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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmis d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir de I'angle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 32 X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 i ■::) '\ \\an\\\t0T) Pdblie IJbrary @ @ SUPPLEMENT TO CflTflLOGUE ARRANGED BY CLASSES © (S) JUNE, 1891 © @ Key to Classification, Corrections, - . . , Hints to Readers, - . List of books by Classes, Special List of books relating to Canada, - Key to Indicator— Fiction, Key to Indicator— Juveniles, - - . Miscellany, Author Index, ... (S) ® HAMILTON, ONT Griffin & Kidner, Printers and Publishers 58 King William Street IV IV 1-50 SI 64 77 80 8a (1) V () ( (1 I * 1) '^= ^ ^-^- ^^ S= -^-^&-C S ~^ ^~^^-^^ =^g= ,m- ' ml ItA m jisU M fioctpd 0^ ^(2[r)(a^en)cr)f. isei. arc now arrangi following plan w READEK on any desired : F. W. Fearman, Chairman of the Board. APPOINTKO BV OITV OOUNCiLi Fred. Walter, Adam Rutherford, J. Edwin O'Reilly. His Worship the Mayor, David McLellan. A<>l»OINTKO BV PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD t Rev. Samuel Lyle, B.D., Wahren F. Burton, F. W. Fearman. APPOINTBD BV •BPAMATB BCMOOI. pOAKOi John T. Routh, Geo. Lynch-Staunton, Richard T. Lancefield, Librarian and Secretary of tlie Board. | THE CARD CATALOGUE. The title of the books in the Library are written on cards, which are placed in the Card Catalogue cases. These cards arc now arranged in Classes, with sub-divisions, according to the scheme known as the Dewey Decimal Classification. The following plan will give an idea of this classification. READERS ARE INVrTED TO CONSULT the CARD CATALOGUE, to .iscertain what the Library possesses on any desired subject. Consult also the Librarian or his assistants, who may be able to render further assistance. GENERAL WORKS. Bibliography. General Cyclopedias. General Periodicals. Magazines. Aii numbers preceded by K belong to this sub- division ; see page 41, PHILOSOPHY. (See fages / j and So. } Metaphysics. Mind and Body. Mental Derangements. Delusions. Magic. Physiognomy. Phrenology. Mental Faculties. Logic. Ethics. RELIGION. fSee page 6.) Natural Theology. Deism, Theosophv, etc. Bible. Concordance. Commentary. Old Testament. New Testament. Doctrinal. Dogmatics. God, Christology, etc. Practical. Devotional. Homiletic. Pastoral. Parochial. Church. Institutions. Work. Religious History. . Christian Churches and Sects. Ethnic. Non-Christian. SOCIOLOGY. (See pages :i and So.) Statistics. Population, Census, etc. Political Science. Form of State. Suffrage. Colonies and Immigration. Jiiavery. Legislative Annals, etc. Political Economy. Capital. Labor. Wages. Banks. Land. Co-operation. Socialism. Communism. Finance. Taxation. Protection. Free Trade. , Pauperism. Law. Private Law. Constitutional Law, etc. Administration. Civil Service. Local Government. War. Military. Naval. Associations. Institutions. Charitable. Hospitals. Asylums. Prisons. Discipline. .Secret Societies. Social Clubs. Insurance. Education. Self-education and Culture. Colleges. Universities. Public School System. Commerce. Communication. Domestic Trade. Foreign Trade. Post Office. Railroad. Express. Canal Transportation. River and Ocean Transportation. Weights and measures. Customs. Popular Life. Costume. Burial customs. Public and Social Customs. Etiquette. Woman's Position. Gipsies. ■Folk-lore. • Customs of War. NATURALSCIENCE (See page 1.) Science in General. ' Mathematics. ' Arithmetic. Algebra. • Geoniotrv, etc. Astronomy. Theoretical. Practical. Earth. 11. ijUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, Geodesy. \avig-ation. Chronology. 4 Physics. Mech.'iiiics. , Liquids, H_vdraulics. Gases, Piieuniiitics. 1 Sound, Acoustics. Light, Optics. Heat. Electricity, Magnetism. Chemistry. Theoretical. Practical. Inorganic. Organic. Crystallography. iMineralogy. Geology. Physical and Dynamical. Litliology. Paleontology. Biology. Prehistoric Archaeology. , Ethnology. Anthropology. Xatural History of Man. Evolution. Origin of Life. Microscopy. Botany. -.^ Zoology. "^ Physiological. Invertebrates. Protozoans. Radiates. Molluscs. Articulates. Vertebrates. Reptiles. Birds. Mammals. USEFUL ARTS. fSee page i6.) Medicine. See also page 80. Anatomy. Personal Hygiene. Public Health. Engineering. Civil. Mechanical. Mining. Bridges. Roofs. Railroad. Road. Hydraulic. Sanitary. Waterworks. Agriculture. Grains, etc. Fruits. Kitchen Garden. Domestic Animals. See pages 17 and 81. Dairy. Bees. Fishing. Domestic Economy. Cookery. Furniture. Clothing. Nursery. Communication. Commerce. Business. Shorthand. Telegraph. Printing. Copyright. * ; Transportation. Business Manuals. Book-keeping', Interest Tables, et,\ Chemical Technology. Chemicals. Explosives. Fuel. Beverages. Foods. Oils. Gases. Candles. Ceramics. Glass, Cement, Bricks, etc. BleacliMig, Dyeing, etc. Metallurgy. Assaying. Manufactures. Articles made of Metals, Wood, etc. Mechanic Trades. Amateur Manuals. Watch-making. Blacksmithing. Cabinet-making. Saddlery. Book-binding, etc. Building. Sec pages 18 and 80. Materials. Masonry. Plastering. Carpentry. Joining. Roofing. Slating. Plumbing, Gas and Steam-fitting, etc. Heating. V^entilation. Painting. Paper-hanging. Car and Ship Building. FINE ARTS. (See page ig.) Architecture. Sculpture. Carving. Gems. < Numismatics. Pottery. Bric-a-brac. Drawing. Decoration. Free-hand. Crayon. Ornamental Design. Art Needlework. Fancy Work. Interior Decoration. Artistic Furniture. Painting. Engraving. Photography. . . Music. Amusements. Sports. In-door Amusements. Card Games. Parlor Amtisefitettts, etc. Out-door Sports. Calisthenics, Cricket. Fishins;, Shootins;. HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. III. rce. Business. Tables, etr. Fuel. nt, Bricks, etc. Wood, etc. ur Manuals. d8o. ii-fitting, etc. RTS. Work. LANGUAGE. . Dictionaries. J Philology. LITERATURE. Dictionaries. Elocution. Miscellany. I Poetry. The Drama. See page 39. - English Fiction. ah numbers preceded by L belong to this sub-division ; see page 43. ,^ Books for Young People, ah numbers preceded by M belong to this sub-division ; see page 46. French, ah numbers preceded by P belong I to this sub-division. See page 49. German, ah numbers preceded by N belontr ' to this sub-division. HISTORY. Geography and Travels. (Sec page 22. J iViaps. .Antiquities* Europe. A^ia. Africa. Xorth America. South America. Oceanica. Polar Regions. Biography. . . (See page 26. J Dictionaries. General. Individual. Genealogy. Heraldry. Ancient History. Modem History. (See page xg.J Chronologies, Dictionaries. Europe. Asia. Africa. Xorth America. South America. Oceanica. Polar Regions. See page 80 CANADA. (Set- pages si-dj.) This section contains a record of the books and parts of books (including magazine articles) in the Library, on Canada, or referring thereto. These cards are arranged as in the main classification, as follows : Natural Science, page 51. Religion, page 51. Sociology, page 52. Useful Arts, page 53. Biography, page 54. Geography and Travels, page 54. Tourists' Guides. Maps. Gazetteers. General Travels. Travels.— Geographical Divisions. I^istory, page 56. General History. Scotch in Canada. Irish in Canada. Historical Sketches. History.— Special Periods. Discovery. « 1608-1759. 1760-1792. 1792-1841. The War of i8ia. The Rebellion of j 8^7- 1841-1867. Later 19th century. Fenian Invasions, i866-yi. Riel Rebellion, i8yo. Northwest Rebellion, i8Sj. History.— Geographical Divisions.. British Columbia. Manitoba. N'orthwest. Ontario. Quebec. Montreal. ' New Brunswick. Nova Scotia. Prince Edward Island. Newfoundland, page 61. Imperial Federation, page 6i. Literature, page 61. Prose. Poetry. IV. '.HAMILTON PUBLIC MHRAKV, CORRECTIONS, Tlu- followinjf (.orrections arc to bi> made in tins Cat.iroj^'uc. The numbers here jjiveiiaie thf correct numbers : On page i. Hartwig, C. Dwellers in | the Aretii- rejfions. 1887.. A4q9 i " 4. Contemporary science series. 1 - Primitive family : by C. N. Starcko '. . . D396 " 20. Bemrose, W. Fret cutting^ and perforated carving-. 2nd ed R736 B " 39- O'Reilly, John B. The poetry and song of Ireland R891.62 A The following corrections are to be made in the Catalogue issued in 1890. The numbers here gneii are the correct numbers : On page 16. Boulton. Life : by Smiles. B847 " 20. Bulwer-Lytton. Lucretia L2437-8 33. Cudlip, Mrs. Walter Goring L2288-9 " 34. Darwin, C. R. Descent of •"■■'" A135 37. Dodd, J. P'iftv years' strug- K'e C127 40. Edwards, H. S. The prima donna . B672-3 40. Emerson, P. H. Naturalistic photography E374 " 44. Forbes, A. Soldiering and scribbling G758 S8. 7'- 7'- 72- 79. 96. 99- 99- 101. 109. 109. 109. 1 10. 114. fi6. 117. 121. F668 L221-2 L7.S(> M Ki75-(' C241 On page 45. Franklin, Sir J. McDou- g.ill, G. F. Voyage of the Resolute Heyse, Paul. In paradise.. Lean, J/w. Heart of Jane . Warner. 2 v L2025-6 - \elly Brooke. 2 v L2087-8 Lever, C. Charles O' ley. For L765 reacf. Marryat, F. Ready. For Mjfj read. . . . Reid, Capt. War trail K806 Ruskin, John. Stones of Venice. 2 v - Cook, J. Marriage Schiller, J. C. Mundt, K. Goethe and Schiller l,^.^z Stephenson, George. Life : hy Smiles B848 - Robert. Life : by Smiles B848 Sterne, L. Sentimental jour- ney. For H946 read H949 Strang, H. I. Exercises in false syntax Thackeray, W. M. Rlen's wives, etc.: v. 8 of Mis- cellanies ' Tolstoi, Count. Ivan Ilyitch. Trollope, A. Last chronicle •ofBarset. 3 V L1435-7 Watt.Jas. Smiles, S. Boul- ton and Watt B847 H 1014 L2340 L348 \J Note t HINTS TO RBADERS. r.* V ^^j^ Supplementary Catalogue contains the titles of books received since the issue of the t\l f^u ''*'^^y''''^'• ' a^o the titles of the books in the Reference Department For the fulf resources of the Library m any of the Classes, CONSULT THE CARD CAT.ALOGUE. lesources fir«t'';,„J'"'-!' ^""^^ '" ',''''* S"PP'eni«>'tary Catalogue (except those on pages 41-so) is listed twice- ?ndex "fn-:^/8^'''Vf 'k'^"^""""."; R«"*'t°"; -'''-•• ' ^"^ --ondly, und^er the AvUhor's name h the '^X^^^^^-J^^'^^^^tl^. ^"'^ ^' "" '-^- ■^'-^- ^'-^ ^-^^ -ranged I con 'Thrtm:' "l-r '"'"'''• '^T'^F'^ alphabetically by Authors, is still for sal^! ^P ice, o ce ts cases. ■ '°'°°° ^°''^^' arranged by classes, will also be found in the Card Catalogue first '*nunl^r''tn''rh«1''"t^"""T^''^''','''^"i*^''^ ^""^^ the volumes are numbered consecutivelv from the tanted,"a'k for 0,36 ' "'^' ''"''"''^'^ "'^'°'-^' "^ ^"^'^'"'' '^ ^•°'- ^'3-42 ; if the sixth volun^e is onlybtRibrTrf'Vefnr.^i'w-'"''^' P'-^'-'^/ed by R, are Reference books, and can be consulted frTr^ Ricf *'""^''7- Before askmg for a Reference book, apply to the at Deliverv Desk for a Reference slip. Copy all numbers clearly and distinctly; exactly as printed. S( fAllen, Gi-at other es of scien [Campbell, C The reij Zobbe, Frai of the a] cusslons f'roude, Jar theolog} other re erson, e |Hartwig, G, gions. • Heroes ol • Marvels Marvels u Subterran I — Wonders I — Workers i and mini I. MiDoii- jyage of tlio • F668 n paradist?.. L221-3 jart of Jane L2025-6 '• 2 V L2087-8 rles O'Mal- ; 'wa'. L756 Masterman 1.17 'w^/. ... M3 ir trail K806 Stones of ••• t:'75-6 i C241 '-542 irnag-e . . . . Mundt, K. hiller 3rge. Life : B848 B848 e tile issue of tlie r the full resources j )) is listed twice — lior's name, in tlio already arrang'ed fully, and mark a t year, containing- Price, 20 cents le Card Catalogue !cutively fro?n the e sixth volupie is can be consulted It Delivery Desk HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. DD w 1 Pi 1 U r w n w n T T u Ky ARRANGED BY CLASSES. Noie that " Call numbers" preceded by R, are Reference books, and can be co^tmlted only m the Library. All other books can be drawn for hanie use on borrowers' cards. : by Smiles iiental jour- > read H949 Ixercises in H1014 M. !\Ieii's 8 of Mis- L2340 k-an Ilyitcli. L34S t chronicle L1435-7 J s, S. Eoul B847I HAMILTON, ONTARIO, JUNE, 1891. NATURAL SCIENCE. " Hafifiy is he who lives to understand .Vot human nature only, but explores .411 natures— to the end that he may find ' The law that goz'erns each . . . Through all the mighty common-wealth of things. Up from the creeping plant to sm<ereign /««»."— Wordsworth. Science in General. |Allen, Grant. Falling in love : with other essays on more exact branches of science. i88q [Campbell, G D. G. ( Duke of Argyll. ) The reign of law. iSgo ;obbe, Frances Power. Scientific spirit of the age and other pleas and dis- cussions. 1888 'roude, James Anthony. Science and theology, ancient and modern : and other religio-science essays by Em- erson, etc. 1879 [Hartwigf, G. Dwellers in the Arctic re- gions. 1887 Heroes of the Polar world. 1888 I — Marvels over our heads. 1888 I— Marvels under our feet. 1.S88 1^ Subterranean world. 1881 j— Wonders of the tropical forest. 1888. j — Workers under the ground ; or, mines and mining. 1888 A598 A526 AS6S A518 A449 Asoo A506 A504 A510 Asoi AS03 Herschel, Sir]. F. W. Lectures on sci- entific su'-ijects. 1884 Hopkins, (; V Experimental science. 1 890 Jordan, D. S. Science sketches. 1888. Laing, S. Modern science and modern thought. 1890 Priestley, J. Huxley, T. H. Science and culture. pp. 102-134. Joseph Priestley Reynolds, Rev. J. W. The supernatural in nature : a verification by free use of science. 1878 Thompson, D. G. The problem of evil : an introduction to the practical sci- ences. 1887 A521 A517 A493 AS34 A108 A533 A.M? Milner, Rev. T. The gallery of nature : a pictorial and descriptive tour through creation. 1846 R500 M Year book of facts in science and art, 1841 : exhibiting the most important discoveries and improvements RS03 Y SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, Hardwicke't science srossip. 1881 ; Nature : 1865 to weekly illustrated journal of RSOS H R50S N KS05 O RS05 S V.3.. V,3a. V.34. V.44. V.ia. V.i4. V.j6. V. s8. — Supplement. B science. 1869 to 1886 Intellectual observer : review of natural history, microscopic research and recreative science. 1862 to 1868 Scientific American. 10 v V. 30. Jan. •June, 1874. July-Dcc, 1874. Jan. -Dec, 187,5, Jan. -Dec, 1876. Jan. -Dec, 1881. Jan. -Dec, 1884. Jan. -Dec, 1885. Jan. -Dec. 1886. Jan.-Dec, 1887. Jan. -Dec. 1888. Vol. I. Jan.-Dec. 1876. . R50S Su British association for the advancement of .science : report of the meeting's from 18,31 to 1880 R,5o6 Goldsmith, Oliver. History of the earth and animated nature : with numerous notes from the works of the most distinguished British and foreign na- turalists. 2 V. i860 R508 G White, Rev. G. Natural history of Sel- . *'°''"'-'- 'S54 RS08.42 Ktntr, W. Ross. The sportsman and n.a- turalist in- Canada ; or, notes on the natural history of the g-ame, game birds, and fish of that country. 1866. RsoS.j/ Lord, John K. The naturalist in Van- couver Island and British Columbia ^\- '«66 R508.7U AgassJz, Louis. Contributions to the natural history af the United States of America. 4 v. 1857 RsoS.?-, Turner, L. M. Contributions to the na turalhistory of Alaska. 2 v. 1886. Rso8. 798 Ayer's American Almanac, 1889, in 21 languages R^^g.^ ^ Mathematics. Boole, G. Differential equations. 1872.. Casey, J. Treatise on the analytical ge- ometry of the point, line, circle and conic sections. 1885 Clifford, V/. K. Mathematical papers. 1882 _ Mackay, J. S. 1889 Salmon, G. A treatise on conic sections. _ 1879 Tait, P. G. An elementary treatise on quaternions : 3rded., much enlarged. 1890 _ Thomson and Tait. Treatise on natural philosophy : 2 parts ; new ed. 1888.. Todhunter, I. A history of the theory of elasticity and of the strength of ma- tarials. 1886 : Williamson, B. An elementary treatise on the differential calculus. 1880. . . The elements of Euclid. ^555 ASS4 AS45 A546 A541 As4o A543-4 As6o Sailicr's counting house a new and improved Sadl«r. W. H. arithmetic work on business calculations, \vi"th valuable reforenco tables. 1884 Astronomy. wonders of 1.S90. . world : Ball, .9(> R. S. the heavens. 1890 .'. . Croll, J. Stellar evolution. Hartwig. G. The .crial woriu : map and ills. 1881 * My telescope : by a Queckett club man. 1888 . Parkes, S. H. Unfinished worlds : a study in astronomy. 1888 Peck, W. G. Text-book of popular as- tronomy Pritchard, C. Occasional thoughts of an astronomer on nature and revela- tion. 1889 Proctor, R. A. Old and nevv astronomy R520 P Nasmyth, J., ami Carpenter, J. The moon considered as a plane' a world, and a satellite. 1885 R523.3 N Dunkin, Edwin. The midnight sky : ' familiar notes on the stars and plan- ''^^ RS23.4 D Bazley, T. S. The stars in their courses : a two-fold series of maps, with a cat- alogue : showing how to identify, at any time of the year, all stnrs down to the 5.6 magnitude, inclusive of „ "'"^- '878 R523.8B Proctor R. A. A new star atlas : for students and observers, showing 6000 stars and 1500 double stars, nebulae. 1886 RS23.8 P — The stars in their -seasons : an easy 8;"'de to a knowledge of the stars. „ '^^4 RS23.8P2 Rosser, W. H. How to find the stars and their use in determining latitude, longtitude and the error of the com- P*««- '883 R^^^g ^ SURVEYING. Gribble, T. G. Preliminary survey. (Longman's text books of science.) 1891 ' Usill, G. W. Practical surveying : a text book for students preparing for ex- aminations or for survey work in the colonies. 330 ills. ; 2nd ed. 1890. . . A597 '■■ iiodder, E. M. The harbours and ports of Lake Ontario. 1857 RS26.99 Maury, M. F. Wind and current charts : explanations and sailing directions. '^55 Rsa6.99 M | As47 •■ *Brew8ttr, Burton, C. ics. ii Rsii s Carnot, N, '• motive fiii>'d t- Kimball, .1 gases. 1H90 . . Mayer, A. pensivt -f Second ftculeaux, chinerj machin ha,in, Ge( on heat steam 1 trutt. Job The the eisbach, ing. V 1887. . . -V. 2. machine hydraul - V. 2. steam e ilson, W. 1850 . . . ;^right, C. I science, amusing some of i89r. . . right, L. tis3 on t bition ai 1891 ... A494 AS09 A53J Ass-: A240 AS14 AS9o! lenjamin, P )e Tunzeln modern ilectricity ii louston, E. words, t 'Odee, O. . tricity. Icndenhall, tricity. '"araday, M in electr APPLIC ^llsop, F. filling ; - Second cc 'ontaifie, H treatise c HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. iitnry treatise iliis. i«8o... A547 imtinj^ liuuMi! ul improved ilations, with •s. 1884... Ksii S my. wonders of • A494 'S90 A52 world : map A5o<, tt club man. A5.3J worlds : a *8 A55. popular as- A240 thoughts of and revela- AS14 ' astronomy R520 P r, J. The plane' a •«85 R523.3N night sky : s and plan- ^5^3-4 D ;ir courses : with a cat- identify, at <t.Trs down nclusive of RS23.8 B J atlas : for , showing uble stars, RS23.8PI : an easy the stars. RS23-8 Pz the stars ig latitude, f the com- RS23.8 R I Y survey, science.) A590 I ng : a text Ig for ex- ork in the . 1890. . . A597 and ports R526.99 it charts : irections. R536.99 M Physics rewitcr, I). Treatise on optics. 1854. A566 Burton, C. V. An introduction to dynam- ics. 1890 A59a C*rnot, N. L. S. Reflections on the ;; motive power ot heat aiici on machines t^ fill d to develop that power. ' iHgo. , A520 *]|ilimball, A. L. Physical properties of gases. Riverside science series. '«QO A68 Mayer, A. M. Light : simple and inex- pensive experiments. 1887 As6 - Second copy. 1889 A535 Rouleaux, F. The kinematics of ma- chinery : outlines of a theory of machines. 1876 A599 i^, George. An elementary treatise I on heat : in relation to steam and the 1 steam engine. 1877 Ajig TJtrutt, John William (Baron Rayleigh). The theory of sound. 1877 A485-6 eisbach, P.J. Mechanics of engineer- ing. V. I. Theoretical machines. ■8«7 E332 - V. 2. Application of mechanics to machines. Par^ i. Hydraulics and hydraulic motors Es2'? - V. 2. Part 2. Heat, steam and steam engines £^24 ilson, W. P. A treatise on dynamics. ^5° A542 right, C. R. Adler. The threshold of science. A variety of simple and amusing experiments, illustrating some of the effects of light and heat. . , .'^91' As88 right, L. Optical projection : a trea- tise on the use of the lantern in exhi- bition and scientific demonstration. '^9' As9. ELECTRICITY. enjamin, P. Age of electricity. 1888. Ass e Tunzelmann, G. W. Electricity in modern life ^,„ lectricity in daily life. 111. ,891 AS84 ouston, E. J. A dictionary of electrical words, terms and phrases. 1889 E44S edge, O. J. Modern views of elec- ^"'-■"y- '889 AS96 endenhall, T. C. A century of elec- tricity. i8qo A67 araday, M. Experimental researches in electricity. ,839 R^y p APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. IIsop, F. C. Practical electric hell nttuig ; 150 ill. 1890 E444 Second copy ^488 untaiiie, H. Electrolysis : a practical treatise on nickeling, coppering, gild- ing, silvering, the refining of metals and treatment of ores by means of electricity. i88s E431 Holroea, A. D. Practical electric light- ing. 4th ed. 1889 E441 Hospitalier, E. The modem applications of electricity. Translated by Julius Maier. 2 v. 1883 ES66-7 V. I. Electric generntom, electric light. V. J. Telephone : vnrimu .ipplications, electr1c.1l tranHmiSKion of energy. Pretce, VV. H. The telephone. 1889. E489 Urquhart, J. VV. Electro motors : a treatise on the means and apparatus employed in the transmission of elec- trical energy and its conversion into motive power. 1882 p;.,, — Electro-platinj/ : a practical hand-hook on the deposition of copper, silver, etc. 2nd ed. 1888 p;^^ - Electric light : its production and use. 3rded. 1890 e^j. Chemistry. Armstrong^, H. E. Organic chemistry : carbon and its compounds. 1876.. . . As7 Liebig:, J. Familiar letters on chemistry. . '860 As7o Miller, W. A. Introduction to inorganic chemistry. 1885 ^-8 Parnell, E. A. Applied chemistry. 1844 A561 Remsen, I. Inorganic chemistry. 1890 A6s Strecker, A. Short text-book of organic chem.stry by Dr. Johannex Wisli- cenus. 1885 As39 Tilden, W. A. Introduction to the study of chemical philosophy. 5th ed. 1S86. A59 Watts' dictionary of chemistry. Revised and entirely re-written by H. Foster Morley. To be published in four volumes 8vo. Vols, i and 2. 1888. R540.3 Roscoe, H. E., and Schorlemmer, F. R. S. ■ A treatise on chemistry. 7 v. '888 ...:... R546., Henry, J. T. Early and later history of petroleum, with authentic facts in regard to its development in Western Pennsylvania. 1873 » RS49.8 Geology. Agassiz, Louis. Geological sketches. 2 V- .C'^7 A69-70 V. I. Coniinents, mountains, glaciers, etc. V. a. Glacial action in various countries. Dana. J. D. Characteristics of vol- canoes. 1890 A496 Green, A. H. Geology : physical. 1882. Ass7 Hartwig', G. Volcanoes and earth- quakes, 1887 A505 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, Shaler, N. S. Aspects of the earth popular account ot some familiar geological phenomena. 1889 Wallace. A R Darwinism : an exposi- tion of the theory of natural selection with some of its applications. Warren, W. F. f.u ,. P^i'adise found : a study ot the prehistoric world. 1886 , A60 1890. A63 and investigation of the structure ?86o "^^"'"'^ °^ microscopic objects. A66 Appleton's physical geography R « 5 1 ^ Owen, D. D. Report of a geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa and Min- nesota. 2 V. 1852 K- , Nicholson, H. A. Report upon the pals- ^^ ontology of the Province of Ontario. '^^* R560.97.3 Botany. Cryptogamic botanv. in colour 1889 il botany. 2.).. Biology. or evolution. Contemporary science series. Evolution and disease : by J. B. Sutton D466 — Evolution of sex : by P. Geddes — Origin of the Aryans : by J. Taylor. — Primitive family : by C. N. Starcke. . — Village community : bv gi. L. Gomme Curtis, G. T. Creation 1889 Darwin, C. R. Descent of man . . Ai\r Dawson. Sir J. W. Modern ideas of evolution. 1890 Gall, J. Primeval man unveiled. 1880 Greenwell, W. British barrows : sepul- chral mounds in England. 1877. Hall, W. Problem of human life. 1880. My microscope: by a Queckett club man. 1888 Peschel, Oscar. The races of man and their geographical distribution. 1876 Rectus, E. Primitive folk. 1891 Sedgwick, W. T. General biology : part I, introductory. 1889 Wilson, D. Prehistoric man : research- fh 'Am ^H r^'" °^ civilization in the Old and New World. 2 v. 1876 Wright, G. F. The ice age in North America, and its bearings upon the antiquity of man. ,890 . . . Northwest coast of America. Being re- sults of recent ethnological research- GS* locSJ. Powell, J. W. First rVport' of the bureau of ethnology to the sec- ''f'^'y "fthe Smithsonian institution, D461 D467 D397 D462 AS36 Ae;22 As28 AS58 A531 AS25 A593 A64 Bennett, A. W. 378 ill. 1889 Delitzsch, F. Iris: studie and talks about flowers. Goodale, G. L. Physiologi... (Gray's botanical text-books, v. Knight F. A. By leafy ways: brief studies from the book of nature. 18.89 McNab, W. R. Botany : rev. by C E Bessey. i88i Newhall, C. S. The trees of Northeast- ern America. 1890 Sachs J Von. History of botany (i i:7o- i36o). 1890 Traill, C. P. Studies of plant life in Can- ada ; or, gleanings from forest, lake and plain. 1885 Woodland Gleanings : being an account ot British forest trees. 1853 The natural history of plants. Bates, H. W. ' river Ama • 803 Bnckley, A. E ;, 111. 1878.. ■:«|Life ana h« A54I !»• '890.. -^•Short histon Asij— I Through ma — • Winners in li: A6z boned faini Fitzwygram, 1 A491 , III, 1886 . Fiaser. R. W. A48g history of tl Gigenbaur, C. A583 =• 1878 Oireen, G. C. A53 history and Hartwig, G. D — Soa monsters A55'_ Wild animals A569-f^''"Srecllifei liartwig, J. E. f within histo ^ibberd, S. Tl Irby, W. F. I entomology, Baillon, H. „ ''V R58„B- "onn, J. Hortus Cantabrigiensis. 1819. Rs8o d' Mangin, Arthur. Histoire des jardins, anciens et modernes. 1887 Blackstone, F. Specimen botanicum quo plantarum Anglite. 1746 Rr8i 042 - '^•'**^ organist Sowerby, James. English Botany ; or A ^•^''^^^"''■ coloured figures of British plants foulton, E. B. with their essential characters syn- I *'^^"' "leanin onyms, and places of growth,' with icudder, S. H. 2580 coloured plates. 12 v. 3rd ed. J ture, change RsSo.yf^'^'^'J- Anir : Ipisteur, Bastis 1863 Gray, Asa. America, A523-4 A61 R572 A Natural history of man. R.5;. P R"-! P Prichatd, J. C. 2 V. 1855 Journal of the Royal microscopical s.^,- ety, Feb., ,889, to April, ,8\), r„o Griffith and Henfrey's micrographic die- tionary. A guide to the examination RS8!.942 SI Synoptical flora of North 2v. ,884 R581.97 G Pursh, I-red. A systematic arrangement and description of the plants of North America. 2 v. 18,4 Rs8,.97 P^ Mahogany tree, the : its botanical char-' acters, qualities and uses Rt;82 ^ Heath, F. G. The fern portfolio : all the species of British ferns. 1885 RS87.3 Hi Rabenhorst, Ludovico. Flora Europaea Algarum. 3 v. 1864 Wolle, A'ev. F. Desmids of the United States. 1884. Ewell, A. Bla and compan cabin of the ables, Gordon complete prs is known ab in the world Jeel, J. H. A of the dog. RS88.2I RS89.61 Zoology. Agassiz, Louis. Methods of study in na- tural hi.-itory. r9th ed. i88g. Baker, Sir S: W. Wild beasts and their ways. 111. 1890 Ballard, Julia P. Among the moths and butterflies. 1890 A71 A58.I AssJ HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. e structure 5ic objects. lie botany. ' in colour 1889 al botany, 'ks, V. 2.)' , ys : brief iture. 18.89 by C. E. Vortheast- any{i53o- sis. 1819. 3 jardins, otanicum ^6 Rs8i.94J any ; or, 1 plants, ers, syn- vth, with 3rd ed. R581.942 S )f North R58I-97 G iigement of North R.S81.97 P al char- R582 : all the S RS87.3H uropaea Rs88.i United R589.61 Bktes, H. W. The naturalist on the ' river Amazon. 1884 .... 5^ '^ng-ley, W. Animal biography. 2 v. 1803 A562-3 Backley, A. B. Fairyland of science. 111. 1878 ^!-^Life ana her children : animal life. A54 111. 1890 — Short history of natural science. 111. ^5'3— ' Through magic gla.,.ses. 1890 — Winners in life's race : the great back- A62 boned family. 1890 Pttzwygram. F. Horses and stables. A491 , 111. 1886 Piaser, R. W. Seaside divinity : natural A489 j history of the sea-shore. Ill C^genbaur, C. Comparative anatomy. A583 1 1878 ', ureen, G. C. Recollections of natural A53 2 history and sport. 1886 . ^rtwig-, G. Denizens of the deep. 1887 ■^ Sea monsters and sea birds. 1887 .. . Wild animals of the tropics. 1887. Winged life in the tropics. 1887 rtwigr, J. E. British animals extinct within historic times. 1880 ibberd, S. The book of the aquarium. rby, W. F. Elementary text book of entomology. 1885 R580 , Jiebjg, J. Animal chemistry. 1843. . . . . ■ Pasteur. Bastian, H. C. Origin of low- est organisms : and experiments of M. Pasteur y^, , oulton, E. B. The cotors of animals : their meaning and use. 1890 udder, S. H. Butterflies : their struc- ture, changes and life histories. 1889 well, A. Black beauty : his grooms and companions : the Uncle Tom's cabin of the horse bles, Gordon. Our friend the dog : a complete practical guide to all that is known about every breed of dog ■" the world A595 A449 A58S A448 A586 AS87 As48 A556 A559 A5>5 A502 A508 AS07 A511 As 1 6 A571 A529 A568 A594 A497 A492 m Jeel, J. H. A of the dog. treatise 1888... on the diseases A498 A549 Taylor, J. D., Dr. The playtime natura- Hst. 336 ill. 1889 Wood, J. G. Horse and man : their mutual dependence and duties. i88s. A490 ASSO R590 C C2 R591.49 R59S-1 •R595-7S Cuvier, Baron. The animal kingdom : forming a natural history of animals and an introduction to comparative anatomy. 1884 - Index and synopsis of the animal king- dom : with supplementary addition by E.Griffith r^^^ Beeton's dictionary of natural history : a compendious cycloptedia of the animal kingdom r Newton, E. Tulley. The typical parts in the skeletons of a cat, duck and cod- fish. 1875 Hudson, C. T. The rotifera : or wheel- animalcules. 1886 Say, Thomas. Amer- > entomology : a description of tl, .sects of North America. 2 v Ross, Alexander M. The butterflies and moths of Canada. '1873 Re9c.78 Wood, J. G. The illustrated natural his- tory : reptiles, fishes, molluscs R597 VV Baird, S. F. The birds of North Ameri- '^•'- 'S70 • R598,2 B Cassell. Casseir.s book of birds : from the text of Dr. Brehm : by T. R . Jo"e.S. 4V R5g8 2 C Wilson, Alex. American ornithology: the natural history of the birds of the United States. 3 v. 1876 R598.2 W Wood, J. G. The illustrated natural history : birds R598.2 W2 Tegetmeier, W. B. Pigeons: their structure, varieties, habits and man- agement R598.6 T Vennor, Henry G. Our birds of prey ; or, the eagles, hawks and owls of Canada. 111. 1876 R598.9 V Nott, J. Fortune. Wild animals photo- graphed and described. 1886 R599 N Wood, J. G. The illustrated natural history : mammalia. 1876 RS99 W Y m na- A7>: id their A58. hs and As8i i SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, RELIGION. ■•.Sy^rrA,«„v^,V.«./,„/„*„„„^,,.,„,,. lh,t lo.d.. thro„fr/, "«/„„. ,,/, to natures God. Huiii.iii destiny, jid ed. Anderson, K. kS lo Arnold, Matthew. 0,| and tho Bibk ''mg " ''"^•'■■""'•^' •■"•'< 'J^Sn.a.' - L.ter.iture and dojfnia : an e-sav to- wards a hotter .ipprehc bible. i8«9 \\ -St. Paul and protestantism. Arnot, 1-red S. GarenKa.ize ; or seven V'V'k /."""''*■■ •»'-'*"^''>" work in cen- tral Alnea Baldwin, apprehension oi' the 1S87 M.-irv B. Memorials of; mis siona.-y to Athens and foppa Bancroft, Jane M. Deaeonesses in' Fu^ • ope and their lessons for America. iSgo Barrows, S. J. A Baptist meeting house' I 090 - The doom of the majcVity of niankind.' 1 003 Bartlett, Robert C. The letter ■:pirit. Bampton lectures. Beecher. H W. New star papers. ,8,g Behrend, A. J. F. The philosophy of preachmjf. i8qo ' • Bigg, C. The Christian platonists of Alexandria. Bampton le Brace, C. Lorins^. Th or, inspiration among pre-Christian I aces. i8go Brow^, J;imes R. The Christian' policy of .fo : a book for voung n/en of biismess. 1881 Bruce, Alex. B 1890 Carpenter, W. Boyd. The permanent i^lrr"^^:-^''^':'";..'^^-^'-'- Cave, Alfred. The scriptural doctrine of sacnhce and atonement. 1890 Channing, W. E. The life of. , 890 . . " — The works of. 1890. . ^""lorid.'!^:.. ^'''''' ^•■"'"^h^^ '"Visible Cheyne, T. K. job and Solomon! ",887 Christianity and agnosticism : a contro- S": 'iS"r,'^";8^ «'' P-^Pers by Henry Waco, H. Huxley, the Bishop of Pe- terborough. VV. H. Mallock .-.nd Mrs Humphrey Ward. iSoo Church, and the i«88. . .. >i'ew star papers. fctures. 1886 unknown God ; The kingdom of God. CS22 C478 C473 t^34' Cs4o <-'578 C325 Q31 ^435 lerton, G. God ; vannett, ¥.. Boston, 1 lUterne, Agn( thoughts ( ; 18S3 -Pope. Slifillan, Gi<oi ■ of the Bib '"'"'i.nw 5;., ■'''•' "°"''»"'''°"«- ^.SSerlfr.; Clarke, J. F. Orthodoxy : its truths and of forgiveness errors. 1890 The Christian doctrine of sin. 1890 - The Christian doctrine of pray, -Steps of belief; or, rational >ty. 1890 — Es.sentials and non-essential- Sfion. 1890 ... Cleland, W. Histoi-y of the Presbyterian church m Ireland. 1890.... Conant, Wm. C. Na C.s;, r. 1 890 hristi.-in- s in reli- 01 .s; C499 C90 C321 C479 C539 C538 Cs88 C469 ., . - -'rratives of remark- dolus "";858':'"";"^:':^"^"' '"-- Craik, J. Old and new. i86o^.',.." — The divine life and new birth. 1876 Davids. T. W. Rhys. Lectures on the ongm and growth of religion. ,881 Dewey, O. The works of. 1890 DeWitt, J. Sermons on the Ch "to. 1885 Dodd, J. Fifty years' struggle of Scottish Covenanters Dollinpr, John J. Hippolytus and Cal- fii st half of the third century. ,876 Dorchester, D. Christianity in the U. S 1 090 * iristian thf Cf,(J^et, F. Co i St. John. (-. — - St. Luke, ^^'-li St. Paul'^ ans. 2 v. SC. Paul' 2 V ectures in faith. 188, nuindi : a ligion of th thrie, T. T rows. 185 11, E. H. 1 and heresy 1888 milton, T. heaven, its and life. 1 ^re, Augustu truth. 188^ irris, S. Th 1889 " Ifegel. Studie Cg I religion, i ^Umuth, J. C 1 2 I and their gi R|nton, L Th coming of t ^^4jTii Philosophy a Holland, H. S. ~ The problem of religious progress' ' ' ' c'' ^ "■"""' Driver S. R. Critical notes on the inter national Sunday-school les.v 1890 J. Sioi los from the Bibk C32^ ig^ ■■ "■ -v-dsons for Du Bose. H. C. The'dragon.' image and °'"^ch:'-V'-":"J-— '-Anti: '^'"'o/thio^d '"':°'l--^'"" t« the study ot ttie Old restament. 1888 ^""tsg^^; ^' ^'^'^'"'"'''^ to young men! — Discourses on the doctrines of Chris- tianity. 1890* — Lectures to young women. 1890. .... — Early religious education. 1890 mtarianism defined. 1890. ranscendentalism Farley, F. u Frothingham, O. B. T in New England. 1886 .Vflttorne, G. Ac of psalms. Ifertoi], R. F. C,p 4 1889 Huxley, T. H. and reviews ' luring, G. C. P sermons. 1 es, A. The life. 1 888.. lisch, M. M. g, Lord Cha) the constitu church. 184 g, T. S. Ch sermons. 81 idlaw, John. Lord. 1890 Cji^ndsey, «.harles HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. A plain argument for issbank corrc- I its scriptural its truths and f f'oi-j,'ivenoss prayer. 1890 lal christian- Ronia an.s. itlals reli- Prfsb3U>rian s of roniark- ovival inci- 5o nil. 1876.. ures on the Kion. 1 88 1 1890 li Cliristian ■gle of tlii> IS and Cal- vonie in the iry. 1876. . n the U. S. ogress .... 1 the inter- Jssons for image and ligions of 1 to Anti- the study 18 "iig men. C-ii-'i of chris- i8go 890 sd. J 890. Jentahsni C3: 'ullerton, G. S. God Jannett, E. S. Unitarian minister in Boston, 1824-71 : a memoir. 1884.. viberne, Agnes. Daily evening rest ; or thoughts of peace about the Master. ,' i8S,3 JUfillan, George. The poets and poetry of the Bible. 1853 3od ill his world. An interpretation COi***^^'' ''"• Commentary on the gospel of St. John. 2 V. i8c,o C44S-7 Cs«"f M;"'? '^- '*^75 C443-4 • -'■sr t>t. Paul s hrst epistle to Corinthi- ,, _ ; ans. 2 V ■ Wf- Sft Paul's epistle to the ' ' 2 V ectures in defence of the Christian faith. i88j niundi : a series of studies in the re- ligion of the incarnation. 5th ed hrie, T. The city : its sins and sor- rows. 1857 II, E. H. Ten lectures on orthodoxy and heresy in the Christian church. 1 888 milton, T. Beyond the stars : or, heaven, its inhabitants, occupations, and life. 1889 re, Augustus a;t(/ J. C. Guesses at truth. 1889 rris, S. The self-revelation of God. 1889 fiNgel. Studies in Hegel's philosophy of CgJ religion. 1890 E|ellinuth, J. The divine dispens.itions Ci2$ -I"" their gradual development. 1866 mnton, J. The law-breaker : and the I coming of the law. 1884 ^43"^ Philosophy and religion. 1884 Hand, H. S. Christ or ecclesiastes • sermons. 1888 rne, G. A commentary on the book of psalms. 1849 '^'^Jl' ^' ^' '"i^P'ration and the Bible. 1 889 xley, T. H. Lay sermons, addresses and reviews. 1871 Iliringf, G. C. Parish, school and college j sermons. 1867 es, A. The new man and the eternal life. 1888 f^^,„ ,. C470 hsch, M. M. Bible studies. 2 v. 1878 CS19-20 ' e. Lord Chancellor. An inquiry into the constitution of the primitive church. 1843 ig, T. S. Christianity and humanity : sermons. 8th ed. 1888 .'. . idlaw, John. Lord. 1890. idsey, Charles. C333 C528 C326 C.S90 C600 C441-2 C439-40 C5'5 C424 Cs8s C555 C502 C500 C92 C3.30 CS9' C474 C475 C501 C569 CS17 C426 Cs8i C.sqf C53; C53i CS3| CS' The miracles of our Rome in Canada : the Cs7i C320 CS2I • tramontane struggle for supremacy I. .'er the civil .-luthority. 1877 Luckock, H. M. The bishops in the tower. 1887 — Studies in the history of the book of common prayer. 3rd ed. 1889 Luthardt, C. E. Apologetic lectures on thefundamentaltruthsofChristianitv 7th ed. 1888 \ ■ The moral truths of Christianity. 4th ed. 1889 _ The saving truths of Christianity. Sthed. 1886 ■; Lynch, Archbishop. Answers to ques- tions and objections concerning Catholic doctrine and practices. Reviewed by Rev. T. Fen wick. 1890 Macdonald, George. Unsopken ser- mons : 1st series. 1887 2nd series. 1889 Marsh, E. G. life. The book of psalms. . , Martineau, J. Studies of Christianity — Endeavors after the Christian 1890 Matheson, G. Growth of the spirit of Christianity. 2 v. 1877 Mattison, H. Spirit-rapping unveiled. '85s Maurice, F. D. Learning and working, 6 lectures ; and the religion of Rome, and its influence on modern civiliza- tion, 4 lectures- 1855 — The prayer book and the Lord's prayer. 1880 — The religions of the world, and their relations to Christianity. 6th ed. 1886 May, S. J. Memoir of. 1890 Metcalf, R. Letter and spirit. 1890... Meyrick, F. The doctrine of the church "Lf "^''*"'' o" 'h'-' holy communion. I 008 Monsell, J. S. B. The beatitudes. ^866 Montgomery, M. 'VV. The Mormon de- lusion Moody, 'D. L. Choice sermons and ad- dresses. 1886 — Select works Morison, J. H. Notes on the Gospels • Mathew. 1884 . — The great poets as religious teachers. 1886 Mowat, Oliver. Christianity and some of its evidences. 1890 Muller, F. Max. Natural religion : Gif- ford lectures, 1888 Munger, T. T. The appeal to life! Sermons. 1889 Murphy, J. G. Commentary on the book of Psalms. •875 National needs a kJ remedies : the discus- C42S C47, C472 C461 C462 C463 C598 C496 C497 CS72 CS3' CS42 C436-7 CS7.S CS09 Cso8 C468 CS43 CS29 C476 Csio C344 C433 C43f C55« C337 C59S C318 C336 C438 PI SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, s.ons of the general Christian con- ference held in Boston, Mass., Dec 4th, sth and 6th, 1889 " Ciiq Newman, J. H., Carc/inal. The Arians ot the fourth century. 6th ed. 1890 - Pahner, William. Notes of a visit to the Russian church, in the years 1840-41 : selected and arranged by Cardinal Newman. 1882 Newton, R. Bible models Norton, A. A statement of reasons for not believing the doctrines of Trini- tarians concerning the nature of God and the person of Christ. 1890 — The evidence of the genuineness of the gospels. 1890 Noyes, G. R. A new translation of Job, Lcclesiastes and the Canticles. 6th ^'^- '«90 cs6, Of the Hebrew prophets. 2 v. 1890 C5S9.60 Of the book of Psalms and of the Proverbs. 7th ed. 1886 — The New Testament : translated from the Greek text of Tischendorf. 1888 — A collection of theological essays from various authors. 1880 Ordericus Vitalis. The ecclesiastical history of England and Normandv. 4v. 185J ; Oxenden, A. Portraits from 1868 CSM C514 C494 C546 Cs62 Still hours. 1886 Christian theism : objections C41 c, C449- C453 C45S C558 CS57 C550 the Bible. Oxford house papers ; . . a series of papers for working men, written by members C23-26 CS87 of the university of Oxford. First series. 1890 Parker, T. Views of religion. 1890.. Parks, L. His star in the east • a study in the early Aryan religions. 1887. . Peabody, A. P. Christian consolations : sermons. 1890 Pearse, M- G. Some aspects of the blessed life — Homely talks. 1889 Pfleiderer, Z>>-. Otto. Philosophy of re- ligion on the basis of its history. 4 V. 1 006 r^ _. ., ^ C427-30 Philochnstus. Memoirs of a disciple of the Lord. 1878 , Phillimore, R. The principal' ecclesias- tical judgments delivered in 1867- •87s ' Cs73 Pierson, A. T. Crisis of missions C322 Poole, R. L. A history of the Huguenots ot the dispersion at the recall of the edict of Nantes. 1880 Presbyterian clergyman looking for the church. 1853 Reynolds, J. W. Th miracles. 1881 — The mystery of the universe mon faith. 1884 Robinson, H. The Zurich letters. ^866 C601 C549 C328 CS27 CS04 C516 C389 Rothe, R. Row, C. A. urged against it, considered and refused Schaff, P. Christ and Christianity. 188^ — History of the Christian church : apos- tolic Christianity : A. D. i-ioo. 2 v 1883 ] Ante-nicene. Christianity: A. D. 100- 325- 2 V. 1889 - - Nicene and post-nicene Christianity : A. D. 31 1-600. 2 V. 1884 Medieval Christianity : A. D. 590-1073. - The teaching of the twelve apostles. '889 ^ , School of life : seven addresses delivered during the London mission, 1885, to public school men q. Sclater, W. The original draught of the primitive church. 1840 Cs) Scott, A. Buddhism and Christianity : a parallel and a contrast. 1890 Qv Scripture readings for use in the public and high schools of Ontario. 1885. Cs- Sewell, Miss. Readings for every dav m Lent. 1864 ". Ci Sims. A. honey from the rock of ages. '890 ° ^.^ Smith, W R. Lectures on the religion of the Semites. 1889 . q — The prophets of Lsrael and their place in history. 1882 ; . . Smyth, N. Personal creeds : or how to form a working theory of life. 1890 Staunton, W. A dictionary of the church. 1839 Stead, W T. The Pope and "the new era : being letters from the Vatican in 1889 • _ t hom, J. H, of Chris *— - 2nd seri "thomas a K tr. by W Thomas, H land, i: l^rench, R. church 1 Unitarian aP given in IJnitarianisn 1890 Vincent, M. New Tes yoice from I and front alker, J. The theok land. iS ^are, H. cliaractoi H.,jr, 1890 life of CqI C5;;| ie mystery of C467 CS79 C493 our com- C4S7 Cs7o Stephen, C. E. The service of the poor : being an inquiry into the reasons for and against the establishment of religious sisterhoods for charitable purposes. 1871 Storrs, R. S. The divine origin' of Christianity indicated by its historical eiiects Stoughton, J. History of religion ' in tngland : from the opening of the Long Parliament to the end of the i8th century. 6 v. 1881 — Religion in England under Queen Anne and the Gfeorges, 1702- 1800. 2 v. 1878 Strachey, E. Hebrew politics in the times of Sargon and Sennacherib. '853 C.34| Witt. uWiiMrning for ss Talmaofe, T. De life. Sermons — Crumbs swept up q c — The abominations of modern society . . CsS are, ]'•• The are, M. L. wife of H aylen, E. of the Un eir, J. F. means of eiss, B. A the New ' Cy fWilberforce, J infidelity, 1888 ilkins, W. J ilson, J. firmed b; I S90 . . . . " brld's Sund£ don, July uttke, A. ( C-, i^rougham, H theolog}'. (Se. Baringf-Gould, niiddli Brown, R. 1 ical invest: Bryant, J. A of antient poUignon, M. relation to ox, G. Vv. science of and folk-lo urtin, J. My Russians. Myths and l\ C4S2 C^Xo C^i HAMILTON PUBLIC LiBRARVi 186 m : objections tisidered and stianity. 1885 :hurch : apos- . i-ioo. 2 V. y : A. D. 100- christianity : 884 L. 0.590-1073. !lve apostles. . . . I ses delivered ion, 1885, to ■aught of the iristianity : a 1890 n the public ario. 1885. every day C3, C. C449- C45' C4S3 C4SS ' C4, ick of ag-es. the religion their place : or how to life. 1890. ^y of the d the new B Vatican in f the poor : "easons for shnient of charitable origin of > historical eligion in ng of the Jnd of the ;r Queen 2-r8oo. 2 s in the nacherib. <^-»' thorn, J. H. Laws of life after the mind of Christ, ist series. 1886 — - - 2nd series. 1886 Thomas a Kempis. Imitation of Christ : tr. by W. Benham. 1877 Thomas, H. P. The church and the land. 1887 iPrench, R. C. Lectures on mediasval church history. 1886 I^nitarian affirmations : seven discourses given in Washington, D. C. 1890.. Unitarianism : its origin and history. 1890 Vincent, I\l. R. Word studies in the Xi'w Testament. 2 v. 18S9. , yoice from tlie back pews to the pulpit J and front seats. 1872 alker, J. Sermons. 2 v. 1890 The theology and theologians of Scot- land. 1888 fare, H. Formation of the christian character. 1890 ^are, H., jr. iMemoir of Henry Ware, jr. 1890 ■ The life of the Saviour. 1884 ^are, AL L. Memoir of Mary L. Ware, wife of Henry Ware, jr. 1880 .' /aylen, E. Ecclesiastical reminiscences of the United States. 1846 ^eir, J. F. The way : the nature and means of revelation ftias, B. A manual of introduction to the New Testament. 2 v. 1887 niberforce, Caftoit. The trinity of evil : infidelity, impurity, intemperance. Cc M 1888 "Wilkins, W. J. Modern Hinduism. 1887 ^ilsOD, J. Unitarian principles con- C,3, Ji firmed by Trinitarian testimonies. * 1 890 World's Sunday-school convention ': Lon- ,| don, July I to 6, 1889 C338 Wuttke, A. Christian ethics C-, Jprougham, H. Discourse theology. 1835 C464 C465 Cir4 Csn C488 C.S56 C5.S2 C93-4 Cs8o C.S44 C491 ^-"547 ' Cs53 C5S4 Cs66 C568 C495 C458-9 C466 C89 C563 2 V. 1873 C489-90 of natural • C482-I C48o- C5>i ming for society . MYTHOLOGY. (See also Folk-lore, o« page i^.) Baring-Gould, S. Curious myths of the middle .-iges. 1888 Jrown, R. The unicorn : a mytholog- ical investigation. 1881 '. Jryant, J. A new system or an analysis of antient mythology. 6 v. 1807.. ;ollignon, M. Manual of mythology : in relation to Greek art. 1890 .OX, G. Vv. An introduction to the science of comparative mvtho!o"-v and folk-lore. 1883 ". . . .^' ;urtin, J. Myths and folk-tales of the Russians. 1890 Myths and folk-lore of Ireland. 1890. . D542 C612 C605 C6o6-ii C617 C61S C618 C492 Myths and myth-i akers. Fiske, John. 1888 ... Gill, Wm. Myths and songs from the South Pacific. 1876 Gould, C. Mythical monsters. 1886. Keightley, T. The fairy mythology. C613 C616 C614 C604 BIBLE CONCORDANCE. Young, Robert. Analytical concordance to the Bible on an entirely new plan. '^'^' R220.2V DICTIONARIES OF RELIGION. Brewer, E. C. A dictionary of miracles • imitative, realistic and dogmatic. 1 00 J. 0/> Xi Blunt, J. H. Dictionary of sects, heres- "'' les, ecclesiastical parties and schools of religious thought. 1886 R203 82 Dictionary of illustrations adapted to christian teaching. 1877 R203 D Gardner, Rev. J. The faiths of the world: a dictionary of all religions and of religious sects R203 G Inglis, A'lw. James. The Bible text cyc- „. '"P'^'^'a .R220.3B Kitto, John. A cyclopedia of Biblical '862 R220.3 K cyclo- 2 v. Bible dictionary. 4 v R220.3 L R220.3 S R220.7 R 2 20. 44 literature. 3 v. Lawson, Rev. John. Imperial pedia of Biblical knowledge i88i ^ Smith, Dr. Wm. 1889 THE BIBLE. Bible commentary. The Holy Bible: with an explanatory and critical commentary, ed. by Rev. F. C Cook, M. A. 13 V. 1871 ."...' Biblia Hebraica, inprimis Everardi van der Hooght, addidit Augustus Hahn. '839 Bible. The Holy Bible : being the auth- orized version arranged in parallel columns with the revised version. „ '««5 R220.S2 Bonomi, J. Nineveh and its palaces. „ '°57 R220.91 B Van-Lennep, Rev. H. J. Bible lands ; their modern customs and manners. _ . '°7S R220.91 L Smith, Dr. W. Dictionary of Christian antiquities. 2 v. 1880 R220.93 S Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament : with an introduction by Dr. Fuerst R221.03 F AT! -?"'* English Lexicon of the Old Testament: from the Latin of Gesenius. 1854 ^ MISCELLANEOUS. Schaff, Philip. The creeds of Christen- dom, with a history and critical notes. 3v .03 G R238 % 1<5 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, Palmer, W. Introduction to early Chris- tian symbolism. 1885 R246 Blair, Hugh. Sermons. 4V. 1802.... R252 B Pinnock, Rev. W. H. Law of the Rubric and transition period of the Church of England. 1866 R264 P Society for propagation of the gospel in foreign parts. 3 v. 1841 R266 Relations des Jesuites : contenant ce qui s'est pass^ de plus remarquable dans les missions des peres de la Com- pagnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle- France. 3 V. 1858 R266.271 C Contents: V. i. Embrassant les ann^es 1611-1636 et la period de 1632 i 164 1. V. 1. Embrassant les ann^es de 1642 il 1655. V. 3. Embrassant 1656 i 1672, Mission du Canada. Relations intdites de la Nouvelle-France, 1672-79, pour faire suite aux anciennes relations 1615-1672. 2v. 1S61.: R266.271 M Mosheim, John L. An ecclesiastical his- tory, ancient and modern. 6 v. 1826 R270 M Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy : the Catholic reaction. 2 v. 1886. . .R270.S S Montalembert, Count <ie. The monks of the west : from St. Benedict to St. Bernard. 7 v. 1861 R271 Foley, Henry, ed. Records of the Eng- lish Provinceof the Society of Jesus : Facts illustrative of the labors and sufferings of its members in the i6th , and 17th centuries. 8 v. 1877 R271.S F Steinmetz, A. History of the Jesuits : from the foundation of their society to its suppression y Pope Clement XIV. 3V. 1848 R271.SS Beattie, W. The Waldenses : or Protest- ant valleys of Piedmont and Dau- phine. 1838 R272.3 Burnet, G. History of the reformation of the church of England. 2 v. 1880.R274.2 B Foxe, John. Acts and monuments. 8 v. 1841 R274.2 F Evans, J. A sketch of the denominations of the Christian world. 1807 P 280 Sadlier's Catholic directory : reports of all dioceses, etc. 1890 R282 Catholic congress, Baltimore, 1889. Sou- venir volume, by W. H. Hughes .... R282.73 Contents: (i) Tlie ccnten.iry celebrations. (2) Proceedings of the first Americin Catho- lic congress. (3) Dedication of the Catholic university. Bettridge, W. A brief history of the church in Upper Canada. ' 1838 .... R283.713 Cleland, AVf.*W. History of the Pres- byterian church in Ireland R285.2 C Wylie, Rev. J. A. Disruption worthies : a memorial of 1843 : historical sketch of the Free church of Scotland R28S.6 Fergusson, James. Tree and serpent worship : ill. of mythology and art in India. 1873 R294 F Koran, The : comntonly called the Alcor- an of Mohammed : with explanatory notes and a preliminary discourse by G. Sale. 1836 R297 Muller, F. Max, ed. Sacred books of the East : trans, by various Oriental scholars. 2i^- '^79 R299.7 Soc Contemporar , — Criminal, ' • — Evolution Sutton . . , ^ Evolution c — Hypnotism — Origin of t 7; — Physiognoi Manteifaz ! — Primitive f; ,; — Sanity and ; — Village CO Gonime . . ' En(i:lish Citiz( — Electorate, ; by S. Wal • — National bu — Justice and ; — Poor law, 1 — Punishment by E. F. I , — State in its H. Craik International i — Physiology Legrange — Socialism, Graham. . Affection's gifi 7 Andrews, Wn % 1890 I Bernard, M. macy. 18 Blair, H. W. ment. i8f ''1 Booth, W. In way out. - Second cc IClarkson, C. 1 ICowell, G. L |Doty, Alvah H in the princ injured. I civil use. |Fison, L. Kar marriage .1 iFitch, S. S. lungs. 27 fFothergrill, j. 1 needs and HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. II SOCIOLOGY. " Rpmemberthat he who u-ould make permanrnt additions to the stock 0/ human knowledge must thoroughly knofv what has been done already. For the future belongs to him 7vho can thoroughly appre- date the achievements of the past."— Pv.of. Cairo. Sociology in General. Contemporary Scieiioe Series. — Criminal, The : by H. Ellis — Evolution and disease : by J. B. Sutton — Evolution of sex : by P. Geddes — Hypnotism : by Dr. Moll — Origin of the Aryans : by I. Taylor. . — Physiognomy and expression : by P. Mantetrazza — Primitive family : by C. N. Starcke . . — Sanity and insanity : by Dr. Mercier. . — Village community, The : by G. L. Gomme Enfflish Citizen Series. — Electorate, The, and the legislature : by S. Walpole — National budget. The : by A. J. Wilson — Justice and police : by F. W. Maitland — Poor law, The : by T. W. Fowle — Punishment and prevention of crime : by E. F. Du Cane — State in its relation to education : by D465 D466 D461 D464 D467 D463 D396 D460 D462 H. Craik loternational Scientific Series. Physiology of bodily exercise : by Dr. and old : by W. Legrange . Socialism, new Graham lAffection's gift. 1855 [Andrews, Wm, Old-time punishments. 1890 |Bernard, M. Four lectures on diplo- macy. 1868 |Blatr, H. VV. The temperance move- ment. 1888 (Booth, W. In darkest England : and the way out. i8qo - Second copy ^Urkson, C. T. Police ! 1889 .owell, G. Lectures on cataract. 1883 )0ty, Alvah H. A manual of instruction in the principles of prompt aid to the injured. Designed for military and civil use. 1890 nson, L. Kamilaroi and Kurnai : group marriage and relationship. 1880. . . (Fitch, S. S. On the functions of the lungs. 27 ills. 1854 |Fothersrill, J. M. The town dweller :Tiis needs and his wants. 1889 D488 D489 D487 I>53« D48S D486 D559 D570 DS39 D567 D512 D578 D522 D526 D523 D379 D395 D527 D540 .D.S82 The progress of so- Hamilton, Robert ciety. 1830. . Haweis, H. R. Current coin. 1883 Contents : Short discourses on m.iterial- ism ; the devil ; crime ; pauperism ; drunken- ness ; emotion ; recreation ; obiter dicta. Hunt, Freeman. Worth and wealth : a collection of maxims. 1856 Huth, A. H. The marriage of near kin. '875 Jones, W. Finger-ring lore. 1877 Ko^h, Prof. Cure for consumption (tuber- culosis) popularly explained. 1890. , Lubbock, Sir J. Pleasures of life. 74th thousand. 1890 — - Second copy Contents : The duty of happiness ; the hanpine«s of duty ; a song of books ; choicfe of hooks ; blessing of friends ; value of time • pleasures of travel ; pleasures of home : science ; education. Part 2. Ambition ; wealth ; health ; love ; art J poetry i music; beauties of nature; troubles of life ; labour and rest ; religion ; hope of progress ; destiny of man. Mackey, A. G. Lexicon of freemason- ry- i8ss McKendrick, J. G. Outlines of physio- logy in its relations to man. 1878. . Peck, J. L. Kingdom of the unselfish : or, empi-e of the wise. 1889 Piatt, James. Business. 1889 — Money. 1889 ; — Life. 1889 "' '" Pollock, F. Oxford lectures and other discourses. 1 890 Porter, G. R. The progress of the Eng- lish nation. 3 v. 1836 RoutledgfC, J. Chapters in the history of popular progress. 1876 Seeley, J. R. Lectures and essays Shakespeare. The psychology of Shakespeare, by J. C. Bucknill. 1859 Tuke, D. H. Chapters in the history of the insane in the British isles. 1882. Ward, J. Experiences of a diplomatist, being recollections of Germany, 1 840-70 Wilscn, A. A manual of health science. 1890 0587 Ds28 Ds86 D456 D600 D564 0563 DS38 D4.S4 D601 D561 D562 Ds6o DS83 D53S-7 D470 D477 D482 D484 D4S1 D449 BrAdy, J. A compendious analysis of the calendar. 2 v. 1815 Buckingham, J. S. The coming erq of practical reform R304 B R300 12 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, |ti) f'l — National evils and practical remedies . R.304 B2 Lum, D. D. The why I ams R304 VV Hone, W. The every-day book : or jfuido to the year. 4 v. 1 825 R308 Barkei's facts and fijfuros for the year 1891 r R.310 B Kolb, G. Fr. Tlie condition of nations : social and political Rj'o K Statesman's year-book : staflstical and historical, for 1889. Kd. bv ]. Scott Keltic ;. .' R,vo S Statistical year-book of Canada, 1889 . . R317. 1 S SpofTord, A. R, American almanac. '889 R3,7.3 S World almanac and bureau of informa- tion, 1891 R.^iy.^ W Buchanan, Isaac. The relations of the industry of Canada with the mother country and the United States. 1864 R380 Canada official postal g-uide. 1890 R383.71 Chambers, R. The book of days : a miscellany of popular antiquities in cortnection with the calendar. 2 v . R390 C Tuer, A. W. The follies and fashions of our grandfathers R390 T Costumes of all nations, ancient and modern, with 104 coloured plates, displaying nearly 2,000 full-length figures. 1882 R391 C Martin, C. Civil costume of England. 1842 R391 C2 Women in sacred history. 1874 R396 Bohn, H. G. A polyglot of foreign pro- verbs. 1889 ^ R398.9 B — Proverbs, handbook of. 1857 R398.9 B2 Philosophy. Baldwin, J. M. Hand-book of psycho- logy. 1889 D410 Calderwood, H. Relations of mind and brain. 2nd ed. 1884 D602 Collins, F. H. An epitome of the syn- thetic philosophy. i88g D414 Combe, G. The constitvtion of man. 1849 H1051 Dabne^, Robert L. The sensualistic philosophy of the nineteenth century. 1875 D442 Erdmann, Johann Edward. History of philosophy. 3 v. 1891 D58-60 Galton, F. Inquiries into human faculty and its development. 1883 D481 Hegel. Hegel's aesthetics : a critical ex- position by J. S. Kedney. 1885 D432 Janet, P. Final causes. 1883 D483 Kant, I. The critical philosophy of Kant by E. Caird. 2 v. 1889. D524-5 — The philosophy of law. 1887 0516 — Green, 'T. H, Works. Review of Caird's philosophy of Kant, v 3. pp. '26-'.17 ." D2S9 Krauth, C. P. A vocabulary of the philo- sophical sciences. 1877 0441 Ladd, G. T. Elements of physiological p>^ychology. 1890 A538 Lightwood, J. M. The nature of posi- tive law. 1883 D471 Maurice, I-". D. The conscience: lec- tures on casuistry. 1K83 1^476 Sedgwick, H. The niolluHls of ethics. '8«4 1)455 Thomson, \V. An outline of the neces- sary laws of thought. 1882 D571 Zeller, E. Outlines of the historv of Greek philosophy. 1886... . . 1^450 Mind : a quarterly review of psychology and philosophy, 1876 to 1884 K105 M Leland, C. G. Gipsy sorcery and for- tune-telling. Illustr.-ited by luimer- ous incantations and tales. ' 1891 . . . R 133.4 '- Cadwell, J. \V. How to mesmerize. •'*«3 R134 C Sizer, N. Heads and faces, iiow to study them. 1886 R139 Kant, 1. Critiqueof pure reason : tr;ins. by J. Meiklejohn. 1887 R142 Richardson, B. W. On alcohol. 1880 R178 R Burgess, VV. The liquor traffic ;ind com- pensation 1^ 1 78.5 Bacon, F. The works of : edited by Spedding. 5 V. 1857 R192. 1 Political Science. Duff, M. E. G. Miscellanies : political and literary. 1878 D51 1 Fiske, J. American political ideas. 1885 D514 — Civil government in the United States. 1891 D581 Lefroy, A. H. F. The British versus the American system of national govern- ment. 1891 D572 Palgrave, R. F. The house of commons : illustrations of its history and prac- tice. 1878 D478 Practical politics. 1881 D507 P.irt I. The tenant farmer, by J. Howard. " 2. Foreign policy, by M. E. G. DiifF. " 3. Freedom of land, by G. S. Lclevre. " 4. British colonial policy, by Sir I). Wedderburn. Rannie, D. W. Historical outline of the English constitution. 1888 1^417 Seebohm, F. The English village com- munity. 1883 0498 'i Smye, D. Representative government in England. 1882 D496 Todd, A. Parliamentary government in the British colonies, j88o Djy.i ^hite, H. A 1 869 Woolsey, Thee 'i 2 V. 1886. Questions for d "■l nomics, w V 1889 Jfnight, C.,\ c, ' 4 V. 1853. Political cyclof livery one act inlelllffenl the day slumlil most eminent Kurope. Annals of the J^ iitical and s fblitical scienc iert, Paul. L 1889 {foreign office ,' ni.itic and c (griffin, W.-ttson #Hanly, J. L. i ing of Iris s 1872 ■V I Poli ijshley, W. J. ;g lish econom _J; middle age Atkinson, E. 1 >■'• the nation, tonham, J. M. 'i An analvsii 'I the United "St •« the relations I ■I trusts. iteurne, S. Tn ''^ 1880 %mpbell, Heler ,Jji women waj and their liv Prisoners of f .rk and Gidd tributive pn tition and it! ipe, Rufus. T or, the econc and profits a rey, H. C, science. 3 1 iningham, W dustry and early and mi >well, S. A taJces in En 1888 •wle, T. W. ' Iman, N. P.- employer an «chen, G. J. on local tax£ HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. 13 V3- PP- "259 he phik)- ''>44' ologic.'il A53H of posi- ^47- ...... D476 ftliics. 1>4.S5 .' lU'l'lVS- 057, tory of • 13459 cholog'y 4 R<05 M ind for- luimer- 1891 . , . R 1.3.^.4 L smerize. R134 C how to I^>39 : tnms. R142 1880 R178 R lid com- ■ I^'78-5 lited by R192. 1 ice. political Dsii IS. 1885 D514 1 States. D581 rsiis the govern- D.S7- iiimons : id prac- D478 D507 Howard. G. Duff. >. Lcfevre. )>■ Sir I). e of the 04>7 ;e coin- n49.s 5rniTient D496 iment in 057,5 ^hite, H. A ti^uide to the civil service. '^69 D590 roolsey, Theodore D. Political science. -5V. 1886 D411-12 Questions for dobali- in politics .iiid eco- ■j iioiiiics, with subjects for es.says. % . '«»9 R320 l^night, C.,\ cd. Political cyclopedia. 4V. i8,:;3. R320.3K Political cyclopedia, The 3 v. 1888. . .R32Q.3 P liviTV iiiif who w ishi's to think, speak anil act ink'lli^fcntly iinon the jfreat questions of the ilay should study this work, written hy the most eminent speclahsts in America ' and Kurope. ^nals of the American academy of po- .. lilical and social science. 1890 R320.S A Political science quarterly. 1890 R320.15 P Bert, Paul. Les colonies Francaises. ^ '""9 ^325.344 Foreign office list, 1890 : British diplo- ^ niatic and consular hand-book., . ,. R327 (j^iffin, Watson. An Irish evolution R329.942 <3fHanly, J. L. P. The political stand- ' iiiK of Irish Catholics in Canada. ''^7-2 R329.971 I Political Economy. i|Bhley, W. J. An introduction to Eng-- . lish economic history and theory : the f middle ag-es. 1888 Atkinson, E. The industrial progress of -: the nation. 1890 ■onham, J. M. Industrial libertj-. ]888 S .u ^/'t ?"•'>,'>;';''* "f the existing conditions In ; the United States, with special reference to relations to the public of railways and ■W D408 D33 D52I Trade, population and food. -i the trusts. dourne, S. >; 1880 ., Campbell, Helen. Prisoners of poverty : , '5 women wage-workers, their trades I and their lives. 1889 •M Prisoners of poverty abroad qiark a»d Giddings. The modern dis- tributive process : studies of compe- tition and its limits. r888 ipe, Rufus. The distribution of wealth ; or, the economic law.s by which wages and profits are determined. 1890... ■rey, H. C. Principles of social science. 3 v. 1888 iningham, W. Growth of English in- dustry and commerce, during the early and middle ages. 1890 ■ell, S. A history of taxation and ta^es in England to the year 1885. 1888 iwle, T. W. The poor law. i88i Iman, N. P. Profit sharing between employer and employee. 1889 ischen, G. J, Reports and speeches 1872 on local taxation. E596 1^533 DS34 D61 D579 0502-4 D402 D555 D531 D499 D497 Guntin,' G. Principles of social econom- ics. 1891 Harwood, G. The coming democracy. 1882 ■' Hill, O. Our common land : c-savs •«77 :.■." Howell, George. The conllicts of capi- tal and l.iboiir : a history and review ol the trade unions ofGt. Hiitaiii 1 8(^ Ingram, J. K. Ilisiorv of political economy. 1888 Jevons, W. S. Methods of social reform, and other p;ipcrs. i,S83 »......' Loftus, W. R. iMall duty t.ibles. 1857. Macleod, H. D. The eli-ments of eco- nomics. 2 V. 18S1 Marshall, A. The economics of industry. 1889 •' — Principles of economics. i8cp Meath, Earl of , ed. Prosperity or paup- erism? Physical, industrial and technical training. 1888 Moody, \V. G. Land and labor in the I'nited States. 18H3 Newcomb, S. Principles of pt>litical economy Riis, J. A. How the. other half lives. Studies .imong the tenements of New York. 1890 Sidgwick, H. The principles of political economy. 1887 Smith, R. M. Emigration and immigra- tion. 1890 Stephen, J. F. Liberty, equality, Aater- nity. 1874 Sutherst, T. Death .nul disease behind the counter. 1884 Symposium on the land question. 1890. Conteiits : Hssays h>- Auheron Herbert. Sydney Olivier RS. Moff.ttt, Lt.-Col. Scott, M ^r ''l-^^- 'V"r"'-"T''. J. C. Spenee, ftl. Hurscheim, Herbert Spencer, J. B Lawrence. Toynbee, A. Lectures on the industrial revolution of the 18th century in Fne- land. 1887 * Trant, W. Trade unions : their origin and influence. 1884 Twining, L. W'ork-house visiting and management during twenty-five years. 1880 '. . , Walker, F. A. Land and its rent. 1883 — Political economy. 3rd ed. 1888 — The wages question. 1876 Workingman's companion. 1832 "574 D506 W508 D492 0569 I>.505 1^5 • 3 15423-4 D529 D554 D509 D392 D400 D553 D490 D407 0469 D5'7 D510 D532 D491 "493 D520 D406 DS15 D594 Willoughby, \V. F. Child labour. i8qo R331.3 Canada. Report of Royal labor commis- sion on the re"' ...i.s of capital and labor. 6 v. i '^ RT^'.oyi Fisher, J. Landhoii....j^ in England. ... X^^^ •4 SUPPLEMHNT TO CATALOGUE, Import ilutio.s Ifviod ii\ Kuropeaii coim- frios ami I'liitod Stalos K yy F Government yi-ar book : :i ivconl of tlu- fornis aiul tiiolhoils of jjoviTiimiMit ill Cil. Britain, lu-r i\)lonic's ami (br- ei),'-n countries, 1889: ed. by L. Ser- jeant. iHSq. . 1^3^, Sinclair, A. H. Muniiipal monopolies and their nianaxi'meiit. 1891 R352 S Billings, J. S. Publie health and muni- cipal jTovernnient 1<3S^'4 Brassey, AVT. The British navy. 5 v.R354.4i7 B — The naval annual, 1886 R3S4.427 B2 Smith, E. IMson science. 1890 K365.97.3 SOCIALISM. Ely, R. T. French and German social- ism in modern times Graham, W. Socialism, new and old. 1 890 Kaufmann, M. .Socialism: its nature, its dangers and its remedies considered. ■874 — Utopias : or schemes of social improve- ment. 1879 Kirkup, T. An inquiry into socialism. 1888 Plea for liberty. An arjfument afjainst socialism and socialistic leufislation. 1891 Contonts : Intmdiictioii-From fivodom tn boiid.iffe, Hrrbert Spenci-r ;-Inipmitii;il-iillty of soci.nlism, E: S. Kobi-rtson ; Limits of Liherty, W. Donisthorpu ; The true lim- of dfli\iT- .nrcc. (Hon. A. Horbort ; Liberty 'or L.ibor, G. Howell, M. V. ; Socl.ilisni M tfie .niitipodes, C. b.-iirfield ; Workinjr-cl.iss discontent, K. Vincent j Investment, T. M.ick.iy ; Free edii- c.-ition, Kev. B. H. Alford ; Housing of the poi>r, M. A. R.iffalo\ico ; The st.-ite ,ind elec- tric distribution, F. W. B. Gordon ; I'ost- oflico, F.; Free libmries, M. I). O'Brien. Socialism. Fabian essays.. D568 „ Essays by G. B. Sh.iw, Sidney Webb, W. Clarke, S. Olivier, Annie Besant, G. Wallas and H. Bland. Woolsey, T. D. Coninnmism and social- ism. 1888 D^,q R3.35 D440 R570 D501 D500 '35 "9 D580 Schaack, Capt. Anarchy and anarchists: communism, socialism and nihilism, in dcjctrine and in deed. 1889 FINANCE. Adams, H. C. Public debts. 1888 Bohm-Bawerk, Eugen V. Capital and interest. A critical history of econo- mical theory. 1890 Dexter, S. A treatise on co-operative savings and loan associations. 1889 Jevons, W. S. Investigations in cur- rency and finance. 1884 Kellogg-, E. Labor and capital ; a new monetary system. 1861 Madeod, H. D. The theory and prac- tice of banking. 2 v, 1883 D457-8 D480 D62 D404 D479 D.393 Parnell, 5»V Henry. On financial reform. i Cf\r\i •«.1o 058^ *'*^"' Walker, F. A. Money. 1883 D40 Wilson, A. J. The national British Alnos, .S. Priii budget. 1882 D4S , tution Abson, W. R. James, E. J. Education of business men: -, "''" f'" "w"'' an .iddress to the American banker's ^ «)?u association. 1891.... Rt12 ». J. . , Mills. C. H. Honest tnoney. ,879 R336 J ^ erm-j """.' Powis, W. Sinking fund and instalment Oe Lolme, L. tables. i88q K136.-, - England.., ' Wcey, A. V. I PROTECTION AND FREE TRADE, • tion. 1889. D It. • 1 r . .^ Freeman, E. A. tJOtn sides ot the tariff question, by the constitution worlds leading men. 1889 D5;I|(illam, H. C Ely, R. T. Problems of to-d;iy : a dis- England. 1 cussion of protective tariffs, taxation Hf arn, VV. E. and monopolies; 18S8 Di^S^^ ^nd ed. r8S Fawcett, H. Free trade and protection : "^y,',"^'''^-,^- 6th ed. t88c Dao** t-.'iKl'i'id. 4 '^ _1^ ^•♦^Ittnnie, D. W. _ . English con: Debate : For free trade : Hon. W. C. P. SlUbbs, VV. Ci Breckenridge. F'or protection : Hon. England. 4 W. McKinley R337 ^fme, David. -.'■ ment in Eng T nxwt — 'iSelect charter '-•*W. \! of English „ . • ' 6th ed. i88(; Bucknell, J. C. The care of the insane and their legal control. 1880 D46 w Hall, \V. E. A treatise on international Houston, W., ed, l.'iw. 1890 Djo ''f the Can.-ic Haynes, F. O. Outlines of equity : ele- mentary lectures on equity juris-dic- ] tion. 1880 D56 % Hastie, W. Outlines of the science of Child's health pri jurisprudence. 1887 D40 ence to the e Paterson, J. The liberty of the press, -i "P."" ^he hutr speech and public worsbin. 1880. . . D4;*^''°'".^^ "^ ^h — Commentaries on the I. s of Eng- C^aik H^^Th land : relating to the security of the ^>duc;tio., i person. 2 v. 1877 D472.IW, h. N. The Pollock, F. Essays in jurisprudence and Fmebel. Papers ethics. 1882 Dj^^jg garten Rooklidge, J. W. Legal guide. 1868.. D^WP'nian, W. N. Stephen, Sir J. F. History of the crim- " M^.&o&y ■■■■. inal law of England. 3 V. 1883. . . . D6io-i!Br"^°"' ^- ^ Woolsey, T. D. Divorce and divorce K>^l«nd''"G '""p legislation. ,882 D4iMteach'ers of p, us-Boelte, M. Canadian lawyer: a handy book of M ten guide. F the laws and of legal information for ^B ^*' "'^'"^"e. the use of business men, farmers, ^^°u^^ '" ^"' mechanics and others. 1887 R347-7'Ht sSr. Every man his own lawyer and general ' ^■"Hp ph!I,^ . .,„" legal form book. .^88 R347.7 ^r^^. of e Johnson, J. W. Promissory notes and ^■[English] pub! drafts. 1888 R347.7B§ker, F. W. He Parsons, T. Laws of business for all the ^ '890 states and territories of the union ^P''^ ^' ^' ^ and the Dominion of Canada. 1890.R347.7 S reformers. ;iul reform. il Hritish D58 D40 Constitutional Law. ENGLANO. tinc'ss men; 11 bankor's Amos, S. Primor of the En>rlisli lonsti- 048 tiitioii Aaion, \V. R. The law and custt)m of Ihf lonstitution. 18H6 Btgrehot, W. The Enjflish constitution. J, 1888 ■ .„, o Ix^ Fonblanque, A. How we are C.ov. •"79 Kjjb ) erned instalment De Lolme, L. J. The constitution of K336.J _^ Dicey, A. V. The of the constitu- REE TRADE. tion. 1889 Freeman, E. A. Clrowth of the English constitution. 187J D.s^Iflillam, H. Constitutional history of ^ Enjfland. 1485-1760. .3 v. 187J.... Hlarn, VV. F:. Covornment of Knifianil. D.s8^^ 2"d ed. 1886 .... W^y, Sir T. E. Constitutional history of D4c«i '^."^'''"''- 4Hiod. .jv. 187.3 IP""^' '^- '^^'- Historical outline of the English constitution. 1888 Slubbs, W. Constitutional history of P e^i"*^n'"'". -^o""''- ^''- '""•' "^4-6 1<337 ^fne, David. Representative jfovern- 4 nient in Enjfland. 1882 --ftSelect charters and other illustrations . of English constitutional historv 6th ed. 1888 Ion, by the 9 ay : a dis- s, taxation rotection : , W. C. P ion : Hon, D2H5 D.v6 Di.S. D.3J8 Djo 1)3 -7 l>37 n63-.S 1^9' '5445-7 "4 '7 the insane ^80 D4^.M crnational D496 D607 uity : ele- Y juris-dic- CANADA. Hwuston, VV., eJ. Documents illustrative D30 ''' the Canadian constitution. 1891. D608 cience of D56 Education. ;he press, 1880... . of Eng- •ity of the lence and Ckild's health primer, with special refer- D49 m *^"'=e to the effects of alcoholic drinks M upon the human system Djoq onides of Charter Houj- - ' ^ ^ ^ 1868.. the crim- 1883. . . . D610-1' d divorce D41! book of nation for farmers, '7 R347-7 1 general R347-7 lotes and R347-7!! for alt the the union a. 1890.R347.7 j5 ..Wflwomcies 01 »-narter House, by a C.-r "" ;r thusian. 1847 C^k, H. The state in its relation to education. 1884 H. N. The science of education. . «bel. Papers on Froebel's kinder- garten Jman, W. N. On the history of ped- ^gogy y . . . itson, A. Stonyhurst College : its past and present. 1870 Inland, . G. Practical hints for the teachers of public schools. 1890. US-BoBlte, M. and K. J. Kindergarl ten guide. First vol., the gifts. .. . D448 ifire, Helene. Higher education of D472 D5J1 D592 D486 D405 D433 D427, D593 D416 Helene. Ell Tht women in Europe n„f, •enholtz. tu.- .um^ .... , .; ■.• • ' '^S7t> le child and child na- I ture. 1889 The child : an elucidation of Froebel's principles of education. 1877 ■ [English] public schools. iSSi ' o' ^ • ^" ^°^ ^° study geography. 1890 Pck, R. H reformers, Essays on educational D425 D429 D453 D418 DS77 Thrlnfir, E. Theory and practice of liMching. 1889 '. Todhunter, I. The conflict "of "studies' 1H73 Wiebe, E. The paradise of childhood. I no<^ Woodward, /)r. C." 'M.'Maniial' trail.'- nig. 1890 D438 I54.S^ D444 D589 Scripture icrdings for use in the public 'Old high schools of Ont.irio. 1881. R171 ,2 Rowton, |.-. How to conduct a debate.. R;74^: Uyer, C. 1 he university of Cambridge. ^ V. 1814. . Bourtnot, J. ci sciciii'c 111 1889 bridge ••• R178.42 The study of political Caiiadi,-tn universities. R.378-7'3 ADVICE TO YOUNG ME\ AND YOUNG WOMEN. Browne, P. What girls can do : a book for mothers and daughters. 1888. Clark, K. E. D.mger sign.ils : the ene- mies of youth from the business's standpoint Dawson, W. J. The threshold of" "man- hood. 1890 Mathews, W. Getting on'i'n' 'tii"e" world'. 1876 Meredith, M. A. Theoto'k'os. ' " The' ex- ample for woman. 1882 Notes for boys (and their fathers)"on morals, mind and manners. 1888 Pearson, S. Week day living : a book cu-ii"" >■""">? '"'-'" '""1 women. 1882. Shlllito, J. Womanhood : its duties, temptations and privileges. 1879. Success in life : a book for young men. '853 Tiumbull, H. C. Aspirations and influ- ences. 1889 — Character shaping D434 — Duty knowing and doing. 1889 D435 — Ourselves and others. 1889 0^36 — Practical paradoxes. 1889 D437 ~ Seeing and being. 1889 o^^g Whipple, E. P Character and charac- teristic men. 1888 — Success and its conditions. 1888. Young, J. H. Our deportment. 1883 D.130 D432 D426 DS4' D546 D431 DS3o Dsi8 R543 D439 D420 D421 D443 Folk-lore. fSee also Mytholouv, oh page g. ) British folk-lore societv publications. 1: V. 1879 '. ^ Martinengo-Cesaresco, E. Essays in the study of folk songs. 1886 Gregor, Rev. W. Folk-lore of the north- east of Scotland. 1881 Hendefsoa, W. Folk-iore of the north- ern counties of England and the borders. 1879 Gibson, A. C. Folk speech of Cumber- land. 1 869 D595-9 D603 D6i3 D614 D61S i6 SUH#'*.E'^<ENT TO CATALOGUE, i USEFUL ARTS. " t^tur It liiscmvi-eJ In hr III, ,^riind conqueror, riiriching anil dlltUHiiiK up nilthns iiion- riirrly tliaii //>'■ ffrralisl Imlllr.i." ^'lun- niCTIONARlKS. CVCLOI'^' DIAS. Workshop rcrcipts : fov llio uso orin.-mu- l;iiliiri'i-s, iiu't-haiiii's and siu-iititu' amaliMiis. isl si-rk-s. 18HH 2iid sffii's : iK'votoif mainly to siih- joi-ts i\)nni\-U'il with cliemical maiiii- t'ai'turi-s. 1890 ^rd sorios : di'VDli-d mainly to i-ioi-- trii-ai and nu'laJiiiiLnt-a! siibioi-ts. 1889 — - 4th series : devoted mainly tii handi- crafts and iniH-hanieal subjeets. 1890 Dick, \V. H. ICnevt-Kipedia of practical reieipls. i88i) R603 D Knight, K. II. .\'ew mechanical diction- «■"•>■• '«74 R6o,3 K — All rican rnechanical dictionary. 3 i«7-l 'R603K2 Spon's eiU'Vi. 1 ,iedi;i of liie iniliistrial arts, m.-mutactures .iiid commercial K482 E483 E484 E485 products. R603 S Ure, A. Diction.-iry of arts, manufactures ..;-.d mines. 4 v. 1864 R603 U Buchanan, W. M. Dictionary of science and technical terms. 1884 R6os B General Works. Dodd, Ci. Curiosities of industry. 1853 Drew, H. Pens and types : or hints for those who write, etc. 1889 E4,9 Wylde, James, ed. Ind .siries of the world. 2 V R600.3 Szezepanshi, F. Bihliotheca polytech- nica: directory of leclinical literature. 1S90 •■. R60S S Routledge, R. Discoveries and inven- tions of the nineteenth century. 1891 R608 R Rein, J. J. The industries of Japan. i88g R609.S2 Kellogg's standard physiolojfy : also containinjjf index to the Standard manikin. 1890 R612 G Richardson, R. \V. Hygeia : a v of health. 1876 R6' | R Fluckiger anti Hanbury. Pharma >>j i phia. 1879 Engineering ;ind l>tiildin>f record and the enjfineer. 1887-9 RCj,, MKCHANICAL ENC.INKKRING. Barber, T. W. Enjjineer's sketch-book of mechanical movements and details. ( 8go Bjorling, P. R. Pumps. 1890 Brown, H. T. Five hundred and seven mechanic.'d movements. 16th ed. 1888 Clerk, D. The gas engine. 1887 Craik, D. Americm millwright and miller. 1882 Fairbairn, .Kir VV. Useful information for engineers, ist series. 5th ed. 1874 2nd series. 2nd ed. 1867 3rd series Goodeve, T. M. On gas engines. 1889 Perry, J. Steam. 1889 Rose, J. Completi" practical m.achinist. 1 890. Shelley, C. P. B. Workshop appliances. 1888 History of the planing nderion J book. •»got, A. ♦"■'nifer, C American m develop pli.inces Baker, B. numeroi Parsloe, J. Searles, W ,.- 1891 Kv SANl Crimp, VV, i8<;q ... Gerhard, VV. w.istes. Tompkins, C. R mill. 1889. Weisbach, P. J. Mechanics of engineer- ing. VI. Theoretical mechanics. . E,i --V. 2. Part I. Hydraulics and hydraulic motors E,. V. 2. Part 2. Heat, steam and steam engines F:;;, J, blastings, C '-■t I tics, i89( I'-4' Vanning, R E4 1876 ... . I'--)' i iv :« Oownrng, A ,, , » of Amerii • Ifggs all the .,_ i dozen. ' flliott, J. R. g,.jhint, C. L. ■Tt farming. oyd, F. J. 1884 ills, J. Fii Engineering. Trautwine, J. C. Civil engineer's pocket- book. 13th ed. i888 Smith, R. H. Graphics : applied especi- ally to mechanical engineering. (S89 P6m,iJ Bourne, J. Treatise on the steam engine, iitli.d. 1876 Rfi.-i, — Examples of steam, air and gas en gines. 1878 Ro.ii.. , Pray, T. Twenty years with the indi- cator. 1888 R621, Colburn, Z. Locomotive engineering. 2 V. 1871 R621. Cocoer, J. H. On the use of belting. '878 R621.: 61:, V i Holtzappel, C. Turning and mechanical maninulation : practical instruction or, - hlhe. 5 V R62i, Fairbaiin, W. Construction of the Britannia and Conway tubuiar bridges. 2 v. 1849 R624 Be, E. P. J inner. Prof. igetmeier. Breeding .' ■ le and 1 '^.'-Mv., C. H. aners o R620 Hamilton mhrarv. »y MINING. Anderion J. \V. The prospectors hand- l>ot)K. iHHi) F, lO ••got, A. AiiiiU'iits in minos. 1878. . . E509 ■erinjfer, C. A text-book of asNuyinjf. lK(,^> RAILROADS. American r.iihvay, TIu; : its construction, tIfvclDpiiK'iil, in.iii.ip'nuMit ami ap- „, pliarurs, by T. C. Clarke, cic. 1KH.1. '7-9 Kojd. ■ , ,, , ■alcer, H. I.onn-span railway briiljrj.s: iCilN'KKRING. nunicroiis fonmil.x- and tables. 1871). Parsloe, J. Our Kng-lish railway.s. 187H Searles, VV'ni. H. Fit l.l eiiRrineeiiiig. K,, '""' I'v SANITARY. WATEI;.WORKS. Crimp, W. S. Sewage disposal works. J- '^'n 1887 I' - ^'■•""■d- ^^'- ''• Oisposal of iionsehold ' ■"' wastes. 1800 •cord and the i sketch-book tsand det.'kils, 1 8go I'd and seven s. 16th ed. E448 E47 E427 Eso8 E188 I':* i8qo. Blastings, C. W. Water-works statis- tics, i8c)o. loth issue. E498 £564 Esoo Agriculture. Ilwri^ht and iforniatioti for 5th ed. 1874 IM. Ilannins:, R. Sanitary works abroad. K4 '"7b R614M 't I I'-4' .4 Pownmg, A. J. Fruits and fr it-trees ,, n Of America. 1889 £598 IfgCS all the year round at fourpence per Evi '*'"'""• '^'5 E553 ' Blliott, J. R. American farms. 1890... E44 jji.||lint, C. L. Milch cows and dairy- i farming. 1889 ; _ g^^^, )yd, F.J. The science otf agriculture. '««-^ £5,2 Us, J. F irst principles E592 e, E. P. Success with small fruits. . . . E440 nner, Prof. H. First principles. 1890 E593 getmeier, VV. B. The poultry book • .... ...g. , .„y . ., :...,, Breeding and management 7f profi-: the steam •' le and orna nenlal poul* , y. 1873. R636 " ■ • ^''•'' ^C ••"''• C. HO r p \ie dogs : theprize and gas en- t^ laners of 1887 R6i6 7 ckenzie, James. Modern butter- " makmg and dairy machinery. 1888. R637 M - Every day nu-al!i. 7fh ed. 1888 E588 — Little dinners. 1888, l<'e8Q Panton, J. E. Iiom kitchen to garret. Hulls for young householders. 18HH. E591 Commerce, Business, Commu- nica^^ion. Culley, R. S. Practical tcK'graphy. 1885 E487 Rosser. VV. II. Elementary navigation tor young seamen. 1879 g.^g Torrey, H. Practical typewtiting. i8K<, £429 Winslow, R. The law of .artistic copy- '■'K'"- 'H89 !^ Es99 1867 ngines. i88g :al machinist. ip appliances. jf the planing s of engineer- mechanics. . draulics and steam and Roj... ith tho indi- R621. J igineering. 2 R621. ; of belting. i mechanical I instruction ion of the ay tubular R62i.)'| R621.S ES9,- R624I Domestic Economy. '"'^oo'^' ■^'''^^- Domestic Economy. 1 009 lippini, A. The table: how to buy, i cook and serve food. 1889 E^^n irrison, Mrs. B. Statesmen's Dishes, and how to cook them. 1891 £561 BOper, Mary Cookery for invalids. Sthed. 1886 E^^ Smith, J. K. Manual of telegraphy R6^4 S Copyright, national ami international. _ . '*^*^7 R6SS.63 D Price, J. M. Interest tables at c to 10 percent. ,887 '. ,^^58 Oates, C.. T.ibles of sterling exchange. '****-'' R658 T Shorthand. Bishop, G. R. Exact phonography. 1S87 Es68 Cross, J. G. Eclectic shorthand. 1888. FlU, — Dictionary. 1888 g' ^ Graham, A. J. Standard phonography. £573 — Phonographic reader. 1885 £,!. — Second ditto. 1861 g" _, — Phonographic dictionary £--5 Heather, W. Simple shorthand. 1889.. £569 Lindsley, D. P. Elements of tachy- e-'-'phy £570 Munson, J. E. Complete phonographer. '*^"-'> Es77 — Dictionary. 1888 Ec78 Pitman, B. Manual of phonography. '^**9 E580 — Phonographic reader. 1888 £-81 — Second ditto. 1888 Ec82 — Phr.ise-book E«8t — Dictionary. 1888 EiSa. — Reporter's companion. 1889 £c8e Pitman, I. Phonographic manual and teacher. i8go — Di(|;tionary. 1889 E587 ES79 — Xew Testament in phonography. 1886 £556 Thornton, G. The modern stenogra- P'l'"". 1882 Es86 Humphrey's shorthand R653 h Johnson, G. W Canadian school sh. hand. 1889 R6^^ J Byrom's shorthand. 1813 RSsi.di '^'■* id SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, ',im\ Chemical Technology. Brannt, W. T. The manufacture of soap and candles. 1888 E456 Davis, C. T. The manufacture of bricks, tiles, teira-cotta, etc. 1889 E438 Hodgetts, E. A. B. Liquid Fuel. 1890. E502 Lunge, G. The distillation of coal-tar and ammoniacal liquor. 1882 E529 Piesse, G. W. S. The art of perfumery. '^55 E525 Watt, A. Art of soap-making. 3rd ed. '887 E4S5 Workshop receipts, for the use of manu- facturers, mechanics, etc. 4 V R660 S Lunge, G. The manufacture of sulphuric acid and alkali, with the collateral branches. 3 V. 1880 R661.2 Vol. I, Sulphuric acid. 309 illustrations. Vol. II. Soda (the Lcblaiic process). 267 illustrations. Vol. III. Ble.-iching powder, chlorate of Potash, and .ippendices. 135 illustrations. Drinker, H. S. Explosive compounds and rock drills. 1883 R662.2 D Eissler, M. The modem high explosives — nitro-glycerine, dynamite. 1889. . R662.2 E Crookes, W. Treatise on metallurgy steel, fifel. 1870 R669 C Percy, J. Manufacture of Russian sheet- iron. 1871 R669. 1 — Metallurgy: silver and gold. 1875.. R669.2 Lead. 1875 • R669.4 Fuel, etc. 1875 R669.8 Trades. Manufactures. BLACKSMITHING AND HOl^SESHOEING. Richaruson, M. T. Practical blacksmith- ing. 2 V. 1888 E421-2 — The practical horseshoer. 1890 E450 Rich, G. E. Artistic horseshoeing. 1890 E442 BOOKBINDING. PRINTING. Zaehnsdorf, J. W. Art of bookbinding. 1880 ES05 Jacobi, C. T. A practical trejltise on the art of typography. 150 ills. 1890. . • ES04 Johnson, J. Typographia : or the print- ers' instructor. 2 V. 1824 R6ii5 Mackeilar, T. The American Printer. 17th ed. 1889 E433 Thomas, I. The history of printing in America, 2 v. 1874 R655. 137 Watt, A. Paper-making E503 W ood, H. T. Modern methods of illus- trating books. 1887 E430 PAINTING. Arlot, M. Coach painter's guide. 1888. . E451 Schriber, F. Complete carriage and wagon painter. 1887 MISCELLANEOUS. £452 Pattern book for jewellers, gold and silversmiths R671 Davis, C. T. The manufacture of leather. 1885 R675 Building. Blinn, L. J. Practical workshop com- panion for tin, sheet-iron and copper- plate workers E45; Burn, R. Scott. Building construction : showing the employment of brick- work and masonry in the practical construction of buildings. 2 v. 1S76 £423-4 Hatfield, R. G. Theory of transverse strains and its application in the con- struction of buildings. 3rd ed. 1889. E434 Powell, G. T. Foundations and founda- tion walls, forall classes of buildings. 3rd ed. 1889 E43C Reed, E. J. Modern ships of war. 1888 E3; PLUMBING. HEATING. VENTILATION Clarke, J. W. Plumbing practice : papers contributed to the Engineering and , Building Record. 1888 Davies, P. J. Standard practical plumb- ing. 2nd ed. 1889 Drysdale, J. Health and comfort in house-building : or ventilation with warm air. 1890 Dye, F. Hot water fitting and steam cooking apparatus. 1888 Tones, Walter. Heating by hot water. 1890 Maguire, W. R. Domestic sanitary drainage and plumbing. 1890 E56; E49C E46J E56; E501 E49C Monckton, J. H. The national carpenter and joiner. 1873 , R694 X Riddell, R. Carpenter and joiner, moder- ized. 3rd ed. 1880 R694 I Riddeil, R. The slide rule, explained and illustrated, showing its wonder- ful powers of calculation. 1881 R694 Iv Tredgold, T. The elementary principles of carpentry : witli an appendix of specimens of various roofs of iron and stone, illustrated. 7th edition, by E. W. Tarn. 1886 R694 . Monckton, J. H. Stair-building in its various forms and the one plane method of hand railing. 1888 R694*| Kunhardt, C. P. Small yachts: their design and construction. 70 full page plates. 1887 R699 Stephens, W. P. Canoe and boat build- ing : complete manual for amateurs. 1889 RC99 ?i 4^tkinson, J. o.ipitals of Blackburn, H 1885-9 Huish, M. B. Jfameson, Mrs. exeniplifiec 1890. . . -*• Legends of t -*■ Legends of t ■^ Sacred and ijoody, F. \V. art. 1888. Newton, C. 1 ■ 1880 Fater, W. Th art and poc Luskin, J. Stt Boydell Gallerj gravings i works of SI Claude's liber autotype. -^ He;iuties of C Pante, A. Pur [ bj' Dore. . . ■^ Inferno : ill. Lawson, Cecil, Gosse. i8l Harding, J. D. — Guide and c on art. . . , . . Milton, J. Par Meynell, \V., en .ind their w Meriden Brittan of gold and Prout, S. Micri book. 1 88 1 iternational a Strahan. i! irner, J. M. \\ a series of 2 V |ictoria jubilee Wordsworth, V ' nnets, wit took. 1884 HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. 19 iage and )US. gold and acture of shop coni- id copper- E452 R671 R675 FINE ARTS. " Whatever we do has happiness M its last end; but with Art it is the first as well as the last. "—Dallas. General Works. struction : of brick- practical E470 E45J Atkinson, J. R. Art tour to northern capitals of Europe. 1873 Blackburn, H., cd. Academy notes, 1 885-9 E47 •! 2 V. .876 £423.4 Huish, M. H. The year's art, ,890 E476 ,^"^7.™" Jfinieson, Mrs. History of our Lord as " exemplified in works of art. 1890 n the con led. 1889. id founda- buildings. ^M\ 2 V. far. 1888 VENTILATION, e : papers -eriiig and :al plumb- )mfort in .tion with nd steam •■ E530-1 -r Legends of the Madonna. 1890 £53^ E43C "t '^'^'Sends of the monastic orders. 1890 E534 £3. 'f Sacred and legend.iry art. 2 v. 1890 E532-3 Moody, F. W. Lectures and lessons on I art. 1888... Hewton, C. T. Art and archajolot-v. ; 1880 ^.. l^ater, W. The renaissance : studies in ^ art and poetry. 1877 ]|uskin, J. Stones of Venice. 2 v E562 E468 Es6.= E49C; E467 E 1 75-6 ot water. sanitary 890 E46J E56: E501 carpenter R694 I\l T, moder- R694 F sxplained wonder- 1881 R694 R: principles endix of > of iron 1 edition, R694 : ig in its lie plane i88 R6qi.' ts : their full page R699 I 3at build- .niateurs. RC9») ' Boydell Gallery, The : a collection of en- gravings illustniting the dramatic ; works of Shakespeare. 1874 R700 B Claude's liber veritatis,: reproduced in autotype. 1872 R700 C ■^T- Beauties of Claude Lorraine R700 C2 Oante, A. Purgatory and paradise : ill. Ejqc •' ''^'^'"■' R700 D t^ «- Inferno : ill. by Dore R700 D2 Ijawson, Cecil. A memoir : by E. W. I Gosse. ,883 R700 G ^arding, J. D. Lessons on art. 2nd ed. R700 H •**■ Guide and companion to the lessons . ""'lit--, R700H2 Milton, J. Paradise lost : ill. by Dore, .R700 M Meynell, VV., ed. Some modern artists ' • and their work". I883 R700 M2 Meriden Rrittania Company. Catalogue i of gold and silver plate. 1886-7. • • R700 M3 F*rout, S. Microcosm : the artist's sketch ''""'^- '88' R700 P International art: with essay by E. Strahan. ,877 ; ^^^ g Turner, J. M. W. The Turner gallery : •' series of 120 engravings on steel. „. •"•' R700 T Victoria jubilee folio of drawings. 1887. R700 V Wordsworth, W. The River Duddon : nnets, with ten etchings by Chat- '8^4 R700W Mast-Tpieces of industrial art and sculp- ture of the International exhibition. '862' 3v R700W2 Art and letters. 1883 r-q- Art journal. 3 v. 1849, 1850, 1852 R70S A Art journal ;ind exhibition catalogue, '^■'^' R70S A2 Magazine of art. The. 7 v. 1878 to '884 R705M Royal academy pictures, 1889 R70S R Art tre.-isures of Germany : a collection of the most important pictures. 2 v. R709.3 Perrot, Georges. History of art in ancient Egypt. 2 v. 1 883 R709.32 — - In Chaldasa and Assyria. 2 v. 1884 R7Q9.35 — - In Phoenicia. 2 v. 1883 R709.39 Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. 7 ^■- '88' R709.4S Afre of the despots ; Tfie reviv.-il of Icarn- inpr; The fine arts; Itali.-in' literature, a v.; The C.ithoHc reaetion, 2 v. Gorringe, H. H. Egyptian obelisks. R718.62 Architecture. took. Brown, G. B. From schola to cathed- ral : early christian architecture. 1886 Dresser, C. Japan : its architecture, art and art manufactures. ' 1882 Fergusson, J. Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis restored. 1851 Fletcher, B. Model houses for the in- dustrial classes. 2nd ed. 1877 Freeman, E. A. Historical and architec- tural sketches. 1876 Gibson, L. H. Convenient houses : with fifty plans Moore, C. H. Development of gothic architecture. 1890 Osborne, C. F. House planning. 1888, Stevenson, J. J. House architecture. 2 v. 1880 V. I. Architecture. V. 2. House planning'. Tuthill, W. B. The city residence, its design and construction. 1890, ..... Wright, F. A. Architectural perspective for beginners. 1890 E472 E460 E46S E425 E466 E43 E42 E426 E462-3 E437 E16 Adam, R. Architecture, decoration and furniture. 1777 R720 ^ 30 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, Gwilt, J. Em-yclopi>di;i of nii'lirtecture. '^67 R720.3G Vitruvius Brit.uinicus : or tin- Hritisli architect. 5 v. 1 7 1 7 . . . .• R72o.94C B Carter, J. Am-ient .ircliitcctuiv of Kiik- laiul. 1887 U7J0.942 C Paliser's Amoiican aicliiUvliin-. t8S,S. . . R720.973 Kent, W. \V. An-liitoi-lural wnnij,--!!! iron, am-iont ami iiuhUm-ii. 1888. .". . R721.9 K Teneck, H. A. Artistic wrmiglit iron "■"'■k'^ .' R72J.9 T Fergusson, J. Tiu> toniplcs of tlio Jews. ■«7« ^722..-! Farren, R. Catliodra! cities of lilv and Norwich. 188,3 . • • ' R726.6 V Our national catlicdrals. Tho richest architectural heriia);o of tho British nation. 3 v ". R72().6 N Great cathedrals of the world. 2 v R726.6 W Bicknell's detail, cott.i.i^o .and construc- tive architecture. 6th ed. 1886 R728 ViolIet-le-Duc, E. Il.ihitations, mod-, ernes. 2v 1874 R728 V Young:, VV. Town and country mansions and suburban iiouses. 1879 R728 V Baronial halls .-md .ancient picturesque edifices of Enj^l.ind. 2 v. 1881 R728.8 Pugin, A. Gothic ornaments. 1854..., R729 Jones, Owen. The grammar of orna- ment. 1868 ! Ancient and modern ornaments R729.4 R729.5 Sculpture, Etc. Bemrose, W. Fret cuttinj;: and perfor- ated carving. 14th Cd' H^[g — Mainial of buhl work and m.irquetry ■ . K520 Frackelton, S. S. Tried hv fire : China painting. 1886 : E415 Gardner, P. Samos and Sainian coins. E597 1882. Paris, P. Manual of ancient sculpture ed. by Jane C. Harrison. 1890 E474 Canova, A. The works of : in sculpture and modelling. 1887 RT'IO Mitchell, Lucy M. History of ancient sculpture. 1883 R732 Murray, A. S. A history of Greek sculp- ture. 2 V. 1880. 1^733 Bemrose, W. Fret cutting and perfor- ated carving. 2nd ed ^734 B — Manual of wood carving. 6th ed R736 B2 Hulme, F. E. Examples for fret cutting and wood carving. 1877 ^736 H Hawkins, E. The silver coins of Eng- l;ind. .876 R-3- ^ Madden, F. W. History of Jewish coin- age. 1864 R737M Martin, L. C. Current gold and silver coins of all countries. 1863 '^737 M2 Keramic art of Japan. 2nd ed. r88i . . R738 .1 Smith, J. M. Ceramic art of Great Britain. 2 v. 1878 R738 1 Historical arl Meteyard, Eliza. Choice examples of Schwenke F Wedgwood art, etc 1879 R738 .V furniture So on, L. M. The ;irt of the old P^nglish rangemei potter. 2nd ed. 1883. R738 J Yapp, G. W upholster Drawing. Painting. Bumet, joh. 1 880 .... Jackson, F. G. Lessons on decorative design. 1888 Kellar, M. J. Elementary perspective. 3rded. 1888 Lefebure, E. Embroidery ;ind lace : their m;inufactiu-e and history. 1888 Miller, L. W. The essentials of perspec- tive. 1887 Putnam's .art hand books. 3 v. 1886. . . Warren, .S. E. Free-hand geometrical dr.awing. 1873 — Linear perspective. 1 873 Champlain, J. and paint Wilkie, D. numerous Woltmann, A V 1887 Benson, W. .' colour. I Keld, G. Ch P tise on col -^^ Wilkinson, S. ■+5 '; on the net V sion of tas E4> E44. £461 E44- E39--t R740 I '^n Dyck, A. ,:' Dvck. ih Pennell, J. Pen drawing and pen dr.uightsmen. 1889 Hamerton, P. G. L.mdscape, in nature, ^ liter.iture and painting. 1885 R741 } ^rnard, G. Delamotte, P. H. Drawing copies. 1873 R741 P f W'^''^'' ^"'c CoiK.iiiis 48 outline and 48 sh.nli-d plates of "* Drawing fr( .irdiitcvtiiro, trees, fl^fiires, fraKnients, land- Mann A r,„ seapes. boats and sea pieces. Wann, A. Un Brown, R. The principles of pr.ictical perspective. 1835 Ware, VV. N. Modern periipective. 2 V. 1882 R7^2 V Marshall, Prof. J. An.atomy for artists. «8«3 Armengaud. The practical draughts- man's book of industrial designs, and machinist's and engineer's drawing companion. 1883 . . ^744 Trowbridge, G. Perspective, The prin- ciples of R744 Tuthill, W. R. Practical lessons in archi- R7 K74 to the ?iuci landscape Penley, A. E :, in water t ^assell's Guid '^ colours. 1 i instruction •# Animal pain -^ Figure paini flisp Flower pain •t^ Neutral tint, •li Sepia painlii Tree paintin tectural dr.awing. 1881 ^744 T 4^ Wate Flower p;iinl and 2nd se Flowers and -^ Marine paint t^pn, W. J. ^ ing in Amei Wedmore, Free .;; ing. 1883. Delamotte, F. Ex.amples of modern alphabets. 1888 , R745 — Ornamental alphabets. 1888 R745 D Dresser, C. Principles of decorative design '. . . : R745 V Hulme, F'. E. .Suggestions in floral de- sign : 52 coloured plates "... R74.S ■ Shaw, H. The art of illumin.ation, as practiced during the middle ages. 1870 R745 5 Smith, J. G. Monograms in three and •■ Jr four letters 1^745 ^ '"• Wyatt, M. D. The art of illuminating Rnerson, P. : from the e.irlieHt times, i860. . . . R74,^ ■ -—_ .S's-'-'phy. . . Alford, /Mtfy M. Needlework .is art. WUs, F. W. Ir 1886 R7: Wilson, E. L. Brunner & Tryon's interior decorations, ' '891 furniture, etc. 1887 R747 -*- «»}uarter centi HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. 21 od. 1881.. R738 .1 jimith, J. M. Oriifimontal interiors. 1887 R 747 S 2 V. 1878 R738 1 Historical art furniture R74g H xainples of Schwenke, F. Designs for decorative R738 y furniture and modern chamber ar- rang-ement. 1882 R749 S R738 ■' Yapp, (t. W. Art industry : furniture, upholstery and house decoratioTis. . . R749 Y Burnet, John. Treatise on painting. >««o R750 B Champlain, J. 15. Cyclopedia of painters and painting. 4 V. 1S87 R750 C Wilkie, D. The Wilkie gallery: with numerous steel plates. . . ^ R750 W Woltmann, A. History of painting. 2 v. '««7 R750W2 Btenson, W. Principles of the .scienqe of ' colour. 1868 R7S2 K I^eld, G. Chrom.-itograpliy : or a trea- tise on colours .-md pigments. 1835. Rj^z F Wilkinson, Sir J. G. On colour : and on the necessity for a general diffu- ; sion of taste amo'ig all classes. 1858. R752 VV Van Dyck, A. Slceu *..' s by Antonio Van , HI nature, a • '^ '^757 if^^S R741 F Bfernard, G. Landscape painting in opies. 1873 R741 F % jvater colours. 1855 Ry^s B :u1chI pl.-iti-s of y;nit:nts, l.-iiul- old P^nglisli ainting. 1 decorative lerspective. and lace : itory. )888 of perspec- V. 1886... geometrical and pen E4> 1-44' £461 E44' E.39-4 E45" E45 R740 I •% Drawing from nature. 1865 R758 B2 Mann, A. Gnats and other hindrances to the ifuccessful accomplishment of landscape painting. 1884 R7158 M fenley, A. English school of painting ;. in water colours. 1874 R7S9-2 iJasseirs Guides to painting in water colours. With coloured plates and instructions to the pupil. . 1 1 v. r.>.'!m,'^'^'!,\',H "^ Animal painting in water colours. i88s R7S8 T 's drawing "t. *''S-"re panilmg in water colours R757 M R744 • m Flower painting, elementary R7C8 E f practical pective. 2 for Jirtists. R7,, R742 W K74 , The prin- ••; R744' tis in archi- R744T )f modern •••••. R745 ^8 R745 D decorative R745 1^ I floral de- ........... R745! ination, as idle ages. R745 three and R745> luminating S60. . . . k as art. ^ Neutral tint, a course of painting in . , R751 L2 '*^ Sepia painting, a course of. 2 v R751 L ' Tree painting in water colours. 1883. R758 B3 ; Water colour painting, a course of. . . R751 L3 Flower painting in water colours, ist and 2nd series. ^ R7S8 H I Flowers and how to paint them R758. N -4 Marine painting R7S8 I' tin ton, W. J. History of wood engrav- J mg in America. 1882 Wedmore, Fred. ^1 ing. 1883... Four masters of etch- R761 R767 Photography. »nerson, P. H. Naturalistic photo- corations, R74ST~ .^•'••'Phy iills, F. W. I R74^Vilson, E. L E374 ntenor photography. 1890 E471 1891 R747 ^B Quarter century Photogr otography mosaics ti54 1887 E52. E526 E187 ESS7 R780.3 R786.5 Music. Annesley, C. The standard opera-glass : conl.-iining the detailed plots of gs lelehratcil 1890 ". Elson, L. C. The theory of music as ap- plied to the li'.ichings ;ind practice of voice and inslrunienis, in tlu' New En.gland Conscrvalory. 1890 Guttman, Oskar. Gymnastics of the voice : .1 systi!m of correct breathing in singing and speaking, based upon physiological laws, A practical guide in the training .md use of the sp.-akingand singing voice. 1887.. Grove, Sir G. A dictionary of music and musicians. 4 V Hopkins, K. J. The org.m : its history and construction. 1855 (SVv ll/so ICl.OCl TION.) Amusements. IN-DOOR AMUSEMENTS. Freeborough, I-:. Chess openings, an- cient and modern, 1889 In-door .imusements Robertson J. The game of draughts. , OUT-DOOR SPORTS. Alexander, A. Healthful exercises ft)r girls. 200 ills. 1887 — Modern gymnastic exercises : ele- mentary. — - advanced Badminton library. --- .\thletics and footb.ill F;47q — Fishing : pike and other coarse fish. . E481 Salmon and trout — Golt; Tennis Checkley, E. A nalm-al method of phys- ical training. i8qo "... English, H. G. The ;irt of riding. 1890 Francis, F. A book on .ingling. 1867. Karr, Mrs. E. The American horse- woman. 3rd ed. 1890 O'Donoghue, Mrs. Power. Ladies on horseback. 3rd ed. 1889 Posse, Nils. The Swedish system of educational gymn.-istics. 1890 Pratt, M. L. .New calisthenics. 1889,. Scott, R. P. Cycling art, energy and lo- comotion. 1889 E527 E548 E522 E.S17 E518 ES'6 E480 E478 E477 E436 E514 E47S E4i6 ES'S E418 E5S8 E449 Castle, E. Schools and masters of fence. '^^^ R796 C Strutt, Joseph. The sports and pastimes ot the people of England. 1833 R796 S 22 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, TRAVELS. " For those tvho cannot travel, descriptions and pictures have an immense interest ; while to those ivho have traveled, they afford an inexhaustible delight in reviving the memories of beautiful scenes and interesting expeditions."— Sir J. Lubbock. _-;f- — .- Miller, II. El od. 1870 Vitzthum, C. London, i Walks in and Jonathan. Wheateley, H dilly ;ind 1 ATLASES. GAZETTEERS. Bartholomew, J. G. The pocket gaz- eltor of the world. 1888 Rgio.^-j B Johnston, A. K. ' Dictionary of geo- graphy : general gazetteer of the world. Revised to 1867 R910.3 J Wright, G. Australian, India, China and Japan trade directory and gazetteer. 1891 R910.3 W Zehden, C. Commercial geography : a complete manual of the countries of the world. i88q R910.3 Z Bartholomew, J. The library reference ;tlas of the world. 1890 R912 Standard library atlas of classical geo- graphy R912.3 Letts' atlas of the British empire R914.2 L Travels in General. F187 r8oi F749 Adventure series. — Cameron, \'. L. Log of a jack tar. . . — Pyle, H. Buccanee.s and marooners of America Bates, E. K. Kaleidoscope : being a tour round the wxirld. 1889 Campbell, J. F. My circular notes : westward round the world. :: v. •876 F774-S Cuyler, Theo. L. From the Nile to Nor- way F119 Duncan, Sara J. A social departure : how Orthodocia and I went round the world. 1890 F720 Second copy F736 — An American girl in London. 1891 . . . F794 2nd, 3rd and 4th copies . . . F795, F796, F797 Kingsley, H. Tales .of old travel. 1882 F754 Lumholtz, C. Among cannibals in Aus- tralia. 1889 Palgrave, W. G. Ulysses : or scenes and studies in many lands. 1887. . . . St. Johnston, A. Camping among can- nibals. 1883 : Van Hare. Fifty years of a showman's life. 1888 ' Wilkinson, J. A. 1890. Crusoe. A real Robinson F128 F740 F7S7 F7S8 F800 Campcu, L. De. Causeries g^ographi- ques. 1889 R910 C Harrison, C. H. A race with the sun around the world. 1889 R910 H Baedeker, K. Leutemann, H. Graphic pictures of native life in distant lands. 1888 R910 Young, J. R. Around the world with General Grant : 1877-8-9. 2 v R910 ^— *iThe Rhine. Vancouver, G. Voyage of discovery to — Southern the North I'.icific Ocean aiid round * 1887 '. the world : 1790-1795. 6 v. 1801. , . R910. Bwtley, G. C, Pinkerton's general collection of voyages source to t andtravels. 17 v. 1808 R910 Wright, G. N Greece. EUROPE. Denison, Grace C. A happy holiday.. . . Lauder, Maria E. Evergreen leaves. . , Loomis, L. C. The index guide to travel and art study in Europe. 1889 Ninde, Mary L. We two alone in Europe. 1889 I.. P. and O. travellers' pocket-book. 1890. Potfer, V. M. To Europe on a stretcher. 1 890 "... '™ F7 p. Buckingham, B|edeker, K. F7.'i 1 P Freeman, E. A, '■ I ject and nt I 1881 Satchel guide for the vacation tourist in Kkre A I C Europe. .889 Rg^ ZZv;^^^.^J■ ' Picturesque Europe : ed. by Bayard e«„„ii .,'• ' ' 'r'-^>'- 3v ^•■•R9^^^;L^'% Great Britain. '^'^"^' "• ^- ' (See also History— Great Britain.) Pennell, J. Our journey to the Hebrides. 1889 Smith, A. A summer in Skye. 1885.. • White, R. G. England witho'.t and within. loth ed. 1889 4th ed. i8f — Italy, Rome i FiiBlideker, K. , J gtli ed. i8f — %Poufherii Ital Fi F; Baedeker, K. England, Wale^s and Scot- land : 14 maps. 1887 R914.2 I||ire, A. J. C. Webb, D. C. Excursions to various parts X^ane, H. A. A of Great Britain. 1812 R914.2 1 |S nees. 1876 Weld, I. Scenery of Killarney. 1812. .R914.11 W LONDON. ,/ % Baedeker, K. London : and its environs. '^^^^ ^- J- C. 1889 R914.21 -5' Fry, H. Guide to London. 1889 R914.J1 -* Nor) Knight, C. London : pictorially ill. 3 V- 1 851 ,,,,... .RoKi.'i Hfe'ee in Norwa] Leslie, G. D. Our river: artist life on the River Thames. 1888 R014 Baedeker, K. Hare, A.J. C. Walks in London F; , '^^ • B HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. 23 Miller, II. England , -Mid its people, nth ed. 1870 P-- Vitzthum, C. F. St. Petersburg^ and London, 1852-64. 2 v F86-7 Walks in ;iik1 arouiul London, liy Uncle Jonathan. 1889 F7^8 Wheateley, H. H. Round about Picca- ' dilly and I'all Mall. 1S70 F430 pictures of Germany. s. 1888.... R910 ! ^ world with B«edeker, K. Northern Germany. 1886 R914.31 2V R910 i--iThe Rhine. 1889...' R914.34B liscoverv to — ^^ Southern Germany and Austria land round *■ 1887 ' ...R914.34B2 V. 180,.. R9.0, Hartley, G.C.T. The Rhine, from its I ot voyages source to the sea R914.34 B3 R9'o Wright, G. N. The Rhine, Italy and •E ^'"'''"' %'4.34W , ,' _ France. holiday.. . . II leaves. . . de to travel _,« :^-t-t — 1889 Fi; **'ner, J. M. W. Rivers of France. . . R914.4 T ; in Europe. Biedeker, K. Paris and environs. 1888.R914.436 F;- "I I 3ook. 1890. .-i stretcher. F70 '^^ F7>^'i'=>''"eham, J. S. France and Italy. '* ^"^ R914.4 B Minor Countries. Bou|hton, G. H. Sketching rambles in Holland. ,885 Kg.^g^ g Davics, G. C. On Dutch waterways. R9,4.92 D Baedeker. K. Bolgiunj and Holland. „ ]^^^ ; K914.93 B Buckingham, J. Si. Belgium. 2 v. . . R914.93 B2 Grey, R. In sunny Switzerland. 188^. F747 Baedeker, K. Switzerland. 1889, ,..'.. 1^9,4.9^ ASIA. Goldsmid, Sir F. J. Eastern Persia. . . . F781-2 Mitford, A. B. Tales of old Japan. -886 F741 Upton, R. D. Gleanings from the desert of Arabia. i8Si p. Wheeler, L. N. The foreigner in China. I 88 I ........ r:»_ F723 Rein, J. J. Japan : travels and' re- searches. t888 F75 n tourist in by Bayard tain. \T Britain.) s Hebrides. Italy. p.,P!i6eman, E. A. Sketches from the sub- il J^ '""^ neighbour lands of Venice. Florence «^e, A. J. C R9'4 'Venice . . . . e. 1885... itho'it and A and Scot- F760 F"5 F117 Ror.i^'^^"'. '^^ ''*■'*• Rome, Florence and -.' """■ '^^^ F752 Tiine, H. A. Italy, I->ance and Venice. -_, 4thed. 1889 Y\M —|taly, Rome and Naples. 4th ed. 1889 F113 "i FiiSRiJdeker, K. Central Italy and Rome. l-> |9tlied. ,886 /. Rg,^.56 — Southern Italy and Sicily. 1887 R914.57 Fi ,« Wright's Australian, India, China and Japan trade directory and gazetteer. R91S.2 iSgi ,R9io.3 W India. Albert Edward, prime, of Wales : tour in India : by W. H. Russell. 1877 1877. Duff, M. E. G. Notes of an Indian jour- F773 F770 in F766-7 F776 Spain. F116 R9i4.2lftSre, A. J. C. Wanderings in Spain. . . irious parts "^W^^' ^- ^- ^ tour through the Pyre- R914.2I ^ nees. 1876. Pj^j !y. 1812. .R914. 1; » I Russia. ts environs. "I^e. A. J. C. Studies in Russia F109 R914.21 •««9 R9M-:' f Norway. Sweden. ially ill. 3 . R9.4.J! Hfree in Norway. 3rd ed. 1SS7 ney. 1876 Dufferin, Lai/y. Our viceregal life India. 2 v. 1890 Goldsmid, Str F. J. Telegraph and travel, development of telegraphic commu- nication between England and India. 1874 Hodson, W. S. R. Hodson of Hodson's horse : or twelve years' of a soldier's life in India. 1883 p^^^^ Macintyre, D. Hindu-Koh : wanderings and wild sport. 1889 p^^g Tavernier, Jean B. Travels in India. 2 „ \- '889 P768.g Urwick, W. Indian pictures Pj^z Rousselet, L. India and its native princes : Central India. 1876 R915.43 tist life on R914 ndon. Biedeker, K. Norway and Sweden. p 1889 F753 R914.81 Palestine, Bell, C. D. Tour in Palestine and' the east. 1889 Miller, W. The least of alMands. 1888 Stapfer, K. Palestine in the time of Christ. 1887 Wilson, E. L. In scripture lands. 1890 Bartlett, W. H. Syria : the holy land and Asia Minor F771 F7S9 F7S» F791 R9'5-6 24 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, Baedeker, K. Palestine and Syria. 1876 R915.69 B Burckhardt, J. L. Syria and the holy l(jnd. 1822 R91S.69 B2 Survey of western Palestine : memoirs of the topography, (."•og'raphy, hydro- graphy and areli.-uologv : ill. lul. by C. R. Conder. 7 v. " 1H81 K9 15.69 C Harper, H. A. Walks in Palestine. 1888 1^915.69 H Roberts, D. The holy land. 3 v. . . . R915.69 R AFRICA. Ashe, R. P. Two kings of Uganda : six years in eastern equatorial Afriea. 18&9 Gleichen, Count, Witii the eamel corps up the Nile. 2nd ed. 1888 Jameson, J. S. Story of the rear column of the Emiii Pasha relief expedition. 2nd copy Junker, W. Travels in Africa : 1875- 1878 Livingstone, D. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa. 1857. . . Margary, A. R. From Shanghae to Bhamo. 1876 Pictorial Africa : its heroes, missionaries and martyrs Stanley, H. M. The dark continent and its secrets — Through the dark continent. 2 v. . . . — Emin Pasha expedition : by A. J. Wauters. 1890 Thomson, J. Travels in the Atlas. 1889 Ward, H. Five years with the Congo cannibals. 1890 Baines, T. Victoria falls, Zambesi river. 1865 Stanley, H. M. Story of Eniin's rescue as told in Stanley's letters. 1890. . . Ebers, G. Egypt : descriptive, historical and picturesque. 2 v Baedeker, K. Lower Egypt. 1885 Burckhardt, J. L. Travels in Nubia. 1819 NORTH AMERICA. (See also undpr'C\s\r>.\, special list.) Alexander, Capt. J. E. Trans-Atlantic sketches, with notes on negro slavery and Canadian emigration. 1833.... Curtis, G. W., Amer. writer, b. 1824. Lotus-eating ; travel in North Ameri- ca. 1852 Finck, H. T. The Pacific coast"scenio tour : Southern California to Alaska. The Canadian Pacific railwaj'. 1890 Hudson, T, S. A scamper through America. 1882 F75S F784 F798 F799 F780 F777 F783 F122 I-'735 F424-5 F778 F,,4 F804 R916 B R916 S R916.2 R916.21 R9I6.24 M. F637-8 F32S F792 F733 Lyell, C. Travels in North America geological observations. 2 v. 1845. F640-4 south-west Murray, A. M. Let.ers from the United Sweetser. N States, Cuba and Canada. 2 v. •856 Murray, H. A. Lands of the slave and the free : or Cuba, United States and Canada. 1855 Rae, W. F. Columbia a;id Canada. 1877 Ross, W. W. 10,000 miles by land and sea. 1876. F Stuart, James. Three yejws in North America. 1833 Warner, C. D. Studies in the south and west : with comments on Canada. 1889 Pierson, H. \A, for travellc I'334xjcknor. Tl handbook 1 ^'^r 1886 ^'•^jWiirner, C. D. west. i88( F6o9-,9*^^"^""'"th, ^ Gfiint, Mrs. IV :, lady. 1846 FnSmyth, J. Ate 1784. V. 2. Norton, C. L. #'890 m British American guide book. 1859 ...R917.A ;* CEl Picturesque America : or the land we BWq C \KT a live in. Ed. by W. C. Bryant. 2 v. R917 "W ' Gibb's route and reference book of the ^VJnt\ v " United States and Canada. 1890. R917 ^ ^^^ ''^''"'■^ Hall, F. Travels in Canada and the VMicent, F. I Arfwedson, C. D. The United States and Canada in 1832-3-4 R9'7 United States in 1816-7 ^9^1 '^-^ « America. ^llace, S. E. J 1889 Latrobe, C. J. The rambler in North America, 1832-3. 2 v K917 Logan, J. Journey through Canada, the United States and the West Indies. 1838 R917 Ij Martineau, H. Re ospect of western travel. 2 v. 18^ ^' R917 La RocHefoucault ^'" "jOurt, Duke de. Travels throng' * '^United States . and Canada, 1795-7 ;■ ; ; th an authen- i|^SSiz, Prof. J tic account of Lower Canada. 2 v.. R917 /wcent, F. An ;i|»rnay, D. T new world. R. Tra' Soi Rolph, T. Visit in the West Indies, and a tour through the United States : with a statistical account of Upper Canada. 1836 R9i7 ^ Shatter, E. F. Voyages of the North- men to America. 1877 R917 ShirrefT, P. Tour in North America. 1883 R917' Weld, Isaac, jr. Travels in the States and Canada, 1795-7 R9'7 United States. Custer, E. B. Boots and saddles ; or, lile in Dakota with General Custer. . l'> — Following the Guidon. 1890 I'; — Tenting on the plains. 1889 F; Davidson, J. W. The Florida of to-day. 1889 Fi Field, H. M. Bright skies and dark shadows : the Southern state.s. 1800 Fi Kjghes, T. Gone to Texas : letters from our boys. 1884 F; Nelson, J. Y. Fifty years on the trail. 1889 F; Am erica. 3r M~ HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. h America : Pfcrson, H. W. In the bush : life in the 2V. 1845. F640-4 south-west. 1883 .the United SWeetser. New Kn^hind : a handbook i.icl.1. 2 V. for travellers. 1890 • , '^^+Tfcknor. The White mountains : a le slave and handbook for travellers. . . . a States and i»»_ rv 1 --r. ,. „ V^-jo-^f^^^^' ^- ^- Southern California. ^Knd 'Sd ''''^^"«^; C-D.' ■ S-uiies'i;; the'south aiui ny Kina ana , west. 1880... u F7.; -^ ''"o ■s in North F125 F129 F131 F724 le south and jn Canada. .R917.3S .R917.59 Feog-^*^^"""" "*■ ^^^ United States. ,854 . . . R910.73 Gfiint, Mrs. Memoirs of an American ,^-^'dy- '846 R917.3G FiiSWyth, J. A tour in the United States in 1784. V. 2 ' lited States ^"^^l^' ^- L- A handbook of Florida R9.7 t"9° . 1859 ...R917 .\ ' CENTRAL AMERICA. le land we Br«*ci r T»r i-i. ,.t ryant. 2 v. R917 ^2 ' T'^'^ W'^'*' Indies. 1889.. F74S ,ook of the "*ff."' I" Two years in the French la. .890. R9.7V^ ''''^"''"'"- '^90 F,24 la and the ^TAm-'rl^" ^« '^"'^ °"' °^ ^^"^'^^ .r in North ^'^ce.S.E. The land of the Pueblos. Canada, the Vest Indies. R9.7 ^ 1889 , F722 .■.V..V.. . *''?l'"°*y' D. The ancient cities of the R9.7 Ulr""' ''"'■'''• '^^^ R9r7.2 C western '*f'^y' ^^- Travels in Mexico. i829..R9,7.2 H R917 ' t; t, Dtd't de. South America. of ited States . , lanauthen- \g^3iz, Pro/. Journey in Brazil. 1889. lada. 2 v.. R917 /^ilcent, F. Around and about South Indies, and i|Amenca. 3rd ed. 1890 Pi ted States : ;| it of Upper ' i* . R9i7Pf the North- R917' li America. R9'7-': the States R9i7''i ates. F132 23 Marcoy, P. A journey across South America. 4 V. 1S71 Maximilian, yw/rt. Travels in BrazH! 1820 Polar Regions. Frank'in, .9/> J. Kennedy, W. Second voyage of the Prince Albert. 1853. - McDoujrall, G. F. Voyage of the Kesolute Markham, A. H. Voyage of the Alert : during the Arctic expedition of 1875- o. 1884 25 R918 R918.1 F730 F668 F762 Back, Ca/>/. Expedition in II. M S Terror : with a view to geographicai discovery on the Arctic shores. ,838. Rgig 8 B - Narrative of the Arctic land expedi- tion, iB-J-l-C "^ ij or, Forster, J. R. History of the voyages and discoveries made in the north. _ Vf-; R9.9.8 F Franklin, John. Narrative of a journev to the shores of the polar sea in „ '^'9-" - R9.9.8F2 Kane, E. K. Arctic explorations in the years ,853-4. 2v R9,9.8 K Parry, VV. E. Voyage for the discovery Ota north-west passage. 2 v. i82i.Rgm.8 P ' ^'''T'.u^^ /• ^'°>'"S^" towards the N.orthPole. ,774 R919.8 P2 Ross, J. Voyage of discovery. 1819, .R9, 9.8 R — Second voyage in search of a north- w'est passage. ,835 Rg.g.g r^ Wilkes, C. Narrative of the United States exploring expedition during- the years 1838-42 ^ Rg,g_g addles ; or, •al Custer. . 90 89 1 of to-day. and dark ;ta tes. i Hqo as : letters 1 the trail. F; Fi;| Fi. i''; 26 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, I BIOGRAPHY. " T/if history it/whalrvri- ninii has aciniii/'lislii'd is, at bntlnm, otily the histoi-y of j^nuil iiwii, who have l>i-ni the inudflters, and, in <i wider sense, the creators, of ivhiitsoever the xi'nerul mass of men have contrived to i/o. "— Carlyli:. DICTIONARIES. Beeton's diclionary of iitiivorsal biogra- pliy " R920 B Gates, W. R. A dictionary of general biography : brought clown to the end of 1884 Rg^o C Stead, W. Portraits and autograplis. 1890 Rg20 S Ward, T. H. Men of the time. 1887. . . R920 VV Smith, Dr. W. Classical dictionary of biography, mythology and geogra- phy. 2nd ed. 1853 R920.03 Stephen, Leslie. Dictionary of national biogr.iphy. 25 v R920.04 S Who's who in 1889 R920.04 \V Individual and Collective Subjects. JOURNALISTS. Childs, George \V. Recollections. 1890 ,8888 Greeley, Horace. Memorial of. 1873.1^928. 18 G Smalley,, G. VV. London letters and some others. 2 v. 1891.. . . ; B969-70 V. I. Person.ilitics— Two Midlothi.nn cam- paigns. V. 2. Notes on social life ; notes on parlia- ment ; pageants ; miscellanies. WOMEN. Her life, letters and by 77 Alcott, Louisa May. journals. 1890 B8 Bunsen, V., Baroness. Life and letters of Frances, Baroness Bunsen, by A. J. C. Hare B871 Cross, Mrs. (Georg-e Eliot.) Morley, J. Critical miscellanies, pp. 93-132 Hio67 Lives of good and great women B376 Martineau, H. Morley J. Critical mis- cellanies, pp. 1 75-2 12 H 1067 Willard, Frances E. Glimpses of fifty years. 1889. B980 PHILOSOPHERS. Atniel, Henri Frederic. The journal in- time. 1890 B872 Bacon, F. Life and letters : ed. by James Spedding. 8 v. 1862 "Rq2i.2 R Comte, A. Morley, J. Critical miscell- anies, pp. 337-385 H1067 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. A memoir : by J. E. Cabot. 2 V. 1890 B863-4 — Birrell, A. Obiter dicta, pp. 238-255. — Morley, J. Critical miscellanies, pp. -93-346. 1886 Kant, Inimanuel. Life of: by J. H. W. Stuckonberg. 1882 Mill, J. S. Morley, J. Critical mis- cellanies, pp. 37-92. Mill's death and autobiography H io6- CLERGY. Hiow H224 B92; B92; . B861 i MISSIONARIES. Bunyan, John. His life, times and work, by John l^rown. 1888 Carey, William. The shoemaker who became the father and founder of modern missions Crowther, S.imuel. The slave boy who became bishop of the Niger Damien. Father Damien : a journey from Cashmere to his home in Hawaii : by E. Clifford. 1890 Davidson, Thomas. The life of a Scottish probationer : with his poems and letters. 1889 Diman, J. L. Orations and essays : 1882 .. Edwards, Jonathan : by A. V. G. Allen. 1890 Gollmer, Charles Andrew : his life and missionary labours in West Africa. 1839 ..■■ Guthrie, Thomas. Autobiography of. 2 V Hannington, James. First bishop of eastern equatorial Africa, 1847-1885. Hatch, Edwin. Memorials of. 1890 Hinton, James. Life and letters. 6th ed. 1889 Hooker, Richard. A sketch : by J. S. Stone. 1882 R922.3 Lasaulx, Anialie von. Memorials of Sister Augustine : superior of the sisters of charity at the St. Johanne's hospital at Boon. 1884 Livingstone, David. Missionary and dis- coverer : by J. Marrat Luther, Martin. Froude, J. A. Short studies, pp. 37-145. Times of Eras- mus and Luther. 1867 Macleod, N. Gladstone, W. E. Glean- ings, pp. 343-3G3. Review of memoir of Norman Macleod Maurice, F. D. Mozley, J. B. Essays, pp. 255-309. Maurice's Theological essays. 1884 H21J lozley. Rev. the occa council, 1 llevirton, R. Ouseley, Gide taton, J. G. I Hebrides -V - Second pi Patteson, J. Gleanings life....^. Pattison, Ma miscellanii tison's me Wisey, Edwan pp. I49-l(:: ■ 1884.... Schauffler, VV missionary gg. ^evenson, VV. '" '. ot; 1890 Iptresa, Saint. B8S; '^hite. Rev. J ■§f Gleanings, 888; --iMozley, J. fi Wycliffe, John B94C i formers : b STA' B94 Ifred the Grea ■ 1887 , . . . ^eroes of the n BSft-^ Nelson and ;; England : h -;^ Gustavus Ad Bq4 -i of Protesta 4 C. R. L. Fl, 8460- -| Pericles and t J by E. Abbo B'* !^een's prime n B92 5 Reid. §The Earl of ■', J. A. Froudt -*;Lord Melbour -^ Sir Robert Pe B{|lingbroke, Li ? life. 4 V. t ght, John. I bett, Wm. torical glean ningham, G. and illustrio 1837 iraeli, B. Be? by A. C. Ew£ iuglas, Frederi by F. M. Hoi *r, O. Great States forty ■ HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. 27 lozley, Rev. T. L: I from Rome : on the occasion of the (Kcumenical council, 1869-1870. 2V I^ewton, R. Life of '• 238-255. lanies, pp. J. H. W. itical mis- ill's death MARIES, and work, akor who Diinder of boy who B 142-3 R92 1 Ouseley, Clideon. Life of. 9th ed B942 Missionary to the New R889 ^ - Second part g^gy Gladstone, W. E. ton, J. G. Hebrides. Hioa Patteson, J. C, H2J eanings, pp. 213-264. Review of Pattison, Morley, J. miscellanies, pp. 133-174. tison's memoirs Critical On I'at- B92; Piisey, Edward B. .Mozlej, J. B. Essays, Hio6- 'To '■♦9-'f'.5- Dr. Pusey's sermons. ' I 00 J. Schauffler, W. G. Forty-nine years a niission.iry in the Orient . . B874 ^evenson, W. Kleminj,-. Life and letters ol. 1890 •presa, Saint. Life of. 1875 B88: %'^^)^> l^>:~''- J- B. Gladstone, W.' e! I Gleanings, pp. 1-64. Review of life. B8S, ^Mozley, J. B. Essays, pp. 68-1 f ,884 ¥|ood, J. G. Life and work. 1890. Soo Rmr W^^"^^' J"''" '^''- The first of the re- ^90 094^1 formers : by S. Holt a Scottish -', I STATESMEN. NOBLES. iHfred the Great. By Thomas Huehes. B86ii:i '887 : *.... ||eroes of the nations series. B86t^ Nelson and the naval supremacy of ,V England : by VV. C. Russell. ..... Tt Gustavus Adolphus, and the struggl BcK •% of Protestantism for existence? h I journey home in Jems and I essays : G. Allen. s life and st Africa. raphy of. bishop of 1847-1885. 1890.... ters. 6th ., C. R. L. Fletcher B460- -| Pericles and the golden ag-e of Athens e by BS(>. B9 B94 by E. Abbott. ^^T,*^ ^.P"'"® ministers : edited by S. I. 2 «» Reid. •' •' by H181 H1067 H210 B876 B964 B947 H181 H210 B937 B870 B940 B973 B97S B974 ""' " ■ ■i'ii>;mi)n. 2 V lerston, Lord. Life of: embracing he history of the British empire hiring the last half century : by f ^. Ritchie. 2 v.... " ' ^'v> B969 B873 B983-4 Elyot, .V/r T. The Boke named the gov- eriiour : edited from the first ed of Evans, Howard. Our old nobility (Ene- ^ ^ ' '^ lish]. 2 v. 1879 ^ ^ *' B-,„ 2 Gladstone, W. E. Gl.-idstone and' his contwijporaries : by T. Archer. 2 J- '««3 R923.2G - Smalley, G. W. London letters, v i PP; 353-452- Two Midlothian cam- paigns [1S79- 1884.] Lafayette, Man/uis de. Life of Milnes, R. M. The life, letters and friend- ships ot Richard Monckton Milnes. hrst Lord Houghton. 2 v. Palmerston, Lord. the durir E. R..^,„^.. ;,v R923.2 P Penn, W. Memoirs of the private and public life o( : by T. Clarkson. 2 v „ '^'3 R923.2PS i'^nY,\\m.,ea>-lof Shellmtrne. life -i v. 1875 ■ •' g Pitt, Wm. Correspondence between Pitt and Charles, Duke of Rutland, lord- heutenant of Ireland, 1781-1787. 1890 Raleigh, W. Kingsley, C Plays and Puritans, pp. 81-208 Van Artevelde, James and Philip ; by W J. A.shley. ,883 .'.. .^,..: B Walford, E. Chapters from family chests 2 v ■^ ' B952 H480 Yonge, C. M. A book oV worthies. 1886 Joshua, navid,Ji,d,-,s M.-icc.ihicus, Hector. ne, Cjodfrey de Bcniil B675-6 B93S Alexander magne trey de Bouillon. LAWYERS. The Earl of Beaconsfield, K. G. J- A. Froude ^^ ^' ^Q22 . 1 ~^^'"''' '^'*^""'"'-"^ = by H. Dunckley ■ ■ '. ■■;••■ , 9"-3 ' .^Sir Robert Peel : by J. McCarthy lorials of tim.v. u , , i»icv..arcny Wllingbroke, Lord. Works of, with a •^^■- '841 R923.2B6 r of the Johanne's B967 B976 B149 B982 Ballantine, Serjeant. Some experiences of a barrister's life. 1890 Robinson, H. C. Diary, reminiscences and correspondence ggg, Williams, M. Leaves of a life. 2 v. y and dis- \. Short : of Eras- ). Glean- jf memoir Essays, leolog'ical Bg. H64; Hi H2 G958 4 B^ght, John. Life and speeches. 2 V.R923.2 B7 Cobbett, Wm. Rogers, J. E. T. His- • torical gleanings, pp. 141-185 '!S^M™'.^- G. Lives of eminent and illustrious Englishmen. 8 v. ^ ^] R920.04 C "i"",' ^X Beaconsfield and his times; t>y A. ^. Lwald. 2 v. ,882 R923.2 B3 E* p Aril'!?''' ^^^ '^°'o'-ed orator: by F. M. Holland. ,891 B981 r, O. Great senators of the United btates forty years ago. 1890 B887 •f9« B858-9 - Second copy [in one vol.] Bgei MILITARY AND NAVAL. Hammond. Memoir of Captain M M Hammond, Rifle brigade. 1858. Havelock, Sir Henry. Memoirs of: by J. C. Marshman. 1890 Perry M. C. A typical American naval officer : by W. E. Griffis. 1890 Vicars, CaJ>t. Hedley. Memorials TRAVELERS. Columbus, Christopher. Irving W. Life and voyages of Columbus. 2 V Smith. Capt. John. Works, 1608-16^1 • ed. by Ed. Arber. ,884 '1^923.9 S — Adventures and discoveries. 1883 . . R923.9 Sz B924 B938 B860 B977 H33-34 28 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, ,l'i| SCIENTISTS. Ag^assiz, L. His life and corre-spond- oiuf. I H(yo B875 Bucklind, Kiank. Life. liiS.s B928 Maxwell, J. C. I.ifo of: by L. Canip- iH'll. 18X4 B946 Thompson, .SV> B., Count Rumjord. Me- moir Rg2i; R Whewell, \V. Wiitiiit,^is and letters. 2 V. 1876 B957-8 INVENTORS. ENGINEERS. Boulton. Life : by Smiles Palissy, the Hufjuenot potter Smiles, S. Lives of the enjfineers : Perry, Myddlclon, X'ermuyden. 1874 B844 Reniiie, Sine.iton B845 Mete.ilf, Telford B846 Stephenson, George (Z«c/ Robert. Lives : by Smiles Watt, James. Life : by Smiles Wedfjwood, Josiah. Gladstone, W. E, Gleanings : pp. 181-212 B847 B890 B848 B847 H181 LITERARY, ETC. English Men of Letters series : ed. by John Morley. — Fielding : by A. Dobson B896 — Goldsmith : by W. Black B910 — Gray : by Y.. W. Gosse Bgo2 — Hawthorne : by H. James B907 — Johnson : by L. Stephen '.. Bgi6 — Keats : by S. Colvin B897 — Lamb : by A. Ainger B908 — Landor : by S. Colvin B917 — Macaulay : by J. C. Morison B891 — Milton : by M. Pattison B909 — Pope : by L. Stephen B919 — Scott : by R. H. Button B894 — Sheridan: by M. Oliphant B904 — Sidney : by J. A. Symonds B898 — Spenser : by R. W. Church B913 — Sterne : by H. D. Traill B911 — Swift : by L. Stephen B903 — Wordsworth : by F. Myers B900 BashkirtsefF, Marie. The journal of a young artist, 1860-1884 B950 Browning:, Robert. Personalia, by Ed- mund Gosse. i8go B865 Burns, Robert. Genealogical memoirs of his family : by Rev. C. Rogers. 1877 R9-J8.2I B Chatterton : :i biographical study by Sir Daniel Wilson. 1869 B944 Clough, Arthur Hugh. Prose remains. 1888 B885 Dibdin, T. F. Reminiscences of a literary life. 2 V. 1836 R938.38 D Dickens, Charles. Life : by J. Forster. . B7 Edwards, H. S. The prim.i-donna. 2 v 867211 Francis, G. H. Orators of the age. 1847 ?,<p^ Greg, W. R. Morley, J. Critical mis- ' cellanies, pp. 2 13-60 H irtj Guizot, F. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Mon- day chats, pp. 205-226 Hi, Hare, A. J. C. Memorials of a quiet life. B^ Homer. Gladstone, W. E. Juventus Mundi, pp. 1-30 H7,a, ^^^ Hughes, G. G. Memoir of a brother. ■'^TJ- Hf)i Blair's ihrono Hugo, V. Victor Hugo and his time : by Rosse, J. W. A. Barbou. 1882 R92H,. ,. complete i Jebb, R. C. The attic orators : from ^^a! t.ibles. Antiphon to Isieos. 2 v. 1876 Bgji Haydn's dictii Johnson, S. Life of : by J. Boswell. 3rd ^'d. by B. ' ed- 1790 Rg-!'*. IHchol, J. Ta — Birrell, A. .'•biter dicta, pp. 109-148. . Hio "; frican hist Lamb, C. Birrell, A. Obiter dicta, pp. I^t'Vm, G. P. 224-237 Hio L ''-il history Macau'ay, /.(?/-</. Life and letters: by G. V^oodward, 1 O. Trevelyan BS ,t '"bronologj — Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past theton, S. O. years : pp. 265-342. Review of . biography Trevelyan's life of Macaulay Hi fl|pewer Dr ~ Morley, J. Critical miscellanies, pp. } an appendi 25.1-^9^ Hj;^»1,k r; rr,, Milton, John. Life of : by David Masson. ai-'v 2 v 6 V. 1859 R928.21 *| " //t, ," n- II \ ^i.-* J- X T. I|mes (The Lo — Birrell, A. Obiter dicta, pp. 1-51 Hio i' niaries for — Maurice, F. D.. The friendsl.'r of ^ '851-75 books, pp. 242-299. 1886 ".... Hi ^Reg-i^terof I Morley, Samuel. Life : by E. Hodder. '889 fi<^ -i „. Motley, John L. Correspondence of: rllSt ed. by G. W. Curtis. 2 v. 1889. . . . B93: ^ Pepys, S. Diary and correspondence. ^'"bes, A. So 4 V. 1869 R928, l#ughton, J. ] Pitman, Isaac. A biography of Isaac n tory. 1887 Pitman, inventor of phonography : v Co„te„ts- by T. A. Reed. 1891 Be i^ 14th century ; ' Powell, Walter. The thorough business 1 i^"§"?n"5' S'' man : by B. Gregory. 8th ed. 1885 Ix > and pHvatteri Shakespeare. Outlines of the life of D ''■'"'' J»"''s. 'h Shakespeare : by Halliwell-Phillipps. Macaulay, Lord 2 V. 1889 Bq.v essays. 3' Shelley, Percy B. A study : by John , Todhunter. 1880 Be J ANTIQUl Scott, Sir Walter. The journal of Sir ^ Walter Scott, 1825-1832. 2 v. 1890.. Bq; ^sP^ro- G. Ej Taylor, Bayard. Life and letters of : ed. VKthrow, W. by M. H. Taylor. 2 v. 1885 BSyc- - - Koine. 187 Verdi, G. An anecdotic history of Wnght, T. E Verdi's life and works : by A. Pougin. subjects. 2 1887 li Wallack, Lester. Memories of fifty P«rker, J. H. y.-ars. 18,89 '■ " - •'• ^•'^76... Whipple, E. P. Recollections of eminent Ferguson, J. Ij men i!' cut temples 1 Homes and haunts of our elder poets. Meye, H. Stor 1881 Ryjt and Quirigu; HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. 39 J. Forster. . B; -donna. 2 v B672.J lie :igc. 1847 Bgtl Critical mis- HioeJ Moti- f a quiet life. i. Juvontus B8(| HISTORY. '• // .-.v /A^ ^rf«/«/ fl«rfyf«/ „,„. nfhistoty to shmv ns the s.Mim,- >n morah. and to Ml HS what gyeat men have done in /^■nlo,„ „•«- .™»..v. Such beings, and snch actions, dignify onrnatnre, and l^-cathe into us a virtuous jindc which is the /.urent „f every f.ood. " -Svdni' V Smith. a brotiier. his time :by ators : from OUTLINES. HANDBOOKS. A(f Wair's chronolofificai tables. 1882 R902 B Rosse, J. W. Inde:; of dates, being- a K92«.. , complete index to Blair's chronologi- cal t.ibles. .877 Rgo^ K '876 B931 Haydn's dictionary of dates, to 1885: oswell. 3rd ed. by B. Vincent. 18th ed R902 H K9^«. IBchol, J. Tables of European and Am- ip. 109-148. . Hio ^ erican history. i888 R902 N Wt'i.^m, G. P. Tabular views of univer- H ic ih '-al liistory. 1890 Rgo2 p \|^oodward, B. B. EncyUi-pedia of B8 ,! chronolog-y. 1872 R902 W Vteton, S. O. Dictionary of geography, ; biography and history R903 B l^ewer, Dr. Historic note-book i with ,; an appendix of battles. 1891 R903 B2 C^abb, G. Universal historical diction- . ary. 2 v. ,825 r^3 C T^mes (The London) : The annual suni- / manes for a quarter of a century. : "^5i-/5 R903 T ' Register of events. 1877-87 R903 T2 ;r dicta, pp. tters : by G. ngs of Review of day jllanies, pp. H. Hj vid Masson. R928.21 . Hio ip. i-5i ■iendsl. of Hi E. Hodder. indence of: /. 1889.... jspondence. ly of Isaac onography : igh business !th ed. 1885 the life of 3ll-Phillipps. ! : by John n-nal of Sir 2 V. 1890. . tters of : ed. 1885 history of ' A. Pougin. as of fifty s of eminent ilder poets. Be \\ B9, Be History in General. rbes, A. Soldiering.and scribbling ughton, J. K. Studies in naval his- tory. 1887 k ,p'"'f "■''-Jfan de Vienne, n.iva! history 1 4th century ; Colbert, the birth of a navy ; , {'"M"?,,"!' 1""^"^ "^ly i" XVIIth century ; Le B.a.lh de Suffren ; Tegetthoff ; Privateers 4.^nd pr.vateering; The French privateers; faul Jones, the pirate. caulay. Lord. essays. 3 v, G758 G969 Critical and historical ANTIQUITIES. ARCHEOLOGY. R904 Bfiispero, G. Egyptian archaelogy. 1889 Withrow, W. H. The catacombs of Wfight, T. Essays on archsological subjects. 2 V. 1861 G962 G961 G6s8-9 R928. ker, J. H. Archasology of Rome. ^^'- '876 K9.3.37P guson, J. Illustrations of the rock- cut temples of India. 1845 R9I3.S4 ye, H. Stone sculptures of Copan andQuingua. 1883 R913.7 ANCIENT HISTORY. Epochs of Aiu-iont history. lul. by the Rev. Sir G. \V. Cox. The Gracchi, M.'irius and Sulla G918 G909 G913 The early Roman empire The Greeks and the Persians The Roman empire of the second '••'^^"'"'■y G910 The Athenian empire G912 G911 G91; G914 G916 G881 G932 - The rise of the Macedoni.m empire — Rome to its capture by the Gauls G917 — The Roman Triumvir.ites. ... -- The Spart.-m and Theb.un supremacies -- Rome and C;trthage, the Pimic wars. . Allen, W. I-. Ancient history for colleges 1 890 Arnold, W. T. The Roman system of provincial administration. 1879... Campbell, John. The Hitfites : their inscriptions and their history. 2 v. ,,.''^90.... G999-1000 Mahaffy, J. P. Greek life and thought — The Greek world under Roman sway ,, '890 G1003 Mommsem, T. The provinces of the Roman empire. 1887 G87S-6 Sayce, A. H. Records of the past. New series. V^ol. i Gate. Ranke, L. von. Universal history. 1884 G929 Nichol, J. Tables of ancient literature and history. 1877 R902 n^ KawUnson, George. Five great mon- archies of the ancient eastern 'vorld. 3v. 1873 — Sixth great oriental monarchy. — Seventh great oriental 1876 Duruy, \. Historv of Rome, to A. D. 39,'i-. 6 V. 1883 Rqg- D Lanciani, R. Ancient Rome in the light of recent discoveries. 1889 R937 L Dyer, T. H. .\ncient Athens. 1873 Cesnoln, A. P. di. Salaminia (Cyprus): the history, treasvres and antiquities. Upwards of 700 ill 1884 R939 C Schliemann, Dr. Henry. Tiryns : the prehistoric palace of the 'kings of Tiryn.s. 1885 ^^^^ 5 — Mycenae : a narrative of researches and discoveries. 1878 R939 S2 >873- monarchy. R93S P93.S-6 R93.';-7 R938.5 30 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, r-j MODERN HISTORY. 1' Church, R. \V. Bi'Kui'iitiK: of the midille ■■'K"N O556 Emsrton, K. Intiodiution to tlu- stmly of till' mitlilli" ajfos ,375-814. i88y.. OHq] Mackenzie, R. Tho ii)th Lontury : a liisldi-y of tlu- priiu'ipal i'VimUn iluriiijf till- pii'MMit ii'iiliiry. i.'llit'il. iSHq t>')4,3 Michelet, M, A suininary o\' nmili'in hisliiry. 1875 .' ^"1942 Myers, I'. \'. \. Outliiu-s of im-dia-val ami modern history. 1H88 C1H8.! CRUSADKS. Chronicles lit' ilio frusadi-s, 1 i8(.)-i 271 . . 0^84 Cox, <.'>. W, Tlu- crusades, 611-1291.,. G567 Michaud, J. F. History of the eru- sailes, 300-1685. 3 V c;42i-23 Pears, K. The fall of Constantinople : the fourth eru.saile 1 1203]. 1885 ^1937 EUROPE. Fyffe, (". A. A history of modern Kuropi-, 1792-1814. 2 V. 2nd ed. i8i)o. . . . G877-8 Payne, E. J. History of I'"urope;in colonies. 1889 t'94S Roger of Hoi'cden. Annals: 732-1201. ^ V." 1H53 '. . G73-4 War scare in Europe, The. 1889 G922 Scotland. Oliphant, Mrs. Royal Edinburgh : her s.'iints, kinjfs and scholars. 1890.,, Gioii Scotch-Irish in .Aiueric.i : proceedinjfs of the second cong'ress at Pittsburg, 1890 G1009 Skene, \V. F. Celtic Scotland : a history of ancient Alban. 2 v. 1887. G948-9 Beattie, W. Scotland : in a series of views. 1835 ^941 R Palgrave, Sir F. Documents illustrating the liistory of Scotland, v 1. 1837. Rg4i P Keltie, J. S. History of the Scottish highlands, cl.ins .'iiid regiments. 6 V. 1887 R941.1 K Mclan, R. R. Costumes of the clans of the Scottish higiilands. 2 v. 1845.R941.1 M Davison, T. R. The Glasgow exhibi- tion of 1888 R941.43 Ireland. Bagena!. P. H. The American-Irish, and their influence on Irish politics. 1 882 G957 Bagwell, R. Ireland under the Tudors. 2 V. 1885 G977-8 Lawless, irou. Emily. With Essex in li'el.'inil. 1890 O'Connor, T. P. The Parnell move- ment : history of the Home Rule struggle. 1 889 Russell, C. .New views on Ireland. 3rd ed. 1880 ". . Trevelyan, Sir C. The Irish crisis : the great famine of iS4()-7. 1880 Grace, W. R. 'I le Irish in America, r Dtekens, C. — - Second ( Grten, J. R. people, 4^ ,. ,— Short histoi ''Hiune, n. II V c;,,KlllKht, C. r to 184(1. I (•„,Llagard, j I 10 V t;,^Lufton, W. M own times. 886 R(,,, Matthew oj n lory to 13 sre, C. y England Ancient laws of Ireland. 4 v. 1865. . . . R.iji... '"'>' '" '-^^ ^ y«»re, C. M. ENGLISH HISTORY. OUTLINES. HAND BOOKS. Gardiner, S. R. Outline of E. H. B. C. 55-A. D. 1886 Gurney, E. II. Reference hand-book of E. H. 1890 Littlewood, W. E. Essentials of E. H. 1888 Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts of. 1 889 Yonge, C. M. Cameos from E. H. 1883 dottier, VV. W pire .... 3o4win, W. C15. ,; we.ilth t)f I 'H|||ie ami Srt OK tland, from G.v ,1 MILI ANTIQUITIES. Mims, W. H. *-'' J^ British anil <^9Ui|ll, J. BattI 1 1 90- 1 840. lllike, P. Col , tary trials, D39-:qj>e, W. H. H !>«77 G4jhiat battles ol i, 1868 Gi Brand, J. Popular antiquities of Great Britain. 3 v. 1858 Evans, J. Ancient bronze implements, weapons and orn.iments. 1881 — Ancient stone implements, weapons and ornaments . . . . • Ci4«fjpin, J. Flat Hunnewell, J. F. England's chronicle ^''''-'' '****3- in stone. 1886 Pring, J. H. Briton and the Roman on the site of Taunton. 1880 Rimmer, A. Ancient stone crosses of England. 1875 Scott, Sir W. Border antiquities of Eng- land and Scotland. 2 v. 1814. Keane, M. Towers and temples of ancient Ireland. 1867. . . . . , R9I3-: ,| Akerman, J. Y. Remains of pagan "*: .Saxondom. 1855 R9i3,4.'3c Brash, R. The ogam inscribed monu- ments of the Gaedhil. 1879 .... Rgi3.4.'? Gi Rgi.r CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. (See list on Page i$.) s, W. Na ■|tain, 1793 to Go.«j|s, Alujor. ^ jf Great Br lellan, G. England], n, H. Ne remacy of I'll. 1890. Second cop , S. D. Tl estoration t esley, Arthi '^ife of the ^n old soldie -.jlfictories of V General English History, -f ll^^^^ Buckley, A. B. History of England for beginners. 1887 Creasy, E. S. History of England to 1485. 2 V. 1869 Gni Itanhope, Ea lions with W paxwell, W. luke of Well HAMILTON PUBI.rc LIBRARY. 3« Dickens, C. Child's hiNtory of Enjflaiul. G541 Second copy C^^o Grten, J. R. History of the Enjfiish pt-oplo, 44<>-iHi5. 4v ^.114-7 J., — Short history, 44c^iH74 .... o^^. HlUne, n. History of Enjfiaiul to i(,HH. ^'^' «77,3.S C.ijKldEht, C. Popular iiistory of Enjflatid '" 'M''- « V C,32t,-x] ("...Lillirard, J. History of Enjfland to 1688. , '"^' G365-74 C-^L-vpton, \V. M. Kiiffhsh histt)ry to our mviitiiiu's. 1K85 Os42 Re,,, Matthew 0/ lI'dstMi/is/er. Flowors of his- V. .865.... R<,4,„ '"■■>■ to M07- ^v Ct,.2 xoape, C. M. Voun« folks history of I'-ntrlaud \f -uu isTORY. j::: ^'•^'" \D BOOKS -OUier, \V. History of the British Em- , .r^' R94:!C 30«Win, W. History of tho c-oiumoTi- G.v .■wealth of Ennlaiul to ib«o. 4 v. 1824 R94J G hand-book of H[«pie am/ Smollett. History of Enj^-- OS .land, from Julius Ciesar to 1760. 2 y.R942 H2 ith Essi-x in 'arnell move- Home Rule Ireland. 3rd sh crisis : the 1 S8() in Americ.'i. — Wriufht, G. \. Life and cjimpaiifiin of Arthur, duke of Wellington. 4 vR92.^.5 FHSTORfCAI. KSSAVS, ETC. Beaant, \\\ Fifty y,.ars ajfo Oii Wa E. H. B. C. "A rictiiru i,f soiiVty in |.;,ijrl..,„j ulicH \ n liTi.-i ascviuliil the throiif." Brewer, J. S. EiiKiish studies; es- says. 18H1 _ Buckle, H. T. History of ciyiliz.-.tion in En^fland. 2 y. 1888 n,n, , Cassell s Our (i\yn coinilry. 6 v GSo-od Freeman, K. A. Historical essays." First H634 series, 4lh eel G926 ials of E. H. inj;' facts of. t;, S MHJTARY AND NAVAL. G- \dirns, W. H. D. Battle-stories from 1, FH .88, ,,,^ "'-'t'^"' '«""• ''-'"-opean history. ,889. G318 _^. 190-1840. 2 V • ^^g^_g lltnce, P. Celebrated naval and mili- tary trials, i6.s.-i8,5 D3^g .Second series, 3rd eil 0^27 Third series, 3rd ed (jg^Q Green, J. R. Re.idin.^s from English ^ '•"^''"'•>' G879 Green, T. H. Works, y. 3. pp. .,,,. 3f>4. I'"our lectures on the Enirlish commonwealth. 1888 o^.g Hamley, .SV> E. defence of Gt. Mrit.iin. 1889. riES. ties of implements, i. 1881 its, weapons d's chronicle le Roman on 880 a crosses of lities of Eng- D39-:qfe, W. H. History of the rifle brigade. .877 C>4,^iat battles of the British army, 1066- ' 1 868 G701 G931 -.85-6 G40S CMjrpin, J. Flags, and mercan- i}'^^- "«83 Gimes, W. Naval history of great Bri- :f ain, 1 793 to 1820. 6 v ^■''•il^S' J^^'ijor. Naval and military heroes ^f Great Britain, 1066-1854 ^923-5 J ^lellan, G. B. Armies of Europe ""EngLind]. 1862 *. q^^^ G522 G609 G407-12 '^'4 R9',^«W0n. H. Nelson and the naval temples of ^9' 3- m'[ IS of pagan "'^S Second copy remacy of England, by W. C. Rus- 11. 1890. R913.42J ;ribed monu- 1879 lAL LAW, B867 B973 S. D. The British army from the restoration to the j;cvolution. 1880.. G433 • ^9'3-4^'IBesley, Arthur, /si Duke of Wellington.- ^ife of the duke of Wellington : by M^n old soldier... ^ Hamerton, P. G. French and English. 2 v. 1889 *" (jjj , Howitt, W\ Rural life of 1862 Cuo<: Hozier, H. M. The invasions of FIngland toi8o.s. 2v. ,876 0935-6 Hyde, J. W. The royal mail : its curios- ities and romance. 3rd ed. 1889. . . G954 Ingram, J. H. H.iunted homes and family traditions. 1886 G631 Jewitt, L. Stately homes of England. 2 , '• '^^'•- G.27.8 Jusserand, J. J. English wayfaring life 111 the middle ages. 1S89 n^^ Kingsley, C. Pl.iys .md puritans. 1880 H480 Mitchell. D. G. English lands, letters and kings. 2 v. 1890 G866-7 Nicholas, T. Pedigree of the English people, jth ed. 1878 G623 Pauli, />. R. Pictures of old England. G983 1S61 GqsS B46 -*a|ictories of Wellington. .■ G19 ^ :5aO"8:e, t,. Duke of Wellington Bj3 ^kanhope. Earl. Notes of^conversa- G;^ionswithWellitigton, 1831-51 ...". . B839 •axwell W. H. Life of his grace the GliW"'''-' of Wellington. 3 V R923.5 W England for England to Rogers, J. T. Historical gleanintrs. i86g _ *" .St scries -Montagu, Walpole. Adam Tnuth, Cobbett. Stebbing, J. Some verdicts of history reviewed. 1881 ■; G432 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the queens of England. 6v B35-40 — Lives of the Tudor and Stuart prin- cesses. 1889 Williams, F. Domestic memoirs of the royal family. 3 V. i860 B985-7 Hewitt, W. Visits to remarkable places, 2 V. 1890 Rq42 H Queens of England, from the Conquest to Victoria: ed. by Mary Howitt. , y-.V •.• R923.>42 Land we m : he British empire. 2 v. R942 L B43 ■'lit m 'i in i " J 'h^ I] 1 fi 32 SUPPLfiMENT TO CATALOGUfi, English History— Special Periods. ANGLO-SAXON. B. C. 55-A. D. 1066. Church, A. The story of early Britain. 1890 G863 Cole, T. H. Antiquities of Hastings. 1884 ; G653 Davies, E. Celtic researches : Ancient Britons. 1804 G693 Florence 0/ Wonestci . Chronicle : to 1294 G4 Freeman, E. A. Old English history to 1066 G649 Giles, J. A. Six old English chronicles. G744 Green, J. R. Conquest of England : 758-J071 G112 — Making of England : 449-829 Gi 13 TAiXvrj of Huntingdon, Chronicle: to 1154 Gi Kemble, J. M. Saxons in England. 2 v. 1876 G104-S Lappenberg, J. M. History of England, under the Anglo-Saxon kings. 2 v. G14-15 Miller, T. History of the Anglo-Saxons : to 1066 G13 Palgrave, F. Rise of the common- wealth : Anglo-Saxon period. 2 v. 1832 R942.01 Pearson, C. H. England during the early and middle ages. 2 v. 1867. G344-45 Poste, B. Britannia antiqua, or ancient Britain G625 Powell, F. Z. Early England 6548 Roger oj IVendover. Flowers of history : to 1235. Trans, by J. A. Giles G79-80 Turner, S. History of the Anglo-Saxons : to 1066. 3 V G3S8-60 William of Malmesbury. Chronicle : to Stephen, 1 142. 1847 G466 Wright, T. The Celt, the Roman and the Saxon. 1885 G595 NORMAN. 1066-1154. Creighton, L. England a continental power . GS48 Freeman, E. A. Reign of William Rufus : 1087-1100. 2v G682-3 Jewett, S. O, Story of the Normans. 1 888 G 1 43 Johnson, A. H. Normans in Europe. . G563 Palgrave, Sir F. History of Normandy and England : 741-1101. 4 V. 1868. R944.2 Turner, S. History of England : from the Conqueror to Henry VIII. 5 V. 1830 G3.53-57 Thierry, A. Conquest of England by the Normans. 2 v G43-4 Freeman, E. A. The Norman conquest of England. 6 v. 1877 R942-02 PLANTAGENET. • Memoirs ol 1154-1399. Froissart, J. Chronicles R944.c****^fffs J^'^^'^^; — Boy's Froissart : by S. Lanier ^'-^'Morris E. E ' Matthew Paris. English history: 1235 Rmike'l vor ^ *°'^73- 3v G33-r. .7t'h dentil Stubbs, W. Early Plantagenets G.sjB^ard, earl Warburton, W. Edward III G5; " the rebelli LANCASTER AND YORK. 1399-1485. ''""' '' '^^ Gairdner, J. York. . . , Rowley, J. TUDOR. 1485-1603. Creighton, M. Age of Elizabeth . . Mgcaulay, T. Houses of Lancaster and 1685- 1702. G^' H. Rise of the people G54 ''■ Griville, G. ( •: IV. and VV G.(Le€ky, W. E. — Tudors and the reformation G^; ; ^ le i 1 L Froude, J. A. History of England : i':27- TiiJ!' T**' 88. 12 V Gi3i.4*«'F*''*''y' J- — Kingsley, C. Plays and puritans: wilT' ''^' ', ' pp. 209-271. Review of Froude's His- W«rt«neau, H tory H4S ;|'^°°-'5- • • Little, J. Tercentenary of England's ~^'t'^P r°^ great victory over the Spanish ;| 1816-46. 4 armada : 1588-1888 G2(M#"S, E. E. Lodge, E. British history : 1509-1603. 3 Rfllpley, J. Si V. 1838 G451. It'on Moberly, C. E. Early Tudors : Henry 3t<|>bing, J. \ VII-VIII Gj; -The i8th ct Turner, Sharon. Reign of Henry VIII. r«ncock, O. \ 2 V. 1828 G36i-t .5 American — Reigns of Edward VL, Mary and ^^ '775-'8i5.. Elizabeth. 2 v. 1835 G363-f^eht, T. C Froude, J. A. History of England : from ' Georges. . . the fall of Wolsey to the death of -Jfpam, Rev. R Elizabeth. 12 v. 1870 R942,t \^^- '825.. STUART. 1603-1714. I ^. Ashton, John. Social life in the reign of ? Queen Anne D2:'^lW[^i prince cc Burnet, Bishop. History of his own time : ^StJleanings : 1660-1713 Gjc'^iponal memoi Burton, J. H. Reign of Queen Anne : ^^^ Prince C 1702-14. 3 V. 1880 G334Jiyning, O. ^ Carrel, A. Counter-revolution in Eng- HWille, C. C. land : 1658-89 G Jl'ictoria : ig Fox, C. J. Reign of James the Second. G+-W^. H. W. D Gardiner, S. R. The first two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution : 1603-60. — The great civil war. v. i. 1642-44. 1888 .. — History of England : 1603-42. lo v. . G476'"' ®'o''' history — Thirty years' war : 1618-48 (Vf l&igland und« 1874.85. 2 -<||istory (?f 01 Go' Gardiner, Mrs. S. R. Struggle against absolute monarchy Guizot, F. The English revolution of 1640 Hale, E. Fall of the Stuarts Jesse, J. H. Court of England, under the Stuarts and protectorate : 1603- 1701. 3 v i^ofesworth, W G- .-l-ind : 1830-7 ,, -i CRIM (,;i^Iey. Sir E. 1890 &fl||lake. A. W. G.) HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. 33 G762-6 . 1 154-1399. — Memoirs of the pretenders: 1688-1788. G48 Macaulay, T. B. History of England : *^944-c 168S-1702. 5v . •''"''''■ M-Morris, E. E. Age of Anne .' " history : 1235 ^^^^ L_ y^„ ^ ,,1^^^^^ ^^ E„g,.^,,j . ^^'' • ' 7<h century. 6 v. 1875 G375-80 G.S'Edward, ear/ of Clarendon. History of Gi; the rebellion and civil wars in Eng-- ORK lino ,^Rr 1-1'itl: •1641-1660. 6v. 1837 R942.06C ORK. '399-485. M^aulay, T. B. History of England: genets 11... . ancaster and Dple 85-1603. abeth on ngland: 1527- nd puritans: Froude's His- )f England's the Spanish 1509-1603. 3 dors : Henry Henry VHI. 1685-1702. 4 V. HANOVER. C. '7'4-i837. R942.06 M G5; Greville, G. C. F. Memoirs: Geortj-e IV. and William IV. 2 v , B570-1 G;('-**Ky' ^^- E. H. History of England in ^^ the 18th Century, v. 1-6 G308-13 'V'" ^' ^'^ G316-17 Gni.^*'*-*''*''y' J- A history of four Geore-es. " ^'- '-^- '890 ■ °., G903-4 Martineau, H. History of England : H4S '800-15 G745 - History of the thirty years' peace : ,1816-46. 4v O746-9 Gjci»<|rris, E. E. Early Hanoverians G558 Rolirley, J. Settlement of the constitu- G45.,J<^" G548 at«)bing, J. History reviewed, pp. -s-a. G5. .The i8th century ....../. G432 r«ncock, O. W. England during the G36i-t ; American and European wars : , Mary and xk^'^''^"'^'^ " G548 G363-('»f»&ht, T. Caricature history of the igland : from :? Georges ^^^^ the death of -3*ani, Rev. R. The reign of George '^^5 R942.07 Victorian Era. ^, prince consort. Gladstone, W. E cleanings : pp. ,-130 H180 anal memorial to his royal highness Ihe Prince Consort. ,873 Rg^a. , ^ ^ing, O. Modern England : 1815-85 G548 ^lle, C. C. F. Memoirs : reign of Victoria : 1837-60. 6 v h H. W. Diary of two parliaments : ^74-85. 2 V ^. |arthy, J. Epoch of reform : 1830^50 jistory of our own times : 1837-80. R942.( HI. 03-1714. 1 the reign of lis own time : Jueen Anne : ( tion in Eng- the Second. two Stuarts 3n : 1603-60. >. 1642-44. G9:; 1-42. 10 V. . G47frv'^ ^8 GjT- jgle against Ga« B572-7 D275-6 G555 evolution of ■land, under arate : 1603- ^ort history of our own times. 1888. figland under Gladstone : 1880-85. Isworth, W. N. History of Eng- •n"d : 1830-74. 1877 * CRIMEAN WAR. ,853-6, lley. Sir E. The war in the Crimea. 1890 ^lake. A. W. Invasion of the Crimea. V, G675-6 G512 G7'3 G710 G698 Volur "'^"< ' to.S G714-8 X'oliinie 6 r>Q.o - . , (.1040 Nolan. History of tht Russia. 8 v.. Simpson, W. Th east. 1855 war against R942.08 N seat of war in the R942.08 S QUEEN VICTORIA. Victoria, (lucen. Journal in the hie' - lands : 1848^61 : ed. by A. Helps. .'. -- More loaves from the journal of life in the highlands : 1862-82 — - Second copy — Her girlhood and womanhood. Green- wood — Smalley, G. W. I^ondon letters, v 2. pp. 252-272. The jubilee — Tulloch, W. W. Story of the life of Queen Victoria : told for boys and girls all over the world. 1887 — Wilson, R. Life and times of Vic- toria. 4 v F41 F42 F46q B377 B970 B886 .R923.1 V English History— Geogra- phical Divisions. Doran, /;;-. Memories of our great towns : 1 860-77 7. Freeman, E. A. English towns and dis- tricts. 1883 Historic towns : ed. by E. A. Freeman and W. Hunt. — Bristol : by Wm. Hunt — Carlisle : by M. Creighton — Cinque ports : by M. Burrows — Colchester : by Rev. E. L. Cutts. — Exeter : by E. A. Freeman — London : by W. J. Loftie — Oxford : by C. W. ..\ MIDDLESEX. G123 G430 GS36 GS32 G53S GS34 GS3' GS37 GS33 LONDON. Conway, M. D. Travels in South Kens- mgton, with notes on decorative art and architecture in England. 1882. DeRos, Lord. Tower of London. 1866. Dixon, W. H. Her majesty's tower. 4 , "• '869 \ ? G732-S London : its lights and shadows G417 Longman, W. History of three cathed- '"■•''s- 1873 Meteyard, E. Hallowed spots of ancient London. 1870 Cassell's old and new London : the city, ancient and modern : by W. Thorn- '""•y. 2 V G8l2-I'J — Wi'ftminster and western suburbs • by E. Walford. 2 v G814-15 X he western and northern suburbs • by E. Walford G816 The southern suburbs : by E. Wal- ^°"^ G817 E77 G708 G130 G406 34 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, Smalley, G. W. London letters, and some others. 2 v B969-70 History and antiquities of the Abbey church of St. Peter, Westminster: in. by Neale. 2 v. 1818 R942.1B London : the great metropolis. 1837. . R942. i G — Postoffice directory : 1889 R942.1 L Smith, A. Sketches of London life and character R942.1 S Tallis's illustrated London 1851 R942. 1 T Timbs, J. Curiosities of London. 1885.R942. i T2 Walford, E. Greater London. 2 v. . .R942.1 W SOUTHEASTERN. Cobbett, W. Rural rides in Surrey, Kent, etc. : 1821-32. 2V G651-52 Gosse, P. H. Rambles on the Devon- shire coast, 1853 F761 Wild life in a southern county F653 Palmer, W. J. The Tyne and its tribu- taries. 1882 R914.2 P Gostling, W. A walk in Canterbury. 1869 R942.23 Craik, Mrs. An unsentimental journey through Cornwall. 1884 R914.237 MIDLAND. Rimmer, A. Pleasant spots around Oxford F719 Jeaffreson, J. C. Annals of Oxford. 2 v. G403-4 Kenilworth illustrated. 1821 R942.48 Chantrey's peak scenery, or views in Derbyshire. 1886 R942.51 NORTHERN. Axon, W. E. A. Cheshire gleanings. 1884 G704 Harland, J. Lancashire folk-lore. 1867 D617 Roby, J. Traditionsof Lancashire. 1867 G684 Espinasse, F. Lancashire worthies. »'^74 B674 Twyford, A. W. Records of York castle. 1880 G645 Airey, R. Feltham's tour through the Isle of Man. 1859 ^473 Axon, W. E. A. The annals of Man- chester. 1885 R942.72 A Procter, R. W. Memorials of Man- chester streets. 1874 R942.72 P Rose, T. Westmoreland, Cumberland, Durham and Northumberland. 2 v. 1832 R942.8 WALES. Hail, S. C, The book of South Wales, 1861 F729 BoffOw, G. Wild Wales. 1S88 G751 Warner, R. Walk through Wales. 1798 F6s8 Woodward, B. B. History of Wales. 2 V R942.9 British Colonies. -. . (Including Imperial Federation.) Bourne, H. R. F. Story of our colonies. 1888 G; Cotton, J. S. Colonies and dependencies. '883 GHoder, H. M. Dilke, Sir C, W, Greater Britain in in German' '866-7 F3;3tadstone, W.' — Problems of Greater Britain. 1890... G( 252. Fram Froude, J. A. Oceana. 1887 f ,>■ Geffcken, F. H. The British empire. 1889 G, -. Hubner, Baron von. Through the British ry. • • empire. 2 v. 1886 Fjt Hurlburt, J. B. Britain and her colonies. '86s G««5hiavelli, ^ Mathews, Jehu. A colonist on the .:'845 colonial question. 1872 GKll^tel, C. Mil Payne. E. J. European colonies. 1889. Gijnilonds, J. A Seeley, J. R. The expansion of Eng- 7 v- 1875. land Grnjilope, S. A. Mackenzie, R. 19th century : pp. 249- ;S^lorence : i 252- 1889 Oloin, E. H. 1 Practical politics : pp. 239-290. British \ colonial policy : by Sir D. Wedder- ■ burn. 1881 D | Imperial federation : report of the confer- 'wH, W. R. ence, 1884 R3S4.42cI«ll|ell's III. hist Gordon, A. A brief statement of the case War : 1875-9 against Imperial federation. i889.R3S4.42o{t<^iak. The Imperial federation league in Canada. '■W' and his pei 1885 R354.420 in Russia, i France. Eliot, Frances. Old court life in France. '**• ^" ^" ^'^^ ^^ Br s' Guizot, F. P. G, History of France : to '789- 1889 ^"iL. Storyt Hamerton, P. G. French and English. rilSlluft. F Thi 2v, 1889 G'^ Headley, J. T, The imperial guard of A Napoleon, 1888 C J ~ Napoleon and his marshals. 2 v. 1888 GSr^?' ^- G. 1 Montgomery, D. H. The leading facts W'^^^^ '82 of Fren-'i history. 1890 C" Taine, H. A. Les origines de la France contemporaine. The ancient regime. ibdil Hamid II, '878 t JS'gn:byPrii The revolution. 2 v Gi) Washbtime, E. B. Recollections of a minister to France : 1869-77. 2 v. . . Go ; Palgrave, Sir F. History of Normandy lidflson G B ^868 "'^ ^"S^'^"'*= 741-1 'oi. 4 v. ^^^57-' 1891!. L'exposition de Paris de 1889. Fullv Wbi -,^ ' illustrated ' ^^^^^^h't^ I H' Morley, J. Critical miscellanies : pp. ^jft. v- v i 261-290. France in the eighteenth oKl.^- • ; .. century in Ind. ■^11, T. One olonies. j/ Federation.) HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. Other Countries of Europe. 35 AFRICA. if our colonies. dependencies. ter Britain in itain. 1890. . . 887 ritish empire. gh the British 1 her colonies. jnist on the 2 )lonies. 1889. ision of Eng- tury : pp. 249- )-290. British r D. Wedder- G- GERMANY. C'Hoitier, H. M. The seven weeks' war in Germany [ 1 8661. 1872 G956 F3;31«lstone, W. E. Gleanings : pp. 197- G( 252. Franco-German war, 1870 Hi8t " HUNGARY. /•Olbery, A. Story of Hungary G864 ^5<: ITALY. C»««i;hiavelli, N. Florentine histories. _. .:'«45 G985 G«»tel, C. Military Italy of to-day. i88^ G930 Gjjriionds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. n V. 1875. See list on page 19 R709.4S GTrdlope, S. A. The commonwealth of ^^lorence : 1107-1531. 4 V. 1865... G965-8 G«(^n, E. H. The liberators of Italy. . . R945 ': RUSSIA. ; of the confer- *«WfiH. W. R. Story of Russia G86s R3S4.42ci«lieirs 111. history of the Russo-Turkish ent of the case ^ ^f = '875-9 R947.08 tion. i889.R354.420»^pniak. The Russian peasantry. 1888 G880 e in Canada. 'Mr and his people, The ; or social life R3S4-420 in Russia. 1891 Gioio Blacks, boers and Stathatn, F. R. British. 1881 Lane-Poole, S. Barbary corsairs. 1890 Wallace, D. M. Egypt and the Egyp- tian question. 1883 _ ■; ' Morell, J. R. Algeria : topography and history. 1854 _ _ AMERICA G952 G862 G933 R96S :e. NORWAY. life in France. '***» E. C. Scandinavian history. 1874 G947 B; of France : to ^^ L. Story of Switzerland G2<:i: and English. ^'iBi^uft, F. The Alps. .889 R949.4 ;rial guard of G lis. 2 V. 1888 G8^^ leading facts 90 c-^l i de la France ;|l ncient regime. ^ C ; G9 Uections of a 69-77. 2V... Go of Normandy (i —• 4 V. ^ ,?Ps7/.897;..:;:.r::::':.:'::':"^.:" G997 " i889.' " ' Fully ^"^^^^^'^ ^- "^^ ^"'"^" P"''"'^ ^"'•ks. •elianies :' ' pp. ''^''^'V"^'' * o^^ directory. ;89i! .■r9,o.3^W le eighteenth wtlJ" .\ History of the British SWITZERLAND. i GREECE. L le, S. G. The Greek revolution of p°-^7- '828 R949.506 I TURKEY. 1 Hamid II. Twelve years of his fcign : by Princess de Lusignan. 1889 G921 ASIA. Wson, G. B. The Indian mutiny of SPS7- i8qi "1S.7 T '"^"'"'' '° '^5^- =* ^ R954 N Waiell, T, Oriental scenery. 1816.,,, R954.5 Mackenzie, R. America : a history of Its rise and progress. 1889 Gq44 Palgrave, W. G. Dutch Guiana. 1876. G938 Waterton, C. Wanderings in 1824. . G92C Buckingham, J. S. America. 3v. 1841R970B Howland, E. Annals of North America • „ '492-1877. -R H Macgrepr, J. The progress of America to i8.).6. 4 V. . . D ^ »» Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and crit- ical history of America: profusely Illustrated with portraits, maps, fac- similes, etc. 8 V. 1888 R970W 1. Aboriginal America. 2. Spanish discoveries and conquests in Am^erifa^'""'' '^'"^"^^"''^^ ^'^^ settlements in 4- French discoveries and settlements in America, with chapters on the Dutch and owedcs. ,■;. The French and English in North America, from ;he English revolution to the peace of Pans, 1689-17IB3. Part I^ ""^ ^""^'^ ^'"'"^ "^ ^°''''' America. 7., The United States to the close of the Mexican war. Part II. ^J\^\^ ^^" ^'^'^^y of British, Spanish and Portuguese America. ^"^^xf' ^:^' ^^^ aboriginal races of North America. 1 5th ed. 1 880 ... . R970. i D Drake, F. S. Indian tribes of the United States. 2v. ,885 R970.1.D2 Schoolcraft, H. R. Oneo'ta, or charac- teristics of the red race of America. _,. '847 Rgyo., S Slight, B. Indian researches. 1844. . R970. i S2 Brant, Capt, Joseph. Memoir R970.2 B Hale, H. The Iroquois book of rites '^^3 R970.3H Central America. St. John, Sir S. Hayti, or the black republic. 1889 G934 Mill, N. The history of Mexico. 1824. R972 Jainaica hand-book. 1890 R972.92 United States. Adams, B. Emancipation of Massachu- setts. 1887 G890 36 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, .;l Bancroft, G. History of the formation of the constitution of the United States. 2 V. 1889 Great flood in Johnstown, Pa., May "ii, 1889 .^.'. . Hughes, Th-: .nas. Ru>fby, Tennessee. 1881 Jackson, Helen. A century of dishonor. United States g-overnnients dealinj,'-s with Indians. 1890 Moon?, N. Pilgrims and Puritans: plant- ing of Plymouth and Boston. 1S88, Palfrey, John G. History of New Eng- land. 5 V. 1890. . . ." Thwaites, R. G. The colonies, 1492- I750- 1891 Van Dyke, T. S. Millionaires of a day : great southern California boom. 1S90 G871-2 G972 G980 G894 G885-9 Gtoo8 G320 Stfi'Tlg', Rev. J. Our country : its possi- ble fu ure and its present crisis. 1885 R973 S Alexander, Sir W. American coloniza- tion, and the loll of the knights, bar- onets of New Scotland. 1873 R973- 1 Jones. C. H. Cr-mpaign for tlie conquest of Canada \.\ 1776. 1J.82 K973-3 C Buckingham, J. S. The eastern and western states of America. 3 y. 1842 R974 Ketchun?, W. History of Bu>1alo, 2 y. R974.79 History of the: Centennial exhibif'on, by J. D. WcCahe R974.81 1 M Buckingham, J. S. The slave states of America. 2 v. 1^42 R97S Smith, W. R. The hisfory'ol Wisconsin. = '' • R977-5 WAR OF 1812. (See «•((/(■>• Canada, special list.) CIVIL WAR, 1861-65. Battles and leaders of the Civil war : ed. by R. U. Johnson. 4 v. 1884 R973.7 tl From Xorthern standpoint. Campaigns of the Civil war. 13 y. — V I. The outbreak of rebellion G84 — V. 2. From Fort Henry to Connth . . G8; McClellan's campaign of 1862. G8; The army under Pope G8; Antietam and Fredericksburg. G8; ChancellorsvilleandGettysburg G8; The army of the Cumberland . . G8; The Mississippi G8- Atlanta qs,- The march to the sea GS: The Shenondoah valley in 1864 GS; The Virginia campaign G!<f Statistical record of the U. S. armies ^-.v CofHn, C. C. Marching to victory Gi: From Southern standpoint. Bledsoe, A. T. Is Davis a traitor? 1866. Gk Pollard, E. A. The "lost cause: a new southern history of the war (;,q . Australia. U . 2. - V. 3. -V.4. - V. 5. - V. 6. - V. 7. - V. 8. - V. 9. - V. 10. -V. n. - V. 12. - V. 13. Worsnop, T. History of the city of Ade- laide, 1836-77 Gq Scratchley, Sir P. Australian defences. i«87 Go Wright's Australian 1891 Australian handbook. trade 1889. directory. R910.3' m G( ippleton's and int Annual c thambers's £ncycloped ; 1878 .. . 'Knight's pe COLl (See I wfirewer, Ri ofrefert ^ent, S. A, ij great m peeton's die i ''°" ■ • • • ^dwards, E 1882 . . . uotations modern llibone, S. oyt-Ward' 1888 . . . . iley, H. T. tations. azlitt, W. ( Sainton, G. )ixey, W. 1890 . . . I erne, T. H study of I lalkett and the anon literature lazlitt, W. English 11 Lowndes' hi! English li Ulibone, S. literature. ^hambers's literature. 1 86 1 -6s. 3ivil war : ed. '• 1884 R973-71 standpoint. ■• 13 V. ;bellion G84 to Corinth . . G8; aign of 1862. G><: 'ope G8; dericksburg-. G8: idGettysburg G8: 'umberland . . GS: , GsJ G8; sea G8; valley in 1864 GS: paign G8f of the U. S. G8t victory Gi;- ^andpoint. raitor? 1866. G& iuse : a new ^ ^ar G9( '*' lia. : city of Ade- G9- an defences. G9Vi ; directory. R910.3' %5 HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. 37 LANGUAGE f^° LITERATURE. '»>ho have given them to us:-~]om-aKiQm. General Cyclopedias. iAppleton's American cyclopedia. 16 v.: and index volume. 1879 '.' R030 A Annual cyclopedia, 1876-7-8 R030 A2 hambers's encyclopedia. 10 v. 1877. R030 C ncyclopedia Britannica. 24 v. 9th ed. 1878. R030 E Edwards, E libraries Dibdin, Rev. T. F, ion. 1824... Libraries and founders of The library compan- R027 R027. 1 night's penny encyclopedia. 17 v. 1833 R030 P COLLECTIONS. QUOTATIONS. (See also Poktical Quotations, page 39.) handbook Jrewer, Rev. Dr. Reader's of references. 1888 Jent, S. A Familiar short sayings of R803 B great men. 1887 3eeton's dictionary of universal informa tion R803 B2 KSoj B3 Ldwards, E. Words, facts and phrases. '^^^ R803 E (uotations from the Greek, Latin and modern languages. 1888 R808.8 A lUibone, S. A. Prose quotations. 1887.R808.8 A2 'oyt-Ward's cyclopedia of quotations. '^*^^ R808.8 H tiley, H. T., rd. Latin and Greek quo- tations. Translated. 1888 R808.8 R lazlitt, W. C. English proverbs. 1882. R820 H Bibliography. Sainton, G. The art of authorship. 1890 Jixey, W. The trade of authorship. 1890 ^ Hi 078 H1013 10.4 lorne, T. H. An introduction to the studv of bibliography. 2 v. 1814.. Ro lalkett and Laing. A dictionary of the anonymous and pseudonymous literature of Gt. Britain. 4 V. 1882. Roi4.3 lazlitt, W. C. Bibliography of old English literature. 1867 R015.42 H Lowndes' bibliographer's manual of English literature 4 V R015.42 L LUibone. S. A. Dictionary of English literature. 3 v. 1887 R820.3 A Khambers's encyclopedia of English l.teratme. 2v Rg^o. j C Dictionaries. ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Murray, J. A. H. A new English dic- tionary on historical principles, v. I. 1888. -n w Skeat W. W. Etyn^ologicardictionary: ^'^ looH •' „ Webster's unabridged dictionary. ,889 R423 W Worcester's unabridged dictionary. 1889.R42. W2 Milne, D. A readable English diction- ary, etymologically arranged. 1888 R423 2 Wright, T. Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English. 2 v. i86g. . . .R820.3 W OTHER LANGUAGES. French. Contauseau, L. French-Ene- dictionary. ,884 . R440 C — Littre, E. Dictionaire de la laneue Prancaise. 5 v. ,885 . . . R440 L German. Grieb,C.F. German-English ''''="°"''^'-y ... R430G English-German dictionary Yi.^^o G2 Greek, Liddell and Scott's Lexicon. 1883 — Sophocles, E. A. Greek lexicon. Greek .... R480 L 1887 R480 S 188 ^^^'^' *"■ ^' ''^''" ''■'^t'onary, ^"*^'*Soo ^^''^' ^- '^- Micmac Indians". • R497 Latin. Lewis, C. T. Lati R470 Synonyms. Crabb, G. Smith, C. 1884 . English synonyms. 1890. . . R424 C2 J. Synonyms and antonyms. R424 S PHILOLOGY. punc- Ailardyce, P. Stops : or how to tuate. 5th ed. 1887 Ayres, A. The orthoepist : a pronounc- ing manual. i8go — The verbalist : right and wrong use of words. 1890 H1063 H1019 H1018 38 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, M>m I ')i McElroy, J. G. R. The structure of English prose, sth cd. 1889 H1006 Meiklejohn, J. M. D. The EngHsh lan- g-uage : its grammar, history and literature. 5th ed. 1890.' H1030 Muller, F. Max. Biographies of words and the home of the Aryas. 1888. . . H1027 OlLndorfT. New method of learning the German language. 1852 H215 — Key to exercises in above H216 Right word in the right place, The. i860 H1061 Sayce, A. H. Introduction to the science of language. 2 v. 3rd ed. 1890.. Hi03i-2 Strang', H. I. Exercises in false syntax. 1886 Hioi4 Sweet, H. A history of English sounds. i883 H818 Taylor, Isaac. The alphabet : an ac- count of the origin ;ind development of letters. 2 v. 1883 . H 1068-9 — Greeks and Goths : a study on the runes. 1879 H1079 — Words and places. 1888. H102S Farmer, J. S. Americanisms : old and new. 1889 R427.9 New Testament in Greek : Griesbach's text. 1859 , R487.3 Velazquez, M. English-Spanish and Spanish-English grammar. 1872... R460 LITERATURE. Elocution, Including Voice Training. (See also Music, page 2/.) Bell, D. C. Bell's standard elocutionist. i68th thousand. 1889 H102? Browne, L. Voice, song and speech : a practical guide for singers and speakers. 1886 H1073 Homer, R. C. Voice production. 1888. H1075 Mackenzie, Sir M. The hygiene of the vocal organs. 6th ed. 1888 H1074 Neville, Charles B. Humorous readings. ist series H780 — 2nd series H64 — 3rd series H65 Pittenger, /^ev. W. Extempore speech : how to acquire and pratice it. 1883. H1080 Ross, W. T. Voice culture and elocu- tion H 1076 Sheppard, N. Before an audience : or the use of the will in public speaking. 1890 ■ H1081 Meyer, G. H. von. The organs of speech. 1883 H1077 Warman, E. 3. The voice : how to train it : how to care for it H1072 Webb, F. G, The new reciter, reader and orator. 2nd ed Hio^9 ORATORY. Demo.othenes : with extracts from his orations. 1881 Hioio Depew, C. M. Orations. 1890 HiQ6e Satire and Humor. ? Combe, W. Tour of Dr. Syntax in search of the picturesque. 3 V R827.8 Doyle, R. Manners and customs of the English people (and Mr. Pips hys diarye) R827.8 D Hazlitt, W. C. Studies in jocular litera- ture. 1890 H1070 Hood, Tom. Hood's comic annual. 2v R827.7; Jerome, J. K. The idle thoughts of an idle fellow. 1890 Hioo- Russell, A. P. A club of one. 1890 H99; Seymour's humorous sketches. 1888. , .R827.8!^ Welch, P. The tailor-made girl. 1888.R817.4 W — Said in fun. 1889 R817.4 \V; Miscellany. Alison, A. Miscellaneous essays. 1845. H105; Bacon, F. The works of, by Spedding. 2 V. 1858 R824.: B;irrell, A. Obiter dicta : ist series. 1890 Hioo; 2nd series H loa Books that have helped me : reprinted from " The Forum." 1889 Hi4( Bunyan, J. The pilgrim's progress. 1855 H6;' Dibdin, T. F. Bibliomania ; or, book- madness. 1876 R823.7( Dickens' dictionary, by Pierce R823.8 Doran, Dr. Habits and men. 1855 H105! Ellis, G. Specimens of early English metrical romances. 1848 R820 \ Green, J. R. Stray studies from Eng- land and Italy. 1876 H loK Hartland, E. S. The science of fairy tales. 1891 Hio; Helps, Sir A. Friends in council. 2 v. 1873 H6i- Hogg, J. The works of the Ettrick shepherd. 2 v R89i.fc Holmes, O. W. Over the tea-cups. 1891. Hji Howitt, W. Book of the seasons. 1842 H106 Hunt, L. Essays and miscellanies. 1854. Hio; Kinzie, Mrs. J. H. Wau-Bun, the "early day" in the Northwest. 1856. . R8ij Lamb, C. Eliana. 1889 R824.; : Landor, W. S. Imaginary conversations. 5 V. 1826 '. R823.I Mac^ulay, Lord. Speeches and poems. 1879 ml MahafTy, J. P. Classical Greek litera- ture. 1889 Hic lorley, H. The fourtt S- - V. 6 : Ch Itforley, John. I, 3- '888. . layers, F. U ^ 1883 ■t — Modern. ™ Contents : .] S.-ind ; Victoi Trench's poi '. St.-inley ; A i ■'. reUgkm of he ^iiphant, T. L ■i scholar. 1 >ead, C. A. : t ture. 2 V. iluskin. The I ichaff, P. Lit $wift, Jonatha I 1883 I J* (See I fllibone, S. A 1887 irtlett, J. Fan »hn, H. G. E Sth ed. 18S sster, Rev. E. 1876 farton, T. Hi to i8th centi C (See I tken, Mary C. »llah, J. The (>ckhart, J. G lads. 1877. >rter, J. A. Se vala. 1873 ptherwell, W. modern. 18' istrong, J. noId, Sir E. 1891 )wn, Rev. T. Rnt, VV. C. rns, Robert. 1867 HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. from his ' Hioio )o H1066 umor. Syntax in ,T V 11827.8 ms of the Pips hys R827.8 D liar litera- H1070 niial. 2 V R827.7J hts of an Hioo; 1890 H99; 1888...R827.8? rl. i888.R8i7.4\\ R8i7.4\V. 39 1022-3 H211 H1067 H1020 Hi 026 Idorley, H. English writers. V. 4-5 : I The fourteenth century ' n - V. 6 : Chaucer to Caxton. 1889 orley, John. Critical miscellanies, v i 3. 18S8 • Myers, F. W. H. Essays: classical.' 1883 Modern. 2nd ed. 1885 Contents: C.iuscppc M.izzini ; George . Sand ; Victor Hugo ; Ernest ; Areh'p 1 rench s poems ; George Eliot ; Arthur P Stanley ; A new eirenieim ; Kossetti and the . religion ot beauty. ^liphant, T. L. K. The duke and the * scholar. 1875 Head, C. A. The cabinet of Irish ii'tera- I ture. 2v. 1880 R8g,.63 Xuskin. The bibliography of Ruskin . . . R824.86 Ichaff, P. Literature and poetry. 1890 H1012 fwift, Jonathan. The works of. 19 v I '^^3 .'R827.52 Hic St. Pierre, Bernardin de. Paul and Vir- guiia. i«39 Van Laun, H. History of French litera- ture. 3 V. 1876 Wheeler, W. A. Dictionary of the noted names of fiction. j88o'. Whipple, E. P. An.orican Viterature, and otiier papers. .887 h 1002 - Essayc* and reviews. 2 v. 1888 .. . H999-,ooo ~ The literature of the age of Elizabeth. I 000 R828 P Hi 052-4 R803 W H1004 Hiooi H1003 — Literature and life. i8go -~ Society, literature and politics. 1888. Whistler, J. McNeill. The gentle art of making enemies. 1S90 Stevens, H. Historical nuggets : rare books relating to America. 2 v. 1862 R810 S Walpole, Horace. The letters of: ed by P. Cunningham. 9 v. 1880 R826.61 H1024 POETRY. ys. 1845. Hi 05; I Spedding. -i R824,- i ries. 1890 Hioo' 8 . . . Hio(x reprinted " In ^eljy man find, the highest and most beautiful exi,Hessi, of that which is in //iV«."— M. Arnold. QUOTATIONS. CSee also Quotations, pagejj.) 4llibone, S. A. Poetical quotations. H14 „ |**7 R821.08 A -ess. 1855 H6 g*''*'^"' J- Familiar quotations. 1888. R821.08 B or, book- ^Ohn, H. G. Dictionary of quotations. R823.> J ^"^ ''''• '889 R82,.o8B2 R823.8 If ^*!f'/«'- E. A cyclopedia of poetry. .855.... H.ov^,,3V„. "R821.08F f Enelish ' ^ ♦ Lu" ""^'o'-y of English poetry .. ^^ R8ao[ I t° '8th century. 3 y. 1840.......^ •om Eng- I COLLECTIONS. ' I f>^^^ al^o Elocution, page 38.) Hio; ^'^*"' ^^""yC. Scottish song. 1874.. H^llah, J. The song-book. 1884 H6i. l*ckhart, J. G. Ancient Spanish bal- e Ettrick _2 '^'' R8<)i.i Ptorter, J. A. Selections from the Kale- e of fairy icil. 2 V. R82 1.09 IS43 I540 H.' vala. 1873 Hio6li'*''^'"7ell, W. Minstrelsy, ancient and '"°''«''"- '873 R82, M ips. 1 89 1. ans. 1842 ies. 1854. Hio: he "early ■ INDIVIDUAL. '56 J^*^'' #nstrong,J. Poems. 1801. R8.4.; Ataold, Sir E. The light of the world^ ..:.: 1091 , RSAi BiDwn, £«,. T. Fo'c's'le yarns. ,881 . Poetical works. 1854.. The works of. I522 I521 ersations. id poems. !ek litera- R&S [rant, W. C. rns, Robert. 1867 I550 ^544/ 1524 7 V. R891.631 Byron, Lo'-d. The works of: and his life by Thomas Moore. 17 v. ,832. ..Hio34-5o Crabbe, Rev. G. Life and poetical works, Harr'isf WV T." ' The 'spYrituaV sense o^f^""^^ ^ Dante s divina commedia. 1889 I523 De Vera, A. Essays : chiefly on poetry 2 V. 1887 ^ J Dibdin, C. The songs of, and the music ot the best of the melodies. 1844 R821 79 D Gilbert, W. S. The Bab ballads. iS6r,.. Hatch, Rn'. E. Towards fields of light • sacred poems. 1890 . Hemans, Mrs. Poetical works icjg Jackson, Helen. Verses ^ j-.^ Landor, \V. S. De Vere. Aubrey. Es- says : pp. 143-189. 1552 IS45 Madden, Sir Frederic, ed. Layamon's Brut, or chronicle of Britain. -3 v. 1847 '542 R821.11 O'Reilly, John B. The poetry and song „ o| I'-'^l-ind R891.62 Pollok, R. The course of time. 1848.. I551 Pope, Alex. Birrell, A. Obiter dicta : pp. 52-108 - TT Rabillon, L. La chanson de Roland. '°°^ „ '««S 15,9 Rump: or ^a exact collection of the choycesl poems and songs relkting to the late times : 1639-1661. 2 v ^ '^^ ■R821.49 Spenser, Edmund. The works of: ed by J. P. Collier. 5 V. 1873 R821.31 S !| 40 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, — De Vere, Aubrey. Essays : pp. i-ioo. 1887 I54» — Maurice, F. D. The friendship of books : pp. 214-241. 1886 H15.3 Spenser society publications. 23 v. . .R821.31 S2 Stedman, E. C. Poetical works, i860 I533 Tannahill, Robert. The works of R821.89 Taylor, Sir Henry. De Vere, A. Essays : pp. 265-314 I54' Tennyson, Lonl. Demeter : and other poems. 1889 I532 — Studies in the Idylls : by H. Elsdale. 1878 1546 — In memoriam : a study by John F. Genung. 1890 — The poetry of Tennyson : by H. Van Dyke. 1889... — Review of Tennyson's poems : by W. E. Gladstone Tupper, M. F. Proverbial philosophy. '849 Wordsworth. De Vere, A. Essays : pp. 101-264. 1887 pp. 275-295. 1887 — Sonnets : with an essay on the sonnet, by Archdeacon Trench THE DRAMA. Hi8^ 154' tSa the year r l^.AfSrosy. Jul; Atalanta. A| Atiantic mont Belgravia: a 1890. -V. 1-3, 186: —V. 4-6, i86i Hertz, Henrik. King Rene's daughter. 1889 I520 Hutton, L. Curiosities of the American stage. 1891 I564 Ibsen, H. Prose dramas : ed. by W. Archer. 4 v. 1890 l5S7-6o , Vol.1. Biographical introduction, portrait, a doll's house, the league of youth, and the pillars of society. Vol. a. Ghosts, an enemy of the people, the wild duck. Vol. 3. Lady Inger of Ostrat, the vikings at Helgeland, the pretender. Vol. 4. Emperor and Galilean. Jerome, J. K. Stage-land. 1889 I547 Shakespeare, W. The works of : revised by Rev. A. Dyce. 9 v. 1875 R822.33 S — Birrell, A. Obiter dicta : pp. 200-232. H1008 — Bucknill, J. C. The psychology of Shakespeare. 1859 D482 — Goadby, E. The England of Shake- speare A950 — Clarke, Mrs. C. Complete concord- _ ance to Shakespeare R822.33 — Grindon, L. H. Shakespeare Flora. 1883 R822.33 — Heath, C. The heroines of Shake- speare. 1848 R822.3,3 — Jervis, S. Dictionary of the language — of Shakespeare. 1868 R822.3;_ — Thom, W. T. Shakespeare and Chau- _ cer examinations I4__ Stead, W. T. The passion play at _ Ober Ammergau in 1890 '5_ Talfourd, T. N. Ion : a tragedy. 1836 Iv_ Baker, D. E. Biographia dramatica : a _ view of the rise and progretss of the British stage. 2 v. 1782 R822 — Bell's British theatre : the most esteemed - English plays. 21 v. 1790 R822 !_ Halliwell, J. O. Dictionary of old Eng- lish plays, i860 R822 -V • V. 28-30, 18 V. 3 '-33, «8 Y. 34-36, 18 V. 37-39. 18 V. 40-42, 18 V. 43-45. '8 V. 46-48, 18 V. 49-51. '8' ■ V. J2-S4, i8i V. 55-57. 18J y. 58-60, 18! V. 61-63, 18! y. 64-66, 18} V. 67-69, i8f % 70. Sept lin.— Aug., own anni 0ct., 1 879-: /Ipril — Sept., Ofct., 1880—] Ajpril— Sept., 1882, Part I. l8i82. Part 2. Oct., 1887—1 April-Sept., Oct., 1889—1 Asri!— Sept., i§^\ Part I. 'art 2 . . . . lecond co[ part 2. . . ^\ HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARV, 41 by John F. : by H. Van Jems : by W. 1 philosophy. A. Essays : in the sonnet, IS6| H18 I55 IS4 BOUND PERIODICALS. " Various, that the mind Of liesultury man, studious of change. And pleased tvith noi'elly, might be indulged."— Cov/PB,A, -Dec, 1890. Kig ^■459 K28 ilete concord- R822. 33 speare Flora. — ♦ • R822.33-V. es of Shake- — *. R822.3:,-V. "the language — V. R822.3j_.,j(^_ are and Chau- the year round. July \z-AtgOSJ. July— Dec, 1890 Atalanta. April— Sept., 1890 Atlantic monthly. July — Dec, 1890. Bdgravia: a London magazine, 1867- rSgo. — V. 1-3, 1867 K1275-7 -V. 4-6, 1868 K1278-80 — V. 7-9, 1869 K1281-3 V. 10-12, 1870 K1284-6 '87' K1287-9 '87^ K1290-2 •8.73 K 1 293-5 '874 K1296-8 '875 K1299-1301 •876 K1302-4 '877 K, 305-7 '3-15. 16-18, 19-21, 22-24, 25-27. 28-30, 31-33. If ision play at 10 ■ • • ragedy. 1836 dramatica : a rogrei^s of the 782 nost esteemed — *. 1790 R822 !_V. ry of old Eng- - V. R822_Y -V. -V. -V. V. V. 34-36, 1878 K1308-10 V. 37-39. 1879 K1311-3 y. 40-42, 1880 K1314-6 -f- 43-45. '881 K1317-9 -y. 46-48, 1882 K1320-2 R822-V. 49-5'. '883 Ki 1323-5 .-2-54,1884 K1326-8 55-57. '885 K1329-31 58-60, 1886 K1332-4 6.-63, 1887 K133S-7 64-66, 1888 K1338-40 67-69, 1889 K1341-3 70. Sept — Dec, 1889 K1451 Aug., 1890 , K1476-7 -Jim k9?S own annual. Jan.— Sept., 1879, .. K43 - Ijct., 1879-March, 1880 K4^ - )l|)ril— Sept., 1880 K45 -Oct., 1880— March, 1 88 1 K46 - April— Sept., i88i K47 -•8«2,Part, K50 - 1882, Part 2 Y<Lzi - Oct., 1887— March, 1888 K48 -April -Sept., 1888 " K49 -Oct., Z889— March, 1890 K14 - April-Sept., ,8go K15 - 1890, Part I 1^,2 •• • K53 K41 K42 - - r.irt 2. cconc part 2. copy, part i , 1889 -Feb., 1890. K23 K24 K2S K22 K962 K190 Century. Nov., — March--June — July— Oct . . . — Nov., 1890— Feb., 1891 Ki2a9 — - Second copy ^1230 Chambers's journal. July— Dec, 1890. K14S4 Contemporary review. July— Dec, 1890 Cornhill magazine. Jan.— June, 1863. . . — July— Dec, 1890 Eclectic magazine. -May-Aug., 1857 K1368 — Jan.— April, 1859 K1372 — ■ 1 860 i^ , ,„,. „ „, '^'375-7 — '86' K(378-9 "if'- ■; K.38.-3 — May— Aug., 1863 K138S K1387-9 K1390-1 K1392-3 K1394-S — 1864 — '865, — 1866, — 1867, — 1868. — 1869. — 1870. — 1871. -'872 K1404-5 — "873 K1406-7 — 1874 — 187s — 1876, — .877, — 1878. K1396-7 K I 398-9 K1400-1 K 1 402-3 K I 408-9 K1410-1 K1412-3 K1414-5 K1416-7 — '879 K1418-9 K1420-1 K1422-3 K1424-S 1880. 1881. 1882. — '883 K1426-7 — '884 K1428-9 — '885 K1430-1 -■886 K.432-3 -'887 K1434-S — 1888 — 1889 ■ Edinburgh review. July— Oct., 1890., English ill istrated magazine. March, ^1436.7 K 1 438-9 Kr444 1889- 1890. April— Sept., 1890. Ki 1472 47.? 42 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, Family herald. Jan.— June, 1855 — July— Dec, 1855 — Jan. — June, 1863 — July— Dec, 1863 — Jan. — June, 1875 — July— Dec, 1875 — Jan.— June, 1880 — July— Dec, 1880 — Jan.— June, 1884 — July— Dec, 1884 — Dec, 1889— May, 1890 — May— Oct., 1890 Fortnightly. July— Dec, 1889 — July— Dec, 1890 Gentleman's magazine. July -Dec, 1890 Girl's own paper. Oct., 1889— March, 1890 — April- Sept., 1890 — 1 889, part I part 2 Godey's lady's book. Jan.— June, i860. — July —Dec, i860 Good words, 1868 — 1869 — 1871 — 1872 -1873 -1874 — 1882 -1883 — July— Dec, 1890 Harper's magazine. Dec, 1889— March, 1890 — April— July, 1890 — Aug.— Nov., 1890 Harper's young people. Nov., 1886 — April, 1887 — May— Oct., 1887 — Nov., 1889— April, 1890 — May— Oct., 1890 Leisure hour. Nov., 1889— April, 1890.. — May— Oct., i8go London society. Jan.— March, 1864 ~- April— June, 1864 K1462 K1463 K574 K 1 460 K1461 K1464 K1465 K572 K575 K1471 K1466 K1446 K21 K18 K16 K.7 K39 K40 K1449 K1450 Ki3.S^-3 K 1 354-5 K 1 356-7 K1358-9 K 1 360- 1 K 1 362-3 K 1 364-5 K1366-7 K14.S3 K29 K30 K3' Kio Kii K1447 K1448 K1469 K1470 K284 K285 — July -Dec, 1875 Jan.- - une, 1876 - July-Sept., 1876 - Oct. -Dec, 1876 — July— Dec, 1880 — Jan.— March, i88y — April — June, 1887 — July- Sept., 1887 — Oct.— Dec, 1887 — Jan.-March, 1888 — April-June, 1888 — Jan. -April, 1890 — May— Aug., 1890 — Sept/- Dec, 1890 Littell's living age. July Sept., 1890.. — Oct.— Dec, 1890 Macmillan's magazine. July Oct., 1890 Magazine of American history. July — Dec. , 1 890 Nineteenth century. July — Dec, 1890.. Outing. April -Sept., 1890 Quarterly review. July-Oct., 1890 St. Nicholas. Nov., 1887— April, 1888. . — Nov. 1888— April, 1889 — May— Oct., 1889 — Nov., 1889— April, 1890 — May— Oct., 1890 Scribner's magazine. July-Dec, 1890. . — Second copy Sunday at home. Nov., 1889— April, 1890 — May— Oct., 1890 — July — Dec, 1890 Westminster review. Jan.— April, 1885. — July-Oct., 1885 — Jan.— April, 1886 — July-Oct., 1886 Gentleman's magazine. 1731-1868 Illustrated London news. 1843-1883.. . . Littell's living age. 1844-1872 Pictorial world. 1882- 1883 Punch. 1841-1886 Poole, W. F. An index to periodical literature. 1853 K311 Kj. K36 K,r K,V Kr K." Ki4' Km K,v K14 K14 Ki Ki: Ki." Ki. Ki.: Ki. R05C' R05C Rose Ro5< R050: Rosc^ nlop, J. C. . '!» 2 V If heeler, VV. / names of f isworth, W I Old .Saint Pi (St. J.'imes's I The tower c ^Windsor ca; |en, Grant. |stey, F. Tl tiold, W. L. Phra the P Second c( |ring-Gould, rr, A. E. F |The househi rrett, F. K •^Smuggler's ; Second co; rrie, J. M. A. (£(/> iDerrick Vai the golde Cnight-errai two. 2 /on by wail liamy, E. cess -ooking bac Second co| ^ant, \V. A men The bell of J [Children of C The demonii for faith anc ck, W: Sta Second co| The new prii /hite wings irewood, R row, G. L The romany |ddon, M. E, nte, C. Jar ri ' s fAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. 43 ENGLISH FICTION, " Mm need amusement : the mind cannot he a/ways upon tht sti-eti/i. .1 charactei- well drawn, an incident well told, a no^'el with- out a moral, may be worth study, as are pictures by Ifilkie or ll'eb- ster."—\in.V!i, linlop, J. C. History t)f prose fiction, ' "■' H852-3 fheeler, W. A. Dlitionary of the noted names of fiction R803 VV nsworth, W. H. Crichton L73 [Old Saint Paul's. L 3870 |St. James's L3106 [The tower of London L3861 SWindsor castle 1-1^72 len, Grant. The great taboo .... L3293 fstey, F. The pariah. 3 V L 1405-7 nold, W. L. Wonderful adventures of Phra the Phoenician L3-ro - Second copy L3791 i 3rd copy L3792 |ring:-Gould, S. Urith 1-3292 rr, X. E. I'riond Olivia L3694 |The household of McNeil L3789 rrett, F. Kit Wyndham. . *. L3810 |Smugglers secret L3056 Second copy L38 1 7 rrie, J. M. A window in Thrums L3800 lyly, A. (Edna Lyall). Donovan. 2 v. Li 470-1 IDerrick V'aughan L3057 jIn the golden days. 2v L3725-6 Cnight-errant L3530 7e two. 2 V L3727-8 /on by waiting L3529 llamy, E. Doctor HeidenhofTs pro- " L304S -ooknig- backward L3054 Second copy L37i5 ; third copy L3716 ^ant, \7. All sorts and conditions of "le" L3080 The bell of St. Paul's. 2v L1260-1 [Children of Gibeon L3298 The demoniac L381S for faith and freedom. 2v L37S6-7 Ck, W. Stand fast, Craig Royston . L3784 Second copy, L3783 ; 3rd copy L3293 phe new prince fortunates. 2 v L37 19-20 /hite wings ' L882 irewood, R. A i o: onial reformer. . . L880 row, G. Lavengro L31 15 The romany rye : a sequel L31 16 ^ddon, M. E. The day will come. 2 v. L3768-9 nte, C. Jane Eyre L3096 Broughton, R. Alas! Buchanan, R. The moment after Bulwer-Lytton. The Caxtons. 2 v. . . — Ernest Maltravers Second copy, L3788 ; 3rd copy — Alice : a sequel - What will he do with it ? 2 v Burnett, F. H. Sara Crewe Caine, H. The bondman. 2 v Carey, R. N. Lover or friend Clark, K. E. The Dominant seventh. . . -- Second copy Clemens, S. L. Selections -- Yankee at the court of king Arthur. 2 v — The prince and the pauper. 2 v Collins, W. Blind love. 2 v — No name. 3 V Corelli, M. Ardath. 3 V Craik, Mrs. John Halifax Crawford, F. M. Saracinesca. 2,v Danver's jewels — Second copy, L3881 ; 3rd copy Daudet, A. Port Tarascon De Forest, J. W. The bloody chasm. . . Dftland, M. Sidney De Mille, J. A strange manuscript found in a copper cylinder D'Esterre-Keeling-, E. In thoughtland and in dreamland Dickens, C. Baniaby Rudge and Edwin Drood — Bleak house — Christmas books — David Copperfield — Dombey and son — Great expectations — Martin Chuzzlewit — Martin Chuzzlewit — Little Dorrit — Nicholas Nickleby — Old curiosity shop : hard times : and the holly tree inn — Oliver Twist — Our mutual friend — Pickwick club . . . .• — Tale of two cities L3294 L3046 L3748-9 L3722 1-3878 L3862 L3070-1 Li 063 L 1 482-3 L3087 L3831. L3832 L3'i7 Li 346-7 L1381-2 L3723-4 L1896-8 L II 34-6 L3100 L3754-S L3880 L3824 L3839 L3060 L3786 L3707 L1740 L3846 L3847 L3843 L3852 L385S L3842 L3110 L3848 L384S L38SO L3849 L38S« L3853 L38S4 L3844 m 44 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, I 'ill — Dickens' dictionary : by Pierce RSa^.S^^ Dole, N. H. Sister Saint Sulpice l',V*4 Donnelly, I. Casar's colunin I'.17M Second copy, L72 ; 3rd copy I-,?^^.? Donovan, D. The man from Manchester I.()i Doyle, A. C. Firm of Girdleston I'.1>^04 Dumas, A. Captain Paul '-.l^W — The iron mask. 2 v '-3794-5 Ebers, G. The elixir; and other tales. 1.878 Second copy '-^77 — Joshua ... I'38i2 Edwardes, A. Pearl powder 1.1079 Edwards, M. B. For one and the world Li 190 Fenn, G. M. Lady Maude's mania L381 1 — The Mynns' mystery L.1813 Fleming:, G. Kismet L1026 Francilloo, R. E. Romances of the law I-3073 Franzos, K. E. The chief justice I-.3050 Frederic, H. The Lawton girl I-3059 Gerard, D. Lady baby. 2v 1-37 '7-8 Gtant, J. Aiclt>de-camp L3856 — Captain of the guard 1^3873 — Oie of the six hundred L3866 — Rob Roy L3S59 — Romance of war 1^3874 — The royal regiment 1.3869 Hagfgard, H. R. Allan Quatermain L365S — Allan's wife. '-"S^ — Beatrice L3778 2nd copy# Ls8 ; 3rd c, L59 ; 4th c . . L37S2 — Cleopatra. 2V L1312-3 — The world's desire L3785 • Second copy L'234 Hague, P. A. A blockaded family : Southern Alabama during the civil war . . L3065 Harris. J. C. Uncle Remus L3705 Harte, B. Captain Jim's friend and the argonauts of north liberty L3774 — Heritage of Dedlow Marsh L3798 — A waif of the plains L3776 Harwood, J. B. Lady Egeria L64 Hawthorne, N. Tales. 2v L3102-3 — Transformation L3101 Hector, Mrs. (Mrs. Alexander). Blind fate Lioio — A crooked path. 2v Li 107-8 — Forging the fetters L3052 — A woman's heart L3806 Henty, G. A. Hidden foe L38i4 Second copy L3825 Hodo'etts E. Tales from the land of the "Tzar L37 to Holley, M. Samantha among the breth- ren -3830 Holloway, L. C. The woman's story, as told by twenty American women . . , , L3077 Holmes, O. W. Elsie Venner Hopkins, T. The Nugents of Carri- conn.'i Second copy Howard, B. W. The open door, a v. . Howells, W. D. Annie Kilburn. 2 v ,. Hufro, v. By o'-dcr of the king History of a crime — Les mis^rables — - Notre Dame Second copy Toilers of the sea Hungerford, Mrs. (The Duchess), Her last throw — In durance vile — L.idv Branksmere. 2 v ~ - A life's remorse. 2 v ~ A modern circe. 2 v — A troublesome girl. Huntington, F. St. Paul's problem . . . — Transformed Irving, W. Rip Van Winkle Jackson, Helen. Ramona James, H. The tragic muse. 2 v James, Mrs. F". A. (Florence IVarden). Nurse Revel's mistake Janvier, A. The y^ztec treasure-house.. Jerome, J. K. Three men in a boat. . — Told after supper Kavanagh, J. Beatrice Kipling, R. Dinah Shadd — Indian t.ales. — Pl,-iin tales — Soldiers three. Kraszewski, J. I. The Jew Lean, Mrs. (Florence Martyat). Blind- fold. 2 V . — Fur over and ever. 2 v — Mount Eden — ■ On circumstantial evidence. 2 v Leggett, M. D. A dream of a modest prophet Second copy Lever, C. Charles O'Malley. Ludlow, J. M. The captain of the Jani- zaries Maartens, M. Black-box murder ' — The sin of Joost Avelingh McCarthy, J. The rival princess Second copy ... . Macquoid, K. S. At the old Chateau. . . Marryatt, F. Midshipman Easy The priva.tocrsman , Marshall, E. The end crowns all. . . . — Under Salisbury spire - Alma Meade, L. T. Girl of the people 1.3^- Ljr L30' L38; L8' L32' L3;; Li; I., L377'' L374f' L376 Ui LjC u{ ^n 111 m I Heart of gn Dntgomery, il.iiightfr . iTInvartcil . unroe, Kirk, a tale of tl Irris, \V. K. iMrs. Fentoti |d number works of fi iHouso l>j' th iP.istels in pr Maria : a .So ["he odd nur il'cn tales. . . Modern gho: phant, Mrs. The f'ugitivei riie mystery L'ighbburs ( Cirsteen, . . . fenford, J. 1 fn, J. Burn the same, in lips, E. S. ' Jack the fisht l.-ister of thi (ips. F. C. [courtship. . . The Scudamc daughter's The fatal Phr iter, Jane. 1 B, H. Ther , The splL'ndi kh's heir, Th be, Mrs. (Oi |uildcroy. 2 yrliii. 3 V. nond, Grac laith : a tale res, Mrs. I lustice .... polds, G. W, t)r, the tour i be, R. M. C Mil. W. C. • shipmate 1 Second copy I, M. Cruise bm Cringle's \, W., Sir. ■avprlev eant, A. Bi jie great Mill feme and fan: Itrue friend . HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. 45 Br L370J ts of Carri- L256.I I.2,Sfi. ioor. 2 V. , 1,1224- burn. 2 V .. ;ing L.lH; ; . . L.^W- I-3W< L38t L3«r M:] chtss). Her I-30." Lir, Ucf'J 1^376+' L162R" L37^] problem . . . L3« L^otl e 1-36^ l.Tl^ >. 2 V I'307,ii ■e IVardeii). I^3^- ■sure-house.. LjS" 1 a boat . .' M: L8- L^^'j L3;y L.; 1-30; I ■ M vat). Blind- L377!' L374^ U^ :e. 2 V L376 of a modest L8i lil y L3*| I of the Jani- ui lurder I.. Lj; ncess \.% L3<j I Chateau ... L3J Easy LjSj U* vns all L31 L3J u\ eople Lji L3«2o I Heart of jfold Dntg^omery, Florence. The fisherman's daUK'htiT 1.3770 n'hwartcd I^i^o,^ linroe, Kirk. The jjolden d.iys of '49 : a tale of the C';ilifi)rni;i di>;.i;ii)j,'-s . , l.^oyH krris, \V. E. Miss Shalto. 2 v \.i,-j^\-i jMrs. Fenton L, ^. Id number series. Tr;ins!;iti-J from works of lu'tion by foreijfn authors. jHouse by the medlar tree I.^S.'S 'astels in prose 4, ,K_,, !aria : a .South American romance. . I-3K2q The odd number 1, 1818 ''^■" '^'li''^ L,}H37 Modern jfhosts. i^'^njq phant, ^/r^. The duke's daujfhter. . 1. 1243 riie fuf^itives |,,^,g The mystery of Blencarrow , L30S8 v'eighbburs on the g-reen L1014 .^'■■^tcen ■•• x.iTj^ bnford, J. Talis from the Germ.m . , \.T,iob )n, J. Burnt million , . L3777 The same, in 2 v L3750-1 lips, E. .S. The gates ajar E3877 lack the fisherman L3068 p.istcr of the magicians L3067 lips, F. C. Young Mr. Ainslie's (^■'""■''^•''P L3737 The Scudamores Li 16- daughter's sacrifice Li 1 29 The fatal Phryne L3799 ter, Jane. The Scottish chiefs L310S H. The rose of paradise I.3061 I The splendid spur L3782 ^h's heir, The. 2 v L 1395-6 ^e, .I/r.f. (Otiitia). Rufiino L3761 luiklcroy. 2x L1458-9 krliu. -IV.. T ,. , lend, Grace. How they kept the raith : a tale of the Huguenots L31 14 ^es, Mrs. (Ilekii Mathers). Blind •p.-;".--,' ■••••• ''3775 I'lckwick abroad ; >r, the tour in France. 2v L37()6-7 pe, R. M. Children of the abbey. . . 'L3099 }t\\, W. C. A marriage at sea L308S shipmate Louise L3-08 Secondcopy \\" L3J93 M. Cruise of the Midge L3703 ■ bm Cringle's 'og ' l^^^", J, W., Sir. Ivanhoe L310S lavt^rlf»v T ■ L3109 eant, A. Brooke's daughter L3822 he great Mill street mystery L3805; ' L38>5 L3048 ime and fame. Itrue friend Sheldon, Louise V. An L D. B. in South .Ahua. (I. n. B. (Itinerant diamond ^. '"-"l*^''--)! L3709 Sienkiewicz, II. Wiih fire and sword . L346 Smart, II. The plunger 1-3833 - - Seconil copy j ^^g^^ Smediey, F. E. Frank F.iirleigh. 2 v . L3731-2 Smollett, T. IVregrino Pickle I,j,o6 Stannard, M>s. Buttons and Booties' 1 he other man s wife L383C .Second copy , '^j,'^^ Stevenson, R. L. Kidnapped L3758 Stockton, F. R. The great war syndicate L3076 Sue, Eugene. De Rohan L3106 Mysteries of Paris L3868 Tasma. In her earliest youth L3088 Second copy Uncle Piper of Piper's Hill. trali;in novel An Aus- L3781 2 V. L67 •7.38-9 I-309S L37" L3093 L3094 — Figs ;ind - A fool Tautphoeus, Haroness. At odds Tolstoi, Count. The Cossack Second co|>y — The invaders, and other stories ... '^"^^':in proprietor, and otiier stories. Sevastopol l^^^^ Tourgee, A. W. Black ice L3700 Bricks without straw L369S '"'" L3696 „ , '"^ L3699 - Hot plowshares Lr^loi •'"'"'Eax L3697 Murvale Eastman L329S A royal gentleman L3608 Trollope, A. The Bertrams. 2v L1316-7 Doctor Thorne L^oi? The F'ustace diamonds L3018 — The prime minister L3040 Tuttiett, Miss (Maxwell Grey). The re- proach of Annesley. 2 v L 102 1-2 Tytler, S.uah. The Huguenot family in the F:nglish vill.ige L3712 "Vera." The doctor's daughter L3'b97 Verne, Jules. A flight to France L3084 - Tour of the world in eighty days L3113 Warren, S. Diary of a late physician . . L3864 — Ten thousand a year L3871 Westbury, H. Acte. 2 v L3729-30 Weyman, S. J. The house of the wolf. ._ L3760 White, C. E. Love in the tropics L3079 White, R. G. The fito of Mansfield Humphreys j .,^^ Whyte-Melville, G. J. Kate Coventry. Lugs Wilson, A. E. At the mercy of Tiberius L3787 Wood, Mrs. H. Within the maze. 2 v. L3733-4 Woods, K. T. Hester Hepworth L65 (See also under Canada, Literature.) 46 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, V*^ f(l BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE.^ " / saw a boy with eager eye Open a book upon a stall. And read, as he'd devour it all." -Mary Lamb, A. L. O. E, See Tucker, Charlotte. Abbott, Jacob. See Harper's story books. Andrews, Jane. Only a year M469 Arabian nights' entertainments Mi;3i Asbjornsen, P. C. Folk and fairy tales . M499 Baldwin, J. Heroes of the olden time. M90 Bamford, M. E. My land and water friends. 170 ills M485 — The second year of the look-about club M48 1 — Up and down the brooks M475 Banks, /Hev. J. S. Martin Luther M548 — Three Indian heroes M546 Benedict, A. K. My wonder-story M484 Brentano. New fairy tales Msoo Bunyan, J. A book for boys and girls. . M496 Carroll, L. Alice's adventures in won- derland Ms97 — Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there M598 Champney, E. Witch Winnie M529 Charlesworth, Maria L. Dorothy Cope M88 — Ministering children M86 — Sequel to ministering children M87 Church, A. J. The hammer : a story of the Maccabean times M89 C. J. G. In palace and faubourg : a story of the French revolution M37 Conklin, Mrs- Bek's first corner . . . M7.3 — Electa M67 — Fred and Jeannie M65 — Isobel's between times M70 — Miss Prudence M7 1 — Not bread alone M66 — Only Ned M75 — Rue's Helps M69 — The story of Hannah ■. M72 — Tessa Wadsworth's discipline M68 — That quisset house M74 Cox, Palmer. The Brownies : their book M491 Craik, Mrs. The fairy book ^547 Day, T. Sandford and Merton M523 De Foe, D. Robinson Crusoe MS58 Dt'inkwater, Jennie M. See Conklin, Mn: Elliott, Ruth. John Lyon MS53 — Undeceived : a story of English ritual- ism. 8th ed M552 Farrar, F. W. St. Winifred's M540 — Eric M54' — Julian Home. 13th ed M54;'; Fiske, J. The war of independence M47; Gaylord, G. Culm rock M4S — After years : a sequel M48c| Gene- 'e : a story of old France M50 Gibe.—, Agnes. Aimee ; a tale of the days of James the Second Mitj — Among the stars : or wonderful things in the sky ^A9 — Peryl and Pearl M5 — Coulyng castle Mj i — Curate's home M51 — Decima's promise M6:i — Father Aldur Mj-: — Jacob Witherby M52:: — Kathleen Mjiij — Madge Hardwicke M6;i — Muriel Bertram Mj;'? — Old umbrellas M6 ; — Sun, moon and stars : a book for be- ginners M46( — Sweet briar M6i| — Through the Linn M6| — Twilight talks Mj' — The world's foundations : or geology for beginners . . M Gilkes, A. H. Boys and masters : a story of school life M5; Hamilton, Kate W. The house that Jack built M49. Harper's story books. A series of narra- tives for the young, illustrated : by Jacob Abbott. 36 volumes. — Bruno M39I — Willie and the mortgage M31 — The strait gate M31 — The little Louvre M4( — Prank M40i — Emma M41 — Virginia M40: — Timboo and Joliba M4( — Timboo and Fanny M4( — The Harper establishment M4( — Franklin M4( — The studio M4( — The story of ancient history M4( The story c The story c John True Elfred ... The museu The engin< Rambles ai The three \ The Gibral The alcove Dialog'.es The great Aunt Marg Vernon . . Carl and Ji Lapstone . Orkney the — Judge Just Minigo . . ., Jasper. . . Congo. . . . Viola Little Paul larper's youi Alden, W. - Moral pii - Cruise of — Cruise oi — New Rol Otis, Jas. - Raising ' - Silent Pe - Mr. Stub - Tim and - Toby Ty Ker, D. ' - Into unki Lilly, Luc) - Househo - Jo's oppi - Mildred'i - Music ar - Nan .... - Rolf hou Munroe, I^ - Derrick - Dorymai - Flamingi - Wakulla Perry, G. Swett, S. Stoddard, - Two art - Red mus Hays, Mrs HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. 47 book for be- house that The story of English history M4io The story of American history M41 1 John True M412 Elfred M413 The museum M414 The engineer M415 Rambles among the Alps M416 The three gold dollars M417 The Gibraltar gallery M418 The alcove M419 Dialog'.es . M420 The great elm . M42 1 - Aunt Margaret M422 - Vernon M423 Carl and Jocko M424 Lapstone M425 - Orkney the peacemaker M426 - Judge Justin .' ; M427 Minigo M428 Jasper M429 - Congo M430 -Viola M431 - Little Paul M432 larper's young people series. 34 v. Alden, W. L. Jimmy Brown '.. M433 M;s — Moral pirates. M436 M6;*- - Cruise of " The Ghost" M434 - Cruise of the C.'inoe club M435 - New Robinson Crusoe M99 Otis, Jas. Left behind M98 - Raising " The Pearl" M94 - Silent Pete M97 - Mr. Stubbs's brother Mgs - Tim and Tip M93 - Toby Tyler • M96 Ker, D. The lost city M45S - Into unknown .seas M454 Lilly, Lucy C. The colonel's money. M446 - Household of Glen Holly M442 - Jo's opportunity. M447 - Mildred's bargain M448 - Music and musicians ^^443 - Nan M445 - Rolf house . M444 Munroe, Kirk. Chrystal, Jack & Co. M441 - Derrick Sterling M437 - Dorymates M439 - Flamingo feather M438 - Wakulla M440 Perry, G. B. Uncle Peter's trust.. . , M4SI Swett, S. CHptaiii Polly M453 Stoddard, W. O. Talking leaves .... M449 - Two arrows ... M450 - Red mustang. ^555 Hays, Mrs. Prince Lazybones ^457 — Ingersoll, E. Ice queen — Black, W. Four MacNicols C. Strange stories — Eggleston, G. from history. — Habberton, J. Who was Paul Gray- son ? Higginson, Mary T. Room for one more Holt, Emily S. AshcliflFe hall — At ye Grene Griffin — Earl Hubert's daughter — Imogen — In convent walls — King's daughters — Lady Sybil's choice — Lord mayor of London ... — Lord of the Marches _ — Maiden's lodge -- Out in the " forty-five" — Well in the desert — White Rose of Langley Hughes, T. Tom Brown's school days. Jeiferies, R. Wood magic Kingston, W. H. G. The three lieuten- ants — Shipwrecks and disasters at sea Lakeman, Mary. Pretty Lucy Merwyn. — Ruth Eliot's dream Leslie, Emma. Cecily Letters from a cat : published for the amusement of little children Macdonald, G. A rough shaking Second copy Macduff, J. R. The story of a shell Marrat, J. Two standard bearers in the east Marshall, Emma. Under Salisbury spire Mathews, Joanna H. Eleanor's visit. . — Elsie's Santa claus — Fanny's birthday gift — Mabel Walton's experiment — The new scholars — Rosalie's pet — Blackberry jam . — The broken mallet and the pigeon's eggs — Little friends at Glenwood . — MiUy's whims — Allan Haywood ^ Christy's grandson — Eagle Craig — Frank Austin's diamond — Giuseppe's liou»e — Grandfather's faith — Laurence Bronson's victory — Lilies or thistledown — Margery's city home M4S9 M4S6 M458 M452 M466 M4S M41 M47 M48 M43 M4q7 M49 M46 M42 M40 M44 M39 Mso M388 M498 M530 M559 M470 M467 MS43 M461 M560 M586 M3S M549 M487 M82 M84 M79 M83 M80 M81 M513 M512 Msii M514 M520 M519 M522 M521 M508 M510 Msi8 Msi6 M77 'i : I 48 SUPPLEMENT » — Nellie's stumbling block M493 — Nettie's mission M76 — Our four boys M507 — Rosy Conroy's lessons. . . M78 — Susy's sacrifice M509 — True to his flag M5'7 — Uncle Joe's thanksgiving' M515 Merriam, F. Birds through an opera glass . : M472 Molly's heroine M36 Moore, Annie. Overhead : or what Harry and Nelly discovered in the heavens. M482 Nichols, Laura D. Underfoot : or what Harry and Nelly learned of the earth's treasures : a sequel to Over- head M483 Moreland, M. L. Which : right or wrong M468 Mutiny of the bounty M599 Nan the missionary M85 Noble, A. L. The professor's girls. . . . M492 Patmore, C. The children's garland : from the best poets M544 Pearse, M. G. Simon Jasper MS39 — Sermons for children M538 — Good will : Christmas stories ^^^535 — Mister Horn and his friends M534 — Daniel Quorm . M533 — John Tregenoweth M532 — Short stories MS36 — Cornish stories M537 Pittis, A. Jerry's little Nell M02 Raymond, Grace. How they kept th^ faith : a tale of the Huguenots. . .-. . MS45 Reid, M. Afloat in the forest MS71 — Boy hunters M564 Second copy M568 — Boy slaves M583 — Boy tar MS78 — Bruin M5V2 — Bush boys M580 — Desert home M562 Second copy M577 — Flag of distress M567 — Forest exiles -1^1570 — Giraffe hunters MS79 — Hunter's feast Ms6i — Man-eaters M574 — Ocean waifs M582 — Plant hunters M576 — CliflF-climber : sequel M569 Second copy M565 — Ran away to sea M573 — Stories about animals M585 — Tiger hunter M563 TO CATALOGUE, — Young voyageurs — Young yagers — White chief Riverside library for young people. — War of independence, The : by J. Fiske — George Washington : by H. E. M58; M58. M56t M47: Scudder. Birds through an opera glass A. Merriam by F. — Up and down the brooks : by M„ E. Bamford — Coal and the coal mines ; by H. Greene — Java : the pearl of the east : by Mrs, Higginson — Girls and women : by E. Chester. ... — A New England girlhood : by Lucy Larcom Routledge, E. Evary boy's book. 3 v. Vol. I. Easy games without toys: and athletic sports and manly exer- cises Vol. 2. Scientific pursuits : domestic pets. Wil. 3. Miscellaneous parlor games Roy, G. For her sake : a tale of life in Ireland Sidney, M. Our town : dedicated to the members of Y. P. S. C. E Sitwell, Mrs. The golden woof Stanley, A. P. Seimons for children. 2nd ed '. Stephens, C. A. The knockabout club in the woods of Maine and Canada. . Thompson, D. P. The Green Mountain boys — Locke Amsden — May Martin — The -rangers, or the Tory's daughter. Tolstoi, Count. The long exile. Towle, G. M. Drake, the sea-king of Devon Tucker, C Harold's bride ■Washin'ji.on : Irving's life of Washing- ton . abridged Winslo'w, M. E. Three years at Glen- wood Wray, J. J. Honest John Stallibrc^ss . Yonge, C. M. A book of golden deeds. — A reputed changling — Young folks history : Germany .... . Greece Rome — - England France The Bible M4;. M4-: Ms^ About, Edtn< cl'Kgypte Bossuet, J. universel Oharpentier, ~ caise : au 0iateaubrian Christian! Cousin, VHcto bien. 18, Histoire g jusqu 'a h n, J. T. spondent, iscartes. Re SlUid, George toire de n — -La Comtes: — La mare au M4N — J-es deux fr D^as, fils, A. M4; -i|^heatre coi t :. L,ad.- — Le bijou di t 2, Lc de 13. Lefil t 4. L'am dame Aubraj ts. Um; Georges, La t6. Mods Mjo- M^q M47 Ms. Mji M5: M4; M5I My, k ! Hamilton public librarv. 49 aeople. : by J. Fiske by H. E. flass : by F. 1 : by M. E. es : by H. st : by Mrs. Chester. ... d : by Lucy book. 3 V. ithout toys : manly exer- ts : domestic larlor games ale of life in icAted to the E voof "or children. ikabout club nd Canada. . en Mountain 's daughter. Kile. sea-king of of Washing- ars at Glen- tallibrj^ss )lden dieeds. many M58: Ms8. ^ M56( I M4-: -^ FRENCH LITERATURE. M47: M59( M4-: M59. M.sq' M5g: M4;. fellah souvenirs P224 jpout, Ednioiid. Le i| d'Egypte. 1883 Bbssuet, J. B. Discours sur I'histoire universcllo, 1884 Cfcarpentier, J. P. La litt^-rature Fran- .« caise : au dix-niMivit'iiio siecle. Pa^? dlateaiibriand, Rem- F. A. Genie d'l Christianisine. 2 1. 1883 Cousin, Victor. Du vrai du beau et du ;§ bien. 1854 Mst ■iHistoire g6nBrale de la philosophie : 11 jusqu a la fin du i8th si6cle. 1864. . Ipnn, J. T. French commercial corre- al spondcnt, with English notes Bpscartes, Rend. Oeuvres choisies. 1877 S^d, George (Mat/ame Diidevant.) His- M?! H to'^e de ma vie. 4 t. 1879 Ms! "^^^ Comtesse de Rudolstadt. at -*i^La mare au diable. 1888 M4f' -'^es deux fr6res. 1885 {ptnas, fils, A. Affaire Cldmenceau. 1882 M4; -igTheatre complet. 6 t. 1800 t :. L.I d.ame aix cairKilias— Di.ine de Lys — Le bijou de l.a reine. t 2. Le denii iiuinde la question d'argent. t 3. Le fils iiaturel, le ]-6re prodiffue. t 4. L'ami des fenimes— Les idees de M.i- damc Aubray. t s, L'lii! visite de noces— La Georges, La femnie de Claude, t 6. Mons. Alphoiise. hdrfese, etc. 1877 ly, Victor. Histoire de France. 2 t istoire de moyen age. 1890 istoire generale. 1884 istoire des temps modernes : depuis 1453 jusqu 'a 1789. 1887 lelon, Francois. Aventures de Tele- maque suivies des aventures d' Aris- tonous. 1888 ceschi, G. Considerations sur les causes de la grandeur des Remains et de leur decadence. 1889 Ot, F. P. G. L'histoire de France : racontee a mes petits-enfants. 4 t. 1872 46. P237 P238 M; M5; M4; Ui M4t. M4t- M4tl Msr M4;- Mc M4; M4() M; M P26S P212 P215-8 P2 ^ P262 princessc L' Etrangdre. P234 P202-3 P20S P204 P206 P236 P23S P164-8 JO, Victor. Oeuvres completes. \ .877. ^ lapoleon le petit pj^g Jistoire dun crime. 2 t P109-10 literature et philosophie melees, 1819- ■34; P,,, /illiam Shakespeare p,,2 '^*''«- '6t P113-28 t 1. Odes ct b.all.adcs. t 2. Les orientales, toiiine. Les i'cuilles d' t ^. Les ch.ants du crdpuscule. Les \oix inWneures. Les rayons et les ombres, t 4. Les cbatiments. I 5. Les contemplations : autrefois 1830-43. t6. Lescontempl,itions:aujourd'huii84v t 7. Lal^gende des siicles. t 8. Les chansons des rues et des bois. t 9-1 1. La Mgende des si^cles. t 12. L'ann^e terrible. t 13. Le pape. La piti« supreme. Ii&ions et religion. L'ani.") Re- P 1 29-30 P131-2 P133-S t 14-15. Les quixtre vents de I'esprit. t 16. L'art d'Otre grand-pfere. — Le Rhin. at Victor Hugo raconte. Oeuvres de la premiere jeunesse. 2 t — Actes et paroles. 3 t . . . t I. Avant I'exil, 1841-1851. t 2. Pendant I'exil, 1852-1870. t 3. Depuis I'exil, 1870-1876. - Han d'islande Pi 16 — Bug-jargal .* p,^^ P138-9 Pi 40-4 P145.6 P147-8 P149 2 t — Notre-dame de Paris. 2 t. — Les miserables. 51 ~ Les travailleurs de la mer. — L'homme qui rit. 2 t.. . — Quatrtvingt-treize — Cromwell : un drame p, -q — Hernani-Marion de Lorme Piei — Lucr^ce Borgia : Marie Tudor : An- gelo : Tyran de Padoue : — La Esmeralda : Ruy Bias : Les Bur- graves La Fontaine, Jean de. Oeuvres. 6 t. ■ 883 t I. Notice biographique sur La Fontaine: pieces justificatives ; appendice : fables. t a-6. Fables. Lamartine, A. Voyage en Orient. i86,e; — Histoire de la Turquie. 8 t. 1855. Laveleye, Emilede. Des causes actuelles de guere en Europe et de I'arbitaee. '873 ^.. — Elements d'economie politique. 1884 Malot, Hector. Conscience. 1888 — S.<ins famillo. 2 t. 1888 Maistre, Xavier de. Oeuvres completes : avec une notice biographique. 1880 Massillon, Jean B. Oeuvres choisies. 2 t. 1868 PlS2 P'53 P189-94 P177-8 P 169-76 P198 P200 P22S P226-7 P2s8 .P187-8 5° SUPPLEMENT TO CA'rALOGUE, Michelet, J. Histoire de l:i revolution Fraii(,aise. 4 t Pi54-7 Moliere, Jean B. P. Oeuvres completes. 187s P163 Montaigne, M. E. de. Essais. at P2SI-2 Musset, Alfred de. Comedies et pro- verbs. 3 1. 1S82 '240-2 — Contes. 1867 P248 — La confession d'un enfant du siecle. 1848 P243 — Melanges de litt^rature et de critique. 1867 1'249 — Nouvelles. 1867 P247 — Oeuvres posthumes. 1867 ^244 — Poesies nouvelles : 1836-52 P246 — Premiares podsies : 1829-35. 1882... P245 Oppen, E. A. Select F"rench stories, with notes ar.d glossary. 1870 P266 Pascal, Blaise. Oeuvres completes. 3 t. P208-10 t I. Lettres.a un : pens^es. t 2. Opuscules: letters :oiivr.igesattribii^s a. t 5. Physique : nmthdiii.itiqucs. Rabelais, Fran9ois : tout ce que existe de ses oeuvres : prec6d6 d'une vie de I'auteur P250 Racine, Jean. Oeuvres poetiques 3 t. 1868 I'>95-7 — Th(5alre complet : pr<5cddt5 de la vie de I'auteur. 1889 Renan, Ernest. Histoire des origines du christianisme. 8 t. 1866 P17 i| Rousseau, J. J. Contrat social : ou prin- cipes du droit politique — Emile ou de I'education. 1889 — Les confessfons de Rousseau. 1879. . Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Po^si6s completes. 1 890 Joseph Delorme, Les consolations. PensiSes d'Aoftt. Stael-Holstein, Madame de. Oeuvres completes. 2 t. 1861 .... P — Oeuvres posthumes. 1861 Thiers, M. Histoire de la revolution Francj'aise. 2 t. 1884 1' Tolstoi, Comte Lton. Les Cosaques: l|NAXUI souvenirs de Seb;islopol. 1890 F ,^ Verne, Jules. Aventures de trois Russes « BOTANY et de trois Anglais ^ W — Histoire g6ni5rale des grands voyages ^ '««Bon, Sir J. du 1 8me siecle. 2 t I'-' ^f plants. ( — Les cinq cents millions de la B(5gum . . ^ [y^_ \y j^ -p Voltaire, Francois M. A. Histoire de "^list in Ca Charles XIL, et histoire de Russie. .jatural histt 1886 i mrds, and fi: — Siecle de Louis XIV. 1885 loM John K. — Theatre. 1886 ' louver Islan Zola, Emile. Le ventre de Paris. 1888 jv. 1866... Iclhwraith, The •n jiccount c :oM A. M. Tl ^f Canada. 'niil, c. P. stu %dr. ; or, gle llnd plain. 1 ' Sl^or, Henry ( JBr, the eagl Panada. 18 GEOLOi |iian, E. J.;^_ Utline for tl (lown miner ttlineof the j ^ctical instn fclion by fun Iver in rock perals and g la, comprisi |88 heral indica I the determ ^rring mine bn, .V/> J. \ ! geologica fotia. New t!ward Lslan ^breathers ( Jva .Scotia], gical and ni (inada. Am r table of o '. I T, pp. a67- HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. d6 de la vie de les origines du 1866,.. 0ci.1l : ou prin- '. 1889! sseau. 1879. . si6s completes. isolations, Pensiies de. Oeuvres I . . . . 861 la revolution ,cs Cosaques : lol. 1890 .... ie trois Russes rands voyages de la Bijgum . . Histoire de )ire de Russie. 188; Pi: Pi -i le Paris. 1888 CANADA. ' Though other skies inay he as bright. And other lands as fair ; Though charms of other climes invite Mv wandering fiiotstefis there : ) 'et there is one, the /leer of all Beneath bright heai'cn's dome ; Of thee I sing, O ha fifty land, Afy o-,vn Canadian honie.'"—E A41 R505-78 A55' Uatural sciences. g BOTANY. NATURAL HISTORY. Bon, Sir J. W. Geological historv |f plants. 1888 ' A76 W. R. The sportsman and natur- Jist in Canada ; or, notes on the l/itural history of the game, game iirds, and fish of that country. 1866. R508.71 John K. The naturalist in Yan- Duver Island and British Columbia. |v. 1866 R508.711 Iclfwraith, Thomas. Birds of Ontario : -pn account of their habits, etc. 1886. :<N^ A. M. The butterflies and motlis i.#f Canada. 187-?. .'.... 'nB|l, C. P. Studies of plant life in Can- ada ; or, gleanings from forest, lake *nd plain. 1885 (or, Henry G. Our birds of prey ; br, the eagles, hawks and owls of Panada. 1876. R598.9 V GEOLOGY. MINERALOGY. pian, E. ].'^ Blowpipe practice : an Utline for the determination of all riown minerals. 1880 Itline of the geology of Canada. 1876 Ictical instructions, for the determi- ktion by furnace assay, of gold and Bver in rocks and ores. 1888 (lerals and geology of central Can- ^a, comprising Ontario and Quebec. l88 _ beral indicator : a practical guide I the determination of generally oc- Jrring minerals. 1884 Dn, Sir J. W. Acadian geology ; e geological structure, etc., of Nova fcotia. New Brunswick and Prince 3 ward Island 1878 |-breathers of the coal period [in =uva Scotia]. 1863 A437 gical and natural history survey of inada. Annual reports, 1853-88. .Rs57,i G iFor mble of contents of these reports, see *.i 1, pp. 267-273. -A 286 A213 A21 r A211 A214 A204 0. Nklson. Logan, .9/;- W, E. Life of Sir W. E. Logan ( 1 798-1875), first director of the geological survey of Canada : by C. J. Harrington f^^^g Lyell, SirC. Travels in North America, ■^45 : g'eological observations in the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia. 1845 McDoi'ga!!, J. Mineral resources of Canada. /« Canadian leaves, pp. 217- 232 Nicholson, H. A. Report upon the pal«-' ontology of Ontario.' 1874 R560.9713 Report of Royal commission on the mineral resources of Ontario. 1890. Ago — Second copy R549.9713 Campbell, J. F. Frost and fire : natural engines, v 2. pp. 235-248. Bell- isle current- -America. .' A454 Hodder, E. M. The harbours and ports of Lake Ontario. 1857 R F640-1 G97 .6.99 RELIGION. Bettridge, W. .-V brief history of the church in Upper Canada. 1838 R283.713 Fulford, F. Five occasional lectures de- livered in Montreal. 1859 R815.5 F Gait, Sir A. T. Church and state. 1876 R322 G Grepg, AV-'. W. History of the Presby- terian chiu-ch in Canada to 1834 Hilts, J. H. Experience of a backwood's preacher, 30 years of a minister's life. 1888 Kip, W. I. Early Jesuit missions in North America ; compiled iVom the letters of the French Jesuits. 2 v. '«47 Langtry, AV?'. J. Catnolic versus Roman: lectures. 1886 Lindsey, C. Rome in Canada : ultra- montane struggle for supremacy over tlie civil .authority, 1877 Mardonell, A. Reminiscences of the first Catholic bishop of L'pper Canada (1762-1840). 1888 R922.2 M Mountain, G. J. A memoir of the late bishop of Quebec (1789-1863), 1866.R922.3M C8, B3S3 G677-8 C305 G628 ^m SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, !;^ lil! Parkman, F. Canadian miracles and martyrs. /« Atlantic monthly , 1 873, pp. 84 KII.S9 Poole, /{ev. VV. H. Anglo-Israel : or, the Saxon race proved to be the lost tribes of Israel. 1889 ^82 Questions of the day : lectures delivered in the David Morrice Hall, Montreal, 1883-4. 1885 C175 Science and praver : Rev. P. H. MacVicar , -Creed of the agnostic ; Rev. J, K. Steven- son — Evolution in morals : Rev. J. S. Black — Atheism or Theism, which ? : Rev. J. Jenkins —Descent of man : Rev. J. Campbell— Moral influence theory of Christ's death : Rev. \V. Caven— Morality of the Old TeFtiment : Rev. G. H. Wells. Scripture readings for use in the public and high schools of Ontario. 1885. C526 — Second copy 1^37''32 Stimson, /^ev. E. R. History of the separation of church and state in Canada. 1887 C75 Taylor, F. Last three bishops appointed by the crown for the Anglican ,.hurch of Canada : Fulford, Mountain, Stra- chan. 1869 ..■ B352 Tegfakouita. La vie de la B. Catharine Tegakouita : par C. Chauchetiere. 1887 R922.2T — Charlevoix, P. Histoire generale de la Nouvelle France. t. 2. pp. 572- 587. Tegal«ouita, vierge Iroquoise R97''4 Q Vital questions : the discussions of the general Christian conference, held in Montreal, Oct. 2^-25, 1888, under the auspices of the Montreal branch of the Evangelical alliance. 1889 Ci72 Topics discussed : Current unbelief, Capital .and labor, National perils, Roman Catholicism in Canada, Romanism in relation to education Romish dogma a source of peril, Thi; Alli- ance, Co-operation in jhristian work, The church in its relation to the evangelizati<in of the world. Whitcombe, Rev. C. E. Short history of the church of England. 1886 Cs8 Wild, Rev. J. Bond street pulpit ; series of discourses. 1888 C422 — Lost ten tribes : and 1882. 1879. . . . C74 SOCIOLOGY. Dominion annual register and review, 1878, 1883 : ed. by H. J. Morgan. . .R3'7-' D Statistical year-book of Canada, 1889. . 1^317. i S CENSUS. Census of Canada R3'7- ' — 1851-2. 2 V. — 1870-1. 5 V. — 1880-1. 4 V. Northwest cen us, 1885 R3i7' ' ^ Census of Manitoba, 1885^ R317.127 IMMIGRATION. Canadian immigration and emigration, Capadian mi by J. Lowe. 1889 RS^S-?' t'of's- '8 Report of department of immigration, D|Bison, G. 1 Ontario. 1890 R32S7 Hdlmorials of r A,w corps, li LAW. ot_ J- I Stftndmg ordi Canadian lawyer: a handy book of -rifles. 18 the laws and of legal information for M«ore, Major; Uie use of business men, farmers, ' talion. if mechanics and others. "1887 ^^•''^^■' Otter 1 1 -Coi Johnson, J. W. Promissory notes and manual fi drafts. 1888 R347'; (infantry) Parsons, T. Laws of business for all the states and territories of the union and the Dominion of Canada. ''^90-1^347-;g__jjQyg.j, i McCord, T. Civil codo of Lower Can- (,(• Canadi ada. 3rcl ed. 'v;th "otes of all o^tterworth, I changes to January, 1880 bi (;;,„.^^JiJ^'„ Read, D. B. Lives of the judges of .-p- r--odian ni per Canada and Ontario, '791 to ^oi, , ?<^. ■8«« '^^.dell 1 ' Review of the laws of the United States w^iean, J- of North America, the British prov- ROK s hand-b inces and West Indies. 1788 R;.^ ed- by A. ( Treaties between his most Christian ma- anuth, G. Po jesty and the thirteen United States /« Eclectii of America. 1782 R34i.i- Prohibition i Eclectic, 1 CONSTITUTION. Wman, E. A Bourinot, J. G. Local government in union, hi Canada. 1887 Di 282 — Manual of the constitutional history of c^p Canada to the year 1888 '^'>«-,h- Cavendish, .SVr H. Debate in the [Eng- **?he relaTio, lish] house of commons on the Que- g^ ^ggg bee government bill of 1774 R97'-4' ■^- " . Comparative view of the British«and Am- °^epo°rt on^i erican constitutions. 1817 R34.' juig^ Helbi Houston, W., ed. Documents illustrative of the Canadian constitution. 1891. Do Lefroy, A. H. I'. The British versus the 'ooipulsory edi American system of national govern- Britain, Gei ment. 1891 R342'7^ itfoi Munro, J. E. C. Constitution of Canada. )aii^mbe C Representative government in our col- . . . ' "'^'^ '" onies. In Westminster, 1886, pp. 50 Ki.Kwr"S. J. C Scott, E. G. Development of constitu- ^ architecture tiona liberty in the English colonies 'eport dl ininisi of America. 1890 (■ '*"" Tavlor, F. Are legislatures parliaments ? " On rducatioi ■^ iSyg 1> bliiui, Bran Todd, A. Parliamentary government in - On tiie instr the British colonies. 1880 !'■ the ileaf anc (See also Constitutional Law, page 13.) rr»iv STATUTES. ORDINANCES. ,^^,^^^^^^ Canada. St.-itutes. 1870-79, 1887-88, , .Rubfj^-.j-.^.^^ j^j. — Revised statutes. 1886 R34^'- ^ Hie forma — Orders in council. 1889 R346'^ _^ - '^86. . Ontario. Statutes. 1878,1880-89 •• ••1^346-;<HR' W. Sin — Revised statutes. 1877, 1887 R346,2u.^'"«s- 188 HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. 53 noN. i MILITARY. emigration, Cupadian military institute. Transac- R32S'7i tions. 1890 R355 C2 immigration, Dfnison, G. T. Modern cavalry. 1868 G84 R325./ Mtmoriais of the late civil service rifle corps. 1867 R354.716C Standing orders of the 49th " Hastings " ndy book of -rifles. 1883 R354.716 H iformation for M«|Ore, Major. Sketch of the XIII. bat- ;. talion. 1875 R354.716 M , Otifer, U.-Col. W. D. The guide: :i' jry notes and manual for the Canadian militia, '<347'; (infantry) less for all the of ;he union POLITICS, anada. 1890. R347.; f Lower Can- iien, farmers, ■1887 R347-7 E205 to notes of all ^80 judges of -;p ario, '791 United States British prov- 1788 Christian ma- United States 'BengOUgh, J. \V. A caricature history of Canadian politics. 2 v. 1886 R817.15 B j^^^Btt^erworth, B. Commercial union. /// ■ Canadian leaves, pp. 175-216 G97 CMpdian parliamentary compaiiion. B41 ™»872-3, 1879, 1880 R328.718 Ml^yean, J. Tariff handbook. 1878.. R337 Rote's hand-book of Dominion polities : Ri ed. by A. C. Campbell. 1886 D383 Smith, G. Political destiny of Canada. Jn Eclectic, 1877, pp. i K1415 JTION. government in R34'--- Prohibition in Canada and U. S. In Eclectic, 1889, pp. 648. K1438 ^Iman, E. Advantages of commercial union. In Canadian leaves, pp. 269- Di 282 G97 CAPITAL AND LABOR. onal history of 88 Di te in the [Eng- ^^Pf.^ "'" "V*: Royal labor commission 0.1 ^1774.... ..R97'.4' J^- . '^^^ ^^^i ritish.and Am- "teftjational exhibition of .889 at Paris. Keport on social .-conomy section, by Jules Helbronner R33i H 97' 1817 R34^ :nts illustrative itution. 1891 . Do tish versus the \ itional govern- R342-7i ion of Canada. EDUCATION. int in our col- r, 1886, pp. 50 nt o" constitu- nglish colonies ^9 s parliaments government in 1880 NAL Law, page is-) RDINANCES. -79, 1887-88. .,R. 346' i V.3^^.ii ?9 R346.2'l 1880-89 ....R346/ 7, 1887 R346.2 ulsory education in Canada, Great ritain, Germany and United States. , ^9' R379-^3C p.inai^mbe, C. Report upon the subject Of education. 1836 R370.9 D Kiio4fins, J. G. The sichool-house : architecture, etc. 1876 D221 leport of minister of education, Ontario. ^' '*™' R379-7'3 On education and instruction of the Wind, Brantford. 1890 R37, the instruction and education of [e deaf and dumb, Belleville. 1890 R371.92 C COMMERCE. .9- C TRADE. . official postal guide. 1890 R383.71 Elements necessary t>na!d, John. i the formation of business charac- . 1886 W. Sinking fund and instalment ^'«^' '^ R336.33 D213 Report upon alleged combinations in manufactures, by N. C. Wallace, M.P. 1888 R38, W Trade between Canada and the West Indies : by J. T. Wylde. 1887 R972.9 C RAILWAYS. CANALS. Railroad jubilee : opening of railroad communication between Boston and Canada. 1851 • 0895 Report of Royal commission on railways. ■^^8 R38SC3 - Of minister of railways and canals. '879-87 R38S C Reports. Railway statistics. 1879-89. . R385 C2 Trout, J. M. Railways of Canada. '870-1 R.38sC6 Canal statistics. 1886 R386 C Kingsford, W. Canadian canals. 1865- G77« Canadian Pacific Railway. Grant, Geo. M. The C. P. R. hi Cen- tury, 1885, pp. 882 K1221 Prendergast, T. E. The C. P. R. /« Harper's, 1882, pp. 414 Ki 113 Sessional papers relating to C. P. R. '^^^-4 R38SC4 FISHERIES. Campbell, J. D. G. Marquis of Lome. The Canadian fisheries dispute. In Eclectic, 1887, pp. 693 K1434 Reports of department of marine and fisheries, to 1890 R387 C USEFUL ARTS. Dawson, S. E. Copyright in books. '882 R655.671 Johnson, G. W. Canadian school short- hand. 1889 R6S3 J AGRICULTURE. Annual report of department of agricul- ture. 1880 R63o,97i3 Contr-iins folloH-ins reports : The .igricultu- ra colleg-e .nnd experimental farm, aHricultii- rnl and arts association, ilairv and creamery associ.itions, fruit growers' association, ei1tt> molo^ical society, poultry and beekeepers' associations, and on the cultivation of the sugar beet in Ontario, for the year i88g. Hodgins, J. G. Toronto humatie so- ciety : aims and objects. 1888 £408 Mills, J. F"irst principles of agriculture. 1 890 Whitcombe, C. E. Canadian farmer's manual of agriculture. 1879 SPORTS. FISHING. Alexander, Sir J. E. Salmon fishing in Canada, i860 Andrews, W. D. Swimming and life saving. 1889 Es92 E67 E141 E202 54 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, IllllPl^ Beers, \V. ("■. (.".uiadiat) sports. /// Si-tiliiuM-'s, 1877, pp. so(> Ki J05 — L;uTi>sso : tlu- n.itioiial >;.iiik- of C'aii- .iila. i8()<) '--"*^ Burroughs j. '1Ih> lialijoii or kiiiK- tislu-r in C.iiiad.i, 1879. /// I.oi-usis am! wiki lioiu-y, pp. ji3-.:.S.? H'.S'i Hcrbe't, 11. \V. Fu-Ul sports in tlio V. S. ;uul i^ritish provinces. 1H4S. ... K3O--.? Lamiiaii* C. .Ailvonturos ot'an .uiKli-r in Cmatla. 1S48 l'-4i- Mathir, F. I'l. Wintor sports in C'.inaiia. /;/ H.-irpcr's, 1879, pp. ,?c)i l"^' i"'' Senior, W. . Noar .mil far: an .inj^-U'r's skoti'lios of homo anil litV. . I'-,?7'' DOMKSTIC KCONOMY. noniostii- LH'ononi)-. Clark, M. .Miii 1 88() r Home i-ook liook. 1889 K 1 50 BIOGRAPHY. COLLl'XTIVK. Dent, 1. C. The Can.iilian portniit ual- lory. 4 V. [880 Kij-io-o? 1 •"> Non; I'or ^ilplialn'ticaHlst of n.-uiu's in tllUSL' VlllllIlK'S, M'f l\ol7.1 I . Morgan, H. J. Skotclios of lolohr.iloil Canaili;uis anil pc-rsons oonnoi-ti-il with Canada. iHbz Ki)Jo.o7i M Rose, G. M., cf. A O'clopfedi.a of adian taioKi-apliy. i v. 188b. . . . Ivi)-'o.o7i K INDIVIDUAL. Andr(5, Afa/or. .V<r Read's life .and times of Gen. J. G. Sinuoe H953 Brant, Cti/>t. SVi- Read's life and limi?s of Gen. J. G. Simcoe ^953 Brock, 5/^ Isaac. Life (1769-181 J): by F. B. Tapper "40" Cabot, S. Life (1472-1557): >\v J. F. NichoUs. 1869 •••■• B9" Cramp, A\:: John Mockett. Life (1796- 1881) : by Rev. T. A. HiKgins. 1887. H378 Durnford, E.-W. Family recollections. 1863 K9^.V5 1^ Foster, Wm. A. Canad.i first : .1 memor- ial. 1850 Hincks, Sir F. Reminiscences of his life, i8o7-iS\S Johnson. Fi-.n liu-s school to the Father's hous, : a brief memoir ot Amelia, Annie and Thomas Johnson. 1888 Johnson, .V// W. Life and times (1715- 1774): by W. L. Stone. 2 v. 1865. .R923.2 J Jones, A'er.' Peter. Canadian Indian Wesley'n misfiionarylKah-ke-wa-quo- na-by) : life and journals (1802-1856) B978 B309 B923 Hio G44 H.),v H<)5 i860 B146 Kent. Life of F. M., H. R. 11. Fdward, Duke of Kent ( i7()7-i8j()) : by W. Anderson. 1879 l<9^3-5 K McClure, A'a: \V. Life and labours of: eiU by Rev. D. S.iv.iKe. iH?^ I^W Macdonald, Sir John .\. Life .and times (1815-1883): by J. K. Collins. Hiu- McGee, //<'/;. T. DArcv. A sketch of his life(i825-()8): by 1'". Taylor. i8(.8. R971 \ Mackenzie, \V. Lyon. Life and limes .(i7.)5-i86i) : by C. Lindsay. ..R923.2M> Merritt, //,v/. W. H. Biography (i7<)3- l8(>2) Ridout, T. C: Ten ye.irs of Upper Canada, 1805-15: by M; Fdjjar Ryerson, A'a: K. The story of my life (1824-81): beinji: reminiscences of sixty ye.iis public : rvice in Canada. 1883 ' Simcoe, C'en. J. G. Life and Times (1752- i8o()) : by D. B. Read Tecuniseh, /ndiaii <hicj. Life ( 1 768- 1813): by B. Dr.ike Tecumseh : a drama : by C. Mair TRAVELS. (Sfciilso NoKTii Ami-.kic.\, /tii,t;i- Jf. ) TOURIST.S' GUIDES. Bryce's tourist h.ind-book : ed. by G. M. 1889 R917.1 F Dawson's hand-book for the Dominion. 1884 R917.1 Picturesque Canada : ed. by Principal Grant. 2 v R917.1 ( Small, M. B. Canadian hand-book and tourist's g-uide. i8()6 R917.1 Withrow, W. H. Our own country. Canada, scenic and descriptive. 111. 1889 MAPS. GAZETTEERS. Bartholomew, J. G. Pocket atlas and gazetteer of Canada. 1890 R917.1 Canada, maps of. 1886 R917.1 - Atlas of the Dominioij. 1875 R917. n Dawson's map of the Dominion.i888R9i7.i I — Dominion business directory, 1890-1 R917. it Greswell, W. P. Geography of Canada and Newfoundland. 1891 '" Lovell's gazetteer of British North Amer- ica. 1873 R9'7' Ontario County gazetteer and Canadian cyclopedia. 1 885 R9 ' 7' ' Albert Edward, prime of Wales. Speeches, pp. 7. Canadian tour. pp. 403. The colonies and the college of music I'S: Visit of tl; R. Celle eers, VV. C sort. // Pictures f 1 87 1, pp, Bonnycastle 2 v I&own, R. I 1. Can; Butterworth , Acadi.'i .1 Cftmpbell, G. iinpressi( . Kiiectic Campbell, J Spei'che; Can.ida ; — ♦• Canadian EMlke, C. W. Fleming, S. — I-lxpeilitioi society ti Forster, AV.-. Reid.... NoTi:.— .■ula durinj^ Gtent, G. ( Fleming': d.i ill 187 Head, Sir F. 0«enden, A. .87,.... R«wan, J. J. . in C Rlissell, W. "' condition Shanly, C. 1 \\.iters. Stephens, C. In the v\ Alongsh Thoreau, H. 1850 Bartlett, W. 1 842 G«h, John. ' Qm, H. Let Griffin, Wats walerw.-iy graphical H»d, Sir G. dents in tl 1 S38 Jameson, Mrs nuT ramb M?^!-eiizie, i 2^ iMoiitreal loceans. fctaggart, , 11829 HAMILTON Pl'ULK' MUUAUV. 55 1. lulwarcl, ()) : l)y W. 1<9-.V5 •< labours of: 1872 B-1')' i- and times liiis HlOl I slifli-li of lylor. t8(.8. R971 \ ; ami liiuos ;iy. . .R9^,3.i M' apliv (170.V Hio of I'ppor lulKar ^M^ ,' of my lifo isciMU'i's of • ill Canada. H.),v rimos (1752- H'),; (1768-1813): 1^')- C. Mair I.V' LS. UIDES. ed. !->v G. M. ....: R9'7-'f e Dominion. R917.1 by Principal .' R917.1 ( nd-book and R917.1 \vn country, scriptive. 111. , Rv rXEERS. et atlas and 1890 R917.1 Rg'T'i 1875 R917.11 minion.i888R9i7.i I oiy, 1890-1 liy of Canada 891 1 1 North Amer- R9'"-' ind Canadian R9171 , i CiV %./»»..-• 0/ IVales. dian tour. pp. d the college . . ..... M Visit of tlu> prince of Wales in i860: by R. Ccllcm F ,34' Beers, W. G. ;is a winter re- sort. /// Century, 1885, pp. 514 Ki.'jo — Pictures from C.-mada. /// Scribner's, 1871, pp. 4J9 K119.3 Bonnycastle, R. The in 1841. : ^^ I\W-.S Brown, R. Countries of the world. \'ol. I. Can.ida !•>'() Butterworth, H. 7A^-/.:\.^ journeys in Acadia and \i!w l'"r.ince Mi 88 Campbell, G. [). G., dukcof Ari^yll. ImisI inipressitms of the lu'w world. In F-'clectic maj^.izine, 1880, pp. 151.... K1420 Gtmpbell, J. J). S., iiian/i<is nf /.oriie. Speeches ;iihI verses : niemories ot' Caiiiui.i ;ind Scoll.ind. 188.3 1 319 — !• Can.idian pictures. 1885 '"199 DUke, C. VV. Greater nrit.iiii. pp. (-Ai-Hz ^'t,T^ Fleming, S. England .•iiid Canada. 1884 V^jq — Expeditions to tiie P.icific. /it Royal society transactio.-.s, 1889, p|i. 89 1 . R806 C7 Forster, Rt.-Hon W. E. Life : by T. W. I'^^'i'' ." H109 Notk. --Coiit,iininf>: reminiscenses of C.iii- .ula durintf ,1 tour in 1874. G«ant, G. Ocean to ocean: Sandford I'leniinjf's expedition throug-h Cana- ^'•^'" '«7^ E689 H«ad, .S'z> E. H. The emigrant. 1846.. K73 Oatenden, A. Mv iii-st year in Canada. '«7' E7.31 Rowan, J. J. Till- emigrant ;iiul sports- man in Can;ida. 1881 ^'Vt~ Ripssell, W. H. Canad.-i : its defences, ' condition and resources. 1865. ... l'':^()6 Shanly, C. D. Canadian woods and waters. /// Atlantic, 1867, pp. 311.. Ki 147 Stiphens, C. A. Knockabout club. 2 \ . In the woods ^14,79 Alongshore M480 Thoreau, H. D. A Yankee in Canada. i«50 F312 Bartlett, \V. H. Canadian scenery. r* '^42 R917., B2 G|^, John. The Can.idas. 1836 R9,7. , G Offy, H. Letters from Canada. 1809. R917. i G2 Grten, Watson. Canada : the l;md of waterways. In Hulk-tin Am. geo- grapliical society, 1890, pp. 351 .' R9,7., G4 Hwd, Sir (;. Forest scenes and inci- ilents in the wilds of North America. '"'•5''^ R917.1 H jMBeson, Mrs. Winter studies and sum- nier rambles in Canada. 1839 R917. 1 J M?^'--eiizie, Sir Alex. Voyages from Diitreal to the frozen and Pacific ^'="'^- '801 R9I7.I M ggart, J. Three years in Canada. 29 R917.1 M2 Marshall, C. The C 1S7, iM.idi.iii Dominion .R917.1 M3 F746 F337 Talbot, !•;. A. l-ive years' residi-nce in llu- i«24 R917. 1 T Traill, Mrs. C. P. Th.. set- liers guidi'. I8.S5 R917.1T2 Travels. Geographical Di- visions. BRITISH COLl'MHIA. Blaikie, W. G. Summer suns in I hi- far west . 1 890 Horetzky, C. on the Pacific. '«74 ; Ingersoll, E. From the Eraser to the Coiiimbi.i riveis. Jn Il.irpers Kii 16 Lees, J. A. Ramble in Hrilisli Columbia. i^*^^ F87 Lord, J. K. X.iliir.ilist in British Coliim- '''••'• I'^'f'f' R.S08.711 McCIure, A. K. Three miles lliroii.gli the Rocky niount.-iins F271 Macfie, M. V.incouyer Isl.ind and Brit- ish Columbia. 1865 F362 Mayne, R. C. 1-our ye.irs in British Columbia. 1862 F716 Murphy, .[. M. Rambles in North-west- ern America. 1879 F498 Ross, Alex. Eur hunters in the far west. 2v. 18.S.S F700-1 Spragge, Mrs. A. From Ont.irio to the P.icific by the C. P. R. 18S7 Rg,-. , , s Wolley, C. P. Trottings of ,1 tenderfoot. ■^^4 F291 Bates, E. K. Kaleidoscope, pp. 263- 27.S. Oyer the Rockies by the Can- .idian Pacific railw.iy. 1889 F749 Blaikie, W. G. Summer suns in the far west. pp. 115-143. Northwards to British Columbia. 1890 F746 THE NORTH-WEST. Mapof M.initoba from the ofiici;il surveys. '^8^ R912.7127 Butler, W. F. The great lone hind. 1872 F5S4 — The wild north land. 1884 F"68« — - Second copy F313 D'Artigue, J. Six years in the Canadian North-west. 1882 F82 Gordon, D. M. Mountain and prairie. '880 F328 Hargrave, J. J. Red river. Travels in „. '^' : F336 Hill, A. S. From home to home : autumn wanderings. 1887 F220 Hind, H. Y. Narrative of the Red river exploring expedition of 1 8.ii7 2 v. . . F763-4 Sutherland, A. \ land. 1881 , summer in prairie- F676 56 SUPPLEMENT TO l\rALOGUE, [If' i> i! H Heatne, S. Journey from Prince of" Wales's fort in Hudson's buy to the Northern ocean. 1 795 1^9' 7- McPhillips' directory of the district of Sasiiatchewan. i888 R91 7. 1 24 ONTARIO. Frechette, Annie H. St. Lawrence sum mer resorts. In Harper's monthly, 1884, pp. 199 Howison, J. Sketches of Upper Canada. i8ii Kohl, J. G. Kitchi-j?ami : wanderings round Superior, i860 Kitchi-(fan\l, Iiulian equivalunt for " Bijf VV.iter" (L.-ikc Superior) : traditions, niannors and customs of tlii.' Ojihbcw.iys. Letters from Muskoka. 1878 Pyle, H. Amonjj the Thousand islands. In Scribner's, 1878, pp. 825 . Ropes, E. H. Sununering amonjf the Thousand isles. In Harper's, 1881, PP- 50' Strickland. Twenty-seven years in Can- ada West. 2 V. 1853 Wentworth county atlas. 1875 R9 17. 1352 City of Hamilton directory, 1858, 1889^ 1 890 .... Adam, G. M K1117 F636 F765 l'"4.37 K1206 Kiiii F711-2 R9'7-'35' Muskoka R9'7-'375 QUEBEC. Adams, A. L. Field and forest rambles. 'H73 Murray, 'W. Lake Champlain l'; Roy, J. E. Voya^fe au pays de Tadous- sac. 1889 !■; Le Moitie, J. M. The explorations of Jonathan t)ldbuck. 1889 R917.M Second copy l*' Pye, T. Canadian scenery : district of Gasp6. 1866 R971- MARITIME PROVINCES. M F. The Maritime jirov- land-book for travellers. — ^'tanada at ,, |'«55 !•; —•%.<?. Canada F; ;^dei855 . -- Canada : a 1'; phii-al po — Ci"idition I i«.S4 — Can.'ida : it natural ri Canada .-md tl Quarterly Noi'K - A or n Sweetser, inces ; 1 890 — Here and there in New England and Canada. 1889 Warner, C. O. Bad(Kck : travel sket- ches to and ill Cape Breton F Labrador. Hind, H. Y. Explorations in the Labra- dor peninsul.'i. 2 v. 1863 Noble, L. After icebergs : Labrador and around Newfoundland. HISTORY G905 General History. Bell, A. History of Canada to 1840-1. 3 v. i860 R97' B Greswell, W. P. History of the Domin- ion of Canada to the present time. 1890 Miles, H. One hundred prize questions in Canadian history. 1880 Rg?' M2 Provancher, L. Histoire du Canada : le premier cours, 1492-1884 Pioi Roy, J. History of Canada, for schools and families, to i860 R97' Tuttle, C. R. Illustrated history of Can- ada, 1535-1876 ••• "'?7'T Winsor, Justin. Narrative and critical history of America. 8 v R970 ^ V. I, 2, 3, s and 8 refer especially to British America. See contents on page 35. Withrow, W. H. History of Canada, from the discovery to present time 1888 Abridged history of Canada. 1889. SCOTCH IN CANADA. R2 Campbell, G. Canada a Rev.. Ma) |Cannan, A. R would brir 1 a«rke, G. H. Canada, pp. 781 .. . CoWns, E. F Canadian Colonial and Ii I'^ii VVestminst Dawson, S. E. '" minion of ( PaifChild, G. I\ series of p; adian club, ]rniat, Km. C Canadian 1 — The Doniini( Davin, N. F. The Irishman in Canada. ner's, 1880, 1877 f'Siitille, C. C. Griffin, Watson. An Irish evolution .... R329, ^ ^.^_^ ^^^ O'Hanly, J. L. P. The political stand- (eservLs bill .ai ing 'of Irish Catholics in Canada. l«|fht,-C. Cc 1872 ^^329 fears ago. lall. E. H. 1 Historical Sketches, etc. NonhAme 1862. IRISH IN CANADA. The Irishman in Canada. An Irish evolution. G4' G87 G920 Rattray, W. J. The Scot in British North America. 4 v. 1880 G767-70 Le Moine, J. M. Scot in New France. 1881 R97I-4L3 Anderson, D. Canada ; or, a view of the importance of the British American colonies. 1814 Bengough, J. W. Humorous side of Canadian history. In Canadian leaves, p^. 93-106 Bonnycastle, R. H. Canada and the Canadians. 2 v. 1849 Bnuchette, J. British dominions in North America. 2 v. 1 832 R9"! Brymner, D., archivist. Dominion arch- ives, annual reports, 1883-90 R97: Buckingham, J. S. Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick. 1843 R971 Burnham, J. H. Canadians in the imperial naval and military service abroad. 1891 ••••■ C Canada : historical and statistical : by E. B. Biggar. 1889 R97 otit. 1871 W. B. 'ominion. :s, Sir F. a. In Po • 23 \otjm, J. S. C rt, J. B. ns and re! ord, W. ance, J. [ry. In R( '7. pp. 55' A. Canj d social. ofcoloni erica.) 80 ws, Jehu. I question 11 Hamilton ihibi.u i.ikrakv. 57 jrcst rambles — Canada at the Universal exhibition of '«S.S K971 I' '■ — Lf Canada et I'exposition universeile V; lit' i«5S R971 I'l — Canada : a brief outline of her geogra- V- pliii-al position. 1857 K071 C xplorations of — Condition and prospects of Canada In ■iSq R917. 1.| 1^54 R971 C,j F( — Canada : its history, productions and plain ys de Tadous ry district of K971 iOVINCES. laritime prov- for travellers. nalural resources. 1886 R97 1 C2 ; Canada and the United States. /« The (Juarterly, April, 1891, pp. 517 NciTK- A review of i\ ri'ccnt books on or relatitif; thereto. England and : : travel sket- reton dor. s in the Labra- 1863 tfs : Labrador Hand. 1862... ::anada. lan in Canada Hii Cuopbell, G. D. S., marquis of Lome. |, C.mada and the U. S. hi N. Am. Rev.. May, 1891, pp. 557 , Carman, A. R. Perplexities that Canad.t would bring. In Forum, 1890, pp. 562R050 V 1 1 Claike, G. H. The French problem in Canad.i. In I'opular science, 1886, PP- 78' K918 CoWns, E. Future of the Dominion. /// Canadian leaves, pp. 1-18 G97 . Colonial and Indian exhibition, 1886. In ■''i Westminster, 1886, pp. 28 K1443 Dawson, S. E. Hand-book of the Do- '■ minion of Canada '. Ci286 Pafechild, G. M., ed. Canadian leaves : a series of papers read before the Can- adian club, N. Y. 1887 G97 Sraat, Kev. G. M. Canada first. In Canadian leaves, pp. 247-268 G97 - The Dominion of Canada. In Scrib- ner's, 1880, pp. 80. . . K,2i 1 *^'3wWille, C. C. F. Memoirs. 8v RS70-7 ' evolution .... Rs^') x, 3.^.^ eontain memoranda on the clergy political stand- reserves bill and other Camidian questions. cs in Canada. latfht.-C. Country life in Canada fifty R329 ^ears ago. 1885 1«1I? E. H. Lands of plenty : British :etCheS, etc. North America tor health, sport and proht. 1879 r, a view of the lute, W. B. French Canada and the ritish American Dominion. In Forum, 1890, pp. 323 Roso F • • • ■ • lincks, Sir F. Political destiny of Can- Aorous side ot ada. In Pop. Science Suppt., 1879, In Canadian PP' -3 .... ... ..... logan, J. S. Canada : an essay. 1855. R971 H-! anada and the ^ |ur|ert, J. B. The climates, produc- ,49. .... . ... ■■ ^„y and resources of Canada. 1872.R971 H4 rin.ons „, North ^^_a,^ord, W. Canadian archeology... G84, Dominion"a;ch- ' •*^r"/AovIl S °\ ^^^^'^l ^''- ,aa., r^ Uo- S!^^" ■'"'^oyal society transactions, ,883-90 ..^....R9r ^^7, PP.S5 :R8o6C.; ck" .84. ''\o-'«'i {^' Canada : physical, economic ck. .843. . .... K9, ^,, ,^,.,^, ,g^^^ j^^^^ ^ ofcolonialEngland(British North biierica.) In Westminster, 1885, ''^. 80 ' V, A It • • • IV 1 44 ' S, Jehu. A colonist on the colo- I question. 1872 G896 G234 G901 lervice abroad, atistical : by E. G: .R9]| G944 H488 Mackenzie, R. America, pp. 311-438. Dominion of Can.ida '.....'.. Murray, II. Historical account of Brit- tish America. 2 v. 1839 R971 M3 Oliphant. L. Episodes, pp. 60-78. Poli- tics and Indi.m affairs in Canada Powell, Sir G. B. A Canadian people. /'/ Fortnightly, Jan., 1891, pp. 113.. Reade, J. The making of Canada. In Royal society transactions, 1884, PP- ' R806 Ca Scadding:, II. Canada in sculpture. 1887 R971 S Small, 11. B. Chronicles of Canada. '^f'" R971 Ss Products and manufactures of the new dominion. 1868 R971 S4 Smith, t'.Dldwiri. Canada and the Can- adi;in question. 1891 G1012 - Schism in the Anglo-Saxon race. In Cailadlan le.'ives, pp. 19-58 Stewart, G. Sources of early Canadi.-in history. In Royal society transac- tions, 1885, pp. 39 R806C3 Thompson, Samuel, 0/ Toronto. Remin- iscences of a Canadian pioneer. In Rose-Belford's Can. mon K1273 Tupper, Sir C. The political position in Canada. In Contemporary, M.iy, 1891, pp. 764 — The Wiman conspiracy unmasked. In X. Amer. Rev., May, 1891, pp. 549, . Warburton, E. Hoc helaga ; or, Eng- land in the new world. 1846 G461-2 Wilson, Sir D. The lost Atlantis. In Royal society transactions. 1886, pp. G97 .R806 C4 Wilson, F. A. Britain redeemed and Canada preserved. 1850 R942.08 W NoTK.— Foreshadows a trans-continenUil raihvav through Canada. Wiman, E. Canada and the States. /// Contemporary, April, 1891 Can we coerce Canada ? In N. Amer. Rev., January, 1891, pp. 91 Witton, II. B. Political cyclopedia, v. i. pp. 826-835. The Dominion of Can- ada. 1888 R320.3 P History.— Special Periods. DISCOVERY. Cabot. The remarkable life of Sebas- tian Cabot of Bristol : the founder of Gt. Britain's power on the sea : dis- coverer of America : and its first colonizer, by J, F. N'icholls. 1869.. 8022 Ganong, W. F. Jacques Cartier's first voyage [1534.] In Royal society transactions, 1887, pp. 121 R806 C5 Winsor, J. History of America, v. 3-4.R970 W Contents : V. 3. English discoveries and settlements. V. 4. French ditto. 58 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, m KEW FRANCE. 160K 1759. .4C Cbqb K1114 Charlevoix, 1'. Fr. X. de. llistoiro ct di'si-iiptioii Kt'"^"'''>'^' ''^ ''■' N""^''"'-' Franco. ,? v. 1 744 ^'il Hart, C. 1:. Till-' '"JiH ''f ^'^'^^^ l'"'':'"'^'-' 1 755-60. 1 88S Higginson, T. W. Iho Frfiuh voyajr- fiiis. Ill Harper's, iH»,-\, pp. 5<>.S Histoire de la colonit' Fra' aise en Can- ada, jusiiu ;v 168.:. 3 V. 1865 ,. ..R97'-4» Kingsford, W. Hist iry of Canada, 1608- 1763. 4 V. — V. 1. 1608-1682 ^'J>7° -V, 2. 1679-1725 t'.ST' -V.3. '7^6-756 ;:7'' -.V. 4- ■7.s6->763 ^'-"^ Le Moine, J. M. 'Ih- lu-roinos of New Frame. /« Canadian leaves, pp. 107 128. Machar hein Canada. i8qo Miles, H. H. History of Canada : 1535- 1763. 1881 ; ■."' Mission du Canada. Relations inedites de la Nouvclle-Franee, 1672-79, pour faire suite aux anciennes relations 1615-1672. 2 V. 1861 R266.271 M Parkman, F. France and England in N'orih America : a series of historical narratives. ,. Pioneers of France in the new world 2-1574]. Cliam- pannie de Jesus dans la Nouvellc- France. 3 v. 1858 R266.271 ( r.iWcs lies iii.Tlii!rf» : V. i. KmhriiHiMint leB .iMiKii's i(>ii-i(iil>i't la piTiiiil ill- i(>ii (V 1(141. V. 1. Eiiibmss.-int li'«.nnn^i-Hili' ih4jii 1655. v. ). KmbriiNSiinl les ,-imi<ii.'S de 165611 167 j. Warburton, E. Conquest of Canada. 2 V. 1849 ; NoTK.- A hiHtory of Camida from cnrlient times to 1760. Winsor, J. History of America, v. 5 L\mteiit» : The Kreiicli .iml I^hkH'*'' i» North America, it)H<)-i76,). I., r, Agnes. Stories of New France : ng tales from the early history of G97 L3069 C.283 O237 lluiienots in Florida [1512-1574 plain and his associ.itcs [14H8-1635]. 2. Jesuits in North America in the 17th century Story of Jesuit missions among the Hiirons, 6J2-SO i with an account of the Indian tribes, md .-i sketch of the remnant of the Hiirons to G236 1652 and 1866. G24O G242 C.45'H R97" V Ibinaon, 1 C.'inad.'i Sleigh, \V. \ of Lowe Sbncoe, Gti times, w Andre a Read. Nirri!— ol I'ppir C; 1760-1792. From the Conquest to the Establishment Upper CiVHida. Tones, C. G. Campaign for the conquest ■* of Canada, 1776 R97.V - Lesperance, J. The Bastonnais : tale of the American invasion of Canad: in 1775-76. 1877 Parkman, F. Conspiracy ot Pontiac and the Indian after the conquest of Canada. 2v 3. La Salle and the discovery of the great west 1. Old regime in Canada From 1651 to 176.) ; with an appendix. c. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV G243 From 1672 to i-oi, wiOi iui account of Fronteiiaes early life. 6. Not yet published. 7. Montcalm and Wolfe. 2 v G244-S From 1745 to 1763 ; with a closing ch.ipter on the results of the war. " The period between 1700 and 174H has been passed over for a time. When this pap is filled, the series . . . will form .a continu- ous history of the French occupation of the continent.' - Preface. — 'Wolfe on the plains of Abraham. In Atlantic monthly, Sept., 1884, pp. 339R971.4 "^ — Howells, W. D. Mr. Parkman's his- tories. In Atlantic, 1874, pp. 602. . . K1161 Relations des Jesuites : contenant ce qui sest passe de plus remarquable dans ies missions des peres de la Com- Gj From i7f>o to 1761). with a review of events from itx)8. , Life and times : by Simcoe, Gen. J. G. D. B. Read • Contains chapters on the campaigns ot 1777-79-81. UNITED J<:MPIRE LOYALISTS. Centennial of the settlement of Upper Canada by the United Empire Loyal- ists, 1784-1884. 1885 Ryerson, E. The loyalists of America and their times : 1620-1816. 2 v. 1880 Sabine, L. Loyalists of the American revolution, 1776. 2 v Bigrar, E. Stony Ci Brock, Sir h tnce (17 ..S47 ... Coffin, W. 1 lllOI'.'ll. Edgar, Mati , C.iiuida i L3(X being tin Jadcson, .Sir Hath arc James, \\. Lite war. — Naval occ Hu La^lra Secor ' dr.ima, b Merritt, Hon lS()2).... Sellar. R. \ of 1812.. Brackenridgi G5;. l.itewar. H«ftdley, J. 1 Hi; Harper's, Lotting, R. the war o Scenes in t 1792-1841. From the Establishment of Upper dm. to the Union. Christie, R. History of the late province of Lower Canada. 6 v. 1848. .. . R971.4 John George, earl of Durham. Report on the affairs of British North America _^ in 1838 ; with an appendix R97 1 .o? * "fUsO"'. J; Lord Durham was governor-general of British North Ameriai in i8j8. . — Croker, J. W. Diaries, v. 2, pp. 342. Durham in Canada, 1838 Cafri Haight, C. Country life in Canada fifty years ago. 1885 Haiibufion, T. C. Bubbles of Canada, ■839 Head, Sir F. B. The emigrant. 1846. . — A narrative. 1839 1^9(1 Sir F. B. Head was governor of Upper Canada, 1836-38. 1^9; 'u 1" Harp K1074; V. ; K1077; V. 3 lay. E. S, -entury, levelt, T, jjth od. '4he late vv THE L. N 3S. 1877 fles, Lord ;fe : by G NOTK- I. neral of C J. C. St ■hellion. HAMILTON PUBLIC LIE,*ARY. 59 la Nouvelle- R266.371 ( l')Mil>riiNH<'intli>H If il>(j (I i()4i. i,'Hili' i(>4ja ii>55. fsdc i()j6(i if>7j. if Canada. 2 l'45'H' dn from carlicut LTica. V. 5 Rc)7o V Ibinson, ffon. J. B. Canada and the Cmada hill. 1H40 R971 R SWci|?h. V\'. W. On tlu> piojectod 1 1 -union of Lower. uul I 'pp«'r Canada. 1H2j.K971.05 S3 Smcoe, dill. John tiraves. Life and tiini's, with sonu- account of Major Andre and Capt. Brant : hv D. B. i8qo • ■ . NoTK - lien. SIniciK' wan Ihc first Kxvvrniir 'I I'rP'r Can.idn. THE \V.\R OF 1812. Hi itisli writers. B953 92. te Establishment nada. irtheooiujiiost R97.? >nnais : tale of of Canada in ot I'ontiac and le conquest ot L review iif c\'t'iits md linios : by he rampaigns ot Z LOYALISTS lent of Upper Empire Loyal- Blgear, !•;. B. Story of the battle of Stony Creek, June 6, 1H13 K971.03 BiDck, .SVV Isa.ic. Life and correspond- ence (I7(x)-i8i2): by F. B. Tupper. '«47 G||Rn, \V. F. 1812: the war and its >; 1864 Etffar, Matiiii.i. Ten years of Upper C.inad.i in pe.iee .inii war, 18015-1815 : L.10. heinjj till' Ridout letters. 1890 Jackson, .SV;- C, Hrilisli diplomatist. The B.itli ;it:c]iives. 1 \ '" ' Jattes, \V. Military occurrences of the Lite war. 2 v — Kaval occurrences of the late war Bo L||||ra Secord : the heroine of 1812; a i dr.inia, by S. A. Curzon Mtrritt, Hon. W. H. Biography (1793. 1.S62) Sellar, R Hemlock : a tale of the war of I Si 2 B406 CJ902 G440 B470-I G414-.S G416 1527 B103 L3801 Go American writers. sts of America Brackenridge, H. M. History of the 1816. 2V. lySo C15;; l.ilewar. 1817 K973.C B the American • H«ldley, J. T. Battles on the lakes. In '^'3 I'^'ip^r's, 1853, pp. 208 K105S Logging, B. J. Pictorial field-book of .841. the warof 1812. 1869 G995 J r TTJ.J. /-,„,— %''"i's in the war of 1812 • nt of upper (,im. . ,„ „^.^p^^,^_ ^,„^,^^.,,^ ^^,^_^^^^ ^ ^^^ JJnion fe'"7(; v. 27 k 1075; v. aS, K1076; v. 29, ^'"UH. K1077; V. 30, K1078. ^ be late province ^'^*^^' ^- S- I-Hurels of the war. In , V. I848....R97I.4 #-entury, 1891, pp. 205 K1230 i<zw. Report on ROflievelt, T. The naval war of 181 2. North America 4tl' ed. ,889 G874 endix Rgyi.o^TWgnson, J. L. Historical sketches of ovcrnor-«encral of .«38- Mackenzie, \V. Lyon. Life .md times (1795 I h»,i).l.y C.Lindsay. 2V. 1862 R923.2MC) Seventh report of the House of As- semi)ly on grievances. 1835 R97 , . 3 (; Verne, J. The family without ;i name : a story of the Canadian rebellion of ■«J7- "«qo 1.3^,^, 1841-1867. From tin' I '11 ion to Confederation, Debates on tlie subject of the Confedera- ''""• '«''5 R971 1)3 Dent, J. C. KasI forty years: Canada since the Union of 1841. 2 V. 1881 C.808-9 McGee, Hon. T. D'Arcy. Speeclies and .idilresses chiefly on the subjeit of union. 1865... 1^92^.2 M7 Metcalfe, f " T. baron, Lif.> ;ind corre- spor 1 nee : v, J. W. K.iye. 2 v. , >■ iTK- Lord ;vi, 'cnlfi- was «o\ criior-Kcn- orai ICui.ula, i8.i 15. \. 2 trt-ats spoJiallv ot t IS \ Mod. Morris, Vtv, A. N .va Brittania, or our new V ' ;i.-..);-i : Dominion foresha- dowed r<i54 Proposed Can.-idian confedenuv, The. In Eclectic, 1865, pp. 130 Winsor, J. History of America. V. 8. . R970 W Note -The l.itor historv of British America. I^S-23-4 G298 KI39I •s. v. 2, pp. 342- 1838 in Canada fifty bias of Canada. iiigrant. 1846.. governor of Uppfr <he late war. 1818 ^973-5 T THE REBELLION OF 1817 Carrier, L. N. Les 6venments de 1817- . 3^- '«77 :R97-.4C- Cwles, lord Sydenliam, Memoir of his R971I Ife ; by G. P. Scrope. 1864 Note Lord Sydenham eneral of Canada, 1839-4 R923. 2 S was g-overnor- J. C. Story of the Upper Canadian sbelli^ 2 V i88s. G8to-ii LATER 19111 CENTURY. Frederick Temple, carl of Dufferin, Canada iii.der administr;it!on of Duf- ferin (1872-78) : by G. Stewart G235 Second copy G281 — Speeches, delivered in Canada and elsewhere. 1882 Hsco Griffin, Watson. The consolidation of Can.ida. In Ma^. of Am. history, PP- 339 :.Rq7, G2 Macdonald, SVV J. A. Life and times (iSi5-iS,S3): by J. E. Collins B,oo Mather, F. G. Confederation in C -,.iada. /;/ Atlantic, 1880, pp. 56 K1173 Smith, G, The first ten years of the Canadian Dominion. In Eclectic, 1878, pp. 712 ' K1416 Fenian Invasions, 1866-71. Griffin, Justus A. From Toronto to Fort Garry : account of the second expedi- tion to Red River R971.073 Rid Rebellion, iSjo. Lepine, A. D. Investij^ation and trial of: for the murder of Thomas Scott. 1874R971.074 Machray, R. Riel rebellion in North- west Canada, 1870. In Eclectic 187 885, pp. 518 ; K: Norttiwest Rebellion, 188$. Exacutionof Louis Riel : speech of Hon. John S. D. Thompson R97 1 43 » 07 6o SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE,. Illustrated war news : referring to the Northwest rebellion of 1885 R97 1.075 W Souvenir number of the III. war news : history of Kiel's second rebellion. R971. 075 W'l Report of Major-General Laurie on mat- ters in connection with the suppression of the rebellion in 18S5 Rg7 1.075 L Report of select committee, re Charles Bremner's furs. 1890 R97 1.075 ^ Trials in connection with the Northwest rebellion, 1885 R971.075 T History.— Geographical Di- visions. British Columbia. Fitzgerald, J. E. The charter of the Hudson Bay company r« Vancouver's island. 1849 ^97' • 1 V . Fraser, J. A. An artist in the Rockies. In Canadian leaves, pp. 233-246 G97 Martin, R. M. The Hudson Bay terri- tories and Vancouver's Island. 1849. G6t)4 Parkman, F. Discovery of the Rocky mountains. In Atlantic monthly June, 1888, pp. 783 R971. 1 P Rattray, A. Vancouver Island and Brit- ish Columbia. 1862 Rg?'- ' R MANITOBA. NORTHWEST. Adam, G. M. Canadian Northwest : its history and troubles. 1885 Beggf, A. Ten yajirs in Winnipeg'. 1879 ECcleston, Kev. J. C. The great Cana- dian Northwest. In Canadian leaves, _ PP- 59-92 Dawson, Rev. A. McD. Our strength and their strength : the Northwest territory. 1870 Macoun, J. Manitoba and the great Northwest : the field for investment, the home for the emigrant ; with maps. 1883 McLean, John. The Indians, their man- ners and customs. 1889 R971.27 Gf)7 G686 G826 G289 The author spent nine ye.-irs ,-imoiis: the Blood Indians of the Canadian Northwest, studyine; their language, customs, mythology and traditions. Masson, Hon. L. R. Les Bourgeois de la Compagnie du Nord-ouest. i8go. Premiere serie G 1002 Deuxi^me serie Giooi Oxley, J. M. The Mediterranean of Canada [Hudson Bay]. In Popular science, 1885, pp. 222 K91 7 Selkirk, tarl of. Occurrences in the In- dian countries of North America. 1817 R971.2 Ghelford, W, nevelopnient of Northwest Canada. In Eclectic, 1886, pp. 201. K1433 Tache, A. A. Sketch of the Northwest of America : tr. by Captain Cameron, «87o ,.,.., 0698 ONTARIO. Hilts, J. H. Among the forest trees : pioneer life in Upper Canada. 1888. Ryerson, E. The loyalists of America, v. 2. pp. 307-315. Government of L'pper Canada. 1880 Niagara. Gunning, W. D. The past and future of Niagara. In Popular science, 1872, PP- 564 Hoiley, G. W. Niagara: its history, ge- ology, incidents and poetry. 1872. . Niagara. In Scribner's, 187b, pp. 462. Tyndall, J. Some observations on Niag- ara. In Popular science, 1873. -ip. Gj(j Sdlar, R. Hi! tingdon ti " It is ori .^prchensive p MPreface, Ti§he, J. C. G5; Sa'l'i """1 p' Tl|lor, F. H. iiln Harper G Ki OltWson, S. K. „;i882 I. tell's ceiisu,' Autltttreal in 18 /Opening of Kii,P«*man, F. ' iiJn Atlantic N Toronto. Adam, G. M. Toronto, old and new a memorial volume. 1891 1^97 ■•.11*' Atkinson, Rev. History of Toronto and county of York, 'Ot New Kri Ontario. 2 v. 1885 R97, ,Cojlpwell, K. H. Scaddiner, H. Toronto of old : collec- '•" Saint Jol tions and recollections. 1878 CiS(3mi]er, A. Nt — Toronto : past and present. 1884. . R97i.3^(>St#Wart, G. S Toronto illustrated : its ppst, present jind «, future. i8go R971.33S '* QUEBEC. B«Wks. i^'r T. ( Beers, W. G. The Canad 1 Mecca [La Bonne Ste. Anne]. In Century, 1882, pp. I Ki. Bender, P. The French-Canadian peas- antry : language, customs, etc. In Mag. of Am. History, 1890, pp. 126.. Bert, Paul. Les colonies Francaises, 1889. pp. 9-38. Le Canada. ... R32,S' Christie, R. History of the late province of Lower Canada. 1848 G. Day, Mrs. C. M. History of the eastern townships. 1869 R97i-4 — Pioneers of the eastern townships. 1863 R971.4 Farrer, E. The *"olk-lore of Lower Can- .ida. In Atlantic, 1882, pp. 542 Ki — The habitant of Lower Canada. In Atlantic, i88r, pp. 771 Ki Farnham, C. H. The Canadian habitant. In Harper's, 1883, pp. 375 Ki LeMoine, J. M. Picturesque Quebec. 1882 ....... . teritr.ita. NOTK -\'. -i aciount of tile lirst settlement — Case of Ale> vith his p. Stotia and ( Roberts, C. G. •Acadia. In ,145-176 3«iier, A. Indi "pKlti.l. 1841 Jirifcurton, T. C • ova Scotia, rsom, Capt. stotia. 183c PRINCI pbell, D. H !and. 1875 Quebec, past and present : 1608-1876.. Historical and sporting notes on Que- bec. ! 889 97 I-puii, c. w, SI ilaiii Ne Mather, F. G. Quebec, illustrated. In Harper's, 1879, pp. 392 Kii" Political and lilslorical account of Lower ^; inada, 1497-1830 RgT'^l Ryerson, V, The loyalists of America, v. 2, ,'p. 281-306, Government of Lower Canada . , , . , . , (l;! PP- 7 eil, W. P. lid Newfoun: «8:. G. Po 86 ^n, J. Newf rospects. 1 1 edy, W. R. Newfoundit HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. 6i lO. forest trees : • nada. i«88. I of America, overnment of and future of science, 1872, Sellar, K. History of the county of Hun- tinj4:don to the year 18,-58 G831 G ,, '' '* i^ "ripinal in eriving a minute vet com- prihensive picture of how Canada was made." ■ rn'/ace, Tliehe, J. C. .Seijfniorial tenure in Can- G5; ada and plan of commutation. 1854. R971.4 Taylor, F. H. A Canadian pilgrimage. .j/w Harper's, 1882, pp. 501 s history, ge- etry. 1872. . 187b, pp. 462. ions on Xiag- ce, 187,^. -ip. KS Cli Montreal. Dliwson, S. K. Hand-book of Montreal. 1882 R380 Id and new .297 G760 G759 G285 K, .i^- *^'''® "■"'*'"'' "f 'S91 R971.41 I. NiOatreal in 1856. A sketch prepared on opening of G. T. R R971.4, S j,^j^.P«irkman, F. The founders of Montreal In Atlantic, 1867, pp. 723 Ki .46 NEW BRUNSWICK. " R97'-3.1« Atkinson, Kev. W. C. Historical account nty of York, of New Brunswick. 1844 G R97i..iCMtwell, R. H. History of the great fire old : collec- ijin Saint John, 1877 '^78 GHfiiiner, A. New Brunswick. 1847 .... nt. 1884. . R97i-.1,^SSt%art, G. Story of the great fire . . ! , present and ,. R97I.3,^^ '^ NOVA SCOTIA. Baaks, Sir T. C. Baronia Anglica con- centr.ita. 3 v R929.721 B ■ NOTK -V. 2, pageaio, gives an historical .account ot the Nova Scot.a Baronets and the ■jjnrst settlement of Nova Scotia. -Rase of Alexander, Earl of Sfrling, ,i\vith his peculiar rights in Nova JScotia and Canada. 1832 R923.2 B' '*i^'''®\.^"- *^'- D- Echoes from old «>i^Acadia. In Canadian leaves, pp "^-+■=5-76 \. G97 er, A. Industrial resources of Nova ^•""•■'- '849 R97,.6 burton, T. C. Historical account of ova .Scotia, 1497-1828. 2 v G67 som, Capt. Letters from Nova cotia. 1830 C. ;i Mecca [La entury, 1882, Ki nadian peas- ms, etc. In ?90, pp. 126.. Francaises, lada. . . . R32,s.,i ate province Gj; f the eastern R97''4"t townships Imperial Federation. (See also British Colo.mks, page 34.) Buchanan, Isaac. The relations of the mdustry of Canada with the mother country and the U. S. tS64 Colonial policy of Great Britain : North American provinces and West India possessions. 1816 R32S 242 j Dilke, Sir C. W. Commonwealth of Australia. In Forum, June, 1891, pp. 379 ;.. Longley, J. W. Canada and Imperial federation. //,• Fortnightly, March, 1891, pp. 466 Stanwood, E. Canada and the British connection. /;/ Atlantic, Dec, 1884, '^'^•«>^9 R354.4^o,S Literature. Adam, G. M. Outline history of Cana- dian literature. 1889 . . .' Adam and Wetherald. An Algonquin maiden. 1887 ../.... Historical novel, about 1825. Alma, M. Isabel Leicester. 1874 Andrew, J. New dramatic reader. 18S1 Bourinot, J. G. The intellectual develop- ment of the Canadian people. 1881 . Bystander : a monthly review of current events, Can;iclian and general. 2 v 1880-1 Canadian illustrated news, Nov. 8, 1862- Jan. 30, ,864 R050C2 Campbell, A. Crime of Paul Sacristan. 1891 Catherwood, Dollard . G920 1-3487 M7'4 H791 Hioi7 R050 C Mary H. Romance of L60 L3687 "• til R97..4r' Lower Can- PP- 542 Ki;; Daiiada. /;; 71-72 R917.16 an habitant. .S ue Quebec. : 1608-1876.. tes on Que- 9 strated. In nt of Lower PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. pbell, D. History of Prince Edward Island. 1875 Newfoundland. C. VV. I'roblems of Greater [ntain, pp. 7-,, j-, 'I'm ^^'v''- <^«^oKraphy of Canada Id Newfoundland. 1891 'Jf ■ ^' ''°'''*'' ^''"■'''' PP- 439-448. L3111 G426 .>f America, .'ernment of R971 J -Iff"' J- Newfoundland : history and ?^ospects. 1883 ^*§f v"' f^' \ ^P"'"' ""'^ adventure *# Newfoundland, 1885 919 F803 A679 C;282 f''.'57.S ^'''J!/^,','*^''""''' f'""<'l'-' : founded on Park- man s "Old regime." Cowans, D. Anecdotes of ;i life on the ocean. [S71 De Gaspe, P. A. of old : an historical romance L^io7 - - - Second copy, ; 3802 ; 3rd copy L3803 Dent, J. C. Gerrard .street mystery and other tales. 1888 Lis86 Duncan, Sara J. A social departure : how Orthodocia and I went round the world. 1890 - - Second copy py^g — An American girl in London Second copy, F795 ; 3rd c, F796 ; 4th c '^ Griffin, Watson. Twok. 1887 Haliburton, T. C. (Sam Slick.) Ameri- cans at home . — ■ Second copy — Nature and human nature — - Second fopy . F720 F736 F794 F797 L580 HSS4 HS5.S H5S6 H5.S7 62 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, ill M t-ft — The old judge H561 — Sam Slick's wise H5S8 Second copy H5S9 — Traits of American humor Hs6o Second copy H562 Henty, J. G. With Wolfe in Canada. . . Mi 25 Howells, W. D. A chance acquaintance 1^2944 Till' .ulioii of this story takL's placi' in Canaila. Huddleston, G. C. Bluebell. 1875 ^309" Jarvis, T. S. Geoffrey Hampstead. 1S90 L,io89 Johnson, F. The villag^e of Merrow : its past and present. 1876 L31 1,3 Lesperance, J. The Hastonnais l-jooo Livingston, Stuart. Professor Paul.... L81 Second copy L82 Lighthall, Wni. D. Young- Seigneur ; or nation-making. 1888 ...... '-674 Machar, .'Vgnes. Stories of New France. I-3069 Marryatt, F. Settlers in Canada LggS — - Second copy. Mi ; 3rd copy Mio Moodie, Mrs. Life in the clearings versus the bush ^<^i3-5 M2 Morgan, H. J. Hibliotheca Canadensis: or a manual of Canadian literature. 1867 R810 M Murray, W. H. H. Mamelons and Imi- gava. Two Canadian id lis. 1890.. L241 Ogilvy, Maud. Marie Goiirdon : a roni.'.nce of the lower St. Lawrence. 1 8(p '-305.S Robertson, H. Digest of masonic juris- prudence. 1889 D371 Rose-Belford's Canadian monthly and national review. --V. t. July-Dec, 1878 K1267 — 1879, 2 V,- K1268-9 — 1880, 2 V K 1 270-1 — 1881, 2 V K1272-3 — Jan. June, 1882 K1274 Ross, Mrs. Ellen [Alexander.] A legend of the grand Gordons L71 -Violet Keith : an autobiography L683 — Wreck of the White Bear. 2V L684-5 Royal society of Canada : proceedings and transactions, 1882-90 R806 C No'i'H — The Royal society of C.innda four sectlons-~(i) Kreiuh literature and his- tory ; U) Eni^lish literature and history ; and (3-4) the n.itur.-il sciences. These " Trans- actions" contain historical papers by leading; C.nnadian writers ; with nian> valuable con- tributions from the pens of well-known Can- adian scieulists. When calling for the vohunes specify the year w.inted. Sellar, R. GleanRr tales. V. 1. 1886. L70 — Hemlock : a tale of the war of 1812. 1S90 LjSoi Shaw, C. Romaiiceof the Rockies. 1888 L55 Sinclair, S. B. First year at scliool : or, blending kimlcrgarteii v.ith school work. 1889 Hysi Spiritus. Brighter spheres. 1890 U ~~^ Stewart, G. Literature in Canada. /« 'Vi •'• ^"-i"" Canadian leaves, pp. 129-144 iarrison, S. I Strang, H. L Exercises in false syntax. fliur-de-li 1886 liiaipes, J. P — l^ractical exe-cises in composition. leCVysege, C 1888 li I8O5 TatCf A'w. C. M. Indian language l'^4''initt, J- Sa- They two ; or, phases of life in Eastern miscellanei Canada fifty years ago. 18S8 ' .anipman, A. Verne, J. Family without a name '-.aum Secord, White, R. G. British Americanisms. /// drama : ai: Atlantic, 1880, pp. 669 K A. Ciirzon. Williams, Mrs. Neutral French ; or, the .e May, L. P. exiles of Nova Scotia R81;,.:- Petite poenu Withrow, W. H. Life in a parsonage. .istOfl, J. K. '^^^ 'jghthall, W. I Young, G. R. On colonial literature. jde.ils. i8f '*^42 *^' onjfellow, H, of .\c.uiie . Poetry. lacCoH, Evan witli biogra COLLECTIOXS. ken/.io. 181 rcGee, T. D', Lesperance, J. The poets ot Canada. ^J^^\ ^ccasio /;/ Roy;.l Societj- transactions, 1884, PP- 31' , I^'^o.' • Morrison, AVf. D. The great hymns of the church : their origin and author- ship. 1890 . Raise the flag, and other patriotic dna- i^l dian songs and poems. 1891 R81 1 Songs of the great Dominion : ed. by W. D. Lighthall. 1889 INDIVIDUAL. Anderson, A'ev. D. Lays of Canada. i8go Andrews, W. D. Lifeboat and oiher poems Blair, J. Poems, serious, patriotic and humorou -.. 1875 Campbfill, J. D. S., i/iar./in's of Lontc. Speeches and verses, memories of Canada ;ind Scotland. 1883 Campbell, W. W. Lake lyrics .uid other poems. 1889 A Canadian folk-song. /;/ Atlantic, *^ Jan., 1885, pp. 12 R.Si Chapman. F". J. A song of charity. i85SRSii Cockin, H. K. Gentleman Dick o' the Greys, and other poems. 1889 Coughlin, D. Village scenes. 1889.... Curzon, S. A. Laura Secord : and other poems Dawso:i, S, E. Study of Tennyson's poem. The Princess. 1884 Dewart, E. H. Songs of life, =869 .. Duvar, |. H. De Roberval : a drama. 1888 Frechette, Louis H. PGle-mele fantaises et souvenirs poetiques. 1877 res. 1890 in Canada. Tn ■ 129-144 i ii' false syntax. HAMILTON PUDLIC LIBRARY, n composition. Jay, .(. Canada's pool. i886 R81 r. 1; G iarrison, S. Frances. 1 me, Rose and .J'K'ut-do-lis. i8gi I -,. lliajies, J. Poems. 1864 R8ii,5H lewysege, C. Jophthah's daughter. Ii ;|8b5 ^ ' ^-'^K^-^'H*^ 1^4'-ni||, J. Sacred sonjfs, sonnets and life in Eastern miscellaneous poems. 1886 S"' '^^^ '.anipman, A. Among- the millet. 1888.. It a name ' ,aum Secord, the heroine of 1812, a nericanisms. In drama : and other poems, by Sarah 9 K A. Curzoii. 1887 French ; or, the .e Mny, L. P. Fables Canadiennes. 1882 I R81 ^ :- Petite poenies. 1883 .iston, J. K. Poetry. 1868 Jgrhthall, W. D. Thoughts, moods and ideals. 1887 R8H.5 L ongfellow, H. W. Evangeline : a tale of Acadie 6.1 '',u n .1 parsonage, onial literature. ' ^S3 ljC4 I41. I410 I507 try. :tioxs. lets of Canada, nsactions, 1884, lacColl, Evan. English poetical works, Wth biographical sketch bv A. Mac- l&nzie. 1883 ; [cd^e, T. O'Arcy. Canadian ballads ami occasional verses. 1858 .RStv great hymns of gin and author- ■ patriotic Cana- ls. 1891 R81 1 nion : ed. by W. DUAL. of Canada. 1890 joat and other s, patriotic and a>:/in'.\- of Lome. •s, memories of id. 1883 lyrics and other g. /;/ Atlantic, R8iii if charity. 1858R811.J laii Dick o' the ems. 1889 ;enes. 1889. . . . cord : and other of Tennyson's 1884 )flifp. 1869. .. rv;il : a drama. I38 I504 I248 McLachlan, A. Poems and songs. 1874 Mair, Charles. Dream.and, and other poems - Tecumseh :_ a drama. 1886 Martin, G. Marguerite, and other poems. 1887 Reade, J. Prophecy of Merlin, and other poems, 1870 Reminiscences of a soldier ; consist 'r.g of poems, fragments and short pr'ose pieces. 1843 R8U.5 R Sangster, C. Hesperus, and other poems and lyrics, i860 Skeats, W. S. The song of the exile-. 1891 Waters, F. The water- , : a fair\' taie in verse. 1888 '. . . Watson, S. J. The legend of the roses, a poem : Ravlan, a dram;i. 1876 Wingfield, Alex. K. Poems and songs III Scotch and English. 1873 Wilkins, Harriet Annie. Victor Roy : a masonic poem. 1882. — Wayside flowers. 1 876 - The houy branch. 1851 R811.5 W 1 25' [309 'S31 I252 1 508 I562 I MS . 1528 L% I462 J 530 le-mele fantaises ^■«- '«77 64 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, KEY TO INDICATOR. CLASS L— Arranged Numerically. The short title ot buok is given tirst. fallowed by Author's name, when known. For fuller title, see under name in catalogues. Write h before number when calling for any of these numbers; and note that when RED Indicator, the book is out. tubers Cirossi Stael Buriiey 1 Yule-tide stories. 2 Parables of Kruniniacher 3 Tales of the Genii. 4 Egyptian Princess. 5 Marco Visconti. 6 Corinne. 7-8 Cecelia. 9 Evelina. " 10 Uncle Tom's cabin, Stowe 1 1 The betrothed. IVianzoni 12 Midshipman Easy. Marryat 13 Pirate " 14 Peter Simple. " 15 Privateersnian. " i6 Gesta Rornanorum. 17 Novels. Cervantes i8-q Don Quixote. " 20 Classic tales. 21 Galatea. Cervantes 23 Haddon Hall. Cattermole 24 Neighbors. Bremer 25 Presidents daughters. " 26 The home. " 27 The H family. 28 Sesapion brethren. 29 Caravan. 30 Gil Bias. 31 Ben Hur. 32 " 2nd copy. 33 " 3rd " 34 The fair God. 35 „ 2nd cjpy. 36 " 3rd 37 Robert Elsmere. 38 His sombre riv.ils 39 Without a home. 40 Bessie's fortune. 41 Seventy times. 42 Chateau dor. 43 Roughing it. 44 Spy of rebellion 45 Professional thieves. n 46 Margaret Maliphant. Carr 47 Lady Carr. Oliphant 48 Bell of St. P.iul's. Besant 49 Day will come. Braddon 50 Jenny Harlowe. Russell 51 Reproach Annesley. Tuttiett 52 Ballantr.-ie. Stevenson 53 Hardy Norseman. Bayly 54 Far look ahead. Thiusen 55 Romance of rockies. Shaw 56 Metzerott, shoemaker. 57 Rival princess. McCarthy 58 Beatrice. Haggard Hoffman Hauff Lesage Wallace Ward Roe II Holmes Sergeant Holmes Clemens Pinkerton 59 Beatrice, 2'\ copy. Haggard 60 Paul Secre'*-in. Campbell 6t KromManc. -iter. Donovan 62 Copper Ci as . Danby 63 Joshua. Ebers 64 Lady Egeria. Harvvood 65 Hester Hepworth. Woods 66 April's lady. Hungerford 67 Uncle Piper. Tasma 70 Gleaner tales. Sellar 71 Grand Gordons. Ross 72 Cajsar's column. Donnelly 73 Crichton. Ainsworth 74-6 Refugee in Am'a. TroUope 77 Kit and Kitty. Blackmore 79 Lookingbackw'rd. Bellamy 8" Allan's wife. Haggard 81 Professor Paul. Livingstone 82 i> 2nd copy. » 83 Ocean tragedy. Russell 84 '; 2nd copy. " 85 Hedri. Reeves 86 Carne's hold. Henty 87 Pennycomequicks. Baring 88 Luck of house. Sergeant 89 Wing of Azrael. Caird 90 Dean Maitland. Tuttiett 91 Prince Fortunatus. Black 92 New fortunes. Howells 93 Two chi ;fs. Froude 94 Allan's wife. Haggard 95 Little Fontleroy. Burnett 96 Witness of sun. Rives 97 Blind love. Collins 98 Arminell. Baring-Gould 99 Darell Blake. Campbell 100 Bee-man of Orn. Stockton 101 Christmas wreck. n 102 Lady. " 103 Amos Kilbright. « 104 New Arabian. Stevenson 105 Dynamiter. n 106 Kidnapped. n 107 Wee wifie. Carey 108 Queenie's whim. " I eg Robert Ord. ' " Basil Lyndhurst. " Uncle Max. Nellie's meinories- Not like other girls. Barbara Heathcote. " Wooed and married. » For Lilias. " Hon. Mrs. Vereker, Argles 118 Marvel. " 1 10 1 1 1 ! !2 "3 114 "5 116 117 show Ar 19 Portia. 20 Airy Fairy Lilian. 21 Jerry. 22 Lady Valworth. 23 Molly Bawn. 24 The duchess. 25 Doris. ^6 Undercurrents. 27 In durance vile. 28 Maiden all forlorn. 29 O tender dolores. 30 Beauty's daughters. 31 A mental struggle. 32 Rossmoyne. 33 Lady Branksmere. 34 A modern circe. 35 Hhyllis. 36 Loys, Lord Beresfoid 37 F"aith and unfaith 38 Gentlemen. 39 Desultory man. 40 Man-at-arms. 41 Charles Tyrrell. 42 King's highway. 43 Gipsy. 44 Henry of Guis. 45 Philip Augustus. 46 String of pearls. 47 Morley Ernstein. 48 John Marston Hall. 49 The robber. 50 Henry Masterton. 51 Trumps. C 52 Christie's faith. Robi 53 Cripps. Blackn 54 Roxy. Egglo' * 55 Metropolisville. 2 56 Hoosier schoolmaster. 22' 57 Circuit rider. EggK' 3ai 1^4 Jo's be tks V'ol;inc if 6 In far #7 Floyd IIJ8 Mod en I»9 Koi'sol too Womai 181 Fortun t$2 Svdnie 183 Stephe: 184 Whom 185 Hope A 186 Lost in 187 Out of 18B Seven c 1$^ Oiil wo I$p Cl.-iudi.'i 191 In trust 192 Nelly K '93 Home 1 194 Fiom h; Admini' V.igabo 197 F.iir bai 198 Louisiai 199 Surly Ti MO Th.-it l;i> J^' 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 2051 2ro 58 End of the world 59 Foul play. 60 Good stories. 61 White lies. 62 Perilous secret. 63 fi 2nd copy. 64 Woman hater. 65 Springhaven. 66 Lorna Doone. 67 Little women. 68 Little men. 69 Eight cousins. 70 " 2nd copy. 71 Rose in bloom. 72 Old-fashioned girl 73 Under the lilacs. I laworti I'rotty s Seven st Doctor Rudder" Late Mr Christm; Flsie's fi Klsie's c i'^lsie's n 211 Elsie's n 212 Two Els 213 Elsie's k 214 Elsie's w 215 Elsie's h( 2.^ Elsie Dii 217 Elsie .-It I 218 Elsie's wi 219 Grandnic 220- i'^lsie's gi 221-2 It) para 0.:e: n St M.'stef ol Eve. 'Kight hor Elect lad; 1 Ills morl |J'i)indextt ittoria. andra Bi arry Ri( iana. 234 Ri'hard F Blacki: iiMv'>''iving o lioda F"l» eauchair van Mar he Gram imelons »4*«tll.l Creol. 24.1 1^1 ■ Sevier Hamilton pubmc' librarv. (^S tj4 Jo's boys. DR, Her title, sec under ite that when RED Am' iiiinv tia. / Fairy Lilian. y- ly Valworth. ily Bawn. ' duchess. ■is. iercufrents. luraiice vilt-. iden all forlorn. ender dolores. luty's daughters. lental struggle. isnioyne. ly Branksmere. lodern circe. •His. 's, Lord Beresford th and unfaith. itlemen. jultory man. n-at-arms. irlcs Tyrrell. ig's highway. isy. iiry of Guis. lip Augustus. ng of pearls. rley Ernstein. n Marston Hall i robber. iiry Masterton. imps. -istie's faith. Alcott Bl :k f5 \'()l;indt 6 Fn far Lochaber. {7 Floyd Gra.uion, Douglas 8 Moiieni Adam and Eve. „ |9 Foi>s of her household. ,. Woman's inheritance. „ Fortunes of Fa:adays. n l2 Sydnie Adrirince. „ 183 Stephen. „ 184 WlioniKathie married. // 185 Hope Mills. 186 Lost in a great city. „ 187 Out of the wreck. lS8 Seven daughters. „ 189 Old woman in a shoe. /- 190 Claudia. „ 191 In trust. „ 192 iXelly Kinnard. „ 193 Home nook. „ 194 From hand to mouih. ,/ 195 Administration. Burnett 196 V'ag.ibondia. „ 197 Fair b.irbarian. „ 198 Louisiana. „ 199 Surly Tim. ,, «S0 That l.iss o' Lowrie's. „ 201 Ilaworths. „ 202 I'retty sister of Jose. ,/ 20,'j Seven stories. 204 Doctor Johns. 205 Rudder grange. 206 Late Mrs. NidL 207 Christmas. Ja 208 Elsie's friends. 20*! Elsie's children. 210 Elsie's new relation 211 Elsie's motherhood. 213 Two Elsies. 213 Elsie's kith and kin, Elsie's womanhood. Mitcncll ft Stockton // Finloy 214 Elsie's womanh( 21J Elsie's holidays. 2i,;^ Elsie Dinsmore. "t 't''*!^',-''' N'antucfc 218 I'-lsie's widowhoc: Robi: Blackn Eggle- pps. Ky. tropolisville. osier schoolmaster cuit rider. i of the world i\ play. od stories. lite lies. •ilous secret. „ and copy. iinan hater. •inghaven. -na Doone. tie women. tie men. fht cousins. If 2nd copy. se in bloom. 1-fashioned girl der the lilacs. ismore jket 219 I'-lsie's widowhood. 219 C.randmother Elsie 22© Elsie's gi:lhood. „ 22I»2 In paradise. Heyse 22* Oce;.n Star. Russell A.aster of Rathkelly. Smart Eve. Baring-Gould 2J»'iM^-ht honorable. McCarthy --; 22/. Elect lady. Macdonald Egglo 23» 1 Ins mortal coil. Allen ^^h'-'.'"'''''''''-'''- Hawthorne 2m^\ ittoria. Meredith 23f^Sandra Belloni. 233 Ilarry Richmond. „ 233U)iana. 234 Richard Feveral. 2.'M^,Tlie egoist. „ ^having of Shagpat. „ ^^Ihoda Fleming. Vl^W'ejiuchamp's career |Van H.arriiigton. he Grandissimes. melons. ?4*'flDld Creole d.iys 24.1 I'l- Sevier. K. Bhickr 244 Vice versa. Anstey 245 Giant's robe. 246 Valerie Avlnier. Fisher 247 Land of tiu' sky. 248 Nina's atonement. 249 Morton house. „ 250 Mabel Lee. 251 Bonny Kate. 252 After many davs. „ 253 Bohemia. ' ' „ 254 Ebb-tide. 2.S5 ^'les-t ion of honor. /, 256 Miss Churchill. 2.S7 Heart of steel. 258 Koslyn's fortune. 259 A summe- idyl. „ 260 Annals sprtsm'n. Turgeniefr 261 On the eve. 2''>2 Liza. „ 203 Dimitri Roudine. 264 SmoKe. „ 265 Virgiu soil. „ 266 Spring floods. „ 267 Fathers and sons. „ 268 Greenwood tree. Hardy 269 Mayor of C.isterbriilge.// 270 No new thing. Norris 271 Matrimony. „ 272 Heaps of money. „ 273 Christy Carew. Laffan 274 Hon. Miss Ferrard. 275 The Wellfields. Fothertrill 276 Moor Isles. 27; Lasses of Leverhouse. » 278 Healey. 279 Cecil Dreeme. VVinthrop 280 John Brent. .^81 Edwin Brothertoff. 2d2 Geraldine Hawthorne. Butt 283 Delicia. 284 Her dearest foe. Hector 285 Which shall it he? 286 The Freeres. ,• 2S7 Beaton's b.irgain. „ 288 Admiral's ward. „ 289 Crooked p.-ith. „ 290 Ralph Wilton. „ 29 1 At bay. „ 292 The executor. „ 293 Look before you leap. „ 294 A second life. „ 295 Victims. Gift lieiijilits. Auorbach H^ii Cable Murray Cable 29<'>7 On thi 298 AI03S. 299 LaiKh)lin. „ 300 Convicts. „ 301 Spinoza. „ 302 Beyond recall. Sergeant 303 Roy's repentance. Smart 304 Esther Denison. 305-6 Titan. Richter 307-8 Hesperus. „ 309 ' •isible lodge. „ 3'o Ciun!>;mcrThai. „ 311 In the olden time. Roberts 312 On the edge of storm. » 313 Noblesse oblige. „ 314 Carriston's gift. Conway 31.S sin. „ 316 Slings and .arrows. Conway 317 Baby'sgr.iiidm'thr.W.ilford 318 A nuM-e child. 319 History ol a week. 320 Dick Xetherby. 321 Hathercourt. Mole worth 3^2-3 Villa on Rhin, . Auerbach 324 .Master Biel.ind. 325 Premiums p.aid. Mavo 326 Crust and the cake. 327 Her object in life. „ 32« House by the works. „ 329 By still waters. 330 Family fortunes. „ 3,11 At any cost. „ 332 Doing and dreaming. „ 333 Dead sin. „. 334 Crooked places. ., 335 Occ'p'ns of retired life. » 336 Gold and dross. „ 337 Highbridge. Fawcett 33^ I inkling cymbals. „ 339 .Ambitious woman. „ 340 .Social silhouettes. ,, 341 Confessions of Claude. « 342-3 History of a crime. Hugo 344-5 ^Ninety-three. 346 Fire and sword. Sienkiewicz 347 The Jew. Kraszewski 34« Ivan Ilyitch. Tolstoi 349-53 Les miser.ibles. Hugo 3.S4-5 Toilers of the sea. 3.S6-7 By order of the king. » 358-9 Notre dame de Paris.// 360 Daisy Thornton. Holrnqs 361 Mildred. „ 362 Queenie Hetherton // 363 Forrest house. „ 364 Ethelyn's mist.ike. „ 365 West L.iwn. „ 366 Millb.iiik. „ 367 Rose Mather. „ 368 Edna Browning. ,1 369 M.irian Grey. „ 370 Dora Deane. „ 371 Cousin Maud. „ 372 Cameron pride. „ 373 Darkness ;ind d.aylight. „ 374 Chateau dor. „ 375 English orplijuis. „ 376 H. Worlhington. Holmes 377 Bessie's fortune. „ 378 Meadow brook. „ 379 Lena Rivers. „ ' 380 Edith Lyle. „ 381 John Bodewin. Fiiote 382 Child of nature. Bucl.,. an 383 Madeline. Holmes 384 Christmas stories. „ 385 The seamy side. Besant 386 With harp' and crown. // 387 Golden butterfly. „ 388 This son of Vulcan. 389 Monks ot Ihelema. ,/ 390 Ten years tenant. /, 39' Chaplain of the fleet. /, 392 By Celi.-i's arbour. 393 My little girl. „ 394 t'lar.i Vaughan. Blackmore 66 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALCi.UE, Rcsant Grant Ebors <"iii>bo!i H.tli.uul Ha, lis 395 All sorts of luoii. 396 WdiIcI Wl'tlt Wl'll. 397 Faith aiul fri-edoni. 398 Fai-o to taco. 399 Hurgomastor's witc. 400-1 Uarda. 4o:a-3 Marjj^ory. 404 Si-rapis. 405-6 Brido of tlio Nile. 407-8 Kgyptiaii princess 4ot) Homo Sum. 410 The sisters. 411-5 The emperor. 413 Only a vvonl. 414 A question. 415 Heart's problem. 416 CJueenCophetia. 417 Ot'hijih dt.'>4:ree. 418 What will worlil saj . 419 Fancy free. 420 Loving a dream. 421 Arthur Honnicastle 422 X'cholas INlinturn. 423 Bay path. 424 Seven Oaks. 425 R. Vanderniarck. 426 Happy-K'1-hu'ky. " 427 St. I'liilip's. " 428 Perfect Adonis. " 4.i9 Sut!-..rlands. " 430 Missy. " 43 1 \\'arr!ni<ton. " 432 KntlcO^; •. " 433 l.ouie's la--^ term. " 4j4 i' soebe. " a35-,|4 Stories, !a Am. authors. 445 Sowing- and napinK. Yule 446 Tan^fled ends. 447 Johr, biallibrass. 448 We two. 449 In the jjfolden days. 450 Donovan. " ,j-,.2 Tales. Hawthorne 453-4 Wonder book, etc. " 455-6 Mosses from manse. " 457-8 Twice old i.Jes. " 459-60 Marble faun. " 461 Seven gables. " 462 Scarlet letter. " " 463 Blithdale romance. /' 464 Dolliver romance. " 465 Septimus F'elton. " 466 Snow image. " 467 Home influence. Aguilar 468 Mother's recilmpensc. « 469 Days of Bruce. " 470 Home scenes. " 471 Woman's friendship. " 472 Women of Israel. " 473 Vale of cedar. 474 In his name. 475-6 Middlemarch. 477-8 Daniel Deronda. 479 Koniola. Vol. i. 480 Romola. Silas Manner 481 Felix Holt. 482 Adam Bede. 483 Mill on tiie floss. 484 Clerical life. 4f.; 487 488 489 490 49' 492 493 494 49.S J96 497 498 4'A) 500 501 502 50.^ 504 50,-, y.yb 508 509 \io /\lden Auerbai ; Wisle •ret. > <v dii. Ard.-igh Wray Bayly Hale Cross .1 S" .s«- .-•'3 5' 4 5' 5 S'6 SI 7 ;,'» 5^9 520 521 522 .S23 524 .S25 526 527 52« .S29 530 531 532 533 .S34 535 536 537 53S 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 54« 549 550 55' i 552 1 553 Alden Ingelovv , Porter Ohnet Taylor Wilson l\;cket measure, vim if the housi i.''ttle fishers. " \'et speaking. " Christie'-, christmas. " Julia Reid. Divers women. ' " Spun from fact. " Eighty-seven. " CastU" nowhei.'. Woolson Rodman, the keeper. F'or the major. " East Angels. Anne. I'oet-i lei chant. Hand to hand. Noble name. Green gate. Old Maiuselles sec At the couiicilKi.'s. Gol-\ Kl-sie. C(*rut'.*ss Ciiseui. Oni .1 girl. Wh' t;i-:5 he Tot) ri.ii. Margar;ih('. Family 1 hi i. Severa. Second ^v■ife. HuUi.i. Moorland' princess Judge Hurnhani. John Jerome. Thaddeii s of Warsaw Iron master. Ralph Darnell, rara. Tippoo Sultaun. Seeta. Doom of Soulis. Village p.itriarch. L.-iwyers .tales. Burgher's tales. Widow of Dunskith. Covenanting family. Gustavus M'lver. Vacant cha;-. Bill Stanley. Dominie's class. Mr. Goldie's narrative The cripple. Old Fritz. Berlin. Merchant of Berlin. Andreas Hofer. Prince Eugene. Mohammed All. Goethe .and Schiller. Louis.i of Prussia. Daughter of Empress. Joseph II. " Frederick!'.: Tireat. n yueen Hor' ■•■ ... " Marie .-Vnto ■ ■- a. " N.-ipoleon. " Empress Josephine. /' Napoleon and Blucher. » Living link. DeMille Henry VI H. Mundt Mundt 554 555 .55b 557 55« 5.S9 560 56. 562 .S('3 564 .5('5 566 ■567 568 .■;69 570 57' 8:2 57.i 574 .575 576 .577 .57« 579 580 58> 582 .583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 59' .W2 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 6.7 618 619 620 621 622 J; Dodge club. DeMilL Castle in .Sp.iin. " Snow man. Dudev.u Mauprat. " .'\ntonia. '• My sister Jeannie. Monsieur Sylvestre. Miller of yVngibault. Ofl'the Skelligs. IngcKv Fated to be free. Sarah Bergeii. '■. Ci-.stle of lilin Jisteii The <ale. TiccjiuUM-oga. Peuuiiiiilo. ThiViy >'ars since. Margai-et Graham. F'orrest days. Comirii^i.inet. Last of the fa' 'es. MizMaze. Norwtvjd. Club book. Se.'i queen. Reiiee and Franz. Bede's charity. Through a needle's eye In prison and out. (ia^ Pennile 634 Miss Gi 6ja Castle I W ,\n,«..|in Mur.ul. ;Vian^;.':;j .Absent e BeliirJa, Icononi p Hester Morley Cobwebs and cabl Romance. Last days Pompeii Wenderbolme. Book of snobs. Tales. Twok. Otranto. Malcolm. Phantastes. Ann.'ils. Stephen Archer. Mary Marston. Thomas Wingfold. Wilfrid Cumbermede. Warlock o'Glenwarlock %.i :iarr--ng 634 Helen. 6m Leavem 635 Str.-iiige " 638 Hand ai " 6,^' The mill " (y> Behi.,.| ,, " 641 I.ookuij; 64a Aflo.i' a; '■ 64g!, J'h- i-,a' 644 Cr,....-. . JJeecli. 6<5Tlie liea( 6^ Hoidenn: Russ, 6^- Homew.i Hall. 648. Home as Strell, 649 Jack Tie 650 Deer sla' 651 Last of t Last of McAllisters Between two loves. Border shepherdess. Bow of orange ribbon Jan Vedder's wife. Remember the Alamo Squire of Sand.ilside. Paul and Christina. Master of his fate. Daughter of Fife. Alpine F'ay '■ 652 The pall " 653 Pioneers. Mallo 654 Prairie. Biil« 655 Lionel Li }ianHM!656-Chainbea Th ukc'r6« Redskins Crui!<slKi658 Satanstot <■■ "1^659 Mercedes \V-lp 660 Miles Wa Macdi>n,66i O.-ik open 662 Monikins. 663 The pilot. ' 664 Prec.-iutio 56s The red r 566 Sea lions. 567 The spy. 568 Two adm 1'569 '""" watei 570 V^'ishton V >7l Wing and S72 Wyandot t ]73 W.ays of tl >74 Young Se >7S-7 l^arnahy •78 Barton ex| >79 Lord Bant >8o Endymion, \Vi8i Life on Mi Picked up in the streets, 182 Prince ant Owl's nest A new race. Castle Hohenwali Banned and blesj Quicksands. In the Sc'iii iT .• Lady with ' •.■ rui' Vaiii foreb. ^-.t^a. Eichhoffs. Violetta. B:iilifl"s iiiaiil. Saint Michael. 83 Violet Kei '84-S ^Vreek ol S6 Undo Ren '?7 Mail ^8 Kaloolah. 89 Nature's si 90 I4fe in the ' 9* Oemerara. 92 Mancheste 93 Homes ;ihr ?4 Gh.irmed si )S Vanderput HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. 67 DeMili, Diidi'vai 6a^ Penniless fcirl. 6an Miss Gilbert. Castle rackront. An;,'.|i!ia. lVi;uK-,>.ivrin)i;-, Absentee. Helinila. mz club, ill Spain, nan. a. or Jeannie. 'iir Sylveslre. of Anj^-ibault. ■ Skellijrs. to be free. Herxetn, r. of lihriusteii ite. ioroga. jtars since, ii-ot Grab.'im. it I'.ays. li; "-iiaet. if tlie fa'i^es. aze. LXld. look, leen. • ;incl Franz. s cli.'irity. ijjh a needle's eye son and out. M- Morley. ebs and cablo-<. <■ 6^ Pioneers iiH-e. -^-I'l" 654 Prairie. Jays Pompeii. Biihv 655 Lionel IJncoln lerholme. ,^,^''"Y'" 656. Chainbearer, of snobs. VVisler Holland Edg-ewortli 696 Sowers, not r'pVs. Martineau 607 Hriery ereek. 6()>i I'arrer's of Hudfje row I".--'''' C»j}I r.eonora. " 6^8 ''-•tr. .'atre. „ • J''' 634 Helen. 63* Leavernvortli ease. Rolilfs " 63ft Stniiitje disappearance. /- " 638 Hand anil riiij^'. „ " (t^ The mill mysiery. „ " h^ Behimi t U ved doors; „ " 641 Lookuij: i.M-kward. Hell.imv ' 6^ ai,d ishore. Cooper " 6^1 Ph.- J^ravo. . 64fCr,...-.. Becchf ^^,|.T|,elu>adsn-.un. 6^ Hoidenm.'iiier. „ K'.issi 6^- Homeward hound. H-il!, 6^. Home as found. Strell, 649 Jack Tier. 650 neer slayer. // 651 Last of t'he Mohicans. // 652 The pathfinder. „ Th ukirSj- Redskins. '" iUsliii 658 Satanstoe. Cru ito. olni. tastes Is. leii Archer. / Marston. nas Wing'fold. -id Cumbermede I .nr659. Mercedes of Castile. vV ^t,p,66o ;Miles W.illinKford. Macdoa66l Oak openiiig-s. ' 662 Monikins. 663 The pilot. 664 Precaution. 565 The red rover. 566 Se.i lions. 567 The spv. lock o'Glenwarlock. 568 Two .admirals. of McAllisters i'cen two loves, ler shepherdess. of or.ange ribbon. Vedder's wife, leniber tlie Alamo, re of Sand.ilside. I and Christina, ter of his fate. I'569 "Flu- w.iterwitch. 570 Wishton Wish. J71 Win^-and winjj;-. )72 Wyandotte. >73 Ways of the hour. )74 Young Seig-neur. Lighthall )7S-7 Harnabys. Trollope )7H Barton exporil. Habberton '79 Lord Bantam. Jenkins •80 Eiulymion. Disraeli ghter of Fife ne Fay. ^V ^i Life on Mississippi. Clemens ted up in the streets, 182 Prince and pauper. „ I's nest. 183 Violet Keith. Ross «4-S.Wreck of White „ So Uncle Remus. H.arris •^7 Oean Mailland. Tuttiett. f Kaloolah. Mayo 89 IVature s serial story. Roe 90 Ufe in the wilds. Martineau 9* Oemerar.-i. „ 92 Manchester strike. 93 Homes .abroad. „ 94 Gh.irnuHl se.a. „ AS Vanderput and Smock. „ ew race, tie Hohenwah ined and bless cksanris. he Sc, ,'•■■• ly with ' !■■ n foreb. ..' hhofTs. letta. lifl"s maiil lit Michael ' rur- 699 liob Koy. 700 Aide-de-camp. 701 Duke of Albany. 702 Arthur HIane. 70,3 The black w.atch. 704 Both well. 705 Camoronians. 706 Captain of the gii.ird. 707 Cav.aliers of fortune. 70X Colville of (he gcirds. 709 Constable of l'"'r;ince. 710 The tryst. 711 H.inipton. 7r2 Dick Rodiiev. 713 Did she love him? 714 Dulcie Carlyon. 715 F.iirer th;in a fairy. 716 First love and last love. 717 Frank Hilton. 71S Girl he married. 719 H.irry Ogilvie. 720 Jack Chaloner. 721 J.ick Manly. 722 jHint Setoii. 72,-5 King's own borderers. 724 Lady Webberburn. 725 Laura Kveringham. 726 Letty Hyde's lovers. 727 Lord Hermit.ige. 72S Love's labour won. 729 Lucy Arden. 7:30 Mary of Lorraine. 7.31 Miss Cheyfte. 732 Morley Ashton. 733 Oliver Ellis. 734 One of the six hundred. 735 0"'y an ensign. 736 Phantom regiment. 737 J'liil'p Rollo. 738 Playing with fire. 739 Queen's cadet. 740 Romance of war. 741 Ross-shire buflfs. 742 Royal Highlanders. 743 Koyal regiment. 744 Scots brigade. „ 745 Scottish cavalier. „ 746 Second to none. „ 747 Shall I win her. 748 Six years ago. „ 749 Under the red dragon. „ 750 Vere of ours. „ 751 Violet Jermyn. 752 White cockade. 753 Vellow frigate. 754 Harry Lorrequer. 7.55 J-'iek Hinton. 756 Charles 0'I\L-illey. 757 Con Cregan. 758 O'Donoghue. 759-60 Tom Burke. 761 One of them. 762-3 The Daltons. 764-5 Knight of Gwynne. 766 Arthur O'Leary. 767-8 Roland Cashel. Lever 769 B.irrington. Lever 77"-' Hodd family. „ 772 Lutirell of Arran. „ 773-4 Davenport Dunn. „ 775 Bramleigbs. „ 776 Lord Kilgobbon. „ 777-S Martins. „ 779 That boy of Norcotl's „ 780 Glencore. „ 78 f Sir Jasper Carew. „ 782 Maurice Tierney. „ 783 A ilay's ride. „ 784 Tony Butler. „ 785 Sir Brooke Fossbrooke. „ 786 Horace Templeton. „ 787 Annan water. Buchanan 788 Th.-it winter night. ,, 789 Child of nature. 790 Foxglove m.uior. „ 791 God ;ind the man. „ 792 Heir of Lynne. „ 793 Love me forever. „ 794 ALideline. 795 ^^•lster of the mine. „ 7c)6 Matt. „ 797 Sh;idow of the sword. „ 7()8 NewAbelard. 79<j K.itherine Regina. Besant 800 What will world say. Gibbon 801 Robin Gray. „ 802 Queen of the meadow. 1, 803 Loving a dream. „ 804 fn honor bound. ,, 805 Of high degree. „ 806 Heart's problem. „ 807 The golden shaft. „ 808 F'lower of the forest „ 809 Br;ies of Yari-ow. < „ 810 Life's Atonement. Murray 8ri Bit of human nature. „ 8t2 Gate of the sea. „ 813 Model father. „ 814 Coals of fire. „ 815 Cynic fortune. „ 816 First person singular. „ Si 7 Hearts. „ 818 Jo.seph's coat. „ 819 Way of the world. „ 820 Val Strange. 821 Hand.s of justice. Robinson 822 Women are strange. „ 823 Grandmother's money. „ 824 No church. „ 825 Bound to wneel. Saunders 826 Guy Waterman. „ 827 Two dreamers. „ 828 Lion in the path. „ 829-30 Anna Karenina. Tolstoi 831 Handy Andy. Lover 832 Rory O'More. „ 833 Royal favor. Wallace 834 In troubled times. „ 835 Uncle Remus. Harris 836 Mitchelhursi place. Veley 837 Cripps 838 F>enia. 839 Struggle for famt 840 Alaric Spenceley. 84 1 Daisies, Blackmore Riddell 68 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, Riddell Hiitton Taylor II Hoey CoOpiT Farjeon II Cocktoii Porter Oliphant II PortiT Bjornson Leggctt 842 Senior partner. 843 Old house. 844 Three reeruils. 845 Confessions of thug 846 Noble Queen. 847 Stern chase. 848 Stories. 849-51 Prodigal progress. Barrett 852 'Readian.i. Reade 853 Jonathan. Blouet 854 John Bull. 855 Friend MaeDon.ikl. 856 Regim'tal legends. Staiinard 857 C.ivalry life. '■ 8^8 One maid's mischief. Fenn 8's9 Anthony Cirace. 860 Porter sciuare. 861 Sacred nugget. 862 Valentine Vox. 863 Sylvester Sound. 864 Scottish chiefs. 86s .'Mtiora Peto. 866 Piccadilly. 867 Scottish chiefs. 868 Arne. 869 Bridal march. 870 Captain Mansana 871 Fisher maiden. 872 A happy boy. 873 Magnhild. 874 Synnove Solbakken. 875 Modest prophet. 876 " Second copy. 877 Elixir. Kbers 878 " Second copy. " 879 Beatrice. Kavanagh 880 Colonial refor'r. Bolderwood 882 White wings. Black 887 I. Macgillicuddy. Blackwood 888 Battle of Donking. " 889 The great Marced. 890 Romance of Ladybank n 891 loint stock company « 892 What 1 did. 893 Cousin John. " 894 The devil's frills. n 895 Guy Nevilles ghost. n 896 The missing bills. « 897 Haunted Eughenio. « 898 Left-handed Elsa. 899 The red Cardinal. 900 Pluck. 901 Kate Percival. 902 Fort Minster. 903 Mark of Cain. 904 Guilty river. 905 Cliflf mystery. 906-8 Madge Dunraven. 909-iQ His own enemy. 91 1 Eton days. LEstrange 912-3 Countess Sarah. Ohnet 914 'Subaltern. Gleig 915 King's Beeches. Mackenna yi6 Uandicy's cross. Handley 917 Ask mamma. <> 918 Mr. Sponge's tour. n 919 Plain or ringlets. 11 920 Mr. Romford's hounds, n 921 Hawbuck grange. « Elliot Stannard Carr Reed Lang Collins Aide Jay Burton 922 Waverlcy. Scott 923 Guy M;innering. " 924 Antiqu-'iry. " 925 Rob Roy. " 926 Old mortality. » Black ilwarf. " ^■^^ Legend of Montrose. « qzS Heart of Midlothian. m 929 Biide of L.immermoor. n i)30 Ivanhoe. " 931 Mon.istery. " 932 Abbot. " 933 Kenilwortli. " 934 The pirate. i' 935 Fortunes of Nigel. " 936 Peveril of Ihe.p'.'ak. n 937 Quenliii Durward. n 938 St. Ronan's well. " 939 Red Gauntlet. " 940 The betrothed. " 941 The Talisman. " 9^2 Woodstock. " 943 F;iir maid of Perth. " 944 Anne of Geierstein. " 945 Count Robert. " 946 Surgeon's d.iughter. .1 947 Canonbury Holt. Worboise 948 Chryst.-ibel. " 949 Kmilia's iniiei-it.mce. n 950 F.ithei- Fabian. 951 Cyril 952 Grey and gold. •' 953 House of bonda;j^e. 954 Husbands and wives, i. 9"c;5 Margaret Torrington. n 956 Millicent Kendrick. " 957 Mr. Montmorency. " 958 Nobly born. n 959 Oliver Westwood. n 960 Overdale. " 961 St. Beetha's. m 962 Singlehurst manor. 11 963 Thornycroft hall. " 964 Violet Vaughan. « 965 Jack's courtship. Russell 966 John Holdsworth. m 967 Little Loo. " 968 Lady M^ud. 969 Sailor's sweetheart. m 970 Sea Queen. " 971 Wreck of Grosvenor. m 972 Harkaway. Whitehurst 973 Mrs. Geoffrey. Argles 974 R'dy m'n'y Mortiboy.Besant 97s Sword of Damocles. Rohlfs 976 Children neW|forest. Marryat 977 The dog fiend. h 978 F"rank Mildmay. m 979 Jacob faithful. i' 980 Japhet. " 981 King's own. " 982 Masterman ready. m 983 Midshipman easy. n 9S4 Monsieur Violet. " 981; Newton Forster. 1 986 Olla Podrida. 987 Pacha of many tales. " 988 Percival Keene. • i' 989 Peter Simple. » 990 Ph.'inlom ship. 991 The pirate. 992 The po.-icher. 993 Poor Jack. 994 Privateersman. 995 Rattlin the reefer. 996 Settlers in Canada. 1)97 Scenes in Africa. 998 Valerie. looo-i ChetwyiulCary.Ains\v(i!397 Di-. Bien .» 1002 Jupiter's d;uighliM-s. Joiiki 398 Bl'ebeard' 1003 Hotel du Petit. DempMagg-tioo One; 1004-5 Red court farm. \\'iMoi.a Tiumpei 1006 Hunted down. DiiUi 103 Tragic co\ 1007-8 Above rubies. Riililf04 In liunmct 1009 Revolt of man. Hcs.roe Strange t;i 1010 Blind fate. Hih! 00 ta Mere I Broughi 07-8 Crooked Mam ofi4>Kleppin>;l " 085^ Beau N " 087 Marieja. 1 08s Madonn.'i " 089^0 R. Fev 091 Hi cad up( 093 F.filli Vin 093-4 '>ora. 095-6 .M.uijuis 1011-12 Not wisely. 1013 Anne. 1014 Neighbours W'r 09-10 Dorothy Olipli,: 1 1 By shore ;i 1015-6 Two marriages. Ji'iik 13 Minister's 1017 Rose Lebl;inc. Fulkr: 13-H Kound.i 1018 Skirmishii.g. Jeiik; 15 On the odj 1019 The fugitives. Oliph, 16 L-uly V^ilw 1020 Cottage. Cliai 17 t^tly .Alice 1021-2 Repr'ch .Annesley.TullhiS lllj' friend , 1023-4 Repul'dchang'ling.Vi'ii.l9-ap Portia. 1025 Found out. Ro(,2l-a, I h.ive liv 1026 Kismet. 'FleUi23 Ellen Midd 1027-8 A strange world. Br.Klii24 fii fallen id( 1029 Black forest. Edwar25-6 Werry Kn 1030 To leeward. Cra\vl,J7-8 Race for 1031-2 Earl's promise. Rklig Daughter's 1033 Lion of Granpere. TrolKjo's 1034 Innocents .it home. Cloiikji-a My story 1035-6 In the days. EdwaU 1037 Brother Jacob. Ci {4-^,Aidath 1038 Who breaks-pays. Jeiikl7 Iwailrigal 1039-40 Miriam. Maciii:(8 Glow-worm 1041-2 Pictures across. 1 19 Roughing i 1043 Ben Milner's wooing. I-O I^C.ipo 1044 Readiana. R,:.i-aiTwo lilies 1045-6 P.-incesS of Thule. 1.! 3 Miss or Mrs 1047 Love and hfe. "^ ^ Child Chris 1048 El Fureidis. Cummi S Mfs- Fentoi 1049-50 Narrow escape. Cii 6-7^C.istle Ric 1051-2 Grange garden. KinpO Mi I'onleno 1053-4 Told in twilight. \V>9 Aflani Grait 1055 Vagab'd heroine. Edward Foregone ci 1056 Anne Warwick. C" '-a She 057 Bride of Lammermoor.N3 t^kydisap 058 Harry Heathcote. Tn>i:4 ROKuie 105H Harry 059-60 In trust. 1061-2 May. 1063 Sara Crewe. 1064 King Arthur. 1065-6 M. Pomfret. OliplS Cousin Hem &-7 Jolin Marc BurS Aflan's wife Cq RisU Cardin; Ainstt^ Their weddi 1067 Flower and weed. 1068 Lady Silverdale. 1069-70 H.'ilves. 1 07 1 -2 S.-Cotta family. 1073 Little lame prince 1074. Up the stair. 1075-6 -Lady Maud. 1077-8 Facing the f tlights 1079 Pearl powder. iq8o Border, bastille. 1081-2 The Marstons. 1083 Day spring. Mars! ec Forbt , by trie Scudain ^^ laurice (T'^^ft^y sister M:ii) "Vsrt^ng Mistl Ru-) H|Wiiited hot and a h< Edwai^ Lawrl |s of Foot Drewitt finan's mi ier. ■Jf HAMILTON PUBLIC LIHRARY, 69 Main 084 Slc-ppiiijfhoav'nw'd. Prentiss " 085^ Ho.ui Xash. Ainsworth " 087 Maiii-ja. Haiti- " 088 Mailiiniia. Januvs " 089^.90 1^ Keverel. Morodilli ■ 091 Frcail upon walors. Craik ' 09a F.iilli I'liwin's Didoal. „ M 093-4 Dura. Kavanaxh • 09S"<* .Manpiis of L. iMacdonakl t\vyiulCal'y.Ains\V(>;o97 Di, l?ivn s practico. Howells .Ts ilaiifflitiMs. Ji'iiUiogS Bl'flH'ai d's keys.Tliackorav I du IVtit. nfinpsi 399.1100 One year. IVard ' ourl farm. ^^'^MOI■^a J'liinipot major. Haixlv lom ship. )irate. )oaclier. Jack, teersman. in till! rceft-r. ■rs in Canada. !s in Africa, ie Diil<rio3 Traj,'ic comi'dians.Morodilii Kiddi04 I" diir.uu-i- vilo. Arj;-li-s Ht'Mi 05 Slraittco tales. Murray Ht\' 06 La Mere Hauehe. Trollope HroiiKlii 07-8 Crooked path. Hector Wi 09-10 norothy Foster. Hesant hboin-s. Oliplii: II B\- shore and seilj,'-e. Marte marriag^es. Jenk: 12 Wiiiister's wooinjjf. Stowe • Leblanc. Fuller; 13-I4 Roimdabout. Tli.ickarav ed down, jve rubies, lit of man. I fate, jt wisely. 1177 Todhunters. Linton 1178 t oniiuerinjj. Ch.irles "79-«o Ley.-iey. Craik 1 181-2 American. J.imes 118,3 Two fn;irria>,'-es. Cniik 1 184 .Story of a mine. Harte 1 185 With a silken thread. Linton MeC.irtIn Forrest i>r I'.irr lulwards ^'onJ;•e iiishir.jc. fujcilives IK' Jt'iik 15 On the edjje. Olipli, l6 Ljidy V'alworth. Cliai 17 Ijail\- Alice. .Saunilers pr'cli Ainiesley.TiittiiiS JMy friend Jim. put'dchang'linK-^'"ii'9"*> I'ortia. '1 . i> . ...^« I I 1: I pu id out. let. Roberts Arjjles Marshall Xorris Arglcs Forrester Fullerton Anstev l\en2l-» I li.ive lived. 'Field 23 Ellen Middlelon. strange world. Hrailii24 ^ fallen idol. ^ii,-,iiv k forest. F:d\v,ir25-6?Merry England. Ainsworth .reward. Cr;i\vl,27-ft;K;ice for we.illh. Riddell rl's promise. Kkkig IJftughler'ssacritlce Phillips ofGranpere. Trolhjo Christi.ui's mistake Craik icents at home. Clenk}i-a My story Macquoid the days. Edw.iy Qvingdean G. Ainsworth her Jacob. CrJ4-^,Ardath Corelli ) breaks-pays. Jenk(7 Madrigal Peard liriam. Macqi:(8 Glow-worm tales Payn ctures across. Milner's wooing, diana. , 19 Roughing it 1,0 ^Wm Capo ,.l-3'^\vo lilies 1,! 3 Miss or Mrs. Clemens Ritchie K.-ivanagh Collins Macdonald Norris •incess of Thule. ■ - i^- - e and life. 'V ^ CB'''' t:iirist !"ureidis. CummiS n»rs. Fenton .,„..,;, ■Jarrow escape. Cn 6-7^Castle Richmond Trollope range garden. KiupS Mv I'onlenoy Roberts nld in twilight. W 9 Adam Grainger Wood r.-ibd heroine. F:d\v,u.<J F^egone conclu. Howells Ie Warwick. Ci-»#u- Haggard ie of Lammermoor.SJ ^^^l^.^' disappointment -ry Heathcote. Troi:4 Rosine Whyte-Melville n trust. 01ip!5 Cfflisui Henry Trollope ay. • S^i^ " Marchmont Braddon a Crewe. BvirO g»n's wife Haggard ig Arthur. l^ 3 ^. <-ardmal Elliott 1. Pomfrel. AiiiM\ a ffleu- weddmg Howells wer and weed. Bra.'-2 Alec Forbes Macdonald ly Silverd.ale. lU ^o- •'>' .tricks Yates Halves. 1? ^Ei^''"'''""'"'''''* Philips .-Cotta family. Clia' |»Iaurice Edwards Cotta family tie lame prince •> the stair, ady Maud v7-8 'Py sister Mai) YiKMig Mistley acing the ftlight irl powder. Edwa^ rder, bastille. La\vr| 'he Marstons. ^' yspring. Mars K,,,) Haunted hotel ."id a heart |s of F"oothills. Drewitt. iman's mines, ,er. Lean Collins Le.-in Harte Riddell Haggard Reeves 1186-7 Misanthropi I 188 Corisjinile. 1 189 K.itlierinestri.-il 1 190 For one. I 191-2 Womankind. 1 10,1 Democracy. 1 194 Gideon's rock. 1 195 K.Coventry. Wlivle-MelviK> iK)6-7 H- St. Ives. "Ainsworth 1198 Girl ut the period. Linton 1199 ^Vild Mike. Montgomery 1200 Rachel Gray. Kavan.igii 1201-2 Grenfell gardens. Buxton 1203 Rectors faniilv. Oliphanl 1204 Windsor castle. .Ainsworth '^".S High spirits. Payn 1206-7 I"ne. Linton 1208 Eye for an eve. Trollope 1209 riiwarted. Montgomery 1210 One tramp. Habberlon 121 1-2 Pair of blue eyes. Hardy 1213 Seven stories. Fullertoii 1214 Frau Frohm.-inn. Trollope 1216-7 K'silia. 1219 Europeans. 1220 Beautiful wretch (221-3 VV'izard's son. 1224-5 The open door. 1226-8 Am'ii seii.ator. 1229 Sebastian. 1230-2 Man and wife. '■^33 Two little tinkers. Laurel bush. ,, 1234 Worlds desire. H.iggard 123s Bertie Griflfiths. Edwardes Play wrig'ht's d.iughter. „ 1236-7 T. Upmore. Blackmore 1238 Mother Molly. Peard 1239 I-'ly and the bee. Warren 1240 Mistletoe bough. Trollope 1241-2 Phyllida. ' Lean 1243 Duke's daughter. Oliphant 1244 Nine days wonder. Aide 1245 Dark night's work. Gaskell 1246 Omnia Forrester 1247 Murphy's master 1248 Singleheart. 1 249 Tale of sin. 1250-1 Heckington. 1252-3 Only a clod. .,.,.„ui„, '^54-S Sound ofthe sea. Dempster 1256-7 Carita. Oliphant 1258-9 Silas Lapham. Howells 1260-1 Bell o»-S.. Pauls. Besant 1262-3 Queei..; iries. Whvte 1264-5 Witr; lead. Haggard 1266-7 Ombr ■.. Oliphant 1268-9 Her father's name. 'Lean 1270-1 Madding crowd. Hardy 1272-3 Afterlife. Sewell '274-5 Seven sons. Sala 1276-7 Bas; Godfrey Lee 1278-9 Roil. Hudson James 1280-1 Spiders of society Lean 1282-3 Just , IS I am 'Braddon 1284-5 Tr.imp abroad Clemens 1286-7 i^l's. Denys I'arr 1288-9 S. sea bubble Ainsworth 1290-1 Broken blossom Lean I'oynter James Black Oliphant Howartl Trollope Saunders Collins Craik Craik Forrester .Anstey James Warner .Ainsworth Trollope Lee Buhver Collins Haggard I.e F"anu Trollope Aide Iiigelow Charles Yonge Payn Reade Wood Gore Braddon 1292-3 ]>orc;is ' ^94-,S Once ag;iin i2(/>-7's robe 1298-9 Russell 1300-1 Old helmet 1302-3 Lord Mayor 1304-5 Rachel Rjiy 1306-7 For richer" 1308-9 Str;uige story 1310-1 Anlonina 1312-3 Cleopatra 1314-5 L'licle Silas 1316-7 Bertrams 1318-9 Poet ;iiul peer. 1320-1 S. de Berenger '.322-3 Hertiani family 1324-5 Three brides ^^ 1326-7 St. Simon's niece Benedict 1328-9 Osw.ild Cniy Wood 13305! I.ovels of Arilen Braddon 1X^^-3 I'-'itty Macijuoid 'XU-5i Madonna Mary Oliphant ',3,3''''-9 ^'eronii|ue Lean 1340-1 Cloister ;ind hearth Reade '342-3 IV'ssie F;iirfax Lee '.344-.S Voung Brown Murray 1346-7 Y.inkee at Court Clemens •.34S-9 Pctronel Lean ',3.SO-i Trevlyn hold Wood 1352-4 Silver cord Brooks '.3,S5-7 Duke's children Trollope '.3.S^-9 In silk attire Black 1360-1 With kith or kin Craik 1362-3 Ursul.-i Sewell 1364-5 Played out Cudlip 1366-7 Broken to harness Yates 1368-9 ALirmaduke Blessington 1370-1 One of them Lever '.372-3 John Law Ainsworth 1374-5 Arthur O'Leary 1376-8 Taken at flood Braddon 1379-80 White rose Whyte-M 1381-2 PrinceandpauperClemens ',383-4 Golden fetters Lemon 1385-6 Called to account Cudlip 1387-8 Woman's kingdom Craik 1389-90 Good fdV nothing Whyte 1,39 '-2 St. Giles. Jerrold 1393-4 Voung stepmother Vonge '395-6 Raj.ih's heir 1397-8 Mortimers Oliphant i399-'400 FnimlevPar. Trollope 1401-2 Cyrilla Tautphceus 1403-4 Ravenscliflf Marsh 1405-7 Pariah Anstey 1 408- 1 o Mary Anerly Blackmore 141 1-3 Cloven foot Braddon 1414-6 Portrait of a lady James 1417-9 Asphodel Braddoe 142C-2 Ls he Popenjoy? Trollope '423-5 Eadies Lindores Oliphant 1426-8 Open verdict Braddon 70 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, ■ ■■ <' i 1 .1 . i. 429-,3i Dodd taniily Levor 4,^2-4 Can ymi lor^'ivo ? Tiollopo 4.15-7 ClirDiiii-lo of Harsot n 43S-40 John ni>riii'n Kavana^li 44i-,1 Davi-npiirt Hnnn Li-mt 444-(> Pliiiu-as Finn TrollDpi' 447-c) SiH'onil lili- IIiH'tiir 450- J Uolanil L'aslicl I.oviT 45,V,S l.oviT anil lass Olipliant 45()-7 I'onniildofko Aid. 458-1) ('iiiildi'iDy Ranio 460-1 CiiHid old tinu's Ainsworlli 462-j W'llmv llaj;' ^'atos 464-5 Sirnpli'Uin Ki-ado 466-7 SlranjfiTsandp's Hradilon 468-<) Ski'l I'll book 'I'liai'kfray 470-1 Ooiiovan H.ivly Livinjf or di-atl l"ar)^iis Nancy Hi'oiiifliton Kxpt'rionco otlifr Sowi-ll PiM-il Fotlioixill Till' Draytons Charlos 47^-3 474-5 476-7 478-9 480-1 4«^-.1 4^4-5 486-7 488-9 490-1 Hondnian Caiiu' Oldhury Ko u\ Cliristowi'll Hlackii • '•< Loss hlai'k 1'. i\ n Hof wortl l.ean 492-3 Old Sir noiijflas Xorluii 494-5 Straijjfliirorwaril. Iah' 496-7 498-9 500-1 502-3 504-5 506-7 I lor lord antl niastor Loan Rliona Forrostor Ivan do Biron Holps Hosido thorivor M.'u-inioiii Rook ahoad ^'alos Hido ami sook Collins 508-9 Lvivod at last Lomon 510-1 Donis Doniio Ciidlip 512-3 Spanish n-atch Ainswortli 514-5 riio Hillyars Kin^sloy 516-7 The trial Yong'o 518-9 At last Kini^sloy 520-3 Way we live Trollopo 524-5 John Halifax Craik 526-7 Heir of Redclyffo Yonjje 528-9 Rejf. Hetherejce Kin^slov 530-1 Amy Herbert Sowoll 532-3 Beatrice Kavanag'h 534-5 Malcolm Macdonaid 536-7 Run to earth Braddoii 538-9 Pereg-rine Pickle Smollett 540-1 Only herself Thomas 541-3 Chaplet of pearls Yonge 544-5 Oldtown folks Stowe 546-7 Cruise upo^ wheels Collins 548-9 Three feathers Black 550-1 Rose of Asliurst Marsh 552-3 Theres.'i Craik 554-5 Out of court Hoey 556-7 Mother's recomp. Aj,'iiilar 558-9 Life for a life Craik 560-1 Home influenco Ag-uilar 562-3 Heart of Midloiiiiaii Scott 564-5 Venetia Disraeli 566-7 Clerical life Cross 568-g Sir Brooke Fosse Love 570-1 Interpreter Whyto-M 572-3 Old court Ainsworlh 574-5 I'elix Holt Fallot 576-7 Valentine • Olipbant 1578-9 Hoarlse.'iHO 15H0-1 A ' 'aitinjf race 15S2-3 Mai'ian 1581,-5 Jennie i5St)-7 Olivo 158.^ 9 Sybil's lo\r 1590-1 Const.di'' ofl', 1592-3 Land . lasl 151)4-5 Car.i Ri>ma 1 5i)()-7 IIon'\iard i5()8-9 «Ju'h' i(>oo-i Carr Yonjfo Yatos Hall Buxton '"raik \insw>)rlli Nates liraiU Kinjjslov loijj^lib'il Maidon.alil Aidi" Marsh 16 10- J '63^-3 1634-5 If. 36- 7 (,38-.) Ainswortli F'ullorton Arijles Gaskell 1602-3 C.I silo Avon 1604-5 F^stolio Russell i()o6-7 F^li'anoi 's victory Braddon i()()iS-9 Qiioon Mab Kavanajch i')io-i Ain\)ia I'Mojil Braddon i(ii_'-3 Wait for the end Li-mon 1614-5 Pro,i;ross, projndico Gore i')i6-7 Atelier dii Lys RohiMts i6i8-<} F'ijjht with fortune Collins .620-1 Mrs. Arthur Olipliant 1622-3 Phiebo junior i()24-5 Boscobol 1626-7 Lady-bird ; 628-9 Modern Circi Ruth I'lU'lo Tom's cabin Stowe Ravenshoo Kinjfsloy .Si coiul th'jjfhis Broujj-hton L. Brackenbury F^lwards 1640 H.irdtoboar Craik 1641 True man Stirl iifC 1642-3 Molly Bawn Arj;los 1644-5 M.iry Marston Macdonaid 1646-7 F.-;ifrico Ainswortli 1648-9 Yi'uiitf Musj^rave Oliphanl Pomorny abbey Wood Return of n.itivo Hardy F'rom exile P;iyii Pauline Walford 658-9 Troublo'o daujjhters n 1660-1 Black, comely W ilyte-.^^ 1662-3 Brother Ciabriel Edwards 1664-5 F'.illen 1 -ives Collins 1666-7 I'liyllis Argles 1668-9 Sunrise Black 1670-1 F'-iir-hairod Lean 1672-3 Stray pearls Yong'e 1674-5 Golden butterfly Besaiit 1676-8 Tom Burkj Lever 1679-81 Dombeyiintlson Dickens 1682-3 Mag-num Bomim Yonge 1684-6 Pendennis Thackeray 1687-9 Humphrey's clock Dickens 1690-2 The Martins Lr 1693-5 T*^"" thous'd year Wa 1696-7 Creen pleasure An 1O98-9 Shandon bolls B' 1700-1 Haggard's dau'r Bradi.. n 1702-3 My own child Lean 1704-5 Loves conflict n 1706-7 Two sides Yongo 1708-9 Mrs. Dymond Ritchie 1710-1 That artful vicar Murray 1712-3 By proxy Payn 1714-5 Griofenstein Crawford 1716-7 Colonel F^iulorby Malot 1718-9 Fenton's tjuest Braddon 1 650- "652-3 1654-5 1656-7 720-1 722-4 7-25-7 72.S-9 7.^0-' 7.)4-5 7.^6-7 7.1«-') 740 h 741 V 74-2-.! 744-5 746-7 7t8-'i 75-!-3 754-5 7.S(>-7 75«-') 760-1 762-3 764-5 7«>-7 768-9 770-1 772-3 774-5 776-7 778-9 780-1 7«4-5 786-7 790-1 702-3 7'»4-5 7C/.-7 798-9 800-1 802-3 804-5 806-7 ^10-1 ■I 4-5 1816-7 1818-9 1S20-1 1822-3 18: J.-6 i8p-2 ■833-5 18^6 . 18.V ., 1 840- 1 18. • i 1 ■■ ', I 184^-1; 1 850- 1 1K52-3 i«54-5 1856-7 1858-9 1862-3 1864-5 1866-7 i86fc-9 A nireil Tinl Syd-i Patricia Vanity fair Tliack. S7a-3 High mil Ch.irlos O'Malley l.^7f-5 .l"hnny I Graie Loo Ka\ Two years ago Kini; N'ovor too late Mystery Mirbridgo Vi\,i F'orii At odds Taulpli I thotiglilland Kci lain t.'iles Kip l'";iitli ami unfaith Aiv Don John lui; I'riiice Hugo t I'l-rpotua G'ldsmill Loam Di Beaiiohai Lost foi Kessv R.i Ivsthor H Put your- Too strar Haifa mi o ii^ime rth Moiitgor899-i()'ii L. Da i, .got-mo-ii'ls Kav,n90*4 Hard cas Boochcrolt \' 908«9 l^'i'pli tlu Doctor cupid Broiii;9'0-3 Pillars of 1 Dene Hollow \\Ji6h* Socmer or Mv little lady Pcn^i^ffK^ Moonsto \'i'ctor Lescar (i^ai'-i Romola Diane Maici^-^ Israel Mo Dr. Wainwright VJ^S-* Likofatht Moilern instance llouW^ Clover wc Thi-ough admin'n BiirJ'iwiD Luttrell i F.iithful lover Mac(|>3^ '-'"-'l 0;ik Lonely Cra\v*3*J W'ld Dum In the oldoii lime RolJ35*^ Once and Daughter of Moth H>37"8 "agarene Hannah 039-4^ N" intern Sarohotton WliviM'-a Gabriel C White ladies 01ip>tM I nt'e Joh Member for Paris Mi»4iK Italians Felicia luiuH? '- ■ atod to h Little women ,\H9-Sf> Silent wil Leah F:d\v;i'Si-a ^ly young \ ir ,t'g<-s i( St. Cn Dead iiu-n's shoes l^r,ii.'5 Madame Mori KoiH Nichol'sNickleby Diii*l Noble wife SaunS Co s4 .\i- Canon's ward I say no Glimpse of world .\ da)' s ride B.arrington Lost .'iiid saved Drivoii to bay Court royal Barir Ci'untry g'tlcm'n Olif Jess Hai; Veriier's jiride V Shadow Ashlydyat V Orley farm '""r. Barbara's liist'y Kcl« M. Majoiibanks Olif Best of husbands ! C. Sherwood >• ■" °^ Xobodv's fortuiK ' "^ ,, Master of Greyl.i s V°5-o 1 D. Elginbrod Maicli^ Lady Anna Against stream. Lli Innocent 01 Miss Barrington Fighting the air Not wooed, but won Mortoiiiley'sostatoKi Geo. Canterbury ^ Impending' sword l' Hand of Et L.'idy disi 'shni.iel. i He- tor [My love With ciipi I Doris Confident |J. Shakosp I Donna Oiii [Roy's \vlfe tSailor'sswi White wir |Prob;uion rtislo Pl^'Vashingto iNell ^o I'roiii tl S\ l^■ia's lov Haim auN AiulK f t her men oolTry Ha Tamleighs Henry Du oatl static Girton gi lane Warm oir presuii liren Tiol Sto-i r.itrii-ia KtMuhall l.inion iiity fair Tliaik 873-3 I li^li mills SaiiiuliM-s ailivs O'lMallfy I. *'74-5 .l"limiy Lucllcnv Woml ai't' l.ff Kavai Syfr^ I'l-rpfliiali-iirati- Olipliaiil 1 kismith'swiroAiiisworth .I'aiii Diiiiclas Hffliuliainp l.osi till love Kessv Raiio I'slh'.T Mill I'lil yoursoir in l'(ii) slraiijifo IlalCa inilliim Nil n.inio i'i-IutdH ii-ior I'upitl lu- llolldw ■ litllo lady •tor Loscar Liiiloti Moroclitli Hraddon Wood Craik Roailc l'"iilliMton lulwards Collins Hradilon Uoado ■o years affo A or too late stery Mirbridj^'e . a I'tiri odds Taiitp Knij,'liltaiul K( 1 tales Ki| 890. itii ami luil'ailli Ai 111 Joliii Iiii; nice Hiijjo li - '•rtli Mont^coiSg^liCM L. D.ivoren , >;ol-iiie-ii'fs Kav.i!9^-4 Hard easli V'90*9 '^'dpli I lie heir Trollope Hroiiu^^l I'illarsoftlielioiiM' Voii^e \VJ«P !^"oiUM- or later Hrooks P.n^IWlo Moonstone Collins (Vjai-a Koniola Cross Mai(]J»3?| '^iniel Mori Saunders . Wainsyri^ht Yja^^ I::i'<''ftitlifr, like son i'ayii idern instaiue lIti«)*7'P ^li'ver wonuii Vonjfe roiiKli adminn nmi'9r9P laittrell ot'Arran Lever ithlul lover MaoiM'-a '"id Oakbiirn Wood iiely parish Crau)33-4 '^'•'*^' 'J""i''i'"''>^H I.i mi the" oldeii time RolW** Once and a^aiii Jenkins lUKhterot'IIetli H>37*f Hagarene Lawrence iniiah t>3^40 ^'" intentions Lean rchedon WhvH'-^ (Gabriel Coiiioy Harte hite ladies OlirH** <■ "cle John VVliyle-.M ■niber for Paris ^hHS^ Italians KHiot licia KduH^^i'iti'd tobefrce InK>low lie women .\»4OTP ■'^'■''"t wi'"«ss '^^ I'-s HAMILTON PVUUi- LIHRARV. .'0J9-.10 Darrells Pavii 203i-.> White heather Black -0.33-4 l^t'V and Viol.-i Forrester J03S-<> Hethal will not Oliphanl JO.V)-4o Contradict ions I'eaid J041-4 K. t-|iillin^-ly HiiKver 2045 Xaliire and art Inclibald 204S-50 Wyllards weinl Hraddon .•o_S4-6 Wives, daughters C.askell 2057-.S Ok\ lliiiniesne McKnijfhl l'"or love, lif 2fj()i-2 Silvia 20f)5-f) Aiulroiinda 20<J7-8 Family atfair 2o(x)-7o Storiiu- life 2071-2 Doctor's wife ^"73-4 On .^-uarii 2075-(i Mildred Arki4l 2077-8 (lerald Ksl.-oml 207()-8o Claveriii^s 2081-2 Xi-w .\Ia,i;daleiu 2083-4 I'rescotls 2085-6 Miss Cari'w Oliphant Kavanaj;-|i Fletcher F'arj^us l'"iilU'rloii Hiaililon Ciidlip Wooil Lean Trollope Collins Parr F-il wards .lb Kd\v;A'5»'^ '^'.v youiijj alcides Yc ad iiien'sshoes Hij.'S3-4 H' .ty-es to frfncHradu. n ulameMori Ro '55^ ^i- ' ii "i j, • Mactloiiald .borsXickleby Dii'S^S "■"iduflilhelberta flanh ible wife Sauii^»> ''■'''>' disdain Mct'artI lion's ward FgH Nhmael. Rradif ,, GflBf''''^''' Oliphant My love 2087-8 Xelly Brooke Marryal 2089-90 S. Lawrence Edwards 2091-2 Vicar Biillirpton Trollope -003-4 L'nkiiid words Craik 2o,,5-6 Lolhair Disraeli 2o<)7-8 Brcak'KbterHy Lawrence 2099-2100 Debenham Fdwards 2101-2 On both sidi-s 2103-4 Uaterdale Charles McCarthy Wooil Hraddon Riildell Whyte-M Lawrence Lean Braddon (ay no impse of world Sd da)' s ride irrintfton 1st and saved SA •iveii to bay iiirt royal Barii uintry g-'tlem'n Olip ss ^ ' Haj;, ^riier's .nide V adow Ashlydyat W ■li;y farm irbara's hist'y Kilv , Majoribanks Olij ;st of husbands i^ Sherwood Vn .)bodv's fortui ;:9'' - . Lintoii With cupid's eyes Lean Di.ris Aisles ' Confidential ajj^ent Payn J. Shakespeare Black Donna Ouixotc McCarthy Roy's wife Whyle-M Sailor'ssweetheart Russell I While wings Hlack frob.iuon Fotherg-ill -irtisl, t;,..^m •Vashm^tonstiiiarc James Buxton V F \O3-4. i\! roin the wings „ S\ I via's lovers Gaskell Halliburton Wood Thackeray asterofGx-eylasV"5-°i' n Thackera: , Elginbrod Macd '*' - '-: -^I'^lkv Braddoi idv Anna r,,09-lo t ardinal Pol> Ainswortl idy Anna ifainst stream. Ciii noceiit 01' iss Barriiigton ghting- the air ot wooed, but won ortonilev'sestatcK eo. Canterbur> ' ipendiiig sword ^l her mercy I'avii jcoflry I lamlyn Kingsley iramleighs Lever jieniy Dunbar rji,,ddon lead .station I -aed C'.irton girl Edwaides |ane Warner Lean Jeii presumptive „ 2107-8 Dead sea fruit 2KK)-io George Geilh 2111-2 Brookes 21 13-4 Anteros ' I 15-0 Written in fire '7-8 Golden calf ^ ■ ;-20 LifeonMississipiCleinens 2121-3 '' ii-a Tavlor 2124-6 ala's angel Trollope 2127-9 1 ntom fortune Braddon 2130-2 Small house Trollope 2133-4 Sam's sweetlieart Mathers 2135-f. Belinda Hroughton 2137-8 Two on a tower Hardy -''39-40 J'lnc Forrester 2141-2 House-boat Black -'4.3-4 Hether SIM mere Xoel 2145-6 Legacy ol 'ain Collins 2147-8 F.itai three Braddon 2'49-.SO Red as a rose Broughton 2151-2 Br-.tve lady Craik 2 '5.3-4 III fair lochaber Black 2155-6 Herr P.-.iilus Besant 2157-8 Daughter of tropics Lean 2159-60 Loyalty George Parr 2163-4 Vicar's ilaug'r Macdoiiald 2167-8 Bessie Kavanagh 2169-70 Under which lord Linton 2171-2 Daisy Uurns Kavanagh -'73-4 Stuart of Dunleath Xortoii 175-6 Key to Uncle Tom. Stow,- 2 1 77-8 Maurice 'lieriiay Levci- 2179-80 Wurthe'g lieights Hronte 2183-4 Mill on the lloss Cross 2185-6 Darien WarLiirton 2187-8 Oueechy Warner 2189-90 Woman in white (\Wliiis 2'9.S-6 Parson o' Duniford Fenii 2 11)7-8 Life's lessons Gore 2U)t)-22oo Star-ch'mbr Ainsworlh 2201-2 Mylordand lailv Forrester 2203-4 John Inglesant Shorthouse 2205-6 Mount royal Br.iiUlon 2207-S Unknown to history N'onge 2211-2 Edina - vVood 2213-4 Unrld well lost Linton 2215-6 Hound together Fargus 2217-8 Dynevor 'lerrace ^^)l|ge 2219.20 Storyof Barbara Braddon 2221-2 Evelyn Marston Marsh 2223-4 Hinry Esmond Thacki-ray 222yh IVveril .ifthe i'eak Scott 2227-8 Holmby house Whyte-M 2229-30 Sir Jasper Carew Lover 22:H-2 Armourer's pren's Yonge -^,^.V-] Mammon liore 2235-6 Blue roses Dempster 2237.8 Aubrey Marsh •239-40 Ship,)wn'sda'terSaimders -■41-2 Villette Bronte 2243-4 lean's daughter Gore 2245-6 Emilia Wyndham Marsh 2247-8 .Mis-, Finch Collins 2249-50 Greatest heiress Oliphant 2251-3 Knight of Gwynne Lever 2254-.S Salem chapel Oliphant 2256-7 M. Clitheroe Ainsworth 2258-9 Grey Disraeli 2262-3 Seven years Kavanagh 2264-5 I" wo -iristocracies Gore 2266-7 Two cities i:)ickens 2268-70 Within precinis Oliphant 2271-4 C- Marlowe Richardson 2275-7 f-"ast Lymie Wood 2278-9 yuils TautphcBus 2284-5 Rupert Godwin Braddon 2286-7 Gokleii sorrow Hoey 2288-9 Walter Goring Cudlip 2291-3 Vixen Braddon 22<)4-5 Great expectati's Dickens 2296-7 Castaway Yates 2298-9 Irish sk'chbookThackeray 2300-1 Advent's of phaeton Black 2302-3 Archie Lovell Edwardes 2.304-,S Jezebel's daught'r Collins 2306-7 Gentleman M; , at 2308-9 Mr. Smith Wallord 2310-1 Sweet and twenty Collin 2312-3 Preston fight Ainsworti; 2316-7 Mrs. Gerald Fullerton 2318-9 Will and a way „ 2320-1 Robin Parr 2322-3 Dred Stowe 2324-,'i Con Cregan Lever 2326-7 Sir Gibbie Macdoiiald 2328-9 L.idy Adelaide Wood 2330-2 Boudoir i ;ibal Murray 2.^33 Hoggartydi'm'd Thackeray -\334 Kickl.hurys .tbroad „ )s->r TV'I '-'sh ^SSf' C. J. Vellowplush „ 2337 Sketches ;ind travels „ 2338 B.irry Lyndon „ -'.3.39 Dinner at Timmins's „ 2340 Men's wives „ 7^ SUPPLEMENt TO CATALOGUI*:, 1,0 Kami j '1 riillopi' I.IMIIKII Ki'.iry TfolUipo (.'llllillS niikiMis 3341-2 Guy Di'vori'll ^34.V4 I't'llim I'si.iit- 2345-6 I'.ilkiior I.yli' 2347-H CaslU' Haiy 2349-51 Me was rij^lit 2352-4 AiiuailaU" 2359 JO Ktlwit) 1>IH)(hI 2361-2 Ri>l)lH'ry n<ikliTwi)i)t.l 2365-6 Haii'lu'stiMlDwrs'l'iiillDpt' 2367-H Ot-ail sfiri'l (.'oUiiis 2369 Say ami soal Waiiior 2371-2 VVroi-kt'il in putt N'ati's 2373-4 Gafstaiii,''s Tri)lU)pi' 2375-6 Ca^*'*^' 1'"" N'dii^'i' 2377-8 MiiiistiTs will- iMipliatit 237()-Hc) Ri)laiul ViifUi' \\'ouil 2381-2 Hi-ail ol llu- lainily C'raik 23S3-4 A'laiii HfiU' Cru^M 2385-6 1 1 spat ia Kiiiyjsli'y 2388-c)o OIT'tlu- ski-llijjs liijji'low 2391-2 Sir JaspiT Hraclilitn 2393-4 I )oviMiu'aj^li''siu>st \'(inm" 2395-0 Ou^lil \vi' visit lulwartls 2397-8 Lady's inili- Hiaililon 2399-2400 Cerisf. WliyU'-Moivillc 2401-2 Womaiiinspiti- JoartVcsoii 2403-4 St. Martin's eve Wood 2405-6 Woman's viMiLfoaniH- I'ayn 2407-8 Ia-_\ ton iiall Li'inoii 24'j<)-io Tony Butler l.ovor 241 1-2 j'.lstor's tolly Wood 2413-4 Sans MiMvi Lawri-ncc 2415-6 Common sonso 2417-8 Black slii'op 2419-20 A^nes 2421-3 John Cakli^ati' 2424-6 D. Coppfrfu'ld 2427-8 Step-mothor 2429-30 H. LorrocjuiT 2437-8 LiKTt'tia 2439-40 For casli >)nly 2441-2 S. BriTi'toii 2443-4 Harry Josiolyti Dlipliant 2445-6 Laodicean I lardy 2447-8 Major and minor N'orris 2449-50 Fortunes (ilencore Lever 2451-2 Hills of'Shatemuc Warner 2453-4 Slrathern Blessinjfton 2455-6 Mental sirug-gle Arg-les 2457-8 The convict 2459-60 Last of barons 2461-2 Harold 2463-4 One needful 2465-6 Master passion 2467-8 Demos 2469-70 Borderland FotherKnll 2471-2 Sabina Zembra Black 2473-4 Heir of the aj^us Payn 2475-6 Country quar's Blessinj<ton 2477-8 Late physician Warren 2479-81 Adele Kavanajjli 2482-3 Madcap V'iolet Black 2484-5 Leagu(!r of L. Ainsworth 2486-7 What he cost hi-r I'ayn 2490-1 Altioni Feto Oliphant 2492-3 Harvest wikl oats Lean 2494-S Schlo' mil town I'eard 2496-7 Marion Fay Trollope 2498-9 French pictures Murray Xewby Vates Oliphant Trollope IVickens James Lever Bulwer i'ayn Ainsworth James Bulwer I) Braddon Marry at 2500-1 1. 2nd series Murray 2502-3 Nathalie Kavana>,'h 2504-5 World went well Besaiit 250(>-7 ICvil ^(enius Collins J508-C) Baclu'lor's blunder Norris 2510-1 Di-an Maitlaiul Tultiell 251 J-3 Like and unlike Bradtloii _>5i4-5 ^L■lsollam (.lliphant 25i()-7 Tancreil Disraeli 25i8-() Children of Oibeon Besaiit 2520-1 Lancashire Ainsworth 2522-3 CiiantlcN manor Fullerti)n 2524-5 Tlu'o'i' Broiij,'lilon James 2530-1 Jack Hinton Lever -53^-3 '1""'» J one:. Fielding- 2534-5 Shirley Bronte 253(^7 Jane Kyro n 253S 9 Mine is thine Lochart 2540-1 Kith and Kin Fothergill 2542-3 Court Xetherleigh Wood 2544-5 Fallen fortunes I'ayn 254()-7 l'"all Somerset Ainsworth 2550-1 Mrs. Cli'olVri'y Argles 2^-,2-,'\ Gri-en sleeves Mathers 2554-5 Cousins Walford 2556-7 Lord Kil^obbin Lever J558-9 Root ofalli-vil Lean 2560-1 Thrown tojj'r Montffiimerv 2562-3 First violin Kotlu'rjjjiil 2564 The Nu>,'-ents Hopkins 25()5 " 2iul copy M 2566-7 Grape from a thorn I'ayn 2568-9 CoK)iiel Dacre Jolly 2570-1 Sun maid Cirant 2572-3 Joan Bri>ug'htoii 2574-5 How they loved iVL'irryat 2576-7 Dian.i " Dixon 2578-9 Won Buxton 2580-1 Primrose path Oliphant 2582-3 Two women Craik 25S4-5 Heiress Hang'itcn Marsh 2586-7 Initials Tautpluvus 2588-9 Men of character Jeirold 2594-5 Ball-room rep'e Kdwardes 251)6-7 Hearts in highlands Grant 2598-9 Cherry ripe Reeves 2600 Domestic stories Craik 2601-2 Clerk )f I'ortwick P'enn 2603 Lady's money Collins 2605 Rose in June Oliphant 2606 Battle of life Dickens 2607 Flip Harte 2608 Siej^e of London James 2610 Heart of a hill I'ayii 2612 Lillies of valley FuUerton 2613 Red Dog Harte 2614 Constable of to'r Ainsworth 2615 American politi'n Crawford 2616 Jersey page Wood 2617 Danvers papers Yonge 2619 Dr. Marig-old Dickens 2623 TalesforCh'mas Broughton 2624 Book of Sibyls Tiiackeray 2625 Eva Bulwer 2626 I""rom generation Noel 2627 Leslie Tyrrell Craik 2629 Old fashioned girl Alcott 2630 He was a lord F'orrester 2632 Castle Ehrensteni James '7Sf' Hlue-sti Tr, JTfc Old liei I iMill 1761 Northa 2633 Doroth . Grape \\a 2634 Only .1 biiit.rdy i ay, 2635 Six months in ranks ,Mi ay, 263*) Crusaile of Kxcelsioi 2638 Charlotte Crag 2640 Black dwarf 2642 Maid i>l' Killeena 2643 Fixeil pi-rioil 2644 Haiul ami glovi- 2645 Jack O'Lantern 2646 Inner house 2647 I'able mountain 264H I'isislratus Brow 2650 Alice Dugdale , 2651 Co'nt'sde Boim'va ,-- - 2652 Mailamedi'Presiu-l I'.'lTi* Disown 2654 I'rey <if the goils i'7^3 The spj 2655 L.iurentia i'lilllTftl ''■''''■ '"''i 2656 Roderick Random SmJJ^j Cecil's I 2657 Now and tliiMi \\ »7f!PSylvesti 2659 Sense and si'iisibilily \ l7wKP''ii"'t'Sf 2660 Bovvsham pu//li' llaM iiTM^Tom Sa 2661 Introduced to st)cici\ !770'K''"'i'") 2662 Fortunes of .Xigi'l ^77lHard tii 2(/)5 Flitters, tatters, etc llr77a'DaisyM 26()6 John Ward I' 7W r>'«:''y ii 2668 Someboily's lug'ge hi, 774 Spendth 2669 Lady Hester ^ 775 Hero Tr 2670 Can wrong be right 77° Two des 2671 Glow-worm tales 777 Pride am 2672 Foggy night at OI1"iH(IV778 Heidelbt 2676 Love "me little 1779 Cometh.i 2678 Dr. Jekyll Si. \78o O'Donoj^ 2679 Mary Barton (i.'Sl Little me 2681 Uiidiscov'dcountr>' IK'Sa One sum: 2()82 I'oison of ;isps '83 Lizzie Lt 2683 Vivian thebeauty KdvSj In great 2684 Jet 2()8() Talk of the town 2687 Plot in private life 2(>88 Village on cliff 'i 2689 lixclia'genorob'ry Fil 90 2690 Oakshot castle Kii5' 2693 Among the hills I'. 3* 26<)4 Tristram Shandy ^?3 2695 Anne of Gererstein 94 2696 By woman's wit 1195 2697 Winifred's wooing i)7 2698 Thatboy ofNorcoit's 1)9 2699 Mr. Barnes of N. V. t» 2700 A Roman singer Cr;. >' 2703 Wide, wide world \V>2 2704-5 Home life ^'4 2706-7 Under the lilies ' 2708-9 M. Chuzzlewit H 2710-1 Young Mrs. Jardiiui]!; 2712-3 Westward ho! Kiit 2714-5 Innocentsabroad C 2716-7 Eliane l'?< 2718-9 Alice Lorraine Black- 2720-1 Kit 2722-3 Paul Patoff Cra 2726-7 Pickwick club H . 2732-3 R'dy-m'n'yM'rtib'yFr 2734-5 Rossmoyne 2736-7 Fvre's acquittal W 2738-9 . L queen Kb' 2740-1 Woman's reason 2742-3 Peeress and pl.iyer ' Talbot H 87 Some pri' ;. 88 Within ar laaSji Alroy lonfidenc .rnley [ima 'inifred '. 'Xtofkii nities irate in [fessy itherine rjorie I ible life ipt in thi Harry lolphin ting of ter Loui |ck arro [or N. irla it in a c dering isfield p 's secre «f flo^^ ua Dav lel Vauj iquary ival Ke lorolli ("ii ipi- Inly .1 biilUilly ix iiu)titli> ill rank nis;uU' lit Kxi'i'ls'uii liarlottf C'rajf llaik tlw.irf la'ul of KilliUMia ixi'il pofiiul laiul anil jflovo ai'k O'LanUMii miiT lu)ll^•o ablf nuuintain 'isislratiis Brnw ii ilii-i' nn),^ilali' , "o'lil'siU- nDiinval l'"uli »7& lailaiiu'cli'I'ioMU'l l'''''?it 'roy of the jjiuls "7^ .aurt'iitia l''u!l<76S loiloriik Raiiiloiii '^ii «7^; sow and tlu-n U J ifiisfaiul M'lisiliility .' ?owshani piiz/lf I lahl' i iitroiliK-c'd III soriitv '"ml villi's ot" Ni^i'l •'lilli'is, lattiTs.i'U tihii Ward 5 Ciiifiin I'l'liT Sinipli- Aliif Kitly 'rri'\ •■■ Jaik Slu'pparii -,^'fanlli's in llu' aii 'fgi, I'tif piol'fssor ' Hasil VfasI Mr. Isaacs Hiiiiilay tasks Miss An^ci'l Blue-stiH'kiiifC Old lifiitonant NorlhaiijftT al)l>ey Disowiu'd 'Tlu- spy Fair maid of I\>rlh ("fcil's Irysl Sylvestros Priiu-ess , 'Tom Sawyer 7WKilnii'ny ^77* 'Jl'^'d times 1 1,, 77St''Daisv Miller iiiiiiebiidy's liijf'K^' l^i' 774'^pt'"dllirif't -ady Hester ^ 7W)^^-'i"o Trevelyan Jan \vri)iij4: he rij^-hl 77V'¥"wo destinies "ilmv-wiiriii tales :*\)gj^y nijjiil al OlVoi il V ^iive me lillli' )r. Jekyll Vlary Barton Howard Marryat Hiilwer Charles Ainsworlh Cure Hioiile Collins Kiii«sley CVawford I haekerav l-ilwardes Maeleoil Austen Bulwer Cooper JifPndo and prejiidici V77* Heidelherjc Scott Payn Kd wards Macdonald Clemens Blaek Oiekens James VVhyte-M Ainsworth Craik Collins Austen HAMILTON PtnLIC MBKARV I aSi.s Transrormed Moiifjfonu'rv jHjf) nisarmed ICdwards -'Hi; I.ei),'lit(,n iomiI Kin^siey ■'^•'^ Zoroaster I'rawford iH2() Warden 'rivillope 2«30 Ilr. Worlles seliool 2H_]j Weasels and welt Hraddoii ^**.U Ku^fene PiekeriiiK- lames 2H34 Called haek Far),nis -'".15 ^l- JaniCM's Ainsworth -•H.lti y^Tn Dempster -'H17 After dark Collins 2ni« Christmas stories Oiekeiis 2H39 Sketehes Clemens Jn^o Mislress and maid Craik Thorpe Rejfis • I'eard I'lniiul di'ail I'avn Ke>fimiirile>cendsStanna'id Farjfus Mulwer Marryat 73 ii)o6 Cousin Phyllis ji)07 Ji/iH Ji)i)i) -•i) I o Jt)l I 2i) I 2 -•<)",? -•yi4 ''Oi,S 21JI7 -•918 21) I (J Oaskoll Kilwards Hraddoii llarte Ueade Hiilwer Scott 2841 2842 •:«43 2844 ^«45 846 JiKliseov'deoiiiilr\ I'oisoii of asps */ivian Iheheaiity [et ralk of the town I'lol in private life I'illaj^e on clitT T lixilia'jjenoroh'ry Iv 3aksliot castle K (\moiijif the hills Tristram Shandy Anne of Gerersteiii By woman's wit VV^inifred's wooinj;- Thatboy of Norcolt Mr. Barnes of N. Y A Roman singer Cr:ii»*- Wide, wide world \V« ; Home life ^*4 J Under the lilies '5 ) M. Chuzzlewit P * I Youiiy Mrs. J;irdiiiii7 ? Westward ho ! K",9 ; Iiinocentsabroail CI** J Eliane ^ ' J Alice Lorraine Hl.ii ' 1 Kit 3 3 P/iul Patoff Ci; 5 J Pickwick club 5 R'dy-m'n'yM'rtili'yl-7 5 Rossmoync 7 Kvre's acquittal K' 3 Si .1 queen !>' I Woman's reason lH 3 Peeress ami playi'i • ■' i, n James WTO ffomi'thasafl'w'rBroujjhton Sli'v.W ©'Donoffhue Lever C'Sl tittle men lir'Sa Cne summer '83 Lizzie Leijfh mIv 85 bi great waters 86 Talbot Harland Some private views Within an ace roy iifidence rnley ma 'inifred Bertram , ^., •xt of kin wanted Edwards "nities Praed rate in charge Oliphant Jssy Harte therine Thackeray irjorie Daw Aldrich ble life Cra'ik ipt in the dark Trollope • Harry Hotspur „ ►dolphin Bulwer ■ting of ways Edwards er Louise Whyte-M .ck arrow Stevenson or N. Whyte-Melville Edwards Alcott Howard Gaskell Braddon Ainsworth Payn Jeiikin Disraeli J.'imes M Austen Charles Dark ilays Rienzi King's own 2847 Midshipman easy 2848 Keiiilwiirth • Scott 2849 Monastery „ 2S.SO Fropi an island Thackeray M*J.S2 Lamplighter Cummins 2854 Millionaire Harte 2855 Christmas carol Dickens 2856 Foreign parts Ja.nes 2«57 u ise women Black 2859 South sea bubbles Herbert 2860 Made or marred Fothergill 2862 No thoroughfare Collins 2863 Mrs. Mainw.iring Marshall 2864 Little step-son Lean ^^l P^vereux Bulwer 2868 Agatha's husband Craik 2869 Gulliver's travels Swift 2870 Mildred Craik 2871 Agincourt James 2872 Humphry Clinker Smollett 2073 Ogilvie's Craik 2874 Life's Aftermath Marshall 2875 Henrietta Temple Disraeli 2876 Romantic tales Craik 2877 Miss Tommy 2878 Winter story I'orest.illeil <.'iil by ihf count V On llie frontier Christie Johnsloni Pelliain Abbott Mrs. M. Maiiland Olipiiant I eg U olTington Reade Contarini Fleming Disraeli I'nawares l»,.ard \ictory Charles I'lve old friends Thackeray J920 .Sword and gown Lawrence 2921 Kanthorpe Lewes 2922 Gwendoline's harvest Payn 292,3 Coningsby Disraeli 2924 1 he gipsy James 2925 Dorothy Fox Parr 2926 Stillwater tragedy Aldrich 2928 Iheoprastus Such 29.V Helen Whitney 29.34 Tony ;iio niaici 29.15 Out the world 2936 Meredith Cr-.iss Wood Howard Th.ickeray Blessington . — J Pe;u*d 2879 Morals and mysteries Aide ^i^rla t in a cloud idering heir sfield park — . s .secret ^pua Davidson Miwel Vaughan ^fiquary P#rcival Keene Lever Reade Austen Wood Marshall Linton Cummins Scott 2880 Orville college 2881 Valentin 2882 Guy Mannering 2883 Eugene Aram 2884 Old Mort.ility 2885 Rob Roy 2886 Pirate 2387 Ivanhoe 2888 Forest days 2891 Benvenuta 2892 Nina Balatka 2893 Rita 2894 Snow bound 2896 Oliver Twist 2897 Smuggler 2899 Loys, L. Beresford 2900 Cartouche 2902 Frozen deep 2903 Coming race 2904 Sketches Wood Kingsley Scot't Bulwer Scott 29.17 ''"or squire "Lee 2939 Arabella Stuart James 2940 guentin Durward Scoit 2941 My mother and I Craik 2943 Barren honor Lawrence 2944 Clumce acquaint'e Howells 294.S Notary's daughter Fullerton 2946 Doctor Jacob Edwards 2947 I "tier the red flag Braddon 294« Jacob Faithful Marryat 2950 Her title of honor Parr 2951 St. Patrick's eve 2954 His little mother 2955 Zanoni 2956 Beauchamp 2957 Travels, adventu 2958 Sybil 2959 In four reigns 2960 Aunt Serena 2961 Marzio's crucifix 2962 Rose garden 2963 Two guardians 2964 Zero 2965 Mudfog papers 2966 Katharine Regina Lever Craik Bulwer James s Marryat Disraeli Marshall Howard Crawford Peard Yonge Praed Dickens Besant Marryat I 2905 \V:, . erly Junes Marshall Troliope Aide Harte Dickens James Argles Peard Collins Bulwer Dickens Scott 2967 Fcirhil responsib'y Howells 2968 No. thirteen Marshall 2970 North and south Gaskell 297' Haunted hotel Cummins 2972 Woodstock Scott 2973 Moment of madness Lean 2974 Treasure Island Stevenson 2'>7S puy Livingston Lawrence 2976 Stolen elephant Clemens 2077 J- Merry weather Saunders 2978 Banks of Ouse Marshall 2979 Valerie Marryat 2980 Lady of Aroostook Howells 2981 Cranford Gaskell 2982 Lois the witch „ 2985 Fulham lawn Thackeray 2986 Bread winners 2987 Alton Locke Kinirslev 2991 State of life Aide I' I H if! 74 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, Bulwor Collins Payn Reeves Jenkins 2992 Japhet Marryat 299s Blue veil Montgomery 2996 Lord Erlistown Craik 2997 Ninette Dempster 2998 Thankful blossom Harte 29% Lost and won Craik 3000 Old man's love Trollope 3001 Story Elizabeth Thackeray 3002 Denise Roberts 3003 Last days Pompeii Bulwer 3004 Too soon Macquoid 3005 Flitch of bacon Ainsworth 3006 In the east country Marshall 3007 Near neighbors Peard 3008 Alicia Tennant " 3009 With the immort's Crawford 301 1 Silas Marner Cross 3013 JeffBriggs Harte 3014 Drift from two shores // 3015 Lapsed but not lost Charles 3016 Gosan Smithy Parr 3017 Helen's babies Habberton 3020 Katerfolto Whyle-M 3021 Lost in the post Wood 3022 Misunderst'd Montgomery 3023 Denis Duval Thackeray 3024 Doctor Claudius Crawford 3026 Paul Clifford 3027 Night and morning 3030 Guilty river 3031 High spirits 3032 Land o' the Leal 3033-4 Ginx's baby 3036 Pillars of the house Yonge 3037 Doctor Thorne Trollope 3038 Eustace diamonds n 3040 Prime minister " 304-1-4 Channings Wood 3045 Dr. Heidenhoff Bellamy 3046 The moment after Buchanan 3047 Her last throw a-'I-- 3048 A true friend 3049 Soldiers three 3050 Chief justice 3051 Brighter spheres 3052 Forging the fetters Hector 3053 Rival princess McCarthy 305!) ..ooking backward Bellamy 3055 iViarie Gourdon Ogilvy 3056 Smuggler's secret Barret 3057 Derrick Vaughan Bayly 3058 Mystery Blencar'w Oliphan' 30ti9 Lawton girl Frederic 3060 Bloody chasm DeForest 3061 Rose of paradise Py!e 3062 Paul's problem Huntington 306-? Transformed " 3064 Sister St. Sulpice Dole 3065 Blockaded family Hague 3066 Mansfield Humplireys White 3067 Master of magicians Phelps 3068 Jack the fisherman » 3069 Stories New Fiance Machar 3070-1 What do with it Bulwer 3072 Cap. of Janizaries Ludlow 3073-4 Tragic muse James 3075 Romance of law Francillon 3076 Great war syndic'e Stockton 3077 Woman's itory Holloway 3078 Golden days of '49 Munroe 3079 Love in the tropics White 3080 All conditions of men Besaiit 3084 Flight to Franco Verne 3085 Marriage at se.i Russell 3086 Three men in a boat Jerome 3087 Lover or friend Carey 3088 In her earliest youth Tasma 3089 Geoffrey Hamstead Jarvis \o90 Bastonnais Lesperance Bluebell Huddleston Diini 1 309' Tolstoi Bronte Vera Roche Craik .3' 05 3106 Porter Scott Dickens Argles Sergeant Kipling Franzos Spiritus 3092 Sevastopol 3093 Invaders 3094 Russian proprietor 3095 Cossacks 3096 Jane Eyre 3097 Doctor's daugliter 3098 They two 3099 Children of Abbey 3100 John Halifax 3101 Transformation Hawthorne 3102-3 Tales _ " V04 Life in parsonage Wilhrow Ivanhoe Scott St. James's Ainsworth De Rohan Sue Peregrine Pickle Smollett Tales German Oxenford ^107 Canadians of old DeGaspc 3108 Scottish chiefs 3109 Waverh' '^110 Martin Chuzzlewit 3111 Life on the ocean Cowans 3112 Tour of the world X'erne 3113 Village of Merrow Johnson 31 14 How kept faith Raymond 3115 Lavengro Borrow 3116 Romany Rye » 3117 American humor Clemens 3290-1 Annie Kilburn Ho wells 3292 Urith Baring-Gould 329 \ Great Taboo Allen 3294 Alas Broughton 329s Murvale Eastman Tourgee 3296 P'amily without n:ime \'erne 3297 Dinah Shadd Kipling 3->98 Children of Gibeon Besant 3299' Captriin Paul Dumas 3300 Monte Cristo " 3301 Twenty years after " Three musketeers " 3302-3 Vic. de Bragelon /' 3304 Conspirators " Dr. B.isilius " 3305 Nanon Two Dianas " 3306 Ascjinio " Chicot 3307 Memoirs of a physician // 3308 Countess de Charney " Queen's necklace 3309 Taking the Bastille 3310 Half brothers " 33! 1 Marguerite de Valois » 3312 Black Tulip 3313 Forty-five guardsmen " Pj'geof Duke of Savoy • 3314 Mason Rouge " Twin captains n 33 '5 Watchmaker Beau Tancred 3316 Isabel of Bavaria Ingenue ' 3317 Regent's daughter Russian gipsy 3318 Pauline Catherine Blum 3319 House of David Ingrali 3320 'I'hrone of David 3321 Pillar of tire T^T,22 Stolen white elep't CKiiii 3323 Life on the Mississippi 3324 Innocents abro.'id 3325 Tom Sawyer T,T,2(3 Xewton Diigvane Fiai 3327 From post to fmisii Sii 3328 Bells and ringers 3329 Courtship 3330 Play or pay 3331 Master of Rathkelly 3332 Outsider 3333 Curb and snaffle l-vob 3334 Crack county Kcnii 3335 ^''''' '" "^^' '"■"^^■" '^^'''' '3336 Killed in the open 3337 R'gbt sort 3338 Real good thing 3339 Sir.-iighl as a die "3340 Twilight tides 3341 Cost of a lie rrass country 3381 Austin I 3383 Geoffrei 3383 Harvey; 3384 Hetty 3-385 Hiljyarc 3386 Hornby 3387 Leightoi 3388 Madeint 3389 Old Mai 3390 Ravensl 3391 Reginali 339a Silcote c 3393 Siretton 3394 \'alentin 3395 i^reezie 3396 Lightly 1 3397 '"''"'t *^'i'" 3396 Pride of 3399 Glorious 3400 Ri-al got 3401 Killed ill 3402 Girl in tl 3403 Cr.-ick C( 3404 Straight 3405 Matron ( 340O Landing 3407 Harvest 3408 Heautifu 3409 Little foi CaiiH 34:10 Witch of 3342 In ,-1 grass country 34" 't- Ciithl 3343 Old order changes Mai! 3412 Sclielier; 3344 Bachelor's blunder N\ 34'3 I" -dl sh; 3345 Chris 3414 Hevil'sd V346 Hon. Miss Ferrard l.ar34iS Heckoiiii Moloch I'i34l6 Girl fron 3347 3348 Beg'rhorsehackOJ")om34r| Piic 3346 Maid Athens 3350 Yeast 3351 Alton Locke ^^ii,2 Hypatia 3353 Tw^' years ago 335-1 Westward ho ! 3355 Hereward the wa 3356 Cardinal Pole idill McC'ar34l8 Seventy t KiuK'34'9 Duchess 342^1 Toilers o 3421 Match of 3423 Daiightei 3423 Flying D lie 3424 Maroone Aiusv 3425 Life inter 3426 Mena's e 3427 Jolm Her 3428 Mehal.di 3429 Turkish 1 3430 Sheh.-i 3'3"57 Const.-ible de Bourbon 33:38 Const.-dile of the tower 3359 H'l'iO St. Ivos 3360 John Law 3361 Leaguer of Latlioni 3362 Lord mayor of Loiulcin 343' "Ls. \ or 3363 Old court 343a T roubles. 3364 Sp.-mish m.-.tch 5433 J'V misad V^6s Black, butcomelv Win 3434 I'nder a ■ 3366 Bones and 1 ' 543| ^'^''tland 3367 'Brookes of Bridlenierc '^'' 3368 Cerise 3369 Contraband 3370 Market Harborougli 3371 M. or \. 3773 Rosine 3374 Roy's wife 3375 Sarchedon 3376 .Saiaiielta 3377 Sister Louise 3378 Tilbury Nogo 3379 Lliule John 3380 White rose i43b Rue Cain 1437 Tile rogu 5438 Chris !439"I,ailies' g 54 "rO Dolly 1441 Rival acti 144* Only one 1443 M.-uldoxe: !444-Kp!illtr- f;,; 1445 Ci'rse of I i446'rrettysis 1447 E\il)ang< i44» P' pas l'M9 Beyond c ISXll^ HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. :hni;ikiT Himi I TaiK-red fl of B.-ivari.'i lUlO flit's ilaughter iian gipsy iiu' iL'iiiu' IMuin se of David Ingrali )ne of David r of iiio Ml white fli'p't CUiiK on llio Mississippi iciMits aljroad I Sawyer ■ton Dogvaiie I'lar II |iost to fitiisli Sill s and ringei's rlsliip ' or pay iter of Rathkelly sider b and snatfle l^ob. L-k county Komi in the Ijrown haliit ed in the open lit sort :\ good tiling light as a die iliglit tales ,t of a lie CaiiH 1 grass country order changes Ma!! ■lielor's blunder No is n. Miss Ferrard l.;i loch I'f 4'r horseback O'Doiii ?d Athens McC'a list Kini; on Locke patia •o years ago ■stward ho ! reward the wuki- rdiual Pole Aiiis« nstahle de Hourhim nstable of the towci lary St. Ives m Law aguer of L.ithoni rd mayor of Louden d court .mish ni;itcli [ick, but comely Win mes and I ookes of Bridleniciv •rise intr.-iband arket Harborough . or \. isine jy's wife irchedon lianelhi ster Louise ilbury Nogo ncle John 'hite rose 75 J 3381 Austin Elliott Kingsley 338a Geoffrey H arid) 11 n 3383 Harveys ' „ 33^ Hetty 3-?8s Hiliyards 3380 Hornby mills ,, 3387 Leighton court n 3388 Mademoiselle Mathilde „ 3389 Old M;ug;iret „ 3390 Kavenshoe „ 3391 Reginald Hetherege 1, 3392 Siicote of Silcoles ,, 3393 !^ti-ctton „ 3394 Valentin 3395 Hreezie Langton Smart 3396 Lightly lost 3397 '-'i^l i^'oiip ir 3398 Pride of the padd(uk .. 3399 (^■hirious gallop Kennard 34CX» Real good thing 1, 3401 Killed in tlie o]ien 1, 3402 Girl in the brown habit i> 3403 Crack county ,, 3404 Straight as a die ,, 340/j Matron or ni.iid ,, 3400 Landing a prize ,. 3407 H.irvest Stannard 3408 Reautiful Jim „ 3409 Little fool „ 5410 Witch of the hills J.imes 3411 St. Cuthbert's tower 3412 Scheherazade „ 3413 In all shades Allen 3414 Devil's die „ ■34*5 Beckoning hand ,, 3416 Girl from Malta Hume 3417 I'icc.idilly puzzle „ 13418 Seventytimess v'n Sergeant •34'9 '^nchess Rosemary Fiirjeon 34al|l Toilers of Babylon „ 3421 Matchof the season f'raser 3422 Daughters Bi'oavia „ 3423 Flying Dutchm.ui Russell 3424 RLirooned „ 3425 Life interest iie -tor 3426 Mona's choice ,, 3427 John Herring Baring-Gould 3428 Mehalah „ 3429 Tin-kish bath Rita 3430 Sheb.i 3431 Mrs. \ ereker ■ Argles 3432 Troublesome girl ,, , ?433 ^y niisadventure Barrett i ?434 I'nder a strange mask .. H3S Scotl.-ind yard W'ood 5430 Rue Cain „ J437 The rogue Norris H38 Chris „ )439*Ladies' gallery McCarthy !4'^polly 1441 Rival .actresses Ohnet 1442 Only of,e sin Clay 1441 Waddoxes Middlem.ass t444.Spriiv,r !;=rn, Holmes i445,f">""si^ of marriage Hubbell (446'rretty sister ..-.f Jose Burnett 1447 Exchange for ,1 soul Linskill 1448 Dead past C.inieron J^eyond compaio Gibbon 3450 Mr.Str'ger'sp'ok't MacCoU 3451 Midnight queen Fleming 3452 From the other side Notley 345.3 Old Blazer's hero Murray 3454 King .and knave Francillon 3455 Crown of sh;ime Lean 3456 Man-hunter Donovan 34.i7 I-ogie town Tytier 3458 Heir of Linne Buchanan 3459 Flight to Fnmco Verne 3460 Wrong Griffiths 3461 Commodore Junk Fenn 3462 One m.iid's mischief „ 346,3 Black blood „ 3464 K.-irl's wife Sims 3465 Missing husband 1, 3466 Lord P'auntleroy Burnett 3467 Phillipa Fairfax 3468 Iron m.-ister Ohnet 3469 Di.ina B.irrington Crok«r 3470 Abbey murder Hatton 3471 Molly's story Merryfield 3472 Miracle gold Dowling 347,3 Lieut. Barnabas Barrett 3474 Dr. Glennie'sd'g't'r Farjeon 3475 Frozen pir.ite Russell 3476 Lord Fauntleroy Burnett 3477 Cradled in a storm Sharp 3478 Roland Oliver McCarthy 3479 Charlie Ogilbie Vaughaii 3480 Queen's token Hoey 3481 Galloping days James 3482 Eve Baring-Gould 348,3 Under false pret'c'sSergeant 3484 Modern magician Molloy 3485 Str.inge message J486 Twin soul 3487 Algonquin maiden 3488 Jo's boys 34H9 Prince of the blood ,3490 Saddle and s.abre 3491 Woman's face 3492 House of tears .3403 Mere child Walford 3494 Ar.gonants \. liberty Harte 3495 I'nder currents Argles 3496 Dn>;ini Zol.i 3497 Onetravellerreturns Mur r.iy ,(498 Troy town Coiicn ,M99 Xun's curse Riddell ,?,Soo Tents of Shem Allen ,3,SOi .\ot dead yet Je.iffreson ,i.!i02 Lottie darling /, 3,SO,3 Live it down ,1 3504 O. Bl.ike's gooc: v15o,S Old Dominion ,3,>o6 Russell 3,^07 Aims .and obstacles ,3.:o8 Sir T. Bvoughton ."I ,09 Bessie Trim 3.Sro Joshu.i Marvel 3,31 I Cord ;uid creese 3,'; 1 2 Cryptogram 35'3 Simon's niece ,3,Si4 J. W;ishington's name /' 3,Si5 M.iid of Sker Bl.ackmore 3,ii6 Crailock Xowell „ 3,517 Daniel Derond.-i Cross 3518-9 Col. Quaritich Haggard I Russel! Mackay Adam Alcotl Payn Smart James Downe\' work II Jfimes r.irjeon DeMille fl Benedict 3520 Neighbors green Oliphant 3521 Kath'n Mavourneen Burnett 3522 LindsJiy's luck » 3523 Miss Crespigny „ 3.S24 JVetty P. Pemberton „ :^52.i Theo 3,526 Pennyconiequicks Baring-G 3527 I^ear neighbors Blouet 3529 Won by waiting Bayly 3530 Knight-errant „ 35.3 '-3 Pureell papers Le F'anu 3534 Only the governess Carey 3535 J<iL-k and Jill Alcott 3536 Desperate adventure Clark 3537 Elbow room ,/ 35,38 Out of the hurly-burly 1, 3539 Random shots" „ 3540 Old Fogey 3541 Tales of grandfather Scott 3542-3 Ettrick Shepherd Hogg 3544 Gudrun Gibb 3545 Henrietta Temple Disraeli 3546 Young duke ,, 3547 I^othair „ 3548 Tancred 1, 3549 Endymion „ 3550 Venetia „ 3,S5' Syhil M 3552 Cont.-irini Fleming n 3553 Alroy „ 3554 V'ivian Grey „ 3555 Coningsby „ 3556 Ballads Thackeray 3557 Memoirs of B.Lyndon m 3558 Book of snobs „ 35.S9-60 Christmas books n 3561 Denis Duval „ 3562 Henry Esmond „ 3,563 Fitz-boodle papers » 3565 Samuel Titmarsh „ 3,566 Irish sketch book ,, 3567 Lovel, the widower 1. 3,568 Major Gahagan 1, 3569-70 Newcomes „ 3571 Paris sketch book „ 3572-3 History of Pendennis „ 357 KS '''li'ip 3576 Roundabout papers „ 3577 Sketches and travels ,1 3578-9 X'anity fair h 3580-1 Virginians „ 3582 Vellowplush „ 3583 Connaught rangers M.axwell 3,584 Romance of re.'d life Hunt 3585 Foggerty's fairy Gilbert 3586 Gerr.ird st. mystery Dent 3587 Covenanters Guthrie 3588-9 Peter Wilkins Paltock 3590 Cambridge fr'hm'n Legrand 3,591 carol Dickens 3592 Cricket on hearth „ 3593 '-^'d English baron Reeve 3594 Rosjilind Lodge 3.595 Sip'ram I a Motte' Fouque 3596 Undine ,, 3,597 Richard P.ardon Farjeon 3598 Toilers of Babylon ,, 3,599 Herr Paulus Besant 3600 Micah Clarke Doyle Mr 75 3601 3602 3603 3604 36o5- 3608 3609 3610 36.1 3612 3613 3614 36 '5 3616 3617 3618 36") 3620 362; 3&-4 3625 36^6 3627 3623 3629 3630 363' 3633 3f>34 3635 3636 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, 3637 3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3&43 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 365 1 3652 3633 3<'54 3655 3656 3657 3^58 3659 36e.o 3661 3662 3664 3665 Little Hodge Jenkins Tom Sawyc'- Clemens Ch.uK-ellor Verne Wed.linjr trip Sherm.-in ■7 Wandering Jew S le Long odds Smart Light 1\' lost " Last eoup IVIarooned Rusnell Life sentenee Sergeam Seventy times seven Rosemar\- lane Farjeon King or knave Franeillon Stained pages Fenn Ocean tragedy Russell Under which lord Linton Tom Sawyer Clemens Rip Van Winkle L-ving -3 Amatlis of Gau! Lobeira Lady Valworth Argles Shadowed by three Lynch InaSpaiiisluonvent Murray Our mutual friend Dickens Dombey ai;d son n Hard times n Old curiosity shop t;dwin Drood ■■ Rarnahy Rudge n Miscellaneous pieces p. Child'shistory Kngland • Reprinted pieces ■• Christmas stories n Tale of two cities n Sketches by Boz David Copperiield n Nicholas N'ickleby n American notes u Oliver Twist " Pictures from Ital>- « Little Dorrit n Great expectations « Uncommercial tiavellerii Pickwick papers n Martin Chuzzlewit n Bleak house n Oldtown folks Stovve Arthur Bonnicastle Holland Dred Stow Dr. Claudius Crawford Da\- of fate Roe Cleopatra Haggard Witch's head m She Mr. Meeson's will i. Maiwa's revenge n King Solomon's mines m Dawn " Colonel Quaritch n Allan Quarlermain fi Allen's wife n John Halifax Craik KasI LynrH! Wood In far Lochaber Black Yankee in Arthur's Clemens Heidenhoffs proc's Bellamy \\ hat's mine's Macdonald Weighed and wanting m Roliert Falconer n Paul Faber « 3666 3667 3f)68 3660 3670 3<'7 1 3^72 3673 3674 367.S 3('7C^ 3677 3678 3679 3fi8o 3b8i \bS2 3683 3684 365S3 3f^7 3688 3689 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 3f'95 3696 3697 3698 3f>99 3700 370 ' 3702 3703 3704 3705 3.706 3737 3708 3709 3710 37" 37 '2 37 '3 37 '4 37 '5 37 '6 37 '7 37 '9- 3721 3722 3723- 3725- 3727- 3729- 3731- 3733 3735 3737 3738 3739 3740 374' 3743 3746 3748 Donal Grant Macdonald Adela Cathcart He fell in love Roe From jest to earnest n Knight of 19th century n Found yet lost " Without a home A day of fate Face illumined Opening chesnut burr " Near to nature heart Earth tr."nbleJ 1 His sombre livals .. Driven back to Eden m An original oelle " Young girls wooing n Barriers burned away n What can she do ? •■ Xorris Fenton ■6 N'ero Eckstein R'm'ce DoUartl Catherwood Little journey W.-.rner Infelice Wilson Beulah Vashti Madame Skelton Morton Ramona Jackson Friend Olivia Barr Bricks wit ho'tstr'w Tomgee Figs and thistles pi John Eax p' Royal gentleman Fool's errand p Black ice " Hot plowshares « Tom Cringle's log Scott Cruise of the Midge // Elsie Venner Holmes L neie Remus Harris huiian tales Kipling St r.mge manuscript DeMille Shipmate '.ouise Russell L D. B. in S. Africa Sheldon Talesand legends Hudgetts Cossacliis Tolstoi Hugenot family Tytler C-esar's cohmin Donnelly Isabel Leicester Alma Looking backward Bellamy II 2nd " ■8 Lady baby ' Gerrard •20. New P. fortutiatus Black Privateersinan f,Lirryat Ernest Malti avers Bulvver -4 Blind love Collins -6 In the golden days Bay)) -8 We two " 30 Acte Westbury ■'2 Frank Fairleigh Smedley ■4 Within the maze Wood ■6 Daisy Chain Yonge Ainslie's courtship Philips Under Salisbury Marshall Joo.Kt Avelingh Ma.artens Alma ' Marshall ■2 Miss Shafto Norris ■5 Syrlin Rame -7 For ever and ever Lean •9 Caxtons Biilwcr 3750- 3752- 3754- 375(>- 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3764 3766 37G8 3770 377 >- 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780 378" 3782 3783 3784 3785 3-86 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794- 3796- 3798 3799 ^Soo \8oi 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 381.! 38" 4 3815 ?8i6 3817 38.8 3819 3820 •;i82i 3822 3823 i8j.) 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829 I Burnt million 3 Beatrice ''"3830 Samanth HagK383l Dt.miriai •3 Saracinesca Crawl jg^j ,, ^,j .7 For faith, freedom 1^'V383J The pluii Kidnapped Steviii-jgj^ ,, jri Troublesome Hungorirjgjj Othei House of the wolf Wcyn^gjg ,, ^ KiiHino '^'1837 Tt-n taL -3 L.Branksmere Hungnljg^g Xhe odd -5 Life's remorse .839 poii Tar; ■7 On circumstantial l';840 Aztectrea ■9 Day will come Brail>;84i Child's hi Fisherman Monlgoni 842 Great exi -2 Blindfold l>:843 Christina End crowns all Mars;844 Tale of t« Cap. Jims friend 11,845 Little D m; 211 lev Blind justice Waif of the plains Burnt million Beatrice Hagt," Kirsteen Olipl At the chateau Macciu In her earliest youth T;h Splendid spur Co Stand-fast, C. Royston HI, PI 2nd copy World's desire Hajfi; Sidney Dii At mercy Tiberius Wn. Ernest Maltravers Hul Household of McNeil Hi Phra the PluiMiician Ari2 p 2nd copy PI 3rd copy Shipmate Louise Iron mask Ri'i846 Bariiaby 11.'847 Biw'k lio 1', B( S<rttli'rs ill ( The missioi 3 Miasterman t Poo- Jack Kii-S-6 Griniin's I: nii7 Rotii/ison C 7 Pickwickabroad Riyii.j Fair\ tales Dedlow Marsh H > ',, Fatal Pliryne I'll) S#!i.tK-rs in C Window in Thrums Ha, I|||nor gam Hemlock Sii Stiw-ies from Canadians of old Deti,; Capt'il by c IP 2nd copy Firm of Girdleston P Great mystery Sciiji Woman's heart !!i Buttons Stan: Mount Eden I Nuise Revel's mist'e Ja Kit Wyndham H. Lady Maude's mania 1 Joshua 1 Mynn's mystery Hidden foe Name and fame Bumliani Br The Esmera Ciirlie Luel MMtiiiy on bi Martin the s The Iongshi[ InjKrils oft Q8t,*o the wi Quicksilver KaWB-er, Cru I UemM Mort H' J«»lire Burnh Scri; Sev«ifold trc Girl of the people M- TipXewis Smuggler's secret Ha Raisdolphs Demoniac li^ Pocket nieasi Black-box murder Man; Naflftii Heart of gold M.Juiaihork Stand-fast C. Royston F Bunch of ,-he Brooke sdaughter Scri.' Hal«aa's hou' Ca?sars column Don Golden Woof Danver's jewels Story d a she Hidden foe ''jIMOl ' Heroii Told -fter supper jerJBBBlceand Pastels in prose i^Hf'''' '''''"' House by the media iiw^Jn Uu- d,. Maria Wajaths lodg * HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. irnt million !atrice ,i-;u'inesc;i 77 „ ' 3830 S.imaiitha Haj,'^,' ,jgjl Doniiiiant sevonth Craul383a „ ,„j copy T i-opy .1- faith, freedom '^'-3833 The plunder napped Stevin^gj^ „ ^„j^, se of the wolf Wevii^g^ „ j„j ^ . ino '^'iSjtf Ten tales Hollev Clark Smart ublesome H"''K^'i 383S OUuh- mans wife .Sta.mard ^ranksmere Hun^^i '1838 The odd number 1839 Port T 3S48 Martin Chuzzlewit 3849 Old curiosity shop 3850 Nickolas Nickleby 3S5' Oliver Twist 3852 David Copperfield .3853 Our mutual friend 3854 Pickwick papers 38.S.S l^ombey and son 385U Aide-de- camp Hugo Grant Hug-o Sue Grant Grai 3865 I,cs miserables 386O One of six hundred 3867 Historv of a crime 3868 Mysteries of Paris 38O9 Royal regiment 3H70 Old Saint Pauls Ainsworth 387 r I en li oiisanda year Warren 3^7^ \\ uulsor castle Ainsworth 3873 Captain of the guard Grant -»X"» I IJ n Hugo Marrvat Phelps Kulwer nt million trice H;ij,'i;> steen Olip he chateau Mac(.|i: ler earliest youth T;b •ndid spur Cm iu-fast,C.Roystoii HI; M 2nd copy rld's desire Hagi;, „oy V)A. mercy Tiberius Wil- iest Maltravers Hui usehold of McNeil lii ■a the Pho-Miician Ani2 ■ 1 2nd copy j II 3rd copy \ Poo- Jack pmate Louise Ki'-5-6 .i^ri nun's household tales roil mask Our? gabi/ison Crusoe Defoe ickwickabroad ReyiuJ P«|ry tales Gri dlow Marsh H~) . ' „ And. ta! Pliryne I'lii) ^Wlers in Canada ' Marryat «Dor games Stables S^ies from history Hall C#td by cannibals Hatton Bwpnham Breaker Greene Tl^ Esmeralda Hutcheson Adams BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. CLASS M. --Arranged Numerically. tliMs in Canada mission iterm.-in ri'ady Write iM before mimher when calliiif; fo Marryat ■•my ot these huoks. mm rson iidow in Thrums Raf nilock •'^i; nadians of old De Ci.>; II 2nd copy ■m of Girdleston P; eat mystery Ser.ti- jman's heart l.'i'> ttons Stain,: junt Eden 11 se Revel's mist'e t Wyndham dy Maude's mania shua ►fun's mystery dden foe ^irli« I-ucken WaWny on hoard SP*'" ""' "skipper L; Taftlongsliips .1 trtpErils oft Off to the wilds uicksilvei- „ iger, Crusader Kingston K^ild Morton I'^ik* Biu-nham Heldman Adams Fenn ime and fame Seri,'i Se*<^fold trouble rl of the people M Tip, X-ewis uigglei 's secret Ha Rw*|iolphs jiiioniac BcPQ^pet measure ick-box murder Maar Net^i eartofgold M.Juiamerk aiul-fastC.Royston 1' Bunch of cherries ■ooke sdaughter Scri, Hak^a's hous?>hold i-sar's column Don GohflBn Woof aiiVer's jewels idden foe )ld -fter supper istels in prose ouse by the medl: aria Alden n Webb Kirton Sitwell M;; -duff of a shell ii-i«l«m|\ iieroine ,1' [»^g" I'-'ind Faubourg CJG r VVellin (he desert MoK Vlaid«n's lodge „ 41 At ye Grene Griffin Holt .;2 Lord of the marshes „ 43 J" convent walls „ 44 Out in the forty-five 45 Ashcliffe hall 4^5 Lord mavor of London „ 47 Earl Hubert's daughter „ 48 Imogen „ 49 Lady Sybil's choice 50 White rose of Langley „ 51 Beryl and Pearl Gibernc 52 Kathleen 53 Coulyng castle „ 54 World's foundations „ 55 Muriel Bertram 56 Aimee „ 57 Father Aldur „ 58 Curate's home „ 59 Twilight talks 60 Sweetbriar „ <)f Old umbrellas „ 62 Madge Mardwicke 63 Decima's promise „ 64 Through the Linn 65 Fred and Jeannie Conklin 66 Not bread alone 67 EIect;i 68 Tessa Wads worth „ 69 Rues helps 70 Isobel's between times „ 71 Miss Prudence 72 Story of Hannah 73 Bek's first corner 7i That Quisset houM; „ 75 Only Ned „ j 76 Nettie's mission Matthews I 77 Margery's city home 78 Rosy Conroy's lessons „ ' 79 Fanny s birthday gift „ ! 80 New scholars Matthews 8; Rosalie's pet „ 82 Eleanor's visit „ 83 Mabel Walton's oxper't „ 84 Elsie's santa claus „ 85 \an, the missionary „ 86 Ministering C. Charlesvtorth 87 " sequel „ 88 Dorothy Cope „ 89 The hammer Church 90 Heroes of olden time B.ildwin Pucker Pittis Otis 91 Harold's bride 92 Jerry's little Noll 93 Tin> and Tip 94 Raising the pearl 95 Mr. Stubb's brother "„ 96 Toby T\ler 97 Silent Pete „ 98 Left behind „ 99 New Robinst>n Crusoe Atden 100 By sheer pluck Henty 101 Young Carthagenian „ 102 Bonnie prince Charlie „ 103 Young Franctireurs „ 104 The cat of Bubastes 105 Capt. Bayley's heir „ 106 St. Cieorge for England .1 107 Orange and green „ 108 With Clive in India 109 Bravest of the brave „ j no Reign of terror „ I I ' I True to the old flag I 1 12 Dragon and fhf raven „ J113 Li nder Drakes flag ,, I 114 For the temple „ 1 15 Through the fray „ 1 16 In times of peril I f 7 Comet of horse „ 118 Lion of St. Murk 78 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, "9 120 121 122 '23 124 '25 126 127 128 129 130 '3' 132 133 "34 '35 136 '37 i3« 139 140 141 142 '43 •44 145 146 '47 148 '49 '5° '5' 'S2 '53 154 '55 '5*' '57 '5H '59 160 161 162 '63 164 '65 166 ,67 168 i6g 170 171 172 '73 '74 '75 ■ 76 '77 ,78 '79 180 jSi 182 '83 184 '85 186 187 Henty Roid Facing' dt-atli For iiaine ami tamo n Out on tlio Pampas ■. Final n.Hkoninjf n Lion of tlio north n In troodom's causo n With Wolt'e in Canada .. My tirst voyatje Kingston True blue n Will Wi-atht-rhi'lm .. The missing ship _ n Yoimg Ll.mero n In till- wilds of Africa m In the eastern seas m South-sea whaler n On banks of Amazon u Our s.iilors " Salt water " Mark Seaworth n FredMarkhamin Russia n Hurricane Harry >■ Snow shoes and canoes n Peter the whaler ■, Three admirals n Manco h Three midshipmen .■ John Deane >• Three commanders n T. Brown'ssch'ld ys Hughes T. Hrown at Oxford P'atal cord Guerilla chief Boy tar Chase of Leviathan Scalp hunters Gasper the Gaucho Forest exiles Plant hunters Ocean waifs Vee Boers Lost mountain GirafTe hunters Young Vagcrs Quadroon Wood rangers Lost LeiKire Maroon Half blood Headless horseman Boy slaves White gaimtlet Rifle rangers While squaw Historic boys Chivalric days Historic girls Girls handy book Boys handy book n Ho'osier scii'l boy Kggleston Queer stories » Floating prince Stockton Tales of school m Rt>und iibout ramblt^s n Tales fr'm Shakespeare Lamb Zi^ :'.ag journeys in India M 11 the Antipodes „ M the Leviint .> ., British isles II 'I Europe Brooks Beard 188 189 190 191 192 '93 '94 '95 ■ 96 198 '99 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 21 1 212 2 '3 2'4 2'5 2lb 217 2(8 219 220 221 222 2i^ 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 232 ^^3 234 235 236 237 23>^ 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 Zigzag journeys in Acadia ,, II classic lands I, II northern lands ,. II sunny south I. the Orient King Arthur Farrington The white cockade Hutton I'iery cross Y'ng p'p'e of Shak'sp're Barr Capt. Cook's three voyages \'ery genteel Robinson Crusoe DeFoe For a dream's sake Martin Gladys the reaper Beale Simplic'yandfascin'tion ■. Ch'd'n of the Bible Armstrong Stories from Virgil Church With the king h Roman life " Greek tragedians n Stories of magicians n Stories from I.ivy n 2000 years ago " Stories of Persian wars n Stories from Herodotus ,1 Stories from Homer n Boys King Arthur Lanier Bovs Percy " Knightly legends Wales h Bovs Froissart " College days Oxford Adams African wanderers Lee Self-conquered Heldmann The north pole Travel, war, shipw'kGilhnore Great thoughts Ames Harry Blount Hamerton The new girl Gellie Left alone Carr Rosamond Fane Lee New Arabian nights Elvery boy's book Routledge True tales Baker Shawl straps Alcott Jimmy's cruise " My girls " Cupid and Chow-chow n My boys 11 Pilgrim's progress Bunyan Old-fashioned girl Alcott Sundays in Yoho Campbell Black ivory Ballentyne Dog Crusoe n Dusty diamonds n Deep down n Erling, tlie bold " Freaks on the fells « Floating light « I, 2nd copy " Gascoyne 'i Golden drean\ " Ciiant of the north Ballentyne Gorilla Inmlers " Track of the troops " Jarwin and Cuffy " Lighthouse " Madman and pirate " Doggie ami I " Post-haste » 327 htories 1 338 Robinso 329 Boy witi 330,;Charley 33* '•X'aptain 33a'iCruise o: 333 In New ( 334 ,Boy life 33s Chautaqi 258 Pirate city Balleii 259 Prairie chief 260 Rivers of ice 261 Red Fric 262 Rover of the Andes 263 Red Rover 264 Shifting winds 265 Settler and savage __ 266 Threemonthsrusticatioii 336 Christie's 267 Tales and .id'venture 337 Divers w 268 W' o.ld of ice 269 Wild man of the west 270 World of ice 271 Young fur traders 272 Esther 273 Aunt Diana .174 Gold thread 275 Old lieut. and his son 276 The starling 277 Powder nionkev 278 Peter Trawl 338 Echoing; 339 EiuiliVss t J40, Esther R J41 II stil C.M2 Four girl: J43 From diff: ,n 544 W*'useliol 145 Interrupt! [46 Julia Reit Kiiii,'l47 King's da 48 Link's in M 279 Golden grasshopper 49 Little tish- 280 " 2nd copv SO Mable W3 281 Two voyages ■ 5' Manofth 282 Yacht voyage, England 5* Master ha 283 Better part ^53 Modern pi 284 Lugy's sake 54 New graft 283 Grandmother's child 55 pocket nu 286 Mark Desborough 287 Strait gate 288 Winning his spurs 289 Where dwellest Charlc>-v,59 290 Cottage and its visitor » *nree peo 291 Ships and the sea !'' Wise and ( 292 Choice tales A ?* FUgrim's p 293 Keepingupappcaranci-?3 Rtohin Hoc 294 Making: haste to be rii!:>4 Reuben Da' 295 Rising in the world '5 True tales < 296 Retiring from business y St- V'eda's 297 Riches 'have wings '7 M>"^'" ^^ 298 Ten nights in bar-rooii "8 Tim's troul 56 Randolpli,!- 57 Ruth Ersk 1158 Mrs. Soloi un from 298 299 Reynard the fox 300 The ocean 301 Hans Brinker 302 Faith, hope, charity 303 Quicksands s <9 Tern Browi , o KObinson C I'l ^luieth 2 ^untess K 3 Kings of El 304 Self and self-sacriffcc 4 %sterman \o5 U'd'rmctcorflag CollinKi g|*^''''*''*'^*y ■506 Historical tales ° j^J*^' forresi '^07 Mountain val'v Wli's Shaki ■:,o8 Grace Darlin'g ** f^f -'"d Q's \og Commercial tales 9 i«tie duke ■510 Snow white, rose red l"* ^'uwood f 311 Three brothers ' 1^ words 312 Soaring lark 313 Old woman in the wuoi:4 314 House in the wood 5 315 Golden bird 316 Goose girl 317 Donkey cabbages 318 Clever Alice 319 Almond tree '320 Sanford and Mertoi 321 Winnie Ira^tis 322 Memorable shipw'k 323 Espera.nza 324 Boy pilgrims ^2-. Boy voyagers 326 Boy foresters nussion rietta's 5 Leids and la: 7 ^ft-irs Engl i T.iBr'.nvn'ssi ) C«t»l>\vrie > Wtfcli Winni f Hittell and s » Afcfe. I, -1 ric J St. V<-da's t Gates of HJt i Shir;!:. Oi^i' Chcvni HAMILTON PVnuc LIKRARV. Itories for young Anderson Balk'iil; jiflF^obinson Crusoe Defo 329 Boy with Rlaktf Kinjfston " 330',/.Charley Laurel „ 33t|Capta;n Nanteuil 33a[frCruise of the wasp Frith 333^^^ ■'^'''\^' Granada Kinj^ston 334 .Boy hfe Benson 33| Cliautaqua g-irls home Aiden 330 Christie's ehristnias ,, 337 Divers women , 338 Echoinj<:andre-eehoing- „ 339 Endk'ss chain 340. Esllier Roid 341 " still speakins,'- 1, I J42 Four j^-ii-lsal Chautatpia „ 543 From difTcrenl standpo's ., M.n )44 Housi'hold puzzU's „ Kin: te eity rie chief 'rs of ice Eric er of the Andes Rover ting' winds ier and savag-e ee months rustication >s and adventure •Id of ice il man of the west rid of ice myf fur trailers ler it Diana d thread limit, and his son ■ starling vder monkey er Trawl den grasshopper /' 2nd copy o voyages j- -»".. i^. <iii.- n .'ht voyage, England 5* Master hand ter part ^'^'' *''•"'"'-" ;y's sake mdmother's child rk Desborough ait gate lining his spurs ere d wellest Charlc>.u59 ttage and its visitor ^ ps and the sea I'l oice tales epingupapp. .- ----- m.i, sn king haste to beriil ?4«fUben DavidgerGreenwood iing'in the world "■ T^-- *-' '• • >- tiring from busin, . >7 Gousin Mary , •» 'Itni's troubf 145 Interrupted 146 Julia Reid ;.I47 King's dau'^diter 48 Link's in R beccasi 49 Little fishers 50 Mable Wynn 51 Man of the house 53 Modern prophets 54 New graft 35 *'ocket measure 56 Randolplis 57 Ruth Krskine's crosses „ 115° ^T^- Solomon Smith „ "Bun from fact , hree people ,, Wise and otherwise „ A >2 Pilgrims progress Runvan :-)earan^■l■■^3 Robm Hood MaVsh )4 Reuben DavidgerGreenwood »S irue tales of (ravel Macauley lies Swan Oliphant Paull Hug-hes Defoe Yonge hes have wings n nights in bar-rocni ^.- .^.-. ynaid the fox N "9 Tipni Brown's days e ocean i ° Robinson Crusoe ins Brinker T » W"""-'*-^ ith, hope, charity ^ W^"^'-'''^^ ^'^^'^ licksands 3 Jwngs of England If and self-sacriffcc 4 ^sterman ready Irnu-teorflagCollincS Wckesley secret storical tales ^ jJTiw forrest mntain val'v Charlo- 7 Jf''^ Shakespeare ace Darling- ** f .? i'"'' 9'^ immercial tales 9 Mttle duke ow white, rose reil l** *^ iree brothers lariiig lark d woman in the wuoi4 ^^g mission Marryat b L^s and lasses 7 ^ios English history „ ' T.Biywn'ssch'ldays Hughes Swan Alarryat Young- Marryat Lamb Yong-e ^>use in the wood jlden bird lose girl mkey cabbages evi'r Alice mond tree inford and Mertor inuie TraVcPS eniorable shipv*f'ks speran/.a ' ny pilgrims oy vojagers oy foresters rwood postoffice words [ook of golden deeds ,',' mission ) Carl iwrie 5 VS^itch Winnie ' Hajell and sons [) St. Vetia's t Gates of Eden i Sb«|Ju •^97 Bf""" , Harper 3q» \V ilhe and (he mortgage ,. 399 The strait gate „ 400 The little louvre 401 Frank 402 Emma 40,3 Virginia .' 404 Timboo and Joliba 405 Timboo and Fanny „ ^ 406 The Harper estabihin't „ 407 I'ranklin „ 408 The studio 409 Story o'' ancient history „ 410 Story of English hislorv „ 411 Story of American hist 'V „ 412 John True ' „ 413 Elfred „ 414 The nuiseum „ 4',T The engineer ,, 41b Rambles amoiigthe Alps „ 417 Three gold dollar-; 4'« Gibraltar gallery 4'9 The alcove „ 420 DiaUigues 42.1 The great elm ,',' 422 Aunt Margaret „ 42,3 Vernon ,, 424 Carl and Jocko „ 425 Lapslone „ , 426 Orkney, the peacemaker,, 427 Judge Justin „ 428 Minigo 429 Jasper 430 Congo I, 431 Viola 432 Little Paul „ 433 Jinniiy Brown Alden 434 Cruise of the ghost 435 Canoe club „ 436 Moral pirates' 437 Derrick Sterling 43^ Flamingo feather 430 Doryniates 440 Wakulla 44' Chrystal, Jack & Co 442 Glen Holly 443 Story of music 444 Rolf house „ 445 'N'an 446 Colonel's money „ 447 Jo's opportunity „ 44^ Mildred's bargain „ 449 The talking leaves Stoddard 450 I wo arrows ,, 451 Lncle Peter's trust Perry 452 Who was Grayson Habberton 453 Captam Polly Swett 79 466 jxoomforonemoreHigginson 467 Ruth Eliot's drean,LaLman 46« Right or wrong Moreland 469 Only a year Andrews 47 Drak.., the sea king Towle ,1', r 'V ,"^'^^P'''>'1^'>H''' Eiske 474 *■'• \\ ashington 475 I'p and down 476 .\eu- England girl 477 Washington 478 Our town 470 In the woods 480 Along shore 4*^' Look-about club 4«2 Overhead 4S3 L'nderfoot 484 My wonder storv 4*^5 My land friends' 4Sb Eor her sake Bam ford Larcom Irving Sidney Stephens Bamford Moore Nichols Benedict Bamford Roy f^l <^;,':^'!':;''"'->'«pi'-«^i-«hafi Gaylord ,, Giberne Cox iVoble Mathews Hamilton ^\'inslow Munro Lillie 488 Culm Rock 489 After years 490 Among the stars 49' The Brownies 492 Professor's girls 493 Nellie's stumbling 494 House Jack built 4gS Three years T^ u 1 r--i >»insiow 496 HookfrboysandgirlsBunyan 497 I'-ing s daughters Holt 49« }} ood magic Jefferies 499 ^H.rv tales Asbjornsen 500 Newfairy talesfrom Brentano 501 Oenevieve 507 Our four boys Mathews 50» Giuseppe's home „ 509 Susy's sacrifice Champney Swan 454 '"to unknown seas Ker 455 The lost city „ 456 The four Macnicols Black 457 Prince Lazybones Hays 458 History for young Eggleston 459 i he ice queen Ingersoll 400 Sun, moon, stars (Jji,,,,,,,. 461 Letters from a cat 46? The rangers Thompson 403 Green mountain boys „ 464 I-ucke Amsden ' „ 465 Mi. y Martin „ C'randfather's faith 5" Little friends „ 512 Broken mallet „ 513 Blackberry jani ,, ' 514 Milly's wh'ims 5 '5 Uncle Joe „ 516 Lilies or thistledown „ 5'7 True to his flag „ 518 Laurence Bronson „ 5'9 Christy's grandson „ 520 Allan Haywood , 52/ Frank Austin's diamond ,', 522 Eagle craig „ 523 Sandfoixl .uid Merfon Day 524 1 he long exile Tolstoi f -^ ^i'^;" )y.i.f''e'-I>y Giberne 529 W^fch Winnie Champney ,530 1 hree lieutenants Kingston 531 Arabian nights entertainme's 532 John Tregenowith Pearse 533 Daniel Ouorm „ 534 Mister Horn „ 535 Good will ,, 536 Slu)rt stories „ 537 Cornish stories „ 538 Sernu)ns for children „ 539 Simon Jasper „ 540 St Winifred's Farrar 54' Lric 542 Julian Home Hi So SUPPLEMENT tO CATALOGUE, 543 Cecily Leslie 544 Children's jfarlaiid Patmore 545 Howtheykeptt'aith Raymond- 546 Three Indian heroes Banks 547 The fairy hook Craik 548 Martin Luther Banks 549 In the east Marryat 550 Book of g-oldon deeds Yonge 551 Honest J. Stallibrass VVray 552 Undeceived Elliott 553 John Lyon " 554 Sermons for children Stanley 555 The red mustanjj Stoddard 556 Boys and masters Gilkes 558 Robinson Crusoe Defoe 559 Shipwrecks Kingston 560 Rough shaking ..i.' donald 561 Hunter's feast Reid 562 Desert home " 563 Tiger hunter Reid ^l' 1564 Bov hunters ^p S6s Cliff climbers 5«4 S66 White chief 5«S '1567 Flag of distress " 586 t;68 Bov hunters S«7 1^69 Cliff climbers M S88 ^570 Forest exiles .. S«9 157 1 Afloat in the forest " S90 572 Bruin '• 59' 573 Ran away to se.i " 592 ^574 Man-eaters II 593 '157:^ Tlie fairv book Craik 594 ^576 Plant hunters Reid 595 577 Desert home ir 596 1578 Boy tar 'I 597 ;;7g Giraffe hunters tt 59» :;8o Bush boys II 599 581 Young voyageurs II Ocean waifs R Boy slaves Young Yagers Stories about animals Rough shaking Macdon Y'g folks' hist. Greece \'oi II F'ngland ,1 France 11 Rome II Germany . Bible Java Higgiii Coal and coal mines Grn Girls and women Clit'> Birds Merr Alice's adventures Ca Through looking glass Mutiny of the Bounty MISCELLANY. Additions and changes too late for insertion under proper Classes in body of Catalogue. Genealogy. Heraldry. Blackie, C. Dictionary of place names. 1887 R929.4 Collins, Arthur. Peerage of England. 8 v. 1769 R929.721 B2 , Foster, Joseph. The peerage of the British empire for 1882 R929.721 F — The baronetage and knightage of the British empire for 1882 R929.722 Royal book of crests of Great Britain and Ireland, Dominion of Canada, India and Australasia. 2 v. 1883 R929.8 Philosophy. Comte, A. Catechism of positivism. 1858 Darwin, C. Expression of the emotions. 1888 Dorner, I. A. Christian etbics. 1887 Lilly, W. Astrology, i860 Martensen, H. Christian ethics. 1873. Trench, R. C. Mediaeval church history. Warner, F. Physical expression. 1885. ■Wuttke, />'-. A. Christian ethics. 2 v. •873 D627 D623 D625 D624 D626 C488 D622 D628-9 l\ Foster, M. 1 — Pr.utical | 18SS . . . H«U, W. W. Hamilton, Ga Domestic mec Nursing. 18; Hecker, J. F. dlr .'lyv's. Howe, J. W. Hanter, c. A Hujdey, T. I oliigy and JeafTreson, J. 2 v. 1870 Koch, /'/of. C Lagrange, F. ercise. if Laonard, A/n: '..f!wts, G. H, life. ^ V. Luy«, J. The iS^^i .... Vlartin, fl. \. WcKendrick, J •ogy. i«7t^ Wlitchcll, S. A hints for til ^Wiwirt, St. G ^ -m.-i ■■ i«orris, M. B, >ierce, C. H. Sociology. Baker, G. A, The bad habits of good society. 1886 F)6i9 Dennys, N. B. Folk-lore of China. 1876. Macdonell, J. Land question. 1873... Ralston, W. R. S. Russian folk-tales. 1878 Society small talk Theall, G. M. Kaffir folk-lore. 1886.. l^aoaome, A. Uchardson, B. Useful Arts. . ^^': ■««4 iosenthal, I. Byrne, O. Hand-book for the artisan, J^'^' ''""'"'' mechanic and engineer. 1882 R»utttm, J. I?. Furniture Gazette : an illustrated weekly •fmVi k T V journal, treating of all branches of iSh-- cabinet work, upholstery and interior . ' decorations. 1874 to 1882 R<)K '■*'^', '*'• ' I' Van Der Burg, A. R. School of painting , ^**;'" '' for the imitation of woods and ]maall, J. 1 h marbles. 2nd ed. 1887 K' »"■ i««8.. Tanner, H. The Abbot's farm. 1880 . 1 ^. MEDICINE. Browning, J. Our eyes. 1889 E Congreve, G. T. On consumption of the lungs '■ Cowell, G. On cataract: varieties and 'Hti:. Thr treatment. 1883 ^iwi^ollowing Doty, A. H. Manual of instruction in the priiioiples of prompt aid to t':c irt- •jured; designed for military and civil use. 1890 Fitch, S. '^ The functions of the lungs. ■«54 ' ^""t ■im HAMILTON PUBLIC LiflRAfJY. Kr.i. ny of the Bounty n waifs KiF<*ter, M. I'liy-Moloi^-y. i8,S8 K627 slaves V — praitioal pli\ sioluj^v and Iiistolotrv. g\agers iHSS " ... .' ' us about animals h-ii w w ^.-i o I 1,1-, i\,f.. . I "•"> \V. v\ . SU'i'p. 1870 Ff)>-! alks' iiist. Greece Vol "•»"t°"' '^'■'"'' Xm-sery not)ninj,--s. r<S75 E617 , England , DcMBestic medicine. 1877 K6^- France . Numng. ,879 ;.;..' y^;^^ i Sel-t^uiy ; "«*f^' J- ''• ^■, IW^iclen,ies of ,l,e mid- Bible „ *"^f;-:- ;!^^^ E60, HigKiii" *''^' •'• "■ '■-"ii''"Si''icies. 1884 E602 and coal mines GmH untie i", C Miilianical dentistrv. 1887 E624 and women CIu-HiMdey, T. H., (zW Youmans. " i'jiysi- ' , ^"-'V Okigy and hv.giene. 1884 .'. pr-fi, ;'s adventures l-'''TA««rpc:nn r r' li 1 1 . j ' ,uKh looking glass ^ 2" ,'870 ". ^""'' ■•^'" "' '^"^■'""•'^• Koch, I'lof. Cure for consumption. 1890. Lagrange, F. Pliysioiogy o{ bodily ex- ercise. l8go " Lsoijard, /1/r.f. H. Nurse's handbook. '■■*^f' ^•- '^- I'liysiology of eonnnon «f''- -V- '«^° K63,V4 Luys, J. Tile brain and its functions. 188 1 \tfartin, H. \. The human bodv. 1888. WcKendrick, J. G. Outlines of'phvsiol- ■ogy. 1878 ..'...., Mitchell, S. \V. Wear and • or^ of China. .876. i>^jj;;;''%';''- ''^'-^ °^^"^"'-'^^-''- '^^r.-.. .stion. ,873 .. . P "1^3 ! ^^ . . .^.'""".'^:"^' ■■^"■■''^■">'- isian folk-tales. ^^^orris, .M. Book of health. 1884 '. '. ' .' '. ,, '****> '-"• H. E.xaminations of drutrs. ^' , 18.S-' *'■ l^ao'iWme, A. On stetiiometry. 1876. . '. SiclMU-dson, B. W. Diseases of modern ,. ^'\ ,'««4 E607 wOa«Jthal, I. General physiology of fliusclesand niM-\es. i88'j ' , . . R4Utt«l, J. B. Evolution and dise.ise 1S90 ''*'^-" ^' ^'*^'^'**'"" •""' dyspepsia Si E6(9 E6\b latalogue. E613-4 E615 E632 E618 E630 E631 E604 E629 Van Benedcn, P. J. .Animal parasites and messni.-ites. iS8.^ Wilson, A. Manual of he.dlh science 1 890 Domestic Animals. Fitzwygram, Si, V. Ibnses and st.ibles. 1 886 Sewell A. Bi.-u-k Beautv : his grooms and comp.-inions Stables, G. Our friend the dog E64- Steel, J. II. Diseasesof the do.g. 1888. Er43 Wood, J. G. Horse and man. ' 1885. . . E644 Mythology. Jones, C. C. .W-gro myths from the (.n'orgia coast. 1888 E642 E64, C633 619 E628 E600 Ik-lore. 1886.. Arts. E626 E603 for the artisan, er. 1882 ustrated weekly all branches of ery and interior _ ^^ 1882 R6\rCT)(B, V. rnduence of clotbiup- on njk-i III, ^ hool of painting jf woods and 887 s farm. 1880. :iNE. 1889 [sumption of the : : varieties and nstfiuction in the aid to t';c iii- lilitary and civil ns of the lungs. he;ihl 'yn^U, .1. The Ho/iling mailer of the air. 1888 .. E637 E6o,s E625 E620 E(x)8 Keightley, T. The mythology of .ancient Grei-ce and Italy. 1877 ^^ Lelaiid, C. G. Algonquin legends of New England. 1885 q(^ English Fiction. Danby, t;. Copper Crash L62 Dickens, Charles. Childs history of England, and miscellaneous pieces L-j84i Ebers, G. Joshua ^63 Hungerford, yJ/;-,f. Aprils lady.. " l66 Yonge, C. M. The daisy chain. 2 v.'.',' L3735-6 — A reputed changeling. 2 v L 1023-4 - Beechcroft at Rockstone. 2 v. Li7C2 •^ Young MisUey Mathews, Joanna H. \an, the mission-- ary. 1885 L1169 M85 German Literature. Ein ruchblick : ins Deutsclu. uberset7i von .S. .Schindler. i8qi Buchheim, C. A., «,/. nouische Ivrik. .889 Storme, C;. Select German stories. ,888 Vogel, C. German commercial cor es- IJondent, with English notes Ng6 ^'93 .\94 N95 I No ven, <K l,tk, asu,tl,efi,-s, e,ilryontlnsp,-,g..: Fosior. M I'hysiulngy. ,8S,s 82 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, AUTHOR INDEX Givinj,Mlu> n.iiiu's, arraiiK^-il alpliab-'lii-ally, of llu- aulliors nuMilioiu-d in llic various classes in i c.-italoj,MU- ; I'XCi-pl tlu- I'mir classes dm paijes li-.Sf'i wliieli are already so arian),aHl aiul printed. The ilasli ( ) used in lliis Index, sij^fnifies the omission of the preeedinjjf surname only, and lun the surname anil ^ivi-n nanu- eombined, as in tin- hody of the eataloi^ue. PAliK Ahdul Ilamid 11 35 Adam, G. M 6o, 6i --, R 19 Adams, A. 1 56 — , B 35 — , H. C 14 - -, W. H. n .V At^assi/., I .!, 3 Airey, R Aitkon, M. C Akernian, J. V All^ert, priihc Coinoit . . — , prime of W'ah • •"• • 34 • ■ • 39 .... 30 ■ • ■ ■ y?, ■ -23. 54 AK-olt, I.. M 26 Alexander, A 21 — , J. E 24, 53 — , \V 3& Alford, M 20 Alfred, ihc Ciial 27 Alison, A 38 Allardvee, P 37 Allen, (".rant 1 -.J 3- — , W. F -'9 Allihone, S. A 37' .W Allsop, F. C 3 Alma, M 61 Aniiel, I!. F 26 Amos, S 15 Andre, Major 54 Andrew, j 61 Andiews, W 11 -, VV. D 53. f>2 Anderson, V> 5''' *^- -, J. W '7 -,R ' Annesley, C Anson, W. R Applet on 4 Arfewdson, C. I) Arjjvll. Diikc of. See Campliell, G'. I). G. Arlot, M iS Armengand, M 20 Armslrong^, H. H 3 --,J ' 39 Arnold, K 3Q -^, M 6 — , W. T 29 Arnot, F. S 6 Ashe, R. P 24 Ashley. \V. J 13 Ashton, J -32 Atkinson, F 13 - ,J. B 1^) — , W. C 61 P.XCiK •••34 ... 2 •••37 -'5 Axon, \V. E. A Ayer, A>'res, A. . ; . . BJiek, Capt Baeon, F \i, 26, 38 B.iedeker, K 22, 23, 24 Bagehol, \V 15 Hay^enal, P. II 30 Baj^-oi, A 17 Bagwell, R 30 Ba'illon, H 4 Raines, T 25 Bainton, G 37 Baird, S. F 5 Baker, B 17 -, n. E 40 — , G. A 80 — , S. W T4 Baldwin, J. M 2 - , M. B 6 Ball, R. S.. 2 Ballantine, S 27 Ballard, J. P 4 Bancroft , G 36 -, J. M (' Banks, T. C 61 Barber, T. W 16 Barinjj-tiould, S 9 Barker 12 Barnard, G 21 Barrows, S. J ... 6 Bartholomew, J 22 — , J. G 22 Bartletl, J 39 — , R. C 6 -, W. H 23,25 Bartlev, G. C. T 2^ Bashkirtseff, M 28 Bastian, II. C S Bates, E. K . 11 , H. W 5 Bazley, T. S 2 Beaconsfield, Earl of 27 Beat tie, VV 10, 30 Beecher, H. W 6 Boers, W. G 54, 55, 60 Beoton, S. O 5, 26, 29, 37 BegK. A 60 Brock, I.... Brougham, I Brown, G. B — i.H.T.. . -jj. B.. .. -»* -r-T Bf|^'iu', L. . — f * Browning, O -,R Bruce, A. B. Bninner, A. ^ Btroni, J..., -,\\-. C... Bryce, \V. . . Bryniner, n. Bll^anan, 1. — ,W. M J Behrends, A. J. F 6 Bell, A 56 - ,C. D 23 j -, n. c 3« —.J 40 Bcmrose, VV 20 Rentier, P 60 Bengough, J . \V 53, 56 Benj;imin, P Bennett, A. VV Benson, VV Bent, S. A Beringer, C Bernard, M {^^■'''- •'■„, Buchheim, C. Besant , VV . Buckingham, Bettndge, VV Auckland, F. •^'^•'•""•'"- J Buckle, H. T Bigg, C Bucklev, .\. 1 Biggar, h. B Bucknell, I. C Billmgs, J.S Bunsen, F. . . Bmgley, VV Bunyan, [ . . . •^""'"'■•1' A Burckiiarilt Bishop, G. R Burgess, VV Bjorlmg, P. R Burke, P . . . . Blackburn, H Bum, R. S. . . Blackie, C Burnet, G . . . Blackstone, F _, j Blackwood. Sec DufFerin, / Rurnham, J. I Blaikie, VV. G Bums. R ' . . . . Bl-'i"'-. H M Burtpughs, J . " > H. VV Burton, C. V .J -, J. 11 liledsoo, A. T Butler, VV. F . Blinn, L. J Butterworth, 1 Blunt, J. H —, H Bohn, H. G 1; Byrn.N O . . , Bohn\-Bawerk, E. V Byponi, J . . . Bolingbroke, Lord Byn>n, lord. . . Bonham, J. M Cabi>t, S Bonnycastle, R. H .vCadlvell, J. VV Bonomi, J Caldei wood, 1 Boole, G Cameron, V. I, Booth, W Campbell, A . . Borrow, G — , D Bouchette, J — , S. I). G, (/; Boughton, G. H "-^B Boulton, M -^-^pbhi) Bourinot, J. G i Si v — , J. O. S . . Bourne, H. R. F — , 1 V — 1 J • ~» iK- V\ — , S CaB^ou, L. dc Br.ace, C. I Canftd.. Brackem-idge, H. M Ca^ta, A Bradv, J Cap#. ' •• C . . Brand, J — , W Bramit, VV. T Canoan, A. R Brant, J rCarBjOl, \'. [,. ! Brash, R Ca^pnler, W. Bra.ssev, T Ca~, A .... Brewer, E. C 9. - Carftei , L. N . , J. S Carter, J.... Brewster, D Cas«y, I Bright, J Cas«e)l iH HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. «3 v.ii'ioiis I'l.'isst-'s ill ^I'll aiul printi'il. niaiiK" only, anil no . P... \. W. V c M Brock, 1 54 Broiiijliami H g Brawn, CI. H 19 — ,H.T 16 -*J. P.. 6 — . K y, 20, 55 -,.T 39 Bf*V'nc, 1 38 — ^ r 15 Browniii},^, O ■ ■ ■ ■ ^^ — , R '2k Bruce, A. n 6 BrunniM-, A. VV 20 BiWBnl, J.... -3-. c. . Bryco, W ". . . . BrynniiT, D. BlH$hanan, I . 24. V . . . . , W.. J Buchlu'iin, C. i. B. J.S . w . . I. R P. U II, n le, F )il. See DufFerin, / V. G A. T J H G work, E. V . jke, Lord. . . J. M stle, R. H . . J H. C. . J- 1^ A.. Buckintfliani, J. S Bucklaiul, F Bucklr, H. T... Buckl.v, A. Buckncll, J. Bunson, F. Bunyan, J. ., Burgi'ss, W. Burke, P Bum, R. S Burntt, G -.J Kumliam, J. H. Bums, R ' Burrcujjlis, J . . . Burton, C. V . . -.J. II ... Sutler, W. F... Buttei worth, B. -, H - Byrn»', O B^tOm, J Byron, I. Old CaN^t, S . . 3Cat|*-.'ll, J. W.. Calderwood, H. Cartieron, V. L. . 9 39 .S4 .S6 61 16 Si i<S 3 ' ■ • ■ 5. 30 <4 26 ....26,38 24 12 31 i.S 10, 32 . . 21 56 39 • ■ -54 .3 7,^ .S.S .S3 .S5 80 ... . 17 •■••39 57 \?. 12 Castle, K.. Catis, \\. R. C.ltlllMWOOll, C.ive, A CiviMulisii, II ... , Ci'snola, A. P.-ili, CiianiliL'rs, R . . . C'liainpi.-iin, J. D . t'li.inninf,'-, \V. E., C'liaiitrov C', I'2. J. Charlevoix, P. . . . Charley, 1 Cliarnav, I) Ch.itler'ton Cheekley, K Che\ lie, T. K Ciiil'ds, G. W W. Clirislie, R Chuivh, A. J 6, , R W Cl.ii eiiilon. Earl of. Cl.irk, F. F : . . , . 6, -. J^ H , , M. A , - R. W (', Clarke, G. H . ,.!• F ,. J- W C larkson, C. T. Cl.iude l.iirraiiu Clelaiul, W. ... Clerk, D Clifford, W. K.. ClouKh, A. H.. 21 26 M. H 61 .. 6 •52 ■ 2C) J. .^7 J ( . . 6 ••.34 I , (.2 ..58 . () • ■ 25 ..28 . . 21 .. () . .26 .S« 7<- 30 15 13 7 () 57 6 iS 1 1 19 10 1(1 Craik, A[rf .^^ Cramp, J. iM '-^ Cre.i'^y, K. S 'y^ Cri'lj^-hton, I \2, • M ■.■.::.;::32 C limp, .\. S \>j Croukes, W ig Cross, J. G 17 Mrs. (Geori^c Eh'ol) 26 26 •7 27 •3 9 C rout her, .S Cnlley, R. S.. . Ciiimiiij.;liaiii, G. , W Curliii, J Curtis, Cf. T 4 -. t'^ W ;.."24 Curzoii, S. A 62 Custer, F. R 24 Ciivii-r, liaioii c Cuyler, T. 1 22 I")rd)ney, R. L 12 Damien, Father 26 Dana, J. D Oante, A Daniell.T.'. nArtig-ue, J Darwin, C. R 4 Davids, T. \\. R Davies, F , G. C G e,J 1, G. H.. M ,J^G H. R. F.. . L -idge, H. M. . \\.''V. '.'..'. '.'.'. I'.V... ....... duke of Army I e ■ 1, •53> 55' 57 22, do. .Cm 6 1 55 13 29 62 5' (12 , A H. C. T E. C .9. - D. Canpti.) Cattif.i '^^- Caf|^ii, A. R.. .. €a»S|&t, .\. [,. s Cannier, VV. R Caritei , L. \ . . . , Carter, J CasSy, [ Casw*!)" 5. 2'. 31 ■ 5 ' -f>3 . . . . 20 ■ • ■ ' 3 ...2b •••57 •• 3 ..6 ■ 59 . . 20 2 35 Cohbe, V. Cohbett. VV Coikin, H. K . Cortin, C. C. ... - , W. I'- Colburii, Z. . . . , Cole, T. H Collier, VV Collis,'-noii, M. . . Collins, A -, E ;, F. H Columbus, C , . . . Combe, G , VV Comte, .\ Conant, \V, C. . . Conifrexe, G. T. Contauseau, L 37 Conway, M. D j^ Conweil, R. H 61 Cooper, J. H. . . i(, Cope, R , , -, VV. H ., Cowans, D 61 Cotto.., J. S 34 Coukf lilin, D 62 80 30 37 39 16 2S . . I 27. .14 . . ....30 ... 50 . . .16 . . ;i2 ■ ■ • 3 ' ... 9 .... 80 57 .... 12 . ..27 . ... 12 ....38 . 26, 80 ...6 .80 VV R Ml ■ 3 .19 ■35 ■55 80 6 ■32 23 18 18 2J 26 56 30 60 S3 •■4. 54. ■);ivis, C. T Davidson, [ , T D.-ivin, \. F Davison, T. Dawson, A. MeD --.!• W --, .S. F -, VV. J Day, A/r.f ,H. \ De Fonblanque, A . De G.ispe, P. A . . Delamotti', F . . - , P. H Delitzseh, F 4 De l.oline, I.. J 51 61 •5 60 'i •5 61 20 20 . ..IS • 3 ....38 . . . 22 54. .S9. Cowell, G. Cox, G. VV. Cralib, (;. .. Crabbe, G. Craik, D. . . -, H -J 9. 29, • . 29, 15 . 6 De Tunzeimami, G. VV. Demosthenes Denison, G. C ,G. T Donnys, N. B Dent, ]. C Depew, C. M De Ros, Lord. . . De Vere, A Dewart, E. H Dewev, O neVVitt, J 6 Dexter, .S 14 Dibdin, C 39 — , T, F. -"S "- "R Du-ey, A V le Diek, VV. ,6 Oickeiis ' 28, 31,38 F)ilke, i ,V 34, 61 Diman, j L 26 53 80 61 38 33 39 62 6 84 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, nisnii'li, B 27 Hixt-y, W 37 Dixoit, W. I! 33 Doilil, C, lb ,J 6 PulliiiKor, J. J 6 Donii, J 4 l">i)i-an, J 33,38 l')iiivliesli'r, D fa Otinu'r, I. A 80 Oiity, A. H 80 I )oii ^'l.'is, F 27 Dowoll, S 13 DcnvniiiLf , A.J 17 IX.vIo, k 38 Dr:"iko, F. S 35 -.S.G 35 Drossor, C 19,20 Dtvw, H 16 nriiiUor, H. S 18 Di-ivor, S. R 6 Drvsil;ilo, I 18 Du Hose, H. C 6 Duff, M. E. G 12, 23 Dufferiii, /.lufy 23 — , Lord ■ 59 Duiu-aii, S. J 61 Duiu'ii!iibi>, C 53 Dunkin, F 2 Durham, /utr/ of 58 Dunifoiil, F. \V 54 Duniy, V 29 Duvar, J. H 62 Dye, F 18 Dvcr, G 15 — O, 27 -,T. H 29 Dykes, J. 6 Ebers, G 24 Eecleston, J. C 60 Edj^ar, M 59 Edwards, E 37 .—, H. S 28 -,J 26 Eieliorn, J. G 6 Eissler, M 18 Eliot, F 34 -, \V . G 6 Elliott, J. R 17 Ellis, G 3« Elson, L. C ... .21 Ely, R. T 14 Elyot, T 27 Emerson, P. H 21 — , R. W 26 Emerton, E 30 English, H. G 21 Erdmami, J. E 12 Espinasse, V 34 Evans, H 27 — , J lo, 30 Eves, C. W 25 Fairbairn, W 16 Fairchild. G. M 57 F'aradav, .M 3 Farley.'F 6 Fanner, J. S 38 Farnliam, C. H 60 Fuiren, R , . . , , , • 20 Farrer, E 60 Fawiett, H 14 Ferjjfusson, J 10, 19, 20, 29 Field, G 21 - ,11. M 24 Fielding, H ^8 Filippini, A .... 17 Finek, H. T ....24 Fi.sher, J 13 Fiske, J 9, 12 l''esoii, L II Fitih, S. S 80 FilZ54;er;ild, J. E 60 Fitzwyfjrani, F 81 Flemiiif,'-, S 55 Fletcher, H 19 Flint, C. 1 . . 17 Florence of Worcester ^i Flueki^fer 16 Foley, H 10 Fontaine, H 3 I'orbes, A 29 Forester, J. R 25 Forster W. E 3.S Foster, E 39 ^-. M 81 , W. A 54 Fotherj,nll, J. M 11 Fowle. T. W 13 Fo.x, C. J V- Foxe, J 10 Frackelton, S. S 20 Frani-'- ' 21 -,G. li 28 Franki;i. •, 25 Fri»>.=', , j A 60 - U, W. 5 Freelict*-. A. H 56 — , L. H O2 Freeborou).jli, V. 21 Freeman, E. .\.i5, 19, 23, 31, t,2, Freneh, R. C 9 PVoebel, F 15 Froissart, J 32 Frothinjjliam, O. B 6 Froude, J. A i, 32, 34 Fry, H 22 Fullord, F 51 Fullerton, G. S 7 Fyffe, C. A 30 Gairdiier, J 32 Gall, I 4 Gait, A. T 51 —, J .55 Gallon, F 12 Gannett, E. S 7 Gaimng', W. F 57 Gardiner, S. R 30, 32 -, Mrs 32 Gardner, J 9 — , 1' 20 Gay, J 63 Geffeken, F. H 34 Gejjenbaur, C 5 Gerhard, W. V 17 Gesner, A . . 61 Gibb, M 24 Gtbcrne, A 7 Gibson, .\. C , 1- II Gilbert, W. S Giles, J. A Gillil.'in, G . . Gill, W Gihnan, .\'. V Gleiihen, Count . . . Gladstone, W. E. . . Godel, F . CJodwin, VV ln<ldsmid, F. J. . . GoMsmith,0 Golimer, C. \ Gixttkde, G. \, .... Gooili've, L. iM ... Gordon, A . . ..... , n. M Gorrinj^e, H. H . . . . ("loshen, Ci. J .... . Gosse, 1'. H Gosiling', \V Gould, C Gr.ue, W. R Gr.'iham, A. J , W Grant, G , G. M - -, .Mrs Gray, A , H .T Greeley, H Green, A. H -, G. C -,J-K --, T. H .. Green well, W Greg, W. R GroK-K, W^ Grejror, W Greswell, W. P 5 Greville, C. C. F ,; Grey, R Gribble, T. G Grieb, C. F Griffin, J --, W 55, 56, 5 Griffith, G. \V Grove, G . . Guizot, F 28, J Gunning', W. D Guntin, G Gurney, E. H Gustavus Adolphus Guthrie, T Guttman, O Gwilt, J Haight, C. Mailman, W. N Hale, E -, H Haliburton, T. C .V Halkett and Laing Hall, E. H , -, F — , S. E -,W -, W. E •.•?'. Han,\V. w.,, lariani M ialliw. il, J. C lameiion, P. {amilion, (i. -. R. . T ... l.iinJfN, .S'//E Hammond, .M. lanniiiKlo'i, J iarding, J. D iardwii ke, R ^are, \ -, A. J. C... lardy, K largT.iM', J. J larunil, j . . .. larper, H. A. larris, S . W. I larrfaoii, B .. -, C, If. ... -, S. I lart, (.. E... larte, W. B . . lartland, E. S lartwig, G ,. .J.E arwood, G . . . astie, W . . . a.stings, C. \V atch, V. atfield, R. G. atton, J . , aveloek, H ;awels, H. R. . awkins, E. . . . awthorne, N. aydn, J azlitt, W. C . . a}mes, F. O. ead, F. B...'.', ,G.. aadley, J. T.. sarn, I , W. E ;anie, S iath, F. G.... iaUmr, W :!avy«ege, C. . !cker, J. F. C. JKel.G. W. F. Jllmutli, J 'Ipis, A , Mrs... ion, W T '"%^ Hiintin nty. J. G rbert, M. W. rschfel, J. F. V rtz, ll witaon, .\ fgrtaiDM, T. w, 1. A^lS 0..ft ts, J» 1 1 HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. \. C IV A Ci . s ! . . ! N. P.... , Count. 1-, VV. E. 85 w .... 1, K. J. li,0.... C. A. . , G. L . . , L. M . A .. . 1 •, H. H., O. J... '. n , w V. R. A.J H.. L. H. ■ 3 ' - ,■ •11, W ■. K kV W , W. P C. C. F T. G. . F... 55. 56. 5 G. W T " 28, j , W. D. E. H i Adolphus T ,0 C. , W. N . . . . on, T. C ; 'Xiid L.-uiiK H HaXi,\\'. W latlaiii H laliiw. il, J. O.... lameiion, P, G. . . Hamilton, (i -. R. .T l<ini|e,v, .SV/E. . . . r-lam^'uiul, M. M. . ianmti}4-li>n, J ^ardinJ,^ J, D. , . . lardwii ke, R -lai^ A -, A. J. C lardy, R largravf, J. J lar&nil, j iarper, U. A larris, S . W. r larriBon, B -.Qll. -, S|f.F fartr C.. E (arte, U'. B . . . , (artlaiiil, E. .S .... lartwiK. (• .J.t arwood, Ci astie, W astinffs, C. W atch, K atfiehl, R. G atton, J aveiork, H . . aweis, H. R awldns, E awthoitu', N aydn, J aziitt, \V. C aynes, F. O. .,J ead, F. B ,G,. aadley, J. T sartir ' ,W.\E i&rm, .s 5athi,F. G ;athn*-, W !.. ;!avy«c"j^e, C icker, J. F. C !Brel,G. VV. F.... .■Umutli, J ilps, A . ;;mAa6, Mrs md^ison, VV . . '"•y.JT ; '^fy*4/ Huntiiifr.lon. nty,vj. G ibert, H. W. rscfeil, J. F. \V .'. rtz,|l witogn, .\ ""v*'*«Si S 11, T. W 39 '7 22 63 58 57 ;S •> 2. 3. 5. <•'" '.? '4 '7 ... 26, ^^9 18 61 27 ■ . II 20 28 29 37.J8 '4 63 55. 58 55 34. 59 25 '5 56 4 17 63 8r 7> '2 7 38 39 '5 3 32 62 54 I 40 15 5 58 55 81 Hliu-ks, F 15 Hind, II. Y 40 Hinloii, J •20, 31, 34 Hi)ddi'r," E, ,M «i H.ulKotis, E. A. B. II Moiljriiis, [. (', 7 Modsoii, vV. .S. R. . ■•••3>. .13 Hc.>,Mii, J. s 27 Hoj^-)^;, J 2(j Holland, H. .S. 19 HolK-y, G. W 2 Holiiifs, A. B. 7 . o. VV ; . .22, 25, 28 Ilnllzappol, C 25 Ilonior 55 Honi', \V 34 IK>od, T 24 Hooker, R 7 IIcMipi-r, .M Hopkins, E. J . . . , — , G. M Horetzky, C Horni', G - , T. H ; Honii-r, R. C Horton, R. F Hospitalior, E Houston, E. G , VV ^Howf, S. G . . . . , J. VV Howell, G Howells, VV. n Howison, J Howitt, VV Howland, E -, G Hozier, H. M Hyde, J. \V Hoyt-Ward Hubiier, liaron von. . Hudson, C. T. . . ~, T. s : Huddleston, G. C . Hug-, L Hughes, G. G -,T Hugti, V Huish, M. B Hullah, J Hulme, F. E Home, D Hunnewell, J. F Hunt, F.. . . -, L ; Hunter, C ;. .. Hurlbert, J. B Huth, A. H Hutton, L Huxley, T. H.... Ibsen, H Imrie, J Ingersoll, E I'ljar''", .1 Ingram, J. H -.J. K Irving, G. C 1;; Jacobi, C. T. . 5'> 60 I Jackson, F. G... 54. 57 Jai-kson, G. . . . 55. S*" -. H 7. 26 James, E. [ . . . 5' , VV...,; 18 Jaiui'siin, J, ,S. . .53 . Mi's . 23 Janet, P 57 J-'Tvis, T. S .38 jcMlVreson, J, C. 7 J^'I'l'. R. C .60 Jerome, J. K,, . . 3 J'-'^se, J. H. . . 38 Jevoiis, \V. -S. , .16 Jewelt, .S. O. . . 28 Jewill, L 12 Johns, Major. . . .18 Jcihnson, .\. H. .- 26 — , !•• 17 .G. VV ... 21 ,J. VV > .J .S5 - . 1^- W 7 ~. S 37 -". T 38 , VV 7 Johnston, A. K. . 3 Ji'ni's, C C 3 — , C. G 52 , C. H .35 -. O 81 — , P '3 . VV .. •.... 62 Jordan, D. S 56 Jukes, A 31, 38 Junker, VV 35 Jnsser.ind, J. | . . . . .. .15 Kaliseh, M. M. .. . . .31, 35 Kane, K. K . . . . . 31 K;ur, E • • • • 37 J^-'i'it. I 34 Kaufmann, M. . . . 5 Keane, M 24 Keats, J 62 Keightley, T 3S Kellar, M. J . ... 28 Kellogg, E ..24, 36 Keltie, J. S 28 Kemble, J. M 19 Kennedy, \V\ R . . . 39 Kent, Duke of 20 -, \V. W 31 Ketchum, W 30 Kimball, A. L II King. P .. ..38 — , VV. R 81 Kinglake, A. W, . . .34, 57 Kingsford, W n I Kingsley, C • ■ 40 I - , H ...7, 81 King, T. S 40 Kinzie, J. H 63 Kip, \V. I 55 Kirby, VV. F 9 Kirkup, T 31 Kitto, J 13 Knight, C 7 -. E. H ....18 --, F. A io Koch, Prof. 5.9 • • ■ 36. .39 '4 • 3'. 59 24 ■ '9, 55 12 62 • •,34. 81 28 • ■ 38, 40 32 • 13. 14 32 ■ ^i 31 32 62 '7 '4 18 36 28 .... 54 • 54 22 81 ....58 • 36 20 54 .11, 18 I 7 .. ..24 ••••31 7 ...25 ... 21 .12, 26 ....14 ...30 ... 28 ■9.81 .... 20 14, 16 12, 30 . ... 32 ....61 54 20 36 3 7 5' .33 ■■••53. 57. 58 31 22 7 38 5' 5 '4 9 '3. 22, 31, 37 16 4 81 ^aJ ^> •''^^- ^^\<^^^ ^ ^ ^.^ «Q^ ^A^.% IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 !.l l^llilM 112.5 3.2 M 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ . 6" ^ & /}. /: 01 /A w^'w m. '/ fliotographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 \ •s^ \\ ^9) V 86 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, ■I: ; !■ Kolil, J. G Kolh, G. V Kiaus-Hoolti', M. , Krautli, C. 1',. . . Kunh.-udl, C. I'. . . UcUl, G. T I.afayi-llo, Maiyiiis '-•'K'-i'iK''-'. 1'" Laidlaw, J I-ains,'-, S Lamb, C l.aiiiprnaii, A. . . . Laiuiaiii, R. . . . Laiulor, W. S. . . L.aiio-l'ooU', S Laiiifo, 11 l-aiiKlrv, J. , . . . I.anniaii, C LappiMiln-ijf, J. M La Koi'lu-t'oiuaiilt I Lasaiilt, A voii. . . l.atrobi-, C. I . . Uiulor, AI. K ... Lauj.fliti)ii, J. K . . l.awlos.s, F . Lawsoii, C . . . -, J Leikv, \V. v.. 11... Loos.' J. A Lcloliiiri', K I.etVov, .A. II. I- . Lolaii'd, C. (.; LeMav, L. P Lcnu)iiu', J. .M. . . Leonard, .Mrs Lop'mo, .\. D. . . . Lc-slir, G. n Li'spt'i ,iiu-i', J . . . . Leulom.iiiTi, II.. . Lowi-s, G. II. . . . Lewis, C. T Liddoll, 11. G.. .. Lii'bii;-, I Lij,'lilliail, \V. n. . . Lij>-liluood, J. M . ■ Lillio, A Lindsov, G. . Liiidsloy. 1>. 1'.... l.iiijifaid, J Liiiloii, W. J, Listiiii, J. K LittU-, J l.itlU'WDod, W. K. Liviiij^.stono, I). . . , — , S ....... .18 12 -27 8i / . '.S ■ ('.1 ... 21) ■••.« 54 3*^ 25 26 -'4 ■;') .10 '9 9 i^ • • 55 20 52 . . . 12, Si f'.V 56, ^S, 60 . ' . . 81 59 I.lovd, F. J . . . Lockliart, J. G LotlKV, K ,0. i LofliLs, W. K.. . Log-.-in, J ~, W. K Loiifffoliow, H. \V. I.omk!"v, .!, \V.... Liinjfiiian, W. . . . I.ODiiiis, L. C Lord, J. K Lome, Afax/uis of, J. D. S •57. 5« 81 ■■••,17 ■• •.17 • .i. 5 .62, 63 . ... 12 ■ • ■ ■ 57 ■■ 7 ....17 .....II .... 21 ....(,3 ....32 .. . .30 26 . 62 •'7 ••.TO ■■■ .1 ••1,3 ..24 •51 ..63 ■•,S7 ■■33 . .22 ^■4. Sec Campbell, Lossinj4', 1>, J Lovell, J Lowndes, \V. T. . . . LubboeU, J LiiekoeU, H. M.... Liiev, 11. \V Luni, n. D Liin iioltz, C Lmivfe, G I.iipton, W. M . Liilliai-fll, C. K . . Ltitlier, n Lyell, C Lynaiii, R Lyneh, Ai-ckhhliof' Alae.aulav, l,oi\i . . . MeCab.>,'j. O .'.KC-irlliV, I .MeGlellaii, G.. M... McClure, A. K. -. W MaeColl, K McGord, T Macuonald, G -, .1 '-, •V/VJ. A Maedonell, A . J Menoiig.-.ll, J MeKlroV, J. G. R.. M.-ielie,'M .McGee, T. DArey. .Maei,M-eKoi-. J .Maeliar, A •.S4. .28, •.S4. .59, M;ieliiavelli, \ . . . . M.iekrav, R .Mel.m, R. R Melhvrailii, T . . . . Mai^iiitvie, L) . . . . Maek.iv, L S M;u-Kell;u'-, T ... . McKeiulriek, J. G Maekenzie, A -. J - , M. , K , W. 1 Maekev, A. G. MeL;u-"lil;in, A. . Maelav, K. S.. MeLe;in, J. . . M;ieleod, H. D. --, \ 30< M- Maelean, J MeXab, W. R Maeoiin, J MaetaKK'Ut. J Madden, F , I'-. \V Majjiiiie, W. R MahafTv, J. P Mair, C. Malleson, G. B M;iiij;^in, ,A. . . Mann, A Manninjf, R Maicoy, V Mareiilioltz, B. von. Miirg-ary, A. R .29. •,59 61 •37 . 1 1 • 7 ■33 . 12 .22 .18 3' ■ 7 .26 5' ■33 7 29 30 ■33 31 55 •,54 <^3 ■52 ■ 7 •,53 ■,54 5' .80 •51 3«. 55 b3 •,15 ■.5« •,35 •,59 ■,30 ■5' •23 2 .18 .81 ,55 '7 •,3H ,35 -.54 . 1 1 ■63 .59 .f)0 '4 26 •53 4 .60 •,55 ■39 .20 .18 3H ■t>3 •,35 ■ 4 . 21 •'7 •25 ••5 .24 Markham, A. H Marrvatl, F Mar.sii, E. G Marshall, A -, C , J Martel, C Martensen, H Martin, C --, G -, H. N -, L. C - , R. M Martineau, H 24, 20, Martinenjfo, E M;ison, C. 11 Maspero, G .Masson, L. R Mather, F. G 54, Mattliew, 0/ H't'sliiiiiisler. — , Pan's Matheson, G Mathews, J -, \V M.-ittison, H AL-iurice, F. D 7, 1 2, Maury, M. F Maximilian, I'rince Maxwell, J. C Mav, T. E -.'S.J M.-i)er, A. M .Mavne, R. C '. , Meath, Earl of Meiklejohn, J. M. D Melbourne, Lord. Meiidenhall, T. C Meredith, M. A Merrill, W. H Metealf, R Metcalfe, Lord. Mcteyard, E .59,! 2(1,, Mt H. Meyer, G. H. von. Meynell, \V Moyriek, F Midland, J. F Miehelef, M Miles, H Mill, J. ,S , N Miller, H — , L. W --,T -, W - , W. A Mills, C. H - , F. W ■hH J. M. Milne, D. Miliicr, T Milnes, R Milton, J Mitchell, n. ( — , i.. M -, .S. W. ... Mitford, A. B Mivart, St. G HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBUAKV. !n, H II, H 24, 2(J, R". K :. II , G L. K •''• tl 54. 59. , of Westminster. . . . i;g.';:;:;:. :;::;;: . J i'w'y.'.'.'.'.'.'^'.''.''. F. D 7, 1 2, 26, I. F III, Prince J-C V. '.^li^.' ''.'.'.'.. \'^^.^^.. f. c : , . , arl of 1.1, J. M. D e. Lord. ;ill, T. C , M. A V. H R Lord. : , K 20, . H. von W F J.I" M .Sb. ■g' D. G t. G Dberly, C. E . . . lolesworth, W. N . . , |[)niinsoiii, T jnokton, J. H Jiisell, J. S. B jMt.'ilembiTt, Count I )iitj<onuM-y, D. H.. . M. W aodie, Mrs D. L F. W VV. G 3ore, C. H Major N jorsoni, Capt Jrell, J. R Ji-fill, VV. R iiXaii, H. J jrison, J. H H^-y. H J S 3rris, A E. E M brrison, D psheiiii, J. L blherwell, W. . [tley, J. L limtain, G. J Iwat, O key, T lllor, F.Max liiKer, T. T Inroe, J. E. C Inson, J. E rpliy, J. G IJ:M Inav, A. M lA.'S J. A. H ■■;.■ H I H. A ; ; W IVV. H.H ■..' ' h'ls, F. W. H. . . . P. V. N ,,' siiivih, J , , No; J .■;.■.' Ison, H J. Y :;;:: ■ illo, C. B kcoiiib, S. , Kvhall, C. S.. kvnian, J. H ..." kvton, R ... C. T. . . IE. T . (hoi. J.... Iholson, \\. A.. Iliolas, T, Ide, M. L.." V, L iaii, E. ti v.".'.'. Jton, A IC. L M-j- F.... .■;;.■■■;■:' Ves, G. R .30^ 87 1' I-. I> 54. ^6, 34 -.33 .... 39 28 ... 51 .... 7 . .27 10, 3S ... 7 . ...52 ...17 .... 7 • ■ • • 55 . . 24 ... 20 •• 37 ■57 ...24 ...56 .. 62 ••3<) .. 30 . . . 2 ••34 • -^i .,.24 •■.3« ...13 ... 4 ... 8 8,27 ...19 •••5 ■ 29 • 5' 31 . 22 ..56 35 8 25 5 8 . T,z Oati-s, G . . T,S O'Connor, T .29 0'Donoj,Hnu' 18 eVIvv, iM.. 7 OH.-inK-v, J. . I" 01ipli;int, I 34 -, Mrs. . . ■ 7 , T. I.. K .62 \ oiioiuiorir . 7 I Orclorii-us V'il.-ili.s .19 ORiMllv.^J. H .. . 13 Osborne, C". 1'", 19 Otte, E. C. . . . 53 OtttT, \V. I) . . , , .^6 Ou.soK-y, G 61 Owon, D. D. .rS Oxk.y, J. M 35 Oxonclun, A 62 i'aitVo\-, J. c; . 7 P;ilKr;"ivo, F. . . . ■.W - , R. F 3<) , W. G .28 Palis,.,- .59 I'alissv, B ■ ^T, Pahner, \V «> , W. J .<J2 Palnu-rston, Lord. 16 P.-tnton, J. E Paris, P Parker, F. \V.... -.J. H -,T Pjirkfs, .S P;irkni;in, Parks, L. Pariu-ll, E ~, H.. .. I'arrv, \V. E Parsloo, J },"^ . H. F. . . a" ... .21 ... 62 "3 ■ -57 3" 39 ... 3« 8 3<) . . 19 .15 53 .. .27 ... 4 60 ■ *^' 55 • • 36 3-'. ,14 ij .-'2. .]S ... 20 .... 28 . . .10 • • . • 34 ... iy .. ..17 .... 20 . ... 15 .... 29 ... 8 . . . . 2 5«. fe ... 8 r.. .M. Pjirsons, T Pasteur, M... Pater, W Paton, J. G Paterson, J. . . . - . J. C. -. .M I'aiili, R Payne, E. J Peabodv, A. P Pears, E Pearse, M. G. . . Pcai-ion, C. H . . — > ^» Peck, J. L... -, W. G Peel, .9/> R I'enlev, A Penn,\V Pennell, J Pepys, S Percy, J Pericles Perrot, G Perrv, F . . . . -, M. C . Perschell, O.. Petty, VV Pfleiderer, O. . Philliniore, R.. . .>'''• . 20, • 3 ■ '4 ■25 '7 .14 5 '0 ■27 .14 27 27 3' . 34 8 30 8 32 '5 . 1 1 2 27 2 I 27 22 28 18 27 '9 16 27 4 27 8 8 17 j Pliilochristiis ,10 ' Pliipps, (.". I Pierce, C. H. I'ierson, .V. T -. H. VV... Pi..sse, G. VV I'inkerlon, J Pinnock, VV. I'll man, II , I I'ill, VVni.... Pitleri-er, VV I'latl,!,,.. Poll.-ial, '•:. A I'ollock, F , Pollok, R Poole-, R. -, VV. II Pope, A. Porter, G ,J. A.. Posee, \ Posle, H Polli'r, V, Poiilion, !•;. I! I'owell, !••. Z -, G. n.... , G. T -J. VV , \V I'ouis, VV. I'latt, M. 1... I'ray, T Preece, VV. II Preiuler_tf;isl, I'l-iee, J.'M.... Pricli;inl, J. C. . I'riostley, j I'niiK. /• M . . . . Pritcb.irci, C. . Proctor, R. .V . . Procter, R. VV. Proiit, .S Prov.-inclier, L, . Pii^iii, .V I'nrsli, F I'usey, E. R. . . . Putnam, G. P. I'yie, H ■; ,T Quick, R. H.... R;ibeiiliorst, L Rabillon, L. . Rae, VV. F... . Kalei^-h, VV R.ilsloM, VV. R. Rand, ,S. T, .. Ranke, L. von . , Raniiie, D. VV . Ransome, ,V . . . . Rattray, .V.. ., -.vv.j ; Ravvlinson, G... . Rayloi^li, /ntroH Read, C. A ~, D. B Reade, J Recliis, E Reed, E.J II r. E, '7. . 8 25 .Si . 8 25 .18 . 22 . 10 •'7 28 . .. 27 ....38 .... 1 1 • 36 • 1,14 ■■■■39 .... 8 •• 52 • 2«, 39 ...11 •■■•39 . . . .21 ....32 . . . .22 5 ■ 32 ••• .57 ..18 • ■• 4 . ... 28 ....14 . . .21 . ...lO ... 3 ■••.53 ■•■17 ... 4 ... I ....30 2 2 34 '9 .... 56 . . . . 20 4 27 20, 29 • 22, 56 S6 ... 15 ... 4 ••••39 ...24 • 27 ....80 ••••37 • 29. 33 12, IS ....81 ...60 . .'56 .... 29 .... 3 .•••39 •• 52 ■.57.63 .... 4 ....18 I f r" 88 SUPPLEMENT TO CATALOGUE, Rein, J. J •<"'. 23 RenisOTi, I 3 Reuleaux, F 3 Reynolds, J. W 1. « Rich, G. E '« Ricliaidsoii, B. W 12, 16, 81 Richardson, M. T '8 Riddell, R '8 Ridout, T. G. 54 Riis, J. A '3 Riloy, H. T 37 Riminor, A 3°' 34 Roberts, C. G. D 61 — ,D 24 Robertson, H 6^ _ I 11 Robinson, H " — , H. C 27 -, J. B 59 Roby, J 34 Roe, E. P '7 Roger ofHrn'oiilen 3° — of IVendorer 3^ Rojf ers, J. T 31 Rolpli, T 24 Rooklidge, J. VV 14 Roosevelt, T 59 Ropes, E. H 56 Roscoe, H. E 3 Rose, G. M 54 -,J -6 — , T 34 Rosenthal, I 81 Ross, A 55 — , A. M 5 — , Mrs ''^ — , VV. T 3« — , W. \V 24 Rosse, J. W 29 Rosser, VV. H 2, "7 Rothe, R 8 Rousselot, L 23 Routledge, J >' — , R '6 Row, C. A 8 Rowan, J. J 55 Rowley, J •••32,33 Rowton, V '5 Roy, J : 56 j_ U 56 Ruskin, j... I9> 39 Russell, A. P ,38 — , C 30 —, W. H 55 Ryerson, E 54i 58 Sabine, L 58 Sachs, J. von . 4 Sadler, VV. H 2 Sadlier •« St. John, S 35 St. Johnston, A 22 St. I'il>rr.^ B. de .39 Sale, G 'o Schaack, M. J '4 Schaff, P 8, 0, 39 Schaumer, VV. G 27 Schlieniann, H 29 SchooU-ralt, H. R 35 Schriber, F. '8 Schwenke, F 21 Sclater, VV 8 Scott, A 8 , E^ G 52 - , R. P ' 21 -, S. D 3' — , Sir VV 28, 30 Scratchier, P 3^ Scudder, 'S. H • 5 Searles, VV^ H 17 Sedsifwick, H '2 , VV. T 4 Seebohni, F ...12 Seeley, J. R ",34 Selkirk, Earl of 60 Sellar, R.. 59.61.62 Senior, VV .54 Sewell, A 8, 23, 81 Seymour, R 38 Shafter. E, F 24 Shakespeare, VV 1 1 , 28, 40 Shaler, N. S 4 Shan'.y, CD 55 Shann, G , 3 Shaw, C 62 ^-, H 20 .Sheliev, P. B 16, 28 Shelford, VV 60 Sheppard, X 38 Sheridan, R. B 28 .Shillito, J "5 Shirreff, P 24 Sidj.:v;-'v, H 13 Sid, V P 28 Sin^ G .59 Si.i,,. VV 33 Siins, A 8 Sinclair, S. B 62 -, A. H .•.•••14 Salmon, Sangste Say, T 63 Sizer, N Skeat, W. W.... Skeats, VV. S . . • . Skene, VV. F SleiKli, W. VV . . . • Slijclit, B Small, H. B. .. Smalley, G. W... Smiles, S. . , . . . 12 •••■37 ,..63 .... 30 ■ .59 ••■35 ■54.57 .... 26 ...28 Smith, A 22, 34 ".C. J 37 _j E 14 — ', gV.V 53. 57.59 -, J 27 -, J.E 17 -, J.G 20 -. J-M 21 -, R. H >6 — , R. M 13 W. VV. R 8,36 Sayce, A. H 29, 38 Scadding, H 57.60 Smye, D . Smyth, J. N. Solon, L. M Sowerby, J.. Spenser, E 28, 3(),| Spofford, A. R Spoil, E Spragge, Afrs. A Stables, G Stanley, H. M Stanwood, E Stapler, E Statham, F". R Staunton, VV Stead, VV. T 8, 2(>,j Stebbing, J ,11. 1 Stedman, E. C Steel, J. H Steinmerz, A Stephen, C. E ~. J. K M.| -, L Stephens, C. A -, VV. P Stephenson, G Stepniak Sterne, L. Stevens, H Stevenson, J. J — , \V. F Stewart, G .57- <'i| Stimson, E. R Storme, G Storrs, R. S Stoughton, J Strachey, E Strang, H. I Strecker, A Strickland, A 3'i Strong, J Strutt, J -.J. W Stuart, J Stubbs, VV. i.i Sutherland, A Sutherst, T Sutton, J. B. Sweet, H Sweetser, M. F 25| Swift, J Al Sydenham, Lord. ...... Syme, D Symonds, J.- A 10, 19,| Szezepanshi, F Tache, A. A -.J.c. Taine, H. A 23.| Tait, P. G Talbot, E. A Talfourd, T. N Tallis, J Talmage, T Tancock, O. W Tannahill, R Tanner, H i"| Tate, C. M 26 Tavernier, J. B Taylor, B -,F .25 -. F. H -,H / m HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. 89 lylor, I ,J- D 5 Icumseh, Jndiatt chic/. 54 Igakouita, 53 IgCettneier, W. B, 5, 17 eneck, H. A '. . 30 knnyson, Lord 40 feresa, Saint 27 peall, G. M 80 hierry, A 32 horn, J. H 9 Bomas a Kempis g Boinas, H. P q M 18 hompsoh, B 28 D. G I . S 57 lomson, J 24 '^^:--:;::::::::::::;::S and Tait. 2 preau, H. D. 55 Brnton, G 17 l)V. T 35 png. E 15 vaites, R. G .36 knor, G 25 Hen, \V. A 3 N. A 52 Shunter, I . » 2, 15 hipklns, C. R 16 frey, B 17 vnbee, A i •? fill-C. P 4,5, kR. T ...8, M, W ,3 kutwine, J. C 16 bdgold, T ,8 ^iioh, R. C ; 80 5ves, F 80 fcvelyan, C 30 Dllope, S. A .^5 [jut, J. M 53 bwbridge, G 20 linibull, H. C I = er,A.W . ;,2 ke, D. H , , |iper, C c7 IM. F ^' hier, J. M. V/ L. M Is 2r 25. 36 > ... 22 •■•39 38 Van DerBerjr, A. R feo Van Dyck, A .'. - , T. S Van Hare Van Laun, H . . . . Van Lennep, H. J Velazquez, M o§ Vennor, H. G r Verdi.G ;.'.'.728 Verne, J ,„ Vicars, H 27 Victoria, Queen '9, 33 Vincent, F .21: Vincent, M. R q Viollet-le-Duc, E .20 Vjtruvius Britannicus 20 Vogel, C ..; 8r Walford, E 27,34 Walker. F. A ,3, ,4 Wallace. A. R ! ^ — , D. M. . -, S. E Wallack, L... Walpole, H Warburton, E . , , W ...40 '9. 23 . . . 2 ... 4 •• 3.S ■ '-^S . 28 • 39 57. 58 Ward, H :.24 Ward, t! H " ; ■ '.':'....."." '^ Ware, H ' q -. M. L I -.W. N 20 Warnian, E. B -58 Warner, F 80 -• ^' °- • • -24. 25 — • i^ .•54 Warreji, S. E 20 — , W. F 4 Warton, T 39 Washbume, E. R 34 Waters, F 63 Watson, S. J 63 Waterton, C ^c Watt, A ,8 —.J- 28 Watts, H 3 Waylen, E q Webb, D. C 22 -. F- G ,. 38 Webster, N 37 Wedderburn, D 34 WhistUr, J. M *tt Whitco'rnbe, C. E S2. et White.G . 2 — • H 13 '"' J- B 37 — > R- G 22, 6a Wieb^, E .7: Wilberforce, Cation a Wild, J.. : J Wilkes, e „ Wilkie, D . . 2, Wilkins, H. A ' 6i -.W.J ^ Wilkinson, J. A 32 — • J- G 21 WiUard, F. E., 36 William 0/ Malmesbury ... 33 Williams, F jj -' M .' " ; ; 27 — , Mrs 62 Williamson, B 2 Willoughby, W. F ..'.\ 13 Wilson, A 5, 8, —.A. J 14 -'P- A 57 . J .... q -, w. p.. J. Winian, E «•», w Wingfield, A. H .6^ Winslow, R 17 Winsor, J. « ■.Vithrow, W. H , . . 29, 54, 56, 62 Witton, H. B e, Wolle, F ;■ 4 Wolley, C. P 55 lliill, W. B ,q, 2 Itle, C. R 56 liniii.^:, L "i » rford, A, W ;..34 M'-ill. J 60, 8[ llauCl, F . .,^ |oii, R. D . . . . ; 23 . ^ 16 fciili.ut, J. W -, Vick, W A !!. (J. V.' ...... .*j Jihory, A 31- .■\itevelde, J 27 Beiieden, P. J 8i Icouver, G 22 JtZ I Wedgwood, J 28 Wedmore, F , 21 Weir, J. F 9 Wci.sbach, P. J ,6 Weiss, B q Welch, P , ' .»8 Weld, I ' 22, 21 Wellesley, A 3, Wellington, Duke of. See Welles- ley Wheateley, H. B 23 -.w.A ....: 3^ Whewell, W 28 Whipple, E. P 15, 28,39 Woltmann, A , . . . 3't Wood, J. G f.5, 27,81 -,H.T .....,8 Woodward, B. B 29, 34 --. C. N ,5 Woolsey, T. D .. ' 13, ,4 Worcester, J. E 37 Wordsworth, W 19, 28, 40 Worsnop, T ... ^ Wright, C. R. A ' . -.F. A ,^ — > G 23 -,G.F 4 -.G.N 2j --. 1' . 3 — ' "T, • ■; ^9. 32. 33. 37 Wuttke, A 80 Wyatt, M. D 20 W^cliffe, J. He 27 Wylde, J . . . . -«"».— Wvlie, I. A Yapp, G. W.. Yoiige, C. M ^'oung, G. R ". J.H -, J. R - , K .. . -. w ^ Zaehnsdorf, J. W id,j, Zehden, C la-J '■=;:?