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Toua laa autraa axamplairaa originaux sont fiimAs an commandant par ia pramlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'impraaaion ou d'illuatration at an tarminant par ia darnlAra paga qui comporta una talia amprainta. Kin daa aymbolaa auivanta apparattra sur ia damlAra imaga da chaqua microflcha, salon la caa: la aymbola -^ signifia "A SUIVRE", ia symboia y signifia "FIN". Laa cartaa, planchaa, tablaaux, ate, pauvant Atra filmte i daa taux da rMuction diff«rants. Lorsqua la documant aat trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un aaul ciichA, ii aat film* « partir da i'angia aup^riaur gaucha, da gaucha A droita, at da haut an baa, an pranant ia nombra J'imagaa nicaaaaira. Laa diagrammas suivanta iiluatrant ia m4thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Y< " « B" " ■ ' ■I ov flM^ BURNS CLUB or THR CITY OF MONTREAL ORGANIZED, DECEMBER, 1858. Ybt, weep not Scotland, though ^hy minstrel slumbera, Still lives the spirit of his song sublime ; Still shall the fervor of his deathless numbers Thrill through all hearts, and vibrate through all time. MONTREAL, 1869 f^^a^om. BOLLO CAMPBBLL, PBXNTBB. .Si. 3^1 B Y E - L A W 8 or THB BURNS CLUB or THR CIT7 OF MONTREAL. ORGANIZED, DECEMBER, 1868. Ybt, weep not Scotland, though thy minstrel slumbers, Still lives the spirit of his song sublime ; Still shall the fervor of his deathless numbers Thrill through all hearts, and vibrate through all time. MONTREAL, 1859. NAMES OF OFF IGERS, 1809. ' ' president: Hon, JOHN ROSE, M.P.P. VICE-PRESIDENT : ALEXANDER MORRIS. SECOND vice-president: DAVID MA IR. RECORDING SECRETARY : JOHN G. DINNING. CORRESPONDING SECETARY : A. A. STEVENSON. TREASURER : ANDREW WILSON. BOARD OF MANAGERS : D. BROWN. A. RAMSAY. A. W. OGILVIE. HENRY BULMER E. M'LENNAN. B Y E - L A W S or THK %um dull of tilt €^ of mtniml I. NAME OP THE CLUB. That this Association shall be called "The Burns Club op Montreal." II. That the object of the Association shall be the pro- motion of the social and intellectual reunion and inter- course of the countrymen and admirers of Burns, and the celebration annually of the birthday of the Bard in a fitting and appropriate manner. III. officers of the club. The OflBcers of the Club shall consist of a President, two Vice-Presidents, Recording Secretary, Correspond- ing Secretary, Treasurer, and a Committee of Manage- ment consisting of five members. IV. DCTTHS OF TnB PRESIDENT. It shall bo the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Club ; to enforce a due observance of the rules ; to decide all questions of order ; to give the casting vote on all questions before the Club, (except at elections of oflflcors, when ho shall be entitled to a vote) ; to announce the result of all ballotings or votes of the Club ; and to exert his influence in every legiti- mate manner for the preservation of good order, and to promote the prosperity and sustain the good standing and character of the Club. V. DUTIES OF THE VICE-PRESIDENTS. It shall be the duty of tho Vice-Presidents to pre- side in the absence of the President, to discharge tho duties of President, and on all occasions to second and assist him in tho performance of all legitimate action. VI. DUTIES OF THE UECORDINO SECRETARY. It shall bo the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep a correct record of the business proceedings at all meetings of the Club, in a book provided for that pur- pose ; to keep a correct list of the names and address of all members, and mark those absent at each general or special meeting ; to collect all dues, fines, assessments, &c., and deposit all such, or other moneys received on account of the Club in the hands of the Treasurer ; to fyle all documents, records, reports, and communications connected with the business of the Club; to certify all '♦^Ci* i hs:^ accountH after being pasflod by the Club ; fVirnUh the Prc8i(ient witli the iiamoH of inomborH cntillod to vote, and of all who may bo mx montliH In arrears ; and in caHo of inability to attend at any meeting, he shall cause the neceHsary books and papers to bo convoyed to the place of mooting. VII. DUTIES OF TFIR CORHKSPONDINO SEOItKTAHV. It shall 1)0 the duty of tho Corresponding Secretary to notify each member of his election, and furnish him with a copy of the Rules; to notify each member of every general or special meeting previous to tho time of meeting ; notify such members as may bo five months in arrears; conduct all necessary correspondence of the Club, and cooperate with and assist tho Recording Sec- retary generally in tho discharge of his duties. VHI. DUTIES OF THE TUEASUHEK. It shall be the duty of tho Treasurer to exercise a scrupulous faithfulness in tho care of all moneys which shall be deposited with him for safe-keeping; to keep a correct account of all receipts and expenditures; to re- port the state of the funds at each quarterly meeting of the Club ; and to pay all accounts passed by the Club, after they shall have received tho signature of the Re- cording Secretary, which he shall carefully preserve as vouchers. IX. nOAHD OF MANAOEIIS. A Board of Managers, consisting of five members, 8 shall be elected annually, whose duty it shall be to ex- ercise a general charge and supervision of all property belonging to the Club, and to make such disposal thereof as will be best calculated for its security and preserva- tion ; they should also be required to carry into execu- tion such measures as may be referred to them by the Club, at all times during their term of service. X. TIME OP ELECTION. The OflBcers and Managers shall be elected annually, by ballot, on the second Monday in December in each year, the majority ruling. XL ELiaiBILITY TO OFFICE. No person shall be eligible to oflQce who has not been a member of the Club for a period of six months pre- vious to election. XII. OF MEMBERS IN ARREARS. No member shall be entitled to vote at elections, or hold ofQce, who is in arrears to the Club. XIII. PROPOSALS OF CANDIDATES FOR MEMBERSHIP. Proposals of candidates for membership must be made in writing, furnishing in each case the name and address of the candidate, and the name of the member propos- ing, and such proposition being seconded by another member, the candidate shall be balloted for at the meet- ing next ensuing. 9 XIV. ADMISSION OF MEMBERS. Admission of members shall be by ballot, and nine nays shall be sufficient for exclusion. Each member, upon his election, shall be required to sign the rules. XV. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION. The annual subscription of each member shall be 5s; and should the subscription of any member remain unpaid for two years, his name shall be announced by the President at a meeting of the Club, and unless good and sufficient cause shall be shown to the contrary, it shall be stricken from the roll. XVI. MEETINGS OF THE CLUB. Quarterly meetings, for the transaction of business, shall be held on the second Monday of March, June, and September. XVII. MEMBERS NECESSARY TO A QUORUM. At all meetings, whether general or special, eleven members, two of whom must be officers, will be suffi- cient to form a quorum for the transaction of business. XVIII. OF SPECIAL MEETINGS. The Secretary may call Special Meetings at the re- quest of the Officers, or of any nine members of the Club, provided that the President be informed of such i 10 intention previous to the call of the meeting, and that all the members of the Olub are notified la the usual manner. XIX. OP HONORARY MEMBERS. Honorary Members may be elected by a vote of two- thirds of the members present at a general meetmg of the Club. XX. DECORUM AND ORDER. Any member whose conduct may be manifestly in- decorous or improper, may be expelled by a majority vote of the Club. XXI. ALTERATION OF THE BYE-LAWS. Alterations of the Bye-Laws can only be effected at a general meeting, on a motion made and seconded at a previous quarterly meeting, and carried by three-fourths of the members present when action is taken thereon ; but in cases of obvious importance and necessity, a rule or rules may be suspended by a vote of three-fourths of the members present, for that meeting only.