '*"■ ^■ 
 19 I'm ^f'^'' ft"3" i^iicra 
 f I li.e .Mountain Path, l.on., |s,s,s „ svo 
 ''Oil., 187(1, p. sv,,. , 
 'IcPciII^u'I^xIk;^:,*::, ^&''° I"'"P^«ation: In- 
 ".Ji. Testa,„c!us,'sri:oi'';";^^;'";i;r' '"'"p'-'-of 
 Hatson, |»nn| Hurroii, i/ I86i „f v •. 
 ■^■J-; graduated at Ilan-ud I'^hI .,'■?.' '^oTistown, 
 '^f^. ^I-usAui-eli^^Cn'oli •^'T:^';''^%bar 
 , '■■pal defect ol'ilie book 'is '!',,■ '*,''•' ■'lu'priii- 
 a'ed ,it (Meen's,.,^. Oxford Is-i' ,'-.'^-,S''"J>'- 
 I l"j;'»"'"nd, Spencer. AnioM, I on l1s8 ,f„ ^.f-'^'"''V : 
 "' "><• Lancish ,c Moo s]' on"' list f/"''' ^ "J""'" 
 i|-;,f,:v,: k^;:;;e:^tigh;^&--a:n;; 
 --i^.:;!;"^""!:!'^ *•■•«"«' ["'''^. vol. iii., add.,] 
 ipN^vdiii ;;:o'^iX!:r:^,-:;^■.7'V;::T''^'-^ 
 ■■^"uih Anierit'a di ,'in^ .1 "' r}"""'^' »"J I'ortuguese 
 '■™., 1S8I, 2 tols "vo^ ' •-"'""'"' *'«"»''■ Mop. 
 "urec or iiill'.nnatio , ' 1 , or",',' ''V"-"' '^•"'•'•"^''' 
 tieatniciii oftlic uli„|,.v ni,,-;., , th i. .l • "•' ,''»K>uoiiiary 
 ""ly '■ouijirelieiisiveiiiMnvii ','."'' '' valuahlc a.s lli'- 
 >outliAiiieric,i."-.v„,. j.„'."','v"i ,>^'."''' "" "»•■ "hole of 
 "utsoii, Hubert SiMiicci I Tl„.viii 
 •-• Cteunion. 
 Hatsoii, John, M.A., I,t D h i8j- . , , 
 vx,J:il;^,!;;'1;ri^.--!;,;^;,,^o m.r iniMci ,icci,,j.„y ,„c best 
 do not commit oiir.-vlvcs to laci ,,, n.' ■ " '" 'S"-'Mu Wo 
 Professor (irccn or 'roVess ,r <'r nfi,,'',''';"'','" "j"-^"" »b"^•o 
 V thrn' ; ''""'' f I>'-. .-Stirling, M . : ,.I'^;" j^ %' ■ ' r 3'"i^, In.ei'eourse, Chic, 'I 
 X.X. 1^0, nK)"' ""'' """-•'• '"iter's, are discus'^; - ' '^ "■ 
 The Phonographic In-structor, i 
 Wntson, John 
 •>• lork, 1S,><7, Mvo. 
 Hatson, John Forbes, M.D i,l n i.- r « 
 "n Plant Ilea . y '-^n '„ l:^" "'"' 'i-ions: Notei 
 "i-. i:;n"ls^"C" ''"""'" '^^ Jn^i-'nd'thfa^ 
 .<...^'"'7i": iltreA-. '^'T'""" "f '•- «"-'"ns of 
 Lon., l,8,s(i, Svo! 
 ,^V reiidMlde, 'if „o. „n amhoritalive, l,ook."-.s,/ y,.,,, 
 llie sociciv of on,, of i)„, ,,,,,' "" I' "iIcrcs in ciijoviiiK 
 "•"1 >-f «'.-iM,,' llic no 's, .' r.'^'" "^■',r""*"' •'^'"■■"ec,? 
 experience, tl ^u wrici,ui ,,;,;. ' ' ' ,""■' "l^^'wd of liis 
 C^-." and Iteply t^.h." Bene v^rnHe"',;^"?!^,^:"^ 
 "^v'!^^'""^ ^j j-'op. x,ishvi;;""is74!'i!;;r- '• 
 "atsoii, Mrs. Samiirl tj. .1'*' 7V '"'""• 
 -0 Saviour. Maps an,ri"uJ;. L ,';' ^^:^ ^'C"^' 
 "•ash., l87r8vo \V i,%! "^Vn"^"'' ^- l'"'.vpetala., 
 bv U.S. Go;!"^; ''"''"-^ "" '""'^•""" Engineering, libi 
 W Bison, .Sir Thomas. M n n c r - 
 •• nid.,1 I792-I,SS') 'n.„' i, '!^'! "■'^■'•■< I""", vol. 
 ^es and ollicr Similar L"'"'™. "/ ^^"'""^ !>!»• 
 KV. M^r'ni.i- j'"p"V"".".'' "'r^a'™'' ""h |.;vA«,s.'!87il, I ;,'„,., *"'"'" ''-"eniies of Mankind. Lon., 
 if r;;;,'i:;'3.7.s- "•'-'" ■' "='A : s""'p.S':r;i,-. iviisf ;-■-■; 
 'Mee,;;c;„j,,;^^^-,X'i""'r;'? Tr'":i""' -'I ««'*- ,*^irT 
 '"■ ^-burghf La,;Srii'8-7.c;r<i »ui™':?^' '"•• ""^'-J '-"--''^ 
 ;;csan inspector of schools, Livcrn™!!' wj^.'^^.t ' H^M^ "'""^ '^^ 
 Tochnology 1865-73. 1. Technical KJuciition, Boat., 
 1872 I'rivatcly iirintcd. 2. A Course lu Doacriptivc 
 (Jcometry, for thelisc of Colleges and Scienliac behonls, 
 Host., 1«73, -Itn, with portfolio of illui-trations. 
 iiort on the Civil Knginecrin)?, Ac., 
 Tablets in a Temple of Confucius, Shanghai, 
 Wntterson, Henry, i 
 ...^, iif the Vienna Kxhi-, Wu.-h., 187ti. "'."A'course in .Shades and Shadows, 
 ''"watso'i'i, William. 1. The Prince's Quest, and 
 other I'nenis, I,on., IsSd, p. 8vo. 2. Epigrams of Art, 
 Life, iui.l X.iture, Iverse,] Liverpool, IHM. 
 ■•-;inc'i. I'lino whose verv soul was an opiuram-niachiiie, 
 nialist, Laiidor. In Mr. \Viils..n we seem I" have a set 
 Olid."— .ti:ii((.. .'4XV. 112. 
 Wntsoil, Williniii. Life in the Conle.lerate Arinj 
 liciiig the Observations of an Alien iii the 
 the American Civil War, Lon., I'*'*?, ^. 
 1 •>,>,,, 
 "Watsoii, Millinm H., F.l\S., F.M.S. bc.enco 
 Teaehin-sin Living N^itur.: a Popular ntroductum o 
 the Study of Physiol.igical Chemistry and feanitary [sci- 
 ence, Loii., ;S7'.l! I -'mo. r-Doc ■,,„ 
 Watson, William Spencer, .M.B., F.R.C.h., sur 
 geon to the (ireiit Xorthern Central Hospital and •■ 
 the .South London Ophthalmic Hospital; lecturer on 
 diseases of the eye at the Zenana, and I'emalo Medi- 
 cal Missi.m. Westminster. 1. On Ahseess and lumouvJ 
 of the Orbit. I'arts I. and H. Lon., H^'O 
 Diseases of the .N'ose and it.s Accessory Cavities. Illiist. 
 Lon., I.x7.% !<vo. :i. lOyehall Tension: its I'.lleols on the 
 Sight, and its Treiitmenl. Lon., 187'.!, I'-/^' ,_,, , , 
 Watson, William Webster, M.A.,b. ISll; grad- 
 uated at Trinity College, Cambridge ; called to the bar 
 at the Inner Temple is.i'.l. A Practical Compendium of 
 Eonilv, Lon., lS7ii, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Watson, Winslow Cossoul, [■n,ir. vol. n'-. i^dd.j 
 The History of Esse.\ County, New Vorii, and Military 
 Annals of Ticon.leroga and Crown I'oint, Albany, ISijb 
 Watt, .\. Dairy Farming in Uevonshiro, Plymouth, 
 Watt, Alexander. 1. The Vagaries of a Pen, in 
 Prose and Verse. By Versatilius. Lon., 1S7 , 
 2. " This Side I'p ;" or, The Adventures of a Christmas 
 Hamper, Lon., IS7li. l2iuo. 
 Watt, Alexniuler, F.R.S.A., [»""•, vol. iii., second 
 of the nan,,, there mentioned, add.] 1. The Larth in 
 Danger, Lun., \^7i>. Ifimo. 2. The Microphone: wUh 
 Notes on the Telephone and l'hon..grapli, Lon., l»j!<, 
 so. Kiino. ;i. Scieritilic Industries E.vplained, Lon., ISSI 
 ,S'' " vols n Svo. I. .Mechanical Industries Explained. 
 I'llnst. Lon., 1«SI. p. Svo. 5. The History of a Lump 
 of Coal: from the Pit's Mouth to a lionnet-Uibbon. 11- 
 lust Lon., ISS2, p. Svo. 6. Science in a Nutshell: in 
 which Rational Amusement is blended with Instruction, 
 Lon 1S82, 12mo. 7. The History of a Lump of Chalk : 
 its Family Circle and Uses, Lon., iss:). 12mo. S. The 
 History of a Lump of Iron : frooi the .Mine to the Mag- 
 net Lon. l.HSI, p. .Svo. U. The Art of Leather Manu- 
 facture, Lon., :.SS4, p. Svo. 111. The Art of Soap-Making: 
 the Recovery of (ilycerine from Waste Leys, ,tc., Lon., 
 l.ssi p. Svo; 2d el., ISS.',. 11. The History of a Lump 
 of Uold: from the .Mine to the .Mint. Lon., ISS.,, 
 p Svo 12 Ehrlni-Deposiiiou: a Practical Treatise on 
 the Klcctrolysis of Gold, Silver, Copper, Nickel, and otiier 
 Metals am'. AUoys, Lon., issti, cr. Svo. 
 Watt, r. The Life and Opinions of John Bright, 
 Lon , 1881, p. Svo. „ „ ., , r 
 Watt, Francis. The History of Scotland, Irom 
 Robert the Hruco to the Union of the Crowns, Edin., 
 ISS.',. Svo And see C viiTKii, Andukw, iiiiiiiii. 
 Watt, Henry V. The State of tlie Navy, Lon., 
 1S74, Svo; 2d ed., 187S; Hd ed., entirely rewritten to 
 date, 18S6. V- ,• , c .. 
 Watt, James Crabb. Oreat Novelists: bcott, 
 Thackeray, Dickens, Lytton, Lim., 187'.t, l-i""- . 
 Watt, I*. II. A Few Hints on Colour and Printing 
 in Colours, Lon., 1872, Svo. . , n„ 
 Watt, William, F S.S. Economic Aspects of Re- 
 cent Legislation, (Ncwmarch Prize Essay,) Lon., issa, 
 '' Watten, Bower. Stratharran : the Crofters' Re- 
 volt Lon., !SS7, p. Svo. 
 Watters, Philip. The Prayers of the Bible: show- 
 ing how to Pray, what to Pray for, and how Uod answers 
 Prayer, N. Vork, 1S83, Svo. a. , • nu- 
 b. 18111. at Wasliington, D.C.; 
 H Rc^ ' privately educated ; became a journalist, and ' been 
 editor of the Louisville Courier-.Iournal sin..- IshS; 
 member of Congress 1876-77. Oddities in Southern Life 
 and Character. Ulust. Bust., 188:;, 16mo. 
 Watts, Alaric .illred, son of Alanc Alexander 
 Watts, {■■•lit, vol. iii.) Alaric Walts; a Narrative ..t 
 his Life, Lon., ISSl, 2 vols. p. Svo, 
 ••The record now given ofhiiu is no less than he ile- 
 served, and conlaliisnineh reailal.le niatteraiid interesting 
 anecdike."— .S(l^ Ji'fi',, Ivii, 2'.«i. 
 Watts, Charles, secretary of the National Secular 
 Society. 1. A Defence of Secular Principles, Lon., 1S7I, 
 Svo 2. The Philo.sopliv of Secularism, Lon., 1871, Svo. 
 ,1. The Christian Deity," Lon.. 187:1, Svo. 4. The Bible: 
 Is it Reliable asa (Juide? Lon., 187:f, Svo. 5. The .Mora 
 Value of the Bible, Lon., Is7:i, Svo. fi. The Bible and 
 Christianity. Lim,, lS7i;. svo. ,,,.., 
 W atts, Charles Ne« man, b. ls,',2 ; called to the 
 bar at Lincoln's Inn 1875. The Law of Promoters ol 
 Public Comiianies, Lon., ISSII, Svo. 
 Watts, Kdmiind W. 1. The Land Question: or. 
 Equitable Ownership Defined, Lon., ISliU, Svo. .. 
 Evening Thoughts, or. Divine Evidences Contemplated, 
 and The Deimrted Spirit: Poems. Loll,, IS7:5, Svo. 
 Watts, Henry, F.C.S., ['<"('. vol. iii., add.] 1. In- 
 dex to (imelin's llandl)ook of Chemistry, (Cavendisli 
 Soc. Pub.,) Lon.. 1872, Svo. 2. Index to the Fust 
 Twenty-Five Volumes of the .lournai of the ( liemical 
 Society, 1S4S-I872. and to the Memoirs and Procced- 
 1S41-1SI7, Lon., 1S74, Svo. With others, A 
 iiuth during 
 Vork, IsSS, 
 tionary of Chemistry and the Allied Branches of other 
 Sciences: Supplements First. Second, and '1 bird. Lon., 
 (Trans.) The Ingenious 
 nese Philosophy, Lon., 1870, 8vc 
 2. A Guide to the 
 1872-Sl, 2 )i;irts, 8v 
 Watts, Henry Edward. 
 (ientleman Dmi Quixote de In Mancha, by .Miguel Ho 
 Cervantes Snavcdra : Done into English : with Notes 
 Original and Silectcd, and a New Life of the Author. 
 In v(ds. Lon., Isss, 4to. Edition limited to -oU 
 copies. , . 
 Watts, Isaac, secretary to the Cotton Supply Asso- 
 ciation. 1. The Ccllon Supjilj Association: its Origin 
 and Progress, Manchester, I ST 1, Svo. 2. Cotton, (•' Brit- 
 ish .Manufacturing Industries,") Lon., Is7ll, 12mo, 
 Watts, John (Jeorge, [.<»", vol. m., add,] l. 
 The Life and Adventures of a Little Bird, and other 
 Tales, Lim., ls72. 12mo. 2. Martin Noble; or. A Boy s 
 Experience of London Life. Illust. Lon., Is77,p. Svo. 
 :;, A Lay of a Cannibal Island, and other Poems. Cay 
 and Crave. Lon.. ISSS. _ . 
 Watts, .M. F. (Comp.l Missouri Laws relating 
 to Business and Manufacturing Corporations, St. Lijuis, 
 '%Vntts, Kev. Ilobert, D.D„ b. is2n, at Jloney- 
 lane, Ireland : removed to the United Stat-s. and gradu- 
 ated at Washingtcm College, Lexington, Va., 18411, aio 
 at the Princeton Theological Seminary IS.,2: entered 
 the ministry of the Presbyterian Church; returned to 
 Ireland, and has been professor of systematic Iheology 
 in the Assemblv's College at Belfast since I860. 1. 
 Calvin and Calvinism, Edin., 1866. 2. Utilitarianism, 
 Belfast, 1868, :i. What is Presbytorianism V ISiJl 
 Prelatic Departures from Reformation Principles 
 1870 5. Arminian Departures from Reformation Prin- 
 ciple's, 1871. 6. The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment 
 vindicated against Recent Attacks: a Tractate. Ilelfast, 
 lS7:i, Svo. 7. Atomi.sin, Belfast, 1S74. 8. An Exam- 
 ination of Herbert Spencer's Biological Hypothesis, 
 Belfast, IS?,'), 8',o. '■>. The New Apologetic, hdiii.. ls,,i. 
 10 The Newer Criticism and the Analogy ol the I'aith : 
 a Reply to Lectures by W. Roberls.oi Smith on the Old 
 Testam'ent in the .Jewish Church, Lon., 1S8I, p. Svo, 
 11 The Rule of Faith and the Doctrine of Inspiratnm : 
 the Carey Lectures for ISSt, Lon., ISS.'i, Svo. 12. llie 
 Reign of Causality; or. The Scientilic Principle <.l 
 Telle Causal Ellicicnev, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 Watts, Ilobert George, M.D., [<i»(r, vol. 111., 
 add! Asthma: a Practical Treatise on the Nature. 
 Causes, nii'l ••nlv Rational Mode of Cure of this Disease, 
 Lon., 1874, Svo'; .'Id ed,, 187a; many later eds. 
 Watts, W. H., [aii('-, vol. iii., second of the name 
 there mentioned, add.] Our Fr'aulein : an Anglo-Tcutoii 
 Tale, Lon., 'S75, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Walts, William Lord. l.Snioland; or, Iceland: 
 its JiikuUs and Fjalls. Illust. Lon., 1875, p. Svo. 2. 
 glmi, 1S79, 
 igton, D.C.; 
 111 ' liecn 
 'in,./ l^i>Si 
 lutlu'in Kifo 
 • AU'Xiiniler 
 larrnlho "f 
 than lie lie- 
 il iiiKTc'sling 
 limit Si'ciiliir 
 , I,(in., ISTl, 
 1., Isn.Svo. 
 The Hiljlu : 
 I. Tlic Moriil 
 le liibli' iiiul 
 cnlli'il tu llio 
 'lomiiters of 
 Jucfticin ; or, 
 II, Svo. 2. 
 ;;, ,svo. 
 11,1(1.] 1. In- 
 , (fiivi'ncli>li 
 to llif Kii>t 
 tlic Clicink'iil 
 iiicl Procct'il- 
 luTS, A I'ii'- 
 fllCS of otlitT 
 Tliiril. Lon., 
 'lie Ingenious 
 jy Miguel ilo 
 : with Notes 
 I' the Author, 
 niiteil to -M 
 Sujilily As?o- 
 ,n: its Origin 
 otton, (•• Brit- 
 '(>, l'2ino, 
 iii., nild.] 1. 
 ird, iinil other 
 3; or, A boy's 
 ., l.'-77, l>. Hvo. 
 r I'oeuis. Oiiy 
 Laws rchiting 
 ons, St. Louis, 
 ill, lit Jloney- 
 es, and gradu- 
 Va., \»W, and 
 18.V2 ; entered 
 1 ; returned to 
 natic theology 
 nee 18C(i. 1. 
 sm':' 1H7II. 1. 
 nciples, Kdin., 
 iriiiation Prin- 
 iil I'unislimeiit 
 ajtute. lielfast, 
 8. An K.^iain- 
 ll Hypothesis, 
 ie, Kdin.. If^T'.i. 
 r of the Faith : 
 nth on the OM 
 1,'<8I, p. Hvo. 
 )f Inspiration : 
 Svo. IL'. 'I'lo; 
 i Prineiple ol 
 tinle, vol. iii,, 
 in the Nature, 
 if thi» Disease, 
 ir cJs. 
 id of the name 
 I) Anglo-Tcutoii 
 (1 ; or, Iceland : 
 875, p. »vo. :'. 
 Aeross the Vntna Jiiknll ■ ,., a . , 
 a De8ori„tio„ ..fhr,,.", ',.",' ^""""i:. '» Inland, be! 
 serous mo vntna Jiikull • or <? • r 
 a Description „r -ia.ertoVn.l^rK.l^i.^'^t.^^^ -j;- «;^-,^-;t:!' ^"■'» ^'^^CCLXXV. i.pre. 
 "Tht'inost inhirout). „_.. _^.. H'pntlictrii' ■.' »___» . 
 a-nl aceo,np,ishea a.ainst '•y:^rl^u:^,nf,^Za':'^l:^!;: 
 Watts, William .lliir«ii<iii i. ^. 
 lioston, Mneolnshire I'r,; N, , ' ■' •^" ''' '"^'. "' 
 in Ma^ehester (i;;;,; ^^j Pl';»-<^.seie,t..e .eaeher 
 »ith a Prellico Ijy || |.; ,:,•„'; '""-■;" of '^P'^i'tra : 
 Organie <'hen,istrv for .< , de ," 't h!:".' •'' "' "'": -■ 
 Department, .South Kensi g : , Lu ,H-'"V '""' ^'' 
 p"«:i^^I't:;. ^sSi!""f"'^-^-^;H«ate 
 pnment: MU ed., Lon., Jn 'Z' o%:"' " ''I'.l"'- 
 ings with my ChiMren. 11,,.. I,',,,"' km ,^ '''"■"-! 
 «d., iss:. :;. w T «;„..,, I. h'r ■,•.." ''•"": new 
 IMS Frie„,l li. w: {.'..''•'I'ss'^.'^''"'' ""' "'" ''""I'l". % ' 
 •seller, l,„t aftermrd, !.',?,', ,,'■ '' i';'"','" "'"' book. 
 Weatherly, Frederick Edunrd. ,M A hi 
 Temple 18^7 M.'k o'f M '' "i"'". '""" '" "'" '' 
 ',<•'', and other I'oems , ^7? •^, '-'^'"S^^ Daugh- 
 Illust. I.,„ 187- ' ,■. ■'■ ^-'"^ '" I»,e„m-Lan,l. 
 ' Mi.-s ALii'igol I u«t lon 'iZ'! ''''■ 
 Jt., ou'rei" ;V"" ""■■>••'•• poems. I||u<t 
 Wttveiiey, Lord. See Anv,,..^j.con.a.i, .ir;:^T;;^'/--/>;„;^ 
 ISSS,"'^"""' ^' ^- f"'"'-"»'> "f 'I'o Larynx, Lon., 
 Ilhist. Lon.. Lss.s f'ni v-n n •^*- Nursery-Land. 
 Lon.. Ls,s,., • ' \q\"- l^-O^Bojsat.^chool. IHu,,. 
 18S,s uny 8% ""y- J;- ;".'.'"l''"'".». must. Lo„., 
 '"O^ lljtst. Lon'iss^'q^r^ "''''^'-"-- 
 ,rV«'«"!^'.!,V..«i-rge.\.":;i,e..,i„„ Folks 
 &•' D^'A^^^-ii^i-f'--' -'^Kngiiii; jir -'"-e*;^:::^.z, :''!:i.:!("- ^-- 
 at time» SiJp^"ll:d\io.,K^^l^--e^^^^^ , .^^j^-j-efiv, iione, A,.,„..d.r, M.B. 1. Am- 
 -li'(('(., xxviiK G9. 
 Wayiand, Uobert Sidney 
 Ma,,le„itoek,Phila., 1870, 12mo. 
 Waylen, James, [„„ 
 ol ( romwollanj th ~ 
 anco J. eel, ires ; or M' t,, .i ,■ „ • 
 s„.i.i._ .,, 'S'^' ""''t loilo i„ ( ascs of Aecldent 
 Tho Legend of I iS;';::,/;;:;^^-^;;'-^^..,.;. n 2. 
 "■"•'] -e House j /^liHi;^^.:^^^ ^" T""- - -^^^^ 
 Marguorito Kent: a Novel, 
 ayiie, Rev. Kdward Foskett m a 
 »i"oo'thrvLrof',i;^:;;:ie^sr' riri!/;-" 
 being Serinoius „u the Apostles' C eed Lon l^fii "o ,',' '' 
 2. Jho Apostolic Mi„i.t'ry: Three slViZs, Oxf.'. I870; 
 Wayne, Marion W, 
 1 hila., 1870, l2ino 
 "cad, Charles Kasson, b. I8I8, at Malono 
 X.Jp^ri^af:^es,^r:%Jtcrtr' '''''^^ "'''' 
 Ki„gT,hu'.*:;,„"-,.«,4 ',';,7"''^ig''t m .he D„ys„f 
 t, . Ihe Visitation of Herefordshire in 156M ]S8«' ?' 
 add',] r7s'i,":r'R,'"k'!,''''h ""'i^'""' f"-"^- ™'- "-. 
 1S7I l"n.o ' Tl, "Vr , ,"P'' ^''"''■"' ^'^cienee, Cin 
 . 1, i.nio. .(. ihc Heart of the World Iss'j 1 i- ' 
 and (irav,., „r „„, Pre.i.l,.,,;, '" ■ , " "''^' ''"^■^- "l' Lives 
 " eaver, Janie.s, M D km " 
 <t.. ■' 
 has been re-elected five times. 1. Discourses on the 
 Kejurrcction, Uiiyton, 0., 1S71, IL'ino. 2. Minipteriiil 
 Salary, 1872. X. D'vine Providence: tlie Ilijtor.v of the 
 Doctrine : its Niiture, Reasfonablenexs, Ac, Dayton, 187.'?, 
 12mo. I. The Doctrine of Univer.«iil Ueriloration Care- 
 fully K.xftiuinod, Dayton, 0., IX'X, IL'nio. 
 Weaver, Ij. Foot^le|i.< in Lite's Pathway : Ad- 
 dres.xes to Children, l,on., 1S7I, T-'iiio. 
 M eaver, Rii-linril, civil engimer. A Sanitary 
 Kmiuiry into tlio I'roliable Causes of Yearly K|iideiiiius 
 in Kngland us observed at Leicester, Leicester, 1S71, 8vo, 
 Weaver, W. T. G. Hours of Amusement, and 
 other Poems, Houst; n, Texas, 187(1, IL'mo. 
 Webb, Alexander Stewart, LL.D., b. is,3,,, in 
 New York; son of James Watson Webb, (oiiJc, vol. iii.;) 
 graduated at the U.S. Military Academy ISoJ; seived 
 in the civil war, becoming licut. -colonel U.S.A. and 
 brevet major-general in the volunteer army ; president 
 of the College of the Citv of New York since ISBil. The 
 I'eninsula: .McClellan's ('iim|iaign of I8«2, (" Cam|migns 
 of the Civil War.") Maps. N. York, 1881, ]2mo. 
 Webb, Alfred. A Comiiendiuni of Irish liiog- 
 rnjihy : comprising Sketches of Distinguished Irishmen, 
 and of Kuiincnt Persons connected with Ireland by 
 Olliee or by their Writings, Dublin. 1878, 8vo. 
 "As Hc turn over the clear, simple record of soldiers, 
 saints, sculpt(u-s, statesmen, puels. painters, actors, jialriots, 
 novelists, and even kings aiol (iuceus. we gather without 
 ell'ort a largeamonntof knowledge of what has been going 
 on in and about the cotintry during the i)rogress of cen- 
 turies. . . . The hndk is written with leuuirkable fairness, 
 . . . and it iscviilontly tbercsuUof longaioleonscieutious 
 ialiour, as well iw patient research."— .>'jiC('ta(»r, li. UXl 
 We!)b, Rt. Kev. Allen Ueclier, D.D., graduated 
 at Corpus Cbristi College. Oxford, 18(52; Follow of Uni- 
 versity College I8f!.'!-I18 ,■ oi'iluinod I8t'>3; rector of Avon 
 Dassctt, Warwickshire, 1807-70; liishopof Bloemfontein 
 187(1-83. and since then of (irahainstown. 1. Mission 
 Work: the Substance (jf Three Addresses, Lon., 1876, 
 Kimo. 2. Woman's Work for Foreign Missions; Two 
 Papers, I.on., 1877, llimo. H. .Notes of Six Addresses 
 on " The Presence and (iHicc of the Holy Spirit :" with 
 a Sermon,, 1879, p. 8vo ; .'ith cd., 188.^. 4. The 
 Life of the lilessed in Paradise and the Life of the 
 Blessed after the Resurrection : Two Sermons, Lon., 
 187il, 8vo. ,"). Sisterhood Life and Wounin's Work, Ac, 
 Lon., ISS:'.. p. 8vo. 6. The Minister of the True Taber- 
 nacle and his Ministry, Lon., 18n8, p. 8vo. 
 Webb, Arabella E, The Tabernacle and the 
 Temple: with their Teachings. Lon.. 1S82, 12mo. 
 Webb, Ilenedict JoNepli. The Centenary of 
 Catholicity in Kentucky, lllust. Louisville, 1884, 8vo. 
 Webb, Charles Henry, [nafr, vol. iii., add.,] b. 
 18:it, in New Y'ork ; was a journalist in New York anil 
 California 18(iO-(ifi, and afterwards a broker in New York ; 
 has patented inventions. 1. John Paul's Hook. lllust. 
 Hartford, 1874, 8vo. 2. The Wickeilest Woman in New 
 York, N. York, 187.'). :<. Parodies: I'roso and Verse, N. 
 Y'ork, 187(i, 12iuo. 4. Sea-Weed and what we Seed: 
 my Vacation at Long Branch and Saratoga, N. Y'ork, 
 1S7(>, 12mo. b. Vagroni Verses, liost., 1888, Iftmo, 
 Webb, Charles Locock. The Practice of the 
 Supreme Court of Judicature and of the House of Lords 
 on Appeals, Lon., 1877, 8vo. 
 Webb, E. Warp Sizing : ft Practical, Theoretical, 
 and Chemical Treatise, .Manchester, 1878, 8vo. 
 Webb, Edmnnd F. The Kailroad Laws of Maine, 
 Portland, 187(>, 8vo. 
 Webb, Edward Ilrainerd, [ante, vol. iii., add.] 
 With Boi.LA.Ni), Jahks, London Bridge: Shall Lonilon 
 Bridge bo widened, or shall a New Bridge be built near 
 the Tower? Lon., 1877, 8vo. 
 Webb, !•'. (.i. Sylvia's Ride for Life, and other 
 Original Ballads, Ac, Lon., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 Webb, Frederick Charles, [itnlf, vol. iii., add.] 
 Up the Tigris to liagdiid, Lon., 1870, 8vo. 
 Webb, 11. S. Ueresi'ord. (Kd.) Dr. Trenwahl_^: 
 a Comedy, in Four Acts. By R. Benedix. Lon., 1887, 
 Webb, Rev. Henry, Congregational minister. 1. 
 A Plea for the Reformation of the Congregational 
 Churches: Two ;..jctures, Lon., 1848, 12mo; new od., 
 18.')'^. 2. The (ilorious (Jospel Unfolded, Lon,. I8(i6, 8vo. 
 3. The Gospel Church Delineated from the New Testa- 
 ment, Lon., 1871, 8vo. 4. The Ordinances of Christian 
 Worship, as delivered in the New Testament, Lon., 1873, 
 Webb, Henry. (Ed.) Dogs, their Points, Whims, 
 Instincts, and Peculiarities: with a Retrospection of 
 Dog-Shows. lllust. Lon., 1872, p. 8vo; new od., enl,, 
 Webb, K. Definitions of Kudid, with Explana- 
 tions and Exercises, Lon., 188,i, 12nio. 
 Webb, Thomas Ebenezer, LL.D., [miii, vol. 
 iii., add.) I. (Trans.) Faust; from tlie (lerman of 
 Goethe, Dublin, 1.H81, 8vo. 2. The Veil of Isis: a Se- 
 ries of Essays on Idealism, Dublin and Lon., 188,'), 8vo, 
 '■ These estiiiys are a continuation of his ' Inl<'lle( ualism 
 of Locke.' . . . Ills object there was to show that Locke aiol 
 Kant said pretty mtuh (he same thing. Here he trios to 
 prove that this is true also of llmne. aiol that in general 
 all philosophers largely agree and their dittereiices are un- 
 essenlial. In uoiny respects Ur. Webb's book deserves iiu- 
 stintcil praise."— -Icm/., xxvii. ;I"U. 
 Webb, Kev. Thomas William, M.A., F.R.A.S., 
 [dii/f, vol. iii., add.,] IS(l7-l8Sa, son of Rev. John Webb, 
 (iinle, vol. iii., (il'lh of the name there mentioned;) 
 graduated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, 1830; ordained 
 1830; vicar of Hardwick from 1856; prebendary of 
 Hereford from 18S'.>. 1. Memorials of the Civil War 
 between Charles I. and the Parliament of England, as it 
 affected Herefordshire and the Adjacent Counties. By 
 Rev. John Webb. Edited and Completed by the Rev. T. 
 W. Webb. Lon., 187!l, 2 vols. 
 " How well the task was fulfilled by (he origiiml writer 
 oidy those can fnllv judge who Uike the trouble to noisier 
 two wi'ightv voliinu's. every page of which will repay at- 
 tention."— .Sti'. Jin:, xlviil. '>81. 
 "We know of few books which can be read with more 
 profit, If the student be sutlicieutly Instructed not to be 
 carried nwav bv the author's very .strongly marke<l sym- 
 pathy w ith the losing cause."— K. Pkacock : Acad., xviii. 
 2. Optics without .Mathematics, Lon., 1883, p. 8vo. 3. 
 The Sun: a Familiar Description (d' his Phenomenii, 
 Lon., 188,i, 12mo. 
 Webb, W. C. Kansiis Supreme Court Reports, vols. 
 vi.-xx., 1870-78, Concordia, 1871-70, 15 vols. 8vo. 
 Webb, W. E. Buffalo-Land: an Authentic Ac- 
 count of the Discoveries, Adventures, and Mishaps of a 
 Party in the Wild West. lllust. Phila., 1872, 8vo. 
 Webb, W. II., M.D. Is Phthisis Pulmonalis (^m- 
 tagious, and does it belong to the Zymotic Group? 
 Phila., 1878, 8vo. 
 Webb, W. T. (Trans.) Select Epigrams from Mar- 
 tial for English Readers, Lon., 1880, 12mo. 
 Webb, W. Trego. Indian Lyrics, Calcutta, 1884, 
 p. 8vo. 
 I Webb, Rev. William John Wesley, M.A., 
 'graduated at Trinity College, Dublin, 181)2; ordained 
 j 1802; rector of St. Lawreace's, Exeter, since 1882. 1. 
 I Memorials of Exmouth, Kxmouth, 1872. 8vo. 2. Eng- 
 land's Inheritance in the (Jliurch, Lon., 1878, 8vo. 
 Webbe, M illiam. 1. The Poet's Death, and other 
 Poems; 2d cd., Lon., 1811;), p. 8vo. 2. Click hcd ; or, 
 Chelsea, Ancient, .Mcdia'viil, and Modern; a Poem, Lon., 
 1870, p. 8vo. 
 Webber, Uyroii. 1. Pigskin and Willow: with 
 other Sporting Stories, Lon., 1870, 3 vols. cr. 8vo; nett- 
 ed., 1883, p. 8vo. 2. In Luck's Way: a Novel, Lon., 
 1881, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 
 Webber, laeut.-Col. Edward John. Briti.-h 
 Guiana: the Essequibo ,ind Potaro Rivers: with an Ac- 
 count (d' a Visit to the Recently-Discovered Kaieteur 
 Falls, &,-., Lon., 1873, p. 8vo. 
 "Webber, Frank," (Pseud.) See BtsHNKi.i., 
 William H., mijirn. 
 Webber, Henry John. The Voyager's Com- 
 panion and Adviser, Lon., 18«5, 8vo. 
 Webber, S. Manual of Power, for Machiner-. 
 Shafts, and Belts, N, York, 1870, 8vo. 
 Webber, William. 1. An Essay on theCattlo Mur- 
 rain and Poleaxc Murder; or. Science and Art in the 
 Nineteenth Century, Lon., 1865, 8vo. 2. Vaccination, 
 as it was and as it is, lion., 1871, 8vo. 
 Weber, Alice. 1. Miles Harling, Lon., 1879, 2 
 vols. or. 8vo. 2. Two Life-Stories, Lon., 1882, p. 8vo. 
 3. The Old House in the Square, Lon., 1883, cr. 8vo, 
 4. Hester Tracy: a School-Room Story. lllust. Lon., 
 1884, p. 8vo. 5. Curly's Victory, Lon., 1887, ISmo 
 6. When I'm a Man ; or, Little Saint Christopher, II- I,un., 1;<8S, 4to. 
 Weber, Hermann, M.D., F.R.C.P., physician to 
 the German Hospital, Ijondon. I. Notes on the Climate 
 of the Swiss Alps, Lon., 1864. 2. (Ed.) On the Curative 
 Effects of Baths and Waters : being ft Hand-Book to the 
 Spas of Europe, By J. Braun. With a Sketch on tbo 
Weber, J. v ^t- i i.. 
 of Paris, by P. Vc',,:^ Ton' ' s^"^^. "' ""' ''""""•"■« 
 Weber T cv ■'""., ir^i^, Hvo, 
 (leorgo DHvie; ;,;„;'■;,!!";,; t!!!«''."-''„;:'' Vicc.-Ad,„'Li 
 Emigration to the River 
 Websier, Stephen. 
 " ebsler, TlioinnH Ti... \t 
 ■, «arre'.', m\"^ ' VsV^ItT-l'' "'-^ 
 "•: gratlualeil at I arvan \I i-', i ."'"'""'""' 
 ">': " of I,' m',,';:,';," •;, ^^;-^-:- "•;<•• E>e; from 
 Hebstter, Rev Wi.i,..., .. • ' '*-• '^"lo. 
 • ' ■'-• "i'l"ino.ilS5.i; ,,lm|,lain 
 ■ • Y'"- ••• linins.) The 
 fiylus, Lon., ISiiH, |'>|.|„ .-, ,,, --- -—...■. o, yt„. 
 ■" Five Acts, Lon., IsV- p ..JV"' """" ^"' '' '' ^'■'""" 
 >A ihncs'Sc^;i,'^i|;»;"i'y^».»(yie wi,i, „„ „,,,„„,., 
 rowed l>i8 w„r,ls.''i:,;;;;/iJ.',';"-;;f,|,'''"^'Vf tluit Ma. lui."b,!i^. 
 % A^'w^'ll^' l^lr s ^C'/r '"'';" '" '^"S''"" Verse, 
 pnnte-lfrom the Evi„ , „r • , *> " "■""' «''-''"vs, re- 
 'u'ion, of t>.e A,;!;rno TJ,',:;: o7\;rv'' "^" '^"■"- 
 ■*Ii-. iMorsheail.) ' "^" '" '^'r. Browning ami 
 Of s/k.^: "n?j;:^'^;S';^;.»-H"en articles u, variety 
 E!'^y.!5!;^ - «".ey l»i;;:i,:;' Z&i^. 
 ,»• Wl-guises.-aDranm. Lon., Ism |..„,„ 
 capneions are „f Infer l V, 1^" ' ' '^"'"'^^i"' and the 
 "w; Mirpri,ses an. Si ''''',"• '" '"•' 1" sinM.lielty m ,1 
 MowthesI.eer m'eftv ,,Vh''"?''^'' ''"■•^'•'■"lu'inK Ji 
 I'mum. Hut relati" elv ,VtlM^ , ""•'"■"T'' "f Ilie 1 i^ . 
 li'i« considerable exeHle „ s '.""'".'""'^''y '"»■ Ivp ■ 
 ^/Jectoor, liii. m. ""t in very elioiee 
 «P«'iMl Iv el.ara, e . u. exw nl'""'!'''' '^"'"^'' ^liiel, i, 
 mmiral beings »■),„ lil ,'re h, li ""^' """"■" "f "'e snper- 
 ales,,f„ny t,,^,t', \'^, '" lem. . . . We tin,! no ew 
 traveli;"S'''«|;:rL"'|,i?b';''';-'"'* "■'"^•'> "'^- ■■.UelllKont 
 r.Km reoly."-./;.;;,/'; » ly.lL;" 'fW BUi,,ks sui'iUl^^'.'o' 
 ;.nU ^«!^i^.t'!^:i;^J'^»;;^. «H.C.S. ,Trana. 
 Orninf;,,,,,, |ss:t ^''"^^"''""■'tofXenoplion, 
 .^ontli Ayrshire 1 SM -T , 'Ir •^™"''*li ''ar ; M.P. fo; 
 J''-«l.s.' Kor b '^.'Ve • Pk ,;':.::";','« <- lIaddin,toa 
 i» Verse and l'r„.e ilb,^j"''o^'"""''"S '""^ otherwi.'-e, 
 >Vc<lB»vood Fr„, i" , *'°>'™'0', 188t>, Svo. 
 •""glMeron her n otf/er's 'i i^.T'^' "f"' "'"' " K^""''' 
 ^he haseonlribute,! no „:; .r.': ''!'""•'» M-ekintosh. 
 ■ , , -■ 1-.. - -— ' Knglisli. — 
 J^'iy: a Drama, I,on., ls,S2 !•> ri.,ir,i"i , !'• ^^ » 
 Sir """"--""^is" ?'"'"- 
 i"«H»adr!in^:^i'^ *;;;-»™,^™;n.i b. ItoberM.rown. 
 earliest Ijouk a.uvii t,, h,.r l,,,,^L, m "*' "'"'ers. I,-,.„„, j,^,. 
 .•"•, 1. The tironndwork of Music: Two ^ .""•' "■'■ J^^angd ic^ ' i : io'u „7\hS'?"'!'' ^^'"^^^ 
 o. Ken'ury, l.on., isrir """'""»' "le Eighteenth 
 and .„ r„„. „_ , I , ■'■' !i^i^--ertain extent in^ividn.. ^ 
 K.n^r'l^Jrp."":*"- """ ^■'«'- -" '"0 Loop.Rod,r.s. Christian. ,„„ ^,,,^„.^ ,„„_ 
 (^he haseoni; . : r,^^;;,;-;^^ of ^ir James Maekhiu; 
 •An 01,1 Debt. By iZ^nr r "'''''" ''""'"''■'-■'''»• 1- 
 '•^•'». 2 vols. p. Svo '"°'' """^'"'' U'seud.J ],on., 
 to .he autbor „r ■ j,,,',. K ^Vt^'i^sr^'T h''''!'^ """^■"o" 
 -'• I'ramleigh Hail |„, ,u,.' '■ ^"•' ^"- ^'N. 
 •'■ I'Hnees, I'ubiie j',, nj ,1; '„; "',*-P-«vo. Anon, 
 enco Da,vson. I.on., sii •> v, ^«""""^"- ^^ *'l"r. 
 lev ,.,,,1 .),.. i,_ "•' .'.™'>-,>ols. p. Svo. 4. John Wes- 
 Fou!,!ier'o"^nn%.s":rf of ,""'''';' «"''<"' 'h" 
 187.), Itimo. •* '"■'"""^' 2d od., enl., Nottingham, 
 Webster, George F -n c. 
 ■;;team, I,o„., iST.i, i2mo WiH,'",. "'"■''""''"« ■""' 
 , ,■-.•-....,. e,a-^-- '^"^"- '">"•■ I •■''J. 
 TON. UoilBKTS.. ,„/„„. 
 *<,,,. ,. - -- ' V . mill tj.xit 
 o> US Kira certain reason 'lu^ iv i""'" """■' "■'' "tseems 
 palbize will, fanati'isi, „,;,',„"'■''*•'" "Od does not svm- 
 erin{?;;;^!;;;n;?'^;l™»^ wa,. great lairness and dis- 
 ate from the historv .,f .1...., "' »" effort to 
 mo and .Solid Geomctrv' P ";■ "'".""■'"■^R. ai.foszo, I ?>o. ( i i,e aathor describo«'i,"p'r"T T""^'' '''"'•' '**88, 
 ' Webster, LeC I^a '^i','"', ; '',""•' ''''*■ '2'no illustrate from the li.t.'rv ,!f 7^. "' "'"' ""'"■•t to 
 '. «o„.,.T S..%„;.r ^•♦" ( '"^o"''-) See U..,„.. that man ean str?« t [r,l n "wr "■•""«'!,' '"" '^«"«f 
 Webster, IVa.'han Barnham, b iso, «, ,. , "1: ^^ ""' '^'''l-^-.v o,",t,."' "^""' '" """"^ '- '^'-^ 
 Weilsu'ood.ti. R, 
 Thenisto,yof theTea-Cup! 
 nt of tho Pn.>__i. . . "F • 
 Liehhcld, 1870, Svo. ""' "' ^'■"""^"'hirc 1 oomanry, 
 l"t5un"ls"i^^",'•'• ''"""'l"- -^ Monetary Legi,. 
 " ■" l-ttinbridge, where he gradil- 
 with a Oesorintivc '» , ' V'", ''*'"'y "f th 
 l.'^rs. p. sv.' ''"' '^''"""'" "f 'ho Potter's Art, Lon^,' 
 Medgwood, Hpnri/ -a 
 Sketuhes, L„„.. I878-T9 VvouT'S"" •"'Staffordshire! 
 Wedgwood, IlenslPiB^h I "' 
 111.) : ■., '. "„^"*'P'gn. [«»/<;, vol. iii., add. 1 b 
 K li 
 Hti'il 1S2I; iippiiiiitud 11 |i(iliuu uingUtrntu uf Lunilon 
 ls;U. Ilu wuH uiiu uf tlit'uriKinal iiit'iiibora or tliu I'liil- 
 oloffical Society, ttiiil liiis eoiuributuil iiiiin.v |iii|>cr» to itn 
 Tniii.iaotionB. Ci)nti!!<tcj(l Ktyiiiulogii's in tlio Dlutioiiorv 
 of the Kov, W. W. Slfuiit, Lon.. IM2, p. Svo. 
 Weilmore, Frederick, b. 1S4I, at tMifton, Kns. ; 
 dlucati'd partly on tiu' Continoiit ; iifcarno a joiirniiliHt 
 in Itrii^tol at iiiiii'teen, and afterwards removed to Ijon- 
 don and dcvotud liinijiulf to art critioimn. lie is con- 
 nt'oted as critic with thu London Standard and Acaduiuy. 
 In 1SS5 ho vi.iitcd tho United States am) dclivereil lee- 
 tures on art at Harvard and Johns llopliins. 1. Tho 
 Two Liven of Wilfrid Harris, l,on., IStiS, p. Svo. 2. A 
 Snapt (lold Uin){, Lon., \s'\, ^ vols. p. svo. .'!. Two 
 Uirls, I,on., Is?:!, 2 vols. p. Svo. I. studies in English 
 Art, lion., |S7i;-si), two series, p. Svo. 
 "He has evidently Koiie lliniiiiili a Kreat deal of close 
 nnd honest work, and in particular has accunuihited a 
 number of fresh and hileresliiiu iletalls about the succes- 
 sive si'hools of cnnravin); which have nnirched in tho rear 
 of our schools of art."— .s';<'i'^i/oi', 1. Jjo. 
 .^>. Pastorals of France, [short stories,] I,on., 187", p. 
 " In their tenderness, their sinipllclly, their truthfulness 
 to the sliiw lioil remote life which they picture, in tho 
 quaint accuracy of their slight touches, in tlie atmosphere 
 of ihein, lliese ' I'ustorals' are almost perfect."— SiJCrtafoi", 
 1. i:.10. 
 fi. Tho .Masters of Oonro Painting ; being an Intro- 
 ductory Hand-Cool< to tho Study of Uenro Painting. 
 Ilhist. Lon., 1S71I, p, Svo. 
 Weed, Thurlow, [tmir, vol. iii., add.,] 1797-ISS2. 
 For biog., see Haunks. T. W., iii/>m. Autobiography. 
 Kdited by his Daughter, Harriot A. Weoil. Host., 183.1, 
 "The aniiihiouraphy has much of what was known he- 
 fore, but llltle of winit we nilKlit have expected to llnil. 
 . . . There are .■onie exceptions, which jfo just far enough 
 to show what an interesting and valuable volume Mr. 
 Weed missed making."— .Vad'oii, xx.xvll. 2:13, 
 >Veed, Triimnit. Carmina Concordim: Songs of 
 Union r»)lloge: with .Music, N. York, 1S7o, Svo. 
 Weedeii, William Babcock. 1. The Morality 
 of Prohibitory Liquor I/aws, Host., IS75, lOino. 2. Tbe 
 Social Law of Labor, Host., 1SS2, 12nio. 
 Weekes, Henry, K.A., I8O7-IS77. Lectures on 
 Art, delivered at tho Itoyal Academy, London ; with 
 Portrait, Sketch of tho Autiior's Life, and Pliotographs 
 of his Works, Lon., ISSII, Svo. 
 Weeks, t'aleb S. Pope's Essay on .Man : with 
 Respomling Kssay : Man soon in the llcopening Dawn, 
 N. York, ISSS. 
 Weeks, Clarn S. (Ed.) Text-Book of Nursing, 
 N. York, LSS,i, l2mo. 
 Weeks, Edward P. Treatise on Attorneys and 
 Counsellors-at-Law, San Fran., 1S7S, Svo. 
 Weeks, Mrs. Helen C, [miie, vol. iii., add.] 1. 
 Four, and what they did. lUust. X. York, IS71, I2mo. 
 2. Si.T Sinners; or, Sehool-Diys in liantam Valley. liy 
 Campbell Wheaton, [pseud.] N'. York, 1S7B, 16rno. 
 Weeks, Joseph U., of Pittsburg, Pa. 1, History 
 of the Knights of Pythias: with an Account of the Life 
 and Times of Damon and Pythias, Cin., l2mo. 2. Ue- 
 jmrt on tho Practical Operation of Arbitration and Con- 
 ciliation in the Settlement of Difforoncts between Em- 
 ployers and Kmployees in England, Harrisburg, 1S79, 
 Svo. 3. Directory of tbe (JIaas-Works of the United 
 States. Pub. by "U.S. Gov't. Wash., ISSO, 4to. 4. 
 Report on the Manufacture of Glass, N. York, 1SS3, 4to. 
 5. Report on tho Manufacture of Coke, N. York, LS8a, 
 4to. rt. Labor Differences and their .Settlement : a Plea 
 for Arbitration and Conciliation, .\. York, 1SS6, Svo. 
 Weeks, Lyinan II. Among the Azores. Illust. 
 Host., 1SS2, 80. Itimo. 
 Weeks, Robert D. 1. Jehovah-Jesus: tho One- of God ; tho True Trinity, N. York, I87fi, 12mo. 2. 
 Genealogy of the Family of George Weekes, of Dor- 
 chester, Massachusetts, l6llo-I6.')(l : with some Informa- 
 tion in regard to other Families of tho Xamo, especially 
 Thomas of Huntington, Long Island, and Nathaniel of 
 Falmouth and Hardwiek, Massachusetts, Newark, N.J., 
 1885, 1. Svo. 
 Weeks, Robert Kelley, [mite, voL iii., add.,] 
 1S40-1S76; graduated at Yale 1SB2, and at Columbia 
 Law iSeliooI 18<i4; admitted to tho New Voik bar, but 
 relinquished his profossicm to devote himself to litera- 
 ture. 1. Episodes and Lyrio Pieces, N. York, 1870, 
 Itimo, 2. Twenty Poems, N. York, 1876, 16mo. 
 Wegmann, E. The Design and Construction of 
 Masonry Dnnis: giving the Method employei> in de- 
 termininij tlio Prolllo of tho Quaker Bridge Dam. 
 Illust. \. York, ISSS, 4to. 
 Weidcineyer, John William, [ami; vol. iii., 
 add.] I. Themes anil Translations, N. York, 1867. 2. 
 American Fish, and how to catch them, ISS5. 
 Wcidncr, Rev. Revere Franklin, I).l>., b, 
 IS.'il, at Centre \alley, I'a. i graduated at .Muhlenberg 
 College, Allentowu, I'a., ISIill, and at tho Lutheran The- 
 ological Sc'Uiinary, I'hiladolphia, is;:!; pastor of a 
 church in Philadelphia IS7S-S2; professor of syslematio 
 theology at Anguslana Swedish-English Theological 
 Seminary, Rock Island, III., since Iss.l. 1. Commen- 
 tary on the Gospel of Mark: embracing tlie .Authorized 
 Version of Iftll and the Revised \'ersion of ISSl, Allen- 
 town, Pa., ISSl, |2mo, 2. Exegclical Theology: based 
 on Httgcnbaeh and Krauth, Chic, ISSd, 12mo. H. Dib- 
 lical Theology of the Old Testament: based on Oehlcr, 
 (.'hie, 1SS6, IL'mo. I. Historical Theology, Chic, ISSS, 
 I2i li, A .'System of Dogmatic Theology: based on 
 Luthardt ami Krauth: vol. i., An Inlniduition to Dog- 
 matio Theology, based on Luthardt, Rock Island, 111., 
 18SS, 8vo, 0, (iranjinarof the Now Testament lireek, 
 N, York, 18SS, 7, The Greek Text of St, .I(jhn, accord- 
 ing to the Critical Texts of Westoott and Ilort, Tischen- 
 dorf anil Tregellcs, 18SS. 8. Jlcthod for the Study of 
 New Testament Greek, Isss. y. Commentary on the 
 Hebrew Text of Obailiah, Phila., 1SS8. 
 Weigall, Lady Rose Sophia Mary, (Tane,) 
 daughter of the eleventh Earl uf Westmoreland ; nuir- 
 ried, ISfiil, to Henry Weigall, an artist, A Itricf Memoir 
 of the Princess Charlotte of Wales : with Selections from 
 her Correspondence and other Unpublished Paiiers, Lon., 
 1S74, Svo. 
 "Lady Rose' Weigall has been fortunate in aciiulrlng 
 excellent materials, and hiLs put Iheni together in a pleas- 
 ing style, but her ' brief memoir' docs nut U'l bi'vond these 
 nmterlals, and has an Iniperfeet and fragmen'tary char- 
 acter."- .sVi^ AVr., xxxvii. 'M'2. 
 Weight, C. M. Not a Rit like Christmas, and 
 other Stories, Lon., 18S(i, p. Svo. 
 Wcightman, IIii(;h, [<i,iir. vol. iii., add.] Tho 
 Law of Marriage and Legitimacy : with Especial Refer- 
 ence to tho Jurisdiction conlcrred by the Legitimacy 
 Declaration Act on the Court of Divorce, Lon., 1S71, 
 Weir, A. C. Analytical Digest of the Scottish 
 Education Act, Ao., Edin. and Glasgow, 1873, Svo. 
 Weir, Archibald Alfred Egleg, son of Rev, 
 Archibald Weir, (mile, vol iii,;) graduated at Worcester 
 College, Oxford, 18SU. I. The Critical Philosoiihy of 
 Kant; being an Introduction to the Study of" the 
 '• Critique of Pure Reason," Lon., ISSl, p. Svo. 2. The 
 Historical liasis of Modern Europe, (17611-181.'):) an 
 Introductory Study of the General History of Europi' 
 in tho Nineteenth Century. Lon., ISSti Svo: new ed., 
 "Mr. Weir examines the series of events which have 
 made the western world wlmt it actually is. and the various 
 influences which have determined the character of tic- 
 civilization we see around us. The political side of tlic 
 work isit-sbest part; nnd Mr. Weir has very fairlvdescrilicl 
 the circumstances which have shaped the de.slfiiies of lln' 
 dllTerent states and kingdoms of Europe."- W. O'Co.nnoI! 
 MiiRRI.s: Afiiil., xxxli. iV. 
 Weir, E. P. (Trans.) Life of Martin Luther, bv 
 Julius Kiistlin, Lon.. 1883, 12mo. 
 Weir, Harrison, [mitp, vol. iii., add.,] b. 1824, at 
 Lewes. 1. Every Day in the Country : with Drawings, 
 Lon., 1S8:!, 32ino. 2. Animal Stories, Old and Ni^w. 
 told in Pictures and Prose, Lon., ISSS, 4to, 3. liird 
 Stories, Old and New, told in Pictures and Prose, Lon., 
 Weir, Marion Eliza, [miie, vol. iii., add.] Rock- 
 bourne: a Tale, Lon., 1873, I6mo; 2d ed., 1S7H. 
 Weir, Thomas, of the Madras civil service. (Ed.) 
 Digest containing the Acts constituting the Civil CourU 
 of the Madras Presidency and tho Rules and StandiDj,' 
 Orders of the High Court of Judicature at Madras, 
 Madras, 1883-S4, 2 parts, Svo. 
 Weir, Walter. I. The Iligh-Wav of Holiness, 
 Edin., 184!), Svo. 2. Tho First-Fruits oi' Euroiw unto 
 Christ, Edin., 1870, Svo. 
 Weise, Arthur James, M.A. 1. History of 
 Troy, [N.V.,] from tho Expulsion of the Mohegaii In- 
 dians to 1S76. Maps. Troy, 1876, Svo. 2. Tho Dis- 
 coveries of America to tho Year 1525. Maps. N. York, 
 1884, Svo. 
 " Mr. Weise ... has added nothing to the subject, and 
 Willi ft .■oM(i,i,;,r,'ik ',';.''; , « 
 Weiss, llev. l<>h.. r ' 
 f:, "'{•."-nor d i^mki ^':"^„ t!>'"'' '«">■'• 
 Immortal Life, Bo,,., IH8» I^,,;l; ' "'• '""O' 4. Tl,o 
 f»"ego at Bitscho a', a t ,o sm, "'""' ' "'""""I ■■' th- 
 •' the United State IN )."''" ","r'' '^'^''^ ^ re,n„v,.,l 
 prowtl," ■ , e rres,;.,'.','/'/ '"■'■^ "'"1 .so, 
 It'd thrnug ,Vws Va o^f or;''™'''''""'''*- 
 Discoveries of Btirni a!,Tr '"'""•^' ''<'<'«'-'ling to the 
 American Mound, • wilt m , T .■ '"'^ ''i^^^overed in 
 «'■ the American and K„ ., i' i'o'b: iTr' "'1 '""-^bph" 
 •"^English by Br. S b1 ch V V ^'' "^ translations 
 Weitbrecht, Mrs. MaVv' r"^ '''^"' '^"• 
 . "^PePowerof Ho e 'u'"1iJ, ; faith's Miracles; I 
 - ^Si^:tn:;^i:;^S"'n?lr "'-^^ 
 Y-'rk, 1875, isl; uZod ?877 ' «"'' '''"'"'™. N. 
 "feketehoftho Life of Jacqueifn; P ', rx/.'J"'' ^'''""' • 
 '•'^^•I, 12mo. "'"•^''^"'''>«-'S'>fPerrara, N.York, 
 gujgesl!:;.^-,.,^,; ,,o'^^:'«"""» «"iJo in Four 
 a;'.M b!"^^,^ rC &«' ';J"'>- C ■- vol. iii.. 
 ho Universit;of Si."r,'i.T'''?"-' g™"""*-''! a 
 l>'n: president ofTolTli,^'',' 'i^'"."""' '" the bar 
 lSti9-83, and s n,.e h J .. """ ^Sricultural College 
 l-s.vcholog;"'8s'8"^%"'«" 1'™"--;- there. 1. Talks o^n 
 Welch, c! inZj , T<'^"' I'.-yohologv, 1SS8 
 ^-? ■'« c^Sin, ":;::i8;;l;^^'"" r'"te,^^e,„,ii 
 ^Ket^'^h »^^{!";-„,[;^^hen ''-ver Cleveland : a 
 count of the I,ife „f Th^ ', appended a Short Ao 
 I'urk, 1884, I2m„ '"^ ^"''™"' Mendricks, N 
 Weli'h, lOilwiirii I .. 
 ''"":"c„n:„, ;',::;':';'I,:'-,:„;;;vi.n«. .. ,.esi«„,„^ 
 •*''ann«, I,„n., ,^-,, i-,,', '-'""• - Deigning Valve- 
 KnteHl^?;ve;^';;:'Vr^;-:v. K.U.C S., Hur„eon..,^or. 
 j£"^t ;i;t"^!i-:^t -:;---- ««cr. 
 Welfh, John, r,T,.n i, lo.,, , ,, 
 gradiiulrd at FrnnkliV, r' ■,' "^"?' '" "nmson Co., o ■ 
 "nd aftenviinis i„,- hi,., ' "' ''"""""» picas I.M|);),fl5 
 - An rndix.|)i,,e,, to th,. K, . i -Athens, 0„ I8h;). 
 ,''" (^<n>rU of ('hio, .,.,', '"'^iV'f.t'"-- 'Iccided in 
 -ommon I'leas, and Su e , 5 "''', ('ireuit, 
 "^■''<',. <'in., IM^f, Sv,V ' '"" I'ccisions to .May, 
 I professor of Christian the , ,,uv „? -. f '"'"'''l' '^'""•'•'' •• 
 ?r';^^:rii,!-t,, j;i? f ^M^^X^ 
 "t,"cr l'oe„,s,'o,.k,;"S;eii V-H-^^'J''^ ^""^' "nd of .Norway, „„<,' otl er Dr ;2 str' '^ .'*"'""• 
 inx.i, loino. "nuuas, hacrarjento, Cal 
 '^jj^'^r-''?''^''- "''''''''''" "'"'"^"""'-''^-■' 
 Char^^^,,1^?^^:^»j;,fmUy Ori^.,,) h. ,805, at 
 m.mie,!, t,^ T nVw .''''''''*^^' '""''. vol. i.. 
 The Journal of a kriLr' • ' ';"'^'' ^"Imlttnds,. o' 
 i-""i. l-n.. 1881, ,,.'";."« i"ur,n Egypt and the Uo\y 
 vols. er. ,sv„. J""ford-on-Aire, Lon., 1878, 3 
 Weld, Mason (• ti,„ d , 
 ica: [alsoj in France" li 0^",'"'";" "°'"> '" Amer- 
 N- Vork, JHSO, 12„ vU''T' 'IV'"^'^' ^l'"' • 
 I WelUon, Ile'v Geor^rw h'''"'"- '■'''-• '^mo 
 !m.ted at Trioity CoMef^e^^n "';''"""•'. M.A., grad- 
 viear of St, Saviour's P. '''A?' ^'**''' "rdained IS "o • 
 wckie.v Kentr;:;:;;.;',^,,^- ^'-[^-j 'sfis-s,, and""/ 
 Series of Argument, b„,ed on , he -^ 'n Variety: a 
 "f'-ur Planet, the Cons.itntil ,! n"' "'"■'^manship 
 ,the Inspired History otw •.'''? ""™"'' '^'i"'!. and 
 I K>i.) Ti'llotson's « rino^ t f'/'l' '"i"- '«''• -""2 
 1 I.-*.'<li, 8vo. "• ' -^'•■'ctcd and Annotated, Un., 
 I «"i!l,''T".l,;y„:^\,/-?"\«;""' '^^^ daughter of 
 :'"". "■in'l-«"rherald.Hi„ ',''„'"■""• """'y ^^«l- 
 ' Of u:!^:;!;^,^^::''-^-^/^^^"^ '"«''-''-> 
 eastle.„pon-Tyno, l,s-y 8vo ^"''""'''"••land. New- 
 Hi.«toriual Account of the Mm,,,:,; . D<^-7r'Ptive and 
 'n the Church of ,q,. Nieh„ " '' v"''' "",'' tombstones 
 liook'J- aS u*n 7ss7^!;:' "«;';;.''!";» "-txi- 
 w; i^x-'^^ "-<'-o:k^;oii:o;^;:^,t-?- 
 N. V:&7r;2t"7Rf^ J'- story „f Metlakaht.a. 
 ■n British Columbia, chr st aniLli I " ',"'"''" community 
 '■am Duncan, a !»; eX of fh V^ 'f "'' "^ ""' 
 Society.) •^ ™'*^'"^ of the Church Missionary 
 Wellcome, Mm. M. D. Tiilks about Flowars. 
 Illimt. Variiinutli, iMc, I8MH, Iflinii. 
 >Vell(loii,lt«>v. Jtttiici* KdwnrU Cnwcll, M.A., 
 b. IHAI; Kriiilihilcil, woliior chinsii', iil Kind's t'ollvgi', 
 CiiiiibriilKii, lM7:i; <iriliiiiic(l I,S>;|' hfii.l-iiui.<liT iif l)iil- 
 wlch Ciilliigo |MH.1-H£), nnil ninuo then of lliumw Suhool. 
 1. (Triini!.) Tho I'liliticK of Ari»liitle : with Aimlj'i'i* iiml 
 Noton, l.on., I.S85, |>. Hvi, ; no* od., IHHS. :', (Tranii.) 
 Till) lUiolorir (if Arislotli': with Aimlynis iinj N(jtc«, 
 l.on., I ssn, |,, Mvo. :i. The Futuru ikii<l the Pint: Ser- 
 inon!( proaohi'd to Murrnw Hoys in l>ss unij \xM, I,on., 
 I8M7, cr. Svo. ), 'I'hu S|iiriliiiil l,ife, unil other Sermons, 
 Lon., INS.s, |i. Svo. 
 Wi-lldun, llcv. .laiiiON In«l, M.A., D.C.L., griid- 
 uatuci, Ural ojiiss t'iiin:'. Trip., iit St. Jolin's rollogu, 
 CambriilK'i', l.'^.'il, ami fleeted ii Fellcnv ; onluined l.'^.iH: 
 hoad-nwwter of Tiiiibridije .><ohoiil ls4j-7.i, ami Hinue 
 then viear of Keniiiiigton, Kent. I. Exlraordinury 
 Tithe-Kent Churge on llo|iii: u Converiution, l-on., 
 IM84, I2inn. '2. IJiHcstablidhnient and Uinendoniuent, 
 I,on., IMS.-,, 12riio. 
 >V(!lldrc(l(,'c, T. T. The Danco of Dontli in Paint- 
 ing imd Print, I.oii., I.SS". 
 Weill's, Albert. 1. The Poiligree and lli.^ory of 
 tlio Wa*hint;toii Family, ilown to (lenoral ()eor){i) Wash- 
 ington. lilu.Ht. N. Yorii, iS7«, imp. Mvo. 2. Illus- 
 trated Fables: new ed., X. York, lS7il, 4to. 
 Welles, ChiirIC!! Stiliirt. I. Bohemo, [verse,] 
 N. York, IS77, ISmo. 2. Lilian, N. York, 1S7», Jto. 
 .i. The New Marriage and other I'nlform Laws, N. York, 
 1887, I.Mrno. 
 Welles, (;idcon, Ihi)8-1H78, b. at Hartford, Conn.; 
 becamu a journalist ; uouiptroller of the t^uau of C'onnee- 
 tieut ISH.'i, |842-4:i; secretary of the navy isill-li!). 
 Linc(dn and ,Soward : lieniarks upon tln! .Memorial Ad- 
 dress of Cliarles F. Adams on tlio Late William M.Soward; 
 with Incidents and (.'oiiii'ienls illustrative of the Meas- 
 ures and Policy of the Administration of Abraliam Lin- 
 coln, .tc, N. York, IS74, I2i 
 Wellington, Arthur Melli-n, b. 1817, at Wal- 
 thain, Mass.; educated at the Huston Latin School; 
 gtudiod civil en);in<'ering; was chief enjjinoor of tlio 
 Interoeoanio Railway from .Mexico to Vera Ouz, and has 
 held other important professional positions ; editor of 
 the Kngineerinf; News, New York. I. .Methods for the 
 Computation from Diagrams of Preliminary ami Final 
 Estimates of Hailway Earthwork, N. York, I87:<, 12mo, 
 plates fill. 2. The Economic Theory of the Location 
 of Railways: an .Analysis of the Conditions controlling 
 the Laying-Out of Railways to efeet tlie Most .Judicious 
 Expenditure of Capital, N. York, 1877, ll'mo; 2d eiL, 
 1887. .'1. Car-Hiiildors' Dictionary, N. York, 1881. 4. 
 Field Work of Railway Location and Laying-Out of 
 Works, 188it. 
 Wells, Charles, [ante, vol. i!L, add.] Practical 
 Grainmar of the Turkish Language, Lon., 1880, p. 8vo. 
 Wells, Clara L. I. The Alban Hills, Rome, 187.8, 
 Svo. 2. The Amphitheatres of Ancient Rome. Illust. 
 Host., I8s;i, sui. 4to. 
 Wells, David Ames, LI..T)., D.C.L., [fuiie, vol. 
 iii., add..] was special commissioner of the V.^. revenue 
 18I1B-7II, and lias been a member of several boards and 
 commissions connected with railways, Ac; elected a 
 foreign associate of the French Academy of Sciences 
 1874, and of the Accademia dei Lincei of Italy 1877 ; 
 president of the American .Social Science Association 
 1875-7!t, Ac. 1. Robinson Crusoe's Money; or. The 
 Remarkable Financial F'ortunos and Misfortunes of a 
 Remote Island (.'oinmunity. Illust. N. York, IS7fi, 8vo. 
 2. Our Merchant .Marine : how it Rose, Increased, became 
 Great, Declined, and Decayed, N. Y'ork, 1882, 12mo. 3. 
 Practical Economics : a Collection of Essays respecting 
 Certain of the Recent Kconomic Experiences of the 
 United States, N. York, 188,'), 8vo. 
 "There is . . . very little In the book that theordlnary 
 citizen ought not to know, and very lillle that he would 
 not be iiiterested in knowing if his uttention were once 
 arou.sed. — AadoH, xlii. IM. 
 4. A Study of Mexico, N. York, 1886, 12mo. 5. Re- 
 lation of the TarilT to Wages : a Simple Catechism for 
 those who desire to understand this Matter, N. York, 
 18S8, I2mo. Also, reports and pamphlets. 
 Wells, Edith L. Rays of Light for Sick and 
 Weitiy Ones, Lon., 13S7, p. Svo. 
 Wells, Edward, and Bedford, Henry Ed- 
 ward. Sonnets of Love and Life, N. York, 1888. 
 Wells, Ueorge. Golden Wishes: a Book for the 
 Autographs of Friends and a Record of their llirthihiyi : 
 with a Thought for Facli Day in the Year, Lon., 1885, 
 Wells, (.corKe Henry. Talei for Latin Prose 
 Composition: with .Votes, Lon., t88J^, p. Svo 
 Wells, il. U. till Replevin, Chic, 1879, 8vo. 
 Wells, Henry I*. I. Kly-Ro<ls and Fly-Tiwkle: 
 Suggestions as to iliiir Manufacture and Ihe, N, Voik, 
 1885, 8vo. 2. The American Salmon Fisbernmn. Illust. 
 N. York, 18811, l2mo. 
 Wells, J. V, 1. Delineation if the Law of Limita- 
 tion in Illinois, Chic, 1870, 8vo. 2. My IneloToby: his 
 Table-Talks and Reflections. Uy an .\ttorneyat-Law. 
 Cin., 1875, l2ino. ;i. A Treatise on (iucslions of Law and 
 Fait: Instruetiona to .Juries and Hills of Fxcepii 
 Host., 1870, Svo. 4. A Treatise on the Doctrines of lies 
 Adjuilieata and Stare Decisis. Des Moines, la.. 1878, 
 8vo. ,1. A Treatise on the Separate Property of Married 
 Women under the Separate Enabling Acts, Cin., |N78, 
 8vo; 2d ed., rev., 1870. tl. E Plurilius Inum. Des 
 Moines, la., 1880, Jvo. 7. Magna Charta; or. Tlio lliso 
 and Progress of Conslitutiuiial Civil l.iiierty in Kiigliind 
 and America, Des Moines, la.. I sso, Svo. 8. A Trcaliiio 
 on the Jurisdiction of Courts, St. Paul, Minn., 1880,2 
 vols. Svo. 9. Powers and Duties of Oliio County Com- 
 missioners, and the Incidental Duties of Probate Judges, 
 Prosecuting Attorneys, Auditors, Ac, Cin., 188.1, Svo. 
 Wells, Rev. James, M.A. 1. The Slave, (flas- 
 gow, 1871, lOnio. 2. Uible Echoes: Addresses to (ho 
 Young, Lon., 1877, 12mo. '.i. Bible Children: Studies 
 for the Young, Lon., 18711, 12mo, 4. Bible Images: a 
 Hook for the Young, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. ;). Parables of 
 Jesus: a Book for the Young Lon., |ss;!, p. Svo. B. 
 Christ and the Heroes of Heathendom, Illust. Lon., 
 1880, er. Svo. 
 Wells, Jailies M. The Chisolm .Massacre: Pic- 
 tures of Home-Life in Mississippi, Chic, 1877, 12mo. 
 Wells, James W., F.B.U.S., member of the In- 
 stitute of Civil Engineers. 1. Exploring and Travelling 
 Three Thousnml Miles through Brazil, from Rio do 
 Janeiro to Maninhao. Maps and Illust. Lon., 1880. 2 
 vols. 8vo; 2d i:d., 1887. 
 " Ills resldeme In various parts of Brazil extended over 
 a number of years; , . , Imt the ineiileliLs which art! 
 lirlniarlly dealt with in his work are connected with a 
 .surveying and cxjiloralory expeililimi whleli took him 
 iinrtliward from Km de Janeiro througli tlie provinces of 
 Mimu-lieriies, Biiliia. and (ioyaz to .Miiraiihilo, . . . Tlie 
 work furnishes u lile-Uke pletiire of what the author has 
 seen."— yl(/i.. No. ;!070. 
 2. The Voice of llrbano; or, The Indian Slaves of the 
 Amazons; 2d ed., l.on., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 Wells, John C, R.N. The Gateway to the Po- 
 lynia : a Voyage to Spitzbergen ; from the Journal of 
 John C. Wells, U..V. : with Numerous Illustrations, Lon., 
 187:), Svo; new ed., 1876, 
 "Captain Wells Is an ardent advocate of the approach 
 to the North Pole liv way of Spiizliergen. . . . Wilhnut 
 pretending to the of mailer or the artistic linisli 
 which made Mr. Hayes's volume so altriicllve. Cuptiiiii 
 WelKs's book i.s straightl'urward and clear in style, securiiii; 
 our conlldence by ils nnalleeled simplicity and sterliin;,"— .^■«^ AVc, xxxvi. 281. 
 Wells, John <J., [loi/c, vol. add.] The Grange 
 Illustrated; cr. The Patrons' Hai. ibuok, N. Y'ork, 1871. 
 Wells, Mrs. Kate, (Gannett,) sister of W. C. 
 Gannett, Hii/ird. 1. In the Clearings. Illust, Bosi , 
 1870, lOmo; new ed., 1872. 2. Miss Curtis: a Sketcli. 
 Boft., 1887, 12iuo. 
 Wells, Lilian F. 1. Bessie and I, Phila., 18s(i. 
 Ifinio. 2. Worth Living; or, The Old Finchley Place. 
 Phila., 1S82, I2mo. li. The Deacon's Daughter, Phila , 
 188.1, lOmo. 
 Wells, M. G. (Trans.) Marie Derville : a Story "t 
 a French lioarding-School, by Mine. Henriette Guizot i\v 
 Wilt, Phila., 1881, 12nio. 
 Wells, I». !»., .M.D. Essays on the Treatment <>( 
 Diarrliiea and Dysentery, Phila., 1884, 24mo. 
 Wells, II. Bread and Biscuit Bakor and Sugar- 
 Boiler's Assistant, Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 Wells, It. B. I>. I, Health and Economy in tin- 
 Selection of Food, Lon., 1878, Svo. 2. AVoman : hci- 
 Diseases, and how to Cure them, Lon., 1880, Svo. 
 Wells, Miss S. .M. Jessie Onlv : or. Never T.r. 
 Poor 111 (jive. Chic, 1S70, 12mo. 
 Wells, Samuel, Treat, Mary, and Sargent. 
 F. Leroy. Through a Microscope: something of tli 
 Science, together with Many Curious Observations Ii. 
 I'our iinil Out an. I iii. . 
 »»«ll«, Sir The. m.! V ■ ^- ^ '"■'<• "*■ '• "*'-• 
 I-"". *"l. ill.. \Vm ?','":, **l"-"«'«'r. Hart., .M.„ 
 «'•"•« in ,1,0 |,„,„| ,,aVy',|', , ':V.'" T'''-' ''• ""*■• '"f- 
 wanlHoonnme.! will, iho s.^?,,' ,''""""" "'"•• "fl'--- 
 1. Surgery. I^..(V, ':„,'' "'';«';','" '" "-M. I.m„..|,„i:| 
 '« '.''i'i'li Mo 'I A- ',.;'",";•■■ '«':'.A,l,i.o,,„,, to 
 '»""• I Must. I,,,,,., "Z'f • s ' " '^ "f,::""'" '""' ■'■'■'■"'- 
 ^''1' '"'"i' fthu White Vi„' ;,""-"■'• ■'""'' Vorl*. 
 AI'- A. Tinnr.. m,,,,. "^' V .^'V '-" '^Tenunc.,.., of 
 nn,l ."hl.WW,"',",,,^- issVV'li"'"' ^•-•"'"'''' .Worthier, ■ 
 Litumtur,. in OI,i„ ,s,„i„ iZ,!, ',' V'"'"""!- '>t KnsliHl, 
 co„Hi„t„f AKc.s.'rJ,,',:',;',;! ':;;: -'^„-;-' '«;.;, i.'ti.^ 
 -M e,l.. nj. an/i;:„r,if^ \'; «f' "" »n,l L„„«,.a«„ 
 'neri.lud by II„|„„., W|,i,,i„'"n ' ("'«hlycom. 
 'e'.or .>„„( T. iru„;,:h :; v^;, ;,''';;■ 'V-'-, '^"t-" « 
 2»-'ll, |K,i„ti„|{ uut ,,„inv inJ„ •', ■'"""""'", No. 
 j l^'ino. • 'y '^"""'' F- Moyer, Lel|«ie, J.SNS 
 Chi,,., Isn;), sv,, ' """'"'^ ' """ "' View ; ,1 Lectur^ 
 "'■" K'^'Ki'rn, [verco.J Nor- 
 ■,un J ,.,':"" "•*■."'•' '«»*». fl. i A|.pen.liv Chip.. ikkV 
 i'-nglisli writ,T.«.) 4 ' 
 '--n';ri,,^iiii:';i:,,;;;;5;;;i»if^'-i;,,., i,ni „. 
 Welsh, C'hnr •.«,?', ''"•'•• "'*'*' '2"'". 
 11 liten.ry «,„.,...»» T,; ,,,",';"' '''^ ™'.'ii"t be roMsi.h'r Vl 
 an. i..v.. u .w... uU!;!;:;;f:;L[i-*?-^-[^^[;;s^^o.. ^ 
 »»elsh, Lewis li. ,\ d,. .' ■ , ' ''''' P- '^vo. 
 LoI^.'',sr"":s>'^;-'*'' -^^ L'ght.oot, tho English Hebraist, 
 French, Uou! i^Ti,"?^^' T'J^^'>''^'t ^'^'^ f"'" "'" ' 
 nule of Thought- He,uli„g a^.d ilTj i,'^ ^'•'= ^ ^ '^""- 
 Tliings, Lon. Issi, .(to Huldcn and Secret 
 •7 Kgbeiiii-: u;;:;;;;^ %,';-:'';- «iii.^th;'s,.i,:x:f 
 tlio LHuru.-, by A (, I'/ i,' ,'"'■?' ■^<"' tiroivth.s of 
 ,Ar"»l"li,.al and I. l"i ible An I •'."■' :."''''J '■ "" "'« 
 t'ounnl, .\. V,„k, ISfi8 "n, '■ '' ' \^f "''""/'■ '^ il.u.rnl 
 ;»'tli a I'ra.lieal In..tructi, n n„7, r -r "^ ""^' ■''""••»: 
 , ''-; Kv"y I^.^ in the Y ? 11 I", '''[V ?/ '"<^'' '""int 
 ■ 1°'"- '•*>". ::. Three Ser, , , „ , , "^ ' ^•^"'"''' ''^'5. 2 
 >«'r, I,„n.. inso svo 4 T,„'. r-'7i! """'">' i" tho 
 '"K t" ll,e liule ,d' St A,,',r,,« J i '■' "'■''«'""" "ccord- 
 ';«'".o„y, Jio.t. I'rs r^L'^''.^."- '• Element, of 
 «::::; '^^. \^z '■ '^'^'"--^r'^:i^u:i^^ 
 ' nitagd, l.i'Ctuiesl Cliip ls-/i I "•'"''• 1. Ivarly 
 lit I., ,,:.!._ "'^" '^'."' I-'"'". 2. Early Chi- 
 ••' ■ -- """ .'iMrcn. liari of. .«n„ n _ ine .itorvta rroi..„„j _ . 
 AH.e„d]r'c,-;'r;;ir,;!^ '^■'''--i t"i»;i nZ and 
 I'-^J^'Ml^ounle.l^rh.'lL-,;?^"^ Thome, and other 
 ;"no.u"Lw''].*^;.;^\ ,!,;;;™';';;) '■""' f^erhardt. an Hi.. 
 ^,'HUhern fro.'.,: be i ngl'e ,!., 1 '';,-^':^"' ■'''«'■ "-,d tho 
 ' l:r '"-"'-^ -'-^ ''- wo;ld,',u:::Ts7i;i'v:.';! 
 Ij^^TJcl.r^'uJ- WeJ['T..r'lsTr"'" =«^"""''» ""J 
 \(inter'.s I,ife Work- I: ''''*'■ P' '^*"- 2. Tom 
 'S.'^ti, ll-mo. ^- '"''''""'-Vcrita«-farita», Lon ' 
 Me!',f "r^,.f;,l««,^,S;,/Tr«„,) Deep Breathing a.s a 
 "eakn, of ti.e Thro „ n I I "*'': "'"' "^ ^'"'"ing 
 I Wernsf, William V. 1 rEd ^ ti . 
 I Bankers' Manual, St. Loui Is^- k ' „ ^"""■i™n 
 (American l,a>v Dige.t an J,ll\' n-"' ^^ <^'''' ^he 
 Louis, issr .Sv„ '^^K"' D'fectory, 1887, U 
 "■-r:;;:^!^^^;:nif;' ;!r«'"- 'v-„ei. Pete,i 
 <>'■ ('o..nt,'v, l'o,^ KSSO ..?'r™"'''« "«"«= " Tale 
 nr„ ,..■ p.... ,. ♦ ^■'"."'s. A Muramasft Blade 
 "loriy with what tbu nath-oi™n\''"'^"'^'-'' "" are in har- 
 ■SI) rit of aneient.lmai, )''%'•",>, '"7'''° I'amashil, (the 
 able ii, that thev 1 ive not i„;„n'"' " "strations are reniark- 
 Of Married LitX":, m7^\''^l:^l'^Co: " '"'"""""' 
 ussistant pro'fessor of K,;^i-^ .,, ,. „, , . 
 ICuio. "«"'»""• an American Novel, Boat., 1886 
 TeI;"et:'i'lha"nrN^V.,l'«T6;W'o':'''^'"- "' """ ^"^ 
 >\i-fi<«-llioprt, (oiirilll, M.D„ l,„ii,-, vol, III., mill.,] •■ In tlio Wur.l. of rrii.»Uutlon, Ciimliii.lxo, C*;;. l2ino. A. 
 Iirolr-M.ri.f |ialli.>lii({\ uii<l lliiTii|iiMitio* In lli« I'nlvernltjr : On the Niituri> umlConiitltution of tim I'ruiunl KiuKiloin 
 of ll"»l»n. The l.iiw of Siiniliir- lt« Posiige, and tbn (if llmiveii upon Kurth, l.on„ IH81, ISino, Alio, loim- 
 Action nf AtliMuiilcl M..,li,in<- ot.. «.»*3. iihlolii 
 •,«i or, '..''(fy 
 , RM'hmonil, 
 •hila., 1871, 
 WoMfiplhoelt, Ij/f F. ^ irrow 
 Fiil'lc f-ir Chil.lrrn, l!n-t„ /Mi*- , ■•>«. 
 WcKNon, WHiiHiii It. .«(«,. w. 
 Yciim' (ilouiiH^ '' ••'• fna 1! 
 V»., IH":', |-.>|„„. 
 Went, A. Tlw .Ht,(t(, i,f tii« Iicii.l. 
 M ('lit, A. W., o".* Iliiitt, J, W. A Short Hiitory sn.l' lm7i)oin . 
 of Olli.i, (),o^ ■". <* >,\H^, llliiio. 
 \Vi>Ni. Vl^>t4 E„. Ari'tiiliTln' nnd IliiildiTK' Viide- 
 MiTum ni'ii ll.>.ih of IbCpcn™, Hiehniund, Vii., H7:', 
 WfNl, Allli,)! <i/t<i'lby, i,(./'.'. vol. III., ndd.) 
 I'ocm" of llooif „,, I : itirrc, Lon., I^,il. p. "vip. 
 " Wi'-.!, AlUil.-,'' l''<-o.) 1 Sen Kiti.iM, Mils, 
 Annik, -ll/ini, 
 \Ve»l, f. I". A BuikwurJ ,1. ■'on I'liililliooil'ii 
 Sconi'H, I, on., jS'il, ISino. 
 >Vc'(il, (liarli-N, ,M,I>., F.U.o.l'., I'mti, vol. ill., 
 Went, M. Alli'ijni, l.on., |MS7, a vol*, ii. Hvo. 
 1. On .«r,inc llHortli 
 Went, -Hnrln .\. Tim U.oimm'e of MlnMioni; or, 
 fti- U> Viiw«of l.ilV iMiil l.ubor in thii l.iiiid iif Arnrnti 
 nm »n lnlr<i<|ucllon liy Mm, K. t'liiirk'», N. York, IMT.V 
 Wc^I.^In)! MufY \ll(>ii, 1). In:;:, lit (,.ile,.liiiri{, 
 III. 1 KrinloiKivl 111 Ki|. » Si'iniiiiiry, (lulo^liur({, I.H:il, 
 iiily •UjMiiiili'iidi'nt of I'l'liofili' sini'o 
 IR7 '. t'hll.llioii.l : II.* rur. ,iii.| Ciiliiiri'. Chii'., IHM7. 
 WphI, Nnthliniel. I'le Millciinliil« of tho 
 Propluth! (Niiifuri'mc: with t'litical Tenliiiionlcn from 
 'he KlMt .'<i!holiir» of Kiiroiio, Clilr , l-TM, l2iiio. 
 WpnI, Itiiyiiiuiiil, iiiiil liilhlvr, Jtilinnii (ivoru. 
 .V Di^"-''! of thi> llm 111 l.iiw of liihi'i itiini'i'iiiiil I'aiiitlnn ; 
 LM Oil.. lliMiiliiiv, !■'■<. •<vii; :iil oil., l.on., IHSi, 
 West, Mii'iiiu*)' Hutch, M.A., M.D., IMLCI'., 
 Kriiiliiiituil lit Clirisi i oiri'li, Oxford, IM7I, mid in iiicdl- 
 cllio IS75j |ili)»|oiiin and |iiilliolo){l*t (otliot.'iiy of Lon- 
 don llu<|iitiil for iliHoiiiioiiif the cliont. How to Kxiiiiiino 
 C'lilldliood, (I.iiiiiloiiin liooliiri's, ) l.on., I'*7I, p. Hvo, 
 lliirvoy mill III, TiiiioJi Iho lliirvoiun Onili.iii for IN71, 
 liOn., IS74, p. Svn. :i. On Ilospiti'l Orxiiniziition ; with 
 Spociiil lleforc'iicc to I hi' Oijfiiiii/.iition of llimpilulii 
 for Children. I.iin., IS77, IL'ino. I, Modluiil Woiiion : ii 
 .>>liiti'iiiont iiml an Arjjiiiiii'Mt, l.on., IS7.S, Svo. b. Tho 
 Miithir'n Miiiiiml of L'hildron's Dineuncs, lion., l8Sj, p. 
 Wfxt, I) 
 18SS, :) vol.1, er. Svo. 
 Wfnt, 1>. M, Tho r.iKlit of Life: Aildrcsios to 
 Yoiiiitt .Men, Liin., I SSI, p. Svo. 
 Went, Kdwiird, h. I7'.I7; ronidont at Warrington, 
 linni'iinhlri'. I. KiniKralion lo Hrilifih India, IS.")7. 2, 
 Kii^iay on Iho I'utiiio l»i>i';i,<o. Warriiiglon, I.S7I1. 
 Wi'st, l<:(l«viir(l Willinm, IMi.D. 1, (IM.) The 
 Iliiok of Iho .Mainyo-iKliard : Iho I'lizand and ."^aiiikrit 
 Toxti: with an Knglinh i lanidation, a (flosHary of tho 
 I'azand Toxt, a Skotrh of l'a/.and Uraiiiiiiar, and an lii- 
 troiliiolion, l.on., 1S7I, Ito. 2. (Kd.) Diary of llio l.utu 
 Hajiili !■' KdIIiiuidoi-, l.on., 1S72, Ito. 
 index 1. " I'ahlavi Toxta of the ll< 
 iho Tall lio.ilit-iFryano. the lladoklit Nask, A, 
 Jiropttfod Iniin Dostur lloshangji Jaina.ipji Asa's to tho 
 Arila Viraf Naiiiak, and from tho Original Texts ; with 
 Notes on I'ahlavi (Inimnmr. UcviTod by .Martin llaug. 
 l.on., IS74, Svo. 1, {'I'ran.".) I'ahl ivi Texts. Parts 1., 
 II., and III. (",Saorod lionks of tho Kast," vols, v., 
 Aviii., and xxiv.) 0.xf., Svo. And sot- Haio, .Mahti.s, 
 West, Rev. Fraiicix Atlioii. .Moinorials: being 
 a Soliotion from his .*oriiioii.< and I.ootnres : with a .Mo- 
 morial Sketch by one of his .'ions, and l'er.«oiial Uoeol- 
 loctions by II. (iregory, l.on., 1S7:;, Svo. 
 McHl, ii. F. 1. Hocollootioiia of Mr. J. Groom- 
 bridge, Iteailing, 1S7;<, Svo. 2. England's Shoet- 
 Ani'lior; or. The llible in the Schools tho Nation's .Safe- 
 guard and the People's Hope, l.on., 1S7I, Svo. 
 West, (ieorgc. Methodism Id Marshland. Illust. 
 Lon., ISKti. 
 West, II. Pretty I.iUi.' Pongs for Pretty Little 
 Singers, sot to .Music, l.on., I 75, r. Svo. 
 West, James II. Shall wo continue to Drown 
 our Sailors'/' IJy a Naval OIBcor. Tunbridge Wells, 
 West, Itev. James II. I. Uplifts of Heart and 
 Will: a Series of Udigiuus .Meditations, or Aspirations, 
 addressed to Karnest .Men and Women, Chic., ISS7, 
 rs of tho Nervous ,>^ys(oiu In the Ohesl : a Prailloal lliiiili' for Stiidoiit", Lon., I '<s:i. 
 l2mo. With Mai UKAiiv, J., and Kvh, K. S., Statistical 
 Tables of the pHliints under Troalincnt in Iho Wards 
 of St. Ifartholiinieiv's Hospital during l-<x:i, Lon., I SSI, 
 Svo. Willi llowi.nv, Antiionv A., Sl.ilistioal Tables 
 of thi' Paliciils iiiider Trcnliiient In iln Wards of .St. 
 Ilartholoniew's lloipiinl during lss|, Lmi., 1sh5, Hvo. 
 W est, .Mrs. 'I'heresa Coriiwnilis I., [o.i(., vol. 
 . , , iii.. add.,] il. isso, |,,t. ,si, i. All for an Ideal: n 
 \ Poor Player: a Story of Kent, Lon., (iirl's Kreain of a Past Period, '.on., IS71I, p. Svo. 2, 
 "'" Frying-pan Alley. Lon., ISSll, ISmo, ;i. (lod's Arllh- 
 inetio : with other Stories for the Young, Lon., |ss;i, p. 
 Svo. 1. l)iira Maitliind, and other Stories. Lon., ISSI, 
 ISnio. .'1. Stella's .Nosegay, and oilier Tales, Lon., ISSI, 
 IHiiio. tl. I'likiiown and yet Woll Known: a Story of 
 Iho .Marian Piiseciition, Lon., ISSI, l2nio. 7. The 
 llooni of Diiolandour : Chronicles of Two lUees, Lon., 
 1551, :! vols, ei Svo. S. Life in the Sunshine ; or, Con- 
 stance .Maxwell's ( liolce. Lon., ISsi), p. ,svo. U. Owen's 
 Fortune; or, " l)iirahlo llielies," Lon., ISStl, I81110. 
 We»t, 'riiomas I>. 1. Americin Foundry Pra"- 
 :i. lilos.iary and I lice. Illust. N. York, 1SS2, l2nio. 2. The .Moulder's 
 k of Arila Yiraf, Toxt-Itook ; loini: Part 2 of " Anieriean Foundry Prae- 
 lice," N, York, IsSCi, l2mo. 
 West, York. Kdward III., and other Poems, Ilal- 
 luds, Ac, Lon.. Iss.'i. 
 Weslall, William, b, 18.'?5, in Lnnoashiro. I. 
 lilies and Legends if Sax.iny and I.usatia. Illust. 
 Lon., LCIi. 12nio. J. In Tropic Seas: a Tale of the 
 Spanish .Main, l.on., IH78, p. Svo. :;. I.arrv Lohengrin, 
 Lon., ISSI, .; vols. er. Svo. 1. The Old Factory : a Liiii 
 cashire Story, Lon., ISSI, :t vols. or. Svo; now oil., iss.i. 
 :>. Ueil Ityvingliin, Lon., ISS2, :| vols. er. Svo; new od., 
 ISS.'i. (1. Tales and Tniditions of Switzerland, Lon.. 
 1552, p. Svo. 7. Halph Norhreek's Trust, Lon., ISS.'i. :; 
 vols. cr. Svo; new cil., |ss5. K. (Trans.) Hussia under 
 tho Tzars, by Stcpniak, Lon., IsS,'), 2 vols. cr. Svo. !t. 
 Tho Phantom City: a Yoleanio Romance, Lon., ISSB, p. 
 Svo. 10. Two Pinchis of SnutT: a .Novel, l.on., ISSB, .1 
 vols. cr. Svo. II. (Trans.) Captiiin Trafalgar: a Story 
 of the Mexican (Julf; frmn the French of AnilrC> Laurie 
 Illust. l.on., 18S7, p. Svo. 12. llor Two Millions : a 
 Novel, Lon.. ISS7, H vols. cr. Svo. I.'!. A Queer Uace: 
 the Story of a Strange People, Lon., ISS7, p. Svo. I I. 
 A Fair Crusader: a Story of To-Day, Lon., IS8S, 2 vols. 
 cr. Svo. LI. .Nigel Forteseuej or, The Hunted .Man : 
 Andean Koiiianee. Lon , ISSS, p. Svo. 
 Westbrook, Deii.i >miii. Saercd Hymns: adapti 1 
 for Public Worship, 1.. :.,. IS72, l(!nio. 
 Weslbrook, Mrs. J. Cooke, [uh^c, vol. ill., idd. 
 r .1 ... .1. ' ;,/",■' ',;;■ ■ 7 , ." ••■ Old Hubert; or, Sunset Olory, l.on., IS7i, Klmii. 2 
 from tho Stand-Point of Modern Thought, Chic, 18SS, , Little Lillie's Prayer: a Halliid, Lon., 1S71, 8vo. 
 Wn.t ll„., i„i... ...K ,. . n. . „ r Westbrook, Mary. Rachel Dumom, Kingston, 
 West, Kev. John Otho, M.A. Church Reform. ■ N.Y., I8S7. 
 I!y Oinicron. l.on 1S7I. !," 'nip true .story of a ymiiiL' girl of lineeii, wlm, when 
 West, Kev. John Itoivlaiif'., M.A., [nnlr, vol. iii., tlie Hrulsli burned Kingston, N.V., during the Uevulutloii. 
 add.,] graduated at Trin.^y Ciillr-' O'ambridge, 1S32 ; ' ' 
 Fellow of Clare College 1S:)1-:^S; ., -.wl JS:I4; vicar | 
 of .Madingley IS,'!5-H7, and einct thi . -f ^i-i,' 'ny. 1. | 
 Parish Sermons on the Ascension of .• Tc / •, Lon t 
 1S7!, I2mo. 2. Psri-ih ,'<prmr.ns fr- •..:. '■ •/•jfit i"u , 
 Christmas Seasons, Lon., IS75, 12ri 
 mons on the Holy Eucharist. Lon., its?? l;.'u,''. 1. The 
 Doctrine of tho Most Holy Eucharist us 'f :e ontiiined 
 s'liiwed herself a I'apalile young i.iaiileii in niniiaglng the 
 la.uily ilimciilties."— cW«c, vii. 2S2, 
 Vestbrook, Richard II., D.I)., L1..D. 1. Tin 
 liible: whence and what? Pliila., 1882, Ifiino. 2, Man 
 vhence and whither? Phila., 1SS4, Ifimo, .1. (Jinir.l- 
 Will and (Jirard College Theology, Phila., 1S88, lUuio. 
 '■ Dr. Wiv ilirook's hook . . . has heei. written under ii 
 strong <■ ■■ 'dlor. that the present system of religious It: 
 stnietio > . (lirard College Is a palpable violation of the 
 fi'iiiiilcr'K will ,,,,1 
 ferr.;!.'rr-, ^''1 -^ 
 H.v.rn [v„r.,,; ,'„,„,; ,':;„ •;•""« IVwu tl.o Il„nl.. „f 
 ^mS'V;^-';:; .)7i:;..c,.. ,.h.. 
 <«'t'"l at Tn„i,v I'i.ll,.^,, ,""• ,'"-';';■ "i"""'t<lnir,i, ...i,,'.' 
 lit (l,.rr„„ Is,,:..,,,,, ,,,,', ','.'?;''«"• ""iM.inl .,„„i..r 
 •'-'■•■ i..irj, 1.,,,,, I. .■/;;; •'•.II;;' u.;..|,.tiu,. „,■ ,i„. 
 '«'*•. i-.Hv,., now ..''"sV '; "V" "'» '-■''. I.'.'. 
 ">" <»r.ii„:,i, I,,,,,., i,,^', |.,; '"•, ■7""'; ni.H„ti„H n„,„ 
 !"";■'■•: ''••<•>" ■\'Vi>,-u .} ihw , • '"■'■"'I" <'oii^iMi,. 
 ■--'-A.^;;;;:;; ;----! .■i„..i'i./ «•,;;', 
 „ '■'•.inilMK un.l ,h„„.|, ," ,, ' "' ' '"•''•i-<'ix<: ) 
 lli'iir, FKNT...V J„„„ An,,,,,;,! ••,."*""• I'">"- Will, 
 '^fi. 2 vol. ,., it;;';';,;-;;!; ^,'^-T,.xti,.vi..,,, ,,,,;;:, 
 '.'»' ••' nMh, : a «,.uv., I ,,•■■„, f, . ' '""".■ -■ <Vntc„. 
 '"■I a, l'hil,.del,,l,ia. 1| , J ' " ,"'7''i*'"""l Kxliihi- 
 "iKto ..■ M ,.,,i„ H ,,, ,, I , ■. ' '"'"■. I>*r:,„h\. ;). Tin. 
 -"« -t,.e of 't,;"i !:;-«:,;: i;"i'-ioi„i,ia: „•;. 
 '■"rmaiK-e ^m'^, I'llH" ''''''■•■■ ]"■ "■-.•',;.';: 
 AiiilseeMM.uih., J. T., «„,„,, 
 Cent^rAnJ!^,^;:"'"-,]!^":'';':'""'^ -nor f,. 
 I'HJgc, 18H.S. ' ^ '^''" ^""^ *.ssay, 18,sr,) c„n,. 
 ">■'« I'ark Skd,.b... ri,||»., 
 •^^':;' i:::..*- "• .,„.. 
 /"i" '■ Write I,,,,,,,. , i '.''"■• '•'■'1. I'liii". .1, 
 I'liii,,,. ..r«. n,„„"" *'""''i>i «»■ K,,i,t„i„ry Are, 
 ;'7-'l-';;i^,^:!;;i;'-r'''- '!•-•'''■' -'"- 
 v.^,;:-""— . •" ; ,„„ ^ 
 " •j;-"!. N. V..ik, |V;';f'|'.r,;;,': '•'""• -• 'l™r. Kun^r;! 
 -■ ""T'^lf':,,.-''"""""'-'"'^ .Mi.«... t,U..t. 
 "'■'"■>"'' ill lllU Uivl,,, V„.l 'l"'.^lMIMl I'ninn.f ft 
 '■"""""■'■' "I" ll.'lli,!,,,""'-'^'""' I'''n"""u.,t I,„ 
 ..r.i,u«-,.,.k (i,;iJ:s,;''M,, ■''■'''•■•''■''■'' P''--' i'"v 
 : i;-i-''7!:.,^!*r:„;^«::- ,^'!- ,,. ,.„, ,„ 
 V.'l;"I!^•,/■^r•"' ^'^ '''.o Silver Wu„Hi,.„, y 
 I "'■:;?"''Ki^\,!!r„!:!-^ '■:-';■■' <^n.,,„..,.,,. 
 '";'/'■ '■■"■■>." I sril! I,",,,;' " '""''• "^•'•1'"" FrieiLl.-: 
 I'i^ I7l»l-I,XM.),7;,'^'' /•':;■'"„'•!'■.->.■ tl,.S„„, ,,'f 
 ',V"', ''■""■i". I.nii., IN>) i, , ' '■- '-',""• '■ J'i..,„,eg 
 ','""'<: -villi .s„ri,.H,„„i'v;,,;.,;- /,;;;";« f""<-' ficiuie. 
 '• .^ir M,.M,s Mwiieli,,,,. . ,1 w. ""■'• '■"»•■ I''-.''. It... 
 '■"pli'v J^' Xnv T '"""•■"' t'l""'"Me,;,i;7, "o m"' 
 -'"!^i',t:,:,;;:ry;-;,;: ';-;-. ^n.:ou.':i';;:: 
 •^- ^ "Ik, 1. >!>:., „ ,;j,,,"""' "'"""" "flho liiblo. Illu.t 
 I'i-toric Arc.l,.a„,,,;;; ' ',;,,"*™"'-"'7- ':-»>.. «n 1- o- 
 •Manua ,,(■ lv,.,,i„,,-' <;,''■ '■"": t>*72, Svo. ;) A 
 'I'l'M-y of tl.o.«o Alls f,.,,,, IV, V "'"' '"■•"■lain; or, 
 "• ■'•''« cvc:i..,;;'i)ov':io,,''r''' ""i'-'"^' '"'"■• '■''•'»'<.■ 
 ••Kli..,,| I.cvelo,„„e„t ,; • . n J m"" sf"'"'^"'^'^' '" "'« 
 Abo oI II,„„er, '|„,„ ,^,. "'^' '■""•. '"M, ,Sv„. 7. .i.,,^ 
 ";;■-. (••i'io,„c.„„ae r.«.,uro;--) :„i'"%';'"^ '•"i-"'" 
 , ■'• I'nrnitiix. .'<vi„|,oIh,„ „. :, . ' --I'''"'.. x.w, 13. 
 .f::vr?'sf-----"a™.ro .,,,„„.; 
 1605 ' 
 p iii.! 1. Tliesiuinii Kntomologieus Oxonionsia ; or, [1- 
 !u^l^laion9 of Now Insecta for tlio Most Part uouliiined 
 ill tlic Culli'ftioiis pre.-eiitwl to tho I'liivcrsity of Oxfonl 
 by F. W. Hope, llliisl. Oxf.. l!<7t, Ho. 2. A J)cs,rip- 
 tive t'litiilo;,'!!!-- of tlie Fii:Iilo fvoriiis in tliu South Ken- 
 sington Miucnni ; Willi iin Aucounl of (he t'ontineutiil 
 Collections of Cliissicul iiiiil Mecliii'viil Ivories, Loii., 
 ISri). ~vo. ;i. I,a|iijiiriiini Wiilliie : Ihe Kiiilv Inserilieii 
 anil So;ilpturcd .Stones of Wales. Illiist. Lon., ISMI, 
 4 to. 
 H'estwood, Thoiniis, |.ih^', v(.i. iii., ad. I..] <l. 
 ISSS; lis a Imy was a visitor at Charles I,iiinl)'s lio,i.-e at 
 Kniielil, ami formc.l intimacies with many Iviiglisli poets 
 of that (lay. lie .\as an entluisiasiie ailiiiirer of Uaiik 
 Walton, ami forine.l a viiluahle liijiaiy of works on an- 
 gling, which ho sol.l III! Ica\ iiig Enghiiol. lie passed the 
 la'ter pait of his life in lielgiuni, wlore lie was acliniii- 
 istrator of some railways, and a hook cullector as well 
 as a writer. 1. Twelve .•<onnets and an ICpilogne, (In 
 Jleinoriain,) I,on., 1^<S1, Ito. 2 (iatliereil in the Gloam- 
 ing : Poems of Karly and Later Veais, l.on , I^Mi. With 
 8.1TC1TK1.I,, T., liihiintheca Pisi'iitoria, Lon . ls,s:i, s<voaml 
 4to. (A small work with the sumo title, by T. West- 
 wood, was puhlislied in lsii|.) 
 " I.<iiig ilosiro.l, Iniij; promi.scil. tills book is a treasure to 
 tlio >oholarly aiinler."— .Iiw'., xxiii. ■Sfl 
 Mftlierill, Mabul. Two North-Country Maids: 
 an Kvcry-Hay Story, Lon., IS,S7, p, Svo. 
 Wcllieiecl, Chiirlex. On Hestorati^n, by K. Vi(d- 
 let-le-ltuc. and a N'tiee of his Works in Conncotion 
 with the Historical Monuments of Franee, Lon., |S7J p. 
 Wethert'd, .Mrs. diaries. Madame liertrand : a 
 Novel, Lon., lf<Mi, p. >vo. 
 WutherPll. Xathilii. (Trans.) (iloria: a Novel, 
 by li. P. Haldoz, I,on., |S7'.l, 2 vols. or. Svo. 
 >Vutliurlicl(i, Frederick tJeorse .llaiiley. 1. 
 How to arrange Embarrassed Affairs : a Phiin (iiiide for 
 Debtors and Creditors, Lon., ISlio, Svo: 2d ed., IsBli. 2. 
 A Handy liook on Chancery Law and Practice, for .Suit- 
 ors under tho Now Ivpiity Jurisdiction in the County 
 Courts, Lon., lS(S."i, l2mo. :{. County Court Law: a 
 Handy liook for .Suitors and Practitioners, Lon., IS|J7, 
 12mo. 1. .V Treatise on Composition Deeds under the 
 Bankruptcy Act, Lon., ISliS, |2m.i. :>. Tho County 
 Courts Act, IS67, 12in.-; 2d ed„ Lon., I8(i!). li, A Man- 
 ual of liankruptcy and Iinprisuiiinent for Debt nmlcr 
 the liankruptcy and Debtors Act, lSli',1, Lon., ISiJl), IJmo, 
 7. The Debtors Act, lS(i9: with Notes and Index, Lon., 
 1.S70, 12mo. .s. Notes on Liiiuiilatioiis and Compositions 
 under tho lifiikruptcy Act, iMi!!, Lon.. LK71, iJmo. ii. 
 A Concise View of All Proceedings in Liipiidations and 
 Compositiims under the liankruptcy Act, Lon.. IS7I, p. 
 Xvo; 2d ed., |S7S, Him,,. 111. A .Manual of the Practice 
 and Procedure of the .Mayor's Court, Liuidon, in Ordinary 
 Actions and Foreign Attachments, Lon., IS72, iriino. 
 11, County Court Keforiii, Lon., 1S72, Svo: Itli ed., lS7il. 
 12. The County Courts Acts of LSfij, IS(;7, ISIlS, and 18611: 
 with All Authorizoil Hules, Orders, and Costs; :id ed., rev., i 
 enl., Lon., lS7.'i, .Svo. l;i. The County Courts Act, lS7o, l 
 Lou., IS7i), Uiiiio. II, The Countv Court Statutes, from I 
 lS4f, to 187,5, Lon., 1S7(!, l2mo. "l.i. Hints on County . 
 Court Practice, Lon., lS7fi, Svo. With Wktiikiikiki.i'i, 
 FliKliKiiicK, Hints on liankruptcy Liipiiflation by Ar- 
 rangement and Composition with Creditors, Lon,, 1882, i 
 .'^vo. I 
 Wctherill, Julie Keiin, (now Mrs. linker.) 
 Wing'': a Novel. Phila., IS7S, I 2iiio ; new I'd., |S^|. 
 Wetmore, \V. S. 1 . ('„ lercial Tclcgrapliio Code, 
 (for the China Trade;! 2il cd., Lon., Is7,f), r. Svo. 2. ' 
 General Commercial Telegraphic Code, Shanghai, 187,'), ' 
 Wetton, C E. Tho Amyntcrion, Crovdon, 1.872, 
 ^ Wey, Ilnmiltoil Dox. Physical and 
 Training of Criminals, \. Vnrk. I SS8, 8vo. 1 
 Meylluiid, John .Matthias. I. The Man with' 
 tho liook; or. The ISible among the People. Illiist. 
 l.on,, 1872; new ed., I87:!, I2ino. 2. Hound the Tower; 
 or. The Story of tho London City Mission, Lon., 187.^,; 
 new cd., ls7r), p. Svo. ;!. A Thought for the World ; or, I 
 The Narrative of Christian EftV.rt in Great E.v.hibilions. 
 Lon., 1S77, p. ,^vo. -I, Seven Men: Translated and 
 Adapted from the French of .Madame do Oiisparin, Lon., 
 1881), p. Svo. ,',. Our Veterans; or. Life Stories of the 
 I.or, 'on City Mission, Lon., 18sl, p. Svo. I Eaidi of the 
 above works contains an introduction by the Earl of 
 I Shaftesbury,) 0. These Fifty Years : Jubilee Volume of 
 \ the London City .Miss'on, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 
 ! Wcymaii, I". J. A Dnngerous Man: a Komanco 
 I of Pri'scnt-Day l.i iidon, Lon., ISSS, p. Svo. 
 ' Weymouth, lliehard Francis, .M. A., D. Lit. 1. 
 I (Ed.) Ca.-tcl olf Louc ■ an Early English Translation of 
 . an Old French Poem by liobert Grosscteste : copied and 
 I edited from MSS., with Notes, Critical and Exegctical, 
 land (ilossaiy, Li.n., ls(i4, Svo, 2. On Early English 
 : Pri.iiiiiiciiition : with Espi!cial Ueference to Chaucer, in 
 (.lppu..iiion to the Views iiiainlaiiicil by Mr. A. J. Ellis 
 ill his Wiirk "On Early English Proii'unciatiou," Lon., 
 1S74, ,Svo. 
 "The book deserves the attention of all stuiloiits of Eng. 
 lisli; even tliosi' who arc liillv convinced of the crrniic- 
 iiiisiicss of lir. Weyimiiitli's views will liiid in it iiiiich 
 to iiislriict. and— wc limy add-to them."— IIi-.Niiv 
 .SWKET : Ai'llll., vl. Hill. 
 :;. (Ed. I The liesiiltant Greek Testament, exhibiting 
 the Text ill which the Majority of Modern Editors are 
 agreed, and containing All the Readings of Stephens. 
 ,tc.. Lon.. ISNi;. * ' ' 
 M hale, (>eorge. Greater London and its (iovern- 
 ment: a .Manual and Ycar-liook for Electors, Ac, Lon., 
 188S, cr. svo. 
 Whallcy, (i(>or{;e llaniniond, [nut,; vol, iii,, 
 aild.] The Whole of the Tithes Acts to the Present 
 Time, Lon., Is7il, Svo: now cd., rev. by F. C. Hvan, 
 18s:f. -^ •' 
 Mhalley, William. A Popular Description of the 
 Human Eye: witii Remarks on the Eyes of Inferior 
 Animals. Illiist. Lon., Is74, 12nio. 
 Whamond, .VIcxander. 1. Chaptei- the 
 Life of James Tacket, Idin., ISllti, 12iiio; 2d ed., en- 
 titled " Jaines Tacket : a Humorous Tale of Scottish 
 Life," 1S77; 4tli ed., ISS,",. 2. History of Scotland, 
 from Agricola's Invasion to the Union of the Crowns, 
 [a sidiool history.] Edin., 1S7II, liiiiio. 
 Wharnclitl'e, Fori of. See M.m ki szik. 
 W harton, .Miss Anne Ilollingsuorth, b. about 
 1S4:>, in Philadelphia, 1. The Wh:irt(m Family, I'hilu., 
 18SII. 2. .Vigilia, :i. St. liiirtholomew's Eve, 
 Wharton, C. J. I. (Trans,) Elements of Con- 
 struction for Electro-Magnets; from the French of Count 
 Theodore l)u .Moncel, Lon., 188:i, Svo. 2. (Trans.) 
 Electricity as a .Motive Power, by Count Theodore Uu 
 -Moncel and F. K. Geraldy : with Additions. lllust. 
 Lon.. ISSii, Svo. :i. (Trans.) Domestic Electricity, ft.r 
 Amateurs; from the French of E. Hospitaller :" with 
 Additions. lllust. Lon., ISSj, Svo. 
 W hartoii, t'harles. lland-Iiook on the Trcntmcnt 
 of the Horse in the Stable and on the Itoad, Phila., 1S7.T 
 Wharton, < harles Henry .Marriott, b. issii, 
 at Hulnic, near .Manchester; .son of George Frederick 
 Wharton, (7. c, aiilr, vol. iii.;) called to the bar at the 
 .Middle Temple 1S74. The Whole Law relating to Inn- 
 keepers. Liiensed Victuallers, and other License- Holders, 
 Lon., Is7i;, p. Svo. 
 Wharton, Fduard Ross, M.A., graduated at 
 Trinity College. Oxford, ISr.S; Fellow of Jesus College 
 18118-71 ; assistant tutor and lecturer 1SS2. Etyma 
 Gricca: an Etymolugical Lexicon of Clnssionl Greek, 
 Lon., 1S82, cr. 8vo. 
 W harlon, Francis, D.I)., LL.U., [,„iie, vol, iii., 
 adil.,1 |S2I)-ISSII, professor of ecclesiastical ami interna 
 tional law in Ihe Cambridge Divinity School and Boston 
 rniversily; eolieitor for the Department of State and 
 examiner of international claims from ISS.'i; appointed 
 editor of the Revolutionary dipl atic correspondence 
 of tho Cniled ,<tates 18S8. I, A Reminiscence of Gam 
 bier. Ijy ]■'. W. Cambridge, lS6s. 2. A Treatise on 
 the Conllict of Laws, or Private Iiitermitiimal Law: in- 
 cluding a Coinparalive View of Anglo- Aiiieriean, Ilonian, 
 tierman, and French Jurispriiilcnce, Phila,, IS72, S\o, 
 :!. A Treatise on the Law of Negligence, Phila., 1871, 
 Svo; 2d ed., 1878. 1. A Commentary on the Law d 
 Agency and Agents, Phila., 187t), Svo. ;■,. A Conimeii 
 tary on the Law of Evidence in Civil Issues, Phila., 
 IS77, 2 vols. Svo; :id ed., ISSS. 6. A Commentarv "i. 
 the Law of Contracts, Phila., 1882, 2 vols. Svo. 7. Cum 
 mentaries on Law, Phila., I8S4, 8vn. S, (Ed.) A Dige.-i 
 of the hitcrnati„nat Law of the United States, takeo 
 from Documents issued by Presidents and Secretaries >.t 
 State, ami from Decision of Fcileral Courts and Opin 
 ions ot Attorneys-General, Wash., I,88(i, ;i vols. Svo, (T 
 be lolhiwed by a 4tli vol., cd. by ,Iohn B, Moore,) 
 I Ills ollicial work has a special interest as embodying 
 h- Herself. \. V„,|i, ISSI lo,' ',''""' •'"'"^■^ i-el.ited 
 re('iMniiu.n(l,.MMs,i^in,|,. ,;,,,,,, ;,','"■: '."»!■■••* "in liiinlly be 
 lNMt.s.;'-.V„/,„„, ;;'.^\'.'A'j ■!:;),> «'<■">• Iron, tlie.u i„val,„'i;i;; 
 -. Iliiiinihiil (if Xi.vv V,„.'|, . ,„ , 
 "^'noiMl l.ovos „f Ikn mn VV 7 " u^™"""' '"" ">o Fi- 
 N. Vork. ISSO ir",,, ''""■'''' ""•' ''""I O'l'lse, 
 "'^'""!'';i:.K".'f ::,":" '••■;".• .. .- » 
 M^^';"'^!::;!.",:"!^"?;/- /""./"^-y-f the par. 
 Infauto-," Ke« , .„,.\?„'^ 7„ sV "'''•, '^7' '''«" 
 Vorkshiro. Seoon.l S^rit ' ,' so ' "" ■'•"^'^•> ^''^ 
 bor and lihiarian cif tlio M,„i; i . ,?, . '^' '' " "'«'"- 
 iTotl,..,- of Ilenr': iV,"." , "•'^•.^■""''""K- ile wLs a 
 All A(liiiii-ik .,„ I I' . •' • "'«'■""■'■ with a l,i..t „(■ ii'iieii, to b ili,„Mai)Lv nn.l i„ j .' '"'en.v unpiib- 
 l>ee,.rii,ti„n„fi \i "' "•^''';'«'"l'l'i<,.al Siincying ■ a ''*•■•" '" "'o First FiftvThr.n V f ; '^''""''' In- 
 '^truoii,,. Marin., ,;hai:;;, Um.i'Vs"., Svo 
 '^lixalietli Ji' 
 -.J -. ., _. , I.,,,,.,, ,/ - 
 Arehbisliupof Haiilin (y 
 . ,J. . '■ '^""■■•''•iiii-'litorol Kiehard\V'|ia|,.|y.J).0 
 '■"■ vols. xVi:t; x;r'^K;r ';!,J'"l''"""^'»«ieal society, 
 <ln: .Sketches of Sun.|aV-S,.'h",;,,i t '"•, ■ '' 
 jee-ions to Uevealed iiiilg^n, ^,o "".^^^"r" ^IV 
 i-.stliers Journal- ■! 'I'..!,, e Z ■ ." ' • '-mo. i. 
 !'':«. l:;."" ^' Tier e^ .^"i;:: ' '^"f "'.f'i'"- Lon„ 
 I""!., I,s7fi, !•>„,' , I ''Vp "-"■-'<«''',• ""J other F.^.^ays, 
 Cnptive/f™m the ,ie la 'lZ\^T^ "" '^'"'-^i^" 
 <i'"pel in IJohemia: S keic'h of i,' ",' ".'""•, '2- The 
 llialory, Lon., IS7r,^v|? .''''"'','" "'"lisious 
 'r'.;^:^^ '?r^h^ i^I'Tli'- V?^"- 
 World bo lived in! !,.;„!: l8S0.p8r'"''''W- ""'"I- 
 I'oims Hint ivpv.s li vol ■ ,1. ,''"''''■''•' <" elucidate 
 ate^i;rt:^.'^;i:;/£~- /;xa.^";?f li- 
 (rnde'"t.1^„;;':t'S^iirV-'.'.e Vear ,S80, 
 eonsidered as a Fine Art' M^ i' '•*"■, l'' ""okbimling 
 !-t"re. must! lTn.^7i,s"''to'i A^' "'"' '^'-»' 
 in <fold, Silver. Ae., l,on ISs'jVi' ''■ I^eeorative Art 
 urn Space, l,on., Is.iB, 
 '1 iiiHhs in Tiiiining, 
 I ., , ■-.'"■>- » suiiooi lor the eduea 
 niiciron, ivhieh has been very suoee««fiil i a '. "" • "'"■^"""lu iJoiee in Mii 
 i|.ut, .„ Egypt: Scene, frofn Sit, \;^'"^!f,'';: t^l ,%?"«"•" ''"*' ^^'^ 
 .rini',rKa^^;.;n:,^i'};/\5;:«'™^ '"'iJ in Relation to Mo.i"'"'±7l''' ^l'"'?^"^ of Our 
 ilreaily I 
 i missionary. Ijeeanse 
 •;xperie,;i;;,ii„'iS;^^;.;iLi%';^,X"rv . ,. - „ 
 ffloio valuable Iha.rthose of t'he% u^J^Z^'il^l^'}: , ""^[•J'-'}-' "^i:-, 8vo 
 iJern Cruiei,„„, by F. L. Stein- 
 n Methodist minister, now resident in New Jersey. 
 (Ed.) Life and Letters of Mrs. I'lui'be I'liliiier, N. York, 
 187li, Svo. 
 ♦' Wheaton, Campbell," (Pseud.) See Wkkks, 
 Mhs. C, mipra. 
 M lientHtoiie, Sir t'haric!), F.R.S., D.C.L., I.L.D., 
 [iniir, vol. iii., adil..] ISII2-I875. Scienlifie I'lipers, 
 (I'hysiciil Sue. I'lib.,) I.nii., IST'.I, Svo. 
 Whfcloii, Kcv. Daniel Uenision, D.D.. l.L.D., 
 ["M(>', vipI. iii., add.,] il. 1885; editor ol tlie Metliodist 
 (Jiiurterl.v licvicw |S.O(i-St. 1. A Popiilnr Commentary 
 on tile New Teslameiit, N. Yorl(, 1874-8(1, a vols. 12mo. 
 (The sepnnile oiniiiiientarie." liad been imblishcd pre- 
 viously.) 2. (Ed.) Connneiitary on the Old Testament, 
 N. York, 18S0-8I), 7 vi>ls. IL'iuo. ;!. Kssays, Reviews, 
 and Discourses; with n Diouraphical Sketch by his Sou, 
 Rev. J. S. Whedou. and liis Nephew, Rev. 1). \. Whedon, 
 N. York, IS87. IL'rn.i. 
 Wheclduii, .1. P. 1. .Xn^'lini^Resorts near 1-on- 
 d(]n ; the Thames and tlie I. en, Loii., I87S, or. Svo; 2d 
 cd., I88II, p. 8vo; new ed., ISH 1 . 2. .Anglin;; Clubs and 
 Preservation Societies of London aiul the Provinces, 
 (International Fisheries E.\hibition Ilaml-Uooks,) Lou., 
 Mheelcr, Arthur M., Durfec professor of history 
 at Yale Culle);e. .Sketches from Enf;lish History; Se- 
 lected anil Edited, with an Introduction, from the Roman 
 Conrpiest to *hc Rovulution of I OSS, X. York, ISSti, 
 Wheeler, C. (>ilberti I. Outlines of .Modern 
 Chemistry, Organic, based in Part upon Riche's .Manuel 
 de Chimie. N. York, 1877, I2mo. 2. .Medical Chemistry : 
 including Outlines of Organic and I'liysiologieal Chem- 
 istry ; 2d ed., rev., Chic, 18S0, Svo. H. Elementary 
 (luide to Determinative Mineralogy : upon the Method 
 of Weisbaeh's Tabellen zur licstimmungder Mineralien; 
 applied to .American Sjiecies, Chii'., ISSll, 12mo. 4. 
 Ontlines of Determinative Mineralogy, for lligli Schoid.«, 
 Academies, l^c. Ciiic, 18S1, 12nu). 
 Wheeler, t'nnclace. Prize Painting- Book : Good 
 Times. Illust. .\. York. 1S8I, sq. Svcj. 
 Wheeler, Charles Gardner. The Course of 
 Emjiire; Outlines of the Chief I'olitical Changes in 
 the History of the World : arranged by Centuries: with 
 Variorum Illustrations. .Maps. Bost., ISS.'!, Svo. 
 Wheeler, Rev. Charles Henry, D.D., is:il- 
 1S8S, b. at Salem, Mass.; graduated at Harvard IS.Vt; 
 pastor of the Church of tlie I'nily, Winehendon, .Mass. 
 Odds and Ends; or, Gleanings Irom .Missionary Life, 
 Bost., ls,-.8, 12mo. 
 Wheeler, .Mrs. Charlotte, (Biokersteth,) 
 daughter of Rev. Edward liickersteth, niili', vol. i. I. 
 Doing and Suft'ering : .Memorials of Elizabeth and 
 Frances, Daughters of the Late Rev. E. Blckersteth, Lon., 
 18(i(l, cr. Svo. Anon. 22d ed., 1SS4 2. Sayings of the 
 King, isiil, fp. Svo. '.). Broiul Shadows on Life's Path- 
 way; 4th ed., Lon., 18ii2, fp. Svo. 4. Sure Words of 
 Promise, Lon., ISfit, ISmo. 5. The Post of Honour; 
 new ed., ISii.i, 12mo. B. Tom Carter; a Tale, Lon., 
 ISOo, 12uii). 7. The Story cjf the Cross, Lon., ISdj, 
 llimo. S. Stories of the lllily Land, Lon., ISO.i, Klmo. 
 «. The Parables of Jesus, Lon., ISti.'i, Itlmo. 111. The 
 Frien<l8 of Jesus, Lon., ISIij, Ifimo. 11. Christ's Won- 
 derful Works, Lon., ISti;'), Ifimo. 12. The Chihlhood of 
 Jesus, Lon., ISrto, llimo. L). The Creation and Deluge, 
 Lon., ISIiti, Itjmo. II. .Abraham and Isaac, Lon., istil!, 
 16mo. L"). The Old Picture Bible; or, Storiis from the 
 Life of Christ, Lin., 1S67, sq. 16mo. D). Taking the 
 Consequences : a Rook for the Present Day : with Preface 
 by the Lord Bishop of Ripon, .Manchester, ls(i7, Svo. 17. 
 Pictures of the Old World: Stories, Lon., ISfiS, 16mo. 
 18. Life in the (ihetto; or. The Jewish Physician, Lcui.. 
 1872, p. Svo. 111. Gleams through the Mists, Literary 
 and Domestic; or, A Story of Two Lives, Lon., lS7(i, 
 Svo and 16mo: new ed., IssO. ?(l. Chimes from By- 
 gone Y'cars: Thoughts for Daily Readings, Lon., 1S7S, 
 Svo. 21. Our .Master's Footsteps; or, Bible Notes for 
 Thoughtful (iirls, Lon., ISSH, Svo. 22. The Mother's 
 Crown Jewels, Lon., ISS.i, p. Svo 
 Whc(!ler, Clara. A Sketch of the Original For- 
 mation of the Old Water-Colour Society, Westcrham, 1871, 
 Wheeler, Kev. David Hilton, D.D., LL.D., 
 ['!»(., vol. iii„add.,l b. 1S2», at Ithaca, N.Y.; gradu- 
 ated at Rock River Theological Seminary, .Mount Morris, 
 111.; president of Allegheny College, Pa., 18S;i-87. 1. 
 Urigandage in South luly. By David Hilton. Lon., 
 1864, 2 vols. Svo. 2. By- Ways of Literature; or, Essays 
 on Old Things and New, N. York, 18S3. 
 Wheeler, E. J. (Ed.) Pulpit and Grave: a Vol- 
 ume of Funeral Sermons and Addresses, N. York, lSs4, 
 W heeler, Edward S. Scheyichbe and the Strand; 
 or. Early Days along the Delaware. Illust. Phila., 
 lS7li. sm. Ilo. 
 W heeler, Ella. See Wilcox, Miis., (Wiikki.- 
 KH,) ill/ill. 
 Wheeler, Esther (.rauie. .Stray Leaves from 
 Newport, Bost., 1S8S, 12ino. 
 Wheeler, Eugenia A. Minnesota: its Geogra- 
 phy, History, and Resources, St. Paul, 187(i, 4to. 
 Wheeler, G. The Payment of Water Rates : a 
 Book for All Householders, Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 Wheeler, George Augustus, and Warren, 
 Henry. Hi.-tory of Brunswick, Topsliam, and Harps- 
 well, .Maine, including the Ancient 'I'erritory known as 
 Pejepscot. Illust. and Maps. Bost., 1878, Svo. 
 Wheeler, George I'carson, b. 1847; graduated 
 at Trinity College, Dublin; called to the bar at the 
 Inner T. :iiple 1874 ; accoin|ianied the Prince of Wales 
 to India, as special correspondent of the Daily News, 
 1875; chief clerk in the judicial department of the Privy 
 Council since 1S7S. India in is?,')-"!) ; the Visit of the 
 Prince of Wales: a Chronicle of His Royal Highness's 
 -lourneyings in India, Ceylon, Spain, and Portugal, Lon., 
 lS7fi, p. Svo. 
 Svheeler, Gervase, [<i)i^', vol. iii., add.] The 
 Choice of a Dwelling: a Practical Hand-Book, Lon., 
 1871, p. Svo. 
 W heeler, Henry. Rays of Light in the Valley of 
 Sorrow: with a Chapter on the Recognition of Frienils 
 in Heaven, by R. Nelson. Illust. Phila., ISSli, 12mo. 
 Wheeler, J. The Best Timber fur Paving and 
 Building Purposes, Lon., 187*.', Svo. 
 Wheeler, J. A. Hand-Book of Aiuitomy, for Stu- 
 dents of the Fine Arts. Illust. New ed., .Manchcskcr, 
 1881, 12mo. 
 Wheeler, J. 'i'alboys, [note, vol. iii., add.,] for- 
 merly secretary of the chief commissitmer of British 
 Burma. 1. Memorandum on Persian Affairs: with a 
 Supplementary Note on the Turkomans, Char Kimaks, 
 and Seislan, Ciikutta, 1S71, fol. 
 '• It woulil be (litlicult to iivcr-estimale llu; usefulness of 
 the task which Mr. Wheeler has lately iindertakcii to ac-,— the iutlication, inimely, of 'the jxilitical stavUs 
 of countries which lie between Persia on the lUU' 
 siiie and Khiva, liokhara. and Afghanistan on the other.' 
 But . . . Mr. Wheeler's 'political status' turns out to be 
 soinelhing little short of chaos, 'flic ' Menupraiulum' 
 reveals a .state of things iu which botindaries, principali- 
 ties, and powers change and interchange in a manner 
 suggestive of the doctrine of trunsmututUm of energy."— 
 Sill. lti:i\, .\.\.\v, a'iS. 
 2. The History of India from the Earliest Ages: vol. 
 iii., Ilinilu, Buddhist, Brahmanical Revival, Lon., 1874, 
 Svo. Vol. iv.. Part I.. Mussulman Rule, lS7(i; Part 
 It., completing the History of India down to the Time 
 of the Moghul Empire, 1881. 3. The History of the 
 Im|ierial Assemblage at Delhi held on the 1st January, 
 1877, to celebrate the Assumption of the Title of Em- 
 press of Imlia by her Majesty the (iueen. Illust. and 
 Majis. Lon., 1877, fol. 
 "The main interest of this siilendid work lies iu its pho- 
 tographic illustrations, ami esjiecially its imrtraits, all of 
 which are of Imlian princes, with the exception of Her 
 Majestv the ICmpress of India, and of Lyttun, the Viceroy. " 
 — -Icdi/.. .xiii. VStt. 
 4. Early Records of British India: a, History of tlie 
 I^nglish Settlements in India, Ac, Lon., 1878, r. Svo. 
 " It must not be judged as a work iu which the reader 
 might expect tn dud literary style, la- as a completi: his- 
 tory, but rather as a series of pictures illuslriitini; I lie state 
 of socictv and the political ciinditiou of India iil clilferciil 
 periods since the foundation of the East India Company. " 
 —Mil., No. 'Jtilil. 
 5. A Short History of India and of the Frontier States 
 of Afghanistan, Nipal, and Burma. Maps. Lon., 1880, 
 p. Svo. 
 "So long an Mr. Wheeler oonlliies himself to narrative 
 he is spirited and generally accurate, but when he attcni|its 
 to penetrate into and explain hlilden motives , . . lie oltcn 
 succeeds in discovering much that has no real existence." 
 -Sal. Rn..\.:yi. 
 ti. Tales from Imlian History : being the Annals of 
 India retold in Narratives, Lon., ISSl, p, Svo; 2d ed.. 
 "On the whole. .Mr. Wheeler maybe said to have pro- 
 duced an eminently readable biHik,ttnd one which will be 
 ■hip of 
Wlieeler/joliii Hluiher r) .. 
 nun 1 4t Of »,. \" • ' "lOt i(( 
 ■"ini,-tcr t.. .N],.unigiia. IS.-,.i_.-,7. 
 WMi'"'^''"''*"''"'* Susan, b is« Th ,. 
 Will,.: l'..V|,oriei„.,. „Cii ](„„, ., : "^■*:-. ^ho lioys i„ 
 Hashing,,,,,, N-. v,„-k, I,s"» ' i l"*-'""' '" "'"' "'■"""■» 
 "hct'lock.Liicv I'rv , 
 f-u tl-<ie,.m,.,:'or'jj,;,f,^™"-'«-'r-t.or8to,.ie.. 
 L'^iiolinii I SI'S 
 Vf„ ■"•"■ ■" .•'""" > iir.,ii,„i, isri •, r, '' .'\ ''I'gi^lativo 
 .Meii,„i,s .,f Xor-,!, C,i,„lin , p ' T' "'''"'"isi'i-nc-ua ,„„1 
 VVIieeler, Josr J ^ ''"'"'""• "- '*^«'- 
 IMS-, I,- "■■•■" "1 Joiianna ,«i)vri 
 an, I those who'lov 
 Wheelwright, Ueoriv. , ti 
 tho V„y.,i.v ,;,|,|,,„ ' . ,,,',%]' ': T'^eo Letters on 
 fr' ,i-'"-^e:i?,^. 'Is' 's.l'''"'^'"':," '^yy!-'-' -"- 
 8vo. 2. (Trans.) The flulshiin RAt, l.(m., IST«. p. 8vo. ] 
 3. (Ed.) (iiil.^lmni-Uri/. : I'ersiiin Text. TmnsliUi^m^ iind j 
 Notes, Lnii., 18S0, He 
 I. The yuatmins (if Omar 
 khay yum, Transhitcil into KiiK'lish Verse, (" Triibner'a j 
 Oriental" Ser,,) Lon., 18S1, ],. 8vo. (Contains 2o.\ , 
 qualrains, l.'i2 more than Kitzjjerald's version.) 
 ■■ThoiiL'h lie cannot ooinpete on eiiual terms with Mr. 
 Kil/iieralVl as a translator of the first oxeellence, Mr. « hi ■ ■ 
 li el.l has cNeenle,! a .limeiilt task with '•""^'l ''f^. new t ", 
 res^ an.l liis version ciintaiiis nimii that wil be new t i 
 tho.:e "vlmkiiow ,,nly Mr. l.-itzgerahrs ,lelit,'litfiil scleetion. 
 ~7,'."The liimtrains of Omar Klia.vyrmi: the Persian 
 Te\t, with English Verse Translation, l.on., lS8:i, p. 8vo. 
 "In the i.repanition of lii« '«' ^'^^ J^'''''\ii;''' 'i;;,''!.,!; i 
 n.lvaiitaKe ..f the folL.ttinK aiithorities: Ihe . m u | 
 Asialie .toeietvs MS.; the llodleiiiii Library Ms. 1 loo • 
 inalm's e.lilion ; Ihe Caleutla ed tion; t'^' >"''"'•'«' ^ 
 M<S ■ the l.ucknow e( lum; and tlie rdil i n ol M. .>ii- 
 ;,L ■ lext and iranslatioi,). . Mr. Wliimi^' - ',^;|'"<*,'";'.i 
 a- an editor and tran.sliitor of 'l nittr-i-khai>ani. — 
 ; Wilson: /1c(k;.. xxiv.2-Jl. ,„,„ 
 Mr. Wbintields version, if les,s poetieal, is ine more 
 p\ let and seholarlv." — .s'o/. AVc. Ivii. 28, 
 ■■■ If Wl-.inlield best repre.senls the poet Omar, w^? a'" 
 oniv say that we prefer the poet I'ltzgeraUl. -.NcKwii, 
 xx.xvi. ;i44. . 
 (k (Trans.) Masnavf i Miv'navl : the Spiritual Coup- 
 lets of Mauli'inS Jalfilu-M-Din Muhammad-l RQml : 
 Abridijed, Lon., 18S7, p. 8vo. , .. i. 
 Wliiiifield, William Henry. Ethics of the fu- 
 ture, Lon., 1.ST7, 8vo. 
 Whiiiyatos, Amy. 1. (iabriello; or, The lied 
 Cap of Liberty: a I'lay, in Two Acts, Lon., 1888, cr. 
 ,8v,i. 2. Prince Kulho ; or. The Hose anil the King: a 
 I'lay, for Young Actors, Lon., 1888, cr. 8vo. 
 Uhiiiyntes, Col. Francis Arthur, U.A.; en- 
 tered the army 18j I ; served in the Criincan war and the 
 Indian Mutiny; retired 1881. From Coruna to Sevas- 
 topol, A-c, Lon., 1884, 8vo. 
 "Wliipeni, Hfuedick," (I'seud.) See Harris, 
 Whiphnm, Thomas T. Introductory Address at 
 St. (ieorge's Hospital, October 1, 1878, on Specialism in 
 the Medical Professh.n, Lon., 1878, p. 8vo. 
 Whippio, Edwin Percy, I'lnic, vol. iii., add.,Jd. 
 ]8S(). 1. Succ'ess and its Conditions, liost., 1871, llimo. 
 2. Literature of the Age of Elizabeth, Best., 1876, I6mo. 
 3 Some Keculleetions of Kufus Choate, N. York, 1878, 
 32mo. 4. (Ed.) The lircat Speeches and Orations of 
 iTaniel \Veb.ster : with an Essay on " Daniel Webster as 
 a Miister of Style," Ho.t., 187'.l, 8vo. ,, . . 
 •■ Mr. Whipple has only a general and sentimental admi- 
 ration for him, witliout any serious intellectual sympathy 
 Willi him: . . . he conceives Webster ill the sort ol i 
 wav, niiudi as a Biiiall boy conceives the/ head ol tlie 
 seh'ool,' and does not depict him with any lirmness of out- 
 line whatever."— .Vadoii, xxix. 2;iO. . , , ,, 
 ;>. Recollections of Eminent Men ; with other Papers ; 
 with Introduction by Uev. C. A. Bartol, D.D., Uost., 
 1887, 8vo. 
 "Ill this last ccdieetion he appears in his old vigor, and 
 writes with the same inelastic, niiimaginative. but elcise- 
 eriimed style. . . . As his reminiscences revive the Boston 
 Sf a uuarter of a eeiitiiry ago, he himself in his erilieisms 
 Ktaiiil's out OS tt typical provincial Bostonian. —±^Mtun, 
 xliii .'iO'.'. 
 I). American Literature, and other Papers : with In- 
 troductory Note by J. (J. Whittier, Bost., 1S87, 12mo. 
 7. Outlooks on Society, Literature, and Politics, Boat., 
 1888, 8vo. 
 Whipple, Elliott. Animal Analysis: Method of 
 Teaching Zoiilogy, Chic., 1877, 12mo. 
 Whipple, John, LL.U. Free Trade in Money the 
 Great Cause of Fraud, Poverty, anil Uuin, .Ice. ; to which 
 is prefixed an Introduction by Xahum Capen, Bost., 
 1878, 8vo. 
 Whipple, S. 
 on Bridge-Building, N. York, 1875, r. 8vo, 
 Whish, Rev. Henry Fnlhnm, M.A., graduated 
 at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, lS4li; ordained 
 1847 ; curate of St. Michael and All Angels, Brighton, 
 1872-86, Clavia Syriaca: a Key to the Ancient Syriao 
 Version, called " Poahito," of the Four Gospels, I-on., 
 1 883, 8vo. 
 Whish, Rev. John CharlP-, M,\,, ['."'<, vol. 
 iii., add.,] graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge, 
 1839; ordained 1839; vicar of Holy Trinity, East 
 I'eckham, since 1843. 1. Elementary Thoughts upon 
 Creation, Lon., 1877, Svo. 2. A Course of Teaching for 
 a Country Sunday-School, adapted to the Prayer-Hook 
 Seasons, Lon., 1886, p. Hvo. 
 Whishnw, Rav. Alexander. Sermons |)ieached 
 in the Church of the School for the Blind, T,iverpool, 
 Liverpool, 1882, p. 8vo. ....... , , 
 Wliishaw, .>fr8. E. M., (Abdy-M illiams.) 1. 
 Two Ifs: a Novel, Lon., 1884, 3 vols. cr. 8"ii. 2. 1-or 
 his Friend, Lon., 188,i, 3 vols, cr, 8vo. 3. Forewarned, 
 Lon., 188.'i, 12nio, 4. The World Below ; a Novel, Lon., 
 1887, 3 vols. Svo. 
 "Of the iniiiiv books which have been published sinec 
 the 'sluiiimiiigVra/c licgun. and in which the. siiiialor ami 
 nilserv of lower I.c.ndon have been depicted, . . . none is 
 more striking, beciinse none is more serious and sincere, 
 than ■ The Worhl ISelow.' "-Annl.. x.xxi. I'.'o. 
 Whishaw, !■'. J. 1. Loves ol the Howers, [verse,] 
 Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 2. Oerla the Nymph : a Tale in 
 Versi', Lon.. 187!!, ]>. 8vo. 
 Whishaw, Frederick. 1. (Trans.) In.iury and In- 
 sult; from the Russian of Fedor Dostoietlsky. Lon., 1886, 
 Svo 2. (Trans.) The Friend of the Family, and 1 he 
 Gambler, by F. Dostoicllsky, Lon., 1887, p. 8vii. 
 Whistler, James Abbott McXeill, b. 1831, at 
 Lowell, Muss. ; educated at the U.S. Military Academy: 
 studied art in Paris under (Jleyre, and has .since resided 
 in London. Ten O'clock, Bust., 1888, 12mo. 
 W histler, William MacNeill, M.D., M.R.C.P., 
 M.R.C.S. ; received his medical degree at the University 
 of Pennsylvania 1860, and afterwards studied in Pans 
 ond at V,l. George's Hospital, London ; forinerly assistant 
 surgeon in the Confederate States army : late physician 
 to the Hospital for Discuses of the Throat and Chest, 
 London. 1. Lectures on Syphilis of the Larynx: Le- 
 sions of the Secondary and Intermediate Stages, l.ii 
 1 879, p. Svo. 2. Notes on llperations in Syphili 
 Stricture oi the Larynx, Lon., 1882, r. Svo. 
 Whit-White. See White. 
 Whitnker, Alfred E. (Ed.) Catalogue of the 
 Library of the Mercantile Library Association, Sun 
 Francisco, San Fran., 1874, Svo. 
 Whitnker, Chunning. Wood-Working Toola; 
 1 how to use tliem. IlUist. Bost., 1881. 12mo. 
 ' Whitaker, Rev. Charles, graduated at Brase- 
 nose College, Oxford, 1837; ordained 184(1; curate of 
 Smethcote 184(1-42. 1. Religious Equality and Church 
 : Establishments, Lon., 1872, Svo. 2. Paray-le-Monnil, 
 ' Lon., 1873. 3. Sketch of Rufiiius and his Times, Lon., 
 1887, Svo. Also, various pamphlets. 
 Whitaker, E. W\ Uncle William's Charges; or, 
 Tlio Broken Trust. Lon., 1886, Svo. 
 Whitaker, Edgar. 1. (Trans.) Russia's Work in 
 Turkey, by ti. Giacoinetti, Lon., 1877, Svo. 2. (Trans.) 
 The Rhodope Eni|uiry: Report and Protocols of the In- 
 ternationi-; Commission instituted by the Congress ol 
 Vienna, Constantinople, 1878, Svo. 
 Whitaker, Edward. 1. Lucy Fif/.adam ; an Au- 
 tobiography, 1872, 2 vols. p. Svo. Anon. 2. Parley 
 Magna : a'Novcl, Lon., 18711, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 Whitaker, Rev. Epher, D.D., [on'e, vol. iii., 
 add ,1 pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, South- 
 old, L.I., since 1851 ; vice-president of the Suffolk 
 County Historical Society. 1. A Collection of Original 
 Hyniiis, 1872. Privatelv printed. 2. History of South- 
 old, Long Island: its "First Century, .Southold, 1881, 
 121110. 3. Old Ti.ivn Record.s, lSo2. 4. Bi-Centennial 
 Celebration of Sullolk County, New York, Babylon, L.I., 
 Whitaker, Florence. Christy's Inheritance: n 
 London Story, Lon., 1876, Kimo. 
 Whitaker, Rev. (Jeorge, jirovost of 'Innity Col- 
 lege, Toronto. Sermons preached in Toronto, Lon., 1882, 
 cf- 8vo. „ . ,£, . 1 
 Whitaker, J. R. Anatomy of the Brain andSpinal 
 Cord, Lon., 1887. 12mo. 
 i Whitaker, l.ily C'., b. 1850, at Charleston, S.C. 
 Elementary and Practical Treatise Doniita, and othcT Poems New Orleans 1880 
 ■' W'dituker, R. N. Hand-Book of Whalley, Lon., 
 1S84, 12ino. 
 Whitaker, William. 1. Ouido to the Geology oi 
 i London and the Neighbourhood. (Gcologienl Survey of 
 the United Kingdom ;) 3d cd., Lon., 1880, Svo. 2. The 
 I Geology of Ihe Country around Ipswich, Hadlcigh, and 
 i Felixst'ow; with Notes by W. H. Dalton and F. J. Ben- 
 nett, ((•eolugical Survey of the United Kingdom,) Lon., 
 188,5, Svo. 
 , Whitburn, Thomas. (Ed.) Westward Hoe for 
 Avalon in the New-found-Land, as described by Captain 
 Richard Whitboune. lllust. Lon., 1870, Svo. 
 Whitby, Rev. Thomas, M.A , F.R.G.S., gradu 
 I ated at St. John's College, Cambridge, 1859 ; ordaiiie 1 
1, J,iveri)ool, 
 iititns.) 1. 
 ■i"(i. 'i. For 
 Ncivul, lion., 
 lilislicil since 
 , . . . iiDiH' is 
 iiml siiiuL're, 
 vers, [verse,] 
 : 11 Tale in 
 ijury rtnd In- 
 /. L.jn., ISSfi, 
 lily, and Tlio 
 , b. 18:U, lit 
 ry Acuilemy : 
 since rc.-iJeil 
 ).', M. R.C.I'., 
 lie University 
 tied in I'liri^ 
 lerly assistant 
 ale pliysieian 
 it anil Chest, 
 l.aryn.x ; Le- 
 S(a);es, l.on., 
 in Syphilitic 
 ilogue of the 
 ooiation, San 
 rking Tools : 
 teJ at Brase- 
 1(1 ; curato of 
 [y and Chureh 
 s Times, Lon., 
 Charges J or, 
 ssia's Work in 
 ). 2. (Trans.) 
 cols of the In- 
 e Congress of 
 iidam : an Au- 
 m. 2. Parley 
 iiN/e, vol. iii., 
 hareh, South- 
 if the Suffolk 
 ion of Original 
 story of South- 
 iouthold, ISSI, 
 Babylon, L.I., 
 [nhcritanoc : a 
 of Trinity Col- 
 nto, l.on., l!SS2, 
 rain and Spinal 
 Iharleston, S.C. 
 Whalley, Lon., 
 the Ueology of 
 gicnl Survey of 
 0, 8vo. 2. The 
 , lladlcigh. and 
 and F. J. lien- 
 iingdoni,) Ijon., 
 itward Hoe for 
 •ibed by Captain 
 (I, Hvo. 
 '.H.(i.S., gradu 
 185'J; ordained 
 "-".e."lM,'i,a."r"s'!, ';!?,:!,',""■• I'-t'.r i.ildreth : a Ro 
 Mliite, ..\m„».' Sire' nnd 'Son 
 tnis, [a te,„|,en,nce t;,le,l I,?," f"' " '1""'""'g Con 
 , " ''ito, .Viidrew Dicks ;„;' '''• ■''°- 
 -l.^'nt -d- Cornell Univen^itys /!',".' n"'" '■'*'?'^' !"•««■ 
 "•ennany Is7ii_si ii,. „„. . -i . '-^•' ■ "'mister to 
 ;", H.sto'ry and I'olili™ S. . .^Thc-r"''-:!", .-^'--'^''''"'l 
 J'aper Money Inflation in Fr le ""'""^'^^ripts. |. 
 Comets, I88ti. e E^rl.i i"7 " "'" '^'"••"■i"° "f 
 ^^^^iVtT' ^"" '•'•"'"— r a Ureat City, i 
 White, Mrs. B. \. 
 ?!''v,.'^ Sw'tteied Family. 
 "^^0, 12m , 
 Documents in Ihe'chnr'ehel of s„iVri " ■',■",,"'"""•'' '"id 
 (Glossary, I,,,,vi„h, I8SS s „ ' ^""-"J""""", .Votes, and 
 nhite, diaries 'i' i it 
 "hue, 11, V. KUivar. r '; , •• 
 WAim, and W,„T,.;. 1 """',' „V'""' *•"'• "i" W..ITK, En- 
 '" London, was i.MniVtcrt^ .,',',," '""""'."''''••] b. ISll), 
 •-.relonl. ,„„i ,■„, t|,i,t, , V ■„ "';!''^'"""""' '•'""'•l' " 
 ' linmileties in Xew CollvKe \Z ' •"'?""' l""l<-'asor 
 'heory of Missions; or As, ?'"",' '," '"'*"• I- The 
 lJ<.otr,„e of Kverlastin^Tor, , ' ." ,^":'"''-^' """ ">e 
 •'""» "nd Countless K'm.r , i ' " "'^'barous Na- 
 •Vo'lern Lon. *] " .™"'5" "f ^"^■''^"' »'>d 
 I "nnvtl, ,„„,„(,,„,, l,i,;,„„ .^:J'-,;^;''- 2._ Ihe .Mystery of 
 l^'-^l- :i. Missionary TI.eo o, ' '.' ''' ■~^"'' "<=" "d- 
 Doctrines of Endless ,MrT' ^"."/"'ored in its Two 
 Christ only : TIm e Le 'r 'Vo r-', f ''' ^"'- ^- '-if" in 
 '"" "■<.rld :" ,vitb N ,t es an ' "i-r '""'',"f ""■ " d-ris- 
 ;'•. llMwIey I{„ad I'nipityo.v '"""'■ ""- "'"' ^^°- 
 Lectures on Condition V ' ^ '° '*"• J' «• Brown's 
 on the sau,e Sub e'^^ ' ]^T^u "'?' ^'"■<''' ^''•'- 
 ,-,• l',e Apocalypti.' Histories •i;'"."' '•""- ""• ■'*>0' 
 Chn,nologi,.„||j. '„,,.„ ' into', ','."" '■»"='"Hge, and 
 Idementary Xotos, J,",., "7' "" "'if' ".;,'; ' "i"' '-^"P 
 Nc^!'^^l.^'«r'«« AbitUhar 'xIm 'b ,«,. . J ^^«'--- ^orma;'sd ,d ' v ! l!^"^^ • . '' ^'-"al 11 
 .,.„l„„i.,. „/J":'' •V"'"™'C"l-!Kducatio„,Cin.,'l8S,i T'1,,^""'"^ n>i<^r,,M i„ School 
 ^i.^J'L:.;d!^!;!'X';i'^;^«;^.^f^. c-.eos,v„m 
 ; .n,t he Argentine' HepuWi' 'C^ ! ," ^'"^B ^^'turalist 
 , orth Dighton, Mass 
 lege, Iowa, 186;t- ■^t;>a" .'",""■" "^ ""^" -"edical i 
 l-nl-r of the U.S' ,:.&'-^ ""^ '""" " «-^» • •■ 
 '"'» l.eM several othe p.s 1 , j ' r,',"."^;.''""" '''»2. Ho 
 pM;.!;-TB.r:lfr '' «^' ^-- 
 W^^^ and Institutions :;this^rlj;L:& 
 L(in., is;:!, 2 vols. H-'im. 
 White, Frnncis lliicliaiutn W., eilitor of the 
 Scottish -Nutunilist. Kuunii l'c'illiin>is ; or, Contn- 
 bulions towards tlio Knu^vl^■ll^'o ol tlie Animiils iii- 
 hal)iiin« I'crthshire; I'lirt I., LeiiUloplfm, I'crtli, 1>*.1,( 
 While, Frank II. I. " Xo Bliiid Eyes in lleiiven:" 
 a Storv of Eiirly Onieo. 1-on., ISiW, Kiiiio. '.". Clinst in 
 the 'ri'iberni'"Ie : with some Keiiiaiks on tho OtfiTinss, 
 Lon., 1S71, p. Svo; new o.l., 1S7S. :!. Tho TMlxTniiolo 
 una its Services : Twelve I'ietiires. with l)eseri|itions, 
 I, on., 1S71. lOmo. 1. The (iospel iMul tlie S;iLTiUiienls ; 
 or, " Chiireh Doetrine" on the's Supiier E.Xiunmeil 
 in the l,i),'ht of the Holy .Seriptures, I,.in., IS7S, .^vo. ii. 
 AnKlo-Isruelitisin K.viunine.l in the l,i),'ht of tho .More , 
 .<ure " Woril of I'ropheev," l-on.. 18711, Ito. rt. " .Ml of 1 
 Blue;" or, "Tho Boily is of Christ:" l)ein,' lirief Ivey- 
 Notcs upon .some of the Types of tho .Mosiiie Siinetuary, 
 Lon., ISSl, |8mo. ". Kzekiel's Lust Vision, relating lo 
 the Liinil, City, luul Temple of Israel in the Millennium, 
 Lon., IS"!, l:;ino. 
 While, Mrs. <;. F. Memoir of Mis. J. Tucker. 
 Eiliteil by II. W. Williams. Lon., 1S77, iL'mo. 
 White, tJeorge, ['niie, vol. iii., si.\th ami seventh of 
 the name, mil.] I. .Memoir of Car.linal Wiseman, Lon., 
 1S()7. 2. His ILiliuess l'o|ie I'ius IX., Lon., ISfill, p. 
 8vo; 3J e(L, enlarged and continued to the Holy Father's 
 Heath, 1S78. ;t. The Count de Montalembert : his Life 
 and Writings, Lon.. I8i0, 12mo. 4. Catholie Glories of 
 the Nineteenth Century, Lou., 1S71, p. Svo. o. (Trans.) 
 The Life of ,S. Edmund of Canterbury ; from tho French 
 of L. V. .\Lisse, Lon., 1871, Itiiuo. 
 White, Rev. George Cecil, M.A., graduated at 
 (Jonville and Cains College, Cambridge, 1870; ordained 
 1871; viear of St. Paul's, Southampton, since 1877. 1. 
 Why should I be Conlirmedy Lon., 1871!; :id ed., 1880. 
 2. The -Mourner's Lesson, Lon., 187ii. :(. The Hisci- 
 plino of Suflering : Nine Short Headings on tho History 
 of .loll, Lon., 1881), 12ino. 
 White, Hev. «;eorKe t'roshy, M.A., graduated 
 at Trinity College, Cambridge, I84.'<; ordained 1848; 
 vicar of Newland, Worcestershire, and warden of tbn 
 Beauchamp Almshouses, since I877. Meditations on tho 
 Song (jf Songs, Lon., 1874, l2mo. 
 White, »icorge .Meryoii, M.A., b. 18,)2; called to 
 the bar at the Inner Temple 1^77. I. Weekly Notes: 
 Digest of Cases n^it reported in the Law Reports, 18(1(1 
 to 1S79, Lon., 188(1. r. 8vo. 2. The Conveyancing and 
 Law of Property .\et. 1881, and tho Solicitors' Kemuner- 
 ation Act, I88I"; with E.\|ilan:itory and Practical Noies, 
 Ac, Lon., 18S2, p. 8vo: new cd., enl., 188:1. With 
 Bi.aikhi UN, W., The Married Women's Property Act, 
 I8>2, Lon.. |8S:f, cr. 8vo, 
 Hibliothek at Vienna, (Cod. Lat., 5112,) 0.\f., 18S,8, sm. 
 White, llornce, b. |8:!l, at Cnlebrook, N.H.; 
 graduated at IJeloit College, Wisconsin, 18o:i ; editor of 
 the Chicago Tribune 18(14-74 ; joint eilitor of the New 
 York Evening Post since 188:i. I . The Silver IJue.-lion : 
 an Essay on the Proposed l{emoneti/.ation of Silver in 
 the I'liit'ed States, Chie., l'^7(l, 8vo. 2. The Tarill' tiues- 
 lion and its Relation to the Present Conimereial Crisis, 
 (" Economic Mom.graphs,") N. York, 1877. :L (Trans.) 
 Ta.iatiou : its Principles and .Methods; from the Scienza 
 della Fiuanzc of iJr. Luigi Cossa, N. York, 1888, 12mo. 
 White, J. The (lid Book Tested: Popular (iueries 
 about tho Bible, Lon , 187:1, 12ino; new eds,, |.'<7."i, 1884. 
 White, Mrs. J. 1. Shall I tell you your fortune. 
 Pretty .Maid? Lun.. I8M7, l2mo. 2 Crown Arrest: 
 'i'rutli is Stranger than Fiction, Lon., 1'<S8, 12nio. 
 U'hite, J. C. Queensland the Progressive! an Ac- 
 count of the Colony, its Soil, Climate, Productions, and 
 Capabilities, Ac., I'.on., 1870, 8vo. 
 White, JllllieM, b. 1821, an elder of the Seventh- 
 Day Adveiitists. I. Life Incidents in Connection with 
 the (Jreat Advent Movement. Battle Creek, Mich., n. d., 
 Kimo. 2. Sketches of the Christian Life nml Public 
 Services of William .Miller, Battle Creek, l87o, Idmo. 
 :i (Ed.) Early Life and Later E.xpericnce and Labors 
 of Elder Joseph Bates, Baltic Creek, 1877, 12nio. 4. 
 Ancestry, Early Life, Christian E.\perience, and E.vten- 
 sivc Labors of Elder .James White and hi.-: Wife, .Mrs. 
 Ellen li. White, liattle Creek, 1880, 12mo. 
 Wiiite, Kev. James, educated at Lichfield Theo- 
 logical College: ordained 187(1; curate of Wednesbiiry 
 1870-7!l, and since then vicar of Oakengates. The Sea- 
 i sons, an<l .Miscellaneous I'oenis, Lon., IS7:!; 2d cd., 1S8(1. 
 ! White, Kev. Jnilies, M.A., graduated at Trinity 
 ! College, Ihiblin, 18:','J; ordained |S(1I ; head-master i^f 
 'the Royal Naval School. New Cross, since 187s. An 
 i Elementary Manual of Co-Urdinalc (Jeomctry and Conic 
 Sections. Lon., Is78, 12mo. 
 Wliite, Jumesi. Forgiveness: a Sacred Poem, 
 ' Melbourne. Is7'.i. 
 I White, Jiinies C, M.D. Dermatitis Venenata : an 
 Account of the Action of E.xlernal Irritants upon tho 
 i Skill, Host.. 1887, Svo. 
 I White, James T.,b. 1845, at Newburyport, Mass.; 
 formerly connected with publishing lirms; now engaged 
 in mannliiLturing a " physiological manikin" of his own 
 invention. 1. Christmas (ireeting : n Collection of Ron- 
 ' dcaiix ami Poems of F'ricndship and AlVection. lllust. 
 San Fran., obi. :'.2mo. 2. A Bouquet of California 
 Flowers, (verse.] San Fran., I88:i, Kimo. :i. Flowers 
 frmn .Arcadia, [verse,] San Fran., 1884, l6mo. 
 While, Jame!« W., [mite, vol. iii., add.] Tho 
 ■ -» ' ■■■■ .- «. 4 111,' " lilt*-, •Fcmiin-.^ »» •, I .-, .u.. .1.. 
 White, Rev. lieorge W hit-, M.A., gradua ed at j,^^^j|^ ._,^,, „^^ ,^,^,^,^,,^ j,,,;,,,^ ,,.-,,_ |f„„„ 
 King's College, Lond.m ; ordained 1882; curate of Til- 
 ney St. Lawrence since Issd. "Straight Tips" for tho 
 Riiee of Life, Lon., ISSK, l2mo. 
 White, Gervais. 1. Stray Leaves, [verse,] Lon., 
 i87'.l, 12ino. 2. Twice Parted: a for 
 the Young, Lon., 188(1, Svo. 
 White, tJleeson. (Ed.) Ballads and Rondeaus, 
 Chants Royal, Sestinas, Villanelles, ,tc. ; with a Chapter 
 on the Various Forms, Lon., 1887, sij. ISmi,. (A selec- 
 tion of poems by A. Hobson, A. Lang, and others.) 
 "To find anv other unthology of so many verses . . . 
 oontainlng so fillle (rue iioetry woubl be a diltieiilt tusk. 
 . . Hut then . . . the writers Imve never l\rr one nionieiil 
 supposed that they were writing poetry."— .I//1., No. ;1141. 
 White, (iiliidfurd. Political Economy: a Series istio'skiVl'vfhlTe iralVcirdsaiiiiiidant evicleiieeid' !i(>W' tlnir- 
 of Letters published in the " Boston Morning Post," in ' ouglilv lie is aeiiiiainted with the lOistoms, trailitions, ami 
 tho Years 188.'!-188(1, as a Result of an E.\aniinaIion of language of his heroes and liei-oiiios."-.le.o/,, vil. :i4;i. 
 the Working of tho Present Tarilf Laws of the Cnited : 2. The Ancient Ihsiory of the .Maori: his Mythology 
 States Elision, Mass., 1888, Svo. and Traditions : including a Translation of JIaori Songs, 
 White, John, -M. A., b. IsiO; graduated at Balliol 
 College, 0.\foril, 18(12; elected Fellow of Queen's College 
 I8«:i ; called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn 18(1(1. Sketches 
 from America: Part I., Canada ; Part II., A Picnic to 
 the Rocky -Mountains; Part ill.. The Irish in America. 
 Lon., Is7(l, Svo. 
 " \'ery superior to most works of its cla«s."— .Sui. ii'i i'., 
 x.\x. (101. 
 While, John, native interpreter, Ac, Auckland. 
 I. Te Roil ; or. The Maori at Home: a Tale exhibiting 
 tho Social Life, Manners, Habits, and Customs of tho 
 -Maori Race in New Zealand prior to the Introduction of 
 Civilization amongst them, Lon., 1874, p. Svo. 
 " Not i: paragrapli but bears \vitnes.s to his lai'k of novel- 
 While, II. <.;. 
 The Kelurin of the Cluil'ch Estab- ; Wellington, N.Z., ISS 
 I vols. 
 , Svt 
 nt: the Natimi's Rights, .te., I 
 here is no more mysterious and Interesting peoiilo 
 While. Henry Clay, Ph.D., b. ISiO, at Baltimore, tbmi the .'ilaoris of .SVw Zealand. Before the European set- 
 .. iiifti., iKo... J 1. .Mj, .m^., , . ^_„ ' I ,.,,,,.,1, f 11-; i. iivii runs; i ciinioliiil rue*' was 1 V 1 tr 
 Md.; graduated at the Iniversity of Virginia 1870; ^ -.„^ , „ -„ . 
 State chemist of (ioorgia since 1880. The Compute ;.'i',.'i'y^,'i'|p,i' r',\Mlrds^'Jr extreme am unci value, (i 
 Chemistry of the Cotton- Plant, -Maeon, 187 
 tieiueiit this eiiivalroiis thoiigli cannibal riu'c was living 
 ill the Age of Stone. Vet they hail a highly-organized so- 
 iVith i these 
 •lis (purely oral 1 examples liave been published 
ogy of Ten- 
 ;ra<liiat('cl nt 
 ; vice-iirin- 
 , un»lcr llio 
 ntiii IlihUc'ul 
 the Munii'li 
 njiil l.ibiury 
 , in the lliir- 
 ;f., ll^SS, sui. 
 iiHik, N.ll.; 
 ili ; clitui- of 
 (if tlic New 
 (r()uc.-tinn : 
 (if t^ilvui- in 
 Turin' Ques- 
 lei-oinl Crisis, 
 ;i. (Trans.) 
 11 the Scicnziv 
 ISSS, 12mo. 
 luliir (iiieric.s 
 ., 1S7."|, IS,-<4. 
 uur fcirtune, 
 iwn Arrest: 
 sivc 1 an Ac- 
 iluclions, and 
 tlifi Scventli- 
 unectiiin with 
 Midi., n. il., 
 ; mill I'lililic 
 187.'i, lliiin). 
 ! and Labors 
 i7, I'.'iii". t. 
 ;, anil K.xtin- 
 lis Wife, .Mrs. 
 ohfield Theo- 
 es. Tile Si-a- 
 ; 2dcd., It^Mi. 
 cd at Trinity 
 'ad-niaster id' 
 oe I.S7S. An 
 try and Conic 
 Sacred Poem, 
 Venenata : an 
 ints ujion tlio 
 ryport, Mass. ; 
 now engaged 
 in" of his own 
 Dction of Uon- 
 •ctinn. Illnst. 
 of California 
 :i. Flowers 
 add.] Ttio 
 ited at Balliiil 
 (uccn's College 
 jtili. .<keti-lies 
 ., A I'ionii- to 
 ih in America. 
 £S."— Sii. l\tl'., 
 fee, Auckland, 
 alo e\liibiting 
 Customs of I ho 
 ntruductioii of 
 1 lack iif luivel- 
 eenf !iiiw tlmr- 
 tniilitiiiiis, and 
 1./., vii. ;!i;i. 
 his Mythology 
 if Maori Song-, 
 cresting peoiile 
 Kiirciiiean set- 
 race was living 
 y-orjiani/.eii sn- 
 I'nd value, df 
 been publislied 
 niyUileal liyn," ';,',',;, ^.^ I!!'" " f;;-!. e,ii|,:,,i:;„";;;', > 
 i".'!^M:rMn;i:^t'n.f^™'i!^^^r^" --->..... 
 '"•<• "cho ,i,-.|ikc transla.i,,, ; "V : "f' '"'';,' '""^^ " '^'-.v 
 I'ocn living, for the last h If .' .„, " " '"'"• "I"' 1'"^ 
 ""•> "''" '-y the side of I "',;"'[•',•'''''•''',« -I"-' Maoris. 
 'I'O "'.xts i„ ,|,„ „H„i„„| '■]" "••'"-l"ti"D.s has published 
 ^"^1^';';:!;:^/::;:,:- '''■^-s,cashei,,ss,.eo.: 
 ■^'- I'ouls, Mo., is.s,). s,„ "" "f -MtlmIs, (|,s7(i-s:i,) 
 White, John I'liL'eii iv,i , i 
 of tlio Knglish Lake CoVn ry' itii ?'; "";' '•^«""'''- 
 p. Svo. ■' • """ »>iites, Lon., IS7;; 
 White, John .Silas, LL.D bisi- . „. , 
 Mass.; served in (he civil war .' l,',!.' '1' "■■'"''''''''• 
 '.■•^■'l: heud-nuistcr of lie k . o • s" l"v '' '" """■'"•'' 
 Mnee Isso. 1. The liovs' ,,„?,.''."',' ' •^'^^''' ^"i'l< (-'itv, 
 I'*'*;!, Svo 2 Til. li -V ""' '•"■'■" I'Intarch. .\. V„rk 
 ^'< s.^. ViKl';,::'/'^''' "'^'■'"'"-. ^- vo^k; 
 Admission to Harvard Ye Prin'";""""?, '•'''"'■^ '">• 
 ent.c Schools, and Coh.n.b'; 1:^:1^ iii- l^^fl^^'" 
 f-^^:"r:d,u'b";!?^"'""^f""^''^-. «•!>.. 
 t'hrisli College Oxf ml M74,^''''''''''''^''' "' ^orpu ' 
 Christ's Hospital, ,;„ 1, „Vs'.,, ''.';;'»''•'' I^''' ; "laste; i„ 
 ;"dgate siii'ce IsiISs'm;; I '■'^r''''','''''"'- Martin- 
 ;v>th a Viieabulary, Lon «-. -,„'^'' '^'"'■'< » "ospel ; ' 
 "glish Dietiunarv ad jlte 1 r Iv i,'""',. '■'■ '^ '■"""-■ 
 .<'l"-^s .v^ehools, Lo,;.. 187 ' , .„,o" ?%}%"' ^^'•^■»- 
 >n '.Ireek: with a Le.xieo„ Ion l.-f f,'"!'""" '-'"''I'^'l^ 
 I'd'i^tle to the Romans ■ ,vi I, ""v ' ,' ' ' ™- ^- ''''« ' 
 '••^'"O. 6. The Acts of tim A h"" '""'"'•"' ''""■■ '»''. 
 lary. Lon.. IS7.S isL? ''" Apostles: with a Vocabu- 
 assistant professor of (V "k at I? i"i'''''''"'>' '"^■'•• 
 ^«i"ce then professor (T ,„, '■■'"•'''''l l'^77-S4. „„,, 
 Kl..vthmic and Metric of hp Vl' • " "i'''"-'""" *" "'« 
 ."■l>ioh are added the Lyr" c itts if /hl'\^',"«""""^^ ^ '» 
 Ides and the Antiirone of S , , " '^'"''"" "^ ^'urip. 
 ^^'-ne and C,n^;Z;::;^"'^-'- ^ -'" "Mhniiclil 
 Scliniidt, Host., 1S77 Sv,, ii , ' "■ "cmrich 
 «rcek works. Ac '"• ^'«0' school editions of 
 18S,*!'','2m^.-'"^"'"' •»• <'n'"berry.Culturo, N. York, 
 CeK^yl:|:ift;;- .i^-nsO Mary Stuart: a 
 translation are printed I'opi^^jte ":?'""' '""^ "'" 
 -f.^MidMiInnlt-SoobilEtiour "i ^t^'^ ' " -^'^'"""1 
 White, Malcolm r^Ti,'^ ''"■,:'.""•• ''^•'"' '2"">- 
 ^oripture.'uMin. ISfi";, , s Vo 2 ^.^'ii!" ''^'"'"''c- of 
 fross. Kilin,, 1884 KS,,,!' -Tlio \ Dices from tlio 
 «ide, liost., 1S88, Kill,,, *" ' •' '"J""' Alter .\ooii- 
 should be, Xor'ich, IS7S !Zo '" '"^ '"'^ "'"' "'' '^"^^ 
 •,ll''!'.?,', ^"••."«»V, Jr. jfarryAseott Abroad X 
 n M.mJ'fil.S;"'^,^;!'"^!"'; (Tn'-' I-tters from 
 I'y A.«l AlSnthe,'.;o,;''"[;4"7S, 'I'" A"'-"" "f 1S84, 
 lSs2,"8vo^' '^•^^•^""'■»' Me.U„,ni,;. p„ei„«, ,.„,,,„^ 
 I-s!,',n"ti; b^'Xli^'err""'-., "">." "■« Throne, or, 
 Kdwards, the I'ea n ." "'^V''" '""' Denth of ,J 
 IS77, p. 8vo ''™"^''<"'of Fenny Compton, Lon., 
 ne,!'!'"';,' ^' J''\X}Se^^i^ Supremo Court of An- 
 •i volk s;;-. '■""•' ^'^'?-''^f-'0 I'ub. by ,1,0 State. 
 tl.o Crimean"^,f :lnd'^,i''"'^',"^"f ^^""'"'^'' "»""g 
 Hed Friends; or, P 'ell's „!; „'• ' ■"' ''"'.'^ "f "'y .Mar- 
 '•"ele lien. y y ,*;. T^J^^T'^ ^'"'l^'^'""- % 
 "•"manhood: a Hook n■'Tn.^.• ^- ^''""' '"'""O- to 
 A."oricn„Taleof i.,,,,ii V''„;V" ' ■" "-orld say .» „„ 
 • enius, and an Acoiiu^ o e iii"" ^^'^^'"'^ "I' his 
 "«li.«h Drama. Host Is iis ',''"','" w";*''''-'^'' "f ">« 
 ' -es, l-„st and Preset ,>!:,, ' i' }^"'"''' '""1 tl'eir 
 Kuage, .\. York, Is7 ■i|,' ! '"'•^' " •!"■' K"«lish Lan- 
 /■There are suvL ,m:'' \,''Zr •.''''''■' ''"'-'• 
 ;^'""'lde„toiil 1 ':,'•,:,"'''',•■''• |'""k wl,ieli we 
 by a iieedle-s strivii l ,ii>, . f "" 'Mi""''s whieli are snoil ,1 
 'leal whieli bears rnikil's,'!,';:','-' ' '"" ""''■' i^ m 
 VMii,„i."_.s„,. j.,,^ ivxi ;-| '""' ■''■"•"^' "•»' keen oTiser- 
 ''.-•''d/^i^'mls^iltd^^^/iiri^'J'^V'' ""•""'■ '"-'.e «u. 
 " I'^'iKllsh in its Ai I' ,-s ,i ,' K ;f a sii„n,i knnwledie 
 "olham. Hy U iJonm,,! A ,• ,' *• •-'"■o'lieles of 
 •I'eir i:>,.," Host.: iss'i fo,;';/ " ■'"'"^■' '" ""■"f'i'^ «nd 
 ;;".;deM.;?;;;'sii;H^t;;u:ii;^;i^%-^ "I'-^'-^od. « 
 [„■','*'■' '■■* '''^' ''ewest 1 V ,1 ,.1 '','''••''''■ "'"' " '■ 
 lb Ijiliiev. ,\s "l^iiidanilv ;''''''''!;''> be ^"ber 
 IS clearly im isiiiiLMiisI, f„ 'I '"-'r'; ed hy .Mr. Wliito it 
 ;:'r:''^:^-:^;:;:;:ii4 ! ^: i^r n"- " '''^ 
 >nubAd:'ii^:t";/';;;;.;;;"„^;;jM»vr'."f >^'"" "^ bns to s„y ,3 
 : that all „, u j, e.x re, iV ,, r' ,'■' """,*■' '""' Militle ,in | 
 ;;"! '-; hear what " iVie , 1 ' 'rX 1,''':', " '>* ",l»">'-- P' " 
 'l"idily pleasant w l,en he,.riVl K * '.? '"">' "'""" l'-^: it is 
 '"f;,"iHl eourteiiiis as Mr ,•„,','«■'. .'"■ "'''"''' "" " "le '- 
 (The Riverside Kditio ' 'io t 'l sv^P'r"'?-^' N"'-' 
 '"• The Fate of Mans(ie i l„ I,', ' '* *"'*• "• '"^vo. 
 sodo of Mr. WaslnVton iv '"''''.'■''•".•■ "i"' ""e Kpi- 
 Apology, Host., is84^'p„,t'"7, "' ''"fe"""''. ""J "n 
 i^peare, Host., ] SS,^, Svo Cl, ^""'"^' '" S''"ke. 
 a"™W'ii:;i;:!-j::|:!;i:';j;,^f,;;-, ;p-«iuyof his mmd th„t 
 N>ere's clmraelers are nue ,.r ""'.'^ "^ *""'<-' ">f f^hak- 
 -•.«m,e Ploys ,4ienis^,;^^V'LS;;.,'^^"^['' than ,„ose 
 I'on., ls«7,sv„. 2 in "^.^;''T' l;'llads,and .Songs 
 l^ain, fought A.D. l; 1 .'"^„'; V ^ """1''"'' J'"""""^' 
 "I'o engaged in that .Me, ", . h^V '"« "' "'" "'•■'"'"" 
 ■■»"i Armorial Hearing T,'"'','-"!;""-'' •' "'"' ^'aps 
 ;• The Biikery," and 8t'rw i>'„l; ', '""^J- "'-f,^ 'p. 
 l.on., IS7j, ||. si-o. >'rorf.-[. .Haps and Illust. 
 White, Mrs. JIosp *■ ,i^- 
 WMt^Cot: Hy Ho"' :;^/;^,4«/^^-) The Little 
 ^.orief"/,;'-,^:,, F™""",^;';'r'^ """^trait-Waisteoat 
 White, SallieJov , '""■' '^^''^.-'q. I6.110. 
 u.akers. Host. ,,''s, 12Z' """'"^"''^'^l""-' n«d llome- 
 White, Col. .Samuel Deu<i i r 1 „ 
 "'■■^ecnces. Illust. Lon., ISS() Z 'o y-,^'",'.'"" 'V'"'" 
 >"g the Course that at tie I'C .^ """'''■""■ -'''"»■- 
 'IS.S4, 12100. *^" f'ake-Side Musing.,, Chio., 
 w" "!"•;',:!;"*""'" C'e^.-.l See E.uoTr,0„AR..s 
 ^.,White, Thomas. Verses, O.xf. „nd Lon., 1876, 
 T..OM"s''sTn'v,T!'"'",?,!' •"'•'" ('"'«"''■) See Omo.vo,' 
 Elciiu'iitiiry MicroHCopical MiinipulBtiun, for the Vm of 
 Ainiilfurs. Illust. l,on., 1«S7, f|i. Svo. 2. The Student's 
 Iliiinl-Houk tu the iMicroneope; a I'riu'liciil liiiide U> He 
 Solcrtion iiiiil Miinnneiiieiit. Illii^'t. I,ciii.. |.'<H7, er. Svo. 
 ;i. My iMic;ru9iM)|]e, ami scmif nhjei'ts from my I'lvbinet, 
 Lun.." ISSS, fp. «vo. -1. My Telc^Mipe, ami some ObjcclH 
 it shows 1110, I-on., 18SS, fp. Mvo. 
 WhitK, t'tiiit. ThomHs IMIkiiigton, U.I'.., 
 F..>J.A. Si'ut. I. .Aroliii'ologieiil Sketehes in .--fotliinil : 
 vol. i., District of Kiiityre ; vol, ii., Knupiliilc and (JiKlia. 
 Illust. Kdin. and l.on., l.><";i-75, Ito. 
 "Tlifse voliiini's, in all that rolalfs ti. tin; scnlptnrca 
 Stones, are valiiahle lunl iiitere.sting. The illiislratliins, 
 made from liis..wii sketches, are excel enl. . . -, An loiiK 
 as llie anihor keeps to his special siilijecl, he ;» <;h'» V 
 wrIliiiKor what he knows soinelhint,' alioiit. h lit dlreit % 
 he steps heyond it we lind liim lri|i|iinK. —."<(«. Ate., Xll. 
 '"1 T1.0 Ordnance Survey of the Initod Kingdom, I IS.^O; ordained 1S81 , 
 Edin., KSSO, n. Svo. „ Lancashire, since 188-1 
 White, Victoria A. A Manual of Nursini;. Kc- 
 vised by Mary P. .laeohi. N. York, 1878, 16mo. 
 White, Vi. .Vrilllti. Tales of my Dragoman ; ii Se- 
 ries of Satires not alto^'i'thcr Oriental, l.on., 1871, 12mo. 
 White, .Mrs. W. II. 1. Some Women of To-Day. 
 I!y One of them. N. York, 1880, I2mo. 2. Jessica; or, 
 A Diamond with a llleinish, .\. York, 1881, I2mo. 
 White, W. S. History of Our Lord and feaviour 
 Jo.s»s Christ, l.on.. 1881, p. 8vo. 
 White, Walter, [mi^-. vol. iii., add.] 1. Rhymes, 
 Lon., 187:1, 8vo. 2. Holidays in Tyrol: Kufstein, Klo- 
 benstein, and I'aneveggio, Lon., 187(i, p. 8vo. 
 White, William, b. 18:il), in London, Eng. ; en- 
 tered the Canadian post-office department, with which 
 he has since been connected, 18.<l. I'ost-Office (lazettecr 
 of the Dominion of Canada, .Montreal, 1872, 8vo. 
 White, Williaili. I'Viends in Warwickshire in the 
 Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Birmingham, 
 1873. Ifiino. 
 White, William, [nuir, vol. ill., fourteenth ot the 
 name, add.] 1. .Memoir of Thomas T. Lynch, l.on., 
 1871, p. 8vo. 2. Other- World Order: Suggestions and 
 Conclusions thereon, Lon., 1876, 8vo. 
 White, William, F.S.A., F.R.LB.A. 1. The 
 Tourist's Knapsack and its Contents, Lon., 1875, p. 8vo. 
 2. The Knapsack lland-liook; or, i'edestrian's Ouide ; 
 2d ed., l.on., 188:1, cr. 8vo. 
 White, William, engineer of the Abersyehan (ias 
 Company. 1. Economical and Automatic Appliances 
 for the Manufacture ami Distribution of Coal (las, Bris- 
 tol, 187f), Svo. 2. Dip Pipes and Hydraulic Mains i». 
 Desiccate Coal (las, CarditT, 1878, 8vo. 
 White, William, F.S.A., member of the Sanitary 
 Institute. iEsthetical Sanitation, Lon., 1883, sm. cr. 
 8vo. . 
 White, William. The Story of a (ireat Delusion, 
 in a Series of Matter-of-Fact Chapters, Lon., 1881, p. 
 White, William V. A Picture of Pioneer Times 
 in California, liy William Urey, [pseiul.] San Fran., 
 White, Ilev. William Farreii, M. A, graduated, 
 senior optime, iit St. John's College, Cambridge, 18.0ti ; 
 ordained 1^57: vicar of Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, 
 since IStil. Ants and their Ways : with an Appendix 
 giving a Complete List of (ienera and Species of the 
 British Ants, llhist. Lon., 1883, cr. 8vo. 
 White, William Hale. (Trans.) Ethic demon- 
 strated in (ieomctrical Order and divided into Five 
 Parts, which treat (1) of (Jod, (21 of the Nature and 
 Origin of the .Mind, (3) of the Origin and Nature of 
 the Affects, (4) of Human liondi 
 of the Affects, (i) of the Power 
 Whiteford, Ferdinand .Manger. The Law re- 
 lating to Charities, Lon., 1878, 8vo. 
 Whiteford. Sidney 'I'. 1. A tiuhlo to Figure • 
 Painting in Water-Culours. Illust. Lon., 1870, -^vo. 
 2. A (iuide to Porcelain Painting. Illust. Lon., 1877, 
 l2mo; 51 h ed., 18S5. 
 Whitehead, tieorge. 'roHtable Frult-Farmlng ! 
 an Essay, Lon., 1884, 8vo. 
 Whitehead, H«v. Henry, M.A., [<i,<ie, vol. ill., 
 add.,] graduated at Lincoln College, Oxford, 1850; or- 
 dained 18;)1 ; vicar of St. John's, Liniehousc, 1871-71, of 
 Brampton, Cumberland, 1871-84, and of Newton Kegny 
 since 1885. 1. Scrimms from the Sunday Lessons, Lon., 
 1871, p. Svo. 2. The Experience of a London Curate, 
 Whitehead, Itev. James Henry, M.A., 
 F. 11. U.S., graduated at St. John's College, Cambridge, 
 curate of St. Philip's, Chorley, 
 The Oospol of Jesus Christ, ac- 
 cording to St. Luke, Manchester, 1887, 12iuo. 
 Whitehead, Jesttnp. 1. The Hotel Fish and 
 Oyster Cook: [also] How to cut Meats, and roast, boil, 
 and broil. Chic, 18S2, 4to. 2. Cooking for Profit; a 
 New American Co<ik-Book, adapted for the Use of All 
 who serve Meals for a Price, Ac, Chic, 1886, 8vo. 
 Whitehead, John h. The Climate of the Under- 
 clilf. Isle id' Wight, as deiluccd from Forty Years' Con- 
 secutive .Meteoridogical Observations, Lon., 1881, r. Svo. 
 Whitehead, Rev. Joseph, Wesleyan minister. 
 The Evangelist and Pastor: being the Autobiography 
 and llcminisceiiees of Kev. Joseph Whitehead, Lon., 
 1879, er. 8vo. 
 Whitehead, Sarah U. 1. Rose Douglas; or. 
 Sketches of II Country Parish : being the Autobiograiihy 
 of a Scotch Minister's Daughter, Lon., 1851, 2 vols. p. 
 8vo. 2. The Two Families: an Episode in the History 
 of Chapclton, Lon., 1852, 2 vols. p. 8vo. Anon. 3. 
 Nelly Armstrong: a Story of the Day, Lon., 1853, 2 
 vols. ji. 8vo. Anon. 4. Diilt Davie, ami other Sketches 
 of Scottish Life ami Character, Ac, Lon., 18-|i, p. Svo. 
 5. Matthew Morrison : an Autobiographical Study, Lon., 
 1877, p. .Hvo. 
 Whitehead, Walter, F.R.C.S. Edin., F.R.S. Edin., 
 surgeon to the .Manchester Royal Infirmary and Man- 
 chester ami Salford Lock and Skin Hospital; lecturer on 
 I clinical surgery at Owens College. 1. Statistics of Eng- 
 lish Surgery, 1871. 2. Excision of the Tongue, Man- 
 chester, 1881, Svo. 3. The Surgical Treatment of 
 Hiemorrhoids, Lon., 1882, Svo. 4. Affections of the 
 .Mouth, Palate, Tongue, and Tonsil, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 With Poi.i.AiiD, F., The Surgical Treatment of Tumours 
 and other Obscure Conditions of the Bladder, Lon., 1884, 
 Whitehouse, John Owen. Lomhm Missionary 
 Society: a Register of Missionaries and Deputations 
 from i71hi to 1877, Lon., 1877, 4to. 
 Whitehouse, Rev. Owen I'harles, professor at 
 Chcshunt College. (Trans.) The Cuneiform Inscriptions 
 and the Old Testament, by Prof. E. Schrader: with Ad- 
 ditions by the Author, ami an Introduction. Map. Lon , 
 18S4-8S, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Whitehouse, Thomas, M.A. Lingerings of 
 Light in a Dark Land: being Researches into the Past 
 History and Present Condition of the Syrian Church of 
 Malabar, Lon., 1873, p. 8vo. 
 Whitehnrst, Felix M, 1. Court and Social Life 
 in France under Napoleon the Third, Lon., 1873, 2 vols. 
 Svo. Posth. (A selection of letters to the Daily Tele- 
 Human Liberty, by Benedict de Spinojii, Lon., 1883, p. 
 White, M'illiam Henry, b. 1845, at Devonport, 
 Eng. ; was cinploved in the constructive department at 
 the Admiralty 1867-83, rising to the rank of chief con- 
 structor; became director of naval eonslroction in 188.) ; 
 secrcUiry of the Roval Institute id' British Architects. 
 1. A Manual of Naval Architecture, for the Use of Offi- 
 cers of the Royal Navy, Ship- Builders, ami Ship-Owners, 
 Lon., 1877, Svo; 2d cd., onl., 1HS2. 2. Arehiteetnre 
 and Public Buildings: their Relation to School, Acad- 
 emy, and Stale in Paris and London, Lon., 1881, Svo. 
 "Mr. White would have the Koyal Iiistltuto of British 
 Architects converted into a sort of dose corporation, ruling 
 the whole profession."— -K/i., No. 3023. 
 1 graph and the Pioneer, an Indian paper.) 
 "Not only was Mr. Whitehurst received from time to 
 ! time cereiiiiiiiiciuslv at the Tuileries and C(anpii>gne, but 
 Hire" or of the Strength i he may be .said to' have known Ciesar 'at home' and 'in 
 - ,^r'. n Intellect or of ' >''» ^'ippers.' . . . Sneeeediiig a.s u ehronicler ol trivial 
 ol the intelloet, or oi (, ^'| ,„„ ,,i egreginiislv when he veiilured to handle, 
 or even to touch, weighty alValrs."— yH/i., No. 2382. 
 2. ,My Private Diary during the Siege of Paris, Lon., 
 1875, 2 vols. Svo. 
 " As a record of an eventful period, the Diary Is alto- 
 gether insumcient, and it is fiill of trite observations, 
 sellisli seiitimeiiUs vulgarly expressed, and ell'orts at wit 
 which tire as much as they disiileaso."— .4(/i., No. 2188. 
 Whitehurst, Frederick Feild. 1. (ireat Un- 
 dertakings, interspersed with Anecdotes of Distinguished 
 Persons. Part I. Lon., 1877, Svo. 2. Tally-Ho! 
 Skctclies of liunling, Coaching, Ac, Lon., 1878, p. Svo. 
 3. Hark Away ! Sketches of Hunting, Coaching, Fish- 
 ing, Ac, Lon., 1879, p. Svo. 4. On the (Jrampian Hills, 
 (Jrouse and Ptarmigan Shooting, and other Sketches, 
 Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 Ihe re- 
 3 to Figure • 
 , 1H70, svi). 
 Lon., is; 7, 
 it- Farming : 
 nlK, vol. ill., 
 (I, IS.iOj or- 
 , lS7l-7l."f 
 ;wt(m lU'irny 
 lUssons, lion., 
 idun I'unite, 
 iry, M.A., 
 , Ciiinbrid^e, 
 y'f, Cliiirlpy, 
 iia Clirist, ao- 
 el Fish and 
 d roust, boil, 
 for Prolit: a 
 le Use of All 
 16, Svo. 
 if the Under- 
 1' Years' t'on- 
 ISSl, r. Sv... 
 iin ministiT. 
 tuheiid, Lon., 
 Douglns; or, 
 !51, 2 vol.<. p. 
 n tlio IlLstory 
 I. Anon. ;t. 
 Lon., 1863, 2 
 tlicr Sketches 
 lS7li, p. 8vo. 
 ,1 .Study, Lon., 
 F.U.S. Edin., 
 iry iind Man- 
 ,1; lecturer on 
 istica of Kng- 
 Conguo, Mun- 
 i'reiituient of 
 actions of the 
 ]SX6, p. Hvo. 
 It of Tumours 
 er, Lon., 18S4, 
 m Missionary 
 I Deputations 
 s, professor iit 
 in inscription* 
 iler: with Ad- 
 . Map. Lon . 
 lingerings of 
 into the I'oft 
 ian Church of 
 nd Social Life 
 ., IS7a, 2 vols, 
 le Daily Tole- 
 i from time to 
 (iiniiii'giie, but 
 linnie' and ' in 
 ieliT of trivial 
 uruil Id handle, 
 o. -^^m. 
 i)f Paris, Lon., 
 ! Diary Is alto- 
 e observatliins, 
 1 ellbrUs at wit 
 A., No. nm. 
 1. (ireat Un- 
 ' Distinguished 
 2. Tally-Ho! 
 ., 187», p. Svo. 
 lunching, Fish- 
 rnmpian Hills, 
 )ther Sketches, 
 '", Lon,, issl Is „. , um'''^',"" ,"'.". •"'"™"'i 
 na5.'f.:frs^'« ^.I'l.^'Jl^^^ -'^^0, in London,- a jour- 
 Mr Sp^u, his ,;;:;;:;,::^'i!:^ --newspapers. ,. „ , 
 uments,,te. Ilv Alb 1^, iss.. ." ''^.'' '" '^''""'■'■'' ^on- |,Sm„ 1 1 r ,0^''' '^'''"'"^ '" ""rkness, Lo„ sss' 
 WhUelBw, J. M. Seacliir... T.„., ,.- „ . ' ''|^""bI' ^^ulTerings.'Lo .''l '7 •,:^:;,,'"''iV '"•''-'•"«' 
 e n,.r,. 1,... ■'. '. '-^ino. 17. Ihe knowl- 
 ^-iclifto, Lon.,,.77,avo!s.p.iiIj;;: 
 8vo. Anon! 
 vin.ty of Jesus depiet^j j '",",•, '• ,""»' '» the Di- 
 r-on., iHH-.i, ,,. su, I rll,: '."'i'';'' ""'I Epistles? 
 '^H7,p,Svo.' 3.The,I,;spe"of'srn"" ''T'' '■""- 
 OlHsgow, LSSH, 8,„ '"'""•"'■""' f^oeial Diflioulties, 
 «.M0Uw'!;!;^ tlJc^^m "'nl™ •"::„'*^'''V'- '"•- 
 containing the .Vanieof One R 7l 'i ,'^''"""^.v ■■' Kegistur, 
 "ities of ,ho I-nitedStat^r^'r ';;.'' A»;;rney in V^ 'h^^ 
 "i; the llol.v, Lon., Lsh's ,! 
 '.N?^:'K'' ■*"••'•'-• '^-""- of Mercy, Lon.. 
 "H.I itepuhllCn n rii? tP' i"'"'"- "^ "'» •^P""*?- 
 l-'uio. (Con«i«ts ,•■„,. ^'"■' •^'""""■■er, Dost. 18s7i 
 Mi RepublJclu'V ' ' '"" "'""'"'"' ''•'■■" •"« ■'^1' nnV- 
 .;nmM;n;i'^;;!;;^:'!;i;;i*::;;^';; Is a X,,lun..| ook. a rceon. 
 r y siiTOcMed l,y them I, , ■«!','''; ■'I'l e.-tl„nK nntu. 
 Cities of The ■„Yte, V; , "" 'T"^^" '^""■•''■' 
 see \I,,z,,Kv, 11. N., ,„/, 
 Tar"r.8!?7',t'''''^'''""-"f^^-:"n Irish 
 ;r..J^':J!r"^Jt,^*!l*r:ig:t'"^' '"!" ^^- "f 
 federation. „nd Fir.t Chief ,,*'• ^^V'f ""'''"' "'» Con- 
 "ith a .Sketch ol PuhM Kv'. 1'7 "' l" '"'""' States : 
 tio;™^;f;;X;;l;';:y;/■^ ™;yj« WS and weighty by ,„„ a,ldi.' 
 enough «.s fur as I e t „ 1 u ,d '.' f''"' '"'"'■'' '"-e g, , 1 
 K"^n.:y 'l,^;;rr:!;^ ij^ij^r-' ,/;" -i."-i;;';h;it .;m X 
 ; ^^„^'^'^'" of the ^Zu, ':::' -); '^xp,a„a.o,^, 
 ^- ihe Uomance of a (inrrct • i,T,Vl. r'l ; '*"'"'• 
 Lon., IS(17, 2 vols, p 8vo SI. , "^ ^'""'on Life, 
 Whiting, H I iam .^- /"«"'". Lon., 187.),p.8vo 
 im M,,z, o? Rev ^:;; vj.';'-."''' '"'''•,] i8i;i- 
 his Wife, Kli,„beth St tJh ."'"""K. l^U; and of 
 "'• their 'EnglihA„c.t:nri"' '*^''""n™« '0 «une 
 -M od., will? Notes „n,ir,,rr ""•■"';"" l^««™ndanis, 
 Co^. "fT:^-"',;'"''- ^P-ks and Sounds .„ «"..>.-?; ' ' '''"^"•'""■^'' ""'■' '-^. '^-^ '^ 
 C.^af'^^^fJ;!!:::;,.,^'^!^^ and Sounds trou. 
 CI0U.U I^y^'vln,erD':isv''Lo^TsV7*'?..'''^"-^'"^J 
 to the bar at the T,; ^.^^de IsT?^ "' ^t,""' ' "^'""J 
 t"^'e: 2d ed., Lon., l88;uJ o o" Th",',"',* "" ''^""- 
 Supreme Court, IS8;i, Lon' ,- „V'" '^"'"s of the 
 being a Treatise on U?"'', ,t :., , f,'- "'",*' '" '''"""""'•s: 
 as Officers of the Uigl Co Vol' ,'■''' '" '^'"'^ ^^""'-'5 
 the Recent Changes f.Lc - ,1 „ P r''" • '''"' ^'""-^ «° 
 r. 12mo. 4. The Three r's-.( ' "'''■'''■"""b Lon., l,S8,i, 
 Yo!^;!;",t"l,sf5, p"st.?«'"» - -^ N- Setting, for the 
 'i^^'^^J^'tSr^r''^ '■^^».- Krad- 
 Ilistory of R,„„„„ PivateTlv.irih ?'?"-'" ""'^ the 
 ''^ CarlS„,ko„,ki, Lon. LSSBrs;;""" '»"'"'' "^ T-^'- 
 rom -be Pn^^e WriTi,^, o John^v'";''' "^ Methodism, 
 , " Writings „f Ch» l/s W„ y'""^' ""'' '''•«■" "'e 
 Texts for Kvery I)„/in ,h;'^:;, '^f^'-.v • w,lh Scripture 
 .0 "/'!^^';::'i;^'-- -ar^-^;,?.::^;,^::::^^ ;«:-. 
 M "!r^!So!J-l ««-«^^S,ew«r., «:A., gradn- 
 vicar of Christ Church f'l.^iii^' '" "''''nined l,S4i»; 
 Holy Communion ,o' T "e Co:. "'''■ ""''"'^^ '" t"'« 
 tTed Hi.-toricallv ami i;eXn,?n ""•'.? °'«"' '■""■^''i- 
 '<■ <il"ssary, L„„., l"7aTmi""""j' "'"' <^"otations and 
 'uXa^] Sal"d''!:t'^,^'""' ''■^■' ''-ther of 
 1S5'J; vicarof ^™y IWI s ^P'-^'-'n''^'-' College, O.vford, 
 Short Uea, on Pnw' "i'"''"Pton, since I,s74. I 
 and Niceno Creeds, Lent r,s72"?6mo''" "" ""-' 'M-t'le,' 
 "nd\&;'„>^'^;«.^,'««f'-ney." I. Patent Laws, 
 in tl'e Ifnitcl .S|"erdLw'rr' '''!"' ^"' I">«"tiona 
 ^^::", 2. ■•atent CaseLltl^Slin"?! eS,' '^''^•'-,!**^J. 
 tn.ted States, includinTr' ., , L? ''''''^"''■J""'-' 
 lvi.i.B . . J;'' ""n-, 1881), 8vo. "' '" ""' '"iitcct .^|„tes and Foreign r . • ' ^">'ention 
 Oastle, rasti„ga,8i„„e, .j^; '/■'•» ^t Mary '"the Statutes of the Unite l' i^"?'""','"'"" P'ovisions and 
 Heavenly Kingdom, Lon., 1S7I p 8vo ^l''%^'""""> P'-^'tions: with Appt'dil on''r>''''''r '" ''^e^i'Iential 
 >M, Jesus Onlv T.„„ ,.'-. '1' P- ""o- J- Jesus Him- tive Franchise, Wall'mV- " C'»<enship and the Elee- 
 in .h.. !,-.•„. ;r">."., I87,,sm.4to. 4. Fetish-M'orship 
 --..^ "."(5uuui, i,on., i,17l, I) 
 sell, Jesus Onlv. Lon M-r •to .. „."" """"= mui- 
 <'all : Seven Sennons Lon IS^ii's '^^ ^''^ Saviour's 
 prints, Loo., m:, ^^r-'rk:::^j-j'z^-\ 
 in the Fine Arts, Lo'n .^'^Hr^' 8;„ -•• f ll^'"-^^'''-'"? 
 (-ant; its Results and Rpm^'i P',*'*''- *• Conventional 
 Imperial tJennanv : "' i^^:^^}T- '«««. or. 8vo. fi! 
 actcr, Host., l»t«,<,Svo. ' •>' "^ Tact and Char- 
 thcblack'^;f,li;r;;~et suggest it does not omit 
 ' if. ovorj"' • *■""• '^"ho 't pfetefid Z't?/,""^ great is w" 
 i-siiovoted more to moral onS , 9 .'.^ '" be exhaustive it 
 aspects, and, on tlHi whole ml 'iitoiieetual than material 
 general reader.-J^Sr; ffi^?/'-''"' ^^i'h profi^Sy 'thi 
"One Kfcat uiioiu: 
 iin ' w'lllc 111' \y> nil nuiircsslvi' (•hiiinpliiii nf ilriiiipiiiii y iiml of 
 tl.c wnikliiKiimii, 111 11 lirciiiil •.I'li.-c iif llic liTiii «MrklnK- 
 iimii, lli^ iiiliiilri'i> hiivi' lii'fii iilninsi uxrliislvi'ly nl ii rliiKK 
 till' liirlln'Ml iHiNsllily ri'inciKil Irmii Unit «lilili liiliiir» Inr 
 iliiilv lirriiil l.v iiiiiiiiml wiiik. Wliliiiiuii lm> iilwiiyB lifeii 
 truly rnviiiri' 'in the iiiiillliuilr. Ii wii- uiily IIhw wlin 
 krifw iiiiiiii of iiiMlry. iiinl Imiel li nn'iilly. w hii pciii'- 
 tnilfil llii'>ln^iiliir ^lu'll I'l lil- vitm'>< himI nlnlii'd In llio 
 rli'li. I'lilpy kiTiii'l, Kvi'ii « lllininnnl^MMin-, Wlilliimn liiiit 
 Ipocn snini'HimI ur an aii|iilii''l In^lc \ ninllnul xili 
 111 llic lyi-iiC llln^t I'lilii^ i> llic ii-i' of Krini'li, S|iiiiiMi, 
 anil AiiM ricaiiSiiaiilKli Hiiiil>. wlilcli iirr sialliivil liiTi- 
 anil llniv, iih IT Wlilliiiaii liiiil iilrki'il tlii'iii up, M.imtlnK'H 
 sliuliUy hii'iiriTi'tlv, Irniii WMndcrlint iiiiii'trcK, CiiliMiiN.iir 
 rnuilivcs IVniii iiiii'iif Wiilkrr's riilil>. Ili' sliii«» rniiUly 
 lliv AiiHTlinn way nl' liirnrpnrallii)? Into tin' IhiKiiaKu a 
 liaiiily lira liiKli-wmnillin,' «ni'l wllliuiil i-lalinraU' fxaml- 
 nalini'inl' il.s iiriuiiiHl iiiniiilm;, jii>t ll^ wr iilwurli llic ilil- 
 llTlllI inillnlllllllll'S Unit clnVMl liVlT llolll Kurnpl'. Ills 
 lliiMik'lit anil lii» iiioili' 111' ^•\llrl■s^lnll ale Iiiiiihmim', iilleii 
 Hat, \ civurii'ii ninnnliinons. like mir wri'iil sprim llim filk'S 
 Willi IliVlr (■nilli'>s sralli'ilnu nf miIhuIk. Vrl wlu'ii "111' 
 Ki't.s thi'' liiiiin' 111' ll.llii'ri' is a i'iilii>-iil Kiiindi'iir In cnli- 
 I'cpliuii mill I'Xi'riitlnii llial iiiii>l lliiiiUv I'.iiivinii' wlnu'ViT 
 will 111' palii'iili'iiniinli 111 l.'iik I'lr il, lliv rliytiiiii. mi niiifli 
 liiirk'Mini'il, Is all ul' ii pail willi llii' iiiiiii nml lii'- iiU'as. 
 II Is appari'iilly runliisi'il. rcai.y iii"«l i arclnlly siliiiiu'il, 
 I'l'italnlv 111 a liiuli ilri-'ii'i' nrlKliiiil. Ii lias »lml In the 
 prt'si'iit 'writiT Is the liiiist tliiiiK 111 Hii' niiisli' nl Whkiipi'. 
 -a (jR'at liiininliiK iiinvt'ini'iit nr iiiiili'ilniii'. iikt' llu' nnlsi' 
 (if lii'iivv siirl'. . . , III' riTlaiiily ivprisi'inM, as iin ntliur 
 wriliT lii till' wmlil, till' slniKKliiiK. lilniulfriiiK, si.iiiii' 
 lii'iirti'il, Miiiii'Wiiat I'oaisi'. Imt still iiiauiillli'i'IU vaiiKiianl 
 (if Hi'sliTii I'lvlllzatiiiii tlial Is I'licaiiipi'il In tin' liiltiil 
 Slates."— A'j«i<'iwii/r/im T/ti t'ritif, 177/7^"/. 
 " In spite ul an uneven ami eiiiplialii; key of expressinii, 
 sipinelliiiiK treiieliani ami stiaiKlitliirHanl, snnu'lliiin,' sim- 
 ple anil siiipiisini;. iIlstliiKiiislies his puems, lie Ini.s say- 
 Inu's lliat c le liiiiiii' to one like llie liilile. We tall uiioii 
 Wliitiiian, al'ler tlie wnrks iif sci iiiiiuy men w Im w rite lii't- 
 ter. Willi II seiife III' relief liuni strain, Willi ii sense iil tnueli- 
 liiK niilnre. us when one passes nnl of the llariiiK. nulsy 
 thiiioiiKlifares nf u (ireat city into what he hinisilf has 
 I'lilleil. with iiiiexeelleil IniaK'Iniitlve jnsliec of luiiKiiaBe, 
 •the hiiKe ami thiiiiKlilful iil«ht.'"— 1{. L. tiiKVKNSoN : 
 /■'cimi/iiir ,s7i(i(/«» 'i/.l/i'i II"'' Hooks. Ilti. 
 Whitmiirxh, Kev. Kdgiir Dyke, iJ.C.Ii., grndu- 
 ated lit Worcenler Oiillej!e, Oxford, IsCL'; nrdained 1804; 
 viear of Saiidfuril-on-'riiaiiu's since I!<77. I. Forms 
 I nf Sin; or, A Manual of Self-Exaiiiiniition, Lim., l^'i, 
 I IL'iiio. 2. Scripture Seiircliinns in the New Testament: 
 I IlhistratinK the Striieturc of Man; with a Preface by 
 i J, Ii. Mozley, I.on., IS77, '.' vols. Svo. 
 WhitlllfirKll, III Tlio Pasteur Treiitiiicnt lor Ily- 
 driiiihiiliiu, I.on., ISSS, IL'inii. 
 Whitmarsh, HilliHni Hurt. I,yr' 'iihlioa; or, 
 8eri|itural Lyrics on the New Tcetanient. 1 y W 11. b. 
 Lon., 1^73. 
 >Vhitinar!ih, William Mifhnel, M.D., M.U.r.S. 
 i Wlio'.s 1(1 lilaino? or, A Week's Experience of a liastrio 
 Fiillieic, Liin., l."?!, f|i. ■Svu. 
 1 Whitmorc, Kev. liiarIeK John. 1. Seeking 
 I the I.nst: IneidcnlH and Skelehes nf t'hristian Wnrk in 
 I l.oiidcin, I.on., IS7a, l-'nin; 2d eil.. IS7ti. 2. Seeking 
 after (iod in Science and Ueli);ion, I.on., IXSt, 2lmo. 
 >Vliitlllore, !■'. Ii. Inlidel Objections to .sieripture 
 i Ciiiisidercd and liefulcd, l.on., I^.-^l, p. Xvu. 
 Whitlliore, James II. The Doctrine of Immor- 
 tality, I.on., ISTIi, l2ino, 
 Wliitmore, John Ileiiry. (Kd.) A Digest of the 
 Ik'piirtcd Deeisinns, Piecedents, and General Principles 
 enunciated by the Hoard of liallroad Conunissionera of 
 Massachusetts, from Ix'i) to 1888, inclusive, Dost., 188S, 
 Wliitmore, William Henry, A.M., [nnie, vol. 
 iii., add.] 1. Massachusetts Civil List for the Cnlonial 
 and Provincial Periods, Uimi-1774, Alhuny, 1870, 8vo. 
 2. An Essay on tlie Origin of the Naiiics nf Towns in 
 Massachusetts settled prior to A.D. 177.'i, liost., 1871!, 
 8vo. :'.. The Law of Adoption in the United States, Al- 
 bany, N.V., 1876, 8vo. 4. I'njust Taxes: a Criticism 
 en the Massachusetts System of Local Ta.\ation, Host.. 
 IS77, 8vo. :'). The Uravcyards of lioston : vol. i., Copp's 
 Hill Epitaphs, Albany, S.W, 1878, 8vo. B. History "f 
 the Ohl State- Hiiuse, Host., 1882. 7. Life nf Abel Hrown. 
 (Mie feels, as I 1884. .8. The Old State-House Moninrial, Host., 1887. 
 Whitner, J. iV. Manuitl of (Janlening in Florida, 
 Jacksonville, Flu., 1882, I2mo. 
 Whitney, Mrs. Adeline Dutton, (Train, 
 [iiiid', vol. iii,, add.] I. We (Jirls : a Home Story, 
 Host., 1871), I2mo, 2. Ke:i! Folk!. Illtisl. Bo.^t,, I''<7I, 
 |i. 8vo. 3. Zerub Throop's Experiment, Boat., 1871, 
 IBmo. 4. Pansies, [verse,] Host., 1872, 16mo. 5. The 
 ,,,.„_., .,.„„. other (iirls. Illust. Host., 187:i, 12mo. ti. Sights and 
 alyofWIii'tman's has been, tiiat ! Insights, Host., 187ti, 2 vols. 12mo. 7. Just How : a Key 
 Whitmiiii, i-:diiiMnd .\llen. Flax-CuIture 
 Outiine of the Ih-tory and Present Condition of the 
 Flax Indiislry in the I'nilcd Stale.*, and a 
 nf the Inlluenco exerted on it by Legislation, Host., 
 |SsS, 8vii. 
 Whitman, CJ. M. Amorioiin Orator* and Oratory; 
 eoinprislng lliographical SkotcIiBs of the Hepresentative 
 .Men of Aiiieriea, together with (lemB of Elonuenco. 
 Illlist. Chic., 188 1, 8vo. 
 Whitman, .Mrs. Sa.ah Helen, [.n.N, vol. iii., 
 add,. I |8ii;)-lS78. Poems Host., Is78, Iiliho. 
 Whitman, Hrn. Sariih W. The An of Making 
 Pi. lures: Twelve Short Talks with Voiiiig People, Cliie.. 
 IsMi. lllino. 
 Whitman, Waller, i.ommonly Walt,) ['iii'-', vol. 
 iii,, add., I liiis reside.I in Camden, N,.l., since 18711, hav- 
 iiig been oliliged by a piiiulytic attack, which left his ' 
 physical powers pt'rmaneiilly weakened, to resign his 
 elerkshii. ill Wasliiiigloii. I'li !88'.i, on the occasion ol ( 
 his sevi'iiticMi liirtliday, he was present at a piililio 
 dinner iitliiidul by a largo number of his friends and 
 a.liiiirers. Ileside's the edilio f " Lein ea of Oriiss" 
 mentioned niilr, vol, iii., one (the fourth) was published 
 in Wiishingtoii in I>72, another in Camden in 1876, and 
 uiiotlier ill lioston in 1882, the last e-jiei-iiiliy being much 
 enlarged and the matter diireroiitlv arranged. Copies 
 nf the Hist edition are now very scarce, and command 
 higli prices; of the third edition, (181)11.) many copies 
 fraudulently obtained were dissemiiialed in America. 
 I. .Meiiioraiida during the War. I8I17, C-'mo. 2. Demo- 
 eralie Vistas, [prose essays.] Wash., 18711, l2mo; repub- 
 lished, with a preface by tlie author addressed mainly 
 to his English readers, in the •' Caiiielot" Series, Lon., 
 1888, Iflmu. ;t. After All, not to Create only. He- 
 cited on Invitatinn of .Managers American Institute, 
 on Opening their Fortieth Annual Exhibition, Host., 
 187 I, 121110. 4. Passage to India, [verse,) N. York, 1871, 
 I21I10. ,1, As a Strong llird on Pinions Free, N. York, 
 1872, I21I10. IS. Two Rivulets, 18711. 12ino. (This in- 
 cludes " Democratic Visliis," " Centennial Songs," and 
 •' Pas.sago to India,") 7. Complete Works, Revised to 
 1877, Camden, N.J., 1878, 2 vols. or. 8vo. 8. Specimen 
 Uavs and Collect, Phila., 1882, I2nio. 9. November 
 liniighs, Phila., 1888, 8vo. (Contains an introductory 
 chapter, many shnrt poems written between 18JII and 
 188U, estimates of Hums and Tennyson, and a portrait 
 uf the author,) 
 "111 him we meet a man not shaped out nf old-world 
 elav, lint eiust in any uldwiirlil Mioiild. and hard to name by 
 aiiv iilil-wnrlil iiiinie. In his self-a.s.sertioii there is a lUHii- 
 iier uf iiowerl'ul iiuiiehalantncss which is nut iissiimed ; he 
 dues nut peep limidly from behind his works to glean our 
 siill'rages, but -eein,s tu say, 'Take me or leave me, here 1 
 am, a snliil and nut an inconsiderable fact iil the universe, 
 lie ilislurbsnur ebissiliiaiiuns. lie utiraetii lis; he repels 
 lis; he excites uur cniiusily. wonder, adiiilratlon, luve; or, 
 uiir exlreiue lepiiiinance. He dues anything except leave I 
 as imlilVereiit. Iluwever we feel towarii- him, we canniit 
 ile-pise iiiiii. lie is 'a snmniuns and eliallenge,' He ; 
 must be iiiiilersluiid, and .sn aeeeiited. nr must be gut rid , 
 <if. Passed by he eaimot be, , . . lie is the llrst represeiitii- ! 
 live deiuncrat in art uf the American eniitinent. Nut that [ 
 he is tu be regarded as a miidel urn gniile ; great iiriiiei- 
 ples and great pa-ssiuns whii'h iiiiist play their part in the i 
 hitiire are to be fuiiiid in his writini!s; but these have 1 
 nut vet ileared thenisehes fruni their anuirphous siir- 
 rdiinilinKs. At the same lime he is before all else a living 
 niiiii, and must nut be cuinpelled tu apia'ar as mere ollleial 
 representalive uf anytliing. lie will nut be i'uni|irelieniied 
 in a fnrmula, Nu i/i'w uf him can image the siibstanee, 
 the life and muveiiieiil uf his nianliund, which euntnn'ts 
 and dilales. and is all over sensitive and vital, . . . As in 
 all else, so with reiiard tu the furm uf what he writes, Walt 
 Whilman can Iiml nu aulhurity superior tu himself, or 
 rather In tlie rights of tho subject which engages liiiii. 
 There is. as Mr. Itussettl has ubserved, 'a very iiuwerliil 
 mid majestic rhythmical sense' thruiiKliuul his writings, 
 pruse and verse, (if we consent tu apply the lerm r(r«r tu 
 any uf them,) ami this rhythmical sense, us with every 
 great iioel, is original and inliurii. llis works, it may be. ex- 
 hibit nil perfect crystal of artistic furm, but each is u nieii- 
 struum satiiruteii with furm 111 snluliuii. He fears tu luse 
 the iiistini'iive in any proces.s uf eluboratiun, the vital in 
 anythiin,' which looks like niechanism. . , , (hie feels, as 
 it ha.s been well said, that althuugh nu cuuiiling uf sylla- 
 bles will reveal the niechanism uf the music, the music is 
 there, and that ' one wuuld nut fur something elnin^'e ears 
 with those who eaiinot hear it,' . , . Nevertheless, when 
 we read not the Ivricul isirliuns nf Whitman's puelry, In.', 
 what miiv be called his poetical slaleitieiit- uf thoughts 
 and things, u suspicion arises that if the form be suitable 
 here to the mutter, it must be because the matter belongs 
 rather to the chaos than the kosnios of the iiewerealed 
 world nf art."— E, imwiiKN : Sludiea in Lilcrdliirc, 17:1-8" 
 vc'K-,.,) it,,,,., I.SM.I, , ,' 7,'" ">'(„l,., a,„l Trini.y 
 -K''"n,?::i/"i:r';4V'l;'"'''''"'<<..rnib,e ,..,„. 
 ^. V-i</mno:; 7^;:'-" -^^i'.' M,i!;..e ,,:;;i,^; 
 <;', (vor.;.,| IsVl T '< ■'' ■^'"''"''" " Tul^ 
 !'!'■ '■"^""' 'um"Z, '/'"""' -;'-...,t :il,r„riHn „f 
 Kometr.v, (C.iiilornia (i,.„l„! i,„i ^ ' "'"""•'^tric llvi,. 
 ;7''- 2. fulifornia: uSy ,Tr^ ''"'- '■'"'■ ^• 
 "'.m„|,etula,, C',i,nbri,l,ro, M,m« Vs" "i, '•''•"■•"'''' "'"' 
 '!•">» t„ AmcM-iean (icrioUnTli, '.';'• .i'' '-^"""•""i- 
 Naines an,l l'|,„.c, : .StuJiL; ' ; " '"' ■• '■^"". Jl"- 4. 
 tMition ii,„i,,i to i,,oo,',,li;:r '«"' '"^- '^'^^ '«'-". 
 1'l.e liurning of tbc Convent •' ^v """•'•^•- '"V""- L 
 "tructioD, by a Mob ofTh,? ir' "..•^"""tuo of iho Dc 
 """oJiot, Charcsln ,^ "'"'■"" '''^'""'' "» -Mount 
 Autobiography, |,sr8^' ""• - '<="»>''' (-'Ml.lbood : an 
 de"teTt"'tbo FarW wrj''"'^.- J'" '^'™"<^^bco Valley- 
 .Many Ineide'n"t ' nfl A, '2 "' '''Vl'/''^^ '"«" ^^'""ii^g 
 inclu,ling a Sketch of thoU""'' f "l" '''"'y Settlers : 
 Wlutnoy,.";,;',/ ;;>;"•■'■•- -M.,] brother' of J IX 
 conjunction Vi.i .Cikrk ■ I v",'"'"™''^'' Philology, i„ 
 received tl.o"or,le of n ri^ fr'r't'b p-^"".'"'' ""'' ''"- 
 •""". He h,,, contribute,, ,e",i /'"•"'■■'» «"vera. 
 ™l« and to the journairof cen ?^'".'''''" '"'"'""- 
 'if 18 a member. 1. M.-.i \ ■,'!! "''''°. f"«cties of which 
 '- i8 a ,nem.;y: -"T ( "d TmT-!?- '""'"''^^ "' -'''^b 
 >V"' its t-'ommcntay, he TIM -,'?■''• ''^■''ifakhya .- 
 1 ranslat iin, and NofP, // f ri»"i'«hyaratna: Text 
 Kc>v Haven 1S72, Svo ' '(For7r'"' "^i"'"''" S'"'- P""- 
 -£«!'^l!^>„i;' ^!- ;:;?-;iiil ^ .^.0 Atnerican Or. 
 "i.'hf ■",'! n'l'i'l «ii' I ifr NV w amf/h'!;;,'',,'''^''''- r'""i<'"» 
 f^"Z''^;;^::r]!^:Zu:''ii"T-' ""i-i. n,iiow, . . 
 ... H ben we reiol l'r„( U. , V Whi,,.-' '"','■ ,'""' ■"'K'Hnlial. 
 I A,,(,„„, xvl.u,i, K AM ,„,,,■'' """"' '" "• "I""' "rr."- 
 tho >'m'i .'',■■';:>" vr';!v:i,;i;''i'"ri'r ';'■ •"'"■'• '"'•■r.-M..,i m 
 'ii"T|.r,.iatl„„ „(■ 111, , ' V , „ """';'>■ '"•'•iipi.'.l » i 1. lb" 
 r'/'''- iiMirc. , ,,il„.r ,.'■;""' "'"""I'l iiiiiie,.es.-.Hrl ly 
 , -"ii«u««-' will i, ,.,■>, , ' ;"r,. '",' ""' '-"v" ,v, 
 le aiillior N ahvav^ cl ear i„l J "li-'l'' "f reM,ler.«. f( r 
 ™ek"tl',",v"^ ,"'r •■■' 'Ill v" «;:;;,';.';,''; "i"i '-o- '.rt.-M 
 'I'll K t,i tlie siiiileni, "- \i/i ■ .\,, -M, '• "' ■' I'Pt-'n a neir 
 Ti;eK;;7:;n.,r,,'''ii«;;::;:'^'"i''-^>'-„., scrie,: 
 r»l'liy«nd I'heoologV ,'■"","' ■^'^"'"!"«.v, OrtboK 
 i;'-- '^vo; new e,|., iS;.^ A.-ironomy, N. Vork, l.s;!, 
 '""'' ,^,""; !■ nil Ky.''~;w,',;^,x'-w''' "'""""■ '"■ "'^■ 
 il'-i'!l!e,rl;:!:'l;;f^;;^il,.,^:l!;;i-H fi'ii Mr. wbi,„ev ,„ 
 - liiipi;. wit), no nm.-Vf.e ,,",,',''■'"; "H'l ii.i"|.e,„lio, s 
 '■'■ ^e, luee ,|,e reH,ler,''.-A.'- a'sm' ■ ■ r'f'T"''fJ'' '"■^"■act 
 ■'• l-.-ncnt Ills of Kni-ii-), iV. . • '''.'"'•. vlli. mo. 
 ';■ A .«iin.«krit </r.m,n „e "T ""• .""'l'- ''^"'- "2-10. 
 l;ii>iKi.n«e „„,! the " ,"""''"?. '',""' "'» t'lassical 
 I ><- Vork, |,S7«, Svo 7 ; ' ,'" } '■"; "'"' "nihmnna. 
 I A ''ii'^ ■.'■•''.^•'i-'iil I'rench Orumtnnr. l.sMi Witb h-n„ 
 Kli'inenlary l,e.«o, » in pTJi- ^ "n ''"'"''• Mils. N. 1,., 
 "■"' "'lite Vorre WSoft^-'^SO p" ^^ 1'"" '" ^P""*' 
 '•►:v..?., .„/„,, •'' ^o"-. '8S0, 12mo. And cec JUi,. 
 !ii-ii':r:;r^n:;:;:n'!:f";2,'^;';7'^ ';'i-^-- r"-'. .„,. 
 eiiu;ci,, N.^v-y?, '." ™ ■;■? :• 77";'-^- t^-«-«"tion„i 
 I'lswered by a Jiest, t, .„. r, r .. "^"'""»nt Kndless ? 
 l;;;i;trine, .;„., /87;' "1;,^^' ^ - O^if--^ S^ipture 
 I. ine (lo.-pe of ( .„ n„.„„.,„ . 'V' ""•'■'■, lf>MI, I2nio. 
 ■;• i'"^7 ''.e?h, ,,vf""'i" "p;"""-."'^'' "''"'o- 
 i-on., 18,sj,Vr. 8 -0 7 t,,^'",^ ]T^' "t Iho .'^piri? 
 ;i •'ritiquc „n Confl ctins Onint ^ '""" "^ «»veluti„n 
 i'o.^lani'cnt, N. \ork "^.^'^Z .'ZT't'. ">-> No,. 
 fiK-t.on; a Keview , f „.h, t , °:, , ' [''O I>,v,ne .Satis- 
 bo thought about the A ononZ ","'' "''."' ■"'"'"W not 
 '• ■■^ .^ermons i„ Ca""' ? ^ "i:",- "f"' ''• «^-»- 
 •ii'i", Lon., 1S87, p 8vo I I T. ^^ * '"'I'"'' 'ii"ii'ng. 
 o.lier Liscoursd: L,,., isss n^lvo'"'"' "'■ '^"-orty, an^d 
 ISfiil.un,! prolH.sor of t "cle V'^'"""'"' S<^™""'ry 
 '■'*"- I. Ilistory of the r,f'"r"r'^^ """^ ^'""^ 
 LoiiLMllIc, IS7S. 2 Hi Lrv .• ^ '"'^""' I'liptisni, 
 Hii|i(i.«t.S 1.880 T Tbn f ^ ^ /', Ciiinmunion amone 
 i'Cl,n,ribu,io^„L\' , 5'«;;;,"f ''-''i-ip'-ofChrrst5 
 of Alexander Can.pbei ." X Vork IS^r?' "'"'? "J^*- 
 iind Tunes of Jude aleb WilbZ >■ '-""'• •*• ^ifo 
 ""5'"S,"'..7,5.f.S5-Jf l*'-\|" I--"".- '•■ 
 in the New York vnl !'. l"^'' """"''itecture; served 
 s Volunteor Oaviilryiimri. N. York, l^'l, lliii". 2. A 
 Coniplol* Lil'o iif oi'niinil llcurni' A. Cuntur, Miijnr-dcn- 
 ariil tit Viiliintocr*, llnni't Mujor-di'noral I'nileil Blatt'ii 
 Army, iiii't I.imluniint-Ccihinel Sixtli Now York VitiTiiii 
 Ciiviilry, N, York, l-*7il, >'\tt. 
 "A viTy 1! I iMHik.liiit It l« ri'iiclU'iilly larxfiuKl lu^iivy. 
 ... lie wrllts llki' ii mail wliii liiix sciii mrMic Iml has 
 Kci'ii II with lilKoyi'.sMpiMi Hihl ri'UiliiliiK ihfloll |mimchsIoii 
 of kII his tnciiltlrn. Iiichiilliiu i.dniiiioii scriM'. Hi' Ix c'l- 
 trembly iiartlal to I'ustrr, ami liW partiality in Ihi' uri'ftt 
 ilrawliaik to tliu NatW'ai'lloii with whiih wu nail."— An- 
 dim, xxlv. 17!i. 
 a. The Cailot Iliitton ; u 'I.. " of Aiiicrloan Army Life, 
 N. York, IHVH, I'.'mo. 
 Whittnkt'r, JiiiiiCfi T., iirol'(i.'<iinr in th« .Meillcal 
 Colloxf of Ohio. riiyitioluxy ; a I'reliiiilnary Courao of 
 Loftiiro-', ('in., I'^V".', Itiriio. 
 Whittakor, JiimPii Triiviii, .M.I) , ollniciil dom- 
 onHraliir at thu lloyal Inllriiiary, (liaiiuow, ami |ihy- 
 iiii'ian to .Uiilcraon'.'t Collide Oisiiensary. StnJent'M 
 I'riimT on thii I'rinii. llhiHt. I.on., ISSII, p. .''vo. 
 WhitliikiT, Iti'V. Kobert, M.A., b. ISK, at Wal- 
 tuD-lu-Uulu, l.anciiahiri'; Kraiiuatuil at ."^t. John's t'ol- 
 lejjo, Cauibriilm', 1'<1I: onlaincl |s|l; vioar of Lfiw- 
 flol'' ISlfl-Mil, ami hini'O tlicn riL'tor of llc(kin({ham : 
 hi,... canon of .MamhcBtir aini:o IS'S. I. Wulton'n 
 "SulferinK:* of tlio ClerKy," Alirl.l(?«il, l'<6'.'. 2. Scr- 
 mona ami .\i|ilri"SM;.H, ISTD. .'t. KxpoKilion of tho's 
 I'ravi'r, I "711. I. Six .'^tniiomi, jss'.'. 
 U'hitliikiT, 'riiumiiN. I,if«'s U.iltlen In Toinpor- 
 aDtM> Arrnour, Lon., ISSI, p. svo. 
 U'liittiiker, ThoiniiN I*. Free Trmle, Rooiprooity, 
 ami l''ori'i),'ii Compt'titicjn, l.on., IS7'.t, ^vo. 
 Hhittllll, Alfred. Talca from the (Irovu : a Hook 
 for Vijulh, l.un., H7.!, p. Svo. 
 >Vliitteli«ey«dmrlUN C, [nnir, vol. ill., adil.] 1. 
 MinKou.-i Supremo Court Knportu, voU. .\xxii.-.\li., (ISfii 
 -67,). St. Louis, III vols. 8vo. 2. .Missouri Civil I'raetiee, 
 St. I.ouis. 1^70, Mvo. 
 >Vhitlvni, Annie. I. Little May's Friemls ; or, 
 Country Pets ami I'astiiiies. Illust. Lou., 1M7;!-7I, 
 I2mu. 2. "Little liritannia:" a .Story of lien Khyd- 
 clinK, Lon., I'<7ii, p. "^vo. 
 >Vliitt«niore, .Miirin K. Flower Fairies: an Il- 
 lustrated Alphabet for Liitle Folks, \. York, 1 S.St!, aq. 
 Hhitteniore, Itev. William .Mcynell, [nnir, 
 vol. iii., aiM,.| eiluoateJ at St. Dees, and at liuocn'a Col- 
 le)?o, Cainbriilne ; ordained IHIa; rector of St. Jniues's, 
 AlilKate. 1851-7:1, and since then <d' St. Katharine Cree 
 M St. James's, Aldgate. 1. Tho Pathway of Peace; or, 
 Coiinsoia and lOncourajjement for llio Earnest Inquirer, 
 Lon,, ISTIi, l2mo: newed.. |S7|. 2. Presainj; Onward j 
 or, Karnest Counsels for Holy Living, Lon., IS7a, l2ino. 
 ,'i. Stray Sunbeanis : Loving Counsels for Young Friends, 
 Lon., IHH.'!. ISmo. 
 Wliitten, Henry. The Burning of Moscow : a 
 Poem, (iloucestcr, I Si I. 
 Hhittct, Robert. The Brighter Side of Suffer- 
 ing, and (ptiier Poems, Kicliinond, Va., IMS2, si|. I2in(). 
 >Vhittier, John (Freenleiif, [kiiIc, vol. iii., add.] 
 For biog., see KE.VNKiir, W. S., mi/ira, and rNnKinvooii. 
 F. H., «ii/,ra. 1. Ballads of New England. Illust. 
 Bost., IS7U, Svo. 2. Miriam, and other Poem.s, Boat., 
 1871, l2ino. H. iKd.) Chil.l Life: aColloction of Poems. 
 Illust. Boat., IS71, IBmo. 4. The Pennsylvania Pil- 
 grim, and other Poems. Illust. Bost., IS72, IKmo. 5. 
 (Kd.) Child Life in Prose. Illust. Boat., 1S7:1, Kimo. 
 6. Hazel Blossoms, [verse, j Host., IS74, Uimo. 7. Mabel 
 Martin: a Harvest Idyll. Illust. Bost., IS75, lllmo. 
 8. (Kd.) Songs of Three Centuries: with Introductory 
 Essay, Boat., lS7i, l2mo. i». Tho Vision of Echard, 
 and other Poems, Bost., IS7S, Himo. HI. Tho King's 
 .Mi.ssive, and other Poems, Bost., ISSI, Itimo. II. The 
 Bay of the Seven Islands, and other Poems, Bost., I8S:i, 
 l2mo, 12. Poems of Nature. Illustrated from Nature 
 by E. Kingsley. Boat., ISSI'i, 4to. 13. St. (iregory's 
 Ouoat, and Uecent Poems, Boat., 1888, IBmo. 14. 
 Writings, (New Kiverside Edition:) vols, i.-iv., Poet- 
 ical Works; vols, v.-vii., Prose Works, Bost., 1S88-S'.I, 
 12mo. (This edition is revised and annotated by the 
 " He is the veteran of an e|»ii'h that enu never recur; 
 that scarcely can be equalled, however Kiyiiificaiit future 
 periods may seem from the artist's point of view. The 
 primitive life, the old atrugKle for liberty, are Idealized in 
 his strains. .Much of both his strength ami incompleteness 
 is due to liis Hebraic nature; for he is the iiicaniation of 
 Biblical heroism, of the moral energy that breathed alike 
 thnmirhiK'velenfehanirefrom dogma to roanon, In Hooker, 
 Kdw»rd», ('arker. iiatrlscui, and Kmemon,"— K, ('. ,>*rKU- l\ntii >{f Amtnvtt, i:ll), 
 WhittinKliOiilt Alfred. I, Thu Life and Worka 
 of ,Mo/.art, (" Keevea' .Music Prlnieri,"! Lon., ISsi), 
 l2mo. 2. The Lile and Works of Handel, {" Uocvcs' 
 Muiio Primurs."! Lon,, 1882, l2mo, 
 WhlltinKhnni, Kt. Itev. Hillinni ItollinNon, 
 S.T.I)., IrtiK., vol. ill., add.,1 I8(l,i-IH71I. For biog,, .eo 
 UliANii, Uk.v. W. F., hiiiiro. Fifteen Sermons, N. Vork, 
 18811, l2nio. 
 WhlltinKtnn, llev. Itieliiird, .M.A. \'<,tie, vol. 
 Iii., WiiiTTlNoTov, 11, I) , add„| graduated at Trinity 
 College, Cambridge, 1847; ordained 1818; rector of St. 
 Pelor upon Cornhill, London, since I8t)7; prebendary 
 in St. Paul's Cathedral aiiico 1881. Angiistui itliort, 
 First Bishop of Adelaide: tho Story of a Thirty-Four 
 Years' Episc.ipate. Lon,, 1S88, or. 8vo. 
 Uhittle, .VliUor I). W. Life Warfare and Victory, 
 Lon., IS84, p. Svo. With (ii kmt, Kkv. Wii,i,i.\m, (od.) 
 P. P. Ulias. the Evangelist ; his Life and Life-Work : 
 with Introduction by I). L. .Moody, Lon., IS77, Svo. 
 Whittle, Jnnieit l^uwry. Catholicism ami the 
 Vatican. Lon., 1872, p. Svo. 
 Whittletiey, Klwie I.eiKh. I. Helen Ethinger; 
 or. Not Exactly Kight, Phila., 1871, l2ino. 2. The 
 Hemlock Swamp, and A Summer at tho White Sulphur 
 Springs, Phila., 187:1, l2mo. :). Elyria, Phila., Is77, 
 WlilttleNey, IHr*. Niirnh .lohnNon CoKNwell, 
 [(iiid, vol. iii., add.,1 •>• '82.'), at Williaiiiaton, N.C. I. 
 Herbert Hamilton ; or. The Has Bleu, N. York, 18117. _2. 
 Aunt Uobecea's Charge, and other Stories, .V. Vork, 1870, 
 IHino; now od., IST.'i. .'). Bertha the Beauty: a Story 
 of the Southern Revolution, Phila., |S7I, I2im). 
 W liitty, id. Ji (luido to Liver|iool. Map and 
 Illiial. Livorpocd, 1878. 
 W liilwell, TtiomnH. Iron-Sinoltcrs' Pocket Anal- 
 ysis-Book, Lon., 1877, 8i|. Kiino. 
 Wliitwiinin, Caroline. Hclpa and Cheering 
 Views for the V.mng and Old, Lon., 1875, 8vo. 
 Whitwortb, (George Clill'ord. 1. A Personal 
 Statement of Heligioua Belief, I,on., 188(1, Svo. 2. 
 An Anglo-Indian bictionary : a (Jloasary of Indian 
 Terms used in English, anil of such English or other 
 Non-Indian Terms aa have obtained Special Meanings 
 in India, Lon.. 1.(85, 8vo. 
 Whitworth, Nir JoHeph, Hart., F.U.S., LL.D., 
 D.C.L., [mil,, vol, iii., add.,] Isii:(-|s88? b. at Stockport; 
 created a baronet 18(19. I. .Miscellaneous Papers on 
 .Meelianiciil Subjects: (luns and Steel, Lon., 1873, r. 
 Svo. 2. Plane .Metallic Surfaces, and Preparing theiii, 
 Ac, Lon.. 1877, l2mo. 
 Whitworth, Laura A. (llimpses "Beyond tho 
 Veil:" Poems Spiritual and Songs Earthly, Lon., 1884, 
 p. Svo. 
 Whitworth, Robert Percy. 1. Whispers from 
 tho Stars, and other Poems. By Alci|ihron. .Manchester, 
 1853. 2. liailliOre's Victorian llazettcer and Rond- 
 Ouide, Mclbourno, 18(15, 8voj newed., I871>. 3. Bail- 
 lii^re's New South Wales Uazetteer and Uoad-dniilc, 
 Sydney, I8(!(l, Svo. 4. BailliDre'a South Australiiiii 
 (iazetteer and Hoad-Huidc, Adelaide, ISBO, Svo. a. 
 .Martin's Bay Settlement : Narrative of a Voyage from 
 Dunedin to .Martin's Bay, and of a Return Jourmv 
 Overland, Uunedin, 1870, Svo. (i. Under tho Uray ; :i 
 Collection of .-^u.stralian Stories, Melliourne, 1872, Svo, 
 7. Crushed : a Christmas Book, Melbourne, 1875, 8vo, 
 8. liailliJro's (iuccnaland (inzetteer and Road-Ouide, 
 .Melbourne, 1876, Svo. !l. liailliiire's Tnsmaniun (iazel 
 teor and Ruad-duide, Hobart Town, 1S77, Svo. 
 Whitworth, Rev. William Allen, .M.A., ['inr. , 
 vol. iii., Whithoiitii, Ai.lkv, add.,] graduated 
 at St. John's College, Cambridge, 18112; Fellow I8«7-S.i ; 
 ordained 1S65; vicar of John Evangelist, Hamniersmitli. 
 1875-86; sinecure rector of Aberdaron in LlanfaelrliN - 
 since 1885. I. Choice and Chance: Two Chapters oi 
 Arithmetic: with an Appendix containing the Algebraic 
 Treatment of Permutations newly sot forth, Cambridge. 
 1867, Svo; 4lh ed., enl., entitled "Choice and Chance: 
 an Elementary Treatise on Permutations, Combinations 
 and Probabilities," 1886. 
 " What is perhaps the most arduous of the sciences, . . 
 liie calculus of proliaijiiilies, liecomes sniootii and ta--'> <i^ 
 we follow this skilful guide."— F. Y, EwiKWoKTii; Aciul-, 
 XXX. 'SA. 
 2. Exercises in Algebra to Simple Equations, inclu- 
 sive, Lon., 1875, 16ino. 3. Is it Peace '/ Words of En- 
 of '.bo .'hur'h nr"K r, r;:"",: ,",1^ •'"""■'■"""" 
 Nol.'H. f„,„ MSI 1- .";'":.,'""''• will .■<|.«r 
 ^"|<■^ t.of]., 'iH-<i',"i'i„„ 
 niiok riir KiKlit (Vniurln 
 >»h)iii|i(.r, MftviU 
 Whyniper, lr«dir"|.l.. 
 "rinoJ "V'^,, "",•:,';' ''" ""'" ••-•"V^- "!■ the 
 IllM (ICCdII; . , if II II. .I. I """•. ■■'i-, S\|,. 
 ;ii«nH tn i.ini.„,„i;v;ii,';i';';;',':,; , ';,'!u,"i^.;i"', ■"""'""'," "•• 
 « ,,, .,; ••— ■ |i«rf « fur 
 luiilniiiiiin, ill ||||. I 
 •.'hctiT. I8HII 
 <;lH..h.r, I8HII, „. Hv„- new 'i ivJ' ^ "°>l>''". Mun- l,ii«-« „r Fn„i , ,•-"1"'"" "■ niu iViiy i„ „|||,.|| ,( 
 .K':;: r^'it -•'■•'- "- -' •<.- rfe£t3 fH»"™"!;"::'siy;sa 
 .«.':.'''::,;.',;t'- •"■• "'- - - «■• t..„ i ;;r. «;■?".■>" <' -irs;,"i: ?;s 15;: 
 Wliyle, ivilli,,,,, AUiciirv. i ,...,, "•Mi'"»k'.,vlllhiivcir,ill,„„ „,„, 
 •I- Muii^H of M,.nK,„i. unV'sii:,.;;;,-, ',;, '^^1' "-»«" 
 KingswiiocI Cuukerj-Uouk, 
 Aiiso iind Acnu, W.uh., 
 ,...., ,,,1,111,1 1 
 I IK' iiiicr |iiirt 
 HicherNliani, James Pvii. r i n r ''''"' KccleKiii..tinii 'liiMit'uM„n/,','f "ii'?i"'*'.'''*' '' *"'"• -• 
 ^„_ i.utor> „| I,.|u,,.at,on ii. I'onn.-yhaui.i, '"""^ L,.n Isri/ ,, s' 'j t"' ^- '''""'•■• '-^ix ,'<cr. 
 Native'ioiH of Atli.'^n "■' l""""-"""! I'; HiO 
 ""'I iIm' I'lMsoniil /if, s ' 7' •'• C'lri-tlanity 
 (■j>"".«.i A, I i. „■ .;,.iH ;'7"' "'"- "'"■■' '"**■»• •' 
 ii.-k of li u,?.,Ua"',;> "'■"'■''• '."'« ' «nt"t«,u..i. ,r„a 
 Wi.-keii.'ll.ii; .j,|,„ 
 I'on., |s,s.-,, |,. svo. 
 Hicki-rshum, J. A. 
 ""1. s(|. Kirno. 
 '!.• I.nenl of h. I', .?;,'''' ','.'"' "•,"'" "»""™' 
 Nuwiirk IsTo '"""i"^""l Ibo I'rovinoe to A.D. l,si)i) 
 ofthoNo«a,K MliuntHinMNSS.' "~'-'' ■'"'• «■ "'-^'"ry 
 Wickc.H,U,.v. William, MA n n r r r. r 
 •1'iinit.v (■ollc.KO, C, ulH.l";, h,';'''"^ Kn.du.Ucd at | 
 i", '1^^ "n«in,U An.:-: Ikk li;;;";" '''" """" '"''!-'• 
 «irk. ' ., ■ oJ I. i'ii;';;'";^' ''- ■"'" ■ '^«5. »vo. 
 Cbarl... W „k ".cd ,, „i, ' "'^"'y. »"n of H.v. 
 Lon., JS7l-7;i « ,„u. I"' '.v "•Curt and lloo^kaao, 
 ;Th„,,ib,o';;,/,;;;!-„-!;t;;- -''!;'^^ 
 II., ,, „' • "' ""■ "i-vaiiMic, I, (t 10 I'r 
 I-"n . isr.i, Ifimo ^ (■leanings ,„ .Southern Africa, 
 .ti",ion'f:,' M"';t;e..!;|,1r r ""^ T l"" ''•'^--' <^- 
 .l'^:'Na"i{r"'''' ™'''^''^"''-!"o i^'brew gmmmar."- | I^'lj^Sk^*;;:::f "^ V^'^Til T^ ^leetrioianV 
 ■ckiiam., Kdmiiiiil iiiii , ,,r, 
 riKhtin^Mif To.lJav fr , ,1. . . '^'■"'"•' ''''"> 
 "IliMoriea andcV ,? T" "^.'''™""" "l""> Ta.tic. .• 
 .^.U.erior a 1^ ■ fr : A,' ,?"''«"*'';''^ ''•>■"" '"'i^'" of 
 "ichhiim, Ki,v. KUuard t harlis. M a i, 
 I sio Wellinston Collogo yc-rmons, Lon., IS^f,' 
 Wickham, Heurv Alexander. Rough Notesof 
 ,>*>Kgiii, Kate' Douglas. 
 I. on., 
 I liosl., I8.SS •) -n n liil p^ 1^? • ' •^■ndorgartncrs, 
 JBo»t.. LSSs/ii-mo. ^'"''' Cbr.stinas Carol.^ Ulust. 
 N. York l',ss|,'t2„r;"""''"' "^ '^ydynamics. 'ilS 
 Wight. Orlando Willinins, M.D., [ani'; vol. iii., 
 aJd.,] IS2I-I8SS, b. i\t I'enlrcvillL', S.Y.; untoruil tin- 
 liiinislry of the Univcrr^iilist t'hiircli ; gniduatcil in med- 
 icine lit the l.un); Ishind Ciillenu llospitiil ISilS. 1. 
 Maxims uf Public lleiiltli, N. York, l-^^^l, iL'mu. 2. 
 I'eoide utid ('(jiintne.-' vi.<iteil in ii Winding Journey 
 around tlie World, Host., ISSS, Svo. 
 Wight, I'l'ter lioiiiictt, [^niic, vol. iii., iidd.,] b. 
 1^:;S, in New York ; gnuhmted i\t the Colletre of the 
 City of New York ls,i,'i, and boeiuue an architect. One 
 Phase in the Revival of the Fine Arts in America, L'hie., 
 Wight, W. Monaco: n Voice to the Trovolling 
 Entjli^^h, ,4c., I.on., ISS-I. 
 Wight, W illiiim W. Table of Ca-^-cs reported in 
 Burnett, Chandler, I'iiiney, and in vols. i.-.\x.\vii. of 
 AViscnnsin Reports, Chic, l^TTi. >^vo. 
 M'ightninii, Jiilin Uniiibrigge, (Mrs. C. E. 
 L. Wightnmil.) 1. Haste to the Rescue; or, Work 
 while it is Day. By Mrs. 0. \V. With Preface by the 
 Authorof" English Hearts and Englisli Hands." l-on., 
 IS.ill, iL'nio; new ed., Isri. 2. (I'M.) Helen Dundas. 
 By Zuida. l.on., ISiJl, p. Svo. :!. Sunset on the Line; 
 or. The Story of Henry (irithths, Lon.. Isfi:!, Ifiino. l, 
 "More than Cououeror;" or, The Life of J. Woolford : 
 together with some Sketches of his Addresses. Lon., IS7:!, 
 Kimo. .0. .\rrest the Destroyer's March: " Lift ye up n 
 Banner," L.m., 1877, 12mo. 
 Mightninii, W. Try your Best; or. Proof against 
 Failure : a Complete Entertainment for Bands of Hope, 
 Ac., Lon., L'<7S, Svo. 
 Wiglcsworth, Esther. Songs of Persevoranco ; 
 a Manual of Devotional Verso, Lon., ISS.i, ISmo. 
 Wigley,.>lrs. S. S. 1. Our Home Work : a Manual 
 of Domestic Economy: with (Juestions, Lon., 1876, 
 12mo. 2. A Present to ray Wife: Cookery and Homo 
 Comforts, Lon., 1877, 12mo. :i. The Merry weathers : a 
 Teiiiperanee Story; 2il ed., Lon., 1878, 12un). I. Simple 
 Lessons in Domestic Economy, Lon., 1878, 12mo. .). 
 Claims for Kindness to Ood's Creatures, Lon., 187S, 
 12mo. 6. Lizzie White: a Tcinperiince Story, Lon., 
 18711, 12mo. 7. Thoughts for Mothers, Lon., 1881, 12 
 8. Thoughts for Children, Lon., 1881, 12mo. <J. Thoughts 
 for Teachers, Lon., 1^81, |2mo. 10. Thoughts for Young 
 Women in Business, Lon., 1881, 12mo. 11. Thoughts 
 for Servants, Lon., 1881, 12mo. 12. Comfort Cottage: 
 its Inmates and Friends, Lon., 188,'i, p. Svo. 13. Workers 
 at Home: a Companion to "Our Homo Work," Lon., 
 IsS.'., p. Svo. 
 Wigiier, G. W. Sen-Side AVatcr : an Examination 
 into the Character of tlie Water-Supply at the Watering- 
 Places of England and Wales, Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 Wigrum, Herbert. 1. Digest of C:isos decided in 
 the High Court of Madras, and reported in vol. i. to vi. 
 and vii., p. 2:i2, of the .Madras High Court Reports, 
 Madras, 1871, Svo. 2. Digest of Rules and Orders of 
 the High Cimrt of .Judicature at Madras, relating to the 
 Practice of the High Court anil the Courts subordinate 
 thereto. By W. H. Madras, 1874, Svo. 
 Wigram, Itcv. Spencer Itobert, M.A., gradu- 
 ated at Balliol College. Oxford, ISJ'J; ordained ISIll); 
 vicar of Prcttlewoll, Essex, 1SG4-81); curate of St. Paul's, 
 Oxfird, since 1881. Chronicles of the Abbey of Elstow, 
 0x1',, 1885, Svo. 
 Wigram, William Knox, .M.A., [ante, vol. iii., 
 add.,] b. 1S25; graduated at Trinity College, Cam- 
 biidge; called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn 1S,')2. The 
 Justices' Note- Book : Juri.sdiction and Duties, Ac, Lon., 
 18711, p. Svo; Ith ed., 18s,^. 
 Wigram, Rev. Woolmore, M.A., graduated at 
 Trinity College, Cauibridge, I8jl; ordaineil 18,j,j; vicar 
 of Brent- Pelham 1864-71), and since then rector of St. 
 Andrew's, Hertford. Change- Ringing Disentangled: 
 with Hints on the Direction of Belfries and on the Man- 
 agement, Lon., 1871, 8v.); 2d ed., 18811. 
 M'igston, W. F. C Bacon, Shakespeare, and the 
 Roaierucians, Lon., I8S8, Svo. 
 Wikoir, Henry, [<im(., vol. iii., add.,] 1813-1884; 
 b. in Philadelphia; graduated at Yale College 1831 ; ad- 
 mitted to the bar in Philadelphia 18;;4; passeil most of 
 bis life in Eiiropo, heeoming intimate with various per- 
 stins of note and leading a somewhat adventurous career; 
 received the Spanish order of Lsabella the Catholic from 
 the Queen of Spain, and was hence commonly called " the 
 Chevalier Wikoll." 1. The Four Civilizations of the 
 World: an Historical Retrospect, Phila., 1874, 12mo; 
 iided., 1875. 
 " The narrative portions of this work possess considera- 
 ble merit."— .Vdd'oH, xlx. Ul. 
 2. The Reminiscences of an Idler, N. York, 1880, sm. 
 '■ As a work of sentiment and inniKinalion it deserves 
 more than a passing altenlion. ... lis desiTiiitioiis of the 
 jiersonal appearance of the ladies i 'ot by >Ir. WikolV in 
 Ills travels will set lire to the<'olilesi iMiaginalion."— .^l://o)l, 
 .\.\xi. llii. 
 Wilberforie, llev. .Mbert lliisil Or. ic, .M.A., 
 son of Rt. Rev. Samuel Wilhcrlorce, (((M(o', vol. iii.;) 
 graduated at Exeter College, Oxford, ISK.'); ordained 
 lMi6; rector of St. .Mary's, Southampton, since 1871; 
 hon. canon of Winchester since 1876. The Trinity of 
 Evil: i.. Infidelity; ii.. Impurity; iii.. Intemperance, 
 Lon., 1SS6, p. Svo! 
 Wilberforce, Rev. Rertrnnd Arthur Henry, 
 a Roman Catholic elergynnm, of the Dominican priory, 
 .Maitland Park, Lomlon. 1. A Sketcdi of the Lives of 
 the Dominican Missionaries in .lapan : with a Preface 
 by the Artddiislujp of Westminster, Lon., IS70, Svo. 2. 
 'I'he Life of St. Lewis Berlrand. Illust. Lon., 1882, p. 
 Wilberforce, Edwnrd, [<inte, vol. iii., add.,] b, 
 1834; called to the bar at the Inner Temple ISilfl. 
 Statute Law: the Principles which govern the Construc- 
 tion and Clperalion of Statutes, Lon., 1881, Svo. 
 Wilberlorie.Rt. Rev. Ernest Roland, M.A., 
 D.D., b. ISIO; son of Rt. Rev. Samuel Wilberforce; 
 graduated at Exeter College, Oxford. 1864; ordained 
 1861; rector of Middleton Stony 186li-6il; sub-almoner 
 to the queen 1871-82; hon. canon of Winchester and 
 I warden of the Wilberforce .Missionary C(]|lege 1878-82, 
 land since then (first) Bishop of Newcastle-on-Tyne. 
 'The Awakening Soul, as sketched in the One Hundred 
 and Thirtieth Psalm : Addresses, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 
 Wilberforce, Henry William, [mite, v(d. iii., 
 add.,] 180<.t-l873. The Church :ind the Empires: His- 
 torical Periods : preceded by a Memoir of tlie Author, 
 by J. H. Newman, Lon., 1874, Svo. 
 Wilberforce, N. W. The Priest and the Man ; or, 
 Abelard and Heloise, Bost.. 1883, 12mo. 
 W ilbcrforce, Regintild Garton, son of Rt. Rev. 
 Samuel Wilberforce. Life of the Right Rev. Samuel 
 Wilberforce, D.D.: vol. ii., Lon., ISSl, Svo. (For vol. 
 i., see AsHWKi.t,, A. R., miiiid.) 
 " The second biographer has been more happy tlnm his 
 liredeeessor in letting the reader into the secret of llic 
 various phases id' a most versatile eharacter."— .s'ti/. Ht'i\, 
 11. ."ly'i. 
 " It is impossible to take leave of this book without a 
 word as to indi.seretions whiidi distinguish it from all pre- 
 ceding biogriipliies. . , . Nothing can excuse the present 
 pnbliealion ol some of the passages (inoted Irom the 
 Bishop's diary and letters. "—.s;«''/(i(or, Iv. liis'i, 
 Vol. iii., 1882. (New edition of the whole work, re- 
 vised, with additional letters, 1S8S, cr. Svo.) 
 " Persons will herealier turn with interest to the revela- 
 tions which it eoiitaiiis of his connection with the Kitnal 
 and other ecclesiastical anil spiritual controversies after 
 the iioveltv, and therefore the value, has passed from the 
 random jiittiiiKs about the nolitieal turpitude of Palmer- 
 ston or Disraeli."— Nt(. Itcv., Iv. I'J, 110. 
 Wilberforce, Rt. Rev. Samuel, D.D., [mid, 
 vol. iii., add.,] I805-1«<73. For biog., see AsilWKI.I., A. 
 K., and Wii.iiEHFoiiiK, R. U., siijim. 1. Essays con- 
 tributed to the Quarterly Review, Lon., 1874, 2, vols. 
 "Our advice to those who wish heartily to enjoy the late 
 Bisliop of Winchester's writing is to read the essays in the 
 first volume, |eontainlng articles on initural history and 
 similar subjects,! . . . and leave his poleniieal disiiuisi- 
 tions to the oblivion we think he would himself have dc 
 sired for tliei"."— .Sjin'/utor, xlvii. K!U». 
 2. Speeches on Missions. Edited by llev. Henry 
 Rowley. Lon., |s74, Svo. 3. Sermons preached on 
 Various Occasions, l.lxf, 1877, Svo. 
 Wilbour, Charles Edwin, [nutc, vol. iii., add.] 
 The Life of Victor Hugo, N. York, 1887, 12mo. 
 Wilbraham, Frances M., [imiv, vol, iii., add.] 
 1. The liueen's Badge, Lon., ls7S, l2mo. 2. Hal the 
 Barge-Boy; a Sketch from Life, Lon., 1883, ISmo. ■•■ 
 The Sere and Yellow Leaf: Thoughts, ,4c., Lon., Issl, 
 globe Svo. 4. What is Right comes Right, Lon., Issl. 
 Wilbur, Asa. Biblical Stand-Point ; Views of the 
 Sonsliip of Christ, tlie Comforter, and the Trinity. >'•; 
 a Layman. N. York, 1374, 12mo; 2d ed., enl., with 
 author's name, 1875, 
 Wilbur, .Mrs. C E. Annie Barton's Journal : the 
 Story of a Life, Cin., 18S6, 12ino. 
 Wilbur, Mrs. R. M. 1. Elsie ; or. Do what Quud 
ssess eonsiikTii- 
 I'ork, 18S(l, .vm. 
 iciii it (U'Mrvos 
 (■ripti(iiis(ir tlio 
 Mr. WikolV ill 
 iiliuii." — ynlhtit 
 Or. \e, M.A., 
 iiitd, vul. lii.;) 
 .HWjj oriliiinoil 
 n, sineo 1S71 ; 
 riic Trinity of 
 tliiir Henry, 
 liiiioiin iii-iory, 
 r tlie Lives of 
 witli a I'rc'I'aco 
 , l.-iTO, Svo. 2. 
 I.un., l.-<f<2, p. 
 . iii., ailii.,] b. 
 Teiiiple IStlfl. 
 n till' Ccinstriii-'- 
 I, ."^vo. 
 lolniid, M..\., 
 el WilljurfoiT.'; 
 |Sl!4; ordiiiiif.l 
 !l; liulj-iilnioner 
 iViiielicstiT iinil 
 ollc;;o IS7S-S2, 
 le One IlunJi'cJ 
 S77, p. Svo. 
 [aiile, vol. iii., 
 Empires: His- 
 of tlie Autlior, 
 1 J tlie Man ; or, 
 son of Rt. Rev. 
 it Rev. t^amuol 
 no. (For vol. 
 happy than his 
 le .-ucrel of the 
 i-tcr."— .'''(i(. Ilci:, 
 hiKik without a 
 1 it IVoni all pri'- 
 unse the present 
 noted from the 
 whole work, re- 
 St to the revela- 
 with the Kitviiil 
 iitrnver.sles aller 
 passed from tlie 
 itnde of rainier- 
 ;l, D.D., [mil', 
 je AsinvKLL, A. 
 1. Essav.H con- 
 1., 1S74,"^ vol.-i. 
 to enjoy the late 
 Ihe essay.s in the 
 iral history and 
 liiiiself have *le 
 )y Uev. Henry 
 IS preached on 
 ?, vol. iii., add.] 
 , 12uia. 
 , vol. iii,, add.] 
 10. 2. Hal the 
 IS8H, 18mo. ::. 
 Ac., Lon., ISSl. 
 ight, lion., ISSl, 
 t: Viowii of the 
 10 Trinity, ily 
 I cd., enl., with 
 n's Journal : the 
 •, Do whftt Good 
 If^M. I. Drops of U-.,,, , . • ' ' '*"'"''■' '^I- Wileu.x 
 Chio., ISs.'i, Ii'i,,,, • '^ -. 4. i ot-ms (.f I»as;ji()ii, 
 " Wlwiri \Ti... lit. 
 - "^'f ,*■;;"""* -^-^-^^ "• -w/. ' ' ^"^ " 
 •'• ■'lUl jMoult'C; II Vnvol V \' 1 1 . 
 at^fllf^^fei!*?!!!:'';.,;:;,,!.^^;;; >"./'"-«'- graduated 
 lan'l-. I. Real 1'""^ "[■ ^ '^^;f'"} "- ^'-v Kng- 
 Villen: [also] (irav ■ n 01 ' ' '""■ -• ■'^'•nom 
 l.-^sr, I2L ^' O''"'"*";" Honiance, N. York 
 ment l.B.i; served in the dvil war; professor of pfiv^r 
 ol"K.V> eomparai vo aniit.unv an, I ' 1 01 pnysi- 
 Iniversily since l.sfir u'h.'„ v F '" ''"""''I 
 know: the eon le, t'ivn i ^"""« ' ™l'''' ■"''""I'' 
 II.. AoMtoMii I Teel mi; , ' r , " '"' "'*'■'■• S"'"" 
 -Lf^tion ,0 Ik n V Sr^''' ''^^'' "'" ' ■" ^ ^"'^'- 
 OK oil' h..?';:;,r;:;::;;>;;;,";:'''- ,^i>"i.iy an,i eahmv, keep. I ""ii^,-! ""''••.. 
 Mass. : j,'r,Ldu:,ted at Ilur'ar d 'j ' i ,;,fj'. '"""^I^« «"*' 
 lopeka, l,S7,0, Svo, ■""- Annals ol Kan,«a8, 
 ^ss'\tZ' •''• '" "" '"'■'=' "t Castlewood, Phila., 
 ""||-Hl,^•■."'vLk"^s7« I '',;,;" ^■"^-^"'"'"'^ '^y j. h. 
 "«lder, SaU.,„. 'l,ife:"i,s Natnre, Origin 
 ?;t^s?/i;;: '-^--''-eer'::fohi::i^ 
 niiu, John James. I'h 11 . . 
 on the seicntilio sia „? 1, . : ch., ' ''''''^ ""'' '"-'i-^t 
 '• Thalassa: an Essay '„„ Den t''"' "T'^-'i"""- 
 Currents of ,l,e Ocean Lon. Is 7''' ';;"'.',l'"':'';'"',''"'' 
 Un., IS7S. ft,! • '-'"'"«''«'-■'•," 1-^72 to 1870. 
 '"".k";vh;!l;!\"S'™„'': i'i™?«>uiy ^^'•""•". ^-i 'i.e 
 (^, .-nen^?;i/,n;:';7;fsi^e?i;;:;;u;^;;^ .!i!!v 
 studied at the Riblical ,^L ' , W^' v '"""^"■^ ^ 
 K,;?/:!^'.!::;^^v;ic^tr^^r:!:r";-p,!;,f; ■■ 
 aP''%;;:;;^;L;:T-;is?:'t!:.'''> f': 5?^ 
 staicnl^nirKS^'iir l;;;^''^^.'';^'''^^ -^'^ ""V "f ".0 ' 
 Icrcnds she ha.s hr,,n«ht t,,'^ , ,L ' .,• ^'^ account of the 
 ""d superstitions whh I nmke im 'li, '^'^r''''''^ charms, 
 two vo'lunies are a 1, r ,^r s! f "''";''' '""■' '"' "'<■' ■ 
 are, ' Is 71 
 Mnirdalen Uolh, 1 u- .^ V •, I'J'''' '"■"".■ graduated al 
 ["'K'.t'iii"^,-/"??!"^ ''"••'«V. D-D- I-L.D., 
 l-rocee,iinf; silf , t^ .«e, .'n'.h '\T"Ti ""'""■' "'' "'« 
 .■.^^^ntEp.iv.ui;:U'v;:Usi:x/" ''■« 
 -^:p)^<tJ':.^"^'-->^^- -io 
 IS ..' 2n,':"''''';^'*-vl!r/«"-,, V, I-o^'Strahan, Phila., 
 1SS7, 12!"!, '• ^ '''■"'"' "' i""«: 1 ^'«vel, N. York, 
 "]"■'' hdcmrsr ^;^;?:rii'^y;;"?"^" »»'! «"-" "-« 
 I'lanatorv nr ih e iiiin ,li ^ "' "'''-' '■"Hiclenlly o.x- 
 j -Mi.sereres, either in iiie.r r „„■ I , "" '''■■""'e <" studv 
 I foinle art of tle.M d k \ic '■'•"" ,',',' 'V''"!-''-'"™ or to the 
 ■Svo. ;i I Ed ) Th e li„ir. 7; ' ''■"■''"' """' '8««. sq.,^.;;^{^rli;;;n;uN,s^^^^^^s^""«;' 
 'vitl. .'olored illustr,™ilm, "''''"""'^ ^^- """l «" 
 .„"•.,""•'"■""''' ^**"'" (I"^»"J-) Sec, F. E 
 Hiley, Isaac Uilliani. M n nn r 
 b- ls:ui, at Woolwich I.', ,^' """■' '■"'• "'■• I''''-] 
 ■'•^'Vhat I rends are meant for, [a, ale.] 
 n's r.„.i.j ....'.I L ___ ,, ..'. ' » ''^'»>, p. 
 "■ • ■■ ', . u. 11 . \y 
 .uajjilalen tidhiire Ovfnnl iv-j -i " '" '" 
 MrWMi? ■ -•'"'•"'■S '■""•. I SSI, p. Svo 
 Vcsiit (tm^j. ,11.1.. "...1... I .. '' 
 the curious I 
 :). The II 
 II literature."— .1^/1., \„' jj^j 
 «e only who hunt aflui 
 I sss. 
 sin. 4to 
 [apjiy Pri 
 . and other Tales. Illust. L, 
 WilUe, Mrs. «) 
 stories. Illust. I 
 scnr. There win Onco : Qra 
 - Is-;m. It 
 c, Sir n iliiam ui>bert Wills, M.D., [, 
 «*v.. a \' «r '. ' » '«."iiii;riaus 
 itlJ;{^"r,1Z: '"-"V"" l';'-"l'"'l,urei;eameto 
 IS7li, I.sin.. ,s J ■.i,;,- u'T "?"''' ''if^-lioat, Eon., 
 I'on. 18 7 18,„o 9 'i'";^"""'''',^ ''■'"'^ "I- Canada 
 -:ii:'^/i'il.r^^ T-^-'-'-^- 
 i^''n., im:^!ul:nrri.}^"^i'';/ "^?>"«- ^ard; 
 ?'"■, ,'.;'• '^'""•t t^torica for M 
 iried and True, Eon., I 
 lss:i, 12 
 Willielin, Thomas 
 1883, Svo 
 >ihers' Mcetin 
 igs, Lon. 
 ,(■ ' ■ • ■ 
 meal Terms; now ods., I 
 ,, ., ...itary 
 'l"l«., 1881; N. York, 
! II 
 .Vi.Ues Anna. I.Cand. Ur of ,h« C.,a,aee. . Lc^, m.. J^^_The^.,Un_^^^^^^^^ 
 ^""JV'-.T'"' ;'""■ „„ r , ,.„i lii .,1,1 1 WO-IS.IS A Now OiTck Delectus: bnsoil ii|ic)ii ,Mr. I'lirry's (ireok 
 New York; beoaiiio 
 Times in IS.'ill, anil its editor nnd i.ropnetor. 
 Sli:ike<iieiue. from iin Ainerican Point of View: in- 
 cUiilin" iin Ini(uiry as to liis Itelisious Fiiitli iind Ins 
 Knowled.'o (jf l,nw : witli tile liaconiun Tlieory consid- 
 ered, X. York, 1877, Svo. 
 '■ \1 llio end of tliis huok tliore are liiirly |uis;es oontrlb- 
 ute.i l.v rn.lessor J. \V. Taverner on llie .-tyles "1 > i"k- 
 s ere a Id l)ae,.n. . . . Thises-ay ■■ ^^ » r'^'i'^''^ '"I'llf 
 t(, ll.e rest (.rtl,c liook; tlanmlitfnl, seliolarly, eultiired, 
 witli inueli delieiite iiislKlit iiilu the seerets of style. — -Ml- 
 tio)i. XXV. 2'.d. 
 Wilkes, Suiimel. I-eUures on Diseases of tlie 
 Nervous ,<ystein, I'hila., l.'<7.s, Svo; 2d ed., ISS;i. 
 Williosoii, Frniik, h. \Xio, at ISufTa.o, N,\. 
 lieeollcctions of ii Private Soldier in tlie Army ol the 
 Potoinae, N. York, I3S7, Kimo. 
 •■It is a vivid pietiire-iierliaps a little l"« ''1™"'>' "V'' 
 harrowiiiK, Ijiit nniiu the less realistie-ol the lite ot the 
 iirivate sohlier."— .Vo'io". xliv. '-':'.i;. 
 M'illtic, Mrs. Asiies Kollo. Uosa, [a novel,] 
 I,on„ ISSI, Svo. With .Moss. Ahthiu Ii., Was Jesus an 
 Impostor? a Uiscus'-ion. I.on., l.^Si. Svo. : 
 Vvilkie, Kcv. Christopher Hales, M.A., grad- 
 uated at Kxeler College, Oxford, Is62; ordained Ks6 I ; | 
 rector of Kdburton, Sussex, 1S77-S1, an.l sinoc then ot 
 Kin;,'stone. (Ivd.) The Parish Register of Kdburton, 
 15.0s°-lli7:l, nrighton, ISS5, Svo. ^ ,,iu 
 Wilkie, Francis Bangs, [<niir, vol, in., add..] h. 
 is:i2, at Charlton, N.Y.; graduated at Union Col- 
 lege 1S,^7; was correspondent of the New \ork Times 
 duriii" thtj civil war: editorial writer on the Chicago 
 Tiine"lHlil-S7. 1. Davenjiort, Past and Present: in- 
 cluding the Karly History, and Personal and Anecdotal 
 Romiuiscences, Ac., Davenport, IS.^S, Svo. 2. The Iowa 
 First Dubuque, 1Sii2. :). Walks about Chicago, and 
 Army and Miscellaneous Sketches, Chic, 186'.t, 12nio; 
 new ed, 1S72. 4. The Chicago liar. Chic, 1H|2. ;i. 
 .Sketches bevond the Sea. Is7'.l. «. History of the Great 
 Inventions 'anil their Intliience on Civilization, Cin., 
 IsMi. 7. The liambler: a Story of Chicago Life, Cliio., 
 1>SS, llimo. S. Pen and Powder, Post., ISSS, 12ino. 
 Wilkin, .Mrs. Maria. I. Your Cousin's (Jhost, 
 Lon., 1S71. p. Svo. 2. The Sh;ickles of an Old Lovo, 
 l,on., Iss3, p. Svo. . ,. , , 
 Uilkin, Miss Mary Jacoinb. Now and Long 
 Ago; or. The Children's Favourite History of Kngland, 
 Lon.. 1S72, 12mo; new ed., ISSO. 
 Wilkins, Angiistns Samuel, Litt.D., LL.D.. 
 Drofesgor of Latin an.l comparative philology in Owens 
 College, Manchester. 1, The Light of the World: an 
 Kssay Lon., IsiiW, p. Svo. 2. I'liceniciii and Israel : a 
 ]Ii.storical Kssay, Lon., IS7I, p. Svo. 3 (Trans.) The 
 Orations of Cicero ag .inst Catilina : with Notes; troin 
 the (lerman of K. Halm: with Many Additions, 18, I, 
 National Education in lircece in the Fourth 
 Koinan An 
 Key to the New 
 Svo. 4. - „ , 
 Century before Christ, Lon., ISI.'i, p. Svo. o, Koman An- 
 tiquities, i" Jlistory Primers.") Illust. Lon., 1877, ISmo. 
 ti. (Kd.) Q. lloratii Flacei KpistvUe, Lon., 1885, Svo. 7. 
 The Study of (ireok Literature, Manchester, 188S, cr. 
 Svo With K.sdr.ASO, Knwix Ii. i I. (Trans,) Principles 
 of (ireek Ktymology, by Prof Oeorg Curtius. Lon,, '8,.. 
 -76, 2vols. p. Svo; newed., ISSii. 2. (Trans.) IIk .ireek 
 Verb: its Structure and Development, by Pr^i. Oeorg 
 Cuuius, Lon., 1S80, Svo. 
 Wilkins, Charles, Ph.D. The History "f t''" I-'''- 
 erature of Wales, from the Year i:i(M) to the Year P!50, 
 CardilT, iss,^, r. svo. 
 Wilkins, Charles .Vrinar. Curiosities of iravel ; 
 or, (ilimpses of Nature, Lon.. I s7fl, 2 vols. p. 8yo. 
 Wilkins, I'\ Potato-Culture, Lon,, 1870, 12rao; .ith 
 " \Vi7k'ins, George. M.A. 1. (Trans.) The Pan- 
 egyric of I.socratcs, Loi, . 1SS2, 12mo. 2. The (irowth 
 of the Homeric Poems; a Discussion ol their Origin 
 and Authority, Dublin, ISS,,, Svo, 
 B. M.A., !«»'<■, vol.111 
 Wilkins, Henry .Mnsgrave, M.A., [«»'.■, yidiii 
 id.,1 ls2;i-1887 ; graduated at Trinity College, Oxlin-i 
 "si^'' Fidicw'oV' Merlon College from '"48"; librarian 
 nndiioan 1851. 1. A Classical tlecgraphy, for the I'se 
 of .lunior Cl.vsses in Schools, Lon., 187.. 2. A Literal 
 Translation of the Eclogues and Georgics of Virgil: 
 founiled on the Notes and Text of Prof. Conington s ,"60- 
 ond Kdition, Lou., I87:i, 8vo. :i. (Ed.) The (ieorgics 
 of Virgil: with an Analysis, EnglisU Notes, and Index, 
 Greek Primer, Lon., 18SII, 
 Greek Delectus, Lon., 1880. 8. Translations from Cajsar 
 and Cicero for Retranslation, Lon., 1S8(1, p. Svo. 
 Wilkins, tJen. Henry St. Clair, R.E., ['inr,. 
 vol. iii., adil.,] b. 1828; entered the army IS47: retired 
 1881. A Treatise on Mountain Roads, Live Loads, and 
 Rriilges, Lon., Is7i), Svo. 
 Uilkins, John, F.R.C.S. On the Treatment ol 
 Diphtheria by Local Remedies only, Melbourne, 1S70, 
 Wilkins, John, head-master of St. Martin s (.ram- 
 mar-Scliool, Scarborough. Notes cm the Church Cate- 
 chism : with Scripture Proofs, Lim., IS77, 12nio. 
 W ilkins, Miss .Mary Kleanor, li. at Randolph, 
 Mass. ; educated at Mount Holyoke Seminary : a contrib- 
 utor to Icailing American periodicals. 1. The Adventures 
 of Ann, liost., Is8«, 12ino. 2. A Humble Romance, and 
 other Stories, X. York, 1887, Himo. 
 Wilkins, N. U. Errors ami Terrors of Blind 
 Guides : the Popular Doctrine of Everlasting Pain Re- 
 futed, Hanover, 1875, cr. Svo; .'Id ed., enl.. I8SII. 
 Wilkins, T. How to aiiply for a liritish Patent 
 und>T the Patents Act, lSS:i, Lon., 188 1, Svo. 
 Wilkins, W. Australasia: a Descriptive and Pic- 
 torial Account of the Austnilasian and New Zealand 
 Colonies, Tasmania, and the Adjoining Lands, Lon., 1887, 
 p. Svo. 
 Wilkins, W. A. The Cleverdale Mystery; or, The 
 Machine and its Wheels: a Story of American Life, 
 N, York, 1882, l2mo. 
 Wilkins, Rev. W. J., of the London Missionary 
 Societv, Calcutta. I. Hindu .Mythology, Vedio and 
 Puran'ic. Illustrated by One Hunrlrcd Engravings, 
 chielly from Drawings by Native Artists, Calcutta and 
 Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 2. Daily Life and Work in India. 
 Illust. Lon., 1SS7, Svo. :!'. Modern Hinduism: being 
 an Account of the Religion and Life of the Hindus in 
 Northern India. Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 Wilkins, William. Songs of Study, Lon., 1881, 
 p. Svo. 
 Wilkins, William Noy, ['ini,, vol. iii., add.] 1. 
 Our tiovcrnmcnt Schools: what they have done with 
 Art since their Formation in I8;)7, Lon., 1868, Svo. 2. 
 Visual Art; or, Nature through the Healthy Eye, Lon., 
 18711, Svo. 
 Wilkinson, Rev. Charles Allix, M.A., gradu- 
 ated at King's College, Cambridge, ls:i7, and elected 
 Fellow; ordained 1841; domestic chaplain to the King 
 of Hanover; vicar of Sixhills, Lincolnshire, 186a-7:i, 
 and rector of South Wellingham 1864-7'.!; rector of 
 Boxworlh, Huntingdonshire, since I87II, and of Chil- 
 derley since I8S2. I. Reininiscenecs of the Court and 
 Times of King Ernest of Hanover, Lon., 1886, 2 vols. 
 p. Svo. , , 
 "The chief use of Mr. Wilkinson's chapters is in show- 
 ing . . . that thirtvor forty years ago the Court ol Han- 
 over in wreteheir imitation of tlie earlier llaiiovermii 
 court ill Kngland, was as disre|iiital)le as it well could be. 
 —Alh., No. ■mi. 
 2. Reinini.sccncca of Eton, (in Keato s Time,) Lon., 
 1S8J, p. Svo. 
 " The InipMed enntempt of the author for that unhappy, 
 biiteoiiipttiatively iiiilmiiortaiit. section of the coniinunity 
 who were educated elsi'where than at Eton may perhaps 
 annoy sensitive ontsiilers. Hut it is iierfectly certain Unit 
 the hook could not have been written but lor the exuber- 
 ant Kto'.ittiiisiii of the author, and we should not wish to 
 deal harslilv with feelings which have procured us the 
 pleasure cd'Veadlng some excellent ami e.xcellenlly toht 
 new Eton stories, and of having from an eye-witness the 
 exact facts <'oiicerniiig a number of already oelcliraua 
 episoiles in the history of the .scliool."— .S,i(. ii'fi)., Ixiv. ,iis. 
 Wilkinson, Rev. i':(l\vard, Ph.D., graduated at 
 the University of Heidelberg 1852; ordained 18. il; 
 rector of Snargatc ic Snave, Kent, 1870-81, and sine,' 
 then incumbent of Christ Church. Leamington. 1. Fun- 
 damental Doctrine? of Salvation; or. Scripture Plan of 
 Salvation, Lon., 1872, Diino. 2. .Memorials of C. Rolfe : 
 with Incidental Rellections, Lon., 1870, p. Svo. Also, 
 many single sermons and ad<lrcsses, 
 Wilkinson, Rev. (ieorgc, [,iii/f, vol. 111., add.j 
 The Divine "Shall," Lon., IS7II, llimo. 
 Wilkinson, George, F.R.A.S. For the Pres^ 
 and People of (ireat Britain and Ireland: Upon Hon- 
 our, and other W.irds of "Ours," Dublin, 1872, l2ino. 
 Wilkinson, Rt. Rev. George Howard, M.A , 
Sentence, Lon., 
 m., lS7ii, Svo. I). 
 r. I'lirry's (Jretk 
 , unii MimsficM's 
 Cey to the Now 
 lidnd from Coosar 
 1, |i. »vo. 
 ,ir, U.K., [""''. 
 ny 1~<47 ; rctircil 
 Live I.outl.-!, iinil 
 le Treatment of 
 Vlulbourno, 1870, 
 . Martin's (Irnm- 
 lio Church Cate- 
 rs. 1-ino. 
 1). at Handoljih, 
 linavy ; ii cmtrib- 
 . The Advcnture.H 
 lie Romance, and 
 'errors of Bliml 
 lasting I'ain Kc- 
 enl.. IS.'^O. 
 a British Patent 
 t. Svo. 
 .riptivc and I'ic- 
 nil New Zealand 
 Lands, Lon., 1.'<S7, 
 Mystery ; or, The 
 f American Life, 
 Dndon Missionary 
 ilcigy, Vedic and 
 Ired Kngravings, 
 ists, Calcutta and 
 1 Work in India. 
 Hiniluisni : being 
 cif the Hindus in 
 ■:tudy, Lon., 1881, 
 vol. iii., add.] 1. 
 I have done with 
 m., ISBS, Svo. 2. 
 Icalthy Kye, Lon., 
 lix, M.A., gradu- 
 ls:i7, and elected 
 |)liiin to the King 
 olnshire, 1865-":!. 
 It)4-7'.i ; rector of 
 87il, and of Chil- 
 of the Court and 
 Lon., l.'<8(i, 2 vols. 
 liaptcrs is in show- 
 Ihe Ccairl of Haii- 
 •arlicr Ilaiuiverian 
 IS it well I'oiilil bo." 
 late's Time,) Lon., 
 r for that iinhapiiy, 
 n of the coniniiinlty 
 Kton may perhaps 
 jrfocUv certain lluit 
 liiit for the c.xiiber- 
 should not wish to 
 vo procnreil us tin- 
 11(1 excellently told 
 an eye-witiii'ss the 
 already ccleliratcd 
 -.S.i(. ii'cii., l.xiv. 7r.s. 
 li.D., graduated at 
 !; ordained !.'<.". I; 
 187(1-81, and sini'c 
 amington, 1. Kun- 
 , Scripture Plan of 
 aorials of C. Holfe : 
 18711, p. Svo. Also, 
 iiilf, vol. tU., add.] 
 S. For the Pre».< 
 reland; Upon ILm- 
 iblin, 1872, 12mo. 
 B Howard, M.A., 
 p.p., graduated at Oriel College, Oxford 18',>i.„ i • i 
 18.7; viear of .'5,. J-eier's, Pi„,li;,, "y ' I, V ""^""""^ 
 in Truro Cathedral IS78ls( ,m ' f'""-^'^ ^ ''O". '-'nnon 
 .'i^i.i lifciores, i,on., ,S7; I'',,,,,. „ , ', ' 
 for Dailv Vse ' ir lie' Youn. t""' ".-J-';''') ''"^^''^ 
 ThcMight for Good P.,,„„"T,.i"",':1,"f ""''l^ „ 
 'rate of Long Molford, Suffolk, |.8S2-,<6- rector of I.-;? 
 v.ngton, .N„t,ingha,u.,hire, sii'ice 188 ' lt\t ^t 
 ^^Zll'TVTr''''^''"' "f "'"''nited .Sisters FrTendh 
 nZ,^'; n"^- ' ",">■• '• The Friendly Sooioty ALive. 
 ment: ,t,s Origin, Kise, and Growth; its Social Moral 
 i's"';, J't;!:;""' '"""''"^''^' "^^ AfKuated (1;°;;^, Lon ; 
 '■A most instnietlvoand useful work."-.l«., No. 30fi2. 
 ScLme,"Ln!l",t'r ,, ""C^ ''■■°^'^'-- ^"--n- 
 1 f^ y^::i t,^ i^rii^::--- - 
 u^ FHday-Aud;es;;s:'L:,::f ^li^ry:::;:-^ ir on^F*!'''^""' «-i.;;:/";i,;y;,^- r„„,,,i,„ 
 Co.i_n,of saints;,. „„, ^^•^..lil.J:- ^^^^ ^j^p^^^^'^l^^^;^^^^^^^ 
 ThiMightfor Good' Friday ..n'^N-o"',, 
 Comiiiiinion of Saints 
 Lon., ISS.j, 12ino l'> "TI„. <m.' . ■""" "'n""! uiie, 
 Bible Headings, Lo:,s^"',i ;:'";'."« "f ^.e Lord- 
 Holy Communion : FonrSimlo ;,,,,'* /'"''"' '° 
 firmation, Lon., 188;), s„ , ' 4 '"-'"H'tions after Con- 
 l.ife. Lon., ISSl I" „ ^i' « ' '"' '" ""'-'" »■ New 
 itmM KingJlom 'L'; s,«^%^::r '^l^ '"„ 1'"'' '""- 
 WilkinBon n k! '-'oo. .-Also, single sermons 
 1. cif!'rs"!I^,. '-^P^^-l;.;;^'^;;" ,^'" '-kt; 
 of the \-o,u„teer Force, Lon., I."s , 't. TTr'T'" 
 ?88 ";;■*; ^"'".i i"'p--.- of r^^iiV'i;. 'ss "ij^r 
 88S S,nn .•'•„'^^'''y».<>" "'« War (Jame, Manc'he ter' 
 I irans.) hxeroises in Strateirv iinri T. •• .■ . 
 German, Manchester, lss,S8vo. ' *'"°'" "''''' 
 Lin!.,!,'„''',:",:,r''87f "L'linisi'^v *••»'"';' *" "■« '- ■" 
 Oligarchy, considered Physfeally Lo^i tX-P\^^ ' 0° 
 .«malUl-ox and V.iceination, Lon"^', n i, f ' '':, ^^'l, '■ 
 man Science, Good and Evil an 1 it, u 1, ",""" 
 I>ivine^Ueve,„tio„ and it:'\l!or'a:^ ^ilH^^sDlo- 
 wUlf'il^Si'Tol?'!,^'};!:^^^^!;;; '"« !"<■ --.™«e .. grapplo 
 whioli mars its otii. nvi«'. *- "<^<'"si"i"'i obsci r iv 
 jvlll rise fr<>m is I yTui, , f" ;;;!^ ;';'V' '■'".'J'"'"' '•■•vie. 
 for curious lli.night, 11 X've iV .'f.ifl'''''l' ,""."''' '""'l 
 scons of a healtliv , I vit'i , o , • '' ""bout Ijoiiig (.,,,1. 
 Milkiiisoi., nobert, M.A., [,n,ie, vol. iii, third of 
 n l"6T "t eV^' "f-V. '!"""'"> "- ''"';;■ Lincoln's 
 ""^.NoL ,^;r,^r',:^ri^7ir f ■^r^' "-'' '"^^-■ 
 «ibr;!^:::::S^^;;,^-4'>-'^e German Jf^; vol; 
 H ilkiiison. Hi. hev. Thomas Edward, M A 
 Life 'and' 'ueiUh. u2 V^^t^ "'TTr '""' .'T"' "' 
 ;'Flashe, of Light/' 'iX 'Isr",, 'i^^I'^^S''^- ,;'-":' 
 Wilkiason, Rcv/'io,.,. „„,„aie„ „ a r '"'^ft'-'^- ''"''• "^'^^ '«">»• ™ " " 
 Cambridge, I8.")5; ordainnd )i^7;. . • 
 >>ilkin8on, Johii Ilrpw«tV.r ' i' V "'""' '^'""' 
 •^An agreeable, reaUablc book."-.V«(/„„ xxv 'M 
 -mi, ,11, >,vo o, ^ Contribution to the History of 
 .be.Origin of the Chanty Organization Society, i^on.' 
 « iikinsoii, Uev. William Cieavpr n ti 
 I9i,,„ r ' "; V 7 ^"'- *•"■ •». loenij. N. York. 188,1 
 l-'mo. 5. Edwin Arnold as a and as a IWan 
 Tslv'f f'T^ "" Examination of the " !« t of 
 m iL" fi";^;""^"""" '•-i^'«"ddhi,sm, N^^rk, 
 \^rk iw' ic' ^'"-"''^ I''-<'"el' Course in English, N 
 K.!:;i(^h.x^^oik!v88tr6mr: '"""-^ ^^^'^ ^--^ 
 ..-, ovo; new ed., 1H8;1, cr, 8vo, ' ' 
 Some Prnctical Obso^vatilln^' on ViicciniUion, h<m,, 1S82, 
 cr. Sv(i. 
 >Vilk!i, Altrnham K.,nnil I'nrdnii, C'hnrlcs f. 
 How to I'liiy iSolo \Vhi.«t : its Mcthoils uiiil l'rini'i|ilc!< 
 ExplnincJ, iinJ its Practice Deiiionstnitcil, Lon., 1S8.S, 
 fp. 8vo. 
 Wilks, Sniniicl, M.I)., LL.D., F.U.S., [«/;('•, vol. 
 iii., add..] t'onsulting plivsiciiin to (luy's Ilcj^'pital iinil 
 tlie Koyal Ilo.'^pital lor Chililrcn, Lonilun ; ph.v."ician- 
 iii-orilinary to the Duko and I'uohus.^ of Connaiiglit. 1. 
 Clin'fiil '.CL'tiire.i on tlie Iniliscriiiiinale U.'^e (jf Alcoholic 
 Sliiiuilaiil^ in Di.-easo, Lon., ls(i7, liimo. 2. Leetiiros 
 on tlio .'^pi'cilic Fevers and IHsea-'^es of the Chest, Lon., 
 1875, gvo. ;i. Lectures on Diseas"s of the Nervous Sys- 
 tem, delivered at (iuy's Hospital, I<on., 187S, !<vo ; L'd 
 ed., IS3;i I. The Harveian Oration, 18711, Lon., 187y, 
 or. 8vo. 
 Will, ficorge. Questions and Answers on the 
 Army Disciolino and Ue^alation Act, Lon., I8SII, I2uio. 
 With D.M.TON, Jamks Cki ii.. The Artillerist's Iland- 
 Book of Keference, Lon., lS7ti. i2ino; 2d ed., 1880. 
 Will, John Charli-K Ugilvie, M.D., 
 Edin., sur^'eon and lecturer on clinieal surgery at the 
 Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. 1. Cliiiioal Remarks on 
 (Jlect : its Cau-es and Treatuieiit. Illust. Lon., 18711, 
 8vo. 2. Clinical Remarks on Cases of Hydrocele, 1881. 
 Willaii, Ki>v. William, ['ti.'f. vol. iil., add.] 
 (Ed.) Sermons by the Rev. Isaac Keeling: with Memo- 
 rials of his Life, Character, and Correspondence, Lon., 
 1S71, p. Svo. 
 Willard, A< J« An Examination of the Law of 
 Personal Rights: Princijiles of the Law Harnionized 
 with the Nature of .Social Relations, N. York, 1882, Svo. 
 Willard, .'Wrs, Caroline McCoy, (White.) 
 Life in Alaska: Letters. Edited by her Sister, Mrs. 
 Eva McClintock. Illust. Phila., 1884, lliuio. 
 Willarti, .Mrs. Clara A. 1. May Chester; or. 
 Home Light. N. York, 1869, ISmo. 2. Kilty Years 
 Ago: a ."tory of New England Life, N. York, 1872, 
 Willard, Miss Frances Elizabeth, b. 1830, at 
 Churehviile, N.V. ; graduated at ihe Northwestc, n i'e- 
 liiule College, Evanston, III., 1851); professor of it'sthetics 
 in the Northttestern 1,'niversity 1871-71; secretary of 
 the V/ouian s Christian Temperance I'nion 1874-7H, and 
 since then president. '. Tanetecn Beautiful Y'ears ; or. 
 Sketches of a Oirl's !.' e, written by her Sister : with an 
 Introduclii.n by Rev. ; S. Foster, N. York, 18(18, 12nin; 
 new ed., 1877. 2. !liM,.s ,ind Helps for Woman's Chris- 
 tian Ten , 'jrance 'iVork, N. Y'ork, 12nm. M. Woman and 
 Temp'ricnce; r The Work and the Workers of the 
 Voman'' Cnristian Temperance I'nicjn, Hartford, lS8;t, 
 Hvo. 4. How to Win; a Hook for Girls: with an In- 
 trodi'Clion by Rose Klizaheth Cleveland, N. Y'ork, lS8(i, 
 12mo. 6. Woman in the Pulpit, Host., 1888, 12rno. 
 Willard, John. Treatise on Equity Jurisprudence. 
 Dy Piatt P..tHM-. N. York, 1875, Svo. 
 Wiliard, Samm'', professor of history in the Chi- 
 cago Higli School. A Synopsis of History: (leneral 
 History from B.C. 8110 to A.U. 187f) : outlined in Dia- 
 grams and Tables ; with Index and (ionealogies, N. 
 Y'ork. 1875, 8vo. 
 Willard, X. A. 1. Dairy -Farming: it.s Advan- 
 tagei, and the .Means for its Improvement, Albany, 1802, 
 8vo. 2. Practical Dairy Husbandry ; a Treatise on 
 Ihiiry Farms and Farming. Illust. N. York, 1871, 
 l^mo; new ed., 1877. :i. Practical Butter-Book; a 
 Ircatise on Butler-Making : with Plans for Dairy- 
 Rooms, N. York, ls75, l2mo. 
 Willcock, John William, [anii, vol. iii., add.] 
 The Scriptural Religions, Histories, and Prophecies, An- 
 alyzed and Explained: vol. i., Lon., 18711, Svo. (No 
 more published.) 
 W illcox, James M. Elementary Philosophy : 
 Part I., Being the Science of Reasoning and Art of 
 Correct Reasoning; or, Logic, Oitically Treated and 
 Applied, Phila., 1875, 12mo. 
 Willcrt, Paul Ferdinand, M.A., b. 1814, In 
 Manchester; graduateil at Corpus Cliristi College, Ox- 
 ford, 18(17, and electe<l Fellow of Merton College; called 
 to the bar at the Inner Temple 1870. The Reign of 
 Louis XI., ("Historical Hand-Books, ') Lon., 1876, 
 Willcson, Aleth. A Discord : a Novel, Lon., 1877, 
 p. Svo. 
 Willett, Charles. ParlianicntJiry Debate ; on its 
 Law and Practice; 2d ed., Livcrjiool, 1880, 12mo. 
 Willett, E. E. ('Trans.) Resources: a Treatise on 
 Water and Springs, by Bernard Palissy : with an Intro- 
 duction by Henry Willett, Lon., 18711, Svo. 
 Willett, Edward, [untf, vol. iii., add.] 1. Cat's 
 Cradle : Rhymes for Children. Illust. N. York, 1881, 
 sq. Svo. 2. Around the House. Illust. N.York, 1882, 
 SI). 8vo. ;i. The Search for the Star : a Talc of Life in 
 the Willi Woods. Illust. N. York, 1888, 12mo. 
 Willett, Henry. Record of the Sub-Wealden Ex- 
 ploratitm, Brighton, 1878, 8vo. 
 Willett, Mary. John Nock Bagnall : a Memoir. 
 By his Daughter. Lon., IS85, 12mo. 
 Willett, Uev. William Marinns, [mile, vol. iii., 
 add.,] b. 18o;), in New York ; entered the ministry of the 
 Methodist Episc(jpal Church. 1. The Messiah, Bost., 
 187 1, 12mo. 2. The Restitution of All Things, N. York, 
 1880, lOllO). 
 Willey, Ansttin, b. 1800, at Cain|)ton, N.H.; grail- 
 uated at liangor Theological Seminary 18117; editor of 
 the .\dvocatc of Freedom from 18111) until the abolition 
 of slavery. 1. Family Memorial, San Fran., 18(15. 2. 
 History of the Anti-Slavery Cause in State and Nation, 
 Portland, 1886. 
 Willey, Henry, b. 1824, at Oencseo, N.Y. ; ad- 
 mittoil to Ihe bar of the Supreme Court of New York 
 1848; afterwards became interested in the study of 
 lichens, of which he made an extensive collection. 1. A 
 List of North .American Licliens : arranged according 
 to E. Tuckerman's " Genera Lichcnum," New Bedford, 
 187:1, Svo. 2. An Introduction to the Study of Lichens, 
 1 887. ^^. Isaac Willey, of New Lond(jn, Connecticut, 
 and his Descendants, New Bedford, Mass., 1888, Svo. 
 Willey, i\'athl*ntcl. 1. 'The Principles and Prac- 
 tice of Life Insurance, N. Y'ork. 1871, Svo; 2d ed., rev. 
 by R. (i. Hahn, 187tl. 2. Instruction-Book for Life-in- 
 surance Agents, Canvassers, and Solicitors, N. Y'ork, 
 1875, l2mo. 
 M illcy, Kev. Willoughby, graduated at St. Aidan 
 1864; ordained 1866; rector of Ridlington since 1870. 
 1. In Meuioriaiu: Minnie, (L. Fuller,) Lon., 18711, Itltno. 
 2, " From Strength to Strength :' a Sketch of the Life 
 and Last Days of William Fisher, of Nottingham, Lon., 
 1881, Svo. 
 Williams, Kev. A. I)., [nutt; vol. iii.. aild.] Me- 
 morials of the Free Communion Baptists, Dover, N.H., 
 187:i, Svo. 
 Williams, A. !>., .M.D. Diseases of the Ear: in- 
 cluding the Necessary Anatomy of the Organ. Illust. 
 Cin., I87.'i, Svo. 
 \\illiams, Aaron. 1. The Harmony Society at 
 Economy, Pen.isylvania, founded by George Rapp, .A.U. 
 1805: with an Appendix, Pittsburg, 186(1, 12mo. 2. 
 Woman in the Bible: being a Collection of All the Pas- 
 sages in the Scriptures which relate to Women : with 
 Brief Notes. Phila., 1872, 16mo. 
 Willi 'tms, Adin. Lays and Legends of Qlouccstcr- 
 shire. Illust. Lon., 1878, Svo. 
 Williams, Alfred. ( Ed.) Notes on the Settlement 
 and I:idian Wars of the Western I'arts of Virginia and 
 Penn.syhaiiia. By ,J. Doddridge. 18711, Svo. 
 Williams, Alfred Mason, b. !840; editor of the 
 Proviilence Journal. The Poets and Poetry of Ireland : 
 with Historical and Critical Essays and Notes, Bast., 1 2 mo. 
 Williams, Mrs. Alice Ij. Treasures New and 
 Old, [selections in prose and verse.] Illust. Chic, 
 ls8:i, 4to. 
 Williams, Annie Howies, 1. Birchwood. By 
 Jak. N. York, 1S85, 12mo. 2. Professor Johnny, 
 N. York, 1887, l2mo. 
 Williams, Annie M. Wax-Flower Modelling 
 made Easy. Illust. Lon.. 1S71, l2mo. 
 Williams, Arthur John, [miii; vol. iii., add.,] h. 
 18:15; called to the bar at the Inner Temple 1867. 
 Hints to Honest Citizens about going to Law. Lon., 
 1885, p. Svo. 
 Williams, Arthur Lukyn. Families in India: 
 their Causes and Possible Prevention, (Le Baa Prize 
 Essay,) Lon., 1876, p. Svo. 
 Williams, II. Lyon, [niifc, vol. iii., add.] I. 
 Homa'opathy and the Doctors; or, A Plea for Scientifo' 
 Medicine, Southampton, 1870, Svo. 2. Mediate Suf- 
 frage: a Model Plan for National Elections, I'l., 1871. 
 Williams, Kev. C. A. Alike and Perfect; or. 
 God's Three Kevelatiims, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. 
 Williams, C. lirevillc, [(iii(>', vol. iii., add.] 
ii., add.] I. 
 1 for Soientifh- 
 Mediate Puf- 
 18, 1. 1., 1871, 
 Supplement to ti,p i|„„ . „ , , 
 tion ;,on„ lM7i..,:.s;'r''-''""'' »f Chomical M„„ip„,„. 
 , 'Williams, V. Ii« r , 
 byC.U. w. Bosl.. iJrs """'" '"'""^. -t^'- Compiled 
 Williams, Charles. 1, is'i^ ... ' 
 >vas a special -.rrc.pJn ,, / ;|,?'';'' " '/■'■'•^V"''. rreland ; 
 several editorial nosition? ',1 ''■""■• "'"' I'''-" lield 
 the Loire i„ the war STIl wh":, "'"' ""■ '"'">■'■ 
 C"n.|;aii;„, a "iarv of tlu' '■, n mi',n' ',-J''« '^""^■ni °n , 
 and Koordistan, i:„„., IslCT^vo^V"^'"''"''^- 
 0,.erat,o„., .„ ,„„„ Afgl.aniit.-.n^^Hr.sI^.j^rn "'is'-';" 
 P^rtment, liost., lss.5 s °, "'.'."V""' 'h«T,ea,snrv Ue- I 
 Overruled, Ucversed, Denil.,! "Vi'i .,'''■■■'' "^ "'« Cases i 
 ■ted, Explained, and D i„ ;u[s'he;"' ' '^r^'"'"' '-m? i 
 ^- of the Ute'l^rl Sn M r"^:,/""^;;''^--"' Vl- of Life „„,, w„u. , 'i "' , s"-« ' ■''^"' "'"■ '- 
 ^ "illiaiiis, CliarlcK u 'ri' ,; ' '^*"- 
 Rutland, \'t., 1S7,' sV,?*' '*• ^''« 'i"tl»nd Centennial 
 fumpt.on, Brompton.' / T ,''" , ''" "'"I'i'^'l '''i- Con! 
 the Pre.ention „'nd TreUme ^t !^^T' "'' '^""""^' i" ' 
 I'ec'luresontheCompres'ei'A/' ';; '"','.' P- «vo. 2. 
 i'reat.nent of |,i,cas ■, |„ „ ,ss "' "'"' "' ^''^' 'n the 
 M. Am,v.W„.;,,'V,s "''""• '^"o "'■»" vw, Mrs. E, 
 "illiaiiis, Kdivnril a i 
 sumption, U„., isr'i sv„ ^™«''-'rated Pul«o in Con- 
 N." .'rl',"r«: J^::!,:r«''' "• a .Manuu, of Lithology 
 i^,'2^:d^X;-- ^"--s:u:ii:'^i;:-;^oom. 
 'at^s/Z'^S K"':^!'il,^^^' /'-«"<- or the 
 1S«^. to Sir C. J. Welkin WilLuMs ' '''i'™'^ ■""■'i'^''. I 
 '-i'l Willian!:;-r.„V: !S['s '™" ""^ -^'"'-"-''""f H»>v- 
 , Williams, Kspyn.', I. i..,„..,io 
 ••-- Amoition: u liramuli," !> '■'"•'•'-'«-; or, Tliiia. 
 1»?9, IHmo. "™"'"t".' I'oem, New Orients, La 
 1.. .svo. *' * • "• ^^'""«n mu^t Weep, Lon., 188r, 
 )>■ll^■ Willia,„s, ,„",'* ','M' , V '■"■",' ,«"" of Nnrauel 
 "eiis;vii,,.,,„„^ -V. v,;ri<, ss, >,;" '"■■""■^ "<■ ^■■' ■^• 
 . "'Iliams, Gporcp A Vn "' 
 Aua.riean Ilistorv: wiM, Xu.npi'"" <"' '!''''<-'-<^"ees i„ 
 .^yrae,,,^^ >j y^ ,;^^. "i,'.'/' ^'•"'"erous .Seureh Questions, 
 :".^,''!diersaw ,. In,!,^'<, I^" '"t "nd ,«hell : War as 
 ■;''''^ Citation .■ a " ',7, le J^r"'"'' '• Massaehu- 
 I'oubled, Criticise A i, v l "^fl,.">'''''-»l"l. Ueoie,!. 
 J"'ii^ial Court, A: ; r r' ;<"" "9'. ''^ ""-' '"'"■'^""'• 
 Pleuient, KsS). ■.' n ;,' '' '' V. " i ^'' "''" "ith Sup- 
 <-""(. within the'unhed "t^tt'-'^v"' "£"'« Various 
 ■v.-xiv., (I,S7<,_>;|> ,r' •'''^^^.-'^'■•w .Series. Vols. 
 I^iKest of Deeisio'n^ of m , **""-t'' '^ ''"I'- «vo. :i. 
 ' i'^i"' Court, 18 9^.'^ '^0 Ma,.sa,.|,usHts .Supre.ue Jui 
 "i'l' I'A, ,., IsaI,. K '■J^,'.'l'l''f""-'nl,) Host., lss.(, Svo 
 ,; Various Court,, within"tho ri',:,"'! 'J'" ^'■''•i-''i'"'s of the 
 Vol,. ,.vi., .xvii., I!,"" issr, s- "' '•'"^•^- ^"' '"Series. 
 '^'--•iford Spri,'gs;p7»^, uu^f, ""*-'•""' ''• '■'*'»• ^'t 
 "•'."•! gnuliated ,;t Cinei, h""'' ;'"m'"' '" ""-' "^^i' 
 ,'"™,"'Ameriea,fro,„ M„ 'ss '.' v7 "' "'^ .-'^e.-ro 
 «■" boidiers, and as Citizens tn V \^f '''''-''' "^ '"^'''^'s, 
 Svo. i-iiutns, .fee., A. iork, ISSI), 2 vols 
 ''™;'^:;^>^ -•^"'-';ry;^vi:'!;r*''''''"'*■■ "'^'"'J-. o"em!re 
 Kebellinn ^''preee;il!d''o^'''''Tnw''''°'''..''l ""^ ^^" "f the 
 ; vieeaof x\e,r,,„., i„ ., ' ■ . "'"^'^ "' tijo Miiitarv S.., 
 I m-,_Sy„. " ' '" '^""vntand .Modern Times, ^:Y„vk, 
 i Williams, (iertriiHo m 
 ; otl-l;.les andV^ "^^'';, J'- ^ow-Wreath, and 
 I. >sV?,t:'-'«-^-4;.";e'^^ht^', ,„„,,,„., 
 !4'''-''--"rf!^!!: '^^--l^J Mrs. Morton, a 
 S'"f!'r;;:e^-S",^ ';.^''-«Bo,;or; 
 IJorehester, Phih, ISS't fi '^'' '"'"o- -'. Dorothy 
 Phila., I8sr, ,2n ;: TillZr. '■ pr Trent's Cousin^ 
 ISf^-*,. l2mo. '"^' t^arwing's ilaughter, i'hila.; 
 ! CoK'SZdf'm, "!;"'■.»'' M-A.. graduated at Jes„, 
 ;7l^ I-ineolnshire, LsV^." ;'' ';-f .■•'•^2,. viear of Hem"! 
 Marsh. 1. The Supei'sti ion' ' • ,1"^,"""' »f ^utton-le- 
 I °f j:''7.>iJos, [verse.] I on ^71 C ''' ""'^ ^"PPo'^tus 
 "«lliam,s, llciirv «in\, 'n • 
 'P«."lia of Massaehuseits o?*;i,„ v-*'"'P'''™' K"''>-«'o- 
 W, isro. Anon. "'" '""'"eteenth Century, 
 of Krok,na„n.Chatr,^a, U ''".strio^^™ '."« ^'-eh' 
 ' Chatrian, l-o" 'l r? ^jT '" VVh ";"'" '' ^''°-- ■ 
 1 new ed., 1»S2. 6 r ,.nT^ "" '" f'ondon, Lon 187s . 
 a Handy Botk L^'v s uTrs'"!'' "%?«»«-". Featur ! 
 from \ ictor Hugo • tranlhlti ■'"'"'"'• "'''«% Lyrical 
 Authors Lon., fsss'S ' ir"T''^"Sli»h bj vLi'm^ 
 Drama!" Mary AnderC hi ' r r" "Q-^nof the 
 ''''"' -«-•>- -^UU Sel^et ti^l'ttrfr a"^ tt 
 Orciit IMiiys in which ^-lic liu« delighted Two Continents, 
 N. Yorl(, iss.i, 12rii(). 12. " liullUlo IJill," (Hon. W. F. 
 Codv.) Uille mid Kcvolvcr Sliut, l.on., 1SS7, Svo. Di. 
 (Trans.) The lleniie Kntliusiiists, ((ili Kroici Kuriiri,) 
 hy (Jinnliinii Hriinii. I'lirt 1. I,cin., I8S7. I I. (Tran^-) 
 Mndiinie cle .'<i'vigne, by (iiiston llnissier, (" (irciil Krenoli 
 Writers,"! I,c)n., 1HS7, p. Svo. I,^. (Trans.) Tlie Ciif.s- 
 Kye Uin^', l>y F. dii linisgnhey, l.on., I^ST, p. Svo. HI. 
 (frans.) Tlie itrido of a Day, by I'ortiine dii lioisgobey, 
 I.on., lS8S,p.Svo. 17. (Tran.s.l The llall'-I^istcr's Secret 
 (Le .'Secret dc la Cadichonne,) liy F. dii lioisgobey, I-on., 
 1SS8. p. Svo. Also, a number of stories fiiinded on plays 
 by Sardou, Boucicault, and other drannitists, and bearing 
 tlie s:inic titles. 
 Williums, Ilrnrv Shnlcr, I'h.I)., h. isi7, at 
 Ithaca, N.Y.; graduated at Yale KSliS; professor of 
 pabeonlologv at Cornell Iniversity since IS71. The 
 Bones, Ligaments, and Muscles of the Domestic Cat: 
 prepared "as a (iuide to the .Study of Vertebrates, N. 
 York, IS7,i, Svo, plated I'ol. 
 M illinnis, Henry T. 1. Suburban Homes for 
 City IJusiiiess .Men ; a Description of the Country on the 
 Line of the Erie Railway, .te., N. York, 1^:07, Svo. 2. , 
 M'indow-tiurdening, N. York, |S71, Svo. :'.. The I'acilio 
 Tourist: Trans-Continental (Iuide of Travel^ from tbc 
 Atlanlio to the Pacilio Ocean. Illust. r>. York, 187fi, 
 .sm. -I to. 4. Fret-Sawing for Pleasure and Protit N. 
 Y'ork, 1S77, 12mo. 5. Tourist's (iuide, and Map of (ho 
 .San .luan .Mines of Colorado, X. York, 1877, Svo. (i. 'Ihe 
 Wonders of Prayer: a lU .d of Well- Authenticated 
 Answers to Prayer, X. Y'ork, 1S77, 12ino. With JoSF.S, 
 Mns. C. S, : i. Household Klcgancies. Illust. N.York, 
 1S7.'), Svo. 2. licautiful Homes: or. Hints in IIouso- 
 Fi.rnishing, N. York, IS7S, Svo. With FuosT, S. Anxik, 
 Evening Amusement.^; or. Merry Hours for Merry Peo- 
 ide. N. York, 1S7S, Svo. 
 M iHianis, Ilev. Henry Wilkinson, D.D., [o.ifp, 
 vol. iii., add.,] b. ISIO, at liristol ; became a Weslcyan 
 Methodist minister 18;i2. 1. An E.xposition of St. Paul's 
 Epistle to the Koinnns, Lon., 18(i'.), p. 8vo. 2. The Life 
 of the Rev. Joseph Wood : with E.\tracts from his Diary, 
 Lon., 1S71, 12mo. 3. An E.vposition of the Epistle to 
 the Hebrews, Lon., 1S72, p. Svo. 4. The Priesthood of 
 Christ, (Fernley Lecture.) Lon., 187(i. Svo. b. The Con- 
 stitution and Polity of Wesleyan Methodism: being a 
 Digest of its Laws and Institutions, Lon., ISSI, p. Svo. 
 6. A .Manual of Natural anil Revealed Theology, for 
 Lo.-al Preachers. Ac., Lon., 1SS2, p. Svo; 2d ed., 1S83. 
 William!*, Henry Willnrd, M.D., [nnie, vol. in., 
 aild..] b. 1S21, in lioston : graduated at the Harvard 
 Medical School 1SI'.»: ophthalmie surgeon to the lloston 
 City Hospital ; professor of ophthalmology at Harvard 
 since 1S71. 1. Our Eyes, and how to take care of them, 
 Bost., 1S71, 12mo. 2. The Diagnosis and Treatment of 
 Di-e;ises of the Eye. Illust., 18SI, Svo. 
 Williams, Howard, M.A., [<wie, vl. iii., add.] 
 1. Anihologia Angliea : a .Xew Selection Irom the Eng- 
 lish Poets, from Spenser to Shelley: with Short Literary 
 Notices, Lon., 1S72, ]i. Svo. 2. The Ethics of Diet: a 
 Catena of Authorities deprecatory of the Practice of , 
 Flesh-Eating, Loii., IsSii, p. Svo. .1. English Letters 
 and Letter-Writers of the Eighteenth Century: with 
 E.xplaniitorv Notes. Series I. Illust. Lon., 1S8(5, Svo. 
 4. (Trans.) Lucian'.s Dialogues of the (Sods, of the Sea- 
 Gods, anil of the Dead : with Notes and Preliminary 
 Memoir, (Bohn's Classical Library,) Lon., 188S, 12mo. 
 Williams, J. Learohus: a Romance of Athens, 
 Loll., ISvO, p. 8vo. I 
 Williams, J. Fletcher. A History of the City | 
 of St. Paul, and of the County of Kumsey, Minnesota, 
 <,Min::esota Hist. Soo. Pub.) Illust. St. Paul, 1876, 
 8vo. , , 
 Williams, J. I'rancon. The (ieography of the 
 Oceans, Physical, Historical, and Descriptive : with 
 Maps. Lon., 18S1, Svo. 
 \Ullinms, J. .11. Supplement to the Rcviseil 
 Statutes of Ohio: with Miscelluncous Acts in Force 
 January I, 1884, Columbus, 18S4, Svo. 
 Williams, J. K. 1. IJuecn Elfrida of the Olden 
 Time, Lon., IS7S, 12ino. 2. Jessie Maodonald; or, 
 Maidens, Beware! Lon., ISSIi. l2ino. 
 Williams, J. W. i. Poems, Lon., 1870, fp. 8yo. 
 2. Poems, Lon., Is7ll, 12ino. 
 Williams, J. W. ShellOolIeetor's Hand-Book for 
 the Field. Lon., 188S, 12mo. 
 Williams, Hev. James, of Pontypridd. The 
 .Manual of Alcthography : being an Improved System 
 of Short-Hand, based upon the Spoken Sounds of Ibo 
 English Language, Hath, 1878, Svo. 
 Williams, Jnmes, li.C.L., b. 18.01; graduated at 
 Lincoln College. Oxford, 1874 ; called (o the bar at Lin- 
 cidn'a Inn, 187."). 1. A Story of Three Years, and other 
 Poems, Lon., I8s;i, 12iiio. 2. The Institutes of Justin- 
 ian, illustrated by English Law, Lon., ISsli, or. Svo. :i. 
 A La 'yer's Leisure, [verse,] Lon., ISS7, l2mo. 
 Williams, John, F.S.A., assistant secretary to the 
 Royal Astronomical Society. 1. A (iencril Index to the 
 First Twenty-Nino Volumes of the .Monthly Notices ol 
 the Royal Astronomical Society, Lon., 187", Svo. 2. A 
 (iencra"l Indi'X to ihe First Thirly-Eight Volumes of tjic 
 Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, Lon., 187L 
 Svo. o. (Trans. )'Observalions of (,'ouiets, from B.C. 
 ('•Il'to A.D. IlilO; extracted from the Chinese Annals; 
 with Introductory Remarks, and an Appendix com- 
 prising the Tables neccssiiry for reducing Chinese Timo 
 to European Reckoning, and a Chinese Celestial Atlas, 
 Lon., 1871. 4to. 
 Williams, John. 1. Rome, the Church, and the 
 Jews. 2. ilumauity in Ihe Scriplures ; or, Metaphor 
 . and Parable iiKidc Plain. Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 I Williams, Kev. John, M.A.. 181.0-IS71I, gradu- 
 ated at Trinity College, Oxford, 18:;7 ; perpetual curate 
 of Holy Trinity, Wallington, Surrey, from ls(17. His- 
 •orical Notes cu"i Wallington. Illust. Lon., 187:!, Svo. 
 Williams, John. Physiography, Elementary and 
 Advanced. Lon., 1S7S, l2mo. 
 Williams, Ut. Kev. John, D.D.. LL.D., ["ine, 
 I vol. iii., thirty-sixth of the name there mentioned, add.] 
 i 1 Studies on the English Reformation, (Paddock Leo- 
 ' tares,) N. York, 1881. l2mo. 2 The World's AVitness 
 I to Jesus Christ: or. The Power i f Chrisiianit' in devel- 
 oping Civilization, (Bedell Lectures.) N. York, lS.>i2, 
 i Svo. 3. Studies in the Book of Acts, N. York, 18SS, Syo. 
 Williams, John. The Two Dispensations, Oentilo 
 and .Millennial : an Ecclesiastial, Secular, Political, 
 .Military, and Naval History of Europe, Ac, during the 
 Last Eighteen Hundred Years, as Allcgoi illy set forth 
 in the Book of Revelation : and also a 1' oaraic Pic- 
 ture of the Thousand Years of Millennial Glory, Lon., 
 18S7, or. Svo. 
 ' Williams, Kev. John, ordained ISRS; rector of 
 Penegoes, Wales, since I8S3. Notes and Narrations of 
 Thirty Y'ears' Missionary and Ministerial labours in 
 England and Wales, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 
 Williams, John, .M.D., F.R.C.P., professor of mid- 
 wifery in rnivorsity College, London; physician ac- 
 coucheur ,o the Princess Beatrice. Cancer of the I'tcrus: 
 being the Harveian Lectures for 1886. Illust. Lon., 
 1888, r. Svo. . 
 Williams, John C'arvcll, b. 1821; chairman of 
 the Liberation Society's Parliamentary Committee since 
 1877; M.P. for .South Nottingham 188i-8li. 1. A Plea 
 for a Free Church-Yard, Lon., 187(1, Svo. 2, The New 
 Position of (he liuriais (Juestion, Lon., 1878, Svo. JL 
 The Present Position of the Burials Question, Lon., 187!', 
 Williams, Bcv. John De Kcwer, [n»ie, vol. 
 : iiL, add..] an Independent minister. 1. The Signs of 
 the Times, Social, Political, and Religious, Lon., 186il, 
 Svo 2. The Oreat Lesson from my Father's Life, Lon., 
 187i,8yo. 3. The Best Things Explained and Com- 
 mended, Lon., 1873, ISmo. 4. City Mottoes, and other 
 Wise Saws: a Lecture, Lon., 1882, sq. 16mo. 
 Williams, Ilev. John Herhcrt, M.A., graduated 
 i at Magdalen College, Oxford, 1870; ordained 1870; aa- 
 I si.stant master of St. Nicholas College, Lansing, 1874-84. 
 I Daifion : or. The Art of Greek Iambic Making, Lon., 
 '■ 1881, l2mo. „, , 
 I Williams, John Milton. Rational Theology: 
 ' Eight Essays, Chic, 188,8, 12mo. „. , . 
 , Willioms, Joseph Hartwcll. A Brief Study in 
 ; (icnealogy : Connin, Conny, Cony, Coney, Cony. By One 
 ! of the Family. Cambridge, Mass.. ISS.O. 
 W illiams, Ilev. Joseph Stone. All Nations; 
 England; The Chronology of the World. By J. S. W. 
 Lon., 1871. 
 Williams, Joseph William Hume, an. fine, 
 J. R. Somers. The English .Municipal Code, Lon., 
 las;;, Svo. 
 Williams, Joshua, (J.C, [<u,i<; vol. iii., add.,] 
 1813-1881 ; called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn 1S38 ; pro- 
 fessor of the law of real and ]iersonal jiroperty to the 
 Inns of Court. I. The Settloment of Real Estates; 
 being Twenty Four Lectures delivered in Oray'a Inn 
uunils of tho 
 ^rmlimtoil at 
 e bur nt Lin- 
 rs, and other 
 U's cif .Iii"tin- 
 1, or. 8vii. :). 
 iTulnry til llio 
 Inili'X t(i llio 
 ly Niiticcp i)f 
 (I, 8vo. I'. A 
 nUiiiu'S (if the 
 y, 1,011., 1S71, 
 t.S from H.C, 
 ne.«e Annals; 
 ipenilix corn- 
 Chinese Time 
 'elestiul Athi?, 
 uroh, anil the 
 or, Metophor 
 '-IS71I, grailu- 
 rpetiial curate 
 1 |-<(i7. lli?- 
 1., is;:'., Kvo. 
 leiiientary anil 
 I,I,.D., [mile, 
 ■ntioneJ, ailii.] 
 I'luliloi'k Lce- 
 orM'9 Witness 
 init> in ilevcl- 
 >. Vork. 1HS2, 
 ork, ISKS, Svo, 
 ations, (ientilo 
 liar, Political, 
 to., iluring the 
 wnlly set forth 
 ' irumic Pic- 
 il Glory, Lon,, 
 S68 ; rector of 
 Narrations of 
 ial Iiabours in 
 •ofce.=or of niiJ- 
 physic'ian ac- 
 r of the Uterua: 
 must. Lon,, 
 ; chairman of 
 'imiuiittee since 
 8t). 1. A Plea 
 2. The New 
 187!*, »vo. 3, 
 ;ion, Lon., 1879, 
 fcr^ [niite, vol. 
 . The Signs of 
 ous, Lon., 186il, 
 icr'8 Life, Lon,, 
 ineii and Coin- 
 ttoes, and other 
 M. A, .graduated 
 lined 1876; aa- 
 insing, 1874-84, 
 I Making, T,on., 
 onal Theology: 
 \ Brief Study in 
 ■, Cony. By One 
 , All Nations; 
 Id. ByJ.S, W. 
 mc,an. Vine, 
 ipal Code, Lon., 
 vol. iii,, add,,] 
 8 Inn 18:i8; pro- 
 property to the 
 f Real Estates; 
 .1 in Oray'8 Inn 
 Hall, Lon., mrs, Sv 
 g Twelve Lectures, ]. 
 niiiion and other 1 
 The Sc 
 m., L\7M, 
 isin of tho Freelmld : 
 rcscri|.tiveKi;;ht.s: Lect 
 urea, Lu 
 "f Li 
 Milliani.s, Jotiiiii p n ,. c, , ... . 
 Ailvcntuies ainoi,„st the Tn I, . r '" '" "'" ^""''"n •• 
 '«;>"nd,88.. iiiuMN::;::r;;:::!^^-'--%.i>.in 
 I..";'-'";::'s^:"- ^'-'-"""i-.-f Morbid. ionn. 
 M-. ul':? a!'.";!!'"''""-'" "'-"''.^ ^oe B,,.K, 
 Milliam.s, .Mile* i li ,'"', , 
 •"MS, ,lc., and ho V ,0 \L!^r,"-^r''^'"'' '*'""'^. <-i«- i 
 "nd Oak (frain, .S,,., Li.,'., , ' Vr^';™"""'' '""' '" l'"i''t I 
 Milliaiiis, .Sir ll.iiii.'.l « ' 
 I>XM,.,LL.I.. PhD I " ""^ .•V""'i''--, K.C.l.f;., 
 in l.'^.Mi, on ,he op.nii, , [i 'i"::'"'';l-J."'"^'<"i«IUed 
 7 hii,i at Oxfori ; 7i, ei h ,1 iV'"^',""*" '■"""'''-' 
 Monier ISsi;. i 'a si, , k / p aldtional siunaiue of 
 luologically and ■[•'hil'ol, ,i,, .V, a' Ui"i"iK,ry, Ety. 
 Kefercnee^o ( r cek l"; i ' .'^/.■'■■'''""''' "'"' ■"l'«'i'" 
 ■'^"■von, and other Oi'^fn ,""!"' ""'"•'"• -^-Kl"- 
 L.vamplcs of the Keliirious I hlf" i , "'"'""'; or. 
 Doetrinc of tho II ini In ^i h u''!''^'; ''"'' 1^'""™! 
 ^hief Departments ".i:„!,'\'"^^f '"■^'"^v "f the I 
 tlre.s,scd from India to the J. i "^ "'.l""" "f '^^tters ad- ' 
 journals.) '" "'" '"""'"n Athenicum and other 
 ns;^i:^i'l!;,?t/^;rf^^1i;r;;;;;!,;>^^:: -^ 'i- .an.,m.o,„„a 
 Life's Study of th,.ir I ^ IVoples: biisc.l ,,„ ,i 
 .i«.ition in^.;;!i,'^:„';ir r p:;^;7 'rr' vjt 
 >'>""'>'>. and llinihii,,,,,, Lon .^ isM s '''• V'''",'"',"'''''- 
 i'ketelies of those eariiesr r, "i ' "'"''Kl't- Id' has Kivc,, 
 lebasiiis idolatry to a nir'.,- ,,,.,',',,,' ,'';''';'''''''''•'' ''''""i 
 He Inisi'arolullv ■(immi ., i, 11 '■ ' "'^' ''"'Ulead 
 IH'rfornieil at tfie b rtl , , .,, I '^' """"li^'(Vivi,ioiii,,s,„ nv 
 "J' "rtl,iiiiu.x Hindi wtii tie Mnn'^'i'M''*-''' '""' ''""If 
 <d aiu-irnt saK...s. The ,,„.'' ,''.''' ■^■""" '"-"lo dictates 
 work an. ^nri^eeded 1 v a le ■ |„', .f 1 "'Y ' '"''i""^ "I' Ihe 
 and ap,iri,priale.",7 AVi IvhIks '"'''' '''•'" '■■'"'*'e» ( 
 ll^mlUC'"^ tl'li" ''"'" '^'""^^ "' "- East, •■ 
 lirahminisn and lin h , " '," ."^C-n-oction with 
 pe,"ii','i;e"":hi'ia',!v^4 /'';;',"'"""" ""'" ""■""■ ^'"'^"^ «f i 
 UW'"*'"'' «• «•' Huthven's M-recks. Lon., LSSr, | 
 en" Hos"!"!!;"",,'*;,, '• /"/■•oduotion to Chemical ,<5ci. 
 onil Chemistry. Bi!;, , Ms?' If^°"""'y ^-nual of Gen- 
 Fe";'&,K,teVer„V^^''''-,^' Alice, of the 
 ^•"rse,,, Ellin., V877ri'smo^^^'"''' ^''"'^ '" ""^'I'^''" 
 Milliaiiis, Kaliih (' ' Ti,,n-.-, t. 
 nnaland: the Storv of hVpv r?''"'*'' '■'"" '" ''<'''''"- 
 ren. Lon., IsV^ "?."' ""' E-vpedition under Sir C. War- 
 l'^7L', I; 
 , Hoben A, N 
 otes on Kiver Bi 
 iiiiiiN, Kohcrt I'lii 
 X"vH;"L;m:;iV7^r'p's" "'""*"• ^"'^'^'^ Lives: a 
 inclu.les Hep,,,- ,. <.| ;,db'vf.',M .'^. '','"•'• C''"-^ 
 I'c'ns. and II,,'';,,,!., ^ '"'' ^"""'^' "'''"aton, 
 MiiiiairiN, Saniiipi I) v. ,\ . ■ 
 fn.n, Kssays 1,; th" M „ 'he"',,,- 'i':""" • "n'Hnted 
 i;l"tivoClub. Lmi,, is;., m,, ' ''.!;""""«li"m ^peou- 
 i Hiiiiams, .Sam,,',. «. ' ' /■^','7' 
 M i||iaiii»«, .Saiiiiipi u oil,.: t i t> r 
 |add.,l i8|"-issi ,, ,.'*"' I'L.D., [„„(,, vol. iii., 
 : li^l.ed a new edit,, n of ••Vhc lii ifl- '" i""'' ''" '"'''" 
 "!■ 'I'o ■■ . cX. i h:"'"'"' '• '^ ''^■Vl^'W,. Diction..?; 
 ' "-"-Fang ,u„ Vi,f!'''«'^;,;';T''"«r' •■'"•<"■■"■'« '" 'ho 
 ClianiHers as",e , 'in r ' ' :""""'-'i^"i"n of tho 
 "o;;s;''y;;';i;;:'^;;£^«;;h ill tiios,udy,,f,,,o(i,i. 
 ;d Ibe charaelers a t Ic h 1 ■ ''s''''r''r ''''' "'^■""i">f 
 Lon., 1886, p. 8vo. ' ' ^'"' ^'S'=""»<;y of Politics,]nKrair;^y';„r^,'^tm!"X';r"T ""^ """'k^ f^"- 
 ^V- E. Cilailstone be ' ^n' > "T '" ""^' '"«'" "»»• 
 eoln's Inn 1877 T| p sC ,' ■' "'" '^"■' "' I'in- 
 '■<-^>--ing,'i8;5::S^'i^r^-«-'-^ the Practice of 
 4*"'"'i.;^*,S7/'"t:"''""""^"« '" «"-^"">- 
 lS,".\!l'v'.;""^'"- M-'Ual of Telegraphy. IHu.t. Lon., 
 "illiams, U. il "m: ■ !"' 
 Cl'un.h: Three Add,.,"". /'""^ "-y /"'I Uule in the 
 ' "illiams H>i„7.V'"-' "^"S, 8vo. Posth. 
 2. r.o>iand..Seel (..BH i ,\f "'"/''""' Lon., 1870 8vo 
 ! I.""., l.><7.i, 12ino 3 '':,'', •""'r""''"«^"''''""««.") 
 I MaiuifactuHng I'dus'tr 'c^-'Tim ''/'TT^ (""^^'i'"' 
 "n.l Candles, ("British \r,„r'' ,'.^' ''""'• ■*• Oils 
 ! '"">- IS7ti, 2 no 5 TI, . ":i"'"'"S In''"^fies,"J 
 Map and Illus;. LonMly p^Svf"""^' "'"' '"""''^' 
 vi^i'".'N';r:^™:r,';f,i^;/,,M';- V*)mams made a 
 ineut being furiiishi.,1 i.,. ,. .-^ ' • • ■ " "mi' i amusc- 
 , Peeted It woul K^'^i''/^ ,;;? ''"^v expedition, we ex- 
 e»nipaiiioii.s. Here wt ^f, , i *■ ' '," " J"""a.y with six 
 .Apart.lrom thi.s, . ,■ \ dli " ,„rjE .\'--!' ""stnlien. 
 ^"..ti.iiiiioii.s. Here we r,,..,, i J">"iiey wiin six 
 : Apart from thi.s, .Mr \\ d|iJ L",', ""'-.^Ives mistaken. 
 I l,i,ok.',frt,,,,;,.;',';,,\;j,''l'''""-'' bits given us an interesting 
 ! 6. A Simple Treatise on Heat I on l.*sn ^ 
 ."^cienco n Short ('t.,..,f„. ,'""' ''""•. ''^80, p. Svo. 7. 
 2;.>. .Wus,,Y878 Cardiff\8;'r,s;""''' ''"'•'' ^""■"'-. 
 BK;n,",',rr' '"•"^ «■««""'•' see W,.u.„,,, E.Z.- 
 >».llia.„.,Kev. William, of Criokh„„ell. Welsh 
 Cftlrinlstlo Methodism: a Ilistoricnl Skotoh, hon., 1872, 
 12111(1 ; 2(1 eil., 1«S4. 
 WillininN, Willinm, F.K.C.V.R , F.K.S. Edin., 
 |irin('i|ii>l iiiiil pr<ifi'^S(ir of vcleriniiry iiicdicino und sur- 
 gery Ht llie Ni'w Vi'loriiiiiry Collogu, KdinbiirKli. !■ Tlic 
 l'riiii'i|>le8 mid I'nu'tiee of Vi'teriimry Surgery. Illust. 
 Lull., I.'<72, svo; ;'itli ed., Issi. 2. The Principles and 
 Practice "f Veterinary Midiciiio. lliust. Liin., ISTI, 
 Svo; .'.Ih (■.1,, 1S8S. 
 H'illiainN, M'illinm, h.l). Apustolical Church 
 Polity, Phihi., IS7:i, lllnio. 
 M''illinni8, Hi|iiuiii KIIin IIiiiiic. The Irish 
 Parliament Iniin the Year 17S2 to IMMI; being the Cres- 
 i=ingham Prize Kssay, 1S7S, l,on., 1.><71I, or. Svo. 
 Willinnis, Kcv. Uillinin K., U.D.. 1,1>.1>., 
 [(irir., nd. iii.. add. I 1. (lod's Ke.-icucs ; or, Tlie Lust 
 Sheep, the l,(ist ('oiii, and the l,o*t Son : Three Discourses, 
 N. Vori(, IS72, 121110. 2. Lectures on Baptist History, 
 Phila., 1><77, l2iuo. :t. Kras and Cliaia.aors of History, 
 N. York, I SSL', I2in.i. 
 WilliaiiiK, llcv. >ViMiiiiii R., Wesleyan minister, 
 of Bristol. The Prisoner'.* Friend : the Life of Uev. J. 
 Bundy. Loii., Issil, Ifimo. 
 WiHiniiiK, >Villimii Rogor, F.R.C.S., surgical 
 register to the .Middlesex HuspitaL surgeon to tlio 
 Western (ieneral Dispensary, Ac. 1. The Inlluonco of 
 Se.x in Uiseuse, Lon., 1880, svo. 2. An Introduction to 
 the Pathology of Cancer and Tumour Formation on the 
 B.isis of Evolution : vol, i., Lon., ISSfi, Svo. 
 M'illiailiK, Williniii W. History of A:htabuhi 
 County, Ohio: with liiographical Sketches of the Most 
 Prominent .Men. lliust. Phila., IS7S, llo. 
 >VillininN, »oolmcr. Incidents in the History 
 of the Honorable Artillery Ccunpany : being an Abrid;^ed 
 Version of Major Haikcs' History of the (Company : in- 
 cluding a Brief History of the American Branch of the 
 Regiment, founded in IC.iS, Ac. lliust. Host., 1S88, 
 >Villinnis)>ii, Rev. Alexnniler, [untr, vol. iii., 
 add.] I. Journeys in North China, Manchuria, and 
 Eastern Mongolia: with some Account of Corea. With 
 Maps and lliust. Lon., 1S7II, 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 "Most valuable, ils recording the personal experiences 
 (if an acute observer and accomplished linguist in regions 
 little, if at all, known, and well deserving iKjt only to bu 
 visited Ijutevcii to be coloni/cd by lliu most civilized races 
 of mankind."— .K/i., N'(. --l.'i. 
 2. " A>k an<l Kcceive;" Hd ed., Edin., 1S7I, Ifimo. 
 :i. The Patriarchs; Kuth; and Jonah : Sunday Evening 
 Readings for the Y'oung, Lon., 187t), ]i. Svo, 4, Mis- 
 sionary Heroes in the Islands of the Pacific, Edin,, 
 1885, p. Svo. 
 >Villiuiii80ll, Andrew. Sport and Photography 
 in the Rocky .Mountains, lliust. Edin., 1^<SII, fol. 
 "The paper, typography, and plates of tlic bimk leave 
 nothing to lie desired; . . . while the narrative is so 
 plain, straiuhtl'orward. and evidently irutblul that the 
 reader feels it is written by a genuine and intelligent 
 sporusman."— .Viidoii, .x.x.xi. 317. 
 Williamson, Uev. Artliur, M.A., graduated at 
 Christ Church College, C:imbridgc, IStili ; ordained 1866 ; 
 vicar of St, James's, Norlands, London, since 1S7;>. 1. 
 The Children's Manual: with a Collection of Hymn?. 
 By Rev, C. II. liateman. Lon., 1870, H2mo. 2. Spirit- 
 ual Instructions, Lon., IS79, Svo. H. The Outstretched 
 Hands: (Joiid Friday Addresses, Lon., 18S4, Itiuio. 1. 
 The Way to Contrition and Peace; or, The First Ele- 
 ments of Spiritual Instruction, Lon., ISSS, 12ino. 5. 
 Disestablishment; or, The Crisis of Church and Sta»9: 
 Four Sermons, Lon., 12mo. 
 Williamson, llcnjainin, FelloT of Trinity Col- 
 lege, Dublin. 1. An Elementary Treatise on the Differ- 
 ential Calculus, Lon., 1S72, p. Svo; 5th ed., 1SS4, 2, 
 An Elementary Treatise on the Integral Calculus, Lon., 
 1S7.J, p. Svo; .'id ed., 18S0. With Taiii.ktos, F. A., An 
 Elementary Treatise on Dynamics, Lon., Issj, p. Svo. 
 Williamson, Charles Norris. Carlyle Birth- 
 dav Book, 18711, Dinio. 
 Williamson, Cl-iir. I. " Our Little Saint :" a Tale 
 of School Life, Glasgow, 1S79, 12mo. 2. Bessie Bl.ack's 
 Wager, (JIasgow, 1880, Uiiuo. 
 Williamson, Rev. Uavid R., minister of Kirk- 
 tnaidfti, Wigtownshire. Poems of Nature and Life, 
 Lon., 1SS3, fji. Svo. 
 Williamson, Edward H. Book of Deeds : 
 Forms of Deed for each State and Territory, Phila., 
 1881, l2mo. 
 Williameon, George C. Jottings on the Regal 
 Coinage and Token Currency of Guildford, Lon., 188.5, 
 Williamson, .'Mrs. II. K In AVhito and Gold : a 
 Story, I,on., ISSS, X vols. cr. Svo. 
 Williamson, Uev. Isaac Dowd, [<wir, vol. iii., 
 Wii.i.HMso.N, .1. D,, add.,] 1MI7- 1^71!, b. at Pomfrct, Va. ; 
 entered the minislry of the I'niversalist Church; held 
 several pastorates ; was I'luiplain of the order of Odd- 
 Fellows, Rudiments of Theological and Moral Science, 
 Ciii,, 1S7(I, 121110. 
 Williamson, Isabellv, of Chccfoo, North China. 
 Old Highways in China. lliust. ;ind .Map. Lon., Issl, 
 cr. Svo. 
 " Mrs. Wllliaiiisoii takcMis . , . Intothe liorao-Ufeof the 
 peoiile and iiim the private apartmcnl.* of the zenanas."— 
 .Si(. AVI'., li.x. li'.il. 
 Williamson, .'Wrs. J., of Balh. Pilgrim Lays 
 for the Homeward Bound, and Words of Counsel and 
 Comfort in Sunshine and Sli;idc, Lon., ISsil, l2iiio. 
 Williamson, J. II., .M.D. (Trans.) Diseases of 
 Women, by F. Winckel, .M.D. : with an Introduction by 
 Thcophilu's I'arvin. lliust. Phila., 1SS7, 12iiio. 
 Willifinison, Joliu. 1. Ferns of Kentucky. ll- 
 iust. Louisville, IS7S, 12iuo. 2. Fern Etchings ; Illus- 
 trating All the Species of Ferns indigenous to the 
 Northeastern United States and Canada ; 2d ed., Louis- 
 ville, 1S7U, 
 Williamson, John Bruce, graduated at Balliid 
 College, Oxford. ISS.i; called to the bar at the .Midillo 
 Temple ISS7. Tlio Foreign Ciuiimerce of England under 
 the Tudors : Stanhope Prize Essay. Lon., ISS.I, Svo. 
 Williamson, John V. English-Dakota Vocabu- 
 lary, Mazaehda. Neb., IS7I, l2nio, 
 Williamson, Joseph. History of the City of 
 Belfast in the Stale of Maine, from its First Settlement 
 in 17711 to 1S75. Illust. Portland, IS77, Svo. 
 '■ For the lirst ccuuiry of the town's existence he lias 
 finished its liislory, und no gleaner can conic after liiin."— 
 S'tUhni, xxv. "JOI. 
 Williamson, .M. J, 1. Invisibles: an Explana- 
 tion of Phenomena commonly called Spiritual, Phila. 
 1867, l2nio. 2. -Modern Diabolism, commonly called 
 Modern Spiritualism : with New Theories of Light, 
 Heal, Electricity, iiiid Sound, N. York, 1873, 12mo. 
 Williamson, U. J. T. History of the Old County 
 Regiment of Lancashire .Militia, Lon., ISSS, Svo. 
 Williamson, Stephen. Depreciation in llio 
 Value of Silver: a Letter addressed to S. Smith, Esip, 
 Lon., IS7(!, ,Syo, 
 Williamson, William Ciawford, LL.D., 
 M.R.C.S., F.U.S., professor of botany at Owens College ; 
 consulting surgeon to tlie .Manchester Ear Institution. 
 1. On the Recent Foraminifora of (iieat Britain, ( Ray 
 Soe. Pub.,) Loll.. IS.i7, fol. 2. The Organization of the 
 Fossil Plants of the Coal-Measures, (Philosophical Trans- 
 actions.) Parts I.-XIV. Lon., 1S7J-8S, 4to. :i. The 
 Succession of Life on the Earth, Lon., 1S77, l2ino. 
 Willing, .Mrs. Charles. I. Genevieve of Bra- 
 b.ant: a Legend in Verse. lliust. Phila., 18711, s(i. Svo. 
 2. Persephone, ami other Poems, Phila., ISSI, s(|. l2mo. 
 Willing, Mrs. Jennie Fowler. 1. Through the 
 Dark to the Day, Cin., IsO'.l, 12mo. 2. The Only Way 
 Out. lliust. Dost., ISSl, 12mo. 
 Willington, J. W. Elernal Scenes from the Poets, 
 and their \iews of the After- Life, Lon., 1SS7, p. Svo. 
 Willins, A. Lawrence Uillmore: Peasant ami 
 Pastor, Edin., 1S72, I'imo. 
 Willis, Charles Hope. The Handbook of Naval 
 Ammunition, Lon., ISS;'i, p. Svo, 
 Willis, Edward Cooper, Q.C., M.B., M.R.C..-. 
 Edin., b. I8:il ; graduated in medicine at Caius College, 
 Cambridge, IS,jS; called to the bar at the Inner Temple 
 ISli.i. Tales and Legends in, Lou., 188S, cr. Svo. 
 Witli WiUTKWAV, Ai (iisTiNK RoiiKiiT, The Law of Bank- 
 ruptcy under the Act of ISS;i, .tc, Lon,, 1S84, Svo. 
 Svillis, Uev. Edward Francis, M.A., graduated 
 at Balliol College, Oxford, ISOli; ordained ISBS; vice- 
 principal of Cuddesdon College IS70-S0, and since then 
 Oxford I'niversity missionary at Calcutta. I. The Sac- 
 rificial Aspect of tlie Eucharist, considered in Relation 
 to the One Atoning Sacrifice uiion the Cross : an Eiren- 
 icon, Oxf. and Lon., 1878, ?m. Svo. 2. Pope Honoriua 
 and the New Roman Dogma: Papal Infall bility irre- 
 concilable with the Condemn nation of a Pope for Heresy 
 by Three Ecumenical Councils, Lon., 1879, Svo. ;1. The 
 Worship of the Old Covenant, considered more especially 
 in Relation to that of the New, Oxf., 18SII, p. Svo; new 
 ed., I.SS7. 
 '"•""'I'll' '. Or tliOiVortli 
 li.t 'll/llll, 
 <'"'"l'"'l«^ ls.;s',s„;. ,; / ,':;:,';"• „""-• '■^'"'lern Art, 
 with ! 
 Selections from ,: , I.. ,L""''-"'"'^''' '.'™'''^' ''' 
 li'K'e A.ldre.-,-,.,, L„„ |.^''i ,, 7 ' '''"'■">•■"'■ "nU Col- 
 f^lieeille IJoscrlDtion oC 411 .i, ^ ■ ''ersey : with 
 A "'If'!"'^!!^!;' "^"■"'•'•Vlf ;'- Melbourne Argus. 
 o..^rT:::^',L!!^:;::v^. ''"'""^ -i ^theiine, „„., 
 N-,",'""' ".;.7'- <i'nrlos''; [.,,,,,, vol. iii., ,„ld.1 !.„,„ 
 u.rel; L,::: iVri'".":;'""" '» ^^"""'p = Thirtion'C. 
 I'ortincnt in I'e i? I t ' ., Majesty's Tele«r„|,h He- 
 ■ 'J '"" "• "!j;;f '^-•--t'^theuo.aicor 
 >e«e of f.u,ge„„« ,^;,,;;;;j ■--- --the Uoyal Col- 
 corresponding rnemher of the H,^ ,i 2 " , ' ""'' ""* " 
 "t (fottinge,^ the n^i.tla S^i^ / of '^li^'f f "'^^ 
 in the Karl, ,..;;;- :,r^«l-ji;;.;o-;nM^^ 
 low^a'td'i:;!';^-^;:;;^'^';^;;:; lirT^'j"',^'"""" '"" -h. aJ 
 .^"viee by llm'n pariia exa m A^' f , 'f "",".'-' .^'-'"•'-■llent 
 I'art^ f I , ,. ';^'"'"'™ "1 fifteen Years in Various 
 1 art. of tha, Country, from ,8«6 to I88I, L^n./mi' 
 "u'r)^'or''',Va''.v'?e,',?^,,C''^'''",'f' "f Propoun.ling chl- 
 , mud, about the V^ V "f, ;,'';. , '?.% ,"V"j'''t"lly toM u, 
 Iheeountrv nn.l ti,..„ ' tno .Shall, the pro. uct.^ of 
 LiL^ll;!.-.!:.::^:::;:;^,!!;^';''-^ Modern Persian 
 tl.i:/Ke^i,^'';vj;i;:'^;!-,;j^;?;'i^;;vl.H, «o to make „p 
 iS8s,v^„^:^;^-:: '^—^ i^aiuiiy M;:te:;;'ir, 
 M. Agatha's, Kin.sbury,;ineo 1871 Sn ' """, "^ 
 ■Spiritualism, l.on. M77 «';, "',"• .f", ^''« ^'ureli and 
 torieal Drama. T.nn iVw', 'V**' ?"'^Se'noor: a His- 
 of Naval 
 - more tnan twenty-nvo years of l,il>„„r i 
 1 the part of Prof Willi. ,.„ 1 r . '"bour,— eleven ! ,. „„ 
 nephew Mr. ClJk) ' ""^ ^"'""""' "" """ »f '"« i !"'''« Materia Mecliea.' rilu;t Lon 1877 .7;u -i ' "«r' 
 mv;'„treate,l iu a very 00 !:|.,,'V. "'"';, '.«,''».'l »ed, 
 I U value that hi b .1, iiv ,,'■"•''''■' ","ni«-'"w a.ldi- 
 iu.n ivo "' ^' '^' ^'''"' ''^'''■'"""' "<■ J«'»'. rhila., 1875, 
 NeiJhbo™rh:!.!.'::,n^.4 ^^T" "' "'"'»"" '^"' "^ 
 Lon ,1887, .s'vo,' °"' *"""'"'"■ ^"'-•'*' '"'J Humorous, 
 Willock, H illiam Alexander. The Elementary 
 I W ills, Herbert. 
 I for Pupil Teachers, Ao 
 V* Ills, ICev. .Ininiici. n Ik r ' * . ... 
 1. A Synopsis of English History 
 ■- f-on., 1883, p. Svo. 2. A Sy- 
 „„--■-, -"^y< IM"; 18,85, p. 8V0, 
 WilKs, .llarv II i « ' ''^l'-'*' * vols. 8vo. 
 IS76, 12mo * "^ Summer in Eurojie, Phila., 
 WilLs, \V. II,, of Vew 7oai . 1 1, i-- 
 Wills Willi„.« i'. •*• *°ng8 for the M'cary. 
 b 18^8 'in r.™ jM'f'nan. ["»<«, vol. iii add 1 
 TrinUy Co ege:DuJli "'s'tTdi^H '^'"""L """-'"^ «' 
 but is host knmvii nn ii ilnimiitist. I. rhftrlcx the Flrnt : 
 WilKon, Rov. A. n. 
 n l']\iuiiiiiiitiuii 1111(1 Itt'l'uliitii 
 an lli^toriciil Tmufily, ill Four Aol^fviTx'.j I „,„, ,. ,,„ 
 >V(.. (Tliiswus llrst uuled in 187:', with llcnrj- Irviii),' I Wine Tlivc.ry, bm., Is7r, n. Svo. 2, T 
 ill tho i)iiiifi|ml |mrt.) 2, Mclehior, l„,ii., issj, ,,. ,Hvn. 1 thr Wi.kcl, l,„ii„ 1S7H, I2iii(). 
 III!.. I. I. .1.1 !,-._ 1 .. ' I ..... '. ' ' 
 Tho Wine- (,f ihi^ llible: 
 1)1 till' UnfiTiiifiituil 
 lie Dontiiiy 'if 
 lly Ills lilaiikverse pliiyN Mr. \V. (I. Wills liiis f 
 time t'.stiilillslieil IiIh poslllnn ii.s n ,\ 
 WilNoii, AinU'i' 
 rurtliiT cliiilli'iincs I'dii.sjd 
 Tllf lllMlllullc Is f.\l'l.|' 
 riiiiuilli' |mil. Iluiiuw Aiilliors: (^udliilj.ins l.nn., IMM.I, ill 
 . (Jems i)f riioiight from CIusi'IchI 
 enuliiii II.S II iiiirrulivr |>iict 
 111 (I 
 l.f WllllKUIlK l( 
 HilNdii, .Vlcxiiiidcr JoHatkii 
 1. The lie 
 is Iduili'd witli Hint lii'Mvyc'iiinniiiiiiiiitlc lurii' nl' wlilcli »"uri'i'» "1' Mnileni Cnunlriis : Iv^^-iiys lmvuril.1 iin Ksli 
 .Mr. Wills I 
 mpli'li' iiiustrry, anil which was imticfublo 
 111 his piiwcrl'iil. ir iiiK'i|iiiil, iinvi'Is."— .1///,, Nil. »r. . 
 " Till' pliMsurc wlilcli a iviidcr will lliiil in it is akin In 
 that which alli'iirls ||,,. ivaillnn ii( (inc (if TiiiKfiiii'irs 
 -T. ll,vi.i, I 
 iiiatii"'' the llcdiKiiiiic I'lisilion iif Nalions and l!r 
 Tnid ■ 
 ' He hi 
 ct-. I,. 
 (lis. Sv 
 AiNK; .led'/., xxvli. ll'.'l. 
 \VithHKKK.\K, lldN. Mils. ; 1. L> 
 oriii. niMl we kiinw nf im 1 
 IU'Ct('(l many slall«tles into ft cdiivcnii'iit 
 I87:i, llii 
 lawiiift-iiuiiiii Dramas, 
 2. WIkiko Hand? !h;- My.-turv of 
 niiii'h midalil 
 Ilk (if ihc kind In which vi 
 (' nialtt'r Is cdllfftial In sii nioilcratu i 
 is.sil, I2ii 
 mil IIiikIk's, M.')., [(iii^p, vol. 
 N(i Miin's Heath, I,( 
 Uillxhirc, Willi 
 iii., add.] I. An Inlnidiiciiun to the .'^tudy and Cidlec- 
 tion id' Ancient Prints, l,(in., I,s7;t, 2 V(il.s. Svo; 2d ed., 
 1877. 2. A l)es('ri|itiveC'atali)Kiie of I'layinj} and other 
 Cards in the liritish .Museum: a(Toiii|ianied by a Con- 
 cise History of tlie Suhjecl, .le., Lon., 1876, Svo. Ii. A 
 Desuriiitive Catalogue of Karly Prints in the British 
 Museum ; (ierniaii and I'loiuish .Sehouls. Illust. hon., 
 1881-8:1, 2 vols. r. 8vo. 
 WilNoii, A. Kivers. Chemical Notes for Phar- 
 uifteeuticiil Students, l.oii., \s' , p. .Svo. 
 yVillson, IIiiKli llowlby. 1. Tho .Science of 
 Shi|i-Hiiil.liii); considered in its Kelatiuns to the Liiiv.t of 
 Nature. Illust. Lon., 18(i:i. 2. The .Moiiev (iucslion 
 considered .sScieiitilieally and Praclica' : with a Letter 
 from .M. Chevalier, and Observations on Ainerioan B'i- 
 nance, Lon., 1S71, Svo. :i. Industrial Crises: their 
 Causes and Keiiiody, Wash., 1 8711, 8vo. 1. Currency; 
 or, The Kandamental Principles of Monetary Science. 
 N. York, 1882, 12mii. 
 WillHOil, T. Edgar. It is the Law ; a Novel, N. 
 York, 1 887, 12iiio. 
 Willsoii, Tliiiinns B 
 The Handy liuide to Nor- 
 way : with Maps, and an Apiiendi.v on tho Flora and 
 Lepidoptera of Norway, by K. C. K. Jordan, Lon., I88(i, 
 Willyains, Miss Jnne Louitin, i mie, vol, iii., 
 add.] The Tower of the Hawk: ii History of the 
 House of Ilabsburg. By the Author id' " Cbilion." 
 Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 
 Hiliiuill, t;. .Sketches of Living Celebrities, Lon., 
 1882, p. Svo. 
 Wiliiier, II. (Trans.) Modern Dry-Plates; or. 
 Emulsion Photography, by .T. M. Eder. Edited by 11. 
 B. Prileliard. Lon., 1S8I, 8v,,. 
 Wilmer, .Mrs. .MnrKuret E., [hhIf, vol. iii., add.] 
 1. Kva's Kn(;iij;eiiient King, N. York, 1872, 12iiio. 2. 
 The Little (iirl in Black, N. York, 1872, 12mo. :t. Tho 
 Dumb Traitor, N. York, 187:i, 12iuo. 1. Tho Olass 
 Cable, IS7:i, 12ino. 5. Tho .Silver Castle, N. York, 1876, 
 12mo. 6. The Prince of Diwd Fellows, .V. York, 1881, 
 16mo. 7. Haunted Islands. .V. York, 1881, Kimo. 
 Wilnicr, Itt. Ilcv. Iticliard Hooker, D.D., 
 LL.p., b. |8|(i, ut Ale.vandria, Va. ; graduated at Yale 
 18H(i, and at the Theological .Seminary at Alexandria 
 \S:VJ; ordained 18III; Bishop of Alabama since 18fi4. 
 Tho Recent Past from a .'southern Stand-Point: Kein- 
 iniscenccs of a (Jrandfather, N. York, ISS7, Svo; 2 J ed. 
 same year. 
 Wilniot, A., [«»(f, vol. iii., add.] 1. Ilistoiy of 
 the Zulu War, Lon., issii, p. Svo. 2. The .Story of tho 
 Scottish Keformalion, Lon., 1881, or. Svo. .3. Hiitory 
 of the Society of Jcsns, Lon., 1886, er. Svo. 4. (Ed.) 
 Poetry of South Africa, Lon., 1888, cr. Svo. 
 Wilmot, .Mrs. Kraiiees Augusta Eardletr., 
 daughter of (i. J. Pennington; married, 1S51, to Major 
 F. M. Eardley-Wilmot, (d. 1S77,) son of the first Bar- i , ,. . , 
 onet. .Memorials of Frederick .Marow Eardley-Wilmot i i ''"■■*' " "»"v« bearers, and, unaccompanied by any 
 By his Widow. Lon., ISSO Svo i-uropean, made his way from Simla to Chinese Thibet, 
 pass."— .Sif. l;,i\, .\lv. ;II0, ;!72, 
 2. Hanking Kclorin : an Essay on Prominent Banking 
 Dangers and the Keinedies they demiind, Lon., 18711, Svo. 
 .1. Ueciprocily, Bi-Metallism, I'lnd Land Tenure Ueforiii, 
 Lon., 1 88(1, Svo. 1. The National liudget : tho National 
 Debt, Taxes and Kates, ("Englisli Citizen" Scr.,) Lon., 
 1882, |). Svo. 
 Wilson, Alc..aiidcr Si<>|iheii, [diitc, vol, ill., 
 add.] I. A Creed of T i-Morrow, [verse,] Lon., 1S72, 
 12mo. 2. The Botany of 'Ihrce Historical Keoords : 
 Pharaoh's Drei The Sower, ami I'he King's .Measure. 
 Illust. Ellin., 1878, p. Svo. S. A Bushel of Corn, 
 Edin., ISsl. 
 "The ailniirable volume before lis. . . . on which patient 
 labour and varied leaiiiiiig and research have Ijoeii be- 
 stowed without slim."— .Icdii., XXV. 170. 
 •I. Songs and Poems, Lon., ISSI, p. Svo. b. The Sur- 
 vival of the Fittest iind the Salvation of the Few: a 
 Criticism of Natural Law in the Spiritual World, Pais- 
 ley and Lon., 1SS7. 0. The Lyric of a Hopeless Love, 
 Lon., ISss, s(i. Svo. 
 Wilson, Air. See"), .Ioiin .\i,Kni!D, iii/'ni. 
 Wilson, Andrew, Ph.D., F.K.S. IMin., lecturer 
 on zoology, Edinburgli. 1. The Llemcnts of Zoology, 
 Ellin., 1872, l2ino. 2. Student's (iuide to Zoology: 'a 
 Manual of the Principles of Zoological Science. Lon., 
 187-1, 12mo. 3. The Colorado Potato-Beetle Illustrated 
 and Described, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. J. Sketches of Ani- 
 mal Life and Habits, Edin., l877,cr.8vo; now ed., 1881. 
 b. Stanilard Animal Physiology, Edin., 1878, 12mo. (!. 
 Leisure-Time Studies, chiefly Biological : a Series of 
 Essays and Lectures, Lon., 1878. 
 " Iir. Wilson's pages teem with matter stinuilatiiu; to a 
 Healthy love of science and a reverence for the triilhs of 
 nature."— .svir, Itt,;, xlviil. uo. 
 7. Leaves from a Naturalist's Note-Book, Lon., ISSl, 
 12mo. 8. Introduction to the Study of Flowers; being 
 Practical E.xercises in Elementary Botany, Edin., ISSI, 
 12iuo. 9. Wild Animals and Birds: their Haunts and 
 Habits; new ed., Lon., 1882, p. .|to. ID. Chapters on 
 Evolution: a Popular History of the Darwinian and 
 Allied Theories of Development. Illust. Lon., 18S2, 
 p. Svo. 11. ,\ .Manual of Health Science, ,tc., Lon., 1885, 
 12ino. 12. Studies in Life and Sense. Illust. Lon., 
 18S7, cr. 8vo. l;i. Health for the People, 1887, cr. Svo. 
 With others. Common Accidents, and how to Treat them. 
 Illust. Lon., ISsii, p. Svo. 
 Wilson, Andrew, [<(m(c, vol. iii.,, A., third 
 of the mime, add.,] IS.'il-lSSl, eon of Rev. .loliii Wilson, 
 D.D., of Bombay, ii,/,-n ; was educated at Edinburgh 
 University, and ut Tiibingen, (Jermany ; began his lit- 
 erary career as a writer for the Bombay Times, and soon 
 afterwards became connected witli Blackwood's Maga- 
 zine, to which he contributed during the rciuainder of 
 his life. About 186(1 he became editor of the China 
 Mail, and accompanied the Pckin expedition to Tientsin. 
 For a number of years before his death his health, owing 
 to an all'eetion of the heart, was very feeble. His journey 
 into the upper valleys of the Himalayas in 1874 was 
 underlaken at a time when he was unable to walk or to 
 mount a horse, lie had himself carried in a ilnmlt by 
 Wilinot, Sir John Eardley Eardley, Bart., 
 [(inio, vol. iii., add..] .M.P. for South Warwickshire 
 1874-85. (Ed.) A Meuoir of the Rev. J. Parry, Non- 
 conformist Minister, Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 Wilinot, Capt. Sydney .Marow Eardley, 
 K.N., b. 1847 ; son of tho preceding. (Ed.) Our Journal 
 in tho Pacific. By the OlficerB of II. M.S. "Zealous." 
 Jlap and Illust. Lon., IS?:!, «vn, 
 Wilson, .Mrs. Sidney Martyn; or, Time will Tell, 
 Glasgow, 1878, p. Svo. 
 Wilson, A. G. Gray-. May: "a Succourer of 
 Many." Illust. Lon., 1888, p. Svo. 
 and thence along the whole line of the Western Hima- 
 laya-s, sometimes travelling at an altitude of I8,()U() feet 
 above the sea. Tho Abode of Snow: Observations on 
 a Journey from Chinese Tibet to the Indian Caucasus, 
 through the Upper Valleys of tho Himalaya, Edin. and 
 Lon., 1875, Svo; 2d ed., 187B. 
 ,..V,-^f'^''; " liistiiigiiishcd literary career in China, Mr. 
 Wil.soii hiLs latterly made Western India his home. . . . 
 There i.". an airy frr:slini'a» st«.r,t ''.!i-. Wlls.iu's slylc, which 
 seems to hint to the reader that passage after passage was 
 really eompiwed and written down whilst the explorer 
 was at his favourite lieight-12,0<J0 feet-above the level of 
 the sea, with the immeasiirahle expanse of snowy peaks 
 before him, and beneath his feet the shimmering glaciers 
 wtilch arc tin 
 « inivi'lH HI- 
 ITllilllM.C till 
 iiilltlillcst rl 
 vpm III rn.1ln. 
 I lif iiiffiB Will, ,„| 1,7, w, r,J.,, ,'""'"■ '"" 111' 'I 
 > ■Mint *" "" "IN \V,IV w til n M>lt..l.i . .. 
 Nil. JIWI, 
 "The Vtilf i,f K 
 «'iywitli lnl„ilti,|,|i.H|,ir|,"_,j;r "'" '•ii«"n,|„ I 
 a tills 
 it-^liiiiir pri.iliii,,! 
 "Till III 
 KI.V, |1,,|,K 
 111. An OiitIi 
 ntfiiUKi., |,„i,._ |n,o_ |, 
 'ii>n nt ,J«riiiiuli 
 no Orn 
 Kr™t ti'iiipK, „r M, M I !"w""'"'l "'<■ nili 
 '>ii ilils ir.ivellei- ItH i Kkviu 
 '"■ /'"iiiiil III tl 
 iiinniiT ,.,,,1(1,1 „,s,.| 
 II' wiirk-i.r ,,;) 
 !■ mills ,,f iin 
 ' ' ■ ' \Viili\r 
 "■"illiii; piililK, 
 iiilvciitiirc III ill 
 't II- 
 'ii' lnni'll|.i- 
 "liu.iiil Mr. \Vi|,,, 
 hiidIIhi' |. 
 'IIIWIT, llii.ilKll |„ 
 " ■i' lull iiriiiii.r. 
 K>|itiun ,<uudi 
 IT. Mn 
 »'• Wii....,u,, .\I.D.,"F.U.t")>.: \i .. . ' •• * 
 iiiiiinr iif 
 Willi Fk,. 
 "»• Ma|Hi,n,lIllu,t. i'oti.Is 
 t' iiamillvi. virtiiall 
 ' 'IT, wliljvi vr ^ 
 iIImIsIh I, I' Iv 
 III 111! 
 11! \'ictoria .V 
 il.Mlll l|< 
 yaiizii an, I 
 I'.-i'iij.e.i til,, n,,;,,; I 
 II anil tho 
 1! vols. 
 ";;■">. H'l,, t„ ihi',.,', ,?rXi. ;','',\l';"'-'-'|'-'i' ii •■III" - 
 It'Klilllllull 1,1' |„|,|,., 1 I I I „. ' . ,'V"'1',«^''"I'- "Mil tl. 
 ■I lIllMlullivuril,,. Vi,.,.,,, .1- I ,"'■'""">■ l"'illK |,|'i>v.,l 
 "ilHoii, Arlliiir. I, \c',u 
 r«>"lilol,sii:'; |.i.i.Mi,. 11 1 r';,''i •""■ '" ""•• inner 
 '■lilt,,, f,|„co l.sfs. I •,' 'f i„ I 'Vl""'"" ('"urt, ('ill- ' 
 I'"!.., '87:),,-^vi,. L. V,; l^,^,'","' ''" J'"'!.''*'..". Dill,' 
 'i"ii.-Vct, lH7rt. A,.., S7S. ■^;i ""'.'•M'lM'lliito .Inii.iii,,. 
 Antonio. Te.v:,anii'art ::',,:' rh^/'-'ilf at .S.n' 
 "he wan ,«arrl,.,l in ,,s„,s , I, ;,-';'': '"' '^'''- «'''"" 
 » f"lo of III,, Alamo, .V. Yo ^ h-I^''^' '• '-"-■' ^ 
 2- «culali,N. Vork, I.Kiii lo„,, ',.,,', •; '-'""• Anon, 
 numerous oditionn.) .( .U,,', h,/ , "", ''"'' «"no tlirmiKli 
 '"'""• <• St. Klmi. .\'.'vok'si'->9 "''"''' ^'"- "^''■'' 
 ',"■.•' Until Death us . ,. .a,', ' v'v^'T'' ''■ ^"'"'"i ^ 
 «• rnfelice: a Novel. N V, u' „^;,\":'^- '''*«-. l-'ino. j 
 MiT,..v „r Tiberiii,: a Nov, IV ' \ ^J '"""• '• '^t the 
 'IlM'-Sehool ■lV,ii-l„,|„, "" KH-'-'li' " """" '■'"••'*""- 
 ^.ur/^?^:;,;, fSr^io l-'s'''"^'^ ^^-'"-"- ■' I 
 a^Hoinanocof the Franoo.PruV.ia^^-Wa-Vrn",'^;!';; 
 Toxl^IrK,Si:;n;:;^:^-,.„^"^i-inr,„ko: tirl'k 
 oneea, \. VorkT l.srs l'";,,, '""' ^""'-^""-'s. "nJ Heler- 
 It"^.l"^:"ie!;;;^f'ljt;!f-^^;,- -'-t librarian of the 
 bei-i« the .^i.vth Book of -ho iTl .Ji' , " " r"!'-'' """""- ^ 
 latei for the Kii-t Ti„i.. • ""'I'ln-tiui of Jilmi : T,.;,,,,. 
 Knglish ) o^".i/v^::"V^':i'f' "1 'V|.,ian into 
 Hvo. ^'^•^' *'"i''' ^"'es, Un., issa, i,r. 
 WilNoii, Charles Heath. .1 isio. k • „, 
 burKh; son „f Amirew Wil.oV ;.'^'*-= *>• m Eilin- 
 liiiKlscape-paintor • tiilW. ; ''',';"n«iii''li>;a Seotcli 
 1826 roLleiuYth tior„;"i.f, "'-;«''• ""J i" 
 returned to Eilinhurgh, where ho nli^' ''."' ""'"•"•aids 
 toet. Ahuut lS4ti he was n,n''„,P """■■""' "" "n aiohl- 
 Art Sehool i„ (31a, l"ow an ' "' i'"";'"'' "'' "'o ^'>''< 
 ■■•^flJ.when here ix.d ai diHn'rr,' """ ''"■^'''»" 'i" 
 life resid,.,| i„ Italy ohievi^M ''° '"'""'''^« -"' liis 
 the centre of „ I ,.;,^ lit,', :!.J ^'''^'n.''"- "hero ho was 
 am. W„rk« of Midrela g ''j^Jli'^^rr,:;;":' °„ ^''r't- ''" 
 <^>^;^^ 'V'^li!?^;!.,!^ K-^;;;^"-^ a ,n,e history, Ills, ,„' i,,e eriti, .^ i 'i' ',V ' '^.^ 'V' ,P\V('h.„i;,ii,.,u 
 tha solidarity whieliiv V,^ „, 'J? , «'\« ,V his siil.jeot 
 -"'/;';'^^,'!sr'^" '" i^"«'^^'-'"?-"ni;e,r.a;';!;;;j;:;^^ 
 (iiul s<'"l>o.ifasiitHt'iom r i .. ri?/"''''V^'''^ MrenRtli 
 « ,t<, be applauded (' rs.mj' "''//' TO'''!'' iiut . . ^■t 
 Hslesone or two spoein ,^, .Tr"^' "^""'": « oslab- i 
 I'l-al Kives English read. rs„,,,,,w ■.?'""•'■ "'"" '" Ken- < 
 nmterials aint their ^ami^l^^l'i*'^,;;;- '!'j;-/^e^ j 
 l/n"eJ'";;.',„f''«„t:,,,f-,;''''''^Mining Laws „f the' 
 Zanzibar to tl 
 ii('ri..,s that lake, a,, u,,|| asi'^:,",;',';,, ","'i' ""."^'i' Juuriieys 
 'any iiii.nths. |,is lell, „ 'v ..t'k ''' '' ''^'T' '"' ''^■■'''''■'1 '"f 
 'h.' re«l.,„s to the iioi'Vli ''- i/a Tv,','..'h:',',''''''' '" ''™1 "Uli 
 I- Hi'i; Myi!i':n:!;:i^,: :uu,;;f i!!£'f'i^ '"■ '-vei, „ri,. 
 '';' .<lr. >ti , "ley" , d '7ld Tl','", ',',' ' »"""la exp sMy 
 .Mlesa-lhe sIhl-hIi r i. .. .7 "i'"' ""' "■"Ims ..l' Kli i 
 ,t'haplain at llombav l'^,", 7J ' •'' ■ '"'h'lni'.l IHlll, 
 I '--2. "n-an7y;ie:-l:;,;;:rvlo:''i-.rj^^?' 
 ;f ;J.S'^,!T!:::';/^[::i.e- ,';-^«lve,, u, the work bemre 
 "lid il.-ervi's i„ b ,\, i, ?,, "■"""■*■ "^ sliiiiiliii„ a • iiles 
 ""..ii'ti rest II, Ills pnd'.'',: ;; '••''^5'7'-'y' «,V-'!,lrf »hi, t'ak'e^ 
 , t'''-'"^H m;!;::r;;^!^i^';?^^''- '^■'-i ica. 
 ' h.ut anil lilKlily'-, I ' ',, '?"'';•,'„•;'; .'I'""-''' ."itli llie br |. 
 '7.i..V,::i..^",':s'', t.^--"". ^^^^^A France, .ro2- 
 »ho';'Sci;!i^^i,;;:;'l„"";i ,'" coio„ei wii,„„ a cnti. 
 liiive treated It Willi ,,t^^i„',''H •'"■->'>■ to his siibjuet a id 
 Vir^l '"«-''''V-M'h.:^e'b;:,i;!;^;;i:;^!;s?i^4a£' 
 K."M":"l,.a"'- ,,!*!> ?!J^!- ""'iam, K.C.B.! 
 "•'-Iwieh; enter! he iiova'F- ' "•"' '^ '^''"™"«J » 
 B..K0,1 in e.veavatio,'t tK,|e;';f'"'ir'' '■'^ = """ «"■ 
 nnil was eonsu|.,a.neral in V , i ,''-''l''"''''''"n Fund, 
 V" KKy|"h.n c,.^;" ™1 ",.''."" "h 'l^ ,f »-«^^ -rved in 
 'lepannicnt with the force r.nt, ""'.'ntelligenee 
 '•^'^■^ands„„eeede,^(A„oal^",„. T "'" K'-ai-'oun, i„ 
 ."Ivance column .• i ee^ in", r'^'I'i '■"'""'"na of tho 
 v.o> of England since T,.sfi^F,''f ■'". "''' "°« ■^''^- 
 tine. .^iiiai. ,„„i V ^ MaiiVnn i' II "^'".•<?q"e I'ales- 
 '"^l. I vols. ,, .1,,,. y 'k^o,;, yii";' ,'.'"«'• Lon., KS.SO- 
 f the De.Kort .March fro . r .•'" '^-Lai-tuni .• a .Journal 
 ^-ontoftho .Xi.rh't r..,.'^?"','",«".^'". and of tU 
 A.«oont of the .Vile i, ( ."enU?. ' ,'" .""'^''•' ""'' »f "'e 
 .^e^'.I;:tlf'?;f;!;fi;^,;y;J■;v.,iH. the tale is told does not 
 the1*e'iin'u,',;',"f "if'"' ^''"i'''^^'"'- «''1"'">™ Survey of 
 tion of ."^ir jr Jam J ^'""f "n, Bart., under the Birec 
 With WAim'iv.^a:; : c r ;"A'".?'i!' t-''- ' '■■"■ 
 -^nlfiii: a Narrative of k.,'' f-*" ""''"very of .Jeru- 
 tho City and tl iVoi; L^,:, ' "::= 7" ""," ^'''"^'^^y in 
 Arthur Penrhyn Stanley D Dr^^ "" ^"'■'.'"'"'^^thm by 
 Cited by Walter Alir is^„'„^M P iZ" r ""*'■"'"«'". 
 ' "lestine E.xploration Fum Ion is-?"""?' *" "'^ 
 also an account of exn|oruti«n» i„ ,i, ''o '•'• ' rn>^^'uJc3 
 by P. W. Holland ^''P"'™"""" "> ""e Peninsula of .■^inai 
 P«r4 f;;n.i"'';,;;i'i??illl?'S';?,;*;i|;'e.. an,, desuUory in 
 men's eiiersy and skill f.?.,, I ""'. ""H-'uts of ,„ir countrv. 
 ""^^;:-*<n'"vi' , xxxi" ,%'*^'"'h'rly and seiontilic explora- 
 Poci,is',T"'.,V8s"'|,":Svo"''"''' '" ""' *^"''«"' ""J o'ber 
 HUson, U.,and Uoss r pi- .• 
 Hi- fi't^of t n^anr: ,•d^'•^•' ^;«-"'«- ["'"»- vC 
 College, Toronto, since | si"'- k'^'^K^f."'' University 
 Queen's Choir : i Keverv it H tv^M"^ P^^^' '• The 
 "every m Roalin Woods, Edin.. I.Si'i 
 1531 ■' 
iVi. Anon. f)nl.v no i.oiiipi prlntpil. 
 DilWii : nil 
 M '■ 
 .'Ml cii|iii.j priiiti'il 
 K'l-iiim, !• 
 l"l. n. t^Urilii; Willi FlnwiMn ll„ Wli U il...„ ■.< i.. 
 Spring Willi KI(iwcM«, \\y Wii. >V1 
 _ ■iirn, l',-.|., of till' (hiior Toiii|ilr, ||>h('ii<I.] i .ronln, 
 I"!"; ncnv I'll., with (h.. iiullinrV imnif, l,„n., IS76. 
 liilihiin, Ihc .MIn^-iiiK l,lnk, l.,.ii„ |H7;i, .sv.j. 
 fl,'.'.'l"'',!'',"'''''f^^'"T'V, ■ ■ ■ •i"vlintMu.llr.lHilli«nm..c.|iri. 
 ' I'rl ... of .■v,,lii||„i, „,. i„„k1,i (,y Mr, |,ur»lii an. I his 
 ll-i I lirs, liiiiN H.- liiiuiy hnve rniin.l Inlorr hliii. a niip In 
 hrj-lmin which ui,«ht .■,.iill,„,„u»ly n,,..,.. Ih,. hl.h- 
 .-I «lll Ih,. !„ v.M ..ri,aM,..,,ll,.i,, III his inliMl Ihi' vrrv 
 Hnist sa»aKi. (. ,siliml,.l.v r,.| ,, |,, |„. li„„k,.,| ,,n t,, i|,;. 
 Mi ■! 1 I nill.inalily, Iml lnf,.rl..r I.. Ihc ||i.a,st?] an- 
 lii'ipolil npi- 111 ihdsi. iiHiunil prnvishiiis i,,r .■i.viTlnif, cic- 
 ciicc aiMl siilislsii'iif,. which arc Ihc siihsliimcx for Ihc 
 h"',','.' H 'V";"'*-''", "'"' " ■■'"''' l<ii",-c on w h 
 lie iiakc.I, ilclciicclcss NivaKc relics. This hdnj. i „.,. 
 .car UK 1,1 111,, realm ,.i rcallly. .Mr. Wil.soii iliscovcrs In 
 r ill,, , '.'"m"' ,?"'|"'<''l"'"rc. wli,,, 111 coiiipniiy wllh the 
 '''''"." ."I,^"-- lt';l"Tl llrow „, l.s carclillly-. hlercl 
 %r XX rl-," ^''■"'l'''>-''''"ii.'""l i» Thi.ol,iKlaii,"-.Si/. 
 .''. liciiiiiii.-i.oiice.. of 01(1 EilliihurKh. EMin , 
 I.S7.>I, 'i vol.-. |1. .Hvo. I 
 .. ",''T7P ?"■ '''rl"''"! ""'"•Ii" in Mr. \Vils,,irs two volmncH, I 
 IS 1! m-hi have hccii cxpcctcl In a w,,rk , ipilcl after' 
 iMi.h nss|,l,i,,ii.s research. re|far,llii>r a city which forclKli- , 
 •Is who have seen all Knr Innv hesilalc! hi iiro- 
 ','„ ,T ,'",'•'■ "' . '"■ """■' ^l'l'<l"K >'"pilMls of til,, w, rl,l. 
 Hni the ln|,,rniatl,in is lerrlhly ,llsJoliitc,l."-.Si/. Kcv., xlv. 
 . no"?".', !*'"■''>' """■''' ^'•'^- *>• '**••' «r«.luatod 
 lit llallhil tullcKc. O.xl.inl, l^Ti: cnllcil lo tlio liar at tbo 
 Inner Temple IH77. Tiie Law ami I'ractl,... „f the liilla 
 of .Niles Ads I.x.^l, 18firt,anil I87S ; e„nipri.Mng the Acts, 
 1 leccdent.s, ami Fiirm.s, together with Notes on the Uw 
 ol Fixtures an, I Hankruptcy, I,on., 1S7,>I, p. ,Svo. 
 W il-Hon, E., (icicnoe teii,.hcr at the South Kensing- 
 ton .Mii,.<euni. 1. Introiliictory Lecture on (icology 1872, 
 L,.n., l'<7:', Kiino, :'. The Kxamination Questions given 
 by thcNnenee and Art Department at .Soutli KensingKm 
 or the Last Five Vears In Geology : witli Answers, Lon., 
 IS72, 12nio. 
 M ilson, E. Hcininiscenees of a Frontier OflSoer In 
 .•south Africa, Lon., 1^84, er. 8vo. 
 Wilson, E. II. Develo|imeut of Ronilla, (Philo- 
 sophir'ttl Traiisaction.s,) Lon,, IS.S|, 4to. 
 WilHun, E. T. riisinfoctant.s, and how to use 
 them; LM ed., Lon., 1S72, 32mo; new ed., 1S.S|. 
 Wilson, Ilpv. Edward, [„iii,; vol. iii., first of the 
 name, add.,] 18111-1871; graduatcl at Merlon College, 
 <)\for,l, 1.S22; rector of Topcroft from 1824. I. The 
 Phas of the I'hiiivli : Five Kssays, addressed to the 
 Kitfht Hon. W. !•;. Gladstone, Lon., 1809, 8vo, 2 
 Prayer for the Dead, and the " Mater Dei :" a Letter 
 to the Arehhishop of Canterbury, Lon., 1870, .S. The 
 Chun.hinan's Manual of Apostolic Doctrine, Lon,, 1871 
 12nio. 4. Woundeil in the House of ins Friends: a 
 Diatribe, Lon., 1872, 8vo. ,'). Kxpostulalory Letter to 
 the \en. R. IJIakcloek, Arch.leacon of Norfolk, upon 
 the Charge deliveicl in the Recent Visitation : with an 
 Appendix, Lon., 187.!, 8vo, fi. The Martyr of Carthage; 
 a ialc, I, on., 1S75, 12mo. 
 WilxMi, Rev. Edward, [niitc, vol. iii„ second of 
 the naiiif, add.] Parochial .Sermons, Lon., 1874, 12mo, 
 WiNon, Rev. Edward F., ordained 18(i7: prin- 
 cipal of Shingwiink Indu.stiial ILime, Ontario, since 1875 
 .Missionary Work among the Ojibway Indians. Illust. 
 Lon., 1886, p. 8vo. 
 Wilson, Edward Livingstone, [untr, vol. iii,, 
 add. J 1. Lantern Journeys, Philn., I2ino, 2. Photo- 
 graphics : a .Series of Lessons, accompanied by Notes on 
 All the Processes which are Needful in the Art of Pho- 
 tography, Phila., 188,% 12mo. ,i, A Quarter Century in 
 1 holography ; a Collection of Hints on Practical Photog. 
 raphy. Jllust. N. York, 18^7, 8vo. And see Lka. 
 .M.lTllKW TahKV, »ll/,/-.l. 
 W ilson, Elizabeth. Lights and ,Shadows of An- 
 cient huropenn Mythology, Language, and History; or, 
 Odin s Runa of Yggdrasil, Lon., 1881, or. 8vo. 
 Wilson, Ernsmiis. Quiet Ohsorvations on the 
 Ways of the World. Illust. N. York. 1887, 12ma 
 Wilson, Franct'sca Henrietta. 1. Learning 
 m.idc Pleasant: a First liook for Children. l.„n I«rn 
 12uio. 2. Truth better than Fiction; or, Interesting 
 laics and Anecdotes for the Y'oung, Lon., 1871, I2ino 
 ;i. Roinbles in Northern India; with Incidents and Dc- 
 •on, Franc-in. I, WMiore shall I Worship when 
 lam.Sivcl? ill Verse. Ily F, W. Lon., I.s7ii; |i;,„„, 
 ^ - .>*ea.M,le ,Mu-ings: New Brighton .SanfU: in Verse: 
 I containing .Many Important Truths of Sorlpturo, Ac. 
 Lon,, 18711, niiiio. ' ' 
 WiliioM, Hev. Frcderirk AnKUHtiix linslord* 
 dp-, M..\., grailimti'il at Ihrlhinl ('..llcge, (Lxfonl 
 HII8; ordained IsilM; tutor of unallii, hc,l stu,lents In 
 the University of OxfonI since |m(HI. l. (Trans ) Aris- 
 totle'ii Kthics. Hooks l.-IV. ami X.; with Notes, Oif.. 
 1884, 8vo. 2. Analysis of Adam Smith's " Wealth of 
 Nations," I|,,oks I. an, I II., l)\f., |ss.-,, 8vo. 
 n ilson, Frederick F. Law Rulings an, I De- 
 cision- „( iho Ailjiitant-IJineral's (im,.e goveriiliig Do- 
 scrlion. Puh. by C.S. Gov't. Wash., 1882, Nvo 
 Wilson, Frederick J., editor of The Cmiprehon- 
 sh.nist. 1. The Philosophy of Cla.ssificntlon i lieing a 
 llaso lor Thought, a Measurement for .M.iralily, an, I a 
 I hey to Truth, Lon., is(li), svo. 2. My Rights! Your 
 Rights ! Our Ri^his ! ! ! .My Right to my Tenancy as 
 m.V freehold. Ily a Coniprelieiisionist. Lon., l.'<7tl, Svo 
 Wilson, Frederick J. F. 1. Stereotyping an,l 
 hleclrotyping: a Guide lor (he I'rodiiclion of Plates by 
 •ho Papicr-MachC. and Plaster Proi-esses, Lon., I8SII, p 
 8vo. 2, Tyiiographic PrintingMacliinos and Machine 
 Irinliiig, Illusi, Lo-.., I88II, p. 8vo; .'(d ed., ls,86. 
 With GiiKV, , Printing Machinery and Letter-Press 
 Printing. Illust. Lon., 1S88, r. Svo. 
 W'ilson, Frederiek Richard. 1. An Ai.bitec- 
 tural ,Survey of the Cliiirches in the Archiliiiconry of 
 Lindisfarne, Newcastlcupon-Tyne, 1870, 4to. 2. A 
 Practical Guide for Inspectors of Nuisances, Lon., 1881, 
 |). Kvo, 
 Wilson, Frederick Sydney. Australian Songs 
 and Poems, iSyilney, 1n70. 
 Wilion- G. H. The Musical Year-Rook of the 
 Unite/I States : a Record of the .Music performed In the 
 (ountry : with the Roston Season in Detail, Uost., 1887, 
 lonio. ' 
 Wilson, Gavin. Calculator for the Metal Trades. 
 Manchester, 1881!, sm. 8vo. 
 Wilson, George, M.A., M,D., F.R.S. E,lin., modi- 
 cal officer of I -.alth for the .Mid-Warwickshire Di.«triot. 
 1 I. A Iland-Uook of Hygiene, Lon., lS7:t, p. 8vo; fith 
 0,1., 1888. 2. Sanitary Defects in Villages and Country 
 Districts, and how to reoiedy (hem, Lon., 1870, er. 8vo 
 .1. Health and Kxercisc, Lon., I87H, p. Svo. 4. Healthy 
 Lite and Healthy Dwellings : a Guide to Personal and 
 Domestic Hygiene, Lon., 1880, 12ino. 
 Wilson, George. A .Sketch of the Life of George 
 W Ilson, (he lihickheath Pedestrian. Written by Himself. 
 Lon., 1875, 8vo. 
 Wilson, George. The Old Days of Price's Patent 
 Candle Company, Lon , 187fi, p. Svo, 
 Wilson, Rev. (ieorge. The Kingdom of God 
 developed accordin;: to the Inspired Records and Pre- 
 dictions, Bloomlngton, III., 1887, 8v,i. 
 Wilson, (;eorge F. The Royal Horticultural So- 
 ciety : a.s It IS an I as it might be, Lon., 1874, i Svo 
 Wilson, George II. Ena; or, The Ancient Maori, 
 Lon., 1874, p. 8v,,. 
 Wilson, JMrs. H. Court Nclherlcigh: a Novel. 
 Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 Wilson, H. IWary, I. Dew: 
 Children, Lon., 1888, l8mo, 2. Mi- 
 Single-Hearted Service, Lon., 188^ 
 lieiltime: Five Short .Stories for I 
 Wilson, Henry, l„nte, vol. iii., fifth of the name, 
 add..J IS12-1875; vice-president of the United .States 
 Irom 187.!. lor biog., see Man.v, Jos than B., ami 
 p m""''; i' *'■'■*''' ""/"■"• H'8t»fy el tlio ami 
 tnW of the blavo Power in America, Best.-, 1872-77. 3 
 vols. 8v,). 
 " Wilson, Henry," (Psoad.) See Cor.B,v..i, Jere- 
 miah J. 
 Wilson, Henry R. The Russian Refugee: a Tale 
 of the Blue Ridge, \. York, 1887, I2mo, 
 W ilson, Henry Schiitz, [„,ilf, vol. iii,, Wii,aov, H, 
 Shi izK, add.,] editor of the Journal of the Society of 
 leh!graph Engineer.s. 1. Studies and Romances, Lon., 
 !...-.., :■., .8vi>. 2. A'...;::-.- Ascents and Adventures i or, 
 Rock ami Snow Sketches. Illust. Lon,, 1878, or. Svo ; 
 2a ed, same year. 
 " His book is a elmrmiim: record of feat.s which leave on 
 ;i Simple Story for 
 - El.sie : a Story of 
 p. Svo. :i. Nearly 
 ale Ones, Lon., 1888, 
. IlllKl. I.otl., 
 I Wi,r.lil|, wlu.n 
 Ml., I;*;!!, iiiiiic). 
 iriil« I In Vcr»e: 
 Sorlpluro, ,to., 
 lux liniirord* 
 iimI rtiiihml.^ in 
 I Trillin.) ArU- 
 III Noli'H, Oxf., 
 '» " Wciillh or 
 IIhkk iiml De- 
 KiiviTiiiiiK Ue- 
 1H2, Xvii. 
 Ii« ('iiiii|irelicn- 
 itiiin : lii'iiiK 11 
 Iiiriillly, iinil a 
 Ilinlil"! Vour 
 my 'rcniincy iin 
 .mi., \S7I\, ,Svii, 
 roiilyplnn nml 
 n iiC IMiitoii by 
 l.nn.. IHSI), |i. 
 i mill ■Mai'hine 
 ;til eil., issa. 
 il Lctter-lVei'Ji 
 An Ari'liitoo- 
 chil,iioiinry of 
 >, -Ito. 2. A 
 C8, Lon., I.S81, 
 striilliin Songs 
 ■ Hook of tho 
 rformoil In the 
 il, Uii.«t., 1887, 
 Motal Trailcs, 
 ', Kilin., modi- 
 sliiro Di.fltriot. 
 t, p. 8vo J fith 
 s iinJ Country 
 187(1, cr. 8vo. 
 ). t. Iloaltliy 
 Personal and 
 jifo of Ocorgo 
 ;n by Iliiunclf. 
 Price's Patent 
 gdom of God 
 jrda ami I'ro- 
 ■ticultural So- 
 71, I'. 8vo. 
 noient Maori, 
 Il : a Novel, 
 :ple Story for 
 ! : ft .Sinry of 
 ). .1. Nearly 
 18, Lon., 18S8, 
 of tho name, 
 Jnitcd States 
 HAN B., llnii 
 :ho nnd 
 :.-, 1872-77, 3 
 [.BAiil, JeRE- 
 ugeo ; a Tiile 
 ., Wll^05, II. 
 le Society of 
 lances, Lon., 
 ventures j ur, 
 878, or. 8vo ; 
 ilph leave on 
 -nil l„t..r„„.r.,, I.'n. ' hm, " ,?' ',^ '" ';""/>. I..'«n„l, 
 ■'• ''"'""'''""'«" ""i'.il<"..,l,..n.,|,s7l, p. 
 ■•"11 1,111'ratii 
 '"giiiiis l.on., 
 >VI|si,ii, . 
 >»ilMOIl, .1. 
 '•""■, 1878, 8v„. 
 WlNoii, J. 
 •*"Kl"-Kreni.h nifflenUl,, An,„..rc.,|. 
 N.Wk;NVV,.i;;:';;;;;;^ '-"<' "nd .ho s,„i,y „, „«„, 
 '• Why «,,;u' %"'"'';': '•' 'I'" Iniliiii, l.iiilv X,!:' 
 ln^H,.i,,„,,,r,,,,i,,,,,;.,J-.n;;; -irnin..^ 
 "IIXOII, .laillCN, |,i|blj«lj,.r 1„ ,■'""•' '^", ■^VO. 
 I;>is™s,.., I'hii,,., |s7,, 1,1 •' • '■'''» Miminor iiml it, 
 I2IIIO. •^"'^■■"•''' I" ' niininn, Phila., IssH, 
 V'"''<"i..laiiiivs Kduiii A Ti o 
 «^ ■'•';" I'linc I-nina-k J "V.v'^f.h ':"*' ^Z" '^'"'""'■' 
 L<'n., |N72, sv,,. ''y I'liuniTiy l.iine, hV,. 
 •Ifut of th,; NYi,rr"oi:., ;''''■•?'■'''••"''■'•.] pros 
 rick and hi. Wife, J„„„ Z''T\ v V"','"" '^''^''I""- 
 Sketches of Illn. riiM, i,M ' v\"'''' "*'", ■'<vo. 2. 
 '-■nnial History of the lWe;i'«„ ' r ■ ' '"'•' '^'^"> '-''"- 
 '!'« Diocese of .Vow York rss'^i '''"T:;'"" ^'^"''^^ 'n 
 ncctown. III.; irradum,.,! ,,, ,^ ' o ,'. ■'^' """■• •'"i""-- 
 ';•<'!«, and l.oci.,n„,i„fl, •,''"' :'^- '^'"""^y Aeiidemy 
 '•'vil war, and ivasi ,, ■ "*'"'°''"! ""'•vcd i„ ,1,0 
 '"■my If^lifi; disnhurl, "'V " ■■""'' '" "'« 'Ci/ulur 
 b».^'incobecneng2,^i,:,ii''? """^ "l.-^^t, l870,''i;„' 
 JravcLs and Inves ga io s"; ,bo'''"?r,',''»', '• Ohin : 
 Stu.lyo; its Civilization r,M. "'".^"''"o Kingdom; a 
 "', J.;|.an. Mil,,, "j^'."?^-'! { -;b;^'';;: with II .Mnee 
 1" •■hina."?' ! n'l ,',;:;!;'^;''';''y »" ">o "..o text or ,.ro«re,s 
 Intermediate State Ion «- " """>•«". «n'l 'ho 
 ""'1 its Fruits: a look ?;;,''. 'v ^ '""•, - T'>« "-I'd 
 ■<■ I'ife and Labour ,, ("hr Ir-'''-' '".'"" '•'"•*• '2'''"- 
 Analogy and Jlvam^ll^'u^l.^l'^JZ.-" "'TT' '^ 
 ^. Ihe king's 
 Lon., 188(1, I2mii """"^'s^'' " «ook for tho Young, 
 '«;«: gniduatcil senioVw a l; ,;''sV?T'''\'i'''^ ''' 
 Cambridge, 185y. Fellow m\o«« ■^'.- •'"''"■■< 'College, 
 I'ugby , School 1809-7 .riatnld/s'^o""""!' '""'"'' '" 
 head-ma«ter of Clif., n >5 ,1 , , i^^' "'"' "'"'-•'■' "icn 
 V"nie Section , L 1 ",f^2 ? " s •. ^"^^ "r"""'^' ""J 
 a('V'';m',:;i';rosriIi''.'h,'. i",!"","-'"''" '"ixmr.. -f rr,.tMi„», 
 . 7-l':"n,,irab,7::^;:--;i"-i''i'S;;:,..rn:,ri;^ 
 : li»"i.' "-./.IMS OWKV • 'i',,,,,,"',;';!'/'--;' "' " ■new Itefi.rnln. 
 I "''^f "-";::::::::.:;:,:::: j'';:^^ « .■ 
 ; Ml" f^Hr:l;:r^^«;,!!;!:l,»^ '^-'V- ,t«-'-->^ 
 -«'!■. .V. York, isrs lilZ 'WiinilTr,.a,i„„, new 
 i ".i'ly':,"'';.!",?" til,-""'"' "1" ■ ^'"''^ • f"""-. vol 111 
 "''■'.^.ire,"!;;!,,^ rr;;i' ''*"'-• ^"^'^ "'•'"'■ 
 'I'll, fiom Ls:-j till ,,""". » "!■" onary m Dombay, In- 
 '«?", .vhen I,; w, ,,,,;; 1;., . '" >;-';-'' ^r-.hind m 
 Assembly. ,,-„, bi ,;'" ,,v '!";:'■ "' "'" *•'■'■'■ '■'"'^'•'1 
 ^'■eonil ICvposuio c.f thel', 1 ,';V"'."'' ""'""• '• A 
 ;Va,ii Vanal|a^,,,rK,,, J '''''''■''«'""; '" "''I'ly to 
 , ,\^"l"nia. liombav, ,s^ I s?,; "^ ■'"'"'" 'r;!; ''■""'- ''-the 
 ■ Vears Ago; or Th , i ic. - '"''"'"'"■"Thousand 
 ""-'l<-o|- ,i„' •„, : i^' ' ■;""" "'the AVy „ Z 
 •lie '■-■•M'unsion, ■;,.,'";," " ""\'^'"'"': I^H.ig 
 Indian ('as,,., r,.,,; , ,",'",', """''",'->' '•'*'iN '^vo. 3. 
 """'0 "d 1" i"'^y:,.|;,r;;•"'• '."•. ""rty-thini „f ,„e 
 ''ovela.ion.' l.ubli,"s ' «^„';;"'''"'7" " i"' "" <> "nd 
 Isi-ael and the Nm elitui,' , ■ ■ ; ''■'•^''"■'^■■< "n Ancient 
 ;:'•'•:-;;,.", Che,,;.;;';;: \^«7,;,;''V^';;'crii Nation. 
 '-; .c '-y' ^^f -e !;T^''^ «- '^-n! 
 flmraeler as the Pro ,lie^' ,"^- "^ V'"'"'"""" "'•''"i"''" 
 AnKlo-I.,rael liffl, ,M? '. '""■' "*"• **vo. 1), ,sh,„ 
 '■"^-pondeliei';:^ t'nit^uln;?,; ""''^'Ir O"'" '^" 
 '"l''.""Bl.tcr. Lon., lirs So "'""• ''"•"l'"«J by 
 "ndh!:;:^:,/:;;';i:,^lf^-',;""'i-.> inspector „f camp. 
 "•••sorts, Vliilii., Is'so I6,n; ^'- """'"' ""'' "«»'th- 
 Thoinas (wVle! ,";.. Vr^'^Sr' "' *'"''"" '^'""'''•■ 
 "n;VK!h"^l.:':!'!^„^J-«|;'» - Science, Theology. 
 ' '''/l'''.:":!:;\,'- ^■';';"« Cons,_,.uction. Man- 
 notion, Manoliesu.r:'i88,s:obl'f:,""' """^'"« ^''■>- 
 other Poems, N. York IS"" !•> o" '^'"'"•''•x. "nd 
 N. York, ISW, |B„;r' " '-'""• 2. Song Captives, 
 »on*l'a t""'!,,^"'';! ^''■'■'"J- Adventure, of v|f wi, 
 bellioit T;,;edrO.'''';S'-',s';V'" ''"' ^"^' "f ""> K" 
 '74 ; pl-MosophicaMe'ct :f I'^rs^W^ii'i'id^f^r' r""T 
 College since lss«. Ari.totnii,.„ at' , I'lncoln 
 , Courts of ,S-.,tlan,r witb „, A '^"?.''' '" ""' Sheriff 
 Acts of Sederunt, eZ IH^Xn'^" f f "^"""^ ""'<• 
 : The Law of Process Zi'erVh' c-i ' i** '"' ■ '«"• 2. 
 , Act, 1M76.. Wit,"; Zes 0' Pr^^^J^E^'f ««.''■ '« S-^^'and 
 •i'ction, Kiiin., Jmi), 8vo '"I""'"' Extension. of Juris- 
 Wilson, Rev. Jolm r- , r.- 
 Death of IttV. T j, s,, .kt„^'. n'- ^"'^°' Cl'araet.r, and 
 I6mo. 2. The Bor'tVi.l ri> Discourses, Phila,, J.sfig 
 ,'-^it:r3^?^''«"": '•'■■'•"•■ 
 jVork, !,•<.< iiimo. ~'^^»*"r. Lyrics of Life, N. 
 .«.^/pu:^:!"^t^r1?J?;j;:|^ ^Cromiead, Scot, 
 leensed as a preach,,- in the I n,,?! p "'^,«''"«°w 1»52 ; 
 journalist 1 The Buttles of tho Civil War, N. York, 
 TA ' u- V- v"''," ^^y<'"B'''. I'"'>-iot an,l Reformer 
 a liiugraphy, N. York, I8S4, IL'iiio 
 H ilsoii, Hev. John Mnriiis, [„„^, vol. iii.. add.] 
 1. Tie Imperial Gazetteer of .Seotland, Kdin., I8li2-8t, 
 iv< .m"' ",o J,''" I°I"^"»I <iiuetteer of Kngland and 
 Walej, Kdin., 1H72, 2 vol.s. Svo. 
 Wilson, Rev. John Mntthins, 11.1)., 1814-1881, 
 graduated at Corpus Chri.sti College, O.vford, 18:)(i; Fel- 
 lai'ft T, • "■''>'«''" Pi-''fex80r of moral pliilosopliy 
 1846-74; rcetor of Bylield, Nortlianiptonsliire, lSfiS-72: 
 president of Corpus Christi College from 1872. With 
 l-owLEB, Ubv. TiioM.As, The Principles of Morals; In- 
 troductory Chapter.-, O.Kf., 1S88, Svo. (This contain.- I 
 only the three opening chapters of tlie work, which were 
 put in type in 1870. For Part II., see KowLKU, Rkv. 
 IlIOMA.S, nll/.ril.) I 
 Wilson, Joseph, M.D.,d. 1887; entered the U.S. 
 navy as assistant surgeon 1843 ; served in the civil war; 
 fleet^surgwm in the South Atlantic iaiiy-72; president 
 ot the board of examiners 1876-77. 1. Naval llv- 
 giene: Human Health, and the Means of Preventing 
 IJiseaso, Wash., 1870, 8vo ; 2d ed., Phila., 187y. 2. 
 drainage for Health ; or, Kasy Lessons in Sanitary Sci- 
 ence. Illust. Phila., 1880, 8vo. 
 Wilson, Joseph T., late of the 2d Regiment 
 I-ouisiana .Native Guard Volunteers; aide-de-caliip to 
 the comnianderin-ehicf of the Grand Army of the Re- 
 pub ic. Tlio lilack l'halan.x: a History of the Negro 
 ,°'""! "^'"' ' "'"^'' ^''H^ in tlio Wars of 177o-18l2, 
 18bI-fiD. Illust. Hartford, Conn., 1888, Svo. 
 Wilson, I.. Ocean Kchoes from tho Lincolnshire 
 toast for Old an.l \oung, Lon., 1888, I8mo. 
 Wilson, M. The Ayrshire Hermit, Tammio Rae- 
 burn, ,tc., Lon., 187.0, 12mo 
 1 8^0 '!"""' *'*• ^' '^'''' ^ " ^ .llry-Book, Lon., 
 1880, 12mo. 
 Wilson, .■»!. F. The Criminal Code of Ohio: with 
 iorms of Decisions, ,lc., Cin., 1878, 8vo 
 .,v"r',''. •]'•?';'"" ^'n'vert. Kenfce : a Romance, 
 ii. York, |8S8, 12iuo. ' 
 Wilson, Mary. Stories of tho Tower, Lon., IS8I ' 
 p. 8vo. ' 'I 
 ,jy''f""' **''*'CI- Morris, [aule, vol. iii., add.,] b. ' 
 18.16 at L.igansport, Ind.; graduated at Hamilton Col- 
 lego 1838; served in the civil war; assistant I' S attor- 
 ney for Indiana 1 860-7 1 . Reports of Cases Argued and 
 Determined in the Superior Court at Indianapolis, 1875, 
 Wilson, Olivia I.ovell. Parlor Varieties ; Plays. 
 Pantomimes, and Charades, Host., 1887, Ifiiiio 
 Wilson, Owen S. The Larvieof tho Bri'tish Leiii- 
 (loptera and their Food-Plants. Illust. Lon., 1880 r 
 ovo. ' ' * 
 Wilson, llcv. Richard, D.D., [,n,ir, vol. iii., 
 add.,J curate of St. Saviour's, Upper Cheh-ea, l^ondonj 
 „'".',' ".':''• '• "Kotten Row," and its Contrast "Via 
 I'utrida, Lon 1870, Svo. Anon. 2. The of T. 
 Uulyle, the Historian, Ac, (I'raises of T. Wright a 
 Learned Historian. Let the Praises of other Chelsea 
 Worthies be added, Ac.,) [Latin verse.l By D D 
 Cantab. Lon., lS7.i, 16mo. J ■ ■> 
 Wilson, Uobcrt, C.E., F.R.S. Edin., d. 1882 u't 
 78; iiianaging partner in the firm of Nasmyth, Wilson 
 & <-o., ol Manchester. 1. The .Screw Propeller: who 
 invented it. Illust. Glasgow, 1861), Svo; 2d ed 1880 
 2. A Treatise on Steam Boilers ; their Strength,' Con- 
 struction, and Economical Working, Lon., I87:i 12mo' 
 3th ed., 1S78. .i. Boiler and Factory Chiinncyi: their 
 Draught-Power and Stability: with a Chapter on Light- 
 ning toiiduclor,, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 4. Common Sense 
 ,u11 "."n' ■'"" ■ ^'""'■^ '^ Catechism of Gas-Lighting, Lon 
 18(1, 12mo; new cd., 1878. 
 .i,"c'l'"',"'r*J"'"'.r'' '•"■''"•er on animal physiology to 
 theSchoolofArt.s, Edinburgh. (Ed.) Tho lliiman Race. 
 By Louis tigiiier. Lon., 1875, p. Svo; new ed., 1882. 
 «ilson. Rev. Kobcrl. The Sower; Lent Lec- 
 tures, N. York, l.HSli, Kimo. 
 Milson, Uuhert. Tho Life and Times of Queen 
 Victorm; Illustraled with Numerous Portraits, Views 
 and Historical I'ietures, Lon., I8S7-88, 2 vols. r. Svo. 
 ''.Mr Wilson shows both fulness of knowledgo and In- 
 depeiHleiiceof juilgmeiit.'-.4m-/., .\.\xlil.412 
 Hiisoii, Uev. Hobert Francis, M.A., [„„ie, 
 vol. 111., Wm,ron, U. F., add.,] 1810-1888, graduated 
 first class Lit. Hum., at Oriel College, O.xford, 1831 ■ or- 
 dained 18;t4 ; vicar of Rownhams from 1863; prebendary 
 I of Salisbury from 1870. I. Short Notes of Seven Years' 
 Uork in a Country Parish, Lon., 1872, 12mo. 2. (Ed ) 
 Iho Lile of St. Vincent ilo Paul, Lon., IS7,'!, i, Svo 
 And see Kkiii.k, Rkv. ,Ioii.v, siiprii 
 Wilson, Mrs. Hobert Francis. The Christian 
 Brothers : their Origin and Work : with a Sketch of tho 
 Life of their iounder, the Venerable Jean Baptisto do 
 la Salle, Lon., ISS.'i, p. 8vo. 
 "Mrs. Wilson can write well and vigorously, more esi,,.- 
 cally 111 lie polemical vein, ami it i.s tluTHoreapilv Uiat 
 Liapirap. . . . \M1 i all llic.H' (lisac vantages, llie l„ink is 
 liicresiim- andtlioaiilliorislortiiiniic In lavi J" tha 
 principal liero as De la Salle."-.s,i( Her Iviii iv- ' 
 TT m'*^"',?.^!" "»»'«"«< Knyvet, Barf;, M.A., 
 v ,; ' ,*'•,''*• ';g™il"nt«l at Cambridge and elected 
 Jcllowof King's College; called to the bar at Lincoln's 
 inn 18(>, ; reader in Indian law at Cambridge since 
 18,8; o.xamincr in juri.sprndcncc, Ac, to the Inns of 
 Court since 1881 1. History of Modern English Law, 
 (H'storical Hanil-Books,! Lon., 1875, 12mo. 2. (Trans 
 \Qets Cominentarius ad I'andcctas, Lon, 1876-78 2 
 vols. Svo. ' 
 Wilson, Sir Samnel, b. 1832, formerly vice-pres- 
 ident of the Zoological and Acclimatization Society: 
 M.P. for Portsmouth since 1886. 1. The Angora Goiit • 
 with an Account of its Introduction into Victoria, Ac 
 Melbourne, 187,'), 8vo. 2. Salmon at the Antiiiodes' 
 being an Account of the .Successful Introduction of 
 Salmon and Trout into Australian Waters, Lon., 187H, 
 Wilson, Sarah. 1. Children's Prn.yer.s. Illust 
 Lon., 18S7, sq. l6mo. 2. Hymns for Children: with 
 Miisioby Sir A. Sullivan. Illust. Lon., 1888, .sq. 16mo 
 m 1 i^'cV ^j.^"cy J- Stanley Huntington : a Novel,' 
 1 niiiv.. 1887, loiiio. 
 Wilson, Stephen. Bible Truths: being an Ex- 
 position of Imjjortant Passages of Scripture and the 
 Trinity, Highspirc, Pa., 1870, Svo. 
 ,1 ^'il-'*."."' .'^''^I'lien. Swallow-Flights of Song from 
 the Ilighlanda, Inveraiy, 1878, Svo. 
 Wilson, T. P., M.D., a homoeopathic physician, 
 lormcrly professor of the theory and practice ol' o'ldHhal- 
 mio and aural surgery in the Universitv of Michigan. 
 Specihc Indications for Twenty-Five Remedies in Inter- 
 mittent Fever, Phila., 1880, Uiiiio. 
 Wilson, Theodore Delavan, b. isio, at lirook- 
 lyn; served in the civil war; became assistant naval 
 constructor 1866, and naval constructor 187.1. Shiii- 
 liuilding, Theoretical and Practical. Illust. N. York 
 187.'i, Svo. * 
 Wilson, Rev. Theodore Percival, [<,„ie, vol. 
 ••■ ", Rkv.T. P., add.l I. Una Clevedoii ; or. 
 sing Will : a Tale for the Times, Lon., 1 876, p.' 8 
 2. 'True to his Colours; or. The Life' that 'Wear's'lleVt' 
 Lon., lS,i», |2mo. 3. Working in Shade; or. Lowly 
 Sowing brings (ilorious Reaping, Lon., ISSII. 4. Amos 
 Huntingdon: a Tale from Real Life, Lon.. 1881 p Svo 
 6. Great Heights gained by Steady Efforts; or. Perse- 
 verance and l-ailhfulness Triumphant, Lon., l.ssi n 
 Svo. ' I ■ 
 Wilson, W. Grey. To Be or Not to Be ; a Record 
 ot bricnds Convictions, Lon., 1883, 32ino. 
 WiNon, W. N. Geometrical Drawing for Candi- 
 dates for Army Examinations, I,on.. 1888 p Svo 
 Wilson, Rev. William, [„»/<■, vol. iii.', last of the 
 name. add. J minister of the Free Church at Mussel- 
 burgh 1 The Popular Preachers of the Ancient 
 Uiurch : their Lives, their Manners, and their Work 
 Lon 1S,,9 |2mo; new cd., 1871. 2. The Heavenward 
 lath; or. Progress and Perfection in the Life of Faith 
 Edin., 1862, Svo. 3. " Until the Day Break," and otiKT 
 Sermons: with Memoir by Rev. J. Moir, Edin., 1876 
 p. 8vo. ' 
 Wilson, William, of the Victoria Baths, Glasgow. 
 1. Swimming, Diving, and how to .Save Life. Illust 
 G asgow 1876, p. Svo. 2. The Swimming Instructor.' 
 Illust. Lon., 1883, 11. 8vo. 
 Wilson, Rev. William, D.D., of Dundee, minis- 
 ter the tree Church. .Memorials of Robert Smith 
 Candlish Minister of St. George's Free Church, and 
 Iriiicipal ot tho New College, Edinburgh; with Con- 
 eluding Chapter by Robert Uainv, Edin., ISSO, Svo. 
 I w nf'* ""■•■' "'^'liam !>cxtrr, D.D., LL.D.. 
 /V ,,",'""'' '"'• "'•• '"'''■•! Iirofcssor of philosophy ai 
 (ornell I'nivorsity 1868-1886. 1. Lectures on the Psy- 
 chology of Thought and Action, Comparative and Hu- 
 man, .\. ^ork, 1871, I2moj 2d cd., 1870. 2. introdue- 
es of Seven Years' 
 :, I2mo. 2. (Kil.) 
 3n., IS7;i, J). ,Sv(). 
 >. The Cliiistinn 
 li a Sketch of tho 
 Jean Baptistc de 
 I'onsly, more espe- 
 ur<liireBi)ily that 
 til ilegeiienite into 
 lUKUs, the hook is 
 In having suuh a 
 , Iviil. 152. ■ 
 t, Bart., iM.A., 
 ■i<lge and cleiicil 
 ■ har at Lincoin's 
 Cambridge sinco 
 to the Inns of 
 rn Knglish Law, 
 2ino. 2. (Trims.) 
 l-on., l.S7«-78, 2 
 •inerly vioe-prcs- 
 izatiun Society ; 
 he Angora (ioat : 
 ito Victoria, Ac.,, 
 the Antipode.i: 
 Introduction of 
 iters, Lon., 1879, 
 Cliildrcn : with 
 , IS.SS, .«q. lOuio. 
 ington : a Novel, 
 : being an Ex- 
 ipliire and the 
 its of Song from 
 ithic physician, 
 L'tice ofophlhal- 
 y of Michigan, 
 nedics in Inter- 
 I.'^IO, at lirook- 
 assistant naval 
 r l.87:i. Ship, 
 lust. N. York, 
 ^al, luiiic, vol. 
 Clevedon j or, 
 ■n., 1870, p. 8vo. 
 lit Wears Host, 
 de; or, Lowly 
 8811. l. Amos 
 .. 1881, p. 8vo. 
 irts ; or, I'erse- 
 l.on., lx,s|, p. 
 > lie : a Record 
 ing for Candi- 
 , p. 8vo. 
 iii., hist of the 
 ell at Mussel- 
 the Ancient 
 d their Work, 
 e Heavenward 
 Life of Kaith, 
 Ilk," and otiier 
 ', Kdin., 187(1, 
 alhs, (Jlnsgow. 
 Life. IMust. 
 ig Instructor. 
 undee, niinis- 
 Kobert Smith 
 Church, anil 
 I : with t'on- 
 880, 8vo. 
 D.D., LL.D., 
 philosophy ai 
 8 on tho I'sy- 
 tive and IIii 
 2. introduc- 
 5- "'«l'oundation» of li.i ■■ ,.' '-'""= "e'V ed., I,S77 
 Natural ThcoloJ;' ^ , , ,t'-'""^"""^^ "'" Mchlxis f 
 N. York, I8s;i, 12,01, ' """""" '^'"''«'-" Objections 
 !U' hestudyofdorma olog;\,'; i''V. ,"° '""' '"'<"" 
 '" the Hrst instance to a*! Jv " ;,«7 '' "l^understood. 
 London poor. Of i,u 1,1 1? " ''" ^'''f'^nng.s of tl„. 
 y '■'■'^. • ' '"" it /; :,'!,' '^i l;i".'.-lf'said late 
 ll« founded tho chair of ernmto'l, ' 'u " «<'i'-'n''^'-" 
 ■'^"'•gcons in ISliil ■i„d tl.f? ''7 '" ""^ College of 
 •"",^«^«i<y in 188, L ,,.';,,!""'""""'.>■."' 'Aberdeen 
 |"ei .cal institution . AI oi h """,""'•'•■"' gift-< I 
 '.« l.ecame deeply intere el ?^,''r-''''''^ ''«''''■" ''i^ ''''i.t 
 "".ilcnt of the kgn ti in 1 V ; r'"''"'," 
 . •'•-•'' Needle tran^^MeZtrn"" ''' — 
 andna to London, and sye, t , "" ''^l',™'''' ^'■•"" A^'^'^- 
 study of %yptia„'hi.s or ',""'/" '"^ '''"« i'. the 
 '•k'y ■■ a Synop.Ms of Disea.sos ofth, sl"-''","," ^"""^M- 
 i.resident-;,^';^rfig^;;i::^'^' ;; ^fn'^'-i^sy: ■ nrwf 
 Patra^s^V.edletran^pleT„th ;,''''' '""''• '""' ^'leo. I .._ , ' ."-" "t I"- own expense fnun Ale.\. 
 I'on,, I.S7I, ,Svo. •) LeclTrr,."' "n ■""'"■ ''<^li>ered 1870 
 I'7l-7;!, Lon., i,S7Tl,^./"™ 7 Dermatology, delivered 
 delivered l.s7l-7.^ Lon ' V- J'™ "" LX-'^Htology, 
 fe-lle: with Xotc^ ZlJ^lt'-'i'l^ ': '■'-I'^UnJ'..' 
 I'""., 1877, 8vo. :,, The k'v,,' ,■ .f '""" "b'-'Hsks, 
 I^on., LSSI, p. svo "^l" "' ""= l'"''. IlhHt 
 6. Tho Discoviry of E.^-ofi.,, vr 
 I'-^'.'ture, Lon., I8,s*i „ ^'v,,''' '"'""""^ »' Thebes : a 
 -^iaSrr,;^r;?^^/^'i;^": TheOcean 
 t.on as to Sea-Vova.a. " ,r ,,,? r ' ' !;^'"«"l I..forma- 
 Staunton, Va.; gradu-iled.,, I. ' '•"■' ''• '■^•5«. at 
 ciate profcs.sor of h,\l,, , ' i' "'Mty LSS-l-S.",, ,;..,„ 
 Mawr College ,'s 88- 1 ''"''^■'" '"'»»"» « I ryn 
 political ecoLmv',; .^.;„ :- I'-fe-r ».f '-an,... .l?,,' 
 ".ent: a Study li, Anier ' , , Polit c 1??'";'"' ''"^•^^'■"• 
 '"v•.k;,g,^;^!^;;;:;f,'^iw^'enti?'^ ,!];;:', Jf Am.ri,.,!;, 
 ti. the bar 1850 ■ cul ^s^^"";'"';" ^'."'"«o; admittell 
 .«tato of Indiana ls«7-72 I ,T e'.'.gration for the 
 f SSI' rK,S' \s;;r ;=!"»""* 
 vols. Svo. '"" ^"•'i.-. Xllust. U„st., IS8S, i 
 b.i''':!"'i:^C:"i;„r":^r't"i""^'"""™« ^' 
 ' •«•>., I''oi.,lh,im.X.V|' ':''"•'""'' "' '^'^ J"l.'.'.-- Col 
 r^.rh.ofO,i.t«n.r|-;.,^;S,.-,J;;^;.ye..o. Biog 
 ^_«.Uon,A.L. On the V.rong Track, Lon., ,888 
 N."u":;:;!^%::--«t"- ^-' ^anstono: . 
 Wm.,,,, ,..,,. Mary Urinvne, Lon.. LS80, ,i v„„ 
 I ^Viiichell, Alcxnnilor t i r> r 
 add.,] L821-IS.), 3." ,7'r '''•^' f"'"''' '"'• 'ii., 
 ."Syracuse l87;j-78, and a lecVu .,1 , " ",. "I'T"''^ "'' 
 vers.ty, which latter w is ll ,",1!. '" ^ ""''e'-'^i't L'ni- 
 '..'a»." I. The I^octrine of .'v, ImA ■"', l"-™'la.nit« 
 ".ple.S its Speculation" an I i''Th'- '■ '',",'"• ''^ ''''"- 
 ^I'lk, 18r.(, l2mo. iheistio Uearing,.., Jf. 
 c'volutiSM;; tlmiilUJT'"" "■' "■«■"""... l.e is a„ 
 I Heccnt Science: a Pa ,er M „ ^^f''J?"'='^^ to I'hascs of 
 H'iiVion of Science a^d 'He S' ^V\^\ .l' "«-"- 
 •>• I'readamites; or, A Dem ,n t, , " '''*' '■'*"' '2".". 
 ;'f Men hcfore Adi, . ,,"' X; ■?," "' "'" K.^i.^tonco 
 ""'lition, Antiquit ., R„' ^i^ '^" i, ;■'" " ^'"''y "f their 
 p.^persou over'thi'E, . ' r " V'h"'' '/"^[^^'ive 
 h. Sparks from a (JcoIolm- '^ it ^*"'-'-' '^'''". S'-o- 
 S.'^I, l2mo. 7. WorM rif„ ""'"'""■ ^1'".''- Chic, 
 Ill"^t- Chic, 18.8:^ 2m; V'7. -",'"';"'"''•'' '"""logv 
 "7. The Rudiments of :.„|„^- ''f:;'^"' ^^^''-'-'^i""^; 
 of (ieology, for il|„h Scloon^" ;^''''';f ' "'■' '■'■'^^'..ents 
 f,uhools. Chic, I8sTi, 12, o '10 w'''it' '^'"l""' "'.'1 other 
 \vtl' Fiehl, N. Y:rk; 1880, l?'^ '""' ^'"'^-^ '" the 
 Dialogues'!;, iVos'e',,,?; ^'•:!!.J;!"■J.,r-' /''//-• ^^'-■o.^ and 
 "inchcll, Neu'tnn iiV ' '''^l.s'l- 12mo. 
 East, N.V., 'b,.ott Vo ' " 'C:,^ Vf' "' '^'-"' 
 graduated at the of M ■ ^^ '"'^'"'"' '"'"">■ 
 geologist of Minneso, ;, : "Lt''"'"^"" '^"«' Slato 
 |">'""alegy i„ „,« L'l^ ;e ■ ' 'o Mi",'- °^ S'^"'"-*' "'"' 
 ' <'«ology of Minnesota, Iss^ss o'"-'','""": *""•■« 1«'2. 
 reports of the (ieologic, 1 and \^;„: , n- ' ^'"'- """''••'" 
 .Miiinesota since 1872 '"'"' ^^"^'"ry Survey of 
 Th"MiS;V^l;-!«^-"-ate„fAbe,.dee„. ,. 
 New-Year's (filt, l,Miu.";,,^"'^"">! «eu,i„,.,eences : a 
 , ;«". 186il, l2,„o Anon ■ ?.r"Ti ''"""■' "^^er- 
 I t.evalier ,le Johnstone for,; L™f .-'. •^'e'""i.-s .:. tho 
 '".•'-e Chevalier, Abcrd c , ' 7O-V1 fl'"," ^•""'' '^'■^• 
 gr^^'l'^^t'lr^rje^;??' ;^"/ii"", ^'•'^- ^'■«•. 
 '"e''"-i.iel8,s|, p,.ofeJor. ,n "'*''" ''"•'' and in 
 "H'^eum at Que.!n' Colle'; ri;;,',-?',""'' ""-"or of the 
 ;'f;-..f-.e Anatomy and*'',' ::;,i;;;::j:-»-„;'"n.UBook 
 ilained 18(9 • re,.f„,- r i . ""^g''- "^.^f^onl, 1848 • or 
 Semiture Text- Hook fo 7. Hly l' V"""- , ' " "''''•) '^ho 
 HinUsor, J„|,„. Fli ..rl; "- '-'•'• '2'..o. 
 "/ 'he \-ici„ity of Se tie in Crave /"^^"rV. "■•' ^ ^''"^'^ 
 Kq>.;,nt, wiih Adilit. ..V mil P ' \"'«''iro; being a 
 P'.bli.^he,l in the " Ph^.to „gi" ,AT:r""r"'' "f ''"P^-r. 
 Mind.l.s, \Villi, ,,,'^Ed' ^';"''l'e«te,. I.H7;,, s'vo. 
 r-eave.- and other Poem.s, Lon l"-f'n J" ^ "'''^'' ^"1,1 
 fv-r "'"■ -" •■"- l'oe"n":''llLrLo„ ^'".s^T't 
 ^ew York >ri«ori a„ .'.. ''erame secretary of ih« 
 was secretary"f7„^Ci;;'„':;"pr?, '''';• """ f'-"^ " 
 >vas foun.lod through h efflrts r V^'^'"^"'"'.'""' "hich 
 ".« rniernathmal Penitenti. rv p ' ^'•' • ^""""ssioner to 
 an, honorary pr.ide,;;^:;!'r^i^«:!!-i''-''on 1872. 
 or. 8vo. 
 L<^"^";^':;i7%,/- J'-O'^.Love is thoXow,lj»ii''-; «-• »^"»«" t^obb, DD "Lrn'T' '" 
 Hilton, n ol an ', w' ''. ''"• I i"!'-^"''^ '"'"" Associati,'., ir^'JllS ^°".^'!.'^y "f the 
 J'.'1I.S [ver.;.,]",:,,;',' ",';,, 'i„l'<"' ,f'"- anil Church 
 •".'' Sacre,l, Lon., lS7s jo,;""- , ^- ''.V"'' ">'''"" 
 i.-"'"f!:v,>y';',';,""- "•'"i«-'y.rc.,,, .'" — " 
; I 
 logical Seminary ; liconsoil to preach in the Presbyterian 
 Church I8Cj; devoted himself especially to (juestions of 
 prisons and reformnlories, and became secretary of the 
 National I'riaon Association 1887. American Prisons in 
 the Tenth Census : a Paper, N. York, 188S, 12mo. Also, 
 Wiiitield, Charles H. I. AdjudKcd Words and 
 Phrases: Detinitions of Terms used in Imvt, with Kefer- 
 ences to Authorities, Jersey City, ISSL', 8\o. 2. The 
 Grand .lury, Jersey City, 1S8H, 24ino. 
 Wing, Rev. Conway Phelps, D.D., [dntr, vol. 
 iii., add.,] was an adherent of the New School branch 
 of the Presbyterian Church, but a supporter of the re- 
 union in 18C!I-7U, and a member of the committee for 
 reconstruction of the church ; has held several pastor- 
 ates, and translated Kling's Commentary im the Second 
 Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians in Sciiaff'a edition of 
 Lange. 1. History of the i'resbyteries of Uonegil and 
 Carlisle, Carlisle, Pa., 1871). 2. A History of the First 
 Presbyterian Church of Car'isle, 1S77, 8vo. ;i. A His- 
 tory of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, 1S77. 1. 
 IHslorical and (tencalogieal Register of the Descend- 
 ants of John Wing, of Sandwich, N. York, 1885; 2d ed., 
 Wing, William, d. 1882, let. 71 ; an antiquary of 
 Stecjde .Aston, Oxfordshire. I. Annals of Steeple liarton 
 and Westoott liarton, in tlio County of Oxford, Oxf., 
 IStiB, 8vo. 2. Annals of North Aston, in the County 
 of Oxford, Oxf., lS(i7, I6mo. ,). Annals of liletching- 
 don, in the County of Oxford, Oxf.. 1872, 16mo. I. 
 Annals of Steeple Aston and Middle Aston, in the County 
 of Oxford, Oxf., 1S75, lOmo. (All reprinted from the 
 Oxford Chronicle.) 
 Wingnte, Chnrlpg Edward Lewiit, graduated 
 at Harvard 188.'i; dramatic editor of the Boston Jour- 
 nal. The Playgoers' \'ear-Book ; the Story of the Stage 
 during the Past Year. Illnst. Post., 1888, 12mo. 
 Wingate, Charles Frederick, b. 1817, in New 
 York; son of U. W. Wingate, infra ; became a journal- 
 ist and afterwards a sanitary engineer, and has paid 
 special attention to the problem of workingmen'.t homes 
 in cities; has edited the Plumber and Sanitary Engi- 
 neer, (to. 1. (Ed.) Views and Inte-views on Journal- 
 ism, N. York, 187,-,, ,Svo. 2. Twilight Tracts, lS8li. 
 Wingate, Uavid, [ante, vol. iii., add.] 1. Anni. 
 Weir, and other I'oems, Edin. and Lon., 18(16, I'.'mo. 2. 
 Lily Neil; a Poem, Edin. and Lon., 1879, 12mii. 
 Wingate, George Wood, b. 1840, at New Y'ork ; 
 admitted to the New York bar 18()1 ; ser.-ed in the civil 
 war; was instrumental in forming tlie Nati(mal Uifle 
 Association in 1871; general inspec'or of rille practice 
 of New Y'ork State, with the rank of brigadier-general, 
 1871-79. 1. The Last Campaign of the Twenty-Second 
 Regiment, .\. Y'ork, 1861. 2. Manual for Rille Practice, 
 N. York, 1872, 16mo; 5th ed., rev., XKJ. li. Through 
 the Yellowstone Park on Horseback, N. Y'ork, 188ii, 
 Wingate, W. Close of the Times of the 'Jentiles; 
 the Great Event of our Day, Lon., |S7I, rJmo. 
 Winglield, Hon. Lewis Strange, ['>»«>, vol. 
 iii., Wi.NuKiEt.T), L.,add.,] b. 1812; sun of tlio sixth Vis- 
 count Powerscourt. 1. Slippery (Jro'iud, [a novel,] Lon., 
 1H76, 3 8vo. 2. Lady tiri/.el : an Impression of 
 a Momentous Epoch, Lon., 1877, .t vols, cr, 8vo; new ed., 
 1881, ,i. My Lords of Strogue: a Chronicle of Ireland 
 from the Convention to the Union, [a no>cl,] Lon., 1879, 
 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 4. In Her Majesty'.'^ Keeping; the 
 Story of a Hidden Life, Lon., 1880, :! vols. cr. 8vo. 
 "The usual (iWeclions to a novel with a purpose are si- 
 lenced In .Mr. Wlngneld's case. . . . The convict qncstioii 
 Is the business ol the public ; . . . this work is a reailv 
 tjnide to the actual .slate of that buainess,"— .8>cc(a/or, liil. ■ 
 817. i 
 5. (lehenna; or. Havens of Inrest, Lon., 1882 i \ 
 vols. cr. 8vo. 8. .\bigc'. P..)W0 : a Chronicle of the Ce- j 
 gency, Lon., 188:i, ;i vols. cr. 8vo. 7. 'lotes on ,'ivU ! 
 Costume in England, from the Conquest to the Regenc/, j 
 Lon., 1884, 4to. 8. liprbara Philpot : a Study of Man- 
 ners, Ac, Lon., lM,i«, :i vols. or. 8vo. !i. Lovely Wang i a 
 Bitof China, Lon., 1887, 12mo. 10. TheCurseof Koshin : 
 a Romance, Lon., 1888, c. 8vo. 
 Wingrave, Marion M. 1. The May-Blossom ; or. 
 The Prinoosa and lier I'eople. Illuat. N. York, 1881, 
 Itu. 2. yu.ack3: .Story uf the tgiy Duckling, after 
 Hans C. Andersen, Lon., 1884, 4to. 
 Winks, Rev. William Edward. 1. The 
 Thomas il Kompis Birtbday-Hook, Lon., 1.882, aq. Ifinio. 
 2, Lives of Illustrioua Shoemakera, Lon., 1882, cr, 8vo. 
 (Includes biographies of Sir Cloudesley Shovel, William 
 Oitford, Robert Bloou] field, and others, and a chapter en- 
 titled " A Constellation of Celebrated Cobblers.") 
 "We lay down Mr. Wioks's book with the conviction 
 that it is not for the happiness of shiiemakers to become 
 ' illu.strious.' And this conviction is strengthened when 
 wcobserve that not one of these remarkable men ever ap- 
 pears to have excelled in hi.-, cral't."— ^'iif. Kev., Iv. 287, 
 li. Thoughts on Prayer : Extracts from Modern 
 Writers, L(jn., cr. 8vo. 
 Winkworth, Miss Catherine, [hiHc, vol. ill., 
 add,,] d. 1878 ; sister of Susanna Winkworth, (anlr, vol. 
 iii,, d. 1884 ;) resided at Clifton ; was one of the govern- 
 ors of Cheltenham Ladies' College, and a /.calous worker 
 for tlie higher education of women. 1. (Trans.) Life of 
 Paslcw Flicdner, Lon., 1807, l2mo. 2. (Trans.) Prayers 
 from the Collection of Baron liunsen, 1871, 8vo. 
 Winloek, William C. Bibliography of Astron- 
 omy for the Year 1887, Wash., 1888, 8vo. 
 Winn, Charles Mark Allanson, llarou 
 Ileadley, b. 1815; succeeded his fatheras third Baron 
 1877; captain in the Honourable .Artillery Compiiiiy 
 1881-85; lieutenant-colonel commanding fourth battal- 
 ion militia. Royal Monster Fusilecrs, .since 1887. What 
 I saw of the War, at the Battles of Spcichern, Gorzo, 
 and Gravelotle: a Narrative of Two Months' Campaign- 
 ing with the Prussian Army of the Moselle, Edin. and 
 Lon., 1870, p. ^vo. 
 " His evideiuc , , . will be of great use to those who 
 seek to write a history of the war, for it is evidence at first 
 hand, given bv an eilncnted and trustworthy witness,"— 
 Mil., .No. 2^1. 
 " .Mr. Winn disarms criiicism by his modest oonfcs. ion 
 of ignorance on military subjects; while his narrative is 
 sutiiciently inteie.sting merely as a record of what was 
 fcen by nn intelligent eye-witness of some of the most in- 
 teresting among the earlier .scenes of the war, bearing 
 abundant internal evidence uf scrupulous accuracy of 
 statement," — SiU. Rew, xxxl. fiO. 
 Winn, Henry. Property in Land ; an Essay on 
 the New Cfusade, N. Y'ork, 1888, 12mo. 
 Winn, James Michell, M.D., M.R.C.P., b. 1808, 
 at Endock, Cornwall; took his medical degree at Glas- 
 gow 1833; consulting physician to St. George's and St. 
 James's Dispensary, London, since 1S77. l|is publica- 
 tions are chiefly jiapers reprinted from medical journals. 
 1. A Critical 'Treatise on the General Paralysis of the 
 Insane, Lon., 1848, 8vo. 2. On the Nature and Treat- 
 ment of Hereditary Disease with Reference to a. Corre- 
 lation of Morbific Forces, Lon., 1809, 8vo. 3. Plain 
 Directions for Dealing with an Insane Patient, Lon., 
 1872, 12mo. 4. Materialism, Lim., 1875, 12mo. 6. Pro- 
 fessor Tyndall and his Opponents, Lon., 1876, I2mo. 6. 
 Sensational Science, Lon., 1877, 8vo. 7. Hereditary 
 Disease, Lon., 1877, 8vo. 8. Modern Pseudo-Philosophy, 
 Lon., 187.'*, 12ino. 9. Materialistic Physiology, Lon., 
 1878, 8vo. 10. The Collapse of Scientific Atheism, Lon., 
 1880, .-^vo. 
 Winscom, Cave. 1. Isoe, and other Poems, Lon., 
 1871, 12mo. 2, Waves and Caves, and other Poems, 
 Lon., 1873, 12mo. 3. Camden, and other Poems, Lon., 
 1870, 12mo. 4. AVild Oats, [verse,] Lon., 1879, sq. 
 Winscombe, J. C. AVestminster Past and Present, 
 Lon., 1887, 8vo. 
 Winser, Henry Jacob, h. 1833 ; a journalist, 1. 
 The Northwest ; a Quide-Book and Itinerary for 
 Tourists and Travellers over the Northern Pacific Rail- 
 road,-Ae. Illust. N. York, 1883, sip lOmo. 2. The 
 Y'cllowstono National Park. Illust. N. York, 1883, 
 Winship, Richard C. Manual for the Guidance 
 of Deputy Sheriffs, Phila., I8.-<3, 12mo. 
 Winsiow, Mrs. Catherine Mary, (Reign- 
 olds,) was for many years a popular actress. Yes- 
 terday? with Actors. Illust. N. Aork, 1887, 12mo. 
 (Contains sketches of many well-known American act- 
 Winsiow, Charles A. (Ed.) .Annotated Pocket 
 Euition of the Missouri Revised Statutes of 1879, St. 
 Louis, 1879, lOnio. 
 Winsiow, Rev. Forbes Edward, M.A., son of 
 Dr. Forbes Benignus Winsiow, (niite, vol. iii.;) gradu- 
 ated at Trinity College, Oxford, 186.'); ordained 1866; 
 vicar of Epping 1873-78, and since then rector of St. 
 Paul's, St. Leonards on Sea. :. Thi> I'owcr of thr 
 Cross, and other Sermons, Lon., 1873, p. 8vo. 2. The 
 Woy of Pleasantness; or. The Secret of a Happy Life, 
 Lon., 1875, I2m(). 3. The Higher Rook; or, Reiiding- 
 on the Love of Jesus, Lon., 1875, 12mo. 4. AVithin 
Past anil Present, 
 fur the Ouidance 
 for Cottage Homerion IS7« *^r"""'-«''n«e Truths 
 •!. Country Tiill' fL r" , ,', '-"'"'' "«"■ <=''•. 'S*". 
 nevved.. s^79 7 TIohZ? J""*' '"'"- '«'«• I2.«o 
 ond .Series of R^i.UnL for Ih " v"'","'? "'""'' ''^^ ^ " ^^c- 
 neiv C.I., 1K79 S o^.ii .n" '^f '- '">"•• '"*"«. 52mo; 
 I"'"., 1877, l''„o ,o" '" ^^''"l'l° l-auguage, 
 North cou,;t;ii;«io'-,,/-7;.".'' ^'t'- " '^'"' °f ■' 
 Tidi.,gs of Great Joy ' T /uJh.V'/''- n^""- ' '• ''°'"' i 
 No. 1, Lon., 1878, i , o ■ ', . - "' '';'" " ^'"'i' ^""^' 
 1879, l.smo; 2d ed issn ,? 'L^''^'}"' ^"- '- I"'"-. 
 (feo^raphy; or A M.rrv T " ^'"' •^^''"''■'■■n's fairy 
 ">gs on the Higher Chriti., '!<;■."""'« '^"rd : Uead- 
 16. The Fulne o 111 loe „ ; ;; I '"' ?""'- '■"'"' '2u.o. 
 "nd in n,edicino >V. ^K,er If ' '''"'^"''«''- '''"'- 
 nt the Charing Cro./llo ,i,'p''.''", '"''"'■■'' ''''^'''"'^ 
 Me^iciu.S induding'i:;.^ V, .:;n''ts'" ^^"""'"«-" 
 ■if Kiiidniv-- nn.i 
 ■ 1B77, ISniu. 1. 
 ho Rook, Phi la., 
 or, The Story of 
 1. .Marion'.s Tom|)- 
 W« l2„,o. ;i Saved" b^'s; 
 the (Jrnee of (io,l .- „ Xalo, . ' 
 Marion; or, Safe in the s'.,'. 
 [^f^l, lOmo. 5. s-cret of . , 
 hrnest Adler, N. Yor.'c, IS8I |(!„„ p. \, 
 H"Kl^::r,'^^''^^^,/^-■'^ p^'---^^^ .. 
 »■•, A. Ji.(\ ,nd S T h iM:,'''ro,'- •■^"™ "'« «-'vs; 
 ',•'--; or. To Live is CI L„, iLf '", ^ilf,'. ;!:, ""',':;- 
 Ion., 1870 |8„o I i-'"'"^"'"^"'' "»>""''•■, 
 >B?> Ion!, W ;i2,^;/TThr's",K' ^''f'"" '"-^ 
 Word.of Divine L, Lon" Is'l ^T^ "'? ;:;^''' "' 
 .:.,n i..r ihu \ear .S7i; I.,.., i- ., ■..""- 
 of J, 
 ;ar i.sri;, j. 
 8U8 in the Huj'h of K 
 un., I."s, 
 1«. The .\ight 
 ingale .Sung of David : 
 ition of (ho Twe-ity-Third I 
 !l IMU: 
 1 5. The Voice 
 Lon., 1.87(!, „2ino. i 
 a •>< 
 nents in .,,';,■ ^ " • "- •>'>n'«l' E.x-,lonitions and .Setlle- 
 "-mfr " ■ Kl ri.I'j^ifr'^"/""" ^--t-n^h 
 pN<n.tionsa.dSe» »,..!-■. in ^" '^'i '"•" *'"'^'"''' '^•''• 
 ■•^■■^■l.) Vo iy F , , , " ^"''"' '^"'<'""'. l-197-lfl89. 
 ! "> North An e ,>; „ ,'-"-L:'''''r.'l."'";r "•"' settlements 
 and,s,vede.s75l;i^T; .''TAm^^'V ,"r*'''jr%P"^''^,' 
 '/o» xiVi'i- 3i'(i '"'"""'"-''""l importance and vulue."-.Va. 
 An',;i;.e™',.v\T,t"/o,,',': I- '''■■•- 11""'^'''' """ J^'fiah 
 >Viiis« I .1. V « •. ''"" "' l'""-»rd College, 1887. 
 fe.,,..n Ah.oUUioni„theChr:h:1:^;.\^7.:i;2: 
 (iirl.s 1 ",^S79 ;^fi,"r?"''''"'^V" ,'"''■'■'« "'""'^ f"^ 
 Wi HpV r -r "'""• >"-'>v ed., 188(|-81. 
 of Heiigio,^',;^;,.,,;^;!!; f;- ■'i-i-'-j-j" ^'-uais 
 rev. by E. I (iro.mrv sbi '.; '.. , ' '-'""' "''»' <"'•. 
 Ili.-torv 1 or s-^7 " ' uf^'*' ^- ^''« Child'.s (Jo.-pe 
 Simpll. Language,'"l!l':, V7 S""i«r'"^"1S'^", 1" 
 f tiieiHd'ciiL^-tvr^Kli^ f-r^^ 
 and*;r?;:,*^«y«!:!^'^ rn Melnorian. Ellen, Sarah. 
 co";"'^:n„;!Su^"^:\:'rt°'v'^ '"» '"'«'^'»''- 
 African Note,: n V^„„., "Ce'-^- ^"'""?7''-^ i" '■^°''"' 
 tl-J^unond and -iold'F , . '[ ^; ^'^T'"'' """ 
 inter, Jolii. .Slraiigo," (Pseud ) 
 .VAIIII, Jllis. Hkx 
 17. Christ and the Ch 
 'saliu, Lon., 18 
 pirit_ual Expo- Rochol' 
 niter, Lewis. 
 hii:tta E. V 
 See b." 
 ueauld, Lon., 188 
 (Trans.) The Ma.xiuis of La, 
 18. Cast Down, not C 
 ristian in Touiplation, Lon 
 P.8V0.I Wii,t..r, Kev. s 
 p. 8vo 
 ast Ort': a Thought for, 1 
 ciieca William 
 Id.] ronflrmation ; or, Ood's 
 , [iintr, vol. iil. 
 m., 1872, 8 with his People, 
 Ricnzi, nnri other Poems, I 
 Winter, Rev. W. H 
 Dulilin, ISSI. 
 Winter, Williuni, [„„ie, vol. iii , nil.l.,] KniduiiteJ 
 nt the llurviiid l.iiw .Soliool, but Juvotoil liiiii,-ell to joiir- 
 niilisin, and bus been the dniinntio oiitiu of the .\ew 
 lork Tribune since IM65. I. My Witness; a liook of 
 Verse, Host., isri, Ifnno. 2. Kilwiri lio(,th in Twelve 
 nrnrnatioChiirac'ters: the Portraits bv W. J llennesy • 
 the Kngraving by W. J. Linton: 'the Biographical 
 bkeleh by W ilhaiu Winter, Host., 1S7L', 4to: new ed 
 1S7S. ,'!. Thi.stle-Down: a liook of Lyrics, Host., \HTS, 
 ll)ino. 4. The Trip to linglini.l, liost., 1879, iL'nio; '2d 
 oil., enl., with Illustrations bv Joseph Jeflerson, IS.sO. 
 6. Poems: Complete IMition, U.,st., l.sSI, 12mo. li. The 
 Jeffersons, ("American Aetors" Ser.) lllust. Host., 
 1S"<I, 12mo. 
 '■Altngetlier Mr. Winter's work is n tlioroncli one, 
 RlinuiKlMiK in Bc„„l crllieisnis ami niiecd.ite. . . . One of 
 tile lew really soliolarly books ever written abont the 
 Aniorioan stiiKo. '— .Vo/Zoh, x.x.xiii. rilc. 
 r. Knglisli Hambles, Host., ISS.l, ^mo. 8. llenrv 
 Irving, X. Vork, I8S5, S\o. 
 ■ The preface correetly declares it to be 'a record of 
 llenry Irving s prolcssional career upon the New York 
 stage 1111,1 a .stiidy of his acting.' Tbc record is well-nigh 
 I.'v ..'ni„i ■•■ ■ l-'\" I""'S'>', "'•''■■"' l'"" uf the work is also 
 excellent. — .\(i//o/(. xl. ;it)7. 
 '■I. The Stage Life of Mary Anderson, N, York, ISSli 
 12ino. 10. .Shakespeare's Kngland, Host., I8,s(i, 24ino. 
 11. 1 he Wanderers: Poems, Host.. 1S88, 12mo. And 
 see HHoron.tM, Jon.s, mi/irn. 
 Winter-Wood. See Woon. 
 1, y '"'/'"b'osso'n, Henry T. The (fame of Draw- 
 lokcr Matbematically Illustrated, X. Vork. 1875 I2mc 
 Winterbotham, Uev. Uiiyner, '.A., H Se ,', grailuated at the I'niversity of London IStil in 
 scier..-e !8(i2. and in law 186,'l; ordained ISIU : incum 
 bent of St. Peter's, Fraserburgh, Seotlan.l, 1878-S(i. an.l 
 since then of Holy Trinity, Dean Hridge, .Ic. Kd.ii- 
 burgh. I. Sermons and Kxpositions. Lon., 1874, p. 8vo 
 ~. On the Real Character of the Early Keoords of Oon- 
 esis, Lon., 1878, 8vo. 
 Wiiiterbnrn, George William, M.D. 1. Pur- 
 'iV,"f' *^^ >""■''' '•'"'■ -• '^'"' ^'''l"" »f \"iiccii.ation, 
 1 hila., 1,8,S6. ;i. Repertory, X. York, 1886. 
 Hintcrs, Millinni. ]. Visitor's Hand-Bo.ik to 
 the Ancient Town of Waltham IIolv Ciws : with an 
 Account of the Abbey, Ac, Waltham Abbey, IS70, 8vo • ! 
 -d ed., 1877. 2. Visitor's iland-lio.ik of Cheshnnt:! 
 with an Account of the Palace of Theobalds, and other ' 
 I laces of Interest in the Neighbourhood, Wallnam Ab- 
 bey, \>,], 8vo, ;(. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of 
 liev A M. Toplady, Lon., 1872, 8to. -l. An Aeeonnt 
 ol the Uemarknble Musical Talents of Several Members 
 ol the Wesley Family: with Memorial, Introduction, 
 and .Notes, Lon., 1S74, 8vo, o. Who was the Author of 
 the "Pilgrims Progress"? Lon., 1871, 8vo, ti. The 
 J ilgrim I-athersof Xa/.ing: communicated for the His- 
 torical ami (icriealogical Hegistcr, Host., ,M:iss , 1874 
 8vo 7. The llist.oy of the Lady Cbapel adjoining the 
 Abbey ( linrch of Waltiiam t', Waltham .-\'bb"y, 1875 
 ."■**■'■' ''"-' ''^""' l"'">')rtai;' or, A Hiblical Analy- 
 sis of Man, Lon., lS7t!, Svo. U. Hibliographical Notes 
 on ,J (•oxe, the Martyrologist : with an Account of his 
 Family and Friemls at Waltham Abbey : chiefly col- 
 lected from Original Manuscripts, Waltham A'ubey," 187fi 
 8vo. 1 IK Visitor's Hand. Hook of Chipping Harnet, 
 Barnet, 18,11, 8vo. II. .Select Pa.-sages iu thS Life and 
 Keign of Har<dd, the Last of the Saxon Kin-s • „ith 
 some Aec(mnt (d' his Burial at Waltham Hofy Cross 
 r" ,','• ,'?'''"'*■' "*"*'' ***'"■ '2. Ecclesiastical Works 
 ot the ,Uiildle Ages ; or. Historical Notices of Early .V in- 
 uscripts tormerly belonging to the Ancient .Monastic Li- '■ 
 brary of Waltham Holy Cross, Waltham Abbey, 1877 
 Svo. I.'i. Annals of the Clergy of Waltham Holy Cro.-s ' 
 from the Dissolution of the Abbey to the Present Cen- 
 tury, (l.540-|.M(MI,) Waltham Abbey, 1880, 8vo. 14 Our 
 I'arish Kegisters: being Three Hundred Years of Curi- 
 ous Local llis.ory of the Parish of Waltham Holy Cross. 
 Waltham Abbey, 188,^, 8vo. 
 W'interton, r. There is a dod: Reply to Mr, 
 Hradlaugh's " Plea for Atheinn," Lon,, 1881, cV 8vo 
 W inthrop, A. T. Wilfred : a .Story with a Happy 
 Ending, Lon. and N. Ynrk. 1880, 12mo. 
 Wiiillir<>](,AiiRU!iliiM Clinton. Under the Cedar. 
 ami others, |yersc.] Host., 1888, Itinio. 
 Winlhiop, Robert Charles, LL.I)., f„„^, vol 
 111., adry He delivered the oration on the two-hundrcd- 
 and-fiftieth anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims 
 1870, at the Boston Centennial 1876, at the unveiling of 
 the statue of Daniel Webster, New York, 1876, on tho one- 
 hundredth anniversary of the surrender of Cornwallis at 
 Vorktown 1881, and on the occasion of the completion 
 of the Washington Monument 188."); resigned the iircsi- 
 dency of the Massachusetts Historical Society 1SS5. His 
 addresses and orations, Brst published separately, are in- 
 cluded in four collections, of whi.'h two are mentioned 
 «iit,; vol. iii. 1. Wiishington, Howdoin, and Franklin, as 
 portrayed in Occasional Addresses; with a Few Brief 
 Pieces on Kindred Topics, ami with Notes and Illustra- 
 tK:iis, Host,, 1876, 8vo. 2. Memoir of the Hon. ,1. H. 
 Clifford, (Massachusetts Historical Society,! Host., 1877, 
 8vo. ;i. (Ed.) Correspondence of Hartlib, llaak, Olden- 
 I burg, and others of the Founders of the Royal Society 
 'With (iovernor Winthrop, of Connecticut, '1661-1672 i 
 with an Introduction and Notes, (reprinted from the 
 1 roceedings of the Mas.sachusctis Historical Society,) 
 Host., 1878, Svo. 4. Addresses and Speeches on Various 
 Occasions from 1S6« to 1879, Host,, 1879, Svo. 6 Me- 
 moir of Henry Clay, (from the Memoirs of the Now 
 England Historic Genealogical t'ociety,) Cambridge, 
 Mass., 188(1, 8vo. 6. Addresses and Speeches on Various 
 Occasions from 18S0 to 1886, Host., 1886, 8vo 
 Winthrop, Sophy. See WKcrzKi., Huvhy Win- 
 throp, unprit, 
 Winthrop, Milliam Woolsey, b. is.'il, at New 
 Haven, Conn. ; graduated at Yale, and at the Law 
 School 18;)H; admitteil to the Massacbu.-olts bar 18,H • 
 served in the civil war; of law in the I'.s! 
 , Military Academy. 1. Digest of the Opinions of the 
 ; Judge-Advocates-tieneral of the Army, Wa«h 186a • 
 new eds., enl., 1866, IS68, LS.SO. 2. Treatisv <m Military 
 Law, 1886, 2 vols. i. An Abridgment of Military 
 Law, Wash,, 1887, 12mo. 
 Wintle, L. and I»I. The Old Hout-llou,«e: Nell 
 and katei or, A Cold Dip, Lon., Is.s,',. f,. ui,,,,, 
 « llitle, M. E. Two Parrots ; a Tale of tho Jubi- 
 lee, lllust. Lon., 1888, srp 16mo. 
 Winton, Mrs. Nelson W. The Drifting Anchor, 
 lllust. Best., 1872, Itlnio. 
 Wintz, Sophia «. Our Blue-Jackets: a Narra- 
 tive ot Miss Weston's Life and Uork among our Sail- 
 ors; new ed., Lon., 1881, p. 8vo. 
 Wirgman, Rev. Augustus Theodore', M.A., 
 D.L.L., graduated at Magdalene College, Cambri.lgc 
 8,.!; or.hiined 1870; vice-principai of St. Andrew's 
 Diocesan College, (Jraliam's Town, 187:)-78 , rector of St 
 Mary's, Port Elizabeth, since 1878; vice nrovost of St.' 
 Marys College, Port Elizabeth, since 1888. 1 The 
 I rayerlJook ; with Scripture Proofs and Historical 
 Notes, Lon,, 187.1, 8vo; new ed., 1884. 2. The Wor- 
 ^ ship of the Church Catholic, Port Elizabeth, 1876. :i 
 j Ihoughts on the Harmony between the Beatitudes and 
 I be Lord 8 Prayer, Lon., 1877, 12mo. 4. The English 
 j Relorniation and the Hook of Common I'rnyer, I5.S1 to 
 I lb(,2. Oraham's ■;.'„„„, i.s.^o ; Amer. ed.. with Preface and 
 . Notes by Rev. ',t'. J. Uold, Milwaukee. Wis., 1887, I6mo 
 1 i-J}'^ Uheny of the Church Catholic, Port Elizabethi 
 l>8,. Also, single sermons, .tc. 
 I Wirgnmn, Theodor. (Trans.) The Russians in 
 ( entral Asia : a Critical Examination down to the Pres- 
 : ent lime of the (icography and History of Central Asia; 
 Inmi the German of F. von Hellwald, Lon., 1874 Svo 
 Wischntwtzky, Mrs. Florence Kelley, 
 daughter of William Darrah Kelley, «h,„m. (Tran'i 
 he (■midition of the Working-Classes in England Yn 
 1844, by F. Lngcl^, N. York, 1SS7, 12mo. 
 M ise, Alfred 'I'homas Tucker, .'il.D., M.R C S 
 phy.vician to the Kursaal de Maloja, Ipper Engadine! 
 .1 "™'t '""'.;'"'' "'" ^''^'"=^'' "'■ 'lif5'' Altitude on 
 hthisis, Lon 1881, 12mo. 2, Wiesei, as an Alpine 
 Resort 111 Early Phthisis, Lon., ISvi. ,). Alpine Winter 
 111 its Medical Aspects; with Notes on Davos, 
 "ie.sen,St.,Moritz, and the Maloja. Lon 1884 
 cr. ■'<yo; 4th ed., -SSS. 4. C.mtra-Indications for VisitI 
 iiig the High Altitudes. lllust. Lon., 1886 8vo 
 nise,Bernhurd Ringrose, graduated at Queen's 
 College, 0.xfordl8M; called to the bar at the Midille 
 lemple I.VS.L 1. Facts and Fallacies of Modern Pro- 
 leotion: being the Oxford Cobden Prize iSssay for 1878 
 thTi'r hT\^"!- ,-• "''"'"''° "' Jurisprudeiioe fo^ 
 the Use of Students, Lon., 1881, p. 8yo 
 Wise Rev. Daniel, D.n., f-,,,,;, vol. iii., add„J 
 editor ot /,„„ 8 Herald, lloston, l8.i2-,'.6, and of tho pub- 
 lications of the Methodist Episcopal Church lS,')6-72. 1. 
ig of tlio Pilgriuia 
 t tlic unveiling of 
 :, 187(1, on thoono- 
 sr of Cornwallis iit 
 of the oornplelion 
 u.«igncd the ])Tcm- 
 lofii'ly IssS. His 
 ^o|)iiratel)', nro in- 
 vo are nii'iitiont'il 
 , and I'ranklin. as 
 itli 11 Few lirief 
 (ites and lllustra- 
 r the lion: J. 11. 
 i<'ty,) Host., 1877, 
 lib, Hank, Olden- 
 le Ro.val Society, 
 tic-ut, lfi(il-lti72: 
 printed from the 
 storiual Society,) 
 'cciies on Varions 
 71». Hvo. 5. We- 
 oira of the Now 
 !ty,) Cambridge, 
 leclies on Various 
 fi, Svo. 
 :ki., Soi'iiv Win- 
 b. ]x:U, at New 
 , aiul at the Law 
 lUM-'lts bar 1S;")4 j 
 biw in the f.S. 
 Opinions of the 
 y, Wafh., iMio; 
 alis^ on Military 
 ent of Military 
 oat-llou»o; Noll 
 =(|. Kimo. 
 ale of tho Jubi- 
 Drifting Anchor. 
 ckets: a Narra- 
 niong our Sail- 
 i!oilorc, M.A., 
 oge, Cuinbriilgo, 
 jf St. Andrew's 
 78 , rector of St. 
 ;e provost of St. 
 1«8S. 1. The 
 and Historical 
 . 2. The Wor- 
 abeth, IS76. ;t. 
 lieatitudos and 
 ■1. Tho Knglish 
 I'rayer, 1531 to 
 fith Preface and 
 'is., IH,S7, Hinio. 
 I'ort Klizaboth, 
 he Hiissians in 
 wn to the Pres- 
 if Central Asia; 
 in., 1S74, Svo. 
 ce K<;|ley, 
 I'f'i. (Trans.) 
 in Kngland in 
 il.l).. M.K.C.S., 
 ipcr Knijadinc. 
 jh Altitude on 
 as an Alpine 
 Alpine Winter 
 Davos I'liilz, 
 *t. I.on., I8S4, 
 tions for Visit- 
 .SSli, Svo. 
 ated attjuoen's 
 at tho Middle 
 f Modern I'ro- 
 Sssay for I87S, 
 isprudence for 
 Vol. iii., add., J 
 md of tho pub- 
 h 18,')r>-72. I. 
 MorHs'sVories! I '"f'"'<'y-'-.lmL.£x\~i:'i»'' 
 'Vols, li'mo. 7.', "'sPj William Moyd. 
 w;uj:^;r ^!,j'^r ^f^^";lf [^ ^- - ei;..,^ ! i^^'u^ ^.S-^f'S; x:;t^;f;;M;:;-„r 
 of a Wonderful life or Cm I-' .' ""V '• ■''I'" Htory l'''" '•■'f'-n of Inventions: ,i Parcr tc I „ ,1- " '" 
 ■s;'.t:^;, is, • ^;P'f «s,s-i •;;; : J-SS;.-!;'!;:-.:-;';; r(s 5^; st 
 Tour from Sanciv Hook to' t e ^.': '"'''"'•^ "I " ''l«'"'"' ^^"s-ser, .lolin Phiiin, b lS-,9 „t s, t • ,r 
 N. York, 1875, I''-|," i/'v '".■' ■"',"= '"■•lies. Illu.t. Knidi.atcl at the T.S Mi ,r v A.'-,'! iJ',"""' •^'"^ = 
 wri^rs, Re..r,ne^,'^o:::ha:;s,":,^"^ir',i:irfr"' ^1^^' '-I '^^'^ ^''^^''-"^^'-^y ^ '^ ^"cT::^ 
 <Jod' a Fundun .„t'a 'Pl ih-'soi^lv "p "•, '^'\' ''"'""' ' (^'^""^'^ ^ > 
 Cin., 187.;, Svo. lil r,f'^;, " "l;"'" '^•^•'"^'-■^'- «^''>K"i>nund. Phila;" iTsgT 10^0" 1- n- . - 
 Cin.,, tjv,,. ,s_ J,,,i.,;;„,' ;;;;■; ■■p,"'.''."'.'''»"'"ii'.v, iromthoOermi 
 Agreements and Disagree nents, J """"r'T '''oi-- , ('''™"S-) The Kichhofs:" a" R,;;;.;„""'':'V;r '',,''''',''■ '"• 
 «>'■ ' "' • •' '"'"^ "' ^™"-' i ';!,^^\ -", Hthcnbach,"",';;:;,:.; fs'" t """zir 
 (Jrans.) A Noble Name, or, Don,.inghau.,;.n , f'.om til 
 Cin., 188.-), ]()mo. 
 ad,U]'l80'J"''s75.f"b'\;'"!- '"•' — ' "f 'he "-"o, 
 caree as an aeronaut in IS r""''r; ' '"■ ' ''^"S"" '''» 
 ao-oss Lake Michigan. 'Th:::u^h h^ A^r iTTif 
 Ws^^,...per.onee a, an Aoron\ut. Hl'u.^t."''lta^; 
 A^^^^J:!,:i;;J^:ll^!'^ nt Claro Col- 
 Oonnan of Claire von .lii;;.^ Ij ~'"/„ -"> "- 
 donshiro. AVith 
 Kbn,;r-K::Lnwb ^i;;^; i^srr'ia,':"".-;:'';r ^"-^ 
 [j.soud. for K. liiirtlorbinder,] Phila., lSS;i •.,,,,[' 
 , „ „.„„. jsstvJr t ;■?-"" <Adoi,d/v^:si, Sii;it 
 .^<;;;;i:;;y'^bb,.:^';;-;L?l::;f 'i;;^ : ^'^::" •- ? '^:?"^-rn,liI: ii^ri r-^^ •^°- '"« 
 ourate of Uatnsey, "ita i ey Albev i;''".r ''"',"1" 
 FintTvlv'"! !■ •' f";f • ^■"'' "'•• '"'''-1 '' '■•^"»- The 
 million with ptootson mlia mner ^■;'.!'; ' " ^- "'"""" 
 [""'e, vol. : 
 se, TI(oiiin.<i Alexander, M.D„ K 
 with nn Kxaminat 
 i.,add.] Histurvofl 
 U.S. Edin. 
 'aganism in Caledo 
 '"Sophy and tho Gradual Dcv 
 ion into the Influence of Asiatic I 
 ift. Illust. Lon., 1884, 4to, 
 elopnient of Christianity in 
 ( Irans.) Pr -ked up in tho Streets- .1 Pom., c \ 
 ';«.-r."au of II. Schobert, •■ •- ^'"""'"""^ ' f'""'" '''0 
 eaves from th-j Life of a ( 
 , 12mo. 32. (T 
 ^umn of Joseph F. von K;;^ao;m"n 
 Sood-for-Nolhlng; from the 
 188S, .*.(j. Svr> 
 Mister, Owen, A 
 'f Mrs. Sarob (Butler) Wistei 
 » A.M., 1). ISfin, in Ph 
 llust. Phila 
 I '(/'■"; graduated at Uar 
 vard College 1SR3, nnd ii( the Iftw school IsSSj admitted 
 to tho bftr in Philiulclptiiii. Thu Now Swiss Family 
 Robinson : a Tnlo lor t'hildrcn of All Ages. Illui^t, 
 riimbridgo, 1882, 12iiii). 
 Wister, Mrs. Snrah, (Hiitler,) b. is:«, at 
 Branohtown, I'liiladclpliia; diiiigliter of Mrs. F. A. 
 nible, mipra ; married, ISj'.l, to Dr. Owen Jones 
 Wister. (Trans.) Seleetinns from tho Pro.^n and Poetry 
 of Alfred de Musset, N. York, 1S72, T-'nio. 
 "The speoiuH'Ms presoMtcil arc lint a cupfnl from the 
 well, but tliey have tho sparklu."— /./;v''i™"'« •W<ii/"-'"fi 
 With Irwin, Mis.s Ahses, (cd.) Worthy Women of 
 our First Century, Phila.. 1877, 8vo. 
 "This volume is a renlennlal torso. . . . Uves of thir- 
 teen worthv women from the old thirteen states, written 
 by women lieUiiiKinK in each ca-se to the same State as the 
 suhject of tho liiodraphy,— siuh was tho scheme of the 
 Women's l)c|jarlmciit uf the Contcnniul Commission, . , . 
 The result is live imlividual liioKriipliies luid one eiillectiVi. 
 (' Women of .Vew lliimpshire.') . . . Tlie least substantial 
 chapter In this booli is tlie sketLii of Rebecca Motte. of 
 South Carolina : tlie best, as a literary iierfurmance, is Mrs. 
 Sarali Butler WistiT's notice of Deborah l.oKan. . . . This 
 collection of bioKriiphies fully inslilies the pains taken to 
 Bather it, anil will long be reau with interest and prolit." 
 —yalkiii, x.\v. 200. 
 Wisiton, George M. Money, N. York, 1882, 8vo. 
 Witcoiiib, Charles. On the Structure of English 
 Verse, Lou., 1S8.\ er. Svo. 
 Witconie, G. Seiiivnrd. Practical Dairy Farm- 
 ing : a Short Treatise on tite Popular Management of a 
 Dairy Farm. Illust. Lon., 18711, )). Svo. 
 Withaill, >V. The Practical (Cotton-Spinner, Lon., 
 1886, p. Svo. 
 Wither, Mrs. U. lligg*. 1. Broken Sunshine: a 
 Novel, 1-on., 18S6, er. Svo. 2. The Three Curates: a 
 Novel, I,on., 1887, .1 vols. er. Svo. 
 Wither, Tlionins P. Bigg-, associate of tho In- 
 stitute of Civil Engineers, Pioneering in 
 South Brazil : Three Years of Forest and Prairie Life in 
 the Province of Paran.a. Maps and Illust. Lon., 1878, 
 2 vols. p. Svo. 
 "This entertaining uarnctive of wild sylvan life, stirring 
 personal adventures, and observations of luiture in its 
 most vigorous aspei.'ts."— .sVi/, Itn\, xlv. 'Mf>. 
 "The author has sncceeilcd in creating a vivid pictnie 
 of a jiart of Unizil whicli in didlcr hands woulil probably 
 have failed t<i excite tlie slightest interest."— .l//i,. No, '2KA\ 
 Witherby, II. Forbes. 1. The (Jospel of our 
 Salvation. Lon.. 1S77, p. Svo. 2. The Child of God: 
 his Life and Liberty, Path and (ilory, Lon., 1881, p. 
 8v;; : new ed., ISSl. " ;i. The Book of Joshua shadowing 
 tho '•"ulncss of Christian Blessing, Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Vitherow, Rev. Thomas, [fuiir, vol. ill., add.] 
 1. Dcrry an<l Enniskillcn in 1681): tho Story of some 
 Famous Battle-Eields in I'lstcr, Belfast, 1S7.1, p. Svo: 
 3d ed., ISS.'i. 2. Historical anil Literary Memorials of 
 Preshyterianism in Ireland 162:1-1800, Lon. anil lielfast, 
 1879,2 vols. p. Svo. 3. The lioyne and Aghrim ; or, 
 Tho Story of some Famous Battle-Fields in Ireland, 
 Lon. and Belfast, 1S79, er. Svo. i. A History of tlie 
 Reformation. Lon., 1882, ISmo. 5. The Form of the 
 Christian Temple : Constitution of the New Testament 
 Church, Kdin.. ISSS, Svo. 
 Withers, Trederick Clarke, b. 182S, at Shepton 
 .Mallet, Somei-.sotshire, Eng. : studied architecture; re- 
 moved to I'm: United States, and has designed many 
 ohurclics and other buildings in New York and else- 
 where. Churcli Architecture: Plans, Elevations, and 
 Views, N. York, 1871, imp. fol. 
 Withers, tJeorge. The English Language Spelled 
 as Pronouiued : witli Knlarged .Alphabet of Forty Let- 
 tors, Liverpool, 1874, Svo. 
 Withers, J. Tho Messiah King, ton., 1882, p. Svo ; 
 new eil, ISM. 
 Withers, Thomas tl. I'nder Square Sail: a 
 Manual for Cadets of the Merchant Service, Lon., 1877, 
 Withers, William llramwell. The History of 
 Ballarat, etc., Ballarat, 1870, Svo. 
 Witherspooii, J. The Nature and Effects of the 
 Stage, Lon., 1876, p. Svo. 
 Witherspooii, Rev. Orlando. Doctor Ben : an 
 Episode in tlie Life of a Fortunate Ciiforlunate, (" Bound 
 Uuiin" 8er.,) Bo.^t., 1-882, ifimo. Anon. New ci., I«S«. 
 Witherspooii, Rev. Theodore Dwight, D.D., 
 LL.D., h. 1836, at (Ireensborough, Ala.; graduated at 
 the University of Michigan 1856; entered the ministry 
 of the Presbyterian Church ; pastor of a church in Louis- 
 ville, Ky., sinoi 1882. I. Children of the Covenant: 
 Illustrated in tl.e Lives and Deaths of A. H., S. W., and 
 M. C. Kerr, N. York, 1873, l6mo. 2. Letters on Roman- 
 ism, 1877. 
 Withred, Louis. Penelope's Web : a Novel, Lon., 
 1876, 3 vols. 
 Withrow, Thomas F. American Corporation 
 Cases: embracing Decisions of Courts of Last Resort in 
 tho United .-States, since January 1, 1868, of Questions 
 peculiar to the Law of Corporations: Private t'orpora- 
 tions: vols, i., ii., Chic, 1872-74, 2 vols. Svo. (For 
 subsequent vols., see Binmoiik, Hknuy, «ri/)in.) With 
 Stii.ks, Ei)W.\n» II., Digest of the Decisions of tho 
 Supreme Court of Iowa, Chic, 1874-75, 2 vols. r. 
 Withrow, Rev. W illiam Henry, D.D.. b. 1S3'.I, 
 at Toronto; graduated at Toronto University 18(i4; en- 
 tered tne ministry of tho Methodist Episcopal Church, 
 anil has been editor of tho Canadian Methodist Magazine 
 at Toronto since 1874. 1. The Catacombs of Rome, and 
 their Testimony relative to Primitive Christianity, N. 
 York, 1874, 12mo; new ed., Lon., 1SS7. 2. ilistory of 
 Canada, Toronto, 1878, Svo. 3. Worthies of Eivrly 
 Methodism, Toronto, 1879. 4. Tho Romance of Mis- 
 sions, 1879. 5. Barbara Heck, ISSO. 6. (ireat Preachers. 
 Ancient and .Modern, 1880. 7. Neville Truman, tho 
 Pioneer Preacher, 1880. 8. A Canadian in Europe, 
 1881. 9. The King's Messenger; or, Lawrence Temple's 
 Probation, Toronto, 1881 ; 2d ed., Lon., 1883, n. Svo. 
 10. Men Worth Knowing, 1S83. 11. Valeria, tho Martyr 
 of the Catacombs : a Tale, Lon., 1883, p. Svo. 12. Life 
 in a Parsonage : Lights and Shadows of Itinerancy, 
 Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 13. The Dominion of Canada: Pic- 
 turesque and Descriptive, 1883. 
 W itnian, Frederica K. Legends of the Mound. 
 Illust. Harrisburg. Pa., 1878, sq, l2mo. 
 Witiiier, Tobias. Phonetic Orthography, N. 
 York. 1880, 24mo. 
 Witner, Theodore U. Wild Oats Sown Abroad ; 
 or. On and Oft' Soundings : being Leaves from a Private 
 Journal, Phila., 1S72, l2mo. 
 Wittciimayer, Mrs, Annie. 'listory of tho 
 Woman's Temperance Crusade, Boat., 1S82, Svo. 
 W itthaus, R. A., M.D. 1. Essentials of Chem- 
 istry, Inorganic and Organic, for Students in Medicine, 
 N. York, 1S78, 24mo. 2. The .Medical Student's Man- 
 ual of Chemis';-y. lll.ust. N. Y'ork, 1883, Svo 3. A 
 Laboratory Uuide in' Urinalysis and Toxicology, N. 
 York. IS86, obi. 12mo. 
 " Wittitterly, John Altrayd," (Pseud.) See 
 C.tltNK, Miss Er.tZAaKTIl T., Hnpi-il, 
 Wittman, Sydney A. (Trans.) Medea: a Tra- 
 gedy, by F. (Jrillnarzer, Lon., 1879, p. Svo. 
 Woakes, Edward, M.D., M.R.C.S., senior aural 
 surgeon to, and lecturer on aural surgery at, the London 
 Hospital. 1. On Deafness, Hiddiness, and Noises in the 
 Head. Illust. Lon., 1879. p. Svo; 2d ed., enl., ISSO. 
 2. Post-.N'asal Catarrh and Diseases of tiie Nose causing 
 Deafness. Illust. Lon.. 1884, p. Svo. 3. .\asal Poly- 
 pus, with Neuralgia, Hay Fever, and .Astlima, in Rela- 
 tion to Ethmoiditis, Lon,. 1S87, or. Svo. 
 Wodehouse, Evelyn. (Trans.) The Devil's Por- 
 trait : a Story ; from the Italian of A. (i. Barili, Lon., 
 1885, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Wodehouse, T. A (irammar of Socialism, Lon., 
 Woir, liUCien. Sir Moses Montefiore : a Centen- 
 nial Biography: witli Extracts from Letters and Jour- 
 nals, Lon,. 1884, cr. Svo. 
 Wolfe, Ernie .\riel. Shamrock and Rose: a 
 Novel, Lon,, 1877, p. Svo. 
 Wolfe, John Charles. Tho Revelation of St. 
 John the Divine, Expoiinded on Futurist Principles, 
 Dublin. 1871, Svo. 
 Wolfe, John Reisberg, M.D., F.R.C.S., [,ini>; 
 vol. iii., Woi.fp:, J. R., second of tho name, add.,] sur- 
 get 1 to thetilasgow Ophthalmic Institution ; lecturer and 
 surgeon at .Anderson's t'niversity, ,tc. I. On Colour- 
 Sight and Colour-Blindness, in its Relation to Railway 
 i and Sea Signals. Illust. Lon., 1879, Svo. 2. On Dis- 
 i eases and Injuries of tho Eye: a Course of Systematic 
 I and Clinical Lectures. Illust. Lon., 1881, Svo. 3. 
 ; Clinical Demonstrations .~.n Ophthnlini.? Subji'dB, Lon., 
 1884, Svo. 
 I Wolfe, Napoleon Be Startling Faots in Modern 
 , Spiritualism, Cin., 1873, 12moi new ed., rev. and enl., 
 I Wolfendale, Rev. James. Homiletical Coin- 
if A. H., S.W.,nnd 
 LettorA on Roiiiiin- 
 l^eb : a Novel, I,on., 
 Briciin Oorporntion 
 1 of Last Resort in 
 18Bn, iif Ciueniuns 
 : Priviite ('orpora- 
 2 vol«, Hvo. (For 
 UY, Hii/irn,) With 
 ! Dctisionfi of the 
 874-75, 2 vols. r. 
 iry, D.U., b. Ismi, 
 diversity ISM ; en- 
 Epi.scopiil Churcli, 
 ^ethoilist Miignzino 
 Dinbs of Rome, iiml 
 VB Chriatiiinity, N. 
 S7. 2. ilistory uf 
 iVortliics of Km-ly 
 Roiimncu of Mis- 
 fi. (irt'at I'reiicherj*, 
 3villo Truiiiiin, tiio 
 niulian in Kuriipc, 
 liawrenco Temple's 
 fiiin., I«S3, n. 8vu. 
 Valeria, tile Martvr 
 ;i, p. 8vo. 12. Life 
 ows of Itinerancy, 
 on of Canaila: I'ie- 
 ends of the Mound, 
 Orthography, N, 
 Oata Sown Abroad j 
 ives from a Private 
 'listory of the 
 , 1882, 8vo. 
 If-sentials of Cheni- 
 idents in Medicine, 
 cal Student's Jlan- 
 [, 1883, 8vo 3. A 
 nd Toxicology, N. 
 I," (Pseud.) See 
 f.) Medea: a. Tra- 
 p. 8vo. 
 i.C.S., senior aural 
 Ejery at, the London 
 8, and Noises in the 
 2d eil., enl., 18SU. 
 )f the Nose causing 
 ■o. 3. Nasal Poly- 
 1 .Asthma, in Rela- 
 I.) The Devil's Por- 
 A. (i. liarili, Lou., 
 uf Souialism, Lon., 
 ntefiore : a Centen- 
 I Letters anil .Jour- 
 rock and Rose : a 
 Revelation of St. 
 b'uturist Principles, 
 I., F.R.C.S., [niiK-, 
 e name, add.,] sur- 
 tution ; lecturer and 
 4c. 1. On Colour- 
 iclation to Railway 
 11, 8vo. 2. On Dis- 
 lurso of Systematic 
 m., 1H81, 8vo. 3. 
 Iinio .''iihji'rts, '•■"■n,, 
 Qg Faots in Modern 
 ' ed., rev. and enl., 
 Homiletical Com- 
 envoy extraordinary to^ p:::'," ,"'l:',""".'" I'*V|" '«-* 
 ^Voirsohii, Kdwaril w' \- • • 
 with Letters and .Notes reh. tin,; .„ l'"'',"":' '" '''<''"' ■■ 
 Bedford, 18,H,0, l';;,,„ """"' '" "'» I»oid..nts trcatei, 
 Wollaston, Arthur \avliir p r .■ ■ , 
 Persian Dictionary, comnile.'i fT , ' fi ■' ■ ', 'i»Sl'«''- 
 Lon., 1,S82, .Hvo 3 Ha ■ f""'Onf;,nal .Sources, 
 Acco'unt oMi;p;ih' t , :r,n" 88^''"^''''''^."" 
 see Pem.v, Siit Lfwis „,/„,, ' ''" ''"■ '^"'' 
 1870; chaplain of Salop an i Urn,, "' '*''"• "'■''"'"^■1 
 lum, Shrewsbury, since' M.i '^'"'."Somery^ComUy Asy. 
 , Rnn.mi) Ottawa V Ti,";,"^"" '"■"'• """iunvEii, 
 I'ropertv Act, 188 ami.,! ^rV^'"'""S «nd Law of' 
 Holstenholme, John H i v , ,,. 
 -i«; t^LM.;. ^ 7:;i i^S'«Chri^Col,eg^ ^l!, 
 "'atics at the Kng nee ^rnMi ' !',^"f''>'T'' ^'^ """""e- 
 -n. vii3oo.^,xc;::is',a;:::s'i:!;^::- 
 ri^Cape Verdes, and Sai^t'Ue;;;;^XC'r"r'sv:' 
 Wollnston, Ilev. William .>io„r v i , 
 uated at Trinity College, Ox br 1 '"? ^' n " ^''''J''- 
 oter College I S57-fl3; ordaine Is'-," .' ,''""" "' '^■''- 
 ainco 187J. Goo.l Friinv .Pt ,. '■'"I'l'iniiit Cannes 
 "u the Cross, r"nl, 1 ,s"!C^er! avr""' •' ""-" """'"" "'"''^ 
 ' "wo'fd"T"' ^''""'°''' "»'U.on., 1878 Svo 
 t'.« f-alian, Lon.f IS,S^2rr.T.„;'"'""'"= '"'"'"'""^ ^'""^ 
 on NSa-^^-pi,-^,"?;;' Vo"r^r«'-'ir tV"""' ^"^ ^'""'"" 
 >Voilif t *> -.1 f"rK, ISiH, Ifinio. 
 ".emrL.lnt-ls^TL/';':,/^"'^ <"■ "^ ^^'-t, and other 
 ."o«U, Alexander, .V A 
 iiitics of London and its Su ' ' 
 ..Savage Svinetia, Lon., 1883, 2 vols. p. 8vo 
 J5S!ttli:^i;f:i!:^;lr ::;:'fe-'-«vAnetia ..o 
 Verse, Lon. "iJ^rP^^^Tlf'"''^"^'"-^ 
 liell, and 
 p. 8vo. ' • ' " ' '" ^"S"sn Metro, Lon., 
 Wood, Rev. Andri-w, M.A., Krnduntcd nt Trin- 
 ity ('(iIIcko, Ciimbriilgo, ISA,); ordniiicil 1,h.')|); vicar of 
 .Sl<illin){tiin 1H6(1-S2, and tinoetlion rcoturof (}r> ' I'on- 
 tun. I'riiniiao and I'orturiiiiinco; or, Conflrmiition . lo, 
 Lon., 187«, Hvo. 
 Wood, Annie, 1. Lovo or Pride; iidii|ili'd frum 
 the Swe(li:<li, l.iin., 1S7.1, |i. Hvii, 2, (Triiim.) Klvinii, 
 l.ady Ciistortiin ; fri>in tlio Swediali i>f JI. S. Selnvarti!, 
 I.iin., 1874, Ji. .><V(>. ;). (Trans.) The .Second Wife; from 
 the (icnnan of K. Marlitt, Lon., lS7.i, .1 voIh. p. X\u. 
 ■i. (Trans.) The Dead Cities of tlio Zuyder Zee: a Voy. 
 ftKctothc l'ictiirc.«(iueSiiio of Ilol'and ; from tlio French 
 of Henry llavanl, I,on., l,sT.'i, Svo ; 2J od., |H7(1. ,'i. 
 (Tranf.) In tlic Councillor's House; from the Herman of 
 E. Jlarlilt, Lon., lS7fi, :i vols. p. H\n. fl. (Trans.) An 
 llnre(|uited Love, by K. lie) Kio, l.on., 1^71', p. .'^vo. 
 Wood, Arthur, author cf .several acting |>lays. 
 '•.shoiUy:" a Yorkshire Tale of Home, Lon., LS77, ,! 
 vols. cr. .Svo. 
 Wood, Ilcnjninin. The Great Pyramid an As- 
 trological Fact, Lon., 1870, Svo. 
 Wood, C. F. A Yachting Cruise in the South 
 Peas. Illust. Lon., 1S75, Svo. 
 Wood, Ciithiirine J. 1. A Hand-Iiook i>f Xiirsin^' 
 for the Home and the Hospital: with a (Jlossary of tlio 
 Most Common Medical Tonus, Lon., lS7,s, l2mo. 2. Food 
 and Cookery for Infants and Invalids, Lon., I8S(, Hvo. 
 _ Wood, Rev. Chnrlos, D.D., h., at Hrooklyn, 
 N.Y.; graduated at Ilaverford College, Pa., 1870, and 
 nt the I'rineclop Theological .Seminary 1873; pastor of 
 the First I'rcsbyterian Church, (icrmantown, Pa., -iiieo 
 18S(i. Saunterings in Kuropo; with an lutroductury 
 Xoteby \V. H. Taylor, N. Y'ork, 1S82, IL'mo. 
 Wood, Rev. C'hiirIeK Frederick llrynn, M.A., 
 graduate I at Pembroke College, I'.vford, 182'J; ordiiincil 
 18;i;i; vicar of Pcnmark since 1843. Notes illustrating 
 some Words and I'hra.«c8 in the (ircek Testament by 
 Reference to the >Scptuagint and the Hebrew Scriptures, 
 Lon., 1SS2, cr. Svo. 
 Wood, Charles II., and Long, Joseph l>. A 
 Digest of the Illinois Sujireme Court Reports, vols, i.- 
 l.iiviii., (Islll to l.'*74,) Chic. lS62-7.i, .'i vols. Mvo. 
 Wood, Charles William, F.R.(3.S. 1. Through 
 Holland. Illust. Lon.. 1.H77, Svo. 2. Round about 
 Norway. Illust. Lon., 18.80, Svo. 3. In the Black 
 Forest, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 4. The Cruise of the Re- 
 serve Siiuidron, Lon., I8S3, p. Svo. 5. Under Northern 
 Skies. Illust. Lon., 18811, Svo. Ci. Letters from Ma- 
 jorca. Illust. Lou., 1888, Svo. 
 Wood, .Miss Charlotte Diinninf;, ("Charlotte 
 Dunning,") b. IS.iS, at I'ouji'hkeepsie, .\.Y. 1. I'pon a 
 Cast: a Novel, N. York, 1S85, llinio. 
 " Light u'ld iileasant, and extremely entertaining."— 
 ti'tUioii, .\H. 157. 
 2. Cabin and Gondola, N. York, I8S6, 16ina. 3. A 
 Step Aside: a Novel, Best., 1886, 12uio. 
 Wood, Cyril W. A Short Catechism of Christian 
 Doctrine, Lon., 1872, IBmo. 
 Wood, David. Sheep-Dipping: n Digest of the 
 Latest Information and Practice connected with the Pro- 
 co>s, Edin. and Lon., 1885, p. Svo. 
 Wood, De Volson, b. 1S32, at Smyrna, X.V. ; 
 graduated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1857 ; pro- 
 fessor of mathematics and mechanics in the .Stevens 
 Institute of Technology l872-8,"i, and since then pro- 
 fessor of engineering. 1. A Treatise on the Resistance 
 of .Materials, and an Appendi.\ on the Preservation of 
 Timber. N. York, IS71, Svo; 3d ed., IS77. 2. 
 on the Theory of the Construction of Bridges and Roofs. 
 Illust. N. York, 1872, Svo; 2d eiL, 187fl. 3. The Elc- 
 nicnts of Analytical Mechanics, N. York, 1876, Svo. 4. 
 Principles of Fllementary Mechanics, N. York, 1878, 
 12iuo; Key nnd Supplement, 1SS2. &. The Elements 
 of Co-Ordinate (ioometry, X. Y'ork, 1870, 3 parts, Svo. 
 6. The Mechanics of Fluids, 1884. 7. Trigonometry, 
 Analytical, Plane, and Spherical, 1SS6. s. The Lumi- 
 niferous .Ether, N. York, 1886, IBmo. 9. Thermody- 
 namics. 1887. 
 Wood, E. J. Winter-. Chess Souvenirs: Prob- 
 lems: wii'i a Chess Tale, Lon., 1886, sq. 16ino. 
 Wood, E. M. Methodism and the Centennial of 
 Amcri'vin ini!."pendenoe. N. Y'ork, 1876. 12010. 
 VVo->d, l^'nund. Poems, Lon., 1887, 12mo. 
 tV«i'>il, -'. ' , Edmund (>ough de Salis, M.A., 
 graduutu<l .>6 Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1864 ; or- 
 dained 1865; vicar of St. Clement's, Cambridge, since 
 Iss.O. 1. The Province of Faith: Remarks on the 
 ! Method of Donation of Objective Reality 10 Subjective 
 1 Truth, Lon., 1 867, Svo. 2. The Relation of Habitual 
 and Actual (Irace, Cambridge, ISS7, Svo. 3. The Regal 
 i Power of the Church ; or, The Fundamentals of the 
 Canon Law: a Dissertation, Lon., 1888, Svo. 
 I Wood, Mrs. Ellen, (Price,) [oad, vol. iii.. Woon. 
 ' Mks. llK.Nnv, add.,) d. 18S7. 1. Bessy Rano; a Novel, 
 Lou., IS70, 3 vols. p. Svo; new cd., 1872, I vol. 2. Deno 
 Hollow: a Novel, Lon., 1871, 3 vols. p. Svo; new ed., 
 1873, I vol. 3. Within the Maze: a Novel, Lon., 1872, 
 3 vols. p. Svo. 1. The Master of Oicylands: a Novel, 
 Lon., 1873, 3 vols. p. Svo. !>. .Johnny Ludlow, Lon., 
 1874, 3 vols. ]). Svo; 1874, 1 v(d. (Stories reprinted 
 from the Argosy.) 6. Told in the Twilight, Lon., 187,'), 
 3 vols. |i. Svo. 7. Bessy Wells, Lon., 1875, 12mo. S. 
 Adam (irainger: a Tale, Lon., 1876, p. Svo. 9. Our 
 Children, Lon., 1876, 12nio. 10. Piirkwater, Lon., 1876, 
 p. Svo. 11. Edina; n Novel, Lon., 1876, 3 vols. |i. Svo. 
 12. Ponieroy Abbey : a Romance, l.on., 1878, 3 vols. cr. 
 Svo. 13. John Ludlow. Second Series. Lon., 1880, 3 
 vols. cr. Svo. 14. Court Nethcrleigh : a Novel, Lim., 
 1881, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. 15. About Ourselves, Lon., INS.). 
 12iuo. 16. Lady Grace, and other Sloriis, Lon., 1887, 
 3 vols. cr. Svo. 
 "Mrs. Henry Wood lias certain iiimlitlis wliieli sliiuilil 
 'lave made her one of our last imvel-wrileis; pupiihir is 
 another word. No one lays oiil ihe phin of u story letter 
 timii she does, and even' Mr. Wilkie (■(illiiis liiiiiself, lo 
 wlKun iiigemiity is the Alpha iiiiil (iniega of his eral't, is 
 not greater than she is in Ihe ekvenicss Willi which she 
 devises lier ]niz/l<'s unci tils Ihe ]iarts together. Hut Mrs. 
 Wood hises liersell in icrlaiii hcseltiiig sins, wliicli are 
 iippnrently beyond her power to oveiconie. She Is jiiierlle, 
 comnioiiplace. and iiieiiidicably vulgar. . . . We do not 
 liiid ill lier books a trace of Hint iirolesslonal pride and 
 Ihoroughiiess which (''sires to make a thing cood all 
 th'ougn witluuit rel'eri.ce to publishers or profit."— .s«(. 
 Jtei'., xx.\li. .M12. 
 Wood, Emma A. (Trnns.) Experimental Spiritu- 
 alism : a Hook on Mediums, bv All.m Kardec, [iifeud.,] 
 Lon., 1874, Svo. 
 Wood, Emma Caroline, I.ndy, [<niie, vol. iii., 
 M'oun, Lahv Emjia, add..] l,'-|i2-lS7!i. b. in Portugai; 
 the daughter of Sanipmn Miclicll, an English naval 
 officer in the service of the tjuecn of I'ortugal ; married, 
 1S20, to Sir Jidin I'nge Wood, rector of St. Peter's, Corn- 
 hill, London, and of Cressing. in Essex. After his death 
 in 1866 she published her first novel under the |iseuiio- 
 nymeof "C. Sylvester." 1. Rosewarn : a Novel. By 
 C. Sylvester, Ipseud.] Lon., 1866, 3 vols. p. Svo. 2. 
 Choicest Selections jroin Modern Poets, Lon., 1870, 
 16mo. 3. On Credit. Lon., 1870, 2 vols. 12mo. 4. Sea- 
 drift: a Novel, Lon., 1871, 3 vols. p. Svo. 6. Cloth of 
 Frieze, Lon., 1872, 3 vols. ji. Svo. (i. I'p-llill : a Novel, 
 j.on., 1873, 3 vols. p. Svo. 7. Wild Weather, Lon., 1873, 
 2 vols. p. Svo. S. Ruling the Roost: a Novel, Lon., 
 1874, 3 vols. p. Svo. 9. Below Ihe Salt: a Novel, Lon., 
 1876, 3 vols. p. Svo. 10. Through Fire and Water: a 
 Novel, Lon., 1876, ?. vols. p. Svo. 11. Sheen's Foreman : 
 a Novel, Lon., 1877, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 12. Youth on the 
 Prow: a Novel, Lon., 1879, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 
 Wood, Frances H. 1. Number Eleven, and 
 other Tales, l.on., 1873, I8mo. 2. Twelve Tales from 
 Many Lands, Lon., lS7.'!-77, two series. Hiuio. 
 Wood, Rev. Francis Henry, M. A.; graduated 
 at St. John's College, Cambridge, Iti71 ; ordained 1871; 
 rector of St. Kenelm in I'.jisley 187.0-82; perpetual 
 curate of St. I'aul's, Nortluimpton, 1882-88. Echoes of 
 the Night, and other Poems, Lon., 1873, p. Svo; new 
 ed., rev., 1S85. 
 Wood, Frederick W . Six Y'ears a Priest and a 
 Decade a Protestant, Cleveland, 1876, 12mo, 
 Wood, tieorge I). 1. Ihe Study of the Physical 
 Sciences : their Value in Education : an Essay, Lon., 
 1864, 16mo. 2. Essays on Mental Culture: a Book for 
 Oirl Students, Lon., 1877, 12iuo. 
 Wood, Rev. II. A Season among the Wild Flow- 
 ers. Illust. Lon., 1S83, p, Svo. 
 Wood, II. Freeman. I. Modern Methods of Il- 
 lustrating Books, (" Book-Lover's Library,") Lon., 1887. 
 Anon. 2. The Passenger from Scotland Y'aid, Lon., 
 1888, p. Svo. 3. The Englishman of the Rue Cain: a 
 Novel, Lon., 1888, or. Svo. 
 Wood. H. K., a Glasgow merchant, 1. The High, 
 way of Salvation, Lon. and Aylesbury, 1874, 12mo; new 
 cd., 1881. 2. The Cross and the Crown, (embracing the 
 Period from the Crucitixion to the Ascension,) Paisley, 
 1875, 16ino. 3. Heavenly Love and Earthly Echoes, 
 Lon., 1877, 12mo. 4. The Heavenly Bridegroom and 
lily IK !^nlij*'c-tivn 
 tiiin iiT lliiliitiial 
 0, 3. Thu Hogiil 
 laiiicnUils of the 
 1, f<VI). 
 ii , vol. iii,, WiMih, 
 ■ Uiino: ft ^■(nt.|, 
 2, I vol, 2. Di'iiu 
 p. Svo; n(!W cil., 
 sovel, l.iin., IK72, 
 yliinils : n Novel, 
 :iy l.uillnw, I, on., 
 Stdrii'K i>|iriiit(ii 
 li|{lit, Lun., 187.'), 
 1875, 12U10. 8. 
 |). 8vo. ». Our 
 valor, I.on., 187(1, 
 7C, II vols. ji. 8vo. 
 ., 1 878, ;^ voli*. or. 
 ;a. Lon., 18S0, ,'i 
 : a Novel, Iion., 
 lives, him., I88:i. 
 )ri(8, Lon., 1887, 
 ivy wlilcli slidiild 
 riti-ri-; [Mipiiliir i.> 
 n of a Mory 1 liter 
 'iilliiiK hliiiseir. Id 
 L'«H (if ills craft, is 
 s» Willi vvMili she 
 iKOllier. Iliil Mrs. 
 Is' i-liis. which are 
 le. Slic if jiuerile, 
 r. . . . \Vc (ill not 
 'i-sioiial priilc and 
 rs or pro 
 pood 1 
 fit."— ^'^ 
 friinenlal Splrilu- 
 Kardcc, [jifcud.,] 
 y, [diiie, vol. iii., 
 , l). ill I'orliitrnl; 
 n KiiKlifh naval 
 Drtugal ; married, 
 St. Peter's, Corn- 
 . After his death 
 inder the jiseuilo- 
 1 : a Novel, liy 
 vols. ]). 8vo. '2. 
 lets, Lon., 1 8711, 
 J. l2nio. 4. i^ea- 
 no. 6. of 
 'p-Ilill : a Novel, 
 uther, Lon., 18711, 
 a Novel, Lon., 
 t : a Novel, Lon., 
 ■e and Water: a 
 heen's Foreman : 
 2. Youth on tlio 
 jer Kleven. and 
 elve Tulea from 
 1 liino. 
 M.A. ; graduated 
 ; ordained 1871 j 
 r.'i-82; perpetual 
 !-S8. Kchoes of 
 73, p. Svo ; new 
 i a Priest and a 
 of the Physical 
 an Kssay, Lon., 
 urc: a Iluok for 
 ; the Wild Flow- 
 1 Methods of II- 
 ry,") Lon., 1887. 
 nd Yard, Lon., 
 ie Hue Cain : a 
 . 1. The High- 
 874, 12moi new 
 (embracing the 
 ansion,) Paisley, 
 Sartbly Eohoes, 
 Bridegroom and 
 l.i;Iirido, Lon., ,878, ,2,„„. 5. Betrothal, Lon,, 188, 
 2. Little J{ 
 e-t-se:„nL..,./pJ„- Ko";":^ "IrX;-^- 
 » ^---^mm^m 
 . I'"-l<bin,lin«, ("Brit. 1 the .NVv .)" f ■a'^JV'^,!;;; J"'j"N ."rtnerly minister of 
 >''■"., 87«, ,i;,no, ' the, , "in s ''' ;;,'.''"';,«'' ' .;.^'"":'<-"' f""" 
 "■•'«•'«• I. Tl, l-rayeis; the P,,i e, if , L v% "•". ^''""'""y "' 
 Answers Iheretn, I , , , .7 ' ,i .^ ■^^"I't'Te.., and the 
 1888, s(|. laiiiii, 
 Lon., I8,s,s, itii. 
 Wood, Henry. 
 World, Host., 18.S7, niiiiu 
 Hio!irl;,^!:r>;,;'';;:--»«n«M. 1^ 
 'li^' KiKhtecnth fentury L,,. ' -„ "'J''' ''""■'""^'' "' 
 ;i;i:^iir'e'«,i^'i..''""«""^'^'"^>vee„'r^,^,^-'^' «- 
 Hoi;;£'Ste";:i't„y'a,:r"" --y -vam 
 <^.csli::: ;:;,.wi.lJ:;,;, 7;;/: ':-'■>-'- a Labour 
 and II, T....... ,.*'""'.'"'."•' ''^'7. '-'»"• 3. Foreign 
 Houtuin of the 1,1,1 and ;,?,,,. ,,.. '''"'!'; '""■ the I '^"••■<li"'i h.i- \V„iki„i,„ ,,„ I n I s-7 1. ..,'""'""' 
 reBions."-.!,/,.*, N, ',",.'■', ''"'"' '^'^"' «■"' the siirnm',„|i,,^; ' «" , '"'7,'. "," ':'■""" <^'"nadian Free Trade, Lon ssi 
 ''"'•' '"8.', Isjii,,; new ed., I8.S4. *'•'' 
 Wood, Joliii, F H f ' .« vn< r . ... 
 i«.mh of ,h,nan;e,i;^S b;\;i^::^;jr;';ni;:::L;::F 
 Ni freiy at KiiigV College, London «ince IS7 ■ II, „ 
 L.""^i^ ri, 7,,,: V"^''''i'''''''''- '■•■»- 
 Ketnedies there" r Miaiy 1 87' "s'v'^ '^n'":' '""''"'i"^' 
 Master and Servant, aS^ ^7^8 ';'' ^'S 'ij^^'' ."■ 
 on the Law of Firu In.,iir.i.,'..„. ' *"; -^-A 1 leiiti,,, 
 Slate of the Law, K ," i.h „ i 4 '"■'■■'' '" "'« ^'"'"■"^ 
 Albany, 1878, 8™ '^"«'';''.!""1 Anierioan, \. V.,rk and 
 Treatise on the .Statute of Wau.l , N.'v„k ',t; .f' ^ 
 adSS "-"^'^" ^^ ^'•"- '^'-^ ■ 
 his Life 
 3. A Contribution to the lli..i,,r,. .'.J ' ,. 
 lti,r';s","»;;.-."-;r v "->■ >."^«S'£z:L 'S,,,,;;.;,'" i-is;;:™' ..".".v™.'''- ««""».;; 
 Wood, ll,.v. John. Ikniy Wilkes, D,D 
 iin.l iinic.--, .Monticil, IS8.S, l"ino 
 .1.!, Lon^A'",; I.-Iinf "''■''''"" ''^■'' '•'"= «ith Notes, 
 bar*a""hc' Mhl'u'o V*-'"rV"':"' ''• '''-'' ' """ol "' tl.o 
 Things fo'rlhosV who 'need Vl '"'"''''"' '"""' '"■' '"'"i" 
 ,**?."'I.'..?.«y- •''».•.»«». M-A., d. about 1887, gradu- 
 ati.. at Magdalene .'"^:c:^;;,;^i,r"^^«'>8-'>-- : ^-j;^ ^V ^-l--ors : showing ,n,w thj Inh;i;;j;;n; 
 thn ('h,.r„r, T I ■ \"'"""" insiructKin, 
 naL?,uhL]"!*'\Trrs7V,i''';';',. "'• '"'/'«""' "f "■« 
 Harth I' TrXxL ' n •' ' ? "«l'S'<>us of India, by A. 
 The s, ,.iP,: . ' ?"?'"! S";) I'On., 1881, 8vo 2 
 ,,., T,: '.'.:'„'! *'.*:«.•,""''..""'«-: 'Ji»''»»"e.': with ; Lenure 
 £hS,1; If ,i.LS=-:,tiSr,£;5y 
 lioui Homes without Hand- " Lon Is7l , „,""«'•'' 
 ed., I8S2. «. Calendar of th . J oni'h oI'tL Y """ 
 Naturalist Abroad. I,l„st, Lon.:"l''73rn;w'rd.,\T7''8^ 
 J.-'".°- .'.■ ^'■^?l^»^-'"rs : ..bowing how the InhabUants of 
 Out of 
 Natural Ili.;t„;jrf:„;' l^-f'^, ^»'" V "" ^™,f """ 
 10. InnocH Abroiicl: bcitinn I'oimliir Aceouiil (,f For- 
 e KB InmlH, their .Struftur.., lliiLil., „n.l TnniKloruia- 
 timis. Illiixt. I,()n., |S7(; now ml., I,s77 hvo II 
 KngliBh Scenery, ni.,«ln.te,l l,y Kiiiinc.t ArtidH,' 
 ll.httoii, Willi iliwriiitivo ti'xt.l L(iii„ Is;;, f„|. i^. Sa- 
 turf's T™.liiii(5«.- Huumn Iiiventiuii iinticiimleil by Xa- 
 Hiro. (lIuKt. 1,1, ri., IS77, p, Mvci. 
 ,.,l^'''l ^^\","'''' »l,"'''l"l I'l'HiT iK'viT <M,irwK mil iiiipri' rt- 
 iirkal.lj than wlifii iniyii.K tli.. riMciiiMaii.T lietwwu tin. 
 « 111 111.. Imliils ,,l,. „i til,. ,,i„..,.r Utile iliiiiKs In wlil,.li 
 .., ,r 'I "";'' '''■"'-''If- •,.,■ 'I'l'i' ••^"bj.'cl .If liisi...t-iir..lii. 
 li'duru. lia.s licfn H,■ll.I||^.l, ,, Mr. \V..i„l has 
 W. I',, ".''11" ?,,"'."';'' "■''''■■■ "'•''' "f rm'iir.h, anil what 
 lie has U. tell will liiiil eauur llsli.|iers."-.v,H,./„^„., 1, (|..,ii. 
 I.i. Tho I,Hiie ami |.'i,.l,|, (" .Vatunil lli.«t(irv Uam- 
 hlf», ) I.on., IS7D, Ii'in.i. | (. L'oimnnn IlritlMi iiiM.rts : 
 lypioal HcetlcvM, Ac, of (Iroat Britain; from '• lna..etH 
 lit llom,.." I,„n., I8S2, p, Svo. I,,, (h'.l.) WanderMigs 
 in South AiiKTioa, A,.. liy Cliarlc.» Waterton. Illu»t. I 
 ,.in.. 1SM2, Ito. Hi. I'etlanil Rovisiti.,1. Illu«t. I.on., I 
 i>->*h p. Svo. 17. llall-llonr« in Kiul.l an.l Forest: 
 tliapters in .Natural llistorv, (, ISS4, I2iii.,. IS 
 My Uack-Viiril Zoo: a Coiirso of Niiturnl Hi.story.' 
 I luat. I,on., ISs,-,, I2mo, 111. Ilor«o an.l .\fan : tlioir 
 , .Mutual llcpunil. 1, II an.l Duties, I.on., IMSj, svo. 20 
 Hk -llour.i with a Natura'ist: Hamkles near the ."^hor.. 
 I.on., I8M,^, p. ,Svo. 21. Th.i Iliiihly Natural lliatory! 
 I list. I,.m., 22. .Man unci hi,. Ilan.liw.irk, 
 lllust. Lon., issil, Svo. 2:i. liinls ami Heast^ I.on., ISSS, 
 r. Svo. 2t. S.),.ial llahitiition.s ami I'arasitie Neats; 
 from '■ Homes witli.iut llamls," I.on., ISHS. 2,i. The 
 Zoo. I.on., 1SS8, It. i; 2.1 series, ISSi). 2(1 The 
 Urook ami its Banks, I..,ii., lssil,4t.,. 27. TheDominhm 
 ol .Man. Illust. Lon., IsSll, Svo. With others. Skating 
 iimi .Slnlnij,', I.on., Is7l, I2m„. With W(s)i,, Tiikodoiie, 
 Ihe FiolJ .Naturalist's IIan.|-I!ook, I.on., ISSO, 8vo. 
 . ',.",."'"",''' l"''''i»lis lie i(Ki ninili ti, sav that the late .Mr. 
 ,,■,, ;■';'"' '-'^'''^ '"'•■upie.l a pr.iiiiiiient plaee in the litera- 
 liiie .,1 Ins i„niitry : hut we sh.uilil think there hail heen 
 lew iiiore siui.essUil writers in his own parlieular line, 
 1 lie Kilt ol piipnlur e.xnosltlun was liis In a iiuirkcil .lei;ii.|., 
 iin.l the artol eonveyiiiK kii.iwle.lue In a simple ami at- 
 tra,.tiye lorni. I he kiii,wle.l).e, too, was i,r an exiremely 
 varieil ami cdinprelienslve kiml. The man who lia.l a 
 thuroUKh ai.||iiaiiitam.|. with Mr, Wuiiil's works woiilil 
 lei.onie a kiiiil of walking iliiiinmiiy i,r iiseliil inloima. 
 on aeipiireil throUL'h tlie study uf liteiatnie far lighter ' 
 t mil iiine-t<:iit,is (it the novels pnhlishe.l In these .lays,"- t 
 >im-lut(ir, July 12. IS'jn, ,",7. ' j 
 •■ Umloiihteii.y my lather's creat ilistinetliin was that iif I 
 leliiK the pioneer In the work .ilpopnlarizini,' ntitnral his- . 
 lory ami pre.senlinfc' it tilth. Kerijral piiMie in the loini of i 
 an alliirniK'.anil ileeply imero.stinf; stuily. He hail manv 
 •Milisemiint imitatnrs. hut i,e hini.seinmitate.l m, .in... He 
 onml zo.,loKy a dull »ml dry study, open tu none hnt . 
 the lavonied lew wl, i enjoyed siH'eial aptitude, speeial 
 iiiiportuimies, and s.eeial eirenmstames I'nr its imisuit 
 He lelt II an ii|,eii Ijcik of world-wid.. interest, neellini; no 
 seholar to read or ,,iterpret it, no iinnsual zeal or persist- ' 
 enee ir order to ileeipher its seems. His wa.s the pen that 
 eil iitoer iK'ii.s to write up„n ili,. snhje.'t. His was the en- , 
 Ihusiasiii whieh llreil the .■iithnsiasiii of others- whieh 
 maile observers uiit of mei'liaiiirs, and naturalists out of 
 arli_sans. And t.,|,'etlier with ability and he 
 nniteil a dojiKed persi'veranee which enable.l him In ae- 
 eomplish a w.irk wiiieli.eveii ,so far as its mere e.vtent Is 
 (, very I'ew men have e.xeelle.l."-7"/it Hiv. J. 0. 
 II «'«( .. his I.ijt unit »;,rk. by Tiikoikiui.: Wimiii, p, 12o. 
 >tou(l, John Turtle, d. IsOO, He spent eleven 
 years, ls(i,-i-7l, in making c.veavations at Ephesus, 
 partly with funds supplied by the British .Museum. Dis- 
 coveries nt Ephesus : including the Site and Itemains of 
 the (ireat Temple of Diana. Illust. IS7(i, r. Hvo. 
 " Here is a rei'ord of honest bard work, earried on for a 
 long lime in the teeth of .limenlti..s of every kind, and 
 rewarded with discoveries of real and high moment. It is 
 Boniethlng to lie able to draw a pi.tnre of the fai.ions lemiile 
 which passed lor one ol the wonders of the world, ..Vinl 
 ironi aiiotlii-i- ijoint of view, it is at least a.s much to have 
 oroiiL'iit to lik'bt the precious store of ii..^,-rii,iions which 
 -Mr, «o(,il puts together at the eii.l of his suinptuoiis vol- 
 ume, — ,s„/. I.'n:. .xliil. ;i:!o. 
 Wood, John W. I. The Serpent round the Soul : 
 " Poem, Ellin., Is70, 8vo. 2. Ceres Kaces, [verse,] 
 CuiMir-Fife, IS7.3, Svo. 
 " oocl, John William. Tales and Sketches in and Verse, Lon., ISSII, Svo. 
 W ooU, llev. JoMeph, u Primitive Methodist min- 
 ister. Sunset at Noonday : .Mnmorinl.s of Mrs. J. T 
 Robson, I.on., Isri, l2nio." 
 Wood, yits. Jiilin Amandn, (Nargent,) 
 ( Minnie .Mary," pseud.) I. Myrrha Lake; or, 
 into the Light of Catholicity ; 2d ed., N. York, 1873, 
 I «mo. 2. Huborfs Wife: a Si„rv for You, B«lt., 1875, 
 IJmo. ,'l. The llrown llougeat Dufflelil ; a Story of Life 
 without and within the I'olil, Bait,, 1877, l2uio. 4, The 
 Story of Annette ami her Five Dolls: told tu Dear Lilllo 
 i Catholic ('liililr..u, Halt., 188(1, an. |(im». 
 I Wood, Kill... I. A Waif,,/ the .Sen, Illust. L,m., 
 I 8i,), 1, Svo 2. Lory Bell ; a Story about Trust In ()„,|, 
 I l,on., IS8.I, 121110. ;i. Winnie's .Secret : a Story of Faith 
 and Patience. Illust. I.on., 1884, p. Svo. 4. .lack ttn,l 
 the Oyiiaies, L,m., 1887, 12mo. 5. liicle Ueuben's 
 .Secret, l.on., I8S7, p. Svo. 
 Wood, M. .M, tlioilism nml the Centennial of Amer- 
 ican Independence, N. York, 187(1, l2mo 
 H ood, Oliver E. The West point .^crap-Book : n 
 C.illectii.ii of Stories. Songs, and Legends of th,. llniti-d 
 .•whites Military Acinletny. Illust. N. York, 1871. 8vo. 
 H ood, I . Ky,lale ; or, Before and After Culloden : 
 a Novel, I.on., 1SS2, p, Svo. 
 Wood, Ulchnrd A., ("Paul Cushing," pseud.) 
 1. A Woman with a Secret, I„m., ISS,'',, :i vols. er. Svo 
 .. Misogyny and the Maiilen : a Novel, I.on., IS85, er,' 
 8vo. ,i. Dr. Ciesar Cwl, .Mind I'lirer, Lon., 1887 ;) 
 vols, or, Svo. 4. The Blacksmith of Voe: a .Novel. 
 I.on., 1888, .'1 vols, cr, Svo. 
 Wood, .Siimuel, gardener. I. Gardening for the 
 (ottage; or, How to grow Win.Iow and other Plants, 
 Lon., ISfill, 12nio. 2. The Plain Path to (i„o,l (Janlen- 
 ing, l..m IS7I p.Svo; 2,1 cL, enl. entitled "A Plain 
 (luidc tolJood (Jurdi'iiing," I87rt ; :kl ed., IS71I ;) .Mul 
 tuni-in-Parvo Oardening, Lon.. Is77, p, Svoj new' c,| 
 rev,, I87U. 4. Tb,. Bulb-lbirdcn, Illust, Lon,, 187,8* 
 p. 8vo. 5. Tie Tree-Planter and Plant Propagator.' 
 (•Wealcs .Ser,,", Lon,, 188(1, |2mo. (i. The Tree- 
 Pruner, ("Weale's Scr„") Lon., I8s(l, 12iiio. 7. The 
 Forcitig-Uanlen ; or. How to grow Early Fruits, Flowers 
 and \egetablcs. Illust. Lon,, I8S|, p. Svo, 8 The 
 I Ladies' .Multuin-in-Puvo Fl. wcr-(iarden and Amateur's 
 . Complete (iuide. Illust. Lou., 1881, p. Svo. '.(..Modern 
 j Window-Oardening, under Asueots, North, South, etc.. 
 I.on., 1884, p. Svo. 7 , , 
 Wood, Sniniiel, naturalist. I. The Dwellers in 
 ; our Oardens: their Livi-s and Works, Lou., is;,", p Sv,,. 
 new ed., ISSl. 2. The Itiril and Animal Preserver! 
 How to Skin, Stuir, aii<l .Mount, Lon,, IS77, |2mo 
 i Wood, llev. .Samuel Theodore, M.A., liCI. 
 ■graduated at Christ Church, (l.xford, 18(17; ordained 
 j I8|(l; rector of Ililperton „■ Wliiiddon 1888. 1. The 
 I .spirits in Pri.sou : a Lenten Ueverio, [verse,] Lon., 1877. 
 2. Seen and Unseen; an Epiphany Poem, Lon., IS78, 
 ' ,.:","!' '''•.•^''"''''•en "' Calvary : Instructions for School- 
 children, I.on., ISSl, .■)2mo. 
 ' Wood, .Sara, and others. Stories from Many 
 Lands, L,m„ |S77, l2mo. ' 
 Wood, Shakspere. 1. The Capitoline Museum 
 ol Sculpture; a Catalogue, Rome, 1872, Svo. 2. The 
 •New Curiosuiii Urbis; a (iuije to Ane:jnt and Modern 
 Uonie, Lon., 187;'), p. Svo. 
 Wood, .Susan. (Trans.) Levana ; or. The Doctrine 
 of L.lucation, by Jean Paul Richtcr. Selections. Lon , 
 I881, p, Svo. 
 Wood, Theodore, son of Rev. ,1. G. Wood, .„o,.„. 
 I. Inictical Lessons on Insect Life, Lon., 188H, |2mo 
 -'. Leg,s and Wings. Lon,, ISS4, sm. Svo. :i. Our Insect 
 Allies, Lon., ISS4, 12mo, 4, Our In,sect Enemies. 11- 
 lust Lon ISS.,, 12mo. 5. Nature ami her Servants; 
 .^ketches ol the Animal Kingdom, I.,m., 1885, p Svo 
 (>. Our liir.l Allies, I.on., 1887, 12mo. 7. The Farmer's 
 Friends nml Foes, I.on., ISSS, p. Svo. And see Wooii, 
 I Wood, llev. Thomas, Wesleyan minister. I'lio 
 I Doetrmes ol Annihilation and Universalism view,-.l in 
 he Light ol Reason, Analogy, and Revelation, Lon,, 
 ISSl, p, Svo. 
 ,,."?"^», 'tev- Thomas William, educated at 
 Kings (o lege, Lonibm ; or,laine,l 1868; domestic ehap- 
 hun at Riydd Court I87()-S(), and since then vicar of 
 El.lerslield ; chnpl.-iin of the or.ler of St, John of Jem- 
 salem since 1874 I Five Ilundreil Abbreviations made 
 Intelligible; with Notes, I.on.. I87.'t. 2. Notes on the 
 Irayer-Book and Psalter, for Choristers, Lon. 187;! ■ ",t 
 7 I IS-:- ,«• ''^'- ^^'\^'i'r Tyi"'«™pl.ically Ueviscd, 
 Lon,, ls,j, l«m„ 4. A Manual of Pulpit Prayers, Lon,, 
 '■ '' rJ-i.'' ,'?.■ J''™'"':'-"rai .md Aculemieal Colour.s, 
 ,.on„ IS,B l2,„o fi. A Guide to Ordination in the 
 Church of England, Lon,, lS7il, 12ino, 7. The Degrees, 
 downs, and Hoods ol the British, Colonial, Indian, and 
 American Lnivcrsities and Colleges, I.on., 1883, 4to 
 V.m, nnlt., 1875, 
 ; iiSliiry of Lifo 
 r, i:'iiio. 4. 'I'll,, 
 Id tu Deiir LIttIo 
 n. Illust. Fion., 
 lit Trust in (lu.l, 
 a Story oC Kiiith 
 0. I. Jiu'k anil 
 I'lielo Uciihon'» 
 eniiial u{ Aincr- 
 I Suriiii-Ilcxik : a 
 Isol' Ihi' Uiiitcil 
 'urk, l.sri, 8vo. 
 Alter Culluilen: 
 ■<liin|?," |)seuil.) 
 II vol*. IT. .Hvo. 
 , I,on., 1HH5, cr. 
 , l,on., 1887, ;i 
 \'oo: a .Novel, 
 •denliiK for tliii 
 1 otiicr riiiiils, 
 > (iooil (iiirik'ii- 
 itloil "A riiiiii 
 18711. J). Mul- 
 8vo ; new eil., 
 t. I.on., 1878, 
 lit l'r(i|m(riii<ir, 
 Ci. The Tieo- 
 U'lno. 7. Tho 
 •'ruits, Flowers, 
 1. 8vo. S. Tho 
 iinil .Ainiitciir'n 
 vo. '.K Modern 
 111, South, cte., 
 10 Dwellers in 
 ., l^;7.'i, p. 8vu; 
 lal Preserver : 
 7, l-'iuo. 
 M.A., li.C.K., 
 8li7 i onhiiiied 
 1888. I. The 
 le,] liOn., 1877. 
 11, r.oii., 1S78, 
 ana lor Sohoul- 
 from Miiny 
 »llne Muecuin 
 8vo. L'. The 
 t and Modern 
 , The Doctrine 
 lotions. Lon., 
 Wood, nii/ii-ii. 
 ., 188;i, i:;,no. 
 :i. Our Insect 
 Kneiiiies. II- 
 lier Servants : 
 1885, |). Svo. 
 The Kiiriner'a 
 nd see Wood, 
 linifter. The 
 "111 viewc^l in 
 Diatiun, l.un., 
 educated iit 
 ouicstic eliap- 
 ;hen viear of 
 ohn of ,Jeru- 
 I'ialions made 
 Notes on the 
 on., 187;t ; -M 
 illy UevL^ed, 
 'rayers, Lou., 
 liciil Colour.", 
 ation in the 
 Tho Degree.", 
 Indian, and 
 ., 1883, 4to. 
 8. BtdcnAeld and Hk A 
 P=,r, ttl^^'-" ^-- '-^'. «• Tho , ^ ^„„UH..,. J„H„ „..,.,.„M 
 Hooil, Ui'v. iv 
 toi-.v and Aniioiili 
 The !• 
 Wood, n. .>i, ' i 
 i|iilliei<, Kdiii., IMSS 
 ia-t \ouk of Kifo : itg II 
 Is- I Host,, IS 
 li anil 
 How I found It 
 XIK liii 
 li'Kother wlih .Mnry'a .Stat 
 M<>X» 'if India made I'lain i a 
 I.on., I8,si. |(„, 
 •'liionu,: Mother Earth's III,,,,. 
 •NfW Sehool, Un., 187a, |,, 
 i'i'«; or, (iauie 
 Journalistic Ueliosi,eci 
 Wood, Wiillavt'. 
 rajiliy : a Honiiiiue of tli 
 Wood, Ualler. The Hook of 1., i, 
 fotMi SiiiKle l>l,iy,.|., I.,,,,., |s,s7.,. s '"" 
 I.ukes llo."i,ital |„„„l„„ '•"•^•'•' I'liysician to St. 
 Insanilv: Jitl ,^t, 1 I' , ;,"'''i',""','^' "» "'« '''•-■'' "f 
 i-if. in\ii;t,;i:ri s■:i?;^;'^''-''''''»^ 
 tli" Lunacy l.uvv, l.i.u., IsVl! .sn, ' " '"""""^ ""^ 
 «">j: i'a,,ersund Addr..:,. 'i;;:;,,:,^^;'';..^;; '^""' '^- 
 Hood, Kcv. Uiilia,,, Splcer, Jr v 
 nated, (irst class CIih" Triii niVt r i • 7. ', ' '' *''■'"'■ 
 bridKc, 1871 ; ordained l4i\ ro^. It o,'",;' .' ''■«°: •;"'"- 
 am lainloii since I sm i " ■ ""-'•'^ <>< I ll.inl w .\shton 
 Mudies iii^st. i-a,.,, K,,;„„, ,^\u:'\i,!Zr:::"ij: 
 »l llH' Inner Tuu.i.le'' 871 sLlJir'.'r' '".."'f.''" 
 and Vignettes hyVs.ChattXu:<;^l;!;;U 
 Hood..W„r(iii. .SeoMAiTis. 
 "oodail, Williaill. Paris after Two <! 
 Woodall, William Otier 
 Woodbury, « nlliT II. ( !•: 
 d.) Treiisiiro-.S|M 
 (Ud.) A 
 r,"'r« :•;?,• ,•;,?"""• ■' ■ ■' "."";« ^.. 
 Pcc^l ar Coct -n^ ""'/ ^ '• '""'^'"' '" "''^'^1' "'• 
 i, . . I ,;.' "■■^"•■iic anil moiiern yKslhetii 
 1 om.lar History of Society, l,on., Iss.'f ,, %"„ 
 '. n I'lteiiceol ^reelllu.•.onrv, ,on., 1x7,1 hv,, •> iw,, \'s M,.8„nie Cyelo oudia and i „„ i vLl J 
 Masiinie Archu3o,o«y, HIstl.ry, and niogn'.'phyr'L;', 
 sii.^h",'!""'"''' •'• """' "■"" C'""!"--. ••""., 187.3, 
 Woodlord, Rt. iicv. James H,igsi.||, 
 f"""' '"'• '"•• »;1'M lM.'tt-18S5; graduate" 
 Twelve Sciiiions. Lon., 1SS7, ii. Svo. 
 (I j^lMld.) ,>«ec Iluuroil, UoBKl.T li., .„n™. ' 
 ood.T, J. .Ksihellc and Modern .Kstheticisni 
 "TO than With themai;;:r,,ofuio Vo I.ii:.; r '•• i^""'??!?' .^.r''"^ '" Shakespeare's " A 
 \V»,i.i„. .. „ to ilw. '. Mi.i.. ■ .,-.T-. .■'■'>" l-lyinologicul Index 
 IS.s.s, ,Svo. 
 I "■•"V'"',"''*'^' "«*'• S«i"iiel .Merrill D 11 
 M A h I8V1 V""T "'"-gess i-nncaNtcr, 
 1S7h': ™|,1^ • ,*^'""""^"' "' «'"••'■"'« College, il.xford 
 INS, calleil to tlie bar at Lincoln's Inn I88II. 1 The 
 ,iirc^;;:"L::!i::s7r"Lr ""'"'''"^""""-- ^'«'"'» 
 I Woodgatc, V. Frederick. .'Shee,, ami Cattle 
 , Faiiuing Ml liiieiios Ayres : with a Sketch f he Finln 
 Woodgate, liev. Heiir, Arthur, MA UD 
 tVom ISr "'j' 'Tr^ '*""-!'^'-'^ n.torof'B^toug Von 
 A Consnectiis of the V.ul.lJ?.:.-'-.'''^- ."'""« /'""•• ^^ 
 Storv r {■ 1 'Jiiicoin s ini 
 ,u,,, — -■ — "■"»"■..-!. , son 01 tti 
 8 1., graduated at lirascuose Colleae Ox 
 called to the bar at the Inner 'Teiuidf i,S72. 
 ili „ M 1 '■', '• ^"R"SIUS, D.D., !„i,le. vol ford ISIlT- ,.,.ii„ 1. Ti r ' "™''^""''<= • ""ege, 0.x- 
 tary erations during the War, Providence 1875 ^"^;i,..;;, 1^' ""1 " *''''!''"»" Rowing at Eton 
 of ilh;,,,; ,^l!/ tf^'" ''""'' " ""^ ^-"- »»" !^^ «. ":^z; w.^;'::% ' '^""•' '«^«' p- ^vu-^ Anf:^ 
 ofKlio.ic [sland. IS77. ..-- „, •'.»., ^rn/^iv,. 
 .^-•^"-V. -./.«. Fire Protection ^ Mills, i corZ^rihf^Z^;,.:!:?^ ^l^^J^f!^!:^ 
 N.\ork, oiogioal .Society. Iliust. 1S,S-I, p. 8vo ' 
 Illust. N. 
 and Construction of .Mill-Floor" ie 
 1882, 8vo. 
 verDrvei':7s'8^'2i:,;/""^'^'«' ^'"'"'■^-^ '» »- 
 Woodbury, J. W., and others. The First Hunt 
 and other Stories. Iliust. Host., 1878, I2iuo. ' 
 Woodhead, Eriiest. 
 Professor Hodgson, Edin., 1884 
 i-.V ""'','•«««•» German Sims. Mn frpp 
 'tudent Reoollections of 
 M.D., F.R.C.P. 
 Priiolk-iil Puthology : ■ Maniml for Htudenti unil Prurtl- 
 lioiiBrn. Illiiit. IMIii., 1nk;1. «v»i :Me,l., Ihm:,. With 
 lAiiK, AiiTiii II William, M.I)., l'Btli..logloul Myoology, 
 Wuodhcnd, JoHliiin T. Tin- (ioMen Kefereo : n 
 Uiiido t.i Jli'ttUli. lly Modicuii 4 Co. I.ivfr,,,,,,!, IH71, 
 Uoodhill, II. DlKi'dtinxiiMil Tubuhiling Aot'ounH 
 (iiicl lictuiii I'm Civil Sfiviif, I.mi., 1H71), Svii. 
 Woodhouac, Ucv. i'ri-dcrick t'harlefi, M.A., 
 [<.M/r, vdl. iii. ii,l<l.,] Krii.lualr.l at St. J(,liii< (.'ullege, i 
 Ciiiiiliriilgp, l-:)0; ordiiimvl |s.',ii| rector .if .Si .Miiry'n, 
 lluliiio, IS.W-75, iiiiil «lii(M. 'Iiun vic'iiriif Holy Trinity, 
 I'olkfi'tono. I. The K.\i.|, I larof I'liti.'iiM : Mo.lltMlioin 
 on the Firty-Kirst Pnaliu, I,on., 1X7-', Svo. 2 Th« 
 CoiinmlH of I'erlVolion; or, Christ and Modern ChrU. 
 tianity, Lon., lN7.i, p. Svo. 3. The Military Religious 
 Orders of the Atfcs : the llospltallor!.. the Tfin- 
 plam, the Teutoniu Knights and otherx : with an Ap- 
 pendix of other Orders of Knighthood, Legendary. 
 Honorary, and Modern. Lcjn., lt<7«, p. Kvii. 1. Spiritual 
 I-cs»on» taught Ijy Dumb Animals, I.on., IS.SO, I2in(i. S, 
 The I.ife of the .■<oul in the World : a Hook of .Xpirilo il 
 Heading, l,or., IN8I. ^vu. 6. Plain Preaching, Lon., 
 1S82, l2nio. 7. A "', i.ual for Lent: .Meditationi fur 
 Every IJay, l.on., Iss;i, p. ^• oj ;)d ed., 1SS|. s. A 
 Manual tor Advent : a J\iv lliouglits for Every Day, 
 I.on., IHs;|, p. Svo. '.i. A Manuiil for Holy Days for 
 which the Church prov leu .'Special Services, Lon., ISss, 
 p. Svo. 
 Moudhouae, Rev. RpKinald Illingworth, 
 M.A., graduated at St. Jcdiii'H College, Cambridge, 1877 ; 
 ordained IS7S; vioar of St. Luke's, liromley Common, 
 since 1SS7. What i.i the Church ? or. Plain Instruction, 
 ac, Lon., ISSfl. .so. Iiimo. 
 Moodhiill, Alfred .\lcxnndi>r, M.D.. b. 1S,I7, in 
 New Jerseyj entered the army as assistant surgeon ISIll ; 
 served in the civil war; io;ijor surgeon 1876. 1. Cata- 
 logue of the Surgical Sectiuii of the Inited States Army 
 Medical Museum : iireiiared under the Direction of the, Wash., ISHB, 4to. 2. Ipecacuanha: 
 Studies, chieHy Clinical, cm I ho Non- Emetic Use of Ipe- 
 OBOuunha: with Contribution to the Thorupcusis of 
 Chcilera, I'hila., IS76, Svo. 
 Houdhiill, Mrs. Vii-toria, (Claflin.) I. Me- 
 inorial on Women's Hights, .\. Vcirk, 1870, Svo. 2. The 
 Origin, Tendencies, and Principles of (iovernmont , or. 
 The Kise ami Kail of Nations: with the I'nitcd States us 
 the Kepresenlative (Jovcrnment of the World, N. York. 
 1871, Svo. 
 Woodman, CliarlcN II. Hoys and Girls of the 
 Kevolution, Pliila., IS7il, |2mo. 
 Woodman, Emma II. Men, Women, and Prog. 
 reas, Lon., lsS'),j). Svo. 
 W oodman, Frederick. The House of Clarisford ; 
 a Prophecy, Lon., 1S77, 3 vols. or. Svo. 
 Wiiodman, John, M.D., F.R.C.S., medical oHicei 
 of hcalih, E.vcl.r, Ac. Notes on Transplantation or En- 
 grailing of Skill, Lon,, IS7I, Svo; 2d od., eiil., 187;!. 
 >toodmau, Joseiih Vere, graduated at the Uni- 
 versity id' London ISiiii; called to the bar at the .Middle 
 Temple ISI'm: chief reporter of India law report.s, Cal- 
 cutla. I. The Indian Digest: being a Complete Index 
 to the Reported Cases of the High Courts establisheil in 
 India, Calcutta, 1S70, Svo. 2. A Digest of Cases reported 
 in the liengal Law Reports, v(ds. i. to .w., and in the 
 Supplemental Volume of Full Bench Rulings, Calcutta, 
 I87S. r. Svo. ' 
 ^Woodman, M. S. Choice Receipts, Host., 1875, 
 Woodman, William Uatburst. (Trans.) On 
 the Teinperaiurc in Di.siascs, by C. A. Wunderlich, (New 
 Sydenham Soc. Pub.,) Lon., 1S71, Svo. With Tniv, 
 Chahlkh Mkv.mott, A Handy Hook of Forensic Medicine 
 and Toxicology, Lon., IS77, Svo. 
 Woodrooit'e, Selina .'Mary. Pedigree of Wood- 
 roiiffe: with Memorials and Xotos, Lon., 1S78, 4to. LU) 
 York, 1871, r.'mn. .1, Holden with the Cords. N. York, 
 1S71, |2mo. With others, Ho gi^rth Songs: aCollcetlon 
 of Religious Lyrios. Illu-t. .\. York, ISS(), |2ino. 
 Wood*, Hcv. Prancix Ili-nry, M.A., ll.D.,gi,i(|. 
 uateil, llril class Theol., at .lesus College, Oxford, IS7.'I| 
 Fellow of St. John's College Is7il-H.'); lecturer lHsa-HH| 
 ordained IS7I; vioar of Chalt'ont St. Peter IssS. |. \ 
 tiuide to the Study of Theology for the Oxford Honour 
 School, L.,n., IS8(i, p. Svo, 2. Swe.|cn and Norway, 
 (" Foreign Countries and Ilrittah Colonies,") Lon., Iss2, 
 cr. Svo. 
 "A umninil which is at once both exhrnsllve and com- 
 prehensive."— .Iiw^, xxl, m:i. 
 ■'1. (Ed.) Can. ins ..f the Seeoml Couneil of Orange, 
 A. D. 5211: with iin Introduction, Translation, an.l Note", 
 0x1'., 1882, Svo. 4. (Trans.) The Civilization of Swe.len 
 in Heathen Times, bv Oscar Montelius, Professor at Iho 
 National Historical Museum, Sweilen : from the 
 Swedish Eilition, Kevisml and Enlargeil by the Author. 
 Map and lllust. Lon., ISSS, 8vo. With Johnston, Rkv. 
 John Oitavii s, (trans.) Three Anti-Pclagiun Treiitises 
 of St. Augiisline: with Analvses, Lon., I8S7, p. Hvo. 
 Woods, (;eorKi> liryaill. Essays, Sketches, and 
 .■^(•■ries: with a Uiograpliieal M.inoir, Host., I87:t, l2mo. 
 Woods, JameN Chapman. I. A Child of the 
 People, and other Poems, Lon., 1S7», p. Svo. 2. (Jui.lo 
 to Swansea and the Mumbles, Gower, an.l other Places, 
 Lon., 18s;). 3, Old un.l Rare Hooks, [a lecture,! Lon . 
 1SS5. ■' ' 
 "A very Interesting Introduction to the subject of liuok- 
 collectliig,'— .Icoj/,, xxvli. 'I'lT. 
 I. In Foreign Uyeways: a Rhapsody of Travel, Lon., 
 ISS7, l2mo. 
 Woodit, Mrs. Kate Tannatt. I. All Around a 
 Uocking-Chair. lllust. N. York, 1879, so, Svo 2. 
 Six Little Rebels. lllust., 1879, IHnio. .'t. Doc- 
 tor Dick, lllust. Host., issil, I2mo. 4. Toots nn.l his 
 Friends. lllust. N. York, ISS;), Ito. J. Twice Two, 
 and other Stories, lllust. N. York, IS8:i,4lo tl. The 
 Duncans on Land and Sea, N. York, 1883, vo. 7. 
 That Dreadful Hoy: an American Novel, Host., ISSflj 
 12ino. With others, Jack's First Contract, and "tlier 
 Stories. lllust. I87S, Kimo. 
 Woods, .tiargaret L. A Village Tragedy, Lon., 
 18S7, cr. Svo. 
 Woods, W. Fell. Letters on Oyster- Fisheries ; 
 the Causes of Scarcity, the Uenicdies, Ac, Lon., 1S77, 
 Woods, W. J. A Visit to Victoria, Lon., 18S6. 
 l2mo. ' 
 Woods, William U. United States Circuit Court 
 Reports for the Fifth Circuit, IS70-S,'t, Chic, 1875-S3. 
 4 vols. Svo. ' 
 Woods, William S. How Bcnnio did it, Best.. 
 18S7, 16mo. ' 
 Woodthorpe, Kohert Gosset. The Lushai 
 Rxpedition, 1S7I-IS72, Lon., 1873, Svo. 
 "Woodville, Jennie," (Pxeud.) See Stahlkk, 
 Jknnik Latham, mnird. 
 Woodward, Mrs. 1. Ellen Clinton; or, The In- 
 copies, privately printed. 
 Woodrow, G. Marshall. Hints on Gardening 
 in India; 2d ed., enl., Bombay, 1S77, Svo. 
 Woodrutt, George II., Perrin, W. II., and 
 IIlll, II. H. The History of Will County, Illinois: 
 containing a IIist.->ry of the County, its Cities, Towns, 
 Ac. lllust. Chic, 187S, Svo. 
 Woodruff, Mrs. Julia Louisa Matilda, (" W. 
 L. M. Jay," pseud.) 1. My Winter in Cuba, N. Y'ork, 
 1870, 12ini. 2. Shiloh; or, Without and Within, N. 
 1546 ' 
 lluenco of a Loving Spirit, Lon., 18ti7, 12mo. Anon. 
 2. Mr. Favershain's New Year's Guest. By the Author 
 of "Ellen Clinton." Lon., 1S73, Svo. 3. Edith Vivi-u'!) 
 Exnericnce of the World, Lon., 187s, p. Svo. 4. Chi- lie: 
 tt Waif's History. Told by Himself. Lon., 1380, 3 
 vols. er. Svo. 5. Will she be Happy ? Lon., 1880, cr. 
 Woodward, Annie Aubcrtine, ("Auber Fores- 
 tier," pseud.) See .Mooiik, Miis. A. A., hii/iiii. 
 Woodward, Calvin Milton, b. 1S37, at Fitch- 
 burg, Mass. ; graduated at Harvard 1860; professor of 
 mathematics and applied mechanics in the Washingtun 
 University, St. Louis, since 1S70, and founder of the St. 
 Louis Manual Training School, the Brst of its kind in 
 the United States, 1S79. 1. History of the St. Louis 
 Bridge, St. Louis, 1882. 2. The Jlanual Training 
 School: a Full Statement of its Aims, Methods, and 
 Results. lllust. Bost., 1887, Svo. 
 Woodward, Charles Josiah, [nnie, vol. iii., 
 add.] I. Arithmetical Physics: Magnetism an.l Elec- 
 tricity, Lon., 18,S4, 12ino. 2. ABC Five-Figure 
 Logarithms, Tables, Ac, Lon,, 18»7, 12mo. With 
 Smith, Gkokqe, A Series of Exercises in Experimental 
 Physios, Lon., 1876-85, 3 parts, 12mo. 
 Woodward, E. Recollections of Prof. W. Ballan- 
 tyne Hodgson, Lon., 1883, p. Svo. 
L'orili.. N. York, 
 gn: iiCulleullan 
 NSIt, \2uii>. 
 .A., lt.i>.,Ki»'l' 
 , Oxfonl, IM7;|| 
 Jturor iHH.I-ftNj 
 or IHMM. I. A 
 Oxford lliiiiuur 
 anil \(irwiiy, 
 p,"J I-on., l'<Na, 
 isllvtMiiiiI cum- 
 ell lit' Oniiige, 
 ion, lind Note*, 
 tioi) (if Swti'lfti 
 'rofi'imor iit Ihn 
 nil tliu Svi'iiinl 
 by tlio Autliiir. 
 loiiNHTny, Rkv. 
 'K>'>n Treii lines 
 HT, p. 8v(). 
 Slii'k'hci'. mill 
 it., IH-.I, I2II1II. 
 Chilli of tho 
 <va, '2, (juiile 
 1 other I'liifci', 
 li'Otiire,] Lon., 
 ilijectiir hunk- 
 ' Travel,, 
 All Aruuiiil a 
 , i"|- !*vii. 2. 
 liiiii. :j. iJiKs 
 Toots nnil his 
 . Twii's Two, 
 l,4lo t). The 
 HH3, ■vo. 7. 
 I, Dorl., ISS6, 
 let, and I'thur 
 'rugedy, l,on., 
 tcr- Fisheries : 
 .'., Lun., I.S77, 
 t, Lon., 18SB, 
 Circuit Court 
 hio., 1875-.'*:!, 
 did it, Dott., 
 Tlio Iiutiliai 
 <ee .STAIII.KI1, 
 J or, The In. 
 2ino. Ani'ii. 
 !y Iho Author 
 lilith Viji'ii'a 
 . 4. Chii. lie: 
 ■on., 1380, ^ 
 .on., 1880, or. 
 An her Forea- 
 17, lit Fileh- 
 professor of 
 I Washingtiin 
 ler of tho St. 
 f its kind in 
 ho St. Louis 
 lal Training 
 klethuds, and 
 If, vol. iii., 
 Ill and Elio- 
 2iuo. With 
 '. W. Ballan< 
 .ti'., of ..or H,.;tii„.,„i . '„ ,1 ' Z\ M»ruhu», llattli'S, 
 "-'. ''"'■■ I'liil . ist^" '^It'-^'lj'M'f '"e A,„,v „r 
 »nil Ihi. Mun.l,. Ihi.tlC;,,, V ''"','''"'■•'••" ''"'' 
 Ili'tiMv of the riiirVl II.' ■ '"'"'"»• ><J'. IH70, Hv„. ,1, 
 "Md Niniily Klahlli IVnnV. '"'■''' .'.'"' """ "'mdred 
 ton, IHMl.Mvi. ''•.,. '."?''''"'''. Volunteers, 'Iren- 
 ton, IHMI, Mvo. 
 Ilurlingloii and 
 • 'oilliliis. 
 . - ren 
 F., Iliatiiry cif 
 .Kr.-oy, I'hila,, 
 «ry at Vol.iinar.., ,V ,|.:""^.V '-'^'''"•"' ^'''2; nii,,i„n. 
 188,s, \V„i.l,i,. i„ 1 '*,, ' '"'"-'*"; eiinitiMif Trinir 
 Outdo to ihi, r„|lc.eti„„ „|-|.'„'.i FisLi^ ',1 '"n ''• ^ 
 ment of (J,.„|,,^y „,„, ,,„,.„, fi"""" in the Depart- 
 ml sw s.u.TKii. ,1. W., .,„/, vol ii • """■ 
 t.al_lh,lo.,,,.,,y treated ,.„ „ Katlonal I.a.l., N. {'ork; 
 ' rrZ""!ltZ,^VuJlT^' 'Y \ ''"•'"'■""" ' 
 tf«..iA. • . "oidenhain. Ion., Ms|) „ k,„ 
 I Vrt. r s'„ Lo.,ipari»ons and I'rov.rbn, PhJIa.; 
 <•. a"m"\V *'|":'7;«- ';, ''r'" ^-'"-^ " Tale. I,y 
 \ilulteratlon of F,,,,,! rink a, li ' T'""""" "^ 
 Lon iv.t ,^.:'''"""'"'"' -"'" "'0 '.«nd; ci^usrA:!';' 
 .1 Nov'.? "pI"''' V'''"« '''"■*"• '■<»■« and 
 11 Wovel, lliisf, |ss7 |2iii„ 
 A.?\""!t!.'!:',f ,'l'"'.'l , '• '''h"S,.|en..eof the l.,l,|„, „,, 
 shown tt, olv sthT ■">''"''"8y-, "herein 1. li 
 non,e„a„nly""l| ^'^. ;*"7" '"'" "' '"'"""" ''"« 
 Theology : 
 T'. loi.iri,, Tn ,'*'^"-»'. n»'l finco then of Sideui.. 
 I 2T"''"t.!i'eiT.'"'vT?J "•'^- '"""•• ^'"- "'■■ "'''<•.] i>- 
 ' I the, hood, ml a contributor to The (1 „ i„ 
 i^i's J : h"1" " ■ r """^ "' "'" «"-^'" Aeadeniy „ "7 " 
 "ii-h '..•li.>"1.,„f„,„„r of„„„|p,„,„ there in IS77 ,, 
 Ward, Hf,,.t., Issi 
 .,;:< ' a «-'"K'«t ;™. a,,,,^..ia,„ ,, „,„ ,„ ,„^^„„,^^ 
 ^m"' ilt^^Vr^'"^ ';'■ '''-^ Country- around 
 Number Stories, linst,, 1887, 
 Woodwurd, J 
 U'ino. ' 
 Hoodunrd, jQiie 
 isro, p. 8vi,. 
 -'. Silenus I-on., l.ssi, p, Svo 
 .K':s!'l;!;d'i;:LI^:;;'ll,l!>;,ji;:,]::-'i7r '» n-n of sn^^cstive. 
 |iii;tures,|ue:'-jA., k^, l;w;,!l'' ''^'^ P«.ssaKes are eminently 
 •i. Tiicsiiis, [,„n.', 18X0, p'. gvo 
 10 an almost UKKravatin;; ex- 
 the ['lenient 7)f'un?tv' 
 tent. — .Imi/., xxix. '.iir, 
 "*■"'• .^"^"^"L0»1'' "i"™ '^79. I. Aleph ;.. rorens,, 
 .:^":1TSv^•K^-•:^t ift to 2 ! »±r^,^':.!E„„L,2: i;-s t'„:Ls 
 ward Fainilv ,f CI , ,"" "'-'"'""Sy ol tho Worn . 
 warn family of ( l,„sler County, I'ennsylvania ■ with an 
 iie'i'.:;''7t8v::""'" "' '"" ''■""-■^ ■-^""-' wiimingt.:' 
 Se.l*!'*!;''"'"'''*'-"- '• <5""nling tho Mails- or 
 i..r,.' """-'.,' ' ""'""'I. l^onn., If«7fi, 8vo. 2. The Secret 
 'be Wo"nderM -V'^'^^^"''""""'"' "' -'''^ito'' i n„. ,",,, 't'"''" :'/ '^f'T'^'' '^K"-""" <"• Inspectors 
 ,,„, :, ,° '• f^''""'t, and Capturo of Depredators 
 upon the Mail, SpriuKlield, Mass., 18,S7, Svo '""""""" 
 Woodward, Thomas Best " 
 -Mature of Man regarded as Triune: 
 a Philosimhy uf |,ife, r,„n.. I,S7.|, 8vo 
 tne .street Ke a igninent, Ueeonatruction, and Sanitation 
 of Centra London, and on the Ue-housing of the IW 
 Chases, (" Westgarth Pri.o Essays,") L„„., isH«, hZ 
 Hoolcock, Rev. James. Studies in Antbro- 
 pxlogy ; or. Lectures on Man, Lon., 18S;i, cr. 8vo 
 Honiof Australia, .'Sydney 188'' 
 ' IS7« °"''*"''' ^' "• '' ■"'"'"""^y "f Nursing, N. York, 
 Woolsiy, Charles Hilliam. (Trans ^ r^is... 
 ..Story of Peasant Life in the South-of '/ranee lVo""| 
 ,. r.?. 1 V ,*!'"'* **"'■"'' Chuuiicey, b. about I8« 
 " < levelanil, 0. ; a nieee of T. D. \\„i,|sey, ,„/„, re' 
 A Treatise on the : nntr" ho 7s!::di;nv„!e 'r'" .''""" """' "'' " •'"'"'''-J 
 wi.b an Outline of ; ^ J^f^^r iL^^'^^^^fSJ' ^^ 
 What Kilty did. Illust U^.f mU ' ' L ""' -^^ 
 18-1. „il Thanksgiving, nnd other Stor es. Bo" 
 isr: .'■vr;'t,",.ir,..':-i. rt:«* 
 it; I 
 Lilv ; or, How tlio Feud wiis lieiilcd : a Story for Girls 
 ami Boys, lllmt. Host., ISSl, sq. Hvo. 10, Cross- Patch, 
 and other Stories aduptoil from Mother (joose. Illust. 
 Boat., 18S1, Kiiiio. 11. (Tniiis.) My HcjuscholU of I'l't.-, 
 by Th6o|ihile Uiiutier. Illust. Host., 1H82, sq. lliiuo. 
 12. A Round Dozen. Illust. Bo.«t., l.SS.'l, Ifimo. i:i. A 
 l.iltio Country (!irl, I88.1. 14. What Katy did next, 
 Bust., issfi, ICmu). 15. (Tran.s.) One Day in a Baby's 
 Life; from the French ol M. ,\rnaud. Illust. Bost., 
 ISSli, Hvo. 16. A Short Ili-story of the City of Phila- 
 delphia fnmi its Foundation to the Present Time. Illust., 18S7, 12ino. 17. Clover. Illust. Bost., 188.8, sq. 
 12ino. With others, Ballads of Koiiiance and History, 
 Bost., 18M7, Ito. .She has also edited and abrid(;od the i 
 Autobiography andCorres|iondenocuf Mrs. Uelany, Bost., 
 187il, 2 vols. l2mo ; and the Diary and Letters of Frances 
 Burney, Bost., 1880, 2 vols. 12nio. 
 Wo'olsey, Theodore Uwig'nt, D.D., LL.D., 
 [mile, vol. iii., add.,] lS(ll-l88il. lie resigned the office 
 of president of Yale College in 1871 ; was a inomber of 
 the Aniericiin Company of the Revisers of the New To.s- 
 tamenl, and its chairman 1871-81. 1. The Religion of 
 the Present and of the Future : Sermons preached ehielly 
 at Yale College, X. York, 1871, cr. 8vo. 2. Helpful 
 Til. Mights for Young iMen. Bost., 1874, 12uio. 3. The 
 Exemption of Private Property on tlie Sea from Capture : 
 a P.iper, X. York, 1874, 8vo. 4. Political Science; or, 
 The State Theoretically and Practically considered, N. 
 York, 1877, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 "Dr. Wool.sey's book . . . is divided into two parts, tlio 
 speculative anil the lii.-icirical or (U'scriptive, or, us ho him- 
 self calls it, the practical. The two parts are not distinctly 
 separated, however, as a good deal of speculation, an<l not 
 unnecessarily or improperly, runs throu'„'h the descrip- 
 tion. The work, taken altogether, is a very important 
 contributiiui to the literature of the subject,— indeed, the 
 most important .Vmcrican eoiilriljutiiui to it since Cal- 
 houn's. . . . The portion of the work which we have 
 called the speculative portion . . . impresses us, however, 
 as less clear and instruclive than the historical and de- 
 scriptive portion."— -Vii/iVoi, xxvi. 2(W. 
 3. Communism and Socialism in their History and 
 Theory : a Sketch, X. York, IS8I), l2mo. 0. Eros, and 
 other Poems, N. Haven, 1880, 12mo. Printed for pri- 
 vate circulation. With liAUN.tnn, F. A. P., and others. 
 The First Century of the Hopublic ; a Review of Auier- 
 ican Progress, X. York, I87fi, 8vo. 
 Woolsoii, Mrs. Abba liOiiisn, (Goold,) b. 
 1838, at Windham, Me. ; married, I80I), to Moses Wool- 
 son ; resides in Bo.ston ; has contributed to periodicals and 
 lectured on literary subjects in Boston, New Y'ork, and 
 elsewhere. I. Woman in American Society, Bost., 1873, 
 Ifimo. 2. (Ed.) Dress Reform: a Series of Lectures on 
 Dress as it affects the Health of Women. Illust. Bost., 
 1874, 16mo. 3. Browsing among Books, and other 
 Essays,, 18SI, 16nio. 4. George Eliot and her 
 Heroines: a Study, N. York, 1886, l2mo. 
 Uuolsoii, iMi8s Constance Feniniorc, b. 
 1848, at Claremont, N.H. ; a grand-niece of James Fen- 
 iuiore Cooper, the novelist; resided in Florida and other 
 Southern States 1873-79, and since then has lived in 
 England. She has contributed serials and short stories 
 to leading American periodicals. I. The Old Stone 
 House. By Anne March, [paeud.] Illust. Bost., 1873, 
 lOmo. 2. Castle Nowhere : Lake Country Sketches, 
 Bost., 187.1, I2mo. 3. Two Women: a Poem, N. York, 
 1877, 12mo. 4. Rodman the Keeper: Southern Sketches, 
 N.York, 1880, 12mo. 5. Anne: a Novel. Illust. N. 
 York, 1 882, l«mo. 
 ■■ It was u rare opportunity to have discovered so new a 
 field in the little lonely militar>' .station on the far island 
 of the North. ... It su"g.;rsts combiimtions and possibili- 
 ties iliiite beyond the common routine of American novels. 
 .Miss Woolson has unfortunately given it to us only in a 
 few fragmentary sketches."— A'udoa, xxxv. 182. 
 6. For the .Major: a Novelette. Illust. N.York, 
 1883, Dimo. 7. East Angels, N. York, 188(1, 12mo. 
 Woolworth, James M. I. X'cbnuika in 1857, 
 Omaha, 18.i7, I2mu. 2. United States Circuit Court 
 Reports for the Eighth Circuit 1863-60, (Decisions by 
 S. F. Miller,) Chic., 1870, 8vo. 3. The Catherlral in the 
 American Church, N. Y'ork, 1883, Ifimo. With CnoiiNSB, 
 L., Nebraska Supreme Court Reports to 1874, Chio., 
 1871-74, 3 vols. 8vo. 
 Woosliam, Etty. 1. Th? Women of the Bible; 
 Old Testament, I.on., IKSl, sq. I6m.); 3d ed., 1883. 2. 
 The Women of the Bible: New Testament, Lon., 1884, 
 sq. 16mo. 
 Wooster, David, F.R.H.S., secretai. to the Royal 
 Commission on Soiontillc Instruction, (Kd.) Alpine 
 Plants: Figures and Descriptions of some of the Most 
 Striking and Beautiful of the Alpine Flowers, Lon., 
 IS7I-74, two series, r, 8vo. 
 " Mr. Wooster's Alps liudude any sjiot of the earth's sur- 
 face betvseen the ctpnitor and the poles, the sea-level and 
 the snow-line."— /low/., vl. 087. 
 Wouton, Kdwin, I. Toilet Medicine: a Popular 
 .Scientific .Manual on the Correction of Bodily Defects 
 and the Iniproveuient and Preservation of Personal Ap- 
 pearances. Lon., 1882. p. 8vo; 2d ed., 1884. 2. A Guide 
 to the Medical Profession, L(;n., 1882, p. 8vo. 3. A Guide 
 to Degrees in Art, Science, Literature, Law, Music, Ac, 
 I.on., 1883, cr. 8vo. 
 Wooton, III Three Hundred Problems in Chemi- 
 cal Physics, Ac: with Key. Lon., 18,s('i, p. 8vo. 
 M'orboise, Emma June. See (irvTON, Mrs. 
 E. ,1., Hitprit. 
 Worcester, A., .M.D. Monthly Nursing, Bost., 
 1881), I2u)o. 
 Worcester, lleiijnmin. The Life and Mission of 
 Emanuel Sweilcnb.irg, Bost.. 1883, l2mo. 
 Worcester, John. Correspondences of the Bible. 
 Part II. Bost., I8N8, |6mo, 
 Worcester, Samnel, M.D., lecturer on insanity 
 and its jurisprudence at the Boston University School 
 of Medicine. 1. Repertory to the .Modalities: based 
 mainly upon Ilering's "Condensed Materia Mcdica :" 
 with Additions from Allen, Lippe, and Hale, Phila., 
 1880, I2ino. 2. Insanity and its Treatment: Lectures, 
 Phila., 1881, 8vo. 
 Worcester, Samuel T. History of the Town of 
 lloilis, Xew Hampshire, from its First Settlement to 
 1870. Illust. Bost., 1870, 8vo. 
 Svordsworth, Adelaide and Violet. (Ed.) 
 The Wordsworth Birthday Book, Lon., 1884. 
 Wordsworth, Barbara. Jacob's Ladder : with 
 Musical Illustrations by A. H. Bnjwn, Lon., 1880, 4to. 
 (Short stories, Ac, in prose and verse.) 
 Wordsworth, lit. Uev. Charles, D.D., D.C.L., 
 [iinli-, vol. iii., add.] He was a member of the New 
 Testament Company of Bible Revisers. I. The Outlines 
 of the Christian Ministry Delineated, Lon., 1872, 8vo, 
 2. Three Conclusive Proofs that the Use of the East- 
 ward Position in the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist 
 is contrary to 'he Intention of our Reformed Church : 
 with an Appendix, Lon., 1876, 8vo. 3. Some Remarks 
 on the Essay by Dr. Lightfoot, now Lord Bishop of Dur- 
 ham, on the Christian Ministry: with Reference espe- 
 cially to the Presbyterian Formula of .Subscription, Ac, 
 Lon., 1879, cr. 8vo ; 2d ed.. 1884. 4. Anni Chriatiani 
 qme ad Clerum pertinent Latinft reddita, 1880. 5. A 
 Discourse on Scottish Church History from the Refor- 
 mation to the Present Time: with Prefatory Remarks 
 on the St. Giles's Lectures, Ac, Lon., 1881, p. 8vo. 6. 
 (Ed.) Shakspeare's Historical Plays, Roman and Eng- 
 lish: with Revised Text, Introductions, and Notes, Glos- 
 sarial, (Jritical, ai'.d Historical, Edin. and Lon., 1883, 3 
 vols. p. 8vo, 
 " Bishop Wordsworth would relieve Sliakspere of his 
 obscurities, his redundancies, his bombast, his slip-shod 
 diction, his far-fetched Images, his iiuibliles devoid of wit, 
 and present liim'a.s a model of literary excellence.' He 
 would do for Shakspere what Shaksiwre might bo ex- 
 pected to do for himself if ho were now alive and were a 
 bishop of the .'^coltish Kpi.scopal church. . . . Though 
 marred by some serious faults, it is an excellent book."— 
 E. DoWDKN : Amd., xxiii. "JO. 
 7. Public Appeals in Behalf of Christian Unity, Lon., 
 1886, 2 vols. 8. How to read the Old Testament: a 
 Letter to his Grandchildren, Lon., 1887. 9. Ecclesias- 
 tical Union between England and Scotland : a Letter, 
 Lon., 1888, 8vo. 
 Words orth, Itt. Itev. Christopher, M.A., 
 D.C.L., ["'"'•, vol. iii., add.,] 1807-1885. He took 
 part in the Old Catholic conferences at Cologne 1872. 
 Hie f^ blications consist chiefly of single sermons, ad- 
 dresses, letters, Ac, many of which, in addition to those 
 mentioned tintf, vol. ii:., arc includeil in the following 
 list. For biog., see Ovkrton, Rkv. J. II., xii/irn. I. A 
 Charge delivered to the Clergy and Church- Wardens of 
 the Diocese of Lincoln, Lincoln, 1870, 8vo. 2. The Mac- 
 cabees and the Church ; or. The History of the Maccabees, 
 considered with Reference to the Present Condition anil 
 Pro,=pp.'t= "f the '"^hiir.-'b • Two .HBrm.'.iis j'.rr;u-hcd sit 
 Cambridge Lon., 1871, 12mo; 2d ed.. 1876. 3. Di- 
 ocesan Synods and Diocesan Conferences : an Address : 
 together with the Form and Order of holding a .Synod, 
 Lincoln, 1871, 8vo. 4. Church Statutes, College Fellow- 
 ships, and College Legislation : a Letter to the Principal 
[>mc of tlie Mu8t 
 3 Flowers, Lon., 
 )f tlieeartli'sNur- 
 thf sealovel and 
 iuine: a Popular 
 r lioilily Defects 
 of Personal Ap- 
 S8I. 2. A (Juiiie 
 Svo. 3. A Guide 
 Laiv, Muxie, &B,, 
 blenis in Clioiui- 
 )). 8vu. 
 I (ii vTON, Mrs. 
 Nursing, Bost., 
 'e and Mission of 
 ces of tlio Bible. 
 jrcr on insanity 
 Jniversity School 
 Iddalitics ; based 
 iiteria Medica i" 
 ml Hale, Phila., 
 tment : Lectures, 
 of the Town of 
 Bt Settlement to 
 i"8 Ladder : with 
 Lon., 1880, 4to. 
 s, D.D., D.C.L., 
 iber of the New 
 1. The Outlines 
 Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 .'.■<e of the East- 
 e Holy Kucharist 
 cforiued Church : 
 S. Some Uemarks 
 d Biiihoj) of Dur- 
 Keference cspe- 
 Mibscription, Ac, 
 Anni Christiani 
 lita, 1880. 5. A 
 from the Rcfor- 
 -efiitory Uemarks 
 1881, p. 8v0. (1. 
 [loniiin anil Eng- 
 and Noti's.Olos- 
 ind Lon., 188;), 3 
 Ptiakspere of his 
 )ust. his slip-shod 
 )U'^ dfVdid of wit, 
 • oxcellont'o.' He 
 ■re might be ex- 
 alive and were a 
 rc'h. . . . Though 
 xcellent book. — 
 tian Unity, Lon., 
 Ill Testament: n 
 17. it. Eeclesias- 
 )tland : a Letter, 
 ^toplier, .M.A., 
 |88.i. 111! took 
 at Cologne 1872. 
 glo sermons, ad- 
 addition to those 
 in the following 
 H., mtfirit^ 1. A 
 ureh-Wardens of 
 vo. 2. The Mac- 
 of the .Maccabees, 
 nt Condition and 
 mna |-,rr;i('hr.d at. 
 .. 1876. 3. Di- 
 ces : an Address : 
 holding a Synod, 
 :8, College Fcllow- 
 r to the Principal 
 of Drascnoso College. Lon is?") «„^ t m. 
 olic Congress: a &erTull,fn sjz s;J'"'„^''i'^S"'- 
 toral to the Weslevan M„.i ■■ . . ' '^™- "• A Pas- 
 Lincoln, Lincoln '7873 ^ro um '? "'? ^'»''"''' "^ 
 <"J., with A Friendly \, nil .■"''•V*"'- ''''' "«»' 
 )«:5. 7. Twelve Addrosir , " "'! °"''""" I'^l'""!'!!, 
 f the Cathedral an'^i''^!!''':';^?"'! "' his Vis tat „„' 
 pointed prebendary of Lincoln lS70SSn-i' "'V "•'■ 
 "f the iLrpretati^n of H .^ S "iplu J at'oxF::""'"? 
 canon of Kochester Cathed'^al "1^83-85":' si'nco tSen 
 Lincoln, 87,5 Svo- „«,« 1 ' ^"'" "'-'""'rks, 
 The rnt'ern, ,1 i'ato .^t'a.e c7f tt^ ?■', "'^' "■"""• ''• 
 the Hes^re^ion. ,r,i8yntor;:::"^;r";r 
 ceased Wife's Sister Lon i^-r ,;""'"*■"' "'"' ■* I'o- 
 Mission. I.„„ IsTs 8vo I's' "■'■ '''^e Coming 
 i»'B. 8V0. ]s. Irenicum Wesleyanuni ■ 
 lio.n the St. Germain MrLT'-.u*^,'" '^'^ """hew ; 
 Appendices, Ovf" 883 s. f i "'"'- ^T"'^"''"'"" ""'' 
 pline: a Memor I S?.,,' ', '" ^°*« ""^ Disci- 
 Iral after ^^'„f!"'" '•?'"■'«' '." Lincoln Cathe 
 or, Proposals for I'nion with \V,..l7"'™i? ""''">"'»""' ' 
 coin, 1876, 8vo. 19 TirM„,;, '••''" '^''''''"Ji't''. I'in- 
 ogy to Christiani y: a Semon"""" '^T.'^'^ "' ^"'"- 
 20. Ethica et Spirkualia, L<m' 1 7' o'"' "l-,!"'"''' 
 Sisterhood and Vows: a letter to H,! v"' V-' "" 
 Provost, Bart., Lon., 1878 8v, • o,, , ,""' }"'■ Sir G. 
 On the Duration and Degree 'of P,/" "i' ""'•'• 22. 
 PunislMoents: Two Se^rL^n 'T^r'AV'^ %";' 
 the Cathedral (;^S::^i5i^::;;?S,^i;:'f;n"^ 
 481, Lon 1881 84' .1 o"""'' "^ < hnlcedon, A.D 
 IS82, five series or 8vr r.^r*"" '"^ ^^'"'"''"' I'""- 
 of Passages n 'A^'cie'u Z ,th'^°?.J™'T'" Kmendatio,,; 
 3 mo""??-h'' '•rl!^'■^"" ">« Fatho'rs, 4 ;; Ion 'l ';• 
 Lon" 'is 3, 8 o"''"^5° The" ;'"' "^^ ««'^-'- "lS 
 peal a Lette?' 2d ed r '"T^'^""''""' I''"*' Ap- 
 Wiolif: hirD^ctrfne a'nd w" 1,'^^^' ^™- '"^- ^"1'" 
 1884, 8vo i*™""? ?"'! Work: an Address, Lon 
 sovc^efc. ^:;.^;;;^t:" S"""""" ""^ ^'=''^'- 
 Pcterhouse 18%-78 f^tito 1S72«-*^ . ''''V ■ ^'^.""'^ "^ 
 r.ceorof Glaston8inioIS77 ''^"-". i "■•da.ned I871 ; 
 U^ver.ti. in the^:;,l.t:;„th'b^r ,'j^r "^'t 
 Studies'at''tt''Ength' Un- " ' ,«'"- ^-"""t "f tfi I 
 Cctury, Camhrid^'e 1877 sir " '" "'" ^''^'''^^-^^^ I 
 rio!"?n&S;'l^j;/r ^S'il^';^/"'""'-^ "■"' - 
 tuuons in n,e last cent Try wi Tm ^,.'.', ,' ""H"-'<'Ke insU. 
 ln.l after the Fune of' ChH , V" '"r"'" *^"">^- 
 , lii^hop of Lincoln, W 1885 80 "^p ^^°" T^^'h, 
 I to the Clergy and Cb r i w' j ; ^'""" Addresses 
 I Salisbury, L'n. fs.s^s'T t "thhl/'" '''"^^ "'' 
 Whitf II I V„j \ A, ,' . "'th Sa.vdav, W,. iiiid 
 ters, Ac. ' '' ''•' "'l'"'- Als ., pastoral let- 
 Workman, Waltpr l» Tl, n 
 Matriculation n",^' r ^.l" ^'"".'°"''„"" "' "'" 
 dune, I8SI). win, Fa ""* ''Ondon University, 
 to (^;ndid:.tes:L:nt"'880''r;r •' "'«'^"'" """ ^''"=« 
 ::;!": ^%:f^"'^"-^-™.^«^rL;L,^?^S^ 
 "t ":rk?'^Kr,'g;™"d:,!^,^'''"i"« '•'•'-""' ''■ i«32, 
 \Vormeley,KN .'to„r,f r"*^ Uear-Admiral R. R 
 Lnion sc/ldie f durtng be ^ Ml T" '"u""" ™""''^f ""e 
 from Bahac--Nos !fi ' I''f ,7"-. "«■■ translations 
 highly successfuL 1 I ,"..,' -7 'S^' list-have been 
 - -■' ' '"'■ '■ JSre Goriot, Bost., 1885, ]2mo. 
 twiiiheofpernuS;. •Vi^'!"-f,;;f;;;'f;;:^^^ 
 .f Kngl,.sh education and leiriling' '•-. ^''t,' 't'lT'-^a'^^" 
 •'. '^■ll. Consucludiniifiii,., I' T ."•■'"•■ Xllv. , J,. 
 Divinis Offieiis. 188 ft";.:''™'"^"" ''"'"''niensis do 
 Divinis Offieiisi I885 fo| ii.r,. , , 
 Pontificale Ece e,' e S 4^ "v"l;;l.v printed. 4, 
 (e-l.) Brcviarium ml vZnu Z}''-- 'VT' ''°'- "''■• 
 jux^. Editionein 1^' 1 C bH gr;87^"^'3'v t":!'" 
 11 ,1 ' . ;: "• -"'e country Doct 
 ««3t:T8,s^^:'r,'r'-i;«««. 2mo. ,«. TheM„gicS-k7n"; 
 12mo 12. The oiho sn '';«' "'«"""• B'«^t., 1888 
 the Poto„;aori,e.,tr^';,'il°f f''',; "/'h the Army of 
 United States Sa^ tiuv CoZni? "^'"'fi'""-"-'" "t the 
 Campaign, Bost,, KS^'fsvo V tTL.T^i'''^ ^^^ '^l^^""" 
 iiK.H,(\VonMKLi.'v lamif-;' ' „ Latimeh, Mils, Eliza- 
 Lon,, 1873, 12mo 3 Th- . * 'f'""™' Philosophy," 
 Elemcntar; Teu:Bookf„r% ■'"'"'"'•''' "•" J^-^n-'n-ies: an 
 i2mo. 4, "^hr^odyn" ,^.frr "''ll^™'"- J^""- ■"«. 
 Elementary' fc„:, ^r f^rJlen"','";!^'-',^^''--' 
 HiudtridTd ";::•■ z^^'-^^^r^'^'^^^^ 
 Kloctricitv in tl,e\sen i™ „^ 'm'"- ^l^fT'On^- and ed.) 
 tical Treatise 1 ?,„"". l[ *'"" '^ " P«P"l"r and Pra< 
 ^^;^::]^i L:;'::SB£K 'i^?ii5 \ "-^^^^ -^ ^^-!™^^^i- i^- -tred R^ter voi; 
 tical Treatise on thn . „„,:"V; ' " '"I"'"" »"" »'rao- 
 tie Applications of Electricity in 
 the Gcriiiiin <if r>-,... •' ' 
 for Long EVenhig;,' u'n ' ' I's" t" /sV"' '' ■""'? "'-"» 
 •!■ "When you afe A !'•" « r n'.'' '"7 '"^■' '''"■ 
 Workers, r.nn |S"(i " *'"'«' Thoughts f„r Hard 
 iii.,.econdrt'^''^J,:;, «« •,J«i5'". D >)., f""",! '"1. 
 -n of ^Bishop christop,fo'r-iU:tttL,'!;;;:;;'::'^?«i: 
 duction by pl^f"" jTZ ^<''"t'^n«^ «ith ani^tri;: 
 I 1880 
 ! 1888. 
 College LonX;", led rtf^"' '■'I-'- "'"' «t King's 
 l^li3; M.P. for Greenw ,b 18,0 s? \" '"""^ '^•""P'" 
 Eiust Toxtoth, Livernool nn.i- ' "'"' '""■« then for 
 Board of Trade iT^S Z"TsZ%7 '"T-^'^ '" ""> 
 under-seoretary of etate foHi.e' o^S'"! ^gVnd'^ 
 „ by Prof, Joh'n' Pe,";""^";;"- ""',' I" ^"tro. 
 **'o, 0, "lotting, nt 3^' ,..•■ "'"*t. Lon., 
 lotting, or. Graphic Mnthemalics, Lon, 
 Policy in the East, Lon., 1876, 8vo. 2. Hand-Book 
 to tlie Eastern Question; 5th ed., Lon., 1877. 3. The 
 Austro-Hungarinn Empire : a I'olitloal Sltetch of Men 
 and Events since 1866; 2d ed., Lun., 1877, 8to. 4. 
 (Trans.) Memoirs of Count von Beust, written by Him- 
 self, Lon., 1887, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 Wornum. Ralph NichoUon, [ante, vol. iii., 
 add.,] d. 187(. Saul of Tarsus; or, Paul and Sweden- 
 borg. By a Layman. Lon., 1877, 8vo. 
 Worsdell, E. The Gospel of Divine Help: 
 Tlioughts on Christianity, Lon., 1886, p. 8vo. 
 H'orsfold, Rev. John Napper, F.S.S., gradu- 
 ated at St. Bees 1851 ; ordained 185^1: perpetual curate 
 of Wellington, Staffordshire, 1860-(i8; vioiir of Christ 
 Church, Somors Town, ISii8-"l, ami since then reotoi 
 of Haddlesey. 1. The Vaudois of Piedmont: a Visit 
 to their Valleys : with a Sketch of their History to the 
 Present Date, Lon., 1873; l2;uo; new cd., 1885. 2. The 
 Life and Labours of Peter Waldo, the Reformer of 
 Lyons : based on the French of the Rev, B. Tron, Vau- 
 dois Pastor at La Torre, Lon. 
 Worsley, Mrs., is the supposed author of the fol- 
 lowing works, "by a Watcher:" I, Modern Hiero- 
 glyphics of the Apocalypse und (Ireiit Pyramid, Lon., 
 1877, obi. fol. 2. Christ in Joseph, Lon., 1880, 8vo. :i. 
 The House of Joseph in England, Lon,, 18S1, 12mo. 
 Worsley, James Edwarilson, b. at Lowton, 
 Lancashire. The History of the 1 arish Church of S. 
 Mary at Leigh. Leigh, 1870, 8vo. 
 Worsley-Benisoii. See Benisov. 
 Worsnop, Thomas. History of the C: y of Ade- 
 laide from 1836 to 1877, Adelaide, 1878. 
 "Worth, Mrs. L.Ii.," (Pseud.) See Ellsworth, 
 Mrs., mipra. 
 Worth, Richard Nicholls, F.Q.S., b. 1837, at 
 De>-onport ; editor of the Northern Daily Express, New- 
 castle-on-Tyne, 18Kti-67; on the staff of the Western 
 Morning News 1863-65 and 1867-77; curator of the 
 Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society since 1871. 1. The 
 Plymouth, Dovouport, and Stonchouse Guide, Plymouth, 
 1870, 16mo. 2. History of the Town and Borough cf 
 Devonport, sometime Plymouth Dock, Plymouth, 1870. 
 8vo. 3. History of Plymouth, from the Earliust Period 
 to the Present Time, Plymouth, 1871, 8vo; 2d ed., 
 "The b(K)k, modest, una.s,sumiiii;. and of much value to 
 general as well as particular readers. retlecLs Kreat ■redit 
 on the author. No [mint in Plymouth history has escaped 
 him. The old town, its old times, its old alories, live again 
 In the pleasant details of this btwk."— .1(A., No. i-JSU. 
 4. The Three Towns Bibliothoca: aCatalogueof Hooks, 
 Pamphlets, Papers, to. : with Brief Biographical Notices 
 of the Principal Authors, 1871, Svo. 5. Historical 
 Notes concerning the Pfogre.^.n of Mining Skill in Devon 
 and Cornwall, Falmouth, 1872, 8vo. 6. The Went Country 
 Garland : selected from the Writings of the Poets of 
 Devon and Cornwall from the Fifteenth to the Nineteenth 
 Century, Plymouth. 1875, p. Svo, 7. Guide to the Har- 
 bour, Town, and Neighbourhood of Falmouth, Truro, 
 1876, p. 8vo. 8. Guide to the Three Towns und Neigh- 
 bourhood, Plymouth, 1877, p. Svo. 9. Tourist's Guide 
 to South Devon : Rail, Road, River, Coast, and Moor, 
 Lon., 1878, I2mo; 2d ed., 1880. 10. Tourist's Guide to 
 North Devon and the Exmoor District, Lon., 1879, 12mo; 
 new ed., 1883. 11. Tourist's Guide to Somersetshire: 
 Rail and Road, Lon., 1881, 12mo; 2d ed., 1885. 12. 
 Tourist's Guide to Dorsetshire : Coast, Rail, nnd Road, 
 Lon., 1882, 12mo. 13. A History of Devonshire, (" Pop- 
 ular County Histories,") Lon., ISSK, Svo. 14. Tourif.'s 
 Guide to Wiltshire : its Scenery and Antiquitioa, Lon., 
 1887, 12mo. 15. (Ed.) Calendar of the Tovistcck Parirh 
 Records, Plymouth, 1887. Privately printed. 16. Tour- 
 iet's Quido to Gloucestershire, Lon., IS'SS, ISniri 
 Worth, Thomas Burnet. Exeter Catb il and 
 its Restoration. Illust. Exeter, 1878, Svo. 
 Wortham, Rev. Briscoe Hale, graduated at 
 Trinity College, O.xford, 1867; ordained 1868; vicar of 
 Shepreth 1874-80; rector of Kggesford 1880-88. 1. 
 (Ed.) Bassingbourno Church-Wardens' Book. Part I. 
 Cambridge, 1880. 2. (Trans.) Markandeya Purana. 
 Books VII., VUI. [Verse.] 1881. 3. The .Story of Dc- 
 VHiii-Uit, ffOiii tb*! Vi-U::--' Ktithit, !-«". 4. (TfRtls.) Thp 
 Mtthatmya Devi, 1884. 5. (Trans.) The Satakas of 
 Bhartrihar. : with Notes, Lon., 1885, Svo. 6. The Story 
 of Jimutuvahan; from the Vrihat Katha, 1886. 
 Worthington, Arthur Mason, M.A., F.R.A.S., 
 graduated at Trinity College, O.xfonl, 1875; assistant 
 master at Clifton College. 1. An Elementary Course of 
 Practical Physios, Lon., 18S1. Svo. 2. First Course of 
 Physical Laboratory Practice. Illust. Lon., 1885, 
 Worthington, Eleanor. (Trans.) Emile; or, 
 Concerning Education : Extracts containing the IVin- 
 cipal Elements of Pedagogy found in the First Three 
 Books, by Jean Jacques Rousseau, Boat., 1885, 12mo. 
 Worthington, Sophie. 1. Under the Applo- 
 Trees, N. York, 1886, 12mo. 2. The Summer at Hearls- 
 ease. Illust. N. York, 1887, 12mo. 
 Worthingtr.n, T. K. HL-torical Sketch of the 
 Finances of Pennsylvania: with an Introduction by 
 Richard T. Ely, Bait., 1887, Svo. 
 Worthington, T. I Dcke. An Historical Account 
 ond Illustrated Description of the Cathedral Church of 
 Manchester, Illust. Manchester, 1SS4, r. Svo. 
 Worthington, Rev. William Robert, M.A., 
 graduated at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 1858; 
 ordained 1369; chaplain of Price's Candle-Works since 
 1878. 1. The Two Anglican Beliefs; or, Why should ii 
 Clergyman be compelled to believe more than a Layman ? 
 Lon., 1869, Svo. 2. On the Efficacy of Opinion in 
 Matters of Religion, Lon., 1870, Svo. 3. Two Essays : 
 on the Interpretation of the Language of the Old Testa- 
 ment, and Believing without Understanding, Ramsgnte, 
 1870, Svo. 
 Worthy, Charles, formerly of H.M. 82d Regiment, 
 and sometime principal assistant to the late Somerset 
 Herald. 1. Ashburton and its Neighbourhood ; or, 'I'he 
 Antiquities and History of Ashburton, Buckland-intho 
 Moor, and Bickington, Ashburton, 1875, Svo. 2. Prac- 
 tical Heraldry ; or, An Epitome of English Armory : 
 showing how and by whom Arms may be borne or ac- 
 quired, how Pedigrees may be traced, or Family Histo- 
 ries ascertained. Illust. Lon., 1888, cr. Svo. 
 Wo«tenholme, E. P., und Turner, R. O. 
 The Conveyancing Act, 1881, ic. ; 2d ed., Lon., ISiS, r. 
 Wo8tenholme,H. J. (Trans.) Ernst Herzog von 
 Schwaben, by L. Uhland, Lon., 1882, 12mo. 
 Wothem, H. 1. Jamie's Trust; or, The Mother- 
 iess Bairn. Edited by Miss [H. K. F.] Gatty, Lon., 
 1879, I2ino. 2. Flotsam and Jetsam; or, Do your 
 Duty and never mind the Consequences, Lon., 1881, 
 p. Svo. 
 Wotherspoon, Ivan. A Manual of the Practice 
 and Procetlure in the Several Courts having Civil Juris- 
 diction in the Province of Quebec, Montreal, 1870, 12inii. 
 Wotten, Mabel E. (Ed.) Word-Portraits of 
 Famous Writers ; from the Pages of Contemporary 
 Authors, Lon., 1887, cr. Svo. 
 Wrangham, Rev. Digby Striingeways, M.A., 
 graduated at St. John's College, Oxl.ird, 1854 ; ordained 
 1854; vicar of South Cave, Yorkshire, 1859-75. and 
 since then of Darrington u- Wentbridgc. 1. (Ed. iind 
 trans.', The Liturgical Poetry of Adam of St. Victor; 
 from the Text of Uauticr: with Translations in the 
 Original Metres and Short Explanatory Notes, Lon., 
 1881, 3 vols. cr. Svo. 2. Modern Methodism, and Rescue 
 and Retire, a Sequel to Modiin Methodism, Poutefraet, 
 1884. 3. (Trans.) "Lyra Regis;" or, The Psalms of 
 David literally rendered into English Metres, Lon., 
 1S85, p. Svo. 
 Wratislaw, Rev. Albert Henry, M.A., [<i»ii; 
 vol. iii add.,] resigned the head-mastership of Bury 
 School in 1879; vicar of Manorbier, Pembrokeshire, 
 1879-87. 1. (Trans.) Diary of an Embassy from King 
 George of Bohemia to King Louis XI. of France; from 
 the Original Slavonic, Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 2. Life, 
 Legenil, and Canonization of St. John Ncpomuctn, 
 Patron Saint and Protector of the Order of the Jesuits, 
 Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 
 " Mr. Wrntlslaw lia.s done good service in putting toRctlier 
 the evidence and tracing the genesis of the myth In ucnm- 
 pendious form, though wenaiUl wi.sli he had contrived not 
 to make a dry subject uiiiieco-sarily tedioas."— .Su(. A'cr., 
 3. The Native Literature of Bohemia in the Four- 
 teenth Century, (Ilchester Lectures,) Lon., 1878, sq. 
 llimo. 4. John Hus; the Commencement of Resistance 
 to Papal AUkhority on the Part of the Infsrior Clergy, 
 Wray, Lieut. -Gen. Henry, R.E., C.M.O., served 
 in the Crimean war and the Indian Mutiny; on the 
 staff ol the director of artillery at Woolwich since 1868, 
 Some Applications of Theory to the Practice of Con- 
 »tructi(m : with Examples, Chatham, 1872, Svo; new 
 ed., illust., Lon., 1880. 
2. First Ooursc of 
 Illust. Lon., 1885, 
 (Trans.) Emilc; or, 
 containing tlie Pjin- 
 1 in the First Tlireo 
 Bost., 1K85, 12nio. 
 . Under the Apple- 
 le Summer at Ilearlp- 
 urical 8kctch of tlie 
 an Introduction by 
 In Historical Account 
 Cathedral Churcli of 
 1SH4, r. 8vo. 
 im Itobertt M.A., 
 igc, Cambridge, 1H58; 
 I Candle-Works since 
 fs; or, Why should a 
 more than a Layman ? 
 Rcacy of Opinion in 
 !vo. 3. Two Easays: 
 lage of the Old Tosta- 
 :rstanding, Kamsgnte, 
 f II. M. 82d Regiment, 
 to the late Somerset 
 ighbourhood ; or. The 
 rton, Buekland-in-tho 
 , 1875, Svo. 2. Prac- 
 of English Armory : 
 may be bornti or ac- 
 Bcd, or Family Histo- 
 188, cr. Svo. 
 i Turner, R. O. 
 2d ed., Lon., 1SK2, r. 
 IS.) Ernst Herzog von 
 82, 12mo. 
 list ; or. The Mother- 
 K. F.] Oalty. Lon., 
 ctsam; or. Do your 
 equence.s, Lon., 1881, 
 anual of the Praeiiee 
 •tg having Civil Juris- 
 Jlontreal, 1870, 12mo. 
 ) Word-Portraits of 
 jes of Contemporary 
 triingeways, M.A., 
 xiord, 1854 ; ordained 
 ■kshire, 1859-75. and 
 ;hridgc. 1. (Ed. and 
 Adam of St. Victor; 
 I Translations in the 
 lanntory Notes, Lon., 
 [ethodi.'m,and Itescuo 
 [ethodism, Poutefraet, 
 ;" or, The Psalms of 
 nglish Metres, Lon., 
 Henry, M.A., [imtr, 
 I mastership of liury 
 rbicr, Pembrokeshire, 
 1 Embassy from King 
 XI. of France; from 
 1, p. 8vr,. 2. Life, 
 t. John Nepomuctn, 
 1 Order of the Jesuits, 
 rice ill putting together 
 I of the myth liiaconi- 
 li lie bad contrived not 
 ly ledioas."— .Sa(. Jiev., 
 ihemia in the Four- 
 res,) Lon., 1878, sq. 
 leement of Resistance 
 ■ the Inferior Clergy, 
 , R.E., C.M.O., served 
 ian Mutiny ; on the 
 Woolwich since 1 8118. 
 the Practice of Con- 
 am, 1872, Svo; new 
 of^'H^^'vi' '" "^Jr" '^''■'•'"'"l Of I-ove: a CoPeetion 
 will ^^r'""',' Kensington, 1874, Kimo. 
 Wray, i.ev. James Jackson h ssto „* a 
 Stov with-n^re il^^o; tha. ZlZ UrV'l^'V " 
 7. Paul Meggitfs Delusion: IHust Lon 'l^Tft 7' 
 188;i n Svo II l"; , ?V """t' ''"'' ' '^'""ibrass, Lon. 
 Homi.^,^''Ln! ■I'st'^p^sVo''^ '.V 'S ^iZ'r^ 
 Quincentenary Tribute,\on "' '<':*l; p Svo^n Th^ 
 or, Und^r'the Surface Lo.., U35 n'lo H 4^'""' 
 Holmes, the Carpenter of Aspend.'le' Lon isst n ?"° 
 6. Widow Wi„,^„ny's Wat^h,vo;d,' Lon.', m^ ^[!Z 
 17. Jonas Hoggcrley, Lon I38fi n Sv,. u ii' . 
 the Comb: i.^mes,^k noi.!p'k!Z, ^,:^:''Z:: 
 p 8vl ' ^'"' ""^ "'"y "'■" ^"■"•'"» *W, Lon., IS^S, 
 Bo^kll'^J^.^Z^!; sV:" "■"°^^'"'= "^ ^-"' - Three 
 M-rEtux?,""" '*"P^'" ^^'"-'-^ See lUwn.P.v, 
 Wren, A. T. Fractions: a Contribution in »i,„ 
 Scienceof Arithmetic, Lon., 188.'!,,, .To. *'"' 
 ..-^r,^''^"' "'"""J''" (^»«"-l-) See Atk.n.sov, Janb, 
 Wrenford, Rev. Edwin CharlPs Ph r^ ™ i 
 ated at St Bees l«il ; ordaildm ' Jieu,: of fi" 
 hani, Hertfordshire, 1881-87, and since'then of Semper' 
 Lo'^'I's-rT'"'' r-.,'- ^"'^ ''""""f Sacred Z; 
 Lon. 1«'6, 8vo. 2. Alice Maude Mary, Princess ,, "f 
 teif'treH'^a^: i:-., ?;s,"^:xr ^''«'"' '^i' -"" 
 Wrigglesworth, Edmund. Beverley's Aoll of 
 BcTr^, &' '""''- "' "-» ^^-'"'^ "' «-'.cy, 
 ing?n*f.!'e*.^o'^Hs':"Lo^„:,?8'77 "''"'-"""" "^ '^"-'-■ 
 WH^'i.^^ IhC'ophile Uauticr, Phlla., 18^2, 12mo. 
 " rignt, A. (>. Analy.fis and E.xnosition of tho 
 Constitution of Wisconsin, 1873 ^.,^^'^^P°''''"'" °' »>e 
 Bci ;;;;?;^^-.^:,eAo^!ri^^';^ -' ^-^ ^-'^i- 
 ClaM^r!^!' ^AV '*'•'."'!!',', •^'•*- g™''""'-"!. first class 
 uas-.irip., at Queen's College, Cambridiro 18R7- n/ 
 dained 1887 , Fellow of Queen' College IM.V ela'ssic, i 
 WruiT'?"""'" r'""'"-idge, 1875, p. Svo ' 
 Wnght, Augustine W. American St ect Rail 
 Hrigiu, Rev. Buchan Warren. MA r.mir 
 clb'rii;:''ii,''' '''/■' «™''"'"«'' at'cia;e CoVleg ; 
 Caiubridge, 1842; ordained 1842; vicar of Norton- 
 !,„.Ki, .. „o,n iw;;. Tlio Kuy.ii King of an Ancient 
 tory^ Motto, and Application, Lon., 187(i, lOmo. 
 the P,'lf„'!'"^'2^^•, ^.«Uthrie,hon. secretary to 
 the Edinburgh School of Cookery. (Ed.) The School 
 Cookery-Hook, Lon., 1S7«, 18m-. i"e ^tdool 
 Wright, V. II. von, lieutenant-oolonel in the I 
 Prussian army. 1. (Trans.) The Campaign of ISfifi In 
 of ls7^.'.ir-n*'"' '^"' 2- (Trans. 'Ae Campaign 
 of 1870-18, 1 : Operations of the South Army, by Couiit 
 H. von Wartenslebeii, Lon., 1872, Svo. 3. ('!' ans.) The 
 Campaign o IS70-1871 : Operations of the First .w! 
 ^fra„""! T.'-p""" Wartonsleben, Lon., 1872, Svo. 4 
 PirstA'' ^'"'C»'"l™'g''o'l»7«-1871: O-ierationsofthe 
 Urn. im,'sZ "''" ""''''"' ^^ *- ^'"' S"'""'' 
 ! Wright, Caleb E. Marcus Blair: a Story of 
 Provincial Times, Phi'a., 1873, 16mo 
 ton N f.*"?'..??""." "«"«»«»". b. 1840, at Dnnbar- 
 of .hi {/ T" '""'i '"'^'^ in t''>=oivil war; chief 
 187^8% 7'Th"'r" ^"'""' "f Statistics of' Labor 
 IS-p V ■ to "-ensus of Massachusetts, 1875, Bost., 
 S ate's wt; '^ss, '■ 7''?^"?,*°:^ System if tlie 'unitei' 
 onv o ,1,„ r i^-r. '^- ^^^ "''''"'"" «<■ I'olitical Econ- 
 omy to the Labo/ Question, Bost., 1882, IBmo. 4 The 
 Census of Boston, 1880,, 1883, Svo. ..The CenVus 
 tilti^TrM,""^' »-,'"->«8'-«*^. -t vols. 8vo.''V S'ta! 
 onv iv V ?r' ^.^''"J '"""'■'ogy "nd Political Econ- 
 Ah'o; r'e^oHs:t "" ""'''""'' ^'^ '"'''■' ''''' *'-' 
 on U^fe'^^ot'^fs'sr;. s'o. ''"'^ = ''""'' "^ " ""^- 
 ri„y^"^'"'i'''',"*'''*^* ■* Corporal's Story: E.vpe- 
 nonces in the Ranks of Company C, Eighty-First OMo ' 
 Volunteers, 1861-1864, Phila., 18S7, 8vo 
 MZ\Tt''%TL'' ^'''™-^-' '^ ^--^^ '» "- 
 FA"D''n' ii'^n" .*^''a-'«'' Henry Hamilton, 
 Trini'tv p. iV '''''J'' ,[.«»"■. '">• 111., add.,] graduated at 
 at D esden IS^fi'.' ?«"''''■' ''5' "'^'''"'''^ '^^^J «•">?''"" 
 of St Var.'fnir'?1.*-',^''"'°Sne 1868-73 ; incum'^bent 
 ot bt. .Vary s, Belfast, 1874-85, and of Bethesda Chuiicl 
 .?ocbtv'-Tr,„''''V "T'"''-'' "'« German Ort^a! 
 Ac l^/pi •r*'/"''"'* '^ptuagint at O.xfora )S8S, 
 Tmn la ion\n ?. '""'■'^"*''' ' ""-''Critically Revised 
 iranslation together with a Commentary, Lon., 1809, 
 the Roval Ihm "^■^'''"; ^"^"""^ Cooke, Gunner of 
 t le Uoyal Artillery, Lay Agent of tl^e British Institute 
 -5" r'to T^'^''^'' "' '"" '-""" M"ti;y of 1857 
 12m„ '? '"^..f '""! Copffo of Lucknow, Lon., 1873, 
 gener ion Z^< ,S.,''f »octrine of Baptismal Re- 
 hind ml L?r^ "• ^Wi"' *■ '^''« Church of Ire- 
 of Hi torv „ 1^ «""" '",""= Title considered in the Light 
 187S ^^n^-' ^^^'""i^. I^^ei«l«tion, Dublin, 1877; 2d Id., 
 Svo V. '70 1 T" "''l.^eview, Lon. and Edin., 1S78, 
 HE^ S r: ""• "- "- s &« 
 Ind a Rovit . T ',";'' »'"1 firammatical Commentary 
 -81) Ion f«^^''«""''"u"''„V?'""'""'"' ^"""-es for 18S0 
 „ ,'L,"-' '."'^3, Svo. 8. Biblical Essays; or Exceeti 
 Chet'f'o"'" "nr^ ■^"'' ""'l ^oial^^^EX' 
 PrTson-'^ani,^ i-""'' "u8°8' ^t. Peter's "Spirits in 
 8vr And si s" ^"^ "?,""' Apo^bpse, Edin., 1886, p. 
 ovo. Ana see Smif !.•« Pl.i. n..., m ' 'r 
 Svn 4n,l .„„ c "'•' ---"-' "l'"'--".>P»e. JiUin., ISBd 
 Writhl r^."^'■'' '^Ji''' ^''"""^^ Thomas, ,«/>,•«. " 
 Wright, Charles Romley Alder. D Sc lee 
 ,»-!!■ '','^V'*^''»"""=ey, [narc, vol. iii., ndd.,1 1830- 
 852'- inl,.!""'""''';;"' ^''''■' 8^'"1"»'«J ot ila vf d 
 -7' 'contrihntL'" ■""'""''»"« iysics at Harvard 1874 
 NorihWricinH' ''■■'"'' "P' '''"""I''''"'''' "'"^y^ '» 'he 
 •xorm American Review. 1. Da.ivinism • beinVr an Fv 
 am.nation of St. George Mivart's " G^eZ s of S^iiecies •' 
 reprinted from the North American RevTew with AU 
 h,u]\ ufi'i V.^','''',''^'"' 'hrfUBli except by n few stiidciiLs, 
 mu it « II l)e reiK in pnrts with great pi isure by manv 
 ni.(l n inmursntislaction will be in the I Iterarv nS 
 entalmn of persons aij.i events familiar tb o, gh 'o^imion 
 Inlereonrse an.l knowludBe,"-.l««>ito Mmthlu.xU 074 
 T f "«''•• V* '*'• *'■■■''• Durlii.^ton'a Ward; or, The 
 Infonor Sex, Host., 1S74, Iflmo. 
 Wright, Daniel, M.D. (Trans.) History of Nepal; 
 from the I'arbatiya : with an Introdiietury Sketch of the 
 Country and I'eople of Nopal, Cambridge, 1.S77, r. 8vo. 
 ■»J right, Hev. Uavid, .M.A., [a,j,, vol. iii., second 
 ot the name, add.,] graduated at Magdalen iiall, Oxford, 
 lS4t; ordained 1844; vicarof Stoke-Iiishop since 1861) ; 
 minor canon of Bristol. Waiting for the Light, and 
 other .Sermons, Lon., 1875, p. 8vo. 
 W right, E. M. liehind the .Scenes : a Story of the 
 Stage. Uy \'erity Victor. Boat., 1870. 
 W right, Edward Perceval, M.A., M.D., F.L.S., 
 professor of botany and kcDper of the herbarium in the 
 I niversity of Dublin. 1. (Trans.) On the Pathogeny 
 of Squint; from the German of F. C. Bonders, l,on., 
 181)4, 8vo. 2. Mammalia : tlieir Various Forms and j 
 Habits; adapted from the French of Louis Figuier. ' 
 Illiist. Lon., 1875, Svo. 3. Animal Life; being ni 
 Series of Desoript'ons of the Various Sub-Kingdoms of 
 the Animal Kingdom. Illust. Lon., 187!), r. 8vo ; new i 
 cd.,lSSI. 4. Cassell's Concise Natural History. Illust ' 
 Lon., 1884, r. 8vo. j 
 Wright, Eliziir, [ante, vol. iii., Wright, Elizuh, I 
 Jr.. add.,] 1804-1880. insurance commissioner of "'nssa- ! 
 '^husetts 1850-66, and afterwards a consulting actuary 
 for life-insurance companies. 1. Perforations in the 
 " Liittcr-Day Pamphlets." Edited [written] bv One of ' 
 the '• Eighteen Millions of Bores." Best., 18o0", 8vo. 2. j 
 The Programme of Peace. By a Domoorat of the Old ■ 
 School. Bost., 1862. S. Savings-Bank Life Insurance : 
 with Illustrative Tables, 1872. 4. Politics and Myste- 
 ries of Life Insurance, Bost., 187.3, 12ino. 5. The North- ■ 
 em Paoi.'ic Railroad. By a Friend of the Road. Bost., i 
 1871. 6. Element 1 of Life Insurance, for the Use of I 
 Family Banks. Boit., 1876, 12nio. 7. Traps baited with 
 Orphans; or, What is the Matter with Life Insurance' ' 
 Bost., 1877, 18mo. 8. Myron Holly, an' \mI he did 
 for Liberty and True Religion, Bost., ; 12ino. 9. 
 The Voice of a Tree from the Middlesex 'ells. By 
 Pinus Strobus. Best., 188:i. 
 Wright, Ellis. 1. (Trans.) AVoodland Tales, by 
 Julius Stride, Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 2. (Trans.) Elfriede": 
 a Romance of the Rhineland, by ) rof. Hausrath, (George 
 Taylor,) Lon., 1888, 2 vols. or. 8vo. 
 Wright, Elverton. Pen's Venture, Bost., 1888, 
 Wright, Frederick William. (Trans.) Hygiene 
 of the Sea; from the Italian of Vittorio Orazzi, .Lon 
 1879, Svo. ' 
 Wright, G. H. Bateson-. The Book of Job; a 
 New Critioally-I.evised Translation: with Notes, Glos- 
 sary, Ac, Lon., 1883, Svo. 
 " JiLst the thing for the stulcnt who want-s an adequate 
 but not tedio'is commentary. —.4c«d., x.xiv. 8-17. 
 Wright, Ueorge Arthur, M.B., F.R.C.S., gradu- 
 ated at O.xfoid 1874, and in medicine 1877; lecturer on 
 clinical surgsry at Owens College, ic. Hip Disease in 
 Childhood: ft'th Special Reference to its Treatment bv 
 Excision, Lon., 1887, 'vo. 
 Wright, Rev. George Frederick, b. 1.838, at 
 Whitehall, N.Y. ; graduated at Oberlin Jr-llege, 1859, 
 and at t'le Theri.)^ical Seminary there 1862, profea.sor 
 of New Tcstau-jnt language in Andover Theological 
 Seminary since 1881. He was an assistant geologist on 
 the Penn.iylvania Survey in 1881, and since 1884 has been 
 connected with the U.S. Survey. 1. The Logic of Chris- 
 tian Evidences, Andovtr, Mass., 1880, 12ino. 2, Studies 
 in Science and Religion. Maps and Illust. Andover, 
 Mass., 1882, l2mo. 3. Inquiry concerning the Relation 
 of Death to Probation, Bost., 1882, lOmo. 4. The Gla- 
 cial Boundary in Ohio, Indiana, and Ki'ntuoky, Cleve- 
 land, 1884, Svo. 5. The Divine Authority of the Bible. 
 Bost., 1SS4, 12mo. 
 Wright, George R., F.S.A. 1. Local Lays and 
 Legends, Fantastic and Im :;Nnary, Lon., 1885, or. 4to. 
 2. Archieologio and Hifitoric Fraguicnts, Lon., I88S. 
 Wright, H. L. The Merchandise .Marks Act, 1SH7, 
 in its Relation to the Cotton Trade, Manchester, 1887, 
 Wright, II. T. Map and Guide-Book to Kansas 
 City, Kansas City, 1880. lliino. 
 Wright, Hannah ittary. 1. Hugh Stanton's 
 i Mission, Lon., 1869, p. Svo. 2. Ruthwell Cross, and 
 other Remains: with Brief Memoi- *• the Author I.on. 
 1873, 12mo. ' '* 
 Wright, Harold, LL.I!., b. 1858; graduated in 
 law at Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1880; called to the 
 bar at the Middle Temple 1880. The Bankruptcy Act 
 1883, and Debtors' Acts, 1869-78 : with Rules, ic, Lon ' 
 1884, Svo. ' ' 
 Wright, Hcndrick Bradley, 1808-18S1, b. at 
 Plymouth, Pa.; educated at Dickinson College; ad- 
 mitted to the bar 1831 ; member of Congress 1853-55 
 1861-63, and 1877-81. 1. A Practical Treatise on Labor, 
 N. lork, 18,1, 12mo. 2. Historical Sketches of Plvm- 
 oulh, and of the Wyoming Valley, Luzerne County. 
 Pennsylvania, Phila., 1873, l2ino. 
 Wright, Henrietta Christian. 1. The Golden 
 lairy Series, N. York, 1883, 5 vols. sq. l2mo; published 
 i also under the title of " Little Folk in Green." Illust. 
 N. \ork, 188.3, 1 vol. sq. 12mo. 2. Children's .'Jtorics of 
 American Progress, N. York, 188(!, 12mo, 3. Children's 
 j .Stones of the Great Scienti,<ts, N. York, 1888, 12mo 
 M right. Rev. Henry, vicar of Swatrham. Ser- 
 ; luoiis, Lon., 1872, Svo. 
 W right. Rev. Henry, M.A., 1S34-1880, graduated 
 , at lialliol College, Oxford, 1866; perpetual curate of 
 I Swanwick, Derbyshire, 18(;2-C7; rector of St. Nicholas's, 
 Nottingham, 1807-72; minister of St. John's Chapel 
 Downshire Hill, London, from 1875; prebendary of St. 
 Paul's from 1879. 1. The Watching Servants, and other 
 Sermons, Lon., 1873, p. 8vo ; 2d ed., 1880. 2. The Friend- 
 ship of God, and other Meditations uiion Holy Scripture. 
 Lon., 1882, p. Svo. J 1 . 
 Wright, Henry. jiental Travels in Imagined 
 Lands, Lon., 1878, p. R.-o. 
 Wright, Rev. Henry Press, M.A., [mik. ,jl. 
 ill., add,,] graduated at St. Peter's College, Cambridge, 
 1841 ; ordained lo^l ; principal chaplain to the army in 
 the East 1854-50; chaplain to the forces at Portsmouth 
 1865-76; archdeacon of Vancouver's Island 1876-80, 
 and since then rector of Grcatham. 1 Recollections of 
 a Crimean Chaplain, and the Story of Prince Daniel 
 and Montenegro, Lon., 1857, 12mo. 2. The Story o' 
 "Donius Dei," commonly called the Royal Garrison 
 Church. Illust. Lon., 1873, p. Svo. 3. (Trans.) Stat- 
 utes of the Hospital of the Holy Virgin Mury of Siena; 
 from the Italian, Lon., 1880. 4. Leprosy and its Story: 
 Segregation its Remedy, 1885. 5. History of the 
 " Donius Dei" of Chichester, 0.\f., 1885. 
 Wright, Henry Smith. (Trans.) The Iliad of 
 Homer, Books I.-IV., in English Hexameter Verse. 
 Loi. , 1886, Svo. 
 Wright, Herbert Edwards. A Hand-Book for 
 Young Brewers, Lon., 1S77, p. Svo. 
 Wright, J. Centennial Tour in the United States 
 and Canada, Lon., 1877, p. Svo. 
 Wright, J. C. The Sources and Growth of the 
 English Language. Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 
 Wright, J. H. (Trans.) Greek Archaeology, by M. 
 Colhgnon, (" Fine Art Library,") Lon., 1886, p. Svo. 
 Wright, J. Hornsby. 1. Balaam: what was 
 he? being a View of the Question, Lon., 
 1866. 2. Thoughts and Experiences of a Charity- 
 Organizationist, Lon., 1878, ji. Svo. 3. Confessions of an 
 Old Almsgiver; new ed., Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 4. Our 
 Study-Meeting ; or. The Offering of Isaac by Abraham 
 considered by a Body of Sunday-School Teachers, Lon., 
 1881, p. Svo. ' 
 Wright, Rev. J. J. 1. Evcnin' News, and other 
 Stories, Lon., 187g, 16mo. 2. Piny with your Own Mar- 
 bles, and other Stories, Lon., 1881, sq. 16mo. 3. Little 
 Asker: Learning to Think: for Boys and Girls, Lon., 
 1886, f,. Svo. .! Merry, Merry Boys, Lon., 1888, p. , Svo. 
 Wright, James A. People and Preachers in the 
 Methodist Episcopal Church, By a Layman. Pliile 
 IS86, 12mo. 
 Wright, John, B.A. The Grounds and Principles 
 of Religion, I,on.. 1879, p. Svo. 
 Wright, John. Mushrooms for the Million : Cul- 
 tivation of Out-Door Crop, Liin., 1884, p. Svo. 
 Wright, John Stephen, IS1!)-I874, b. at Sheffield, 
 Mass.; settled in Chicago and became a manufacturer. 
 Chif-Rgr,: P;,^t, Present, .-ind Future, Ciiic, 1870. 
 Wright, Joseph, Ph.D., a deputy teacher of Gor- 
 man in the University of Oxford. 1. Middle High-Ger- 
 man Primer: with Grammar, Notes, and Glossary, Oxf., 
 1888, I2mo. 2. Old High-Gorhian Primer: with Gram- 
 mar, Notes, and Glossary, Oxf., 1388, IZmo. 
hwell Cross, and 
 ;ho Author, I.on., 
 3 ; graduated in 
 HO; called to the 
 liankruhlcy Act, 
 Rules, (to,, Lon., 
 1808-lSai, b.' at 
 m College ; ad- 
 ongrcss 1853-55, 
 'realise on liftbor, 
 etches of Plyiu- 
 ^.uzerne County, 
 1. The Golden 
 12mo,- publiahed 
 (irecn." Illust. 
 dron'a Stories of 
 5 3. Children's 
 , 188S, 12mo. 
 Swaffham. Ser- 
 -1880, graduated 
 letual curate ipf 
 af St. Nicholas's, 
 .lohn's Chapel, 
 rcbcndary of St. 
 ■vants, and other 
 2. TheFriend- 
 I Koly Sorijiture, 
 ts in Imagined 
 I. A., [iiiiii. \o\, 
 ege, Cambridge, 
 n to the army in 
 ' at Portsmouth 
 Island 1878-80, 
 Eecolloctions of 
 Prince Daniel 
 . The Story oT 
 Royal Garrison 
 . (Trans.) Stnt- 
 Mury of Siena; 
 y and its Story : 
 History of the 
 ) The Iliad of 
 .\ameter Verse, 
 Hand- Book for 
 ! United States 
 Growth of the 
 haeology, by SI. 
 886, p. 8vo. 
 m : what was 
 Question, Lon., 
 of a Charity- 
 infessions of an 
 . 8vo. 4. Our 
 10 by Abraham 
 Tcaclicrs, Lon., 
 !W9, and other 
 •our Own Mar- 
 inio. 3. Little 
 id Girls, Lon., 
 :., 1888, p. 8vo. 
 •cachers in the 
 ^nian. Phila., 
 md Principles 
 Million: Cul- 
 b. atShefhold, 
 acher of Oor- 
 ilo Iligh-(ier- 
 Jlossary, Oxf., 
 : with (Iraui- 
 ad^lf.uhte^';/,,:'"''"' (-^e^air,) [..nU, vol. iii., 
 liam JanorWri.°ht *>'«\'">- 1 ""^rrie,!, I8.i!(,t„ Wil- 
 Emigrant Jfo'-Phila 187.77;" ' " P'c "'' ^"'«"°"" 
 Convent and the ^sr;^,^«-'.'«XMt?;,f:rt;:;'ii;^:;! 
 enceand Workincs of ■ „ ''"'"" ';>tion of the InHu- 
 7fi 1 i vt-ir .,,.'■'•''"'»• 12mo; now cd 187^,- 
 i^'Li^T- " ^^-^.'l'1;::n^^'I■h[l!;''^Vs.?''- 
 its I'-aith and W ':!•v^.5l.^'•''\'•'y.C''"^':'' '" 'iritain.; 
 Lights and ,sh.-idows of .S.ic^-cd ,«tnry : An^u! 
 12uio. II. 
 ysis of Scri|,ture Characters P.tri,>r,'.hr"i--""-^ ' „^"^"" 
 cts. Warriors, Ac. I 0,7 ' I'l' il « ' "N",''";,'^'"''''''- 
 .^nd othV S ,^ e : a^ ',2 , ,""■ JV,"'-^" "'" ^■«'"'. 
 One I.-undred Ye.^rs Ago a T.o„r; '"",/"' '^'"^ 
 Illust. Cin., isrii 8w, I- li 1 r "'"' '"'Solution, 
 "ul of ethn„gra,;h;,n8r ;'• ' ^ A St"'" '"'S'' K"'""' 
 a Temperanct Tile, N York 187« i,^ "T„''SJ-^""'>' ■ 
 Pl-Xe Aome, 187i). ' 20.V>cled 'b"; Fr.' a Trl's?""" 
 N. York, 87<J, Kimo .>i xh™ n ?' '""^ Story, 
 Vork,l879.l'6m; '"22. '•relranl"": t'"' •''" ^"^'- ^- 
 Uimo 26. step-by ^:,^;,:'v;:rM"s": m^rV:^' 
 or, Ways and Mcainfor De.lf p ng Cha ac :": ,, i"' 
 sources Illust. Phila., 1881, 'svo^ 21 No O 1 
 Cake: Marriage E.xtraordinary, N. Yo;k ISM' jV,, '," 
 Among the Alaskans. Map and I I i^,] Ph;,i"'-,s- i^' 
 a Story of '<p^' ^:::-,i^: Phn. ^[8 r" ■'.:r"'^r 
 Rasmus; or, The Makin^of a Man, N.'York' r^'lo^' 
 ^8. In black and Gold: a Story of Twi„ ti.„ 
 1 T["n''V ''^Wis, [aute, vol. iii., Wuight, L add 1 
 with Prac nJl <! .■ ■ , ^""r" I'lustrated liook of Poultry i 
 ll"".."'".','.''.'^"^.'- ".Pr""oHl ,.gcntof the War Depart 
 I ^ -^J-Point, Phila 1875, 8vo. 2. Principia; or. Basis 
 •f.nyTmTZ- "r^ v.. Limited Coiminism, t' 
 Phiia.,'LS8i,''Z;. '• '^""'"" "' '^''^''""" ■^"™'V. 
 ' Wright, nobert E., frni^f vol iii .wi.n 4i„i, 
 of Criminal Conspir.acics and Agreements ton IS^r 
 wi s'Sr*' "',""™"' 1''^:;; -"."i»o.n<!';'h 
 ..nd ':i:^;vh:^ '' t^ ouS' k;: /^r""-"',?™"-' 
 in Wesf Hnv.o„ t. I. ^'"'^'^J' l\riii\iiid; or, Horace 
 la en s ,'"', ^h v'"-"" ^YT ^^'"^'-^ New 
 South'ch, i.h. P 1 ^''■"'', "^ J'""j.'"H"t; or. The 
 X.York, 18^0, 12mo; 2d ed., 1,^.4 "" "« True Genesis, 
 'avoUi"^Lc:n.^;ssr er'":„"" """■•• ^=""' ""'' "^ '» 
 'Y^^l^sf'l^""'* '"" -^ Summer Pilgrimage. N. 
 ("iSf/ssn*;";!::'- ^"-is of B::.ntyre. Illust. 
 4e'.^'?oi«:-i:;,:^,';^,,X^""^^ °^ "— 
 twe mV t*t' oT'ir""*"' '^'/■' ^'S'^" f""'^' vol. iii., 
 »em.^l„. of the name there mentionci, add.,] ISIoi 
 nnlrv , * ,' 'A'" ^^"""^ "' "'0 Koight of laTcur. 
 in (Te iVei Jn^n "?'' ^'"Vr^" ^"S-""' J'^""^''' '■"» English 
 n the n ftlh l""^' ^^- ' '■'■'"" ""^ '■"''!"« Mon-.'-eript 
 Ka V Fn '1 h T"?"i^ "''? I"'™duction and Notes, 
 i.aiiy LngNsh Soc, Lon., 1868, 8vo 2 ( FiM 
 M ,1 V" "^'''"■'' ^^■™""'-^ "f ">« Town of Ludl'o V '.^ 
 I iTb 't'lr'^c'^'V^i' •",""' ^"'l "f "■" Reign Que " 
 F. i,|.,l V "^"1"'^" '*™- ''"''■.) l-on., 186!., 4to. 3. (Kd ) 
 ul fetches of"' ^"^^^'' "'^""-y^ '^ '^"ie« "''''- 
 ii'fl- ' ""^^"-'"'S of our iNiitional History coninile.! ,t 
 Oifierent Periods from the Thirteen hCentun^ to the 
 . cecith ; from the Original Manuscripts" Lon.,' Ks'r2 
 ■'to. Private y printed 4 1 1.M i Ti, a > ' t . ' 
 Satirical |>„nts • , ,1 r '■ * •' ■'■'"' Anglo-Lalm 
 Cent, r. IV ,' Al ^- "giauiinntists of the Twelfth 
 with Mlilrv !f°;!" r^/"™'^' ^•"'"•y^ ""^ Caricaturist : 
 eoiiteiit.« _t,, nlake^•t 1 nn riT*' ''*•'' ""' even a t*. hi., of 
 able ilukriom of the s.?,!,'':, ,',";''■• 'i'"!'"*!"? """^ ^■'''»- 
 KcMiernlion wMch u is no s h ,> ' '"''"i^a' , "fe of that 
 xlvi. irm. posMble to conceive."-«.>(;e/u(./r, 
 mont ,. collect -in/eli^nurVe^ V^X^t^ , 
 "icNrrr. ■" "'■."'"^^'y Settlement LTe "^"".tiers' 
 01 McNairy tounty, Tennessee, AVash., 1882. 2 Life of 
 (.ovcrnor William Bloc-nt, 1884 - J^ite of 
 Wright, Maria, [««(f, yoi. in , „,.,. 1 , „, „ 
 fXj " 'Vh'^'T;' '" ";? S°"« "'•Soiomo,; Im • 1,^',"' 
 Ln , -,873 ?2mo""';''-Th'^" P^"' ""'' "">" '' ''-""« --' 
 1873 2mr; Vj' »^^ ^'"■8" "" "'« """th. Lon. 
 o"|e'&e,'i.:^r:';^7'S;'t:^:f ^;^^ ^ ^'-^ 
 1876,''8fo!'' "'■"•""*•'• M"-^'"" and Epigran's, Lon , 
 Iidin'*f8^83',p.*;vo""'"' '""' ^"""'^ '-'''" •■'«'■"<"». 
 With W1ILIA.MS, AHTHim WkLIRSLEV The Hivtnr„ 
 r,„,;/^^-* '',""•'•''' """> Journeyman Engince,- " 
 . .; T " • "L- '■"■•y-t''i>-'l of the naine, add.] 1 'fho 
 Ijfcat Uiiwasheo ..un.. 1SB8 Svo •> i 1 n 1 
 the Story of the ChildC ;ind"sehtl t:7of"a''"7^ = 
 U f/;<68,'^2l':rp sv^^ 3"'^G '""^"^^i^''^ '^"«^"-"- 
 £ue^ryT;:rpricJ^sSion^ -r^io:;; 
 of OIney and its Neighbourhou.l. Illust. 
 Lon., 1886, 
• 0., U.r.T,.. [anlc, 
 („] ls;:ii-lssi), b. in 
 li.i at tlie riiiversity 
 •^ -ibic in University 
 Ini-linisjn : a Pntliolcgical nnd Psychol ogioal Study, 
 Coluuibu.*, "■., 1S8.), IL'mo. 
 Wright, Rev. Thomas Preston, [■mi,, vol. iii., 
 mill.] I,ituij;ia Donieatini: ii Uuoli ui Kuniily Prayers, 
 I.cin., I8S1, i:;mo. Pi^th. 
 U right, W. S. I. Tliricc Cau^'ht: an I'nder- 
 gruund Adventure, liOn., ISS", p. Svo. 2. 'rc.-ied About ; 
 or, Through .Strange Advents 'M to F ■ tune, Lon., 1SS8, 
 Wright, William, Pi.r, 
 vol. iii., eleventh (<f the "anjt, 
 liengal; educated at St. .Andrew 
 of Hullo ; appointed prol'essur ol 
 College, London, ISaJ, and in Trinity College, Dublin. 
 ]S.j(i; became assistant in the Mus iin ISIil ; 
 as.-istant lieeper of the .MSS. I Sill); professor of Arabic 
 in the University of Cambridge 1>70. lie iva.s a foreign 
 correspondent of the French Institute, and a menilior 
 <jf many learned societies. 1. Cut::l(.gue of the .Syriao 
 Manui^i'ripts in tliu lirilish Museum, acquired sin. o 
 l.siis, Lon., I.^r0-7L', .■) parts, Ito. -'. An Araldo Ue:il 
 ing-liook. Parti, l.on., ISTIi, 8vo. ;i. (Ed. and trans.) 
 Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles; from Syriac .Manu- 
 scripts in the liritish iMuseum .md other I,ibrarie.>. Lon., 
 1871, 2 vols. Svo. 4. (Kd.) Frng'-ents of the iSyriac 
 (iramniar of .Jacob of Edessi , Loii., !87l, fol. 5. (Ed.) 
 Fragments of ti^e Homilies of Cyril of Alex:indrift on 
 the (jospel of .S. Lu^c ; froi i a Nitrian AI.S., Lon., 187I, 
 4to. ti. Catalogue i' tlu' Ethiopic Manuscripts in the 
 liritish Museum, rii.j^re, since Is-H, Lon., LS77, 4to. 
 7. (Ed.) The Chv.ri'cl- ct' Joshua .Stylite, comniled in 
 J^yriac, A.l). 5117 : !vi;i, a translation' and Notes, Lon., 
 L-Sl', 8vo. 8. (E.i.j T:., Hook „t lialilah am! Diiouah : 
 translated from Arabic liii.- Syriac, l,on., iS8). Svo. 
 Wright, Ktv. U lUiavji, foiUiorly \i. .r .)f Har- 
 bury. ami Cr.srent; :i Word ft:- t'jo Mohmm- 
 uieijan in the Present 'iVar, f^:.n.. L''?7, .•'■■,. 
 Wright, llev. W'Piani, 1>.!)., lo-.-.t^iy a n is 
 gionary at Damascus, now f.liturii.l supe.intcii.S'mi' ■ f 
 the liritish and Foreign Tiiblc. t>"cieiy. Jlowa- tile ^us^ 
 to suggest till! Hittite ocigin ov tiie HaiuathitB 'if-rp- 
 fions, of which he sent ca-ts to Kr.;Oand. 1. "h' c..u- 
 pi re of the HifJtss: with De.Mphi.i men', of llita ij ,in- 
 sciiptions by Prjicssor Sayje, LL.L' , and a (oiuplete 
 Set of llittite Int. uptions, revi w d by W. if. Kylands, 
 F.S.A. Plans and M:ips. Lon., 1S8I, r. 8v3; M cd., 
 " Dr. Wright has performed a useful service in colleoting 
 li' ,1 convenient form materials hillierto accessi'ile only in 
 Uie ;>igcs of periodicals, and m compiling a summary of 
 tin lesults attained by scholars duiing the last few years." 
 —Alh.. No, 2W7. 
 2. The Po\fei behind the Pupu: ii Tale of Blighted 
 Hopes, }.:».. lsS8, sm. Svo. 
 Wrig'if, William Aldis, M.A., D.C.L., [aii(c, vol. 
 iii., .add.,] \ i.'e-niKst.T of Triuity College, Cambridge, 
 188S. 1, (Lij.i 'jererydcs: a Komance in Seven-Line 
 Stanzas; from tht> .M.S. in Trinity College, Cambridge, 
 (Early Enjr. Text '^-.i .) Lon., 1873-78, 2 parts, 8vo. 2. 
 (Ed.) Metrical Cli;- i^ de of Robert of (Jloucester. Parts 
 I. and IL Lon., Is... And see Fitzgekalo, EnwAiin, 
 Wright, William Hull, laiitc, vol. iii., WitioiiT, 
 M"ii.LiA.M li., add.,] 184(1-1880, b. in Orange Co., N.Y.; 
 graduated at Princeton 1859; served in the civil war; :■; the Now York College of Physicians and 
 Surgeons; |.irofessor of ancient languages in the Normal 
 School at liulialo, N.Y., 1871-78. The Brook, and other 
 Poems, N. York, 187:!, IL'mo. 
 Wright, Kcv. William Iluriiet, formerly pastor 
 of the Berkeley Street Church, Boston, .Mass. 1. An- 
 cient Cities from the Dawn to the Daylight, Host., 1886, 
 12mo. 2. The World to Come, [sermons,] Bust., 1887, 
 16mo. , 
 Wright, WiMiam Henry Kearley, b. 1844, at 
 Plymouth ; chief librarian of the Plymouth Free Library 
 since I87(i. 1, Visitors' (juido to Mount Edgeumbe. 
 lllust. Plymouth, 1871, 4to 2. The Spanish Armada : 
 n Descriptive Hiffoncal Poem, Plymouth, 1874, 8vo. li. 
 Illustrated lland-Book to Plymouth, Stonebouse, nnd 
 Devonport; new cd., .'Mymouth, 187S). 4. (Ed.) The 
 AVestern Antiquary ; or, Devon and Cornwall Note-Book, 
 VlyiDOutb, 1881, 2 parts, Svo. 5. Britain's Saiamis: the 
 Olorious Fight of loh8: a Lecture, Lon., 1888, 4to. 
 W'riglitsoil; F., Ph.D. Henry George's "Progress 
 and Poverty:" an Analysis and a Refutation, 1885, 8v , 
 W'rightson, John, professor of agriculture in t^ 
 Normal School of Soicnoe, London, ]. Aericulturr 
 Text-Book : embracing Soils, Manures, Rotations of 
 Crops, Ac, ("C(jllins' Elementary Science" Ser.,) Glas- 
 gow. 1872, 8vo. 2. Agricultural Machinery, (" liritish 
 JIan Picturing Indu?«ries,") Lon., 1870, 12mo. 3. The 
 Princ i' es of Agricultural Practice as an Instructional 
 Subjec'. Lon., 1888. cr. 8vo. 
 Wriihtson, William. The Cleansing of the 
 Sanotu; ry; or, 'The Acceptable Sucritice: a Poem, 
 Lon., 1.^7(l. 
 WrightHon, Rev. William Garmoninway, 
 M.A., graduated at (ionville and Caius College, Cam- 
 bridge, 18li;); ordained 1864; vicar of St. Paul's, Now 
 Bcokenham, 1870-7.^). 1. Four Sermons on the Christian 
 Church, the Christian Ministry, and the Public-Worship 
 Act, Lon., 1875, 8vo. 2. Functional Elements of um 
 Engli'i' i'entenoe, Lon., 1882, p. Svo. 3. Conilvised 
 Confli'i'ation Addresses, Lon., 1884, 18mo. 
 Wriivh, Warwick William. 1. Cretan 'oips, 
 Ac. H printed from the Numismatic Chronicle. I. on., 
 I 1884, Svo. 2. Catalogue of (ireck Coins of Crete and the 
 , yEgcan Isles, (Brit. Museum J'ub..) Lot 1886, Svo. 
 Wroltesley, Itlqjor-Gcii. Hon, (Jeorge :;.l-;., 
 b. 1S27; .<on of tlie second B:iion Wr itesley ; retired 
 IS8I. Lite and Correspon.!i;ni-e of Field-Marshal ii'-i* 
 .John Bui,vivne. 13y his Sinj ;n-Law, ic. Lon., IS/;;, 
 2 vols. Svo 
 "We coulii ill spare any of the two thick vol- 
 umes, ludew \Ijc only finni v\- ,iave to find «Ith the 
 author is iliai lie has not given us quite enough."— ^(A., 
 No. 2.".G.'v 
 "It «,.uld he difflcult to exaggerate thi .v.teresK i' aur- 
 j goyiie's letters iroi;' tlie Crimea.' - svtf, Kc-., sxx\. Z>i. 
 And see liriio ' - k, Sin J. p., <- //in. 
 WyaU, Charlotte. The Chosen li tat, 1 on., 1888, 
 i 18mo. 
 I W'yatt, (i.E. Lionel Ilacourt, tioi EtoTi'an; or, 
 I Like other Fcil.iws, Lon., 1888, p, 8vo. 
 Wyatt-, Brv. Henry Herbert, M.A., [unie, vol. 
 iii., nsld..] gniduiited at Queen's College, Oxford, 1844; 
 ordaluf i 1*15; perpetual curate of Holy Trinity, Brigh- 
 ton^ l8u()-tU'> ; vicar of Bolnoy, Sussex, 1872-86, and 
 • <iinc»> then rector of Conington. 1. The Principal Hero- 
 sifs lehiting to Our Lord's Incarnation, Lou., i88I, cr. 
 Svo. 2. The Gospel according to St. Matthtw : with 
 Notf." for Teachers, Lon., 1884, cr. 8vo. 
 Wyatt, Sir Matthew Higby, F.S.A., [u,,ie, vol. 
 Iii., add.,] d. 1877. He was knighted in ISi;i>, and in 
 the same year elected Slade Professor of the t'-oo Arts 
 at the University of Cambridge for a ]ieriod .1' three 
 years. 1. 'The Art of Illuminating: wuat it was vdiat 
 it should be ; and how it may be practised : nn E.ssay, 
 Lon., 1800, 4to. 2. The Relations which should exist 
 between Architecture and the Industrial Arts: nn Ad- 
 dress before the Architectural Association, Lon., 18(7, 
 Svo. 3. On the Foreign Artists employed in England 
 during the Sixteenth Century, and their Influence on 
 British Art, Lon., !868, 4to. 4. Fine Art: a Sketch of 
 its History, Theory, Practice, and Application to In- 
 dustry: being a Course of Lectures delivered at Cam- 
 bridge in 1870, Lon., 1870, Svo. 
 "The art libraries of the country bear witness to the 
 wide range of bis studies, and in like manner the lectures 
 now published show a mind familiar, through reading, 
 travel, and professional \v(nk. with well nigh all that has 
 been written, together with a large part of what lias been 
 actually achieved."— .S(i(. Hcv., xxxi. 116. 
 5. An Architect's Note-Book in Spain, principally il- 
 lustrating the Domestic Architecture of that Country, 
 lllust. Lon., 1872, 4to. 
 Wyatt, Rev. Paul Williams, M.A., F.R.O.S., 
 F.L.S., graduated at Christ College, Oxford, 187S; or- 
 dained 1879; minister of St. Philip's, Regent Street, 
 London, 1884-86; curate of St. Mary's, Bedford, 1888. 
 I. Hardrada, and other Poems, Lon, 1878, 12mo. 2. 
 Books and Reading: our Duty as Men nnd as Church- 
 Men, Lon., 1884, Svo. 
 Wyatt, Capt. Walter James. 1. Hungarian 
 Celebrities, Lon., 1871, p. Svo. 2. Revolutionary 
 Sh.adows ; Our Present Crisis ; Probabilities of a Future 
 Invasion, Lon., 1871, Svo. 3. The Political Position if 
 England vis-i-vis with the other Great Powers f tie 
 World, and her Armaments, Lon., 1874, Svo. 
 History of Prussia, from the Earliest Times to the ; 
 Day : tracing the Origin and Development of h< 
 tary Organization : vols. i. and ii., Lon., 1876, F 
 "The general slguKlcance of the subj pc- 
 icli it requires the hand id' a miuiter iL > 
 . which a treatment like tliat adopted 
 ore us— half petfuuctory, half discuti. i. ■-. 
 i nly 
s, notations of 
 ico" Sor.,) 01»8- 
 incry, (" Dritish 
 , I2mo. 3. The 
 111 Instructional 
 ennsing of tiio 
 itice: a I'ueiii, 
 s College, Cain- 
 St. Paul's, Now 
 on theChrislian 
 Kleuients of an 
 3. ConilvH'Sed 
 . Cretan Coins, 
 ironicle. I.un., 
 i)f Crete ami the 
 1S86, Sv .. 
 UeorRe .;,i:., 
 ttcsley i retired 
 iiJ-Marsiiol S'.' 
 fcu. Lon., ISi'i; 
 s two thick vol- 
 find with the 
 enough,"— yl(/i„ 
 .iteresK < ilur- 
 ., XXXV. £4. 
 rtat, li.n., 78S8, 
 ju Etiir!';in ; or, 
 U.A., [ante, vol. 
 e, Oxford, 1844; 
 ■ Trinity, lirigh- 
 !, ]872-8fi, and 
 Princi'Mil Hcre- 
 . lioip., 1881, cr. 
 Matthiifl : with 
 S.A., ['jiite, vol. 
 in 18(1', nnd in 
 if the !'ii> Arts 
 ]ieriod .'' three 
 at it was what 
 ised ; an Etsay, 
 eh should c';ist 
 1 Arts: nn Ad- 
 en, Lon., 1j;i'7, 
 ed in Knglanii 
 ir Influence on 
 rt: a Sketch of 
 dication to In- 
 ivered at Cam- to the 
 iicr the lectures 
 ir(m(;li reading, 
 i^li all that has 
 what has been 
 , principally il- 
 that Country. 
 I.A., P.R.O.S., 
 ford, 1878; or- 
 Kcgent Street, 
 Bedford, 1888. 
 878, 121110. 2. 
 nd as Chureh- 
 1 . Hungarian 
 ies of a Future 
 ioal Position of 
 Powers f lue 
 , 8vo. T! « 
 3 to the : 
 nt of h! 
 1876, P 
 • per , : cue 
 ii. Oie ',"1 met 
 is c^iisiniy 
 xIIU '"?<)'"' '"^ "lakingdcar to Kngllsh readers." 
 5. The Kastcrn Question from an English Point of 
 \iew, l.on., 187(1, 8vo. 
 Wyckoir, Hilliam Cornelius, 18:)2-1888, b. in 
 ^ew \ork; entered into business; was afterwards con- 
 nected with various scientific publications, and was edi- 
 tor ot the American Magazine 1 •<8I1-S8. The Silk Ooods 
 of America: a IJriof Account of the Recent Improve- 
 ment,^ and Advances of .■<ilk .Manufacture in the United 
 .><tatcs, N. \iirk. 187SI, 8vo. 
 Wyeth, John Allan, .M.D., b. 1845, at Missionary 
 .Ma ion Ala.; g,-i,du,ited at tile Medical Department 
 of the I niveisily of Louisville Isoi); f„un,led'rhe New 
 ^ork Polyclinic and llospit^.l, in which he became dean 
 in.O professor of surgery. I. A of Medical 
 Hinl Surgical Reference, N. York, 1871, Kimo. 2. E,<- 
 wy.' in Surgical Anatomy and Surgerv, N. York. 1879 
 M u '•."«"'-'*""'< on Surgery, (iener'al, Operative, and 
 Mechmioal, l.on,, 18,'<,H, r. Svo. 
 lVyttri,]M. K. C. Margie Hargrave und the Percy 
 •),i..'ren, Illust. N. York, 1878, Kimo. 
 ,„,*''*''•,» Newton. Essentials of Business Laws for 
 JL'iiiors. Chic, 18.H7, 8vo. 
 • '*»,'''''' Atherton. My Chiof and I ; or, Six Months 
 in ^ntal alter the Langalibaloe Outbreak. Illust. Lon 
 IH, ',(, 8w). ** 
 "The Look is the history of a short episode in the life of 
 8 «ood n,an an, n,r:ivcsol,fier--(;,,loi,el l.urnf,,nl-lVt«ee^^^ 
 111 e^ta allair ,, (lie Bushman's Kiver I',iss and tie fata 
 The ; t t'l"""''"'*'"'' ."■'"•■'■« • ■ ■ *'"•""«-■' I'nniforl tw 
 ^imli'-'i'r''"'"?-"" '■■""'""""'"<' y"""S friend, . . . wb,«e 
 a V 'rv 'J/ i"!""^""""' "i" ;l'''«il«'l. "'irrative leaves behind 
 5n",7iiH. 27s'""''' " " ^'•''" "^ "'' <''-'<.ii."-W 
 Wyld, Ilobert S., F.R.S. Edin., [„„(,., vol. iii., 
 aii.l.J 1. Strictures on Scottish Theology and Preaching. 
 r7? ", MoJ*"-" Calvinist. Ed'n., 18(i;i, 8vo. Anon. 2. 
 Ihe Physios and Philosophy of the Senses ; or The 
 m"'"' """* "'* ^''^"''"'' '" """''■ ''^'"''"'' Isolations, Lon., 
 n.'iu'ri.TiVl.'y''''' ■""•'■ ""' ^"'^•'i^h «'■'">"'. to the testimony 
 a .d truth of, aii.l yd .■seeks to ,sliuw th,u the 
 fiiiidameiital contrast between iniiid and matter rcvea ed 
 '" ' 5ciou..jiit.«s has no reali^y,"-.^Vwc(«(or, xllx, 1)71, 
 .i. Christianity and Reason : their Necessary Connec- 
 tion, Lon., 1879, p. 8vo. 
 Wylde, A. B., an Englishman, settled in Ceylon, 
 and ,»lterward8ntSuakin,asa|danter and trader ; was 
 the first vice-consul for the Red Sea, of the Intel- 
 ligence Department, Ac, and ii coin|ianion on sevenil 
 occasions of General Gordon. '8,S to '87 in the Soudan • 
 with an Account of Sir William Hewett's Mission to 
 King John of Abyssinia. Map. Lon., 1888, 2 vols. 
 8vo. ' 
 oorn^fm, ni^i'i'® 'l"' ' ' •. ^ ''''■''" *" *P<^«'' ^ fallmird con- 
 cerning the .'^oudaii and the .Soudanese, anil his speech has 
 no uncertain ,souiid A mure danliiing record of i- 
 oomnetenee and mal-admliiistralion it will l,e hard to find 
 xkxiv^'Jiy" " cemury,"-K. F, Bl-kto.n: .lead., 
 Wylde, Mrs. Flora Franoee. 1. The Autobi- 
 ography of Flora McDonald. Edited by her Grand- 
 Daughter. Lon., 18711. 2. The Life and Wonderful 
 Adventures of "Totty Tostudo:" an Autobiography, 
 Edin., 18,3, p. Svo. ;i. The Widow Unmasked ; or, Tlie 
 Firebrand in the Family: a Novel, Lon,, 1875, 3 vole, 
 p. svo. 
 Wylde, II. M. Simple Meditations for Young Per- 
 sons, Lim., 1883, 32mo. 
 Wylde, James, [,mie, vol. iii., add.] 1. The Circle 
 of the feoieneos ; a Cyclopaidia of Experimental, Chem- 
 ical, Mathematical, and Mechanical Philosophy and 
 Jsatural History: with an Introductory Discourse by 
 Henry, Lord Brougham, Lon. and N. York, 18(i2-()-, 2 
 yol^B Svo. 2. Mathematics, Pure and Applied, Lon., 
 18,3, Svo. 3. (Ed.) The Industries of the World! 
 being a Complete Course of Technical Education. Illust 
 Lon., 1881-82, 2 vols. 8vo. 4. (Ed.) The Royal Natu- 
 ral History: being a Systematic Arrangement of De- 
 scriptive Zoology, from Man to the Lowest Forms: with 
 an Introduction on the Study of Natural Historv by 
 Dr. Andrew Wilson. Illust. Vol. i., Lo.i., 1881, 4to. 
 Wylde, Rev. John, M.A., graduated at Magdalen 
 Coljego. Oirord, !S(i3; nrdainpd l.'ifiiij vi.-ar of St. Sa- 
 viour's, Leed.s, since 1877. Religious Training of Chil- 
 dren, Lon., 1881, 12mo. 
 Wylde, Katherinc. 1. A Dreamer, Lon., 1880, 
 3 vols. p. Svo. 2. An Ill-Regulated Mind : a Novel, 
 Edin., 1885, p. Svo. ' 
 -Sat. Rev., \ Wyles, Benjamin. Instructions for Beginners In 
 Photography, Lon,, 1885, p. Svo. 
 Wylie, A. Labour, Leisure, and Luxury: a Con- 
 tribution to I'olltioal Economy, Lon., 1881, cr. Svo. 
 Wylie, A. H. Cbotty Letters from the East and 
 West, Lon., 1879, sm. Mi,. 
 Wylie, Claud«. A T.-eatiso on Iron-Founding: 
 witli Diagrams, Lon., ISSI, p. Svi>; new ed., 1X85. 
 Wylie, Rev. James Aiikcn, L1,.D., [ante, vol. iii,, 
 udil.J I. The Impending Crisis of the Church and the 
 "orld; or. The War in its Uelatiim to Prophecy, Lon,, 
 1871, 12mo. 2. The History of Protestantism. Illust. 
 Lon., 1874-77, 3 vols. r. Svo, (Portions of this work 
 were republislicd under distinct titles.) 3. The Papal 
 Hierarchy: an Exposure of the Tactics of Rome for the 
 Overthrow of the Liberty md Christianity of Great 
 Britain, Lon,, 1878, cr Svo. 4. The Jesuits: their 
 Moral Maxims and Plots against Kings, Nations, and 
 Churche,s, Lon., i,s8I, p. Svo. 5, A Visit to the Land 
 o. the Pharaohs, Lon., 1882, p, Svo. 6. Over the Holy 
 Land, Lon., 1883, ji. Svo. 7. Which Sovereign? l^ueen 
 Victoria or the Pope? Lon., 1887, cr. Svo. 
 Wylie, James Hamilton, M.A., one of Her 
 Majesty's inspectors of schools. History of England 
 under Henry IV. 2 vols. Vol. i., 1399-1404. Lon., 
 1884, p. 8vo. 
 : " He gained his information from the oflicial records of 
 iiie reign, both in jirint and iiiaiiii.MTi|it. , , , In niaiiv 
 I places he has broken entirely new ground. . . . IIis liis- 
 • tory would have gained in interest and would not have 
 osl In iisefniiiess had he been strong-iiiinded eiiimgh to 
 have relralneil from telling us all he had found out."— 
 t>al. llei'., Ivili &ii7. 
 Wylie, Jean W. (Trana.) Her Only Brother; from 
 the German of W, Heimburg, N. York, l.s8s, 12mo. 
 >yylie, W. <ii||. Hospitals: their History, Organ- 
 ization, and Construction, N. York, 1S77, liimo. 
 Wylie, William Howie, [ante, vol. iii., add,] 
 Ihomas Carlyle: the Man and his Books: Illustrated 
 by Personal Remini,sccnccs, Table-Talk, and Anecdotes 
 of Himself and his Friends, Lon., 1881, p. Svo. 
 Wyllie.; John William Shaw, M.A., C.S.T., 1836 
 -18,0; graduated at Trinity College, Oxford, 1864; en- 
 tered the Indian civil service ISOti! under-secretary for 
 foreign affairs to the governor cf India 1866-67; M.P. 
 for Hereford 1868-69. Essf^ys on the External Policy 
 of India. Edited, with a Brief Life, by W. W. Hunter. 
 Lon,, 1876, Svo. 
 Hr'.! ,!".."'■'-' general reader the essays of Mr, Wyllie will 
 <iraw their chief attraction more from their interesting 
 r.^ff ';!"'"*. "'^ recondite scenes of far Eastern polity and 
 „f 11, ; 'i'l,"';".' '','■'"' "'>''■■ '*•"•''■'"' '"-''iriug on the oofiduct 
 01 tins or tliat Indian viceroy. '—*>a'/<i/(,r, xlix, 1015, 
 Wyllyg, Mary U. l, Winnie's Temptation, and 
 other .Stories, N. York, 1880, Kimo. 2. Theo and Hugo, 
 N. Y'ork, 1881, 16mo. 
 Wyman, E. A. 1. (Ed.) The Book of the Bunyan 
 iestiyal : a Complete Record of the Proceedings at the 
 tnveiliiig of the Statue given by the Duke of Bedford ; 
 with an Historical Sketch by J. Brown, Lon,, 1874, Svo. 
 2. Acquaintance with God ; or. Salvation and Character : 
 Introduction by J. Upham, Springfield, Mass., 1876, 
 12ino. . = 7 7 . 
 iQ^y^'w-.'^" '.:'*"""•'*' "•!*•> ["'"»' ■'oi- i«- "dJ.,] 
 i«i4-is, I. He retained the chair of anatomy at Har- 
 vard till his death, and became curator of the Peabody 
 Museum of American Ethnology and Archieology in 
 isbb. A sketch of his life, with a list of his numerous 
 papers, is given by A. S. Packard in the Biographical 
 Alcinoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. ii. 
 *resh-Water Shell-Mounds of St. John's River, Florida. 
 Illust, Snlem, Mass., 1875, imp. Svo. 
 Wyman, Mrs. Lillie Buifum, (Chace.) Pov- 
 erty Grass, [stories,] liosi,, 1886, 16mo. 
 .1. ?'l"??'„ *'"''""' M.D.. LL.D., [„nlr, vol. iii., 
 add.,] b. 1312, at Chelmsford, Mass. Autumnal Catarrh, 
 (Hay lover,) N.York, 1876, Svo. 
 Wyman, Thomas Bellows. Genealogies and 
 Estates of Charlestown, County of Middlesex, Massaohu- 
 setts, 1629-1818, Best., 1879, 2 vols. Svo. 
 Wyman, W. H. (Ed.) Bibliography of the Ba- 
 con-Shakespeare Controversy : with Notes and Extracts, 
 tin., 1884, 3vo. 
 Wynch, William Mating. Olden Momories: 
 bongs and Poems, Lon., 1879, 12mo. 
 Wyndhiim, Francis Merrick, [ante, vol. liU, 
 add,] Latin and Greek as in Rome and Athens: or, 
 Uassical Languages and Modern Tongues, Lon., 1880, 

 Wynkoop, Richard. I. Clearanoo and Entrance 
 rn^Tn '9 ^^ H'"""* ^""*« "f America, N. York! 
 ,f V„:An ..^ir^^'vl''P "'?"' '" "l-''«'"-'"'oe and Entrance 
 of Vessels, N i-'ork, 1«H3, 8vo. I). Vessola and \'oy. 
 ages a> regulated by Federal Statutes, N. York, m«, 
 voITcr" "v.! '^"* '"''"' ^'""■^ "'' " '"''"' '">"•• 1**"' •■' 
 Wynne, E. 1 Oldcourt, [a novel,] Dublin, 1874, p. 
 Illust. I.on. 1S75 l2mo. .). Strong to Suflcrl a Story 
 of the Jews, I.on., 188B, p. Hvo ' 
 Wynne, Hey. Frederick Richards, M.A, 
 [«H^. vol iM.udcl.,] d. IS.SO; graduated „t Trinity Col- ' 
 lege Uubhn I S4i», ordained ISSO; perpetual curate of 
 St. Mat hms's Dublin, from IS75. 1. P|ai„ I'roofsof the 
 r/u!" ^'"='? "f Christianity, I.on., IS78, 12nia; new ,id., 
 p 2. bpcnt in the Service; a Memoir of the Very 
 fr^Ii^"^ ,'"r "".".'"' ^'""" "f ^"'^- "i"' Seleotion« 
 ironi his Letters, Diaries, and Sermons, hon., 1879, 8vo. 
 •i. Iho Joy of the Ministry, Lon., 1884, p. 8vo. 4. Frair- 
 ineutary Ijoeords of Jesus of Xazareth, from his Letters, 
 iion., 1,S8(, p. 8vo. 
 Wynne, Ven. (Jeorge Robert, M.A., [ante, vol. 
 111., add.,] graduated at Trinity College, Dublin. 1861 ■ 
 ordained 1861 ; vicar of Whitechuroh, Dublin, 1864-71,' 
 1 «!<■,. ^^'I'^n-'y i '"-"fiJoacon of Aghadoe since 1885. 
 liro 10" ".; "!" ^"'"^ '''"■""' ''"■■'"nt Time, Dublin, 
 n.Min rJ!;., -'•/"'•'""'■-Hearers and Sermon-Makcrs, 
 Lon., 1868. Anon. 4. Overton's Question, an.l what 
 wZi Is'n ^l •"■ "• T ^ "-.""■' '«"^- '■ "'— "'- 
 wood, 187.1 Anon. 6. Spiritual Life in its Earlier 
 btages: Fiyo Lectures, Lent, 1880, Lon., 1880, 12mo. 7 
 bpiritual Lite in its Advancing Stages, Lon., 1881, 12mo. 
 ^. Lvening Chimes : a Book for Little Ones to read at 
 Bedtime, Lon. 1885, 12mo. «. Take with you Words 
 a Mission-Book, Lon., 1888, 18mo 
 Wynne, S. S. Cloud- Land; or, Winnie Hethering- 
 ton s Dream, Lon., 18711, sq. I6mo 
 lo!r'"f?>fn' ^V'*^^;, 1. Argentine, and other Poems, 
 isss'ii -• ^ I^"-""lay Garland. Illust. Lon. 
 linH^^'l"^'/ J.'*"!??* Hicks, and Gilman, Wit- 
 rnon^ W4, 4to. ' ^'""'"^' "^ \'irginia, Uieh- 
 iJa''""^V/^'l'''"?; ^^a'kin Edward, 1801- 
 1880, was M.P. for Merioneth, Wales, 1852-65; con- 
 tributed largely to the Archieologia Cambrensis and 
 other periodicals, and made an extensive collection of 
 histcjrical, legal, and ecclesiastical MSS., as well as of 
 lltu^^fw^ '° ">«'' antiquities. Pedigree of the 
 Family of Wynne, of Pcniarth, in the County of Meri- 
 oneth, Lon.. 1872, 4to. Privately printed."^ And see 
 BHEE3E, EnWAIll). Jiujim. 
 181J-1876. 1. Peeps into the Human Hive, [essaysj 
 I I.on 1874 2 vols. n. Sv„. 2. The Border-Lands of In- 
 sanity and other Allied Popers, Lon., 1875, p. 8vo 3 
 Fjuit between the Leaves, [essays,] Lon., 1875, 2 vols, p! 
 Wyon, Alfred Benjamin, late chief engraver of 
 her uiajesty-s seals and Wyon, Allen, his* brother 
 and successor lu oilloe. The Great Seals of England 
 from he harliest Period to the Present Time: Arrarcj 
 Lol^ln'^foT ' ^'""'P"^'' »'"' "i'torical Notes, 
 .le'«;\'"'"tM'n.!,'lr';,'L'"!,°"i!; ?.',"' ^"KhT"*-" ii'forinatioii, and 
 :uii'eo7?i%ms''rn'^8l;':To"- ^ *"^'""""' ^■"'■ 
 ' -r..*^';?"' *''"c«Jerick William, f„w,., vol. iii ...dd 1 
 The JUstory of (Jreat Britain during'the Reign o Que 'n 
 Anne, Lon., 1875, 2 vols. 8vo. 
 "Ill general he lias not atlenipted to ko bevond thn 
 usual raiiKc of tlio p.,lltlcal historian. As suTho h'ls 
 sliMWi, botR industry and sagacity; and, though we "unt an eiulur iig positFon for Ills hook, ts" think tlla 
 1 its own against its predece.ssors."— ,SV|^ 
 ^„, . , .......-., J ,wi,t i^uMuuuy aid, inoui'n we cannot 
 /to'., xll. 4i;;i. 
 fnm,":'!,,','/"',''""^'''. ""\% "" siuoothlv, too sniootlily in fact, 
 Inmi end to end, seldom uuIioimI hk for anecdote and 
 KUiltless of literary inspiration. . Wh st eerv event , 
 great ly expanded aiiA Ineidemal el e iin^ta nces fi tn- 
 .^"rir.'l.'rj";;' "^"'•"■"""'•■'l «"h irrelevant mattei!."- 
 v?*"*^' ^f""!','. f."""' ""'• *"•' "''''•] A Thousand 
 V ears J or. The Missionary Centres of the Middle Ages. 
 Lon., 18(2, p. 8vo. 
 ^*^*= ' ^^.'"•'*'" <^'"»'''es Bonaparte, b. 1826, 
 son ot Sir Ihunins Wyse, {„nlr, vol. iii.;) a Knight of 
 M. Maurice and Lazarus, and oflicer of the order of 
 , , , "^y," "' Koii'Miniii; resides at the Manor of St 
 Johns, Waterford, Ireland. 1. In Memoriam of the 
 Irince Imperial of France: Four Sonnets by a Orand- 
 >ephew of Napoleon the Great, Lon., 1879 2 Vox 
 Claiiiantis i or, Letters on the Land League : with a Let- 
 ter Iroin J. A. Froude on the Present Crisis in Ireland. 
 Lon., 1881, 8vo. 3. Loyal Staves, Plymouth, 1887. 
 Wythe, Joseph Henry, M.D., b. 1822, at Man- 
 euoster, Kng.; graduated at the Pennsylvania Medical 
 College 18j:!; served ir the civil war; became a preacher 
 in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and subsequentlv 
 professor of imcroscopy and histology in the Medicil 
 College of the PaciHe. 1. The Microscopist : a Manual 
 ol Mioroscoiiy and Compendium of the Microscopic Sci- 
 ences, Phila., 1850, l2mo; new od., 1877. 2. Curiosi- 
 ties of the Microscope, Phila., 1852. .S. Physician's 
 locket Dose and Prescription Book, Phila., 1852' Ulh 
 ed., rev., 1874 18mo. 4. The Agreement of Science and 
 Revelation. Phila., 1872; new ed., 1883. 5. The Science 
 of Lite; or, Animal and Vegetable Biology. Illust 
 N. York, 1880, 8vo. 6. Biblical Biology, N. York 1880 
 f?'""- , ]• ^'^y Lessons in Vegetable Biology; or' Out' 
 lines of Plant-Life, N. York, 1883, 16ino. 
 House, Deerfield, SIiws. Illust. Bost., 1883 4to 
 Boyt!"88M"" o''""' ''"'" ' "■" " ^"^ '" '='"-' 
 Yaple, Alfred. 1. The Money Crisis: ite Causes 
 and Remedy. Cin., 1 87.% 8vo. 2. Code Practice and 
 Precedents, embracing All Actions and Special Pro- 
 ceedings under the Civil Code of Ohio, and applicable to 
 the Practice in AH Code States, Cin., 1887, 2 vols. 
 Yapp, Mrs. Christ gave Himself for us : an Appeal 
 to Believers, Lon., 1884, Iflmo. 
 Yapp, George Wagstaffe, [n„ie. vol. iii., add.] 
 1. I opular Guide to the London International Fxhibi- 
 tion of 871, Lon., 1871, 12mo. 2. Art Industry : .Metal 
 iir 1 .,, ' — "•.•>■'•> liiiio. .i. .art inuustry : .Metal- 
 Work Illustrating the Chief Processes of Art-Work ap. 
 'the Goldsmith, Silversmith, Ac., Lon., 1878, fol 
 plied by w,„ v,wiu»imui, ciiiversinitn, do., Lon., 1878, fol, 
 d. Art fnd.i!:try: Furniture, House- Fittings, and Deoo- 
 4c Lon 18 r"? "'' ""' '^'''" "^ "'" ^"'P*""""' •^O'n". 
 ^'"isae'^''' '''•'*''"''^» t'"'"' '">i- '"■. second of the 
 name, add.] The Supernatural in Romantic Fiction, 
 Lon., 1880, p. 8vo. 
 XT *^*,^*!,'''''' ^'■''' •*«"«• J- Little Sister, {"No 
 ?uT J"""-'}. S""-' '*^2, 16mo. 2. A Superior Woman, 
 (" No Name" Ser.,) Bost., 1885, 16mo. 
 Yarker, John, b. 1833, at Swindale, near Shap, 
 I Westmoreland. I. Notes on the Orders of the Temple 
 and St. John and the Jerusalem Encampment, Man- 
 chester, Manchester, 1869, 8vo. 2. Notes on the Scien- 
 tific and Religious Mysteries of Antiquity, Lon., 1872, 
 p. 8vo. .). Masonic Charges and Lectures: a Series 
 translated from the French. Manchester, 1880, p. 8vo. 
 4. l,enealogy of the Surname Yarker: with the Ley- 
 burn and several Allied Families, Manchester, 1882, 4to. 
 Privately printed. 
 ,. ya/n»l«l. J. R. Hand-Book of Lessens on £,ig. 
 lish History, Manchester. 1874, 12mo- new "d I""'' 
 Yarrow, Henry Cr^cy, M.D., b. 1840, "in Phila- 
 delphia; graduated at the Medical Department of the 
 I niversity of Pennsylvania 1861; curator of the de- 
 partment of reptiles in the National Museum, Washing- 
rdor-Landu of In- 
 , IS?,"), p. 8vo. 3. 
 )n., 187i, 2 vols. p. 
 obiof engraver of 
 len, his brotlicr 
 Seals (if EnglaiHl^ 
 1 Time: ArrangfJ 
 Historical Notes, 
 iiiroriiiatlon. and 
 K inunuirlul uf ilio 
 A Memorial Vol- 
 ■i'<; vol. iii., »tl,l.] 
 o Keign of Queen 
 o go beyond the 
 As sni'li he has 
 lhout,'h We eamiot 
 Mik, we think that 
 ■eilece.t.sors."— .S(i^ 
 smoothly in faet, 
 iir aneedolc, nnd 
 l«t every event is 
 umstances intm- 
 ovunt matter."— 
 A Thousand 
 he Middle Ages, 
 iparte, b. lS2ii, 
 . ;) a Knight of 
 of the order of 
 10 Manor of St. 
 einoriam of the 
 Bts by tt Grand- 
 , 1879. 2. Vnx 
 file: withaLet- 
 risis in Ireland, 
 louth, 1887. 
 1822, at Man- 
 iflvania Medical 
 canio a preacher 
 d subscquentiv 
 in the Medical 
 ipist: a Manual 
 ilicroscopio Sci- 
 r7. 2. Curiosi- 
 3. Physician's 
 la., 1852; llth 
 . of SoicDeo ami 
 5. The Science 
 ology. Illust. 
 N. Vork, :H8», 
 ology; or, Out- 
 lantio Fiction, 
 Si.ster, (" No 
 perior Woman, 
 le, near Shap, 
 jf the Temple 
 iipment. Man- 
 on the Scien- 
 ty, Lon., 1872, 
 res: a Series 
 , 1880, p. 8vo. 
 »ith tho Ley- 
 iter, 1882, 4to. 
 Bous on £,\g- 
 r ed.. l.'i.S?.. 
 140, in I'hila- 
 tracnt of the 
 Jr of the do- 
 Jm, Waehing- 
 ;;:o„;S'^^;-i:„'J«^S|;;^yf Mortuary Custom. 
 IlK.VSHAW, II. W., ",:, " ",["'• ^""'J.- "*'*l'. It". With 
 the Zoological Co leo i";„';bWne,f r'""",'. "".I""-" "P"" 
 v».l«, Utah, Oalif,,rniarCoCa, In N »'":''''"" "' ^o- 
 ^ona during the V,.ars'l8 "7872 ?s7,*'"^ "','• '""1 ^M- 
 Yar Istio. _ .'""""III i«7«; served 
 I'loneer, iJaily Teleirrair .t? 1 "'"•'■''■■'P'mdent of the 
 ary Comn.ission. C, f^,,*""' 7',''' '^« Afghan Hound- 
 Asia: Travels with h, a1? «"'"'" ^''<"> '" '-'aoe in 
 18"? i Berved 'in Z A^ n'Z'THsn""' "'^ "'"'""'""' 
 »«ent, Cutch. Northern AfL°h,.„^, ' """■ •'"'"i""' 
 the Afghan Boundary c"u„fi"''"vi '"' ^"r""" ''™»' 
 8vo. •' "^ "'"iission. Maps. Lon., 1888, 
 "In ('apt. Yale's Imnk .i 
 party „,.ro.«.s ilu.'u!",;'^ •and If,,.',"""''' ('f '■"'• Rldsway's 
 timiN of the Bonri liry (IVm, i)^ detailcl; and (he, mem 
 AJ tt"lr,,^-„,-,L^«,«'f-^»": a Political 
 of Our Lo?e, Kartir,y"Z 4:tn'"[«% V-^'"""^" I 
 '872,- .nadealect „'' ,'urfntho nlir.'i" " ^""'^">" '■> 
 "?» a special eorresp-fnli " ''u,^'^'^;;^ t''''«» '••^■2-''1; ' 
 Vienna, St. Petersburg Tc is?' rf ^ ^"'^ ""'•'"'' "t 
 >n conjunction with (irenvili;. m ' founded, in 1874, 
 Journal for Men and Wom,^ ' '" *'":?^' ^''« World, a 
 in London, of which l^hrbeer'M'^ ^T' P'""'^'">'» 
 1875 the proprietor, a„5 wMch ha. [,? "'"■'"■' '""^ '""-'« 
 circulation. 1. A Ch,„ w """'""J '*■ very largo 
 p.8vo. 2. D^Wainwr^htJ,,™•'^^^?''■• 1""' '' vols. 
 p. 8vo. (This is menTfonei iltl?'' ^™;' '"' '- ^ '-^^■ 
 '•»le, vol. iii.) 3. Nobody's Ct^?' "^ ('"h'ication, 
 P- 8vo. 4. Castaway Lon fs79 °.'' 'T""- '"'' ^ vols 
 -2i^"5{k&^rSl?''"^!^P^^'!^i"a^ as ,s 
 Of ,>^'vchology Umn'hel i^'^iS ate.'^''-'''"J"^''« way 
 8. The ImpendTng .Wd 'a V?;*,"*/^' ^ ™'«- •=■•• ^vo 
 P- 8vo. 9. A Sifent W ness a W ^'J"" '"*' 3 vols. 
 vols. p. Svo. 10. Edmund vii- ^•'";' ^''"- '"^' '* 
 Experiences, Lon., l^.^^a'volXf ';^«:™"-«™i' »",'» 
 "His book s sinKUlarlv rinh I •' ''^85, I vol. 
 CoyKr':"rni^7t?tho'j!r'"?8V'-. T b '" V"^"'" 
 " .sclentlHc 
 viJ'n!rs^'■r„!!!T„gM^Hrs'tor?"'i'''^' s-";'"-- '• 
 Biunfs Plain Talk fo PlLn"."",';:'"^^; ' <"; Darnabas 
 3. Dollie and Dottie ■ a sf, '"'^.''on-. 1871, I2mo. 
 leigh,' Lon., i:,7B, 2,?o"T-ri,t ^'^'f^'!^ "^ B'ox - 
 withHeminiscences of- M„.!'m * '" ^"""'Jon Alleys: 
 Fireside, Lon:, 1878, sq^,,^"tv„T; «'.»;"=» from tho' 
 Temperance Papers fo? il,. > '"t',' "'"' " Purpose : 
 '«"><!• 8. Harold H„stiiV'"-n, ^ "*'• Lon., Vxso, 
 '881, „ 8vo 9 (Jii ^'^^^ "■■• The Vicar's Son, Lon 
 Hymn!io:k,- L o'n.," ''rl LT"',7.i.H° v." ^'^^ "^ '' 
 Story: with other V L Zl „'"'/.'''' ^^J^'^f-^fothor's 
 ofpL^;^.f^------% Chase: firi?;;:^ 
 fe3^^:^ tn!!^r^ --.^^^ 
 L^mS''tfoJlege"can,!^r' K'f''' «<'"'"'""' «t 
 coin's Inn 1855^ i '?h„ M ^ ' .""i'*'' '° "'" '""•'" Lin- 
 ™j»re .lot, 1857- with vT'"'"^?'""''"'I'""''on Pro. 
 Practice thireofLon Is^n 7/"^ S!? ''"'""'' "^ ""> 
 I 2. The History of tCcomnl I V^? "'- '"'- "*''^- 
 Gaul, from the Earliest pSl.n";^^ t^"'' '^"""'' "'"J 
 Legal Memory, Lon., 1874, Svo °^ ^'''«"-'' 
 ' !f/'''/!""''"^ies of IWsUw ^ m.merous, so malig- 
 Is to discard evoryihi iir '^ , m,'""7 '«'f« Plan to adopt 
 received accounts of he e'arl'v l.'mriK,P''if*-' ('.' "'« ".suallyZ 
 lis his own theories timt h,.;^i ".H'lsl,'' Mr. Yeatmaii gives 
 Mismanagement ofthe PnW;.. n ■*" ^-^''Posure of tho 
 8vo. 5. The Trade MarkJ «•"?'■'' ""'"-■"' ^'"'- l«?''i. 
 Handy Book „„V"„,..!"?^.K!^K'«tration Act, 1875: a 
 men who are'ione'lmJ'f.i'Hl' '" "'™orles, not only of 
 theni.-that olcffficmia of hirf, r ,"'^v'- '' .«""« ' vUh 
 Peiidcnnls are the idc U, h„ ,', ' 
 Cgtigan and .handon l-rhHp"";f;L"l^al'.!!^.SVi.!?v1il' 
 reX;;th?rg/fh1s';:!,'jilS!ef'^lL?.V'',r".' ?"y his Idlest 
 >aw!..''-.>,),ectator, Ivii. "^^ without the interruption of a 
 iany."(ih''i:rr„%^ri,',ivh:'r'''^'; 'k**^-^ «"' *"-■ 
 taining Contributions by G P V"r' \"^''T ^ ■-■""- 
 oawloy, W. Harassino. t> •' "v Jacobus, T. li. Ma- 
 fellow!'and otC'Emlne^tTuthor; ''r™''''''^^ ^'^-S- 
 newed., 1857. '""""ent Authors, Lon., 1855, 8vo; 
 Depl*R::c!e'SS\Y';lk'?^^^^^ N°^«'- By 
 Yates, H.S It I »j ' "■ '2mo. 
 Tale, Edii.r 879, „"r ^- f T'.T'" '^"""^ '^W^a : a 
 Africa : a 'I^Ie, Edi",' wJ, p'-gfo'"'"""" '" ^^^»"'"' 
 Yates, m, T- ! TK- V , , , 
 nal l,ialog'ues°a„a S '„ Js "lS^'P/h^J ^ ^""^f ' "' "rigi 
 ^ c.. he Gospels, ^kne.;^.^«^^3,|,^'P»to^|^ 
 LoY.*5^7^^76mr; J^'e^ijyf;;-''^---^ -^ramtnar, 
 Handy Bo ron the Law of I, ^''T'"''""' ^«'' '875 
 .'■c, Lon., 1876, 12mo fi T?^"=f "'""""I'™do-M«rks, 
 I Nations of We tern Euro^;e and ^'""'"'' *'"«'" "' "'« 
 English, French, and IrTsh %r L i "°/;P''"'"">' "^ "-o 
 ' Lon., 1870, p. 8^0 7 Thi, pIT 'r? "^ "" *^'"-'"° «»«<■- 
 of the House of Arundel h.i^' Genealogical History 
 of the Families of Mni; ''*"'8 an Account of the Origin 
 Howard. l! st. ll fsL??', ^'^'"/i, ^"^''""'' »•"" 
 the Borough of Chesterfield I, -• ^'■^'^■^ """"'•ds of 
 from the Archives of thin '"« ? ^"'«« "^ E.xtracts 
 Chesterfield, ISsi 8vo £"'"Pr"™."'" Chesterfield. 
 County of Durhai, Lon 1886 ^'"^""^''y B»°k for the 
 l8.U?."!6"mo'. '"*""*« **• 'e-J'"-: a Poem, Phila.. 
 ?opio"us ^ist'^^Vc^u.m™ ia T "^^ "' C;...mcrneT-;'i b'"a 
 in Several LangCTun I87T ""^ '^'" Synonymes 
 ■ • The Technical ^r'istorv' Ifc'l ™'" ^"^ "''•• '««^- 
 Labor applied to Production I„„ Ts^f^'o "■■' Sl'IHed 
 Growth ttSd Vicissitudes of Pon' 'V P" ^^o- 4. The 
 A.D. 1789 (•" To„il!,' f / V"""°^''''o from B.C. 1500 to 
 tion,'')Lo'„. 18 ''r8io'"3r1'''^r''^™d»Ed^- 
 of Recent and ExisMnt n' ^ ^^•' '**^- •'*• A Manual 
 ("Technical" Indutriaf and t"h' ''^^ ''«» '"1872 
 1872, p. 8vo. ' "■"* ^'^^ Education,") Lon., 
 Veats, \V. n rv.i \ r. . 
 Irish Peasantry" «cVm;Lt^'%?/w ^""i Tales of the 
 '• Lays of lid^^y' a" ni^'ph' "' '?' ''"■ '^"''«''"- 
 Bombay, 1S72, 8vo • 7th td r ?"";. fP'^'"'-^ ^d ed., 
 Ycllott, George. Tlio Km- ny PhiloBophcrs; ur, 
 Vfan* and Sweotlioiirn, Phila., I , 12ina. 
 " Yflninrb, II. i;.,»» (I'semi.) tJoo IIkamley, II. 
 E., tutint. 
 Vi'lvcrton, Marin Tlierefin, (I.aiiKworlli,) 
 [«>i'<, veil. Hi., Yki.vkhton, JIh.v. .Mis. Thkhksa, mid.] 
 1. /luilta: 11 Tiilo of the Yoseiiiito, N. York, 1H7I, 12iuo 
 whose liulldi'rs slmw .ln'lr rturiiicc for thu iluiid liy the 
 iiumh(>r of Ktoiii'« which thiv iiocmnulali', . . . Ihivliin 
 liKhilni il In thi'nu ciimiiliilnlx.lia iinailil Hint even ii le.»M 
 Mkllhil hloKmiihiT ihMi Mlm Vonne coulil Imnlly hHVi' 
 fiillcil, with thi' malerluls avalhihli', to proilucc ii hook 
 of immoii IntiTi'tit. . . Such a lll'i', with ll« hfmikI 
 IcNuoiis ol llll^ellllihlu■s(<, In n hli«Bliii< and an hoiioiir to 
 the rtKf 111 which It In lived. The hloKrapliy which wo 
 of Ihi' book."— .S/)('rtii^ir, xhil. .'lOi 
 3. Tcrcsina in .Anieiica, l.on., IS75, 2 vol.'). p. 8vo. 
 Yeo, Gernia F, A Manual of Phy»iolo«y lor the 
 \Ue of .Junior Studonta of Medicine;, lllust. I'hilii., 
 1S8-I, Hvo. 
 Yeo, Isaac Iliirney« iVf.D., P.R.C.P., [diHe, vn). 
 iii., Yko. ,(. BrnNEY, ad:.,] professor of clinical r..;ni. 
 ipcutics at King's Collogo, l.omlon, and |diysitian to 
 king's t'ollego Hospital. 1. On Thcra|jeutio l"'r(.i.'re«? in 
 Relation to Theraneutio Mcthoil?, 1>74. 2. The it sulls 
 of Recent lU'Soarchcs in the Trcalnient of Phthi \>, hon., 
 1S77, 8vo. 3. Ileallh-lte»ort.s and their pyn: being 
 Vacation .Studie.i in Various Ilcallh-Kosorts, l-"n., 1H82, 
 f. Hvo i new od., entitled " Climate and Ucallli 1;. sorts," 
 H85. 4. Contaj;iousno89 of Pulmonary Consumption, 
 and Treatment, I,on., 18S2, p. 8vo. 
 Yeo, Leslie. The Youngest Son, Lon., 1886, p. 
 Poems uf the Possions, l.on., 
 The Rent Law of 
 Yerworth, Ilornce, 
 1872, p. Hvo. 
 Yogindra Chnndra Mnlikii. 
 Bengal, L.P., (Act viii., 1889, VA'.:, with Rulings of 
 the High Court, and with Notot, aad on A|ipendi.\ : pro- 
 faced by an Historical Sketch of (he Ltw of Landlord 
 and fenant, Calcutta, 187.5, Svo. 
 Yoiige, Charles Duke, M.A., [nnir, vol. iii., 
 add.] 1. Three Centuries "f .Modern llnlory, I.on., 
 1872, 8vo. 2. Three Centu ins of English Literature, 
 Lon.. 1872, 8vo. 
 " Ills b(»ik contains, no do ibt, .1 good deal of informa- 
 tion, but so ill arranged, and at times nii.wd up with such 
 Inaccuriicles, that we should hesitate about iilacing it in 
 any one's hand.s."— .Sni. Her., xxxlil. 1,>1. 
 3. History of the English Revolution of IdSS, Lon., 
 1.874, 12uio. 4. The Life of Marie Antoincuo, Queen 
 of France, Lon., I87H, 2 vols. Svo; ,"!d ed., 1878, 1 vol. 
 "He has succeeded ... In reducing a most e.xcltlng 
 theme as near to dulness as niiiv be, and in writing with 
 prosiness of a (diaracter whose very immo miuht have in- 
 spired him with i*ietical feeling. "—.Su/. Ha:, xll. 4!lo. 
 o. The .Seven Heroines of Christendom, Lon., 187 ■<, 
 cr. 8vo. H. The Constitutional History of Kngland, from 
 1700 to ISItO, Lon., 1,881, Svo. 
 "Ills work, tnough notat,.ai five inform, will, wo think, 
 be foiii'd useful for pmctical imrposes, as n .suuinuiry of 
 facis, and a convenient book ol^ reference."— .Sa(. Hei:, liv. 
 7. (Kd.) Essays of Oliver Goldsmith; Selected and 
 Edited: with Introduction and Notes, Lon., 1882, 12mo. 
 8. Our Great Naval Commanders, Lon., 1884, p. Svo. SI. 
 Life of Sir Walter Scott, (" Great Writers,") Lon., 1888, 
 Yonge, Miss Cliarlotte Mary, [ante, vol. iii., 
 add.] 1. The Seal; or, The Inward Spiritual Grace of 
 Confirmation, Lon., 18Bi(, 12mo. 2. (Ed.) A Storehoi 
 of Storic!': Storehouse the Second, Lon., 1871, or. 8x 
 3. Scripture Readings for Schools and Families. 
 Scries. Lon., 1871, 12mo. .4. A Parallel History of 
 France and England : consisting of Outlines and Dates, 
 Lon., 1871, 4to. '-. Pioneers and Founders ; or. Recent 
 Worfers in the Mission Fields, Lon., I87I,p. Svo. (Con- 
 tains biographies of distiiig.iished missionaries, from 
 Eliot to liishop Mackenzie. J 
 "The materials for these memoirs arc accessible to every 
 one, but it requires no small literary skill, and no .slight 
 appreciation of the mihle enthusiasm which animated 
 the earnest men whose names we have ineiitione<i. to turn materials to such admirable account."— Suprt(i(wr, 
 xliv. 110(1. -^ 
 t). Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe. lllust. Lrm,, 1871, 
 r. Svo; new cd., 1881. 7. In Memoriam : Bishop Pat- 
 teson : being, with Additions, the Substance of a Me- 
 moir published in the "Lirorary Ciiurohman," Lon., 
 1H72, !2mc„ 8. Life of John C.'^ri.lge Fatlet-on, .Mis- 
 sionary Bishop of thi 'V'ionesian Islands, Lon., 1873, 2 
 vols. Svo; new ed., : 1 :jged, 1878, p. Svo. 
 "On no reasonable principle can wo think It necessary 
 to have given twelve hundred pages even to the life of 
 tueh a man as Bishop Pattesoii. A biography is not a cairn 
 2 vols. p. Svo. II. Aunt Charlotte's Stories of English 
 History, Lon., 1873, Itlmo, 2d od., 1874. 12, Aunt Char- 
 lotte's Stories of French Hialory, Lon., 1871, llhuo. 13. 
 My ^' ill- AlcidcM: a Faded Photograph, Lon., Is7.5, 
 2 v.-l.-. p. Hvo; new ed., 1877. 14. Aunt Charlolto'* 
 6tA(!ii of )!ibie Jlistory, Lon., H7,i, 12mo. IS. Aunt 
 n iiri ■ ories of Greek History, Lon., 187(1, l«mo. 
 in. . I ifiroe Brides, Lon., IS'il, 2 vols. p. Svo. 17. 
 W uinankind, Lon., 1876, or. Svo; 3d ed., ISSO. IS. Stories 
 of Greek History, Lon., 187(i, Irtnio. lu. Eighteen Cen- 
 turies of Beginnings of Church History, Lon., 1876, 
 2 vols. p. Svo; 2d od„ 187U, 1 vol, L'O. Aunt ( Imrlotte's 
 Roman History, Lon., 1877, sip Klmo. 21. Aunt Char- 
 lotte's Stories of Gorman History, Lon., IS77, sq. 16mo. 
 22. Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain, Lon., 
 1878, 12mo. 23. Fnin-f. ' ' " ■ Primers,") Lon,, 
 1878, ISmo. 24.1' .„-»., .,w I's in the Chronicles 
 of the Blue Bell .'-ciiety, Lon., W\ 12mo. 2li. Magnum 
 Bonum ; or. Mother Carey's Brood, fa novel,] Lon., 1879, 
 3 vols, cr. Svo. 26. History of France, ("Freeman's 
 Hifbirical Course for Schools,") Lon., 1871), 16mo. 27. 
 Burnt Out: a Story for Mothers' Meetings, Lon., 1879, 
 12mo; 2d ed., 1889. 28. Gold-Dust : Counsels for the 
 Sanctifieatiiin ; now od., Lon., 188(1, 4Smo. 29. Verses 
 on the Gospels for Sundays and llcdidays, Lon., 1880, 
 llimo. ,tO. Ijovc and Life: an Old Story in Eighteenth- 
 Century Costume, Lon., 188(1, 2 vols. Svo. 31. Bye- 
 Wnrds: a Collection of Tales, New and Old, Lon., 1889, 
 p. Svo. 32. Lads and Lassies of Langley, Lon., 1881, 
 1 8mo. 33. Aunt Charlotte's Evenings at Home with the 
 Poets: n Collection of Poems for the Young : with Con- 
 versations, Lon., 1881, Kimo. 34. How to Tench the New 
 Tc8ttt[Hent, ("Religious Knowledge Manuals,") Lon., 
 1881, 12mo. S.'i. Langley Little Ones, Lon,, 1882, 18mo. 
 36. Frank's Debt, Lon,, 1882, 18mo. 37. Cheap Jack, 
 Lon., 1882, ISmo. .S8 Sowing and Sowing: a Se.xa- 
 gesima Story, Lnn., 188J, ISmo. 39. Piokloand his Page 
 Boy; or, Unlo. ,i>d for: a Story, Lon., 1882, ISmo. 10. 
 Talks about the Laws we live under; or, At Langley 
 Night-School, Lon., 1882, 12[uo. 41. Wolf, Lon., 1882, 
 ISmo. 42. Unknown to Histmy : a Story of the Cap- 
 tivity of Mary of Scotland, Lou., 1882, 2 vols. p. Svo; 
 newod., 1884. 43. .~;tray Pearls; Mernoirs of Margaret 
 de Ribaumont,Visoountess of Bellaiso, Lon., 1883, 2 vols. 
 p. 8vo; new ed., 1884. 
 " Whether this novel gives us a true picture of those 
 strange times is more than any one can say, but it i.s at 
 least truth-like."— .><;«c(a/or, Ivi, 810, 
 44. Langley .Adventures, Lon., 1883, ISiuo. 4i>. 
 Cameoa fr m English History ; Fifth Series, France and 
 .Spain, Lon., 1883, 12mo. 46. Landmarks of Recent 
 History. 1770-1883, Le , 1884, fp. Svo, 47. The Ar- 
 mourer's 'Prentices, T. , 1884, 2 vols. 'i. Svo. 48. Nut- 
 tie's Vi^>' 1-, Lon., I 2 vols. p. Svo. 49. The Two 
 -ides of the Shield, Lmi., 1885, 2 vols. j.. Svo. 50. Chan- 
 try House, Lon., 1886, 2 vols. p. Svo. 51. The Little 
 Riok-Rurnors: a Tale, Lon., 1886, 16mo. 52. A Mod- 
 ern Telemachus, Lon., 1886, 2 vols. cr. Svo. 53. Cameos 
 "■ i .Inglish History: the Stuart Rub. ^on., 1887, 
 .imo. 54. Under the -iirm; or, Steadii t's Charge. 
 111. t. Lon., 1887, p. Svo. 56. The Victorian Half- • 
 Century : a Jubilee Book, Lon., IS^:, p. Svo. 56. Wl it 
 Books to Lend and what tr live, Lon., IH87, p. Svo. 
 57. Hannah More, (" Em' n U omen,") Lon., 1888, or. 
 " (Sue of the 1 
 tercstlng.of the 
 58. Our New 
 orie.s. lllust. 
 Praver-Book I,. 
 \st, and ill some ways the most in 
 ent \V,.iiien Series."'— «uec/u("r, l.\l 
 ess, , 1838. 59. Nurse's Mem- 
 ., 1 4to. 60. Preparation of 
 S L"!!.. '888. p. Sya. With W-;..'!. 
 H. H., Aunt Chailotte's Stories of American Hist 
 Lon., 1883, sq. I6mo. With Bramstos, Marv, Coi.i 
 niDOE, Christabel, and Stuart, Esui, Astray, Lon., 
 1886. (A story in the form of extracts from letters and 
 journals.) She has also edited the following works from 
tliB (li'iKl liy the 
 >to. . . . Ilitvlni; 
 Unit well a Iu.xh 
 ilcl Imnlly Imvc 
 |>riic|iii'i' It lioiik 
 I Willi Itx Kroiiil 
 il an hiiiiiiiir tci 
 apliy wlili'h H'u 
 illlmiu pluaiuro 
 vo,, IH7;t, 
 iir, I'liiliT Wode 
 now oil., lS7f), 
 irics uf Kii|{Hi)h 
 12. AuntChar- 
 S7I, Itliuo. 1.1. 
 ill, I.on., 1>^7m, 
 uiit C'liitrlolto'H 
 liiio. 15. ,\cint 
 II., l.S-ll, IBino. 
 Is. |i. Svo. 17. 
 <sn. IH, 8torlen 
 Kigliloi'n Con- 
 y, i.on., I»78, 
 lUnt Clmrlotto'n 
 .'1. Aunt Char- 
 l"*?', sq, 16mo. 
 1)1' S|iiilii, l,on., 
 riiiicru,") l.dii., 
 I tlio Ohrunii'len 
 ^ti. MttKuuin 
 el,lLon., 1879, 
 1 (" Krccninn'fl 
 t71», 16ino. 27. 
 g», Lon., 1879, 
 ouiiKols Tor the 
 10. 2'.l. Vcr.scs 
 ys, Lon., I8SI), 
 in Kighteenth- 
 Svo. ;U. Byo- 
 )l(l, Lou., 1881), 
 uy, Lon., 1881, 
 Home with the 
 ng : with Con- 
 .iiuals,") Lon., 
 n., 1882, 18mo. 
 '. Cheap Jack, 
 ring: a 8e.\a- 
 le and liis I'ago 
 82, ISiiio. III. 
 r, At Lnngloy 
 ill', Lon., 1882, 
 ■y of the Cap- 
 i void. p. 8vu; 
 -a of Margaret 
 1., 1883, 2 vols. 
 iftiire of those 
 ay, but It In at 
 , ISino. 45. 
 es, France and 
 rks of Recent 
 47. The Ar- 
 Svo. 48. Nut- 
 49. The Two 
 •0. OU. Chan- 
 il. The Little 
 52. A Mod. 
 ). 53, Cameos 
 I. '-on., 1887, 
 la t's Charge, 
 icturian Half- • 
 vo. 56. W!' it 
 , IH87, p. Svo. 
 Lon., 1888, or, 
 s the moiit iii- 
 —UpectuUir , Ixi. 
 Narso's Mem- 
 reparation of 
 With Wm n, 
 loan Hist' 
 Mary, Coi i 
 Astray, Lon., 
 ixa letters and 
 ig works from 
 tion of the AhuatloV I'ruB, (• Ti i • ",' ,," ''M'"»'- 
 J-oii.. 18S7, 12m,, ' (^'"-'"'"Kical Edueall.r,") 
 3 >w.'er';'s"!'"''''"''' ""• "■■•'«"' Alone, I,o„.. KS7«, 
 Vorke, CrtiM. l.-That Lime l.irl - „ Wel, 
 ^eimh for r,.,.or,|, i.f Sir .lohn Krnnklin', party 1857- 
 a pnijoctcd 
 18112 ,■ foinni^. 
 dition," lN7,'i, 
 ' Iliilli in 1881,, 
 ' 1. The .^earol. 
 i of Alhlu VlMlll); 
 oracaile,.,,, leuland and (irconland 
 ' the " -uudora" in two Arctic exiie- 
 *" lla was created a Knight of the 
 Lon., issii, 1,, svii •! ii.,,ii , -' 
 "^«H, p. 8vo, 4. Hush ! a Novel, Lim., |,S88,1| 
 vois, or. 8vo. 
 tiani?;,^!:„:'•,,s^; .'■sj'„'""."", ^^'-"fr ' ^'''"'-„,l,.., i,is2 Ton ""l /.".""'"' "' ^"'" ™"i<"' ■ 
 N^;i«, or fhlJs i^h^t ^'Zj^fT]^ 
 •M.^s^uil'v":'.,,!!.!,'""'^""" ^''-"^■) «- i-.NSKa., 
 4A *.'„_■. J, mm- ' 
 ^'; Vorkel, Hans," (P.e„d.) See H..t,i„ A. Oakkv, 
 \ntural Hist, > Man (n j } 'a 1"",-. ^' l^'"'"'-) 
 i'o^"'L^;,t7fi,;r8n..''""'' "'«""""'^' --^ »"-' 
 Voiiiig, Surgeon. Geiin Ad„,„ n,»h„ 
 of^"""fviet':j'cr>' r„';'?f:/''''',''-.j." ^-'-' -« 
 name;) gradu oiu, h ?',/'''' ."j'- '"- «''»' "f the 
 was editSf;^'::i^^tt:!i'w hX'^ zs ^"' 
 dall"n^e"V"r"'^"'"- "'"^-^'ve. By Summer- I 
 ■"cnt of the Universih of New "Vrk , , ^'^'"^- 
 I. Ihe Compete Sodality Hymn-I3,.,ik, N. v" L'^isfl,: 
 new ed entitled " Catholic Hy,„„. «„,; bar ^L ct" is's' 
 2 T„..jtti,,.„, Vespers, 1869. 3. The Catholic Hymnal' 
 Eatr, l88t8t/';;;: ''''"' ''■""^'""^ """ " J^ous 
 Young, Sir Allan William, KB b is in „» 
 rwickenhan, ; entered mcroantile marine in 846 
 wa« navigating officer lu the " Foi" in the auccessl'ui 
 ' ha... received many foreign dec.ratioii. 
 ■'!• •'ohn Irunklin; from Ihe .Journal 
 ;:;'",;v!:::S' '"■'"- '-J: "i^-:- s!" 
 louuK, Arcliiliiild, r<o'(f v„i ii; ,„i,n v. 
 l^rlth Suggcslions fur the!. Improvement, Eiiu',! 8^4; 
 n,ime""»d^'l ^^'^^']"V f"'"'' ''''• "'- '"^ontli of the 
 , I,- X- >• , , ' '•■"■iiin; 'jpin- 
 "Ij, iV \ork, 1872, U'mo. 2. The 
 ion iiH regards thi 
 lit!t.', l^ss!"- '• '^ ''^'^'-B""!^ "f O^'-'-Tal Astlontmy; 
 young, David, [.,n,e, vol. ill., Youno, D add 1 
 a lVdo.Bapti:t:-Lo-;;.,'l8^;,:'^?r '^^"""'- " "''P'-' «■"' 
 Tii«,..,„ mil'. ""'"'"'J. Koiiic III W nter, andthe 
 on;;;;;"::!i:'i;^:r8v: '•'■'"'''''''"''•»'''« ^""■- 
 irf appemk'r'r;,! 7T' "" ^""'"S""'"" ' ti whi h 
 enli.led " Inl,,,, nation tr ' Em gr'in io tl! ."l" "!''■; 
 La".!d' tt v;'::;: vr'? "> •'-'''- -" «e„ta ;':f' 
 uanii, ine . 1,1 lie Products, ,Vc., n 1870 "is-i •> i> 
 ,.or the C,,s,.,ms-Tari^'o, tirJni.^1 ^ultL, Wa t 
 KcpoV o"„ tie H;;:."" wr'''".r',^"'"'^"= ^ Spedai 
 I So , X^! ,?" r' ^I'Yl"'"' ""'' ""■«'■ Countries of 
 I K \."""iH' |''^«'W'"''«> Daniel, [a,,,,., vol. i„ yovsc. 
 steamer up the riniiU nf tl,» ci . r'' ■•" "'"8 «■ ' ..i 
 Dr Livi..Jf,n„' ' / 1 V'« "''ire, in connection with 
 18(7 ho «l 1? ■^'"i"'""*' <'-^P<^'''"on "f 1858-03; in 
 truth of h„ ""Y'^'' ^-tpodition to inquire into tie 
 Xenil i';%S">",/'^'''S»'».-'« 1-"'. and wa: 
 c..rci.s ti'u!rt?;i i;^u,Lr'o"r,^rnU:^ 
 N a^a" CeTa i'a",-^'"'™!"" whil.t'xpng La^^ 
 of-'Lit^liSon-:, tlr.";,^' r'S;';,'«'""8 tL Setflement 
 E.Vv"^,',„^;•'7s"•' •"""•'" "•^-'^«'' "--• By 
 Flo^^^lJi'^l^^n^^Lr' ,V6J"i'""-. ••• International 
 .'■.!;!'"'!,"; r',?,!' Supplementary E-^.y on Kco; 
 S^uspi'imlon IlrlilKea 
 .mi., IN7;). Mv 
 inomy In 
 VouiiK, Uev. Frrdirlo' Itowlnnd. I 
 KjIiIliic'cm ill t|„, i\„„ -runt*! 
 Christ, I.iin., I.s,s(, p. svn 
 YoiiiiK, Fri'drrick, 
 iiiiont lor tho Divinity of 
 "'■•. C"!. Hi., H.l.l 
 ]«T7i V.9. mlnlaler to China I 
 Wor'd wiehUennmlll 
 111 |HMl>-|Nm. A 
 round tho 
 iinil Afriou in IH77, |m7n'"| 
 rant: n Niirnitlve ul thu Vliit of 
 cnonil I , ,S, (Irunt to Viiri»i.iC„„ntrie. in I 
 uropf, A lift, 
 n (.'onvor.Hiitlonii with (fcncrni <i 
 1*79 : to which itn^ ri(|,|,.!| Ce 
 runt on (iuonllonH 
 1 olitic'H iinil llistory. Illuni, 
 rr«„,plauta ton the Tr».. ."^yMuin of KniiKmM, n V.on 
 u"iincote.| witn Anierlrun 
 N. York, IH7II, 2 vol:., 8vo 
 VnllllH' •'l"'"' V ".'.'""•• '""'y \ ""<". l"n., IH7II. 
 .8hV", rjJ""""" "• ■''"" ^•™''^- »'""-. '•h"-; 
 ll<S7, H 
 Rem^r!'."*; lV'""'f"" "• '• Minnesota Suprmno Court 
 imA' in vol '"'^■""'•■i ('«"-'*•*.) «'• '.""1.. .Mo., 
 (Jen.,,;! r" -.""';) -^'in".™!!. (Icneml .><tiitutes : with 
 Imh.CsI: p;.';,';,'T^;:'i.'v;",""'"'"« ""'""•"' '-""' '" p"^"" 
 YOHIIB, <J«-rnld. (K.l.) Thu Voyiian of tho "Wan 
 in:;:;: ;r,'';s;^r';!-c;' '•'■""' ''^'•"'''' "^-''-• 
 «nT k'Ihk' U nl!"''* '','""'"''' Vu.tualkTH' (iui.le-Uook 
 ■ . '.^ ^ '"'"""•''■■■ -'"'"inK tho Compnriitive Value 
 Ty,lo:'l.1V>^'" "'■ ""' ''""'«" ^^l'''"». Ncwii:tlVt 
 187*i°"vo"' "'""'■'' '" «i'""l''"= "" E.,tty, Lon., 
 graduntod nt 
 .liTre ' \ t\uln Tru'"! "^ 'l-"i"«'"", Worno.tor- 
 II '.A Memoir ol Chiirl..« Mnyno ^ounir Tr»»B 
 s:;,:;is'"r",." "" '"• •' ""-: 
 nny ,U.«.rlptlnii ul'Yf,;," ;;';„' ; ,,■ ■ • ' ''7; l» Wjlr-fly 
 LiinVi^^^^^!:*^' ''"^"""" »•-■-'>• "".rraw;^;:;: 
 Young', James, h. is;t5, ,u Oalt, Ont.; elected to 
 the Doumnon I'arliument 1887, and twioo re cle^t Id 
 Ta u""t h7"'''"' """■' ^■™" '" "'0 nntarito« : 
 „ ,L J' '''■'"""■■'™"™s <d' tho Early JIi,tory of (iait 
 an, the Settlei.iont of Dumfries, I.h.SO. 2 TIo Nation 
 Future of Cana.ln, I8S7. .i- i'lo ^National 
 wyp""?' •'"•nes, and Forbes, Volocitv of 
 ron''7ss!..' t!:""'' '•"'""' < '""il-"l''"-l Tra« '::Uo'n.:.') 
 Lo^.TrSii^^lr* *'"''"• *■''" '^»«''» '» «^--. 
 YoHiig, ills, Je„„ie J. Tho Ceramio Art 
 yet 'pubiiXd '«;;'.i''i,'rdosis„"".;!' r^- ""^"^ "^ ">« "ind 
 lo.k'is-^;;";,!^^"'" •-"^'"""' ''""■ [verse.]' 'inZ; 
 M,?^in!!'l^' "'"'"'•. '^'"' "">■''' Exchange Tables of 
 4c"n::j.;'v,sr',"7 ^z '"^ ^- °^ «-^''". M-tn?:, 
 i^:i^n:f;^5:>v!';^7;^^^ --"- --•• "^:i 
 . . ,^1"^' '*'• Kev. John Freeman, l.s-'o i^^s'i 
 "i^J^"?hit '^rr,',';;;;;;:'""""' ^^""'^ '- "- ^^■"'■'''•» 
 Ln^PTi'*' "•'"• ''"Vnl, D.D., [„»„, vol. Hi., add 1 
 Virginia '7"^" '""I'/'""" '" P--/'-nia lui'd V ;' 
 N..^, Account .;f..eK,:rwjhi!:^:„:'ii::i'i-;^ 
 ^^"^^^Li>ix:^:^TZ"' ' '' "'' 
 VounjK, iW. J. Familiar Lessons in liotanv with 
 Flora of Te.x„^ N. York, 1872, 12ino. ""'""y ■ "'"' 
 ( .„""•?» '"'••nie. 1. Jewel Stories I.,n 10-7 
 Young, Rev. Peter, M.A., [„,„,■. vol Hi a,i, 1 
 graduated at Exeter College, o'xford, 'iH.SS ; or'dSJ 
 IK4I ; rector of North Witham since 1S61 : , rebcndarv 
 of Lincoln since 1862. 1. I,e.«ons on Conflri Ltion or'^ 
 .on IS .'"r-T""",/" C-'-'i'lates for ConSrmaii.rn; 
 n7w ^X^!"- ""'"" '""•' '«'•-»' 2 -''• p «vo': 
 Young, R. O. Mob and Military .• Legal and Tac 
 Vm,..J l'i"K''"J"",°/^"'"' N- York, 1S88, 8vo. 
 Young, Robert, LL.D., [„nie, vol. iii Rfth of th« 
 o7 ri'na ka' lie •li':'^' f '• "■' • !""""<-"- '"' ^^'^nbu^ 
 Or: nil ""S"'"'i" nttainments, especially in the 
 Kua7e''Eiin"''7s'77- J' ^'"-'"f """ '"tb^e llebr'L ^Lan? 
 guage hUin., 1871, 12mo. 2. Analytical Concordance to 
 the liible on an Entirely New I'lan, Edin.,K879Tto 3 
 Contributions to . New Kevision or, A C itical Com 
 panion to the Now Testament: beii^g a Serie of N^s" 
 on the Original Text, including the Chief A terations of 
 Young, John Russell, b. 1841. at Downingtown ' (Irpoi.- V-^JV: ■'"""• '• '""""'" l."neordaneo lo th« 
 P ■.lad'elphra7r.;':"du"ri^y the" ''■"T'"""'''' "^'•''« ^^•^Arl^^Tl^'J^O'M '.«.«■'.. .■»- ^^ «raiu; 
 editor of'the New Ve'rHTifbut^Brflran;! Z^2 
 ^pecial correspondent of the Herald, in whch«.iraev 
 he accompanied General Orant on his tourTf thL'S 
 Edin IS8I .X itt . 1 " American fomm tteo, 
 ar"i: l.l'J"^: '"'"''• ^- Twofold Concordance to th« 
 matical Analysis of Ibt kfc lldel ^nj G^k 
 th"''i':"Tng':rK'"« t '7 ^"«'"'" Text^UnabrldLed" 
 me larking of Lvery Word, with All its Prefixes and 
**"■(. Around Iho 
 ve 111 lljh \lilt „f 
 ei in Kurii|i«, Ail», 
 Idli nn. !ii|,|i.,| Per. 
 iinf on (/m'ii|l(in« 
 I llii-tiiry. Illu.t. 
 V'erfei, I.on., 1H7|». 
 Iv Mcom, Phllii., 
 M.A., IHI)rt-l87;!, 
 cilliin; umilunlnl 
 lor of Si>uthwiil(, 
 nKloii, \Vor(!0>t,.r- 
 1" Voiiiiu, 'I'mgu. 
 •'■"ifn»l. Illiixt. 
 nillvc iiiicii uH (If. 
 IN IIOKWl.ll.lllllI IIS 
 n»on, with nini'h 
 •I- 'III'-. XXX). «M. 
 ", Hlikli iiiipciiru 
 uw iHii VMliinu'N. 
 'llim' ia Hrnrtcly 
 • ■ Tliurc Is vrry 
 llllnllucMl lost'V 
 Sfrwit IniiTi'St."— 
 ' .Iiiliiin Chftrleii 
 liire, Un,, IS75, 
 iliimo thiiii Last 
 urrml: tln.rn iiro 
 J joiir-nal of lUs 
 iru liiilicrtii ini- 
 Wlllliiiii Kohurt- 
 iniiJi'nilv iiii|M,|,. 
 Iliurf iiri' Imlf II 
 i"ii Viiuim liini- 
 l.v III nil. liilM i.s 
 r soli.ilty, Is llie 
 of IlniliidtdirH; 
 ■ '.•i. whiiM'leiUTH 
 •II liml lie lioi'ii 
 'kliiKuiKi slriig- 
 in Iho WorlU'j 
 vol. iii., mill.,] 
 iinin anil West 
 I'ttJ tor's |>nno- 
 Dlluviuiu; or, 
 1, I'n., 18H7. 
 of II Aluiiiiny, 
 liotuny ; with 
 8, Liin., 1877, 
 ir (iiria, Lon., 
 Icr: ft Novel, 
 Ki,, A Homo- 
 f<«2, p. 8vo. 
 ol. iii., ndd.,] 
 •■!8 ; orilained 
 ; prebendary 
 flrination ; or, 
 idinga on the 
 Days, acoord- 
 vols. p. 8vo; 
 ^gal and Tao- 
 lent of Mili- 
 1S88, Svo. 
 ., fifth of the 
 1 Kdinburgh, 
 cittlly in the 
 Hebrew Lan- 
 neordance to 
 87!», 4to. 3. 
 ritical Com- 
 ics of Notes 
 Iterations of 
 liince In the 
 • ^- Gram- 
 and Greek 
 >refixea and 
 ol. i., Edin., 
 of Sioibui.l. I. Modern M 
 ri'ti ("hurch 
 uiii|>hii: will) ( 
 [•"liins: lh«ir Trial,, and Tr 
 YoiinghuHbiind, Fi 
 I'l Ilium. |,„„„ iHHi 
 in l.andii of Onrknonii : 
 rodmillnn by llm. ,i, i|. \vi 
 u Kurord of Mlsiiiiiniiry Ul 
 uf liel 
 or. (iri'i.k Tu|,.», |„|,| („ (j 
 Med., ISH.I. 2. Light I, 
 || Wilt; with a I'rufuii. by Artli 
 I. (Trim-.) Myth. 
 eriiinn by Prof. C, 
 ^. on., |S8:,,,..Mvo;,de,|.,,HV"""""^^' '" 
 ..^tI'""' ?,"•'",•'•"•'' Nf«r,ii|„„. 'TlioThrr,. Ilili... 
 S. .(,':;m:i1£.\ l,!:.:'r;„'';;:;'' » '"■'•'Iii.: 
 Mioinin. connties:'',;;;,;:,';:^,,:, '^ ; "',,^-7' ;;;;:' 
 «^1., Lon., |M7;,, „l,l. .jj,,, ytl, ,.d |S8' ,1,1 ut ' 
 -mr'Z:jMi!/^jv;vten"ii"i;'""^'''''f '•'« 
 n,re I. r.i,Ld i: k;;;. ':mr:::^:zj',::: "^^i^ 
 froy"T"f'N*w^l'"l"."-, •'""""" "f "" K«"-i„n 
 at Will „■•: n" ,:."•/"■ "' "" '■"'■'•''■ "oadquartor. 
 1 1;;! tod by Willliui, liroekio.] Kel,«o. I8si, Svo 
 roihlirwill M:ar,.ehr ;•;,,; ?,"",'"«■ ",'",'• """"'''' l'"-' 
 soil-, ilKTc Iswme ii 1^ n r,, I ,', 1 ,*<''^,^ "•"''"'"' ■■"'<« 'Hm- 
 ^ullicient to ear.^r;>;:,\,'',';!f^',';i,;,'.'.!i;J;j'» aja^h, .,r talent 
 iiir .^iidgwi.k, I 
 2. (Tran«.) Thi Trojan War. by v'. Wilt',' I 
 1,1';?'' '?r;.Tl- (■'>»"'•) Vhrwand^ri^;-.,;"!;^^: 
 l^^.s p. »vo. 1. Ihu .Mory of Our Lord, I.on., 1887, p. 
 OwT."""!!!'""!:!!";'' ^"Vt.*-v,nue J„l.„. y„.,„„.s 
 so r 77 ""';•"! '"■n,.d in the Aluhi.,, war 1m78- 
 ^ >. h.ghteen llundr-d Mil,., „n a lluruir,,. Tat through 
 i8M:rr"": ■;!!:;;::••"••'»'«•'• »•"• !<-., 
 V.iHiiBH, ntinn Kiln siinrpp. i. o-nian nnd 
 IMUMU.,; „„ „„l.s,„n, (,„,,,, u,..;i,h;J';? g^J* 
 "' o in •^r'''?i'""'. "'"' """•'• '''"""^' ' - im. 
 an „1„; ■ 1 ■'*I',"""-'"V" "' AnIlnJiuM.u l.yrio I rama 
 anil iiili,.r l',)i.iii», |,„|,,, IHS7, |2nio •aui»i 
 ro.^i!''"l.^:.'i:;,.^r!tl: "«'" "" "'" '"''"■' f"""- 
 i •\','!,?.'*'''I"i'''"','- '''''"Australia Uireelory. Vol. 
 'th^rL.;;;';',!i8;;^::""^"»" «'"'""""' ^-"-i^: 
 «dd''M'25''u;..'*i'' V?"^' .'^■■'^■"- r"""- v"i. Iii.. 
 ami I, i,. m |„v,.,,.sk, .■<,-i,th,nd • irriiilinitnii 
 iinu recemd a (■nmnnsii on ii tho H„.nl i.„„i„„«,. 
 ..'rvoil in theSutkJ and nnUab e.ln, ,aig ," | j,t ...j 
 Poii Id app,M„|„,e„|.,, rellrod ISO:-', l^.ca me a nu,,!^ . 
 0, '"o Si'r Min' 'p'r '"•',• J- (■J>»n''...n,red. t 
 II 1. "■ V, ''*'^^'''' "f tl"' Career of (ien. .Iidin Held 
 Lon "iKsl^"" «''' '7i'""' ""'I "-'1-r Ofl. i H. W 
 With anoilier. Memoir of .'^ir W. K VaC l>v H Y 
 and n. .\I. I,„n., 1 882, Sy,, With II, a v J.", i * 
 C.iKR, Ilobson-Jolison : 1 einir a .i ,« ..t 'r '^r","'" 
 Indian i;ollo,,nial Wor,ls and'l.i; a s'' , f ,/Kt?dtd' 
 I'rS ^k'^^: . Jul:;:''''' ' "'' ^""' ^"''■"'"■■^•' 
 ad.nVsri' hIi,"?--*''"^'"^'? '**«»". [""". vol. iii.. 
 Unlvirsity-iif'^; CU^o^N^w'^i f™;!""""' J" "'" 
 To Heart o ho Alleghanies; or. Western North Caro 
 5;;.rNC;;^rx;!:;ii-;:'^-i --;- «~. 
 lWdL?'*illl"-N^^*''r!"'i"- ^'''« ^''"■'l-n's 
 laniuise. lllu»t. N. lork, I,s76, lOuio. 
 *eriii, t.ustnvus (ieoree. Ph T) F ii « t r . 
 vol. ii.,ad.i.,J a lecturer in^the S ienee 'and X'r ' De' 
 i;"-r^^"",t",- //'"ir"r '"" ^"'-' «":: 
 ^Z:;^-:^i:!n:^"l{^t'^y »-« given m mvour of his 
 ;). Studies in theScicnce'of General History vol i 
 Ancient lli.storv, Lon.. 18X7 ,Sv„ Ai ". 'V; ^"'- '•• 
 Thir' '''?8";''r^'^ ^,^«;", i'^iwilo :•, ';;r;eu: 
 {ohition to Christ and t e Chrch i>Ml„ h-a^V^ '"" 
 iSdIS'/griyt'p; ' ?;, '-rTho''v'i"'''":'"'';-' ?^'"'"«>' 
 Churili of hnr i„„f • ^""^ ^"'"''' '" "'" Lutheran 
 Z e .nska '^"^'""i'-' »" Address, Pbila., 1878. 
 of Kr ?n i' ?• ?.^* (^'•''"'••' *'«"-ie: a Story 
 Zimme-, nan, Mrs. Jane Egeleston On.v 
 Head.' on ( ; rcen Soldier.. : a Si-nil --'rviT,* ? 
 ^"|> lilMSt. . hiclSSi, 16£o ^ '"' ^"^'' ""'' 
 Z.mmern, m,o Helen, b. 1846, in Hamburg: a 
l!< I' 
 contributor to the London Athenicuui, Spectator, and a 
 number of Engl,»h and O.rman periodicals. 1. Stories 
 in I'reeious Stonen. Illuat. Lon., I,S7.1, p. Svo • °d ed 
 im rsl;. ^•/"l''.!'^ ''I":"' Stories in' Natu;e, Lon,' 
 1873, p. Svo 3. Arlhur Schopenhauer: his Life and his 
 Philosophy, Lon., 1876, p. Svo. of Mml'J'diffl.'Mmv'' ')■'"■''• '"'';>■■«'"' h«s "ndcrtalcen a 
 prli r ,„u ' i „ i"* •"•" 8"e, In EuKlisli and for gen- 
 eral readers, a concise accounlof Sch<irienhauer andlils 
 writings. The book has, uf course, t e ;le icts of iii Hass 
 but boars evi.lence of lione.'.t care u, prt-ent a trucrMw' 
 sentat on of the ni«„ and his teaehi■,i^.■■-'l';A.^^"^.,^^f 
 T .oH'"*^ tphraim Lessinj;: his Life and Worlis, 
 liOn., In78, p. Svo. 
 "Of these two biographies that bv Mr .«lme fsee Simp 
 James, mpra) is the ino're elaborate He asMin es in f^ 
 ho wrote" '•■""',!>"!;'."'"™ "f who Lessing was"a,m wliat 
 I^.).. . ■ ■ ■ • •'■'■■'* ''""'"crn. on the other hand, nresun- 
 K^ fr?,.?,?"'",''!'' "" «<'',l""i»tanee with subjects i /w^i A 
 mu>.^i', 1 frAl^"' f" '■"''^^''- • ■ ■ "»"' I'lograp-bersdraw their 
 maternil from the same sources; tlie dilterenee in treat 
 K, h "'A'"' 1" ','";.''"'.v principally confining herself u, a 
 ™iH! .1' "'^ '^s'* "K s life, and the gentleman superadding a 
 minute analysis of all his writings, and giving lengtlieiied 
 comments upon them. The coiidusioii.hi, either cLse. re 
 aJmost identical, and are subsKiiitially just What I'e 
 reader will miss in both are those bioglaphical details 
 lA,?Nd"«"i '"*•'" "'"^ vividness to a^larrative.••- 
 n,!^^!''• '^''"'i*.^?*''',"""*' •'« "dmitled to be the better of 
 the two and nidee.l Jliss Zlmmern's Is so much marred 
 Xh .i?.!K',fr'iV"'"'.l"'«« "f '="«'i'"' tliatitwill' "e 
 mucli careful revision by a competent Knglish scholar t 
 t^me,! "■"'■'"j;.'"'";," " wf.i,.b it otherwise deerve 
 to meet, , , Were It not lor the , sad defect which we has-, 
 mentioned, and even, perlnips, In spite of that defect the 
 Kln^i Z'^i^^Vr"'}'} «'''"■ ^\« '"'""• " clearer v^v of 
 fl T J"i?' 'T',-':'"' ^''''''- I""''- ^"■' 1882, p. Svo. 
 tJ p. f'° °f "^'"88: Stories retold from Fi.dusi : with 
 Two fctcfiings by L. Alma Tadema, R.A., and a Prefa- 
 tory Poem by Edmund W. (Josso, Lon., 1,883, or 8vo 
 llmciUt style of com|)osltioii."—.S((/. /Jo' Iv 219 *'""' 
 ^al-,"^ Edgeworth, ("Eminent Women" Ser.,) Lon.. 
 loo.i, er. nvo. ' 
 "Miss Helen ZImmern . . . has been nhle tn inciif,, i,„. 
 self ,us a biographical cook by cXct ng a matl oUf.f' 
 tion , 1(1 LnSt skill f'n',^'"' PO*"'''^'*'^^-^ a "stsonseof propor- 
 critical ludginents.are temperate and s<md" *' Her^stvle 
 ^^.^. lacks animation, character, sparkle."-S(i/. iir , l^ii 
 8. (Trans.) Pilgrim Sorrow: a Cycle of Tales, bv 
 Elizabeth Ottilie Louise Pauline, Queen of Roumania, 
 ["Carmen Sylva,"] Lon., 1884, cr. Svo. 9. Herofe 
 laics retold from Firdusi the Persian, Lon., 1885 n 
 8vo. 10. Art Annual: L. Alma Tadema: bis Life knd 
 Work Ion., ,s, « 4to. MMth Z.HMEn.v. Alice, (trans.) 
 Ualf-Hours witli Foreign Novelists : with Short Notices 
 1^'"^ ■"■ ^"""88 of the Various Authors, Lon., 
 1880, 2 vols. D. Svo; now ed., rev., entitled "Stories 
 from Foreign ifovolists," Ac, 1884. And see Beeslev! 
 Zincke, Rev. Foster Barhain, [ante, voL iii 
 add.,] graduated at Wadham College, Oxford, 1839: or' 
 darned 1840; curate of Wherstead 1841-47, and sinee 
 then viear. I The Egypt of the Pharaohs 'an3 of The 
 Kedive, Lon., 1H71, Svo; new ed., 1S73. 
 ' -Marked by freshness and orlgiiialltv of view rathi.i. 
 2. A. Month in bwitzerland, Lon., 187;i, p. Svo. 
 ., „ rti '''t''<","s''t was poured by Mr, Zincke on the his 
 ,7a"l,H'^'l"' '/"' "0""e will venture to siigges that he 
 an<i Thir^" '" ■",'/ "•»cll"'s knowle<igc^of SwUzer^ 
 irrelt the auemio,,''",', 'L"",""?'' ".' "''" ""'''' volume to 
 uire^t int auentloii .of rtnybouv who t-nrps fur Hn hniii.'o 
 intercourse with the miiurcf o le who Inw c«ren"lv n ,,' 
 S of "his 111 '^v'''-'^'"';^' "".'.'"«'"« wbi<:h affect ti't^":: 
 being 01 his fellow.creatures."-.'.),fc(ator, xlvi, mi 
 3. The Swiss Allmends, and a Walk to see them : beina 
 a Second Month in Switzerland, Lon., 1874, p. 8vo t 
 A Walk in the Orisons : being a Third Month in Switzer- 
 land Lon 18,5, p. Svo. 5. Society for the Develop, 
 mcnt of the Science of Education : an Inaugural Ad- 
 dress Lon., 1876, Svo. 6. The Plough and the Dollar; 
 or. The Lnghshry ol a Century Hence, Lon., 1883 Svo 
 7j^ Materials for the History of Whenstone, Ipswich,' 
 -,,^."'5^'.' Ferdinand. Miorosoopioal Petrography • 
 (Inited tetntes Geological E.xploration of the Fortietii 
 Parallel.) Illust. Wash., I,S77, 4to. 
 tnn^ «!?"'".'"?-^"''"* Pairchild, b. 1849, at Charles- 
 ton, S.C ; studied art in New York and Paris; a mem- 
 ber of the American Water-Clor Society. Horse Foot 
 [and Dragoons: Sketches of Army Life at Home and 
 I ,«/,"'" ■ "'* Illustrations by the Author, N. York, 
 i I oo7, o\'(>. ' 
 ' n„'i'i'\'! "■''? "PPreclfte graphic ofl-hand accounts and ex- 
 ' r ^"""polides, D. Course of Modern Greek: Part 
 I., Elementary Method, Lon., 1887, Svo. 
 Zoysa, L. de. Catalogue "f Pali, Sinhalese, and 
 Sanskrit Manu.«criptsin the Ceylon Government Library 
 Colombo, 1876, Svo. ■" 
 Zupitza, Julius, Ph.D., b. 1844, at Kerpen, Si- 
 esia; studied at Breslau and Berlin; professor of Eng- 
 ; lish in the University of Berlin 1876. 1. (Ed ) The 
 Romance of Uuy of Warwick, Parts I. and II., (Early 
 Eng. Text Soo.,) Lon., 1875-76, Svo. 2. Beowulf: Au- 
 totypes of the Unique Cotton MS., Vitellius A xv., in 
 the British Museum : with a Transliteration and Notes, 
 (Early Eng. Text Soe.,) Lon., 1882, Svo. 3. (Ed.) The 
 Roinanoe of Guy of Warwick : from the Auchinleck MS. 
 m the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, and from MS 107 
 in Caius College, Cambridge, (Early Kng. Text See.,) two 
 parts, Lon., 1883-87, Svo. 
 Zwicker, P. H. Maehinists' and Engineers' In- 
 structor, Phila., 1888, 12mo. 
, entitled "Stories 
 And eee Beesley, 
 iin, [ante, vol. iii 
 , Oxford, 1839; or- 
 1841-47, and since 
 laraoha and of the 
 Ilty of view niilier 
 i of critical liiiuwl- 
 ilng power which 
 ilv. ft!)?. 
 H7;!, 1). »vo. 
 Ziiicke on the hls- 
 to suKKest tliat he 
 iwleilm' of Switzer- 
 is litlle v(jlume to 
 ■ares for an hour's 
 has carefully jion- 
 ich allect the well- 
 ir, xlvi. 9<iO. 
 to see them : being 
 1S74, p. Svo. \. 
 Month in Switzer- 
 for tlie Develop, 
 in Inaugural Ad- 
 1 and the Dollar; 
 ; Lon., I88;j, 8vo. 
 enstone, Ipswich, 
 ical Petrography: 
 1 of the Fortieth 
 . 1849, at Charles. 
 id Paris; a incm- 
 ty. Horse, Foot, 
 fe at Home and 
 luthor, N. York, 
 accounts and ex- 
 r military life will 
 ern Greek : Part 
 i, Sinhalese, and 
 jrnnient Library, 
 , at Kerpen, Si- 
 rofessor of Eng- 
 . 1. (Ed.) The 
 and II., (Early 
 '.. Beowulf: Au- 
 ellius A XV., in 
 ilion and Notes, 
 . 3. (Ed.) The 
 Auchinleok MS. 
 lid from MS. 107 
 . TextSoe.,) two 
 Engineers' In-