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Laa diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 6 X ■.'■■■i 1 PROSPECTUS OF THE ' '- C^JEBEC BUJLDING SOCIETY. » ^ r: ^gh(ires :— £100 each. Monthly Subscriptions, 10s. per Share ; Entrance Fee, Ss. 6d. per Share, Transfer Fee, 28. 6d. per Share. " • . — ' JOS. MORRIN, Esq.. President. JOS. HAMEL, Esq., Vice-President. W. MARSDEN, ^O.yOtiITAIl,LE, DimBAR R03S, i^ EsQUi '\ c/P. PELLETIER, 'f, sheppard, " , |V. KIMLIN, Treasurer and Secretart. Lboa^ Advisers.— ANDREW STUART, Esq;, and J. M. HUDOxV, Esq., I^otaries.— JOSIAH HUNT, Esq., and ; <^ J. B. PRUNEAU, Esq! I4r. SIMON PETERS. Inspectors,' Bankers, The Quebec Bank. Office Fort Street, Upper- Tom n. «; Keference is directed to the 3d Rule,— by which it u-ill be seen that the Society allon:^ interest .to accnmulate to the credit of Shareboldeis who desire to pay in advance. }^Sl4>de ^Sf^ffi:^^^ '-^wl^^^*^^ ■ tK'hlT »bH IJIHE extraordinary saccess that has attended Build- ing Societies elsewhere has led to the formation of the which has for its principal object, the enabling individuals to invest iheir savings in the Purchase or Erection^ of Building. "A Tenant, Jn ten years, payHijs Landlord a sum equi- valent to the value of the house het>GQupies, and yet at the expiration of thai period he has no ifiterest in the property — but, by becoming a Member of thisSoQiety, he will be enabled to purchase or buiid.a bouse, by means of a loan granted to him for that purpose, repayable by monthly instalments, little if any more than the re;it which he otherwise would be paying, with tliis advantage — ^that he becomes the proprietor in ten or twelve years at most, but generally in much less time ; as will appear by the fallowing table compiled by Mr. Thomas Champion, ^Director of the " Farmers' and Mechanics' Building Society," Shewing the number of monthly payments of t€|i shillings each, that, must be made to liquidate the shares of £100, the .money being invested monthly to give compound interest, at the rate of half per cent per month. The Shares being all paid off at an aver , age boiiuS of 40 per cent. The Society will have paid off all its Shareholders in 82 payments, or 6 years 10 mos. S7| 35 8H SO «7| cc tc cc IC < > cc cc cc 85 88 96 d9 cc cc cc c* € cc -t 1 cc 1 7 cc 4 % cc 8 8 cc 8 cc s*^ (C cc cc cc cc Ah m^°^'::M i • lild- \ the \ uals it C( ct u 4 \ .\„ '. A S' L^M^fl^fJs- \-^7 'r' « * I t- / 1 J. \ * (• -iSibaHj«"%i ^& . rf M <-l *-»^ J. 15 20 15 5 it It it iC tt (t <i <( <( C( ; ** (( 1( tl (C iC i( (I tc « 103 loe Jto lis 117 121 124 128 132 135 C( i< ct cc CI (t (( (( It it <t 8 « a " 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 II «( (( u Ci- te cc cc cc cc M tl 1 10 2 5 9 I 4 a 7 « «. cc iC cc cc c< "ar.. .,,,,.,,,, ^,,,^139 Building Societies have been established, and in wc^ cessful operation, in England, for upwards of a quarter of a century, and for nearly four years past in Canada, and their i)enefits {.nd advantages have been fully developed" and ascertained during that.period. The Montreal Bqild- Jng Society, which is the oldest in this country, decla- red a premium of ^jO 4s. 4d. on £18 per share pakl up. at Its last annual statementin October 1848; but great a» , this dividend is Compared to other invesiments, it is much smaller than that of some similar S«|^ies of later form- ation ; for instance, so successful havllleen the opera- ions of one of the Upper Canada Building SocieUe.. that persons desifmis of joining now, are obliged, not onry to pay up arrears, interest, and premium, but also a CO*. SIDEHABLr INCREAgEU ADMISSION FM. The Shares are fixed at £100 ea^h, and ai« paidNip by regular monthly instalments of ten shillings fpr each share subscribed ; thus a holder of one share can borrow or purchase £lOO-.five Shares,£500, and so on in pro- portion to the number of shares he holds. The moner Which the Society will have to loan, will be ofiered to monthly competition, wheiv every member «riU have an opportunity of purchasing to the extent of his shares. The borrower or purchaser, before receiving the amount, mu*t deposit with the Secretary the particulars of his securities, which will then be' visited by the Inspector, and the titles investigated, and should both ^ torove satisfactory, the money is advanced, charged at the ' rate of six percent, per annum, Sjioald the borrower - desire to erect a dwelling-house, the money is advanced as the buildinc; progresses. \ - Any member, desirous of either building or purchasing a housed (whether for his own use or to rent,) or of pay- ing for one* already purchased, is thus enabled to obtam funds from the Society to an extent not exceeding the /. amount of his share or shares subscribed fur. As secu- rity for such advance, he gives the Society a moitgage upon real estate : upon Which Tnortgage he continues to pay the interest, merely, until the funds of the Society, from bonuses and. other sources, have so' increased, that the full amount of the shares subscribed for have been realized— wlien the Society becomes self-extin- guished and terminates. Then, without liaving (appa- rently) repaid the principal, otherwise than by the ihonlhly subscriptions before-mentioned, the mortgage is given up to him, free from all incumbrance. Without these advantages,how many difficulties are in tlie way of procuring loans from private persons, even for a very short term! • " ' j. Capitalists can do belter with their money than lendmg it at legal interest in the security of real estate ; and many will have to be applied to, and" many rebuffs and refusals given and received, before the loan-seeker can succeed. ■:y '*,t 4l % ^]i i A. 'N. V « / .J* '<■> /r W '1 % ♦ -!»' / '•^^ni^smmmmmms .. 1\ .1" \ — « — te- "^ "" Stockholdert in a'Buihliog Society aie in n^ifTerent poci^ tion. — They kn6\v .that at certain regular pe^riods ther« ar^ tales of so ifiany lots of nrjoncy among' themselves^ at which all hav^ opporlunities.or competingf and that the lots wiU be awarded to the highest bidder. Every Stock- holder feels, therepjre, that he can readily tiorrow the, amount of hisTstocIc^ by giving a certain bonus for it, and that he is consequently, in a~great 'measure^ independent' of foreign as^stance. "The borrower indirectly, and the non-borrower <lirectly, benefits by the bonuses given, which being deducted ^n» the first place, the Soci^y works upon and 0ih as well ■ as its other funds. • ■ Should the bonuses average 40 per tei^, the Society must become self-extinguished in a little' Je$s than seven ' yeacs — say seven, however, and in that case jthe monthly payments on each share will amount tb £42. Theilif- ierence between that amount and the j^lOO, which th^ ' inveater receives at the expiration of the Soeiety, consti- tutes hifi profits— allowing liim (to save the troiible and ^;70edi6usness cf a long compound interest calculation]^ interest at 6 per cent per annum on £42 from the day on which he began to make his monthly 10s. payments towards that amount; tl^ie sum (including entrance fees, &c.,) which he really pays, for his share is, £62 10s. 3d. and his profit is, over ani^ above legal interest, no less than , £37 IDs. -^ 'In Oanada, bonuses hav0 thus far averaged about 35^ per cent, although, in many instances, this rate is greatly exceeded. Among other beneficial r^ults to be anticipaled {fom 1\ .1' — 6 1^ the establishment of Building Societies nny bfrenutnenrted the following :-^ . *^ ; ^ 1. — ^Enabling [arsons of small but regular incomes t& apply a portion of their savings towards the acquisition of property and independeJbe, with greater ultimate profit^ than can possibly accri# from a Savings* Bank ; with this s^l^i^onal advantage, that they are at all times in a situation to profit by any. cheap purchase of landed pro- pert]( that may present itself, by borrowing from the So-^ ciety, on the easiest possible terms. 2. Professional men, builders, mechanics, and clerks in commercial, bankir)g, and other establishments, are among the classes Inost likely to be benefited, more or less, by the institution. 3. Proprietors ofbtiilding lots will be enabled to dis- pose of property which would otherwise remain on their I \aLxA% for years, "without producing any rent or interest V whatever. ^^ The benefits arising from these institutions must be ia< the exact ratio with the magnitude and extent of their .operations. The profits being derivable from the bonuses paid dh money borrowed, and interest upon mortgages, thetfa will of course be in proportion to the number of shkre- holders. ' . The utmost safety and protection from risk, are oiil^r^d to capitalists (as none but Landed or Building Secutil)r will be received; personal security, however utiiex- will not in any case be taken) and the cobw c eptionaMe, duct of the affairs of the Society is under the cuntrout tiA management Of a board of seveVi^frectiAiB, wfto are chiosen annually, by ballot, from aftioh^ the shareholders. /, AskSMJi '^-T^ &-^ TEb funds of tW Society arising from monthly subscript tionsi, fees, iic, are deposited daily in one of the chartered banks of (his city, and no money can be drawn, out except upon the joint check of the President, or Vice- President, and Treasurer. J__^ 'L, . ;, . A regular monthly meeting of shareholders will take place, when th^ modey on hand will be loaned ; but as so much of the success of these Societies depends upon (heir internal management, this Society has depar(ed from the ordinary rule, by imposing upon the Directors a reg6krr -weekly attend Ae, ifi rotation, at the office, for the pur- pose:^ supervising its current atfairs. "^e Dirediors, jtherefore, with the most perfect CMiiS- ^ence, submit their Prospectus to the public, believing that they flmre commenced the establishment of a society' which will prove of great benefit to their iellow-citizens : requesting the most searching inquiry into the, history 8hd operation of similar institutions wherever^ they have an existence, and referring persons desirous of more parti- cular information to the Rules of the Society, or to any, pr all of its officers. • 'M^iSl^ii^t,- i- CAP. LVll. i' Preamble. h f I ft' When twenty penoDS shall agree to ron- •Utute* Build- ing Society* they shall be a Corporation for tha*. pur' pose, after hav itkf complied Wi t h e er t «ff= formalities. To encourage the, establishment of Build- ing Societies in Lower-Canada. 25th Jpril, 1849. \V/J[/hEREAS an Act was passed in the ninth year of Her Majesty's Reignt for the purpose of encouraging the est^blisiiment of Building Societies in Upper -Canada, and it is expedient to encourage the formation of similar Societies in Lower-Canada, whenever the Inhabitants of any particular locality may be desirous of availing themselves of the pro- visions of this Act : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legis- lative Council and of the Legislative Assem- bly of the Province of Canada, constituted and Assembled by virtue of and under tiie au- thority of an Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and. Ireland^ intituled : ^» Act to re-unite the Provinces of Upper and Lower- Canada^ ^ and for the Government of Canada, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That when and so soon as any twenty persons or upwards in any part of Lower- Canada shall have agreed to constitute them- » selves a Building Society, and shall have signed and executed, under their respective hands and seals, a declaration of their wish and intention so to constitute themselves such Building Socieiy^anTsliall have deposited the- same with the Clerk or Prothonotary of the Court of Queen's Bench of the District wherein such Building Society is to be formed. * ►• . / li : X ' t^ iK"* -.'■ i'*'"--~''''^A *^a-^jff^ V • . , ..., .,.u- . . fi '■*■-'■ -r r ■ - — ■ — - ty .^^. ' — r \ «•■;.. " • * a tl f •■■"r -. .. . n - ft « ^4'f r r,. ' r • T ■ • ■ t < 1 £ .. — 9 *- vf^ yjf^^^^i^^'^' and to havQ its principaf Office or place of Business, (who for receiving such deposit shall be entitled to'rece ve a fee^ of two shit- lings and six pence) such persons and such other, persons as may afterwards become mem- bers of such Society, and their several and respective heirs, exeeuVors, curators, adminis- trators, succ^Sors, and assigns^ shall be or- dained, constituted and declared to be, and shall be a CorporMion, body corporate and politico, by such name and stylQ as a Building Society, as by siuch declaration so deposited as aforesaid shall I have been declared to be the name by which the petsons so executing the same, desire sjuch Society to be known, for t&e purpose of raising by, monthly or other periodical subscriptions of the several mem- bers of the said Society,'and in shares not ex- ceeding the vaAue of one hundred pounds for each share, (such subscriptions not to exceed . twenty shillings per month for each share,) a stock or fund tor the purpose of enabling each member thereof to receive out of the funds of the said Society the amount of value of Ms share or shares therein, to erect "^r purchase one or more dwelling house or houses", or other freehold or leasehold estate, and to be secured byway of mortgage or otherwise to the said Society until the amount or value of his share or shares shall have been fully paid to the said Society, with the interest thereon, and with all fines or liabilities incurred in respect thereof ; ^^^y'^IH^y and that it shall and may be lawful to and for S:'. * the several members of such Society, from time to^4iinc, to «8sennb|» together, and to % \ Rules, g^i^r make, ordain and constitute such, proper and wholesome Rules and Regulations for the goveraroent and guidance of the same, as the fim wk^ -10- i- , "S^ of til May impose major part of the ihelnbers thereof so assem- bled together ' shall deeqi meet, so a» such Rules shmf not be repugnant to the express provisions of this Act, or to the general law» of this Province or of Lower-Canada; and «.,j .».po.e *** impose and inflict such reasonable fines, pe- fines on mem- nalties and foiffeitures upon the several mem- bc«, fcc. bers of the saijd Society who shall offend against any such rules, as the majority of the members may think fit, to be respectively paid to such uses for the benefit of the said Society, as the said Society by such Rules shall direct ; and also from tir^e to time to ainend and alter such rules as oc^casion may require, or annul or repeal the ^me, and to make new rules in , lieu thereof, under such restrictions as are lit this Act cf)n{ained; Provided, that no mem- ber shall rfeceive or be entitled to receive from DiJJdSdsV&c.**!® funds/ of such Society any interest or dir 'f>. vidend by way q^ annual or other periodical (| profit upon any share or shares in the said I Society tintil the amount or value of his share or shares shall have been realized ; except on the withdrawal of such member according to the rultis of the said Society then in force. - / ^ Society mkf H. And be it enacted. That it shall and may receive money be lawful to and for every such Society to ttiu mihout^ have /and receive from any member or mem- *«««*'*'• bersi such sum or sums of money by way of ulu^Liwf. Sonus on any share or shares, for the priyi«. lege of receiving the same in advance prior to same being realised, besides interest for the ire or shares iso received or^ny part thereof, i^thout being 'subject or liable on account I the ^ lereot to any of the forfeitures jor penaFSeT /imposed by any Act or Acts of Parliament of by any Laws in force in l^ower-Canada rela-^ ting to Usury, . \ ,. ■/;■ / N / . ■^v \ ^ or to rtbe reof, \ \ ■ \ -. ' •-• <• ----- , » • .• \ ■ ■ - - - ■,- • ' ' .. J •1. ount - \ s * hies \ \ > at Of rela^ ■ ■t'^', ,' v/ ■■■ - « 1. ' \ « ■^« ¥ i" .3»:fsa* -5CK"wp"f(p 4 P ■•Hj^i-^^S ww^^wcjgj^ *%- "■ — 11 — in. And be it enacted, That each such So-- . ciety shall hnd may from time to time, elect ekcUrom* and appoint any number of the members of *''"«*o »•'!?« tlie said Society to be a Board of Directors, DiKctort^ ' (who shall choose, a President^ and Vice- President,) the number and qualification "" thereof to be declared in the Rules of such goei^||iyL4^a nd shall and— may li filegaift tn " . such Directors all or any of the powers certain pow- given by this Act to be executed; and «" n>»y be «•- such Directors being so elected and ap- jf^Jlii^*''' pointed shall continue to act i<)r and duiing such time as shall be appointed by the Rules of such Society ; the powers of such Directors . being first declared in and by the said Rules ; «and in all cases where Directors shall- be a p- " pointed for any particular purpose, the powers delegated to them shall be reduced to writing, and entered in a book by the Secretary or Clerk of the said Society ; and a majority of . the number of such Directors, present at any Quoran. meeting thereof, shall at all times be necessary, to concur in any act of such Directors, and they shall in all things delegated to them, act : for and in the name of such Society ; and alf " acts and orders of such Directors, under the* powers delegated to them, shall have the like force and effect as the acts and orders of such Society at any General Meeting thereof could or might have had i^ pursuance of this Act ; Provided always, that the transactions of such Directors shall be entered in a hook bebng- Provito : ing to such Society, and shall from time tojjjjjj^jj, < time and at all times be subject and liable tob«k^t,8t«. -the^ — ' — " • • ■■ ^^^-- ^ reriew, allowance and disallbwanceT^ such Society, in such manner and fornias such Society shall by their General Rules have di- rected and appointed, or shall in like/ manner direct and ap^nt 'Si^i:^ :^y- And be it enacted, That every such So. for whieh So- ciety SO established as afuresaid shall in or by biuied &c!" ""^ ®'' "°*^^ ?^ their said Rules declare all * * and every the interests^and purposes for which such Society is intended to be established ; and shall also in and by such Rules direct aU :and^very the rt*ses^mid^pufposes tu whichlhe money which shall from time to time be subs- cribed, paid or given to or for the use or be- nefit of the said Society, or which shall arise therefiom or in any wise shall belong to the said Society, shall be appropriated and applied; and in what shares or propor- tions, and under what circumstances, any mem* berof such Society,- or other person, shall cr may become entitled to the same or any part thereof ; Provided that the application thereof Proviso as to shall not in any wise be repugnant to the 001*00168 W . ^ . '' /• '^ 1 o . which moneys uscs, interests or pu^oses ot such Society, or may be ap' plied^ &c. V any of them to ^ declared as aforesaid ; and all such Rul6s during the continu- ance of the same sh^Il becompjied with and ■ ^ enforced; and thelnoneyssu subscribed, paid or given, or so arising to or for the use or be- nefit of the said Society or belonging thereto, shall not be diverted or misapplied either by the Treasurer or Directors, or any other officer or member of such Society entrusted there- . with, under such penalty or forfeiture as such ^ Society shall by any Rule enforce and inflict for such offence. Rniel^be V. And be it enacted, That the Rules for booitkeptfor the management of every such Society shall l'J!'i* P"? ?*^* ^ entered and recorded in a book to be kept ^ members. ibr that purpose, which book shall be open^t all seasonable times for the inspection of the members of such Society, but nevertheless do- thing contained herein shall extend to prerent ^JT^'"^ "??«■% -■^■'(B'S**"' "Efr.^. — 13^ such So* in or by clare all or which iblished ; directaU, ^Eich the be subs- le or be- all arise elong to ited and propor- ny mem* shall cr any part 1 thereof i to the ciety, or iresaid ; continu- irith and i^edy paid se or be- thereto, ither by it officer 1 there- as such ' id inflict ules for ty shall be kept khy aher^tion In or amendment of any such Rules in the whole or in part,x)r making any new Rules for the management of such Socie- ty, in such manner as by the Rules of the said Society shall IVom time to time bejjr ovidcd. open^t >n of the slessDO- prcrent VL And be it enacted, That all Rules from Rules to be time to time made and in force for the mana- ^t"**'?" °° »j ' ■ , ^ . , 1-^1 31«?mberi ana gement of such Society anil entered and xfi- omcers of Corded as aforesaid, shall be binding on the ^°'''**y" several membets and olficcrs of the said So- ciety, and the several contributors theielo, and '^ their representatives, all of Whom shall be deemed and taken to have full notice thereof ^ by such entry and record as aforesaid; and, , the entry of such rules in the book or books of the said Society as aforesaid, or a true copy - ofthe same, examined wiiii the orit^inal and proved to be a true ropy, shall be received ar* evidence of such Rules respectively, in all cases. '. . \ "■'- VU. Andbe it enacted, That no R\ih en> „.., ,^ ,J tered as aforesaid shall be altered, rescinded aitercd7>ie., or repealed, unless at a deneral Meetins: of the J\^ ^?"*'"*V, , Members of such Society, convened by public " notice written or printed, signed !)>■ the Se- cretary or President of the said Society in pursuance of a requisition for that purpose by not less than fifteen of the Members of such Society, which requisition shall state the ob- jects for which (he meeting is called, and shall be adressed to the President and Directors ; whereupon each member shall be notified Of the proposed alterations through the Post Qf- V fice, within fifteen daysYsuch meeting to con- sist of not less than one-third of the share- holders, three-fourths of which meeting n!ust concur in such alterations or repeals / Roles (n ip«- cifj i)la«:e of -^ 14 -. .Ik' \ *.■:•; t- Officers to give secuM VJII. And be it enaclijf Thi4h^ Rules of every such Society shall specify tlie place or places at which il is iirfended that the said Sqciety sluill hold its meet ings^,aiid shall con- tain provisions with respect to the powers and « iiutieafof the members at brge, and "*" "••'i*-^*^ officers as may be appointed for the ment of the ailakcs of the said Socie^y| IX. And be it enacted, TJa^jj^Director» of every such Society shalj aulmKy from time to time qt any of tMr ust/a I meetings, elect and appoint such. person or persons^to be Officers of the said Society as they shall think |)roper, and grant such salaries and emo- luments as they may deem fit, and pay such necessary expenses attending the tnanagement': of the said Society as may bo incurred; iand usiiall and may from time to time elect|when h "sIimII be deemed necessary to carry into exe- 'iutiori the purposes of the said Society, for such space of time and for such purposjes as shall be fixed and established by the Rules of tlie said Society, and may from time to time iiisc\iarge such person or personsj^ and elect > and appoint others in the loom of 'those who shall vacate or die br be so discharged ; and all and every ^uch ot}icer or other person whatsoever wlM||^|yibe ^ppointejl to any office in any ^^^Bu&g or cjM^knin^ %ie receipt, n)ani^pHB^|||P.expe ninTure of iany sum of inoheyMTrected for the purposes of the said Society, before he shall be admitted to take upon him the^execuiion of any such office or trust, shall bfecome' bound in a bond raSJ^t rectors may determine, with two sufficient sureties, for the just and faithful execution pf ~ P ' a g — % Rules le place I ho said lall con- ire rs dndjL of ^"^^^"7®!!^' hrectow y from leedngs, rsons^to sy shall nd eiTiO- ay such , iigement-: ini; and Avii€n h ito exe- iety, for poiies as Rules of , to time id elect )se who ?d ; and person to any inrf T^he of iany )oses of idmiUed ay such a bond ufficient Lition pf f v' f- ~»^^ -3£ - \:> ^■0C.-%'- i ^■v,-s*x^^i'ai""»i^^; -« ■ 1 * ■ ' • - i "■ ^ 1 ' • ' ■ ■ ■ 1 ,. ■ • .« % if- 1 < > " - t •' » m 1 • 1 1 ,-] ..- \- -.: - .. . - ., ■ *■ - ^ 1 ] i ■ ■ '. ) ■ ■ -i • ■ '■ ' ■ . m r'-\ / ■• '■ ... . *(■■-,■' ., , ■ . . ■ - ■ , 1-^:. ■;■■■.•■■" '-' . . ■ .".-. t • 1 I < i ■ ■■' ■ ■ ,' ■ - ' 1 ■ .o^'^' . -^ 'm' 1 f j fi ■-,.,[ . . f / — ) ■ i i • . I i, ■ l;;r' -...i _„„._: _^.:„^„.„,.„._^^^ C ',,..'■;■■■ ■ , • 1 ■'' ■' \ ' 1 ■ .1.;: ,... «**w;'^ 15 ^ 1 1 f •- ■■v> ■'',«:■■■ ' ' * f such office oftrustgand for rendering a just and true account according to the Rules of the said Society, and in all matters lawful, to pay obedience to the same. * * X. And be it enacted. That ft shall andsocietrnmy f may be lawful for every such Society to take take and hold and hold any real eslate, or securities thereon, &c!,^moit%, bond fide mortgaged, assigned or hypothec s««i to j5odetj:»„ cated to the said Society, either to secure tiie ment ofTharef" payment of trie shares subscribed for by its members, or to secure the pay mfent of any loar.s ., -^ or advances made by, or debts due to such So- ciety, and may also proceed on such mortgages, assignments or other securities, for the recovery of the moneys thereby secured, either at law or in equity or otherwise, and that such Society f%) shall have the power of investing in the names ' " ||., of the President and Treasurer for the time in^«»t»n««»t of B being, §tn^ surplus funds in the stocks of any""°°*^** of the Chartered Banks or other public securi- ties of the Province, and that all dividends, ' interest and proceeds arising therefrom shall be brought todaccount and applied to and for ; the use of the said Society according to the Rules thereof. • ,^::_^ XI. And be it enacted, That if any peison W"*j? «f pro-' appointed to any office by such Society, and IVoff^cn^or being entrusted with and havine: in his hands *I'«.??.e'«ty „_ ^^ • . . . /> ■ • • 1 /r> ihali die or be. or possession, by virtue of Ins said office, any come utoi- moniesor effects belonging to such Society, or ^"><' < any deeds or securities relating lo the same, '" I shall die or become bankrupt or insolvent, his ^ ~ heifs, executors, curators, administrators or assigns, or other person having a legal right, fihall, within fift ee n days after demand made , ===== by the order of the Directors of such Society or the major part of them, assembled at any meeting theieof, deliver over all things be-~~"~~~r mm — 16 — .\ Provi80> longing to the said Society, to such persons as the said Directors shall appoint, and sliall pay out of the estates, assets or effects of such pelr- Rons, all sums of money remaining diie whith such person received hy virtue of his said office, before any of his other debts are paid or satis-, fied, and all siich assets, estates and cffecits shall be hound to the payment and discharge thereof accordingly ; Provided always, tliat the same he not paid or satisfied to the preju- dice of mortgages or privileges on real estate, or of liens or privileges on personal esta|te^,only, nt of Property of the Society vested in the duly executed previous to the apppiri such officers. i^^./: XII. And be it enacted, That all real and heritable property, moneys, goods, chattels and eliecls wiiatever, and all titles, securities President and lor monjy or Other ohligatory instruments and Jhe^im" ^°^ evidences or muniments, and jrti other effects being. whatever, and all rights and claims belonging to or had by such Society, shall be vested in the President and Treasurer of th(j said Society for the time being, for the use find benefit of the said Society and the respeci.ive members thereof, their respective heirs, executors, cu- rators, administrators or assigns, according to their respective claims und interests, and after the death or removal of any President or Treasurer, shall vest in the succeeding Pre- sident arid Treasuier for the same estate dnd interest as the formei President jmd Treasurer „ " _ had therein, and subject to the same trusts, without any assignment or conveyance what- ever ; and also shall for all purposes- of action or suit, as well criminal as civil, in law as in equity, in any wise touching or concerning the same, be deemed and taken to bd>, and ^—^—— shall in every such proceeding (when ne- arsons as shall pay luch pelr- le whith lidoffioe, or sa(|s- d effedts lischarjge ySf tijat le preju- i\ estate. lut of real ahd chattels ecurities lents and (F effects slonffiiiff ested in I Society enefit of Members tors, cu- )rding to md after dent or ing Pre- tate and 'reasurer e trusts, :e what- of action aw as in ncerning b^, and rhen ne^ V •\r>< ••fjfSfeif^' *f-t!^w^'* (W^IBB^^ cessary ) be stated to be, the property of the a««J »haii b« pers,njs appointed to the offices of President J"SyVof and Treasurer of the said Society for the timo certain pur- being, in the proper names of such President P"""* • and Treasurer, without further desc^fiption, and such persons shall, and they arc hereby ■ authorised to bring or defend or cause to be ^ -brought or defended anv action, suitorprose- cutim^criminal as well as civil, in^^Iaw or in equity, touching or concerning the property^ right or claim^fk^id, of or belongino- to or had by the said SocietjV4ind in all casM con- cerning the property, riohr^^^:claim aforesaid of the said Society,* may sue and-besued, plead and be impleaded in their proper naSes^ as President and Treasurer of the said Society, without other description, and no such suit, »„..,.„♦.»- action or prosecution shall be discontinued or tSI'JS" abated by the death of such persons or their re- """^ *"■'"' moval from the offices of President or Trea- """""' **'' surer, but shall continue in the proper name of - the persons commericing the- ?ame, any law, ' ' usage or custom to the contrary notwithstand- ing; and the succeetfing President and Trea- ' , - surer shall have the same rights and liabilities, and shall pay or receive like costs as if the action or suit or prosecution had leen com- Ai to their irenced in their names, for the benefit of or to •"""«"•• . be satisfied out of the funds of the said Society. Xlir. And be it enacted. That in air such ^ actions, suits and prosecutions as aforesaid, the Secretary of such Society shall be a com- - i- petent witness, notwithstanding he may also "-^ be Treasurer of the said Society, and that his ^"''•"••y. « name may have been used in such action suit SeC* - s^uch TrcasTfref: XIV. And be it enacted, That the Presi- Non-iiabiHty f iv^'.*'*'"^'*^^'^®"* 3"^* Directors of every .ferV &/""' such Society shall injheir private capacity be ' -V — 18-^ Treainrer to v^ ,. exonerated trotn all responsibility in relation to the° liabilities of such Society. XV. And be itVnacted, That the Rulbs of every such Society shall provide that the Trea- nrepare year- *"rer Of Other principal Officer thereof shall Sth?finds:f ?"^® ^' ^^^^* in every year prepare or cause to . tlie Society. ^® prepared a general statement of the funds ] and effects of and belonging to the said So- ciety; specifying in. whose custody dr pos- • session the said funds or effects shajr then be ftrticokri. '■emaining, together with an account of all and • every the various sums of monfey received; and- '^ expr^nded by or on account of the said Society ' since the publication of the preceding periodic 4* cal statement; and every such periodical statement shall be attested by twd or' more ^ members of the said Society appointed ^udi- ' , / tors for that purpose, whoshdll not be direct- ors, aajj shall be countersigned, by the Secre- tary or Clerk of the said Society, and every member shall be entitled to receive from the AtteataHon, ^^^'^ ^""^^^^^ ^ ^^P^ °^ ^uch periodical state- ko. ment without charge. • * ' XVI. And be it enacted, That nothing • herein contained shall affect or be construed to affect or interfere with any of the rights oi; privileges confenedv^upon the "Montreal .. Building-society," under thie Act passed in " the eighth year of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled. An Act for the incorporaHon of certain individuals under the name and . style o/*' The Montreal Building Society;^ nor in any wise to affect the said Act. • XVTL And be it enac4edy^TbaHfae w ords Sariag of the mhts of .|he Afontreal Building Society, and ot the Act S V. c 94. liiter,nrct> tie» claasc. " Lower-Canada" in this Act shall be under- stood to mean that part of the Province which formerly constituted the Province of Lower- A*?' relation J Canada ; the words " Upper-Canada" that part of the said Province which formerly con- stituted the Province of Upper-Canada ; and •■ the word "Society" shall be understood to. _:_ include and to mean Building Societies and In- stitutions established under the provisions and authority of this Apt ^ the word "Kiiies'» to include Rules, Orders^ By-Laws and |legula- tions ; every word importing the singular number shall extend and be applied to several persons or tiling^ as well as ope person or thing, and bodies corporate as well as indi- viduals ; and e^fery word importing the plural number shall extend and be applied to one per- son or thing as well as several persons -or thm^ ; and every word importing the mascu- line fender only, shall extend and be applied to a female as well as a male ; the words " Real , ^stat6" shall extend and apply to immovea- ble estate and property generally; and the word " Secur=ities'' shall extend and apply to privileges, mortgages, (equitable as well as , legal,) %j9o^A^yMc^ and' incumbrances upon real and immoveable estate, as well as to other rights and privileges upon personal estate and property : That this Act shall extend to aliens, T« whom tbit denizens and females, both to make therh fend"'******" subject thereto and, to entitle them to all the " ' benetits given thereby ; and that this Act shall be construed in the most beneficial manner for promoting the ends thereby intended. • . ^,X'"; -And be it enacted, That this Act PubUcAct. shall be deemed a Public Act, and shall ex- t end to all Courts of Law or Equity in thi.q m-. n Province, arid lie-judicially taken notice of as such by all Judges, Justices and other persons whatsoever without the Same being specially shown or pleaded. ^ ° *^ '' ...*^,^ *"■ r ^ Preamble. Howsnbserip' tioiu to be ap propriated. ROLES AND REGULATIONS. 1st. — That the intents and purposes for wliich this Society is intended to be established, are, to assist the members thereof in the acquisition of freeholdor leasehold p^perty :— and in tho removal of incumbrances or liabilities upon pro- perty already hold by them; and to enable them to receive the amount of their shares in advance, upcm furnishing good mortgage security, i ; 2nd.— That all monies which shall from time to' time, be subscribed, paid, or given to or for the use or benefit of the Society, or which shall in any wise belong tot the Society, shall be ap- propriated and applied, in the first place, in loans or advances to the several members, and towards the necessary expenses of the Society :. but no member shall be entiiled to receive, by way .pf loan or atdvance, morB than the amount of%3 share or sharfes subscribed for, except as herein- after provided for : if not taken,, up among the members, any^unds may bo otherwise invested for the ben^t of the Society, at ihe discretion of the directors, o^ wliich members may, never-< theless, ivvail themselves. Jnt e rcattoJ That Sharehblders who mayisirdrsil ^ of making an immediate deposit of money, (at tho rate of not less than £5 per share for each share sulfscribed for) fof the purpose^df meeting in ad- vance their monthly duos, be allowed interest L.'t. _ allowed upon deposits mlide in advance. Vl*^^** '^ 1=v j^TFp-**rj ''y^t'^p^'^i' y^i-'y-pv^^^'i. 1 ifl s. )r wFiich ed, arCj |uisition d in the )on pro-j ble them | idvance, [ • i )m time o or for eh shall II be ap- in loans' towards but no it of l(t3 herein- long the invested scretion neveiv dMfouf" '. (at the ch share g in ad- interest N upon the amount so deposited at the rate of six per centum per annum for the first three months^ the amount that will have l^ecomc due to the Society by the Shareholder iii payment of his monthly dues, interest, &c., upon such number of shares as he may have stibscribed for, to be deducted from the coHcctivo/amount of such de- posit and of the interest thereon, and that interest at the rate of six per centum per annum be then allowed upon the balance M his credit for the next ensuing throe months, and so on untib the whole amount of his dfeposit shall have been taken up in the payment of his monthly dues to the Society. r. / 4th.— TJjafr^io stick of flie Society shall «''>"w to be consist of sliaros of £100 currency each, payable „'*/i!;So'?"h by hionthly instalments of 10s. each sliaro, on the how to V^ first AlondaJ^ of each inonth, commencing on the P"'''' »"«^** first Monday in the nVontii of February, 1850. '^''»Vp«"«''«- fri rpi I A . „ , JJirectors; oxw. — iiiat the affairs of the Society shall be theipqiomm; I'dcp the control aid management of a Board ^'■.**''*^"* j""** jpt seven Directors jit of whom 'four shall be a dent w to quorum) and who shall choose from among them- be chosen, selves a President arid Vice-President. / Cthw-— In the abionce of both President nnd I" tb* ohf^nee Vice-President t\\S Dij-ocl»rs present at any ?(« ""T"' j meeting of the Board sliall have po^ er to appoint SShV a chairman pro. tem., and with such chairman tem.m^y be shall bo competent to transact the business of the "PP^T'**' Society on Board days. > 7 7th.— That the election of Directors shall be El<^iion of by ballot, and at such election members shall be y'lj^^^^" *» entitled to votes upon the following scale, viz :- .c\ff of'^otU. For 4 shares or less... ..1 vote. 5 to l ^-stwre s 2 votos if **» 10 to 20 '\ 21 to 30 ,..4 But no shareholdei- shall be entitled to more than 4 votes. . ■^fffl^-' — 22 — Dura'lonof office rtf DI-; tectort,-^!-- 8^h —That the Directors elected at the form- ation of' the Society, or hereafter to be elected, shaU continue in office tilltho election of their - successors, unless in/ fase of disqualification or resiffnation :— and tl/e Directors shall, severally, "^ take one week's ti»^n of duty, in rotation, in supervising the gcjieral affairs of the Society. Dircptor. n,r.y 9th.— That the Directors may make such ar- make arrange- panffomcnts with any of the chartered t)anKs^ *"""V1!! M doluff business in the City of Quebec, for the . ilJ'iXe-' dep^it of monies and securities belonging to the tec- Society, and for conducting other financial con- ^X "[ . corns^as tliey shall from time to time deem ne- ■" /-r".'^ ■ cessary. , ■ '■^";.- loth —That a general annual meeting of tho „ ._ . memberV shall be held in the Parliament Build- p S,^;.ings. City of Quoboc. -Ji^^f i^^;™ tors, wi be held General an Oiial meeting for the elec-; s,Avhe«to the month of January in each year, commencing held;Trca-. ,g-^ (and in tli4 event of that day being a trcVJiS;"; holiday, on the Monday next ensuing.) forthe statement of the funds. iiuiiuuy. "i» i/««v *— ^ J —' /• xi purpose of electing Directors to serve for tlve en- suinn-year, and f<5r all general purposes relating -..-^— ^ to the management of the Society .'-and at each . & of the said general annual meetings shall be sub- mitted a full and clear statement of the affairs ot the Society for the previous twelvemonths ; wd every such periodical statement shall be attested ' by two or more members of the Society, ap- ; pointed auditors for that purpose, who^shall not be Directors. ** - . ■ -■ ■ ■ * Extra gerieral ^ , .i __That extra general meetings of the So- Sr;i?;o?/afcietym*aybe qalled by the Bx>ard of Direct^s aupjlyingya- ' the members being notiljed of such meeting cancieBin th«? ^^ ,^ tb'^ P"s<^ Office, or otherwise, at the bovr to be called. ° discre^tion otthe BoardT:=:tH"at -vacancies in fRT^ board of directors by death, insolvency, bank- ruptcy, or otherwise, shall be supplied at tho next ensuing meeting of Directors, by notifying the person who had the next highest number ol - -^s-rsrwi'" 'i"'.'"'' "^r'V^^ '* ^ L. A__„ i^jr / . ^ "IX -^ «?r ^"S .^ tv \ ' *-.-.' ■{-^ % 1: M W^^^ .t;- ^23 — VDtes at the annual election (of w)|ich a list shall . ^ be preserved) that he has been elected to supply " . *» such A'acancy. ,12th. — That all questions at the annual or Member/to other general meetings of the Society (except the«lecideallquei- election of Directors as before mentioned) shall {loSVcS-' bo decided by a majority of members present i man to bave a the chairman having a casting vote in addition casting vote, to his vote as a member. 13th. — That a Treasurer shall be appointed A Secretary-"', who shaU also perform the duties of Secretary, be'"'ap*p"o"ntld, and -who before entering upon his ojgice shall who 8hal| far- furnish security to the satisfaction of the Board ""*» security. ^ of Directors, for the due performance of his duties. Secretafy- I'reaiiurer to reeeire and pay all mo- neys ; cash- book to bft kept ; qioneyt to be deposi- ted daily. - Moneys how to be drawn from the Bank. - 14th.— That the Treasurer and Secretary sh^U be empowered to receive and pay all monies for and^n behalf of the Society, and his receipt shall in aU cases be a sufficient discharge. He shall also keep a cash book, where all moneys re- ceived and payments made are to be regularly and correctly entered^ and he shall deposit daily with the Bank all such money as he shall receive. 15. — That no money shall be drawn from the Bank without the signature of the President (or in case of his absence, or illness, of the Vice President,) and of the Treasurer. IBth. — That books shall be opened for keep-> Minutes and ing the accounts, minutes, and other proceed- «*=*?''"* . ings and transactions of the Society. kVp". 17th.— That the proceedings of the Society Proceedings shall be entered in a minute book, in detail, in j' S"«'«ty !» such manner as the Board of Directors may, amuntl " from time to time, direct : such entries to be ^^^' signed by the President, Vice President, or Chairman, as well as by the Secretary and Treasurer. . . ^~n V, { I . ' . ■ I Ref»«[>y Book tistli — That the name and place of atode 0/ ** * *'^*' each shareholder shall be entered in a registry- book to be kept for that purpose. One or more- Inspectors tn be appointed. 19th. — That there shall be one for more In- spectors, whose duty it shall be to examine and determine the valuo of all property Offered to the Society, a3 security for loans or advances, and , to report their opinions in writing : such reports _ to be entered in the books of the Society. Members to 20th.— That every person becoming a member Fe'/^exception.^^^tlio Society, (except as transferee, legatee, ot legal representative,) shall pay an entrance fee *^ of2sf 6d. per share. Rules to be 21st. — That all persons upon taking shares in Memberf *^® Society, shall sign the. rules in a book to be kept for that purposQ. />* Monthly pay- 22rid. — That every member shall il^long as he share! ^Fines ^^^^^ continue to bo a member, and until the ob- fordefault. jects of the Society be attained, pay ten sHillings per share per month, on or before the day ap- pointed for that purpose ; and in default thereof shall pay a fine of ^^ • ^ 3d./ per share for the 1st. month. .^^- 6df " " 2nd. Is. " " 3rd. <( it I doubling the fine for each succeeding month, till the expiration of the first six months, and after that time if the same remains unpaid, such mem- ber, shall be considered as withdrawn, and sub- ject to the penalties imposed in the following idause. Mode of with- 23rd. — '. i'nyJtl^ZT- withdrawini Society ; cer- , ' , f tain portion of one calender at any member being desirous of from the Society, may, on giving month's notice in writing to the subscriptions Secretary, 7 be allowed to do . so ; and may re^ to^be returned, ^gjyg back/ (without interest) the net amount of his monthly subscriptions paid up, deducting • any fines/ interest, or forfeitures that maybe • < due, and also a forfeiture of twenty shi share. iillings per 24tli«r-That^ach member changing his resi- Change oi donee »1iall, within one calender month there- residenee to after, give notice in writing to the Secretary of {"^^ l"*^**!^ *" such change, and of his new place of abode and fine. "^ address, or in default the.reof be fined 2s. ^6d. 25th. — That meetings shall be held on such Meeting t« I days as the Board of Directors may from time J?.***' Y"f *^^ to time appoint for that purpose, for the disposal funds! of such funds as tlie Society may have to lend or / advance, of which due notice shall be given, / 26th. — That each purchaser, or borrower, at Porchwerio every such meeting, shall on or before the next "^Jy ^PJ*}**^| 4a^y deposit with the Treasurer the sum of £2fejted. 10s. for each share so purchased or borrowed : t which deposit shall be forfeited unless he pro- duce, within fourteen days from the day of meet- ing, Security satisfactory to the Board of Directors. V 27th.-- That in ordinary cases, no property Limit* in -isituate bdyond the limits of the county of Que- ^•''jJ^.J'JP*'^ bee, be accepted \is security for loans or ad- security •! vances to Members of the Society; but the''*- Board o^pirectors may, at their discretion, and ' 4' upon special application, accept security on pro- f}, ^ perty situated any where witliin the limits of the i District of Quebec. 28th.— That after itispection of the property Mortgafre or proposed, the purchaser shall, if the security be *"^"''*''*|[l"*^ approved, execute a mortgage or transfer to the made to the satisfaction of the Directors, and at his own ex- Society ; in- pense, securing the monies advanced, with i*'- default* &o' terest, and also the due payment of the ordinary ciety niay tek* monthly subscriptions and any fines or lor- P"*'»v««on of feitures that may be incurred, and shall also P'°P"*^» *** beJEir the cost of enregbtration : which mortgage i^htUl contaioi a covenant by the mortgager to .A ^«' — 26 — kf Whwi pur- iphaser, or par* Kbnildihgf all rec«ire lie amount torchaaed. insure the buildings comprised therein from loss or damage by fire, for the full amount of the advance upon such buildings, and to assign 4ve* the policy or policies to the Society ; aiid also a power to the Society, in case the mdrtgager ihall ' neglect to pay his subscriptions, fines or Ifbr- feitures, for the space of six^months successively, to take possession of the premises mortgag^, to collect the rents and profits thereof and t^ sell such premises by public auction or private Isal^ on the most advantageous terms, wathou* any further consent or concurrence on the part df the ^mortgager, and t<J apply the proceeds (after de- ducting all expenses,) to the payment of what- ever may be due to the Society. 29th.— That after stich mortgage or transfer shalL have been executed, together with such policies of -insurance, and other securities as the Directors may require, the mortgager shall at once receive the amount of the share or shares borrowed, purchased, or advanced, deducting the Bonus agreed to be paid thereon : or if one or more buildings be in progress of erection, such amount shall be advanced upon one or more certificates, from the Inspectors, and from time to time, as the Directors shall determine, accord- ing to the progress oi the work. t>ir«ctorfl nay renew Policies and ••y ground ■tt ; amount |o be charged mortgager ; penalty. SOth. — That the pirectors shall have power* to renew, from time to time, already effected insurances from loss by fire of all buildings, and to pay. the ground rents of all premises mortgaged to the Society i which payments may be made out of the funds of the Society, as ?uch iusuran-, ces and rents become due, and shall be charged' to the mortgager, and repaid by him when the following monthly subscriptions fall due; in de- fault whereof a forfeiture shall accrue to the So- ciety, of 20 per cent, upon the amount so paid. 1 , • f ■:^- ■. I •■ o — 27 — 1 31st — That any peraon entering the Society Members after its conimenbement or ionuation, (excepti'»'?'"K *<*•' as transferee, leg^tde, or legal representative,) SSrSf'i shall pay the full amount of subscriptions Mrhich Society to ^ ^ shall have been paid by the original Shareholders wreats, See. from the date, of such commencement : ' those joining within six months shall pay interest upon such subscriptions, and those joining after that perioSka proportionate bonus besides, according to a sc^ to be settled by the Directors. d2nd. — That any Shareholder may transfer bis Sfcareholde. fchare or shares by causing an entry of such JJJL^J^jS' transfer to be made in the books of the Society, ^ •'in such. manner as the Directors ihay appoint, and upon payment of the sum of 2s. 6d. for each share sd transferred and of all arrears then due;' and thereupon the transferee, (after sign- ing the rules) shall be entitled to all the privile* ges of the original shareholder. 33rd. — That in case of the death of any mem- \A. MembcJ ber, the legatee or legal representiitive of such ^jT'"*' ?JJ^*J deceased member, shall, before becoming en- SuSJee or titled to the privileges of an original shareholder, l«^ repres* procure his place of abode, and the particulars of JJ^7 i*si*" his title, to be registered in the books of the holder. Society, and shall at the same time exliibit the will or probate thereof, or grant of letters of ad- ministration (as the case may be,) for the in- spection and satisfaction of the Directors, and • pay for such registry the sum of 2s. 6d. per share. 34th. — That the Directors elected at the foir- Direc\ort.Bo| mation of the Society, as well as those hereafter***''®^'???,*,' to be elected, shjUl be indemnified out of the^rffsociet funds of th^" Society, or otherwise, from all ex- • penses in reference to the formation, conduct, and management of the Society. - , • .1, h^ ' For the due observatice ■land pe^ermance of all and every the foregoing By-L»w8, Rules and" Regulations, and of all and every the future By-Laws^ Rules and Regulations' of « The Quebec BuHding Society y"" We, the Members of the said Society, who have; hereunto suB- Bcribed,' and set our hands and seals, do hereby seyerally, each for himself, his executors and ad- Idinistrators, and not jointly' or the one for thb" other, covenant and declare to and with the Pre- sident and Treasurer of the said Society, and their succes^or^ in office, that we, and 'our seve- ral and respective executors^nd administrators, shall and will well and" truly observe, perform, fulfil, and keep all and singular, the said forego- ing and future By-Laws, Rulei| and Regulations of the said Society, which on our several and respective parts are, or ought to be, observed, prepared^ fulfilled, ifnd kept. {Passed \8t Oct,, 1849.) \\ Sf "■I 4j -^. JgytthnSn^ -^^ -''psiii'--^^,it:'t^-=i^%!«iiidiii:ii!s^t^SMi»i-:tMm! it ! sk-)i:Bf: < '3ts fi k i ri-^iA •' 't.