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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. errata to i pelure, on A n 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 i / 11 > [From llic Fi/lli Annual Hci'Oii of lln' rmhuili/ .ti-inliiny of SLicHCc] II l;l I--III II .11 II . 1^7 !. NoTKS (t\ NoKTii Amfkhax ^riniis ok tiii; F\mii,ii.> 1'h.v- I,.T.NIIt.1-, AM) rvi;\l.ll).l. IX Till. IjKHI^II ^Ir-KIM. J>v A. S. r.\i KAKii. -Ik. 1)it;iN(. a slmrl st;iv ii: l.niiilnii i \\;is vMiiilildl It) spend a low (lays ill the I'.rilisli .Miisciini ainl sludy tlic (■(.Ucrtidii ol' mollis iiaiiuMl ami airaiiiii'il l)y Mr. F. Walkci-. roiniiiii.!: a [lail of tlio tvpi's of till' spcuMcs ilcscrilu'd hy liim i" tlu> Cataloiiiii! of tho L('i)iiloptA'ra. lU'tcroccra of llic r.iiii>.li .Mii-cum. 1 am indclitcil to Dr. .1. !■;. (ir.-iy. llic kcrprr ol' llic /noloiiical Di-partmeiit, to :Mr. K. Siiiitli. ami also to Mr. Walker, lor many ooiirlosics ami racilitics cxtcmlf.l to inc. 'I'lioiijili .Messrs. (Irote antl Iiohinson* have already piihlislied some notes on these lam- ilies. I present lor puMieation lliese. eonlaininu' rt'lerenees to all the species of I'haiiiMrKlie and I'yralida' in the .Museum from North Aiiu'riea, to aid Ameriean entomologists in the thankless ami well iuliIi impo-sihle la■^k of ideiitifyiii:.:' our species iVom tlio too brief and iusiulieieiit or misk'adinn' de- scriptions coiituined in the museum ealalo;j,lie of lieteroeerollS J^cpidoi)tera. ami also for my own ii-e in my museum work. Messrs. (irotc and iJoliinson have fully e\|iressi'd the feelings 1 entertain regardinn' the nature of these catalogues. Their piililicatioii will forever he a sad hindranee to American lepi- do[)terists, ami a warning to students to deserihe fully and C'linjiitrKtirrlii their species, and from a siillieient immher of specimens. A numlier of leading iMiro|)ean entomologists have, also exiu'i'ssed their opinion as to the value of these lepidopte- rological catalogues. In endorsing their criticisms I can l»ut advert to the douhtl'ully expedient course i f the ollicers of the imisenm in acee[)tiiig and pnlilishing such imperfect and uiisat- isfaelory work. As it is, the species descrilied in these cata- \ *N((tc- nil l!io \".>rlli Aiih'ric 111 l.i'|iii|.i|.|i'ra in llic Mnli.ili MiiM'imi iiml ilt'-rrilti'd hy Mr. bTaiiri- Walker. (I'r.ius. .Vmor. Kut. .Son. Vul.'i, Itiijb-'J.) IMiilaUi'liihia. (62) ,s;"5 1-2- loutics. fiw niiiv lio socii liclow. cmii only bo rocoiiiii/.c'l l)y l)i'rs(ni;il cviiiiiiiKitioii ol" tlu> sin'ciiiiciis. snico so uitniy iiri' rcri'iTcd III wi'diil;' izi'iutm. or linsi'd on riilibcil iiinl iniiici'I'cct sjicciiiu'ii-. Wlicii there i> iiiiy doiilil iilioiit tlio dcscript'oii, the siiCor course is to ii^nore it iiltoiicther. Tlieso notes reCei' sim- ply to tlie specimens as tliey stand in the mnsenin, tind not to the |iulili^h.Ml list--. I have not aMiMiipted here to collate tlieni Mitit tlic names in tiie cataiounes oi- witii llie names of other anihors: so tiiat tlie name ^iven iiei-e may I'c qnitc diU'erent cither from the imhlislied or correct, one. A marlv of exclama- tion (!) is placed after the names of >nch sjiecics a-^ seemed to nie valid, so that students of the ca'.alojiiic may he snrc that snch names represent a distinct species, and ai'e not fomide(l on some imperfect sp(M'imens of allied species or Li'cncra. In a few cases names lielieved liy me \ti he coi'rcct are enclosed in hrai'kct-;. 'The notes are piinte(l Just as written on tlie s[iol. C/idt'i-oilis iid-iii-riifti ( Florida), speci-ncns same t\^ d. traii^- 1)1 1' I (I IIS t'rom l'"la ! and iiol h are t he --amc as ('. Ira ns/insi/n and ( '. Irniisri-rsiitii ! ('. /rcusii'is/iii is the dark var. with suiimaruinal •/.\<xy.i\ix shade. C Iriiiisri-rstiln i> the paler var. witii the ziu'/ae- sinide wantinLi'. and honlers of both winu's suhochrcous. ('. h-iiiisrir/i'iis. one r? only. Is a va''. of ('. transversata. C foiitiii'jciis. scarcely a \ar. of ('. tran-;\('rsata. C. trKiisihici'iis = (^ Kutraiicia clemataria ! C. Iriiiisirri'iis ^= 9 K. cleniatai'ia ! The other species of ( '/inrrnili-s are u'(>od. In drawer ■'! arc (I ^^ laWcUed l-Jufrn/irln rh'miihiria — same as the siuule J' /•-'. i-Jciiutlnrln lidu'lied ('. Ircustlnri'iis. .l/iiriK iirhiiiiriK is a small Cahcroilcs, and A.' injnllnKiriii. is not coneencric with it. oi- coniicneric with .1 .' rillinisurld. There is no s[)ei-ies of Apicia in the t-ollcction. /'rinri/rlil il nililliifiii '. Kpiiiiii' riil>/iiisiirii( z^ Sicya solfataria. TJpiiiiii' ni'/'imiriii .' There are two specimens of this species lalielled /•-. snli'iitnriii. J-^jiiiiiif iiili/llii rill is a u'ood sjiccics : from St. Martin^' I'alls. £piiiiic ]iiisfiiliirii( \s ui'\\\ivy I'.pione noi' Sicya. J)o not ]vn(jw' A, f I 8t "iKlt il is; ,v,nil„l.. .M..nri),v|.,„,„|..s. I.Ml )o„ „„,rh rul,I„.,l lor nlciililic'itioii. S"V/" trin,r„t,ir!a ; lli,.|v .miv no (.xninplcs. J/i/jiirc/is tilii mn-iii .' n njissarln. ( )„.. ..f (1,.. s|K...i,n.M.s (A) ,]o,w „ot .lilTn- iVc,,,, II. Ml,..„,.,n:K TI„.„tlK.r,.)is,., ? . .Inrk. linH v p,vs<.m.,MM,l C'on..,H.,M(ic. ..„„1 I .|„.ul,| unit,. .,/..„,/. uiih ;,//,,,„,/„ //. W..s,„.,„vW sonas to I,., a MMMll, ,|..,rk, wr,! v.r of ,Uj,-inirn<, hilt se.'im' !iii_vHiiii,- inoiv. //. iii'jiidsiiriii ! 11. I I'l'lllllhlld is Mot '1 llx'linl'.it; ■ 1> .1 I -. , •' " " '' "M"'i<'li>. Do not kiion wiiat il is iNo iocalily. r:„<lrni,n, ,,.rtin,u-h,; H,,. it|, .p.^iiurii is a S,.irniM ' /;. /.,//.,o./. .^ K. .l..,lu.ta.ia Walker's lyiu. ; one >iH...i,M..u !>; !i riililicd A. p,','ln„u--<i \\'alk. .' : II. Iijiiinchrdrlii ! A", iiictiisiirid =. I-:.liiii„,rhr<iriit. A. rofrnrhn-ui is a iniicii rnhlMMJ A. h>ii>,,rhr.i rin. I-: ../;//„.„■;.:. a ^.,0,1 >lM.ri,.s,,.los,.iy allinl lo A. /.-.//.../a ol W alkcr. a;, .nn/..,,,/,/ a -00,1 s,„.,.i..s. alli..,l to A. .ununnriu A. -v,o/M.,ov,/ does not .liifcr from A. /»,„/„.■,/,•/,,. A'. Ill II 'sii rill .' J-^'- />ro/iniiriii is u vnU\H;\ h\ /iijrniiiriK. A. I i rill, -ill. A U'ood species. 7v'. si'inirJii.siiriii is a laru-e Clenra. 7;;//o/,/V, ..»/,/„■/,•,./„. n.uel, ruhhed = h),io>,r si'i-inaria.' A. jiiilhi rill .' !■:. i.i'rjiihiri.i ^jisr-lliirin. l,ot|, ..-^_ A. //,^/// /,.,•/,,. /■;. /.o-/x,oV„, one -^peeinu-n is a tnie'/;. /,,,//,o-/,,. and the otiiei- IS = h\„lr,,,,i,i hilrrilin rin ! K.iilhiniiiriii is nearly reiat.'d to E. .s,,»/,<,/,/,,/„, an<l hotii are :ii)pare;itly o(„„| speeies. /:://'V"V^.^ aiiiijri.iri.i is a CaluTodes! and loo nnu-|. rnhbed lor idontiliciition or description. E. }>li((i!fat^cl,it,i is a .Xnnieria. E. biisiaria ^ K. incoloraria, hotli species of Aoi.lalia. \ 85 J.' ,,.,7./.'isi.roh:.l.lytlH'fomn.onlvll...L;.l..u.... 7,'. rlhrm-in == Al.n.xns J,'. , H </«/<'/<( mis a CalK'i'oaes! Cdhcroihs hnhmrlii ! :::::;::::Lc., i-.-^.^ ., ....m-. ,., .^ v:,n»'ti.'s ..r (J. flnruhina W mU^. ('.,,/.,./ „•/..[= ^'•""■"•"'•=""1""''='J- ^ r. liHlhVixi-ui-ia! r<>,./m(.s<o-m==Kn'i.-.-i.ialatrntKnKi. l-:i,r>iiii('Ji(' l>l'l"'J"'"'-''"^' ^- "^'""'"''!"' . . , „ . „„, ,i„„„iar spcirs of ITyporotis! ^S. alciiihi-'iriii ! _ ^l^,„^-,ss,nvu is a tn.o AzoluKi rlo^.'!} allu.l („•/-(. It is a -o(..l siHTics. :^[('t(^lt<'lna indtoinarta! JCnnomoi^mitrinaria! ^,, „,„„„,/-- [='lVtn.-;siO-rot:.ta. J 7.' viihaiilKil I'i'i ! . . • u.w.l- M ' ,■,.„/„ r== riin'iuiouK.s iHinaiia I ack. .J Curipcta umjH.^tiornt'i I— ■» C.laliorota! C. (?if'^'<''" •' Bifitan vrsartu! yl. ^jicrdlni'ki ! Boannki viomarui! J} ]„r,ain-hi! All Uu> spec B. hitrm-ia! B. (h'fictarla = V,. lavvaiia. B. iiiiUcatarla! B. signaria = 15. siiblunnria. B.Jlhirial .iiuciis ruhliod. f, 8G />. h'inis/!,r iri'il i«i O ,,/• /> • , h. sitlihiiiiiriii ! ■inuii_) _ J, li. iiUiiijciiitriii ! I'-. n'f<lir«,-l,i ^. I!. Ii,„ii,.|,i;, ! f;- '"'''"'■'"'■'■" '^ " niM,..,! /.,„„^,„,.., i< l'iiri>!<i,i C(i,ni,l,(riii ! /. iilirii.i'tiriii .' / . sii/iin iirnr/ii .' •-""/'o.,^ u|,i,.|, i. , .small r/,/,„V„ /'/'/' /v,.sva '/'. '0/,/,/,o'/„ = J!roii,.|u.|ia tirjiiia. (''■'nintni hirhisilrlil .' .V. /»,T,./<,/„. Almost U,n M.iich J)>/s/i/,'ris iiJiniiinn-ial Aj)lii(h'.i 'jliiiiritrld! ^I'-Illll/,,, J)„,;,/i, I - 1, tiifi iindii ' A. inipi, i/icrii/(i, ! A. oriJiniitii A. rcHtrli-tdtd ! A. dnirh-d/d, ! A. VDiitjKnisuta! A. tiimmiJmtd ! ■''l''-"''"- '"''I' I!. Iiii,„|,.„. '' ''"'''"''I '■"!■ i'li'iililicatioM. 87 ^1. ri'uloriilii ! A.' iissh,nl,il„ -^ TeplirnsiM .li^pmictM Mii.l MarMiia -nniilatii iiikI LaiciiJia ? cMinlata. J.' simrsnrlii is scarcely an Aci'lalia. Sldidiiid iiinJiilii I'lii . ( 'iilii'i-ii crjilhi'inii I'lii ■ ( '. I'lih'ittdriit .' ( 'iii\iii''<i rf.stiiliata ! ('. (ilhiilii ! ,Mi(<{iri'i iirdiiitiilii ! M. I,ai:<iln -= M. iiranilata ! Not even a \arielv ! M. Hill iildhii'i'i ! M. iKlirhirl.i is a llyiieretis ;lllie.i lo //. dllriui rhi . M. ni,in/rnii-;.i: M. i,id,,hii,i! TIlis is nul a Macaria. J/. Irinisltiiriii .' Miiriii-Ht/ sah,iiiiriuoi-«la is a liood siiecies. It is a tine INIacaria. M. ,,n.<lrrii,<i is a niM.ed .V. n.i„!f,',;ir;„ ! M<i>;,r!,i Impm- prhihi is a I'araphia too nnicli nil.lied lor identilication. M,i,uirni? Iiiilr.-liiiiitd = Kn.ln.iiia liyiiurhraria 1 M. tiiliijrui-lii is an Aspilatc^s. 3A. nii'xirii'iitit '. M.('.i'"<i!<p!r»l<i is entirely loo nni.h rnliheW an.l can pi-oLalily never be identilieil. J/, tnirlitlii '. M. irn-iiiihitn = M. ^raiiitata. M.f r<'hi-'<i'r!<i is too inncli rnMu'd lor i.lentilicatidn. in-.> a niblie.l" M. <!;ranitata. and I slionld call il a syniniynie. ilf. rctiii'itiitu = JNl. ^ranitata '. Jfalld .^>,l>r,:ss,ir!<i is very near JL laintrla, but ground clor inncli whiter. T('t>lirhiii I'.rpri'Ksiirid : is a species of 15oajtnia. Jj()Z(i(jfamin<i ilcjhiarin. L. cvlrcmariii .' Xiiiiu'fiii oi't'idnarin I X. iiUftrniiiriii '. Fiihiiiia Innu'dtiu'iii. ! . I i I 88 ' •, r - (I.-. Ill I'ul. 111:1 "I Mniot]! .V''/""'" 'irri/il'il'i' ■ nil /',,„,',/„'./;-/..'/";" ^-»''''-"^' '"••"'"'='"•'^• /,,(/•",///•'. llniiiii!f'-i'i' ' I., rcrriiiifi"*'''" ■ /,. hdsilliiifil ■ Jj, Zli"illi'i'' ' •' / >,.,,,„^<^' =- MncMrinui'MUitatN. /;>,.,. ;,.,M...n,-..n.nm„uV,M,.H..>,.lnvK..a. ^'TT';'.^r is T.rln'iH-tn,uh.n:MMiuo, >,..): 1 ^ /^. I'Dsn iiiiiiirii [ — • I l-:,ijHlliic!ii liniilii'ii'" ' /•,', fXjilii iiiil'i ■ J.nhnphnril fiixifiiso'illil! '''''■'•''•'''':'';'''''' ^,,,, Pi. T.-.'--si. .lis....nvontM >/,.( ;n>t.. J r/-.-.//"'i'>-- niiiiii'i'""" I's ' ' Mrhiiilliiii riijh'lllillil ■' M. iiriiliiliilii '■ ^::t::::L^..M,. ,.».u,»...^..™.i .1/. f'liic'iriliilii '■ ]f hirHstriilii ! \l. n,,,rn,i'iyi'il'i - ^I' l:"-"^*''^'='- Ciiri'iiiiii tiriii'iiijii"'" ' ^:-::::;::;:,u.r ,.,.... ». •>■'-! '-^""^■ ;::■:::;::;::::;;:«;;;:;:,■. .mk - lue: it is bused on ;i poor siH'*-niu-n. 8U I'liiliiildiili'i'ii.i' inisiiitii .' J', iiilrsthliltil ! /'. I'Vniu'd'ihi -^ 1". iiil(-tiii;it;i. Sciihi.slil iliiliililhl ! >S'. iniihiliilii .' ,N'. luli'ijiliiiriifii is iiiit !i Scdidsia. ,S'. Iiir.riilinilii is ploliiliiiy not II ScotDsin Mill! too llllicll nililicil I'ni' iclfiitiliialioii. Tlir s|M'cilic iimiiic is fxr.M'.iiii.^ly MpliroliliMtc. ( 'ill (I I'll I rii-'<s(ilii ! ( '. rriiinlillii .' ('.> ijililiii'nsliitii [= 'rcpiiriiia striuiilnri;i (Miiiol)]. ('. (Jirci-nilliirillil ! ( '. iii'iilii'isdiil ! ('. iiinllii-iihitii inMV iiiovc to 111' !i \:ir. of ('. miintdlii, ( '. rii iiiijii'illil .' ('. iin'liiKiliiriii st't'ins to lie a true ('uriniKi ! < '. i-lijiiliiiit ! ('. r.rjiliiiiiiilii : one lu'okcii ami nitilicil spcciinon. (', (ill)! I'll. 11 1 III .' C /riijiiliilii is iMi Vpsipi'tcs ! J'lhiiijii si'iinli'n is cioscly allictl to Cidaria propiilsata. Aiiiiili.'^ nrilliilii .' Ihtero2ilil(2>'^ atrnsi'ijiintii is Halia >iicci'ssaiia. 1 I 1'm;ai.iI).k. If'Qiiiiii Vxilliiniirnlix ! 11. i-iijiiKilia is a Craiiiiiiis. .//. till III nnxillis ! If. .sriiliriilis ! II. hi'iiiijiiiilis is a variety o!" II. llaltimoi'ajis, y/. hiiiiijiilis is a variety of II. IJaltiiaoraiis. //. edichdis .' jr. f/oii'mlin .' JI. di'ci'ptalh '. 11, IIKllKllis! H Ltl.V < \ 7/.' /iJiiiisiilis is 111)1 II. I'vn'liil ; pfiliiiiis u Tiiu'i'l. J/, I'liilm-iili.l ! II. ijiriinniiili.-i is iii'Mi'. if imt tiic sninc ns //. Initinill II //. /■iifiilis! Is it ii Ilypi'iia? y/. fihdiillx! 11, Hi)hi-t(iUn is not a Ilypcnn. JI, riiriniihiiilis. 'J'uo iiiiicli iiililu'd l\tv ilcscriptioii. JL fi-mi Insulin. A good s[iofii's, imt is it ti llypemi? 7/. I'lilliii-iiilis.' If. Iiiihihi/is! l)ni;i')(h's nciiiiilis [not IJ. axnlulis (iuuu.] is a gcims roinoU'ly to llyiifiiii. JI'iDll isii (llisnrjilillis ! Jiifiihi pi'diiiiiiiiiiills ! Ilcriniiitii iiinrOiilalis ! 11, Jll'lllpilnll.f .' II. I'll I'ridis ! If. jllffllil,si((Jin .' 11. tlicriills! Too iiuicli nitiln^l lor identification. II. ii'iiisiilis = II. pyramiisnlis. 77. })>ir(nni(.iah'.'i == II. gyasalis. 77. p I'ot Hill nil sal i.'i ! If. onmdamilln! If. mi'loiKilis! SiK'i'inioiis in li:id condition. 77. hi/i'i-iilis .' Si)ccinu'n in Imd condition. 77. t7")(/'(,s«/(".s,' 11. phdkriimliH! 11. .siiJiiscJI.s ! If. hvllinsdh's ! 11. cUlo.-iali.s! Bleptimt surrectalls is the connnou largo Aglosisa. Ii. mi/nosdli.s ! Epi'ioi.vl.'i 'joosali.'i is not a llelia. IJ. lit II nil is! Pcdtln's iiiiijiilnlis! Pijrali'.'i farinalis! Aijlutisa ciii)reaUs ! irns. idlicd I 91 ^ Eviriii-liid filniiicralis! Desmia fii iieralis ! D? Jaixifislalis ! yEiliodi'H m in iiaJin I Sami'o. pJiiilealia! S. eh'iilis ! /S. jihi/JlisdJfs .' Awphi archdfiialisi A(/((thoih'.s man.'itrah's! J'anijiiiini.r nUinin'iiUx ! IIil(lru(iiiii[Hi itcalin! Not a Inio ITvdrocunipM ; wiiin's niucli longer. Zi'brnnia serhiulis, hiit Mith Idiiger wings Ui;in usual in tiic genus. LriicorJiromn icciiisalis ! J'/iolclliird iiifidulia! J'h. hyalindtnUn! Ph. ivnnaculalia ! Botf/s air/>rrah's is B. ve,itndis G. & R. tlieir label annexed. B. rcrticdils ! B. apcrtdlh! B. struiulis! B. the sound I is! B. siriusalis! B. Ucealis ! B. oUiumJis! Jtiopteryx? ohliterah's! The species is a good one. ' lencothoulis ! The species is a good one. Oligostirpna somi'ncdJis! 0. ciirvif'-rdlis! Catijrii/sta JamiuUti! C. daudialis! C. jiriiii^ijiah^s .' C. confiisdh's! Botijs oblitcralis and B? pd'ntliomJIft are considered as syn- onymcs by "Walker, one specimen representing both labels. Specimens too much rubbed I'or ideutilicatiou. fi r>2 ]>. thy((s(dis = B, aporhilis ami 15. oxydalis, I'laccd logi'tlici liy Walivor. i>'. mijsip/iiisiih's == r>. jicriiisalis. .7>. -/H'riiisdh'.s = 15. inysi[ii)usalis. Ji. (ii:-iiil/('<ilis I ]>. /li'/ii)i'Iiis(i.Iis ! li. vijIihUh! ll.ilhitdlh! J'idtii'd 0)inHS(ilfs '. J\ ftciil/ifiiriilis [= I'liiitdi/riiphii Hiii'dfii CI. & Tv.] P. helvulis, too iimcli rubbed for dc'SL'iM[itioii. r.OhiHditi! "' '• " Sp!ln(Jpti niantecnlis, too iiuicli iiibbcd for idciitirieatiou. SriipiiJa ruhlijiiUs, S. (iritsiiJulis, .S'. jn-sf 'iralis, S. fdmini. 3fccniia /v'('('/',v((//,v. All (buiidftl on [loor, iiuii'Cogni/,alj[u inuMis. iSteuojdtrij.c h>jbriduUs ! lidlis. spec- \ I'riutud at thu ijulviu I'l-css. -.^asf