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 To incorporate the Lockport and JYiagara Falls 
 Railroad Company. 
 Passed April 24, 1834. 
 The People of the State of JVew-York, represented in 
 Senate and Assembly do enact as follows: 
 § 1. All persons who shall become Stockholders pursuant Corporation 
 to this Act, shall be and they are hereby constituted a body 
 Corporate, by the name of the " Lockport and Niagara Falls 
 Rail-road Company," with power to construct a single or 
 double Rail-road, commencing in the village of Lockport, 
 and running from thence on the most eligible route to the vil- 
 lage at or near the Niagara Falls, to transport, take and carry 
 persons and property upon the same, by the power and force 
 of animals, or of any mechanical power, or of any combina- 
 tion of them which the said Company may choose to employ j 
 and by that name they are vested with the right and privi- 
 lege of erecting, building and making a single or double 
 Rail-road for the purpose aforesaid, and the right of using 
 the same in the manner hereinafter directed, for and during 
 the term of fifty years. 
 ^2. If the said Corporation hereby created, shall not Time limited, 
 within two years from the passage of this Act, commence the 
 construction of said Rail-road, and expend at least the sum 
 of fifty thousand dollars thereon, and shall not, within five 
 years from the passage of this Aci, finish and put in operation 
 the said single or double Rail-road or ways, then the said 
 Corporation shall thenceforth forever cease, and this Act 
 fhall be null and void. 
.* --J * - T 
 f^'oik. ^ 3. The Capital Stock of said Company shall be one hun- 
 dred and ten thousand dollars, which shall be divided into 
 shares of fifty dollars each, and shall be deemed personal 
 Cominisiionera. § 4. Elisha Tibbits, Charles E. Dudley, Henry Seymour, 
 Lot Clark, Henry Wallbridge, Joel M'CoUum, John Good- 
 ing, Hiram Gardner, Augustus Porter, Seymour Scovell and 
 Samuel De Veaux, shall be Commissioners for receiving sub- 
 scriptions to the Capital Stock of the Corporation, and for 
 apportioning the same among the subscribers, agreeably to 
 the provisions of this act. 
 Notici. ^ 5. It shall be the duty of the said Commissioners, within 
 one year after the passage of this Act, to give notice once in 
 each week, for three weeks in succession, in a newspaper, 
 printed and published in the county of Niagara, of the time 
 when the books will be opened, at some convenient place in 
 the village of Lockport, for receiving subscriptions to the 
 Capital Stock of said Corporation. 
 Subscriptions. § 6. One or more of the said Commissioners shall attend 
 at the time and place appointed by the said notice for the 
 opening said books, and for three days successively, and 
 during at least six hours of each day, shall continue to re- 
 ceive subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the said Corpora- 
 tion, from allpersoiis who will subscribe thereto in conformity 
 with the provisions of this Act. 
 § 7. Each subscriber at the time he subscribes, shall pay 
 to the Commissioners five dollars on each share of the Stock 
 •subscribed by him. 
 ^ 8. If at the expiration of the time mentioned in the sixth 
 section of this Act, it shall appear that more than the requi- 
 site number of shares have been subscribed, it shall be the 
 dutji of the Commissioners to distribute the same among the 
 subscribers in such manner as they shall deem equitable and 
 ^ 9. In case the Capital Stock shall not be subscribed 
 during the time specified in the preceding sixth sectkn, it 
 First Payment. 
 Distribution of 
 Additional sub 
 shall be the duty of the commissioners from timo to time, to 
 take such further measures as they may deem necessary, in 
 order to fill the subscriptions for the Stock. 
 § 10. The concerns of the Corporation shall be managed Wrenors. 
 by seven directors, to be chosen annually, by and from among 
 the number of Stockholders. 
 § 1 1. As soon as may be, after the Stock shall have been Notice, 
 thus apportioned, the Commissioners shall give a notice of 
 the time and place at which a meeting of the Stockholders 
 will be held, for the choice of Directors. Such notice shall 
 be published once in each week for three weeks successively, 
 prior to the time therein appointed for such election, in a 
 newspaper printed and published in the county of Niagara. 
 § 12. At the time and place appointed for that purpose, Kleciion. 
 the Commissioners or some of them, shall attend, and the 
 Stockholders, or their proxies duly appointed in writing, 
 shall proceed to elect, by ballot, the requisite number of Di- 
 rectors. The Commissioners, or some of them, shall preside 
 at the election, and shall certify the result in writing under 
 their hands, which certificate shall be recorded in the books 
 of the Corporation, and shall be sufficient evidence of the 
 election of the Directors therein namei'. All future elections 
 shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by the By-Laws 
 of the Corporation. 
 § 13. Each Stockholder shall be allowed as many votes Votpn. 
 as he owns shares of Stock atthecommLMicement of any such 
 election, and a plurality of votes shall determine the choice ; 
 but no Stockholder shall be allowed to vote at any election 
 after the first, for any Stock that shall have been assigneil to 
 him at any time within thirty days prior to the time at which 
 such election shall be held. J&jj^r 
 § 14. The Directors shall hold their ofhceSKfime year, Tenure oi office 
 and until others shall be elected in their steadi^flBiy shall 
 appoint one of their number as President, and some suitable 
 person as Secretary of the Corporation. 
 «ur»eys. ^ 16. The Said Directors shall have power to cause such 
 examinations and surveys of the route for said Rail-road to 
 he made as may be necessary to tlie selection by them of the 
 most advantageous line, course or way, for the said road. 
 And the said Directors, or a majority of them, shall, al\er such 
 examinations and surveys shall bt> made, select, and by cer- 
 tificates designate the line, course or way, which they may 
 deem most advantaf(cous for the said Rail-road, a certifi- 
 cate of which, shall be filed in the odice of the clerk of Nia- 
 gara county, and the way so selected and certified shall be 
 deemed the line, coursi- or way, on which the said Corpora- 
 tion shall construct, erect, buihl or make said Rail-road, as 
 hereinafter provided. 
 RenlEstote. ^ 16. The Corporation is hereby empowered to purchase, 
 receive and hold such real estate as may be necessary and 
 convenient in accomplishinir the object for which this Cor- 
 poration is granted, and may, by their agents, surveyors and 
 engineers, enter upon such route, place or places to be de- 
 signated as aforesaid by the said Directors as the line, course 
 or way, whereon to construct the said Kail-road ; and it shall 
 be lawful for the said Corporation to enter upon, and take 
 possession and use all such lands and real estate as may be 
 indispensable for the construction and maintenance of said 
 Rail-road, and the accommodations requisite and appertain- 
 ing unto them ; antl may also receive, hold and take, all such 
 voluntary grants and donations of land and real estate as 
 shall be made to said Corporation, to aid in the construction, 
 maintenance and accommodation of said Rail-road or ways; 
 but all lands or real estate thus entered, taken possession of 
 and used by said Corporation which are not donations, shall 
 be purchased oi^e owners of the same, at a price to be mu- 
 tually agreaJHMn between them. In case of a disagree- 
 ment of jj^qplfand before the making of any portion of the 
 road upi|»8aid land, the Directors of the said Company may 
 present their petition to the Vice-Chancellor of the eighth 
 circuit, setting forth the necessity of such lands for making 
 snid Rail-road or ways, and of the attempt and failure to pur- 
 chase the same, with the name and residence of the owner, 
 and the reason why the purchase cannot be made ; and the 
 said Vice-Chancellor shall direct such notice to the owner or 
 owners of such lands as he shall deem proper and reasonable, 
 of the time and place of hearing the parties, and upon proof 
 of due service of such notice, and upon hearing the parties, 
 the Vice-chancellor shall appoint three competent ,and dis- 
 interested Freeholders of said county of Niagara to appraise 
 said lands. The said Commissioners, after giving notice to 
 the owner, or in case of absence, leaving a written notice at 
 his \isual place of residence, shall appraise said lands, and 
 shall award to the owner or owners thereof what they shall 
 deem to be the full value of the same, and shall be authorized 
 to examine the lands, to administer oaths, to hear testimony, 
 and shall make their appraisement in writing without delay, 
 under their hands, with a minute and accurate description of 
 the land appraised, with a map thereof, and shall report the 
 same, with the testimony taken, to the said Vice-Chancellor. 
 The said Vice-Chancellor shall examine the report, and shall 
 hear the parties if desired, and may increase or diminish the 
 amount awarded if he shall be satisfied injustice has been 
 done. Upon proof to the said Vice-Chancellor, within thirty 
 days after his determination, of the payment to the owner, 
 or of the depositing to the credit of the owner in such bank 
 as the said Vice-Chancellor shall direct, of *' e amount of 
 such appraisement, and the payment of all expenses attending 
 it, the said Vice-Chancellor shall make a decree or order, 
 particularly describing the lands, and reciting the appraise- 
 ment, and the mode of making it, and all other facts neces- 
 sary to a compliance with this section of this act. And when 
 the said decree or order shall be recorded in the office of the 
 clerk of Niagara county, whose duty it shall wt^o record the 
 same, the said Corporation shall be possessed of all the lands 
 for the purpose of said road, and may enter upon and take 
 possession and use the same. 
 ■k . 

 Uisliiri of in- 
 fnnii, &c. 
 i . A 
 Crossing rnnila 
 ur ktrt'uiM.s, 
 Calls on Stock 
 § 17. In case any married woman, infant, idiot, insane 
 person, or non-resident, who shall not appear aiter such 
 notice, shull be interested in any such land, the said Vicc- 
 Chnncellor shall appoint some competent and disinterested 
 person to appear before the said Commissioners, and act for 
 and in behalf of such married woman, infant, idiot, insane 
 person or non-resident. 
 ^ 18. Whenever it shall be necessary for the construction 
 ol the Rail-road to intersect or cross any stream of water or 
 water course, or any road or highway lying between the 
 places prescribed by the first section of this act, it shall be 
 lawful fur said Corporation to construct said Rail-road or 
 ways across or upon the same ; but the Corporation shall 
 restore the stream or water courses, or road or highway thus 
 intersected, to its former state, or in a sufficient manner not 
 to impair its usefulness. 
 § 19. it shall be lawful for the Company hereby incorpor- 
 ated, from time to time, to regulate and receive the tolls and 
 charges by them to be received, for transportation of persons 
 and property on said Rail-road, but the said Company shall 
 not charge or receive a greater sum than at the rate of lour 
 cents per mile for the transportation of any passenger and 
 his ordinary baggage. 
 § 20. If any person shall wilfully do, or cause to be done, 
 any act or acts whatever, whereby any building, construction 
 or work of said Corporation, or any macliine, engine or 
 structure, or any matter or thing appertaining to the same , 
 shall be stopped, obstructed or impaired, weakened, injured 
 or destroyed, the person or persons so offending, shall forfeit 
 and pay to the said Corporation treble damages sustained by 
 means of such offence or injury, to be recovered in the name 
 of said Corporation, with costs of suit by action of debt 
 § 21. It shall be lawful for the Directors to require pay- 
 ment of the sums to be subscribed to the capital Stock, at 
 such times, and in such proportions and on such conditions 
 ; they shall deem fit, under the penalty of the forfeiture of 
all previous payments made thereon ; and shall give notice of 
 the payments thus required, and of the time and place >vhcrc 
 the same are to be paid, at least thirty days previous to the 
 payment of the same, in a public newspaper, published in the 
 county of Niagara. 
 § 22. Nothing in this act shall be deemed to authorize the Erie Cana). 
 said Corporation to construct the said Rail-rond across the Erie 
 canal, without the written authority of the canal board, who 
 arc hereby authorized to grant permission to the said Corpo- 
 ration to construct their said Rail-road or way across or along 
 such canal, on receiving satisfactory evidence that it is 
 necessary to the construction of said Rail-road or way, and 
 that it will be done in a manner that shall not in any degree 
 obstruct the transportation upon the said canal, or impair its 
 usefulness ; but the canal commissioners shall have a super- 
 intending power over such parts of said road as may be laid 
 across or along said canal, and may at any time direct such 
 alterations to be made as they may deem necessary. 
 § 23. The said Corporation shall possess the general powers Gcmrul powen 
 and be subject to the general restrictions and liabiliti»'S 
 prescribed by such parts of the eighteenth chapter of the fu-st 
 part of the Revised Statutes as are not repealed. 
 § 21. The Directors of said Company shall make an annual Annual report, 
 report in detail of their proceedings and expenditures, verified 
 by the affidavit of at least two of them, which report shall be 
 filed in the office of the secretary of state, and in like manner 
 shall, at the expiration of each year, for the term of fifteen 
 years after the completion of said road, file in said office a 
 detailed statement of tolls received on such Rail-road, and of 
 all moneys expended by said Company for repairs or other- 
 wise, for the purpose of said Rail-road. 
 § 25. If the legislature of this state shall, at the expiration Right to pur- 
 of ten and within fifteen years from the completion of said 
 Rail-road, make provisioi^ by law for the repayment to the 
 said Corporation of the ^mount expended by them in the 
 construction of said Rail-road, together with all the moneys 
 expended by them for permanent fixtures for the use of said 
 Rail-road, Avith interest on such sums at the rate of ten per 
 cent, per annum, together with all moneys expended by said 
 Company for repairs or otherwise, for the purposes of said 
 road, after deducting the amount of tolls received on said 
 road, then the said Rail-road with all fixtures and appurten- 
 ances, shall vest in and become the property of the people of 
 this state. 
 Right to repeal. 
 The legislature may at any time alter, modify or 
 repeal this act. 

 ise of said 
 of ten per 
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 To Increase the Capital Stock of the Lockport and 
 jyiagara Falls Rail-road Company. 
 Passed March 23d, 1837 
 The People of the State of Kew-Yrokj represented in 
 Seriate and Jissembly, do enact as follows : 
 § 1. The Capital Stock of the Lockport and Niagara Falls stock increased 
 Rail-road Company, is hereby increased to the sum of one hun- 
 dred and seventy-five thousand dollai-s, and the President and 
 Directors of said Company shall issue certificates of Stock of 
 fifly dollars each, for the additional Stock hereby authorised 
 to be created. 
 § 2. The Directors of said Corporation shall receive sub- Subscriptions to 
 . ' Stock. 
 scnptions for the said increase of Stock and shall distribute 
 and dispose of the same to such persons, and in such manner 
 as they shall deem most advantageous to the interests of the 
 § 3. Thirty days previous notice shall be given of the time Noticf to bo 
 and place of opening the books for subscription to the said 
 new Stock ; not more than one half of said new Stock shall 
 be allotteil to the present Stockholders in said Corporation, if 
 one half thereof shall have been subscribed by persons not 
 Stockholders in sai<l Corporation. 
 .r ■' 
 ■' 1 1 
 f» !1 
 6 4. The Directors shall have the power to equalize the ^'^'''f. '" *'' 
 * ' ' equalized. 
 value of the New Stock to the Old, by requiring payment 
 on the New Stock, of such amount over and above the 
 par value, as shall be equal to the interest on the old Stock, 
 at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, from the time or 
 times when the same was paid in. 
 . -^ 
 ■ ■% 
 -^ W/ 
 *"*''" P">t» § 5. The grant made to said Corporation, by the Chiefs of 
 the Tuscarora Indians, in the year one thousand eight hun- 
 dred and thirty-five, of a right of way over the land occu- 
 pied by the said Indians, in the town of Lewislon, is hereby 
 declared to be of the same force and eifect, as if the same had 
 been made by a citizen of this State, seized of such lands in 
 fee simple. 
Chiefs of 
 ght hun- 
 md occu- 
 is hereby 
 same had 
 1 lands in 
 To Jlinend the Charter of the Lockport and JViagara Fulls 
 Rail-road Company, passed Jlpril 24(h, 1834. 
 Passed by a two-third voto, April 22d, 1841. 
 The People of the State of J\'ew York, represented in 
 Senate and Jlsxemhly, do enact as follows : 
 § 1. The Lockport and Niagara Falls Rail-road Company Road to he ex . 
 are hereby authorized to extcml their Hailroad from the vil- 
 lage of Lockport by the most eligible route, to the western 
 termination of the Auburn and Rochester Rail-road in Ro- 
 chester, or to the western termination of the Tonawanda 
 Rail-road in Batavia, as shall be determined by a majority of 
 the Directors of the Lockport and Niagara Falls Rail-road 
 Company, by resolution, to be entered in their minutes, and 
 filed in the clerks' offices of the seveial counties through 
 which such extended Rail-road shall pass. 
 § 2. For the purpose of constructing a Rail-road from Capital stock 
 Lockport to either of the points designated in the preceding creased, 
 section, the said Lockport and Niagara Falls Rail-road Com- 
 pany, are authorized to increase the Capital Stock of said 
 Company to such amount as the Directors of said Company 
 shall decide to be necessary for that purpose, not exceeding 
 five hundred thousand dollars in addition to the present 
 § 3. The amount of such increase of Stock shall be fixed Amount, how to 
 by the Directors by resolution ; whereupon the new Stock 
 hereby authorized to be created, may be issued and disposed 
 of in such manner as the Directors shall deem expedient. 
 § 4. In the construction, use and management of the Rail- Road how to be 
 road authorized by this Act, the said Company may exercise 
 all the powers, and shall be subject to all the provisions and 
 restrictions contained in the Act hereby amended. 
 I * 
* 4. 
 ^Hutlwrizing the Lockport and JViagara Falls Rail-road 
 Company to Increase their Capital Stock. 
 Passed by a two-thinl vote, Feb. 10, 1842. 
 I i| 
 The People of the Slate of JVew-York, represented in 
 Senate and .Assembly, do enact as follows: 
 Pt«ck may be ^ 1. The Directors of the Lockport and Niagara Falls 
 Rail-road Company, are authorized to increase the Capital 
 Stock of said Company to an amount not exceeding twelve 
 hundred thousand dollars, in addition to the Capital now 
 paid in. 
 Shares. § 2. The said Directors are authorized to alter the shares 
 m the Stock of said Company, from fifty to one hundred dol- 
 lars each. 
 xppraisoinents, ^ 3. The sixteenth section of the Act entitled " An Act to 
 hdW lohc muile . i t i -ky i-. ii ••■» m i /~i 
 ui ciTtain cabcs. incorporate the Lockport and Miagara rails Kail-road Com- 
 pany passed April 24th, 1834, be so altered and amended, 
 that in case of a disagreement between the owners of the 
 land over which the said Rail-road shall pass,'and the Direc- 
 tors of the Company, as to the price to be paid the owners for 
 their lands, and when it becomes necessary to apply to the 
 Vice-Chancellor of the eighth circuit lo institute proceedings 
 to ascertain the price of such lands according to the said six- 
 teenth section, the owners shall, on such appraisement as is 
 provided in that section, be allowed to receive wliatever 
 damages they shall sustain, in ad lition to the value of their 
 lands in consequence of the construction of the said road. 
 And that the said sixteenth section be further amended so that 
 the appraisement shall be made by three disinterested freehold- 
 ers of the county where the lands appraised shall be situated. 
 ? i.i