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(la oontiiitiation of P6.perti proBent«d 7th February 1866.) fc"».,i ■ ■- '•*. =; a.s.i ; :;. ;' a,;j s= r -..v.:_.K J:L a44r;:\„;!'r7C |lrf«mtK^ to fwtft »ouflie0 cf |>adiantmC !jg Cotnnwnl? of »tr ^to^wftp, 8»A fl'i^TMry 1867. * nir: - - - krjKt is ^yt K - PftrHrTKD BY UKOROK BBWAUD KYRK > M4M Sl'OiTlb*, w. m >k, lY'S STATIONERY Oi' I [Prk* if. lOrf.J 1867. ' r^ 1 —>» THE i ( BRITISH NORTH AMERICA?^ PROVINCES. i ly r\y COmiESPOXDENCE ur.srix-TiNO THE PROPOSED UIVION 01' THE BRITISH NOEl'II AMERICAN PROVINCES, {In continuation of Papcr.s pn'senfed 7fh Febriiuri/ 1865.) IPrrenttrt. to fiotf) Sjouero of WarJi.imru! 6,. (rommanlr of |t?rr itt.trr0t». >^tlt Fchrnarji 18ti7. \ PRINTED BY GKOROK En^VA^n KYKK AND WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE PHINTKRS TO T..,.; .HECm's A.OST KXCELLl^NT MAJESTY l'<'!! Iliii; M.Ui;.sTVS STATIOM'RV m\Zl. Il!2.'i4. 1867. I No. in Surii's. 14 s U II I 'J m 20;? .J •J-'> 4 ■2ii •J 2s 6 32 7 3.) s 3(i }) 6S 10 7;^ 11 71 12 Hit l:i iMi •18 ■lit 7s S7 LIST OF PAiVEliS. CANADA. i)i;>i'ATf in:s fko.m rni-: (;ovi:rnor. Date. rnjio DcromlMr 2;!. ISIil - ; I .I:miiiry I I. Isfi." - 2 Jiuiiiiu-y I!). ISO,'; - ;! .liiiuiiii'y 20. Isii.l - 4 .T;lliii;iiv 2."), I Sli.'J . .") J:inn;iry 2(i. iSU.) . Ci ■IiniiKirv .'iO. IS(i.) . 7 .laiiuiu'V .'IO, IS(i.3 . S .Miin-Ji'lO. ls{i,-) . 8 .Mnrrli I.".. ISli,', - !) March l,"). isi!.', - Id Auuii-I 14. isii,-, . II Sc|)l( 20. |S{i,-; . 14 Sc|ilcmlici- •!(). ls(i.'i - l() .Iiiiic s, lS(i(i - - IT Ifi 113 IT llo IS IHi 19 14T 20 l.-,o 21 1 ,52 22 Scpnialo 2.i 1S4 24 Si'p.'iiaii' 2.', 2(i 203 (i 27 2S I, 2!» (i Auirust lo. ISf)(5 - 18 AuLiiisi |(>, |S(ifi . 18 Aiimi^t Hi. Is(i6 . 22 Scptrllll.i'l- 2.'). ls(i(i . .S,.|,i,.rnluT2S, 18()G - 26 Octolx'i- I, IS(i(i . 2(i NovcnilxT 3. \8li(i - 27 Novfinlior 3. IS(i(i . 27 NdvcimIkm' .-). IS(i(! . 2S XdV-'iiilicT 29. lS(;(i . 2s DiM-iMiilirr 12, ls(i(i . 29 l)!'A|'( Ili:S FUOM TIIK SIX UI'.T.VKV OV STATK. 1 • ) .l;iiiiiai'V l.'l, I'^'i.'j 42 Hi 39 AiiL.a-1 31. l'-'i(i 4T t) 21 I'lliriiary l."i. ISli.') . 12 IT 41 .\n;llM ,",1, IS(i(J 48 ;; 30 Fcl.niary 24. ISli.j - 42 IS i 42 Aiimi-i .'il. IS'i(i 48 4 .'i2 l'<'lMiiarv 2."j. ISli.j - 42 19 4T S()il ur, .lii!!c IT. |sri.-) - 4.', • )•) so Oi'toliur IS. ISliii .■)() 120 .Inlv 22. IMi.' - . 4.-; 23 100 Xnvcii\lior 22. I8(i(; ,"■0 !) 1 L ( An;;ii-1 .■). Isii.) . 4.-, 24 101 NiiM'inlit'r 2,3, |S{;(J .-,0 10 i;!; SrplcmlK'r (!. 1 Sfi.'; - Hi '-'•"' \\U Di'.'ciulicr IT, |s(i(i .■;o II 1 IT Oclolicr T, ISIi." . U) 2(i 1 23 .lamiarv .'), IsiiT ,-,] 12 i.-jii ()i-Io1kt IS. 1S(I.". - ■\i> -'T 121 .laiiiiarv T, 1 S'lT .-.1 1:; !( .laiuiarv 2T. IsiiG - I'i 2S Hi! .laiiuarv .'i:'. |S(iT .-,! 1 1 Ti) ,liin.' 30, iMi'i - 47 29 I •\<> .laiiiiarv .30, IsUT .:i !.-> 20 Au-u.-l 1, is'ili - IT NOVA .SCOTIA. DI'Nl'ATrlll'.s FROM 3 UK GOVF.RNOR. Or.. ■ji'kM- '', iMil 1). .' nilirr 2:1. ls(il .!:;'! i:rv .■>, IsC") .': . ■ -v 1,3, |S(i-, l''cl'i nary 2, ISfi.'j iabrnarv I,".. ISO.-, April 2t. Isli.l .May 9. ls(i.-, • IllM • '1. I'i'i.', .Ii3v 3, isf)-, - April 21 i. |s()f> . Ami I 23. |s(iH - Mav 10. I V,;,; . .■4 .'li ,".s .•)9 liO (il 'il 'i2 14 1 - 12 Hi 44 17 4K IS 49 19 ,10 20 1 ,-.1 22 (il ') 1 Si'liaral 2.') (is 2(i 71 May 24. IMI'; - . I Mill' (i, |S(i(i .llllic (i. |S(i(> .liiiif 19. IS(i(> - 3iiiir 19. lS(i(i . .luiic 19. I8(i(i - ,lui\i' 19. 18(i(i - Jiilv 2. ISIiG Juiv Hi, |S(i(i - .liilv If), I8()() - .liilV 2.';. |S(i() . Au.L'ast l(i. 18(i(i NuviaiiUi^r s, 18(;(; (>, OS i;9 70 71 71 No, in Si'ries. S 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 l.-i 1(> 17 8 9 10 II 1 1^' i \ ^ 111 DESPATCHES FROM TITE SECRETARY OF STATE Jali'. Page. , IWif) 18 , IHfifi 18 , \H6Cy 22 L'.'). 1K()() - ^ •2S, 18(i6 - 26 lS(i() 20 3. 18(!() - 27 ;!. IWfi - 27 ,■,, ISIili 28 L»'. ISIKi . 28 \->, lS(i(i - 29 Ki, lS(i() . 31 . ls(>7 ;«i . isf;7 37 47 . lS(i(i 4s . ly'Ui ts ■ .1. lS(i(> - IS ■ l:!. isiic, . li) • 2C>. IS()'i - 1!) ■ S. lS(ili .-,() L'i>. i8(;i; - ,'() L';i. jh{;g - .-() 17, l^(i7 .-,1 Mi'l Kili ;()() S(i(J S(i(i Sfi(i liG Slili (is 7i) 71 71 1 ■9 1 2 3 4 5 6 *» I H 9 10 11 12 13 1 93 2 9 3 12 4 23 5 24 6 2.; 7 29 8 30 9 39 10 .' 11 4o 12 47 13 48 14 o4 13 58 16 83 17 S4 No. in Si'rics. Rate. Pagi-. 1 Si-rii's. Dati-. Page. 1 3 January 7, 1863 . 78 11 38 ■Tiiiio f). 1S66 81 2 5 Fcliniary 3. 1863 - 1 78 12 40 .Iiiiic 21. 1S66 - P2 3 10 ^\:\vcU 1, lS(i3 - - 1 79 13 41 JiniL' 21, 1866 - 82 4 12 Maicli 10, 1863- - '■ 79 14 2 July 6, 1866 82 5 29 .Tunc 24, 1863 - - 79 15 5 Julv 21. 1866 . 82 6 30 .rniif 24, 1863 - so 16 9 August 3. 1866- 83 M 3(> Julv 22, 1S63 - so 17 10,-.t 4. lS(i6 - 83 8 2() Mav 12. 1866 - so 18 13 Aujrusl 24. 1S66 83 9 29 Miiv 23. 1866 - SI 19 17 Scplcinlicr 1 1, 1866 - 84 10 30 May 23. 1S66 - si 20 28 iN.ivcinbn- 22. 18(i6 - S4 NEW BRUNSWICK. DESPATCHES FROM rili: GOVF.RXOR. IS l!l 20 23 24 23 26 27 2 s 2!» ;)() .■il .'12 o.'J Dooouibor 3. lS6t S3 .lamiarv .'SO, ls(i,') S-, January 30. 1S63 ss Fi4,ruiirv 27. IS{)3 ss Mari'h 6, I8()3 - S9 Maivli l.'i, 1S63- '.m ]\Iiiit1] 27. lS(i3- !ll Maivli 27, isii.l- !»2 April 27, ls()3 - •12 >lav 8. lS(i3 - i)2 .M;iv 2'2. ISir, - ii.') ,luiu' 3, isii,-, ill .luuo 3. lS(io - 93 .lulv 3. 1S63 - 93 ,Iulv 13, Isii,-, - - 9ft Noycnilicr 6, 1 Sli.", . 100 Novombcv 20. lS'i3 - 102 i>i:si'A'r('iii:s fi ;o M rn 12 M;,l-rli 11. ISfKi- 103 1 .■„, .Ma'-ch 26, ls(i(i- 103 17 .\|ail 3. |s(i6 - 104 is Apiil 9. 1S66 - 104 21 Aiwil 10. lS(i6 - 103 41 .Iiiiic 4. lS(i6 - - 106 44 ; .luiic 4. ls(i6 - - 107 49 .luiii,' 3. lS(i(i - 110 50 .luuf 1;>. 1966 - - 110 33 ,llUU' 21. i ^6'i - - 111 • hi .lunc' 2.'!. IS ;6 - - 111 3(i .luuf 23. lsr() - - 112 39 .lulv 2. 1S66 - 113 61 .lulv 9. lS(i6 - 113 62 .lulv 16. lS(iii - - 114 63 .lulv 16, 18(i6 - - 115 111-: sE(ni:r.vRv or siatk. 53 I Ft4)niary 27. 1863 54 Fi'l.ruai-y 27. 1863 60 .March Is, |S63- 65 A|.ril 1. 1863 - 66 April 12, isii,'; 67 I April 13, 1863 76 ' Mav 27, 1863 - 78 Mav 27. 1S63 - 81 Jui'ic 24, isiij - 82 .luiic 24, IS(i3 - 83 .luMc 21, lS(i3 - 91 I Au;.Mi>l 4, isii.-; . 115 Dd'cnilicr 7. 1863 16 Hi 16 17 17 i: is IS 19 19 If) •1(1 1 I 13 16 17 is lf» 20 21 *)'} 23 24 23 26 11 16 lil 20 38 .'19 U) 1 (i 7 10 11 12 M;uvli :;i. ls(i(i. April 14. 1S66 . April 2S. 1S66 ■ April 2S. IsfiO . .Innc 22. Is6(i . .Iiu(c 22. lS(i6 ■ .luiio 22. ls(i6 ■ .lulv 6. lS(i6 .lulv 20. lS(i6 - .lulv 21. |s()6 . A((,u((. in Scrii's. U!:srATCiii> I'Kii.M riii; six i;i;r.\i;v of stati 19 1 >atf I'Vliriiiu'V 4, I ^<'''> A].ril ■J:l. IS(i') - ,)\uif L'4, 18t),j - Miiy 2.-,, 1SG(; - V:v^.- i;i.j N(t. ill IS (.Ties. Dale I'a- 5 LM .liiiic !), ls(i(i - - i;-,: ruiiry 23, ISfi.j - 139 4 3,5 April 1.3. 186,5 - - 110 .5 40 April !!), isfi.-; - - 1 tl 6 64 July 11. 1S6,5 - - 1 !■-' ' 69 .\u-ii,-l l!», IS6,') - 1 i:; s 1 ■> 9 91 ID 97 11 103 12 11.-, i;i 117 N.iVcIiiImt 11, IHti.: l''cl)nmry 20. 1866 .Miiicli 21, I8(i6. -Miiv I. 1866 .Inly 10. I8(i6 - Aiiuii>t 7, 1866 - DKSPAIC'IIKS Flio.M 1III-; Si;(UKrAliV (II' MAT 4 9 15 20 22 31 .36 .IiiiMiiiiy 24, I8().-i .lumun V 27. 1K().5 .Mai-(li"l7. 18(;,5 Mixv U, 18(m - Mii'y 12. 18(i.-, - .lunc 21, I8(i,", - A11211-I 4. 1^6,1 - 9 10 1 1 12 'i2 10 Al'l'KXniX. 1. QueliCT nc-cliition- nC 0,1,, l„.r 10. 1^*64 . . . - - 2. Hcsolulion.-, iluteil lioiii \\'i->liiiiiisl( r i'almi' llnlii, Lcinliiii, iJfcniilici- 4. 1866 ScplcllllMT 30. 18(i,-, - ,-,() IVL-cMiliur 20. 186,-, - •-)6 Marcli 2.3. lH(i6 ,-)7 April 1 t, 18(i(; - ■*)7 .May 2,j, 18{i6 - ■"7 Alienist 30. 1866 'u - 1,58 - 164 THE CoiM (No. 20: SlH, I 11. ol'voiir De ajjproval In American 1 Midi lO! c'xt>rcise of the ^t'licral ))o>iti()n to : sliuhtcst (Ic pei'sDii to li'ii'al tiibiin TIk! i'c'.s( re.'-'ultiiiijj fV( jiorlioiis ol' It is plait ill orcior to 1 ill it iiiiist li of iiamiiit; t With i-e 10, IsiiT l:!: % CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTINQ THE PROrOSEI) UNION OP THE Brvrnsii north American provinces. licr H, KSf!.') - 1 11 i-V 20. lS(i(i - 1 1.") LM, 1S(><>- 1 is |.S(i() 1 1!) ), isii'j - l.'.(t 7, )'^l''li - l.-.l iliri- :'.(). I^li.'j - l."ll) l)in- '2(t. 1^11') - 1 ■■)l i •l.\, ixfi'i I ') 1 \\, lS()(i - I'll .), lS(i() - 1 'i7 1 ;!(). l^()t) 1 •> 1 KM CANADA. Despatches from the (jrovernor \ No. 1. Corv of u DESPATCH from Viscount Mo.vck to tlie Right Hon. Edward Caud\vi;i,i,, M.l'. (No. 203.) QucIk'C, December 2:5, 1864. (KcCLMVcil. Jiiiuiary 0, IMG.j.) SiH, (Aii^woixmI, No.,'), Jamiiiry l.'i, IBIio, p. 42.) I HAVE llie Iioiioui" fo acknowledge witii feelings of miicii satisfaction tiie receipt of your Despatcli (No. f)^.*), of December 13, in wiiich you convey to me the general approval by Her Majesty's Government of the tclieme of Union tor the British North y\merican Provinces agreed to by tlie Conference which met at Quebec in October last. M'ith regard to tiie two ])oinls upon wliich you liave written, namely, that of the exercise of the Royal prerogative of paulon and the constitution ot tiie Ujiper Chamber of the genera! Legislature, I shall only say at present that as respects the fbnner I am in a ]iosition to state that it was never the intention of the C(Miference to interfere in the slightest degree with tiie constitutional prerogative of Her Majesty to .^■elect herself tlie person to whom she shoidil entrust the duty ot revising senteiu-es pronounced by legal tribunals. The resolution was introduced merely as a suggestion to meet a local dilllculty resulting from iiuiierfect means of comnumieation during the winter months between jiortions of the proposed I'nioii. It is ))lain that this proiiositiiin ctmld form no jiart of the Act which will be necessary ' in order to give effect to the j)ro))ose(l plan of union, and, in fact, the suggestion contained in it nuist be iletermined by the ilecision of the Queen, with whom alone rests the jjower of naming the person to whom shall be delegated the exercise of her prerogative. ^^'itil reg;iitl to the constitution of the L'pper House of the general Legislature, it is opi)areiit that the resolutions adopted by the Conference will be subjected to the action of many miiuls before they shall have become embodied in addr':sses from the Legislatures of the several Provinces. I would suggest that we should adjourn the consideration of this subject until we see the form in which the resolutions will emerge from these discussions. 1 have tlie honour to transmit for your inforination a coj)y of a connnunication which, ill ])insuance of the instructions contained in your Despatch, I have addressed to the Lieulenant-(jovernors of the Lower Provinces and to the Governor of Ne\vrouni.llaiul. I have, cVc. • The Right Hon. i:dward Cardwell, ]\LP., (Signed) MOXCK. &c. &c. &c. No 1. * ViJe' Papers presented Feb, 7, 1805, |i:ige 1 1. 16254. C A NAPA. End. in No. ' . Sept. 2:1, 1S04. Nov. 12, 1864. No. m. Dec. .■!, 1SI14. Vi(U' I'liptT presenti'tl Fob. 7, 186-1, page 11. No. 20.1. n«-. 2), 1864. page 1. 2 Sll!, CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION ImicIosuic ill Ni). 1. (,>uol)i'(', nc('ciiili(>r 'Jl!, ISOl. Ixi.ri'.iiuixi; to iiiv l)('8]);itilu's to you noted in tlio iii.'iruiii, I have the iionour to transmit tor your int'oniiatiou a copy of a Di'siiatcii fVoin tlio Sccrotary of Stat- tor the Colonics in rcl'crciicc to llic rrsolutious adopted liy the Contcrcuce which as'^emhled at (Jaclicc in October last to consider tile |iropriety of etfectinlaturi' the iiiiii' : ; nit siiliject referred to ii>. Mr. < '.ird well's Despatch, in order thai if the I,cL;i>lalurc .-lial! ihiiil; lit an .\ililress may lie adopted tii the C^ueen, iirayiiin- ||,.|- .Majesty to direct tiiat ^tcjis m,i<- li(> taken for ]ia-siiif;- an .Act of the I'arliaiiicnl to unite the Provinces of Hrilish North .\merica 011 the liasis laid down in the re>olutions adopted hy the (,liiehec {.'onferciice. I .shall feid much olilijicd if. aticr consnlliiiLT your advisers on tlie sniiject, ycni will iuforni me what course you iiiieiid to puisiw lor tlu" purpose of yiving elfect to Mr. Cardwell's instriictiniis. I have, iV<'. (Signed) MoNi k. No... r5fr^*' No. -J. Copy ol';i DESPATCH from Vi.scoiint, Monck to llie lliiilil Hon. Ei)\v.\ni) ('ai!I)\vi;i,i,, M.P. (No. 12.) Qiu'hoc, .laiiiKiry II, IsO'). >^II{ (K'l'ceiveil. l''''liiii;oy 1, IHti.',., I ii.wi: llu' lioiiour lo cnci'iso for vdur iiiformiitioti ;i t'opv ol' ;i Dc-pMtcli (Voiii llic (iovcnior of NcwIluiiKiiaiul rt'latiiio- to incnsiiics for lanyiiio out llu' pniposcil I'nioii ol tlic North AiiU'ric;in Proviiicos, toi^ollu'r willi ;i ciip\' of my :ms\\or. I have, \'c. The Rijrlit Hon. EcKvard Carclwi-ii, M.V., (Sigiu-cl) .\!ON('K. \'c. &c. iVc. Kncl.l inNo.2. iMiclosure I in .\d. 'J. Mv Loiin, (ioveiiimenl House. .N'ewfoinidland. Deceinher i.'7, \Xi'<\, I ir.wi; reri'ived from the Secrcary of ."state a Despatch eiiclosini;' a copy of lii^ to yoni l.ordsliip. No. !):'', of the ;>rd,, 1| which he slates, that it appeals to lier Maji'sly's (ioverntiient that villi should now tal-e iimiiedi,,.i ineasiircs. in concert with the I.ieiitcnaiit-(ioveriiors of the several l'ro\inces, for snlimitliuu' to the respeetive i.cjislatures the project of the nceiil (,iuelicc ( 'oiifcrciin for the Confederation of the jSriti^h .North .\nierieaii Colonies. 'J. I now commiiiiiiate wilh your l,ordslii|i for the piir|iose of acipi;iiiitiim' you that the LeyislaliM' SesHion of lisil.'i will he opened lii're on I'Viilay the '-'7th .laiinary, when the licpoil of the Delceaie- will he laid iiefore the Coiiiieil .iiid .\s-emhl\. Tlie po^'tal s(>r\ ice from lla' ■ lo .New loiiiidlaiid is limited to a iiioiillil\ mail duiinjj lliewinlci Season, 'i'lie ne\t should h'ave ll.ilifaxoii the 'joih .laiiuar\, ,iiid if it sliouhl happen that \ our I.ordslii| desires to alVord n e aiiv iiitoriiiation or recotiimeiid.ilioii on the imporlani siihjeit wliiidi is likely l< lM|i,'aire so niiich of tin- lime of ihe I,e;,nslatiire iliiiiii!;' the iie\t Session, I should he n|ad lo receive ii hy that op]iorliini|y. 3. I'roin all thai I havi- hceu ahle to tialher in various ipiarlers, I am of opinion llial the iiropos.'il < tlie Conl'erciice will meet with little or im iiipoitant opposition in this Colo.iv, nml it is possihl. thai the necessary meii-nres miirht hi- pi'ifccti I here diniii;; the iie\t Session o\ the present lion- of .\ssemlily, which will (M|iire in the spriiiir. The chief uneasiness is I'elt wilh re^'ard lo the ell'c> of the I'nion upon the local tiirill. which is much lower than t''at of ( 'anada, and il is feared iiia> lie increased. If dread of any greatly disadv.intaijeous alteration can he pieMiited, I should in' nnlieipate si'iions dillii iilly in |irociirin^' a hariiioniouH sellleineiil of any other i|iiestion.s which he raised. I. It is possilile. Iiowever, that the stale of circiiinstances in Canada or the otiier Provinces ni.i} render it iininaterial to press for any )n'oinpl decision in lliis Colony, and local causes may then imik< it ine\))eiliiMit ; upon this point I shall he jxlad to he favoiiri'd with your ndviee, and I take this oppoi Iniiily oiiissiiriii); yeiir Lordship of my cordial "OKperation in your ellorts to eoiii|ilete an iirraiigemeii vhiih I helieve lo he fiiiiiKhl with so ^rreiit future lulviuitiiffe to tliin Colony, in eominon wilh the i'e< of the North American Possessions of the ('inwii. I liave, iVe. lliH I'Acellency llie Might Hon, \'i^!couiit Moiick, (Signed) A. Mu.sdii.wi . titivermiv-OiMieriil of Cuiiaila. Silt, I respectin; ."^ecretarv eoiilaiiied 1 hav. I'.ith iiist. of Ihe l.( cause a Ii hasis oft! I woiik Wilh n for the (0 or Parlia .if the pn lo inei'l tl I may 1 to your I excessive I caiiii' feeliiiL' ill hearty jn- aiispicic Ciovcri; Ci Sill, I the si'.s.sii Tilt- l\ l^r■r^^^\>^X■'^'^^^'f^^^^^^^ i I loVDIlt VI Ar iunctioii w tional pro! .\ carefi the . ireiim proviiici.d Prelimii of Ih'ilish Octoher la iheir s|.\i>i' assemlilecl ( 'aiiadiaii .^ncricii, 't'liis ( 'o these Prov the propos I have din 'I'lie een into eirecl, An lliipi of the Col mini-leis v they shall repiesentll . ' i SET) UNION OF TlIK BlUTIsn NOKTH AMKRICAN PROVINCES. u'c, Dci'cinlii'r '.'li, IS() 1. flic liiiiKiur to transmit tor 'oUmii's in n'rorciicc to tlii> toiler last to coiisidor the 1 also a copy of the answer iiives, in concert with tlie L'spective l,ei;islatnres this lat I have sinnnicmed the ipose to lirin,n' lielore both i's Despaleli, in order tlial , prayinj;- iler Majesty to t to unite the Provinces el he (,>uel)cc I'onl'crence. :, you will inl'orin inc whal 's instructions. 1 have, i!s:c. (Siifued) Mom k. .Sill, Enclosure 2 in No. 'J. Canada. (iovcrninent House, (Jueliec, .lamiary !>, 18().-|. ^ , . „ „ I n.wi; the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Desjiatch of '27th Deeenih;'r 18til, lopectiiiu' the steps which it is advisahle to take in order to carry into etlect the instructions of the Sccretarv'or State on the siiliject of the uroposed Union of the IJritish North American Colonies coiilaiucd in his Despatch to me of the ;5rd Dccemlier ls;r,4. 1 have the honour to ac(piaint you that the Canadian I'arliament is summoned to meet on the I'.ith iust., and it is int<'iidcd liy my (ioveriiiiient to propose an address to the ti)ucen from both branches of the I,(';'islaturc, einbodyin^^ the resolulioiis of the l.iuebec Conference, and prayini;- Her Majesty to cause a Bill lo b'' introduced into the Imperial I'arliament to enact the Union of these Colonics on the ba^is of these resi-'' lions. I would simfic 'iit a similar course should be adopted in Newfoundland. With n'spec?! ilie ipu'stioii of the customs tarilf of the proposed Union, it is obviously impossihh) for the (io\ eminent of our I'mvinee to ^ri\(' any i)ledf,fe which wduld be liiiidinji' upon the (iovernment or I'ai-liamciit of the Union : but I am in a position to state that if the decision rested with the members of the present Canadian Achniiiistralioii, their desire would be to arraii,!,n' the charijes in t!ie tariil' so as to ineel the views of all the members of the proposed Union. I iiiav express my own (//;/«/»// llial the courM- of action will lie in a direction that will be satisfaeto/y lo your I.e;;i>latiire, and that no a]iprelicii>ioii ui'cd be cutertaiiicd in Newfoundland that a system of excessive ini|ioit duties will be introduced. I laiiiiot conclude without expressinu- my ^jratilicatioii at the account you yivi' of the state of public fceliiii;' in \our I'roviuce oil this important subject, and lo bei;- of you to accept my lie>t llianks tbr your hearty proniisi of co-operation with me in (•oiiiplctiiii;- this ^reat work, which lias coiiinienced so auspiciou.-ly. lit Hon. Edwauu -c, .I;iiuiafV II, ISO.'). | ivc.l. f'.bniaVy 1, ls(i.-., " 111' ;i l)cs|);itcli f'roni the I till' inciposcii I'nidii nl T. have, .'vc. 0(1) .MONCK. , Governor Musyrave, iVc, iVc. New I'oundlinid. I liavi, iVc. (Sijjued) MoNcK. No. X No. 3. iiid. Decemher '-'7, IKIM. U' a copy of his to youi I ler MajeslyV ( iovenillieiil l-(ioveriiors of the seviMiil 11 1'i'iit (,hiebec ( 'onfereiiii voil thai the l.cui^latiM' > Uepoil of the I )elci;alc- \\ mail iliuiii;^' the wiiilci happen ilia! your I.ordslii|i siibjei I w liicli !■• likidy li oiild be f^lad to recei\e u liiiioii llial the (iropoxal et % ilo.iv, lUld il IS pos>ibl' ^~ion in the prcM'Ul I loii-' w illi rei;jard to the ellc laihi, and il is leared ma> prevented. I -lioiild nn' liber i|ue.-lion.s which nia; llie Hilier rriniiices ma;, ocal causes may then iiiaL lice, niid I take this op|iiii coniplele nil arrail)jemcii , ill imoii with the n- I lune, iVe. ^Iied) A. Ml'siiliAM. Corv ot'ii DKSl'ATCH iVoiii Viscount Monpk to the Right Hon. Edwaimi C'aiidwi.i.i., M .p. (No. -J.^.) CiovLTmii'-iit IIoiiso, Qiiohoe, January if), isf!'). s;ii, I Kci'ri\.il, I-'ilii'iiiii-y :i, l>s(i,).i I iiAVf. tlio hoiKHir to oncloso a fo])y of the siieeeii with which I tiiis day o|ieiiecl 'i^t!]l!l. the session of the Provincial I'arliament. I have, &c. Tiie Rioht lion. Kdwar.l Canlweil, M.P. (Signci!) MONCK. tS:c. i"«c. \('. Kneiosuri' in No. ;>. End. in No. 3. I (Kxtract.) Ijoviiiii Mil i; rir.\ri.i'Mi' v asd Cii-.vti.i mi:\, A r the close of the la^t session ol I'arliament I iiifonned you tli.ii it was my iiitenlioii, ;.i coii- iuilcliou with my miiiislers. to prepare and subiiiit lo you a ineasure lor the solution of the coiistifii- lional problem, llie di'^cussion of which has for some yeai's^aiiilaled this I'rovnice. A careful cou>ideraliiiii of the |lo^iIioll ol lhiti>li North America induced the coiivii'tiou that the iireum«laiices of the limes atVoided llie opporluiiily, uol merely for the M'ltlement of a ipieslion of provincial poliliis, biii also for the simnllaneoii-, crealion of a lieu iialionalily. I'relimin.iiy ne^roliatioiis were opened by mo with ihe l.ieuteiia l-tioveinors of the oilier rrovinees of lirilish North i\liierica. and tlii' result was t'lal a meeliiiL' .is held at •,liiebe, in llie nioiilli of October last, eoinpo-ed of dclcHales from ihose Colonies represeetiiifi- all shades of poliiical parly in their scM-ral commuiiilies, nominaled by llie l.ieiileiianl-(Joveriior> of their respecliM- I'rovinces, who as«eml)led here wilh the sauclioii ol'ihe Crown ami al mv invilaliou to coiilei willi ihe meiiibeis of llie Canadian miui>lr\ on llie piis>ibilily ol' ell'ccliin;' a Union of all the I'nniiices of Ihili-li North Air.'rica. 'I'liis ( 'onferciice, alter len^lliciied dcbbeiaiioiis, arrived at llie cuiiclu-iou thai a l''edeial Union of these I'riiv iiices was feasible and desirable, and the lesidl of its labour- i-> a plan of the coiistilulion for llie proposed Union emboilied ill a series ol resolulioiis which, wilh other papers relaliii!: lo ihe suhject, 1 have direcled lo be laid before \oii. 'I'lie ucncral de-iyu of a I'nioii, and llie parlicular plan by which il is proposed lo eiirry that intention iiilo ell'ecl. have hoili ree. i\ed the cordial approbation ol llie Imperial ' ■overiiment. An Imperial .\ct of i'ailiamiiil will he neces-ary in order to ^ive ell'ect lo 'he iMintempliited rniou of llie Colonic-^, mid I have been olllcially informed by ihe Secretary of Slate thai llei Majesty s n\iui«leis will lie jirepared to iiilrodiice a Hill for that purpose into Ihe Imperial I'arliiimenl so soon as lliey shall have been iiolilieil that the propoMil has -eceiveil the siinelion of llie Lenislatures represeiiliiiif the several I'roviiues aU'ecled bv il. A J 1 CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION Canada. In oonniu'iuling to your attention this siilijoct, tlio impovtanrp of which to yourselves and to your (lescouilauts it is inipostihlo to exaggerate, 1 wouUl chiim for it your calm, earnest, and impartial coufideiation. With tiie ])ublie men of llritish Xorth Ameriea it now rests to deeii'o whether the vast tract of eounlry which they iuhiihit >liall lie consolidated into a state combining within its area all the elements of national greatness, providing lor the >ecurity of its component ])arts, and eoiiti ihuting to t'.ie strength and stability of tiie Kinpire, or whether tiie several I'rovinces of which it is constituted shall remain in t!n'ir present I'ragtnentary and isolated condition, eoiojiaralively powerless fornnitiial aid, and incapal)!e of nmlertaking tiu'ir proper share of linjierial respou.-diility. In the di>cussion of an issue of .-\u'h moment, I Icrvently pray that your nunds maybe guideil to conclusions which shall redound to the honour of our Sovereign, to liie welfare of Iler subjects, and to your own reputation as patriots and statesmen. No. 4. Sirl?. n. ^fao- nonmlltoLdril, .Tan. 9. isn.-. Iiord Mnnok to Sir 1! (i. Pnnncll, .Inn. IS, ISG.'i. • Vidf I'apcr» i-Vh. 7, 1S6J, pugu 11. No. 4. Copy of a DESPATCH from Vi.sooiiiit Mon( k' to the Riglit Hon. Enw.vun Caiidweli,, JNI.r (No. '20.) Government House, Quebec, J.imiarv 'JO, ISG."). Sin, (HcciiNcd. Fcliniary ;i, lS(i,-;.) I UAVf, the honour to enclose a copy of a Despatch from tlie Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, anil of my answer, relative to the course to he iuhipteil f()r the |)iir|)ose of givint^ cll'ect to the instructious conveyed to me in your Dcspilch of tiie ;$i(l Dccindjcr 1864, No. ()3,* respecting the pro[)o.seil Union o( the British North American Provinces. I liavc, iVe. Tlic Ri-hl Hon. Edwanl Caniweli, Ml'., (Signed) MOXCK. &C. &C, &'C. C<. T tn and tiiat general c wiiatever Tiie Hi ^:c. Siii, r II to the coir and I will Licuteni ^1 C( (No. 'J Silt, I 1 of Prince Lcii'islaliii Coiiferciu The Hi Knc'.l in No. t. Enclosure 1 in No. I. l.iciitciiant-fJovernor M.\(l)o\\i i.i. to Lord Monck. My Lono, (iovcrnnient House, Halifax, Nova Scotia, .lannary 0, lSfi."i. 1 llAvr. the honnnr to .Mcliuowlcdge receipt ot' your I.oi(isiii|i's liespatch of llie '.'.li'd l)ccciiib(>r, transmitting copy of tlic> reply of I ler .M.ijestv's I'liiicipal Secielary of State to your i,ord?liip, c\prc>>iiig tiie \ic\\> of tiie Queen's (ioverninent on the resolutions adopted by the (,hiel)ec ( 'tiiifei'cnci'. '.'. In refeieiice to the coiiise which your I.ord.'^hip ^ugge^ls for the purpe-e of giv iiig cllcI"ps to thosi^ jiropo.icd to be taken in Canada, that is to say, when the papers and correspondence (Minicetcd with tiie cniiject ?hall have been laid bclnii' Parliament, wiiieii I iia\i' summoned to ineel on tiie '.Mil {'cliiiiaiy, an address to Iler Majoly will be mo\ed by (lie leader of the (ioxcnniieiit. praying Iler .Maiesty to direct ste|)s to be taken for |ia>>iiig an Act of ilie Imperial Parliament to unile tiie Province-, of Urili^ii North .\iiieric.;. The rcsolnt ions ol the tjliiebec ( 'niilircnce will be suggested as the general basis of siiehrniiin, to be eariied (Uit in such a inamier ns may be judged by Ili'r Majesty's (io\crnmciit most coiiipalible with the joint iiitere«.ls of tiie Crown and of tlnx" portion" of the liriti;-h linipire. ,. ;t. Itisevidciil from the iMnnmniiicalion of the liiglit I loiK.nrable the Secretary of Stale that Iler .Majesty's (iovernment expects to lie aidetl in the preparation of a Pull cmbeilying the Migncsiions of the (,»U"lii'c Coiilerclice by deputations lioiutlie re,-pectivc Provin.'c-. It al-o appears to myself and the meiiibers of my < iovenniieiit that to .ivoid the probable miiltipli,ed divergence of opinion in each Legislature, iiisepar.ilile from diseus-ing a great variety of details in several independent Parliaments, despite of a L'eneral agreement in the main cilijeet and priiK-iples of tin- general srhemc, it j^ better for thes<' Piiivinees to avail llicnisehes of the liieiidly arbilrament of the <,ineeirs (io< einnient, and send delegates to einisull with the latter during preparalioii of llie pioposed Imperial llill. The views III each Legislature might, il liceessai y, liiid appropriate e\pie. -ion in iiislnii tious to the deli'guti's from each. I, This seems the wi-esi and most emnplele mode of disponing of all ipie-tions ot prerogative as well US of all suggested amendments of the (,liicbec resnliitions ; on all ^iieli jioinl- I and my Coimeil feel that the simplest and most eireetual iiinde of serving these Provinces is to coullde In the wisdom, di-cretioii, liiid li'ieiidly ili^posjljon of the Imperial ( io\ei iiiiieiit. •'i. Any oilier course appears to this (ioveinnient caleiil.iled to open a door to the reneual nut of one Init of as iiiaiiy ciiulerciiees as tiieie are di«tilicl Lcgi-latiire-, Such a course miulit possibly cud hi the ilideliiiit:' ailjounimeiit ol ;dl niiiou, .mil tins ( iioeriimeiit would \ie\v with '-erioiis appreliensjuii the giave I oiwcipieiiees and general embariassnienl to public business w liiell might be caused by llins lioliliiig ni tuispeiise such important <|iieslionH, and protraciiiig their dibCU«Biun bu lutu uit to |ireNeiil i!^v;^^»^^\'Hf>r>i?^^^^5v^ '- ED UNION yourselves aiii(l |)eeeini)er American 1'iovince.s. lavc, iVc. ) MONCK. itia, .lainiary f), 18fi.">. of the y.'ini Dt'ccmhor, ur Lordship, ('\pri's>iii;4; ( 'tinfiMcnci'. of ^iv iii^' cllrcl to till' ,'i,-latur('S the project of similar st"ps tn those nee cnmerted with the It cm the '.ilh l''eliniary, lirayinif I ler Maje-ly to \r rroviiiee-, of Itrili^ll a- the (general hasis of ty > (iiAcniment nlo^| ish l!mpire. lary of >tate that Her \\;j: the MiL"4esliiins of [appears to myself aud ee cif (ipiniou ill each epemleiit Parliaments, rlieme. it is helter tor ■ o< eruinent, aud semi al lldl. The piM'uliar ii( liiiu> to thedeleirates I ol piero^jative as \u'll Id my ( 'ouinil feel that |lie wisdom, discretion, he reiicMal not of one liiiuht po>-«ihly end in iioiis appreheie^ion the Jaiised hy llm> lioldiiiff |o prevent their M>ttli<- OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 5 C<. T trust the above views of myself and of this Government eoincide with those of your Lordship, and" that all these Provinces may attain the early realisation of their hopes of union by reposinn: a. peneral eontidence in the ability aud wisdom of Her Majesty's Government to arrange satisfactorily whatever details the (.hiebec Conference may have left incomplete. I have, (Sec. The night lion. Viscount Monek, (Not signed). &c. &c. kc. Canada. Enclosure 2 in No. i. Lord MoN'CK to Lieutenant-Governor MacDowi'.i.i.. gjij (iovermueut Ilon-e, r l)i m)As to Lord Move k. Enil. I in No. 5. Government House, Prince Eipt on the 7th instant, of your Lordship's Despatch of the 'J.Iril lilt., trausinittiii'i' co|)y of a Desp-ilch from the Si'cretary of .State for the Colonies, and your reply thereto, oil the siibjeef of the ri'snliitinU'^ ad'ipted by the Coiilcreme which rei'cutly assembled at tiluebee, to consider the ])ropriety of etlecling an ruiouofihe Pnu iuees of lirilish .North .\lMeiica. I ha\e. in accordance with your rei|ue>l, cnusulled my alalure of this Prn\ince bel'ore the i.'Slli Pebniary ; but I am prepared to do so if your L(ird-bip is dc-iroiis of obtaining sooner the ileeiT-ioii of this Legi>latiire cm thi'< important (pie^tion, .\t the openinu' ' i the Legislature, I ]U'oiiiwe to bring the prcijeet of the Conference before both Houses, and to iiiMie them lc< give their e.ilm ami di^p i^sionate consideration ti) a subject of su.-h inanifc^t iiiteresl aiiil importance to llii< 'utiin' welfare of tl:e Ccdoiiy. My ministers are aiivioiis to meet, so far as they I'an the wishes of ||cr Mjijcsfy's ( iovernmeut, iiucl of your I.cuilship, as to the time of siibmilliug this matter to the Legislature, .•mil if the '.'sih i'cbruaiy iippeai's to your Lordship to be iiicoiiveiiiently late, I shall be ghul if you will inform me of the latest date wliieli will meet with your approval, I lia\e, \T, ■J The Itight Hon. Viseinmt Mc .ick, (Sijfned) Gi inii.i Dimi \n iVc. \e. vVe. Lieiitonant-Cioveriior. Liielo.siire '.' in \o. .1. N'iseoimt Mos( K to I,iciii,(io\cnior Hi vii\s, Sill. (,liiebec, .Iimil.'iry '.'."i, L"'!"."'. I II.VM the licmoiir to acknowledge the receipt of your I>espateh of the nth instant, in wliicli vou inform me that yon have ileciih-d to summon the Parliament of i'rim c Edward island to meet on llie'.'sth l'"cbiuaiy. but that if I d. sire, in eoiine\ion with the intention of -iibmitling to its eoii«i- denitioii the propos(.il I'liion of tln< Itritish North .\imric,in Provinces, that il slinuld meet on an earlier day, \ciii are piep.ired to meet my views in reference to this matter. I hiive the honour to sa^ iu reply, I do nut think nnv iidxatitiigo would be gainoil iiy assembling your I'arliaineiit at ini i-arlier day (hat that which vou mention. A 3 ill Nci. J. I Canada. 6 COURESPONDFAXE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED (JNION I hope tt) triuiiiiilit to you by iiu early (ippoitiniity tlic tonus of the motion in which it is jiroposod hy till' Ciiiiiuliiiii Ministry to bring this iuiportiint subject under tlie eonsideraliou of ilie I'inlianu'iit of tliis I'roviuco. Li('ut.-(iovernor Dundas, I have, kc. kc. ki: (Signed) Monck. No. R, No. 6. Copy of a DESPATCH iVoiii A'iscoiint jNIomk to the RigliL Hon. I'Idwahd Cahdwixi,, M.P, (No. 32.) Quebec, Jamiaiy 26, 1805. {licccivcd FclMMiary 9, IS(i,-,.) SlU, (AiiswcriMl. No. 21, Frliniary 1.'), lH(i,^, p. 41'.) ^^- ' I iiAvi; tile Iioiioiir to enelose copies ol' Atldresses ])reseiited to ii:e liy the two "jS^ —^ Houses of the Legisiiitiire in answer 1o the speech Irom the Throne, ami of my replies. — ^ I nave, \-c., The Rii-lit Hon.Kdwanl Cardwell, M.P., (Signed) MONCK, &C. \'C. &c. Kni:l. 1 iuNo.fl, I'"nr!osuri" 1 in No i!. T lis Kxi'dli'iuy the llinht Tlonoiirablc ('ii.\in.i;s Stavi.i.v, Viseouut Mom k, Hanui Mom k, of Hallytrannnon, in tiie t'ounty of Wexford. CJovcrnor-fieneral of Mritisii .North America, and ('apiain-ticneral and (io\eriiiii-in-< 'hief in and over tlie I'roviiicos of C'anada, Nova .S'otia, New Brunswick, and tlie Island ot I'rince Kdward, and Viee-Adniual of the same, iVc., iVe., i:c. (Extract.) May it i'mam: voi u Em i- i.i.i'.nc v. We recall witli satisfaefiou your K\eell(M\cy's statenunt at the (lose of the last session of rarliainenf, that it was yoiu' intention, iu conjunction with ylitiitiiin for the iiropo'-ed I'liion, eniiiodied in a series of resolu- tions, wliidi, with otiier papers ndatini; lo the siil)|ec|, yniir Excellency has directed to be laid hefoie Parliament: and lliat tlic yeneral desiifii of a Ciiiiai. and tin' particular plan by whicl; it i> )noposed to carrv that iiileiilioii into etl'ect, have both recei\i'd ihe <'ordial approbalion el' ihe Imperial (ioveriimcnt. \u Imperial .\ct of Parliament lieinj; necessary in lU'der lo fjive ell'ect to the eontemplatiMl I'nion of tile Colonies, |hi> House is gratified to learn that your Excellency has been ollicially iiifornuil 1)\ liic Secretary of Siate that lier Majesty's Minislers will be prepared lo inhoduce a Itill for thai purpose into tlie Imperial I'arliauieiit, so mioii as lliey shall ha\e been nolilied llial the proposal has received the sanction of the ie[aeseiitinn' the several I'ro.nices all'ecled by it. .\n(l we assure your Exndlency tliat this subject, which \ou have been |)leased lo commend to oiir Htlention, and the iinpnrlance ol which to onrseUi'^ and ;•> our dcv.cendanis il is impossible to exa^jyi' rale, shall receive Irom lliis 1 bnise llii" calm, eiiniesf, and im|)artial cnnsiileration which yonr Excellencv (daiins lor it. We desii'i' to couM'y lo voiir I'.xcelli'Ucv a sense of ihc prol'ouiiil respect with wliiili this ilou-i- has received llie assurance o| your lonviction thai with llie public men otiliilish Ndrlh .\merica ii liiivv rests to decide whether the vast tract ofi'oimlry which lliev inliabil sjiiill be ( inisnlidaled into a Si. lie, eomliininy wilhiii ils area all the eleuieiils of nalional urealness, pioviiliiii;' lor llii" security of il- eoinponent parts, and conlnbulin^' lo ihe slrcii;;lli and slabiliiy of ihe l'',mpire; or vvhelher llie several Provinces of which it is i itiistiluleil shall remain in thi ir presenl li'a;.nneiitiiiy and isolaleil coiidilion. Comparatively powerless fur niiiliialaid, ami incapable of undertakiu).! their proper share of Impeiial respoiisihilitv. Wt' onite with your Excidleney in fervently prii) ing that in the discussion of an issue of sueli iiioiuent, our minds may he u;uided to eonchisions wliii'h shall redound to llio honour of our Sovereiffii. mill to the well, lie of ller subjects. I TIIA atioii of To his I Jia Cajit l!ri Mav it We ha Excellciii jirepare which ha We rec That that the of proviiK TIlHt . other Pro in the mo |iolitical p Provinces confer wit Provinces That tl of these I :>^^^; \ ^x-'^^-^- im^M^.: • SKD [JNION OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. ion in wliiili it is prnpospil •iuioii lit' tilt" I'iiilianiciit oi' 1 have, kc. (Signed) Monck. It Hon. KnwAUD iiiary 26, 18(i5. Iiniary !), ISO.',.) Kchniiiry I.^i, IMW, p. 41'.) ti'tl to iiie 1))' the two c, ami of my replies. I nave, tSre., sued) iMUNCK, \lo\( K, liariiii .M(i\( K, III itisii .\(n'tii Aincricii. anil L'anaila, Aova Scntia, >'e\\ anic, \-c., iVc, \-c. last session of Parliaiiicni, 11(1 submit to I'arlianu'ut a i\iii(li lias tor sonic years t a careful consideration of t the eircinnstauccs of tiie of provincial |iiilitics, liui ins Averc upeneil liy ymir Enclosure 2 in No. (1. Mr. Si'KAKK.u and ClentliMnen of tlie I.cij;islative Council. I THAVK von for voiir address. I am cuiivinced that you will a|)|ily yourselves to the consider- ation of the iiii|ii)rtaiit matters that will he laid iiefurc you in a calm ami (lispassiouate spirit. 1 America ; and that the , coinpiised of delcirates I'linimiinilies. nominateil icre, with the sanction of )f thi' Canadian ministry ici'ica. ny:thcned dililierations. and dcsirahlc, and thai lied in a series of rcsolii- IMS directed to he laid liar plan hy wliid; it i> rohalion of ilic Imperial the ciintciiiplalcd I'liioii hccn iillicially informed inlruihice a Dill for that I'd that the priipo>a! lia« " I'ted h\ it. ascd to coniliieiid to our i- impossilili- to cNaynt' m \^ liicli your i',\ccllelicv \( illl W llirh this I Inll^i' l!i iti-li Noi'lli America it ic coiisiihdati'd into a ic; lor the scrurity of its ; nr uhi'lhcr the se\4'ral ami isolated condition. I'lnpi'r share of Impei ion of an issue of hucIi lii'imur of our .Si\ereij(ii, Enclosure 3 in No. C. To his Excellency the Ilijiht HononraUle Ciiaiii.ks Siavi.kv, Viscount Moxck, Baron Mdvck, of Hallytrammon, in tlic County of Wexford, (iovernor-Oeneral of Hritish North America, and Captain-( Jcueral and tinvernor-iu-Chicf in and over the Provinces of Canad.'i, Nova Scotia, New Ihunswick, ;iud the Island of I'riiicc Edward, aiul \'ice-Admiral of the same, iVc, iVc, ^:c. (Extract.) .Ma'i ir I'l.KAsK VOIIi EXCKM.KM'V : \Vc have imt ceased to hear in mind, th;it at the close of the hist session of Parliament your Excellency irraciously iiiforincd us that it was your intention, in conjunction with your .Ministers, to prepare and suhinit to us a mc;isuie for the solution of the constitutional ])roblem, the discussion of which has for some years ajfitated this Province. We receive from your Excelli'ucy, with the most profound attentinn, the aiinouucemcut, — That a careful consideration of the irnneral position of Hritish North America induced the conviction, that ill" eircinnstauccs of the times .•ill'onled the opportunity, not meielyfor the settlement ofaqiiestion of provincial politics, hut also for the simultaneous creation of a new nationality: TliHt prcliiiiiiKU-y ne;i'otiatioiis were opened hy your I'^xccUeiicy ■with the Licutenaut-Govcriiors of the other Proviiici's of liiitish North Auierii-a, and that the result was that a mcrtiuif was held at i.lnehec in the mouth of October last, cmnposed of delenaies from those Colonies, representinu' all shades of |iiilitii-al parlviii their several commimities. nomiuated by tlw l,ieuteii;iut-(ioveriiois of their respective I'roviiiccs. who assembled here with the sauetioii of the Ciowii and at your Excellem y's invit.ation, to confer with th(^ members of the Canadian Ministry on the possibility of eil'ectiiig a L'liion of all the J'roviiiees of Mritish North America: That this Conference, after lengthened (hdiberatloiis, arriM'd at the ronclu--iou that a I'nion of these Provinces was feasible aiul desirable, and the result of its labours in a jilaii of constitution liir the proposed luioii, embodied in a si>ries of resolutions, which, with other papers relating to the subject, your E\eidlency has directed to be laid before us: .\iiil tint the geiu'ral design of a I'liiou, and the p'aii iiy which it is promised to carry that intention into ell'eet, have both rcci'iM'd the cnrdi.d aiiiirobation of the Imperial (iovennnent. Iiiiismuch as an Inijiciial .\rt of Parliaiiieiit will be necessary ill order to give elfeet to the con- teiii|ilateil I'liioii of the Colonies, we .are gratitied to learn from your Excellencv tli;it von have been iiiforiiied by the Secretary of .State, tlnit Her Majesty's .Miui-ler- will be prepared to introduce .■I Ihll fur that purpose into the Imperial Parli.iiiieiit, so soon as they shall have been notilied that the prii])os,d :'ecciveil the sanction ot the Legislatures representing the several Provinces .ilfccted by it. Your I'lxcellciicy may rest assured tint in giving our attention to this subject, the importance of which, to ourselves .■nid to our descendants, it is impossible to exaggerate, we shall bestow upon it our calm, earnest, and imp;iitial coiisideratimi. We receive with deference the expression of your Exeellencys conviction, that uitli the pulilie men of Hritish North .Vineriea it now rests to decide whether the vast tract of country which they inhabit sliill be ciiiisohd.'iled into a State, combining within its area all the elennnits of national grcatiu'ss, pnniiliiig for the security of its compi.neiit parts, and contributing to the strength and stability of the l!iiipire: or wherher the several Pnuinccs of which it is coiistitnted shall reinaiii in their present frag- mentiiry aiid isolated ciiiiditioii, r.iiiipar;iti\ely powerless for mutual aid, and iiieapable of undertaking their proper share of Imperial re-poiisibility. .^iid we unite with your lAeellciicy in the fervent jirayer, that in the (liseii>>iiiii of mi issue of such mniiieiil, niir minds m;iy be guided to conclusions which shall redniiiid to the hoiiour of olU" Sovereign, and to the welfare nf Her subjects. Euelii-.uie I in No. li. Mr. Si'i AKi II and (icnllemeii of the Legislative .\sseinbly. 1 III vxK yon for this .iddress. I am happy to hear that yon are p epared to enter at once upon ihi" discussion of the several iinpiiitanl siibjcit-- that I have submitted to miu. Canada. Encl.ainNo.B. End. 3 in No.C. End. 4 iu No, li. No. 7. Coi'vol'a Dl'lSP.VrC'll liom \'isc'oiiiit MoNiKti le Uiulil Hon. Kdwaiiu Cauuwki.l, M.V. (No. ;}5.) (Quebec, .liiimary ;»»», isO"). ( liei'eiM'il, Kebniiiry 17, Isii.'i.l Sill, I .\iiMVcieil, Ni). ;i0, Kel.riiiiry L't, \^r,r>, p. IL',) I iivvi; tlie lionotir to enclose a copy of a ciiviilar Despatch which I have this day adilie.H.sed to iho Lietileiiaiit-Ciovcrnofs ami to the Ciovcrnor of NewUmndlaiid. I have, iVc. The Right Hon. Edward Curdwcll, AI.P., ("^igii^'il) MONCK. &c. Sec. 9tCt No. 7. J A 4 CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION Canada. End. in Xi), ' • Vi'o Appcn dix, pag'- '5S. No. 8. Enclosure in No. 7. Viscount MoxcK to Lieutenant-Govcruoi'.« Sin, Quebec, Jai.-iary 30, 180.5. T itAVF. the honour to transmit for your infurn.ation a lopyoftlio resolution Aviiic i it is proposed by my Ciovernmei.t to move in botli Houses oi" tlie '.i -islaturc ol' tliis Province on tl-„- subject of the proposed Union of tlie British North American Provinces. 1 also enclose, as printed by the Legislanve Assendjiy, copies of correspondence that has been laid before both Houses of the Canadian Legislature. I have, &e. (Signed) Moxck. IIesolvki), That an humble address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that She may be graciously pleased to cause a measure to l)c submitted to the Imperial Parliament lor the ])nrpose of uniting the Colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia, Now Brunswick, Newfoundland, and Prince F.dward Island in one (iovernnient, with provisicms based on the following resolutions, which were adopted at a Conference of delecrates from the said Colonies held at the city of Quebec on the 10th of October 18G1. (Here follow thu resolutions verbatim.*) No, 8. Copy of a DESPATCH from Viscount Monck to the Right Hon, Edwaud Cardwell, M.P. (No, 3G.) Quebec, January .SO, 1865. (Ucecivcd Felinmry 17, 186.1.) SlU, (Answered, N'o. ;J2 Fcliniary 2.j, 186.), p. 42.) I HAVE the honour to enclose a copy of a Despatch from the Lieuter.aut-Ciovernor Cordon to Lord of New Bruuswick. ^}""'^: I have, &c. Jang" ""c^. Tlie Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P., (Signed) MONCK. &c. &c. &c. ]\Iv LolM), I n .,ord~hip's Confcierat '.'. I liav "tir proposed ti '":' State. reply to tl . iib\i(uis. 111 I'r 'vinces, priiuduni'c The lb autiiiini. ciinstitiii'ii friim tlir 3. 1 1.. ef tlie bttt a]iprchcos ONplauatir proposals state of pi to defer it i Such a cveutu.-ll se And it i> initil the I constituruc Eacl. ia Ko. ». Enclosure in No. 8. Hon. A. H. (ioiiDoN to Lord Mon'i k. Mv Loud, I'redericton, .January 2,1, 18r).">. 1\ my Despatch of the 9tli instant I informed your Lordshi]) that, when I had consulted the members of my Council as to the stcjis most calculated to give ctfcct to the resohitions of (.jhiebec Con- ference, 1 would do inys.'lf the honour of again addressing your Lordship. 1 have now aci'ordingly the honour to Inibrin your Lordship that it is my intention, with the advice of my Executive Council, imnu'diately lo dissolve the existing Legislature of this I'roviuci', i;nd that tlio new Parliament will be sunnnoncd to uu'ct towanls the eu received liom the (jovernor of Newroimdlaiul. I have, Arc, The Right Hon, Edward Cardwell, M.P„ (Signed) MONCK, &c. &c. Sec. :-^^^^,< \ ^^4: Wm ^^^-f: im^^M^-ry^r^ IT> UNION OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN TROVINCES. ICC-, Jai.-tary 30, 18r;,5. ion ■\vliic 1 it is proposed ! on tl'.^ subject of the iice that lias been laid I have, &c. (Signed) Moxck. She may bo graciously ])urposo of iniiting the Kchvanl Island in one >l)t('(l at a Conference of iber 1801. Hon. Edward uary m, 1805. H'liary 17, 18().1.> I'linmry 2'), 180.), p. 42.) Lieutenant-Governor I Iiavc, &c. LHl) MONX'K. Enclosuro in iVo. 0. Canada. (Jovcrnor :Mrs(;i!.\vr, to Viscount Mo\( k. ^■'"'''' '" ^°- '■'■ ;\Iv LoiM), Covcrnniont House, Newfoundland, February 23, 18{)/). I iiAVK luul tlie honour to receive l)y the mail, wi.icli arrived on the evening of tbe 'Jlst, your .,or(i^lli|)'s Despatches noted in the margin, with rlu'ir enclosures, having reference to tlu; ])ropose(l t'onfc.leratiou of the Ih-ilisli .North AuuM'ican rrovinces. y. I have alreadv. in my Dcspatcii of the 27th .fanuary, acrpiainted yon with the |coiirse| it Avas ]>roposed to take in this Colony for the purpo.-e of giving effect to the instructions of the Secretary of St.'.te. In ill'.! deliatcs which have taken ])lace in both the Council and the Assembly on the address in rc])ly to the opening speech, and sui)>e(|uently on the special subject of Confcderaticiii, it has become ', obvious, however, that althnugh no attenijit is inaile to oiitain a de<'ision adverse to a Union of the I'r ■viiices, a very strong disiucliiiatioii exists, (>ven on the part of those favourable to i\w Union, to proiiciuni'c.any jndginent upon the (piestion during the present session. The House will ex|iire in May, and a gen(>ral election for a new Assembly must take ])lace in the aiitiiiuii. It is urged that iiiKier .any circumstances the matter is oni^ which slioidd be referred to the c.iustitiicncies, and that in these it would be specially improiicr to attempt to force ;i hasty decision ,.' from the present Legislature just on the eve oi' its ex]iiration. ;: 3. 1 beli almost imaniiiious desire • to defer it until the next session. Such a course would probably only have the ell'ect of exciting i'actious hostility, and retard the ;' eventual settlement ot tin; plan. And it is, therefore, IK. \v jirojiosed by tbe (ioveiuineul to agree to the ]iostpoiiement of a decision until the first session of the new Legislature, when the (piestion shall have been subnutted to the constituencies of the Colony. 1 have, ^:c. His Excellency the Right Hon. Viscount Monch, (Signed) A. Mlscuavh. ., iVc. iVc. \'c. n, .January 2."., 186,'5. n I had consulted the itioiis of (.^liiebec Con- tioii, with the advice of 'rovince. and that the h, w hen ihe(|uestion of 'ly subiiiilted for their .<.-c. .uriiiK IL GoiiiJON, on. Kdwaud J No. 10. Coi'v of a DESI'ATCH from Viscount Monck to the Right Hon. Kdwaud CAiinwKi.i,, M.P. (Xo. 73.) Government House, Quebec, March I."j, 18(5'). (Rci-cived, :\Iiu-cli ;>(), ISd.l.) ■^"m (An-werc.l. No. .'iM, April s, I.SGo. page -l;!.) I iiAVi; the honour to transmii an Address to Her Majesty, at> reed to by the i-eo'lslalive (.'oimeil of this I'rovinee, prayiiii,' lliat Her Majesty will l)e pieaseti to cause a nieasin-e to be iiUroihieed into the Iinjierial I'ariiament lor the Union of ilie I'roviiice.s of IJiitisii .Nortii America, on the basis of the lesohilioiis iidopted by the ('onteience of Deieo-atc^ fiom those I'idviiices whieli met at (^ueliec in Oeloher of last year. Tliis Adihess to Her Majesty was bioii_i;iit ii]) to me by the wiiole House, and an .Vddit'ss -! presented to me, of whieli I have the lioiioiir to tiansmit a co])y, rc(|uestin;; me to lake I siieli steps as miirht ajipear to me most siiitabk' for hiyino- theAiidress ti) tiie (vhieeii at the t'lot of the thnuie. I have, therefore, the l;onoiir to riapiest on the part of tiie Lei.^islative Council of Canada, that y(ni will pre-ent their Address to Her Majesty. I iia\ e. ive. The Uioht Hon. laluaiil Catdwell, M.r., (■'^iai"-'') MONCK. 1 &c. vS:c. \c. No. 10. March lit, 1S(!5. 1m(m.) siio, p. •!;).) a Desjiatch on tiie n I'rovinces, wliicli lave, Arc. ) MONCK. I'liiclosure I 111 No. |i>. 'I'd his Kxcelleiicy the Kiglit Honourable Cuaiii.i> Siani.kv, X'lscounl M()\( k. of Itallylrammou, ^ ill tbe ('oiiiity of Wexford, ( iovcriior-Cieneral of Ihilish Novili .\merica, and Captaiii-( icneral and (io\eruoi'.iii-('liier in and over tlie I'rovinces of Canada, Nova .S'Otiii, New nruiiswick, and die l.slan.l of i'lii;,,. i'.dward, and \icc-Ailiiiiral of the same, kv., kv., kv, Mvv II i'i.i:.\si. voMi l'ACKl.l.i;\('Y, W'l , Her MajcMy's dutiful and loyal subjects, the Legislative Council of Caniula. in Provincial I'arliiunent assembled, lieg leave to approach your Kxeelleiiey with our respectful reipiest that you will I»i-'.V1. 1? Kiu'l. 1 in 10, 10 rORUESPONDEXCK HESl'EC"! . .} THE rUOPOSED UNION Canada. bo ploa.-nl to transmit oiu- Addn'ss to 1 ior Miijo.-ty on llif siiliicci of the I'liion oi' llcr Majesty's Proxiiiii's of ISritisli Nortli AincricM in ^^u■ll a way as to your I'Acrlloiicy may sccui fit, in oivlcr tliat the same may be laiil at tlie foot of the throne. (Siuiied) U. J. 'J'l.ssiK!!. Legishitive Council, Speaker of tlie Legishilivc Council. Monday, 20th I'ebruary lS(;."i.\. 'J i N. , 111. Kiiclosiuv 'J in \o. lo. To the (,in:i.\'s Mosr Kvcki.i.kxi' M \,Il;s^^. Mont Cii; \i lor- Soviimicx. \Vi-, N'our Majesty's most dutiful and loyal sulijects, the T.eji'islative Council ol' Canada, m i'roviucial i'arlianienr assemhled, iuunliiy approach Vour Majesty for the purpose of ])rayiiiii' tint ^'our Majesty may i)e irraciously pleased to cause ;i measure to lie sulunitted to the Imperial I'arliament fi r tlie purpose of nnitini: the Colonies of Canada, Nova .Scotia, N'ew lirunsuick, Newfoundland, and Prince Mdward Island in one (ioM'rnmcnt, \vitli provisions liased on the following resolutions, wliicli were ailopted at a Confertuu e of deleg.ites from the said Colonies, held at the citv of (^•uel)et•, on the 1 0th of October isiW. (Hero follow the liesolutions which will be found ])rin1c(l a^ ,',n .VppencHx, page l-'iS.) Legislative Council, Moudav 'Ji'th l''cbruarv li>ii"p. No. II. V.w]. 1 in .N.I. 11. Xo. 11. Coi'V of a I^'ESPATCII I'lom Viscount Movck to the Hight Hon. Edwako C.VIiDWKI.I., M.P. (No. 71.) ''iovi'i'niiiont Iloiist', Qtielicc. Maicli 1."), 1865. iRrccivcil, MiMvll ;iO, ISlli,).) Sir, I AnMvcriil. .No. .'iS. Aiiril s, ls<).'). |i!ij.'i l;i.) I iiA'T, the iioiioiir to transmit an Aildrcss to Ilcr Majesty, apfiocd '^o by the Legislative Assembly of tliis Province, ])iayini;' thai Her Majesty will be pleased to eaiiso a measure to lie iiilioiliieeil into the Imperial I'arliament for thi Tnion ol the Provinces of liritisli Nortli America, on tlie basis of the resolulieiis adopted by llie ('oni'erenee ol Deleuates from the Provinces which met at Quebec ii; ()ctoi)er of last year. This Aildress to Her .Majesty was l)rruoht up to inc by the whole House, and an Address presented to nie, of which I liave the lumoiir lo transmit a copy, requesting' mc to take such sti'ps as miu'lit appear to mi' ;ni).-i suitable for laying' (lie Addiess to liie Queen at the ibut of the ilirone. I have, therefore, the honour to recpiest on tiic part of the Legislative .Vssembly of Caiuula, that vou will present their Aihircss to Her Majesty. 1 ha\e, iSre. The Ui-lil Hon. Edward Caldwell, .\l.P., (Sioneij) MONCK. i\c. &.C. ii 1 \'s MD-i i'ixcii 1.1 vr M\.iisrv. Mosr GiiAciois Soviiii ii.\, Wi, Vour Majesty'- most dutiful and -uhjecls, '.iie ('onininn- i inada, in Parliament assembled, huml)ly .-ijiproach N'our M;ijesl\. I'm the piupo-e of pr.iying lli.i loiir Maiesly niav lie graciously plea-cd to cause ,1 measure to he siibmitled to the lmpei-ial I'.irliament for the piirpo'e of uniting llie Cnlonic- of Canada, Nova Scotia, New ih'unswiclv, Nev fonndland, and Prince Kduard Island in one ( io\ernment. with provisions basi'd on ihe accompanying Kesolutions, which x.cre adnplcd at a Conference of delegates from the said Colonies, held at the city of (,luehec on the loth of October 1)<() I, .ill which we, the Commons ot' ( 'anada, humbly jiiay Vour Majesty to take into your gracious and favourable ciiiir-iclciatinll. (Here follow the Uesoll1tioll^ which will be found primed a- an .Appendix, page I'iS.) Legislative Assembly Hall, Mimday, l^tli March IHii.'i. To his Ivm| I in the i and Ci % the Isl.i 'jMa' rr I'l.i I I \Vi;, |l)eg le.ive to Jour Addres-I ifause !i mi of Canada, incut, with p| tlie said Col lency may I ., Legislatl\i| Mondl (No. tSlK, -t I 11 Submitted between Hi The R:gl ixc. To his I'^N ,MaY I'l- I'l.K.i Tin. u initti'e o'' the (iovcriiinent t lia\"ing ilisch; your I'ixctdlen 'flu' circuni leiicy's lecolli' Slates, iind lli ]Ier .Majesty'^ iiieiit of Caiuu .vesnlting, and fcfealed that I military ilulic franki to con might ..,' fouii of l'aili(,mi'iU stall' and the t-t.indini: as to nud hurlfiil re anticipaled ea py.-lcm of drl'i important tpie ( 'i/nfcileratiii;i In the earl\ ciini'eri'Uci' at the impositioi of the coiuenl deepen till' fci permanent w . Imperial 'I'reii ■Jj anxious to me ■i^'liose to I'arli.'i , ^and on the \aI the New I bin ^■'■!^^v*^ ^t^^^'f* '^■^^: ^^^M^-^^-^^^ ED UNION iiioii (if Ilrr Miiji'sty's sccni fit, ill oiilfi- tlint 'l'r:s>lKli, I' l-i'"islalivc CdUiU'il. OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 11 Council of Ciniail:i, in iHc of jjviiyinji' ^'oiir iiii|iciiMl I'ai'li:iiiu'iit fcr ick, Nrwfoiiiiiliiiiiil, and iviiig i-csolutions, wiiicli > city of (^>iiel)(>c, on flu' iilix, pa.n'c l."iS.) Hon. iMJWAIil) '. Miirch 1."), 1.^(5.-). lS(i.5.) . ISIi-'i. |>;iiri 13.) y, iii;iL'L'd ^o by tlic II be plea.scci to cause ion ol tlio Provinces )}' tlie C'oiil'erence ol ■t yen I'. hole House, and an opy, n (jueslinn' me the AiKiiess to I lie ative Avsenibly of Kive, cVc. MONCK. inaila, in I'.irliaincnt onr Majesty may lie nl fur the |nir|iii-c nl' .iml I'rincc I'lilwaid . uliicli v.crc adoplcil n tlic loth (if Ociolicr inlii your fi-iaciniis and \. |iaLi-i< l')S.) Enclosure 'J in \o. 11. I To liis l'-\celleiicy llie Ui(''lit llonourahle Cii.Mii.i.^ .^r.\\ii;v, Xisconnt Mom k, of Mallytrammon, ill the County of Wexford, Ciovern(ir-(ienei'al of lliitif^li North America, and Captain-Ceiieral and (i()vern(n'-iii-Cliief in and over tiu^ l'ro\ inces of Canada, Xoxa .Scotia, New i lunswick, and 11(1 of I'rinci Kdward, ami \'ice Adniiial of tlie same, iVje., iVc, (.Vc. nil U Hi (1. II, the bled, IT I'l.i; .. i; Mill! K\(i;i.i.rA( V, \\ i:, I ler Majesty's dutiful and loyal suhjeets, the Coninions of Camuln, in Parliament assei; leave to aiiiiroacli your Kxcelleiiey with our ropectl'nl re(|uest tiiat y(m will be pleased to transmit .\ddress to Her most (ivaeious Majesty, |ii-ayiii.i; that ller. Majesty may he y-rai iously jile.-iMvi to ubmitte I to tiie I .jierial I'arli.imeiit lor the purpose of uniting'' the Cohmies Ne\N' liruiiswick, Newfoiiiidland, and Prince F.dward Island, in one (iovern- rieiit, with provisions iia>cd on the resolutions which were adopted at a C'oidi-reiice of (h'lejjates from lield at the city of (.iluehee, on the li'tii of October l.s(it, in sueii w.iy as your iixcul- fii, in ordei' tiiat tlie same may h(! laid .at the loot of the throne. (.Signed; L. \\'.\i,i.iiKii)(.i;. Legislative Assembly Hall, ."Speaker. Monday, l:ith Nlr.reli \fi'>'>. .M\- 5oiu "iwaiise u measure to he s >icc. 'I'd his l'",Ncellency tlie Kight Honourable X'iscnunt .\los( k, ( Joveinor-Cioueral of liritish North America, iVc. k.''. May 11' I'l.i am; voi k Ex( i:i,i.i;\cv, Tin; undersigned having, by Order in Council nt U-ltli March LsiiJ, lieeii ap])oiiited a ccun- jiiittee o' the I'^xeeutne Coimeil of C.inada to proceed lu Kiiglaiid and confei- with Her Majoty's (iou'riiiiient on eeitaiii subjects of importance to the Province, ^ailed for I'aigland in April last; and ]ia\iiig discharged the duty entrusted to tliciii and returned to Canada, we now beg to sulimit for your l^xcellency's infoniiation, a >tatemeiit of our [iroceediiigs while in Loudon. The eireniii>taiices under which this mi>siou became necessary are doubtless fr. . h in your Kxcel- lencv's recoUectioti. For a coiiNiderable time pa>t, in view of the civil war going on in the United Slater, .■ind the impossibility of anticijiatiiig what international (|uertious might at any moment arise, Her .Maie.-.ty's Ciovernment felt it tlieir duty from time to time to direct the attention of the Cioveni- ineiit of Canada to the insecure position of the Province in the event of di^tllibed relations unhapiiily resuitiuL:', and to urge the adoption of protective measure,-:. In these eoiunuuiieatioiis it was not eon- cealeii that ller Majesty's (iovernment (>\pccteil the people of Canada to assume more onerous military duties than they iiad previously boriu". Your IOxc(dleiicy's advisers were always prepared franlJ " to eon.-ider tlie-e proposals, and to sulimit for the approval of Parliament .-ueh measun-s as might ..,■ found just and reasonable. Hut they felt at llie same time that to secure the li'arty assent of Pailii.ineiit and the country for any iin|iortaiilciiaiiges in the militare st.itc and the Ciilony. an explanation on tiie uliole subject siiould lirst t-tandiiiL' as to the shi.i' of defence to be JKniie by each might be arr 1 nnd iiurtful reproach for alleged neglect of duty by the Colony, eiiti. ;• initiciii;ite(l early union of all the British North .Vmerican C^oloiiies — ? py-tem of defence — the tioveriuiient ol' ('anada dceni'.'d il highly desii. important (piestiou should be re.'-ervcil l'(n' the ailioii of thi! tiovernment and L(< Ci/iifeileratioii. Her Majesty's {iovi'rnmenl coiieurred in ihe.-e views. In the early part of this year, iiowever, events occurred that chaiifj conference at I'drliess Monroe for the cessation ol hostilities, the distiu'banees on the Canadian frontier, the iinpot-itiou of the pas^()ort system, the notice given by the American (.ioveninient foi- ,i tenninalioil of the eoinention restricting the naval arinaiiienl on the lakes, and otiier events, tended to revive and ;(|ecpen the feeling of in-ecurity ; and Her Majesty's Ciovernm.iit urged the immediate erection of ■permanent works of defence at (,hiel)ee and .Nlontreal -the e(K-.i of the i'oriner to be borne by the Imperial Treiisurv, and of the latter by the people of Canada. Vour I'Neelleiiey's advi>ei's were most 4 anxious to meet tlie wi.>lies of ller Majesly's (io\ernmeiit, but they could not leel it tlieir duly to pro- •^lioftc to Parliament a vote for defensive works at Montreal while the defence of I'pper Canada, on land yimd on the lakes, was unprovided for. 'I'iie iiosition of allairs was ftu'tlier eomplieated by tlu^ result of ' the New Hruiiswiek eleetioiiH, whieii postiioiied, at least for a time, tliu Union of the Pr(j'viiices, and by B 2 latioiif. Iietween the parent so that a clear uiider- 1(1 all ground of irritating v('(l. In view also of the .il calculated to simiilify the .)1(^ that the settlement ot this lature of the new the situation of atl'airs. The 12 CORUESPONDENCK llESl'ECTING THE PROPOSED UNION Canaha. tli(> rorniiil iidtico ffivcii liy tlu' AiiicrieMii ( iovcniiiKMit I'lir tin- tcriiiiiialioii, in Miircii iu'\t, nf tlic Ki'c |)i-iH-ity 'I'l-cMty. It lic'ciinii' (•\iilciit tlint tlic tiiin' binl nnivcil ;nu\ cniild no liiiif;i'r he postpniioil, tor lull and Irani; cxplannliou with llcr Maicsty's (idvcninicnt ini tlic wiiolc ftato of view an nnnu'ihato nusani till' result of the iicn'otiations and coiniilcti' the husincss of the ses-ion, so soon as the dclcyati ii'turiicd lidiii ( irca t lirit:i O 11 iMii'j 111 iMiylaiid \vc lost no tunc iii placin;;- our ,'lvcs the !)■ Williai ■ f Stale lor tin Somerset, the Cole in <-oiiiiiUiiiicalioii with I ler Majest ;ht II a coiniiuttee ot the iiiipcrii il fal iiiict, coiisistin lie 111.' \: l)c( rev and upon tl ic III ;lit ys of his (iracc lonourahli' ladslcnic, and the Kinht lloliourah'.c Mdward ( 'ardwell. liaviin^ heeii appointed to confer fotiatioiis were opened and ciintinned at IVe(|Ui'nt iiili'r\i up to the clc 'l"l le siilijeet to which w tii'st iinitcd the airenti'iii of tne coni'i rciiei> was the in of the Ihitisli Nortl (luestioiis, vitli the discussi ;iii (' on of whicli wc 1 \\( lied the Im d M propose Con! inisfcrs now lar ('deration ucly all the coiiniKM'cial relations, and internal coiiiniuiiiiatiti :itly UMiu at an carlv date tl or le promise to wliicli thi' oncrniin nt of Canada slood alone. 111 till- even till It of the la lied; 'cd to pi oceed withoul dchu' with constilutidii.d reforms lor Ci nada 'asiirc lailint;' lo he ohtained W e rerei\e( 1 at once liom ineinliers of the Imperial Caliinet assurances of their iiearty apprinal of the Confederation scheme, and of their anxious desire to promote its early accoiii])!ishinent hy all the legitimate inlluence of the Inilierial Govcriinieut. In the diseussioii of the means to lie adnpied for cfi'ectiiij"' Confeder-itioii, we trust it is umiccessary to assure your lv;cellency that ihe idea of ciercin;;' ;he inaritimc I'roviiices into the measure was not for a inoment entertaiiicd. 'I'lie end sought was to u-ccrtain in what inaniicr the ipie^timi ol' I'nioii ill all its heariuL's could he host l)idii;;lil niuh'r the full and fair consideration of our fellow ( 'iilonists, and the i;rave n'. ponsihilily iirjred n]Hin theia, which they would assume hy thwiU'tiiie' a measure so pregnant with future prosperity to Ih-itisli America, so anxiiuisly desired hy the .irreal mass of the people to he all'ci icil liy it. and which hail hi'ini received with siu'h niarhcd satisfaction liy our fellow siihjects ihroiiLrhout the liritish Kin[iire. \\\' received assurances that llcr Majesiy's Cioveriiment ■would adopt every IcLiitiniale means for securin.n' the early assent of the iiiaritiine I'loviiices to the Union. In the course of these disius>ioiis, the iiucstioii of the Intercolonial Kailwav cuiie lip as a necessary accoiii[ianimeiit of Confederation, when we souulit and ohtaiiicd a reiicw;U of the promised lni]ierial guarantee of a loan for the construction of that work. The important (|iieslion of the future military relation.- Iictwei'ii tlie mother country and Canada receiu'd earnest and ^ravc con.-ideralion. Heforc eiiteiin^ on the discussion of details, wc referred to the recent dehates in the Imperial I'arliameiit on the suhjcct of Canadian defeiicc:!, and especially to the asiicrtions conlidcntly made hy certain memhers of the Mouse of Commons Caiiaila was iiicapahle of ellicient protection against invasion from Inr inland border. Wc explained tlw iniiirv siicli statements tended to produce, .-ind the necessity of our asccrtainiiiji;', as a preliminary step to oiir disciissions. whether or not they wer.- well founded. Wc asked that a report on the wliole suhjcct of the defence of Canada, with [ilaiis and c-tiniates, iiii-^ht he ohtaiucd from the highest military ami naval authorities of (ireat llritain. .Such a report was ohtJiined and commnnicaied to us conlidcntially : and we rejoice to say that it was calculated to remove all doiiht as to the security of our eonntrv, so lon.!i' as the hearts of our jKOple remain lirnily attaclied to the Ih'iti-h llau'. and the power of laiirland is uielded in our defence. Oil the ji.-irt iif Canada we expic-sed tlie desire that this jilaii for tiie defence of all parts of the I'rovince >lioiild he taken as the hasis of arrangeineiit : and t^liat a full and candid disciis>ioii should he had as to the share of the cost that ou!(ht he hi'me respectively hy the Imperial and Provincial exclie- <|Uers, AVe expressed the carui'st wish of 'he people of Canada to perpetuate tlie ha|)p\- existini;- connexion with (ireat Ihitain, and their entire willinuiies- to contribute to the del'eiice if thi' ICmpire their full (piota, acrordini; to their ability, of men and money. iJnt we pointed out tliat if war should ever unhappily .'irise between Kimland and the riiited States, it could only be an Imperial war, on Imperial irroiuids- that mir connlry .•done would he exposed t i the honors of iiiv;isioii--and that our exiioscd position, far from I'Utailinir on us iiiiu.-ii;d burdens, should on the contrary secure for us the sjiccial and jzeiierous consideration of the Imperial (io\eriiincnt. We explained, moreover, that tboiiiih Canada continued In |)l■oL;■rl•^s steadily and rapidly, it a vast country, spar.-oly populated — that the dillicultics of (irst settlciiient were hardly yet overcome — -that the iirnlits of our aiinual industry werelo be found not in lloatinu' wealth, lint in the increased value ol' i,nr farms and mines — and that, at this inomciit espcclalh', from till' failure of -neeessive crops, the cli'ects of the .\inericaii civil war on onr coiiimei'cial rel.-itions, and ihe ieeling of insecurity as to our position {;;rcatly .•iii'uravalcd by statements of the del'encelessness of the country in the Hritish I'arriaiiieiit and by porliiMis of the liritish press) — Can.'ida was lahonrinj- under a Icinporary but serious deprtssion. U'e puiuled out that, while fully recon'iiizinu' the necessity and prepared to ]ii(nide for such a system of defence a- wmild restore con- liileiice in our future at iioiiie and aliroad. the be- 'liiuate defence fur Ihitisli America was to bi^ found in the increase of her iiopnl.'ition as rapidly as pi ic, and the hiishandiin;- of our resonreos to that end; and without claimin,!;' it as a riirlit, we vent d to sn;vucst that hy enabliu;'' ns lo throw o|)en ihe north-western territories to free sctth'incnt, and o, aidiiiii' us in enlar;;iiig onr canals and prosecnlin;;- internal proiluctive works, and by prniuotine- an extensive plan of ('miiiratioii from I'airope into the tmscttlcd portions of our (loinaiu- -permanent security would he more ipiickly and surely and econo- mically secureii than by any other means. We did not fail to point out how this iiiiMhr be ilone without cost or risk to the jh'itisli exchcipier, and how ;freatly it would lighten the new burden of dcleiice proposed to be assumed at a inoment uf depression by the people of Canada. Mucli C.iiiada il their inili| annnallv worlvs mil Willi ill tl fir the upon ll'.cil feili'r:'.tion| iVoiii th aceorilinul ;\llll'lil that if cinj SCCIlli'lll On tlu iucrcMsi d til the Sr. ^ •SKD UNION .M:nvii lu'Nt, i)f the Kcci- llllljjcr he |)ci.-,tpnilO(l, fill- ;i I' of alliiirs; jiiul willi ■I -lllvi'd lIpDII. 'I'lii- stiilc nilily, wliicli were tliiMi in liat it wiiiilil lie smiiiiKMicd I, so soon as till" (Iclc^iiatcs ■atioii willi Mcr Maji'styV t, c-oiisistiii;r of his (i nice I, till' IiiLflit lloiionrahli' hem a|>])oiiitt'(i to confer 11)1 to tlic close (if ulir ic |ii-o])i)sc(l Conrcdcratioii li-tcrs hdw lai'iicly all llic those ot' (li'fciicc, forcifTM ' riiioii, and how ni-catly rcascjns that c\i>tcd for 111!" promise to nhich the tiunal refoi-nis for Ca.nada ccived at once lioni the 'onl'ederalion scheme, and i^itiinate inlhience of the I'cctinn- Confeder^ition, we ■ niaiilime I'rovinees into ■rtain in what manner the nil! I'aii' consideration ol' 1 they wonld assume liy anxiously di^sired hv the 1 such marked satisfaction nces tliat Her Majesty's if the iiiaritime Trcivinces 'rcohinial Railway came itaincd a renewal of the ler country and Canada iif di'tails, we referred to I'ences, and esjiecially to inons that Canada "was explained thi' injury preliminai-y ste|) to Our 1 the whole suhject ol' yhecns.-i(iii should he and I'rnviucial exclie- ■ the- lia])py exi.stii,^ ■fence if the lOnipirc out that if war .sluMild le an Imperial war, on iva-ion-and that mir aiy secure for us the ' moreover, that tliouuh ly populated— that tlit" nnual industry were to and that", at this ican civil war on our ra\ated liy statements I I he Uritish jiress) — ■ oui that, while fully Mould restore cnii- inerica was to he found our resoni'ces lo that Us to throw open the mals and proseeutini,r om I'anope into the id surely and econo- iniLjhtlie done without w hnrdeii of deleiice OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMHRICAN PROVINCES. ' 13 ^IiK-h (li>cn,-sion ensued on all the-e points, and the result airiwd at v.a,-, iliat if the jjrople of Canada. CaiatLi underli'ol; 1 he worhs of defence at and west of .Montreal, and ajirees! io expend in trainiiii,^ iheir militia, e.ntil the I'nion of all the I'roviiiees was iletermiued, a suie not Icssthan is now expended ammallv !'(U- thai service, Her Majesty's (ioverimient would eomiilete the fortifications at (.hudiec, pro\ide"tlie «1m1c arimunaiil for all the works, u'liaranlce a loan for the sum necessary to construct llu" works uiHlertakeii hy Canada, and in the event uf \iar iindcrlake the defi'iue n|' every [loition of Canada with all the resources of the I'jnpire. The iiuestioii having' arisen as to the time ami order in whii'li these ])roj)nsitions should ho suhmiltcd !'or die appro\,:l ol'llie Imperial and I'loviinial I.cj^isl.iiurc , il appearel lio a' liiai could lie laki^n iinou Ih.em dmius' the present year; and it was tlurefore deemed inexpedient lo complicate the Coii- fe'deration (pieslion liy clianjfin.u' the hasis of the (.Hieliee Conference resolutions, which miiiht result I'roiii the ])ri sent adoiition of these pro|iositioiis. 'I'lii' further eoiisideration of the defensive works was ac( iirdiiii;lv defirrians of local administration ther(>in : ;. ml he suggested Hiat if so prepared it would he dcsirahlc that ^iiu\c jiersiin dulv anihori/cd io coniuuinicate the views of the Canadian (iovernment should lie sent to l'!nglaiid for that ]HU-pose. On the 1 I th Xovemher l.S(! I, a uiinnte olConncil was approved hy your Excellency, in reply to Mr. Cardwidl's Despatch. It set forth that the Government of Canada was ready and anxious to co-ojierate wiili the Imperial (iovernment, in securing the early settlement of the north-west territories, and the estahlishment of local government in its settled |H)rtions ; hut that in its opinion the tirst^ step towards that end was the extinction of all claim hy the Hudson's llav Company to proprietary rights in the soil anil exclusive rights of tr.ide. It suggested that it was for tlie Imperial (iovcriinient, and not for the (lovernnient of Canada, to assimii' the duty of hringing toan end a luouopdly originating in ail JMiglish charter, and exercised so long under Imperial sanction; lint that when the negotiations were hrought to a close, the (iovernment oi' Canada would he ready to airange with the Imperial (iovenniieiit hr the aonexatimi to Canada of such ]iortioiis of the territory as might he av.iilahle fur settlement, as will ;,s the opening up of conimnnicatioiis into the territory and providing means of local administration. ( )r should the Imperial (iovenniicnt prefer to erect tiie territory into a Crown Colony, the Canadian '.iovprnment would gladly co-opciate in the opening up of communicatiou into llie ferritory, ;uid the settlement of the country. Th(> minute llually snirgeslcd that tae Hon. President of the Council while in I'aigland would eonimnnicate more fully io Mr. Cardwell the views of the ( 'aitadian (iovernment. The negoiialioiis that followid on this Despatch satisfied us of the iin]iossihility of enforcing the end rought hy Canada without long-protraeted. vexations, and costly litigation. The llncson's \\;\v Col pany were in jiossession, and if time were their ohject, could protract the jiroceedings indelinitelv ; and lier Majesty's (loviu'iiment apjieared unwilling to ignore ])rt>tens;iins that had freipieiitlv received ipiasi recognition from ihe Inijierial authorities. Calling to mind, therefore, the vital importance to ( 'anada of having that great and fertile country oiietieil up to Canadian enter]iri/e, and the tide of emigraiion into it (iireetli ; ami tliat llic comiMMisalinii to tliat ruiiiiiaiiy (if any wiMf toiiiiil to lie due) .-Iwrnld In- met liy a loan ^iiarMiitccd by (Jivat Uritain. 'I'lif liii|i('rial (iovoriinicnt coiiscntfd to tlii-, and a catcful iiivc^lii^'ation of llii' case liatislics lis that till' (nniinMisation to tlic IIiiilsipiiV Day I'onipany cannot, iiiidci- any liicunist.nici's, lie (inomus. It is but two yours sinic the jifcsiMit Iliidxni's ISay Company inncliasrd tlii' cutii-c pi-opcrty i>f tlic old com- pany: they |)aid 1,."ioii.iiimi/. \\n- tlif entiro property anil assets, — in whieli were Inchidi'd a huge snm of cash on hand, larnc hnided proiiertie-^ in llriti-h C'ohimliia and cIm where not Included in our arrange- ment, a very hu'ue claim against the I'nited States fjovernnient under the (Jregon 'I'reaty— and sliips, jroods, (iclts. ami Imsine^s premises in I'.ngland and ('anaija x allied at l.()2;!,.3ii'i/. The value of tlie territorial rights of the company, therefore, in the estimation of the company itself, will lie easily arrived at. The results of our comnuinieations with the ('niiiinittee of Her .Majesty'^ (iinernment were placed, hy Mr. Cardwell, in the form of a Despatch to yoiir Ivxcelleiny : that docununit hears dale the 17th •June If'ii'i, and has already reache, we did iiol fail to (all the attention of the Colonial Ministci to the anomalous position of foreigners who have settled in Canada and heconu> naturalizc'd subjects under (uu' I'roxiiicial Statutes. .Mr. Cardwell at once admitteil the liardshi]) of the case, and -tated that it was the desire of Her Majesty's Goverinneiit to remedy it, and that with that view he had referred the subject to the l.uw Ollicers of the Crown for their opinion as to the best mode of doing so. It will be gratifying to many devoted -ubjects of Her Majesty thronghonl British Ameiiea, whose fears have been excited by the language too ol'leii heard of late years on the subject of Colonial connexion, that we received from Her Maje-ty's Ministers the assurance that the British (ioverninent achnowledge the obligation of defending i\ery piM'tion of Canada with all the resources at its eoinmand. Such, in lirief. is the outline of our conimiinicatioiis with Her Majesty s (Joveinment, and we cainiot conclude this report ^^■ithout gratefully achnowlcdging the distinguished consideration extended to us as the repres(:ntatives of Canada, not only by the Ministers with whom we were brought nnire directly in contact, but by many eminent personages with whom we had the honour ol' conferring on the objects of our mission. To Mr. Card. veil we are especially indebted for unremitting kindness and attention. \Ve are liajijiy to believe that the result of oiir \isif to l!ngl,uid has been to insiiire more just views as t(i the position and feelings of the Canadian jieopli', and to draw closer the ties that have so long and so happily attached our Province to the mother country. (Signed) .John A. Ma( honai.i). (jiii, Ivr. Cviirii H. Gi;o. Hiiowx. Quebec 12tli July l.-^Oj. A. 'I'. Gait. I take II' Railway Ir In till Majesty, \> " the Imp " HriiUswi " the aciv " Colonie- It is con porated in; addre-s to in a scpara I tinil I " gelK :-al '■ liiviere It vwiuli! llie 'j)iieeii. Hallway, h completed : Majesty t. As an ni of eompletli correspond. Governmeii members of the eugau'cii Colonies tin railroad she' The cori' is an ackiK- subject, ,111. which the I'rovinces, ' Licut.-tf' Xo. i;i. l-jicl. I in N.I. 1.1. . \(.. 1:5. Copy of ;i DHSPATCll tioni Niscuiint Monck to the Kiulit Hod. Mdwahi) Cauuwki.l, .M.P. (No. is;',.) (joviMniiiciit House, Quebec, Septctnbor '20, 1865. I lic.'civc.l, ( li-i.phcr .J. jsii.).) Slli, (.\ii-w,i,-.|, X.I. 1)7,!' :. IMJ,), page Ki.) I iiAVK the honour to tiansuHt for your int'oriiiation, copies of ii cories|iomleiice wjiicli I JKive had witli the Lieutcnant-Ciovernor of Nova Scotia, on the sul)ject of furtlier gii;if;nitecs liir tlio construction of the liiiLivoionia! Railway, in the evcnl, of tiie L'nioii of liie l*io\ince.s. 1 have, A;c. The Uioiit Hon. Ivlwaid Caidwell, M.P., (■'^ig'icd) MONCK. &c. &c. &c. I'Jnclosure J in No. I.".. Lord MoNCK to Sir \i. (J. M \i DovNiii,. Si II, (,)uehec, September 9, l>i(i."). I iiAvi; the honour to acknowledge the receipt of \our'h fXo. l.'^4) of :;ist August, respiH'tiiig the securities which you desire for the construction of the Intereoloiiial Railway in the event of the Union of the British North .\iiierican Provinces being coni|)letc(l. In that l)es])atcli you suggest the Canadian I'.irlianieiit should rc(juest the Imperial Government so to frame the Imperial Act ol' Parliameiil uhieli shall give eil'ect t.. the I'nioii of the l*r(i\iiiccs as to se( lire the construction of the railway. It a])pears to me and my lONeciitivc Council that this siiggcstioii could only lia\-e been made iiiiiU r a misai)|)reliensi(in or in oblivion of what has been already done by the Canadian Parliainont in reference to this subject. Mv T.oiiii, 1 II s\ enclosing a e of the Intere. That corr. RUgLTCsting tl be your I'Acelh" colonial Ivaih .'5. So far ; thai l)e-p,-ifcl of the Interci relv on the ; tlK'lkijE, the 1 cease to exist may not be ii Provinces wl: Government Government 4. 'I'liere a ma'le good. '. liitherto opei ", There are aU their own rei .5. It .seomi excuse, is .-UK Neither purp (iovernment when the tiiii fi. The onl friendly to al Ministry aiu: fcronee to an ^:^m,., \ ^4 ^mt* ^A:^: i^m^m^ ■■? ;d union II ('.■iiiadii, siilijcct to tllC uliii'ct iif Culoiiial le liritisli (iovi'niinent I till' ivsonri-i's at its nnu'iit, and we eaiillnt I'l-atiini eNlriidrd to lis hroiiu'lit more directly it'ei-riiii;- on the objects iiidn('>> and attention, ire niorr just \iews as lat have so loiii;' and so UN A. Mai iiovAi.i). I o. I'/r. ('aiiiii li. o. Huowx. T. Gait. OF TMK BiaTISII NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 15 Ion. 1M)\VAII1) k-mhcr 'JO, 1865. .(i.-,.) IS(j,>, paye M.) a C()ri'cs|)()nclonce on the siiiijcct of I he cvt'iiL of the ivo, lie. iMONCK. ■'>e]iteinl)ei !), l-^()."i. l.-<4) of MM Au.ii-ust, jiiial Railway in the Imperial (jo\eriiini'iit the l'iii\ini'c's as to ly lia\'' hi'i'ii made adian I'ailiamenl in I take the liherlv of ealliiii; your attention to ttur rouvse adopted with i-i's])i'il to the liitereolonial Railwav hv the (ioveniment aiid I'avlii'inent of this J'l-oviiife. In llie last session of the ( aiiadiaii Parliament an address was voted by both Houses to Iler Majesty, prayinir "That she would be 1,'raeionsly pleased to eause a measure to be submiued to " the Imperial I'ailianient for the purimse of unitiii;^' the Colonies of Canada. Nova Scotia, Nev; " 13ruiiMviel<, I'rinee Kdwaril Island, and Newfoundland in one (ioverninent, with provisions based on " the aeeompanyinL' resolutions, which were adopted at a Conferenee of delefjates from the said " Colonies, held ai the city of (>ui'bec on the Kith day of Oi'tolier 1^114." It is conseipientlv iiianifest that all the resolutions adopted at the (,)nebec Conference were iiieoi'- porated into the adilre>s to the^Mieen, and that Her Majesty was as I'luch rei|uested by the terms of this adilie-s to tal;e measures ibr /riviuu' eti'eel to each and al' -if them as if the rei|iiest had been embodied ill a separate address liavint; distinct reference to each n .Mihltion. I tiiid till' (isth res ihition of the fjlueliee Coni'erence expressed in the followiiin- tenns; — " 'J'lie " fi'eiui'al Cioverimn 1 ■ .-hall secure, without delay, the completion of the Interculonial l!ailway I'mm " Kiviere dii l.nup tiuoimh New Ihunswiclc to 'rruro in Xova Scutia." It \Miuld appear to me therefore that the Canadian Parliament, bavinj;- already voted an address to the '^>uien, prayins Her Majesty to tal;e measures to secure the eonstriictioii of the Inti rco!iiiii;d Railway, has done all 'hat lies in it- jiower to give assurance of its desire that the nnilertakin^' -hall be completed; and I mav add that after such ii course I tliliil; it would be scarcely re>pectiiil to Her Majesty to repeal the request by a further addle 'S. As an additional evideiiee of the anxiety of Canailian> thai there should be no dillieulty in llie way of eonipletiiii; this work, or delay in the execution oi' it, I venture to remind you that it appears, froiii correspondence with the Secretary of Slate, already in your |iossessioii, that when ;i deiiutation of the Go\eriiinent of Canada was lately in faiulaiid, in conference with Her Majesty's Goverinncnt, the mi'iiibers of that deputation voluntarily -oii<;ht and obtained i'rom the Imperial Cabinet a reii 'wal of the eiiLfaiiement that, in the event ol' the success of ihe project for unitiiur the liritisli Xnitli American Colonies the iruaraiitei- of the Imperial Goverinncnt for the loan iieee-sary for llie construction of the railroad should be aiforded. The corres|)iiudeiice, of which I have l'uriii>lieil you with copies, and ol wliieii your present Desjiatch is an acknow leditment, all'nrds I'urther proof of the seiitiiuents of the Canadian (ioverinnent on this subject, and their willingness on the (lart of the Parliament of Canada to aci|iiiesei' in any course which the Imperial Ciovernment may adopt in order to secure, immediately on the rnion of these Provinces, the commencement and prosecution of this important work. I have. \-c. (Signed) .Moxck. Lient.-Ctjveriior Sir 11. G. .Macl)oiincll. ■9 ICnclo-iire 'J in No. i;5. Sir R. G. M AiDiivMi.i. to Viscount MoviK. Mv l.oisii, (iovi'inment IIoiim', Halifax, N'ma Scotia, August :!!. ISCj. I iiAvi; the honour to acknowledge the receijit of your Lordship's Despatch of the 'Jl>t inst., enclosing a corre-pomleiice between yourself and the Secretary of State, in reference lo the conslruction of the Inteie iloiiial Ra.ihvay. That eorres]ioiiilence iiieluiles a Despatch fidiii the liighl 1 loiioiiiable the Secretarv nf State, sugu-e>liiig that more positive a>suraiices from Canada ol'lier leadine-s to construct that railmad xMudd be -atisfactorv to the t'riend- of Confederation in the maritime Provinces. It also includes a niiniite of 1 your Mxeellency's Council, declaring the importance which they attach to the on.-tiuctii}n of the Intcr- ^ cohiiiial Kailway. ;5. So far as any •^ncgestions I'rom niysell' may have inthieiiced the Secretary of lai their assurances of its iieces-ity way not be in ollice when the time for action arrives. It is theiel'ore natural th/it those in the maritinie I'roviuccs who attach iiupnrtance to the Intercolonial Kailway should look beyond the existinu't 'aiijulian Government to secure this leading indiicemeiit to Confederation being completed by ilic fulure Ciovernment and Pailianient of the Conl'ederate Provinces. 4, There are those who re;illy desire ruiou if satislied that the stiiuilated inducements will all be inade good, and with whom the dillieulty of attaining any satisfactory assuiance of the kind, has liitherlo operated as a genuine reason fer opposing a sehcine which they would otherwise suiiport. There are Jilso those who urge the dillieulty of obtaining ihe re(|uisite assurance as a |iretext to excuse their own real hostility -.o the measure. 5. It .seems to nie that to satisfy tin" just expectations of the former, and deprive the latter of every excuse, is .iiid ought where practicable to be a leading object of the policy of all friends of Confederation. Neither purpose can be attained by ;iny amount of reiterated assurances from the present Canadian (Ioveniment or Parliameni, simply because the present may not be the I'^xeeutive power in existence when the time .arrives for carrying the undertaking into etl'ect. fi. The only ))ower that can be assumed as nnalterable, and wholly reliable, ;is well .as eqmillv friendly to all concerned, is the Jh'itish (linernment. .-11111 if the real wish and inlentioii of the Canadian Ministry and Parliaiiieiit be_ that the liitereolonial line shall be undertaken and completdl in iire- ference to any jiublic works in Upjier Canada or elsewhere, either now projected, or hereafter lo be n 4 Canaoa. Kncl. ti ill N». la. Ca.vada. 16 COKllKSroXDKNCK IM' Sl'KCTINC; THE PUOPOSKl) UNION j)VojiH-t('(l, it tiooins easy to rcciiiost Ilcr Mnjosty's (iovcriinuMit to iVaiiio the Iiniii'i'ial Act iiitciiil('(l tn ii'gulisc niul iMiiliiiily tlic (•(iiidilioiis of t'onl'cdcratioii so as to rcstTvc to Imperial aiilliority and hiipcrial ajfiMits il' iii"ci's>ary, aiiipli' iiiraiis of (•oiiii)li'tiiiu tlie iiiiiiortaliitiir at tlic i'X|)i'iisi' of tlic Coult'dcracy. ]t is not for mo to point ont the special mode in wincJ! this ini;;lit lie acconipli>lie(l : il is einniuli that it conld 1)0 done ell'ectnally if cainestiy j:it\\i' abroad of the (ln\viliinl!:ne^s of llu" Canadian (iovcrnnient to adniil thai a railway can lie a condition ol' a constilnlion - thonuh it may lie madeliy Imperial Act a< nnich an oseiilial condition thereof as actual paynicnl of pnrchaM' nioncv is es>cnlial to the \alidily of otlu'r transactions lias prejudiced and is pri'indicini;' the jiroirress of confederation here and as 1 !ielie\c m New lirnn.-wick also. .■s. I would (heri'fore verv rc.-pectfnlly snup'st 'hat yocr Lordship iniulit u^el'iillv cn(le;;\oiu' !o iniprcs on your rc~pon~i!ilc ad\iser> tlio expediency of i':irly laKinii' sn'li nic'isure^ as may deprive every "lu of all pretext for donhiinu' the " luma lido" Inllihnent of the projected Uirion. Dillicnlties which cannot ho avoided often liesel iho wisest and most expedient MH'a^ur(^s, Imt this is a dillicnllv wlii'-h need la t no lonu'cr than tho Canadian (iovcrnnient and I'arliament choo-;e it to remain. !l. ^'onr l.iprdsliip will ri'>.;ard lhi> De-iiatrh as exprc^sini;' not niendy my own views, liul tho f my Ministry. I have, ,vc. His lAcellency tlie lliyhl llou. (Sii_;ncd) Kli ILV llli ( i li.vvi s M \i I )ci\xi l.l . \'iM-ounl MoncI,, (ioxeinor tu', Licul. (iovernor. \c. \c. .Vc. No, 1 1. » I'ngf M. tioV*' No. 11. Coi'V (if a l)i;Sl'.\'l'( 'II I'loiii till" ( )lii(rr .Xdmiiiistfriini- tlir ( Jovoiiimciit to the Kighl lion. iu>\v.uvi) ('audwki.i., .M.l'. (No. :?.) >Tonfreal, Soptomher JW, ISG,'). ;!'.'i'civiii. ( irii.liir Hi, ls(i,-).) Stl!, (An-vvcrod, No. I,"jli, Oriolier Is, ls(i:,. |i!i^v Ki.) W 1111 nfrivnc'i" lo I.(ucotia, ,'^cptemhir Is, |.si;,'i. I II \v I ihc honour to acUiiowledjic the receipt of your l,or(l•.hill'.^ Desiialt h of llic ',i||i in-t.'inl. in reply o mine of the {il-.t nlliino, snu'^jestiie;' thi' |io!icy of pro\ iiliiiL' '^Iditional scruritv foi llie prompt con-triiiMion i>f the Intorcolonial r.iilroad. y. Il is vi'ry uralifyini,' to me to lind that your i.ord^hip ri'u'.n'ds tin' previous cinre-poirjenci' on tic suhjecl as a ]iroof of tlu^ " willin;i'ne-s of the Can.idiaii (loverniiient on the part of the I'arli.iinent of " ( 'aiiad;i to ii.-ijiilrnv in mi'/ i'(iiii: of Canada lo aliidi' liy the \iews of tho Imperial ( ioveniineiil, ap.irl from the striil text of the (,iiicheo rcr-oliitioii:., I I'oidd not have lieeii expictid to have sooner divined micIi vv i'lln,L;iie«H, Il i' hovvcver enon;>h that it is minoiuiced now. 4, I wiinld also very re-ipectl'idly snhinit that my (iovernmeiil is scarcely liiihle to the iinpiitatioii of either "ohlivioii " or "inisappt'chen-ion " of .aatters wliieli hiii' nlliiineil such reconi and ijeiioial notoriety as the renewed eii;.'.ii;ement> liy the delc;,Mlcs in l.ooili a for a loiiii to coiistrnci the railway ; iiiid still less Fo, IIS to the mention of that project in iho (Isih (,iiieiiec reMihilioii, of which your l.ord-liip is so ),'o(id as to remind me, ,'i. On the contrary, il wiw mi tin' ju'ronnd that manv p'r-on- in tlie^c I'rovinees reixaril the leinis of thai very resohilion a'< iii au'ieed on, and tin n, ilii tiijw, they i>oii!(i(lei'iMl tho agHui'iUiee uuiituiiie d in the (I.mIi resululioii i|uile Hullleii'm to satisfy all reasonahle jiromptly a 7. .\ev( jiolitic to think liiev ont as a lo ,^. 'I'he " (ieneral coiifcderat the f.itnn the latter 11 i). Now, of the presi fully to <'ari certaintv ii (ieneral • ii to |in'fend facilities oil railwav. 10. '.Now to cut the sincere in 11. In dc in whirh ail cinnot he f CiukkHiiii a I'-'. Such Bciure the ( friendly and Hiid cavilliii!; l;i. It is' Bntlieiently ii from prcvioi (■ipi.dlv nnip 1 I. 'for in lie l.akeu hy I,ord>liip on and decir-ivo! His Kxcell .Moil I Cor (No.. Sill, I II. tlie session Tiie Uig iVe. lloXOIIl Allt I Till has ll^■•nlned elh'ct. I tin adopt Miii'h p I'roviiii'i', an ■ held vvilhin I ' emhrace tho; I inn li;ip|i ■ liio eoinmnn secure that v body of till' I \ Wii\. *^.im^- i U'A) UNION lTiiii(>ri;i) Aft intonded tn ;il ;uitli(irily iliiil liiipi'li.'il I'lisc 1)1' tlic ('(mli'drr.'icy. islicd : it is ciKiuuli lli.-it iiiinil would tend uvi'iilly li liiis !,'(iii(' alirnad of tlic iiditiiMi of a ('(iiisliliiliiiii I'ld' as actual jtaynicnl of •I'd aud i.- prrjudiiMiii;- ilu- ully cndi'innnr jo iuiprcss nay deprive exeiy "Uc cil' Pillleuities wiiicli eaniiol illieully wiii.ji ueeij la-l u \ie\v.-, Iiui lli(i>e dl' uiv I -; M ArDowi 1.1 , Lii'ut. (uiveiiKir. OF THE BRITISH NORTH AIMERICAN PROVINCES. 17 ovoiiiiiiciit to till liber ;50, isd,"). jbiT K). lS(i.-). ) ler IS, ISO,-;, pn'jv Ui.) ()(' Si'pli'iiilii'r -JOlli, l.ii'Uti'iiant-dovi'iiior I'l the liiteivoloiiial [■ o(';il'l)tlui' l)i'>.])atcll cDo reli since l.uiil Ii:i„ l,t.-(un., (d the (ioxcriiiiii'iit. Seplelldlel- IS, \Sl\,'i. ial( li lit the '.i|li iii-lalit, ■ui'ity I'nr ilie pmuipl eiinc-piii.jeuci' (III tlh' d' (lie I'ai'liaiiii'iit nl' 111 Hi'ilir III reenii' nU- pI'llM-rUlion 111' til, It allu-jiin has licen made 111. apart from tiic hirirl M illed Hlill w i'lill^riu'Sfi. I'' til the iiiipiilalioii of li leci'lil and ;;c'lleral ' "ii^iiiiet the ijiilwav ; I Villieji \ ■ l.oril-lllp re^ regard llie tei'iiis of M Imperial Ai i, ih ii | il willi a \ie\v III ^alid\ liecii lioillilllileil by iiie e- nu'ieed on, mid ilini. Hiillieiein to siitisfv all I roasonablo nipn : and believed, as they still believe, that the projected railway would bo carried out promptly and in good faith. 7. Nevertheless the (|iiestion is not what oui>ht to satisly niysidf or my Council, but rather what it is iiolitie to do for the jiurposo of satislyinjj many iuiluential o|)ponents of eoid'ederalion, who see, or think thoy see, or pretend tb(\v see in the (jhiebeu resolutions an iusulllciint security for a work, held out as a leailiim iiului'emeiit to i'i)ufederation. S. The (JSth (,)iiebec resolution is represented by them as relef^ating too entirely to the I'nturo " General (Jovernnient," and the I'utnre Ottawa Parliament, the evecntion of an imiioitaiit jiart of the confederation rontraet. 'I'iiey say that the present Canadian I'lxecutivo is not competent to sjjeak for the f'lture I'.xecutive, of a dill'erent )>eople and dilVerent (-lovcniment, so as to foretel the mode in which the latter mav exec nte a trust entirely coiisiuned to them. !). Now, .iltboufih, in the event of conl'ederation, the stronsj; ])robahility is that the leadinj^- statesmen of the present day would form that '•(leneral (iovernment,'' and as ineini)ers of it, would desire faith- fully to earrv out the iiledi;es uiven by them as members of the (jueliee Conference there is no ahsohiti! certaintv in that pros]iect. On the contrary, there is just such a ihanee, howev(M- remote, of the lirst Cimeral < iovernment lieiuif in a minority, as furnishes a pretext for those who are dispos(>d to do so, to pretend that somi> rival prnjec't may obtain iireci'deme in the new Parliament, notwitbstandinjr the facilities oU'ered by the guarantee of the Imperial (iovernuK'Ht for raisiiiif funds to construct thu railway. 10. Now all the snti'ypstions of niy>elf and my Council from the lirst have had but one object, vi/., to cut the fi'round com|iletely from under the feet of the class of villingness to abide by the judgment of (ireat Hrilain had been sulliciently implied before, or vvhelber it be now for thi' tirst lime introduced, as an admitted inlerence from |irevious correspondence. Provided it- he clearly expressed, whi'ther late or early, its authority is ei|ually umpicstionable. I I. b'or my own ])art I candidly say that, if the willingness of Canada to ac(piiesw.icil No. To, .luiie .i.t, ISdIi, page 17.) IVxlraot. I iiAVi: llie Ikuioui- to euelosc a copy oi the spiecli with whicli I this liav opened the session ol the faniidian Parhuincnt. The Ri-iit Hon. Kilwanl (\ifilwell, MP., \i'. &'c. iVv. I liave, i\:e. (Si^meil) MONCK. I Miulosiire in No. I ."i, lixriiAir. lliixoiii.Mii I. (irviiiMi \ \Mi (Ji \n I MIX. 'I'lii position which the great i|iieslion of the Union of the I'rovinecs of llritisli North .\mcrica lias as-umed is now siiili a> to induce llu' expectation thai the measure will lie shortly carried into .cllect. Ilbcrcfoie hope and believe that it will be found pr,icticalili> during the prcM-nt session to vndopt such pidceedinus as may be necessary for completing the details of the si heme as regards this Pioviiice. ,ind I venture to expiess the coiilideiit expectation that the next Parlia nt vvbichwill be ^lield within Ihe-e walls will not be 'iiiifnied In an iis»einblv of the representatives of Caii.iiLi, Iml will |einbraci> thi'-e of (ill ihe Colmiies i.| llrill^h North .\incriail of Cai!>:auvom. (No. ll:$.) Ottawa, August 15, IMfifi. My Loud, < AusuitciI. Xo. i:. Scpi. .'., is(;(i, p. ah.) I iiAVK the lioiioiir to cnclosp a copy ol tiie Speech with wliicli I this day closed the Session of the Canadian Parliament. I have, ^^c. Tlic Riiiht Hon. tiie Karl of Carnarvon, (Signed) MONCK. &v. ike. &c. Kiicl. ill N" No. IT. Kncl. Ill Nil Endosurp in No. 16. Exi'iiAcr iHo.M SiM.iun: HoNnltAllI.K (ll-.\II.KMr.\. ASM) ( il.Vir.llMI ,\, 1 111.11)11 I. yini liMVp ciiiiiiilctcd your )mrt (if tiii' i)liiii for tlu- Uiiinn of tlio Colonios of Hriti>'li Nortti Aiiiniit to the Scirotiiry ol'.'^tatc for the Colonics, for iircscntii tioii to llcr M.ijosty, your address on this siiliji>ct. Ill lirinifiiii;' to a floM' the last Session liliely to lie lirld nuder the Act for the rnion of t'le tun Canada-^. 1 eonLrr;\tiilate the I'arliaineiit whieli that \.:\\\ ealled into existence last (|Uarter of ii centnry in this Province. You can mark diiriiiu- that ]ieriod the linn eoiisoiidation of yonr institutions liotli ])olitieal and niiini- cipal. flic extended scttlcnicnt of yonr country — the develo|)inent of yonr inlern.'il resources mid foreii;i trade — the ini|)rovcmciit and siiii])litication of yonr laws — and aliove .all the education which the adoptioi! of tile svsteni of res|ioibilile i;ovcrnineiit has atforded to your statesmen in the "cll-tried ways of thi l!riti-h ('onstitutioii. The same jiriiii-iplc-:. die apiilication of wiiich has Ixmmi attended with so mucli advantaL'i' in the siiialiei Union, will he tiie jriiide of y.iur course in the lariier sphere of action on wiiich you are now aliont ti enter, and 1 fervently jiray thai the l)lc-sin!,'s which yoii have hitherto enjoyed may he ;riven in largci mcrt^ 'le to that new nationality ol which yon will form .i part and the diiiuMisions of which will eiititii it to a hiuh place aniouust the powers of the wmld. No. 1 r. Coi'V of a L)KS|'A'I'( 1 1 from X'iscomit Monck ti, the IJigl;!^ Hon. tiie Ivul ii I n's Mosr I'Ac i;i.i,i:\i .M.\.ii:stv. Mo- r (til M tills S(ivriirii.\, \Vi. ^dlll■ Majcsty'H niosi dutifnl and loyal vnliJiMts, the Coinnions of Canada, in I'ailiaiiien assiiiihled, hiiinlily approach yonr Majesty, for the purpose of ))ia\iiiL' that Yoiir Majesty may In jiracion-ly plcascij to cause a measine to he siihmitted to the linpi rial I'ailiamenl, to piovidc for tin I.oial (ioveriniii'iit and l.ei^islatiirc of Lower and Cpper Canada. respcrli\('h-, when the union of \\\< Provinces of Itriti-h North Aiiieiica is ell'eeled, with provisions hascd upon (lie aei'ompanv iiig Ilesolu tioiiH, vvhiili were adopted hv this House on Saturday the elcveiitji ,\nKnst, one thousand ei>{ht liundrci mid sixty-dix. .Ml which we, the Cominoim orCun'iiilii, iiiiinhly pray Your .Miijesly to lake into fern gracioUB mid liivourahje coiDtideiutioii, (Sljjned) I.. W vi.iniiDi.i;, Lriri^lntivn AssiMnhlv Hidl. .speaker. S.iturduy, lltli .Viigusi ISOfi. (.Seal.' Rr.soi.i r Besolved: 1. That for presenti a measure Canad.i, X with jirovis paid Coloiiii " the I'rov '" appo'utei " ilurinj; pi " for cause. '' the exen " the first it is provid '• such niai resolved tli jMovisional '.'. That t'uc l.icntei' each of siicl :;. Thet. same dcsiuii the exi-tiu" 4. 'I'hat I called the 1. .-I. That 1 1 lie called till i\. That tl hy the Crou liny I.eirislai ill the said ( 7. 'i'hal tl or natnrali/.-i Lower ( ana over anil aho H. Tliat il Canada the > !i. That tl Local Parli; Coniicil, and of votes. 10. That I one of the ( 'oiisolidate(i divi-'ioii 111- i: 11. That elected to 1 clijiptcr 'J ol ( 'an.'ida, ami time whiMi l.ej^islatiiie not he law III .\sMnihly of hereto alllle^ Le;iislalive .' the lime lieii schcdide ma hv the Leni: ' I'.'. That lo represent r prcM'iilalii '* Kedcialed I provided ill I;;, 'Ihat respcclively, proclainalloi lorce ill eaci jierson to he relaliii^' lo | rcluniinu' oil period iliiiiii and die proi I i:^mt^y:^;^ ...-.•'.♦i W 'Jfi i^S^J*- '1* SED UNION OF THE BRTTrsH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 19 Ridit Hon. iiigiist 15, 1^66. Aii;;iisi 2!), lS()(i.) 7. Sept. ,-), lS(i(i, ji. 4S.) diich I this (l;iy closed I liavc, &c. nc'd) MONCK. 1 di' tli(> f'dldiiic.s of Mritisli the Cull mil's, tor ^ircsciltii • fof tlif I'liioti ot' t'jc tv»(i on till' irtrospcit iifl'ovdcil - lioili pciliticiil niiil niiiiii- 'niiil resources iiiiil f'orei<;ii iR'iitioii which the ;i(lo|itior the well-tric(l wnys of tiii ['h advnntaso in tlio siimlle: liich you iiri' now iit)out ti' eil may l)e ^rivcn in larfi'ci sioiis of wliich will ciititli {iglil Hon, luMst 16, 1S66. Aiij;!!-! .■)!. lN{i(i, |), IS.) >s to Her MMJi'sty tlie Wvv Miijt'siy will !)c iii|ii'ii:il riulianic'iit lui ( aiiaila Wont .c'spri'- liavi- l)i'fii coniiili'tcd. > Aililifss lifforo till I liave. Js:c. ud) MOXCK. of r'unaila. in j'arliaiiini It ^■^ur Miijcsiy may In llll'lll. In jiiovitle for IJK . vvlit'li the iiiiioM of till ic ac<'oiii|iaii\ \\\n JlcMilii' • ili'iii'^anil eijilit huii'ln'' !)■ -ty to lake iiilii »i"i; I . Wamiiiidi.i;, SpiMlklT. I (Sealed.) Resoi.i'I'ions providiii!>' for the Local tiovoriimeiit and Leirislature of Lower and Upper Canada respectively when the I'liioi; of the I'rovinces of I5ritish Nortii America is etfeetud. Besolved: I. That hv the liSth ])ara,i;raph of tiie lesohition of this I louse passed on the ;!rd day of feliruary IS^Oo, for presentin,!; an humlile address to Ilcr Majesry, prayiii^i- that She may he ^rai-iotisly pleased to cause (I measure to lie suhniittcd *'> the Imperial Riiiiaiiieut for the i)uri)ose of uniting' the Colonies of Canada, N'ova Scotia, New Hrunswiek, Newfoundland, and I'lince Kdwarii Island in one (lovernment, with jjrovisions liased on the resolutions which were adopted at a Conference of Ueleijates Irom the Baiil Colonies, held at the city of tjluchec on the 10th of Octolier istil, it is jirovided that "for each of " the I'rovincos there shall he an Executive Ollicer, styled the Lieutenant-Governor, who shall he '* appointed hy the (iovernur-General in Council under the Great Seal of the i''ederateil I'rovinces " ilurinj; pleasure, such jileasiire not to he exercised hcfore the expiration of the (irst five years except " for cause, such cause to he connnuiiicatcd in writiii;^ to the Lii'Utenant-ttovernor immediately after " the exercise of the pleasure as aforesaid, and also hv message to hoth Houses of Parliament within " the iirst week of the first session afterwards," and that liy the list )iaragrapli of the same resolution It is |)roviiled that " the Local (iovcrnment and Leirislature of each Province shall he constructed in '• such manner as the existinsj; l,ei:islalnre of each such Province shall provide," and it is furtiu-r now resolved thai in the opinion of llii^ House the appointnu-nt of the first Lieutenant-Governor shall ho j)rovisional, and that he should hold ollicc strictly dnrinu' pleasure. 'J. That under and siihject to the Constitution of the Pedcratcd Proviiu-cs the executive authority of t'lic Lieutenant (uiveinor of Lower Canada and Cpjicr Canada resjjeclively shall he admiiii^tercil hy each of such ollirers according' to the wcll-undcistooil |)rinciples of the British Constitution. :!. 'J'lie (ireat Seal of each r..iviiico of Lower Caii.iila and I'pper Canada shall he the sanu' or of the Hanie desii;n in each i>f the said. Provinces as that used in the said Pro\inces re^pecli^^ly at the time of the exi-linj;' I'nion until altered hy the Local (iovcrnment. 4. That there shall l)e a Local Le;;islature for l^ower Canada compo.-.ed of two Ciiamhers, to he called the Lefiislative Council and the Leijislative .\sseinl)ly of Lower Canada. .■>. That there shall he a Local Legislature for Upper Canada, which shall consist of oiu' Chamher, to he called the Lejfit-lative .Asscmhly of Ppper Canada. li. That the Le;;islati\'e Council of Lover Canada ^hall he cnmposed oi' 'J I mend)eis, to l)e appointed by the Crown under the (ireat Seal of the I^oeal liovernment, who shall hold oilier durinj;- life, hnl if nny Leifislalive Councillor shall for two consecutive Sessions of PaiTiiment fail to jjive lii.^ attendance in the saiil ( 'cunicil his seat shall theiehy hecomi" vacant. 7. 'I'hal the memiiers of the Lej^i.-lative Council of Lower Canada shall he liritisii snhii(t< hy liirtli (U- naturalization of the full a;re of ;!il years, shall possess a continuous real ]iroperty i|ualifieation in Lower Canada of 4, tmii dollars over and ahove all iiicumhranco, and -hall continue worth that sum over and ahove their dehts and liahililies. K. That if any i|iiestion shall nise as to the ipialilii itioii of a Legislative Councillor in Lower Canada the same -hall he determined hy the Council. '1. Thiit the speaker of the Legislative Council of Lowor Canada (unless otherwise j)rovided hv the Local Parliament) shall he appointid hy the Crown from amonii' the menihers of the Lcf^islative Council, and shall hold ollicc durin;;- pleasure, and shall mdy he entitled to a castinj^- vot(> (ui an ei|uality of votes. 111. Tiiat each of the '.'4 Lcfiislalive Councillor- of Lower Canada shall he appointed to repre-ent one of the '.M Lleetoial Divisions thereof mentioned in Schedule A. of the iirst i ha]itei of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, and such Coniu illor shall re-ide or ]iossi-s his i|ualifnation in the division he is appointed to represent. II. That the Legislative .\ssemhly ol Lower Canada shall he compo-ed of tile ll'i meinliers to he elected to n|)resent the (i,j I'.lectoral l)i\i-ions into which Lowi-r Caaada is now divided under chapter 'J of the Con-olidated Statutes of Canada, ehaiiter 7"i of the Consolidated Statutes foi' Lower Canada, and tln' .\ct 'J;i N'ictoria, cliaiiter 1, or of any other Act MinetiiliuL; tln' same in force at the time wlnn the Local tloverement sliall ln^ constituted, as well for representation in the Local Legislature thereof as in the House of Coimnons ol' the T'eilerateil Provinces: Provided that it shall not lie lawt'ui to present to the Lientenant-(io\ernor lor as-eni any liill of the Legislative Council ,uid Assemlily of Lower ( 'anada hy which 'he limits of the electoral divisions meiitioiu'ii in the whedule hereto annexed marked .\. may he alti red niile!.s the -ecoml and third readings o|' >uch Mill in the Legislative .\s-cmhlv -liall have heen pa-seil with the conrurnlice el' 'he majoritv ot' the lucmhers lor the time heing of the -aid Legishitiie .\s-euddy represenling the electoral dLvisious nientioned in -aid schcdnle marked A., and the assent sliall not he given to -nch Hill iinle-s an addre-s ha- heen presenieil hy the Legi>lali\e .V^semhly to the Lienli iiant(io\enior that siieh Itill has heiii so pa-sed. 1'-'. That the Legislative A^semhly of I'pper ( 'aiiaila >liall he i ompo-ed of - .irinhcrs, to he elecii d to represent the •-'.' constituencies in I'pper Canada, such eonstilueiieies heio, identical, w lieilier for r pre-eiilatioii in the Local Leiri>*lalive As-emhiy or lor lepiesi illation in the Ilou-e oft 'ominous of the l''edeiated I'rovinces, and which I'on-tiineiicie- -hall lou-i-l of i|ii> division- and he hfjumjed us is piovidi'd in the schedule hereto annexed inaiked Ik l;i. That iiiitd other pmvi-ions are made hy the Local Legislature of Lower and Uppi'r (.'aiiiida respeetivelv. changing the same in eillier of lli'e -aid Pioiiuces, all the laws vvlueli at the dale of the pioclaimilion coiistitiiling lheM.|)aiii|e Province- .if l.iiwer ( 'anada and of I'piier Canada shall he in force ill each of the said Province- respectively, releling lo the <|iialilicatioii ami dlsipiMlilicntion of aiiv per,-oii to he elected oi to hIi or Vote as a iiiemh 't of the A— emhly of tiie Province of Canada, anil relating |o ilie t|naliliealioii or disi|iiahlicalion of voter-, and to the oalhs lo he taken hy voters, in d lo leturmiig ollieers and llieii powers and diitie-, and relating to llie proci'ediiigN iit eleelions, and la the period dining which such electioin may he eoiitiniied, and relating to the trial of controverted el'etiiiiin and the proeeediiigs incident tiiereto, and relating to the vat'atiiig tif tim hinUh oI iiu«iiiIu«i«, to the C -2 Canada. :,'>^»j»,m-''''iif)!'Sii*- 20 CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION Canada, issniiifr and cxoration of now writs in tiisi- of any seat being vacated otliorwiso than liy a dissolntidn, shall rospoctivcly apply to cloctidns nf nicinliors to sorvi' in tlio said the Louislative Assembly of Lower Canada and in tiie saul tli(> Legislative Assembly of U])])er Canada. It. 'I'liat the Liijislative A^sendilv of Lower Canada and the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada res])eetively shall edntinne for lour years I'roni the day of liie return of the writs for ehoosin^r llie saim: ami no lomxer, sulijeet nevertlnless to either the said the Le!i'islati\e Asseiid)ly of Lower Canada or the said the Lei;islati\e Assembly of Ujiper Canada lieing sooner proro;iued or dissolved i)y the Lieiiteuant- Cioveruor of either the said l'roviui-e> respeclively. IT). That there shall be a session of the Legislature of eaeh of (he said I'rovinees onee -it least every year, so that a period of 1'-' months shall not intervene between the last sittinj^- of the Loeal Jv,'<,aslafuri' in one session and the tirst sittin>»' thereof in the lu'xt session. l(i. 'I'iiat it is ('\|iedient that any Ait of the linperi;il I'arliament whieii may be jiassi'd for the I'niim of the Colonies of Ihitish North Ameriea sluiuld eontain a |)rovision that the (hvisiou and adjustment of the delits, credits, liabilities, iHopcrtif^. a\id assets of the I'rovinees of Cpjier and Lower Canada should be relerred to the arbitrament of three arliitr.alin's, one lo be chosen by the Local (ioverunieiit of I'pper Canada, the other liy tlie Local election of the arbitrators shall not take ))lare until after the (ieneral Parliament for I'riti-h North Anu'rica and Local Leui>lalures for I'jjper and Lower Canada have been elected, and that the third arbitrator shall not be a resident in either Ui>per or Lo«(.'r Canada. S( 111,1)1 1,1, A, Electoral Divisions in Lower Canada referred to in the above UosoUitions. I Counties M' I'onliac. Ottawa. Arijeiitenil. lluntingdoii Miss;s(pioi, 15rome. Counties of Shellbrd. Staustead. ( 'omptoii. Wolte \- IJichmor.d. Meuaiitip. Town lA' SJierbrooKc. Si iiKDiTi, n. Kl,i;( TOllAl DlVIs|(l\> ()!■ Cl'I'I.ll C.WADA. Divisions to stand with their present lioniidaries. Counties of I'rcscott, Glengarry, Siormmit, I'undas, Kussell, Carleton, I'rince Ldward, Ilalton, and Essex. Uidings of counties:— Lanark North. Lanark South, Lee(l3 ami (ireiivillc North itiding, South lading Leeds, South Hiding (irenville, Xo.tlunnberland Last, Northumberland West (le>s Smitli Momuiliau), Durham V.:\-U \Ve>t. Ontario North, Ontario South. NUrk Fast, ^ ork AN'cst, VorU Norlh, \\'entwortli North, \\ent\Mirlh South, Llgin lla^l. I^lgin West, Waterloo North, Waterloo South, lirant Norlh. Hrant .South, Oxford North, ( Ixlbrd South, Middlesex iiast IJidiiig. Cilies ami towns: 'I'orouto Last, Toronto West, llamiltou, Ollawa, Kingston, London, Drockville villi the township olT'.li/abetlitowu, Niagarjiuilh the lownship of Niagara, Cornwall willi ihe township ol' Cornwall. New and ;dtere(l Electoral Divisions. /h'strirt oj' A l-/vili(i, Conntv of Hruce divided into tuo ridings, to b(> railed res)ie( ti\cly llie Norlh and Soulli IJidiugv. The North liidlng shall consist of the town-hr.i- of Hiiry, Liiids;iy, I'ljislnor, iMIiemjirli', Amabel, Arran, Hiiiim', I'ilderslie. anhip- of Kiueavdiue (including village), (Ireeuocl,, Ihant, Hiinni, Kiiilo>>, Cuho--, and C.irriik. 'I'lie eouiitv of llurciu divided into two ridiu.';s. to be called respeclively th(" North ••ind Scnilli Hiflings: The North Hidiiiir shall con-i^t of the lowiivhipxif Ashlleld. \\ avvano--li. Turn berry, I lowick, Morli^, (irey, Collioiue, llullelt including village of Clinloii, md McKillop. The Soiilli Hiding shall consist of the town of ( Joderieh and the liivvn^hips of tioderich, 'Tuckersinilli, Stanley. Hay, IMioine, and Sti^pheii. 'llie coniilv of Middlesex divided into ihrci' riding-;, to lie called rc:pei lively the Noilh, West, and La>^t Hidings : 'I'lic Norlh Hiding shall eoiisi-t of the tovvn-hips of Nfc( iillivray and Hiddiilph (l,il,en IVoiu llic (•(Uintv of Huron >, and \\'illiaiiis Last, Willianiv West, Adclitide, nnd Loho. Thi' We>t Hiding shall eoiisi>t of tin' lo\vn>hips of Delaware, Carradoe, .Metcall'e, Mo^a, ;inil Lkliid, ami ihe vill.ige of Stratbroy, The I'aist Hiding shall (ousisl of till' low ii^hips iiovvcmlir.ired ihcieiii, and be boiunled (is it is al present. The county of Lainbioii ^hall con-i,-t of ihe lownshipi of l!osani|uel, ^\■arw ick, I'lyinpion. Saniia, M(io''e, Luniskilleli, and tirooke, and the town of Sariiia. The county of Kent shall ennsi-t of the townships of Challuiin, Dovn, East 'I'ilbnrv, liomiiey, Itiileigh, and Harwich, and the town of Chatham. The coiinly of Itolhwell shall con-isl of the townships of >ombra, I ).iwn. and Liiphcniia (taken I'roni the couiily of Lambloiil, i.nd the townships ol /one, Camdcii with llie (ioie ihcreof, Oil'ord, and Howaid (taken IVoiii the cuuiity ol Kent i. The com Ridings:- 'I'he Soutl ELrretnont, I 'The Norl Svdenham. 'I'he com Hidings :- The N'ort N(nth I'^as: The Soul llibbert, am 'J"he conn and Centre The Norl I'cel, and tli 'I'he Centi ton, ami tin The Sou Puslineh. 'I'lie count liidings:- The Soutl AVoodhouse, The Nortl town of Siim 'J'he couni South, Haiid The couul and the villa borough (tak th(> couuly o The count ■md the town 'l"he eminl Tliorold. and The count Toronto, and The cmin conn»y of I'e The counI North Ifidiii: 'I'he South Tossoroutio, The Nortl Medonte. Or Collingvvood. The eouni Ridings: — 'I'he South Lindsay. 'J'he'Nortl I'l'iiclon, I lit Monck and ^ north of the 'I'he louul Hidings ;- - •Ihe West Norlhumberl The Last, nici, tialway Asiiburnhion 'I'he coiiiii Norlh Hidin 'I'he Wcsl Treulon, 'I ho I'ia-I Tim \orll M:innoia am Ihe said Nor 'i he coinil burgh, .Soul! llie coiiiil Kakiilar, Ke ( aiiouto, I >e The conn Howe LlamI 1 ..^^^.S-?" \'> ^v •.D UNION (' tliiin l)y ;i disj^oliition, \\v AssiMiihly of I.DWor 'iiihly (if I'piH'r Canada s tor (•lioo>iiifr ilic sanio jf Lowor Canada or tlu> ved by the LiciitLMumt- iiees onco at least every I' the Local ly.-gislature >r passed lor the Union livisioii and adjustment )per and Lower Canada the Lneal (iovenunent e third liy liie (Jeneral dl not tal;e place until ^ tor I pper and Lower iMit in either U|iper or solutions. lichinor.d. 4 OF THE BRITISH NORTH /vMKRICAN PROVINCKS. 21 e Ldward, llalton, and North Kidin^'', Soutii nd West (less Soutli Vnriv Kast. York West. terlon North, Waterloo it Ui(hnij. n, London, lirixkville luall with the township and South UidiuL's. ir. Aiheniarle, Amahel, iifie). (ireenoik, Miant, le North and South leny, I lowiek, Morris, odeiiih, 'I'uekersniith, the North, West, anil ull)h (taken IVnin ili,. lie, ^lo^a, and I'.klrid, hounded iiv ii Is at cK, I'lymiilon, Sarnia, 1st 'riihiny, lionniey. 'nplietnia (taken from I hereof, (hford, mid I The county of Grey divided into tAvo ridings, to he called respectively the South and North Canada. 'I'he South Hiding shall consist of the townships of Mentinck, Glenelg, Artemesia, Osprej-, Normanhy, Kirretnont, I'roton, and Melancthon. 'The North Itiding shall consist of the townships of C:ollingwo()d, Euphrasia, Holland, Siunt Vincent, Svdeidiam. Sidlivan^ Derhv, and Kcppel, Sarawak, and 15rooke, and the town of Owen Sound. 'The county of Perth divided into two ridings, to Ik- called respectively tli(> and North Ividin"'s ; — The North Riding fliall consist of the townships of Wallace, Lima, Lo'^an, Kllice, M(n-nington, and North Kas;ho]ie, and the town of Stratford. The South liiding shall consist of the townships of Hlanehard, Dowiiio, .South Easthope, FuUarton, ]lil)hert, ami the viUages of .Mitvhcll and Sle. Marys. The countv of Wellington shall he divided into throe ridings, to he called respectively North. South, and Centre Hidings: — The North Kidingshall consist of the townships of .Amaranth, .\rthur, Luther, Minto, Maryhorougli, Peel, and the village of Mount l''o,i'st. 'I'lu> Centre Hiding shall consist of the townships of Ciaral'raxa, Erin, lilramosa, Nichol, and I'ilking- ton, and the villages of I''ergus and Elora. The South Hiilinu' shall consist of the town of Onelph, and the townships of Ciuelph and Pnslincli. The county of Norfolk shall he divided into ridings, to he called respectively the South and North Ividings: — The South Riding shall consist of the townships of Charlotteville, ILuighton, Walsinghnm and AVoodhouse, and with the (iore thercot'. The North Riding shall consist of the Town?hips of Middlcton, Townsend, and Windham, and the town of Simcoe. The comity of Ilaldimatid shall consist of the townshiiis of Oneida, Seneca, Caguya N(jrtli, Caguya South, liainliaio. Walpole. and Dunn. 'I'he county of Monck shall consist of the townships of Canhorough and .Moult(ni and Shi-rhrooke, and the villaue of Dunville (taken IViiin the county of I laldimand), tlie townships of Caistor and ( Jains- horongh (taken from the cimnty of Lincoln), and tiie townships of Pelli;ini and Wainlleet {taken fro'ii the county of WcUand). The county of Lincoln shall consist of the townships of Clinton, (irantluim, (iri'" ' •, and Louth, and the town of St. Catharines. The county of Welland shall C(nisist of tiic townships of Ilertie, Crowland, Ilumlierslone, Stamford, Thorohk and Willongliliy, and the villages of Chippeway, Clifton, l'"ort Erie, Thorold, and Widlaiid. The county of I'cel shall consist of the townships of Chingnacoiisy, Toronto, and the (upie of 'J'oroiito, and the villages of lham|)ton and Streetsville. The c(ninty of CardwcU shall consist of the townships of .\lhion and Caledon (t.iken fVoiu the <'Otin«y of l'e(d), and the townships of Adjala and Mono (taken from the county of Sinicoe). The county of Simcoe divided into two ridings, to he called respc'tively the Soulli and t'.c North Hidings: — The Smith Hiding shall consist of the townships of West (iwillimshury, Tccumsetli, Iniiislil, Essa, Tossorontio. Miilmur, and the village of Hradiord, 'I'he North Hiding shall c. insist of the townshi)is of Nottawasaga, Sunnidale, A'cspra, l''los, Oro, Medonte, Orillia and Matchedash, Tiny and 'I'ay, lialaklava and Hohiiison. and the towns of Harrie and (.'ollingwood. The county of N'ictoiia divideil into two ridings, to he called respectively tlip South ami North Ridings: — The S(nitli Riding shall consist of tht> townships of 0|i-i, Mariposa, Emily Venilam, and the town of Lindsay. The North rJidiiig shall consist of the townships of Anson, He\loy, Cnrdcn, Dalinn, Dighy, isldoii, {•'eiii'lon, llindon, Laxtoii, Liilteiwortli, Macaulay and Diaper, Siiimnerville, and Morrison, Minkoka, .Monck and Watt (taken from the county of !■ imcnei, and any other surveyed townships lying to the north of tin- said Nerili Hiding. 'I'he county ol i'ctcrhoriMigli divided into two ridings, to lie called respectively the West and East Ridings ; ■ 'I'he West Rilling sluill coiisi-t of the townships of ."^outh Monaghan (taken from the eouiiiy of Norlhiimhcilaiid), North Moiuighau, Smith and Eiinisniore, and the town of Peierlior lugli. The East Hiding shall consist o|' the tortiiships of . Asphodel, llelmont and Metlii,, n, Doiiro, Diiiii- iiiei, lialway, Harvey, .Mindeii, .Stanhope and Dysart, I )toiiahee, anil .Snowden, ami the village of ,\sliliurnliiim, and any other surveyed towiisiii|is lying to the iioiili of the said Ea>t liiding. 'I'he county of llii>tiiig- divided into three ridings, to he 'ailed respectively the \\'e-|. East, and North Hidings : — The Wist Hiding shall consist of the lnwn uf llelleville, the township of Sydney, ami the village of Treiiloii. i he Ea~t Hiding -li.ill consist of the townshiiis ol' Tliiirlovv, Tyenilinaga, and Ilimgerford. The Norlh Hiding shall consist of the townships of H.iwdon, I luntiiigdon, .Mailoc, El/evir, Tudor, .Marinoia ami Lake, ainl ihe village of Stirling, and any oihci siuveycil towii!*hipd lying to the north uf the said Norlh Hiding. '1 he county of LcmioK •■liall consist of the townships of Hiclinioiid, ,\iloli)liiistowii, Nirlh P'redericks- hiirgli, .South I'l'idi liekshiugh, ErncsloMn, mid .Amherst Isliind, and the village of >'apiiiiee. riie count) 111' .Aililiiiiiioii shall consist of tlie townsiiips of Camden. Portlanii, Sin ilield, lliiiehinhreke, Kiiladar, Keiinchee, OMeii, O.-o, Anglevea, Harrie, Claicndon, P.ilmcrsloii, I'.llliighaiu, .Vhinger, .Miller, ( aiioiito, Deiiliigh, Loiiuliliorongh, and lledliiid. The eoiuity of Eronlenac shall consist of the tnwiiships of Kingston, Wolfe Island, I'ittslnirg and Howe Island, and .Siorrington. (J ;» .;s\.-i * ■ -.^'iT^-ti-'.'jc; 22 CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED. UNION Canada. Tin- county of Rinifrow diviiled into two ridings, to bo called respectively the .South and North — — Kidinpfs:^ — The South Riding s^hall consist of the townships of MeXab, Bagot, Blithfielil, Broughaiti, liorton, Adrnaston, (irattan, Matawatchan, Grriflith, Lyndocli, Raglan, Radcliffe, Brudenell, Sebastopol, and the villages of Avnprim- and Kenfrcw. Tlie North Riding shall consist of the townships of Ross, Urondcy, Wcstmcath, Statl'drd, I'cnibroko, Wiiljorforcc, Alice, IVtawawa, iiucliauan, South Algona, North Algona, Frascr, McKay. Wylie, Rolph, Head, Ma'-ia, Clara, llaggcrty, Sherwood, Burns and Richards, and any other surveyed townships lying north-westerly of the said North Riding. Clerk's Otlice, Legislative Assenibl), August 18, 1866. Attest, W.M. J{. LiN'D.SAY, Clerk, L. A. I. 11 y m appelccs lo 5. 11 y appcli'c 1 A No. IS. N'o. IS. Copy ot'a DESPATCH from Vi.scoimt Mon(;k to tlic Riolit Hon. the Earl of Cvunauvox. (No. 116.) Ottawa, August Hi. Is66. (UiTcivcil Aii,Lni>-t L'i), iNfili.) My Loud, (Answered, N'o. I' , Augii.-l ;!1, lUlid, '|);i,l'c ts.) I II AVi; tlif honour to traiisinil to your L(jrclshi|) an Aciiircss to llcr .Majesty llio Queen froiii tlie Legislative Coiincil of Canada, |)rayino- that Her Majesty will be ji'r leioiisly pleased to cause a rueasure to be snbniilted to the Inipeiiai Parliament I'or creatino- Local Governments and Leojslatures in Cunada East and Canada West respec- tively, alter the iniion of the Biiiisii Xorih American Colonies shall have been completed. I reiitiest that your Lordship will have the goodness to lay tliis address betore the Queen The Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon, &c. &c. \'C. I have, &c. (Signed) MONCK. End. in No. 18. ICudosure in No. 1^. A Sii tr^s-Kxcellente Majestc- la Reine. Tni^.s-GiiAcirrsi. .^oivfuaink, Nois, !es trcs-tideles ct loyaux sujects de Vutre M:tjestc, le C'onsi'il Li'gislatif du Canada, rennis eu Pailenieiit Provincial. a])|)rochous lunnhlcnicnt de ^'olre Majest( , |)our pru'r V^itrc Majestt' dc vouloir hlcu gracicuseuu'ut Cairo soumcttre au (rouvernenient Imperial une niesure pour crcer uu Gouvcr.ieiuent local et une Lcifislature locale pour le lia^et le llaut Canada respcctivenuMit, aprcs i|uo ri'nicin des Proviiu'cs dc IWun'riipic Brilanni((m' du Nord aura c'tc consoniiuc'c, avec des dis|)ositions basees sur les rcsolutinus suivautes, qui out I'tc ce jourd'hui ailoi)ti'es ))ar le Couseil Lcgislaiif. Ui'solution^. Aux fins (le ereer un (touvenuinent local et une Legislature locale jjour le Bas ot le liaut Canada respeetivement, aprhs (|ue I'L'nion des Provinces de r.\nu'ri(pie Britanni(pu' du Nord aura etc consomnu'c. Rt^solu que — 1, Par le ;5is' article ile la rc'j-olutioii de cette Clianilire a(lo])fcc Ic troisirnii' jour de f'lAricr Ififi.i, a rcffet de prcscnitr une liumbli' adr( sse ii Sa .\lajestc. la ])riant ipi'il lui plaice gracieuscMieiit faire soumcttre au I'ailement Imperial uiic nu'sure, aux fins d'uuir Ics Colonics dii Canada, ilc la Nouvelle I'Icii'se; du Nouveau Brunswick, -sage " aux deux Cliambrcs du Parlcmcnl, dan- la premiere semaiiie tU' la premiere session qui suivra;'" et i|Ue par le 41 arlieic lie la iiie'ue resolution, il est dcerele qui^ "les goincruemenls ct li's parlemeuts " ilo divcrses |iroviuces m.., constitui> en la maniere ipie hnirs li'gislalnres actucllcs jugerout " respecliveiuent a propos de Ic^ ctaMir;" el ilest dc plus uiaiiilcuanl reM>lu (pic, dims rojiinioii di" cello Cliamhrc, la nomination du premier I.ieiileiianl-( iouMU'iicur ilcvrail eirc provisoirc, ct (|'i il dcM-ait tcnir sa charge strietcnieut duraut lion plaisir. ;t, Coufoiiiii'mciit et sujct a la coustitulion des Provinces {''edi'i-ec^, le pouvoir execulif de LieiUciianl- (ioiiverneur du Has Canada et du Haul Canada rcspeciivcmeut, sera adininistie |)ar cIkicuu de ces fonclicmiiaircs, .^ le,-, priiicipcs de la coiistituliou Britannii|Ue et Ic M'ritable esprit de eclie coiislilulion. ;J. ,lu>(pi'M modification [lar le (iouveriii'ment local, le graml seeuil de chacuue des Pro\iuces du Bas Canada et du Haul Canada sera, dans chacuue do ces Provinces Ic nieiue, (ui d'a|)res le nicine modelc, cpie celui usite dans cli.'upie i'rovilice respective Juscpi'a la (late de rimiou aet\u'lle, ,VifV«Ji >j:-^^ ^^-i^. imB^^'^^r:^" \ Kn UNION ly the South and North '111, Hmiijrham, Ilorton, ell, Si'bii.stopiii, and the th, Statlord, I'cinbroko, McKay. Wylie, Holph, er siirvoyc'd townsiiips 'M. li, Lindsay, Clerk, L.A. igiit Hon. it l(i. 1«66. I -Ji), I.S(i().^ ;fl, lM(i(,, pagL. IS.) to Ilcr Majesty tlie ;r Majesty will be K'liai rariiaiiK-iit for aiiacli West respec- ivc Ijeuii complfteii. address before the liave, &c. I) MONCK. r-i'gislatit' du Canadi^ iiicr Vofrc .Majestt"; 111 ■■sure |)(iur imcit un irctivcmciit, a])n-'s i|uo nci' ill's dis|)ositions il Logishiiif. as I't Ic Haul Canada du N'oi-d Mui-a cti' JDiii' d(> Fierier ISfi.i, I' liiariiMi.-iMiicnt fairo iiiMila, ill' la Nimvi'lli- II nil soul ( rllllvlTlU'- li s dl'S llitl'S C'nlcMlil'S, .iiii'L" aura un ollicier i'- Ic llii'iiio iiiodilf, OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 23 4. II y aura pour li> Bas Canada une Li'gislaturp lopalo composi'o do deux Chnmhrpp, (|ui seronl app'eli'es le Conseil Lrjrislatif et rAssemblco Li'Rislative du Has Canada. 5. II V aura iiour le Ilaut Canada une Lryislaturc locale composee d'uni' ?eule Chambre, (pii sera appeli'e'rAssenibli'e Lcirirlative du Ihmt Canada. (!. Le Ciin-icil l.i'si'islatif du Mas Canada sera compose de vingt-quatre rtiembres nnnunis a \io ]iar la Coiironne, sous le f^rand seeau du (inuvernenient local; iiiiis tout Conseiller Leirislatif perdra son '' '"-e par le fait d'liiie absence continue de di'ii\ sessions consccutives. f. Les meiores du Conseil Lci^Mslatif du 15as Canada devront ctre siijets liritanniques, ncs on natiiialisi'i-, avoir an iiioins trente ans, ))iisse(ler et continuer a iiossi'dcr en iiro])rictcs foucieres, dans le JJas Canada, une valeur de quatre inille jiiastri's, et siis de toute hypotlioquc, detles et obliii'ations. ,s. Le Conseil Lcuislatil'daiis le Has Canada dcciilera toute quesiinii relative a la qualili ation on an dcfau*^ lie qualification de scs inenitiies. !). Le President du Conseil Lcjiislatifdu Bas Canada, ?i inoiiis qn'il en soit autrenient decide (lar le Parlemeiif local, sera un des Conseillers LcLrislatif's et nniniiu'' ]iar la Couronne. laquelle poiirra a volonte lui conserver on uii iVi'r sa cliar.ire. II aura limit si'ulcnicnl a une vnix |)rc]iiindcrante dans le cas d'une cgale division des votes. 10. Cliai'iin des vingt-qiialre Li'iiseillers Leixislatit's du Canada sera iiomme ])our repri'scnter I'nn lies viniit-quatre collcjic- clcctoi.uix iniliqucs dans ia Ci'dule A., du preniirr cbapifre des Statuts lletbndus du Canada, et ce Conseiller dcvi.i n'siiler ou posseder sa qualilicatioii duns le college dont la reprcsentatinn lui sera assignee. 11. L'AsseinUlre Legislative dii Has Canada sera composee de soixante i iiiq nienibres qui seront clus par les soixante-cinq colleges electoraiix en lesquels le Hiis Canaija est aituelleinent divise, sous raiitoriti' du ehapitrn deux des Statuts Kef'ondiis du Canada, du cbapitie soixante-qiiinze des Statuts Refonilus pour le Has Canada, et de T.Vcte \ingt-trois Victoria, cbai)itre un, on de tout autre Acte qui les amende, en vigueur a re|)oi|ne de la creation ihi (Jouvenieiiient lucal, taut pour la representation a sa Legi-latine locale qu'a la Cliainbre des Cuninuines des Provinces I'edi'rces; niais il ne sera pas loisible de ]ni-enter an Lientenant-tiouverneur, pour obtenir son assontiment, aucuu Hill du Conseil Legislatif et de rAssembli'e Legislative du Has Canada, par lec|uel les delimitations mentiounees dans la Cellule ci-annexee maiqiu'e A. |)ourraieiit etre nioililies, a nioins qu'il n'ait etc passe ;i ses deu\i^me It troisieine lectures dans rAssembli'e Legislative avec. le concours de la niajorite des membres com- iiosant alors I'Assemblee Li'gislative re|,'rcsentant les divisions electorales mentionnces dans la dite C'edule niari|uee A., et rasseutiinent nc sera donne Ti auciui Hill de cctle nature, ii iiioins qu'une adresse n'ait '.''ti' presentee an Lieiiti'nant-(MHiverueiir par I'Assembleo Legislative, declarant que tel liill a etc ainsi passe. IS. L'Assemblee Legislative du Ilaut t'anada sera composee de (piatre-vingt-deux membres, qui seront eliis par les qiiatre-vingt-dcux colleges elecforaux du Ilaut Canada, el ces colli'ges seront ideii- tiipiement les menies, taut ])our la repri'sentatioii dans rAssciiibli'c Legislative Locaie que iiour la reijresentation dans la Cliainbre des (."onnnunes des Provinces Federees, et ils se conqioseront des divisions et seront delimites en la nianie'c indiqiu'e dans la Ci'dule H. ci-annexi'e. 1;!. Jiisqu'a ce que la Li'gislatiire locale du Has et du Ilaut Canada respectivement, en ait autrenient decide et les ait cbangr'es dans I'line ou I'autre province, routes les lois qui, Ti la date de la luoclaniation qui constituera les jiroviuces separees du Has et du Ilaut Canada, seront en force dans cliaeune de ces provinces respeclives, relativeuient a la i|ualilieation mi an ili'faut de qualiticatiim de toute personne pour sieger ou voter conime meiiibre de r.Vssenililr'c de la Pioxince du Canada, ainsi qu'a la capaciti' ou a rinca|)ai'iti' des electeiirs, aux seriiieiifs I'sigi's des \otants, aux olliciers rap])nrteurs ei a leurs pouvoirs et devoirs, aux I'lections et an temps epic cilles ci jteuvent durer, aux elections contesti'es et mix inoci'dures y iucidentes, aux vacations des sieges en P.irlcnieiit. a remission et a rexeciition des nouveaiix brefs dans les cas de vacations occasiniin.'es par d'antres causes i|ue la dissdlut'ou du Pailcnu'iit. s'api)lii|ueriiiit respectivement aux I'lectiniis des Deputi's elus pour r.\ss,'iiibli'i' Legislative du Has et piHii- r,\-sciiibli'e l.c'gislativc du Ilaut ('aiiaila. 14. La duri'c de rAssi'inbli'e Li'gislative du Has ( 'anaila, et dc r.\sseniblee Li'sislative du Ilaut Canada, respectivemeiit. sera de quatre ans, a ('ian]itei' do jour du rapport des brefs d'election, .'i nioins que rAsseinblee Legislative <\u Has Canada on r.Vssemblce Leiiislative du Ilaut Canada ne soit pnirigi'i' ou dissoute plus tot ))ar le Lieuleiiant-Couvenieiir de I'line ou ile I'autre Province respec- tivement. \'i. 11 y aiua une session de la Legislature de cliacinie des Provinces, aii moiiis une fois par annee, de mani^re ipi'il ne devra jamais s'i'couler plus de douzo iiiois eiitre la denli^re seance d'une session et la premiere si'ance de la session -uivante. ill. <,'u'il est expi'dient que tout ;\cte du I'arleiiient Imiierial qui pourra etro passe pour runion des Colonics de rAnierique du N'ord Hrilauniqiie eoutieiine line disposition a I'effet quo la division et le r^glemellt des detles, credits, obligations, (Mopriites et ilettes actives des provinces du Ilaut et du Has Canada soieiit reiivoyes a I'aibitrage de trois arbitres, dont I'liii sera choisi par le (ioiiveniemeiit local du Ilaut Canada, raulre jiar le (Jouveruemeiit local du lias Canada, et le troisieme par le (louvernenient geic'ral, etaiit pourvu lie idus quo le clioix des arbifies n'aiira'.lieii ipi'aiires que le ParlcMieiit gi'iii'ial pour rAiiU'rique du Noril Hritaniiique et les Legislatures locales pour le Ilaut et le Has Canada auront eti' elus, et que le tiers arbitre ne sera pas un ri'sidant dans le Ilaut ni dans le Has Canada. Divisions I'lectorales dans Comics de P' iitiac, „ Ottawa, „ y\lgi'n|euil, „ lluntiiigdoii, „ Missisquoi, „ Hroine, Ci 1)1 i.i. A. Has Caiiiidii ineiitioiiiiecs dans h-s resolulioiis ci-dessus. Cointes de Sbelfonj. Staiistead, ( 'omptoii, Wolle ci Uichmoiid, Mi''gantie, et Ln villc do Sherbrookc. ^m^ c: 4 Canada. I C ANAPA. 24 CORKESPONDENCE RESPECTIXG THE PROPOSED UNION Ckdii.e ]i. Division's Ki.i-.(Tnii.\i,..s Di' Hait Cakaoa. Divisions ciui doiveut roster dans leurs limitc;- actuollos. Corntt's lie Prcscott, IJlengarrv, Stormont, Duiidas, Uusscll, Cailcton, I'riiico Kdouard, llaltun ot Kssex. Divisions do Coniti's. — Lanark nord, T.anarli suil, Loods ot Cn'oiivillo division iiord, division siid dt.' Lopds, division siul do (Ironvill.-, Xiininmiln'rland ost, Nortluimi)orland onost (nioins Mona.ifiiaii slid), Durliani ost, Durham onost, Ontario nord, Ontario siid, York ost, York ouost, York nord, NVcntwortli nord, Wontwortli siid, I'^iirin ost, Klgin onost, Waterloo nord, Waterlo.) siid, Brant nord, Brand sud, Oxford nord, Oxford sud, rvliddlosox, division ost. Citos et \'illos. — Tonnito est, Toronto onost, Hamilton, Ottawa, Kingston, London, Hrockvillo avoo lo township d'Llizabethtown, Niagara avoc le townsliip do Niagara, Cornwall avoo lo lownshii) do Cornwall. NouvoUes Divisions Electoralcs, ct Divisions dont les llmitos sont changoos. District d' Ahioimi. Lo oomtr (.V^ Hiuro jiartago en deux divisions, qui soront appeleos respectivemont les divisions nord et snd. La .li'iriion nord so eonii)Osi'ra ilos townshi|)s do IJury, Lindsay, Eastnor, Alhomalo, Amabel, Arran, Hruoo, l'".l(lor>lie ot Saugoen ot du villige do Sontlianiplon. La division siul so ooinposora lies townships do Kimardino (y coinpris lo villacro), (iroenook, Brant, Huron, Kinliiss, Culross et Carriek. Le cointo do Huron ])artago en d.eux divisions, ipii soront a]ipolo('s rospoetiveinont les divisions nord ot sud. La division n(U'il so oomposera des townsliips d'Ashliold, Wawanosii, 'riiriihcrry, Houiek, Morris, (iroy, Colhorno, IluUott, y oompris le village do Ciiutou, ot MoKillop. La division sud se eouiposora do la villo do tlodoriek et des towiishijjs (ie (iodcriek, Tuckersmitii. Stanley, Hay, Usliorno et Stephen. Lo oonit(' do Middlesex ]iartnge en trois divisions ([ui soront apjieloc's rospoetiveinont les divisions noril, (UK'st. ot est. La division nord so eomposora des township-' do Me(iillivray et Biddulph (pris du eomti' do Huron) et Uiiliaiiis est, Williams oiiest, Adi'laido et Lolio. La division ouest so ooni- ))osora des tovvnshi]is do Delaware, Carradoe, Motoall'o, Mosa ot KIdVid et tin village do Stratliroy. La division est so eomposora des townships qui y sont inaintonant eompris, et sera borneo oonime olio I'ost aetiielloinont. I'lynipton, Sariiia, st, lioiiinoy, llaloigli Le eomto At' Lanililon so eomposora des townships do liosanquest, Warwic Moore, I'lnniskillon et Brooke, et la villc do Sariiia. Lo oomte do Kent so eomposora des townships do Chatliani, Dover, Tillniiy o; et Harwi(k, do la vilto do Ciiatliain. Le c'linte de Bothwell so eom])osera des townships do Soinbia, Dawn et iMiphemia (pris du oomte t.\\' Lumlitou). et des townships do Zone, Camilon, et dn (iuro en deiiendant, d'Orf'ord ot Howard (pris du oomte do Kent). Lo eomto do (iroy partage il'W deux divisions, qui soront ap]ieleos rospeotivenient les divisions sud et nord. La division sud se eomposora des townsliips i\i' Bon'iiuk, (Jlenelg, Artoinesia, Osprev, N'or- man!)v, ilgromont, I'roton et Molanehton. La division nord se eomposora des lownships do CoUiiig- wdod, luiphrasia, Holland, St. Vincent, Sydenham, Sullivan, Derby et Kepiiol, Sarawak et Brooke, et liips d'Ainaraiith. Arthur, Luther, Miiito, Marvboniiigh, I'eol et du \illago eia des town-hips de (iarai'raxa, Immii, Kraiiiosa, NIoIkjI iM I'dkiiii/ton ot des viUaixes di< l-'orgus et ICloia. La (ii\iNion sud sera composre do la ville de lliielph et des townships do (Jiielph ot l'ii>liii(li. Lo ( omte do Norfolk sera jiartago on deux divisions ipii soront ajipolc'cs respeciivemoiit les divisions sikI et nord, La divi>ion suil so oomposera des townsliips do ( 'liarlotte\illo, Houghton. W.iUingham ot Woodhonsi', ot du iiore en ilipondant. La division nord sera oomposee des townsliips do Middlotoii, 'I'ownseud et Windham, ct do la ville do Simeoe. Le oomte dllaldimand so oomposera dos townships d'Om'ida, SoiU'ca, Caguya nord, Caguyasiid, Uaiiihaiii, Walpolo et Dunn. Le eiiintr' de Monek so oomposera di-; townships do Canborough et Moulton ot Shorbrooko, et du village do Duiiville (pris du oomte d'llaldiinaud), dos townships lU' Caistor el (iainsboroiigh (pris du eomti' do Lin.oln), et des townships de IVIIi.iin et Waiiitloot (pris dn cuinti'' de Wollaiid). Le eomti' liy it Louth, et de la villi> do S. ( 'atliariiies. i,i' coniti' cle Wolland so eoini)osora o eomposora dos towii>li:p-i y, Toroiilo ol du ( ioro do 'i'uiiiiito et dos villages do Urampton et Striet-villo. liO oomte de Cardwoll se compoxTa des townships dc d'Albion et Caledoli (piis du eoiiiti' de I'eel), et dos town-liip< dWdjala ot Mono (pris de cointi' do Simeoe). l parlage en deux divi-ions, ipii seroiil appeleos re.--peotlvoiiient les divisions slid el nord. La divi-ion slid so eompnsera des towiislii[)s do (i\villiiiisl)ury ouo-it, 'I'eeumselli, Inni^iil, I'^, 'I'o^xirontio, Miilmiir ot du village de llradford. La division nord so eomposora des townships do ■Nottawasaga, Sunnidalo, Vosjira, Llos, (Jro, Moilonte, OriUia ct Matehedusli, Tiny ot Tuy, BuluUlavu ot Uobinsun, et dos viUun de Barrio ot Collingwood. ( Lo eonite de nord. La divi^ Lindsay. La Kldoii, Fonolou Mouek, et Wat dite division. Lo conite de onest ot ost. Nortluimherlau est se eompo-e Mi.iden, Stanlit town-hip- arjiei Le conite d'l est, et nord. I village de 'rrei ford. La divi-i Marmora et du (lite (llvi-ion no Le eelllle lie Fi-eilerieksluirt; Le eomti' d' Kaladar, Keni Miller, (.'anont Le comti' de ri-lo Howe ot Le eomte de ot nerd. 1/1 ili Adma-ton, (na villages d'Anq We-tmoath, Si l''raser, Mtl\n\ tons •nitres tou Kt le Conseil ot favouraiile <■ Con-oil Le^i 1 V Aoiil. 1 C (No. LI Mv Loud, U!;ii; honour to ti'; Council of 1 Caiuiiiiaii 1) reu'-ons oii \\ I Iji'tr leav Admi.iistiaii Thc> Kioli C(U'^ of a 1 'I'm Comni Hon. the See delegates liavi tions relative iiii|uired of liii Thai ho sbi bv iheiu lo ai 'ili^ Lol'dr-ll and that alsi ■ iiienee to ll riiat if ail} lo quit your | leave the Pro once to I'.ngli The Comii: I'arliameni al llijjl. ) UNION OF THE lUUTISIl NORTH AMERICAN PHOVINCKS. Edoiiard, Haltoii et lord, (livisiion siid do (liiis MiiiiiiLtliiin Slid), irk iKird, \\'oiit\ lilt iiord, IJraiid sud, idoii, liiMckville iivcp nvcc Ic lowiisliiii do languor. : li's divisions nonl ct . Allicniiilc, AiiKilii'l, d sc cuiiipiisoi-ii dcs Culi-ciss ot Cari'ic'k. ^>nt l(>s divisiiiiis iiord ']"iiriilicrrv, Houick, p. La division sud mitli. Stanley, Hay, voinont Ics divisions ;ay ot Hiddiiljih (pi'ls i\'isi(iii (iiicst so ooni- iiilajfo de Stratliroy. I bonu'o comme clle I'lyniiitim, Saniia, st, Roiiinov, Raleigh leiuia (]iris du conito bid et llinvard (pris t les divisiiins sud et inesia, Osiney, N'or- \vnslii|)s dc C'lilliiig- arawak ot Hruoko, et lent Ics divisiiins sud I, I'"llii'(', Mdiuingtdii s townships do lUan- . Marie. |ieetiveiiieiit divisions mtii, Ailluir, l.iither, re so coinpiisiTa des 'ei'Liiis et Miiira. I^a -lineh. iveinent les divisions uglitoM, Waisinghain iiships du Middletiii!, a iiord, f 'aguya sud, n et Sheihrooke, ot (iain>hoi'ou"h (pris Welland). -hy I't Louth, et de iher.-lono, .Slainroid, Wellaud. 1 eront ajipelc'es res|iectiveinent les (hvisions oiiest et est. La division oiiest se eomposera hi]is Ar .\lanaghan sud (pris du eointe do Northunilierhind), Mouaghaii nord, Siiiitli ct l';niii>iiiiire et do iaville de I'eterhoruugh. La ilivisioii e-t se eoinpo-eia dc'^ towii>hips li'Asphod.l, liehnout et Methuen. Doiiro, Duninier, dalway, Harvey, Mi.idi'ii, Stauliopo ct Dysaiit, Otonalioe et Snowden, et du village (rAshhuriihani, et do tons autros lowu-hip- arpenti's situes au mini de la dite division e>t. Le coiiitc d"lla-;tiiig- jiartagi' en troi- divisioiH, qui seroiii a]i])eli'es respeetiveineut les divisions oucst, est, et nord. La divi-ion oue.-t ^e eomposera de la vilie de lielleville, du towiishiii de Sydney, ct du villaue de 'I'reuton, La division (st so eoni|io^era des township.-, do 'I'hurlow, Tyendinaga et llungor- i'ord. La division nord se eoMi]io>era des town-hips de Jiav.iion, lluntinu'doii, Madoe, Li/e\'ir, Tudor, .Marmora et du Lac, et du village de .'^tiriing, et de tou^ autre> town-hips arpenti's situes au nord de la dite divi-ion nord. Ijo eoiiito de Lennox -e eompo.-era des townships de Rielnnond, Adolphnstowii, I'rederiek>lmrg nord, I'redei-iekshnr^r slid. Lriiostown, et de I'ile d'Amher^t et du village do Napaiiee. Le iMiintc' d'.Vddiiiiilon -e coiiiposor.-i des town-hips de Caiiidili, rortland, Shollield, Hinehiiihroko, Ivaladar, Kennelier, Olden, O-o, .Vnglesea, liarrie. Clarendon, I'aliiurston, Kllinghain, .\binger, Milli'r, (.'anonto, Deuhigh, Longlioroiigii et ! 'ford. ^ Le eointi' do l''ronteiiar -^o eoinpo-era des townships de King-^ton, de I'lsle ^^'oll'e, l*itt>hurg et do rislo Howe ot Storriiigton. L\' coiiiti' de KeiilVew partagr en deux divi-ion-, (pii seront ajipelros vespeetiveiiieiit le- divisions sud et nord. La division sud se eoiii]iosera (h'^ town-hips de MeNah, Itagot, liiithlield, Ih'oughaui, Horton, Adina-ton, (irattau, M:itawatehan. (irillltli, Lyndoeh, Raglan, liadehli'e, lirudenell, Seliastopol ot des villayes d'.Vrnprior et IteulVew. La division nord so eomposoia des townships de Ros<, Rroniley, W'e-Vineath, Stali'ord, I'emliroke, W'ilberloree, .Mice, i'etawawa, Huehanan, .Mgona sinl, Algona noril, l'"raser, MeKav, W'ylie, Rolph, Head, Maria, Clara. Haggerty, Sherwood, Burns et Kiehards, ct du tons nitres townsliips arpentes situes au uord-oiiest do la dite division nord. Lt le Conseil Lc'gislatif du Canada prii' liiniilileiiietit X'otro .Majeste de prendre le tout en sa graeicusu ct fiivouralile eoiisideration. M. .J. Tkssii.h, Consoil Lcgi;-latil, Sainodi, Orateur du Conseil Legislatif. 11- Aoi'it, \^i'(>. Canada. No. 19. No. 1<). Coi'V ol'u DKSI'ATril iVoii) Viscoiiiit Movck to tlii« Right Iloii. the Eail oi' C.\1{naii\on. (No. L17.) Quebec, Sopt Mnber 2.'), \SC)G. y\\ Loifl), (IJi'CcJMil, OctolHi' 10. ISIin.) KriKiiitiNo to your I,i)iilslii|)'s Despatcli, No. 39,* of the .'Hst iilt., I liiive tlie ♦ragc4 hoiioiir to Iraiistiiil i'or your Loriisliiii's iiilv.rmaiioii an ajipioveil Minute of the Executive Council of tliis Province, statinjl tlie course whicli is proposed to be lulopteil by tlie CiUiadian Deleoates on the siilijeet of Union aljoiU luia'cetliiio- to Enolaiid, uiui the reasons on whicli that course is foiin(h'il. I be'ix leave lo add tiie expression of my own o]iinion that tlie leading inember.s of my A(hiii;hsliaiiiiii ouolil not to leave the I'rovince beiiirt' liii' (Imc mentioned in this iiiiiinle. I iiave, &c. 'I'iie Uioht Hon. the Fiitl of Carnarvon, (Sionod) MONCK. \-c. &c. \'C. L Luelosurc in No. HI. Coi'^ of a liii'iiiir of a Coinniitteo of the llonourahle the Kxeeutivo Council, approvedliy His ilxeelleucy the (Joviruor-tJeiieral in Coiuicil, on the 'Jllh Soptemher Ijitjil. Till Committee lia\e had hoforc them a Desiiatcli, Xo. ;tl», dated .'list August \S ii]i]ivovinu' llio Si-ticnii' of rniou pnipDsi'd liy tliiit CiiiifiTciiii', l)ut that tin- Lcf^^islatun' of Nova Scotia (Icrliiu'd ti) appriivo of that schcnio. or to adopt vcsohitions in t'avoiir ot' an union of the Provinces until the s|irin:;df the present yrar, and tlic I,('H'i>hitnn' of Nc« IJri'.nswick did not adopt sncli resolutions until the latter ]iart of the uioutli ol'.lnly. That so soon .'is it appeared proliahle that Xova Scotia and New Hrnnswick \\ould assent to a Sclienio of C'oid'ederation, the Canadian I'arhanii'nt was sunnnoned, and measures to provide for the local Ciovernments, whieji under the (^iU'l)ec Scheme were reipiired to he adopted l)y the cxistinj? Legislatures of tiie respective Provinces, wore suhniiltcd tor its consideration. Tiiat while these measures were lielore Parlianu'ut, it was proposed hy the (iovcrnnuMits of Xova Seotia and New liruuswick, that Delegates from the three I'rovinei's should assemble in iMiiiland about the I St of Auirust, with the view of discussin'Ji' and aiireeiufr to a Hill for Confederation, to be submitted to the Imperial Parliament, which it was su|i|inse(l wnuld still be in Session. That allhouiih the Canadian (iovermncut doulited that any measure based on the Resolutions of the t,)u<'bee Conference, could be |)rc])ared ••iiid carried thronijh the Imperial Parliament at so late a ])erio(l ol' the Session, they pnimised to advise your Excellency to send a delcj^ation of their number to Kuijland, by the steanu'r of the iJlst .)u!y, if the progress of legislation and the state of iiublic inisincss would permit. That before the date mentioni'd, and before the Delegates for Nova Scotia and New Mrunswick bad sailed for lOngland, your Kxcelh'ncy received int'omiation whi<-h conxinced yo\u' lixcellency that it would not be possible tc, carry through Parliament at it:* then Session, any liill for the Confederation ol the ih-itisb Norlh American Provinces. That shortly afterwards and lief ire the Delegate^ had left for Kngland, your I'Acidleney received notice ol the resignation of Mr. Cardwell and bis colleagues, and the acccssicni of a new (iovermncut. That in view of these circumstauces your h'xcellency was advised to inl'orm the (iovernors of Nov.'i Sce.tia and New Brunswick, and your Kxeelleney did inform tlnin that as it was evident that no measurt" for Confederation could be |)repared and carried through Parliament in the Session then :d)out to close, the Canadian Delegates would not li'avc (,'anada at th(> tinu' stated. That the pmroLiatiou of the lni|ierial Parliament on the I'Jth of August proved thai the appreben- .^ions of the Canadian (iovermnent were well founded. If, therefore, the Delegates from Nova Sc()tia and New liruuswick had postiioned their departure as they were re(|uested to do, they would iu)t have snrt'ered the inconvenience to which Lord Carnarvon refers. 'J"he Committee resiiectfully submit that it would nor be expedient for anv of the leading nu'inbers of the Canadian (iovernnuMit to proceed to Kngland while the Province is threatened with invasion by !i formidable body of Kenian marauders from the I'nited States. The Connnittee believe that by the close of navigation this danger will be passed ; oi', if not, that such preparations will have been made to nu-et it that no ai)prehen,-ion need be felt for the result. 'l"he Committee are further of oi)inion that ns the next Session of the Im])erial Parliament will not probably be hehl befoi-e Febru.ary I.SH", ample time will be all'ordcd for the discussion of any (pu-stion that may arise between the representatives of the I'roxinces and ;I\e Imperial (iovennnent if the Deleeaies assemble in I'Jigland about the ^otb ot November. 'I'hey would, therefore, respeetl'ully recommend your Kxcidlency to inform Lord Carnarvon that the following gentlemen have been appointed bv vour Kxcellencv, viz. : lion. .John .\. Maedir 10, ISfiO.) .Mv LoKl), (An.-wcrcd, No. St). ()clu|i,r Is. |S(i(i, pagt> '0.) I II \vi; the honour to tiaiisniit lierewitii a copy of a teieorapliic inessage wliicli I addressed to your Lordship on tlie 24th instant. The Riffht Hon. tiie Earl of Carnarvon, &c. &c. &c. I I lave, &rc. (SiiriKHl) iMONCK. Knc'l. ill No. I'll. No. 2\. I'iliji' 4'.i. Enclosure in No. 20. Lord Carnarvon, London. Quebec, September 24, 1800, All the Canadian Delegates intend sailing for England the 7th of November. No. 21. Copy of a DESPATCH from Viscount Monck to tlit Rjojit Hon. the Earl of C.MiNAuvoN. (No. 1.52.) (v>iicbec, October I, 18(JG. My Loan, ('ieceived October '.'.i, I scr;.) I iiAVK llie hoiKinr lo acknouledoe tiie receipt of your Eordship's De.s|)atcli, No. ijO,* of Sejjteinber L'Uh, respectino the departiu'c lor Enolaiui of the Canadian DeiefTates on the Union (lucstion. Mv Des lime fixed partial rej) practical n The RIl (Sep .Mv Loud. I I Pro\iiicial CJi'iierai, w Executive Provinces i North Am Tlic Ri cScc. (No. : My T-oiii), Ri;i nclosiire, Minute of In obedi Minute to The Ri^ &c. Cdi'V of a The Com Your Excel' Nova Scotii That the " .At a n Hotel, LoiH w;is unaliim indispuusab desirable, a Colony, W01 islmid, liy ll have Crovvi: " 'fherefi ••'I'hal ii coujunclion of the Imp! to suppnri I [irictary rig '^Mm ^v^. imm^^'^^ KD UN rON ri>lMtiiri' of Nova Scotiii 11 (if tlic I'riiviiiccs Miiril addpl Midi ic'Cdhitions mid iis>;('iit til a ScliciiU! II provide foi- till' local lir cxistiiijj Legisiatiiros (iiivcniiiM'iits ol' Nova Miiblc ill Kiiirlaiid about I'l-atioii, to be submitted I tlip IJesdliitioiis of the iii'iit at so late a ])eiiacl fiou of tlieiv number to state of |iublic Imsiiiess lui Niu ISruusAvick liad dur l£\eelliiii V tbat it lor tlie Confederation of ir Kxeelleney received )f a new (iovennneut. the (iovernors of Nova t was evident that no the Session then about eil that tlu' apprehen- fates from Nova Scotia lo, they would not have >f tlie leadini;' nieiiiliers itencd uitli invasion liy pasM'd : or, if imt, that felt fur the result, al I'ailiauient will not (Mission of any ipiestion ial (Jiiveriinient if the old ( 'arnaiMiii tbat the III A. Mardoii.ild, lion. , and Hon. II, L. Lan- II mi iiehalf of Ci.uada, ember next. HlMSWOItTlr, Asst. C.E.C. I i OF THE IJKITISII NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 27 My Dos|)at(:li, No. I 17,* of ^I'ptombiT 'i.jtli, will Ii:ive infoniicil your L(ct)lia am North America. No. -J'J. 1 New nriiii.swici-. on the .subject ol the union ol lirilish The Riilit Hon. the Ear! of Carna von, (Ivc. &c. \'C. F have, &c. (Signed) .MONCK. ;ht Hon. 2s, isG(). Ml. isiiii.) In. lS(i(!, p,|rr,. "O.i ic mes.sage which 1 liive, ,pproved Minute of the Executive Conncil of this Province on the subject if that Despatch. In obedience to yonr l.ordship's iiistrnciions I have already transiiiitted a cujiy of llii.s IMimitc to the Lieutenant-Governor of Prince Edward Island. I have, &c. Tlie Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon, (Signetl) MONCK. \'c. i."v;c. &c. Enclosure in Xo. '23. ICml. in No. 2 i Coi"i- of a Jiiroiii' of a CoM.Mirria'. of the lloiinurable the Executive Council, aiiiiroved by His l'!xeelleiiey the (iovermir-tieneral in Cnuneil on the 'J2iid October IsiWi. Till- Ciiinniittee of Council have had under cuiisideration the Despc'eh of the Colonial Secretary to Your Excellency ot tl'e '_'(itb Septeiubrr last, and the accoinpaiiyiug . ,;uliiliiiii of the deletjates frnm Nova Scotia and New IhuiiswiiU, and they now bej^' leave to report. That the resolution referred to is as follows: — " .Vt a ineetiny of the l)elejj;ate.s from Nova .Scotia and New nrunswick, held at the .Mexaudra Hotel, l-ondoii, on the '22iid d.iy of September l.'iliii, .all beiuir present except the lion. Mr. \\'iliiiot. it was unaiiimnusly resolved that inasmuch as the co-operatinii of I'linci' l\!dward Island, tliouub not indispensable to a miioii of the oihei' Ihitish .Xorth ,\iiicricaii Provinces, is on many accouiils very desirable, and as the settlement of the land i|uestioii wliicli lias so long and so ininriniisly agitated that Colon), would be attnided with grcil benetit. and at the .same lime ]ilace the local goveiniuent of the island, by ibe possession of the proprietary lauds, more on a fimting with the other I'roviuces which have Criiwn Eaiids and iiiineijils as a source of local rcMMiue. " 'I'lierefore resolved- - '■That in ca^e the Legislature of the Island sboiild authori/i' the a]ipoiiitment of delegjites to act in cniijuiicliou with tboM' fidiii llic other I'mvinccs in airaiiiring a pl.ui of co (ipeialinii jirinr to the iiieetiiig of the Imperial I'arliaiiieul. the delegates from Nova .Scotia and New Mruii-wicli are liercbx pledged to siippoi'l ihe policy ol provi('iitiiiir the f,'(ivcriiiii!'nts nf tlicir rcspcc'tivc t'liiviiuTS, to siipimrt llic pdlicv nf pi(i\ liliiijf tlic amoiiiit iiicntiiiiit'd. As tlii>ii- powiTs will cNjiiri" wilii the scltli'iiiciit ol'llic sclicmc nl' iiiiinii, if is In lie iiil'i'iTcd that their plt'd:;!" can only he canicMJ out l)v thcif adNocatiii;; the iu-crtinn o| a clause ill the lin|)eriai .\ct, iiiudini: tiip future fJovernineiit and I-Pjiislature of I'liiled ISritisli N'oitii .\iuericii to pay the sum of The Canadian (loveriiuient do imt consider that tiicy h.ave any power or riirht to cous("Ut to the payment of tiiat or any siuu witiiout the jirevious consent of tiie (aiiadian I'arlianu'Ut, and liiey tiiere- ibre cainiot confer u])ou tiu'ir delcLratc- powers which they do not themselves possess. The Connnittee lullv ap|ireciaie tlie motives which induced the delei;,it'.'s from Nova Scotia and New lirunswick to adopt the residutiou, and ihey .•lirree with tiie deleL'atioii as to the desirahleness (jf hrin<;iu,i.' I'rinec lOdward Islaml into the contemplated union. The ( 'onunittee are of opinion that every |)ro|u':' exertion should lie maije for that inupose, and recommend that the suliject of the ;i(liu-tment of the land lionli! !'■' I'lillv discussed hy the (l(dei;'ati's from the three I'rovinci ,- in i.oi'dou, in ■-< 'ijieral spirit, .'^hould tli(> result of the discussion he that in the opinion of the deleirates ])ecuniary cot ipen~.ilioii sht,llie Ilonouialile (leorge lltieunc Cartier, Attornev-(ieiieral, Canadii East, the I JonoiuaI)le William Ilowlanil, l''iuanee .Minister, ami the Honouiahle Alexander T. (iait, .M. I'. I'., '.vlio with the Honourable W. Mae- douoall and the iionourable II. Laiii^evin inlrodiiecii to your Lordship in niy " .Separate" Despateli of the .'^rd instant,'' constitute the deletj.ition Iroin C'anaili appointed to eonter with your Lordship and the representatives of the other Provinces on the subject of the union of British North Americti. I have, &c. Tiie llioht Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon, (Signed) MOXCK. ^c. &c. dvc. 1 No. 2'). Coi'Y ol'a DESP.VrcII from \'iseount .Mo\( k to the Hioht Hon. the Earl of Caunahvon. ^■^°- -"^•) (^ueiuT, November 29, I^fiG. (Kcccived Dccciiilicr It, ISdG.) Mr Lonn, (Answered. N,i. 1 !!», Dc-cmlicr 17, IS(i(i, pii^cc .10.) I MAVf. the honour to transmit lierewilli to your Lordshij) an Address to Her Majesty the (^ueeii from the Provincial .Vssoeiation of Protestant Teachers of Lower Canada, and to request that it may be laid at liie foot of the Throne. I have, &c. The Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon, (Signed) MONCK. (kc. tVc. &c. Kncl. in No. 25. Knclosure in No. 'J.i. To the Queen's most Excidh lit .Maje.sty. Tirr; petition of the Provincial .Vssoeiation of i'rottstaiit 'J'eaihers of Lower Canada: IIiimi)ly slieweth, That notwithstandiii;,'' the leirislativc uuiriii of Ujiper and Lower Canada, there exists iu e.ich ]ioiUon of the I'nited I'roviiK'es a di^tiuel ediieatioiial system. That under tiie Kdueatioiial Law of Lower Canada, and in coiise(pieiic(! of the deiiomiiiatioiial character of the schools of tin' Uoiiian Catholic majority, your .Maji'>ty's suhjects professing- tlio Protes- tant faith are suhjected to --erious disailvaiitaifes ; jii-t, III lieiiig deprived of the heiiefils of a f;eneral system of education similar to tiiat enjoyed liy their fellow suhji/ets in Upper Canada ; secondly, in their liiihility to be taxed for the support of Roman Catholic schools ; and thirdly, in the dilliculties which they e education I'or That ihoie the pail of tl .■-ettlemeiit o other- in wlii Leyi^l.itlire. ■fliat ill pi Conference, tme, the I'ro (lisadvaiitaiic- of till' (iovcri before coiifed That llioni lalnrc. it wa the imp.eri;! the control o That whil believe that, may justly the" vote of tl 1. That by tliems(dve moiK'vs L'ivei propmtion to 'J. That su of I'rotestaiit schools and alfairs. Wherelbve stated, into ^ inro the hup' And ^'lu^• Montreal, N Copy (No. ( A Y Loltl), I II tl e Ivoinai The Ri' &c To the Rip "Sl.w ir IT A-r ii de]iend are elVect a tli( bi-liops of I that the iiit about to be Diiriii.^- tl the |iresenl riulits and i 'I'lie lion addressed I (|uile xvillili eilucalional Canada lie I'D UNION OF THE inilTISII NORTH AMKUICAN rUOVINCES. N'i'w l!niii.-<\vi(k picdrrc r('.>|M'cti\c I'lDviiu'cs, to In l)«' iiili'rrcil tlioir (■ in till' lm|)ciiiil Act, •ii'Ji to |)iiy tliu Slim of ri^lit In coiisciit to tlic i;uiii'iil, .-md tlicy llicrc- ISX'SS. 1 Xova Scotiii ,iii(l \{.« to tile (IcsirnliliMH'ss of ' lor tliiit purpose, iiiul • f'lillv (lisciisscil liy tlic t'siilt of the (lisciissioii 'II to the proprii'toi-s Cor end that tlic ( 'anndi.-ui troiii,' it'ijnvoiitiitioii to Loaiitiiiir the coniiieiisii- licd, W. II. Lki, C.K.C. ilil Hon. bcr 5, 1M66. fi 21. ls(i(i ) :■!• 21'. ISCO, pajro 50.) ' Joint Alc-xaiidcr ■•^(.' I'ltionnc Caitlei-, I'^iiiaiice .MinistLT, Mioiiiablc \V. Muc- in niy " Sepaiato" i|)|)()inU'(l to I'onflL'r tlic .siii)jec't of the liave, cSl'c. I) MONCK. ht Hon. ■>• 29, 1S(J6. ■ 14, ISiiG.) 17, is(j(i, i„i^ro .:;o.) 1 Aililrc'ss to Her 'facliL'i'.s of Lower liave, &(•. ) MONCK. ivcr C'liiiiida : I'Nists in oacli poi-iion I' the dcnoiiiiiiMtlonal irotc.-siny tiiij I'rolcs- lii'Mcfils of a fi-cncral -'anada ; .socondly, in liy, ill tiio dilliciillii's which tlicy cx])('rieiicc in c.stahii.-iliinfr noii-ik'iioiniii.itionul or s('])arati' schools and scniinarics of hiirhor Canada. education lor tiicin elves. Thai tiionuli the iiijuiy thus inlliited on cdiiealion iia^ hecii the snliject of (Veqiieiit complaints on the part of the I'roteslant population, and, as yoiir pelitioiici's lielieve, has tended to discourage tlin settlement of Protestants in this Province, and hiw caused many fainili<'s to leave this country for others in which they iniulit .-ivoid such iiicoi;veiiicnces, no remedy has hitherto lieen frranfcd iiy tin; l.cuislatiirc. Thai ill prospect of the confederation of the Provinces under the constilutioii adopted at the f^luehei; Conference, by which it was |iro|)o-ed that education should he under the eontr.'l of the local Legisla- ture, the Proiestants if Lower ('.-inada hecume alarmed l(>st they should continue to lalicmr umh'r these (lisadvaiita!,''es : and to allay the fecliiii; thus generally existing, >oleinii pledges were made hy inemh(>rs cjf the ( Jovernment that the grieiaiices comiilained of slioulii he redressed hy parliamentary action hefore coiifcileratioii. That though a liill for this |)ui'po-~e was iiitroiiuced hy (iov<'rnnieiit in the last session of the Legis- lature, ir was almost immediately withdrawn, and unless provi^ious to this end can h(! inlroduced into the Imperial Act of ( 'oiifedcralioii. your memorialists fear that their cv'.ocational rights will he left to the control of the majoritv in the local L"Ldslature wirhoiit any guarantee wiiatever. That while your ]H'titioners would ))refer a general and non-denominational system of education, ihey helieve that, so long as the ju'esent system of separate schools shall continue in Lower Canada, tlu'y may justly claim the following ])rivileges as constitutional rights, which should in no way de|iend on till' vote of tlie local Legisla'^ure : — ■ 1. all direct taxes 1 r the su])))ort of schools, paid hy Protestants unless ollierv\ise designated hy themselves, should he apjilied lo Protestant or non-denominational eduealiini, ;iiid that ail jinhlic moneys given for the same ptn'|iose should he divided between Proiestants and Honian Catholics in proportion to jiopiilalion. 'J. That snit.ible aiidadc(|uate |irovision should lie made for the protection of the educational interests of Protestants in the manageiicnt of educational tiinds, the establislmient and proper classilication of si'hools and in.-titulinn- of .-iiperior education, and uenerallv in the administration of educational atfairs. Wherelore Vour ]ietitioners humbly ]jray Voiir most (iracioiis Majesty to lake their case, as above stated, into Your favourable consideration, with a vi<'w lo the inlroduction ol [iroper and just safeguards inro the Imperial .Vet of Confederalion should such Act be passed. And \our petitioners will over |)rav. (Signed) .1. W. Dawsox, LL.D.. K.H.S., K.C.S., President of the Association. •loMx IL (iii.MiA.M. A.M., Nice President. Knwix ll.vrc II, Clerk, H.A., \'iee President. P. ,1. Daui.v, .M.y\., Secretary of the Association. Montreal, November 23rd, psiKi. No. 26. Copy of a DESPATCH from Lieut.-Cieiieial Sir J. MicHi:Lto the Rigiit Hon. tlu' Ivil'l of C.\I!\A1!\0N. (^°- ^'•) Montreal, December V2, 186G. (Kec'civcil Ueceailicr 2S. isiili.i My Loni), (Answcre.l. N(,. 12:!, .lamiary .•), IMiT, |iiige51.) 1 JiAvi; the lionour to transmit herewith two Memorials to your Loidship, from tlie lloniaii Cathofic P)ishoj)s of Canada and Canada West rcspeetivelv. 1 have, Sec. Tlie Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon, (Signed) J.MICHEL. &c. &c. hing ar.d governing their schools. 'fhe liomaii Catholic liisliops of Ujiper iiiid Lower Canada, beingat thai time assembled in Moiifr, ■', addressecl to Jjis Kxcidlcney the (Joveriior-Cieneral a memorial, in which they declared themselves ipiile willing to see their Protestant fellow citi/'ens secure in the enjoyment of perl'cut freedom in eilucational matters. 'I'hey at the same time urged the justice of granting to the minority in I'pper Canada the same advantaires which were demanded for' the Protestaiil minoritv of Lower Canada, D 3 No. 26. End. 1 in No. M. » •~f--'»» ^l.-.v^^-,* i Canm>a. 'l'\w rnn.'siiiiit |>M|M|liltiMI| nl' i.rirl, J ill ■M) (•()l{HF,sr()M)!A('K IJEM'IU "riN( i 'I'll!, PIK )POSi:i) TMOX '^lli^' (li'iiiiiiiil. sii cviiliMitlv ju^l. iiU'l with >iicli \iMliMil iiinii till' (iiiM'ruiiM'iit uiis tiirct'il to witlulniw its pi'()|)ii.-i'il iiicasiirc. AVc now Ic.ini iViiiii llii- piililii- pMiiiTs iIkiI it is tlii' iiilciilidii ol' llic r.iii.ili.iii Dcli'L'.iii's to liriiii; up this tiiattcr ill l.t.ndiin. and til scciiri' lor the I'l'dlcstaiit iiiiiinrily ol' l.iiwt'r Canaihi the ri;;lits wlilcii thi'V s'Uiiil.i to uivi' thi'iii I'V ihi liill \\hirh was intniihu-ccl (iiiiiiii;- tin' la-^t session. We iviiou mil wliat it is ihi' iiiti'iition (il'tlii' D('li'i;,itrs to i!o in favour of the Caliuilii' ininoiity in Tpiicr Canaila. W'l" I'l-joice to liiink that a matter ol' siieii \ital iniportanee is to he liroiijilit liet'ore a trihnnal entirely tree from all iiavty I'eeliiii;-, where it will he cari'lnlly csaniiMeil, llie just clainis ol' all dispassionately discussed, and a settlenieni arrived at wliieii will yive ^'eneral satislaetion. Moreover we are desirous of e\pres~in,!i' to your I.oriUliip our hijih rcLiard lor the nieinhcis of our present (iinennuent. We know that th.ey are inily hheral, that they are free I'rom all sectarian animosity, ami simei' ' ■ desirous to do ju>tiee to all. \\ C conliileiilly hoiie that they will not overlook the claims ol' the Catliolic minoiity in Cpper Canada, and that they will oluain I'or them the same ri' lits and privilei;es that may be i;ranted to the minority in I.ower Canada. |)eepl\ impressed with the importance ni this suhject, we heir leave to hriiiii' the m.itter lii'lorc your Lord-hip and to recpiest that the cljiiins of our peojile may receive dm' coiisideialion. The Catholics olCaiiiida ha\e ever lieen I'l :idy to concede to all perfect I'reeilom in iiiattii.-- oi' educa- tion. The hi-lory ot'the Colony shows that whilst /ealously walchinii' over the education of onr youth, the Catholic clemy have never, in ,-iuy w.iy, Mini;lil to I'c-trict the riyhts of I'rote-lants in the education of their children. Hut whilst we cheerfully uranl to our Protectant I'ellow sidijecls this full lilierly of action, we I'laim for ourselves the same I ij;lil. We a-k uotliinLf Imlwhatwe .iie ri-ady .iiid willim; to frive to otlier>: at the same time we deem it our duly to solemiilv that ui'ilhei- we aor the peoi)le wt" yinern w'il ever hi' satislied with h'ss. \\v resiiectfiilly de-ire to call vonr l-onUhiii's .ilii'ntioii to the ahsolule necessity oi avuidini;' in llie newCoiislitution alioiit to he ui\en to the I'nivinre of liritish Noith America every iIiIUl; that luiiihl creati" disalfection in the minds of the people and he a foniidallon for fntuic strife and dissension. It is of the hinhest impoi'taiice that in ,m couulry like this, where there exists such a diver-ity of laufruafi'e, n.itionalilv. and rclis^ion. e\cr_\ tinny that n'',i;ht ^;i\e rise to di\isioiis or endaiiirer the pe.ace of society should he sedulou-l\ avoided. Now we htunhly hey leave to say that l>y no means what-ocver <'.iii lasting peace and prosperity he securei\ . \\ c have ever heen ready to di all in our powi'r to -trcMit^then the hoiids which unite ns so happily to the lliili-li Lmpire.and ensure to us the lilessiniisnf the Hrili-li coaslilnlioii. What we lia\e hilherlo done we diall continue to do with the same-iicces- as loiiy as we are considered as sulijcil- of I lei Maji'-iy and are treated a- -iich. ihil should the wi-lns of -onic foolish and inisynideil lien Ix' aecompli-lu'd, -lioidd it liecome apparent llial the Cilholie in Cmada i- lliit o he put oil an eiiiial footing with hi- I'rote-lanI 'ellow suhjicis. your Lord-hip mn-l clearly see 'hai our moral power over the t'eeliliirs of our people woulil I'eyrc.illy weakened, if n>it eiiliicly di-troyed, and that under such lircum-laiii'e, were we even to c'.ioiiuic |o inculcate le.-.-oii- of loyalty and tihedii'iici', our woids would lie of im avail, and all onr ell'nii- to -iislain law and order wnuld he usele-^. Il we have indulged ill ihii-e icllectinn- ii i- not. we Iicl' lo a--iiic Vnur Iroin any -iiilimenl of I'eai or di-lrnsl. We are eoliviuccil of the lain and jn-lice ol onr dein.nids. *.\e plai e entire eonlideiice in the iiolile I ord whom our heloved i,'ucen has apiioiiiled to wale h over the inlcre-l- of Her Huhjecls ill ihi- di-tant porlioii of Her va^-t empire. We conlidenllv hope ilial the jiisl demands which Wi- make ill the iiaine of upwards of i.'i.'-.iiiiii who coii-tilule the ( 'atliolic minority of lipper Canada w ill he granted : that cpial privileges . and , pial ynaianlees will he yiveii lo the miiioritii's in I'pper and Lower ( 'aiiada with ic-peel to edncatioiial mailers, and peace amoiiy all ela-ses will he peiniaiieiitly esoihli-hed. And \our memorialists, as in diilv hound, w ill I'vi r pr.iy. -J- .lo-. I'lii.iM, l(i-liop of Oilaw.i. •!• .huis I'miiii II, ilishiip of HamillnM. 4" Aliui. nil , Uisliop nf Sandwich. •j- I''.. .1.. Ili-hop of Kiny-toii. Kill'j-tou, Nnveiiiher s|h, Isiiii, ^ .Ions ,lii-i I'll Lv V( II, lli-liop o| Tnionto, I'.iiclci-iire 'J in No. 'i(i, To the lliylil Ijoiifiuiahle the Larl of C v ii \ vii v ii\, Her Maje-t\'- I'rim ipal Secretary of St.ile for the ( 'oloiiie-. M.vv II III .\-l MM 11 Lollll-llir, Till iiiider-ivtm d, the liomaii Calliolii Hisliop- ol Lower Canada, afhr having attciiiivdy read the ni'iiioi iai .'iddies^ed to _\ onr Lord-hip hy lh<' Uoin.iu C.ilholic llisliopr, of Tpl't'i' Canada, deem il their duly to declare ill the inosl solemn mainiei thai they eiitirelv com ur in all the deinaiids eoiitained in the iiieitiorial, hei iiife iliey eon-ider iheiii to he founded on principle- of coinmon jii«liee, Having ever heen nady to' concede lo all, willimil escepiioli, the fiille-l mea iiie of liheilv in the liiiilli r of (dm ilion, llie nmli r-i'rn' i| leel that they have the rijilil |o deiniiid lliiil llieir people he pill ill iio!is the iiiiesiion of eilncation, which has hei'ii an iMiiliiirra--'tiient In -or e.ive C m id'in a hnini-lr.ilion-, and a fiiiilliil -oiirce of di>-eiisioii- and iparl hniniMu'- aiiiouK ihe pi'ople, hi w liii.illy .iiid jicniiaiieiilly -ctllcd hv llie Imperial ( iovernineiil, it will i>till euiiliime lo eiui-e lloiilde, iml will pnidlire mil liol di-lillll lllllili the iiio-l il.'plorahic result-. The under- vour l,onl-hi| iii-eilcd in ill I'piier Cauad which mav In And vour i ( luehei , Novi (^oi'V ( ,My L'|iii>, 1 in tlio l!oii(iii rciliMMlioii iiu'iul) rs (it The Kiu To il Mv Liuii). I II \\ ship's dii'ccti ,,f the llritis seiilalives. I HOW he instance willi the eavlic-t | ihi! only to t 1 am now iiil which vour 1 * rotim I y\\ 1,1 111 II, As it Lnulaii'l 'u ihilish Nov Se--iou of l' popnlons CO \enluie to rc-polisihilil lation, Ol Ol the I'loxim thai on thi- We lls-ni cent my ha pos-r-sillK remodel lii seilcme ol ( imperial oh coiinlr, lli;i eoii'.enl or j'roviiiee. « to llie othe hiid an op| eveiv prim tioii of the :i) i'M()\ 'niiiii'iil w.'is tiiivcil to I)i'!('i;;ni's to liriiii; u]) iii.uIm iIu' riulits uliicli c'.-si(in. We kiKiw ikiI ill rpiicr (';iii.i(l:i. , liirc ^1 i!-iluiiiiil cnlii'cly ,jj il' m11 ili>|):i>sic>ii,ilcly ■- Inr tlu' llli'llll)ris (if dlu' iM' liHuii nil M'i-I,iri;iii tlii'V will nut ii\('i-|(iiiK M I'm- til. 'Ill flic >;uill' he iiiMlliT liclorc ydiii' llnll. Ml ill iiKitlcr.- Ill' imIiu'ii- llb'.-llicill nl'dllr Vnlllli, laiils ill ilic fdiKMtiiiii iTl- Ihi^ full liliiTty <,r 1' I'IMlly lUliI uillillLi tn at lu'iilicr «!■ ,1,11- ill,. •>ily 'il MMiiiliiifi- ill till' rM'iy lliiiiii that luiirhl ill' ami ili>»('iisiiiii. || ili\cr-itv of iaii'i-iiauc, '|- I lie |ii'ac(' III society iii'aiis vvliat^iii'ViM' c.-iii lire 111' justice, ami liy iii.-cis iiiiluiliiiiately to a ti) he seciircil in ilie | , then wc niinlil simii " loM'il lliciii-el\c> Id I,c 111' |iii«ei' 111 >trciii;lhcii ilessiiiL;siit'tlii' liriii-h •-.lie !■('>> as \u\]jx as We ilil the wishes 111' -dill,. ( '.iiliiilic ill Can, uia i> iMii|i iiiii-l ( Icaily .see nol ciiliii.K (le-lioyed, c.^ ill' lovalty ami « ami 111,1, ■!■ \t..iil.| lie i|.. liniii any -.lililiieiit .| 11. Is. W'c |i|;i, c entire er till' inlerests uf Her le jiisl (Iciiiaiiils wliicli \ 111' rpiier Ciiiiiila will iii.irilics ill rpiicr anil I's will lie |icniiaiiciill\ or 'IMII', IMM^l'lSIl XOU'l'd AMKKK AX I'UOVIXi K.S. :U ill )il.iua. p III' 1 1 iiiiilliiii. iiiih\icli, :ecrelarv ..f .Slate a\inj( allciiii\,'l\ r, ail iper ( '.iiiaila. ilciii il le ileiiianils I'liiii.iim'.l (HI jil»liee. lire ul' lilicin in llie il llicir peiiple he pm lie ur.illleil tn .i||;e|«, iieltl>, t.\ii-w,icil. N.i. ll't, .liiiiiiiiry 7. INiiT, |i:i^'i< .11.) 1 II WT. the iionoiir lo li'aii>iiiil lu'U'witli a li'tlcr ;ul(iivss(Hl to your l.oi'i|slii|) l>y tho ! loiuniraliit' .\. A. Donou, toiU'lluT with a iiu'iimrial on tlu' su'ijccl ol iIk- C'oii- (I'ik'i'ilioii ol' iIk' nri;is|i Xoitli .Viiu'ricaii C'oloiiifs, .sioncil hy liiiiiscH' and by otlicT iniiiii) I's ol' tlu- I'loviiuial I'avliaiiu'iit. I have, \-c. 'riu' iJioiit lion, till' Kail ofCariiaivoii, (Sjoncd) ,1. MIC'llKL. \-c. \-c. iVi'. No. L':. i I'aiclosui'e in No. L'7. To ihe IJiuhl lloiioiiralile llie I'larl of C Mi\ Mivov, I'limipal ."^ecrel.iry for llie ( '..lonies. \\\ I , Miinlreal. Deceniher I'-', l.>o lo the other I'l'ovinces and to llie empire, iimler lli.' impression (erroneous), I .'till now infoiinei'., il was nut of a char.ieler lo hriiiii' il iiecis-.ii ily uilliin llic eperalion of ihc rule to which your Lordship has directed my aiteiition. 1 have, \i. (.Si>;ned) \. .\. Duiiios'. .Snli-l'.mlo-iire in No. 'J7. I'll ihe Kijjhl llonoiiralile the Larl of C \ii\ \iimi\, llcr .Majesty's Principal ."^ecielary of .State for llie ( 'nlonies. \\\ 1 1. .\s it has lieeii ainiiiiinceil ihal I )elcuales troiii the (io\ernmeiit will short I \ proceed In I'liiKlali'l 'o confer with llcr Majcsiv'- imp, 'rial advisers respcctiiii;' the proponed ( 'onfcderalion of llio Ihilish North .\meriiaii I'l.nimc- with llie\ie« of iii^^in^' le)jisl,itinii on ihe siilijeel at the ne\t Session 111 ihc Imperial I'arliamenl, we di'cm il oiir duly, as the representatives in l';irli.'imenl of '.'M |io|mloiiH constilnencies • I Lower Canada, lo suhmii to ymir Lord-hip some coiisidcratioiis which we venlnie lo hopev.ill nol he ihonuhl vvhollv nnde-ei vin)f of attention hy llio-e with whom rests the responsihilily of deciilinj; whelher ihi- impmianl suliject is to he re|;aideil as iiheady ripe for final leifi — latinii, Ol oii^lil to awail ihe fnithei devi'lopnienl and more initlienlic espression of opiniou in the I'rovinces. Numherin^' nearly ii lliinl of ihe repre-cntali\es of Lower C.iii.i. hi. we are coiniiiceii that on tin-, hiihiecl we lellect tin' opinioiis of a majo-ity of Her people. V\'e assume tlial Her Majesty's (ieveinmenl, .'idhenng lo till' wise jiolicy which for a ipiarler of a ceiitmy has heeii prodiiitive of tin most lieiu'licelit lesnlls, the policy of concediliit to ( 'oloiiies possessinn' re(ireseiitalive iiistitiiliolis all the linhls of locil self-H'ovenimenl. inclndiiiH' llie rijihl to remodel lo siiil their varyiiin; eirenmstaiices those iiistilnlioiis ihem-elves, lias no desire lo impose this scheme of ( 'oiifederation on the I'rovinees from motives of iiii)ii'rial polio, iiideeil we ran ili-cern no imperial ohject consi-ieni with a desire lo pie-erve the (■omie\i..ii lietween the Culonics ami the mother coiinlrv would he pr.iiii.iled hy ii leilernl I'llion of llie-e I'rovimes iicc oinpli-lnil wilhout 1. c full eoiiseiit or conlniiv to ihe Known wishes of iheii peo|ilc. If il '-hoiild appear the people of this I'riivnice, so far Irnin having' eon-enled to ihe sWi . piii^ ehiinue- in tin ir in-lilnlioii'' ami in their relilieiis 1.1 liie nihil Provinces iilid to llie I'Impire coiilemphiti il hy llii- scheme of Coiiledeialion. have never liiid an iippiii limily of prononneiii^' a decision upon the i|iieslliiii, ii proper leuard for iheir rights iiiiil eveiv principle 111 sniiuil -lalesinanship would seem lo leipiire the posipouenieiil of the dcli rn.iiia- lion of the liiipiiial (iovenimeiil. If the iiieasine he ii ^oiid oni* and llie pi'o|ile are roally in favour nl l> I I'.iK'l. In Nil. 'J: Siil'-I'ni'l. ill N.i. j:. 32 COUUESPONDKNCH KKSl'l'CTlNC TUK I'ROl'OSl.l) UNION C'anaha. it, 11(1 iiijuriiius (■(iiisi'i|UiMict's ran tliiw iVniii the dcliiy nl' :i yrar (liiiiiiy uliicli llu' ])iililic sciiliiiu'iit in iTji'Mnl t(i it ran he t^'^tlMl in tlic usual ciiiistilulidiial nianiHT. wiiili' if it lie oiinii'i! now witlicuit tlii> pi-i'caiiliiiii and it should snlisciiiiontly lio round lo hi' unacci'iitahlc to tlii' niajiu'ity ol' thi' pcojilc in any ot'th<' I'roviiicos, an event wiiidi \m' liriicM' is certain to occur in I.owcr t'anada — anury ajjil.iliiin lor its i'e|ii'al or tor other con^titnli nial ciian^c ^ wduld incvitahly aii-i — inau.LMiratinj;' an era ol' insial)ility and discontent iircjiulicial in the last de.'jrec lo every iiilcrest in the l'i'ii\iiice>, and exci'cdinjfly irksome to the statesmen oi'ilic l\m|)ire. We have iniiuiated that the ]ie(i|ili' ot'tlii> Prcnief-e h'i\e ii(-\er had an o]iiinii imlly lo e\|)ress their apjirmal or disapproval of the inopo ed I'oul'edcialion. and in -iijiport of tin- r-Ialeincril we now proceed to trace the steji- liy «liich the ()Uestioii has hceii livoiiji'lit to iis jjresent ])ositioii. I'ldin time to time, diiriii;;' the last ;'.0 years, tlw iiiiiou of these Provinces has lieeii uchoeated liy pulilie men and i)iihlic writers of more or le.-^ proinineiice, liotli in tlie ('(iloiiies and in ihe mother country. Imt no iiracti' step lookinu' to its ai'complishment taken liy piihlic men of ( 'anad.i, actin;;' under Ministerial rcs]ionsiliilily. until ls,il». I'.aily in that year Mi'ssrs. ('artier, lioss, and (ialt, wiiile in l-!iiL!laiid on jiulilie hiisine.-s, addres>,d a despatch to the Secretary of State for the ( 'olonies, in which tliev recommended a I'edcral Inion of all the iiriti~h Xortli American I'roviuces as a means of recoiiciliii;r the conlhctin^claiiiis of Tpper and Lower ( 'aiiada respecfiiiij tlm hasis of reprcscnt.itioii under the cxistini;' I'liioii. 'ihe cpicslioii di-cussed in this dcspat<'h uas not, however, .-nlimitled to I'arliami'iil in any defr ' form on thi' leliirn of the siyuers to Canadii, nor diirini;' tlu> wlude term of otlice, e\tendiiiir to |ki;_'. oi'tlie administration to which they heloiii:cd. Mr. .lolm A. Macdoiiahi. then iis now the leader of the ( 'on-er\ati\e parly in I'ppi'r Canada, and the lending- mind of the Administra tioii, was ill declared o|iposilion to the principle of |-"edi lalioii, v\lietlier applied to all the Provinces or to ( 'aiiada alone down to tin' ministerial crisi- of ,lniie l.'^ni. Mr. Hrown, the leader of the I.iheral party in Ppper Canada, tliounh fa\i>iiriii!r the adoption of a I'edcral I'liion hetui'eii I'pper ami l.owei- Canada, if representation liaseil on population were mil ciiiici ilcd to I'pper Canada, wa- opposed to a l''edeial I'liioii of all the Province.-. In Lower ( 'ni.ida the memhers of hoth political parlies, with here and there individual exceplioii-, rejected all propositions lo imnicdiate union, either Lcfrislalive ')'.< down to the ininisterial crisis in .Iiiiie jsili the (pie-tion of a iiiiion i>{ .all the Provinces had no inllueni e on the poliiii's of the coinitry, rarely nu'iilioncd in Parliament or disiMisscd in the ]iiiMic journal-, and wa- not at all in is-ue, either at the ireiicral eh'clion of isiil part of the people and of e\cn common plaie statesiiiaiishi]! on the pari of their leadcs. True, loo, there had liecii errors, and ])erhaps worse tliiiii errors, of administralion. and eMravai ant — even iirolli^^ate— ex]Mndiliire : hill these evils are incident to every form id ydvenimeiil. while, nndir reiireseiitative institntioii-, the peii|>le iiave the remedy in their own hands, a remi'dy which the jieople of Canada would iindouhtedly have applied with ;ireal thoronulnies- if they had not lieeii diveiied '' ,im their ]iiirpose hv the extraordinary move- ineiit to cliaiiire their whole system of ^jinernmenl which we shall presently have occasion lo explain. M he ilection of 1m;:1 liiriieci mainly on the ipie-lioiis ol' a pradical chaiiicler we have jiisl refeni'd to. The result ^'ave lo the Liheral ministry of the day, whose mo.-t pressinu' task wa- ihe restoration of the tiliances from the yreat disorder into which they had heeii llirown iiudi'' ''.i ir |nedecesM,r-, only a narrow majority, so narrow ind>'ed. that, llmlinu' themselves unahle to command the Pailiaini'iilary Mip|)ort reipnrcci to carry comprehensive measiiies of fnancial .■■ml adiniiiislrali\e reform, they resii;ned earl} in the -es-ioii of I sill. Their opponents relumed to ollii c. There wa-- no lireteiice of a coiisti- tnlioiial dillicnlty ; no necessity for consliin.ioniil chances was allcj;iil. \ -iinple ciiant'-e of adminislra- tioii look plaie. .\ few weeks later a dehale arose in ( 'ominittee of Supply louchini!; the ads of ministers when |iic'M(.n-ly in ollic c. Tlii» led lo a resolution eondemniiifi specillcallv one of their ads lieini.'' oU'ercd hy the opposition. On the motion for yoiiiy iiilo ( 'ommittee of Supjilv on the I llli .lime lsi;i it was moved, in .imendment, "That an hunihle address he presented lo his lAcelleiic) the " (tovernor < ieiicral. lepre-i ntinu- that in . I line !>.')!• an advance of ,s'l oo.ooii was in.ulc from the piihlie " che-t without the aiilhorilv ot' Parliament for thi' ledemplioii ol' hi>nd> for a liki' amount of the city " of Montreal, which honds were redceinalde h\ the (irand Trunk llailway Company : that hy the " term- of the Order in Council of t'.ie 1-t .lime L-.")!) the lleceiver (iencral was anihori/ed to redeem " the -aid hond- on ai eoinil of the eil\ of Moiilieal. and to hold the same till the amount so aihanced " (.-loo.odo). with inli'ie-l at six pi r cent., he lepaiil to the (ioveinmi'iit hy the city of Montreal, " -uhjeit lo the condition that the said citv do iminedlatelv lew ihe m --aiyrale lo meet their " indehtedne-- iindi r the Municipal Loan I'imd Ad, ami that the amount -o aihaiiceil he repaiil " within three nioiilli-; til.;; the citv of Monlieal liaviii;; fullillcil tlic craidilioii of pauujj it- li lehteil- " lie-- niidei the Mimici|ial Liiaii I'niid Ail, the homl- in ipic-tion wei • drlivered hv the It 'ceiver " (iencral lo the ( iiy Tiiainei oii ihe Lllh Sepleinhei lH.'/!l. whereliy all claim ayalli-t the (ily of " Monlieal Ma- iclinipii-heil : that iimler the iii-1 indioii- of the then Miiii-ter i I I'inaiic. conveyed in " a letter dated i.ond '.' th I Iccemhci I s."!l, acliire— eil lo Mr. Iictl'ili-leiii of lln ([ereiver ( iiiierars " I lipaiiiiieni, ilii' aiiioiml of llie -aid iiihainc was Irau-feircd to the dehil of thi' tlnaiicial aui'iil- of " the Province ill London, w ho deny thai they evi-r con-enli d to hecome liahle iheiefoi ; ami that in " view of the lad- ahove leciied llii- lliiu-e would he failinu in il- duly if it did not exjirc«~ it- ili-ap- " prohation of an mmnthoi i/ei| advance of a larji'e aiiiounl of piihlic inoncv and ol the 'iili-ei|uent " ileparlnre from the condition- of the Older iu Council nudei whii h the advame «a« madi'," Tlii-i re-ohiiicai Wii- leuarded \i\ miiii-ter- a- one of want of i lidcnce, ami wa- ciiiiieil hy n iiiajoiity of two. The re-ohitiuM and the dehale npnii il had I'efeience -olely lo mlmini-lralive net- comili'f appropriately under the lev icw I I Parliament, and a parlianiciilar) lomlenmaliiai of miiii-lei- wa- the ic-iilt, A rri( of -evcral dav- duralioii followed this \oie. Miui-ter- mlvised lii<< Kxei'lK'nev the (ioveriior Gciieval to with some to resort to tinned win was a stroi incoiiveiiien pronounced a leadini;' m olliceef Mr. section of tl .'iccompliidic I'liion of al ohtaiii -iicl I'Vderal I'ni Tims w;is hostility, fe or in the m even more ; ce|ition, liei Now, llOVVC' which they ("iniitry of the projed Conl'edcratii reference to It is prop imiiorlant. allude to till .Session ol' IJoss to the words : — •" '• cxistinii' I '• was founi *• Pederativ '• Provinces '• -uhject 111 acted upon a mere Jiri'l jios-ihli' ado a- now the 1 coniitrymeii. present view The Cam dc-crihed, it fo>- ihcii' 1111 Le;rislafive lowarils win l.ei^i-lal lire- he reirretled of them con liomoireneoi conditions, ' ultimate nni Pro\inc es w lostly sysle as separate well done, rcpre-eiitali ohied for w he held lo e A motive from the CO that, faihiij; i.evl mediii )no\idim.' a to Mr. line a ci'riain cc eauerne-s v ProvineeH t ihwartinjf Pro\ilU'eH. Ddeii-ute piu'liamcnl;! Willi elo-ed lliL'.'-l ;i) TNION OF THE HRITISM NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 33 llio ]uililic sciitinu'iit in iriicil now without tliis ity ol' llic people in any (la — .■iiii;ry Miiit.ition i'ov in;;' :m era of in^laliilify 11(1 exeicilinylv ii'k>(iin(' It iniilx to (>N]iri -> till lenieiil we now pfoceed las lieiM) adMieati'd iiy iiie^ and in llie niotheV nicii of Caiiiula, acting irtier, lios.-, and (ialt, ate for the ( 'olonies, in 'rovinci's MS a means of liasis of representation . Iiouexer, siihinitted to irin;;- tin- wlioje term of liii A. Maedonald. then liiid of the Administra to all the I'rovimcs oi' leader of the I.ihiral seen I'liper and l.ouer lada. \(a> oppo^ed to a I politieal parlie-, \\itli imediat ■.■itioii of the ile.-pat(di I. and -o di'eideil. that e union, citlie the I ro\ inces ha III or discussed in tht 1 or that of 1; li.). Ii (>"cr Canada did lli ertlirow ol tiie e\istinv' rue there were sonic 11 without resortiiiL;- to and of e\en eonnnon M's, and perhaps worse ; Iml these i'\ils are the de I itedlv h ia\e the ine apiilied e eslraonhnary nio\i'- ve oeeiisioii to esphiin. haM'jii«l referred to. ■ the restoration of llii" 'icsM.r-, only a I'ai liameiitai'v r prederesM.r- lid the reform, they re^i;;iied I pretenee of a eoiisli- touilnn^r the acts ol lallv one i .f tl leir acts iply on the 1 Itli .liiin 1 his lAcellellc) ihi made from tlie |°iiihlii ke amount of the eit\ oni pany ; that liy the aiithori/ed to reijeeiii ' aimiinit so adv.nieed ihe lily of Montreal, ly lale to I I ihi'ir ad\aiieed lie repaid I' I'a.viii.i; il- ii leliled- red liv the I! 1 a^iUll't Ihc ( ilv of inane, conNcvi'd in II id'i ener ( iiiieiid^ le linaiii'ial ai;i'nt> of heiel (M ; anil tliiit 111 not t>\prev> il^ i\\- n>- ll ll II' -liii'i'ipient ' e «as made, •I'hi '\ n inajorily nf two. iiininn apinopiialely - the M-llil, elleliev llle lioM'illor ^• General to dissolve llio iioiise. This adviec his Kxeelleiicty, after coiisideralilo delay, and it is helieved q' with some hesitation, if imt relnetaiue, fnuily accepted. Nlinistcrs, liowever, were oliviously nnwillin^'- to resor t to a (lissolntiiin en the issue raised Ipv till tinned wliollv en the merits of their previous i'dininistration of the tlnanee; resolution just (|Uoted, as the elections must have pect to which there strong and wide-spreail feelinu; of dissatisfaction. To avert an apjieal to the counlrv iiicoinenient an issue, and to evade at the same time the conse(piences of the pointed coiidemiiat'ion just pronounced liv Parliament, ne^-otiatimis for an I'pper Camidian eoalition were opened with Mr. IJrown, a leadiiin' mem'oer (f the Ppper Canadian op]K)sition. Tl illice of Mr. I5rowii and two of his friei iiegotiatiniis resiilteil in the ai cession to Ills, no i-lia 11^0 hein^iinade in tlh' /'fiil. We t liii'v It IS Id change of adininislia- be regretted that a iliU'eient course was not jnirtiieij, for llie union of these three ^niall Provinces, t of them contigiioiH to each other. i;nd the third -cparated from the main laud by a narrow strait, villi ceompli-heil on acceptable aft! loniogeneons pop ilations and similar laws and iiistiliitious, if il could be a conditions, Wdiild seem a natural and de-inihle arramrenii'iit. either w ith or williiuil reference to t nltimale iiiiimi with ( aiiada ; while in view of the later event, the previous eonsolidation of the smaller nld obviate many dilliculties and render pM>>ible the ado|itioii of a less cc)mplii'ated and I'ovmces wo costly svstem ol' govenniicnt than \V(udd be necessary if lliey should "liter the priipo«cd Confederali as sennrii lite I rovmces, Our Ministers, linweMT. in their iiasle lo achieve in a lew wi w iiat, to bi done, slionid lie the work of ye:irs, ignored llice obvious con-ideratioii- iiiid pi 'xiaded the rcpre-enlalives oftlie tliree Provinces a-sembleil al Charloite 'I'owii in September |Si;4 to abailiton the obiect for which they had been appoinled until a conl'eieiiee of delegates I'roi Ihe I' he liclil lo coll: isider the ipieslioiiof a general nnioii. 'ovniia's cm Jd .\ motive lor the extraordinary coiirse piirsiieil by the ( 'anadian Covernmenl may peihajw he deiliic(>(| from the condition- on which Mr. Ilrown bccaine a nuanber of it, I le slipnlated, il w ill be reinenibered, that, failing lo obliiin the assent oftlie Maritime Provinces to a / scheme of ntiion before the next meeting oftlie (^aniidian I'arliament. the ( tov(>rniiieiil should then be bound be submit a iiumsiui' I'ederalive Sysleni for Canada iilonc, ,a pioiecl which had always been exlieiiielv obnox proviiling a to Mr. Miown's ( oliservalive colleaifiu Tl ioni.di Iliey had pledged llieiii«elvi a c eriaiii conlingency, lliey were nalurallv aiiximi- thai the eonliimeiicy should not eiisfernesH w illi which soinelhing thai could be repie-enlcd ii" iiii|ilvliig the assent 1 exiienieiv omioxions lo bring il forward in arise. Heme the le .Maritime Provinces to Conleilcralion was sonulil. and lience also the inolive. ihough a very iuaileonale one. 1 ihwailing the niovcmenl wliiel I had liiailc ■■iich liiipelnl progiess for the niiinii of the .Marili lor rovineert, I Delegates from nil the Provinces appoiuleil iiy ibcir sevenil (lovenimenl", llimi^li wiihinil previoiiK pMrlianieiitarv anlhorily. assenibleil al <,inebec in ( Iclober iHill, and the re«ult of init< iIiivk tlelibcratiini with closed doors wiiK what is known n* tiie Ijiudiee seheine I'lnliiidied in it i>erii'i» cf 7- ivsolnlioiis. I(i:>.--1. E 31 CORUKSPOXDKXCE UESl'ECTrNC; THE PROPOSED UNION ,:! Canvpa. 'fliosp i'os(iliitii>ii> wluMi :i|H)vovi'(l by the -ovcnil I'rdviiuiiil Lojii>huiii('> wcio to lorm the l>asis of an Act ol' tilt' Iiii])(Mi,il l\iili.iinciit, riiiM-r-cilinj; tlio pri'MMit (•iiii.-litutioiis nf all tlic I'liiviiiccs. Tin' ratiailiaii I'arliaiiu'iit met in the tollowin;.' .laiiuarv, and was asked \i\ the (i(Aerinnent to adopt an address to llei' Majesty, ])rayinu- tor the passaij;e ot' an Inijierial Act t'oinided on the resolutions of the Quebec conference, without havinjr considered those resolutions in conunitlee, or passing upon them seriiithn in any way. Tlii> iour~ ■ wa- oljjected to, but fruitlessly, as bein;;' wholly at \ariaiice with established jiarliamentary usa{;e both in Knu'land and in this country, and the more eU'eclually to shut out all consideration of detail- the iinrh'iif (/ins/liiii was lumcd by the (loveriunent. While the debate on this addres- wa- in proLircss many numerously attended pulilic meetinj^s were held in Lower Canada, and iietitions jirayini; thai the -chenn^ of Confederation miyht not be adopted witiiout a coii.titntional appeal to the ]ieople were pourlnfr into I'arliameiit when the result of the jieneral election in New J?runswick became known. As the popular verdict in that I'lovince was overwhehnini,dy adverse to the scbenu'. there si enied to be no probability of its consinumation duriu'i- the term of the jiresent Canadian I'ailiauient, and the pop\ilar aeitaiion in Lower C.niada consi.(|uently i-eascd. Notwith- S'tandinn- the emphatic rejection of the scheme by tln' pi'ople ol' New 15iuuswick the Canadian ministers pressed the iinestion to a vote, and though there was a lari.i;e majority of the whole liou-o in fa\our ot' the addrcs-, a stronj^- minority of Lowci- Canadian representatives voteil airaiust it. 'I'iie actual Lowi'V Canadian voti> on the main question was :>7 to '_'.j, while on subse(|nent motions, respecting: an ajipeal to the people, several of the members composinj;' this nnijority voted with the minority. The minority wnuld undoubtedly have been sswoollen to a majority but for the extra par- liamentarv |)romi-es of spirial favour- to particular intere.-ts, made by the (iovennnent to the repre- gentatives of thosi' interests, to induce them to vote for the (iovennnent Scheme. To show that this grave assertion is tmt TiLihtly ha/atded. we propose to -fate seme facts which are, we believe, without paralli'l in Ibitish or Colonitd iKirliameiitary history. Considerable uneasiness was fell liy the I'.nulish speakiuir minority in Lower Canada, respectini;' their possible [losition luidcr the proposed Confederation, iu\ol\inir, as it diil in respect to an important class of (piestions, their polilieal st'jiavation troin the people of their own race in I'pper Canada. 'I'iiis uneasiness was shared liy their i!epresenlati\es in I'arliamcnt. and it became necessary to remove it in order to secure their votes for the Scheme. On the '_'u(l of March, while the debate on Confederation was in protrre-s, several of these jientlcmen coinnuniicated with Mr. (ialt, whom thev rcfi.irdeil as their rejiresentative in the Cabiiu't, touching the guarantees which they desired the jjledgc of the (iovern- niont to have inccM-porated in the loc.d constitution I'or Lower Canada, a subject not then under the cousideratiou of I'arliamcnt, and which was only to be submitted for consideration at the next Session. On the rth of March, t/inr ilm/s /if/urt //if ra/r inm tiil.cii. Mr. (ialt addressed a letter to these gentlemen, in vc|)lv to a letter from them liated the L'nd of March, iiromising oii the part ol'the Covennnent : — \. That there should be a |)rovisioii in the Local Con-titntion. that no t hange in the limits of consti- fuemics, miw returning l'!uL:li-h--peaking mendici-. sliould be made without the consent of Iwn-thirds of the representatives ot such con-til lu-mies present. 2. That there shoulil bi> no .hange- in the limit- of mmiicipalilics in the coimlie- so ri'inesented. except under the (lencral Nhuiiripal Law of Lower Canada. :5. Various change- in the Ivhicilion Law- of Lower Canada, in the interest of the I'l'otestanl mincnity. I. 'J'he a-senl of (io\crumciit to the pinch, i-e, by cmuiiIv or township municipalities, or uucouccded Crown lands wilhin their limit-. These pronusc- were, it is presumed. 'du-idcred salislacloiy by ihe miiobcrs cjf ihc As-i'ndil\. to whom they weri' addrcs-etl, since all of tliem who were present voted for the (iovernmenl Scheme: whde, if their voles had been cast on ihe other side, as it i- fair to a--nme they would have been but foi' these pledges, ])ri\ately and -ecretly given (ihn- givi n instead of publicly in I'.irliamcnt, lest other iiiteii'Sts should lake ihc idarin or exaci ollici' conci's.-ion-), lliat schciiu' wiaiid have bei'ii rejected by a majority of the Kepic-cnt.'ilivc- ol' Lo.vcr Canad.i. 'I'his i uriou- episode has been I'oUovM'd by conse- quences not less curi(Mis. iJuring the late Session of I'arliamcul, the (iovennnent abamloneil a measure intcuucd to lidlil the nio.-i imporlanl of these pli'd;(cs, that relating to the School Law- of Lower Canada. Mr. (Ialt thereupon re-iuncd. de. hiring at ibi' same time vvilh strange inconsistem'y, that his colleagues were right in abanilouuig lie.' nuasure, although ihey, eipiallv with hiinscll, were filedged to carry it a- an integral part of their Coid'ederalion policy, which uc have shown would have )rokeii down at ii critical moment but lor this very pledge. 'I'lie (iovernim-nt of New Ihnnswick. with a just apprecialicni of lie right- of the eoiistitncMt body, dissolved I'aiTianu'iit, before inviting its concnrrence in the resolnlioiis of the (,»nebec conference. 'I'lie result, as we have already stated, was the return of an ui'bec Scheme, however, wiis not acceptcil liv the people of New jlrniisvvii'k in this cle( lion, for nearly all the < iovi'mmeiit candidates, iiiclndinv lln' memliers of llie •iouTinnent iheinsi'lves, found il necessary to avow their dissenl from thai Scheme or I'liim some of its leading fe.ilures. When the new I'arliament assembled, ministers did not venture to submit for concurreiiee or even as the basis of an act of union, the (,»uebei' resolutions, but conlined themsehi's In moving an .iddres- lo Her .M.iji'sty. couched in lln niol general terms. 'I'lie (iovernmenl of Nova Scoliii did iiol cli-.-oh e I'ailiameul, imr in the Session of |s(l.i did they usk it to allirm the (,Miebe( residnlioiis. In the Session of Isllrt an address to llcr Majesty was adopted, exiiressing in genenil terms a desire for a fcdiral union of llie rrovinces, but carel'ully avoid- \\\\i the slightisl I'mlorsemenl of tlic (^uul)vu Scheme. Il is well known iliut this course wiit pursued, because no |i the support < I'rince l''.i' far I'vinci'il Nc'.vfoundlai resolutions i iho-e taken It may be as I'onfcderatioi the iiuc-timi Nova Scotia. What llici Scotia hav( autrecd to b rnglaiid to The mcudic their places ill strict coni and Nova > Scheme, bef tn the teni I'riinswicl form- of dis( resolution-, faith, will aims and |i union, but d urLTc, the ex I'arliimenl. next spring, fixed by liiw lU'SS of I'Ollll wiudd be I 1 (oliviclioiis i these circun system, vvliii tried under would demo We h.ive i|Uclit slejis polilicians, i their ))olilic; the ProviiK clau-es of a timilv of pr( election was the oiilv del If tluse 1 able whatev agreed to lo ■ We b.'lic' anil thai the be broiighl i form ol a legi-lalion. either on tli Maje-lC-^ < people of I re-pecting i back to the ourselves, t most endiii or unauthci We seek being surpi obnoxious I verv well- I ' .:^m^K '11. :^m:ms^^^^^ D UNION OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. .•55 ti' Ibim tlio hasis of an 1 tilt' I'loviiiccs. Tlio M'riiiiii'iit to ailoi)t an the ic^iiliihiins of the oi" passiiiif upon tlioni lirlly iit \,iii,inco with lore cirfctiiJilly to sluit :">il. Wliilo tlio (lobatc lulil in I.owcr Caiiada. itliout a tun. tilution.-il 'ntTJil olrctioii in Xc\v wlu'lniinirly advorsc to tiM-ni (if tlic present tly (ca-ed. Notwith- tlie Canadian ministers olc lioii-e in linciiir nf 1 siil)se(nieiit motions, i.ijority voted witli the liut for tJK' extr.i par- rniiient to tju- repre- . To show that this •e, we lielieve, witiiout niada. respecting- their espeet to an iMi|)(irtant I 'pper Canada. 'J'iiis essary to reniove it in liule (in Confederation lliev re;4arded as their l)ledi;c of the tiovern- r not then nnder the in at the next .Session. er to these fj-entienicn, he (ii)vernnient: — in the limits of eonsti- consenl of two-thirds unties so re|)resented. est of the Protestant illities, or iiiii-oiieeded I's of the A>-emlil\, to (ioveriniieni .Sclumu' ; U'luld ha\e been Imt I'arliaineiit, lest other M- lieeii rejected hy a en followed hy conse- innienl aliandoneil a o the School ot slranyc inconsisteney, ll\ "iili himself, weie \e shoun uoiild have the eolislilneiit hody. hee coid'erence. I'he iI)os(d to the Scheme, llrunswick look placi'. I, as it is asserted, hy ; tile issue ad oiu' in eleelioii of a inajorily I'er, was not .iecept<'il candidates, inclnihii^ •III frmn llial Scheme t,tne1ioe Scheme, ami ha? not thu- far evinced a desire or williiifjness to form part of a ireneral Confederation on any terms ; and in Xewfoiindlaiid, ihoiigli a ^icneral election has taker, place since the '^hiebec ( iini'erence w;is held, the resoliitiiiiis ol' that conference have not been ;i|ipro\-e(l by the Ley-islatiire : and no steps similar to tho-e taken in Nova Scotia and New Hriinswisk, lookiiit;- to a union on oilier teiiiis, have been adopted. It may lie assumed, therefore, that it is not ]ii(iposed to embvace the Iiisular Proviiici>s in ;iny jilan of confeder.'ition to be submitted to the Imperial Parliaiiieiif at its next .Session. .\nd we may consider the iiiie^tion as affecting', for the pri'seiit at least, only the Provinces of Canada, New Hriinswick, ar.d Nova Scotia. What then is the present piwitimi of the i|ue'-tion? T! i iineriiments of New liriinswick and N'lva Scotia ha\o sent Delejj'ates to Mii^'land to nri:<' forward a union, but on t.'riiis dilferent from those aL'iecd to by the Quebec (^inference. 'I'he Canadian (iovernment is about to disp.itcli Deleu'ates to riiirland to obtain an Act of rnioii, embodyitii,'' the very terms airreed to by the <,Miebec Conference. The niciiibers of the Canadian Ciovernmeiif are bound by repeated and (xidicit |iledges. n-iven from their places in Parliament, to see that the |)rovisions of any .\et of riiion assented to by them shall be in strict conformity with the Quebec resolutions. The members of the tiovernments of .New Mrunswiek and Nova Scotia, on the other hand, are pled;red tn nbtain essentia! modifications of the l.Uiebec .Scheme, liefore the rnion is consiuiimatcd with their cipiisent. If, an .\ct be pa-sed adlierin;,' strictly to the terms of the (^liipbee lesolutioiis, is there not some danger that in Nova Scotia .and New Pii'unswick disappointment, arisiiin' out of violated confidence, may sp-edily (le\(dope into a2i,navat(>d form- of disciiiitent .-' On the other hand, if the Act does not adhere closely to the terms ot tlu' ijliiebec resolutions, is there not efpial daiurer that the (leople of Canad;i. sm.artiuL;- under a sense of bioken faith, will be from the very start ilissatislie ' ,. itli their new fm-ni of (ioverniiienl :' The conllictine: aims and iiledai's of the -everal Provincial rioveriinients, who aijree cnly in ile-iriiii; some kind nf nnion, lint diti'cr widely with rejja d to the conditions nf that union, show conclusively, we vespectl'nlly urire, the extreme impolicy nf ilea iiiiL:' with the siiliji ct at all at the approaehini;' Session of ihe Iniperi.d Parliiinent. Tiie present P.irli.-niicnt of Canada ex|iires next summer: of Nova Scoli,i expires next sprini;-. We wimld say, let jreneral elections in lietli Provinces take ]ilace at the re^fular ]ieriods fixed by law. These elections will necessarily turn on the (|uestioii ol' Confeiieration. The de-irahle- ness of confederatie... and the conditions on which it would be acceplable. if llioui;lit tn be de-iralile. would be filly di-, iis-cd. and the result would be the election of Pavlianieiits, rejireseiitinL;- the settled (iinvictions and me niatiireil purposes of the iieople. The decisions of Parliaments, elected iuilood and clearly ■expressed wishes of the people of the Provinces. We have striven to show no ,'idecniale expression of their wishes re-podini,'' coiifc(lcration has hem ^'ivni, luid that the whole subject ouj;lit eonsei|iionlly lo lie rcmilleil back to tlioni. Ill that oveiil our appropriate -1111010 lor the disiii-sion ol it would bo hero. \\c limit oursidves. thoreforo. to ;in oanie-l plea aixaiiisi pn-cipilancy on a Mibject thai coneoins the liinlii -t and most oiidiii iiit; interests of enr coiinlry, auaiiisl an iircvoi -iblo ovuiclusion beiiif;- ilrawn from erroneons or nnaiitlK nlicated premises. \ pha in -liort for delay. \\v seek didav, not to fnistratv- llie pmposos of a majority ol'onr coiintiynien, but lo previni their beint; saipriscd. anainst their will or wilhoiil their coiisoni, into ii poliliial clian^i', which, however obnoxious ,ind opiuossive to them it iiiif,'lil prove, could not he rover>td without sucii an agitation as I very well-wisher ol hi- i iniutry niii-i do-ire to avert. We have, vVc., .\. .\. DdliKiN, Member for llio Co. of Hocheljiiia, l,\le .\tlorney-(iencral for Lower ( 'aiiada. I.. II. 11(11 iiix, M.P. P. foi' ( iialoanuiiay, lalo .Minister ol' I'inanio. .1. Tiiiii.vsiii VI , .M.P.P. lor (,li;oliec Ci iilie, late Presidein of the Conin il. I.. S. Ilixrivorov, .M.P.P. for '^hell'ord. late .Solii'itor-doiioial hir Lower Ciinada. M. Lai ii.v.\tiiiMsr, .M.IM'. for Hat'ol, late ('. O'IIai.i.okax, iM' ■'I.l'-P. lor M A. Dl MiKSXK, M.i'.' MOI,. KOKTUM!. M.l'.l' .1. 1!. PoriK.T, .M.P.P. A. II., M.i'.l' P. (ir.(iri-i!i()\, M.I'.P. for Vcnhoro.-. J()>, PiiiuiAiir, M.P.P. for Iiulu'licu. A. (iA(.xox, M.P.I*, for Cimrlovoiijr. SiMi. CoLi'Ai., M.I'.P. for Niijiiirvillo I'liA:;. l.A.ioii.. M.P.P. for St. Alaurice -M. lloroi:, M.P.P. for Maskiiiong(-. Moiitroal, October IStitJ. Ihcrvillo. f'.r Vaihuska. or 'roinisconat;! fi)r HiTtliii'i. and .\rtiia!)aska. )oniu\ ■>is(iuoi. Nc. 2^. Corv of a DESPATCH tioni tlic Ollicer -Aihiiinistering tlie Government to tiic Right lion, tlie Earl of Caun.vkvox. (No. ,"). ) Montreal, Jannary 1, ISG". (KiM'civcd, Jaiiiiarv '2'>, ISIiT.) ^JV Loiil), ( .Viisworcd. No. l.'il, .Iiimiiiry ;!(>. lS(i7. pii<;o 51.) I iiAVK tiie honour to tiansmit licrcwith to your Loiilship an address to Her '^rracious Maje.-ty the (^iioen fioin llie Ilev. John Ijetlnnie, D.D., and others, residing ni Lower Canada, ami to request tliat it may be laid at tiie fool ot tlie 'Piuone. I have, «!s:c., iiight Hon. the I'.avI of Carnarvon, (Sigiied) J. MICIHIL, &c. ike. \-e. Lt. -General, Administrator of Gov. r]acloMiri' 111 Xo. 'js. To till" f^'uoi'ii's most I'^xitHi'iit .Maje.~ty. May rr I'r.r.Asr. Voiii .M \,ii ^t^, 'I'lii; uiiil('r>iy:m'uliii'(t- of Voiir Majesty, lesidinir a I.out r Canada, di>r|ily iiiiprc-st'd with till" iiiiiioilaiK . (it a inrdial coiiciirriiiic of Your Majesty's siil)ji'cl> of all elas?es in Canada in tlie union I, t the l!riti-li .Viiieiican Proviiiees, if resolved on, and while hninliiy e\|lve^^in^f the lio|i(' that >urli union may lie made as full and coinploir as po-.-dilc, dosiro respeetfully to represent that further and iielter pro\i,-ions with re>-|iect to tlii- fntnre re|ireseiitatioii of ilie faiglisli minority in Power Canada oiii^ht in jn>t;. i to lie made in the .\ct of the Imperial railiament, and al>o that certain liiiarantee- with rcfiTeiico t Just iiilentions of onr I'ellow snhjeets of {•'rcni-li orijiin and Catholic taitli. which on the contrary they have often iiad reason to aeknowle(|i;'e, \w\r petitioners con-ider that it would peril that harninny and co-operation wliieh are so much needed for the sncces-t'iil workini,' ol the nnion, if any laruc miiiorily of N onr Maje^ty's snlijects were matli> dependent on the I'orhearance of die niaiority. in-lead of haviii;; llicir rights seenri"d hy Icgis-jalixe eiiaclMient. ^'imr pi'tltioiiers uoiild repre-ent that the I'aiuli-hspeakiii!;' miiioiily in I.nwcr Canada nnmlier nearly (me.fouiili of llie population of that part of the I'lovince. 'I'liat the tolal innnlier of rei)re:-eiilati\cs in the l.oeal Parliament of thai Province is proposed to he fi."i. of which Yonr petiliomr' »lionld he entitled to return, a- they now do, nearly one-fomth. Thev therelore pray thai as icganU the iiiteiferenee in fulme hy the l.oeal Leyislatnre in the electoral liniil- now cxi-tinu', or a< leifaiiU anv fulni-e increase in ihe iiumher of repie-eiitalive>, siu h provision he made in the .Vet of I'nion as shidl i-eciu'e to the lilili^ll minority the same rclalne representation as thev now ])()sse-?, as well in the I'lderal as in the Local LeL'i>latiire. On the Mdijeet of education \iiur petitioners would represent lliat hy ihe rcsolulious, as agreed to at the Conference at ','nehei', it is provided that llie l.oeal Legislature shall have power to make laws I'opecliug the following suhjecls, vi/,, Hiiiong others, educaliou, "saving Ihe righls and privilege-- which " the Protestant or Catholic minority in hoih Cauadus may po^^^os as lo iheii deiioniinaliomd seliools '• at the time when Ihe union goes into operation." N'onr ]ietiliomrs would resp"e!.i"olly repre?eul that prc\ioiw lo llie adopiiou of these rcMdniion-- h\ the Legislature of ( anadii, il was disliiiclly undeislood and a pledge was gi\eii, thai hetdre the union of ihe Pro\iiiceM should ha\e aclnally taken plaee, an .Vet should he passed securing to the I'rolestaut niiiiMrily in Lower Canada ihe control of the edneation of ihe iliililreii of their own race and rcligiDii, and forlhal ohjeet a ihll was inlioiiuced \i\ the miiiisir) of the day in llie last session of ihe Canadian Legislalnre. 'I'hat circiml said Bill. aiid| iill'ordi'd. 'Hiiit these j^ l-'irst. That I '^iiated by thei] ^puhVu' money ill ju-oiiortion l ■^ Second. Tlil .^yinterests of I'rj "cation and inai , tr.ition of educ Your petiti( -'ollie iiniiortant i 'exclusively in 1 , They tliereff provision may Voiir i)etitioiiei And as in dil .Monlrcah I Corv o (No. (i.: Mv LoKO, I IIAV ■Majesty the ( tival, ami to i 'I Rio lit Hon The II liuiiilily sliouc ■'riiAi i' Corporation of iiisntntion perl desiic liuinhly ruder ihat ) Control of edu iiitro(hiced iiil this connliy wi improving inlli With regard be a nnifoini s lie lecogni/i'd I titles, which h, Inost desira'.ilc th ■ (icneral (I With regan Canada, two d Canada has lei villi the cdiic, «if the I'rolesI lierions dis,id\ ln'i'ii ahle to o fcliools, as iM tnfreipient oei in eliaracter j I ^^^^^X^jm^^^^ irv^,a.;^^i^^ ) UNION OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 37 'I'liiit civcuiiistJiiices to whitli it is unneees'tiry lii-rc KH-ially to refer, led t.>' tiio withdviuval (if tlic iiiiid Hill, and Vmir petitioners are thereby deprived ... the guarantees v.liieh its passag-o would ha'.o ii (lord I'd. That these uuaraiitees may hrielly he stated to he — l''ir>t. That all direet taxes for the sup])ort of schools paid hy I'.-otestants, unle-s ollnrwise de^ii:- iiated liv themselves, should he applied to I'rotestant or n,>n-diMU)mi'iational edui-atiou, and that all puhlic niouev j,nvcn for the same purpose should lie divided between Protestants and Itonian Catholics ..iiu jH'oiiortion to population. i Second. That suitable arid adecpiate provision should lie for the protection of the cdui'ational interests of l'r(;testauts in the nianai^enu'iit ol' educational t'unds, the estabhsluncnt ai;d proper cla^siK- cation and niainlenanee of schools and institutions of superior education, and generally in liie adniinis- tr.ition of C(hn'ational affairs. Your ]iPtitioners desire further to represent that they consider it ( i l)e of the utmost nuimeut that fill' import.u'.t ipiestions of imnugration and the adnunistration of the frown Lands should be ve?te(i exclusively in th.e (iencral (iovernment, instead of lieing left within the control of the Local Legislature. Tliev therefore luuubly pray, tliat in any measure to bo >ubmitted to the Imperial Parliament, such provision nniy be made in reference to the foregoing subjects as sh.all give t'lfoct to tin- prayers of Vonr ])etitioners. And as in tluty hound Your petitioners will ever jiray. .'Signed by .Took Hi tihm:, D.D., and several otlier>. -Montreal, 1st Deeeud)er 1.^|)|^ C.'-NAUA. rninciit to the iimiary 1, 186". i.'."i, isi;:.) ;!<>. lS(i7. ,,,,cre -A.) lircss to Her most 1 utlier.s, residing I'iuoiu'. IIKL, istrator of Gov. i Ni'. ■-'!). CiU'Y ot'a l')ESi'Ar('H from the Ollicer Aiiiiiiiiistcriiii,' the Govermr.eiit to t!i<' Riglit Iloi!. lilt" Eail of C.vitNAUvo.v. (No. (i.) Monti t'al, Jainiaiy 1, l-^Or. (lleccivcil, Jiumary •_'.', IS(i7.) My Lord, (An-wcml. No, |:)i', ,Ianiiary ;>0, iMliT. pa.L'e .'iL) I iiAvr, the honour to transniii liorewitii to your Lordshiii an ail.licss to Hei" Majesty the (^iicen, from the governors, piincipa!, and fellows of MeCiiil ColLo-e, Mom- tival, anil to leqiiest thcd it may be laid al the foot ot the Throne. 1 have, \c. Right Hon, tiu" Kail of Carnar\oii, (Signed) J. MlCHi:!., l\:c'. v<:r. iS:c. Adiviinistrator ol CJov. Xo. Ui). |\it r Canada, deeply ■Is of .'dl elas.„('s ill huinbiv expre^siii"- 'ctlully to rcprc-ciit Lnglish niiuority in ind also that certain .•itfordrd. fellow suhji'cts of on to aeknow led^c, U'e so nincli needed ubjects were made ireil liy legislative lada number nearly is pi'opoMij to he one foiiilh. They n-e ill the eici'tora! ve>, sui li provision ■e representation as 'US, as agreed lo a( o\vi'r to make hnv> id privih'ges wliich iininatiuiial nehools hcs,' re.Mdniioiis by I before the iiiiioii to the Protestant race and rehjfimi, ill of tile CiiumliHii Knelosure 1 in No. •-'!). ri.d.i inX -.-.'.J. To the (,>ueen"s iinisl Lxeellent Maje-t}'. 'I'he meniirial of the ('overiior ''riiiciiial, and fellow,-- of Mctiill College, Montreal, Ihuably ^boucth — Tii.\i in luiispect of llii> chniigos contemplated in the political (■(Uistitiitioii of Canada, the Corporation of Mcdill College, the oldest rui\er-ity in lhi> coniitr;., and llu' most impoilant eilucalioaal in-iitntiou peitainiug to that portion of the population of Lower Canad.i which is of llritisb origin, (li'-iie luimiily to pre-ent the following statement res])ectiiig the eiiiidltion and prospects of I'diu .ilioii. I'luler thai |irovi-.iou ol' the resolutimis agreed lo at the (jUieheo Conferi'iice. which lea\t',, the entire Control ol' eilucalion with the Local (iovernmcnt~ and Legisl.iturc-, unless adeijii.ite guarantees be introduced into the Imperial .\ct, one of the most momentous interests of Your .Maic.sty',^ subjects in this cniiuliy will be subject lo loc;il views and feelings, and will he deprived ol' (hose cnlaiginy and iiiipioving iutlui'iice- which are anticipated from the iiuioa of the Provinces. With regard to I'liivei-.'-ily education, il is much lo be desired, that, as far as po.r.-ible, there should lie a imilonn slandard for degree- ; and that the degrees of any Pniver-ity in I'riti-li .\inerica should lie reciigni/ed thronghoul the whole Conb'derafion ; and also, that the undue multiplication of I'liiver- titie-, which has beeuine so great an evil iu some jiaits of these Province-, ^-l.ould be arrested. These Iiio-t desirable results can, in the opinion of Your Majesty's niemoralists. lie --eiurcd only by vesting in tl' ' (ieiieral (iovcinmeul and Leei-latiu'c aii ell'eclive control over llie-e impori.u.t interests. With regard to ihe school-, it may be observed, that under the exi-ting union oi rp|)er and Lower Canada, two disliuet school sy^lems b;ne been established: and that, as the system exislin;; in Lower Canada has led to a elas^ilicalion and management of schools and school di'itricl>', rather in aci'indaiiee villi the educational \iews of the ch'igy of the Konian ( 'atholie church, than with the \vanls and wishes lif the I'rotestant population, tlse latter have, even under tin lU'e-^eiit con-titntion, been subjected to lierioiis disad\ant;igi's in regard to the eiluealinli of their children. More particularlv . they lia\e not liecii able to oblaiii the benefits of a general system of education, with public and properly classilietl »clii)ols as enjoyed lij» their fellow subject, of I'pper ( 'anad.i : imdcr certain circuni«l.inces of not Infreipient oceiirreiiee, they are liiihle to taxation for the supiiort of >chools exchisividy I {oiimii Catholic ill .liaracter; thev do not pii^>e-> the privileges with reli renee to the ^.'stahlishmeiit of separate school-, E .3 38 OURESPONDENCK RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION Cw.viu. wliicli li.ivc liocn accuRlcd to the Pioinaii ("jitliolii- iiiinnrify ot' r|)]irr ( 'iiiiada : and they have ciccasion t(i i-iini|i!aiii of tilt' distril)utii)ii ol' the lcj;i>lativo i;-raiits, uh>w csiK'cially tit' tlioso itn- siiipcrior education. I'"uitliur, llioiijrii the I'rnti'-tant niiiinrity in I,ii«(>r Canada comiirisi's a laiiri' i)ro|)orlion of tlic woaltii, filuration. anil .-citMice ol'tliis country, it is not iviircsontcd in tiic ollicc of the Kdncational Dopaitnicnt. 'I'lu'^c evils have hccn telt liy llic l'idtc>tant iiopidali mi even undiT the oxistiiii: union witii Upper Canada : and those representatives of the I'roteslant eonstitiieneies wlm consented to the arrangenlent^ ol' the ".Jnchei- Conference lor the dissolution of that union, (lid so only after distinct ])le(lfres on the jiart of the (lovcrnnient, that at least tlii' move \veii;iity of these !;rievances woidd he icdressed hy Legislative .iction, helore Confederation. Hut these pledfjes have not heen fnltilled; a measure to this cud, i>ut of an imperfect chara<-ter, which was iulroduced hy (iovernment in the last session of the Lciri^lature, liavinji heen witlnlrawu. I'nder tluve circumstances, it ap|)ears necessary that [irovisions >liou!d lie intr.iihued into the Imperial Act of dufederation. to alford adi'iiuate j)riitectiou to I'rotestant educati'inal interests, by the amiiidnieiit of the existing school law, and also hy empowering the (ieneral (invcruaient and I,ej;islature to interfere etVectividy on hehalf of the minority. Vour Majesty's nuMuorialists desire also to represent, that vvhile in other colonies numilicieiit endow- ments have heen nuule. out of the [luhlic domain, for institutions of hiirjicr education, no such grants have ever heen made in Lower Canada : and that while our tellow-suijjects of French origiu have enjoyed the heiii'fits of larue endowments in land, uiven before the continent, and which in some instances wiiuld have heen forteited hut for the liherality of the liritish (iovernment, the I'rotestant population of Lower Canada have heen i)laced in an exceptional position of disadvantaj;e : and that had it not heen for the endownient hy Mr. Mctiill, and the liberal contributions of other benefactors, they would not have access to the benefits of a collegiate ediu'ation, except in institutions under the exclusive coutrid of the Itonian Catholic Chnn'h. It is hiAvever well known it was the intention ot the Uritish (ioveinmeni that sucli Protestant- Us had ^ettled or -hould settle in Lower Canada should ])nssess the same educitional advantatres which were awarde. In evidence of this Vonr Maje.-ty's niemori.-dists would state, that the (io.erner in Chief in 1,^01, by .-peecli from ilu- TlnMUc. a^-ured the Parliament of Lower C.inada '"that Mis Majoty had been "' j.'r;iciouslv [ilea-ed to give directions for the estal)li>hment of a competent nimdier of free schools for '• the instruction d' children in the lir-t rudiment- of useful learning, and in the Knijlish tongue, anil " tor foundation- of a more eidarged and comprehensive nature, and that His Majesty had been " further pleased to signify His Royal intention tliat a suitable propoition of the lavuis of the (.'row'i '• should be set apart, and the reveniu'- thereof appropriated to such ]iurposes."" In acceptance ol this otfer the .\ct incorporating the lioyal Li-titution for the Advancement of Le.n-ning (now the Hoard ol' (iou'rnors of ^L•<;lll I'Miversity) was pa--eil, reciting tiie above language in its preandde, tlu' declared intention lieiug that the >• hheral grant of Crown L.ands " rel'eri-ed to in the speech should be niaile t'l that body in trn-t for free -chools and '• foundations of a more enlarged and comprehensive '• nature," Iiut no grant was ever made, thnuirh at the time when the Hon. .lames .Mc( Jill made hi- hecpiest for the fnuiitill expected such grants wiiuld he made, and lii> endownient w,i- placed in the h;iiid- of the lioyal In-titutinii under the belief that the intention- ol'the Crown weiild he carried into ell'eet. At a Liter period the In-titutiou had reason to expect that tlu'v would not have to incur the heavy expense of erecting Iiuildin2:s for the coih ge, and that the wimleofMr. McCiill'- endowment wimlll tlin- have beeonie available for it- futur(> -njiport. In the early pait of islti Lmd Pialliurst, then Coloidal ."secretary, instructed the Governor (Jeneral, the I)ul-,iry mea-ure- for erecting upon Mr. Met Jill's propdty an adeipiatc buildini;- for the instnn-tion of youth, and hi- Grace was tuithori/ed to defray the expense thereof from lund^ then at the di-po^al of the Crown. Hut the-e intentioiis on the part of the Crown v ere not carried into etl'ecl, and finally the control of the public land- wa- given to tlie l'id\inei,d Legi-latnre, which has proved unable or unwilling to fullil the-e engagements of the Crown, and which for many years rendered no .issistaiici whatever to the Pniversity. In l>'-"el a small amount of aid was given as an annual grant, init this has in -ui)-eipieiit year-^ heen iliminished to a sum still less adi'ipiate, and which is derived from a fuml which is already too -mall for the growing wants even of the j)reparatory schools. For more full details of the w;ints and claims of the rniversity, Ymir Majesty's inemoiialists beg t" refer to tlu'ir petition on tin- -iiiiject presented to Ills Fxcelleiicy the (iovernor (ieneral in ist;."), a copy of whi
  • adininistralion id' .Sir Kdinuml Head these claims were to some extent acknowledged by loans, jiartly gianled in itself, and partly in furtherance of other public educational interests, and which lo derived from funds paitaking of an Imperial charaeler ; but that though thi\-c loans, or so mucli ei them as was reallv granted with that view, relieved the Pniver.-ity in some degree t'rom immedialc pecuniary dillicultv. the University lemain- liable for their whole amount, iiml should the claim br cnforied liv the Government >erious embarru-sment and injustice to the I'liiversity would result. Vour .' ■ iiiestv's memorialists, with the I'roteslani po|nilatiim of Lower Canada, hold that the obligation rests upon the" Imjierial as well as u|ion the I 'rovincial (iovernment to aid in securing an adeijuali' endowment for in-titntioiis of the hiirher education in Lower Canada on that broad general hasi- el imblie utililv on which this LniNersity rests; hut while specially referring to the case of llieir own rniversity, they even more strongly insist on those more (general cimstitutional gnarantees which ill ihcir iudt'iiient are iH'ipiired for the protection of the rights of the Protestant minority in Lower Canada, "hclher in rejiard lo coininon scliooU or to iiistitulioiis of higher leiiriiing. Vour Maje-tv'- memorialists would further state their williiigiie-s to give additional information or explnnatioiiV. and to support by documentary or other evidence the statements of this- inoinoiial bhoulil sueh informiitioii or evidence lie desired. lid of the rniversit\ oans were |irineipall\ When fore pleased to tak of proper and the granting > memorialists Montreal, 1 To his Fxce Hallytr.u Captain New Hrii The pi Kii-rr.ciiii.i.- That limited resoui its claims for statements : In an educ; the most sang of 'J28 persin pn|)ils in the law, (1 profess high school di in the Me(;ill In its bni exertions of t advantage h; Montreal, it of study in ar The L'nive staf.'and the education of comiiar.'iiile w While thes< from the first adeipiate amo prosecuted uii The total e and .s'.'.OlS fo in medicine a instructing ol -carcelv eipia Oftheaho' by the intere^ the hiiih sclii Province com (1.) A sun of the other i students. ('_>.) The s expense, ;iu \ cost ,Mt- • distinct plc(l ni'cL'ssary that provisions tp ])iotoctioii to I'rotcstant also liy fnipoworing tiio nnnority. iiinics muniticient endow- lucation, no siudi grants < of Kri'iicli oritriii have nc^t, and which in soini' incrnnicnt, the I'rotcstanf I' disaijvantaifc : and thai oils of other iieiicfactor^. ;<'C[)t in institntions nnder icnl tiiat sncii Protestant- Mtional advantajrrs which .crnnp in f'ilief in l.^^Ol, It Ills Maje-ty had hccii uinl)er of free schools fm tile I'am-lisli toliiTue. and t His Majesty had hccii f tlie lands of the Crowi loses." In acceptance ul F, earning (now the Hoaid igc ill its preanilile, tlw in tile speccli slionld l.c urged and coiiiprehensivi' I. .laincs McCiid made \\U li grants would l)e made. ' helief that (lie intcntion- dii not ha\(' to incur the Mr. McCiill'v endowinei!! t of isr.i Lord Hatlnnst, hnioiid, to adopt with .1,- ii's property an adeiptiite the expense tiiercof from ito efl'ecl, and finally the 1 has jiroved iiiialile or rs ri'iidercd no assistant mnual grant, hnt this ha- is derived tiom a i'lniil Ills. 'Sty's menioi iiilisl.s heg I" riior (iener.'d in l."<()."i, a istratioii of .Sir iMlmnnd I in .aid of the riiiversit\ eh loans were [irincipail\ lesc loans, or so much el ';}1,H1 ; and that an institution of this character, with so many iustrnrtiug ollicers, should lie sujiported on such a sum, must lie regarded as an instance of economy scarcely eipiallrd in any other siniilai case. Of the above sum, .s'ti.TH-' are paid by the revenue of the original endowment of Mr. McUill ; ,s'i>,,s t(i by the interest of the endownient fund contrilmted liy the citizens of Montreal ; ,s'ii,i)i'.i by the fees in the high school, and ,'<'7l;i liy the fees in the faculty of arts, 'i'oward payment of the balance the Province contiilmtes a.s follows: (1.) A sum of ,s' 1, 01)1 1 per annum to the medical faculty, being the same aniouni paid to each of the other medical schools, none of which cipials that id' McCiii in the nuinbei- of piofessors ;iiid students. ('J.) The sum of .s'Ll'Jf^ to the high school department, mi loudition that it shall educate, free of ex])eiise, ;io pupils ;i|)pointi'd liy the Governnient, iaid whose education at the annual rate of fees would cost ,f'l,.">L'ii ; the high school being distinguished from evi'iy other superior si lutol in Lower Canada by icceiving no free grant. (.'].) The sum of .s'.',Sii:', .97 lo the College, in ,iid of the University geuer.iUy, and of the faculties of arts and law. 'I'lie sum thus granted lias been progressively diniinished fioin IS.')! up to the present time, as stated in the following lalile, though in the nieantime the nunibei of stnilenis ,it the Uiiiversitv and its annual expenditure for their bi'iielit lune largely iucreaseil. NiMiir.u of SiiiiKX Is and Pi iii.s of .Mi(iiii, Coi.i.iu.i: ami Uxl^lllsn^, from Isji to ISCii!, with the .\\M- Ai, GiiANrs for the same vears. Canaka. Srriu.Nr". ' 1S,H. 1 is;,.-i, 1 s:,ii. 1 8.-17. I8,'i8. 1 18.^!i. isnii. ' 18(11. i 1 8(13. 1 8«.1. Ill Arts In Mt'ilicini* - III I.;iw . 1 .■IS (111 ifi 47 till ail Mil I'.n Ills .17 ;2ii.'i 4.-.7 .*lS li'4 ' 4" 1 fi.-i 141! 4.1 7a 17:1 .1.1 177 IS Total StuiU'iitu • I'lijiilit in High Scliiiol Tiital • . 1 «7 IK.I llBil no .■W.5 l.-,4 2il.-> am 1117 •Hi 41 "J 174 ■.".-111 4:J4 ■JU'J •JSl ,'llll J7I .'>'.i7 .■Klli < aoa 1 .'ili4 3117 2l'i .■i,1ii I'.nel, 2 i No. 2'.l. * Including 1.1 suuIimih ut'.Murnii (.■ulk>)(t', E 4 ;^»4" k 1 40 CO.iUESl'ONDEXCE RESPECTING THE PUOPOSEl) UNION (.' Nuiiilicr of I'lipil^ :in(l Siinli'iits c.I'M.'Gill Culluiit' iunl riiivfr>ily — coiit. I 18."4. I>":i. l^.'.'l. l.-'iT. I IS.'iS, isr.'.i. , 18(iO. | ISC.l. hSC:.'. I 18(i.i. *ir:nits to tho I'liivi vsity (Miiiils til ilii' .\ Scl nil'. - (inuils to t!;o IIi;;ii \Ai.L'S 2iwa.8:i usCi->.-2)' ' Uiuii.ii.) , KHio.iur liiiio.iin liiiui.dii iiiiiii.dii Hiiio.m) louo.iiii asn;i.:i: 1 110(1. 1 1 11 J" II2S lias 112" 112< 112S 1 li 11:; Xuti'.— 74 ti';iilii s ill tniiiin;!' :ii tli'j .s'lniiil Sflionl .iii.I .'Klii |.;i]iils in tliu .Mrnli'l Schimls lire cxelu k'll fiom tlu' ;il ovc tabic, tlu-s^' ir.stUtitinr.s n ■' tU-riviuL' ;iii\ iu'c*.ni;:ry suppcrt iVom tin- Cciifi:*.'. 'rakiiijX iiiti' Mi'poiiiit all tlirsc sourcos of rtncmio, an (Icticioiicy iTiiiaiiuHl in IfTiH, ot'.s'10,141. nut- in-.ividod lor liy llic iuconir : and tins dcfiiMcncy aiipoaiod mi alaniiinj:' that the (iovi'niui'.s were uikU'i- the no 'lU-.-ity nt' withdraw in;; tlio aid ■ i'livnicrly yivfii to the lii,Ldi .-i-lioo!, and c' di' oni;ini'i'riii'4' in tlii" fiiciilty of arts. They were also obliged I'lirtlicr to ])(ist|ioiu> tlio jii^t flaiins of so\- 'val iirof(vsors loi- im-roa-c of tlii'ii- -a!:!ri(' . air.l ':> abstain tVoin ail uiiditioiis to tin: lil)i-;u-y, ninx'nni. ami .-ijiparatiif^. [t >lioii!d d.-io lie stated the exti n-lou of the rniversity reiidois additional eNiieiiditiiic iiece>sar\ for I'xamin.'iliiins and iirintiiig. which tluve are not ine.ins to defray. Your l'^\(ellenry's petitioiierf wonl I fiivtliev state that an inspection of the accounts will show that the utmost e ■onomy lias pervaded the e\]ienditures ot' the rniversiry. and that it- ettorts have heeii -teadily divei ted to the provision of means of education not otherwise accessihle in this coniitiy, and ol a hi'ihcr character than those all'orded by the ordinary academies and colleges: thus faliilliiigtlie wise and Iienevolcnt intentions of the founder, and giving to our young men the opporttiinty of r.-iisiiig their mental culture to the level of that in older coinifrie-. It has further iiecii an object of solicitude with the (Jovernor? to promoie practical scientitic trainioLr bcaiiiig on the more important prolessions, and they would gladly do more in this direction did their resources permit. The loliowiug stiitenieiits. cont.-iined in a foriii 'r memorial, may be here repeated, ;is enforeing the claims ol'thc Tniwrsiiy to piiMic aid. First. — The late ,Mr. McCill midiuibtedly made his lieipie^r under the cxpect.-itinu and implieil ]ironiise :\ further and -nllicieut endowment would be made by the i'rovincial (iovi'rnment. This is a])parent from the cireimistances tmiler which the l)ei|uest was made. 'I'he ( Jovernor in Chief in 18(il laid Ijcfore the I'rovincial rarliaineut a mc'-sago in the following terms: '•'Ihat His .Majesfv had been graciou-ly ])leased to give directions for the e-tablisliiutiil of a eom- " jieliMit number of free schools for the instruction of children in the first nidinuMils of nsel'id learning •' and in th<' |-!m;lish toiiLrue, and for foundations of a more enlarged •■iiid com]irelieiisi\e nature, , ■mil ■' that Mis Majestv had lieen further ])leased to signity His Uoyal intention that ;i suitalilc pi^oportioii '• of the lands of the Crown should be set ajiart, and the revenues thereof approjjriated to such pnr- " poses." .\s a step, the Act inorporating the Koyal Institution for the Aihaiicement ol Learniivj; was pa:=sed. contiuiiirg this mcssjige in its |ireamble. .•iiid thereaftei it was intended that the '• libc'-al iiraiid ot Crown L:nids" referred to in the message should he transferred to its control, in trust for free srhools and " I'ouudations ol' a innr(> enlargcl and conipndiensive nature;'" hut no gi-anl wa- ever made. 'I'he late Mr. Mc( iill was not only an active member of the Legislature iit this time, but an Kxecutive ( 'ouncillor. and therefore mu>t be prosumed to have Iieeu thoroughly conversant with the intentions ol the Imperial and I'rovini'ial (iovernmcnts. My his last will ho l)ei|neathed .i sum ol money and hi- I'-tate ot' liuriiside to the Uoyal Instilutioii for the iinrjio-e of erecting and inaintaining a Cnivtrsitv : hut his endowment, liiieral as it was, was yet (piife in;idei|nate for the object contemplated, and it i> reasonable to infer th;it h" lo;il it received during many years, for the college connected with it. a grant of .s'l.lll annually. I'jiper Canaila College, established in iMi'J. was endowed b\- \ariims grants between that year and tlii' year IS.'l.i, with (i:!.80."i acres of land, which has yielded .).A l:!-l/.. and has also received an annual grant ot' l,niio/., which still eontiniies. It is further to he ()bser\ed that the I'liiversities of Ijhioeii's ColloLie and \'ictoria College, in Tpper Canada, have had their grants raised to ,s'."i,iiUO each, lieside the usual aid to their medical schools. Yet no |iermaneiir provision whatever has ever been made for .\le< Jill College, and all the monies received by it from juiblic Sources (of which the lirst was in |s."i|)do not together amount to I'lieiimrth of the annual reveiuies of the rni\ersity ol' Toronto, tn- to one-tentli of the value of Mr. McOill'-: heipiest. The largeness of tlia' be(|iiest, and the mnnillceiice with which the fund has since been increased in thp sum of l.'i.niHi/, by subscription in the city of Montreal, and the completion of the (.'ollege buildings by Mr. William Molson, coupled with the character of the rniversity, justify your memorialists in tile ho]ie that a corresponding spirit will be manifested by the Legislature, and that al'ter so mmh ha- lieeii done by private heneticence the v.ork may he eoinpleted by gianlmg the relief iiou sought, and providing for the ii;tu''e a pirmancnt piililii' eiidowmen'.. These donations also show liou urgently the want of a IVotestai jiopnlatioii. .■secondly. ii I'niversity \ institution sn erecting the ( future sU])poil Ciovernor (ien mea-ures for and hi-^ (irace of the Receive Ihit, for rei not carried ini Tbirdly.- As -ach it is c of the Protest;! to the endowi Churches, am rnitari;ins; n Lourthly. is public and of its own C j»o.stablisheil in multiply the n .\ large nun the prc'^entatii Fifthly.— T attained, mark Canad.i. .\s ■ approhalion i success. .\ ii College, Rich: recently Morr ])assed credit a jirogress lor at The alliliati education, whi that in tin am ordinary libera' the ])rofes-ion: additional peel The import ariiiimenl : am ;iiid iiitelligeiii mc.'ins of its f ordinary sehoi Lower Canada and special si Legi-lalive .-ui in the hands o it-elf, but to ' view of the pi'i tlie claims abo ^'olll Fxcell be equal to ai School, iiidepi And vour V 4 u;2o\. 1 SKI) UNION OF THE BRITISII NORTH A.MKRKAN I'ROVINCES. 41 y — cont. •>«■ .s' >• x 2:i;iL'.s-.' -j-in-.'.^'s ;iso.i.;i: III llKlll.dll indll.dll lUOtljr n:>S lUti 1I2N j_ I L'Xi'iiik'il fnini tlu' ;il ovc tali:.. iiicd ill ]>(;;!. lio\v that at its efforts have Ijpcn I" in this country, and ol : tiins ^'llllillill^■'tlR" wise )(n-tniiity ol' raisinu- their ilijcct of' solifitiuio with portant proli-ssions, awl cvut'd, as oiilbi-cinn- tli.' xpcctatioii and iiiiplinl rial (uivi'i'mncnt. '|■hi^ ic (iovernor in Ciiicl' in ^lahlishincnt ol' a (.'oiii- iicnls of nsrful Icarnini; npii'honsivi' nature, anil It a siiitalile |ii'(iportioii projiiiatrd to such pui-- for the Ad\aiicenu>nt ol was intended that the erred to its control, in iialni-e : '" hiu no tjranl time, hul an Kxeciuive v.illi the intentions oi -inn of money ;iud hi> itaininjr a fnivtrsitv : itnteniplafed, and it i> helieved thai a lihiu.-il ill'',i;e ill l!:e l'ro\inc<'. if thousands of iioiinds Ills in I.owei- Canada : icipatiiii;- more or less |oys an endowiiient; of cedin;:: 'J'.'o.sss/. hiis the coljen-e connecteii '"^:!'-', wji.s endowed hi- d. uhicli has yieldpil It i- fiinhei- to he IT (anada, h,i\e had ^ I't no pennanenr leceiveil hy it fi'oiii fourth of the annual I- hocpiest. ui'i^ heen increased in llie (.'oljef^-e Imildiiiirs ir niemorialisls in ||i,> I'I'T so iniii h lia>. I II sonirht, and providinji- nv nri'ently the «aut of n I'rntpstant university has heen felt, and how hiuhly its henofits are esteemed hy the lOnglish Can-aha. jiopulation. — — .•secondly. — Not only was the late Mr. Mc(iili warrant! d ,n helieviiiLf that his exertions to estahlish a I'liiversity would he supportecl hy a yiaiit from theCiowii Lands, hut the meiiilicrs of the lioyal Institution "siihseipientlv were led to expect that they would have heen saicd the heavy expense of erectiiijj the C'ollen'c huildinrrs, and that the endowment would have heen rendered availahle for its future sujipmt. In the early part of ls;|!) the l.ord liathnr-t, then ( 'olonial .Secretary, instructed the Governor (ieneral, the Duke of Itichinnnd, to ailopt, with a- little delay as po^>ihle, the iieeess.ary iiiea-ures lor erectinjj upon Mr. McCiill's jiroperty an adcipiate hiiiidiiiL: for the in-tiuction of youth, and his (irace was authori/ed to defray the expeu'-e thereol' from the fund- which might he in the hands of the UeceiviM- of the lesuits' M-tates. lint, for rea-oiis unhnown to the (iovernors, these liheral intentions on the jiart of His Maje-ly were not carried into ell'ecl. Thirdlv. — The I'niversity of Met! ill Collesir '- the only one in Lower Canada which is non-sectarian. As -iicli it is eiititlcil to claim — and, as your Kxc' llency's petitioners hclicve. it pos-es to he found the names of memhers of the I'^nglish and Stotch Churches, and of the l'"ree Church, Methodists, Coivirreirationalists, American ' eshyterians, and I'nitarian-; memhers ol'tlio .Jevish i'aitli have also eoutriliuted. ['"onrthly.-'riip I'niversity is not a mere private institution founded Iiy individual lienevoleiice, hut is imhlic and I'roviiiclal in its ctiar.-ieter. It is jirepared to confer dcirrees, not only upon the students of its own Co!le;res, hut, under just and salutary rules, upon those of any others which may lu; .•estalilished in the Province; thus renderiiiii' it unnecessary, as withmit douht it i- iiipx|iedient, to multiply the iimiiher of ediu'ational institutions ]iossessiiig- that power. A larire iiumher of scliolarships in the faculty of arts are at the disposal ol' your KNCelleiicy, as also the presentation to ;iO scholarslii|is in the High School depaitmont. {•"il'thly. — Tlii- I'roviiicial character of the I'niversity, and the |ire-])i'rity and influence which it has attained, mark it out as the great centre and sup])ort of the higher Protestant education in l.oucr Canada. As such the management of the Provincial Xormal School has heen conlided to it with the a])prohatioii of the whole community; and the conlideuce has thus fa.r heen jiistitied h\- completo suri-e-s. A I'urther indication of the same nature is atl'ordcd hy the alliliatii'ii with it of llie St. I'rancis College, liichniond, m.der the liheral terms provided hy the statutes of the I'niversily. .'^till more recently Morrin College, (,)uel)ee, has heen alliliated, and has already .sent up 11 students who have jia'ssed credilahlv the picliminai y examina.ions of the I'liiversity: ami arrangements are now in jirogress for alliliating the (Congregational College of Hritish North .\nieiica. The alliliatioii of olhcr <'olleges and theological schools is expected, ami thus the aids to higher education, which this coniv.ry so ii'iich needs, will always he avail.-ihle to all who may rc'ipiire them, and that in tin amplest form ; for it is to he ohserved that this I'liiversity oll'ers to its students not only an ordinary lilieral education, hut the means also of high scientilic culture and of tlior(aii;h instruction in the profes-ions of law and meilicine, and that its present po>ition in this rcsjicct will eiialile it, with adilitional jiecuniary resources, to extend itself still further in the direction of professional education. The iin|)ortance and claims I'(M' snpdit of such a central in^titiuion are too ohNinus to rcijuire ariiunienf: and these, great as they ik w an, will hi' augmented hy the incrca.-e of piopulation, wealth, and intelligence, hringing with tliein an appieciation of the value of learning- and a demand lor the means of its general enltiv.ition. 'l"he Mctiill I'uivcr-ity onuht not, then, to he eonlonnded with the ordinary schools and other educational estahlish leiits, seitaiiaii or non-sectarian, uhicli ahound in T.ower ( 'anada. It stands alone in its character ,-iiid olpjcets, and reciuire- from tiie py of a Despatcii which you had addressed to tiic Lieut. -Ciovernor.s of tlie Lower Provinces and to the (Jovei nor of Newfouiidhind on tlie subject. I have, &c. Viscount Monck, ('^'S"L'd) EDWARD CARDWELL. &C. iVC. from the Lieu tlie Provincial the question o Viscount M &c. i Coi'v ot (No. 48. Mv Loud, I IIAVI 6.S*, ')f the 1' Governor ot N Provinces. viscoiuit yi &c. No. 2. ' P«se r,. No. 3. • I'n^v ; N... 4. No. 2. Copv of a DESPATCH from the Right Hon. Ei;\vaku Cahdwki.l, M.P., to Viscount Mo.NTK. (No. 2L) My Loku, Downing Street, Fehruuy I."), 18(5.5. I iiAVi; ihe iionoiu- to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch, No. .^2,* of the 26th of. lar, nary, enclosing copies of Addressee presented to your Lonlship by the two Houses of the Legislature in answer to the speech wiiii which you opened the session of the Canadian l^ulianieiU. I have, kc. Viscount Monck, (Signed) EDWARD CARDWELL. &c. &c No. -A. Copy of a DESPA'l'CH from the Right Hon. Euwauu Caudwi:!.!,, .^LP., to \'iscount .Mos( K. (No. .m) My Loud, Downing Street, Eehiuary 21, ]S(),"). I HAVi: the honoiu- to acknowledge the receipt of your Despaicli, No. .'}.'"),* of the 30tii of January, enclosing a copy of a Circular Despatch which you addressed on that day to the Lieiit.-Governois of the Lower Province^, and to the Governor of Newloiuid- laiul, res|)ecting the proposed Union cjf the Ihitish Nuiili Americui Colonics. I have, &c. Viscount Monck, (Si-ncd) EDWARD CARDWELL. &c. &c. I'aizi' C. No. 4, Copy of a DESPATCH from the Ritrht Hon. Edward Caudwkli,, .ALl'., to \'iseount Monck. (No. 32.) Mv Loiii), Downing Street, Fehruary 2."), 1h()5. I UA\i; the honour to acknowledge the receipt of yoiu' l>ordshi|)'s Despatch, No. .%,* of the 3(Hh of .January, enclosing a copy ot a Despatch which you had retiivid Copy of (No. 58.) My Loud, ' IIAVK No. 7:^ and ? agreed to respi praving th:it F Im|)eii;d I'arlii basis of the r who met at Qi 2. I have n receive the sai 3. Her Maj the Canadian desire for the and promote t Viscount M &c. Copy of a ' (No. 9.''.) ^Iy Loud, I UAVl held between E.xecutive Co G()verninent Mr. Cjladston- On the first :d union OF THE BUITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 43 from the Lieut. -Gov(;iiii)r of New Hiiiiiswick, appri/inj;' you of his intention to siinnnon the I'lovincial i'aiiianient towards the end ofMarcli, and to siibniil tor tiieir consideration tiie (jiie-slion of the L'uion of the liritish Nortli American Provinces. I iuive, cVc. Viscount iMoncii. (Signed) EUWAllD CARDWELL. &c. ike. CAXAnA^ KM., M.P., to anuary 13, ISf)"). Iii))".s i)es|)atcii No. ' the Hriiish North lad addressed to tiic L'wfonndland on tlie CARDWELL. 1 No. 5. Coi'V of a DESPATCH fioin the Ri/^iit Hon. Euwaud ^" iwell, M.P. to Viscount iMoNCK. (No. IS.) MvLoiii), DowninjLi '. < '^1, Marcii 29, I8fi5. I iiAVi; tiie iionour to acknowlediie tiie receipt of your ..ordship's Despatch, No. 68*, of the lOlh of March, enciosiiiif a copy of a Despatcli addressed to you hv tlie Governor of Newfoundland, on tiie subject of the Union of the Britisii Nortli" American Provinces. I have, &c. Viscount Monck, (Signed) EDWARD CARDWELL. &c, &c. No. 5. ' I'uge 8, lil.L, M.P., to bruirv 15, 18(5,5. -■ii. No. .32,* of the rdship by the two opened the session CARDWELL. No. 6. No. «. lil.l., M.P., to miarv 2-1, ISG."). h, No. .35,* of the addressed on tiiat nor of Newfbuml- oh)nies. CARDWELL. KLI., M.P., to riiaiy 25, L^GS. dship's Despatch, vou had rett'iveil 111. Copy of a DESPATCH from the HJLcht Hon. Edwaud Cakowell, M.P., to » Viscount MoNCK. ( No. 58.) My Lohi), Downing Street, Ajjril 8, 1865. ' iiAvi; the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordship's Despatches No. 73 and No. 7 U* of the I5tli of .Marcli, accompanied by .Vddn sses to the Queen ♦ i-afrcs n nii.i agreed to respectively l)y tl e Legi^lative Council and tlie House of .Assembly of Canada, praying that Her .NLijesty will be phased to cause a measure to bi introduced into t!ie Imperial Parliament, tor the L'nion of the Provinces of Britisii North America, on the basis of the resolutions adopted by the Cc^iiierence of Delegates tVom those Provinces who met at (Quebec in October of \.\>t \eai-. 2. I have not failed to |)reseiit these Addresses to Her ALijcsty, who was pleased to receive the same very graciously. 3. Her Majesty's Govermm nt have seen with great satisfaction that both branches of the Canadian Legislature have adopted Addresses to the Crown expressive of tiieir desire for the accomplishment of a measiiie calculated materially to add to the strength and promote the weltiiire of the I'rovinces of British North America. I have, tS^c. Viscount Monck, (Sigii<->d) EDWARD CARDWELL. &c. &c. No. 7. Coi'Y of a DESPATCH from the Right Honourable Edwaud Caudwbll, ALP., to Goveinor-Cicneral \'iscount Monck. (No. 9.").) My Loiu), Downing Street, June 17, 1865. I iiAvi; the honour to inform your Lordship that several conferences liave been held between the tour Canadian Ministers wlio were deimted, under the Minute of vour Executive Council of March 2ttli, to pinccid to laiuland to confer with Her Majesty's Government on the jiart of Canada, and the Duke of' Somerset, the Earl Dc Grey, Mr. Gladstone, and myself, on the part of Her Majesty's Government. On the first subject referred to in the Minute, tJiat of the Confederation of the British E 2 No. 7. 4t ("OJIllKSPONDEXCE UK SPKCTINC. THE PHOPOSED UNION Canaha. Nmlli AitU'rican Provinoi's, wo ii-pi-iitcil on llic ]):irt ol' tlic Ciihiiii'l thi' ;issiii;iiicos wliitli liail a'rcadv been !;i\en of tin- (lotoniiinatioii ol' IUt Majesty's (lOVLTiiinoiil to use everv proper iiieaiis ot' iiitliieiice to cany into elleet witlioiil delay tlie ])roposcil Conledenitioii. On the second point, we entered into a i'lill eonsiiit'iation oi' the iniportani snliject of tlie drience of C'ana la, noi with anv apprelieusiou on eilliei' side tliat the Iricnillv rilations now happ '»• sul)^islini; ln'tweiai this c >iniliy and the rnileil Stales aie likely to be distnibeil. i)nt ini,iressed with the conviition that tlie safety of the Empire from possil)le attack oniiht to depend upon its own strennth aiul the due application of its • own rcsonrecs. W c rianinded the C'anaihan Mniistifs that on ihr part nf |lu' inipirial (lovernnient we had oblaini'd a \c)le of money for iiiipfoviiii.; the lortilications of (Jmbcc. W'e assined them tiiat so soon as that vole had bei'ii obtained tlie lu'cessary instructions liad been sen! out for the immediate execnlion of the woiks, which wmild be prosei'nteil with de>i)at''li ; and we reminded them of the suuiicstioii llcr Majesty's (lovi'rimient had made to them to proceed with the lortilications of Montreal. ; 'l"he Caiiadi:.!! .Ministers, in reply, expressed lunesersi'dly the dcsii-c of Canada to devote her whole resouiees. both in men and money, for the maintenanci' of her con- nexion witli the Motlur Connlry ; and their full belief in the readiness of the Canadian I'aih.nniiit to make known that determination in the most anthentic manner. 'I'hev saiil they had increaseil tlu expenditure fir their Militia from ;!()(t,(i()() to l,()()i),()()() di)ll us, and would iiuree to train that force to the sati>l';ction of the Secretary of Stale for War, ) f provided the cost did not exceed the la-l-mculioni'd sum annually, while the (piestiou of confederation is pei diiiL'. 'I'lu'v said they were unwilliniji- to scjiarati- the (luc-tion ol the works at Montreal from the (jucstion of tiie works west of that place, and from liie (piestiin ol'a iKuai armament (ai Lake Ontario. That the I'xecntion ol' tlie whole of liiesc works woiil I rendtr ii ;.eccssaiy tor them to have reccnirse to a lo.ui, which could only be raised with the ;iiarin'ee ot' the Imperial Parliament. 'They were ready to prop(),>o to tlu'ir Lcjiislatnre on their retuiii a meiiMiie for this jitirp.ose, proviiK'ii that tlie guarantee of the Imjieiial rarlianu'iit wi'ic yivi'ii now, and tliiil they wcie authorized to communieati' to the Pailianunt of Canada the assurance that, the occ.ision arisinj;-, I'ainlaiid will have |)rep;red an .i.lecpi.itc naval force for Lake Ontario. 'I'hey lliounht that if the i;iiaranti'e V. ere not obtained now it was proliable that the Canadian (iovermnent and Parliament woiilil think ii desirible that the (piestion of di'feiisive works should await tlu' decision of the (ioveiiimeiit and l,ej.;isl ituic of the I'liiti"! Provnces. ( )ii the p:i'i of ilei .Majesty's (io\i-rnmei. I we as-entcd to the icasonalileiu ss if ijie jn.iposil toil if the Pioviiice uiulertdok tlh' prim ny liabdity lor the voiks of defi'iice meniioiud in the letli'i' of Eientenan;-Coli)>ie| .)er\()i.>, and showed a siilliciini seciuil\. Her .Majest\'.< (lovernmeiit should apjily to P.uli uncut for a L;uaraiilee iiir llie amount re(puied ; and >v" aid that Ili'r .Majestv's (iosernmeiit would finni-h the aruumiciils lor the work^. Hut wc -,iid the (h'sire and decisidu ol the Lcjiislatine ouj;ht to be proiiounci'd before any ap|ilicaiiou was inaile to llii' Imperial I'ai Ii. uncut. On the .sniijecl of a N.ival I'orci' lor Lake Ont.uio, we said that, apart from any qncsliou of expeiliency, the convention between tiii,. connlry ami llic United States reiidercil it impossible fi)r either ualion to plai'c more than the speeiticil niimlicr of armed vessels on the iakt's in time of pe. ice. Incise ol war it woidd, as a mailer ol course, be the duty of any (lovemmciii in this country lo appl\ its means of iia\al (Icfiiici" accoidin;; lo the judj;menl it mi,i;ht liirm upon the cNi'^eiicics ot' each particular lime, and the Canadian Mtiiislers niii^iit be assiiied that ibr Majisly's (iovernnu'iit would not permit ilscir to be (oniid in such a position as to bv' unable lo discliaruc its (Inly in this ri'spect. This was ihe only assurance llie Canadian .Ministers could expect or we could nivi'. Upon a review of the wliole in.ilter, the Canadian Ministers nvertcd lo the |iropo.>-al which has been mentioned above, that priority in point ol time should be uiveii lo the Coiifedeialioii of the l'lo\incc>. To ihi.s, wi-, (tii iheparlof lltr Majesty's (iovermnenl, asx'iiled. In ( (inlornut V, however, with a wi.sii slroiinly cxpii'ssi'd by the Ministers, we tinllier .said, that it, upon liiliiri' coiisidcialion, the Canadian {iuverimienl should desire lo anticipate the Coiil'edi'l'alion, and to propose thai ( 'aiiada .should execiiti' the weiks, they would doubtless cominimicate lo llir MajeHl\'s (loveinmeiil tli;it deci-e received b\ lis in the most Iricndly .spllil. < In the thiid jioinl, the iicciprocity Treaty, the Canadian Minister- represented the fjitat imporlanci' to Uaiiatia of the renewal of that treaty, and rciiuesied that Sir K. Uiuci' nii.uht be p V,"c replii leiiewal ol On the desired I ha with the II the Indeir Imperial i; uiulerlakin being' sali- siiflicienl, Coinu'il toj;i'lher Vis l;i) UNION OF TIIK BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PHOVINCKS. 45 il)iiio( the ass I nan CCS > (iovcnnnent to use delay tlio ])ioposcil im|)()rlanl siili'icct of di' tliat till" Irii'mllv ■v said to !,()()(),()()() (!,")||iis, iiy of Stall" Ibr War, lilr llio (jiii'stion of all" till' (|ni"-ti()ii (if plai'i", and fmiu ilu,> )f till" \vlll)lc (if lIlOSl" wliifli could oiil\- In- icady to piopo.^o to i that the ^naiantee i/i'd to coniiniiiiicate ?, Miinland will liavo Ihal it the miaiantee eiil and I'ailiainent nvait the decision of •aMiiialilcin ss cf (111. ' milvN of (hfciice I Milliei;nl s'.'euiily, ilec lor ilu. ainouiil li till' aii. anieiils lor d IiCL,islaline oiii;lit 'ailMineiil. On tin. Ill any ijiicslion of liie I'liilcd Stiitcs [lecilied niniilur of ;ld, as 11 matter of its means of naval ol" each particular esty's (lovernnient le to discharge its ■'lers could expect 'd to I he propo.val I lie uiveii to the •sty's (loveriimi'iii, liy till' Canadian ailiaii (iovernmeiii ida shoidd exeenii (•oveiiinienl tli;ii leiiees ihry wi,it|,| the inosllriendly ^ lejiii'Miiicl ihi' I that Sir 1-'. \Uin:v niiiJ,lit be put in coiinnnnicalion with the Cioverninenl of Lord ^fonck upon the subject. Casaua. We replied thai Sir I'. IJriice had already r^'ceived inslrnclions to nei^otiate lor a renewal of the treaty, and to act in concert with the (iovernment of Canada, On the loiulh point, the siiliject ol'llie North-wotern Ten iiory, the ('anadian .Ministers desired that thai terriorily should he inadi" over to (.'anada, and undertook to negotiate with the JIudMin'-i 15 ly C!onip,\ny l()r the teriiiiiiatioii of tiieir rights, on condition that the indeiiiuity, if any, should be i>aid by a loan to be raised by Canada under the Imperial i;uarantee. Willi the Haiiclion of the Cabinet, we assented to this proposal, iinderlakinu' thai if ill." net^dlialion slinuld be succe;^>ful we. on the pail of the Crown, beinii' salistied llial the amoiuit of the indemiiily was reasonable, and the secinity siiflicient, would apply to tlu" l:i)perial I'urliament to sanclion the arr ni^enient and to j^naiaiitee the aiiiiuint. Oil the la 4 ])iiii!i, it seemed sutHeient thai Her Majoly's (loveinmenl :-!ioiild aci'ejit the assurances jjiveii by llie Canadian Ministers on the pai( of Canada, that that I'lovinee is readv to devote ail her resources bolh in men and money lo the maintenance of her connexion wiili the Mother Comitry, and should assure them in reliiin that the Imperial (iovernmcnl liilly acUnowlediicd the reciprocal obligation of d lending every portion of the Kmpire with all the resources at its command. The C;'.iiadian Minivers in conelusion said, that they lioiied it w>)iilvl be nnderslood that the present communications did not in any way alleet or alter tlie coirespoiuleiicc which hadalready passed between the lmi»erial (Joveriimcnt and the {ioveriimenls of the Hritish Noilh .American Provinces on the subjeel oj' the Intercolonial llailway. To this we entirely ai^iec. I have, iVe. Viscoiinl Monk, (Signed) KDWAKl) C AKDWT.LL. &c. i\:c. No. 8. Coi"v of a DKSl'.VTClI from llu" Kighi lion. IIdwaki) ('AKowiaa., M. P., to \ iM'ouiit Mom K. (Xo. l..'il.) Mv Loud, I •owning Street, July :i'2, ISd"). I THINK I ri.;lit to appri/.e your Lordship I receive comimmications wiiieh lead to liie I'liiclii^iun that more |)ositivi' assuianees from Canada than have yel been given to tlu' Maritime i*i()viiici"s, on the siibieel of the readiness of Cana la to ensure ilie prompl compli"lion of the luteii'oloniai Uailway, in tlie event of conleder.ilion being adopted, woiili' be very satisfactory to the friends of ilie nu'a.-.uie ia lliose i'ldvinees, and encouiaLie their eH'orls to recommend the scheme o!' confedeialion lo those ol their coiiiiirymen by vvfom it lias not liiti ertu iiecii supported. 1 have, iVc. \iM.",niiii Moiick, (Signed) LUW .VKI) C.\RI)\\ LLL. iVc. i"vc. No. tj. No. S. Ni). !». Copy of a DI'lSP.V rc!l jrom the Right Hon. IIuwaui) CAuuwr.Li,, M.l'., to Visooiinl MoN'cK. (No. P27.) Mv l.oKu, Downing Street. August ,''), |s(i,"). I iiAvi. the honour to traiisndi to your Lordship a copy of a l)l•^pateh Iroin the Lieut. -(iovernor of New Ihuiiswiek, enclosing ii Resolnlion of the lAceutivc Council of that Province expresxive of their opinion on tin" Miliject ol confederafion, S" .•N,.riii> i.i, loe.ellier with a eoi'v of mv renlv. ' vT.'.'"'. - ,• I lm\'e, ivo, |nin i" im. Viscount .Moiiek, (Signed) KDWARD C.MIDWMLL. iVe. \c. la I1 I '*" hi C\N.V1I.\. No. 10. I'ai.'«II. N '. 11. ^'■^■ii■ 1 1. No. I: X.I. l.'l. ♦ l'.i;-.' 1 I ) IV i;i. •Ki COUUESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED I'NION No. 10. Cory of a DESPATCH from tho Riylit Hon. Edwauo C.audwell, M.P., to \'i.>coiini MoNCK. (No. 137.) My l.oiu), Dowiiincr Street, September G, 1865. I HAVE the lionour tt) aeknowledge the receipt of your Despatch, No. lGl,*of the 14th of August, accompanied l)y copies of tiie papers subiiiitteil to the Provincial Parliameiu, relating; to tlic conference lately lield in Loudon between Her Majesty's (jovernment and the Ministers of liie Province. I have, &c. Viscount .Monck, (Signed) EDWARD CAKDWELL. \-c. {kc. No. II. Copy of a 1)1^SP.\T(II fiom tlic Right Hon. lM)\VAiii) C \iii)\vi;i.i,, M.P., to the Ollicei .Vdmuii-leiini; the (Jovernment. (No. 147.) Siu, Downing Street, October 7. 1865. I ii.vvi; tlie honour to acknowledge the receipt of Lord Monck's Despatch, No. lH;i," of the "Jllth ult., enclosing copies of a corres|)ondence that has taken place between liis Lordship and the Lieut. -Ciovcrinir of Nova Scotia, in reference to the sulyect of tiuther guarantees for tlie construction of the Intercolonial Railway. I have, \'c. To the Ollicer Administering the (iovernment, (Signed) EDWARD CARDWELL. &o. ;?^c. iVc. No. lL^ ( oi'V of a Dl'.SPATCH froiu thi' Right Hon, Edwaiid Cahowkli., M.i',, to ihi' Ollicer Administering liie Governmeul. (No. \:>u.) Sill, Downing Stri'cl, ( )(tolier is, ls()."). I II \\ i: the iio'iour to acknowledge the ii'ct i[)t oi' your Despatch, No. :\* of the ;}i)tli ult., tiMn>iniltiiig a copy P.\'l'Cll tidin the Right Hon. Edwaiuj CAiiuwiii.L, M.P., to \'isCOUnt Mii.Mh.. (No.!).) My Loiui, Downing Street, January 27, IhGG. In consiilering the Report of the Deputation of Caiiailian Ministers, enclosed in vour Lord>hip's De>patcli of the 14th of August la-.t,* Her Majesty's (iovernment think il deNii.d)le on siibn'cts of so much impoitanci- a> those to which tlu' Report k lers, and on wh'ch tliev would set much regn-t it any misappii'licnsioii should at any timi arise, to instmcl your Lor(Mii|) in all your coinnniiiicalions, to guide yoiusel.' "Utiu v by the lernis of niy Dopatch of .Iiine IT, IsfM.t whiih wii.s i.Mitually adopted at the tinu' as the RriMid. Yon -IhuiIiI e\|ilain to your Minsters that \nu have been iiislrucled to do so, and inloim tiiem at the same time that we do not regard their Repoit as inteiuled in any way lo \niy the substance ol liial Record, to w liich we ob-erve with pleasure they refer us containing a correel xtatcineiit of the ie*ult d the coiifereiiee. I have, \e. Viscount .Monck, (.^igntil) EDWARD CARDWELL. Corvl (No. /I My Loud, I II ■ 8th instant,, that day o))! I have \\\ Canada, in portion of thus evincii Goveniinei| Her Maje> Her Mail upon tlie tory by a bl you speak r of America It is will (luestion ol the recent of New Br Legislative that at SOI address'^il ol the ri'i'i North An I X'iscoiin \-c. (No. Mv Loni), Tr municatioi conu- to 1' Coiiledcni 1, there till' ad van Canada,-- Parliamei matevl to Scolia, ll witli tlieii arrive wii to this cc Viscoi &c. (N My Loi is iiwari ^ED UNION OF THE BUITISII NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 17 )WI.LL, M.I'., to fptcmbcr 6, 1865. •spatcli, No. UJ|,*of -Hi to the IVovincial ween Her iMajesty's D CAKDWELL. VVEI.I., M.l>., lo Oct()l)or7, 1865. iielv's Dospatcli, No. taken pluc-e between ^ to tile subject of Itl) CARD WELL. i:'.i., M.I'., to 'itobil' Is, IsC).'). U-h, .\o. :i* uf tlie R. MacDoMihll to tioii ()(■ the Intcr- H) CARDW i:lL. 'L, iM.P., to 'Hiary 27, lM(i6. iNter.s, eneioNeil in ;j. Dowiiiiig Street, Aiiuiisf .'^L lH(i(l. Tin; Nova Scotia and New Itriuiswiek deU'Liates have In > u now. i your Loidsliip is aware, f(>r some weeks in this coinilrv vsilh a siiw to the discussion of the \a:ioii> 1" I fj-c 17. N.. \: No. ii;, I 48 CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION C'anai'a- No. 17. ■r..Lf 1- Nh. r Nn. I!). • r..ri' IS (|iic'stions rehitivi' to the ConfcikM-ation ol' the British. North Ainericau Proviiiecs, ami have irpeatodiy inquired oi' lue the jx'iioil by which tlieir Canatlian ct)lleagiies may he expeeteil. 1 shall he ji'lail ti) he iiifornud at tlie earliest possihle date of tlie course which it is j)ro|)0'l, enclosing a copy of the .speech with which, on ihal day, you clo-ed the session of the C.uiadiaii Pailiimeiit. I have, iStc. Viscoimt Monck, (■''iK'HHl) CARN.MaON. \c. iVc. Col (No. '\ ;My Loud, I iij the delegatJ and private! colleagues. Despatch, dislurhaiicel homes, somi the neccssaf settlement your LordsJ important t'oiego this until on hot] have the s;i A'iscou'U &c. Coi (No. ( Mv Lono, I II. has heen p now in laii contcmplati I forw;u( may he con of Canada, I have fi Edward Isl Governor 1 have ti England ; own on tin Viscoiin \e. A I 11 IlK'l l.llluloU, (III iiiiaiiiiiiiMi'-l |»Mi>;il)li' til ami .-IS lilt' wiiulil lit' 11 Ity till' l>o^ cniwii liimi 'riu'ivlnic ■flu ill I'onjiini' MH'i'liiitr til (llcdgrd 111 |irii|ii'ii'lar; 10254 >KD UNION OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 49 ciicaii Proviiircs, ami 111 colk'agiii'.s may l)u he course which it is ihis qucslioii is very js now ill Miiglmul is iM of which i7iey arc uler it unlit for yoiir ^legates Ccci tliat "lliey ration wlicthcr some ojto.scd (hscii>sioii. CAKNARVOX. Larnauvon Aiii,qisi ;U. IsfKj. No. II."),* of the Kiih Af-i-cmb!} of Canada, '> llic Iinpiiiil I'ar- la Mast and Canaila an Provinces. e, &c. C\KXA1{\()\. MINAKVO.V August .".I, isfKi. <•■ I l(i,''oCii.c Kith Comicii ol Canada, " llie Ini|icriil Par- la Ilavl and Canada n ProviiHi>. , \c. ' Vl{\ AK\ OX. VllNAin ON >tcudicr .■), isfKi. h, No. Il;i, oCthe i'V, you c'h>H'd tlie A UN AH VOX. No. 20. Copy of a DESPATCH from tiie Uigiit Hon. (Xo. .5(1.) ]\Iy Loiti) to Viscount MoNcK. tlie Karl of Caunauvon' AiY i.oiti), Downing Street, September 13, 1866. I iiAVK the honour to inform yuu that urgent representations ar° made to me by the delegates from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick now in Englami, on the great public and private inconvenience to which they are subject tluougli the non-arrival ot their colleauues. I sent you a telegram on the subject yesterday. As I said in my previous Despatch, No. :5f),* of the ;Ust ull., I iiojie that if any appearance of impending Fenian disturbances shoidd make the delegate.", feel that the whole of them cannot leave their homes, sonu" of them at least will l)e al)lc to repair to Kngland witluuit delay, armed with the necessarv jiowers to enter with the delegates from the other Provinces upon tiie settlement of the (luestion of Confederation. Much as I could desire the jiresence of your Lordship and the assistance of your valuable counsel in the consideration of this important subject; I must, as my previous connnunieations will have informed you, forego this advantagi; under the present anxious circumstances of tlie Province, at least until on both sides of tiie Atlantic we feel reassurcvl of the safety of Canada, and I can liave the satisfaction of requesting your presence here. I iiavc, &c. Viscount Monck, (Signed) CARNARVOX. &c. 6cc. No. lM. Coi'v of a DKSPATCH from the Right Hon. the Earl of Caunauvon to Viscount .MoNCK. (No.();5.) Mv Lord, Dinviiing Street, September 'Jd, Isfifi. 1 iiAvi; the honour to transmit to you the enclosed copy of a Resolution wliicii lias been placed in my lunids by the Delegates from Xova Scoiia and New Hrunswiek now in l''nglaiul, adopted by them as a means of l)iini;iiig Prince Edwanl Islaiul into the contemiiiated union of the Pritish Norti American Pr ivinces. I forward this l{e,solulii)ii to voiir I.onlship at tlie retpiest of the Delegates, that it may be communicated to tiiosc gentlemen who are aiipoiiited to be Delegates on behalf of Canada, and tliiit it may be ascertained luw far i' meets with their concurrence. I have further to request that you will apjirize the Eientenant-Ciovernor of Prince I'dward Island of the result. I have ifi the meantime transniit'.eil a copy to Lieutenant- Go\ern()r Diindas of the resolution and of this Despati-li. 1 have taken this course in order to give eflect to the wishes of the Delegates now in Fiiglaiid ; but it must be uiuierslood that I do so without expressing any opinion ot' my own on the subject, us this would be premature at the present stage of the (luestioii. I have, ifcc. Viscount Monck, (Signed) CARXARVON. MiU'liisMie in N'n. 'J I. Canada. Xo. 20. ' Pago 47. Xo 21. I. ,\ I a nu't'liiiM- (if till' l)cU';iiiti's liuin NiiMi Scolin jukI New itniuswick, held ;i| ilir .Mexandra ll.iti'l, l.iimliiii, III! till' •-".'11(1 ila\ (if Scpteiiihcr IKiill, all lieiiifi- iiii'scnl ('\(('|il the ibui. Mr. Wiliiidl, it was lilianiiiKUisly rcsdlved, tlial iiia>Miiicli as tlic co-iiiu'iatidii of I'riiui' i'iihvanl Ulaiid, tliiiMiili nut indis- |)('ii>al)li' to a un'uin id' tlie dilicr lliitish N'mlli .AnuMican I'riiviiiccs, is nn many aeinnnls very doiraiilc, and as tlic settlcincnt cil' the land innstinli wliieli has sii lonj; iiiid mi injuriiiinly ay:itali'd that Cnleiiv, wnnlil he attended with yreat licnelil, a:iii at the same tiinc place the I.dcal ( invVi nniciit (if the Islaiul, liy the piis...cs-iiin (it the pidprii'laiy land>, nmri' (in ii foniiii^r ^'nh the nilicirinsimi's, uliiih have CM'ottii lands and minerals as a smii'ee iif Ideal revenue. 'riicrelon" WcsdlviMl,- ■fliiit in ease the I.eyislalnre et the Island shciidd iiiillinrii'e the aiipninlnient iil' I )elci.'ates tn act ill eniiinnetidii with tliiise lurin the (ilhcr I'nivinees in ;irran;rin'.r )i plan ef eniilederalinn prinr to the intM'tiiiKdt the lin|ieri!il I'lirliainent, the l)(dei;iites tVdni Nma Sentiii unil New Ihnnswiek are lieivhy pledyrd td snpjidit the policy of providiiij; ^uch an ainonnl as may he necessary tor the |inrcliase of the propriclury riulit-, hiil inil to exceed ,^Hn(i,ii(U), Cn Aiii.i H 'I'l I ri It, L. T iia.i'.\. Itil>54. 4 Canada. ♦ Page ae. .30 CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION No. 22. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Rij;lit Hon. the Eiul of Carnarvon- to Viscount MoKCK. (No. 80.) My Lord, Do\vniii;v Street, October 18, |S66. I HAVE tiie lionour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatcii, No. Io0,*of tlio 28th September, enclosing a co])y of a 'rdcgraiu which your Lordsiiip addressed to nio on the 24th ol tliat niontii. I have, &c. Viscount Monck, (Signed) CARNARVON. &c. &c. (No. SiK, I 1 2th Deci and Canac I have whicli the irom the No. 23. ' Pages 27 aud 28. ' •■•» No. 24. ■ Pap.' 2: IV -*'• No. 23. Copy of a DESPATCH from tiie Rigiit Hon. tiie Earl of Carnarvon to Viscount Monck. (No. 100.) My Loud, Downing Street, November 22, 1S66. I HAVK liie ij;)nour to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordship's Despatches marked Separate of the 3r(l and 5th of this month,* introducing the Delegation appointed by your Gi)verninent to confer with the Kepresentative.s of tiie other Provinces aiul with m\ self on the .Mibject of Confederation. I have, &c. Viscount Monck, (Signed) CARNARVON. &.C. &c. i Lieut.-( &c No. 21. Copy of a DESPAT(T1 tiom the Right Hon. the Karl of Carnarvon to Viscount .Monck. (No. 1(11.) My Loku, Downing Street, November 2,'}, 18tiG. I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordship's Despatch. No. 1^4,* of tla ;5rd of this month, enclosing a copy of an approved .^IilUlte of the ExeciUive Council o! Canada on the subject ol the resolution ailopied iiy the Deleg.ites I'lom Nova Scotia and r«\'vv Brunswick, with the view of bringing Prince Edward Island into the Coidederation ot Mritish North .Vnu'rica. I have, &:c. Niscount Monck, (Signed) CARNARVON'. &c. ber 17, lH()(i. I iiAvi. the hoiioin- to acknowledge the rec(i|it of yoiu' Lonisliip's Despatch, No. 203,* dated the 2;)th November last, enclosing an .\ddress to Her Majesty fiom the l'rovinci;d Association of Protestant 'I'eachers of Lower Canada, coiuiilaining of certain alleged grievances in tiie edneational system at presi'iil in force in Lower Canada, and pra\ing that |)ro\isious may be introduced into the proposed !in]HMial .Act of ("onti-dera- tioii cilculated to protect the educational iuteresfs of the I'roteslant inhabitants of Lower ( anuda. 'I'iie (piestion of education is one of the imjiortant subjects which may be I'speeted to be discussed by tlu' North .\nierican Delegates when in conlerence in this country, ami llie |M'esent memorial, which has been duly laid at the font of the I'hrone, shall thru receive f'ull consideration. I iiave to ropiest you to comniunicate to tiie memorialists the substance of this Despatch. I have, &c. Viscount Monek, (Signed) CAHNARVON. (No. Sir, I II l.Uh Deei memorial I have and of ill memorial Ciovernnie with the y Confedera Lieut .-( &c, Copy of (No. SiH, I I! Uh insl., t residing il niiiiorily c Confedera that the in junction v The 01 Copy o (No. Sir, I I Ith iiist.,' olMcC.ii in the pn You will junction TheC )SED UNION Cahnarvox to , October 18, 1866. )atcli, No. 150,* of the Isliip acidressed to nu; !, &c. CARNARVON. Caunakvon to iovc-mber 22, 1866. .ordsliip's Despatches Delegation appointed .'I' rmviiices ami witli , &c. CARNARVON. . AUNARVON to rovend)er 2.'}, I8()6. Lordship'.s Despatcli. roved .Minute of the led hy the DelegMtes Prince Edward Island , &c. CARNARVON. OF THE HRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 51 ARNAUVOX to 'ecemher i;, 1h6(). Lordship's Despatcli, ler Majesty from the niplaining of certain I Eowi'r Canada, and ill Act of Confodera- inhahitanls of Lower nriy he expected to in this coiintry, and e i hroiie, .shali then le siib.slancc of I hi-, &c. ( ARNARVON. No. 26. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Right Hon. t! Earl of Carnarvon to ,-. , ,., V Lieut. -General Sir John MicuKi,. (No. 123.) SiK, Downing Street, January 5, 1867- I MAVK the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch, No. (!, * of tlie 12th Decenii)er, enclosing memorials from the Roman Catholic Bishops of Canada East and Canada West respectively. I have to request tiiat you will acquaint the liishop.s that the (piestion of education to which their meinorials relate will engage my attention in conjunction with the Delegates Irom the British North American Provinces. I have, iVc. Lieut..General Sir John Michel, (Signed) CARNARVON. &c. &c. &c. No. 27. Copy of a DESlWTClI from the Right Hon. the llarl of Carnarvon to Lieut. -General Sir John Michel. (No. 124.) Sir, Downing Street, January 7, 1^67. [ HAvi; the honour to acknowledge the receipt of yoiu- Despatch, No. x,* of the I'Mh December, enclosing a letter i'rom tlii- Honouiabli' A. A. Dorion, accompanied by a memorial signed by himself anil other members of the Canadian Legislature. I have to re(iuest that you will acquaint INlr. Dorion, for the information of himself and oi' the otiii'r gentlemen whose names are attached to tlu' ilocument, that their memorial has now reached mv hands through yoiirseltj as the otlieer administering the Government of the Province, and that its contents will be duly weighed in common with the various other communications which have been receivetl on the subject of Conleiieration. I have, &c. Lieut.-General Sir John Michel. (Signed) CARNARVON. »cc. &c. &c. No. 28. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon to the Oflicer , . . ,.,, , Administering the (iovernment. ( .N o. 1 .» 1 . ) Sir, Downing Street, January 'M, \>*(]~. I iiAvi; the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch, No. .").* oi' the Uh Inst., transmitting an iddress to the Queen, from the Rev. .lolui Rethune, and others, residing in Lower Canada, praying that the interests of the Protestant and English minority of Her subjects in that I'rovince may be secured in the propose! scheme t()r the Confederation of the British North ,\inerican Colonies. You will inform Mr. ik'tlume tliat the iiujiortant (piestions indicated in the address are under my consideration, in con- junction with the delegates. I have, &c. The Olliccr Administering the (iovernment, (Signed) CARNARX'ON. &c. &c. iVc. No. 2i). Copy of a DESPATCH from the Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon to the Oflicer ... ,.,., N Admiuisterinu the Government. (No. l:\'2.) '^ Sir, Downing Street, January 30, |sG7. I iiWF the honour to acknowledge tiie receipt of your Despatch, No. 6,* of the Uh iiisl., tiansinittuig an addri'ss to the (^lueen from tlie (iovernois, Principal, and !'"ellows of Me(iill ( 'ollege, .Montreal, oil thi' siilji't't of the pi otei tion of I'.dtestanI I'diication ill the proposed scheme for the Confederation of' ilu' Rritisli North .\meiieaii Troviiiees. You will inliirm tiiese gentlemen that this question is under my consideration, in coii- jimction with the delegates. 1 liave, (Sfc. The Ofticcr Admimstering the (iovermneiU, (Signed) CARNARNON. ttc. &c. &c. Can.vda. No. 26. • Page 29. No. 27. Pagp .■II. No. 2S. Page .Hi, Nn. 20. • Pape .'ir (i 52 CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION Nova Scotia. NOVA SCOTIA. *• Dcs|)att'hcs from the Lieut. -(iovcrnor. No. 1. No. 1. Copy of ii DESPATCH from Lieutcnaiit-Ciovcnior Sir R. G. MacDonnkll, C.B., to tlic Iliglit Hon. Edward Caudwt.i.l, M.l'. (No. 11.) Government House, Halilhx, Nova Scotia, DectMnber 8, 1S()|. (Kcri'ivfil .IiiiMiiiiy ;i. 1H().).) SlU, ( Aiiswcrccl i\<). ;f. .lnriiitin- 7, HIi.), piiirp 78.) Tni; enclosed copy of tlie Resolutions adopted at the Quebec Conf'crenee only readied me on the (itii insl., as there was considerable and still unexplained delay in transmittinif from C^maila a copy to the Delegates from this Province. 2. Those fientlemeii do not tliink it neccs.sary to accoinjiany their re])ort with any detailed explanations. Loni;' ere this can reach yon I ani aware that you will have been ])ut, by Lord Monck, fully in possession of all the proceedings and resolutions of the Conference. Vou are also otherwise accpiainted with my own individual opinions. It is therefore unnecessary in this Despatch to enter into any i'urther details. I ahall for the present follow the example of the Delegates, and await some expression of the intentio!is of Her Majesty's Government in reference to the proposed federation. I am convinced that there exi.sts, both on the ])art of the ])id)lic and of the present Ministry, a very general dispoMtion to show all due deference to the o|)iiiions anti wishes of Her Majesty's (Jovennnent. I have, &c. (Signed) lUCHARD GRAVES MACDONNELL, The Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P., Lieuteiiant-CJovcrnor. &c. cSrc. vueliec Conference ni)on the sul>ject of a union of the Uritish North American I'rovinces, have tiie hoinnir to suhmit their report. The Conferenee consisted of the followinir nuMnhers ; — /■'f'/' / 'tiniithr. The Hon. Sir V.. V. 'V m mi , M.I,.( '.. lieceivcr-Ciciiera! .and Minister of Militia. The lion, ,I(ui\ A. M viDowii). M.l'.P., Attorney-Cieiu-ral (!'. Canada). The lion. (i. K. Caiitiii!, .M.I'.P., Attoniey-Ueneral (I,. Canada). The linn, (ii.onc.r 1?kou \, .M.I'.l'., {'resident of l!\ecnti\e ( ouucii. The lion. .\. .Mom \ r r, .M.IM'., rostni,ister-( iencral. The Hon. A. r. (iAi T. M.IM'., .Minister of I'inaiM e. Th,' Hon. T. 1). .M.(iii. .M.I'.l'.. .Minister of Auricnltnre. The Ihn. \V\i. M( DoK.M 1, M.I'.l'., I'r.ivinciai Secretary. The Hon, .Vi.i xwniii Cwii'inn, .M,L,C,, Connnissioiu'r of Crown Lands, The Hon, ijK C. Cmai'I'ais, .M.I'.l*.. Cninmissionir of I'uMic Works, riie linn, 1,. II. I.AXi.i VIS, M.l'.r., Niliiitor-tuMieral (I.. Canada). The Hon. .1 AMI s Cock 111 ii\, M,IM'., Solicitor-( ieneral ( I'. ( 'anada), /•'()(• ^Viini Si'dliii. Tlie lion, Cmaiii.i s Ti I'i'i II, M.IM*., Provincial Secretary. The Hon, Wii.i.iam .\, Hi viiv, .M.IM',, Attorney-ticiicial, The Hon, .lo. .M.Ci ii.v, M.I„C. The Hull. Koiu. U. Dm Kl^. M,1.,C. A. (i. AiiciiiiMi.i), i:.s(|,, .M.I'.l'. /•'ii; .Xi'ir liriiiisiricl,; The Hon. >, !„ 'I'll I.I ^. M.I'.l*,, I'idvincial and financial S(.(|,-|jivy ■111.. Hon, W, II. SrciMs, M.L.C., .M,i;,C. The Hon. .1. .M. .loiivsdV. M.I'.l'., Attoriiev-Ceiieial, The Hon. I'. .Mii. iiiii,. M.I..C.. M.K.C, The Hon, K, I(. CiiASDi.i II, M,I-.C, l,ieUt.-Col. 111.' Hon. .loMX IhdHAY, M.I'.l'. The Hon. Cii.Mii.i s KiNiiiii, .M.I'.l*. RKi'onr of 11 Scotia, ii at the C I'roviiici 4 Copy oI (No. I Silt, I II leply of II general sti of llu' pro It anpe; Her Alaje! issued last your infor Indepei Majesty's loyal gent suspicion to disunio sED UNION OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 53 /''))• Ni'wfnmuUnnd, F. T!. 1". Cahtik, Es(i.,M.1M'. J(lll\ A.MIIKOSI. SlIKA, i/S(|., M.IM*. Nova SroTiA. 1)1", ACUOXNI'.I.I,, C.J3., (0 DoccMiibiM- 8, ISttl. jMiuiiiiy .'i. |N(),).) MiiMiT 7, ]«(;.■;. |iiiir,. 7|tj,) l)t.'c CoiirciLMico only imoxpliiineil liolay in K'ii- report with :iny t yoii will have beeii iuol)ec on the lOtli day of Ootoher last, the Confi't-ence was oi-jrani/i'd by the a]i|iiiintiMont of the Hon. Sir !<]. P. Tacho, Cliaiiman, ami the lIonoiual)lcs Messrs. William McDoUfrall, (Jiiai-ies Tiippei-, S. L. Tilley, Amlirose Sliea, jukI M". II. Po|)i'. .loint Secretaries: II. IJernard, Esq., «as nominated hy the Secretaries Kxecntivo J?ecretary, ,iiul approved by tlie (.'(inference. After (icliiieratini; daily at fjieat leniftli until Thursday, the 2"th ()ctoi)er, the Conference adjoinned to Montreal, wiiere a linal meetinif was held on the 'i'.'tli October. At lhi> meetiufr it was un.iui- inouslv resolved that the \ari(nis delefiations should jiri'sent the anne\cd report as the common result at uliiili the ConlercniH- had arri\ed. iuid which it was aj^reed should be authenticated by the siijnatures of all the niemi)ers. Dealinu; a>- this rejxirt does with ev<~ry branch of the subject, it is not necessary that any elal)orate n.'inarlis should l)e added in order to place the whole (pu'stion fully before your Kxcellencv, but we have much irratilic;ition i:i statinj,' that nothiuf^- was more conspicuous in the discussions of the Conference than a miatiinious sentiment of devoted loyalty to the Crown, ardent attacinni'nt t'l Mritish institutions, and a uniform desire to ado|it such a constitution as would unite the resources of all the Provinces represented in a comiiiou ell'ort to |)reserve the riyhts and liberties which llicir inhabitants now enjoy as liritisli subjects, and to ensure their continued connexion with the par("nt Slate. Till' iiiiilersii,nicd cannot conclude this report without placiiii; on record their liv:'ly appreciation of the nniroini jtood fceliiiii- which marked tiie (leliberations of the Conference, and the extreme courtesy and kindness manifested on every occasion by the Government and peo])le of Canada to the Delegates from the Maritime Provinces. All of which is repectfnlly submitted. (Signed) CiiAui.Ks Tii'mkh. \V. A. lli.Nuv. .1. McCn.i.Y. AoA.Ms ti. Am iiuiAi.n. RKToirr of Resolutions adoiiteil at a Conference of DelcL'ates from the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Hriiiiswick, and the Colonies of Newfoundland and Prince lidward Island, held at the City of Quebec, liith October !.'<•! I, as the Hasis of a proposed Cuufoderation of those Provinces and Colonies. Tliesr lifsnliitiiohi ore jtriiiti'il iis iiii A/ijniii/i'i, jxii/i' l''8. I'li'wn Laiiil Aorks. iiiada). .iiiada). ■relarv i No. L>. Copy of a DESPATCH iVoin Lieiit.-(iloveinor Sir U. G. MacDonvki.l, C.H., to the Uiojit IJon. Mdwaud Caudwki.i,, M.F. (No. 11.) (loverniuent House, nalil;i.\, Nova Scotia, December '2\\ 1S()4. Sill, (Hcccived, Jim. ;>, l^().'.. | I iiAvi; the liononr to acknowledge receipt of your Despulcii tninsmitting the ie|)lyofIIer Majesty's Ciovernment to I.ord .Monck (Canada, No. <);<,■) eontainino- a • general sialeinenl of the views of Her Majesty's (iovernnieiit on the important snlijeet \ of the proposed Federution of the Mrilisli American ('olonies. p, It appeared to me that it was advisaiile to «rive immediate imblicity to those views of Her .^laieslv's (iovernmenl, and accoriiinely 1 direeteil a (iazette I'Atraonlinary to be issued last nio;iit eontainiiifv that Despatch. I enclose some copies of that Ga/uttc (iir your informalion. Indepeiulent of the obvious tlnly of giviiifj iiilbrmatiou of liial kiiul earlv in Her Maiestv's subjects in this Province, I felt that it was due to many iiiohiv res|)eetal)le and loyal i;eiitlemen bohiiiio' a distintjuisiied positinn in this eoiiimunil_\, and who view wiiii suspicion the retention of local i'arliaments as more likely hereafter practically to leail to disunion than to strenjrtli, to oivo them an opportunity of aeiinaintiiio- themselves CJ .1 No Viilc r.ipcrs iri'M'nlrl Ki'ii. isi;:i, II. V , ■- ,. « Nova ScOTiA. No. ;i. 54 CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION program me, will) the sentiments entertained by Her Majesty's Ministers before committing themselves advisers fee' to any decided line ot' action. 3. I tiierefore liope the course which I iuxve adopted will meet your apjjroval. I have, >S:c. (Signed) RICHARD GRAVES MACDONNELL, The Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P., Lieut. -Governor. &c. &c. &c. No. 3. Copy of a DESPATCH from Lieut.-Govcrnor Sir 11. G. MacDonneli., C.B., to the Right Hon. Edwaro Cardwell, M.P. (No. 49.) Government Hons^e, Halifax, Nova Scotia, January .'"), 1865. Sin, (Ri'ccivcil, Jammry 17, ISfi.'i.) WiTTia view to enabling you, in case of necessity, to refer readily to the speeches recently delivered at public meetings by the friends and opponents of the scheme of Federation proposed for the British American Provinces, I have had extracts n)ade from the best reported speeches, and put them into a somewhat more convenient shape for reference than if left to be searched for through the various journals in which they have from time to lime appeared.* 2. A considerable amount of ability has been exhibited on both sides, but the most practised debaters as well as the mo^t influential ])orlion of tiie jiress have fiom the first been on the side of the Delegates, '.vliilst tiie early |)ublication of the reply of Her Majesty's Government to Lord Monck on the same subject has given such an additional prestige and weight to the position and arguments of the Delegates and otiier friends of the measure, that unquestionably the result of the di.-,cussion lias been in a great degree to disarm opposition, and also to prevent any effective organization on a great scale by the political opponents of Federation. 3. It has, however, been a great satisfaction to me to note throughout these discussions that neither party can be regarded as more loyally disposed than the other, but on both sides the tendency or supposed tendency of any suggested arrangement to promote or weaken the coiniexion subsisting between tiiese Colonies and (ireat Britain is treated accordingly as a favourable or unfavourable feature in the scheme. I have, &c. (Signed) RICHARD GRAVES MACDONNELL, The Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P., Lieut.-Governor. &c. Sec. &c. with the aid atl'ords the si etleetively a; than by the The Rigl &c. Copy of (No. ;• Siu, In final appoin purpose ot North Ame It is only himself one resume of p merged in t You wi Conference the most en ceedings, ai that which resolution i The end of proceedii first aiiticip The Rig ike No. 4. t Lord Miinok til Sir It. (1. MiioDoiin.'ll, ■2^ Dec. 1^14; vide p. 2. % Vidi' I'apiT.s prpsented 7 I'Vh. ISfi."), p. 11. § l.t.-GoT. Sir H. (1. MncDnii- ni'll tnVisciiunt Miinck, Jan. 1(1(15, printi'd at p. 4. No. 4. Copy of a DESPATCH from Lieiit.-Governor Sir R. G. MacDonnkm., C.B., to the Right Hon. Edward Caudwkll, M.P. (No. 51.) (jovernment House, Halifax, Nova Scotia, January lU, 18(j5. ( Kcci'ivnl, .liiiiiiiiry 31, ISfi.'j.) Sir, ("An-wiicil, Ni.. .'j. Kcliruiiry ;i, lS(i,;. pane "b.) I iiAvr: tb',' honour to transmit herewith cojiy of a Despatehf received from l^ord Momk, on the 6th instant, iiKiiiiriiig what course J intend to pursue for the purpose of giving effect to your instructions as conveyed to his Lonl.slnp in )our Despati'h of the Md Decend)er.J As I believe your instructions clearly imi)ly the expectation tiiat the several Legi.s- latures of these Irovinces shall adopt an address to the Crown j)raying Her Majesty to direct ste])s to be taken for t>;'ssing an Imjierial .'Vet uniting these Piovinces on the general basis of the Quebec Resolutions, and as that is the policy which Lord .Monck announces as intended by his Government, I have had inucli ])leasure in intimating the entire willingness of this Government to adhere to the same policy. It is, indeed, precisely the same course which I had myself recomnieniKd as soon as I was in possession of your views on the Quebec Resolutions. 1 enclose copy of my rcplvv; to Loni .Monck, whicii enlarges somewhat on the reasons why it seems inexpedient to depart in any of these Colonies from the above simple M^^ 11- I'l.r.. ()s h t'liai luttotuw jiroc ..Mlni>,'s taru' ~. r ) Ills V.f l.irllt.- Ul I'OllI .if 1 III Cdlll The enclosures hvitifi e.rtriiets from Hews/iiipers, and of eunm(triible leiii/t/t, ore not printed. ..^^.^V^^rl:'^^^^'^^ ^^f^^^^'"' )SED UNION committing themselves your approval. A(^l)ONNELL, Lieut.-Governor. OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 55 programme, as any depailure tiierelrom migiiL Icail to iiopeless variance, I and my advisers feel that the proposal of Her Majesty's (lovernment to frame the Imperial Act with the aid of representatives of the various Colonies, specially deputed for the purpose, aW'ords the simplest and reailiest practical mode of adjustin;^ details, whi.'li can he more efh'itively as well as ii ore svisely and completely dealt with by the Imperial Parliament, than by the possibly discordant action of several independent Legislatures. I have, &c. (Signed) RICHARD GRAVES MACDONNELL, The Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P. Lieut.-Governor. Nova Scotia. &c. «c. &c. D( NNEM., C.B., to ihfax. Nova Scotia, ), 1.S65. my 17, 18G5.) eadily to the speeches ents of the scheme of id extracts niade from convenient shape for nnals in which tliey I sides, but the most ss have tiom the first of the reply of Her 2n such an aihiitional '- and other friends of ■en in a great degree II on a great scale by M"it these discussions c other, but on both 'incnt to j)romote or -■at Britain is treated CnONNELL, Lieut. -(lovernor. No. 5. CoHV of a DESPATCH from Lieut.-Governor Sir R. G. MacDonni:ll, C.B., to the Right Hon. I'^dwaud Cardwkll, M.P. ^ ^ , Government House, Halifax, Nova Scotia, February 2, 18G5. (JNO. .j5.) ( Rfceiv.,!, F.linmry IG. IS6o.) Slli, (An.-wcrcil No. 10. Miinh I. Isti.l. piigc 79.) In my Despatch, No. 1."}, of the ;Ust August I had the honour to announce the final appointment of >lelegates to represent Nova Scotia at Charlottetown, for the purpose of discussing the expediency an! practicability of .some union of the British North American Maritime Provinces. It is only within the last few days that I have received from the Provincial Secretary, himself one of the delegates and joint secretaries of the Conference, the enclosed brief resume of proceeilings, which, as you are aware, became soon afterwards practically merged in the more comi)rcheiisive Conference at Quebec. You will observe that almost from the very commencement of the Charlottetown Conference at the beginning of September, delegates from C'anada, inchuling some of the eminent statesmen from that country, were admitted to take part in the ])ro- ceedings, and its deliberatic.ns ])ractically embraceil a far more extensive question than that winch had l)een originally submitted to the consideration of the delegates by resolution of the respective Legislatures. The enclosed document is ueverthek'ss intcroting as tbrming a portion of the history of proceedings to which subsecpient events have given a far wider influence than was at anticipateil. I have, Ike. (Signed) RICHARD (UlAVES MACDONNELL, The Right Hon. Edwarc' Cardwell, M.P., Lieut.-Governor. ike. ike. See. No. 6. )onm;i,i,, C.B., to Jaiuiary 1.3, 1865. I.V ;ii. ivi.j.) leceived from Lord '• for the pinpose of ur Despatch of the t the several I.egis- ig Her Majesty to I'rovinces "on the *'hich Lord Monck c in intimating the icy. It is, inileed, soon as I was in ^hat on the reasons I (lie above simple 'rv 110/ prhifii/. Kiiilosuio 1 ill No. "i. j.;,n,| , i|,jj„ , M\v ir i'i,i;\-i ^oiii \',\( I I.I.I \( V, llalif'iix, N.S.. .I;iiui:iry 'is, IHn.'i. ()s liili.'ill' ol the (lili'frati's ii^ipointcd liy your Kxcclloncy to attciid tlu' t'oiit'i'ioiKc licld at ('li;iilntt('tn\vii ill Scptc'iiilit'v lii-l, I licj.;- to ciiclnsc for your iiil'oniKitioii \\\r t'ollowiiiir report ot' the procii'diiifTs of lliat ('oiilciciici', duly autlioiiticatcd liy the signatures of the iliairiiiaii and joint slhto- tario. 1 have, \i'. To liis I'Aci'Ucncy. Sir i{. (J. .MacDoiuicll, C.H., (Si^au'd) Cii.Mti.Ks Ti rniii. l.ifut.-tioviiiiui, kVe. 'iVi'i'iii, I'idviiicial Sccri'tary. lion. \V. .\. Ili.siiv, Altonicy-dciKMal. Ihiii. .i()\.\ III w McCi ii.\, M.L.C y\i)\MN (i. Aiiciiiii Ml), Lsip, ,\Lr.l'. Hon. I{. B. 1)1, Kiv, .M.L.C. lion. .S L. 'I'll, 1. 1.1, Provincial Sciretarv. Hon. W. II. Smvis, M.L.C. and .M.lvC. lion. .1. .M. ,Ioii\M)\, .\ttonu'y-(icni'ial. Hon. 1"^. Ii. Cii.wDi.i II, .M.L.C. Hon. .I.N. (ill \i, M.l'.l'. CJ I Nova ScoTr.v. \n No. G. 56 c()RHi:spoxi)KNCi: UKSP'-.f-rixc; thk imioposkd union I!, 111. Col. .1. ii.(;i;.\v, .M.i;.( . Hull. W. II. Vow, Ciiloiiial .■'r'tTetaiy. Iliir.. lM)WAiii> r.M.,Mi.ii, Attoiiiey-Ueiieriii. lloii. (iKiiitt.i; C'oi.i.-., M.l'.l'. Hon. Axniii:\v MiUon.m.h. .M.F,.f'. 'I'lio (li'lcgatfs liii't at i1h! fiilcmial liiiildiii^-, Charlottilurtii, I'. I!. Ulaiul, nil llic l>tilay of Soptcmho ISCl, when on iiiotioii of th'.' Hun. Ciiarli's 'riipinT, -n-oiiili'd liy tlic lloii. S. L. 'I'illry, tlic lion. Ci.! (!ray was aiipointccl Cliaiiinan nltlic C'nnl'cn iici' : tlic I Ion. ( 'liailc- Tiippcr ami tlic lion. .•>. L. Tilli\ wore appointed .loint Srcictaric.-. Ai'cr >niiH' tinio >])t'nt in i.'-<'ni'i-al di-('U>.-ion it ua-i dciidi'd to receive a depniation fVoni the (iovorii- iiient of Canada, wlio liad aiiiM'd liir the piirpo.-e of explaining,' to llie Confeiciice the view.s of tlia (ioveinnient npon the I'nion of Hriti.-h North Ainerie;i. In eonfoiinity witii that 'leei-ion the foUnwin;,' ineinher~ of tin- Canadian Govennnent were reeeivci hv the Coni'ereiiee on the 'Jnd day of .■^('iitenihi-r. — lion..). .\. MeDiisM II, ,\ltoriU'y-f ieiieral. C.W. lion. (i. K. C.Miiii It, .\ttorney-(ieneral, C.l'^. lion, (icoiu.i; Hkoh \, .M.l'.l'.. Prt-.-ideiit ol' l'\wiitivo Couneil. Hon. \. 'V. (iM.i', .Milli^t(■r of Finani'i'. Hon. T. 1). M( Gil., .Miiii-'itiT of .Vfrricultiire. Hon. Win, .Ml Don. mi., l'ro\iiieial Seei-ilary. Hon. .\i.i \ AMU i; C AMi'iii I.I., .M.L.C., Coiiiniif.-iioiii'r of Crown Lands. Hon. 1,. II. I.w.iviv, .M.l'.l'., >olicitor-(;fiierul, C.K. The Confereiuo met ^e])araIely and with there L'eiitleiin-ii daily ontil Wedne-day. the Till .'^optoinhei, and full and free discussion took jilace hctween theiii and the ineiiihers of the Conference. I'pou the 7th ."^epteiiilier, at the invit.itiou of the d(dei,Mtes from Xova .'^ciiti.i, the Coul'ereiice was adi.iurned t" meet at Halifax, where on the KUh Septiuilier it w;i- re-as>eiiihled .-it the I.eiiislative Council cliamher, and the di>cu--iiiiis eoutinued with the niemliers of tiie (.'aiiadian ( iov ernmeiit. On the I'ith ."^epteniher. upon tlu' invitation of the deleu-ates from New l>riin>wii-k, the C.infereiice was adjounied to meet a' St. .lohn, New lirun-wiek. I'reviimsto ad|ouriiment, the lion .1. .\. McDonald .•iniionncpd to the Conference that the I'Accutivi Council of Canada would advi>e his Excellency the {Jovernor-Genend to invite the l.ieut.-tiovernors of Nova Scotia, Ni'w Ih-niiswick. Ncwtiiundland, and I'rince Kdw:ird Island to aii|ioint delegates tn attend a Conference at •j'uehec, ni take formally into i-oii-ideration the >uhiect of a union of all tlii l!riti>li North .\mericaii I'mvinces. I'ursuant to adjournnieut the Conference met at .''tiihh'.- hotid, St. .lohn, N.I!., on ilie IDth .Septemher, wiieii it w.i- decided to adjourn iiulil after the Cunfeieiice to he called at (.liiehcc had roinially discusseil the larirei' ijuestion in all its hearinirs. An adjournment accordingly took [ilace until aL'aiti called hy tiie chaiiinan to meet at >ncli time anil place as lie should think lit, of which due notice should he ;.riveii liy the secretaries to the memhers. Such adjourned mectinir was duly called and held ,it the a report of the proceedinirs of the Conference for the information of the l.ii'Utinaiit-Gover- '• nors and of the Legislatures of the .Maritime I'mvinces." .\ vote of thanks having heeii ]ias-e(l unaniniou-ly to the i-hairiiiaii, for the ahle inanuer in whiih lii' had discharged the dutic- of his ollice, the Cuiiference was on iiiotioii adjouiued '•^ille die." (.Signed) .1. H sMri.rox (in \^, Chairinan. ('ii.viii.i.> Ti I'i'i i;, 1 , • , o .S. L. Tii.l.iv, J •l>">'t N'cretanes. No. (i. C'oi'v of'a DKSl'A'I'CH lioin Lieut. -Cjovernor Sir U. (J. Mac DdSNi'.t.i., (M>., to tile Kioht Hon. KiiuAiti) C'.^ituwKi.i., M.P. (No. "iG.) (iov(Mi)iiieiit House, Haiilax, Nova Seolia, February 1;"), ISli.j. (Ifcciivnl Filiniiirv L'H. ISti,-;.) SiH, l.\ii-w.|.il ,\... IL'. .Maivli'lO. ISU,-,. |i,i;r,, Vni 1 iiAvi; tiie lionour to tran.smit lierewilli a copy of tiie .spt-ccli witii wiiieli on tlie iltli instant I o|ieneii llie second session of tlic twenty-second (icnei'al Asseinl)lv ot'tiiis Siioiti\ a( |in.'seiileil Tlie Hi cV' .Mi:. I'i;i-ii. Ml!. M'l \i 4. At the identity o propo^al lor you then g to uppiiint I'run-uic'u .-,. It lie. that lesoiic national clia urent leadiii tlemi'ii to h of ih.' .-uhjc inleriiii. Ii c! (i. When (piestion, 1 < llien aiipoiul the llr.-t Cm and dill not 7. The ic eiiiliodied ill voii witii ill ■ S. The hi opinion of t loyalty, as ; arri\c at coi It. I feel ,■ a ipiarter oi .Majcslv'.s SI Provinces. 10. A CO the general ■ \ ork of a adverted to, (lav for gen Her .Majest discus>iiig t II. It is seinie for CI which yon I lC( I il.-MU to treat in i in i'e:i merely one I'J.'l nei dcteriniiKii concerned cuuiiilon t I ( Mi\eruor-( It was veiy gratilyinif to me to lie alilc to coii/iiatiilate llie nienilicis of tjie Lejiislatiirc on tlie nnpreecdenteil |)ros[)erity witli wliicli tliis IVovince lias l)eeii favoineil liinino ijip past year, tlieiei)y atHjidiiio- tlietn .iiiitable leisure to diseu-s the iniportaiU (piestion ol ("onfederation of these I'rovinces which it will he the duty of my (ioverii- mcnt shortly to hrinj;' helore them. On Monday, the l.'Uh iiisl., the President and Memhers of the Leoislative Council waited on me at Government House with the enclosed address in reply to niy speech. I'ohis (I'.xtt M w ir I' Wi ful Norlli .\ti lOl'.'j^ -v/^-;*^ JSKD UNION OF THK BRITISH NOKTIl A.MKRICAN PROVINCES. .')/ 11 tlic Istd.'iv (iC S(<|)(rml)o S. I,. 'I'illi.y,' the lion. C,,; iiiiii the liciii. S. L. 'rill,,, piitMtiiiii IVdiii the (iovciii. il'ci-ciicc the views of tlm Ciiivfiiiiiieiit were receive. I' (ouiieiL )!' Crown Liuuis. (lay. the Till Sppteinbei. f Ciiiilereiiee. ['pnu t!i|. uriTeiiee was adJDiinied t" islativc t'oiincil clianiher. On the k'thSepteiiiher. las a to a|i])oint delegates ti. •■ft (il ii union of ;,!! thi^ , (Ml the IDthSeptonilier, I'l' had i'nniially discussed t'llllcet ;it slli'h tillK. ;lllil aries to the menilieis. •I'lito, C.W., on the ;;n|„f "i'a Cnnl'.ilcration of the tiK' eonsideiMtion of the I -ccrelaries he reiinested of the I.ieutenaiit-(;over- liile manner in uhieli lie ■d ".-ine die," i \^ , Chairniaii. 'jjoi lit Secretaries. Slimllv a(!( rwarils, on tiic i.aiiii' Jay, the S))i.'.ii. 'I'lu.iiy L's. Isti,';.) M.'Uvh'lO, |S(M, |,il;.r,. 79^ •Il with wliii'h on the •nil Asst'inhly ol'this he Mii'inhi'is of the ■y has been favoured isciiss the important hity of my (iovern- Lci^islative Council rcjily to my speech. Kiielii>urc 1 in Xi). (>. l-!\ri:.\i i> IViini l.ii iit.-( inveriior's S|)ceeli. Mi;. ri!i;sn)i:\T \\i> IlnvoniAiii.r. (;i:\ii,i:.Mr.v ok iiii l.i (.isi, \ 1 1\ i. Coi \( n,. M I!. >l'l \KI.II AM) ( llV ri.lMI \ III I 111: llol'sl. Ill' ;\>-IMIll ^ . ■1. At the o]ii'!i!i;l'- III' l.i-t se--iuii. ihe ( )llicer then adinini^lcrioL' the ( i(i\crniiient allnded to the ic!ciilit\ o'.' ,he intere-ts of tiie l;rili'-!i Noith American Maritime Provinces, and laid hefore yon a i)ro|iosal lor d^'vi-iiiL' means of etle.tinu their Inioii imdiM- one < iovernnient. The con-ideration which you then ,i;ave to the i|ne-tion led to a resolution reiinc-iinj^- the Oillcer adniiiii>ieiiii^' the tlovernment to aiipoint di'leifali-, not e\ccidinir live in nuiuher, to conler on that subject with delegates from New Ihinisuicli and I'riiice i]d«ard Island. •'i. It liecame mv ihlty. ou receiviicj. permission I'mia llcr Majesty's ( iovennuem, to irive ell'i'ct to that re.-olntion. Therefore, with a view to a full and fair discussion, 1 endeavoured to bestow a national i-haractei on the deli';iation by I'l'iiue-lin^f the aid of pi'omincnt representatives of the t«o ifreat leailinir parties in the I'roviuee. I have directed the report ]ire.-cntcd to nie by those ifen- llemi'ii to !)<• laid belbre yon ; you will thence learn their reasons for deferring the liiial conslileration of til,' .-ubjcct. wh'cli you hail submitted to them, till aiiolber proposal, which hail been made in the iiilerim. had been lirst'clisposed of, namely, of ;■. fjeneral union of lirilish .North .Vinerica. li. When invited by the ( Joveinor-(iciieral to send dele!j:ate> to ijiuebcc to discuss that wider i|ue^tion, 1 cimsidcred ii my duty to obtain previously the cousent of I ler .Majesty's (ioveinmcit. I then appoinied, on behalf of tlii- rrovince, the same ij-cntlemen who had reprcseuteil her inic it ts in the lir.-l Conference. 'I'he second Conference commenced its siitinjrs at (jhiebec on the liitli Oct/ber, aiicl did not coacluile tlioai till the 'jf'.'th of that mouth. 7. 'Ihe result of their labours, prnposimr a I'lnon of l.ritisb \ortli America on ciTtain conditions embodied in "'_' lesolntions, has already been ma.ile public, ami will imw be ollicially communicated to you with ill the ccrre^pondenee eonuected therewith. .S. 'Ihe highest .'.uthority on such ii subject, the Colonial Minister of the ( Vinvii, has recorded his opinion of the labours of the delegates, and has j;i\eii them credit for the wannest sentiments of loyalty, as also for conduetinj; their deliberations with a patient sajiacily, which enabled them to arrive at common conclusions of the most involved ;uid dillicnlt iinestions. '.K 1 feel a>-nrcd that, irrespective of any liolitical dilli'iences of opinion, such encomiums from such a (piarter on IJritish Noitll American statesmen must be deeply ijratifyiii;^ to that f^reat body of Her MajcstCs su'ojects, who are proml to identify themselves with the welfare and reputation ol these I'rovinccs. 10. .\ copy of tile l)e-iia;ch of' tlh' Secictaiy of State containiu!,' those opinions, .•mil convi'villL'' the ffciieral approval by Her .Majesty's ( ioverunient of the <,liieliec resolutions as •'the best fr.ime- • xork of a measure to be pa.-scd by the Imperial I'arliament." for tlie purposes therein more fully adverted to, received by me on the '.'2nd Decembei, and by my ordeis was published the same day for j;eiier,il inforinatioii. ^'ou have, therefore, been for many weeks in possession of the views of I ler Majesty's (lovernment, and the comitry has for a still longer period eujoyid the opportunity of disciissin;;' the expeilienev of the jirojected union. I I. It is not my provini'i', and I Iuim' no mission to do tnore than aH'ord you the .■implest and freest s'ope hn- con-idcialion of a propos.d which seriously involves your own prespeits, and in reterence to which you should be competent to interpret the wishes and determine the true interests oltbe conntry. I led as-nreil. however, thai wlialevcr be the re-ult of your dclilicrations, you will deprecate attempts to treat in a narrow spiiit, or otherwise than with dispassionate care and pruileuce, a (picstion so broad that in reality it covers the L'round ol all parties, and precludes it from becoming;- the measure of mcii'ly I. lie (iovernmeni or one party. !'_'. I need only obsene fiirtln'r, withoiil in the hast inteiichn;; ibcreby to inllnence vonr ultimale dcteriniii.-ilion, it i- obviously cciinciiicnt, if not essential, li.r the I.e in N>.. U. To his I'.M ellenev Sir IJn ii.\:: 11 ( • 1; \x 1 » M .\i Dowrri,. Kni^'hl Companion of llie Must I loiiourabl,' Order nf the liatli, l.ii'iil.-tJoveriior and Commander-in-Chicr in and over Her Majesty's I'lovincc of Nnvji Scotia and its Dependencies, \c. iVe. iVc. I I'.str.ict.) The Adilres.s of the Legislative Couni-il. M \^ 11 I'l 1 \s| V 01 It i',\l 1 I l.l.SM , J- * * N\ 1 hilly apjirccLile the ;,'ieat ami unusual imporlame of the ipie-tioh of a rniou of the Iliiiish North .\iiierieiin l'ri)\inees, to wliicli you have been pleased to ilirei't our attentiun, and we assure lOL'.'H. II ^<^l*5^ 58 COKUKSPOXDHNCK HKSl>IXrriN(i TllK I'KOl'OSKl) I'MOX NiivA viiur l''.\c('ll<'iicy tliMl a (|ii('stii)ii iindlviiiii' in -n [xwM mii i-Ntciit tlu> iiiti'vi'sts ol' Her Maji'sty's siihjiMts !mi'1i.\. ill tills I'roMihc will not tail tn I'l'ccivc al dur liamls the altciilinii c (Himicnsuralf with it- iiiaLinitiiili'. r.xtract fVmii AddiM'ss ot'tlii' Ilousc of Ansi'iiilily in atiswci- to tlic opt'iiiiifr Spci'di (if the (iovcrnor. To His I'AccllciK y Sir l{iiii Mil) CJii WIS Mm Oonsi i i, Kni<;lit ( 'iiin|)aiiiiMi of the Most iloiioiiralilc Onii'i'ol' till' Halli, l.iiiittMiaiit-(iciv('iiior ami ( 'oiiiiiiaiKlcr-in-Ciiicf in ami omt llcr Maji'stv's i'l-oviiicc ol' No\a Scotia ami its l)i']i('iiili'iirics, »Vc. .Vc-. \f. M \\ 1 1 I'M \-i > I'\i III i;\i 1 , 1. I'll!' nport from tlir ili'lcirati's a|>|ioiii1ril to roiifcr upon tlio I iiioii of liic Maritiiuo I'nu iiiccs, and rile ri'«olulioii~ of the Coiifi'iiiici' held at (,>iiolu"(' |iro|iosiiiy a I'liioii of the clllloroiit \'vpoiidciui' on llial siiliji'ct, »\ ill olitaiii al oiii hands llio dcliliriatc ami alti'iitivo coiisidiTatioii doiiiandcd hy il c|iii'-lion of such nia^niitmlc and iiiiportami', anil fi:iii_ulil with coiisi'i|iicnc('s so monu'iitoiis to ii> and our poslci'ily. No. 7. (Joi'V of a DKSI'ATCII t'lom l,iiut.-(ili)vorii(>i- Sir K. (i. .M.\( Dowia.i,, (Mi., to llic '.{iolit Hon. I'.iMv All!) ('.Mtowii.i , M.P. (No. 7'''>-) CioMMiiiiu'iit Ildtisc, Ilalilax, Nova Scoti;i, A I nil 27, ls(i:). Sill. ( U'lvcivcl Miiy !». im;.-). ) I iiAvi, llic lioiiour to ri'poil (tn yoiif iiitormatioii lliaMho follow iiiu; Hosoliilioii was possi'd liy till' Iloiisi< ot Assi'inbly on thi' "J Itii instant : " Hi'soKcd, tiiat in tlic ojiinioii of tliis Iloiiso tlic lU'ootialions liir tlio I'nioii of Nova '■' Scotia. Xi'w l?iiins\\i('k, and I'riiuH' I'.dward Island should lie ronownl in acconlancc " with till' Resolution passed ut tiie last Session of the Leoislattire." 2. 1 iiei'd seareely tell yon that niv Ministiy has been most anxious to oive the fnlk'sl possibk' ellect to the detlau'd wishes o( Her .Majesiv's (iovenmient in favour of a oi'iieial Coiilrdefalioii ol the Ibitisli North Aineiiiaii Provinces, it is obvious, howi'ver, they woiihl jeopardisi' the liiial siieeess of that inoji'i't if, in a \ei\ divided state of pii!dic opinion, they had siibmitli-d il to the Leoisl.itine or tlu' eoiii'tiv' at a time when thi' refusal of New Ibmiswiek to torm pari of that Confedeiation had left stieh an eiionnoiis o;ap as the space occupied b\ that I'rovince between Canada and Nova Sciiiia. '.\. .\ decision ojvtii at such ,i tiim- and under mhIi discouiajiino- ciicumstanees would pidbablv have orenijy increased tiio dilliciilly of proeminu; the idhesion of this Provinci' to the l.Uiiei 1,'niiin at .some more lavoiiiable i)|)poitiiiiit\ . •t. ()pponents ol the present (ioviinmeiil liave aioiu'd liiat Hn'v had inciiriid an oidi- cation to stand v)r fill by the ri'snlt of an appeal to tin' l.eojslalun or the couiiliy on the lai>;cf ipu'siion, i conceive ihiMc inioht be somttlmio more than plausible in sin h an aroiiinent, if iirv;cil a.s a duly on the (iovernmcnl of Ni'w Ibuiiswiek, in case Nova Scotia had been iIk' liist to rejeel the proposal lia>i.'d on the (y'lnbec |{esii|iiiioi;s, liecaiisi' ihi' noii-adhe-ion of Nov.i Scotia could not separate New Mrunsuick from ( 'anada, whereas the refusal of New Prnnswick reiulc-s I he discussion iA' Nova Scotia's adhesion so e\ideiitl\ friiilless and incousiipuniial for lln' lime beihi; as seriously to impair lliech.mcc of the iHie-tioii meeliiii; a liiii uccplioii oil ils own merits. Wlmti'vei the lalirr iiiav be, it is obvioiis that o|ip'iiicnts of ( 'onlcdcralion would the ^;eneral union liaviiio- becomi' iinpr;>cticui)li for the time, all tlisciission of its niciits was onl of .seasoii. fl. 'I'd slick an extent did tins I'eeliitf; prevail, that even the liillowint; preamble, uhich orij;in.ill\ prefaced the Itesoliilioii just passed, had to be omitled, \iz., " Whereas under *' cMsiiiij; circumstances an immediate I'liioi! of the Piiilsh American Provinces lias " become impraclicablo ; and win teas .i Lej{islalive I'nioi' ol tlic Maniune Pnniiiccsis " tlesirable, whether tlu- larger rnioii be Mecomplished or not.' (i. I'he feelinu of the I,ii:i»l ilmi' and of the coimtiy appealed lu bc*o imminh'kably ajialusi discussion ol the (v'ueliee Ke-nlulioiis, v.itliiiiil hope iiebec, winds up by observing:- that whetlu'r the I'liion shall cik' with the Lower l*rovincL\s ov t'\paiid to ('onfedoration it will bo alike usel'iil to us ; and it the I aruer I'liion is cM'r to Ik consunmialed there must lie an advaiitaji'o in oblitiaatiui: ail narrow bonnd.uics, w liethi'r legislative or ten itoi iai, over so exten.--i\i' and important a portion of the propos((i ('oiiti'dcfati(Hi as that comprised in tin area occupied li\ New Punn^wick and Nova Scotia. Id. It o)il\ remains to observe that however fivonralile jniblic (ipmioii here ma\ be lo sucii iiit( iiiii (hate and smallei union, J !;a\e no reason as yot lor thiukiiig that it will meet eipial lavonr in NiW ibimswiik. I'ossibly the Litter maybe as little disposed to lorin alliances ol' .my kind as Prince I'.dward Island. II. It is probable, however, that the \ii'ws of Her Majesty's (iovernincnt on the subject, whether Cavonrable, as liiriiu'rly, to such an anaiij^ement, or whether they may be induced to re;;ar(l it as iiiterf( rill:;- inidnly, tlionnh imintentionally, wit'i the inoposed fioiicial Conledeiati'in, would f;reatly inlliu'iice the rosull of any lU'gotiations lor u Legislative llnion i)l the M.iritiino Provinces. 1 have, iVc. (Signed) RK'llAIM) {IK.WKS M A('I)( )NNI;LL, The Right Hon. Ldward ('urdwell, MP.. Lieut. -(ioveinor. ike. \c. o\m:i.i., C.B.. ki ihe Right, lion. I'.iiw Aim ( ' \i!i)Wi;i.i , M.P. (No. 7>-,) (idvermneiit House, Halifax, No\.i Scotia, .M.iv !l. Is(m. Silt. (|{(ccivc."l. Mas L".', |x(i.-.,| I relcreiu to mv l>(";|>alcli. No. 7.','" of the '_*7th ultimo, tr.nismiiling a Resoln- lion ol the House ol .\^sianbl\ on the siibjei-t of rnion of the M.niiime Pro\ inci's, I have iiovvtiio honour to i nclose a Ri's.ilution pa>.>ed on the '2i\i\ instant bv tlu" Li'gislalix a Coimi'il of this Province, allirming llio exiiediency of renewing iieuoliatioiis for ji Legis- lative rnion ol those Pioviiu'cs, 'I'liis Resuhition is identical with that adopted b\ the .X.ssi'iiibly, except that it retains llio pre.mibli' which, in deference lo llie feelings ni Ihe niajmits ol the latter house, was finally oimttod there, as I hive alreads i\plaiued. I have, iVe. (Signc.n RICH. Mil) (ili WI.s MACDONNI'.LL, The Right Hon. Ldward C.uilwcll, M.P., Lieut. -tiowriior. \«'. \r. *rc. Imii li(»iir( ill No. s. \\li('i(M>, iiiidiM' t'sisiiiitfcircniiihlaiKcs, un iiiiini'ilinto riiiiui dl ilic llriiisli Ndiili .Aincrican l'iri\ jncc- lias lii'ioiiic iiii|iiai'tii'al'li' : And hIi 11^. a {.('(xi-lalive Cniim ol tiic Manliinc Pidviiici^ is dc-indiii'. ulictlicr I lie lallcr I iiniii III' an nni{ilf'lii i| (ir lidl : llc-'l\(.d, 'flial in tl |iiiiidii III' llii« lidii-, till' tii'irolialiiMi- I'nr llic rninn df N'liv.i .s,d|i,i. \,.w ll'iin-»M(K mil I'lMin r,d«,ild Maid -Imnld lie ii'iiewcd in airnid.nuc with llic ii'-dliilidii |iii"iil al llic lasl fH'fMdii iirilic l.i hisI.'iImh'. H J Nil. ">. I'.'IUC Kiicl, ill Nil ". NclVA SroTiA. No. !). r«K.. r.iu'l. 1 in No. '.'. Gu COKUESl'ONDENCE UKSl'RCTINd Till: TUOPOSKD UNION No. !). ( 'oi'Y of ;i 1)I'',S1' \'r('il f'lom I.iciit.-tiovi'nior Sir U. (J. M.\(1)on\i:i.i,, (".B., to tin, Kiiilit lion. Eiiw AIM) C'.\i;i»\vr.i.i . MA'. (No. S7.) (ioviTiinn'iit lloii'-e, Ilalilax, Nova Sc\4i.i, .Iiinc 7, isO."). ( li'.ciivcil JlllK' 17, I'^'i.'l.) Siii, ' Aii-w.ii'.l Nil. ;i(). .Iiiiie 21. I'.'/. iiM-v SO.) In ic'li'iciu'e to mv Dispiilcli No. 7"),* oi tlu' "irtii April, apiiriziiiii' yoii ol' tho .-t(.-ps taki'ii in tin- Loyislaliiri' dI' this I'rosiiico to revive disciiM.sioii ol tiie (piesiion ol' ,i Union of the Maritinu- I'lovinces, I lia\e now ll- ' l;oiiotir to tian.sniit, lor vonr inlorma- tion, co|)ies of the replies whieh I iiave rccei\e(l lioni llie Lieutoiiant-Ciovernor.s of New Brunswick ami I'lince IvUvaril Island. I have. iVc. (Sinned) UICII.VKl) (JIIAVKS MA('1)()\XK1,L, Tlie Ripdii Hon. Kilward Cardwell, M.l*., Lieut. -Ciovenior. lSlT. iScc. cVc. Enclosure 1 in Nn. 0. I.ii'iit.-fliivcrnor tin' Ilnii. Airnini 11. (ioi \ to I.icut.-fiovprnor Sir I!. (!. M \i Diiwimi , C.l!. Siii. fii'iicriilon. N.ii., May.".], ISii'i. I II \\ I ihi' liniKiur til cMiliiM' iu'icwitli fur ymir I'.NccUcncy ^^ iiit'nniiatioii a copv (if an iidilri'-s |ir(-cntri| III nif liy till' 1 Inii-c (if \s-i'nil)l\ nl' tlii- i'lm iin'c. willi ri'l'i'r.'nic tn the apiniintnii'iir (,!' a ili'lejiaii'iii III I iinlcr with di'lc^rati'-- iViini Nova >ciiiia and i'-inrc f'.duaiii l>l,iiicl wiili a \jc\v to an riiioii I if I lie \laritiin'' I'riAiiici'^, a> af o a ropy o|' my answci. I have, \i: His INn lirmy Sir 1!. (i. MarDonncii, ( '.!'., (Sifiii'd) .Viiriini II, CJoiiDdv. \T. \l'. iVc, lliMi^col .^^-l'1llll]y, 'fhnr.-dav, May y,"), IHIi'i. Will I \ till' l.iriil. < liui rnor ol' ilii- I'rovinci' lii« icniv nl Iroin ilie l.iciil. ( ^ivi'iiior i<\ NiA.'i Sioli.i iii|iir« ol |•l'^ollllillll^ pa>M'd liy till' l.<';ji«l,ilivi> < 'ouiiiil and IJoiim' of .V^^l•ndllv of thai l'rii\inri>. i'\pn'>»intt a «i~li li> reiiru tlu' ni';:olialioii lor a I nion nl' tin- Mai ilinic l'ro\inics, and \\lirrca> it i< dc-iralili' lo a-rrrlain whotlicr a li'iri-l.atiM- m- cnnina'n l,d I ninii ol tlii-.i' i'l-ov info.-, on Irrin- aii\aiitMi;>'oi\- to all, i» prailiraliji'. 'I'lii'l'd'ori-. lvi'«ol\rd. an liilinlili' addii-> lio pii'^iiilol to liis l',\ri'llinfy III" '.icill,- ( iinrriioi, iripl' 'tin;; liiiil to appoint di'l('!.'at('-. liol to e\ri'ril live, |o coMrcr « illi a drlcir.ilioii lo lie appoinli'd 'oy tin' iiliieel to w liu h ilir adilre>« now preM'innl to me leiiile-., and will not t'iiii to jippuint dele;L'ates to roudiiil it" diMaissiuii on the part olllii'- j'rov iiiee, a- ihi rein leipie-led. le ili.U liM't ;;iii No 9. i^lll■lo^nll• '.' ill No. !•, ^^^-(inM'riior fii oiii I I )i Ml \s III I,ient.-< iovernnr Sir It, ( i, M m l)u\ si n , < Ml. Sir, (iiiM rnincnl IIoii>e, I'linio I'idwan! inl.ind, May .in. 1m1."i. Willi i'iiii'i' lo my |)ed ym lliat ii miiinle \\i\» liriiiu' plepared i\prer«ive III llie view* nl' the I 'seriilixe ( 'olilieil oT this j. land on the •'iihjeet of the pfopo-eil i('!>iiiiiplion of iie^iiiiMtiniiK for Ciiiiiii ol' the Maiitiiiie l'ro\inee>, I h.ixe now the honour to «>lielo>e that iiiiniiti'. I liaM', .Ve. Iliit lixeelleiiey Sir H. (i, MaeDoiinell, ( .11,, (Sinmd) (iioin.i Divims iVv. \v. \f. lai'ut,-(i(i\i'i inr. , Uoi'S ol .1 (No. ;n\Ni;i,[,, r.n., f (> Mil- liil.ix, Nova Scul'u, 17, \xii.'i.) I. I '■:■'.. |iiiuv so.) -ippriziii^- you of (In. 1 ol lln' (iiicslioii oi' ,1 lit, (or your intorma- it-(;ovciiiors of New v Ex 111 \( r tVoMi M iNiri s (if tin- I'aik i' 1 1\ i, ('()r\( ii,. Cinincil ClianilHT, April Is, Isfi.j. At a Mcctinir nf ('nuniil. I'l-ivcnt: His l''A(('lli'iiry tiic I,ii'iit.-( i.ivcriKir, kr., I've, kr. llis I'Ai'cllciii'v liaviiiy- l.iiii lirlorc tiir IinMid a ('iniimiiiiiVc. AllTIII II 11. (io'IlKlV. iii-sdav, May 'J,i, l.Sd.i. llll' |.iclll.'(diM.|Miir I, I sc (if As-cndilv df lliat Mariiiiiic !'id\i'i„.,.,<, ,111,1 I dl llic^c I'rm iiii'o, nil l'.\( I'll.llcy (|„. I.j,.|,|,. Hith a dclciiaiidii i,, l„. 'siiliirci dIMi.ha rnidii. liltcc to Will ii|„iii lii^, I'. \V| TMdlll , ( 'IitK. iddl-Cs. hdW pM.M'lllcd Id •jiarldl llii- I'lmiinr, a- No. 10. No. la Coi"! of a Dl'^Sl'.VTCn from I/n'iit,-(iovenior Sir R. (J. Ma(1)ovni;i,i,, C.IJ., to tlie Right. Hon. Kdwaud Cahdwki.i., ,M.i'. (Jovc'rnincnt IIoiisi', Ilaliliix, Nova Scotia, (No. ():].) .Iiilv ri, ls().^). ll!,Tci\c.| duly 17. IM!.-,.) g,|. (All mil. I Nd. :!(i, Jiily"L'L'. IhIm. page HO.) 1 iiwi, tlu' iionoiir lo ai'knowK'd^m.' tito rci'ei|)l of your Despatch No. !29.* ot" tlic • r.ig>; ra. 2ith .liiiu", transimiiin'j; c'o|)y ol a i'iirii's|)oiuli'ii(C' iu'twi't'ii yoinMli' ami Lord Moiu'k on thi' affilis ol Hi ili^ii North .Vmci icM, and iiiori' i's|H'cially ;;llii(hii:4' to the recent coii- ferciu'o hetwei'ii Her >laii'.st\'s (ioMMUireiit and a (h'|Milatioii from l!iat of Canada. Your Dcspatcli Mdilre,>-sed to m\sel(' contains such an earni"-t and eiii|thalic declaration of the vii'Ws of Her Map'sly's (iovirnm nl a.s to the |)araino'iiit iin|iortaiice of union under one iiowrnnu lit, and those \ic\vs are, moreover, i'.\])re:.stil in a nianner so calcu- lated 1(1 iinpresi the |ieo|)le i wilhhohl that 1)is|ki«cIi a sinirK- day from piihlicity. If my .letiiiii wire to 1 c hniited hy your iiisiriutinii to lay the corn spoiuleiiee heliue the I.i'di^laHiri' (if No\a .Seolia at its ne.M mi-elinc- the liit'iids of ( 'oiileileratinii would jiidiiahly (iiid tiieiiiselves deprived till iie\i l'\'liiuary of the very lire it ^u])po,i which thev eaniiiit bill deiive from an eailii'r pnhlicatioii of so jiidiiioiis an espo-ition of the tipinioiisof Her Majesty's (ioveriimeii!, I have thereliire not hesitated to;j;ive il immedialc jHiliiicity, as you will perci'ive froin the inclosed copy of the lUnal (lazette of the .'nil instant, ami I trust ih.a yon will appiii\f the cunrse which I have adopted. I 1 have, \c. (Sidiied) lilCII AIM) CK W i;s .\I.\( DONNKI.I.. I he iJicIn lion. Edward Cardwell, M.l'., l.ieiit.-tiovcrnor. &c. ite. dtc. >ONM II, C.II. Inland, May .in, Isii;,, you llial II iiiiiiiiit' ua« •HI the Mlll|l','t ,,f (|„, I*! w the hdiidiir III I I 'i Ml \s, laiiii.tiiivciiiur. i No. II. (■oi\ III a Dl'.Sl'A Tell iKHii l,iiiil.-(icneral Sir W . |'. Wii.i.i \.ms,, K.C.M., to the Hie hi II I III. Eiiw Mill ( ' Minu ; I I , .M.l'. f (No. ;»'•,) Ualilav, Nova .Scoti.i, .\pril 'jCu IstiO. t |{i(ii>ril .Mii\ S. ISIili.) Sin, (.\ii.«.ri.l Nd, aii, Mn'y I'.', I^iii, p. ho.) lU llie last New N'oik in 'it packi-t I hail the honour of scndiiiu yon, in an informal m.innei, an aiiiiiMinecmeni of the pass'.'.^ri', throiicji hoth Houses of the i.i-i^is. latiiit* ut' this Province, of u resolution in l.iMiin ol tlio liitnre Coiitcdcratiuii of llii* Mritish North Provinces. II :i N". II. 62 rOHRESI'OXDKXCK KKSPKCTINCJ III!': I'KOl'OSKl) UNION OV Nova Scotia. 1:11.1. iiiNo. II. I HOW lifg- to (.'iiclose ii copy of tlie icsolution in (lucstioii, aiul to state thai tlu nuinbers on dividini;' wi-re as follows :— In tlie L(.■i;■i^lati\e Council - - - - i;} to 5. In tlic Legislative AsMcnibly - - - ;U to I9. It is hin'lily giatit'ying to be able to add, tiiat tliis ali-iniponant measure was warniK supported by tlie most eminent men of both i)artics in Parliament, and thus triumphanili carried after a protracted ami well-unstained debate. And I would fain add mv tini beliel that every man who voted for the incisure tell that lie wa> exhibitiiij;' to tli, Queen the higliest proof of his loyalij, and devotion, at the .same time that he \\a- reiuleiing to his native Province an inestimable service. I have, 5cc. The Ui<;iit Hon. Kdward (':irdwell, .M.r., (.Sii-ncd) \V. V. M'lLI.IA.M.^. &C. \'C. iVC. Kiulii^uri' ill N(i. 1 1. " Wlici'cas, in till' Dpiniiiii iif tlii- limine it is (li->li;il)l(' IJiat a ( 'onl'cilcr.ition nT llii> llrili>li Ncirll .\ireri(ali I'niviiuc- >li(ml(l taki' |ila(i> : ' |{f.-nlv I'loxiiiri-. I'iU'li I'lovinic to Inne an i'i|iial voiii> in siuli ilt'li'jfatiuii l'|ipi'r anil l.mviM- Caiiaila hi'iiiLT, lor tlii- jinrpoM', iili'riMi as separate I'rov iiui-s.'' ^Ouv lathers, in I S'l" 1.') the harliJ tional ll.if,' l>y lal tiiipiitlii/e: I""' ioii~. .i-nowinir [,,vM Sfotia \viT( I i(.iv coiiiitry. rill' prii-i'li'ss ■ili/ation. thi> f .\ii,ii uitli it. aii| ||ii>t be suiii'iuli' U '['\w pcopli' ot I f^ .ulli'UK'ii at t.Hil niviuii's, anil >'\ ■vii'w and ii'i'iii'l liiiu-i's. Tliat uvi'- ot tlii'in all liiini'. anil by lli| Ji,. l,t■,;;i^laUll•l ,,,.,11 10 rlianiii'. I'l'i'i-i'm-i; to ilir ;,j,.-ty woulil ,Ji,'aMirrs tloi^ _ loiioiir of tlu* Cr Our piMver to of iUi> I' lii'i'U inil aii-i'ptaiir No. r_' No. 12. ('o\'\ ol'.i DKSl'ATCll from l.ient.-deiieral Sir W . 1'. W'im.ivms, IJarl., K.C.B., to tlu Hiiilit lion. I'.Dw Mil) C.MUiwi 1.1., M.I'. (No. ;V2.) Halifii.\. Nova Scotia, A))ril 2(1, l^^(i(), ( li JM'il .Miiy s, Isiiii I Sill, ( .\ii-«i Till No. :.'il. Sliiy L'.'i, IMili, p. S|.i l\ coiti))liaiice with the reipiot of certain .MembiMN of the Li'i;ishilive C'ouncil and Leo'islative .Vssembly, 1 have the honour to li)i\\ard ihe accompanyiiifj; Address. Without rem; rkino on the iiiiummI course adopti'd by these oeiuii'inen, or the toiir ol then .\dilress, I it.'o to i'spre'<> my entile co;icurreiici' in the acconi]) minute of inv Kxeculive Council, wliieii I have aUo the iionour to ciiclo>e. I have, i"vc. 'I'lio Uioht lion. Kdwaid (aidwell. M.I'., (Signed) W . F. WILLIAMS. SiCm \c. iVc. Halifax. Nov Ivirl. I In laii'lo-iiri' I ill No. p.'. To till' ty. ■|"lu' liuiiililo .\iiilr('» nf ilio iniili'r'iunnl, .Mi'inlid'. of llie l.t'j'islatiM' ( oiiinil anil llonsi' of .\--i'inlily of Nova .'^eotia. Nf\> 11 Ml A>i Vol II Mam -n. Till nii(li'rniKii'''l •li'^'in' t" appro. nil llio lliioiio willi llio (■\piC"-ioii of llioii loyal allailiiiicnt Your Miiii"»ty''' pi'r>oii mid (ioxoi'inni nt. |''or inori' tlian a roninry llie I'loviiiri- of Nomi >iotiH Im^ rii|oyi'il llic aiKaiilani' of irpie-i'iiiai instil ntioii'- ii'«tini{ on llii- ronliili'iieo and ii'Mii'tt of lirr own iH'opIo, and ^ty'- jii^t aullmtity, all llio iinwcr- of .■.elf Hovfriiincnt. Nor liav" llii'M' privili'i!!'" Iwi'ii iiliio-t'il. Iho nii(li'i>i>(iii'd vi'iilnrc to a-^inc N our .Majcilv w lifi oininu piidi. tliat in no jiart of Your .Miiji'hly'n wid>ly I'Mi'iidi'd I'inpirc lmv» tlii'y lii'i'ii cM-rcir with inuii' |ll^tn•l' and di-rn tioii. illi I'd I'lii Kxi'iiil to lli'r Ma'irst of ihc Aiisi'inl '111,. Couni i Iiali^l^ ift'oli'^f iifliotli liriiiif (ioMTiiinrut. ■rill' Count' own allair" w iiii'iil, and llii will ri'int'iii a I'll!' ^tatl•l llii, |'i'(i\ini'(' who wi'iT in ,dinli NU'-i-n llMtl'lll of till' "Wloiva- from liiiii' to >i;i) UNION mil to state tliai tli 1:5 to .<). •'51 lo 1(). nicasuro was wanuli i oxliibitiiii;- to i!i, "<-• time that lie u,,. 1' WILLIAMS. OF THE RRITTSII NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 03 "•' 'lie liriiisl, \„r,| [ ro .ll'llnilll (l..l,.MVlt,. ly ciiMiiv iii>t|,r,niH. I ■•" III Muh .Iclfyatii.ii ft'S,'' "t., K.C.B., to (lir , April 2(1, |«(i(;. ISfKi I I'.j, I'^riii, |,. s|.| fA',:;islali\i. C.miiiciI i,\ iiio' A.liiivss. Ii'iiii-ii, or the Ion,. ;>ni|)aiui,io; iiiiium ■ \\ILLLVMS. !iiir l'a(h(M's. in tlir Aincricaii ruvohilioiKii'v war, adluii'il to tlic sido of Kiifflaiul : diirinji' tlu' war of Nova I'J 1.) till' liarlidurs of Nova Sciitia foniKMl tlic li.iscs nf o])cratiniis. iind licr sons fouylit to dcfi'iid the Scoita. tinnal tlaj^ liy land and sra. In all the trial- of tlu' jjariMil Slate tln' pcopli' of tiii> l'roviiic<' siiicori'ly 3iii|),itlu/i': and ri'icntly, when niuiiiiot spirits soiiiilit to di-tnrli tiu' fiMiticr, and wlii'ii anj^ry conipli- lioMs,'wiiiir ont ol' national (lucstions, tlircati'iU'd tlio |)i'a(i' of tlic t'ontincnt, the jiopnlation of Sdv.i Scotia were nniti'd in sentiment, and stood prepared to maintain their allegiance and to defend eir comitry. il'lic priceless blessiiij^f of seU-governmciit makes the i)cople content: while partieijiatiiai in the •\ ili/atioii, the eoniniercial ))rospcrity. and tlu" glories of the empire, render them proiul of their con- ^\ii.M with it, and imli-poscd to try rash experiments hy which their coiitnil cncr their own atl'airs jja-l he siiricndered, ai.d their connexion with the parent Sl.ite may he ultimately hrokeii. '^ I'lie people of this coiimry viewed with jnsi alarm a scheme of ( 'laifi deration, airaiigeil hy certain f' ■utlciiicii at <,Hiehcc in isOt witlioiil aiiv authoritv from ihc l.egi-lalures or people of the aiaritime revinces, and siHight to he forced upon tliem all with iiidceent ha>te, and wiihoiit that deliheriitc S\icw and general acceptance which can alone rccoiieili' any tree people- to great eonstilutional i,iii;;t's. That xhi'ine, rejected hy the electors of two of the Maritiiiii' Province- ,ind hy ihe I.egi-la- iMi- ol them all, wi' fear has not heon aiiandnui'd. ISy the Iree use and ahus(" ol \oiir .Maie>ty's line, anil hy threat> that yeiir protection would he withdrawn, a resolution has been carried through ic I.egi-lalure of Nova Scotia, giving power to certain geiillemcn lo lie -elei'ted hy the local (iovcrn- •i( lit to ihange, mo(lif\, or ovi'rtniii the in>ti.iilioiis of this I'loviiici' at their plea>nre, without any *'lcrciico,to the people who for a century have enjoyed them, and who we venture to assort Your Alajc-ty Would deeply resent such a violation of the ini-r reiioscd in theii re])ri>eiitatives, and (if 'iliiM-ures tliii> )irepare(l were sanctiomd hy Your Majc-tv- ( ■o\eriinienl i of the pledged faith ami Jieiiour of the Crown. Our prayer to Y'onr Majesty therefore is, that no mea.-uri" to ellecl grave changes in the constitution of llii;- l'rii\iiice may he sanctioned hy Your Majesty or siilimittctl to I'arlianient, till it has heeii i)nhli>hed in the rrovince, considered in the Legislature, and suhmitted to the (leliherate accei)taiice or rejection ol the peojile at the polls. Si \\ l.^:^ Hiiow\, M.l..(\ K. A. M'llr,.,.! V, M.L.C Will I WI * '. WiiiiMw, M.L.C. i' lll.KMAS TriTKIl, M.L.C. SaMIKI, ClIll'.MAV, M.1..C. Wiii.iAM Ansvmi, M.IM'., Ka-t IhihfaN. THoMA^ Kiii.AM, M.IM'., Couiilv Yarmouth. Dami.i, Miioiii. M.IM'., South king's. Kd". L. liiiowN. M.IM'., South King's. S I I u I. C wii'iiia 1., M.l'.l'., ( iuy>hoiougli. 'I'lioM \- Coi 1 I \, M.l'.l'., Slielliiiine. .Ions 1,11. Kl , M.l'.l'., Shelhiirne. lioiii 111 Koiii 11 1 -OS, M.l'.l'.. Shelhurue. Wii M wi lio", M.l'.l'.. \ieloria. A. W. \I-I.i 1 vs. M.l'.l'., North Colclie-ter. W'm. II. 'I'owsM \ii, M.l'.l'.. ^■arllloutll. \\'ii.i.i\M Kwooii. M.l'.l'.. North Colchester. I- V \c .S. 11 Ml II I I). M.l'.l'.. Narmoiitli. Ill SIM Mm., \m. M.l'.l'.. Halifax. \Vm. II. I!vv. M.l'.l'.. Aniiapoli-. •IvMi - W. Kis,.. .M.l'.l'.. Hants. \\ II I I \M 1. wMii V( I , M.l'.l'.. Hants. A. Ill nil, .M.l'.l'., Lnnenhurg. Halifax, NovaSiolia, .Vpril '.'o, 1 ^i^ii. 1 and lioiiw of loyal allacliiiieiit f,, ire o( repic.rlllnlive '•'■' -lie han po.«c I ly e\erci,e,|. j,, ,1,,, V'lir M.ijcu «ii|, Ihey lieeii eMTcJ^t-,] linclo-.iire 'J ill No. I'.'. 'I'm: Lxecnli\e ( (iiim il heg leave lesiieclfully lo oiler the following oh-^er» atioii- upon the memorial to Her Maje-.ty Ihe i,iiieeii. viirned liv tne inemher- of the l.egi^l.itiu- Council and eiuhleeii mcmhers 111 llie .\^^elnlll_^, upon the -nlijecl ol the Confederation ol llrili-h North .\merica. 'Ihe ( 'oiiin il fail lo perceive how '•|lie pricrle--i hles«ing of self-goveriimeni" which the itiemo- liali-ts (A-ofe-s so highly lo \iiliie is to lii> m.iint, lined if the deliheiiile aclioll of overwhtdining majoi iijes nfholli liranches ol llie Li gi>.|alure, tal,en aflci full diM n-«ion, is lo he overruled hy the Impcriiil (iovcrmiieiil. ill llie instance of the iniiiorily. The Council cainiol concur in llic. opinion thai llie eonliol ol the peo|>le ol llii- Province over their own all'aM>will he >iirrenilered hy uiiiling the llrili-h North .Vmeriian Provinces under oiietioverii- iiiciil, and ihey conti!;!'.llv expect llii« union, adoplcd aflei llie eailic-l Milicilitlioii ol ihe piireiil Stale, will ceiiieiii iinil 'iieiigllicn the hoiiiN which now coniiecl llii-< Proviiiie with llie molliei connlrv. rile !.|ateini'iil lliat llie (.tiieliee Conference wa» held withoni iiiiv milhoiily from the l,et(i^lahire of llii« Province can -earcelv he considered accnrale. when llie fail i- -lali-d that all of the iiicmorialistH who were in the .As't'iiihly in iMil voted (or 'lie followiiiu ie«olnlioii, »iihniilled hv a (iovcrinncnl of .vliich \le-^r■>. .\liliaiiil and Locke, two of them, were ineiiiliei -, .ind which received the niianiinous ili>i«eiit of ihe Leuisiiilure. "\V|icieii« the -nhjeci o| a iimon of the North .\inciican Pioviiii'es, or of the Mariliiiie I'rovincen, honi iiiiii> III liuii' has lieen niooled iiiid dixt ii!,-ed in all llie Colonies. il I rni'l L' in Nu I J, 'tfi'W 64 COURESPO.NDENCE IIKSPKCTING TIIF, PKOPOSKD UNION () Si ol\f(l lliat lii^ llNccllc-ncy llie'ienant-(io\cinor lie re!-|ie( tt'ully ie(|iic>le(l to |i liiinsell' in (•( nimnnication witli his (iiace tlie Colonial .SociTtaiy ami his l'!\eelleney the (ioveriK (ieneral, and the Xortii Anu'iican Colonies, in order to ascerlnin the policy of ller Majesty's (iovei: ment and the opinions of the other Colonies, with a view to tlie enli;;hiened consideration oiu (|ne^lill invoKini: the hisrhest interests, and u[ion whii ii the puhlic mind in all the l'ro\inces onulit to he scl rest." 'Ihe charge of liavinir i)asscd this matter with ''indecent h,i-le " the Conncil cannot nnderstand. more than a year wa- snlleied to elapsi- alter tlie proposal to unite these Provinces was snhinitted • the l.eirislature liel'ore any ai-tinn was invited thereon. The ( 'onncil cm|)h:itic.'lly deny that any '' nse or ahu-(> of ller Majestvs name" has lieen resoii. to in carrying this iiue-fi:-, which has not lieen fidly sanctioned hy Her Majesly's Miiusti'rs, who. i the paper.- -iiU'inltcd to Parliament liy Ilcr Majc.-ry's ccmmand, declared thar it \\a- "the deteni, *' nation of I Icr Maje-ty".~ (ioverniin'nt to u-e e\cry propei' mean-; I'i' inllii"m'i' to carry inio clli " «ithont i\ ni<'a-ure tlnw oniphatically hrouyht to their attentii.n, le: t the dispo>iti(ni tif the Imperial (iovciiunci. to |irotei't the Province ndght he impt rilled. " Itnt there is one consideration whii li Ilcr .Majesty's (iovirnnieni led il nmre especially their dm to ]tvi'-< upon the Legislature of Nova Scotia. Looking to the determinition whicli this counlrv i: ever e\hihite(l to ri'gard thedefince of the Colonics as a matter of Imperial concern, the ( olouii must recogni/e a right and men ats, with a view to their own clefi'uce. " Nor lau it he doulitl'ul that iIk' Province- of ll'-iti>li North America are incapalde, when scparalr, and iliv ided from each otlier. (d'maKing those just and ellici<>nt |iri iiaralilence vvhiri would I.e ea>ily undeilalvcn liy a l''o\in'e uniting in itself all the | npuialion anil all the resnnrce.- > the whole." 'I"h<' statement that the action of the Legislature gives power to " certain gentlemen to he selech^ " liy the local (iovernmi'ut to change, modify, or overturn the in titiitioii ol' thi^ I'loviuci at thi . " pica-ure" i> lic-t refuted hy the terms of the resolution it-elf, whicli are as follows: - "Whereas in the opiidon of this House it is desirahle that a Confederation of the liriti-h N'oril Anu'rican Provinces should take place. " Iti'-olved therefore, that hi- Kscillcncy the Lii'nli'naut-(Jo\ernor he anih ui/ed to appoin: delegates to arrange with the Imperial (lnv,'rninent a ,-cheiue of union vvhi'di will etreclnally ensun jut provi-ion for the rights and intere-ts of this Provini'e, each Province to havi' an cipial voiiv in -mil deleiralioii. Ipjier and Lower C.inada lieing, for this jiurpo-e considered as separate Province-. It is complained liy the nicimiiialistH that this action is pr.ipo-cd to he taken "wiihont anv ri fereiiM " to the people." audit i- di-clared that they would resciit " s icli a violation of ihe trust Vepo-ed n " their leiire-entatives," and il i- asked '• that nothing shall lie done w ilhout having the measure lii-' '• sulimitted to the peojile at the poll..." Wi.en the late (iovernment, of vvliiili Mi's-rs. Amiand ami Locke were meniUer-, ohtained authoii . to deal with the -idiject of a I'nion of the Ci'lonie-, they invited tin- action of the other Colon ( iovernment s hy an olliiial cotimumication, signed hy .Mr. II ow ,', the then I'nivincial Secretary, of wl.ii f till' fiiUiiuiug is an extract : - " N'on will perceive that the Colonial (lovirinnenls are left tree to invite all th.- leading men of all t!i. I'roviiices cnnceriu'd to a discii— ion of the (piestion of iinioii, eithi'r of all the Provinces oi il: Mariiinie Province- only : and lli'r Maje-ty's ( ioverumenf, it would appeal', are di-po-cd to L;ive d. Weight ai:d consideration to any rc-olutiiii tilile, in latiguagc, may he -ecur'd." It line- not Hceni to have lieen then I'oiisidered tiec'c-sary to refer the ipie-tion to the | pie at tin noils. 'I'he same ( iovernment a'-o put on ri cord on vaiion- other occasion- their opinion- a- to I iir legilimati |iower- ol the represeiitativi- of the people, a- in.iy he seen hy the following mimiie ol Council, ilati'd 1-t Novemlier l.">i;(i: " .\ vast majoritv of the poople of I'liLdand are not represented in Parhaim I't ai all ; vet the l"\ecutiv.' Council need not inforni your Lxcelleney that a piililic man would he laugh, d at who claimed tosei/i' the (iovernment liecaiise he had their snppoit. l''ortj coiintie'* in I'inglaud, with a population in l> 1 1 (if ;i. |ii;i.'.'s|, had hut I I:! mcmliers, while 1-7 cities and liorongh-, iucludiiig hut .'(..s?!!,;!'.'?, had .'..'. Now, what Would he lliouulit of any -lalesinaii, w itii the coimly inemliei^t al his hack, if he i laiiin to iiile ill:. land or coiiip>l the Sovereign to di--olve, with the repicseiilalive- of the ciiie. and lioruujji ngiiiii-t him V What ii'|ire-enlalivt' of the -mallei con-iitnemy in (ireat Uriliin would v aid to il; iiii'Mili r letunied hy the hn'gest any more iiillneiii e iliaii he had him-elf, or adiiiil, hefore a tiiini-i wa- turned oiil. ih.ii il wa- iiecchKiirv not only t > loiiiit th< nieniher- in lh>' lohhie-, hut iheir i oi Minute of Co •• Mr. Ilatfiel the pmpriety o liininent they w provime, whos at Ihislol in 1 f,,,' Stroud, the , illu-trating thi fur a moment t •would he rare manly dehate. contented const no man would < On March :'lt. ■ji\id Locke " It is the oil -tituency has 1 vvi-hes of hi- stitueiicy have power which tl re elect him at right during t tliat the Uoyal leade." Ill coucliisiou till' <.>ueliee Col Colonies has hci wi're only ahle t for presenlatioi people at the pi the Lo;:i-lative menilieis of tin: was the leader, ruder these < ]inhlie sentimeu only inaiimr n AH of which stiliieiit- al- -titui'iieic- and their tcpre-enlaii inaji At III is moiiieni a iiiuioiilv of the people ol i|||i ii ipport llie Ailmiiii-iia''oii, and we have.i larger |e'pnriion iritv to -u-taili u- than Lord I'ahiierstuii had in the inothci counlrv. ruder thc-e ci ate weareiiol verv iiiui h afraid o| the iiiteH'oiriiee of the Imperial Parliatiieiit. rcinii.-luMci PxTItMT (tOI {\o.X>.) ''In iloir Ma'p'sly, tut aUiiiipl to 11 16924. ' .V^VX i w:d union fiiiii'i' iif ,iii those r, ■.111 Dili}- he (ncrcoiiic 1- caliuu with tlic IniptTi, ('(■tliilly n'(|iicstc(l to |M, Mclll'lKV llll- (idVl'llK:. lliM' .M:ijcsty"!> (iovori; ii^^iili'iiili i'u (|iu'sti(i '\iiici's ouylif til he set ;. il ciiiiiKit iiiulcistaiul. ; viiiccs wiLs siihiiiittod I liiiiii' ■' h;iH liccii refill I, ^ly's Miiiistcis, \vh(i, i Ml il "Ihc ih'tcnii He 111 iMiry iiilii ('111. !;■ till' iilli'iition (if ih. Iti'jllt lldlUllll-Jlillc 111 ■■|'i"|ilill,L;- the «^l■|■('M^i^, I' liMpcrial (iiiMTiiiiicL I'l' ('s|i('i-i:ill_v Ihrii' dm wliich rhi> ((iiiiiii-i i;, il (iinccni. tiic ( '(i!'((iil(- llc'lllc (id'.lMlllllcnt I -t CNiicdiciit (III the pa: .ip.iiilc, MJii'ii .-i'|)ar,ii, . ii.ilidiMl di'lciicc \ihi(i Mid mI! the roniu-cc- ,. ''ntlciiicn t(i he si'lcch., ihi- I'riniiicc ;it ihi '. t'dlldws: - dl' the liiiii^li \,,||l iiiilh iii/cd Id .-ipiiiii'ir "ill ctrcclii.illy ciiMu. I ll:lV(' an i i|ii,'(| (ni,, ■•IS M'p.llillC l'|-d\i||(l-. '"ill I any r.l'crcii, , r llic Iriisl icpciscd il 'ill.:;' llic incisure jir-; I'lv, dliliiiiicd ;nilh(iiii\ (if the dllicr Ciiliiiii 'i;il Sccji'ijiry, dr>u,i, i li-adiiiir men dlall ih. llic I'liairirc- 111- ill •(• (li-ipd-cd Id >/i\f (!■, lay ((iiiinr. liiK'iii dl' ihi< (|H,..,tiiii aucc llic v.iiiic, ,'iiiil il >" llic I pic „| III, lu'ir dpiniiiiiN i\- Id III,' ' fidlduiiii.;' iiiiniiic ,ii all; M'l Ihc l'Ai.,.|itlv. I wild claiiiicd l(is('i/r II a piipidaiidii ill I- II Il ■'c''7!».:!'.'7. h.'id ,;-:;. ' li.'ick. il' he 1 laiiiir i iic'ilie-- and liiinni^li. ill VMlllId M( 1(1 td ill ml, lii't'dre H niini-ii v liliic', lull ihcir cdji- ic pcdjilc dl |h|> ,.,1||. I larKt-r p> updi'iinnati' llie-c eireliiiidtuili 1'- OF THE BIIITISII NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 65 Minute ofroiineil, dated Januaiy 21), ISGl : — ' '• Mr. iiatiield and Mr. ('aiii])liell are tlie liest judges nf tlie sniuulness cif their own views, and of ilie propriety oi tlieir ciiiiduct. I'liey arc not delegates, Imt McailKT.s of Parliament, and from the jiiiiineiit they were elected tlici' were liouiid to repre.-icnt not only Dij^iiy or Ar^yle, liiir the whole ■I'roviiue, wiiiise '^vi'Ht interests were c()mmitt"d to their care. This diirtrinc, laid down hy Mr. liiirke at liristol in 1774, lias ne\er heen (luestioned in tlu^ lni|U'rial I'arliaincnt. .Mr. iliirsnian, memlier 'fir Stroud, thnuirh recently called on iiy his cdiistitiiiiits to rcsif;n, has, asserting; his ri;;ht-^ and »'allustratini;' this sound Ih'itisli doctrine, positively refused. If niemliers were to resinii whenever per a inonient tlicv displeased their constituents, tlie calls v.inild he frcipient. |iersoiial iiidcjKMidcnce '■would lie rare, and (piestioiis would he decided liy rei|uisitiiiiis rather tlian hy fair deliheration and liianlv dehate. If I'.iiliameiit were to he dissolved wliciiever a fientleman chanucd sides, or u dis- ciiiili'iited ciiuslilucncy petitioned, free institutions would heconie a source of endless di.-traction, and 110 man would ever dare to dcliheratc or run the risk of heing convinced." .4. On March :!0, isi'l, Lord Mulf^rave, liy lli" advice of the Government, of which Messrs. Annaiid 'Jaiid I.ocke v.'cre ineinlier.s, said, in a Despatch to the Colonial Secretary : — f " It is the nudouhted ]irinciple of the iiritish ('(institution that a menihor mice returned hy a coii- '.'stitiieiicy to consider what he helieves to he the interests of the whole counlry and not the simple ■wishes of his own cdnstitiicncy. He is elected a reiu'csentalivc and not a delegate, and the cmi- i.stitueiicy have given uji to him tor the limited period fixed hy law for the duration of Parliament the 'power which tin y ]ios.-css('(l. 'I'liey h.ivc a right Id repre-ent to liim their views and td refuse to re-elect him at .lie end of tlie Parliament if they are (Ussatislied with his conduct, hut they have no rii;lil during the duration of I'arlianient td cdcrce his actiiins, still less have they the right tii expect the Koyal i'rerogative should he u.-ed liec:uise they arc dissalisticd with the choice they iiave n'ade." In coiicliisio'.i, the ( 'oiiiuil may :.lalc thai more than a year since ihcy siihniittcd the iiroceedings of the <.iiieliec ( 'onfereiice to the Legislature, thai the siihjecl of a union cf the Hriti^h Nurtli American f'lilonies has heen consiantly discussed in this Province since that lime. \v\ the o])pdneiits (if iinidii were (inlv aMc to olil.iiii the signatiiros of .s,().s-"i people (UU of a population ol' not less than li.'iiMKlO for preseiilation to the Uou-c during the iiresent session. ))rayiiig that it might he referred to the people .'It the pulls. The foregoing resohition, after full dcliheralion and discussion, was carried in ihe Legislative {'innnil hy a vote of lli to ."1, and in llic liinisc df .\sseinlily hy :'il to 10. All the nieinhcis of the present (ioveniment and four iiicmliers of the late (idvcrninent, of which Mr. Howe was the leader, united in sustaining the resohition, while hut two Noted against it. Under these circumstances the ('luncil helieve they are fully warranted in the opinion that the ]inhlic sentiment of this Pruvince has heen most emphatieally expressed on this great (lue-tion in ihc only manner reedgni/ed hy thi> constitution of tlii.s I'rovincc or the practice of (ireat Hntaiii. All of which is respectfully suhmitted. (.Signed) < '11 \Ki.r-. Tri'i'i It. \V. .\. Ill xuv. .1. W . l!i II iiii;. .1 \.\ii ^ Ml .Nam. •I.vs. M'l)o\M.II. iloiix M'Kixxox. Ai.i-.N. M.M r.\iti..\\r, S. L. 811 \\\dv. •I. C'iti.i(.,ii luN, ubsciit. No. i;^ KxTitv.r fioin a DESlWTCII (Vom Mi'iil.-CJciuM'iil Sir W. l\ Wii.i.i.vms, llirt., K.C.n., ti) iIk- Rjohl. Hon. I'.Dw Alii; (' \iiiiu 1:1.1., M.I'. (No. a,").) Halifax, Novii Scotia, Mav 10, is(i(j. (Wcicivcil .'\liiv i.'l. I Slid ) I .\ll-Werr(l No. ;!(), .\|ii^ •.',-,, l.SdIi, p. Sj.) " In iloiiio; inysiir llii' lioinuir to turwaid tlic t'lu^ Aiiiircs.s to llor (irarioiis .Majcsly, tiiocllii'r uilli my ii'|ily to llic ili |)iitali(iii, I lico to remark lliat I Iii'licvo lliis altiiinil lo aoiiaic iJu' I'loviiicj lo lie a coin|)Ute tiiiliiii." Nov.v Scot I, v. No. 1;!. IC324, 66 ( OtiKESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PliOPO.'SED UNION N.n-A S( C 1 I 1 \ . I-!iu-l. 1 in .No. l.i. Kiicl. •_' 111 Nu. 11. Km 1, .'1 ill Nn. i:i. IjicI. I in No. I. J. KiuluMiri' 1 ill No. Ul. Til Im- Iai-iIIi'Ik V Sir \\'illi.iiii I'ciiuick \\ illi:mi> ot' l\;ir-, li.iit.. Lieut. -(ii'iicral ill llcr Miiii-t\ .\riiiy. Kiui.'-ht ('i>iiiiii:imli'r uC tlic mii'l MhiihuimIiIi" ( )r(l('r ol' tlic ll.-itli. (iniiul OIliiiT nl tin' \.r'/i,r li'Mniiiiciir. l-t i!a>~ 111 llic 'I'lirki.-li I'nii'iof tlic Mcdijcc, \-i'., Lirut.-Ciuvcniiii' iiiul t'otiiiii:iii(li i. in-( liicl' in anil nvrr Urr Ma|i'>ty's I'mviiuc nl" Nii\a iSintia ami it> ilcpeiulfUcii'H, »Vf. \f. v^r. Wi. tlic uiiili'r-ii.'iu'ii lo'iuiiittor (Inly apiiointiil at a pulilii' iiicctini;', liclil at Windsor in tlic coniitv of Hants, ami I'roviiui" of Nova Sioti.i. on 'i'ni's.lay llio Mil day ol May .\.l). l^iir., to piiM.ut i your K\ci'll('iic\ tin- ai'(.-oiii]iaiiyinL' addio.-- and paper tliereio auiioMd, to he forwarded to the (j'neen- most K\ie'.ient Maje-tv. Iluinlily pray that yoi;r Kxee'ileney may he pleased to transmit the said address and the iiapur tlu'ie!. ainuM'd III Her iiio^t (Jrufious .Majesty, at the earliest pussihle ]iiriii(l. (Siyiied) l'!i)w\iii) Mrl.ATi iiv. I) \ Mil. .Moslll H. Windsor, htli .May IsOti. Willi.v.m C'lA.Miiiic-. iMieloMire '_' in No. 1;1, A 1 a iTi'iieral piililii- ineetiii;:' nf the inhahitaiits of Hie rouiity nf llaiit-, in tlie I'mvinee ol' Nnv,. .Seo'ia, held at Windsor, in said louiity on Tuesday the f^th day ol' -May .\.l). istin, the aeeoiii paiiyiiiL;- adilre~- In till' (.'ueen's must llM-ellent Majesty, haviiii;- heeii moved liy l-^lltlnir his Ilxeilleiny t. trah-,.iii the said addre-.- and tlie.>e iniiiiitos to tlu' l.JueonV most lixeelleiit .Majesty, at as early ii da\ as po-sihle. Kdwaud Mi L.\ri MV, Chairmaii. Dated .11 WiiiilMir, thi- -tli li.iy of May iMi.i. U. E. Gl.LuillT, Jsieretary Ijii lo>nie :> in .No. I a. 'I'll I III ijh 11 \'- Mn> I V.\i I 1 I.I \ r M.\.ii --i V. The Petition of the inli;ihitaiils of the iuiiiit\ nf I hint-, hnir.lily -hnuetli — Til w the eniinty of ll;inl- form.- a leiitral pnrtinii nf the I'mvime of Nova .Seotia, .iiiil that it- people are ehiellv enuau'ed in aiiiiiultiiral piir-iiit-. miniiii,', shiphnildiiii.', and iia\ itriition. That it contains -even reirinient- nt' eiirnlled niiliti.iiiieii and snids to sea 'i I. m Hi tmis of -hipping heariiiLT the tliir of l!ii'_'laiid. 'Iliat the people of tin- eoiinty in iniiimon with their fellnu-eni'iilrymeii have since its tiir-t fnuiidalii'h disiliaiLied all the dntie- of loyal l!i iti-li suhieet- : they have -i ul repiesentatiM'S to the I'lov I'arliameiit since IT"'-, and for :i ipi.-irter of .■; reiilury havi' enjnyed >(lf-eou'iiimint in a- lull andampli a m.iiiiier as other Uriti-h suhjects have in the iiin-t lavonred parts of the llmpirc Thai the people ol' ll.iiit-. li\inv' in p. -are and pro-|)erity, leady at all time- in maintain their alle^iaii. and ill fend iheii eniiutiv. have lieeii jii-tlv .ilaniied li\ .I'tempt- at leMiliilionaiy eliaiii;e to \\liicli tin liave iieM'r yixeii ill ir eoii-eiit and lor which they -i . no iiece-«il\. .\ -clieiiie of ('iiiifcder.itinii w.i- h.i-tily piepaied at (,hiehee in 1-iil, hy ileliv^ales ulio had <•■ aiilhniitv frniii the I.e^'i-latiire ni people of Nn\a .Sntia In .nii-eiii to a niiioii with Canada. That scliem> , iinl.iir uiid ili-l.i-tefiil to the .Maritime I'lowino. after eonvnlsinL; them all lor I month-, ha- liven lejeeted hv two, put aside hy a lliiril. and was so uiilaMiiirahly id eived in tli I'rnviiice. that its pmiiioter- never ventured foiiii^;lly to siihiiiit it to the I.cgi.-latni'e or to the people .ii the pn|l>. It i- now pinpn-ed tn elltril-t tn a lommillee the preparation of ii niea-nre, to he eiiihoilied ill ' hill and -uhmiiteil to the imperial I'arliaiiient, willmiit airnriliii;<^ to the people, wlio-e rights, levenuc and future pro»perity it m;iy niaterially all'eet, any opportunity to proieet them-elves in the nrdin.u ) modes known to the ( 'oii-tiintion, and piaeli-cd hy the people of all free ."^late-. The praver nf the people of ll.inl- iheiefore i-, thai im change in the iii.-tilntioiis of ||li^ loiiniiv mav he made until it ha- heeii siihiiiitteil to the test of piililie opinion, and that N'oiir Maje-ty will SI' redly Loard the right- which we have loyally exerci-eil and eii|iived so loiii;, itiilil hy all the foini- hanctioiiiHl h) the U:-age of tin niniher country they have heeii ilelihei.itely re-igned. Ijiw vKi) .Ml l,.v ii in , C'liaii 111,111. I'aielosure I in No, IS, lU•ie^^, \;c. \c. iVc. I W'iiidsdi- ill till' coiiiiiv V.I). iMlh, Id pri'srlll ti onvarilfd Ui llic (jUiccir. ess ami tiic |i:ipL'r tlicic; 'll)« All!) M( l.AT< IIV. )nsii.i, .M()-.iii;ii, iVlLHA.M (''1A.M111,11>. l'"ull (li'f.-iils of the i>vpiits (111 wliicii tli('S(> (Iciciiiiicnts tiMicli ,'irc in tlii' pnKscssioii of tlio TiiipiMnal Ciincrimu'iit, .iiul it will he I'nr the Itritisji ('.ihiiicf t(i juiljjc (if llic lusrncss or otherwise ol'tiic .illc^iitiolis coiitiiiiii'il ill tlic .•iddii'ss to llci- Majesty: vi't I ciiiiiiot doidit, in li.d.iiiciiifj tlic jii'tions of flu,' (ioNcni- Biciit .-nid l-onisliiturc of Nomi Scotia in lliis iiioincntoiis crisis, with the inotivcs of the meeting: from viioiii this address emanates, tliat llie <,hii'eirs (ioveniinenf will rijilitly Jinl^c \\here lies thai revolii- tioiiarv tendeiicx uliich this address would fain attach to the ])roceedinf;s o|' the faithful and loyal tepresentatives of this Province. I have, iV-e. To lldward Mcl.atehy. Esq. (Sitriiecl) W. !•". Wiiji am>. Nova ScoriA. 1 the Province of Xo\„ A.I). ISdd, the aecoiu I lllkanoli N'oun^f, l']s(|.. I'll l>y an (ncrwiitdiniii.. lid addres-. Daniel .Mosher, {•>(|.. purjiose of preparing stiiiiT his Mxeelleiicy t. ije-tj-. at as early a da\ Lak II V, Chairniaii. ir, .Sieietary iva Scotia, and that ii- iviijation. I.i'iio Ion. (,f >hippiii^ iiiec its first foinidatioii tivi's to the l'ro\ inci.ii (lit ill a.~ lull and aiiipli laint.iiii their allec^iaihv change to which lhc\ dele;:ale> « ho had im I iiiiioii v\iih Canada, dsini; them all lor I- iialil\ rcici\cil in ihi- lire or to the people .n e. lo he einhodied in .i vhoM' rights, revenue-. ii-(dve.- ill the oiilin.ii) iitioii- ol this coiiiilrv hat Ndiir Maie-ry will ( until h\ all ihe Voriii- lle(l, ■ Ml ii\ , I'haiiiii.iii. •otia. Ma\ lo. 1 si;i,^ ecoiiipaiiyiii;^' iiiiniiic No. 11. Coi-Y ('(■ a DESPATCH from Lieut .-(u'liiTal Sir \V. F. Wii.mams, IJait., K.C.IJ., to the Rio'Iit Hon. Eduaiu) CAur)\vf.i,i , M.l*. (No. 12.) Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 21, ]xC)C). (Received .liinc I. |S(;'(;. I Siii, ( Aii-wi rc.i. Nil. ;;^. .iiiiic !>, isiiii. |iii.j-c SI.) In accinilauce with tiio wish oxprossi'd in tiic accoiiipaiiyiiio- K'Hc^t 1 have tiif Ikhioih to liiivvard the ciidoseil pi'tition to Her Maiesty. I iiave, \'C. The Rioht Hon. Kilward Caiiiutll. M.l'. ( Sjoiu'd) W. I'. WILLIAMS. iscc. ike. iVc. No. 1 1. luiclosnre 1 ' • No. ; .. May it (tlease your I'AccUency. ( '.■iniiiiiii-, M.iy l-l. ]si](;. \ I'lui K Mi-.i; ri\(. ('.died liy the lli;rli Slieiiifof the eniinty of Kinu:-, in pursuance of nniiie- nmsly sicned rei|uisitioiis. was held in the Shire 'I'lun • 'i Thur-d.iy the Inih of May. At that iiicetiii(4; ,y^ I lie cneloseil ad(lre>-- lo Her (Ir.ieious M.ije-ly the ',lnee,i was adopted iinaiiiinoiislx, and I ua- insti'Ueted :) to traii>iiiit it to Vdur I'.Ncellency, thai it nii^ht I'c l.iid at ihe f,.ol of the 'rhrone. l!es(dutioiis weri! ' iiii;iiiiiiioii-ly pas-ed coudeiiininir the .iclimi nf : !.etii>lalure in ihe mailer of ( 'onfederation, and reipicslinu- the lud nieniher- for the soiilliern di^linl. who voted fir the re-olnlion. Jo resimi. 1 ha\(' to re(|ue-t that the ad(lre-> .-ind a eopy of thi> Idler may he fmu.ii'ded to I'le liiulii llnii. the Secretary of State for the ('olimies liy iie\l iiiaii. I ha\e, iVc. Hi- li\cidleiie_\ llie l,ieut.-( iovernor, (,Sii;neil) (. iiaui.i •- 1)iimi, iVe. \-c. iVc. t'hairniaii. r",llc|ii-lire 'J ill No. 1 I. To the ','ueeii's most I'.xcidleiil Maje-tv. The petition of the inhahilanl^ ol'ihe coiintv of Kin;:-. I liiiidilv -liowe;!' I'll V I the couiily of Kiiii^s i. inie ol'ihe oldest, nio't improved, and llouri^hinj:; counties of this rnniiice, its population heiiiLT cn,L;ai.i('d in a'jrii iiltnr,-i! pursuits, ship I iiiildiiii;'. commerce, ••iiid navigation. That It eonlaili^ si\ reLi'imenls of enrolled niilitia. ami ■^ciiJ^ to sea '.'o.iioo |,,||., of -hipping lie.irinji' ;lie lla-df Kiiuland. riial the people of tin- coiiiitv have enjoyed the |irAile(.ic of seiidinc' leendiers to llii> rroviiuial railiament fin' more than .'i eenlnry, .■ind. In common with their fellinv-coniitrymeil, have di«c!i,(i>r("il all the duties of loyal Hiiti-h suhject -, ami fcr more llvni '_'(' year.- have enjoyi'il ihe ini'.-liniahle iilessiuL'' iif selfjroM'rnmenl, raisiiur. coiitrolllnir, ami di-pen-liiL: their own reM'une«. ,ind direcliuu- the adiniui-- Iratioii of their alVaii-. Thai the pe( pie of Kiiie. county de-ire iitiired to suhinil lo the delilicrate judynieiit id' llie poiiulalidu whose welfare ill all lime lo come they Mould n deeply eoinpromi-e. The schenie of I iiufi ileralion arraiiL'ed at (,»uehec in l.^iiM was iio| le-s di-tas|el'iil to the people of Kin^js than is the piiipiisilion to enti iisl powers to a t ominili' e to pri'iiare another to he einhodied in an ,\ct of I'arliamoiil iiid -anclioiii d hy the ('rowii, wilhonl lieiic; -uhmilled lo the people at the poll-, Fuel. 1 hi Nil. 11. i;.'ci. •-' III ()S COUIU'SPONDEXCK UK SPF.rTING TFIE PKOPOSED UN1(1\ Nova Till' ])rnypr (if tile pooiiliMif Kinjrs, tliorcforc, i?, tliat no ohaiiLri' in the instilutidu (it" tliis rdunfrv Nuriv. niav lie made until it has liccii siiliiiiittcd Ki the test nf piililic (ipiiiioii, and that Xmu- MmjcsIv wiii saci-cdly fTiiai'd llic riulits wo have lnyally cNcrciscd and tMijoycd .-(i Idiin, until liy all tlif lornis saiietioiiw! by the iisagi' ol' tlif iiiotlior ('(luntry liicy have hccn dclilK^Tati'ly rt'>ii,ai('(l. No. 1.7, rncl. I in No. i:.. No. I. '3. CofY of :i DKSPATCII from Lieiit.-Cu'tioial Sir W. V. Wii.mams, Bait., K.r.l3.,to tliL- Higlit lion. Kdwaiii) t'AUi)\\i::.t, M.P. (No. 4'^.) ' Halifax, Nova Scotia, June fi, !><()(). (K. ivcd .lunc Is, lS(i(;.) Sll!, (AliMvncd, N(i. -lO. .Iiliic 21. lK(i(i. |iii;.'c 1^2.) I iiAVK llic iioiKHir luMX'witli to tiaiismit a copy of tin.' prod'Ciliiids of a iiicctin- liclil at Yaiinoiilli, togctlicr with an Aiklic.-s to llcr (iiacioiis MMic>ty ailojitcd at ilia: inccting. I have, ttc. The Ilight Hon. lulwanl Caithveil, M.P., (Signed) \\ . F. WILLIAMS. &c. tVc. A:c. JMifl'isiirc I ill N(i. 111. The iiotitinn (d Thai t own* aliiint liK 'I'liat the pci iiicinbcrs to tli arc iirospcnms That tlii-y vi vith which tin That a .t l"\c(dl(iil Maje-t\. 'I'lie iietitidii df th'' iohaliitaiils df the cduiity of Yarnio'illi huinldy -liowelli— That the ciiiintv of ^ .•iriiioulh coiit.-iins .ahont ili.ood inhahitants, li\e reLdinents of uiiliti.i, and own- aliuut Idd.dOii idus (if ship|iini; heariiii;- the llag of faiijlaiid. the people of this county liave di--(liar;;-e(l all the duties of Hiitish puliiect<, have >titii- encies ol' the l'rd\ince. ulio ha\e iie\('r either hclorc or since lluit lime heeii cdiisiilted on the suhiect. would he an iuNasiiiii df their rii'lits, ;uid wdiild. if sanctioned liy ^'nur Majesty's (Jovcrniiient, creati widespread dissatisfaction itl this loyal and liapjiy l'r(i\ince. ^ince the »aid <,'uehec scheiiu' W.IS made puhlic a township election ha-- t.aken place in llii- county, when lioth the opposiie,' c.indidates jiled'^ed tliemsidve* stroit;(ly ai:.iiiist any scheme of ( oii- fedcralidii with ( aiiada. 'I'he pra\('r nf the p. uplc dl ^,lnlll.lllll, ihcrci'drc. i~ lliat no clian;;c in the institution of ihi- ilitry mav he made until it -hall have lieen ■■ulmiilted Id the people at the Jiolls, .iiid that \itur Maiestv will -acredly ■iiiard ihe iir|.. !!. !.. W'eatlierliee. .1. < '. Troop, ami HciAcy Canii, 1. i|., ;iuain-t ( 'diifedei.ition, .iiid liy SaniU(d I lint. Ks(|.. in fnoiir. On I lid (|Uc tioii lii'iii;,' liken, ihc address was adopted ;ilmost uiianimdiidy. Movdl li\ I.oiaii V. I'laKcr: ('iiinded liy Mervev ( 'aim, !•! ii. That the lliaiiUs df tlil- meetiii'i he ;;i\tii to the lion. ,1 is( jili Ilowc for the iiolili' ,ind p.ilridlic st.ind lie has t.dvcii in lichalf cf the cdii-^tilnlidii (if hi- native I'r.iviiice, .iiid the lihertie- dl his coiintryiiien. I'as^eil unanimouslv. MoNi'd liy .Idhii k. Ilyersiin, l\s(|, ; seconded hy William l!d>;er.-, V.^i — That the coiniiiittee who prepared the address this day, 'I'homas Killam. r!(|., M.i'.l'., lion. St,i\ lev Itrdwn, M.l,.('.. Dr. .lo^eidi 1!. Iloiul, and (ieurL:!' Killam, lie a cdiiimiltee In furwaid the addrc- to Her .Maje-ty the t.iueeii, llirouL,di his I'Acidlelicy the l.ii utciiant-( i(i\criior. Passed iiiiaiiiMioii'ly. M()\,(l hy William 11. Mo .,ly, i:..,|.: sceoiuled hy Dr. 1!. V. llarhy— 'I'll, it the tlianks of ihi' mcetiii.y he ^d\eii to Nathan Mo.-i"-. I>i|., the eli.iirmaii. < 'arried unaiiinion-ly. N \ I II \ \ Md-i s. ( 'hairman. ( ii oiii.i, Ki i.i.A.M, .'^ecri.'lar). Dated at Varmoiitli, thi- I'JtIi dav of M.i\. A.I). ImIi'.. t'oi'V oi a 1 (No. 1 Siii, I ii\ the (vHuH'ii. comity of 1 The Hi-I \c, '^ 1 he petition Til \r iihont lli.noo 'that this ..'ciieral .\sse ^■dllr Maje-^t That I'hev Canada, will deratidii arr; colisulled. w create wide- That whil inereasin;; ii the prim:"Vi the ditli' idti and lar;:e .iH I liridfjes. am * I'riniiice : 1 'i revenues to 'i pesos; a de •s iiii'iiy years Tii,u «lii J lie. e--ar\ li the honour Kl) UXIOX titiitiim of this cimiitrv lliJil ^•olll• Mnjcsly will y all the I'diins (saiiclioiiuii 1 s, JJart., K.r.13., t„ )ti;i, Juno (5, IsGO. irnc is, IHfili.) line L'l. IS(i(i. iiiijrc s:.'.| .■eiliiii,r,s of a iiiL'ctiim ie>ty aclojjtL'ii at ilia: 1". WILIJA.MS. or THE nRITISH NORTH AMEIUCAX I'KOVIXrES. m Kiiclo.siire 2 in No. IJ. To llic Queen's most I'ai client Majo?ty. The jietition of the inhaliitants ol' the comity of Yarinoiith hiiiiihly showeth — Thai the county of Yarmouth con'aiiis ahout llJ.nOo inhaliitants, tive regiments of militia, ami owii'i about 1(10,0110 tons of shippin-f hca.-in^j the llajr oi' l'jii,'lan(l. 'I'hat the people of this county have discharfreil all the duties of loyal llriti.-h >ul)iects, have sent iiieinhers to the Provincial I'arlianient fir ahoiit a century, and under Your Majesty's henelicent lule are ])idspcriius and content. That tliev view with jrri'at distrust att'inpts recently made to annex them to the I'rovinee of Canada, villi which they have lie natural connexi in, and very little trade. That a scheme of Confederation arraiii ed at (^uehec in 1>(1I, without tlie consent of the constitu- riicies of the Province, who have never either before or since that tinu- bieii rfinsultcd on the subjict, wiiiild he an iiivasiiiii of their riirlits, and would, if sanctioned by Vmir .Majesty's ( inviriiinciit, crcati' wide-spread dissatisfaction in this loyal and hajipy I'nivince. That -iiice the ^aill hip election has taheii place in this cdiinty, wbcn bnth the opposing candidates pled/^ed themselves stroii!>ly a>.'ainst any scheme of C'oii- fcderatioii with Canada. The prayer of the people of Yarmouth, therefore, is that no chancre in the institutions nf this county niav bciiiaile until it shall have been siibmitti'd to the people at the polN. aii of militia, and owih i^h subjeel-, have !"eiii lajc^ly's benelieent nilr lie i'ri]\ini(. o|' ( aiiada. oiiseiif of the eon>titii- i-illtcd on the subject. 's (ioverninent, creah 1- taken plaei- in thi- -t any scheme of ( 'on- the institution of ihi- ' polls .■iiid that ^diir linl enjoyed. "'''• •'• <'• Troop, ami lile and patriotic stand es ol his coimtrvineii. 'II. I- 'I-. M.IM'.. II,,;, " fiiruaid the aildri" OM s. Cliaiiiiian. I.1.A.M, Sccietar\. No. HI. Coi'V of a DI'.Sl'ATCH from LieMil.-Ciencial Sir W. V. Wii.i.eams, iJart., K.C.IJ., to tlic lliglif Hon. l''.i)UAi!i) Cauuwi.i.i,, M.I', (No. It.) Halifax. Nova .Scotia, .fiiiic (i, ]x(\(]. (Kcreivi'il. .Ililie |S. ISIlli.) SiH, (An-wcl-e.|, Niu'i'n. ill ace nilaiice with a \visli c-oiivi-ycil to iiu.' Iiy CLTtain of the inhabitants of tliu county of Diohy. I have, kv. The IJi.olit Hon. Edward (\irdwcll. .M.I'., (Si^^ned) \V. E. WILLI.VMS. vNc. \-c. iScc. No. Ki. I'.nclosiire in No. 1^1. Tncl 111 No. Pi To llu> (^hiccii's most l'!\cclleiit .M.ijcsty. '1 he petition cif the inhabitants of the county of Ditrby humbly showcth - Til \'r the conntv of 1 )i;,diy contains 111, ono inhabitants, ti\e regiments of enrolled militia, ••ind about l!i.o(iO tons of shippiiiir. licariuir the llag of I'.iiu'laud. 'I bat tliis county, I'ormerly p.irt of the county ol .\niiapolis, has loin: sent r('presentati\es to the '.'cncral .\<--embly. and ils peoph' have dischariri'd .ill the diitic> of loy;il llriti>h subjects, and uinh r N'oiir Majc-fy's beiii.i.'n rule are pnoperons and content. they view willi irrcat disliiist attempts recentlv in.ide to annex them to the I'rovinee of Can.ida. with which they have no natural eoiuu xieii, and very little trade. i'hat a selieme of eoiifc- deralioii arranircd at l,'iiebec in I'^HI, without the consent of the conslifuencies, who lia\e never been coiiMillcd. wiiiild be a \iol,ition of their riLdits. and would if are ic;idy I hi eifully to ■ iibmil to any burden that it ni;iv be deemed iicc essiiry to impoM' on ihciii fur the del't iiee of iheir country and their ll ig. and <■• 'lefeiiil tli it ll;c.: .■iml the honour of ihe laiipiie wherever their aid can be available by se;i or luiid, the\ aie iioi dispcM'il lo 1 W -0 COUKESPONDKNrK UKSIMXTINO 'IIIK I'ROPOSEl) TNTON ;ul'ipt. ;i« .1 iiicMiis lit' I'lisiiriiii: tlu'ir nii'ic olliciiMit dcfi'iici', a uiiicin with a I'luvincc uliicli in 1 Sfl'J rcf'iiM'il In >aiirtiiin ,1 Mi(M>un' iiivnlviiiL; an iiii rca-cil oiitlav lur tin- lirltcr ami niciri' I'lalicinilc oijjani/atidii I'l llii'ir niililia, alllnMiyli that niiM>iin' \va- ^tiiniirly i'r;,'fil ii|)i:ii that I'r.ivinic liy tin" "just aiilliniity " .il N'liiir Maji'-ix's {iiivciinni'iil. 'I'lic prayer of \hv pi'iijili' cif D'lLrliy. llicp'rurc. i< lliat no i-li.-iii-rc in the i^^titulilllw cif this cimnlrv may ln' niad ' nntii it . a> ln'cii MiliniiltiMl tn the ti-^t ot' pnlilic opinicin. ami thai \in\v Maji'.-lx will sai Ti'diy ;rnanl tiii' rights whicii «c liaM' inyally cxcrci^cil anil rn|i.yc(l -^o lonir. Thi' atori'iriiini!' ])<'titiiin. mi iiiotinn of l.icnt.-ColoiH'l Win. I!. Vail. -("cDndiMl liy Mr. Iiichard .Imii'-, was nnaiiiniDu^iy aduptcd liy the pcnplc ciC the ciinnty "if Di^hy* assi'nihicd at a <.;vn('ral nircliii;: hold at Wi'ynioiith this l!tth day of May, A.I). !>•;•;.' .loiiv S. Ml Nini.. Cliairrnaii. Wm. .Mki-:iiax, Secretary to the Meetiiif,'-. ('dim uI ;i ^N'o. I! Siii, i IIA (^iiecii t'roin 'I'Ik' Ui,-I No. 17. H* Knol. in Nci. IT Xf). 17. Copy of a DESPATni from M.-m.-CMiicnil Sir W. V. Williams nart., K.('.IV,to tlie Uiiilit I Inn. Kdwaim) ( au )vv!.i I., ,M.l'. (No. 4^.) ' llaliia.N, Nova Scotia, .limo 19, ls6(). I liir.iMil, .Iidy 1.'. iHlli;, ) SiH, (Ali-wili.l. .\ii. 2. .Iiiiy II. ISfili, |,m;.'i' ^L'.) I iLNVi till' lioiimif luTcwitli to transmit an aililress to licr (iracioiis .Majesty llie Qiucii Irom ci'ilain of ilu- inlialjitaiits of tlie county ol .Sliclbuinc. I Imye, iSrc. TIk' Ili-Iit Hon. I-(]\yaiii ( •aidw.ll. .M.I'.. (Signed) W. 1'. WII.LI.VMS &c. &C. iVC. Kiiil(i>iire in No. 1". 'Ill the <*ueen'~ in(i-t l'!\iellent M.ije-ty. 'I'm pi'titiiin 111 tile penple of the ruinity nf >liell»iirnc in ihi' I'mviine nl' Nuxa Sintia, lluMililv shewelh — Til AT the r(iiinl\ lit' Siii'lliiinie i-.iiil.iin a popnlatiiiii ■•! I'J.onO priiiripaily en^^i-au'ed in llie H^llories. and in ship lutiidiiii; : i- lapalite ot' -■ iidiiiL' into the field lunr re^'inieiit- iirenrnlled niililia : and iivMi- almut 'Jn.diMi tun- nl shippinir lioarintr Vniir Maje-ty'- ihiL'. That its people are the descendant- nl' .iii ame-try. ulm-e M'liiiatinn I'nr the liiiti-h tlirnni' and attachment to iniiiiarchieal iiistilntiiiii- impelled tin in in 1 T'^-I to t'orsake lands and pllsses.-illll^ in the ri'vnlted Ciilonie-. and -eek an a-vliini mi the then inhn-piialile -liores nf'ihi- Prnviine. That since the first settleim nt iit' the iimiily iti 17^:5 it- jieople have -eiil lepri-iiitative- In ihi' frovincial I'ailiainent and for the last ipiarter nt a century have eninyid the privile^i^e- of -elt'-;;overii- nieiit in a> ample a decree as their liretliren in tlin liriti-h Isli.nds. That their in-tincts and traditimi- lead them to deprecate revnlntioiiary ihaiiiri's. the end of wliiih nil man can t'.'ri'-ee, Itiit which niice lia/anled there i- tmi much rea-on to fear will eveiilualc in a -cpaialimi of these l'ro\ince> from the parent I'anpire and their ali-orption into the .iheady iiimieldy licpniilic of the riiited Stale-. I'hat thev Innc seen «ith alarm and iiidiL'liation a -ihciiie of (■iinteilcialion, lii-tily prepared at <,>neliec in l>il|. introdnced into nnr I.eiri-lature liiirini: it- l.ilc '•c'.-ii.ii. uithniit preMiHi- notice in the openini^' speech .ind fmced llirniii.''h thai hnd\ i^iili iiiihci iTiiiiiiL; and iiiineces>ary haste, and in a inanner lali nlaled In llirnu ihe 'jrnc-t >n-pii imi- iipoii ttii- intliieinc- I'lnplnved tn secure its pa--aj:e. I'hat «hil-l ^ niir Maje-ty'- pelitinners freidy admit lln' ri;.dil '■( represenlalives in I'lnviii- d I'arliameni tn lci:i-late I'nr them within rea-niialilc limit-, liny cannot adniil the riirlit of -iich ii |iresentati\e- In ctt'ct snilden clianiic-. amonntinc In an entire -Mlcer-ioli nf the cnnslihilinn, withnnt the delilii rate saiictinn nf the people e\pres-eil at the poll-. The prayer of the people of Slielliiirnc theretnie i-, that the a--eiil of ^".ltu• Majesty will he withheld frniii any selieme atreciiiiir the cnnstitution n| thi- rr<>\ince. ami iimie particularly from llint known a-^ the l.ineliec -rheiiie, until -iicli iiica-nie ha- liecn tiilly slilijectcd In the le-l nt |iidilic npininn, and deliherati'ly pionoiinced upon hy the people at the poll-. 'Sii;ne(l) , Ill-Ill \ Smih, Chairimm. IliunUly sill Til \ I -hare with ^' incluil -. In Niua >■ universal sci! eiijo\ed. and Itevolntinn a--einl'led at iuditjnation t in-titntions o without .-ecu 'I'hcre i- n Your Maji autl.ority of t lelldcred di-i majnrily and ■|"hc praye IImiI and pin tioveninieut t'-irY of a (No. Slit, i II the (^nc-eii The Ki Uimihlv -h Til l.uillL' pcop and the ill! That -pi .11 rilpicd ll pintilalile i sea fi-lieri Ve--.i'l- whi That till attempt to iiiiil Vourl ^^:^^r5»i^**^''^ >K1» CXION KiMvliichin l.'ifl'.>i|.fi,s,.,| Ijilicii-.-itc ()r;;;iiii/;iti(iii nl 'li'- ".iil>l ,iillliii|-ily " ,,| lifiiliuiw of this ciiiiilry ''I'H V • .Miiji.sly Mill li.v Mr. Ili.-h.inl .Inii.-, il ;il ;i ^>-(Ml(>nil Ilifclili;: 111 I., .'IlililTtlMll. tJiry t(i the Alpotin^f. Ul' THE BUITlSIl NOKTU A.MElilCA.N rilOVINCES. No. \H. 71 ^No. I!).) Nova HidilA. Coi'v ol'a DESi'ATfll Irom I.iciil.-CciuTul Sir W. F. Wrii.iAMS, Bart., K.C.B., to the , |{i.:;lit lion. Kin\ akd Cahdw i:i.i,, M.R No. 1><. Halifax, Si'oiia, .Imu' l!), ls()(i. (l.'ri'ciMMl, ,ImI,V L', lS(i(i. I Slli, (Aliswrrcil, N(i. •_'. ,Iiily (i. I S(|(i. |„iL'r s-_'. ) I MAVi; tlic honour lurcwitli to cnfiosc an address to !!er (jiaeioiis Ma|(sty llie (^iieen t'roin tlie inlmiiil mts ot tlii' Noitliern Distriel orc^'ieen's eounty. I have, iVc. The Kighl Hon. Kduaid Cardwell, .M.l'., (Sioned) VV. F. WILLIAMS. &c. &c. &c. I?ni(., K.C.B., to the ■I, .Inne IQ, 1 sGC. V 1', IsiKi, ) y (), ISIili, y:,,jr,. SL>.) ■r (iraeions .Majesty e. I". WILLIA.MS f Nii\a .-Miiiia, i|l.llly (•ll;.r;|^,Ml ill 111,. It- nl'iMlllillcl lllili|i;| : 111' lirilivli ihroii,. and 11(1 |]ns>(.s>ln||> III ill,. \ ilUC. •<'|in-.iit,iliv(w to ill,. \iU',.,.|,,-,. j,., it.iii\(.s ill I'rovin, ,1 Ik' ri.irlit of Mi.'h I. '■■'iisiiiuiiiiii. \(ii||,,||| ""; Majosly Mill |„, irticiilaily ii'om that -t 'll IMllllic o|li||i(,||, 'Mil \ .s;\,m, L'hainiian. 4 KiR'lo-llll' ill No. I.-^. To the Qiu'c'ii's most Kxccllcnt Maji'sty. Tin: petition of the inhaliitaiil.- of the iioithirn ih-lrict ol' Quct'irs cuiinty, IlinnUly showeth-- 'l"li\i tlic inliahitaiits of tiii.- di-triit live hy tile culti\atioii of liie soil, and arc eoiiti'iit to sli.ire with ^l)nl• Majesty':- suhjec-ts el-euhcre ti^e eoininoii lilessie^js wiiiiii tiieir liiitish eitizeiisliii) iliehidi -. in No\a Seotia loyalu '.n (lie ."^ovcri'iyii, re-peel I'oi' the law, and devotion to the nalioiial tlair arc iliiivcrsal sentiiiii'iits. Its pcopli- pii/c hludily the liL'ht o| -clf-yovernineiit whieli they ha\e long enjoNcd. and ai'i' eoiitciit with liieir parlieipatioii in the oi-u,iiii/ation and ^loiy of the eiiipiii'. Iicvolntioiiary < han:;e- in the liMiiicworii of liieii- (lo\criiiiicnt, proposed hy a < oinciition wiiieii asseinlileil at (Jiielicc in l>'il,iiict no favour from the people of No\a Seotia.who view with distrust .iiid indiijnatioii the passa^'c of a resolution ifivin^' power tei retary. Kucl.iiiNu, 1.'^. No. l!). Coey ota I )i:Sl'.VI( '11 lioin Lieul.-CJeiieial Sir W. V. Wii.i.iams, 15arl., K.C.15., to the Kigiil lion. l',i.>\vAUi) (' \ifn\vi:i,i., .M.P. (No. .")().) Ilalil;i.\, Nov.i -colia, .liine 111, isdfi. 1 lii era. 'I. .Illl\ ■.'. iMili, I Sill, I .\ll-\\rl(,l. No. ■_', .llll,\ (i. iMili, |i:ijrc SL>.) I iiwK the iiDiionr liereuitli lo tiaiisin I an addii's.-- lo Il.-r iiiosl (iraeions .M.ijesis' tile (^neen t'loni tiie iniial)ilaiits ot'tlie lo\viislu|i id' iViiiiiiclon. I l;avr, Ae. The Kiglil Hon. Fiiuani ( •.ndueil, >i. 1*., (Sii;iieil) W. F. WILLI. \.MS. iVe, vVe. \'C. N*o. 111. I'.llclosure ill No. I '.I. To tin" <,lueeii"s ino-l l']\cellenl Maje-ly. 'I'm pel il ion ol the inh.-iliitants of the township of |'.,irriii'.;lou, Iluiiihly ••llowelll- - Til \r the county of .shelhinn, wa- settli'd liy loyalisis t'roiu llie rc\(ilicd ( 'olouie- and hv sea- l.iiiiii.' people who preferred lo li\e under Urili-h insiitnlions and to piescr\e miln'okcii the tiaditioiis and till' intere-ts which hound them to thcii inolhcr country. 'i'liat spre.iding along the sea coast these people and their descendants have siihdned a riig-ged soil, Ol lupicd the tine harhoiirs hy which it was iiidenteil, and which now pre-enl si'cnes of |)i'ogressive and pnilitalile indii-try. Many nliips are Imilt in .^^hclhiiriie. It- young ineii prosecute the sliori' and deep se;i li-herie- with eiii'rgy and success, and to distant seas the tlag of iljiiul with pride in t!ie \i-el- which year hy \ they add hy their enlerpri/c lo the inercantile m • of the I'.mpire, 'I'liat the peojdi' of l!arrin!rton. thus pursuing their pc.iceful occiipalion- e lieeii -t.iitli'd hy an atlcnipt to hreak down their iu-lilntioiis and to unsettle the est,ilili,-hed rcl.ii" lutwecu Vour Miijesiy and Vourloval people in the M.iriliine I'rminie- if Ilrilish .Vmerici. I 1 I'lu'I. in No, lit. COllHESPONDEN'CK RK SPEC'I'ING 'rilH PUOPOSKl) UNION S,..|1A. 'Ilicv lire roiiti'iit ^\illl LoikIiiii fnr tlicir tiii)ilal, lii'licvi" tliMl lilt' ivprcxMit.itivc iil' llic SoviMcif^ii sliiiiilil 1m' :ip|i(m'.ti'il liy tlic SoMTciiiii. .■iiul liifjlily prize tlic rinlif nt" si'lf-^rdvcninu'iit so liiii!^ ('iijdycil iiiulcr N'liiii Nhiii'-ty's I'.uc ;iii wliicli tlu' piMplc nf HaniMirtiMi resort lie all lieliire tlieiii and an' npen at all sea«niis (if till' year, ailoptiii;: the I'ree iiade pulii'y it' Kn;,'laiid. Nova Seu'ia is aninially extending her eninmerce under a systi'Mi nf nidderate dntiis, and her |iiiiple have no desire ti> havi' their emiiuil- eiiiitrollei 'rucsd •IV 1 At iha UK' a> opted. I .uu iuslrii ■ •1 Queei 's e (, rwarilei 1 for c< .py ot I hi- 1 To hi- No. 20, No. -id. Coi'v of a DKSl'.V'l'CII Horn Liciit-Ciciicral .Sir \V. !•". Williams, Hart., K.( .B.. lo tlu- Ivight l!o;i. l'",i)\v.\iti) CAiti)\vi-,i,i,, M.l'. (No. T)!.) Ualil'ax, Nova .Scotia, .Imit- IJJ, I.SOG. (HctM'iv.d, .Inly 1', ls(i(i.) Silt, (.\ii>W(>ic.l. No. :.'. ,liily"(>, jSlii;. i,:,..',. SL',) I iiAVi; till' Iidinuir licrcwitli to tiaiisiiiit an adilri'ss to IKt (iracioiis iNlaji'.st)' llie (v^iKCii I'loiii ci'itaiii ol llio iiiliatiitaiits ol'llu' coiiiily of .\iiiia|)olis. I liavo, iSrc. 'I'iio Uiojii Hon. K.lwaitl ("ai.lwiil, .M.l'., (Sigiifil) W. 1'. WH.I.I.AMS. i\:i'. iVc. vtf. 4 Eoc'. in No. SO. Knclosure in No. 'Jn. 'I'll the 'jhu'cu's nio-t lixccllent Maji'sty. Till petition of the iiihaliilanl^ ot' the lounly of .\niiapoli>. Ilunilily -howeth — Thai .\i:napolis is the oldest I'.nj.'li'^li settlciuent in tin- I'lovime of No\; S( nil,;, conlainiu.' IT, noil iiihaliitaiit" !'•" r reeiuieiit-- of militia, and ii lariro amonnt nf tonn.ifre liearipfr the tlaj; el Ijiu'land. That the |ieo|il ■ of this county liave (li«cliarp'd all the duties ot' loyal Ihitish sulijocts, have sent ineniher- to the l*ro\ineial I'arlianieiit for more than a century, and under N'oiir .Majesty's hciielieeiil mil are prosperous and content. That lliey view with i:teal distrust atlenipls recenlly madeloaiinex llicui to the I'rovince ol Can.'ida. with whi. Ii they have 'lo iiatui.'il connexion .ind very little tiade. 'I'liat a scheme of ('onfeder.ilioii arr.iUL'eil at (,'uel)ec in iMil, without the consent of the coiistiluenci."-. who have never heeii colisnlteil, wonhl he an invasion of their riirhts, ami would, if sanctioned hy N'ou: .Majestv's f ioM'niment, create widespread diss.iti-faelion in lliis lo\; I and li.ippy I'nivinee. Till' pr.'ivcr ol the people of .\iinapolis i«. ihal no chaliu'e in the iii^titutinn- of lhi> eountiv m.iv he made until it has heeii si.hmitted to the te^t of piihlie opininn, and N oiir Maje^tv will sai redU eu.iid the rights which we ha»e lny.iily I'serei^ed and enjoyed -o lout; until hy all the fnrms -anclioiied In llie ii-aue of ilie mother couiltiv lliey have liceii deliln ralely resi;,'ned. I >. ('. I. Mi'-i I I lis, ('Imiiinaii. .1. ( '. 'I'luinr, .Seerctarv . No. "I. N». •-'!. Coi'V of. I IH'.Sl'A'I'CFI from Mt'iil..(Miu'iiil Sir W . V. W'iiiiams, Hut., K.(Ml.,t(i the Ki^lit lion. i'.nwMii) Cmihwi ii, M.l*. (No. 50.) IlalitiiN, Nova Scotia, .Inly -J, iKtiC. lUieiiMil .Inly It, iHlili.') SiH, (AtiKwereil, .Nil. .1, .'nly'.'l, iHiiti, pii^e yj.) Is aocDiilani'i' with a desire ex|)resseil in the aeeoiii|);'iiyiiiLf lettei, I have the honour to traiisinit it, toj^etlier with an to Her (iracions Nlaje.sly the (jiiceii, from certain ul'the inhabitant.s of the town ul Liverpool. I have, i^e. Tlie UiKht l!,)ii. Kdwanl Curdwell, M.l'., (.Signed) W. 1'. WILLIAMS. &c. &C. &c. lluinhlv -Uiw Tm \ I of 17,1"'" I" ;,! ili'is .ictive ti-hir\ trade. Till' peiipl t.i British iii- ilesire to rei, uiv radical e 'rhe- woii'i ihe (iovrnii hut lit'li I'l The praye franievMiik e -ul'iniMrd li ("oi'V of" a (No. I -.111, I II of liu' ton The Uij-hl 4 W \\ I r II 'I'm )ieli Sioli,-i, in -aid lliimhiv 'U Tim ili-cendaul' ^^ iiiui e>leeii: '1 p.'lil inner- -iihjecl-. 'Ihal ihi ihal il" eiit M'-eN and Ihe I'linilli That till lielil ill |)e ol a canihi I.;, th.' I,e»j nia54, ' f-^M ;:ii.^!mmS'r>'^ /r- !i;i) UNION it.itivc of tlic Sdvt'ri'iffii I'l'iniKMlt so loll.U (Mljll\r,| itli'ctiiins of a iiiiiriliiiii' i|i lor live iiioiillis dl'ihr iiitioiis. Iiriii anil ai'i' iipi'ii at all aiiiuially cNti'iiiliii^V Iiim y to have ilu'ir roinicil- illirrto I'viiu'cd no vciv claim to aini(\ ffiiMt ilcl'i'ucl. iiiilitai-y, Mival, aii;l ciMl talili>lMii(Mil of no ni'u ill till- iiislitulions niicli'i II to one coriinion ccntir '• CiH I i\, CliaiiniaM. or rilK liRITlSlI NORTH AMKllICAN PROVINCES. 73 laii'loMirc 1 in No. yi. Livcri'".'!. Nova Scotia. .lunc V, lMi(i. aliiiaiit- ol' tiii' town \\a^ liclil in l.iM'ipool M\\ II I'l 1 \-l ^olll I'Ai 1 l.l.lAi ^ . A 1.1 A'liiM ;iulilir nuctin;; ol'ahoar li\c iiinulicil inlialiiiaul ■ ol' tiii^ town \\a^ liclil in l.i < ,1 ■riK'^diiy ill" "itli (lay olMiiiu', .\.1>. \^''<''. .\l that UK't'tiiiL!: tiii'i'iiclo-'"! ,i'l(ln'-s til lli'i' mo-t (!i':iriou< Maji' ty the <^ici'n «a- iiiiaui a(lo|ili'il, I am iM>lriii-li'ii hy the chainii 111 of the iiu'rl:nL'. lion, l-'rccinan 'rniiin'i'. M. I. .('., Custom I'l tolovnm ..|' Queen's county, io transmit tli ■ uiliiess to uini- K\celleney, with the icqiie-t that it may he torwarileil for |)reM-nlalion to the t^'ieen'- iiio^t !'l\e. Ikiu Majesty witli ail line (lesiiateli, .mil that a lonv oi'tliis letter a"eonio:iiiv the ;'.(|ilri'-s to the liief orihe 'I'ln'one. I ha\e. ^-e. Kov.v Scotia. Khi'l. I in Nn. 'il. I'll his p'seellenev the l.'entc',iaiit-( ioveiiioi', iVc. k'c. iVc (Sij>lli«(|l .S. .1, .\I. .\ I. T.I.N. iart., K.( .B.. (o tlu- IIIH- 1<), l.Mifi. Illy L', IsiKi, ) ly (i, isiii;, |„i^r,, so.) iracioiis M;iji.'.>ty llii- 1'. WII.I.I.AMS, "• luirliisun" '_' in No. '.'1. To the <,liieen'~ nio-.i I'lveiljenl Majesty. 'I'iie |ie|itioii ol'ihi' inlia'iitanl 'pfthe cnuniy or'.tiieeirs ceUllly, Kncl. 2 ill ^o\; .^(oti,;, cnntaiiiitiL' ^e hearipjj fjie lla;,' ct ish snlijecis, have sent nr .Majesty's hiiiclieent he l'ro\inee ot ( aiiaiLi, It ol the constituencies, . it s.niitioneil hy \'iiur V l'ro\incc. Ill thiN coimtrv iiiav he will sai iciIIn II the forms siMctioneil 1^1 II M', •'hairiiiaii. II', .Secreiarv. 4 ait., K.r'.M.,!,, til.. i". .Jiiiv -J, isdd. ly 1 1. |H(,(i.) y '.'I, |S(i((, |,„^,,. soy, <; Iflln, I Imvi' till- 'liljl'.slV till- (Jlioill, '. ^VJLLIAM.S. I J • • 1 .■ ' .: ' lliiiniih -hiiweiii • I'm \ I the ei.iiiity of (jhieen's eniitiins three re^imeul> of cinolleil militi.i, and (iwn.s upwards of l",(iiiii tmis of shiiipiii^', ln'aiiiiif the Ha:^ of laiitland. .\ e-ood many new ^|.,^el< are luiiit in lliis eoiuuy cm ry ye.ii ; and while its a;.''.'ii iiltinal di-lriets are in:;)ri>\ iiii;, it thri\('s l>y an .letive lisliery. tlie mannfaetnrc and e\poii of Inmhir, and has ;i fair »hare of cii.t-iinu and forei;,ni trade. Till' people of (Jneen's Ikim" e\i r Ihmii loy;il to their .Sov erei;;ii, all.icheil to the mother conntrv. and to Hritish in-'iliuioii-. Tliey have for a centiiiy sent icpre-eiitalives to the I'lMvineial Parliament, and desire to relain the in-liliitions under which they have lived and piospered: and sec no neee<.ii\ tin uiv radical or ma'.erial i-haiiK'e. riic' would now \ie\v with i:re;il dislril I any at tempt Im aiiuc\ Nn\a "^ent'a to < .iiiaila, or lo fi-r the (iovrnnicnt and revenues oi this j'rovince to the nf a (li•> No, •_"J i\0. _'z. Cni'V tirn |)i:SP.\'I"('I! iVom I.inil.-(;>Mici,il Sir W. F. Wii.iiams,, K.C'.n,, to llic Kij^lit 11(111. TIk" SuciX't.iiT of St.ili' (or llu- V.'oli)iiii's. ^^"" ^'''^ Ilalillix, Nova Sootia, .liilv Hi, \H{Hi. ( Ucieivi.l iliilv i.'S, ISIili.i ■^'"t ( Aii-wcicil, Nil. n. Aii;;iisl .:. jsiiii. iia^r,. h;\.] I ttWT. till' honour iu'ifwilli to Iraiisniil an ail(lic id'tlic tdiiiity of 1-uin.iiliiiio; to Him (ii i.'ioiis Maji'ily tlu- (^iicen. ! Iiavi". i^f. (Sjone.l) W . I'. \VII,I.I.\MS. Tlic Riolii Hon. 'I'lif SccTi>tat_v of Stale lor liu' CoiiHiiis. \i'. (.Vc. iSic. iVi'. laiilo-m, in No. •.".'. Kml in No. SJ. To the (,>iieeu'- nii -I i'\iellciil Maje-ty. M \\ II 11 I \s| \'(ii II M III ^1 \ ,- Till )ietilion (if the inh.ihitiinl* of llio enmity of l.ii niihurir. in N'mn Maic-U'- rnniiice of Nova .S (itia. iid'iplcd iiuiniim.n-lv at piihli- ineeiin!;^ Iicjil lliiil!:ei\alci, Mahone HiN.and t lie-tir, in .-aid eounly, lliimhlv «li(uvetli, I'll M llii- coniitv wiis settled loer a centmy iiiro, cliielly hy iiali»e« of (iermany. wlio with their ii( •eendani'. Im\e heen ((i.tinnniOied for nii-«er\inL; loyallj to ilie'llriti-li ( 'iin\n, and I'iir .iiieeic icpivt 1111(1 e-teein for Voiir Majcl)'. Iloyal l|on-c, and i't i-'tlic inn.t iNinie«l (I, -ire of \ our Majolv's petitioner, to the under the p. .teitidii of the Itiiii h llair and t.. maintiiii tlieir nlicidtiiec ii> ilrilUh -iihjecis, 'lliat llii> county 111!' ii population of o\ei •.'(i.oimi, lud i- rapidi\ JiicrcaHiiiu In wenlth aid priwperitv ! iliat il~ eiirolled militia iiuinhcr- (niijii renuueiil*. with iipwanU of t.ooii tir-t-ela«' men, iitiil that tiie xe--eU and inen eii)iaKC(| in the prn-cciition . if the li-ln ric- iinnihi r more than llioe of au\ other i (iiiiilv llie l'l(i\ llic", That the ctninly i« iepre»enlcd in the l'rii\incial I'arliameiit hv three meiiihei-, and liia i an election hi'ld III Deeemlicr la-t to Mippli !i xacaiicy ( au«e(l h\ the den , e of one nicmher le-ulted hi the reliiin el 11 candidate hy ii mii)ority of mer li-n \otc. oppe-Vd to any miioii nl llie IVnvineos lioilljj |til«-ed upon I' the l,exi~liituie without in lion liiM hail llieii'dii hy (lie |ic'epU' ill the P(i||h. ltiUS4. K nm N'ii\.\ Scoiu. Ni>. L'.). N« . Z . "i 71 CORllESl'OXDKNCK UK SK lH"l'lN(i THK rUorOSEl) UNION That the iiu'iui- uliirli 1i:im' licni tiiki'ii In -i-ruii- ,i uiiidii olilic I'rnviiirc- witlidiil llic I'li'dnrsliavin. biMii tii-l ripii-iilli'd !),i\(" cMili'tl ill lilt' iniiicU ll^^'lUll• Maji-ly'^ pclilioiii'i'- ifvcal (li>-ati-('a(lii>ii ami iuclif.'i)ati(iii, liilicviiiff, a-- iIh'V <1i>, llial a i|i:i-liciM nl' «u( li iiii|)Milaiici> >li(nil(l he >.iil)milU'i iiiii-l ri'-|it'itriilly anil canu'-lly pray thai Yoiic iiiuvi (iiaiimi- Majc-ly will iiplaiM I'm- ii> thn>, riglil- and pri\ ili'^t'« wliii'li uiidri' llic .-yslcni nf n-poii>ilili' giivciniiii'iil ;;ianliMl lo llii> I'lcuiin'i- \v, have -11 long iMijovcd in pi-acc and pnwpcrity, and thai hi'lorc any nnioii nl' ihoc l'ni\in(i's i)i' ciinii'ii Your ino>t tiriii'ioiw Maji'-lv will can-c llu' ipiolion lo he sniiniilticl Im flu- decision oftlii' rlcitors el N'nva Scotia, a privilege winch, lliongh liillu-rlo denied to them, ha.- in the short space of 14 month been twice granted lo their felloW'-nhjcct-. in the adjciining rro\iiice of New IJniiiswii 1>. And ^'onr Majc-tv"- petitioner-, a- in dnt) liunnd, will evcrv prav, \c. Oil hehalf nl i'.le. ini-, M villi II li. I)i - Itiit- v^, I'liairmaii nf Meeting al liridgewuter. .1 V VII - S|- vKii \r r. Secretary. I'!i)w villi llii hM AN, (hairmaii of Mecliiiy at ('iicsti'r. ,\vii)> 1". Miiui. w, Seiretary. Wiiiiwi Kihv, ('liairtnaii of Meeting at Mahom' liay. Ilrvin Siiisvni, Secreiarv. 1^1 vY ir 111 \ At a )H the Tth of.Iun. I liave hcen yithin petition Ilcr Majeslv Ml. Aicliil..dd .Ml. .Mcliilly Nl). L',!. Copv Ota DF.SI'ATCII t'loiii LiiMit.('uMu;,ii Sir W. 1". Williams, Hart., K.C.U., to tlu lijnlit Ildii. llif I'.ail ol' (■aisnaiivon. (■"^^"l''"''^'-) Halifax, Nova Soolia, .Inly IJ), KSOfi. ( l{ ivcil .(illy L'S, I Mill. I yi\ I.OIil), ( Ali-wcrcil, No. 10, Aii'.'ii-I I, l«(i(i. pa;;c.S,1.) I iiv\K till' li iiuuir Id iiilonii \ tii Liinisliip that tin.' lieli-^alis, as iiainoil in ,,., ,, ,, ... till- niar;riii, Ckhii .\iiva Ncolia, ai'i'oinit.iiiii'il In tiiose t'lom Now 111' lliiii. i»r. I iiiiiu I , r, ... , i> I 1 1 1 1 ■ II 1 ■! 1 .Ml. Il«ii'K. will inorii'il to hy this (i.iys liDvai mail packot, .Mr. I!ii. III. the litter pail airixnl in llalita.x v(sti.n!a\ with I'lili iK'tiriiiiiiatii)ii to proc'i'cil to lui,o;laiiil, aii.l niv advisers in ( 'oiinril al oiicc lu.ulc up llii'ir ntiinis to juii-tie a -iiiiinar coinsi'. I iiiloriri'il N'isooiiiit .Miiiiik in llio lK'o;iiitiitin' of ijio wirk thai my a(!\ i».t'i'.s wi-it iiii.iiiitiioiisiv ori>|iiiiiiiii a.i til till' pi >piii'l\, policy, ami iiul<.'t.'(l iiiofiit. iicci'ssily ol' llii^ muvf. aiiil lliat I lully acipiiiMeil in llu'ir vii'ws. A ti'lrgr.mi in ri|)ly lit. tit Ilis l"'illnn.'y tlir (io\t'iiioi-( imiial coiiMynl all ai'virst opinion to this,- -lia^iil mi iju- cliaiioc di' ilu. Ministry, anil on llie i-i)Usi.(,iifiii proli.iliilily oithi' sjin dy ilisinu, ol liii- .-c^ioii i f llu' Inipcrial IVirliaminl. Yi'i I i'oriltally ioin tin' (iiU-n.itis in liopino; fVoin llu' oCthi- lati-si ni-ws iVoui r.njiliiiil, the Hill lor tin- ('onlrilcratioii ol'llu' Hrili^li North Am rifait I'lovinci-s may In jKisNtil lii'lino till' M'par.ilion ot' ihi- l.i L;i^l.iti(r(' ; sticli a n-siiii would ohvi.iU' imiili iniscliieC, t!ii- ii.itiiio iinil hrarino; of wliii'h llir i'i'h\j,ati's tan liettir iXjil.iin to \oui f.urd^liip than I nmld po^sil)|y do in a li'iinilu'tii'd and iK lailtd DespaU'ii ; .tiid thus ,. •jitr-fioii Willi,'), li,is liom tin ivoidalii ■ firiiiiif-iaiK'ts lii'i-ii ton I.^ii;; tlio ransc of discoiu ,iii.pi'.'dily, confrs. its projii-nl iK-iiolils, .uid if- sjfi'uti.nd aj^.iin-l Miliiii' i\d... I ll.iVl', \i.-. 'I'iii' Hl-i'i II !'• ili> Kail olCainarvu.i (Sione.h W, I". W 11,1,1 \M> No. _'|.. ('..|'\ 111 I :|'.M'\I' II liien I,i iiL-CJciiiral Sir W }■ W 1 1 ii \ v|s, Hart., K .( , M,, to llu lii^ltl lion, t)ic J'',aiiol < \if mmon. ^^"- '••'•> llalilax, \ova Scotia. .li.K J.'., tHHO. I lioi i\cii .\ii(jii-i la, jtdii. I M\ l.oKK ,\i,.«.ica, N. , 1,1, AiiKn-i -Ji, iMiij, |„ij.. sa.) In .K'Coid.iiioi- with tiic ui.sii I Npr. ettlc .1 Constilntinn. 1 domination nl '• Scheme ol ( 'I'hat even peti'inner- it employed to f. intense di-likc It is to live in The pr.iyei plei-i d tn wit ,.i,ter C.ilnnie rcl',.reiicc 1.1 tl ( (it'\ of a I { No. ( 'I . I 'i. Koiii), I 11/ hislriit ol' (iiiMl Hiil; The Ui-lil *C, To tl iliiiiililv "Im 'I'll V I iiiNiri'sl to til TImt whe >Ci(iil ►ll.'Xl i .iiid till ir pr i:i) UNION or THE BllITISH NORTH \MEKI( AN PROVINCES. /J lliiiiit the I'liMiorsimvin. liii'nl ili-siii-(;ictii.ii jiiir II ii.i:.\>i, Ydiii K\< I I.I I Ai y,^ "ill uplmld fill ii> tliiiN At II |)ul)lii' iiii'otiii^' •(' ii'ioiil 'I'm iIim inr-, lii-ld ill I'ort Mcil^iiy in tlic riiimty nl' Qncon's, (ju iit'il 111 llii> I'loviiK't- w, flic 7tli ol'.liiiH' ISIiCi. tin' fiK-l 'M'd addri'-.- to llcr M.ijcsty the •.Mlccn was adopted iiiianiiinmsly. I'M- l'iii\iiici's 1)1' -tt'd l)y<';i].t. William Mortiiiici, .1.1*., cliaiiniaii ui' the iiii'i'linjf, tn f'urward thi' •ci-^ion (iftlu' cloctdis i.| yilliin |irtilicin Id your {•ArclliiK-y, with tlif it'i|iii'st that yon will hr pleased to tran.-niit the sai'.e to 'It spare of 14 moiilli }|(r Majestv, loiriiher with ;i ropy of the iiiiiiiili'^ of tiie iiieetin;.' !t yoiii earliest imsMliJe i im'.eiiieiice. •iiii>\\i( ii. I leiiiain, i.V<'. V| ""'ei rel,ir\ of the Meelinjj. Nova S( (,ri.\, EiK'l. ill Ni". 24. inn;; at liridjrewnter It Che-ter. alioiie lta\. I^lll., K.C.I}., (otiK ■'iiiv If), i8f)(;. I t. I«lili, pa-c S.t, '^Mtt.s, as iiaiiii'cl ii; > tiiosf (iiiin Nt'u ' l{u\al mail p.ickt'i, li lull ilc'Uriiiiiiatii)n I'il .It oiicc 111, nil' iin Illy a(!\ isfrs wciv It tlcci'^ily oC ihi, "iivivii! an ai'viiM I "II llll' I'OilM'tjlU'lll IIU'lll. Ill' laioi iii-ws llotn II I'mMiicr.H may he I'ulii olivine imicji 'T I'Xjil.lill lo uuii ^•imii-ii ; ami iliu, ., Ill' lausi' (irdiM'.iiii < H'>.l.aii(l I liiitlui VHi'ii! luiii'llls, and ■. WIi.I.l \Ms Wll 1 !.(M MuK n M I II, ( hainnan. 'llh-i'iielo-iiri' ill r.iiel(Kiive Xo. 'il. t.. k.( .M., t(. iiu iil\ j:,, iHWj. I, i-^ii.. ) I. I""''!, (..i;;i. i;),) I liavf llii- liiittoiii « !•: llif toimtv ui M 1 1. EI. VMS. To the Ijliie. nV UH'sl I'.xeelielil Majesty. Till petllioii of the peojile of (^llleell's eoiinty. in the l'io\iiiee of Nova Scotia, ? Ilninhly showeth. — 'I'll M li'iieen's I'oniily eoniain^ a popnlatii'H of I'^.imhi, prim ipally > njLrap'd in liiinheriiip, lishinjf. and naviifalioii ; (an eipiip three reiiiinenls of ( luolied militia, anil owii' ahoiit I'l.odo tons ot -liiprinu. hearint; the lla^' of lin/xlaiid. That the eoiinty ha-- ■•(•111 ri'pre-eiitntives to the I' Parliament for npw.-ird- oi' a century, and its p<'o|ile for nioi-e than '.' >> li.ive eiiioyed the hi. s-in;:~ of civil and relisrions liht riy. personal -(.( urity. ,nid tetnpoial |)rosperity, under a sy-teni of re-ponsili|e (iovenniient, which, modelled after that of (■'.n^fland, leaves them iiothiiii; to de-ire lint its iiiidi.-tnrhcd contiiiiiance. 'I'hat they have wilnessed with apprehension and i. j.'iit the ellorts of a small |i,irl\ in this I'ldviiipe 111 inisi'tlle a fonll, I I '■ l.tllin, I Al, vMi-eil, So, 17. II. JKIX.. ;.injeH|. . I II \\ r the lioiioiii to liaii.Miiii ii\ ri«|Ui'ii oJ'cirfaiii nf the iiilmlii'riitK of tin- hislrjil of I'oil ?>Ir(lvva_v. Nova Si-olia a [u'tllioii i" tlie lliimiinaliii' the Commoii^ ol itiil.tiii ami hi'laml. I liavi', lU'. I'll.' Hl:.tiii, % lliaiililv sliowelh- I'll V I the I'rov'iice ol Nina Seolie i- one of (he oliie-l Co|>>iiie. .d' Uieat llrittiili. and o|ie of i\tr iiearekl In ilie iiiiitliiM (iiiiniiy. That wlw'ii the Atiieriiaii l!ev ihiti.iii s( |i;irali'l Ihiiteeii l'!ii«li-h ('(ilonies from the I rowii. N-,>va >( .liii stood true to her all("„i.iiii c. ,iiid fntinslieil n |i. m.- for the l.iv;di"t- who •iieriliced their iiV.itM'rtv •iiid tin ir iinmjK'ttH in tin Aiiiericui .State- tor the cuke of lirilidi (o|iiie\iiiii. K -J J'JK'!. inK».iiui', tliiriiij.' till' piilitifiil ii^iitatiniis wliitli liaM' ilistui'l»'(l llii:* coiiiiiKM.i, , <]U'ciall\ tliirii., ScoriA. llii' uarol IM'J and the ( 'anaiiiaii ii'Im-IIioiis uI' IS;'.? -s. Nuva S'o;i.i ha.s hoi'ii !=tt>!uU"ii>t in I'it loyally: and iliat wlun llii' ni'iirlilxr.iiiny l'iii\ini(' ii New li unswi'k \\a ituiiaci'il 'roni tliL Anicriran side ii I s,)'.i. tin Lfuidatiui' ol' Niiva >ii)tia iriaii''' ni-h jiiaftMl tin' «h(ili' ii'vcnin's .ukI ii'souriis nf tli' loimtiy attlio di-|Hi>al ipI'iIm' Liciitcimi (-■ "•■vi'iiior lor iIh' di^fcnci' ol ilii' [{riiisli ,1 i;; ii| >)• Hi.- frtiiiliir. 'I'lial liii^ pcMplc lia.i' lii^cliaitrt'd, in I'llu-r ri'spi'.l , ili" diitic.-- .if liiilish >uliji'i' t > tlic -•ilisractini; III' lilt' ( rowii. 'I'licy liaM- ^t'lit ifprt'.»i'iiiain. - .■ 'i. ! 'v -iiu lal rarlianicn! •-iin >• ' i.'.-^, lor a ([nailir ol ;i cciitmy liMM' ciijoNi'il ri'>|ioii.iliK' ( lo\i n!ii:i i.t in .1- .'.dl am' ani; U- a niiMMiic a> have tlii'ir ti'Uuw- ;-ul>j(Mts in iIm' ino-l I'aNound |iart> of tl'c ruipiit'. sni lia\.- i'U'.oiM'd I'mni (K'frcnt'i-.K y and abux' tlici: C'oii-litf.lioiial iii;iit» and iVci' in-titiilii.i.-. That tlio lu'iipli' III' lliir- I'lininri". licin ;iuii- arihii'i' ]i' .-ili. 11, iia\o developed llie | ni -ails of >hi| hniidiiiu'. navigation, ronnner.e. and li~li' ii mlo iiro-]. rous ; . ivily. Their ai;rienltin';il icxmrees ai. lii ii and varied, nliili' lln' va>t mineral \ve;dtli wlmli underlies ihe whulr area ol' the eonulryi-. [ipeeial guarantee ol it> liilnre prii>iierity miiler lavonraliie polilieal (■ondition>. Ihe j;ciid mine- ■ Nova Scotia, without ri-inu' to llie eharaeler of dazzling h tti ries to allraet a prnniireiion> or di.-order'e piipiilatioii lioni aliroail. Iiavi' proved >leadily r. imnieialivf iis a re;,Milar departnieiil ol' native industry, and a prolitalilc iiivestineni lor loreij^u lapilai. 'ihe ffieat iron niines already di-eo\ered f.dve earnest, in (oiiue\i.ii with its i oal Held-, ol iiiaiiulaeliuini; i .ip,ii>ililie> in inlerior to ihosi' of any eonntry 1: -iinilar e\teiil. It lia< li.e lliid-r-t seams in the woild. and their area is exli'ii-ive, allordiiii; l.e iiroiui'l lor the pre-iiiiipliiin Inr the purpo;-es ul peine 1 1 war Nova Scotia's i-oiilluiied eoniie\ii.: wilii < ileal 1 hi lain v.iaild prove ol' mule d ad\aiiiai;e. I'o -i ■ 1 d ol these resoinces, llie people de.-ii. closer relation- with ihe moth, r c'unl y, in oriL'r to he .ilile t eiijoy niore largely the lieiielils, a.s vel. as share irore I'lillv the re-pniisiliilitiesi, ot' the empire: and already the Province enrolled (io.iio. eiruieut militia and volunteer.-' to a-si-t in the luaiuleiiar.. .• of Hrilsh jiovveron this 1 unliiu'iil, and scnii to sea 1 10,000 foMS of shippiiii;. niill and ovviu'.l vviiliiii the Province, heaiinu the Hay' of I. norland, aii. manned lo in He liiaii '.' -cainen. That Nova >cotia has no 1 ouln.versii- wlt'.i liie niollier . miilrv . the ollici Provinces, or vv illi tli tii.pulalion of ill.' iiei;;lil)ouri;i;; I ii.ieil Mali-: and hiclily pri/es ilii' priviie^^i ... so Ion.,-- enj.iyed. . ■ re'.'uhitln:: her > vvii taiill's, and eondiiclin.; tr.ide, hut huliilv hurdeiied. with the Itrltish Island- aic; ('iiloni.- ill ail pail- ..fllie .lorld aail «illi I'.ieiirn e.miitiies, That the people of Nov;i >ii.;i.l ;ire pnjiaiid to elite, M'li any |ii.ip.i-ilioii> iiy which i pre-erviii^- I •lieiii llii- iiislilulion- they now li.ive and ihe ]iriviU'iics they eiijoy • (greater facilities for i-oiuiiier.ial an. S.I ill inli'.c MU--e Willi "^tites an I Priviit..'* iiiivlie ■.•luri'd, and ihey are willin;;, wlieiievei their own eoii>|s and harooiir.- are'e. t.. lel Her Ma|i-ly's fnrees to pr..~erve from afju'ressioii th. Pioviiice.1 in the rear. Ihit ihev view with profound di.slrusl .111. 1 -cheines reeeiilly pvo|ioiiiided. Iiy which ii is proposed to liaiisfei to the (iiople ..1 ( ar.a.l.i llii- t ouli. i .1' llie (lovc rniiieiit, lenislalioii. and revcini. ■ of llii- lo\al and h.ippy Pr.ivin.e. and liny veuliiiv r -o 1 iliilly to crav.- I'lom your liouourahle llou-i in«liee ,ind prole, tioii. That the Proviine of t'ainul.i lie* as far Irom Nova s. ..ti.i .'is An-lria doc. limu linj^land. ,'inil llui i>\ists U.I r.' i-oii why .1 pop'"' ^*'''' I'*'" •" " "''" •' disiao. e, w illi wlmm we lia\e hut little eoimnerce. who have iine-ti'il no capital in ..or im e.iitry, vi:oare iiiiahle to prniect it, and are llieiiiselves sliiil ill from ocean navigation hv Iro-! l.>i live in.>:ilh- ■■! tli. y I'.ir. should ...nlrol our leui-lalion and ( iovern iiicnt. That ill 1" I the tiovcrniiie'.t <.l No. t .'«i-..Ii 1. viillimil ;iiiv aiilhoiily frniii the I,e;;i.-l;i(llre, :uiil wiiliiiil aiiv I vi.l. lice ol liie c. .i-cni ol llie peiph. -(ill dcleifalcs to ( ana. la to ari'anue in secret e.iili'reli.e :il ',''.' 'ee a polili'il nnioii lielwecii lln- v,,ii..u- Province-. Thai llie-e (leliuale« coliecalei, the re-ult ol llieir > ..lil' it. .111 ihe pe .p'.- until n '.e. aine in iiliiilally niiele piiiili.- in ai'..lller Pr..- ince, and that, 1 . ihi* hour, ihey li.ive lu'Vcr unloldcd jioimohs of the scheme liaviu'j the most e..seiiti.ii lelaiii.n 1." the in'i iilia' itileie"l- ;oi.l ,;-..veiniiicnl ol .\ova Seoli.i suhsei|niiit lo ( 'oufederali.ill. Thil li.e Mheiiie, IV I .-II at l.i-l made piililic, w.i« re.eived wilh v' di-salislacl.on in Nova .">.oti,i. ' the oppo"iii,i' ' •• h.i- liec 1 cm-lanlly on ihe iiierea-e, and li.i- ln'.ii inlee-ifie.l le, ihe condir. t .: llie ifoverinneiii i. <'"•• iiclef;.il.'s, who 11 'W piop.ise to call ill llie aid ol Sour lloiiour.ihle !lou»e, le 1--I-I tlieiii 'o ove.ii- ' • I y ail arhilrarv • f p..vv..r. Iiee in-iiiulious eiijoveii for a ci ninry, aii.l never .ilais'-.i. Tllilt •'»• of llie pciili lo ill- prop.i-ed ( '..iifedcratioii "s.-heiiie alii it not iiieiely mi 'ocal detail- hut llie radii-,. 1 |llilicipies ..I lllc plan, i he | jde leeoynize ihe liei es-ity loi i hall;.'e in till i. pieseii, lr.iiii|.iil, I lo-perou- and lie.' ciiidilioii. I'h.'v eaiiii"l lielieve lIn' proposeil Con I'edeiaiio.i Willi ihi' (li-latil e.' .ny i.f ( 'aii.ida will prov.' of any praciii-al heiielit. eitiier for deleiiee 01 tniile ; while, from lie p.i«l lo-tory of that .oiiiihy, il« >.■■ lional lrouli|i... and In I'lceiiiiie polihcil iiiiinajeiiient and lina icial tndi.irias*nieitl ■. liiey h.ive iiieal reason lo thai ( onlederaiioii would h.' ti> llielii 11 iii.i-f di-Hstroii- . ha'.iae. letaidni.,^ ih. ir pr..Kr ss, and renderinii tin ir piolonj;ei| . ..iiiiei lioi; Willi ill.' <'r"Viii )iniii'iou» Ii noi nap 'ssilile. Kormiun, i- she doen mow, 11 |iorlion of ihi' linipire, S'ov 1 Scolia i- aire. Illy cmledeiaP i willt lilly mil. r .-taJes an I Provinces, enjoy - Iree ir.ide with two liniiiiicl iiid lil'v iiiil'ioti- of p.'opl.', I, villi; uiiil.'i llaif, .aid owiiiiiif llie aiilhorily ol' one Soverei;;ii. Jilie hi- no .l.'sire lo p.iil w.;l|her . Il-c .n lo iiarriw li'i comiiu'icial jiriv ilexes oy plniiifx her-ell •iiiiler the .!.iiiiiiiion cf .1 si-ler colony, an esimscil Ir.Hilier, l'ro<.|-houni| for a lliird oi' ihe, anil with le. nav y t" il>'i I ihe M .liliini' Provinces wlc'ii her ports are (i|ieii, 'Ihe n'heiiie ol (iov.iiiii III li.dticil .(I i.iiieliee i- unlike iinv oiln 1 thai lu-ioi\ -how- t.i hav.- heeii since. 111). It >.-.'Urc licit. ler liie 1 .iii.iiid iii.iii, dignity, ami iildepeudeiil power of inon.irehv, iioi ihe eliei'ks ind uuiirds wliieli iiisur. lo ihe .n illi r stated self /^ovenmi.'nl, iiiiil lonirolliiitf iiiHueuee o\ei Iho I'e.lciiil .iiilhoMlie-, in lli' n.'iuhlionriiiu repniilic. Ily adopliiiu lln I'eil. lal primipl.-. -cctioii.dlsiii in (he live iirovinces i- pcr|ieluiiieil: hv the liniid and iiiiiierleel ninile in which principle ii apple il. tie pcobli'. wlio-e iiiillds liiivi' lieen iinsi-llleil \.\ litis eriide evperiliienl, niiiy he driven lo thaw eiililnt'>t<. iiid nourish iispiraiioiis of wliii h iidveiiliiMit* uit>l |io«ci|ul nelMhlioni- v ill not he sl.iw lo In' . 1 iv m liljn-! a'ld tiie peojile of .Vov.i .'•eoti.i li.he ii.i lie-iH' t.. peril the inlewiilv of the I'an) . V liler-sinu- li'.''> ;uld no re:.l The ;■ •" , l'r..viiue. II 4 llioy eaniioi a •' costly and cm j.'i.r many Canada. I'h. as an iudire. t nil iii'l' ''""' . Ahiiosi siu'i leniitiercial in to licr .oinme liv imitatiiiir. eoniitrv -ten iuto tin- l'r"\i l.cLii-lalure, ueeessilic-, ' now eN.aeled Thai sine, clc. -11011- in tl at the poll-. That in 1 llisl'UsS it. 'iieiit, and "i •• iiiipr.ieti. .e That at He l.ii'iileliaiit •• -chem.' had till- (iov."iiui I'rov iiice- llouonraM." 1 people, wlio-i 'I'lie iindci prolei li.'ii wilh limit' painful -.icri le/iliniale all le ;i ( 'omiiiil j.''eiierale widl thai 110 chaii; hceii a|ipr'iv. are rarely al iuleii'-ls the; \ our pelit ill lavi'iir ol ji e\ercised lim 1 ll'iemriihie of ihe ppii..' / to each ollie S , .uii-.'l al 1 pelilioiieis, Ciil'Y ol :> (No. M\ I, ..nil In ril'iT \oii |Mil»lio op tliat it Illi till' ll'sllil leiliT.itivii 'I'i'v Uiul f W'^ %. iKD I XJOX OF 'rilK RKITISH NORTH A.NiERK A\ rROViNCKS. n I'M, > -jH'fiiilh iliiiii,, !i;i(lf'iist III hi'i-'loviiliv Hi I'i. Aliicnr;ili M(|i- 'j. li'i n'>()iinf.s (it th. I( ''' .:■' Hi 'i: »!i.' rrmiliii. 'i; '' ' ' !ln' '■ili.s|;icri,,i ' 'I <• 'i.ii>', liir a (|iiarti. 11' a> liavf tlu'ir li'il.iM riu'iai y and abii^c tlici: n'll I lie I m ..lils 1,1' >|ii| . liiiiltiira! rcsduiccs ai, iiiM 111' till' coiuilry i^ . iM>. 'I'I'c jpold iiiiiiVs . iiiii.MUiiiis .11' (liMU-ili'i'lv iK'iil 111' native iii(lii,-tiy, (llM-dM'IYil fji\c IMIIlo't. lliii.-i' 111' any coiiiitry ■ : I'-tcii-iM', allonliim- V,ii ii > 'iiiiliiiiii'd ciiMiicxiii: IlilCCS, ill,. |l,.,l|ll,. ,|,.ji|, I'ly till' hnu'lils. as wr!, IMi' ll.l- I'lU-dlliMl ClI.IMi. Ii'-i iiitiiH'iit, anil M-nil 111' lla-- 111' l';ii;;laii(l. an. riiiviiii,... nr „i||, ,1, I . . Ml lull','' fiijiiyod. I • lit' l!iiii>li |>laiid. ;,i,,| >\- wliuli (|iicM'rviii.^- I lii'~ fur iiiimiii'iiial ain. an; uiilin^r, h|ii.,h.(,,, ' I nun affiiicssioii tli. r<>|ii'iiiii!i'd. hy wliii'h I' .ui'l:ili and icvcnu, . yiiiir liiiiiuiiialili' lion-, "'II l.ii;;laiid. and llu'i • ImiI litilt' ((iiiiiiurir. IIV ihl'lllv'lvfs sluit , ti li'^M-laliuii and (iovrn, 1 till- I.i';'i..latmc. .'iliij I 111 ariMiim. ill M'lTCI I'-i' , \in 1 ;lil<' "illi t»,, Jiiiinli.Hl iiiii' Ni\m'i;,n. Ml,, -t''- ''y I'liicinjf lii.rM'lt lliiid -il III,, yt'ar, and >lli'«« IM liasr li,,.|, lirilllMiai, liy, ||,,| III,. MlllltU illlll|,.||,.,. ,n,., 'I'iii' i|||''. Mill, mall, II, It ininiipl,. j., (i|,|,l,..,| *|il\V 111 (1,1 , I i> ,, till' l'Jii| , ■ . . Iilo^ini;- ihi'v now I'lijoy, nf t" li'V ii. w (A|ii.rlnii.iit~. wlii, li may <■; add Ti,) ii'.il -ir,'ii;ifth In the I'rnvini'c-i i? i- |'i(i|)ii-., .1 |.. ,-,iii,liiii,.. 'I'll,. ;i">n: '•(■,i('t aNii tii the iuiMii^'t'iiicnts. a-- s|H'(iall\ liiiitiii'ii;-iin !• and niit.iii- in ilii- i'r.,\iii( p. Ilaiin;^ iniiff iMijnvcd tin' iniitrnl and lant'lillcd lix tiic ('xix-iiiiilnr,. ..i tlnir mm rt'\i"iiii'M, tlit'v caniiil ai(|iriu,' a si'licnii' that will \ lol ili,- irrtMliT |iart .'i liic:.,. 1111111 tlnir liamU, tn koi'|i up cDr-tlv and iinnlnnn- I'l'dcrat iiiailnni'ry, and t.i nii'i't tlr' li iMlilics tif ( 'aiiad.i. I'"(ir inanv A-car^ till' I'oiniiit'ri-ial polii-j nt'N'in.i Scnli.i. I\i',mi ,':-.«cnti.ill\ dill'rriMi! Irnm ilni. 1,;' Canada. I'lic I 'ttiT lunntry, |i;iiily Ir.i'-i \i"i" .^i.. aii-iii; it of fniaiH'ial . li pri\il,';;.' >\w av.iili'il .,'isili. liv imitating', as Cai- as l,)i-al (•irriim-lani('> wo'ild p, rinir, th.' lili, imI and tie,' ti.idc p.ilii\ id' ii, . iijlici coniiti) -I, '11 per cut. liciiiL' the duly I'oll, ■,■»,. I under llu' Nina ,'->i-,ilia lai ill" o;i 'Xk i ' ■ 1.1 i>iii 'i ii into till' rinvinoc. 'I'll,' prnpo-cd sclii'inc of iininii will nriic ( 'aii.ida, hy lii-r lai;.'(" propnin! 'i'..' • in Ji I.fL'i^latuip, till' power tn ■-li.ipi' tlii' tarill' Ini' the win h' innr,'d,'iaiy a'Tiii-liny; to Iiit iiil.iiii. . is aiiil lifi't's^ilifN so as to li'W till' ^allll' oni'inil~ diilii'^ .ni lirili-h ;.'<'> d^ iai|inrli'd iiit" Novii Sc.ii • aN .iv now oxaclfd hy ( 'aiiada. 'I'liat siiii," till' . That ill IM'.'i ill -ill. nil was i-ondomii,-,! at in'aily ini'iy puhli, iin'i-liiiy hi'ld hy ihf di'lritatc-^ t" discuss il, and niininioii-* pi'titioiw jii^.iinst its adopilmi \ww pri'M'iiti'd to tin' l'iii\iniial i'ailia- 'iii'iit, and oiii\ nil,' in it- laMinv, until lln- lia.lci ,il tin' ( iii\,'iiiin.'iit dcclaii'd the ini'a-iii-,' to he " iinpra, lir.ihlf. ' That .'It till" np,.niiij; nrihc lat,' S,.>-ioii no rcl'i'icni ,' |.i .miiIi di'iatinii \».i- niailc in tin' -p;','rh id' lln' l-icuti'iiant (•(u,inoi\ and down to .a lali' iii'iioil tlio pinpln ol Nnva Sintia wi'if l.'d in hclicv,. that tin' sill, '111,' had hi'iii .ilianilnni'd. A 1,'sohitinn was inti'idm-, d toward the ,ln-,' ,)!' thi' Si'—imi, (loihini, till' (iovi'' iinnnt willipiiu,.r |.i .ippnint drli'^r.Ut's. who. in i-.intn'.liiiii wiili (lt'l,'!,Ml.> Iimiii thr oilu'i l'ro\ in, I's, an- to rr.-iini" .1 -rhriiii' of (iov. rnincnt. to w hi' h it ii. piopi-cilto a,-L th,. -.ilictioii ol ymir lIoiionraMi' linii-,. Im'I'oi,' it ha- hi'in '-nhniilli'd In ill,'' >I.'itiiri that it iiniy,', nl tn ili,. pi.opli', wlin-.' li'^iil and ri^iht- au'l p. -"i-- il ni.iy'.'r or ciiiiini-i'iihi . I he niidi'r'-iuin.d, in,'iia,'i'il liv a iii,.,i-iiri' llnil iiniN In' ri'\oiiiti nary, ropn-i- iiiipru'il cmlidi 11. r in tin- prnti'ilinii nl ihi- liiipi'iial I'Milianii'iit. Thfy d'oy ihi' aiiihniitx of llii'ir own l.<'..'i>liiliir,.. invi'>li'.l willi limil.ii pnwl'r^ I. r a di'liiiiti' trim, in ii,.pri\|. iiioni of iv^dii- I'ariU'd h\ iht'ir ainrslrv hy iho uio-I paiid'id -arriliccs. wiM.|y I'M I, Im.,! ami nrtt'i aim-, dl'ir mnrc than a ('ciiliny. and wliiiii iiii'\ hail nn li'^ilini.iti' anthill ity to alii'iiali' nr hrt-ak dnwii. Thoy hclu'vi' tliat any m 'unu' nf ( iincninniil, Iraim d In ,-1 ('I'iniiiiitrr ol 1 ),li'!,Mi,'- aii'l loici'd npnii tin l'i,i\iiii ,'■• wiihnnt llipir ri'\i«ioii nr approval, wimld ni'mTalc will,, -plead di--.ili-raetiim ainoii',; a loyal ;iiid 1 .iiiti'iiled pt'ople ; who liill nut l.iil to r, ili'ii, that no;,. ,aii h.' mad,, in the (011-1111111011 of Mny of the m iyl.hoiiiiinf,.- wliiili ha- ,iot lir.-t hroii appmv.d hy the , 1,' ; ami thai iin|ioitanl iin'.isiires. nil,.! linjf policy or in .liuiii.iii-. are ran-ly atliliiplrd all they Imm hi'rii -ihiiiiileil fni- .i,.',.|itailii' 01 reji'itioli h\ llie p, .pK' w ii'i-e ilili'li'-ls they are In alii', |. \ niir pelilioiie.s ihenloi,. pray thai \ our l!i:;lit ihl,' will in' pi,'as,i| |i del , all i.i 'i...: in la\.iiir nl 4 'niih'ih.ratiim in the Inipeiial I'arli.iiiiial niilil the people of .Nov a . -,,'01 la h.dl iiate eM.ieipeil inn I eiijnxed ihi'ir ('nnsiiiiiii,m,il piivilej;,. to , Apr, -- their iipini.'i.s at tile 110II-, or that yoio II. nniiralile ||on>e iiiav he plea-i d to ilireet ilial a Spei iai < 'oininillee -li.dl impiire iiiio all liie i'eaiui'e' ot the prnp' -111 SI heim- ol t niiti'di ralinii, a, it i« lil.ely lo iill'eet the I'l , iiii-e-. iii 1! ■ , r. I.itioli- t.i eaeh olliei and In the iiioiinT eoiinlry ; oriliil the penpl.i .it' .\ii\,i '-I'litia I .I'rii.illed to appeal hy I 'iiii-.'i at the llir of\iiiir I loiioiir.'iile ll'iiie to ,i,'i,.iid lln'ir iiilere.-t- .ifi li-.iiti,! • , ,\iiil yon pcliliimei.-, iVf ill duly hound, will cm-i pray, \e. iSi'ined, >\'iiii\M vinii ,. ati.l h. yo" ni!ii.|-. .\.)V ', N.'. iriA. No. -Jt! Cni'v (it 1 DMSl'Al'CH iKnii ^r W . F. Wii.iivi.. IJiu.. i\.(Ml., i(i .. I 1 li,f,i,ei| .\nv,'liili. 1 17. jSlifi.) •''\ l.i'iiii. t An-w, 111 .\.i. ;.'S. N,„,i„l„i ',", jHiiii. p,;;,. s|.. In (nii-tnillinLr llu i-iuloii'd Ii'tlcr 11,1111 im l,.>ril MiMkiji ol' Nuv.i S •dii.i. I l», n t„ mUt \(iii to till' If.iiliiin nuinlu'is of ni) a.liiiitiiMi.4li'iii iiuu in I .iikI.iii, I iMiitdl'. 1 11, > I iiIiIh- niiitiiiiii (111 iIk' iinillii in i|m'slniii, Jnil al llu- s.niu' tiim- I \a\x Jt> iccmil iii_\ li '|U' tliat il may ivci i\c a vimv rar» I'til cuiisi.lir.iiidii mi i|i(.« |i,iii nl' ijum' li.hlk'im'ii, ami tliat till' U'>iill 111 llii'ir lii'ci-ioii may m'cuh' I'liniri' |.i'a,'i' ami iitiiiciitnuiii in llic mti- li'iitt.ili.ui wiiii'li I liiist i, altmil' In In- l'^^ll, ,1 In tin' Iiiip .i.ii I'.iili,iim>iii. ' I ll.lM'. \f. I ill- Hiulii Hon. till' K.iii orr.iiimrvon, (Sij;ikvI1 W . F. W ll.I.JA.M'- iVo. &C. &('. K ;» N..VA Scotia. Km-1. in N". .'i'. <••' rs COURESl'ONDENCH RESI'IXTING Till- PUOrOSED UNION Kiulii^urc in \n. '^il. Mv i..,: o, ll,ilil:i\, N'dvciiili.r 8, Ififif). All ciiii i.ii I (111 iiiit Ifc'l friy-ill ciilli'd ii|inii til timilili' vmi \viili mv \ic-\vs n-^prctiiiii the ■^clii'ini ii! Ci(nrcil('r:\ti>in linw uikIit ymir I.iir(l>lii]rs iiiii>iili r.itinii. iiLiiinli'it i;i'iiii-,illy tlui-r is one ptiiiit iipun ttliirli I vfiitiiii' In iii)|ii:il 111 Vdu ;i~ iimrr iiniiirili.ilily all'icliiij; timM' nvir wiiosc iniii'cjits I am iilll'lTlllv llnllinl III W.'llrll. Vmii- I.nni'lii]) i~ ;i«,iri' imirli tiniilili' li.i- Inrii r;ni>i(i in C.inadM liy (li^MMitions (arisiiiij fnm (litt't'iimi- iir]iiiliiiir ('(luciilimi. ami I tear it'tiii^ lir lift an npcii i{iiiiitii'- in the iiiii-titiilinii "I the pfnpn-cil ( 'iml'cdi ralimi. I decidedly nhiect tn any di\i>iiin hI' mir mIihhK into the two cla>-i-- nt 1! an Calliojie anl I'l-otestaut. and I helicve the nn'mlici- of llir Cliiiicli ol' [•".iii.'-land in this diocese ajriee with me. For ■^ucli a divi-inii pioviile- liir teacliiiiif at the mililic rNpeiise the of mie iiortinii of the population while the other poitinti (lomhiuiiiir several sects or deiioniiiiation~) is deprived ol' the privilefxe ol iniiilcatini; in it- sclionN any delinite religious truth lieyond the most elementary principles. Moreover I di lint tliiiili that any L'cneral -ystein of separate -cliniils could he advantaireoiivly adopted in this Prii\iiice. the ]iopuliitiiiii lieiiiif so scattered that very few -ettlenieiits can allind siillicient sii|)|iort loi re than one. Nevcrllieli— I do not liclie\e there will e\er lie general s.ili-Cactioii unless some I'acilitii- are .•itVorded to those who may de-iic to have their own mIiihiK. and tlien't'ore I would sin;gi>i a clan-e I" tli-' rolliiwiiiir eilcct. \Vlicne\ei any nuniher ol heads nt laiiiihe- declare in writing that they cannot cnnseicntioii-lv sctnl their chililreii to the commnii schonl ni' the seclimi in which they re-iile they may c~tal)li>h aimihcr, and -hall rci-ei\e the pnilinii nl" the Mulilic grant tn which they inav he eiiliiled accordiiiff to the scale app'.ii.ilile to the comiii ill schools. Such -eparate -chool- sh.ill ol cniirse he >.nl)jecf in all other respects (except the tiinonnt iind nature of the religious iii-triiction to he imparted) to the ngulation- Iraiiicd fni the comnion -elionl-. and ihe partic- c-lalili-hiii'_' them niii-t pa\ the ediualiniial as-c»nienls. WIh'II niir |irc-( lit Kdncatiou Act wa- under di-cii->ion I endeavoured lo prociire the iii-ertion ol' a ilau-c |i. the aliove cllcct hut failed, the j'lovineial ( ioveinnieiit having clln^i(lc|•(■d thai it would iiiterlerc with the elliciencv nt the niie schonl for which they dc-ired to secure the united support of each -cctinii. Iliil -uiely it is iar lu'tler In he iniitent with a ••onicwhat lower clas- of -chool than to incur the risk ol' awalvcuiiig r!ie fcelini;'^ nf di-- itisfai lion, the jealon-ie- ami heart huruings which mu-t inexitahU- he eau-ed liy iiilerlcieiut' with many cnnscientinu- cnmiction.- le-pccting the education ol their chiidieii : in mo-i ca-.- the Liinwleilge th^it they can have a -eparati- sclmnl will lie -ullicient, and as tlio-e who take advantage of the | enni— ioii will -uliject theni-elve- to much addilimial e\pciise, there will |iriiliahly he very lew who will avail ihcm-clve- ol'll.e jirivilege. M\ de-ire i- In have thi- impnrl.iiil (pi<--lion -n -ellled that it may nn Inii'jfr fnnii-h ncra-inii foi -trill . ami that the whnli pnpnlalinii nl the riovince- to lie cnnlederateil may he -atislied that tlicv eannnl hereafter lie .illecti'd liy nhjcitinnahle inlhicni c-, and that all iiu'ii. whatever their sentiment- mav he. -hall hemefurtli lie at lihcrty to (daiin a fair proportion of the puhlic grant- towards the education o ^ ^■!' \'l"('ll Inim flu Uinht Hon. Kii'* miu r'\itii\ 'ri, M.I'., to LivuL-Cioviiiior Sir U. (i. Mm I)u.n.m;i.i, CM, (So. X) Sill, Downing Street. .Iniiu.iry J, |H(),'). I nwi till- lioiioiii to arkiu)\vl«ilo;ii iln- ri'ct'ijit ol' \oni !)(-|kiuIi No, 11,* id' tiit Htli ol |)v»m'uiIk'I', i'ii('l(isiiii>' a I'opy ot'llif n-oliitioii- ailopti'd at tlir ('onrrrriiCL' ri't-eiitlv held at (^.tilui on llu' siibjfd ol tlu< union ol tliv Hi'ti-h North .Xtmrii-an IVoviiici.v I liiive, \c. Luiil.-(;.\. Si, K (i,, I'.B., (SlJrm^n KDW MM) ( AUDWilLL. ttCV. vV*.'. \*0. No. -J. ( oi'\ ol .1 IM'.SI* \T("H iVii'i) til*' Ki^lit Hon, KnwMin CMiiwiiuj., M.P,, to l.iiiii.-Ciovi'n M sir H (i. M \« Do-nnki l. C.H, (No, .V) Sill, l>.'wnHi-.' Sirrii, IVfirnary ."!, IWl!) I invi. the l.iiiii'iir lo luknowicilfji' tbc ricciiu of your Di'f.]iulrli No. .".I*, oi lUc \'M\\ ut .laiiiiiiry , iiK'loHiiin' a c'(i|iy i.r a l)v>!«{iutcli tviiicii you liaii aiUliVKi^cil ti> l.tml Cofi (No. Siu, I I \ i-t'oUIll tiiinit'il til lioni till" ( This c by foinni; I iiiirc ot ' Yon \vi liovt-nun Colonics .iiul in tin ( iiivi'inin -Cl'IIVl' lo i oinntnii ly a *^^ *"TI« il'.n UNION ;ix, XovoimIhi- 8, 1 800. ivs rrspccfiiifr tho sclinii, ''"■'''■ '■'* "lie \Mlnt np,,ii '!• "Iios.' intcivsts I am ilii-MMitidiis (•■irisiiifr f,- ^linii w,. iiiiiy |„, iii.olvril lira(tical)li- l,. s.cmv the f Itoiiiaii Oitholic an. I (■>(• airicc with rjic. \'„r "i-li"ii (if the |)ii|mlatiiiii ivnl nt' 111, |)iivil(.jre ,,| •v |iiiiiiii)|,s M„r,.ovi.| i;i'nii-ly addpicd in tl,iv ' siilliciiMit siipport till j^ati^lactimi miU'^< stuiic lori'liin- I udiild Miy^jM.i not < ^cicntidiislv send y <'~taMi>li aiMitluT, and ii'ciii-dnifr to fh.. spall' !»' Mdijrct in all otlur ilM'sMni'nl.-, IMIMI' the illMMtioll ol" ;, ii^idi'icd that it would ' iiiiitcil support of'i'acli i>t -chodl than to incm- r iMMIlin^fs «l,i,.|, „„„| I'tiiifT the education of <\ will Ur Mitli, lent, ami Mitioiial i'\|)..n>c, tlu-ir MT I'nrni^li iii'ca>-inn I'oi I- lie sitistlcd that they iti'vcr their sentiment- lie ;,>-rants towards tlie ■. \e. II. Nova Srori.A. OK THE BIIITISII NORTH A:\n:RICAX PROVINCES. 79 Monck, oxplaining the course you pioposoil to adopt for giviiio- ellVct to the views of ^'<'^'* Her Majesty's Govcinmeiit on the subject of tlie union of the Hritish North Aiiiencan ^'"^''^' I'rovinces. I have, &'c. Lieut.-Uov. Sir U. Ci. MacDonneil, C.B., (Signed) EDWARD CARDWELL. &c. &c. &c. No. .3. Coi'v of a DESPATCH fioni (he Rjoht Hon. EowAitu, M.P., to Lieut. -Goveiiioi- Sir R. (J.,, C.R. (No. 1(».) Sin, Downiuf)- Street, March i, isG.j. I iiAVi: the honoiu- to aeknovvledj^e the receipt nf your Despatch, No. ."j.j,* of the ■_'nd of I'ebruarv, enclosing copy of the rej)ort ol' tlie proeei'dinjis of tlie Coiili'reiice appointed to consider the (jueslion of a I'nion ol the Maritime Provinces of IJritish North America. 1 have, iVc. Lient.-(iov. Sir R. (.. MacDonnell, C.R., (Signed) EDWARD CARDWELL. (St'c. &c. &c. No. 4. Coi'V of a DESPATCH lioni the Right Hon. Eowaud Carowkii., ^^P., to Eieiit.-tuivernor Sir R. CJ. MacDosnkli., C.H. (No. 12.) Sill, Downing Sinel, .Marcii In, ls(i,>. I havt' ihr honour to acknowledgi' the receipt of \onr De^p.ucli No. ')('),' of the l.")th of Fehruary, enclosing a copy of llie sjieech with whici you opened the Sc-siou ol 'iie Letiislatiue of Nova Scotia on the !)lli ol' l''id)ruary, togeliier witii copies of the !(hh'i sses ])resenled (o you in reply. I have, JVC. Lieot.(io\. Sir R. Ci. Macl)o..nell, C.B- (Signed) EDW.\Ri) CARDWELL. \c. \c. &c. No. ;i. • TilRC Nn. t. Tape M. II, ALP., (o .r.inuary 7, |,s(;,-,. yh No. «|,* „(■ tin 'oiifeience rucntlv lericaii Pritviiiec-.. ( ARDWELL. ALR, to ell So. :t\*. ,if {1.,^, iddicMiicd to Luid No. 5. Coi'Y of a DI'.SP A I'CH from the Right nelf 011 tlie afVairs of Briti.ih Nortii .Vmerica, whicii liuve lately 'j,', lormeil the •■uhjcet of confavnceN hetweeii Her Majesty's (lovtinnient im! .idtpnt.ition liiiin the (V.nnlian (lovcrnmenl. Tlii- eoii'c>poiidciKf having been pic-eiiled to both Hou^l'^ of the Impeiial PailnnieiU by command of Her .Majesty, I have to direct yoti to loinmunicate it aUo to tlie Legis- I lime of Nova Seotia al its next meeting. Von uill al the same time I'xprc'-s llu' stroii; mil delibeiaie opinion of Her Majcstv s lioveriHiient that il i^ an iibject imaii to l)e dt^'ired that all the Noith Anierii'an Colonies should .tijree to unite in one govenuiiiciit. In llie territorial extent ol Canada, and ill the maritime and enterprise of the Li)wer Provinces, Her Maji sty's (ioveriimenl .see the elemeiils t)l powei wiiicii oid\ reipiired to be cond)ined in ordei lo «eeme lor the PioAiiici which shall possess them all a place among the nmsi eoiisideiaidi' c»iii«unilies ol liie world. In ilie •spirit ol lovally to ihe British I'lown. id .utacliiueul In British eoimexioii, and of love liu Briliinli inxtilutions, by wliieli all tlii' Pioviiieot* are ...... .1 ,iii^,,^ I !er ."MajestN 'o (it)vernmeiit in'ogiii/e the 1 onl by which all may In uilei one govi'nmient Niicli all I'nion sei-mslo Her .'dajeNly's Cioxerinnent to it>t If to the Piiuiiices on inauv groui ds of moral and material advantage, n» _ ^ .1 well-louiiiled piospecl ol" Improved administration ami iiicreuM'd pro'-perilv. K I Nn, ,5. Miii.a nil I'nian ISB.'i. ■ I- *r Ml CORin-SI'OXnF.NTF. RKSl'FX'TINC THF PROPOSKI) TNION i f ! I Nova But ilicio is oiii' coiisidoratioii wliicli Ilor M:ijf.>,t\"s (lovernmoiu (eel it more especially SroTu. tlieir (Inly to pre-s upon the I.eixishiiiiio ot' Nova Scotia, f.ookinjr to flu' (letermiiiatioii wliicli this cmiiitiv has ever exhihiled to rei^ard the defence of the (Colonies as a matter ol' Imperial concern, the Colonies ninst reeo^ni/e a right, and even acknowledj^e an oliliuatioii, inciMiibent on the Home (loveinment to nine with ai\d just aiitiioritv the measures which tiiey consider to be most expediint on the part of the C'dlonies with a \iew to tlii'ir own dit'ence. Ncr can it hi (lonlxdil that the Provinces oi" Britisli North America are ineapahle, when separated and divided from lach other, of maki'iir those jii>t anil ^nllicient ]iieparalions for nation d defence wiiieh would hi? easily iindiitakcn by a Province nr.itini; in itself all tlie population and all the resouices of the whole. I am aware tiiat this project, so novel as well as so im|)orlant, has not been at once accepted in Nov:f Scotia with eordiaiiiv which has marked its accei)tance by the Legislature of Canada, but Her .Majoty's (iovernment triivt that after a fidl and careful txamination of the siil)jeet in all its bearings the Maritime Provinces will perceive the •ire. it advantaLTis which, in the opinion of Her Majesty's (lovernmenl, the proposed I'nion is calculated to confer upon them all. I ha\e, &c. I.ieut.-Cov. SuH. (;. MacDonnell. l.W., (Signed) i-.DWAKD CAUOWKLL. \c. \c. \c. I Her M that this Parliamei oreat ben I ava; coiumnnii jioni Nev I.ieut.- SlK, Nm. '■, IV,- No. (). Coiv of .1 l)ilSPA'|'C!i iVom the l{ij,dit lion. I'.nwMU) C\iinwi;t.i., M.P., to I.ieut.-(iovern()r Sir H. (J. ^Iai I)onm:i.i.. (J.IJ. (No. MK) Sill Downiuii' Street, .iiine 'J I, jsli,'). I iiAVi the honour to acknowliilge the receipt of \oui Dispaleii, \o. >*',* of the 7lli of .lune, in which you encloM' cojiie-. of Desjiatches addrosed to you by the Lieut. - Ciovernor.-, of .New I5riin>\vick and Prince Kdward Island, in reference to the (piestion of a ri'iiewal of negotiations for a rnioii of the Maritime Provinces ol' Hritisli North .\meiica. I have, iVo. Lieul..(iov. Sir U. (i. MacDonnell, C.IJ.. (Signed) KDW.VfilO CAKDWKLL. \-c. iVc. \c. Sll!, No. 7. Copy of a DLSP ATCII fiom the Hichl Hon. Kdwaiu) Caiiowi.i.i., M.P., to Lieut (iovcriior Sir K (i. .Mai Do\m:i.i, C.IJ. ( No. Ml.) Siii. I) owning Street. .Ful\- 'J'J, l^iji. i'uge.,1. I iiwi. the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despaleh, No. J)."},* of the f!th instant, and ti> inform you tiiat as you were of opinion an iimneiliate |)iibliealioii ol the corropoiiili'iice which aecomp.mied my Despatch lo sou nf tiie Jlih ol last ,111110 woiiLI be beiielieial, f see no objection to your having acted on I hat opinion. 1 have, iVf. LieiiL-Gov. Sir K. (i. MaeDonm II, C.M., (Signeii) I'.DWW I'.l) C.\ RDWLLL. Ace. \c. \c. N... f> l>itfi-«i C'oi'V ol a I)l'.SP.\'rCH from the Uight Hon. Lowaiid Cmidwki.i, M.P., to Lieut. •Cieiieral Sn \\ . I'. \\'ii.ii\ms, Hail., K.C.M. Siu, (No. 2(i.) Downing Streel, May 12, IHtiO. 1 iiAvr. to acknowledge the receipt of U)iir Despatch, No. '\<)* of the Jtiiii April, enclosing cop\ ol a Kesdiiitioii agreed upon bv bolli Houses of llie Legislaliiri' ol Nova Scotia, in favour of the (onfeilcralii'ii ol the Uriti'^ii North American Provinces. UNION OF TIIK lUUTISII NORTH AMHUICAN I'ROVINCKS. HI nioio I'spcciiilly 11.' (Ictormiuatioii nil's as a matter ickiiowlodn' (' an .'stiioss anil jnst till' part of ilio I ho I o I'rovincfs ot I lacli oihiT, ol' would l)i< iMsily ri'siHiifcs of t lie t lii'en at once •I'ptanee l>y the tiill .nifl careliil ill piTi-eive the ll le proposed VKDWKLL. .^[. to ne L'l, islio. N'o. x?,* oCthe l)y the I.ieut.- ) llu^ (|iii'-.lion B: llisll Nortl DWKLI. \r.i'., to \ -j: l'^(i !)••!, ol the licali te pnhlicaiion I ol last .liine iDWKLK W.I' 10 \'2, l«(i(i. ol' the -Jdih a'fxi^ljilnre ol' I I'rovinie'.. ^ Her Majesty's (jovennnenl coneiir hi tiie _!i,ratilic.ili()n whieli yon express in annonncing \,,\ a tliat this ineasnre was waindy supported hy eniinr:ii nien o('i)otli pailies in the I'rovnieiai Siorn, Parliament, and that the jiioposed I'nion is regarded as a measure ealciilaled to eoni'er f^reat henefits on the IVovince ot Nova Scotia. I awiil myself of this opportunily of conveyii.i;- to you my liianks lor the tele^^rani comnnnn'eatini; the ahove important intelliLcetice, which, al vour reipiot, was sent to me i'roni New York iiy the Uritish Cousid on the iMJi April. 1 liave, ikv. (SioiuHl) KDWAKI) (J.\KI)\Vi;i,I.. I.ieni.-(ieneral Sir W. F. Williams l>art., KX'.!!., iS;c. i\C. \c. •No. !). Coi'V of a DFSPA'i'Cil from the l{i<«ht lion. Cakdwki.i., .M.l'., ti (Xo. -i!).) i.ient.-Cieiierai Sir W. !■". Wii,i,i.\.ms, Dart., K.C.I5. Si If Dowiiiii^:;' Siieet, .Mav '2'), isli(i. nicmhers of one or tiie other House of Letjislatiire in iSova Sc()tia. pra\ inn' that i I ii.wi; the honour to acknowledii,e your Hespatch, No. ;5'i,* of the •J()tli of .\pril, leeompanied hy an .\ddiess lo Her Majesty siuiied l)v several gentlemen who are 10 lie saiictnmed hy Her .Majesty or siiiimitteil to Parliament until il has hecii |iul)li-.lieii in the I'roviiu'e, considered in the I.ei^islature, anil siihinitleil to the deiiiierate aeeeptanee or icjietinii ot the lu'onle. m easnre to ell'ect <:ra\e chainies in the conslitiition of Nova Srotia mav I have iliiK' laid this address .;t ilie foot of the 'I'lirone. have, >\e. Liiut.-(;eii. Sir W. F. Williams, l?ail., K.C.Il,, (Signed) KDWAKI) t'.\ U!)\\ FLL \c. \-e, No. 10. (\>i'V of a OFSPAMTII from the Kinhl lion. Ki.waui) (^Ill)W|•l i., M.l'., to i/Kul,-(ieiieral Sir !•'. W. Wii.i.iamn Bait.. K.('.!{. (\o. M).) Siii Downiim- Street, Mav 'J'', l.'^()(I. lOtli of May, eiielo>iiin a Petition to the (v)neen lioin the inhaliitanls ot- the coiintv ol' Hants, together with a copy ot your rejily to the deputation who piiseiited il. praying that no change in the iii>litiitioiis oi' the Province may lie made until it ha-. Iieiii suli- mitted to the tot of ]iiil)IIe opinion, .mil that I ler .Majesty would giiaiil the iight:> of the people. I lia\e I. lid llii- Petilinii at the foot of the 'riiroiu'. 1 have, i'^vc. l,ieiil..Cieii. Sir W.l. Williams, , K.( .H., (Signed) I'.DW.MM) C. VKDWKLL. iVe. \i'. &C. \o. II. Corv ol a Dl'.SP.V rCH t'lom the Kiiiiil lion. aud ( ' Mmui.i.i , M.P., to ( \o. :{M.) l,ieiil.-( leiier ll Sir W. 1'. Will Hart., K.( '.M. Sill Downing Street, ,Im;e •>, IsCo. I iiAVi; ihe iioiiour lo acknowledge ihe receipt ol your Despatch, .No. \J,* of the 'i nil olMav, enclosing a Pelilion lo the t^iieen from the inhaliitinls of the comity of Kings, Nova Scolia, on tlie siilijecl ot ihe Inioii of the Hiitish Noith .Vmeiicaii Pio- MIICl" I have lo reipiest you to aciinainl the |ii lititMiers that I luue l.iid their Pilitiun 1)1 1'uie I ll r Majesty. I have. vVc. Sir W. I'. Williams. IJart.. K.C.P... (Signed) I l-W.VKD ; '.\ K DU I'.LL \c. iVc, IU2.<>. N.I. <». I'JLV i\: .Nil. 10. I iiwi; the linnoiii to aekiiou ledge the receipt ol your Despatch, No. :!."), of the ♦ I'.j r.; N... II IV'.' i;; S'2 CORRKSFONDKNCK RKSl'EC'I'INd I'llH I'ROI'OSKI) UNION N(.v v Si-.illA. N C'ahdwkm., M.V., to Lic-iU.CJfiuTal Sii W. r. Williams, Mart., KA'.U. (No. W.) Silt, DowiiiiiLj,- Street, .liiiii' 'Jl, 186(5. I HAVK tlie lionoui'toackiiowleilije I lie Vi'ceipt of your Despatch, No. i:\* dated the filh .Fiuie, I'lielosiiii; a l\tition uddressetl to Her Majesty by tlie inhalntanls ofthe county of Yaniioufh. I reijues', you to niform tiu' petitioners that their Memorial has lie'ii laid at the loot of the 'I'lirope. 1 iiavi'. iVe. l.ieut.-C.eiLSir W . !•'. Williams. Mart., K.C.M.. (Si-ne.!) KDW.Md) l'.\ RDWKl.L. 5ve. &c. cScc. •^ t No. i:). ' 1':^.. i,;i. No. i:<. foPY ot'a DKSl'A It'll from the RIljIiI Hon. Kdwmm) > 'ahimvlll, M.l'., to liieiit.-tieiieial Sir W. I". Williams, Marl., K.C.B. (No. Ii.) Sill, Downing Street, .lune 21, 18()(). I iiAvr; the honour to aekii(n\ledi,'e the receijit of your Despatch, No. II* ofthe litli .(line, forwardiiiii t" '"<■' ;i I'elilion addresNed to Her M.i'n l\ hv the inliai)itaMts of the county of Di^hy. I recpiest you to inform the menu)riali^ts thai their IVlition lias hi'cu duK laid at llii' toot ot' thi' 'I'hniiie. I li.ave, \c. Lieut.-deiLSir W . I'. Williams, Bart., K.C.M.. ( Sii-ueil) KDWAKI) (' AKDWKI.r.. &c. &c. &c. Silt, No. n. >"■"•>•«• Coi-y ol a DKSl*.\ l'( II lioni the Karl of ( ' \i;v \i(Vo\ to l.ieulenaul-(ii'neral Sn W. f. Willi VMS. Mart., K.C !!. ( No. -J.) V"»viKi„i„. si|„_ I ).>wiim;,^ Strict, .Inly ii, IMfiti. ^^^l'^ui.l.lil,• 1 iiAVi; the honour to ;ukiio\\ledi;-e your Despatciies of the iMmiheis and dates 1 1*!'.';, pairi : L iiuMitioiied ill the maiiiin, accmpaiiied by IVlitioiis adverse to the I'liion of the Mrilish isi;!., iMi/,':i"' Provinces, troin ilie iiihal)ilaiils of llie coiinly ol Slulhiiiiie. the luirtheru district of N" -.1. 1 ijuii,- niici-n's eouiitv, the towii^hiii of Marriii";ton, and the eouiitv of Aiinaiiolis. You will ' '" have the ^ouihios to iiilorm the |)etitioiieis tlieir I'etitions have heoii duly laid at till' liiol of the Tliione. I li.ue, iVc. I.ieul.-(;en. Mr W. I'. Williams, Mail., Iv.( .M., (Sijriied) fARNAIiVON \e. \c. \'C. Nm. I.-i. I'liui' 7. No. I.'). ( i>i'\ of a DI'.SI'A !'( II Irom the liail of ( M{\aii\o\ to Liv-uteiiaiit-l ieiier.d ^n W . I Willi \M>, liart . k.C.M. (No. :>.) Sill, Dowiiiiij; Street, .Fuly 'Jl, IsfKi. I iLWL the li()iiour to ackiiowledne the recei|>t ot'sonr Despatch, .No. ')(!,* liated lilt 2iul .Iiilv. tr nisinillin;;' to my predecessoi- a Lelier and .m .\ddii'ss to the (jiieeii hdiii certain of the mhaliilants ol Liverpool. You will iiilbrm the memonah^is that their .\ has belli duly l.iiti at I lie foot ol liu' 'riirone. I li.ivc, iVc. I-ieul.-(ieii. Sir W l\ Williams. Marl.. K.C.M.. (Si.uned) ( '.\l{ N \ If \ ON. iVe. iVe. iVc. :Mm^^'^^f. liait., K.('.|{. (No. !).) Sill, Downing' .Stri'i'l, .August ;{, ]x(](l I iiwK tliu lioiioiir to ackiiowk'di;!" llu* receipt ol' xoiir l)c'>|)atcli No. (il,* ol' tl Kith .Iiilv, I'lK'lo.sins; a |,t'litioM ailiiii'SM'd to lltT .Majisty hy tlic iiilialiilaiits oT tiie I'oiiii tv 01 LiiiK'noiirir You will he good oiiough to iidlniii iIk' iiH'nioiiali-t>. that tlicir ju'tition lia> lii'cii diil\ laid at the foot ot'tlic Throia'. 1 liavc, ^c. I.uiit.(;o\eriioi- Sir \V. 1". Milliams, ]?art. K CIV. (Signed) (M{NA|{\UN. &e, &e. \-c. Si i>rlA. No. Hi. MA'., to e 21, 18()(i. HI. 14,* of the ahitants of tlio itiou has lieeii .RDWKLL. tifueial ily (i, JMIKI. 'IS and dates )f the Hritish ru district of is. \'()u will dulv laid at nARVON 111 Miial V -Jl, |s(i(i. io. oil,* dated 1) till- (JU('<'II ists that then- s \1!\<)N. ! NO. 17. Corv of a DHSPATCll iioiu ti:e Riuhl Hon. the I'.arl otC'AitNAitMiN to Lieut. -(Jeueial Sir \V. F. WiiiixMs, Rait., K.C.H. (No. I(».) SiK, Downing Stret't. Augu>t I, Is(i(). I iiAvr; received your Despatch of' the li)th ult. marked " Sepaiat' ," slating that I'll.- lIciM. I)r l'ii|.|M I the gentleineii named in the mariiin, accoin|.a' e.i Sy gentleimii froiii New Rruiiswiik, wciuld proceeil to Fuglaiul a^ ')elegates to conlii with Iler Majesty's {iDVcriimeiit ujioii the suojeil ol' tin ( oufederalinii of'tlie Riitish North .\meiicaii I'roxiuces. I iiavt' In inform voii that the gentlemen in (|Ueslion iiave anivcd. anil tiuil on the .'ilitli ult. I had an intei\i('\v uiiii theui no ''""""• '^''"' , I'.'"'"" this important sidiject, and apprized them that the non-arrival of the Canadian Delegates, ,ind the aul)inil to I'ailiamvnt any measure tor the ConlVderation of the I*iii\iiices. I adili'd, thai during the recess I should he pre|)ared to enter luiU into eommunication willi the Deleg.ites frmii ( anad.i, No\a .Scutia, .nid New Rriius- wick. and to eudeavoiir to arrive with them at >nch a ^•onclu^ion as Mould he sati^laclorv hoth to the t^oloiiics and to this counlrs. 1 ha\ e, iV:c. I.ieut.-CoveriKir Sir \V. F. W illianis,, K.CM.. (Signed) C A 1! N \ i;\'( )N \c. \i'. iVc. Mr. llriiiv. Mr. l.'ilrlilr. Ml. .Ar.'liil.Ml.l. Ml-. M,l iilly /■'nitn \fir lirnnstriili. Char!.- I'i-li.i l{. I>. WilniHi. 1'.. 11. Cliiiii.ll.i .1..I1M M. .lull , i':.,|. \o. IS. CofViifa DFSI'.A r( II frnm tlie Kight Ilnn.the l",arl of (' \u\ai;\on to Lieut. -(ieiieial Sir W . F. W II I MMs, Hail.. K.C.H. (No. \\S.) Sill, Downing Street, .August 21. Isfifi. 1 iiwi; the onour to aiknowlidge the leceipt of your Despatch No. ().'<,' of' •-Tith .Inly, enclosing t petition addres.sed to Iler .Majesty hy certain of the inhahitaiils of the county (if King's. I hase to leipiest you to infniin the inemoriali>ls that their petition has Iieeii dills laid at the toot ol the 'riiione. I have, &c. I.ieiit.-Cioveinor Sir W . F. Williams, Hart., K.C.H., (Signed) ('AHNAK\()N. L ■> No. i; l';iL'.' n. No. IS. • iv.-ri. ^Hm IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) !.0 I.I 25 IM 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" _ ► ^.^ <9 /} ^3 /. c* o / Photogrd[)hic Sciences Corpordtion •i3 WEST MAIN STRUT WEBSTER, NY 14580 (716) 17} 4303 ^^^\ ^^^ ^ 3 i 1 Q. i/x :A \\ 84 COKRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION Nova fciCOTI.V. No. 19. I'agc ; N 1, L'O. ■ Page :i. •♦ No. li). Copy of a DlvSI'ATCH from llio Ris<()G. I iiwi; tiie honoui' lo ael^iiewleilue the reci-ipt of yoiu' Dopalcii No. 71)* of the Stii of this niontli, eiieldsiiiu' a Ktter liom the Bisliop of Now. Scotia, in which his Lord- slii|) re(]uests tlial the sulijeet of schools, as rcLjulated under the existing local Act, may be hroiijilit under the coirsuleratioii of' the Delegates at present in this coiuitry. Tlie (piestion of education is oueof liic important subjects which must be discussed l)y the N'oilh .Vnu'iicni Di'legates wlu'ii in conference iu tiiis lountry ; but at pn-srul I can only promise tliat the lettei' ol'llie lii^ho]) of No\a Scotia siiall receive full consideration. 1 have to lecpiest that you will coir.miniic.ilc to the Dishop the substance of this Despatch. I have, i"'c. Lieut. -CM.vernur Sir W. !■'. Williams, Hart., K.C'.B., (Signed) CARNARVON. cVc. iVc. \c. Copy of a (No. 9: Sir, Sivci of a Federal have agreed than was prt change is sc ])rodiice, by parties than 2. ! have new.vpapers also a repor Hon. .1. II. views to the I he lirst 1 eminently si I also eiK' M. !•.!»„ wh The Riul Copy of a (No. i) Sm. 1 us with his ciil American 1 Esq., Iiai re accepted In which has l The Rigl \c. Colon ■'I'osii M \> II 11 1 'I'm 111' ( 'iimiila 1 rr!!ciluliiMl>i I'" ..,.,i-tv»*Hy*v ,i.^;;,****-vc»;i>, t..Ji!XuM/^».' ION it.-Governor 11, 1S()(). V I6tli alt., •tlway, Nova ihv JJiitish VII VON, l.-CioviMiior •■'.•2, ls(5G. 71,* dl' the ■li Ill's Loid- al Act, may y. ili.scii>siHl by ri'st'iit I can His'uU'i'atioii. iiuc cif tills All VON. OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. NEW BRUNSWICK. Dospatciic's from the Lieutenant-Governor 85 Nnw Brunswick. No. 1. Copy of a DESPATCH iVoiii Lieut. -Govonior the Hon. Aimicu Gounov to tne UiL^lit Hon. Kdwauu (Jaudwkm,. M.V. (No. 9:5. ^ Fredericton, December .'5, l.Sfil. Sir, (I!c(H'iv(il Dci'ciiilicr 1!». I^(i4.) SiNci' the icliirn Ironi Quebec of" the l)elc;j;ates appointed to consider liie (juestioii of a Federal Union of tiie Hritisli Xortii American Provinces, the scheme on which they have agreed lias excited somewhat more interest and attention on the part of the public thi'u was previously the case. '1 iiere is still, however, an indisposition to believe that the cliaime is seriously meditated, and an inclination to rejiard the jilan rather as intended to jiroduee, by its anitalion, some immediate eli'ect on the condition of existin:^- political parties than as desij^ned to inaiii^iiirate a new constitiilional system. 2. ! have the honour to enclose for yoiii information extracts from some ofthe leadiiif,- newspapers of the Province,* coiitaiiiinu articles on the subject of Confederation, and also a report of the meetini'; at St. .loliii, at which the Provincial Secretary and the lion. .1. 1 1, (jray, who represent that city in the House of Assembly, ex|)lained their views to their constituents. The tirst of these meetim;;s wa'-, 1 am iidbrmcd, a failure; the second, however, provcf! eminently successful. I also enclose a cojjy of a letter addressed to his constituents, by Mr. A. S. Smith, M.P.I'., who will probably take 'i!i" lead in opposition to the proposals of the (Jovernnient. I have. cVc. The Uioht Hon. Kdward Caidw.ll, M.P., (Signed) ARTHUU H. GORDON. kc. iVc. \'c. 'So. 1. No. 'i. Coi'V of a DESPATCH from I,ieiit.-("iovernor the Hon. AnTiiiiit (iohdon to the Kinlit Hon. l',i)w\iii) Cakdwki.i., M.I'. (No. 9.) Fredericton, N.I5., .lanuary :?(). iwfi.*). (I(. > (Vrd t'rl.nhiiy Mi, |v|i,-,, i Sill, I Aii-wiccil Nil. ..;, Klinuiiv L'T. Isii.'i, |i;il'i' IKi.l I II \m: the honour I o inform you that in couseijuence of a diD'eri'iKH- of opiiuoii with his eolli'iiyjues on the .subjeet of tlu; proposeil Conlederation of tlii' ISritish North American I'mvinees, tin- Ciiief Commissioner of the Hoard of Works, (i. E. ll.itlieway, Ks(| , has resinned his ollico and iiis seat at the Executive Council Mo.ird, and that 1 iiav<; accepted his resiu;n,ition. I have the honour to enclose copies of the ci/rrespond jiico which has taken place on this subject. 1 hue, \e. The Ui^iit lion. Edward ('ardwed, .M.I'. (Sioi,o(l) AIM'IH'R Ii.(;OIH)()\. ike, iscc. tVc. No. 2. Kni'loiiuru in Nd. -. rolMir.Nl'OSDKMI Ili'tWlTit I,M I rl \A\l-(in\ I IIVOII ill' NlU Hllf\>WI< K (Ulll Mil, H Mill WAV, fiiiiri'niiiiLr till' Hi^ijfiiMtiiHi liy tli'' liiltir ul' his Smi at tin' I'AcciitiM' ('niiiMil, Till' lliiiiimi'iiliji' (i, |„ 11\IMM^^^ In llii' Lii'r riA'.w i-(hi\ iii son, \\\\ II' I'll; XM MiMi I'Ai I i.i.;.\i N , frrilirictnii, jMMiinry 4, |sil,1. 'I'm i\i'l''i.'Mti',, ii|i|)iiiiitiMl l>y till' (iiiMiiiiiii'iil 111' iliiH I'luviiici' 1 iit'n «itli iIh' ifiiiMiiiiiiiiil rif Cmuiiill nil till' •llllji' 'Idr till' t'ltiiill 111' ill.' Niirlll .Aliiilirail l'lii\ illi'i'", ll.'UC iliM'iM'il 111 ciTtllill n'fiii III lulls I'lir I III' piu'iMiM'nrriin \ iiii; iiiit llmt hIiJitI, iiikI llii"-i' iisiiliiiiiiiii., ic it apjuai'i* liy it l)i':l;l.N>\Mc K, fi-niii till' IJiiilil lluii. llir Srcrctavv nf Stati the Cnl. iMv iiii;' hri'ii >ii ihniittcd tci and imhliMirii 111 til i>t lioval ( Ua/cttc I'd the t;<'iu'ral a|)|iio\al nf llcr .Mai<'stv's ( ■oviTiiinriit, and it ln'iii till' illtnilinll 111' tile CiiACIMIllli'llI of this I'rnvillcc In Mllllllit tile lllattd' tn tllr 1 -riiislat lllc at its llc\t s<'Ssinn. I (.■niisidcr it iiivdiity witlimit fuitluT delay Instate In yniir l''MM'lli'iii'y my |insitiuii in iifrrcniT tn this iiniinitaiit iiiU'stinii. .V laru't' majovitv nl' tlm llxcciitivc ('miiicil lias ad(i|iti'd thi' ii'snliitiiiii> nf tlic ( 'niilrrciiic, aula Icaihiii;' iiii'inhcr lA' tlio Cnuncil. tnnntlinv with ntiior,- of the dcli'^ati's, have used cxtfanrdinary i'lfnrl> tn cniniiii't- the |iin]iii> ill various |iait> of the rin\iiicn of the urcat liciirlils that will 'csiill from ^ll^ll a riiioii. With I'vcry r('S|)ci-t for the ()|iiiiioii ()f my coiloajiurs in the ('ipiiiicil, and after haviiiij i;iveii this iiiipnrtaiit iiuestioii the ninst earefnl and anxious eoiisideratiou. I am unalile to nnrec with the \ie\v^ ol a iiiaiority of tlieni. I eonsider it unnecessary here In state the •^■rnunds U|ioii «hieii I dissent, a^ they are well kiiouu to illy colieaiiui's : it is siillicii nt that nii tlio most imiinvtant c|Urs|i(iii that i'\cr eanu- liefoiv the l-!xeeiiti\e I'oiuieil, and one which involves an entire clinufic in the constitution ol' the (•ountry, I ditl'er altof;etlier from a niajority of the Couiu-il. I'lider these eircunistaiice-. I feci that my <-ontinuaiicc in tin (io'.ernmcnt Would he not only ciiihanassiiiii- to my collcajiiK's ami inysclt!, hut uiicniistitutioual and ini])rnpcr. I tlicrefnre iiow lu'iT res|)eetl'ully to tender to your {•Accllcney my rcsiiriiatioii ol the olllcc of C'liiej t'oinmissioiior of I'uhlic \VnrUs, as well as my scat in the I'Xeciitivc t'ouiuil. 1 rcspectlullv ask your I'lxccllciicy's |ionnissioii to he allowed to mal .siil)mitted. I have. ,Ve. (.*^if{llcd) 'iiiiia.i; I.. IImiiiw \\. I'o his I'Acelleiiev the Hon. A. II. Cimvlmi. vVc. "X^c. \e. The 1,1 re 11 \ \vi -' io\ i iixoit to the lion. (J, L, 1 1 \riM:w \v. .\h 1)1 \i; Sill, tioveniment House, I'rederictoii, .lamiary 'i, iMi.'i. I ii.wi reeeiM'd your lelter ciinc surprise lia\ me- lieen expressed hy me at your statement, that it was tlic intention of the (io\eninient to >iilimil ihe ipiesiimi of a ('oiifeilciation of the lh'iti~li North American I'rovinccs to the exisline- Leei^lature at its next session. As the I'nnincial Secretary, with the coiu'urrence of his colleagues, had sought and ohtaiiii) heen any inteution of sulmiifiing the iiue^tion I'm' ilie decision of the Legislature iinli! alter the dissolution of the existing Parliament. I'litil, therefore. I learn your wishes with respect to the tender of resignation i oulaiiied in it. I defi'r liny reply to your previous commuiiicatioii, which appears to have heen written under some niisappic- lieiision on this important point, 1 am. \e. (SiMUed) .\i: 1 III li 1 1. I ioniiiiv. 'I'o lion. (i. 1.. Ilalhewav, iVc, .Ve. The I loiioinahle I i. I.. 1 1 \ i iii w s > lo the l.i i i i i x \ x i •( iiiv i ii xoi;. \\\ III Ml Sill, I'lidas, .laniiary (i, lH(i.".. ^'nl i: lAcellcncv s note ot' yestei'diiv's dale did not reach me lill ;! p.m. this day. ^'onl• Mxci'llency stales tlmt it is not the ielelition of the ( in\eriilni lit In siilimit the i{iieslioii for the deei-ion of the l.eni-latuie until after the ili- -olulion ol the existing I'arliament, liiit I ihink I ina\ fairh infer froin yoin Mxeelleiiey's lanirnage tliiil it is the inlenlioii of ihe lio\eiimi< nt to refer to it in the speech, iinil lo Hnliinit the resolution to llie l|on-e, and I lia\c the stateineiil of my colleiiLiili's in the (Mi\eriiiiieiit that such i« their intentinn. \Mielhei, theiefore, the ipiotioii is siilimillcd foi tie decision of llr- i.eiiislaliiie or imi, it appem^. tn me that I, as a menilierof the lio\eriimelil, would lie hoiiiid lo support it in the ewnt of an\ ipie^tion lieili(t raised upon upon it in the Mouse, and troin the course which ha- heen pnrsiii'il hv some leading liiemlier>' of the opposition since the resolutions were made piihlie. I cannot doiilit that c\er\ pcssihle elfoit will he made to attack the ( ioveriiment on that i|Ue>tioii III \tliat po-ition then »onlil I lie placed, entertaining llie iipimoii I do .ai ih" ipicstion. il I .linuld remain in the I io\eriiiiienl. Would 1 not y\.J\t that 1 shi (oUcagues on llis Excclh .Vc. >b Diwii Sii; 1 riioi Ith iust. wa- \ihether you \ taincd. It is making such i which is now t ailiipt the rep tlie dissolutioi Hut ynii al ihitv to foUou that snhject. In the ahsei to-iuorrow. To the llol \1 \V II I'l.l \ I III I am iinalil ( loviM-nmciit reference to I Voin Kxci c\ening of till the report, a rill" Couiie uheii I again I withdrew fi there, and 1 t Had a 111 lia\e at once i llis .. lien Ml 01 All >ll IIVM ohligeil if Mil llis Mxeelleli iiie. |)l Ml Sill, .\> i 1 of Ihe 'Mil in: iiu;' fnrnial ai taken place 1 Ihe l.ieu ( 'nmmissinin ( iiiNciniiic it^' ■.■\ p,e., ^A ■ . ^M\-:^H%. \* . rfcf ■»r»**" UNION OF THE HKITISU NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. -I linvill (Ja/rttr, mciit. ;iii(l it lirins;- i>l;ituri' .-It its next iisitiuii in icl'rrciicr ( illlfrlcilll', III! I ,1 lr'l(il'(liii;ir\ I'llnits I I't'Mlll rililll ^U(•ll hnviiiir i;ivi>ii tiiis ' " itil tile virw- (iT illl' Well ivlliiUll 1(1 t'oVL' the i'Acciitivc I iliH'cr .-iltiiiji'tlu'r iiitinunncc in llic ciiiisilituliiiiial and lllr nlllc,. of Ciliil llic ii'aMins t'di' my 1.. 11 \ I iii.\\.\\. ainiary ."i. Isii."). IS ill nhicli I lia\i' il my scat ill till' iMit ti) sulimir the liaic i('s]i('<'triilly matter will mit he I.. Ha I iiiu AK aiiiiarv ■', iNti.'i. I uliicii tiMik plai'i' at yniii' statement, itiii el' ih,. Ilnti-h aiiil iiiitaiiieil irr until the elei'lion I liaM' I Dliiiiiinii 'lire you lint onlv nil I'm- llie(le<'isiiiii liiKil in it. I defei' T sciiii.' mi>a|i|iie- II I I. I iollDllN. Hillary (1. lH(i."i. I' i|iii'>tiiin tor tlie lliiiil, I mav CairK I'l'ler to it in tile eolliMMiie- in t!ie not. It appear- In il of an\ ijiie-iinM I liy some leaijiiin at e\eiA |ic,-sili|e -lion, il I sliiinlil I not lie constitutionally lioinid to sujiport my eolleaguos ^ and I ask your K\eellency it' it Wonli ^ht tliat I should eoutiiiiie a nieinlier iiUea^UL's oil any impoi-taut (pii-stiou ; of the (Jovei'unieut Ne\ His Kxeelloncy the Hon. A. H. Gordon. vVi'. &:c. &c. am 111 direct opposition to my liiti n>uick. I have, iVc. (Signed) tiKoii.:i-; L. IIaiukwav. 'I'lic 1,111 ■nNAsi-( 'iivi.iiNdii tn the lioiionrable (J. I,. J! a tiikwav. \h DFxuSiii, ( ioxerninent Ilnnse, I'Vidav .Niixlit, .lanuary fl. 1 Si),';, I riioi nirr it rinhl to poinl out tn you that a statement contained in your fornml letter of the Ith inst. was susceptilile nt an interpret.-itinn iint strictly accurate, and I requested to lie informed ulietlier vi'ii were (■niisecpieiilly disposed to withdraw or delay the resijfiiatinn which that letter con- :,iine to the l,i kiti.nan r-< mu invdii, \| \v II ri,i \-i Mil i: l'!xc 111. i:\cv, fridcricton. ,Fan, 7. ISi;."i. I III 1, to acknnwleilj;-e the receipt of your I'ixcelleiicy's note of yesterd.iy. I ,1111 unahle to iiLirce with your ll^xii'llency that no chang-c has taken jihu'e in the attitude ol the (niverumeiit siinc the Mill .Nnveiiiher, nor can I allow mysi'lf to he placed in a false pn>itinii with reference tn the adnptinn i>\' the repnri of the ("ontereuce. Your Kxcelleiicy will recollect that at a meetiiiL;- ni' Coiincil held at ( inverinnent llntise nii the eveiiini'- of the Intli Nov,, I was not the only niemherof the Council wlm oliiected to the adoplinn of the report, and that in cousei|Uen<'e id' such ohjeetion no ci.-inii was arrivc'd at. The Cniiucil met ajjaiii nii the liUli Nnv, at the Council tHianiher, your I'Xcellency not lieiny prc-cnl, ulieii I aii'ain repeated my . !.|cciions to the scheme, hut a majority haviiif^a'ireeil to adotit the report, I withdrc'w fioni the Council Hoard, statint;- that in conscipieiice of their action I had no rielit tn be there, and I tlu'iefore do not hold m> self respoiisilile for the deci.-ion. Had a minute >>[' Council liceii madi' of such dccisinii, I can assure your I'Acellency 1 \\ould have at once entered iii\ written protest aji-niust il. I have, iVc. (Signed) I i I (iiii.i !„ II \ nil w \\ , Ijis ,, llencv the linn, \. 1 1, (Inrdon, The Honeiiralile » i, l„ ll\iiiiw\i to the I.ii i ri \aM'( JoviiiNoii. .\h 111 .Ml Sii,, l''re(lerictoii, .Ian. 1(», |sti"i. llwixn receiu'd a summon^ to attend a meeting; of Council on the l!)th inst.. I should lie nhhueil if \nur Kxeellciiey would allow my resiifiiation to stand over until that day, I have, iVe, (Signed) (Jidiii.i I.. IIaimiww, His l''.xcelleiic\ the I ,ieuteuaiit-t io\eriior. iVe. \-c. iVc. rile I.I 1 I 11 \ \X l-t idVl.llXOII to ( i. 1,, H \ I II I W \ \ . 1'! 'U, |)iMi>ii!. ( ioM'rnineiit House, .Ian. 'Jl, iHil.'i. .K- I undci-land Irnin a coin eisal ion with you to-day that \ou desire te adlieie to ynur letter of the 'Ith inst.. I can only ixpress my regret at your resignation, and liansmit to ynii the accniiipaiiy- iiig fnrmal acceptance nf it, i ha\e no ohjeetiim to your inaking pulilic the cnrre-pondeiiee which Imi* taken place lietwicn U-. Vniil's very lrul>. (.Si^lKMJ) .\ll II. II II. ( iiililiiix, riie laeulciiaul ( loveinoi aicepl . the llnii. li, I., llalheway's resignalioii of the ollii e ,,f Chief ( 'niiimissinuei of the Itnaid ol \\ oil.>. aiid of his seat in the Kxecntive Cnuiicil. (Signed) At! nil ii 11- (tuiinox, ( iiiveiinneiil Hnu-i, .1,111. Jl . ImI.'i. I. I J^i^^- Xf.t\- BnrxsWK k. No. 3. ss CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION No. :5. Corv of ;i DESPATCH from Li[>iit.-(iovcinor flic Hon. Airninu Gounox lo the RigliL Hon. Edwauu Caudwki.i,, iM.P. ,,- Frcdcricton, ■lamuiiy 30, IS():j. (iNo. 1:2,) (l!,.,vivi'il. Frl.niMry l(i, ISIi.-j.) Sll!, (AiiMviTcii. Xd. ,j;{, I'Vln-iKiry L'7, !«(;,■;, iiiiy,' I 16.; I ii.vvK ll'.c honour fo I'orwaril lo yon a fopv of the report of the; Coiiirrence appoi!UL'(l to consiilcr ihe (|ni'stion of the Legishitive Union of the tluee Maiilime Provinces. 2. Tlie ii'ieatcr scheme for (he federation of the whole oi iiiilish .\iiili America rendered tlie further coiisideratioii of this plan mmecessary. ;5. There was a ti-reat inianiniity oi' opinion amom'; the Deleiiales as to the facility with which the l.eii'islative Union in (juestion niiiiht have been adopted, and I cannot but regret that it ilid not form a part of, or a preiiii:inary to, the more extended scheme. I have, cVc. (Sinned) ARTHUR H. CiOPvDON. Tile Ki-iit Hon. Kdward Cardwcll, M.P., iVc. ike. &c. En.'I, ill Nil. .■!. JMii'liisun' in Xd. :;. {{ki'om r (if PidicediiiLrs (if Ji CiiiiriMiMU'c held tn ciiii-idiM' the (|U('stiiiii (il'a I.ciiisliitivc Uiiinn of Novii Scotia, Now lil■lul^ttick, ami I'riiicr I'ldw.iicl Island. This lu'|iiirt will \n> I'oinid piiut''d at \nipy 'I'l. No. -1. *? No. I. Coi'v of a ni'.SPATCH from Uieiii.-(iovernor tiie Hon. Aiu'iiuit Gohhon' to the Rie,hl Hon. Edwaiu) Caiowkli,, M.P, (No. •_>;'..) Ercdericton, N.H., Eebrimry -JJ. 1 805. (Hcccivr.l Miir.'li II. rs(i,-,,) Sli;, (.Aii-wcnd Nil. liO, Jliirch is, isii.",, paj.,. 1 u;.) A msc ussioN iias lately taken jilace in this Province with respect to one of the coiidilion-. iif the I'eiieral Union of lirilish North America, which has excited nincli inter(!st, and with respect to which it iip))ears to nu' desirable that I sh.oukl be |)laced in jjo.sscssion of th(^ views of Her Majesty's (.-ovennnent. '2. The resolutions agreed to at (Quebec, and which are to fiirm the basis of the jiro- posed l'"ederal Union of the IJritish Ameriee.n Pnninees, ha\e reference to a >ireat variety of subjects of very different de.'^rees of importance. \\'ilh some of these matters the local Legislatures are already fully com|)jtcnt to ileal, v.hilsl others are of a charai'ler which removes them beyond their coiiuizance. :\. Il was my belief thai the aiil of the Imperial Parliament would be sonuht only to ni\e effect to those general provisions of a constilutionai nature which conld not be l>ronght into ojicra.tion l)y the e.xisiing local Assemblies ; that it would be called upon to enact the Federative Union, and to define the limits of the authority of the central and local (io\erinnents and Legi.slatiues, but that the arrangement of matters of ]mrely or mainly local interest would be left to the Federal Ueiiislatnie, or to those of the separate Provinces, as il may fnrly be presumed that thcM' bodies would lailhliilly larry into I'xecution the conditions upon which their Union had itsidf been based. 1. I lind, however, that a very geiiiral impression ])revails that the coiislrnclioii of the Intireoloiiial Railroad from Riviere du Loup to 'I'niro is to bi; j)rovided for by a in the Imperial Act giving I'li'ect lo the proposed l''ederal Union. ."). 1 do not myself consider it ]ii()l)d)le tiiat Her Majesty's (iovi'inment will make sui'h a ])i(i|iosal to tiie Imperial Parliament, lor I cannol but conceiv that such a proposal would appear to iier .M.ijesty's (iovi'iinnent to be either unnecessary or unjust,- iiiini'- cessary it (us we must conclude will be the case should no unlori'seeii or iiisiipeiable obstacles arise) the lU'W Feileral Legislature voles the cunsliuctioii of a work, the immediate cummencenieiil of which forms one of the conditions of the agreenu'iit to which it owes its existence, -unjust il it wi ri' to have the effect of forcing on the people of' llrili.sli America the execution of a work which their rcpre.ientatives in Parliament may consider it inexpedient to undertake. (i. Nor does il appiar to me very likely that the Ihitish Parliament would enact a law very laige cxiJcndilurc of money not collected under its own authority, a law. niorcovcr, v the passage Fetleral Go 7. Neitlu people of 15 discretion o to the advai the subject state of thit .^. Still 1( the complet that Her M consent to t effective ; f devoted to scheme ma^ Feileral Par the railway .so secured ; ])art of the !). I conf Coimcil th sensible) w fO. At t tions of lit as to the co speech froi provision w Imperial P; II. uch need not sa 1-2. Mr., to have late ■•ubject, to 1 Constitutioi other detail but that it ' he carried i I'rovinces. the ])ii)visi( i;5. As t, it is highly ipierics win event of th Her Majest as a clause i pletion of tl lime, and li in a coiiti'ar The Right Coi'V of a (No. -J Sill, As i he the casi of the oppi Ameiicaii I KiW'l. ..-.'it^'^+.^lV 4^tr. .#.'r .'.^-i!i:^;,*^i««,; UNION OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 89 cover, wliic!'. "t would be imnossibic to enforce, as no penalty could i)e inflicted after „ ^''^^ )nno\ lo tlie ■M), IS()5. Hi, IMi.-,.) .';. I'^d.'). |i;i-i' 116.; tlic; C'onlerence three Maiitinie Ni'iiii America ;ates as lo the lieen ailopled, ary lo, the more CiUUDON. ivc rninii ol' Xdv.'i iiit'Hl at i)ii!.'t> 'i'>. UoiiuoN lo the larv 27. 180"). 1, |s(k..) is().-), iiM,i;v ik;.) t to one of the (1 much interest, :ed in possession asis cl' liie pro- enee to a ^reat of these matlers others are oi' a souii'lit (inlv to I eoiihl not he he called upon y of the central atlers of purely to those of the lailhliilly carry I'll. isiniclion X oi! till' peopli' .'s in Parliament oiild enact a law authority, a law, iiior the passage of the .'lot, in the event of the subsequent neglect of its provisions by the Federal Goverimeiit and Legislature. 7. Neither do 1 imagine that, the question beini^' one which jjrl-iarily concerns the people of British North America, the IJritish I'ailiameiit would consent to fetter the discretion of their representatives in dealinn' with it as they niay consider most conducive to the advantage of the United Provinces, more ( ])eeially when it is remembered that the subject is one with which their local Legislatures are already, even uniler the existing state of things, fully competent to consider. 8. Still less do I thiidc it i)rol)al)le, even were a clause of a general character enacting the completion of this great work to he incorporated in an Act of the Imperial Parliament, that Her Majesty's (iovernment would consent to introduce, or that Parliament would cimsent to sanction all those details which would be recpiired tj rentier .such a clause crtective ; for unless the route, the mode of construction, the minimum sum to be annually devoted to the work, and the time at which it is to be completed, are all prescribed, the scheme may be subject to uliimate defL-at by its rejection on one of these points by the Federal Parliament; whilst the assumption of those, who believe that a clause concerning the railway will form j)art of the Imperial Act. is that the completion of the work will be so .secured as to remove all liability of its being affected by any subseijuent action on the part of the Federal or Local Governments and Assemblies. (). I coid'ess, therefore, that I am unable altogether to share the confident l)elief of my Council th it this work (of the importance of which I need not sav I am very fully sensible) will be uiulerlakeii under the direct auihority cf the Imjjerial I'.uiiament. 10. At the same time, it is possible that I may be mistaken as to the views and inten tions of Her Majesty's (iovernment, and I therefore res])ectfully retpiest to be instructed as to the course which I am to pursue, in the event ol my being advised lo state in my speech fi'om the throne, on the opening of the Provincial Legislature, th-t such a provision will undoubtetlly l()rm part of the .Vet of Union, or be embodied by the Imperial Parliament in a separate .Vet. 11. uch a declaration, if it were alter\s'ards proved by fhcls lo be erroneous, wouUI, I need not say, excite very general and not ill-founded irritation. 12. Mr. J. A. Macdonald, a leading member of tlie Canadian Government, is re|)orted lo have lately used what ajipears to me \ery sensible language in connexion with this ••uhject, to the effect that the construction of tin; railw.iy was certainly imt part of the Constitution (a proposition which is self-evident), and that, consequently, with many other iletails agreeil to by the Conlerenci', it wouUl not be embodied in the Imp'erial .Vet, but that it was one of the coiuliiioiis on which the Union was ba>ed, and miisi therefore be carried into effect at the earliest possible period by the Lei';islatme of the I''ederateJ Provinces. I am, however, inli)rmeil that Mr. Macilonald has siibseipiently >tateil that till' ])iovisioiis liir tiie construction of the r.iilway will form part oftiii! Imperial Act. i;i. As the Legislature of this Province will meet probably in the first week of .Vpril, it is highly important that I should be enableil by that time to reply distinctly to the ipieries wiiich may be put to me by my advisers and by the Legislature, whether in the event of the Fedeialion of the Hrili>li North .Vmeiican Provinces being accomplished, lier Majesty's Government will be ])repared to submit to the Imjierial Parliament, either as a clause of the Constitutional .\ct, or as a separate ISill, ])rovisions to secure the com- pletion of the Intercolonial Railway f'oin Riviere du Lou|) to Truro, within a definite lime, and framed in such a manner as to preclude the possibility of a-iy subsequent action ill a contrary sense on the part of the !''edeial (iovernment or Legislature. I have, tVc. Tile Right Hon. Edward Cardwcll, M. P., (Signed) ARTHUR H. GORDON. iSrc. &c. &c. Bui NSWIC.K. No. o. Copy of a DESPATCH fiom I. ieul. -Governor the Hon. AiiriuMi (ioiiooN to the Right Hon. Edwauo C.Mtnwia.i,, M.P. (No. 21.) Fredericton, N. P., March (I, isG.V (Ui'fciMMJ .\llllrli L'l, |S(i.").) Silt, ( Aii-\vt'iv.| .N'd. (l.'i, A|iiil 1. l"-ii.'i, im^r li:,) .\s it is possible that this Despatch may reach you vi:i Portland sooner than would he the case were it sent by the iie.M ordinary Halifax mail, I think it right to avail my.self of the opportunity to iiilbrm you that the inoposed Conlt'deratioii of the Hrilish North American 1 rovmces Iius met with a most decided rejecliou in New IJruiiswick. ini',:!. M No. 5. 90 CORRESPONDE>X'E RESPl-X'TIXG THE PROPOSED UNION h y H Nf.w 2. All those t'leclions in w'licli (lie (lucstion of (yonlrtloralioii was likely to outweifrh BitrxswicK. coiis'ulerations of a piirely })e'.soiial and local charactci luive now taken ))lace, ami in each instance have resulted in the defeat of every one of tlie candidates hivoin-able to Con- fed enit ion. 3. Mr. Tilley, the leader of the (iovernment, tlie Solicitor-General, tlie Postmaster- General, Mr. Eisher, and Mr. Gray. Deleixatcs to Quebec, have all lost their seats. 4. The Government is practically'own, and the scheme of Union virtually defeated. 5. I was aware that the jjublic .sentiment of the Province was o])posed to Confederation, but I was by no me is prepared for such a result as tiiat which I have now the honour to report to you. 6. Tlie causes wnich have led to this ilecided expression jt opinion I will explain at lengtii when writinc; by the next Ilalifiix mail. 7. The members of the House of Assembly elected up to this time may be classed as follows : — l'"t il. Ddiibll'iil. ■,i. 16. :}. 8. There are still 19 members to be returned, but, with the exception of the coimties of CInr'otte and Nortliuniberland, all tlie important elections are now over. I have, cVc. The Riirht Hon. Edward C;.rthvell, M.P., (Signed) ARTHUR II. GORDON. &C. &C. eVc. No. 6. • Pure >\K No. «. Copy of a DESPA'i'CH from Lieut. -Governor the Hon. Aiiriiuii Goudom to the Right Hon. Kdwawd C.\iiuwi;ll, M.P. (N'o. -if).) ErederictoM, N. P., March 1.3, 1865. (Uc'ccivr.l Mul'cli L'S, \H6r,.) Slli, {Aii>\viTrl Nil. (i.j, A|iiil I. \Hli.-,, |in^rc 117.) I\ my Despatch, No. "il, ofthe 6th instant,^- forwarded byway of Porilaiid, I had the lionoiu' of infbriiiing you that the result of ilie elections in this Province had been ."igiially unfavourable to the jjroposed scheme of t.'onfederation, and that several pro- mineiu mendiers of my (iovermuent had failed to retain their seats in tlie House of Assembly. 2 I was aware that a feeling hostile to the :'()ntem|)lated changes was widely spread, but I must have greatly luiderrated its extent and strength. 3. I do not liow(.'ver believe that the popular prejudice in favour of continued isolation and against any alteration whatever in the existing constitution would have sullieied alone to defeat the scheme had it not also encoimtered the opposition of those who, whilst desirous of effecting a more sub.stantive Union between the British North American Colonies, were hostile to the provisions of the narticular scheme submitted for their consideraticn. ■1. The rejection of the scheme iu I'rincu Edward Island, the postpon Mnent of its consideratioii In Newfoundland, and the belief that its adoption would be successlidly resisted in Nova Scotia, also contributed jiowerfully to its defeat in this Province. T). Nor do I think the fact that my existing (iovernment had with a slurt interval held cilice for more than ten years, occupies a by any means unimportant |)lace in the list of the causes which liavi ltd to its overthrow. 6. The popular decision, however brought about is, at all events, immistakcable, and for tlie moment decisive. It was not antieiiiated by me, and I b'dieve it was as little anticipated eitli"r by my advisers or by their opponents. 7. No impr)rtaiit elections have taken j)lace since I last uad the honour of addressing you, and the numbers at present stand as Hillows. — • Kur Ci'MlVdi'ViilioM. Atiiiiii-l il. DiiiiliUul. 5. 19. 2. 8. I anticipate that the resignation of my present Executive Council will be (endercd to me as soon as the elections are closed. The l.i-l (that for (Jui-eii's County ) is tixed t'ov the J2nd instant. I have, \'C. Tlu Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.r. (Signed) ARTHUR H. (iOlDON. &c. &c. &c. Copy (No. Siu, I I delegates (lateil Nov riie liij To liis . May it im.i Tlu- 1 (iciicval, to c (if Xiiva .St'o JSriiisli Nort 'l^he Coiif't 'flu' Hon. S: ' 'cnpi'al an Tlin Hon. .lo (ii'iicral (1 'fill' Ilon.G. (Lower Cii I'lic Hon. C l']xi>(utive I lie Hon. (icncial. 'flu- Hon. I'ilUUKl'. Tlip Hon. .SciTotary. 'i'lullon.W. The Hon. S. Scori'tary. The Hon. VV Tlic Hon. (icncral. R li. T. Car C\Uw\ 111.' ■flic Hon. K •I'lio Hon. W ■riic Hon. .\. And was m Messrs. Wil seeret.'ries. Aitei tlie series of resi .Nihi'IiiIkt I.' . ts" -iH*' (-.- NION ly to outweigh ;e, ami in oacli livable to Con- ic I'ostmaster- •ir scats. Fnioii virtually Confederation, o\v the honour will explain at ly be clashed as ot the counties r. GORDON. OF THE BRITISH NORTH A^HvRlCAN PROVINCES. 91 GoUDON lO tllC rcli i;{, ISGu. lS(i,j, li;it Saturday. I have, &c. I'iie Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.l'., (Signed) ARTHUR H. GORDON. &c. &c. &c. EnclDsurc in No. 7. To his Excellency the Hon. Auniuit Goiidox, C..M.G., Lioiitenant-tiovcrnor and t"oniin;iiMl(>r-iii-Cliier of the I'n.viiR'e of Now Urunswick, ^:c. \-c. iV:e. May it I'l.l.AsK VDIH ICX( I.I. .I.\( V, The nil, .'rsij:iu'(l, luniiij^ liecn ai)])ointe(l liy yiiiii' Kxcelleiicy, at the re(|UPst of the (iovenior- (ii'iieval, to eoiifer witii the (iciveiiiiiieiit nf Canada, and witii (h lenates iipiioiiited by the (iovernments lit' Xov:; Scotia, NcwIoiiiidhiiKl, and 1\' ice luhvard Ishiiid, apoii tile siihj ct nf a Federal Union of the British North American I'rovinces, have the honor to .^-iiiiniit tlieir report. The Conference ni' t ;it liUieliec on tlie lotii of October, and was conip.'scd of 3;! nieiiibpr.s: — ./''<(/■ Vamiilu. The lion. Sir E. !'. Tacii,;. .M T..C'., Iteceiver- i 'J'lie lion. T. 1). .M.Cier, M.P.P., Mini.ster (d' tlcneraland Minister of .Militia. Agriciiltur". The Hon. .lolni A. Mae Donald, .M.JM'., Attorney- The lion. Williain Me Dougall, M.IM'., J'roviiiciai General (Upjjcr Canada). Secretary. Tlie lion. G. E. ("artier, M.IM'.. Attorney-General The lluii. Alexander Campbell, M.L.C., Coinmis- (Lower Canada). i siuner of Crown Land!-. The lion, (ieorgc Hrowii, M.IM'., President of The lion. T. C. Chappais. M.IM*., Cnminissioner End. in No. 7. Executive Council. Tiie Hon. O. .MowaU, .M.IM'., Postniaster- (jeneral. The Hon. A. T. Gait, .M.l'.P., .Minister of Pinance. of Public Works. The Hon. .1. H. Langeviii, Solicitor-(icneral (Lower Canada). The lion, .lames Cocklmrn, M.P.P., Solicitor- lieneral (I'liper Canada). Fur Soni Scutiu. The Hon. Charles Tapper, M.P.P., Provincial ' The Hon. .1. McCiiUy, M.L.C. Secretary. I The Hon. Robert I?. Dieki^y, M.L.C. ThcIhm.VV. A. Henry, M.l'.P., Attorney-(ienM-aI. | Adam 11. An liihaM, Es([., M.P.P. li'or New Rniiisirich. The Hon. S. L. Tilley, Provincial and Financial Secretary. The Hon. W. H. Steeves, M.L.C, M.E.C. The lion. .1. M. .lohnson, M.P.P., Attoriiey- (ieneral. The Hon. P. .Mitchell, M.L.C, M.E.C. The Hon. E. 1(. Chandler, M.L.C. Eieutcnant-Colonid the Hon. .John H. Gray, .M.P.P. The lion. Chari-s rislicr, .M.P.P, F. 11. T.Carter, Esq., M.P.I'. Fity Xfirf(>ini(ll(iiiil. I .John Ambrose Shea, Es.j., M.I'.T'. /;V)' /'n'lici- l%ihrnril Idninl. Tiie Hon. <;. Coles. M.l'.P. Tiie Hon. .1. II. Ilaviland, M.P.P, Tlie Ileal, v.. Weliian, M.P.P. Colonel the Hon. .1. II. (ir.iy, .M.P.P. Tiie Hon. 1'.. Palmer. Attorney- 1 iineral. Tlie Hon. W. II. Pop.', Colonial Secr'tary. The Hon. A. A. McDinahl, .M.L.C. And was orgaiii/ed by the appointiiieiit of liie Hon. Sir I"]. P. TaclK', Cliairinan, and the Hon. Messrs. Willium McDougidl, Charles Tupper, S. L. Tilley, .\nibrose Siiea, and W. II. Pope, joint secret.' ries. ,\ltei tlie most earnest and careful consideration of the whole (piestion, the Conference agreed to a scries of lesolntions, a copy of which we now suiiniit for your I'^xcelleiicy's information,' (Signed) S. L. Tii.i.iv. V.. It. (^i.\xi)i,i,ii. W. 11. ,I. H. Giiav. P. Mrreiiia,!,. Cii.viii.i:s Fisiiiai, ,1. G, ,IniixsoN. November 1,'), 186-t. • Not received. M 2 92 COIIRESPONDENCE RESrECTING THE PROPOSED UNION Nkw No. 8. i; " Copy of ;i DESPATCH from I.,ieiit.-Govcnior llio Hon. Arthur Gordon to tlic No. K. Uiglit Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P. (No. :50.) Eiedericton, N. 15., Maicli 27, 1865. (Kcceivod April 11, ISGo.) Sir, (AiiswiTfil X(i. (Ui, April 12 lS(i.-,, i)iif,'e 117.) Thk elections for the Legislative yVssembly have now terniinatcil, anil 1 believe tlie following' classification of tlie members will be found accurate: — F(ir C'diil'cilrnitiiiii. Aii.'iinst it. DoiibHul. «J. 28. ■{. 2. In iuUlition to tlie defeats of other nicmbors of the Government, as previously re- ported by me, tiic Attorney-General has, since the date of my last Desi)atcli, lost his seat t()r the county of Northumberland. Tl'.e members of my l'".xeeutive Council will in consequence probably resign their ollices to-day, 'jr at all events in the course of the present week. I have, «!s:c. The Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P., (Signed) ARTHUR H. CORDON. ike. &c. tSrc. P.S. — Since writing the above Despatch the members of my Executive Council ha\^ tenilered their resignation. — A. G. No. !). No. 9. Coi'v of a DESPA'l'CUl from Lieut. -(Jovernor the Hon, Artiilr Gordon to the Right Hon. lu)WAiiD Caruwkll, M.P. Eredericton, April 27, 1865. (No. .390 (l^Mvivcd,M:iy L'l'. lS(i.>.) Sir, (AnswiM-i'il X(i. 7(). Jliiy L'T! ISli.'i, |.ii.!;v 11S.> I iiAvi: the honour lo transmit to you a copy of the speech with which 1 this tlay oiiened the session o'' the Provincial Legislature. I have, &c. The Right Hon. I'.dward Cardwell, M.P., (Signed) ARTHUR GORDON. &c. &c. &c. Kncl. iriNi). :i. ElK'losiiro III No. 0. (Kxtriu'l.) " In cnniiiliinici" witli tho dcsiio expressed by addresses from both branches of the Leirislature at the last sesi'iiin. 1 :i]i|i(iinti'd dclcfjjati's to meet others appointed l)y tlu' Lieutenant-Governor.-i of Aova Scotia and i'rincc luj-ward Island, lor the ptir|H)se of considrring the jjraclic'ahility of eti'ectinf,'- a Loirii^lative and Adinini:?trative I'nion of the niaritinie I'rovinces of Dritisli .North America. The re)iort of these delegates will immediately he laid hel'ore yon. •■ At the request of the (iovcrnor-( leiieral of Canada, and with the a|)])rohation of the (,liiccn, I also ajipointed delegates to a Conference of representatives of the Mrilish Nmth ,\nicricaii ( nlonies, lield in (^tuel)cc in the month of Octohei- last, with a view ol' arranjiinji' the terms of a foderrd I'lnon of liritish S'()rlh America, 'fhe resolutions aurced lo liy this Coid'erence ajipeared to me to he so important in tlii'ir cliaracler. inid tlicir adoption IVauf:lit with c(iiise(|ueiices so materially atlecling the future con- dition and wcll-heinfi- of liritish Auu'rica, that, in order to eiiahle the iicojilc of New Itnuiswick to f;ivc expression to their wishes on the suhjcct, I determined to dissolve the then existing House of Assend)ly. 1 now suhnnt these I'esoluiions to y(un' judgment. '" Nn. 111. No. 10. Copy of a DESPATCH from Lieut.-Governor the Hon. Arthur Gordon to the Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P. (No. r.) Eredericton, May 8, 1865. ( Received Miiy L'L'. lH(i,-).) . 1 thought that the coiieluiliug words of the Address of the House of Assembly ailin-ded me an oppoilunily of turning to practical account what was probably intentled TNION OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 9:< RouDOM to the rcli -n, 1865. , lS6o.) '. 1S()-), iiiiKo 117.) il, and I believe s ])reviou.sly re- tch, lost Ills .scat biy resign tiieh- . GORDON. vc CoLUicil Iia\ ^ ORDON to tiie pnl 27, 1865. liiv '12. 1K()0.) .'7[ ISIi.'), I'li^'o 11S.> rt'hich I this tiay I GORDON. I.puisliitiivp at tlio ivoniors (il >iov;i ty of crt'ectiiifT a Aiiu'rita. 'V\\v tlic (,)iic('ii, I alsd ( 'c'ldllii'S, lli'lil ill I iiicin nt' l!rili>li hi' i^o iiii|)iirlant in \'^ tlu' I'lltUl'l' (Mlll- liuuswick to fjivo iH!-(' ol As.>-t'iublj'. JOUDON to the 8, 1865. H(i,V) .H(i."), |iag(! 118.) Wldre.sscs wliicli se of Assembly e of Assembly )bably intended as an inimeaning phrase, and I accordingly, in a few words, thanked the House for the New confirmation they had given to my own conviction tiiat tliey were not insensible to the Bia-NswicK. obligations entailed by tlie connexion witii llie British Empire, and expressed my belief tiiat their acts would afford abundant proof of their desire to discharge the obligations referred to. I have, &c. The Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P., (Signed) ARTHUR (jORDON. &c. &c. &c. (Extract.) Eiidnsurc 1 in No. 10. To his Exccllcnry the lion. Anriiuu 1I.\.mii.t(iv Gokdov, C.M.(i., Licutpiiaiit-Govcrnor and Commander-in-Chief of the I'rovince of \ew IJniiiswick, i*i:c. ire. Arc. 'riii; iiiMin.i'. Addrkss oi- IIkii M.\.u:sivV Likiisi.ativk CoiNrii, i\ Ui;ni:i!.\i, Asskmiily, M.W IT l'l,r..\SK YOll! E\( KI.l.KXCV, -■. -t * * * We also thanii your ExceUeniy tliat the resolutions a(lo])te(l at tlio Conferenee iielil at ^I'ui'bec in October last, relative to a Union of the liritisb North Ameriran Colonies, will liUewise be subniitteil. Tiie ([ueNtion of atfoiiling fui-ther facilities for the construetion of railways in ther I'ovince will receive our consideration. It is satistactory to learn that tboiiiih exisfiiif,' laws iirechule iinnicdiate action in proeeeilini^ with the extension of the European anil Nortb American railway fniin the frontier of Nova Scotia to the United States, that worh will he [iroceeded with as soon as practicable. Enclosure ^> in Xo. 10. (Extract.) To his Excellency the IIox. AitTiiLu IIamiitox (imii)ox-, C.M.fl., Lienio'iant-Oovernor and Connnander-in-Chief of the I'rovince of New Hnmswick, iVc. Arc. i;,'. Ti!K niMiu.i; Addiii'.ss di' ■riii'. llorsi-; or Asskmiii.v. Mav it ri.KAsE vont Exi i rirxi v. Wo thank your Excellency for the assurance that the lejiort of the delc;:ates ap|)ointe(l for the ))iirpose ol' consideriiiiT the iiiactiial)ility of clfectiuii- a I.euMslative and Adiiiiiiistrative I'liion of the Maritime Provinces of 15iiti-h North .Vmcrici will be laid bef.ire us. We also thank your l^xcellency for the ini'ormation that the Resolutions adopted at a Conference of representatives of tlie liiitish North American Colonies, held in t^>llebec in Octolirr last, relative to a Union of lirili-^h North America, will he laid before us. We will consider whether further facilities can be allbrded for the extension of railways in this I'rovince. We are pleased to learn that the completion and extension of the European and North Ameriean Kailwav, iVom the i'rontier ol' Nova Scotia to the b.iundary ol' the United States, will ho undertaken as soon as practii'ahle; and we regret that existing laws iireclude immediate action for the accomplishiiieut of tin-; worli. ' ,.. » » * * We anjree with your l-lxcellency that notwitIistandiu!i the present de]ires>ion of trade, the condition of the I'rovince is, oti the wlnde, sati. "tory. and that a I'ecling of conteiilmeiit and conlidenee in ihc institutions under which we live ])re\ails ; and we assure your Excellency, that wbatever dill'erences of opinion may exist on other sulijects, the feeling of loyalty to the Ciowii, for wliiih the people of this Province have alwavs been distingiiisbed, animates them >till. We are fully sensible of the advantages we derive from our connexion with (ireat liritain, and will cheerfully meet the obligations it entails upon i.s, CiiAiii.Ks P. Wrr.Moui:, Clerk. No. 11. Copy of a DESPATCH from Eieut.-Governor the 'Ion. .\iitul'r Gordon to the Right Hon. Knw.ARi) Cardwkm,, M.P. (No. W.) Government House, Eredcrieton, X. H,, May 22, 1865. S^IU ( Ui'i'civoil .hiiie .■>, IS(ij,) Im accordance with their request, 1 have the honour to transmit to you the enclosed Memoiandum ot' my Executive Council with reference to the scheme for the Contederation of the Hritisli Noith Ameriean Provinces. 1 ha\e, (S:c. The Right Hon. Edward Caidweil, M.l'., (Signed) ARTHUR H. GORDON. &e. &c. iSic. r.ncl. 1 in No. 10. r'ncl. '_> il No. 10. No. 11. M .1 ' ! 94 CORKESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION New Bri'nswick. Kncl.inNo. 11. KiicloMirc ill No. 11. To his Exci'Ulmk)- till' Hon. Ainiii 1! Ham ii. ion Goiidox, C.M.G., LiiHitenmit-Govenior and Commandci-in-Chicl' of the Pvoviuce of New Biunswick, &t'. kc. kc. Oiii iittcntioii has been ipcciitiy attiactcd by a j-tatfiiii'iit in tlu' London '''{'iincs" iio\vs])apt'r, to till' I'tfcct that the t'onfcdciatioii whi'iiic of the Hritisli North Anirricaii I'roviiiccs is proyicssiiiK favourably. Wo entertain no d-.mbt that youi' lAcclK'iicy's reports to tlie Colonial Ollire iiavo ]ila('eil iMr. C'ardwell in |)ossession of the real state of tlio public niiiid on that subject; Imt as we are anxious that no doubt should exist in the minds of the I'jiglish (ioveninieiit as to the iiresent state of this (piestion, we would recpiest your Excellency at once to iidiniii the Secretary of State for the Colonies how entirely the scheme has iieen rejected by the people of this Province ; and that we liave strong reasons to lieheve, and do believe, that, with tile exce|ition of a jiarty in Halifax, the Lej;islafure and ])eo])leof Nova Scotia are, if possiiile, more opposed to tile project tiian those of tliis I'rovinee. The House of .Assembly in Prince Edward Island, your Excellency is awaii', has rejected it almost nnanimoiisly ; and the House of Assembly of Newfonndlaiid resolved to postjione the considera- tion of it until after their next election; and we venture the opinion that Canada is the only Province in liritisli North Aniericti favourable to the scheme. Uespectfully submitted. (Signed) A. J. SMirii. Roiir. D. Wii.Mor. Cii'.Diu;!-: L. H.\Tni:w.\v. T. W. HiciiAiii) Hir(iiis()\. A. H. (iiii.Moii, Sen. .loiiN- C. Al.l.lX. W. H. (Ini.1,1..^- ]3(irsioHi). il No. 12. No. l->. C'oi'Y ot a DivSPATCM fioiti Limit. -(Joveriior tlic Hon. Ahtiicr Goudon to the Rjolit Hon. Edwaud (..'audwkll. .M.P. (No. 47.) Erederictoti, ,fime 5, ISG.'). , (Rcocivcd .hnir 17, ISfi.j.) Sir. (Aii>\vcrcil Xo. s;i, ,IiiMc 24. ISfi.'i, |)ii^ro 119.) I IIAVK the honour to tiiinsmit to yon tlu' fopy of an Address wliicli 1 have leceived from the Honse oi' Assembly of this Province, togetlier with my reply. I Iiavc, &c. riio Hi^hi Hon. Kdwaid ("ardwell, .M.l»., (Sjoned) AR'HILR H. (i()l{l)()N. &c. &c. &v. Knol. 1 .\(.. I: Knol. :i ill Ko. 12. Enclosure 1 in \o. ]^J, House of Assembly, 'I'hursday, May -T), 18f),j. WiiKiiKAs the Lieutenant-Govenior of this Province has received from the' l.ieutenant- Ciovprnor of Nova Scotia, copies of resolutions passed by the Legislative Council and House of Assembly of tliat I'rovinee, expressing a wish to renew the negotiation ibr a union of the Maritime Provinces, and wlci'ieas it is desirable to ascertain whether a legislative or commercial union of these Proviiu'cs on terms advantageous to all is practicable. Therefore residved. That an humble address be |>rcsented to his l'',\cellcncy the Lienteiiaiil- (iovernor, re(|nesting him to ajipoint delegates, not to exceed live, to confer with a delegation to be appointed iiy the (ioveriinients of Nova-Scotia and Prince Edward Island on the subject of such imioii. CiiAs. P. WriMoiti:, V\v\k. Enclosure 2 in No. 12. JIkimv of his I'",xcelleiicy thi" LiKiTr,.\ANT-(iovi:iiNOR to Ai)i)Ui:ss of the lloisi: of Asskmhi.v of May 2."), l.sfio. (il'NTI.KMIA, 1 AM tiilly sensible n( tiio great importance of the subject to which tlie address now ])resented tome relates, and will not fail to appoint delegates to c(niduct its discussion on tlie part of this Province, as therein reijuested. JION OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 95 No. 13. Ni'.iv Brijnswick, I'ernor and " linws]);i]i(>r, to is progressing ice iiavc iiliU'cii we aic anxious it state of tliis 1)1' the Colonies ive liiive strong I.egislatnre Jinil ovinee. las rejected it e tile eoiisidera- iilv I'lovince in I. MOT. l.\riii'.w \Y. I( IIISON. Oil, Sen. ;x. ounoN to tlie , 1^65. S(i,'). ) S(i.'), iiMge 119.) avc recuived iOIIDON. ;iy 25, 1865. 10 l.ieutenant- aiul House ol' il' llie Mai-itiiiie union (if tliese lie I.ieuten.-nit- lelejration to lie niijeet of suell MOKi;, Clerlv. AssKMllI.V now |)resented "lie part of this Copy of a DESPATCH fioiii Lieut. -Governor tlie Hon. Arthur Gordon to the Riglit Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P. "^"^ ^'•^^ (So. 48.) Ereilerictoii, . .iiic .'), 1865. { Uci'cived .Iinii' 17, ISfjo.) Sir, (Answered No. H:>, .Iiiiie 24. ISOo. pufru 119.) The Resolutions of wliicii I iuive the Itoiiour to enclose a co])y have heen moved in tiie House of Assemhiy hy Mr. J. Ciidhp, one of the members lor t!ie (Jit.y of St. ■lohii. Tliey have not yet been adopteil by the House, l)ut tiiere is no doubt tiiat they will be carried by a large majority. I have, &c. Tlie Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P., (Signed) ARTHUR H. GORDON. &c. &c. &c. Enclosure in No. 13. Risoi.ri ION submitted when in Committee on ins Excr.i.i.KS'i y's Mkssa(;i: of 4th May, eoutaining Uksoi.i.tions iuiopti'fl !it CoMKUKXCK holden at QiKBK.e on Ulth October 18(14. On motion of Air. Ciidlip. Wliereas the House in Committee of the wiiole, have liad under consideration the Hesolntions of the Conference, lield at (,iuel'ee on the Kith of Octob(-r last ou the subject of the proposed confederation of the British North American Colonies: And wliereas it is the opinion ol' this Comniittee that the consinnmation of said scheme would prove politically, connnereially, and tinaiicially disastrous to the best interests and prosperity of this Province : And whereas the loyalty and attachment of the people of this Province to the throne and Goveriiinent oftireat liritain eanuol justly be impugned, and they have always manifested .a desire to maintain their connexion with the mother country, and to remain a ]iortion of the British Kmpire: And whereas in the exercise of the rigiit of internal self-goveriinient enjoyed by this Province its people are enlitled to deliberate and decide upon all c|Ucstions atToeting their own local inten-sts in such nianner as to tluMii may seem best calculated ro promote their prosperity and welfare : And wliei-ens the (ieneral Assembly of this Proviiue was in tlu> month of February last dissolved by his Excellency the I.ieutenant-(!overnor, avowedly to obtain the decision of the people upon the resolutions adopted at the Coni'ereiice, and now before the House : And whereas at the elections consequently holden the jieoph" of this Province clearly and un- ecpiivocally proiKninced a judgment adverse to the adoption of th(> said resolutions : And whereas the Coiiimittee conlidently believes that Her Majesty's (iovernment will receive with due attention the exiiression of tii(> opinion of this Province so pronounced : .Vnd whereas this Committee has reason to fear that Her Majesty's (tovcniment are but imperfectly ;iw,-ire of tiie true state of the feelings of the people of this Province on th(> subject; 'I'herefore resolved as the o|iinioii ol' this Committee that a deli'gation sluudd at once proceed to England for the purpose of making known to the Imperial (io\erninent the views and feelings of the House and the people of this Province on this impm-tant subject. Gio. F. Bi.iss, Clerk's Assistant. I'liol.iiiNo, 13, Sir, No. 14, Copy of a DESPATCH froni I.icut.-dovernor tiie Hon. Arthur Gordon to tiie Right Hon. Edward Cahdwkll, M.P. (No. 54.) Fredericton, .July 3, 18()5. (Received, July 17, 1H(),5.) I I'liiN'K it right to transmit to you copies of a correspondence whicli has lately taken placi' between tlie Ciovernor-General of Canada ami myself on a subject of no great real importance, but which it is periiaps right to pl;ice before )ou. 2. It appears that the te.xt of the resolutions of tiie Quebec Conference, as transmitted by the Governor-General of Canada to England, and to the Maritime Provinces, and as printed to he laid before botii Houses of i'arliament in England, and the Legislative bodies in New Prunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newtoundland, ditl'ers from tliat of the .same resolutions as laid before tlie Canadian Parliament in several particidars ; the most important of wiiicli is the substitution in the Canadian copy of the central Parliament as the body which is to deiiiie the electoral districts, whicii power is assigned in tiie copies laid before tiie Ini|)erial Parliament and tiie Legislatures of llie Maritime Provinces to the local Legislatures. ;j. The change appears to me a very ilecitletl improvement, but it may be ques- tionable how far an alteration, even for the better, should have been made in tlie M 4 No. 14. 96 CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION >:i.:w instniMiciit actually signed at Quebec, without full jjicvious communication wiiii tiio BiuAswuK. wiu'lo of the ilolegate... -1. I consitiiT tlie clianjic an improvement, for 1 looU on everytliinu; teiuhiii;' to raise the power ol' tlic cential Li'i'.isiature and diminish that of tiie local Asseml)hes as u benefieial alteration of the (Miginal scheme, !)i;! there are many wl;o would not think so; and Mr. Pope, the Colonial Secretary of Prince Edward Island, himself a Deleuate, and one of the few warm liiends of I'"eI.P., (Signed) ARTllL'R II. (lOUDOX. &C. ike. \ i iivoiiGi niii.m, of Canada. Mr ' OKD, iMcilfricton, April 4. )'^t]'>. Ci'ox tho I'JiIi NiiM'iiilu'r last yiuii- I.diilslii]! did iiic the lidUciur t(i adch'css to iiic ■; i)i'spatL'h t'liclosiiin' a CO]!)- of the ri'solulioiis iiureed to liy tlio di'lt'i;;it('s ap|H)intc' of Commons, and distril)nte the representatives to which the I'rovince is entitled in any manner sue h I.euislature may think tit " In liie copy of tile resolutions presented to me on their return liy the delei^rates from this l'ro,iiice the .-anie words are found. In the papers laid het'oie lioth liou-es ol the Imperial i'arliameiit, liy eommaiid of ller Majesiy. on the suhject of the jiroposed federal Inion. a Despatch addressed liy your Lordship to the ."secretary of State for the Colonies, on the 7th N'ovemher, v.ill he found (at pafxe 4) transmittiiifj to Mr. Cardwell a eopv of the resolutions, ia which also the 'J till resolution is couihed in tlu' sami- word.s, and the accuiacy of which co|iy is .ilso ^■ertitled hy ."^ir K. 1'. 'laclii'. ■My attention has, however, h"en called to the fact that, in the papeis laid licl';ire the Caiiadiaii I'arliauient, anil transniilled to me liy your Lordship on the lauh .lauuary last, althoUfili the same l)c-|i:itcli from your Lord-hip to the Scretar"' of .^tate is printed at pau'e ;!. die em losiire reads somewhat dillereiilly : tip 'Jllli resolution st, n''ai;;- as follows : — " L'l. 'file LeL'islature of each l'ro\ince may iVoiii lime to lime alter ilie elecloial districts tor the purpose of repro-enlalioii in siidi local Le.uislal lire, and dislrihiile the n prcsenlaliM's to w liicli the l'ro\iiici' is entitled in such local LcMi>latiire in any manner such Lcf^i -latiire may see 111.' riii- altiratiou is not altogether unimpurlaut. In the one copy the residiilion refers to the House of Commons of the Kecleral Lciiislature, in the other to the local Le;;islalure alom". I am reipiested hy my aih isers to ask yi ■ ■ LonMiip to lane the cdodness to esplaiii the caii>e of this discrepancy, ami to iiiforin me, ;ifter (i, liiijr a iefi>rence to the orij;inal dociiiiieut (which is, I presuiiii'. preserved at <,iuclieci which vrasion was in fail that sjirned hy the deleifates. from the eireiim--taiice that in the papers lid licfore the l!ii!fli-li Parliament the same wurds occur as iii the copy loi-Aarded to me hy your Lordship i>n the I'.'lh N'ovemher, it wmilil appear lliat the copy certilied hy Sir L. I', 'facile is correct, ami that the inai'curacy has arisen in i opyiii},' the docunieiits lo he laid lii'fore the Canadian rarhinu'iit. I am further reipiested to slate that llio delejjates from this I'neinee iie\er anihori/cd aiiv alterations in the resolutions as signed hy them, and thai, indeed, their assent to any such alteration has never yet been sought, I have, \e. (Signed) Aiirni II II. (loitiiov. Tlie (!(i\ I iisoii-fiisi'ii.M, of Canada to the Lii i ri.S'.WT-CJovi itMin. Sill, (^lehec, May 4, iHi;,'.. I ii.wi: the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despalili, asking for an explaiialion of the >ause of the di-crcpaiicy lic:wei 11 the \crsioii of the Idsnrt' reads il dislrii'ts lor ili\('s til wliii'ii til," 1) the lliiu.-c oi ill liic ciiu^c of Ml (v.liifli is. I Irs. Imoim till' oi'cur as in llic to lie laid anlliiMVi'd any Mi< h aiti'ialiiin II. (ioi;i)()\. M.iyl, I Hi;.'. ('N|ilaiiatioii of to yun liy iiir i> Itoili .liuinary lii'cn ranscd liy mlcisc liir umr i'>|ialili liy' Mr. f, \ 1'. .M(l\l K. I"2ndo8iire. Nf Sorrctarv's Offieo, Qwhpc, Mav 1, 18G.5. Bhunswick. 'I'lic iiiulorsiijiKMl has liad tlii' limioiir to rori'ivo a letter from vonr {'Aeellenev's Serretary, /ovcrinj; a eopv oi a Despateli t'roni the I,^ovei ill reference to the proceediniis of the (,>iieiiec Conference, and he now ln'gs to suhniit for your Exeel- if New ISriinswiek, a.skinir for certain information 111 iencv !j intorination tlii' tollowin^f report. The LMtli resoliiti >f the (.turhee Confe ereneo, as it stands m the original report, sinned hy certain llr luenibers of the Conference (and wliich report is now in the possession of the undei'signed), is in the words and liffiires following: — " The local l.rnislatiirc of each Pro\ inee may from time to time alter the electoral distrirts for the pnr- uos(< of re])rcsentali n in the House of Cimnnuiis, and distrilmte the representatives to which the I'roviiieo IS entitled in any nier sneli I,ei;i>latnre may tliiiil; tit.' In the ])aper> ilnnitted to the Canadian I'arliaiiieiit the t^lth resolution was tiiiide to read as follows :- - •' 'I'he local l.cii'islature of each Province may iVoni time to time alter the cleetoral districts for the purposes of representation in such loeal Legislature, and distrilmte the representatives to which the lirovince is entitled in such loeal Legislature in any maimer such J.eglslatiire may see fit." 'I'he .'ihove eliangi> was made l)i>caiisc it was t'oiiud that the resolution, as cNpressed in the original repoi I, did not convey tiie true meaning of the Confercnee. As your Kxcellency is aware, the pro- ceedings of the Conference towards the close of its delilieralions were very much hurried, and it was sulisecpiently discovered that several errors had occurred in revising and re-arranging its iiiiinerous resolutions, which were adopted in the first inst.ince without that exactness of exjiression and logical seipiciice SI) necessary in an instrument intended to present a e()in]ilete scheme. .Some of these errors were discovered .•inii corrected at Montreal hy the unauimous consent of the delegates present at a iiiei'ting held in that city for the ]uiipose. There no doiiht in the minds of the Caiiaihan delegates (when tlii'ir attention was i alli'd to the point), that the geiitleinen who undertooii the duty of lediicing int. I form the miiMitcs and res(dutious of the Conference had misapiucliended the meaning of the Coiiferenee in reference to the suhject einhraeed in the '.'4tli reselntion. It could never have heeii iutended to destroy tlie independence of every inemher of the (icmeral Parliament hy giving power to the local l.egisl.iture to "alter," and thus pr.actically to aholish his constituency, wlienever, hy spci>cli or vote, he miuht I'.ipiicu to disjih-.ise a niaiority of that Legislature. Th(> jiiuvcr to divide each Province into the inoper unmher nf electoral districts in the liist iustanee (as provideil liy the 'J;5rd resnlntiouK was given to the local Legislatures i:r iirccx-^ifii/r^ hut the ])ower to .alter or readjust tlu! const it neiicies utter Parliament is constituted lielongs naturally, logically, .and .iccording to every ccnstitutioiKd iirecedent, to Paiiiainent, and not to an inferior hody. 'I'he iiiiiKM>igncd is iiifonned that on discineriug the error in tlii' 'Jlth resolutiiiii, anil .'lUo impnrtaiit errors in the L'litli and -lllrd resolutions, in refereiiec to export dutii's mi tinihcr and coal.-, coinmunication was h;ul with the leading memliers of the (Mivernnieiits of the NLiritiine Pifivinces. The nnder^igiied is ulso informed that answers wcri' received from those gentlemen, expressing their concurrence in tin suggestions of the Canadian deicgatcs as to the tact of error in hotli cases, and as to the mode in which it w.c- ]U'oposed to eiu'rect them. 'i'he nndersigiied regrets that he is unalile to give to your I'.xcelleney fuller and more jirecise infoniiation in couseipieiice of the ahseiiee from this country of those memliers of the (iovernmeiit who LOluklctod the correspondence referred to. IU'>pectfully .-uhmitled. (•.Signed) Wm. .M'Doi c.u.i , .Seciolary. The Linri V wr-dovi-.iixoii to th(> (i(ivi,iixdii-C)i.sKit.\i . .\h Loiin, {'"rcdericton, .huie (1, ISti.'i. ,\i.iiii:.Mii.v to the leipiest of my Council I Innc the liomuir to transmit to your i'^xce! -a copy of a memorandnin lat-dy h.iiuKd to nu' liy them, and to recommend the re(|uest which it ( '. .iii.s to your Lxcellency's coiniiileration. I have, \c. (Signed) .\iiiiiiii II. Coiiiiov. MiMoiiwiuMof I'Aiii iivi Col Ncii. enclosed in preceding Li riiii. To his lAcellency the llmi. .\iirin ii lI\Mil,ii)\ Ckiiidox, ('.M.(i., Lieutenant -( ioveruor of the Province nf Nov, JtrunswieU, tVi . iS;c. 'I'm pAccutive Counial in ( 'oiiiiuittee have had under consideration the Dc.-patcli of his I'.xeel- li lu y the ( io\eiuor-(icneial of C.inad.i, dated Itli May I >i;,'i, and would respectfully reipu'sl your I'.xcl'llency to forward to his pxcidleney llic I iovernor-( Jeiieral the aecoiup.inying corre-pondeiice whieli has cmisei|iientlv taken place, and tioiu vvliii h it appears thai a large iiiopmlion ot the delegates hud iio 1 now ledge of the alteration rel'cncd to uulil after it was made. 'I'he ( 'ouiicil would ah*o respectfully reipierl your Lxcelleney to a>l\ his Lxcelh iicy the ( iovernor- tieneral lo fninidi vmir I'.xeellem'y with the names of the delegates whose signaluieH were appended to the resolutions liefore as well as after the alleiatimi was made The Council further rcpiesl your I'lxcillcncv to transmit a copy ot' this memorandum to his Lxeel- leiii y the (ioveruor (ieneral Council Cliuiiiber, .lull'.- I>J(iJ. (S\tiw{\l \N. 11. Oiini. r. w. AMii.tx. .Itiiix C. At. I. IN. ClKoiKii: I.. II.vriirwAV. \. J. Svii 1 II. 11, A. \\ II vior. Hi.iss norsiiiiiii. A. IL (iii.iMoii, jmi. KiLllAItU llLTCIlllJON'. N '3 98 CORRESPONDENCE REPECTIN(J THE PROPOSED UNION New Hun. V\'. H. Stkkves to the Puovixcial SKcuiiTAiiv, Bkunswick, _ — Siii, I' rcdcricton, May 19, \XCyb. Vonts of the 12th histant was duly received, imd in answer I liog to state, for tiie inforniiitiou of his Excelli'iH'V the Lieutenant-Governor, that my ronscut has not liceu " requested to any chanue ' in the wovdiuR' of the resolutions agreed to hy the Conference held at Queheu in Octobjr last, " subseiiuentiy to their signature.' I have, \'c. (Signed) W. II. Stkevks. J. M. Joiixso.v, Esq. (late Attorney-General), to the Puovi.scial Skckktaky. Chatham, May U', I86r>. [Same as preceding Letter.] E. B. C'liANDi.KU to the I'uoviNi lAL Si;(:m;TAUV. Silt, Fredericton, May 1'-', ISO.'). In reply to your letter of the lith instant, inloiining nu' that you were directed l)y his Exeel- loncv the Lieutcnant-Govcninr to iii(|\ure whether my coiisc ' was ret|iu'sted to any <'liange in the wording of the resoluti the I'ltoMNciAi, Si;cui;rAH'i-, Kredericton, May I'J, ItiUJ. [Same as preceding Letter.] Hon. .1. II. GllAV to the I'liovixc lAI. SliCHETAIlV. Sill, Saint .lulni, May 1'-', IHtio. I II \vi-. the honour to acknowledge ynur note nf yesterd.iy s tlate, iiKjuiring, liy diiection of hi- Excelliucy the Lieutenant-tiovernor, whether my "consent was rc(|iie»ted to any change in the " wording of the resolutions agreed to hy the Conference held at (,>uehee in October last, subsequently *' to their signature." In reply I hcj.' to state, for the information of his Excidtency, that no sticii consent was asked of me, nor have 1 directly or indirectly received any coiunninication ujion such a subject, and if I may be pennitted to add the expression of my personal i)elii'f, I do not believe that in the wording of the original resolutions, as signed by myself and others of the delegates, any altciation whatever has been made. I lia\c, \'c. (Signed) J. II. GiiAK CnAiii.i;s FisHKii, Esq., to the I'uovi.nciai. Si.ciii.rAitv. Sill, I'Vedericton, May 1'.', iHit.l. 1v n'ldy to your note ot' the 1 1th instant, I have to state, for the information of his Excidlcucy the Lieutenant-tiovcnior, that mv as«ent wa> neviT re(|ucsted to any change In the resolutions agn cd to iiy the ( 'onfercnce held at l.,liicbec in October la-t. I have before me a copy of the rc^oiiitions laid bclore the Canadian I'aiiiament, and of tho>e tiaiis- mitted to his Excellency, and the only dilVcreiK'c I can discover i- in the tciius of the Vltli resohilioii. I camiot now iiMiicmlicr what look phici- in the Conti'i'i-'ice when that resohition passed, nor do ni) iiiiuntcs show, as it was ot \erv secondary important c when coiiiparcil witli many of the qinsiions which wtie discussecl. U'lii'ii till' rcsobitioos were revised 1 was not wtdl, ami was compelled to lea\c ;he room bid'ore thc\ were all disponed of. I wa> not pi'i'-cnt when the revi-i'd copy, eniiro>sed on paichmiut. was siciuiij hy the ilcleuate^, hut I siirncd alone some time idierwai'd.*, iip(m the assurance oi Colonel iiarnard, the Seiretary, that it was a true iii|)y of what had been ayiccd upon. I know that the Canadian ministers an* ol oiunion ihat then) was a mistake in co|)ying out the minutes, or that it was not iho nal iiilciition of tlif ( 'onfcrence to leave the clciloial disiiliis for mend)ei< of the I'ediral ( 'oiiimons, to he adjusted and altered from time to lime by the local Legi-. ir tlio inl'orni;;tinii Wd t(; any chant;!' u in Ootdb'Ji- last. Vc. W. II. Steeves. TAllY. May It, I860. , May l'.^ 18'S">. ctcd i)y t>i» Kxci'l- any ilianfiv in tlic last, 1 liavi' to say (li- in the wonling L 15. ClIAXUl.E.'). ), May 12, isOa. OF THE RRITISIl NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 99 ,^s|iortt'(l from Now lirnnswick, and the roasons why the didcjratps tn tho QupIm'p fonfcronfo from this Nr.w Provinco insistcil ii])(m tiie anthnrity hcinj; j>ivrn to tho local Lc;;'i^lilfnr(■ to impose such (hitv after tlie Ruinswick. iniion. On the l?t Deeendjcr he wrote nie acknowledtiin','' the receipt of my re]ily to these inipiiries, and in ;liat letter he asked mc if there was not a mistake in tlu> wording of the 'Jlth resolution, in the record sii,me(i i)y inemhers of the Conferonco at Montreal, loaviufi' to the local Le;;islaturos the power of detcr- miniufi' the electoral limits of the Confederate I.esjislaturc. I tind this letter on tile, hut I cannot now rcnunnher whotlier or not I answered it: if I did, I have not ke|it a copy. Ih- my miiuites taken when the suhject referred to was inidor discussion, I conclude it was the intention of the Conference to jzive tile local I.ei.'islatiues the power named, hut to bo limited to tiie election of the mend)ers of the lirst Parliament. If I replied to Mr. Gait, it will he found that such was the opinion I then expressed. Mv opinion as to the intention of the Conference was asked, hut not my consent to ;i, change in their ilccisinn. I have, kc. (Signed) S. L. Tti.i.EV. The riovi.n\()ii.(;i \v:iiAi, to tho Lii rTEVAxr-GovKiixoii. Sii!. Quehoe, .Tune li'. ISfi"). I iiAvi the honour to .leknowledgo the recoijit of your Despatch of the i;tli inst.ant, transnuttinp (■n)iios of a communication from youi' l'.\ocutivo Council, and of corrcspon ( 'onferenee. are at present ahsont lidin the Province on |)ulilie husinoss. 'I'lieir return is eN]iecte(| in a short time, and when they arrive I shall not fail to lay your Despatch and its enclosures Ijoforo the Kxoeutive Council. 1 have, \-c. (Signed) Moxck. No. 1;-). No. l.V n, May VJ, IHO.^ Iiy diioctioll of U\> any change in the r last, buhso(pieiitly it was asked of me. •t. and if 1 may he the wording of the whatever lius heen e. ,Vc. .1. 11. lil!A\. May 1'-', \>*'<'>. (if his I'Acellency resolutions agn ed d i,[' tlior-e Iriiiis- '.'Ith ri'solution. lassed. nor do my ef the lp|e^lion■' room heiore ihi'v iimcnt. was -iened iloiiel liarnard, the in coiiyilig out the [•I total di'-lriels loi |,.eal Legislature. had no power ot HAiii.i;i* i''i-. 11.11. i. May -J"'. IMI."'. I heg n Ktiite, for •r lust I received a tiiiibei uml lumber Ciii'v ol' 11 DESPATCH frniii I,it'iit.-(iovoriior tlio Hon. AuTiiiii Cioiiiiov to tho IJioJit Hon. Kdwahi) ( AiiinvKi.i., >[.!'. (No. 5S.) l'"roiicricton. .lulv I,'*, lS(i,'). ,S|ij (i;.Mviv,',l .lulv 'j'i», isi;.-,,) "' (Answore.l N... ill. Aii,!.n'i-I I, ls(i.-,. p;|..',i HP.') I nF.CEivr.i) 1)V tho list innil your Despati'li No. 81,* of'tht* 'ilih .lime. I tlioiioht ♦ rndcii-i it (U'siral)h- that '"ts coiitciils should lie imnii'iiiately iinile luiblic; and 1 accordinoly diivctfd it to 1)0 jirintod in I lie last issiio of tho Royal Ciazotto. '2. I ot'conisc lost no tiino in ooniininiioatinjj a copy of the Despatch and its enclosures to my I'.xeoiitivo roimcil, and \ have new tho honour to transmit to you tho copy of a Miiiuto of that IkhIv with icforoiioo llioicto. I have, iVc. '['lie Rioiit Hon. Kdward Canlwoli, M.l'., (Sio,icd) ARTHUR H. CORDON. iS:c. i"fec. iVc. Kncle in No. I .">. Kiirl. in Nn, 15. To hi-. l'.\eellency the Hon. Aliriiiii iivviniov (ioiuiov. C.M (i.. I.ienteiiant-doveriior ;ind Commander-iii-Cliief of the j'roviiiee of New llrimswiek. \| vv I r m I \«i \ oi 11 i'.M I 1,1 ivc r, 'l"iii I'Aoeulive Council in Conimillee have had under consideration ,i Des]iateh from the Secretary of Stale for the Colonies, dated 'Jlth .luiie, lately eiiinmnnicated to tli<'iii by vour l'.\celleliey. IVom the laiigunge ot tlii- Despatch ii would he natuial to infer that it related to smue --cheme lor ell'eeting lui entire legislative and admiiiislrativo union of the Mrilisli Ndrlli American I'ldviiiccs, vOiicli ha> not vet been imiile pnblic. but woriU used in the eoiw hiding paragraph taki'ii in coime\ioii with various oilier eireniiislaiici's lead the Committee to eonchide tluil il is intended to refer to the resdluiioiis in favour of a rederalion of the various I'rov inees uf Ihilish North America agreed In by lh(> < inadiau I'arliamenI al its last Sessi.iii, These resnhilioiis have already been siibiiiitled to the iieople el New lliiiiiswii'lv al the time mid In the manner w liieli the ailvoialos of the scheme iheiiiselves selecleil. I'lie Legislature was dissolved, and lln' people were enabled to pronounce their deci'^ion on ibiii mos| iiiiporliiiit Hiibjeel in the regular conslilnlional mode, and, after ample coiisideralion, refused by an overvvlielmiiig maiority to adopt the scheiiie ; not because it was novel, iis Mr. Cardvvell has been led to suppose, hill be, uiise they were iitiiible to discover anything in it tliiit gnvi' |iroiiiise of either moral or iiiiiterial advinitage to the empire or to tlieiiiselves, or tliiit atrorileil ii proHpeet of improved Hdniinir- Initiomir increased prosperitv. N'J 'Sr.w 100 CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION Tlu' ppiiit of Inyalty -vvliich has always animated tlie jjcoplo of Xow I5iiiiiswick, and of wliicli tlioy rmvNswiCK, have on nianv occasions ffiven proof, is still as anient nd i to \)\m •alltl Avliene\ei' it l)econics necessary tliey t believe that the conteiniilate( and resources at the aliMilnte (lisjiosal of the Imperial (Jovernnienl ifedcjration would either increase their strength or are pre]- hut they cam render it more availaljle. A larire majority of the people of this Province ari' op]iosed to any closer )iolitical coiniexion with Canada tlian that afforded liy the tie of a common alleniance to the British Crown, and consider that such n union woukl have a decided tendency to \ tliatdependence on the Hritish empire which tliey so hi^ddy i)ri/.e, and wouhl lead to the ne years, and very )irobabiy without any (•(uiscionsness cm the part of the writi'r of the article that the jealousies between the Cauadas, said to have lieen put aside, are avowedly the cause of the late ]no|)osal, and that its authm's, iu the event of its t'ailure, are pledfjed to rester to Upper and Lower C'anada a great meastire of the local inde- pendence surrendered liy them in l.'-'IO. The resolutions agreed to by the leading Canadian politicians in the inoiuh of .Inne ISil I as the basis ol the formation of the existing Cabinet, and ado|)ted solely inider the ]iressnre of local exigencies, contain ,e statement that, '' on consideration of the steps most advisable for the final settlenu'iU of " .tirfiiiiKil (liljifiillits, the remedy must be sought in the adoi)ti(m ot' the federal jirinciple," and provide that if such negotiations were unsuccessful, they woidil be " prepared to jiledge themselves to legis- " lation during the next session of Parliament for the purpose of remedying existing dilliculties by " introducing the federal ]nMiu'iple for Canada alone." It is pcrl'cctly (bar that tln' " (>xisting dilliculties" were the motive ami grnundwnrk of the scheme, and that the federal union was only soughr as a means of se])arating the Canadas, a separation which the Canadian (iovernment are pledged in all events immediately to ert'ect— a fact which, ' .-rhaps, suiiicientlv accounts for the eagerness with which they seek to force its immediate ado|)tion upon unwilling communities, for they .are well aw.-ire that, did the plan avowedly contemplate onlv the separation of (he Cauadas, it would be impossible even speciously to prest'ut it to the Imperial (iovern- ment a» in any manner a sehei'ie of union. Mr. Cardwell is perfectly right in supposing that the views and wishes of Cireat Britain .are entitled to great weight, and they will ever be received with respectful att<'ntioii in this Province; but the Committee feid certain if theri> be oni' viinv with regard to the Colonies v hich is m(U'e clearly ami distinctly held than ;niotlicr by Her Majesty's (iovernment and the people of I'aigland, if there be one wish on their part with respect to which there <'au he neither hesil.-iiion nor doidit, it is that the people of this i'rovince. and of others enjoyiiiLT, through tin' wisi' libmality of I'.nuland, parliamentary iu-titulions and i'rcc self-government, should ai'l in reference to their own affairs .as seems to thi'msclv( s nio>t consi^ti'iit with their duty to their .'Sovereign and most conducive to their own interests. 'l"o coid'er on this Province aright of self-go\ eminent W(udd have been mockery if, in eoiise(|iience of its el.aiins to deference as a protector, the wish of the mother country was in all eases to he followed whenever I'Xiiri'ssed. whatever the opinion (d' those to whom the power of jndgiiiL;' has been solemnly entrusted by the Sovereign and Legislature ofdreat liritain. and who, lieiiii.'; on the spot, ;iud fullv rcmversant with the subject, considere(l themselves not imiiblc to judge with re-pcct to llicirowii affairs. When ji wi views of those on whom alone tlii' responsibility of action in the Province falls, the Committee feel assured that Her Majesty's (iovernment will expect 'ami desire that the (iovernment of this Province should act according to tlicir own conviclions of right, and in coiiforinity with the sentiments of the people they represent. * ' ' • (.Signed) U. 1). Witmot. T. W. Ave, IIS. (il(Ml(,l I,. IJAIIII « \v. Bi iss BoTsi inii). W. n. ()ni:i,i.. \\. Hi rciiisdv. l''redcrieton. .Iiily I'J, iHi!,'). A, H. (iiiiMou, ,Imi. To No. Iii. Copy of 11 DKSPA'ITII from I.i(Mit.-(ii)vi'ni>-r tin- Iloti. AiiTiini GoiiiinN to lin' IvioJU Hull. I'.llW.Mll) CMtDWCM., .\|.P. ,^r J,,.'. I'VodtM'ifloii, Ndvi'nilu r (!, IMC).'). (.NO. H.I.; (Ur.Mlvcd Ncurnilicr L'O, |H(>.-p.) Sin, (Answered No. Il.'i, l)ci>i.iiilier 7, |S(i.-), |);ij;r |;,>(i.) Hill Majosfy'.q (lovcniimiil will iloiiliticss dcsoo to i)i' iiil()rino(l of tliu presi nl coiiilitioii ol'|)iil)lic rcciiiio ii tlii.^ l'roviiu.'c witli ri'oaril to llic llllc•^tioll of tin.- I cJoial on fNION 11(1 (if which th(^y I's iH'i-cssiii'y they 'rial (iuvcrmiioiil, llicir jilrciigth lie one is that the people nd, parliamentary ems to thcmsclv( s torests. ill coiisiMpience of SI'S to he followed as lieeii solemnly le spot, and fully I their own alVairs. t dri'erclice which II anxious desire to oiiieiiie with the Coininiitec led t of tills I'nivince seiiliini'iits of the M.Mor. \n(.I,IS. L. Il\llllw\^. IISI oltl). )|U I.I.. ■IMsON. tiiiMdii, .Inn. (iilKIKlN to Hid. ISC).'). •Jd, |M(i.-,,) , |Mli:,. pii;,. ll!('.) (if the pivsmt I tlic I'cilci'aron OF TIIK lUUTISII NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 101 of tlio Rritisli North Anieiicnii Proviiicos, aiul wlicllior it is probable tliat the sclicmcj iio'ioc'd to at Quebec and appi'ovccl by Her iMajesty'.s Govenimcnt will ultimately lie ^^'' adopted by New Rniuswick. 2. I caui'.ot jireleud, so iinmedialcly after my rclurii, to furnisli any accurate rcjiort oil this iniportaut siilijcct, but I shall iiope to do so in some detail upon a verv early day. ' ■ • 3. 'llie elevation of Attorney -General Allen to the bench, and the appoiiitnienl of the Hon. A. .J. Smith as Attorncy-C/eneral, have rendered two elections necessary— the one ill the county of Westmoreland, the other in that of York. Mr. Palmer, a lawyer of considerable abibly, who had been one of the candidates in the confederate interest at the late tjeneral election, had announced his intention of opposing the return of 'Sir. Sniitii ill Westmoreland, but (indini; success hopeless, he withdrew fioni the contest on the day of nomuialion. Had he ooiie to the poll, there can be no doubt that he would have been defeated by an overwhelming;; majoiity. 4. In the county of York it was at tirst supposed that no opposition would be made to the return of Mr. Pickard, a stronif anti-confederate. Mr, Ciiarles Fisher, one of the former members for the county, who lost his seat at the lute election, has, however, come forward, and, as it apfiears to me, with very great probability of success. 5. As Mr. Fisher was one of the delegates at the (^>uebec ("onfi'rence, and as, at the election in March, he was defeated by a very large majority, his return upon (he ])resent occasion will boa most important giin to the cause of Conted(Mation. At the same time I must not conceal the fact that his election will not necessarily indicate any marked change of sentiment on the part of the constituency with regard to tiie subject. Cireat jiains have been taken to make the contest depend rather on local ipiestions allecting the coiintv of York than on the broad issue of confederation. Mr. Fisher has long represented litis county, and a feeling of regret at his exclusion from the House of Asseinblv jirevails among many who are opposed to confederation, but who I(ioi< upon that (pu'slion as practically settled, in so tar as this i'rovince is concerned, bv the late general eltetion. and desire on other grounds to see Mr. Fisher restored to public life. I enclose one of the various appeals published in this sense. _^ 6. Altlioiigli, therefore, I regard ^Ir, Fisher's elecjon, sliouUl it take place, as a most imjioitant accession of strength to the ranks of tiie friends of confederation, it will not, in mv oiiiiiion (unless he obtains a much larger majoritv than i at present anticipate), so certiiinly iiulicate a decided change of opinion in the Province as might at first .sight be sujiposed. 7. The election takes jilacc to-day, and I therefore liope to be able to communicate to you the result (so far at least as this city is concerned) bclore the mail closes. i^. I enclose a copy of Mr. Fisher's address. I have, &c. The Right Hon. Edward Caidwell, (Signed) ARTHUl} H. GORDON. iS:c. cV'C. «SlC. P. S. — 5 p.m. Mr. I'islicr has a ninjority of 22 in Frcderictoii. I think this is a proof that he will obtain a majority throughout the county. LNSWICK. Eiu'losure 1 in No, I G, To nil'. Ki.rcrdits oi- Yoih, To iin: I'.iiiKiii Of rill IJi poii ri ii, — If e\er there was a time in the history of New nrnnswick, and luoro especially the eoiinty of ^'ovk, when we rei|nire(l the servnrs of men of inlelli^'eiice to represent our interests in the l.eL'islatiire. astute, far-seeiiitf sl'itesmeii, men who are aide to grapple with the nionien'oiis (|nestioiis of the dav, and uioiild them to tile he>i! inlere-ts (d' the I'rovince, now is e time. Look ahroad ihroiiuhout the (■(mtiiient of America, and \on will tind in every leifislative liody (|urslions of imiunitude .•illcciiiiir tli(< interests o| the people for weal or woe, eniiiiKini;' their i'ltention and calling,' forth llie powers of their collective wisdom to so arrange them as they may he prodnctivi" of ^;(iod. while the pnlilic luiiid, conslanlly anilalcd, is ever and anon peering,' into the future to ascertain, if it wen possihle, its hidden KecretH. Itiit while one fi'real (piestion aireetini,' our interests as a I'rovince was ellled for the time hein^' lit the last t'eiieral i lection, there are otlu r-< wliiili will occupy the attention of nir lepre-eiitc.tives at the next sessiiin wiu'thv of serious coiisideralioii, and as wc have now an oiipiutimiiNdf lilliii;,' a vacaiicv in the represeiilatioii, it liehoves ns to he carehil in the si'lectioii. 'I'he i|uestiou is not now (■oiifederation or no confederation (I consider that (pcstion \irlnally si'ttlcd at the l;ist (dectioii) ; hut who is the hesi mini to rcpre-iiit the interests of the county id ^ ork .■' -who is the man who has pluck (■iiou>!li to say, '■ I'imothy Warren ,\iiglin shall not rejyn over us," iiinl inserting a w('ilf:e at th" hase of tlic inisiTiiblo (toveriimeiit now in iiowcr, shall drive it lieiiie, until the already shattered falaic shall N :j .V,i ICnrl. 1 in No. lii. 102 ^OKRESrONDEXCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION Rrax- WICK. topple nvor ? Gciilli'inpn, plortnrs of York, you liavi' two nipii to I'linoso from ; one li:is lirpn triod, and in till' hour of iicimI yon Iimvc round liim tlio right nmn in tho riijht )ilnro, ;i patriot and a statesman eoniliined. The Hon. Cliarlrs l'"islur stands secon,! to noni iii this Provnice as ilie eliampion of the )icople's rights. Of the other we can. only say we are soiry he is found in sueh had company. F. End. 2 in No. l(i. -i Enclosure 'i in No i (i. To the Ei.KCTons of the County of York. GrXTt.FMFV, Havim; received requisitions from every part of the county, urfrintr me to offer myself as a candidate for your sufl'raj;es at the approaching election, and assuring me that 1 would meet Avitli your supjiort, T liaM' concluded lo jilace myself at your disposal. With no intention to retire from puhlic life, my jin'sent tVeedom from political care indisposes me from eniragins in a contest, helieving .'is I do that the : igns of the tinu>s unuiistakeahlv indicate that very soon the whok^ constituent body of the Province will he called upen to elect representatives. i'he strong feeling evinced for me, with the extraordinary course adopted hy a portion of the ]iress, leave me no honourahle alternative hut to stc]) into the arena ;ind throw myself upon you, my fellow suhjfcts. You know t'lat to my action in the Legislature the country is lar-;ely indehted for the present state of the Weste'n Dailroad. Ma only toi. 'rlad to aid in jirocuring it. (ientlcmen, 1 have de\ cited rv> best years of my life to your service, and were my connexion with you now to he severed for ever, I know that 1 have left the impres>. of my mind U|ion the institutions of the country : (hat every change 1 have proposed was cduceived in the true spirit of the Mritish consti- tution, and with a view to peipcliiate our connexion with the land and governnient of o\u' fathers. Yours, kc. Fredericton, October 25, IHd'i. (Signed) Chaiu.f.s Fishkh. Siii. Siu, No. 17. Tape inn. No. 17. Copy of a DESPATCH from Lieut. -(iovernor tlic Hon. AnxHuu GotinoN to the Right Hon. Edv,'aud, M.P. Government House, Fredericton, New Rriinswick, (No. S4.) November 20, IsBf). (keceivcil Deecnilier t. IS(S,-),) Sfjj, ( Answfird No. 11,"), |)( iiibrr 7. Ixri,"), puge TjO., In my Despatch, No. .s;5,* oi the (ith inst. I intiirmed yon of the probalilc election of the confeilerate eamliilale, Mr. Fisher, lor the comity of York. Mr. Fisher was returned by a majority considerably larger than » liad airicipateil. Althongh it.s ell'ect is (liiiiinished by his somewhat incoii'-i-tent pledge to oppose tiie .scheme of Confederation it presented to the presenl Parlianieiit, and by the |)ersevering ell'orts of his friends to convince the electors (hat the ('Mideileration (|uestion iiad been set aside, and wonKI not he affected liv the issm- (if tlie contest, it cannot, I tliiiik, be doubted that the election of Mr. I'islier, rather pehaps by its effect elsewhere, than from its own intrinsic impor- tance, is a decided step towards the accomplisinneiit of the federal Union of the Bntisli North American Pro\incivs. I have, i*v:c. The Right Hon. Edward Ciudwell, M.P., (Signed) ARTHUR 11, GORDON. &c. &e, &c. )N ■n triod, anrl a stiitrsman liion <){ the ny. F • niysplf as a pt with your ndisposes mo indleato that tativof. ,-!' tho prpss, v,i, my fellow proseut state ;rst('(l a mode H't me I am I Ki-cdei-icton, le bad policy, e sums wliieli ent I made to hole extent of )ueeit, liy Her .'ueially ayree 10 last election iremis to New :ained for the ■onnexion with institutions of liiitish consti- r fathers. ,F.S FiSItF.U. ON to the iriiiiswick, is(i.-,.) S(),'i, pil)JO 110., l)lc election risiier was its cll'ect is Onledeiation tiienils to il svDiilil not. the elei'tioii insie impor- (■ I lie Bntisli OllUON. OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. No. 18. 103 Copy of a DESPvVTCH (Vom Lieiit.-Govcnior the Hon. Authuk Goudon to the Rjoht Hon, Kdwako Caruwkll, M.P. (No. 12.) Government House, Freilericton, X.B., March 14, 1866. SlU, (Answered Xu. 11. Miirrli 31, 186(), puac IL'O.) I HAVE tlie honour to enclo.^e for your inlornuition a copy of a parai^iapii of tlie Address which lias this day been a^feed upon by tlie Leoislative Council of this Province in answer to my speech at tlie opening of the session, from which you v/il! perceive that tiiat body have expressed a strong and decided opinion in favour of a Union of the British North American Provinces. I have, &CC. The Right Hon. Edward Curdwell, iM.P., (Signed) ARTHUR H. GORDON. &c. &c. ixc. New BllUNSWICK. No. 18 Knclosvire in No. 18. Pahacuai'ii of Addukss in leply to Speech by the Legislative Conncil, New Brunswick. " TiiK correspondeiu'e on the all'airs of llritish North .Vnierica which your Exeellenev aniionnces will be immediately laid before us liy command of Her Maje^ty, will ri'ceive at our hands that careful and respectful attention due to matters emauatinii' from so high a source, and be considered with an anxious desire to nii'et the wi>hes of Her Majesty's (iovernmeiit, being fully convinced that a Union of th<' British North American Colonies will strengthen the ties which bind them to the niuthcr country, and be consistent Avitli tho true interests and prosperity of this I'rovince." Kncl. iu No. m. No. 19. Coi'Y of a DESPATCH from Liciit.-Governor the Hon. Authcu Gordon to the Kiglit Hon. EuwAUD Caudwei.l, M.P. (No. 15fl.) Saint John, New Brunswick, March 26, 1866. (l!ccei\ecl April t), ISfilJ.) SlU, (AMswure.l No. Hi, April 14, 1S(JG, pii^e U'O.) 1 iiAVi: the honour to enclose for your iutiinnatioii a copy of the Address wliicli has been agreed upon by the Legislative Council in reply to my speech at the opening of the session. 2. You will perceive from the paragraph, marked with ink that the advantages likely to result from a Union of the British \oitli American Provinces have been recognized In the liillest manner by the Legislative Council. Only three dissentient votes were recorded against the paragraph. The Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P., &c. ixc. Sec. I ha\e, &c. (Signed) ARTHUR H. GORDON. To ids K Enclosure in No. I'J. [•Excellency tlie lion. .Viirurit iJAMii/rox (ioiiDox. C'.M.d., I.ieutt naut-Ciovernor and Coininunder-iu-Chief of the I'rovince of New ItrunswieU, i;c. Aic. ^:e. .\i)i)iii,s>^ oi' lliai .Nf\.u:srv's l.i (.i>i.a rivi Coi \(ii. i\ (iivi.UAi, ill urMiii.i: .\i)l)lii,s>^ oi' lliai .\lA.u:srv s l.i (.i>i.a rivi t'oi \(ii. i\ (iivi.UAi, .\sm.miii.v. (Kxtract.) We thank your Kxcellcncy for the announcement that the report of the delegates, directed i)y your Kxeellencv to proceed to Kngland on various important (pU'^lion>, will be laiil betbre u-^; and we learn wilh >ali-l'actioii that a contract has been -secured by them which, iu connexion « ilh mensnres ailopted i)v the (iovernnient of .No\a Scotia, it is contemplated will ensure the eoniplelion of the railwav eoinniunieation belweeii Saint .lohii and Halifax, We are likewise pratitied al the informa- tion iliat the eonslrnetiou of a railway from Saint .lohn to the frontier of tlu' I'nili'd States ia under contract, and that the works are already in progress. " The eorrespondence on the alVairs of Ihiiish North .\iueriea, which your Kxcelleney aiinounees will immediately he laid before lis by command of Ibr Mjijesty, will receive at our bands that careful and respectful ati' niiou due to matters enianating fioni so high a source, and he considered with ■ uii ' ' ' ■ ■ ■' ' ' th uud nd respeettnl ati' niiou due to matters enianating troni so Ingli a source, and he coiisiilered Willi an iixious desire to I ' 'I the wi^lles of Her .\Iaie>ty's Ciovernment, being fully lonviiieed that a I'liion of le ih-itish North .Vineiican ('(demies will strengthen the ties which bind them to the Mother country, ud bo consistent with the true interests and prosjierity of the I'rovince." Nu. 19. End. iuXo. 1!( N4 101 CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTINCJ THE PROPOSED UNION BUIA.S WICK, No. JO. I'ajTi' 111' Xo. No. No. 20. Coi'Y of a DESPATCH from I.iciit.-Ciiivcriior tlic Hon. AnniUR GoRooy to tlie Rii>lit Hon. Edw.vhi) Cauuwkll, M.P, i,^'^- !"■) Fredciicton, April 3, 1SG(). (Uccrivcd April L';i, 1S(;U.) S\n, (AnswcTcd Xo. lit, April 28, KSGli, !)»!,'.■• 120.") In n\y Dospalcli, No. 15r/, *of tlie 2()th ult. I tran.smitted to yoti the A(lilres.s wliicli liiul IjCLMi iii^rt-ed to hy the Logiblativc Coiini-il of tliis Province in miswer to my speecli on tlie opening of tiie session. 2. It has been nsual not to receive tlio .Vdiircss of the Upper Ilonso until that of the Assembly is also ready for p'-csentation, when bolli Houses are formally received at the same time. The debate on the Address in the Lower House, however, having already lasted a monlii, and showing no signs of terminating, I resolved no longer to delay the reception of the Address of the C/Ouncil, which was accordingly presented to me ye.itertlay, and to which I replied in terms which will, I iiope, be appro .ed by yon. 3. I have marked the paragrapii of the Adilress relating to Union, which, you will observe, contains a clear and distinct approval of that measure. I liave, &c. The Right Hoi). Edward Cardwcll, M.P., (Signed) ARTHUR H. GORDON. \.c. &c. &c. llncl. 1 ill No. -M. i Enclosure 1 in Xo. 5^0. To ills KkccUi'Iipv tilt' Troiinuralilo Airnii it IIamti.tos (ioiinov, C.M.(!., Lieutenant-Governor and t'iiiiiiiiaii(liM'-ii;-(_'liiet" of the l^ro\ii;i'e of New Unin-iwinU. 'I"iu' Iniiiililc .\(liire.-s of Her Majesty's Legislative Council in (ieneral Asseniblj', iSce. iVe. <.te. (Extract.) 'llic I'oirospoiii'chcp on llie aflairs of Ilritisli North Anu'rica, wliieli your I'AoclIeacv nniininices v ill !ninie(li.:li'ly he laid lieforo us by eomuiaiid of Her Majesty, will recehc at our liaiuls that cjircful ami re.s])eetfiit attention due to inatter.s eiiianatino; from so liiuli a source, and lie c(in>ii',".\ d with an aiiNious dcli .North Ann rican Colonies will strengtlicn the ties wliicli hind them to the iimtlier country, and be consistent with the true interests and ])ros[)erity of tlii Province. Ill the (liscliai-oe of the duties now dexolvinir rjion as, .ve trust that (under a full sense of our responsibilities) our deliberations nm.y tend to promote the " elfare of the Province and its people, and cement closer our connexion widi that great Empire which it is our ardent desire to maintain. I'ncl. 2 ill No. W. I'aiclosuro '2 in \o. 'JO. Uia'i.v to tlie AlHiiii ss of the Li'(;isi,.Nrrvi-; ('oi\i ii, in answer *o the Sria.cir 0[)eniiig the Skssiox. Mr. I'ri'>ldeiit and lloiioiirabli' (ieiitlemeii of the Legislative Council, I I'liANK you I'or your addre- . I have full I'oiilidence in the loyal and ])atrli.'ie spirit by which vour diM'Ussions will be ouided, and am well assured of your readiness to concur in all measures re- ipii-ite to ensure the safety and tram|uillity of tlii" Province. '^'ollr com irtion that a riiion of the Ifriti^li .North American Provinces will strengthen the ties ■which t''iiil tlicm to the iiiollicr country, and be consistent with the true iiitere>ts and prosperity of New Hrunswicli, will I know all'ord much satisfaction of I ler M;ijesty"s (rivernment, who will rejoice to learn that this great measure, the speedy nccomplislmient of wbicb is ardently doired by tliem, and which, if carried into etl'ecl with a earel'ul regard to tbe streiiglh ".ml elliiiency of the I'niou, thi/y bt'liovo so well calculated to benefit Ihitish .Vmeriia, is heartily appioved by you. Mr. Iliat it II iiplllloil. I rejoici No. 21. No. 21. Copy of a DESPATCH from Lieut.-(iovernor th ; Hon. Aunnii Gordon lo the Right lion. EuwAiti) Cahdwi;!.:,, M.P. (No. 18.) Fredericlon, April 9, 18()G. (Uei veil April 2;i, lS(i(i.) v;,!, (Answered No. 20, April 2M, iMiili, piige 12 I.) I iiAvi: the honour to enclose an .\iliiress froin the Legidative Council of New Brunswick to Her Majesty the Queen, praying that Her Majesty will be "pleased to " cause u measure to be .submitted to thi' Imperial Parliament for the jmrpose of tiius " uniting the Colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and " Prince Edward Islai'.d in one Goveinmi'iit.*' Niii, (Xo. [ON )>' to the 1S66. Kit;. ) )(), \)A'j;c 1'20.) .lilress wliicli my speech 1 that of the HMVcd ;it the iviiiLT ah-e;uly lo (lcl;iy tiie no ye.iturtlay, licli, vcni will }0R1)0N. OF THE BIUTISII NORTH AMERICAN I'ROYINCES. 1(1' 2. I liavo to request that you will lay this Address hefore Her ^fajc stv, r ei K'lo.-..' a so a copv ')' till- I'osol 111 ions auTc to l)v the ( pa>>:i,i;i' acfonipanii'd Majeslv. Ti of the Addic'sv, and of the siu'ich nuuk- hv inf wliu: thi' 1 itmiK'hi hv tl oiincil iirc'vioiis lo Hk' wii 1 was r>i!i Nkw le whole lioiisc, i)laeea ilie Ad N". I. ill ess ni ni }• h^inds iurlran: iii.s^ion to Her ..~^ — lie teriMs ot tliat spoecli will 1 tiust meet willi your approval. I have, &c. The Rii-ht Hon. Edward Cardwdl, M.P., CSiyiied) ARTHUR il. CiORDON. &c. iVe. ^.'c. Enclosure 1 in Xo. 21. li i:-iOi 1 -noxs (if the Lkci^i. aiivi-: Coincii. of Xi'.w 15i!r\'>\vi( k. Legislative Council ('lianil)er, April il, ISdd. Ilr^(ii.\ 11), ,is tin; opinion of this coniinittee, that a Union ofall the Ih-iti-h North Cnloiiips hased on the i-esulntioun adopted at ihe Conference of Di'leji'ates fii- thi' several I'mvinees held at. (jiiiehec on the loth day of ( )ctoher ISCl is an ohject hiirhly to ho desired, essential lo their i'liturc prosperity and iiilhieiic<', and calculated alike to striMintlieii and per])otuate the ties which liiiid tlieni to the mother conni ry ; and further,— llesolvcd, as the opinion ri:i:N'"s .\io,.i' I'ac i.i.i.i:n i .M.\,ii viv. .Mo.-I (iracioiis Sovcrei;;!!, W'l, N'oiir MajestyV laithfui and loyal suhjects, the Legislative Council of New iiriinswicU in I'nniiicial Parliament asseinhlcd, humlily approach Your Majesty with llu^ conviclion that a Ciiioii of all ^■our Majesty's liritish Norlh .Vmcrican Colonies, hased on the resolutions adopteil al the Confer- ence ot relegates IVoiii these sexi'ral ( 'oleiiics ludd at (i>U('he'' on the loth day of Octcihcr liSi;i is an olijcct highly to he desired, essential to their future prosperity and inlliiene<', and calculated alike lo -trenglheu and jierpetnate the ties which hind tlieiii to Vonr (iracioiis .Majesty's throne andCiovirn- iiieiit, and hiindily pray thai ^'ollr Maje-ty may he ]]leased to cause a measure to he suhiniued to the linpeiial I'arliainent i'or the |iurpose of thus uniling the Colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia, New linin.-u ick. New I'oiindlaiid, and I'lince I'ldward Island in one Cioverinnenl. (Signed) John S.msdiiis, Actiim- I'lesident of the Legi.-lative Council. I';nol. '2 m N'ci. 21. Faielosnre .'1 in No. 'iL Ki I'l.v lo the Ani)i!i>^ ol'the Liu.i^i.a iivi, Coivcii, of Ni.w Uiiis^u u k. Mr. I'ri'-idcni and I lonourahle ileiitlemen of the Legislative Council, I \Mi. I, immediately t.'ansmit your Address to the Seerot.ary of State for llie ( olonies, in order llial it may he laid at the f lot of llie throne. I ler .Majesty the l,>iieeii has already heeii pleased to express a deep iiiliMc-l in llie I iiioii of Her Norlh American l)omliiion>, and will no donht graciously a|iprc(iali' this decided expression of vonr npinioii. 1 rejoice to holie\e thai the aMiual of yoiii' desiic tli,-il all Drilisli Norlh .\iiicrica should iiiiilr in one rominunily under one strong and ellicient governiiienl caunol Iml lend lo li.islcn the accoinpli-liinent of this ureat measure. Kncl. .1 ill No. 21. Xo. '2-2. No. '2-J. Coi'V ofa DI'lSl'ATCH lioni Eiinit-Ooveriior tiie Mo' Auriifi! (ionnov to the UioJit Hon. Edwaisd C.midwici.i,, .\I.P. (\o. 2\.) (io\('Minu'iiI House, Fre(U'ricti>ii, X.B., .\piil 10, ISfKI. .Siu, (l!c(Ti\cd, .May .S, jSliii.i I ii.wi: the lionoiif to encKisc tlie protest of the ininoritv of the F/eoisl iijve Coiiiieil, ao'ainst the Address to Her Majesly Iransiiiilteil to you in my Despalcli, No, L"^,'* of (ho » f.igoioi. !)th instant. I have, Ike. The Rioht Hon. Edward Cardwell, .M.l'., (Signed) AHTHUR H. CiORDON. ixc. &e. tvc. lfi2o'». 106 CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING Till: PROPOSED UNION -i New TiiirNswic:. Eni'l. ill No. 22. Enclosure in No. 22. Lk(,1SI,AT|V1', Coixcii, Joi-nxAT,. Momlm/, April 9, 18C(i. rcsiMit : Hon. Mr. Saunilcrs siftini;- as Prcsic (lont. The Hoi;. Mr. Hdtslnnl, ,, Millrlliu, TlSd Odell, Stocvci Hamilton, Kicc. :Mitihell, Fer}i;iison, The Hon. Mr. C'hnndl. llazcii, „ Davidxi „ Walk, „ Hvaii, „ 'lolld, „ liohiiiso Perlev. Pn nissentient To the passiiiir of the address to the throne, pvayiii;.' Her Majesty to cause a measure to he sulimitted to tlie Iiiip"riMl Parliament lor tln' iiurpose of iiiiitiiij^ the Colonies of Canaila, Nova Scotia. New Krniis\vicl<, Newfoundland, and Prince Kdward Island in one (ioveninieiit, hased on the resdliitions of this House passed on l'"riilay, the Sixth day of .Vpril instant, and In the resolutions of this House of Saturday last, that -uch adilress >himl(l lie pri'>euted hy this House instead of a ( 'I'liimittee thereof: — 1. liecause the schenie for a C'oid'ederation undei- the •,Uiel)ec ri'sohilions was suhmitted in the jicople of this Province at a ueneral election hdldcn in Maich I si;."), and was rejected hy .a laru'e iiiajnrlty, .-i dissolution of the Ihuise of Assenihly havill^'■ taken place for the express purpose of ohtaiuiiij^- the decision of the people in refcrenci' to such coustitntinii. 2. IJecaiise at the iicii Coufederation was passed hy a larf>e majurity of the reiiresenfatives of the peojile, declaring!' that in their o])inioii the consummation of such a scheme W(mld ])rove disastrous to the hest interests and prosperity of this Province, the division tli(reon heiuir twcuty-iiine — ten, while this Iloii-e forliore to jjive a:iv o])inioii mi the suhjecl, thouirh made ihe onlrr of the day for the Kiuhtcenth day of .May IHJi.-). !i. Because this House, in now prayiiiu' Her must (iracions Majoty to forc(> upnii .in unwlHiui; people h\ Ini[)erial Iciiislatiou ,i nic.isurc uliich has l)ei>u so rejected hy tlieiii. i-; seekinir the adoption of a policy tot.allv at \ariaiice with that lieni^n lulc heretofore enjoyed liy u^ under our Mo^t (iracioiis Sovereign and Fler Knyal predecessors, and snhversive of the riirhts ot' H(>r loyal suhjeets as existiiiji- midiT the l)lc>^ill^'^ of -elf-yoveruiiicut louy enjoyed throughout Ih'r Majc-ly'- liiili^h N'oilh .Vuicricaii C'olouii's. t. Because this House, in a'-kin,;;- Her M.ijesty to cause to lie sid)mittcd to the imperial Parli;iiiier,t for enactiueiit a >clieine of ( 'out'cdcratiou .-o reji'ctcd hy the pco|)lr and their representatives in (Icneral .\e. and neces>arily tending to hrinij- this Houm' into collij-iou with the House of .\s-emlily .and the people of this Province, while, hy iliii^ iji'iioriiij;' their rly;hts. and inferferiMi: with their |iiivilei;i'>. they weaken, in the minds of the pco|)lc, lln'ir respect for the le of thi~ House, whirli it i,-- ^o doiialile to preserve uuimpaired. >uch iulei fiMCMce lieiiiir .justly rc;;arde(l hy the jicople of \(>\\ l)rim>wick as an attempt liy thi> Hou.-e to coerre fhcni into the adoption of a t'oiifederatiou to wliicli they iiave declared tliein.-elve.'- entirely oppo>eil. i;. I.. il\/t;v. .Ia.MI ^ D.Ulll^OX. W. H. ()i)i:rr. W'l I 1 1 AM II \ v. .1. 1\01U\M)N. Sir, Lki No. 2;i. No. 2:5. Coi'Y of a DESPATCH IVom I.iiMit.-Gdvcrnnr tiu' lion. Ahtihh (Joudo.n to (lie liiglit IIoii. Edwaku Caudwki.i,, .M.P. (No. 41.) Eiodcrictoii, .luiio 1, isfifj. (Hcccivcd, ,Imii. IS, \H6ii.) SlU, (Aii-wcrcd. No. 4(1, .laiic •>•>. I Hfi,'), pajre 122.) I\ mv coiiHilential Dcspatoh of May 7lli, I staleil tliiK I had, on I hi' advice of my Executive Conncll, dissolved tlie l'rovinci;ii Patiiaineiil. 2. Sixteen nieniheis of the new House of A.sseini)ly liave ahrady lieen retin-ned, of these not one is a .sup])orter of tlie late Oovernnient, or an opjionent ol' ('onledeiutioii. 'I'lie county of York, which at the last oeneral election returned lour members opposed to the Quebec scheme, has now, by a majority of nearly two to one, returned four uo?< • to 1)0 !^iil)iiiitt('(l BVii Scotia. New the resolutions IS of this IIouso of a C'liiiiniitti'u tod to tlic pcoiilc lai'iic iiK'.jnrity, a of ol)taiiiinn' the utiiiii a.ijaiii-^t the OS of tlio pooplo, strous to llio host \shilo this lIon~(> I- Kluhtoouth (lay |ion an unwillinif Anv: iho ailo|)tion ur Mo-t < iraiiou^ lijocts as o\istiiii;- Ndiili Ainoriran pcrial I'arliaMiora. itivos in ( icncral ihi- I loiiM' iiilo n- iu-iioi'iiiL;' llii'ir ihoir rospocl for ncli ioloi foronco (' tn cool-i tlll'Ul pposOll. 1 \/i ■<. I ) W lll^ON. ()i)i:i I.. M 1 1 win.roN. \s()\. uno.N to the 1, \mi IH(!(i. ) I *<(;.■., piiL'!' iL':.'.) 11' aclvici- of my on rctiirnuil, of ( 'oiiti'dcratioii. ml)ers opposed rclLinieil four Ol THK HKITISH XOR'J'II AMKRICAN PROVINCES 107 liiiionists. Of till' only two im'nihcr- of the late Goveinmcni who liuve as yet ofl'pred X'w tlu'msflves for rt'-i'lcclion, one lias I)ci'n .sionally di'fi'ati'd, wlii'si the other, finihng I'>i:rN-^wii k. siieeess hopeless, witlidrew fiom tlu' belbre the day ot (lollino. ;?. 'I'heie ean now, I think, he no doiiht that the new Parliament will contain a very laroc majority liivomahle to Confederation. 1 have, &c. The Riuht Hon. Kdward Cardwell, M.V., (Sioned) ARTHUR H. GORDON. iVc. Sec. ike. Corv of No. 24. a Hl'-Sl'ATCH from Lieiit.-Governor the Hon. Authuu Goudon to the Riuht Hon. Kowaud C.\I!I)wi:i,i,, M.V. No. 21. Sir, (No. 11.) Fredericton, Jinic 4, 1866. (Kfi'civiMl, Jinic IS, lS(j(i,) ( Aiiswcioil, No. ;is, June 22, 1«G(), im^c .121) I iiAVi; the honour to enclose co])ic,s of two letters lately published by the Romj'n Catholic liishop of ( hathani in liiis I'rovince. These letter.s have some interest from the lliet that, up to this time, the Roman ('atholie body has been uenerally o])j)osed to the accomplishment of the Union of the British North .American Provinces. I have, (ic. The Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, -M.P., (Signed) ARTHUR H. GORDON. &c. &c. &c. luiolosuro in No. 24. Kucl.iii Xo. 34. Li-.TTKii to the Right Rov. Dr. Hootus, Bishop of Chatham, with Ro])ly, giving his views on Confederation. .Mv ui.Mi Loiii) liisiioi'. Newcastle, New Hrnnswick, April 21, IsGG. \\\ are aliout oiuoring upon a groat i)olitical struggle on hi half of Confederation. You are iiware that the House has hecn proro "lod, and a now (iovernniout has hoon formed, with the avowed ohjeot of liringing aliout hy al. ,r and legitimate means, that most dosirahle object. 1 have roooivod .a iiosilion in the tiovc unont in the ])orson of l^olicitor-Genoral. ***** My past political course will hf ;i guara.iti'o for future operations. 1 have, under the circumstances, respectl'ully to rocpu'st your Lord.-hiji's favour and assistance in the coming election, should you he sati.-ficil with my jiast conduct. 1 have every reason to liolicvo that you are favourable to a Union of these Provinces, and will, as such, suppurt those who support that ]iriiicii)le. 1 have, vVc. The Right Uev. Dr. Itogers, (.SiguecO Edwakd Williston. Rishop of ('hatliam. \\\ ni.M! Sll! (Kkim.v.) M ■! i)i;.\i! .-sii:, Mv alisom'o from home, protr.actod longer than at lirst intended, proxcntcd sooner to your favour, which reached me at Halifax. ^^\■< oplyinj. It is hardly necessary .. to promise, that hitherto during my residence in Xew lirunsvick i have abstained 'Vom taking any active part in politics, init hocauso I did not feel ,an interest in every- thing I'ert.iining to the uelfare of the country, but because the innnerous and pressing duties of my ministiy hail a | rior claim, and absorbed all my time atul Jittenlion. If, in replying to your letter on the jjrescnt occasion. I deviate tioni my ]ire\ious course i)y n'cording my strong conviction'^ respecting the all-importa it (|nestion ot' a I'tiion of the Itritish North .'Nniericni I'rovi iialioii's wishes, viz.. the ( ioMTiinifnt of the day. lint is this a strong reason in its favour.-' Certainly jiriiiiii Jiirii' evidence of its benefit thai could Ix' pidduce stand-point of view, tin ir infoniiation on the siiliiect and he-t judges of its merit-. Tliev are. as tliev the stroiHrest It is under present circiimstiince \\ hy .'' liceause these parlies. Irom their iject and interest in it, are in a position to be the very _ .. _ .a\(' reason tn be, deeply interested in the wi'lt'are of their Colonial I'impire. Knuland's grcittiess hitherto has been caused by, nay. I might idmost sa\ consisted in, the exteni and success of her Colonies, ihe territorial smallness and insular position of the mother O 2 ii ids coRUKsi'oNDKNCK ui:si'i.ri'i\(; Tin; iMU)iM)si:n iixiox ^''■•"' coiiiitrv niiiili' it nut a nwrc iiialtcr of flinicc, (ir siniiily fiooil policy, Imt of slri'ii iicccs^ily, to Imilil r.iii v>ivii K. .|m| ,|,.||,_ ,|,||| l;(>(i|i ill |)i-iilitalili' I'liiiiloyuiL'iil lln" •• Wddilni walls (if lliiiilauil,'' ixMh inciiMiitilc iiiid war .--1 lip-. Witlidiit licr ('iildiiics In jH-oplr, pidU'cl, and trade with, iu'i- nii'icantili' mariiic and (iMVcnniiiMit navy uii\dd lunc ln'cii uitlimir an (ilijcct, tlicri'lnrc wiiliout cxi^ti'iici-, and uillmnt tlii'ir (■sistiMifi' tlu" history nl' Ciioat liritain duritiu' the la.-l two or thrn' Imnilrcd years would nut liavi- Keen till" liist'iiy of tlu' yvcatest. wcallliicst, and most jiowcrfnl I'jnpirc that cvrr fxisti'd, Imt ratlin' a conti- iniatio". of I'ai^iland's history perity as well a> promote Inii)erial interests, is ]iro|)osed and earnestly roconunended hy the |iari'nt State for our ailoptiou, it is, in my opinion, one of the ureati'st aruuments in its favour. Nay, I ifo furt'ier and say, that, coii-iderint; the |iast .Mini jireseiit relationship hetwceii us and the mother iimntry. it is mir iliih/ to iiiMpiiesee. Do \\r owe iiotliiiiu to the moilier that hoii' ns '. that i'ave us territorial and political cxist- ,.lice--wllose sous foUllht and lili'd, whose state-.iueu l.'dioured, ■■llid whose people taxed thelliselves to p;iy for thi' wars hv whic li lliese Colonic- were ,'ic(|uii'cd ;ind opened up for our forcfatlii'rs and oursi'lvi's, wherehv we came into the i'l'ce .-uid ca-y po>sessiiin of the pio|ierty, jirosperity, and lihi'rty we enjoy in them y ' Is (ireat Iiritaiu to continue to t;ix her pcojili' in order to -cud out here not (,iif, i lev and munitions ot' war, hut also her liravi'st miii- -the ilowei- o| ihi' coinilry in her ariiiie< ami llect-. to lii,dit lor ;(>■. til in'oteet .lud liuild ;'.< up. and in' rcl'ii-e to make rhi- sliii'lite-t eonce--ion of our opinious. or e\in intere-t-. well' it reipiireil, in compliance with her lecommeiidatiou .-^ .\t the verv moiiicut when we have Imt ju>t liceii delivered from i-'ciran iinasiou hy the promjit action of the Ih'iti.-h forces pro- tectiuL: U-. are wc. in reMirn. to thw.'irt .'iiid opporc llriti.-li policy, to -tickle for our opinions, to prcl'er, not the wi-h of our protector, jiavcnt. and friend, hut vather th.'il of her and our eni'inii's':' While ( ireat I'.ritain wi-hes us to unite, tin' I'diians have .'ivowcd it to he tlieii- policy to prevent siieh ruioii. \\ Inch of these two should We try to plea-e .■' h'tiscd iili Itiifir iliiciii. - ."■hould we not do the ojipo-iti' of what the enemy wishes .•' Hut hc-ides the ariiinueut wiiicli honour and duty to our lieni'lactre-s furni-h, that of :cir-iii|ere-t, in the more ra])id increa-e of material |n'o-perity which musi iucvit.-ilily follow from the more fr<'(pient interconmumic'ttion, the liiiildini,' of railroad- and other pnhlic works, the increa-e of |iopulation and p'cner.'d husines<, the opeiuuL;- u|) ,'nid setlliuu- of wilderness lands. ,Vc.. .Vc.. wmild make it the mo>l, prcpostcnms folly lor us ohstinately to pcrsi-t in refusing;- to take part in the heiiclits of the proposed t'nioii. Need I -av. then, in conclu-ioii, that \oursell' and Vinir colle i'.riies who ;id\ccati' this Lii'eat uieasuri", Innc my warine.-t sympathy and hest wishes for yo;ir -iicei -,-:. With much esteem for ymirselt' and entire apin'olialion ol' ymir faithful .-ind coiisisleut parlianieiitarv course, ('Specially sinct- the period ot' your last election. 1 remain, iVc. 'I'he lion, k'.dward \\iHi.-ton. (Signed) + .Iami.s Itooiiiis. Newcastle, New lirunswick. I'.ishop of Chatham. I.ellci from tile Itii^ht lieverend Dr. Iuk.i li-. Ili-hop of Chatham, to .hiiix M. .Imixsov, V.^u l)i:\i; Sin, Xewcistle. N.l',.. May '-"-'. iMid. I iiAVi. Jii.-r read in the " Ndrtheru l'o>l " of Saturday your speech delivered at the ni(e|iin''in Mason Hall, Chatham, on Weilnesilay evening- last. I eaniioi sullicieiitly ex]iress mv admiration of your clear, concise, and yet comprehensive expo-itiou in that speech of the constitutional ipicslion now lit issue h(>tW('en the leadiui;- politicians of this I'nnince. I have often heard allusion m.ide hy sonii' of the most respeetahle I'.C. eleruymen in these parts to a iiohle speech once delivered hy you in vour place in Parliament, ailvocatin^- ecpial liuhts and even-handed justice to all classes andCieeds, whieli mei'ited for you the j^falet'ul support of themselves and the lionian C.itliolics n-enerally ol' this eoimtv ever since. I would s.iy of the present -pcccli. that it .'done (nii;lit to he sullicient to make the fame (if any colonial statesman, .-lud deserve^ a ]dace .anionii; the hest pa|ier.s ever written on the cimstituliou ol' (ireat liritain and that of her Colonies. I re^uard the Hrilish constitution as the most pin'fcct form of ci\il e(ivermneul that can he devised in our present stale of human atVairs ; thoii;^li I admit thai it is not equally suited to all peoples and (limates. It consists, as all know, of three diHerenl hraiu'lies, (,)ueeii, Lords, and Coimnons, each distinct and s(?parate from the others: each of the two latter, when duly eomcned hv the lirsl, heiuL"' competent to di.-cuss, delihcrale, and leirislale independently of the other, hut such legislation of any one hianch cannot hecome law or take ell'cct without the coucurrenco of the oilier two. What is tenneil re,-pon.-iUle go\eriiiaent, as I under-tand it. cousi-ts in this, vi/., that the So\ci-eigii I'cceivi" a select iiiimher of mcmhers from the party having the niajority in hoih the other h-.anches, to aid him hy iheir opinions and ailvice. either in giving his consent to;iii act of legi-kilion or in ])utting into execution a law that already exists, llenee these adviser> are called "the Executive Council," I'or a- such Council they have no legislalive power, their ollice.heing simply to counsid or advise the Sover( iiiii, not lo hind her: otherwise they would he her rulers or governors, not councillors, lint as she iiloiio loriiis oiiu iiideiieiuleiit brtiiieli of the Legislaluru, she is not bound to follow their advice. 1,- :i()N OV TUV. r.ilTTISTI NOiri'fl AMl'IJK AN IMJOVIXCES. 10!) I'ssity. I" liii'lil iii'rciiiitili' and I' iiiMriiic iiikI (I williiml llirir mit linvc lu'cii r.illu'i' ii coiiti- imi'mI advi'iiturc luili, wliicli till' iiKiliiiiis uhii-li >ii|iiihilii)ii, ijiir [■\\< thai cMiiiini M'hii'l'. liriti>h nilics and f'ari- ■t |iri'cludc till" not tun rciniitc lias-^t'd liy Im'al s (iv jcalimr-ir^ :d |ilr,-|i('rily as It Slat(> fur our furtlirr ami say, /'/ /.< iiiir iliili/ til 1 pdlitical i\i--t- n'liisi'lvcs to pay s and oursrlvi's, ■rly \M' I'lijiiy in onlv niiincy anil ili'i'ts,- tii'liixlit (piir ii|iiiii(in>. Ill- ■y nioincnt wlini ■iti.-'li tiircr> prii- iniiins, til prrli'r, ■? Whil.' (iivat, \\ I'lliull. \\ llirll ii.sitr 111' wlial till" M-ll'-inlirr-l, ill • iiiiiir rri'i|iirnt r ]iiipiilatii>ii and laki' it till' niiisl t' the priipii-nl ;ri'at inrasuii'. It parlianiriilaiy lull. I.I!--. of ( 'lialliain. I\S|)\, l'',si|. lay '-"J, IMK!. till' nil i'liiiji' ill IV adniiralion nC .il i|ni'stiiiii now iiaili' by Minir id' liy you in yimr d iTrrds, wlliiil if this I'liunry hiki' till' I'anu' of (•iiiistituliiin of 111 1)1' di'viscd in all pi'iiplcs and ( 'iiininons, I'arli till' lirst, liciny- 'gislaliim lit' any it thi' Siivi'rt'i^ti nllii'r liianrlii'S, inn or in pnttinji' iitivi' ('omii'il," ii'l iir advisi' llio uiirlllurs. lint i\v tlii'ir ailvici'. llltiioil,L;ii she ircncrally dm Until ihili'tl lev roninin licr I'liiini'illnrs. must assiiini' tl ilitv III' lii'r olll I'lal ai-l- i(> ri'sponsi- 1,1 ili'ir 11 on any iiri'asioii >lir i'mtoisos iior ii<,dit tuact im'-ipci'tivi' ol', nr in (ip|io.-itioii Hui r .'MUirr, and tlii'V aro miwilliii"' to a-^>inni rli I'cspiinsiiilily III liiT ai't, tlu'ii' h no alti'iiiatiM I'lH- lliriii 1)11! to U'siiin. 'I'licy oannot hold nilii'i' a.nil i^imri' lis n'-|)i)n.'il)ility. ili'iu'o ill 'lio I'CfL'Ut dillii'iilty hi'twooii thi' (ii)\i'riiiir of onr I'rovini'i' (who ri'pri'.-;i'iit-< and I'MTi-iscs Ih;' itrli'tjati'il pDui'i' of till- Sowrci^'ii) and his lati' advisors, llio casi' appi'ar.s 1) nio ipiilo idoir, I'von t'riiin till' stati'ini'iils iiuhlislii'd liy tlionisi'lvcs, that thoy, not he, violated thi' priiu-ipli- of i('S|)oiisili!i' tjivcrnnii'iiL liy rcniaiiiiiiLi- in oliict' whilo tln'y ri'l'iisi'd to hrini'ii"s iiistnii'tions. hy iiisislinuf thai arlion ho taUi'ii on the Union or ('i)ufi'doraliiiii ipii'slion. 'I'lii' claiisi' on that siihji'i-t, in his siioerh on opvniii^' the session, is ivrcf'rae'alili' ti'stiinony I'l'lliis. S line four weeks after the delivery of that speeeli it is rather lale to say ilial he did not I'liiisult tiu'iii Oil the suiijpct. It they. uinviHiii!;- to rcsiii-ii ollire, llioiiLi-h illiahle lo lultil itsie-pmi- siliilily, liniiid theinsclves in a false ])ositioii, il is eerlainly not only indelieate hut unjust to try to piil on ill ' <,tiiei'irs representative the oiliuui of the i)o-itiiiii tliey oeenpied in \iiilatiiiiL;- r.'s'pon-ihle jjovern- iiieiil. 'I'his state of the question you make very clear in yonr valuable spi'iTJi, ;nid I feel il a dnlv In lo-e mil a moinent in conveyini;' to you my warmest thanks for it. liiit it mav be a keil. why do [ thus interest myself in a mere seriilar or jioliiicd luatier.'' I re|)lv, beeaiise, inili'])endent!y of my interi'sl in eommoii wilh others in the intej^rity of our (iovenmient, the hoiinur 11. its ollieers. and the y-eneral well'are of the runulry to he |)romoteil by its measures, the liiiiiour and iiiteii'sfs of the C'athiilie body lia\e bei ome so aifeeled by side issues and cireunistaiiie; iiiiiiiri led uiih the diseiissioii of this i|Ui'slion, as well as the other one of ("oiil'ederatioii. diiriuji' the l.i-i \ear or Iwe, that I feel it due to my peojile and to myself to ,!;ive piiblie expression to my opiniinis nil the present oeeasion. ( )ne of the l.'.idiii;^ iiev.spapers of ibis I'roviiiee, wiiiiii has enniiiienled willi "rave injiistlee on ihe loinlinl of llie ( lovernor in the issue between him and his late advisers, is published and edited by a ( 'atiinlie. -Mlhoe.eli this jri nlleinan is a layman and his pajier a seeiilar newspaper, nevcrlheless it li;is iiime til he verv ji'eiierally regarded as the exponent of the feeliii'^df the Catholic body, both l.iy and clerical, 111' this I'rovince. 'I'lie |iersiinal virlnesaiid accimiiilislnneuts of Mr. Aiii;'lin — his love of his religion , mil of his native land, the inteurify of his private life, his genial amiability in social intercourse, his ackiiow- ledijid ability as a writer and editor, cnmbini' to give a strenglh and ell'crt to the inlhience of his iiews- pai)er throU'iiioiit the extensive circle of his readers of all classes— but especially amon.u (Jatholics and Irishu.cii. I'.verythiiig said and written by such a man, or pnhlislied wilh his apprubiition in his news- |iaper, bears a -pecial iiniinrtance and inllueme derived from the fame oi' its aiithnr. ■ >hiiiilii such a line err in the \iew.s he adviicatis, or the course be adopts —as somelime;: hap[)eiis lo the best men — llie iii'iurv he does is extensive, and can only be contilei'acled by I'xtraordinary means. Now it is becau-e I believe tucli extraordinarv means to be necessary on the iire-eiit occasion, that I feel it a haiTcd duty for the honour of the Catholic body lo disclaim all approliation of fir sympathy with the iiniust and uniieconiing censure of the (iovernnr which for some time back ap|ieareil in the '• St. .lolui fieenian. ' Apart I'mni the general respect which the re]iri'seutative of our must Ciracinns (,lueeii claims from all classes in the I'rnviiice, our present (liivernor, the Iloii. .\. II. (iordoii, deserves, not onlv ciimmoii justice, but tho undying gratitude of the Catholics of lli's I'rovince for his prompt, "ll'ective, maiilv, and honourable del'eueo of them in his speeches at St. .\nilrews and Woodstock when their loyalty wa.s impugued. On this occasion, when the terrnrnf I'cniau invasinii and I'enian sympathy spre.'id o\cr the Province, when so many of our I'rolestant iieiLdibonrs in the panic of the monient yielded credence to the absurd reports in ( irculation that all Catholics were [''eiiians. ready to ri«e suddeiilv on their I'lMtestanl lleiglibours, his l-'.xcellency ( Joveriior (iorilnii, with a proiii|)titnile and ciieruv characlerislic of him, sprang lo the scene of trouble, and by his personal inllueiice and ollicial ■iiilhorilv calmed ibe ■Inriu. It was owing lo this well-timed act of gubeniatorial justice, tii:;''lher uilli ill'' happv inllueme eserciscd by the published letters of his tirace the .\rclibishop of Halifax, that this unfnrtunale liilter social |)erseeiilinii— mutual mistru-t and uuitnal hatred — did not cuhninale to a melanchnlv point. If .Mr. .Viiglin, bv the general course he folloued, both in pnlitics and in his 11 uspaper, did not coiitribnle (though certainly unintentionally I adiiiil) to excite this mutual bad feeling, iio was in no small degree the oeca^iou of it. I thank vou lor the dear correct exposition of the true stale of the cniistilulional iinestion, by which yiui show ills I'^xcelleiiey far from meriting the odium which .Mr. .\ngliii would impnse u|)nn him. I regret exceediiiglv the public cnurse this genllcman is pui'sning in oppnsiiig so streiinoiisly the policy of the Mritish (iovi runieiit res]iectiiig these Ciiliiuies. His coiirso is calculated to c;i'ato and foster a spirit of lii-conlent and disiiuion amongst our people and their neighbours : and relard the accoiniilish- mi'iit of the measuri', already regarded as iiu'\itai)ie, and certainly in my oiiiiiion essential to our future polilieal and commercial |)ros|iorily. Were it not that, for the ri'asons meutioiied above, this gentle- man's inllueuce amongst our ]ii'iiple is so great lo lead them into a wrong course v,hi re ho errs himself, 1 would not think it iiocessary to make these allusions to him. lint when, in adililiou to the inlliience he exerts in his paper, ho now make.-i his lirst visit lo Miramiehi to interfere w ith our olections and by his ]iersoiial ])reseiice and agitation divert our Catholic people from tho course advised lliem by their local triends and guides, 1 lose all palieueo with liini. Nei d I :;av, ill concliisioii, that ymi liiivo my best wishes for your success at the approaihini:' cleiiion, and thai the (Jo\ornmoiit now formed may bo siistainod throughout the I'roviiico in order that the c) ;; I'lK, \-\VlCK 110 COWHESl'ONDHNCK IIKSIM'A'IMNC! IIIE IMJOl'OSEl) UNION pii'flt iiMMsiirc 1)1' I'lii'in, liiilli l)y i)iililii:il, cniiuiuMcial, and niilrn.icl iiit<'i<'oiuse and institutions may soon liiuonic an ar('iini|ilislu'd tact. I have iIk' honour to icniain, dear Sir, \ I'ly sinccrt'ly yonis, \-c. + Ja.mi> l\t)(;Ki!s, JJisho]) of Cliatliani. »'. 'I N.I. L'.-i. No. 25. Coi'v ol' ;i DlvSl'A'rcII fiom T. lout. -(Hucinor tlu- Hon. AitTiiuu GounoN to tlie Ki,i;lit Hon. Kdwaud (.'audwkli., M.P. ( ^'"- ID- ) Fndericf on, June r>, 1 cS()6. (liiT.' .Iiiiic IS. lS(i(i.) Slli, (Answered. No. ;!!). .Iiiiu' L".', lS(i(i, |ia};c 121.) I ii.wi. till' honour to transmit to jon a lUtnrn of \Uc idections, so tar as tlu'y lia\i' yi'l proi'i'dli'd. I \\i\\c st'iil tin.' last tlni'c rountics in blank to Major-Cicnrral HwN Ic, l)y whom tlirv will ho liiii'il up, al'trr tck'j;ia})liic connnunication witii mc, up to Thurscl.-p- ovi-niui'' : - t'tiidcdurato. ,\nti-C'iinl'(.'di'rati'. 1 •) '2 •J 4 •J 'J 2 Northinnbe'riand ('aric'toii .Sunhuiy Albeit - York - Westmorol.uul St. .lolni County St. .loliii City \'icloiia (Queen's (I 4 t) I have, \e. (Sijrneil) ARTHUR H. (JORDON, 'I'lii' IJiiiht Hon. I'Mwaiil Caldwell, M.l'., Lieut. -(joveinor. &c. &c. \'e. Halilas, ,liine 7, IS(i(i. r,.S. -Mr. Clonlon, in Iiis telei^ram, f>ives Ihe total elected ^(i. but aceordiut;- to the numbers abovi' it would appear to be '2\ Conlederates and t ,\nli-ConlediiMles. .Sinned) H.\SilN(;S novLK, Major-Cieiieral. t'.iu'l. ill No. a.'i. Kncliisnrc in N.i. '-'."i {•'rcdcrirlDn. .(niic 7, l.'^illi. (^K('i'oi\ I'll III llidiliiv, .liiiii' 7. IH(i().) To Major-drni'i;'.! ni>yli<, riciM' fill ii|i I )i's|i,il( li as I'ldlinvs: — Wc^lniiindand, Cnnrcdfrati's nnni', Aliti runlcdiTatrs ("unr ; Si. .Iniin ( 'nnnly, Conri'ilt'iali's I'nur, Ami (•iiiil'i'di'iali'> iiMiic ; <,i|ii"rir> {'iiiinlv, ('untrdi'r.ili's Iwn, .Vnli-ccinri'di'vati's iiniir ; Xirlmia, Cnnli'- dcrati's tun, Aiili-iniilrdrrati's tiimr : St. .I'lliii's < 'it y. < 'nnti'di'iaU'^ Iwii. .Viili-fiiiitidcralcs nniic, Tiilal yet eli'iti'd, Contedeiiilos Iwriity-.sis, Aiiti-euiiti'd'ratt's (our. .\. (illlllMIV. N,. Jd. No. 'JVu Copy of a DIlSPATCH I'mni Lieiif.-(i<)veiiior Ihe Hon. Ainni ii (ioitnoN (o the l{ii,'ill Hon. I'.D' Mil) ( AIIDWKI.I. M.l*. (No.-'j".) i'Veti lielon, N.|{,..luiie i;», lH(l(i. lUi iM'd, .Inly '.'. isiili.) Slli, ( All-wiivii, Nil. I, .July (i, iHlKi. |iii|ir I'.".',) Tin; eli'i'tiiiiis leiuiinaled yesterday. The new IlouMe of Assembly in thus e(Hii|iosed ; — In la\t>ur of ( iinl'eiK'ia'ioii - - - • 3,'J Against it - . . . - - - 8 Ma|.»rit\ 'ifi NION institutions may I]) of CliMtliiini. UDON to tllC T), 1,S()6. i. |H(l(i.) is(){i, piifrc IL'I.) I, so tiir as they Miijoi-Cicnc'ial witii mo, lip to !t'r:iti'. iOUDON, it.-ddvrrnor. Iiiiic 7, lS(i(i. cording to llic rr.itfs. DOVLK, ijor-Cii'iicral. IIIIP 7, iMKi. X, .liinr T, IS(i(i.) 'l)lllr(l('l'ilt('S fdlir, ; \ ii liiiiii, Ciinli'- liltC.'* lllllll'. 'I'lllill A. (iollDON. iounuN Id till' line \:\, lH(i(). ISfili.) |S(l(i, I'llL"' I-"-'.) .vmblv is thus OlMIIK IJUITISH NORTH AMKHICAN I'KOVINCivS. Ill 2. I liiivc tn-ilay issued a i)roclamation calling the Legislature together for despatch ol A'kw business on Thursday tlie 'J 1st instant. J5i;i xswk.r. I have, iScc. (Signed) ARTHUR H. GORDON, The Right Hon. Edward Cavdwcll, M.I'., Lieut.-Governor. &c. &c. cVe. No. 27. Copy of a DIvSRA'l'CMl from T>ieiit.-(iovernor the Hon. Ahtiu'ij Gordon' to the Right lion. lM)\\Aiii) Cakdwki.i,, M.I'. (No. .5;?.) Kreiierieton, .lime 21, ls()6. (INrriviMl , I Illy I I, |S(i(i. ) SiK, ( Alisucicl Nu. (i, ,)iily L'O. |s(ili. |i,iv.'i' iL'l.'.) I iiAVi: the iionoiir to enclose iierewith a copy of tiie Speech with which I this day opened the session of tlie I'rovincial Legislature. I have, &c. l{ight Hon. Edward t'ardwell, M.i'., (Signe. Till: Ailcin-ss (iftlif I.i'^'islMtivc ('uimcil to llcr Miijcsly llic (^Uici'ii. dii llii- ■^uliji'ct nl'tlic I'liinii nl'llp' l!iiti-li NiM-lli Aiiu'ririiii rnixim-i's, .i^rn'ctl to (liiriiij;' tin' lll^t fos^ioii, was duly tiiiiisniillod liy iiio III {•'.iil;1:iii(I lo lu' laid at the tool ot' llic Tlirom', and lam loiiiniaiidi'd In iiit'onii yon llial llcr Majc^lv lias liccn ))lcascd to receive the same very K'''aeioiisly. 'I'lir adoplioii and the reeeplion liy me lor transmission to llcr Majesty oliliis Address, led lo events wliiili rendered it in my opinion e\pediiiil to dissoKc llic then csistini; (ieiicial .\ssiiiilily. Iliave now iiincli satisl'aetion in rcsorlinif lo your assistance and eo-opcralion al the earliest |ios-ilile nuiment : alllioni,di ! reuii't that il sllnnld lie necessary to call you ton-clhi-r al a pci iod of ilic \iar wliicli niiisl, I I'car, render your assciidiliii;,' a matter of miidi personal inioii\eiiiciice to iy. I have, iVc. Kighl lion. Lciw.u.l ("aidweli, M IV, (Signed) .VRTIHR 11. GOliDON. !ic. >.Vc. iVc. 04 No. L'N. 11_> CORRESPONDENCE RESrECTING THE PROPOSED, UNION New ImicIosui-c ill No. 'JS, Tiixil.i ri(i\ of the lloiist' oC A^ -i'lulilv. Kiid. iuNo,^':*, Ji„„, ;;,)_ |,si;(i. IIi-.soi.vij), 'J'iuU. :ni luuubli' Adilrc-s lie prci-i'iittMl to liis lixci'llciiry tlic Mciitciiiinl-CJovenioi-, ])r,iyiiij; lliiit his I'^scoUiMicy will i)i' pliMsi'il to aiipoiiit I )i'Icl;;iIi's, to uiiito with Di'h'^alcs from the otiior I'ldvinccs in iiriaiiffiiiL;' witii the iiii|i('rial GovriiiiiK'iit for the I'liinii of liiitish Noilii Aiiii'i-ii'a u|Miii ^iicii ti'nii,-> a-- will M'l-urc tiio jiisl rijjhts and iiili'rrtit> of New lii'ini^wick, aiiMiniiiauicil with |ii-ovisioii foi- tin' iiMiiicdialc coiistiiiftioii of thr Iiiti'iToloiiiai railway, cadi I'roviiui" to ha\i' an i'(|ual voici" in such dcloualion, Cppcr and Lower I'aiiada to he consitk'rcil as separate I'roviiiees. No. 2!). No. 29. Cdi'Y of ;i DESPATCH I'lotn I.iciit. -Governor tlio Hon. AiiTiiri! Gouhon j tlio Rijilii Hon. lM)\vAiii) C.MiDwi-.r.i,, M.l'. (No. oG.) I'ndiricloii, N. R., Juno '2r,, ISGG. (liccrivcd .Inly 11, jSd'li.) Slli, ( Aii>W(r(d N(.. (>, .Iidy'l-'O, ls(i(i. pn-v Il'i>. ) 1 iiAvi-; llir hoiimir to enclose copies ot'ilie .\ililresses presented to me, in reply to my Speech at the openini;- o[' tlie Legislature, liy tiie Lei;islati\-e Council and llie Hous" of Assembly. I have, is:c. Ri"ht Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P., (Siunt.,!) ARTHUR II. GORDON. \-e. c\e. tSte. i Kiu'l. 1 in Nn. M. Mnclosnre 1 in \o. 2!). (Kxtrael). 'J'o hi-. l'',N(elleniy tlii> lion. Airniiii Il.\\ni.i'o\ (Iimmkx, C.M.Ci,. Lieutenant •( iov^rnor and ('oiniiian(U'r-in-l 'liicf of the I'rovince oi' New lhun>wi(k, ,Ve., iV r., iVc. The Address of Her Maje-ly's I.ei:i>lali\e <"niineil In (ieni i-,d A^semlilv. May it jilease yonr I'lxeelleiiey, \Vr. tliniik your l'",\celleiiey foi' the ^pi'eeli with which you ha\c liccn plcas.d to open ilic pre-ciit session of the l.eiiislalnrc. We are uratilicd to learn that lici' Majc-ly «a> iileasiil to receive \-ery ,!.'rai'ion>l\ the Address of die l.e;.ii?lalive ('(Miiicil on tlie -idiject of ihi' I'nioii of the r>iili>li North Anicritaii |-'rn\iiicc-, aifrced to diirinji' the iaU- session. It i^ ^atislaeloiy ti learn, thai the adoptinii and reception liy your lOMidJcncy ol' thai .\d(lie>s led to events which leiiiiered il lAjicdicnl to di>-ol\e the then exinlinn- (ieneral A >cndily, and iiiosi jiialifyiuf^ lo helicM' tlial the country havi" siisiaineii thiil I'oiielusiou : and although we nnile with yonr I'lNcelli'iicy ill re^irellinu lluil il dionld ha\i' heeii necessary lo call the As- I'lnldv lovdhei' al a i ca--iiu that innv cause personal iucoiivenieuce to .--onie of le, we lejoice lo havi' ihe njipoituniiy ol'aidiii'f hy on, eiiuiiM'! and eo-o]ieratioii in the coiisninnialioii of tiio>e iialioiial olijects whiili have led lo our iiieeVeifj'. We learn with >alislaclioii that ller Majcsl^'s (JoManiiieiil have already e\pii,--ed their Miou;: und drhherale comiclioii llial the riiioii ol llie llrili>li ,\iiieriiaii rroviiices iiinlei oiie j;o\('i nnn lit i« an ohject iiiucli to lie desired, ami that the l.c;jislalures of Canada anil Nova Scotia liaviii^ pa.-sed the same iiid;,''iiieiit, we will shortly hi' ciilleil u|ion to c\|)re>> our concurrence willi or dissent iVoiii the view taken of this great (juestioii liv llio>e I'rov ince^, and we contiilently Inok loruard to a similar decision here. ■>■■ • _ • t We an'ree with yiHir I'Acellelicy in helie\iiin ihal the ipie-liou of the I'liiou of the l!rili>li Ndrlll ,\iiierieali i'roviiKes, wliieli we arc now c.illed upon specially to eoiisider, and the principle of whicli ihe pi'ople of this l'ro\iiici' have so uiiiiiistakcalily siisiaiiied, i- one of the iiio^i iiionimtoiis ever -iiliinitled to a Colonial Leiri-lalure, and we Iriisl tlial ue ^hall approaih its coiisiileratioli with a clear j-ejise of the iinporlaiice (if the issues involved, and the soleniii respolisihililics which hy our de( ividii we may incur ; iiud we hope and hclieve thai the trust espresned hy your lAccllemy "that our dcli- hcralioiis may he eoinlilcled with a sole view to the interests of the counliy al larue iiiiiy he n'ali/rd, ,nid ihat tlie'coiii'lu>ion 111 which we may arrivi- iniiv lie one calculaled to jinnnote the welliire ami h.ippiuc.-^ not of this j'rovim iilv, hut of all ller .NiajCRty's sul)icil> lhrniiL:iioul the uhole cnIchi of ill .Mtijcsly's iloiniuioiis on this Continent. 'J ION OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 113 iiic :;o. isii(i. iiant-CiiivcTiior, i;:it('s iViiiii till' Ndiili Anicrii'M ■iiiiipaiiii'il " illi li;ivi' :ai i'([U;il ■OS. PON ' .) Ilu K' !>:., is(i(i. is(;(i. piip' I'jL'.) 110, ill ii'iily to mil lilt- lluu.s" GORDON. '.XfC'llrlU Enclosure 2 in No. 29. (I'.XtlMCt) V tli(> 11(111. Ainiiiii II.wiii. ION Goiiiuiv, {'.M.(i., I/ii'iitoiwiif-Ciovoniur (.'(iiiiiiiiiiuier-iii-( liicfot' tlie I'r oviiicc o f Now I! iiii'., iVc, i!v:(- BiiiNswu; ic. IjU'l. 2 i:i Nm. J'.i. 'i'lio liiimlilo Addi'oss oftlio Ilduso uf Assoniblv. May it plraso your I'lxcclloiii-y, W'l:, I lor Majo?-ty's taitlil'iil f^ubjccts, tlio Commons of Now Brunswifk, thank ynur EncoUoiic; for your spoocli at *lio o] llio prosoiit sossion. \Vo loam willi iiioasuri' that I lor Maji^sty tlio Quoon frraoiously roooivrd t\w Aiiilr till l.ojjishilivr Cimiuil on thr siilijoot ol' tho riiiuii of tlio liiitish North .\niorioaii I'r(jviiioos, traiisiniltod to l'".nfrlaiid hy your Exoolloiicy. Wo ajrroo with your I'Aoolloury llial tho ailoplloii and rocoptiou hy yniir I'Acclloiioy for ll•an^lllis^iioll to llor Majostv nf this Addro^s oii iho siihjoot oftlio I'liioli. led to cvoilts whiih roi to dis^nlxo llio hito (loiioral .\.-:-onihIv. and wo holiovo that tho ooiistitiioiioiiri ol' llio I'r rod It oxpodiont iiMMco liavo justiru'il tlio (■our.-<' adopted hy ymir I'.Nooiloncy Althoii';h an iiiooiivonioiit .-oa^oii of th(" voar lor the liisc'liarifo 111 4i'!iislativo (liitios wo will, nov( rthoUvs rfulh V co-oiiorati' wiili voiir i-Acollonoy in til, • •• ■ • tho transaction oi' Mich lu'-inoss and tho pcifcctinji; of Piich nioasuro.>i as tho ]iuhlic iiitorost doinands, Wo know that llor Majo.-ly's (iovcriiiiKnl havo cxprossod a slrnu^- and dolihorato o|)hiion that tho I'liion nf liio I'lrltisli Noilli Aiiioricaii l'ro\iucos is an ohjcct much to I lati •(' d:i d of oil our cordial co-oporalinii lo accompli.-h that olijort. o dosirod, jiiid that the l-oLfi; \a Scotia concur in this viow, and your l^xcoUoncy may roly with oouliilonoe W .* asroo with voin- I'llonc (h * CV 111 1110 opiiu inii that tho (piostion of tho I'ninn of tho British North Anioricaii I'roviiicos, ujion which, hy the olcctioiis just lorminatoil, iho people of Now Mruiiswick liavo rccoiitly oxprcssoil so siroiifi an opiiiinu, and which your I'Acolloiicy has called u- tnjicthor to coiij-idcr, is iho liiost moniontous ovor siihmitiod lo a Cnlouial Lcjiislaturo. Wo shall apiiroacli tho cniisidoiation of tho (piostion with a duo soii-o of tho iinportanco of tho issues imdlvod, and llio soloiiin rospotisiliility devdh 111;- npon lis as represontativo-- of a I'reo poo] Oil ir dolihoratioiis shall lie coiidiictoil with iiifrlo viow to iho liromolion of the ir interosis, and wo forvi'iitly pray that our dotorminali'iii may ho •alculatod to p lie tho o woli'aro anil lia]i] iiiess ( f all llor Maiestv' lominioiis oftlio (>iioeii on this Cinitiueiit. suii.iects ill the wi(lcsprca( No. ;<(). X(i. :!ii. nivriioi' ami open (he pr<>-eiit the Address of riiviiiee-. airrciMl Addn'.-s led to lUdst f^ialifyiliK' lur l''.':collcncy ( .i~ion y lliMl our dell- may lie leali/ed, 1 he weilare and wllolo OSllMll of Coi'v of a l)l''Sl*AT('il from Lieut. -(invcinor the Hon. Aunirit CioitnoN to llu! Kin III Hon. liDWAKi) C.\ui)\vj;li., M.W (No. r>I).) ('iim|i of Instruction, Ton-ybinn, near St. Jolni, Now IJriiiiswiok, .iiiiy 2, ImOG. (UivcIm'.I .Iiiiy II, isiiii.) Sir. i Aii-wcrc.l Nil. 7, duly L'l." I'^fiii, iki-c Il"J.) I iiAVf. the lioiioiir to iiit'orm you lliat the Resolution, ot wliioli a eopy was enclosed in luv Dosp.ileli No. .').')'■ of llic •J;. M. ('oi'\ ol a l)KSi'.\T('Il 11(1111 I,ieiil.-( Jovornor the lion. .\iti'iii ii (ioiiDoN to the Rigid Hon. I'.Dw Mil) Cmidwii I , .M.l'. (No, Ol.) ricileiic. 1, N.n„ .Itily !). I ><()(!. ( Ii. lelVi .1 .llll\ LN, I Slid. I Sin, I All-VMICil Nn, 10. Alll.'ll-I 1. iMIii;, |,;i,.-,. IL';!,) I iiwi: the lionoiir to eiielosi' lor your iiil'drmalion the eopy ut' the Spoecli with wliieli I this ilay closed the session id'llie I'nu Legislature. I liiive, iScc. lliglit lion. I'.dwunl Caidwell, .M.l'., (Signed) ARTHUR (iORDON. \e. \c, \c. umi. Ill COKUESPONDENCE RESPECTINCi THE PROPOSED UNION Xi-w Sl'KKCH. I'lxtract. Mil. I'lll-ini \T AM) IldVorilAIII.l', CiKNII.KMKV <)1' Tlir. LkCISLATIVK. C'(III\( II., M li. Sl'IIAII ,. AND (i| XTI.r.MK.V or 'I'lll' Hdisk of As^^KMIII.Y. I liiivc li'arnt with iniuli satisfai'tion tliat the opinion so stroiifjly oxpri': si'd 1)>- Ifcr Majo.( «idi ih ■ Inipeiial (ioverumeul for the riiioii of llriii«h North .America upon such term- as will secure the just rijihts and interests nf New Ih uiisv\ ick, aceoiiipaiiied Hilh proxisi'in for the immediate coii'-triictiou of tln' Intercolonial liailway, each I'roviucc to ha\e an eipial vdice in such I )elejriitioii, I'piier alid Lower ('aiwida to he coiiHidered a-* separate I'rovinces." .\ud whereas the authority (ii\eil to the l)i'lcirates hy ^.dd le-cdiition aiilhoii/es them to accept the (jiiiehec Scheme iso called) or e\ ell one more prejudicial to the iiilcre-ls of the people o| (his I'liniiice: and wlierea-, in tiew of the liaiisceiident iiiiportiince of the siihjecl, it is d(>siral)li' that the ii|iinioM of ION OF THE BRITISH NOJITH AMERICAN PROVINCES. licr Majesty's 1 I'vdvinrt's has rtly to appoint ca will avraiin;!' address ol' the iliicrd into tlio n(iN to tlu V 16, 1806. "iSfili.) «;(iil, |iiiL'r \2\'}.} iiL' 9tii instant fi'w of wliicli t'liiili was sent , tiic Govern- • {k'batcii. h, No. r,')* of 1 the Inipi'iial lies was inlro- Um- of till- lato lull no Act or til it shall 1)0 tciulnii'iU, only Mi'iii I'nslosi'd. )V is ont'losi'd. joing reconiod cannot bo saiil ts tinal .scttle- tiio ilcbatos in (SOUDON. \ 1/. : iiniMiinr, pravillK .III till' ottliM' I'l'o- iiii'iii'ii upon sui'li pro\i(»i'in tor llu" |iial vnici' in such hi'iii to jiiT|il the .1 iliis i'lininri' : lial llic ii|iiniou of this Mouse in ret'eivncu to such bclicinc should lie oxprossed tor the infonnation and si'uidanfo of such Dflciiiites in tho pn paratiou of any nuvisure for the union of British Xorth America: therefore — Kesolved, as tiu' dclilierate opinion of tliis House that no measure for such union sliould he adopted wiiich does not i-ontaiu the followini;- provisions: — 1st. An equal uundier of Icffislative ceuncillors for e:i( h I'roviiicc. i(nd. Such le<^iblative councillors to he recpiired to reside in the Province which they represent, and for which they are ajipointed. :ird. 'llu nunilier of representatives in the Federal Parlianiant to be limited. Ith. The estalilislnnent of a court for the determination of ((uestions and disputes that may arise hetween the Federal and Local (iovernnients as to the nu'aniug of the Act of Union. .jth. F.xeiiiption of this Province from laxation for the construi'ti^n and enlargement of canals in I'pper Canada, and for the payment of ;uiy money for the mines and minerals and laniis of Xew- founilland. i;th. I'^iiility cents per head to he on the population as it increases, and not to he euutiued to tlic census ot Isiil. 7th. Securing to each of the .Maritime Provinces the right to have at least one executive councillor in the I'edcral (iovernmcut. .sth. The connnencing of the Intercolonial Railway before the right shall exist to increase taxation upon the people of this I'rovinee. \l".W IJlUXSWlCK, Ami.sdmknt to Mil. Smith's Hisomtiov of July 'i, moved by Hon. the Attorney-tleneral, July 3rd. 'i'o exjiunge the whole of the above resolution and preambles, and substitute as ibllows : — l{esolvewer<'d, Xo. 11, August 1, ls(i(i, puo;,. |l':).) 1 iiAVt: the honour to inform yon tiiat in compliance with a KosoUitioii (if tho I louse of .Assembly (a fopy of which was transmitted to yon in my l)os|)atcii, No. .*)."),* of * I'lu- ■ in, tln' '2'.t\i\ ultimo), ! lia\o :ii)poiiito(l tho fiillowiiio oeiillemen ('v-loj^atos from this pio- \iiue lo lonliT with Hit Maji'sly's liourniiu'iit on tho stihjoct of tiio union of the iiiilish Nirlh .\iiu rioan Colonios : — Hon. Peter MitchoU, President of the l'.Neciitivo Council; Hon. Saniiiol Leonard Tilloy, I'rovincial S.crotarv; Hon. Charles I'ishor, .Vtlonu'v (ieiioial ; Hon. Ivohert Duncan Wilmot, M.IMV, Meinher of llio Executive Cniincir; Hon. Kilwaid H. Cliaiidler, M.L.C.; and John M. .lolnison, Esip, .M.l'.l'. I have, \'C. (Signed) ARTHUR (JOUDON. 'l"o the Kiohi Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies, iVc. cVc. &c. P9 .^v^f Ko. 1. * r^iac 8S, Ko. Page J.-. No. J. ' I'.,-, bj:. IK) COKKESPOXDENCE RESPECTING THE PKOPOSED UNION Despatches from the Secretary of State. No. I. Copy of ;i DE.SPATCU froin tlic Kiulu Hon. EuwAitn Cahdwki.i., M.P., to Eiout.-(i()vonu)r the lion. AuTiicii (joudon. (\\.. 5;?.) SiK, Downinn' .Street, I'ebriiarv 'J/, \^()'>. I ii\\K the honour to aekuowlediie yo;ir Desjialeh, N'o. Pi,*' ol' 'Mh\\ ot' .laiiuary, aeeonipaiiiocl by a eopy ot the I'epoit of the Confereiu-e ajipoiiited \o eoiusiiler the (pie>lii)n of the I'niou of tlie tliree ?»Iaritime Prov'mees ot' British ^.orth America. I Ii:!ve, iVe. Lieut-fiovernor t!ie Hon. A. Clordon, (Signeil) EDWARD CAKDWELL. &e. &:c. cVc. No. 2. Corv of a DESPA'PCII from ihe Ri.irht lion. ('ARmvEU., M.P., to Lieut. -Governor the Hon. Auriuit (ioudon. (Xo, 5!.) Sii!, Downing .Street, I\l)rnary 27, ISti"). I ii.iVi: the Iionour to acknowledge the receipt of yonr Despatch, No. !),* of tlie t'^dth of January, rcjiorting that yon had accepted Mr. (i. L. Hal hi'way's resignation of his seat in the Executive Coinicil, and of iiis ollice of Chief Commissioner of tiie Board of Worlds. I have, i^c. Lieut-Governor the Hon. A. Gordon, (Signed) EDWARD CARDWELL. (Src. ike. ".Vc. No. :\. Coi'V of a DESPA'PCH iiorn the Right Hon. EnwAiin Caudwdm., M.P., to Lient.-Governor tiie Hon .Auriu'ii (JoiU)o\. (Xo. (J'».) Siii. Downing Siieef, .March f^, P';(i"). I iiAvr, the honour to acknowledge the receipt of yonr Desp.itch, No. 'J'A* of the 'Jrtli of l'"el)rnary, in wiiicii you recjuest instructions wlielher provision will he made for tlic eoun;ietiou of the Intercolonial Kailway in the Act of Union, or he embodied by '.he Impciial I'arlianient in a se|)arate .\ct. In ri'piy I have to accjuaint you that Her Majesty '.s (lovernnunt have i'xprc,ss"d their I'oi'dial approN'al of the proceedings of the Conference at (>|uebec, and lia\e ingageil if, as they hope, the Provincial Legislatures sanction the scheme of the Coiderencc they on their part will submit lo the imperial Parliament the measures which may be neces-ary Ibr carrying that sehenu' into ellect. Of the Uesohitions ailo})led by the ('onfeience llie (Isth provides that ihi' General Goverinnent siiall .secure, without tleiay, iho completion of the Intercolonial Uailway. Her Majcsts's Goveiiunent have understooti that Uesolution, with reference to tlic correspondence whicii had previously passed with the (Jovernments of the several i'rovinces. While, therefore, they have entered into no new slipul.uion on the snl)jeel, they have by no means excepted the Gsih resouition, from the general approval whieli they have expressed of the entire scheme, or from the cngagenienl respecting it to whicii I !ia\i' above referred. What sle|)s it maybe piopcr hcrealier for Her .Majesty's (iovi'tnmi'nt to lake in pursuance of this engng Mit cannot l)e stated positively until il shall be known what course has been taken by (he Provincial EegislaturLS. and until Her M.ijesty's Govern- ment sliall liiive receiveil the connunnicalions whicii they hope to receive from persons depnli'd by the ( ioveinor-General to give to Her Majesty's (jovernnient ilie benedt ot their counsel upon the vmious measures necessary lor carrying the Resolutions of the Conlerence into I'llect. I have, iVc. Lieul..(Jovernor the Hon. .\. (iordon, (Signed) EDWARD CARDWELL. i\c. iVc. ive. Srii, Silt, Sill, ION M.P to ••„>7, I'^G.-). li ol' .lamiary, (.'onsider the llLM'ica. ID WELL. ^L^., to •v2r, 1^05. Xi). <),* ot'tlie resignation of r 'jf'tiK' lioard R DWELL. M.V., to 1 is, lft(i.-,. o. 2:s* of tlic I 1)1' nKule for iiiiboilicil by •xpri'SS'.'il tlioii lavi' I'lmngcil H' ("oillt'llMlCC wliicli may bu I till' (Iciioral Kaihv.iy. iMi'iice to the )f till' sovoral 111 till' subject, I'jiroval wliicli lli;4' il to wbicll uf to tako ill known wliat ly's (lovi'i'ii- : from inTsoiis t till' boni'Ht ot oliitions of the U{ DWELL. OF THE BRITLSH NORTH AlNHnUCAN PROVINCES. No. f. 117 ]?I!L.NS\\'IC1C. No. 4. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Riglit Hon. Euwaud C.\iH)\vi:r,L, M.P., to Lieut. -Governor llic Hon. Aitriiuii (ioituox. (Xo. fi.5.) Siu, Downing Street, April 1, isG"). I iiAvr, the iionour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatclies, Nos. -J!* of * i>-'^' -'■' ™>i the (ilh, and 25* of tiic l.'Uh of March, reporting' the result of the elections in New l)nnis\viek. I have, &'c. Lient.- Governor the Hon. A. C;or;!on. (Signed) EDWARD CARDWELL. &c &c. iV-c. No. No. 5. ExTHACT from a DESPATCH from the Right Hon. Edwaro Caiujwkli,, M.P., to Lieut. -Covernor the Hon. Autulr Gokdon. (No. (it;.) Sill, Downing Street, April 12, IsG.'j. I iiAVF, received liy this mail your two Despatclies iminbered ;iO* aiui ."U. • r^g 'Che first informs mo that the elections for the Legislative .Assembly have terminated, and that U members have been elected (avouiablo to the scheme of Confederation, 28 unfavourable, and 4 doubtful ; and that the members of your Executive Council have resitined their oliices. It thus appears that the scheme adopted by the Confei eiice at Quebec, and ajjproved by Her Majesty's Government, on the ground, among otiiers, tiiat it was eminently calculated to render easier and more ctfectual the provisions for the defence of the several Provinces, is likely to be rejected by New Brunswick. '.^ ''i- -M ■^- -K- It will be the dutyof iler Majesty's (ioveriimeiit to review in all its bearings the (piestion of Confederation, after the several Pioviuces shall have had the opportunity of expressing their sentiments n|!on it, through their respecti\e Legislatures. In the mean- time it will only be light for New Brunswick to bear in mind, that il' the views which you have now expressed are to be regarded as soiuul. New Brunswick, as a separate Province, appears to be able to make no adequate iirovision for its own defence, and to rest in a very great degree upon the defence which may be provideil lor it by this cdimtry. It will, coiiseipieiitly, be likely io apjiear to your Advisers reasDiiable and \vi>e that, ill examining iiie ipiotion of tiic proposeii I'liion they should atlacli great weight lo the views and wishes of tnis country, and lo the reasons on which those views and wishes have licen bascil. 1 hive, ivc. Lieut. -{iovernor tlie Ibni. A. Gordon, (Signed) EDWAKD CARDWELL. \C. cVc. tXC. No. 0. Nil. 1 1 Coi'V ol a DESP.V'IX'Il from the Kight Hon. I'.DWAiin Caim)wki,i , M.i',, to LiiMil, -(iovernor the Hon .AiiTiiuu (iounox. (No. (i7.) Sill, Downing Street, ,\pril L), 1S(;."). I HAVi; the Iionour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch, No. 2}),* of • I'ngo dI, the 27th of March last, enclosing 11 copy of the Report submitted to you by the Delegates appointed to attend the Conference held at (Quebec iii October last. I have, «!vc. Lieut.-Gov.-riior the Hon. A. (Jordoii. (Signed) EDWARD CARDWELL. Sec, &c. &c. P :i Nkw MurNswicK. No. 7. rage il:i, US CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION No. 7. Coi'Y of a DESPATCH t'lom the Right Hon. Edwaiu) Caudwki.i., .M.P., to Lieut. -Govcruor Liie Hon. Ainiiuii Gouuon. (No. 76.) Sir, Downing Street, May 27, 1865. I HAVK the honour to acknowledge the recei])t of your Despatch, No. .'59,* of the •27lh April, enclosing a copy of the speech with which you opened the present session of the Provincial Legislature. 1 have, «S:c. l.ieut.-Governor the Hon. A.Gordon, (Signed) EDWARD CARDWELL. &c. &c. &c. No. s. Page 92. No. 8. Copy oI a DlvSPATCH from the Right Hon. Edwaud Caudwkll, M.P., to Lieut. -Governor the Hon. Akthuu Gordon. (No. 7H.) Sir, Downing Street, May 27, 18(i,'5. 1 HAVE tlie honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch, No. 41,* of the Stii of May, enclosing copies of the respective Addresses presenteil to you by the Legislative Council and House of Assend)ly, on the occasion of the opening of the NCssion. I a|)prove of the nature of the reply which you inform me that you leturned to the Address v)f the House ot Assembly. I ha\e, &c. Lieut.-Governor the Hon. A. Gordon, (Signed) EDWARD CARDWELL. &c. &c. Sec. i ibi; No. y. No. 9- Copy of a DESPATCH from the Right Hon. Edward Cakuwell, M.P., to Lieut.-Governor the Hon. Arthur Gordon. (No. 81.) Sir, Downing Street, June 24, 1865. Vide Papers I HAVE tlic lioiuHU to transmit to you the copy of a corresi)ondence hetween iiiiMuttiirFeb. Viscount Monck and myself, on the aiiiurs of British North America, which have lately 'ormcd the suhject of coufciences hetween Her Majesty's (ioverumcnl and a (le|)utation from the Canadian (lovernment. I'his corresi)ondence having been presented to both Houses of the Imperial I'arliainent i)v command of Her .Majesty, I have to direct you to comnumicate it also tu the Legis- lature of New Brunswick at its next meeting. You will at the same time exjjress the htri)iig ami (iililicratc opinion of Her Majoty's (iovernment that it is an object much to he doired that all the 15rilish North American Colonies should agree to iniite in one Goveriunenl. In the territorial extent of Canada, and in the mariiime and coimnercial eiiteiprise of the lower Provinces, Her Maje.^tv's (iovernmeni see the elements of power which onl_\ retpiire to he cond)ined in order to secure for the Province which sliall pos>ess them all a place aniong the most cousielerable connnunities ol the world. In the spirit of loyalty to the nriti>li crown, of attachment to Pritish connexion, and of love lor Pritish institutions, by which all the Provinces are animated alike, Her Majesty's Government recogni/e the bond i)y which all mav be eoiid)ined under one Government. Such an Union seems to Her Majesty's (iovernment to leconnnend itself to the Provinces, on many grounds of moral and material atlvantage, as giving a well-fomnled prospect of improved administration and increaseii prosperity. Iiiit there is one consideration which Her Majesty's (io\erinnent, feel it more especially their duty to press upon the Legislature of N'l'W Hrunswick. Looking to the (leternii- nation which this country has ever exhibited to regard the defence of the Colonies as a matter of Inijierial concern, the Colonies must recognize a right and even acknowledge m obligation incumbent on the Home (rovi'rnment to urge with earnestness and just autlidiiiy the ineaMires which they consider to be most ex|)e(lient on the part of the Colonies, with a view to their own ileleuce. Nor can it be doubtiiil that the Provinces of liriti^h North America art' incapable, when separate and divided fiom each other, of UKiking those just and sullicient preparations for national defence, which would be easily nndei taken by a Province uniting in itself all the population and all the resources of the whole. OF THE BRITISH .NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 119 RDWKLL. I am awaic that tliis project, so nove! as well as so important, lias not 'occn at once accepted in New Brnnswiek witli that cordiality wiiich lias marked its acceptance by tiie Leitis- lature of (Janada ; but Her Majesty's Government trust that after a full ami careful examination of the subject in all its bearings the Maritime I'mvinces will perceive the great advantages which in the opinion of Her Majesty's Government, the jjroposed '-uioii is calculated to confer upon them all. I have, &c. Lient.-Governor the Hon. A. Gordon, (Signed) EDWARD (^ARDWELL. &c. &c. &c. Biaxswii-K. eturned to the dl DWELL. No. 10. Copy of u DESPATCH from the Right Hon. Euwaiu) Cardweli., M.V., lo Lieut.-Governor the Hon. Autulu Goudon. (No. 82.) Sin, Downing Street, June 24, 186.5. I iiAVK the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. IS,* of the .Tth instant, enclosing a coj)} -fa Resolution moved in the House of Assembly [)roposing the appointment of a Delegation to proceed to this country to luake known to Her jMajesty's Government the views entertained by the (jovernment and people of New- Brunswick on the subject of the proposed Union of the British North American Provinces. 1 have, Sic. Lieut.-Governor the Hon. A. Gordon, (Signed) EDWARD CAKDWELL. &c. &c. &c. h'd. 10. V..'.- W. No. 11. Coi'Y of a DESPATCH from the i{ight Hon. KowAitn CAnnwi: 1 1„ M.l'., to Lieut. -('overnor the Hon. Ainiirii (Jonuov. (No. 83.) SiH. Downing Street, .Tune 21, i86,"). I iiAVi'; the honour to acknowledge the rccei|)t of yoi ' Despatidi No. 17*. ter8 of Canada on the subject of Confederation ; and it was therefore impossible lor aiiv one to misunderstand the referenci-, or to suppose that it ajiplied to aiu)tlieiand a (liU'eieiit .scheme. 1*4 No. IL'. * filRO 9'.l. 120 CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION Xi-.w Notwitlisiaiuliiig, tlicrororo, your Dos]wtrli ami its enclo.suro, I still confitlenlly aiitici- ]]i;i -.wic K, pjite tiiat tlic MM'ious coMsiiitMatiun of tlio Province of Now rniiiis\vick will In- given to ■ the earnest anil friemlly suL^ijestions wliicli on tlie \nui. of Il-r Majesty's (iovernnient it has been my liiity to convey to tliom throngh you. I have, ive. Lieut.-Govcrnor tile Hon. A. Gorduii, (Simi(..d) EDWAllD CARDWELL. itc. iVc. iSic. No. 13. > 1 Til;;!' 100. r^igo 102 No. 13. Corv of a DESPATCH! from tiie Riuht Hon. Kdwaiid C.\1!I)wi;i.i,, .M.P., to I/kmU. 'jo\eriu)r tlie Hon. Akiihk (ioituoN. (No. il.-).) Slit, Downiiiir Street, Deccinlier 7. l!^()"). I Hwi: the honour to acknowii'ilge the receipt of your Despatch No.* SH, of tlie Gtli Novemlier, repoitiii^' the jiroljahle election of ]\{r. Fisher for the county of Yoik. I have also received your further Despatch No. s 1|, of the 20tli November, staling that Mr. Fisher liad been returned. I have. «!s:c. Lieut.-Cioveinorthe lion. A. Cordon, (Signed) EDWARD CARDWELL. Sec. &e. &e. No. 11. No. 11. Coi'v of a DESPA'I'CH from tiic Right Hon. EnwAun Caiuiwki.i,, :\I.P., to Lieut. "(loveriior the Hon. Aiirui'ii Goudon. (No 11.) Sii!, Downing Street, Marcii 31, 186(5. ii.,„eui.t. I iiAvr. the honour to acknowledge tiie receipt of your Despatch, No. 12,* of the 1 1th of March. I have perused with much satisfaction the paragraph of the Address which you enclose, expressing the strong opinion of the Legislative C'ouneil in favour of the UnlGii of the Riitish North American Provinces. I liave, &c. Lieut.-Ciovernor tiic Hon. A. Gordon, (Signed) EDWARD CARDWELL. tVc. &c. &c. No. 15. • ra;e lii:i. No. 1.^ Coi'V of a DESPATCH from the Right Hon. Enw.\ui) CAunwr.i.i,, MA'., to Lieut.-Govenior the Hon. AitTiiuii Gokdon. (No. 16.) Siii, Downing Street, April II, 1S66. I HA\i'; the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. Ina* of the 261 h lilt., transmitting a cojiy of the Address of the Legislative Council of New ]3iiinswick, in reply to your s])eec!i at the opening of the session, J learn with satisfaction tile lavourable view tak(Mi by the Legislative Council of the jirojiosed Union of tlie Hritisli North American Provinces. I have, tVe. Lieut. -(iovernor the Hon. A. Gordon, (Signed) i:i)W,VUl) CARDWELL. &c. Sec. iVc. No, K). No. 16. Corv of a DESP,\TCH from the Right Hon. EnwAiin Cahdwki.i,, M.V., Lieut. -(lOvernor the Hon. AiiTiiuu Goan )\. (No. 19.) Sin, Downing Street, .April 28, l!-i(i(i. I'a-etii(, IiiAvi: the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 17,* of the lid of April, enclo.'dng i.he Adilre.-s oi'the lA'i'islative ( oiincil, in answer to your speech 011 the JNTON iiddeiilU' antici- iil 1)0 given to (iovcniiiiont it VKDWKLL. ,L, M.W, to iluT 7, 1S65. h No.-* s;{, of the eoimly of Kv, stating- that VUDWKLL. ,, M.r., to :n, 1866. so. 1-2,* of tlie cli you, e Union of the lUDWELL. M.r., t( rii II, 1866. h No. 1,5^,* of luncil of Now ;'ounoil of tiie UDWKLL. ., M.l>., ril 28, ls6(i. 17,* ofthe.'Jd r .speech on the OF THE BKITISH NORTH AMi^UIC.VN PROVINCES. li>l o.sse(i ni VK'w u:,u.n in- .l.e Legislative CouncI uf the proposed Union oi' Ih; lidtl^h^Xoah -nnig ot' the so^.sion, togetliur will ny Do^patcii No. 16, oftho I Iti 1 your ri'pjy lo it; ,incl I Anieiican Provinces li inst., tlie salisliiction w ia\e alroaily o.xpr ilh which I Icaint'l i->i:i: I liavo, i<:c. Lieut.-Govei-nor liu' Hon. A. Cordon, (.SigneJ) ' ' EinVAiil) C'ARDWELL i>fe. \'c. &c. Xo. I". fupv „r. ])ESP\T(MI fmn, ii„. Hi.|„ (i,,,. Kowmm. CMnnvm M 1> ,„ ,.. ,,^ ^ '■'^'"•-Oovci-nor the lion. Aitrin-i; (initoov. (No. 20.) r f 'rv ""^ ""''"'"■ "\Tr-"^^'-'^^ '"^ -oipt';n;;;f ni:;^^.;^^;:.^^ i«S^;,,, 9th of Apr.l, cndosmg .,, Addrcs to the Queon, fn,n, ,ho l.cgi.l .i,,. Conncil'ot New humswicK, p,:nn>g that Her Ma|csly wdl i,e pIc.M:,! to cause a measure lo hc^s.Lim^ o ine InM.ona! Legislature (or the purpose of uniting the BrUish Xor Colonies under one goveruiuent, and of vonr renlv. ^vmcncui No. n Tar,- KM. I have to re(|uest that you will -icpiaint the Conncil (hat I hee !ni,l tl,,.;,- \ 1 1,. .Hore the (^neon, and u at Her Majesty was pleased to r^.-ve h v^r/gl™,;''''"^ Lioul.-(iovenu,r the Hon. A. (u-r.h.n, (Signed)''"'' EDWARD CARDWFI F ss &c. &c. No. I; SU!. Copvnl a l)i:.SP.\TCH from ihe iJight lion. Kowmu, Cawou r, , , M P to Lieut. •(.... \ernor the Hon. .\ uriiLii (ioimoN. ' (No. ;!S.) Downing Street, June 22, 18(;6. iVd. IS. I ,11 , , , . 'V'.. iiuii; .^iniL .Mine liif, l,s()() H.n ,. he honour to acknowledge the leeeipl of your Dopatch No. -1-1,* of the , ,. ^1 .1 .l,:ne, encloHug ,w-o letters recentiv written l,v the Roman Calholic 1 isl „ ,f '■"' Uia hani, n, wlHch he his opinion in ihvour-of the proposed Vo2d Z the l.i'Uish North Amenean Piovinces. k-uli.uiom oi 1 liave, iVc, Lieut -(iovornor the Hon. .V. Cordon, (Signd) ' KDWARI) C \l!l)\Vri I ive. \-c. \.(._ ' ' '• X.i. I!). No. 19, C.x.v of:, nKSl'ATCFIlrom the Ui,,hl Hon. Eowaiu. CAinnv,:,..., M P ,0 I'loul.-Covcinor the Hon. .ViiTHi-it (ioiM)oN. (No. ;M).) ' , , , Ouwning Street, June '^'^ isfif; ,,, , ' "^": ""', '"""",'• "" acknouledge the receipt of u,ur l)es„:,feh No .!<, * .,f ;: h June, staling llu^esu t. so lar as i, h.s yet heon deternnne.l, of th l ..ene.-a c cctio * '''"'"" now taking place ni New Brunswick. ' '^ .^oni mi election Si I I have, (Src. .ieuL-(;ovcrnor the Hon. A. Cordon, (Signed) 'eDWARD CARDWE ii'W IJruiiswick, ami intniniing' me tliat you have called tiie Lei.'islature together for desjiatcli of busiiu's--- on Tliursciay, tlie jilst of .June last. I have, i^c. Lieut. -Governor the Hon. .Arthur (ionlon, (Signeil) CARNAR\'0N. 6cv. &c. &c. Siu, Nh. No. -22. Coi'Y of a DESPATCH from the Earl of Cai'nauvon to Lient.-Govcrnor the Hon. Aitriiuu G-.iitDON. (No. G.) SiH, Downiiio- Street, .Inly 20. 18G6. I iiAvr, the honour to acknowledge tlie receipt of your Despatches dated the 21st ii., and 25th .lune, Nos. 5.'5 and 'S* iMiclo>ing copies of the Spc(;: -nJi -i-^"^ — -- -;..:^;;rr u! •;;;; ^z "^stx 1 1 ... Lieut.-Governor the Hon. Arthur Gordon, &c. &:c. &c. 1 have, &c. (Sigued) CARNARVON. Co.v Ola DESPATCH Iron, the Earl ol' Cvu^.uvo. to Lieut.-Governor the """''- ,-^j , , , Hon. Aimiuii Gokdon. (No. 12.) Silt, n • V i Lieut.-CJovernor the Hon. Arthur Gordon, ^f'- &c. &c. I liave, \-c. (Sio-iied) CARNARVON. Q2 vLvSiS?- -.■ 121 COKRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION l.-i.\M . PUIXCE ElfWAkO ISLAND. Sii{, Dt'spatflics IVoin the LicMiteiiant-^iOvciiior, S! ■ N... ^i.'l.II,,-. :: I ■'■■.I. |.riiii,.| in r;i|uTs |M-. -. lllr I ri'i J'.bi-i!,ir% l^i;- iM,.-ii: No. 1. Corv ol ;i l)l'.>P.\'l'( 'i! Iroin Liriit.-CJovcrnor I'ivdas Id tlie l\i;;lil Iloii. EnWAltl) t'.MlDWKI.I , .M.P. (•^'"' ''^•'•' (iovriuir.cnl IIoiisc, Drcciiihci- ;i(», t-^f)!. Sll!, ii;,v,iMil ,lMiiii;irv 17. I^(i.").| I II ■.VK iIk' liuiKUli' ti' ;i''l tin- iTt'c i|)l III' your 1 )i,'>|),iti'li No. '2') oC .-'lii Dd'cMubtT Isdl, <';ic'l.')-'in,i:; i'o|)v of :i DL'spati'li* aildii'ssiHl to iho (iovcnior (u'linai ol' ('aii;u!:i, iijion liii.' lusol'itioiis ol' tin> ('oi'i'nviicc wliiili ri'd-iillv a--iMiil)li'il at ti'])s flir siihmiltinn' to tl.o Pioviiicial liCti,islatiiii' llio iirojccL ol'tlie Cont'iTCiuw I t'lH'IoM' a slioit article from the " Klaiulcr " of this liay's date, a l-cal nr\v>]iaiHM- which ha> ii|) to tlii.s time ^tl■ollgly aiivocntiul the proposeil Union: lin- artule dciMics tile fci'liiiL; of the Colony to l)e decidedly oppo.^ed to the ])n>ieet of tlu' (^^neliee Coiiferenci'. 1 may aiiii. thai from personal ohservalion, 1 am convinced that snch is the pieseiit stale of [)iiblic opinion on this siihjeet. I have, iVe. 'I'iie Highl Hon. I'.dward Cavdwell, M.P. (Signed) liEOROE 1)U\!).\S, iVc. iVc. \-e. Lient.-(iovcm()r. I'n 1. Ill Nn. 1. I'au-losurc in >'i . 1. I'Aiii \i r i'l'diii •" I -I, \ Mil' II ■' N I "^i' \n II, :'.(iih l)('ciMiilii'r 1 >il I. 'flit' year l^il-l will li\t' in lii-lory .'i^ tlii' cporh nf ( 'niirivlcr.itidii llir yi'ar in wliii li. in nnr liliic touii, assi'iiilili (I the liMiiiiiy minds ili>- i'Us«i(iii 111 till' tfi'i'Mt i|iu'-tinii III' a Ciinri'ilt'iTiii'ii iil'llic several I'nivinrcs. vvliidi rc-nllnl in iIh' (^Mu'Iici' Ciml'crciii'i', anil tln' ailiijilimi nl llic l!t'siiiiilii'ii> wliii-ii iiii' tn t'lniii tin- iuisis of ii ( 'niili ili'ialimi ilr tinnl al III! Vi'iy ili: lant day In cniivlitnte niic oi' tin- firi\'ilr~t iialion> of tlic earth. Till' eNjieiiM' III' I he ( 'iinrei-eiiii' wih lie iMinpliiiiii'd id' liy snnie in die l.nuer l'rii\iiiee», e>pri'i;ilU m this l-laiid, where die eieal niaimily >:' liie piMjile .ijipear hi lie ulinlly a\el>e In ( 'oi.reileraliiiii. I .i i iiiir peiiple' ill aiinil, that if liu nlher lienelils >liiiiild re-iill linm the ( 'iiiit'eiriiie iIium' wliicll will llow trim the ililereli,iliy;e ol' seiili iits hetweeii llle leadiii).'' >l,ile>iiieii nl' ||ie M.\einl I'l'iivilii'i"^. and till' wide disseininatinii nl inl'iiiiiialinii relating In the ( 'ninnies, I'linM'iinenl iiiinn the piihliiatiiiii ill all |p.irt» ol' laiinpe nl the speeelies delivered hy the (leli'L'ale-. llie\. in imiiiiiii'ii wiih tin' peojile nl'tlie several ( iiliiiiie>, uill he aii.jiiy repaid. I'nr years past liie stali'siiien iil'dii' several I'rnvinees luive heeii iinpiesM'd vvilli llir ile.-.iraiiililv ul :i iii'iierat iihi'liiii; Inr the piirpn-e nl ili^eii'-iiiii mailer- relating I i the I'rnviiiees 'jenerally. Nn nei'a-inn iillier lliail the ( 'nnleielii" nl I ,-li I midd |i:i\e liini|i.dll tnueljiei' llie liirii \v hn met in ( 'liMiiiillelnvv li and lit (,l|iel)i'e. '11. 'V vvrr.' Illill el very dilli rent pnlitio llieiiilli'r> nl ( in\eniini'llt-i and mrliilii'r> nl Oppiisiiimi-^, lint a lew iilwlunn had I'nr years heeii nintaallv nppnseil the niie in tiie nllier, nl'ieii in I'litite.^lH saviillriiii.' toil iiiueli III perMiii.d leelinu ; they im t. miiiI lli^phl^ iii^ a eemmnii spii it nf ('ninilia tinll, enlllpniinix', lllld >nlieesf nl the ('niileienee. The nnseeinlv liill'erein cs, wliieii are tnn (ilieii witnessed in the (ninnies, wen- iinKmivvii i'l the Cniili-remes, the pidciM'dinLrs nl wliieli evidi'tiee iihiiity and eiili^'hleiied stale^miiiisliiii, siirli as our traiisatlaiilii Iriends did nnt evnei t In Ihiil anmiit,' Ciilimisls. I'rime I'.ilvvaid KlamI may imt aeeept llie nU'er ol ( nnlederatinii with her grt'iit and tlnnri^hiliH: iieiuhliniiisi the lelii-al In dn sn will injure I'rii f,dward ■"land iilniie, and will mil at all all'eel the (,'iaiid ipii'slinii. \N'e have dniii' iiiir diilv. \'e have iir;;ed ( 'nii|'eiler,iiinii ihi people have deil.ired ajfiiiiisl its and, li\ and hy, wlnn in I'rinee I'.ilwani Island die de-iie I'nr ( nn- ii'deraiinii «liail lie as Iniidly e >pri "•I'd a- li lay is i Npre-.-ed llie de-ire in avoid il, and I hat hour wu predirl wih injiic, We shall liivi nir reward, Siii, ION 1 Ildll. li.-.. ) Si). •_'!) .if .-■ill (ir ( i(.'in'i;ii ol al ((.'iirhfC [o I (Miu'c'ii will) ri- till' proit'Cl •al iio\v>pai)iM' itii'li' tli'ilaii's :c ( 'iinli'ii'inw ,• |m.'Miit statr DIM) AS. lll.-(i()VL'lllOr. h, ill (lur liiilo ll{MI|| llll' l\\'- ill llll' (,'ui'llrl' I'liiliiiii (Ic tiiu'il '-•, i'-|MTiall\ III I'llrralilHI. I.rl ilrr ill, III lIlUM' i| llll- M'M'ial {lll'lll ll{HI|| till- illlll.i'tl W illl llll' '-iral>ilil\ 111' a I. Nil 111 r.'i-iiin rliitli'liiwii ami nil iiiriiilii'v- <>r iitlii'i', nl'ti'ii ill liiit nl' iiiiicilia ■ill'/ lln' ui'iii'ial al till' iiiiaiiiiiiily I'lllly liill'rli'llrt'K, |iliiri'('ilillK'« i>r l> dill mil cNiifi't Irratimi »illi III')- il almii', iinil \\ ill iil'i'diTaliiili tlir ili'«iri' I'm' ( 'iiii- iiiil ill, It liiiiii' wa OF 'IMIK HUITISII NOiri'll AMF.KK.'AN I'KOVIXCKS. \-2r) No. 2. Coi'V ol'u l)K,Sl'A'rCIl I'loin I.iiMit.-Covoiiioi- Dundas to llic Ki:;lit Hon. l'j)\\Al!l) ('aUDWI.I.I., M.I'. (■^^'- '•) (iovcriimi'iit llou^{•, Jaiiiiarv !), IsG.O. ( Ki'iTUi'il .l,'imi:iry ;)l, |s(i.",.) SlK, (Aii>wrn'a Nil. ;!, I'Vli. I, jSli,-,, ^,■^.^t■ 1;),').) liKi'KRUiNG to j'oiir l")cs|)iiU'li, N o. '2'), ol' tlu' 8tli ulliiiio, I liavc tlio luuioiir to cnclost' copy oi a I)('s|)atcli from tlii' (u)\i'iiior CiLMicral, ii\s|)i.'cliiiu the proposcil I'Vili'iatioii, ami my riply llKToto. 1 liavt' .simy;c.sic(l tlio "isih of Fi'luiiaiy lor tlic im'eliiifi; ol' llic Li'i;islaUire ol tlii.s Isiaiul. 1 have, however, int'ormed l.ord .Moiiek that 1 am ])reparetl to suinmoii it sooner il' he consiilers il exjiedient. I iiave, tVc. The Uinht Hon. Falward Caiiiwell, M.I'., CSioiud) (iFOKOI", DUNDA.S, iVe. iVe. iV:c. Lieul.-(joveinor. I'la.Nrr. 1 jiuAia> 1-1..\NI). .No. L'. I'illclii-lll'r ill No. '.'. ( iiiM'iiinr Lord Mom I, lo I.inili'iianl-t iovi'iiioi' Pi mm-. (iiiMTiiniiMil lloiisi', (jliiclnT, I )('ii'iiilii'r '.';!, 1m;|. /'/(/< />isjni/r/i irill III' fmiihl jiriiiliil nt jiiiiic '_'. V.m\, in Nil. J. l.ii'iitrii.iiil-diiNcnior l)iM).\N to (idvciiior l.oid .Monik. (iovciiiiiii'iil llousc, I'liiii'i" l'',d\Miid 1-laiid. .I.iim.ii'v 1', iMi'i 'riii.i Disjiiitfli ir'ill III- fiiiiiiil jirliiti il III liii;/r ."i. Xo. ;?. C'oi'Y of a DFSI'.VTOn from laeiil.-CJovernor Din'oas to the I\i^hl lion. I'.DUAiii) Caimiu ir.i,, M.F. (No. -J 7.) (iovenimen! House, .\pril ;?, 1S(m. ( Itrcrivr.l .\|.lil L'l, l^^li."..) ,S|U, ( An-wi rnl No. •_'•_'. April •.'!'. |s(i."i. payi' la.-i.) 1, 1 iiwi: heen i'e(|iiesU' t^hi' iiee ( 'onleU'Ki'e. •J, Tlie pi.iyi'i 111' this .\iKlie>. !•> Her Majesty will he oraeion^l\ " plel^ell mil i;> " oi\a' Her liosal as-.eiil or saiu'lioii to any .\el or measure loimded upon the ite-uhilioiiN " or luport of the said CoiiferiMii'i', or otherwise, that wonld iia\e llie ell'eel of miitin;.',' " I'linee F.dward Isliiul in .i l''i'dei,il I'miiii wilh ( 'aiiada, or ,my oilier i!' Her .Mije-l\'s " I'rovinees in Anuriea." 11. In ai-eoidaiiee wilh 1 he iii'^li in I ion^ emuevcd lo me in mhii I )is|i,ileli, .No. 'Jll, of Mil Deeemher l"^(i|, I suhmilU'd lo iIk' loeai lieoisl.iime diiiiii!;- tlu' lale se-sioii liu' piojeet ol the (y^nehei" ( 'oiil'eii'hee. I. 'I'he I.eoisI itive Coimeil witlioiii a (!i\i-ion passed resohilidiiN di^.ioiciino in the proposed I'nion ; iop\' of iIh"-!' lesiifiiioiis is lui'eiii eiieh)sed. .'). In tlie House of .\>semhly, Mr. lleiiiy Willi, mi I'ope, the ( 'olmiiil Seeielaiy, iii(i\eil lli'sohiliiin-' in fixoiir of I'liinn ; .Mr. .lames ('. I'l'pe, the I'lesideiil of tlu- I'Aeeiitive Cuiireil, mo\ed an ameiuhiieiit eoiidemn ilory of the proposed siliemi'. (i. 'I'lie .nnendmeiit \v,is allied hy a majority of liolmeii, ihe mimlteis hetn^ — For the ameiidmeiil - - - '2'.\ A)i!iiiisl il - • • - T) 7. Copies of the Uesohitions moMil by the Colonial Secretary, ,md ol'llie imeiidmciil, are also enclosed. N, The joint ,\ddress to IKi M.ijesty, which I ha\i' the honour to enclose, was there- upon jiassed liy both liranclu". ol ihe 1 .e'',is|,iliiic. I liave. \c. I'Ik' IJmiil Hull. I'.dward (ardwell, .M I'.. (Sioiied) (iFOIUiF DFND.VS, iNCi kNi'. iVe. I.ieiit.-tioM iiior. g :•. No. 3. iL't) COUKKSPOXDENCE llESPEC'rrX(; THE PKOPOSEl) INION r.l-. M.lil,..l 7 !■•( V. II. "i '''■'^■"' Eiu-lnMirc I ill N,,. :;. I-.I>\V \lil> 1-1 AM'. To IIIK (('IKEX'-- M(I>T l']\( 1 1 1,1 NT .M\I|-TV, 1 u'l"T~" M. tlio l.i'Lrislativi- Council and Ildiisc (if As.'-cnililv of rriucf lldwanl Ijlaml, liavinj;- hail iniili'r our i-oii^idci-ation tlu- icMiliition- or report of tlu' ( 'nnf'tTi'iici' of dulcirati's tVoin tlu' I'rnviiiccs ol' Canada, .Nova Srolia, and .\\>\v IJiiiu^wick, and the tHdonics ul' Nowt'oundland and I'riin-c Kdward I-land, licld av tlu- city of (Jiiclioc ;i the lotli Oi'lohci 1m; I. ii|i(iii till' >iil)ji'ct of a propoM'd Confnlcration offiiiijic Provim-cs and C.iionii's, and the Oospali li of llio liiyin IloiKunalilc [''.dwani Canlwcll, N'oiir Majc-ty'-- Priiii'.pal SciTctai-y of .State for tin- Colonial Dopartnicni, , to Lord N'istount .Mon( k. (iovi'rnor-( ionoral of C.inada, dati'(l ilio :Jr.l Dct-iMiilicr ISd I, *n'lativ(^ tiuMcto. Miii,.i lunnl)ly 1)1'^' leave lo approaeli Your Maje>ty"> ihroiie. for the puipoM' of eonveyinif to N'onr an^fiot VN. l^5,•^ Miiie»lv the e\pre-^ion of our de.-ire and deti'i niinalion. a.- the <-onstitutional re|ire.-<'ntati\e> ol' tlie '• people of I'rinee llilward l>land. in re;:ard to the ji'icat i|ne>tion in\()l\iMl in the .-aid report: and liaviny after most niaturi' deliberation arrived at the eonelusion thai thr propo-i'd Coiifedeiatinii, in so far as it i.s eonleni])l.ited to einlii-a<-e I'rinee I'.dward l>lan(l. would prove disastrous to the hest inieie-tsand fntui-e prospei'ilv of this Colony. ■■ ■ would huni'ily er.ive leave lo.stati" the ^roiiuds upon which that I'oiiclu-ion is liased. I'irst. — I'rinee I'.ilwanI l-land. Iiein;: entirely o essentiallv an a;;ri- cuhni'al iiiu'itry. and po--es^in,ll■ v.ilnahle and e\tensiM> li-herie- in ihe (inlf of .>uhjecl in t^li^ Island, iheicliv eonipi'lluiL: this Colony lo I.ikc ;i I, n-ire portion ol' its iniporN from Canada, iii.ikiiijj; payineiil therefin- in money, instead o*' procuriii;r tin'ui from c populalien. W ilhoul ailniillini;' ihi- principle under all eii( unislmices to he -oniid or just, we consider il to he parlicularly ohjectioiialile as applied lo lhi> L-laliil in conne\ion with < 'aua-essiny no ( rowu land- mines, or minerals, oi' oilier cAtraiieons ri'sonrei'-. anil ih.i' we never can e\pee| to Uecoiiie, i.. .my lireal iMeiil. a iiianii- I'aeturinL' people, liy rea«ou of our iiaviyatiiin heniff cIomiI for nearlv half the year, and all tiadi. and even eoinmiiniealion willi oilier conntrie- (e\cept hy lelej;raph and the medium of a fraij-ile ice-hoat) (.topped. And when we eonsidir llie prosi-iouof llie s, ml ie|iorl which is inlended lo reirnlalc llie mode of re-adiusliny ihe relalive repre-enlalion of ihe ^arioll^ I'rovinco al each decennial census, and retlecl upon liie rapid rale of iiicrea-e in the popiililion of I'liperaiid I,inver Caii.ida, pailiculailv the riiriner. heretotoie. and the eeil.iinly of a slill trrealer incre.ise llicrein in llie future over ihal oi' the popnlalioii of tlii- Ul.ilid. il follow-, a- a eerl.ilu and iiievilalile ei.iisei|.ieiici', if a l''ederalion of tile I'loviiices were con-uinmaleil upon the basis of llie ciiiil leport. ihal llie iiiimber of oui' represen- tatives in llie l''ederal I'aihameiU would, in llie course of a eoiiip:ralivel, shorl luimher of vears. hi> dimiiii-hed to a slill siiiallei nunilier ih in lliat propo-ed lo be ai'olled lo u- al llie connnencemenl of llie Inioii. 'I'liivd. Ill furlher imiic ini; the injusliee of ihe leriiis of ihe -aid report, as applicable lo us, we would ailverl lo the old polii v , -o preL'uant with ill euu-eipieiiees in us. bv wlui h all ihe lands ill ihis Colony were uraeted in l.irye tr.icis lo ah«eiilces, and which deprive- tlu> l-laud of ihe revenue drawn liy llie si.-ler coloiiie- from lliese source-.— |o our in-idar pe-iiion mid nuiiieroii- liarhonr- I'll... . i^liiiiir i.liaiilli •mil I'llllL . lltiillf illlll-l' 1-llllOIIIIIi l|.;it llllt ivllil'll t*<)llill,l- i i \ t 11 It I .. i I 1 1 ' . 1..... U e\| rawil ny ine si.-ier coioiiie- iroiii iiicsc i-iiioii--. — lo our iiisioiir pe-iiion anil nuiiieiou- liarilonr-, iiriii-liinu cheap and eoiiv. nieiit wnler coiiiniiinicalioii, which render expensive pnlilie wor' s here iiinece--arv, — lo the revenue lo be drawn by llie propo-ed I'cdi lal ( ioveiiimenl from lliis Isla ul and expended .iiu'iiiir llie people of Canada and llie oilier l'lovince^ in eonsli ucliiej i/iilwav-, e.inal , and other ureal iniblic w.ii-, therebv erealiii!,' a trade vvlin li would build up eilie- and enhance ihe (aine III properly 111 variou- parts of llio-e I'roviiiee-. advautaue- in which ihis Inland could eiiiiiy a verv Kiiiall participalion i .iiid lo oiir eoniplele i-olatioii durin^i live inoiilh- ol llie year, wlieu ice iiilerrtiprs our trade and commiiuii alioii willi llie iiiainland, and dnriiiu which period ihis l-laud could derive no |io-«ibli benelil from lb'' railioad- and oilier public v. oik- which lliey would eipmlly willi the jieople of tlio-e I'rovinces be laxi'd to eoii-lruct. Tlie-e and many other eirenm-liuices placinu' I'rinee Ldwaril l>laiiil in ail exceplioiial po..iiion in regard to llie oilier I'mv iines, bnl which seem In have been entirelv iunored, ouulii, in oiii opinimi, In liiive produced an oll'er ol ii linaiicial arraiijietiieiil fur this Islanil veiv dilVereiil in its lerm- l'l''itii lliiii eontained in llie report of the i of .\^^l'lul)ly the ( '(Mit'iM'cncc lie C'lilonii's nl' 1)01 IMII. U|1C111 (li (if till' l!i;;lil m1 l)c|iiirtnu'iil. i'lati\i' tluMi'tii. lo \'(mr iiuj;ii>l •iitiiti\i'> of liic iM-t ; Mild lia\ iiii; I, ill ?o far as il ■ii'>tsaiul i'litiiii' that ctHK Ui-iiiii ■s, luis nil staple I'litially an ajjri- wrt'iicf). 'I'lial ila. till' pnMincts I Slati's, and the lilt;- till' jn'oduc'i' ■iiiiiiisly incn-asi' ■t in tlii-^ Island, Making' |iaynu'iit oiir ]ii(iilii('i' in .■I' lliat it wmild litc'd Stati's. Imt au'rirnltiu'.il and nion praitii-alili'. Milt ilicir ln'iiij; , 111' advi'iliiiu' III r Id the ( 'onfi'dc- \ lou tai'ill'. fur a til r «.i11U' iif till' 1 i- |pII)|ioSIm1 111 niipli' under all lied 111 ll ■ 'I' II- id nill-l enllUniH' or minerals, ni' (Ateiil. a inaiiii- liid all Iradi, anil liauilc ire-linal ) 1 1(1 ii'unlale the lliiiial eelislis, and ly the liat oi' llie a l*'eileiMti(ili of (if iiiir i-epii-en- JHT dl' \eav-. Ill' 1 ■inimeiieeiiieiil larticiilai (i\el' I ll. able ti> lis, we II ll all the liinds ll nl' the revenue hail M1IU> iMi' hi this isla 111 and anal . anil liiliaiiee the tallie |ilil en|i>y a M'fy 'U ire illlen'U|lts ( mild derive im ith ll |ieii|il v I'.ilv )f lieeli enlirelv ll llil- I- anil \eiv |i) means, In llie li-idli, NM' eiilinnt if defellee ll|iiill lilid, and iheiehv or THK l^RITISII NORTH AMEHICAX PK()\'IX(;i:s. 127 saeriiieilii; imr eoniimrcial and liiiaiicial interests fni- the sake nf seciirinj;' tlie eu-oiieratinn (if Canada in I'luxi" Hilary |Miiiit of view, it lieitii;' iiiir aliidiiii;" hepe and (■(itnietiim. that so 1 iinir as we remain a leva Ki. and attached Ciilniiy nl' { liritain, under wlinse ])ri)teetiiij;' sway and heiii:^ii inlliieiiee we have >() Isi.anh, Iiiiil;' had the lia|i|iiiiess to live, and cndravnnr In aid, hy a reasmiahle ci.iitrilmlidi: teuards the del'eiice iif iiiir < 'iildiiy, liy plaiiiiLi niir militia service n|idii a siuinder and safer tiiiitiii;.^ than it has Intherti) attained, the jidueiiiii aid of diir nidther Cdiintry will (•diitiinic, as lieretdfore, tn he eNtdided tc us in (diiniioii willi the other Nerlli American de|ieiulencies of the liritisli Crown. I'dr the liireiioini^' reasons, and niriiv other- which we could iiri;-e. wc hci;- most hiimhly and re-iieetfnlly to state lo N'oiir Majesty that we. the re|ireseiitatives of N'oiir faithful siihjects, the |ie( pie of I'riiice lulward Island, in Colonial Parliament now asscmhied, do disajiree to the reeoimnendatioiis contained in the said report of the (,iiieliec ( ■(iiifereiiee. and on the part of I'rincc ICdward Island do eni])lia',ieally decline a I'nion. which afler the most seriou~ and earcfid coii-ideralinn. we helieve wniild prine jiolitieally, coiiimereially, and liiiancially dl-astroii^ to llie iii;hls and hesl iiileresis of it- people. We do, therefore, iiiost hnnihly pray that N'onr Majesty will he ijracioiisly pleased not to j^ive Vour lloyal assent or sanction to any Act or tneasiire fomuleil iijion the resolutions or re])oit of the said < 'onferciice. or otherwi-e, that woiilil lijive the cfl'ect of nnitiiiy' I'riiiee lidwaril Island in a hederal rnioii with Canada, or any other of Your Majesty's I'rovinces in America. iMidosure '.' in No. 3. I'lrivii: l-!i)WAiil) Isiwi), 1,1 (.1-1, \iivi CdiMii. \Viii liiA- tliis Colony has, for more than nimiry years p,i-t. enjoyed the advantatres of a separate ( lovei iniiciit and I. eL;i-lalnre, and !ler Majesty hath uraiion.-ly coiiceiled to ihc inhaliilaiit!* tliercof the man.'ijreiiient and control of their own a Hairs : And whereas tin- Incal revenue, owiiiff lo the development of the ayiicuhural re-ources ;iiul the expansion of the trade and conmierce of the Coleiiy. exhihit- a satisfactory yeailv inereiise. and ]iromi-es, without ini|iosine' ;id(lltional luirtlieiis mi the p'ople. to he eipial to tile rei|Uiremeiit- of the pnhlic -eiv ice : And wlierea- the la\ali(iii ])er head nii the popidalioii. in the i.iher .North .\iiieric.i l*ro\iiices, is now lilty per cent. i;re,lter than it is in I'riiiee I'idwaril l-laiid: And wlicreas, h\ the rejiort nl' the said Ciiiiveiitioii. various e\teii-ive and co.-lly pnlilii' work-, in liolli the civil and military departments, are intendeil to he prosecuted in the other rro\ineeti hy the (iovernmenl of thi" propi's',>d Confederation, which would nece-s.irily inipn-e -till greater t.ix.itioii upon the people of the Confederated I'nniiices: And whereas, from its insular |io-ition and llie complete iniennptiou of its foreiL:n and intereokmial comiiieree lor live months ill the year, the people of Prince I'.ilward island, althoiieli lliey would he compelled hy the terms ol llie proposed I'nioii to .■i--uine hurlhens, would not participate e(pially willi the |ie(ii)le of llie other Prov iiices in the u.-e or ad\ aula (;■('.•> of those pill die works, or in the^je sum- ol' luoiiey evpemled in their eimsliiietioii : .\iid wlierea- llie siih-idy aiiiccd to in ilicoi^rd .\rlicle of the rcpeit of the sa'd 1 'oiiveiilioii, and and aereed to leiisalioli fur tllO KncI, a in Nl). a. the eaiiilalioii i;r:iiit of .'^n eeiit- per head ol llie p.ipulalioii, ujimed in the i.-ltli .Vrtid paid 111 this jsl.iml in full sillleineiil of all future demaiiil-. is not a lihi ral| irrender ol a -epan (ioxernmeiil, w ith tii e iluleiielKlci.t ]ioWeis it liow eli,|o\s. i Is revenue, and al itlier the ri>;lils ,iuil piivili;;c- thcrclo licloiij^ilii.. and would verv shortly lieeoiiie iiiadeipiale lo meet wants ol llie Iv the delicieiu ( ioveriiini 111, and con-eipii nil) would iiccessilale a resorl to diicct laxalioii lo .\Ui\ whereas the supposed advaiila;;!'- of intercolonial fiei' trade would lie mure than eoiiiiterhalanceil hy the dl-advantayes lesiiltinn to this ( 'olmiy from the I'xi-tenee ol' a Iiiiil impost duly on tlie maiiulae- Ihll's o f (Ireal liritain and the I'liited .'^latcs. inasmuch as the trade Ik t ween tin- I -land and I llriti-li Ninth .\nierieaii Provinces which is at pie-eiit very iiicoiisideiahle — dm'- not warrant the helief it will, tor many \e,irs to eoiiie, lie of any iuiportaiice: And whereas, while recoLini/ini; the ohli^atioii which impo-es upon Ihitish eoloiii-ts the duly of providiii!.', as lar as in their power, the means of self-defence, this House ciiinot ajriee to the principle, llial ai 1 insulated Colony like Prince I'.dward Island -lioiild he !e(piireil lo coiiiiilnae for thi- ohject as larLii'lv as the inliahilants of Provinces wlio>e i!i'ini'ra)iliical position renders them more e\po-eil to the a--aiilts ot' an enemy, .'iiid who, in times of iieaee. are immediately heiiellted hy the piihlic moiiieH expended not "illy in the coiistruelion of fortilicatimis, hut also of ii-efiil piihlie woik-: And vvherea- the )iriiieiple of rciireseiilalion hy popiilalion would deprive this Colony of any appre- ei.ihle inllueiiee ill either hraiieh ol the I.eei-latiire of the piopoM'd ( 'oiifederatioii : lie-olved therefore, unaninioii-ly. 'I'lial the siiid rejioii of the Ijlneliee Convention, however well adapted in anv of ils ]ii iiiciple- to ih.' state and eii'eiim-tances of tlu' eotitineiiial Piov • :,..».,.'..,;■,. I.I.. I.. II,; , l.'.l i l^l i i ii ir i.i ;..:...:...!• ■t just or -nilahle 111 I'lime I'dward Islnml anil happiue-^ ofil- intiahilant-. iiiees. is in no Id, if aecelil pl( ll, prove iiiiiiiK al 111 the pro-|ieritjf laiil o-lll'e :> 111 :t. 111 -11 r I inv« on llie I'lioro-iii Coxi i in ii v i io\ of the llinii-u Ninriu Aviiiin vv Pimvivii-. — Piiiili ll h\ Ordei of llie lloii-e of .\9.vinlily.— .Moved hv llu- Holioiirahle (he Coloninl .S'cretary, '.Mill Mairli iMl.'i. I. Ile-dlved. That the hcst iiitei'i'sis and pre-eti! .iiiil fuliu'e pronperllv .il' Ihitish North .Vinerieit, would he proiiioteil liv a I'edetal t'liiou under the Crown of (iie.'it Hi ilaiii, provided llial -inli Pllioli loe'.d he ell'ei led on piiiiciple- iu-l In the several Province- iiiiil Colonies. ^ I Kiii'l '1 lu N.i a. rniNTr. I ji\vAi;i> I>r.AN!«. 1-JS COURF.SPONDENCE Ui: SPF.CTING THE PROPOSED IINTOX L'. 1u'>ii1mm1. 'I'linl ihc f\i-ti'iici' nl' ininii'ii^t' iiiilllary .ii:;! ii;i\:il luivi's in the ucijililxiuriiig r('|inMir iviiili-r-i it s-pccially iiU'iiiiil)oiit nu ilu' )iiMipl(- (if liritisli Noi-tli Aiiu'ric.-i to tiike the iiKist I'llicii'iit pi('r:uitii)ii;iry tiioasiins hy uliicli their iii(lr|irii(|riii(' ;igaiii^l forciuMi ajfijrcjsioii may ho >rriire(l. ;!. lii'suKi'd, 'I'liat a I'liioii, such a> in liiin's nf cxtradi'ihiiaiy (iaimcr uoiild phii-c the militia, tlu' iVNonui's, and till' rcsdiiri'i's 111' the KM'fal I'lovini'i'-i at the (hsposal ut' a aoniral i'ai'liamcnt. is necessary, in order to maintain tiie indcpendenc<' et' liritisii N'm'th America anainsl foreii^ni a_Lri;ression, and ti> perpetnate nnr cnnneNion with tlie mother coimtry. 4. Kesiilved, 'I'liat a Keiieral rnimi oC IJritish .Nortii America, hased ii[)on tiie resolutions ado|)tcd at the C'ont'ereiiee of delegates from the I'rovinres of Canada, Nova Scotia, and Neu [{riinsuicU, and the Colonies of Newl'oniuiland and I'rince lulward Island, held at tiie city of (.hiehee, Kuh Octohev ISiil, as the basis of a iiro|ioscd Confederation of those l'rii\iiiees and (Colonies, would, ainonu' other ailvanta!i;es, i)rotiioti' the de\se I'rovinces and Colonies, and advance the eeneral |)rosperity, by indnciiiy the siihstitntion of a enstoins tarilf, nnilorm and common to tlie Conl'ederalion ill lien of the vari(ms tarilV^ now In I'oicc in the several i'ro\inccs and ( 'olonies. ."i. liesolved. That the report of the Conlert'iice of deleitales from the liiitisll .Ndrtli American Provinces and Colonics liclil at 'I'lichcc in ( )ctoIier last, taken as a whole, contains a declaraiioii of principle-, .'i- llic Ii.isIn of a l''edcral I iiion, which this llou>c considers just to the several l'i'o\incer- and Colonics. i\. l!e-ol\cd. That this I louse, lielie\ ini;' it is only liy nuilnal concessions and compromises the several Hrltish North l'ro\inces and Colonies can ever afjree upon those principles which shall form the basis of a I'lilon, orders that the report of the Conference of deleeates from these several I'rovinces and Colonies held at <,hiebec in Octolur last lie imhllshcd throuyhont this Colonv for the (u lilii'iMte con-lderation of the people on whom will devolvi the acceptance >n- rejectioii of the ]iroiio-ed I'niou. 7. Kesi'lvcil, Thai until the laruer Marlllme l'io\liices ami Canada shall have mnliially .iiirecd upon ti'rnis of union, it is ine\pedient that the jieopli' of I'riiiie Mdward Island should hecallid upon to decide on the i|iicsliiii. >. liCMiKcd. Thai in ca-e the l'ro\lncc> of New rirnn-ulcl,. Nova Scoila, .■ind C.inada should al any time mutually auri'e upon the basis of a riiion, the (|nesliou be then forthwith submltled to the (leeisioii of the jieoiile of this Island. Ill ~(ii.i rioN- ino\ed by I he I loiioiirablc .1 ami ■- C. I'lO'i , in anieiidinent to the precedliie KeMilniions. Tim. House lia\iii,ij had under col|^illeratioll the rcpoil of the Concntloii held at '>ucbcc respeclinu' a Keder.-il rnion of the dill'ereiil Colonle> of Mritlsh .\inerica, and ;i Despatch of the liljiht Mr. CardwiU, ller Majesty's I'lincipal Secretary of Slate for the Colonies, respecliua' the same. I. Ite-olved. That l'rlne(> {•'.dward Nlaiid, beiiiii- eiilircly di'pi nileiil on Its aicrii'idtiire and lislierlcs. lias iiothini,' t ) export for which Canada can furnish a market. That w'hile siieli is and ever iniisl bi' the relative iMinmenial i)o~ilioii of this Inland and Canada, the prodncls of our soil and fisheries liiid in till.' <'Nti'l!-i\e markets of our parent country, the riiilcd States, aii'l the We-f Iiidie.v readv and protil- able I'li-loincr-. The proposed rnioii. while admittiii;;' the piddiice and i..,iniifacliires ot^ CinaiLi into this l-laml I'ree, would, by .•i»«linilalioii o|' taxes, einprinoiisly inercasi' the duty to wliicli iho-e of (licit Ibit.iiii and the I'liiled States are at present siibjeel, thereby eonipellinir tills I-land to lake a JarLie portion of its iuiporis from Canada, makiiij;' payment therefor in moiiev instead of |irociiriuM them i'mni e iniilries which would receive our jirodiiee in I'xclialiKe : ;iii arraiijieiiii'iit so inconsistent with the fniidanicntal priiK'iples of commeice must L'reatly curtail onr eoinniercial Intcreoiirse with the I'nited States, and would, ill the opinion of this llonse. materially diininish cuir expmts to that coniiirv, and ]iro\e iiiiist iiijiirious to the ajiricnltnral and interests of this Island. 'J. That if tlie relative circnmstaiiccs of Canada and this Island rendered a I'liloii practicable, the evident injustice of the term- aLrrecd to by the '.tuebec Convention would prevent their beln;^- ralilii'd liy the !,ej.'lslature of this Island. Without alhidiiiu' to all, It i- proper to notice some of the obieclioii- alile fi'atures of the report. Without adiiiltllin; the |irinclple of rciiresenlalloii accorillii^r to popiilalioii under all eii'cniiistances to be sound. It is. In the opinion of this llon-e, parliciilai ly object loii.'ible as applied to till- Ulaiid in eoniiexlon with ( 'aiiaila, takin'.r Into sidcratioii that the number of our iiihabitanls i> anil must contiiiui' compai.ilively sinail, owinu'' to thi' fa t that we have no Crown lands, mines, mineral-, oi other resources sulllcleni to induce iiiiiiil;jr,'iiit- t ttle here, anil that we iievi r < an expect to become to any extent a maniifactiirinij: peo|)lc In cuiiseipieiice of ■ iiaviuatioii beiiiy' closed for nearly half the year, and all trade anil coinmiinli'almn with ollici' nuinlrle- stoppiMJ. ruder this p''iiieipli' the city of Montreal alone would, a* the pre-eni lliiie. Iiav(> a lepresiMitation i;'reater than the whole I'roviiii'e of I'rince {''.dward I-land, and under the iiiovisions of llie ( 'oiivcnlioii which reenjates the mode of re-adjn-lln)X the relative I'eprcseiilaliou of the va'ioii- Province- at eiicli di'i'ciiiilal census, lookiii'^ III the rajiid iiicrca-e of the |iopiilalioii of I'pper and I.invcc Canada herclofori'. particiilarlv llie foniier, and the eerlaility of a slill ere.iter increase IJieii'ln In the fnliire, over that of the popula- tion of this Ulalid. it firllovvs as a certain and inevitable con-eipieiice, if a l''ederalioii of the I'rovinces Were eoiisiininiated upon the ba-i- of the said Convention, that ilu- iiumiicr of onr ii'pre-eiilalives Would, ill the ( oiu'se of a comparalividy short iiuiiiber of jeai^, be diiniiiislied to a still smaller iiuinber tliali thai nllotleil lit the outset In us, ;■. That the old imperial error in yrautiiiK all the lands in lai^^e traels to absentee-, whii h deprive- tliix Isliiiil of the leveiiiie drawn by the si»ler Colonies from tlie-e sources, inir insnlar position nnd lininel'oiis harbonrs fiiriii-hlni.' cheap ami coiiveiilent vvalei coininniiicallon, whii'li rcndi'r e\pen-ive imblic works here unnci'e-siiry, -the revenue to In' ilravvn by the proposed federal ( iovernmeiit fiom tin- l«laiid and expended anion;;' the people of I 'an.nla and the otln r ( oloiiics in con-ti iiclin^i lailwavs ;nid oilier public works, tlieieliy Li eating a tiuili.' wliicii would Imihl up cities uiul eiiliuiae the value of Sm, His Ks S||l, s'lOX OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 1-jo I! iu'iL;Mioin-iii'? tllko till' lllll^^l ;v<'jsiou may be ace tlic militia, I'arliamciit, is I'igii aitgrossion, liiitioiis ailoiilcd r>iniis\vi;'l<, and ■, lOtll Ol'tnln'V (I, aiiidiii; (illuM- those I'nivinci's custditis tavilV, ill till' mineral \iiitli Ami'i'iraii a (li'daraiiini ol' I'vt'ial i'roviiici'.- •(mipruiuiscs till' piiiicipli's wliirli nun tliCM' -I'xcral this Ciiliiny I'm- ' ri'joctioii lit' the muliially aurci'il 111 lie i-,illiil iipiiii 'auaila sliniilil at biihinitli'd to till- '(ihii; lu'Millili'ills. iiii'lii'i- rcsjirrlili':' Uijiiit Ildiumiahlc f till' same. ui'i' anil lisln'fic.-. mil I'M'i' mll^l I"' 1(1 lishiM-ics liiid ill cadv and inntil- ■ mI' ( 'anada iiiln ■li tliii-i' of (ileal In taKi- a lar-i' |uiM-uiiii;i' them iiisi-tent with the ' with the liiileil hai eoiiiilry, and Ijiaeliialile. llie r heiii;:- raliiied if the iiiijei'liiin- l: III iiopiilatliin iihieellnnahle as mnnliei' ol' nnr 11 Ci'iiun lands, lal we iievi r can iiili lirilin elosed leil. I ndei' (his urealer than the \iliieh reMiilates lireimial celisns, loie, jial'lieniai'ly I III' the piipida- i|' ihe I'l'iivinees ii'pre-enlalixes 11 >inalli'r nnniher 's, whiih deprives iilai' piisiiinn and render e\pi'nsi\e ernnieiit linin this lUfX laiKvays and me the value id property' in various Imalities there, advaiitaiics in vsliiih this Island eieild eiijny a very small participa- 1 lien, -our complete isolation diirisii: live months of the year, when ice interrupts our trade and cnm- ■■; inunication with the maiuland, and duriui;' which ]iei'iiid the Island cnuld derive uo possible beiielit from I the railroads and other public works which they would be (ei|ually with the [leople of those Colonies) taxed to construct, — these and many oilier cousideiations, but which seem to have been entirely iijiaired, ought, in the opinion of this House, to have produced an oiler of a liiiaucial arrangement for this Island very dillerent in its terms from that eoiitaiued in the report of the Couventioii. ■1. That while this House recognizes the duty of this Culoiiy t'l use every means, to the extent of its limiied resonrces, to defend its inhabitants from lieiun inva.sion, it c.ilinot reeogui/e the necessity of uuiliug in a Confederation with Canada lor t ,iiir|)ose ol' defence upon terms which, in other rc.-pects, are, in the opiuiiin of this House, so uiilaii to the people ot Prince I'.dward Island: thus ^al■riflcin;;' our commercial and liiiaucial interests for the sake of securing ihe co-operatiou of Canada in a niilitaiy point, of view, feeling assured that so long as wc reniaiu a loyal and altaclicd Colony of (ireat liritaiii, the |ioweit'iil aid of that great country will continue, a-, herelofore, to be extended to us, ill common with the other North American dependencies of ihe liritish Crown. I.astlv, Kesulved, That Ibis Hiiii--e disagrees to the recommendations of the (^luelioe Convention, and on the part of I'rinee I'Mward Island eniphatii ally declines a I'uion which, after a serious and earetul consideration, it believes would prove |iolilically. commercially, and linaneially di-a-lrons to the rights and interests of its people. For the ainendment, 'Jli. Against it, o. 'i;i\cB liWAIUJ r-l.\\l). Silt. No. 1. Coi'Y oi' ii DESPATCH fmiu I.ioiil.-Cioveriior Dinda;. to ilic lliojit lion. Kdwaku Cardwf.i.i., M.l'. (No. 'I.) Goveriinic'iit House, May -J:?, 18().j. I l;rc.'i\r,l .hill.' .'l. fsii.'i. 1 I iiAVK the lioiiour to enclose copy of a Uospatcli wliich I liavo icceivcil liiim the Lieut. -(joviriior of Nova Scotia, siiooestiiio- resiiini)tii)ii of negotiations fiir Inion oi'tlic Maritime I'l'ovinccs, together with my reply. Eroni this you will perceive that my advisers are not itrepaieil to renew lu'ootiations on tliat subject. I luivc, ^'C. Tlie Right Hon. Kdwaivi ( ardwell. M.l'., (Sione.l) CKOIKIE DCNDAS, iicc. \'c. (S;c. Lieut. -Ciovernor. Xo. I, I'jicliwure in No, I, I.ieuteiiant-tioveriKU' Sir I!, (i. M \i Doxxi i i t'l I.ieutcuant-(io\criii'i' l)i \ii\-. Sill, (io\ermuciit Ibni-i'. Halifax. No\a Scotia, .\pril lo, lMi."i. I 1! Ml the Imnoiir this day of iiiforiniug \oii by lelegiapli that the enclosed icsoluiion, -uggc-tin;.' lesiunption of negotiations for I'liion of the .Nhiriiime I'lovinces, wa~ proposed liy this (Miverument to the Legislature this day. 1 am anxious |o know as early as convenient how far your t oneriuneiit is dispo-ed to eo-operale in ilVecling the pioposrd riiioii. I ha\e, iVe, llis E\eellency l.ienteiiaiit-tJovernor Dundas, (Signed) Kuiiaiui (liiwis Mvinowiii, \-c. iVi'. kVe. Lieuteiiaut-liovenior, t'lii'l. in N.I, t. (Kuelosnre.) Will iirvs under exislinu einiinislMuces an innncdiule I iiion nf ihe l!i iiish Norih .\nicricaii I'lov inees become impracticable. And whereas a legislati\e I'liion of the Maiilime I'nix iinc- is dc-iiable, whclhei llie larger Liihui be accomplished or not. Ki'sohed, That in the opinion of ihis Honse llic negoiialions for the rnlnn I'l' Nova Scotia. New llruiiswick. and I'rilice Ldwaril Island should be renewed in a< i oidaiici' with the rcsnluiidii pas-ed at the last SI'S. inn of the Lcgislaluie. Lienli iianl-( io\eniiir Dcndas |o Lieiilevant-l b>\i ilior Sir Itli iiaiiii I i. M \i |)ii\\i i.i. Sill, {{iivermnent lloiisc. Prince I'alw.nd Island. Aiiril'.'l, lsi;,"i. I iiAVi till' honour lo acknowledge \oiir hespatih of the Idtli iiislanl. cm losing a ri's,i|ntioii which was on that day proposed lo llie Le^isliiliin of Nova Stotia, sugycfliii',; resuniplioii iil' iicgoiiatioiis I'll I iiioii ol the .Maritime I'loviiiees, lii^i.H. u \:M) COKKESl'ONDl'NCE llKSlMXTINd TUK PROPOSED UNION l'i;is( r. I li.'ivc Im'kI that Dopatill uilll it> ciu'ldMirc ht'i'oic the Kxciulivi' ('niiiicil ol' tliis l.-laiul, and a niiiiutc I j.u Mill i> lu'iuj;' iircjiari'd i'\|iri'ssi\(' ol its views on tlic pmposal. i>i AM>. Ill till' iiii'iiiitinii' I may inlniiii you (iiaf my iiiiiiisti'is arc not in'i'iiarod to n'licw ncL'otiatioiis on the - - siilijrct, as tiii'v (•(lll^idl'|■ tliat lliat .■.ciu'iiii' ol' Unitni is inniracticalili- at the present time, so I'ar as tliis Colony is coiK-erned. I liavf, iVe. l.ioiitciiaiu-Ciownior Sir K. (i. MaiDonnell. (Sijrned) (.iioiici Divdas. \<'. -Ve. \c. Lietiteiiaiil-Ciovernor. I'p.l. in No. No. 5. Copy of a Dl'lSPAlCl! iVum Eiciil.-tioVL'ruor Dindas to tlio liioht Hoii. luwAiii) Cakdwi r.i., ,M.P. (No. VJ.) CioviMimioiU House, May 9, l-^6(). ( IJcciN,.! .M;iy L'l. is(i(i. ) SiK, ( AiiM'ercd, No I!), Miiy L'.l. ISIili. piin'' l.'Uj.i 1 iiAv:, tln' iioiiour to transmit oopy of'u Resolution against Cont'cclLTatioii, wliicli |)ass((i the H'ni>i' of Asst'inbly laii' last niglit. An aniciuliiK'nl (a\iiuial)k' lo Coiircik'ralion (I'opy of wliicii is also enclosed) was on a tiivision. For the aineiiilineiit, - - - 7 Ao-aiiist it - - - - -J I I have, cV'C. 'I'iie liiohi llmi. r.ilwarci ( aidwell, .M.P., (Signed) (illORGE i)i:M).\S. \-e. is:c. i.\:c. Lieut. -Ciovernor. {•".nelos'.ire in Xo. r>. I'll sill I ii ill Hill ■-r ul' A — |■.Mlll.^ on tlie suliject of Cum iiiiha rios'. Hon. Leader of llie CioMTiimeitt tlieii remarked tliat as many iiiifoiinded rumonis were circulated, and i;rouiiilless fcMrs eiitei laiiied liy many, Imieliiiii; tlie eoiiisc intended to lie pursued in refjaril to the allalisorl)iiii>- topic Confederation, he considered it would he as well to siihmit the Ucsolutions on that ?uliieif, which had lieeii prepared in answer to the Despatclios iVoni the Secretary if Stati" to his MNcellencv the Lieiitenaut-( io\eniiir lelaliM' to that snhji'et. Said l!esolutioll^ were then laid on the taMe, and are .as t'ollow : This House haviiif;' hail iiuder consideration the mcssatiC of his l'!xrellency the l.ienliuant- (ioxcriior commmiicatini;' a l)i~palch I'roiii the liii;iit Hon. I'idward Cardwidl, Her Majesty's I'rincipal Secretary of State for the Colonial Depailmeiit, upon the siiliject of a l'"eiler;ition of the Ihitish North ,\merican I'lovimi-, and ha.iiiir ino-t carefully and carnc>tly considrred the ]iroiect in all its - lic-olvi'il, .\- the deliliei.ite o|)inion of tin- llou-e, that any Liiioii of the l!riti>li North .\miriiau Ciloiiies which would emhrace I'rinre IMw.ird Island, upon the terms ami principles set forth in the '!i'-nhitiiiu> of the Conferenco of t^hiclicc. held on the loth Octoher lsi;4, would not only he iiiiiu>t to the iiihahitants ot' thi^ Colony, hut pro\r di-a-tiou- to their draii-t ;iiid mo-t cherished liyht- ami intorest- a- a free people eiijoyiui!- the lilc«-iii, llii» House can not admit that a Icdeial I'nion of the North .\mericaii l'rii\inie> and Colonies, which would include I'lince Ldw.ard Island, could ever he accoinplished u|ion terms that would prove aiKantap'ou- to tin- iiitoie-ts and weli lieini;- of the ])cople of this l-land, cut o|f and -eparaled ;is it is, and must cMr lemain, from ilio rH'iylilionriii^' I'rovinces. hy an iiiiiiio\ahle harrier of ice for many month* in the year; and this House deems it to he its sacicd and impeialixc duty to declare and rciord its conviction, as it now does, that any l''eileral I'nioiiofthe North American ('■i|onie> that would include rrincc Mdwiird Island, would Im' as hostile to the feclini's and wishes as it \Miuld he oppo.-ed to the lic-t and liiost vital intcrots of its people. Ue-olved i'nitlicr, that while I hi- House cannot assent to a federal I'liion ol' th < Isl.ind with the other Cnlouies, they reco;fni/i' it t^ he the duty of this Colony to coutrihute, from its local re\eiini's, towards it-, defence, in fail and ju-t priipoition to its means. .\>ii \iiMi SI proposed liy llou. I., \\ in i \\. UcoKcd, as the opiiiioii of (his House, that till' Conl'ediMatioii of Her .Miijesty's .\nicrican Colonial l>,iv-|.»,i,,n- Would he while in conformily with Her .Miije„ly'-, lieipieiitly espressed desire conduci\e III their welfare, iiiiliv idnally and generally, ,\uil this House helie\es that a of Coiifedei'.itioii mielil he so IVained as not to iiivohe the -aciilice ol'any material interests on the jiail of any I'mviucc; hut iiiasiniiih as the peuple of I'riiice Ldw.ird l-lanil do uo| appear to hu piepaicd to njfard with any JNION 11(1. ,'111(1 a iiiiinitc I'iiiitiatiiiiis on tlic iiiic. ^(1 lar as this I )l \11 \N iiaiil-(>iiv('niiir. light Hon. May 9, 1^6(5. L'l. lH(i(i.) :.'). isiiii. p:i^'.' i;'.6.i ulLTalioii, wiiicli l;I()S(.'i1) was lost •: i)i;m)as, .iinit.-Ciovcriior. UIS. IS were ciiTulatcd, cd ill rcfiaid to tlic Ixcsolutidiis (111 that .IV (f State to Ills y the IJciUciiiint- Majr-ty's I'l-incipal till' Hiitisli North jcct ill all its Nnltll Aiiu licaii M'l I'oi'tli in till" iiily he unjii>t to 'lii'd ii!.;lit- .'111(1 (I to then lij tile Iwal'd l-laiid. .'is -(' dciMii- it to lie 1, to i('-allinn the I'd l.y it ill its last li'i'uards coiiiiiiiiiii- lis Colony to !l('i' ill .Vnu'i'ica slioiilil ir advaniiiii;' their Noith .\niciii','iii i'('oiii|)lish('(l upon hi> Maud. ('Ill oH' liv ail iMiinov.ihli' ■d and iinpi'iativc 11' .\oitli Aniciicaii ■s and ui>li(s a> it .111(1 with till' otlni i('\('nni's, tinsard-' .\iii('fi('.iii ('(ijoiiial desire condinive 1 ol' ( 'onledei'alioii I of ,'iny l'l'o\iiiee: II ri'ixard with .'iny OF THE BRITISH NORTH A.MKIHOAX PROVINCES. i;^l favour the i>idjeet nl ( oMfederation, it i> ' -wise to press it upon ]inhli(' attinitioii, .'i> it-- di^(■ll^sion i^ I'iiin. ,; oiilv e.'ilcul.'ited to produce cxciteinent and . iprelielision, without reasonahje cause. '.jiw aki ,\ii(l further resolved, .'is ihe opinion of this Ilon^c, that there should he no vote passed hy the l-rwn, l.efiisl.'itiirc of this coiintiy in favour of a Confederation of the l'id\iiices until the people ^h.•lll first he .•illorded an opportunity of prononiiciiiji' their iinluineiit on the ipiestioii at a ,i;'eiier,il election. For the aineiidnient - - ■ - - 7 Aj^aiiist it - •- - - - - '_'! X{). (i. Coi'v ol' a DKSl'ATC^H Ifom LiL'iit.-Ciovijnior Di.ndas id tliu Riojil Hon. EUW.VUI) ('.VltUWl'ILL. .''■!.!'. (No. -It.) (jc)viTiimi.>iit Houso, May 11, ls()(5. (lii'ccJM'cl .Iniic t, lS(i(i.) Silt (Aiiswerod, Js'o. lil. .Iinii' !*, Isiili. putrc l:i7.) 1 ii.wr. the honour to transmit heivwitli Addresses to Her Majesty the Queen wiiieli have been adopted i)y tiie Leo'ishitive Council and by the House of As,')embly of tiiis Island. Tile jirayi'rs of these Addresses aiethat Her Majest)- will be pleased to withhold Her sanction from an\' imMsiire inteiuled to eti'ect a L'nioii of this Island with Canada and the other British North .\ineiiean I'rovinees. In accordanci' with voiir iiistriii tions, I laid I hi' coircsjiondenee contained in Nour Despatch, No. 3."),* of liltii .lane LSCi,"). Ijelbre the Leoi^latiire iliirmo' its late sissio'i. At the same time 1 e.xjircssed, by mess.ioe to both branches, the views of Hi'r . Majesty 's Government on this matter. The Leo'islative Conncil tliereu))oii tmaniinonsly aoretd to resolutions (of which 1 enclose I'opies) condemnaloiv of any sclii'me <>\' Inioii. I enclose co])ii's of ;'ii Address of that boijy to myself retpiestinu' me to forward their .Vddress to Her .Majesty. In the House of .Assembly the President ol' tin- Executive Coiincil proposed similar resolutions, to which an amendineit moved by Mr. V.'helan to the elfeet, that the Confederation of the British North American I'rovinees, while in eont'ormity with Her Majesty's di'sire, woidd be conducive to their welfire. That a scheme of Union iniyht be so framed as not to invoUe the sacritii'e of any mateilal interests of this I'ro\inee, but that the ))eople should have an opportunity of expressing their opinion at the polls before a vote of the Legi'-latuie was jiassed in favour (d'ConfederalKin. This aniendment was lust on a division, and tl-.e oiioinal resoluium cariied by 2\ to /. Copy of tlu' resolution and of the amendment are eneloseil. 'rite .\ddresses to Her Majesty which I enclose (and of wiiich I transmit printed copies), were t'oiinded on thi' resolutions passed in eadi braneli of the Leoislaliire. I li.ive, iVe. Tiie Right Hon. laiwaid ''ardwell, .M.I'., (.Signed) (iKOKCE Dl'XDAS, &c. \'e. 6ic. J^ieul,-(iovernor. No. (i. ■I'j'j.' Kir. I'liiclosnre I ill No. (i. To I'lii; <,'i;i i\'s \iiisi' l'",\( I 1.1 I v r M\.ii>rv. ^lost (iracioiis Sovereie'ii, \Vi. Yoiir Majesty's loyal and faithful suhjects. the I.eiil-lative Council of I'lince Mdward Island, liaviiii;- had miller onr consideration a copy of a Desiiatch from the l!ii;lit lioiionrahle Kdw.ird Ciiidwell, ^'o^l|■ .Maji'siyV I'lincipal .'secretary of State for the Deiiartment, addresM'd to his I'Acelleiicy (ieori;(' Diiiidas, l'!si|., I,ieiiteiiaiit-(ioveriior of tlii> Island, heariiii; date the L'ltli day of .lime l.'i>t. accoinpanied hy .'1 copy (.1 a correspondeMce lietweeii the Colonial Miiii>ler and his I'iscel- Iciicy the liielit llonourahle \ iM'oiiiit Moik U. < io\cnior(ieiieial ofC.mada. on the .'illair> oflhilisli North .\iiierica. iiichidiiii;' the miIpJicI of the proposed riiioii of the llrili>li North .Vnieiican Colonie.s, in which Despatch hi-- l''.\i'(dleiicy I,ieiiteliaiit-( iovcriior Diindas i>. directed hy the said Colonial .Miiii.-ter to commimicatc the sjiid corropoiidencc to the I.e^islaliire of this Ulaiu' at its then next -essioii, .ind at the same time to c\pre?> the ,-troiiii' and dcliherate opinion of llcr .Majesty's (io\eriiiiieiit that it i> an ohjei't iiiiich to he desired that all the Itriti-h North .\iiii Colonii-s should a;;i'ce to iinili' in one i.'o\eriiiiicnt. and hininjj' aivcn the .-.lid ilocinnent < that paiicul .ind i peclt'nl coiiiider;ilioii to which all coniiHunic.'ilioii* ciinin.itini;' from so es.'dled a source, and havin,"' reference to a >iihieel of \ ital iiiipor- taiice to all the maiitiine Colonies and l'ro\iiice<. ; re entitled, we linmhiy heg' leave lo approach ^ oiir .\laicr-ty's 'I'hronc for the purpose of coiiveyine io Your .Vnjiiist MiJc-in the re-nh of cni' renewed delihcraliiiii* upon ihc fjreat ipic^tioii a^;;iin lironi;lil under onr iioliii' hy ^'onl Mnj . ly"^ < 'I'f iiial Minister. I''ir~i. W'l reel'! our in.iliilil', lodiMovci in the coire -pondeiice ahoM' iillndcd to any ■.nilicieiil r< aMili III induce IIS to depart from or modify the -piril of the jiinl address to ^'onl■ Maje.-tj ini.ininn.nrly adopted hy the I .eeisl.'iti\c Council of lln> I l;!',iil on t!ie lli'd day of .\pril Jsilil.Miid siihseipicnlly traii>iniiu (1 hy his l'\c(dleii('y (iovenior Dinidiis to N'oiir .M.'iiesty's Colon'.,! .\lilii>ter for the purpo,«e of lieiiie laid at the tool of the I'liiom . I'lu'l I ill Nil. li. 132 COIJRESPOXDKNCE RRSPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION Pnivi K Si>fini:iiv.--M' ■ (ii) tint (li'fiii it 'mrinisi-t'.'r.l \vit!i t'.ic iiKi.^t iltvotrd :in(l Idv.'il liiiu'iit to \(mY ]".ii\v\uii MMJt'sty!* |H'r-iin and (lovcvinm'in to di'darc (iiir firm ciinvictiiiii that in di'lihcraliiiu' upon a (lucstidii J-i.AM>. MMiou-lv aircrfiii;;' tlu" libcrly, liaiijiincss, and | ro.-iii'rity of tlio inli:d]it.iiits ol' tlii> ( 'oldiiy, we uuylif to 1)0 Li'uidcd niaiidy hy "tli" wt'li undor^tnod \vi>lu's ol'tlic jicoplo" ulioin wo loprojicnl, even .-lionld llioii- ',vi?-lu's unl'(irtiinat<'!y conllict, a~ in ilio prosont instanco, uitii tlio doclaiod " policy " of Vonr Majosly's ( I'ovoniniont tor tlio time heinir, the inlialiifaiits ol' tiiis Colony lu-in;:, in our dpiuion. t'ldly cdMipotont to diciilo upon ^lilutioii of flu> cnunti) in wliidi tlioir lot has hccn oast, and thi' nu-ans host adajitod to promote and pcrpctuato tho staliility and pruspcrity nf that country. 'I'liirdly.- I'p'jjuant nilli ailvantavii's to tlio I'roviucoof ( 'anada as the imipuscd Inioii niav appear, and iVauuiit with com'spondiny honoiits as such I'nion may he, under ci-rtain modifications of the "(Jnelicc scheme." to one nr more of the Marilinu- l'ro\inces. we rejrrct our inaliility to sufiu'est any modili jirove acceptahle t(i the |u'ople of Canada. lourlhly.-'l'o make suilahlc priivi>iiiii for the vast puMic works now conteni|)latcd hy the Ciovermneul of Canada, the tariff i if the I'rovincc-, if luiitcd as pro[in-:c(i, must necessarily lie irreally anjiinented, and the hurdeus of the people proporti.iua.hly increased. Tliat this Colnny. if imduded in the proposed Tniun, wnuid he subject to thai larilf is certain, Init that its pi'uple would i)articipale in .an ecpial ratio Willi the olluM- I'mvinces in the heiu'iits anticipated as the result of this excessive tax.ation is hy no means prolviMi', ludievinu' as v.c- do that, rhhouirh the trade, conmierce, and manufactures --."i I. when \'oiir Majesty was most irraciouslv pleased tn cnncede tn the people of this Colniiy llii' riirlit- and privilci;-cs of self-fiovenimeni, I'rince Mdwaid Islaml ha- madt" and i- siill makinu' steady advaiiciw In population and m.aterial pro>])erity. and it- inhahitant-- are now perfectlv sati-tiecl with the free and hlieral conslitution under which it is their happiness lo live, tlii" nuinher of these -who are willin;;- to iiuair tin- risks and dangers iiisej)arahle from a I'luon wilh ihe laruer and more powerful I'l'oviuces ef Kritisii North America lieimr, in eiir opinion, exiremcly in:-i,unili- eaiit and nnimportaiit. Sixlhlv. W'e are out iu-en-ihle lo tr;e ohliLtatieu re>ii;ii;- u|ion this Culeiiy to contriliute its fair share towi'.rds defraying' the expeir-e ef re.-i^liiiir forciifu invasuin er aii'iiri^ssinn, and have cheerfullv sanctiei'.ed the placiu;r of the entire n-sources ni' tiie Culoiiy at the di-pesal of the (iuvernnuni for the jlltailiment of lliis dcsiralile ohiect. .Sevenlhly.- Wo i.dy with the iitme~t coididence en the wiMleui .■'.ml justice of Yeiir Maje-ly in fl;e present crisis, heiieviii!^- as we do I hat the ui"'-es-llies of Canada and tlie imporl unities of il-, (ieMTumenl will net he deemed hy Your Majesty of ^ulli!■ient iinportancc to warrant a change in the constiiution anil feiiii of iiMverimient of this Cnlony oiipnsed to the wishes and hostile to !hi' feeliiiiis of its inhalii tants. a chanji'c wliiili, it i~ fi'cnerally lielii'ved, must ])riive suhversivc of eiu' liherlies and hiijhly detrimental to mir he-t iulere~ls. May it therefore please Your Maje-ty frraciously to wiihlielil \'eur Iteyal sanction fVeiu any measure calculated to cially from any mea.-ur, intended to effect a rnieii ef I'rince I'.ilwaiil Island v.itli (Miiaila and the other I'luvince- of l!iiti>li North .\inerica. I.i'gislative Couneii, Mav lo, fsnii. 1 )()x.\i.i) Mux renvti kv, I'lesideiil. Kncl. : N.I. 1). I'.ucjevuvi' 'J in Nil. '1. To INI (,lri I x'- :m()^i \'.\i 1 1 1 I X r .May it ple;ise Ymir Majesty, W I, \'oor Majesty's dutiful and koal siiiijccis, the Ilense ef .\~~eiuhly of I'rince l'!dward I-laiid. lituiiiLf under cousideiatiiiu tlie iuc>~aj;i' of his Kx<-ellencv the Licuteiiant-tieveriier, cemmunicatiiii; ji 111 -patch dated the '.'Itli day el .lime la-t, frniii llie Kiuht llnunurahle j-idward Canlwell, Seci-etary el' State for the Colonial 1 )epartMient, upmi the sul)je<-t of ;i l'"ederation of the Hrilish North .\mericaii I'lovinccs. hcL' leave to ajjpieaidi ^'eul■ .\!aje-tv lor the |mrpo-e of cxpre— iinf our res|iecll'nl hut deliherale ojiiniou that any riiioii of the British North Aim licaii Colonies which would cmhrace I'liiice lOlward l-l:ind, upon the terms and piiociple- -et forth in the ii-iihilioii> of the Conference of(,luelicc, held on the Idtli Oitoher Is'll, would not only he unjust to the inhahitanls of tin- Colony, hut prove di-ast ions to tlnir deaii -t and nio-t cherished rights and interi -Is as a free | pie eiiioyini;- the lilessines uf , a ]nice|e«s coii-tiliitioii iruaianfei'd to them hy the Imperial (ioveninn'iit ol'tireat iiiitain. '1 hat, coiisidi'iiiiji- the i-e|;iied, peculiar, ;iiid exceptional |iosilion of I'rince j'Mward Island, a^ Centra- ted \^ ifli the otiu'r l!rili-h North Anicri and adviinciii),r their luali'rial and coiumenial interests, this I louse cannot tidiiiir that a I'l'dcral I'nion of the Noilh American l'ro\ iiices and ( olonics which would iiicliide i'rince I'.dwiiid Island, could ever hi' accomplished u])oii terms that would prove iidvantiiij;ei)U- lo the iiitcrevts and wi ll-heiu^- of the peo|de of this l-land, cut otV iitid separated as it is, and must ever |-eiiiain, from the neiglilionriiiu' l'i'ii\inccs hy an imnioMihle harrier of ice for many months in the year ; and this Ijouse deem- ii lo he it- -acied iuiil imperaliM' duty to declare its conviction that aiiv I'iiiiiM ol til" Nmlh Aioeiicaii Colonies that would eiiihrace this Isliind, would he a- hostile lo tin- leelllins Jillll W 1 ll -, a- it WI ill, I e opp, -rd to the lle-1 •iud i|lo-l villll itltcrc-ls of i|^ pcopl. . ;.^,; i;:»V.»^;^|.- j.^-y ^;. NION OF THE BIIITISTI NORTH AMEUICAN PROVINniS. 1:5;? ( liiiuMit to ^'n\ir upon ;i i|Mi"iti(iii niiy, \vi' ouyiil to I'vcn ?lioiil(l their r N'our Maji'.-ly's illv cnliipctcllt to as liccii I'iist, ntiil coiiiitry. iiiiiy apjiiMr, anil s (if till' ■• (^Mii'licc any niodilii-ation (•ircnni5>tani'('s of .la. ■ tlio f ioviM-nnii'iU s Muj-mcnlcd, and in the inoposcd in an cipial ratio taxatiiin is hy no nil'actnrcs of tlic t'w and iMi]n'ov('d ufa!'tui-cs of this 1 conci'dt' to till' ind has niado anil ahitant- arc now lini'ss to li\i', tho a Union willi llif Mri'nii'ly inr-iunili- ihnlo its lair ^llart• liavi' clu'crfully )V('rnnii ill for tlii' III' Maji'sly in tlii' (if its (iiivirninont 1 till' (■onstiliition lini;s of its inlialii ii'i'lirs .■mil highly ani'tion from any icii it now li.'iiipily of I'linrc I'.ilwanl ■itv, I'ri's.idi'iU. Mdvaid Inland, , ciiiiiniuniratin;:' urll, Sciiclaiy of Nnilli \ rii-aii liil 1ml drlihci'atc I'linii' l''.(h\ard .1 i,iiiilic r. lii'lil on piii\(' di«;islriiiis ihr lill'S.'-il|i;s nf ;i n. Iw.'ird Island, .'is di'ciiis it to III' its tn ir-alliini till' assrd liy it in its s, ,iiiil aftrrw.'irds \".'iiilily of this if the continontnl liiii;' iiinl'i' closely iiis 1 Imisi' laniinl d inclildr I'rilici' n. to till' inlcicsis cMT rciiiain, iVoni lir \ rar ; and this that any Iciid'al .'1- hnstilo to the „.npl,. \\'i' liPEC fnrtliiM' rcsjioi-H'nlly to state that while tliis ll(in;r.'icionsly jileased not to yive \'onr ]iiiy;il s;inctiiiii tn aiiv Act or measure fniinded upon the liasis nl' the lepnrt (if the •,)iieliec (.'oiifereiice, or ("itherwise that win'ild have the elT'ect of iinitiii^^ I'riiice Edward Island in a Federal Ciiiun with Canada, or any other of Vonr .Majesty's I'rovinces in America. U. -M.Vl AIL.W, llonse of Asseinlily. -May li>, 180'!. Speaker. PniNTr. I'.OV Mill l.-i.AN n. l'"nclosure ;5 in N'o. il. i:ncl. .■! ill No. 6. His()i.i:rT(i\s of lii:(,isi..\ri\ i: foixi ii. of i'iii\ri: Fdwaiid Isi.axd (ISiiO), amiiiist Coniiiiiii.niion of liliirisll Nolilll A.MI'.IIHAN l'!IOVI\( i;s. Whereas the Legislative Council have had under their coii-ideralion a cnjiy of a l)es])atch from the l!ii;ht llnnonralile I'idward Cardwell, Iler ,Mai(sty's I'riiicipal ."secretary of .''sl.ite for the Colonial Department, addressed to his Fxcellency (ieor^'c Diindas, i>(|uire, Lienteiiant-CMncrnor of this Island, ami liearinif date the twi nty-tonrth day of.lmie last, aecomii.inied hy a coiiy of .-i c(irri's|ion- (leiice lietween the Ccilonial .Mini>ter ,ind ^'iscolnlt Moncl;, (iovernor-(ieni'val of ( 'aii.ida, on the affairs of liritisli .Niirtli America, includinii' the snliject of the proposed riiion of the ISritisli North Aim ricaii Ciiloiiie-, in which Despatch his [''.xcelleney (iovernor I )nnd.'is is directed hy the said Colniiial Minister to coinmiinicate the s;iid correspondence to the Feu'islatnre of this Island .it its then next meeting;', and at the same time to express the stroiifx and deliherate opinion nf Iler ^iajesty's (iovernment ihat it is an ohject intich to he desired tli.'it all the Hiifish .North .Vmericaii Colonic^ ^honl(l auree In unite in one (iovernment: and this Fcfiislalive Council havinj,' c'iven the said dociiments that iiatieiit con- sideration to uliicll all ciimiuunicatiiiiis I'm.anatiii'i from so exalted a source, and h,i\iiij;- refcreuci' In a snliject of vital importance to all the .M.iritiinc Colnnii's, are entitled: lie it llii'relor( Itcsolved. That this I.eiiislative Cniincil rejriets its inahility to discover in the Mi'd edri'i'spondenee any siitlicient reason tn induce it to depart from or modify tlie s|)irit of the'itinn iiiianiinoiislv adopted liv this llonse on the liid day nf A|)i'il Isii.j, and of the joint a(l(lre>s to Iler .M.ije-tv, alsn ;idn|iteil liv this Ilnuse mi the same day, on the snhject of Conl'ederatioii. lie^ohcd, That this Feu'islalive Coniicil does not deem it inconsistent with Inyal attachment to Iler nio>t (iraeions .Majesty's Person and (iovcrnineiit to declare its linn convictinii th;ii. in deliln'ratin;,' u|ion a ipiesliun seriously atVectiiii;' the liherty, happiness, and ]irnsperity of the inh.ihitant-- ol' thin Coloi y, this House niight to he L'liiiled mainly hy '" the well nniler.-lond wislie> ni the people " whom it represents, even should tlie-^e, unfortunately, coiillict with the declared " policy " of the nolilenien and geutlcmeii composinir llor Miijesty's (ioveniincnl for the lime liciiii;-, — llie iiihahit.ints of this Colony lieiiiL', ill the opinion of this Legislative Council, fully cniupi'tent to decide upon so vital ii (pie>tiiiii as the cniistitiition ol' the country in which their Int has heeii ca~l. and the means host adapted to prninote and perpetuate the prosperity and stahility of that coiintrv. Itesnlved, That preirnaiit as the proposed rnioii .'ippcu's to he with advantagi's tn the I'rmince of Canada, and fraught, as it may he, under certain modifications, \vitli corresponding lienelifs to one or more of the .Mariliine I'rovinces, this Ll'gi^lative Council suggest no modiiicatiou of the "(^Inehee '' sclieine " which could with safety lie adapted to the ]icculiar position and circnm>tances of this Colony, and which would, at the same time, he accepti'.hle to the peojile of Canad.a. {{esolveil. That to make snitalile pr(i\i>ion lor the v.i>t piililie works now coiitem])l,ili'(l liv the (Iovernment of Canada, the tariff of the united I'roviiii'es niu-t necessarily lie greatly augmented, ami the linrdens of the people proportionately increased : that this Colony, if iiichuled in the ]iroposi'(l Fnioii, wiiiild he snhject tn that tariff, is certain, hut that its ]iciiple wdiilil jiaiticipati' in an i'(pial ratin with the other .Maritime I'roxiiiees. in the lieiiefils re-nlling i'loiii the excessive t.ixatinii that wniild thus he impox'd upon them, is liy no miaiis ]ii(,lialile, — helieviiig, as we do, that althnugh the tr.ide. coiiimerci', and mauufacliires of the (•onlinculal I'rovinces would lie greatly stimnl.ited hy new and extended railway-, new and iiiiprincd cuials. the dpeniiig and wurking of valiiiilile ininc-, the trade, commerce, and mamifaclnres of this Island wiiuld not. to any appreciahle extent, he hcnefici.illy alfccted therehy. llesnlveil. That sini e the ye.'ir is.'il. when Iler Maic>ty was most gr.icioii;-ly ple.ised tn cnrncde to the penple of this ( 'olnny the rights and |iri>i leges of si'lf-giuenunenl, I'rince I'idwar i Ulanil has made, ami i- still making, stead)' aiKaiice- in p.opnla'.ion iind niatcr';!l pro^|.erity. and it - iiiliahit::nt.> ,;ie now perfectly salislied with the f'ree and liheral coiistilntion under which it is their li,ip|iiness in li\e, - the niimlier of those who are willing to incur tile ri-ks and d.-ingers ill^('ll,■irallll' I'roin a I'ninn with the larger and mere powcrl'ul rroviiices of llriti-h North .Vmcrica lu'lng, in llic o|'iiiiiiii of this Legi-l.alive ( 'oniicil, extremely insiguillcant aui! unimportant. l!e^ not insen^ihle to the ohllgation which lois ii)ion this Cnl, nv to conlrilmle its lair share tnwards ilefrayiiig the expense nf resisiing fnreigu invasion nr ,'igi!'res>i()ii j and this Legislative ('miucil is iiio~t anxioie that a liher.'il provision should he inii'le duiiiiu: the pri'-eiil ses.-inii, Imlh a- ri'spci I-- men and mean-, fur the puipuM's ul' defence, muf will cheerfullv sanclinn llie placing nf the entire re-nnrce- of ilie Cnlnny at the di-po.-al i'K l!ie (i.iM'rnmeni for llie allaiiimeni of so de-irahh' an ohjei |. Ilesolved, That this Legislative Conneil relici with the ntiiiost eoiilideiiee on lhi> wisdom and justice of Her most (ir.'icious .Majesty in the present ci isi-*, liclicv ing, as it does, that the necessities of ( 'anail'i and till' importiniities ol' its government wili not he deemed hy Iler Majesty ^^i suflicient iinport.iuce to warrant a change in the cnnstilution and I'niin of ginernnieiil of this Cnloiiy oppo-ed to the w ishe> and luistile In llie fer •lings of ils inh.'iliitaiil.- ; a chiiiige uliich, it is lielie\.d, liuisl pro\e :.uli\ei>ive of their lilierties aiul liighlv detrimental to their licst interests. K \\ l.Vi (^OHRFSrONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION PlIINc K If^l.AM). Imk'I. 4 in No. II. End. .'"> in Mo. r„ Konlvcil. That hi' con-iiliMatiiiu ot'the varimis oth'T >uhi('cls ciiihracod in the Despatchi's and otlicr (Iciciiiiii'iils ivfoiri>( tip tliis ('mnmittcc, ami mit lii'i-i'tDlDii' (iispuscil ol liy tlLC h'nishitivr pidi'ccdniirs of tlii.-< M'r-sion. hi' di'Crrcil until thi' ni'vt r-csj-ioii ol' the Li'ffi.'^laturi'. Hi'sohi'd. Tliat ;.n 1 uinhlc addn-s l)aM'(l dm the t'orcgoiiio; ii'.Mihitions lu' iiii'i)ari'(l and lorwardi'd to IltT Maio>ty till' (.) ifi'i, iiiayiiifr ci at Her Majesty may be jiraciniisly pleased tn withluild Her sanction tVoni any measure iilci.lated to ie )rive Prince Kihvard Island of the consli'ution Hhicli it now happily enjoys, and more e. pecially fr';i', ny measiire inteniled to etfeeta Union of I'rince iMJward Island with Canada and the other Provinces of 'Jiitisii North America. Enclosure 4 in No. C. To his Exeellenc-,' Gkoiu.k Uixdas, Esq., Lieutenant-Governor and Conmiander-in-Chief in and over ller Maje.-tv's Island Prince Edward, and the territories thereunto helonf,Mn"-, Chaii. rllor, \icc- * .K. '....I' ..."i /\...i: ^1' *i i.« i... I... Admiral, uid Ordinary ot the same, \c., iVc, \( May it ]ilease your Excellency: Tni Ee^islative Council haviiifi inianimously passed an Address to ller .Majesty the litueen, exju-essive of th 'ir o])inion on the suhject of the jiroposed I'nionof the liritish .North .Vmerican Colonies, ha\e respectfully to reipiest that yoiir l'"\cellency will he jjleascd to cause the same to he laid at the foot of the Tlnoiie. The Eeoislative Comicil at the sanu- time heg leave to express to your I'Acellcncy their earnest hope that the opinion of the Lejjislative Council, as con\eyed lo I lei' .Majesty in the said .Vddress, may he (leenu'd conclu-ive on the part of those whom they represent in this Island, in case anv further ai-tion may he taken hy ller >lajcsty's (iovernnicnt in reference to the (lucstion of ( 'nnfcderation, and that your Excellency may have no further cause of a])peal to the Leifislature of this Colony, or deem it necessary to take any further action on the jiart of this t'olony respectinj;- the further consideration of a (piestion on which both branches of its Leji;islature luive, for the second linii", pas.sed such a solcnni and conclusive ojiinion. Enclosure ■"> in Xo. (!. Uixii.friiix.' on the r of a h'l dimai. Uxiox of the Miirrisii Xouru A.mi.huax I'iuivixcks, 7'//('.olved, that inasiinich a^ the co (ipiialion ot' Prince I'idward Island, tlioiiiib not indi- peusable to a union ot'the other Ih-ili^b North .Vmerican Provinces, is on many accounts very desir.iblc, and as the settlemeiU of the land (iue>tion, which has so Ion;: and so injuriously afritatcil that Colony, would be attended with ;iical bcneilt, and at the same time place the local oovcinment of the Island, by the po-session of the proprietary lands, more on a Ibotino; with the other Prov inccs which hive Crown lands and mineraU as a source of local revcime. Sll!, ' '^^■'/>- ION OF THE BRITISH NOR'lII AMERICAN PROVINCES. 135 •lios iiiul otlicr pi'ot-cudinj's (if (I I'mwai'dcd tn d I lor saiictiiin it iKiw liMppily iird Lsldud witii liicl' ill and ovci' iiiiu(>llor, \'ici'- .'sty the (j>uo(Mi, I'ricaii Ciiloiiics, ' laid at till- foot cir earliest liopc iddross, may I"' IV t'nrtlicr action it'i'di'ration, and I'oldiiy, iir di'i'ni icr coiisidciatidii , passed sikIi a I AN I'ltOVlNI'KS. n. tho K:irl (d' ward Ishiiul, IT. I^fi(i.) jinher, I liavi' iKuia, ri'spccl- licli Minute 1 My advisers ssury. l)UNi)AS, ■iit.-Ciovenior. npriivcd iiv his uial SiM'rctary to l)t'li'L;alr> rroni l('\aiidra I hilcl, r. WiliiKil, il wa'' IkuihIi nut indi>- l> very dcsirahlc, itcd tliat Cnlony, It 111' ilii' Island, iiii;i's wliiili lia\r " 'riicrct'ori" resolved — ••'I'liat ill case the Lej^islatiire of the Island shonld authorize the a|)poinlnieiit of Deleifates to act in coiijiinction with those from the other Provinces in arraiij;ii!;:' a plan of co-operation prior to the ineetini: of the Imperial Parliament, the Dele^'ates from Nova Scotia and New Urunswick are hereby ]ile(ln'ed to support the policy of providing such an ainonnt as may lie ncc( -sary fuliject of the adjustment of the land (piestion slniuld be fully dix-ussed by the Delegates f'roin the three Provinces in London in a liberal spirit. Should the result of the di-cussiou be that in the oiiiuiou of the Delegates pecuniary compciisalioii should be given to the proprietor.s for the surrender of the proijrietary rights, llie Committee would further recoinniend that the Canadian Delegates be antliorize(l to join with those I'roni the Maritime Provinces in a strong representation to the fi st (ioMMinneiit and Parliament of the united Provinces in favour of their granting the conipensa- tiou a. 'reed npoii by tli-'iu. Certitied. (.Signed) W. li. Li,i:, C.E.C. Pinxci; KliWMil" Isl.ANII. Despatches from the Secretary of State. \>). 1. No. L>. Copy ol'a DESPATCH from the Rii>iit lion. Kiuvaiii) CAHinvr.i.i., M.P., to l-ieiiteiiant-(iovernor Dim) as. (No. 2-2,N Slit, Downing Street, .Vpril "Jf), IS(),-,. T HAVf. the lioiioiir to acknowled; e tlie receiiit of voiir Despateiu No. '27,* of tlie .Si(l of .Vjirii, enciosinu; a Joirt Address to tlie (^iieen from tlu- Leirislative Coimeil and House of Asseniiiiv of Prinee Edward Islaiul, jira\ino' Her Majesty not to jxive tlie Royal assent to anv Act oi measure I'oimded on tlu' Qiieliec Resoliitiiuis that wonld have the I'd'eet of iinilino- that Province in a federal I'liion with Canada or any other of the Hiili-h Provinces in .Ameiica. I have to retpiest that you will int()iin the Leoislative ('ouiicil and House ot .Vssembly that I have laid thi'ir .\ddress before tlie (^neeii. I have, &e. l.ienlenant-CJoveriior Dnndas, (Siirned) EDWAin) CARDWEEL. \'C. \c. U I No. 1. Corv of a DESP.v';'' H from the i!i,oht lion. EinvAiin Caui)wi;i.i., M.P., to i.ieutenaiil-Cjoveincr Dimias. (No. :i.) Sill, Dowiiino' .Street, Eebrnary 4, ISli.j. I HAVi; the honour to aekncwiedoc the leceipt of your Despatch, No. ■!•,* of the 9tli ol .laniiars , eiiclosiuo' C(ip\ of a eoi ii's|)oiiden('e between \ isconnt Monck and vourself • faj:* la.-i res[ieciini; i!;e proiios;.d L nion oi the liriii^h North .\nieiican ('olonies. I have, &c. Eientenant-(ioveinor Diindas, (Sinned) EDWAKi) (' AlJDWKl.I.. \-c. i"^-c. No. - I'aKiMi 136 CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION 1 J'"'^' '• No. 3. hl>W AIM) J.M^i.. (-(,j,Y „f ,, DKSPATCII n-oni llio IJi^lit Hon. Edwaiid Cai-dwki.l, MA'., lo -y .^ LitMitciiaiU-CJovcnior Dinda-;. (Xo. ;?.k) Sill, l)i)\viiin<;j Strc'jt^ .Iiinc 2\, ls(),">. .,, ^ I iiAvi; the Iioiiour lo tran>!iiit to you tin- t'opy of a conx'spoiiiU'iico Ijctwooii iirrMHiiTrTii A"iscoimt. .Moiick ami inysolt' on tlic atl'iirs of Piritisli Xoiili America which liavc lately ivbruaiy km;j. fomuHl ilic siibjcct (if conlcrcuccs between Her .Majesty's (Jovernuienl ami a dcpntatioii Irom tile (^aiuulian (lovernmciit. This eoriesponcl lice having- been |)ie.seiiteil to both Honses ot'the Imperial PaiTiamcnt bv coimiiaml of Her Majes's', I have to direct you to coiinmmicate it also to the Lei^is- lature of Prince Kilwanl Island at its next meeting-. You will at the same time express the strony; and delibeiate ojiinion of llei' Majesty's Ciovernment that it is an object much to be desired that all the Hritish North American Colonies should aj;ree to unite in one government. In the territorial extent of Canada, and in the maritime and eonunercial enterprize of tiie I^ower I'rovinces, Her Majesty's Government sec the elements of power which only retjuire to be combined in order to .secure tor the I'rovincc which shall possess tliem all a place among the most considerable communities of the world. In the spirit of loyalty to the British Crown, of attachment to British connexion, and of love tor British institutions, by which all the I'rovinces are animated alike, Her Majesty's (iovernment recognize the boiul by which all may be combined under one government. Such an union .seems to Her Majesty's Government to rcc iimnend itself to the Provinces on many grounds of moral and material udsaiitage, as giving a well-foimded ])rospect of improved administration and increased prosperitv. But there is one consiileration which Her Majesty's (jovirinnent (eel it more cspeciidly tlu'ir duty to ))ress upon the Legi.-latiue of Piince Ivlward Island. Luokmg to the ileteimination which this country has ever exhibited to regard the defem e of the Colonies a.i a matter of Imperial concern, I hi' C.)lonies must recogni/e a right, and even acknow- ledge an obligation incumbent on the Home (iovernment, to urge wiili eainestnos and just authoiiiy the measures which they consiilcred lo be most ex])c(lient on the ]iart of the Colonies with a view to tlieir own delence. Nor can it be doubtful that the Provinces of British North .Vmerica are inca))able, wiien separate and ilividcd from each other, ol' making those just and sullicient pi'cparations for national defence, wiiicii woukl be easily undertaken by a Province uniting in itself all the population and all the resources ot'the wiiole. I am aware that this project, so novel as well as so important, has not been at once acceptetl in Prince Edward Island with that cordiality which has marked its acceptance by the Legislature of Canada, but Her Majesty's Ciovernment trust that after a full and careful exanunation of the subject in all its bearings, the Maritime Provinci'S will j)erceive the great advantages wliicii, in the opinion of Her Majesty's Goveriunenf, the |)roposed Union is calculated to conter upon them all. I have, Sec. Lieutenant-Governor Dundas. (Signed) EDWARD CARUWELL. \'C. &c. Silt, SlH, KO. 'i: • I'uge l.'lii No. 1. Copy of a DESl'ATCH from the Right Hon. Edward Cauuwi.ll, M.P., to Lieutenant-Ciovernor Dundas. (No. 19.) Stn, Downing Street, Alay :25, 18()6. I iiAVK the honour to acknowledge the recei|)t of your Desjiatt h, No. ■I'i,* dated the 9th May, transmilting a co|)y of a Resolution against Confederation which passed the House ot Assembly on the previous night. I have, ivc. Lieutenant-Governor Dundas, (Signed) EDWARD CARDWELL. &c. \c. ■,> f-v^V.' ^ NION OF THE BlUTISri NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. VM lo 10 24, ISG,-.. iMici' between it'll have lately il a (1 iiiitatioii ;'ial I'ailiaiucnt ) to the Legis- llei- Majotv's :)rtli American .'lit of Canada, Her Majesty's eil in (niler to St consiiierahio oi" attachment ! rrovinccs aie ell all may be [iovi'i'iimeiit to rial advantage, sed pios])eiity. noie esiH'ri;illy .Dokmg to the of the CJolonies 1 even aeknow- aniestne>s and on the ])ait of it the I'rovinces eaeh other, of licii wonld be the resonrces been at once s accojitance t alter a full 'rovinei'S will ovennnent, the KDWKLL. M.l'., to L'.j, 18(i6. lU h, No. l;i,* eiation which R DWELL. No. r,. Coi'v ofa DESI'A'I'CII fiom the Uight Hon. Edwaud Cardwi:!.!., ^f.l'., to /XT .1 V I-icntenant-{io\eiiioi- Dindas. (j>Jo. 'J I.) Siii, Downing Street, .Inne 'I, L'^Gli. I iiAvr, tiio honour to acknowledge the recei])! of your Despatch, No. 1 1,* ol'tiie 1 1 th of .May, enclosing .Addresses to thi' (^?neen from the Legislative Council and the House of Assemhiv of Prince I'"(l\vard Island on the sulijecl of the Union of the liritish .North .\meiican Provinces. I have to re(]iiest you to acijuaini (lie Legislative Council ;nid House of Assi^nhlv that I lia\e laid their iespecti\-e .\ddresses at the foot of' .■ i '"one. I In...', \'e. Liemenam-{iovirn ••IDWARD CAHDWELL. ike. Ike. Pinvi i: lai\VAia> Im.ami. * l';i(.a' l.n. Coi'V ofa DI'.SlM'rCH I'rom llie Right Hon. the Earl of CAn\.\ii\-o\- to Lieutenant(iovei nor Di.ndas. (No. 11.) Siii, Downing Street, September 27, 186G. ! iiAVi; the honour to transmit lo you, Cov your information, the enclosed copy of a Resolution adopted by the Delegates in England from the Provinces of Nova Scotia Xo. na. and New Hrnnswick, together with a coiiy ofa Despatch which I have addressed on the ^'''','- --:-"''i''-• snhiect to Viscoimt Alotick. , > , 1 have, \c. Lientenanl-(;.iv.'nior Dnndas, (Signed) CARNARVON. \-c. c\c. ^ ^'"- /"• X,,. 7. Coi'v ofa DESP. VrCH from the llighl lion, the Ivirl of Caknarvon to l..ien tenant-Governor Di;.nuas. Sir, (No. ;'..) Downing Street, .lanuary 19, 18(i7. Tin: negotiations respecting the |)roposed (."o'lfederation of the liritisli North American Pi'ovinces have reached a jioint at whicli I think it right that yon shoidd be gene- rally apjjriseil of the mode in wiiich that proposal is viewed by Her Majesty's Government. They are not nnaware of the dilliculties which must attend any attempt to consolidate in one body politic a variety of Provinces whose habits, laws, and interests must be in many respects dillerent, and in some pcrhajjs not wholly compatible. By tiir the important ])art of those diliicnlties have been removed in the present instance by the wise anil loyal foresight of the jniblic men of Lower Canada, wiio in their tieatmcnt of this subject have shown themselves able to reconcile a manly supjiort of their hereditary customs and institutions with a generous confidence in the justice and friendly t'ecling of their more numerous fellow snb.iects of British origin, 'i he (pieslions whicli remain in controversy will be approacheil by Her Majesty's Government with anxious and careful attention, but, I must atld, in no spirit of indifference. That in time of war or tumult the armed force of British North America should be one under one supreme command, — that in time of peace their connnerce, liieir post, their great lines of connmmication, aiul, with due regard to local usage, their civil and criminal jurisprudence should be govi'ined by the same rules, — that an extendctl |niblic o])inion shuuld be brought to bear on the settlement of narrow local controversies, ami that the most important affairs of British North America slionlil be adnunisteretl by a combination of the ablest men whom it can furnish, — th.cse benefits appear to me so intlisputable, so pervading, ami so permanent in their character that i should be wanting to my liiity if I did not express to you, and through you to the connnunity over which you preside, my earnest hope that no trifling obstacle will be allowed to interfere with their full attainment. As my object is not to express an} oi)inion on the details of this measure, but to give to tlie princijile on whicli it is founded that frank supjiorl which Her Majesty's (ioverii- ment consider to be ilue from them, I shall only add that you arc at full liberty to com- municate this Despatch to your Executive Council. Lieutenant-Governor Du.ulas, (Signed'r''' CARNARVON. t-VC. &C. &C. ^ ° ' 1G251. S l;58 ( DKKKSPONDENCE RK.SPECTINCJ THE PROPOSED UNION NEWFOUNDLAND. Despatclies from tlie GovcM'iior Nc. * Nil. 01 .1 \hv. a, I8i: priutfd ill lap.'!* pio- M-llll-.l K,l., II. 'I NO. 1. Coi'V ofa DESI'.V'IH'H lioin (iovciiiui .Mrscit.wi; to the Riulit lion. V.uw \ui) C \iii)\vi;i.L, MA*. (No, l(i.) (idvcniimnt ll"usi.', Xcwt'oiiiidlaiKl, l)t'c\'iiil)L'i' 27, 1^^()1. I lii'CriMMl .llilllliirv I 7. lS(i,j, ) Siji ( Aii>\M'riil Nm. 4, .lanuiiiT "J t, ISIi.j. |imi;i' I.'iI.i I ii.wi; liail llu' .innoiir to ivct-ivi.' your l)cs|iatcli, No. 21, o( tlio stii instant, lorwardiiiii a cojiy ol' oiu' to the (iovcrnor (ienrral of Canada '" on llu' Mil)ji'i't of tlie pri'i'^OM'd ('()ii'i'(K'iatioii of the sovoial I'losinci's of l>^ili^ll North Anu'ria. 2. I havi' thoiijilil it (li'.sirahh' at onti' to piihhsh iliis (■onnnunicatioii lor i;eiK'ial infor- mation ; and whiii thi' local l.i'j;i>lati\L' Si'ssion is opened on the 2stli of Jannary next it >liaH lininally he laid hefore the Coiineil and .Vssenihly, wilii the Rt.'porl from the ('Dnference of l)eleiia:>..; '.eeeiitly iiehl at (,)iiei)i'e. 15. W'iien lorwardinii' to yon the replies of the la\iiislalive hodies to tlie usual Address from tiie t )llicer adininisterinj^ the (.iovi rinnent. I shall hi' i)etlei' able lo report the ollicial I'eception of the pio|)()sal of the Quebec Conference; hiil 1 may now state that the infor- mation I li;p.\e obtained I'oni various sources k'ads im' to anlici|i;ite the favoinable coiisiu!, ration of that picposal. i. I enclose a copy ofa Despatcii which I have addrcsscii by the present mail lo Lord Mmick, believini; tliai I should act rightly in endeavourinj;' to obtain from iiim at once any intorniation or sii^jxcstions wiiich ma\ facilitate the settlement of this important suliji'ct, and a fiu' as possible to secine ha nionions and co-operative action in ihe proceediuiis m ccssary lor this |HU|)n>c. .'). As 1 hive noticed in my coninnniicatioii lo him, I ha\e uscerlaini'd that the solici- tude of the meiiantili', wiiicii is the dominant inleii'st here, is directed piincipaliy to thi' cil'e( I which ti.e \ivMal annexation ol' the smaller Provinces to Canada may have upon Ihe local tarili'. I'liic'ctioiis arising even lioin lliis soiirte uouul lu/t, 1 bcliiAc, bi' uih oiKpierable, hni i ho|ie 1 ni.iy receive siieii a reply iiom ll.e Caiiailiau (iovcnnnenl as may j;reall_\, if not M'lon'i'ther, neutra!i/e any opp 'silion upon this i;rouiiii. (I. 'The nio>t impoiiinl ik l.iil in tiu' arranuemenl pri'seiitin^- ilsill lor settlement will probalily ^row out of tiie opitiion uliicii I know is euterlained by leading men of both |ioli(ical paitiis in the Li'gisjature, that on the Union of the Pro\ nices a iiiodili- cation of ihi' IoimI legi^lalivr cdnsiiiiition would bi' wry desiralile, il nol ai)soluteiy iiei-e-- sar\. as a mailer of economy ; and a coiisoliilation of the ( 'ouncil and Asscinhh' into one bodv, such as some yiMi- ago loinuii the l,egisl,iii\i' ( h.iielier of lhi> ( Hlonv, with niiicli reduced numbirs, wouKI constitute iIk' best kind of locai l.egislatnii' t()r liiliuc local purposes. 7. 'I'iiis snggi'slion will probably v,\\i' li^e to much discussion; but I belii-vi; il would be practicable, if it should apjiear lo be desiiabh-, lo press the whole (piestion lo a solu- tion dining the very mxl session of the la uislaluie. in this res()ccl, lioweviT, the local (ioverinnent will be guided liy circumstances and ihe inforination which may be receivtHl from the olliei' Plll^inec^. Il is not unlikelv a feeling may grow up llial, as the picsi'nt AsM'inbK will ( \pire in May, .iml a gi in lal eh clion iiiusi take pfice in Ihe .uiluiuii, it may be belter to allow llii' while snlipel to bi' snhmllled lo ihi' coiiMiiuiiicies ; and though no maleriul alteialioii would be probable in the eoiislilulioii of the new IIoiksc. yet il may remove some excuse lot i)opulai clamour to permit relerence lo he nominally made lo lln' elector!*. I have, \c. Tlie Right. Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P.. ^Mgncd) A. Ml'.SURAVE. &:c. \'c. bcc. ION (111. •27, isdi. sill uisiaiit, hji'ft (if the iciK'iiil iiiior- famiiirv noxl ort lioiii tlie Mial Address It I he lat tlu' iiitor- e la\(iiiia'blo mail lo l.oid liiin at oiK'e lis iiii|)(irtant ctiiiii ill ilic llic .s()iii:i- lally to tlu> liavi' upon alik', liiit I allv, ir nut K'llK'lll will illLt IIK'li lit ;>.•> a nidilili- iiti ly iii'Oi ■- ^x'uilily iiili) liin\, willi I'oi' lutiiio vi; il wotilil II lo 11 solii- '1, till' looil ill' U'l't'ivi'll I III' lIlL'.M'lll aiiliiinii, il ■iirii's ; and lU'W lloilH', iioiiiiiially KA\ K. or TiiK iiiUTisii Noirri! amf.rican j'kovincks. I'',ncl'isur(' ill \ii, I. 13!) Xl'.WFOUND- ( iiivcriiiiicnl llimsc, \('\vfi)iiii(ll;in(l, Dccrnilipr 27, ISIil. i.wii. '/'/lis />'Sjiiiti-/i irill III' J'liiiiiil /iriiitid iit jiiii/i' -. I'ilK'l. ill No No. •>. (iii'i ol'a DKSl'A'rC!! iVom (idvi'inor MrscHAVi; to tin.- Kij^lit lion. Ki)\\ Aiii) Caiidwki.i., M.l*. (No. •2'.].) (iovcinmcnt House, Newfoinidland, .lannaiv 27, IM().5. ( I{(M'civi'(l l''clini:ii-y Hi. JNIi.'). ) i^llj (An-wrrcd Nii. !l, l''clirii;MT "JV. ISti.'i. [iMixc l.')4.) 1 ii.wi; tlie lioiKiiir to (inward tiiliieeis than has heen usual on the part of the (Jovernor since the estalilisjiment of Hespoiisilile (loveninient ; Imt the ('oiincil entirely apjiroved of the diaft wliieli I siihiiiilted lo them, and 1 have reason to hope that the remarks which 1 ha\e made will not he iiii'vpcdienl in the |iiesent position of local all'airs and circumstances. I iiave, ike. The Ki-lit lion. i;.Iward Cardwell, M.l'., (Signed) A. ML'.SGRAVE. \e. c&c. iVc. {''.ncldsiiri' in N(i. '.', EsiiiAcr IVdin SiT.i' I II (if liis I'Aiclli'iicy CinvoriKir Mim.kwi on ii|n'iiin;; llir I'il'lli Session iit till' l''.iulilli (iriiiTiil A>-i'iiiliiy, .l;iiiii:iiy '.'7, iMi.'i. Mil. I'liisinrvr, \\n llnvnii! \iii.i. (ii \ri.i'Mi.\ oi 1 in ('oimii.. Ml!. Sn \K1 li, AMI (il SIIIMI \ 111- IIM lillVlir II A 111 I' lllll -I Ol .\ss| \| ill. V. N'dii will 111' liiriii-lird wilii till- n>]iiirt of tin- iIcIcumIcs iViiin liic si-vcinl llritisli N'mtli .\inoncati I'rniiiirc-, wild iiii't at Ij'ui'lii'i- ill ( )rtdli('r last In rolislili-r 11 piMpd-itiiiii I'dr llic ( 'diiri'ili'iiili'iii ol' llii'-c ( 'dldiiit';., ami with a i(i|iy cif ,1 I )!'-|v,-itrli Iniiii llif ScrrctMiy nl' .SMtc iipdii lliis iiiiiiiirl,Mil >uliiiT|. ri'iivi'viii;;' till' f^i'iii'nil appidval df I liT M.ijcstN's (idvcniiiii'iil nl' tin' indicfiliiin-i dl' llic Cdnti'ii'in'c. 'i'lu" i|m'>tidii Id uliicli ilidsc ])ii]irrs n-t'cr is mii' dl' llic iIim pest iiili'i-c-l id llic w liuli- cdiiiiiiuiiily, uillidiil cM'cplidii dl" .•iiiy parly or siM-linn, and 1 iiiii rniiliilcul llial I iici'ii iidl d\lidrt ycni Id iippidiuli till' fdii^idi'vatidii of till' pi'dpd«^il >uliiiiilti'il liy llit' ( 'diil'dn'm-i' in ii spirit cit caliii cNainiiiaiiiiii. lis lioariti;: ,11111 tlii' imiiii'ili;ili' ui'll'ari' nf llir piipiiliitiiiii iil' .Ni'wl'diiiiill.iinl will iin diiiilil iim-l rdiircrii Villi, lull I'litiii'i' lii'iidlii'ial diiiwdipii'iiri's liki'ly In llinv 1111111 tin- anaiiijrim'iil. it' carrit'd iulii rll'i'il. will lint ('si'.'ipd yiiiir iiiipiiiy. I lia\i' lici'ii ai'ipiiiiiitcd, \>\ tlir (idvcnidi'-l iiiu'ial ol' ( aiiada. thai llie ( '.iiiaiiinii l':irliiiiiii'iil wiis >iiiiiiiiiitii'd In iin'ct mi llir raili iiislaiil. and il is inldiidi'd liy lii> 'idvcniiiii'iit Id pi'ipiix' Mil .\ddi('>- Id till' i,iiin'ii I'ldiii hdtii lir.'iiii'ln'- ol' tlu' l.c^ii^laliiri', I'liiliddyiim- tin' ri'-dlniidn, dl'ilii l,>ii(-lu'r ( 'diit'crciirr, and prayiiiy Hit Maji'^ly tii liuisc 11 Hill in lie iiilnidiiicd iiiln tin' liiipi'iial I'ailiMiH'iil Id cimcl the iiiiidii dl'ilii>M' (dldtiio on tlu' lia«is iil'tiit'-ii ii>sdliili(ins. Will ii'^pi'il Id till' (|iic-.|idM i|' III!' ; '!isliiiii> larilV nl' lln' pi'opiiM'd I'liinii, wliiili naturally oiil'.iu'm iiiiiili riin-idi'ratidii. it i^ (ili\idii>ly iinpd.,.iMi' I'm tin- (JdNcinincnl nl' iiny niii' I'lovim-c to fxive nny pli'ik'i' wliirli wdiilii III' liindiiiu' npun tlio (iiiMMiniii'iil nr I'aiiiinniMil nl' llio I'nidii; lint I inn in a |id-iiidii Id vtati- that, il' the doii-imi loicd with the iiu'inhi'i- nf thr pio-ciit t.'anadian .\dniiiiiilralidn. till il' dt'sirc wdiild lie In iiniiiiii-o ilid rhari;i's in tin' i.iiiH -n as in nii'i'l the \ iews ol' all tlio iiu'iiihi'rs of ihii pnipiKi'd rnioM. Ill- I'.xci'llrliry {.did Aidlirk has lApii'-iM'd In nii' hi- dpiiiinn that iho rdiirso dl' artimi will lio in .1 din'rlidii that will III' Miti-larliiry In ynu lldiidnialili' llddii's, and that im app^l>lll'll^idn need In' mil rlaini'd in Ncwl'iinndland that a ^vslcin of I'M't'ssivo iiiiporl diilicK will in- iniiddiiri'd. No. 2. I'nrl. ill No. 2. Sill. No. X No. .1. Coi'N of a hr'..S|'A'r('II from (iovenior MtistaiAVi to the Uidhi jjon. I'.inv Aim ('\iii)\vi;i I,, M.T. ;Xo. ".'7.) (.iovernnu'iit llou>e, Newlinindlaiitl, I'ehruarv 23, !S(!&. (I{ iM'il Mairli I I, |M(i,V » I Aii'Wi'ii'il Nil. I."), .Miirili IT, iHii.l, piitfi' I iiwf, iiiiil tlie honour to receive yonr Despaicli No. •!,* ol the Villi tilManiiarN, Tiwi'Im, ill which yon 'ii<4iiiiy votir approval of the modilicaiioii ill the eoll^lillllilln of the local 1 a'disjaliire that I had .leipiainted ymi is likel\ io he pio|)osed as a coiisi ipielK'e of the I nnni of the several I'nninees nid the C'l ililiNliinent of one (leiieial (.'olniiial I'lnliaineiit; and ill vvj'ich also you express the opinion ih.u in the ,ili',ence of ttiiv serions ceaHon to the contrary il will lie moni ilesiraliie to oliiaiii (he decision of tlio Lenislature upon the proposed ('onl'eder.ilioM vvilhoiil delay. S J It) COKHESl'ONDKNCK RKSPECTIXC THE PROrOSED UNION XrwKUM)- o_ I,, |„v Dospatch to wliicli you ivfor 1 roinarkcil tlial wiicn t'oiwanlinjf to yoii t!io ' '^'' - irjilii's (iftlio ]^c;:;islative IJodics to the usual Adilross t'rom tlu< (ioveinor on openini;- tlio Icui.-lativc si's>ioii I should he bettor able tlian at that time to report tlie oliicial reeeplioii of tlie proposal of the (Quebec Cunreiciiee ; aiu! I also in tin- last paia.u;rapli reniaiki'd tjiat it was not unlikely a teeliiii^ would u,row up that in view ol' the expiration of the oxistiuij; House of Asseinlily after the present Session it woidd be most desirable to tlefer decision upon that proposal until the question should have been submitted to the eonstitiieiK'ies. ;?. On the debates in both the Council and Asseiid)Iy on the Addresses in re|tly to the (ipeitini;' speech, and subse(juently on the special subject of Confederation, it has become i)l)vious that althouLrh no attempt i: made to obtain a decision adverse to the proi)osition, the siroiiibility, liiat unJi'r any ciicuniNlances liic matter is one which should i)e referred to the constituencies, and that in those actuallv existjnn- it woidd !);• spi'cially impro|)er to attempt to force a lia>ty ilecision funu the prisent Leiiislature, ju>-t on the e\i' of exi)iratii)ii. ■I. I belie\e I am justified in statin;!; that tlie project is yraihiallv nainiiiir ground in the eslinr tion of the better infi.rmed mend)ers both of' the I.ej;islalure and tlu' conuiiu- iiiiv ; bill a jrooil (leal of misap|)relieiision pii'vails amotii;' a laru;e number, wiiiih a little time for consideiMtion and explanatiou woidd uo lar to lemove. I entertain searceK' any doubt of the final adoption ol the proposal-, of the (v'ueliie (Joufiaence ; but the cin'iim- stauces of Newfimndland aie soinevdiat ditl'erent fro n tliosi- cf the ollu'r I'roMncs, antal)li>luil upon the nootl will of (lie people. I am advised, and it appears to •nysclf til It in tiie |)resent state of public fi'elini,^ it woiihl be unwise to press for iiiinie- diaie decision ;i!',ainst thi' almost imaiiiiuous desire, to defi'r it until iIk' next si'ssiiai. .Siicli a I'oiiise v.oiild probably I. ill, and only have llie I'fleel ol' exeilim;' fictions hosiiliiv, which wiiuld lelard the eventual settlement of the I'liiou ; and it is thereflire now pro- po.seil by the (iovi'rnmenl to auree to the postponement of a decision until the tiisl session of the new Legislature, when the ipiestion .shall have been .submitted to the constituencies of the ( 'olony. C. I trust that practically milher inconvenience nor delay will arise froiii this deterini- iialioi), as the inlininalion received throiiuh dilli'ii'Ut sources from the otlur I'roviiiccs seems to render it ch i,l)tf'ul wli"tlu'r all, if any of tiiem. will so l\\v have (h'termiiu'd the ipiestions submittr'd tor coiisidiiation as to enabli- tin- pii'paratioii ol'a Hill for i lit rod i ".lion in the Parliament iliuinji liie present ses.sion. (i. I have (•oinmuiiicateii to Lord .Moiick bv this mail the subst.uice of the obs''rvalions have nou made. The l{i;Jit Hon. I'.dward Cardwell, M.P., iVc, \c. &c. I have, \c. (Signed) A. .MU.SCJIJAM;. Nn. 4. No. 1 . Col"! of a l)l'>i'.\'r('ll from (iovernor Misoiiwr to the Ki'Jilit lion. I'.mv.Mii) (' Aiiiiui.i.i,, .M.P. (No. H.'».) (iovernnu'iit House, Newfiiundland, .\|)id 1;', isO.'). ( Ifoccivcd, Miiv !», |S(m.) Sill, (.\li-«rn'(l. Nn. 'JL'. Mu.v IJ. ISC.-,, |,i|...,. I.-,.-,.) I itwi; tlie honour to f)rwiird to you copies of the speech with winch, mi the 7th iiistani, I clo.sed the l.eyislalive Session. Nut iTMiiwl. '2. 1 amii'X a list of tlie Hills'* passed liy the Council and ,\ssembly, win Jiwill be tiausmilled ill due com e when printed, and a copv ot' 'he resolution parsed ini umously bv the .\ssi'inlily on the subject of llie pioposel ( 'onlederation of the .North ,\iiieiic.iii Pmvincos to wliich 1 releiied in my speech. ',\, I have 111) doubt that the course iidopled uiili reuard to this inattiM', in which the Esecutive Council and myself' entirely coucinred, will prove to be the most judicious under the several ciicuinslances which iiipiire to be coiisidered. ,\nv allempl to fon'c ai'ceptaiice of the propositi m diiiin;i this session would line cerliiiiily resulted in di'leat. Alter any adviisc decision by the present Mouse an appeal to tlie CDiistitiiencies woiihi have been made under disadvantageous conditions. .Ami nothing would be ^aiiitil by pr.ciiiilaiicy iieic su lung as (in. ipaslion lem.niis undecided in the oilii.t' l'io\inces, w ithoiit Liroiind adopted TIr Mil. Pi,, Mi;. Si, I I lIlC .■"lllljcc for till- re, |ii'ci|i|i' iiell iiiiii.'ilidii Imdics. I'lider (> siiliicct oil liiil, as it i ii'il, (liiriiii; iimncdiate ■■Mu'.iri'sfi'ii ■i'i\e. I ,'iiM ciMirsi' ymi (■•■ilinii dl' ll ili'lilii'iitr I lilllv iiiidcr III cNpecl ll cliaru'cs am iiisliliilidiis lllillll.lllv .11 lll>01 I T10> l!.>s,,)v,.d. llir r>inil.'lliii ill IIh' ii'pni' >il lllf l;i;;lil MIlillMS nf III M'.ssjoii, and ri';;ard to tli a vnti> of iIk l.irL'i', |iarlii' liilslily dispi I'illl III' on a> iiiipiirtiiiit M Coi ( No. ■ Sill, Mv with wliieli on ihe sill written son oj the !7lh the pr now pro- ;• liisl session oiisliliiL'iicius this (It'li'iiiii- vv I'loviiuis crmiiu'd llio iiiti'oiir'.'tioii ol)s"V\atioiis (iii.w i; Ion. HI the 7lil Ji. ,1 will 111' liii iiinoiiNly III Aiiurii'.iii |m W llit'll tilt' <-\ jiKliiioiis liipl to loioe I'll ill (li'toiit. lilies wotilil ii' f^aiiii il liy li i'loviiici-!*, OF TIIR BKTTISII M KTII A^fERTCAN rUOVTNCES 111 without whoso coiicunonce tlio sclien, ■ cannot be oairiod info cll'ect ; wliile I iiavc Xi-vprnrND- iioiiiiil for conlidonco that wiioii Nova Scotia and Now Brnnswick hhall virtually have ' ^'*"- ado|)tod tiie pro|)osal tiioic will he no unreasonable delay on the ])art of Xowlbiiiidland. I liavo, &c. The Right Hon. Edward Caidwcll, M.l»., (Signed) A. MUSGRAVK. '&c. &c. &c. l'.iirl(is\iro ill Nil. 4. Kill!, ill No. 4. i'"\ iiiAiT from Sim;i;( II oC liis Exii'lli'iiry (Hivcnior .Mi si.ii.wi:, on tlii.-^in;>' tiic I'ifth Session of tlio Miulitli (ii'iii'ral .V>si'iiilily, .\pril 7, IMI''. Mli. I'lll.->lm A r AM) IIoMll 1! AHI.I, ( J 1. \1 1,1 . M 1 \ Ol' I'lll. C'lH Xl 11,, Mi:. Si'iAKiai .\xi) Cii;N ri.i,Mi,s iii' riii, Uomii u aiiii. IIoisi; oi A--si:miii,v, I iiAVi: Ix'i'ii lU'iniaiiilcil wifli tlic n'-oliilioii passcil hy the IloiimiraMo Ilnu-c of Assciulily on till' siilijcct iif till' jiroposi'd C'liiil'i'ilciatinii of tin" |{rili^ll North .Viiicrii-aii Coloiiii's, to tlii' I'll'ivt lliai lor till" ri'a-oiis si't I'ortli tlii' Mouse (IcciiH it ili'siralili" to siilmiit the i|iir>tioii to llie coiisideiatioii of the |ien|il:' Iielore til" ileiisioii ol' tile l.e^islatiire is taken upon it ; ami that Cor this purpose liiial defer- iiiiiiatiou upon this important snlijeit should lie deferred until the nest lueeliiin- oC the I,eui,-laliM' liodie<. I uiler oilier eiiTii'a'-taiiees 1 niin'hl perhaps lia\r viewed willi reijrel any delay iu dealini;' " illi a siihjeet on whii-li Her Maiesty's liiipeiial ( iovenunent have esliihited so warm and i;eiiei-oiis an interest. lint, as it is alnio.-t eeitain that some of the other Colonies idiieenied in the proposed arraii,i;emenl will init, diiriiii;' the session ot'llie present yea", derla"e any di'liiiile jiiclynieiit on that an'aiiL'ement, and its imiiieiliate smeess «lieii put into operation will iiiiirh depend upon the true s]iirit and intention of the siitr.tresteil Cout'eiler.itiou heiii;; eomprehi'iided and appiceiated hy t'le jieople whom it is di'sijjned to serve. I am nol now di.-poseil to dissent Iroiii the view wliieli yon have f.iUeii of the matter, or the einir-^e yon h.ive adopted, ller Majesty's ( iovernineiit would not desire to foree any impnrtanl inoiiili- ealion of the local eonstitiition upon the aeca-ptiinee of the people of the ('oloiiy a^'ainst temperate and delilieiMte (lei'l iration of iiuwilliii;;iiess to receive it; and it is (le>ii'ahle that the coiniunnity should I'lilly iinderstaial the advanta;;' 's of that to which their a-^ent is soiij;lit. lint the nation has a riy:lii, lo e\|)eil I he Colonies to accept, and does look to them to assntne, their lesjitiinale |icirliou ol' those iharu:e,> and respoii>iliilities which are the inexitahle coucoinitants of sell'-covcniineiil and free pohiical iiistiliitioiis; and ller Majesty's niinisiers justly reirard with favour a projei I of union whuli will niiitiially and materially : Irenu'tlien each for snstaiuiuLr the hiirdeu which must he lioriie hy all. Ill ~oi I Tiiiv to lii> propiwed in a Committee of the whnh^ House on the snlijeit of a Confederation ol the Hriti-li .Niaili .\mericaii Colonies. I!e»n!\cd. Thai lia\iiiLj had ir.iilcr their most serious and (lelilii'rale consideration llie prop.i-al for llie formation nf a I'edeial I'liion of the liriti-li North .\meiicaii I'rcivinces. upon the tenii> contaiiieil III the leporl of the Couveiition ol' Deleizates held at t,lueliee on the |o|h of Octnher la>t, the Dopati li ot the Kiiilil ilonourahle the Se ri lary of .'^lale for the Culouies, dated Decemher :'i, IS'il, the oliM'r \,ilioiis of his l!\cellency the ( iinenior iu rel..;ion !m this siiliiei t in his o| eiiilif; speei h of the pre>eiil ses-ioii, aiiil the report of the New fouudland delcLiates, this Commitiee are of opinion that. Iiiniii;; reyavd to the i ninpariitive innclty and very ;;rcal iiiipoitaiice of lliis project, it is ile-irahle that, hefnre a vnie of the l.ciri-latuii' is taken upon it, it .-liould he suhmittcil to the cou^ide|•atioll ot' the iieonle al larne, particularly a- the actiiiii of the other I'loviiices does iini appear ii> reipiiie that it slioulil he ha.-'tily ilisposeil of, and a-- (the present heiiiu' llie last session of this .\sseiiili|y) no iiiiieasonahle delay I'aii he on a^iniicd liy this course! and lliey therel'ore recoiiuiieiid that .1 lilial deti'riiiiualiiili upon this iiiiportaut suhjcrl he defcired lo the next meeliiii; of ihe i.eui-lalure. Sill, \o. .-). Coi'v ol a I)I'S1*A'I"( 'II fnnn (lovornor ^[|•s(i!l.\VK to the liiirht Hon, I'.nu Aid) (' MlDWf.lI., .M.I'. (No. 10.) (I'ov- iiniieiit House, Newfoiiiidiaiid, .\piil !•), ls(I.">. ll{civi\rd. MilV >l l*!iti\e Si ■sinn, ,nd of llie llcsohiiion • .(»cd by the .\sM'inh!v oil the subiial of tin pio|msed ( 'onl'i dcr.ilion of the .\ditli Aiuericait I'Miviiice*, wis written some days liiliire I had the lioimnr lo receive yesterday your Dcspiitcli No. I.'),! t n| the I71I1 .March, in which you espre^d relict at the likihluiod n| doiay in adoptioii of the prnjecl, and state that you would be very ojad to hear that I win> alile lo annonuce a laVdUraliU' deei-imi on the part of the Local Leoislalnie. I had in thai l)es|)ali h alreadv aciiuaintcd you that any atleiiipt lo lorce the acceplance of the piojecl would (iiilv have eiiMircd defeat; and it is believod on wiiaf 1 legiiid as j^ood iea«tii«, that .'iller an adverse decision in the cxi.slino; House «if Asseuibly, an appeal to the coiisliliiencie.s M 3 No. :>. I'n^a I III. rnn» I M. 142 C'ORHKSrONnENCK RK SPF.CTIXG TFIK IMJOPOSKD UXIOX Xk\VF(U'N1> I.AXI). l'Ji;i- l-I-.l. would hv niiule midor ^iisnllv;^^l;l^•oous c'liditioiis. [l only vonuiins for me to add a few iiirtiior olistTvations ',ii explanation, wliicli I iiopi' will he ^ali^^actol■v. •2. Altiioiiiili propositions f()r a fjt'iH'ral (^ontcderation of all tiie continental Provinces, and al>o lor tiic union ol' Nova Scotia, New JJrunswick, anil Prince I'ldward Island as a minor arrangement, liave from time to time been the sid)iects of ilisciission in those communities. New I'oimdiand was not included in any of such schemes until late in the last summer, and the matter had really received little if any consideration. A very larye proportion of the population are still so ignorant of the suliject, or its hearings ujion their interests, that they coultl easily be misled by the misrepresentations of the desinninu,' iimoui;' the needy unsciupulous ])oliticians so numerous in tlii>se Colonies, who. if the opportunity were atVordeil to them, would he ready to use it for uraspini"' at powi'r by persuadinii' the masses that an attempt is l)einarty '' (piestion. To lia\e ilone so would ha\e enabled the organization of an op|)osition definitely upon this ground, who, with a jilausibility sullieient for tiie delusion of a large number of the more ignorant of the electors. W(inld, in the eveiU of what might be considered a lioslile dissolution of the AsscTubly bv the Cio\-ernment, most ])robalily iia\e been able, as Ins happened in New 15ru!iswick, to influence the elections to an extent decidedly adverse to the receplio" "f the pro])osals of the (^luebec I'onferenci', and greally obstruct'. ig the salutary adiui - stration of the business of the Colony in any respect, 1 cannot escape from the iuipres- -ion thai imprudi'ut haste has caused the present state of affairs in New Hiunswick, which certainK have produced injurious .'fVects in (he conligunus Provinces, and 1 learn, on authority whicli I may tru'-t, that tiie Legislatiu'i of Nova Scotia is already e'lgaged in the consideration, not of the pro|)osaIs of the Quebec (.'onfereni'e, bu' ol ihe p:i'.ioiis scheme lor tlie Cnion of the Lower iM.nitime Colonies. 1. For the reasons which i iiave menlioned it ha; lieen re'rardiii as peculiarly exn.'diiMt to evaile any ueces'^ii\ for a dissolution of the Asseml)ly. Much care was taken to ])r. vent such a course being lorced upon (he (ioveriiiucnt, and with >o mueli succe-s tiiat, a^ 1 menlioned in ;n\ Despatch No. 27,* <>1 2;?ril FeluMarv , !im o\.il. attempt ha> been made to procme a declaiaiion hostile to the pi'oposed I'nion. ."). lint exi'U il greater doubt hat) been lelt .is to ihi' impropriety ol' a di- dilution, then' are serious practical obstacles to the adoption of >uch a course, it v.oiilil be luuti' as easy >iow to dissolve the Assembly as it was two inenths ago, but not less diflicult than then lo appoint a time fa' tiie new eK'Clioiis which would not cause much dissatisfiiclioii ,md li'ad to iinfi\()urable results. fhe greater portion of the electors ari' seafaring men, who, at thistinu' ol ihe year, are ai)sent from their jilices of residence wliilc engaged in the prosecution o' the seal fishery, ami '\lio almost iinmcdiately on reliiKpiishing jceupalion go lo sea again during the summer season to fish l()r cod. i..seepl lUiiler verv iinusua! circiun-lancis, it is '.carcely possible fiirly to hold a g' eli'c;ion at any i>llier time than in llu- aiilnmn, fin', dining the winter, comuiiiniealion with many portions of the (iovernnu'nl is absolulelv impracticable. G. I can assure you thai all these «'onsiiieralions have been very cueliilly weigheii. both by myselt'aiui my advisers, ami I trust you will find ihat your conlidi'iice has not lieeii mispl.iced in relying, as you hav' been pleased to say, on the iiKlgineiii wliieh I niav form upon the spot uilh the aid ot local information. 1 have, iSrc. Tlu' Ki'Jil Hon. l.dwardCar.lwell, M.P., (Sigiunl) .\. Ml'SC 1 1{ .Wi:. iVc. iVe. (Vc. papers the dec Sir, Nr>. fi, .No. (!, Coi'Y ol a DF.SPA'rcil from (iovenior .Misfuiwi; to the itighl Hon. • F.DW.Min ( '.MiliU l;l,l,, .M.P. (No. (il.) (loveriiment House, NewHiuiiiilaiul, July II,1h(m, lit ixnl .Inly •_'!». |S(i.-,, i Sill. (.Nll-WlTril Nm, a»i, .\lii!ll-l I. IXfi.l. |ii1l;i' |.",li. | • l'««i' I.".. I iiwr. had the honour to receive your Desp.itch No. Ml, ol the 2lih .liuu, with a copy ofii lorrcsiioiideiice belwccn N'iscoinit Monck and yoiirsulf on theallair.'i ol ITNION OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. Ii3 (■ to adil ;i few 111 oiitiil Pioviiicc's, uiuil Isliind as a •u^isioii ill lluise iiulil late ill tlie 1. A very larsfe u"iiijj;s 11)11)11 their of llie (lesiiiiiinj;- )uies, wlio. iftlie liiig at power by of tlieir liberties, lie feeliiiii' wliicli t verv seriously atl to, rather liuni ed ; ami lor this ntli the matter as iiie so would have iiul, who, with a ' io inueli feliruarv, no ov.Tt I'liion. ol" a di-svilulion, It would he (jilite t less dillienit than ueh dissatisliietioii are seafn'inu- men, ■ wliile eUi^aLied in reliu(piishinL!: that d. . xeejit under V il eleeiion at any 111, Ml with many earelully weiulied, leoiilideiiee ha^ not juds^meni wiiicli I NH;S(iRAVE. Kiirhi Hon. |i, July II, i^r..-.. ",, |ini!r |.'i'>. I |ol the -J III) .hnu, ■If on the all'airs ol Rritisli North Anieriea, whieh have lately formed the suhject oi'eonferenccs between Her Majesty's Ooverumeiit and a deputation from the Canadian Govennneiil. ■}. Tile late House of Assembly exjiired in May, the new eleetions will not lake plaee imtil November, and the Le.uislatnre can hardly be calletl to^etber tillJanuary ; but these papers shall then be Liid before them. I think, however, that it wid be desirable that the deelaretl views of Her Majesty's Governmeul should be made known as early and as i;euerally as possible, and with till-, view I jiropose to publish yt)ur Despatch and its enclosure in the local (>azett( :'>. It would he premature to express a coutiileiit opinion as lo the lesult e.f the new eleetions with regard lo the ([uestioii ot' Confeilerauon, l()r lliere is without doiihl much opjiositioii to the proposal on the part of the mereaniile body, which is very iiiliueutial with many of the electors. Hut I am of opinion that the course of the l.egislutnrc will be much guided by the action of the Imjierial (iovernment, and the proceedings of \ova Scotia and New I'nniswick. I'sjiecially of the latter I'riiviuce, where it appears to me that the i-sue will reaiiy be decided. ?\Iy leading advisers are, I beiieve, >tronglv and cordially disposed lo suiiport the ]K)licy of Her Majesty's Imperid Cjovernment on this subject ; the only doubt is with regard to th(> best mode of doing -o ertectually, ami 1 :im eonseious that it is necessary to proceed with caution luul judgment to avoid the deleat of our object. I have, \'c. Tiie iiight lion. Edward Cardwell, M.l'., (Signed) A. .MUSGR.V\ E. (Src. \'C. i!scc. Niiwroi.Ni)- I.\M). No. 7. Coi'v of a l)l',SrATCIl from Governor Ml sciu.wi; to the Uiglil Hon. EowAiiu Caudwki.i,, M.P. (No. (ii).) (iovernment, Xewloundland, August 1!,, IsQo. Sil', lAii-wi'ird No. !•_', Si'iilciiiln'r ;i(). ISti.J. |i.i'^c I.Vi.) I I! AVI. ihe honour to !• ;ward lor your int(>rmatioii a copy of the last ,\nnual Report from the Chamber ol (dnmierce to the Coiiunenial Soiiity. This doenmeiit is iiilirestuig as containing an rxpdMiion of the vii'ws ot' tlii' mercantili' comnnmity upon the suhji'ct ot the proposed Confederation ot the North .American I'roviuces. It will be stt'ii that the leeling disclosed is adverse to Conl'ederation, while there may be delected at the same time an indication ot a latent conviction thai if the I'liiou is accomplished hciwieii the other Provinces Xewloundland will lie included. .Ii'aloiisy of being iiNed as a iiU'aiis ot' siMtliug Caiiadirai iuilitical dillicullies, and fear of tin.' ce-Nioii ot' a powi'r to la which U is thought m.iy be made to operate upon this I'omuiunity tor the heiulit ol' other-, aic the leading I'aiises of objection. I nei'd not trouble you with the aiiswir- whieh ! believe ma\ lairly be given to lliem, as the siibji'Ct already lu'eii fully di-eussed, and is not likely lo be furtlu'r elucidated by observation> of mine. I iosvevrr unlikely it may be that the other ( ohniii's should com'oiiie to impose a i.uilf vin lhemselvi.s that would he o|)pre-»i\e t-i NewfbiMidlaiid, the ililiiiiiliy lies iu the aliNcnee of sucii .ui as>urauce as thi' suspicion. c(/mmercial body will regard as an illicieiil protection against what they dri'ad. I have, \c. 'I'he Ifight lion. Edward Cardwell, .M.P. (Signed) .\. Ml S(i II.WE. i\:c. \c. iVc l''.U(l(i.'.nn' in No. 7. (I'Atnict.) Many siiliiccN nl' iiii|Mii laiuc to llic tiiuli- and loniini'i'ic nt' tin' Cnlduy have I'llitaucd tlir .illi'ntidii of till' ( liainlirr iIiiiii.l: tlicir yisii nl' nllicc. I)UI liv lar tlie ini>~l protMini'iit ainimi; t!ii'-i' was tlu> |>r(iji'(l liiii'i laiiii il (>r runiiiMiiln^ the ('ulniiy loa ( 'niili'ilci.itiiHi \s illi I lit' llnti^li Anii'iiraii I'mvinco under I lie Iciiiis til' ri'i'iaiii ii'Miliilinu^ aifi|ili'il ill ,1 iiii'i'liiij; til' dflf^alf- Iniiu tlii'.-e i'riiviiice?, Iiidil at i,'iit'lief in till' inmitli III' ()( iiiliiT la^i, v\liir|i wt'ic |inlili.-li('il in tinr lutal |ia|ii'i>'. Niiliif jiaviny lii'i'ii (jivtai iiy ilif llnniiinalilf Alltuniy-di luaal in lln' lliiii«i' til' A«r't'nili|y lliat he \Miiilil 1 1 KIM I lie lliiiiM' iiilii I'liniiiiilti'i' III tilt' w I II ill' nil llii^ "iiliji 1 1, tilt* (liaiiilii'i, I'liiiM'iiiu- Imw ili'i'|ily tilt' iiitfic^ls iil'lliii-t' i'iii;ai;iil in llii' tiiidi' tuitl iniimu'in' nf tlie ('ninny vmhiIiI In' all'i't Inil liv llii' prn- |in-t'd ( 'niiliilt'iallnii. lii-t nil liiiii' in inint'iiin^;' a nui'tiiiu nf llie ( ninniiTi lal >tiiiftv \\itli tlit- vii-vv of iiM I'llniniii^ tlif ii|rniinii til till' xotii'ty on ninnifiiton" (im'siinn. ami nt ili'li'iininin^' the mitst udvi'-nlilt' nitaii'- I'm lairyin^r it intu t'll'i'ct, In i nnrornilly uilli u -nlnlioiis nnaiiiiniubly adnptcii iit that iiu'L'tiiig u pL'tiliuii vvuii piTinuvd luiti proH'Uteil lo liiitli'lL>UH>» ul' tlic Legijluiiuv, praying' tliut nu fii 4 Nn KikI. Ill Nil 141 CORllESrONDENCE KESPl'CTING THE I'ROPOSED UNION ^:f Nu V oi-\-|i- actinu s^lumld lio taken tn liind this C'lilony to llic |irulling ihf scvoial con^tituoncics oi'tlic Colony on llic incasnrc. A i^i'tition of !^inrdar pnrporr emanating tVoni a ]nil)lic nieeting iield in tiiis town, liaving also l)een inesented to tlie l,ej;i>lataie, and it iieionunj'; ap'iarent thai the general ii'eling of the Colony was adverse to tiie inineiple of Confederation on the terms ]n■opo^ed, the session was chimed witliont any aelion heing taken theieon. At the same time it was iminiated thai the fiitnre eomse of the (iovern- meni would he guided hy the e\[)l■e^^ion . The Chamlier is .iware of no advanla'ie likely to result from the [imposed Confederation that will al all compensate for the~e disadvantages atlending it. It can open no new or neirc estcnsive market for the products of our llshcrie-, nor docs il hold out a prospect of develoliiug new lesources within ihe v 'olony or of cNtending those we now possess. No. 8. No, S. Iatkact fioiii ;i I")1'".S1'A'I"( 'II fidiii (icucnior Mf-citAvi; (o tlu- Riolil Hon. Edward L'.VKDwi I.I., M.i'., il.iloil CJovi'iiimciit House, N\'uloiiiiillaii(l, Aovoiiiljc'i- II, ls(i,'). lliic.iMil Dcceiiilicl- 4. |S(i.").) (Ni). "•"'•) (Aii-wi rr.l jN.'. ,',l', DiTciiii.rr l'ii. ISi;;,. |,n'.:i' l."iii.) M'itli ri'si)cct to till- spi'iial (juesiiini ol' tlic ( 'oiitc'(l(.ratioii of llu- .Xortli .XimTJcaii I'roviiices I cannot >|nak .so cuniiikiillv . I lear tliai llif in'u Hoiim.' will not i)CMlis))osril to assent lo that ananoenunt, al least on the ha.sjs of (he leMiJntions of the (• of tho (idvcni- rtlifiiiiiiiiy goiicral iMlwaid's Ulaiid, it )i' cairicd out ; hut i and tlic Canadas ncliulc tliis Colony an- cn^^ai'i'd in the lasses (if t'lic poini" isui' IVoni it, ami to s '.\as (li'\iM'd a> a ist I'nibarrasscd the f any ait of afifjiTs- oss "to till' Atlantic ovcnnncnt. 'I'licsi' and the lallor, two s'l'w iJiunswicU and of tlii'sc olijocts to ari' of till" enormous for till' (Meet ion of I' niainti'nanrc of a d)iliiy for tin- i-on- uld ni'i-i's-itate llic i\d un('(|ual severity )eyond those of its MiUrli of our eoiii- lellinji' (HU' importers I'r.iv inces, wiienee, inet-, many <'f onr ii priee. leration that will at lor does it hold out now possess. It Hull. I'.DWAIll) bcv II, ls(i,-,. ^e lull.) Hortli Aim'ticnn lint lie'il )lU'l)i'l' is m idi' clear to lishiiii'iii (if till' IS iipiiniacliiiio- a Kilter cirriim- ii lu'tal |uiiiii|ili' iiices aorc'i' upon I 111.' ii'o'aiik'il a.s til I siuiiilii iidl Mtnu' .siu'li sljolil, lu'tiibc'is (if llic OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 145 No. Extract from ti DESPATCH from Governoi Musgrave to tlie Riolit Hon. Edward CAiiDWixr,, M.l*., dated Government House, Newfoundland, Febriiary 20, 1866. rXn 01 \ (Ucc'civcMl :\Iarcli 1 t, 18(iG.) ^^.\0. Jl.) (Answeivil No. 10, IM.ircli 23, iK&i, pa^c 1,".) I HAVi; tile liotioiir to transmit copies of tlie Speecli with wliicli I opened the Annual LeoJslative Session on the 30tli of Jan nary, and of the Addresses which I luive received in reply from the Council and Assembly. You will observe that in the reply of the Council the abstract principle that Union would be advaiitajieous has been ackiiowledi^cd, and in that of the Assembly while not expressly iilliriued it is not denied, thotio'h in both there are reservations as to tlie details of the arningement. In order that the value of the expressions in these ilocunients siiould be fiiirly estimated, it is necessary to explain that according to the usage prevailino- in this Colony the Address in rejily to the Ciovernor's S|)eech is not as in the Imperial Parliament a mere echo of that s|)eech ])repared and introiiucetl at the instance of the (joverument. It has been the practice to appoint a committee drawn from the different parties in the house to draft a reply, which is then submitted for adoption bv the House. And iijion this free discussion lias frecinentl)' arisen. In the [)reseiit instance there was more than usual debate u|)on the address. Tiie para<;rai)h relating,' to Confederation stood originally in the draft as shown in the Enclosure No. ."?. Upon this amendments were moved by Mr. (jlen, a member of the Ojipositioii, which I have forwarded in the Enclosure No. 1. These aineiidmeiits were rejected by a majority of I ! in a house of -J'A members. As hesitation, however, had been shown by some of the tisiia! supporters of the Government to sustain the paraorapii exactly as it stood originally fiamed, an amendment was moved by Mr. IIa\ward, the Solieitor-Cjeneral, as a middle course, which was carried by the same majoritv of 11, and is no'.v I'lniiodied in the Address, 'i his was not regardeil with satisfaction by the opposition, and a renewed attem|)t was maile to obtain a vote at least hostile to the scheme of the Quebec ConfiLMeiice. For this ])ur|)ose another amendment was moved bv Ml', 'i'albot, of which I enclose a copy (I'^iiclosure No. ;')), but this was also rejected bv the same majority, and there was no lurther ojipi/sition. I trust you will a:ij)ro\e of the ob^erxations wiiicli I made both in my ojx'ning speech and in my re|)iies to the Addresses from the Council ai'd Assembly. My object lias lu'eii, without excitiiiLi' factious opposition, to maintain a gentle pressure towards the consideration of the details of the measure. l'"or my own part I am toleralily well satis- fied with the present pusition of the ([uestiou. I rciianl the principle of the proposetl Confi'deration to have been virtually conceded ; and if the other Provinces consent to the Union, 1 have little doubt that it will only remain for us to settle the terms upon which Newloundland shall unite in th" measure. N r.wrouyD- I.A.Vl). No. 9. Miulosure 1 in No. '.'. Kxri'.M r iVoiii .Sri i.i ii of his lAeelleiiey (loMTiior Mi siui.wi , on opening tlie First Session of the .Ninth (ieneral Asseiid'ly, .laiiuary 30, 18(j(j. Mil. I'iiisu)i:\r .wi) Ilovoi umui; (ii Nii.r.Mi v m- iiik C'orxiii.: Mil. .'>i'i' AKiii .\M) (Ji;\ti.i;mi;x or riii: IIosoiii.mii.k Iloi si: ok Assi;miii.v : ■I'lii; ])roposed union of the l!i'iti>li I'rovinres in .Noilh .Niiieriea eoiitiniies to eiiijafi'e the anxioii jioliiitiide and (Vieiidly iiitere>t of Her .Ma.ii'sly's (ioveriiinent. Di-spatehes liiim the Seeretaiy of Sti'.;-,' upon this siilijeit w dl he laid het'ore you. Helieviii^'', ^is 1 do, that the uli:-trait aihantau-'s of union, upon ffi'iieral prineiples, must he .so ohvious as to he almost iuees«iirily aekiiowledjjeil, it would appear thai any ipiestious wliieh may he lai. .'d eaii only all'eet the terms ii]ion wliieli it may )'e possihle eipiii- ahl\ to aei'omplish siieli a union as would he de^iralile. lam satislied that Her .ilajesty's Imperial (.iovenmieiit, as well a^ the (imeinmeiits of the other i'lnvinees, will reeeive and consider with eourtemis iitteutioii any proposals that you may think tit to oU'er on this tiiihject. That the completion ot the union helweeii the other |iroviiui's is certain, and vvill only he a matter of time and airau-^emeiil, most thouulitful persons are eonviiii'ed. It may heeoiue an atlair of vital conseiiiience to this coimiiiiiiitv- not to fall into an isolated poHtimi in the liiial setllciuent, which cannot fail to exercise the greatest inllueiice on the future of all the Hritish pii^se-sions in Niu'lh .Vmerica. This is llie first occiisiou iill'orded to me of aeipiaintini; yon that the (ioveriimeni of the rnited States liiive fonually eoiiimunicated to Her Majesty's (iineiiinieiil iheir intention to terminate llii' l!eei|)i'oeity Trcaly helween the Iwo nations in twi he iiioiiths after the i ouimiiiiicatioii ot' such notice, in conl'ormitv with the pio\isioiis of the treaty. Negotuiiioii-, are ill proj;ress for for a fintlier term : hut 1 have heeu iiifornied hy the Seeretaiy of Stale, that in the opinion of Her Majesty'^ Minister at Washiiitftoii the neeessily of lia\iiiM- to suhiint a treatv of coimnerce to the separate action of the various pnnincial I.i'fii-latures would ill- II Kcriomi dillieulty in Liij way, and tliul the uiiiun uf the I'ruviiieeD would utl'urd the best liupu uf obtuiiiiiitf uucli u ti'cuty. lUli04. T I'll,]. 1 iuXo » : . .^ '7 146 CORllESPONDEN'CE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION Newfound- llcv Mnjcstv's Spcivtiiry oi' Stato tov l'"or('ii,ni Atlaiis Iwivini; suujipstcd tliiit much i'iiil)aiTasi;mpnt, LAND. dchi.. ;ui(i (lilliculty wcuilil he avoided it' tlio t'acidty iit'viviiin' an oiiiiiioii to I lor Majesty's Cioveniinent in the neijofiation of eomnioreial treaties were vested in a Cnnfederato Council, chosen liy all the iVortli Anicrieau I'rovinces and presided over l)y the (iovornor (ieuoral of Canada, I was ac(|uainted hy the Secretary (if State lor the Colonies that he had ad(lrc>se(l the nee essary instructions to theCiovernor General, and I was directeil to eo-operato with him aceordini^ly. For this jjurpose I ajipniuted tlie llnnourahle Amhrose Shea, a Meuiher of the Council of (iovern- ment, asa deleixate for this Colony to the ConfediM-atc Cumicil of I'rade, which met at<,Hieliec in Octoher last. His V("port of the ]ir>iceeilinL:s of tin' Council shall he furnished, in due time, liiv your iufoiiuatiou. One result of their cousidtation has heen a mission to Mexico, Krazil, and the Ihitish and l'(JieiL!n West Indian Colonies, for the purpor-c ol ascertaiuiuL' in what maimer the tr.illic of the I'rovinces with these countries c.ui l)e extendid md rendered nnnv advantau'eDus. Invitatinu was iriv. u to the (ioverument of this Colony to send ,i rcprcM-ntative. liut it was not thmijiiit necessary to make a special appointuu'ut, as it was lulioved that the purposes of this comnumity would he fully served hv the ri'sult of tiu; ini|uiry on hehalf of the larjicr Provinces. So soon as 1 have heen acipiaiutcd with the report of this mission, it shall he communicated to you. 1 ha\c to rcipiest yoin- consideration of the Act i)assed duriu!.' the last session of the Imiicrial Parlia- ment, '"to make hetter ])rovision for the naval defence of the Colonies."' The Despatch, and other documents which 1 have received from the Secretary of State, relatiiifj to this importaiu nuMMirc. sliall be furnished to yon. The object of thi.s eiia<-tment is to enable the colonial possessions of Her Majesty to render their fair proiiortion of assi.-t.ance towards tlieir own defeui'e, and lor this ])urpose to laise vohniteer forces to foiui part ol' the naval i-eser\e, established inider the Imperial Statute of IHo'.i, and also, if it should be th(Ui<;ht de>iralilc, to provide and man vessels of war. 1 am conliiient that if only the lU'cessary funds are furnished for such allowances :'.s are made hy the Imperial Act to volun- teers duly enrolled, there would be no dilliculty in oru-ani/ing a colonial brij^ade verv creditable to this comniunitv. The Si'cretary of State has ju>tly said that he neesiii!j this euactnieut, and he trusts that the advaiua;,'es whiid)joiued address in answer to his Kxcellencv s speech on opening the lejjislative >e?>ion : \i/. : (Kxtrart.) To his I'.xcelleiuy Asriu)xv Mrsi.ii.wi;, Es(|uire, CJovernor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Island of Newfoundland and its Dependencies, iVe., \-c., >.Vc. M.w ir I'l 1 v^i: u>i i; 1a( i.i.i.i:n( ^ , Ui'ox theipiestiou of the propo-ed Coul'ederatiou ol the Itritish North American Colonies, while reeojrnizin^' the |)olicv of I'nion as a sound |iolilical principle, we are of opinion that inipoitaiit uiodifica- tioii" of the present terms of the iu-opo>cd conventiou arc indispensal>le, and that assurances should be {riven whiih it doe> not now coulain : and we feel conlidcut of the aid of Her Majesty's (loverninent in the ])roinolion of tiii^ object, and that the necess.ary stejis will hi' taken with the other Itritish Pro- vinces for the more deliberate consideration of a measure of such radical importaiU'e before it shall be clefinittdy submitted lor detei uunation to the I.efiislatiuc of this Colony. L.M KKXi i; O'Hiiii^x, I'resident. Legislative Counpecially inipoitaiit cpiestioii, the proposed Confederation of the Niu'tli Anicrieau i'rovinces, | will reailily submit for the int'orination of Her Majesiy^ Secielary of St.ite, I'roin whom 1 hinc no doubt they will receive careful attention: a> I know that Her Majc-ly's lni|ierial (i(]\crnment will be most willing to render any aid lliey can atl'oid in cll'ecting the liiicui on principles I'Cjuil.ible to all the iiartie^ concerned in the airaugement. On Tnr>da\ the L'Ofh in-tant Mr. Speaker and the Meinber< of the Honourahle the House of As'-cni hlv presiiited to iiis Kxcellciicy the Oovenior, at the Ciovernineni House, the subjoined Address in reply to liis Excelk'uey's Speei li on opening thu leuislative .sesMioii, \\i,t SnON embarrassment, v's Govornment "osen liy all tlie IS a(i|UiiintO(l hy to tlu'(iovi'nior uncil of (iovcrn- iu'lioc ill Octolicr ;our inroniuitioii. 11(1 I'cilciLlll Wl'St vinccs with tlu'sc tilO CioVlM-llllll'llt cialajipointiiu'iit, lit of tiu! iii(|uiry t of this mission, ' IinjU'iial I'arlia- -patcli. and othor lilt nu'.i-urc. shall s of llci- Majosty jiiiriiosi' to laisc itutc of 18o!i, and lidciit that if only [■t to naval volun- ( rcditahlc to this tlu' imiiortanco of Kit the ain Ijoined Address in OF THE BRITISH NOHTM AMERICAN PROVINCES. 1 17 (Extract.) To his Excellenry Antuonv Mrscii.wr, Ks(|iiiro, Governor and Connnander-in-Chief in and over the Island of Xewfoundland and its DepenihMU-ies, \:c-., vVc., iVe. M\V 1 !■ I'l.l.AsK VOUl! ExCKI.l.l'.XCV : ()\ the ini])ortant question of Confederation, in rernynizinii' the solicitude of Her Majesty's (iovennnent for the welfare of the Colony, we coni-iir in the view of your Ivsi'ellency tiiat the ahstraet advantaifes of union are so ohvious as to he almost necessarily ailiiiowledf;ed, while with regard to this Colony, and on the details of so i^rave a measure, it is natural that much diversity of opinion slioiilil prevail, and this is a matter which should engage our serious attention. Pa:5sed the House of Assembly, Feb. ill, 18(iii. W. \'. ^Vun■I■•,WAV, Speaker. ■|'o which his I'Acellency was jjleased to muUe the following reply: Ml!. Sii Ahii: AM) (ri;Nri.i;,Mi;\ di- tiw. Honoiiiahi.k Housi'. ok Assr.Miii.v : IIi:k M a.ikstv's .Secretary of State for the Colonies will he glad to receive the expression of your opinion '.!iat the propo^e(l Confederation ot the Uritish North Ameriian I'roviiues is a inatt<'r which ngage your serious attention. It is the avowed policy of the lmi)erial Government to carry .rive ty's (ioveriniient will he most ready to atl'ord their aid in so.idjiisting the details of the measure as to rnider tln' airangcment eipiitablc to all p.irtics concerned. It is for this rca-on that. I am anxious that this Colony should not, hy unnecessary dcliiy, ])lace itself in a po>ition uutiOdurahle to negotiations. .\nd I, therefore, as Her .Miijcsly's l!epresentative, imiuedi.itely respon^ihle to liei- Majesty's Ministers in res|iect of all iiuestions of Imperial policv, rcconiniend you, i'or the information of Her Majestv's (iovern- ment, to con>ider tliis question, and to di ride iqion the terms under which, in your opinion, the Colony may with advantage join in thi' proposed Union. Nf:wFot:ND- f.AXl). sliould engage your serious attention. It the Cnion into etfect ; ami minor objections on the part of detached Colonies must o! necessity wav i)efor(> the |iressure of the more weighty motives of national interest. But Her Ma'ji Enclosure ',] in No. :•, OiiioiVAi. Ci.Aisi'. i\ lilt'. DuAiT On the imjiortant (|uestion of Confederation, in recognizing the solicitude of Her Majesty's (iovern- meul for the welfare of the Colony, we concur in the view ol' your Kxcellency, that tiie abstract advantages of union are so obvious as to be almost necessarily acknow ledged, while on the details ot' so grave a measure it i.s natural that much diversity of opinion should pre\ ail as to the terms on which, with advantage to the Colony, we could consent to join in the proposed Union. Encl..1inXii.9. I'jiclosure \ in No. 9. End. ♦ in No. 9. Mil.'s Jii;mii,i I io\^. Picsolved, That as the llepresentatives of the people of New I'oiindland, and as guardians of the welfare of its inhabitants, we could not think for a moment (as proposed by the <,hieiiec CiMivention), the giving up the advantages we have so loncf enjoyed of :i separate (lovcrinnent, so gracioi;-ly con- ( iMJcd by Imperial authority to the people ot Newfoundland. Ami whei('a> liy the report of the (jhicbee Convention various extensive and costlv works, both ci\il and military, are intended to be prosecuted in the other Provinces by the (ieneial (ioverniiicnt, ol' the projioscd Confederation, which would nec("-sarily impose gre;it taxation on the people of New- foundland, without their being benefited ' from their iMil.ited po-itieii) one farthing, by all tha' vast expenditure. .\nd wiienMs the amount proposed to be paid to Newfoundland in full settlenient ot' all future demands, is a very inadetpiate compensation for the surrt'iidcr of our separate (io^;lnment, ,ui(l ol our rc' . line from import duties, the surrender of ;ill our nngrauted lands, our mi les and minerals, the power the (icueral Gmernmeiit would have of taxing our exports of tisli and oil, the jiowcr of levying local t:ixes in our Colony, and also, the power of raisin-i' money in Newfoundland, by all, or any other moiles and systems ol' taxation. Kcsolved, That the ri'porl of ihe (^liiehec Convention, however well adapted in any of its principles to the state anil circiniHtances ol' the continental l'ro\iii es, is in no ri'spect snitiible to Newfoundland, and would, if accepted, prove inimical to the prosperity, happiness, and well-being of its iuluibitants. P.nclosure ■'' in No. 0. Ml!. TAi.iior's Amkndmi'.xt. Mr. Talhol uiommI the following a-- an ai.ieudinent upon the whole clause: — < III ihe iiiiportani ipiesiion of ('onfederation, in recogni/ing the solicitude of Her Majesty's (iovern- meiil for ihe welfare ol the Colony, we I'onciu' in the view of your I'ixcidleney that tlie .ihstraet ad\;inliiges of union, are, in some cases, so ohvioiis as to he almost net'essarilv acknowledged, while with relereiice to this Colony the preponderance of opinion is decidedly ai|vers(> lo oiir enteriiiu' ihe proposed (onfederation of the liritish North .Vmerican I'rovini'es on the basis of the (jhiehee ri'solulions, T -2 £ncl.SinKo.t. «1 : I I i Newfound L\M). No. 10. Page 145 (No. 07.) Sir, A I'Ew (lay.s r"^'.- Dcspatcli No. !jl,*()f tl flu opposition in tlic . 118 CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTINO THE PROPOSED UNION No. 10. ExTii.ACT from a DESPATCH from Governor ]\Ii;sgiiavk to t!ic Ri^Iit Hon. Edwaud CAunwELi,, i\r.P. Government, Newronndliind, March 21, 1^66. (Rpccivfd A|iril 9, KSWi.') (Answ.Mvil No. l;i. April H, lS(i(i, pa^'.- \.'>~.) ■• tlic iIep;'.rturo of tiio last, mail, i)y wliicli I t'oruardtil my -Utli uilimo, Mr. Hogsctt, wlio assimics the position ol leader of embiy, gave iiotiee of motion for a eommittre of the '.vIujU^ House on tiie .subject ol tiie proposed Confederation of tlie North Ameiiean Provinces, and of iiis intention to move the resolutions of wiiicli I annex a copy; and of \vl)ich the adoption would involve the entire rejection of the |)roposal. Tiiere is i^ood reason to believe that the proceeding; originated less in an iionest opposition on Mr. Hojjsett's part to the jiriiiciple of Confederation, to which indeed it is known tliat he had ])reviously expressed himself as f,ivoural)le, than in a desire to em- barrass the administration, and the hope, by pressinjj; the snliject, of dividing their usual su|)porler.>^, among (livers(> opinions n|U)n the cpu'stion are entertained; for I and my Council have always been of opinion that it would be undesirable to allow a subject so important to the welfare of all these Colonies to be forced into the position of a mere local ])arty cpiestion, and so made to afford ground for the exercise of ])etty political mancruvres, as Mr. Hogsett no doubt inteniled in the present instance. If the matter hail been riper f()r deciNion, and there were a piospect of ol)taining a deliberate judgment at this stage fiivourable to Confederation, before the other Provinces have taken a decided course, the action of Mr. Hogsett would have been unimportant and probal)ly would not have been attempted. 15iit the great object of the advocates of Union in present circumstanei's is obviouslv to guard :igainst an adverse vote, and for this purjiose to leave the subject in such a position as will coiuent the waverers in opinion, who otherwise would vote with the op])osition as the safer course, and to keep it alive lor consideration w/iilc preserving the Legislatme from being conunitted to any jmlgment until the action of the other Provmces shall be known anil we can more clearly see what would be our most judicious course. Wiien the motion of Mr. Hogsett came on for discussion, the Attorney (jcnerai, therefore, moved the amendment on his resolutions which I also annex ; and after some debate, in which nothing new was adduced in su])|)ort of the arguments belbre used in op|)osition, the amendments were carried on the 8tli March by a vote of eighteen against seven. I see no reason to modify the opinions which I e.\])ressed in my former Despatch No. f)l. The result here will, I still believe, depend u|)on the course of the other Pro- vinces, anil I think that public opinio>i has (piite as much advanced towards the Union as in Nova Scotia or New Brunswick; though I fear that some little check ami tempo- rary iliscouragcment may have been given by the circumstance that the subjec' .as passed over altogether without notice in the speech of the Lieutenant-Ciovernor of Nova Scotia in opening the legislative session in that Provinci. Tiiis tact has atiracted some attention, and it may be supposed that the omi>sion has been cuised by some weakness or (liusion in the (jovemment with regard to this special matter; but I have since learnt throiigii a private note from Sir I'enwick William^, that there is good hope (or success in Nova Scotia wiien New Brunswick shall have done her part. Sir, Th The Right Hon. Edward Cardwcli, M.P., &c. &c. &c. I have, &:e. (Signed) A. MUSGRAVE. Knrl. I in No. 10, Enclosuro 1 lii No. in. Ri'.soMTioN's to bo propnscd in riiininittpe of the whole on f'onfodciatioii nf \\w N'orlli Ainci'icaii I'roviiict's. Will liKA-- till' quostion of ConCcdr'i-atioii has liri'ii l)iniii;lil lid'orc the ))co|)lc of this Colony and the I.c^'isiaturo ihrrrol', liy a Dcspatih tVoiii the I'llliripal Sccn'tiiry of Shilc lor tlio Colonics, hiMviii!,'' (late. DnwiiiiiL' Street, :;ril Deeeiiihei- ISiil, and liy resoliilinn> adopted hy the <,Uu'lu'(' Cuid'ereiiee ucooiiipaiiyini; the same: Resolved, Tliiit the lireuiiistaiices of this Colony iireseiit insiijierahle diliirullies In the adoption, liy its people, of die proposed Confederal i(ai, and llial llie almost universal opinion of llio inhabitants of iNt'vvfoumlland is opposed to an union with Canada, JNION L,'lit Hon. L-h 21, lS(i6. i-o \r,7.) tbrwarckil my ion ol leader of of t.Iio '.vIkjIo ican Provinces, d of wliicli the ^ in an lioncst L'ii indeeil it is I desire to eni- inji' tiieii' nsiial ned ; for I and allow a subject ition of a mere ' petty political of olitaininji' a )tiier Provinces n unimportant le advocates of )te. and for this ers in opinion, cecp it alive lor any jmii^ment iearly see wiiat orney General, and after some belbre used in nier Despatch tiie other I'ro- rds the Union ck and tcnipo- le snbjec' .as ernor of Nova ati'actcil some some weakness ve s.ince Icurnt > for success in J-SGRAVE. Nc.rlli Aiiicricaii s Colony and the 'oloiiics, licariii^' I'hi'c t'oiircrenci' the adiiptioil, |py 10 iiihaijhants of OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 149 Rosnlvofl, Tliat under fho constitution at present enjoyed by the peojilc ol' Newfoundland, the principle ot" selt'-;rovernnient has been fully concedeil and recotrnized by the jiarent ,*^t,Uc, and tluTclbre this House cannot assent to the proposition contained in his l^xcelknc} 's reply to the address of this House, that "tin' minor objections of this Cnlony should, of necessity, j,'ive way before the pressure of " the more weii;hty motives of national interest," without the assent of the people of this Colony being first had thereto. Resolved, 'i'hat under any lir'-uni-tauees the conditions o: Colony, are for the mo?t part in:ipplicai)le to its necessities, objects proposed to be subserved by the said llesolutions. NEWFiICND- r.AND. the and (Juehec are nut Resolutions, as rcCTrds this calculated to carrv out the t-incl. 2 in No. 10. {'Enclosure 2 in \o. in. .\.mi:ni)mkn i- on Ri'.-olutions proposed in Committee of the whole on Confederation of Hritish North American Provinces. Will, ni;.\s this llou>e ha:- recently, in the reply to the speech of his Excellency the (iovernor, o:i opcninir the present session, abstained from ]ironouncinfj any decision on the proposal for a I'nioii of the Colonies, or on the tletaiU of that lue.-isiuT as regards this Colony, and considerinir the present uncertain state of pnblie sentiment on tiiis ;;r;ive (|Uestion, and being unadvised of the action thereon that may be t.iken or contemplated by the other l'ro\inccs, it is Resoh'ed. That whilst dulv retrarilfid of the momentous character of this subject, and of thi^ ])r(nni-e to his F.xcellency to give it attention, yet. as no inforiiialion has been received demanding its imnu'diate rece does not (Iccin it expedient to enter ui)on its discussion witii a view to any decision thereon. No. 11. No. 11. Copy of ;i DESPATCH from Governor Musguavic to tlic Uii^iit Hon. EinvAim CAiinwiu.L, J\J.P. (Xo. 103.) Government House, Newfoundland, May 1, ISfiG. (IJcceivcd, Jliiy LM, lS(i(i.) Sin, ( .\ii~wcroil, Xo. 1.), Mtiy'l'.j, lS(ii;. |Ki,irc IT.!.) I uwv. tlic honour to enclose copies of the speecli witli wiiicli I iiave to-day closed the legislative session. 2. It has not been regarded as expedient by tiie advocates of Confederation to make anv ('(U'tlicr movement on this sidjject at this time ; and as the session lias alreaily been protracted, and mcml)ers of the l.egislutuie an; becomino- ii-ipatii'iit to return tt) their ordinary em])loyments at tiie conunencemeiit of the busy season of tlie year, it (K)es not seem desirable to defer the prorogation wliich my Miiisters urge. 3. If the progress of events in the other Provinces towards tiie completion of the Uniistence in the ))olicy of isolation, anil in o])po>iiic)n to the wishes of Her Majesty's (iovernment, would have ureal effect upo'.i the determination of the licuisla- tnre. An elfcct so yieat indeeil that I think it would proba!)ly accomplish the cud in view. I am induceil to believe this by my knowledge of the statements which are circulated that Her Majesty's Government care little, if at all, for the connexion of New- foundland with 'Jie other Colonies, and that this Colony has nothing' to lose by remaining in her detached p Cii i'lio C( Coiilt'dcral Mriin-iwic cDUstitacnl (N\ My End. I in No. U. (.\'i>. 1-H;.) Enclosure 1 in X(i. 12. Mv I.oiui, Govoinnu'nt Uimsc, Nowfoundland, lntli .Inly IsfiC. I HAvi; received a De^pafcli from the I,ieiitenant-(Ji)veiuiir (if Nova Scotia, in wliicli lie conunu- nicated to me at yonr ve(|ue?t that it i- the intention ol' the (Idvernnient-^ of Canada. Xew lii-nnswick, and Xo\ a Scotia to send I )eleuales forthwitli to i'ainland on the snhject of the Conl'eder.ition of tlio l'>iiti>li North .Vnicriian I'tovince.-, and he -stated that it was yonr [.ordship's hope that I would he enabled to call my l.eui>lature together in time to avail myself of the action which it is hoped niav be taken by the Imperial I'.irliament before it> pmroijation in pa.-siiii; the necessary Act for this i)urp(ise. 'J. It would afford me the irrealest satisfaction to lie able to carry (Uit your Lordship's wishes, and olitain the assent of the l,ei:i>lature at once to the completion of the airanuement. 15ut I regret to sav that on con^nlt.ition with my Council 1 am advised by tlieni that there is no reasonable ffroniid at present fin- anticiiiating- other than an adver^e decision from tlip Legislature if the (piestion of Cnion should now again be pressed upi)n them ; nor does it seem iirobable that a dissolution would at this time afl'ect the result, and no change of administration w(mld be of any service, as it is well known that the Opposition all hold anti-confederate o|iinions. \Vheu the Legislature is induced to assent to th(> |)roposed luiion. as 1 yet iiope will he the, the assent must be accoinplislicd through modillcation of the views of niemhors who on all other matters ;ire supporters of my jiresent (iovernment, and I believe some little time is necessary for this purpose. Cndno haste might, and I fear prol)alily would, only have the elfect of entailing upon the Colony an expense of soii;e ".(lUo/. for a special se vote, and coin))cl a dissdhi- tion, causing much outlay to the advocates of the project, which may induce some to withdraw from the conflict, and ultimately |iroduce no good residt. :!. RidiictiUit as I am to be forced to this comdusion, I am constrained by the circumstances to iiirreo with the Council that it will be lie-t to wait for the re-a-seiiihliiijr of the Legisl.itnre in due in .lannary, by which time the action of the Imperial I'aiTiament, if any sliould be taken during this scssiiin. will exercise important inllnence on ])ublic feeling. Hut as y( t great doubt is entertaiuCd, in whicii I admit that I -hare, whether time will lie all'orded for the passing of ,iny measure during the Jiresent ses-ion, and still more whether it will he reg.irded by the Imperial (iovernnieiu as possible id do so on indelinite resolutions wilhont previous reference to the loc:al Legislatures fur ratification of the terms of the agreemeni, the reariangement ol' electoral districts, and the numerous details whicli must be adjusted touching the local ciiiislitntions under the new system, none of which have yet been agreed U|)on, and all of which can scarc(dy he settled by an Act of the Imperial I'arliainciit. 4. I -hall transmit to the Secretary of State a copy of this Despatch. I have, ^-c. His Excellency the Right Hon. Viscount Monck. (Signed) A. Mi s(.kavi:. lie XION OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. 151 lion. Edward ■Inly 2.S, IWii.) •.'■ipjitcii which s not; join in "'ontl'dciation, ny power.s for reasons whicli me lor finthcr sing a copy of nt inutility of nu,' in .laimary lions. And I ncc to incliid- onr views and olony from an lislies of Her :' tlu> Legisla- isli tile end in Us which are -'xion of New- y reniannnir ; obtaineii hy >'inced may be id it wonhl l)o lot he reiiiscd udilv assumed til July l.sfiG. ell lie conirnu- w Hriiiiswii'k, ('i-.itii)ii (if iho IMt I would 1)0 liiiprd may lie this piiipoi-o. i'-< "islios, 1111(1 I I'l'iii'ct to say bic fri-()iiii(| at ticin (if rnicm would at this is well kiKiwn ircd to assent lii'd tlirounh my present te iiiinht, and Silli'.e 7,(lllii/. npel a clis-oln- withdraw IVoni allies to airreo due eoiu'se in '11 diniiiM- this nlerlaiiied, in le dnrinn' the as po^>ilile to lieatioii of the "liieli must lieen aureed Mrs. GHAVi:. Enclosure '_' in No. I'J. (tovkiivmkvi' IIoisi:, loth .Inly ls(;i;. At a Meetinjf ot'Ciiiineil held tliis day, I'losciit: All the Meniliers exeept S.)liiitnr-( Jeneral. Tin; Oovernor stated that lie had diieeted a meeting of the Council to lie convened tor the purpose of siihniiltiiii; to tlieni the t'ollowiiif; Despatch I'roin Sir I''. Williams, and that he desired to ascertain from the Conneil their opinions as to the pni|iripty of actiiijr upon the su^nestion of Lord Moiiek and calliiie' the LeLri-lature toiidher tor tlu' jjiirpose of some action on the (|ucstion of t'oiifederation, now that New Hinnswi<'l; anil Nova Scotia had hotli declared decidedly in I'avour of union, and that l)elc;:at's are aliout to proceed to Kngland from those Provinces and Caiiadii for the ])iirpose of carrying the arranirement into effect. (Drspatch.) The f 'onni'il were of opinion that it was not practicahle at the present time to jjive ell'ect to the desiit> expressed in that c umniuiiication. When our Lejjislatnre was in session, New linniswick had not allimied the principle of union, and there hciiii;- no jiractical necessity for coniiiif,'- to a coiulnsioii in thi- {'oloiiv, till' matter was left open for future consideration. I'lie Council are i:\iisri;i!. Colonial Secretary. Newfouno- I.ANl). Kni'l. 2 in M\ No. \:\. Copy of u DESPATCH from Governor Musguave to tlie Riojit Hon. the Earl of ('AuxAitvov. (N'f. I!/.) Ciovernmeiit House, Newfoundland, August 7, ISGG. (Uccclved. Aii;,'iist '_'7, IStiG.) Loud, (Answered, No. S, An.^'iist ;fO, lH(i(i, pa^rc \".) I HAVi; the honour to forward a memorial to Her .Majesty which has been presented to me tor tiaiismission to yoin' Lordsliip, of which tiie prayi-r is in substance that nothing may be done for the purpose of including Newi'ouiidland in any scheme of Union with the other Trovinccs, until the question of Union sliall have been deliiiitely submitted to the people at a general election. I annex a printed copy. •J. It is not verv obvious why any uneasiness should be fell on tiie pctiiit which causes apineheiision, as no attempt has been made in the existing Assembly to fovcv a ilecision on tiio ipie.stion of Union, nor has it ap|)eared that any such attempt was likely tiin'ing the last .session to be succes-ful. The arguments used in the memorial are weak and scarcely consistent. I do not in fact regard this 152 CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION I' NE'vvrousD- attailiocl to Iut iiosition in an Ir.i])erial \io\v he ^.llat it may. tlic Colony lias Ironi its distinct trade and i.Axn. its ditliTont cliaiaitorislics, no uoiniiiunity of intoiosts witii Lppcr nr Lower Canada, and littlu with tlu' otlu-r .Maiirinic I'rminci's. 'I'iii' |H'o|]lo rcp'rd tlicref'orc with gravo aiiiir('lu'n>ion and alarm any jirdjoct wliicli has fur its olijcct till' union of the Inland of Ncwtonndland witii tiic otiicT Hritisli Norlli Anu'rican dcpcndoncics of the Crown, .'^onio reasons whieh miiilit inlltience them to reecixe it willi t:u(nir are just those wliieh make it nnch'siralile for Newfoundland. The motives whiih in their ease have aetuated tiie (xiliey of Great liritain for tlu> |iromotion of the Scheme of Confcderiition .-ue entirely wanlin;:; in onrs. ^\'e are no canse of otl'iiue, we are not in the |iath of ])os>ihle au:grer->ion, (jr in the way of attack, unless and until the national canse of (inat liritain involves us in a connnon fate. We are a comparati\el\ simdl hurthcn on the Home Ciovernmrnt, and in the present condition of all'airs olilaiu those supplies from Ihitain which we should, under the proposed I'uion. have in a great mea>ure to uhandon for the inferior manufactures of Colonies with which we ha\e little trade. .\ud yet, mav it i)lea>e your Majesty, it is proposed to include this Colony in a Confederation on tin? hasisot'the i.'uelx'c (_'onveiuion of ISill.and hy this nu'asure to deprive her of those civil,, and territorial rights, which she lias jo long held and so dearly prized: and lor a loss so great there is no olfcr of a suh^tantial return. Our ta\ation. already hurdensome. will he as^ilnilated to the nuieh higher Canadian tarill". Our reveim.'s will go to the Central KxcluMnn'i, and in return "e shall receive a sum far lielow our present iucoine, w itlunit any corre-pondiiig advantage^. No matter how a rapidly grouing poj)\dalioii, the (le\elopmeiit of our nsources, or our future iii'cesrities, may cill for augmented >ui)plies. not to speak of the constantly increasing demands lor ])iihlic iinproveinent~; no matter how large at any time our contril'iilioii to the I'ederal liiiaiices may he, (uir receipts from it are propo-ed to he permauently limited to 1 I' per amiuni. The pro[)o-ed Central (iovcninient will also possess the dangerous power to levy duties upon the exports (if a Colony wIiom- only wealth and iuiiustry lie in t/n m. and which I'roin its peculiar cinunistauces, will he utterly -.vithout the means of local taxation wherewilli to iiromote pnlilic improvt'uu'ut or relieve its peojile I'rom a i)au|)erisni which to some extent is neces?arily chronie muI IVcipientIv widespread and tlisastrons. '!'he chief expoit.s of No\a .Scotia and New Itruiiswick are e\pre.~>lv exempt i'rom the power of I'ederal taxation. The people of .Newl'oundland have no interot and can derixi- no lieiielit whatever from the great jmhlie works of Canada, existing or iiroj.'ctcd. There is no provision even made in the (^inrlicc Con- vcMlioe fir a connexion Ky lines of ste.iiners hetween this Colony and the other Provinces on ihe uno hand, and (ireat Ihitaiu on the other; while for tin- North \Vc-|eni 'I'errilory gu.irnnlees for eomplcle territorial coniiexinii are (ontaineil. These are amoiig-t the olijeetioiis which apply to the <,hielice ('.invention — even if llie project of rnioii could on any l.asis hi- made applie.ilile or lieiu'ticial to this Colony, its trade iind people. Ihit the peculiar position and circumsialices ari-iug from the natine ot' its trade, its ri'sciurce;:, anil its eeniri-apliy aic such that the M.iiilime l'ro\iMce« in their original pidjecl of union inner conteni- plaled the inlroduelieii of Newfoundland. ['.venwlKMi the Canadas propose alistrael advantages of niiioii are so oh, ions a" to he ahiiost iiniver-ally inknowlcdgeil : whilst with regard to this ( 'oloiiv and on llie delaiU of sn grave a measure, il i' iiaiiiial llial miii li diversity of opinion should prevail. This is a mallei which shall engage our serious alleiilioii, ' Hy this resoliiliou the Mouse of As^emldy, heing the repr iilalives of the people, clearly exeepled Newloiindkind lioiii the appliealion ol'llii- principle of ( onfederalion, and also ohjeeled lo the measuie in detail. The expression ol opinion which aci'oiiipaiiii'd and follovcil that passage in the address fully eiinlirtiis tliiit vievi'i uinJ) fur e.xuiiiple, tltu laiiguuge ol the Suliuitur-Oi'iivruliulni |iiiipu8cd the (mrugraplii WtWi— UNION distinct trado and and littlo with tin- 1 lias fill' its (iliji'ct 'lll'lldlMuit'S (if tiio lliost' wliiili inaki' ii(> iicilicv of Orcat oiii's. AVi' arc no k. unless and until imiparalivclv small liiisi- sujiplios li'oni iliin fill- tlu" inferior int'i'dcralion on tlu^ ■ivil, ciinstitutioiial, -d so great there is ui tarill'. ;.uni far below our ■ces, or our future a-ini: demands for al linanres nuiy l)c, ies npon the exports eirenmstanees, will ■meiit or relieve its tly widespread and i'rum llie power ol' 'ver iVom the {jreal n the C,lMrliee C'liU- oviuci'S oil llie one inlec-. for eomplite n if the |iriiieil (d nd people. |, its re>.ouree:^ and III lie\er eoiitem- witli llieiu this Autumn of 1 Nil 1, he jireseiit al the ly referred to. this Colony up oiiie^, and liy the me of ( iiion. It if this iieople to le or had. that 'I'lin lie. i^ for this C'idony JHiiple will, N (lur lie : liiit if ihi'V he eiit time. avocations of (he lime 111 lay liiloie roini'iije uilli the will II, ill reply to i«.' to the relerciue lii«s ; — MajeolyV (Jnverii- thal llie ali^trai'l -I Willi rejrard In of iipiiiion sliould ', eleafly I'M ejiled ■i| 111 llic- iiieaMiie the address liilly I'd the |iurugrti|ili| OF TIIK mUTISII NORTH .VMKRK'AN rUOVINCES. l.-)3 " 'I'll.' only import.-.n. words adiled to the oriLrin.'il clans > -vvore — ' with I'l'uard to this Colony ami." ^>: w. (.iuno This alteration wuiild show ihat there i-; not only a diversity of opinion with regard to llie ih tail, liiii i.Axu, aKo lo till' very ]iriiii'iple ilselt'. lie (lion. Solicitor-( Jeneral) desiri'il to he uiiiler-tood that he not only oppo.ed the (^hieliee I{. 'solutions, but was altoi;Tther opposed to the i)riiiciple ol' {'onfederalloii a.-, far as this Colony is coiiceriu d." The .\ttoniey-( Jeiieral and I'reinier said : — '• III' endorsed the stateineiM of the Hon. Soliritor-fieneral with re;;ard to the nen-eommitlal cli:',rac!er of lii^ aineiidmeiit one way or .iiiother. .-nid the (!overiiiiient hail no desire or intention to adopt any eonrse which wciiild not lie j^fenerally aceeptalile.'' "Si far as he (Hon. Attorney-(!eneral i was cnii- eciiicd, no measure ^lionld lie alleinpted to fon-e it on them in opjiosi ion to their wishes, to lie jrailier' d from the constitutional channels."' And the I'reinier a;fain suhseipiently expressed hiiiiself thus : — '• The iiiemli.'r> of the l'Aeruti\e .ulioittcd distiiic'ly when the anieiidiiieiil w,i< ,"i;reed to |Ik;| they did not regard it ;is atlirminn' or (lenyiii!.f the principle of Confederal ioi;.'' It was in this way and upon iliese terms ;iiii| express iiiider-landiici- that the Address of the A-senildy on this |)oint was jiassed, 1'^ I'll the Imperial liody, the l.ei;islativo Council, in il^ address lo the same speech, re-erved. the delinite (leterininatioii for the I.ei;islature at a future lime. ^'ollr petitioner-' loyal conlidi nee in the assur.uiees of Yoiii' Majesty's Ministers, {niiiained in Oi'spati'lie- and ojienly expressed in I'aili.imeiit. as well as the all'ectionate reliance of this iieo])|e upon Ndiir M,ije-ty"s Jn^t and irracioiis coii-ideralion of the premises, induce your petitioners thus hoMlv to adopt a course, which, while it may he unnecessary, is si|i.'L'ested and inipelled liy the conteiiiplation of the powerful counter indiieiice- IhoiilvIiI to hear upon a (piestion of --ucli solemn and seiimis import to \ our .Majesty's siilijects, and hy a desire to pre\eiit or lemove any possihlc iiiisap|ireliciisioii of the lirescnt si'iitiinent- of the poople of New !'iiiiidlaiid, or of the ]iositioii in which thi Colony -lauds in reii-.ini to the Coiii'edi'iatioii jnoject. Voiir petitioners therefore humlily pr.iy Your .Maje-ty that no nejjolialions may he li;id or projects eiiti-rlained coutemplatiiii,' llic pre-ent eomprehensioii of this Colony in any Scheme of riiioii with the oilier I'rininces iiiiiil tin- ipu'-lion, iiiviilviin; as it docs the vital inleresls and liitiire tiite of this (iepeiidency ol the Crown, shall have hciii dednitely siilnnitied lo the iieople of Newl'iumilaiid iit !l '.'I iieral ele- lion of representatives to llieir House of As-emlily. And, as ill duly lioiind, they will e\t'r pray, vVc, Si..lolin's, New I'oundl.ind, .Inly -1, I'-nil. Then I'ollow j,i;oii -i-naiure-. l<>L>A4. V 154 fUUUESl'ONDKNCE KESI'IX'TING THE I'KOl'OSED UXION DespiitclK's from tlic St'crotary of State L \.M>. N... I. I'a^i- l-lf. No. 1. ('(>rv i>( i\ 1). ^I'A'lC'lI liom llu- l!i^hi Hon. I^dwaud C.\iiu\vi;i.l, M.l'., to (iovriiiiir Ml xiii \\ i:. (No. 1.) Slit, Dowiiiiij; LSireet, .laiuiaiv :^4, isGo. M'lni ii-rLMciict' to t!i:it poitioii of youi l)c.s|)atcli No. l(i,* oC the 'J7tli Dfcomber, wliicli L'lalo lo llic iiii'i|ilicaiiti;i ol'tlu' «.'oii^lituti()ii nf tlii; la\i;i>lalur( , I liave no (loiil)t l)iit that till' simi)lt'r and more economical foiin which tlie Ia'ji;isiatnrc wouKl a«ume bv l)ciiii; coii>or!ilatcil into a >inn!i.' Chamber of moderate iinmbeis would be aiKantai^eous to the intereMls ot'tlie Colony ; and I am of opinioa tiiat you should promote that object l)v any suital)le means uitiiin your power. Vou will hear trom the (iosernor (ieneral wiiat measuK.'^ are l)eing taken in the other I'rovince.i for oi)tainini; the decision ol the respective Lejiislature.s. In the absence o( any very se.ioi.s reason to tiie contrary, I think it most desirable to ol)tain that decision without ilelay. I iiave, \c. (Governor M US-rave, ( ^^i.^i'it-d) EDW AKD CAUDWELL. \c. iVC. Sir, iM Ko. 1'. No. L'. C(U'-. of'a DESPATCH from the Ui^ht Hon. Edw mio C\i!h\\i;i.i., .M.l'., to (iovernor .Mr«(,ii\\i:. ( Silt, •Downiui.', Slrn'l, Felunuy 27, ls*6.'). t I'o^' '''■ I iiwi the honoiu to aiknowleilm' ihi' rrteipt ol _\oni' Dop.Uih No. "J.'l,! of the 27th ullimu, forwarding copio nl tlie speecii wilii uliieh you opencil the si'smou of tlu' Le,Lri>l.Uure of Newfoundland. I have, iVe. (Jo\eriior Musorave, (Mjrned) IIDWAKD C.\U1)\\EEE. iVc. \c. No. a, No. :\. Coi'\ ofa DIvSl'A'I'CH frum the Uighl Hon. lam auu ('AUDWta.i., M.l'., lo (iovernor .MiM.iiwr.. (No. i:..) SiH, I )ownin!j; Street, March 17, iM'i.l. 1 l'.^, 111*. I II \\i. llu' liouoiu' to [icknowK'dLie llie niiipl nf your Hespati'h No, 27,1 of tin: *Jl\i\, in which you expris-. sour opinion II1.4I in the present state ol the pulilic feeling it would i)e uiiwi>e to press lor an iimuediatc deci>ion on the ipiestioii of the |)ropoved rnion, a^aiiist the almost unaiiiinon> desire to deter it until the iie.M .session. \\'iih n'speci to the expediency of tiie d»'iision yon may ailopl on this subject. 1 must it'lv upiiii the indumeiit \ou ma) liirm upon the spot willi the aid ol' local iniormation. I piesume that till re an' strong objections to the couise which has been |iiiisiu(l in the I'idviiice of New Jbiaiswick, namely, an immediate dissolution, with a \icw to the consideration of the (jue-'tiou of I'liion by tlie lu'wly elecleti Legislature. liehiMiiL;, however, tli.U llir adnptinii ol the proiect wimld be very beneliciil to the real interests ol, I much irgrel the hki'lihond of delay ; and I should be very glad to hear that you were able to aimoiince to me an early and llivomable dcciMon on the pail ol the Provincial Legisluttilc. I have, \c. Uovernor Musgiavu, (^^igi'o'j IDWAUl) t AUDWEEE. \c. iVc. UNION , iM.I'., to larv -Ji, i>M)"). 'J7tli IJi-'ceiTibcr, i have IK) (loiiht milil asMiinu' In l)e aihantam'oiis niotc lliaL objucil ki'ii ill llic otiior till- al)soiKo ol till that cIccLsiun AUDWKLL. ., .M.r., to No. •J:\,f ol' thr IL" M'S.lioil ol till' AKDWKl.L. , M.l'., to mil 17. \>^>^>. No. -'7.]: ot'tiiL" U' of till' jiiihlir ljlU>ti(i|l of till.' mxl M'N>ioii. Mllljl'Ct. I lml^l al injoiiiiatioii. )rrii iMiisiit'd ill li a \ n\v lo (III' Ih lulicial til till' ami I slioiilil lie omalili' (i^•l'i^illn AI{1»U 1:1.1.. OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCICS No, 4. 155 Coi'Y ofa DESPATCH fiom the Rigiit Hon. Edward CAiiD\vi:i.i., :\I.r., to Ciovenior MrscuAvr.. (No. 20.) Sir, Downing Street, ^May 11, 1S6.5. I itAvr; reccivcil your Despatch \o. 10,* of tiie I9tli of Ajirii, supplying some additional eNplinations of the course wiiicii you have pursued in reference to tlie question of Confederation of tlie Nortii American Provinces. I do not doiilit the smindiuss of the jiidi;inent wiiich you tbrmed on tlic siilijcct, and I liave tiie honour to express my appri)\al of your pidceedinus. I liave, rVc Governor Miisgrave, (Sinned) EDWARI) C.VRDWEIX. lVc. ivc. NEwrorKD- I..V.\D. ' I'ago 111. No. .") Nn Coi'V ofa DESPA TCll froiii (lie I'.iuhl, Hon. I'.iiwMiii ( ' midwi r.i , .M.l'., to (ioveriior Mr-x.uAVi;. (No. -J-J.) Sir, Downiiif'- Street, .May 12, i>G"). I iiA\i; the honour to acknowledge tiie receipt of your Despatch No. .}."), f of the t r.i-o no. l.'Hli ol .Vprii, eiu'losiiiu;a copy of tiie speech with wliicii you closed the Eeyislative Session oil tin' 7tli ull., lotiether willi a li>t of Pills passed liy the Council and .\s>eml)ly, anil a copy of the ic-olution passed liy the House of Assenilily reeomiiu'iuliiig th.ii a liiial deci- sion on the (lucstion of the Union of the Xorlii Ainericau Provinces should he deferred to the next meeting oi' the Lenislature. I iiavc, 5ci'. (iovenior Miisn-iave, ( EI)W.\UD C.\RD\VELL. ike. \'C. Nn. (J. Copy of a DKSl'A'I'Cll fidin the Ki-hl Hon. i'aiwAiiu Caiiuwii.i., M.P., lo (iovi'riinr Ml sciuAvi;. (No. :M ) Sill, Dowiiiiii: Street, .liine 2 1, ls(l."). I II wi: tlie honour lo transmit fo you the copy oi a correspondence lielweeii ^ \iscoinit .Monciv and inysi'lf on the ailairs ol' ISriiish .North .\inerica, which hav.- lately \\ lormed the suliject of conferences lietween Her Maiesly's (ioverniiieiit and a deputation from till' ('.madiaii (ioveriimenl. This corri'spondi nee lia\iiig been presented lo bulh Houses of the Imperial Pariia- nu'iil bv command ol Her Majesiy, I lia\e to diiect \oii lo eomiiHUiiiale it also to the Eegislatiire of .Newfoundland al iis next meetim;. Voii will at the same lime express the strong and deliberate opinion of Hi'r Majesty's (ioverimieiil ihal it is aii obji'cl much to be desired thai all tin.' Mritish Noilh Aiiieiicaii Colonies shiinld agree to uiiile in one govenmieiil. In the teniloiial extent of Canada, and in the maiitime and eoiiinu'rcial enterprise of llie lower Proviiu'cs, Her .Majesty's (ioxeiimieiit see the eUiiieiils of power which only retpiire to be combined in order to secure for llie Prmiiiee 'vliicli shall possess ihein all .1 place .uimiig the nmsl oiisitU'rable cominiiiiities (if lih' world. In the spirit ol lo\all\ In the llritish ( lowii, of allachmeiil lo Ibiiisii eoiiiicvion, and of love liir Dritisli iiistitulions, by which ail the Provinces are animated alike, Her .Majesty's (ioveriiineiU leeogni/.e the bond by which all maybe combined under one goveinimnt. Such au Union seems to llii Majesly's ( idMininent li/ lecommeiid its'. If lo the i'roviiices on many grounds of moral and advantage, i.s giving a well-loiiiidid |)rospei | ot' improved administration and increased prosperitN, Mill theie is one eoiisideialion which Her .Maieslv's (ioveriiment feel il more especially their diilv to press upon the I.egislalnre .<\ New joiindlaiid, I.ookiiii: to the delermiiia* lion whith llii^ ciMiiiliy has ever exhibiled to regard the deli'iice of the ( 'olonies as .i m.illei of Imperial cniieeiii, the Colonies must ivcogiii/i' a liglit and even acknowledge an obligation ineiiinbent 011 (he Home (ioveriinieiit to urge willi eartieslnesH mid jusl autlinrilv the measures which ihcy consider to be most expedient on the pari of llie Colonii's, with a view to their own defence. Nor can it bo doubllul the Provinces U 'J So. ti. -. iit.-.l I: ;. ISti,-., loG COIUIKSPONDENXE KKSPECTING TIIE PROPOSED UNION Amm'^isd- of Iiritisli Nortli America arc incapable wiicn .separate atul c"i\iiLcl iVom each oilier ui lANi-. iiiakin>;' llio.sejust ami siitlieieiit jjieparations for national iletciiee which woiiiil be easily ~~~ undertaken by a Province iniiling in itself all tlie population ami all the resources t)f the whole. I am aware that this project, so novel as well as so important, lias not been at once :.ccei)te(.l in tiie other Provinces with tlia: cordiality which has marked its acceptance by tlie Legislature of Canada ; but Her ^lajesty's Govcrinnent trust that after a full and caret'id examination of the subject in all its bearings the .M;ailinie Provinces will perceive the great advantages wliieli in the opinion of Iler Majesty's (ioveiument the projioseil I'nion is calculated to confer upon them all. I have, \-c. Governor Musoravc, (>iigii^^^l) KDWAli!) CAKDWELL. &c. \'C. 1 K.'. r. \( Corv of a DESPATCH liom the Itiglit lion. EnwAitn Cakdwkll, .M.P., to Governor Muscjuavl;. ( No. ;k;.) Su:, Downing Street, August 4, ls()."). IV' I i- I HAVi: received your J)espaicli No. Gl,* of the 11th ,luly, reporting that you proposi'd to iiublish in the local (iazette my Despatch No. .Sl,f oi' the 2l[\\ June, with f I'i.).' 1 i. its enclosures, on the subject of the conlerences held between Her Majesty's Government anil a deputation from Canada. 1 have the honour to express to you niv a])proval of this comse. I have, &c. Governor Musgrave, (Signed) EDWARD CAKDWELL. \-c. lVC. No. H. No. .'H. ExTKACT from a DESPATCH from the Right Hon. I'.dwaimi Cauuwi:i,i., M.P., to (iovernor Mi .s(.1!Avi-:. (No. 4J.) Sii! Downing Street, September .'U), isdo. j,.j^,. ,4,, I uwi. the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Dc-pateli No. (i<),| of iln' l{)tii of August, accompanied by a cojiy ot' lue last Ainuial Report of the Cliamber of Commerce of St. Johifs, Newfoundland. ♦ • * • I am. \-e. Goveru..r Mu-giave, C^ijiiied) EDWARD ( ARDWELL. i\:c. \c. N... <». No. <). (\n'\ of a DP.Sl'AT* 'H liom the Right Hon. I'.uwAiti) C \iu)wi;i.i,, .M.P., to (jov>'rnor .Mi;s(.itAVi.. (No..M>.) t^i„, Downing Street, Dect ndier 'JO, 1^03, ^ i^,,. m. 1 iiAVi; tlie honour to ackiiowleilge tin- rect'ipt of your Desjialeli No. ;."),§ ol llie Mih ol November, from which I learn with satisliicliou the orderly and peaceable manner ui which the proceedings ol all i)arties were condiieled . n!),Ji)f the lie C'liaiiil/ei- of \in)\vi:i.i. , .M.r., to •JO, IsG.*). No. 7-"i,^ ol ihe and peaeeable ii;; the recent lliiliNli Norlh le i.-. MO change e c'onMideration fioMi such an OF 'I'llr; JUUTihll NOKTli AMEUKAX rK(i\L\('ES. 157 I leK ui)()n your discretion in i;iving efi'eet to tlie known wishes oi' Her Majesty';- Niw-ulxi Governnieiil in tiie way most likely to be siieces-ful. ian:.. I Iiave, iVc. (unenior MuspTave, (Sinned) KDV^ARD CAKDWKLL. \e. tS-'c. No. 10. Coi'Y of a DESPATfll from tiie Uii^Iil lion. Euwakd Cakdw]-.;.!., M.l'., to Go\ernor ^Il'si.uaxi:. (No. 1(>.) Siu, Downing Street. Mareii 2.3, ls66. 1 UAvi; tiie honour to acknowicdj^c the receipt of your Despatch No. ;)I,* ol tlie :2(illi of February, enclosing a copy of the Speech witli wliieh you opened tlie Legislative Se.->si(m of Newfoundland on the ;50th January, togetiier with copies of the Addresses wliicli you received in reply from the Council and Assembly. I have, i\:c. Governor Musgravc, (Signed) EDWARD TAUDWELL. &c. Sec. X... 10. r.iiru 11."). No. 1 1 . Coi'V of a DESI'ATCII from tlie Right Hon. Euwauo Caudwi i.i., .M.1\, to Governor MrsiiuAV,;. (No. ]A.^ Sui, Downing Street, April 1 1. lsf;(;. I iiAVi; the honour lo acknowledge the receipt of y;uir Despatch No. <)7,I" of the 21st of March, enclosing copy of Resolutions moved in the I^oll^e of .\>Neml)iy on the ;|ucstion of a I'nion of the Hritish North .Vmeiiean Provinces, ;!nd of the Amendment on these Kesohitions which was adopted by the House. I ha\e, iVc. Governor Mus-rave, (Signed) EDWAIJD tWRDWELL, \c. &c. N.i, II. t 1'.-' lis No. 12. Coi'v of a DES1»ATC"II from the Right lion. Edwakd Cahuwi i.i., M.P., to tiovernor .Mlsouavi:. (No. I.-..) Siu, D(»wnmg Street, M.iy 25, l.^flC). I iiwi: the honour to arI%nowledge the receijit ofyour l)e>j)aleh No. lit;5,| of the 14 May ti.iusmitting copies of the Speech wiiii which you dosed tiie Legislative Ses>ion on that day. I have, itc. Governor Musgrave, (Signed) EDWARD ( ARDWllLL. vS.c. ike. N... 1-2. No. 13. No. i;<. f'oi'V of a Dl'.Sl'A'i'CH fiom tlu^ Right Hon. the I'.ail of C.\u\ mivov to Governor Mi souavi . (No. s.) Sill. Downing Sireit, August ;i(l, !>()(). I iiAVi: the honour to acknowledge the receijit of your Despatch, No. I \J,i^ of (he !^ ' " '■'• 7ih .\ugus|, enclosing a MeiiKuial to the (v^iieeii from I'eit.iin inhabitants ol New- loundl.nul, pi.i\ iiig that the Colony may not be included in any scheiiie ol' L'nioii with the other I'rovinces imtil the cpiestion of Tnion shall have been .submitted lo the iieopio at ,1 n'uei.d (lection. I have to requeit you to inform the menioiialisis lli.if I have fiiil liieir Petition before Her Majesty. I have, i\:c. (iovenior Miisgiave, (Signed) CARNARVON. ilce. iVc. V .1 V Z^yyi .-v 15R COURESPONDENCE RESPECTIN(t THE PROPOSED UNION ArrENOix. AI'PEN'DIX. m Kr.i'oHT of Rr.soi.L'TioNs iuloptoil nt a CoiitVii'iico of Dilogatos fVom the Pioviuccs of (".iiiuila, Ncn-a Scotia, ami Now Biiiiis\vick, and tlu- Colonics of N'cwluunillaiul and Prince Edward l>la'ui, iicKl at the city of (^nel)cc, ( )ct()i)or 10, l>i()l,as the Basis ol'a pi'oposcd ConfL 'oration ot'tiiosc I'rosinccs and Ct)lc)nios. 1. TIic best interests and present and fiiline pros])erity of British North America will ho promoted hy a Ei'dorai Union iiniler the Crown of Great Britain, pro\i(led such Union can be elVocted on princijjles just to the several Provinces. •i. In the Federation of the British Xort'.i American Provinces the system of i;over.i- iiieiit \)v>i aelapted uudi'r existini;' circumstances to protect the divei>ilied interests of the several Provincis, and secure elliciency, harmony, and permanency in the workinj^ of the Union, — would bo a (ieiieral (iovornmont ehari^oil with matters of common interest to the whole country, and Local (iovernmeiits fiu' each of the Canadas and for the Provinces of Ne.\a Scotia, New Brunsv.ick, and Priiico Eiluard. Island, charLiod with the coiitrol of local matlois in iheir rosi'octive sections, provision beinii' made for the admission into the Ui' on cipiitaljlo teinis of Now t'onu. Hand, the North-west TorritorN', Biiiish Colnmlii I, and \'ancou\oi'. :?. In framinf;-a ( 'onstitutioii for the General (Jovornment, the Conleronco, with a view to the iiorpetualion of our connexiou with the Mother ( '(>untrv, and to the jjronniliou of the be.-t interests of the peoj)lo of these Provinces, desire to follow the modi'l of the British Constitution, so tar as our circumstances will permit. I. The I'Accutivo .\nthority or (itnoriimout shall bo \ested in the Sovereign of the United Kiniidom ol (iro;it Dritain and Ireland, and l.'o administorod aci'ordmg' to the well inidorstood jirinciples of the Brif'sh Constitution by the Sovereign personally or by tlio Ri'proseutative of the Sovorei;;ii duly authorized. .">. 'I'he S>iverei,i;n or Representative of the Sovereign shall be Coinniandor-in-( iiiofof tiie Land and Naval Militia I'orces. (i. There shall be a (loneral Legislature or Parliament for the I'cderatid Provinces, composed ofii Legislative Council and a lloirse ol < 'oinmoiis. 7. Lor the |mrposo of forming the Legislative Council, the Eedoralod Provinces siiall bo coir-.idored as consisting of three divisions : 1st, Upper Canada; :^nd. Lower ( 'anada , .'inl. Nova Scotia, Now Biuirswick, and Prince Edward Island ; (.'ach divi>iiin v\itii an equal representation in the Li'gislative Comioil. 8. I'pper Canada shall bo represented in tiio Legislative Council l)y "J I nionibors, Lnw(^r Canada by 2 1 inombois, and tlii' three Maritinu' Provinces by "J I mombers. ot' which Nova Scotia shall have JO, Now Binnswiek \ all inennibrances, and shall bo and con- tinue wh L'l.', with a view e promotion of model ef the vcreinii of the liiifT to tile well uilK' or iiy the (ler-iii-< hiet'ol iteil I'rovir.ees, roviiiecs siiall owei' ( 'anadii , vi>ioii w ith an •J I memheis. :.' I mcmhers. ■",iKvai(l Island riiidii, witli a lie adiiiitlcd •ederaled I'm- y ; and in tin •ed to liy ih ( 'idwn iindi 1 H lile ; il any il to j;ive III liy liii'lh Ol operly <|naliti- lie and enn- ease of New- tSDIlill. (iiiiKilliir, the OF THK BRITISH NORTH A^U^RICAN rROVINCES. 159 be |)0])iilatioii, as Members at Hrst Si fi.i 1!) I.-) s 5 14. 'I'he (iisl selection of the Members of the Legislative Council sliali be made, Aitenduc. except as reuards IMiice Kihvard island, from the Lcfj;islativc Councils of the various Provinces, so far as a siillieieiit mimber be found ipialified anil willing- to serve. Such Members shall be a]ipoiiited by the Crown at the recommendation of the (ieneral I'.nc- cutivo (iovernment, ujion the nomination of the respective Local (iovernments ; and in such nomination due regard shall be had to the claims of the Members of the Legislative Couneil of the opjiosition in each Province, so that all political parties may as nearly as possible be iairly represented. l.'n Tiie Speaker ol the Legislative Council (unless otherwise provided by Parliament) shall be appointed by the Crown i'lom among the Members of the J.egislative Comicil, and shall hoKl ollice during pleasure, and shall only be entitled to a casting vote on an e(piality o( voles. Ki. Lacli of the 'J 1 Legislative Councillors representing Lower Canada in the Legis- lative Council ol' the (Jeiieral Legislature shall l)e apj)ointed to re])resent one of the if electoral divisions inenti(-ned in Schedule A. of Chapter 1st of tin: Consolidated Statutes of Canada, and such (!ouncillor shall reside or ])osse;s his (pialitieation in the division he is ap))ointed to represent. 17. 'i'he basis of Uepresenlation in the House of Commons shal determined by the oliieial census every lovears; and the number of shall be l!ll, "ilistributed as follows: Upper Canada Ijower Canada - - Nova Scotia - ■■ - - New BriinswicU - Newhmndland ... and i'rince lidward Island Is. I'ntil the oHicial census of IS7I has been made up, there shall l)e no change in the number ol' Reinesentatives from the several sections, J'l. immeiliaiely after the completion of the census of IS7I, ami immedi.Uelv afiei everv census thereafter, the representation from eaih section in the House of Com'moiis shall be re-adiusied on the l)asis of population. •J((. Lor the purpose of such re-adjustments. Lower Canada sliall always be assigiieil (i.j iMembeis, and each of the other sections .'hall at each rc-adjustmcnt receive I'or tiie 10 years then next sncci'eding, the nnnibei of members to which it will l)e entitled on tlie same ratio of representation to population as Lower Canada will enjoy according to the census last taken I)y having (I"' members. •Jl. No reduction shall be made in the number of Members returned l)y anv sec( ion unless its ]iopuIatioii shall ha\i- decreased relatively to the poiudation of the whole I'nion to the extent of live per centum. •J'J. In computing at each decennial period the number of Members to which each section is entitled, no fractional parts shall be considereil unless when exceeding one-half the number entitling to a Member, in which case a Member shall be given for each such fractional part. •j;<. The L>.gislatuie of each I'rovince shall divide such I'rovince into the ])roper lunnber of eoiistitiieiicie.s, iiml deliiu- the bouiularics of each of them. •2\. The Local Legislature of each I'rovince may, from time to time, alter the eleeloial districts lor the purposes of rei«;esent.ition in the House of Commons, and distribute the itepre.sentatives to which the i'rovince is entitled, in any manner such Legislature may think (it. 'J5. 'I'he nnml)er of Members may at anytime l)e increascil by the ( I'arlia- ment, regard being liad to tlie propi>rtionate rights then existing. 'J(i. Liitil provisions are iii.ide by tlii' ( Jeiieral I'.irliameiit, all the laws which at the dati' of the I'roclaination eonslituting the Union are in force in the Provinces respi'Clively relating to the (pialilication and disipiahlication of any person to iie elected or to sit or vote us a Meiiibei of the Assembly in the said i'lovinccH respectively — and relating to the (pialitieation or disipialilication ol voters, and to the oaths to l)i' taken liy voters, and to Iveturnmg OlVicers and tlu'ir ])owers and duties — and relating to the proceedings at elections,— and to the period during which such elections may l)c continued, — aiul relating to the trial of controverted elections, and the proceedings incident thereto, — iind relating to the vacating of seats of Members, — and tlie issuing and execution of new writs ill ease of any seat i)eiiig vaiated otherwise than liy ;; dissolution, -shall respec- tively apply to elections of Members to serve in the House of Commons, for places situate in those i'rovinces respectively. 27 i'verv House of Commons shall continue for five vears from the day of the relurii U 4 • V T^'yt ..»*»■. .. ^ . ''^? .' ■ >- iM'- Kio C(/HHi:^;.'0:NDi:NCE RESPECTLNXJ PIIE PliOPOSED UNION V'\ AiTK.Ninx. iif tlie writs ciioo^iiig tlii." s:iinc, ami no ioiigor, subject, ncvcitlieles.'^, to be sooner pro- iof;;iu\l or di;.soivoil by tbo Governor. 2s. 'I'lkre shall be a Session of the (General Parliament once at least in every year, so tliat a period of 12 ealemlar nionliis sliail not intervene between the last silting ot the General Parliament in one session anil the first sitting thereof in the next session. 29. 'I'he dneral ParlianieiU shall have power to make Laws for the peaee, welfare ami good Government ol" tin I'eie rated Provinees (saving the Sovereignty of England), and espeeially Law.-, res|-,eeting the followiiig siibjeets : — 1. 'I'he I'ublic Debt and Properiv. •?.. The Uegulation of Trade ami Commerce. :?, 'Pile inijiosition or regnlation of Diilie.-- of Customs on imporls and Exports, exeejjt on Exports of Timber, Logs, Masts, Spars, Deal.i, and .Sawn Lumber, and of Coal and other minerals. I, The imposition and regulation of Excise Duties. 5. The raising of money by all or any other modes or systems of Taxation. (). The liorrowing of money on the public credit. 7. Postal service. 8. Lines o( Steam or other Slii|)s, Railways, Canals and other works, connecting any two or more of the Provinces togitlier, or exteniling beyond the limits of any Province. 9. Lines of Steanivhips betv.een the IVderaled Provinces and other Coimtries. 10. Telegraphic conunimication arid the incor|)oration of Telegraph Companies. 11. All such work:> as shall, allhough lying wholly wiiliin any I'rovince, be specially declared by the Acts aulhorizing them to be for the general advantage. . .:. The Census. 1:5. ;\Iilitia — Military and Naval Service and Defence. 1-1. lU'acons, Buoys, and Lighthouses. 15. Navigation and Shipping. 1(). Quarantine. 17. Sea Coast and Inland Fisheries. 18. Ferries between any Province and a Foreign Countrv, or between any two rovinccs. 11). Currency and Coinage. 20. Banking, incorporation of Banks, and the issue of paper money. 21. Savings Banks. 22. Weights and Measures. 2;{. Bills ot' Exchange and Promissory Notes. 24. Interest. 2.'). Legal Tender. 2(i. Bankruptcy and Insolvency. 27. Patents of Invention and Discovery. 28. Copyrights. 29. Indians and Laiuls reserved for the Indians. 30. Natuiali/ation and Aliens. 31. .Marriage and Divorce. 32. The Criminal Law, excepting the ('onstitulion of Courts of Criminal .lurisdiction, but including the Procedure in Criminal matters. 3;5. lUiidering unil()rm all or any of the laws relative to properly ami civil rights in L'pper Canail.i, Nova Scotia, New Urunswick, Newfouiuilaml, and Prince Edward Island, and rendering unitorni the i)rocedineof all or any of the (a)ints in these Provinces ; but any Statute for this purpose shall have no force or authority in anv Province imtil sanctioneil by the Eegislalme thereof. 31. 'I'he esiabli>lnnent of a (leneral Court of .Vppeal ior the Federated Provinces. 3."). Immigration. 36. .Agriculture. 37. .\nd generally respecting all matters of a general character, not specially and exclusively reserved (or the Local Govirnments ai:d Legislatures. 30. The (ieneral (iovernmeiil and Parliament shall have all powers necessary or proner for performing the obligations of the Fetlerated I'rovinces, as nart of the British Empu'c, to I'oreign Countries, arising under Treaties between Great Britain ami such Countiies. .'U. The (ieiuaal Pailianunl may al.M) t'ronMinu' to time establish additional Courts, and the (ieneral Government may a|ipoinl .ludges and ( )llit'ers theri'of, when the sanu' shall a|)pear nci sary or for the |)ublic advantage, in order to the ilue execution of the laws of Parliam.-nt. XIOX every year, so .•>iltiiig ol tlu" :ssioii. punoo, wt'Ifari^ ' of Knglaiul). and F.xiunts, awn Lumber, ixation. ks, connect nig d tlio limits ol' Coiintfics. t'onipanies. :c, he s])ceialiy iitaw. ivcjn any two .liM'iidictiou, :ivil riglils in lince Mdward onrts in tliese antliority in I'rovinccs. specially and ary or proper itisli Kmpire, li Countries, ional Courts, len the same 'iitidu of the OF TIIK BRITISri NORTH AMHKICAX PROVINCES. iGl .'?"2. All Courts, .ludgcs, and Officers of the several Provinces shall aid, assist, and ol)cy Avpendix. the (leneral (iovernment. in the exercise of its ri^iits and powers, and lor such purposes shall he held to be Courts, Juilj^es, and Officers of the General Government. 'M. i'he General (roverinnent shall a])point and pay the Judi,a's of the Superior Courts ill eaeii Provniee and of the County Courts of I'pper Canada, and Parliament shall lix their salaries. 'M: Until the Consolidation of the Laws of Cpper Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfouiullauil, and Prince lulward Island, the Judijes of these Provinces appointed by the (Jeiieral Government shall be selected from their respective Bars. :i'j. 'I'lie .ludges of the Courts of Lower Canada shall be selected liom the Bar of Lower Caiuula. ;?(!. 'i'he .lud^e- of the Court of Admiralty now receiving salari ■• shall be i)aid by the (ieneial (low i nmeiit. ;57. 'Ihe Judges of the Su|)erior Courts shall hold their offices tluring good behaviour, and shall be removabk' onlv on t!ie .Address ol hoili Houses of Parliament. JjOral Ciiivvnniicnf. US. For each of the Provinces there shall be an I'.xi'cutive Officer, styled the Lieu- ten nit-Cjoveinoi-, who shall be appointed by the (ioveinor General in Council, uniler the (ireat Seal of t e Federated Pro\ inees, duiing pleasure; such pleasure not to be exereiseil before the ex|)iration of the (list live years, except for cause, such cause to be communicated in writing to the Lieutenant-Governor imineiliately alter the exercise of the pliasure as aforesaid, and also bv Messages to both Houses of Pailiameiit, within the Hist week of the lirst Session after ;ds .'?!)• 'he Lieutenant-Ciovernor of eati. P vince shall be paid by the (uneral Ciovcrn- ineiit. 40. In undertaking to pay tlie salaries of the Lieutenant-Governors, the (,'onfereiice does not ilesire to prejudice the claim of Prince Fdward Island U|)on the Imperial Govern- ment i'or tlu; amount now paiil for the . dary of the Lieutenant-Governor tlu'reof. 4L Tiie Local (iovernnu'ut a. id Legislature of each Province shall be constructed in such manner as the existing Li Mature of such Piovinee shall provide. \>. 'I'he Local Legislatures shall have jiower to alter or amend their Constitution from time to time. 4.S. 'I'he Local Legislatures shall have power to make Laws respecting the Ibllowing subjects : 1. Direct Taxation and the imposition of Duties on the export of Timber, Logs, .Masts, Spars, Deals, and S.iwn Lumber, and of Coals and other Minerals. 2. Borrowing Money on the credit of the Province. ;{. 'I'lie establishment and tenure of Local Offices, and the ap|)ointinent and ])a\ment of Local Ollicers. !■. .\gi'ieuliuri'. .'). immigration. (I. Ldiieition; saving the rights and privileges which the Protestant or Catholic ininoiity in both Canadas leav possess as to tlieir Denominational Schools at the time when the I'nion goes into operation. 7. The sale and management ol Public Laiuls. e\cepting Lands belonging to the Geiieial (iovernment. 8. Si'a Coast and inland I'isheiii's. J), 'i'he establishment, maintenance, and management of Penitenti iric', and of i'liblic ami IJefi'iniatury Piisons. 1(1. 'i'lie estaliiishnieiil, maintenance, and management ol Hospitals, .Vsyhiiiis, Cliarilies, and I'.li'einosyiiaiy institutions. I L .Municipal Institutions. I 'J. Shop, S.ilooii, 'i'aM'in, .\uctioneer, ami other Licences. \.\. Local Woiks. II ihe iiicorpoialioii of private or local Compinies. except such as relate to inalteis assigned to the (ieneral I'ailiameiil. IT). I'lippeity and ei\il lights, excepting those jiortions thereof assigned to tlie (ieneral I'ai liaineiit. l(i. lull cling piinishincnl liy line, penalties, imprisonment, or. otherwise for the bie.ich of laws pa.ssi d in relation to any subject within their jurisdiction. 1G2J4. X n^!ffi«i« i!c^-.:-V 162 CORUESPONDHNX'E RESPECTING THE PROPOSED UNION Ari'F.NDix. 17. Tiie Administration of" Jiistici', inciudinji,' tlie constitution, maintenance, and ~'~ organization of the Courts, botli of Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction, and inciudinif also the Procedure in Civil Matters. j 18. And generally all matters of a i)rivate or local nature, not assigned to the . General Parliament. ' ' ■ 11. Tile i)()\ver of respitirig, rej)rieving, and pardoning prisoners convicted of crimes, and of comnuiting and lemitting of sentences in whole or in part, which belongs of j . right to the Croun, shall he adniiniMtered hv the LieiUenant-Govemor of each Province in Council, suhjcct to any instructions he may from tune to time receive Irom the General (ioveinment, and suiijeet to any provisions that may he made in this behalf bv the General P.irliameiit. ! t! iliiCfl/ant'oiis. l.'j. In regard to all subjects over which jurisdiction belongs to both the General and ! Local Legislatures, the laws of the (Jeneral Parliament shall control and supersetle those made by the Local Legislature, and the latter shall be void as far m they are repugnant , to or inconsistent with the former. I IG. Both the English ami French languages may be employed in the Ciener d Parlia- ment and in its |)roceedings, and in the Local Legislature ot' Lower Canada, and also in the Federal Courts and in the Courts of Lower Canada. •J". No lands or property belonging to the General or Local Government shall be liable to ta.xation. ■18. All bills tor appropriating any ])art of the public revemie, or for imposing any new tax or impost, shall originate in the Mouse ofConuiions or the House of Assembly, as the ease may be. •U). The Hunse of Commons or House of Assembly shall not originate or pass any vote, resolution, address, or bill for the appropriation of any ])art of tlie public revenue, , or of any ta.v or inipost to any purpo>e, not first reeonuueiided by Message of the |t)*|! (lOVcrnor-Cieneral or the Lieutenant-Governor, as the case may be, during the se.»ion in I which such vote, resolution, adilress, or bill is passed. 50. Any bill of the (ieneral Parli.nueul may be reserved in the usual niaiuier f()r ller Majesty's assent, and any bill of the Local Legislatiues may i 1 like manner be reserved for the cousiileration of the (Jovernor-Cieneral. 51. Any bill |)assed by the General P.uiiament shall be subject to disallowance by Ilcr Majesty witliin two year>, as in the case ol' bills passed by the Legi>I.Uuri's of the saiil Provinces hitherto, and in like manner any bill passed by a Local Legislature shall be .subject to disallowance by the Govemor-Cienerai within one year after the passing thereof. .')2. I'he seat of (iovermnent of the Federated Provinces shall be Ottawa, subject to the Hoval Prerogative. 5;}. Subject to any future action of the respective Local (iovernments, the seat of the Local (iovermnent in U|)per Canada shall be Toronto ; of Lower Canada, Quebec ; and the seats of tin.' Local (josermnents in the other Provinces shall be as at present. Proper/i/ uiid LhthUUlvs, 51. All stocks, cash, bankers' balances, and securiiies for money belonging to each Province at the time of the Union, except as herein-after mentioned, shall belong to the General Government. .'jj. The following public works and property of each Province shall belong to the General (ioveinment, to wit: — 1 . Canals ; 2. Pidilic harbours ; ;i. Lighlhonses and ])iers; •1. Steamboats, dredges, and public vessels; fj. Uiver and lake improvements ; (]. Railway and railway stocks, mortgages, and other debts due by railway companies ; 7. Military roads ; 8. Custom iiouses, jiost odiccs, and other public buildings, except such as may be set aside by tlie General Government for the use of the Local Legislatures and (iDvenimeiits ; of Up Island territoi to any 7t~ . time ol ussumt rjf). right o (()rtitic. Go. Pro\ in (11. tivelv, UNION aintciiaiico, ami iriscliction, and assigned to llie clod of crimes, licli bcloiiLfs oi' r each Province 'ccivc (rom the 1 tiiis behalf by he General and supersede those are repugnant CienL'ril Parlia- ila, and also in nment shall be posing any new oi' Assembly, as tc or pass any )nblic revenue, Mi'ssage of the g tiie ses>ion in n.mner for Her ler be reserved jwanco by Ilcr s of the said It lire shall be r the passMig iwa, subject to he seat of the (Quebec ; and iresent. iging to each belong to the belong to the le by railway It ii as may be Legisl.itures OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN . ROVINCES. 1(;:5 ' 9. Property transferred by the Impeiial CJovennneiit, and known as Onlnance Appkxdix. properly ; 10. Armouries, drill sheds, military clothini;', and niuiiitioiis of war ; and 11. Lands set apart for public pinposes. 5(). All \a\nU, mines, r.iinerals. and royalties vesleil in Her Majesty in llie Provinces of rpi'e'r Canada, Lowe; Canaiia, Nova Scotia, New Hrunsv.ick, and I'rincc Ldw;;rd Island, I'oi- the use of 7. All Slims line from purchasers or lessees ci' s.ich lands, mines, or minerals at the time of the Inion >'iall also belong to the (lox'eriniients. .")S<. All assets connected with >uch portions ot the ))nhlic debt of any l'io\ince as arc assumed by the Locd (iovernmcnts shall also l;Jong to those (iciveiiuiieiils respectively. .59. The seveial Province.-- .hall retain all other jmblic pro])erty tlurein Mi'./ieci, to the right of the General (iovcriimenl to assume any lands or imhiie property re([uireil for f'ortiticalions or the defence of the country. Go. The (ieneral Government shall assume all the debts and liabilities of each I'rovince. (il. The debt of Canada not specially assumed by Upper and Lower Canada respec- tively, shall not exceed at the time of the I'liion - - - .'■6:i,.')0(i,0iJO \o\-a Scotia sl-.all enter the Union with a debt not e.\ci'eding - S,o0(i,000 And New Brunswick with a debt not exci.'ediiig - - 7,'*()0,UIJ0 ()"i. In case Nova Scotia or New Brunswick do not inenr liabilities beyond th )se for which their Governments are now bound, and which shall make their debts at the ilate ol Union less than .n>,000,U(iO and .s7,()()i),0()() respectively, they shall he entitled to interest at 5 per cent, on the amount not so incinred, in like maimer a-) is herein-after i)ro- vided fur \ewf runti'it'iico a^ Mihji-ii.s ol' tlu' liiglu',-.t iinpoilaiici' to ilk' FcticraUil l'ii)viiKe>, and shall l)c pro^eciiU'il at the carliebt possible perioil that the stale of tlu' liiiances will permit. 70. Tiie siiK'tit)ii of the Imperial ami Loeal Parliaments shall be sought for the Union of the i'rovinees, on the principles adopteil by the (,'onl'en'nee. 71. That ller Majesty the (y>ueen be solicited to determine the rank and name of ilu: Federated Provinces. 7'2. Tiie proeeedinns ot'tlie C'onferi'nee shall be anthentieateil by ihe siniiatnies ot' ihe Dek'uales, and t-ubmitted by each Diliuation to its own (io\ernment, and the Chairman is anthorizeil to sul)nn'.: a copy to the (lONernor (leiural I'or transmission to the Secretary of Slate lor the Colonies. 1 certify thai the above is a true copy of the original Report t)f nesolutioiis adopted in Conference. K. 1'. 'rAciii':. Cluiirmai?. Ri.soi.i' rioNs ailopted at a Cii\ii:ui;n( i. of l)i;i.r.oAri:s I'lom the l'iio\!N(r;s ot'CwAOA, XiiVA Scotia, and Nr.w Ibu nswk k, held at the Westminster Palace Hotel, London, December I, l^liti. 1. 'l"he best intere-ts ami |iresent a.d lutnii- prosperity ol' ISritish North .\meriea will be promoted l)y a I'Vderal Union under the ('town of (ireat IJritain, |)ro\ided siieh Uiiion can be ellecleil on principles ju-it to the se\eral Pro\inces. ■J. in the Confederation of tlu' ibitish North American Provinces tlii' s\siem of {io\i'rnmeiit best ailapled under existing eirenmst iiices to proti'il the diveislHed inti rests ol the seM'ral Pro\inces and secure eliiciency, harmony, and peinianencv in the workinu' ol' the Uiiit)n is a Cieneral (io\ernment chnged with matters of common interest to ihi' whole country anti Local (iovernmeiils I'or each ol' the Caiiiulas, ami loi' the Piovinci's ol No\a Scotia and N\'W linmswiek, '•barged wnli liie control ot local matters in their res])etlive secti(jns, ))ro\isi(in beini; made tiir the adnnssion into the Conl'ederation on eipiitable terms of Newloundland, Prince lulward Island, the North. west 'Lerntory, and British Columbia. .'5. In framing a Constitution for the Cieneral (iovenmient the Coiiferenci', with a \ieu to the |)erpetuation ;-ting ol tliric divi>i(iiis: — Isl, Up|)er ( 'aiiad.i ; I'lid, Lower ('anada ; and 3ril, Nova Scotia and New liiuiisvviek; e.ich division with an ii'i)rescntation ill the Legislative Council. S. Upper Canada shall be represented in the Legislative Council by 21 meinbers ; Lower Canada by 21 mi inbi'rs ; and ihe .Maritime Provinces by 21 members, ol' which Nova Scotia shall have 12 and New i^ruiiswick 12 members. ii. 'I'he Colonv of Piince Edward Island when admitted into the ( onfederalion shall be I'Utitled to a npresentation ol tuur members in the Legislative Council. Rut n iili case ihc members allotted to Nova Scotia ami New I^ruiiswick shall be iliminislu>. lo 111 each, such diminutinn to take place in each Provnice as vac;mcies occur. 1(1. The Colony of Newl'DUiulland when aihnilled into the Confederation shall In entitled to a representation in tiie Legislative Council of I ur members. II, The Norlh-wi'st Territorv and Initish Coliunl)ia shall be admitted into the Union on such terms and conditions as the Parliament of the Conj'eder.ition shall deem eipiit.foli' and as shall leceive the assent ot the Sovereign, and in case of the Province of liritish Cohnnliia as sh.ill be agreed to by the Legislatuie ol such Province. 12. Till' members ol the Legi-lative ( oiincil shall be appointed by the Crown under the (ileal Seal of the (ieneral (ioveinmeiit irom among residents of the Province for which they arc severally iippointed, and shall hold ollice dining life. If any legislative 3 U^lON ()!• 'I'lIK Blll'i'ISII NOirill AMKRICAN PIJOVINCI'S. ](]r, to till' Fcik'iali'd t tlie state of tin- ^lit for tlie Union ami lumiL' of liu' -' si^a,natuivs of' tlie ■mh\ the ClKiiiiiian 1 to llio Sccrotai^' •igiiial Keport ol' cm;, Cluiirnmi!. N(i;s of CWADA, LT I'alaco lloioK 1 N'orlli AnieiiiM ill, proviileil siicii "S till' S\.Sll'IU of i\i'i'>ih"i'(l lull ri'^t> •y ill till' wuikiii^- III iiUi'ii'.st to till' ti)r tlie I'roviiici',-, I nialleis in their L'oiifeilcratioii mi .St 'rorritoi y, aiul ifereiice, with a il the proniotioii tliu iiioiiel of the Sovereign of iho leeordiiio- to ihe personally, or 1)\ I Militia l''()ives. ation, eoiiipo^eil elation >liall he Lower Canaila ; ;il iepre.seiitati(liall hi. into the I'liion deem e(|iiit,ii)le )\ inee of lJ|■iti^ll le ( 'row II iimlei' he I'rovinee lor Coiiiuillor shall for two eonseeiitive se'isions of l*arliament fail to ni\e his attendance in Ai timmx. the said ('oiinell his scat shall thcrehy lieconu' vacant. i:V 'riie meniliers of the Legislativi^ Coimcil shall he British subjects hv hirth or iialiiraliz.ilion, of the Itill aue of . "50 years, shall e.ieli jjossess in the Province fiir which tlie\' are appointed a continuous real pro|)eity (pialilication of 4,l)(iO dollars over and above all incumbrances, am! shall he and continue worth that sum over and above their debts and lialiilities, and shall jiossess a contimioiis residence in the I'rovinee i'or which they are appointed, except in the case of persons holding' ))ositioiis which reipiire their attendance at the seat of (uu-ernment peni'iii'jtheir tenure of ollice. II. If any (iiiestion shall arise as to the (iirdilicatinn of a lei.'islative councillor, the same shall be determined by the Legislative Council. 1."). The members of the lA'u,islative Council for tlu' ( 'onfeder.itioii shall in the lirst instance be a|)|)oiiitcd upon the noiniiuilion of the Fxeeiilive (to\ernmi iiN of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick res|)eclivcly, and the number allotted to each Province shall be iioininatid from the Lcnislati\e ( 'oimcils of the dillerent l'ro\inces, due regard heinislativc Council, and shall hold oliice duriiiii |ileasiire, and shall only be entitled to a castiiiii' vote on an e(piality ot votes. I 7. Kacli of the twenty-four Lcaislati\ e Councillors, rcprescntii);;' I.,ower Canada, in the Lejiislative Council of the (icneral Lcuislatiire shall be ajipoinlcd to re|)i'esent one of the twentv-H:)iir electoral divisions mentioned in Schedule A ot' Chapter 1. of the Coii- soliilated St.itiites ot' ( 'aii:id:i. and such couiicilli'i shall reside or jiossess his (|ualitic.ili(m in the division he is appointed to repii'sent. Is. 'Che basis of representation in the House of Commons shall be population, as determined by the ollicial census every ten veais. and the number ot' members, at first, shall be ISl, distributed as fol'ows : I'pper Canada - - - s-J Lower Canada - - - (j') Novu Scotia - - - 1!) New Brunswick - - - ].'> 1(). Cntil the lirst ijeucral ch'ction afiei the ollicial census of 1><7I l>as been made n]) there shall be no change in the number of representatives from the several sections. •JO. rmmediatoly after the compleiiou of the ceiis'is of ls7i. awA imniediatelv afh-r ever\ census thercalter, the repi\ sentalion from each Pro\ince in the House of Commons shsdl be re-adjusied on the bisis of pop'ilalion, such re-.uljustmcnt to lake elfei't upon the termination of the then exi-tinu,' Parliament. •Jl. lor the purpose ot' such i c-.idiu^t!!. cuts, J^ower Canada shall alwavs hi' assi.j;ned (!.") memlurs, and each of the other I'roviiices siiall, at each rc-adiustnient, receive llir the ten vears then next siicceediiiL'; the mnnlier of menil)ers to which it will be entitled on the "saiiie ratio of rem'eseutatioii to population as i,;)wer Canada will enjoy accordiiiL;- to the census then last taken hv haviuu' (l."! members. ■JJ. No K'duction shall be made m the number ofmemliers i\ turned by any Province unless its po]mlat on shall have decreasi'd relali\-ely to llu' population of the whole I'nion, to the extent of ."• per centum. » •j;?. In compiiiiiii;' at each decennial period the number ol members to which each Province is entitled, no liactioiial parts shall be considered, unless when e.\ceediii<^ one- half the number eiilitlinu: to a member, in which case a member shall be jiiven tor each -well fractional part. 21. i he number o! memlieis may at any time hi' increased by the (icneral Parliament, rei;ard beiiii; had to the proportionate rights then existiiif.'. •J."i. Until ])rovisions are made by the (ieiicral Parliament, all the laws which at the (lite of the prod. imation constiiiitiiij;' the Union are in force in the Provinces resjiectivelv. relatiun' to the (pialilication and dis(pialitic;itioii ol any person to be elected, or to sit or vote as a memlu r ol the Assemblv in the said Pmxinees resneclively , .ind relatiiiLT to the ipi.ilification or disqualification of voters, and lo the oail d lie take by voters, and to utiirniiiL; otiiceis and their powers aiul duties ; and rela to the pioceediiiiis at elec- tions and to the )U'riod diiriiii; which such elections ina_\ , eoutinued ; and lelatiiiy to the trial ol controverted elections and the proceed iiifi's incident thereto; and relaliiiL;- to the viuatinn' of seats ol nienibers and lo iIk' issuing and e.xecution of new writs in case of ^' -J \ :Xlsi^ iiM^.^>'t>' •.:•>•> 1. 4 X^;"^'"-^ lIJi tOliliF.Sl'OXDENCi; nESI'KCTINO •|-IIK l>l!ol'()sl;i) UNION N AriMAi.ix. ;in;,- sent \h'\\)'X vacated (Ulu'iui'; • than hy a dissohiiidM, shall icsiioclivclv apph' to (.|oc- tions ol'mcmhors to si-rvc in the llnnsi' (it'ConiiiKins, lor placvs situate in thosc'l'roviiicfs res pec lively. ■2(\ I'.viTv House orCoiimmiis shall eoDtiiiiie Ca- live \eiis (ioiu the div of the rclinn di' the writs eluu^inir the -ii>u>, ami ii(< loMLrer ; snhjeet, iieveilheies.s", to he sooner picio IK (1 or dissoivad hy the (iovtanM-Cieiieral. •J7. 'I'heie shall he a -es ion c!' the (Laieral railiamiait once at least in eveiy vear, so thai a piiiod ol'lwelve Cilciil.;!- ni'intli-. vh:ili noi inlervane heiween the last 'sinint sitting' ihereofin the next ses-ion.'^ I'M. '! he (ieiicral I'arlianient shall liivc* power to niiike laws Ibr lli" peace, welfare, and lioeil -'overninenl of the Cont'ederalion (saving- the soverei;;ntv of Mnijand), and' espiciailv laws re-peelin;: t'le |i)liowin"; suhjects: — 1. The pnl'lie deht and prcportv. •J. The rcaihilion of traile and oininerce. ."i. The rai in'r of money hy ail or any mode . I'o-t il S' rvice. (i. ' in--; of steam or oila r sliips. i nlw;'.ys eanaU, and other works conneetinu' anv :v.o tu- i!isne of p.ipir nioin v. lit. Sav!n'j;s liaiik-. •.^(1. \Vi;t,riils and mc,i>iiri'^. yi. Pills of eschant:*' , and promissory notes. •JJ Inlerol. •J.\. he^'.al teiider. ■'I. Pankruptcy I'.i'i! insoKeiicy. '_'.■>. P.Uvnts < ! iii\entioii and iliscosirv. *2(!. ( 'op\ nudils. -'7. Indians, am! lamN reserved foi the Indi.nis. 'JH, Nai'MahV ilioii .iiid .aliens. •J!). M;.nia!;e .iiid divorce. :'.!». Tile cri'iilnaliaw, ( xeeiitiii^' the conslimiioii of ( oiiils of ( liininal .imi^diclion. I 111 uic'hidiii ; llie proi- dnre in ciiminal m iit( r*. ;t|. Tlu' I slaliii'iiiMciit, m.iinl(naiice, ami n anai.'emcnl of peiiili'iitiaiies. ;<'J. l'.;ndiiin;t m'iloi m all (r any of the iel(ti\e to piopialv and civil iiahl> in I'ppd ('.m.nli. Nov.i Scoiii. imd Ni'w Prnn-wick, and reiiderim' uniform the procidiirL' of id! «n' any of the ( on;, in these Pro\inces; Iml ;mv statute for this purpose shall have no loice or .ailliorily in any Province imlil suiclioiied h; ll:e l-cfd^liituri lluiioi ; and the ; on(|- of" lepealm •, aini'iulin^;, or alleriiijj; Mich l.rvs shall thera cfoiward lemiin \'ith iIh' (ieii.ial Pailiaineiit onlv. • l.M. Tlie I ' 'Ijlishmiiit ofa Cit'iieral Coml ol \p| , d loi the C'onleiler.ilion. Ml. Intn I nation. 'V<. .\;'iiciillinc'. ;'(i. .\nd (■•ciieiaily n -peeling all nialt.'r, ofa m'lieial chnacler imt speciali\ and I ahi'ively ri'MTVid lor the Local l.eri'dalurr . •j;). The ( il (io\t imnenl ami Parliiuumt shdl lr\i' dl powi i . ni'icsarv oi piopir for p( !loriiiiii", tl'c idjliivuiiiiis ( r Hid ( 'oiii'ed. riliiin, as pan of ijie Puiisli Mmpnc, ;o !''o;u<.',ii tamtiics uii-in.n imd«r trealies helwc ii (ire.n llrilaiii and such comitiii -, ;i't. The powi'is iuui pri\ili(.'e.s of the House !if ( 'mmiioiis of the I'nilid Kinudom of (ill it I'lil.iin and Ireland halt he held to iipperlain to ihe I Ioiim' of' ( "oimiioiis (.( tli(. ■n UNION ively apply to clof- c ill those l'ii)\iiK'os II' (1 ly ol' till' itiiini loli'ss, to be sooiitT ill cvi'iy year, so I the hist. .siltin<; of tlu' next M's-ioii. til'; piMcc, wcKiiio, y of l'iii;;laii(l), aiul ii'Us coiiiK'i'lmu' ,iiiv nd tlic liniils ol any iiilicr I'lunitiii's. I roiii|iiini<'s. lovi'ci'. 1)0 spii'i lily I ;i.|\,-int;i'':''. Iktwi'iii ,;iiv iwii mill .hii iMlirtloii, :H II ■;. ami civil lijtils in iltiiii!; iii.'ilDl'iii till' i'Ml .iiix '•liiliitt' fur 1 >' iiMliI ^aiU'tioiK'il ii'iidiiig, I r iiltoiiiif' iim iH (iiil\ . 'Icl.ltidll. not >lH'ti,lll\ illlll lull sii \ ol pro|> 1 l!»li Miiipiic, ,'() li roiiiiliii'-'. iiilnl Kili'^iloiii (if ■ I < Miniiicii i.| iln- OF 'I'lir. BHTTTSn NORTH \MF.RTr.\N ri'iOVINCES. ir,7 Confi'dcratioti, and tlio ]H»\veis and privili'jjfi's :i])pcrt;iiiiiiilial! lie held to appertain to the Leifislative C/oinicil. "~" .■?I. 'The (ieneral Pailiament may ironi time to tinie estahli'^h additional courts, and the (leneral (io\enniieiit may Mp])oiii! judges and odicers theieof, when the same shall appear necessary or for the public advaiita!::e, in order to the due eM'culion of tiie laws of such I'arliameiil. 32. All courts, judnes and ollicers of' the several I'ro\ inees sliall aid, assist, and obey the (leiieral Go\einivient in tiie exercise of its liiilils and powers, and for such purposes shall he luld to be courts, judges, and oHiccrs o( the (ii'iieral (iDveiiiment. 3."5. The (ieneral (loverirmenl shall appoint and pay the salaries of the jmkfs of liu' superior and district and county courts in each Province, and Parliament shall fix llieir salaries. M. IJnlil the coiis.ilidation ol the laws of I'pper Canada, No\a Scotia, and New Uriinswick, the judj;es of thesi- Provinces a|>poinled by the (ieneral (iovermiienl shall he .selected from their respective bars, 'M't. The judges of the eoiirls of Lower ( 'aiiada sliall be selected from the bar of Lower Canada. ;•(). The judu.e'* of the Court of .\diiiiralty shall lie paid by the (i.iu'ial (iovernment. ;57. Till' judges of the Superior Coinls shall iiold their olliees duiiiii; ;.',oo(l beh.i\ioui, mid shall be icniovable on the address of both lloiives of Pailiameni. 'AH. I'or each of ilie Prosincis there shall be an e\ccuti\i' otlieer styled tlie (iovcinor, who shall be a|ipoiiiteil by the (ioveriior-( in Council, iinJir ot tiie Coiit'ederalion, diuiiiL',' pleaMire ; such pleasure in>t to be I'Xirei-ed bel'ore the expira- tion of the (ir>! five yeais except tor c.ui>e, micIi cati^e to lie coinmunieated in wiiiiii'.^' to the ( io\eiiior imiiiv dialely alter the exeui>e ol' the pleasure as albiesaid, and also li\- iiiessaj;e to both Houses of I'.iiii.uiieiil within the lir^t week of the ii|st . e-^siou alleiu.n.i-, but the a|)poinin!i nt of the lirsl (i()veriioi.> shall be prosi-ioiiai and they shall hold otlice .strictly ihiiini; pleasure. .■(•). The (iovciiior of e.'.eli I'mviiice 'hall be pai.l by tlu' (ieneral (iovi'iiuiunt. •1(1. 'I'he I.ocil (loveinnient and I.ei'i^latiire ol Cacli I'rovinee shall be coiisirm ted in Mich manner as the Let;i>lature ef each Mich i'rovinee .shall proviile. 41. 'I'he I.eni-! itnre sli.ill havi' powi'r to make laws le-pr lini.; the lollow n;.-; .siibject.s : — I. The allerin't or ameiidinii their coii-tilntion from time to time. 2 D.rect taxition. and in the ca-e of New Unuiswick ihe lidil nt' levyiii'.' limlur dues l)v the mode and to the exleiit now established by l.iw. provided siieli timber be not the produce of the other I'rminces. ;i. Horro\Niun money (.n the cieilit of the l'id\iiice. ■t. 'i'iie establishment and teiniie of local ollii es, and the appointment ,iiid pa\nieiii of loe.d ollicers. Ti. ,\i;riciilluii'. (i, Imtiliirratioii. 7. ralueition, .-axiii^ the linhls and pri\ile^'e>« which the Protestant or C.ithohc miiioiitv ill any Province ina\ ii.ive by l,iw a-, to deiioniiiialional schools at the lime wlu'ii llii' I'liion lioe- into operation. .\nd in any Province where a s\slemot sepaiate or dis«tntiiiit schools liy law obtain-, or wlieie the l.oc.d l,e>.Mslalioii may heiealti r adopt ii Msleiii of separate or di-senlient sehooK, an ap, i-al sh.ill lie to the (io\enior«(ieiieral in Council ul the (ieneral (iovirn- iiient fiom llie acts and ileeisioiis of the aiithoiitie-, wliieii may atfecl the lights or I'lisileyi's of the I'.etc'taiit or Catholic minriity in the maitcr ol" education. .\nd the (uiural Pailiaim nt shall ha\e power in the last ie'ile and iiiaiiaj^eineiil ol' piihla- liiiiN, cNcepliii;; \.\\\A^ belonuiiux lo tlu (iciiei'.it (loverimu lit, \). 'J'he eviablishmeiit, n .linteiiiiuee, and in iiia",eiiieii' ol public and n fomiatorv prisoiiv. jn. 'I'he e-taMi»Iiiiient, iiiaiiiteiia ice, ami iiiaiia)remeiil of iio'Miial". ar«yliim«, oliarilit"', and i letino'ynniy in-titiili. lis except marine ho-pilals, 1 1. .NiMiicipil iiilituloii'-. \'J. Shop. Miloou, la\( III, auctioneer, and otlit I lieeiict s. foi Im.d leveiiuc. ' ' l:f Local woiks. II. t he iiiiorporalioii of piiv.ile or loe.d conipaiiie'', cNCCpl sueh as rel.ile lo mallei «( a lfif< rOHHKSPONDKXrr, HESPKCTlXr. THE PUOPOSED TXIOX Appfniux. l.'i. I'loporlv and civil liiilits (incliKiiii': tlie solemniziitioii oi' inuiiiaue), rM'i'ptlnt:; portions tluTcof :issin;nc'(l to tlio (ii-noral Parliament. K). Fntiictinii punislmuMit liv fino, penallii's, iinprisonnnMit, or otlioiwiso, tor tlif lin-acii of laws i);iSM(i in ii'lation to any siil)ji'c't wiiliin tlicii jui isdirl ion. 17- llu" administration of jiistici', incliidinLr the roiisiitution, niMinlcnaiicc, and oi^a- ni/ation ol tlv courts, l)Otl» of civil and criminal jmisJiclion, and inchidini^- also tiu' proccduii' in civil matters. 1"^. .\i)d i;encrallv all mattiTs of a piivate or local nature not assiijiu'd to the (ieneril Paili.nnent. I"2. All the j)o\veis, priviiet;es, and dntics conferred and imjiosi'd upon ('ilholic separate schools and school trustees in I'pper Canada shall !)e I'Mended to tlie I'rotestanI .and C'alliolic dissi-nlieni school.-* in Lower Canad.i. in. TIk' power ot' rt'spiiinu', repnevinir, and pardoninenlence>. in whoU- or in, which hi'lonii's of ri^ul to the Crown, shall, except in cijiii d casi-s, he administered hv the (io\ernor of eacii Pro\ince in Coimcil, std)iect to any iM^truclions lie may fiom time to time receive from the (leneral (iovernmeiit, and sid)iect to any provisions that mav lie made in this ludiall' liy the (leiu'ral Parliament. I I. In rcL;!M(l to all sulijects over which jiui^'diction licloni,'s to hotii the (icnci il .uid Local l.ejii^lalnres, the laws i<\ the (ieneral Parliament shall control and >upi'isede ilio-e madi' in the I. oca) Lt'Liislalure, and tin- latter shall he void so far as tlicy are ii'pu^inanf to or incoirsisient with tiie (inier l.'i. Moth the Kniilish .md I'Vench lanfjuaires may be emploved in tl.e (ieneral I'.ulia- menl. and in its procc»"dinf;s, ami in the Local Le^isialiiri- of Lower Can, id:, and aUo in the I'edt'ial courts, and in the conils of Lower Canada. I(j. No lands or |iicipeitv i)elonu;ini,' to the (iiMU'ial or (io\-ernnients shall Im' li.iiilc to taxation. 17. Ml Hills lor appropiiatini; any part of the puiilic revi'iuie, or llir impoNin;:; am lax or impost, -hall originate in the House ol ( 'ommoiis or lloii-e of AsM'inl)ly as thr la^e may he. Is. The lloii-e of ( ommoii^ I r House ol .\ssemlily vh.ill not 01 i;^in,ite or pas> aiiv vol<'. resolution, addiess, or \> II f'H tiie appropriation ol any pari of the piii)lie rcM'iiue, or of any tax or impost, to any purpose not lii>t recommendt-d i)y messajic of llie (Jover- iior-{ieiier;il I'l llu- (lovernoi, a>> the 1 a-e may he, duriiiLr the -ession in which -.iich vote, r«soiiitioii, addie--, or lull i- pa-srd. H(. .Vny IM! ot ihi (ieiienl Parliiinient may If reserved in the iisii.d manner li>r lli r ^^ajesly'x a.sseiit. and .my Hill of the Lejji-lalures may, m like m.iiinei, hi' rescived li»r the CDUsider.ition of the (jo\ern»)r-(}i'neral. .*ii). .\ny Mill passed liy the (ieneral I'liiliament shall he sulijccl to disiillowanee In Ilei .Majesty within two yen >. ,\y the ( io\i riior-Oeiier.d witliin one year alter the pas-ing tliere<»f'. .'il. File scat i»f (ioveriiinrnt of lli.' sli.dl he ( )|taw.i, >ul)|eet to iIp- Ho^iil Piero;,c.«liVf. .yj, Hiiltifct |o liny I'lifiiro action of the respectivi' l^ocil (ioxeinmenfs. ijie sfai ol tiio Local (iovcrnmeiils in Cpiief C.mid.i siiill he roronio; ol Loaci ( anaila <^iicliee ; and tin sj-ais of ilie Local (lovi mmeiil- in the other Pioviiicet shall lie as al pieseii'. .">.'< .Ml stocks, c.ish, liankeis' lialaiices, and securities idr inoiun liefonjiiiiL.' to eacii I'roviiice ,ii the time of ilie I tiioii except as lierein-dfter meiitioiied, shall heluii^ to the (iencial (iovernmeiit. .'il. rill' fiilloMiiit{ pidilic Works ainl pinperly of ca* h Pioviiiee shall lielon- to tin- (iiMiiial (io\einmeiil. to wit ; — I. Canals. 'i. Piihlic htti hours. A, Lighthouses .md piers, ami Nalde hlin I. I. .Sit .uti-l)oals, dredges, aiiil pulihc ve»«el>« .*i. Hiers and lake ini|iriiv«'meiits. (>. U ulw lys and niilway MockH, niortga|i(t,t ollici's, and all other pidilic huililm^s, except such as m.iv he set asidi' In llie (iiiKi.d (ioxirnmeni lot ihi' iisr of ihr Locai Legislatures and ( ioveinmi ills, *l. Property traiislerrcil liy the Impeiial (iitverimienl and kmnMi as (irdii.mce property. NIO\ OF IIU: liKITI.MI NOKTll AMERICAN I'ROVINCES. I<)& u;e), except iiii:; , lor till" hrcacli ancc, imd (iiu;a- , aiul iiu'liidiiiL; to till- .illiolic sciKiralr I'roti'slant aiul It'll ol I'linu'., )i'loiiti'< o( riiilit ixormir of imcIi nc ircrivi- t'niin It' ill llii.s hi'iMir lie (iciit'ial am' Ml|ll'ls('lll' llldSl' ' are ri'|)Uiiiiaiit (ii'iicral I'arlia- iil 1, :v pass aiiv iil)lif ri'\('iiiic, ol' llie 'ioVC!- Iiirh -.iicli vole, iiaiiiii'i Itir III " UM', he ri'M I \'i\ lisalloMaiicr !)v ^lllm^^ ol llic loLitiiri'! r tlif ])asviiij: •llll|fCf to till- il>. lltf •>lMl ol la la «^iit'lH'C ; at |ili">rii'. ;m;.'' to imcIi ln'Uinn lo till- on- to till' l(K Aiiiioiiiii's, (liill-.slituis, militaiy clotiiiii apart liti ^I'lU'rai ptiljlic piiipoM' iiul iiiiiiiitioiis of war : and land s set Ari'KMiix. .'ompaiiu's, a«. itiav lie ' itiiri's and pioptrtv .V>. All lands, mines, minerals, and royalties sesied in Her Majesty in tlie I'rovinces of I'pper ^'aiiada, Lower Canada, Nova Scotia, and Now Hrunswiek, ibr tlie use of such I'rovinces, >;iall heioiif^ \o the Local ( iovcrnineiit of the territory in which the same art; so sitn.ile, suhjecl to any trusts that may exist in respect to any t)i siicli lands, or to any iiiicii'st ot"oliit'i' persons in respect ol the : ane. .")(i. .VII snms due from pnrcliaseis or lessees of such lands, ti'iiies, or miiierals at the tiineof llu' L'nion shall also heloni;' to the Local (lovtiiimeiit. .")". All assets coiin.c'ted wiiji >ucli portions of tlu' |)iil)lic debt of any Province as are assinneil by ilu' Local (ioverninenl-; ^hall also belong lo those Ciovernments respectively. rjS. 'riie several i'rovinces shall retain all other public property liierein, subjecl to the riiilit of the (leiicial (io\eriiiiient to assume an\ lands or pulilic pro|(eit\ retpiiretl liir ftiititicalioiis er thi' deleni'c of the counli\. f*!). The (ieneial (Joverninent siiall assume the debts and liabilities of each Province. (itt. 'I'he debt ot ( 'anada, not s|)eiMally a^siimeil by r|>per and Lower Canada re- specliwly shall not e.xt'eetl at the time of the Iniou (rJ,.">(M).ti(llt dollarv Nova Scotia slull eiitt »■ the I'lnon with a ih bt not exceediiii; s,ii(H»,n()(> dollais, and New Mrmiswick with a dibt not exceediiiji 7,(i(H),(Ml(i dollars. iSnl this slipiiltlion is in lu) respect intended to limit the jtowers j;i\en to tin respective (ioveiniiieiils of those I'rovinces by lenislatixe aiithorily, but only to tletiiinine thi' m.iximiini amount of charae to be assumed by till' (ieneial (iovei imuni. (IL In case Nosa Scotia or New IJrinisvMck should not li.ue lontraclcil del)is ai the dati- of l'nion eipial ti; Ide amoiini willi which thes are n.'specti\ ely entilled to enter tlie (,'onleileialion, thi'N shall leceivc b\ hilf-veailv pavineut, in advance Iroiii the (ii'iieial (ioveinment the inieiesi at .") |)i'r cent, on Die ditlcicncc between the actual .iiiMMiut ol their i> spective ilebts ,uul such siipul.ileil aiuiiuuts. ((•J. In coii-ideralion oi' tin- iran-fcr to the (ieneral I'.uliameiil ot the powers of la\.ilioii, the IoIIdwiiil; -nms sh dl be jiaid bv the (ieneral (iovciiiiucnt lo each Province tor the support of then Local ( itnernmciits anil Legislatiues I ppei ( '.iiiada Lower ( 'aiiada No\a Scotia New Hrun.'iwick >(t,(i(iil 7u,iMHt liO.lliMI ."il 1,(11 10 Villi an animal grant in am\ of each Province >nttil («■ ;!' nU' eipial to MJ cents per head ol llie po|iiilaf loll, as c-tablislicil bs the cciimis of l>*iHiMhI soiils, at which rate tt sli,.'l tliertaltei remain. Stii'h ml shall be iit lull seuhm>iM o| .d! I'utuie ihntaiitls upon the (i,neial ( iovei iimeiil lt>r local purposes, anil kImH be piH'l lialf-ye.nly in .nlvance to each I'uvmce; but the ( leiiii.d tiovi'inmeiil siuill lieduci Iroin miih s<.|>%id» *H sums p.iid ;'s interi'si un ilie puiilic lebt III .tny Pii>\int'e in excels at llu ^luioiMift pitivide i under tin (iiHli icMihuioii. th\. The position ol New Kniiiswick (*ein|: ^n< fi it^ to enl ul !arge immidiate t'h.nges upon h«>r hrt'al icVfiities, it is iigrecil that lor the period of'U-n years from the time wluii ihc Inioii i.ikes efti-ct an ailiblioiial iillok^ante ol (i:<,i' the toimtry shall i)e asmimeil by the (ieneral (ioveinmenl. liall be proscciili'il at llu; oarlit-iL possible perioJ i!uU tiio state of tlic tinanccs will j)tMiiiit. (ir. The sanction of tlio Inip'iia! I'.uliaiiUMil sliall he soiigliliw. ;V" F^ii •,! oC tbo Provinces on tiic principles adoi-lcl !)}' IIm'. O'lil'iTonce. GS. That Her .Maji'siy the (^.leen l)e .-. .11 '. , i :o n 'tennino ti'- >\:\:W an.l name oC ihe Contcileration. Gl). That a cojiy "<' these i'>'>hilii'ns, s:"ii? ' l-y tlie anJ Secret ny of the CoiilVri'Mce, be Iraiisinillcil to ihe Ui^ht Menonr.iiik tlie Sfcretary of Stale for the Colonies. SiLineJ) ,loiiN A. Macoonm.i), Ciiairinan. n. IJrnts.uu), Secretary. ^:i t 1 I .1 I V flKdif,!! I'. I'.viiinii. I WiiijiM Vi'nrTlswcidiiif, ' liiit.rii i.> till' ijM'i'ii'i iiiimi rii'ill.iii Majc.i). fur ll>>r Malvtiy'i HlMi<'iii'rv Offiuv, D C\ION. the Cuiiri'ileration, of the liiiaiiccs will tho Vi)l.,n of (lio Iv ill). I iiiiiiie of llic .1 Si'fivl iiy of till' y of SiMlo' for tlic I M ODN w.o, C'liiiniiai). ill, Sl'CI'ftillV. m^-'t BEITISH jNOETH AMEEICAN PROVI^GES. '^ COREESPONDENCE RKSpBcrroa THE PEOPOSED UNION OK THE EHiTisH iOHTH mmmu mmm (lit ooattDLUilttoxi »f Pftpota pr«s«Mit©d Ttii yexsrmur 186».) ■/''■ ^f«fntea U fcotl> ftou^etf of f arltemtnt % Command ef 5ljer illa|«*??» 9!?/» Fehnmru 186?. ?,•"* J' IrOKDi, ,«LV,M,:f^' , *? »^l