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FOEM OF CONSECRATION OP A NEW CHURCH. 1[ The Bishop, having been received at the Church by the Minister and Churchwardens, or other proper parties attendant on the Occasion, is conducted to the Vestry, and having put on his Episcopal Robes, proceeds to the Porch or Principal Entrance. A Petition from the Chief promoters of the tvorJcs and Inhabitants of the District, is then tendered to the Bishop, praying him to Consecrate the new Church, which the Bishop receiver, and orders the Registrar to read. The same having been read, the Bishop declares that he is ready to Con- secrate the Church, according to the Prayer of the Petition; and he then proceeds to the Consecration and Dedication of the Church , walking in Procession down the Middle Aisle to the Communion Tables attended by thv Commissary, the Registrar of the Diocese, and the Clergy habited in their Surplices; the Bishop a7ul Clergy alternately repeating the Twenty- fourth Psalm — Psalm xxiv. BiSHop.—l. The Earth is the Lord's, md all that therein is : the Compass of the World, and they that dwell therein. ^ Clergy.^2. For he hath founded it upon the Seas : and prepared it upon the Floods, WW; F7Z3 BrsrroP.-3. Who shall ascend into the Hill of the Lord : or who shall rise up in his Holy Pla..o^ CLERaY.-4. Even he that hath clean Hands' andapuroHeart: and that hath not lift „p his' M.nd unto Yanity, nor sworn to deceive his Keilir. Bis,roP.-5 He shall receive the blessing from' ^oLo^^:andEighteousnessfronUheGo^^ Cleroy.-^. This is the Generation of them that seekhnn: even of them that seek thy face/o iiin^ of Glory shall come in fh^rrr^- ^^^"^' '^'' ^"^g «^ Calory: it is andrj:,^^^ King of Glory shall come in. Clergy.-S. Who is the King of Glory : even the Lord of Hosts, he is the King of GIoit tho'^S^Gir^^^ .htu'^' T '?^^" ^^S^r^mr^S, is now, and ever shall be: World without End. Amen. ^ T^ablflt^rf''^- ''^^'^ ^^ ^^'' Communion The nfL'^'^y'"'''' ^^/ EndoicmenU which the Bishop places en the Table, and then himself to the Congregation and says i Dei voiit under lion o of Go( natun for th( them ] to till 1 glorloi moro which ciousl} us not ■ this ou in a so several faitliful our Un 4 ■* O Et ty in CO vons ca pics ma ciously ill what ful Serv * their Si Vouchsf I who are j Place, w ' to the II '^C ^ tho Hill of floly can Hands, lift up liis his Nei«:h- i >ssing from > God of his f them that hy face, O yo Gates, 3: and the riory : it is )rd mighty yo Gates, : and tho yry: even oi-y. n : and to and ever ommunion Mm the ent, which ind then, ihle, turns 6 Dearly beloved in tho Lord, forasmuch as do. vout and holy Men, as well under the Law as' under tho Gospel, moved either by secret Inspira- lion of tho Blessed Spirit, or by express Command of God, or by their own Eeason and Sense of tho natural ])ecency of Things, havo erected Houses for tho Public Worship of God, and separated them from all profane and common Uses, in order to fill men's Minds with greater Eevcrenco for His glorious iMajosty, and affect their Hearts with moro Devotion and ILimility in His Service; which pious Works have been approved and gra- ciously accepted by our Heavenly Father; let ^ us not doubt but He will also graciously approve • this our godly Purpose of setting apart this Place in a solemn Manner, to tho Performance of tho soveral Offices of Religious Worship; and let us faithfully and devoutly beg his Blessing on this our Uuderti king, and say— , 1 Thtn the Bishop offers thefoUowinrj Prayer, -9 all kneeling: j u ) - O Eternal God, mighty in Power, and of Majes- ty mcomprchensible, whom the Heaven of Hea- vens cannot contain, much less tho Walls of Tem- ples made with Hands, and who yet hast been -ra- ciously pleased to promise Thy especial presence m whatever place even two or three of Thy faith- ful Servants shall assemble in Thy Xame to offer their Supplicatiorq and their Praises to thee • Vouchsafe, OLod, to be now present with us' .who are gathered here together to consecrate this I'lace, with all Humility and Readiness of Heart to the Honor of Thy Great JS^ame, separating it 6 from all iinhallowod, ordinary, and common Uses, dodicatinfr it entirely to Thy Service, for reading,' therein Thy most Holy Word, for celebrating Thy Holy Sacraments, for offering to Thy Glorious Majesty the Sacrifico of Prayer and Thanksgiving, for blessing Thy People in Thy Name. Accept, O Lord, this Service, and bless it with such Sue- cess as may tend most to thy Glory, and the Furth- erance of our Happiness botli Temporal and Spir- itual, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen. •[[ The?i the BlsMp standing up, turns towards the People, and says the following Prayer : ■' Regard, O Lord, the supplications of Thy Ser- vants, and grant that whosoever shall bo dedicated unto Thee in this House by Baptism, may bo sanc- tified by Thy Holy Spirit, delivered from Thy Wrath, received into the Ark of Christ's Church, and over remain among the number of Thy faith- ful and elect Children. Anicn. G-rant, O Lord, that they who at this Place, shall in their own persons, undertake to renew their Promises and Yows made by their Sureties for them at their Baptism, may bo enabled faithfully to fulfil the same, and grow in Grace to their Lives' end. Amen Grant, O Lord, that whosoever shall receive in this Place the Blessed Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ Thy Son, may come to that Holy Ordinance Avith Faith, Charity, and trucEe- pcntance, and, being filled with Thy Grace and Heavenly Benediction, may, to their great and I lommon Uses, , for readinir cbratiiif; Thy rhy Glorious 'lianlcsgiving, mo. Accept, ;h such Suc- nd the Furth- ►ral and Spir- and Saviour. turns towards wing Frayer : of Thy Scr- . bo dedicated may be sanc- d from Thy ist's Church, )fThy ftvith- s Place, shall renew their Sureties for ed faithfully their Lives' ill receive in ho Body and come to that and true Re- Y Grace and r great and * *■- i endless Comfort, obtain Kemission of tiioir Sins, ivA^ all other JJenefits of his Passion. Amen Grant, O Lord, that whosoever shall bo joined together in this Phico in the Holy Estate of Mat- rimony, may laithfully perform and keep the Vow and Covenant betwixt them made, and may re- main in ])erfect Lovo together unto their Lives' end. Amen. Grant, O Lord, that by Thy Holy Word, which shall be road and preached within this Place, the Hearers thereof may both perceive and know what thin-sthey ought to do, and nay have Grace and Power to fulfil the same. Amen. Grant, wo beseech Tl oo, blessed Lord, that whosoever shall draw near unto Thee in this Place to give Thee Thanks for the great Benefits they have received at Thy Hands, to sot forth Thy most worthy Praise, to confess their Sins unto Thee humbly to beg Thy Pardon for what they have done amiss, or to ask such other things as are requisite and necessary as well for the Body as tlioSoul; may do it with that Steadfastness of Faith, that Seriousness of Attention, and devout Affection of the Mind, that Thou mayest accept their bounden Duty and Service, and vouch-safe to them whatsoever else in Tuy infinite Wisdom Thou Shalt see to be most expedient for them • and this we beg for Jesus Christ his sake, our bh'ssed Lord and Saviour. Amen. ^ Aster lihich, the Bishop being seated, the Commissary reads the Sentence of Conse- cration. The Bishop signs and promulnes the same, and directs it, together with the retition and Deeds to be registered. 8 t Tlien follows the usual Service at Mornina Frayer. •' Proper Psalms— 84^/i, I22nd, and U2nd. Proper Lessons. The First.— 1 Kings viii. Ver. 22 to 62.— Te Deum. The Second— Hebrews X. Ver. IQ to 2b. —Jubilate. 1 After the Collect for the Day, the Minister who reads the Service, stops till the Bishop hath ofiered the following Prayer : O most blessed Saviour, who, by thy gracious Presence at the Feast of Dedication, didst approve aiid honour such rehgious Services as this which ^ye are now performing unto Thee, be present at this time with us by Thy Holy Spirit, and because Hohness becometh Thine House forever, Sanctify us, we pray Thee, that wo may be living Temples holy and acceptable unto Thee; and so dwell in our Hearts by Faith, and possess our Souls by Thy Grace, that nothing which defileth may enter mto us, but that, being cleansed from all carnal and corrupt Aifections, wo may ever bo devoutly giv(Mi to serve Thee in all good Works, who a/t our Saviour, Lord and God blessed for evermore A7nen. 1 Then the Minister goes on with the Mornina Service to the end of the General Thanh- giving; after tvhichthe Bishop says the fol- lowing Prayer: * •' Blessed by Thy Name, O Lord God, that it hath leaseu . the hear! f liy Hor Ijheir Fa Work of frig this, have sho^ offices th( tiio J3cnei their Tha tiie glory Christ ou] f 9 e at Morning \d lZ2nd. . — Te Deum. i5. — Jubilate. the Minister II the Bishop er: iy gracious dst ajiprovo this which I present at md because 31', Sanctify ig Temples, so dwell in -ii" Souls by may enter 1 all carnal ? devoutly s, who art evermore. le Morning d Thanks- lys the fol- lat it hath Jleasea Thee by Thy good Spirit' to put it into tlie heart of Thy Servants, to erect this House to a hy Honour and Worship. Bless, O Lord, Them he.r l^amilios, and Substance, and accept the' \ork of their Hands. Eomember them concern- »ig this. Wipe not out this Kindness that they have showed for the House of their God and the ^ces thereof; and grant that all who shall enjoy #ie Benefit of this pious Work, may sho^v forth their Thankfulness by making a right use of it, to . .^le glory of Thy blessed Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. '^ ^tV!'' I^^'^^'i^'h '"^^ officiates, concludes the Morning Service. VENI CREATOR. Come, Holy Ghost, Eternal God, Proceeding from above, ' Both from the her and the Son, The God of peace and love : J Visit our minds, and into ua ■k m,^'''-^' hoav'nly gnice inspire ; 4 Ihat trnth and godliness we may i Pursue with full desire. ;■ Holy Ghost, into our souls bend down thy heav'niy light : Inflame our hearts with fervent love To serve God day and night. Of strife and all dissention. Lord f Do thou dissolve the bands, ' Ami knit tiie cords of peace and love .»; Ihroughout all Christian lands. To God the Father land and praise And to His blessed Son, ' And to the Holy Spirit of grace, . , Co-equal three in one. ''^K:^~~rs^: '•^^"W—.^ 10 COMMUNION SERVICE. ^lo Tcra Temple ( f The Bishop, standing on the North Side of yil' dwe the Communion Table, as before, reads th%]\{ ha i} Communion Service. After the Collect for '^\^Q^.f.^^^. the Queen, the following Prayer is used: '' ^ ye scpan O most glorious Lord God, wo acknowledge ^eau thi that we are not worthy to offer unto Thee anj father i Thing belonging unto us. Yet we beseech Thee l>aughtei in Thy great goodness graciously to accept the I Dedication of this Place to Thy Service, and tc | ^"^ prosper this our Undertaking; receive thePrayer^ | ^nd th and Intercession of us and all others Thy Servants, %ent up i who either now or hereafter entering into thi> kose tha , House shall call upon Thee, and give both then jiie Chan and us Grace to prepare our Hearts to serve Thet Jiade a sc with Reverence and Godly Fear. Affect us witl out of 'the an awful Aj^prehension of Thy Divine Majest}- <^nd pour( and a deep Sense of our UnAvortbiness, that sf ihrew th( approaching Thy Sanctuary with lowliness and De iovcs, ta votion, and coming before Thee with clean Thought and pure Hearts, with Bodies undefiled and Mind sanctified, we may always perform a Service acj ceptable to Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen. 'ather's ] is Discij: eal of th The Epistle^2. Cor, vi. Yer. 14 to 18, B6 ye not unequally yoked together with mi believers; for what fellowship hath righteousnesj with unrighteousness ? and what communion hatj light with darkness ? and what concord hat! Christ with Belial ? or what part h^^th he that be liovoth with an infidel ? and what agreement hatj AUp Sing Him Com( The] With We ft And 11 CE. e North Side of >efore, reads th the Collect for yer is used : ' acknowledge unto Thee anj I beseech Thee to accept the ervice, and tc ve the Prayer: Thy Servants, iring into thi^ ve both then; i to serve Thct Affect us witl vino Majesty liness, that s( i^hnoss and De lean Thought; led and Mind . a Service ac, irist our Lord U to 18. her with uii- righteousnof- 1 iimunion hat' concord hai th he that bi jreement hat ^10 Temple of God with Idols ? for yo arc the Temple of the living God; as God hath said, I Will dwell in them; and walk in them; and I ;^ill be tb • God, and they shall bo my people. Vhcretb come out from among them, and be 5?c separate^ saith the Lord, and touch not the un- ^can thing; and I will receive you, and be a ffather unto you, and yo shall be my Sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. I The Gospel.— St. John ii. Yer. 13 to 17. 1 And the Jews' Passover was at hand : and Jesus #ent up to Jerusalem, and found in the Temple iliose that sold Oxen and Sheep, and Doves, and wie Changers of Money, sitting; and when ho bad ■^ade a scourge of small cords, he drove them all «^ut of the Temple, and 'i,he Sheep and the Oxen; ♦nd poured out the Changers' Money, and over- ilirew the Tables; and said unto them that sold |)oves, take these things hence ; make not my %ther's House an House of Merchandise. And is Disciples remembered that it was written, the eal of thine House hath eaten me up. t After the Nicene Creed, the 100th Psalm is sung. Psalm c. AH people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice ; Him serve with fear, his praise forth tell, Come ye before hira and rejoice. The Lord, ye know, is God indeed, Without our aid he did us make ; We are his flock, he doth us feed. And for his sheep he doth us take. „.i^' l^^« 12 enter then his gates with praise, ^pproach with joy his Courts unto ;, laud and bless his Name ahvavs, I'or It IS seemly so to do. For why ? the Lord our God is good, Ills mercy is forever sure : His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. The SERkoN. 1 ^erthe Sermon, during the reading of the Offertory Sentences, the Deacons, ciurch ffliyi ^ \ Congregation. At the close l^l'^''^^'-^''^^^',^''^"^-'^^"''^^^^^ there receive the Holy Communion to retire. After >. the tommumon and immediately before the Bbs8ed bo thy Name, O Lord God, for that it ploaseth Thoo to havo Thy Habitation among th mdst of the AsBombly of tho Saints upon Earth • bless, wo beseech Thee, theEeligions Performance of tl„s day, and grant that in this Place now set apart to Thy Service, Thy Holy Name may be » worshipped in Truth and Purity to all Generations, i through Jesus Christ our I