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K, I 2. ^ i . ,-,.A u I t. ••• '^ >'---• A .11/i aMA H TfiOK ^,.. .-..* — , ^— ■ , ■■— »■ >W*N«*^*«aii«"Wi«!i«« ■i—nii I ^ ^iiiiitiiii .^uw^ ; < ^ M v-< OK PEOPLING THE COUNTRY. | of not less than ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS OF SOULS. 4. The peopling of a vast continent by immigra- tion from older countries may be compared to the com- ing in of the tide. Those portions nearest the sea, or nearest to the points of emigration, are first seized upon and then the tide rolls slowly back towards the higher and more valuable parts of the territory. Such has been the law, at least in the past. Had the same facilities for the settling of new territories, however, which exist to- day, been in existence at an earlier date, those rich por- tions of the northern part of the continent of America, which are just now being taken up by immigrants, would have been settled long ere this. Moreover, the British North American possessions have been, until quite lately, separated into isolated colonies and provinces with numerous and clashing interests, which, from want of a common aim, have operated rather against than for general prosperity. Now, they are united into on^ Dominion, with a central Government, which is, emphatically, patriotic and progressive, and are there- fore making more rapid growth than they have done hitherto. The union of all the older provinces, together with the vast unsettled territories in the North-West, has had the effect of arousing the Canadians to a greater apprecia- tion of their rich heritage. 5. The older Provinces consist of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and British Columbia. These contain in all about 700,000 square miles. The new Provinces, Manitoba and Keewatin, with the " 4 ALL ABOUT CANADA. rich, arable territory West, between them and the Rocky Mountains, embrace about 1,000,000 square miles. North of these is the great Arctic region which, while too cold for the profitable growth of grains, may be regarded as valuable on account of the fur-bearing animals which have their home there. This vast region, together with the lakes and great rivers of the Dominion, gives us over one million seven hundred thousand square miles more. SOIL AND PRODUCTIONS. 6. The greater part of the older provinces, and almost the entire of the vast territories lying between Lake Superior and the Pacific Ocean, are admirably adapt- ed for agricultural pursuits. The soil is exceedingly fertile, and capable of a high degree of cultivation. The great wealth of the province of Ontario, the banner province of the Dominion, is the richness of its soil and the favorable nature of its climate for agricultural operations. In the Southern part of this fine province, peaches, grapes, apricots, quinces, pears, strawberries, and all other kinds of Northern fruits, are grown in great abundance, while throughout the whole of the province, apples of almost every variety, plums, grapes and berries, are grown with equal success. The latter part of the above proposition is applicable to nearly all the grain producing portions of the Dominion. Throughout the greater part of the Dominion, especi- ally in the old provinces, and the extensive tracts now being surveyed for settlement in the North-West, cereals of every variety, hay, ruta-bagas, sugar beet, carrots, 1 and the »o square lich, while s, may be ur- bearing ast region, Dominion, ind square md almost een Lake bly adapt- or a high J province )n, is the re of its hern part quinces, em fruits, lOut the variety, success, cable to ominion. 1, especi- acts now :, cereals carrots, SOIL AND PRODUCTIONS. $ parsnips, cabbages, cauliflower, onions, beans, turnips, and all the most serviceable and profitable horticultural productions are successfully grown. In addition to wheat, barley, rye, oats, pease, potatoes, hops, hemp and flax, and others named above, there are some very remunerative products of the soil which can- not be raised in England, such as maize or Indian corn, tobacco, &c., &c., the climate of Canada being more favorable to the growth of a larger variety. 7. The North-Western portion of the Dominion is destined to become the great wheat producing country of the Western hemisphere. The soil is a rich alluvial deposit of black mould resting on clay, generally from two to four feet deep, though there are large districts of many square miles in extent where the deposit is much deeper, and the soil so rich and so thoroughly provided with all the 1 ecessary elements for the growth of wheat, that for 20 years in succession from 30 to 40 bushels to the acre have been taken from the same fields without manuring. The wheat producing power of North-Western Canada is not, and cannot be excelled or even equalled by any country known to man. It is not at all an unusual thing to harvest 35, 37, 40, and sometimes 50 bushels to the acre. From 123 farms scattered throughout the new province, Manitoba, taking the lowest with the highest, the yield of wheat In 1877 averaged 26| bush. '• 1878 " z6A *• " 1879 " 26J " " 1880 " 29^ " '• 1881 •' 28 •♦ 6 ALL ABOUT CANADA. During the same period the average yields in the fol- lowing States of the American Union were, — Minnesota 17 bush. Illinois 17 ** Dakota 16 •' Wisconsin 16 " Iowa ID " Kansas 10 *' The average yield of oats in the Canadian North-West for 1880, for 116 farms, taking the lowest yield with the highest, was 57 bushels to the acre, against 37 bush, per acre for Minnesota, U.S. 28 " ** '♦ ** Iowa 23 ** " " '♦ Ohio Barley averaged the same year in the Canadian North- West' 40 bushels to the acre ; peas, 35 bushels, and potatoes 350 bushels to the acre. The highest and lowest yields were as follows : Wheat, lowest, 8 bush. ; highest, 45 bush. Oats " 20 " " 150 " Barley " 10 " " 80 Peas ** 10 " " 68 " Potatoes " 50 " •' 600 " The low yield may often be accounted for by the fact that it was produced the first year of cultivation, the strong, stiff sod of the prairie not yet having become suf- ficiently rotted, or the ground so thoroughly mellowed as was necessary for a good yield. The flour made from the first-class wheat of the North is rated at $2.00 more per barrel than the highest rating in the fol- sh. (I brth-West with the .S. <( (( an North- hels, and ;h. K (( the fact Ltion, the :ome suf- lowed as he North St rating SOIL AND T>RODUCTION. 7 of the flour from wheat grown further South. In classi- fication by experts for foreign markets, the Northern wheat has the advantage. Northern wheat graded at Duluth gave from every loo bushels, No. 1 87 bush. •• 2 II " " 3 » " Rejected i ** Southern wheat grown in the United States, say in Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas and Illinois, graded at Chicago, gave from every loo bushels, No. I I bush. *• 2 53 " " 3 34 •' Rejected 12 " The difference in price between No. i and No. 2 is about 14 cents. The wheat raised in the North weighs from 62 to 66 pounds to the bushel. If we take, therefore, the average yield per acre, or weight per bushel, or higher price for the market, or superior quality of the flour, we see the advantage which the producer of wheat in the North has over his com- petitor of the South. In speaking of Northern wheat, I do not mean exclu- sively wheat grown in North-Western Canada. The soil and climate of the Northern parts of Dakota and Minnesota, in the United States, are quite equal, I dare say, to our North-West, for wheat producing pur- poses. Whatever is good in this respect however, South of the national line, we have a hundred-fold more of than ALL ABOUT CANADA. our Republican neighbors possess ; and it appears, for the experimen t has been tried, that the farther you go North, for 600 miles at least, from the national line, this excellence of soil and climate for wheat raising, increases rather than diminishes. I regard the Peace River district equal if not superior in every respect to that of the Red River. It costs in Manitoba to produce an acre of wheat about $6.50, (^i 6s.) At an average of 20 bushels to the acre, this would be about ^^ cents (is. 4d) per bushel. At an average of 28 bushels it would cost 23 cents (iid) to produce one bushel. " A harvest has been reaped of such an abi'^dant character, as to prove beyond all question that Manitoba is entitled to take the highest rank as an agricultural country " — Lieuienant-Governor, at opening of Parliament. The testimony of our highly esteemed and popular Governor, the Marquis of Lome, and of his popular pre- decessor. Lord Dufferin, in numerous speeches is equally strong respecting Canada as a great wheat producing country. That the reader may have the opportunity of satisfying his mind more fully respecting the yield of wheat and other products* in our Canadian North-West, I subjoin the names and addresses of a goodly number of wheat growers in that country, anyone of whom will gladly re- spond, I am sure, to enquiries sent through the mail con- cerning the statements made above. YIELD OF WHEAT PER ACRE. pears, for er you go 1 line, this increases er district ' the Red leat about Is to the :r bushel. ;nts (i id) abi"^dant Manitoba l^ricultural rliamcnt. popular )ular pre- is equally producing atisfying leat and [ subjoin of wheat ladly re- lail con- TESTIMONY OF FARMERS AS TO THE YIELD OF WHEAT PER ACRE, Namk. A. McDonald .fno. Kelly D. Gillespie Robt. Adams. . . . A. P. Stevenson.. J, Appleyard. . . J. D. Stewart. . . . Kd. Scott P. FerfjTuson C. Logan Max. Wilton. , . J. Trooi) A. Dawson A. D. CadenheaJ. A. J. Hinker K. Ogletree T. H. Brown U. A Tucker.... A. V. Beck.stead. A. C. Harvey. ,. . I). G. Lowe A. J. Nugent ... W. B. Hall P. McKay .1 . Lowrie & Bros. Chas. Begg , ., .\ngus Poison . . . , (t. (iranby \. Poison, Jun.. . , (J.Tidsbury T. B. Robinson... Neil Henderson . . . Thos. Sigsons J as. Munroe. J. F. Vidal J. Taylor T. Dalzell AODilRBH. Manitobu, Civnada. Pott offlcf. A. Nel.wn J. J. p]dward R. Sutherland 05 (55 04 02 (50 03 ()5 00 ()0 03 (55 ()3 (52 58 00 02 ()0 00 00 02 (55 (52 01 05 (52 04 (52 GO 04 64 02 01 (52 01 63 67 60 66 61 62 10 ALL ABOUT CANADA. i I I I TESTIMONY OF FARMERS AS TO THE YIELD OF WHEAT PER kC^V.— Continued. Name. John Currie Wm. Ellison W, Aylmer Jas. Dodds John Honrie J. F. Galbraith... C. Stewart L. Diensing E. M. Maley, W. A. Farmer . . . R. Bell John George Chas. Cuthbert. . . . H. C. Graham . . . . (xeo. Jenkhia Jas. Bedford Geo. Ferris E. Bnrnell Sam. J. Parson . . . D. McDougall... J. D. McEwan J. Whimster . . . . J. Stewart J. H. C. Hall R. Bell Wm. Start Henry West D. Chalmers , . , Jas. Sinclair D. R. McDowell.. R. S. Jackson. ... R.H. Palmer R. Morgan M. Ferris. ... ,. , J. W. Carlton M. Owens N. Brown R. P. Bradley. . . . John McKinnon . . James King J. Mc- Kinnon Addrrss. Manitoba, Canada. Victoria Nelsonville St. L(5 29i 30 35 32 27' 10 20 26 2K ' m 25 25 30 2(5 30 30 19 23 34 28i 25 18 25 25 25 28 20 27 20 25 25 25 35 27 "36* 10 25 10 27" 40 24 15 32 2(5 32 30 Yield per acre 1879. 1(5 15 2(5 27 18 '26' 2(5 20 27h 32 25 25 20 30 30 on 37 33 ■ • • • 30 25 lit 17 1(5 37 20 10 35 20 40 30 30 Yield per acre 1880. 25 20 40 30 30 20 15 20 25 25 25 "20 35 40 30 20 30 38 30 33 18 27 30 22 15 15 15 30 25 20 37 30 25 30 1877. per acre. Average yield according to the above 26^^ Av'riiife weight per bimhel 70 (54 U2 <51 63 (55 (53 (52 (52 61 (52 (52 (55 (50 <52 (50 62 62 54 iii' 62' 60 60 63 61 64 60 65 63 64 1878. 1879. 1880. per acre. per acre. , per acre 26/3 26^ 29/3 J I HE YIELD tued. I Yield Av'riufe per weigut acre per . 1880. bimhel 25 70 20 <)4 40 02 30 30 01 20 15 63 20 25 (55 -. 25 25 03 (52 20 (52 (51 35 (52 40 (52 30 (55 20 (50 30 . 38 30 (52 33 (50 . 18 (52 27 (52 30 22 54 . 15 15 01 15 30 62 60 60 25 63 20 61 37 64 30 60 25 65 30 63 64 879. 1880. ' acre. , per iK-re 5^ igy'i YIELD OF OATS PER ACRE. I I TESTIMONY OF SETTLERS ON YIELD OF OATS PER ACRE. Namk. (4eo. A. Tucker. . . A. V. Beckstead . . A. C. Harvey I). G. Lowe A. J. Nugent H. B. Hall Phillip McKay.... And. Dry den Jae. Laurie & Bro, Angus Poison G. Gran by Alex. Poison, jr. . . Geo. Tidsbury.... Neil Henderson . . . T.H.Ellison Thos. Sigsons Jas. Munroe J. F. Vidal Jno Taylor Thos. Dalzell John Mathewson . . J. J. Edwards. .. R. Sutherland G. Stanyer. ..... William Hill Neil McLeod F. B.Allen J. Davidson. . . . Henry Hodgson . . . Alex. Admas J. Currie M. Ellison Jas. Dodds Jno. Hourie J. F. Galbraith... Chas. Stewart L. Dieusing E. M. Maley W. A. Farmer. . . Robt. Bell Jno. George Chas. Cutnbert H. C. Graham Geo. Jenkins Jas. Bedford Geo. Ferris E. Bumell S. J. Parsons I). McDougall ADDRK!(8. ManitobA, Canada. Pott Office Portage- La-P. . . Pinierson Poplar Point. . . . St. Agathe West Lynne .... Headingly ... . Port-^e-La-P. . St. >.gathe. ... . Morris Kildonan High Bluff Kildonan High Bluff Cook's Creek. . . . ScratchingRiver. Portage-La-P. . . Kildonan Headingly . , , . Headingly High Bluff Emerson Salsbury Portage-La-P. . . Poplar Point. . . . Woodlands Victoria Stonewall High Bluff Springfield Clear Springs . , Victoria Nelsonville Sunnysido . , , St. Anne's .... Nelsonville Meadow Lea. . , Emerson Morris Headingly Rock wood Nelsonville High Bluff Stonewall St. Agathe Emerson St. Agathe. .... Nelsonville Springfield Meadow Lea. . . Tteld per acre 1877. 60 75 45 .50 50 80 63 50 65 40 50 75 50 60 90 35 25 95 25 75 (50 CO 50 40 70 35 n2h 60" 60 33 Yield per acre 1878. 40 100 ,56 50 50 80 55 .50 45 70 .50 60 62 75 40 30 80 71 30' 50 74.i 60 (56' 51 65 50 30 80 100 45 40 Tield per acre 1879. 50 90 42 70 (50 80 54 60 60 45 73 .50 52 60 25* 75 50 73 40 30 .50 75 TO (55 27 20 (58 40 30 60 70 50 40 .50 70 40 45 80 1.50 50 40 Yield per acre 1880. 60 60 60 100 80 65 .50 60 20 65 60 40 30 60 45 40 70 50 80 60 70 50 15 70 40 40 20 60 60 50 60 .50 80 50 '(50" Av'rsffe welffht per b' shel. 37 40 35 38—40 34 40 40 36 34—40 36 38 38 37 34—40 36^40 40 3.5 ' ,40i 34 3(5 38 32 40^45 3(5 48 58 3(5 43 38 36 36—46 38 40 40 36 38 12 ALT. AHOUT CANADA. TESTIMONY OF SETTLERS ON YIELD OF OA rS PER K.r_,^Y.. —Continued. ADDRB88. Yield Yield Yield Yield Ar'nafi weight Namk. per p«T per per Manitoba, (Canada. acre acre acre acre per Pott Office t 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. buBliel. J. D. McEwan. . . . Meadow Lea. . . . 60 80 J. Winster High Bluff 8.5 80 85 J. Stewart High Bluff (>5 75 75 75 4i J. H. C. Hall ScratchingRiver. Burnside 40 75 33 Robt. Bell 75 75 75 36 Wm. Start Assiniboine ()0 80 Jas. Sinclair (ireenwood 45 50 50 55 40 R. S. Jackson St. Agathe .30 .'iO 30 40 R. Morgan Headingly Burnside Clear S )ring8 . . . High liluff High Bluff 25 30 30 M. Ferris 50 35 45 40 50 45 46 35 40 J. W. Carlton 36 M. Owens 70 80 40 80 (JO (50 57 50 42 Nelson Brown. ... 34 R.P.Bradley. ... St. Pie GO 80 00 70 40 Jno. McKinnon . . . Portage-La-P . . . 50 50 50 GO 38 Jas. King and J. McKinnon Oberon 75 GO 75 40 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. per acre, per acre, per acre, per acre. Average yield according to the above 59^ sm 58 57% The comparison between the Canadian North West and some of the American States as respects the yield of oats, is as follows : Canadian North-West say average 57 bush, per acre. Minnesota " " 37 ** Iowa " " 28 " " Ohio " " 23 " " Barley is grown very successfully as will be shown by the following table. The quality of the grain is excellent as a rule, and its color fine : 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. Average yield per acre 40^ 63 37^ 41 Compared with the American States average yields for the same years are as follows : Canadian North- West say 40 bush. Minnesota " 25 " Iowa " 22 " Wisconsin " — " Ohio '* — " 20 19 :ld of Yield per AT'ra«e weight acre per 1880. buahel. 60 80 75 41 40 33 75 36 80 55 40 30 40 30 40 40 35 36 57 42 50 34 70 40 GO 38 75 40 79. 1880. lore, per acre. 8 573/ orthWest e yield of er acre. a a a shown by excellent 9. 1880. yields for YIELD OF POAIOE.S l»ER ACRE. I J TESTIMONY OF SKTTKKRS ON YJELI) OF POTATOES PER ACRE. Addkbbs. Yield Yield Yield Yield At 'rare woixnt Namk. per per per per Mnnitobu, (.'anadu. acre acre iiore uore per Po$t Office 1877. 187a 1871). 1880. buahel. Alex. AdaiiiH Clear Sprini^H. . . 100 120 TOO 60 Jno. Currie Victoria 250 300 250 W. Avlmer.. .... Job. Dodds St. Ldon Smmyaide 366" 400 Jno. Hourie St. Anne 150 200 126 . • • • * 56 J. F. (iaibraith.... Nelsonville 300 200 250 300 C. Stewart Meadow Lea. . . . .500 400 400 300 300 E. M. Maley Morris Robt. Bell Rock wood Nelson villc 200 Jno. George H. C. Graham .... 200 200 200 350 Stonewall . ■ • • • • Geo. Jenkins St. Agathe Emerson 200 375 2.50 375 Jas. Bedford 300 • • • • . Geo. Ferris.. . . ... St. Agathe 150 350 200 400 '425" 64 E. Bnmell Nelsonville 4(>0 S. J. Parsons Springfield Meadow Lea. . . . ■ • • ■ 400 500 300 D. McDougall J. D. McEwan 400 300 Meadow Lea •■•••> Jas. Stewart High Bluff 350 350 3.50 55 Wm. Start Assiniboine .... St.AnnePt.D.C. 350 600 400 D. Chalmers 400 Jas. Sinclair . . Greenwood 300 100 U. R. McDowell.. Cook's Creek 600 150 200 R. S. Jackson St. Agathe 240 • • • . » • • • • . • R. Morgan Headingly ioo 120 130 61 W. Ferris Burnside Clear Springs High Blufif 140 300 300 150 275 250 160 250 300 266 John W. Carleton. Mat Owens 250 60 Nelson Brown High Bluff 400 400 400 300 Robt. P. Bradley. . St. Pie 400 420 300 250 • • • > John McKinnon.. Portage-La-P... . 300 300 400 300 60 Jas. King. Jas. Mc- Kinnc n Ober production of the most valuable grains, grasses, fruits, plants, timber and animals, cannot be a very objection- able climate. 9. The snow of Canada is a source of both pleasure and profit. Young and old, especially the former, hail with delight the first approach of the winter's snow. There is more real merriment in Canada in Winter than in Summer, although in both seasons the Canauians are a very happy people, " You may well, indeed, refer with pride to Canada as your home, for in no country in the world that I have ever visited, have I seen so many happy and contented homesteads, or so few signs of destitution or distress." — Lord Dufferin. The winter sports, such as toboganning, snow-shoeing, skating, sleigh-riding with a tandem team, a spanking span, or a four-in-hand, is something to be experienced, not adequately described. WrLpped in warm robes, with agreeable companions, dashing away up hill and down, across frozen rivers and lovely lakes, or over the plain, or through evergreen groves, along the hill sides, but you must come and see and know for yourself. I have said that the snow is a source of profit as well as pleasure. It is a fertilizer to the land, while the frost which accompanies it also affects the land beneficially. Without the snow the large timber trade, which is such a source of wealth to Canada, would be almost entirely at a standstill. The lumber which might find its way to market without the aid of snow to move the logs and heavier pieces of timber would do so at a much greater cost to the producer, and also therefore to the consumer. Viewed from all points, therefore, the winters of Canada, with their frost and snow, are a help rather than rasses, fruits, ry objection- 1 pleasure and ler, hail with now. There inter than in nauians are a ed, refer with :ountry in the D many happy of destitution mow-shoeing, 1, a spanking experienced, m robes, with 1 and down, the plain, or ides, but llf. )rofit as well Ihile the frost meficially. Ikvhich is such lost entirely id its way to le logs and inch greater le consumer, winters of rather than THE TIMBER OF CANADA. 19 a hinderance to the health, happiness, and prosperity of the inhabitants. Persons who have been born and reared in the British Isles prefer the Canadian climate when they have been long enough in the land to have become familiar with its peculiarities. TIMBER. 10. Canada's most important export trade, outside of grain and dairy exports, is that of lumber and timber. Next to our fertile lands, our magnificent forests are our greatest source of wealth. *' Canada has timber enough of various kinds to set up the world in building material." — Lord Dufferin, We produce 70 different kinds of wood ; among these are white pines, red pine, cedar, tamarac, oak, maple, elm, ash, chestnut, butternut, walnut, hickory, poplar, birch, basswood, &c. The white pines of our Pacific province (British Colum- bia) are, some of them in very truth, giants of the forest. The writer has stood upon a solid pine stump 1 1 feet across. Some of these pines are 300 feet in height. Lord and Lady Dufferin went to the forest to see one of these huge monsters felled. Prof. Dawson, of the Dominion Geological Survey, reports that the forests of British Columbia are of vast importance. The annual product for the province is about 200,000,000 of feet. He estimates that timber :overs 1 10,000,000 of acres. The white pine is the most valuable commercial tree. It frequently exceeds eight feet n diameter, and rises to a height of from 200 to 300 feet. 2 ALL ABOUT CANADA. The pine prepared in the lumbering districts of Canada for exportation is made into squared timbers, measuring from 60 to 70 feet in length, and sometimes 100 or 120 feet. From 300,000 to 400,000 of these squared pieces are produced during a winter in the Ottawa district alone. One of our most interesting sights is the passage of huge rafts containing 150,000 cubic feet of timber, de- scending our great rivers for hundreds of miles to Que- bec city, from which the timber is shipped to various parts of the world. As these great rafts sometimes require several weeks in their passage, and a score or more of men to manage them, they are dotted all over with board houses for the protection and comfort of the raftsmen, and from the peaks of these diminutive habitations bright streamers are flying, giving the raft and its "jolly crew" the ap- pearance of a floating village enjoying a holiday. While pine is the principal wood shipped, our oak, elm and ash, walnut, basswood, cedar and tamarac, for the home manufacture of ships, furniture, carriages, agri- cultural implements, railway coaches and railway ties, are of immense value. Our lumber trade is widening. Great Britain and the United States have been for many years our principal markets. To these countries we shipped, from Ottawa alone, last year, 321,000,000 of feet, valued at ^4,173,000. Our shipments of lumber to South America is a trade rapidly growing and assuming now important proportions. The growth of this important trade, is, to say the least, interesting. )f Canada neasuring 00 or 120 ed pieces a district )assage of mber, de- to Que- o various ral weeks o manage es for the from the streamers the ap- our oak, larac, for es, agri- ties, are and the principal 1 Ottawa 173,000. a trade portions, he least, MAPLE SYRUP, MAPLE SUGAR, FISH. 2 I We shipped from Montreal to South America in 1 877 8,800,000 feet, 1878 10,800,000 ** 1879 I 2,500,000 " 1881 16,200,000 " 1882 24,500,000 ** It is all the more important because it is only one branch of a large trade springing up between Canada and the tropics. Our total export of lumber and timber amounts to ^18,000,000. Our annual production is about $30,000,- 000. MAPLE SYRUP AND MAPLE SUGAR. 11. One of our most valuable kinds of wood is our hard or sugar maple. We produce at present about 20,- 000,000 of pounds of this sugar, besides not less than 5,000,000 gallons of maple syrup. There is no reason why this branch of industry might not be greatly enlarged. There are millions of acres in the province of Quebec alone, almost entirely covered over with large and thrifty maple trees, which, as yet, have not been taken up for settlement. This land can be bought direct from the government at from 30 cents to ^i.oo per acre. FISH. 12. Our waters everywhere abound with fish, of which we have a very great variety. Our almost innumerable small inland lakes and streams produce every kind of trout, bass, pike, pickerel, maskinonge and white-fish, 22 ALL ABOUT CANADA. giving unlimited opportunity to the most enthusiastic angler, while our larger rivers and bays along our coasts are, in many places, literally alive with salmon, cod, her- ing, mackerel, sturgeon and whales. There are other kinds, some of which are, or will be in time, of as great value commercially ; among these is the ** oolahan," of British Columbia, which is as productive of nutritive oil as the famed cod liver. Some medical gentlemen who have ex- perimented and tested the properties of " oolahan " oil, do not hesitate to pronounce it superior to cod liver. The fisheries of Canada are the finest in the world. They are almost illimitable and inexhaustible. The following statement of exports for 1881 will show the wide extent of our fisheries through the Dominion, no province being destitute of this important article of com- merce and means of subsistence : — Ontario ^ 51 0,000 British Columbia 1,454,000 P. E. Island 1,955,000 Quebec 2,751,000 New Brunswick 2,930,000 Nova Scotia 6,2 14,000 These are the exports for the year from these several provinces. The actual value of the entire product of our fisheries for the year 1882 was $16,088,672. About 1,500 decked vessels, and 17,000 open boats are engaged in our fisheries, employing about 42,000 men, and supporting directly as an industry 200,000 souls. That the supply of fish, especially in our small lakes and streams, may not give out, we have kept up at the ex- enthusiastic g our coasts n, cod, her- 5 other kinds, s great value /' of British e oil as the k'ho have ex- )lahan " oil, d liver. The 1. They are 1 1 will show ►ominion, no cle of com- ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ese several IT fisheries n boats are 000 men, souls, mall lakes at the ex- THE RIVERS AND LAKES OF CANADA. 23 pense of the general Government, in different parts of the Dominion, fish hatcheries, from which were turned into these inland waters in 1882 young salmon, trout and white-fish to the number of fifty-five millions. THE RIVERS AND LAKES OF CANADA. 1^. The lakes of Canada cover an area of 700,000 square miles. Our principal lakes are : Superior, 345 miles long, 160 broad. Huron, 280 *' " 190 " Erie, 240 " '* 80 Ontario, 180 " " 65 Regarding these lakes as wide parts of our great rivers, we have in these immense arteries, flowing from the heart of our Continent, a source of wealth, beauty and conve- nience, the value of which cannot be over-estimated. The St. Lawrence, traced from its mouth to its rise, is over 2,000 miles long. By means of canals, which the gov- ernment of Canada has constructed at great expense, around the celebrated Niagara Falls, a ship of a thousand tons burden can be laden in a British port, and taken without breaking bulk through this great water-way a distance of over 2,000 miles from the Straits of Belle Isle through Canadian waters. The 'isheries of the St. Lawrence are of great value to those who dwell along its shores. Its value to the carry- ing trade is of the greatest importance. Its beauty, whose pen or pencil can sufficiently portray ? Many thousands of tourists every year from all parts of the American Continent and from all parts of the world visit this famous river to look upon its fairy land and romantic 1 24 ALL AHOUT CANADA. scenery. From Kingston at the foot of Lake Ontario, to the Straits of Belle Isle, a distance of over 1,000 miles, it is an ever changing- panorama of beauty and grandeur. First, the wonderful "Thousand Islands. " Then come the beautiful towns of Brockville and Prescott, and then the far-famed rapids, and the city of Montreal, with her Victoria Bridge, and Mount Royal, her stately churches and palatial residences, her busy factories and growing commercial enterprises. Two hundred miles further down is the grand old city of Quebec, with her lofty hills, mag- nificent harbor, beautiful terraces, historic monuments and lovely drives. Then come Montmorer^y Falls, and then on to the sea, green hill sides, beautiful groves, lofty hills, charm- ing little villages, all objects changing till you reach the broad ocean. In the North we have the mighty Mackenzie River, which begins its long journey at the foot of Mount Brown, one of the lofty peak? of the Canadian Rocky Mountains, 16,000 feet high. Flowing North East under the name of Athabasca River, it empties its waters into Athabasca Lake ; thence North, its waters having been enlarged by the waters of the Peace River, on till it flows into Great Slave Lake ; thence on again till its volume is once more increased by the waters of Great Bear Lake, and then onward till these immense waters are poured into the Arctic Ocean, having come from their farthest source at the foot of Mount Brown, a distance of over 2,500 miles. The Hudson Bay Company are building a steamer at Fort Chipewyan, near the junction of the Peace River with the Athabasca River, to be used in transporting the intario, to D miles, it grandeur, hen come and then , with her churches growing her down ills, mag- onuments )n to the s, charm- reach the ie River, Mount n Rocky ast under iters into ing been it flows volume ar Lake, e poured farthest of over amer at e River ting the THE RIVERS AND LAKES OF CANADA. 25 Hudson Bay Company's goods for the Athabasca and Mackenzie River districts. She will have a run of about 300 miles down the Athabasca and Great Slave Rivers, and about 200 up the Peace River. The rapids on the Great Slave River extend about 1 3 miles, and from there a steamer of the largest size could go clear to the Arctic Ocean. Were there a canal made around the chute on the Peace River the Athabasca boat could go right to the foot of the Rocky Mountains, about 700 miles from Fort Chipewyan, having good navigation all the way. The Peace River, one of the tributaries of the Mac- kenzie, over 1,000 miles long, is navigable almost its entire length, with deep water. It flows through a country whose fertility and beauty cannot be surpassed. I regard this region as the richest and most valuable part of our great North- West. It is as yet unsurveyed. It is said to embrace a territory of not less than 500,000 square miles in extent, wood and prairie interspersed. The Ottawa River, one of the tributaries of the St. Lawrence, is over 800 miles in length. It drains a terri- tory of 100,000 square miles in extent, and is so rich in resources, agricultural and mineral, that it can with ease sustain a population of 8,000,000 of souls. Want of space will not permit me to do more than mention the name of the Frazer in our Pacific province, flowing over golden sands, from whose banks and adjacent streams millions of dollars' worth of {>recious metals have already been taken, and where millions more await the miner; or of the Thompson, or the St. John, or the far- famed Saguenay, the Richelieu, the Assiniboine and the Church-hill, and many others. 1 2 6 ALL ABOUT CANADA. Look for a little, however, at the Saskatchewan, flow- ing through that rich country which is just now being settled up, where hamlets and permanent dwellings and villages and cities are growing up aimost as rapidly as Jonah's gourd. The northern branch of the Saskatch- ewan is 772 miles long; the south branch 810 miles. From the junction to where the united waters enter Lake Winnipeg the distance is 282 miles, or 1864 miles of river in all, which is 184 miles longer than the Ganges ; 251 miles longer than the Danube; 1 164 miles longer than the Rhine ; 1634 miles longer than the Tiber ; 1649 miles longer than the Thames. Or if you regard Lake Winnipeg as simply a wide part of this large river and follow Saskatchewan waters through the Nelson River to Hudson's Pay, 500 miles, you have a river right in the heart of this great and rich country 1600 miles longer than the Rhine, 2000 miles longer than the Thames. Look at these thousands of rivers and tributary streams flowing in all directions through this wide Dominion, giv- ing abundance of the purest water to herds and flocks, and moisture to the atmosphere affecting the pastures along their banks, and as they flow with greater or lesser swiftness down steep hill sides or over gentle slopes through scenery unsurpassed, off'ering in their course, to the enterprising capitalist and manufacturer, illimitable mill power for the manufacture of material of every sort. IRON. 14. It must be remembered that from want of com- bined eff'ort, and for various other reasons, the resources of Canada have hardly yet begun to be developed ; nor have they scarcely more than begun to be known. There an, flow- ow being lings and rapidly as Saskatch- 10 miles. nter Lake miles of Ganges ; ies longer )er ; 1649 ard Lake river and I River to it in the 2S longer mes. ' streams ion, giv- cks, and es along wiftness scenery rprising for the )f com- [sources |d ; nor There CANADA S IRON MINES. 27 are many thousands of square miles as yet unexplored. We cannot, therefore, know the extent of our mineral resources until more extensive geological surveys and examinations have been made. That Canada is possessed of an abundant supply of good iron, is, however, beyond a doubt. More extensive explorations may reveal larger deposits than are yet known. Some 300 miles below the city of Quebec there is a deposit of magnetite in the form of black sand, which is free from sulphur or phosphorus, and from which are being manufactured the finest steel and edge tools of every sort. This mine is estimated to contain 20,000,000 tons of this valuable iron. Iron is found in very much larger quantities in many other parts of the Dominion. At Hull, near Ottawa, the capital of the Dominion, there is a bed 90 feet thick, said to contain not less than 250,000,000 tons of excellent iron. There is also a bed of iron ore near the Rideau canal, about one hundred miles from Ottawa, two hundred feet thick, estimated by the Government geologists capable of yielding between five hundred and six hundred millions of tons, and at Marmora, not far from the city of Kingston, there are five beds, which are computed to contain in the aggregate over 1,000,000,000 of tons. These deposits are all of the magnetic species, and yield from 55 to 70 per cent, of pure iron. All these are found in the same geological formation from which the celebrated Swedish iron is taken. Iron is found also in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and in the North-western part of the Dominion. A company of capitalists has been incorporated in New >0'\ 28 ALL AHOUT CANADA. Jersey, U.S., for the manufacture of iron from tlie ore in Canada, l^he company will incorporate under the law.s of the Dominion. Their works, which are to be upon a large scale, are likely to be located in Belleville, Ontario. The Canadian Steel Association which has been organ- ized in Buffalo, U.S., is likely also to be located in Belle- ville. This flourishing city is quite near the large Mar- mora mines referred to above. Many thousands of tons of CaLsidian ore from these mines have been shipped to the United States during the past few years, for the purpose of improving the quality of Pennsylvania iron. Chromic iron, employed in the manufacture of chrom- ates of potash and lead, and for the production of many beautiful green, red and yellow colors, is found in large quantities in the province of Quebec. Iron ochres associated with bog iron ores, quite equal in quality to the iron ochres of France occur in many parts of the Dominion. CANADA'S FUTURE AS A STEEL PRO- DUCER. This was the title of a paper sent in by Mr. Edward Haycock, President of the Ottawa Iron and Steel Maufac- turing Company. In speaking of the future of Canada, with reference to her wooded lands, he found it necessary to bring forward two principal factors in that future, in- timately connected with each other, viz : wood for char- coal making and iron ores. In the manufacture of high grade iron the charcoal fuel will be used, in fact, so far as our present knowledge of such manufacture goes, cannot ^.u1,.lA1.i^. r>. CANADA AS A STEEL I'RODUCER. 29 ;he ore in the laws of )e upon a ;, Ontario. len organ- 1 in Belle- irge Mar- 'om these iuring the le quality Df chrom- of many i in large ite equal in many PRO- Edward IMaufac- Canada, lecessary |ture, in- >r char- lof high \o far as cannot be dispensed with. The present has been well- termed the " steel age." A very large proportion of articles form- erly made from incarbonized iron arc now made of steel. Still the employment of steel is probably only in its in- fancy. If, in the manufacture of steel for the future, wood charcoal is a necessity, here is it to be found and what steps are to be taken to protect the supply from destruc- tion ? He ventured to assert that Canada would be the future field from which the largest part of the world will have to draw their supply of steel and steel-making irons. The Dominion had been called a wooden country, and, Canadians were proud to accept the term ; for they were prepared to "how that our forests, extending through- out the country's vast extent, were intimately connected, through the Laurentian rocks, with the richest and purest class of iron ores. Among others take the valley of the Ottawa River and those of its tributaries, the forests might be counted in square miles by hundreds of thousands. Much of this was pine held by lumbering firms, who, in their large undertakings, were adding to the wealth of the coun- try. The wealth to be acquired in the future in connec- tion with the iron ores would fully equal this if not ex- ceed it. In connection with these lumber lands, and in vast independent tracts, are forests of the finest maple, beech, birch and other hardwoods of the greatest value to the Dominion for the production of charcoal, and if, as is the case in many portions, iron ore is found on the same lands, it is easily understood how valuable they become. The cut from these lands will range from 20 to 80 cords of wood to the acre, say an average of 50 cords, making 40 bushels of coal to the cord ; thus, four cords of wood will make one ton of iron, or 12 tons to the acre, showing 30 ALL ABOUT CANADA. its value and importance to the country. If proper care be given the supply of wood for fuel is practically inex- haustible, and fully establishes the fact of a great future. Wood charcoal to become valuable must be within a rea- sonable distance from the ore it is required to smelt. He then instituted a comparison between Canada and other countries, Spain, Algeria and the Mediterranean islands, with their rich ores had no wood, England ditto, and Norway nearly so. Sweden, where the present great steel producing iron is made, is rapidly approaching the same position. Germany and France, also the United States, with their vast consumptions and rapid increase of char- coal blast furnaces, would hardly be able to keep up their supply many years. Russia's freights and internal dis- sensions killed the possibility of a supply being drawn from her. Where, then, could the age derive its steel from, unless from Canada with her extensive woodlands and rich ore beds ? He did not allude to the waste in saw- mills, and in clearing up new lands, but this was a point that should be improved on while considering charcoal making. The legislature should adopt measures that would prevent waste. He concluded by a few friendly words to those who had come from across the lines. RICH MINING REGION. Prof. Bell, in a report just published, says that round James' Bay, and up the eastern shore of Hudson's Bay, deposits of coal and iron lie closely packed together in seams and veins of surpassing richness. Vast tracts of forest also exist there with deposits of silver, copper and molybdenum. The region, in fact, so Prof. Bell thinks, MICA AND OTHER MINERALS. I« •oper care ally inex- eat future, lin a rea- Tielt. He and other in islands, ditto, and jreat steel the same id States, of char- p up their 3rnal dis- ng drawn teel from, mds and in saw- a point charcoal res that friendly es. t round 's Bay, ther in acts of )er and [thinks, will be the future Pennsylvania of the North American continent. OTHER MINERALS. 15. Mica is found in abundance and of superior quality in both Quebec and Ontario. A valuable mica mine has been found on the farm of Mr. W. Hall, in the township of Darling, Lanark County. It is beautifully transparent and clear, and possesses a feature that was not noticed in other mica, namely, here and there faint colored tints that in a certain light add much to its attractiveness. Blocks of sixty pounds weight have been taken out at a depth of four feet. Mr. Hall has sold one-half of the mica bed for a little more than the whole cost him, and a royalty of ^800 per ton. The mine will be worked by a company from the States. He has also sold one-half the remainder of the property for J 12,500 and a royalty of $400 per ton. There are also extensive deposits of phosphate of lime near Brockville, Ontario, with iron pyrites near at hand. For some years past there has been in this locality, the manufacture of sulphuric acid, to some considerable ex- tent, as also the converting of phosphates of lime into super-phosphates for manure. In several parts of the Dominion there are also in con- siderable quantities, antimony, magnesia, manganese, plumbago, sulphate of barytes, soapstone, lithographic stone, tin, zinc, and bismuth. 32 ALL ABOUT CANADA. CANADIAN APATITE. The following is from the New York Engineering and Milling Journal : — The numerous openings made by prospectors and miners in the phosphate regions of the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec have afforded excellent opportunities for the study of the Laurentian minerals and their mode of uccurrence. The crystalline limestones of the Laurentian series are remarkable for their great extent and for the variety of crystalline minerals which they contain. They are interstratified with beds of dolomite, which sometimes contain a portion of carbonate of iron, and inclose serpentine, tremolite, quartzite, and a little white mica, but are generally less abounding in foreign minerals than the pure limestones. Several min- eral species might be mentioned as marking bands in the stratification. Among these there are apatite, chondrodite, pyroxene, magnesian mica and graphite. Apatite or phosphate of lime is one of the principal features of the limestones of the Laurentian series. It is found in a variety of colors and shapes, sometimes in rare crystals dissemi- nated throughout the veins ; at others, in solid masses, in veins of great width. Sometimes it is in the form of prisms. These are generally rough, Lut often terminated, and always have their angles rounded. Apatite is generally associated with pyroxene, which has also been found in large crystals. Apatite is used in the arts for the manufacture of phos- phoric acid and phosphorus, and enters largely into the composition of certain porcelains. It is besides very extensively used as a fertilizer of the soil. Phosphates are among the minerals most essential to vegetation, and MINING AND QUARRYING OF PHOSPHATES. 33 mng and made by IS of the excellent minerals mestones leir great lis which beds of carbonate ite, and a mding in eral min- pds in the jndrodite, Datite or es of the a variety dissemi- nasses, in if prisms. nd always issociated in large ; of phos- into the des very osphates tion, and are removed from the earth in large quantities by growing crops. The importance of a supply of phosphates to the soil is made very evident by the fact that the mineral constituent of the bones of animals is for the greater part phosphate of lime. This material, whether in the form of bones, coprolites, or apatite, is seldom applied to the soil in its insoluble state, as it is then comparatively un- available for the nutrition of plants. To render it fit for agricultural purposes, it is converted into a soluble salt, which is known as a superphosphate of lime. Of late years, the increasing demand for phosphates as fertilizers has drawn attention to the use of the crystaline mineral phosphate of lime, or apatite, of which large quantities have been imported from Norway into Eng- land, and attention has recently been turned to the abundant supplies of this substance found in Canada, and large importations have recently been made from the Canadian phosphate regions into England. The present price for apatite in England is one shilling and five pence per unit, or about ^30 per ton, for a first-class grade. Capital is slowly investing in the phosphate lands of Canada. Railroad enterprise is moving for the pur- pose of transportation, and the time is drawing near when the mining or quarrying of phosphates will be one of the largest and best-paying industries in Canada. The cost of production being small, but very little capital is neces- sary, and the large and continued demand fixes the price for which the mineral can be sold at such a figure that as a profitable undertaking, not a doubt remains. 4 34 AIL ABOUT CANADA. MARBLE. 1 6. Beautiful serpentine and verd antique marbles are found in afferent parts of Quebec. ! In Cape Breton there is a marble mountain which con- tains the finest specimens of white and colored marbles. j The Canadian Geological Museum, formerly at Montreal, j now at Ottawa, is well worthy of a visit from those who ! have the opportunity. Even Canadians who have not j visited the Museum before will be astonished when they I do so, at the specimens there displayed, particularly by j the beauty and variety of Canadian Marbles. ' COAL. 17. Canada has a very great abundance of coal. It is found in nearly every part of the Dominion. In British Columbia and the North-West territories, Nova Scotia and Nev Brunswick, coal occurs in almost immeasurable quantities. Queen Charlotte's Island, B.C., produces anthracite coal of excellent quality. There is a constant demand for this coal in California at very remunerative prices. The coal of Vancouver Island is bituminous. It is superior in quality to any other coal produced along the Pacific Coast. Tested by United States army officials, 1,800 lbs of this coal were found equal for steam-producing purposes to 2,200 lbs. of " Bellingham Bay" coal. 2,400 '• " Seattle, W.T. 2,500 " " Rocky Mountains, Wy. Ter. 2,600 " " Coos Bay, Origen. 2,600 " " Mt. Diabolo, Cal. THE COAL FIELDS OF CANADA. 35 larbles are which con- d marbles. t Montreal, those who D have not when they ;icularly by coal. It is ion. territories, s in almost anthracite mt demand [tive prices, lus. It is along the lbs of this rposes to )al. "er. All these five coal mines mentioned above are in the United States. As the report is from U. S. officials, and so largely in favor of the Canadian coal, we may reason- ably suppose the report to be trustworthy. The writer has not only used this coal for two years, while residing in Victoria, but has also, in the early years of mining operations there, explored the largest of the Nanaimo mines, and is prepared therefore from personal experi- ence to confirm the reports made respecting the excellence of the coal here referred to. It is estimated by our official geologists that the coal beds of Vancouver Island, extending from Nanaimo to Comax, embrace 300 square miles of territory, and their report estimates 16,000,000 of tons to the square mile, or nearly 5,000,000,000 tons in all. The coal fields of our great North-West are much larger. Commencing at a point 150 miles East of the Rocky Mountains they extend, at a width of nearly 300 miles, right through sixteen degrees of latitude to the Arctic Ocean. " The route of the Canadian Pacific Railway is indicated as the natural pathway of commerce by the vast and inexhaustible coal beds through which it runs for over two hundred miles. '• Frorr geological reports, and the engineer's surveys, the district through which it passes possesses one of the largest coal fields in the world. •• Between the 59th parallel and the North Sea, it has been calculated that there cannot be much less than 500,000 square miles that are underlaid by true coal. The average breadth of this belt is about 280 miles. In 36 ALL ABOUT CANADA. addition to the coal, this country contains rich deposits of iron ore. " On the North Saskatchewan River, coal prevails with little interruption in beds two and two-and-a-half feet thick on the bank of the river, from a little below Edmonton, upwards for two hundred miles. " On the Pembina River, 70 miles to the West, there is a seam ten feet thick, of a very superior quality. On the Battle River it is also noted, and in the Red Deer Branch of the South Saskatchewan, 170 miles from its mouth, are extensive deposits of coal, and at 100 miles further up it is there in beds so close, that, of 20 feet of strata exposed, 12 feet are coal. •' Specimens of coal from various sections of the Saskatchewan country were recently forwarded for analysis to Professor Haanel, of Victoria College, Ontario, with the following result. He says : "The specimens were the out-crop in each case, and taken from points at least 300 miles apart. The accompanying table of assays of coal from some of the principal mines of the United States and Nova Scotia are highly valuable for comparison, and when it is remembered that their samples were taken from the bed of the mine, and my speci- mens from the out-crop, the superior quality of the Saskatchewan coal is fully established." ANALYSIS OF PROF. HAANEL, VICTORIA COLLEGE. LOCALITY I II Ill IV Maryland Pennsylvania Virginia Joggins Springhill District of Pictou Same locali'y to t'p b'nch District of Richmond. . . Spec. 1-375 1-375 1.340 1-337 Mois- ture. 11.88 II.41 6.69 6.89 1-25 0.82 1.64 2.50 1.80 1-750 1.500 •30 Vol. Matter 28.66 29.07 33-70 33-S7 15.80 17.01 36.63 36-30 28.40 25-875 24.800 -25 Fixed Ca'bon 57-25 56.94 53-25 50.90 73-01 68.82 50.99 56.00 56.60 61.950 51.428 56.40 Ash. 2.21 2.58 6.36 8.64 9-74 13-35 10.74 5.20 13.20 10.425 22.271 13.35 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.80 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 N. t :h deposits revails with a-half feet ittle below ^est, there lality. On Red Deer ;s from its fc 100 miles 2 feet of ns of the for analysis itario, with d taken from e of assays of s and Nova remembered nd my speci- chewan coal tOLLEGE. sh. .21 58 100.00 36 100.00 64 100.00 •74 100.00 35 99.80 74 100.00 20 100.00 20 100.00 25 100.00 71 100.00 bs 100.00 THE COAL FIELDS OF CANADA. 37 " The numbers I. to IV. are as follows : " The Pembina coal, 100 miles N. W. from Edmonton — I. '* That from near Belly River, South Saskatchewan — II. "That from Belly River— III. " That from Saskatchewan River, near Fort Edmonton, 900 miles N. N. W. of the city of Winnipeg, in Manitoba — IV. " I. and II. are bituminous coal>, of a Ijright lustre, irregular fracture showing, to judge from the small specimens sent, no distinct lamination, of a high spec. gr. 1.375, comparatively free from sulphur, and giving but little tarry matter upon coking. " If the specimens are compared among themselves, I. and II. prove the best, IV. the poorest, yet by no means a poor coal. None of the specimens contain inspissated pyrites, and are comparatively free from sulphur. "I. and II. contain all the qualities to render them superior coal for heating purposes, and III. and IV. are much better than a great deal of the coal from Pennsylvania, such as we are often obliged to burn. '* For comparison, I add some assays of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia coal, quoted from Dana, and Joggins and Springhill coal, from the Cumberland coal field ; from the carboniferous district of Pictou, and from the district of Richmond. These last quoted from Dawson's Acad. Geol. ** Many other seams are found over a wide extent of country, and it is but reasonable to infer that several of these will yield excellent fuel, for even in the richest coal countries there is no such abundant out- crops as here. " Surely with these riches and its vast agricultural resources, there is a great future in store for the North- West of Canada. Fortunate, therefore, will be the descendants of those who may now obtain a foot- hold within its gigantic borders, possessing as it does all the true elements of future greatness and prosperity." — -Thonixs S pence's Prairie Lands of Canada. The coal-fields of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick cover an area of not less than 10,000 square miles, con- taining enough coal to supply the entire steam navy of Great Britain for many centuries. The most important mines are those of Pictou and Sidney, Cape Breton. Our 38 ALL ABOUT CANADA. output which has steadily increased for several years past, is now nearly one and a half millions of tons. As our manufactories and railways increase, and as our supplies of wood near large cities have become less, our demands for coal must increase, especially will it be required as our prairie lands are settled. PEAT. 1 8. There are now no less than 60,000 acres of peat lands in the Province of Quebec. In the Island of Anticosti there is an equal amount, and 30,000 acres in the Pro- vince of Ontario. In many of the bogs it has a depth of from 10 to 20 feet. In the North-West where everything is on a large scale there are immense deposits. In many places it has only to be cut out in square lumps and dried. It burns slowly and gives off a great quantity of heat. It is identical with the '* turf" taken from the peat bogs of Ireland and Scotland. When used in a box stove the heat is greater than that of coal. The estimated cost of preparation of peat in Canada, for consumption is one dollar per ton, and a ton is said to be equal to one and a quarter cords of hard-wood for heating purposes. PETROLEUM. {Rock Oil or Coal Oil.) 19. Oil springs occur in several localities in the South West part of Ontario, and from the wells of those regions many millions of gallons of oil have been taken. The oil-bearing rock extends over a large portion of the country indicated. Although much has been done to de^ timl pro! years past, As our ir supplies r demands equired as peat lands Anticosti the Pro- 1 depth of arge scale has only rns slowly identical land and s greater Canada, is said /ood for HI) le South regions Irtion of done to GOLD MINES, CATTLE AND SHEEP. 39 develop this valuable product it will probably be a long time before it is exhausted, as but a small portion of the productive district has as yet been worked. GOLD. 20. Gold is found in many parts of Canada. The gold fields of Nova Scotia extend over an area of b,ooo square miles. It is found also in the North-West at Athabasca and Pembina Rivers. At Edmonton a miner will often wash out from $3.00 to $12.00 per day. Experienced miners who have visited these mines speak of them as being rich. The most important gold-fields of Canada, however, are those of British Columbia. Gold has been found so far in 116 different localities in British Columbia, principally along the banks of small streams and gulches. The highest yields for any one year since the mines of the province were first operated is $3,750,000 and the total yield something over $40,000,000. CATTLE AND SHEEP. 2 1 . Our climate with our rich pastures and our abun- dant pure water makes Canada a good country for the production of cattle and sheep. Because of the purity of our Northern atmosphere and other favorable elements, our cattle so far, at least, have been kept free from those diseases by which so many animals have been destroyed in the United States during the past few years. The Canadian Government has moreover exercised great precaution in this respect and 40 ALL ABOUT CANADA. has by wise measures prevented the importation of diseased cattle into Canada, so that if the same pre- cautionary measures are continued our cattle are likely to be exempt from disease. The result has been an increased demand for Canadian beef abroad, as consumers are finding more and more every year that beef from Canada is safer and purer than that exported from the United States. •* The quality of beef and mutton raised upon our Northern grasses has been pronounced of superior ex- cellence. "Among the peculiar advantages of our North-West for stock raising and wool growing, the most prominent are: '* The luxuriance and richness of our native grasses. *' The vast extent of the territory for unlimited pastur- age for many years to come. "The remarkable dryness and healthfulness of the winter. The cold air sharpens the appetite and promotes a rapid secretion of fat. " For sheep and wool growing the undulating character of the prairies, the richness of the grasses and the purity of the waters offer encouraging inducements. " Sheep in this region are entirely free from the diseases to which they are so subject in more Southern parts of the Continent. " The dryness of our Northern winters not only protects them from those casualties to which they are exposed in moister winter climates, but stimulates them to a more healthy and vigorous growth. " An experienced settler in the North-West says, ' My sheep have been troubled with no disease.' DAIRY PRODUCTS AND HONliY. 4» tation of same pre- e likely to Canadian and more urer than upon our lerior ex- )rth-West inentare: rasses. id pastur- s of the romotes :haracter le purity [rom the Southern [protects exposed a more rs, ' My •' I believe that in this branch of industry, this country has few equals and no superior on the globe." DAIRY PRODUCTS. 2 2. This industry in Canada has been characterized for the last few years by very rapid growth. In 1874 we produced twenty millions of pounds of cheese, for which we found so encouraging a demand in England that in 1878 we produced forty millions, and in 188 1 sixty millions of pounds and the industry continues to increase. We manufacture, according to population, just tw ice as much cheese as the American Republic, and six times as much butter. If our butter and cheese makers continue to turn out dairy products of the same excellence of quality as in the past, and no one need have any doubt in this respect, this remunerative industry must be very greatly enlarged in Canada, for as the people of the old land become better acquainted with these Canadian productions they will be satisfied with no other. HONEY BEES. 23. These industrious little insects are successfully farmed in almost all parts of Canada. There are now in the Dominion about 200,000 hives which produce over two millions of pounds of honey annually. There is no reason why this industry may not be large- ly increased. All those sources from which bees extract honey — the best honey — are and may be kept abundant in the Dominion. 42 MA. AHOUT CANADA. The ordinary farmer can keep bees without much trouble and with almost absolutely no expense at all. I observe however that among our French Canadian habitants in the province of Quebec, that from lack of improved hives the honey is taken at the expense of the lives of the honest little toilers who made it, which is not only killing the goose that laid the golden egg, but is also an act of ungrateful murder, for which any man ought to be severely punished. The keeping of bees is as pleasant and in Canada almost as profitable an occupa- tion as any to which a man of small means can turn his attention. POULTRY AND EGGS. 24. There is a lively and a growing trade in poultry and eggs. There is an increasing demand in the U. S. Prices have been very high for two or three years past with an apparent probability of continuing high. We shipped to the U. S. during the past year about 2A millions of dozens of eggs and about 650 tons of poultry. GAME. Canada has been justly called " The Sportsman's Paradise." Through many parts of the older provinces, especially Ontario and Quebec are hundreds of small lakes and mountain streams which abound with almost every species of trout, bass, maskinonge, pickerel and other fish, while in our rivers and prairies and Northern lakes, are found wild duck of every variety, wild geese, swans, plovers, prairie chickens, grouse, quails, wild turkeys, woodcock, snipe, and pigeons. :i SHIPPING AND MANUFACTURES. 43 : much all. anadian lack of ; of the h is not I; is also ught to \ is as occnpa- turn his poultry e U. S. irs past We illions sman s ecially is and pecies while found overs, Icock, Our wild animals are black bear, grizzly bear, wolf, buffalo, deer, panther, moose, cariboo, antelope, mountain sheep, black, red and silver grey fox, wild cat, wolverine, beaver, musk-rat, weasel, rabbit, squirrel, martin, raccoon, mink, skunk, seal, ermine, fisher, otter, porcupine. Among the wild birds not mentioned above are robins, larks, blackbirds, owls, ) iwks, eagles, wrens, sparrows, whippoorwills, blue birds, kites, bitterns, herons, crows, cranes, swallows, kingfishers, yellow-hammers, loons, wood peckers, &c. &c. SHIPPING. Canada has a greater raarine tonnage according to her population than any other country in the world. Small as her population is compared with older States she ranks fourth among the nations as a maritime power. Her ship building has grown during the past 30 years with a wonderful rapidity. In 1850 she had 61,000 tons only. In 1877 " " 1,310,000 " In 1880 " " 1.500,000 " we built in t88o, in all, 55 Steamers of various kinds, and 242 sail vessels. We have 7,500 vessels of all kinds representing a capital of over $45,000,000, or 9 millions sterling, which is a little over;^2 per head or about 30 per cent higher than the average in Great Britain. MANUFACTURES. 27 The principle articles manufactured in Canada are, in Ontario and Quebec, cloth, linen, cotton, ready-made clothing, boots and shoes, furniture, leather, sawn lum- 4+ ALL AHOUT CANADA. ber, cliemirals, glass, dclf and chinaware, hardware, sewing machines, steam engines, locomotives, agricultural implements of all descriptions, flour, meal of all kinds, canned meats and fruits. In new Brunswick and Nova Scotia, sawn lumber, cotton and woollen goods, boots and shoes, furniture, leather, nails, machinery, gunpowder, paper &c. RAPID GROWTH OF INDUSTRIES. 28. In the manufacture of leather, cotton and woollen goodsour increase alone in 1881 over 1878 was ^5,500,000. In the manufacture of cotton we imported in 1878, seven millions of pounds of raw material. In 1881 we imported si.xteen million pounds, last year over eighteen millions. At the beginning of 188 1 we had 180,000 spindles in active operation in our cotton mills, we have now, only a little over one year later, no less than 400,000 cotton spindles at work. We employ in our factories 30,000 more hands than we employed in 1878. ENTERPRISE. 29. In 1850 Canada's total trade was a little over $29,000,000. In 1859 it was $58,000,000. In i860 it was very nearly $69,000,000 and in 1869 $130,000,000, and in 1873 it had risen to $217,000,000, The enterprise and pluck of Canadians Mvere best seen at the time of the abrogation of the Reciprocity Treaty by the United States in 1866. Our people saw more 1 ENIERPKISE. 45 clearly than ever before the necessity for a union of all the provinces into one strong Dominion, and for winter out- lets to the sea, and for a larger trade abroad. The Intercolonial Railway, intended for a winter link between the heart of the Dominion and the Atlantic Ocean, at Halifax, was undertaken at once, at a cost of ^20,000,000. Our canals were improved. Our shipping enlarged. The result of the abrogation of the Treaty, which the Canadians looked upon as an attempt on the part of the Republic to force annexation, was an incalcul- able benefit to Canadian enterprise. Our annual volume of trade immediately rose from J^r 20,000,000, in 1867, the year the confederation of all the British North American possessions was consummated, to $217,000,000, in 1873 as stated above ; that is an annual increase of nearly one hundred millions in six years. Our trade last year ran up to very nearly two hundred and twenty- two million dollars. So Canada is bound to make good the words of the late Hon. Mr. Seward, Secretary of State for the United States, under Mr. Lincoln's administration. " Hitherto in common with most of my countrymen," says Mr. Seward, " I have thought Canada, or, to speak more accurately, British America, a mere strip lying north of the United States, easily detached from the Parent State, but incapable of sustaining itself, and therefore ul- timately, nay right soon, to be taken on by the Federal Union, without materially changing or affecting its own development. I have dropped the opinion as a national conceit. I see in British North America, stretching as it does across the continent from the Atlantic to the 46 ALL ABOUT CANADA. Pacific, and occupying a belt of the temperate zone * * * * a region grand enough for the seat of a great empire — in its wheat fields ir. the West, * * * * its invaluable fisheries and its mineral wealth. I find its inhabitants vigorous, hardy, energetic and perfected by British constitutional liberty. Southern political stars must set, though many times they rise again with diminished splendor, but those which illuminate the pole remain for ever shining, for ever increasing in splendor." RAILWAYS. 30. We have 58 different lines of railway in Canada, which have very nearly 8,000 miles of road in actual operation besides hundreds of miles more under con- struction, making 10,500 miles in all, and Engineers are busy in many parts of the Dominion running lines and locating contemplated railways for the greater convenience of the older and populated parts of the country, and also for the opening and settling up of those vast portions hitherto occupied solely by savage aboriginal tribes, and wild beasts, more especially those portions of our wide territory where our richest wheat lands are just now being offered gratuitously and for sale to actual settlers, many thousands of whom are availing themselves of this golden opportunity to secure for themselves and their families homes of comfort and wealth. There is invested in railways already completed and in operation capital to the amount of ^400,000,000. Over these were carried in 1 881, over 5,600,000 passengers and over 9,700,000 tons of traffic, about one million passengers more than were carried the preceding year and one and a half mil- lions of tons of trafiic over preceding year. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 47 — in its sheries >orous, utional 1 many t those ng, for anada, actual r con- :ers are les and nience d also rtions s, and r wide being many olden milies ed in tal to rried 0,000 than mil- The total earnings of one line alone for the same period was over ^10,500,000, which is an increase of more than a million dollars over 1880. The total earnings of all the roads was a little over 28 millions, which is about 8 millions over the entire operat- ing expenses for the year. We regard our railway enterprises therefore as being in a very healthy and satis- factory condition. A specimen of Canadian enterprise in railway building may be seen in an item clipped from one of the United States papers. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. RAPID WORK BEING ACCOMPLISHED. St. Paul, Minn., July 27. — Some of the most rapid railroad building ever done is now in progress on the Canadian Pacific, and before next spring the iron track will penetrate a distance of 663 miles west of Winnipeg. Mr. D. C. Shepard, of the contracting firm of Langdon, Shepard & Co., has just returned from the scene of operations on the extreme northern route, and where the firm has a 500 mile contract which is to be completed this year. In February last Mr. Shepard contracted to construct 500 miles of road for the Canadian Pacific, and to complete the work during 1882. The grading is pro- gressing at the rate of six miles per day, and the iron is being placed at the rate of three miles per day. The contractors have 4,200 men at work, including teamsters, and 1,600 teams. The present rate of track- laying, how- ever, will soon be increased by four miles per day, two gangs of men being put on in reliefs, and work fifteen I^i! 48 ALL ABOUT CANADA. hours out of the twenty- four instead of eleven hours, as at present. They will show a record at track-laying which has never been surpassed on this continent. In fact, the iron now is going down just as fast as it can be pulled from the cars. Notwithstanding the adverse in^uences encountered early in the Spring, the contractors expc^. to complete the 500 miles of grading before it freezes up, and perhaps fifty miles more. The track- laying will go on all Winter, the grade will be all ironed by Spring, a distance of 653 miles west of Winnipeg. Not only that, but it is hoped to carry it fifty miles fur- ther beyond the crossing of the Saskatchewan River. PUBLIC WORKS. 31. Our public works involve capital to the amount of four hundred and twenty-five millions of dollars. Our public works include 220 miles of Canal, through which our great lakes are connected by navigable water. By means of a portion of our canal system a ship drawing 1 2 feet of water can be taken with a full cargo, from the Straits of Belle Isle, our Atlantic gateway, a voyage of more than 2,000 miles through Canadian waters right into the heart of the Continent of America. The reader will form some idea of our inland traffic from the number of vessels passing through these canals during the year 1881. Canadian Vessels and Steamers 23,225 U. S. " " 4,411 Making a total of. 27,636 craft of all kind representing a tonnage of 4,283,8 17 BANKING. 49 lOurs, as g which fast as it 3 adverse itractors )efore it i track- 11 ironed innipeg. iles for- mer. amount ,rs. hrough water. a ship 1 cargo, eway, a waters The om the ing the ■5 I ;6 7 By Canadian enterprise the River St. Lawrence has been made an unbroken waterway, (/. e. without canals) for a distance of 900 miles in from the ocean, capable of admitting in and out, with perfect safety, for the entire distance, ships of over 5000 tons burden. BANKS. 32. The growth of banking capital and the increase in deposits, especially those of a permanent character on which interest is paid, are excellent indications of the progress of the country. The following comparative statement, referring only to the banks of the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, shows the paid-up capital, the de- posits requiring notice, and the note circulation, on May 31, 1867, and on September 30, 1874: — BANKS. May 31, '67. Capital paid up ! .$29,346,863 Deposits at call 14,256,764 Deposits requiring notice; 13,983,680 Note circulation 8,444,787 Sept. 30, '74. ^56,906,418 40,183,880 35,223,967 25,912,212 Increase. 127,559,555 25,927,116 21,238,387 17,467,425 The foregoing figures are evidences of a growth the rapidity of which has, probably, never been equalled in any other country of the world ; and they furnish an in- fallible index to the accumulation of wealth by the people at large. By a wise provision on the part of the Legislature, the banks of the Dominion are obliged to make monthly re- turns to the Government, that stock and bill holders may be prevented from very serious loss in the event of the condition of any one of the banks, being found unsatis- factory. The general result is the creation and preserva- 5 50 ALL ABOUT CANADA. tion of a most satisfactory healthfulness in our banking system. The total liabilities of Canadian Banks in the month of February, 1883, was $145,603,000 Total Assets 226,843,000 Excess of Assets over Liabilities. . $81,240,000 Notes in circulation February, 1883 $34,044,000 POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANKS. 33. That poor men who may be endeavoring to save up their earnings for the purchase of a homestead or for other purposes, and for others who may desire perfect security with a moderate rate of interest rather than a doubtful investment of any kind, the Government offer the security of the Dominion by means of Post-office Savings Banks, under the control of the Government, and management of the Post-ofHice officials. The very satisfactory condition of the laboring man, and others of small means, in Canada may be seen from the following figures. The monthly deposits in our Post-office Savings Bank over withdrawals for the year 1881 was $400,000. During the past three years there has been deposited by our poorer people in these banks $13,000,000 over and above what has been drawn out, while the deposits of those of larger means, in our other banks, over and above withdrawals for the year amounts to $23,000,000, making a total of $39,000,000 now in the banks as deposits over withdrawals, and all this while industries and new enterprises are springing up on every hand, in all directions, in which large sums are being invested by POSTAL SERVICE, ETC. 51 banking lonth of 603,000 843,000 ,240,000 044,000 s. to save d or for perfect r than a nt offer )St-office ent, and ig man, |en from Bank [posited )o over leposits rer and )0,000, Inks as lustries md, in Ited bv the Canadian people. This fact alone is sufficient to convince any one, of the happy condition of the people of Canada financially. POSTAL SERVICE. 34. Canada enjoys the great advantage of cheap postage and a perfect system of postal communication. A letter under half an ounce is carried from any place in the Dominion to any other place in the Do- minion or the United States for three cents. Less important and shorter matter may be sent more cheaply by means of the one cent post-card. There are in the Dominion 6,171 post-offices and 41,681 miles of postal route. The number of letters sent by post in 1882 was 56,200,000, and of post cards 11,300,000. TELEGRAPHS. 35. There are five telegraph companies operating in the Dominion. The largest of these has 31,673 miles of line and 2,000 offices. Telephones and electric lights are now becoming very common in all our large cities. EDUCATION. 36. In the Province of Ontario the schools are free, supported by Provincial grants and local taxes. The education of children is compulsory on parents and guardians. Ontario has 4,600 public schools ; 102 grammar or high schools ; 300 private schools and academies ; 20 colleges and universities ; a college of technology, and a Provin- cial ftiodel farm with a college or school of agriculture. 52 ALL AKOUT CANADA. The educational institutions of the Province of Quebec pi are divided into Superior, Secondary, Normal, Special qi and Primary. The first division comprises the universities and As schools of theology, law and medi ine. Hj The second, classical colleges, industrial colleges and academies. th^ Under the head of special, come asylums for the deaf and dumb, the agricultural colleges, and Board of Arts and Manufactures, and under the head of primary all the elementary and model schools. There are 4,000 schools of all kinds in the Province. Nova Scotia has 1,600 schools, in which are over 100,000 pupils. Education is not compulsory but is free to all classes. In New Brunswick the school trustees are bound by the Provincial Act of 1871 to provide school accommo- dation for all persons in the district between the ages of five and twenty years free of charge. The educational institutions supported exclusively by the Government are a Provincial University, a Normal School, and high schools or grammar schools. The schools of Prince Edward Island, as also of British Columbia, are free to all children. Manitoba, our new Province in the West, is also pro- vided with an excellent school system. INDIANS. 37. There are in the whole Dominion about 100,000 Indians. The principal tribes or nations in the older f Quebec , Special ties and eges and the deaf i of Arts ry all the Dvince. are over ut is free >ound by ccommo- ! ages of iively by Normal also of so pro- INDIAN TRIBES. S3 100,000 le older provinces are the Iroquois, Chippewas, Mohawks, Algon- quins and Oneidas. In the North-West, the Sioux, Blackfeet, Crees and Assiniboines. In British Columbia, the Ahts, Cowichans, Hydahs, Tsimpsheean, and the Mainland Bands. All Indians in Canada are peaceably inclined toward the white people. The Canadian Government has always dealt in an honorable way with these aboriginal tribes, and have thereby won their respect and confidence. There are in various parts of the Dominion about fifty schools exclusively set apart for the education of Indian children. Several thousands of the Indians are members of the various Christian churches of the land. There is a growing competition among the churches in their commendable efforts to rescue these aborigines from their pagan superstitions. Many of these, somewhat advanced in civilization, find profitable employment as farm hands in the East, as stock herders and trappers in the North-West, and as assistants in the fish canning establishments in British Columbia. While not a few of the Indians, in many parts of the Dominion, are becoming settled and success- ful agriculturists. From none of the Indians of Canada has the quiet and peaceable settler anything to fear. RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS. 38. There is no State religion in Canada. All denomina- tions are equal in the eyes of the Government. 54 ALL ABOUT CANADA, The adherents of the various sects are : Roman Catholic, - - . 1,700,000 Protestant, . . . 2,225,000 The greater portion of the Roman Catholic population is found in the Province of Quebec where the inhabitants are mostly of French origin. The leading Protestant Denominations rank as follows, according to their num- bers — Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Baptist, Lutheran, Congregationalist, All these denominations support large and well equip- ped universities and theological schools and colleges. CITIES AND TOWNS. 39. The population of a few of the larger cities and towns of the Dominion, together with their growth during the past ten years, are given below : — Montreal, Toronto, Quebec, Hamilton, Halifax, Ottawa, 140.747 86,415 62,446 35.961 36,100 27,412 Many others might be named, all characterized by a steady growth. The most remarkable growth of all, however, is that of the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Pop. of 1871. 107,225 56,092 59.699 26,716 29,582 21.5+5 WINNIPEG AND ITS PROGRESS. 55 >o )0 opulation habitants ^rotestant eir num- which had, in 1871, only 241 inhabitants, but which has, at the close of the year 1882, no less than 25,000, with a very strong probability apparently of still more rapid growth during the next ten years. As this is the chief business centre of our North-West country, and as its growth is a fair indication of the rapid progress which is now being made in opening up and settling the North- western portion of the Dominion the following facts and figures will be interesting to the reader. WINNIPEG. PROGRESS OF THE CITY. ;11 equip- eges. nd towns ring the ed by a of all, anitoba. 40. Ten years ago Winnipeg was a mere hamlet, a trading post of the Hudson's Bay Company, hundreds of miles from railway communication, and almost an equal distance from the borders of civilization. To-day it is one of the most progressive cities on the continent, with a population of 25,000, an assessment of ^30,000 '''oo. and a civic revenue of ^300,000, while the public de^t of the city is only ^1,200,000. The growth of the corpora- tion has fully kept pace with the marvellous progress of the city in all other departments. It was incorporated in 1874 — only eight years ago. In 1881 the city proper covered an area of twelve square miles, divided into four wards. Now it covers an area of twenty square miles, divided into six wards. The following shows the value of foreign imports, in- cluding free goods, for each month, compared with 1881 :— 56 ALL ABOUT CANADA. Month. January February March A})ril May - June July AujfUHt September - October - November - December 1881. $ 70,021 174, 2G() 188,137 384, 5im 4G(),344 200,272 2i>2,75(; - 290,207 2r)7,3!K) . 237,925 220,808 $2,837,431 1882. .«103,21)C 413,384 494,247 440,014 711,253 1,074,388 929,267 9()8,532 1,335,189 094,908 512,310 4.50,000 Total for year, $2,837,431 iiii8,222,918 Total foreign imports, 1882 - - - $8,222,928 Total foreign imports, 1881 - - - 2,837,431 Increase, 1882 over 1881 .... 5.385,497 THE DUTY COLLECTED. For the year 1882 $1,587,327 For the year 1881 051,892 Increase, 1882 over 1881 - - - - 935.435 It is understood that there is a very large quantity of goods in bond, and the Customs officials express the opinion that the duties collected next year will as far exceed those of 1882 as they exceed the receipts of 1881. The amount of Customs duties collected at the port since its estalbishment 1872 is as follows : — 1872 $ 47,840 1873 48,074 . 1874 07,474 1875 ..... 171,421 1870 253,040 1877 192,480 1878 223,530 1879 2(15,828 1880 ....... 310,718 1881 051,892 1882 ■ - 1,587,327 Total for ten years - - $3,825,630 Of the total foreign imports, it is .estimated that the proportion is about equally divided between the imports from Great Britain and the United States. But while the foreign imports have attained extraordinary dimensions, h Sl b I •>'/>•• A* IH4 !47 >14 •na 188 167 132 8!) 08 10 00 18 28 31 1)7 27 35 antity of ress the 1 as far f i88i. )rt since at the mports le the sions, IMPORTS AND LABOR. 57 they are nothing to be compared to the enormous trade with the Eastern Provinces — a trade which is increasing month by month. The statistics furnished by the Cus- toms authorities shows that the imports from the East for the fiscal year ended June 30th aggregated $10,575,- 770. There has been a large increase during the past six months, so that the aggregate of inter-provincial trade for the calendar year will amount to at least $12,000,000, estimated as follows : — Dry Goods $2,000,000 Groceries 1,500,000 Liquors 300,000 Settlers' Effects 008,400 Machinery, lmi)leinentH, etc. - - - 1,000,000 Manufactures of Leather • - - 200,000 Hardware 2,000,000 Miscellaneous goods .... 4,400,000 The miscellaneous goods comprise lumber, ready-made houses, breadstuffs, furniture, animals, etc., etc. This shows the total trade of the city for the past year to have been : Foreign inijiorts - - - - $ 8,222,928 Inter-provincial trade - - 12,000,000 Total trade for the year - - - .f20,222,928 THE LABOR MARKET. There has been abundant employment during the year for all who were willing to work, at the following scale of wages : — Carpenters, $3 to $4 per day. Bricklayers, $3.60 to $6 -^'^.r day. Stonecutters, $4 to $5 per day. Machinists, $3.50 to $4 per day. Moulders, $3 to $3.50 per day. Shoemakers, $2.50 to $3 per day. 58 ALL ABOUT CANADA. Blacksmiths, S2.50 to $3 per day. Teamsters, railroad, S35 to S40 per month. Teamsters, city, $2.50 per day, $4.50 board per week Teamsters, city, jjbo per month. Laborers, $2.50 to JJ3 per day. Tailors, $2.50 to J3 per day. Farm laborers, $40 to ^45 per month, and board. Railroad laborers, $2.25 to $2.50 per day ; $4.50 board. Brickmakers, $2.50 to J4 per day. Board in camp, $4 to $4.50 per week. Board in city, $4.50 up and lodging. When the frosts set in, the brickyards, railroad work, and outside work closes, leaving a large number unem- ployed for a day or so, until they received their wages, and on receipt of the same all those who were accustomed and those desirous of going to the bush were immediately placed at tie cutting, cordwood chopping, or lumbering. A large number also have returned East to their homes, with the intention of returning in the spring and bring- ing their families out with them to settle in the Province or the North-west. The wages paid during the summer months, as will be seen by the above list, has been better than in any city in the Eastern Provinces, as men could save out of their weekly wages, after paying their board and lodging, from $12 to ^18 per week. The winter work consists chiefly in the bush, and has given a great deal of employment for those who desire to remain in the country. Winter wages are as follows : — Carpenters, $2.50 to $3.50 per day. Stonecutters, J3 to $4 per day. ler week rd. •so id work, r unem- f wages, istomed jdiately jeriniif. homes, bring- rovince lummer better could board winter . great in the THE LAHOR MARKET. 59 Machinists, J3 to JJ4 per day. Shoemakers, $2.50 to $3 per day. Blacksmiths, S2 to S2.75 per day. Teamsters, bush, S35 per month and board. Swampers, bush, S3 5 per month and board. Choppers, bush, $30 to S35 per month and board. Tie cutting by piece, 8 to 12c. per tie. Wood chopping per cord, 85c. to $1 per cord. Cooks (men), S45 to $75 per month. Hewers, S45 to $50 per month and board. Board in camps, $4 to $4.50 per week. It is estimated that 18,000,000 bricks were manufac- tured in Winnipeg last season against 7,000,000 in 1881. The record of manufactures shows that in this depart- ment of industry Winnipeg is making great progress. The manufactures include furniture, tent factory, iron industry, Portland stone, cement, pipes, lumber, planing mills, biscuit and confectionery and flour milling, that of Messrs. Ogilvie & Co. being specially mentioned. This massive mill at Point Douglas was established 1882, and cost ^200,000. It took nearly one year to erect the structure. The capacity of the mill is 750 barrels of flour per day, and the largest engine in the country, a Reynold's Corliss engine, is used. It is of 350 horse-power. About 60 men are employed. During the year the number of men employed by the Board of Works has run as high as 300, with 40 teams. The wages ranged from ^2.50 to S7 a day. The average monthly pay roll was $18,000. The salaries of civic officials paid in 1881 amounted to $22,405. In 1882 they amounted to $83,970, an increase of $61,565. Not a bad showing for an eight-year-old city ! 60 ALL ABOUT CANADA. The assessment and population of the city made an extraordinary increase in the year, as shown by the fol- lowing official statistics : — Year. Population. Assessment. Rate. 1870 - - ,300 1871 - - 500 1872 - - 1,000 1873 - - 1,500 1874 - - 2.000 - - $ 2.670,018 1875 - - 3,000 - - 2,635,805 1876 - - 4,000 - - 3,031,685 1877 - - 5,000 - - 3,097,824 1878 - - 6,000 - - 3,216,980 1879 - - 7,000 - - 3,415.065 1880 - - 8,000 - - 4.000,000 1881 - - 9,000 - - 9,028,495 1882 - - 25,000 - - 30,418,968 The assessment of the first three years was exclusive of the school rate. The assessment for the present year does not include the new buildings erected, nor the addi- tions to the city of Fort Rouge and Ward 6. which, it is estimated, will bring the assessment of next year up to at least $40,000,000, and, perhaps, ^45,000,000. PEOPLE'S SAVINGS. The Dominion Government Savings Bank was first established in Winnipeg in January of 1S72. The busi- ness done during the first year or two was chiefly amongst the soldiers of the garrison then stationed here. The balance at the credit of the depositors on the 30th June was as follows : Year. Amount. 1872 $ 18,731 1873 58,974 1874 60,504 1875 .--.... 44,191 18''f> - 40,685 1877 32,053 1878 41,506 1879 ....... 75,264 1880 118,299 1881 192,511 1882 572,841 PEOPLE S SAVINGS. 6l an fol- isive year iddi- it is ip to first lusi- igst loth I and on the 31st inst. there will be $630,000. The fol- lowing shows the deposits and withdrawals for each fiscal year since 1868 : Year. Deposits. 1878 S63,146 1879 1880 1881 1882 108,157 208,830 310,129 1,018,051 W'hdrawl's. 76,018 168,650 239,937 662.027 There are about 2,200 depositors, who are almost exclu- sively mechanics and railway men. The deposits are mostly made weekly in sums ranging from $5 to $20. Sometimes a railroad man, who has been absent from the city for a few months, comes in and deposits $400 or $5.00 There are very few deposits as high as $3,000 — the largest sum permitted. The average deposit is about $300. This does not, of course, by any means represent the total savings of the working class of Winnipeg. Large sums are on deposit at commercial banks ; some are out on mortgage and other loans ; and probably three times as much has been sent down East to support the families of workmen. BUILDING AND REAL ESTATE OPERATIONS. A summary of the building operations during the year shows that the actual outlay on buildings amounted to THE LUMBER TRADE. Mr. Reading Crowe, of Boyd & Crowe, timber dealers in an interview with a Sun reporter, said he thought the estimate that 75,000,000 feet of lumber had been l^-^ndled 62 ALL ABOUT CANADA. by Winnipeg dealers this season was a correct one. Its average value was $30 per 1,000, and the aggregate value of business done $2,220,000. The quantity handled by the various dealers is estimated as follows : — Dick & Banning 20,000,000 Jarvis & Berridge 15,000,000 Boyd & Crowe 10,00C',000 All others 30,000,000 Of the total quantity, about 50,000,000 feet was manu- factured in the North-West, less than 5,000,000 imported from Ontario, and the remainder from Minneapolis. This does not include the importations by the Canadian Pacific Railway, which would be from 3,000,000 to 5,000,- 000 feet. The 55,000,000 feet were manufactured at Keewatin. Fort Francis, Whitemouth, Lake Winnipeg and the city of Winnipeg. MILITIA AND DEFENCE. 40. Canada has a large volunteer force brought into existence by a statute of the first Federal Parliament passed in March i 868, " to provide for the defence of the Dominion." By the terms of the Act, the militia consists of all male British subjects between the ages of eighteen and sixty. The militia is divided into an active and a reserve force. A general order from the Militia Department, in 1874, reduced the active force for purposes of drill and pay to 30,000 officers and men. A large number of com- panies were removed by this order from the active militia. Two schools of military instruction for infantry are estab- lished in each of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec and one in each of the provinces of New Brunswick and )ne. Its ate value ndled by 00 00 00 00 IS manu- imported [leapolis. Canadian )S,ooo,- tured at Winnipeg :ht into iament of the :onsists ghteen reserve ent, in 11 and com- nilitia. estab- )uebec :k and HUDSON S BAY ROUTE. 63 Nova Scotia. The loyalty and bravery of Canadian volun- teers were seen in 1866, when no less than 40,000 were, at one time, under arms to repel the invasion of the Fenians, who had armed and drilled in the United States for the purpose of righting Ireland's " lurongs " by attack- ing Canada. Not only were all the able-bodied men in Canada ready for the fray, but hundreds of young Cana- dians employed in the United States threw up their situa- tions and hastened home to defend their native land. HUDSON'S BAY ROUTE. 41. The great North- West passage from Europe to Asia, after which bold navigators and arctic explorers have sought for ages, is to be found only across the Northern part of the Dominion of Canada. Whether the Hudson's Bay is navigable through say one-half of the year has been a disputed question for some years past. If it can be shown that large ships can pass safely in and out through Hudson's Straits and Hudson's Bay for one- half of each year, all doubts respecting this route becom- ing a popular and important one between the Old World and the New are at an end. The Superintendent of the Observatory at Toronto lately received from York Factory at Haye's River the dates of the opening and closing of navigation for the past fifty- two years. The information is valuable in view of the proposition to establish a steamship line via Hudson's Bay to Europe. The average date of the opening of navigation has been May 30th, the extremes being May 7th and June ist. The average date of closing has been November 22nd, 64 ALL ABOUT CANADA. the extremes being November 3rd and December 9th. Six months of the year are therefore open on the average. Over a large part of the Hudson's Bay region, there is a temperate climate and large tracts of land are fertile, and iron and coal are found in close proximity and in considerable quantities. The engineer of the Nelson Valley Railway Co., has pronounced the route from Churchill, (the most accessible and safest harbor on Hudson's Bay) to Winnipeg, to be an easy and inexpen- sive one for a railway. The route is very highly spoken of for persons coming into the North-western part of Canada from Europe. As a through route from Europe to Asia, not only is there a saving of 1000 miles of travel over any route across the United States, but the passage of trains through the Rocky Mountains is over much lower gradients than ^ farther South. In the winter the trains are much less likely to be im- peded by snow than the trains of the Northern or Union Pacific Railways of the U. S. so that European passengers desiring to cross the Continent in win*^er can land at Halifax, Nova Scotia, and cross by the Canadian Pacific Railway with greater speed and comfort than by either of the lines to the South of us, the line being considerably shorter in addition to the other advantages mentioned. VICEREGAL OPINIONS OF CANADA. 30. Their Excellencies Lord Dufferin and the Marquis of Lome have most energetically employed their influence to forward Canadian interests, and have by their efforts laid the Dominion under lasting and grateful obligations. Lord Dufferin visited many portions of the Dominion. VICEREGAL OPINIONS. 65 )e im- ^nion mgers id at ^acific ler of ;rably [ed. k. [uisof Me nee efforts Itions. linion. After an extensive tour in the summer of 1874 he gave expression to the result of his observations as follows. ** Everywhere I have learnt that the people are satisfied : satisfied with their own individual prospects and with the prospects of their country, satisfied with their government and the institutions under which they prosper ; satisfied to be the subjects of the Queen ; satisfied to be members of the British Empire. I cannot help thinking that quite apart from the advantages to myself, my early journeys through the provinces will have been of public benefit, as exemplifying with what spontaneous, unconcerted unanimity of language, the entire Dominion has declared its faith in itself, in its destiny, in its connection with the Mother Country and in the well ordered freedom of a constitutional monarchy. Words cannot express what pride I feel as an Englishman in the loyalty of Canada to England. Nevertheless I should be the first to deplore this feeling if it rendered Canada disloyal to herself, — if it either dwarfed or smothered Canadian patriotism, or generated a sickly spirit of dependence. Such is, how- ever, far from being the case. The legislation of the parliament of Canada, the atti- tude of its statesmen, the language of its press, sufficiently show how firmly and intelligently its people are prepared to accept and apply the almost unlimited legislative faculties with which it has been endowed, while the young heart of the confederated commonwealth has begun to throb with the consciousness of its national existence. At this moment, not a shilling of British Government money finds its way to Canada ; the interference of the 6 66 ALL AbOtTT CANAtJA. Home Government with the domestic aflfairs of the Do- minion has ceased, while the imperial relations between the two countries are regulated by a spirit of such mutual deference, forbearance and moderation, as reflects the greatest credit upon the statesmen of both. Yet so far from this gift of autonomy having brought about any divergence of aim or aspiration on either side, every reader of our annals must be aware that the sentiments of Canada towards Great Britain are infinitely more friendly now than in those early days when the political intercourse of the two countries was disturbed and com- plicated by an excessive and untoward tutelage. Never was Canada more united than at present in sympathy of purpose and unity of interest with the mother country, or more at one with her in social habits and tone of thought, more proud of her claim to share in the heritage of England's past, or more ready to accept whatever obliga- tions may be imposed upon her by her partnership in the future fortunes of the empire." His Excellency Lord Lome has not only travelled more extensively than his predecessor throughout the Dominion, but has manifested, if that were possible, even a deeper interest in everything pertaining to the growth of Canada's industries and development of her vast re- sources. At a banquet tendered his Excellency by the Manitoba club, at Winnipeg on the 9th of Oct. 1881, his Excellency, who had just completed a long journey through the North-West was in a position to give an in- telligent opinion of the vastness of the extent, the grandeur of the scenery, the richness of the soil, and the almost immeasurable capabilities of this great country. VICEREGAL OPINIONS. 67 celled the even owth re- y the , his irney n in- the the ntry. In his Excellency's opinion all indications point to Ma- nitoba and the North-West Territories being, at no distant day, the favorite spot whence Old World agriculturists will direct their steps on their arrival on the Continent. To quote his own words on the occasion referred to above, he says : " Nothing can exceed the fertility or excellence of the land along almost the whole course of that great river (the Saskatchewan) and north of it, in the wide strip belting its banks and extending up to the Peace River there will be room for a great population whose opportunities for profitable cultivation will be most enviable." Concerning His Excellency's visit in the North-West, a correspondent writes : ** The interest shown by His Excellency in everything pertaining to the prosperity and welfare of the settlers has left a lasting imp'^ession on them. He at all times took every opportunity of visiting their homes and conversing with them on their personal welfare and their plans for the future. His visit will ever be remembered by them with feelings of loyalty and pride." Amongst the Indians, too. His Excellency's visit has been productive of much good. As the direct representative of Her Majesty the Queen, His Excellency's presence in their midst, and the trouble and care taken to enquire into their wants, has had the effect of strongly impressing the Indian with the kindness of the Great Mother (the Queen) towards her red subjects. Since the i vurn to Canada of Her Royal Hig.. jS, the Princess Louise, after the painful accident by which the lift Her Royal Highness was endangered and her health impaired, His Ej^cellenc^ and tier Royal Highness 68 ALL ABOUT CANADA. have visited our Pacific Province, British Columbia, where the Viceregal party have been received most loyally. His Excellency travelled into the interior of the Pro- vince, came in contact with the settlers, learned from their own lips the story of their condition and prospects, and with that eminently practical turn of mind, with which he is so greatV endowed, gave to the world the result of his investigations in an admirable speech delivered at a public dinner at which he was entertained by the people at Victoria. *' The visit of Lord Lome, (says the Mon- treal Gazette) has been most opportune and will do much to dissipate the false impressions which political ignor- ance and malice have combined to create in relation to this valuable Province." Extract from a Letter of the Lieut- Governor of Ontatio, Government House, Toronto, November ist, 1882. My Dear Pope, — 4^ 4» « 4^ « « And now, before finishing my letter, let me add that which you may have seen in the newspapers, that I have lately returned from a trip to Manitoba and the North- West territory, tempted to do it so speedily after my return from England owing to the many enquiries made of me when there respecting it. Having seen it for myself, I am able to give a ready answer to all enquiries about this portion of our Dominion, now attracting so much attention. I must say that no better land purchase was ever made on this continent than when our Government by a payment of ;^ 300,000, acquired this magnificent I'erritory. One little town in it now, is worth what was paid to acquire the whole. Judging from what I saw myself, and from what I heard from others conversant with the territory whom I was continually meeting, its agricultural area is almost GUBERNATORIAL OPINIONS. 69 unlimited, the fertility of its soil unequalled, producing crops, such as I, a native of this Province, or the Ontario farmer never saw before. I met a great many I had known in Ontario, and others as well, settled all over this new country, and never heard a complaint from one of them ; all speaking as if they individually had made the best selection, and that their particular location or grant from the Government, was the best. I never met a more contented or hopeful lot of men, and well they may be, for they have the finest land under heaven as a free gift, ready by nature for the plough, and safe by the industry of a few years to place themselves and families in com- fortable circumstances for the rest of their days. I saw several whose first year's crop had so gladdened their hearts, that they already fancied themselves above all want. Two friends, lately from England, accompanied me, and liked this grand country so much that they bought land for their sons, intending on their return to send the boys out next spring ; and they are men who have seen many countries, and are consequently well able to choose and judge for themselves. I left that section of the North-West, say, 400 miles West from Winnipeg and the Qu'Appelle valley nearer Winnipeg, towards the end of October The weather was bright and clear; the mildness of it astonished me. No one could wish for better ; it was thoroughly enjoyable, and just the climate for strong exercise without fatigue. I do not know if you care to hear it, but may as well tell you, of that which pleased our English friends who love sport so much — that game, such as snipe, duck and prairie grouse were abundant, and that we were all well supplied with these luxuries on the Prairies. I liked Manitoba and the North-West so much, and was so greatly struck with its fertility and climate, that I look forward with much pleasure to paying it another visit. In truth, no one can realize its immense advan- tages till they see it for themselves, which, when oppor- tunity permits, you should do. 70 ALL ABOUT CANADA. Two months of the dry air of the prairies would set you up for many a year. Very truly yours, J. B. ROBINSON. The Hon. J. H. Pope, Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa. Extract from a Letter of late Governor Seymour ^ of N.Y. *• I saw thousands and thousands of acres of wheat, clearing 40 bushels to the acre, weighing 63 and 65 pounds to the bushel, and was assured by undoubted au- thority that on Peace River, 1,200 miles north-west of where I was, wheat could be produced in immense quan- tities equal to the best I saw in Winnipeg, while great herds of cattle were being fed without cost on as fine grassy land as the world affords. In short, between our north-western line of 45 degrees and 54 degrees 40 minutes (General Cass' fighting point) there is a country owned by England with greater grain and stock-growing capacity than all the lands on the Baltic, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean combined. The land laws of Canada v^re now as liberal as ours as to the homestead, pre-emption and free claims. People are crowding there rapidly, and towns are springing up as if by magic. The great railway will reach the Pacific at the grand harbor of Puget Sound before our Northern Pacific will, and it will be extended eastward promptly to Montreal. The distance to Liverpool will be 600 miles shorter than any American line can get the wheat of Dakota there." The following is a letter which has been received after the preceding pages had been sent to press, and is valu- able as containing United States testimony. The writer of the letter is the Attorney-General of the State of Wis- consin ; to which is added a corroboration from the Governor of that State. From geographical position, the relations of Wisconsin have natural sympathy with the North-West. Nothing can be more frank than the state- ments of the Attorney-General. He makes a clear distinction between what he has seen and knows himself, GUBERNATORIAL OPINIONS. 7» I, 1882. j and what he has heard ; but the observations and the testimony coincide : — Letter from the Attorney-General of the State of Wisconsin. State of Wisconsin. Office of A ttorney- General, Madison, Sept. 23rd, Dear Sir, — Yours of the 8th inst., asking me to give expression to the opinion formed of the country and its resources, from my recent excursion into the British Do- minion, to your city and vicinity, was duly received. A pressure of business has prevented an earlier reply. My visit was made under the most favorable circum- stances, — bright skies and pleasant weather, with a joyous company surrounding me, — and I may not have seen or comprehended the disadvantages, if any, which attend the emigrant who seeks a home within your borders, since I saw nothing that did not indicate thrift and prosperity. The city of Winnipeg is a marvel of modern times ; its ■^ rapid growth, its large and costly business blocks filled with the choicest and richest goods of a metropolitan city, its fine dwellings with their beautiful surroundings, the thousand tents sheltering the immigrant while engaged in erecting the more substantial place of abode, and the many long and heavy laden trains which came and went, impressed me with the conviction that the country sur- rounding must be rapidly improving and settling up. The many and large wheat fields which I saw in the Red River Valley — certainly, this year — indicate that for wheat raising, no place in the North-West can excel it. So far as one could judge from a hasty view of the country surrounding your city, it seems to me that it must attract the emigrant hither, who is seeking a new home in the far west. Of the climate, but little can be said from actual ob- servation of a couple of days ; but from conversations had with intelligent gentlemen who have spent some years in your city, 1 am led to believe that it is favorable to ag- ricultural pursuits, and withal healthful. On the whole, I 72 ALL ABOUT CANADA. formed a very favorable opinion of the resources and pro- ductiveness of your country. I have the honor to be, Yours very truly, W. C. B. Grahame, Esq. ^ (Signed,) L. F. Frishy, &c., &:c., &c., > A//y. Gen/. Winnipeg, Manitoba. j Wis. Corroboraiion by the Governor of the State. Executive Office. \ Madison, Wis., Sept. 23, 1882. ) I fully concur with General Frisby in the foregoing statement. (Signed), J. M. Rusk, Governor. How TO GET Information. Any persons in the United Kingdom desiring to get fuller and further information respecting Manitoba and the Canadian North-West ; or information respecting routes, or prices of passage ; or when or how to go ; or what to take with them ; or maps or pamphlets ; — should apply to the office of the High Commissioner for Canada, or to any of the agents, at the subjoined addresses, either personally or by letter : — LONDON Sir Alexander T. Galt. G.C.M.G., &c., High Commissioner fortheDominion, 10 Victoria Chambers, London, S.W. Mr. J. G. CoLMER, Secretary to the High Commissioner's Office, [address as above.] LIVERPOOL. .Mr. John Dyke, 15 Water Street. GLASGOW. .. .Mr. Thos. Grahame, 40 St. Enoch Square. BELFAST Mr. Charles Foy, 20 Victoria Square. DUBLIN Mr. ThomasConnolly, Northumberland House. BRISTOL Mr. J. W. Down, Bath Bridge. (Jif'Persons in Canada or the United States desiring fuller information respecting Manitoba and the Canadian North-West, can have Maps and Pamphlets furnished to them gratis, and post free, by applying to the •' Depart- ment OF Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada." L -J Si 3-^