HISTORY OF THR ettkttwnt 4 Mi^pr (^mU% (ONTARIO,) WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE BAY QUINTE. BY WM. CANNIFP, M.D., M.R.C.S.E., PKOPESSOR OP SURGBRT UNIVERSITY VICTORIA COLLKOK, AUTHOR OP THB "PRINCIPLES OF SURGERY." TOEONTO: DUDLEY & BURNS, PRINTERS, VICTORIA HALL. 1869. r 3 254-997 ■A TO THE HONORABLE SIR JOHN ALEXANDER MACDONALD, K.C.B.,>D.C.L., M.P., PREMIER OP THE DOMINION OP CANADA, \ THIS VOLUME IS BY PERMISSION RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, AS A RECOGNITION OF HI8 ABILITIKS AS A CANADIAN STATESMAN, AND AS A TRIBUTE TO A LONO STANDING INHABITANT OF BAY QUXNTB, WHO HAS GIVEN BIB TALENTS AND ENERGIES TO LAY A SUBB FOUNDATION FOR "a GREAT NORTHERN NATION." BY HIS RESPECTFUL ADMIRER, I WILLIAM CANNIPP. ■■* .■■■-• ,■ % f •» ; ' '.| ^! ^' I ((U ^.!"< 'I'r.rW'.' ': ■ -■■•■■I,' U.>v.Ai^Aii •' M.i :i^^Jvi-j>; '-J ii:in:--v.'x ^-;i.^.>-^ ^.i L ■ ^ : ,V. ■^.'. ■■> .(Mi'f .(■."I'' ! '-'I'-.H -.l..lf ('.'I'V »'( n.f..l /.!< .-^t' I 1 :j'</r''.-"ioii^-:i !>" .f -<.Ui;.,t'.v ,/;■(• . i: \»''^<K ,\>r.'i ■<-■' ■•■■' '''lA ■■■.'■JX r-^ ■•■:■, •■ rX.GqAiq ol'i^'-'i- Hoh^Jf i?0i-5W od^ vJ'^""'''* '^^■''^ ^'^ i^^'^npD-r 70^ a A f}-^ TrHrfW'Tii-'Jff ,0HiV<->l!Vi cl.8^>R«l-1'^?. "Kkt f^ijiHiji f;lsi KfM 'ijlfk^ i^i t'.'J.;-S PREFACE. In tho year 18G1 a mooting was convened at the Education Office, Toronto, with tho view of oatablishing an Historical Society for Upper Canada. TIio writer, as an Upper Canadian by birth, and deeply interested in his country with respect to tho past as well as tho future, was present. The result of that meeting was the appointment of a Committee to frame a Constitution and By-Laws, and take tho necessary stops to organize the proposed Society, and to report three weeks thereafter The Committee consisted of tho Hon. Mr. Merritt, Eev. Dr. Eyerson, Col. Jarvis, Mr. DevTrassi, Mr. Merritt, J. J. Hodgins, Dr. Canniff and Mr. Coventry. For reasons unknown to the writer, this Committee never even met. The following year the writer received a printed circular respecting an " Historical Society of Upper Canada " which had been established at St. Catharines, of which Col. John Clarke, of Port Dalhousio, was President; Hon. Wm. H. Merritt, Vice-President, and George Coventry of Cobourg, Secretary. "HONORAIIY MEMBERS." " Chief Justice Sir John Beverley Rob- Henry Ruttan, Esq., Cobourg, inson, Bart., The Venerable Lord Bishop of Toronto, Colonel Jarvis, Toronto, . , Alfio DeGrassi, Esq., Toronto, Doctor Canniflf, " J. P. Merritt, St. Catharines, Henry Eccles, Esq., Q.C., Thomas C. Kcefer, Esq., JVA-- Me, William H. Kittson, Esq., Hamilton, Hon. George S. Boulton, Cobourg, David, Burn, Esq., Cobourg." At the request of this Society the writer undertook to prepare a Paper upon the Settlement of the Bay Quinte. Having been induced to take up his abode for a time at Belleville, near which he was born, the writer availed himself of every opj)ortunity he could croato whilo on^agod in his profosaional dutios, during a period of five yourrt, to collect facts pertaining to the subject. After some months of labor, he was advised by frienda, in whose judgment ho hatl contidenco, to write a History of the Bay (iuint*), for publication. Acting upon this advice, he continued, with increased energy, to collect and elaborate material. In carrying out this object, ho not only visited difterent sections of the country and many indivi- duals, but consulted the libraries at Toronto and Ottawa, as well as availed himself of the private libraries of kind friends, especially Canniff Ilaight, Esq., of Picton. As the writer proceeded in his work, he found the subject assuming more extended proportions than he had anticipated. lie found that, to write an account of the Settlement of the Bay Quinte, was to pen a history of the settlement of the Province. Finally, he has been induced to desig- nate the work " A History of the Settlement of Upper Canada." The labor, time and thought which has been given to the subject need not to be dwelt upon. Every effort has been made, consistent with professional duties, upon which the writer's family is dependent, to sift a mass of promiscuous material which has come under investigation, so that grains of truth alone might fill the measure which this volume represents. ' *'" ' "" Various sources of information have been duly indicated in the text; but there are a largo number of individuals, ft*om whom information has been obtained, whose names could not be recalled. This work has been one of love as well as labor ; yet time and again the writer would have relinquished it had it not been for the words of entouragoment, volunteered by his friends. '''. \ The writer has explained the cause of bis writing this volume. He now presents it to the reader — to Canadians — to the world. He lov'is his country so well, that he regrets an abler pen had not undertaken the task, that justice might be more fully done to the J . . ' 1 1 >4 VJIJ J J > .» > ! f * -.' . I '. ^j i»V I l\, •* w - lifi^rt ■.' i t ■,».,- r^»\ : J i«^ i '.I., -■ ri^,i \ 'tp.'-.-. , _ ,jWPr y* •• '<^ >■' • 'l'« •!■'<••>■ ■■'•■ ?■'■' J. 1 :; .'.i .. I V 1- rl.'.,.I •.. "r. ...• '....I ,!. Fault may be found because of repeated and earnest protests j^agaiust-tho^t^tud^ai . a^sunxed, J^y the, IJnited , ^.tate^i : , th© domm^nts PREFAOK. m ma<lo in rospoct to ihoir history: the conlrivHt drawn upon tho subject of Liberty nnd Krbedom. Tho wviter offerH no oxcubo. Ho has ondoavorod to adhoro to truth. It in true those pa^es havo boon written during a period of gi-eat irritation to Canadians, from the hostile and uggi-ossivo spirit which tho United States havo dis- phiyod towards us ; but a record has boon mado which, it is trusted, will stand tho tost of tho closest examination. As to tho work, ai)art from its historical character, no remark is offered, except that tho writer is perfectly conscious of errors and imporfoctions. Time has not boon allowed to polish; and while the pages havo boon going through the press, other necessary duties havo j)rovontod that dose and undivided attention which tho work demanded. But subscribers to the volume wore urgent in their requests to have tho work without further delay. The reader is referred to a page of Errata. A concluding chapter it has boon found necessary to omit, in consoquonco of tho size already attained. J n this it was intended to discuss tho future prospects of the Dominion. Tho writer has unbounded faith in tho Confederation scheme. Before this scheme was initiated, the writer, in a lecture delivered to a Toronto audience, uttered those words. Pointing out the elements which constitute the fabric of a great nation, he remarked that ho " loved to contemplate the future, when all tho British American Provinces would be consolidated into a grand whole ; when, from the summit of the Rocky Mountains, would bo seen — to the East along the magnificent lakes and river to the Atlantic, and down the western slopes to the Pacific — the ccasoloss industry of tho Canadian beavei*, and the evergreen Maple Leaf overshadowing the peaceful homes of Canada." Tho prospects now are fHr brighter than when those words were spoken ; and notwithstanding the obstacles — an unpfitriotic company ofEnglishmen, the unscrupulous designs of covetous Americans, and the apathy of the British Gov- ernment — the belief is brbad and strong that the dream of tho future will be realized. There is life in the tree whose seed wtis vm VRKKACB. planted eighty yoarH ago, and an it han in thu past continued to grow, HO it will in the future. In concluding thoHo prefatory remarkH, wodoHiro to tender our thankH to all who have aHHistod uh directly or indirectly, by sup- plying information, and by encouraging words. Particularly wo thank those gentlemen who gave their namew an Hubscribors, Homo of them voluntarily, years ago, before the work was fairly com- menced ; also the ]Ion. Lewis Wallbridgo, for procuring for us, when Speaker, copies of manuscript in the Parlianioutary Library, at Ottawa. Finally, wo express our obligations to the Publishers and Printers. Toronto, 27th March, 1869. , , iCopy Right uourad. ^f ,.') .-I. - .lij >"•■"' ■ ■' '" '• ■ ' '' •■ '■ ' j,(-, . ( ^.^^>,,'JU . ,, 'i: iKf.'J. .'IdlO'il ■. ■■ '. ,' ••■ '. ' ,: ' . • :l .1,1 ■ ■ • ■ ■1^;. I , • ','t' > ,1 ' " t.'il- IS'''. ' '.'''' 'I'l , I ■!. ' ' ' ■ . r .,,-—' i< ■ ■'■■"■' : Jill"; 'Ml!' .vd— -^'Kf ■•' »'■'' <■■' I, ^ ■>•:">■•',■ -^''f ->,'i.r' ' , ■ ■■ :'■•' ■ _ ._:ii,lw**eJi ,) ■»';.■•■; r — »;■••!.' ■■■i.r-. i-rL—tiiiiUvU- .• .'i.V'i »'> ■.■',•'■• 'itj .f.>Vrr..ii'/.i ■■.*■■" ' ■t"tiiq.,H''-../('»"/ •••; l^«(. ^r*! U,<,,;'i\^ ■ ; ..;•!.'• ■>(>■ ■ .'1,: ■^«^'t>-,. -j.iw-'o'j d^vr^srt; pTrrvjF;----titiMt-i-r-i^'.^5*i'i>.. '.. M i|V» 1 ... ■! \ " »>• ■ CONTENTS. . , i« I ij..' ' / " .,'• A BKRTCII 1>F FIU.NCO-CANADIAN II18T0RY. CHAPTER I. PAQI ntiquarianlHTO — Rooords of tho Karly Nations — Tradition — The ProsB— Tlie Enatorn World — Tho WcHtcrn World — I mpoit<ui(«! of History- Columbus — Colonizivtioii — (.'iiimdii — America — (^'artier — French Cana- dian writers — Cartioi-'s lirnt visit — Huguenots — Cartier's second visit — Jean Francois — Sir (Jk'orge K. Cartii-r — Estublislimeut of the Fur Trade — Champhiin — Discovery of Lake Ontario — liny of Quinte — Quebec founded — First lightintc with Indians — First taliing of Quebec by the British — Uoturned to Franco — The Uecollots and Jesuits — Death of Champluin — F(>undation of Montreal — Emigration from France — The Carignan Regiment — DoCourcelle— Proposal to found a Fort at Lake Ontario — Frontenac — Fort at Cativraqui — La Salle — Fort at Niagara — First vessel upon the Lakes — Its fate — Death of La Salle, the first settler of Upper (Janada — Founder of Louisiana — Discoverer of the mouth of the Mississippi , 1 CHAPTER 11. [itaraqui Fort strengthened — Keute Indians seized and carried captive to France — Massacre of Lachine — Commencing struggle between New England and New France — Siege of Quebec by Sir Wm. Phipps — De- struction of Fort Cataraqui — Its re-erection — Treaty .of Ryswick— ■ Death of Frontenac — Iroquois in England — Another attempt to cap- ture Quebec — Decline of French power — Population of Canada and of New England — Continuation of the contest for the fur trade Taking of Fort Louisburg — Col. Washington, dishonorable conduct — Inconsis- ; tency of Dr. Franklin — Commencement of seven years' war — Close of ' first year — Montcalm — His presentiment —Taking of Fort Oswego— Of Fort William Henry — Fearful massacre — Tlie state of Canada- Wolfe appears — Taking of Frontenac — Duquesne — Apathy of Franco — The Spring of 1759 — Reduced state of Canada — Overthrow of French ■'' power in America — The resul<>— Union of elements — The capture of Quebec — Wolfe —Death of Montcalm — Fort Niagara — Johnson— Effort ' . to retake Quebec — Wreck of the French army — Capitulation at Mon- - * treal — Population — The first British Governor of Canada — The Cana- dians as British subjects— The result of French enterprise — Rebellion 16 Z CONTENTS. * »" , ,. DIVISION I. ,. , , ,[ , THR BEBEtUON OF 1776 — TUB THIRTEBN C0L0NIB8. CHAPTER III. . PAUI First American rebellion— 'Iudependenc<! — Traitors made heroes— LoyalistR driven away to found another colony — The responsibility of rebelling — Treatment of the Xjoyalists — The Hevera! colonies — The first Eng- lishman in America — llecoivcs XIO — English colonization — Virginia — Convicts— Extent of Virginia — First Governor — Virginians not 'vvilling to rebel — Quota supplied to the rcibel army — New York — ■:> Hudson — The Dutch — New Netherlands — Price of New Amsterdam (New York) — First Legislative Assembly — Not quick to rebel — Quota of rebel troops — Gave many settlers to Upper Canada — New Jersey — Its settlement — A battle ground — Gave rebel troops ; also loyal troops — Furnished settlers to Upper ('anada — JIassachusettb — Captain Smith — New England Puritans — The " Mayflower " — First Governor — Cruel treatment of Indians — Mofisachusetts takes the leiul in rebelling — Troops — LoyalistR — New IT.impshire — Troops — Delaware — Settlement — Quotf* of rebel troops — ( .'onnecticut — Education — Troops — Roman Catholics — Toleration — Rhode Island — Providence— Inconsistency of the Puritans— Roger Williams — North Carolina — Inhabitants — South Carolina — Many Loyalists — Pennsylvania — William Penn — Conduct toward Indians — The people opposed to rebellion— Georgia — Ogle- thorpe — Policy of New England — Now England, ,^,,j,^ ;. a.«*.v. » v »•> ♦* '^ C,5 Minia«'»H'''KiT--lK,l'.iwl>-:it; CHAPTER IV, ,j ■^v.,.^iu.-A flil'l— jn jouu;- - American writers—Sabtne — Loyalists had no time to waste — Independence not sought at first — Adams— Franklin — Jay— Jefferson — Washington — Madison — The British Government — Ingratitude of the Colonists — Taxation — Smugglers — Crown officers — Persistence — Superciliousness Contest between Old England and New England 41 The signers of the Declaration of Indep^indence — Their nativity — Injus- tice of Americau writers for 80 years— Cast back mis-statements — The Whigs had been U. B Loyalists — Hancock — Oificc-seekers — Malcon- tents stir up strife — V/^hat the fathers of the Republic fought for — Rebel committees— Black mail — Otis, John Adams, Warren, Washing- ton, Hsnry, Franklin- — What caused them to rebel — What the American revolutionary heroes actually were — Cruelty, during and after the war —No Freedom — The political mistake of the rebels in alienating the loyalists — The Consequence — Motives of the loyalists — False charges -i-Conscientious Consetvatives — ^Rebellion not warranted— Attachment to the old flag — Loyalists driven away — Suppressio veri — Want of noble spirit towards the South — Effects — Comparison between loyalists and rubel8r~£duoation' — Religion — The neutral — The professiouB, 46 CHAPTER VI. y ; Kepublicanism — The lesson of the first rebellion — The late civil war — Th« Loyalists ; their losses and hardships — Ignored by Americans — Unre- corded — The world kept in ignorancei — American glory — Englishmen — Question of. Colonial; treatment — The reason why Great Britain failed . to B\ihdjuetljLerel?ieJiiion--Chai:act^^ rebel bravery— The .„ great result-— Liberty in England aad United States contrasted-M CeNTENTS. XI PAOI Slavery — The result to IT. E. Loyalists — IJurgoyne — Molwcracy— Treatment from "Sons of Liberty" — Old mon, women and children — Instances of cruelty — Brutality — Itapacity — Torture — The lower elassos — <' Swamp Law" — Fiendish cruelty — Worse than Butler's Hangers— Seward and the Fenians —Infamous falsification— Close of the war — Recognition of independence by Great Britain — Crushed hopes of the Loyalists — In New York — Their conduct — Evacuation day — The ' ' position of the Loyalists — Confiscation — " Attainting" — Seizing Estaten — Paine — Commissioners at Paris — British Ministry — Loyalists' petition — King'., speech — Division of claimants — Six classes — The number- Tardy justice — Noble conduct of South Carolina — Impostors — Loyal- ists in Lower Canada — Proclamation — The soldiers' families — Journey- ingfi— Meeting of families -, ,-. . iv;'. .-. .' i '.; V. ...;..,; . ; ; . . 52 •v ..- -.r, .-/..^ -.nl.r. .,. CHAPTER VII. ....••. v spirit of strife — Tha French war — British American troops — Former comnii'.es opposed — Number of U. E. Loyalists in the field — General Burgoyne — Defeat — First reverse of British arms — The campaign-— Colonel St. Leg;r — Fort Stanwix — Colonel Baume — Battle of Ban- nington — General Herkimer — Gatei- — Schuyler — Braemar Heights— Sarato;;a — Surrender — The result upon the people — Sir .John Jolinson — Sir William— Sketch — Indian Chief — Laced coat — Indian's drearn — It comes to p-isii — Sir William dreams — It also comes to pass — Too hard a dream — li'ir John — Attempt to arrest — Escape— Starving- Royal greens — lohason's losses — Living in Canada — Death — Principal Corps of Royalists — King's Rangers — Queen's Rangers — Major Rogers — Simcoe — The Rangers in Upper Canada — Disbanded — The Hessians. 63 ■■ rn'v'iil u^fiui— --*■•'; ■■•" -■•■" '-■-''■'—■■ ■■■■ " '■■- . . ; , •*.._r ^ ,^v<»-,' CHAPTER VIII. f't-' -"'■''^ '" idrjiKi.-! Joft Indian names — The Five Tribes — The Sixth — Confederation — Govern-' ment — Sub-divisions— Origin — Hendrick — Death-— Brant — Birtli— s Education — Married — Teaching — Christianity — Brant elected Chief — Commissioned a British Captain — Visita England — Returns — Leads his warriors to battle — Efi'orts of Rebels to seduce Brant to their cause — Attempted treachery of the Rebel Herkimer — Border warfare — Wyom- i.vr ing— Attempt to blacken the character of Brant — His noble conduct- Untruthful American History — The inhabitants of Wyoming — The Rebels first to blame — Cherry Valley — Van Schaick — Bloody order»->-»r Terrible conduct of the Rebels, Helpless Indian families— Further- deeds of blood and rapine by the rebel Sullivan — A month of horrible work — Attributes of cruelty more conspicuous in the Rebels than in the Indians — The New Englander — Conduct toward the Indians — In- consistent — The " down trodden " — The Mohawks — Indian agriculture — Broken faith with the Indians — Noble conduct of Brant— After the war — His family — Death — Miss Molly — Indian usage — The cliaracter l of the Mohawk — The six Indians as Canadians — Fidelity to the British — Receiving land — Bay Quinte — 'Grand River — Settling— ^ Captaia Isaac, Captain John — At present — Mohawk Counsel tl CHAPTER IX. . , „ . ... „ llndividuals — Anderson — Bethune — Bnrwell -^Bailer — Canliff — Clati^— •" Coffin — Donne — Jarvis — Jones— McDonald — Mc<Jill— McGilles-— Mer-"* lit — Munday— Peters — Robinson — Sihgleton — Boss — McNah— AllenTT-- Alli8on— Ashley— Bell— Bnvritt--^k8Cy— CawcalliOla-Tehttp-i^^ —Crawford— Dame— Daly— Diamond' ...........;::/.;:;. .".'?.\ :^7l '■ 86 XU CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. PAOB Ferguson — Frazer — Gerollainy — GoldHmith — Harrison — Hudgins — Hicka Howell — HoTor — Hoglc — Ham — Herkimer — Holt — Jones — .Johnson — Ketcheson— 'Loyst — Myers — McArthur — Miller — Mordeus — McDonald — McDonnell — McDonell-rOstrom — Peterson lOO CHAPTER XI, - - Rogers' family — Ryerson — R<idner — Sherwood — Taylor — Van Dnsen — Williambiirgh — Wright — Wilkins — Young — Officers who settled in Niagara District 117 ■-■.i'1,— --|-;-:ry '-iiunu']', i:\\>4^ A ■-,•1 ^\^ I „ i-., ,))i ). . /,,i , .i ., ;. u.i' ,(1. ' '■'•'•"•'' ■■■'"nu>'i i;- T... ,.„>,'( „,,., J ;,:,„.,i.. 1^ (,, ,i,ji ,.: Mil.; J,i'r--;.j<.('.i.) n.n „: ^lu/' ^..i,i( (■-... ..i,„ ! ,.11 '■••'•<.—> .-vv-r'-"" ■"--■: - * ■ •■ / .,.(/; ' -^Ha.Mii >'■- r '.!' DIVISION II. TRAVKLING IN EARLY TIMES ORIGINAL ROUTES. CHAPTER XII. Indian paths — Portages — Original French routes — Merde Canada — Original names of St. Lawrence — Ontario — Huron — Route by Bay Quint6 — Old French maps — Original English routes — Four ways from Atlantic to the Lakes — Mississippi — Potomac — Hudson — Indian name of Erie — From New York to Ontario — The Hudson River — Mohawk — Wood creek — Oneida Lake — Oswego River — The carrying places — West Canada Creek — Black River — Oswegotchie — The navigation — Military highway — Lower Canada — An historic route — The paths followed by the Loyalists — Indian paths north of Lake Ontario — Crossing the Lake — From Cape Vincent to the Bay Quints — From Oswego by Duck Islands — East Lake — Picton Bav — Coasting Ontario— Two vrays to Huron — By Bay Quint6 and Trent; by Don River — Lake Simcoe — Point Traverse — Loyalists — Travelling by the St. Lawrence — First road — Long remembered event..,, .'...';....;'. ^.... ... .i. ..'. 129 -iuri'i .1i \f(,\fuiy. (Wii't i , UM Ar i Jliiv JLlli,*,,. j( (,,'i"i-rM ■■ f-ti-^n Indians trav :jlec' by foot or by canoe — Secreting canoes — Primeval scenes — Hunting expeditions — War path — In 1812 — Brock — A night at Myers' Creak—Important arrival — The North West Company — Their canoes — 'Route — Grand Portage — The Voyageurs— The Batteaux — Size — Ascending the rapids — Lachine^A dry dock — Loyalists by batteaux — Durham boats — Difficulties — In 1788, time from Lachine to Freder- ieksburg— Wfliting for batteaux — Extracts from a journal, trayeling in K'.i 1811 — From Kingston to Montreal — The expenses — The Schenectady boats — Trade between Albany and Cataraqui — The Durham boat — Duncan — Description of flat-bottomed boat by " Murray " — Statement ofFinkle — Trading — Batteaux in 181 2 — Rate of traveling — The change in fifty years — Time from Albany to Bay Quinte — Instances — Loyalists traveling in winter — Route — Willsbury wilderness — Tarrying at Corn- wall — The " French Train " — Traveling along north shore of Ontario - —Indian path-— Horseback — Individual owners of batteaux — Around Bay Quinte — The Last regular batteaux — In 1819 — "Lines" from magaEine ...n*. >,.,*,!(■,,,»*, ...j,,k,.>j. ....,..i,j, ,.,.»,. <),j,_,^^,-«.,j_.^^,j,j^_,^.. 135 CONTENTS. im CHAPTER XIV. PAOB The first Vessel— The B'leneh— La Salio— The Griffon— Vessels in 1770— During the Rebellion — Huilding at Carleton Island — Captain Andrews The Ontario — Col. Burton — Loss of the Ontario — The Sheehans — Hills — Givins' — Murney's Point — Schooner ' Speedy ' — Mohawlv — Missis- sauga — Duke of Kent — Capt. Bouchottc — Paxton — McKenzie — Riciiardson — Earle Steele — Fortiche — The Governor Simcoe — Sloop ' Elizabeth ' — First vessel built at York — Collins' Report upon Navigating the Lakes — Navy in Upper Canada, 1795 — Rochfoucault — Capt. Boufhctte — Officers' Pay — York, the centre of the Naval Force — Gun Boats — The Loss of tlie " Spcsedy " — Reckoner — Dr. Sti achan — Solicitor-Gen. Gray — Canada took the lead in ouilding A'^essels — First Canadian Merchant Vessel — Tlie York — A Schooner on runners round the Falls — Sending Coals to Newcastle — Upon Bay Quinte — The Out- skirts of Civilization — "Tht Prince Edward" built of Red Cedar— In 1812 — Schooner " Mary Ann " — 1817— Capt. Matthews 147 .11 Y.OiblVJAi /i'f/.')i . i.'r V' ' ■■ — ■■ ,<; nvf t,.| ; ■ ; ■. . t«.f^Mv.ii...n DIVISION III. ,,;,„......,,, !■:•'•■ -■^^ai■ ' *'^. ,^ ■ • i.i i!«f.J fl THK LOYALISTS AS PIONEERS — THE ORIGINAL SURVEY. ^j ' 'f>f'''-' •■ -■ ~-,.,..^-i-.i...-.v..<f,. r . »,„,..fl- ,.,,.„., ,r,' ., :.; • CHAPTER XV. T'^ /; ^- ,; ,' Major Gen, Holland — Surveying on Atlantic Coast — An adherent of the Crown — Removal to Montreal — Death — Major Holland — Information " Maple Leaves " — Holland Farm — Tach^ — First Canadian Poem — Head Quarters of Gen. Montgomery — Hospitality — Duke of Kent — Spencer Grange — Holland Tree — Graves — Epitaphs — Surveyor Wash- ington — County Surveyor — Su. veyors after the War — First Survey in Upper Canada — Commenced in 1781 — The Mode pursued — Information , f in Crown Lands Department — The Nine Townships upon the St. Lawrence — At the close of the War — Non-Professional Surveyors — Thomas Sherwood — Assisting to Settle — Surveying around the Bay Quinte — Bongard — Deputy-Surveyor Collins — First Survey at Fron- tenac — Town Reserve — Size of Township — Mistakes — Kottye — Tuffy — Capt. Grass — Capt. Murney — Surveying in Winter — Planting Posts — Result — ^Litigation — Losing Land — A Newspaper Letter — Magis- trates — Landholders — Their Son's Lawyers — Alleged Filcliing — Spec- ulators at Seat of Government — Grave Charges — Width of Lots — Mode of Surveying — Number of Concessions— Cross Roads — Survej'- ors Orders — Numbering the Lots — Surveying around the Bay — The ten Townships — Their Lands — The Surveying Party — A Singer — State- ment of Gourl(iy..., 154 :.....h,^H CHAPTER XVI. ■ ••■ The teiift 'Cdticession — First Concession of Land in Canada — The Carignan Regiment — Seigniories — Disproportion of the sexes — Females sent from France — Their appearance — Settling them — Marriage allowance — The last seigniory — New Longeuil — Seigniory at Prontenao — Grants to refugees — Officers and men — Scale of granting — Free of expense — Squatting — Disbanded soldiers — Remote regions — A wise and benefi- cent policy — Impostors — Very young officers — Wholesale granting of XIV CONTENTS. PAOB land — Republicans coming over — CovctouH — FiiIhc pretensions — Gov- ernment had to discriminate — Rules and regulations — Family lands — Bounty — (Jertificatcs — Soiling claims — Rear conccskiions — Transfer of '* location ticket — Land board — Tardiness in obtaining titles to real estJite — Transfer by bond— Jobbing — Sir Wm. PuUency — AVashington — Giving lands to favcn-itcs — Reserves — Evil results — The Family Compact^ — PJxtract from Playt( r — Extract from Lord Durham — From Gourlay — Recompense to Loyalists — Rations — Mode of drawing land — Land agent — Broken front— Traitor Arnold — Tyendinaga 164 vir^jlr-^.itM-iiV.wiV. CHAPTER XVII. ..,r/,i.J if M.iUo' ;i'<i!' Lines — Western Settlement, 1783 — Population — Settlement upon St. Law- rence and Bay — Number, 1784 — Procla; tion to Loyalists — Society disturbed — Two kinds of Loyalists — St. i^awrence and Bay favorable for settlement — Government provisions — State of the Loyalists — Serv- ing out I tions — Clothes — Utensils for clearing and fencing — The axe — Furniture — Attacking a last enemy — Tents — Waiting for their lots — " Bees " — Size of dwellings — Mode of building — Exchanging work — Bedsteads — Clearing — Fireing trees — Ignorance of pioneer life — Disposing of the wood — No beast of burden — Logging — Determina- tion — All settlers on a common ground — Additional refugees — Advance — Simcoe's proclamation, 1792 — Conditions of grants — The response — Later settlers — Questionable Loyalists — Yankees longing for Canada —Loyalty in 1812 ..... ,;. ;;,.., .T;. ' 181 ^^uu(.■•^-• , ^ I i.t;^. —1:; ..-.^i "titmb. — soinwdjsl/ Jfifii'.titi)! -^jfur-iyf ,d'I~-v,Uir,t.l>z'jti iliivj iLb-»iO— ' —Roilaid aobo(>W — luiyjii c--, ,.■■)'-: L\., ,. ■', — Krt.8ila-.uii') ■.iino'.':/<l'~:ija-'>i. to Hl'i-yjC'! — xlhiX'/rM ;iuy,ibii.I— riqtii.-.ia/Jf vjdi-'> —eno'^qP^ -^OAAf^f Bfljaibili iWilitinU— ■•■iTJ'^T ■.""•H?r"--T'. . ...i;;;;rj5jtaia<iiW t..l:l iioqii I*KlV.-.lA iuo'Ja JifjfuoJwtft ''1' \5!:ibiii-.t;jb (aooioW— /ifiV) hi'nan.iu}<i-~ D I V I j8 I O N ■ I-y-i''''^ '' -'^ j»i!M:aKi:W ciaiUii -83 vio-nr,A—Hunii-'jv*[ vr-j j-^ J;*jc',,'.l. bl; ,V*— b'-...r,v;a'd8 ,vJii'^i hiO •Mh&'l Ut .)j/. ' ' ?(:u.iJi,bj:i.-'Al— 89qi:--. ' -ol — vxtKf/bal ii, »iw.., Jv :■.. j,vv>.t/.3 aiil' — lt3Jii.'jJiic<; I?fJ , ^f^^■.7CHAPTER XVIII.;T;,h--;-.-!...fiof>: a:c'=j;^f;,-j. Father Picquet — Provision of Forts in Upper Canada just before conquest — Frontenac — Milk — Brandy— Toronto— The several forts — Detroit — British garrisons — Grasping rebels — Efforts to starve out Loyalists in Canada — Worse treated than the Acadians — Efforts to secure Fur Trade — The frontier forts — Americans' conduct to Indian^— Result — Conduct of British Government — Rations for three years— Grinding by hand — "Hominy blocks"— " Plumping mill"— -The women — Sol- dier farmers— The Hessians — Su^'ering— The " Scarce Year" Charge . against the Commisijariat officers — Famine — Cry for bread — Instances " of suffering — Starving children — No salt — Fish— Game — Eating young grain — Begging bran — A common sorrow — Providential escapes — Eating buds and leaves — Deaths—Primitive fishing — Catching salmon — Going 125 miles tp mill— Disconsolate families — 1789 — Partial relief — First beef slaughtered in Uppet Canada— First log bam — A «'Bee," what they ate and drabk — Tea introduced — Statements of Sheriff Sherwood— Rogei' Botes — John Parrott— Col. Clark— Squirrel swfinmiTig Niagara — Maple sugar — How it was made— Women assist- ing— Made dishts of food — Pumpkiii loaf— Extract from Rocfaefoucault - 1795'^— Quality of grain raised;— Quinte Bay — Cultivation— Com exported — Th6 grain dealers— Price of flour — Pork — Profits of the mwchantr: ? -i^i^ . . . V/;ir;.;^i^:l';V^i£. . .^ ;vH';l^':;;;;i;;;'vf ;^vv-^^-^ '191 CONTENTS. XV .;.,■. I .fM '.f. CHAPTER XIX. o„ fn,> . ini;--' 'mtOT — I PAOB Kingston Mills — Action of Government — Tlie Millwright — Situation of the first Mill — Why Selected — Tlie Machinery — Put up hy Loyalists — No Toll — Only Mill for three years — Going to Mili, 1784 — The Napanoo . Mill — Comraenced 1785 — Kobert Clarke — And old Book — "Appenea" Falls — Price of certain articles — What Rum cost, ai\d was used for — - The Mill opened 1787 — Sergt.-Major Clarke in charge — Indian Corn — Small Toll — Surveyor Collins in charge — Becomes the property of R. Cartwright, 1792 — Rebuilt — Origin of Napanee — Price of Butter, 1'88 — Mills at Four Mile Creek, Niagara Falls, Fort Erie, and Grnnd River — Mills on the St. Lawrence — The Stone Mills — VanAIstine — Lake of the Mountain — 179(3 — Natural Beauty, t rsun Utility — The Mill — Van Alstine's Death-:- Wind l^Iill — Myef's Mill— Mill at Consocon. ...,.., 206 '•'•i/rif- '«i ^•!\i] f,()j( n"., -...•'■.»<■• i!-! -.t!"l/. y,, I ^(, ^l ,r)>| O'W I'. — |. )fll<.)<! ,. ./•(ur' -Ji-»fiilJ!y' I "*'*» CHAPTER XX. ijmirr./.)r>— 1'i->iii M.ffn r-! Clothing — Domestic and Farming Implements — Style of Dress eighty years ago — Clotldng of the Refuges — Disbanded Soldiers — No Fresh Supply Indiaa Garments of Skin — Deerskin Pants — Petticoats — Bed Coverings — Cultivating Flax — Sheep — Home-mode Clothes- — Rude Implements . f — Fulling — French Mode — Lindsay Woolsey — The Spinning-wheel — , Young men Selecting Wives — Bees — Marriage Portion — Every Farmer his own Tanner and Shoemaker — Fashions—How odd hours were spent .. i — Home-made Shoes — What Blankets \v( re made of — Primitive Bed- stead — Nakedness — Bridal Apparel — No Saddles — Kingston and Newark —Little Money — Bartering — Merchants from Albany — Unable to buy — Credit with Merchants — The Results — Itinerant Mechanics — Amer- icans — Become Canadians — An old Stone-mason — Wooden Dishes — Making Spoons — Other Hardships — Indians Friendly — Effects of Alcohol upon the Mississaugas — Groundless Panic — Drunken Indians — Women, defending Themselves — An erroneous Statement aboat Indian Massacre in " Dominion Monthly Magazine " — Statement of an Old Settler, Sherwood — Wild Beasts — Few Fire-arms — Farrow Es- capes — Depredations at Night — Destroying Stock — An Act of Parlia- ment—" A traveller's Statement — The Day of Small Things — Settlers Contented — The Extent of their Ambition — Reward of Industry — ^Po- pulation in 1808 — Importations — Money — The Youth 211 —iioiloU— aJwl ta' CHAPTER XXI. .h0fn,<l-~>{|iM -oijnoJmnU— Sweat of the fcrow— ifo beiist of burden — No stocki--Excep^ t)y afc^--_'^|r Horses and qxen — From Lower Canada — York State — Late comerd,^ /'' , brought some — No fodder — First stock in Adolphustown — Incidents ' —Cock and hens — " Tipler " — Cattle driving— -Fir^t cow in Thurlow — ' j First house in Marysburgh — The first ox,en7— No market for butter and V; cheese — Sheep — Rev. Mr. Stuart, as an Agriculturist — Horses at Nap- ' anee — An offer for a yoke of steers , . . , , , 220 -'??iqj3oa9 luiiiT'bi'roiH' — //oTiO!^ rioijitrro't /•. — njntf ^ar5j;g')a — it\m-^ i.?irriji>( aiitiiv^KO— qnhfCtHAPTER XXII..r(~- ^■)/ivj'l bnxi Hbuci y/K:»it''{. Old channels of trade, and travel — Art and Hcience— New enannels— Thai^.^ wilderness — Loyalists Travelling on foot, from Kingston to York— ^j „ Formation of roads — Act of parliament — 1 793— Its provisions — Crooked (g roads — Foot-pa,th — Bridle-path— King's highway from Lower Canadft'^y —When surveyed— Road fronj Kingston westwardr-Jts course — Simcoe'a '.^ ■ military road-r-Dundas 3treet>— Asa DanfortliTr-Contract with Boy-^'__ ernment — Road from Kingston to Ancaster— Danforth road^ — 1799—^^ r Misunderstandings — Danforth's pamphlets — Slow improvemen(i--ijgj XVI CONTENTiS. I'AOI Cause — Extract from Oourlay — ThomaH Markland's ntport — Ferries — 1796 — ActH of parliament — Statute labor — Money grantH — ComniiH- Bioners — Midland di8tri<:t — Distribution — The Cataraipii Bridge Com- pany — Tlio ptftitionerrt — An act — The provisions — Tlio plan of build- ing — The bridge — Toll — Completing the bridge — Improvements of roads — McAdam — Declinea a knighthood 224 'w.J,in jJii-liMO; ;!>^. CHAPTER XXIII. ..i.u i.Ur/ .-.■•■/ .: Ode to Canada — Early events— First English child in America, 1587 — In New England— First French child, 1621— First in Upper Canada, 1783 — In Prince Edward — Adolphustowu — Ameliasburgh — North of the Rideau — Indian marriage ceremony— Difficulty among first settlers to get clergymcu— First marriage in America, 1608 — Fiist in New Eng- land, 1621 — First in Canada, 1621 — Marriageable folks— No one to tic. the matrimonial knot — Only one clergyman — Officers marrying— Magistrates empowered— Legislation, 1793 — Ita provision — Making valid certain marriages — Further Legislation, 1798 — In 1818 — 1821 — 1831 — Clergymen of all denominations permitted to marry. — Methodist ministers — Marriage license, 1814 — Five persons appointed to issue — A noticeable matter — Statements of Bates — Mode of courting in the woods — Newcastle wedding expeditions — Weapons of defence — Ladies' dresses — The lover's "rig" — A wedding ring — Paying the magistrate — A good corn basket — Going to weddings — " Bitters "—Old folks stay at home — The dance, several nights— Marriage outfit— Frontier life — "^ Morals in Upper Canada — Absenct; of irregularities — Exceptional instances — Unable to get married, Peter and Polly — A singular witness — Rev, Mr. Stuart— Langhorn — McDowell — How to adorn the bride — What she wore — A wedding in 1808 — On horseback — The guests — The wedding — The banquet— The game of forfeits — The night— Second day wedding — The young folks on horseback— -Terpischorean — An elope- ment by canoe— The Squire — The chase^Tho lovers successful — The Squires -who man-ied, ,^,... ,,.......;,.,,,, , Burying places — -How selected — Family burying place — ^^For the neighbor- hood — The Dutyh — Upon the Hudson — Bay Qtiinto — A sacred spot to the Loyalists — Ashes to ashes — Primitive mode of burial — The coffin — At the grave — The father's i^marks— -Return to labor — French Bury- ing-place at Frontenaq— Its site— U. E. Loyalists' burying place at Kingston — The " U. E. burying-ground," Adolphustown — Worthy sires of Canada's sons — Decay — Neglect of illustrious dead — Repair wanted — Oldest burying-ground in Prince Edward — Ross Place — At East Lake — Upon the Rose faam — " Tlie Dutch burying-ground " — Second growth trees — In Sophiasburgh — Gronk farm — In Sidney — Rude tomb 8to)ies — Burial-place of Captain Myers — Reflections — Dust to dust — ''■' In Thurlow — "Taylor burying-ground" — The first person buried — Lieut. Ferguson — An aged female — Her work done — Wheels stand ■'- still omou oi b:.n. ,nn lo I 232 C0NTKNT8. ZVll ; ,.o. : : DIVISION V. i I ■■ ■'J'"V,;'' '■' TUB BARLY OLBBOYMKN ANP CHUKCIIKH. ',■" ^ '}' " ■ ^ •'^^>-'"'-' - CHAPTER XXV. ' ' "*'•" '^ "«' ' -••^' PAOI French miHRionarics — FirBt in 1615 — Recollcts — Witli Chaniplain — JcRuits, in 1625 — Valuable retards — Bisliopric of Quebec, 1674 — KirHt Bishop of Canada, Laval — Rivalry — .Power of JoHuits — Number of miHsiona- ries — Their "relations" — Fii-st mission field; Bay Quintc region — " Antient mission " — How founded — First missionaries — Kleus, Abbe D'Urfe — La Salle to build a church — The ornaments and sacred vessels — The site of the "Chappol" uncert^dn — Bald Bluff, Carrying; Place — Silver crosses — Mission at Georgian Bay — The "Christian Islands" — Chapel atJMichilmioinac, 1679 — The natives attracted — Subjects of the French King — Francois Picquet — La Presentation — Sof-yasti — The most important mission — The object — Six Nations — The missionary's living — "Disagreeable expostulations" — Putting stomach in order — Trout — Picquet's mode of teaohiug Indians — The same afterwards adopted by Rev. W. Case — Picquet's success — Picquet on a voyage — At Fort Toronto — Mississaugas' request — Picquet's reply — A slander — At Niagara, Oswego — At Frontenac — Grand reception — Return to La Presentation — Picquet in the last French war — Returns to France — By Mississippi — " Apostles of Peace " — Unseemly strife — Last of the Jesuits in Canada 24i» „.v::.:..u;,..ml..'/.! -^"-^^''-^cHAPTER XXVI. 'i ''' First church in New York, 1633— First Dominie, Rev. Everardus Rogar- dus — The Dutch, Huguenots, Pilgrims — ^Transporting ministers and churches — First Rector of New York, Wm. Vesoy — Henry Barclay, 1746 — First Catholic Bishop in America, 1789 — Episcopalian Bishop, 1796 — Moral state of Pioneers in Canada— Religion— No ministers — No striking immorality— Feared God and honored their King— The Fath- ers of Upper Canaila— Religious views — A hundred years ago— " Ca- rousing and Dancing "-Rev. Dr. .John Ogilvie - First Protestant clergyman in Canada— Chaplain, 1769, at Niagara — A Missionary Suc- cessor of Dr. Barclay, New York — Death, 1774 — Rev. .Tolin Doughty — A Graduate ordained — At Pcekskill — Schenectady— A Loyalist — A Prisoner — To Canada — Chaplain— To England— Returns— Minsionary Pi'^signs— Rev Dr. John Stuart — First clergyman to settle — His memoir — The " Father of the U. C. Church " — Mission work — Tlie five nations — 'i'lie Dutch — Rev. Mr. Freeman — Translator — Rev. Mr. Andrews — R«'V Mr. Spencer Woodbridge, Howley — New England missionaries — II v. Dr. Whelock — The Indian converts— The London society — iCev. Mr. Inglis — .John Stuart selected missionary — A native of Penn- syhania — Jrish descent — A graduate, Phil. Coll. — Joins Church of Lii^iland — To England — Ordination — Holy Orders, 1770 — Pinters upon hih work .-; i;'yi«.'; ...^i% . . . .^ 255 CHAPTER XXVII. At Fort Hunter — Mr. Stuart's first sermon, Christmas — Officiates in Indian tongue — Translates — The rebellion — Prayers for the King — The John- sons — Rebels attack his house — Plunder — Indignity — Church desecra- ted — Used as a stable — A barrel of rum — Arrested — Ordered to come '^ before rebel commissioners — On Parole — Limits — Idle two years — To Albany — Phil — Determines to remove to Canada — Not secure — Ex- , P&OI chauf^ing — Hccmity— tteal CHtntu fbrlbiicd— Uouto — Negroe*— Tho journey, tliroo wfloicK— At St. .Iohn'«— Chargo of Publiu School — Chap< lain — At the iloueof tho war — Three Protostant lariwhcH — Dutorminos to Hettlo at (-'fttmqui — Chaplain to OarriHra — MiHsionary — iJiHhop of Virginia, Dr. (Irillitli — ViHitii Mr. Stuart---'.uvitatloa to Virgiua declin- «;d — "lilvctted prcjudicee," satisfled — "The only refuge clergymen" — Path of duty — Visits the suttlomcuts, 1784 — Mohawks, Grand river — Ucccption of thiir old pastor— First ciiurch— Mohawks, Bay of Qiiinte — UemainK in Montreal a year — AHsistant — Komovcs toCataraqui, 17fi5 —His land— Siunbor of houses in Kingston— A short cat to Lake Huron — Kortiinato in land -5Q00 settlers — Poor and happy- -Indus- trious — Around his Parish, 1788— Two hundred miles long— Uy battoau — Brant— New Oswego — Mohawk village chnrch,Bteeple,and bell — First in Upper Canwla— Plate— Organ — ^Furnituro— Ilfcturns— At Niagara- Old parishiontirH — Toinptcil to move — Comfot'table, not rich — Declines a judgoship -New Mccklonburgb — Appointed (?liaplain to first House of Assembly -Mohawk Mission — At Maiysburgh -Bogree of D.l). — Prosperity — Happy -Decline of life -Ilia duticH—IllntSH, Dcalth, 1611 • • — His appearanco— '< The little gentleman "—His manners -llonorablo trtlo~His children llcv. O^Kill Sturtrt 260 : ''I CHAPTER XXVIII. A Missionary -(Chaplain at Niagara — ^Pastors to the Hettlei* — Chaphtin to Legislature— ViKits (rrand river — Ortlciatcs— A land speculator— Re- ceives a pt'nsion, £50 — 1823 — Rev. Mr. Pollard — At Araherstburgh — Mr. Langboru — A missionary — Little education — Useful — Odd — On Bay Quintc in Evneattown— Builds a chrtrch — At Adolphustown— Preaches at Hagerman's — Anptheir chiurch — A, diligent pastor — Pioneer preacher around the bay — Christening—Marrying— Particular — His ap- pointments—Clerk's Fees-^Genorosity — Present to bride — Faithful to sick cAlls — Frozen feet — No stockings — Shoo buckles — Dress — Books — Peculiarities— Fond of the water— Charitable— \Var of 1812— Deter- miijed to leave Canada— Thinks it doomed— Singular notice — Returns to EuFope — His library — Present to Kingston — Twenty years in Canada —Extract from Gazette— No one immediately to take his place— Rev. John Bethunc— Died 1815— Native of Scotland— U. E. Loyalists- Lost Property — Chaplain to 84th Regiment — A Presbyterian— Second p. Legal Clergymen in Upper Canada — Settled at Cornwall — Children — The Baptists — Wyner — Turner — Holts Wiem — Baptists upon river Moira — First Chapel — How built — Places of preaching — Hayden's Corners — At East Lake-r The Lutherans — Rov. Schwerdfeger — Lutheran settlers — County Dundas — First church east of Kingston — Rev. Mr. Myers lived in Marysburgh — Marriage — His log church — Re- moves to St. Lawrence — Resigns— To Philadelphiiv — Mr. Weant — Lives in Ernesttown — Itemov^s to Matilda — Not supported — Secretly joins the English church — Re-oixlained — His society ignorant — Sus- picious— Preaching in shirt sleeves — Mr. Myers' return, by sleigh — f;;: Locking church door — 'the thirty-nine articles — Compromise— Mr. Myers continues thiTce years a Lutheran — He secedes — The end of both secedei's — Rev. I. L. Sepderliug — Rev. Herman Hayunga — Rev. Mr. Shorts — Last Luthcrai) minister at Emefittown, McCarty — Married. .... 26i 'f;!-—<:} ■ -3i!b:i,4v^)liC!HAiP'rER XXtX. ' '■■' 'bM ..iii..a^.aA Jl ■'•ifjOid a 71. :'>s i'h..r 1 .•.■/ — Bishop Strachan — A teacher— A preacher — A student — Holy Orders — A Presbyterian — Becomes an Episcopalian— A supporter of the " Family compact"— -Sincere— His opinion of the people — Ignorant — Unprepared for self-government — Strachan's religious chart— He was deceived— OONffUNTt" The MntIiorfi«t«-Anoinii!onH ronncrtfon— A ..im.nMhrir.ir i„.<,„le— RepnM1rnni«n rp:otlHtiVul_Loyftlty of the Woth<Kli«tH. -Atiiorioftr. iwl'*- » n"T /'"i^'.^^' ThooIoRy-Co.nc« to t!»n.ufft_\ .tu.lmt of Dr. 4 W " Deiicon— A mJuMlonary at Cornwall- -Urc^tor at Vork -A nhdcftrnn BJr1u»p otTomTit,._(<oml.iutor-I),.|ith- \ pnbMr J.i.rlftl vZ\^!; M'-I^"^':f -»""'♦ l'r(,H»,yt«rinn at Day y..Jnto-h,rit<-,l by H^cirouit-A worthy min ster-FtilHIlinK J>iH i»i««ion~TravrHn(<on foot— lo York— Marrying tljo poopU— HiH deatli— Hi« doBccnduntH^ Placos of preaching- A CalviniHt— Invlteg rontrovorHy— Mr. (NxiUt accepts tho challcngo-The dl«putation-Kxcitement - The r.HiiIt ,Au- Mr. Smart-Called hy Mr. McDowoll-Pr.^8. clcrgynmn at Brock- vlllo_F!lty years -An carngstChriKtian-A dcsJro to write -'• Ohsor- uJ^^^,'^ '■'^ ''•*""" "*" "'g'-ct- -Not cxtrcmo-Mr. Smart's viewH on polltlcB^---Tho maftsoH inicdtlcatcd - The " FatnUy Compact" -Rise of rcsponRlbIn government- The BHwcII-h Credit to Pr. Strachan- Brock s funeral Hcrmon -Foundation of Kfngston gaoI-Maitland.. . Demonstration -Shcrwood'a statement.... 079 • '•'.'■■ UA 'u .' .)i-- .. ...ill. i.. '.1.11 . r,IJ;. CHAPTKH XXX, The Qu»kers_-Among the Sottlors-From Pcnn-.Duche88 County-First Mceting-house-David Sand-Elijah Hick -Visiting Canmial-Jaraes ' Noxoo-A first settler -Their mode of worship-In Sopl,iusl.urg_Thc moettng-houfio-Joseph Leavens— Hicksites-Traveling-Deatlj.agod 92— iLxtract, Picton Sun— Tlic first preachiaig phices-Flrst Englieh church-Iu private houses-At Sandwioh-Thc Indian church at the; hay-Krnesttown— First Methodist church— Preaching at Nineaja- tirst church in King8ton-,At Waterloo_At Niaganv-Churches at , o\T *".' ,^,«^^--I» Hallowoll-Thurlow-Methodist meotiug-housos. 1816-At Montreal-Building chapels in olden times-Occupying the frame- rho old Methodist chapcls-Ju llallowell towuHhip-Iu the fifth town-St. Lawrence-First English Church, BcUevi lie-Mr.'! Campbe l-First time in the pulpiU-How he got out-The old church * supersedcd-Church, front of Sidney— Rev. John Cochrane-Rov. Mr ^"^'■"^^iu*'.^''"^^'?^*'*"'^" ^^"'■''■'» '■'^ Belleville -Rov. Mr. Ketcham-r' first Methodist Church in Belleville— Healey, Puffcr—Thc sito of the church-..A second one ..,....,.,.' . . 279 *:£i-i,v „H -. u<uri'.i,9T.i M .9 .,„js;^ .,; f„;j ' v,oH-b.,Vd;j iJlvK^mMH --iK.tapfH/{ ...j^, ,i;>.., , . ,,,,,o!W.,.>ci4,,, n-nnOiTl The flrst MetlrAdfst Preachers— The army— Oapt. Webb— Tnffoy-George Neal— Lyons— School-teftclier— Kxhorter— McCarty— Persecution— ' Bigotry- Vagabonds- Mccarty kn'estM- TMal— At Kingston—' Banished—" A martyr"- Doubtful—Losee, first Methodist mLssionarV . 1 790— A minister— A loyalist— Where ho first preached—" A curiogf ty" ; —Earnest pioneer Methodist— Class-meetings— Suitable for all clnsses' Losee's class-meetings- Determines to build a niceting-house— Built in . Adolphustown— Its size— The subfecrihers— Members, amount— Em- bury—Those who subscribed for first church in New Yoi-k— Same names' —The centenary of Methodism— New York Methodists driven away- American Methodist forgetful-^Embury and Heck refugees— Ashgrove —No credit given to British officers— Emburvs brother— The rigging loft, N. Y.— Barbara Heck— Settling in Augusta— First Methodist f ., T Church m America— Subscribers— « Lost Chapters"— The Author's silence— What is acknowledged— "Seveie threats"— Mr. Mann— To Nova Scotia— Mr. Wluiteley " admires piety"— Not " loyalty"— Second IX CONTENTU. PAOB »■ ■ i'hftp«'l, N. Y,— A(tol|)hnHt«)wn Miiliiwrlborii — (Conrad Van DuHon — EU». ilublin — Hull' — Ruttaii — ThoHodotiil MttthodiNtchiiiiol — Thu nubMcrilMtrH — €oniiiinac<!tl May, 17U6 — Oirpuntoi'H WHgi'H — MuinbcrH (jiitjimqui Circuit — UuiuK to Confurouce — lUituruH-^lMriivH Dunhiuii — riiyHiiiiiii— KIrHt (|Uiirtcrly iiiuctinK — AuottlotoH — Hringing a " «llMh doth"-*-" (jloun up" — 'I'hf new intid(! 8<|uire — Asm-H — Unclean HpiritR — Lohoo dlHcon- tinu»!H pniuhinf; — ('hiihc— DiHappuintnicnt — Uotiirn to New York — Dunham imeful — SrttloH — I'rwiohors travelling — Haddle-lwiKH — Metluxl. imni among loyaliiitii — (jamp-moctinKH — Whore tirMt huld in (Janada — WorHhipping in tlie woo(U — Mnaliing up— Killing the Dovil — FirHt Canadian preacher — .louruvy from Now York '28S Henry Ilyan — RyauitoH — Ho comes to Canada — His aH«ociato, (Jauo — At KingHton — A itinger — rrcaching in the markot-j)lace — Their treatment — In oftiee — HiM eircuit — 1000 miles — What ho r(!<;eived — KIder — SuperHeded — Prubablc cause — A KrltiHh subject — During tlic war of 1812— ProHideut of Conferonco — " High-minded " — TlHeful— Acceptable to the people — DeHired independenf.o by the CauadiauR — How he wa« treated — IIIh labors — Brave — Witty — "Fatherless children" — " Impu- dent scoundrel " — Muscular " Methodists' bull " — " Magistrate's goat " — Uyan seeks separation — JJreckenridge — Conduct of "the Aracric^an Conference — Ryan's agitation — Eflfoct upon the Bi8hoi)s — First Canada Conferenoe — At Hallowoll — Desire for independence; — R(!aHons, cogent — Fruit of Ryan's doings — The way the Conference treated Ryan — Withdraws — No faith in the United States Conference— Ryan sincere — " Canadian Wesleyans " — The motives of the United States Confer- ence questionable — The wrong dt>nc Ryan— H(!cond Canada Conference — Case, (irst Superintendent — Visit of Bishop Asbtiiy-Account by Henry Ba;hm — Asbury an Englishman— During the rebellion — A BUbop — His journey to Canada— Crossing the St. Lawrence— Travel- ing in Canada — An upset — "A decent people" — His ojjinion of the country — The Bishop 111 — At Kingston —Btohm at Kmbiiry's — A field meeting — Riding all night— Crossing to Sackett's harbor— Nearly wrecked 295| y y y ,. ,,,,.( . . .,^..t.i,,.. ,,„^ .,.,/...,;,„, CHAPTER XXXII, McDonnell— First R, Catholic Bishop — A "Memorandum" — Birth-place — in Spain— A priest— In Scotland- Qlengary Fcnciblcs— Ireland, 1798 — To Canada— Bishop — Death in Scotland— Body removed to Canada , , , — Funeral obsequies — Buried at Kingston — Had influence — Member of Canadian Lrgislative Council — Pastoral visitations, 1806— A loyal man — A pioneer in his church — The Bishop's Address, 1836 — Refuting Mal-charges — Number of the R. C. clergy in 1804 — From Lake Supe- rior to Lower Canada— Traveling horseback— Sometimes on foot — Hardships— Not a politician— Expending private means— Faithful services— Acknowledged — Roman (!atholic U. E. Loyalists — First church in Ernesttown- McDonnell at Belleville— Rev. M. Brennan — First church in BelKsviHe — What we have aimed at — The advantages to the Unglreh Chui'ch-— The Reserves— In Lower Canada— Dr. Moun- tain — Number of English clergymen, 1793^— A Bishop — Monopoly Initiated — Intolerance and exclusion swept away-^An early habit at Divine Service.v'.'V'.' . . '.'s'-''^*^^ ".iiV.'/.i'. ii'.'l".'.'n'l.i :'^''\W.>ii;iViiWi^ aniid— ii'iuiov/ 'lo anoiioijj.V ,• -coif looif-*.— nut-uff!-- .vuo,.! li.iv A .-.h,,u.,j[;H^pTER xxxiiL ;^r ,r"^''-*''r^'«'?lf First .Sabbath tiaacUin^IIannab BelT, 1769— School established, 1781— .^.y Raikes — Ti^psley— -Fir^tln United Statijs — First In Canada— Cattrick — Moon- Common in' l^i4— First in Belleville— Tumbull— Cooper— CONTENTri. HI )^' PAfll MnrNlmll l*ri/cri,whowon tli«'in -Mr. Tiiriilinll'Miloiitli tii(i'in|ifranc6 — Firnt tcmpcmiKCHorirticd ('linriKO ot'iMiHtoiu -Ruin IncnmMiiiK'in* tiMnpcmncc Tlic tiiHtcH of tho pioticfM- 'IVinp«riincc, not t<>«(otnliHiii Finit Hucicty in (Jiinada— DriukR at miMingH luid buuM — Hociutj at ilaU lowol 308 .. .7 ;../ "'"■'•• CIIAI'TEUXXXIV."'"*'"- •''•"'"■ " "' The Six NftUonB - Folthful EriKliMh AIUpr -Society for rropiigfttlon of OoBpel— rirHt nilHHiomiry to frocmois— .fohn ThornaH, flmt convert— Visit of ClilofH to HnRliind Tlulr niimo« -Thoir portraits Attention to thtiut — Awkjug for iuHtructor Quoen Anno — Coiiuniinion iService — During tlut llolx-l Hun -Burying tlus plate -Uecovercd -DIvlMion of the ' artick'H— Siicrilfgu of the llehelH U<.'-l)rinting Prayer Hook -Mr. Stuart, miHsionary — The women and children -At Lachiue- Attachment to Mr. Stuart — Touching instance -Mr. Stuart's Indian sister-Church at Tyendinaga — Sdiool teacher to the Mohawk — .tohn Uininger -First tt'at:hur_ The Hininger family— The Moravian Society Count Zinnen- dorf— Moravian church at New York— First minister, Abraham Itinin- gor— Friend of Kmbury -An old account hook — .lohn Hiningcr Jour- neying to Canada— Living at Hay Quiute—Ilemuves to Mohawk villago —Missionary spirit — Abraham lliningcr's letters — The directions- Children pleasing parents — "(lalloping thoughts" — Christianity- Canadian Moravian misHionaries— Moravian loyalists— What was neat from New York—" Hest Treasure "—The " Dear Flock "—David Zies- hagcr at the Tlkamus -J. Itiniuger acceptable to Mohawk — Abraham Biningtir desires to visit Cana<la — Death of Mrs, Hiningor— "Tendor mother "—Hiningcr and Wesley—" Oaritson " — " Lohw. " — " I^nnon "— Bticonciled to Methodists— Pitying Losee — Losee leaving Canada- Ceases to bo teacher — Appointing a successor — William Bell— Tho salary — Tho Mohawks don't attend school—An improvement — The cattle may not go in School-house — The sdiool discontinued... '|.,',,, 312 *'" • , • . ■ . , , lj!»il:,)nv/ CHAPTEU XXXV. M The first Church at Tyendinaga grows old — A Council — Ask for assistance — Oov. Bagot — Laying first stone of new Church — The Inscription — Th6 Ceremony— The new Church — Their Singing — The surrounding Scenery — John Hall's Tomb— Pagan Indians— Red Jacket— His Speqch — Uefleution nponChristians-Iudians had nothing to do with murdering tho Saviour. ...... ....•••••••••••• •••••••••••• • •• • • • •. • • • •,• : •, • ,•.• : '^^^ iiUlidaH -. U^'Hl ,H«j.nt»iiA (iqoti'iiH 'xfT. il .ii;r('> Hid /li t'tnno'ti '■. ouirr .«WH ')Af.d m-yi'-i ^OHf CHAPTER XXXVIw) rxfrnifT' -«'>aii.(f .-iiiW ■hv.ii no- >.';iiii,i'>iiii(<-<— i,fij^rf_,i'i •»..•/..> i ,.t ■,,,;-. MissigHanga Indians — Father Picqnet's opinion — Remnant of a targe trite — Their land — Sold to Government— llev. Wm. Case — .John Sunday — A drunkard— Peter Jones— Baptising Indians — At a camp-meeting — Their department — Extract from Pluyter— William Beaver — Conver- sions — Jacob Peter— Severe upon white christians — Their worship— The Father of Canadian missions — Scheme to teach Indians — Grape Island— Leasing Islands— Tho parties — "Dated at Belleville" — Con- !i)fi structing a village — The lumber— How obtained — Encamping on Grape Island — The method of instrucMon — The number — Agriculture — Their • singing— School house — Tho teacher — Instructions of women— Miss ' Barnes — Property of Indians— Cost of improvements — A visit to Gov- ernment — Asking for land-H-" Big Island " — Other favors- Peter Jacobf ..^ at New York — Extracts from Playter — Number of Indian converts, - 1829— River Credit Indians— Indians removed to Alnwick 323 HU OONTKNTH. > >• DIVISION VI. U/U- / . 1.'/-. .imi.u, eHAI'TEU XXXVIJ. „.',r . ,., . .. ' PAOB Education amuiiK ihp LoyiilintH— KflVot of thu wnr— No oppoituaity for KdmaUon — A tnw KducaUxl — At li^ith — A coiiiiiimm Iwlicf— What wan roquisito for fminiiit,' — Learning at lionu; — 'I'lio mliool tomhern — Tlioir r|iiallfU!atioiiH^[lt)V. Mr. Htiiart an a tcaclutr — Acuclciny at KiiiKHton — Flrgt Canjuliun P. I).— Mr. Clark, Teujiier, 1780— Donovan— (larriHoii Hchoolt*— (-o<ki»rcll — MyorB — Blantiy — Mithaol — AtkliiH — KlngHton, 170S— LyonH— MrH. (Jranahan— Tn A<lolpliii8town — Morduh— Faiilkl- h«'r — Tho HI Iiool bookn — Evtiiiinn HthoolR — McDoiiKall — O'llclley — Mc(!ornii('k-~l<Mo|{Ki>iK — Saliflbiiry — JainoH — Potter — Wright — Watkin — (HbHon — SinitM — Wliolan — Articlt'S of Af^rcoutcnt — Uccolloctionii— Hoarding roiir»l — AnioriciiQ tcttchcvK — School books — The letter Z . . . .129 ■- ■ ■'■. ' ''- . .: .;.. . i. ..Ui. '.,. '11.-1 i,„i"l . .V, .1- I'HArTER XXXVIlt. 1... ,. . . . I j • _ I. . Mr. StuttlTH' Hfihool SImcod— Mtate Churdi and f 'ollpt^e - (hammar gchooln — Hon. 11. flamllton ChalnierH Stracbnn — ComcHto ('anada — Edu- cational hiRtory — Arrival at Kinnnton — Tho pupiln — Fees — RritioroH to Cornwall — FupilH follow — Htra(:han,aCanadiiin — MurrioH — Interview with Hiwhop Strachan — His diKiii)pointm(!nt — A wtranger — What he for80ok — 300 pupils — Their auctieH8-^8tuy at (Jornwall — A))po!ntnient« at York — A lecturer — At Kingnton — Member of IjogiHlativo (Jouncil — Politician — r^lerj,'y UeHCi-vo« — FnundH King's (N)llegi' — The thirty-nine nrticloR — 'Monopoly swept away — VoluntaryiHin — Founds Trinity (!ol- lege — Bishop Strachan in 1800 — What lie had acoonipliBhcd- Thos« ho tntored — Setting up a high standard — " llcckoner " — Sincerity — LegiH- lation, 1797 — Address to the King — Grammar Schools — Grant, 1798 — Board of Education — Endowment of King's (Joilege — Its constitution — Changes — ITitper (Canada College — Endowment — " A spirit of im- provement " — Gourlay — Tho second academy — At Ernesttown — The trustees — Bidwell — Charges — Contradicted — llival school — Bidwell's 8on — (Conspicuous character — Bidwell's death — Son removes to Toronto — Academy building, u barrack— Literary spirit of BatU — Never ro- vhrcd— York. . . . v. '.'•.'. : .-. i";;: -v K, , '.'I'jV. :.'iiVA.-,'iVl V\Vl\. .^V'ivm'. 334 ■1-' -- "" ■ ■■■ '■JiUM-A*-'' '.'1 - ilaifii ;»ilj /ii !i V)niij)j0')^ ' ■mil ' — (lyauqjik, >ji ' oe.V • :. „:j .> ],r.(n\'. » \ium\iN "— ' »af)tnb ' ii«!>nf>iiiA (Uio>r "— OHAfiTER X3tXIXi.J)if«j-; '- -^d P— " mrh.vi 'b/-. U'jJilTt'r ''-— ■.tM>i(yi I Mil-ii'i -^■,-,,,y'H .,( j).iuV/' II " t-yr,! ( u Extract from Cooper — Educational Institutions — Kingston— Queen's College — Owti'b Ileal Kstato — Kt^giopolis College — Itmntui Catholic — Grammar School-.— Attendauc<! — (school bonnes — Library— Separate School — Priv- ^iy. ate Schools— The Quaker School—William Pcnu — Upon tho Hudson — Near Bromflold — Origin of school— G urnay — His offer — Manngement of school — The teaching— Mrs. Crombie's school — Fiction ladies' Academy — McMullen, proprietor — Teachers — Gentlemen's department — Popular — The art of printing — In America — Book publishing — First in Amer- ica — Books among the loyalists— Few — Passed around — Ferguson's books — The bible — Libraries at Kingston and Bath — Ijcgislation — In Lower Canada^Ileading room at Hallowell — Keserves for education — Upper Canada in respect to education — Praiseworthy — Common School system bill introduced 1841 — Amended, 1846 — Dr. Ryerson's system — "_L Unsurpassed 341 CONTINTH. x^^[i I 1' CHA1TKU XL. PAOI Flr«t N(!WK|>H|)crH, 1457— Yfiu, OO— Mn^liHh N<>wH|Mt|)«TM— In AmorliA — In (.'annda — 'Unaettv' — Fuiiniior — I'u|mth ht 175H — (Jiivbci' <H<>i'aM' — Montreal ' (JiiHittti) ' — • Le IVnipH '— (jiu-boc ' Morciiry '—Canadian 'C'ourant' — < Itoyal (iitxrtte'— Firnt in Nowroiindliind— ' U. C (iaKottc* — Fiht jmiii'i— Hiil)M(iilM'rM — lIp|ior Ciinmla MJiiiiiiliun ' — Wiliox — Mr. Thorpo — ()p|M>HiUou — Mbel — Klcttml t<» I'mlianiunt — York Juil--> Leader — In IU12— Dowrted — York <«)ttc<<tt»' — KinKHtuQ 'UMettu'-*.- Oaly ra|>er— -X«WH fdxty ytarM iiKo—In Midland Diiitriut — U«v. tAt. MiloH— l'ioii«tfr of .lournaiiHin — HIn Uirtliplaco — LiiarnH the printiiiff l)ii*in«Mi — Mow«r — Muntronl ' Cln/etUi ' — Kendall-^ I'artnurKiiip — To Kin)]:Hton in I8lo — Tii« printing ottluc — Kil^^'HU>n < (iu;iutto'-~ALr. Milim m-.\U out— Tiie conoern piinlmwd — Mr. Miles ankud to be Kditor— 'I'lit'ir kindnoKK — (lrntlttidt> — St'( ond Volmne — Kxtruet fr*)ni MJazettn' —The Prici' — KInKHtoii ' (.'lironicio '—Upper (.'iinnda ' Herald '— ■(Canadian VViitclinmn ' — Mr. MIIoh at PrcBCott — lleturiiH to KinKHton — EntefM till* Ministry— Loyal Hubjixit — In 1H13— On Duty — Arch- deation Htnnrt — <'<d. Cartwri^bt — (.'ontributorH to ' (ioaj-tto'—Uur ThankH — A Wat<b — FaitbfuhuiKH — " A Uood t'banto " — .SulmcribwrH at York — KinKHton ' Spuctator ' — ' i'atriot ' — ' Argus ' — ' Commercial Ad- vertluer'— ' HritJMb WIiIk — ' Clironlclo ' and 'News '— First Daily in Upper Canada — I'aper HoxeH — UrockvilJu ' Uecorder ' — A Hefonn paper — .McLcitid — Orcuviliv ' Uaviotte '— I'rcucott ' Tt'legraph '— ' ChrlsUfrn Uuoi'dian ' — Reform JournalH. . ..,„,, ^.^j^. ,,,.,,, !^60 iTjllf'ij.'lJ I— '(..,,,.■• , ■ , . . 1 •■ lildV/ li-iu;.».. / - -).f,..ll.lic...i, . .■ i, r.ni — lUlli'.J/U", iji.ilHiM iljiw :U>M)r\0'nK Ih.v^ni''- CHAPTERfXLTi .ri'-- "iJij.-.f ( 'ir...,(..,,.,:o'! ^•in^ff^M .i''li/:r:>t^'!^.T \i i.ii,Tk..,.r /i i-., '/■-■. Flrat paper between KiiiKHton niui York — Hallowell "Free Prow" — 'th* Editor — " Redime" — FruitleHH eflfortu — Proprietor — Wooden press — Of iron — "Free Presg," independent— -Tbo "Travoilor" — Presu removed to Cobourg — " Prince Kdward (Jaaette " — " Picton Gazette "— " Pictoa Sun"—" Picton IMmea"—" New Nation "_" Oobourg H tar "—" Anglos Canadian " at Bellovillo—Tlio K<lltor— Price— The " Plionnix "—Slice* — «« Canadian WeHleyau" — « HiistingH Timos" — Tlio "Reformer" — The "Intelligencer" — Uoorgo Btnjumin — Tbe "Victoria Obronicio'' — "Hastings Chronicle" — Extract from Playtt»r — "Colonial Advocate'* — " Upper Canada Herald "— " Barker's Magazine "— " Victoria Maga* zine "—Joseph Wilson — Mrs. Moodie — Sheriti" Moodie — Pioneer in Canadian literature — Extract from Morgan — "Literary (jittrland"-«»V "Roughing it in the Bush" — " Eclectic Magazine" — " Wilson's Expe- riment "— " Wilson's Canada Casket"— The " Bee " at Napanoe— " Em- porium"— The " Standard "—The " Reformer "—" North American"— " Ledger" — " Weekly Express"- '• Chrintian Casket"—" Trenton Ad- vocate'— " British Ensign "—The " Canadian Gem"- "Maple LMrf'HJ-.i — Papers In 1853 — Canadian papers superior to American— -Death >»M Boston — Berczy — Canadian idioms — Accent — Good English — Supovati- tion — Home education — Fireside stories — Traditions , . * ♦ , . , 358 '^^ ' -l<fl.'lii.'l.''Tfi,H'i;;: _. .; , . -i^qrA n! t>tTr'H.:_^i,fri-^ii(.lr>tI (A ill- ;\«ltrthc] ^o i-iw;6tfT— , -■•■:TO«*irr)(t «'uor(!)x^f l >itrfi- ''oilf;( IL " i •r^f^"'^' V.'.ijti'iV'j- V • • ••-'••••••• k ■ - -A . .. Ijose;..... . ! XXIV OONTKNTS. DIVISION VII. •• - THE TBBRITOBy OF DPPKB CANADA — THIS BAY gi'lNIK. ' - • . CHAPTER XLII. PAoa The Indians — Their origin- -Pro-iiiHtoric Canadd — Indian relics — Original inhabitants — Les Iroquois du nord — Original names — Peninsula of Upper Cannda — Charaplain exploring — Ascends the Ottawa — His route to Lake Nipissing — To Lake Huron — B'rench river — The country — Georgian Bay — Lake Simcoc — Down the Trent — A grand trip — Bay Quinte and Lake Ontario discovered — War demonstration — Wintering at the Bay — A contrast — Roundabout way — Erroneous impressions . . . 366 " ' ^S, CHAPTER XLin. I ' Name — Letter, " Daily News" — "Omega" Lines — The writ^n- — Conjecturofi — ^Pivc Bays — Indian origin — Rentes — Villages — Les Gouis — Modes of spelling — Canty — The occupants, 1783 — Mississaugas — Origin — With the Jroquois — The Souter — Mississaugas, dark — At Kingston — Bay Quinte — Land bought — Reserves — Claim upon the islands — Wappoose Island — Indian agent — Indians hunting — Up the Bagonaska— Making sugar — Peaceable — To Kingston for presents;^* '. . ;'; K'i i ; '.' VVi-tvrt '.''\ vV. 374 ':T.^^?":"^:r '""^r^^HAPTER xLiv. '^'^7:'\-:^ ^^^^^^^'^ Appearance — Mouth of Bay — Length — The Peninsnlii of Prince Edward — ' Width of Bay — Long Reach-^'omse of Bay — The High Shore — Division of bay — Eastern, central, western — Taking a trip — Through the Reach — A picture — A quiet spot— Lake on the mountain — A description — Montreal Gazette — Beautiful view — Rhine, Hudson — Contrasl^— Classic ground' — A sketch — Birth place of celebrated Canadians — Hagerman — A leading spirit — Sir J. A. McDonald — Reflections — A log house — Relics of the past — Lesson of life — In the lower bay — Reminiscences— The front — Cradle of tho province — Shore of Marysburgh — In the Western Bay — Cuthbertson — Up the bay — A battle ground — Devil's Hill— In the depths — Prosperity — Geological sujyposition — Heail of bay "riout.i>u.j5 i, -fi,v'ffjii ic,ii-CHAPTER XLV;'<fJ1>-d ,isMlM«at?;>it"iixa«!j The " Big Bay "— Musketoe Bay— Mohawk Buy— Hay Bay—" Eastern Bay' — Site of Ancient Rentes — The name — Old Families — An Accident, 1819 — Eighteen Drowned — Extract from Playtcr — Searching for tl Bodies — Burying the dead— PictOu Bay — Appearance — The " Gran Bay "— ;Upper Gap — Lower Gap — Kingston Bay — A Picture — Rec lei tipftfi-rrA, Cpntract — Ship Yards — Extract from Cpoper — Inland Lakes, f- Islands— Pbss'efesed by ' Indians — The "Thousand Islands ' — Oarleton Ip- land — History of Island — During the rebellion — Wolfe Island — The name — Howe Island — Old name — County of Ontario — Garden Island — Horseshoe Island— Sir Jeffry Amherst— The size — Indian name — " Tontine " — Johnson's Island-^The Island won— Present owner — First settler — The three brothers— Small* Islands — Hare Island — Nut Island- Wappoose Island — Indian rendeavous — Captain John's Island — ^Bartering — Hunger Island— Big Island — First settlers — Huft''8 Isljiiid — Paul Huff— Grape Island— Hog Island — Smaller Islands — ^^ Mi'SsfsfeHiga IslAtid — A tradition-*— The carrying place — ^Its course — ^^^ Original survey — Historj- — American prisoners— Col Wilkins 402 CONTENTS. XXV DIVISION VIII.. THE FIRST TEN TOWNSHIPS IN THE MIDLAND DISTRICT. CHAPTER XLVI. PAQB The French — Their policy — Trading posts — Cahiaqne — Variations — Name of river — Fonndation of Fort Frontenac — A change — Site of old fort — La Salle's petition — A Seigniory — Qovornora visiting — War Expedition — Fort destroyed — Rebuilt — Colonial wars — Taking of Fort Oswego— Frontenac taken-^End of French domination... i-i* ..<ii'«>.<««'<'.v^^w' 410 ■"' -—.i.Ht'lJii'j.i At— <_«it K»,U -. CHAPTER XLVII.4 ., Cooper's Essay — Loyalists miming places — King's Town — Queen's Town — Niagara — Spanish names — C taraqui from 1759 to 1783 — Desolation — The rebellion — Station, Carleton Island — Settling — Refugees at New . York — Michael Grass— Prisoner at Cataraqui — From New York to, Canada — Captain Grass takes possession of first township — First land- holders — A letter by Captain Grass — Changes — Surveying forts and harbors — Report to Lord Dorchester — Kingston, verms Carleton Island — The defenses — Troops — King's township — First scitlers — "Plan of townsh'p No. 1 " — First owners of town lots — Names — Settlers upon the front — First inhabitants of Kingston — A naval and military station The Commodore — Living of old— Kingston in lait c««<wry— New for- tincations ..••.,;/». r^i^ t->it.< i. »•» #,;«,■< ^»ir^>;^«..»>^^>r^»M- »:fB»il*-«-^«ii''wr-t;K>f> "**•* -o-.cujiiwr.L A— nimc CHAPTER XL VIII. '""'(' /=-••;:'♦ 'iq A-- The situation of Kingston — Under military influence — Monopolist — Early history of legislation — In 1810 — Gour]aj''s statement— Police — Modern Kingston — liord Sydenham — Seat of government — Perambulating — Surrounding country — Provisions— An appeal for Kingston as capital — Barriefield — Pittsburg — Building of small crafts — Famous — Roads- Waterloo — Cemetry— Portsmouth — Kingston Mill — Little Cataraqui— ' •■ ' Collinsby — Quantity of land — Early and influential inliabitants— rPost masters — "Honorable men" — Deacon, Macaulay, Cavtwright, Ma-kland, Cummings, Smiths, Kerby — Allen McLean, first lawyer — A gardener — Sheriff McLean — " Chrys " Hagerman — Customs — Sampson, shooting a smuggler — Hagerman, M.P.P. — Removes to Toronto. 'jl/.^v.i^y.toiU.. 430 '"' -- •■ -; - ■ ,;;■,,.;,,; ;(.^.i.)lrA V) :t.i!^--- ■■■■'- ;.ilT--:vK.iiTiv.i,|jCHAJ?TEB.:?£LLjC.:.,l. ■ "he second towa— Ernest's town— -King 'trcorgc — His children — ^Settlers of Ernesttown — Disbanded soldicr^- — .Johnson's regiment— Major Rogers' corps — The " IloU '" — Number — rBy wJiom enlisted— An old book--:,^ Township surveyed — Settling — Tmvciing — Living in tents-r-A, change — Oilieers — .Names-r-Occupants of lots — Mill Creek-r-'I'iic descendants — Quality of land — Village — The settlers in l^ 1 Ir^The main road-r-tar cocpoiutiou of Bath — Trading— Fairft eltlT-rThe library ^-Bath by; Gomt . lay-^Bath of the pre»ent-^Bath veyajw iSTaiJanee— In 1812-T-AmerictHji . Fleet— Wonderful achie vem*}ntr^Safq 4i8taiit;« from shore— rThird townr ship— Fredericksburgh — After Duke of Sussex — Surveyed by Kotte-^, j^V A promise to the disbantied soldierH^-Johnson — FredefjckaVurgl^addip tional— A dispute— Quantity of land — Extract from Mrs. Moodie — Ee- !e* serve for village— Second surveys.. ...jj.,;*,.^.,,^, .f.m^rv 439 -i^to L »V1 CONTENTS. ' OHAPTISR L. "'" PAGE The fourth township — Adolphustown — After Diike of Cambridge — Quantity of Land — Survey — Major VanAlstine — Refugees — From New York — — Time — Voyage — Their Fare — Names — Arrived — Hagerman's Point — In Tents— First Settler— Town Plot— Death— The Burial— A Relic- Commissary — Dispute of Surveyors — The Settlers — All things in com- 'w ' mon — An aged man — Golden rule — Old map — Names — Islands — The township — Price of land — First " town meeting " — Minuteg — The Of- ficers Record — Inhabitants, 1794 — Up to 1824 — First Magistrates — Centre of Canada — Court Held in Barn — In Methodist Chapel — " A Den of Tlueves " — Court House erected— Adolphustown Canadians — Mom- > hers of Parliament— The Courts — Where first held — Hagerman — Trarel- ers tarrying at Adolphustown 448 -i'iiui''. ■! ••-ir-lvisT ailoT, — .■, "" " ha<>ll't ;,f._iiri'-Mrii.;j yitbiuV ScqiyutJJW' — iaaikjiii. iiMqv (^jj^pter lI '^.'"f "■'•>^!'5^ — ''llfyyU^I 'In utij.-il y.it .iiolh'iui') -■;/i/.''. ' ''-■bU),M Marysbufgli-^Origifi^Ohce'Iiftk of a Seigniory— Survey — Hessiai&^Md' map — The lots — Officers of the 84th Regt. — Original landowners — Indian Point — McDonnell's Cove — Grog Bay — " Accommodating Bay" — " Gammon Point" — Black River — " Long Point" — Reserves— Course pursued by the Surveyor — Number of Hessians — Their sufferings — Dark tales — Discontented — Retm-ning to Hesse — A suitable location — NotU. E. Loyalists — Re(;eived land gratis — Family land — Their habits — Capt. McDonnell — Squire Wright — Sergt. Harrison — The Smith's — Grant to Major VanAlstine — Beautiful Scenery — Smith's bay — " The Rock" — -,,,y i^ver a prccipiQe.. ..■.'. v. rMi*..^..../^«'t.**«'-.«t«-k**'a-.. .'.'•■.'(..■•. ^. t*i«. 4Do , ■ :- ry ^, ■■; I ft :, • - , , , ,. •WAP'TERLil. , , ', , , . Sixth t<)wuBi)ip-T-j(^<>---pui:v^ for ^ettlenxcntr— First ^ettley^' — A remote township— Wliat was paid for lots — " Late Loy^list8"-r™ Going to Mill — (ieblogical formation — Along the fronts— High shpye-p^ Grassy Point — Its history — Marsh front^Ce^utral plact, ^Sticki^ey'i^ f, Q^ Hill— Foster's Hill — North port— Trade — .lames Cotter — Gores — D^m- erestville — The name — "Sodom" — First records — Township meetings — The Laws of the township — Divided into parishes — Town clerk — Officers — The poor — The committee — Inhabitants, 1824 — Fish Lake — . Seventh Township — The name — Survey by Kotte — At the Carrying Place — Surveyor's assistant — No early recorc's — First settlers 465 t:'' ■■ ', .■.'■;.■• ■ ■ " ' '■'-• ^ ^CHlPTEft Llil! '^ Prince Edward — The name— .Rich land-*-Bize of peninsula — Shape — Small Lakes — Sand hills — The Ducks — Gibson's rock — The past — First settler — Col. Young — Prospecting — iDiscovery of East Lake — West Lake- — Moving in — Settlers in 1800 — East Lake — Capt. Richardson — " Prince Edward Division Bill"— Office seekers-^Townshjp of Hallowell i; — Th« name — Formation of Township — First records 1798— The officers —The laws— Magistrates— Picton — Its origin — Halloweii village — Dr. Austin — Gea. Picton — His monument— Naming the villages — A con- test — The Court house — An oiler — ^Enterprise — Proposeed steamboat jrrGhueehea+n-Re^i Mr. Maeaulajw-rJieVf i 14r, fijasei" — Rev. H^ri i<Aior... 476 OONXXKTS. jqiTU CHAPTER LIV. PAGB Eighth Township — Sidney — Name — Survey — Settlement, 1787 — Letter from Fergusbu — Trading — Bftrter — Potatoes — Building — Cows— No salt to spare — First settlers — Myers — Re-surveying — James Parley- Town Clerk at first meeting — William Ketchesou — Gilbert's Cove — Coming to tho front — River Trent — Old names — Perry — Bridge — Tren- ton — Its settlement — Squire Bleekcr 485 " vV Wis * .'"^la, 'ill 1.1.1 ii..-r' ^^li**-.' • ■"■iiii-ttt *v f v.\i i"'''M"^""»'^ "■■■■' CHAPTER LV. ■ ' ""[ Ninth town — Thurlow — Name — When surveyed — Front — Indian burying gronnd — Owner of first lots — Chisholm— Singleton— Myers— Ferguson - r.. / Indian traders — To Kingston in batteuu — Singleton's death — Ferguson's death — Distress of the families — Settled, 1789 — Ascending tho Moira — Taking possession of land — Fifth concession — ,Iohn Taylor — Founder of Belleville — Myers buying land — Settlers upon the front — Municipal record — Town officers — 1 798 — Succeeding years — Canifton, its founder — Settling — The diet — Building mill — Road — River Moira — Origin of name — Earl Moirftr— Indian name — Indian offering — " Cabojuuk " — Myers' saw-mill — Place not attractive — First bridge — The flouring-mill — Belleville-r-Indian village — Myers' Creek — Formation of village — First Inn — Permanent bridge — ^Bridge Street — In 1800 — Growth—^ second mill — McNabb's — Sad death — Captain Mcintosh — Pcfcrie — In- habitants, 1809 — Dr. Spareham — Naming of Belleville — Bella Gore — By Gore in council — Petition — Extract from Kingston Gazette — Sur- veying reserve — Wilmot — Mistakes — Granting of lots — Conditions — 0,1 ^ Board of Police — Extent of Belleville — Muddy streets — Inhabitants in . ' H24 — Court-house — First Court, Quarter Sessions — Belleville in 1836. 489 CHAPTER LVI. <). Tenth township — Richmond — Origin — Quantity of land — Shores of Mo-, hawk Bay — Village on south shore — Original land holders— Names — Napanee— The falls — The mill — Salmon River — Indian name — Source of Napanee River — Its course — Colebrook — Simcoe Falls — Name — Clarke's MiUs— ;l>fewburgh-— Academy-^The^settt^ ClarkvjUe"— ^9 record^ . , ^^ j^,y;.^j, v,^. ^s^jifL* rf,hM,j«*.?Ji»^ft,>iVf »,?r$'-^i4nf^l?'>^ * ^^^ — ;t)-)['.i iiwoT — •^'>ff^iTij3!roJ0! hsbi^r't — i{fil«iT-w(.>i -^iIt to HVinI sfIT- — — 9>lflv.I t1<j!'i~{i:8ri'*nflif'i,nK/tT--'^^i ft ,«(•)'> 'irfT — "jooq srlT—'aift'vfftO ■ '^mrniitO «){j JA^-^otto>l- '{il-*-t— -j-twin ^idT— ({irisiiiwo'P ifJxfft^H ^*!>^ ^vM.hi? i^xW — iilnoyj'i ,_,:, ■ ■■/. — JmiJ^fr.^ii ■<:■^l)■|^^'^^<.^r!■ — r.u- .' DIVISION IX. isA% — iaitq !>iiT )i->'yi yao-m^'t}' — «J iMfl ;)(ii -v,'Utt bofi'l- — «i(jiii;(J.' n%ff'ft — '■^MA iai»ai 'id v"? CHATPTER LVIIi'Ti~->*^"« •' .iuL>-r~iuUJ »«• — r'f,>pi!nmfr>iH -itiB; )—•)?( nj ii --ii'tijj"!^— n.i "jfrrv^W — •,>/!«!l- Military nil«--^ImiM;rliVl Act, 1 774>^French Canada — Refugees — Military G^feftiment la Upper Canada— New Di^ricts— Lunenburgh— Meek* l«nbur!afh-^Nag«»ti"--Hi38«e — The Jiidge» — Dunoan — Gartwrighfc— Ham- iltoa-^Robertsbn — Oonrt in Meofttenlwirgh — ^Civil Ijaw — .fudge Dusoan ^.i — ijtidge Cftrtwright — Punishment inflictod — First c«ecution — New OV Constitution of Quebec — 1791, Quebec Bill passed — Inhabitants of Upper Canada , 506 zxnii corrTENTs. CHArTEU I. VIII. PAQR 8imcoe — His arrival iu Canada — Up the St. Lawrence — An old houHc^ '• Old BreechcH' River " — Simcoe's attendants — The old veterans — " Good old cause '' — " Content " — Toasting — Old officers — Executive Council of Upper Canada — First entry — ^Simcoo inducted to office — •''•'' Religious ceremony — " The proceedingp '' — Those present — Oath of office — Orga' ization of Legislative Council — Assembly— Issuing writs "i for elections- -Membera of Council — Simcoe's difficulty — At Kingston Division of Province— The Governor's officers — Rochfoucault upon Simcoe — Simcoe's surroundings — His wife — Opening Parliament in 1795 — Those present — Retinue — Dress — The nineteen counties — Sim- • - coe's designs — Visit of the Queen's father — At Kingston — Niagara — A war dance 509 •l^nlHtARWuiHirr—Tsv/y (.CHAPTER LIX. -MJnhtJ) mi bmroT/i -^m ■•< General Hunter — ^I^eter Russell — Francis Gore, 1806 — Alex. Grant — Brocli — 1812 — United States declare war — Prompt action — Parliament — Pro- clamation — The issue — Second proclamation — General Hull — His pro- clamation — Bombast and impertinonc^—The Indians— Proclamation answered — Hull a prisoner — Michigan conquered — To Niagara — At Iti ; Queenston heights — " Push on York Volunteers "—Death of Brock- McDonnell — War of 1812, the Americans — Extract from Merritt — What Canadians did — Brock's monument — General Sheaflfe — General Druni- mond — Invading the States — What Caitada will do— Lord Sydenham — A tribute by Dr. Ryerson — Union of the Provinces 517 ,A-.K— "-^niiao'l JwtlinflK '•— bwifrrufi ariiiMiaaiA — S.I6; n't wwUhV. :.'.if<or'.T — '{yta'A-il^.uQ'ial — i-jutoii ->■■■•■ ' ' ' ' iil)ih A — zamhiil >fw£it . — noiimiuilomq '*'-^'^*^'^"~ CHAPTER LX '^'■''^ — H'yj&ffiA iffl;»nMmA Kingstoii— I'irf^l WpiUi-Ui^if^'ktt bf |<jvcril& capital — Niagara in 1 788 — Carrying place — Landing place — Newark — In 1795— Mr. Hamilton— The inhabitants— Little York— The Don— The Harbor — Survey — De la Trenche — London — Inhabitants of the Don — Yonge street, a military road — Governor at York — Castle Frank —York in 1798— The Baldwins— In 1806— Buffalo— York, 1813— Taken by the Americans — The Combatants — Toronto — " Muddy York " — ^A monument required 526 . , :l^CHAPTER LXI.^ U Parliament — Simcoe's Proclamation — Nineteen counties formed — Names and boundaries — First elections — Names of members — Officers of the House — A Quaker member — Chaplain— Meeting of Parliament — The Throne, a camp stool — Address — To both houses — Closing address — Acts passed — Simcoe's confidential letters — ^A contrast — A blending— •,.,,? ^ 2nd Session — The Acts — Quarter Sessions — 3rd, 4th, 6th Sessions — New ' / division of Province— 1 788 — Modes of punishment— Burning the hand — Whipping — Salaries of officers— Revenue first year — The members of Parliament — Education— Offering for Parliament — A " Junius " — Early administration of justice— " Heaven-born lawyers " — First magistrates. 533 CONIKKTS. ZZIX DIVISION X. - SiwVjoi'ly ■ ''"■ "ABI-V MILITIA OF UPPBH CANADA. U ' ViJl LtO ' ' ■ ... -n„ ,.ff};-i:_,r..«;*.t .,■,, CHAPTER LXII./,;,:,-,-,'*'". ■^■''' •■:.:; ■. PAGB Militia Act, 1792— Simooe — No faith in the Americans — His views — Mili- tary RoadB — Division of Districts — Military purposes — The officers — Legislation — The expenses — Repeattid Legislation — Aggressive spirit ' — The Enrolment — Hastings Battalion — " Something brewing " — List of Officers — Col. Ferguson— Col. Bell — Lecids Militia — Officers' clothing — The Midland District— -Prince Ed waadT-Trainiug Places. ,,... , . . , .,, 534 u. -. '. CHAPTER LXIIL ''.' In 1812, around Bay Quinte — The declaration of war — The news at King- ston — The call to arms — Hastings — Events at Kingston — In 1813 — Attack upon Backet's Harbor — Oswego — American fleet before King- i'» ston — Royal George — Kingston prepared — Chrysler's farm — A " Post- script" — Along the St. Lawrence — Ribaldry — The Commissary — Capt. Wllkins — Quakers — ^Rato of pay — American prisoners — The Wounded -—Surgeons, Dougal, Meacham — Jonathan Phillips — Militiamen's reward — Militia orders — Parliamentary grants 561 -lOinQ Iin:.i('»;.i — ••fiHOflH |. i-.tMM.,. ttT-^-r: :'ont r'jI toifl — hib HiuMmn', > {jwiiuc'bxri LnoJ:-!rOi|t,,Uj.x2HAPTER LXIV/i-'-^'r' «<<l,awb/5/yi!lr- i^jM<i^. , . The Six Nations in 1812 — American animus — "Manifest Destiny" — Mo- hawk Indians — A right to defend their homes — Inconsistency — American savages — Extract from Playter — Brock's proclamation — Indian character, conduct, eloquence — Deserters in 1812 — Few of them — Court-martials— The attempts at conquest by the Americans-^ -, The i^umbers — Result of war — Canadians saved the country — And can ' do so— Fraternal kindness .tfrritMifltrtf Min*^^r.Tf:tmW»T-'.ttv^£^>rT''',i^. ^^^ ' Aic> I {bbr/M-"— rijff.ni)T-»-^. - i )iii ! li!i ! iUM" > m { ('— aifjiohoirr A y ^* yd iwH&'V ^i3 . r .,,,.... , J)'jfiiip',n Jii'jimmora A— DIVISION XL samr.'irl — bojtnol Ji!)!}!' advanob op civimzat[on.')i'1 a'ooortti^! — )n;im«ihjjS[ f>riJ )o Hi^KjrftO — Biadrtii: m > JriI'*! — Kohisbmiod bxia ailT — inflijjistli«<l lo H'*'J*-»CHAPTER LXV,"^"''^'" t»^b«',> A — rt?.r».>H !-.r<f; jiftirol" ' . ■ ,• . rX> Canada's fii'Mr'^te^ iii'Clvilization—Slav*fty in America — By whom Introt duced — False chal'ge — Slavery in Canada^History — Imperial Acts^ Legislation in Canada — The serefal clauses — In Lower Canada -i' ':'■' Justice Osgood — Slavery at the Rebellion — Among the U. E. Loyalists :, — Those who held slaves— Descendants of thfe 8laTe*^<'A British * * slave " — " For sal e " — <' Indian slavfe " — Upper Canada's Records- Compared with the States — Liberty — Why the United States abol- ished slavery — Honor to whom honor is due 569 ittat oonnsNTs. CHAPTER LXW; PikGS Ileturag to the Pioneer— iiaor il«Kion— (iiurdun ot C«uuuliv>~ClogB— FaIrc views of settlerB — licBult— iNew bloo<l — Good examplu — Anecdote — The "ForaiJy Compact "-J»artialitjr— Origin of the Compart^Theiv ,, conduct — The evil they did— A proposed Canadian Aristocracy— What it would have led to»— What may como-t-" Peter Fuuk»" . *^, ((•,^,.»^.^.-,<^>0 CHAPTER LXVII. .Ui. Agriculture — Natural Products — Rica— Ginseng— Orchards — Plows — Reap- ing — Flax — Legislation— Agricultural Society organized by Simcoe- A Snuff Box — Fogies — Silver — Want of help— Midland District taking; :>»JoW' the lead — Societies— liegislHtivo help — Prince Edward — Pearl Ashes— - Factoriei'-— Tanneries-Breweries, Carding Machines — Paper — Lumber'' — First vehicles — Bloighs — Waggons — Home-made — Road»— First Public Conveyances — Stages — Fare — Building Greater— Rawing Mills introduced by the Dutch^First Brick Building — Myers" House— Its .K past history — ^Furniture from Albany — Currency — Paper Mooey-~ Banks — First Merchants — Bi\rter— Pedlars— On the Bay 587 M«»-:)l, --•■. »«ri<iJ ir. •4.'>>. CHAPTER LXVIII. Steam vessels — Crossing the Atlantic in 1791— First Steam Vessel — Hud- son — The second on the St. Lawrence — First across the Atlantic — In Upper Canada — Frontenac — Built in Ernesttown — The Builders — Finkle's Point — Cost of Vessel — Dimensions — Launched — First Trip — Captain McKonzie — 'W(tik'in-4hey Water' — ^^tuen Charlotte- — How Built —Upon Bay Quints — Capt. Dennis — .First year — Death of Dennis — Henry Qilderslieve — What he did— 'Other Steamboats— Canals— 'First ^'''' in Upper C»i»da*— Welland Canal-~;DesjprHin-jRideau — Ua object*—* ''' i- Ati. Col. By— 1-A proposed C'aniil — Railroads — rThe first in the world— Pi o^^ .,jj. posed Railway from Kingston to Toronto, 1846 — In Prince Edward i«< , District— Increase of Population — Extract from Dr. Lillie — Compario-^v son with the United States — Favorable to Canada — False Cries — The French— Midland District, 1818 599 T^ri DIVISION XII. THK 0NITKD 8MPIRE L0YAII8T8 — THB rATHERS OF UPPER CANADA. CHAPTER LXIX. Definition — A division— Their principles — Out position — Ancestry— Dutch —Puritans — ^Huguenots — New Rochelle — English writers — .Talbot — Falsehoods — Canadian and English ancestry — Howison — Maligner — Gourlay's reply — Palatines — Old names 616 00NTXNT8. XXZl chai'tkh lxx. < PAKI [Character— HoKpitftlity — At home — Fireside — Vlfiitors — Rees — RaiHingH-— Eaator Eggs — Dancing — Hovlngton IIouhc — Canto — Drinks — Horae- racing — Boxing — AmiiHriinontR — La Crosse — Dnels — Patriotism — An- nexation — Froodoni — Egotism— Tlio Loyalists — Instances — Longevity ;. V —Climato of Canada->A quotation — Long lived— The children — The present race — A nationality — Comparison — "II. E. Loyalist" — Their Privileges — Order of Council — Diswitisfaction 624 rtV7 T iT'^rM/.H) If',:!-. .vr.,r'^. .;'t-;-'-n CHAPTER LXXI. --r':r-'T 'rr-T^ •-•":■ :|VI^ Notice of a Few— Booth— Brock— (B«ifltt-»*<3otter — Cartwright— Conger — Cole — Dempsoy — Detlor— Fraser — Finkle — Fisher — Fairfield—, t Grass— 43amblc — Hagerman — Johnson's — " Bill " Johnson — MacAuIay i — The Captive, Christian Moore— P»rtlnm«nt— Morden'^-Roblins— ■' Simon — Van Alstine — Wallbridge — Chrysler —White — Wilkins — i , , i Stewart — Wilson— Metcalf — Jayue — Mcintosh— Bird— *Ocrow— Van* ' 'kleek--4P«rry*-*fr William Johnson's childfen' .•■,.j\UJ'Vifl^tVvriA .Ui 642 '■;_■,' _ ,, ;. , ■_ • , .■,.'.■ '..«jf..i.- I iM.iui. — .i(iu>nji-)iA -l«i< '( — i»;ta«j.'. ,',' • l.«-i '• >; ■ (, i\.-i'.jiii'...n''i ti\>.<^ I 1/1 ,^l.■l ,).'•! -,',,•) '"./> 'tVii ■■ijiiri-iii III iiiinimn iiiii Miiiiii I ..fi i'::i'. , Mvf i^rl Ji. , :i'i\i'', ••->Uii«JJA o:lt Hmvifi )^t'Oi,-'hiioTnv..l .i'i odi '.to iifio'^'*s niif—arn qh'V iviV't—hMhrtrsaJ- - - - ' Y:Vj 49t>l<'-n^*6{'>*l e'oWgilt, .; Hfifff Y/oH,-- ?»«(jV-.R,\0 >s'A P P E N D I X ^ — ■i';sa->>h)M niA'tfl*'^- — ?.;n^^^ft•'V(^' (5^£MT. .■•fff'^t •^n-'i-..-..;.-,.'. .•! Ui^r^'^^ith40 '■^t^^i r«St^->-' " Roll of the 2nd Battalion King's Royal Regiment r.i^»ii »tiJtk)^tu**>T¥M'tTf oo? The Governors of Canada.^^^j. ;,tf;tvSr6'r'<3i'^f(J/'«i^h'i5* •6K*<\' Vft^^iWIi' tM'> ^'^^ TnHiATi ntttiAu - J- ' ••'■I >r.vra h'i'7,f'/r'l — -'-f'liuilfi.iv'i '.•> ■.'■nvii./i'..[-- . '■''■«)-.!■. : 071 • ci3 > , ,.....♦., ... ...... ^*»)i:#H*;»i u»i.iAX8^ t^oiiJHJll iiiia\\>UL'-Aom\A>r. . t ■ ■ , ;■ ■ ^» ■...■Hr;.!;,-. f-.rfy._., ,<ii:irh:T,...'/r,;.i ^'Vi.; tKtr. '■■^-i-\/ > ■i.i-f,,) . ,4J. ,'J>' ■'•<•• ' /.) . ./il.- •: ' '...1 '. --Ik'n/i'l, .•,■. <* • .,, !• -. , .1, . ..' ;•{ , ' .'. - ... .)■■ ■ .- • ' '■ " ' •''"■• •■' .. ,t, J... •.jfu.i'.../'*.! ■. E E R A T A .."^'•-.i.'''>'>'l- ■•••'•■'■ ' '• ."■ ■ i; . Ui ■ "■ ■■ .« .1, Page 29, 12th line from top, instead of" 1859," read <' 1789." Page 80, 4th line from botton, instead of " arc equally," read " were equally." Page 102, I6th line from bottom, insteiid of " removed to the town," read "to . the fifth town." Page 104, instead of " Hodgins," read " Hudgins," Page 104, 16th line from top, instead of" 1859," read " 1809." Page 130, 4th line, 2nd paragraph, instead of " South," read " North." Page 138, heading of page should be " Voyaging." Page 192, bottom line, intitead of " dispersed," read "dispossessed." Page 257, 19th line, " gloomy," read « glowing," Page 288, 19th line, " glowing a picture," should have " of" following Page 293, instead of " Wesleyanism," read " Wesleyans." Page 371, 14th line, instead of " 181 5," read " 1616." ^ . ., Page 437, 10th line from l)ottom, instead of " Lawer," read " Lawyer." Page 585, 15th line, after " Governor," read they were generally. Page 596, 3rd line, after " often," r^^ad ii\ferior. HISTORY or ' . THE SETTLEMENT OF UPPER CANADA, WITH SPECIAL REFERKNCE TO THE RAY OF QUINT^. .ATAflJf 5i ",«WTi ii ,'l'>* aiotl 'jxtil difA ,85 05/1'i niAPTh-T? I i^n«<fiv» ftww»> ftfl.i 'V- '^^'■'^-^ -^'■'^'' .-^-a, ,tiot*r«-f moi'> mil rfi^ j<>« oj^aT .m% ".a-ltut oca M ' • T N T U D U C T I OT?.' ^"Ot* <"^'f ^^'^^ •.''''^^ '•^'''' ^ A SKETCH OF FRANCO-CANADIAN HISTORY, awii ,*.iU ujjJt'i Contents — AntiqiiarianiHin — Ilecords of tho Early Nations — Tradition — Tho Press — The Eastern World— Tlio Western World — Importance of History— CoIumbuH — Colonization — Canada — America — (Jartii-r — Fronch ('unadiau writers — Cartier's first visit — Hnf,'uenots — (^artier's second visit — Jean Francois — Sir Oeorjje E. Cartier — Establishment of the Fur Trade; — Cham- plain — Discovery of Lake Ontario — Bay of Quint6 — Qaoboc founded — First fighting with Indians — First taking of Quebec by the British — Returned to France— Tho Recollets and Jesuits — Death of Champlain — Foundation of Montreal — Emigration from Franco — The Carignau Regiment— De(Joureelle — Proposal to found a Fort at Lake Ontario — Frontenac — Fort at Cataraqui — La Salle — Fort at Niagara — First vessel upon the Lakes — Its fate — Death of La Salle, the first settler of Upper Canada — Founder of Louiai-. ana — Discoverer of the mouth of the Mississippi. There exists, as ono characteristic of tho nineteenth century, an earnest desire on the part of n. .ay to recall, and, in mind, to live over the days and years that are pa.st; and manj' there are who occupy more or less of their time in collecting the scattered relics f)f by-gone days — in searching among the faded records of departed pears, to eagerly catch the golden sands of facts which cling to egendary tales, and to interpret the hieroglyphics which the foot- teps of time have well-nigh worn awa3^ To this fact many a nuseum can bear ample testimony. The antiqxiarian enjoys intense atisfaction in his labors of research, and when he is rewarded by he discovery of something new, ho is but 'stimulated to renewed sxertion. In the old world rich fields have been, and are now being xplored ; and in the new laborers are not wanting. , 2 1>ISC'(>VKIIV or A.MKRiCi.V. HInco tho (luyH vvIumi man first trcxl the virgin soil of thU glolto, ho lias nvDi" l)()un acciistoiiuMi to |)roNcrvo \hv inoro iniportant ovoiitH of his liti), and, by tradition, to hand thiMn down to his chil- divii.s' childfon; and lik-owiso lias il hoon with (lonininnities and nutionH. Evory jjooplo who aro known to havo occupied a jilaco U|>iiii tho oarth, havo loft somo indication of thoir origin, and the part thoy playod in tho world's great drama. In rocont days, facts l)ci-taining to nations and particular individuals are prcsorvod in all their amplitude, through tluMigoncy of the I'ress. Hut in form'>'- cculuries, only a low .synihols, perhaps rudely cut in solid ist<;no, commemorated events of tho most important kind. Tho historians of Kastorn nations havo had to look far back into tho misty past, to loarn tho facts of thoir birth and infant days; while tho dark days of barbarism hang as a thick veil to obstruct tho view. Tho middle agos, liko a destructive flood, swept away, to a great extent, the records previously in existence. But out ol" tho dcltn's has been oxhumod many u precious relic; and tho stono and tho marble thus obtained, have supplied valuable material on which to base trust- W(jrthy history. In recording tho events which belong to the Western world — this broad American continent — the historian has far less of toil and research to undergo. It is true the native Indian, who once prouilly ruled the vast extent of tho new world, has a history yet ujideveloped. An impenetrable cloud obscures the facts appertain- ing to his advent upon this continent. The nature of his origin is buried in the ocean of pro-historic time. But in reference to tho occupation of America by Europeans, the subjugation and gradual extermination of the Indian, tho life of the pioneer, the struggles for political independence, the rapid growth and development of nations ; all these results, embraced within tho space of a few centuries, are freely accessible to the American historian. ■ The importance of history cannot be questioned; the light it aflfords is always valuable, and, if studied aright, will supply the student with material by which ho may qualify himself for any position in public life. In the following chapters it is intended to draw attention more particularly to tho now world, and to examine a few pages in the history of North America. In the absence of»any data upon which to base statements relating to the aborigines, we may say the history of the new world begins with the memorable and enterprising adventures of Christopher Columbus, in 1492; although there is evidence that CANADA — AMERIOA. 8 Amoricft hud boon previously viHilod by tho poojtlo of Northern Kuropc, iilxmt the your lOOO. The Hteady'flow of eini^rui\tH whieh comineiiced a century Uiter, from the old world to the new, of bold, energetic jjeople, in u H])ectucle of grand import. Almost every nation of Kurope has contributed to the coloniza- tion of America. All, however, were not at tlrst actuated by tho same motives in braving the perils of the deoj) — then far greater than at (he present day — and the dangers of the wilderness. The Spaniards were searching for the ))recious gold. The English desired to acquire territory; tho Dutch sought to extend their commerce; and the French, it is said, wore, nt first, intent only on converting the pagan Indians to Christianity. — (Garneau.) Space will not permit to trace the course of events in connection with the first settlements in America; tlio history of the several colonies, the bloody Indian wars, the contentions between the ditt'erent colonizing people, the rebellions of tho colonies and their achieve- ment of independence. We shall mainly confine ourselves to those events which led to, and accompanied tho settlement of Upper Canada. Canada, the coast of which was first discovered by John Cabot, in 1497, is an honorable name, far more ho than America. It has been a cause of complaint with some that the United States should appropriate to their exclusive use the name of America. But it is quite right they should enjoy it. It is after a superficial impostor, Amerigo Vespucci, who availed himself of. the discoveries ot Columbus, to vaunt himself into renown. Tho word Canada is most probably derived from an Iroquois word, signifying Cabin. It has been stated on the authority of a Castilian tradition, that tho word was of Spanish origin. Tho Spaniards, looking after gold, ascended tho St. Lawrence, but failing to find the precious metal, exclaimed " Aca nada," (Hero is nothing.) The natives hearing the land thus called, when Europeans again visited them, upon being asked tho name of their country, replied "Canada," in imitation of tho Spaniards. Again, Father Hennepin asserts that the Spaniards, upon leaving the land, gave it tho appel- lation "El Cape di nada," (Capo nothing,) which in time became changed into Canada. But Charlevoix, in his " Histoire de la Nou- vello France," says that Canada is derived from tho Iroquois word "Kannata," pronounced Canada, which signifies " love of cabins." Duponcion, in the ^'Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Philadelphia," founds his belief of the Indian origin of the name 4 JAUQUI8 OARTIMR. Canada, on tho fact that, in tl»« IrHnMlntion of tho Oogpcl hy St. Mutthow ihto tho Mohawk tonkin', hy Hrant, tho word (Janada U alwayn mmlc to Hi^tiify a viUa^o. Takinj^ tho wholo nuittor into coHHidoration, thoro appoui'H tho host of roaHonn to concludo that Canada, u tiatno now |»ro|torly hontowod upon tho Dominion, iH of Indian origin, and Hi^niHoH tho country of a |»t)oplo who arc accuHtomod to livo in viila>(OH or jjoruianont cahiiiH, iiiHtoiwi of in touts and coriHtantly (diarij^in^ from ono phu-o to atiothor. TIjo history of Fronch Canada isono of unuHual intorost — from tho timo Jao(iuoH Cartior, in 1534, with two vohhoIh of Iohh than 60 tons hurdon oach, arid 122 mon in all, onlorod for tho Hrst timo tho Gulf of Ht. Lawronco — up to tho proHont day. It was not until tho first docado of tho 17th oontury, noarly a hundrod yoars aftor Cartior Hrst landed, that HUcoosHful colonization by tho Fronch was accomplishod. Novortholoss, Canada has as oarly a place amon^ij tho colonioH of America afl Now Nothorlands or Vii/^inia, which aro tho oidcHt StatoH of tho noi^'hboring Union. Virginia was planted in 1(508; Now Nothorlandrt (now Now York,) was not Bottled until 1614. Prior to that, in 1609, Hudwon had aHcondod tho river now bearing his name, im fur as tho ])roHent site of Albany; but at the same timo tho intrepid Champlain was travers- ing tho wilds of tho more northern part of tho territory to tho Bouth of Lake Ontario. Although tho history of Now Franco is ono of groat interest, yet, in this local history, space can only bo allowed to glanco at the course of events' in connection therewith. But French Canada is not in danger of suiforing for want of historians to pen tho events of her life. Already enthusiastic countrymen have done justice to tho patriotism, valor and ability of tho Franco-Canadian race. And, at tho present time, earnest workers are in tho field, searching among tho records of tho past, stowed away in Paris, with the view of making known all that can bo learned of their sires. Wo find no fault with the intense love they bear to their language, their laws, their religion, their institutions generally. Such is characteristic of a high-spirited race; and, as common Canadians we rejoice to have so devoted a people to lay with us the foundation of our northern Dominion. It has already been said that Jacques Cartior first landed in Canada in 1534. At this time the pent up millions of Europe, lying in a state of somi-bondago, were prepared U) strike off the chains which had hitherto bound them, both in mind and body, to rilUlT WINTKtt IN OANADAf 5 tho Holoct onoH, who clnitnod that prerogative, m of Dlvlno origin, and to uvnil thomMolvoH of tho vuHt territory which ColuinhiiH hiid rocovorod from oblivion. Then wum tho futuro pro^nHnt with ovotit« of tho nioHt Hturtliii^ niiture — ovonts fniu^ht with iiitcroHtH of tho moHt ('oUoHHul magiiitudo. Wl»ihi Amoricu whk to open up u now fiold for Hctivo hihor, whoroin all nii/^fht pluck wealth, tho art of |>rintin/jf, ho hooii to ho in active operation, was to oinanoipate tho mind, and cast broadly the seeds of universal liberty. Already was beiii;^ broken tho fallow ground, in tho rich soil of whi(di was to gerniinato the /L?reat truths of scionce. In May, 15.'{6, Cartior sot out on his second voyage to tho New World, in •* La (Jrando Jlerniion," a voshoI of 1 lO totis, accomi»anied by two otiior vessels of smaller size, with 110 men altogether. Keaching Labrador in July, ho on Ht. Laurence Day entered St. John's Kiver; and thus arose tlio name of St. Lawrence, afterward applied to tho mighty river now bearing tljat name. (Juided by two luitivos, Cartior ascended the St. Jjawrenco as far as tho Islo d'Orhjans, whore ho was received by the Indians in a friendly Hpirit. Cartior having determined to stay tho winter, moored his vessels in tho St. Charles Kiver, with the Indian village of Slada- cone U[)on the heights above him. Tho same autumn ho ascen<led with IV small party to visit Ilochelaga, now Montreal. Here ho found a considerable village of fifty wooden dwellings, each fifty paces long, and twelve and fifteen broad. This village was fortified. An aged and withered chief accorded Cartior a distjijguished reception ; after which Cartior ascended to tho top of tho mountain, to which he gave the name Mont Real, or Royal Mount, a name subsequently given to the village which has become tho commercial ca])ital of tho Dominion, and which is destined to rival oven New York. Cartior's stay in Canada during tho winter was attended with much distress, and the loss by death of twenty-six of his men ; while most of tho rest were almost dying, being, it is related, saved by tho medical skill of tho natives. In tho Spring ho returned to Franco, carrying with him several Indians. It was five years later before another visit was made to Canada, owing to tho civil and religious wars existing in Franco. It was tho cruel laws enacted and put in force at this time in Franco that expatriated 80 many noblo Iluguonots who wore dispersed throughout Groat Britain, Ireland, and afterward America, tho blootl of whom yet flows in the veins of many of tho doscondonts of the loyal refugees from the rebelling States of America. In the Summer of 1641 6 FAILURE TO COLONIZE. • Cartior again sot sail for the St. Lawronco. He was to have boon accompaniod by ono Joan Francois do la Roque, a bravo and faithful servant of the king, to whom had been conceded the privilege of raising a body of voluntoors to form a permanent settlement upon the St. Lawronco. But unforsoon difficulties prevented his sailing until the following year. In the meantime Cartior, to whom had boon given command, with five ships, had, after a tedious passago> reached Canada, and ascended to Quebec, The intending colonizers immediately wont ashore and commenced tho work of clearing the land for cultivation. The winter was passed in safety, but in the spring, tii'od of waiting for tho Governor, who ought to have fol- lowed him tho year before, and discovering signs of hostility on the part of tho savages, ho determined to return to France. So he embarked all the men and set sail. Before ho had reached the Atlantic, however, he met la Eoquo, with some two hundred more colonists, who desired Cartior to return, but ho continued his course to France. Joan Francois landed safely at Quebec. In the autumn he sent home two vessels for provisions for the following year, while he prepared to undergo tho severity of the coming winter, a season that brought severe trials, with the death of fifty of his men. Tho following year he set out with seventy mon to seek fresh discoveries up the river, but he was unsuccessful. France > again immersed in war, paid no attention to tho request for succor in the New World, but ordered Cartior to bring back the Governor, whose presence as a soldier was desired. With him returned all the colonists. Thus the attempt to establish a settlement upon tho St, Lawronco failed, not, however, through any want of courage^ or ability on the part of Cartior, tho founder of Canada. The name thus immortalized and which disappeared from tho history of Canada for many years, again occupies a place. And, Sir George Etienno Cartior, of to-day, although not a lineal doscendent of the first Cartior, holds a position ")f distinction ; and, as one who has assisted in effecting the Cr ifederation of the provinces, Jiis name will ever stand identified, as his great predecessor and name- sake, with the history of our Canada, In 1549, Jean Francois a second time, set out for Canada with his brother, and others, but they all perished on the way. This disaster prevented any further immediate attempt at settlement in Canada. The comxQencoment of the seventeenth century found France again in a state suitable to encourage colonial onterprize, and she* CIIAMPLAIN — FOUNDATION OP QUEBEC. 7 in common with other European nations was directing her attention to the yet unexplored New World. At this time one Poni-Gravu, a merchant of St. Malo, conceived the idea of establishing a fur trade between Canada and France ; and to this end ho connected himself with one Chauvin, a person of some influence at court, who succeeded in obtaining the aj)pointment of governor to Canada, with a monopoly of the peltry traffic, These two adventurers, with a few men, sot out for Canada, but arrived in a state of destitution. Chauvin died, while the others wore preserved alive by the kind- ness of the natives. Chauvin was succeeded by Do Chastes, Governor of Dieppe; and Ca])t*in Samuel Champlain, who had distinguished himself as a naval officer, was appointed to command an expedition about to proceed to the New "World. The name of Champlain is indelibly fixed u])on the pages of Canadian history. It was ho who traversed trackless forests ascended ,the most rapid rivers, discovered the Lake of Ontario, by way of Bay Quintd, and gave his name to another lake. It was in 1603 that Champlain set out upon his voyage, lie had but three small vessels, it is said, of no more than twelve or fifteen tons burden. He ascended as far as Sault St. Louis, and made careful observations. He prepared a chart, with which he returned to France. The king was well pleased with his report, and De Chaste having died, Governor de Monts succeeded him, to whom was granted, exclusively, the fur trade in Canada. But their operations were confined, at fii'st, to Acadia, now Nova Scotia. In 1607 De Monts abandoned Acadia and directed I'ir- attention to Canada. Obtaining from the king a renewal of his privileges, he appointed Champlain his lieutenant, whom he despatched with two vessels- The party arrived at Stadacone, on the 3rd of July. The party commenced clearing land where the lower town of Quebec now stands, and erected cabins in which to live. Having determined to make this the head-quarters of his establishment, ho proceeded to build a fort. Thus was founded the ancient capital of Canada upon the Gibraltar of America. The powers granted to Champlain were ample, whereby he was enabled to maintain order and enforce law. During the well nigh one hundred years that had passed av/ay since Cartier attempted to colonize, great changes, it would seem, had taken place among the Indians. Altogether different tribes occupied the Laurentian valley; and the former Indian villages of Stadocone, and Hochelaga had been entirely destroyed, Champlain found the Indians of this place, the Algonquins, at 8 DISCOVERY OP LAKE ONTARIO. enmity with other tribes to the west, the Iroquois. The Algonquin? wore glad to form an alliance with him against their long standing enemy. It suited the purpose of Champlain to thus ally himself; but the policy may well be.questioned ; at all events it inaugurated a long course of warfare between the French and the Iroquois, which only terminated when Canada became a British depondenc}-. He, no doubt, was ignorant of the great power and superiority of the confederated five nations which formed the Iroquois people. The first encounter between Champlain and the Indians took place the 29th of July, 1609, by the lake Avhich now bears his name, which had been known by the Indians as Lake Corlar. The Iroquois, who had never before seen the use of fire-arms, were naturally overwhelmed with surprise at this new mode of warfare, by which three of their chiefs were suddenly stricken to the earth ; and they beat a hasty retreat, leaving their camp to the pillage of the enemy. The following year Champlain again set out with his Indian allies, and a second time drove them from the well contested field by the use of fire-arms. It was on this occasion he first met the Ilurons, which were to become such fast allies, until almost exterminated. But the time came when the Iroquois, supplied with arms and trained to their use, by the Dutch, became better able to cope with the French. In 1612 Countde Soissons succeeded De Monts. Champlain, who was again engaged in war, was at the same time endeavoring to advance the peltry traffic, a trade that had many vicissitudes, owing to the changing opinions at home, and the uncertain suppoi't of merchants. He commenced the erection of a fort at Montreal, and formed an alliance with the Huron Indians. In the year 1615, the Iroquois were collected near the foot of Lake Ontario, a body of water as yet unseen by Europeans. At the request of the Indians, it has been said Champlain set out to attack them, after having ascended the Ottawa. The course taken by him, and the disastrous result are given in connec- tion with the discovery of the Bay Quinto. The year 1628 saw Canada, as well as the colony of Florida, pass under the power of the "Company of the Hundred Partners." The same year saw Quebec in a state of great distress, the inhabitants almost starving, and a fleet of British war vessels at the entrance of the St. Law- rence demanding the surrender of the fort. War was then existing between England and France, arising out of the intestine war of Krance, between the Huguenots and the Catholics, which had FOUNDATION OP MONTREAL. 9 resulted in tho subjugation of the former, many of whom had sought refuge in England and entered her nervice. Two of tho vessolH now threatening French Canada were commanded by Huguenots, one Captain Michel ; the other David Kertk. The latter demanded tho surrender of Quebec, butChamplain concealed tho great straits to which ho was reduced and bravely withstood the famine and cold through the long winter, in tho hopes of relief in tho spring, which was destined never to feach him. Instead of relief, tho spring brought three vessels of war, f-ommanded by Kertk's, two brothers, Louis and Thomas. Tho demand to sur- render could no longer be refused, and upon the 29th July, 1618, the English took possession of Quebec. Louis Kertk became Governor, while Champlain accompanied Thomas Kertk to Europe. Quebec remained in British possession until the treaty of St- German-en-Laye, signed 29th March 1632, by which England renounced all claims upon New France. Quebec was governed by Louis Kertk during the three years it was in possession of England, and he returned it to the French, it was alleged, a heap of ruins. On the ensuing year, the " Hun' dred Partners" resumed their sway, and Champlain was re-ap- pointed Governor, Avho came with much pomp and took possession of Fort St. Louis with the beating of drums. Hereafter emigration from France was accelerated. Even some of tho higher classes sought in Canada, repose from the troubles incident to religious and domestic war, although Catholics. The Jesuits were now superseding the order of Recollets, and were earnestly seeking to convert tho Hurons; and at the same to secure their trusty allegi- ance. For two years prosperity continued to smile upon tho pro- vince, and in 1635 the Jesuits laid the foundation stone of the College of Quebec. Bilt tho same year took from New France its chief and its greatest friend. Champlain died on Christmas day in Quebec, after " thirty years of untiring efforts to establish and extend the French possessions in America." This great discoverer, and founder of Quebec left no children, his wife remained in Canada four years, when she returned to Franco. Following the death of Champlain was the terrible onslaught by the Iroquois upon the Hurons, whom they entirely destroyed as a nation, leaving but a remnant under the protection of the French. In 1642 M. de Maisonneuve laid the foundation of Montreal, the village consisting of a few buildings with wooden palisades, was then called " Ville-Marie." Maisonneuve gathered here tho con" verted Indians to teach them the art of civilization. 10 aOVERNOR FRONTENAO. Tho BUC(3088or to Champlain was M. do Chatomifort : but wo cannot continue to ovon sketch tho history of tho several Govornors, and tho successive stops in Canadian development only so far as they bear upon our subject. In 1663 tho population along tho St. Lawrence numbered to between 2,000 and 2,500. In 1G65 tho number was increased by emigration, and by tho arrival of tho Carignan regiment, a veteran body of men who becan^e permanent settlers, and who aided much in controlling tho Indians and maintaining the power of tho French. The same year live stock was introduced, and horses for tho first time wore soon in Canada. About this time commenced, in earnest, the struggle between England and Franco for the supremacy of the fur trade. The viceroy, M. do Tracy, began to erect regular forts upon the Richolou. In 1671 there was a rendezvous of Indian Chiefs at Sault St. Mario, and through tho influence of Father AUoucz, the several tribes consented to become subjects of Franco. In tho same year M. de Courcelles, now Governor, in pursuance of the attempt to govern tho fur trade, conceived tho idea of planting a fort at tho foot of Lake Ontario. But he left before the work had commenced, and was succeeded b}'' Louis do Buade, Conte de Frontonac, after whom the fort, subsequently erected, was called. As tho founder of the first settlement in Upper Canada, whoso name is now so familiar, as belonging to a County, we may make space to say of Frontonac, that ho was a gentleman of good birth, and Ijad gained groat distinction, having attained to tho rank of Brigadier-General. Ho was somewhat proud and haughty, but condescending to his inferiors. His instructions from his mastor.tho King, on coming to the Canada, were to secure the aggrandizement of France. Imigration in large numbers from France having boon forbidden, he was to seek the increase of numbers in New France by stimulating early marriages. And to this day, tho rate of increase by birth, among the French, is considerably greater than with the Anglo-Saxon. He was to foster agriculture, the raising of stock, to increase the fishing operations, and the trade abroad ; and ho was instructed to take measures to construct a lughway between Canada and Acadia, a plan which is only now about to be accomplished in the Intercolonial Eailroad. Frontenac, likewise received very explicit instructions as to his procedure towards the Jesuits and Recollects; and he was charged " to administer justice with the strictest impartiality." The Colony being at peace, Frontenac's principal difficulty was in dealing FIRST LAND-HOLDER OP U. 0. 11 with the Church, and ho found it necessary to take high-handed steps to bring the Clei-gy into subjection to tlie State. There liad been lor years a struggle with respect to the liquor traffic among the Indians • the Bishops being opposed to it, while the Governor favored it for the purpose of furthering the trade in furs. The dissentions between parties became so great, and representations to tlie home authorities became so frequent and vexatious that Frontenac and the Intendant were both recalled in 1 682. But during the ingumbency of Frontenac, explorations had continued in the west, and the fort at Cataraqui had been fully established ; and the Mississippi had been discovered by Pdro Marquette and M. Joliet, in 1 673. That same year Frontenac set out 29th of June, from Montreal, with an expedition for Cataraqui, arriving there 1 2th July. There was at this time one Robert Cavalier de la Salle, a native of Rouen, who had come to Canada when a young man, full of a project for securing a road by a northwestern passage to China. He was a man of ability and energy, but without means. But he managed to obtain the favorable notice of Governor Frontenac, who regarded him as a man after his own heart. In the time of de Courcelles he opened a trading post near Mon- treal, now Lachine, so called from La Salle's belie! that a pathway to China would be found thence across the Continent by the waters of the Ottawa or Upper Lakes. The discovery of the Mississippi caused no little sensation in Canada ; and La Salle lost no time in asking per- mission and assistance to continue the western explorations, declaring his belief that the upper waters of the Mississippi would, if followed to there source, lead to the Pacific Ocean. He consequently submitted a petition for a certain grant of land at Cataraqui to the king, Louis X. (See under history of Kingston.) Thus it seems that La Salle, a name greatly distinguished in connection with the discovery of the mouth of the Mississippi, stands connected very intimately with the foundation of Kingston. For him a Seigniory was here erected, and from this point he went forth on his eventful voyage. He was a man of much energy and lost no time in setting out. His boats laden with goods, and likewise with material for constructing a brigantine, and a fort, set sail for the Niagara River. The first steps La Salle prepared to take was to erect a second fort at Niagara, and then to build his vessel upon the waters of Lake Erie. The construction of the defensive work of the fort, however^ suited not the views of the Indians, so he satisfied himself with a palisaded storehouse. In the winter the vessel was commenced, six 12 TUB MISSISSIPPI. miloB above the Falls. By the middle of summer it was ready to be lauiiciied, which was done with a salute of cannon, and the chanting of a Te dcum, amid great rejoicing. There was also great demonstra- tion among the Indians, ^ho designated the French " Otkou," or ** men of a contriving mind." The vessel was named Griffon, and on the Tth August, 1679. with seven guns, and small arms, and loaded with goods she entered Lake Erie. A few day's sail and Detroit, or the strait was reached}* and on the 23rd August, she was cutting the waters of Lake Huron. In five days Michilmicinac was gained ; then the voyageur proceeded to the western shore of Michigan,where he cast anchor. The wonder of the Aborigines, as they witnessed this mounted craft, and heard the thunder tones of the cannon, iuay be conceived. But this first vessel upon the western lakes, which had at first so prosperous a voyage, was doomed to early destruction. Men of enterprise and success invariably have to encounter enemies born of incapacity and jealousy, who in the absence of the victim, may sow the seeds of evil. La Salle had not a few of such enemies, it would seem, to encounter. After his departure his creditors had seized his possessions, and he, as soon as he heard of it, loaded the Griffon with peltries and despatched her for Niagara. But the Griffon never reached Detroit, the waters of Lake Huron swallowed her up, and all on board. La Salle proceeded with thirty men to the lower end of Lake Michigan, and laid the foundation of another fort. He then continued westward to the Illinois Eiver, and formed still another fort. But this chain of forts thus established by La Salle, was not destined to accomplish the great end aimed at. Among the opponents of La Salle, were not only those jealous of his success, but likewise rival merchants, who were ill pleased to see the fur trade monopolized by one ; and then, there was the growing trade by the English. These many obstacles and the loss of his vessel with its cargo, and of a second one, in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, about this time, valued at £22,000, had the eflfect of seriously crippling him; yet his was a nature not easily overcome. Leaving Father Hennepin to explore the Illinois River and the Upper Mississippi, he set out March 2nd, 1680, for Montreal, accompanied by four whites and an Indian guide. Two years later and the indomitable La Salle, nothing daunted, who had compounded with his creditors, and suffered repeated disap- pointments, is found traversing the f orest,for the Mississippi, to descend that stream to its mouth. He reached the Mississippi, 6th Feburary, 1682. Descending the stream he stopped at the mouth of the Ohio FRENCH TERRITORY, 1684. 13 to erect a fort. He then continued his easy course down the Father of rivers, and reached its mouth on the 5th April, and took formal possession of the territory in the name of the king, calling the place after him, Louisiana. The glory tlms won by La Salle, was not to be crowned with the success, financially, that ought to have followed. At this juncture Governor Fronteuac, seemingly the only friend La Salle had, was called home to be followed by M. do la Barre. A con- tinuation of the persecutions and misrepresehtations of his conduct, led to the sequestration of Fort PVontenac, as well as Fort St. Louis, and in the following year he was called upon to defend himself at fcourt, whioh he was able to do. The result was an order to reinstate the founder of Louisiana on his return, in Fort Frontenac, and to re- pair all damages which his property had sustained in that locality. La Salle was graciously received by the king on account of his discovery of the mouth of the Mississippi, and was commissioned to begin a colonization of Louisiana. The same unfortunate luck con- tinued to attend him. He sailed July 24th, 1684, from La Eochelle mth two ships of war and two other vessels, having some 600 persons in all. The fleet was commanded by M. de Beaujeu. Between the commander and La Salle, a misunderstanding arose which ended in decided aversion. One of the 8hij)8 was captured by the Spaniards, and the others overpassed the mouth of the Mississippi by many leagues. The commander instead of assisting to carry out La Salle's object, did all he could to thwart him. One of the vessels was run upon the reefs and lost. Finally Beaujeu left La Salle with his people upon a desert shore without provision, and put out to sea. Although 120 leagues distant from the Mississippi, in Texas, La Salle set some of his people to cultivate the land, and began to construct a fort. But the craftsmen were deficient. The seed sown did not grow, the savages became troublesome, and one evil after another rapidly suc- ceeded imtil his men were mostly all dead. As a last resort La Salle determined to set out for Canada to proceed to France. It was early spring and the indomitable discoverer found but sIoW progress ; at last some of those accompanying him, mutinied together and resorted to force, during which La Salle was mortally wounded. Thus per- ished the discoverer of the mouth of the Mississippi, the founder of Louisiana, as well as the first land owner of LTpper Canada. It is worthy of note here how great was the territory of France in America at this time. It was a vast region, embracing within its limits the Hudson's Bay lerritory, Acadia, Canada, a great part of Maine, por- tions of the States of Vermont and New York, with the whole of the 14 FRENCH FORTB. valley of the Missisaipj)!. And a groat portion of this ought, to-day, to form part of Canada, Home of which would, were it not for the indifTeronce, or stupidity of English commissioners, and the con- temptible trickeiy of Americans, such as the act of concealing the fact of the existence of a certain map by Daniel Webster, Avhich would prove adverse to his pretentions. It has been deemed appropriate to follow La Salle in his steps, not alone because ho was the first settler in Upper Canada, who held land property; but because we learn of the way in which the French, originally struggling to gain a footing in the Lower St. Lawrence, gradtially extended westward, carrying in one hand the Cross, and with the other, planting forts for the purpose of trade, and erecting such defences as the uncertain character of the natives rendered neces- sary. Wo learn how it came, that fort after fort, whose ruins may yet be traced across the continent, were planted along a route which commenced at the mouth of the mighty St. Lawrence, extended along the western lakes, and then turning southward terminated at the mouth of the majestic Mississippi. >!! "■.{ U;^'\' y. >>' .# INDIANS DECEIVED. 15 INTRODUCTION. (CONTISnBD.) ? ':■ ' CHAPTER II. Contents : — Cntaraqni fovt stronntlicnod— Kcnte Indians seized and tarried cap- tive to France — MunHacro of Laeliinc — (.'omnieucing struggle between New England and Now France — Siege of (jui.bee 1)}' Sir Wm. Phipjjs — Destruc- tion of Fort C'atiuacpii — Its re-erection — 'I'leutv of Uyswicli — Death of Fron- tonac — Irofjuois in England — Anotlier attempt to eaptm-e Quebec — Decline of French power — Population of Canadii iind of New England — Continuation of the contest for the fur trade — Taking of Fort Louisburg — ("ol. Washington, • I dishonorable conduct — Inconsistency of Dr. Franklin — L'onnnencement of seven years' war — Close of first year — Montcalm — His iiresentinient — Taking of Fort Oswego — Of Fort William Henry — fearful massacre — The state of •'. Canada — Wolfe appears — Taking of Frontonac — Duquesne — Apathy of France — The spring of 1759 — Ilcduced state of Canaiia — The overthrow of French power in America — Tlie result — Union of elements — The capture of Quebec — Wolfe — Death of Montcalm — Fort Niagara — .Johnson — Effort to re- take Quebec — Wreck of the French army — Capitulation at Montreal — Popu- lation — The first British Uovernor of Canada — Tlie Canadians as British subjects — The result of French enterprise — Kebellion. In 1685 Marquis DoNonvillo became Govei*nor, and brought with him to Canada 600 regular troops. The Iroquois had become allies of the English, with whom they preferred to trade. DeNon- ville ascended to Cataraqui with two thousand men. Arrived at Cataraqui, he tried, by gentle means at firnt, to obtain certain terms from them, but the Iroquois were insolent, being supported by the English traders. DeNonville wrote to Paris for more troops, and, in the mean time, proceeded to accumulate stores at Cataraqui, and to strengthen the fort at Niagara. The King sent to Canada, in 1687, 800 soldiers, to assist in subduing the Iroquois. DeNonville becoming bold, and in his increased strength, pursued a course of trickery which has been branded by all w-iters as anti- christian, and more savage than anything pertaining to the savages (so-called) of America. Pdre Lamberville, a missionary among the Iroquois, caused a certain number of chiefs to congregate at Fort Prontenac, to confer with the governor, and when they were within the precincts of the fort they were seized and carried captive in chains, even to France, and there sent to the galleys. Draper says that these were Indians of the tribes called Ganneyouses and Kentes, 16 INDIAN MA8MACRE. and that about 40 or 60 men, ntul 80 women and children wore Hoizod, who wort) forwarded to Franco. The attitude of the In<liann under Huch trying circumstances, towards the missionary among thorn, standw out in prominent contrast to the vih) conduct of the Froncdi governor. The missionary, summoned by the chief, was tlius addressed : " Wo have every right to treat thee as our foe, but we have not the inclination to do so. Wo know thy nature too well ; thine heart has had no share in causing the wrong that haw been done to us. We are not so unjust as to punish thee for a crime that thoii abhorrest as much as we." Then the aged chief informed him that the young men of the tribe might not feel so lenient, and that ho must leave, at the same time causing him to be conducted by a safe path from their midst. For a time DeNonville somewhat curbed the Iroquois; but in the end he failed completely to hold the ground which had pre- viously been acquired. For four years ho continued to govern ; matters continually growing worse, until, in the spring of 1689, 1,400 Iroquois made an onslaught on the island of Montreal. The inhabitants, in the depth of sleep, knew nothing of their danger, until the fearful whoop and the bloody tomahawk and scalping knife were already at work. The butchery was most fearful ; the cruelties to women and children most revolting. Besides those in.stantly killed, 200 were burnt alive, and others died under prolonged torture. This was called the massacre of Lachine. The governor was paralyzed, and no step was taken to redress the groat evil. It was under such circumstances that he was recalled, and superseded by De Frontenac, who had again been requested to bo- come governor. Frontenac landed at Quebec on the 18th October, 1689, and was received with every demonstration of joy. Frontenac entered upon his duties shortly before the renewal of hostilities between England and Franco. All of Protestant Europe, indeed, were enlisted in the war which had, to a great extent, arisen from the cruol course pursued by France towards the Huguenots. Frontenac, whose master foresaw the war, which was declared in the following year, brought with him full instructions to prepare for a vigorous warfare all along the frontier of New France, even to the Hudson Bay territory. By this time the Eng- lish settlements upon the Atlantic coast had attained to no incon- siderable strength, and were already engaging in trade by water, as well as with the Indians in peltries ; and already it had become FRONTIKR LIFK. 17 a question of coiwjUOHt by Now Kn/^liind or by Now Frnnco. Tho proHont juncturo Hoomod one fhvorHl)lo fl-r bold monsuros on tho |mrt of tlic Afi^'lo-Anioricjuis. Tlioy bjid rapidly advanced in ma- terial Hli'cn^tli, wliik> tlio Krmudi had ratlior dcfdiiiod, owin^^ to tho want of immigration and to tbo fV(M|Uont <loHtrii('tivo incui-HionH of tho lio(|UoiH. Tliodocdaration of war botwocn Knglaiid and France, in Juno, 1(589, saw tho colon ist8 j)ro])arod to contoHl tho /ground for Hupr<*ma(!y, and monoj)oly of tho fur trade. Tho Krone h, notwith- Htandin/^ their limited nnmorical ntrongth, hoHitatcd not to enter tlio Hold, and made up their want of numbers by Huporior and do- terniinod bravery. JUd'ore Do Frontenac had arrived, overything was K"'"K ''" badly with the Caiuidians. M. DoNonvillo had, bo- fore hiH departure, instruetod Honor do Valrouvo, commandant at Catarar[ui, to blow up the fort, whieii had been acc,ordin<^ly done ; and the country abandoneil to tho fndiaiiH, who now rani^ed the country, to the very entrance of Montreal. Hut Fronteiuic deter- mined to take bold and active measuroM to carry the war into the onomicH country, notwlthHtandinic the odds against the FnMich. Organized planw of attack, at different points, were arranged, one of which, in its carrying out, was quite as cruel and barbarous as tho Lachine masHacro, which it was intended, as aftoi'wai-ds stated, it should revenge. A party of French and Indians wore led in tho irection of Albany. Ox\ their way,one night, about eleven o'clock, they attacked tho sleeping town of Scdienectady, and put. the de- tonceless inhabitants to the sword. Those acts cannot bo justified in Europeans, and show the fearful spirit of barbarity which reigned in those early days of America. Tho ottect produced by the bands of raiders that swept over tho British colonies along the frontier, and here and there, into tho very interior, was salutary to tho French interests, and the spring saw the French flag much more respected by the Indians than it had lately been : yet tho Iroquois earnestly and boldly strove to carry death to the door of every Ca- nadian hamlet. The energetic measures adopted by Frontenac Vustrated all their attempts; yet it was unsafe for the husbandman to go to the field, so that famine began to appear. The spring of 1691 saw, however, instead of a repeated invasion of New England, extensive preparations in the latter country to invade Canada. Sir V7illiam Phipps was preparing to sail from Boston, with a squad- on, to capture Quebec, and General Winthrop, with forces from !Ionnecticut and New York, was mustering his militia, to invade )y land. The latter marched to, and encamped upon, the banks of 16 FRUITLEIW HIBOE8 0¥ QUEBEC. IjaVv George, whoro ho waited for tho nppciiranco of Phipps, by tho St. Lawrence; Itiit, in tho moiintinu', diHoiiHO jittaokod hiw lroo|)«, and he wuh (>hli|rod to retrace hiH Hteps to Alhatiy. Kcarcoly had Winthrop (h*pnrtod when the fleet under PhippH entered the waterH of tho St. Lawrence, and UNoendod, to invoHt tho City of Quehoc, a})pt^aring in Hi|<ht on tho Idth of October. Phipps demanded n Burrender; but Frontenao, although with an inferior j^arrJMOn and but few trtKtps, j^avo a Kpirittnl refuHal ; and ultimately, before tho cloHo of tho month, Phipps found it expedient to retire. Thus tor- miiuited tho first Hioge of (iuobec. Tho ensuing four yearn prosenlod one continuouH Mcono of bor- der warfare. WhiU) hoHtilitioM in Europe wore exhauHtin/^ tho re»ourco8 of France, Cana<bi, under Frontenac, wan more than hohlinj^ itrt own. Tho British Americans vainly tried a^ain to bo- Hie^o (^uoboc, making an attack by land ; but each attempt was at- tended with diHaHter. PVontenac, recognizing tijo importance of Catara(|ui as a place of defence, sent 700 men to ro-oroct tho fort In this ho was opposed by the Intondant, M. do Champigny, and oven by tho home government; but ho had the work completed in 1695, before orders camo to abstain Irom erecting it. Frontenac had submitted a report giving tho reasons why the fort should exist, namely: in time of peace for trade, and to repair hatchets and arms; and in time of war to atlbrd a place of retreat, and to give succor and provisions ; also a place to organize expeditions against the Iroquois, and to receive the sick and wounded on re- turning from expeditions. On the other hand, Do Champigny re- ported that the trade would not be much in time of peace, as the Iroquois would prefer to deal with tho English, who would give more ; that the Indian should carry tho beaver skin to tho French, not tho French go for it ; that the fort was out of the direct course of trade, some thirty or forty leagues ; that the force necessary to curr}' provisions would at any time bo cajjablo of proceeding against tho enemy. It would bo better to take a more soutliorl}' course from Montreal into the enemy's country, while Cataraqui is situated ui)Oii the opposite side of the lake ; that it was an unfit place for sick and wounded, being " very unhealthy, oighty-bovon having died there in one year, out of tho hundred who composed the gar rison." "Tho swamp poisons the garrison," which is so situated that it allords no protection except to tho men within it, who migl.t as vvoll lo in a prison, llo counselled thi^t the fort should be abandoned, as it was useless and cxijcnsivo. Frontenac, however. IlKATII or rRONTENAC. 19 having ori>(tto<l Iho fort, ^nrriHoncd it with 4fi HoldiopH. Tho oxponno of ro-OHtul)IiHhin^ tlio tort iitid hupplyiii^ tho nocoHHary proviMions cOHt Homo £700. At thin juncturo tho Krcncli had ontorlHiriod tho idoA of calling in tho outpoHtH aion^jf tho wostorn inkoH and upon thu MiHHiHHippi, hut it was roprOHontod that tr> do no was to open tho way for tho oxeluHivo trade of tho IndianH witli tho Kii/^liwh. But Frontonac adviHod no Huch moaHuroH. llo, by hiH (U>tormifiod bravor}', Huccoodi'd in brin^in^ thr InxpioiH to rospoct tho French name, and ho ollon carried tiro and death into thoir very country. When tho war terminated, tho old lK)un(larioH of tlio ProvineoM had boon fully ro-OHtabliuhed, and honors were conferred upon tho gov- ernor by his royal master. In 1H97 tho war terminate*! by tho treaty of Kj'HwicIc, Hif^ned September 11, by which the French were to restore all ])laco,s taken froni the BritiHh in America; and it was Htipulated that a commiHsion whould bo appointed to deler- mino tho respective boundarie.s of the ProvincoH. In tho year 1698, on the 28th November, Count do Frontonac died, a^od 77, much beloved by tho Canadians, after havin;^ raised Now Franco from a low condition to a high state of material ad- vancement. J}nt against him was too truly said that ho encouraged the dreadful traftic of liquor among the Indians, in or<ler that advantageous trading, in winch tho governor allowed himself to meddle, might bo carried on. ■ ' On 2Gth May, 1703, M. do Calli6re, who had been the sjiccesaor of Frontonac, died, and tho governor oi Montreal, who was tho Marquis dc Vaudrcuil, was nominated as successor. This appointment, made at the instance of tho colonists, was conferred with hesitancy, the reason being that his Countess was a native-born Canadian ! Not only in that day but in later <lays, and under other circumstances, wo have seen tho belief obtaining that natives of Canada must, from tho natufo of thoir liirtli-])lace, lack those (jualifications for distinguished positions with which tlioso from homo are supposed to be so eminently endowed. Tho British Colonists by this time began to entertain desires to conquer Canada, and steps were taken to accomplish the talcing of Quebec. Among those who took an active part by raising pro- vincial troops, and in visiting England to obtain assistance, was General Nicholson, whoso descendants to this day live in the vici- nity of tho Bay Quinto, and in tho Lower Provinces. In 1710 he visited England, in company with five Iroquois chiefs, who wore presented to Quoon Anne, and who received distinguished attention. 20 TREATY OP UTRECHT. being convoyed to the palace in royal coachoH. It was following this that the Quoon proBonted those interesting pieces of Commu- nion plate to the five nations, part of which may bo seen at Tyen- dinagua, and part at the Grand Eiver. A futile attempt was made by Nicholson, with a floot under Admiral Walker, in 1711, to take Quebec. The whole enterprise not only failed but was attended with great disaster. General Nicholson, with his army at Lake Champlain, had to give up his desire to capture Montreal and Quebec. On March 30, 1713, was signed the treaty of Utrecht. In this treaty abridgement of French territory in America was eftected- Acadia, Hudson's Bay territory and Newfoundland wore ceded to Britain. French power was on the decline both in America, and Europe. Vainly the French tried to regain what they had lost in Newfoundland and Acadia, by founding an establishment at Cajje Breton, and in the foundation of the historic fort of Louisburg. In 1714 Governor Vaudreuil went to Franco, where he remained until September, 1716. He then returned to Canada, and set about improving the state of affairs generally. Quebec, at the present day such an impregnable fortress, was not, in any respect, regularly fortified before the beginning of this century. To the natural strength of the place was first added artificial aid, in 1702. To this again were added, in 1712, other defences, and in 1720, by the approval of the home government, the fortification was syste- matically proceeded with. At this time the colony was divided into three distinct governments, those of Quebec, Three Eivers, and Montreal ; and the whole was sub-dividided into eighty-two parishes. The whole population was estimated at 25,000 ; whilst at the same time the British colonies had 60,000 males able to bear arms. The governor, aware of this, already began to fear a success- ful invasion of Canada. ,,,.»..i, ., _ ,. ,,. ,, i,.. v.. .. , M. de Vaudreuil died October 10, 1725, having been governor twenty-one years. He was succeeded by the Marquis de Beauhar- nois, who arrived at Quebec in 1726. The contest for the supre- macy of the fur trade continued. The British seeing the advantage of the line of forts held by the Fi'onch determined to erect a fort also, and selected the mouth of the Oswego for its site. As an off- set to this aggression on the part of the British, against which the French vainly protested, the French fort at the mouth of the Nia- gara waa erected, with defences ; and orders were given that a stone fort sl^ould replace the one originally constructed of wood, at PORT LOUISBURG. 21 Catnraqui. In 1731, Fort Frederick was also erected, at Crown Point, on Lake Champlain. This year, Varronnes, Sieur de la Ver- endrye, urged by the governor, sot about to discover a route to the Pacific ocean ; but ho only reached tho foot of the Eocky Moun- tains, being tho first white man to discover them. About this time the fort at Toronto (Lake) is, for tho first time, referred to. For more than a decade tho strife for the peltry traffic continued to be waged, yet without any actual warfare. It was seen by all that peace could not continue, and New England and New France were all tho time anticipating the conflict. In 1745 war broke out in Europe, and immediately extended to America. It will be remem- bered that tho Fi'onch were dispossessed of Acadia, but had subse- quently ei'ected a fort upon Capo Breton, Louisburg. From this naval stronghold they wore able to send privateers and men-of-war. The English, in the meantime, seeing this evil, and that this was a protection to the only entrance to French territory, determined to possess it promptly, if it were possible. To carry out this project, which originated with Governor Shii-loy, of Massachusetts, 4,000 militia, levied in Mass., New Hampshii'o, Maine, and Connecticut, under Colonel Pepperol, sailed from Boston in March. The attack upon this strong fort was so well planned and carried out, that full success was the result. Admiral Warren arrived with ships to give assistance, and captured a French ship of 64 guns, with 560 soldiers and supplies. Already the Anglo-Americans were beginning to display the energy (derived from an energetic race) which was to overturn British domination in the Atlantic States. But in the first place it was necessary that England should extinguish French power. The brilliant nature of the attack and taking of Fort Louis- burg was recognized by the granting of baronetcies to Governor Shirley and Colonel Pepperol. This success hastened the determi- nation to conquer Canada — a desire already existing in the hearts of the Anglo-Americans ; and Governor Shirley applied to the British government for regulars and a fleet for that purpose. Meanwhile, a fleet, with several thousand troops, sailed from Franco, with a view of re-taking Cape Breton and Acadiu ; but tem- pest and disease destroyed the force, until it was no longer able to invade. . _ From the year 174S border warfare con tinuallj' blazed along the frontier. The French, with their savag? allies, carried the scalping-knifo and the torch into tho British settlements, captured Fort Massachusetts and Fort Bridgman, and gained other victories, 22 MASSACRE BY WASHINGTON. and the luckless settlers liiul to seek safety in the more largely-set- tled parts of the country. Again came temporary peace to the colonists. In 1748, upon the 7th of October, the treaty, was signed at Aix-la-Chapelles, by the terms of which Capo Breton reverted to the French. This treaty was, however, but a lull in the struggle in America, which was destined to end in conquest. The French continued to strengtlion their outposts. Detroit was garrisoned, and forts of stone were built at Green Bay, Toronto, and La Presentation. . In 1756, Fort Duquesne, at Pittsburgh, was established. It was in this year that Washington first came before the public as an actor. He led a considerable force to the west, with the view of destroying Fort Duquesne, and encountered a small body of French. The man who subsequently became a hero by concurring events, as well as by his own energy, did not, on this occasion— if we may credit history — act a very honorable part. In- formed of the camping ground of the enemy, he marched all night, to attack them in the morning. Junonville, the commander, when aware of the proximity of VVasliington, made known to him by a trumpeter that he had a letter to deliver, and when Junonville had begun to read his letter firing was suddenly re-commenced. The painters of AVashington's character have tried to cover this stain; but unbiassed recorders think he was by no means blameless. But Wash- ington's humiliation rapidly followed this unmanly procedure.. The main force of the French, hearing of the massacre by Washington, advanced to revenge it ; and, attacking him in his own chosen posi- tion, succeeded, after ten hours' fighting with muskets alone, against cannon, in driving Washington from his position, and compelled him to make an inglorious retreat. At the beginning of 1755, England sent out additional soldiers and means of war, and appointed General Braddock, who had distin- guished himself as a soldier, to act as military chief. At this time, " Dr. Franklin estiniat d the whole English provin- cials at a total of 1,200,000; whilst the whole number of people in Canada, Cape Breton, Louisiana, &c., was under 80,000 souls."— QGameau). At the same time France was weak, by the presence of an indolent King, who allowed himself and kingdom to be governed by a courtesan, Madame de Pompadour. Religious dissensions and stagnation of trade, all contributed to place France in but a poor posi- 'tion to engage in war. Great Britain, on the contrary, was in all respects prosperous. At such a favorable time it was that the Anglo- THE SEVEN YEARS' WAR. 28 Americans urged the mother country to carry on, with tlie utmost rigor, a war for the subjugation of Canada. Franklin, a8 astute a politician as clever in science, was their principal mouthpiece. He who, twenty-five years thereafter, ^'epaired to Paris, to arouse the public feeling of France and entire Europe against Britain; tiie same who came to Canada to revolutionize it in 1770, was, in 1754, the greatest promoter of the coming invasion of the French [)ossession8 in North America. " There need never be permanent repose expected for our thirteen colonies," urged he, " so long as the French are mas- ters of Canada." Thus was inaugurated what is known as the seven years' war. -.^i ■." f <•■[■:"■ .,,)• . , - c ,,,:,■'■-,■ The respective combatants marshalled their forces for the con- flict. The French, nothing daunted, took energetic measures to repel the foe, and strike blows here and there, as opportunity aflibrded. A force was sent to take Fort Oswego from the English, while John- son, a name to be mentioned hereafter, was despatched to attack Fort Frederick. The first great battle was fought in the Ohio valley, by General Braddock. Here the French gained a signal victory, with but a few men, and utterly put to rout their enemy. At Fort Ed- ward, the French, under General Dieskau, were less successful in an encounter with Johnson, the French commander being taken prisoner. The close of the first year saw Forts Frederick, Niagara and Duquesne, still in the hands of the French, while bands of savages and Canadians travei'sed the British settlements, massacreing and burning all before them. The ensuing year witnessed more elaborate arrangements to con- tinue the war. France sent to Canada soldiers, provisions, war material and money; and, also, the Marquis de Montcalm was selected to take charge of the army. Montcalm had seen i-ervice, and with him came other officers likeAvise experienced. ' . , , Proceeding to Montreal, he conferred with the Governor, and it was detei'mined to form two principal camps, one at Ticonderoga, the other at Frontenac, and a battalion was despatched to Niagara. The British, at the same time, made extensive prejjarations, both in the colonies and at home, and the Earl of London was appointed generalissimo, ii^ i<i';i fiui'' ;f-i:Jv<snn>n'wnf(p ..f'-/y >,>,u'a i•^l>.?<ln,fr .^, fT It is a remarkable fact that Montcalm had from the first a fatal presentiment as to the issue of the war ; yet he, all the same, took every step that prudence and energy directed, to secure the success of his army. There was also a cooluess bet>yeeo hiin and the Gover- 24 CANADIANS IN DISTRESS, BUT SUCCESSFUL. nor, who manifested a determination and energy worthy of him. It was determined that fresh attempts should be made to possess Fort Oswego, and General Montcalm arrived at Fi'ontenac for that pur- pose on the 29th of July. Upon the 11th August they reached Oswego and invested the Fort, which was obliged to surrender on the 14th, the commander, Colonel Mercer, having been killed. Tho Fort was razed to the ground. The Canadians then withdrew to their homos carrying the prisoners of war, and the guns of the Fort, and provisions with them. This was the principal event of this year. The winter saw the Canadians suffer from famine and small-pox. During the winter 175 7-8, there was continued hostility, and in the following year Montcalm succeeded in taking Fort William Henry, after a siege of four days. Colonel Munroe commanded the Fort, and he trusted for support to General Webb, who failed to afford it, but instead sent a message to Munroe to retire, which note fell into the hands of Mont calm. Munroe on the morning of the 9th, displayed his flag of truce The events of this capitulation have ever been held in remembrance, because of the fearful massacre which the Indians made of the Eng- lish, who had surrendered, and who marched out without their arms, in full confidence in the integrity of the victorious besiegei'S. Stern history has cast no little blame upon Montcalm, for at least I'c lissness of duty ; and the pen of historic fiction has found it a fruitful theme with which to weave a story, and record thrilling events. The ensuing winter was one of great privation to the Canadians) the harvest had failed ; and everything began to look dark indeed for the devoted French ; yet four years of war had given all the advantage to their arms. The continued ill-success of the British, caused them to raise inci'eased numbers of men, so that by numerical force they might overwhelm the French. In tho spring of 1758, 80,000 British combatants were residy to march. Wliile such was the condition and war-like sj)irit which obtained upon the British side, a far different state of afi:airs existed with the French. Success had so far attended the gallant feats undertaken by them. All along the lengthened border the foe had been defeated, or had gained but scant victory Again, the Iroquois nation, impressed with the success thus obtained by the French, and gratified to have the Fort of Oswego, always nnpleasent to them, destroyed, seemed inclined to take sides with them, certainly did not favor the English. But, when so much has been said the extent of French power in America has been stated. Canada was no longer receiving support from France. The colonists had been weakened by continual warfare and repeated crop-failures. THE STRUGGLE. 25 But undeterred by the dark clouds that continued to tliicken, the Canadians buckled on their armor to fight till the very last. Says Montcalm to the Minister at home, " We shall fight and Ave shall bury ourselves, if need be, under the ruins of the colony." Again the tide of war ebbed and flowed with fearful power. Carillon was made red with British blood, as vain endeavors were made to capture that French strong hold. Against Louisburg, Cape Breton, Carillon, Lake Champlain, and Duquesno in the Ohio Valley, the English arrayed their fleets .and armies. In the attack now made upon Louisburg, for the first time appears the name of Wolfe, who distinguished himself by scaling a rock, with a hundred men, which had hitherto been regarded unaccessable. After a spirited defence, the French surren- dered the Fort, a perfect wreck, July 26. About this time Cape Breton passed into British hands, and thus was opened to the English, the Fort of Quebec. In the mean time the attack upon Fort Carillon by General Abercromby, with a strong •army, had proved a complete failure. The French, although few, desperately met the repeated assaults made during half a day, and Abercromby, cut up and ashamed, was forced to relinquish the matter. This battle was fought July 8thi in which 3,600 men struggled successfully for six hours against 15,000 picked soldiers, (fiameau). De Levis, who had been in com- mand at Fort Frontenac, was called by Montcalm to take part in the defence of Carillon. This left Fort Frontenac comparatively weak, and Abercromby, having learned the fact, despatched Colonel Bradstreet, who had taken an active part in the battle, to capture the Fort. Bradstreet sot out with 3,000 men, 11 guns and mortars. The invading force reached its destination August 35. The Fort had been left with 70 men under the command of M. de Noyan, notwithstanding, the Fort was bravely defended for a time. " The victors captured many cannons, quantities of small arms, boats of provisions and nine nowly armed barques, — part of the trophies brought from Oswego wlien captured. After loading his barges to the waters-edge, Bradstreet released his prisoners on parole, burnt the Fort, also seven of the barks, and returned to his country." {Gamecm.) This was a severe blow to the struggling Canadians. The Governor had ordered the farmers from the field, and all the avages he could command, to march to the assistance of Fort Frontenac ; but when the party reached Fort Presentation, (Ogdens- burg), it was learned that Frontenac was already destroyed. To dd to the misfortune of the French, the same autumn, General 26 THE BPRINO OF 1769. Forbes, notwithstanding a part of his force had boon previously defeated, secured the destruction of Fort Duquosno on the Ohio. This closed the engapjements for the year 1748, and everything looked for tho French, most discouraging. The winter was spent by tho English in preparing for a still moz'o determined con. tinuation of the war; while the French wasted their energies in domestic dissention. Tho GfovernorM. de Vandreuil and Montcalm ceased not to quarrel, and to charge each other with incompetency) and oven crimes. At tho same time the moans of tho country was absorbed by unpatriotic merchants, who availed themselves of the circumstances of the country to amass fortunes by illegal traffic in furs with the Indians. Tho Government at home, although informed by Montcalm that Canada would be conquered if help were not sent, took no step to assist the devoted Colonists, who, although disheartened were not disposed to surrender allegiance to their native country, even when all but forsaken. The spring of 1759 beheld them standing to thoir arms with calm detoi'mination, awaiting tho onset of the foe. The British as in previous years prepared to invade Canada simultaneously at three different points. There was no fortress in the Lower St. Lawrence to obstruct their advance by water, so Quebec was the point at which, to the oast, the attack would bo made. A corps of 10,000 men commanded by General Wolfe, who we have seen, distinguished himself at the taking of Louisburg, prepared to ascend tho St. Lawrence to invest the capital. Another force 12,000 strong under General Amherst, a name we shall have to speak of hereafter, was to pass by Lake Chamjilain to descend the Richeleu and to join Wolfe at Quebec. And a third force, under General Prideaux, with savages under Sir William Johnson, wore to possess Fort Niagara,and then descend to tho capture of Montreal, Opposed lo tho numerous and well appointed armies of invasion, there was, according to Garneau, all in all of Frenchmen, between the ages of 16 and 60, capable of bearing arms, but a little over 15,000. In the early sjiring, one M. de Corbiere, ascended with the view of rebuilding Fort Frontonac. 300 men were also sent to repair and defend Nirgara. But it soon was deemed expedient to recall them and to concentrate their forces. Every man from even the more remote parts, presented himself to tho nearest place of rendezvous. In the latter part of May, word came that the enemies ships were coming. («.>.^.-U ' \-Ji WOLFE BEFORE QUEBEC, 87 Tho events connected with the overthrow of French wupremacy in Canmla cannot fail to impress the student of Canadian history. Tho capture of Quebec, and, as an inevitable result, tho con- quest of Canada are events of great intei'est ; but the space cannot be allowed hero to more than refer to the thrilling scenes of valor displayed by tho victors and tho vanquished. As Canadians of British origin wo recognize tho event as one not to bo deplored, how- ever Franco-Canadians may regard tho question. The conquest of Canada, was to add a new element to that of the British American which was destined to grow, and to act no moan part in respect to British interests in America,and we believe, ultimately to completely amalgamate with a portion of the older elements, and thus to beget a race, under Confederation, none the less noble, none tho loss stable, and none the less glorious, than that race (a prototype of this) — the Original Anglo-Saxon derived from tho Norman, who came to England with William tho Conqueror, as well as tho Saxon elements. More than a hundred years have passed away since tho fall of Quebec. Tho centenary anniversary of tho event has been cele- brated with an amount of enthusiasm which probably Quebec never witnessed before. Since tho American Eovolution, when the French Canadians fought by tho side of the American Loyalist to defend Quebec, the former have ceased to be a conquered people — Sequestrated from Franco, they have escaped all the horrors which have since swept over that people, while they have I'etained their language, religion, and laws. A hundred' years has ei'adicated or rather changed all the feelings which burned so fervently in the French Canadian heart, except their love of Canada ; and they have joined heartily with the Anglo-Saxon to erect a joint monu- ment which commemorates at once tho heroism of Wolfe, and the gallantry of Montcalm. Although the forces invading under Wolfe, exceeded in num- ber those who defended tho citadel, yet, tho gi-eatest heroism was displayed in its taking. The British fleet of " 20 ships of the line with frigates and smaller war vessels," and transports, reached tho Isle of Orleans, June 25, where the land force disembarked and proceeded deliberately te invest the stronghold, finding a more difficult task than had been expected. Bepoated attempts and assaults were made with the result of showing Wolfe how strong was the po'-'i.ion his youthful ardor would fain secure. Not alone was he baffled thus, but a severe illness prostrated him to death's 28 UPON THE PLAINS OP ABRAHAM. door, whoso portalH wore so soon to bo oponod to him, by another moans. In his moments of discouragemont he had written home in a spirit not calculated to att'ord liope. The plan which resulted in success, it is said was suggested by his three faithful Generals* Monkton, Townshend and Al urray. The night before the 13th of September, 1750, tlus day upon which Wolfe was to win imperishable kurols, and to hiy down hi s life, he felt a presentiment that his end was near, and carefully ar- ranged all his worldly affairs. On the evening of the l2th he invited Cai)tain John Davis (afterwards x\dmiral. Earl St. Vincent), of the Porcupine slooj) of war, to spend an hour or two on board the Suth- erland." "Wolfe, in the course of their conversation, said that he knew he should not survive the morrow ; and M'hen they were about to separate, he took from his bosoni the picture of Louther and delivered it into the hands of his friend, whom he requested, should his fore- boding be fulfilled, to restore the pledge to the lady on his arrival in England." Having previously made disposition of his forces to prepare the way for the final attack, and, as well in some instances, to deceive the enemy as to his intentions, Wolfe finally, at one o'clock, upon the morning of the 13th September, set out in flat bottomed boats to make his landing at Fuller's Cove, thereafter to be called after himself. The night was dark, and other circumstances being favorable the landing was safely effected, the heights ascended, and at the break of day Montcalm learned with the utmost astonish- ment that the enemy was upon the heights of Abraham in battle array. Montcalm hastened to drive away the venturesome foe, but this was not to be accomplished; a few hours brought a realization of his early presentiment. After a spirited struggle the French were to be seen running, the announcement of which made Wolfe die happy; and, Montcalm was wounded unto death. Ho died on the 14th. The defeat of Montcalm secured the capture of Quebec, yet it was not until the 18th September that the city surrendered, and French writers would make it appear that even then it were not necessary. The command of the Fionch army after the death of Montcalm devolved upon Gen. de Levis, who had been absent up the St. Law- rence. He returned to Montreal only in time to hear of Mont- calm's defeat. He hastened to the rescue of the beleaguered city, but ho reached the vicinity, not until Quebec had passed into the hands of the British. CAPTURE OF FORT NIAGARA. 29 During tho time these exciting sconeH had been tranHpiriiig at Quebec, Gen. Ainheivt had been conl'ronting Boulania(juo, upon tho bhores of Luke Champlain; whom he had compelled to return, and to dotttroy Fort Frederick and to retire to Ule AuxNoin. Iti tlie west, at Niagara Gen. Prideaux and Sir Wm. Johnson had been succCBsful in taking tho Fort from Pouchot. By this, Lake Ontario with its northern shore, as well aw the region of tho Jiayof Quinto came into tho ponseHsion of tlie Uritinh. The expedition to capture Fort Niagara, taken at the urgent request of tho Governor of New York, was under the command of Generlfl Prideau.,:. The attacking party landed at Four Mile Creek almout four miles east of the Fort, on the Gth July, 1859. Fort Niagara was garrisoned by 48G men according to Pouchot, the French commander, but according to English statements 600. General Prideaux forces numbered, according to Capt. de Lancy, 1,200, and 1,000 Indians, as said by Sir William Johnson. Pouchot discovered their approach the following day. " lie despatched couriers to Presquo Isle, to Fort Machault, at tho mouth of French Creek, Pa., and to the commander of tho Fort at the " Carrying Place " for assistance. Reinforcements were sent, numbering about 600 French, and 100 Indians. They resembled when passing down the rapids, " a floating island, so black was the river with batteaux and canoes." They landed a few miles above the falls and pro- ceeded to Lewiston and thence to relieve Pouchot. In the mean time tho siege had been pressed with vigor. Prideaux, the English General, had been killed and the. command had devolved on Sir W, Johnson. The English learned of the approach of the reinforce- ments, and Captain James de Lancy was despatched to a position in ambuscade above the present site of Youngstown. Tho French discovering the English in ambush, made an impetuous attack upon them, but the English withstood the assault, and eventually turned tho tide against the enemy, who were put to flight, 200 being killed, and 100 taken prisoners. Pouchot learned of the disaster about two o'clock; and, two hours after Sir W. Johnson demanded a surrender. That same evening, or on the following morning he com- plied ; but he has stated that he would not have done so had it not been ^or the mutiny of the Germans who formed a part of the garrison. On the 26th the garrison left the fort to be transported to New York. Thus was the power of the Fi-ench broken in the west, and the English became masters of the key to the North- west. d6 SURRENDER OF CANADA. Tho following spring CJon. do L<Svlfl dotormlnod to mnko an effort to rotako (Juoboc, nnd upon tho 28th of April, tho plains of Abraham wore again rod with Mood, and tho British, under Gon. Murray, woro compollod to sook Hafoty within tho walls of tho city, whoro thoy woro bosiogod until tho 9th, when a British frigate arrived and gave succor. On tho 14th July (Ion. Murray, with a largo sailing force, commenood tho ascent of tho St. Lawronco. At tho same time Gen. Amherst, with a considerable force was commencing a descent from Oswego. Tho two woro thus advancing toward Montreal, each subduing on tho way such forts and garrisons as were doomed of sufficient importance. By tho first of Soptomber, the city of tho Eoyal Mountain, containing tho wreck of tho French army was encompassed on either hand. Tho Governor, upon tho night of tho 6th, hold a council of war, at whichit was determined to capitulate. Tho celobratod act was signed on tho 8th September, 1760, and tho Bamo day tho English took possession of tho city. Thus Cannda passed into the possession of the British. Tho terms of capitula- tion were more favorable to the French than thoy had any reason to expect, and those terms have over boon fulfilled. Tho Governor, Gon. de Levis, tho ofHcors, and a largo number of men, women and children returned to France. At tho ^imo of tho taking of Montreal, thoro remained at Detroit some throe or four hundred families. This Fort and others around the lakes yet held b}' the French were surrendered to Major Rogers, a person again to be spoken of. The population according to the Governor, left of l^Vench origin, was 70,000. Tho Canadians who did not" return to France repaired to their homes and renewed their peaceful avocations. The first British Governor, Sir Jeffry Amherst, entered upon his functions 1763. Wo have now very cuf'sOf ily indeed, noticed tho history of the French Canadians up to the time they became British subjects. Wo have seen they did not willingly become such ; yet scarcely fifteen years were to pass away before their loyalty to the British flHg was to be tested ; not indeed to decide whether they should again become a part of France, rather than remain British, but whether their condition as Bi'itish subjects was so intolerable that they should seek other protection of a foreign origin. Wo shall see that although promises were held out of great political advantage they preferred to remain as they were. There THE I'RENCH IN AMERICA. 31 remained in tho hcnrtM of th« Canadian French, not ho much n (\i»- liko to England as u dotcHtation to the Now Knj^landor. llonce it was that when the rebel banner was unfurled in 1770, with tho declaration of Americon Independence upon it, no Canadian rallied around it. Although commiHsionorB from tho rebel congroHS viHited them with honied wordH and fair proniiHcs, they received no friendly welcome. Tho Canadians regarded their old enen>icH as onemiei* still, and they turned their backs upon the revolting provinces and their faces toward old England for protection. Tho commissioners to the Cantulians, composed of Dr. Bonj. Franklin, Samuel Chase and Charles Carrol, with his brother, a Jesuit Priest were appointed to this mission, on the 15th February, 1776. The same Franklin who now offered tho French " freedom," had urged upon tho British in 1753 tho expediency of reducing Canada ! I For a century and a half Franco endeavored in vain to erect a power in America ; but shall wo say that it was all in vain ? The monument although broken, so far as Franco is concerned yet stands a lasting memorial of French energy, of religious fervor, stern dotermination, and indomitable valor. And, when tho wave of revolution passed ovei 'ho thirteen British Colonies, the column was conspicuous enough to be seen by refugees ; the protection Canada offered was sufficient for the homeless families of U. E. Loyalists. Canada was a sacred spot, although French. Jt constituted a nucleus, around which collected those who preferred order to rebellion. Those who had fought as opi^oncnts at Duquesno, at Niagara, at Frontenac, at Tyconderoga, and upon the Plains of Abraham, were Joined together. Tho heol, which had assisted to crush the Canadian French, now sought and found a resting place among those who had been overcome. Thus was to be laid the foundation of the Dominion of Canada, whoso future is to bo great. Stretching from seaboard to seaboard, it is destined to become, ere it has reached tho present age of tho United States, the Russia of America, with tho purest principles of government the world has ever known. We now approach tho period of time whon another element of discord was to appeai" among the races which inhabited Amei,*ica. Bloody Indian wars had in the past swept back and forth across the woody land, liival colonizers had resorted to strife, to extend territorial power. European weapons had been transported to wage wars of extermination. Conquest and subjugation of Indians and rivals had been witnessed j but now Eobellion, a term that has 32 KKUKLLION uv 177G. received fVowli Hi^niflciuico In the lato civil war in the TJnllod StatUH, wuH to 1)0 initiatod. The BriliKh bloo<liin(i nionuy which had boon Ittvirthly Hpoiit for tho An^lo-Ainoricans, hiui only proparod thoHo coloniHlH to Huck othor advantu/y^oH. Tho Indiana hold in Muh- joction, tho Fronch conquorod, tho mothor country itnolf must now bocoorcod to givo full roin to tho Hpoilod and waywai*d oll'Hprin^'. —9— DIVISION I. THK UEDELLION OP 177G— THE THIRTEEN COLONIES. CHAPTER III. Contents : — Flrnt AmoricJin lU^bcllion — Indopcndcncc — TmitorR maflo HcrocH— LoyaUstH driven away t<> found anotht^r Colony — Tlie roHponHil)ility of rebelling — Treatment of the LoyaliHtK — Tho Hoveral (JolonioH — The first EnglJHhman in America— UecoivoH jElO — EnKliHli Colonization — Virginia— ConvictH — Extent of Virginia — BMrst Oovernor — Virginians not willing to rebel— Quota supplied to tho rebel army — New York — Hudson — Tho Dutch —New Netherlands — Price of New Amsterdam (Now York) — First Legisla- tive Assembly — Not quick to rebel— Quota of rebel troops — Oave many settlcrB to Upper Canada — New Jersey — Its settlement — A battle ground- Gave rebel troops ; also loyal troops — Furnished settlers to Upper Canada — Massachusetts — Captain Smith — New England Puritans — The " Mayflower" —First Governor — Cruel treatment of Indiana — Massachusetts takes the lead in rebelling — Troops — Loyalists — New Hampshire — Troops — Delaware — Settlement — Quota of rebel troops — Connecticut — Education — Troops- Roman Catholics — Toleration — Khode Island — Providence — Inconsistency of the Puritans — Roger Williams — North Carolina — Inhabitants — Soutli Carolina — Many loyalists — Pennsylvania — William Penn — Conduct toward Indians — The people opposed to rebellion — Georgia — Oglethorpe — Policy of England — New England. In the introductory chapters a brief sketch has been given of the settlement of America. We now approach the important events which belong to the first great American rebellion, which culminated in the Declaration of Independence by the thirteen British American Colonies, and terminated in the recognition of their independence by the parent State. The rebellion had resulted in a revolution, and traitors were made heroes ! Tlir, TiriKTKKN COLONIES. X\ It foriiiN a purl of t.lic prcst'iii iin<lcrtiikiii^' to i-fcord noiiumiI' the factH rolutivti to thu hU\\)h l»y wh'uih tlio now powcifiil rnitt-d StiitoH wer«, BH a wliolo, iiNhert'd into the nrrna of imtiotiK, and hy which n nrj^t' v\niiH of Ann'ricanH, true to thi-ir Uritinh alh-j^iaiur, wtsro ooin- iplhjd to Icavi) lh«'ir native country to fomid another (polony in tho northern wil(h'rneHH. To he juHfifled in reheiiini^' aifainst tlie eonsti- tuted anthoriticH tlier«f nniHt he the most eoj^ent reaNoriH ; to take up irias a;j[ainHt th(! Slatt' — to iiiitiutc a civil war, it* asHUtnin^ tliu most fearful (!onNe<|uenuoH. To present even a brief a'K'ount of tlie cireumstanoes which h-tl to the settlement of Upper Canada, it l)eeomcH necessary to dwell for a time upon the great rebellion of 17Y0, the result of which was ad- verse to those Americans who adhered to tlu! old flai^ imder which they had been born, had come to the new world, and had prospered ; i rebellion which was att<'nde<| and followed by piirsecution and vio- lence, imprisomnent and confiscation, banishment, and, too often, loath; which caused a streatn of refugee loyalists to set in toward tho wilderness of ('anada. At the time of tin; rebellion of the English (iolonists in America, tlioy consisted of thirteen provinces. Massachusetts, with her colony t Maine, New IFampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Xew Jersey, remisylvania, J-)elaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. It may be well to briefly notice these several states, and the part eacli took in tho war for In- iependence. The first Englishman to set foot upon the continent of America was John Cabot, who discovered Newfoundland, and probably tho ailjacent nuiinland, June 4, 149Y. Tho event is noticed in the Privy Purse expenditure thus : "1497, Aug. 10 — To liym that foimd tho lew Isle, jEIO," which seems to Imve been a grant for his services. ■ vmcftNTA. ' , In the year 1578, Sir II. Gilbert endeavoured to establish a set- lemeut at the mouth of the lloanoke. P^ailing in his undertaking, lis half brother. Sir Walter Raleigh, made a similar effort tho foUow- ug year, which likewise failed. It was Sir Walter Riileigh who gave ihe name to Virginia, in honor of Elizabeth, the virgin Queen. A bird and successful effort was made to coloni/e in 1607-8, at Jamos- own. This dates the coraraencoment of English colonization of America. Some time later, America was looked upon as » country 84 VIRGINIA — NEW YORK. quite beyond tho ]»alo of civilization, even as IJotany Bay was at a still later period; and in the year 1621, tho British Government transported to Virginia 100 cDnvicts. But notwithstanding, "Vir- ginia," to use the words of Morse's Geograpliy, " the birth-place of Washington, has given six Presidents to the Union." Tlie colony of Virginia was originally indefinite in its boundary; and, judging from old maps, it would seem to have included all of North America. But a map dated 1614 shows the more northern part as New England. The first Governor of Virginia eutere«l upon his duties in 1619. This State was by no means quick to sever the connection with the mother country. Many of her sons stood up for the crown, and very many families became refugees. Washington said of Virginia, in a letter, that " the people of Virginia will come reluctantly into the idea of independence." But in time, by the specious representations of Washington and others, the State produced a certain number of rebels. The quota demanded by the rebel congress was 48,522, She supplied, in 17V6, 6,181 ; and afterwards 20,491. NEW YORK. In the year 1609 Hendrick Hudson, an Englishman, in the employ of Holland, first explored the great river running through Now York State, which now bears his name. He, on behalf of the Dutch took possession of the country. Settlement first took place in 1614, and by 1620, a considerable colony was planted. The island of Manhatten, where now stands New York City, was honestly purchased of the Indians for twenty-four dollars. The village thus founded was called New Amsterdam, and the colony was designated New Netherlands. Having been taken by the English in 1674, tho name of the territor}'- was changed to New York, aftar James, Duke of York, brother to Charles II. The first Legislative Assembly for this Province, met in New York, 17th October, 1683, just one hundred years before Upper Canada began to bo settled. The State of New York was not among the foremost in rebelling. Tho Dutch element which prevailed, was not given to change. Some of the most exciting events and battles of the war were enacted in this State. Eight royally did the people take iTp arms against the robolh and drive Wa.shington from Manhatten. Batta- lions and rogimonts were repeatedly raised and organized in this State. The valleys of tho Mohawk and Hudson became historic NEW JERSEY — MASSACHUSETTS. 35 grounds, nero was witnessed the ignoble failure of Burgoyno's Campaign, which was the commencement of the decline of British power ; ami the City of New York was the last ground of the States occupied by British troops, until the war of 1813. New York furnished troops for the rebel cause, in 1775, 2,075 ; in 1776, 3,G2[) ; and subsequently 12,077. Of all the States, New York gave the largest number of pioneers to Upper Canada. NEW JERSEY. New Jersey was settled in 1620 by the Dutch and Swedes. Having been taken by the English, it was given by Charles II. to the Duke of York. Retaken by the Dutcirin 1673, it was bcmght by Wm. Penn and liis friends. At one time it was divided into East Jersey and West Jersey, East Jersey belonging to Penn. Ib 1702 the two Jersies were united under one government, and received the name of New Jersey. Upon the grounds of this State were fought some of the most decisive battles of the war. Of the Rebel troops Jersey supplied in 1676, 3,193. The quota required afterwards was 11,596-of which she granted 7,534. But Jersey also gave a large number of Royal troops. New Jersey furnished a good many settlers to Upper Canada, of whom one of the most distinguished is the Ryerson fan^ly Many of the settlers along the bay retain interesting traditions of their Jersey ancestry. MASSACHUSETTS. The territory of this State was originally discovered by the Cabots in 1497, anJ visited by Capt. John Smith in 1614, by whom it Avassaid to have been named NewEngland. Itconsisted of the jiresent States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connec- ticut, and Massachusetts. In 1620, upon 22nd December, the Puritan Fathers landed upon the Plymouth Rock, some 30 miles from Boston, and planted the first of the New England States. The " Mayflower," by which they had traversed the Atlantic was only 180 tons burden. She sailed from Southhampton with 102 emigrants. Half of this number died from cold and hardship the first year. They selected for their first Elder one John Garner, who as chief officer had great control. He has consequently been called the first Governor of 'ifew England. The territory had been granted by James I. to the '< Plymouth Company." Althoucrh the 36 NEW HAMPSHIRE — DELAWARE — CONN. Puritans had left their homes because they did not enjoy their rights, they forgot the Golden Rule in their forest homes. They failed to remember that the Indian had rights. The untutored native thought he had a right to the soil, and as the Puritans? unlike Ponn, were umvilling to recognize his rights, but undertook to appropriate the territory, there ensued bloody Indian wars. The Puritan revenged himself, and the native retail iated. So, for many years border massacres were common and terrible. Massachusetts with the other New England States, took the lead in rebellion, and by great pains succeeded in indoctrinating the midland and«Southern States. The first blood of the rebellion was shod in this State, at Lexington and Bunker Hill. The State supplied troops in 1775, 16,444 ; in 1776, 13^72. The quota subse- quently required was 52,728, of which 38,091 was furnished. But Massachusetts had not a few true-hearted loyalists of whom a considerable number became settlers in Upper Canada. At the evacuation of Boston " 1,100 retreated in a body with the Eoyal ai-my. Altogether there left Massachusetts at least 2,000 United Empire Loyalists." The Colony of Maine also had a good many adherents of the crown — (Sabine.) NEW HAMPSHIRE. This Province was first colonized by emigrants from Hamp- shire, England, in 1623. Subsequently it was peopled by English fron4 other parts, and by Scotch. New Hampshire supplied in 1775, 2,824 troops; in 1776, 3,012. Her quota was [10.194. Granted 6,653. We are at the same time assured by Sabine that New Hampshire had many and powerful opponents of rebellion. DELAWARE. Delaware was originally settled by Swedes and Finlanders in 1627. Became a part of New Netherlands in 1655, and in 1664 fell ■ to the English. It was included in the grant of Wm. Penn in 1682, In 1701 it was erected into a colony for legislative purposes. She supplied rebel troops in 1776, 609. Her quota fixed was 3,974. Supplied 1,778. -vi;-.r -v ' ',\: ' .■,'..•,• -v. ,,-.Tvv.r.-> :-; CONNECTICUT. .'/"''' Connecticut was first occupied by emigrants in 1631. The Charter was granted by Charles II., which continued in existence until 1818, when fitjjyas superseded by the existing constitution. Connecticut " has uniformily been a nursery of educated men of MARYLAND — RHODE ISLAND. 37 every class " for the Union. And, it may bo added, a number found their way to Ui)per Canada, as school teachers, subsequent to the Revolution. And there was a certain number of the people of Con- necticut among the Loyalists. Sabine says a good many. This State furnished for the rebel war in 1775, 4,507; in 1776. 6,390. The quota fixed was 28,336, of which was given 21,142. MARYLAND. Maryland was granted to the second Lord Baltimore, a Roman Catholic, by Queen Mary, in 1632 or 4. He colonized the Province with a company of Co-religionists of the higher class of English gentry. It was named after the English Queen, Henrietta Maria. " In 1649, it was made, as has been well said, ' a land of sanctuary,' by the toleration of all religious denominations, but the Puritans, expelled from Virginia, made great trouble in the Colony." The State supplied troops in 1776, 637. Quota fixed by congress 26,608, of which she supplied 13,275. RHODE ISLAND. Massachusetts, planted by Puritans, who came to secure liberty of conscience, would not allow certain individuals in their midst to enjoy like religious liberty, and hence the foundation of Rhode Island. Providence, its original name, was^ thus significantly called, because here the Baptists, under Roger Williams (oppressed by the Puritans of Plymouth), found a pi'ovidential asylum. Tliis was in 1636. In how short a time (16 years) had the oppressed learned to act oppressively ! A charter was granted to Roger Williams in 1642. The govern- ment continued to exist under this charter until 1842, a period of 200 years. Rhode Island gave troops to the number of 1,193 in iTVo, and 798 ill 1776. Quota demanded, 5,094 ; furnished 3,917. • •• NORTH CAROLINA. ;, ■ < • ■ This colony was planted in 1653 by the older colony of Virginia The colony at first included both North and South Carolina, which continued until 1693, when the south part was erected into a sejjarate colony, under the name of South Caiolina. The inhabitants of North Carolina consisted, in part, of refugees from England at the overthrow of the Stuarts. These mainly remained loyal to the crown, and were destined to again become refugees. At the commencement of the 38 CAROLINA — PENNSYLVANIA. rebellion the peo})Ie of this colony were about equally divided between the adherents of the crown, and the rebels. The loyalists were a devoted band. At the same time, the rebels — at least some of them — took extreme steps. They formally demanded a separation from Great Britain in May, 1175, fourteen months before the 4th July declaration of 1776. The State provided, in 1776, 1,134 rebel troops. The quota asked for was 23,994, but only 6,129 was granted. rp SOUTH CAROLINA. South Carolina was first settled in 1070. "The great body of the people were emigrants from Switzerland, Germany, France, GreatBritain, and the northern colonies of America, and their descendants, and were opposed to a separation from the mother country;" yet South Carolina furnished troops for the rebel- lion, in 1776, to the number of 2,069. Subsequently she gave 4,348 ; although her quota, as fixed by Congress, was 16,932. In this colony, were many who could not see the justice of a rebellion. Yankee descendants may say they "bowed their necks to the yoke of colonial vassalage," but it was a wise spirit of conserva- tism which is expressed in the desire to " look before you leap." " Persons who had refused to enlist muler the whig banner, flocked to the royal standard by hundreds." " Sir Henry Clinton informed the British Government that the whole State had submitted to the royal arms." This general attachment to the British crown made the rebels vindictive and bloodthirsty, and they sought to drive away the loyal and peacable by a vengeful shedding of blood. Consequently, the tories retaliated, and Chief Justice Marshall said, " the whigs seem determined to extirpate the tories, and the tories the whigs ; some thousands have fallen in this way in this quarter." " Being almost equally divided, reciprocal injuries had gradually sharpened their resentment against each other, and had armed neighbour against neighbour, until it became a war of extermination." Now, it is sub- mitted that rebellion can hardlj'' be justified when the people are so equally divided. Sabine remarks that *' after the fall of Charleston, and until the peace, the tories were in the ascendant." PENNSYLVANIA. This splendid colony was granted to AVilliam Penn, the Quaker -lid philanthrophist,who was the son of Sir William Penn, an eminent English admiral. Sir William held a claim against the British government for £'16,000 ; and, some time after his death, his son HYLVANIA. 89 liavintr his attention dircclo.; lo llio new wDvld, ohtaincil. in lieu of tliat amount, the i-raiit of land now i'orniin<jf tliis State. The charter was granted by Charles II. in 1081. Penn songlit the new world to escape the persecutions inflicted upon liini at homo. This he had brouglit ujmn himself, by freely expressinji his decided sec-- tarian views, and by writings, disseminating tlie teachings of George Fox, also by attacking the Established Church. He was rei)eatedly imprisoned in the Tower, and even in Newgate for six months. I'enn, on procuring the grant of land, determined to make it " a home for his co-religionists, where they might preach and practice their con- victions in unmolested peace." To the territory he gave the name of Sylvania; but afterwards King Charles insisted that Penn should be prefixed, making it Pennsylvania. Penn sailed from England, with several friends, in August, 1682. On reaching America he found that some Swedes amd Finns had settled along the banks of the Del- aware. Although Penn had a charter by which he could possess the land, yet, as an European, he did not forget the original and rightful owners of the soil. Penn's conduct in this respect stands out in strik- ing conti-ast to the course pursued by the Puritans. It was on the 30th November, 1682, that William Penn held his famous interview with the Indian tribes, when he ettected a straightforward treaty with them, never to be broken or disturbed, so that he secured per- petual peace and respect. By this humane course with the Indians, and by encouraging emigration of all classes, securing to them the fullest liberty of conscience by a wis constitution, he succeeded, with his co-religionists, in building up a most flourishing colony. Subsequently the population was enlarged by numerous accessions from Scotland and Germany. The government of Pennsylvania was proprietary, and continued such until the revolution swept away the charter, and made the chil- dren of WilUam Penn outcasts from the land they and their fathers had made fertile. At the time of the revolution, John Penn, son of Richard Penn, who was the grandson of William Penn, was the Gover- nor of the colony. He, with the masses of the people in the middle States, was opposed to tlie rebellion. It is said there were tliousands 01 loyalists in this State who desired and offered to serve the crown, but whose services were lost through bungling by those in office. Yet the State gave troops to the rebel cause ; 400 in 1*775, and in the following year 5,519. The quota allotted was 40,416; granted, 19,689. ..,1 ji: ..ui. .u-.i -....-,v-- . -.-Y.nr:vr- .. :v^,.,-v.. 40 OEOROIA— NEW ENGLAND. OEOROIA. This was the last of the thirteen colonics CRtablisherl. The founder was Oglethorpe, who eiFected a settlement in 1773, and who lived to see the colony a State. The colonists landed at Charleston in January, 1733. When the rebellion broke out, this colony was " justly regarded as highly loyal." She refused to send delegates to the first rebel congress ; "and that she was represented in the second was owing to the zeal of a native of Connecticut, Dr. Seymour Hall. It required time and labour to organize a party of * liberty men ' to complete the Confederacy." The number of troops supplied in 1775 was 350 ; the quota was fixed at 3,974, and there was suppHed 2,328. The history of England between the periods when Virginia and Georgia, the oldest and youngest of the colonies bat rebelled, were founded, was one of turmoil and strife, of religic .is contentions and civil war ; and the colonists cast off during this hundred years car- ried with them, across the Atlantic, heartfelt bitterness, and many of them no little passion for evil. Notwithstanding, we have seen that the Southern States, with Pennsylvania and New York, did not seek to divide their connection with the parent State. It was generally admitted that the policy of England towards them "had been mild — perhu])s liberal." But, as we have seen, iMew England, with a few malcontents in other states — envious office-seekers, managed to dissem- inate the principles of rebellion — principles that New Englaiul has quite forgotten in her treatment of the South. NEW ENGLAND, Of the aforementioned colonies, they all had received and had secured to them by charter, from an indulgent mother country, gov- ernments of the most liberal nature. Civil and religious liberty were fully enjoyed. Says Mr. Sabine : " Virtually, republican cliarters ; subject only to the appointment of a governor on the part of the" Crown. Every colony was, practically, a State within itself ; and it is a suggestive fact that the very earliest assertion of legislative sujie- riority on the part of the mother country only operated negatively, by forbidding every colony to make laws repugnant to those of England." Certain of the British colonies were, together, called "New England," and since the Independence they are known as the New England States. They consist of New Hampshire, Vermont, Massa- AMERICAN WRITERS. 41 chusetts, Elu)(lo Island, Connecticut, and Maine, whicli was tlien a colony of MaasachuHotta. This region was granted by James I. to the Plymouth Company in 160(5. It was called North Virginia, but it was changed some years later, before it was actually settled. It wa« the people of those States to whom the term "Yankee" was ori- ginally applied ; and now, in the United States this epithet is used solely in reference to these States ; but in Canada and England the word is applied very generally to :ill Americans. The origin of the word Yankee is probably traceable to the Indian appellation " Yengee,'' for English, or Anglais, after tiie French. CHAPTEE IV. CONTKNTS :— American Writors—Sabine— Loyalists had no time to wasto—Inde- pencionce not Bought at first—AdaniB— Franklin— Jay— Jefforson—Washin'^- ton— MadiRon—The British Oovernment— Ingratitude of the Colonists-"- 1 axation — Smugglers — Crown Officers — Persistance— Superciliousness— Contest between Old England and New England. It is most refreshing to one who has been accustomed to see American school books, and even religious American tracts thickly strewn with the most fulsome self-praise, and wordy accounts of Bri- tish tyranny, and of American purity and valor ; to read the speeches, and listen to 4th of July orators, who, with distorted history and hifalutin panogyi-ies, have not ceased to wrap their country in a blazing sheet of glory. After suffering all this, ad nmiseum, it is most agreeable to road the writings of one American author upon the Mibjoct of their Independence, who can do some justice to the Loyalists. Reference is made to Lorenzo Sabine, the author of "Royalists of the. American Revolution." Considering the prejudices which exist throughout the United States against every thing British, and the over-weening vanity of the people in respect to the success which crowned their ettbrts to dismember the British Empire; it is a matter for grateful recognition that a native of ^ew England should take iTp his pen to write redeeming words on behalf of the Loyalists whom they had been taught to stigmatize, to be read by his fellow countrymen. Living upon the borders, 42 WHAT THE PKOPLK WISHED. boyond which ho could soo tho Hcttlod rofuKooH workini^' out Ihoir destiny, under iwlvorso circuinstiuu'.os,und hiyin^ thu Ibuiidationot'ii nation, ho look up hin i)on, wliilo tho U|)|)or (JaiiudiunH were yol 8trUf,'MiinK with tho forest, und without time to {gather uj) the ro(!oriis of their wroni^s, their losses, their persecutions, and inoro than all, the malicious charges aj^ainst them ; and hiu-1 them back at thoir Iniducers. On behalf of .those who will accept tho writer as a representative of tlu^ United Knii)ire Loyalists, ho thanks Lorenzo Sabine, iov what he has said, lle.has said nothing hut tho substantial truth in our favor, and in saying that, lie has said very much, hi his prefatory remarks, after referring to thoir deficiency of know- lodge of the " Tories " ho says . '< Tho reason is obvious. Men who, like tho Loyalists, separate themselves from ^thoir friends and kindred, who are driven from thoir homos, who surrender the hopes und expectations of life, and who become outlaws, wanderers, and exiles,— such men leave few memorials behind them. Thoir pajtors are scattered and lost, and their very names pass from human recollections." Before considering tho question, whether tho American colonies were justified in takingjan extreme stop ; it is most necessary to state that, at tho first there were but an insignificant number of th colonists who hold the belief that armed rebellion was demanded Even among those who, with no mild-toned language denounced th mother country for enacting laws oppressive to tho commerce and industry of tho Americans, no one was found to advocate separation; on the contrary to use tho words of Sabino " Tho denial that inde- pendence was tho final object, gwas constant and general. To obtain concessions and preserve the connection with England, was affirmed everywhere ; and John Adams,gyoars after the peace, went further than this, for ho said ' There waslnot a moment during the RevoMm when I ivouUl not have given everything J possessed for a restoration t) the state of things before the contest began, provided ice could have hada sufficient security for its 'continuance: Again, Franklin's testimony, a few days before the affair at Loxingto\i, wjis, that he had "more than once travelled from one end of tho continent to tho other, and kept a variety of company, eating, drinking, and conversing with them freely, and never had heard in any conversation from any person drunk or sober, the least expression of a wish for separation, or a hint that such a thing would be advantageous to America'' Mr. Jay is quite as explicit. "During the course of my life and until the le iC RELATION BETWEEN PARENT STATE AND COLONY. 43 second ])cliti()n of Conpfross in 1775, / neoer did hear an American of any class, of any description, cvpress a wish for the independence of the colonics. It luvs ahvays, uiid .still in, my opinion and holiof, that our country wuh iM-ompted and inii)ollod to indopcndcnco by necessity, and not by choice." Says Mr. Jetioi-son, " What, eastward of Now Yorlv, might havo l)oon tho dis|)OHitions toward Enghmd bolero the comnuMiconiont of ho.stilitios, I Icnow not, but before that I novor hoanl a whisper of n disposition to separate from (Jreat Britain, and after that, its possibility was contomplated with aftliction by all," Washington, in 1774, sustainod these doclaratioi.H, and, in tho "Fairfax County Resolves" it was complained, that ''malevolent falsehoods'' were i)ropagated by tlio ministry toprejudico tho mind of tho king ; particularly that thoro is an intention in tho American colonies to set vp for independent States; and Washington expressed a wish that the " dispute might bo left to posterity to determine." Mr. Madison was not in public life until May, 177G, but ho says, "It has always been my impression, that a re-establishment of the colonial relations to tho parent country, as they were previous to the controversy, was tho real object of every class of tho people, till the despair of obtaining it." Tho testimony of these Fathers of tho Republic, cannot bo impeached ; and, wo must, therefore, seek for tho cause of tho rebellion in some other place. Wo havo soon how tho Jiritish colonies wore planted^ In connection with thom, two loading influences may bo discovered constantly at work, one of a personal nature ; tho other referring to tho State. Individuals would not sever the ties of homeship and bravo the wide ocean, to expose themselves to the varied dangers of tho wilderness, did they not have good reason'to expect due returns. Tho Governmont would not afford ships and means to send her sons to distant shores, unless the colony would become serviceable to tho parent State. Tho British Government had enabled many a hardy son to lay tho foundation for substantial wealth. More than all, tho colonies of America had been assisted to put under their foot their French rival. For their benefit tho Crown expected, and undertook to enforce some tribute. But tho colonists would not recognize the right of the Crown to tax them for their labor. For all tho British Government had done for the colonies, for all the money spent, she required that the colonists should bo taxed. Laws were enacted, and officers and revenue collectors appointed to enforce tho laws. It was required that these colonies should not trade, with- 44 BMUOOLINO. out cortiiin rostrictionm, with foreign natioiiH; but tho inorcluvnlh of MasHftchUMcrts, huviriff fistod tho Hwootw of unrostrictod trado wore UTiwillin/^ to pay n>voniu> to tho Crown, although tradiiii.' nndor tho protjction of tho ({ritiwh flag. And ho it cumo that when royal col'octorn of ciiHtomH woro sont out; when mon of war coasted tho Nhoros of. MaHsachuwettM to provont smuggling, liy Hancock and others, there was no disposition to suhraitto Imperial taxation. For years the law relating to revenue had heen a dead letter almost, the smugglers having used hush money. Hut at last Government determined to put down illieit trade, it is true tlie co'onies did not object without a special plea, which was *' no taxa- tion without representation." But tho real point-* at issue were whether contraband commerco should continue and increaso, or tho Crown receive the duos- demanded by law. 'Nine-tentb probably, of all the tea, wine, fruit, sugar and niolasses, consumed in the colonies w<'i-o smuggled. To put this down was the dotir- mined purpose of the ministry. Tho commanders of the ships ot war on tho American station wore accordingly commissioned a> offlcers of tho cistoms ; and, to quicken their zeal, they wore tn share in tho proceeds of tho confiscations ; tho courts to decide upon tho lawfulness of seizures, were to bo composed of a sinfj'k' judge, without a jury, whwe emoluments were to bo derived from his own condeni'iations ; tho Governors of tho colonies and tin' military oiflcers were to be rewarded for "their activity by swear- ing also, either in the pi'operty condemned, or in tho penalties annexed to tho interdicted trado." And was not thei Crown correct in enforcing laws intended for the public woal ? Il'id hostile fleets approached Boston harbour to inviide, instead of smuggling crafts, freighted with liLxuries, would not the colonist have called loudly for Imperial help to protect ? B'lt if the Govoinmont had the bcs of rights to onforco the laws, it certainly displayed much want of judgment in the mode adopted to carry out its demands. Tl foregoing, from S ,bine, recalls to us at once the canse why resist- ance was strenuously male. Tho mode of pay'ng their Crown officers was \vell calculated to kindle feelings of the most deter- mined opposition on the part of the illicit traders, such as John Hancock, .'ohn Langdon, Samuel Adams, William Whipjdc, Cleorge C'ymer, Stephen Hopkins, Fi'ancis Lou's, Philip Livingston. Eldridge 'Tcrry, Joseph Hewes, George Tajior. Roger Sherman, Button Gurnett, and Robert Morris, all signers of the declaration of independence, — all smugglers I REAL OAUHK OF REUELLION. 45 And thus it caino alxmt. Tlio Crown was dotorminod to exact taxos, and i^niorant of tho fooling of tlio colonists; and tlio colonists, grown rich by unroHlrictcd trade- by Hn»ug/,'IinK. ^'ntcrod into a contract, which was only to ond in diHniombcrnicnt of tho British Enipiro. Side issues wore raised, cries of oppression hhouted, tho love of liberty invoked and epithets bandied ; but they wore only for etfoct.to inllanie the public mind, of which there was much wavering. Of course, there were oiher things whic'i asHistod to ripen rebellion, at least were so represented, that they nddod to tho growing discontent. (.'olonios, when they have lecomo developed by age, and powerful by local circumstances, ivillnaturally lose the interest which animates the subject at home. It is in the nature of things that the love of country should gradu- ally ciiange from the old home to the new. The inhabitants of the colonies wore in iruvny cases but descondanls of J^^uropoan nations, who could not bo oxpet-ted to retain the warmest attachment to tho parent country. Tho tide of war had changed the allegiance of many a one. The heterogeneous whole could not be called English, and honco it was more easy to cast aside the noble fooling ;illod patriotism. Then there were jealousies of rhe Crown oiHcors, and everything undertaken by the home government, having tho iippoarance of change, was promptly suspected as bcdng intended to degrade them. The e.xclusivoness of tho regular army and superciliousness to tho provincial troops, during the French war, aused nmny a sting, and the thought of insult to the provincial officer remained to rankle and fester in the mind of many a mili- tary aspirant. Tho proposal to introduce Episcopal Bishops, to ^'ivo precedence to the Established Church, had its oftoct upon many, yot many of the non -conformists were equally loyal. Tho contest was originally between Now England and Old England. While the Middle and Southern States were for peace, or moderate measures, the north sedulously worked to stir up strife n- disseminating specious statoiiionts and spreading abroad partisan entiments. Massachusetts took the load. Founded by Puritans, [who, themselves were the most intolerant bigots and became the greatest persecutors America has seen,) these States possessed the proper elements with which to kindle discontent. Thus -,ve have learned that independence was not the primary object of revolt, and wo have seen that the leaders in rebellion ifere princii>ally New Englanders, and were actuated mainly by mercenary motives, unbounded selfishness and bigotry. 46 TIIK MOTIVKM. ('irAt»TKR V. (.'ontcnlc ; — Tim Hlf^noiH of tli«i Dctliimtloii <>( IrHli'inTidciui — Tliiir rmtivlty— Injimtlci^ (if AiiK'iii'ftn wrltfiH for ho vi-iirM — i'lwi Imck iiiiH-Mtiitcmt'ntH — 'I'lu' wliiKH liiid lutdi II. K. l.oyiiliMtM — llumcdk— Olllin-Mi-ckurN — MiilcoiittntM Htir lip Htiift — Whiit till! futlioiH of till! Ilt|iiil)lic fr)iij,'lit for— lli'lud conimittiu'H— IMiick nmil— OtiK, .lolin Adimis, Wiukmi, VViihliiiiKtoii, II«!iuy, l''riiiikliii— What cttiiHcd tlii'iii to rtilicl — VVliiit the Aiiirricaii rovohitioiiiiry Ihmih-h ik tii- ally wcri' — ('niclty, iliiriiin luid iiftor tlu' win— No frnodoiii — Tlio politiciil inJHtftk*' of till' rclii'lH iniilicimtijiK till' loynllNls — The coiiHoiinuncf! — Mi»tlv<n of tilt! loyrtliKtH — FiiIhi' rhurKi'M — ('oiiMrit-ntioiiH conHcrviitivi'H — KclM'lllon not wiiniinttid — Altiirliim-iit to tin- old IIuk — Loyalintu drivni iiwuy — Sup/irmntn i<,,i — Wiiiit of iioiili' rtpirit toNviirdrt tins Smith — Ktl'citH — CoiiipiiriHoii bi-twiii'ii loyaliBtH mid ri'beln — Ediuution — Utdlgion — Tlio noiitriil— Tho piofi'MnioiiH. Of the tifty-Hix rtignorH of tho Dpclanition of Trulopendomo niiio were born in Ma«Hat' lm.se LtH, Movon in Virj^iniu, nix in Miiry- liuul,Hvo in Connocticut, foui' in Now Jcrwoy, four in I'onnwylvuniii, four in South Curolinu, three in New York, three in Delaware, two in Ilhode Ishinil, one in Maine, three in Ireland, two in Kngiantl, two in Sc'othmd, and one in WaloH. Of these twenty-one were attornieH; ten niei-chantH; four phyMiciaiis; three farmers ; ono clergyman; ono printer ; and ten men of fortune. TIIK MO'flVKS. But lot us more carefully couHidor tho motives in connection with tho rebellion of '76. So awHiduously have our fathorS; tho IJ. E. Loyalists, been braruled by most American writers ns altogether base, that it becomes us to ca«t bacrk tho mis-statements — to tear away the specious covering of tho American i-ovolutionary heroes, and throw the sunlight of truth upon their character, and dispel tho false, foul stigma, which tho utterances of eighty years have essayed to fasten upon tho noble band of Loyalists. Up to 1776, tho whigs as well as the torios wore United Em- pire Loyalists ; and it was only when tho king's forces required taxes; wlion the colonists were requested no longer to smuggle; when they could not dispossess the tories of the power and emolu- ments of office — it Was only then that the Declaration of Indopcn- denco was signed by those more ]>articularly interested. John Hancock, whoso name stands first upon tho document, in such bold characters, had been a successful smuggler, whereby he had acquired his millions, and no wonder ho staked his thousands on tho issue. Evidence is not wanting to show that many of the leaders of tho rebellion, had they boon holders of office, would have REVOHrxioNARY HEHOK!*. ' 47 l»con »H IriM' to tlio MritiHli Crowi) aw \vor« (Iiomo wlmin tlicy envied. Evi'ry nmn who took piirt on tho rolx'l hU\> has Ih'oii written ti [uM'o; hilt it in jiHkin^ too much to riKiiu'st uh to holievi' that all tho holdoi'H of'olHeo woro baHo, uiul h)st to tho t'oolin|i^H ot natural indo- piin<lonci! and patriotisni ; tnoro oHpct-ijillj' when a iar^e proportion of iheni woro, a<lniitto<ily, educated and relijuinus uwu; whiU', on the contrary, tho rehoU ah)no woro ucfuatod hy palriotinni and tho iKthler foolin^H of manhood. Apart from tho moritH or demerits of lliuir canso, it must ho udntittod that tho cireumstaneos of the times force upon us tlio thought that a comparatively fwvv needy otHcc-seokers, or lookors-after other favors from the Crown, not boin^' ahle to olitnin tho h)aveH atid Hshos, lio^an to stir up stilfo. A few, possessed of suflScient education, ijy the aid of the wealtliy contraband traders, woi'e (Muiblod, by jxtpular st«nsational speechos iiiui infhimmatory pamplilots, to arouse the feeling's of tlio unedu- cated ; and, finally, to create such a current of political hatred to tho Crown that it could not be stayed, and which swept away the tics that naturally attached them to (Ireat Britain. Wo may easily imagine the surprise which many ox])orienced in after days, when the war Iwul ended and their independence was acknowledged, to find thomselvos heroes, and their names c(jm- memorated as fathers of their country ; whereas they had foui^ht only for money or plunder, or smuggled goods, or because they had not office. In tiot a few cases it is such wlioso names have served for the high-sounding fourth of July orators ; for the bun- combo speochitier and tho tlii)pant editor, to base their eulogistic momoriams. Undoubtedly there are a few entitled to tho place they occupy in the temple of fame ; but the vast majority seeni to have boon actuated by mercenary motives. We have authenticated cases whoro prominent individuals took sides with the rebels be- cause they wore disappointed in obtaining oliice ; and innumerable instances whoro wealthy persons woro arrested, ostensibly on sus- picion, and compelled to pay large tines, and then set at liberty. No feudal tyrant of Eurojje in tlie olden times enforced black mail from the traveller with less compunction than rebel "committees" exacted money from wealthy individuals who desired simply to remain neutral. o '.»;>» f > u, . It has been said that Otis, a name revered by the Americans, actually avowed that he ** would set Massachusetts in a flame, though he should porish in tho tiro." For Avhat ? Not because he wanted liberty, but because his father was not appointed to a vacant 48 ' REBELS AND TORIES IN THE BALANCE. judgeship ! It is alleged that John Adams was at a loss which side to take, and finally became a rebel because ho was refused a commission in the peace ! It is said that Joseph Warren was a broken-down man, and sought, amid the turmoil of civic strife, to bettor his condition, And the immortal Washington, it is related, and has never boon successfully contradicted, was soured against the mother county because he was not retained in the British army in reward for his services in the French war. Again, Eichard Henry vvjis disappointed in not receiving the office of stamp distri- butor, which he solicited. Franklin was vexed because of opposi- tion to his great land projects and plans of settlement on the Ohio. Indeed it is averred that mostly all the prominent whigs who sided with the rebels were young men, with nothing to lose and every- thing to gain by political changes and civil war. Thus it will be seen that the so-called American revolutionary heroes have not al- together clean hands, however much they may have been washed by their descendants. The clothing placed upon them may conceal the dirt and dross and blood, but they are indelibly there. It is not alone the motives which constituted the mainsprings of the rebels' action that we place in the balance, but their conduct towards thoso who differed from them. Individual instances of cruelty we shall have occasion to introduce ; but it may here be said that it was the tories wlio acted as the conservators of peace against a mobocracy, and consequently were made to suffei' great afflictions. It was because of this they were forced away to live and die as aliens to the land of their birth. The tories were Ameri- cans as well as the whigs ; and when at last Great Britain ceased to try to coerce the colonies, and their independence Avas secured, then a nobler spirit should have obtained among the conquerors, and no one, because he had conscientiously been a conservative, should have been treated with opprobrium. It always becomes the victorious to bo generous ; and we, with all respect to many Amer- ican friends, submit that, had patriotism alone actuated the revolu- tionary party, the American loyalists would have been invited to join with the whigs in erecting a mighty nation. Had freedom, indeed, been the watchword then, as it has flauntingly been since, it would have been conceded that the tory had a right to his opinion as well as the whig to his. Do the Americans descant upon the wisdom and far-seeing policy of those who signed the Declaration of Independence and framed the constitution of the Union ? Mon- roe, we doubt not, had a different opinion when he begot the doc- MOTIVES OF LOYALISTS. 49 trijie "Amon'ca for tlio Amon'cans." Hud the U. E. Loyalists been treated honorably ; had they hcen allowed but thoir rights • had they not been driven away ; then the name British American would forever have passed away; and instead of a bolt of British province^ on thoir north, to constitute a ceaseless cause of misun.lerstandin.r with England, the star-spangled banner would, doubtless, long ago"* have peacefully floated over all our land. Looking at the subject from this (an Aj^ierican) stand-point, we see that a shortsighted pohcy-a vindictive feeling, a covetous desire for the property of the tones— controlled the movements of the hour; and when the terms of peace wore signed the birthright of the American tory was signed away, and he became forever an alien. But, as we shall see he, in consequence, became the founder of a Province which like a rock, has resisted, and ever will resist, the northward extension of the United States. MOTIVES OP THE LOYALISTS. Whatever may have been the incentives to rebellion, yielded to by those who revolted, there cannot rest upon the mind of the honest reacfer of unbiassed history a doubt as to the motives of the loyalists. The home-spun eulogists of the United States revolution- ary soldier have never ceased to dwell upon the principles which bred the ; roasts of the patriots, and nerved thoir arms to deeds' of danng and successful warfare; all the time observing Hileuce res- pecting the bravery of those who, from the same walks of life er^aged in the strife as the determined antagonists to rebellion' Ihey have again and again charged upon the "king's men " that it was because they were servants of the Crown and feeders at the government stall that loyalty was assumed and fought for But facts, when allowed to stand out uncovered by the cant of hberatists, declare, in words that may not be gainsayed, that there were a vast number who held no ajipointment under the Crown yot who, from first to last, were truo-natui-ally true-to their king and country. The great mass were essentially conservatives, Called tones. They held the opinion that to rebel was not only unne- cessary but wrong. They believed that the evils of which the colonists had just reason to complain were not so great as to justify the extreme step taken by the signers of the Declaration of Lide- pendence ; that any injustice existing was but temporary and Would when properly and calmlj- represented to the home government bo •emedied ; that to convulse the colonies in war was an unjustifiably «>1£i,. 50 FEELINGS OF NATIONALITY. hai-Hh procedure ; and, entertaining such a bclict; it is submitted that they were noble indeed in standing up for peace-l.n- more moderate measures. Moreover, not unlilvcly, many were impressed with tlic view that the disaftccted were hiboring under an errone- ous idea of oppression ; that the training incident to pioneer liie, the previous wars with the Fi-ench Canadians, the constant conten- tions with the Indians, had begotten false views of their rights, and made them too quick to discover supposed wrongs. Candidly im- pressed with such thoughts, they could not be otherwise than true to the natural instincts of their heart, and refuse to take part, or acquiesce in throwing overboard the government of England and so become aliens to the flag under which they were born and had lived, and for which they had fought. Not r.iany may cast aside their feelings of nationality ; not many can forget the land ol their birth • not a lai-ge number will bury the associations of a liie-timc without the most potent causes. And, doubtless, tho Anglo-Ameri- can who faithfully adhered to the old flag possessed all the ardor ot a lofty patriotism. But the American writer has forgotten all thi.s. In the broad sunlight of national success he has not discovered the sacred longings of the U.E. Loyalists for tho Union Jack. Lookmg at tho events of '76 by the lurid glare of civil war, his eyes are blinded to tho fact that a noble band, possessing equal rights with the rebels, loved England, notwithstanding all her faults, and lor that love sacriflced their all of worldly goods. The citi.enH of tho United States would prefer to have it said in history that the \J.r. Loyalists, in every instance, voluntarily left their homes during the war, or at its close. The loyalists are thereby, no doubt, made to appear more devotedly attached to the British Crown But it i. r ght to have it distinctly stated that American writers mostlj make themselves guilty of suppressio verL The latest instance o This is seen in a report to the Hon. Hugh McCu lough, Soci-etary d the Treasury, prepared by E. H. Derby, Commissioner ot the Tie ■ sury Department, dated January 1st, 1866, who, m remarking upon thcRntlh Colonial policy from 1776 down to 1830, ^ake« occasion to say that, " at first there was little fellowship between the United States and the Provincialists, many of whom were descended from the loyalists who folhrced the British troops from our shores. Jh fact is, however, that many of them were driven away. The tone were not loyal without sense ; and when the fortune oi ;^'''^»- ^ad tune against them, they would, in'great numbers, have made the best o their changcHi condition, and have lived to become true ciUzens ot the THE EDUCATED, LOYALISTS. 51 new-l)orn nation. But this was not to bo. Tho loyalists Avero to be made feel that thoy were outcasts. It is the same ignoble and nn- statesmanlike coin-se which is now being pursued toward the subdued South. They must needs be made to know they are rebels. It is a shortsighted policy, even as the former was. The former led to the establishment of a nation to their north, which will stand, even after the Union lies in fragments ; the latter fosters a feeling of ali(>nation, whicli will speak upon the first opj)ortunity, in the thunder tones of war. If a comparison is instituted between the rebels of 1776, and those who were conservators of peace, the contrast is foiuid to be very great. It is charged against the loyalists that all office-holders were tories ; but is this more worthy of remark than the fact that many became rebels because they could not obtain office. Nay, the latter is infinitely more heinous in its nature. If we look at the two par- ties, with respect to education and, it may be added, religion, it is found that the great bulk of the educated and refined, the religious classes, especially the clergy, the leading lawyers, the most prominent medical men, were all loyalists. It was not because they were office- holders, it was because they possessed a moral and elevated mind, educated to a correct standard. Then, again, there was a large class of citizens who loved retirement, and who begged to be allowed to remain neutral, but who were actually compelled to take sides with the rebels or be driven away. The peaceably inclined, who looked for guidance to their spiri- tual instructors, generally beheld them, if not actually advocating the interests of the crown, at least setting an example against rebellion, and they were thus strengthened in their feelings of loyalty, or deter- mination to remain neutral. The flame of patriotism was kei)t aglow in many a heart by the earnest prayer of the gospel minister. Says Sabine : "From what has now been said it is evident that a very con- siderable proportion of the professional and editorial intelligence and talents of the thirteen colonies was arrayed against the popular move- ment." Again : " a large number of the clergy were United Empire Loyalists." Also, " the giants of the law were nearly all loyalists." The physicians were mostly tories, but were, as a general thing, not molested. "A few were banished; others became surgeons in the army." ■Vi Jfi,- &2 THE RESULT. CHAPTEE VI. Contonts : — RopiihlicaniRin — TIk; IcisKon of tho firHt rebellion — Tho late civil war — Tliu Loyaiints ; tlieir losses and hardshipH — Ignored by Amcri ans — Un- recorded — The world iiopt in ignorance — American glory — English- men — Question of Colonial treatment — The reason why Great Britain failed to subdue the rebellion — (/'liaraeter of the rebel bravery — The great result — Liberty in England and United States contrasted — Slavery — The result to U. E. Loyalists — liurgoyne — Mobocracy — Treatment from " Sons of Liberty" — Old men, women and children — Instances of cruelty — Brutality — Rapacity — Torture — The lowijr c^-'sses — "Swamp Law" — Fiend- ish cruelty — Worse than Butler's llangtMs — Seward and the Fenians — Infa- mous falsification — Close of the war — llecognition of independence by Great Britain — Crushed hopes of tlie Loyalists — In New York — Their conduct — Evacuation da)' — The position of the Loyalists — Confiscation — "Attainting" — Seizing estates — Paine — Commissioners at Paris — British Ministry — Loy- alists' petition — King's speech — Division of claimants — Six classes — The number — Tardy justice — Noble conduct of South Carolina — Impostors — Loyalists in Lower Canada — Proclamation — The soldiers' families — Journey- ings — Meeting of families. THE RESUIT. Almost a hundred years have passed away since the war-cloud arose which swept away thirteen of Britain's colonies upon the uncer- tain and tempest- tossed ocean of Republicanism. That storm is long since stilled, as well as the hearts of those ^vho took part therein. While the statesman and politician m.^y, with advantage, study the lesson then read, and which has been but lately annotated by the United States civil war, by the determined subjection of eight mil- lions of Southerners, who desired freedom to establish a new govei"n- ment, let it be our humble occupation to record some of the immediate individual results of that great tempest, of which American writers, with but few exceptions, have never spoken fairly. Writers among them are not wanting to give lively pen pictures of their revolutionary heroes ; not only forgetting the sufferings of the loyalists — tho devo- ted ones, who gave up all — property, homes, friends, all the associa- tions of a birth-place, rather than bow the knee to Baal ; but who have wilfully misrepresented them ; have charged them with crimes, at once atrocious and unfounded. The sufferings, the losses, the hard- ships, incident to pioneer life, with the noble purposes and undevia- ting loyalty of the British American tories, have never been fully related — never engaged the pen of the faithful historian. American writers, on the contrary, have recorded in glowing colors the deeds and actions of the " fathers of the Kepublic." To this no objection can be made ; but may we not charge those historians with unchari- tableness, with unnecessary neglect of the claims of the loyalists to CAUSE OF SUCCESS. 53 pure motives, with i,£,moring their brax-e deeds, their devoted suffer ii.gs,and with unduly ancribing to the "king's men" motives base and cruel But the suffering.;, of the U. E. Loyalists are .mrecorded. Ihe world has rarely been told that they were i.ersecuted, their homes piliaged, their persons maltreated, their valuables seized, their housr^s made desolate, their n^al estate taken from them, without legal pro- ceedmgs. The world has been so flooded with the writinc^s of Ameri- cans, describing their own excellencies and eulogizing their own cause, that no space has been found to do simple justice to tlie noble ones who preferred British rule to the uncei'tain and untried. Indeed, so strongly and for so long a time has the current been flow- ing to swe 1 the ocean of American glory, that hardly a voice or pen IS found doing service for the unfortunate loyalists, who chose to endure a little rather than rush into the vortex of rebellious strife. J^ven Englishmen have so long listened to one-sided statements, that no one of them can be found to say a word for the old tory party of America Hence it is that the U. E. Loyalists are very imperfectly known; their history unwritten, their tales of sorrow unattended to, their noble doings unsung. Had there been a hand to guide a describ- ing pen,-.to picture the doings, the mifferings, the self-denying heroism of the loyal barty ; to recount the motives underlyin ' all they did; and had there been ears as willing to listen, and eye's to read, and hearts to receive the facts as those of a contrary nature have obtamed, then a far different impression would have been made, and nxed upon the world. That the British Government was right or wise in its treatment of the American colonies we now have every reason to doubt. At the same time that England might havc^ subdued that rebellion, had she put forth her midivided strength, there is but little reason to question. Had she not been engaged in a formi.lable Avar with France ; or even with that, had her statesmen acquired a correct knowledge of America as to topography, and as to the feelings and wishes of the people and their just complaints; or had able generals been entrusted with the command of the armies, instead of incompetent favorites ; or had a ittJe diplomacy been practiced, and the ringleaders of the whi- fac- tion-oft^n hungry agitators--been conciliated by office; in either event the rebellion might have been nipped in the bud, or easily over- come. The American ^public owes its independence to the circum- tancesm winch Great Britain was then placed, and the incapacity of a few of the British Generals, rather than to superior bravery, eJtZ ordinary mihtary talent, or any high-toned longing for liberty ' No 54 EFFECT UPON THE LOYALISTS. doubt many oi the rebolling party Avere brave ; but it was often the bravery of (he guerilla, or the desperate adventurer. Of the great result— the recognition of the independence of the rebelling provincoH by the mother country— we design not to speak at length. It will always, remain a question, whether it would not liave been better for the Statesjthemselves, and the world at large, if they had renuiined a part of the British Empire. That the evils of which they comi)lained would, in due time, have been removed, upon proper representation, there is no substantial reason to doubt, ^ That the principles of true freedom would have advanced and spread quite as rai.idly, and that, to-day, liberty, in the broadest sense, would have reigned in the world fully as triuniphaat, the whole history of Eng- land and the United States sufficiently attest. It was many long years after Britain had struck off the chains of slavery bofore the United States reached the same point ; and then only because it became a "military necessity." Looking at the two nations to-day, and judging by the utterances of the two respective people, whether enunciated in the halls of legislature, by the head of the nation, by the bar, in the pulpit, by the press, or from the platform ; or if we be guided by the public deeds of each, it is submitted tliat the more genuine ring of the metal sounds from beneath the wide-spreading banner of old England. The effect of the successful rebellion, to Avhich it is intended to refer, has reference to the Unitedp^:mpire Loyalists of America. And first, the eflect upon them during the Avar. The defeat of Biu-goyne was the first event Avhich immediately led to severe disaster of the loyalists. This general, with more assu- rance than foresight, and perhaps more courage than military skill, succeeded, not only in leading his army to destruction, but in placing the friendly inhabitants on his. route in such a position that no mercy was subsequently extended to them by the ruthless rebels. When he surrendered, instead of securing for them immunity from any hafra, he entirely neglected their interests ; notwithstanding they had sup- plied his troops with provision. The relentless conduct of the rebels in arms and the Avhig government was bloodthirsty and vindictive. Their hate towards those who would not take sides with them, whether in arms for the Crown or not, was barbarous. Persons sus- pected of sympathy with the tories were subjects of continued moles- tation. Mobocracy reigned. Vagabond bodies of men were sent abroad to range the country, to lay waste and destroy the property of the loyalists, imprison the suspected, and seize the goods of the un- THE "SONS OF LIBERTY." 55 protected. Tnrrinj; niid F<;illierinur wns of coinnioti occurrence. MusHaclr.i setts especially .i^aiiicd a name for cruelty fai' exceedlnsr ju,y whicli has been applicl to tlie Indians, witli all tlieir barbaHsni. Tiiero M'as a villainous band who called themselves the "Sons of Lib- erty," who carried fire and sword— not a,i>;ainst an open enemy in the light of day, but to peaceful firesides in the dai-kness of ni^ht. Their victims were the old nu-n, the women aii<l children, and the defence- less. Old men and children were driven to the woods for shelter, or I)Iaced in a closed room, and, with chimney stopped, smoked to sull'o- calion. Females were subject to insult and the most fiendish treat- ment. Dwellings were fired at night, and tlieir occupants left liouse- less, and ex])osed to the fncleniency of the weatlier. Suspected persons were arrested ajid i)ut to terrible torture, such as attaching ii rope to the neck and liauling the individual through the water till insensible ; or.suspending him to a tree till life was al- most gone. This was frecpu-ntly done with the object of extracting infoi-mation a.s to the whereabouts of a father or a bi-other, or a.s to the ])lace where money and valuables were concealed. The tales of cruelty the writer has lieard related concerning the treatment the loyal party were exposed to, would liarrow up the soul of any one possessing feelings of pity and commiseration. Tlie loyalists who immediately suffered, that is, while the war was in progress, were many. Military forts wei-e established liere and there, to which many fled precipitately from the several States. It is a matter of extreme astonishment how men who set up the standard of revolt under the sacred name of liberty, could so far ignore the lirinciples of liberty in the treatment of innocent old men, women and children, as wo find stated by honest witnesses. The darkest tales of savage dealing come to us from our fathers. Families, whose solo offence consisted in being unwill- ing to rebel, and in being desirous to remain faithfully neutral, were the objects of the rapacious prey ot a brutal soldiery. Their substance when not available for the rebel horde, was scattered to the winds. Devouring fire was cast into peaceful homes. How gross the hypocracy, how base the motives that actuated very many of the adventurers in rebellion. The most hellish means w^ere adopted at times, to force away persons of property, that the so- called " Sons of Liberty" might enjoy their substance and homes. Attending these scenes of desolation and refined crulty, their imprisonments and torture, were incidents of thrilling interest, of fearfui suffering, of hairbreadth escapes, of forlorn rescues. 6G CRUELTY TO WOMEN. Tho lowoi' clawHOM of Ihoso who roboUcd wore moii of hold and lawk^sH nature : whothor wo pass aloii/,' tho HhorcH ofiVew Hn^land, arnon/^ tho fishcrmou, or travel thorough the woods oi" Maine and New Jlanipsliire, and become aerjuaintod with woodmen of the forest, or an they wore called "Lopj^ers and SawyerH." The Hpirit that animated tho merchanlH of Boston and Halem, in their extended operations of .sniug;:;ling, lived, also, in tho reckloss fishermen and woodmen ; and for years belbre the rebellion really commenced they had boon resisting, even by jjhysical force, tho reveniio officers, who were often expelled from the woodfi by what was called "swamp law." Men with such nature, finding that their lawlcss- ncsH had become popular, and that steps wore being taken to resist tho government on a general plan, were not slow to act their part. One result of the rel)ollion was a determined and systematic course of retaliation upcm those who had rocogni/Asd the majesty of the law. A continued and uncompromising persecution was entered upon toward them. No history can parallel the deeds of atrocity enacted by the villanious "Liberty men." Said an old lady, on the verge of the grave, and with voice trfcmulous in remembrance of fiendish acts she had witnessed. "The Rebels, on one occasion entered a house and stripped it of everything, even the bed on which lay a woman on the point of confinement. But a single sheet was loft to cover the woman upcm a winters night, who, before morning became a mother." In 1776, there arrived at Fort George, in a starving state, Mi's, Nellis, Mrs. Secord, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Buck and Mrs. Bonnar, with thirly-one children, whom the circumstances of the rebellion had driven away. Talk about the ci-uclty of Indians and of Tory oppression. The unprincipled rebels did well to try to hide their ignominious deeds behind the fabrications respecting the doings of Butler's Rangers, and the noble-minded Brant. May we notecase to wonder that the dcsccndents of the i-ebcls in the year 1866, endeavour to hound on a pack of thieves and murderers to possess themselves of tho homos our fathers sought out for us. The self-applauding writers of the revolutionary war, found it convenient to forget the doings of the " Sonsof Liberty " and of Sullivan, while they laid to tho charge of Butler's Rangers and the Indians, acts of inhumanity (which we are informed on good authority are unfounded, Butler having never abused woman or child.) In the same manner, Secretary Seward found it desirable to falsify dates, by saying the Fenians invaded Canada on tho 6th of June, that it might appear he RECOflNlTION OV INDEl'KNDENCK. 67 hod vlndifutoU promptly their nuutrnlity liiW8 ;" wl.emis tl.oy actu- ttlly croHsod, and ongu^rod ii, Imtdo, on tho morning of tl»o 2nd. But HH timo will fully bring out the fuct« connected with the fu-Ht Amcricun rebellion, und place them face to face with ono-sidod hiHtory, HO will faithful histo.-y record the whole truth of the infamouH invasion of our country hy a hand of American citizens with United States arms in their hands. Those deeds of blood enacted by men under the hypocritical cry of liberty have not been' forgotten by the United Empire Loyalists, but have been handed down to U.S, to place on record against the cruel actors. Hostilities ceased 19th April, USH, and on the 20th September, the independence of tho Ujiited States was acknowledged. The recognition of independence by Great Britain, was the (loath knell to the cherished hopes ol" the loyalists. Many had escaped into the provinces, and many were in the army, and not a im wore in England. Although the majority of them had been driven away, a few still remained in those places, yet held by the British forces, as New York. "When tho news of peace became known, tho city presented a scone of distress not easily described. Adherents to tho Crown, who wore in the army, tore the lappels from their coats and stamped them under their feet, and exclaimed that they wore ruined; others cried out they had sacrificed every- thing to prove thoir loyalty, and wore now left to shift for them- selves, without the friendship of their king or country. Previous to the evacuation, and in September, upwards of 12,000 men, womeft, and chidren, embai-ked at the city, at Long and Staten Islands, for Nova Scotia and the Bahamas,' and for Canada. "Some of these victims to civil war tried to make merry at their doom, by sayiug they wore bound to a lovely country, where there are nine months winter and three months cold weather every year, while otliers, in thoir desperation tore down their houses, and had they not been prevented, would have carried off the bricks of which they were built." The British luul possessed New York since 15th September, 1776, and on the 25th November, 1783, yielded it up to tho Americans. This is " Evacuation day." When Cornwallis surrenderetl he vainly tried to obtain a promise of protection for the Loyal Americans", who, in part, formed his army. Failing in this, he sent an armed vessel away with a largo number. At this time, beside the many who had become refugees, there ft8 CONFIHOATINO PROPKRTY. vroro womo loyaliHtw Hc^ittc^cd llirou/rli tli»* Statos. Mnny of thoHO renmiricfl in tlio now IndcpoiKlont, StiiloH, und many of tliom would havoi'oluniod, to h»HM)mo faithAil citizotiH iindortlKMicw order ol'tliiii^H, hu«l tlioy boi'ii ullowod ho to do. Hut tlu^youu^ Kcfpuhlic know not how to bo ma/jfnannnouH to thoHO whom 1h«« I'ortunoH of war hud loft in ^roat dintroHH — whom thoy had conciuonid, and tho Unitod Kinpiro Lo3'uliHfs woro mado alioim from thoii- native honu^s. Thoir ]>ro])Ofty must ho confincatod, and many \n)ii\}f lar^o land ownoi'H, rioh pri/iOn woro thuH Kocunvj. Whilo tho conflict continued to i-a^o thoro was Homo oxcuho, hut wh<!n warha<l coaMod, and (^'orythin^ had hccMi accompliHhod that the moHt cravinf^ rohol could wish, it was a ruthless, an un/^enorous, nay, a l)aHO ]>ro('ood- \nfr on tho part of tho revolutionists, to force away thoir vory brothron, oflon rolatotl by tho ties of consanguinity. Hut it was Ji spirit as unprinciplod as this, which instigated tho i-ehollion, and which characterized the vast nuijority of tlu)so who fought under the sacrod name of liberty, and such was tho spirit of the conquerorH. Tho Huccossful rolnds determined to possess them.solvoH of tho lands and property of the loyalists, oven in violation of treaty. The action of Congress was sufftciontly high-hiinded and wanting in generosity ; hut tho proceedings of tho State Legislatures, with a fow exceptions, were oxocrable — characterized by ignoble and vindictive ])a88ion. Tho Legislatures of each state took oarly stop.s to punish the adherents of Britain, to dispossess them of their property, and to banish them. Massachusetts took the lead in dealing severely against tho loyalists. A rebel magistrates' warrant was sufficient to banish one. Hundreds of Massachusetts Loyalists woro prohi- bited from returning on penalty of imprisonment and ovon death. And tho other States woro active in " attainting " and confiscating, often without the form of trial. Each State carried on its function as a government, and trials ought to have boon granted, in common justice to every one. But tho Whigs woro intoloront, hot-hoadcil, malevolonc, unforgiving. It has boon said that " if it be concoded that rebellion against England wai* right, then every stop necessary to success was justittablo. Tf wo grant all this there remains the fact that after success had crowned rebellion, persecution and con- fiscation continued. Now York, on tho 12th May, 1784, passed " An act for tho spcody sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates TIIK TIIKATV (»!■' I'AIIIS. 59 within tho HtatcH." TIki powors consiMtivl in tho appoinfmont of "coinmiHMionorH of (orCcilin-oK." Amoii/^' tlioHO who lost thoir land was ono Davoo. Ilo liad .'iOO lu-ros near Now York, twonty niiloH, which waH coiiflHcatod and ^Mvon to tho notoriouH Tom I'aino, tho intidoi, whoHo oxtroino lihoral viows oxproHHod in his work, «< Com- mon HonHo," mado him tho IViond of VVaMhiriKlon, and rovoliitioniHtB gom^ially. I'aino, aftoi- talcing' part in tho Kronch Ilovoiiitions, camo, in 1802, to his ](lac«> in Now York, whoro Ik^ onjoyod tho JoyaiiHtH' (HMiHsoatod proporty until his death, Mth Juno, ISUlf. In tho torms of poaco Hi^niod at Paris, tluii-o was no Hociirity ctfoctod for tho Iohsos Hustainod hy tho Amorican Loyalists. As Hur^royno at his in/^lorious surrondor at Sarato^'a, thou^'ht not of tho innocont inhahitants of tlio Mohawk and Hudson, who liad.indontit'od thomsolvoH with tho loyal causo, and suppliod hiH troops with provisions, and loft thorn to tho niorciloss "Sons of Liborty," to bo dospoilod of thoir all, and oxposod to foarful miolty, MO at tho last, whon tho Mritish (iovornmoni rolinquishod tho attompt to wulxluo robollion, tho Amorioan Jjoyalists woro of romoto considoration. Wo oan ^aithor now but tho ontlinos of tliis groat wron^ dono unto noblo mon. Tho partioulars aro buriod in tho wreok of fortuno, and of haj)pinoHs, ro8poctin<,' all worldly mattors. Tho aftor lifo of the loyalists was of too oarnost a nature to allow timoto place on record tho sut!(U'in^'s, and tho wandcu-ings of tho disiidioritod. Tho lost causo did not stimulate men to draw upon ima;L,Mnation, such as may be found in gaudy-huod descriptions of Amorican revolutionary heroes, male and fomalc. But there is sufficient of facts recorded, and engraven by the iron pen of extreme anguish upon hearts, that were of flesh, to stamp tho persecutors with infamy, andj mark the refugees, that clustered around tho border forts, and found homos at Sorol, Lacliino, and Montreal, with tho highest attributes of patriotism and love of country. The conduct of the ministry, and the commissionors at Paris is open to the soverost.censure. Thoy left the claims of tho loyalists to be decided by the Amorican Congress. We may allow them the credit of having hold the belief, that this body would bo actuated by a feeling of justice and right, but tho error was a frravo one, the wrong grievous and harti to bo endured. In pursu- ing this course, tho British ministry did not escape condemnation by members of Parliament, and a feeling of sympathy was evoked CO THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT. that led to a tardy dispensing of justice. Lord North said " that never were the honor, the principles, the policy of a nation, so grossly abused as in the desertion of those men, who are now exposed to every punishment that desertion and poverty can inflict, because they were not rebels." Mr. Sheridan *' execrated the treatment of those unfortunate men, who, without the least notice taken of their civil and religious rights, were handed over as subjects to a power that would not fail to take vengence on them for their zeal and attachment to the reUgion and government of the mother country," " and he called it a crime to deliver them over to confiscation, tyranny, resentment and oppz'ession." Lord Loughborough said that " in ancient nor modern history had there been so shameful a desertion of men who had sacrificed all to their duty and to their reliance upon British faith." Others, in terms of equal severity, denounced the ministry in Parliament for their neglect. The ministry admitted it all, but excused themselves by the plea that " a part must be wounded, that the whole of the empire may not perish " — that they " had but the_alternative, either to accept the terms proposed, or continue the war." '■' " A number of loyalists in England, came to the United States to claim restitution of their estates, but their applications were unheeded," except to imprison, and banish them. The treaty of peace signed, without any provision for the suffering loyalists, they at once took steps to petition the Imperial Parliament for justice. " They organized an agency, and appointed a Committee, composed of one delegate, or agent from each of the thirteen States, to enlighten the British public." " At the opening of Parliament the King, in his speech from the throne, alluded to the ' American sufferers ' and trusted generous attention would be shewn to them.' " An act was consequently passed creating a "Board of Commissioners " to examine the claims preferred. The claimants were divided into six classes. *' First Class. — Those who had rendered service to Great Britain." *' Second Class. — Those who had borne arms for Great Britain. '' Third Class.— Unitorm Loyalists." " Fourth Class. — Loyal British subjects residents in Great Britain." " Fifth Class — Loyalists who had taken oaths to the American States, but afterward joined the British." TARDY REMUNERATION. 61 ''Sixth Class. — Loyalists who had borne arms for the American States, and afterwards joined the British navy or army." The claimants had to state in writing, and specifically the nature of their losses. Great and unnecessary caution was observed by the Board. The rigid rules of examinations caused much dissat- isfaction and gave the Board the name of" Inquisition." "'-' The 26th of March, 1784, was the latest period for presenting claims, which was allowed, and on or before that day, the number of claimants was two thousand and sixty-three. A ''second report which was made in December of the same year, shows that one hundred and twenty-eight additional cases had been disposed of." In May and July 1865, one hundred and twenty-two cases more were disposed of. In April 1786, one hundred and forty more wore attended to. The commissioners proceeded with their inves- tigations during the years 1786 and 1787." " Meantime " and to her honor be it said " South Carolina had restored the estates of » several of her loyalists." Years passed away before the commissioners had decided upon all the claims, and great and loud was the complaint made by the claimants. The press was invoked to secure a more pi'ompt con- cession of justice, pamphlets were published on their behalf, and one printed in 1788, five j^ears after the peace, contained the following : " It is well that this delay of justice has produced the most melancholy and shocking events. A number of the sufferers have been driven by it into insanity, and become their own destroyers, leaving behind them their helpless widows and orphans to subsist upon the cold charity of strangers. Others have been sent to cultivate a wilderness for their subsistance, without having the means, and compelled through want, to throw themselves on the mercy of the American States, and the charity of their former friends, to support the life which might have been made comfortable by tne money long since due from the British Government, and many others, with their families are barely subsisting upon a temporary allowance from government, a mere pittance when compared with the sum due them." The total number of claimants w8s 5,072, of whom 924 with- drew or failed to make good the claim. The sum of money allowed was £3,294,452. We have seen there was, in addition, given to the widows and orphans, between 20,000 and 30,000 pounds. There is no doubt that a certain number of the claimants were 62 LOYALISTS IN CANADA. impostors, while many asked romuneration above what their losses had actually been, and this caused the commissioners to examine more closely the claims proffered. But it is submitted that they ought, in dealing with the money already granted by a considerate Parliament, to have leaned on the side of clemency. At the close of the contest there were a large number of Eefugoes in Lower Canada, especially at Fort 8t. John, about twenty-nine miles from Montreal. In the main these were Ameri- can born, and principally from the New England States; yet there were representatives from England, Ireland, Scotland and Germany. Besides the Refugees, there were several Provincial Corps, which were no longer to be retained in the service, but to be disbanded. Of these there was the 84th, often called Johnson's regiment, this was 800 strong, mostly Dutch, from the Mohawk, and Hudson, descendants of the old stock. This regiment consisted of two corps, one under Major Jessup, stationed at St. John's, and the other under Eogers, a part of which at least, was stationed at Fort Oswego, Jessups corps became the first pioneers upon the St. Law- rence, and Rogers among the first along the Bay of Quints. Both settled in 1784. There were other troops stationed at St. John's, and likewise not a few who had discharged irregular, but important duties, as scouts, and in other ways. It has been generally estimated that at the close of the struggle, and as a result, there were distributed of American Loyalists upon the shores of Canada, about 10,000. At the first, most of these were in Lower Canada, but there were likewise a few at the frontier forts upon the Upper waters, and a few detached squatters. Then, " there was not a single tree cut from the (present) Lower Province lino to Kingston, 150 miles ; and at Kingston there were but a few surrounding huts; and from thence all around Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, with the exception of a few Indian huts on some desolate spot of hunting ground, all was a dense wilderness." (Ex Sheriff Sherwood.) "A proclamation was issued," says Croil in his history of Dundas, " that all who wished to continue their allegiance to Britain, should peaceably rendezvous at certain points on the frontiers. These were, Sackets Harbour, Carleton Island, Oswego and Niagara, on the Upper Canada confines ; and Isle Aux Nois, on the borders of Lower Canada. Jessup's Corps was stationed at Isle Aux Nois, and late in the autumn of 1783, the soldiers were joined by their wives and little ones, who had wandered the weary way on AMERICAN TROOPS. 0g loot, to Whitehall, through nwamps and foroHt,— besot with diffi- cultioH, dangers, and privations innumerable. The soldiers met them there with boats, and convoyed them the rest of their journey by water, through Lake Champlain. Imagination fails us when we attempt to form an idea of the emotions that filled their hearts, as families, that had formerly lived happily together, surrounded with peace and plenty, and had been separated by the rude hand of Avar, now met each others embrace, in circumstances of abject poverty. A boisterous jmssage was before them, in open boats, exposed to the rigors of the season— a dreary prospect of the coming winter, to be spe.it in pent up barracks^ and a certainty should they bo spared, of undergoing a lifetime of such hardships, toil and privation, as are insepcrablo from the settlement of anew country." As soon as the journey was accomplished, the soldiers and their fiimilies, wore embarked in boats, sent down to Eichelieu to Sorel, thence to Montreal, and on to Cornwall, by the laborious and tedious route of the St. Lawrenne. (See settlement of Ernest town.) ,,■> ■...-- SJ.) ; !!.»» l':X,:. i. t t. ^ CHAPTER VII. ContcMits.— A «pint of stnfe-The French war-B'ritish American Troops-For- rnor comrades opposed-Number of U. E. Loyalists in the field-General Burgoyne-Defea^F irst reverse of British arms-The campaign-CoS bt.Leger-FortStanwix-Colonel Baume-Battle of Bennington-Gener^ ?h?r'ir^**'lr'^'^"^^''-^.^''*^'°'^^ Heights- Saratogai Surrender _ * The result upon the people-Sir John Johnson-Sir William-Sketch-In- dian Chief— Laced coaf^lndian's dream— It comes to pass— Sir William frrTV* '"''^ ir ''> P'^'^'^''^ ^'^'•^ '^ <lream-Sir John-Attemp t™ arrest-Escape-Starving- Royal Greens- Johnson's losses- Living in Canada^Death-Pnncipal Corps of Royalists-King's Rangers-Queen's LS-^.^hrnesSr'^'"^^^-'^'^ "^"^^'-^ ^"'^pp- '-^^-^^- The seven years' war between Canada and New England, in- which a large number of the Colonists were engaged, had created not a few officers of military worth and talent, while a spirit of strife and contention had been engendered among the people gen- erally. The Colonial war, carried on with so much determination, was stimulated, not so much by the I'.nglieh nation at home as by New Englanders. It was they who wore chieliy interested in the d^ INCOMPETENT GENERALS. overthrow of French pf)wer in Canada. While money and men had been freely granted by the Imperial flovernment, the several colo- nies had also freely contributed. They "furnished in that war quite twenty-eight thousand men, in more than one of the campaigns, and every year to the extent of their ability." *'0n the ocean, full twelve thousand seamen were enlisted in the Eoyal Navy and in the Colonial Privateers." In this manner had been formed a taste for military life, which waited to be gratified, or sought for food. When, therofcro, the unsavory acts of England wounded the Colo- nial vanity, and demagogues traversed the country to embitter the feelings of the mass against the king, the hot-hea/lod were not slow to advise an appeal to arms. At the .sp.me time, the loyal in heart, the conservators of Imperial interest, viewing with wonder and alarm the manifestation of fratricidal war — of rebellion, felt it their duty to take up arms against the unprincipled (and often dishonest) agitators, and endeavor to crush oat the spirit of revolt. And thus it came, that very many who had fought side by side at Ticonder- ago, Crown Point, Du Quesne, Niagara, Oswego, Fi-ontenac, Mont- real, and arojnd Quebec, under a common flag, were now to-be arrayed in hv jtile bands. Not state against state, nor yet merely neighbor against neighbor, but brother against brother, and father against son I Civil war, of all wars, is the most terrible : in addi- tion to the horrors of the battle-field, there is an upheaving of the very foundation of society. All the feelings of brotherhood, of christian love, are paralyzed, and the demon of destruction and cruelty is successfully invoked. Behold, then, the British Americans divided into two parties; each buckling on the armor to protect from the other, and sharp- ening the weapons of warfare to encounter his kindred foe. The contest of 1776-83 is most generally looked upon as one between the English and Americans ; but in reality it was, at first — so far as fighting went — between the conservative and rebel Americans. In an address to the king, presented by the loyalists in 1779, it is stated that the number of native Americans in his service exceeded those enlisted by Congress. Another address, in 1782, says that " there are more men in his Majesty's provincial regiments than there is in the continental service." Sabine says that " there wer6 25,000, at the lowest computation." If such be the case, the ques- tion may well be asked, how came it that the rebels succeeded ? Looking at the matter from our distant stand-point, through the light of events we find recorded, there seems but one conclusion at burqoyne's campaign. 05 which wo may arrive, namely, that the diHaHtor to the Britimh arm« was duo— altogether due— to the incapacity of certain of the gen- erals to whom was intrusted the Imperial interests in America. ,.( ,„,, : ,,, ! "THE COMBATANTS— BURGOYNE. The most notable instance of mistaken generalship was that of Burgoyne. His campaign in the summer of 1777, and the final overthrow of his army and surrender at Saratoga, will engage our particular attention; inasmuch as it was the first decided reverse to the British arms, and by giving courage to the rebels, assisted much to further their cause. Thereby their faith was strengthened, and the number of rebels increased from no inconsiderable class[ who waited to join the strongest party. Again, the scone of this campaign was close to the borders of Canada, and there followed a speedy escape of the first refugees from the Mohawk valley and the Upper Hudson to the friendly shores of the St. Lawrence. A year had elapsed since the Declaration of Independence, and England had sent troops to America, with the view of assisting the forcep there to 3ubdur> the malcontents. In the early part of July, Burgoyne sec out from Lower Canada with about 8,500soldiers, 600 Indians, and 160 Canadians, intending to traverse the country to Albany, possessing himself of all rebel strongholds on the way, and thence descend along the river Hudson, to New York to form a junction witL General Howe, that city having been captured from the rebels the 15th September previous. Passing by way of Lake Champlain, he encountered the enemy on the 6th July, and captured Ticonderoga and Mount Independence, with 128 cannon several armed vessels, a quantity of baggage, ammunition and pro- visions. "This easy conquest inflamed his imagination." The first step towards the defeat of his army was the unsuccessful attempt of Colonel St. Leger, with 800 men, who ascended the St. Lawrence to Oswego, and thence up the river, to take Fort Stanwix (Eome), intending to descend the Mohawk and join Burgoyne -with his main force, as he entered the head of the valley of the Hudson. Colonel St. Leger arrived at Fort Stanwix on the 3rd August, 1777. For a time he was the winner; but for some reason, it is said that the Indians suddenly left him, and his troops, seized with a panic, fled. In the meantime. General Burgoyne was pursuing his way, having driven General Schuyler from Lake St. George to the mouth of the Mohawk river. Burgoyne, flushed with this renewed success, after his late cap- 66 ... AT SARATOGA. turo of Ticondoroga and Mount Indopondonco, vainly supposed he could advance steadily down the Hudson. Ho sent a body of men, 600 strong, under Colonel Baumo, into the interior, eastward, with the view of encouraging the inhabitants to continued loyalty, and of arresting the machinations of the rebels. Near Bennington the rebels had an important post, with magazines, and a large force under General Stark. Baume, ignorant of their strength, rushed headlong against the enemy. Nothing daunted, he led on his 600 brave men. For two hours he contended with the unequal foe, when his troops wore almost annihilated, and he fell from his horse, mortally wounded. But few escaped to tell the tale. Meanwhile, Burgoyno, apprised of the danger surroimding Baume, had sent assistance under Colonel Breynan. Un fortunately, the/ had not much ammunition, and, after lighting until all was exhausted, they had to flee. These three reverses paved the way for the tinal over- throw of Burgoyne. He was still marching forward, bent on reach- ing Albany, to accomplish the object of the campaign— a juncture with the army of General Howe. But now in his rear, to the west, instead of Colonel St. Leger descending the Mohawk, was General Herkimer, who had dispersed St. Leger's force ; and to the east was General Stark, flushed with his victories over Baume and Breynan. Burgoyne met Gates at last on Braemar heights, and again, and for the last time, led his troops on to victory, although the contest was well sustained. General Schuyler had intrenched his forces at the mouth of the Mohawk, and Burgoyne, having waited until his provision was exhausted, at last resolved to make an assault.. It waf bravely made, but without success; and before night-fall the army was retreating. Night, instead of enabling them to regain their spirits and renew their ardor, only brought the intelligence of the defeats previously sustained at Stanwix and Bennington. This was the 7th October. Flight now was the only possible chance for safety. The touts were left standing ; his sick and wounded forsaken. But the en my now surrounded him ; the places he had taken were already re-taken ; and upon the 10th of the month he found himself helpless upon the fields of Saratoga, where he surrendered. The whole of the men were sent to Boston and other places south, there to languish in prison. Thus it came that the inhabitants in this section of the country came under the power of the rebels, and those who had adhered t» the loyal side were mercilessly driven away at the point of the bayonet. The writer ha« heard too many accounts of the extreme SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON. 67 cruelty practiHod at this time to doubt that Huch took place, or question the fiondiwh nature of the acts practisod by tbo succoHsful rebels agaiimt, not foes in urmn, but the bolpIesH. Many thuH driven away (and these wore the first refugees who entered (Canada) suf- fered great hardships all through the winter. Most of the men entered the ranks subsequently, while not a few, from their know- ledge of the country, undertook the trying and venturesome engagement of spies. The families gathered around the forts upon the borders had to live upon the fare supplied by the commissariat of the army. A large number were collected at Mishish ; and the story goes that a Frenchman, whoso duty it was to deal out tho supplies, did so with much of bad conduct and cruel tx'eatmont. (','*" SIR JOHN JOHNSON. Among the officers who served with General Burgoyne was Sir John Johnson, who had been tho first to suffer persecution, the first to become a refugee, and who became a principal pioneer in Upper Canada. " His father. Sir William Johnson, was a native of Ireland, of whom it was said, in 1755, that he had long resided upon the Mo- hawk river, in the western part of New York, where he had acquired a considerable estate, and was universally beloved, not only by the inhabitants but also by the neighboring Indians, whose language he had learned and whoso alfections he had gained, by his humanity and affability. This led to his appointment as agent for Indian affairs, on the part of Great Britain, and he was said to be * the soul of all their transactions with the savages.' " Of Sir William's talents and shrewdness in dealing with the like- wise shrewd Indian, the following is found in Sabine : "Allen relates that on his receiving from England some finely-laced clothes, the Mo- hawk chief became possessed with the desire of equalling the baronet in the splendor or his apparel, and, with a demure face, pretended to have dreamed that Sir William had presented him with a suit of the decorated garments. As the solemn hint could not be mistaken or avoided, the Indian monarch was gratified, and went away, highly pleased with the success of his device. But alas for Hendrick's shortsighted sagacity ! In a few days Sir William, in turn, had a dream, to the effect that the chief had given him several thousand acres of land. 'The land is yours,' said Hendrick, 'but now. Sir William, ' I never dream with you again, you dream too hard for me.'" W HIR JOHN jnilNSON. At the breaking out of the revolutionary war, Sir John, who had succeeded to hiHf'nther'H title, appearH, also, to have inherited h\» inliu- enco with the Indians, and to have exerted that influence to the utmost in favor of the Royal cause. By this means he rendered liiniBclf particularly obnoxious to tlie continentals, as the Americans were then called. Accordingly, in 1776, Colonel Dayton, with part of his regiment, was sent to arrest him, and thus put it out of his power to do further mischief. Ueceiving timely notice of this from his tory friends at Albany, he hastily assembled a large number of his tenants and others, and made preparations for a retreat, which he successfully accomplished. " Avoiding the route by Lake Champlain, from fear of falling into the hands of the enemy, who were supposed to be assembled in that direction, ho struck deep into the woods, by way of the head waters of the Hudson, and descended the Raquette river, to its con- fluence with the St. Lawrence, and thence crossed over to Canada. Their provision failed soon after they had left their homes. Weary and foot-sore, numbers of them sank by the way, and had to be left behind, but were shortly afterwards relieved by a party of Indians, who were sent from Caughnawaga in search of them. After nineteen dayb of hardship, which have had few parallels in our histoiy, they reached Montreal. So hasty was their flight, that the family papers were buried in the garden, and nothing taken with them but such articles as were of prime npcessity." Soon after his arrival at Mon- treal he was '* commissioned a colonel, and raised two battalions of loyalists, who bore the designation of the Royal Greens. From the time of organizing this corps, he became one of the most active, and one of the bitterest foes that the whigs encountered during the con- test. So true is it, as was said by the wise man of Israel, that ' a brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city, and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.' . Sir John was in several regular and fairly conducted battles. He invested Fort Stanwix in 1777, and defeated the brave General Herkimer; and in 1780 was defeated himself by General Van Eensselaer, at Fox's Mills." The result of his adherence to the Crown was, that his extensive family estates upon the Mohawk were confiscated; but at the close of the war he received large grants of land in various parts of Canada, beside a considerable sum of money. He continued to be Superin- tendent of Indian aSairs, and resided in Montreal until his death, in 1822. TlIK ROYAL RE0IMEN1.<. 69 TIIK LOYAL rOMIUTANTS. The following arc the principal corps an<l rogimeiits of loyalists who took part in the war against the rebels, and who wore mainly Americans: " The King's Rangers ; the Royal Fencible Americans ; the Queen's Rangers ; the New York Volunteers j the King's Aiuerican regiment ; the Prince of "Wales' American Volunteers ; the Maryland Loyalists ; Do Lancey's Battalions ; the Second American regiment ; the King's Rangers, Carolina ; the South Carolina Royalists ; the North Carolina Ilighlatul liegiment ; the King's Amari(;an Dragoons ; the Loyal American Regiment ; the American Legion ; the New Jersey Volunteers ; the British Legion ; the Loyal Foresters ; the Orange Rangers; ^he Pennsylvania Loyalists; the Guides and Pion- eers ; the North Carolina Volunteers ; the Georgia Loyalists ; the West Chester Volunteers. These corps were all commanded by colo- nels or lieutenant-colonels; and as DeLancey's battalions and the New Jersey Volunteers consisted each of throe battalions, there wore twenty-eight. To these, the Loyal New Englanders, the Associated Loyalists and Wentworth's Volunteers, remain to bo added. Still further, Colonel Archibald Hamilton, of New York, commanded at one period seventeen companies of loyal Militia." Respecting the oflicers and more prominent men of the corps, who settled in Canada, wc have succeeded in collecting the following aooount. ■ »> — ' ■■ THE queen's RANGKR.S. This corps acted a very conspicuous part during the war. It was raised by Major Robert Rogers, of NewHampshire, son of James Rogers. He had served during the French war, with distinction, as commander of Rogers' Rangers, and was, "in 1*776, appointed Governor of Michilimacinac. During the early part of the rebellion he was in the revolting states, probably acting as a spy, and was in correspondence with the rebel Congress, and with Washington him- self. He was imprisoned at New York, but was released on parole, which, it is said, he broke (like General Scott in 1812), and accepted the commission of colonel in the British army, and proceeded to raise the corps mentioned." About 1777 " he went to England, and Simcoe succeeded him as commander of the Queen's Rangers." Sabine, speaking of John Brown Lawrence, says ho was impris- oned in the Burlington gaol, New Jersey, and that " Lieut. -Colonel John G. Simcoe, commander of the Queen's Rangers, was a fellow- 70 Till rORRKtN LEGION. priH<)t»(!r, and when t'XclianKcd Haid, at parting, * I «hall never forpjet yotir kindiuiHH.' JIu did not: and when appointed Lieiitenant-Gover- nor of Ui>jH!r C'anuda, he invited Mr. liawronce to nettle there," and, through the (iovornor, he accpiirod a large tract of laniL Tlie Queen'H Jtjuigcrs were (]iHbande(l in 1802, having been awo- ciatc<l with the evontH of the firHt government of Upper Canada, their colonel (Siincoe) having been the first (Jovernor. A detachment of this regiment were Htationed upon the banks of the Don, before there was a Hiuglu white inhabitant where now stands Toronto. '": t I ■ r " ♦■■ ' ." • ' FBRQUBON's RANOEnS. ' ' This corps formed a part of Burgoyne's army at the time of sur- rendering, and, " with other provincial prisoners, retired to Canada, by permission of Gates." THE HESSIANS. ' ' \\ The British Government, during tho course of the war, ])rocured some foreign troops from one of the Gorman I'rincipalities iipon the Ehine, mostly from Hesse-Hamburg. This foreign legion was under the command of General Baroti de Keidesel, of their own coimtry. It would seem from the testimony of their descendants in Marysburgh, that the British Government employed the men from the Government of the principality, and that the men did not voluntarily enter the service, but were impressed. These Hessians were drilled before leaving their country. They were comjjosed of infantry, artillery, and a rifle company, " Green Yongers. " They were embarked for Canada, by way of Portsmouth, and reached Quebec in time to join the British army, and meet the enemy at Stillwater. Conrad Bongard, of Marysburgh, informs us that his father was one of the company under General Reidesel. He was in the artillery, and accompiinied Burgoyne in his eventful campaign ; was at the battle of Tyconderoga ; and, with the rest of the Hessian troops, was taken prisoner at Saratoga. They were taken down to Virginia, and there retained as prisoners of war for nearly two years. Being released on parole, many of them, with their General, were conveyed back to Germany ; but some of them, having the alternative, preferred to remain in America, to share with the loyalists in grants of laud. (See Marysburgh, where the Hessians settled). Conrad Bongard became the servant of Surveyor Holland, and was with him as he proceeded up the St Lawrence, to survey. Bongard married a widow Carr, whose husband had been in the 24th regiment of Royal Fusiliers, and THE IROqCOIrt. ' 71 had (lied while the pr'sonorH were retaimnl in Virpfinia. He eventually nettled in the fifth towi'Hhip, wliere h« <lied, January, 1840, ajfed 83. HiH wifv, SuHan, died Fthniary, 1846, a^ed U8. Hoth were nieniberB of the Lutheran church. Mrs. B. wa« n native of Philadelphia. ^. ■ - 111© wife of the Genenl, Baroness de Keidosel, has left an inter- esting record of the battles prior to Burgoyno's surrender. "■', ,■ CllAPTiiR. VIII. C0NTBHT8.— Indian NftmeH— The Fiv« TribcH-The Sixth—Confederation— Government— SulxliviHlonH—OriKin—. Hendritk—Dcatli— Lnint—Biitli— Education— Married—TeacliinK— Christianity— Urant elected Chief— Com- misHioned a British Captain— ViHits EnnJand— KetumH— LeadH hiH warriorg to battle— Efforts of Rebels to Bediicc! Urant to their cause— Attempted treachery of the Rebel Herchimer— Border warfare— Wyoming— Attempt to blacken the charact<'r of Brant— Hi« noble eonduct— Untruthful American History— The inhabitants of Wyoming— The R.bels first to blame— Cherry Va ley— Van Hehaick— Bloody orders- Terrible conduct of the Rebels, Helpicss Indian familien— Further deeds of blood and rapine by the rebel I Sullivan— A month of horrible work— Attributes of cruelty more ronspl- CU0U8 in the Rebels than in the Indians— The Now Englander— Conduct toward the Indians— Inconsistent— The "down trodden "—Tiie Mohawks- Indian agricnlture— Broken faith with the Indians- Noble conduct of Brant— After the war— His family— Death— Miss Alolley— Indian usage— rho character of the Mohawk— The six Indians as Canadians— Fidelity to the British- Receiving land— Bay Quints— Grand River— Settling— Captain Isaac, Captain John— At present— Mohawk Counsel. . This onco powerful Confederacy styled themsolvos Kan-yo-a-ko ; also, they sometimes called themselves Aganuschioni ov Agnanuschioni, which signifies united people. The French designated them Iroquois, from a peculiar sound of their speech. The English knew them as the Five Nations, and Six Nations, more generally by the latter term.* The original five tribes that formed the Confederacy, were the Mohawks, Oneidas, Cayugas, Onondagas, and Sonocas. Subsequently in 1712, the Tuscaroras camo from the south, North Carolina, and made the sixth nation. But according to some authority, there were six nations before the Tuscaroras joined them. However, we learn from several sources, that up to 1712, the Eng- lish, in speaking of them, referred to only five nations. The Oneidas seem, at one time, to have been omitted, and the Aucguagas inserted in their stead. The oldest members of the confederation 72 ORIGIN OF THE SIX NATIONS. were the Mohawks, Onondagas, and Senecas. The union of those three ti'ibes took place prior to the occupation of America by the Europeans. The time at which the confederation of ijho five nations was formed is uncertain, but it is supposed to have been in the early part of the sixteenth century. The league binding them to|;other was rather of a democratic nature. Each tribe was represented in the great council of the nation by one principal sachem, with a number of associates. They wore always deliberate in their councils, considerate in their decisions, never infringing upon the rights of a minority, and dignified in their utterances. They were noted, not only as warriors, but as well for their agriculture, their laws, and their oratorical ability. Each tribe was subdivided into classes, and each of these had a device or " totem," namely, the tortoise, the bear, the wolf, the beaver, ^:he deer, the falcon, the plover, and the crane. They were for hundreds of years the terror of the various Indian tribes peopling North America, and most of the time could at will, roam the wide expanse between the Hudson Bay and the Carolinas. Other tribes, too weak to oppose them, were from time to time completely exterminated. Of these was the Erie tribe, which had enti" ely disappeared by the year 1653. Of those who stubbornly resisted the Six Nations, were the Hurons, the Adirondaoks, of the north, the Delawares, the Cherokees, and the Mohicans. Smith, an historian of New York, says that in 1766 "Our Indians universally concur in the claim of all the lands not sold to the English, from the mouth of Sorel Eivcr, on the south side of Lakes Erie and Ontario, on both sides of the Ohio, till it falls into the Mississippi ; and on the north side of those lakes, that whole territory between the Outawais Eiver, and the Lake Huron, and even beyond the straits between that and Lake Brie." " When the Dutch began the settlement of New York, ail the Indians on Long Island, and the northern shore of the Sound, on the banks of the Connecticut, Hudson, Delaware, and Susquehannah rivers, were in subjection to the Five Nations," and in 1766, "a little tribe, settled at the Sugar-loaf Mountain, in Orange County, made a yearly payment of about £20 to the Mohawks." Among the traditions of this people is one that they had a supernatural origin from the heart of a mountain, that they then migrated to the west, where they lived for a time by the seashore. THAYENDINAQBA. 73 Then, in time returned to the country of the lakes. A country now passed into the hands of the white man, who paid no just price. But the names of many places yot indicate the history of the ancient owners of the soil, 'n «iU? : 'ifii^i.*; i*;f -r .^h,*- '' Among the Mohawks, in the beginning of the eighteenth century, was a chief known as Old King Hendrick, or Soi-eiigarrah- ta, renowned for eloquence, bravery, and integrity. Ho was intimate with Sir William Johnson, and it was between them that the amusing contention of dreams occurred, that has been narrated. In 1755, a battle was fought at Lake Georgo, between the French, under Baron Dieskati, and the English, under Johnson, resulting in the defeat of the French. The French and English were supported by their fespective allies. At this engagement Old King Hendrick, then seventy years old, but still full of energy and courage, was killed. Strangely enough it was at this battle that Brant, then only thirteen years ''Id, first took part with his tribe in the contest. The mantle of Soieagarahta fell upon the youthful Thayendinagea. " ■ ' ""*" " '' '*' Thaymdinagea, or Joseph Brant, wan born upon the banks of the Ohio, in the year 1742, while his tribe was on a visit to that region. According to Stone, his biographer, he was the son of " Tehowaghwengai'aghkwin a full-blooded Mohawk, of the Wolf tribe." After the battle at Lake George, Brant continued with his people under Johnson till the close of that bloody war. At its close, about 1760, Brant, with several other young Indians, was placed by Johnson at Moor School, Lebanon, Connecticut. After acquiring some knowledge of the rudiments of literature, he left the school to engage in active warfare with the Pontiacs and Ottawas. " In 1765, we find him married and settled in his own house at the Mohawk Valley. It is said he was not married, except in the Indian mode, until the winter of 1779, when at Niagara, seeing a Miss Moore, a captive, married, he was also thus married by Colonel John Butler, to a half-breed,the daughter ol Colonel Oroghan, by an Indian woman. Here he spent a quiet and peaceful life for some years, acting as interpreter in negotiations between his people and the whites, and lending his aid to the efforts of the missionaries who were engaged in the work of teaching and converting the Indians. th 7tf GENERAL HERKIMER. "Those who viwitcd his house, spoke in high terms of his kindness and hospitality." Sir William Johnson died in 1774, and was succeeded by his son-in-law. Colonel George Johnson, as Indian agent, who appointed Brant his Secretary. The same year Johnson had to flee from, the Mohawk, westward, to escape being captured by a band of rebels. He was accompanied by Brant and the principal warriors of the tribe. The rebels vainly tried to win the Indians to their side ; but excepting a few Senecas, they pre- ferred their long tried friends. The regular successor of Old King Hendrick, was " little Abraham." It is said ho was well disposed to the Americans, probably through jealousy of Brant. At all events, Brant, by universal consent became the principal chief. He pro- ceeded with the other chiefs, and a large body of Indian warriors to Montreal, where he was commissioned as a captain in the British army. '* In the fall of 1775, he sailed for England to hold personal conference with the officers of government. He was an object of much curiosity at London, and attracted the attention of persons of high rank and great celebrity." Brant retiirned to Ameiica in the spring following, landed near New York, and made his way through his enemy's country to Canada. He placed himself at the head of his warriors, and led them on to many a victory. The first cf which was at the battle of " the Cedars." ■ But the rebels did not cease endeavoring to seduce Brant to their cause. In June, 1777, Groneral Herkimer of the rebel militia approached Brant's headquarters with a large force, ostensibly to treat on terms of equality. Brant had reason to auspect treachery, and consequently would not, for some time, meet Herkimer. After a week, however, he arranged to see Greneral Herkimer, but every precaution was taken against treachery, and it appears that not without cause. Brant and Herkimer were old, and had been intimate friends. Brant took with him a guard of about forty war- riors. It would seem that Herkimer's intention was to try and persuade Brant to come over to the rebels, and failing in this to have Brant assassinated as he was retiring. Says an American writer, Brownell, " We are sorry to record an instance of such unpardonable treachery as Herkimer is said to have planned at this juncture. One of his men, Joseph Waggoner, afftrmed that the General privately exhorted him to arrange matters so that Brant and his three principal associates might be assassinated." Well does it become the Americans to talk about savage barbarity. Brant thwarted the intentions of his old friend by keeping his forty . WYOMINO. 75 warriors within call. During all of tho repeated attempts to get the Mohawks they never swerved, but reminded the rebels of their old treaties with England, and the ill-treatment their people had sustained at tho hands of the colonists. ,., ^. The head-quartors of Brant was at Oghkwaga, Owcgo, upon tho Susquehanna. During the summer of 1777 while Bnrgoyne was advancing, tho Mohawks under Brant rendered important service. In the attempt to capture Fort Stanwix, they took a prominent part. In the summer of 1778 tho Indians, vrith Butler's Eangers were engaged principally in boi-der warfare. It was during this season that the affair at Wyoming took place, which event has been so extravagantly made use of to blacken the character of the Indians and vilify the " tories." That Brant was not inhuman, but that he .vas noble, let recent American writers testify. Brownell says : " many an instance is recorded of his interference, ovon in the heat of conflict, to stay the hand uplifted against the feeble and helpless." It was in tho latter part of June that a descent was planned upon the settlements oi Wyoming. Of this event, again we will let Brownell speak : — "It has been a commonly received opinion that Brant was tho Chief under whom the Indian portion of the army was mustered, but it is now believed that ho had as little share in this campaign as in many other sceAes of blood long coupled with his name. There was no proof that he was present at any of the scenes that we are about to relate." <miW.h- ni>m-'- "No portion of the whole history of the revolution has been so distorted in tho narration as that connected with the laying waste of the valley of Wyoming. No two accounts seem vO agree, and histo- rians have striven to out-do each other in the violence of their expres- sions of indignation, at cruelties and horrors which existed only in their imaginations, or which came to them embellished with all the oxageration incident to reports arising amid scenes of excite- ment and bloodshed. Wyoming had, for many years, been the scene of the bitterest hostility between the settlers under the Connecticut grant, and those from Pennsylvania. Although these wai-like operations were upon a small scale, they were conducted with great vindictiveness and treachery. Blood was frequently shed, and as either party obtained tho ascendency, small favor was shown to their opponents, who were generally driven from 4heir I ornes in hopeless destitu- tion. Wo cannot go into a history of thost early transactions, and only mention them as explanatory of th'i feelings of savage 76 ENQAOKMENT AT CHERRY VALLEY. animo8ity which were exhibited between neighbors, andet^en nidm- bers of the Hamo family, who had espoused opposite interests in the revolutionary contest." Such, be it noted, was the character of the inhabitants of Wyoming valley, who have been so long held up an innocent victims of Indian barbarity. By the above, we learn that prior to this, there had been contentions between the loyalists and rebels. The party who entered Wyoming to attack the Fort, wore under Colonel John Butler, and was composed of some 300 British regulars and refugees, and 500 Indians. Now, it would seem that the depredation which was committed after Colo- nel Zebulon Butler, the rebel leader, had been defeat* ', and the Fort had capitulated, was to a great extent due to retaliatory steps taken by the loyalists who previously had been forced away, and had seen their homes committed to the flames. Such was the bor- der warfare of those days. It was not Indian savagery, it was a species of fighting introduced by the "Sons of Liberty." And if we condemn such mode of fighting, let our condemnation rest tirst, and mainly upon those who initiated it. Not u]5bn the Indians, for they were led by white men — not upon Brant, for he was not there — not so much npon the loyalists, for they had been driven away from their homes ; but let it be upon those who introduced it. The rebel i were not slow {o seek retribution for their losses at Wyoming. Aided by a party of Oneidas who lent themselves to the rebels, " Colonel Wm. Butler with a Pennsylvania regiment, entered the towns of TJnadilla and Oghkwaga, and burned and desti-oyed the buildings, together with large stores of provisions intended for winter use." In turn, Walter Butler led a party of 700, a large number being Indians under Brant, to attack a fort at Cherry Valley which was "garrisoned by troops under Colonel Ichabod Alden." It will be seen that the Indians and loyalists did not enter an unprotected place to burn and destroy. They attacked a garrison of troops. But the Indians exasperated by the cruel procedure at Oghkwaga, became ungovernable, and about fifty men, women and children fell by the tomahawk. This was the retaliation which the Indian had been taught to regard as justifia- ble for the wrongs which had been inflicted upon his dwn tribe— his little ones ; yet be it remembered, and later American writers admit it, that the commanders, Butler and Brant, did all they could to restrain the terrible doings of^ the exasperated men. " Specific instances are reported in which the Mohawk Chief interfered, and successfully, to avert the murderous tomahawk." THE REBEL SULLIVAN. 77 And now begins the bloody revenge which the robolH deter- mined to inflict upon the Indians, without respect to tribes. In April, 1779, Colonel Van Schaick was despatched with a sufficient force for the purpose, with instructions " to lay waste the whole of their towns, to destroy all their cattle and property." " The Colonel obeyed his orders to the letter, and loft nothing but black- ened ruins behind him." It was merely a march of destruction, for the Indians were not there to oppose their steps. The villages and property that were destroyed belonged to the Onoudagas, although they had not taken a decided stand with the loyalist party. It was enough that they were Indians, and would not join the rebels. But this was merely a prelude to what was preparing, in pursuance of a resolution of the rebel congress. The infamous duty of commanding this army of destruction, town destroyers the Indians called them, was entrusted to General Sullivan, whose nature was adequate to the requirements of the command. On the 22nd ^August, 1779, five thousand men were concen- trated at Tioga, upon the Susquehanna. The men were prepared for their uncivilized duty by promises of the territory over which they were about to sow blood and tire. The Indians had no ade- quate force to oppose their march westward over the Six Nations territory. Brant with his warriors, with the Butlers and Johnsons made a gallant resistance upon the banks of the Chemung, near the present town of Elmira. But, after suffering considerable loss, the vastly superior force compelled them to flee, and there remained nothing to arrest the devastating rebel army, and during the whole month of September they continued the work of des- poliation. It has been the custom of almost all American historians to give the Indians attributes of the most debasing character. At peace, unworthy the advantages of civilization ; at war, treacherous and ferociously cruel. For this persistent and ungenerous proce- dure it is impossible to conceive any cause, unless to supply an excuse for the steady course of double-dealing the Americans have pursued toward the original owners of the soil, and provide a cov- ering for the oft-repeated treachery practised toward the credulous Indian by the over-reaching new Englander. To the Mohawk Nation particularly, since they proved true allies of the British, have American writers found it agreeable to bestow a (jharacter noted for blood and rapine. Nothing can be more untrue than the character thus gratuitously portrayed, nothing more at variance f^ CONDUCT rOWARD THE INDIANS. with the essential nature of the Indian, when free from European intrigues, and the cursed fire-water. The aboriginal races of North America are not by nature, blood-thirsty above Europeans. That they are honest, just and true, capable of distinguishing between right and wrong, with a due appreciation of well-kept faith, is well attested by the conduct which has ever been observed by them toward, not alone the Pennsylvanians, but every man found to be a quaker. No instance can be found recorded through- out the long bloody wars of the Indians, where a hair of the head of a single man, woman or child of that denomination was injured by the Indian ; and thus because the upright Penn never defrauded them. The Americans, while British colonists, with the exception alluded to, made themselves obnoxious to almost all Indian tribes. They never secured that hearty and faithful alliance that the French did. There seemed to be something in the air, especially of the New England States, which in a few generations blinded the eye, by which the golden rule is to be obsei^ed. The Americans, who have ever set themselves up as the cham- pions, par excellence, of liberty, to whom the " down-trodden of the old world " could look for sympathy, if not direct support, have signally failed to observe those lofty principles at home toward the natives of the soil, while they continued for eighty years to keep in chains the sable sons of Africa. They have found it con- venient and plausible to prate about the political " tyranny of European despots;" but no nation of northern Europe has shown such disregard for the rights of their people as the United States have exhibited toward the original owners of the soil. Avarice has quite outgrown every principle of liberty that germinated ere they came to America. The frontier men, the land-jobber, the New England merchant, as well as the Southern Planter, have alike ignored true liberty in defrauding the Indian, in sending out slavers, and in cruel treatment of the slave. Then can we wonder that the noble-minded Indian, naturally true to his faith, should, when cheated, wronged,— cruelly wronged, with the ferocity natural to his race, visit the faithless with terrible retribution ? The unbiassed records of the past, speak in tones that cannot be hushed, of the more noble conduct of the natives, than of those who have sought to exterminate them. The Mohawks, although brave warriors, fought not for the mere love of it. They even at times strove to mediate between the French and New Englanders. To the Mohawks, the American writer has especially bestowed TUB TOWN DEBTROYERS. 79 a name bloody and ignoble. And all because they listened not to their wily attempts to seduce them to join the rebels, but pre- ferred to ally themselves with the British. No doubt the Indian had long before discriminated between the rule of British officers, and the selfish policy of local governments. And hence, we find, in every scrap of paper relating to the Mohawks, unfounded accounts of savage doings. But taking, as true, the darkest pages written by the Americans against the Six Nations, they present no parallel to the deeds of brutal vengeance enacted by the American army under Sullivan, when he travcx-sed the fruitful country, so long the home of the Iroquois. Says an American writer : " When the army reached the Genesee Valley, all were surprised at the cultivation exhibited, by wide fields of corn, gardens well stocked, their cattle, houses, and other buildings, showing good design, with mechanical skill, and every kind of vegetable that could be conceived. Beau- tiful as was the scene in the eyes of the army, a few daj's changed it to utter desola^on ; neither house, nor garden, grain, fruit tree 'or vegetable, was left unscathed." Says Stone: "Forty Indian towns were destroyed. Corn gathered and ungathered, to the amount of 160,000 bushels, shared the same fate ; their fruit trees were cut down ; and the Indians were hunted like wild beasts, till neither house, nor fruit tree, nor field of corn, nor inhabitant, remained in the whole country." And the poor Indian women, and children, and old men, were thus left at the approaching winter to seek support at the British garrisons. Truly the rebels of '76 were brave and civilized I Thirteen years after, one of the chiefs said to Washington, "Even to this day, when the name of the town-destroyer is heard, our women look behind them and turn pale, and our children cling close to the necks of their mother ; our sachems and our warriors are men, who cannot be afraid, but their hearts are grieved with the fears of our women and children." Thus the brave Sullivan, with his thousand rebels, made wai* against old men, women and children, who were living in their rightful homes. This was fighting for liberty ! The blood of the Indian, as well as the slave, has risen up to reproach the American, and it required much of fresh blood to wash away the stains remaining from their deeds of cruelty and rapine, inflicted dui-ing their revolutionary war, under the name of liberty. The soldiers of Sullivan were stimulated in their evil work by promises of the land they were sent to despoil j and the '00 INDIAN OIVIUZATION. cloBO of tho war saw them return to claim their promises, while the rightful owner was driven uway. A c ortain portion of tho Six Nations havinpf received piodgos from the United StRces Govora- ment for their welfare, remainer' to become subjects of the new nation. But excepting Washington himself, and General Schuyler, not one heeded thoir promises made to tho Indian. The most unjust proceedings wore begun and ruthlessly tarried on by indi- viduals, by companies, by legislators, by speculators, to steal every inch of land that belonged by all that is right, to the Sonecas. How unlike the benignant and faithtVil conduct of tho British Government in Canada. Brant continued during the war to harass the enemy in every possible way, and in the following year, August, planned a terrible, . but just retaliation for the work of Sullivan's horde. It was now the turn of the rebels to have thoir houses, provisions and crops, despoiled. 3ut all the while "no barbarities wore permitted upon the persons of defenceless women and children, but a large number of them were borno away into captivity." Again, in October,' Johnson and Brant, with Corn Planter, a distinguished Seneca chief, invaded the Mohawk Valley. In this foray, the same conduct was observed toward women and children. On one occasion, Brant sent an Indian runner with an infant, that had boon uninten- tionally carried from its mother with some captives, to restore it, Still, again the following year, the Indians under Brant, and the Royalists under Major Eoss, were found over-running their old homes along the Mohawk and Schoharie. On this their last expedition, they were met by the rebels in force under Colonel Willet, with some Oneida warriors, and defeated them. Colonel Walter N. Butler, whom the rebels have so often tried to malign, waa shot and scalped by an Oneida Indian, under the command of the rebel Willet. We learn by the foregoing that the Iroquois were not only brave as warriors, but they had attained to a much higher position in the scale of being then other tribes inhabiting America. They ' were not ignorant of agriculture, nor indifferent to the blessings derived therefrom. The rich uplands of the country lying to the north of the Alloghanies, were made to contribute to their wants, as did the denizen of the forest. They are equally at home, whether upon the war path, the trail of the deer, or in the tilling of land. The plow of the Anglo-Saxon has not in seventy years completely effaced the evidences of their agricultural skill. And not less were brant's death. 31 thoir Hachoms noted for wisdom in council, and for eloquence Not only corn, but bcanHand olhor coroaJH wore cultivated, particularly by the Six Nations. Fruitn and edibles, introdued by the Euro- poauH, wore propagated by the natives, and when the rebel Sullivan, in accordance with orders from Washington, swept over thoir country, large orchards of excellent fruit, as well as fields of grain, were met with and ruthlessly destroyed, as wore the women and children, with their peaceful homes. According to Rochefoucault, Brant's manners were half European ; he was accompanied by two negro servants, and was, « in appearance, like an Englishman." Brant visited Kn'gland in December 1785, and was treated with groat consideration. After the close of the war, Brant settled at Wellington Square, upon land conferred by the Crown, where he lived after the English mode. He died hero 24th November, 1807. His wife, who never took to civilized life, after her husband's death, removed to the Grand River, and lived in her wigwam. Some of her children remained in the " commodious dwelling," and others accompanied her to the life of the wigwam. • According to Weld, Brant had at one time thirty or forty nogro slaves, which he kept in the greatest subjection. He also says that Brant's half pay as a captain, and his presents yearly received, amounted to £500. His last days were made unhappy by a debased son, who, after threatening his father's life, was at last killed by him, in self defence, by a short sword which Brant wore at his side. Eospecting another of his sons, the Kingston Herald, September 5th, 1832, says : ''It is with unfeigned sorrow tiiat we announce the death of Captain JOHN Brant, Cliief of the Six Nations Indians. He died of Cholera, at Brant- lord on the 27tli ult after an illness of only six hours. Mr. Brant was the son 01 tiu) celebrated Indian Chief, whose memory was unjustly assailed by Campbell the Poet, and for the vindication of which the subject of this notice some y.-ars ago purposely visited England. Possessing the education, feelings, and manners Ota gentleman, he was beloved by all who had the pleasure ofliis acquaiut^ince ana his death cannot fail to be deeply and very generally regretted." ' Wo have spoken of the intimacy that existed between the Mohawks and Sir William Johnson, the Colonial Agent of England. This, be it remembered, was more than a hundred years ago, and great changes have taken place in the opinion of many with regard to certain irregularities of society. We cannot excuse the conduct of Sir William, when he had lost his European wife, in taking the sister of Brant, Miss Molly, without the form of matri- monial alliance ; but we must concede every allowance for the times in which he lived. But while grave doubt may rest upon THE LOYAL M(mAWKK. the n,oral principle dinphiyod by him, wc boo no F«t "c'.so" to rofloctin any way up<.,. tho Indian fomale. M.h« Mo y took up her alxKlo with Hir William, and lived with him an uta.thful spouHe until ho died. Howovor. this must not ho roK'>"-dod an indicating depravity (m the part of tho Himplo-mindod native. It must b. remembered that the Indian's mode of marrying' eoimistH «>f b.it little more than tho youn^ squaw leavit.K thi, fathorH w.^wuni, and rcparing to that of her future huHband, and there is no rou8oi, to doubt that Mis« iVlolly was ever other than a virtuouH woman. And this belief is corroborated by the fact that four daughters, the i«BU*' of this alliance, were most respectably married. v^' ^ Of tho Six NationH, this tribe always wtood foremost m bravo and uncompromising adherents to the British Government, not withstanding tho utmost endeavors of the rebels to win them to their Hide. It becomes, consequently a duty, and a pleasing duty to refer more particularly to this race, a remnant of which ycl lives upon tho shore of tho bay. Among the Mohawks are, how- ovei-, remnants of some of tho other tribes. Tho tribe is so-called, after tho river, upon whoso banks they 80 h)ng lived. Thoy did not formerly acknowledge tho title, but called themselves by a name which intorprotod, moans "just such a people as wo ought to be." This name is not known, unless it may bo Agniors, a name sometimos applied by the French. This tribo was tho oldest and most important of tho Six Nations, and supplied tho bravest warriors, and one of it^ chicf^ was usually in command of tho united warriors of all tho tribes. It must not be forgotten that tho Mohawks, who came to Canada, and other tribes of the Six Nations, were to all intents, Uni -I Empire Loyalists. At the close of the struggle, wo have soon olsowhero, that tho commissioners at Paris, in their unseoinlj- haste to contract terms of peace, forgot how much was duo to the loyalists of America, and urged no special terms to ameliorate the condition of tho many who had fought and lost all for the maintenance of British power. Likewise did thoy forgot the aboriginal natives who had equally suffered. Tho fact that the^e Indians were not even referred to, gave Brant a just cause of com- plaint, which he duly set forth in a memorial to the Imperial Government. But, as the British Government and nation subse- quently strove to relieve the suffering condition of the refugees, 80 did they afford to the loyal sons of tho forest every possible facility to make themselves comfortable. Indeed, the BntisH LAND (JRANTH TO MOIIAWKrt. 98 offlcorH in comnmud, at the first, ^uvo a j)l(>(l^ro that all that thoy lost Hhoiild 1,0 roHtorod. The promiHO tluiH ^ivcii hy Sir (iiiy Cftrlcton, vvuH nititlml l»y his HUccoHHor, (ioiioral llaldiniand, in 1779, Captain (Jonoral and Conunandor-in-Chiof in Canada, and conflrniod l.y Patent, under tlu- (JrcMit Soal, January 14, 170;}, iHsuod by Governor .Simcoc. , At the eloso of tho war. a portion of die Mohawks wore temporarily roHidini,' on the Amorican nide of Niagara Rivor, in the vicinity of the old landing' place above the Fort. The Sonoc'as, who seem to have been at thiHtime more closely allied than other tribes to the Mohawks, ottered to them a tract of land within the territory of the United .StatCN. But the Mohawkn would not live in the United States. They declared they would "nink or swim with En^Mand." Brant proceeded to Montreal to confer with Sir John Johnson, General Superintendent of Indian affairs, "The tract upon which the chief had Hxod his attention, was situated upon the Bay do Quinte." General llaldiniand, in accordance with this wish, purchased a tract of land upon the bay from the Mississaugas, and convoyed it to the Mohawks. Subsequently, when Brant returned to Niagara, the Senocas expressed their desire that their old and intimate friends, the Mohawks, should live nearer to them than upon the Bay do Quinto. Brant convened a council of the tribe to consider the matter, the rosu.t was, that he went a second time to Quebec to solicit a tract of land less remote from the Senecas. Haldimand granted this request, and the land, six miles square, upou the Grand Eiver, was accordingly purchased from the Mississaugas, and given to them, forty miles off from the Senecas. The above facts are taken from Brant's MS. and History. We may infer from this fact, that the party who did come to the bay under Captain John, felt less attachment to the Senecas than the other portion of the tribe. The quantity of land on the bay originally granted was 92,700 acres ; but a portion has been surrendered. In the early part of the rebellion, the Mohawk families fled from their valley with precipitation. They mostly went to Lachine, where they remained three years. They then ascended the river m their canoes, and probably stayed a winter at Cataraqui, the winter of 1783-4. The whole tribe was under Brant. Second in command was Captain John, a cousin of Brant, and his senior in years. In the spring, a portion of the tribe entered the Bay Quinte, g4 MOIIAWKH CrON BAT QUINTE. and na«Hoa up tothoproMont township of Tymi.linaKa. The majority, led by Brant, paHHO.1 up ftlon^ tho Houth nhoro of Lako Ontivrio to Niagara. TUB MOHAWKH A8 CANAIHANH. , Do8Condttnt8 of tho bravoHt of all tho hravo Indian warrlorn of , Amorica, wo tind thorn poacoablo and in most roHpootHinibihinK tho Hpirit of tho day. Evor sinco tho party nottlod on tho bay, thov havo maniloHtod no turbulont npirit, nono of thono wild fttti-ibutos natural to tho wil.l-woods Indian, toward thoir white noighborH. Among thomHolvort thoro has boon ono occaHion ol diHturbanco. This aroHo from tho quarroUomo nature ot one Captain Isaac Hill. This Chief, with his people, formed a part ot Brant'K company that settled on the (Jra.ul lliver. Alter a few years, having disagreed with his nation, and become exceedingly disagreeable from his ottlcious an<i selfish conduct, ho removed to tho bay, and united himself with Captain John's party, which received him. But he failed to live peaceably with them. Eventually the disagreement resulted in a serious hostile entragement between tho two branches, who fought with tomahawks and knives. But one person was killed, a chief of Capain Jolui s party, Powles Claus, who was stabbed in tho abdomen. But subsequently Captain Isaac Hill became a worthy inhabitant, llis house still standing, then considered large, was frequently open to the more festive, across the Bay in Sophiasburgh. Out of tho six hundred Indians, now living upon the Eeserve, there is only one with pure Indian blood. His name is David Smart It has been elsewhoro stated, that the custom pre- vailed'among the Mohawk nation, to maintain the number of the tribe, by taking captive a sufficient number to fill the vacancies caused by death of their people. The result was, that those captives marrying with Indians,thoy gradually underwent a change, and the original appearance of tho Mohawk has lost its character- istic features. The circumstances of tho Indians during the revolutionary war, and subsequently in settling in Canada, led to frequent unions between tho white men of different nationalities and the Indian women. Therefore, at the present day there remains but little more than a trace of tho primal Indian who lorded it, a hundred years ago, over no inconsiderable portion of the North American Continent. When visiting the Indians, on our way, we mot some eight or ten sleighs laden with them, returning from a funeral. We were INDIVIDUAL C0MBATANT8. 85 which "'Zf l"""' "'" "I'l*-"™"™ "f "Oli'l. «"-,n...|ik. <.„,„f,„.i which Mwu K,.™, un,l ,„„voynnr,.« oxhihilcd, «, well m Ihov lhorn»olve« .11,1 i„ il,.,i,. huirca,„„|i„„ <in.»H ^ Wh.lo .lrunko„n,.»» h.„ |,r<,v,uU,l ..moiiK th„ „l,l„r l,„li«„, it .« ,.U.~..nK t„ l<„„w that tho y.,„„«„,. „„„, „J; „„ ,„„„, ^ ^ .' Zi T '"■ ";""■ '""' '"■"""'" ''""^"•'- They huvo I«oo „cr„, of land. They „u.„U,i- li.Kl, „,„| ,„.„ i„„,„„i„„ ..o,,rly The «,„l „(■ ,!,„ M„hn„l< ()„„„.d ,„„y h„ „om, with tho Rov Mr And.,™,,,. Th„ ,.,„,„ri„| t„„ri„K« L,»i.t „f ,1,., w I, t^J bear «„d ho turtle, Theno «„in,nl-, in the order here g v„ " mheate, not tnho-, „„r (Umili„„ oxaetly, but rnnU. The w!l U U^h.gho«t el««., the boar next in rank, and the turtle tho owe grade. ' ;I',V <,.'(■• .,. .•....•:. ♦,«,..■... . . . . ' vi1«V.', " -vr > »^, CHAPTEK IX. INDIVIDUAL COMBATANTS. 1 17^^ i™'"«f«t«Jy following notices of the CDmbatants who settled m Upper Canada are extracted from Sabine. "At the beginning of the revolution, Samuel Anderson, of New York, went to Canada. He soon entered the service of the Crown and was a captain under Sir John Johnson. In 1783 he settled nea; c V 1 offices : those of Magistrate, Judge of a district court, and asso- oiate Jus ice ot the Court of King's Bench, were among ^hem. He nt 1 T f "P'" *'" "'""^ "^^^ ^^^"^^«"' ^« UPP«^ Canada, until his decease in 1836, at the age of one hundred md one. His property in New York was abandoned and lost " Af , '7'"'"^^^"'^"':'°"' "«"*«°a"t in the King's regiment. New York. At the peace he retired to Canada. He died near Cornwall, Canada West, m 1853, aged ninety. He drew half pay for a period of about W2ts''"- """' '' ^'^ '^' ^™^^' '^ ^^^ United Emp JOHN BUTLER. "John Bethune, of North Carolina, chaplain in the Loyal Militia. Taken prisoner in the battle at Cross Creek in 1776. Confined in Halifax gaol, but ordered finally to Philadelphia. After his release, his continned loyalty reduced him to great distress. He was appointed chaplain to the 84th|reginient, and restored to comfort. At the peace he settled in lT))per Canada, and died at Williamstown in that colony, in 1815, in his sixty-fifth year." "James Burwell, of New Jersey, born atEockaway, January 18, 1 764. Our loyalist enlisted in his Majesty's service in the year 1776, at the age of twenty-two, and served seven years, and was present at the battle of Yorktown, when Lord Cornwallis surrendered, and was there slightly wounded." " Came to Upper Canada in the year 1796, too late to obtain the King's bounty of family land, but was placed on the United Empire list, and received two hundred acres for himseU and each of his child- ren. He removed to the Talbot settlement in the year 1810. He died in the County of Elgin, Canada, July, 1863, aged ninety-nine years and five months." "John Butler, of Tyron, now Montgomery county, New York. Before the war, Colonel Butler was in close official connection with Sir William, Sir John, and Colonel Guy Johnson, and followed their political fortunes. At the breaking out of hostilities he commanded a regiment of New York Militia, and entered at once into the mili- tary service of the Crown. During the war his wife was taken prisoner, and exchanr,ed for the wife of the whig colonel, Campbell. Colonel John Butler was richly rewarded for his services. Succeeding (in part) to the agency of Indian affairs, long held by the Johnsons, he enjoyed, about the year 1796, a salary of £600 stg. per annum, and a pension, as a miUtary officer, of £200 more. Previously, he liad received a grant of 500 acres of land, and a similar pro\ ision for his children. His home, after the war, was in Upper Canada. He was attainted during the contest, and his property confiscated. He lived, before the revolution, in the present town of Mohawk." '♦Joseph Canliff, in 1781 a lieutenant in the first battalion Nev/ Jersey Volunteers." This person is probably of the same lineage as the writer of this work, great confusion often existing with regard to the spelling of names in the eariy days of America. •' Daniel Claus. He married a daughter of Sir William Johnson, and served for a considerable time in the Indian Department of Canada, under his brother-in-law. Colonel Guy Johnson.*^ COFFIN — DOANE. ' ' 87 "William Clans, Deputy Superintendent General of Indian affairs, was his son." Coffin— There were several of this name who took part in the war against the rebellion. Of these, the following are connected with Canadian history : ' 7 ; '• ' " Sir Thomas Aston Coffin, baronet, of Boston, son of William Coffin. He graduated at Harvard University in 1772. At one period of the rebellion he was private secretary to Sir Guy Carleton. In 1804 he was Secretary and Comptroller of Lower Canada." After- wards Commissary General in the British array. "Nathaniel Coffin, of Boston. After the revolution he settled in Upper Canada." Served in the war of 1812. " For a number of years was Adjutant-General of the Militia of Upper Canada. Died at Toronto in 1846, aged 80." " John Coffin : was Assistant Commissary General in the British army, and died at Quebec in 1837, aged 78." " Doano, of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Of this family there were five brothers, namely : Moses, Joseph, Israel, Abraham, Mahlon. They were men of fine figures and address, elegant horsemen, great runners and leapers, and excellent at stratagems and escapes. Their father was respectable, and possessed a good estate. The sons them- selves, prior to the war, were men of reputation, and proposed to remain neutral : but, harassed personally, their property sold by the whigs because they would not submit to the exactions of the time, the above-mentioned determined to wage a predatory warfare upon their persecutors, and to live in the open air, as they best could do. This plan they executed, to the terror of the country around, acting as spies to the royal army, and robbing and plundering continually ; yet they spared the weak, the poor and the peaceful. They aimed at public property and at public men. Generally, their expeditions were on horseback. Sometimes the five went together, at others separately, with accomplices. Whoever of them was apprehended broke jail . whoever -^f them was assailed escaped. In a word, such was their cours'-., aut 'I .vard of £300 was offered for the head of each. " I ! ^in ?.[ ly, three were slain. Moses, after a desperate fight, was shot by his captor ; and Abraham and Mahlon were hung at Phila- delphia. " Joseph, before the revolution, taught school. During the war, while on a marauding expedition, he was shot through the cheeks, tell from his horse, and was taken prisoner. He was committed to jail to await his trial, but escaped to New Jersey. A reward of $800 88 JARVI8 — jr.NES — m'donald. was offered for his apprehension, but without success. He resumed his former employment in New Jersey, and lived there, under an assumed name, nearly a year, but finally fled to Canada. Several years after the peace he returned to Pennsylvania, ' a poor, degraded, broken-down old man,' to claim a legacy of about £40, which he was allowed to recover, and to depart. In his youth he was distinguished for great physical activity." The only separate mention of Israel is, that "in February, 1783, ho was in jail ; that he appealed to the Council of Pennsylvania to be released, on account of his own sufferings and the destitute condition of his family, and that his petition was dismissed." " Stephen Jarvis, in 1782 was a lieutenant of cavalry in the South Carolina Eoyalists. Ho was in New Brunswick after the revolution, but went to Upper Canada, and Jied at Toronto, at the residence of the Eev. Dr. Phillips, 1840, aged eighty-four. During his service in the revolution he was in several actions." " William Jarvis, an officer of cavalry in the Queen's Hangers. Wounded at the siege of Yorktown. At the peace he settled in Upper Canada, and became Secretary of that Province. He died at York in 1817. His widow, Hannah, a daughter of the Eev. Dr. Peters, of Hebron, Connecticut, died at Queenston, Upper Canada, 1845, aged eighty-three." " David Jones was a captain in the royal service, and is supposed to ' have married the beautiful and good Jane McCrea, whose cruel death, in 1777, by the Indians, is universally known and lamented.' According to Lossing, he lived in Canada to an old age, having never married. Jane McCrea was the daughter of tiie Eev. James MoCrea, of New Jersey, loyalist." " Jonathan Jones, of New York, brother of Jane McCrea's lover. Late in 1776 he assisted in raising a company in Canada, and joined the British, in garrison, at Crown Point. Later in the war he was a captain, and served under General Frazer." McDonald — There were a good many of this name who took part as combatants, of whom several settled in Canada. Alexander McDonald was a major in a North Carolina regiment. " His wife was the celebrated Flora McDonald, who was so true and 80 devoted to the unfortunate Prince Charles Edward, the last Stuart, who sought the throne of England. They had emigrated to North Carolina, and when the rebellion broke out, he, with two sons, took up arms for the Crown." Those who settled in Canada were •* Donald McDonald, of New M'aiLL — MERRIT — ROBINSON. 89 York. He served under Sir John Johnson for seven years, and died at the Wolfe Island, Upper Canada, in 1839, aged 97." " Allan McDonald, of Tryon, New York," was associated with Sir John Johnson in 1776. "He died at Three Ei vers, Lower Canada, in 1822, quite aged." " John McGill.— In 1782 he was an officer of infantry in the Q'.een's Rangers, and, at the close of the war, went to New Bruns- wick. He removed to Upper Canada, and became a person of note. He died at Toronto, in 1834, at the age of eighty-three. At the time of his decease he was a member of the Legislative Council of the Colony." . y " Donald McGillis resided, at the beginning of the revolution, on the Mohawk river. New York. Embracing the royal side in the con- test, he formed one of a 'determined band of young men' who attacked a whig post and, in the face of a superior force, cut down the flag-staff, and tore in strips the stars and stripes attached to it. Subsequently, he joined a grenadier company, called the Eoyal Yorkers, and performed efficient service throughout the war. He settled in Canada at the peace; and, entering the British service again in 1812, was commissioned as a captain in the Colonial corps, by Sir Isaac Brock. He died at Eiver Eaisin, Canada, in 1844, aged eighty years." " Thomas Merrit, of New York, in 1782 was cornet of cavalry in the Queen's Eangers. He settled in Upper Canada, and held the offices of Sherift of the District of Niagara and Surveyor of the King's Forests. He received half pay as a retired military officer. He died at St. Catharines, May, 1842, aged eighty-two." ^^ "Nathaniel Munday, in 1782 was an officer in- the Queen's Rangers. He was in New Brunswick after the revolution, and received half pay ; but left that oolony and, it is believed, went to Canada." " John Peters, of Hebron, Connecticut ; born in 1740. A most devoted loyalist. He went to Canada finally, and raised a corps, called the Queen's Loyal Hangers, of which Lord Dorchester gave him commanfi. with the rank of lieutenant-coloneL" " Christopher Hobinson, of Virginia, kinsman of Beverley. En- tered William and Mary College with his cousin Eobert ; esci|>ed with him to New York, and received a commission in the Loyal American regiment. Served at the South, and was wounded. At the peace he went to Nova Scotia, and received a grant of land at Wilmot. 90 SINGLETON — ROSS — M'NAB. He soon removed to Canada, where Governor Simcoe gave him the appointment of Deputy Surveyor-General of Crown Lands. His salary, half pay, and an estate of two thousand acres, placed him in circumstances of comfort. He was the father of several children, some of whom were educated in the mother-country. He died in Canada. His widow, Esther, daughter of Rev. John Sayre, of New Brunswick, died in 182V. His son, Beverley Eobinson, who was born in 1V91, was appointed Attorney-General of Upper Canada in 1818 ; Chief Justice in 1829 ; created a Baronet in 1854; and died in 1863." " Singleton — A lieutenant in the ' Royal Greens,' was wounded in 1777, during the investment of Fort Stanwix." Probably Captain Singleton, who settled in Tliurlow, Upi)er Canada, was the same per- son. " Finley Ross, of New York, was a follower of Sir John Johnson to Canada in 1776. After the revolution he served in Europe, and was at Minden and Jena. He settled at Charlotteburgh, Upper Canada, where he died, in 1830, aged ninety." "Allan McNab, a Lieutenant of cavalry in the Queen's Rang- ers, under Colonel Simcoe. During the war he received thirteen wounds. He accompanied his commander to Upper Canada, then a dense, unpeopled wilderness, where he settled. He was appointed Sergeant-at arms of the House of Assembly of that Province, and hold the office many years. His son, the late Sir Allan McNab, was a gentleman who filled many important offices in Up])er Canada." The Hamilton Spectator, speaking of the death of Sir A. N. Mc- Nab, says : "The Hon. Colonel Sir Allan Napier McNab,Bart., M.L.C., A. D. C, was born at Niagara in the year 1798, of Scotch extrac- tion, — his grandfather, Major Robert McNab, of the 22nd regi- ment, or Black Watch, was Royal Forester in Scotland, and resided on a small property called Dundurn, at the head of Loch Earn. His father entered the ai'my in her Hajesty's 7th regiment, and was subsequently pi'omoted to a dragoon regiment, He was attached to the staff of General Simcoe during the revolutionary war; after its close he accompanied General Simcoe to this country. When the Americans attacked Toronto, Sir Allan, then a boy at school, was one of a number of boys selected • as able to carry a muOTet ; and after the authorities surrendered the city, he retreated with the army to Kingston, when through the instrumentality of Sir Roger Sheaif, a friend of bis father's, he was rated as mid-ship- man on boaixl Sir James Teo's ship, and accompanied the expedi- CAPTAIN JOSEPH ALLEN. 91 tions to Sackott's Harbor, Genesoo, and other places on the Ameri- can 8lde of the lake. Poinding promotions rather slow, he left the navy and joined the 100th regiment under Colonel Murray, and was with them when they re-occupied the Niagara frontier. He crossed with the advanced guard at the storming and taking of Fort Niagara. Fop his conduct in this affair he was honored with an ensigncy in the 49th regiment. He was with General Eyall at Erie, and crossed the river with him when Black Rock and Buffalo were burned, in retaliation for the destruction of Niagara, a few months previous. After the termination of this campaign. Sir Allan joined his regiment in Montreal, and shortly after marched with them to the attack of Plattsburg. On the morning of the attack he had the honor of commanding the advanced guard at the Saranac Bridge. At the reduction of the army in 1816 or 1817, he was placed on half-pay. It is impossible at this time to give anything like a history of the disbanded soldiers who settled on the shores of the Bay and the St. Lawrence. There could not be allowed the space necessary to do justice to the character of each. But even if such were possible we are wanting in the essential matter of information. We pro- * pose, however, to insert the names of every one known to have been a loyal combatant, whether an officer or private, with such statements relative to his history as we possess. Wo shall not con- fine ourselves to this particular region of the Province, but include those who settled at Niagara, and in Lower Canada. And while we may not supply a complete account of any one, it is trusted that the instalment will not be unacceptable to the descendants of those to whom we refer. We shall arrange them alphabetically without reference to rank or station. Captain Joseph Allen, formerly Captain Allen of New Jersey, hold a commission in the British Army at New York for some time during the war. Ho owned extensive mill property, and was regarded as a very wealthy person. All his possessions were f^on- fiscated, and he in 1783, found his way, among other refugees, first to Sorel, where he stayed a winter, and finally to Upper Canada. His family consisted of two sons, John and Jonathan, and three daughters, Rachel, Ursula, and Elizabeth. Captain Allen was one of the first settlers in Adolphustown, and his descendants still live in the township, among whom are Parker Allen, Esq., J.D. Watson, Esq., and David McWherter, Esq. Captain Allen had extensive grants of land in Adolphustown, and in Marysburgh, and else- 92 ALLISON — ASHLEY. where ; as well m his children. Jonathan Allen, succoedod hi« father upon the homestead, and was for many years an acceptable Justice of the Peace. His brother, Joseph Allen, moved to Marys- burgh, and was a Captain of militia during the war of 1812. Cap- tain Allen brought with him several slaves, " who followed his for- tunes with peculiar attachment, oven after their liberation." We have seen that the rebellion led to the divisions of familiea. It was 80 with the Allison family of Ilaverstraw, New York. There wore seven brothers, two sided with the rebels. One Ben- jamin, being a boy, was at home, while the other four took part with loyalists. One settled in New Brunswick, probably the Edward Allison Sabine speaks of, who had been captain in Do Lancey's third battalion, and who received half-pay, and after whom Mount Allison is called. Joseph Allison was living at Ilaverstraw, New York. lie was for a time engaged in the navy yard at New York. At one time he and another entered the rebel camp, and after remaining a few days availed themselves of a dark night and carried off five excel- lent horses belonging to a troop of cavalry. They were pursued and barely escaped. Allison took these horses in return for the loss of his house and other property which the rebels had ruthlessly burned. He was at the battle of White Plains, and had narrow escapes, his comrade beside him was shot down, and his canteen belt cut in two by a ball. As he could not carry the canteen, he ^ took time to empty that vessel of the rum which it contained. His neighbors at Haverstraw were exceedingly vindictive against him. After several years, he visited there to see his aged mother, when a mob attempted to tar and feather him, and he had to hide in the woods all night. Allison came to Canada with Van Alstine, and drew lot 17, in Adolphustown. A strong, healthy and vigorous man, ho contributed no little to the early settlement. Died upon his farm, aged eighty-eight. His wife's name was Mary Richmond, of a well-known quaker family. His descendants still occupy the old homestead, a most worthy family. Benjamin Allison, the youngest, came to Adolphustown in 1795. William Ashley, sen., was born in the city of London, Eng- land, in the year 1749, and joined the army at an early age. During the American Revolotionary war, he came out under General Howe, serving in all his campaigns until the close of the struggle. He had two brothers also in the army with him, one of whom returned to England, and the other settled somewhere in the THE ASH LEYS. United States, the exact locality not now bein^' known. General J. M. Ashley, llopublican member of Congresa from Ohio, is, so far as can be ascertained, a descendant of this brother. After the termination of the war, William Ashley came 1o Canada, and first settled in the township of Loborough, county of Frontenac, where he married Margaret Buck, the daughter of a U. B. L., and one of the first settlers in this part of Canada. He resided here until about 1790, when he removed to Kingston, whore he followed the employment of a butcher, and was the first butcher in Kingston, a fact he often mentioned in his old age. He built a house of rod cedar logs, cut from the spot, which continued to stand ui^til 1868, when it was taken down and a small brick building, the •' Victoria Hotel," built on the site. When removed the logs were found in a perfectly sound condition, they having been covered with clapboards many years ago, which preserved them from the weather. This house stood on Brock street, near the corner of Bagot street. At the time of its erection there were scarcely twenty residences in the place, and that part of the city now lying west of the City Hall was then covered with a dense forest of pine, cedar and ash. William Ashley lived to see this pass away and a flour- ishing city spring up. He died in 1835, leaving a family of ten children— Margaret, Maiy, Elizabeth, William, John, James, Thomas, Henry, Adam and George : all of whom are now dead excepting Thomas, who resides near Toronto. James also died in 1835, and Henry, who was the first gaoler in Picton, died in 1836, at the early age of thirty-one. William Ashley, Jun., married Ann Gerollamy, daughter of an officer in the British army, serving through the Revolutionary War, and acting as Orderly in the war of 1812. He left Kingston in 1830, and resided until 1842 near the mouth of Black Eiver, in the township of Marysburgh, and then returned, and continued to reside there, teaching, and filling various offices until his death, August 16, .1867. The British Whig newspaper when recoi-ding his death, remarked, "Mr. Ashley was one of our oldest citizens, and has lived to witness' many changes in his native place. He was born on the very spot where the British Whig office now stands." The last sentence is a mistake, he was not born in the city, but in the township of Loborough; although the building containing the British Whig office still belongs to the 'Ashley property' on Baeot Street." ^ i j s BELL — BURRITT. John Asliloy was ^aolor in Kingston for a number of years when the gaol Btood noar tlio site oi the present Post Office, and tilled public situations tVom the time ho was nineteen years of ago until his death in 1858. He was a prominent member of the County Council for nearly twenty years, and was Colonel of the militia at the lime of his death. Adam and (rcorgo Ashley both died in 1847. William Boll— We shall have occasion to speak of William Bell in different places in those pages. He was born August 12, 1758, in County of Tyrone, Ireland. At the time of the Ilevolutionary War ho was a sergeant in the 53rd regiment of the lino. Some time after the close of the war, ho succeeded in procuring his discharge from the service, at Lachine, and came to Cataraqui, sometime in 1789. Ho was on intimate terms with John Ferguson, and, we believe, related by marriage. It was at Ferguson's solicitation that Bell came to the Bay. We have before us an old account book, by which we learn that Ferguson and B<^U commenced trading on the front of Sidney in the latter part of 1789. They remained hero in business until 1792. Subsequently Boll became school teacher to the Mohawks, and seems to have done business there in the way of trading, in 1799. In 1803 we find him settled in Thurlow. Ferguson, who was living at Kingston, had been appointed Colonel of the Hast- ings Militia, and Bell was selected by him to assist in organizing the body. He was commissioned captain in December 1798, Major in August 1800; and in 1809 Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel Bell was well known as a public man in Thurlow. He was appointed to several offices— Magistrate, Coroner, and finally Colonel of the Hastings Battalion. As magistrate he took an active part in the doings of Thurlow and Belleville for many years. Ho was also an active person in connection with the agricultural societies, until a few years before his death, 1833. The papers loft by Colonel Bell have been of great service to us. His wife's name was Rachel Hare, who died 1853, aged eighty-one. Colonel Stephen Burritt took part in the war against the rebels, being seven ^ ears in the army, in Roger's Rangers. He settled upon the Rideau, the 9th of April, 1793. In the same year was born Colonel E. Burritt, who was the first child bom of white parents north of the Rideau. This interesting fact was given to the writer by Colonel E. Burritt in 1867. Colonel Burritt is a cousin of the celebrated Learned Blacksmith. CA8BY — 0AR80ALLIAN — CHURCH. Vi VVillot Cusoy was born in Rhoclo Island. IHn father was killod in battle during the war. At the cIoho of the war lie Hottlod near Lake Champlain, upon what he supposed to be British territory, but tindin/.( such was not the case, and although he bad made con- siderable clearing, ho removed again. Turning his steps toward Upper (/anada with his aged mother and wife, ho reached in due time, the 4th township. Tho family, upon arriving, found shelter in a blacksmith's shop until a log hut could bo built. Three months afterwards the old mother died. VVillet Casey had a brother in a company oi^iiorsomen, who ibught for the Bntish. lie remained in the States and wont South. It is probably tho descendants of this Casey, who took an active part in tho late civil wai in the United States, The writer has seen the fine, erect old couple that camo to Canada, when on tho verge of eighty, and two nobler specimens of nature's nobility could not be imagined. Luke Carscallian was an Irishman by birth, and had served in the . British army; ho had retired and emigrated to the American colonies prior to the rebellion. He desired to remain neutral, and take no part in tho contest. The rebels, however, said to him that inas- much as he was acquainted with military tactics he must come and assist them, or be regarded as a King's man. His reply was that he had fought for thg king, and he would do it again, consequently an order was issued to arrest him ; but when they came to take him he had secreted himself. The escape was a hurried one,and all his posses- sions wore at the mercy of the rebels — land to the amount of 12,000 acres. They, disappointed in not catching him, took his young and tender son, and threatened to hang him if he would not reveal his father's place of concealment. The brave little fellow replied, hang away ! and tho cruel men under the name of liberty carried out their threat, and three times was he suspended until almost dead, yet he would not tell, and then when taken down one of the monsters actually kicked him. Oliver Church was Lieutenant in the 84th regiment. He set- tled with the many other half-pay officers, on the front of Freder- icksburgh, three miles west of Bath. He had three sons, and three daughters, who settled upon the Bay, but are now dead except one daughter. Lieutenant Church died in 1812, and hie wife some -jears later. They were both very old when they died. A grand-child of the old veteran, Mrs.H. of Belleville informs 99' OLABK — ORAWrOBD — DAHI. UH that hIio hftH ofYon hoani about hor j;frandfath«r havlnpf to crush grain hy hand, and spending a wook K^^in^ to tho KingHton mill. Robert Clark, lato of tho TownHhip of FrnoHt town, in tho County of Addington, was born March 15, 1744 on (Jiiakor Hill, DuchoHH County, Province of Now York. Ho loarnod tho trade of carpenter and millwright, of a Mr. Woolly. He lefl hiH family and joined the British ntandard in tho revolution- ary war, was in fJonoral Burgoyne's army, and was rofiuostod by tho General that ho and other Provincial volunteorH, Hhould leave the army and go to Canada, which place he reachodi'Bfler Home weeks of groat Huft'ering and privation. Tho day after he left (October 17, 1777,) General Burgoyne capitulated, and Hurrendorod his arms to tho American Generals Gates and Arnold. Robert Clark subsequently served two years in his Majesty's Provincial Rogiii, i called tho Loyal Rangers, commanded by Major Edward Jessup, and in Captain Sabastian Jones' company, and was diH- chargod on tho 24th Docombor, 1783. Ho owned two farms in Duchess County, one of 100, tho other of 150 acres, both of which wore confiscated. He was employed by tho government in 1782-3 to erect tho Kingston mills, (then Cataraqui) proparatoiy to the settlement of the loyalists in that Koction of Upper Canada, at which time his family, consisting of his wife and three sons, arrived at Sorol in Lower Canada, where they all were afflicted with the small nox, and being entirely among strangers they were com- pelled to endure more than tho usual amount of suffering incident to that disease, their natural protector being at a distance, and in tho employ of tho government, could not leave to administer to their necessity. In 1784, his family joined him at the mills, after having been separated by the vicissitudes of war for a space of seven years. In 1785 he removed with his family to lot No. 74, Ist concession Ernest town, in which year he was again employed by government to erect the Napaneo mills. Ho was appointed Justice of tho Peace for the district of Mecklenburgh, in July 1788, and a ca2)tain in tho militia in 1809, and died 17th December, 1823. John C. Clark was married to Rachel Storer, and had a family of ten sons and three daughters. Captain Crawford, of the Rogers corps, settled on lot No. 1 of Fredericksburgh. Became a magistrate, and lived to bo an old man, was also colonel of militia. George Dame was the son of Theophilus Dame, evidently a veteran soldier, from the copy of his will now before us. He gave TUB DAMKS. q-j to hiH '< Hon Goorffo Dnme. the „„o-httlf of ,ny (hi.) .vnl ostato In )ovo,. h„^Man.l, t„ hohl to hi.n forov.r," hIho hiH vvoari,.^ nnparol bookM. goM wutoh, «iIt-hou.loa cn„o. ho.MOH, sloi^h a..d UaLsJ, unci one hundred d<.Ila,..." Jio bequoutho.l to hiH KrandHon, John Prodenck i>ame, Iuh camp hodsteml, and c.rtainH and valence foi- carriaKO of camp Mstcml, and hJH Hilvor-mounte.l hanger. To his KrandHon Augustus J^amo, hin fuHoe, gorget, arul Hmall Hoal skin runk. lo Another grandson he left his doublc-barrellcMl piHtoI l}y reference to those items wo learn that Thoophilus Dame must have been a British officer of some standing. His tun, George Dame, followed in the footsteps of his father in pursuing the proferision of arms. Wo have before us a docu- mont, dated 1765, which declares that "Ensign George Dame of the 8th or King's Own Eegiment of foot, was admitted burgess of the Burgh of Dumfries, with liberty to him to exercise and enioy the whole immunit.es and privileges thereof, &c." For some reason this commission in the 8th regiment was relinquished; but ton ■ years later wo find he has a commission from General Carleton Major-Goneral and Commander-in-chief of Ilis Majesty's forces in the Province of Quebec, and upon the frontier thereof, appointinir him "Ensign in the Hoyal Begiment of Highland Emigrants com- manded by Lieutenant Colonel Commandant Allan McLean " - Given under my hand and seal at the Castlo of Saint Lewis in the city of Quebec, 21st of November, 1775." In 1779 he received a commission from Frederick Haldimand, Captain-Goneral and Governor-in-Chief, &c, appointing him "Captain in a corps of Bangers raised to serve with the Indians during the rebellion whereof John Butler, Esq., is Major Commandant". After the close of the war, Captain Dame lived at Three Rivers Lower Canada, where wo find him acting as Returning Officer in 1 «92, Mured Clarke being Lieutenant Governor. Ho died at Throe Kivers, April 16th, 1807. An official paper before us sets forth that « Guy, Lord Dorches- ter, authorizes Frederick Dame, 'by beat of drum or otherwise' forthwith to raise from amongst the inhabitants of Upper and Lowe'r Canada, as many able-bodied men as will assist the completing of a company, to be commanded by Captain Richard Wilkinson. This company to be mainly provincial, and for the service of Canada, and to serve for the space of three years, or during the war. This order shall continue in force for twelve months." Dated at the Castle of St Lewis, Quebec, 2l8t June, 1 7U6. This is signed « Dorchestbk " 98 CAPTAIN DALY. The Bame yonr, bearing date tho 17th DMomhor, \n a oommifwion from Robert Prcscott, E«q., l.ioutonant-(Jovonior, appointing l'>0'»- crick Dmne onHJgn to the Hccon.I battalion Royal Canadian Vohint«<,rH. In th(^ year 1802 John Freaericl« Dame received hiH oonuniHsion an Surveyor of Lan<l« in Upper and Lower Canaila, from Robert Shore MihioR Lieut«-nantrGovernor, upon the certificate of Joseph Rouchotte, Esq., Deputy Surveyor-Genorul. Up to this time it would seora he had been living at Tliree Rivcrn. Allan Dame, a Hon of tlu; aforementioned, is now residing m MaryHburgh, not far from McDonald's Cove. He is now in the neigh- borhood of sixty : this is his native place. Ito is a fine specimen of an English Canadian farmer ; and well he may be, being a descendant of a worthy stock, of English growth. He is married to the ^grand- daughter of Colonel McDonald. Daly— P. K. Daly, Escj., of Thurlow, has kindly furnished us with the following interesting account : « r^ i Captain Peter Daly, my grandfather, was the son of Cai>t. Daly, of an Irish regiment, that was stationed in Now York for some years before the outbreak of the old revolutionary war, but was called home to Ireland before the commencement of hostilities ; and finally fell a victim to that cruel code of honor which oblige<l a man to fight » At the earnest solicitation of a bachelor friend, of tho name of Vroman,.ho had been induced to leave his son Peter behind. Mr. Vroraan resided upon the banks of the Mohawk, where the city of Amsterdam now stands. He was a man of considerate wealth, all ot which he promised to bestow upon his son, Peter Daly; a promise he would, in aU probability, have kept, had circumstances permitted; but he was prevented by the stern realities of the times-those stern realities that tried men's souls, and called upon every man to declare himself The subject of this sketch could not dishonor the blood that flowed in his veins, and, although but 16 years of age, he clung firmly to the old flag that, for " a thousand years had braved the bat- tle and the breeze.'.' He joined a company, and followed the destiny of his flag along the shores of Lake Champlain, where, in one night, he assisted in scaling three forts. He assisted in taking Fort Tycon- deroga, and gradually fought or worked his way into Canada. The war closing, he, in company with other loyalists, came up the Bay ot Quinte, and subsequently married and settled in the second concession of Ernest town, in the vicinity of the viUage of Bath, where, by culti- vating his farm, and by industry, he secured a comfortable living. DIAMOND — I.OYHT. 00 He was ic'nmiko<l throuuh lifo for IiIn strictly hoix.ruMo .U.alinff, and IwH aahoroiim* to " th« oil rtag." In rullj^ion hu whm h tlini l»roM. bytoriuiL From his ol.l proti'ctor, Vroinun, \w twvvr liuanl anything definite. Ho oaro.l Imt littlo for tht. lan.l that had driven him into exUo, to dwell amonj.^ the wild lieaNtH of the unbroken foroHt. It \H HtippoHod that Vronian, in IiIh deelininj< yearH, gave IiIn pro- perty lo Honio other favorite. He timt as it may, Peter Daly Haw nono of it, but eame into tluM <!ountry naked, an it were; earved out of the foreHt hiH own fortune, and left a numerous and respecled family. There are now only two of Iun sour living, ThomaH and (Jharles, who live on the old farm, near Bath. IIIh oldeHt daughter, Mrs. Aikens, is still living, in Sidney. My father, Philip, was the eldest. lie died at Oak Shade, in Ernest town, in I HOI, in the tist year of his age. David, the next son, lived and dio.l at Waterloo, near Kingston ; and Lewis livo<l and died at Storrington. The first wife of Asal Rockwell, of Ernest town was a daughter of his. Jacob Shibly, Esq., ex M.P.P., married another daughter ; and the late Joshua Boatto another! Their descendants are numerous. John Diamond was born in Albany, with several brothers. An elder brother was drafted, but he tried to escape from a service that was distasteful to him ; was concealed for some time, and upon a sick bed. The visits of the doctor led to suspicion, and the hoiiso was visited by rebels. Although he had been placed in a bed, and the clothes so arranged that, as was thought, his presence would not be detected, his breathing beU-ayed him. Thoy at once require<l his father to give a bond for $1,200, that his son should not he removed while sick. He got well, and, some time after, again sought to escape, but was cauglit, and handcuffed to another. Heing removed from one place to another, the two prisoners managed to knock their guard on the head, and ran for life through the woods, united together. One would sometimes run on one side of a sapling, and the other on the opposite side. At night they managed to rub their handcuffs off, and fiually escaped to Canada. Of the other brothers, two were carried off by the rebels, and never more heard of. John was taken to tlie rebel army when old enough to do service; but he also escaped to Canada, and enlisted in liogers' Battalion, with which he did service until the close of the war, when he settled with the company at Fredericks- burgh. John Diamond married Miss Loyst, a native of Philadelphia, whose ancestors were German. She acted no inferior part, for a woman, during the exciting times of the rebellion. They married f(ij© JOHN FEROUSON. in Ix)\ver Canada. Thoy spent their first summer in Upper Canada, in clearing a little spot of land, and in the fall got a little grain in the ground. They slept, during the summer, under a tree, but erected a small hut before winter set in. CHAPTEE X. CoNTKNTS.-Fcrguson-B^iazcr-Gerollcmy- Goldsmith- Harrison— Hodgins- Hicl«-Howell-PIovcr— Hogle-Ham-Herkimer-Holt-.Jories-John8on —Ketcheson—Loyst— Myers— McArtlmr—Miller— Mordens— McDonald- McDonnell— McDonell—Ostrora-Pcterson. INDIVIDUAL COMBATANTS — CONTINUED. Among the early and influential settlers upon the bay, was John Ferguson, It has been our good fortune to come into pos- session of a goed many public and private letters penned by his hand, and invaluable information has thus been obtained. The following letter will inform the reader of the part he took in the service during the war. It is addressed to Mr. Augustus Jones. fr*^ KiNQSTGN, 22nd July, 1792. Dear Sir, — Inclosed is my old application for the land on the carrying place, which I send agreeable to your desire. I need not attempt to explain it better, as you know so well what I want. I wish, if consistent, that land, 200 acres, Mrs. Ferguson is entitled to, might be joined to it. If I cannot got a grant of the carrying place, will you be so good as to let me know what terms it may be had on. I have it in my power to settle the place immediately, had I any security for it. I am certain Mr. H; ailton will interest himself for me, but I am loth to apply to him .. present, as in all probability he has too much business to think of besides. hould it bo asked how and where I served, I will mention the particulars. The 24th June, 1174, I was appointed, and acted as barrack- master until 24th March, 1778, when I was ordered to Carleton Island, being also commissary at the post. Thirteenth April, 1782, 1 was appointed barrack-master of Ontai-io, where I remained until ordered to Cataraqui in September, 1783, and acted as barrack-master for both posts, until 24th June, 1785, when 1 FRAZKR. 101 was obliged to relinquish it, having more busineHK in the commis- Hary's department than I could well manage, with the other appointment, occasioned by the increase of loyalists settling in this neighborhood. Twentj'-fifth Feburary. 1778, my father then being commissary of Oswegotchie, delivered the stores to me, as he was unable to do the duty himself He died 13th Mnrch, following, when I was appointed his successor. The 13th April, I was ordered to Carleton Island to assist Mr. McLean in the transport business. In November, 1778, I was again sent to Oswegotchie, where I remained commissary of the post until 24th June, 1782, when I was soi.t to Ontario to take charge there, from thence I was sent to this place, 24th September, 1783, where I remained until a reformation took place in the commissary depart- ment, and I was on the 24th June, 1787, served like a great many others, .^ent about my business without any provision, after having spent ' y best days in His Majesty's service. You see I was eleven years barrack-master, and nine years a commissary, I was also six years in the Commissary General's oflOice at Montreal (a clerk,) during which time my father was permitted to do ray duty as barrack-master. I will write you again by next opportunity. Your very humble servant, (Signed) John Ferguson. f Ensign Frazer, of the the 84th regiment settled at the point of Ernest town. Had three sons. His widow married Colonel Thompson. The Cornwall Freeliolder, notices the death of Mr. Frazer, of St. Andrew's, C. W., the discoverer of Fi-azer river, and of Mrs. Frazer, who departed this life a few hours afterwards. Mr. Frazer was one of the few survivors of the find old " Northwesters," and his name, as the first explorer of the golden stream which bears it, will be remembered with honor long after most of the provincial cotemporaries are forgotten. The Freeholder says : " Mr. Frazer was the youngest son of Mr. Simon Fi*azer, who emigrated to the State of New York, in 1773. He purchased land near Bennington ; but upon the breaking out of the revolutionary war, he attached himself to the royal cause, and served as captain, at the battle of Bennington ; where he was captured by the rebels. He died in Albany jail, about thirteen months afterwards, his end being hastened by the rigorous nature of the imprisonment. He was 102 QEROLLAMY. married to Isabella Grant, daughter of Daldregan, and had issue, four sons and five daughters. The widow, with her children, came to Canada after the peace of 1783. vSimon Frazer, the older, the father of the object of this notice, was the second son of William Frazer, the third of Kilbockie, who, by his wife, Margaret, daughter of John McDonoU, ot Ardnabie, had nine sons : — Ist. William, the fourth of Kilbockie : 2nd, Simon, who came to America, as we have seen ; 3rd. John, who was captain in Wolf's army, shared in the honors of the capture of Quebec, and was subsequently, for many years, Chief Justice of the Montreal district ; 4th. Archibald, who was Lieutenant in Prazor's regiment, under General Wolfe, was afterwards captain of the Glengarry Fencibles, and served in Ireland during the rebellion in '98; 5th. Peter, a doctor of medicine, who died in Spain ; 6th. Alexander, who served as captain in General Caird's army, and died in India; 7th. Donald, a Lieutenant in the army, who was killed in battle in Germany ; 8th. James, also a Lieutenant in the army, and one of the sufferers in the Black Hole of Calcutta, in 1766 ; 9th. Eodcrick, who died at sea." Mr. J. B. Ashley, a native of Marysburgh, to whom much valuable information we possess is due, says: "Mygi'eat grand- father, James Gerollamy, was but seventeen years of age when he joined General Clinton's army in 1779, and remained in the service until the virtual close of the war in 1782, when he came from New York to Quebec, and thence to Bath, where he settled, on what was until lately known, as the " Hichcock Farm." He afterwards removed to the town, and settled on lot No. 11, 1st concession, lake side. He received from government certain farming implements, the same as before mentioned. A part of them coming into the hands of my father, Augustus Ashley, of Marysburgh. The hatchet, I have often used when a young lad in my childish employments. It is now lost. The share and coulter belonging to the plough, remain among a collection of old iron in my father's woodshed until the present day. James Gerollamy, married Ann Diilraage, the daughter of Thomas Dulmage, who came with him to Canada and settled near him at Bath, in the second town, and subsequently moved to lot No. " D," at the head of South Bay, in the township of Marysburgh, where he died. The graves of himself and wife being still under a large maple tree, close to the site of his house. James Gerollamy, and his two sons, James and John, served through the war of 1812, under General Provost, Brock and GOLDSMITH — HARRISON. 103 Drummond. Tho old man holding the rank of Orderly, and his son James that of Lieutenant. The latter i-eceived a grant of 1000 acres of land for services as a " spy," he was one of tho number who planned the successful attempts upon Oswego, Black Kock and Buffalo, and at the battle of Niagara, generally known as " Lundy's Lane." He fought in the company or regiment known as " Grenadiers," which, in their mancouvering were compelled to run and wallow over a field of corn with mud ankle deep. Tho whole family were remarkable for large size, being over six feet in heigh t,of great strength, and heal thy, with robust constitutions The old gentleman was acknowledged the surest marksman in this section of the country, and his "fusil," was his constant companion. He died about ten years ago, aged about ninety-five years, being in full possession of his faculties until the last. I can well remem- ber seeing him sauntering through the garden, bent with his weight of years, and leaning on his staif. Thomas Goldsmith, a native of Ulster Co., Montgomery town, New York. He was engaged as a spy, and discharged important and successful duties, in carrying information from Gen. Burgoyne to Lord Cornwallis, and returning with despatches. He frequently pass- ed the guards of the Continental army, and often was subjected to a close search, but succeeded in eluding detection. Goldsmith owned one thousand acres of land, on which was a flom-ing mill with two run of stones. Also, a sailing vessel launched, but. not entirely finished, for the West India trade. The boat was sacrificed. The produce of his farm was paid for in Continential bills. The maila- ble iron of his mill was taken to make a chain to put across the Hudson to stop boats. His neighbors, the rebels, catching him one day from home, covered him and his horse and saddle, with a coat of tar and feathers. After the close of the war, he was compelled to part with his land to get away. It was sold for a mere trifle. He came into Canada in 1786, bringing with him some cattle, most of which died for want of something to eat. He was accompanied by David Conger, and reached Kingston, June 24. Settled at first in tho fourth township ; but soon after removed to Holliwell, where he received a grant of 400 acres of land, 1st. con., lot 9. Here he lived and died, aged ninety. Sergeant Harrison was a native of Ireland, and served for many years in the fifty-third regiment. For some time during the revolutionary war, he was in the Quarter-master's store, and post ' HObGINS — HICKS. ■' office. Ho was jiltogethor twonty-eight years in the service. At the close of the war, he settled in Marysburgh, with the first band, not connected with the Hessians, and was probably under Wright in the commissary department for the settlement. He settled on lot nine, oast of the Rock. William Hodgins was born on a small island, known as Ginn's Island, lying about three and a half miles from the Virginia shore, in Chesapeake bay, where his father, Lewis Hodgins, had a farm of two hundred acres. He joined the Eoyal army with his younger brother Lewis, in 1778, serving in the regiment known as the Queen's Eangers, under Lord Cornwallis; where he held the rank of sergeant, and his brother that of corporal. At the battle of Yorktown, he was wounded and taken pi*isoner, and his brother was killed. After his exchange he came to New Brunswick, and settled about thirty miles above Frederickton, on the St. John's river, where he lived until 1859, when he removed to Canada. First settling in Adolphustown, near what is known now as Cole's Point. He joined the incorporated militia during the war of 1812, serving under Colonel McGill, and Colonel Shaw. He received the right to considerable land ; but after the capture of York, now Toronto, by the Americans in 1813, and the consequent destruction of pro- perty, the documents pertaining to the same were burnt, and he could not, as a consequence, get his grant. Immediately after the war of 1812, he removed to Marysburg, where he remained until his death. The above infoi-mation is i*eceived from Mr. William Hodgins, son of the above mentioned William Hodgins, who is now an old man, he having served with his father in the war of 1812. " It would have done you good to have heard the old gentleman, with his silver locks flowing in the wind, whitened with the frosts of four-score winters, as he descanted upon scenes and incidents in connection with the war, through which he served, and to have witnessed his eye twinkle with pride, when he referred to the loyalty of his honored parent." — (Ashley.) Edward Hicks, who settled in Marysburgh, was placed in prison with his father. His father was taken out and hanged before his window upon an apple tree, (a piece of refined cruelty worthy a rebel cause). This aroused Edward to a state of despera- tion, who with manacled hands, paced his cell. To carry out his intention, he feigned illness, and frequently required the guard to accompany him to the outer yard. At night fall he went out UOWELL. 105 accompanied by the guai-d. Watching the opportunity, ho drew up his hands and sti'uck a furious blow upon the head of the soldier with his hand-cuffs, which laid the man prostrate. Edward dai'tod away to a stream which ran near by, and across which was a mill-dam and a slide. He rushed under this slide, and before a cry was raised, he concealed himself under the sheet of water. He could hear the din and tumult, as search was everywhere made through the night. Cold, wet, benumbed, hungry and hand-cuffed, ho remained in his hiding place until the following night, thirty- six hours, when ho crept out and escaped to the woods. After nine days of fasting he reached the British army. Edward Hicks did not forget the death of his father. He " fought the rebels in nine battles afterward, and still owes them gx'udge." Joseph, Joshua and Edward, belonged to Butler's Rangers, and saw no little service. They were from Philadelphia, and left con- siderable property. They had granted them a large tract of land west of Niagara, whore sprung up Hicks' settlement. Joseph Hicks afterwards settled on lot six, Marysburgh, west of the Rock. — (Ashley.) Edward Hicks is represented as having been a voi-y powerful man, often perfoi-raing remarkable feats of strength, such as lifting barrels of flour and pork to his shoulders, and such like. He went to Boston in 1778, in the character of a spy, and was detected by the Americans, and taken prisoner. He represented himself as a young man searching for his mother, who had removed to that section of the country ; but it is supposed that his captors considered him as rather too smart looking a young man to be lost in any enterprise, he being of fine build, standing good six feet, and possessing an intelligent countenance, and at his trial, condemned him as a spy to be dealt with accordingly. — (Ashley.) John Howell, a son of Richard Howell, from Wales, was bom in New Jersey in 1Y53. When 24 years old he took up his residence at Johnstown, on the Mohawk river. At the commencement of hos- tilities, in 1776, he joined Sir John Johnson's 2ud battalion, and was raised to the position of serjeant-major. His name appears as such upon the battalion roll, now before the writer. He remained in the army during the war, doing duty at St. Johns, Coteau du lac, and at many other places. When his company was disbanded at Oswego, in 1782, he came immediately to Kingston, and tl.ance to Fredericks- burgh, where he settled upon his lot of 200 acres. By adhering to the loyal cause. Sergeant Howell suffered serious loss in real estate. 106 THE WINDMILL. The pleasant town of Eorae now stands upon the land which was his. His valuable property was not yielded up to the rapacious rebeU without a legal effort to recover possession. The case was in coprt for many years, and Sergeant Howell spent $1,400 in vain efforts to recover. No doubt it was pre-judged before he spent his money, An event in Howell's life during the war is not without a touching interest. Before joining the regiment, he had courted and won the heart of a fair lady at Johnstown. While stationed at Coteau du lac he obtained permission during the winter, when hostilities were sus- pended, to go to Johnstown to obtain his bride. Guided by seven Indians, he set out to traverse a pathless wilderness, on snow-shoes. The wedding trip had its perils, and almost a fatal termination. On their return they lost their way in the interminable woods, and soon found themselves destitute of food. ,For days they were without anything to eat. One day they shot a squirrel, which, divided among them, was hardly a taste to each. The thongs of their shoes were roasted and eaten, to allay the pangs of hunger. At last they suc- ceeded in shooting a deer, which had well nigh proved the death of some, from over-eating. Two of the men were left behind, but they subsequently came in. Sergeant Howell's loss as a loyalist was great ; but, so far as could be, it was made good by Government. He drew 1,200 acres of land as an officer, and the same quantity for his family. At an early date after his arrival at the Bay he was appointed Commissioner in the Peace ; and subsequently he was made Colonel of the Prince Edward Militia. Soon after settling in Fredericksburgh he built a windmill, pro- bably the first mill built by an individual in the Province. He after- wards sold it to one Kussell. The remains still mark the spot. He finally settled in Sophiasbnrgh, while it was yet considered by the infant colony as the backwoods of the settlement. He was a man of liberal education for the times, and was conversant with the Dutch and French languages, and understood the Indian dialect. From his former connection with the Johnson settlement upon the Mohawk, and his close contiguity to the Mohawk Indians upon the Bay, he held a high place in their regard. He often visited them ; and their chiefs as often paid him state visits. They often called upon him to settle their disputes, which he never failed to do by his sternness and kindness combined. His presence was sufficient to in- spire awe amongst them when disposed to be troublesome, which was increased by his long sword which he would hang to his side. IIOVBR — HOGLK. 107 Honry Hover was quite a boy when the rebellion was progressing, being about sixteen when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Living along the Hudson, near New York, he went out one day for the cows, when ho was caught by some rebels and carried to Lancas- ter jail. After being in prison for some time he Ava? released, and permitted to go to New York. Ho some time after, by some means, enlisted in Butler's Eangers, and set out, with four others (one his brother), to traverse the wide country on foot, from New York to Fort Niagara, the head-quarters of the company. Lying one night under the tiees, they were suddenly attacked by a scouting party of rebels, by being fired upon. One was killed, and the rest taken pri- soners. Henry Hover remained in prison, in chains, until the close of the war, nearly two years. The hardships and cruelties he endured were, indeed, terrible. When he was taken prisoner ho had on a pair of linen trowseis ; no others were ever given him ; and when he was released these were hanging in shreds upon him. They had nothing to lie upon but the cold brick floor, two persons being chained together. Years after, a stranger called one day at Hover's in Adolph- ustown. Hover not being at home, the man wrote his name, " Green- way," the man to whom Henry had been chained for many a weary day and month in prison. Hover being released at the close of the war, reported himself at Niagara, and was discharged with the rest of his company. He received all his back pay, while in jail, and a grant of land at St. Davids ; but his father, Casper Hover, a refugee, had settled in Adolphustown, having come in Major VanAlstine's corps. Henry wished to see his parents, from whom he had been so long separated, and sought a chance to go down from the Niagara frontier. He entered on board an old "hulk," an old French vessel coming down the lake, and so got to Kingston, which place he reached soon after VanAlstine's company had settled in the fourth Township. Henry set out from Kingston on foot, along the bay, through the woods. In time ho arrived at the third township. He was misdi- rected across to Hay Bay. Following its shores, he met Holland's surveying party, who told him that he was astray, and put him on the correct track. Henry Hover determined to remain at the bay, and was included among the original settlers under VanAlstine, drawing land like the rest, being the only one who did not belong to that company. He sleeps from his warfare — from his long life of well-spent industry, in the " old U. E. burying ground," at the front, in Adolphustown. « Among those who fought the unequal battle of Bennington waa 108 IIARTMAN — HAM — HERKIMER. Captain Iloglo, who was Hhot dead. Ho was a native of Vermont. He loft a widow and three sons, who wore yet young. They were under the neceHsity of leaving their valuable posseRsions and removing to Canada. Theyi buried plate in the garden, which was never regained. At the expiration of the war they settled in Ernest town. David Hartman — was present at the battle of Bennington, and was shot through the chest. Notwithstanding, he lived for many years. He settled in Ernest town. John iram,^the founder of the Ham family of Canada, so well and so favorably known in different sections of the Province. He was boi'n near Albany. His father was a native of Crermany, although of English parentage. John Ham was a soldier during the war, and in one of several engagements ; was wounded in the leg. 'f he ball, lodg- ing in the calf, was cut out, and, at the request of the suffering but brave hero, was shot back at the foe. He was one of the company who settled in Ernest town. He had a family of ten children, eight of them being sons, namely : John, Henry, Peter, George, Jacob, Philip, Benjamin, and Eichard, all of whom lived and died in Canada. The name of Herkimer is engi'avod upon the history of America, both in the United States and in Canada. " Colonel Hanjost Herki- mer , or John Joost, was a son of Johan Jost Herkimer, one of the Palatines of the German Flats, New York, and a brother of the rebel general, Nicholas Herkimer." *' His property was confisca- ted. He went to Canada, and died there before 1787." — (Sabine.) Prior to the war ho had occupied several public offices. He served as an officer in Butler's Rangers. We find his name inserted for lot 24 of Kingston, on which now stands part of the city. His son Nicholas settled upon the Point now bearing the family name. He married a Purdy, and had several children. His end was a sad one, being murdered by a blacksmith, named Eogers, who escaped. A daughter was married to Captain Sadlier, another to an officer in the army, and a third to Mr. Wartman. The old family place in New York State is yet indicated by the name of Herkimer County. " William Johnson Holt was ensign in Ferguson's Eangers. This corps formed part of the army of Burgoyne at the time of his sur- render, and, with other provincial prisoners, retired to Canada, by permission of Gates. The subject of this notice settled in Montreal, where he held the lucrative office of Inspector of Pot and Pearl Ashes, and received half pay for nearly fifty years. He died at Montreal, in 1826. By his first wife (Euah Stevens, of Pittsfield, HOLT — JONES — JOHNHONU. 109 MiiHHHchuHottH), ho was tho fathor of u lar^o family of Nons and (laughtorH ; by his sccoml wife (Elizabeth Cuylor) ho loft no isMue. ilJH Bixth Hon, Charles Ad()l[)hu8,alono has surviving nuilo chiklron, of whom tho oldest, Charles Gates Holt, is (18G4) a distinguished counsollor-at-law, and a gentleman of tho highest respectability, at Quoboc. In February, 1864, ho was appointed one of " Her Majesty's Counsel, learned in the law," and thus entitled to wear tho " silk roljo." " John Jones, of Maine, captain in liogers' liangors. Being of a (lark complexion, ho was called 'Mahogany Jones.' Prior to tho war he lived at or near Pownal borough, and was Surveyor of tlio Plymouth Company. As tho troubles increased, the whigs accused him of secreting tea, and broke open his store. Next, they fastened him to a long rope, and dragged him through tho water until be was ncai'ly drowned. Finally, to put an end to his exertions against the popular cause, he was committed to jail in Boston. He escaped, went to Quebec in 1780, and received a commission in the Rangers. In Maine, again, before tho peace, he annoyed his personal foes repeatedly. Among his feats was the capture of his ' old onemy,' General Charles Cushing, of Pownal borough. Jones, immediately after tho peace, was at tho Bay of Fundy, and interested in lands granted on that island to loyalists. In 1784 he resumed his business as surveyor, on tho river St. Croix. jg|f| At length, * his toryism forgotten,' he removed to the Kennebec. He died at Augusta, Maine." , Captain William Johnson, of the King's Eoyal regiment, after- wards colonel of the Militia of Addington. Besides the celebrated Sir John Johnson's family, there were a large number of combatants and loyalists of this name, and mostly all of them were conspicuous for their gallant deeds in arms. Captain William Johnson settled some miles west of Kingston, on the front. Loft one child, a daughter, who married McCoy. They removed to Toronto. It is said by Mr. Finkle that the first militia mustered in Upper Canada was by Col. William Johnson, at Finkle's tavern. •' The name of Johnson has become somewhat famous in Canadian history. James Johnson, an Irishman, was a soldier in Rogers' Battalion. He came to Upper Canada with the first settlers of Ernest town, and waa captain of the cattle-drivers that came at that time, or a year later. He got his location ticket at Carleton Island. He had a family of seven sons and six daughters. Six of the sons names were : Daniel, James, William, Matthew, Jacob, Andrew. 110 , KBTOHESOIf. y- Tho lasi-raontionod Huppliuo uh with the abuvu information. IIo is now upwardH of ono hundred years of ago. — (Soo U. E. LoyalistH). "William Kotchoson, of Sidney, who waw born September, 1782, at Bedford, Now York, says that his father, William Kotchoson, was a native of England, and came to America with hiu grandfather, his father being dead. They settled in South Carolina, and lived there until tho rebvdlion broke out. William Kotchoson, sen., was then about Hoventoen ^lars of ago, and entered tho British service as a dragoon, under Lord Cornwallis. He served during the war; took part in many engageiaents, and was wounded in the thigh. Shortly before the close of hostilities ho was married to Mary Bull, daughter of John Bull, a loyalist. After tho peace ho went to Nova Scotia, and engaged in fishing for a while ; lived in a shanty at a rock-bound place, called Portoon. Afire ran over the place, burning up mostly everything, and almost our informant, who was then only about 18 months old. He and his mother were put on board a boat and taken to New York. The father remained to settle his affairs at Nova ScDtia, and then came on into Canada, alone, in 1786. He worked a farm on shares, in the third township, belonging to John Miller. Raked in the grain ; went for his family, and then subse- quently worked Spence's farm on shares for many years. Finally moved to Sidney, in 1800, and settled in the fifth concession. " John Waltermoyer a tory partisan leader. He was noted for enterprise and daring, but not for cruelty or ferocity. In 1781, at the head of a band of Tories, Indians, and Canadians, he attempted to carry off General Schuyler, whose abode at that time was in the suburbs of Albany. The party entered the dwelling, commenced packing up tho plate, and a search for the General. But that gentleman opened a window, and, as if speaking to an armed force of his own, called out, — "Come on, my bravo fellows; surround the house, and secure the villians who are plundering." The happy stratagem caused Waltermeyer and his followers to betake themselves to flight." The foregoing statement is taken from Sabine, we shall now give information derived from Captain Myer's descendants, and others who knew him well. It is without doubt correct. Captain Myer's father and brother identified themselves with the rebel party, and we have heard it stated that he was at first, a rebel also, but not receiving promotion as he expected, forsook the cause, and upon the offer of a captaincy in the British forces allied himself to them. That this was the pure invention of his enemies OAPT. UYKRa. " > 111 \n sufflcionli^ plain. At tho beginning of the robolllon CaptHin llyovH, with hiH luthor, was a farmor in the vicinity of Albany, and eouid have had no reason for promotion. Ah to the ca|.tain(!y*. wo find that ho did not receive it until 1782, when the war had virtually closed, m tho following HhowH : Frederick Haldimand, Captain-lienoral and (iovornor-in-Chiof of the Province of Quebec and torritorioM depending thereon, Ac, &c., &c. General and Commander-in-Chief of HiH MajeHty'd forces in said Province and territories thereof, &c., &c., &o. TO JOHN WALTER MVKU8, ESQ. : By Virtueor the power and authority in me vested, I do hereby constitute, appoint you to be captain in tho corps of Loyal Hangers whereof Edward Jessup, Esq., is Major-Commandant. You are therefore caroftilly and diligently to discharge the duty of captain by exercising and well disciplining both the inferior officers and soldiers of the corps, and I do hereby command them to obey you as their captain, and you are to observe and follow such orders and directions as you shall from time to time receive from me your Major, Major-Commandant, or any other of your superior officers, according to the rules and discipline of war. In pursuance of the trust hereby reposed in you. Given under my hand and seal at Arms, at the Castle of St. Imiis, at Quebec, this thirtieth day of May, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two, and in the twenty-second year of the reign of our Sovereign, Lord George the Third, by the Grace of God, Great Britain, Prance and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith, and soforth. .J,,, (Signed) Fred. Haldimand. By His Excellency's Command, E. Mathews. * It is true that during the war he made the attempt to take General Schuyler a prisoner. He went with ten men to Albany for the purpose of seizing the General, and carrying him away cap- tive. On entering the yard at night, they looked through the window and saw the object of the expedition, but when they had entered the house he could no where be found, although search was made from cellar to garret. But in the garret were a number of puncheons turned up side down. Some of them were examined, but not all. After the war had closed, the Governor called on Myers and told him that had he turned over the other punch. 112 m'aRTIITTR— MILLKn. eonN ho would have f'ouiul him. A i'nithHil fDinalo Hhivo hud phu'od him thoro. The mon with Myorn had inntrin^tion t<) touch nono of tho (rovortior'H proporty, ulXvir leaving th« pinco, Ijowovor, ho found ono of th(( mon in poHHCHHion of n Hilvor cup. This was sent liack lo th(< (Jovornor jiftorwurd. During tho war, Myor« on ono oc(;iwion, porhapH whon he was return in/^ from hin attempt to taico Hchuylor, wan iioarly Htarvod to doath. IIo had with him u favorite do^, which bocamo Hick for want of food. ]lo carried tho do>? for dayH, not knowing but ho would havoto kill him for food. But thoy all ^ot Hafoly out of it, and ho rotainod tho do/^ for many a day, and on ono occaHion ho Hhowod him to Schuyler. Aftor tho war Captain Myorn onjoyod u pension of 6h. 6d. a day. lie lived in Lower Canada two yoarH. A cortirtcate of Masonry informs us that ho was in Quebec in 1780. llo frequently carried despatches to Now York, in tho first years of tho war; upon ono occasion he was in a friend's house when tho rebels camo up, ho jumped out of tho back window and ran to tho woods, he was soon, and persons on horseback camo rapidly to tho woods, and tied thoir horses, to pursue him on foot, which they hastily did ; Myers had, howovor, hidden himself close by, and when thoy had fairly entered tho woods in pursuit of him, he jumped up and doliborately selected the best horse, upon which ho mounted, and so made an easy escape to New York. Ho came up tho bay at an early date, and it would seem squatted on tho front of tho ninth town before it was surveyed. He then moved up to Sidney where he lived until 1790, whon he returned to the Moira River. Captain Myers was a bold man, with limited education, but honest, and, like many others of the Dutch Loyalits, given to groat hospitality. He was a pioneer in mill building, in trading, and in sailing batteaux and schooners, up and down tho bay. Charles McArthur, a native of Scotland, came to America before the rebellion, and settled upon tho Mohawk Eiver. Took part in the war, in Burgoyne's army. Lived for some time atOswe- gotchie, when he removed to head of the bay. There were living then west of the Trent River only the following families : Peter Huffman, Donald McDonoll, John Bleekor, Esq., and John McArthur. A daughter of Charles McArthur still lives at Belle- ville, having been born at Oswegotchie, now aged 78, (Mrs. May bee.) Ensign Miller, of Jessup's corps, was a native of Duche.ss OODEN — MORDBN— m'DONAI,1». . 1|8 0)iinty. JIo hftd a brother an vimf^u, who livo<l and died ut Moii- troBl. H«ttled in Frodorirlwh.irKh, udjaront AdclphuMtown ; drew in all 2,000 acroH of land, in .liHownl, phues. Diwl 1805, a^od thrty- «ov«n. Auothvr brotlior r.anu> u, tju) IVovinco tiio yoai- attci- tho U. K. liHt hiul dwtxi. H(< wiw tho lathyr of Jtov. Gilbort Miller of Picton, ami diud at tlio ago of ninety. Mr. (i. Millor informs us that two groat unclo«, uamod Oncden, woro with the iJriti«h troops At tho tal<ing of Fort Frontonnc All of thiH naniu (Ogdon) aro wnppoHcd to be relatod. Thoy woro, it \h thought, ol" WoUii origin. Ono of that namo aottled upon tho Dtdawai-o Rivor previ(.u.s to tho robollion. It in not quito oorUiin whether thiH iir«t Ogd^Ju died by tho bankn of tho Uolawaro, or as \h thought owno to tho j{ay Quinto. Jlo had throo Hon«, one of whom died bofbro thqir roir)oval, leaving four wdh. Thoy, with their unglos, vuine ata voryowly datoto UainiUon, but tho four nophews rpmovod to tho JJay (^uiuto ,ibout 1700. Thoir juanios were Jamon John, JvHoph wjd ]U(duu"d. The uunjorous body living around tho bay of this waino, Jiayo all wprung from tho«o four brothers. CMur- »h»l R. Moi-don.) 77 ' ^ Mr. JwneaMojidpn wasa private in Uis Majewty's Provincial Begiment, Kiqg'H lioyal of New York, Sir J. JphnMon Commander Discha;-god LI^S.^tiMpiitreial, at the age of ^we^ty, ^ftving served three yeai*8. , Cohujel McDonald, as ho was subsoqueutly called, as an ofticer of militia, served umlor Sir John JoJaison. Jlo was ono of the iirst settlors of the fifth towiiwhip at t^o Bay Quinto. Jlo landed first in tho cove bearing his name, npar Mount ,Plqasant, 1784. Wo havo stood upon tho, spot y^hore ho first set foot upon tlie ly^d, and pitched his teut. This ^ovo is marked japon some of tho old maps as Grog Bay, but in reality, Grog Bay was a small inlet from tho cove. CoU)jiol McDonald lived to be eighty-five years old. He <htow l^rgo quantities of lajid, besides receiving mapy other favors from govonxmont. Jlo loft l^ut one Qfisiiring, a d^uglj^ter, who married a native of Fj;anco named Prixiyoa, whose descendants are worthy inhabitants of the pli^co. We find the following newspaper record : " Died on tho 3rd October, 1815, Sergeant Alexander McJPpnald; in his 78th ypar. This worthy veteran enlisted in 1767 in the 78th or Frft^er's regi- raont, in which he served at the taking of Lquieburg «nd Quebec. In 1763 he waa .drafted into the 60th, and served in the active cam- paigns .during the Am«rican war, under the late General Provost 8 > M^ J. m'donenll. in Carolina and Georgia. In 1799 ho was drafted from the 60th into the 41«t regiment, in which he served till August 1811. when he wan discharged, after a faithful service of fifty-five years .; . The Canadian Coiirant spoke of J. McDonnell, as follows :- "The subject of this memoir was born in Glengary, in the High- lands of Scotland, about the year 1750. His father was principal tackman on the estate. The spirit of emigration preyaied very much in Scotland, and particularly in the High ands a littl. befo^ the commencement of the American war. The father oi Mr. R. McDonnell partaking of the feelings of his clan, and anticipating many advantages in this new world, accompanied a considerable emigration from Glengary estate, of which he was «"« of the pnn- cipal leaders. Mr. E. McDonnell landed at New York with his father and a number of the same name, in 1773, but the dis- putes between Great Britain and the colonies having assumed a very serious appearance, it was thought prudent to send him into Canada. Being designed for commerce, he was placed m a count- ing house, but the war breaking out, the spirit of his ancestors burst forth vith an ardor which could not be restrained. He joined the Royal Standard, and was immediately appointed to an ensigncy, m the 84th regiment. In this subordinate situation he did not fail to distinguish himself by his bravery and good conduct, and on one Bingular and trying occasion he exhibited the greatest intrepidity and coolness. He was advanced to the command of a company in Butler's Rangers. Many of your readers still remember tha the services required by this regiment were of the most arduous kind Thev were sent out on scouting parties, and employed in pidaii< UP intelligence, and in harrassing the back settlements ot the enemy. As their marches lay through pathless forests, they were frequently reduced to the greatest necessities, nor had they evea. while on service, any of those comforts which are so common in regular camps. In the many expeditions and contests mwh.c this regiment was engaged, dui-ing the war, Captain McDonnell l>ore a distinguished part, but the great hardships which he had t. surmount, undermined a constitution naturally excellent, ami entailed upon him a severe rheumatism which embittered the remaining part of his life. „ , • f ^{^ Daring some time he acted as Pay-master of the regimen :> and by his own care and attention he found himself at the end ol the war in the possession of a small independence. This he con sidered equally the property of his father, brothers and sister-s a- m'donnell. 115 hi8 own, and proved by his generosity tl.at his filial love and brotherly affection were equal to his other virtues. In 1794 when It was thought proper to levy a regiment in this country to remedy the groat desertion which attended regiments Irom Europe he raised a company. ,,,v. ; ,,i, .,,,;. " In 1795 he was promoted to the majority, and the regiment baymg been divided intr. two battalions, he became Lieutenant- Colonel of the 2nd, in 1796. -HecommandedatNiagaraduringthebuildingofFortGeorge und in 1802 he again retired on half-pay, the Eoyal Canadian Regi^ ments havmg been mo.st injudiciously reduced daring the continu- ance of the ephemeral peace of Amiens. While at Fort George he married Miss Yates, a lady from the States, whose amiable and obliging manners gained the esteem of all who had the honor of her acquaintance. By this lady, in whom the Colonel enjoyed all that has to be wished in a companion and friend, he has a son a promising boy, who, it is to be hoped, will inherit the virtues of his father. The Colonel's active benevolence was known touU and experienced by many of his friends. " There was something so generous, so noble in his manner of doing a kindness of this sort, as to give it a double value. " In 1807 he was appointed Paymaster to the 10th Royal Veteran Battalion, a situation certainly far below his merits-but his cir cumstances, which, owing to his generous disposition, were by no means affluent, induced him to accept it. "He had been exceedingly infirm for many years, and perhaps he severe climate at Quebec was too much for his weak constitu- tion. Certain it is that this city has been fatal to several resnect- m in the beginning of November, 1809, accompanied with a olent cough and expectoration; he was not, indeed, thought dangerously ill, till within a short time of his death, but his feeWe ZTt^Zl ''"'"^ "'' '"^'^''' '^' ''"^^' '"^^ ^'^ '""^'''^ •^^ '^' " Such are the scanty materials which I have been able to collect respecting the life of a most excellent officer and honorable man who became dearer to his friends and acquaintances the longer he' (vas known to them. hunger ne " He was rather below the middle size, of a fair complexion, and n his youth, uncommonly strong and active. For some time past i>8 appearance was totally altered ; insomuch that those who had lit) NICHOLSON — OSTROM — PETERSON. not seen him for many years, conld not recognize a single feature of the swift and intrepid captain of the Hangers. » K'.r ' An acute diweaHo made it frequently painful for him to move a liml>, even for days and weeks together, but though his body suf- fered, his mind was active and benevolent, and his anxiety to promote the interests of his friends ceased only with his life." Among those who took part in the unequal engagement at Bennington, was Alexander Nicholson, a Scotchman, who came to America shortly before the war broke out. He enlisted as a 2)rivato under Burgoyne; but before the close of the war, receiveri a commission. He was one of a company which was all but anni- hilated at Bennington. He stood by his Colonel when that officer was shot from his horse. Vainly trying to get him re-horsed, that officer told him it was no use, that he had better flee. The day being evidently lost, he proceeded to escape as best he could. With his arm wounded, he managed to escape through a field ot corn to the woods. Coming to a river, he was arrested by an Indian upon the opposite bank, who, mistaking him for a rebel, firod at him. The Indian being undeceived, he forded the river. Making good his escape, he, with many others, wandered for days, or rather for nights, hiding by day, as scouts were ranging the woods to hunt out tiie tories. There were, however, friends who assisted to conceal them, as well as to furnish them with food. He often spoke of his sufferings at that fearful time; lying upon the cold ground without covering, and sleeping, to wake with the hair frozen to the bare ground. Subsequently Nicholson was attached to Eogcrs corp's. He settled in Fredcricksburgh, at the close of hostilities, and subsequently removed in 1809, to the township ot Thurlow. ,j,;.:j aaj'Mo,. K-iy?s.i^.-;4' Ostrom was engaged to carry despatches through the enemy'?' line. On one occasion he had the despatch in a silver bullet, which he put in his mouth. Having reason to believe he would be dili- gently examined, he took it from his mouth as he would a quid of tobacco, threw it in the fire and thus escaped, ,^j, Nicholas Peterson, with his three sons, Nicholas, Paul and Christopher, were living near New York, and took a part in the war. They assisted in fighting one of the most remarkable battle-' of the revolution. It took place on the west side of the North Eiver, opposite the city of New York, when seventy-five British Militia- men resisted an attack made by 5,500 rebels, for several hours. THE ROGERS' FAMILY. 117 The British had a Blook JIouHe, made of lo^^s, with a hollow exca- vation behind, and in tl)iH hollow they loaded their guns, and Avould then step forward and discharge them at the enemy. Only throe of the British were slain ; the rebels lost many. These Petersons lost everything of any importance, when they left Now York. Some of their valuables they bui-ied to pi'cserve them fj-on\ the enemy, and the rest they left to their use. Nicholas and Paul settled on lots No. 12 and 13, in the first coiicession of Adolphustown, south of Hay bay. ,;,,H.i- "i:- ■ ■.■''t'«^' -/.i'.-/. ' ■>■■ I'r:- ■ .■^^■.^^■i. i i\, i ■'•■•'■■ ■ -t , ,. < ^. ■ v' •.• ; ■:"S.^"', ■"■■"'', ",i' ''V' V.' .■'..'; I-;'';'-, ..,."■?■;-' ■" •■ <;." ( .' ' • : ,:'/ r. ■:'■'- .■•■.,rv - ' iA '' ^ , . ', - : 'l.T :', ■:'■'■ •'■:, ',■:■■ '^ ■ \ '■ ' '■.'. "" ■•■^r' -■_■ ';.'..'..'!' !'..'"' t,'".? CHAPTER XI. ;.,,'"'' ''''''''\ Contents. — Rogers' family — Ryci-soii — Roduer — Sherwood — Taylor — Vfiii Jjiiscmi — Willi.amburgh — Wright — Wilkins — Young — Otlifcr.s wlio stttU'd in Niagara District. Under Queen's Rangers will be found some account of Major Rogers, derived from Sabine. We here give further information, pro- cured from Robert!). Rogers,Esq., and Di*. Armstrong, of Rochester, New York, who is a native of Fredericksburgh, and who, for many years, practised his profession in Picton and Kingston, i -; Robert D. Rogers, of Ashburnham, writes : " My grandfather, James Rogers, settled tirst in Vermont, and had several large tracts of land there, he, and his brotliors were officers in the Queen's Rangers, of which his brother Robert was the chief officer; they were employed in the wars of the French and Indians, until the taking of Quebec by the British, after which the said Robert Rogers was ordered by General Amherst to proceed westward and take possession of all the forts and places hold by the French, as far west as Detroit and Michilimicinac, which he did in the fall of 1760; and he afterwards wont to England, whore he published a journal kept bj* him during the French and Indian wars, and up to 1761, which was published in London 1765. HealsoAvrote another book, giving a description of all the North American Colonies. My grandfather continued to reside in Vermont, until the time of the revolution, when ho joined the British army, and after [jeace was proclaimed, settled near the East Lake in Prince Edward. I have heard that he was buried in Fredericksburgh, but do not 118 ■■•'■ ROGERS. know tho place. My father roproscnted Prince Edward in the first Parliament of Upper Canada, of which he was a member for twenty- six years." From Dr. Armstrong, wo learn that " Major Eogers was born in Londonderry, Now Hampshire, about tho year 1728. His wife was the daughter of the Eov. David McGregor, pastor of tho Pres- byterian church, Londonderry, of which his father, tho Rev. James McGregor, formerly of Londonderry, Ireland, was tho founder, April 12, 1719. Major Eogers was the father of three sons and three daughters. Ho removed with his family to Vermont, where he had become the proprietor of a largo tract of lund, Hero he lived until tho breaking out of tho rebellion, (see Queen's Eangers.) Aftor the conclusion of the war. Major Eogers, aban- doning his property in Vermont, much of which had been destroyed, his herds of cattle driven off and appropriated to their own use by his neighbors, removed with his family to Canada and settled in Frodericksburgh. That he ha<l been there previously and explored tho countr}', and that he had taken with him a corps of soldiers, is altogether probable, for I Avell remember to have seen in my earlicHt boyhood, evidences of previous military strife, such as numerous broken guns, swords, and other worn-out weapons. At Fi'cdericksburg, Major Eogers erected, as he had done before at Londonderry, Vermont, the first frame house in the township. How long ho remained here I am unal)lo to say, but probably several years. My own birth place, August 29, 1789, was in a little village one or two miles below his residence, and as I was Qncof his legatees, he probably remained therefor some time after that event. I find no record of his death, but it probably took place about tho year 1792. He was buried in Frodericksburgh, as were his widow and eldest daughter (my mother), 1793. His eldest son James, returned to Vermont and recovered a con- siderable portion of the land in Londondeny. Ho afterward, in 1819, removed with his family to Haldimand, where he died several years ago. His second son, David McGregor, familiarly known alf>o as " Major Rogers," remained in Canada up to the time of his death, about 1823. While quite a young man, he was elected a member of the first Parliament of Upper Canada. He then resided at Little Lake in the township of Hallowell. He aftcrwai*d3 removed to Cramahe, whore I found him in 1803, engaged as a merchant, holding the office of clerk of the Peace, clerk of the District Court, and Eegistrar of Deeds, besides being a member of I PETERS — RYER80N. 119 Parliament, and carryincj on a farm. His name is pretty closely identified with the early luHtory of Upper Canada. He was a man of groat energy of character and sound judgment, was highly respected and esteemed, and died greatly lamented. After remain- ing in Fi-edericksburgh several years, the family of the late Major (James) Rogers removed to the " Little Lake," so called. This was the scone of my earliest recollectionB. In the same neighbor- hood had resided Mr. Peters, and his family. He was a native of New England, remained loyal to the Crown, became an officer in the Queen's Rangers, and was among the early refugees to Canada. He afterwai*ds became sheriff of Newcastle, having removed from the Little Lake, first to the Carrying Place, and afterwards to Cramahe, about the year 1804, where he died many years ago. Joseph Ryerson, of New Jersey, one of the five hundred and fifty volunteers who went to Charleston, South Carolina. For his i^ood conduct in bearing despatches one hundred and ninety-six miles into the interior, he was pi-omoted to a Lieutenancy in the Prince of Wales' Volunteers. Subsequently he was engaged in six battles, and once wounded. At the peace he went to Ne a^ Bruns- wick, thence to Canada, Avhere he settled and became a Colonel in the militia. In the Avar of 1812, he and his three sons were in arms against the United States. He died near Victoria, Upper Canada, in 1854, aged ninety-four, one of the last of the "old United Empire Loyalists " — (Sabine.) One of Captain Ryerson's old comrades, Peter Redner, of the bay, says, he was " a man of daring intrepidity, and a great favorite in his company." He often related an instance when Captain Ryerson, commanding a scouting party, for which peculiar service he was eminently fitted, ventured to crawl up to a tent of American officers, and discovering one standing in the door who saw him, he walked boldly up, thus lessening suspicion, and drawing his bayonet immediately ran him through the body, and escaped before his companions had sufficiently recovered from the shock to give pursuit. He represented Captain Ryerson as being one of the most determined men he ever knew, with the service of his country xippermost in his mind, he often exposed himself to great danger to accomplish his desires. Samuel Eyerson, of New Jersey, brother of Joseph, joined the Royffl Standard, and received a commission as captain in the Third Battalion of New Jersey Volunteers ; went to New Brunswick at the peace, thence to Canada, where ho settled. 190* REDNER — RUTTAN. . Potor Hcdiior, a native of Now Jersey, was connoctod with the service for some time. He was in the same division as Captain Eyerson, and during his subsequent life was always delighted to tell of the incidents in connection with the several campaigns through which ho passed, especially such as related to "his friend llyerson," to whom he was much attached. At the close of the war ho went to Nova Scotia, where he drew land ; but not liking the place, ho disposed of his land and came to Canada. He purchased lot ninety-four in Aiuoliasburgh for a small consideration, from William Fox, a United Empire Loyalist, of Pennsylvania, who had drawn it. — (Ashley.) Walter Hoss — He arrivetl, an emigrant from Scotland, at Que- bec, the night before the fall of Montgomery. He, with others from the ship, immediately toolc up arms, and assisted to repulse the enemy in a most distinguished manner. He subsequntly lived with Major Prazer, and became so great a favorite that the Major assisted him to an ensigney. After the close of the war he married Miss Williams, of Ernest town, and settled in Marysburgh, c»u the lake shore. The Kuttans were descendants of the Huguenots. Says Sheriff Ruttan : "My grandfather emigrated to America about the time of Sir William Johnson, Bart., in 1734, and settled at a town called New Eochelle, in Westchester county, New York. This town, or tract of land, was pui-chased in 1G89, ex])ressly for a Huguenot settlement, by Jacob Leister, Commissioner of the Admi- ralty, under Governor Dongan of New York. It soon increased, and in 1700 had a vast number of militia officers, loyal to the back- bone. To this settlement my grandfather repaired soon after hh arrival. My father and uncle Peter were l)orn here about 1757, and 1759. Both entered the army in the 3rd battalion of Jersoy volunteers, one as Lieutenant, the other as Captain. This was about the year 1778. In the year 1778, my uncle Peter accom- panied Brant from New York to Western Canada, on a tour of observation, being a great favorite, so much so that he named hi* son Joseph Brant Ruttan, as a token of his friendship. As a further token of his esteem. Brant, at parting, prosenteil him with a hand- some brace of pistols, which he valued highly. At his decease, they came into my possesion. My father and uncle had grant* of 1200 acres of land each, at Adolphustown, in the Midland DisWrt. this was in 1783 or 1784." Sheriff Ruttan, when a child, met with a slight accident which probably turned the current of his life from one of comparative SCHEaMERIIORN — .SPBNOER. 121 obscurity to notoriety. Ilonry Ruttan wont out with his brother one Hpring morning to tap trees for sugar raaici ng. Accidentally two of Honry'H fingers were severed from his hand by an unto- ward stroke of the sharp axe. This loss led his father to send him to school, as he could not perform manual labor. Ilespecting his education, the reader is referred to the division on "Early Educa- tion." With the education obtained in Adolphustown, ho wont to Kingston and was apprenticed with John Kerby, a successful mer- chant. By industry as well as talent, Henry advanced to bo a partner, and was entrusted to open a store in the "new township " near Grafton, in Newcastle. Subsequently, he distinguished him- self as a soldier, in 1812, then as a member of Parliament, as Speaker, and for a long time as Sheriff. Latterly his name is associated with Inventions for ventilation of buildings and cars. Captain Schermerhorn was among the first settlers upon the bay.Quinte. Respecting the nature of his services during the war wo have no record, nor have wo learned in what regiment ho served ; but most probably in Johnson's. The writer has in his possession a portion of an epaulet which belonged to this officer. He drew largo quantities of land in the western part of the Province, as well as a lot in I^^edoricks burgh. He died in 1788 when on a visit to Montreal to procure his half-pay. His widow and eldest son died soon after. His youngest son, John, settled on lot 95, 9th concession Ameliasburg. — {,J. B. Ashley.) vA i> j ;, ,r V' .■ " Colonel Spencer " was an officer in Roger's Battalion, settled on lot 9, 1st concesHion Fredericksburgh additional. He died shortly after the commencement of the war of 1812, having been Colonel of the militia, and active in preparing to meet the foe. He was buried, with military honors, upon his own farm. ' His brother Augustus was an ensign, and settled at East Lake, on half-pay. His wife, Sarah Conger, lived to be ninety-four years old. ■■-.,.*.:-.. .r,.v:, . In the former part of last century there were born three brothers, Seth, Thomas, and Adiel Sherwood, in old Stratford, in the Province of Connecticut. The three brothers removed, 1743, to New York State, five miles north of Port Edward, within a short distance of the spot where Burgoyno surrendered. At the coinmencement of the rebellion, Seth and Adiel identified them- !»el^s with the rebel party, becoming officers in the army, while Thomas adhered to his Sovrveign. It was probably after the defeat of Burgoyne, when lie proceeded to St. John, Lower Canada, and 128 HHERVVOOD — TAYLOR. was Bubsoquontly employed by the British (Tovornmont on Hocret service in the revolting State. His knowledge of the country enabled him to bring from the territory of the enemy not a few who were desirous of serving in the British army. In 1779 his family removed to 8t. Johns, and he received an appointment as subaltern in Major Jossup'fs corps. At the close of the war, Thomas Sherwood came with his corps to the St. Lawrence, and became the first actual settler in the county of Leeds. Ho was well known as an active public man, " he was over ready to give assistance and instructions to the new comers.'" He also assisted in the first survey of that part. He was among the first magistrates. He lived on his farm forty-two years, and died, aged 81, in peace. Adiel Sherwood, from whom wo receive the foregoing facts, was the son of Thomas, and was born at the homestead in New York State, 16th May, 1779, shortly before the family left for Canada. Ho says : " I remained with the family at St. Johns until May, 1784, when wo came in the very first brigade of batteaux to the Upper Province, where my father pitched his tent, about three miles below Brockville, so that I may say I saw the first tree cut, and the first hill of corn and potatoes planted by an actual settlor." Mr, Adiel Sherwood at an early date, 1706, was appointed an ensign in the first regiment of Leeds Militia. He was promoted from time to time until he became Colonel. He was commissioned a Magistrate, Clerk of the Peace, Commissioner of Land Board, and finally Sheriff for the district of Johnstown. Ho was connected with the militia fifty years, when he retired on full rank. Was Treasurer of the District twenty-five years, and Sheriff thirty-five. Mr. Sherwood still lives, an active, genial, and christian-minded gentleman, and we take this occasion to express our feelings of gratitude for his assistance and sympathy in this our undertaking. There were a good many of the name of Taylor among the loyalists residing at Boston, New York, and New Jersey. They were all in the higher walks of life, and some filled high public stations. One family, consisting at the time of the rebellion, of a mother and three sons, has a tragic and deeply interesting history. For many of the particulars I am indebted to Sheriff George Taylor, of Belleville, a descendant of the youngest of the brothers. Sheriff" Taylor's father was named John, and was born upon the banks of the Hudson, of Scotch parents. He was fourteea A SPY OP Till: REVOLUTION. 128 yours old when the robollion broke out. IHh two brothorH were officers in the British array, and were employed in the hazardous dutiew of spies. The only knowledge ho has of his uncles, is that they were both caught at diflforent times, one upon one side of tho Hudson and tlie other the opposite side ; both wore convicted and executed by hanging, one upon tho limb of an apple tree, tho other of an oak. John Taylor was at home with his mother upon the farm, at Kindorhook. But one day he was carried off while from the hou8«;. by a press gang, to Bnrgoyne's army. lie continued in the army for seven years, \intil the end of the war, when ho was discharged. During this time he was in numerous engage- ments, and received three wounds at least, one a sabre wound, and a ball wound in the arm. It is stated on good authority, (Petrie) that he once carried a despatch from Quebec to Nova Scotia, fol- lowing the Bay of Fundy. His mothei* in the meantime was ignorant of his whereabouts, and held the belief that hi! Avas dead, or carried off by the Indians. At the expiration of the war ho went to New Brunswick by some moans, subsequently he under- took to walk on snowshoes, with three others, from St. Johns to Sorel, which he accomplished, while the three others died on the way; ho saved his life by killing and eating his dog. He procured bis discharge at Sorel. In 1783 he came up the St. Lawrence to Cata- raqi*, and thence walked up the bay as far as the mouth of the Moria'Rivor, occompanied by one William McMullen. Ascending the Moria he chose tho land, where is now the 4*h concession of Thurlow, the "Holstojul farm." Ho lived here a few months, but the Indians drove him away, declaring the river belonged to them. He then bought lot No. b, at tlie front, of Captain Singleton, pro- perty which yet boars his name. John Taylor married the daughter of h U. E. Loyalist b}"^ the name of Russell. v.' KJ'-im. », >,i..: Two or three vears after he came to Thurlow, he visited his old home at Kinderhobk, to see his mother, who knew not he was alive. She accompanied him back to Canada, although hard on ninety years old. She did not live long in her new home. Two intiujute comrades of John Tiiylor irj the army, were Merritt and Soles, father of D. B. Soles, formerly of Belleville. Eespedting t}\e brothers of John Taylor, the following appeared in the Hastings Chronicle of Belleville, 13th November, 1861. "A Spy of the Revolution. — In the year 1776, when Governor Clinton resided in Albany, there came a stranger to his house one cold Avintry morning, soon after the family hsid breakfasted. 124 <JEN. CLINTON AND TAYLOR. He WRH welcomod by thi* liouHehold, and hoH])itHl>ly <)nturtiiincMl. A hreakftiHt wtxs ordorod, and tiie Govenioi*, with lii.s wife and daui;htvi' cniployod in knitting, was Hitting iK'fore tho firo, and ontored into convcrHation with him about the a/RiirH of the country, whicli natui- ally led to the cn(|uiry of what waH his occupation. The caution and hcHitancy with which the stranger sjtokc, aroused the kcen-8ighte<l Olintoji. Ho conininnicated liiH suspicion to his wife antl daughter, who closely watched iiis civery word iuid action. ITnconscious of this, but finding that he ha<l fallen among enemies, the stranger wa.s seen to take something froiii his pocket and swallow it. Meantime Madam Clinton, with the ready tact of a woman of those troublesome times, went (piietly into the kitchen, and ordered hot cofteo to bo immediately made, and added to it a strong ilose of tartar emetic. The stranger, delighted with the smoking beverage, partook freely of it, and Mrs. Clinton soon had the satisfaction of seeing it produce the desired result. From scri[)tui-o out of his own mouth was he condemned. A siver bullet appeared, which upon examination was nnHcrewe<l and found to contain aw important despatch from Burgoyne. Ho was tried, condemned and executed, and the bullet is still preserved in the family." ''The foregoing article we clip from the Boston Free Fla<j of the 2nd November, 1861,thi8,thero is reason to infer, is a special reference to a relative of one of the oldest families in this part of Canada. John Taylor in his life time, well known to the first inhabitants of Belleville, had two brothers employed uj)on seci'ot service for the British Government during the American revolutionary war, their names were Neil and Daniel. At different l^mcs they were each apprehended and suffered the sca ere penalty of the l.aw. A tradi- tion of the Taylor family of this i)lace, agi'ees in all particulars with the above article, and points to one of the Taylor brothers as the person therein alluded to." Si^bino says that " Daniel Taylor in 1777, was disj)atched by Sir Henry Clinton to Burgoyne, with intelligen(!e of the capture of Fort Montgomery, and was taken on his way by the whigs as a spy. Finding himself in danger, he turned aside, took a small silver ball or bullet from his pocket and swallowed it. The act was seen, and General George (!)linton, into whose hands he had fallen; ordered a severe dose of emetic tartar to be adminis- ttn'od, which caused him to discharge the bullet. On being unscrewed, the silver bullet was found to contain a latter from the one British General to the other, which ran as follows : VANDUKEN — WILLIAMADirROII. 125 Four MoMTOOMHRY, October 2, 1777. Nous uoiiU—nnd ii(>thins»betw(»tiii \\h Imt Gates. I Hinwrcly hope this littlo NiicooRs of ourH may facilitiite your**i||^ationH. In arwwer to yotir letter of 28th of Beptembcr, by C. C, I shall only siiy, I cftiinot prL'suine to order, or even adviHc, for. roasonn obxious. I h«'artity wish you huoo^hb. Faithfully yourn, H. Clinton. . .,>it .. i» ....:! » ••...111;;. ,ti , 1/ tin- . . . To General l^urgoyne. ;,..,.,,,.,,;., i,;^. ,.„., . Taylor wuh tried, conviotod, and oxccutod, shortly after his Aletoction." Conrad VanDuBon was a native of Duchens County, N. Y., born 23rd April, 1761. Ilia father was IJobert VanDuHen. At the commencement uf the rebellion he was in businoHS as a tailor, in New York City. He served during the whole of the war, seven years, in Butlei"'s Kaugerw. During this time, his wife, who was also from Duchess County, formerly a Miss Coon, carried on tlie tailoring business in New York, and succeeded in saving fifty-three guineas. On leaving for Canada with VanAlstine, they brouglit with them two largo boxes of clothing. They also had some jCWellry. ,, ^ , ... l ,u, ,,'. > :■, . : it ;.-• ■ .i[. ■'■,■■,,.>, ":.■•/,:■,; .V .J., During the war VauDusen Avas sometimes employed upon secret ♦"jivioe, and upon one occasion was caught, and condemned to be hanged. Upon leaving the room in which he had been tried, he managed to convey to a woman present, whose earnest demeanor led him to believe she was friendly, a gold ring, a keep-sake of his wife. Uy some means VanDuson escaped, having concealed himself in a svvmnp under water, with his face only above water, and in after years he was surprised and rejoiced to receive by letter the i<lenticai ring, which ha<l been sent to him by the woman into whose hands he had so adroitly placed it. She had directed the letter to Catai'aqui. The close of the war found VanDusen at 'Sew York, and he joined VanAlstine's band of refugees, and settled in Adolphustown. Subsequently he removed to Marysburgh, lot No. 0, where he -died, aged seventy-six years and seven months.* Ho lies buried in the IT. E. burying ground, Adolphustown. Frederick Frank Williamsburgh, at the time of the war lived upon the Susquehanna, and owned a thousand acres of land. He was a sickly ttian. His family consisted of a' son eleven years old, and three da^hters. O&e day he went some distance to a mill, It6 WRKJIIT — WILKINH. talcing his ohiMron with him, and lenving hln wife nn<l inother At homo. That <lay tho rolx^li ituulo a raid, aiul he waH tal<on prinoiior from hlH cliildren ui^yie road ; and (roiniti^ to IiIh burn, it, witli all hiH )/ruin wan l>urnod up. 1 1 in wifu an<l old mother 8ouglit Hul'ety in .the woodH, and the Iiounc wanNtrippcd oi' overytliin)<. Tlu; children arriving homo without tlieir father, found no mother, or grand mother, only the Hinoking ruiuH of the liarn and the dismantled houHo. Frightened almoNt to death, and expecting to ho killed helore mor-n ing, tlioy lay down on tiio Hoor. About midnight came a knock at the door, after a time tliey Hunuuoned sut!iciont courage to ask who waH there, wiien it waH found to be neighbor who had been hunted in tho woods for three «hiys and who was almowt .starved, lie wa.s admitted, and having wlopt for a Hhort time, he proceeded to prepare a raft upon tlu; river ; upon this he pluce<l some flour he had con- cealed in the woodH, and the children, with himHclf, and floated down the river. Hut the morning brojight the enemy, and they were taken. The chihlron were conveyed to a place where tliey fotind their mother ; but tho father having been thrown into a prison, in three montliH his weak constitution succumbed to the cruelty of his prison house. Tlie family found their way to Lower Canada, after a time, livinij; upon tho rations dealt out from day to day from tho commissariat department. They, after a time, went to Montreal, and one son, when twelve year old, enlisted. For a time he acted as tailor to tho regiment, but subsequently became a favorite with tho Dolonel and was promoted. Tiie descendants of this William WiHiamslturgh now live in Belleville. Soigeant Daniel Wright was born Ui the city of London, 1741. He was sergeant in tho 74th regiment. Sergeant Wright was ))resent at the battle beiore Quebec, when Montgomery was killed. Ho settled in Marysburgh in 1784. He was commissary oflicer for the fifth townsliip, and was subsequently api)ointed magistrate and then registrar, which office he hold for upwards of thirty years. Was Lieut. Colonel in tho Prince Edward Militia. " Old Squire Wright " was jv man of education and gentlemanly deportment, strictly religious, and noted for his urbanity J*ho obtained the soubriquet of " Squire civil." It is said he was never known to smile. Unlike other retired officers, it is said, he did not seek to acquire extensive tracts of land. Died April, 1828, aged eiglity -seven. The following is from the Kingston Chronicle : " Died at the Car rying Place, 27th February, 1836, liobert Wilkins, Esq., in the ninety > COL. voirNo. 'it J HT fourth year of IiIh a.i<o. Wo vuUm'd tlu- army at tin* oarly a^o of ■I'vontcen, in tlio iVtIi LiL;ht Dra^ooiiH, then o»niinnui»h)<l by tho lato Colonol Kale. Soon alter hu joiiu'd thv roj^iwcut it wan or<l«)n»<l to ScothuKl. Thoro it did not hnig roninin ; tlio " Wliitehoy " con- ii|>iraoy had boon fornuMl in Ireland. From Iifhuid h« Hailed with* tho samo diHtinguiHhed regiment for the British American ('olonios, then raining the Htantlard of revolt, landed at MoHton, and a few days nftor bore a conspicuonH part in the battle of Bunker'H Hill, on whioh occaHion he had two horHes Nhot tui<h>r him. He was present at moHt of the engagomcntH in the northern colonies. At the battle of White I Mains, he was one of tho forlorn hope, where ho recoive<l n Novoro conttision on the br(«ast, and lost the thnmb of his right hand. After recoveiing from his wonnds, he retired from the army, and entered into mercantile pursnits in the city of New York. There ho carried on a prosperons bnsinosH nntil ]>oace was concluded ; but whon that city was evacuated by tho British troops (in lY83)ho was too strongly attached to his king to remain behind. He then accom- panied thorn to Shelburno, Nova Scotia. In the imjirovements of that luckless place, he expended a largo sum of money, Imt finding that the place Avoiild not succeed, ho left, and in 17H9, returned to his native country, fnnn which, three years after, he was indticod to follow Governor Simcoe to this colony, just after it had received its constitution, and bccam(! a distinct government. From that time he remained in Upper Canada, and nu)st of the time at this i)lace. Of Christian doctrine and Christian duty, he had a much deeper sense tiian was obvious to occasi(mal visitors. His hospitality was prover- bial, and never under his roof was the ]ioor refused food or shelter. His ronniins w(a*o followed to the church, and thence to the house appointed for all living, by not less than 300 of his friends and neighbors." f(,.Mt-i ♦•ii«ii :aj''rf'i'-. Mirti»;.">.' For an account of the son of the above, see notices of U. E. Tioyalists. Col. II. Young — His father wa.s a native of Nottingham,England, and came to Now York whon eighteen years old, and settled at Jamaica, Long Island. He was a gunsmith by trade. Subsequently ho lomovod to Husack, northern Now York. Ho had four sons, George, Henry, William, John, and two daughters. His second son Henry jWas born at Jamaica, 10th March, 1737. At the age of eighteen lie joined tho British army, as a volunteer. He was present at tho Imttlo of Tyconderoga, under General Aborcrombie. He was also with tho army under General Amhei*st, which wont from Albany '128 FIRST SETTLRRS IN UPPER CANADA. to Montreal, to Join the nrmy from Quebec, under General Murray. Continued in the army until 17(31, when he returned home, married a MissCampman, and lived in peace until the rebellion broke out. Ho again joined the Britinh army an a private, and was at the , battle of Bennington, but lie ko distinguished himself that he was promoted to an onsigncy in the King's Eoyal Keglment, of New York. During the war ho took part in seventeen battles, but escaped with one wound in the hand. In the year 1780, he wa« sent with Major Boss to Carleton Island. For three years he was at this place, or Oswego. In 1783 he wjis discharged on half pay, and received grants of land — 3,000 acres, with the privilege of selecting the place. Immediately after his release he set out, sometime during the summer or autumn of 1783, to prospect for land. In a small canoo, he, with a brother officer, named, it is said, McCarty, proceeded up the bay Quinte, and into Picton bay to its rhead, thence to East Lake. Having decided to take land here, he left his son during the winter. In the following spring 1784, he brought I his family from St. Johns, where they had been staying. (See Y,.sottlement of Prince Edward). Colonel Young died at East Lake. ,.3rd December, 1820, aged eighty-three years and nine months. Daniel Young was in the Engineer Department during the latter part of the revolutionary war. He died at East Lake, 30th September, 1850, aged eighty-five. v'vf ;■>,. >.VCr"v •,,!., Henry Young was Ijioutenant of Militia in the war of 1812. Went to Kingston on duty, where ho died, latter part of December, 1812. Among the first settlers of the Upper Province, especially upon the St. liawrence, and who took part in the war, may be mentioned, I Captain Thomas Frazer, Captain William Fraaer, Lieutenant Solomon Snider, Lieutenant Gideon Adams, Captain Simon Covelle, Captain Dnimmond, Ensign Dulmage, Ensign Sampson^ Lieutenant Farrand, Captain Amberson, Lieutenant McLean, Lieutenant James Campbell, Lieutenant Alexander Campbell, J Sergeant Benoni Wiltsie, Ensign E. Bolton, Captain Justus Sher- wood, Captain John Jones, Lieutenant James Breakenridge, of . EogCr's COl'pS. JC^»*Hvi: ,w*>v«^-'r Colonel Clarke, of Dalhousie^ gives a " list of half pay officers , who settled in the Niagara District after the rebellion of the r, colonies:" ^ Colonel John Butler, originator of Butler's Bangers, an Irish- ^ man, a connection of Lord Osmore; Captain Andrew Brant, THAVELINO BY THE INDIANS. 129 Butler's Eangcrs ; Captain B. Fry, Captain P. Hare, Captain Thos. Butler, Captain Aaron Brant, Captain P. Paulding, Captain John Ball, Captain P. Ball, Captain P. Ton Brock, Lieutenant E. Clench, Lieutenant Wm. Brant, Lieutenant Wm. Tweeny, Lieut. Jocal Swoos, Lieut. James Clements, Lieut. D. Swoob, all of Butler's Eangers; Captain James Brant, Indian Department; Captain H. Nelles, Captain James Young, Captain Eobert Nelles, Captain Joseph Dockater, Captain C. Eyman, Lieut. J. Clement, Lieut. W. B. Shuhm, Lieut. A. Chrysler, Lieut. S. Secord, Lieut. F. Stevens, Surgeon E. Kerr, Commodore T. Merritt, father of the late Hon. W. H. Merritt, all of the Indian Department. ., .: r'-^ , ,,_., ,,, .,,-,;v"VViT.v.j.. ^;v^''-- :^»,'^:, •"^■^ ^■'.•^''.•; .>..■■>•: i ^ i'. ■, I. v'j^i, ■;..,,- J*'*.' ^.■n'.i-hj ■' •'■' '■ '•' ■■• •'■■•' ^•' :»-■ ■■■ 'O! ^ . - ■»■» . l:.,.iu^.^^:,r.^- DIYISI0:N" II. ^v.;'.<,.'^.v*^'^'?^-v<U TEAVELING IN EAELY TIMES-OEIGINAL EOUTES. (jn^^c.^ CHAPTEE Xn. t.fiAyv-.'^ /> ' -- C0NTBNT8 — Indian paths — Portages — Original French routes — Mer de Canada — Original names of St. Lawrence — Ontario — Huron — Route by Bay Qnint6 — Old French maps — Original English routes — Four ways from Atlantic to the Laices — Mississippi — Potomac — Hudson — Indian name of Erie — From New York to Ontario — The Hudson P'ver — Mohawk — Wood creek — Oneida Lake — Oswego River — The carrying places — West Canada Creek— Black River — Oswegotchie — The navigation — Military highway — Lower Canada — An historic route — The paths followed by the Loyalists — Indian paths north of Lake Ontario — Crossing the Lake — From Cape Vincent to the Bay Quints — From Oswego by Duck Islands — East Lake — Picton Bay — Coasting Ontario — Two ways to Huron — By Bay Quints and Trent ; by Don River- Lake Simcoe — Point Traverse — Loyalists — Traveling by the St. Lawrence — First road — Long remembered event. Although the European found the American continent a vast unbroken wilderness, yet the native Indians had well defined routes of travel. Mainly, the long journeys made by them in their hunting excursions, and when upon tl.e war path, were by water ap and down rivers, and along the shores of lakes. And at certain places around rapids, and from one body of water to another, their 9 130 oaiaiNAL names. froquont journoyings created a well marked path. Those portages or carrying places may even yet, in many places be traced, ami /are still known by such appellations. The arrival of the European in America was followed by hiK p-^netrating, step by step, to the further recesses of the north and wes,. The opening of the ifur : trade with the Indians led to increa'jod travel along ^ome of the . original paths, and probably to the opening of now ones. While the French by the waters of the Lower St. liawrenoe, found it con- . v«oionb to ascend by the great streams, the English hati to travorso ••ihe 1 high lands v/hich separate the sources of the rivers which empty into the Atlantic, from those which rise to flow to the lakes and rivers of fresh water to the north. The original routes of travel taken by the French were up the St. Lawrence, at first called the " Grand Eiver of Canada," while the gulf is marked Galpo di Canada O'S Larenzo. The water of the Atlantic, south of the Chesapeake Eiver to Newfound- land and the gulf, was known as the Mer de Canada. From the sea- boai'd the traveler sometimes, having ascended to the mouth of the Sorel Eiver, turned west to lake Champlain, and thence into the western part of the present New York State, or continuing up the St. Lawrence to its confluence with the Ottawa, or as it was sometimes called Grand Eiver, selected one or the other of these ma- jestic streams, by which to continue the journey westward. Follow- ing the Ottawa, the way led to the north as far as Lake Nippissing, and thence westward to theGoorgiaa Bay. Sometimes the voyager would continue to ascend the St. Lawrence to Lake Ontario, a por- tion of the St. Lawrence sometimes called Cataraqui Eiver, or the Iro- quoia Eiver, that is to say, the river which leads to Cataraqui, or the -Iroquois country. Lake Ontario was called by Champlain, Lake St .Louis, and subsequently for a time it was known as Lake Fronto- -nac. According to a map observed in the French Imperial Library \h& Lidian name of Ontario was Skaniadono, 1688. From Lake Ontario to Lake Huron, at first named Mer Douce, and, then after the Huron Indians, who were expelled from that region by the Iroquois in 1650, a very common route was up the JBfty Quinte, the Eiver Trent, Iiake Simcoe, and to Georgian Bay. defeat itbis was a nottunfi^quent way is -well exhibited by the old rS^enoh maips, which, pixjpafed to indicate the principle waterways rto the teaveler, had the waters of the Bay and Trent, even to its . i9QUi;Qe,/ma(ie bj»OAd,;so th«t the observer might imagine that the (lagy.andtho Kivenw^ro one ootutinuous bay of navigable waters. ROUTES FROM ATLANTICJtO ONTARIO. 131 As this route was adjacent to the territory of the Iroquois nation, it was only when the French wore at peace with thorn that this course was taken, until tiio establishment of the fort at Cataraqui. Again, the French occasionally followed the south shore of Lake Ontario to the Niagara River and ascended it to Lake Erie, and thus approached the far west. " While the French with comparative ease, reached the vast inland seas, the English by more difficult channels sought the advantages, which^intercourse with the lake Indians afforded. An early writer of American history, Isaac Weld, says : " There are four princiijal channels for trade between the ocean and the lakes. One by the Mississippi to Lake Erie, a second by the Potomac and French Creek to Lake Erie. (Lake Erie was at first called 01^- wego, and the territory to the south of Lake Erie was sometimes called Ontario Nous.) A third by the Hudson, and a foui-th by the St. Lawrence." A later writer says: '• It is worthy of notice, that a person may go from Quebec to New ^Orleans by water all the way except about a mile from the source of Illinois River." The last mentioned route we have seen belonged to the French, and was the best to follow, as well as the most direct to Europe. Of the other throe, we have only to speak of that by the Hudson. The distance from New York to Lake Ontario is laid down as being 500 miles. From New York Bay to Albany, the Hudson is navigable, 180 miles. Ton miles north of Albany the river divides into two branches. The western branch is the Mohawk and leads to Rome, formerly Fort Stanwix. A branch of the Mohawk, Wood Creek, loads toward Oneida Lake, which was reached by a portage. A branch of Wood Creek was called Canada Creek, and led toward Lake Champlain. From Oneida- Lake, the larger lake, Ontario, is reached by the Oswego River. Weld probably refers to this route when he says that the distance over which boats had to be hauled by land, (perhaps, from New York to Ontario) was altogether thirty miles. This was no doubt the most speedy route by which to reach Upper Canada from the Hudson. Frequent reference is made to it, in the accounts of journeying, by the U. E. Loyalists, which have come under notice. It was by far the most commonly traveled way, taken by those who came into Canada after thef close of the wai . And, it is stated, 1796, that the chief part of the trade between New York and the lake is by this way. nBut sometimes, the traveler up the Mohawk, instead of turning into Vilcrik, or Wood Creek, would continue to ascend the Mohawk, 132 DIFFERENT ROUTES— LOYALISTS. which turned more toward the east; and then into a branch some- timoB called, 1756, West Canada Creek, by which he was brought contiguous to the head waters of the Black River, which omptios into the lake at Sackot's Harbor, But the Black River was some- times reached by asceiiding the Hudson, above the mouth of the Mohawk, away eastward to the Mohegan mountains, where the Hudson rises. Crossing these mountains ho would strike the Moose River, which is a tributary to the Black River. Occasion- ally, instead of Moose River, the Oswegotchie was reaehod, and fol- lowed to its mouth at La Presentation, the present town of Ogdens- burgh. That this route was well known, is shown from the state- ment of Weld, that, " It is said that both the Hudson and Obwegot- ehie River are capable of being made navigable for light batteaux to where they approach within a short distance, about four miles." All of these branches of the Hudson are interrupted by falls. Still another way was now and then taken, after having crossed the Mohegans, namely, by Long Lake which feeds Racket River, that empties into the St. Lawrence, at St. Regis, opposite Corn- wall. Again, numerous accounts have been furnished the wi-iter, in which the traveler followed the military highway to Lower Can- ada, by Whitehall, Lake Champlain, Fort Ticonderoga, Platts- burgh, and then turning northward proceeded to Cornwall. But this way was the common one to Lower Canada, and by the Sorel. This historic route was no doubt long used by the Indians, before the European trod it, and Champlain at an early period penetrated to the lake, to which his name is forever attached. Along this road passed many a military expedition ; and during the wars between the colonies of France and England, here ebbed and flowed the tide of strife. The rebellion of 1176 witnessed Burgoyne with his army sweep by here westward to meet his disastrous fate ; and thereafter set in the stream of refugees and loyalists, which ceased not to flow for many a year, along this path. ; M';; While the great majority of the loyalists who came to Canada, followed one or other of the routes above mentioned, there were some who came around by the Atlantic, and up the St. Lawrence, There were at 1 H two companies, one under the leadership of 4. Captain Grass, le under Captain Van Alstine, who sailed from 4 New York in under the protection of a war vessel, shortly ^a^before the evacuation by the British forces in 1783. Directing our attention to the territory north of Lake Ontario, and the Upper St. Lawrence,'we find some interesting facts relative INDIAN ROUTES AROUND BAY QUINTE. 133 to the original Indian paths ; sometimes, followed on hunting and fishing expeditions, and sometimes in pursuit of an enemy. There is evidence that the Mohawks, upon the southern shore of Lake Ontario, were accustomed to pass across the waters, to the northern shores by diiferont routes. Thus, one was from Cape Vincent to Wolfe Island, and thonco along its shore to the west end, and then either to Cataraqui, or up the Bay Quinte, or perhaps across to Am- herst Island, whore, itseems, generally resided a Chief of considerable importance. A second route, followed by them, in their frail bark canoes, was from a point of land somewhat east of Oswego, called in later days Henderson's Point, taking in their way Stony Island, the Jallup Islands, and stretching across to Yorkshire Island, and Duck Island, then to the Drake Islands, and finally to Point Traverse. Following the shore around this point, Wappooso Island was also reached ; or, on the contrary, proceeding along the shore westward they reached East Lake. Prom the northernmost point of this lake they directed their steps, with canoes on their heads, across the carrying place to the head of Picton Bay, a distance of a little over four miles. It is interesting to notice that upon the old maps, by the early French navigators, the above mentioned islands are specified a "aw des Couis;''^ while at the same time the Bay of Quinte bears the name of Couis, showing unmistakably that the Mohawk Indians passed by this way to the head waters of the bay and to the Trent River. Herriot designates one of these islands. Isle do Quinte. Two maps in the Imperial library of Paris, give these islands, above mentioned, the name of Middle Islands, and the waters east of them are named Cataraqui Bay. It is not at all unlikely that Champlain, when he first saw Lake Ontario, emerged from the water of East lake. Again, instead of entering the Bay Quinte with a view of passing up the River Moira, or Trent, they would continue along the south shore of Prince Edward, past West Lake and Consecon Lake, and proceed westward, sometime;^ to the river at Port Hope, sometimes further west, even to the Don, and ascend some one of the rivers to the head waters of the Trent or Lake Simcoe. The early maj)« indicate Indian villages along at several points. Owing to the dangerous coast along the south shore of Prince Edward, sometimes they chose the longer and more tedious route through the Bay Quinte to its head. That here was a common carrying place is well attested by the state- ments of many. Indeed, at this point upon the shores of the lake was an Indian village of importance. An old graveyard here, upon 1*84 PROM ONTARIO TO HURON. being plowed, lias yielded rich and important relics, showing that the Indians were Christianized, and that valuable French gifts had been bestowed. It would Hcem from a letter of DoNonville, that there were two ways to roach Lake Huron from Lake Ontario : one by the Bay Quinte and the Trent; the other by the way of the Don River and Lake Simcoo, called by him " Lake Taranto." In the selection of routes they were guided by Indians. The route by the Trentjand the Bay Quinto was for many a day regarded as the most direct, and the best route to Lake Huron, even since the settlement by Europeans. Its supposed importance was sufficient to load to the attempt to construct a canal with locks, to make it navigable. Gourlay says, sometime after the war of 1812, that " in course of time it may become an object of importance to connect Eice Lake by a canal with Lake Ontario direct, instead of following the present canoe route by its natural outlet into the Bay f^ Quinte." "• ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' The Marquis DeNonville, in 1685, moved on the Five Nations with his little army in canoes, in two divisions. On the 23rd June, one-half proceeded on the south side from the 'fort Cataraqui, and the other on the north side of the lake, and met near Oswego. Now, there can be no doubt, that the latter party crossed the bay . to Indian Point, passed along its southern shore, then across the bay by Wappoose Island, and then around, or crossing Point Traverse struck far into the lake, by the islands which constituted the guides of this early Indian route. It may be that this was so commonly traveled that the old namejof Point Traverse was thus derived. "Wo have indicated the several routes followed by the Indians, the French, the English, and finally by the Eefugees, so far as relate to the territory now comprising Upper Canada, that is by which it was originally|reached and settled. Besido, there were some who found their way hy land from the head waters of the Susquehana to Lake Eric and Niagara. But the vast majority of pioneers of Upper Canada entered by the channels aforesaid. For many years, the only road from Lower Canada was by the St. Lawrence, ascending wearily up the dangerous rapids in canoes and batteaux; and it will be found that the lots in the first town- ships were surveyed narroAV in order to secure a water frontage to as many as possible, because there was no other means of transit than by water. But those who settled in the second conopssions, a year or two later, were obliged to tread the length o'f the long front TBAVELINO BY OANOB. 135 Jots, in order to roach the water. At the same time the com- munication with Lower Canada, up and down the rapids, was attended with many hazardH and inconveniences. It conseq^uently became a matter of no little importance to have a road through the settlements to Montreal, which might bo traveled by horse, a King's highway from the eastern Provincial line. It was, however, some years after the first settlement before this was secured. The original survey for a road was made by one Ponair, assisted by one Kilborno. ''The opening" Sherwood says, <' of this road from Lower Canada to Brookville and thence to Cataraqui, a distance of U5 miles, was an event long remembered by the pioneers. At the end of each mile was planted a red cedar post with a mark upon it indicating the number of miles from the Provincial line."— (See First Years of Upper Canadar-Constructioa of Eoads). . . , • / ' ■ ■•■ ■ ''■■■ ' ■■'■ * '•' ■ "■• ' . • '*Mivw. 'jA;,/irr,vr:!;vj« rc'tui Oi'! it.'ff* .'ji,'m tin )ft.'6fij :i( bfih<iVMyur 'V::c.-n". ^],^m') -^iibi' .torn i.^ CHAPTER Xni. hod ^tii no -t^ilu^ -il' CONTBKTS— Indians traveled by loot or by oanoe— Secreting canoes Primeval scenes—Hunting expeditions—War path— In 1812— Brook— A night at '' Myers' Creek— Important arrival— The North West Company— Their canoeg { — Route—Grand Portage— The Voyageurs— The Batteaux— Size— Ascending the rapids—Lachine- A dry dock— Loyalists by battoaux— Durham boats— ? Difficulties—In 1788, time from Lachine to Predericksburgh— Waiting for batteaux— Extracts from a journal, travelling in 1811— From Kingston to . Montreal— The expenses— The Schenectady boats— Trade between Albany » and Cataraqui— The Durham boat— Duncan— Description of flat-bottomed > boat by " Murray "—Statement of Finkle—Trading— Batteaux in 1812— Rate of traveling— The change in fifty years— Time tfrom Albany to Bay Quint6 —Instances — Loyalists traveling in winter— Route— Willsbury wilderness t —Tarrying at Cornwall— The " French Train "— Traveling along north shore of Ontario—Indian path— Horseback— Individual owners of batteaux —Around Bay Quints- The last regular batteaux — In 1819—" Lines " from magazine, m mvr.iimr'/i .flffm-i: i'Vl. ; }.«* ?}{*fr»f ■■>^r«fT c4 i^n • ,iivi».V!Jn?' TRAVKLING BY CANOE, ff*) '^'Xf fH l^i fV-*,i(^>- > "'- Having pointed out the several general routes by which the abori, gines and the first Europe ans in America, were wont to traverse the country from the seaboard to the f ai* west ; and indicated more parti- cularly the smaller paths of the Indians around the Bay Quinte and Lake Ontario, we purpose glancing at the means by which they made their way through the wilderness. 136 BROCK TRAVELING BY CANOE. Tho Native hadhut two moflos of transporting himself from place to place ; namely, by foot and by tho oanoo. He was trained to make long expeditions ii|)on the war-i)ath, or after prey. When his course lay along a water way, ho employed his birch canoo. This being light, he could easily ascend rapids, and when nccessaiy, lift it from the water, and placing it, bottom upward, upon his head, carry it around tho falls, or over a portage with the greatest facility. When upon the chase, or about to attack a foe, the canoo was so carefully secreted, that the passing traveler would never detect its whereabouts. The French and English at tho first followed this Indian mode of traveling. From tho graphic descriptions which are given to us by the early writers, of this Indian mode of traveling in America, ere the sound of the axe had broken upon tho clear northern air, and while nature presented an unbroken garment of green, it is not diffi- cult to imagine that scones of Indian canoe traveling wore in the extreme picturesque. It is not necessary to go beyond the Bay Quinte, to find a place where all the natural beauty was combined with the rude usages of the aboriginal inhabitant, to create a picture of rare interest and attraction. In those primeval times there was no regular passage made between one part of the country and another. The Indian in his light canoe glided along here and there, as his fancy led him, or the probability of obtaining fish or game dictated. At certain seasons of tho year there was a general movement, as they started off on their hunting expeditions ; and at other times the warriors alone set out, when only intent upon surprising the hated foe. On these occasions one canoe would silently and swiftly follow in the wake of the other, until the place of debarkation was reached. For a long time the birch canoe was the only mode of traveling, and when the French came with their batteaux, the canoe continued for a long time the principarmeans of transit. Even so late as the war of 1812, canoes were employed, and many of the gallant ones who fought and conquered the conceited ajad unscruf>ulous Yankee invader, found their way to tho front by the swift birch bark. Company after company of Eed Coats were to bo seen plying the trim paddle as the canoe sped on its way. We have it on good authority that Major General Brock, at the reception of the intelli- gence, that the United States had declared war against Great Britain, set out from Lower Canada in a birch canoe, and with a companion and their boatman, journeyed all the way to York, followed by a regiment of soldiers. Incidents of this passage are yet related by the living. He reached Belleville, or as it was then called BBOCK AT MYERS' CREKK. 137 Myers' Creok, lato ono night, after having boon traveling for some ■ time without rest. With his companion, ho wont asliore and sought a place to sleep. They entered the public house of Captain Mo , and after examining a room, decided to sleep there the night. But the host, hearing an unusual noise, rushed into the room demanding who was there. The C4enorar8 companion, with the quickness, and in language somewhat characteristic of the army of that time, told him he would kick him to h-ll in a minute. Captain Mc some- what disconcerted at the threat and tone of authority walked out, and meeting the boatman, ask him who the parties were. Upon being informed, ho rushed away in a state of great alarm, not daring to shew himself again to the General. The house is still standing. The following notice is from the Kingston Gazette. '^' i»i"'w^ ? *- " YoKK, April 29, 1815." " On Sunday evening last arrived in this town from Burlington, in a birch canoe, Lieutenant General Sir Greorge JNIurray Knight," &c., &c. _*■' ■•jtffi,yr-ii.- ,■■:• ••(titJ'.'.irH:"')' lr"i*''r.'*>«.'r''.'i.<tt'i.vi»#r!jH' ? 'biif '«».'< tt cv«7'' ' BArrEAUX — SCHKNECTADY BOATS — DURHAM BOATS. f JTihi Gourley, speaking of Lachino, says tiiat " from Lachine the canoos employed by the North West Company in the fur trade take their departure. Of all the numerous contrivances for transporting heavy burthens by water, these vessels are perhaps the most extra- ordinary : Scarcely anything can be conceived so inadequate from the slightness of their construction, to the purpose they are applied to, and to contend against the impetuous torrent of tbe many I'apids that must be passed through in the course of a voyage. They seldom exceed thirty feet in length, and six in breadth, diminishing to a sharp point at each end, without distinction of head or stern ; the frame is composed of small pieces of some very light wood ; it is then covered with the bark of the birch tree, cut into convenient slips, that are rarely more than the eight of an inch in thickness ; these are sewed together with threads made from the twisted fibres of the roots of a particular tree, and strengthened where necessary by narrow strips of the same materials applied on the inside ; the joints in the fragile planking are made water-tight, by being covered with a species of gum that adheres very firmly, and becomes perfectly hard. No iron- work of any description, not even nails, are employed in building these slender vessels, which, when complete, weigh only about five hundred weight each. On being prepared for the voyage, they IM- VOYAOINO TO THE PAR W18T. roccive thoir Imliiij?, that for tho couvoiiionco of oarryiiitf aorosH tho port'iges iH mado up in packages of about throe-quartorH of a hundred weit^ht each, and amounts altogether to five tonn, or a little more, incltiding provisions, and other ncoesHarios for tho men, of whom from eight to ten are employed to each canoe; they uHually set out in brigatles like the b.ittcaux, and in the course of a summer, upwards of fifty of these vessels are thus dispatched. They jirooeod up tho Grand, or Ottawa Iliver, so far as tho south-west branch, by which, and a chain of small lakes, they reach Lake Nippissing ; through it, and down the French Kiver into Lake Huron ; along its northern coast, up the narrows of St. Mary, into Lake Superior, and then, by its northern side, to the Grand Portage, a distance of about 1,100 miles from the place of departure. The difficulties encountered in tliis voyage are not easily conceived ; the great number of rapids in tho rivers, the diftbrent portages from lake to lake, which vary from a few yards to three miles or more in length, where the canoes must be unladen, and with thoir contents carried to the next water, occasion a succession of labors and fatigues of which but a poor estimation can be formed by judging it from the ordinary occupa- tions of other laboring classes. From the Grand Portage, that is nine miles across, a continuation of tho same toils takes place in bark canoes of an inferior size, through the chain of lakes and streams that run from the height of land westward to the Lake of the Woods, Lake Winnipeg, and onwards to more distant establishments of the company in the remote regions of the north-west country. The men are robust, hardy, and resolute, capable of enduring great extremes of fatigues and privation for a long time, with a patience almost inexhaustible. In the large lakes they are frequently daring enough to cross the deep bays, often a distance of several leagues, in their canoes, to avoid lengthening the route by coasting them ; yet, not- withstanding all the risks and hardships attending their employment, they prefer it to every other, and are very seldom induced to relin- quish it in favor of any more settled occupation. The few dollars they receive as the compensation for so many privations and dangers, are in general, dissipated with a most careless indifference to future wants, and when at an end, they very contentedly renew the same series of toils to obtain a fresh supply." +{#*{*; 't\m^i en'-p- i^^i^fi > "The batteaux," says Ex-Sheriff Sherwood, "by which the refugees emigi'ated, were principally built at Lachine, nine miles from Montreal. They were calculated to carry four or five families, with about two tons weight. Twelve boats constituted a brigade, BATTEAUX ON THE ST. LAWRENCE. 139 and each bripjide had a condtictor, with flvo men in each boat, ono of whicli Btoercd. The duty of the conduotor was to crive <lirootion« for the safe managtMuent of the boatu, to koe|> thorn toi^ether ; and when they oanio to u raj)i«l they left a j)ortion of the bontH wifh one man in oharge. The boats asoondinj? wore doubly manned, an<l drawn by a rope fastened at the bow of the boat, leuvin*? four men in the boat with setting poles, thus the men walked alonpf the side of the rivoT, sometimes in the water, or on the vd^e of the bank, as circumstances occurred. If the tops of trees or brush were in the way they would have to stop and c\it them away. Having reached the head of tho rapid the boats were left with a man, and tho others went b»ck for others," and so they continued until all the rapids wore mounted. Lachino was the starting place, a place of some twertty dwelling bouses. Here Mr. Grant had a dry dock for batteaux. It was by these batteaux, that tho refugees, and their families, as well as the soldiers and their families passed from the shores of Lake Champlain, from Sorel, and the St. Lawrence, where they had' temporally lived, to the Upper Province. It was also by these, of the Skenectady, or tho Durham boat, that the pioneers made their transit from Oswego. ^ .-./.n, .....,;; i» . mikv i% i" i Thus it will be seen that t<> gain the northern shore of tho St. Lawrence and Lake Ontario, w.is a task of no easy nature, and tho steps by which they came were taken literally inch by inch, and were attended with labor hard and venturesome. Records are not wanting of tho severe hardships endured by families on their way to their wooded lands. Supplied with limited comforts, perhaps only the actual necessaries of life, they advanced slowly by day along danger- ous rapids, and at night rested under the blue sky. But our fathers and mothers were made of ftem stuff, and all was borne with a nobld heroism. This toilsome mode of traveling continued for many a year. John Ferguson, writing in 1788, from Fredericksburgh to a friend in Lower Canada, Lachine, says of his jouniey, " after a most tedious and fatiguing journey I aa*rived here — nineteen days on the way- horrid roads — sometimes for whole days up to the waist in water Or mire." But the average time required to ascend the rapids with a brigade was from ten to twelve days, and three or four to descend. ^ One can hardly conceive of the toihome hours formerly spent in passing from Kingston, or tho seventh and eight townships of the bay to Montreal, and back. Before setting out, the traveler would make elaborate preparations for a journey of several weeks. There was no 140 A TRIP IN 1811. rOf2;ulnr traffic, nml only nil nconiiional bnttonux, laden witli dimple nrtioluH of murchaniliHc, would Htart for thu hund waturH of tlu; l>ay. IndividuaU would often wait, HoniotiineMa lonj< tinus for these oppor- tutittien, and th(>n would work their paHsap^e, by taking n hand at tho oarH. Even up to tho prcHent century, it waH tho ouHtom. Tho following m n niOHt interenting iuHtanco of hatteaux traveling which hn« boon placed in our Imnds by tho liev. Mr. Miles. It gives one an o.xcullent iilea of traveling at tho beginning of tho proHont century. "I left Kingston on the 0th of April, 1811, but an tho traveling then wan not us it is now, I did not arrive in Montreal till the 18th. I will just copy vorbutiin, tho journal I kept on my pass- age. Durham boats wore suarco on the Canada side at that time, but it was thought if I could got to tho American shore, I would find one on its way to Montreal. Well, I found a man in Kingston, just from Grindstono Island, who had brought up some shingles and tar to sell, and ho told me if I could get to Briton's Point, several miles down the river from Cape Vincent, and to which place ho would take me, that he thought I would find a Durham boat there, and tho tho following is my journal on that route. "Grindstono Island, April 11th, 1811. — Left Kingston yesterday, April 0th, at 3 p.m.. in an open skifT, with R Watson, a clork in Dr. Jonas Abbott's 8tore,and two hands belonging to the skill' — head wind — rowed hard till about eight in the evening, when having blistered both hands, and being very much fatigued, we drew our skiff on shore, and campod on the shore of Long Island, about five miles above Grindstone Island — wind strong from the north — very cold and without victuals or fire — foet wet — slept some, walked some, and by daybreak was somewhat chilled. Strong head wind. Stuck close to our dear lodgings till about oiglit, when the wind abated, and we stuck to our oars till about eleven o'clock, when we made Grindstone Island, weary, and very hungry — eat a hearty dish of " sapon " and milk — rested about an hour— set off for Briton's tavern on the American shore, where we arrived about 4 p.m., the water being entirely calm. Had not been on shore ten minutes, as good luck ■would have it, before we engaged a passage for Cornwall in a Durham boat, and a breeze coming up directly from the south, our Araericaa boats immediately hoisted sail and proceeded about thirty miles, when the wind changed, and we put into a bay on Grenadier Island, about nine in the evening — eat some supper at a house owned by Mr. Baxter — spread a sail upon the floor, and seven boatmen and four passengers campod down before tho Are. In tho morning I felt 80IISNICTADT AND DURHAM DOATH. 141 my honcH nn thoiij^h they ha«l boon lylnpf on tli« noft hu\v f n Imrd rough floor. A|)ril H, lu-ml wind Htill. WIhIu'cI inyH«ll either lit KiijgHton or Montronl. Ai>ril 0, utill u lii'ftd wind. MuHt tako it as it comcH. Ut'a«ling and writing tlio order of tlio day. At 7 p.m., boiHted Hail. At ono a.m., arrived at a Iiouho on the Canada shoro, and Hh'pt on the floor till daylight. April 10, left for OgdenHhurg, whore wo arrivetl at n p.m. Found an old ac(juaintanco and paHHcd the afternoon quite agreeably. A|)ril 11, hud a good niglit'H roHt. Still a head wind. Found the printing otliee and conipOHed typoH tho greater part of the day. April 12, utill a head wind. April l.'J, h-ft Ogdenshurg and arrived at Cornwall. April 1 4, left Cornwall and arrived at M'Gce's, Lake St. tVanciB. April 16, left M'Goe's and arrived at Montreal about 8 p.m. Traveling exponflos from Kingston to Montreal ^9 75." With the later coming rofHigeoH was introduced another kind of flat bottomed boat. It was gonorally small and rigged with an ungainly sail. It was gonorally built at the Town of Schenectady, and henco tho namo. Schenectady is a Uorman word, and moans pine barren. Families about to come to Canada would build ono or more to moot thoir roqiremonts. There was novor a largo number of this particular kind of boat. Those that wero to bo seen, viroro upon tho bay. With tho opening up of trade between Albany and Upper Can- ada, was introduced still another kind of vessel, which was adapted to tho use of merchants, engaged in tho carrying trade. Ono of the earliest traffickers from tho Mohawk Eiver to tho lakes by tho Dur- ham boats was Duncan, of Augusta, who was, as will be seen, one of tho first Legislative Councillors of Upper Canada. Ho finally re- moved to Schenectady. It is said that ho introduced tho trade between the Mohawk and Buffalo which led to tho construction of the Erie Canal. A wi'itor, speaking of the boats used by tho Canadians, says^ tho largest boats used by tho Canadian boatmen is called tho Durham boat, " used here and in tho rapids of the Mohawk. It is long, shallow, and nearly flat bottomed. Tho chief instrument of steerage is a polo ten feet long, shod with iron, and crossed at short intervals with small bars of wood like tho feet of a ladder ; the men place themselves at the bow, two on each side, thrust thoir poles into the channel, and grasping successively tho wooden bars, work their way toward the stern, thus pushing on the vessel in that dirofttion," (Murray). . 5,./^.o . .J42 i'ifcST TRADE WITH YOEK. Mr. Flnkle remarks that " the first mode of conveyance for travelers from Montreal to Kingston, after the settlement of Upper Canada, was by Canadian batteaux laden with merchandize (at this time there was no separate conveyance). The return cargo con- eisted of barrels of flour, peas, potash, north-west packs of furs, &c. ; the men and conductors employed in this business were Low^r Canadians. This mode of conveyance continued without intenTup- tion until 1809, when the Durham boats came from the Mohawk Biver and embarked in the cax'rying trade only between Montreal iftnd Kingston. Being of commodious size, far above the batteaux, they materially interfered with them and lessened the trade by the ibatteaux. The men who managed the Durham boats came with them from the MohaAvk Kiver, these boats were entirely n^anned by men from that country. The flat bottomed boat continued in use until some tin\B after rthe war of 1812. Until the canal along the St. Lawrence was constructed it was the only wfty by which merchandize could be tKUisported to the Upper Province thorough the rapids of the St. X/awronce. After the establishment of York as the capital of Upper Canada, there sprung \ip naturally, a trade between Kingston and the " muddy" capital, and regular batteaux communication was, after a little, established. Once a week the solitary boat left Kingston, and slowly made its way by oars, up the bay to the Carrying Place over which it was hauled by Asa Weller, a tavern keeper, upon low wheels or trucks drawn by oxen, and then continued its way along the shore of Ontario, to its destination. These boats carried not only merchandize but passengers. Beside the regular batteaux there were occasionally others, owned by small merchants and pedlars. It was by the flat bottomed boat and canoe that many of the troops ascended to the head of the lake in 1812, and by which many of the lOOli prisoners taken at Detroit were conveyed to Quebec. The rate of speed of the batteaux or Durham boat, as well as the Skenectady boat, can be approximated from the statement ot " A traveller"' writing in 1835. He says, " the line of boats which start ■from Albany to Skenectady, on their way to Upper Canada, go two- and-a-half miles an hour, taking in stoppages — charging one-and-a- half cents per mile, including board. This mode of traveling is preferred by large fkmilies and piiident settlers, t >.k:; ^>-. i- ^^irr: - The conveniences of traveling then, as well as the time required, are so widely different from what we are accustomed to in this day, that we have to pause and wonder at the change which even fifty REFUGEES TRAVELING. 148 • and sixty years have wrought. Even after Upper Canada had be- come somewhat settled, it was a momentous matter for a family to set out from the Hudson for Cataraqui, or the Bay Quinte, as they generally called the settlement in those days. For instance, Mr. Lambert, of Sophiasburgh, who came in 1802, was six weeks on the way between Albany and the bay, coming by the Mohawk and Oswego Rivers, and crossing from "Gravelly Point" to "Isle Tanti." We will give another instance : — Nichohw L., came from New Jersey with seven sons and two daughters. It took a month to come. Having i-eached Schenectady they waiteu to build a batteaux. This completed, they stored away provisions to last them until Cataraqui was reached. They also brought with them iron kettles, with which to make maple sugar, and "a churn full of honey." Mr. L., being a fanning mill maker, he brought also a quantity of wire guaze. At Oswego, the fort there being still held by the British, they were strictly questioned as to the uae intended to be made of the kettles and gau^e. Satisfaction being given on this point, the family continued thojr tedious journey along the shore towai'd Kingston. Barely escaping being wi-ecked off Stony Island, they at last reached the north shore. Three days more of weary rowing up the bay, and Hay Bay was reached, where they settled. The loyalists not alone came in summer, by batteaux or the Schenectady boat; but likewise in winter. They generaWy followed, 38 near as possible, some one of the routes taken in summer. To undertake to ti-avorse a wilderness with no road, and guided only by rivers and creeks, or blaaed trees, was no common thing. Several families would sometimes join together to form a train of sleighs. They would carry with them their bedding, clothes, and the neces- sary provisions. We have received interesting accounts of winter journeyings from Albany along the Hudson, across to the Black Eivor country, and to the St. Lawrence. Sometimes the train would follow the " military road " along by Champlain, St. Greorgc, and as far as Plattsburgh, and then turn north to the St. Lawrence, by what was then called the Willsbury wilderness, and "Chatagueo " woods. At the beginning of the present century there was but one tavern thraugh all that vast forest, and this of the poorest character. Indeed it is said that while provision might bo procured for the Horaes, none could be had for man. Those who thus entered Canada in winter found it necessary to stay at Cornwall until spring. Two .or more of the wen would walk, along tlie St. Lawrenyo to the bay 144 TRAVELING ALONO LAKE ONTARIO. Quinte, and, at the opening of navigation, having borrowed a batteaux doBCond to Cornwall for the women, children, and articloH brought with them. Often, indeed generally unacquainted with the use of the boat, the paHsage up and down the river waa tedious and toil- some. While the families and nleighs wore transported in the batteaux the horses were taken along the shore by the larger boys, if such there were among them. The "French train" was occa- sionally employed in their winter travels. It consisted of a long rude sleigh with several horses driven tandem style, this allowed the passage among the trees to bo made more easily. Many very interesting reminisences are known of traveling along the bay by the pioneers. A few are adduced. ,.<(,, ,i.»;,f ^l TRAVELING TO YORK AND QUEEN8T0N. Travelers from Montreal to the west would come by a batteaux, or Durham boat, to Kingston. Those who had business further west, says Finkle, " were conveyed to Henry Finkle's in Ernest town, where they commonly stopped a few days. Thence they made their journey on horse back. A white man conducted them to the Eiver Trent, where resided Colonel Bloecker who was at the head, and had control of all the Mississauga Indians, and commanded the entire country from the Trent to Toronto. At this place the traveler was furnished with a fresh horse and an Indian guide to conduct him through an unsettled country, the road being little better than a common Indian path, with all its windings. The road continued in this state until about the year 1798. Some- times the traveler continued his way around' the head of the lake on hoi'se back to Quoenston, where resided Judge Hamilton. During the time the surveyors were laying out the townships of the bay, batteaux occasionally passed up and down, supplying the staff with their requirements, or perhaps with some one look- ing for a good tract of land a J jy^' >•'<?'•' .':;•> In 1790 a batteaux was owned by Mr. Lambert, of the eighth township, and Mr. Ferguson, writing fVom Kingston to Mr. Bell, wished him to borrow it, to come to Kingston. Among the first to use batteaux as a mode of traffic, was Cap- tain Myers. He sailed one up and down the bay to carry, not only his own freight, but for the accommodation of others. He fre- quently went to Kingston, and now and then to Montreal, tlio mode pursued, was to ' harge for freight down, and then give tho passenger a free passage back. This was followed for many years, THE LAST OV THE BATTEADX. 145 with great profit. The Captain was acoiistomod to make the journey as plcanant an poH8iblo to the pas^eiigeTH. Ho alwayw kept his gi'og in his "caboose," and would deal it out to all. There was no doubt much of jollity and pleasant yarn-spinning, during the long passages upon the tran(iuil waters of the bay. Captain Myers subsequently owned a schooner." A letter written 11th November, 1790, by John Ferguson, to Wm. Bell, of Sidney, says, "As 1 suppose Mr. Lounsbury's boat is idle, I woukl be glad that you would endeavour to borrow or hire it and Sherrard's son and come down to the third township. When persons had gone down the bay, and were expected to return upon a certain night, there would often be a fire kindled on the shore to guide them homeward. In dark nights this was really necessary. Many were the expedients resorted to make short cuts. The feat of swimming horses over the bay was now and then resorted to by the Wallbridges after they settled in Ameliasburgh. Wishing to go to Kingston, they would go down to the point where the bay is narrow, and swim the horses across to Ox Point, and then ride to Kingston by a bridle path. Itwould now and then happen at a late period, that a traveler passing to his place of settlement would have a lumber waggon. This would be ferried across the bay by placing it across two log canoes. Keferring to swimming the bay by a horse, a colored man, yet living within the neighbourhood of Belleville, remembers when a boy, to have been put upon a horse, and then to have obeyed orders to swim him across the bay. This occurred near Belleville. Long after steamboats were started on the bay, the batleaux continued to ply between Ikdleville and Montreal. The'last to sail these was Fanning and John Covert. In 1830, Fanning arrived at Montreal from Belleville so early as to present his bills of laden upon the first of April. The following business notice cannot fail to be interesting : . "The subscribers having established a line of Durham Boats from this place, propose forwarding from the different ports of the lake to that of Montreal, on the following terms, vi?. : " From York, Niagara, Queenston, and the head of the lake, for each barrel of F'lour delivered at the Port of Montreal, 58. and 6d. "From Kingston, to the Port of Montreal, for each barrel of Flour, 48. and 6d. " From York, Niagara, Queenston, and the head ofthe lake, for each barrel of Potash delivered at the Port of Montreal, 12b. and 6d, 149 CANADIAN HATTEAUX. "From Kingston to tho Port of Montreal, for each barrel of Potash, IOh. " From York, Niagara, QuoenHton, and tho head of tho lake, for oach barrel of Pork delivered at tho Port of Montreal, 8.s. and 3d. "From Kingston to tho Port of Montreal, for oach barrel of Pork, 6h. and 9d. "Merchandize will bo transported by tho same meauB from Lachine to Kingston, at tho rate of 5h. per cwt. " An elegant Pawsage Boat will also loavo Kingston every tenth day for Montreal, which will bo fitted up in tho most commodious manner and prevent any delay t<3 passengers leaving the upper part pf tho lake in the Steam Boat y*>on^enac, it having been built for tho purpose of leaving this place imriiediately after her arrival. " Those arrangements will take cttbct at the opening of tho navi- gation, and bo continuftd during tho season. • , y , "Thomas Markland. «< Peter Smith. ./ ■.,,.,»■-,' ' . :.' i i'' " Lawrence Herkimer. ' '- -^ "John Kerry. ;-'' " William Mitchell. ;o vv'j; « Kingston, February, 1819." ,^ ^ , , ^,,^,^ ,^^^,, ,.,.<„; Eespocting the Canadian Battoaux, tho following is from the Boston Weekly Magcuine of an old date. "Linos written while at anchor in Kingston liarlx>ur. Lake Ontario, on hearing from several Canadian boats entering from tho St. Lawrence — their usual songs. ,. , , Hark I o'er the lakes unruffled wave, , ^ , ., , : ^0 ai/l^^ 0? • A diHtant Holcmn chant ik wped ; ■■'>'■''■ '" '" ■ ^-^ '^ oot. KH) ',".,' , ^;. Is it some requiem at tho grave ? f'jftir,'>{i! 'j-'.HUn'?. iTiM •; 'tJ S » f;!; Some last kind honor to the dead? jr . ,^ ,.. V-J! 7/0'.i h- 'Tls silent all— again begin ; ■'■— ^l (vAiUiy i^Ht^i^^M- . ■'",.■ (*\' It is the wearied boatman's lay, ' ifi' fji ^5;5?iI V'r>? .ff-!. ■"'' ^''"^ ,^ That hails alike the riwing sun, ..^ ' . . ,.i<..,., >,.o> 'to l.rA . And his last soft departing ray. > •*"^' ■i'^'^ -^'i' t '^'\' i a» 5.'."hTj ' Forth from yon island's dusky side, . .,,„ ,.4+ „• '■{* noqn 1 The train of batteaux now appear, '^ ,"'-'"V''/v f^J* .>ai By "] 1^ And onward as they slowly glide, ,a:-«jfx. 'y'O .:i>^ ii More loud their chorus greets the ear. , I ,^K' But, ah ! the charm that distance gave, ''•*•'■•' ''■' *" *^ ^■'^' i ' When first in solemn sounds tholr song tfftfi ofi» oW -i<:'J.nJ gn-''*'^ Crept slowly o'er the limpid "waTC, ^\ -; •..,'c.M?'V'r Is lost in notes full loud and strong. /- .. ^ , fh Mt^^ * B<*^i brothers row, with songs of joy, - -: - , i v -f^ ^flj Ji»»*^^.- For now in view a port appears; .jwt"" ar««»bi.f'" , • '- No rapids here our course annoy ' J u.fi. No hidden rocks excite our fears, ,.,1 ov. rr^OOIl ^»,j« Be this sweet night to slumber gi von, . t ,- » "^'f^JTlfstrjil . Aad when the morning lights the wave ""^ ' <; / •kwA "^ J W'J J!^*'^^ S^^® °^'' ""'*■'" songs to heav'n, { liiiteii OslJ iO .v • 'plift i)4»-i — ^ Qyj course to bless, our lives to save. :,r t-f} • ;4 l^jBffA'^' FRENCH SAILING VESSELS. 147 ClIAPTKJi XIV. . _ .. ..-■.. i t ■-, i .•' .■• C0NTHNT8. — The first VoHRel — The French — La Salle — The Griffon — Vcssela in 1770 — During the Ildiellion — Huildingfvt C'arlt.ton iKhmd — Ciiiitiiin Andrews Tho Ontnrlo— Col. Burton — Losh of the Ontario— The ShcoiianM — HillH— Givins' — Mnmey's Point — Schooner ' Speedy' — Mohawk — MissisfiauKa — Duke of Kfjnt— Capt. Rouchette — Paxton — McKonzie — ItichardKon — Earle Steele — Fortiche — The Governor Kinicoc — Sloop < Elizabeth' — First vessel built at York — Collins' Report upon Navigating the Lakes — Navy in Upper Canada, 1795 — Ilochfoucault — Cai)t. Bouchettc — Officers' Pay — York, the centre of the Naval Force — Gun Boats — Tho Loss of the " Speedy" — Ilock- oncr — Dr. Strachan — Solicitor-Gcn. Gray — Canada took tho lead in building Vessels — First Canadian Merchant Vessel — The York — A Schooner on run- ners around tho Falls — Sending Coals to Ncnvcastle — Upon Bay Quinte — The Outskirts of Civilization--" The Prince Edward" bpilt of lied Cedar-- ia 1812~Schooncr " Mary Ann"— 1817~Capt. Matthews, „; . . TIIK FIRST SAILING VESSELS. Tho first vossols, with sailH, which nuvigatcd the waters of tho iaJ<os, wore built by tho French, to pursue their discoverioH, and to carry on tho fur trade. Tho first sailing vessel launched upon tho Lakes, was built by LaSalle. He, with Father Ucnnepin and Che- valier do Tonti, set sail from Cataraqui, on the 18th November, 1678, for tho mouth of the Niagara river, having on board his bark goods, and material for building a brigantine on Lake Erie. During tho winter tho vessel was commenced, six miles above the Falls, and was launched by tho middle of summer, amid great display and ceremony. Tho vessel was named " Griifon," according to Garneau ; but Father Hennepin says " Cataratiui.*' " She was a kind of brig- antine, not unlike a Dutch galliot, with a broad elevated bow and Btcrn, very flat in the bottom ; she looked much larger than she really was. She was of sixty tons burden. With the aid of tow- lines and sails the Niagara river was, with diflSculty, ascended ; and on tho Ith August, 1679, the first vessel that ever sat upon the lakes, entered Lake Erie." The end of this Vi3gsel was a sad one. (See Introc.uction). -■ = -.- - .....i-. .,.- i»^ '.<i!i We are indebted to tho Detroit Tribune for the following inter- esting statements : aivxfivi'yoUI.i'li*;4vtt ''^M'^ *i • :> , "In 1766 four ve.ssels plied upon Lake Erie. These were the "Gladwin," « Lady Charlotte," «* Victory," and " Boston." fr-rvr,/; "The two latter laid up in the fall near NaVy Island, above Niagara Falls, and one of them was burned accidentally, November 30, of the same year. A ver-.3ol called tho " Brunswick," owned and commanded by Captain Alexander Grant, made her appearance on 148 LOSS OF THE " ONTAttlO." tho lakes during the year 1707, and wns loHt Home time during the Hoason following. Captain (Jrant was tho Conunodoro of tho lakes for two or throo yearw. Jn 1769 Sterling and PorleouH built a vcssol at Detroit, callod tho " Enterpriwe," Itichard Cornwall, of Now York, being the carpenter. Tho. boatmen, who wont from SchenoctJidy with the rigging and tstoroH for this vossel to Detroit, were to have eaeh £20, and ten gallons of rum. Thoy were seventy days on Lake Erie, and two of the number perished from hunger, and their bodies wore kept to decoy eagles and ravens. Thoy returned to New York in February, 1760, by way of Pittsburg, then callod Fort Pitt. '♦•*• ^:'''-:l"li.-Cr,(U ■:' t:.,,. . . ■ > ♦' In May, 1770, a vessel of seventy tons burthen was launched at Niagara, called the "Charity." Tho same year the Duke of Gloucester, Secretary Townsend, Samuel Tutchet, Henry Baxter, and four others, formed a company for mining co])per on Lake Superior. In December thej' built at Point Aux Pins, a barge, and laid the keel for a sloop of forty tons burthen. Of the success of this enterprise we are not informed. Subsequent to the above period very little was accomplished in the construction of craft for lake navigation, and the few that came into commission were used solely as traders, as were in fact, all those previously named. A short time after, 1770, batteaux from Montreal and Quebec, employed by the Hudson's Bay Fur Company, made thoir annual tours west- ward, gathering largo quantities of furs, and returning homeward in the fall. It has been stated that the first vessel built on Lake Ontario was in 1749, but this, wo have reason to believe, is not correct." During the Revolutionary War, tho British Government built at Carleton Island, a few vessels to carry troops and provisions from place to place along the Lake, from Carleton Island to Niagara. The first Commissioner at the Dock Yard was Commodore James Andrews, Lieutenant in tho Eoyal Navy. The " Ontario," a war vessel of considerable importance, carrying 22 guns, was built at Carleton Island. This vessel was commanded by Capt. Andrews. Some time between 1780 and 1783, as the "Ontario"' was proceeding from Niagara to Oswego with a detachment of the King's Own regiment, commanded by Colonel Burton, with other officers, a storm arose at night, and the vessel was lost with all on board. Col. John Clark, in his memoir.s, whose father bolongei^l to tho 8th regi- ment, says this event happened in 1780 or '81, in which belief he is supported by Mr. Sheehan, a descendant of Capt. Andi-ews: but other FIRST SURVEY OP LAKES. 149 nuthority Im.s it Ihat llic event took plat'O in 1783. At all ovejits, the ocoiirronoo produced a niolnncholy effect, which long remained in the minds of those acquainted with the circumstances. Captain Andrews left a widow, a son, and two daugliters. The son returned to Scotland, the dauifliters married and settled in Canada. The Shoehan'f'., Ilill's, and Givins' are descendants of Captain Andrews' daughters, whose husbands had been in the army. After the settlement of Kingston, the Government built vessels at Murney's Point, and at Navy Point. Among the first built here was the Schooner " Speedy," and also the " Mohawk" and '^Missisagua," and " Buke of Kent." Among the first commanders of vessels, most of whom were of the Royal Navy, were Capt. Bouchottc, Capt. Paxton, Capt. McKenzio, Capt. Richardson, Capt. Earlo, Capt. Steele and Capt. Forticho. "The first vessel built for trade upon Lake Ontario," that is after Upper Canada was settled, ** may have been the ' Governor Simcoe,' for the North West Company ; after she was worn out and laid up, Judge Cartwright, who was agent for the Company at Kingston, built another for that Comjiany, and one for himself, both built at the same time, side by side, on Mississauga Point, at the mouth of Catai-aqui Creek. Both were launched on the same day; the one for the Company named " Governor Simcoo,"and the other "Sloop Elizabeth." These were built during my stay with Judge Cartwright, in 1808. ' i • ■• '■ '' ■n•^l :yj..i' •;xi ;;; .ji,*.:/.i, .i.ii,v.- ** The first, and on!}'- vessel for many years, built at York, was a small schooner about forty-five tons. Built by two brothers named Kendrick."— (i'7nW6'). The survey made by Deputy Surve3'or-Goneral Collins, at the request ofLoi-d Dorchester, in 1788, included an examination of the lakes and harbors from Kingston to Michilmicinac. In refer- ence to the lakes and vessels, the Surveyor says : — " Vessels sailing on these waters being seldom for any length of time outof sight of land, the navigation must bo considered chiefly as pilotage, to which the use of good natural charts are essential and therefore much wanted. Gales of wind, or squalls, rise suddenly upon the lakes, and from the confined state of the waters, or want of searroom, (as it is called), vessels may in some degree be considered as upon a lee shore, and this seems to point out the necessity for their being built •on such a construction as will best enable them to work to windward. Schooners should, perhaps, have the preference, as being rather safer than sloops, they should be from 80 to 100 tons burthen on 160 ROYAL NAVY IN 1795. Luke Oritario, aiui 50 toiiH Imrthoii on LakcH Kri(5 and JIuroii; but if not iiitcndeil to coiumuiiicuto botvveon thoHO two laken, tlioy may then bo the Huino hIzo as on Lako Ontario; and if thin HyHtom is ajiprovcd thoro can bo no neeostsity to doviato from it unlosH un inoniy wliould build voshoIh of greater magnitude or force j but aw the intent of bringing any such forward, at ieawt tho building of them can never remain a Kecret, there may be always time to coun- teract HUf'h a design by preparing to meet them at least on equal tormx. It does not seem advinable, nor do I know any reason to continue tho practice of building vesHels flat bottomed, or to have very little draft of water, they are always unsafe, and many of tho accidents which have happened <m tho lakes, havo perhaps, in some degree been owing to that construction. On the contrary, if they are built on proper ])rinciples for burthen as well as sailing thoy will be safer, and will find sufficient depth of water proportioned to any tonnage which can be rociuisite for them upon those lakes." Respecting tho navy in Upper Canada, Rouchfoucault writes in 171)5: " Tho Royal Navy is not very formidable in this place; six vessels comjjo.se the whole naval force, two of which are small gun-boats, which we saw at Niagara, and which are stationed at York. Two small hcliooners of twelve guns, viz., tlie "Onondago," in which we took our pa.ssage, and tho *' Mohawk," which is just finished ; a small yacht of eighty tons, mounting six guns as tho two scliooners, which lias lately been taken into dock to be repaired, form tho rest of it. All these vessels are built of timber fre.sh cut down, and not seasoned, and for this reason last never longer than six or eight year.-*. To preserve them, oven to tliis time, requires a thorough repair ; they must bo heaved down and caulked, which costs at least from ono thousand, to ono thousand two hundred guineas. This is an enormous pi-ice. and yet it is not so high as on Lake P]ric, whither all sorts of naval stores must be sent from Kingston, and wlioic tho price of labor Is .still higher. The timbers of the Mississauga, which was built three years ago, are almost all rotten. It is so easy to make provision for ship-timber for many year.s to come, as this would require merely the felling of it, and that too at no great distance from the place where it is to bo used, that it is difficult to account for this precaution not having been adopted. Two gun-boats, which are destined by Governor Simcoo to serve only in time of war, are at present on the stocks; but the carpenters who work at thorn are but eight in number. The extent of the dilapidations and embezzlements, committed at so great a CAPTAIN nOUCHKTTE. IBl ilistanco Iroin tins mother country, mny ho easily ooncoivwl. In the courso of last winter n jutlifial enquiry into a charge of thin nature was InHtituted at Kingston. The CominiHHioner of the navy and the prineipal Hhip-wri;^ht, it was aHHortod, had clearly collndod a^aiuHt the Kinj^'H interewt; hut interewt and protection aro*ftB po\v«»rfnl in the new world uh in the old; for hoth the CommiHHionor !ind 8hip-wright continue in tluMr placeH. "Captain Bouohettc coniniiuids the naval force on Lnke Ontario* and JH at the head of all the marine establirthments, yet without the least i)Ower in money matters. Thin gentleman posflosHOS the con- fidence both of Lord Dorchester and C4overnor Simcoe ; he is a Canadian by liirth, but entered the Britisl' service when Canada fell into the power of Kngl:uid, " While Arnold and Montgomery were besieging (Juebce, liOrd Dorchester, disguised as a Canadian, stole on board his ship into that city, on which occasion he displayed much activity, intrepodity, and courage. It is not at all a matter of surprise that Lord Dor- chester should V)ear in mind this eminent service. By all accounts he is altog(!ther incorruptible, and an officer who treats his inferiors with great mildness and justice. " In regard to the pay of the Royal Marine force on Lake Ontario, ;i captain has tt;n shillings a day, a lieutenant six, and a second lieu- tenant three shillings and sixpence. The seamen's wages are eight dollars per month. The masters of merchant-men iiavo fwonty-five "lollars, and the sailors from nine to ten dollars a month. " Commander Bouchette is among those, who most strcntiously oppose the project of moving to York, the central point of the force on the lake ; but his family reside at Kingston, and his lands are situated near that place. Such nuasons are frequently of sufficient weight to determine i)olitical opinions. " ■■'" ' "" ; • ]"'■'"■ Again, siiys the same writer, " Govenior Rimcoc inten'!h to maire York the centre of the naval force on Lake Ontario. Only four gun- boats are at present on this lake,two of which are constantly employed in transporting merchandise ; the other two, which alone arc fit to carry troops and guns, and have oars and sails, are lying under nhelter until an occasion occurs to convert them to their intended purpose. It is the Governor's intention to build ten smaller gun- boats on Lake Ontario, and ten on Lake Erie. The ship carpenters, who construct them, reside in the United States, and return home every winter." " On the 7th October, 1807, Mr. Justice Cochrane, Mr. Gray, the 162 THE LOSS OF THE "SPEEDY." Solicitor Goncml, mid Mr. Akiium iMc-Dorjald, umlwirkod tit York, with Hovernl other piissciii^tM-h in the Speed!/, a ;4ovt.'rimiont HclKxmor, commanded l)y Captain Ta-vton, for tlie piirposooi' j^oiMt,'to Newcastle where the Assizes were to ho held on the 10th. The vessel waH seen a few miles from her destined ))ort on the evenin<» of the 8th. The wind commenced to blow, and the schooner was nover heard of more. There were pieces picked up on tlio opposite shore. Mr. Cochrane was young in years, hut not in pioty." The above is extracted from the Kingston Gazette, written by " Keckoner," which was the name under which Dr. Strachan contribute<I to that paper. Colonel Clark, of Dalhousie, says " I recollect the loss of the Sjicedy,'''' and he remarks of Solicitor General (^ray, that ho was "a noble character, noted for his sympathy on behalf of abolishing slavery." He says that there were upwards of twenty passengors, among them he mentions Jacob Jlerkinier, a merchant of York. It will be seen that Canada took the lead in building the early vessels upon the lakes. The first American ship that navigated Lake Erie, was purchased from the British in 1790. She was called the Detroit. Tlie first vessel built by the Americans, for the lakes, was constructed in 1797. The first Canadian merchant vessel built uj>on Lake Ontario, was by Francis Crooks, brother of the lion. James Crooks. It was built to the east of the present United States fort, at the mouth of the Niagara river, in 1792, and was called the "York." She was Wrecked at Genesee river. In 1800 a schooner of about 75 or 100 tons, was brought to Clifton, and during the winter of 1801 she crossed by the portage road on immense runners to Queenston, where she again found her native element in the Niagara river." She was, in 1804, lost in brixiging a cargo to Niagara, with all on board, — It is a curious fact that in the American war of 1812, the British " Admiralty sent out the frame work, blocks, &c., of the Psyclic fri- gate, which could have been procured on the spot in the tenth of the time and a twentieth part of the oxi)ense. At the same time there was furnished to each ship of war on Lakt'i Ontario, a full supply of water casks, with an apparatus for distilling sea water," forgetting the fact that the waters of the lake were of the ])urest quality. Directing our attention to the waters of the bay Quinte, it is foimd that until after 1812, but few sailing vessels entered the upper waters, although found east of Picton Bay. Strange as it may apj)ear at the present day, there was a time when the head of Picton Bay, or Hay Bay, Avas ivigarded as the head of the bay, and the very outskirts of A RRU rKDAll SrilMONKR. 163 civili/atioii, wlillo tfoin^np tho TiOni» llt'iicli, to tlioMoliawk tract was look upon like t^oiiitj; to tlu' KcmI Kivrr at tlu' j>n.'Neiit day. Tho settlers above were too few, and their reciuirc^neiitH too limited for a Hailin;^ vtiHsol to aseond, tmloMH oeonnionally to tho Napanee niills. But as time passed, sloops and schooners, as well as hatteatix found employment aloni* tlie westeni townships. In the first year oC the pnssont ciMitury, there was built in tho township of Marysburgh, a short (listaiuse west of the Stone niillH, a schooner of some celebrity. It was built by Captain Mtinu-y, father of tho lato lion. Edward Murney, of Belleville. Captain Munu'y camo to Kingston in 1707, at the solicitation of Mr. Joseph Forsytli. It was constructed for himself, and was made altogether of red codar, a kind of wood formerly very plentiful along tho bay, and which jmssesses a most agreeable odor, and is extremely durable. Tho vessel was named the Prince Edward. John Clarlc, of Dalhousie, says of this vessel, that he was on board tho following year of her building, and that slio was a '* staunch good ship, witli an able captain." Her size was sufficient to allow 700 barrels of flour to bo stowed beneath hor hatches. She ran upon Lake Ontario for many years, and made for her owner a small fortune. She was in good condition in 1812, and was employed by government as an armed vessel. A schooner called Prince Edward, probably tho same, Captain Young, was tho first vessel to land at the pier when erected at Wellington. ' • "■ Tho Kingston Gazette, April 12, 1817, says: «' On Thursday, 20th inst. at three o'clock p.m., arrived at ErnesttOM'n, in the Bay of Quinte, the schooner Mary Ann, Captain J. Mosier, in twenty hours from York, and at this jiort yostei'day afternoon with fourteen pas- sengers, of whom eleven were members of the Provincial Parliament. This is the seventh voyage this vessel has made this season, to the great credit of hor master. The Mary Ann sailed again in about half an hour for the Bay (Jui lite. • i ' One of the arly vessels upon the bay wns commanded by Matthews, father of the rebel of 183(5, who was executed. ■' ■ -rfv.r.iUt .1 j»'?f oii' iAi.M i''' M'f-'; v '.:J*;i '>^;^'■^1 i''r<''ffr':,.lt it.di ?■>: . ■-: , ,. , . . f 'i. , ..«^|>(Vy)l'-i .;-.,(. .!;■ ij'.;"'!)! 'li/:';*':-',!!' ;,.gl^-.f.i,«OiJ,:iiv^>i^^ THE LOYALISTS AS PIONEEES— THE ORIGINAL SURVEY. lal .'«M U l»), ««<f\rli rJiV ■ -fid CHAPTER XV. Contents — Major Gen. Holland — Surveying on Atlantic Coast — An adherent of ,i3c the Crown — Removal to Montreal — Death — Major Holland — Information jj ., from " Maple Leaves" — Holland Farm — Tach6 — First Canadian Poem — *' Head Quarters of Gen. Montgomery — Hospitality — Duke of Kent — Spencer K : Grange — Holland Tree — Graves — Epitaphs — Surveyor Washington — County ^^, Surveyor — Surveyors after the War — First Survey in Upper Canada — Commenced in 1781 — The Mode pursued — Information in Crown Lands W* Department — The Nine Townships upon the St. Lawrence — At the close of -, the War — Non-Professional Surveyors — Thomas Sherwood — Assisting to , Settle — Surveying around the Bay Quints — Bongard — Deputy-Surveyor '^P- Collins — First Survey at Frontenac — Town Reserve — Size of Township — • Mistakes — Kottie— Tuflfy — Capt. Grass — Capt. Murney — Surveying in Winter — Planting Posts — Result — Litigation — Losing Land — A Newspaper Letter— '.■ Magistrates — Landholders — Their Sons' Lawyers — Alleged Filching — Spec- {>^ ulators at Seat of Government — Grave Charges — Width of Lots — Mode of Surveying — Number of Concessions — Cross Roads — Surveyors Orders — Num- ^'' bering the Lots — Surveying around the Bay — The ten Townships — Their 4K. Lands — The Surveying Party — A Singer — Statement of Gourlay. 5ijiifci?if4 1>K' swi a; ^?^;Q;.«•'^?'f- ** ; THE FIRST SURVEYS IN UPPER CANADA. ■ , , *( . , Among those who distinguished themselves at Loiiisburg and on the Plains of Abraham under General Wolfe, was Major Samuel Holland. Sabine says, he was " Surveyor-General of the Colonies north of Virginia." In 1773 he announced his intention to make Perth Amboy, near Jersey, his head-quarters, and wrote to a gen- tleman there to inquire for houses to accommodate himself and his assistants. He then completed the surveys a^ far west as Boston. Proposed in 1774 to get round Cape Cod, and to Now London, and said it would be at best six years before he should be able to finish his labors. In 1775, he wrote Lord Dartmouth that he was ready to run the line between Massachusetts and Now York. By a com- munication laid before the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts in July, 1775, it appears that he had loaned to Alex. Shepard, Jun., who was also a surveyor, a plan or survey of Maine, which Shepard disliked to return, fearing that it might be used in a manner pre- judicial to the Whig cause, as Holland was an adherent of • the Crown, and then in New Jersey. Congress recommended to THE HOLLAND TREE. 155 Shepard to retain Holland's plan. Major Holland wont to Lower Canada, where ho resumed his duties of Siu'veyor-General, in which capacity he served nearly fifty years. He died in 1801, and at the time of his dec ase ho was a member of the Executive and Legis- lative Councils." ,:. ^ _^ , .\f'nt :* t V It was under Surveyor Holland that the first surveys were made upon the banks of the St. Lawrence and the Bay of Quinte. Major Holland was a gentleman of education, and known for hig social and amiable qualities. We are indebted to the author of "Maple Leaves," J. M. LeMoine, Esq., for information respecting Surveyor Holland. Extending from the brow of St. Foy heights along St. Lewis Eoad at Quebec, was a piece of land of 200 acres which was known as the Holland Farm. This farm had belonged to a rich merchant of Quebec, Mon. Jean Tache, who wrote the first Cana- dian Poem, "Tableau de la Mer." He was the ancestor of the late Sir E. Tache. About the year 1740 he built upon an eminence a high peaked structure, which, during the seigo of Quebec, was the head quarters of Gen. Montgomery. This place was bought by Gren. Holland in 1780, who lived there in affluence for many years, subsequent to the close of the war, 1783. The elite of Quebec were wont to resort here to enjoy his hospitality, and in 1791, he enter- tained Edward, afterward Duke of Kent, the father of our Queen. This place is now known as Spencer Grange ; but the old building has long since been removed to be replaced by tho present well- known mansion. From the St. Foy Eoad may be seen a fir tree known as the Holland Tree. Under that tree are several graves, which some years ago were inclosed with a substantial stone wall, with an iron gate. But now only the foundation remtins. Two of the graves had neat marble slabt, with the names of Samuel Holland senior, and Samuel Holland, junior. "Here rest Major Surveyor Holland, and his son, who was killed in a duel at Montreal, by Major Ward of the 60th Regiment," by a shot from one of a brace of pistols presented to MajoB Holland by Gen. Wolfe. This farm is now in possession of the military authorities. At the time of the rebellion tho land of the thirteen Colonies was, in many cases, still unsurveyed, or so imperfectly laid out that frequent demands were made for the professional surveyor. In the very nature ofthingspertainingto the settlement of America, there was a general demand for surveyors. The country was constantly being opened up. Some of the most prominent men of the day had been sm-veyors. Gen. Washington commenced life as a country X56 SURVEYING UPON THE ST. LAWRENCE. surveyor. In the war, both on the rebel and British sides, were to be found professional survoyoi _ engaged in fighting. Consequently when the war terminated, there was no lack of surveyors to carry on the work of surveying the wilderness of Upper Canada. We have saen that Major Holland held the position ofSurveyor-Groneral, and there was duly appointed a certain number of deputies and assistants. ;';,.i __. ^/.,, ... . ,:.'^f^, ;,/_ '. r/''' ' ''"~'' '\' ^\'" ''^'.J'''''''''"^. Even while the war was in progress, steps selem io have been taken to furnish the refugee Loyalists with new homes, upon the land still lying in a state of nature. The land in Lower Canada being in the main held by the French Canadians, it was deemed expedient to lay out along the shores of the upper waters a range of lots for their use. In pursuance of this, the first survey of land was made by order of Gen. Clarke, Acting Governor, or Militai-y Commander, in 1781. Natvirally the survey would commence at the extreme western point of French settlement. This w^as on the north bank of Lake St. Francis, at the cove west of Pointe an Bodet, in the limit between the Township of Lancaster, and the seigniory of New Longueil. Wo have reason to believe that the surveyor at first laid out only a single range of lots fronting upon the river. In the first place a front line was established. This seems to have been done along the breadth of several proposed townships. In doing this it was desirable to have as little broken front as possible, while at the same time the frontage of each lot remained unbroken by coves of the river or bay. We are informed by the Crown Land Department that in some townships there could, in recent days, be found no posts to indicate the front line, while the side lines in the second concession were sufficiently marked. The original surveyor along the St. Lawrence evidently did not ' extend his operations above Elizabeth town, which was called the ninth township, being the ninth laid out from New Longueil. This is apparent from the fact that while Elizabethtown was settled in 1784, the next township above, thatof Yonge, was not settled until two years later. The quality of the land thence to Kingston was not such as would prove useful to the poor settler, and therefore was allowed for a time to remain unsurveyed. Hence it came that Cat- araqui was the commencement of a second series of townships dis- tinguished by numbers only. These two distinct ranges of town- ships, one upon the St. Lawrence numbering nine, and one upon the Bay numbering ten, were, when necessary, distinguished apart by the designation, the " first," "second," or" third" Township "upon SURVEY AT FRONTENAC. 157 the St. Lawrence," or "upon tho Bay of Quinte," as the case might be. It is impossible to say how far the work of surveying had pro- gressed i'rom Lake St. Francis westward, before the close of the war ; it is very probable, however, that only a base line had been run, and some temporary mark placed to indicate the corners of each township. Such, indeed, is shown to bo the case by the state- ment of Sheriff Sherwood, who says that his father Thomas Sherwood, who had been a subaltern in the 84th Reg., and who actually located on the first lot in the first concession of Elizabethtown, " was often called upon to run the side lines of the lots" for the settlers as they came one after another, and " to shew them their land." Mr. Sher- wood was not a professional surveyor, but " he had the instruments and practically knew well how to use them, and he was ever ready to give his assistance and instructions to the new comers." ."'■'■■TJi- ,'">'■ • ■"•"•-'-,-'- SURVEYING AROUND BAY QUINTE. tr"'/w H-< r •'^'^f'* V In the year 1783, Major Holland, Surveyor-tieneral of Canada, received instructions from Sir Frederick Ilaldimand, Governor of the Province of Quebec, to proceed on duty to Western Canada. Prior to this, we have observed, there had been commenced a range of lots laid out at the easternmost limits of what now forms Canada West, to the extent of nine townshijDS. Yet evidence is v^anting that this range had been completed at the period stated. Holland set out with a sufficient staft' of assistants and attaches, to simul- taneously lay out several of the proposed townships along the St. Lawrence, and the Bay of Quinte. The party passed up the St. Lawrence, ascending the rapids in a brigade of batteaux manned by French boatmen. Surveyor Holland had, as his personal attendant, ^*^— -Bongard, who had been in the artillery under General Reidezel, of the Foreign Legion. From the son of this person, now living in Marysburgh, valuable information has been obtained, much of which has been substantiated by legal documents, published in con- nection with the law report of the trial respecting the Murney estate and the town of Kingston. Mr. Bongard says that Holland, as he passed up, detailed a deputy to each of the townships, stopping first at Oswegotchie, opposite Prescott, and that he passed up as far as the fourth township upon Bay Quinte, where he pitched his tent, and where he continued to hold hi n head-quarters, receiving the reports of the various Deputy-Surveyors as they were from time to time brought in. While it seems most probable that Holland 1B8 TROUBLE ABOUT LOT TWENTY-FIVE. camo to the Upper Province in 1783, it is possible that ho remained in Lower Canada until the spring of 1784, having deputed Surveyor Collins to commence a survey westward from the fort at Fron- tenac ; or perhaps he visited that place with Collins whom he loft to carry on the work during- this first year. " *'.**' ' '• '*" ' Whether Surveyor-General Holland visited Fort Frontonac in tho year 1783, or not, it was Deputy-Surveyor John Collins who made the first survey of the first township, and of the original town plot of Kingston.-: -According to tho sworn testimony of Gilbert Orser, who assisted Collins, in the year 1783, as well as others, tho township was surveyed first, and the town plot afterward ; although it appears that Holland's instructions were, first " to lay out proper reservations for the town and fort, and then to proceed and lay out the township, six miles square." The lots were to contain each 200 acres, to be 25 in number, each range. Mr. Collins placed a monumnnt, it is averred, " at the south-east angle of lot 25, from which a line was run northerly the whole depth of the Township, six miles, where another stone monument was placed, making a line of blazed trees throughout." From this, it would seem, he con- tinued to survey the township, leaving the land/or the town, which he, no doubt, thought extensive enough, to be laid out into town lots, and leaving 40 feet of land, which was to form a road between the town and township. Eespecting this line and lot 25, there has been a great deal of litigation. As nearly as tho facts can be gathered, the following statement maybe regarded as correct: , .^^ After Collins had completed the survey of the township, and had even made his returns, to the eifect that it contained 25 lots, of 200 acres, he was importuned, or * induced by the Commanding Officer at Fort Frontenac,' to make lot 25 contain only 100 acres, that more ground might thereby be had for the proposed towri."" More than this, it seems that there was some mistake in the said eastern side line, so as to subsequently limit lot 25 to even lessV., than 100 acres. And, Capt. Michael Grass, when he took possession of this lot, in 1784, found that this line was inaccurately run. Deputy-Surveyor Kotte was requested to examine it ; and finding there was an err^r, made representations to Gbvernraent, who sent persons to oorfect it. One Deputy-Surveyor Tuffy was directed to re-Burvey the line, and he gave more land to lot 25. However, there was yet some error, which was a source of great trouble. Capt. Michael Grass sold this lot to Capt. Mumey, who, subsequently finding it did not contain the amount of land which the patent assumed, applied legally for his rights. IRBEOULARITIES IN SIDE LINES. 151) Tho surveying party, among whom woro some of those who subsequently settled in the township, and who must have belonged to Capt. Grass' company of refugees, returned to Sorel, whore they spent the winter. At least this is the testimony of one of the grand-children of Capt. Grass. But if the surveying party did, this winter of 1783-4, retire from their work to Lower Canada, it appears unlikely they did the following winter. Indeed there are indications that surveying went on during the winter. In laying out tho Townships, special attention was given to make the lots front squarely upon tho Bay. In tho winter the base line could be more closely run by tho water edge upon tho ice, than in summer, through the woods. Wo are informed, at the Grown Lands Depart- ment, that in some townships no posts or other marks had at first been found in tho re-survey, although such were to be found in the 2nd concession. Tho inference was, that the posts planted in winter by the water, had, in the spring or summer been washed away, in the course of time. This, as may bo supposed, led in time to great confusion, and no little litigation. J^r many years there was much trouble to establish the land marVii all along the front; and cases are not wanting where it has b'^eii. charged that fraudu- lent removals of posts were made. The straightforward settler, while engaged in his daily and yearly round of toil, thought not of the side linos of his farm, fully believing that a survey had been definitely fixed by marks that could not be altered, and too often when plenty and comfort had come, he was startled to find some one claiming some of his cleared or uncleared land. Although con- scious that such and such were the boundaries of the land granted to him, it was not so easy to prove that such was the case. The annoyances of these direct and indirect attempts to disinherit, may easily be imagined. In this connection, the following letter may be given as exemplifying the feelings, if not the facts— per- haps both — which belonged to those days. It appeared in the Kingston Gazette in 1816, over the signature "A." • .«4tjjiiftyi m- " Sir, — ^The situation of the old settlers in the Province of Upper Canada, is truly deplorable. These people settled in the wilds of Canada, then the Province of Quebec, under the surveys made by the acting Surveyor-General. Lwidmarks being estab- lished for the guidance of their improvements : no deeds were givea them until the Parliament of Great Britain altered the Quebec bill, arraoged a new constitution, similar to that they had lost during the rebellion, in the Promnoe of New York, from whence they 160 ALLEGED FRAUD. chiefly cnmo to sottlo at Prontenac, now Kingwton. After cultiva- ting tho country agreeably to those surveys for twenty years or more, deeds are issued to cover those lots, drawn and cultivated as above mentioned. The Surveyor-General, David William Smith, Speaker of the llouse of Assembly, knpwing tltat these deeds were filled up by guess, the survey never having been made complete^ wisely provided an Act of the Legislature to prevent the deeds from moving the old land-marks. This Act provides that when thirty freeholders apply to tho Magistrates in session they shall make an assessment and collect the money to enable the Surveyor-General to erect monuments, in order to preserve their ancient land-mari<s and boundaries. What is the reason that this Act has not been complied with ? Are the Magisti'ates all land- holders and their sons Lawyers ? " An order from the Governor has lain in the Surveyor-Gen- eral's office ever since the year 1801 for monuments to be erected in the Township of Kingston, agreeable to the intention of that Act. Why will not the Magistrates do their duty? Tho consequence is, that the licensed Surveyor, John Ryder, is running new lines every day, and moving the land-marks of tho old settlers. People who have come into the country from the States, marry into a family, and obtain a lot of wild land, get John Eyder to move the land- marks, and instead of a wild lot, take by force a fine house and barn and orchard, and a well cultured farm, and turn the old Tory, (as he is called) out of his house, and all his labor for thirty years. ** These" old settlers have suffered all that men could suffer ; first in a seven years' rebellion in the i*evolutionized colonies; then came to a remote wilderness, some hundred miles from any inhabitant — not a road, not a cow, or an ox, or a horse to assist them ; no bread during the winter, they wintered first at Cataraqui. A little pease and pork was all they could get until the ice gave way in the spring of 1785. " The King, as an acknowledgment and mai-k of his approbation for the loyalty and sutterings of his faithful subjects, ordered lands to be granted them free from expense, and marked each man's name with the letters U. E., with a grant annexed to each child as it became of age, of two hundred acres of the waste lands of tho crown. " Now these children cannot get these lands agreeably to the intention of Government. They must sel' their right to a set of speculators that hover round the seat of Government, or never get THE 00N0E8BI0N. 161 located. Or if thoy should Iiave the fortune to get a location ticket, it \H situated on rocks, and lakes, and barren lands, where they are worth nothing' at all ; the good lots being marked by the Surveyors, and located by those U. E. rights they have so i)urohascd. "Now, Sir, was I a scholar, I might draw you a much bettor description of this wickedness. But I have lived to see thirteen colonies, now States of America, severed from the British empire by the mal-administration of justice in the civil government of those colonies; the people's minds were soured to that degree that a few designing men overthrew the Govornment." " After the conquest of Canada, the king ordered a thousand acres of land to be granted to each man. The land was granted ; but the i)eopIo to whom it was granted were deprived by a set of specu- lators, from ever getting a foot, unless they became tenants to those who, in a manner, had robbed them of their rights." While the lots were generally made twenty chains in width, a few of the first townships were but nineteen, and consequently of greater depth to make the 2Q0 ^ores, aud the concessions were pro- portionally wider, --^f ---;vc'*/'»^t' ;-'-'^''*;»^ V ; The base line being established, a second one, parallel thereto, was made at a distance generally of a mile and a quarter, allowance being made in addition, for a road. It is more than likely that in many towunhips the second line, or concession, was not immediately run out. The settlers 'could not easily traverse even a mile of woods, and for a time accommodation was made only at the front. But within a year, in most townships, the second row of lots had been «urveyed and partially occupied. At the front line was always an allowance for a road of sixty feet, as well as at tho second line for one of forty feet. The range of lots between the front and the second lines as well as be- tween the second and third, and so on, was called a Concession, a term derived from the French, having reference to their mode of conferring land in the Lower Province, aud peculiar to this counrty. Each conces- sion was divided into lots of 200 acres each, the dividing lines being at right angles with the concession lines, and a quarter of a mile distant from each other. At intervals of two or three miles, a strip of forty feet between two lots was left, for a cross road. In Ameliasburgh it seems that this was neglected. The number of concessions depended on circumstances. Along the St. Lawrence, they numbered to even fifteen or sixteen. Along the bay they were seven and eight. Adolphua- town has only four. The irregular course of the Bay Quinte, and the fronting of the townships upon its waters, gave rise to great irregu- 162 THE HURVBTOR's 00UR8E. lanty in the interior lots, and produced a largo number of Gores. This niiiy be noticed more eHi)ecially in Sophiasburgh, and indeed throughout all of Prince Kdward district. Respecting the provision made for cross roads, Alex. Aitkins, who was Deputy Surveyor of Midland district for many years, says under date, 1797, in respect to the township of Sophiasburgh, " Mr. Kotte's orders 1785, were from Deputy Surveyor General, Mr. Collins, who was then at Kingston, to lay off cross roads between every six lots as he liad done in the eastern part of the j)rovince, from town- ship number one, now Charlotteburgh, to township number eight Elizabethtown, and, of no doubt, they would be found at the waters' edge on the Bay Quinte." By looking at the township maps of the bay, it will bo seen that the lots of the first three townships, are inunbere'd from west to east, while as we have seen, the townships were numbered from east to west. It is inferred from this fact that the surveyor conducted his survey along the front, planting posts to mark the division of lots, and leaving allowance for roads, but did not complete the concessions imtil the breadth of the townships had been determined, when it was done from west to east, the lots being numbered accordingly. The surveyor continued to chain the front, u})on the north shore of the bay, until he reached the turn in the bay at the western point of Adolphustowu. Thi.s portion of territory was divided into four town- ships. ' Z The surveyor then crossed the bay and proceeded from the "Upper Gap, to4ay out lots in an irregular manner upon the water, along the bay and the lake to, and around Smith's Bay, and along Black Creek ; also upon the east shore of Picton Bay. This constituted the fifth township. Follo\v^ing tlie bay shore of Prince Edward peninsula from Picton Bay, along the High Shore and around Green P(>i ^t, an- other, the sixth township, was laid out ; the lots always fronting on the bay. Still following the bay, the seventh township was created, the western boundary of which brought the surveyor to the head of the bay, or Carrying Place. Turning eastward along the north shore of the bay, the eight township was laid out. Likewise, the ninth township, which brought the surveyor to a tract of land which had been reserved for, and given to the faithful Mohawk Indians. Passing by the present township of Tyendinaga, still another township was laid out fronting upon the Mohawk Bay, and Napanee River. This constituted the tenth town ship, Richmond. Thus the sui*veyors had Tuade a complete circuit ot THE TEN " TOWNS." 163 the bay. These townships wore, for many a day, (losignated by the numeral prefix ; even yet may bo found i^ray haired individuals wlio speak of them in no other way. Subsequently, however, those town- ships had given to them respectively, the royal names of Kinirston, Ernest t/)wn, Fredericksburgh, Adolphustown, Marysburgh, Amelias- burgh, Sophiasburgh ; and the noble ones of Sidney, Thurlow and Richmond. * There would at the present time, bo nothing so interesting to the settlers of the bay, than to read a diary of the events connected with the original survey. Surveying the wilderness is weary w()rk at any time; but when the persons who take part in striking the linos and fixing the boundaries, have constantly in mirid that when their survey is completed, they cannot return to riivilization and the com- forts of a home, but that they have to remain to become citizens of the forest, they must experience many a lieart pang. Yet there seems to have been a lightheartedness with most of them. The camp fire at night witnessed many pleasant hours of jovial passtime. Singing, stoiytelling, wiled away agreeably many an hour. Accom- panying Collins' surveying party, was one Purdy, who gained no little renown as a capital singer. We will close our remarks upon the original survey by giving the statement of Gourlay. He says that " such was the haste to get land surveyed and given away, that ignorant and careless men were employed to measure it out, and such a mess did they make of their land measuring, that one of the present surveyors informed me that in running new lines over a great extent of the province, he found spare room for a whole township in the midst of those laid out at an early period. It may readily be conceived, upon consideration of this fact, what blundering has been committed, and what mistakes stand for correction." r^z- 1G4 THE CARKINAN REGIMENT. .. ; , ,v;j, , , CIFAPTRR XVI. * * . CoNTEKTR — Tlio term ConceMnInn — FirHt ConroHHion of Lnnd In Canada — The ('RriKiiiiii Ut'KinK'iit — Hdjrniorit'H — DiHpropoitiou uf tht^ hoxoh — Kemalos Hciit I'limi Fmnce — 'I'hcir iippciirnncc — Si'ttling tlu-in — Marringo allowance — Till) lant HoJKalory — New 'hdngciiil — Seigniory at Frontcnar — GrantH to Utfiig<M'K^ — OfHctTH and men — Hcal« of Kruntlnp; — Free of ((xpcnsf — Squatting — l)jHliiin<l('d Holdicrn — ilcniotc ref^ions — A wIhc; an<l benefKu-nt policy — InipoHtorH — Very yonii^ ollicfiH — Wlioltmiic jj^mntin^f of land — Ucpublicang coniinp over — CovetoiiH — Falm- pretentioiiH — Oovttrnnient ha<l to dlKcrimi- nuto — KulcB and regulittioiiN— Family Ihm<Ih — Bounty — Certitt'atcH — Selling clniinH — Hear concesnionH — TranHfer of locution ticket — Land board — Tardi- ncMH in obtaining tltlen to real PHtnto — TranHfer by bond — lobbing — Sir Wm. Pullency — Washington — (living IuikIh to favorites — Uoservou — Kvil results — The Family (!onii)act — Kxtmct from I'layter — Extract from Lord Durham — From (lourluy — Ueconipenso to Loyalists — Rations — Mode of drawing land — Land Agent — Urukun front — Tnvitor Arnold — Tyundinaga. • ,.:.l'-;i, '•■■' ■ •■'■S;i>n>"\^ CONCEHSION OF LANDS TO THE FRKNC!!!. It hiiH been stated that the term conoesHion, as well as the system of ^,ranting land to disbanded soldiers, was derived from the French. The first concession of lands to soldiers took place in 1665, to the Carigiian JReginient, a name derived from a Prince of the house of Savoy, which came to New P'nmce with the first Viceroy, It was a distinguished corps in the French Infantry, having won renown on many a bloody field, and carried death to many an Iroquois Indian. The Indians having sought peace from the French, leave was p^i anted to this regiment to permanently settle in the New World. Titles to land was conferred according to rank, and as well, sums of money to assist in the clearing of land. " The officers who were mostly noblesse obtained seigniories with their late soldiers for vassals." The settlement of this body of men increased the disproportion between the males and females in Canada. The home government consider- ately took steps to remedy this abnormal state of things and despatched " several hundred from old France." They " consisted of tall, short, fair, brown, fat and lean." These females were oltered to such of the men as had means to support a wife. In a few days they were all disposed of. The Governor-General then distributed to the newly married ones " oxen, cows, hogs, fowls, salted beef," as well as money.— (Smith.) % . • The original grants <jf land by the French Government under the feudal system, was into seigniories. These were subdivided into parishes, " whose extents were exactly defined by De Vandreuil and Bigon, September 1721." For these grants of seignioral tenure, certain acts of fealty were to be performed, pursuant to the custom of Paris. EKMOTR PARTS. ^ 166 After the T^rltlsh siipromaoy, j^runts of laii<l wiTo ntill made l»y govern- iiM'ut in Lower Ciumda. The last seii^niory \vi\h conferred by the French in April, 17.'U, to (Mu^viilier d(^ Loni^e\iil, and is known ns New Longenil. It constitutes the western bontuhvry of the Lower Provinge. ' C0NCK8SI0N OK LANDS TO TIIK I.OYALISTH. WchftvoelHewhure seen that tlie first porHon, other tlinn the natives, to poasesH land in TTpper Canada, was De la Salle, the discoverer of the Mississippi River, to whom was ufranled a, seigniory at Cataracpii, of four leagues, including the fort, and the islands in front of tho four leagues of territory. Wolfe, (Jage and Aniherst Islands. '"^ '• ' At the close of tho war in 1783, it was doterniincd ])y govern- ment to confer grants of land to the refugee loyalists in Canada, on the same scale to officers ami men as had been done after the conquest of Canada, 1 763, with the exception that all loyalists luuler the rank of subaltern were to receive 200 acres. The grants to tho disbanded soldiers and loyalists, were to be made free of eveiy expense. .' f' « In some of the townships, tho settlors were sipiatting along the St. Lawrence and Bay Quintt';, until late in the summer and fall of 1784, waiting to know the location of their lots. This might easily be, as although the forest had boon surveyed, the lots had not been n\imbered. So, although the refugee soldier had his location ticket for a certain lot, it was often a long tedious time before he could know its precise situation. »; The front part of the first, second, third, fourth and fifth town- ships npon the bay were definitely disposed of to disbanded soldiers and refugees, formed into companies. But the lands, then considered more remote, as along tho north shore of Hay Bay, in the third and fourth towns ; in some j)art8 of the fifth ; and more particularly along tho shores of the western extremity of the bay, were at the service of any one who might venture to settle. It was considered quite in the remote part of the earth. Even the head of Picton Bay was considered a place which would hardly be settled. The result was, that many of the choice lots were taken up in the eight .and ninth towns, before they were surveyed. The policy pursued by the British Government, in recognizing the services of those who served in the British array against the rebels* and in recompensing the losses sustained by those who adhered to the British Crown in America, was most wise and beneficient. There were a few deserving ones in suffering circumstances, who failed to get 166 YOUNG OFFICERS. the bounty so wisely granted. This sometimes was the result of the individual's own neglect, in not advancing his claims; sometimes the fault of an agent who, too intent in getting for himself, forget those entrusted to his care. While a small number thus remained without justice, there were on the other hand, a large number who succeeded unworthily in obtaining grants. It is no cause for wonder, that out of the large number who composed the U. E. Loyalists, there would be found a certain number who would not hesitate to so represent, or mis- represent their case, that an undue i-eward would be accorded. Finding tlie government on the giving hand, they scrupled not to take advan- tage of its parental kindness. In later days we have seen the United States, when in the throes of a great civil war, bleeding at every poiot of the body politic, by the unprincipled contractors and others, who the most loudly proclaimed their patriotism. In 1783, when a rebel- lion had proved successful, and so had become a revolution, and the nation, from which a branch had been struck off, was most anxious to repay those who had preferred loyalty to personal aggrandizement, we may not wonder that there were some willing to take all they could get. It is also related that certain officers of the regiments were in the habit of putting each of their children, however young, upon the strength of the regiment, with the view of securing him land, and hence arose an expression the " Major won't take his paj)," and " half pay officers never die," as the officer placed on half pay when a year old, would long enjoy it. But it will be often found that this mode was adopted by those in authority, as the most con- venient to confer favors upon the chief officers, although a very lidiculous one. For many a year no strict rules for discrimination, were observed in the granting of lands in Canada, and the petitions which literally crowded upon the government, were, in the main, promptly complied with. The time came, however, when more care had to be observed, for not a few of those who had actually rebelled, or had sympathized with the rebels, finding less advan- tages from republicanism than had been promised, and with chagrin, learning that those, whose homesteads and lands they had assisted to confiscate, had wrought out new homes upon land, conferred by a government more liberal, and of a nobler mind than the parvenu government, which had erected a new flag upon American soil, looked now with longing, covetous eyes toward the northern country, which those they had persecuted, had converted from a wilderness IMPOSTORS. 167 to comfortable homes. The trials of iho first settlement had been overcome. The oc'casional visit of a Canadian pioneer to his old home in the States, where he told the pleasing tale of success, not- withstanding their cruelty, caused some to envy their hard earned comforts, and even led some who had been the worst of rebels, to set out for Canada with a view of asserting their loyalty and, thereby of procuring lands. Not a few of such unworthy ones succeeded for a time in procuring lands. It therefore became necessary, on the part of the government, to exact the most searching examination of parties petitioning for land. No reference is here made to those who came into the province in response to the invitation proclaimed by Governor Simcoe ; but to those who entered under false colors, prior to the time of Upper Canada being sot apart from Lower Canada. ,,^^.j;y,.. Extracts from the Rules and Begulat ions for the conduct of the Land Office Department, dated Council Chamber, 11th February, 1789, for the guidance of the Land Boards. . , " 4th. The safety and propriety of admitting the petitioner to become an inhabitant of this Province being well ascertained to the satisfaction of the Board, they shall administ*3r to every such person the of.ths of fidelity and allegiance directed by law; after which the Board shall give every such petitioner a certificate to the Surveyor General or any person authorized to act as an Agent or Deputy Surveyor for the district within the trust of that Board, expressing the ground of the petitioner's admission, and such Agent or Deputy Surveyor shall, within two days after the presentment of the certi- ficate, assign the petitioner a single lot of about two hundred acres, descibing the same with due certainty and accuracy under his signature. But the said certificate shall, nevertheless, have no efiect if the petitioner shall not enter upon the location, and begin the improvement and cultivation thereof within one year from the date of such assignment, or if the petitioner shall have had lands assigned to him before that time in any other part of the Px'ovince. *' 7th. The respective Boards shall, on petition from the Loyalists already settled in the Upper Districts for the allotment of .lands under the instructions to the Deputy Surveyor General of the 2nd of June, 1787, or under prior or other orders for assigning portions to their families, examine into the grounds of such requests and claims, and being well satisfied of the justice thereof, they shall grant certificates for such further qualities of lands as the said 168 DUTY OF LAND BOARDS, instructiohH and ordors may warrant to the acting Surveyorn of their Districts respectively, to be by them made effectual in the manner before mentioned, but to bo void, nevertheless, If prior to the passing the grant in form, it shall appear to the Government that such additional locations have been obtained by fraud, and that of these the Boards transmit to the office of the Governor's Secre- tary, and to each others, like reports and lists as hereinbefore, as to the other locations directed. " 8th. And to prevent individuals from monopolizing such spots as contain mines, minerals, fossils, and conveniences for mills, and other similar advantages of a common and public nature, to the prejudice of the general interest of the settler, the Surveyor-Gene- ral and his Agents or Deputy Surveyors in the different districts, shall confine themselves iu the location to be made by them upon certificates of the respective Boards, to such lands only as are fit for the common purpose of husbandry; and they shall reserve all other spots aforementioned, together with all such as may bo fit and useful for ports and harbours, or works of defence, or such as contain valuable timber for ships, building or other purposes, con- veniently situated for water carriage, in the hands of the Crown, and they shall, without delay, give all particular information to the Governor or Commander-in-Chief for the time being, of all sucji spots as are hereinbefore directed to be rosei-ved to the Crown, that order may be taken respecting the same. And the more eftectually to prevent abuses and to put individuals on their guard in this res- pect, any certificate of location given conti'ary to the true intent and meaning of this regulation is hereby declared to be null and void, and a special order of the Governor and Council made neces- sary to pledge the faith of Government for granting of &ny such spots as are* directed to bo reserved. FAMILY LANDS AND ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. " Certificate of the Board appointed by His Excellency the Gov- ernor, for the District of , in the Province of Quebec, under the rules and regulations for the conduct of the Land Office Department. " Dated, Council Chamber, Quebec, 17th February, 1789. '* The bearer , having on the day of , pre- ferred to the Board a Petition addressed to His Excellency the Governor in Council, for a grant of acres of land in the Town- ship of in the District of . We have examined into SELLING CLAIMS. . 169 his character and pretentions, and find that he has received acres of land in the Township of , in the District of- and that ho settled on and has improved the same, and that he is entitled to a further assignment of acres, in conformity to the seventh articles of the rules and regulations aforementioned. " Given at the Board at this day of , one thousand seven hundred and . ^. «To j " Acting Surveyor for the District of . CERTIFICATE OF THE ACTING SURVEYOR. "I assign to the bearer the lot No. in the Town- ship of , in the District of , containing acres, chains, which lands he is hereby authorized to occupy and improve, and having improved the same, he shall receive the same grant thereof, to him and his heirs or devisee in due form on such terms as it shall please His Majesty to ordaiu, and all persons are desired to take notice that this assignment and all others of a similar nature are not transferable, by purchase, donation or otherwise, on any pretence whatever, except by an act under the signature of the Board for the District in which the lands are situated, which is to be endorsed upon this Certificate. " Given at ^f—, this day of , one thousand seven hundred and . To Acting Surveyor for the District of- ■'t: But there were many a one who drew land, and never even saw it. It was quickly, thoughtlessly sometimes, sold for little or nothing. Sometimes for a quart of rum. The right jolly old sol- dier would take no thought of the mori'ow. A few did not retain their lands, because they were of little value for agricultural pur- poses ; but the majority because they were situated in that remote region in the 4th or 5th concession of the third town, or away up in the 2nd concesssion of sixth town, or a long way up in the eighth town. Rear concessions of even the first and second townships were looked upon doubtingly, as to whether the land was worth having. Often the land would not be looked after. It not unfrcquently was the case that settlers upon the front who had drawn land also in the "ear townships, disposed of the latter, not from any indiifference as to its future value, but to obtain the immediate 170 LARGE LAND OWNERS. necessaries of life, as articles of clothing, or stock, or perhaps foo d, or seed grain, and now and then in later days to pay taxes. The certificates of the children, entitling them to land when of ago, were often disposed of. Even officers found it convenient, or necessary to sell rear land to new comers, for ready money. Thus it came to pass that a good many never took possession of tiiu land which a prudent Government had granted them. The statement has been made that persons holding prominent positions {vt the time, and possessed of prudent forethought, as to the value- which would in the future attach to certain lots, stood ready not only to accept offers to sell, but to induce the ignorant and careless to dispose of their claims. Consequently when patents were issued, several persons became patentees of large tracts of land, which had been drawn by individual Loyalists, whose names never appea.ed in the Crown Land Office. The transfer of a certificate or "location ticket," consisted in the seller writing his name upon the back of the ticket. Occasionally a ticket would exchange hands several times, so that at last when it was presented to obtain the deed, it was difficult to determine who was the owner. The power to thus transfer the certificates, was allowed for several years. But in time Government discovered the abuses which had arisen out of it, and decided that all patents should, thenceforward, be in the name of the person who originally drew the land. Not unfrequently these certificates were lost. T^g losers, upon claiming land, could not establish their rights ; but Government, to meet this misfortune, created a Land Board for each Township, whose duty it was to examine and determine the claims of all who pre- sented them. The following extract of a letter will explain itself: ^' For the Kingston Gazette, June 1st, 1816." " It has long been a subject of deep regret in the minds of judicious persons, that the inhabitants of this Province should be so neglectful as they are in securing their titles of real estate. When the country was first settled, the grants of land from the crown, on account of the existing state of the Province, could not be immediately issued. The settlers, however, drew their lots and went into possession of them, receiving only tickets, or certificates, as the evidence of their right to them. In the meantime, exchanges and sales were made by transfers of the possession with bonds for conveyances when the deeds should be obtained from the Crown Office. RESERVES — EVIL EFFECTS. 171 " This practice of transferring land by way of bond, being thus introduced, was continued by force of unage, after the cause of its introduction was removed. In too many instances it is still con- tinued, although, by the death of the parties, and the consequent descent of estates to heirs under ago, and other intervening priva- tions, many disappointments, failui*es, and defects of title, are already experienced ; and the evil consequences are becoming still more serious, as lands rise in value, become more settled and divided among assignees, devisees, &c. In a few yeai's this custom, more prevalent perhaps in this Province, than elsewhere, will prove a fruitful source of litigation, unless the practice should be discon- In connection with free grants of land, and a certain degree of indifference as to the value, there must necessarily arise more or less speculation or land-jobbing. Sir William Pullency has been called the first land-jobber in Canada. In 1791, he bought up 1,600,000, at one shilling per acre, and soon after sold 700,000 at an average of eight shillings per acre. But land-jobbing is not peculiar to C aada, nor has its practice militated against the public character of eminent men, either here or abroad. Greneral Washington was not only a Surveyor, but an extensive land-jobber, and thereby increased immensely his private fortune. I We have seen elsewhere, that a few private individuals were wont to buy the location tickets of all who desired to part with them, or whom they could induce to sell. In this way a few indi- viduals came to own large quantities of land, even from the first. Afterward, there was often conferred by the authorities, quantities of land upon those connected with influential persons, or upon favorites. Subsequently the mode of reserving Crown and Clergy lands increased the evil. And it was an evil, a serious drawback; not alone that, but favorites procured land without any particular claim or right. The land thus held in reserve, being distributed among the settled lots in the several townships, was waste land, and a barrier to advancement. Each settler had to clear a road across his lot; but the Grovernment lots, and those held by non-residents, remained without any road across them, except such paths as the absolute requirements of the settlers had caused them to make. In this way, the interests of the inhabitants were much retarded, and the welfare of the Province seriously damaged. The existence of the Family Compact prevented the removal of this evil, for many 172 INVESTIGATION PREVENTED. a year, while favorites enjoyed choice advantivgCH. In 1817, "The Hoiwe of Assembly in Upjier Canada took into consideration the state of the Province, and amon^ other topics, tlio injury arising from the reserve lands of the Crown and the Clergy." In laying out the townships in later. years, "The Government reserved in the first concession, the 5th, 15th, and 20th lots ; and the Clergy the 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 22nd. In the second concession, the Crown reserved the 4th, 11th, 21st, and 23rd; and the Clergy, the 2nd, 9th, and 16th. And thus in every two concessions, the Crown would have three lots in one, and four in the other, or seven in all ; and the Clergy the same ; or 14 lots reserved in every 48, or nearly one-third of the land in each concession, and in each township. The object of the reservation was to increase the valiyj of such land by the improvements of the settlers around it. The object was selfish, as the reserve lands injured all those who did them good. It was difficulty enough to clear up the forests ; but to leave so many lots in this forest state, was a difficulty added by the Crown. To have one-third of a concession uncleared and uncultivated, was an injury to the two-thirds cleared and cultivated. Large patches of forest, interspersed with cultivated land, obstructs the water courses, the air, and the light; nurtured wild animals and vermin destructive to crops and domestic creatures around a farm house; and especially, are injurious to roads running through them, by preventing the wind and the sun from drying the moisture. Besides, no taxes were paid by these wild lots for any public improvements ; only from cultivated lands. The Assembly, however, were cut short in their work of complaint, by being suddenly prorogued by the Gover- nor, whose Council was entirely against such an investigation. Here was the beginning of the Clergy Eeserve agitation in the Provincial Parliament, which continued for many years." — (^Playter). In this connection, the following extract from a report of Lord Durham, will be found interesting: " By official returns which accompany this report, it appears that, out of about 17,000,000 acres comprised within the surveyed districts of Upper Canada, less than 1,600,000 acres are yet unap- propriated, and this amount includes 450,000 acres the reserve for roads, leaving less than 1,200,000 acres open to grant, and of this rem- nant 500,000 acres are required to satisfy claims for grants founded on pledges by the Government. In the opinion of Mr. Kadenhurst, the i-eally acting Surveyor-General, the remaining 700,000 consist RETARDING IMPROVEMENTS. 173 • for tho most part of land inferior in positfon or quality. It may almoHt bo waid, theruforo, that the whole of the public lands in Upper Canada have been alienated by tho Government. In Lower Canada, out of 6,169,963 acres in the surveyed townsliips, nearly 4,000,000 acres have been granted or sold; and there are unsatisfied but indisputable claims for grants to the amo".nt of about 500,000. In Nova Scotia nearly 6,000,000 acres of land have been granted, and in the opinion of tho Surveyor-CJoneral, only about one-eighth of tho land which remainsto tho Crown, or 300,000 acres is available for the purposes of settlement. Tho whole of Prince Euward's Island, about 1,400,000 acres, was alienated in one day. In New Brunswick 4,400,000 acres have been granted or sold, leaving to the Crown about 11,000,000, of which 5,500,000 are considered fit for imraodiato settlement. " Of the lands granted in Upper and Lower Canada, upwards of 3,000,000 acres consist of ' Clergy Reserves,' being for the most part lots of 200 acres each, scattered at regular intervals over the whole face of tho townships, and remaining, with few exceptions, entirely wild to this day. The evils produced by the system of reserv- ing land for the Clergy have become notorious, even in this country; and a common opinion I believe prevails here, not only that the system has been abandoned, but that measures of remedy have been adopted. This opinion is incorrexjt in both points. In respect of every new township in both Provinces reserves are still made for the Clergy, just as before ; and the Act of the Imperial Parliament which permits the sale of the Clergy Eeservos, applies to only one-fourth of the quantity. The select committee of the House of Commons on tho civil government of Canada reported in 1828, that " these reserved lands, as they are at present distri- buted over the country, retard more than any other circumstance the growth of the colony, lying as they do in detached portions of each township, and intervening between tho occupations of actual settlers, who have no moans of cutting roads through the woods and morasses, which thus separate them from their neighbours. This description is perfectly applicable to the present state of things. In no perceptible degree has tho evil been remedied. " The system of Clergy Reserves was established by the act of 1791, commonly called the Constitutional Act, which directed that, in respect of all grants made by the Crown, a quantity equal to one-seventh of tho land so granted should be reserved for the clergy. A quantity equal to one-seventh of all grants would bo one-eighth 174 Durham's objections. of oacli lownship, or of all tho public land. Instead of thiw propor- tion, tho practice has bcc.j, over Hinco the act paHsod, and in tho cloareHt violation of its jjrovisions, to set apart for tho clcryy in Upper Canada a seventh of all the land, which is a quantity equal to a sixth of tho land granted. There have been appropriated for this purpose 300,000 acres, wb^'ch legally, it is manifest, belong to tho public. And of the amount for which Clergy Reserves have been sold in that Province, namely, £317,000 (of which about £100,000 have been ah-tady received and invested in the English funds,) tho sum of about £45,000 should belong to tho public. " In Lower Canada, the same violation of the law has taken place, with this difference — that iipon every sale of Crown and Clergy Resorves, a fresh reserve for the Clergy has been made, equal to one-fifth of such reserves. The result has been the appro- priation for the clergy of 673,567 acres, instead of 446,000, being an excess of 227,559 ata-es, or half as much again as they ought to have received. The Lower Canada fund already produced by sales amounts to £50,000, (if which, therefore, a third, or about £16,000, belong to tho public. If, without any reform of this abuse, tho whole of the unsold Clergy Reserves in both Provinces should fetch the average price at -which such lands have hitherto sold, the public would bu wronged to the amount'of about £280,000; and the reform of this abuse will jn-oduce a certain and almost immediate gain to the public of £60.000. In referring, for further explanation of this subject, to a paper in the appendix which has been drawn up by Mr. Hanson, a member of the commission of inquiry which I appointed for the colonies. I am desirous of stating my own convic- tion that the clergy have had no part in this great misappropriation of the public property, but that it has arisen entirely from heedless misconception, or some other error, of the civil government of both Provinces." " The great objection to reserves for the clergy is, that those for whom the land is set apart never have attempted, and never could successfully attempt, to cultivate or settle the property, and that, by special appropriation, so much land is withheld from settlers, and kept in a state of waste, to the serious injury of all settlers in its neighborhood. But it would be a gi-eat mistake to suppose that this is the only practice by which such injury has been, and still is, inflicted on actual settlers. In the two Canadas, especially, the practice of rewarding, or attempting to reward, public services by grants of public land, has produced, and is still THE QUANTITY GRANTED. 175 producing, a dogroo of injury to actual BCttlers which it is difficult to copcoivo without having witnossed it. The very principal of such grants is bao, inasmuch as, under any circumstances, thoy must load to an amount of appropriation beyond the wants of the community, and greatly beyond the proprietor's means of cultiva- tion and settlement. In both the Canadas, not only has this prin- ciple been pursued with reckless profusion, but the local executive governments have managed, by violating or evading the instructions which theyrocoivod from the Secretary of State, to add incalculably to the mischiefs that would have arisen at all events. '' In Upper Canada, 3,200,000 acres have boon granted to " U. B. Loyalists,", being refugees from the United States, who settled in the province befbre 1787, and their children ; 730,000 acres to Militia men ; 450,000 acres to discharged Soldiers and Sailors ; 225,- 000 acres to Magistrates and Barristers ; 136,000 acres to Executive Councillors, and their families ; 50,000 acres to five Legislative Councillors, and their families; 36,900 acres to Clergymen, as private property ; 264,000 to persons contracting to make surveys ; 92,526 acres to officers of the Army and Navy ; 500,000 acres for the endowment of schools; 48,520 acres to Colonel Talbot; 12,000 acres to heirs of General Brock, and 12,000 acres to Dr. Mountain, a former Bishop of Quebec ; making altogether, with the Clergy Reserves, nearly half of all the surveyed land in the province. In Lower Canada, exclusively of grants to refugee loyalists, as to the amount of which the Crown L.^nds' Department could furnish me with no information, 460,000 acres having been granted to Militia- men, to Executive Councillors 72,000 acres, to Governor Milne about 48,000 acres, to Mr. Gushing and another, upwards of 100,000 acres (as a reward for giving information in a case of high treason), to officers and soldiers 200,000 acres, and to •< leaders of townships" 1,457,209 acres, making aUogother, with the Clergy Reserves, rather more than half of the surveyed lands originally at the disposal of the Crown. " In Upper Canada, a very small proportion (perhaps less than a tenth) of all the land thus granted, has been even occupied by settlers, much less reclaimed and cultivated. In Lower Canada, with the exception of a few townships bordering on the American frontier which have been comparatively well settled, in despite of the pro- prietors, by American squatters, it may be said that nmeteen- twentieths of these grants are still unsettled, and in a perfectly wild state. 176 LAND 8PE0ULATOEH. " No Other result could have been oxpcctcd in tlio cane of those classes of gruiitees whose station woultl preclude them from seltling in the wilderness, and wliose means would enable theni to nvoid exertion forgiving immediate value to their grants; and unfbrtuiuitely, the land which was intende<l for persons of a poorer order, who nughtbo expected to improve it by their labor, has, for the most part, fallen into the lian<ls of land-jobbers of the class just mentioned, who have never thought of settling in person, and who retain the land in its present wild state, speculating upon its accjuiring a value at some distant day, when the demand for land shad have increased through the increase of population. ; ^_j " In Upper Canada, says Mr. Bolton, himself a great speculator and holder of wihl land, " the plan of granting largo tracts of land to gentlemen who have neither the muscular strength to go into the wilderness, nor perhaps, the pecuniaiy means to improve their grants, has been the means of a large part of the country remaining in a state of wilderness. The system of granting land to the children of U. E Loyalists has not been productive of the benefits expected from it. A very small proportion of the land granted to them has been occupied or improved. A great propor ion of such grants were to unmarried females, who very I'eadily disposed of them for a small con- sideration, frequently from £2 to £5 for a grant of 200 acres. The grants made to young men were also frequently sold for a very small consideration ; they generally had parents with whom they lived, and were therefore not disposed to move to their grants of lands, but preferred remaining with their families. I do not think one-tenth of the lands granted to U. E. Loyalists has been occupied by the persons to whom they were granted, and m a great proportion of cases not occupied at all." Mr. Eauden'mrst says, " the general price of these grants was from a gallon of rum up to nerhaps £6, so that while millions of acres were grai.>ted in thi^ way, the settlement of the Province was not advanced, iior the advantage of the grantee secured in the manner that we may svippose to have been contemplated by government." He also mentions amongst extensive purchasers of these grants, Mr. Hamilton, a member of the Legislative Council, who bought about 100,000 acres. Chief Justices Emslie and Powell, and Solicitor General Gray, who purchased from 20,800 to 50,000 acres ; and states that several members of the Executive and Legislative Councils, as well as of the House of Assembly, were " very large purchasers." PTIRTIIER IBRKOULARITIKS. JJ^ "In T.ow(>r Cnnmlji, the irranfN to "Lonflorf^ mid A«Hoolnto« " woro niado by an ovaHion (•! ingtrucUons which (lost-rvc a particular (loRcription. *^1 "By instructions to the Local Kxccutive imnicliatcly after the paHsin^r of the ConHtitutional Act, it wao directed that " hecauso gi-eat inconvenionceH had theretofort* ariHen in many of the colonie« in America, trom the ,j?rantin<,' exceHsive (|uanlitieH of land to particMilar persons wlu) have never cultivated or Hettle<l the same, and have thorohy prevented otherH more induNtrioiiN, from improviiijr Hiich lundM ; in order, therefore, to prevent the like inconveniences in future, no fnrm-lot should he jrranted to any person beini,' master or mistress of a family in any township to belaid out which shouM contain more than 200 fvcres." The instriictions then invest the governor with a discretionary power to {?rant additional quantities in certain cases, not exceeding 1,000 acres. According; to these iiiNtruittions 200 acre* should have been the general amount. 1 ,200 th(! maximuu), in special cases to b(. granted to any individual. The greater part, however, of the laml (1,457,200 acres) was granted, in fact, to Individ mils at the rate of from 10,000 to 50,000 to each person. The evasion of the i-egtdations was managed as follows : A petition, signed by from 10 to 40 or 50 jjcrsons, was presented to the Executive Council praying for a grant of 1,200 acres to each person, and promising to' settle the land so applied for. Such petitions were, I am informed always granted, the Council being perfectly aware that, under a pre- vious agreement between the applicants (of which the form was prepared by the then Attorney General, and sold publicl- by the law stationers of Quebec), five-sixths of the land was to be'conveyed to one of them, termed leader, by whose means the grant was obtained. In most cases the leader obtained the most of the land which had been nominally applied for by fifty persons." Upon this subject we further give as worthy of attention, although wo will not endorse all that is said, the remarks matle by Mr. Robert (iourlay in his " Statistical Account." Ho says, " when we look back into the history of old countries, and observe how landed pro- perty was first established ; how it was seized upon, pulled about given away, and divided in all sorts of ways, shapes, and quantities;' how It was bequeathed, burthened, entailed, and leased in a hundred forms; when we consider how dark were the days of antiquity,_how grossly ignorant and savage were our remote fore- fathers, we cannot be so much surprised at finding ourselves heirs to confusion; and, that, in these old countries, entanglement con- 178 aoiIBLAYH ttTATKMRNTM. tinucB lo bo Uio onlor of tlu^ dsiy. Hut wht'ii (livilizwl mon were quiotly and |)Ottcoubly lo ontor into tho occu|uincy olii now ru^ion, whoro all could bo udjuHtcd by tho H(|uuru and conipuHH ; und whoii order, iVoni tho beginning, could have provonted lor over all pos- dibility of doubt, and diHputo, and diHturbanco; how deplorable \n it to know, that in Iums than a life-timo, even the MimpIoHt atVairm should gut into cont'u8ion ! and ho it In alruiuly in Upper Canada to a lamentable degroo. JioundarioM of land are doubiful und <li8- putod : deodM have boon iniHluid, loHt, unfounded, forged : they have boon paoHod again and again in review before commiHMionerH : thoy have been blotted and blurroU : they have got into the ropoHitorioH of attornies and [)ettilogging lawyers; while courtB of juHtico are every day adding doubt to doubt, delay to delay, and confuHion to cojifuwion ; with coHtH, churgoH, cheating. " ThingH are not yet beyond the reach of amondmont, even in the old HOttlomontH. In the new, what a gloriouu tauk it is to dovise planH for hwting peace and prosperity I — to arrange in Huch a way, us to bar out a world of turmoil in timoB to come I " The ])reHent very unprofitable and comfortless condition of Upper Canada must be traced back to the first operations of Si mcoe. With all his honesty, and energy, and zeal for settling the Province, ho had really no sound views on tho subject, and ho was infinitely too lavish in disposing of tho land— infinitely too mucn hurried in all his proceedings. In giving away land to individuals, no doubt, ho thought ho would give these individuals an interest in the improve- ment of tho country, — an inducement to settle in it, and draw to it settlers; but ho did not consider the character and condition of most of his favorites; many of them officers in the army, whose habits did not accord with business, and loss still with solitude and tho wilderness ; whose hearts were in England, and whose wishes wore intent on retirement thither. Most of thom did retire from Upper Canada, and considering, as was really tho case, their land grants of little value, forgot and neglected thom. This was attended with many bad consequences. Their lands became bars to im- provement ; as owners thoy wore not known ; could not be heard of; could not be applied to, or consulted with, about apy measure for public advantage. Their promises under the Governor's hand, their land board certificates, their deeds, were flung about and neglected. But mischief greater than all this, arose, is, and will be, from tho badness of surveys. Such was the haste to get land given away, that ignorant and caroless men wore employed to KKlTIHil (tOVKRNMRNT CONHiriKltATK. 179 moiwur« It out, iin<l Hiioh a m«HH <li<i tlu»y rnnUo of their liind-rntmnur- in^, thftt onoof tlio preHtMit Kiirvi'yorH iiitbriucd mo, thiii in running now iinoM over a jijrout oxtont of the Province, ho found spuro r(M)in for ft wholo townnhip in tho inidnt of tho«o laid out lit nn curly period. It nifty romlily bo concoivod, upon coiiHidorrttion of this fact, whftt hlundcring has hc»Mi conunittod, and what niislakos stand lor correction. Houndary lines in the wiUlorncHs aro niarlcod by blazing, an it ,!« called, that is, chopping otl'with an axo, a littlo hark from Huch trooH as stand nearest to tho line. Careless sur- voyorH cftn readily be supposed to depart wide of the truth with this blazing: their measuring ehains eatit)ot run very Htraight, and their com pftss needles, where these are called in aid, may bo greatly divertijd fi'om tho right direction by ferruginous substances in tho nei^'hbourhood, as spoken of. In short, numerous mistakes and errors of survey have been made and discovered: much dispute has arisen thorotVom ; ftnd I have been told intinito mischief is still in store. It occurred to me, while in (Janada, and it was one of tho objects which, had a commission como homo, J meant to have pressed on the notice of government, that a complete new survey nnd map of the Province should bo executed ; and at tho same time a book, after the manner of Doomsduy-book, written out and pub- lished, setting forth all the original grants, and describing briefly but surely all property both public and private. I would yet most seriously recommend such to be sot about. It might be expensive now, but would assuredly save, in time to come, a pound for every penny of its cost." Wo have seen elsowhoretiiat, in thd terms of peac6 tnAdo atl^rtnfi when hostilities ceased, justice was not done to the American Loyal- ists. But subsequently, v/hen their claims became known to the British public, there was uttered no uncertain sound, upon the floor of Parliament, respecting tho duty resting upon England towards the devoted but distressed loyalists who had laid all upon tho altar of patriotism ; and to the honor of Knglantl be said, every stop was now taken to provide some recompense for tho United Empire Loyalists. It is true, the old homes with their comforts and associations could not be restored ; tho wilderness was to be their homo, a quiet con- science their comfort, and their associations those of tho pioneer for many a day. But, what could be done, was done by the Crown to render their circumstances tolerable. Extensive grants of land were granted, not alono to the disbanded soldier according to rank, but to every one who had become a refugee. Throe years supply 180 THE BROKEN FRONT. . . of rations were allowed to all, as well as clothing; and certain imple- ments were furnishtjd with which to clear the land and prepare it for agriculture. The scale of granting lands was, to a field officer 5000 acres, captain 3000, subaltern 2000, private 200. The loyalists were ranked, with the disbanded soldiers, according to their losses, and services rendered, having taken the usual oath of allegiance; and all obtained their grants free of every expense. In 1798. com- plaints having been made to the Imperial Government respecting the profuse manner of gran ting lands, royal instructions were given to Gen. Hunter to limit the allowance to a quantity from 200 to 1,200. The grants of land when large, were not to be in blocks ; but few secured more than 200 acres upon the front townships. The original mode of granting lands, at least to the soldiers, was by lot. The process was simple. The number of each lot, to.be granted in each concession, was written on a separate piece of paper, and all were placed in a hat and well shaken, when each one to receive land, drew a piece of paper from the hat. The number upon the paper was the number of his lot, Ho then received a printed location ticket. In drawing lots, no one felt any particulM* anxiety. They were yet unacquainted with the country, they had not seen the land, and one number was as likely to prove as valuable as another. It would seem that the Surveyor acted as Land Agent. Having surveyed the lots, he prepared the ballot, and arranged the time and place for the settlers to draw. It was no doubt this original mode of drawing by lottery, which gave the provincial term draw- ing land. We have the testimony of Ex-Sheriff Sherwood, that the Surveyor discharged this oflBce. He recollects " Esquire Collins ;" he was at his father's house, and his father assisted in the matter of drawing with those who had assembled for the purpose. The Sur- veyor had a plan by him, and as each drew his lot, his name was written immediately upon the map. Many of the plans, with names upon them, may be seen in the Crown Land Department. Some of the settlers upon the front acquired much more land than others by rv^ason of the "broken front." It often happened that the base line, running from one cove of the Bay to another, left between it and the water a large strip of land. This " broken front" belonged to the adjacent 200 acres, so that often the fortunate party possessed even 50 or 100 acres exti*a. One of the noted individuals to whom land was granted in Upper Canada, was Arnold the Traitor. 18,000 acres was given him, and £10,000. ' TYENDINAOA, 181 The tract of land now constituting the Township of Tyendi- naga, having been purchased from the Mississaugas, was deeded to the Mohawks. The deed bears the date of 1804. Tlie land is granted to " the chiefs, warriors, people, women of the Six Nations." The chief, at the time they settled, was Capt. John Deserontyon. CHAPTER XYII. » Contents — Lines — Western Settlement, 1783 — Population — Settlement upon St. Lawrence and Bay — Number, 1 784 — Proclamation to Loyalists — Society dis- turbed — Two kinds of Loyalists — St. Lawrence and Bay favorable for Settle- ment — Government Provisions — State r f the Loyalists — Serving out Rations . — Clothes — Utensils for clearing and farming — The Axe — Furniture — At- tacking a last enemy — Tents — Waiting for their Lots — " Bees" — Size of dwellings — Mode of building — Exchanging work — Bedsteads — Clearing— Fiteing trees — Ignorance of Pioneer Life — Disposing of the Wood — No beast of burden — Logging — Determination — All Settlers on a common ground — Additional Refugees — Advance — Simcoe's Proclamation, 1792 — Conditions of Grants — The Response -Later Settlers — Questionable Loyalists — Yankees longing for Canada — Loyalty in 1812. THE SETTLEMENT OP UPPER CANADA. " CANADA." BY ALGXANDBR M'LACHLAN. Land of mighty lake and forest ! Where the winter's locks are hoarest ; Where the summer's leaf is greenest ; And the winter's bite the keenest ; 'l'\ Where the autumn's leaf is searest. And her parting smile the dearest ; Where the tempest rushes forth. From his caverns of the north, With the lightnings of his wrath, Sweeping forests from his patii ; Where the cataract stupendous Lifteth up her voice tremendous ; Where uncultivated nature , Rears her pines of giant sfaiture ; Sows her jagged hemlocks o'er. Thick as bristles on the boar ; Plants the stately elm and oak Firmly in the iron rock ; * Where the crane her course is steering, And the eagle is careering, Where the gentle deer are bounding. And the woodman's axe resounding ; Land of mighty lake and river, To our hearts thou'rt dear forever 1 182 POPULATION, 1783.- ■ Thou art not a land of story ; . ,;..-' ■/J'l Thou art not a land of glory ; No tradition, talc, nor song, To thine ancient woodii belong ; No long line of bards and sages . ,j.^ Looking to us down the ages ; nWTr'y •, No old heroes sweeping by, .^,^.ff,,yi;', In their warlike panoply ; • Yet heroic deeds are done, Where no battle's lost or won— . In the cottage, in the woods, In the lonely solitudes- Pledges of affection given, That will be redeemed in heaven. In 1783, when a regular survey and Bettloment of Western Canada commenced, the inhabitants of the Lower Province exten- ded westward, only a few miles above Coteau du lac, upon the St. Lawrence, at Lake St. Francis ; but not a house was built within several miles of the division line of the two Provinces, which is above Montreal, about 40 miles, on the north shore. On the south side there was the Fort of Oswegotchie. Besides the squatters around the military posts at Carleton Island, Oswego, and Niagara, there were a few inhabitants at Detroit and Sandwich, of French origin, where a settlement had sprung up in 1750. The entire population of all Canada at this time, has been esti- mated at 120,000, including both the French and English. Al- though refugees had squatted here and there upon the frontier, near to the several militaiy posts, it was not until 1784 that the land, now surveyed into lots, was actually bestowed upon the Loyalists ; yet it was mainly disbanded soldiers that received their " location tickets" in the year 1784. The grants were made to the corps under Jessup, upon the St. Lawrence, and under Eogevs upon the Bay; and to Butler's Rangers at Niagara, at the same time, or very nearly. During the same season, a settlement was made upon the Niagara frontier and at Amherstburgh, by the Loyalists who had found refuge at the contiguous Fort.s. It is supposed that the number who became settlers this year, 1784, in Upper Canada Avas about 10,000. Thus the Province of Upper Canada was planted ; thus the Eefugees and disbanded soldiers found themselves pioneers in the wilds of Canada. Was it for this they had adhered to the Crown — had taken up arms — had sacrificed their all ? At the close of hostilities, a proclamation was issued to the Loyalists, to rendezvous at Sacket's Harbour, or Carleton Island, Oswego, Niagara, and Isle aux Mois, the principal military posts upon the frontier. FAVORABLE PLACES FOR SETTLEMENTS. 183 Tho tempest of war which had swept across the Aniorican Continent, seveiring thirteen Colonies from the parent trniik, had roughl}' disturbed the elements of society. It resulted that the cessation of hostilities left a turbulent ocean, which required time to compose itself. There were Loyalists who would not live under a flag alien to Britain. There were those Whose circumstances would have induced them to abide the evil that had overtaken them in the dismemberment of the British Empire; but the fierce pas- sions of the successfVil rebels rendered a peaceful or safe existence of the Loyalists among them impossible. Driven they were, away from their old homes. There were those who had been doable minded, or Avithout choice, ready to go with the successful party. Such wandered here and there looking for the best opportunity to secure self aggrandisement. It is of the first two classes we speak. Forced by cruel circumstances, to become pioneers in a wilder- ness, there could not be found in America, a more favourable place whereupon to settle than along the banks of the St. Lawrence, and around the irregular shores of Bay Qninte, with its manj' indenta- tions. They had to convert the wood-covered land into homes. The trees had to be felled, and the land prepared for grain, .-md the fruit of the soil to be obtained for sustenance within three years, when Government provisions would be discontinued. It can readily be understood that a water commuaication to and from tho central points of settlement, as well as access to fishing waters, was most desirable. The smooth waters of the upper St. Lawrence and the Bay Quinte constituted a highway of the most valuable kind, for tho only mode of travel was by the canoe, or flat-bottomed batteau, which was supplied by the Government in limited num- bers ; and in winter by rudelj- constructed hand-sleighs, along the icy shores. THE FIRST SETTLERS. The settlers of Uppei* Canada, up to 1790, may be divided into those who were forced away from the States by persecution, during and after the war ; the disbanded troops ; and a nobler class, who left the States, being unwilling to live under other than British rule. To what extent were these pioneers fitted and prepared to enter upon the truly formidable work of creating homes, and to secure the necessaries of life for their families. But few of them possessed ought of worldly goods, nearly all were depending upon 184 .; GOVERNMENT IMPLEMENTS. , ^•. the bounty of Govornmont. In tho first place, they were supplied with rations ; which consisted of flour, pork, ^vnd a limited quantity of beef, a very little butter, and as little salt. Wo find in Rev. Mr. Carroll's ** Past and Present" that " their mode of serving out rations was rather peculiar." " Their plan was, to prevent tho appearance of partiality, for tho one who acted as Commissary, either to turn his back, take one of the articles, and say, ' who will have this?' or else the provisions were weighed, or assorted, and put into heaps, when the Commissary went around with a hat, and received into it something which he would again recognize, as a button, a knife, &c. ; after whick he took the articles out of the hat, as they came uppermost, and placed one on each of the piles in ro ■ tation. Every person then claimed the parcel on which ho found the article which he had thrown into the hat." They were also supplied with " clothes for three years, or until they were able to provide these articles for themselves. They con- sisted of coarse cloth for trowsers and Indian blankets for coats, and of shoes ; beside, each received a quantity of seed grain to sow upon the newly cleared land, with certain implements of husbandry. To each was allotted an axe, a hoe, and a spade ; a plough, and one cow, were allotted to two families; a whip and cross-cut saw to every fourth family; and, even boats were provided for their use, and placed at convenient points,;" and " that nothing might seem to be wanting, on the part of the Government, even portable corn mills, consisting of steel plates, turned by hand like a coffee-mill, were distributed among the settlers." Wc have learned they were also supplied with nails, hand-saws and other materials for building. To every five families were given a " set of tools," such as chisels and augers, of various sizes, and drawing-knives; also pick-axes, and sickles for reaping. But, unfortunately, many of these imple- ments were of inferior quality. The axe, with which the burden of the work was to be done, was unlike the light implement now in use, it was but a short-handled ship axe, intended for quite a different use than chopping trees and clearing land. Notwith- standing, these various implements, thoughtfully provided by Gov- ernment, how gi'eatly must they have come short in meeting the varied wants of the settler, in his isolated clearing, far separated from places whereat things necessary could be procured. However, the old soldier, with his camp experience, was enabled by the aid of his tools, to make homely and rude articles of domestic use. And, in farming, he constructed a rough, but servicable plow, and harrow, and made fiandles for his scythe. INSTITUTION OP " BEES." llji^ Thus provisioned and clothed, and thus armed with implomonts of industry, the old soldiers advanced to the attack of a last enemy, the wild woods. Unlike any previous warfare, waa this lifetime struggle. With location ticket in hand, they filed into the batteaux to ascend the rapids. A certain number of batteaux joined together, generally about twenty or twenty-five, formed a brigade, which was placed under the command of a suitable oflflcer ; if not one who had in previous days, led them against the foe. It is quite impossible to conceive gf the emotions which found a place in the breasts of the old veterans as they journeyed along wearily from day to day, each one bringing them nearer to the spot on which the tent was to be pitched for the last time. Eagerly, no doubt, they scanned the thickly wooded shores as they passed along. Curiously they examined the small settlement, clustering around Cata- raqui. And, it cannot be doubted, when they entered the waters of the lovely Bay Quinte, the beauty of the scene created a feeling of joy and reconciliation to their lot, in being thus cast upon a spot so rich in natural beauty. These disbanded soldiers, at least each family, had » canvass tent capable of accommodating, in a certain way, from eight co ton persons. These were pitched upon the shore, at first in groups, until each person had learned the situation of his lot, when he immediately removed thereto. But there were by no means enough tents to give cover to all, and many had only the friendly trees for protection. The first steps taken were to clear a small space of trees, and erect a place of habitation. We have seen what were the implements he had to work with — the materials he must use to subdue the forest tree standing before him. Here, at the very threshold of Upper Canadian history, wag initiated the " institution" of " bees." " Each with his axe on his shoulder, turned out to help the other," in erecting a log shanty. Small and unpretending indeed, were these humble tenements first built along the shores of the bay. The size of each depended upon the number to occupy it. None were larger than twenty by fifteen feet; and an old man tells me that his father, who was a carpenter, built one fifteen feet long and ten feet broad, with a slanting roof seven or eight feet in height. The back-woodsman's shanty, which may yet be seen in the outskirts of our country, is the counterpart of those which were first built ; but perhaps many of our readers may never have seen one. " Eound logs," (generally of basswood,) "roughly notched together at the corners, and piled one above another, to the height of seven or eight feet, constituted the walls. 196 THS OLD LOO HOUSE. Openings for a door, «nd one small window" (always beside the door) "designed for four lights of glass, 1 h 9, were cut out," (Gov- ernment had supplied them with a little glass and putty) ; " the spaces between the logs were chinlcod with small splinters, and carefully plastered outside and inside, with clay for raortar. Smooth straight poles were laid lengthways of the building, on the walls, to servo as supports of the roof This was composed ' of strips of elm bark, four feet in length, by two or three foot in width, in layers, overlapping each other, and fastened to the poles by withs." (The roof was some times of black oak, or swamp oak, bark,) " with a sufficient slope to the back, this forme<l a root" which was proof againct wind and weather. An ample hearth, made of flat stones, was then laid out, and a fire back of field stone or small boulders, rudely built, was carried up as high as the walls. Above this the chimney was formed of round poles, notched together and plastered with rowd. The floor was of the same materials as the walls, only that the logs "were split in two, and flattened so as to make a tolerably even sur- face. As no boai'ds were to be had to make a door, until they could be sawn out by the whip saw, a blanket suspended from the inside for some time took its place. By and by four little pains of glass, were stuck into a rough sash, and then the shanty was complete." — (jUroil) ^ .-t.:.. Furniture for the house was made by the old soldier ; this was generally of the roughest kind. They had the fashion of exchanging work, as well as of having bees. Some of them had been mechanics in other days. A carpenter was a valuable acquisition, and while others would assist him to do his heavy work, he would in return do thgse little nicer jobs by which the household comforts would be increased. No chests of drawers were required ; benches were made of split basswood, upon which to sit, and tables were manufactured in the same style. The bedstead was constructed at the end of the cabin, by taking poles of suitable size and iiiserting the ends between the logs which fonned the walls on either side. These would be placed, before the cracks were filled in and plastered. CLEARING THK LAND. A log hut constructed, wherein to live ; and such plain rough arti- cles of furniture as were really necessary provided, the next thing was to clear the land, thickly covered with large trees and tangled brush. Many a swing of the unhandy axe had to be made ere the trees could be felled, and disposed of ; and the ground made ready for the grain or root. THE WORK OP OLBARING. 187 A few years later, and the settler would, in the dry Bummer season, fire the woods, so as to kill the trees. By the next year they would have become dry, so that by setting fire again they would bum down. In this way much labor was saved. But sometimes the fire would prove unmanageable and threaten to destroy the little house and log barn, as well as crops. Another mode of destroying the large trees, was to girdle them— that is, to cut tln-ough flio bark all around the tree, whereby it was :Jllod, so that the following year it would like>vi8e burn down. A portion of the disbanded troops, as well as other loyalists, had been bred to agricultural pursuits ; and some of them, at least those who had not been very long in arms, could the more readily adapt themselves to their new circumstances, and resume their early occu- pation. The axe of the woodsman M'as soon swung as vigoi'ously along the shores of the well wooded river and bay, as it had been in the forests years before, in the backwoods of New England. It is no ordinary undertaking for one to enter the primeval forest, to cut down the tough grained trees, whose boughs have long met t^e first beams of the rising sun, and swayed in the tempest wind ; to clear away the thick underbrush, which impedes the step at every turn ; to clear out a tangled cedar swamp, no matter how hardy may be the axe-man — how well accustomed to the use of the implement. With the best mode of proceeding, with an axe of excellent make, and keen edge ; and, combined with which, let every other circum- stance be favorable ; yet, it requires a detennined will, an iron frame and supple muscle, to undertake and carry out the successful clearing of a farm. But, the refugees and disbanded soldiers, who formed the pioneers of Upper Canada, enjoyed not even ordinary advantages. Many of the old soldiers had not the slightest know- ledge of the duties of pioneer life, while others had but an imperfect idea. Some scarcely knew how to fell a tree. Hardy and deter- mined they were ; but they possessed not the implements requisite to clear off the solid trees. We have seen that the axe funiished by government was large and clumsy, and could be swung only with diffi- culty and great labor, being nothing more than the ship axe then in use. Slow and weaiisome indeed, must have been the progress made by the unaccustomed woodsman in the'work of clearing, and of preparing the logs for his hut, while he had, as on-lookers, too often a feeble wife and hungry children. The ordinary course of clearing land is pretty well known. At the present day the autumn and winter is the usual time, when the 188 CONQUERINO. wood is cut in nleigh lotigths for home use, or made into cord wooi^ for the market. Tlie brush is piled up into huge hea})s, and in the following seswon, when sufficiently dry, is burned up. Now, wood, except in the remote parts, is very valuable, and for those Avho can part with it, it brings a good income. But then, when the land was everywhere covered with wood, the only thought was how to got rid of it. The great green trees, aft^r being cut down, had to lie until they had dried, or be cut into pieces and removed. Time was necessary for the first. To accomplish the second, involved labor with the unwieldly axe ; and there were at first, no beast of burden to haul the heavy logs. The arm of the pioneer was the only motor power, and the trees had to bo cut in short lengths, that they might be carried^ To overcome the more heavy work connected with this, the settlers would have logging bees from place to place, and by united strength subdue the otherwise obstinate forces. Mainly, the trees were burned; the limbs and smaller portion first, and subsequently the large trunk. The fire would consume all that was flamable, leaving great black logs all over the ground. Then came " logging," that is, piling these black and half burned pieces into heaps, where, after a longer time of drying, they might be consumed. A second, perhaps a third time the pieces would have to be collected into " log heaps," until finally burned to ashes. It was by such means, that slowly the forest along the St. Lawrence, and surroundng the Bay Quinte, as well in the adjacent townships melted away before the daily work of the aggressive settler. Although deprived of all those comforts, which most of them had en" joyed in early life in the Hudson, and Mohawk valleys,and fruitful fields of Pennsylvania, they toiled on determined to conquer — to make new homes ; and, for their children at least, to secure comforts. They rose early, and toiled on all day, whether long or short, until night cast its solemn pall over their rude quiet homes. The small clearing of a few acres gradually widened, the sound of the axe was heard ringing all the day, and the crash of the falling tree sent the startled wild beast to the deeper recesses of the wild wood. The toilers were not all from the same social rank, but now in the main, all found a com- mon level ; the land allotted to the half pay ofllcers was as thickly covered with wood. A few possessed limited means, and were able to engage a help, to do some of the work, but in a short time it was the same with all ; men of education, and who held high positions, rightly held the belief that it was an honor to be a refugee farmer. At the close of the war a considerable number of the refugees found safety in New Bnmswick and Nova Scotia. But a certain simcoe'b proclamation. 189 minibor, not finding wuch prospects as tl»oy had hoped, resolved to try Caniida. Consequently, for five or six years after the peace, this class continued slowly to flow, to swell the number of inhabitants of Upper Canada. Some of them tarried, or remained in Lower Canada ; but the majority ascended the Hay Quinte, and settled the new townships at the head of the bay ; not n few would remain for a year or two in the townships already settled, working farms on shares, or 'living out,' until the future homo was selected, A good many of the first settlers in the sixth, seventh, and eight townships, had previously lived for a while in the fourth township. The advance of the settlements was along the bay, from Kingston township and Ernest town, westward along both sides. When the settlers in the first, second, third and fourth townships, had, to a certain extent overcome the pioneers first difficulties, those in the sixth, seventh, eight and ninth, were yet undergoing mostly all the same hardships and trials. Far removed from Kingston, they could, with difficulty, procure necessities, and consequently endured greater piivation, and experienced severer hardships ; but in time these settlers also overcome, and ended their days in comparative comfort. Gen. Simcoe, after he became the first Governor of Upper Canada in 1792, held the opinion that there remained in the States a largo number of Loyalists, and conceived the idea of affording them an inducement to again come under British rule, as they were British in heart. He, by proclamation, invited them to free grants of the rich land of Upper Canada, in the following words : <' A Proclamation, to such as are desirous to settle on lands of the Crown, in the Province of Upper Canada, By His Excellency John Graves Simoob, Esquire, Lieutenant-Gt)vernor and Com- mander-in-Chief of the said Province, and Colonel commanding His Majesty's Forces, &c.,&c. Be it known to all concerned that His Majesty, both by his royal commission and instructions to the Gt)v. ernor, and in his absence, to the Lieutenant-Governor of the said Province of Upper Canada, gives authority or command to grant the lands of the Crown in the same by patent under the great seal thereof. I do accordingly make known the terms of grant and set- tlement to be:" &c. Without introducing the somewhat lengthy terms given under the heads, it is sufficient to say that they were most liberal ; in the meanwhile reserving what was necessary to maintain the rights previously granted to Loyalist settlers. No lot was to be granted of more than 200 acres, except such as the Governor might other- 190 VEBJURY BY YANKEBK. wise desire, but no one was to receive a quantity oxcoeaing lOOO iicroa. Every one hatl to make it appear that ho, or Hhe waH in a coiwlition to culllvatu uuvl l.upiuvo the land, and " beaido taking the usual oatlis, subscribe a declaration, vix : I, A. B. do promise and declare that I will maintain and defend to the utmost of my power, the authority of the king in his parliament as the supreme legislature of this province." These grants were free excepting the fees of oflice, "in passing the patent and recording the same." The proclamation was dated 7th February, 1792, Thomas Talbot, acting Secretary. It was obligatory on settlers to clear five acres of land, to build a house, and to open a road across the front of his land, a quarter of a mile. Whether Siracoe was right in his opinion, that many loyalists remained in the States, ready to av.^l Lhemselves of a judicious opportunity of becoming citizens of British territory, may be ques- tioned ; that there were some, cannot be doubted. Not a few res- ponded to his invitation, and entered the new province. The recall of Simcoe led to the abroi^'iition of the terms specified in the aforementioned proclamation, and some of the new comers were doomed to disappointment. As may naturally be supposed, these later comers were not altogether regarded with favor by the first settlers, who now regarded themselves as lords of the soil. The old staunch loyalists were disposed to look upon thonias Yankees, who came only to get the land. And it seems that such was often the case. We have the impartial statement of Rochefoiicault, that there were t^ome who "falsely profess an attachment to the British monarch, and curse the Government of the Union for the mere purpose of getting possession of lands." Even at this early day, they set about taking possession of Canada ! Indeed, it was a cause of grievance in Wal- ford township, Johnstown district, that persons from the States entered the country, petitioned for land, took the necessary oaths- perjured themselves, and having obtained possession of the land resold it, pocketed the money, and left to build up the glorious Union. But, white so much has to be said of some Americans, who took land in Canada for mercenary motives, and committed fraud, it is pleasing to say likewise, tiiat a large uuuiber of settlers from the States, who came in between 1794 and 1812, became worthy and loyal subjects of the Crown. How far all of them were at first Britons in heart, may be questioned. But the fact that the first settlers regarded them with doubtful eye, and often charged them '" YANKIK 0ANADIAN8. iiM. with boiua TatikonH, led many, lor very peacc-Mnko, to jliHplny their loyalty. Bat at laMt, when tliowarof 1812 l>roki(out, thty exhihit('<1 unmistjvkeable attachment to the BritiNh (Jrown. To their honor bo it said, thoy wore as active in (lefen<ling their homes m any clnHs. The number who desertetl from Canada, waH (piito inBiffnificant. As would bo expoetwl, the war of 18 12 arrested the stream of emii,'ralion from the States. Th(^ (lovernnxint of Canada thereafter disooun- tonanced it, and insteud, made nome effort* to draw British European emigrants. «•» DlYifcilOK LV. THE FIliST YEARS OF UPPEB CANADA. CHAPTER XVUI. Contents— Father Picriuet— Provision of Forts in Upper Canada juKt bofore Con- quo8t_li rontonac~Milk_Brundy— Toronto— Tho Several Forts— Detroit— BntiHli GuvriHoiu^— Grasping Kebols— Efforts to Starve out Luyalists in Canada— ^\orse Treated tluin tlie Aeadiaii;-— EHorts to Seeiire Fur Trade— The Frontier Forts— Amerieans Conduct to Indians—Result;— (Jondnd of British aovernmeut— Itations for Throe Years— arinding by Hand— "Hominv Blocks"— "I'Junpii.K Mill"— TJie Women— Soldier Farmers_The Hessians— auffering- rhe "Scarce Year"— Charge against the Commissariat Cfflcers- famine— Cry for Bread— Instances of Suffering— StarvinK Children— No Salt-tisJi—GaiTK— Eating Young Grain— Begging Bran— A Common Sor- i'f.^^T^'""^'^*^^"*"'' EseapcK- Eating Buds and Leavee— Deaths- Primitlvo i! ishmg— Catohing Salmon— Going 125 miles to mill— Disconsolate Fami- lies— 1789— Partial Relief- First Beef Slaughtered in Upper Canada— First %f "'?— ^. ^''"' ''''"^* *^''y ''^*« '^"^^ Dranl<— Tea Introduced— St-;tements of Sheriff Sherwood— Roger Bates— John Parrott— Col. Clark— Squirrell Swimming Nia^^ara— Maple Sugar— How it was made— Women assisting— Made Disiies of Food— Pumpkin Loaf— Extract from Rochefoucanit— 1795 — guBlity of Grain Raised— Quint(5 Bay— Cultivation- Corn Exported— The Grain Dealers— Price of Flour— Pork— Profits of the Merchants. MODE OF PKOCURINQ FOOD. We have seen with what spirit and determination the loyalists «ngaged in the duties pertaining to pioneer life ; how they became domiciled in the wilderness and adapted themselves to their new MB EFP0RT8 TO HTARVE TUB LOYALIHTH. and >iyin^ Hituation. Thus, wan laid tho foundation of tho Province of U'»]HU' (laiimlu, now Ontario. Upon this foundation wii» to b« eri)Ci,«d tjio HU|MM"rttructuro. L«t uh proceed to uxuniinu the cir- cumatancoH of tho flrMt yoarw of Uppor ('anadiun iifo. And HrHt with roHpoct to /oo(/. f.jl Father Picquot viHltod tho Bay und Lako Ontario, ham La Presentation — 0/^denHhur|^h, the year of the Confjuent. Jle n|)oakH of hirt viwit to Fort Frontenac, and roinarkH, "Tho brojul und milk there, wore Uul ; they had not even brandy there to ntjunudi u Wound." By which we learn that tho French garrison hiid a cow, although hIio i^avo inditferent milk; and that oven brandy ibr medi- cinal purpoHOH could not be had. The miHsionary proceeded to F'ort Toronto which wan Hituated upon Lake Simcoo, no doubt ancend- in^ by tho bay (^uinto and Trent. Here ho found " ^ood breiid und good wine "and " everything roijuiHite for trade" with the Indians. Tho coHsion of Canada to the Britinh by the Froneh had been fol- lowed by a withdrawal of lioopn tVoni many of the forts, around which b:«i cluBterod a few hamlols, Hpockn of civilization in a vast wilderness, and in most places things had lupsod into Ihoir primal Btate. And, when rebellion broke out in the Colonies of Britain, there wore but a few posts whereat were stationed any soldiers, or whore clustered tho white settlers. There were a few French living at Detroit, ar»d at Michilmicinac, and to the north-east of Lako Huron. Wo have seen that during tho war, refugees found safety at the soveral military posts. The military rations wore served out to those loyal men in tho same proportion as to the soldiers, and when the war closed the {garrisons continued to dispense the necessaries of life to the settlore upon the north shores of tho lake, and St. Lawrence. For ten yeai's, after tho terras of peace was signed between England and the Independent States, the forts of Oswego, Niagara, Detroit, and Michilmicinac, with the garrison on Carloton Island, remained in the possession of the British troops. To this the grasping Americans warmly took exceptions. Although it would have been next to impossible to supply these places with provisions for troops of their own, they nevertheless wished to dispossess the Royal troops; we learn that tho object was to starve out the rofugeoB who had fotnd shelter upon the borders, and who would bodepond- ing for years to these forts, for the very necessaries of life. In this, their cruelty exceeded that practisetl towards the Acadians. Having driven away the loyalists and dispersed them at home, they would TOWNHIIIi> OOMMISMARY. m hftvo followed thorn to tholrnowwil(lorno*N home, thoro to cnt off thoir ijuppiioH uiul liwivo them to iKirihli. Thoy winhed to olttuiii possos- 81011 of'tho fortu not only to^lut their ven^olul feeliri<^ ui^ainNt tho torieH, hut to Hocuro tho truffle earrioil on with tlio IndiuiiH. Dreams of iigK^'tii^izomont floated throu/]Ch their nvurieiouH mindn. It was rejjjardod an oxcollont wtroko of policy to turn tho current of tho ftir triulo from tho St. Lawrence, and Htarve out hy dogroos tho rofu/^ecH, and tho French who would have noneof M«'/r " Liherty." llenco their dosiro to f^et possesMiori of the frontier fort.s. Hut it wnH destined that tluH valuahle trartlc should never como into tho hands of tho United States; or rathor it should ho said, the Ameri- cans hiul determined to pursue a course which would completelv alienate the Indian tribes from them. Under auch circumstancos no possession of the forts could have turned tho trade from its natural channel by the St. Lawrence, across tho continent to Now York. The British Government never desired to stint tho loyal rof\i- goos and tho disbanded soldiers. At the close of hostilities it was dotormined that both alike, with thoirfamilies, should receive while traveling, and for a period of three years, such rations as arc allowed daily to the private soldier. And the Commissariat Department was instructed to make the necessary provision to have transported to each township by batteau, what should bo requisite. Depots wore established, in addition to tho different garrisons, in each town- ship, to which some prominent and trusted refugee of their number, generally a Imlf pay officer, was appointed as Commissary, and at which ample provisions of tho specified kind, as well us certain implements, it was ordered should bo stored, to bo dealt out with regularity and fairness to each family, according to the number of children. In some of tho townships two battcaux were provided to bring the provisions from Montreal. Besides tho focxl thus obtained, thoy wore often enabled to freely supply themselves with gamo of different kinds. Tho greatest trouble of all was to got tho grain supplied to them, ground into flour. According to Carroll and Croil, tho townships upon the St. Lawrence, were supplied with stool mills for grinding grain ; but no word of such indifferent conve- nience for tho settlors of tho Bay,ha8 by us boon received ; tho settlers had to get tho grain crushed as best thoy could. Various modes were adopted to do this ; but in all cases the wprk was done by hand. Sometimes the grain was crushed with an axo upon a flat stone. Many prepared a wooden mortar, by cutting a block, of suitable 13 ■jg^ PRIMITIVE CORN MILLS. Icnirth, about four feet, out Of the trunk of a largo tree, oak or maple. Sometimes it was the stump of a tree. In this a cavity was formed, generally by heating a piece of iron, and placing it upon the end. In some quarters, a cannon ball from the Garrison was used. By placing this, rod hot, upon the wood, a hollow of suffi- cientdopth could be made. ' These mortars, sometimes called " Hom- iny Blocks" and sometimes " Plumping Mill," varied in size ; some- times holding only a few quarts, sometimes a bushel, or even more The pestle or pounder, wa:i raade of the hardest wood, six or eight feet long, and eight inches in diameter at the bottom end ; the top sufficiently small to be spanned by the hand. The pestle was some- times called the stamper ; and the stump or block, with the pestle was called the stump-mortar. Generally, it was by the unaided hand that the grinding was done ; but after a time a sweep pole was arranged, similar to a well polo, and a hard weighty substance boing attached to the pole, much less strength was required to crush the grain; at the same time a larger quantity could be at once done. The work was generally done by two men. The grain thus pounded wasgenerallylndianCorn, and occasionally wild rice. To crush wheat required much more labor, and a small mortar. The bran was separated from the flour by a horse-hair sieve, one of which generally served a whole community, as they were possessed only by a few This rude method continued for many years, especially in thosetownships remote from the flouring mills. Frequently, an iBdiviiual would possess a large mortar, that would be used by a whole neighborhood. Mr. Diamond, of Belleville, a native of Fredericksburg, remembers when a boy, to have accompanied his father " to mill." The mill was one of these larger mortars which ' would contain a bushel of grain when being ground, but which would hold, even measure, two bushels. The grain was crushed by ' a sweep with a weight attached, of ton or twelve pounds. But grinding grain in this rude manner, was very frequently done by the women; and was but one of the difficulties attending the production of meal. It was a hard task to prepare for use the corn supplied by Government; but when that supply was cut off, and the settler had but his own raising, it became much worse. Else- where we have seen the difficult process by which seed was planted, and the fruit of the soil reaped, and then thrashed. It had boon thought by the Government that three years would suffice to give the settler ample time to reap sufficient grain for their sustenance. In most cases, industry and aright application of labor, enabled the GOVERNMENT RATIONS DISCONTINUED, 195 farmcrtoaccompllsh what was expected of him. But the habits which some of the soldiers had acquired durin- the war, were hiirhly detrimental to regular industry. When tlie throe years' supplies were discontinued, many found themselves unprepared to meet the requirements of their now condition. It is said that some of them entertained the belief that " Old George," as they familiarly called the King, would continue to feed them, for an indefinite i^eriod of time upon the bread of idleness. The Hessians, who had settled in the fafth township, who had no idea of pioneer life, were great suf- ferers, and it is stated that some actually died of starvation. Again there was a considerable class who had not had time to prepare the land, and reap the fruit of the soil, prior to the supplies being stop- ped ; or who could not procure seed grain. These were likewise placed ) 1 the most distressing circumstances. The fearful suffering experr. jced in consequence will bo mentioned under the head of the "Scarce Year." Notwithstanding, that Government supplied the settlers with provisions for- three years, and also with spring wheat, peas, corn and potatoes for seed, and took steps to furnish them, first with one mill at Kingston, and then asecond one at Napanee, at the expiration the three years, there were many unprepared. The mills were almost deserted, and the hearts of the people were faint because there was no grain to grind, and famine began to rest upon the struggling settlers, especially along the Bay Quinle. It has already been said that with some of the disbanded soldiers, there was some degree of negligence, or, a want of due exertion to obtain hoilie raised grain before the Government supplies were discontinued j also' that there was a certain number, who came with their families two' or three years after the first settlement, who were not entitled to get trovernment rations, and who had not had time to clear the land Many of these brought provisions with them, but the long distances traveled / them through a wilderness, allowed no large quantity of stores t^. be transported. And within a few months, or a year their store of food was exhausted. But the greatest evil of all It 18 averred, was the failure on the part of the Commissary Depart- ment to bring up from Lower Canada, the supplies which were required by those yet in the service, and who rightly looked to that sourc^ for the bread of life. And, it has been alleged that some ^ho had charge of military stores forgot this public duty, in their anxiety to secure abundant supplies for their own families. And a i>pint of cupidity has been laid to the charge of one or two for retaining for private use the bread for which so many were famish- 196 ,, , THE " 8C/.R0E YEAR.' -. ing. At this romoto period it is impossible to arrive at positive conclusions relative to the matter. We can only examine the cir- cumstances, and judge whether such a thing was likely. Of course the Commissary officers, whoso duty it had been to distribute food in the several townships, .would not be likely to disburse with a hand so liberal, that they should thomsolvea become destitute ; yet the fact that such had food, while others had none, would naturally create an erroneous impression. But the famine was not limited to the Bay region ; although, being remote from Montreal, it was here the distress was most grievously felt. Throughout Lower Canada the pinch of famine was keenly experienced. Even there, in places, corn-meal was meted out by the spoonful, wheat flour was un- jknown, while millet seed was ground for a substitute. Still more, the opinion is given, that the accusation against certain parties is con- ia-ary to the spirit which pervaded the refugee settlers at that time. That they had laid up stores, and looked indifferently upon the general sufl'ering, is contrary to the known character of the parties ftccusod. In after days, as at the present time, there were aroused potty jealousies, as one individual exceeded another in prosperity. JFamily jars sometimes rise to feuds, and false surmises grow into untruthful legends. The period of famine is oven yet remembered by a few, whose memory reaches back to the immediately succeeding years, and the descendants of tho sut!Jbrers, speak of that time with peculiar feelings, imbibed from their parents ; and many are the touching stories even yet related of this sad first page in the history of Upper Canada, when from Lower Canada to the outskirts of the settlement was heard the cry for bread ! oread ! bread ! The year of tho famine is spoken of sometimes as the "scarce year," sometimes as the "hungry year," or the "hard summer." The extreme distress seems to have commenced in the year 1787. . With some, it lasted a part of a year, with others a year, and with others upwards of a year. The height of the distress was during the spring and early summer of 1788. But plenty to all, did not como till tho summer of 1789. The writer has in his possession accounts of many instances of extreme suffering, during tho famine, and for years after, through the ten townships. A few will here be given, as briefly as may be possible. One, who settled in tho Sixth Township, (who was subsequently a Member of Parliament for twenty years,) with wife and children, endured groat suffering. Their flour being exhausted he sent WHAT THIY LIVED TTPON. 197 money to Quebec for some more flour, but his money was sent back; there was none to bo had. The wife tried as an experiment to make bread out of some wheat bran, which was bought at a dollar a bushel. She failed to make bread, but it was eaten as a stir-a-bout* Upon this, with Indian Cabbage, or "Cale," "a plant with a large leaf," also wild potatoes or ground-nuts, the family lived for many a week. In the spring they procured some potatoes to plant, but the potatoe eye alone was planted, the other portion being reserved for food. One of the daughters, in her extreme hunger digged up for days, some of the potatoe rind and ate it. One day, her father caught her at it, and seized hold of her arm to punish her, for for- getting the requirements of the future, but he found her arms so emaciated that his heart melted in pity for the starving child. Others used to eat a plant called butter-nut, and another pig-weed. Children would steal out at night with stolen potatoes, and roast them at the burning log heap, and consider them a groat treat. One individual has left the record that she used to allay the pangs of hunger by eating a little salt. But the majority of the settlors had no salt, and game and fish, when it could be caught, was eaten without that condiment. Even at a later date, salt was a scare© and dear article as the following will show : " Sydney, 20 th Novem- ber, 1792— Eeceived from Mr. John Ferguson, one barrel of salt for which I am to pay nine dollars." (Signed), John German! Often when fish or game was caught, it was forthwith roasted, without waiting to go home to have it dressed. As spring advanced, and the buds of the trees began to swell, they were gathered and eaten. Boots were digged out of the ground ; the bark of certain trees were stripped off and consumed as food. One family lived for a fortnight on beech leaves. Everything that was supposed to be capable of alleviating the pangs of hunger, whether it yielded nutriment or not, was unhesitatingly used ; and in the fifth township some were killed by eating poisonous roots. Beef bones were, in one neighbourhood, not only boiled again and again, but actually carried from house to house, to give a little taste to boiled bran, until there remained no taste in the boiling water. In the fourth township, upon the sunny side of a hill, was an early field of grain, and to this they came, from far and near, to eat the milk-like heads of grain, so soon as they had suflaciently grown, which were boiled and eaten. The daughter of the man who owned the field, and gladly gave to all, still remains with us, then, she was in the freshness of girlhood ; now, she is in the autumn of a green old age, nearly a DIVIDING THE LAST LOAF. hundred. She romomberH to have seen thorn cutting the young suc- culent grain, to use her own words " as thick as stumps." This young ^rain was a common dish, all along the Bay, until it became ripe. One family lived several month.s solol}' on boiled oats. One day, a man came to the door of a house in Adolphustown, with a bag, and a piece of " calamink," to exchange for flour. But the flour was lowi and the future doubtful, and none could be spared. The man turned away with tears of anguish rolling down his face. The kind woman gave him a few pounds of flour ; he begged to be allowed to add some bran lying on the floor, which was permitted, and ho went his way. There were, scattered through the settlements, a few who never were entirely out of provisions,but who had procured some from Lower Canada, or Oswego. Many of these, even at the risk of future want) would give away, day after day, to those who came to their door, often a long distance, seeking for the very bread of life. A piece of bread was often the only thing to give ; but thus, many a life was saved. These poor unfortunates, would offer various articles in exchange for flour or food. Even their lands — all they had, were offered for a few pounds of flour. But, mth a few execrable exceptions, the last loaf was divided ; and when flour was sold, it was at a fair valuation. A common sorrow knit them together in fraternal rela- tionship. The names of some are handed down, who employed others to work all day for their board, and would give nothing for their famishing ones at home. One of them also, sold eight bushels of potatoes for a valuable cow. In some instances, families living remotely, forsook their houses and sought for food at Kingston. One family in Thurlow, set out for Kingr.ton, following the bay shore on foot. Their only food was bran, wliich, being mixed vvith water, was cooked by the w.ay, bj- heating flat stones and baking thereupon. As before stated, the settlers of the fifth township suffered fearfully, and it is stated, that some of them actually died. Mr. Parrott says, that he has heard it stated that pei'sons starved to death. And the extra- ordinary statement is found in the M.S. of the late Mr. Merritt, that one old couple, too old to help tliemselves, and left alone, were pre- served providentially from starvation, by pigeons, which would occasionally come and allow themselves to be caught. The fact is stated by others, that pigeons were at times, during the first years of settling, very plentiful, and were always exceedingly tame. Another person remarks, that although there was generally plenty of pigeons, wild fowl, fish and partridge, yet, they seemed to keep away when most wanted. DEATH PROM STARVATION. tOfr One family, four in niunber, subsisted on the smnll quantity of milk given by a young cow, with leeks, buds of tiecs, and often leaves were added to the milk. A barrel of bran served a good purpose for baking a kind of cake, which made a change on special occasions. At one time, Eoed, of Thurlow, offererd a three year old horse for 50 lbs of flour. This family would, at one time fictually have starved to death, had not a deer been miraculously shot. They often carried grain, a little, it is true, to the Napanee mills, following the river, and bay shores. And when they had no grain, articles of domestic use were taken to exchange for flour and meal. A woman iised to carry a bushel and a half of wheat ten mile? to the Napanee mills, and then carry the flour back. Ex-Sherifi" Ruttan says of his father's family, with whom his uncle lived, "We had the luxury of a cow which tiie family brought with them, and had it not been for this domestic boon, all would have perished in the year of scarcity. The crops had failed the year before, and the winter that followed, was most inclement and severe. The snow was unusually deep, so that the deer became an easy prey to their rapacious enemies, the wolves, who fattened on their destruction, whilst men were perishing for want. Five indivi- duals, in difterent places, were found dead, and one poor woman also, with a live infant at her breast ; which was cared for and protected." " Two negroes were sent to Albany for corn, who brought four bushels. This, with the milk of the cow dealt out day by day in limited quantity, kept them alive till harvest." "The soldiers' rations were reduced to one biscuit a day." Referring to other days after the famine he says : " Fish was plentiful" — the " fishing tackle was on a primitive plan ; something similar to the Indians, who fixed the bait on part of the back bone of the pike, which would catch these finny tribe quite as expeditiously as the best Limerick hook ; but our supply was from spearing by torchlight, which has been practiced by the Indian from time immemorial ; from whom we obtained a vast deal of practical knowledge." Roger Bates, near Cobourg, speaking of the first years of Upper Canada, says that his grandfather's family, living in Prince Edward for a while, " adopted many ingenious contrivances of the Indians for procuring food. Not the least simple and handy was a crotched pole, with which they secured salmon in any quantity, the creeks being full of them." He removed to the township ol Clarke, where he was the first white settler, and for six months saw no white person. "For a long time he had to go to Kingston, 125 200 FIRST UPPER CANADIAN BEEP. miles, with his wheat to bo ground. Thoy had no other conveyance than battoaux ; the journey would Rometimes occupy five or six weeks. Of an evening they put in at some creek, and obtained their salmon with case, using a forked stick, which passed over the fish's back and hold it fivst. Sometimes they were so long gone for grist, in consequence of bad weather, that the women would collect together and have a good cry, thinking the battoaux had foundered. If their food ran short, thoy had a dog that would, when told, hunt a doer and drive it into the water, so that the young boys could shoot it." The summer of 1789 brought relief to most of the settlers, — the heaviest of the weight of woe was removed. But, for nearly a decade, thoy enjoyed but feAv comforts, and were often without the necessaries of life. The days of the toiling pioneers were numbering up rapidly, yet the wants of all wero not I'olieved. Those whose industry had enabled them to sow a quantity of grain reaped a goodly reward. The soil was very fruitful, and subsequently for two and three years, repeated crops were raised from a single sowing. But flour alone, although necossaiy to sustain life, could hardly satisfy the cravings of hunger with those who had been accustomed to a different mode of living. It was a long way to Montreal or Albany, from which to transport by hand, everything required, even when it could be had, and the settler had something to exchange for such articles ; beside the journey of several weeks. Game, occasionally to be had, was not available at all seasons, nor at all times ; although running wild, ammunition was scarce, and some had none. We have stated that Government gave to every five families a musket and forty-eight rounds of ammunition, with some powder and shot, also some twine to make fishing nets. Beef, mutton, &c., were unknown for many a day. Strangely enough, a circumstantial account of the first beef slaughtered along the Bay, probably in Upper Canada, is supplied by one who, now in her 90th year, bears a distinct recollection of the event. It was at Adolphus- town. A few settlers had imported oxen, to use in clearing the land. One of a yoke, was killed by the falling of a tree. The remaining animal, now useless, was purchased by a farmer upon the Front, who converted it into beef. With the hospitality character- istic of the times, the neighbors were invited to a grand entertain- ment; and the neighborhood, be it remembered, extended for thirty or forty miles. A treat it was, this taste of an article of diet, long unknown. INTRODUCTION OP TEA. 201 Tho samo person tolls of tho occasion when the first log barn was raised in Adolphustown, it was during the scarce period. Tho '* bee" which was called, Lad to bo entertained, in some way. But there were no provisions. The old lady, then a girl, saw her mother for weeks previous carefully putting away the eggs, which a few hens had contributed to their comfort ; upon the morning of the barn rais- ing, they were brought forth and found to amount to a pailful, well heaped. The most of tho better-to-do settlers always had rum, which was a far different article from that sold now-a-days. With rum and eggs well beaten, and mixed with all the milk that could be kept sweet from the last few milkings, this, which was both food and drink was distributed to the members of the bee, during tho time of raising the barn. Tea, now considered an indispensable luxury by every family, was quite beyond the I'pach of all, for a long time ; because of its scarcity and high price. Persons are yet living who remember when tea was first brought into family use. Various substitutes for tea were used, among these were hemlock and sassafras ; there was also a plant gathered called by them the tea plant. ' Sheriff Sherwood, in his most valuable memoirs, specially pre- pared for the writer, remarks, " Many incidents and occurrences took place during the early settlement which would, perhaps, at a future day be thought incredible. I recollect seeing pigeons flying in such numbers that they almost darkened the sky, and so low often as to be knocked down with polos ; I saw, where a near neighbor killed thirty at one shot, I almost saw tho shot, and saw the pigeons after they were shot." Ducks were so thick that when rising from a marsh " they made a noise like the roar of heavy thunder." "While many difficulties were encountered, yet we real- ized many advantages, we were always supplied with venison, partridge, and pigeon, and fish in abundance, no taxes to pay and plenty of wood at our doors. Although deprived of many kinds of fruit, we had the natural production of tho country, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries, and lots of red plums, and cranberries in the various marshes all about the country, and I can assure you that pumpkin and cranberries make an excellent substi- tute for apple pie." Mr. Sherwood refers to their dog"Tipler," which was invaluable, in various ways, in assisting to procure the food. He also speaks of " Providential" assistance. *' After the first year we raised wheat and Indian corn sufficient for the year's supply for the family; but then we had no grist mill 202 ABUNDANCE OF OAME. to grind it; we made out to got on with tlic Indian corn very well by pounding it in the mortnr, and made wliat wo called xamp, which made coarHe bread, and what the Dutch called sup-pawn; but let me tell you how we made our mortar. We cut a log oft' a large tree, say two-and-a half feet through and about six feet long, which wo planted firm in the ground, about four feet deep, then carefully burnt the centre of the top and Bcrapod it out dean, which gave us a large mortar. We generally selected an iron-wood tree, from six to eight inches through, took the bark oflfcleau, made the handle to it of suitable length, this was our pestle ; and many a time have I pounded with it till the sweat ran down merrily. But this pound- ing would not do for the wheat, and the Government seeing the difficulty, built a mill back of Kingston, where the inhabitants, for fifteen miles below Brockville had to get their grinding done. In our neighborhood they got on very well in summer, by joining two wooden canoes together. Three persons would unite, to carry each a grist in their canoes, and would perform the journey in about a week. But in winter this could not bo done. After a few years, however, when some had obtained horses, then a kind Provi- dence furnished a road on the ice for some years until a road was made passable for sleighs by land. And it has not been practicable, indeed I may say possible, for horses with loaded sleighs to go on the ice from Brockville to Kingston, fifty years past." Eogor Bates says that "the woods were filled with deer, bears, wolves, martins, squirrels, and rabbits." No doubt, at first, before fire-arms were feared hy them, they were plentiful and very tame. Even wild geese, it would seem, were often easily shot. But powder and shot were expensive, and uidess good execution could be made, the charge was reserved. Mr. Sherwood gives a trustworthy account of the shooting of thirty pigeons at one shot ; and another account is furnished, of Jacob Parliament, of Sophiasburgh, who killed and wounded at a single shot, four wild geese and five ducks. These wild fowl not only aiforded luxurious and nutritious diet, but their feathers were saved, and in time pillows and even beds were thus made. Mr. John Parrott, of Ernest Town, descendant of Col. Jas. Parrott, says, " there were bears, wolves, and deer in great abund- ance, and there were lynx, wild cats, beavers and, foxes in every directions; also martins, minks and weasels beyond calculation. In this connection, we may record a fact related by Col. Clark, respect- ing the migration of squirrels in the early part of the present cen- tury across the Niagara river, from the States. He says, "an SUGAR MAKING. ' immonso immigration of squin'ols took place, and «o numerous woro they tliat the people stood with HticlcH to destroy them, as they landed on the British shore, which by many was considered a breach of good faith on the part of John Bull, who is always ready to grant an asylum to fugitives of whatever nation they may belong to," 4 "w ' MAPLE SUGAR. « Soon tho blue-birdR and the bcoa f O'ertlie stubblo will bo winging; So 'tis time to tap the trees And to set the axe a-ringing ; Time to sot the hut to rights. Where the girls and boys together Tend the furnace fire o'nights In the rough and rainy weather; Time to hew and shape tlie trough, And to punch tho spile so hollow, ■•'^Hiv^J . For the snow is thawing off <*:'»' •:f:f*A'^>'- ft) - ♦»!■?<*"'<*>■*' • And the sugar-thaw must follow. , , . t ^^ Oh, the gladdest time of year ...js ■ l*l^ff# '^y^^tH-^ir^] Is the merry sugar-making, \ ^ When the swallows first appear And the sleepy buds are waking !" In the great wilderness were to bo had, a few comforts and luxuries. Sugar is not only a luxury, but is really a necessary article of food. The properties of the sap of tho maple was under- stood by the Indians, and the French soon availed themselves of tho means of making sugar. To the present day, the French Cana- dians make it in considerable quantities. At first, the settlers of Upper Canada did not generally engage in making it; but, after a time a larger number did. Tho maple, tho monarch of the Cana- dian forest, whose leaf is tho emblem of our country, was a kind benefactor. In the spring, in the first dayu of genial sunshine, active operations for sugar making were commenced. Through the deep snow, the farmer and his sons would trudge, from tree to treo, to tap them upon their sunny side. Tho " spile" would be inserted to conduct the precious fluid into the trough of bass-wood, which had been fashioned during tho long winter evenings. A boiling place would bo arranged, with a long pole for a crane, upon which would be strung the largest kettles that could be procured. At nighty the sap would be gathered from the troughs, a toilsome job, and put into barrels. In the morning a curling smoke would rise from amidst the thick woods, and the dry wood would crackle 204 CANADIAN FOOD. ' ^ cheerily under the row of kottloH, all the sunny spring day ; and night would show a rich dark syrup, colloctod in onoHinallorkottlo, for the more careful work of being converted into sugar. Fre- quently tlio tiro would be attondeil by the women ; and the men would come to gather the tjap in the evening. In this way many u family would be provided with abundant sugar, at all events it had to serve them for the year, as they felt unable to purchase from the merchant. In another place, wo have related how a few made a considerable quantity of sugar and sold it all, to pay for a farm, doing without themselves. The absence of various articles of food, led the thoughtful house- wife to invent new made dishes. The nature of these would depend in part upon the articles of food most abundant, and upon the habits peculiar to their ancestry, whether English, Dutch or some other. The great desire was, to make a common article as tasty as possible. And at harvest time, as well as at bees, the faithful wife would endeavour to prepare something extra to regale the tired ones. There was, for instance, the " pumpkin loaf," a common dish. It consisted of pumpkin and corn meal made into a small loaf, and eaten with butter. Anotl>er dish which seems to have been derived from the Dutch, was Pot Pie, which was always, and is even yet in many places, made to feed the hands at bees and raisings, and oven was generally made to grace the board on a wedding occasion^. "We cannot give the space, if, we felt prepared to speak, of the several made dishes commonly in use among the older Canadians of Upper Canada. Many of them are truly excellent in taste and nutritious in quality. They are often similar to, or very like the dishes in the Now England and Midland States. This subject will be concluded by giving a few extracts from Eochefoucault who wrote of what he saw and learned in Canada in 1795, and who may be regarded as quite correct. He says, "It is asserted" (by Simcoe) "that all Canada, pro- duces not the necessary corn for the consumption of its inhabitants, the troops are supplied with flour from London, and with salt meat from Ireland." But Simcoe then thought that Canada was capable not alone of feeding her inhabitants, but of becoming the granary of England, and receiving commodities in Exchange. Speaking of Forty Mile Creek, ho says : " Before it empties itself into the lake, it turns a grist mill and two saw mills, which belong to a Mr. Green, ,a loyalist of Jersey, who, six or seven years ago, settled in this part of Upper Canada." "Land newly cleared yields here, the PRODUCE OF HAY QUINTE, 1705. first your, twonty bushels of corn. They ph)Ugli tlio hind after it huH jiroduced three or four crops, but not very doop. Tlio price of flour is twenty-two shillings per hundred weight, thut of wheiit from seven to eight shillings per bushel. Laborers are Hcarce, and nro paid at the rate of six shillings a day. Wheat is generally sown throughout all Upper Canada, but other sorts of grain are also cul- tivated." " Mr Green grinds the corn for all the military jjosts in Upper Canada." Approaching Kingston by water he remarks that "on the left is Quinto Bay, the banks of which are said to bo cultivated up to a considerablo extent. The eye dwells with pleasure once more on cultivated ground. The country looks pleasant. The houses lie closer than in any of the now settled parts of Upper Canada which wo have hitherto traversed. The variegated verdure of tho corn- fields embellishes and eni'ichos the prospect, charms tho eye, and enchants tho mind." nwv'wi'i lU .'< :'u " This district not only produces the corn requisite for its own consumption, but also exports yotjrly about 3 or 4000 bushels. This grain, which, in winter, is conveyed down the river on sledges, is bought by tho merchant, who engage, on the arrival of tho ships from Europe, to pay its amount in such merchandise as the sellers may require. The merchants buy this grain for government, which pays for it in rea^y money, according to tho market price at Montreal. Tho agent of government causes part to be ground into flour, which ho sends to the different ports in Upper Canada, where it is wanted; and tho surplus he sends to England. The price of flour in Kingston is at present (12th July, 1795; six dollars per barrel. The distri(;t of Kingston supplied, last year, tho other parts of Canada with large quantities of pease, the culture of which, introduced but two years ago, proves very productive and successful. In tho course of last year, 1000 barrels of salt pork, of 208 pounds each, were sent from Kingston to Quebec ; its price was eighteen dollars per barrel. The whole trade is carried on by merchants, whoso profits are the more considerablo, as they fix the price of the provisions which they receive from Europe, and sell without the least competition." Indeed, the profits of the dealers must have been immense. They sold to the military authorities at a rate which would remunerate them when the provisions came from England ; and when tho farmers of Canada began to raise grain to sell, they bought it, or exchanged merchandise for it, upon which they fixed the price, and continued to sell tho flour at the same price to the military authorities. 4Ni TII£ MILL AT CATAUAQUI. CHAPTKR XiX. t'osTiNTH — KifiKi'toii Milln — Action of Cloviirniiu'nt — Tho Mlllwrinht — Hltimtlon of the (liHt Mill—Why Selected— Tin- Miicliincry— I'ut ii|> l.y LoyallHtM— No T( II— (tiily Mill for thr<'0 y.-uiH—doiiiK to Mill, 17H4— Tho Nii|)(in.'o Mill— (JumiiiuiK'ctl 1785 — Uohert (Jliirkt; — An old Hook — " AjjponcH" FiiIIh— I'rico ofccrtftin luticlcH — What itiini v.Dni, and wuh iiMe<l for — Tint Mill opcnud 1787 — Hcrj^t.- Major ( -'lurk e in cliarK<' — Indian Corn — Small Toll — Surveyor ColllnH in charKt! — IKcoincH tho Troperty of 11. CartwrlKht, 17y2— Kehuilt— Origin of Napanee — Price of Hntter, 1 7HH — MIIIh at Four Mile Crock. Niagara FallM, Fort Krie, and (»nind Kiver — MilU on tht; St. Lawr-nce— Tno Htono MillH — V'anAlHtine — Lake of tho Mountain — 17l)fi — Natural Xoaiity, verfui Utility— Tho Mill— Van Alntino'H Death— Wind Mill— Myor'H Mill— Mill at Cousccon. THE PinST PLOITRINO MILLS. Govornmont was not an indilVeront spectator of tlio difficulty Bpokon of UH to tho grinding of^niin — tho })rooiirin^ of flour, and at an early day, ordered mcauH to meet the roqulromentH of tho pioncerH. Wo have tho certain statement of John C. Clai'k, of Ernest town, now doud, written ten years ago, that his father, Eobort Clark, who was a 7iiillwright, "was employed by Govern- ment, in 1782-3, to erect tho Kingston Mills preparatory to tho settlement of tho Loyalists in that section of Upper Canada." Tho place selected for erecting the mill, was upon tho Cataraqui River, Bovon miles north of tho Fort, now the entrance of tho Ridoau Canal, where are situated tho tirs^ locks of that artificial water way. When in a state of nature, tho place must have boon strikingly boautif\il ; it is so at tho present time, when tho achievements of art give variety of attraction. This situation, selected for the first flouring mill, was central to the jwpulation strung along tho banks of tho St. Lawrence, and Bay Quinte. Every thing required for tho consti'uction of tho mill, was furnished by Government, such as the mill stones, and tho machinery. The rougher work, tho walls of tho building, was done by men detailed for the purpose, from the companj'^ of soldiers. Tho structure consisted of logs, or timber roughly squared, and was erected, as well as the mill house, by the combined, oiforts of the soldier settlors, collected for the purpose. All tho settlers had their grists gi-ound without paying toll. The original building was standing as late as 1836. lor nearly three years, tho Cataraqui Mill was tho only one in Central Canada. The settlers came from Cornwall in the east, and tho most remote settlement up the Bay, At the present day, when railroads and swiftly running steamers assist so materially to anni- hilate space as it were, and bring distant places into close relation" KAIMINO THE NAI'ANKr; MILL. 207 ship, it would IxM'ogunli'd u iimttt>r ol" no littU' truuMu mid incon- vt'nictK'O, to carry ^raiii from C'oruwullon tlio one hand, and Sidney on the other, to Kingston, and wait to have it ground into flour; but how intinitoly greater the difficulty, wh<ui a tracklosn wocxIh covorcd the intorvoning Hpacen, when the only mode of carrying anything was upon the back, or in a canoo, or battcnux, or up<m u raft, in summer; and ui)on a hand-sloigh in winter, drawn througli deep Hnow, i'oUowing the wiiidingH ol'thouhoro along many a dismal mile. The incroaaing poi>ulation around tlio Bay, cauHcd the outho- rities to sook a ])roper wito for a second mill. The Napanee River, with its natural falln, otVorcd an advantageous ])laco upon wliich to erect aHOcond mill for the Hottlors, upon the Bay. Wo have been fortunate, through the kindness of Mr. 1*. Clark, of Collinsby, in being permitted to examine an account book kept b}-^ Kobert Clark, the millwright, of both the Kingston and Napanee mills. By this, wo learn that in the year 1785, llobert Clark, who had completed the Kingston Mill, removed to the second township, and, according to instructions received from Government, j)r()ceeded to construct a mill upon the Najjanee River, at the site of the natural falls. In the absence of the full particulars relating to the building of the Napaneo Mills, the following cannot fail to be of interest. In the account book aforementioned, the following references to the build- ing of the mill, are found recorded : , ^^.j ^ ,,( , ^ .^, i^.^^-^, "An accompt of articles bouglit frir the use of the works, No- vember 8." '* To 4 Augers of ditl'erent size, from Mr. Phillips, car- penters at Catariqui, 138, 8d. To 3 quires of Writing Paj)er, Ss. December 6, To 20 lbs. of Nails, £1 ; December 22, To 6 Whip Saw Files, 3s. 9d." Omitting some items, and coming to March 23, 1786, wo find " For Eaising the Saw Mill," "2 gallons and 3 pints of Rum, 17s 6d." " April 20th, To 1 quart of Rum, 2b." On the "25th May, To 4 gallons and 1 quart of Rum, for Raising the Grist Mill, at 7s. 6d." The " 26th, To 1 quart of Rum for the People at work in the water at the Dam." By this we learn the day upon which the Napanee mill was erected. On the 20th July, Govern- ment is again chai'ged with '* 3 pints of Rum for raising the fendorpost," &c. On the 27th, a pint was again required, but for what special purpose is not mentioned. In December, 1786, we tind " To making Bolt Cloth 15s." " To Clearing one acre and three-quarters of Land for a mill, at seven dollars per acre, £3." And we find that the iron or smith work for the mill was done 208 '" ' ArPENEA. •*'" by David Palmer and Conly. From the fact that the bolting cloth was not made until December, 1786, wo may infer that the mill did not commence operations until the beginning of 1787. The mill was a great boon to the inhabitants around the Bay Quints, not only because they had a shorter distance to travel, but the amount of work pressing upon the Kingston mill, made it very uncertain'as to the time one would have to wait, to get his gristing done. Consequently many came from the Lower Bay, and the dwellers upon the South Bay in Marysburg, who followed the shores around Indian Point and up the Bay Quinte, To those living in Thurlow, Sidney, and at the Carrying Place, the mill was a great blessing. The father of the late Col. John Clark, of Port Dalhousie, who had been Sergeant Major in the 8th Eegiment, and who had, from 1777, been clerk and naval storekeeper at Carleton Island, removed to within three miles of Napanee, the same year the mill was built, to take charge of the works, in addition to his other duties. John Clark, who was then a small boy, says in his memoirs ; the grain principally brought to be ground, was* Indian corn ; but as the clearances increased, wheat became more plentiful. He also speaks of the great industry which characterized the settlers. *' A small toll was exacted to pay for the daily expenses of the mill, but this was a mere trifle, considering the advantages the settlers derived from loss of time in proceeding to Kingston." From this we infer that no toll w^as demanded at the Kingston mill. "When my father," continues Col. Clark, " was ordered to Niagara, the mill was delivered up to surveyor Collins, under whose directions it was continued in operation for many years, and then the mill site became the property of the Hon. E. Cartwright of Kingston." But, we find the statement elsewhere made that the land was originally granted to Captain McDonald of Marysburg, who sold it to Cart- wright. Eobert Clark, in his account book, says, " Commenced work for Mr. Cartwright at the Napanee mills, the 28th August, 1792." This was probably the time when Cartwright became the owner. In the Bame year, reference is made to timber, for the "new mill," by which we learn that Mr. Cartwright found it desirable to re-build. The iron work for the new mill came to £14. By the book, from which we have made extracts, we see that the name is spelled in dift'ercMit ways, the first being Appenea. For many years the name was spelled Apanee. It has been said that it FIRST FLOURING MILLS. 209 was an Indian name, signifying flour, and was /.jiven by the Misfiissaiigas, from the cxiatenee of the flouring mill. iN'apanee may signify flour, in the Indian language, but the infereuce drawn cannot be correct, as we find the name Appenea Falls given to the place in 1785, before the mill was commenced. Cartwright having rebuilt the mill put in one run of stone at first, shortly after two, and then three. Eobert Clark was th^ millwright, and one Prefect was in charge of the works. The mill seems to have been constructed with some care, and Gourlay says, in 1817, that the Napanee mill is the best in the Province. The old account book from which we have gleaned, gives the price at which certain articles were vended. Thus, we learn that in June, 1787, and July 1788, butter sold at Napanee for Is. per pound. p Some time after the erection of the Kingston and Napanee mills, others were erected in other parts of the Province ; one at Four Mile Creek, one at the Niagara Falls, one at Fort Erie, another at the Mohawk Village, Grand River; and still later, one at Twelve Mile Creek. "In the year 1788, the first grist mill in Dundas wiis built by Messrs. Coons and Shaver in Matilda. It contained but one run of stone, and had a saw mill attached. It stood about a mile above the present village of Iroquois. It could grind 100 bushels of wheat per day, and turned out good flour. Soon after, another mill was built on a much larger scale, by John Munroe, also in Matilda, which had three run of stone." There was also a gang of saws. The machinery was driven by the St. Law- rence waters. At a still later pei'iod Van-Alstine's mill was erected, at the Lake on the Mountain. The events connected with Captain, afterwards Major Van- Alstine, as asettlei*, are I'ecordedin thet^ettlemeiitof Adolphustown. Directly opposite the rich and sloping land on the north shore, on which be settled, is a high prominent hill, which stands boldly up against the buy. This " mountain" is famous on account of the lake upon its summit, a particular account of which is given else- where. It is referred to here in a practical sense. While, upon the hill-top is the work of nature, presented in a striking manner; at its feet is the work of man, which, particularly in the past, was of no little consequence to the well-being of the settlers of the Bay. About the year J796, the third flouring mill of the bay was erected at this place by VanAlstine, to whom had been granted a large tract of land. The surplus waters of the lake, in primeval days, made their escape over the cliff, falling into the bay, and forming, it must 14 . 210 .A WINDMILL. .., havo boon at times, a beautiful cascade. But,- if Captain VanAltstino' had a taste for the beautiful in nature, lie also had'a just appreci- ation of the wants of the people, and he proceeded to utilize the falling water. A canal was cut down the mountain side, to form a channel for the water to descend, and at the bottom was erected a mill, the machinery of which was to be propelled by the descending stream. From that day to this the work of grinding had been carried on. However beautiful the lake above, and delightful the prospect, they cannot exceed in interest the foundation of this mill. Imagination would almost give words to the sound of the mill, which so peacefull}' clicks the daily round of work. The down- rushing waters by the artificial channel would seem to utter reminis- cences of the past — regrets that they may no longer tumble headlong over the hill-side to form a lovely cascade ; but the water-witch has •been driven away by the spirit of utilitarianism. This conspicuous \n\\ has often been the point of hope, the goal to which the farmer turned his little bark, containing, it is true, but a few bushels of grain, yet so precious, and about which the hungry ones in the little log house, thought so frequently, with bodies long accustomed to suffer for the want of enough to eat. And, often this mountain stood up as a guide to the settler, as he trudged along wearily through the thick snow with a bag or two of grain upon a hand- sleigh. Although not the very first mill, it dates back to the last century. The Kingston Gazette of the 16th April, 1811, contains an advertisement, signed by the executors of the deceased Major Van Alstine's will, namely, George W. Myers, Cornelius VanAlstine, and Thomas Borland, in which it is stated that the mill contains two run of stone, one superfine and two common bolts. A windmill was built at a somewhat early period, by Sergeant Howell, nearly opposite the Upper Gap, in Fi'edericksburgh. It was sold to one Russell, who was an Engineer in Kingston, in the war of 1812. The wind-mill was never much used, if at all. About the beginning of the century, 1802, Capt. Myers built a floui'ing mill upon the Moira. (See Thurlow.) It seems to have been a good mill, for persons came a long distance to get grinding done. For instance : Isaiah Tubs, who lived at West Lake, would come, carrying a bag of grain upon his back. In the year 1804, Mr. Wilkins says, a gristing'mill was built at Consecon, to the south of the Carrying Place. Consecon is an Indian name, from Con-Cou, a pickerel. PRIMITIVE ELEGANT ATTIRE. . 211 *''■"•'•■'"''''' CHAPTER XX. ' ■^;-! :,,•-;■■', CoNTBNTS — Clothing — Uoincetic and Farming Implements Style of Dre8i eighty yesirs ago— Clothing of thu RcifugoiiS— Disbanded Soldiers— N,. Fredi Supply— Indian Garments of Skin— Deerskin Pants— Petticoats— Bed Cover- ings—Cultivating Flax— Sheep- Home-made Clothes— Rude Implements— Fulling— French Mode— Lindsay Wools(!y— The Spinning-wheel— rjidustrv— Young men Selecting Wives— Bees— Marriage Portion— Every Farm;rhis own Tanner and Shoemaker — Fashions — How odd hours were spent Home-made Shoes— What Blankets were made of— Primitive Bedstead— Nakedness— Bridal Apparel~No Saddles— Kingston and Nowark— Little Money --Bartering— Merchants from Alhany-Unable to buy— CredH; with Misrchants— The Ilesults- Itinerant Mechanics— Americans— Become Canadians— An old Stone-mason- Wooden Dishes— Making Spoons— Other Hardshijis— Indians Friendlv— Effects of Alcohol upon the Mississaugas— Groundless Panic— Drunken Indians —Women, defending Themselves— An erroneous Statement about Indian Massacre in "Dominion Monthly Magazine"— Statement of an Old Settler Sherwood— Wild Beasts— Few Fire-arms— Narrow Escapes— Depredations at Night— Destroying Stock— An Act of Parliament—" A Traveller's" Statement —The Day of Small Things— Settlers Contertcd— The Extent oi' their Ambition— Reward of Industry— Population in 1808— Importations— Monev— The Youth. ♦ " CLOTHING — FURNITURE — DOMESTIC AND PARMINQ IMPLEMENTS. The Style of clothing worn by the refugees and disbanded soldiers was such as prevailed eighty years ago in England. A certain difference, no doubt, existed between the English and the Colonists, yet mainly the style was the same. Among the first settlers upon the bay were those who had fetched with them, and wore, at least occasionally, garments of fashionable cu^and appoint- ments. Tight knee-breeches and silver buckles would decorate the bodies of some, who had in other days mixed in the fashionable throng, perhaps luxuriated in the gay city of New York, where the presence of British soldiers always gave life and gaiety. Indeed some of the inhabitants had been commissioned officers in the regular army. Dr. Dougall, who had been in the navy, and who had settled in the sixth Township, is remembered as a wearer of " tights" and silver buckles. Also, Major VanAlstine wore this elegant attire, and the M'Leans, of Kingston. Those who left their homes hurriedly during the course of the war, and fled to Lower Canada and the several British Forts, brought only what was upon their backs. Those who came more leisurely might have a little more; but the distance to travel on foot would deter from under- taking to bring more than supplies of food. The disbanded soldiers had no more than what belongs Jto a soldier's kit, and no doubt the close of the war left many of them with well worn garments. A few year's of exposure to the wear and tear of pioneer life would 212 I'RIMITIVE USEFUL ATTIRE. quite destroy tho best supplied wardrobe, however carefully hus- banded, or ingeniously mended by the anxious wife. To replace the clothing was far from an easy matter to the settlers, many of whom hud no money, certainly no time for a long journey to Mon- treal or Al bany. After a few years, Kingston became a place of trade, but tho supply of clothing was scant and dear, placing it beyond the reach of mostly all. Tho result was that tho vast majority of the inhabitants had to look to the production of their lands wherewith to cover the nakedness of their families. Those living up the bay continued to w^nt for clothing for a longer time, being unable to exchange with the merchants of Kingston, until peddlers began to visit the more remote settlers. The faded garments, patched until the original material could no longer be distinguished, ultimately succumbed to the etfects of time and labor. .it The Indians, who as a general thing were friendly and kind, when they visited the settlement, gave to the settlors the idea of manufacturing garments out of deer skin. They, now and then exchanged skins for articles, the settlers could part with, and taught them how to prepare the fresh pelt so as to make it pliable. The process consisted in removing the hair and then working the hide by hand with the brains of some animal, until it was soft and white. Trowsers made of this material were not only comfortable for winter, but very durable. A gentleman who recently died in Sophias burgh at an advanced age, remembered to have worn a pair for twelve years, being repaired occasionally, and at the end they were sold for two dollars and-a-half. Petticoats for women were often made of the same material. Eoger Bates says " My grand- mother made all sorts of useful dresses with these skins, which were most comfortable for a country life, and for going through the bush, could not be torn by the branches." Also, moccasins were procured from the buck-skin, and some had enough deer-skin to make covering for beds. But deer-skin was not sufficiently abun- dant to give covering to all, such as it was ; and, certain clothing was required, for which it was unlit. Thus left to their own resources the settlers commenced at an early period to cultivate flax, and as soon as possible to procure sheep. For many yeai*s almost every family made their various garments, for both sexes, of the coarse linen made from the flax, and cloth from wool raised at home and carded by hand. Preparing tho flax for weaving, as well as spinning were done by hand, with inferior implements rudely made. But WANTING CLOTHING. 213 in later years, occasionally spinninj^j wheels and looms were broiiijht in by settlers. There were no fiiUinif mills to complete the fabric. Even the mode adopted then, in Lower Canada, was not practised, which was as follows: A meeting of young folks, similar to a beo, was held from house to house, at whicli both sexes took part. Tho cloth to be fulled was placed in large tubs, and bare-logged youths would step in and with much amusement dance the fulling done. In Upper Canada, both high and low were glad to be able to don the home-made linen, and the linsey-woolsey petticoat. "The growth of flax was much attended to as soon as lands were cleared and put in order." " Then spinning-Avheels were all the go, and liome-made linen, the pride of all families, manufactured substan- tial articles that would last a lifetime." The young men of industry would look for the spinning-wheel and loom before selecting a wife. " A young farmer would often be astonislied to find on his marriage that his fair partner had got a good supply of linen for her marriage portion. I have known as mudi as sixty yards spun and manu- factured at one bee or gathering." — Clark. When the skins of sheep, and of calves and beef become avail- able, every farmer became his own tanner, and dressed his leather; and then his own shoemaker. Fashions did not change, except as the continued practice of making for an increasing family, gave the maker ability to make something more like a boot than a moccasin. Eainy days, and the nights, were spent in doing such kind of work, not by candle light, but by the hearth tire. It was at the same time that an axe-helve, a wooden plow, a reaping cradle, a wooden fork, &c., were made. But many a child, whose ^rand children are now occupying positions of wealth and influence, stayed in the log cabin the winter through, because he had nothing with which to protect his feet from the snow. The writer's father was not a shoe- maker by trade ; but he remembers when a boy to have w^orn shoes made by him. They were not conspicuous for their beauty, but it was thought by the wearer they would l&st for over ; within his recollection there was not a shoemaker in Thurlow. Much ingenuity was displayed in making clothes and blankets. What was called the *' Kearsy " blanket was made at an early date ; tho writer has seen the first one said to have been manufactured in Upper Canada, certainly the first on the Bay Quinte. It is yet in use and belongs to one, nearly one hundred years of age, who is the daughter of the maker, whom wo remember to have seen when a 214 NO FURNITURE. boy, who, although then in the scni' and yellow leaf, was as tall and erect as if untold hardships had not crowned her life. Within fifteen miles of Be leville, across the Bay, was a log cabin, the occupants of Avhich luid for their first blanket, one made out of hair, picked out of the tanner's vat, and a helup-like weed growing in the yard. The hair was first cleaned by whipping it; then it was carded and woi-ked up with the hemp, and then spun. It Avas afterward doubled and twisted, and finally woven into a blanket. Tlie individual whose wife did this, and whose descendants are among the most wealthy farmers, bought his farm for a horse. For many a day, they had no furniture, not even a chair, and the bedstead was made out of two poles, driven between the logs of the shanty; andbassv/ood bark was twisted so as to bind them substantially together. Clean straw xipon this, wai5 really the only thing they had in the house. And so it was Avith very many, the exceptions being, sonie half pay officers, Avho had brought a table, or a chest of drawers. In 1100, the brother of an individual, holding an important post in Kingston, was near the head of tlie bay, staying at a house in a state of nakedness ; in which condition his brother writes, '* ho must remain until I am able to go up." "I have agreed to put him to trial with a carpenter to learn the trade," ho must therefore have been a large boy. It was not until the close of the last century, that Avearing arti- cles, oth-: than those made out of fiax and avooI, Avere to be obtained* A calico dress Avas a decided luxury. Tlie petticoat, and short gOAvn of linen, was more common, A long chintz dress to go to meeting, Avas the height of many a damsel's ambition, or a grogran dress and short petticoat. As years passed aAvay, and a grown up daughter Avas about to be married, efforts Avould be made to array the bride in fitting costume. Often a dress, AAorn by the mother in other days, amid other scenes, Avhich had been laid carefully away, Avas brought forth to light, a;id made by suitable alterations to do renewed service* although the Avhite had assumed a yelloAV oast, and had lost its lustre. As late as 1 8 1 6, a farmer OAvuing land in Sidney, and Avho died rich, made in winter a journey to Kingston Avith flour, Avearing noth- ing on his feet, but a pair of shoes, and A\'ho had his troAA'sers strapped down to keep his ankles Avarm. Leg boots took too much leather- It was many years before a bridle and saddle Avero knoAvn, and then> l)ut a feAv possessed such a convenience. Bare-back, or on a deer skin Avas the primitive mode. After the erection of Upper Canada into a separate province ', both Kingston and NcAAark, Avliei-e there were ahvays troops, and Avhere THE PEDLARS. 215 articles of clotlilng were to b(( purohased tVoni :i few, who Imd cjone into the mercantile biisineHs, exhibited a degree of comfoTt and even gaiety in dress. At tlie first there was but little money in circulation. Bnt few of the refugees, or disbanded soldiers had any when they entered the wilderness. The government were constantly paying a certain sum to the troops at Kingston and Newark, and likewise to the retired half pay otficers. The few who could command money, were placed in a position of greater comfort, as soon as articles of provisions and merchandise, were brought to the new settlement. Mainly, however, trading Avas carried on by exchanging one coinmodity for another. Prol)ably the first articles for trade, was the ti(?ket for grants of land in the back concessions, often parted with so cheaply. The settlers required clothing, grain for sowing, and stock;, these wants in time, led to trade, two kinds of which were introduced. One carried on by merchants established at Kingston, the other by pedlars, Yankee pedlars, who would come from Albany with their pack in a canoe or small batteau, and who plied their calling along the bay shore from clearing to clearing. Both the merchant at Kingston, who' waited for his customers to come to him, and the pedlar who sought customers, asked for their wares, only grain or any other produce. But wheat aviis desired above all others. It was an event of no little hiterest to the back woodsman's family, when the pedlar's canoe or batteau came along, and halted before the log house, by the shore. And, even when their circumstances would not permit them to buy, it Avas a luxury to have a look at the things, which were so temptingly displayed. The toil-woni farmer, with well patched trowsers, would turn with an inward sigh from the piece of cloth, which although so much wanted, could not be got. Tiie wife looked longingly at those little things, Avhich would just suit baby. The grown up daughters gazed wistf ully,but hopelessly at the bright calico prints, more valuable, in their eyes than the choicest silks are to their descendants to day. But a calico dress was a thing not enjoyed, but by few, until it was bought for the wedding dress. Frequently some articles of family use was exchanged for goods, which were deemed of more use. The trade of merchants at Kingston steadily increased ; but not a cash business. A credit system was initiated and curried on. Goods would be purchased with an engagement to pay in wheat or potatoes, or some- thing else, at a certain time. Here and there along the bay were Indian fur traders. They, also, began to exchange with the settlers. While this was a great convenience, and gave immediate comfort to W19 TRAVELLING MECHANICS. many a fivniily, it, at tlio same time, knl to serious results with many. JJisappointotl in the return of cro|)s, or in some otiicr way, tlic pay- ment could not be made. ProiuisHory notes were given at interest; and, after a few years, sueing and seizing of stock was the result. Sometimes even the farm went to satisfy the creditor. Unfortunately, there are too many such cases in the records of the settlers of the bay. Not alone did pedlars come from the States, to pick up the fruit of the industry, of tliose they had driven away ; but there wore itinerant Yankee mochanics wlio would occasionally come along, looking for a job. Carpontei'fl, Alasons, &o., after a few years, found much to do. We would not speak disi)aragingly of these Americans, because they served a good turn in erecting buildings, as houses, barns, (kc. They also hitroduced many valuable articles of luisbandry and domestic use. And finally, many of them forsook their republican government, and pennanently settled under the King, and became the best of subjects. Even in the first decade of the present century, mechanics would go up and down the bay seeking work. For instance, there was one Travers, a atone mason, who found employment along the bay, and 'even up the lake. Of this we are informed by one of his apprentices who is now upwards of eighty years old. (We make place in om* Eoview to state that John W. Mayboe, referred to, aged 88, died 7th February, 1869.) ' A hundred things enter into the list of what constitutes home comforts. But spare, indeed, were the articles to be found upon the kitchen shelves. Plain enough, was the spread table, at which the family gathered morning, nooh, and night. Many had but one or two dishes, often of wood, rudely made out of basswood ; and spoons of the same material. Knives and forks in many families were unknown. A few families had brought a very limited number of articles for eating, relics of other days, but these were exceed- ingly scarce. The wooden spoon was the most common table article with which to carry food to the mouth. By and by the pedlar brought pewter spoons, and once in a while the settler procured pewter and moulds and made spoons for himself. VAUIOUS HARDSHIPS. Apart from the suffering arising from want of food, and clothing to wear, and furniture to make the house comfortable, there were others of more or less magnitude. It would naturally be' expected that one of the first dangers in entering a wilderness, would be from ALCOHOL AND INDIANS. 217 tho Indians, whose territory was being occupied. But in the main this evil whh not added to their other distress. The considerate and just policy pursued by tho British Government, left the Indians no cause of complaint, and they did not at any time a.s8ume an hostile attitude toAvai-d tho infant colony. But that curse of the hinnan race,— baneful curse to the Indians, alcohol, came with the white man ; and, too often, tho unscrupulous trader, and merchant would, not only sell the fire water to them, but rely ujion its intoxi- cating qualities, to consummate more excellent bargain.s for furs. The evil thus inflicted upon the Indian, returned in some oases, upon innocent pioneers. The Indians imder the influence of liquor are par- ticularly savage and ungovernable ; prone to exhibit their wild nature. Thirsthig for tho liquor, they would ; ometimes enter dwellings, when they new the men were absent, and endeavour to intimidate the women to give them rum. A few instances of alarm and actual danger, come to us, among the bay settlers. At one time particularly, there arose a wide spread-alarm, (long remembered as the " Indian alarms,") that tlie Indians were, upon some fixed night, when the men were away to Kingston mills, going to massacre the settlers. This arose from some remarks, let fall by a half drunken Indian. A few of the settlers, did actually leave their homos, and sought protection in a more thickly set- tled locality,while active steps were taken to defend their homes against the Indians. Mrs. Dempsey, of seventh township, gathered up what she couhl, and with her children crossed in a canoe to tho eiirht town- ship. On another occasion, when her husband was absent, several half dnmken Indians came to the house, and one stepping up to where she sat, trembling with fear, and with her little ones nestling close to her, drew his knife, and cutting a piece from the palm of his hand, held the bleeding wound before her face, crying out " look, look^ Indian no fraid." Then he brandished his knife in the most menacing man- ner. She hearing the sound of a passing team, got up and slowly walked backwards to the door, looking tho savage bravely in the eye all tho time. Her husband had opportunely arrived, in time to save his family, which he did by a free use of the hor.se-whip. On another occasion, Mrs. D. savod her life and the childrens from drunkeu Indians, by rushing up a ladder with them, into the garret, which could only be reached by a small opening through the ceiling, and then hauling the ladder up. The Indians endeavoured to assist each other up, and through the entrance, but she having a knife succeeded by cutting their fingers, when they attempted to get up, in keeping 7 them back. These hostile attempts were exceptions, and always the result of intoxication. f 218 WILD BEASTS. Since writing the nbovo, nn article has been pnbliHhod in the Dominion Monthly Magazine, in which it is stated tliat a family of fiettlers were massacred by the Indians upon the banks of the St. Lawrence in 1796. This statement is at variance with facts known to us, and witli the tostiraony of one who cannot be mistaken. His statement is as follows : JJrockville, 13th April, 1868. Mr Deak Sir, — I am in receipt of your note of this date, adverting to the statement of tlie massacre of a family in Upper Canada, by the Indians in 1Y95. I noticed the same statement in some paper I have lately read, and at the time I thought it to be a mistake in the date, or an entire fabrication. I am not awaro of the least hostility shewn by the Indians to any of the U. E. Loy.ali.sts since 1784, eleven years ])revious to date stated, and I do not believe a syllable of it. Yours truly, .}^.M^;^'^-.'>'vMw'..|..>v^.,. * '■•■'■' AdIEL SUERWOOD. "■ Although tlie native Indians did not, as a general thing, alarm the settlor, there were wild beasts that did. For years the wolf, and tlic boar, and other ferocious animals were a source of terror and suffering. These animals, un.accustomed to the sight of man, were at first exceedingly tame. The settlers had but few fire-arms, and ammunition was very scarce ; and the beasts knew no terror of them. They would even by day, come to the very door of the cabin, ready to seize the little child, or the scanty stock of poultry, pigs, or sheep, or calves, or salted provisions which had been left exposed, government stores, &c. And at night they made the most hideous and incessant howls, until morning. Many instances of their rapacity in robbing the scanty yard of the settlers, and of hair breadth escapes of indivi- duals from wolves and boars, are mentioned. The destruction of stock by the wolf especially, caused the government of Canada, at an early date, (1793,) to legislate, with a view of gradually exterminating them; and an act was passed, granting a premium of four dollars to every , one who should bring a wolfs head to the proj^er officer ; and two dollars for a bears. It was withdrawn with regard to bears, in 1796. " A traveller," writing in 1835, remarks that in Kingston, resided a person who privately bred wolves to obtain the rewavd. But whether such an enterprising citizen did actually live in the good old town the writer saith not. Instances of narrow escapes from the wild beasts ''are still remembered, for instance, Lewis Daly, of Ernest town, was 0OMPOIIT8. 219 suddenly attacki'(l by a boar within n mile of homo. lie sprung up n small troo, whioU bending over, ho was in monu'iitary danger of being reached. Ilis cries brought hcl)). In thoHe early days, the Hctl ler, loolced not for great things ; Bchooled by the hardHhips of civil war, ain^ inured to want, and half starvation, they asked not for riches. Enough to eat, and to be warmly clad, and housed from the winter's cold, was the groat point to which they stretched their longing hopes. I'lcnty in the future for the little ones, and for themselves, when thoy had growii old, was the single puri)osc of their toilsome lile. A descendant of a first settler nj)on the front of Sidney, tells of his grandmother whom he had heard say, that her great ambition at first, was to raise vegetable, onions and other useful articles in her garden bed ; to have poultry then, about her. After years she got the fowls ; but a mink, in a single night killed them all. Then, again, they hatl got a breeding sow, and one morning a bear walked out of the woods, and with one hug destroyed all their hopes of future porkers. Gradually, as years i)as8ed away, comforts began to reward the patient and industrious pioneers ; acre after acre was brought under cultivation. The log house received an addition, a little stock was procured, and the future brightened up before them, and by the year 1808, tlio settlements in Uppor Canada were increasing in number, and spreading in every direction. "'Tlio frontier of the country was fast filling up. Persons were taking up land several milos from the water's edge. Some had ventured to take up land in the second tier of townships, in the midst of the wilderness, and many miles from any habitation. The population was now increased to about 70,000 80ul8. The importations was chiefly li(piors and groceries, which by the St. Lawrence and the United States, brought a revenue of nearly £7,000. The bulk of the inhabitants manufactured and wore their own clothing. The way of trade was mostly by barter, as gold and silver were scarce, and there wore no banks to issue paper currency. Intemperance was very prevalent, and schools were scarce. The youth were too fond of foolish amusements." — (^Playter.) BRA8T8 OF IIURDEN. (HIAITKR XXI. CoNTBNTH — Hwoftt of till) Urow— No HoaHt of Jliiidcn — No Htotk — Kxcept by n Fow — HornoM uiul Oxiii — Kioiu I.dwt-r Caniida — York Htiitc — I.uUt coinori, broti^lit Hoinc — No Kodili-r — Kirnt Httxk in AdolphuHtown — Iik iderttM — Cock imd llfii — "Tiplcr" — (.'iittlc. Driving — Firnt (nw in Tlmrlow — First Houho in M»ryHl)urKli — Tlin Firnt Oft.-ii — No Market for Hiittor and ('luii'Mf — Sla't.«|)— It(!V. Mr. Stuart, hh un AgrkultiiriHt — lIomtiH at Napancc — An uflcr for n Yoko of KteurH, INTRODUCTION 01' STOCK AND DKASTS OV BURDEN. Wo littvo seen that the refugees and disbai'dod Holdiors who ontorod Canada, brought but a limited number of implements, and thoHO of an imperfect nature. The most of them had no moans of loHHoning lalior, no beasts of burden. All the work had to bo done by the sturdy arm, and l)y the sweat of the brow. For yoanj, mostly all aliUo thus labored, and for many years the increasing number continued to toil, being unable to jn'ocure boasts of burden, or any stock. The distance to go for them was too far, and the way too diftlcult to bo undertaken easily. But, a greater difllculty, an insurmountable reason was that they had not tho means to purchase, until years of struggling had extracted from the ground, covered with stumps, produce to exchange for tho much ro(iuirod help, in tho form of boasts of burden. Some of tho half-jjay oflicers, and other persons, favored by those holding some situations in tho gov- ernment, were enabled to got beasts of bui-dcn at tirst, or within a year or two. There were a few old soldiers who had a little money, received at being discharged ; and again, some sold their location tickets of a portion of their land, and thereby wore enabled to make purchase of cows or oxen. For beasts of burden, they, as a general thing, preferred oxen in preference to horses, to work among the stumps with. Both oxen and hor-sos were brought from Lower Canada and York State. Tho later comers, especially, fetched with them horses, oxen and cows from the latter place. A few of tho very first settlers, perhaps, brought one or more cows. Wo find it stated that tho disbanded soldiers had a cow allotted to every two families ; those must have been procured at Lower Canada, perhaps a few by way of O.swego, whore were stationed some troops. Sheriff Euttan, speaking of the famine, says : "Wo had tho luxury of a cow which the family brought with them." Thomas Goldsmith camo in 1786, and drove a I:* of cattle to the Bay : but he could not get enough for them to eat FIRST ilORSCS AND CATTLE. 221 nnd thoy Htnrvo<l to (loath, oxcoptln^ om« hoifor and a yoko of oxtuj. TholVtorsoMH, who settlod in tho Fourth Toun in 17H5, and (doarod u Hmall lot of hind, wont " tho Col low in/if year to Montroal and brou^'ht up Homo horHcw and threo cowi*, which coinpriwod tho piiu- cipal Htock thon in tho Townnhip." After a fow yoarH, whon tho HottlorH had bccomo Homowhat ostahliwhod, HtopH woro taken more ^'onorally, to procure Htock, so nctossary to /rivo ordinary comfort to their familios; while thoHO who now entered the country hrou^r|,t cows with them. Althou^^h the cows and oxen vrore procured occasionally from Lower Canada; the moat of thorn wore obtained from tho States; but the horses were in the main at tirst, brought from Lower Canada. Many inci- dents attending the long and devious journey through the wilderness, are still told. Thomas (loldsmith, before mentioned, who settled in Prince Kilward, came into Camula by way of tho Mohawk, Wood Creok, Oneida Lake, and Oswego river, thonco to Calaracjui. Ho undertook to drive some cattle through tho woods to Cape Vincent, piloted by a friendly Indian, to swim them across tho St. Lawrence. In this journey ho sutt'ored almost every privation — hunger, fatigue, exposure. Resting one night in the ordinary manner, with his head slightly raised, upon the root of a tree, with no other covering than tho tree's branches, and sleeping very soundl}* after a day's walking, ho became benumbed from exposure, and knew not of the rapidly descending rain, which had actually covered his body when he awoke. Yet this man lived to be ninety years old. Driving cattle through tho woods was no easy matter, and dogs were often employed for that purpose. P^x-Sheritf Sherwood, in his valuable memorandum, relates an incident which throws light upon those primitive days. After remarking how well he recollects tho pleasure, he and an elder brother experienced fVom a present made them of a cock and hen, no common luxuries then, and with what care thoy watched over them, he says : " lot mo tell you tho tragic story of our little ' Tipler,' she Iiad become famed for driving cattle, and we thought much of her. Two persons, one named Urehart, from the Bay Quinto , and tho other Booth, started to go through the woods to Fort Stanwix for cattle, and prevailed upon my father to let them take poor little ' Tipler.' We saw them safe across tho river; but, sad to say, neither the men nor Tipler were ever heard of after." John Ferguson, Avriting from Sidney, in July 1791, says that he cannot get horses for the farm until winter. THE CATTLE, 1795. In tlio summer of 1787, Elisha Miller and Col. Richoy brought from Saratoga County several cattle and horses. They were driven by way of Black Eiver, and swam the St. Lawrence at Gananoque. The Reeds, who settled in Thurlow, in 1789, had a cow, which afforded the principal means of sustenance. This, with basswood leaves and other greens, constituted their food for many a day. Mr. Harrison, now living in Marysburgh, tells of the first horse " below the rock." It was brought, and owned by Colonel McDonald. This, and another wore the only ones for many years. Afterward, oxen were brought in, at; well as cows, by drovers from Lower Canada. Rochfoucault says, 1795: "The cattle are not subject to con- tageous distempers; they are numei'ous, without being remarkably fine. The finest oxen are procured from Connecticut, at the price of seventy or eighty dollars a j'oke. Cows are brought, either from the State of New York, and these are the finest ; or from Lower Canada ; the former costs twenty, and the latter fifteen dollars. These are small in si/.o, but, in the opinion of the farmers, better milch cows, and are, for this reason, preferred. There are no fine bulls in the country; and the generality of farmers are not sensible of the advantages to bo derived from cattle of a fine breed. In the summer, the cattle are turned into the woods; in winter, that is, six months together, they are fed on dry fodder. There is no ready market at which a farmer can sell that part of his cheese and butter which is not wanted for the use of the family. Of cheese and butter, therefore, no more is made than the family need for their own consumption." Sheep are more numerous here than in any part of the United States, which wo have hitherto traversed. They are eitlier procured from Lower Canada or the State of New York, and cost three dollars a head. They thrive in this country, but are high-leggea, and of a very indifferent shape. Coarse wool, when cleaned, costs two shillings a pound." The above information was derived, the writer says, from Mr. Stuart, the Curate of Kingstou, " who cultivates, himself, seventy acres of land, a part of 2,000 acres which had been granted him as a Loyalist. Without being a very skilful farmer, he is perfectly acquainted with the details of agriculture." These statements refer no doubt, to the settlements of the Bay. There is reference to horses, by Col. Clarke, whose father, living at the Napanee Mills in 1788, had two favorite horses. Jolly and Bonny. In an old account book, now before us, for which we are THE FIRST HORSES. 223 indebted to Mr. P. C. Clarke, of Collinsby, and which belonged to his grandfather, Eobert Clarke, who built the Napanoe Mills, we find the following entry, " Appenea Falls, 23rd November, 1785. " Acct. of work for Adam Bowcjr with his horses. Dec. 3, To " day's work, do., &c. Ho continued to work for sixty-two days with his horses." • ,. •.. . The following supplies valuable information : ';'j '" , /) " Appanno Mills, 3rd Axig. 1788. " Messrs. Collins and Frobisher, Dr." &c. (They must have been agents for the Government), "Aug. 2l8t. To David Bradshaw, one day with his oxen, 6s. "June 11. To Samuel Broweon, Jun'r., 2 days work with two " yoke of oxen, at 10s. March 28th. To 11 J days, Adam Arehart, " with a span of horses, at 68. . , ;./ ; <, , ,, i ..• u " 1789. Oct. 1. To Asa Richard; 9 days work with a pair of "horses anda woman, at 9s. . ,,,_. :;• „ ; . ,•..•%' ,= ;:: There is a memorandum in Eobert Clarke's book, as follows : " Mr. Joseph Crane got at Canada" (it will bo remembered that the first settlers spoke of the Lower Province as Canada) " a bay horse six years old. A brown mare four years old. Second Township 13th March, 1787." f The Dempsey's drove in, 100 miles, some cattle in 1789 to Ameliasburgh. He was offered 200 acres of land for a yoke of four-year-old steers, which offer he refused. At another time h. was offered 100 acres for a cow. ,/■ .^ ,, i: 224 ROADS. CHAPTEKXXII. ; ; .( . CONTENTB— Old Channels of Trade, and Travel— Art and Science— New Channels —The Wilderness— LoyaliKts Traveling on Foot, from Kingston to York- Formation of lloadK— Act of Parliamtnt— 1793— Its Provisions— Crooked ■ Boads- Foot-path— Bridle-path- King's Highway from Lower Canada— .' When Surveyed— Roiid from Kingston Westward- Its Course — Sinicoe's Military Road— Dundas Street— Asa Danforth— Contract with Government —Road from Kingston to Ancaster— Danforth Road— 1 799— Misunderstand- ;. . ingg— Danforth's Pamphlets— Slow I mprovemcnt.-CauHe— Extract from - Gourlay— Thomas Markland's Report— Ferries— 1 79G— Acts of Parliament- Statute Labor— Monev Grants— Commissioners-Midland District— Distri- ■ bution— The Cataraqui Bridge Company— The Petitioners— An Act— The ', Provisions— The Plan of Building— The Bridge— Toll— Completing the Bridge— Improvement of Roads— McAdam—D«!clines a Knighthood. THE CONSTRUCTION OP ROADS THROUGH THE WILDERNESS. The channels followed by the Europeans, as they penetrated the unknown wilderness of America, were those indicated by the Indians^, who h A themselves for centuries followed them, in their pursuit alter the chase, or when upon the war path. The great routes mentioned elsewhere, are the natural ones, and no other could have been pursued. It was only when art and science fol- lowed emigration to the new world that new channels were opened up, and the canal and railroad superseded the old devious ways along the windings of rivers. Prior to the visiting of Europeans, the Indian paths were more or less trodden as the requirements of food and the existence of prey led the hunter here or there, or the war cry led them to the deadly encounter. But when the Europeans initiated trade by giving for furs the attractive trinkets, and such articles as contri- buted to the Indian taste of comfort and grandeur, then there wore more regular and frequent travelings from the sea-board to the far west. '.'-'■'-"' - '•- ■'■'-■ '- '^ ?■' --^-r The occupation of Western Canada found the country in its primeval state ; a vast wilderness, and no roads. The only way of traveling from one clearing to another was by the canoe and batteau, or by foot through the trackless woods, guided by the banks of the bay, or a river, or the blazing of the trees. For a long time not even a bridle-path existed, had there been horses to ride upon. Even at a late date, journeys were made on foot from Kingston to York along the lake shore. The formation of roads was a very slow process. In the year 1793, an act was passed «' to Regulate the Laying out, Amending, and Keeping in Repair, the Public Highways and Roads." The roads were to be not less HOW ROADS WERE FORMED. 225 than thirty feet, nor more than sixty wide. Each settler was under obligation to clear a road across his lot; but there was the reserve lands for the Clergy and Crown, which were not provided with roads. Any one traveling the older settled districts will be struck with the devious character of the highways. The configuration of the Bay Quinte, and the mode of laying out the lots to secure a frontage upon the water, tended to cause this irregularity. The settlements being apart, when a communication took place between them the shortest cut would bo taken, so far as hill, and marsh, and creek would permit. The consequences wore that many of the roads were angular with the lots, or running zigzag. In later years, some of these rgads were closed up, but many remain to mark an original foot-path. The banks of the bay and of creeks and rivers were naturally followed, as sure guides, or perhaps as an Indian path. And thus sometimes the road was made not direct, but round-about. In the survey of the concessions, provision was made for roads between the concessions, and cross-roads were to be left between every fifth and sixth lots. ' ">■'■" '■' '' " - > Many of the main roads were at first marked by the blazing of the trees, when made through the woods, after a while a foot-path could be seen, and then boughs were trimmed off, that one might ride on horseback ; and in time the sleigh was driven, and finally a waggon road was made. ■';•,--''■ 'i>'r''': * Government was slack in giving funds to open up the country, and the legislation, for many years, in reference to the subject, seemed as if it was intended to do as little as possible, forgetting the fact that "the first improvement of any country should be the making of good roads." But it soon became important to have a mail road between Montreal and Kingston, and between Kingston and York, and then by way of Dundas to the Thames, and to Niagara. Says Mr. A. Sheerwood, " I recollect when the King's highway was established from the Provincial line to Kingston, the line was run by a surveyor named Ponair, with a surveyor under his direction by the name of Joseph Kllborne. The distance from the Provincial line to my father's farm, three miles below Brock- ville, was ninety-five miles, and from Brockville to the fort, this side of Kingston, fifty miles, at the end of each mile was planted a red cedar post, marked on it the number of miles from the Pro- vincial line, this line of road was made some years after the first settlement, but I have forgotten the year." The original mail road between Kingston and York did not altogether follow the present 226 THE DANl'OBTH ROAD. line. AL tii-Mt, from KingBton, the road followed the bay whore to Bath, and continued along- the shore to Adolphustown to Borland's Point, where was established a ferry to eoinmunicate with Marys- burg at the Lake of the Mountain ; thence the road followed the shore to the head of Picton Bay, and soon to Bloomfold, Wellington, Consccon, by the Carrying Place, and continued to closely follow the lake shore. Subsequently this groat highway was called the York Eoad when going towards York, and the Kingston Road when going towards Kingston. Gen. Simcoe intended to have a grand military road from one end of the Province to the other. This he lined out and gave it the name of Dundas Street. But he left the Province before his intentions were carried out, and but a small portion was then con- structed ; while settlers had located here and there along the pro- posed road, and had cleared land and built with the full expectation that the great thoroughfiu-c would shortly be opened up. But years passed away, before this was done. Piece after piece was hero and there made passable, until at last the road was made through the length of the Province. Tlie late Mr. Finkle of Ernest Town writes : " An American gentleman came into Canada, 1798, by the name of Asa Danforth, and made a contract with the Upper Canada Government, to open a road from Kingston through to Ancaster, at the head of Lake Ontario, which road he completed. Danforth's home was at my fathers (Henry Finkle), before and after the contract was taken. The work commenced in 1798, and was finished in three years time." This road passed through Prince Edward by Wellington. Danforth " became dissatisfied with the government when the settle- ment took place, and left Canada with a bitter feeling, so much so, that he, some time after, sent to my father a package of pamphlets, he had published to shew the injustice of the government transac- tion. He desired they should be circulated through the country along the road. However, the pamphlets were not distributed, and the fact never became generally known." For many years the main road was called the Danforth Eoad. As time advanced, the road between York -^nd Kingston was gradually improved. The great hindrance to - making is suffi- ciently indicated by the following, taken fror a-lay. It is the expression of a meeting of yeomen, held at tiit v^niage of AVaterloo, Kingston, February 2, 1818, Major John Everett in the chair. Among other things it is asserted that what retards the progress !■; ACTS OP PARLIAMENT. 227 that "great quantities of land in the fronts and public situation.s, that remain unimproved, by being givQn very- injudiciously to persons who do not want to settle on them, and what is most shame- ful and injurious, no law is made to compel them to make or work any public road ; but this is to be done by industrious people, who settle around. Such lands remain like a putrid carcass, an injury and a nuisance to all around: at the same time, to the owners, this land increases in value, without their being made to contribute towards it, at other men's expense. Our worthies, a few years ao-o, passed an act, that required a poor man to work three days upjn the public roads, and these overgorged land-owners but twelve days, and others, with twenty times as much property, doing no more. It would excite surprise at Governor Gore's signing such a bill, if it was not known that the Parliament voted him £3,000, to buy a piece of plate." '"''"^' ' ■-^-'-5''*'«--'f*'w .^>i.i i o »;t Says Thomas Markland, in a General Report of Midland District: / , , . . ,. ' ,,.--- -.-^^.j .;-.j^, "The same cause which has surrounded Little York with a desert, creates gloom and desolation about Kingston, otherwise most beautifully situated ; I mean the seizure and monopoly of the land by people in office and favour. On the east side, particularly, you may travel miles together without passing a human dwelling; the roads are accordingly most abominable to the very gates of this, the largest town in the Province ; and its market is often supplied with vegetables from the United States, where property is less hampered, and the exertions of cultivators more free, accordingly.'" In 1797, Parliament passed an Act, which was the first " for the regulation of ferries." :. ..., . -...,.,,...; ., „. ^.,„.,.j ^„<,,i hrc^.i In 1794, an Act was parsed "to make further provisions respecting Highways and Roads." An Act was passed, 1798, respecting " Statute duties on Highways and Roads." In 1804 an Act was passed "granting £1,000 for repairing, laying out new roads, and building bridges in the several districts." Again, in 1808 £1,600 Avas granted for the same purpose; and again the same sum in the following j-ear. In 1811, £3,450 tvas granted. In 1812, an Act was passed " to prevent damage to travelers on the highways of the Province. All persons meeting sleighs or waggons to turn out to the right, and give half the way. Two or more bells to be attached to every sleigh. Jia«t4»^i-n¥«.^«!s&«fr:^ In 1812, it was found that "many roads* were unnecessarily 228 COMMISSIONERS, l826. laid out ; to remedy this, every one hud to bo confirmed by Justices of the Peace, and^if this wore not done, the party who applied for the survey should pay for .the wame. In 1814, £G,000 was granted for Highways and Bridges; and the year following, " £20,500 to bo appropriated," and Commis- sioners were appointed on the road, to receive £25 each. Again, the year after, £21,000 was granted. In 1819, Parliament passed an "Act repealing and amending certain portions of previous Acts," by which a more elaborate pro- vision was made to secure statute labor. This was again amended in 1824. In 1826 was enacted to grant £1,200 for making and reparing roads and bridges — Item : " In aid of the Society for improving the Public Eoads," in apart of Ernesttown and Kingston. In 1830, £13,650 was granted " for the improvement of Eoads and Bridges," of which the Midland District received £1,900, to be expended as follows, by contract after public notice: "On the Montreal road, between the Town of Kingston, and the limits of the County of Frontonac, the sum of fifty pounds. Joseph Franklin, Elijah Beach, and James Atkinson to be Commissioners for expend- ing the same : On the road loading from the Town of Kingston, to the Village of Waterloo, the sum of fifty pounds; and that Samuel Askroyd, Horace Yeomans, and Benjamin Olcott, be CommissionorK for expending the same. On the loading road from Kingston to the Village of Bath, the sum of one hundred pounds, and that Henry Lasher, Joseph Amy, and Prentiss J. Fitch, be Ccmmissioners for expending the same. On the road leading from the Village of Waterloo to the Napanee Mills, the sum of three hundred and fifty pounds ; and that tho Treasurer and Trustees of the Kingston and Earnesttown Road Society bo Commissioners for expending the same. On the road leading from Loughborough to Waterloo, the sum of fifty pounds ; and that Samuel Aykroyd, John Campbell, and Henry Wood be Commissioners for expending the same. On the road leading from the fifth Concession of Portland to the third concession of the Township of Kingston, fifty pounds ; and that Jacob Shibly, Byron Spike, and Thomas Sigsworth, be Commissioners for expending the same. On the road leading from Bath to the Township of Camden, the sum of fifty pounds; and that Ebeney^er Perry, Benjamin Clarke, and John Perry, bo Commissioners for expending the same. On tho road leading from Wessel's Ferry, in Sophiasburg, to Deraorest's Mill, tho sum of one hundred pounds and that Abraham VanBlaricum, Daniel B. Way, and Guilliam MONEY EXPENDED. 229 Domorost, bo Commissioners for oxponding the samo. On the road between tbo widow M'Croady's and tbo north-cast of Chrysler's Creek Bridge, in the seventh concession of Thurlow, the sum of twenty- five pounds. On the road in the township of Huntington, loading to the township of Madoc, and sui'veyed by W. Ketcheson, in one- thousand eight hundred and twenty -eight, seventy-five pounds, and that Jacob Jowngs, of Thurlow, Garret Garritson, of Huntingdon, and James O'Hara, of Madoc, be Commissioners for expending the same. On the road leading from the Napanee Mills to Belleville, the sum of eight hundred pounds, and that Allan McPherson, John Turnbull, William Post, David B. Soles, and John Mabee, of Thurlow, be Commissioners for expending the same. On the road leading from VanAlstine's ferry to the Carrying Place, the sum of two hundred pounds, and that f imeon Washburn, Esquire, Charles Biggar, Esquire, and Jesse ncadcison, be Commissioners for expending the same." During the same session, " there being reas. i to believe there would not bo enough moans on hand to meet the grant, "an Act was passed to raise by loan £8000. The year after another Act was passed to raise by debenture the sum of £40,000 more to be appropriated to the several districts. The Midland district to receive £2,200. Among the specifications, were "in the Indian woods" £200 for the bridge at the mouth of the little Cataraqui, £50 " to assist in erecting new bridge across Marsh Ci*eek, near William Brickman's, in Ameliasburgh," £20. "To erjct a bridge across East Creek, at the east end of Bast Lake, £50." " On the road leading from Belleville to the Marmora Iron Works, £250. In March, 25, 1828, there was passed an Act respecting "a road between Ernesttown and the Gore of Fredericksburgh." The Preamble says, " whereas, in consequence of a dispute having arisen between the Justices of the Peace of Ernesttown and Fredericksburgh, respecting the right of eithei* party to take charge" of the road, and to which party the right of repairing it belongs, "in consequence of which dispute, the aforesaid road though much traveled from necessity, is dangerous and difficult to travel, on account of being left, in a great measure, for a long time past, without being mended," &c. It was enacted that the two townships should equally take charge and keep in repair the said road, certain portions being allotted to each. In 1827 an act was passed to incorporate "The Cataraqui Bridge Company." Up to this time the communication between 230 CATARAQUI BRIDGE COMPANY. Kingston and tho opposite point of Frederick, was only by boat.. The Act, or some portions of it cannot but be interesting : " Whereas John H. Glover, John Marks, John Macaulay, John Kerb}'^, Christopher Alexander Ilagerman, Michael Sproatt, John P. Ilaw- kin.M, Robert Moore, Charles Jones, Stephen Yarwood, Augustus Barber, George Calls, Richard Williams, James B. Forsyth, George McBeath, Adam Krieu, John S. Cartwright, Robert D. Cartwright, Alexander Anderson, George O'Kill Stuart, Laughlin Currin, Donald McPhorson, James Jackalls, the younger, Francis Archibald Harper, John Gumming, James Sampson, Elizabeth Ilerchmer,. Catharine Markland, Anne Macaulay, John Jenkins, and Edward Fors^'th, have petitioned to be incorporated," &c. (This furnishes us with tho names of tho more prominent persons at that time interested in Kingston). "And whereas, they have represented, by their agents, that they have made arrangements with His Majesty's Government, in case the object above recited be carried into effect, for the passage of Military 'and Naval stores, and of the officers and men belonging and attached to the various Military and Naval departments, for a certain consideration to bo annually paid by the Government, and that for the purpose of this incorpo- ration, they have subscribed stock to the amount of £6000." r^^^^; ^ ;» „ The Act of Incorporation provided that " the said Company arc authorized and empowered, at their own cost and charges, to erect and build a good and substantial bridge over the great river Cata- raqui, near the town of Kingston, from the present scow landing on the military reserve, opposite to the north-east end of the con- tinuation of Front Street to the opposite shore on Point Frederick, at the present scow landing on the Military Reserve, adjoining the western addition of the Township of Pittsburgh, with convenient access thereto at both ends of the bridge, to and from the adjacent highways, at present in use ; that the said bridge shall be at least twenty-five feet wide, and of sufficient strength for artillery car- riages," &c., &c. ; they shall also be at liberty to build toll- houses, and toll-bars ; Provided always, that there be a draw-bridge not less than eighteen feet, in some part, for the passage of all vessels, which bridge shall be opened at all hours required without exacting toll, and a space for rafts between the piers, forty feet." The amount of toll to be demanded from man and beast, and vehicle, was fully specified in the Act. a^t Tho Company was to be managed by five Directors, Stock- holders to hold office for one year from each last Monday in January. The bridge was to be completed within three years. M" All AM. 231 It was pi'ovi«locl that no f'orry hIiouUI bo allowed, nor other barge The final elaiiso enacted that after fifty years W\h Majesty might assume the possession of the bridge, u])on paying to the Company the full value thereof, to bo ascertained by three arbi- trators. ., , . ' ' '. -" '- •' March 20, 1829, an Act was passed extending the time for completing the bridge, two years from the passing of the Act, We have seen how the roads throughout Canada, wore gradually constructed. As time advanced steps were taken, sometimes how- over very tardily, to place public thoroughfares in a more passable condition. We believe the road from Kingston to Napanoe, was the first to bo macadamized, which for many long years was the exception in an execrable road, stretching between Kingston and York. The originator of macadamized roads was John Loudoun McAdam. Ho was born in Scotland in 1756 ; emigrated to New York when a latl, and remained in that City throughout the Eevo- lution. Under the protection of the British troops, he accumulated a considerable fortune, as agent for the sale of prizes. At the close of the war he returned to his native land, with the loss of nearly all h\fi property. His system of making roads is too well known to require description. The British Clovernment gave him £10,000, and tendered the honor of knighthood, which he declined, but which was conferred on his son, James Nicholl McAdam. He died at Moffat, County of Dumfries, in 1836, aged eighty years. J^i).>ft(,''^ •■'niJ imni ■.>'(i}y»ji •.^■^I'h'j >;); h) -^Im-' ii'.r'^Ui ■f■.^■^•■)•.^^f .«;,,■• ■:Ku>>i jii .U liiuU i.%tff*:.<\ hin-: 'li^ ynt\i ■: o^M lU ^mon'rii^ -tM ,^ nrrni-.i'r.- ■Xi.': '■!T.'\\rnis.r^i>X.il^■•J■,^v^■^.h iiU-u;jUJM TO ^ •«.«*; ^ifhr/f J'jiii ovit yjitr^v. 232 CANADA CnAI»TEU XXIII. CoNTiNTH. — Ode to Cftiiftdn — Karly evcntfi — First Kiif^linh child in Amoricn, 1587— In New Knpliind — Firnt Frt-nc h child, 1021 — FirHt in I'ltiu'i- C'anadii, 1783 — In I'rlncc Edwnid — AdolphuHtown — Anic'liuHbuigh — North of the lUdcau — Indian marrinfie cereinony — Difhoulty among flrnt Hettlcrw to pet clergy- men — First miirriiige in Americti, 1008 — First in Now EnKhmd, l(i21 — First in('anadu, lO'JO — MarriuKcalilc t'olkH — No one to tie the matrimonial knot- Only one clergyman — Otheers marrying — MagiRtmtes empowered — Logisla- tion, 1703 — Its provision — MaJiing valid certain marriages — Fnrther legiHla- tion, 1798 — In 1818 — 18'21 — 1831 — Clergymenof all d(!nominations permitted to marry — Methodist miniHtors — Marriage liconse, 1814 — Five perBong ap- pointed to issue — A noticeable matter — St^itements of Hates — Mode of court- ing in the woods — Newcastle wedding expeditions — Weapons of defence- Ladies' dresses — The lover's " rig" — A wedding ring— I'aying the magistrate — A good corn basket — doing to weddings — "Hitters" — Old folks stay at home — The dance, several nights — Marriagi; outtit — Frontier life — Morals iu Upper Canaua — Absence of irregularities — Exceptional instanccg— Unable t<j get married, Peter and Polly — A singular witness — Kcv. Mr. Stuart — Lang- horn — McDowell — How to adorn the bride — What she wore — A wedding iu ' 1808 — On horseback — The guests — The wedding — The banquet — The game . , of forfeits — The niglit — Second day wedding — The young folks on horseback — Terpischorean — An elopement by Canoe — The Squire — The chase— The lovers successful— The Squires who married. ^" '' J^, ^._^ ,. .;,;. ,. ,^;: _^,, .;,,., _.. .,,...,^,. , _, . , lifl^O e.iv,,,nAVi ^fn^:-- - *« ODE TO CANADA." "^-^ ^)»-'>'i- »<'^ '^''-^^'i «•..■•!.;< -SiW ?J ' /: .^r.^^r.>]^^*^^1^i^.:'iJA'■h Canada faithful 1 Canada fair ! • ' Canada, beautiful, blooming and rare 1 iuui MW' t :iniUii vn\i-t):i'u: 'til Canada, happiest land of tlie earth ! 'ji^/rjA . o ui*-' ;d . Hail to thee, Canada! laud of my birth ! ' ,, / «.)!,;; t'idi U) Land of fair freedom, whore l)ought not anij sold, * "'■ -^ ' Vj?jiavlMvr Are sinews and sorrows, for silver and gold! , t,i i?^ li'S • ,- ^ ' Land of broad lakes, sweet valleys and plains ! ^ ,/.;■,; „i ...nil iM J Land wliere justice for rich and poor reigns ! '. ' ^ i«v''i!*S .■;'. ,':'l.t ,/' Land of tall forests, fnmed rivers and rills I - M"j>.t Inj;, J,! , : , ^ \'. Land of fair meadows, bold mountains and hills! r ,^„^r<',/U *' ' ' '''^*'* ' Land where a man is a man, though he toil ! '.' ' ' i'J\^v^^'iir■\ ^ri Land where the tiller is lord of the soil ! l^^.l(.»/1.;J^»,i •■; ,>?.n?:-.) *•( ,,; '-., Land where a people are happy and free — „, i, , ,. i. ;i-,,i-y Where is the land that is like unto thee ? - ,«?--4! hmi /J Thou hast for the stranger that seekoth thy shore ''^'f* ii if'«^ 'i'iid* } -j.jjij; A smile, and a cheer, and a welcome in store ; ,,...: /.a1';> The needy, relief ; and the weary repose ; . '^ ^'-i> I ' ",«YiV A home for thy friends ; and a grave for tliy foes. •'■S'vi jj Yi'i lidtZV- ^'^y nobles are those whose riches in store Trrt'if . (vflfci^ " " ' Is the wealth of the soul, and the heart's hidden lore ; ^. •, « They cringe to no master, they bow to no lord -^"-^ v •;«. piiCtjnft 10 It- ^^^^ Heaven's, each night and each morhing adored. ' f / Land of swift livers, sweet-gliding along ! ^'i .vc4 Land of my pride, and land of my song ! ^•' " •' ' - 'i«2|ik5 t'ltiflVf Canada, prosperous I Canada, true I ■ r- .,«^ . , J ,f Canada loyal, and virtuous, too ! , ll.. ,t J a ■a- Canada, happiest land of the- earth! r^i^AE Hail thee, forever, sweet land of my birth I NATIVB CAItADIAXS. 233 THE FinST NATIVKS OF UPPEU CANADA. Wo turn from tho Hml pictures vvhicli have been truthiully, if imperfectly done, whicii reproHeut the darker Hide of the pioneer life of the rcfiijj^'c.s, to otberH more plonsiuuf. In those primitive times, events whicii now seem trivial to a general puhlic, were of general interest, and the recollection cherished l)y a whole commmuty. In the absence of those stirring events which characterize the present, incidents of comparative unimportance, became household words, and recollections. Hence, it comes that posterity may, in some instances, know who were first married in certain places in America, of the first bi'th, and who first died. .1 ., ^ • , ,, ,,i / ; "The first child born of English parents in America, was a daughter of Mrs. Dore, of Virginia, October 18, 1587." "There is now standing in Marshalfi eld, » Cape Cod, a portion of a house built by Perigrino White, the first male child born of English parents in New England.' According to the testimony of the registrar of Quebec, the first white child born in Canada, was upon the 24th October, 1621, which was christened the same day by the name of Eustache, being the son of Abraham and Margaret L'Anglois ; Abraham was a Scotchman, named Martin Abraham. He was king's pilot, and married to Eustache. The plains of Abraham derive their name from him. ■....<....>;,.. j,.i/..,. - . In the obituai*y notice of Eev. Mr. Pringle, a Methodist preacher, it is stated that he was born in Prince Edward, in 1780, but this must be a mistake. There is sufficient proof that the first settlement at Smith's Bay commenced in 1784, when the first part of Prince Edward became settled. Perhaps, indeed, very likely, the first children born of European parents, was the late Colonel John Clark, of Dalahousie, and an older brother and sister. Hifc father, an Englishman, came to Quebec, attached to the 8th regiment in 1708. From a sergeant-major, he was appointed in 1776, clerk and naval store keeper at Carleton Island. Here, Sarah and William Clark wore born during the progress of the war. Col. Clark says, " I was born at Frontenac, now Kingston, in 1783, and was baptized by the Rev. Mr. Stuart. The Rev. Mr. Pringle, before alluded to, was the first, or among the first-bom in Prince Edward. ii . „ * A son of Thomas Borland, claimed to be the first Avhite child born in the fourth township ; but the honor was disputed by Daniel Peterson. Mrs. Wm. Ketcheson, now living in Sidney, daughter of ■#•'?'' 234 THE FIRHT MAURI AHE. Elizabeth Hohlin, of AdolphuHtown, was l»orn tlujic^ in 17H4. Sho inuHt liavo Ijt'oii ono of tlio vory first, us the first si'ttlcrs eamu that sumo year. On the 16th Januury 1785, Ilonry VanDusen was boni in A<lol|(hustown, heini; one of tiu* first nativon. ■ ' i •' - ^•' Upon tlio 20tii April, 1868, was huriod Mrs. Bush, slio was tlic first fotnale horn in Ameliashurgh. Mr. Bleeker, yot living at Tren- ton, was the first male eliiiil born in Ameliasburgli. Mrs. Covert, was also one of tlu; first [)ersons born in Ameliasbnrgh. The first person said to have been born in Toronto, waa Mr. J. Cameron, of Yongo Street, in 1798. ' ' > •■•n ..' • The first child born of white parents north of the Rideau, was Colonel E. Burritt, liurritt's Rapids, a relative of Elihu Bnrritt. ■ ■ i' '■ " "^ MARUYING IX EARLY TIMES. . . The native Indians of America practiced no important ceremony ineonnection with marrying. Certuin steps had to bo taken by the ono who njight desire to have a certain female as his partner, a»ul those procoodings were always strictly attended to. But the final ceremony consisted in little more than the affianced one, leaving the wigwam of her father and repairing to that of her fnture lord and maHter. In many cases the first settlors of America experienced some difficulty in obtaining the services of a Christian minister to solemnize matrimony. In French Canada there was not this tliificulty, as from the first the zealous missionary was ever beside the discoverer as he pressed on his way. The first Christian marriage solemnized in America, took place in Virginia in 1608, between John Loyden and Ann Burras. The first marriage in New England was celebrated the 12th May, 1621, at Plymouth, between Edward Waislow and Susannah White. The first marriage in the colony of French Canada, was between Guillauuie Couillard and Guillmet Ilebert, July 1620. This is found in the first p.arish register, which was commenced this year, 1020. Among the pioneers of Upiier Canada, were persons of every class as to age, from the tender infant at the breast, to the gray-headed man. There were young men and young women, as well as the aged, and as hopes and desires exist to-day in tho breast of the young, so did they then. As the gentle influence of love animates at the pre- sent time, so it did then. But there was a serious drawback ; the consummation of courtship could not easily be realized. Throughout the vast length of the settlements there were but few clei'gymen to celebrate matrimony, and many sighing swains had to wait months, WHO PEHFORMKD THE CEREMONT. 23ft and oven ycnrH of wcarisotno tiino to liiivo performotl tlio tnatrimonitil cerctnoiiy. At the Hi'st, wlioii i\ cliuplain was uttacluMl to a regiment, ho was called upon, but when the Hettlers eomnience<l to clear, there waH no chaplain connected with the rej^iinent. Indeed, Mr. Stuart, of Kingston, waH tho only clergyman in all Upper Car.ada for a few yearH. But the duticH of the chaplain were l'rc(iuently attended to by an officer, especially at Niagara, and many of tlu; first marriagcK in the yoimg colony were performed by a colonel, an adjutant, or a surgeon. SubRe<iucnlly, magiHtrates wero ap])oiuted, who were comuiiMHioned to tie the nuptial knot. " • .,..,...: In tho Hocond session of tho first Parliament, 1703, was passed '* An Act to confirm and make valid certain marriages heretofore con- tracted in the country now comprised within the Province of Canada^ and to provide for the future solemnization of marriage loithin the same." i^. ,. ' ■ l , ■ -^ i ,,,, _ , ' . , ■ ,. ..r , ,. . i " Whereas many marriages have been contracted in this Province at a time when it was impossible to observe tho forms prescribed by law for the solemnization thereof, by reason that there was no Pro- testiuit parson or minister duly ordained, residing in any i)art of tho said Province, nor any consecrated Protestant church or chapel within tho same, and whereas the pai'ties having contracted such marriages, and their issue may therefore bo subjected to various disabilities, in order to qtiiet tho minds of such persons ami to pro- vide for the future solemnization of marriage within this Province, be it enacted and declared by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of tho Legislative Council and Assembly of tho Province of Upper Canada, that the marriage and marriages of all persons, not being under any canonical disqualifica- tion to contract matrimony, that have been publicly contracted before any magistrate or commanding officer of a post, or adjutant, or sur- geon of a regiment, acting as chaplain, or any other person in any public office or employment, before the passing of this Act, shall be confirmed and considered to all intents and purposes as good and valid in law, and that the parties who have contracted such mar- riages, and the issue thereof, may become severally entitled to all the rights and benefits, and subject to all tho obligations arising from marriage and consanguinity, in as full and ample a manner as if the said marriages had respectively been solemnized according to law. ii " And be it further enacted, that in order to enable those persons 236 GIVING NOTTCIC. who luay be desirous of preserving the testimony of such marriage, and of the birth of their children, it shall and may be lawful at any time, Avithin three years from the passing of this Act, for any magis- trate of the district where any such parties as may have contracted matrimony as aforesaid, shjall reside, at the I'eqnest of cither of said parties, to administer to each an oath that they were manned on a certain day, and that there is now living issue of the marriage. This attestation to be subscribed to by the parties and certified by the magistrate. The Clerk of the Peace recorded these certificates in a register for the purpose, which thereafter was considered suflicient evidence of such matters. It was further enacted, " That until there shall be five parsons or ministers of the Church of England, doing duty in their respec- tive parishes in any one district," persons " desirous of intermarrying with each other, and neither of them living within the distance of eighteen miles of any minister of the Church of England, may apply to any neighbouring Justice of the Peace," who should affix m some public place, a notice, for which he should receive one shilling, and no more. The purport of the notice was that A. B. and C. D. wore desirous of getting married, and there being no parson within eighteen miles, if any person knew any just reason why they should not bo married, should give notice thereof to such magistrate. After which a form of the Church of England was to be followed, but should a minister reside within eighteen miles of either parties the marriage was null and void. ' It is related that those notices of marriage were often attached to trees by the road side, and as it was considered desirable in those days to keep intending marriages secret, not nnfrequently the in- tending parties would watch and remove the notice which had been put up. In the year 1798, an Act was passed to e"tend the provisions of the fii-st Act, which provided that " it shall be lawful for the minister of any congregation or religious community of persons, professing to bo members of the Church of Scotland, or Lutherans, or Calvanists" to marry according to the rights of such church, and it was necessary that one of the persons to be married sliould have been a member of the particul<.r church six months before the mamage. The clergyman must have boon regularly ordained, and was to appear before Six magistrates at quarter sessions, with at least seven members of his congregation, to prove his office, or take the oath of allegiance. And then, if the dignitaries thought it expo- LECilSLATION. 237 (iicnt, they might grant him a certificate that ho was a settled minister, and therefore could marry, having published the intended marriage upon three Sundays previous. In November, 1818, a brief act was passed to make valid the marriages of those who may have neglected to preserve the testimony of their mamage. In the year 1821, an act was passed " for the more certain pun- ishment of persons illegally solenmizing marriage, by which it was provided, that if persons, legally qualiiied to marry, should do so without *he publication of banns, unless license be first had, should be guilty of a misdemeanor." !.'.:.< i. , /• .•r.vi-i',. There was no further legislation until 1831, when provision was again made to confirm marriages contracted " before any justice of the peace, magistrate, or commanding; officer of a jjost, or minister and clergyman, in a manner similar to the previous acts. It was at this time enacted that it should be lawful for ministers of the church of Scotland, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Congi-egationalists, Baptists, Independants, Methodists, Menonists, Tunkers, or Moravians, to solemnize matrimony, after having obtained certificates from the quai'ter sessions. According to the act of 1798, only the <burch of Scotland, Lutherans, and Calvinists, beside the English cli oh, were permitted to marry persons. So it will be seen hy this act of 1831, important concessions were made to different denominations. This act wa« by the Methodists, especially regarded as a deserved recogni- tion of the constantly increasing number of that denomination. It certainly, at this time, seems remarkably strange, that so obvious a right, was for so long a time withheld, not alone from them, but other denominations. But the effort was strong, and long continued to build up the church of England to the exclusion of all others. The restriction upon the Methodist ministers was to them greater from the fact, that for a long time they were members of a Conference existing, where all denominations were alike endowed with the power to perform the marriage ceremony. And it is recorded, that in a few instances, the ministers stationed in Canada, either forgot the illega- lity of marrying, or felt indisposed to submit to the unjust law, and did actually marry some persons. Elder Eyan was one, and was consequently banished ; but was shortly pardoned by government, because of his known loyalty. His son-in-law, Eev. S. B. Smith, was another ; but he defended himself at the trial and got free. Another was the Eev. Mr. Sawyer, wnu ixi once, on being accused, fled tho country for a time. 23R COURTINO IN THE OLDEN TIMK. It npponvH that on the 3lHt May, 1814, govtjriiinoiit ai»|K)intc(l five pcrHoriH to iHHiio mnrrifi^fe liccriKCH. One at QuccnHton, one at York, ono at KingHtoii, one at William.shurgli, anrl one al Cornwall. John Ciunminp^ was appoiiitiMl for KingHton. Prior to tliiH, liron.seH had lH!on ocicawlonally iH.siiod, probably, however, only by ap[>liration to government. Marrying by liccn.si! was ho noticeable an event, that it was considered elegant to Htate in the maiTiage notice, " married by licenHO." ■ ' '^i^' -' •*"•' ' " '' "'' '' i:- ^'''" ''J ^•"'••' ■ - •• ••'-^.'•r;, Accoi'diiig to a letter in onp pOH.scHHion, KometiTneH the iHHner of licetiHc M'onid be without any, wh(fn he would give a certificate to the applicant, by which the party could get manned, and HuVwerjucntly he woidd fiirniHh liim with the ruiftiiHi!. Having given tlu! legal and legislative facts relative to marrying in early times, it may not be inappropriate to adduce some items of a social nature. " -^'- '-«*.■....•,. | .m.j m .^,.,, .,,,,,:.,-, vim Roger liates, of Newcastle, in his memoir at the parliament library, speaks thus ))leaHantly Miid graphically in refetrlng to his father's courtsliip and marriage, wliich took j)lace at the commence- ment of the j)reHent vdi.Uiry. " The mod(! of courting in those days was a good fleal of tlic Indian fasliion. The buxom daugfiter would nm through the trees and bnsiies, and pretend to get away from the lover; but somehow or other lie managed to catcli her, gave her a kiss, and they soon got marri<?d, I rather think by a magistrate. Time was too valuable to mak(! a fuss about sudi matters." Whether this mode of courting was practiced elsewhere, than in Newcastle, it may be doubted. Hpeaking of the weddings, and the journey to get the knot tied, he say;4, " they generally furni.Hhed themselves with tomahawks and implements to defend themselves, and to camp out if required. The ladies hwl no white drosses to spoil, or fancy bonnets. With (l(!or skin petti(;oatH, home-spun gowns, and perhaps squiiTcl skin bonnet, they looked charming in the eyes of their lovers, who were rigged out in similar materials." Again, about the wedding ring, which could not then \)o procu -ed, ho says, "I have hoard my mother say, that undo Ferguson, a magistrate, rather than disappoint a happy couple, who hml walked twenty miles, made search throughout the house, and luckily found a pair of old English skates, to which was attached a ring, with this he proc(!cded with the ce^'cmony, and fixing the ring on the young woman's finger, rcmincicd her, that though a homoly substitute, she must continue to wear it, otherwise the ceremony would be difl- Holved. That curious token was greatly cherished, and is still among the family relics." I'HIMITIVK WEliMNOH. 239 Mr. Sheriff Sherwood, nixjaking of hiM fhthor, oiio of the fir«t ma^intraUis ttj)]ioirit(!(l by Sijiu;o<!, Htiyn " hv, jiroluifjly joijied inoro individualH to/^othcr in tho liappy hoiidH of rnalrimony, than any otlior porHon over haH, in tho (iounty of LcodH. J havo oft(!n hoard liim mention tho circuinHtancc of u yoiin/jjinan asking him tomarry him, but who Haid, J cannot got tho monoy to ]my you, but J will mako you a good wJioat fan, wJiicdi horoa<lily accoptod, an it was an nrticl(! mucli UHC'd at that timo. At another time an »;hl man camo on tho wame errand, and Haid to him. I cannot got tho monoy to pay you, but I will mako you a good eoi'n baHkot, with oak HplintH, and HO tight that I will waiTant it to hold water, and tho old man punctually fulfilled niw promiwo." ( ,,!4 •,:,..•■, d (,;.-m' .Ah. We havo Homo intorosting information from an old latly who Hcttled in AmoliaHburgh, and who Htill lives. Getting married at tho beginning of tho prowont century wan a groat event. Tho Carrying Phuie was tho usual plac^o of resort. "They placed in a lumber waggon, a number of chairs, and each gallant was supposed to support his partner upon his knee, and thus economise room. "IMttors " Wore indulged in, but no fighting allowed. If one began that, }io was put out. Keeping goo^l naturod was u point of duty insistod upon. Noold ])or«on8 went to tho wedding, but they joined in the dance, when tho youngsters got back. A wedding without a dance was considered an insipid alfair; and it was generally kept up two or throe successive night« at ditferont places. Francis Woose's was a halfway liouso botwoon McMan's corners, (Rodncr- ville^, and tho Carrying Place. Wooso was a distitiguished player upon tho fiddle, and tho wedding parties often stayed with him tho first night. "A yoke of steers, a cow, three or four shoop, with a bed, table, two dozen chairs, was regarded a very decent setting out for the bride. And if the groom was heir to 50 or 100 acres of land, with a little cleared, ho was thought to have tho worldly "gear," to constitute a first-rato match." Tho hist-f)ry of i'rontior life; of tho advance body of pioneers in tho far west, frequently exhibits great irrogularitiy in morals ; a non-f)bsorvanco of God's commandmonlH. But tho record of the first settlors of Upper Canjwia is remarkably bright. When it is recollected thatthoy were but scattered sottlomontsin n wildei'noss; far away from civilized life; excluded Irom tho world, and rcjnoved from tho influence of the salutary power of public opinions, it is a matter of wonder, that great and frequent violation of God'8 law. 240 AN EXCEPTION. with regard to marring did not tako place. But such was not tli^ cane, as a general tiling; the holy bonds of matrimony, wore employed to bind man and woman together, whether through the officer, the magiwtrate or the clergyman. For yoara there was but few clergymen to mai-ry, and also but few magistrates, and there were secluded settlements where the clergyman or magistrate came not, and from which the inhabitants could not go, perhaps for man miles to get married. But a few, and they are very few instances, are recorded where parties deviated from the right- eous v':<,y. Upon the shore of the bay, in a remote locality, about the year 1796, lived two individuals, whom we will call respectively Peter and Polly. They woi'e living in the same family, she has a "help," and ho has a hired man ujjon the farm. This couple had desired to enter the bonds of matrimony ; but the ministers and squires lived some distance off, and they could not get away to bo married, so they had to wait for the coming of one who would mai*ry them ; they liad to wait, it would seem for several years, in the mean time they consoled themselves with genuine, and no doubt honest love. At last it came to pass that a Squire visited that neighbourhood, and stopped at the house where they lived. The family bethought them of the wishes of Peter and Polly ; and that now was the time to have the legal knot tied. So Polly was called from the kitchen just as she was, and Peter from the field besmeared with sweat, and clean dirt, and the two were made one. Among the witnesses of the interesting ceremony, was a bright eyed boy who trotted unceremonously from the bride to the groom, calling thom respectively "mozzer" and " faddcr." The time came when this same boy was the owner of the land wheroon he had been born. This fact, from excellent authority, stands out as an exception to a general .rule, although there is not about it that flagrant violation of moral principle which is too often scon at the present day, under other circumstances which afford no excuse. The Eev. Mr. Stuart, living at Kingston, was not often called upon to marry, by persons outside of that village, and persons rarely found time to go all the way to him. When Mr. Langhorn came and opened a church at Adolphustown, and Bath, a more central place was supplied, and he consequently was often employed. But Mr. McDowell was the one who most frequently was required to mar^v. Being a minister of the church of Scotland, he enjoyed the J, .:o of marrying, and unlike Langhorn, he would marry A WEDDING IN 1807. 241 them ttt their homoH. 80 when making his rouiulM throuirh the country, 011 his ])reuehin/^' excurHionH, ho W!is frequently called upon to ofticiato in this cuimclt}'. In tho region of the Bay, wore Homo who had in ])revious dayH, lived in comfort, had not wanted all that belonged to the well- to-do inhabitantH along the Ifudson, and at Now York. In some cases, those familicH brought with them the fine clothes that had adorned their bodies in former times. Not oidy was it difficult for them, in many cases, to get some one to perform the mai-riagc coro- raony; but to tho fomalo, especially, it was a grave matter how to adorn tho brido with that apparel which Itecomes tho event. In those ca.sc,s whore rich clothes, which had boon used by parents, were st/)i-ed away, they were brought forth, and by a littlo altera- tion, made U) do sorviw ; but by and by these relics of bettor days were beyond tlieir power to renovate, and like others, thoy had, if married at all, to wear tho garb mentioned by Roger Bates, or some other plain article ; a calico print, bought of a pedlar, or a calami nk, or linsey-woolsey petticoat, or a woolen drugget, were no common luxuries in tho wilderness homo. An old lady who i» still living, tolls us that she was married in 1807, and wore tho last- mentioned ; and was thought very extravagant indeed. A vener- able lady, a native of the jiay, and now well-nigh eighty, remom- bers to have attended a wedding about the year 1708, up tho i-iver Moira. She was living with her uncle. Col.' C. Tho wedding was one of st)mo im])ortance, as both parties were well-to-do. There was but a path along the banks of tho river, and thoy went on horse back. At that time riding on horseback was a common practice, not a single person merely, but in couples. It was no unusual thing to see man and wife riding along together, also brother and sister, and as well lovers. The guests to this weddino- all came on horse back, generally in paii-s. Thoy assembled early iti the forenoon, and the happy pair weio soon united. The bride's dress was unusually grand, being of lawn ; the two bridesmaids graced tho occasion by being diossod in mi.-slin. She bears a dis- tinct recollection of the entertainment. The banquet was crowned with a majestic chicken pie, in a pan capable of holding some twelve quarts; by roast goose, and with pi:.- and cakes of all sorts, in abundance. The bride's father was the deacon of a church, and did not allow dancing, buithe afternoon and evening wore sijont in joyous mirth and jovial "plays" in connection with which forfeits were last and redeemed. But, however much these plays may havo 16 342 AN EKOPCMKNT. (Jo^ciioruUid in n-cetit diiyn, they wcro flum i.ondudod with jjurily of lh«Mi/<lit, and iiinoconco of mu.\. Tht; parly did not, br»;uk uf» tho iii-Ht, day. Half of thci oonipany ropaiicd U> t,ho Ikmiho of tho ^room'M liith<!r, whoro hcdw wor(3 arrun^od tor th<iin. In tho morning tlxjy went, buck to th« M<'.one of the wedding, upon \\w ImrdcHof the river, whi<'h at thiH point in pttrlicidariy attractive. After hnakfaHt, the yoiiu^ people, with th<5 iHiwiy married pair, Mctout for the front, to the mouth of the river. Tliey i'ovmwi a joyf)iiH, and it niUHt have been a [»ictureH<juo cavaleade. I'Jich /^entlianan wdeeted his fair partner, and having mounted \i\n horse, Hhe was duly Heated l»(diiiid him. And thuH tJiey net out for thoir dewtination. i.'leaHant, indeed, munt liave been the ride; Htrikin^ the Heene, ftH they wonded their way along the running water, an<l the bright autumn Mun Mhono upon thcin through the variegaloti ioavoH wliich clothed tlio thickly Htanding trees. This night was Mpent at Myers' OVeok, in following the notes of the fiddle with the nimble feet. ThiH terniinateil tJio wtxlding party. This is wiductxl an an illustration oj' marrying in early times. Another will be briefly given, it whm a case of elopement, and occurred many years bcdore the wedding nbovo mentioned. A certain S<iuire had been for many years in the enjoyment oi' wedd(Ml bliss. His wife wjw th(! daughter f)f Capt. , a half-pay officer, an honest l>ut vvaywanl I)ut<diman. The Hquire's wife died, and, in due time, he sought the hand of another daughter of the Captiiins, But this the latter would not listen to; he was determined they should not marry ; because she was his late wife's Bistor. The worthy H<juire could not see the fbnjoof tjhe objection, and the lady in rjuestion was likewise blinded by love. They resolved to run away, or rather to piuldle away, iti a conve- nient canoe. Clandestinely they set out upon the heiwl waters of the bay, inteiuling to go to Kingston to obtain the services of a clergy- man. But tlie Captain learned the fact of their diiparture and fltartc<l in j»ursuit with hirt battoau and oarsmen. According to one account, the flying wr>uld-be groomsman, who was paddling his own canoe, saw the angry purentcoming, arul mfwie haste to quicken hiH speed, but finding that ihity would be overtaken, they landed upon an island in the bay, and hauled up the canoe ; and concealed it with themselves, in a cavity n]xm the islan<l ; and, after the Capluin ha<l passed, returned h'.>meward and procured the services of a H(piire to marry thorn. But, according U) another statement, the lovers set out while the Captain was absent at Montreal, and i arrived at Kingston, unfortunately, as ho was returning home. I>KATII AM(tN(» IMONKKHS. 2^5 Seeing' t)w .Sqtiirn, ho hfid his HUMpicioiiH uroiiHcjil, and he/^uji l<» look nUmi for his duii^'htor. She hu.I, however, coriceHh'-l herHolf hy throwin;,' iiri Iii<liiifi hliinket iihout her perHon, itrid over her head, iirid hy Hittin/,' down nwou^f Horne HqiijiWH. The Hfutirriienl /,'oeH, that itwnH well (ho ihi\,Ui\n did not find her, um ho would, uh mooiI iiH not, have nhot the S<|iiire. Tho im\ of it wuh, they were inarriod, U) live II lon^ und happy dornoHtie life. i\lthou/^'h (here may he a little doiiht aH to the <h'tJiilH of this early elopement on the hay, there is no doiiht that It took place in Home Hiieh manner an dcf.serihed. Among theH(piireH upon tho Buy, the following wcne thcmoHt frequently ealled upon to marry : Young, of the Carrying T'lace ; Bleekor, of tho Trent; Im/.wt, of 8oi)hiaHhurgh. The Tnagistraton rcHiding nearer KingHton and AdolphuHt^)wn had Iobm of this to do^ m clergymen could there he more (fUHiiy ohtainod. > -' . •v-.t -.i.t «, • , J-:/- M:.i i' ,-• ; w mV; .11 '».;;) ^^1■*/'n .'I ■ •■W t-'.i'f'". <V ^ V. ■/••■'l' -■• ' '" ' ,-!',' , ■♦(, ,' • f .[}'{, '<■■/• .< 'i ' vu'wf ' ■' • . ■ I'M ,' : I ,., ,7, . ' C'lIAPTKK XXIV. Mo,,, ) v., '■ . .,,, .: .. .,,,. ,•!.,■ . CoJiVKNTH— RiirylriK Vhrv.n—Uow Holi-ct-d— Kmnily I'.uryini? I'Iiucm— Kor fli- N.!lKli).oiirhoo(l— The UwUh—Upnu thi; TfiulMf)n— Mriy giiint(V— A Su. r,-f| Hpot to f,h« Loyftli»t.K— AhIioh to AwhcK—l'riniitivu Mrxlo of Uiiri(il--Th(i t'oliiti— At tho (Jmvo— Thi! i<'(ithc'i'H lU-m(irk»— Uctiiru to Lal.or— Kr;-ii. 1, l)iirylnK-i)lm;() at Kronb-njif — Hh Sito— tl. R. LoyiiliHtH IliirviiiK-r)la< .• ,if, KliiKttton— ThC'lI. K Huryfrirc Oroimfl," AdolpJiiiHtowri—WoVthy Sir.-H of Canmlii'HKoiiK—Dbray— Neglect. (jt I IIUHtrioimd.wJ—Ucpuir W'niil. r|. - OldcHt liiiiyiriK (Jroiind in I'ritico Kdward— Kohh I'la<o— At Kast I^ak.-— Ujion tlic JloKi! Fnriri— "Tho Diit.h iJiiryinpc (Jround "— Socoriil (Jrowth Trocil-In SopliiaHburKh— fnmk Kan.i— In Hidiioy— Undo Tomb Storic«-dJ«rial-plac.' of(;apt.. My.rK— U,dli( tioiiH— DiiKt to DiiHt— In TliiiHow—" Taylor JiiirviriL' Oroitnd"— Th(! rir«t IV-rnon Bnri.'<!— Lieut. Fv-ranmiir^An A«^d i^./milc— Her Work Dom—WhccUStnud Still. .,.,;,- n:nior, ; »#; > jn.-t ,,,=,•, TJIB KAIILY HUItyiNU PLAOKH UPON TUB HAY QUINTE. ■■" 'U ^V',: '■ / T ( ■ !' ^ I'- J . ,^ /I . 1! i " your /"afhc-rt, where are they ?" ., •<U «V, n';^ Hurying j)la('OH in all the now HOttlomotitH were, aw a gonoral tiling, Hclected hy tho family to which death inight first come. ThiH was true of every part of America. Ere the fonnt hiuJ /all<;n '"fore tho hand of tho axeman, or while the roots and Htumps of the treoH yet thickly encumhered the ground, before the scythe had I'tiOti UHed U) cut tho firHt productw of t}io Hoil, tlio great reaper Jt-ath pasHod by, and one and another of the number were cut 244 A DUTCH CUSTOM. down. Some suitable place, under the circunistances, was (^elected for the grave, and quietly the body was laid away. In time, a neighbour would lone a member of the family, and the body would be brought and laid benide the fii-wt buried. And bo on, until a certain circle would be. found burying in a common place. But Homotimes families would prefer to have a private burial ground, Bomo conHpicuou8 npot being selected upon the farm, where the ashcH of the family might be gathered together, m one after another jjaswed away. The Dutch are particularly attached to this custom. This may be seen even yet in thoHO old sections of New York State, where the Dutch originally settled, especially at Hoboken, opposite Now York City. Sacred spots were appropriated by each family upon the farm, in which the family was buried. The descendants of these Dutch who became such loyal subjects, and guttering refugees who settled around the bay, followed the same practice. These spots may be seen along the Hudson, and the ]ky Quinto, which may be regarded as the Hudson of Canada, and arc indicated by the drooping willow, or the locust or cjTpress. Some from whom reliable information has been received, state that the spot selected on the Bay Quinte was often that, whore the family had first landed— where they had rested on the bare earth, beneath the trees, until a hut could be erected. This spot was chosen by the refugee himself as a suitable place to take his last rest. Indeed, the devotion of the settler to the land where ho luul wrought out his living, and secured a comfortable homo, was sometimes of an exalted character. One instance by way of illustration :— There came to the shores of Hay Bay an heroic woman, a little rough perhaps, but one whose soul had been bitterly tried during the con- fliot between her king and the rebels. Her husband had been on many a battle-field, and she had assisted on many an occasion to give comfort to the British troops. The log hut was duly erected, and day after day they went forth together to subdue the wilder- ness. In the sear and yellow leaf, when competence had been secured and could be bequeathed to their children, when the first log tenement had fallen to decay, she caused her children to promise that her ,bo4y. should be laid upon the sj)ot where that old hut had stood. r V •'■ •,*: '• f ■'•■" ■.■..y->v--;-r^f r;: •'■;;'';''{^' '-■•;l-v fi;??)'?";' 'v. ., ,/ The mode of burial was often simple and touching, often there was no clergyman" of any denomination; no one to read a prayer over the dead for the benefit of the living. Frequently, in the hush of suspended work, through the quiet shades of the trpQswhost; ILLirsTRIOUS DEAD. 245 boiiKhs Highod jv requiem, like as if un^'ols whispered peace to the 8a<l and toju-fnl mourners who silently, or with sui)pressod sobs followed the coffin of the plainest kind, often of rou/,'h construction,' which contained the remains of a loved one to the grave, in somJ spot selected. The rude coffin being placed in the grave, those present would uncover, and the father, in sad tones, would make a few remarks respecting the departed, offer a few thoughts which the occasion suggested, and then the coffin was hidden out of siglit The men would return to thoir labors, and tho women to their duties. _ , . . . ,.1 .,, , ,•; We learn, on excellent authority, that tho burial place for the Froncli, at Fort Prontooac, was where tho barracks now stand near the bridge. But not unlikely tho French, when one died away from the fort at any distance, committed the dead to tho earth in Indian burial places. The first burial place for tho U. R Loyalists in Kingston, was situated where St. Paul's Church now stands, on Queen Street, which was formerly called Grove Street. ' ' -li' '' No township is more rich in historic matters, pertaining to Lliu a. E. Loyalists than Adolphustown. Hero settled a worthy band of refugees whose lineage can be traced back to noble names in France, Germany and Holland. Here was the birth-place of many of Canada's more prominent and wortliy sons, and here repose the ashes of a largo number of the devoted pioneers. As the steamboat enters to the wharf at Adolphustown, the observer may notice a short distance to the west, upon tho summit of a ridge, a small enclosure in which are a number of second growth trees, maple and oak. He may even see indistinctly a few marble tombstones. If he walks to tho spot he will find that the fence is rough, broken, and falling down. Casting his eye over the ground he sees tho traces of numerous graves, with a few marble head-stones, and a long iron enclosure within which are buried the dead of the Casey family, with a marble slab to the head of each. Tho ground generally is covered with the debris of what once tormcd enclosures of individual graves or family plots When visited by the writer, one grave, that of Hannah Vandusen* had growing out of its bosom a largo poplar tree, while the wooden' lonce around was falling and resting against the tree. The writer gazed on these evidences, not alone of decay but neglect, with great regret, and with a sigh. For here, without any mark of their grave, lie many who were riot only noble U. E. Loyalists hut who were men of distinction, and ibo fathers of men well 24C RECJUIKHCAT IN I'ACK. known in Canadian IliHtory. Mr. Josepli Jl. Allison, uccoini.ttiiiwl iih, iind ])()int('(l out tlio Hovmul upotw whoro ho hud Huon buriod th(!H() illiiHlrioUH dcud. In the noith-wt'Ht corner oftlio ground, with notrnco ovon of a ^'ravD to nuulf tlio Hpot, IIch the old Miijor who convnmndod the fonipuny. Mr. Alli.son wuHproKunt, ullhouKh a littlo boy at hiw burial. The ovont is fixed upon his mind by the (act tlio militia turned out and buried him with military honors. We stood on the sjiot ovor- ^rn.wu with thorn trees, and felt a pan^' that his name waH thus Jor;;ottcn, and liiw name almost unknown. (Jloso by is tt neat ma'rbic headstone to a frrava, uj.on which is the following': "Ifcnn/ Hover, departed this life, Awjust 23rd, 1842, ayed 79 years, 5 months and n days " Nobleman! Impriwmmont with chains for nearly two years, with man} hardships during, and after the war, did not mak(! his life short, and we were thankful ho hml left des- cendants who forgot not to mark his resting-place. For account of this person see under '« lloyal Combatants." , . , < :«, > . The entrance gate to the ground is at the east sido. To the right on entering, a short distance otV, is an oak tree. Between the gate and tree was laid the body of Nicboliis llagerman. Sad to say, nothing indicates the reHting.])l!ice of the earliest lawyer of the Pro- vince, and the father of Ju<lge Jlagerman. (See distinguished Loy- aliBts). In the middle of the ground roHts the dead of the Casey family. The; two old couple whom wo remember to have seen when a boy in their green old age, lie here. " Willet Casey died aged 80. Jane, his wife, aged 93." W<^ would smv to all here buried, Requiesmf injjace. IJut the very cnunblings of the enclosures which were put around the graves by sorrowing friends wluiU they died cry out against the neglected stale of the ground. The elforts which have rei)eat- edly been made to put the place in rei»aii- ought to be repeated, and a stone wall at least made to eHectually inclose the sacred dust. The oldest burying jilace, we believe, in Prince Edward, is sonic distance from Indian Point, upon the Lake Shore, and east of the liock, coniinonly known as Ros.s's Burying Ground. In this sj.ot nrc buried some of the. Hrst and most distinguished of the iirst settlors of Marysburgh. ■ ■ > •■ ''■•-■' • v ■"••" '-- ■' t'**' '•''-' Another old burying plact; in Princic Edward is at East Lake, at the commencement of tlu; Carrying Place. Here may be found the graves of some eighteen persons who made the first settlement ot East Lake. The lot upon which it is situated belonged to Mr. Dyse. It is no longer used, but is parti :'lly in a I>lo»Slit!d field, niul partially covered by a second growth o- trees. OM) nriivrv(» plaoks 247 Upon tho ivm«l jilon^' flio Hoiitli hIidpo of Mnryfthiif^', n hliort .listniico woftt of tli<> ]{4)vk, ii|)Oii f|i(! Him' farm, nin to bo hocii tho liiiKoriii/^ rcMiaiiiH of tho Hrst cliiirch of thin fowiiHhip. It was «n!C'to(l at an onrly date, iind waH twenty four foot Hquaro. lloro W(fant wan wont to proach to hiH ttoc.k of LnthoranM, an<l honi at timoH Fian^rhorn from Huth alno hold forth. Tho Hituation i.«* pl»!a«an(, upon IIk* l)n»w of a oomparalivoly Mrvp hill, ovorlookini^ li ploasiint IowImihI, with th(! HJiinin/-- Ontiirir), and l.onp; Point Ktrotchint? away into itn wat»!rM; whilo lo thc! ri^'ht \h tim woll Hlicltorod VVajipooHo iKland. Miit anotlxM' objoct attraotH oni- atton- tion. Almost immcdiatoly fronting: hh upon a Hand-hill oIoho by tho \vat(!r'H od^ro is to Ix, hooii " tho old batch burying' i^roimd." It Ih about half.a-milo from the road, and w(^ will doHcond tho hill and tako tho road Ihrough tho lioldH alon/^ tho thm-c, the? way by wlii(di HO many hav(^ pasHod to their lon^ homo. Tho old graveyard i« ovorftha(h)Wod by good Hi/.od woond ^'rowth jiinoH, wIioho waving lopH sigh not unharmoniouNly over tho aHh«(s of th(!old irossinn and Dutch HottlorH. Tho adjacont Hhoro waHhod by tho over throbbing iaicc gives forth to day tho gontlost Hounds. Thoso old burying placoH remind one that Canada is <!Vt)r growing old. Hero lio, not ulono tho oarly pionoors, but thoir gratjd-childron ; and over tho spcjt cloarcd aro now good si/.od Hocond growth troos. Tho hoad boards tiro fallen in decay, tho fonoc aroiuul th<! plots have criunblod in the dust. . ,. . ,. . ., , . ; , , Tho oldost burying placo in Bophlasluirgli is upon'thc Cronk farm oast of North j)orf. Nearly midway botwoon Jiollovillo aiul Trenton is situalcid tho oldest burying ground of Sidney. It is pleasantly located upon an eminence by tho bay shore, and alloi-ds a lino view of tho bay, and opposite sliore. Tl»o visitor will Ik; struck with tho iiTogularily of tho graves in the placo ])rimarily used, as if tho graves had been dug among the stumps. Sorn oC them aro almost north and south. At tho ends of mostly all aro i)lacod st(uios, rough they are, but lasting, and have, in a large number of (!asos, moi-o permanent iy indicated the position of the graves. Upon some of those rough stones aro rudely cut tho initials of tho occuj)ant of tho gmvo. in a great number of cas<is tablets ])aintod on wood have been placed to commomorate tho individal deceased. Hut these aro UAiiWy ol)litoi-ated, and the wood is falling U) decay. Probably tho temporary mark of affectionate sorrowing was as lasting as the life of the bereaved. We lingered auiong tho graves hero, and they ,• fc- 248 TAYLOR BURYING GROUND. are numerous. We see the name Myers. And we know that oUl Capt. Myers was buried here, after an eventful life. Around him also repose his old acquaintances and fi'iends — and enemies. They are gone with the primeval woods that covered the slopes by the Bay Quint(J — gone with the hopes and aspirations, and prospects, and realizations that crowned their trying and eventful life — gone so that their ashes can no longpr be gathered, like the old battoau which transported them thither — gone like their old log houses whose very foundations have been plowed up — gone like their rude implements of agriculture — gone by the slow and wearisome steps of time which marks the pioneer's life. It is gratifying to see that while the ground has been extended, a new fence has been built, and elegant tomb-stones, 1868. The first place set apart in which to bury the dead, in the town- ship ot Thurlow was the " Taylor Burying Ground." It is situated in Belleville, at the east of the mouth of the Moira, in view of the bay. The first person committed to the earth here was Lieut- Ferguson, who had been associated with Capt. Singleton. The second individual is supposed to have been the mother of John Taylor. She had been brought to the place by her son, her only son, two having been executed by the rebels during the war, when almost ninety years of age. But her stay on earth had alrtiost ended; not long after, she was one day engaged in spinning flax, and suddenly ceased her work, and told them to put away the wheel, as she would spin no more. A few minutes after she ceased to live, and the weary Avheels of life stood still. For many years this ground was the repository of the dead, about the mouth of Myers' Cree(k. , , _ , ..,.,. .. ,;J* ' l^-f^aolod hn'n ,fedmmt{iiTiiC>]:'e'fb-?/ ^^oiiT llJlcif Vn'^^/iii: iJOC'a* i ,ttt^ii^'rfainj&i|8 1p ,a^^ ^!^I"iu jtoij-io.ajli' \::r,'\ : ■ ■ >,i'-,>j •^' ff ,;{ jf. , ^ ■ •■•» 7.)' Wini^: ''mT '•■•^■'''- "r^-- fV;-'*» ;■' "f- 'i '^r■>^(■i^j•^.■t^ vtv?- ?{ij'^ ifiJl '•>' 'r- ' ,' ' THE EAELY CLERGYMEN AND CHUECHES. '*""-"' ' ''; " "!.' '':' ' CHAPTER XXV. "f-'^' •'■'''^-^^'^'^t'^ V-v,tv Contents.— French Missionaries— First in 1615-— Recollets— With Champlain— Jesuits, in 1625 — Valuable records — Bishopric of Quebec, 1674 — First Bishop of Canada, Laval— Rivalry— Power of Jesuits— Number of Mission- aries — Their " Relations" — First mission field ; Bay Qninte region — " Antient mission" — How founded — First missionaries— Kleus, abbe D'Urfe— La Salle, to build a church— The ornaments and sacred vessels — The site of the " Chappcl," uncertain— Bald Bluff, Carrying Place— Silver crosses— Mission at Georgian Bay— The " Christian Islands "—Chapel at Michilmicinac, 1679 —The natives attracted— Subjects of the French King— Francois Picquet — La Presentation — Soegasti — The most important mission — The object — Six Nations— The Missionary's living-" Disagreeable expostulations— Putting stomach in order— Trout — Picquet's mode of teaching Indians—The same afterward adopted by Rev. W. Case— Picquet's success-Picquet on a voyage —At Fort Toronto — Mississaugas request — Picquet's reply — A slander — At Niagara, Oswego— At Frontenac— Grand reception— Return to La Presenta- tion— Picquet in the last French war — Returns to France— fly Mi8> 'ssippi — " Apostles of Peace "—Unseemly strife — Last of the Jesuits in Canada. s/,ii«^'.>-i. '■'HE FIRST FRENCH MISSIONARIES. '. ,^j . In inti*oducing this snbje .t, we propose fii-st to glance at the original French Missionaries and then at the first Protestant Missionaries and clergymen, who labored in the Atlantic Provinces. The first missionaries of Christianity to America, came to Canada in the year 1615. They wore four in number, and belonged t'Uhe order of Recollets, or Franciscans, of Spanish origin, a sect who attended to the spiritual wants of the people without accepting any reraunevation. Four of these devoted men attended Champlain on his second visit to Canada in 1615. Three years later the Pope acco 'lod the charge of missions in Canada to the Recollets of Paris. In 1625 members of the society of Jesus likewise entered the mis- sion of America. Ignatius Loyola founded the Jesuit society in 1521. Theao two orders of Roman Catholics, especially the Jesuits, contributed much to the advancement of French interests in Canada, and by their learning assisted greatly to elevate the people. Side 250 FIRST MISSION FIELD. by side they traversed the vast wilderness of America, with the intrepid explorers, and by their close observations, committed to paper, they have left most valuable records of the country in its primeval state ; and the different tribes of savages that held posses- sion of the country, l'. '/■'^■'■'^f JU .l.i;^,V'!;i .: >:! -v ,;u:J >nw Canada was "constituted an apostolic vicariat," by the Pope, in 1657 ; and became an episcopal see, named the Bishopric of Quebec, about 1673. The first bishop of Canada was Pi-ancis de Laval, of the distinguished house of Montmorency. The rivalry which existed between the Jesuits and the Eecollets, led to the withdrawl from the country of the lattei-. But they returned again about 1669. They were welcomed by the people, who preferred their self-sup- porting principles to the Jesuits, under Laval, who required susten- tation from them, which was exacted by a system of tithes. The Jesuits became a very powerful ecclesiastical body, and commanded even sufficient political influence to secure the recall of the Governor, who was obnoxious to them, in 1665. Yet the people did not like them, in their usurpation of temporal power. The second bishop of Canada was M, de Saint Vallier, who was elevated to tliat position in 1688. •'Between the years 1635-1647, Canada was visited by eighteen Jesuits missionaries." It was due to these missionaries, who remained with, and adapted themselves to the Indian tribes, that Canada held such a position among the Aborigines. The relations of these missionaries are of thrilling interest, and deserve the attention of all who desire to become a student of history. When there were no more than sixty inhabitants at Quebec, in 1620, the Eecollets had begun to erect a convent and chapel ?ipon the banks of the St. Charles Kivcr, *..,;. The Bay Quinte region may be regarded as the earliest mission field in America. Of the four Missionaries who came with Cham- plain from France, in 1615, one at least accompanied him in his journey up the Ottawa, across to Georgian Bay, and down the Trent to the Bay. This was in July, and Champlain was under the necessity of remaining in this region until the following spring, in the meantime visiting several of the tribes all along the north shore of Lake Ontario. During this period the zealous EccoUet earnestly labored to lay the foundation of Christianity among the natives, and planted the " antiont mission" spoken of by father Picquet, 1751. We have positive statement to this effect. Probably when Champlain returned to Montreal, in the spring of 1616, he was " THE ANTIENT MISSIONS." 86J not accompanied by the missionary ; who stayed to estr.blish the work ho had commenced. We find it stated that the earliest mis- sionaries to this region were M. Dolliero de Kleus, and Abbe D'Urfe, priests of the Saint Sulpico Seminar3^ Picquot remarks that the ancient mission at the Bay Quinte was established by Kleus and D'Urfe. ^^i- i,..^i;j;7,4, ■■, -^ , ,,„ ijf,>;,,^ In June, 1571, DeCourcelles, as we have seen, visited Lake Ontario, coming directly up the St. Lawrence. On this occasion, it is recorded, he sent messages from Cataraqui " to a few mission- aries residing among the Indians." Two years later, when Fron- tenac came, with a view of establishing a fort, we find it stated that as he approached Cataraqui, he was met by a canoe with the " Abbe D'Urfo, and the Captains of the Five Nations." The fol- lowing year, 1674, LaSalle, in his petition for the grant, of Fort Fi'ontenac. and adjacent lands, projwsed " to build a church when there will be 100 persons, meanwhile to entertain one or two of the RecoUet Friars to perform divine service, and administer the sacra- ments there." In the reply to this petition by the King, it was stipulated that LaSalle should " cause a church to be erected within six years of his grant." When Bradstroet, nearly a hundred years later, in 1751, cap- tured Fort Frontenac, the Commandant, M. de Moyan, obtained the promise from Brudstreet, to <' permit the ornaments and sacred vessels of the chappel to bo removed in the luggage of the Chaplain." '■]: By the foregoing, we learn the interesting fact, that for 150 years before the captui'o of Canada by the English, and nearly 170. before Upper Cajiada was first settled, there existed at the Bay Quinte an active mission of Eoman Catholic Christianity. The exact location of the " chappel" cannot bo fixed ; but there is every reason to suppose that it was upon the shores of the Bay, at some distance westward from Cataraqui, inasmuch as reference is made to the chapel as quite apart from the Fort, at Cataraqui. ^<% ^wi\,:,i..,..ir From the nature of the relics found in the Indian burying ground, near the Carrying Place, at Bald Bluff, by Weller's Ba}^ it might even have been situated there. Silver crosses, and other evidences of Roman Catholic Christianit} , have been found in this place. Father Picquet remarks that the laud was not good, but the quarter is beautiful. Tliere seems every probability that not muny years after the establishment of the mission by the Bay Quinte, another was estab- lished in the neighboi-hood of Lake Huron, or Georgian Bay. 252 LA PRESENTATION. Upon the river Wye, Kome 'six miles north of Penetanguishene, Pc-na-tang-que shine, so called by the Indians upon first seeing the sand banks, meaning " see the sand is falling," was established a French fort, at an earl}^ date, the foundation of which may yet be seen. It appears likely that at this point, at the Christian Islands, (a significant name,) situated between the Manitoulin Islands and the mainland; and also at Michilmicinac, were commenced mis- sionary labors b}' the Eecollets and others. We find it stated that in 1679 there was a chapel at Michilmickinjic, which may refer to the Christian Islands. Here LaSallc, on his way westward, stopped and attended mass, with the celebrated Eecollet, Pere Hennenin "''^■''^''^■^' ''^^'^■^ «<'»!?»>.«■, '>'ff ;.'.-..?•! ,«•'■.•;;•?»>. Y^'fttn? -^r^ a ».vc>'i?' The natives were strongly attached to these French mission- aries. Presents of porcelaine beads to make wampum, with a kind t:'emeanor, soon won many of them to become Eoman Catholics ; and the cross was set up in their midst. And the time came when they wore willing to acknowledge themselves under the protection of, and subject to the French King. At the present site of Ogdensburgh, in the year 1748, " Francis Picquet, Doctor of the Sarbonne, King's Missionary, and Prefect Apostolic to Canada," began to found the miBsion of La Presentation. By the river Oswegotchie, then called by the Indians Soegasti, he succeeded in planting a mission, which became the most important in all Canada, The object was to convert the Six Nations to Eoman Catholic Christianity, and thereby to win them from their connection with the English, M. Picquet was a devoted man. " He received at that time neither allowance nor presents. From the King he had but one half pound of pork a day, which made the savages say, when they brought him a buck and some partridges, " We doubt not, Father, but that there have been disagreeable expostulations in your stomach, because you had nothing but pork to eat. Here is something to put your affairs in order." They sometimes brought him trout weighing eighty pounds. - *^^^- - In 1749, when French interests were declining in the new world, and w^hen every effort to secure the alliance of the Iroquois was devised, Governor de Veudreuil sent the Eev. Abbe Picquet of the missionary house at La Presentation, he being well and favorably know among the Five Nations. The object was to draw within the bounds of La Presentation many of the families, where they should not only be taught the Catholic religion, but also the elements of husbandry. It was somewhat the same idea Wi that which led the l'abbe picquet. 263 Eev. William Case, in latci- days, to domesticate the Mississaugas on the Graj^e Island. L'Abbe Picquet was successful in his mission, and in 1751, he had 396 heads of families living at the place. Among these were the most distinguished and influential families of the Iroquois. The settlement was divided into three villages, and much taste and skill were displayed in the planning. Great attractiveness characterized the place up to the conquest of Canada. In the month of June, 1751, Father Picquet set out upon a voyage up to Fort Fi-ontenac, and thence up the Bay Quinte, and the Eiver Trent to Fort Toronto, and so on around Lake Ontario. He embarked in a King's canoe, accompanied by one bark, in which were five trusty savages. The memoir of this trip is curious and edifying. . , . ■ / Proceeding to Fort Toronto, by way of the Trent, then an im- portant trading post with the Indians, he found Mississaugas there who flocked around him ; they spoke first of the happiness their young people, the women and children, would feel, if the King would be as good to them as to the Iroquois, for v hom ho procured missionaries. They complained that instead of building a church, they had constructed only a canteen for thtm. Abbe Picquet did not allow them to finish, and answered them, that they had been treated according to their fancy ; that they had never evinced the least zeal for religion; that their conduct was much opjjosed toit;— that the Iroquois, on the contrary, had manifested their love for Christianity, but as he had no order to attract them to his mission, he avoided a more lengthy explanation," (Paris Doc). This con- duct on the part of Abbe Picquet must be regarded as heartless in the extreme. Such language ought not to come from the lips of a missionary. It shows that the Iroquois, because of his relationship with the English, had souls of far more imijortance th :a the Mis- aissauga, whose character for peace rendered him of mi ii or import- ance. The reflection upon the character was uncharitable; and, judging by the light supplied by later daya, it wau untrue— shame- fully untrue. That the Mississauga Indians acquired a taste for the brandy vended to them by the French trader was certainly a fact; but that did not indicate an unwillingness on their part, to become christians. Missionaries, of the present centurj^ have succeeded in raising the Mississauga, not alone from paganism, but from a degrading love of spirituous liquors acquired of the French, to a distinguished place among converted Indians. Abbe Picquet went from Fori, Toronto, probably by the River 254 THE LAST OP THE JESUITS. Don, and thonco across tho lake, to Fort Niagjira, to negotiate with the Sonocas. Passing along tho south shore, ho visited tho English fort at the mouth of the River Oswogo, called Clwneguen, He also visited the River Gascouehogou, (Genesee) and returned to Fron- tenac, where a grand reception awaited him. "The Nippissings and Algonquina who wei'e going to war, drew up in a line of their own accord above Fort Frontenac, where three standards were hoisted. They fired several volleys of musketry, and cheered incessantly. They were answered in the same style from all the little crafts of bark. M. dd Verchere, and M. de la Valtrie, caused the guns of the fort to be discharged at the same time, and the Indians, transported with joy at tho honors paid them, also kept up a con- tinual fire with shouts and exclaraations which made every one rejoice. The commandants and officers received our missionary at the landing. No sooner had he landed than all the Algonquins and Nippissinga of the hike came to erribrace him. Finally, when he returned to £a Presentation, he was received with that affection, that tenderness, which children would experience in recovering a father whom they hsid lost." Three years later war was, for the last time, in progress between the French and tlnglish in America. Father Picquet contributed much to stay the downfall of French domination. He distinguished hifnsel^in all the principal engage- ments, and by his presence animated the Indian converts to battle for the French King. At last, finding all was lost, he retired on the 8th May, 1760. He ascended the Bay Quinte and Trent by Fort Toronto, and passed on to Michilmicinac, and thence to the Mississippi ; and then to Now Orleans, where he stayed twenty-two months. Died 15th July, 1781, called tho " Apostle of the Iroquois." During the Fi-onch domination in Canada, the dissent' ots between the Recoll^ts and Jesuits were almost incessant. .'fow the one was sustained and patronized by the governor regnant, now the other, and many wore the struggles between Church and State. Tho closing days of French rule witnessed scenes of un- seemly strife between the clergy and the governors. The last of the Jesuits in Canada, Father Casat, died in 1800, and the whole of their valuable possessions came to the government. PR0TB8TANT CLERGY. ^ CHAPTEE XXVI. ' ' " , djJrcho^FirHt bS oTK Yo^kf W^^^^^vT^^^^^^^^^^^ -'' First Citholic Bishop in America 1780 Vn,-«™r b-^ Barclay, 1746- stato of Pioneers in CanadH etig oS^^o^Ste?^^^^^^ .HOG-Moral Rev Joijn Doughtyri o'^lX oTd LKfi^Xur^^^^^^^ Nations-Tlio I)utch-~Ilev Mr F, ir!:' <^^"^1^ '-MiSBlon Work-The Fire Dr. Whelock— Tho Indian Vanv^rtl %Z r .^nglan^ Missionaries— Rev. -John Stuart selector Im^sRiZrv^^^ *''• !«?"« ' cent-A Graduate P 11 STn;;«r?**'r ""l P^n^y'vania-Irish des- Ordinatlon-Holy-OnS l^ll^rl:'^':^^^^^'''-- ■''' "°^^^'^^- THE FIRST PROTESTANT CLERGYMAN IN AMERICA. -'^^^''^ ^ According to the Rev. J. B, Wakley, "The Keformed Dutch Church w,,. the first orga„i,.od in New Amsterdam, (New Yo"kT (Manhatten). It was built on what is caUed Broad Street It »-,^ a «ma 1 frail wooden building. The n.ame of the first D™ „ie pT Zt ,^'" "'^r'"'*" ""«"'^"^- H« «»">« over from hX w> h the cdebrat^d Wanter Van Twiller. The Dutch and the Hu:,^ nots as weU as the Pilgrims, brought the church, the schoolmlsC and «,e,r bible, with them. They erected a dwdlin; t Eev M . Bogardu, to res de in. This was the first parsonage b ilfon fte island, if not m America. This first minister in New Imsterdam « vthasadend. After spending some year, in the new world m r tnmmg ,„ his native land, he, with eighty-one others was lost «. coast of Wales The Bogarts are proUly descc-Zf ot th. pioneer mm.ster, he having left children behind him in America «>„,e near connection The first KeC^r of the Church of E^g nd Sv S T l^\- '^"'"'" ^°"^' ""'"' "' ^"""^ Church "eiiev.D,. Henry Barchay was the second Eector, who ha.) pre »«ame Hector October 22, 1746. "He was the father of the l-ite I^«s Barclay Consul-General of His British Majesty ^n h United Slates, and gr.andfather of Mr. Anthony Barclay, late British 266 I'iKTY. Consul at New York, who was under the necessity of r-turniiighome during the Russian war, in consequence of the jealousy and partiality of the American Government. i ' ' --i' We find it stated that Dr. Carroll, of Maryland, was the first Catholic Bisliop in America, 1V89. Dr. Seabury, Bishop of Connecticut, was the first Episcopalian Bishop of that State, he died in 1790. The circumstances of the settlers in Upper Canada were not such as would conduce to a growth of religion and morality. Apart from the eftect upon them resulting from a civil war,and being driven away from home— isolated in a wilderness, far removed from civiliza- tion ; there were circumstances inimical to the observance of religious duties. The earnest contest for life, the daily struggle for food, and more especially, the absence of ministers of the gospel, all combined to create a feeling of indifference, if not a looseness of morals. In a few instances, there was on the part of the settlers, a departure from that strict virtue, which obtains at the present time, and in which they had been trained. But on the whole, there was a close adherence, and a severe determination to serve the God of their lather's. From many a log cabin ascended the faithful prayer of the foUowers of Luther ; of the conscientious Episcopalian, and the zealous Methodist and Baptist. Yet, for years, to some the word of life was not preached ; and then but rarely by the devoted missionary as he traveled his tedious round of the wilderness. After ten yem, the average ol inhabitants to the square miles, was only seven. This paucity of inhabitants, prevented regular religious sermons by clerg)'- men, as it did the formation of well taught schools. This absence ol educational and religious axlvantages, it might be expected, would naturally lead to a demoralized state of society, but such was not the case with the settlers of the tea townships. This sparseness of popu- lation, arose in part, it must be mentioned, from the system pursued by government, of reserving tracts of land, of granting to the clergy, and to non-resident owners, all of which remained to embarrass the separated settlers, and prevent advance of civilization, by begetting io-norauce and indifl^erence to religion. ' ■ * When it is remembered how great had been the trials of the refugees during the continuation of the war ; when we call to ramd the school of training belonging to a camp life ; and still more, when it is taken into consideration to how great an extent the settlers were removed from the salutary influences of civilized life, it at once strikei» the thoughtf'd mind as surprising, that the early colonist did not FIRST PROTKSTANT CLERGYMAN. 257 relapse into a «tnte of non-rolicrion and cfi-oss imnionditv. But it is a re7narkal)Ie fact that the loyalists who j)lant.'(l Upper Canada not only honore<i their King, bnt feared (4od, and in a very eminent degree fnlfilled the lat^'r commandment to love one another. Cer- tainly there wore excei)tions. Even yet are remembered the names of a few who availed themselves of their neighbors' necessities to acquire proj^erty ; and tlie story still floats down the stream of time that there were those who ha.l plenty and to «pare of gover.nnont Htores, while tlie people were enduring tlie distress of the " Hnn-^ry Year." But even these reports lack confirmation, and even if true are the more conspicuous by their singularity. There is no intention or desn-e to clothe the founders of Upper Canada >vith a character to which they are not entitled, to suppress in any respect facts that would tend to derogate the standing of the loyalists. This is unne oessary to phice them upon an elevated ground, but were it not it would b. contrary to the writer's feelings, and unfair to the reader' There will be occasion to alhide to a few instances, where <rross evils manifested themselves, yet after all, they are but the dark corners which only serve to bring ont the more gloomy colors of the picture presented. In arriving at a just estfmate of their state of morals it 18 necessaiy to take into consideration, that many of the views held by truly religious men a hundred years ago, dkered widely from those held by many to day. Eeforence is made to certain kinds of amusements then unhesitatingly indulged in, which to-day arc looked npon as inimical to sound christ-anity. One of these is the habit of using mtoxicating liquors. It was also charged against them that they were " wofully addicted to carousing and dancing.'' - »- ' . - 'm^mam'^fimH^s^^ kev. john ooilvik, n.Oi, .i, , .<.■. ■^- This divine was probably the first Protestant clergyman that ever ofKciated In Canada. He did so in the capacity of chaplain to a ^ntish Regiment in an expedition to Fort Niagara, in 1759 when that trench stronghold was surrendered. Dr. Ogilvie, was a 'native of New York, and a graduate of Yale college. He was employed by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign parts as a missionary with success. In 1 165 he succeeded the Rev. Dr Barclay as Rector of Trinity Church, New York. Ho died in 1774 ^^ a portrait of him is still preserved in the vestry office of Trinity Church " The next Protestant clergyman we believe, was the Rev John Doughty. ' "An Episcopal minister. He graduated at King's College, New 258 ' RKV. JOHN 8TUART, D.D. York in 1 770. He waK ordained in England for the church at Peeks, kill bnt wan Hoon transferred to Schenectady. In 1775 political troubles put an end to divine service, and he suflered much at the hands of the popular party. In 1777, he obtained leave to depart to Canada, (after having been twice a prisoned where he ^ec'^"-' « '^P" lain of the "Kings Koyal Beginient." of New York. I" 1^«1 /'« went to England; but returned to Canada in 1784 andofticiatedaB missionary at Sorel. He resigned his connection with the society tor the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts, in 18O3."-0Sa6m6.) The first clergyman to settle in Canada, and one ot the refugee pioneers at the first settlement of Kingston, was the Eev. John Stuart. We are fortunate in having before us a transcript of the memoir of this distinguished person. u Memoirs of the Eev. John Stuart, D.J)., father of the Upper Canada Church. He opened the first academy at Cataraqm— Kingston 1186. The last missionary to the Mohawks." "The conversion and civilization of the American Indians, engaged the attention of Europeans at an early date." The Jesuits first gave attention to the Mohawks, 1642, a few years later, father Jovnes laid down his life on the Mohawk Eiver. The first colonizers, the Dutch did not give the subject much attention. "The govern- ment of New York, did not make any effort to christuMUze the live nations, further than to pay, for some time a small salary to the clergy- man, at Albany, to attend to the wants of such Indians, as might apply to him " The Eev. Mr. Freeman, translated into the Mohawk language, the Church of England Prayer Book, with some passages of the Old and New Testament. " In 1712 Mr. Andrews was sent as a missionary to the Mohawk, by the society, for propagating the eospel, and a church was built at the mouth of the Schoharrie creek, but that missionary soon abandoned the place. As he was the first, so he was the last that resided among them for a great many years. After that the only ministration was at Albany. In 1748, the Kev. Mr Spencer, Mr. Woodbridge and Howly, were sent successively by the people of New England," to this field of labor. The French war soon interrupted this, and not until 1761, was anything more done, when the Eev. Dr. Wheelock, directed his atten- tion to that quarter, with missionaries, and schooknasters. The testi- mony mainly of aU these mentioned, who labored among the Indians is to the effect that, although they were quick to learn, and would to a time live a christian Ufe, they mostly all lapsed into their forraer RB0KIVB8 HOLY 0RDBR8. 259 mvHire 8tate. " The neocHHity of Imving missionai-ioH of the Church of E norland, resident amonff tlie MohawkH, was atrain brought before the Hociety for promoting of the gospel, a few years before the revo- hjtion, both by 8ir William Johnson, and the Rev. Mr. Inglis, of Now York, the last of whom also laid the subject before the govern- Jiient of England, in the form of a memorial. In 1770 the society again consented to ordain a missionary for the exclusive service of the Mohawks. John Stuart, who was selected foi this purpose, was born at Ilarrisburgh, in Pennsylvania, in 1730. The family mansion in which he was bom was still standing in 1836." His father, an Irish- man, came to America in 1 730. John Stuart had two brothers who sided with the Americans. When he " graduated at the college of Philadelphia, he made up his mind to join the communion of the Church of England." His father being a Presbyterian, this was extremely distasteful to him. But his father finally consenting, he proceeded to England for ordination, and received Holy Orders in 1770, and was appointed missionary to the Mohawks at Fort Hunter. 260 Av A MISSIONARY. -»f= '-/<rt^r»^r?^vt/^-i- t".- CHAPTER XXVII. ^^fff^nq^t^^a t^^xi-j*^^'"^^ CoNTKNTs— At Fort Himtcr— Mx. Stuart's first sermon, Christmas — OfBciates in Indian tongue—Translates — The Kebellion— Prayers for the King — The «■ Jolinsons — Rebels attack his house— Plunder— Indignity — Church dese- crated — Used as a stable — A barrel of rum — Arrested — Ordered to come be- ' fore Rebel Commissioners — On Parole — Limits— Idle two years — To Albany Phil — Determines to remove to Canada — Not secure — Exchanging — Secu- V rity— Real estate forfeit>.d— Route— Negroes— The journey, three weeks— At St. John's — Charge of Public School — Chaplain — At the close of the wai —Three Protestant Parishes— Determines to settle at Cataraqui— Chaplain to Garrison — Missionary — Bishop of Virginia, Dr. Griffith— Visits Mr. Stuart —Invitation to Virginia Declined—" Rivetted prejudices," satisfied-" The only refugee clergyman"— Path of duty— Visits the settlement, 1784— Mo- Jiawks, Grand River— Reception of their old Pastor— First Church— Mo- hawks, Bay of Quints— Remains in Montreal a year— Assistant— Removes to Cataraqui, 178.5— His land— Number of houses in Kingston— A short cut to Lake Huron — Fortunate in land — 5000 settlers — Poor and Happy — Indus- trious — Around his Parish, 1788 — Two hundred miles long — ByBatteau— Brant — New Oswego — Mohawk Village church, steeple, and bell— First in Upper Canada— Plate— Organ— Furniture— Returns — At Niagara— Old Pa- rishioners—Tempted to move — Comfortable not rich — Declines a Judgeship —New Mecklenburgh— Appointed Chaplain to first House of Assembly- Mohawk Mission— At Marysburgh— Degree of D. D.— Prosperity— Happy —Decline of life— His duties— Illness, Death, 1811— His appearance— "The little gentleman" — His manners — Honorable title — His children- Rev. O'Kill Stuart. ^ MEAIOIES OP DR. STUART CONTINUED—" FATHER OP THE UPPER CANADA ,i:i^.j;j^ CHURCH." 7>t/jf<i^ -^A.: '■ :;Kffin;«:* ■*-i'' Mr. Stuart immediately returned to America and procc(}ded to his mission, preaching his first sermon to the Mohawks on Christ- mas of the same year, 1770. He preached regularly every Sunday after the service had been read in Indian. In the afternoon ho officiated in the Mohawk chapel to the whites, mostly Dutch.- " In 1774 he was able to read the liturgy, baptize ahd marry in the Indian tongue, and converse tolerably well with them. He subse- quently, assisted by Brant, translated parts of the Bible. After the commencement of the rebellion, until 1777, Mr. Stuart did not experience any inconvenience," although in other places the clergy had been shamefully abused ; he remained at Fort Hunter even after the Declaration of Independence, and constantly performed divine service without omitting prayers for the king. Mr. Stuart's connection with the Johnson family, and his relations to the Indians rendered him particularly itoxious to the Whigs. Although they had not proof of his being active in aiding the British, everything was done to make his home unbearable. " His house was attacked, SACRILEGE BY RHBELS, 26t his property plundered and every indignity offered his pei-son, His church was also plundered and. turned into a tavern, and in ridicule and contempt, a barrel of rum was placed in the reading desk. The church was afterwards used as a stable, July, 1778. He was ordered by the Board to detect conspiracies, to leave hia home and repair forthwith with his family to Connecticut uitil his exchange could be procured." He was to leave within four days after receiving the orders, or be committed to close confinement. "Mr. Stuart appeared before the Commissioners two days after receiving the above order, and declared his readiness to convince them that he had not corresponded with the enemy, and that ho was ready and willing to enter into any engagement for the faithful performance of such duties as may be enjoined him." The Board took his parole, by which he was obligated to abstain from doing anything against the Congress of the United States, or for the British, and not to leave the limits of Schenectady without per- mission of the Board. Soon after he writes there are only three families of my congregation, the rest having joined the King's forces, nor had he preached for two years. In the Spring of 1780, the Indians appeared in the county infuriated because of the conduct of General Sullivan the previous year. Mr. Stuart had to abandon his house and move to Albany. So imminent was the danger that the fleeing family could see the houses about in flames, and hear the report of arms. At Albany, Mr. Stuart received much civility from General Schuyler, and obtained permission to visit Philadelphia, Having returned, he made up his mind to emigrate to Canada, and communicated his resolution as follows : " I arrived here eight days from the time I parted with you (at Philadelphia) and found my family well, and after being sufficiently affrighted, the enemy having been within twenty miles of this place, and within one mile of my house in the country, considering the present state of affairs in this part of the Province, I am fully persuaded that I cannot possibly live here secure, either in regard to ourselves or property during the ensuing season ; this place is likely to be a frontier, and will pro- bably be burnt if the enemy can effect it. For these and other weighty reasons, materially weighed, I have resolved, with the appro- bation and consent of Mrs. Stuart, to emigrate to Canada, and having ' made an application for an exchange, whicli I have reason to believe;"* will be granted. Mr. Stuart applied by letter to Governoi- Clinton, to be ex- changed, March 30, 1781. His application received prompt attention. 262 EXCHANGED — THE CONDITIONS. and he was the same day allowed permission on certain conditions, which are stated by Mr. Stuart in a letter to Rev. Mr. White, of Philadelphia. The letter is dated Schenectady, April 17, 1781. " Being considered as a prisoner of war, and having forfeited my real estate, I have given £400 security to return in exchange for myself, one prisoner out of four nominated by the Governor, viz.: one Colonel, two Captains, and one Lieutenant, either of which will be accepted in my stead ; or if neither of the prisoners aforesaid can be obtained, I am to return as a prisoner of war to Albany, when required. My personal property I am permitted to sell or carry with me, and I am to proceed under the protection of a public flag, as soon as it will be safe and convenient for women and children to travel that course. We are to proceed from here to Fort Arin in waggons, and from thence in Batteaux." The danger of the journey was adverted to, and the probability of obtaining a chaplaincy in Sir William Johnson's 2nd Battalion of Eoyal Yorkers, which is nearly complete on the establishment. " My negroes being personal property, I take with me, one of which being a young man, and capable of bearing arms. I have given £100 security to send back a white person in his stead." " Mr. Stewart set out with his family, consisting of his wtfe and three small children, on his long and tedious journey, on the 19th of Sept., 1781, and arrived at St. Johns on the 9th of the fol- lowing month, thus accomplishing the journey in three weeks, which is now done in twelve or fifteen hours. As there was no opening in Montreal, ho took charge of a public school, which, with his commission as Chaplain, gave him support." In a letter to Di-. White, dated Montreal, October 14, 1783, he says : *' I have no reason hitherto to dislike my change of climate ; but, as reduction must take place soon, my emoluments will bo much diminished, neither have I any flattering prospect of an eligible situation in the way of my profession, as there are only three protestant Parishes in this Province, the Pastors of which are Frenchmen, and as likely to live as I am. " Soon after, Mr. Stuart determined to settle at Catai- aqui, where was a garrison, and to which a good many loyalists had already proceeded. He was promised the chaplaincy to the garri- son, with a salary of one thousand dollars a year, and ho writes, "I can preserve the Indian mission in its neighborhood, which, with other advantages, will afford a comfortable subsistence, although I wish it laid in Maryland. After the acknowledged independence of the United States, and the separation of the Episcopalian Church A TRUE LOYALIST. 263 of America from the mother Church, Dr. Griffith, the Bishop elect of Virginia, invited Mr. Stuart to settle in his diocese ; hut Mr. Stuart declined. He writes, "The time has been when the chance of obtaining a settlement in that part of Virginia would have gratified my utmost desire ; but, at my time of life, and with such rivotted principles in favor of a Government totally different, < it is impossible.' " Though Mr. Stuart did visit Philadelphia in 1786, he never seems to have repented his removal to Canada. Yet the isolation in which he sometimes found himself, would sometimes naturally call up memories that could not fail to be painful. " I am," he writes, '' the only Eefugee Clergyman in this Province, &c." As a relief from such thoughts, he turned to the active duties of his calling. " I shall not regret," said he, " the disappointment and chagrin I have hitherto met with, if it pleases God to make me the instrument of spreading the knowledge of His Gospel amongst the heathen, and reclaiming only one lost sheep of the house of Israel." In this spirit he set out on the second of June, 1784, to visit the new settlements on the St. Lawrence, Bay Quinte, and Niagara Falls, where he arrived on the 18th of the same month. Already, 3,500 Loyalists had left Montreal that season for Upper Canada. His reception by the Mohawks, ninety miles from the Falls, was very affectionate, even the windows of the church in which he officiated were crowded with those who were anxious to behold again their old Pastor, from whom they had been so long separated." This church was the first built in Upper Canada, and it must have been commenced immediately after the Mohawks settled on the Grand River. He officiated also at Cataraqui, where he found a garrison of three companies, about thirty good houses, and some 1,500 souls who intended to settle higher up. He next proceeded to the Bay of Quinte, where some more MoJiawks had settled, and were busy building houses and laying the foundation of their new village, named Tyendinaga. Though Mr. Stuart had now received from the Society, whose missionary he continued to be, discretionary powers to settle in any part of Canada, he remained in Montreal another year, as assistant to the Eev. Dr. DeLisle, Episcopal Cler- gyman of that town. He finally removed to Cataraqui, in August, 1785. His share of the public land was situated partly in Catar- aqui, aud partly at a place, which, in memory of the dear old place on the Mohawk Eiver, was now called Now Johnstown. Sometime in 1785, Mr. Stuart says, "I have two hundred acres within half a mile of the garrison, a beautiful situation. The town increases fast ; 264 ■■■ HIS PARISH. - there are already about fifty houses built in it, and some of them very elegant. It is now the port of transport from Canada to Niagara. We have now, just at the door, a ship, a scow, and a sloop, beside a number of small crafts ; and if the communication lately discovered from this place by water, to Lake Huron and Michilmackinac proves as safe, and short as we are made to believe, this will shortly be a place of considerable trade." Eeference here must be made to the i-oute up the Bay and Kiver Trent. " I have been fortunate in my locations of land, having 1,400 acres at differ- ent peaces, in good situations, and of an excellent quality, three farms of which I am improving, and have sowed this fall with thirty bushels in them. TH a number of souls to westward of us is more than 5,000, and we gain, daily, new recruits from the States. We are a poor, happy people, industrious beyond example. Our gi-acious King gives us land gratis, and furnishes provisions, clothing, and farming utensils, &c., until next Sej)tember, after which the gene- rality of the people will be able to live without his bounty." The above must have been written in 1786, as in May, 1786, he opened an academy. In the summer of 1788, he went round his Parish, which was then above 200 miles long. He thus describes his voyage on this occasion. *' I embarked in a batteau with six Indians, com- manded by Capt. Brant, and coasted along the north shore of Lake Ontario, about 200 miles from the head of the lake ; we went twenty-five miles by land, to New Oswego, the new Mohawk village on the Grand Eiver ; these people were my former charge, and the Society still styles me their Mohawk ViU. Missionary. I found them conveniently situated on a beautiful river, where the soil is equal in fertility to any I ever saw. Their village contains about 700 souls, and consists of a great number of good houses, with an elegant church in the centre ; it has a handsome steeple and bell, and is well finished within." By this we learn, that not only was the first Protestant Clmrch built at the Grand P'ver, but as well here was the first steeple to contain a bell, which was the first to be heard in Upper Canada. Brant, when in England, collected money for all this. With the above, they had the service of plate, pre- served from the rebels on the Mohawk ; crimson furniture for the pulpit, and " the Psalmody was accompanied by an organ." "This place was uninhabited four years ago." " I retui*ned by the route of Niagara, and visited that settlement. They had, as yet, no clergyman, and preached to a very large audience. The increase of population there was immense, and indeed I was so well pleased HIS PROSPERITY. 265 with that country, where I found many of my old Parishioners, that I was strongly tempted to remove my family to it. You may suppose it «ost mo a sti'uggle to refuse the unanimous and pressing invitation of a large settlement, with the additional argument of a subscription, and other emoluments, amounting to near £300, York currency, per annum more than I have here. But, on mature reflec- tion, I have determined to remain here. You will suppose me to be very rich, or very disinterested ; but, I assure you, neither was the case. I have a comfortable house, a good farm hero, and an excellent school for my children, in a very healthy climate, and all these I could not have expected had I removed to Niagara. But, that you may be convinced that I do not intend to die rich, I have also declined an honorable and lucrative appointment. Our new settlements have been divided into four districts, of which this place is the capital of one, called New Mecklenburgh, and Courts of Justice are to be immediately opened. I had a commission sent me, as first Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. But, for reasons which readily occur to you, I returned it to Lord Dorchester, who left this place a few days ago."vi- , .ru ,.:... v.: > ; .^. *^ . • In 1789, Mr. Stuart was appointed BfshOii'e CommissiOnftry fbr the settlements from Point au Boudette to the western limits of the Province, being the district now constituting Canada West. Though this appointment added nothing to his emoluments, it increased considerably his duties. At the meeting of the first Session of Parliament in 1792, he was named Chaplain to the Upper House of Assembly, an appointment which required for a time his preseuce at Niagara. " He occasionally visited and officiated for the Mohawk Village, at the Bay of Quinte. But, notwithstanding the laudable exertions of the society, and the partial indulgence of the British Government to this tribe, no flattering accounts can be given either of their religious improvements, or approach to civilization ; on his return he usually stopped at Col. McDonnell's, Marysburgh, and preached in his house. In the year 1799, the degree of D. D. was con- ferred on Mr. Stuart, by the University of Pennsylvania, his Alma Mater, a complement he appreciated from his native state. About the same time he received the appointment of Chaplain to the Garrison of Kingston. " He had secured about 4000 acres of valu- able land to which ho occasionally made additions." In his pros- perity and wealth he exclaimed: " How mysterious are the ways of Providence ! How short-sighted wo are! Some years ago I thought it a great hardship to be banished into the wilderness, and 266 HIS WORK FINISHED. Avould have imagined myself completely happy, could I have ox- changed it for a place in the City of Philadelphia, — now the best wish we can form for our deai'est friends is to have them removed to us." It must be remarked that the above is taken from letters written to a friend in Philadelphia, and no doubt, being private and social in their nature, there is often a coloring favorable to the States which eminated from no love to that country. " The re- mainder of Dr. Stuart's life seems to have passed in the routine of his duties, interrupted however by attacks of illness, to which the increase of years, and the fatigue attendant on a mission in so new a country, could not fail to subject him." Dr. Stuart departed this life on the 15th of August, 1811, in the seventy-first year of his age, and was buried at Kingston, where he lives (says one of his cotemporaries) in the heart of his friends. *' He was about six feet four inches in height, and from this circumstance, was known among his New York friends as "the little gentleman." His manners were quiet and conciliating, and his character, such as led him rather to win more by kindness and persuasion, than to awe and alarm them by the terrors of authority. His sermons were composed in plain and nervous language, were recommended by the affectionate manner of his delivery, and not unfrequently found a way to the conscience of those who had long been insensible to any real re- ligious convictions. The honorable title of Father of the Upper Canada Chiu'ch, has been fitly bestowed on him, and he deserves the name not more by his age and the length of his services, than by the kind and paternal advice and encouragemeat, which he was ever ready to give those younger than he on their first entrance on the mission." " By his wife, Jane O'Kill, of Philadelphia, who was boi'n in 1752, he had five sons and three daughters." All of his sons subsequently occupied distinguished positions. His eldest son George O'Kill, graduated at Cambridge, England, in 1801, entered Holy Orders, and was appointed missionary at York, now Toronto, from whence he returned on his father's death to Kingston, where he became Archdeacon. He died in 1862, at the age of eighty-six. REV. MB. ADDISON. 267 J- - , . . I- > :,i\"/iX) ',';«■ .,»*•, CHAPTEE XXVIII CoNTKNTB— A Missionary— Chaplain at Niagara — Pastor to the Settlers — Chaplain >, to Legislature— Visits Grand River — Officiates— A Land Speculator— Re- . ceives a pension, £50— 1823— Rev. Mr. Pollard— At Amherstburgh— Mr. Langhorn — A Missionary — Little Education — Uselul — Odd — On Bay Quint6 i In Ernesttown — Builds a Church— At Adolphustown- Preaches at Hager- man's- Another Church— A Diligent Pastor— Pioneer Preacher around the Bay— Christening— Marrying— Particular— His Appointments— Clerk's Fees ." —Generosity— Preserit to Bride— Faithful to Sick Calls— Frozen Feet— No ,, Stockings—Shoe Buckles— Dress—Books—Peculiarities— Fond of the Water —Charitable— War of 1812— Determined to leave Canada— Thinks it doomed —Singular Notice— Returns to Europe— His Library — Present to Kingston —Twenty Years in Canada— Extract from Gazette— No One Immediately to take His Place— Rev. John Bethune— Died 1815— Native of Scotland U. E. Loyalists — Lost Property — Chaplain to 84th Regiment — A Presby- terian — Second Legal Clergyman in Upper Canada— Settled at Cornwall — Children— The Baptists— Wyner— Turner— Holts Wiem— Baptists upon River Moira^First Chapel— How Built— Places of Preaching— Hayden's Comers — At East Lake — The Lutherans — Rev. Schwerclfeger — Lutheran Settlers — County Dundas — First Church East of Kingston — Rev. Mr. Myers Lived in Marysburgh— Marriage— His Log Church— Removes to St. Law- rence — Resigns — To Philadelphia — Mr. Weant — Lives in Ernesttown — Removes to Matilda— Not Supported— Secretly Joins the English Church— Re-ordained— His Society Ignorant — Suspicion- Preaching in Shirt Sleeves —Mr. Myers Returns, by Sleigh— Locking Church Door— The Thirty-nine Articles — Compromise — Mr. Myers continues Three Years a Lutheran— He Secedes — The End of both Secedcrs — Rev. I. L. Senderling— Rev. Herman Hayunga — Rev. Mr. Shorts — Last Lutheran Minister at Ernesttown, McCai-ty — Married. n, THE FIRST EPISCOPALIANS, CONTINUED — PRESBYTERIANS, BAPTISTS, . AND LUTHERANS. ■ The Rev. Robert Addison came as a missionary from the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, in 1790. He probably discharged the duties of chaplain to the troops stationed at Niagara, and also was Clergyman, and officiated as such, to the settlers. When the government was formed at Niagara, in 1792, Mr. Addison, was appointed Chaplain. Ho occasionly visited the Grand River Indians, officiating though an interpreter, and baptizing and marrying. Col. Clark says, Mr. Addison was a land speculator. In 1823, an act was passed by Parliament, granting Mr. Addison a pension of £,50 per annum during life, for service rendered as Chaplain to the House of Assembly for thirty years. Another Episcopalian Clergyman, who came to Canada about the same time, was the Rev. Mr. Pollard, whoso station was at Am- herstburgh. A fourth Church of England Clergyman, and one with whom 268 REV. MR. LANOUOaN. we must become more familiar, was the Rev. Mr. Langhorn. Ac- cording to the statement made to us by the late Bishop Strachan, Mr. Langhorn was sent to Canada as a missionary by a Society I.i London, called "The Bees," or some such name. Ho was a Welsh- man by birth, possessed . of but little education or talent, yet a truthful, zealous, and useful man. Odd in his manner, ho never- theless worked faithfully among the settlers from Kingston to Hay Bay. Upon arriving he took up his abode in Ernesttown, living at Hoyts, the present site of Bath. Here he was instru- mental in having, before long time, erected an English Church. Soon after coming he visited Adolphustown, and preached at Mr. Hagerman's, where Mr. Stuart had previously occasionally held service. Stops were at once taken to build a church also at Adolphustown, and Mr. Langhorn came to hold service regularly every second Sabbath. Mr. Langhorn was a diligent pastor in his rounds among his flock, over an extensive tract with great regularity, and once in a great while he went as far as the Carrying Place, where it is said he preached the first of all the pioneer ministers. He likewise occasionally visited Prince Edward, and preached at Smith's Bay, and at Congers, Picton Bay. He was very careful to have all the children christened before they were eight days old, and never failed to question the larger in the catechism. Marriage he he would never perform but in the church, and always before eleven in the morning. If the parties to be joined failed to reach the church, by the appointed time, he would leave; and would refuse to marry them, no matter how far they had come, generally on foot, or by canoe. Sometimes they were from the remote townships, yet were sent away unmanned. After performing the marriage ceremony, ho would insist on receiving, it is said, three coppers for his clerk. For himself he would take nothing, unless it was to present it to the bride immediately. Seemingly he did not care for money ; and ho would go in all kinds of weather when wanted to officiate, or administer to the wants of the sick. One person tells us that he remembers his coming to his father's in winter, and that his feet were frozen. No wonder, as Mr. Langhorn never wore stockings nor gloves in the coldest weather. But his shoe buckles were broad and bright ; and a broad rimmed hat turned up at the sides covered his head. Upon his back ho generally carried in a bag some books for reading. Wo have referred to his pecu- liarities ; many extraordinary eccentricities are related of him, both as a man and clergyman. He was very fond of the water, both REV. JOHN BETUUNS. 260 in Mimmer and Avinter. "Tn summer," (Playtor says,) " ho would, at times swim from a cove on the main nhoro tx) a covo in the opposite island, three miles apart, and in winter, ho would cut a hole in the ice, and another at some distance, and would divo down at one hole, and come up the other. He had some occentrici- ties, but he seemed to be a good and charitable man." ''»'*>1^WJ!, '• . Mr. Langhorn, when the war of 1812 commenced, acquired the belief, it is said, that Canada would be conquered by the United States, and so determined to escape. The following somewhat singular " Notice" appeared in the Kingston Gazette :— " Notice- To all whom it may concern,— That the Eev. J. Langhorn, of Ernesttown, intends returning to Europe this summer, if he can find a convenient opportunity; and all who have any objections to make, are requested to acquaint him with them, and thej^ will much oblige their humble servant,— J. Langhorn,— Barnesttown, March, 1813." The Kev. gentleman did go home, and some say that he was again coming to Canada, and was shipwrecked. Before leaving Canada, ho made a valuable present to Kingston, as the following notice will show : .v .,..,- ,>..,, .,..\ ,-/.>;.•: " The Rev. Mr. LangWn, of Ernesttown, who is about return- ing to England, his native country, has presented a valuable collec- tion of books to the Social Library, established in this village. The directors have expressed to him the thanks of the proprietors for his liberal donation. Many of the volumes are very elegant, and, It is to be hoped, will, for many years, remain a memorial of his liberality and disposition to promote the diffusion of useful know-" ledge among a people, with whom he has lived as an Episcopal Missionar}" more than twenty year^. During that period his aets of charity have been frequent and numerous, and not confined to members of his own church ; but extended to indigent and merito- rious persons of all denominations. Many who have shared in his bounty, will have reason to recollect him with gratitude, and to regret his removal from the country. " — (^Kingston Gazette'). After his departure, the churches where he had preached were vacant for many a day; and, at last, the one in Adolphustown went to decay. There died, at Williamstown, U. C, 23rd September, 1815, the Kev. John Bethune, in his 65th year. He was a native of Scotland. Came to America before the rebellion, and was possessed of pro- perty, all of which he lost, and was thereby reduced to great distress for the time being. The foundation was then laid for the disease of 270 BARLY OLBROYMBN. Which he died. During tho robellion, lie was appointed Chaplain to the 80th Eogimont. At the close of the war he settled in Canada. Ho left a widow and numerous family. Ex-Sherilf Sherwood, of Brockville, says that "the Kev. Mr. Bethune, a Presbyterian Clergyman, was the second legalized Cler- gyman in the country. He settled at an early period at Cornwall He was father of the Rev. John Bethune, now Dean of Montreal, (1866)." ' " BAPTISTS— WYNER, TURNER, HOLTS, WIEM. ' The first Ministers of this sect were Elders Wyner and Turner, a brother of Gideon Turner, one of tho first settlors of Thurlow. One Elder Holts, also preached around the Bay, but a love of brandy hindered him. Yot ho was an attractive preacher. This was pro- bably about 1194. A considerable number of Baptists settled up the river Moira, in Thurlow. Tho first chapel built hero was for that denomination, in the fifth concession. Its sizo was thirty feet square. But, prior to the building of this, a dozen or so would meet for worship at the house of Mr. Eoss. Tho chapel was , nainly built by each member going to tho place and working at the building, from time to time, until it was completed. . Mr. Turner traveled through different sections, preaching wherever he found his fellow communionists. He occasionally preached at Capt. Mcintosh's, at Myer's Creek, and now and then at the head of the Bay. The Baptists were, probably, the first to preach at Sidney, and Thurlow. Myer's Creek was not a central place at which to collect the scattered settlers until it becanie a village. Before that, the preaching place of the Baptists, and after- wards of the Presbyterians and Methodists, was up at Gilberts house, in Sidney, or at Col. Bell's, in Thurlow. When the village grew, services were held at Capt. Mcintosh's and Mr. Mitz s, at the mouth of the river, by different denominations, and still later, in a small school house. Preaching also was held up tho river, at Eeed s and Hayden's Corners. The first Baptist Minister that preached at East Lake, Halio- well, was the Eev. Joseph Wiem. Not unlikely, he and Elder Wyner are the same. ^ THE LUTHERANS— SOHWERDBRaiR, MYERS, WBANT. Among the early ministers of religion who attended to the spiritual interests of the pioneers, were several of the Lutheran 8BOK8SION. 271 ChurcL. Of this denomination, there waH a conHidoiablo number in the County of DundaH, chiefly Dutch. There were also a com- munity of them in Ernenttown, inid another in MaryHburgii. The first church built in Upper Canada, east of Kingston, perhaps the next after the one built at Tyendinnga, was erected by the Luther- ans. It was put up in 1790, named Zion's Church, and a Mr. Schwerdfoger, who resided near Albany, was invited to be their Pastor. This invitation was gladly accepted, as he and his family bad suffered severe persecution from the victorious rebels. Ho died in 1803. ! At an oaly period, indeed it would seem probable before Mr. Schwerdfeger came to Canada, although the time cannot be posi- tively fixfid, the Rev. Mr. Myers, from Philadelphia, lived in Marys- burgh and preached to the Lutheran Germans of that Township. He married a daughter of Mr. Henry vSmith, one of the firstsettlers there, where stood his log church, about twenty-four feet square, upon the brow of a hill overlooking a lovely landscape. Mr. Myers removed to the St. Lawrence, and "in 1804 became Pastor of the Lutheran churches there." (History of Dundas). He resigned in 1807, not being supported, and removed to Pennsylvania. The second Lutheran clergyman to preach upon the Bay, was the Eev. Mr. Weant. He lived a short distance below Bath, and went every four weeks to preach at Smith's Bay ; and, in the mean- time, preached to the Lutherans of Ernesttown, where he built a log church, the first there. In 1808, he received a call from the Lutherans of Matilda, " which he accepted, and for some time preached acceptably, residing in the parsonage. Ho, too, seems to have been inadequately supported by the people, and yielding to inducements, too tempting for most men to resist, he, in 1811, secretly joined the Church of England, and was re-ordained by Bishop Mountain, in Quebec. Upon his return, he pretended still to bo a Lutheran minister, and preached, as usual, in German exclu- sively. Suspicions, however, soon arose that all was not right, for he began to use the English Book of Common Prayer, and occasion- ally to wear the surplice, practices which gave such offence to his former friends, that they declared they would no longer go to hear a man who proclaimed to them in his shirt sleeves. A few were persuaded by him to join the Church of England. The majority remained faithful. In 1814, the Lutherans again invited the Rev- Mi-. Myers ; upon his consenting to come, they sent two sleighs, in the winter, to Pennsylvania, and brought him and his family to 272 LUTHERANS. > DnnduH. But Mr. Wennt would not give up the pat^onngo and globe, und put ft padlock on Iho church door, and torbado any one to enter, unlosBaoknowledgintctlio thirty-nine urticlos of the Church of Kngland. A compromiHe resulted, and the LutheranH wore per- mitted to UKO the building (»nco in two weeks. For throe years. Mr. Myorn continued his njinintrationH as a Lutheran, in the moan- timo being in straitened cirenmHtancos. In 1817, stmngbly enough, Mr. Mj'ors also fornook the Lutheran Church, and oon- i'ormed to the Church of England. (Hist, of Dundas. ) The end of Mr. Weant and Mr. Myers, according to accounts, was not, in either case satisfactory. The latter died suddenly from a fall, it is said, while ho was intoxicated, and the former was addicted to the same habit of intomporanco. The successor of Mr. Myers was the Rov. I. L. Sendirlino. He came in 1825, and stayed only a short time. In ia2(), Rov. Herman Hayunioa became the Pastor ; and suc- ceeded, after many, years, in restoring to the church its former prosperity, notwithstanding much that opposed him. He had a new church erected. His succcssoi- was the Rev. Dendrick Shorts. The Kingston Gontte contains a notice of perhaps the last Lutheran Minister at Ernest town. "Married. In Ernosttown, 29th Jan, 1816, the liev. Wm. McCarty, Minister of the Lutheran congregation, to Miss Clarissa Fraliok." HTRACIIAN H RELIGIOUS CHART. ' 27.'^ .>7')-' '.,'".'.5,,..., , . ■■./'.<.,, ■ , . , ,. .. .-. , CIIAITKR XXIX. . ,.,. , , CoNTENTM— ni«liop Striuluiii— A tciiclu!!— -A prcii(li.i_A 8(u(icnt— Holy Ovdor* —A rrcHbytorinn— Bi'couicH an KpiHcojmliiui— A Hiipportcr of tli-.'" Kamily coini)att"—Sinffre-.HiM opinion of the puopic— iKiiomiit—Uniucpnr.Ml for 8clf-goveiniiU'iit--Htmrhaii'H rt'ligious tliait — \h^ was (lc(eived--Tlif Milho- (iist— AnomiilouH coiuicction—A filiilaistciirii,' people — Ilepul.licaniHiu o^'o tirttical —Loyalty of Met}io(li8tH~AiiuTiian miiuHteiH— Dr Stiiiilian'H powi- tion—HiH birth place— His education— A. M., 17'J3— HtiidyinK ThcoloKV— ComeH to Canada— A Htiident of Dr. HtuartH— Ordained Deacon— A niisHion- ; nry n« Cornwall— Hector at York— Arclideacon— HiHhop of Toronto— Coad- . jiitor— Death— A public burial— licv. Mr. McJ)owell— FirHt Presbyterian at ■• Bay Quint('--Invited by VanAlstine- On hiH way— At Hrockville-SetHes • in second town— His circuit— A worthy ininister—FidflllinK IiIh nilHHion— Traveling on foot— To York— Marrying tlie people— His death— His dosccn- dants— Places of Preaching— A CalviniHt— Invites controverHy— Mr. Coatc accepts the challonge— The disputation— Excitomont— The result— Itcv. Mr. « Smart— Called by Mr. McDowell— Pr(!S. clergyman at Brockville— Fifty years— An earnest Christian — A desire to write—" Observer" A pioneer— A cause of regret — Not extreme— Mr. Smart's views on politics— 'I'he masses une«lucated— The " Family Compact "—Rise of responsible government —The Bidwells— Credit to Dr. Straclian— Brock's funeral sermon- Foundation of Kingston gaol— Maitland — Demonstration — Sherwood's statement. UISHOP STRACHAN RKV. MR. MCliOWELL AND RKV. MU. SMART. ' Having elsewliere spoken of thiis distinguislied man as tlie first teacher of Higher Education in Upper C^anada, it is intended to give him H proper place among the first who preached the Gospel. Dr. Strachan, who had studied Divinity at Kingston, under the guidance of Mr. Stuart, took Holy Orders while engaged in teaching at Corn- wall. Although he had been brought up in the Presbyterian faith, he deliberately connected himself with the Church of England, as the church of his choice. From the first. Dr. Strachan took a decided stand in favor of the exclusive power claimed by the government and the " Family Com- pact." This step was no doubt, deemed by him the very best to secure the interest of the rising country, believing as he did, that the people generally were unfitted by want of education to perform the duties of legislation and self-government. His devotion to the government, led doubtless, in some instances, to errors of judgment, and on a few occasions placed him in a false position. Yet he was always seemingly conscientious. The course pursued by him, in pre- paring, and sending to the Imperial Government (a religious chart, which subsequent investigation proved to be incorrect, had, at the time, an unfortmiate effect. But it is submitted, that it has never lo 274 AMEEICAN METHODIST MINISTERS. been shewn, that Dr. Strachan was otherwise than deceived when preparing the document. He ma^e statements of a derogatory nature with respect to the Methodist body ; but can it be shewn that there was no reason whatever for his statements. The history of the Methodists of Canada, exhibits a loyalty above suspicion. But was there no gi-oundon which to place doubts respecting the propriety ot any body of Canadians receiving religious instruction from men who were subjects of another oountry-a country which was ever threat- ening the province, and who had basely invaded an inoffending people— a country that constantly encouraged her citizens to pene- trate the territory of contiguous powers with the view of possessing it While there is sufficient proof that the Methodist rainiste.s who came into the country were actuated by the very highest niotives, it cannot be denied that any one taught in the school of repubhoanism will carry with him wherever he goes, whether among the courtly of Europe, the contented and happy Canadians, or the blood-thirsty Mexicans, his belief in the immaculate principles of repubhcamsm. He cannot, even if he would, refrain fi'om descanting upon the supe- riority of his govei-nment over all others. The proclamation of Gen. Hull at Detroit, and of others, shews that the belief was entertained in the States, that many Canadians were favorable to the Americans- Whence could have arisen this belief ? Not certainly from the old U E Loyalists, who had been driven away from their native counti7.' Not surely by the English, Irish, or Scotch ? Dr. Strachan, with the government, could not close their eyes to these facts, and was it unnatural to infer that American-sent Methodists had something to da Bishop Strachan was a man of education, and as such, he must be judged in reference to his opinion that Methodists were unqual- ified to teach religious truth, from their imperfect or dehcient education. We say, not that much book learning is absolutdy essential to a successful expounding of the plan of salvation, although it is always most desii-able. But having taken our pen to do justice to all of whom we have to speak, we desire to place the reader so far as we can upon the stand of view occupied by the distinguished Divine and Scholar. , a -i i 't'th Dr. Strachan was born at Aberdeen, Scotland, I2th April, 1778. He was educated at the Grammar School, and at King'^s CoUege, at that city, where he took the degree of M. A., in 1793. removed to the neighborhood of St. Andrews, and studied ..^^ as a Presbyterian. As stated elsewhere, he cume to America m FIRST PRESBYTERIAN MINISTER. 275 reaching Canada the last day of the year. Disappointed in his expec- tations respecting an appointment to establish a college, he became a school teacher in Kingston, and at the same time a student of Divinity, imder the guidance and fri(mdship of Dr. Stuart. He prosecuted his Theological studies durmg the three years he was in Kingston, and in 1803, was ordained Deacon, by Dr. Mountain, the first Protestant Bishop of Quebec. The following year he was admitted to Holy Orders, and went as a missionary to Cornwall. Here he continued nine years, attending diligently to his duties as a minister, all over his widening parish ; and also conducted a Grammar School. In 1 8 1 2 he received the appointment of Eector at York, the capital, and in 1825 he was made Archdeacon. Enjoying political appointments with these ecclesiastical, he finally, in 1839, was elevated to be the first Bishop of Toronto. Dr. Strachan discharged the duties of his high office with acceptability. In 1 860 Archdeacon Bethune was appointed as Coadjutor Bishop, the venerable prelate beginning to feel that his tune was almost done. He died 1st November, 1867, having attained to his ninetieth year, and was accorded a public funeral. No higher marks of esteem and veneration could have been exhibited than were displayed by all classes at the death of this Canadian Divine, j.c ta?i'^ The most of the settlers from the Hudson, not Lutherans, were Presbyterians, or of the Dutch Keformed Church. Mr. McDowell was the first Presbyterian minister to visit the Bay. He came about 1800, perhaps before; when yet there were but few clergymen m the provmce. We have seen it stated that he was sent for by Major VanAlstine, who was a Presbyterian. On his way he tarried a day in the neighborhood of Brockvillc. Adiel Sherwood was then teaching school, in connection with which he was holding a public exhibition. Mr. McDowell attended, and here first took a part as a mmister, by offering his first public prayer in the country. He pro- ceeded to Kingston, and settled in the second township. But his circuit of travel and places of preaching extended from Brockville to the head of Bay Quinte. The name of this worthy individual is too little known by the inhabitants of the bay. No mancontributed more than he to fulfill the Divine mission " go preach ;" and at a time when great spiritual want was felt he came to the hardy settlers. The spirit of Christianity was by hun aroused to no little extent, especially among those, who in their early days had been accustomed to sit imder the teachings of Presbyterianism. He traveled far and near, in all kinds of weather, and at all seasons, sometimes iit the canoe or batteau, and sometimes on foot. On one occasion he walked all the way from Bay 276 REV. MR. SMART.'- ' Quiiile to York, following the lake shove, ami swimming the rivers that could not be otherwise forded. Ho probably married more persons while in the ministerial work tkan all the rest in the ten townships aromid the bay. This arose from his being the only minister legally qualified to solemnize matrimony, beside the clergymen of the English Clmr(!h, Mr. Stuart, of Kingston, and Langhorn, of Fredericksburgh. Persons wishing to be married repaired to him from all the region of the bay, or availed themselves of his stated ministerial tours. The writer's parents, then living in •Adolphustown, were among those married by him, the cerificate of which now lies before him. Mr. A. Sherwood thus speaks of him, " He lived to labor many years in the service of his Master, and after an honorable and good old ag(i he died highly esteemed by his friends and much respected by all who knew him." '• Mr. McDowell had at least two sons and a daughter. The last is Mrs. Carpenter, now living at DemorestviUe. One of his sons removed to New York and there established a Magdalene Asy- lum Mr. McDowell, used to pass around the bay twice or three times a year. He was one of the first, to preach at the extreme head of the bay, the Carrying Place, and for that pui-pose occupied a barn. Another of his preaching places was in Sophiasburgh. on the marsh front. He preached here four times a year. He was a rigid Calvinist, and preaching one Sabbath at the beginning of the present century in the Court House at Adolphustown, he offered to argue with any one publicly the question of Calvanism. The Methodist minister of the bay, the Eev. Samuel Coate, was urged by his societv to accept the challange, and after a good deal of hesi tation did so. So a day was appointed for the discussion. The meeting took place at a convenient place, three miles from Bath, in the Presbyterian church . The excitement was great ; the inhabitants coming even from Sidney and Thurlow. Mr. McDowell spoke first and occupied half a day. Then followed Mr. Coate. After he had spoken two hour.s Mr. McDowell and his friends left; why, it is not said Mr. Coate continued speaking until night. We have the state- ment of the Methodists, that Mr. Coate had the best of it, but wi never learned the belief of the other party. Mr. Coate's sermon wa« published by request, and thereafter, it is said Presbytenamsm waned in the locality. ,. i • • *«, Kev Mr. Smart,— This truly pious man, and evangelical minister, came to Canada in 1811. He never a<jtually lived within the pre- cincts of the Bay; but he was called to the wilderness of Upper Canada bv the Rev. Mr. McDowell at least he was chiefly mstru- " THE FAMILY COMPACT." 277 raental in bringing him out, even before his student days were ended. For upwards of fifty years he discharged the duties of Presbyterian clergyman at Brockville, the first clergyman of any denomination within fifty miles. We shall ever remember the kind genial person with whom we spent a few pleasant hours in the evening of his eventful life, a life spent earnestly in the service of his Master, and for the welfare of his family, for, to use his own words, " In his day it was no easy matter to live and rear a family." This he said not complainingly, but because it hindered him from indulging a desire he once felt to do something with his pen — to record, as he was desired to do, the events connected with his early life in Upper Canada, and his cotemporaries. At first he did contribute to the Kingston Gazette, over the cognomen " Observer." But other things pressed upon him, and when repose came he fancied the fire of his early days, for scribbling, had too far sunk. This is much to be regretted, for as a close observer and upright man, and living in eventful times of Canadian history, he was pre-eminently qualified to treat the subject. Mr. Smart was always distinguished for moderate and well-considered views upon Religion, Political Government and Education. He lived when the battle commenced between the "Family Compact" and the people. While he fii-mly set his face against the extreme stand taken by the Rev. Mr. Strachan, he never identified himself Avith the party that opposed that worker for, and with the Government. On this point, Mr. Smart makes judicious remarks. In speaking of the rise and first days of the Province, he says, *'it was necessaiy tht. Government in Council should create laws, and govern the people, inasmuch as the vast majority of the inhabitants were unlettered, and unfit to occupy places which required judgment and discrimination. There were but few of the U. E. Loyalists who possessed a complete education. He was personally acquainted v^ith many, especially along the St. Lawrence, and Bay of Qiiinte, and by no means were all educated, or men of judgment; even the half-pay officers, many of them, had but a limited education. Many of them were placed on the list of officers, not because they liad seen service, but as the most certain way of compensating them for losses sustained in the Eebellion. And there were few, if any, of them fitted by education for office, or to serve in Parliament Such being the case, the Governor and his advisers were at the first necessarily impelled to rule the country. Having once enjoyed the exclusive power, they became unwilling to share it with the repre- sentatives of the people. But the time came when the mass, having brock's funeral sermon. acquired some idea of Eesponsible Government, were no longer to ho kept in obscurity, and thence arose the war between the Toiy and the Eadical. In all the contentions arising therefrom, Mr. Smart teld an intermediate position witli the Bidwell's and others. In speaking of aU this, Mr. Smart is particularly anxious to give credit to Dr. Strachan for his honesty of purpose, saying that the Colony is much indebted to him in many ways. Mr. Smart was called upon to preach the funeral sermon of Canada's great hero, General Brock. He also delivered an address on the occasion of laying the foun- dation stone of the gaol in Kingston, in presence of the Governor, Peregrine Maitland, who was down from York, on which occasion there was great demonstration of Free Masons, and the farmers of the Bay. Mr. Sherwood thus speaks of Mr. Smart : " On his arrival, he for some little time made his home at my house, he was then 23 ♦j-ears old, he has now (1863) entered his 78th year, has retired from a public charge, and is now residing quietly, and I trust comfortably, at Gananoque ; and I feel quite sure, all that know him throughout the whole Province, will join with me, in wishing him long life and happiness, both here and hereafter." QUAKER WORSHIP. 279 CHAPTEE XXX. ' Contents — The Quakers — Among the SettUii-s — From Penn. — Duchess County — First Meeting-house— Dnvid Sand — Elijah Hick — Visiting Canada — James Noxen — A first settler — Their mode of worship— In Sophiasburgh — The meeting 'house — Joseph Leavens — Hicksites — Traveling — Death, aged 92 — Extract, Picton Sun — The first preaching places — First English church — In private houses — At Sandwich — The Indian church at the, bay — Ernest- town — First Methodist church — Preaching at Niagara — First church in Kingston — At Waterloo — At Niagara — Churches at Kingston, 1817 — In Hollowell — Thurlow — Methodist meeting-houses, 1816 — At Montreal — Building chapels in olden times — Occupying the frame — The old Methodist chapels — In Hollowell township — In the fifth town — St. Lawrence — First English Church, Belleville — Mr. Campbell — First time in the pulpit — How he got out — The old church superseded — Church, front of Sidney— Rev. John Cochrane — Rev. Mr. Grier — First Presbyterian Church in Belleville — Rev. Mr. Kotcham — First Methodist Church in Belleville — Healey, Puffer — The site of the church — A second one. THl EARLY CLERGYMEN AND CHURCHES OP UPPER CANADA. — THE QUAKERS. — NOXEN, LEAVENS, HICKS, SAND. Anjong tne early settlers of tlie Bay wore a good!}' number of the Society of Friends, Some of them were natives of Pennsyl- vania; but the majority were fi'om the Nine Partners, Duchess <3ounty, New York, where had existed an extensive communit}^ of the follr. wers of Fox. The fii'st meeting-house built by the Quakers in Canada was in Adolphustown upon the south shore of Hay Bay, toward the close of last century. About 1790, two Quaker preachers of some note visited Canada, they were David Sand and Elijah Hick. By appointment they held service in Adolphustown ; it is uncertain whether this was before, or after the building of the meeting-house. The first and principal preacher among the Quakers was James Noxen, one of the first settlers of Adolphustown, under whom the Society was organized. He subsequently in 1814 removed to Sophiasburgh, where he died in 1842. The worship of the Quakers consiets in essentially spiritual meditation and earnest examination of the inrao^<t soul, a quiet holding of the balance, to weigh the actions and motives of every- day life. To the proper discharge of these duties no place can bo too quiet, too far removed from the busy haunts of men. The sixth township, or Sophiasburg had among its settlers a good many of this sect, which at first had meetings at Jacob Cronks, until the year 1825, when they erected a meeting-house upon the northern front of the township. 280 JOSEPH LEAVENS. Two inilcs bolow the village of Northport, isfiituated a Friends' meeting-house. Hero twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays> congregate few, or many of the adherents of this persuasion, to commune with their God. The mooting-houso, reposing upon the very verge of the shore, and half shJKlowed by beautiful maples and evergreens, is a fit place in which to submit oneself to strict self- examination. There is nothing here to disturb the supreme quie- tude of thp place, unless, the gentle ripples of the water, or the more restless murmuring of the wave. ?• *' ■ ■ ,i. '■ - ■ Joseph Leavens "was an early settler of Canada, an emigrant from New York," he was for many years an esteemed preacher of the Hicksite branch of Quakei*s, and was accustomed to travel from place to place, to talk to his co-religionists. He had a place for preaching in a loft of his brother's store in Belleville. He was one of the first Quaker preachers in Canada and travelled through all the townships at the Bay, and to East Lake. "Died in the township of Hallowell, about the 24th of May, 1844, the venerable Joseph Leavens, in the 92nd year of his age. He was amongst the early settlers of the Canadian forest, and emigrated from New York State, and probably was a native of Nine Partners District. He had long been a Preacher in the Eeligious Society of Friends, and though not possessed of more than one talent, yet it is believed that, as he occupied that to his Maker's glory, his reward will be as certain as though he had received ten talents. He was a diligent reader in the sacred volume. He wa& much beloved both by his neighbours and friends, and it is desired that his gospel labours may be profitably remembered by them and, his relatives." — (Picton Sun.) In sjieaking of the individual clergymen Avho first came to the Province we have referred to many ol' the fii'st preaching places and churches: but there remains to be added some further remarks. We have seen that the first church erected in Western Canada was at the Mohawk settlement. Grand River, which was built the first year of their habitation in that place — 1785-6. Strange that the natives of the wood, should take the lead in erecting places of worship. It was several years later before even log meeting- houses were put up by the loyalists. For many years the pioneer clergymen or preachers officiated in private houses. Now the ser- vice would be at the house of one, to which a considerable number THE FIRST CHURCHES. 281 could como from a circuit of ten or fifteen miles, then it would be at the place of some settler whose larger log house aifordod a more commodious place of worship. A church was built at an early date at Sandwich, but the year, we know not. The first church erected upon the Bay, the Rev. Mr. Smart thinks, was at the Mohawk village, Tyendinaga. At an early period a log church was built in Krnesttown by the Lutherans and another Tv South Bay; one also for Mr. Langhorn to preach in, and then another in Adolphustown. The first Methodist church was built in Adolphustown in 1792, and a second one a month later in Ernesttown.j^v ^im/si ivivj^* . The Eev. Mr. Addison, went to Niagara in 1792. When Governor Simcoe lived in Navy Hall, the Council Chamber a building near the barracks it was said, was used alternately by the English Church, and Church of Eome. The first English Church was erected in Kingston in 1793, and up to 1810 it was the only one. A Methodist church was built at a very early date at Waterloo, it was never finished, but used for many years. The fii-st at Niagara, was in 1802. In November 28, 1817, there were in Kingston, "four churches or meeting-houses, viz: 1 Episcopalian, 1 Roman Catholic and 2 Methodists ; there were 4 professional preachers, viz : 1 Episcopalian, 1 Presbyterian and 2 Methodists. This enumeration does not include a chaplain to the army, and one to the royal navy." In Ernesttown there was one resident professional preacher, a Methodist. In Sophiasburgh there were no churches ; but the Quakers, ]^[ethodists and Presbyterians had meetings at private houses. In HoUowell, says Eben. Washburne, " we have one Methodist, and one Quaker meeting-house ; preparations ai-e making also for a Presbyterian meeting-house. The former is attended by a circuit preacher every two weeks ; the latter by a Quaker every Sabbath. In Thurlow, " the Gospel is dispensed almost every Sabbath of the year, in different parts of the township, by itinerant preachers of the Methodist and Baptist sects. In 1816, there were eleven Methodist meeting-houses in Canada. These were all of wood excepting one in. Montreal, built in 1806, which was of stone. "The mode of building chapels in the olden times was by joint labor, and almost without the aid of money. The first step was for scores of willing hands on a given day, to resort to the woods, and then fell the trees, and 282 ERECTING CHURCHES. square the timber ; others, with oxen and horses, drawing the hewed pieces and rafters to the appointed pl?.;;e. A second step was to call all hands to frame the building, selecting the best genius of the carpenter's calling for superintendent. A third step was a "bee" to raise the building; and the work for the first year was done, The next year, the frame would be enclosed, with windows and doors, and a rough floor laid loose. As soon as the meeting house was thus advanced, it was immediately used for preaching, prayer meetings and quarterly meetings. Some of the early chapels would be finished inside ; others, would be used for years in their rough, cold, and unfinished state. The people wei*e poor, had little or no money, but loved the Gospel, and did what they could." The oldest of the eleven chapels is the Adolphustown, on the south shore of the Hay Bay, and on the old Bay of Quinto circuit. " The next for age is the chapel in the fourth concession of Brnosttown. It was not erected here at first, but on the ftont of the township, lot No. 27, and close to the Bay of Quinte. After some years, (some of the principal Methodists moving to the fourth concession), the frame was taken down, drawn to the present site, and put up again. It stands on the public road, leading from Napanee to Kingston, and near the village of Odessa. A rough- cast school-house, now stands on the old site, east of Bath. Some challenge the antiquity of the Ernesttown, with the Adolphustown chapel; but both were commenced at about the same time, by William Losee; the latter was first erected. As the travelei- passes, he may look on this old and useful meeting-house, still used for public worship, and see a specimen of the architecture of the pious people settled in the woods of Ernesttown seventy years ago. " About nine miles from Odessa toward Kingston is the village of Waterloo, and on the top of a sand-hill, formerly covered with lofty pines, is a well proportioned and good looking Wesloyan stone church. It is on the site of an ancient frame meeting-house, decayed, and gone, which bore an antiquity nearly as great as the other two chapels. The meeting-house in the Township of Kingston was an unfinished building, a mere outside, with rough planks for seats. " Two miles fi-om the Town of Picton, and in the first concession of the Township of Hollowell, is still to be seen one of the oldest Methodist chapels in Upper Canada. The ground and the lumber were the gift of Steven Conger. The first work was done in June, 1809. An account book, now existing, shows the receipts and pay FIRST OHUROH IN BELLEVILLE. 283 monts for tho building. Some paid subscriptions in monoy, some in wheat, some in teaming and work; and one person paid ono pound "by way of a turn." The first trustees were named Conger, Valloan, Vanblaricura, Dougal, German, Benson, Wilson, and Van- dusen. They are all dead, but children of some'of them are still living in the vicinity. Tho building is square, with pavilion roof, of heavy frame timber, yet sound, having a school-house on ono side, and a mill on the other. Here is a burying ground attached, in which lie many of the subscribers to, and first worshippers in, the chapel. It is still used as a place of worship, and for a Sabbath school. Those four chapels were all in the old Bay of Quinte circuit. " In the fifth township east of Kingston is another relic of the times of old, called the Blizabethtown chapel. It is now within the boundaries of the village of Lyn, about eight miles from BrocLtville, and near tho river St. LaAvrence. A chapel jiarticularly remark- able for the assembling of the Genesse conference in 1817, and the great revival of religion which there commenced." ' The first English Church erected west of Adolphustown, was at Belleville. It was commenced in 1819, and finished tho next year. The Kev. Mr. Campbell was the first clergyman, and came to the place some little time before tho building was completed. An anecdote has been related to us by one who saw the occur- rence, whi^h will servo to illustrate the character of those days. Mr. Campbell one day entered the church, when near its comple- tion, and walked up a ladder and entered the pulpit ; immediately one of the workmen, named Smith, removed the ladder, leaving the Eev. gentleman a prisoner ; nor Avould they release him until he had sent a messenger to his homo for a certain beverage. This church when erected was an ornament to the place, and is well remembered by many, having been taken down in 1858, the present handsome structure being completed. Mr. Campbell continued in charge until his death in 1835. During this time he caused to be erected a church at the front of Sidney, midway between Belleville and the Trent, and he held seiwices there every second Sabbath, in the afternoon, for a time ; but the congregation was never large. Methodism seemed to take more hold of the feelings of the people. Mr. Campbell's successor was the Rev. John Cochrane, who was pastor for three years, when the present incumbent, tho Rev. John Grier, who had been at the Carrying Place for some years, took charge. , 284 KIR8T WKbLEYAN GUUaCU. The rirst Presbyterian clergyman of Belleville, was Mr. Ketcham, under him the first church wa« built. The first Methodist church to bo built in the woHtorn part of the Bay country was at Belleville. It was probably about the beginning of thin century that the itinerant Methodist began to vieit the head of the Bay Quinte. They wore accustomed to preach in private houses, and barns, hero and there along the ft'ont, and up the Moira River, and at Napaneo. Ilealy and Puffer were accostomed to preach at Col. Bell's, Thurlow. Belleville was laid out into lots in 1816 ; Mr. Ross applied to government for one, as the society was disqualified from holding landed property until 1828. The land was accordingly granted to him, and recorded, January 7, 1819. A frame building was im- mediately commenced 60 by 30 fee ; , ' 5efore it was inclosed, servico was held within the frame. The building was never completed. The pulpit was of rough boards, and the seats were of similar material, placed upon blocks. In 1831, a second chapel was com- menced, and the old one removed. :.: J::.,*.,. METHODIST BRITISH OFFICERS. 286 CHAPTER XXXI. , ,.« (JoNTRNTH. — The first Mt'thodiHt ProacherH — Tlic iiriny — Oiipt. Webl> — Tnffey — Ooorgo Ncal — Lyonn — Scliool-teachor — Exhortor — McCarty ^I'orfiucution '^■' — Bigotry — Vagabonds — McCarty arrcstod — Trial — At Kingston — Kanished ;f — "A martyr" — Doubtfid — Losee, first Methodist nuHsionary, 170() — A niiti- i istcr — A loyalist — WJioro ho first preathcd — " A curiosity" — Earnest pioneer Methodist — Olass-mectings — Suitable for all classes — JiOsee's class-meetings Determines to liuild a meeting-house — Huilt in Adolphustown — Its si/e — i,' The BubHeriberB~.Member8, amounts — Embury— ThoHo wlio sulmcribed for •^ first church in New York — Same names — The centenary of Methodism — New York Methodists driven away — American Methodist forgetful — ^■- Embury and Heck refugees — Ashgrove — No credit given to British officers — Embx;ry's brother — The rigging loft, N. Y. — Barbara Heck — Settling in Augusta — First Methodist Church in America — Subscribers — ,: " Lost Chapters" — The Author's silence — What is acknowledged— -" Severe threats" — Mr. Maun — To Nova Scotia — Mr. Whately " admires piety" — *' not "loyalty" — Second cluipcl, N. Y. — Adolphustown subscribers — Con- •f»' radVanDusen- Eliz. Roblin — Huff— Ruttan — The second Methodist chapel — 1 The subscribers — Commenced May, 1792 — Carpenters wages — Members, ' Cataraqui Circuit — Going to Conference — Returns — Darias Dunham — Phy- *i sician — First quarterly meeting — Anecdotes — Bringing a "dish cloth" — " Clean up'' — The new made squire— Asses — Unclean spirits — Losee discon- tinues preaching — Cause — Disappointment — Return to New York — Dunham useful — Settles — Preachers traveling — Saddle-bags — Methodism among the ," loyalists—Camp-meetings — Where first held, in Canada — Worshipping in ; the woods — Breaking up — Killing the Devil — First Canotlian preacher — Journey from New York. 1. - ' '■■\ ,' .; ' :■(■ '■.; '. -I" .,••■ ■• ' -ji '■V '" - , ; •. THE FIRST WKSLEYAN METHODISTS IN CANADA. 'i' . '?'^ The first Methodist Preachers both in Lower and Upper Canada were connected with the British Army; also, the second one in America, who was Capt. Webb. "In 1780, a Methodist Local Preacher, named Tuftey, a Commissary of the 44th, came with his regiment to Quebec. He commenced preaching soon after his arrival, and continued to do so at suitable times, while he remained," or until his regiment was disbanded in 1 783. The second Methodist Preacher in Canada was George Neal, an Irishman. During the war he was Major of a cavalry regiment He " crossed the Niagara river at Queenston on the 7th October, 1786, to take possession of an officer's portion of land, and soon began to preach to the new settlers on the Niagara river — his labours were not in vain." -(Playter). " In 1788 a pious young man, called Lyons, an cxhorter in the Methodist Episcopal Church, came to Canada, and engaged in teaching school in Adolphustown." He collected the people together on the Sabbath, and conducted religious services. " In the same year came James McCarty, an Irishman, to Ernesttown."- 286 WILLIAM L08KX. ilo was a follower ot'Whitfiold, but acted with the MothodiHt, holding religious meotingH. His preaching caused severe persecution against him on the part of* certain loyalists, who held the doctrine that none could ho true subjects who adhered not to the Church of England; but to o])p()8e the Church was to oppose the King. Advantage was taken of this loyalty to try to prevent tlie intro- duction of any other roligious denominations. A law had been enacted by the (jrovernor in Council, that persons wandering about the country might bo banished as vagabonds. McCarty was arrested on a charge of vagabondism in Adolphustown, and brought before a magistrate at VanDusen's tavern, at tho front, who i-emanded him to Kingston. According to Playter, ho was preaching at Robert Perry's when arrested ; our informant is tho Rev. C. Van- Duson, at whose father's he was first arraigned. After being released on bail, ho was finally tried before Judge C, and was sen- tenced to be banished, tradition says, upon an island in tho St. Lawrence. At all events he was placed in a batteau and taken away by French l)oatmen. McCarty has obtained the name of martyr, but it is the belief of unbiassed persons that he was not left upon the island, but was conveyed to Montreal. William Losee was the first regular preacher of the Methodist denomination in Canada. He first visited the country in 1790, preached a few sermons along the Bay of Quinte and St. Lawrence, eud returned with a petition from tho settlers to the Conference, to send him as a preacher. In February, 1791 he again came, as an appointed mihister from the Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States. ''Losee was a loyalist, and knew some of the settlers in Adolphustown, before they left the United States. He desired to see them and preach to them the glad tidings of salva- tion. Had he been on the revolutionary side, tho warm loyal iete would not have received him — rather would have driven him from the country." — (Playter). One of the first places at which he preached, was at the house of John Carscallian, in Fredericksburgh. The tavern of Conrad VanDuson, in Adolphustown, was another, and at Paul Huff's, on Hay Bay, another. "A Methodist Preacher was a cui'iosity in those days, and all were anxious to see the phe- nomenon ; some would even ask how he looked, or what he was like ! A peculiarity in Losee, too, was, that he had but one arm to use, the other being withered." A true pioneer Methodist, he set earnestly to work to form class-meetings and organize societies, and "during the summer his circuit embraced the settlements in TUK bmbuhy'h. 287 tho TowiiMhip of KingHton, Krnowttown, FrodorickHburgh, Murys- burgh, ami ovoti SophiuHburgh. Olusn- moo tings form tho cornor Htone of Wosloyau MothodiMm. But littlo undorHto(xl, ofton entirely miHundorHtood by othors than MothodirttH, thoy aro genor- fllly rogai-dod as tho abode of cant or of prioHtly control. No greater error could exist. Rightly conducted thoy aro invaluable as » means of training tho religious mind, and ontablishing it upon tho Eock of Ages. It has been said that thoy aro only suitable for tho uneducated; not so, they are alike beneficial to the peasant and the noble, tho clown and the litterateur. Losee, in accordance with the principles of Methodism, at onco sot to work to create classes, and on tho Sabbath of February 20, 1792, in the 3rd concession of Adol- phustown, at Paul llutf' s house, ho established tho first regular class-mooting in Canada. Tho second class was formed on tho following Sabbath, in Ernesttown, four miles from Bath. A third class was formed in March, at Samuel Detlor's, three miles from Napaneo. The following year tho congregation had so increased, which met at Paul Huff's house, that a determination was formed to erect a meeting house. A paper was drawn up, in which was set forth tho great blessing of God in sending a minister to their wilderness home, that a " Meoting-house or Chui'ch" is requisite. Then follows an agreement of the subscribers to build a Church, under tho direction of Losee ; to bo thirty-six feet by thirty feet, two stories high, with a gallery. "Said house to be built on the north-w^st corner of Paul Hutt's land, lot No. 18, third concession. Fourth Town; " and promising to pay the sums of money annexed to their respective names. This interesting docu- ment, with the names of subboribers, and tho subscription of each, is to be found in Playter's History of Methodism, a work thatought to bo in the hands of every Canadian, no matter what his creed, because of the fund of general knowledge upon Canada it contains. The total number of subscribers was twenty-two ; the amount subscribed was £108. Among the names are those familiar to every inhabi- tant of the Bay, some known throughout Canada. To one, espe- cially, reference must be made, Andrew Embury, a name of historic interest in connection with Methodism in America. It is a remark- able fact, that this and other names are to be found among those who planted Methodism in New York. The celebration of the centenary of Methodism in America, in 1866, was marked by fre- quent and glowing accounts of those who introduced Methodism into America. Too much credit, too much honor could not be given f IfH; AMERICAN METHODIST ORATORS. to tlie Emburys, the Hecks and others, which was was quite correct. But no reference was made in the United States, nor in Canada for that matter, to the dark days of the infant Society in New York, when the cruel rebellion interrupted the meetings in that place ; and where persecution followed the retirement ofthe British forces, 1783. It is a page of history in connection with that body, which American writers of Metliodism endeavor to wipe out, when the very founders of the Church in America were made to flee from their homes ; and had all their property sacrificed. The names of Embury and Heck ; of whom bO much was said, were among the refugees from rebel oppression. No word has been said of the cause of the removal of these persons to the wilderness of Canada. Barbara Heck, who enjoys the everlasting honor of causing Philip Embury to begin Preaching, was driven away from his Methodist home. Philip Embury was not likewise treated, because death had sealed his eyes a year before the declaration of independence, ere the demon of rebellion was evoked by the spirit of radicalism, and unhallowed desire fur neighbor's goods; otherwise his bones, the resting place of which they have given so glowing a picture, would likewise be sleeping in ora' midst, in the quiet shades of the Cana- dian forest, as do those of Paul Heck, who died in 1788 ; and of his wife, Barbara, who died in 1804. The remains of Philip Embury, instead of being urnod, as they were, in 1822, in Ash Grove, Wash- ington County, New York, after lying buried for fifty-seven years in the old burying ground of Abraham Beninger, should have found a burying place on Canadian soil, where rests his widow, the place to which his brother and the Hecks were driven. We have listened to some of the American orators, and read more of their speeches, and could not help noticing that they forgot to mention that their impetuous rebellion drove away from them the founders of Methodism ; ihey forgot to give any credit to Capt. Webb, who was the second Methodist preacher in America ; forsooth, because he was a British officer, and it would be unpleasant to associate such with centenary orations in this their day of Anglophobia. Upon the north shore of Hay Bay, in Fredericksburgh, settled David Embury, brother of Philip, who officiated as a Methodist Minis- ter in New York, in a Eigging Loft, on William St., about 1766. To do this he was urged by Barbara Heck, wife of Paul Heck, both of whom were among the first to settle on the St. Lawrence, in Augusta, in 1785. The first Methodist Church erected in America, was in 1768, on John Street, New York. Among the 250 subscribers, was the name of THE LARGEST CONTRIBUTOR. . 289 David Embury, the same who settled on Hay Bay; he gave £2. Also, the name of Paul Heck, who contributed £3 5m. Twenty-four years later, and among the twenty-two subscribers to build the first Methodist meeting-house in Canada, again appears the name of Embury— Andrew, son of David Embury. The author of the " Lost Chapters of Methodism," gives interesting accounts of the forma- tion of the Methodist Society in New York ; but he is remarkably silent in this instance, an others are, about the treatment they received from the Americans; not a word to make it known that they were driven into the wilds of Nova Scotia and Canada uy a relentless people. Yet, at the conclusion, he acknowledges this much : He says, " At the conclusion of the Revolutionary war, severe threats having been thrown out against the Loyalists who had taken refuge within the British lines, Mr. Mann thought it his duty to embark, with a considerable number of the Society, for the wilds of Nova Scotia." Mr. Mann was a class leader, and local preacher, and, during the war, at the request of the Trustees, kept the chapel in John Street open, after the regular preacher had left "We see what became of a part of the Society, in John Street! Some of them had been so loyal to their sovereign, they were afraid they would suffer if they remained." Of course they were, and had they not sufficient reason from the "threats" which had' been " thrown out." Mr. Wakely, the author, continues, '« We can admire their piety without endorsing their loyalty." How kind The second Methodist Church of New York was built on the land of DeLancy, who had his immense property confiscated. Of the subscribers to the chapel in Adolphustown, Conrad Van Dusen gave the largest amount, £15. He had been a Tavern keeper on the front, and was one of the first fruits of Losee's missionary labors. " He lived a little east of the Court House. Of liim many pleasing and amusing anecdotes are told; though a taverr . peper, as well as a merchant, he opened his house for the Gospel, and when that Gospel entered his heart, he deliberately took his axe and cut down his sign posts."— (P%?er.) The second largest contributor, was Elizabeth lioblin, who gave £12. She was the widow of Philip Roblin, who died 1788. They Jad been among the first settlers of Adolphustown. (See U. E. Loyalists.) Mrs. Eoblin afterwards became the wife of John Camiiff, the founder of Caniftou, and her remaius now rest on the l>ill m the old family burying ground, in that village. She was the ifrand-parent of John P. Eoblin, of Picton, "a man who has served FIRST METHODIST CHURCHES. his country in scvoral Parliamonts of Upper Canada. Her daughter Nam;}', born in 1781, is the mother of a large branch of the Ketcheson family in the County of Hastings." — (Playter.) She, will) her husband, still live in the fifth concession of Sidney, yet hale and hearty, in the Jiutumn of their genial, though toilsome, life. '' The subscription of the widow was liberal ; indeed, the Koblins of the Bay of Quinte have always been a hospitable and liberal minded people." Paul Huff and William Ruttan, each gave £10. The others gave smaller sums ; but, considering the date, it is noteworthy that so much Avas contributed. The same month, it is said, Losec nndertook to build a second Church in Krncsttown, a short distance below Bath. "The prin- cipal persons who aided in building this meeting-house were James Parrot, John Lake, Eobert Clarke, Jacob Miller, and others. There is cvidoiice iji the account book of Eobert Clarke, who was a car- penter, that the chapel was commenced May, 1792. He credits himself with then working twelve and a-half days; and with working in October twelve and a-half da^^s, at five shillings and six-pence per day, which shows carpenter's wages at that time. But like a good hearted man, seeing the building fund^not too full, he reduced his wages to two shillings and nine-pence per day. His paymmit to the chapel was £10. James Parrot received the sub- scriptions. The two buildings were to be of the same size and form. As soon as these two chapels were inclosed, the congregations sat on boards to hear the preaching. They were the first Methodist Churches in Canada. At the end of the year Mi*. Losee had 165 members enrolled in the "Cataraqui Circuit." He set out on his long journey to attend conference at Albany. Mr. Losee returned the following year, accompanied by Eev. Darius Dunham. The latter took charge of the Bay of Quinte district — the " Catar- aqui Circuit," while Losee went to the St. Lawrence to organize a new society — this was called the " Oswegotchie" circuit. On Saturday, September 15, the first " Quarterly" meeting was held, in Mr. Parrot's barn, Ist Con., Ernesttown, to which many of the settlers came from the six t/)wnships. Darius Dunham was a Physician by profiession. "He was a man of strong mind, zealous, firm in his opinions." He labored well on the Cataraqui Circuit, and was in high repute by the people." — (Playter). Many anecdotes are told of Dunham, On account of his quick and blunt way of speaking and rebuking evil doings, he acquired the name of " Scolding Dunham." Withal, he was witty, and ho DARIUS DUNHAM. 291 loved, it would socm, next to Godliness, cleanliness, so ho would, if at a house, Avhere it wore not observed, according to his ideurand'as there was only the one room, he could see the whole process of preparing for the table,) he would tell the housewife that the next time he came lie would " bring a dish-cloth along," or perhaps, he would bluntl}- tell the woman to "clean up." CaiToirrelales'the following .story, yet often told and lauglietl at by the old settlers of thcT^ay. " His reply to the newly appointed magistrate's banter ing remarks, is widely reported. A new-made 'Squire' rallied Dunham before some company, about riding so fine a horse, and told him he was very unlike his humble blaster, who was content to ride an ass. The preacher responded with his usual impcrturable gravity, and in his usual heavy and measured tones, that he agreed with him perfectly, and that he would most assiiredly imitate his Master in that particular, but for the difficulty of finding tlie animal required— the Government having made up all the asses into luagis- trates." " A person of the author's acquaintance, informed him that he saw an infidel, who was a fallen Lutheran clergyman, endea- voring, one night while Dunham was preaching, to turn the whole into ridicule. The preacher affected not to notice him, but went on exalting the excellency of Christianity, and showing the formidable opposition it had confronted and overcome ; when, all at onoe he turned to where the scoffer sat, and fixing his eyes upon him, the old gentleman continued : " Shall Christianity* and her votaries, after having passed through fire and water," &c.— " after all this| I say, shall the servants of God, at this time of day, allow them- selves to be frightened by the braying of an ass." In those days it was believed, by some at least, that unclean spirits and devils might be cast out by the jiower of God through the faithful Christian, and Dunham had the credit of having, on several occasions, cast out devils. - ■--:': ./ ,.,;.:./. ) . . : .;^. ^-t.\ •*'.- Mr. Loseo remained a preacher only two years, when he became mentally unfit, having encountered a disappointment of a crashing nature. The uncertainty of the cause of his dis- continuing to jireach, has been dispelled by Playter, in the most touching language, "He was the subject of that soft, yet powerful passion of our nature, which some account our weakness, and others our greatest happiness. Piety and beauty wore seen connected in female form then as well as now, in this land of woods and water, snows and burning heat. In the family of one of his bearers, and in the vicinity of Napanee river, was a maid, of no 292 A TRUE LOVE STORY. * little moral and personal attraction. Soon his (Losee's) attention was attracted ; soon the seed of love was planted in his bosom, and soon it germinated and bore outward fruit. In the interim of suspense, as to whether he should gain the person, another preacher came on the circuit, visits the same dwelling, is attracted by the same fair object, and finds in his heart the same passion. The two seek the same person. One is absent on the St. Lawrence ; the other frequents the blest habitation, never out of mind. One, too, is deformed, the other a person of desirable appearance. Jealousy crept in with love. But, at last, the preference was made, and disappointment, like a thunderbolt, overset the mental balance of the.tirst itinerant minister in Canada." Ho subsequently removed to New Yoi'k, where he continued to live for many years, and recovered his mental health. He had purchased lots in Kingston, which ho returned to sell in 181t» ; at this time he was perfectly sound in mind, and was a good man. He visited Adolphustown, and other places, preaching here and there, and finally returned to New York. Mr. Dunham proved a useful man, especially among the settlers of Marysburgh. He ultimately in the yeai* 1800, retired from the ministry and settled near Napanee, having married into the Detlor family. But he continued to act as a local preacher. The eai'ly preachers often traveled from place to place on horseback after a bridle-path had been made, with saddle-bags, containing oats in one part, and a few articles of wearing apparel in another, perhaps a religious book; thus the zealous preacher would travel mile after mile through interminable forests. Indeed there are plenty to-day who have done likewise. There is one fact connected with the early Methodist preachers, which requires a passing notice. The settlers were all intensely loyal ; yet when the Yankee Methodist preacher came in their midst he was gladly received ; it is true Losee the first who came was a loyalist ; but many who followed were Americans and republicans. Although the Lutheran, Presbyterian, and English churchmen had preceded the Methodistii into Canada, neither seemed to obtain that hold upon the hearts of the plain U. B. Loyalists, that the Methodists did. The people of every denomination as well as those belonging to none, flocked to hear them, and many stayed to become followers. These Americans Avere always regarded with suspicion by government, and serious doubts were entertained whether those who became ORIGIN OP CAMP-MEETINGS. 293 Methodists wore loyal. But the war of 1812, exhibited in a thrill- ing manner the old fire of attachment to their sovereign the King. Their seemed to be an adaptability between the Methodist mode of worship and the plain old settlers, and for years there were many who left the church of their fathers, and joined the more demon- strative society of Wesleyanism. Not only was this mode of ordinary worship followed by • the Methodist congenial, but especially the camp meeting engaged their hearty attention. This mode of worshipping in the woods was first known in Kentucky in 1801, and was initiated by two brothers named McGee, one of whom was a Methodist, the other a Presbyterian. There are many who regard the holding of camp-meetings as very questionable, even in the past. Whatever may be said about the necessity of such meetings at the present day, they were it is thought, highly appro- priate in the infant da^'s of the country. At the fii-st, and for many long years, there were but few churches of any size. Then, the inhabitants had been buried as it were in the primeval forests, left to meditate in its deep recesses, far away from the busy haunts of men. Xo doubt the solemn repose, and silent grandeur awoke in their minds feelings of awe, and of veneration. Just the same as one will feel when gazing along the naves of some old grand cathedral, with its representations of trees and flowers. It is not difficult to understand that the mind, trained by habit to meditation in the woods, with its waving boughs telling of other times, and of a mysterious future, would naturally find worshipping in the woods, congenial to the soul,— find it a fit place for the higher contempla- tion and worship of the great God. The first camp-meeting held in Canada was in 1805, on the south shore of Hay Bay, near the chapel. The meeting was attended by some from the distant townships, who went down in batteaux. This was a great event to the settlers. Its announcement, says Dr. Bangs, "beforehand excited great interest far and near. Whole families prepared for a pilgrimage to the ground, processions of waggons, and foot passengers wended along the highways." The ministers present were Case, Eyan, Pickett Keeler, Madden and Bangs. The meeting commenced on the 27th of September; the whole was characterized by deep reli. joy " "'1 gious feeling as well as decided demonstration, and the comfort of believing, which ought always to be present with the Christian, was generally experienced, while there was an absence of that outside exhibition, too ofter seen in later years, around the camps. We quote from Carroll respecting the ending of this meeting. 294 ' END OF A CAMP-MBETING. • Tho account is from Dr. Bangs, "The time was at hand at last for the conclusion of the meeting. Tho last night was the most awfully impressive and yet most delightful scone my eyes ever beheld There was not a cloud in tho sky. Tho stars studded the firmament, and the glory of God filled tho camp. All the neigh- bourinc- forest seemed vocal with the echo of hymns. Turn our attention which way we would, we heard the voice of prayer and praise 1 will not attempt to describe the parting scene, for it was indescribable. The preachers, about to disperse to their distant fields of labor, hung upon each other's necks, weeping and yet rejoicin..-. Christians from remote settlements, who had here formed holy friendships, which they expected would survive in heaven, parted probably to meet no more on earth. As the hosts marched off in dil^rent diroctipns^tl^c songs of vict9ry rolled along the high wJiys." ' ■'■''--■• [■ \, ,, \l)ropos of Methodist camp-meetings, Carroll tells an anecdote characteristic of the times, and as well of the honest Dutch. One of these old settlers was speaking of a recent camp-meeting from which ho had just come said, " It was a poor, tot tuU time, and no goot was tone, till tat pig Petty (the Eev. Elias Pattie) come ; but mit his pig fist, ho did kill te tuval so tet as a nit, and ten te work proke out. The.Methodists of that day were fond of the demon- strative." ;•':;''•;;■, , ,. , . ^^''^'t .a In tho year 1806, a native of Prince Edward district entered the Methodist ministry. He was the first native Canadian preacher of any denomination, bin name was Andrew Pringle. The same year Thomas Whitehead was sent by the Inow lork Conference. He was six weeks on the road through the woods with his wife and six children, "and during mostef the time they subsisted on boiled wheat." i,^: .'■^'Ai-- t: < THE RYANITES. 295 i.'.^'V'ii :■;;.«;.; :;,i-,; rti,.VT .,'•' '■•■1 •-' : ,i^^|.^Vt>;-/'->'.'j:f, '^, i , ; ' CHAPTER XXXI. ' ^n-^ '^'^'•^^'Jti"..;-»«nv. CoNTBNTS— Henry Ryan— IlyanituH— Ho comes to (,'nnadii— HIk associuto, Case— At KingKtoii— A Siiigor— PivaohiiiK in the Markot-place— Tlicir ticatinent ■y- —In office— His circuit— 1000 miles— yi^liat ho roceivi^d- -Elder— Snpor- ;i.. aeded- trobablo cause — A British subject — During the war of 1812— I'resi- ^^ dent of Conference— "High-minded"— Useful— Aec.-ptable to tlie peojde— ■' Desired Independence 1)y the Canafiians— How lie was treated- His labors— . . Brave— Witty— " Fatherless cliildren "— " Impudent scoundr.d "—Muscular ^ — " Jlethodists' Bull "—" Magistrate's Goat" — Ryan seelts separation— •^ Ereakonridge— Condn<t of the American Conference- Ryan's agitation— ■.. Effect upon the Bishops— First Canada Conference- At Hoilowell— Desire ., for independence— Reasons, cogent— Fruit of Ryan's doings— The way tiie Conference tnjated Ryan— Withdraws -No faith in tlie United States Con- ference— Ryan sincere—" Canadian Wesleyans "—The motives of tlie United >,, Sttites Conference questionable— Tiio wrong done Ryan— Second Canada Conference— Case, first Superintendent— A'"isit of Bisliop Asbury— Account r by Henry Boehm— Asbury an Englishman— During tlie rebellion— A Bishop —His journey to Canada— Crossing the St. Lawrence- Traveling in Canada ;^ An ups(!t— " A decent i)eople "—His opinion of tlie country— Tlie Bishop ill —At Kingston— B(Ehm at Embury's— A field meeting— Riding all night — i; Crossing to SacJ<etts harbor— Nearly wrecked. - -hl-.;ri,.Vu".) SOME ACCOUNT OP HENRY RYAN. ■ u' ;:• -J A sketch of the early ministers who preached around the Bay Quinte, would be incomplete without a somewhat extended notice of Elder Ryan, after whom was called, a certain number of non- contented Methodists, Rijanites. ^^t^^iWT - .. «:.;•«: v:* ;■ Henry Ryan, an Irishman, "of a bold energetic nature, with a powerful voice," commenced preaching in 1800. He was for five years stationed in the States. In the year 1805, he, with the Rev. Wm. Case, was appointed to the Hay Quinte circuit. It was they who arranged and conducted the first camp meeting. Carroll, writ- ing of that period, says, " there was no society (of Methodists) then in the Town of Kingston, and its inhabitants were very irreligious. The ttfarket house was the only chapel of the Methodists, Case and his colleague (Ryan) made a bold push to arouse the people. Some- times they went together, Ryan was a powerful singer too. They would ride into the town, put their horses at an inn, lock arms, and go singing down the streets a stirring ode, beginning with ' Como let us march to Zion's hill.' By the time they had reached the market-place, they usually hatl collected a large assembly. When together, Ryan usually preached, and Case exhorted. Ryan's sten- torian voice resounded through the town, and was hoard across the adjacent waters. They suffered no particular opposition excepting it little anjioyauco from some of the baser sort, who sometimes tried 296 DURING THE WAR OF 1812. to trip them off the butcher's block, whicli constituted their rostrum ; ,ot fire to their hair, and then blew out their candle if it were in the night season." Proof was subsequently given that this preach- ing was not without effect. ^ ■' •* '' ^'•' '.-''^ Mr Evan continued-ten yoarsatthoBayQuinte.and then thiee years in the west at Long Point and Niagara. In 1810, ho was presiding Elder. His duties, as such, was to visit every part of the Province, from Detroit to Cornwall. « Allowing for his renirns home, he traveled about 1000 nales each quarter in the year, or 4000 miles a year. And what was the worldly gain ? The pre- .Siding Elder was allowed $80 for himself, 060, for his wife and what provisions he would need for his family. His entire allow- ance might have been £60 a year. Such was the remuneration, and such the labors, of the presiding Elder " of the Methodists fifty- three years ago— (Playter). Henry Eyan continued a presiding Elder, for many years, m the whole of Upper Canada, a few years in lower Canada, and then when the Bay of Quinte district was set apart by division he was appointed Elder to it. But in 1834, for some reason, Mr. Eyan was superseded in office. The reason of this can only be guessed. He was an Irishman by birth, and although sent to Canada by an American body, he seems to have been more a British subject, a Canadian, than American. During the war of 1812, he remained in Canada attending to his duties, with three other faithful men, Ehodes, Whitehead, and Pringle. More than that, as presiding Elder, he assumed the oversight of the preachers at the close of the first year. Others had been stationed in Canada who were British subjects, but they ceased before the war had closed, to discharge their duties. The Americans feared to come, or, having come, were warned off by proclamation. Those who continued in the minis- terial field met under the presidency of Eyan. In the year'of the commencement of the war, the conference was to have met at Niagara, in Upper Canada; but war was declared by the United States a month previous, and instead of venturing into the country where their fellow countrymen were about to carry the midnight torch, they turned aside to another place to hold their conference. « None of the brethren laboring on the Canada side went over, it is probable, although we are not certain, that they met at the place appointed, where some sort of deliberations would take place. The Eev. John Eyorson says Mr. Eyan " held a conference, and held three conferences during the war, the principal business oi •' ^ ^ HIS CHARACTER. 297 which was t'mplo3'in<< preachors, and appointing thorn to their different fields of labor." The Eev. Ezra Adams says, the second conferonco was held at Matilda," and "in 1814, it was hold at the Bay of Quinto, at Second or Fourth Town " — Carroll. Mr. E^'^an was impulsive and authoritative, at least the ministers thought so, and the rule of " Harry Ej-an " was called *' high-handed." The end of it all was that, although ho was useful and liked by the people, his ministerial brethren in Canjida did not like him, and the conference seemed glad to supersede one, who no doubt already manifested his desire that the Canadian Methodists should become independent of the Americans. In view of the political state of affairs, the objection felt by the government to have American preachors giving religious instruction to Canadians, — in view of the course pursued by Eyan during the war of 1812 — in view of his whole career up to this time, the belief is forced upon the mind that it was not, only when Eyan had been superseded that he began to agitate for a separation. His labors during the war were severe and continuous, says a preacher of the times, " Ho used to travel from Montreal to Sandwich, to accomplish which he kept two horses in the Niagara district, and one for the upper part of the Province, and another for the lower. As his income was very small, he eked out the sum necessary to support his family by peddling a manu- facture of liis own in his extensive journe3's, and by hauling with his double team in winter time, on his return from Lower Canada, loads of Grovernment stores or general merchandise. Mr. Eyan, by his loyalty, gained the confidence and admiration of all friends of British suj)remacy, and by his abundant and heroic laborS) the affections of the God-fearing part of the community." Much more might be said in the same vein, but probably enough has been said to establish his claim to the sympathy of every Bay of Quinte in- habitant, where he so long labored and where most of his subsequent followers lived. It may be added that he was brave and witt}', and " had a ready answer for every bantering remark. Some wicked follows are said to have asked him if lie had hcai-d the news ? What news ? Why, that the devil is dead. Then said he, looking around on the company, ho has left a groat many fatherless children. On another occasion, on entering a piiblic house, a low fellow, knowing him to be, from his costume, a minister, remarked aloud, placing his hand in his jiocket, " There comes a Methodist preacher ; I must take care of my money." Eyan promptly said, " You are an impudent scoundrel." "Take care," said the man, "I cannot 298 FIRST CANADA CONFERENCE. swallow that," "ThcMj chow it till 3'ou cnn," was the fearless reply. — (Carroll 1. At camp meetiiit^s, when it came to pass that indi- viduals came to create diHturbance, and when there was no police to take care of rowdies, Mr. Kyan has been known to display his muscular power by at-tually throwin/^ the guilty individuals over the enclosure to the camp ground. ,.,, ^,.i> 1 ;>iji^ >ri Mr Ilyan preat^hed occasionally at Vandusens' tavern in Adol- phustown. After one of his thundering sermons, a neighboring squire who was a daily visitor at the tavern, and who had recently attempted to cut his own throat, wrote upon the wall of the bar- room, "Elder Ryan, the Methodist bull, preaches hell and damnation till the pulpit is full ;" whci-euponsome one wrote below it, "Bryan C d, the magistrate goat, barely escaped hell and damnation by cutting his throat." Mr. Ryan, upon his return from the General Confoence in 1844, commenced an agitation for indc})endence of the Canadian Methodists, and from Port Hope Creek t(^ the Ottawa, he continued to urge the necessity of such an end. iiiiVv{,rii<* " While not much liked by the preachers, Ryan was very popular among the people," especially along the Bay (Jiiinte. Captain Break- enridge, a local preacher, living on the St. Lawrence, joined him, in holding conventions, and in procuring largely signed ])etitions, pray- ing for separation. Ryan and Breakenridge, went to the (leneral Conference, bearing these petitions, and were not received. But these petitions were the commencement of the separation, which it was quite time should take j^lace for the well being of both ])arties. Concessions were made — a Canada conference was formed through the instrumentality of Elder Ryan ; but under the superintendency of the United States conference. This did not satisfy Ityan, and his followers in the Bay Quinte circuit. Meetings were held at which it was resolved they would " break ojf " fi*om the American Church without permission. For four months Ryan energetically appealed to the people. To allay this the Bishop liad to come and say to the Canadians, that if they wished independence, the next general confer- ence, whieh would meet in 1828, would no doubt grant it. The following year the first Canada conference was held at the village of Hollowell, (Picton). It was opened on the 25th August. There were thirty preachers present, and they continued in session five days. The agitation initiated by Ryan, had done its work, " a gen- eral desire existed, that the Canada body shouM become an indepen- dent body, not later than the general conference of 1828," and a A NEW SOCIETY, 299 inenuMMiil wu.s prepurt'tl to bo subniilteil to that body. At'tor roquest- iiig to bo set iipiirt an iiulupomlent botly, the followhig rcaHon, with others was given. " The state of society requires it. The first settlers having eiaimetl the proteotion of Ilis Britannic Majesty in the revohitionary war, were driven from their former possessions to enchire great hardships in a remote wilderness. Time, however, and a friendly intercourse, had worn down their asperity and i)rejndico, when the late unha])py war revived their former feelings ; attbrding what they considered, new and grievous occasion for disgust against their invading neighbors. The prejudices thus excited would prob- ably subside if their ministry were to become residents in this country, as would be the case in the event of becoming a separate body." The fact that government regarded with dislike the connection was adverted to, also that they were not allowed to solemnize nuitrimony. Such was the fruit of Elder Eyan's i)roceedings, and to him belongs great credit, however much his motives may have been iiui)ugned. It has been acknowledged that he was disliked by the preachers, and this dislike was manifested this year by sending him as a missionary to the Indians. No wonder he was dissatisfied. Not because he was placed in a humble position, after acting nearly a quarter of a century as presiding Elder; but because of the aninius of those who did it. And moreover, he entertained the belief that the general conference did not intend to give independence. The next year Ryan was placed among the superannuated ministers, and thus remained two years, the next yeai 1827, he withdrew, and resumed the agitation for indepen- dence, lie had no faith in the United States conference, the cry was raised, Loyal Methodism against Republican Methodism. In this Ryan was countenanced by (-Tovernment and the English Church, and Playter says. Dr. Strachan sent him XoO to carry on the work of separation. The whole previous life of Ryan, lead us to believe that he was siiicei'e and honest in his movements and statements, but it is said he was greatly mistaken. The people generally said, wait till we see what the general conference does. The preachers have said they will give us independence, pause till we see. The result of the conference was as had been promised ; Avhile already Ryan had separated, and, with a limited number of followei-s, mostly along the bay and St. Lawrence, had foi-med a new body with the name of Canadian Wesleyan Methodist Church. But it will always remain a question whether the general conference would have con- ceded the independence had it not been well known thatJByjiu would 300 SEPARATION. take almost all if they were not ma«lo free. It is not an unknown thing lOr a perHon who has worked tor nomo public /jjood to bo robbed of the credit in a snrreptitions manner. Ryan was deceived, and his kind thoti^h impulsive natun* resented the wrong done him. Though his name has been [)laced under a shadow by tliose who were indebted to him, yet his memory is even yet green and 8weet in the hearts of some of the old settlers. Well might Elder Ryan, select as liis text at the time, " I have raised tip children and they have rebelled." The general conference assembled at Pittsburgh, Ist May, 1828. The memorial from the C-auada conference was duly considered, and whatever may have been the reasons, they granted in the most kindly spirit, the decided request of the C'anadiau Methodists, llyan, it is said when he heard of it, '* looked astonished, trembled and could scarcely utter a word." !'t > ' ''"^ ■ ' *'"- • ' i^V;"^' •. The second Canada conference met at Erncsttown, the 2nd October, 1828, in Switzer's chapel. " Bisliop Hedding came for the last time, and [)rcslded over tlie conference. No United States Bishop, no Bishop at all, lia.se''er presided since." This year, Andrew Pringle, the first native Methodist preacher, was placed on the superannuated list. After due deliberation the conference resolved to organize into an independent body, and adopted the discipline of the Methodist P'pis- copal Church, as the basis of their own. The Rev. Wm. Cme was appointed General Su))orintendent until the next conference. It is not pofslble, nor would it be proper to give a connected history of Methodism, or any other religious denomination. But the aim of the writer is to supply facts relative to those who have lived and acted a part in connection with the early history of the bay, with such other tacts as will throw light upon the matter. With this object in view, we will here introduce, in conclusion, a brief notice of the visit of Bisliop Asburv to Canada in 1811. The account is from the pen of the Rev. Henry Bcehm, with remarks by Mr. Carroll. Reading this account, it called to our inind the account given to us by Father Bo'hm, in 1854, while sojourning at Staten Island, New York, where we had the great pleasure of frequently meeting him and of enjoying the hospitality of his genial family. Mr. Bcehm was the traveling companion of Bishop Asbury when he visited Canada. Bishop Asbury, the cotemporary of the Wesley's, being one whom Wesley ordained to preach, he came to America in 1771, as a mis- sionary, being 25 years old. Of .all the English preachers in the revolting colonies, he alone remained during the revolutionary war, BIBHOP ASBURY. 801. ami was under the necessity of conoeuling liiinHelf in Di'lftWJire. Created a Bishop by Dr. Coke, in 1786, ho (continued for ni.uiy years in the oversigiit of the Metliodist Church in America and in Canada. But although Metiiodisni wnH planted in Canada in 17U2, it wan not until the year nicntioned that a BIhIioj) found hiw way to the remote settlements of Canada. Bishop Asbury, however, had for years a desire to see Cana(hv. Two years before he came he wrote, " t shall see Canada before I die." Says H(juhm. *' Wo hud a sovoro time on our journey. We crossed Lake Champlain, and Mr, Asbury preached in a bar-room in Plattsburgh. The roads through the woods, over rocks, down guUoys, over stumps, and through the mud, were indescribable. They wore enough to jolt a halo bishop to death, let alone a poor, infirm old man, near iho grivo." "On entering the village (of St. Kogis) as Mr. Asbury was loading his horse across a bridge made of poles, the animal got his foot between them, and sunk into the mud and water. Away went the saddle-bags; the books and clothes were wet, and the horse was fast. We got a pole under him to pry him out; at the same time the horse made a leap, and came out safe and sound.- We crossed the St, Lawrence in romantic style. We hired tour Lidians to paddle us over. They lashed thi'oo canoes together, and put our horses in them, their tore feet in one canoe, their hind feet in another. It was a singular load ; three cahoos, three passengers, the bishop. Smith and myself, throe horses and four Indians, They were to take us over for three dollars. '• it was nearly three miles across to whoro we landed" — " did not reach the other side till late in tlie evening." The Indians claimed another dollar, because three could not be easily divided between four, this was "cheerfully paid," "We arrived in Caniula on July Ist, 1811, landing at Cornwall, and about mid- night reached the hospitable house of Evan Koise, who hailed the bii^hop's arrival with joy, and gave him and his companions a welcome worthy of patriarchal times." " We found it warm in Canada, and the Bishop suffered greatly. Here Henry Eyan, Presiding Elder of Upper Canada, mot us. The next day Bishop Asbury preached," the day after the Bishop preached again and there was a love-feast, and the Lord's Supper," Proceeding up the River St, Lawrence, arrived at the eastern line of Matilda, " the Bishop rode in Brother Glassford's close carriage, which he called a ' calash,' and he inquired how they would got out if it Upset, He had hardly asked the question before over went the 302 A LAND THE LORD HATH BLESSED. carriage, and tlio venerable Bishop was upset, but fortunately no bones were broken ; the saplings along side the road broke the fall. On Friday the Bishop preached in Matilda chapel, in what was called the German settlement. I followed, preaching in German. The Bishop %vas delighted with the people, he wrote, "here is a decent loving people. I called upon Father Dulmage, and Brother Heck." We tarried over night with David Breackenridge. He married and baptised a great many people, and attended manj- funerals. In 1804 he preached the funeral sermon of Mrs. Heck, who died suddenly, and it is said she claimed to be the person who stirred Philip Embury to preach the Gospel. On Saturday we rode twelve miles before breakfast to Father Boyce's, where we attended Quarterly Meeting. Bishop Asbury preached a thrilling sermon. " The Bishop greatly admired the country through which we rode. He says ' Our ride has brought us through one of the finest countries I have seen. The timber is of noble size; the cattle are well shaped, and well looking ; the crops are abundant on a most fruitful soil. Surely this is a land that God, the Lord hath blessed.' " (Such was the testimony of one who liad traveled all over the United States, concerning a country eighty yeavB younger than the older States of the Union. Such the testimony respecting the pioneers of the country who twenty-five years pre- vious came thereto into an unbroken wilderness — respecting the men the Americans had driven away and stigmatized by the appli- cation of the most degrading names). "On Monday we proceeded to Gananoque Falls, to Colonel Stone's. Father Asbury was very lame from inflammatory rheumatism. He suffered like a martyr. On Tuesday we visited Brother Elias Dulmage, a very kind family, and Bishop Asbury preached in the first Town Church" (Kingston Church). E. Dulmage, one of tho Palatines, lived afterward a long time as jail-keeper." — (Carroll). The Bishop was so poorly he could not proceed on his journey, and was obliged to lie up and rest. He remained at Brother Dulmage's, where he found a very kind home, and I went with Henry Eyan to his Quarterly Meeting, in Fourth or Adolphustown, Bay of Quinte. On Friday we rode to Brother John Embury, Hay Bay. Ho was a nephew of Philip Embury, the Apostle of American Methodism. On the Loi-d's day we had a glorious love-feast, and at the Lord's Supper He was made known to us in the breaking of bread. In a beautiful grove, under the shade of trees planted \)y God's own hand, I preached to two thousand people, John Eeynold's, afterward Bishop Roy- FIRST ROMAN CATHOLICS. 303 iiolds, of Belleville, and Homy Hyan exhorted. (Exhorting after sermon was a common practice among the Methodif>ts in those days). Mr. Boehm had to return to Ki:;gston the same night, in order that the Bishop might get to the Conference to be held in the States immediately. To do so they rode all night — 35 miles. •'To our great joy we found Fatlier Asbury better" — "he had sent around and got a congregation to whom ho preached in the chapel. He also met the Society and baptized two children. Wo were in Canada just a fortnight. The Bishop was treated everywhere as the angel of the churches. The Bishoji preached six times in Canada, besides numerous lectures which he delivered to societies." The Bishop and Mr. Boehm set out on the Mondaj^ for Sackett's Harbour, in a small sail boat. There was a heavy storm, and they were nearly wrecked. On the water all night without a cabin. Spent a fearful night, and reached Sackett's Harbour the next afternoon. ' /■'":■ ' . v:'- ;■' ■'' '•■^•^•,:- '' ■■• ■■■•' '^- "-'' " • /•■■-f '- : ' '• CHAPTER XXXII.^' ''' '^' ■' ' ' ■ ' "' ..,.'-'■ k'>''" i ' •'■(■. ' " .'■•'1, . ■ Contents— McDonnell— First R. Cntholic Bisliop— A " MemoianiUira''— Birth, place — In Spain — A Priest— In Scotland— Gleugary Fencibles— Ireland, 1798— To Canada — Bishop— Death in Scotland— Bod}-- removed to Canada — Funeral obsequies— Buried at Kingston— Had influence — Member of Cana- dian Legislative Council— Pastoral visitations, 1806— A loyal man — A Pioneer in his Church— The Bishop's Address, 1830 —Refuting mal-charges — Number of the R. C. Clergy in 1804 — From Lake Superior to Lower Canada— Traveling horseback— Sometimes on foot — Hardships — Not a Politician — Expending private means— Faithful services— Acknowledged — Roman Catholic U. E. Loyalists— First Church in Emesttown— McDonnell at BelleviJle— Rev.M. Rrennan— First Church in Belleville— What we have aimed at— The advantages to the English Church— The Reserves — In Lower Canada— Dr. Mountain— Number of English Clergymen, 1793 — A Bishop- Monopoly initiated— Intolerance and E.xclusion swept away — An early habit at Divine se^ice. THE ROMAN CATHOLICS — BISHOP MCDONNELL. ■. . \i.....~r' We are much indebted to J. P. McDonnell, Esq., of Belleville, for a " Memorandum of his grand-parent, the Eev. Alex McDonnell, first Bishop of Upper Canada." ^:. *«;•*• v-'r-nn't^^rij; h i ,.. " He was born in the year 1760, in Glengary, in Scotland, educated for the Priesthood at Valladolid College, in the Kingdom of Spain; for, at this time no person professing the Eoman Catholic 304 BISHOP m'donnell. faith could be allowed to be educated in any part of the British empire. Ho was ordained Priest before the year 1790. Then came back to Scotland, his native country, and officiated as a Priest in Badenoch, a small district in North Scotland, also in the city of Glasgow; afterwards joined, in 1798, the Glengary Fencibles, then for duty in Ireland, under the command of Lord McDonnell, of Glengary, who was Colonel of said Fencible Regi- ment. He came to Canada in the year 1804; was consecrated first Bishop of Upper Canada in the year 1822, titled as the Bishop of Kingston." He died in Dumfriesshire, a County bordering on England and Scotland, in the year 1840. His body was laid in St. Mary's Church, Edinborough, until removed to Canada, in 1862. His remains was taken from the cars at the station at Lancaster, and carried to St. Eaphael's Cathedral ; in which Church he had spent some of his most useful days, administering the consolations of his religion to his numerous co-religionists throughout the Pro- vince of Upper Canada. His remains were escorted by thousands of people, of all denominations, from St. Raphael's Church to St. Andrew's Church, and thence to Cornwall depot, in order to convoy his remains to Kingston, the head of his See ; where his remains now lie in the vaults of the Cathedral of that ancient city, in which he, as Bishop, officiated for years, a favorite of both Protestants and Catholics. 1 may here remark, that no other man, either clergyman or lay. ever had more influence with the Government, either Imperial or Colonial than Bishop McDonnell. In fact he established the Catholic Church in Western Canada. All the lands that the church now possesses were ]irocured by his exertions. The Bishop was a member of the Legislative Council for years in con- nection with the Venerable Bishop Strachan, of Toronto. About the year 1806, he passed on his way from Toronto, then York, to Kingston ; celebrated mass at his relation's. Col. Archibald Chisholm, whose descendants are now living on Lot. Nos. 8 and 9, 1st Con., Thurlow, adjoining the Town of Belleville— carried his vestments on his back most of the way from Toronto to Kington ; and he took passage in a birch canoe from his friend's, Col. Chisholm, to another relation. Col. McDonnell, (McDonald's Cove,) on his way to Kingston. ; " Although his religion was then proscribed by the British Gov- ' ernment, and he was compelled to go to a foreign country to bo educated, no more loyal man to the British Crown lived ; no other ; man over conduced more to the upholding of British supremacy in North America than he, and helped to consolidate the same. ADDRESS TO SIR FRANCIS BOND HEAD. 305 We are also indebted to Mr. McDonnell for other valuable docu- ments concerning the Bishop, who may be regarded the father of his Church in Upper Canada. >t least, he was the pioneer of that denomination in the Bay region. To a great extent, his history is the early history of his Church. The worthy prelate will npeak for himself, when at the advanced age of seventy-four, and ho spoke under circumstances which precluded the possibility of any state- ment accidentally creeping in, which could not be fully substan- tiated. Eeferring to an address of the House of Assembly, 183G in which his character had been aspersed, and his motives assailed' he m a letter to Sir Francis Bond Head, asks ''the liberty of making some remarks on a few passages" thereof, and, among other things, says, '< As to the charges brought against myself I feel very little affected by them, having the consolation to think that fifty years spent in the faithful discharge of my duty to God and to my country have established my character upon a foundation too solid to be shaken by the malicious calumnies of two notorious slanderers " To the charge that he had neglected his spiritual functions to devote his time and talents to politics, he, by plain declaration refutes their "malicious charge," stating the following facts, which relate to the country from the year he entered it, 1804. He says "There were then but two Catholic clergymen in the whole of Upper Canada. One of these clergymen soon deserted his post ; and the other resided in the Township of Sandwich, in the Western District, and neverwent beyond the limits of his mission; so that upon entering upon my pastoral duties, I had the whole of the Pro- vince beside in charge, and without any assistance for the space of ten years. During that period, I had to travel over the country rem Lake Superior to the Province line of Lower Canada, to the discharge of my pastoral functions, carrying the sacred vestments sometimes on horseback, sometimes on my back, and sometimes in Indian birch canoes, living with savages-without any other shelter or comfort, but what their fires and their fares, and the branches of he trees aiforded ; crossing the great lalcen and rivers, and even descending the rapids of the St. Lawrence in their dangerous and wretched crafts. Nor were the hardships and privations which t endured among the new settlers and emigrants less than what I m to encounter among the savnges themselves, in their miserable Chanties ; exposed on all sides to the weather, and destitute of every comfort. In this way I have been spending my time and my health 30(> LOYAL ROMAN CATHOLICS. year after year, since I liavo been in Upper Caiiuda, and not clinging to a seat in the LegisUuive Council and devoting my time to political strife, as my accusers are pleased to assert. The erec- tion of five and thirty Churches and Chapels, great and small, although many of them are in an unfinished state, built by my exertion ; and the zealous services of two and twenty clergymen, the major part of whom have been educated at my own expense, afford a substantial proof that I have not neglected my spiritual functions, or the care of the souls under my charge; and if that be not sufficient, 1 can produce satisfactory documents to prove that 1 have expended, since I have been in this Province, no less than thirteen thousand pounds, of my own private means, beside what I received from other quarters, in building Churches, Chapels, Pres- byteries, and School-houses, in rearing young men for the Church, and in promoting general education. With a full knowledge of those facts, established beyond the possibility of a contradiction, my accusers can have but little regard fior the truth, when they tax me with neglecting my spiritual functions and the care of souls. The framers of the address to His Excellency knew perfectly well that I never had, or enjoyed, a situation, or place of profit or emolument, except the salary which my sovereign was pleased to bestow upon me, in reward of forty-two years faithful services to my country, liaving been instrumental in getting two corps of my flock raised and embodied in defence of their country in critical times, viz., the first Glengary Fencible Eegiment, was raised by my influence, as a Catholic corps, dm-ing the Irish rebellion, whose dangers and fatigues I shared in that distracted country, and con tributed in no small degree to repress the rapacity of the soldiers. and bring back the deluded people to a sense of their duty to then' sovereign and submission to the laws. Ample and honorable testimo- nials of their services and my conduct may be found in the Govern- ment office of Toronto. The second Glengary Fencible Eegiment raised in the Province, when the Government of the United States of America invaded, and expected to make a conquest of Canada, was planned by me, and partly raised by my influence. My zeal in the service of my country, and my exertions in the defence of this Province, were acknowledged by his late Majesty, through Lord Bathurst, then Secretary of State for the Colonies. My salary was then increased, and a seat was assigned for me in the Legislative Council, as a distinguished mark of my sovereign's favor, an honor I should consider it a disgrace to resign, although I can hardly THE FAVORED CHURCH. 3O7 expect over to sit in the Council, nor do I believe that Lord Glenel^r, who knows something of me, would expect that I should show m much imbecility in my latter days, as to relinquish a mark of honor conferred upon mo by my sovereign, to gratify the vindictive malice of a few unprincipled radicals. So far, however, from repining at the cruel and continued persecutions of my enemies I pray God to give me patience to suffer, for justice sake, and 'to forgive them their unjust and unmerited conduct towards me. I have the honor to be Sir,— Your most obedient and very humble servant,— (Signed)— Alex. McDonnell. To T. Joseph, Esq., Sec'y to His Excellency, Sir Francis Bond Head, &c., &c., &c." There were a number of Roman Catholics among the U. E. Loyalists. Among them were the Chisholm's on the front of Thurlow, to whose house Mr. McDonnell came to preach as he made his annual round. I am told by an old settler, that a very old Eoman Catholic Church existed in Ernosttown west, a short distance from Bath. Probably Mr. McDonnell travelled all around the Bay, visiting members of his Church. There were several in Marys- burgh. He was the first to preach in Belleville, Avhen it had become a village. But the Eev Michael Brennan, who still lives, and is highly respected by all classes, was the first priest located in Belle- ville; he arrived in 1829. The frame of a building which had been erected for a Freemason's Lodge, was moved to the lot which had beeen received from Government, and was converted into a Church. The present Church was commenced in 1837, and completed in 1839. , • ■■-.:■.. .>..L ^il. We have now adverted to the several early clergymen of the different denominations in the young colony of Upper Canada, and have dwelt upon those facts, and related those events, which apper- tain to the work we have in hand. We have essayed to simply write the truth, without reference to the interests of any denomina- tion, either by false, or high coloring, or suppression of facts. ' ' ' From what we have recorded, it is plain that the Church of England stood the best chance of becoming the religion of Upper Canada. The seventh part of the lands were reserved "for the clergy, and it was determined to erect an Ecclesiastical establishment in the Province. In Lower Canada the Koman Catholics had been secured by Act of Imperial Parliament. In Upper Canada it was resolved that the English Church should occupy a similar position. The Eev. Dr. Johoshaphat Mountain was sent out from England in n93, having been consecrated the first Bishop of Quebec, to take 308 AN IRREVERLNT HABIT. charge of the English establishment in all Canada. There were then in both Canadas five clergymen of the church. The monopoly thus instituted continued for many years, and other denommations could not even hold land upon which to build a place of worship. But time swept all intolerance and exclusivenoss away. In the year 1828, was passed " An act for the Belief of Eoligious Societies" of the Province, by which it was authorized "That whenever any religious congregation or society of Presbyterians, Lutherans, Calvinists, Methodists, Congregationalists, Independents, Ana- baptists, Quakers, Menonists, Tunkers, or Moravians, shall have an occasion to take a conveyance of land, it shall be lawful for them to appoint trustees," which body should hold perpetual succession, &c. Bufit was also enacted that no one Society should hold more than five acres. ... -i. e This subject will be concluded by the following, the writer ot which we fail to remember. It is within our own recollection when this habit still existed : ..v:., <..;w- (^. . ^;V !.v-r.;;,i;f, ..i b>7« '0 An early writer, a visitor to the Province of Canada, speaking about religious denominations says, "The worshipping assemblies appear grave and devout, except that in some of them it is custo- mary for certain persons to go out and come in frequently m time of service, to the disturbance of others, and the interruption of that silence and solemnity, which are enjoyed by politeness, no less than a sense of religion. This indecorous practice prevails among several denominations." rf^.K.-.w:.'. --,-., >-..?r..v',...., ;..-,. , ,t ,.. ,...!,,,.„,.-: -*.; ,, ,^...; ■■l-;;-'*i'^ •.'' -, :< ; ''■■■■■■■ ^>-l /'ifftV ■^■'•'■'vT, *i\*^ li'f^ r(^ -.h;-, r'l/ ■..•-;'i-l// ■)';-v.r>* .-i r, t r ■if.f;,ftXt,'fi''^ ■ ^' ~ it*<''l '•'^h' '.r"i'- .vt.,„^-:^:^^--r'- CHAPTER XXXIII. -' '^r-,r..U...v,y^^ CONTENTS-Fivfit Sabbath teaching- Hannah Bell, l^eO-Schoolestablifihed 1781 CONTENTS ru States-First in Canada^Cattrick,Moon- ' rommo'l^isS-First in Bc41eville_Turnbull-Cooper_Marshall-Pn.e8, ^ lhowon"hem-Mr. Turnbull's death-Intempcranoe-First Tempemnc , Societies- Change of custom-Kum-Incieasing mtemperance-rhe tastes of the PioneersiTemperance, not teototnlism-First Society m Canada- > Drinks at Raising and Beos-Socicty at Hollowell. • ««i*^trri^g(,arlie8t attempt known to teach children upon the Sabbath was in 1769, made by a young lady, a Methodist, by the name of Hannah Bell, in England, who " was instrumental in training man} children in the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. In 1781, while FIRST SABBATH SCHOOLS. 309 another Methodist young woman (afterward the wife of the colo- bratod lay preacher, Samuel Bradburn) was conversing in Gloucester with Robert Raikes, a benevolent citizen of tJiattown, and publisher of the Gloucester Journal, he pointed to groups of neglected children in the street, and asked: ''What can we do for them?" She answered: " Let us teach thorn to read and take them to church ! " "He immediately proceded to try the suggestion, and the philan- thropist and his female friend attended the first company of Sunday-scholars to the church, exposed to the comments and laughter of the populace as they passed along the street with their ragged procession. Such was the origin of our present Sunday- school, an institution which has perhaps done more for the church and the social improvement of Protestant communities, than any other agency of modern times, the pulpit excepted. Raikes, and his humble assistant, conducted the experiment without ostentation. Not till November 3, 1783, did he refer to it in his public journal*. In 1784, he published in that paper an account of his plan. This sketch immediately arrested the attention of Wesley, who inserted the entire article in the January number of the American Magazine for 1785, and exhorted his people to adopt the new institution." In 1786, they wore begun in the United States by the Methodist Bishop, Francis Asbury, in Virginia. In 1790, the Methcdi&t con- ference "resolved on establishing Sundaj^-schools for poor children, white and black," since which time they have been in operation. The first notice found of a Sabbath-school in Upper Canada is in June, 1817, when a Rev. Mr. Cattrick proposed at Kingston to organize one. A communication from Wm. Moon, in the Gazette expreses great pleasure thereat, and Mr. Moon offers for the purpose his school-room, and likewise his services. In 1824, "Sunday- schools were common in the old settlements, and were valued and encouraged by all classes of people, Not only did private benevo- lence contribute to the schools, but the Upper Canada Parliament granted £150, for the "use and encouragement of Sundaj^-schools," and of indigent and remote settlements, in the purchase of books and tracts— (Play ter). A Sabbath-school was established in Belleville about 182G, by John Turn bull, Dr. Marshall, and Dr. Cooper who taught in the school. Some religious society granted books and tracts to schools. Pour prizes were granted for good attendance and behaviour, consisting of two P=bles and two Testaments. They were awarded, the first to J. II. Meacham, who IS now Postmaster of Belleville; the second to his sister, Anna gfj.^ THE QUESTION OP TEMPERANCE. Meacham, the third to Matilda McNabb,the fourth to Albert Taylor. While these pages are going through the press, we receive the sad intelligence that John Turnbull, Esq., last living of the three men- tioned, has passed away, at the beginning of this new year, 1869, after a life of well-merited respect, and honor. The writer feels he has lost a ft-ie.id. ?<.'-< :iruM:.iu*--.u •**..., .;....,-.,, «. ■ ; ., v..-.^.. " Intemperance.— Total abstinence or tectotalism was unknown when Upper Canada was first settled. The first temperance society ever organized was at Moreau, Saratoga, County, New York, in 1808. To taste and drink a glass of wine or grog, was not regarded as a sin by any one of that day. To the soldiers and sailors grog was dealt out as regularly every day as rations. Eum was the liquor more generally used, being imported from Jamacia, and infi- nitely purer than the rum sold to-day. It has to be recorded that at a comparatively early date, breweries and dii-tilleries were erected, first in one township then in another, so that after a few years the native liquor was much cheaper than rum, and then fol- lowed the natural result— namely, increasing intemperance. It is not difficult to understand that the old soldier would like his regular glass of grog. In the long and tedious journeys made by boat, when food perhaps was very limited in quantity, the conveniently carried bottle would take its place, and extraordinary labor and severe exposure would be endured by the agency of unnatural stimulus. The absence of teetotal principles, the customs of the day ; want of food; frequent and severe trials and exposures, would lead even the best of men to partake of spirituous liquors. As we see it "to-day, so it was then, abuse arose from moderate use, and those who had no control over the appetite, or who loved to forget the bitterness of the day by inebriation, would avail themselves of the opportunity to indulge to excess. The mind naturally craves a stimulant. If this desire be not fed by legitimate food, it is too likely to appropriate the unnatural. The excitement of war had passed away ; but had left in its wake the seeds of longing in the breast of the old soldier. The educated man shut out from the world, had but little to satisfy the usually active mind. With some, the remembrance of old scenes— of old homesteads, and their belong- ings, were forgotton in the stupifying cup. When all these facts are considered, is there not abundant reason to wonder that intem- perance did not prevail more extensively. But it is a question after all, whether the loyalists became more addicted to the cup FIRST SOCIETIES IN CANADA. 311 after they settled, than when at the old homes. Those who have charged the old settlers with the vice of drinking, have forgotten to look at them in comparison with other countries at that day, instead of the light set up at a later period. ,, .. ..( .:i>... But while the pioneers preserved themselves fi-om unusual indul- gence, it is to be regretted that their children too often forsook the path of soberness, and in losing their right minds, lost the old farm made valuable by their fathers' toil. It was often a repetition of what occasionally occurred when the soldiers wore disbanded. They would often sell a location ticket, or two or three acres of land for a quart of rum i the sons would sell the fruit of a father's liard work of a life time. One of the first temperance societies formed in Canada was in Adolphustown, on the 4th January, 1830. On this occasion the Eev. Job Deacon, of the Church of England, delivered an address, after which a respectable majority and three out of five magistrates present, adopted resolutions condemning the use of ardent spirits, and unitedly determining not to use or furnish drink for raisings, bees, and harvest work. At the same meeting a temperance society was formed and a constitution adopted under the title of "The Adolphustown Union Sabbath School Temperance Society." They pledged themselves not to use ardent spirits for one year. According to the Hollowell Free Press, a tempercnce society was formed at Hollowell, in 1829 ; for it is annouuced thit the " Second Anniversary " will be held 3rd June, 1831. It is announced April 12, 1831, that a temperance meeting will be held in the Methodist Chapel, when addresses will be delivered by Dr. A. Austin. The officers elected for the ensuing year are Asa Worden, Esq., M.P.P., President ; Dr. Austin, Vice President; P. V. Elmore, Secretary and Treasurer, „ ., •;,;,..;..;} ,,;f .,v f ,j:^ .^,, ,^;.^,,,,|>;..V- Ofij'Rf ' "ff ■ ^<^t> -.;.!>r,-r;-r^:*.' ■'/,( '»'t liT'^'AlS'^iijf!- 'W ^nspy-rf^ff,' J)ixh'^ •,^. :)■,,: ./f!,;...r. .,rit ifp.br.r. ->'.[T|if 1:!i''f)iiH .i,y4H-^' H vtf mOQL'OIS IN ENGLAND M:M^»^>^^v;-,,.• ,^ CHAPTER XXXIV, -^ -v ' ?•" -;"^-:;;^--; CoNTKNTS — Tlic Six Nations — Faitliful EnKliHh Allies — Society for the Propaga- tion of GoHpcl — First mitisionary to Iroquois — .fohn Thomas, first convert— ;' Visit of Chiefs to England — Tlieir names — Thoir portraits — Attention to them — Asking for instructor — Queen Anne — Connnunion Service— During the Rebellion — Burying the Plate — Recovered — Division of the articles — Sacrilege of the Rebels — Uc-printing Prayer Rook — Mr. Stuart, missionary — The women and children — At Lacliine — Attachment to Mr. Stuart- Touching instance — Mr. Stuart's Indian sister — Church at Tyendinaga— School teacher to the Mohawk— John Bininger — First teacher — The Bininger , . family — The Moravian Society — Count Zinzendorf — Moravian church at New York — First minister, Abralinm Bininger — Friend of Embury — An old account book — John Bininger journeying to Canada — Living at Bay Quints — Removes to Mohawk village — Missionary spirit — Abraham Bininger's letters — The directions Children pleasing parents " Gallowping '• thoughts " — Christian!ty — Canadian Moravian missionaries — Moravian loyalists — What was stmt from New York — " Best Treasure " — The " Dear Flock " — David Zieshager at the Thames — J. Bininger acceptable to Mohawk — Abraham Bininger desires to visit Canada — Death of Mrs. Bininger— :• " Tender mother "— Biningerand Wesley — " Garitson " — " Losne " — " Dunon" — Reconciled to Methodists — Pitying Losee — Losco leaving Canada — Ceases to be teacher— Appointing a successor — William Bell — The salary — The Mohawks don't attend school — An improvement — The cattle may not go ia , school-house — The school discontinued, ri .,,,., .j,^ , ,. ^j. ,• r.. 'i./yf .■■■ '« jjjj; gjx NATIONS — CONVERSION TO CHRISTIANITY. Fi'om the first occupation of Now York by the English, tlio Six Nations had almost always been thoir faithful allies. This devotion did not remain unnoticed. Returns were made not only of a temporal nature, but in respect to things spiritual. So early as 1702 the Society for the Propogation of the Gospel in Foreign Pai'ts, the next year after its organization, sent a Missionary (Eev. Mr. Andrews) to the Mohawk Valley. Under his direction in 1714, the Church of England Common Prayers, was translated into their tongue. The first convert to Christianity was christened John Thomas, who died in 1727, aged 119. ' ■^v:.* vr- .•.,:/. It is said the English in their determination to secure the alliance of the Iroquois against the French prevailed upon certain chiefs to visit the Court of Queen Anne, in 1710, thinking that the greatness and splendour of England, would firmly fix their attachment. There were four of them who crossed the water, and who were treated with distinction. Their names were " Te Yee Nem Ho Ga Prow, and Sa Ga Yean Qua Proh Ton, of the Maquas ; Elow Oh Roam, and Oh Nee Yeath Ton No Prow, of the River Sachem. Portraits were taken of these four kings and placed in THE QUEKN'8 oift. 313 tho British Mu80um. When pronontod to the Quoen they made an elaborate Hpooch, iu whicii thoy spoko of their desire to nee their " great Queen ;" of the long tedious French war in which tliey had taken a ])ai't ; they urged the nccesHity of reducing Canada, and closed by expressing a wish that tlielr "great Queen will be pleased to send over some person to instruct " them in a knowledge of the Saviour. Consequently the (iueen caused to bo sent to tho Mohawk church just erected among them, a valuable sacramental service of plate, and a communion cloth. This royal gift was ever held in tho most fervent esteem by tho tribe. The part taken by tho noble Iroquois during the cruel rebellion of 1776-83 is elsewhere detailed; but in this coRnection is to be noticed an in^^ident of a touching nature. Tho rebel commander of a blood-thirsty gang, stimulated by promises of the land which they were sent to despoil, came upon tho tribe at an unexpected moment. Tho valuable — the costly — the revered gift from the Queen was in danger of being seized by the lawless horde which was appi'oaching. Not forget- ting them — not unmindful of things sacred, some of tho chief members of the tribe decided to conceal them by burying them in the earth, which was accordingly done, the plate being wrapped in the communion cloth. These doubly valuable articles remained buried until the close of th(; war, when thoy were recovered. The plate had suifered no injuvy. but the cloth had been almost destroyed by the damp earth. These precious relics were divided between those who settled upon the Grand Eiver, and the smaller branch that remained at the Bay. They ai'o to this day used on sacramental occasions. Upon each of tho articles, sacred to memory, and sacredly employed, is cut the following words : <> , , " The Gift of Her Majesty Queen Anne by the Grace of God of Groat Britain, France and Ireland, of Her Plantations in North America, Queen of Iler Indian Chappel of the Mohawk." u^jiuw When the lawless rebels came into their settlement, they destroyed the translated Pi-ayor book. The Mohawks apprehensive that it would bo lost, asked the Govei'nor (Haldimand) to have an edition published. This was granted by printing a limited number in 1780 at Quebec. In 1787 a third edition was published in Lon- don, a copy of which before us, supplies these facts. In connection with it there is also a translation of the Gospel according to St. Mark by Brant. It is stated in the Preface that n translation of some other parts of tho Now Testament may soon be expected from Brant. But such never appeared. j*4iJ 314 INDIAN ATTACHMENT. • Tlio mi'^wionni-y omjiloyod nt the commciioomont ol' tlie rol»ol- Hon, by tl)0 Society for the Propogation of tho (iospel in Foroi^m PnrtH, waH the Kov. Jolin Stuart. "In 1710, ho was appointed to the MisHion at Fort irunter. He Hoon prepared a Mohawk transUi- tion of the Gospol hy Mark, an exposition of the Church catochium, andacompondioimlliHtory of the Bible. lie was undisturbod in hiH hihorn, until after after the Declaraticjn of Independence, though <' he constantly performed divine sorvico without omitting prayers for the King." The women and children of the Indians when hurried away from their homes repaired to Lauhino, where tho>^mostly remained until the end of the war. The particulars of the liistory of their mis- sionary is elsewhere given. There was a sincere attachment between hi.n and the tribe, an instance of which is supplied by the conduct of a sister of Cajytain Johns. Mrs. Stuart had an infant child which was deprived of its natural food. The Indian woman weaned her own child that she might thereby bo able to supply the missionary's child with food. This child was Charles O'Kill Stuart. When ho became the Venerable Archdeacon, ho did not forget the act of motherly kindness bestowed upon him. The faithful breast upon which he had nestled, had long since closed its heaving by death ; but the daughter whom she had put away from the breast still lived. Dr. Stuart visited the Indian woods every year, and invariably went to see his sister, as he called her. '<Vv - Early steps were taken to have built a church in which they miglit worship. The Eev. John Stuart had his home in Kingston, yet ho often visited the Indians. The first church was erected on Grand River by Brant in 1786, and as nearly as wo can learn the plain wooden building at the settlement upon the Bay was, at the same time, or shortly after erected, ■'ft' ■■v.-/^',"! ?.'.',-.**.».'■ ,}*-. v'-'-*,^if' -r,'/ ■^-ky •■> '>^ •. ^>rr^.■^>y^rfrlf.■.f,'A■ :,, The Society for the Propagation of tlie Gospel in Foreign Parts, not only employed the Eev. Mr. Stuart, as a missionary, to labor witli tho Mohawks, but likewise set apart a sum of £30, as a salary to a teacher to instruct the children of the Indians upon Bay Quinte. Mr. Stuart lived at Kingston, however, and could but visit the Indian village occasionally. But a catechist was employed by him to supply spiritual nistruction. Mr. Stuart also had the appointing of a school-teacher. The precise time when this school was opened, it is impossible to determine. The first reference we find to it is in a letter, (one of many kindly entrusted to us by Mr|. THE MORAVIAN SOCIETY. 315 Biniiv^ov oF R^llevillc) writton by John Binin;cfov, then living in Atlolphnstowii, to his father, the Rov. Ahralinin IJinliiijer of Oaniden, New York, Moravian missionary. The letter is (late<l 1 Hth Septenil>er, 1792, an<l says, "beinpj at Kingston, I heard as it were accidently, thnt the Rev. Mr. John Stuart wanted, on belinlf of the society in England, to hire a teacher for the Mohawks ui> this bay, accordingly, I made an offer of my services." This may have been the commence- ment of the school. Mr. Stnart, not long after, accepted the offer, and John Bininger says he gave his employers notice that ho should leave them. We learn that he was at that time, or had been a short time before, engaged as a book-keejier in Kingston. He was detained tor two months before his employers would release him, immediately after which he removed to the Mohawk village. ' - >'i: > .u r'nr), Before proceeding with the record of the Mohawk school, we shall ask the reader to listen to a few of the facts in the histoiy of the liininger family. The Moravian Society was founded by Count Zinzendorf. He visited New York in 1741, and seven years later, 1748, a Moravian Church was established in New York. The first or principal Mora- vian minister was Abraham Biniiiger, a native of Switzerland, from the same town where the immortal William Tell lived. — (Wakeley.) He was the intimate friend of Embury and the other early Methodists in America. Of the sons of the Rev. A. Bininger, we have only to notice John. Before us is an old account book in which is found the follow- ing memorandum: " 1791, May 30th, Moved from Camden in Salem, Washington County ; June 2nd, Arrived at St. John's, Canada ; June 8th, Arrived at Lachine for Kingston; 24th, arrived at Kingston, Upper Canada ; July 2nd, Arrived at John Carscallians, Fredericks- burgh, Bay Kanty ; October 2nd, Moved from Fredricksburgh to Adolphustown, 1792; November l.'Hli, Moved from Adolphustown to Mohawk Village." A letter written by John Bininger to his father, is in a fine distinct hand, and indicates both learning and piety, and that he was actuated, in taking the situation of teacher to the Mohawks, by a missionary spirit. His father wrote to him from time to time, the letters are dated at Camden, and usually refer to family affairs ; but each has a lai'ge portion devoted to Christian advice, simply and touchingly, and sometimes quaintly given. They are signed Abraham and Martha. The first letter is addressed to " Caterockqua," and the request is made upon the corner of the letter to " please forward this with care and speed," " also to the care 316 bininqer's letters. of Mr. John CavscalUan, or Lieutenant Carscallian.' The rest of the letters are addressed to Adolphustown, o,ud the Mohawk Village, "Bay Quinte." In one letter he says " Remember children never please parents more than when they are willing to be guided by them ; self-guiding is always tlie begimiing of temptation, and next comes a fall that we must smart for it ; we are to work out our own ealvation (not with high gallowping thoughts) but with feave and trembling." In this way every letter beams with pure and simple Christianity. After his childreus' personal well-being, he is concerned about the Moravian missionaries in Canada, and also a considerable number of Moravian Loyalists who had settled upon the Bay Quinte, after whom he fre- quently inquires. In one letter he says " remember me to all my friends, in particular to old Mr. Carscallian and wife." One letter says, " We send you with Mr. McCabe a lag. cheese, weight five pounds and three-quarters, about h;ilf-a-pint of apple seed, from Urana's saving. I also send you part of my best treasure, the Daily Word and Doctrinal Texts, for the year 1792. The collection of choice hymns and sixteen discourses of my very dear friend, Count Zinzen- doi'f." lie says, " I would heartily beg to make Inquiry and friend- ship with the bretliren among the Indians. They are settled in the British lines, I dout know the name of the place." Again he ex- presses a wish that he should inquire for the brethrens' settlement, and " make a correspondence with them," to think it liis " duty to assist them in the furtherance of the Gospel, both on account of yourself and on account of your old father. If you can get any intelligence pray let me know, I am often concerned in my mind for the dear flock that believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. I think if cny gentleman in your parts can give information, it is the Eeverend Mr. Stuart, a minister of the Church of England, he is a gentleman that I have great esteem for, I know he will give you all the intelligence he possibly can." Subsequently, 1794, he wishes his son to corres- pond with the brethren at the river LaTrenche (the Thames). Asa result of this request, we see a letter received from David Zeisherger, dated at River Thames, 20th July, .1794, eighty miles from Detroit. John Bininger was acceptable to the Mohawks of the Bay, as an instructor. His father writes 5th January, 1 794, " It was a real satisfaction to me to see Mr. llekenalder in New York, and more so when I heard the good character of the Indians of your place living among them." Writing February 23rd, he says, " was I able to undergo the hardships, I would certainly join with you and tell SENDING PRESENTS TO CANADA. 317 the poor Indians of God their Saviour, that would be the highest and happiest employ for me." In August, he says I would have ventured the hardships of the journey, but mother and Isaac wont approve of it , they think I am too old and feeble. I know that if I was with you I should have more contentment than I have here." The last communication we have is dated February, 1804, in Avhich the good old Moravian says to his children, John and Phcebe, that there " dear tender mother went happy to our dear Saviour ;" at the funeral was so many, he wondered how so many could collect. The Rev. Abraham Bininger was intimate with Wesley, whom he accompanied to Virginia. He also was familiar with Philip Embury, and Mr. " Garitson " who bapti/ed his grand-child. The first two Methodist preachers in Canada were well known to him. Several letter!:, back and forth, are " per favor of Loseo." In one letter lie says, " Don forget to remember my love and regards to Mr. Dunon (Dunham) and Mr. Loese." The postscript of another letter says, " Isaac intends to send a young heifer, two pound of tea, a gammon, and a pise of smokt beef. Mother sends her love to Dunon and Mr. Loese." A letter dated April l2th, 1792, says John Switzers' son " was baptized by Mr. Garitson. Mr. Garitson is well ai)proved of in these parts. I heartily wish, as much as I love him, that he were in your parts. I am of late more reconciled to the Methodists than I was before, I see they really are a blessing to many poor 80uls." Writing 2nd August, 1794, he says *'I heartily pity Mr. Losee for withdrawing his hand, he is now to be treated with jiationce and tenderness. I have sent last part of a discourse which I translated from the brethrens' writing. I did it chiefly on account of Mr. Lv ''ee, if you think proper send him a copy with a tender greet from me." John Bininger, writing January 12, 1795. remai-ks, Mr. Losee is just setting out for the States. Mr. John Bininger ceased to be teacher to the Mohawks some- time in the latter pai't of 1795, or first part of 179G. There are several lott<5rs before us, written by Mr. Stuart, in reference to the appointment of a successor to Mr. Bininger, the first one is directed to " Mr. William Bell, at the head of the Bay of Quinte, and dated at Kingston, September 26, 1796." He says " I received your letter respecting the Mohawk school ; I can give you no positive answer at present : because I have agreed, conditionally with a school-master at Montreal, that is, if he comes up, he is to have the school ; I expect daily to hear from him, although I do 318 THE MOHAWK SCHOOL. not think he will accept of the employment. Some time ago Mr. Ferguson mentioned you as one who would probably undertake that charge. I told Captain John that if the person from Montreal disappointed me I would talk with you on the subject. The salary is £30 sterling, with a house to live in, and some other advantages which depend wholly on the pleasure of the Mohawks— but the teacher must be a man, and not a woman, however well qualified." The teacher from Montreal did not come, and Mr. Bell was ap- pointed. The following seems to have been a copy of Mr. Bell's first call for payment, the half-yearly instalment. - ■;- . "Mohawk Village, Bay of Quinte, July 5, 1197— Exchange for £15 sterling. Sir,— At thirty days sight of this first of exchange, please to my to Mr. Robert McCauley, or order, the sum of fifteen pound.s sterling, bei g half-year's salary, from the 15th day of November, 1796, to the 15th day of May, 1797, due from the Society, without further advice, from. Sir, &c., (Signed), William Bell, school-master to the Mohawks. To Calvert Chapman, Esq., Treasurer to the Society for the Prop:i--ation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts— Duke Street, Westminster." The Mohawks, it seems, did not appreciate the advantages which the establishment of a school among them was intended to afford, and Mr. Stuart is found writing as follows: "Kingston, August 18, 1799— Sir,--Unless the Mohawks will send such a num- ber of their children to school as will justify me in continuing a school-master, in duty to myself, as acting for the Society, I shall be under the necessity of discontinuing the payment of your salary after the expiration of the present year. This information I think proper to give you, that you may govern yourself accordingly. I am, Sir," &c., (Signed), John Stuart. : , ' : ; ..„„..-: But \n-iting again, March 16, 1800, Mr. Stuart says, "I am happy to hear that the school is now furnished with a dozen or more scholars, and it is expected you will be very strict in your disci- pline, and SC3 that prayers are read night and morning ; that the children are taught the Lord's Prayer, and the Commandments- that children may not be sent homo even if their parents do not send wood at the stated times ; that the tattle may not be allowed to go into the school, but that it be kept clean, and the wood belong- ing to it may not be used unless in school hours." Writing again, September 11, 1801, Mr. Stuart says, "I have waited with patience to see whether tUe Mohawks would send their SCHOOL DISCONTINUED. 319 chiklrcn more regularly to school, but if the accounts I receive are true, tlie money is expended to no purpose. I um told that there has not been a scholar in school since last spi-ing. And, as I never found that the fault was on j^our side, I cannot, in conscience, allow the salary of the Society to be paid for nothing. Therefore, imless Capt, John and the chief men of the village will promise that the school shall be furnished with at least six scholars, I must dismiss you from their service— as soon as you receive this notification. I hope you will see the reasonableness of this determination of mine, and you may show this letter to Capt. John and the Mohawks, by which they will see that the continuance or discontinuance of the school depends wholly on themselves." The final letter upon the subject is dated "Kingston, 26th August, 1802," and says, "I have not yet received any letter from the Society; but, for the reasons I mentioned to you, I think it will bo expedient to let the Mohawk school cease, at least for some time. I therefore notify you that after 3'our present quarter is ended you will not expect a continuance of the salary." (Signed), " John Stuart." " To William Bell, school-master to the Mohawks, Bay of Quinte." CHAPTEK XXXV. '• " " " Contents— The liist Church at Tyeudinaga grows old— A CoimciI_Ask for Assistance— Gov. Bfigot— Laying first stoncof new Church— The Inscription —The Ceremony- The new Church— Their Singing— The surrounding Scenery—John Hall's Tomb— Pagan Indians— Red Jacket— His Speech- Reflection upon Christians — Indians had nothing to do with murdering the Saviour. BUILDING A NEW CHURCH. Their original edifice of wood, having served its purpose, and l>cing in a state of decay; it was deemed necessary to have erected a now and more substantial building. They, consequently, held a Council, at which the Chief made the following speech, after hearing all the ways and means discussed—" If we attompc to build this church by ourselves, it will never bo done. Let us, therefore, ask oar father, the Governor, to build it for us, and it will be done at once." Reference here was made, not to the necessary funds, for they were to be derived from the sale of Indian lands ; but to the 320 THE INDIAN CHURCH. experience requisite to carry out the project. Sir Charles, Bagot, the Governor, was accordingly petitioned. "The first stone was laid by S. P. Jarvis, Esq., Chief Superintendent of Indians in Canada ; and the Archdeacon of Kingston, the truly venerable G. O. Stuart, conducted the usual service ; which was preceded by a procession of the Indians, who, singing a hymn, led the way from the wharf" " The following inscription was placed in this stone : TO The Glory op God Our Saviour THE EEMNANT OF THE TEIBE OF KAN-YE-AKE-HAKA, IN token op their preservation by the divine mercy THEOUGH JESUS CHEIST, In the sixth year of Our Motlier Queen Victoria : Sir Charles Theopholus Metcalf, G.C.B., being Governor General of British North America ; The Eight Eev. J. Strachan, D.D., and [LL.D., Being Bishop of Toronto : AND the rev. saltern givins, being in the thirteenth year OP HIS incumbency. The old wooden fabric having answered its end, THIS CORNER STONE OP CHEIST'S CHUECH TYENDINAGA, WAS LAID In the presence of the Venerable George O'Kill Stuart, LL.D., Archdeacon of Kingston; By Samuel Peter Jarvis, Chief Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Canada, assisted by various Members of the Church, "■ •-' ' " ON TUESDAY MAY 30th, A. D., 1843. ^"^ '"'\' ", ,, ". . :. , .^-., ,. , &C., «!fec., &C. A hymn was sung by the Indians, an an children of the school. The Eev. Wm. Macauley, of Picton, delivered an address, which was followed by a prayer from the Eev. Mr. Deacon."— (^«r RicMrd Henry Bomycastk.) MOHAWK CATECIIIST. 321 This edifice, with four Inncot windov/s on each side, presents to the eye a very pleasing appearance upon approaching it. While the interior may not altogether appear so attractive, it is sufficiently interesting. There is the elevated desk, and the more elevated pulpit ; and upon the wall, over the altar, are the ten command- ments, in the Mohawk tongue. Here is grandly united the Mother Church, and the devoted piety of the once great ■\Iohawk nation. Opposite the altar is a gallery, across the end of the building, in which is an organ. Therefrom proceeds, Sunday after Sunday, rich notes of tuneful melody, blending with the stout voices of the singers. From this church ascends, have we not reason to believe the adoration of hearts warmed into spiritual life by the pure principles of Christianity. The view from the church upon the surrounding scenery is very pleasant, and, in the quietness of a summer day, one may linger gazing and meditating upon the past history of the race whoso dead slumber hard by. The visitor's attention will be directed to a fiat tomb, of blue stone, inclosed by a low stone wall, overgrown with shrubs. Upon the face of the tomb are the words : " This tomb, erected to the memory of John Hall, Ochechusleah, by the Mohawks, in grateful remembrance of his Christian labors amongst them. During thirty years, he served as a Mohawk Catechist, in this settlement, under the Society for Propagating the Gospel, adorning the doctrine of God, his Saviour, and enjoying the respect of all who knew him. He died, generally regretted, June, 1848, aged 60 years." This stone also covers the remains of " Eloner^ the exemplary wife of the Catechist, who died in the Lord, Mav 7 1840, aged 50." ' ^Yhile the Mohawks always manifested a desire to learn the truth, as taught by Christians, there were some of the Six Nations who believed not, and steadfastly turned their backs upon the mis- sionaries of the Cross. Among these stood prominent the Seneca chief Sagnoaha, or Eed Jacket, one well known as an eloquent Sachem m all the Councils of his peojile. A Seneca council was held at Buffalo Creek, in May, 1811, when Red Jacket answered the desire of a missionary that they should become Christians, as follows :— " Brother !— We listened to the talk you delivered to us from the council of black coats in New York. We have fully considered your titlk, and the oftors you have made us. We now return our answer, which we wish you also to understand. ^ In making up our minds we have looked ba-k to remember what 'has been done in our days, and what our fatherfii have told us was done in old times. MX 322 PAGAN INDIANS. "Brother! — Groat numbers of black coats have boon among the Indians. With Hwoct voices and smiling faces, they oiferod to teach them the religion of the white people. Our brethren in the Ea«t ii.stcncd to them. Thoy turn from thcreligionof their fathers, and look up the religion of the white people. What good has it done ? Arc they more friendly, one to another, than wo are ? No, Brother! They are a divided people; we are united. They quarrel about religion; we live in love and friendship. Besides, they drink strong waters, and they have learned how to cheat and how td practice all the other vices of the white people, without imitating their virtues. Brother! — If you wish us well, keep away ; don't disturb us. Brother! — We do not worshij) the Great Spirit as the white people do, but we believe that the forms of worship are indiiForent to the Great Spirit. It is the homage of sincere hearts that pleases him, and we worship him in that manner." "Brother! For these reasons wo cannot receive your offers. Wo havo other things to do, and beg you will make your minds easy, without troubling us, lest our heads should bo too much loaded, and by and by burst." At another time, he is reported to have said to one conversing with him upon the subject of Christianity, that the Indians were not responsible for the death of Chri.st. "Brother," said ho " if you white people murdered the Saviour, make it up yourselves. We had nothing to do with it. If he had come among tis, we should have treated him better." 0/ h'fft'j fii-"'} I J'fKi i>>>;) Ofivi ,;-Atl.,l.r:;K ,:'l'!ivrj ,Jlli»!, l.>Xi-iXdf'''<>-' l^.di '•i fii'*iTi'jn j;6rlT' ::-)i\i i)Ay)\-hi: :^«i; i;<;.uiitboffl;iTij.':>iii; ittt.^,-)- . ,. :■• ■- ■■ . . - - ■ ■ y ■ ■ .■• ■. ;:..Ur :=^, ,:.> ■ PREACHING TO THE INDIANS. 323 .•ij i~ > .. : ( CHAPTER XXXVI. ' U. •% ..'.-'it .' .-.! CoNTBNTs-Mississauga Indians— Fatlier Picquet's opinion—Remnant of a largo tribe— Iheir Land— Sold to Goverinnent—Ilev. Win. Case-^Tolin Sunday— A drnnkard— Peter Jones— Raptisin-- Indians— At a cainp-ineetin--— Tlieir departnient- Extraet from Playtur— William Beaver— ClonversionsT— Jacob 1 etcr— bevere ujjon wlute eiiristians— Tlieir worship— The Father of Cana- dian missions— Scheme to teach Indians— Orape Island— T.easin" islands— The parties-^' Dated at Belleville "— Constructing a village— The hiniher— How obtained— Encamping on Grape Island— The; metliud of instruction— ' The number— Agriciiltnre— Their singing— School house— The t-acher— In,structions of women— Miss Barnes-Property or' Indians-Cost of imiirove- meats— A visit to Government— Askini;- for land-" Big Island "—Other favors— 1 eter Jacobs at New York— Extracts from Playter— Number of Indian converts, 1829- Uver Credit Indians-Indians removed to Alnwick. THE MISSISSAUQA INDIANS— THEIR CONVERSION TO CHRISTIANITY. We have learned that the French missionary, Fatlier Picquct did not entertain a very high opinion, at least he professed not to, of the moral character of the Mississaugas, and their susceptibility to the influence of Christian religion. We will now see what was accomplished by the agency of the Eev. William Case. We refer to that branch at present called the Mississaugas of Alnwick, and formerly known as the Mississaugas of the Bay of Quinte! They were the remnant of the powerful tribe, which ceded a large tract in the Johnstown, Midland and N^ewcastle districts to the Oovornment. This block contained 2,748,000 acres, and was surrendered in 1822, for an annuity of £642 10s. In 1825 the Rev. William Case visited the Bay. Among the first to come under the influence of religion, from the preaching of the Methodists was John Sunday. The writer has conversed with many, who remember Sunday as a very filthy drunkard. Peter Jones and John Crane, Mohawks who had been converted to Methodism at the Grand River, visited Belleville. Peter Jones with simple eloquence, soon reached the hearts of the Mississaugas. The writer's father has heard Peter Jones jireach to them in Indian near the banks of the Moira, just by No. 1 school-house in Belle- ville. In the si)ring of 1826 Case baptized 22 Indian converts, while 50 more seemed under the influence of religion. In June, a camp-meeting was held in Adolphustown, the Mississaugas attended. Special accommodation was afforded ihem. Their arrival is thus graphically given by Playter, and it supplies an excellent idea of Indian character in connection with religion. 324 INDIANS AT CAMP-MEETING. " A mossago came that the MisHisBauga fleet was in sight. A few repaired to the shore to welcome and conduct the Indians to the ground. The bark canoes contained men, women and children, with cooking utoiiHils, blankets, giuiH, Hpearw, provisions, and bark for covering their wigwams. The men took each a canoe reversed on his head, or the guns and spears; each bn[iiaw a bundle of blankets or bark. The men marched first, the women iiv the rear> and in file they moved to the encamjiment, headed by two preachers. The congregation seeing the Indians passing through the gate, and so equipped, was astonished. Reflecting on the former condition and the present state of these natives of the woods, gratitude and joy tilled every bosom. Ood was praised for the salvation of the heathen. After the natives had laid down the burdens, they all silently prayed for the blessing of the Great Spirit, to the surprise and increased doligbtof the pious whites. The Indians next buih their camp, in the oblong form, with poles, canoes, and bark. The adults numbered 41, of whom 28 had given evidence of a converted state, and the children were 17 : in all 58. The natives had private meetings by themselves, and the white?; by themselves ; but in preaching time, the Indians sat on the right of the preaching stand. At the close of each sermon, William Eeaver, an Indian exhorter, translated the main points for the Indians, the other Indian exhorters, Sunday, Moses, and Jacob Peter spoke to their people on diflerent occcasions. Beaver's first exhortation was on Friday, and produced a great efi'ect on the natives. >• .-■'-' On Sunday Beaver spoke to his people with great fluency. Upon being asked what he had been saying, " I tell 'em," said he, "they must all turn away from sin ; that the Great Spirit will give 'em new eyes to see, new ears to hear good things; new heart to understand, an^ sing, and pray; all new I I tell 'em squaws, they must wash 'em blankets clean, must cook 'em victuals clean, like white women ; they must live in peace, worship God, and love one another. Then," with a natural motion of the hand and ai*m, a:* if to level an uneven service, he added, " The Good Spirit make the ground all smooth before you." "On Monday, the Lord's supper was given to the Indians and the whites, of the Indians 21 were also baptized, with ten of their children. The whole number of the baptized in this tribe was now 43, 21 children. As yet those Indians know but one hymn, " for a thousand tongues to sing, my great Redeemer's praise," and one tune. This hymn they sung, over and over, as if always new, and always good. " A REBUKE. 325 It has boon the custom, of not alone the United States, but Bomo in our midst, to regard the Indians as altogether degraded bolow the whites in intelligence, in natural honesty, and in appre* elation of right and wrong. At the camp-meeting above referred to, there was a convert by name of Jacob Peter. He is described as *' a sprightly yOuth of 18 years." At some subseqent date during the same year, the Indians lield a prayer-meeting at the village of Domorestville. " Mr. Demorest being present with other white inhabitants, to witness the Indian's devotion, requested Jacob to speak a little to them in English; which he thus did : "You white people have the Gospel a groat many years. You have the Bible too: suppose you road sometimes — but you very wicked. Suppose some very good people : but groat many wicked. You got drunk — you tell lies — you break the Sabbath." Then point- ing to his brethren, ho added, "But these Indians, they hear the word onlj' a little while — they can't read the bible — but they be- come good right away. They no more get drunk — no more tell lies — they keep the Sabbath day. To us Indians, seems very strange that you have missionary so many years, and you so many rogues yet. The Indians have missionary only a little while, and we all turn christians." • : ' i ■ "The whites little expected so bold a reproof from a youth belonging to a race which is gonorally despised." — (Playter). Camp-meetings were peculiarly calculated to impress the Indians with solemn thoughts. These children of the forest deemed the shade of trees a fit and true place in which to worship the true God, just as seemed to the first settlers Avho had for so long a time had their homes within the quiet glades. And no more inconside- rate step could have been taken than that pursued by Governor Maitland, who, at the instigation of others, forbad the converted Indians at the Eiver Credit to attend camp-meetings. The conver- sion of the Mississaugas at Belleville, and the Credit, soon became known to the other branches of the tribe scattered throughout Canada, and in time the whole nation was under the influence of Methodist teaching. Their change of life was as well marked as it has been lasting. The Eev. William Case, " The father of Canadian Missions," determined to permanently settle the tribe, to teach them the I quiet pursuits of agriculture, and their children the rudiments of I education, as well as of christian knowledge. To this end the plan t; was adopted, of leasing two islands, situated in Big Bay, which 326 GRAPE ISLAND. belonged to the tribe, and eHtabliHh thereupon the converted Indians. The parties to whom the tribe granted the lease for 999 years, for the nominal Hiim of five shillings, were "John Reynolds, Benjamin Ketcheson, Penuel G. Selden, James Bickford, and William lloss." The Chiefs, Warriors, and Indians conferring the lease, and who signed the indenture, were "John Sunday, William Beaver, John Simpson, Nelson Snake, Mitchell Snako, Jacob Musguashcum, Joseph Skunk, Paul Yawaseeng, Jacob Nawgnashcum, John Salt, Isaac Skunk, William Boss, Patto Skunk, Jacob Sheepegang, James Snake." It was " signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of Tobias Bleaker, and Peter Jones." Dated Belleville, 16th October, 1826. The islands thus leased were Huff's Island, then known as "Logrim's," containing about fifty acres, and Grape Island with eleven acres. . ' ' ' ' '"^ Steps were promptly taken to carry out the object aimed at by the projectors, and arrangements wore made to construct a village upon Grape Island. The lumber for the buildings was obtained by cutting hemlock saw logs upon the rear part of Tyendinaga, by the river Moira, under the direction of Surveyor Emerson, which were floated down to Jonas Canniif's saw n ill, and there sawed into suitable pieces. These were again floated down in small rafts to the island. During the ensuing winter, the buildings not being as yet erected, a large number encamped upon Grape Island, while the rest went hunting, as usual. Instructions commenced immedi- ately. Preachers visited them from lime to time, and two inter- preters. William Beaver and Jacob Peter taught them the Loi-d's Prayer and Ten Commandments. In January the hunting party returned, and "a meeting, lasting several days, Avas held in the chapel in Belleville, to instruct them also." "The tribe mustered about 130 souls, and the Society embraced every adult, about ninety persons." '^"=^ "■' '- ••'^". A branch of the tribe living in the roar of Kingston, forty in number, came in May, the following Spring, and joined those at the island, and became converts. " In this month the buildings were commenced, and some land ploughed and planted. The condition of the people was every day improving. As many as 130 would assemble for worship. Their voices were melodious, and delight- ful was the singing. A school and meeting-house was built in July, 30 feet by 25 feet. William Smith was the first school-teacher, having thirty scholars in the day school, and fifty in the Sabbath school. The farming operations were under the superintendence DEPUTATION TO YORK. 327 of K. Phelps. The girls and women wore instnictod in knitting, sewing, making Htriiw huts, and other work, by Mis.s K. Barnes. " The public properly of the Indians comjjrised a yoke of oxen, three cows, a sot of farming tools, and material for houses, as lumber, nails and glaas, — contributions of the benevolent. The improvements of the year were expected to co.st £250, to be mot by benevolence in the United States and Canada. In Octobei', the meeting-house was seated, in connection with which was a I'oom provided for a study and bed for Iho teacher. The bodies of eleven log houses were put up ; eight had shingled roofs, and they were enclosed before winter." — (Playter). Soon after, a deputation from Grape Island visited York, with a deputation from Eice Lake, and the Credit Indians, to seek an audience with the Government. A council was hold with the Government officers on the 30th January, 1828. The speeches woro interpreted by Peter Jones. John Sunday, after referring to their conversion, and having settled by the Bay Quinte, said, "that when they considered the future welfare of their children, they found that the island they claimed would not afford them sufficient wood and pasture for any length of time, and that they had now come to ask their great father, the governor, for a piece of land lying near thorn." "lie then proceeded to ask the Government in what situa- tion Big Island was considered ; whether or not it belonged to the Indians? and, if it did, they asked their father to make those who had settled on it without their consent, pay them a proper rent, as they had hitherto turned them off with two bushels of potatoes for 200 acres of land. In the last place, he asked permis- sion of their great father to cut some timber on the King's land for their buildings." — (Peter Jones). In April of this j^ear, Mr. Case, with John Sunday and Peter Jacobs, attended the anniversary of the Missionary Society in New York. The manifestation of Christianity displayed by these sons of the forest touched the hearts of the people present, and led to a considerable augmentation of the contributions previously supplied by private individuals. They visited other parts of the United States, and returned to the bay, May 12, "accompanied by two pious ladies. Miss Barnes, and Miss Hubbard." " The ladies came with the benevolent design of assisting the Indians in religion, in- dustry, and education." : , , , ^ „i.„.,^.Ai, -.'-, .,; '' In the tour Mr. Case received many presents of useful articles for the Indians; and among the rest ticking for straw beds. This 328 THE NUMBER OP CHRISTIANS, WiiK <livi(le<l lunoiig twenty i'amilies, and mjulc the first beds they ever slept upon." Among the eonversions of this year, was an Indian woman, j^ractising witchcraft, as the people believe, ami a Roman Catholic." ■ . The people were not only persevering in religious duties, but made progress in industry. Mr. Case collected the Indians together one evening, to show what they had manut'actured in two weeks. They exhibited 172 axe handles, 6 scoop shovels, 57 ladles, 4 trays, 44 broom-handles, 415 brooms. The Indians were highly commended for their industry, and some rewards were bestowed to stimulate greater diligence." — (Playter). ' ' ' ■.,'"•' According to the Annual Rci)ort of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States, there were "two hundred and twenty natives under the Christian instruction of one missionary, one hundred and twenty of whom are regular com- municants, and fifty children are taught in the schools." Lorenzo Dow visited Grape Island, and writing July 29, 1829, says, "viewing the neatness and uniformity of the village — the conduct of the chil- dren even in the streets — and not a drunkard to be found in their borders. Surely what a lesson for the whites ! " The other communities of the Mississaugas that came under the religious teaching of the Methodists are the River Credit Indians, the Rice Lake Indians, and those at Schoogog, Siracoe, and tho Thames River. .-'!■,•/'-■;'-; ■•.;!;.;•.: ^- [•,• ' .■'<■:<■■ : •■" j n:; .-•hi^..-> When«the Indians from the Bay Quinto, an(J from Kingston, left Grape Island, they removed to Alnwick. A Report on Indian Aflfairs, of 1858, says, "they have now a block of laud of 2000 acres divided into 25 acre fai'ms." , i;f .;;':> ( :■"; ■'■:■■■ ;.•-.. :■...■ .;' r. . -' ■:7(y '; , -J .'/'. "'•!(( ,,;.;/.' H 'I'l ly" '[■'■' •■'• j ; ■>■!!'. ,. •!,•■!■ I ■•'.'.' V' ''I' '!•' ^'i > '•; .1..- " I'v I' .; ■ i .;j; , ■ ' '■ j' ■-■ {',■'.. !<■ > (KM;ii: > vj;^: i; ''lit; ■.-:*':■' A-:)'/.,) .') • '-m' i..ii . •.,: :> ■'••il ':■''■ '.^"' u. !-;■>;;! • Mi, if;h.i V' -r'^'hiM/;; n(/-;l'.H.)'i .;'.''^'/ ••.>../;[' ,i!i>iA„ui 71 'h.i ^r^^rAlyi ..(.11 ■-•:f.f!<'fi .t.i'>i^rfbfii:ii;t }hi.\di\sU -:4\\h V\ , —■'(•■|-< :••';.<',• .-.iKaJhtHi;:! ii'>'' -^•^h:^ -Jffoiluv/.TiniijIi^jt'j^J^iLoit^. b ir^; .r ■■ ;' *■■ 'T ■ '■ ■■'• '^ \i;i I I DIVISION' VI •f.', i:'i.': .! EAELY EDUCATION IN UPPEll CANADA. , ' " CHAPTER XXXVII. .'I* CoNTKNTN — ?Muinti<tii (imonR tho LoyalistH — Etfoct of tlic War — No o|)i>f»rtiiinty for Ediioivtif)!! — A fuw EdiuiitiMl — At l^iith — A common belief — \Vlmt wiis requisito for fiirminK — liearning at liome — Tlio Hcliool IV^achorH — Their qualificationK — lUiv. Mr. IStuart as a Teacher — Academy at KingHton — First Canadian D.T). — Mr. Clark, Tcaciier, 1786 — Donovan — Garrison He hools — Cockerell — MycrH — Wnney — Michael — Atkinw — Kingston, 1 795 — I^yons — MrK. Cranahan — I»i AdolphuKtown — Morden — Faulkiner — The School Bo(»kK — Evciung Schools — McDougall — O'Ueilcy — McCormick — Flogging — Salis- bury — Jam(^H — I'otter — Wright — Watkins — Gibson — Smith — AVhelan — Articles of Agreement — Recollections — Boarding round — American Teachers —School Books— The Letter Z, '"■ " '"''•' THE FIR?*T 8C1I00LS AND TEACIIEItS. ' "' '' ' ^ ' • . yr<'-' . ■ 'U' '' The majority of tho refugees poBseHsod but limited education. There were a very wmali number whoso education was even oxcoUent ; but tiie greater portion of LoyaliHtH from tho revolting Colonies, had not enjoyed opportunities for even a common educa- tion. The state of society, for many yoar.s, precluded tho teaching of youth. During tho civil war, tho chances for learning had been exceedingly slender. Apart from this, there did not exist, a hun- dred years ago, the same desire to acquire learning which now prevails. Tho disbanded soldiers and refugees, even some of the half-pay officers, were void of education, which, even in the back woods, is a source of pure enjoyment. There was, however, an English seminary at Quebec, and at Montreal, at which a few were educated during the war; for instance, Clark, who was a naval store-keeper at Carleton Island, had his children there at school. At tho village of Kingston, there were a certain number of educated persons; but around the Bay there was not much to boast of. As their habitations were sparse, it was difficult for a sufficient number to unite to form good schools. Among the old, sturdy farmers, who themselves had no learning, and Mdio had got along without much, if any learning, and had no books to road, there obtained a belief that it was not only unnecessary, but likely to have a bad effect upon 330 THE FIRST COLLEQIATE HONOR. the youttg, disqualifying tliem for the plain duties of husbandry. If ono conld road, Hign hiH own name, and caat intcrent, it was looked upon as quite buflicient for a farmer. But gradually there sprung up an increased deniro to acquire education, and a willingness to supply the means therefor. In most places, the children were gla<lly sent to school. And, moreover, in some cases, eldorpersons, without learning, married to ono possessed of it, would spend their long winter evenings in learning from a willing i)artner, by the flickering fire light. Says Ex-Shoritt'Ilutlan, then living at Adolphus- town, "As there were no schools at that period, what knowledge I acquired was from my mother, who would, of an evening, relate events of the American rebellion, and the happy lives people once led under British laws and protection previous to the outbreak." "In a few years, as the neighborhood improved, school teaching was introduced by a few individuals, whose individual infirrailios prevented them from hard manual labor." We find it stated that the first school teachers were discharged soldiers, and generally Irish. The Rev. John Stuart, subsequently D.D., (Sec first clergyman) was the first teacher in Upper Canada. So early as 1785, the year he settled at Cataraqui, as he called the place, ho says, in a letter written to an old friend in the States, "The greatest inconvenience I feel here, is there being no school for our boys ; hut, wo are now- applying to the Legislature for assistance to erect an academy and have reason to expect success ; If I sncooed in this, T shall die here contented." "In May, 178C, he opened an academy at Kingston;" writing in 1788, ho remarks, I have an excellent school for my children," that is the children of Kingston. — (Memoirs of Dr. Stuart). The degeeo of 1). I)., which was conferred upon Mr. Stuart, in 1799, by his Alma Mater, at the University of Pennsyl- vania, was the first University degree of a.iy kind conferred upon a Canadian, probably to any one of the present Dominion of Canada. While the Rev. Mr. Stuart was engaged with the first school in Kingston, Mr. Clarke was likewise employed in teaching upon the shores of the Bay, probably in Ernesttown or Fredericksburgh. " We learn from Major Clark, now residing in Edwardshurgh, that his father taugh* tho iirst regular school in Dundas. lie arrived with his family in Montreal, in tho year 1786, and proceeded to the Bay Quinte. lie remained two years at the Bay, emph)ycd in teaching. In 1788, he came to Matilda, at the instance of Captain Frazer, who, at his own expense, purchased a farm for him, at the THE FIRST PEDAGOGUES. SSI cost of one hundred dollars. A few of the neighbors assisted in the erection of a school house, in which Mr. Clark taught for several years, lit) was a native of Perthshire, Scotland." — (^History of Dundas). One of the first teachers at Kingston, Avas one Donovan. As a general thing, all the British garrisons had, what was called, a garrison school, and many of the children at first derived the rudiments of education from these; that is, those living conve- nient to the forts. The teachers of these army schools, no doubt, Avere of questionable fitness, probably possessing but a minimum of knowledge, next to actual ignorance. However, there may liavo been exceptions. Possibly, where a chaplain was attached to a garrison, he taught, or superintended. Col. Clark, of Dalhousie, sr/s, "The first rudiments of my humble education I acquired at the garrison school, at Old Fort, Niagara, When we came to the British side of the river, I went to various hchools. The best among them was a Itichard Cockcrell, an Englishman, from the United States, who left tJie country during the rebellion," lie also speaks of D'Anovan of Kingston, as a teacher, and likewise Myers, Blaney, ^h: Michael, Irish, and another, a Scotchman, This was before 1800, A memorandum by Ilobert Clark, of Napanoe, says, " My boys commenced going to school to Mr. Daniel Allen Atkins, 18th January, 1791." Eochofoucault says, in 1705, speaking of Kingston, "In this district are some schools, but they are few in number. The children are instructed in reading and writing, and pay each a dollar a month. One of of the masters, superior to the rest, in point of knowledge, taught Latin ; but ho has left the school, without being succeeded by another instructor of the same learning." '* In the year 1788, a pious young man, called Lyons, an oxhorter in the Methodist Episcopal Church, came to Canada, and engaged in teaching a school in Adolphustown," " upon Hay Bay or Iburth concession." — (Playtcr). Ex-Sheriff liutl an tells um, that " At seven years of age, (1790), he was one of those who patronized Mrs. Cramihan, who openc^d a Sylvan Seminary for the young idea, (in Adol})hustown) ; from tlience, I wont to Jonathan Clark's, and then tried Thomas Mordon, lastly William Faulkiner, a relative of the Ilagermans. You may suppose that these gra<liiations to Par- nassus, was carried into effect, because a large anumnt of knowledge could be obtained. Not so; for Dilworth's S])elling Book, and the 332 NIOMT HOIIOOLH. N(5vv ToHtamcnt, worn fhf. <m\y hooks f>OHM0HH(!<l by llicsc ucudortiics. About Hvc fiiiloH (Jistiiiit, \v;n unotlmr loadior, whoHO fiurnc I ibr^ot ; ufUvr hJH (luy'H work wiih (Joikj in the IjiihFi, l)iit particularly in IImj wintt)!', ho wuH ready to r(5C<>ivo his |Mi|>ilH. Thiw ovonin^ Hchool waH for thow! in Hcarcli of kfiowlc(J^t). My two vMov brother.-* avuil(!(i th«!inM()lvoH of thiH opportunity, and aiwayH went on nnow hIiooh, vvliieh they d<fpOMit(!(l at Ihr; door." it jfjokn v(!ry minh um iC c.ourtiri^ may have becjti intirnatiijy awHoeiated with lh<!He ni;^htly i'<!Hcai'clie.H for knowjcid/^e. Mr. Ruttan mldn, "And exciting oecaHifniM HonnitinjeH happiMKjd by moonlight, when the /:.(irlH Joined tJie cavaleiwle," At thin Hchool aH well, the only bookn wore Diiworth, and the TeHtani(;nt; unlesM it wen; the ^irl'H " IooUh.'' "Those primeval dayH I nttnfjnifter with ^reat pleaHure." "At ffMirteen, ClHOfJ), my (idueation wm lini.shttd." W<! learn that at an <;arly p(friod there wftM one M<;I>f*u^all, who tiiu^ht nehord in a Uijj; houHe upon tlie Houtli whore of Hay Hay. ^nyn Mr. Henry Van- J>UHon, one of the lirHt nativeH of Upper ('afiada, "The fii-^t who (iXiTcm'A the prero^^^ative of the Hchool room in Adolphuntown were tfie two HoriM of I'ldward O'llcdiy, and .McOormick, both of whom are widl rem<unbered by all whovv<!re favored with their ifiHlruetion — from th(! unmerfiful flog^in/i^.s leccuved," About the year 1H03, r»n<; .SaliHbury taught Hehool on the Ili^li Shore, So)»hiaHbtir/^h. TIm! HrHt teaeher n\K)fi the Marnli Front, near (Jj-aMMy I'oird, waH .bdin .lameH. At the rnoulh of Myer/s' Cre(d<, in IH07 or H, .lamen I'otter taught whool ; but, prior to that, a man by the nanm of LcHlie taught. About Ihiw tinu;, there wan uIho a l^!V. .Mr. Wright, a I'niMbyterian, who taught wchool near ,Mr«, Himpson'H. He pr(!a<hed o(•ea^<iomllly. Iti IHIO, in a little fraiiie Hchool lioime, near the prciMent market, CHelleville,) tau^Jit ono John WalkiiiH. ()n«! of the tlrHt H(;hf)ol maHtcrH up the Moira, fifth con- eoHHion of Tliurlow, was one (iibHon. ,MrH, J'eny, born in Kj-ne.st- town, remem(fnjl>erH h<;r firnl, and Jier principal tehool teachei*. JIIh name was Smith, and h<! faupjht inllMJ Hceond eonejiHsion r»f I*!rneKt- t^jwn in ]HiUi. H<! had a lar^e hchool, the (diildren C(;ming from fill the n<'i/.^hbf)i'hor)d, infdudiri;^ the f)e.st familioH, During the war of 1812, Mr. \Vh(dan iuufj^hi at Kin^nton, in the public hcHooI. 'J'he M(dio<d Iiouho hUxxI near the block hoUMC. It is Hlat<;d, Jatiuary, 1817, that he had b(;en a teaeher for ton yearH. Hefore us, is a doeurn<;nt, dated at Holh.well, Oct. 2ft, 1819. It is — "Articles of afrnsament betwecui U L , of tlio one one part, and we, the undorMigned,of the other part: that in to»ay: AN AOIIKKMKNT. 333 that H \j (loth ori;^a^<! to k<iOp a rft^iiljir hcUoo], iov Uio t<!rrn of Huvi'.n irir>riUiH from tJi<! firMt *luy of Novernlxsr w-.xi., ul tlio rato of two poiiikIm ten hliillin/^K per friontli ; and ho fiirth(!r doth a^M'CO t/) touch r(!Hdin/.f, writ,jn;(, and aritJitrKitif! ; to Uc.o^i rft^iihir hour-H, k(!<)|» i^ood onlor in Hchool, an i'ltv as liin ahilitioM will allow, Hco that tho children ^o orderly from H(d)ool </> th«ir roHp«!(;t-ivo fiornoH. And wo, tho undorHi/^nod, doth a^roo U) pay li L llK^Hiim ahovo tiarn<!<l oi' t<5n <lollarM por month for tho time ahovc rficntiofM'd ; and further, doth a/^ro(! to find a cornfortahlo Iioumcj for tli<! Hchor)l, and hiipply tho Hami; with vvoori fitt<!d fori ho tin!. And furtlKir, to waHh, rnond, lo<i^(j, and viotiial hirn for tho tinio oi' k<!Opin|< Maid H<diool, Hfhool to h<5 ijnd(;r r-har/^o and inHpootion of the following tniMt«j(!H: William ('laik, l*ot<;i' Ii«!avenH, und Daniel fx;avenM." Til whi(di JH Hiihjoined, r|iiaintly, in Mr. li.'H Jiand writing: " li \H to ho nnderntood that thiinaid \i Ij Idih perfortned his hiiKinoHrt rightly till ho Ih disohari^csd, — (H'i^tHul) It L ." IJelow are tho namon of tho MuhhruihorM, und th<5 number of HcholarH <!ach will Hend. ' i 'i'hnpracti<;e already njfffrred Ut, of H(!ttin|^ apart forsehool t<5iu:h- cr.s Kiich moinherHof tli(! family an were phyMically ineapahlorjf rloing hard manual lahor, without any r(!;^'ar(| to tfieir natural oi' a^;quired capahilitieH, waH of Yankee f>ri^in, and (;ontinu<^l in many plaeeH tor many yearn. The wril(!r ha<J, annui;^ hin eai'ly teaeherh, one who hoarded round from family to family, wh<),He moIo (jualitieation Ui t<!(u;h eo»iHi«l/<!d in hin lamenortH. Thiw prontitutiou of u nohio eallinj^, hiwi the offeet of preventing men of (sdueation for a long time, from engaging in the dutien of thin profei-MJo/i. In ditlerent plaeen, youiig men would engage for thret) or four HiontliM, in winter, to toueh Mchool ; hut, with the return of Hpring, they would return U) the lahor of the field and woodtj, AJler a wlule, young womtui (;<*uld he foun<J who would teach in the con- ccHhion Hchool houHoall the Mumrner, to which the young<!rc,liildren would go. .Someofth(5 lirHt Hcliool teuchorH w<-.re from thct old e(>untry, and MOme from the American StatcH. The lattta* would naturally d<!Hire to have UHcd American nchool h<*okH, and, uh ihey were the moMl conveniently procured, they were intnxluced, and continued to be in UHe for many yearn. AtleaHt, by nome kcIiooIm, l>r. Noah W<;b- Bter'K wpelling book waw among the (irHt to he u«ed ; and the writer coramenced hiw rudimentary education in that fjook. it lollowed, 884 AMKIIICAN I'liONUNC'IATION. ftroiri ilio ])i*OH<tn('« of AinorM-iin 1«fU'li«i'i<i iiri<l hcIidoI hookn, timt, poculiuritJttH of Amvr'n'.nn Hpolliiif^ iiii'l iironuncMuliori woro Uiuj^lit U) the ciiildron of ihiniuUi. Fov iiiHtiiiK-.o, luko Uio lnt(<M' Z. Tliin tettor <»r tho IOii/^IImIi jilpliflhet Ih, jicom-din^ t() orl^iiml jvutlioril.y prorioiitictvl r«//; hut, WolinUsr (uiiKlit tJiiiL it liiul not a c.<>iii|>omi<l •ouri'l, und nhoiild he pronounced ze.. TJiIh nmiXar WftH hroii^ht I' ;fofw (lit! puhlic, l>y H l()l,f(!i- ov<!r th(!Mi;^iiatmo of " JIiirriH," which appeared in liic KhujHtmi //(raid, in IHtlJ, Af'tor juidiiciii^' ahiind- ancti of iiiithurify, ho c,oiic.iiidcH Uiat " tiic inHtnict/;!* of youtli, who, whon on^ugod in lijachin/^- Uio chJinuntM of Ihn Mri^liHli lan^iuijt^o, dhiici iUiitn to call tiiat Icttor ze, hiHtuad of zed, arc tomdiing lliurn error." ■'■i:m- - /i -/'•.: -■-..i - -■ ,' r ,,,^: iw. ,, -i . • s. i.i,/ t ■' ' ' « L I ■ . . ■■ : 1 » . . ■ : J' 111 ii i'' ■ ' 1. . ■!■: ' . ' ' ;-' ' !.•.;•!..■ . CUAJ'TKK XXXVIII. . CoNTKNTH — Mr. Ktiiftrt'H Mchodl — HIriicfH — State C'liim-h and (UAU'^c — Ommriirtr HctiooU;— -Klin. it. liMnWum—CAuiiuwtH—HirtuiMti'-'liomcH to (lunula— Kiliiriiliiiiiiil liiMtory— Arriviil lit, ivitiKHloti — 'Die ji(ijiilH--l''i!<;M — KcrfiovcH t" Coriiwiill — I'ti|,iln t'ollovv— Stritfliitri, ii (.'(iiKullftn— .Muiilch — Inlcivirw witli JtiMhop HIriw.h'in— HlHdiH/i|)|»()»iitinctil — A htrftntftir— What fm fornook— 300 jjiiifiilM — 'rinir MWcv.HH — Htiiy at, Comwall — A|)|)oiiitiiii!iitn (it Vork—A lec- tnnr — At KIiiKHton — Meinlicr nt' Uit^Miilivi: ('oiincil — I'lditicidii — C'lurjiy lU'Mt^Vi'H — KoimkIm KImr'h (JoII(!K<!— 'I'hn thMty-nltui artk;li-H— Mctnojxdy Mwcpt away — Voliiiilaiyiniii— KohikIm Trinity (Jolle^^o — JJiHlioji Ktra<liuu iu IHW — VVlial lie liiul iwicoinidiMiii'd -'I'iioHC! lii; tutored — Kettjuj^ ii|< ii IiIkIi Ktnndard— " ltcel<oti'^r" — Hineerity — r,e(,'i(slati«»ii, 17!iV --Adfh'iKH to tiie Kitljf — (irainniar Hclioolu — (Jrunt, X7l»8— l4oanl ol ]!;(|ii(utioii~-Ku(iownit!iit of Klnn'** f'olleKe — JtH «(inMtitiition — (-'lian/^eH — Ujiiier (,'aiiarla (-'ollege — Kn- (lovvimtnt — "A Hpirit of ItiiprrtVeTneTit" — Hcmrlay — The xeeornl aeademy — At KriuHtti>wn— Tho tnihUicn — 'UtlwBll— (JliarKCH— (Joritradiiitod — JCival- Hiliool — IJidweil'H Moii— (/'oiiMpieiioiiH rlianw'ti:r — l5idw(!ll'M deatli — Hon re« irioveM to 'I'oronto — Aea<li4iiiy liiiildltig, a barmok — Literary Kpirlt of IMli— N«r«r revived— Vorit. > ..its- •, r,*.: ■. •-:i':i.'." k .■•((.'■< ?..■;• ■',!} Iv:,- lllQHHU aiiUCAi'lOS—lfOVSltATUtS OK UN lVKltKITll!:» — JiTliA'UIAN,—- niowici.L. ■ ' ' .,'" \J\> to th(! titno that Uppnr Canada wuh mi aptirt, from Iho I'ro- vmce of Quohec, an a dlHtinct Province, and even jiiitil 1 7UU, when J)r. Btrachan came to KingHtori, the Uov. Mr. Stiiurt continued to be the only tea(dier who finparted anything like a Holid education. But hin gcb 'T'ti conHifitod mainly of hoyH not far advanced. No doubt many c»\ , however. rec<'ived from him the t'lorncntH of a sound, and even cla><Hicnl education. rm. htiiadiian'm i'ri>fi,H. .135 (il()V(!r»K)i'Sim<)(K,', hooji at't(!i' aHHumiii;/ oiWcM, iiii|ii'c*nw!<l witii iho iiiipoi'lmico ol' IiIj^Ikt vAucnOou, o,vvn loi- mi inl'jint, (colony, tooU f'jirly HtijpH 1.0 i»ro(!ur() fn»ni tin; inotlmMroiiiitry a v,()m]K'U'.t\i )«'r«on to pliico at tin; lioad oi' a (Jollc^o Jm had (Ictonn'merl to fMtiiMiNli in i'<mru-r\'\(m with )i Kt«t(! (/Imrcli. JIjk HcliciiH- <»r (•(iuciition to Inrdicr tliat obj(!(!t, was to ((HtaliliHh u NyHtem of j^ruimnar mcIiooIm, and a IJni- vorwity an tlic, liead. Tfi(! lion. UolMii't Hamilton, ol (^imotiMton, IwmI at tliJH tinio a hrotlicr liviiij.^ in Hcotland, and it waH tliroujj;li him that an <;fr<!r whk mado lii'Ht to thn (!cl('l»rat<:d \>r. (Jhalim-rH. Hut not d(;sirin<jf to come, although h(! had not yet at(;iinc<l to Ihh trroatncHM, ho nuMiti(»n<'d thn nani(! of hin friend .Str.'u-Ji.'iii, t(» whom the; ofli-r waH then made. Mr. Strachan di!oid<!d to <!om<!. 'Hiiih it wan tin; v<it(;i*an wthoollxtaolnT, tho divine, the l'ound(!r of IfniviifHitieH, who Imt recently paHMiid away, wjiH hid to Canada to hfcomo tlu; occupant of ono of tho moMt con- BpiciiouH placcH in the I'rovincoof Upper (!anada. Ho intimately ih the JianK! oi' Dr. Strachan aHHO(!iated with the liiMtory of edueatiori, an W(;ll a.H with th(! ICpiscopalian f/'hiirch, tliat it hecomes neeesHiivy to Niipply h(!re a Hoiriewhat lenj^tho/icd ac<;oii!it of his (rducaticjnal hintory. lie arriv(Ml at Kin^^Htoii the hiHt day of the; y<rar, 1 75H), havin;jf Hjtiled from Gntonock the lattor part <»f AujLjuHt, and liavitiji^ Ihmii frvor f onr niontliH on th(! way. Hut when .Stra(!han airived, HimccM* had been recalled, arwl hiw MclKinu! wan ;it least, in abeyance*. ('ol. (Ilark MayH that " a H(;hool waHCHtabliMhcd nt Kin'i;«lon, IH(;0, hy the Ibin. It. ('artwrif^ht lor his houh, having .Mr. 8fra<J)an for ttiacher, who had the privile<jj«^ of taking U-i\ additional KcholarH at £10 each per anmim. Amon;jf thew; ten were the late ('liii'f .luHtiee RobiriMon, Chief JuKtiiio Maeaulay, the Hon George Markl.-uid, Minhop Ik;thune, tlurHUceeMHorof Dr. Straclian ; tin; f{(!V. W. Macaitlay, I'if^ton; (Jnptain Kngland, iioyal Knj4in<M'rh ; JiiMticxi Ahdican, ('ol John (.'lark, aud the two HoriH of Hamilton, . I amcH and Samuel. Thcwe, with four KoiiH of liiehunl ('artwri;^hl, lonuoil Mr. yU'achun'M lirsthchool lor the higher branchoN of education. Mr. HtnK'-han continu<rd to teach in Klnj^Hton for Ihre© yearn, when he n»inoved hin nchool to ('oniwall. » All of IiIh pupils at KingHUnt, except John (Jlark, of K>fi^.irH, followed him to that phu;c. and coniifiucHl for yearH uiidt'r Iuh in* Mtru(!lion. The hi^h standard <;f oilucation now Het uf) by Mr. Ktrndian bad a heuelicial ellbist. ilu trained here for uHefuliu-.MH and diMtinc- tion, Home of the firnt men of the I'rovinec. fn JMldition to 336 REMOVAL TO CORNWALL. those iiK'ntioned as distingnislicd pupils, was ('hristoj^ior Hagar- mait. Hero Mr. Strachau, it may bo said, becamo a tliorough Canadian, and began to identify himself with the higher interests of the country. He shortly after married a lady of Cornwall, Miss Woods, who lived to within a few years of the Bishop's death. Dr. Straclian, in conversation witli the writer, ritferred to the^ time of his coming to Canada with no little feeling, lie evidently felt the disap[tointment arising from the departure of Governor Simcoe very keenly, which left him quite to his own resources in the new country, far from his home which he had forsaken, in view of certain promises of advancement, congenial to his taste. He was, to use his own words, *' a lonely stranger in a foreign land, without resources or a single acquaintance." But in coming to speak of his pupils, of which there had been about 300, and whose course in life he had been permitted to see ; whose success he had been proud to note, he spoke of them with all the kindness and regard of a parent. He dAvelt upon the character and high position to which so many had attq,ine(l, especially the late Chief Justice Robinson. Speaking of himself, he said his " early life was of too busy a nature to allow him to keep a journal." And we find it statinl that he had to supports mother and two sisters. Mr. Strachan continued at Cornwall inne years, teaching, when he removed to York. The Government recognised his ability, and to increase the sphere of his usefuhiess, and to establish a Provincial College, he was requested to remove to the capital of Upper Canada, and had offered to him every advantage, pecuniary and otherwise. In these early efforts to establish higher education, says the Kev. Mr. Smart, whose testimony is important, too nuich praise cannot be given to Dr. Strachan. Although Mr. Strachan had removed to Cornwall, Kingston was occasionally favored by his presence as a public lecturer, as the following notice which appeared in the Gazette, December, 1810, will show: "Mr. Strachan's annual course of popular lectures on Natural Philosophy, will commence on the second Monday in Januaiy, the course consisting of thirty-six lectures, to bo completed in two months. Tickets of admission, four guineas ; students taught at any of the District Schools of Upper Canada, entitled to tickets for r)ne guinea. This money to bo appropriated to the purchase of scientific books, for the use of those who attend the lectures." In 1818 Dr. Strachan was appointed a member of the Legis- ORIGIN OP TRINITY COLLEGE. 337 lativo Council, and jiIko of the Executive Council. In these posi- tions he was a consistent worker to secure the esfablishment of a State Church ; and for the twenty-two years he took part in the politics of Upper Canada he ceased not to work for the cause, and the preservation of tlie Clergy Eeservos. Dr. Strachan never forgot the original purpose Avhich brought him to Canada, the foundation of Grammar Schools and a University. In 1827, after UKing the influence which his political position allowed him to secure this object, ho procured a royal charter f(;r a University which ho named King's College after his Alma Mater. This insti- tution wah intended for the exclusive benefit of those who would subscribe to the Thirty-nine Articles. For nearly twenty years this University continued under the control of the Church of Eng- land. But the spirit which obtained in the public mind of Canada WHS hostile to this monopoly, and the time came when the Uni- versity he had founded became more truly a national one. Although at this time an old man, when it might have been supposed ho would yield to the adverse influence which had overcome his col- lege, he never thought of resting satisfied, but, in direct opposition to the principle against voluntaryism, for which his life had been hofar spent, he set about laying the foundation of another Uui- versily, and the Trinity College of 'J oronto is a second monument to his untiring energy and success ; a monument which renders another unnecessary to commemorate him. We penned the following remarks in 186G: This widely known worthy still animatiis the church he has been mainly instru- mental in erecting to a high and ever influential j)osition in Canada, and whose untiring energies, guided by a brilliant intellect and a noble purpose, has made him the parent of higher education iu the Pro- vince. The result of his doings— the traces of his vigorous mind, the lopletion of his noble life may })e seen, not alone u])on the page of Episcopalian Church History ; but in all the departments of Provin- cial life— in the halls of learning, in the recorded charges from the Bench, by the mouth of those he educated ; in the si)eeches of many of Canada's earliest and foremost statesmen. For it was he tutored the mind of a M<!Lean, a Ilagorman, a Robinson, of the Sherwoods Jones, besides a large number of others who have acted a conspi'- cuous part in the history of the country. While the trees of the forest yet overshadowed the muddy soil where Toronto now proudly rears her graceful spires and domes, and while the wild duck found a sufe resting place in the bay, now thickly dotted with crafts of every 3IIS FIBWT (lllAMMAR SCHOOLS. size, Or. Slraclian by i)on, and by word of mouth, was .setting up a liigli standard of U-arning; and by worthy means, was stimuhiting tlio minds of the. future men of Canada to attain that liigli mark. Head the eaHy flowing words that appeared in tlic Kingston (luzettc, over "Eecitoner," and it will strike one that if ho. took tlie Spectator as a model, fie abundantly sueceeded in imitating the immortal Addison. Ilis school at Cornwall was |»re-ennnently good, "he had the welfare of those committed to him at heart, (says the Ilev. Mr. Smart,) as well as the youth of the country generally." Five years after the erection of Upper Canada into a distinct Province, 1707, steps were taken by the two ILmscs of Parliament to establish schools for the higher branches of U^arning, A joint address was presented to His Arajesiy, Geo. II f., asking that he "would bo graciously pleased to direct his ({ovornmcsnt in this Pro- vince, to a])i)ropriate a certain ])ortion of the waste lands of the Crown, as a fund for the establishment and support of a respectable Grammar School in each District thereof ; and also a College, or University, for the instj-uction of youth in the different brandies of liberal knowledge. " The Imperial (Jovernmont replied, enquiring in what manner, and to what extent, a portion of the Crown lands migii t bo appropriated and ronderedjijroducti vo towards the formation of a fund for the above purposes." The I^^xecutivo Council of Canada rocommondod "tliatan appropriation of 500,000 acres, or ton town- ships, after deducting the Crown and Clergy seventlis, would be a sufficient fund for the establishment and maintenance of the royal foundation of four Grammar Schools and one University." It was also suggested, that the (I rammer Schools bo established at Corn- wall, Kingston, Newark (Niagara), and Sandwich, and the Uni- versity at York." It is not known what action was taken on this recommendation. — (Lillie). IJut, in 1798, "a grant was made of 549,000 acres of land in ditlci-ent parts (»f the Province, to carry out the design of the Grammor Schools and University." "Of the above land endowment, 100,573 acres were, up to the year 1826, assigned to ( or disposed of by) a public body, known as the Board of Education, the proceeds having been applied to the support of Common and Grammar Schools." The residue of tho grant, amounting to 358,427 acres, appears to have been rogardod as propeidy constituting that portion of the royal gift which hiul been intended for the support of the contemplated University." Through the influence and exertion of Dr. Sfrachan, the University of King's College was established by Poyal Charter of I-'OI :N')ATI0N ok CIM'KIl CANAKA COIJ-KflK. 'MVJ IncorponitioM, 15111 M.»roh, 1827, with jin cnduvvmcnl of " 225,000 ucroH of crown luinl, aiuj CI, 000 for sixtooii ycnrs. Tlic Council or fiov(M*nors wcr<! lo cotisisl o.' (Ik; C'liiiiiccllor, I'l-esidcnf, und huvcu ProfcHHors or (ii-iiduatcs of the I'lslittilion. All wens U) honicinbcrs of the Church of En,<;Iand. Thi> MxcluHivo f(!iilui'o of the Collu<,'c continued Lo exist until \M'i, vvhcii the charter was niodined whereby purticH were eligible to liohl offlco by u declaration of their "belief in th(! authonticit}' and Divine uicori)onition of the Old and X(!W Testaintuils, and in the doctrine of the Ti-inity. Various (d^ang(^s were made by JiC^islalivci enactuK'nt until the present institution became established, in 1H5;{, when the iaculties of Law and Medicine wore abolished, the nam*} chantjed from Kiiur's College to University Collo/^e, and the University and College made two distinct institutions. The Royal fJi-ammar S(diool was mor;,'ed into Up]jer Canada College in 182!>, and this institution was opened the following year. "In the years 1832, 1834, and 1835, if received ciulowments of land, amounting, in all, to fi3,268 acres, irrespective of two valuable blocks in York — on one of which 'lie ju-esent CoHogo buildings stand." " The (Jollege further rocjived an alhnvance from Govern- ment of £200 sterling, in 1830; £500 in 1831; and £1,000 sterling per annum since. " ^ '■ •'''''■ ACADEMY AT T^iUNRHTTOWN — HIDWELL. ' * ' ""'M 1 While to Dr. 8tracb-iu belongs the honor of e.stabliwhing ihe firtit school whereat ii fiheral education might be obtained the efforts and labors of .ythors must not bo forgotten. Shortly after the commencement of the present century, th(!re arose, )>erhaps as u result of the te.iching of Stracdian, a greater (b^sire for advanced learning. Say-; a writer in 1811, "A spirit of improvement is evidently spic^ading, the value of education, as well as the want of it, is felt, rientlemen of competent means appear to be sensii'o of Iho imj/ortance of giving their children academical learning, and ambitious to do it without sending them abroad foj- the purpose. Among other indications tjf progress in literary ambition, I cannot forbear re fei-ring to the academy lately erected in Ernest-. town, by the subscription of public-spirited inhabitants of tiiat, and the neiglibouring townshijjs,' who appear to bo convinced that the cultivation of liberal arts and sciences is naturally connected with an improvement of manners and morals, and a general melior-i ation of the state of society." 340 MR. niuwauL. TIk) nciwlorny iiltovo rtjforfed to wuh the hcooihI hcJiooI of import- anco (!Htal»liHliO(l in Uppor CiiiuuJa. It wuh hIho Hituatod upon tlio HhoroHol tho liny of (^uinto. Tbe followipg \» from the Kiwjuton Gazette : " ICiiNFHTTOWN AoAUKMY. — The HuhH(rriborH hereby iMfbrm the frieiidH of Uniru'm^ tliut an Aeadernictal Sfdiool, iiridor the HUporin- tondeni^e of an «!Xp<!rieii''ed pre<teptf)r, \h o|)onod in ErnoHttown, near the chun h, for the inHtructioTi of youtli in Kn^liHh readiii/^, speaking, grammar and <;omf)ONition, tht; Usurncd \ii,u^\in^v.H, poc- maiiHiiip, arithmetic, /^e<i^raliy, and otlier hi-anchen of Jjihoral Education. Schohirs attetidin/^ from a diHtance may l)e hoarded in good famili<!H on r(!aHon)ihi(! terniH, and for fifteen nhiiiingn a year can hav<! the une of a vaiuahie iiitrary. School TruHteen : llobort McDowcd, Benjamin Fairfield, William Fairfield, Solomon .lohiiH, William Wilcox, Samuel Neilson, (ieorge Baker. — l<]rneHttown, llth March, IHll." The jKirHon Hclected for ti^achJTwas Mr. liarnabaH Jiidwell, who ha<l a few yearH i)revio»8ly come (o ( Canada from the State of MaHHacliUHettM, where he had been, according to a writer in the Kiwj.itfm Gazette, Atfx>rnoy-{ieneral of that State. Tlie Hamc writer miuhf charges of a HCirious nature agJiinst Mr. Midwell, an to the cauHO (;f bis leaving bin country ; but one of the above com- mitlee vindicat<'d Mi'. Bidw(dl'H cluu'acter; by aHHcrting that although Mr. JJ. had been "unfortunate in buHineww, and became embarraH,-od, he wax honent, and had left jiroporty to pay hiHdoht- wlum he left — that he ha<l been a tutor at the first college ii. America — thai be avoided polifics and devoted liimnelf to litc^ran purHultH." !t was about )b(M-ommc,ncementof the prewoTit (Uintiuy, when Mr. Bid well came to Bath to live. I'l-obabiy tli(! academy at Baili wan regarded Homewhat an a rival to the Mcliool exiHting at (yornwall. •■■•'; i- ■■fi'.i'n- ..fr Jiarnub:iH Bidwell remained at Batli about eight yearn wlion he rOmoved to Kingston, with IiIh hon, Marshal Bidwtdl, who b(!CHrne a lawy(!r, and a very conspiciiouH chai-act<M' in Oanada. B. Bidwcli died at KingHton, Jidy 2^5, lH3;-{, ag(!d 70. lliw Hon nimovwl to York in 1830, whore he practiised liiH profeH«ion until llie eventfni year of 1837. ' "'^ o).:'n:<5'j.-: -: ,;.;i.;vH( *>? vtouuii./) [5 ,i The academy, at the comm(!Ticemont of the war of 1812, wa- in a proHperou.-^ ntaie, but very Hoon all waw changed, — the ncIiooI waH broken up, and th(! fniildin;* converted into a barrack. TIk close of the war unlor i unately wav no return of the old Btato.of thiug^; COr-rKUKH AT KINdHTON. .341 th(! touclioi" wftrt L^oiio, mill till! Hfudniits Mcaltorod, " Imvin^ rosortud to ofhcr |)liic<*H of orlijcatioii, inniiy of tliom (»ut of the |»roviiico. Tho Itiiildiii/; \h now, (\H22), octMipicd as a lioii'^o oi'piildic worsliiij, and a common wdiool. It. Ih to ho hoped, liowoviT, thai, th«' tasto tor literary improvcmont may ho rovivod, and this Hcininary bo ro-»!Ml,ahlish(!d." fiiit, thoHo hopen woro rie-vor realizcfl. Tlio literary i^lory of Hath liad departed. Tho capital of V'ork was now to become a eontr(3 to which would /^ravilato tlio moro learned, and where would Ix; OHlahlished (he seatH of learning. The limited, though oai'noHt rivalry which had oxiHted Ixttween Kin^wton and Bath, waH to bo on n moro important Hcale, hotween tho ancient eajiital, Kingston, and the moro promising one of York. CllAVTVAl XXXI X, Co.NTKXTS — Kxtruct from (Joopcr — Ediiaitioiml iriHtitiitioriM — KiiiKHt(»n— Qiu'cii'h (!()llo^'c — OwiiV I^(•(ll KKtatc — llcj^idpoliH Collf^'-c — Itoiimn (.'iitlKilic — (iniin- tnar School — Attmulniicf— Se^liool Iioiihi'h — l,iiiriiiy — Si,'|»iriiLi' ScIiooIh — Priviit(! S('Ih)()Ih — Tlii^ QniiUcr School — VVilli/im l'(!nri — I'pon tho IIikIhoii — Xcnr l^looinlli^M -()ri(,'iM of H'hool— (iiiriiiiy— .IMh (>l]\:v — MuiiiiK''iiiiiit of Hchool — 'I'JKr U'.nihinn — Mih. ('n>u\\ni:'H Hi'lif)ols— Pictori LikIIvh' Affulciiiy— McMiillon, projiiiotor — 'l'diu Ihix -Ocntl'aiiitii'rt <l(:|mrtrnciit, — ropiihii' — Th*- (irl. of piiiitiiiK— I" Ainc'rifa— Ilool; piiliiiKJiinf.^ — KiiKl in AiinTicii- liooks (iiiiong tim loyalJKtH — Kcw — TaHHcd (uoiirid - i''i r^iiHon'H hookn — 'I'hi! Hihlr— i/iiiriirioH lit Ivin^Htoii luid IJjiMi— L";^iHlatii)ii — In Lowiir ('iiiiiiilH---Ki;ii(Iii»K room at Jliillowidl — IIi'him'Vch for K<iii< iitioii--rp]»(r ('niiii'lii in vcMpoct to udncatioii— I'nilHcworthy — (lornmon Scliool Systmti I'ill iiitrodiiciMl 1H41 — AiUiJiulcd, 1810— Dr. Uycrsoii'H KyHti'iii — rnniir|)iiMK!d. moilKIl KDITATION, CONTINI.KI). ' 'A t Tho Hiibjoined Htalemeiit we extract from (!oopor, wliich was Writt(!n in lW)i'>. VVo have no doubt the last IavoIvc yeai's ban liecn atteii(l(!d with a Htcady iner(!aH(! in Uic iniportarice of llie Hdueu- tiorial inhtitutiouH of Kin^Ht/)ri. " KDircATioNAii iNHTHTirnoNM. — Tlioro are in KingHton two collogoH, (^ucon'M Collogo and Ki^giopolin; tho County (irammai* Hcliool, 11 Common Sehooln, 2 Hoparato R. C iSebooJH, ono School connectou with tlio Nunnery, or SiHtorh of Charity, with numorou.s good private HchoolH for boyn, private HchoolH for girlH, infant schooJH and otiior minor oduoational oHtabliHbmontH, Buch an evening schools, clasHOH for teaching continental latiguagoM, &c., in all hetweon 20 and 30. 342 queen's college. " Queen's College. — Queen's College is mi educational inbtitu- tion of very considerable importance, and from it have issued graduates in arts, divinity -md medicine, of no despicable attain- ments. It was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1842, and is under the management of a Board of Trustees and Senate. It haa a Principal and four Professors in Arts and Divinity, besides six Medical Professors. It confers Scholai'ships of the aggregate value of £200, the highest being worth £12 10s. It numbers during the present year, 47 medical students, 30 in Arts, 10 in I)ivinity, con- nected with it is a Preparatory School, where great pains are taken to prepare jjupils for matriculation at the college. A good library, containing some 3,000 volumes belongs to the College. A series of meteorological observations are taken by the graduates, with the able supervision of the Eev. Professor James Williamson, under wdiosc assiduous attention this branch of knowledge, so .piuoh neglected in Canada has been carefully fostered. <-'• .,,,," This institution owns valuable real estate, and is aided by an annual grant from the Legislature of £750, and £230 to the medical branch. " Eeoiopolis College is a Roman Catholic Seminary of learn- ing; it has three Professoi'ships, the duties of which are discharged by Eoman Catholic clergymen. Beyond its own walls, and it& own community, it is little known as an educational institution. ,, y The County Grammar School is supported as tliose in other counties, that is, by a grant from Government of £100 per annum, and the tuition fees of pupils. It possessed formerly a small endow- ment ; this for the present has been consumed in creating a fund for the liquidation of some debt on the school-house, a plain sub- stantial building in a healthy and elevated part of the town; it is under the control of a Board of Trustees, appointed by the County Council, and is managed by a heatl-master and under-master. It is one of the three Grammar Schools first established in the Pro- vince, and created by Eoyal Charter— tjiey.9t|j^-j^.t\5rp, J Cornwall and Niagara. . „ .-';," The Common Schoots are, as in other places, under the management of i»o deps ■ neut of education, and the local control of a Board of Trut-'^ies. mu local Superintendent. There is a great want of projjer and sufficient school-houses, a want which it is anticipated will soon be supplied, the Board having in contempla- tion, the immediate erection of proper buildings. The free school system has been adopted here ; the difficulties usually attendant on QUAKER SCHOOLS. 343 its establishment have not been altogether escaped — the piihlic seeming loth to tax themHelvos to any oxtoiit, for the purpose of general education. A marked inci'oase in the attendance at the city schools has taken place during the last two years, and there are now taught an large a number of children in the common schools of Kingston as in any other Canadian city, in proportion to its population : the standard of education may or may not be as high as in Toronto, Hamilton or Brockvillc, but if it is more elementary, it is not less sound. In free public schools, such as now established, it is perhaps as well not to aim at a higher standard than is liore attained to. When good school-houses are erected, it will doubt- lessly be found necessary to adopt the Central School system, on the model of that so successfully carried out in Hamilton, Perth and St. Catharines, and perhaps elsewhere. When such is the case the present schools will rank high as primary schools, whilst the central schools will have to compete with other similar institutions in the province, and will not likely be behind them in character and value ; these changes are in contemplation, and will before long be carried into effect. The people of Kingston do not fail to appreciate the benefits of sound education of its inhabitants in elevating the position of a city. A publij library, containing some 2,000 volumes, has been established in connection with the city schools. ^'ittrWoUtiOiJ'bonRHJ; tmom OiudfM :H .X^UiUsninm (iv/<; ''^*'>"*'The Roman Catholic Separate Schools are i^^nder the management of a separate Board of Trustees ; they are supported as are the Common Schools, by a Legislative grant, proportionate to the average attendance of pupils, and by a rate settled by the Board, collected from all rate-payers ; in the ease of the Separate Schools, from the parents of pupils and supporters of the schools, who are exempt from all other taxation for school purposes. The rate in their case is usually very low. The wealthier supporters of the schools, with a praiseworthy zeal, voluntarily contribute largely io the required fund. Among the private schools are many excellent academies for both boys and girls, which afford both ornamental acquirements and substantial, classical and commercial education." "'''' ^'' / Quaker Schools — The noted and good William Penn founded a school for the children of the Friends at an early date. Subse- quently a Quaker Boarding School was established upon the banks of the Hudson, near Poughkeepsie. ■- Toward tlie latter part of 1841, a school for the children of 844 PICTON ACADEMY. tho Quaker dorioriii nation, was opened near the pleasant village of Bloomfield, about 4 miles from Pieton. The origin of tho school we believe, was jirettj' much an follows : An English gentleman, John Joisoph Gurney, brother to Elizabeth Fry, a member of the Quaker Society, and wo believe a minister, was travelling in Canada, and discovering tho wants of that denomination, with respect to education, offered to bestow a certain sum, (£500), on condition that another specified sum were raised, a suitable place bought, and buildings prejiared. His offer being accepted, and at this juncture, Mr. Armstrong being desirous of selling his farm of 100 acres, with a good brick house just completed, the present site of the school was procured. In addition to the means thus obtained there was also a limited sum hold by the society, it is said a bequest, for educational purposes. Additional buildings were erected, and the school duly opened. The first teachers were Americans. The school was managed by a committee chosen annually by the Society, until the latter part of 1865, when it was leased to Mr. W. Valentine, to whom we are partially indebted for the foregoing facts. The school continues under the supervision of a managing committee, appointed by the Society. Its capacity does not extend further than to receive 30 pupils of each sex, who are taught the usual branches of a good English education, and sometimes the rudiments of the classics and the modern languages. In 1836, Mrs. Ci'ombie and her sister Miss Bradshaw opened a "Female Academy" in Pieton, which promised to give "substantial and ornamental accomplishments." , , ., The Pieton Ladies' Acadamy was op(iriea fn December, 1847, by the Rev. D. McMulleu, as sole proprietor. It was continued by him until May, 1851, when Miss Creighton rented the premises and took charge of the school. It continued under her management nine months, when it finally was closed. The first teachers were the late Mrs. N. F. English, and Miss Eliza Austin. Afterwards Miss M. E. Adams was preceptress, and Miss Ployle was teacher. A male department was established by Mr. McMullen, with the hope of having it connected with the Grammar School. But this was not done. The principal of the school was C. M. C. Cameron, now Dr. Cameron of Port Hope, and a graduate of Victoria College. He was assisted by Mr. Samuel W. Harding ; the school existed but one y6ar. Both of these schools were well attended, and were deservedly popular. When closed it was generally regarded as a public loss, by those most capable of judging. FOUNDATION OP VICTORIA COLLKOE. 346 UPPER CANADA ACADEMY — VICTORIA COLLEQE. ,. . ■ ' Wo have accorded to Dr. Straclmn a prominent and foremost position in connection with the subject of higher education. We considered it a duty as well as a pleasure, to thus honor one whoso praise was in all the land when ho ceased tolivo. But the fountain of education opened by him did not flow, shall we say, was not intended to flow to the masses. Dr. Strachan's educational estab- lishment was rather created for a select circle, for an expected Canadian aristocracy. It remained for others to originate a stream of learning that should water the whole land, and come within tho reach of every Canadian family — that should give intellectual life to the whole of the country, irrespective of creed or origin. To tho Wosleyan Methodists belongs the greater honor of establishing an institution of liigher learning, whose doors were opened to all, and within which any one might obtain learning without hindrance, no matter what his belief While religious oversight was to be extended, no peculiar dogma was to be enforced, no sectarian principle was to be inculcated. In the month of August, 1830, when the Wosleyan Conferonco met upon the Bay Quinte, the Eev. Wm. Case, being General Super- intendent, and Eev. James (now Dr.) Eichardson, Secretary, and while Cobourg Avas yet embraced within the Baj'" Quinte District, the following Eesolutiou was adopted by that body: . "That a Committee of nine bo chosen by ballot, consisting of three from each District, to fix the location of the Seminary, according to some general instructions to be given them by tho Conterence." The committee consisted of " J. Eyerson, T. White- head, S. Belton, David Wright, J. Beatty, Wm. Eyerson, Thos. Madden, Wm. Brown, James Eichardson." '■,' , , /, " The following Constitution for the Upper Canada Academy, was adopted : ,|.;j,i?//;jo^j A, ^j^bmi^^ &i-iiA ^W- .^"^- ii''^43^'-'i ^A " 1. That nine Trustees be appointed, three of whom sfiall go into office annuallj'. "2. That a Board of Visitors, consisting of five, be chosen annually by the Conference," That these two bo dies should jointly form a Board to appoint the Principal and Teachers, and govern, and generally superintend the institution. a^-;:^<'-k^mmm 'M^:- The Conference, in the Pastoral Address, asked for the liberal support of the members, in the establishment of the proposed Academy. A general agent was appointed, and active steps taken 346 THE FIRST PRINCIPAL. to cany out the object. It is noteworthy, that the call thus made to the farmorH, many of whom wore yet strugijling for the necessaries of life, was promptly and nobly responded to. Agents continued to be appointed from year to year, and in the Conference address of 1835, it is said, "Wo are happy to be able to say that the buildings for the Upper Caniuia Academy are nearly completed. "VVe trust the Institution will soon bo open for the reception of pupils." There had been delay "for want of funds." Arrangements were making to accommodate one hundred and seventy piipils, with board and lodging. In 1836, it is found stated, that " the Conference and tho friends of general education, and of Wesleyan Methodists in Canada, have at length, by their unremitting efforts, succeeded in preparing the Upper Canada Academy for the reception of pupils, and wo expect, in a few days to see it in operation." In 1837, we find that Matthew Eitchey, A. M., was the Principal of the U. C. Academy. If we mistake not, the Rev. Egerton Ryerson had, previously been named to fill the office. At all events, we have every reason to believe that this distinguished Canadian educationist was chieflv instrumental in securing the foundation of an abiding institution, probably, indeed, was the originator of the scheme. He not only stimulated others to work; but obtained from Government a grant, BO often begrudged. He also, as a representative to the British Conference, was the moans of procuring a donation of one hundred pounds' worth of books, beside other contributions. In 1840, the Eev. Mr. Ritchey ceased to be Principal. During his time of service, it is stated, the Academy increasingly progressed in efficiency and in increase of pupils. Mr. Ritchey's successor, in 1841, was the Rev. Jesse Hurlburt, A. B. Daniel C. VanNorman was Professor of Mathematics, a post to which he had been appointed a year previous. The year 1842 saw the Upper Canada Academy changed into the Victoria College, by Provincial Legislative enactment, posses- sing the usual powers and privileges of a University. The Rev. Egei'ton Ryorson was luade Principal ; Jesse Hurlburt, A. M., and D. C. Vai .' )f man , Pi-ofessors ; and James Spencer, English Teacher. Dr. Ryerson continu )d Principal until 1845. In 1845, Alexander MacNab, A, M., was appointed Acting Principal, and in 1847 ho became Principal, and held the position until 1850. In 1851, the Rev. S. S. Nelles, A. M., was elected to the office which he now continues to hold with so much credit and dignity, having been instrumental in materially advancing the reputation of the previously well known College. THE ART OP PRINTING. 347 )M,; BOOKS, LIBRARIES — PRINTING. ,.....•14; , - ■ • • ■ •■ ■• ■• , , ,, The art of printing was not old whon the colonies of Franco and Great Britain were planted in America. The discovery of this art, with the avenue which the discovery of America, opened for the pent up millions of Eurojje, wrought out the most striking changes which ever marked the history of the human race. It struck the tinal blow to the spirit of feudalism, while America supplied an asylum for those who found not full freedom of conscience and an' o})portunity to rise in the scale of human existence. ,,,,, ^; Book publishing being once introduced into England, rapidly became of vast magnitude, and thus everywhere scattered the food essential for the human mind. It was in the year 1639 that printing was introduced into America ; but it was sixty-two years before it became of any account, during which time the business was mostly in Philadelphia. Altogether there were but four presses in the country. The first book printed in America was made in 1640. It was a reprint of the Psalm Book, and afterwards passed through many editions, while it was reprinted in England in eighteen editions, and twenty-two in Scotland, being seventy in all. ^ , Whatever may have been the state of education in the British Colonies, and the general desire to read books at the time of the re- bellion, it is quite certain that the hasty manner in which many left their homes, the long distance to travel, and necessity of carrying quantities of provision which took all the strength of the refugees, precluded the possibility of carrying many, or any books to the wilderness of Canada. Even after the peace the long distance to come, and tlie frequent impoverished condi^i'^a of the settler, allowed not the desire, if such existed, to fetch books for instruction and mental enjoyment. However, there were some brought by them, but mostly by the officers recently out from the old country. During the first ten years the books among the settlers were very few ; but these few were circulated from one townsuip to another — from one person to another, who had the desire to, and could, read. We have in our possession, a letter from John Ferguson to Mr. Bell, who was then, 1789, at Kingston, in which the latter is requested to tell Mr. Markland, that he, Mr. Ferguson, had sent him from the Eighth Township, by the bearer, the History of France. The same pei'son writing from Fredoi'icksburgh in 1791, desires to have sent from Sidney to him, " some books, viz. : five volumes of the History of England, by Horn, and the two volumes of Andrew's Histoiy of France." " -■'" 348 FORMATION OF LIBRARIES. But wliilo few, or no l>ooks of a scciilnr nature, wore brouiylu by the settler, a large number, true to their conscience, carried a cojiy of the Bible, even many of the disbanded soldiers had one, oapeciiilly the Lutherans. These -wore . often in the Gernjan, or Dutch language. Some of these venerable and sacred relics we have seen ; one in German, which belonged to Bongard of Marysburgli. For many years Kingston took the lead in everything that per- tains to education. The history of the Kingston Gazette shows that, not only did the leading men of the place give the patronage neces- sary to establish and maintain a newspai)er, independent of Govern- ment support, and give interest to the cohunns of the papci' by con- tributions ; but there is evidence of early and successful efforts to form a public libraiy. Reference is made to tho"Soci.al library established in this village (Kingston) in 1813, when the Rev. Mr. Langhorn presented to it a valuable collection of books, (see the first clergyman). This library had probably been in existence for some years. Another library was established at Bath prior to this time. Gourlay says, in 1811, "books are procured in considerable numbei's, social libraries are introduced in various places." And, no doubt, the High School at Cornwall, under Mr. Strachan, had attached to it a select library. The Kingston Gazette announces, August 1, 1815, that "A small circulating library " has been opened at the Gazette office, " on the most reasonable terms." , '"' \. . ' ' In 1816, an act was passed "to appropriate a sum or money ^^r providing a library for the use of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly of this Province." The sum granted was il800 to pur- chase books and miips.''''^'''''*''T^'''-^^''^^-^«^^'^^^~^^^^^^ ,_''__' While the growth of Upper Canada was attended by a corres- ponding increase of private and public libraries, Lower Canada, there is reason to believe, was maintaining the character it had accuired under its original rulers, for educational privileges and individual efforts to create centres of learning. We find the statement " that the libraiy of F. Fleming, Esq., Montreal, comprising 12,000 volumes, sold by auction, September 8, 1833, was the largest ever oifered for sale on the American conti- nent." In the Mallowell Free Press, 15th February, 1831, is the follow- ing: "Library notice." — "A meeting of the inhabitants of the village of Hallowell is reo lested to-morrow evening, at Strikers' Inn, at seven o'clock, to take into consideration the propriety of estab- ORIGIN OP COMMON SCHOOLS. 349 llshing a Koading-ioom in tho village." The next issue of the Journal says, " we are glad to see our friends have cstabliahed a reading-room." ^ " At an early period of British dominion in America, blocks of wild land were set apart, to make provision, ))y a future day, for public institutions. Since the revolution, the United States have followed out, in part, this practice, by allotting lands for schools, and in Canada, whole townships have been appropriated for the same purpose." While this forethought respecting schools indicated a proper desire to secure educational interests, it must be observed that the reserves, like those of the Crown and Clergy, very materially prevented the opening up of the country by settlers, and kept apart the settlers, over a wide field, and thus preventing advancement iu civilization.. ,,'. . / ^ . , Looking back at the history of legislation, relative to education, one is struck with the fact that much, very much, was done by the young colony of Upper Canada. The establishment of the Common Schools especially, which first took place 1816, has been regarded as jnost wihe, and the grants of money most praiseworthy. j The present Coimnon School system of Upper Canada was in- troduced in 1841'. The Bill was brought forward by the Hon. S. B. Harrison. The fundamental principle, being the allotment of money to each county, on condition of its raising an equal amount by local assessment. I'his act was amended and improved in 1843, by the Hon. Francis Hincks, and in 1846, by the Hon. W. H. Draper. In 1849, the Hon. J. H. Cameron introduced an act, establishing schools in cities and towns. In the year following, these two acts were in corporated into one, with further improvements. , , , ' The Common School system, as we find it to day, iiS, m a great measure, the production of Dr. Eyerson's long continued and intelli- gent labor. Borrowing the machinery from the State of New York, and the mode of support from Massachusetts, taking the Irish national school-books for instruction, and making use of the Normal School system of Germany, he has, by the addition of what was necessary, built up a system of Common School education in the Province of Ontario, that cannot be surpassed, if equalled, in the whole world. .:!:■■?:■!, !'/if .wff ■>,,"•.■.. ,;i<.i„<,/ / . . ,;•'!'■ V: ^' ' 360 NEWSPAPERS. , . ■.'.!,■ r .; - ■ • ' ',"(■ ' . • .. .1 .: .. CirAPTKRXL. , i,. ,\ \ ->i,. CoNTE.NTH — FlrHt N('WH|>»ip('r8, It.")? — Year GG — tlngliHli Nowxptipern — In America —In Canadd — MJazelto' — Foundur PiipcrH in 175'J — QiiclHie 'Horiild' —Montreal ' (hv/.ettu ' — ' Lo TcuipK '- ynel)e<! ' Mercury ' — Canadien '(Jourant ' — ' Itoyal Oa/.ette ' — First in Newfoundland — ' U. ('. (Jazette' — Firnt Paper — HuliHcrll)ers — Upper ('aiia<ln '(iuardiiin' — Wilcox — Mr. Tliorpe — Oppofil. ! tion — liil)el — Elected to I'arlidment — York Jail — Leader — In 1812 — DiKcrtcd — York ' (ja/,ette ' — Kingston '(Jazotto' — Only Taper — News Hixty years ago — In Midlaml District,— Ilev. Mr. Miles — Pionctu' of Journal- ism — His Hirtliplace — LearnH the Printing BusincHS — Mower — Montreal '(iazettn* — Kendall — Partnership — To Kingston in 1810 — The Printing. UlHcc — Kingston 'Oazette' — Mr. Miles sells out — The concern purchased— ' Mr. Miles asked to be Editor— Their kindness — Gratitude-— Second Volinr.e . — Extract from ' Gazette ' — The Price — Kingston ' (Jiironidu ' — Upper Canaua ' Herald ' — ' Canadian Watchman ' — Mr. Miles at Prescott — Returns to King- ston — Enters tho Minintry — Loyal Subject — In 1812 — On Duty—Archdeacon " Stuart — Col. Cartwright — Contributors to ' Gazette '—Our Thanks— A Watch ! — Faithfulness — "A Good Chance" — Sub8cril)er8 at York — Kingston ■' Spectator ' — ' Patriot ' — < Argus ' — ' Commercial Advcrtizer ' — ' British Whig' — 'Chronicle' and 'News' — First Daily in Upper Canada — Paper Boxes — Brockville 'Recorder' — A Reform paper — McLeod — Grenvillo ' Gazette '—Prescott • Telegraph ' — * Christian Guardian' — Reform Journals. ' ^7 .,([ .y,,, THE FIRST NEWSPAPERS IN THE WOELD, v>l:>JttHi.ri.t; IrtOilI Tlie first newspaper publisheci in the world, says Galignanf, ,, bears the name of Neuromberg, 1457. But according to Tacitus, new8paj^)ers, umler the name of diuma, circulated among the Eomans so early as the year 66. The first English newsjiaper was issued in 1622, and the first French in 1631. The first in America was the Newsletter, published at Boston, 1704. It was discontinued ! in 1776. The first published in N"ew York, was by "Wm. Bradford, ' in 1773. In 1775, there were but thirty-seven in tho British colo- nies. By 1801, there were in the United States 203, and in 1810, 358. The first newspaper in Canada was the Quebec Gazette, first issued in 1776. Although now upwards of a hundred years old, it continues to live an active and useful life. The founder of it, Mr. Brown, brought his press from Philadelphia in 1763. By his heirs it was sold to Mr. Nelson, who left the establishment by his will to liis brother, the late Hon. John Wilson, long the experienced and able editor of the paper. There were, in 1763, not more than twenty newspapers in the breadth and length of the then American coloiiie.* ; and the Quebec Gazette is the oldest in the British North American Provinces. For nearly thirty years it remained without a competitor; but about 1788 the Quebec Herald w&a started, which had but a brief existence. About the same time, the old Montreal UPPER CANADA COLLFOK. 351 Gazette wns o.stubliwIuHl liy one Mcyplot, und wns puldishod in French; but was woon discontinutMl until l7'J-i. About (iio sumo (Into Le Temps newHpupor was publinhod ut (^uobee, in French mill Kn^IJHh, and was ofwhort life. ThoC^ucboc iWf'rt'M/'y, published in Kn/^lish, by Thoinuw Cary, conunonccd i*^' caroer in 18U4, and the Canailien t'ollowod it in 1800 ; but was stopped by the seizure of the press by the Cioverninont, in IHIO. The Canadien Conrant was Ibundod at Montreal about 1808. The Roynl Gazette nvd Neirfovnd- land Advertiser, the first newspaper in Newibundland, appeared in 1707. The Upper Canada Gazette or A^nerican Oracle, the rirst paper ill Upper Canada, was CHtablisliod by Governor Sinicoo, in 1793. It was first published on the 18th April, f)y(rideon TilVany. Naturally itH circulation was limited, us the population was sparse, and com- imuiication diflicult. It was supported mainly by Government. Kochefoueauit says, in 171)5 it was " not taken by a single person in Kingston. But the Quebec Gazette was by two." i. uj .,u The second journal publisliod in Uppei' Canada, was the Upper Canada Guardian, in oj)position to Government, at York, by Mr. Joseph Wilcox, an Irishman, in 1807, whoso history' is not of the most satisfactory nature. lie had been a Sheriff in the Homo Dis- trict; but was displaced for voting at an election for one Thorpe. Mr. Thorpe had boon sent out from England as one of the Justices of the King's Bench, Notwithstanding this position, he became a candidate for member of Parliament; but, being opposed by the Government, ho was defeated. Subsequently he was recalled by the Secretary of State, at the request of Governor Gore. Wilcox, having lost his office, commenced publishing the Guardian, and was very bitter in his opposition to the Government. Ho was proso- ciited for libel, but was acquitted, and becoming popular, was elected to Parliament. Having used language considered unbe- coming or seditious, ho was arrested, and confined in York jail, a miiserable log building, " in a filthy coll fit for a pig." Subse- quently, he became the loader of the opposition, and had a majority in the House ; for a timo becoming more and more an object of Ministerial dislike. At the commencement of the war of 1812, ho gave up his paper, and shouldered bis musket. He fought at Queenston against the Americans; but afterward deserted, taking with him a body of Canadian militia, and became a Colonel in the American army. Ho was killed, finally, at Fort Erie, by q, muske|(. ball, when planting a guard during the 8eig«. _ : Mr. Miles remarks that " When he came to Kingston, in 1810, 352 KINGSTON OAZKTTE. thoro wuH but oiio pajior j»ul)li,slio(J in York, by tho (tovonimont, called fho York Gazette, printed by (-unioron and Bonnet ; and one at Newark, by JoHopb Wilcox. Those were the only papers thon printed in Upper Canada; but the one at Newark was diHeontinued in 1812, and the other wan destroyed when York wan taken by tho Amorieans, in April, 181.'}. The Kin;^Hton Guzeite was the only paper then printed in Upper Canada, till 1810, when the (Jovern- mont (lazctte was again comnienced. The Rev. Mr. Cai-roll sayg of tho York Gazette, the number " for November lo, 1801, now liea before tho writer, a coarHO, flimwy, two-leaved paper, of oedivoHizo; department of news is pretty large, but " news much older than their ale." On this, November 13, they have, wonderful to say! Now York dates so late as October the 23rd ; Charleston, of October the Ist; Philadelphia and Boston, of October tho 19th; and a greater exploit still, Halifax dates of Oct. 19, &c." Wo are indebted to the Rev. .Stephen Milos, of Camden East, for tho facts relating to the establishment of the first newspaper in tho Midland District, indeed the first between Montreal and York, at Kingston. Mr. Milos is not only tho sole pioneer of journalism in Upper Canada, now living, but ho is the faithful parent of the fourth estate in the province, and probably tho oldest journalist now living in Aniorica or Europe. Tho history of such an one cannot bat be interesting, while it is especially appropriate to the work upon our hands. Mr. Miles, although a native of Vermont, is of English and Welsh extraction. Born October 19, 1789, he wtw brought up on tho farm until 1805, when he was placed as an apprentice to the printing business, at Windsor, Voi-., in tho office ofitNahum Mower. In the spring of 1807, Mr. Mower moved his printing materials to Montreal, Lower Canada, to which place Mr. Milos accompanied him. " At that time there was only one printing establishment in Montreal, under the management of Mr. Edward Edwards, who was also the Postmaster there ; tho pajxir printed was the Montreal Gazette, of small demy-size, two columns on a page, one in French the other in English. Mr. Mower, com- menced printing the Canadian Courant, in Montreal, about the middle of May, 1807. Mr. Movrer, says Mr. Miles, giving me three months of my time, my apprenticeship expired on the 19th July, 1810." Not long after " I made arrangements in connection with an excellent young man Charles Kendall, who had worked as a journeyman, to go to Kingston, Upper Canada, and commence publishing a paper." Accordingly having purchased our material ABOUT TllK KINOHTON " OAZETTE." 353 thun Mr. Mowor, wo loft Montreal lut Soptombor, 1810, in tho old tuHhioiiod Cunndiun luittouii (17 in lumibur) uiid arrivod at a whurt' in Kingston juHt tho west Mido of whoro tho barracks now aro, on the morning of tho 13th. Wo took an oxcollent broakfaMl at a tavorn oppvwito, and at oiico Hot about to procure u suitable roonn for u printing otWco." Upon the 25th Septoinbor, tho first number of tlio Kirujston Gazette, was published under the numoH oi" " Mowor and Kendall," Mr. Miles not being of age. At this time there wore five papers in Lower Canada. Tho following March, Mr. MiloB sold out his share to Mr. Kendall, who finished tho tirst volume. At the close of the year, Mr. Kendall wishing to retire, dis])osed of tho office and contontH " to the late Hon. Richard ( 'artwright, the Hon. Allen McLean, Tlionias Markland, Ksq., Lawrence llorchimer, Esq., Peter Smith, Ksq., and John Kerby, Ksq." Those gentlemen saw the necessity of having a public journal in Kingston, and became tho proprietors. They immediately wrote to secure the services of Mr. Miles, to conduct tho office, and even desired him to take it off their hands. Mr. Miles promptly came " expecting that the proprietors would wish to be publishers as well, and that 1 should attend only to tho mechanical i)art, but it was their unani- mous wish that I should take the whole concern off their hands, continue to print the paper, and do the best I could with it." Mr. Miles speaks feelingly of the kindness of these gentlemen who would accept no other terms than that he should take possession and pay them when convenient, " and by God's blessing all were promptly paid." These kind friends, says Mr. Miles, "have all passed into the spirit world, and tho prayer of my heart is, thq.t God may greatly bless their posterity." " After some unadvoidable delay, the second volume of the Gazette was commenced by me, and printed and published in my name, till December 31, 1818." Before proceeding with Mr. Miles' history, as a journalist, we will copy from the volumes which ho has kindly placed at our service, such items as are .^pp^opriate. * "Kingston, Tuesday, November 19, 1811. — The establishment of the Kingston Gazette, being now in the possession of tho sub- scriber, he takes the earliest opportunity of ro-commoncing its publication, as he intends that it shall be conducted in the same impartial manner a& heretofore practiced by his predecessors, ho confidently expects and solicits the patronage and support of its former patrons, and of the public in general. He will not intrude upon the patience of his readers by making a multiplicity of pro- 354 THE REV. 8. MILES. misos, but will merely observe that he asks the patrorta^o of the public no longer than ho shall be deserving of it. Former corres- pondents of the Gazette, and gentlemen of science generally, are respectfully invited to favor us with their communications.— (Signed)— S. Miles, -^-"^'r" ' ''"'^hj ' -> '• ■ ^a^a^ ., • /# • " Printed and published by Stephen Miles, a few doors cast of "Walker's hotel. Price fifteen shillings per annum, five shillings in advance, five shillings in six months, and five shillings at the end of year. Exclusive of postage." In the beginning of 1819, John Alexander Pringle, and John Macaulay, Esquires, to whom Mr. Miles had sold his printing estab- lishment, commenced publishing the Kingston Chronicle, Mr. Miles having charge of the mechanical part for nearly three years. In Feburary or March, 1819, the Upper Canada, Herald, owned and edited by Hugh C. Thompson, Esq., was first issued. In 1822 Mr. Miles took charge of the work of printing of this Joui-nal, and continued in charge until the spring of 1828. fftM' 'Uj% On the 15th of May, the same year, Mr. Miles commenced printing on his own account the " Kingston Gazette and Beligious Advocate," in quarto form, which he continued till August 6, 1830. Again, Mr. M. took charge of printing for Ezra S. Ely, who com- menced August 13, the Canadian Watchman, and continued it for one year. In December 1831, Mr. Miles moved to Prescott; and on the 3i"d June, 1832, commenced printing the first paper in that place, and continued till April 1833. In July he disposed of his establishment and returned to Kingston, and engaged as printer of the Kingston Chronicle, which was now published by McFarlane & Co., with whom he remained till December, 1835. This ended Mr. Miles' career as a printer and publisher ; and he then entered upon the calling of a Wesleyan minister. Mr. Miles although a native of the States was a truly loyal subject, and proved himself such during the war of 1812. The Gazette of May 6, 1813, says " our attendance at military duty pre- vented the publishing of the Gazette yesterday." This was the time when Kingston was threatened by the Americans, and every \nan turned out as a volunteer. Mr. Miles tells of the occasion, that he saw, among those shouldering the musket in the market place, the late Arch Deacon Stuart. Mr. Miles belonged to Captain Markland's company. " Col. Cartwright seeing him, called him and desired him to go to his office and he would be sent for when wanted." The principal contributors to the Gazette were Ool "A OOOD CHANGE." 355 Cartwright, who wrote a good deal, somotimos over Falkinor, Barnabus Bidwoll, Christopher Ilagorman, generally Poetry, while a student with McLean, Solomon John, who kept a book Htore j and particularly Eov. Mr. Strachan, over Reckoner. .1 . ' - 1 ■ t We cannot leave Mr. Miles without expressing here our sincere thanks and regard for the interest, trouble, and encouragement he has favored us with, nor can we forgo recording the following. Says he, " the only watch T ever owned I i)urchased in Montreal, on the Ist January 1810, j)rice ^20. It has travelled with me in all my journey ings from that day to the present time, and btill keeps good time. It wa*s made at Liverpool." A faithful man and a faithful watch; both for time, one for eternity, n. ;f(<o:^vr,hiiX-rtrfi5i: About the year 1816 the Gazette had the following, under the captaoFii of " A good cluince:'^ " A sober, honest, persevering man, would find it to his advan- tage to undertake the circulation of the Kingston Gazette, weekly, on the following route : say, to start from Kinston eveiy Wednes- day momhig, go through the village of Ernesttown, from thence to Adolphuotown, and cross either at Vanalstines or Baker's Ferry, and so on throi:<rh Hallowell, &c., to the Carrying place ; cross the River Trent, and return to Kingston by the York post road. The advantages to be derived from an undertaking of this kind, exclu- sive of the papers, we are persuaded would be many ; and any honest, persevering man, who could produce good recommenda- tions as to his sobriety, &c., and will give eecurity for punctual payment once a quarter, will make a good bargain by applying to the publisher of the Kingston Gazette. There is not a doubt but that four or five hundred papers might be distributed on this route to great advantage." We learn from another source, that at an early period there was one Shubal Huff, who went around the Bay every fortnight, carrying the Kingston Gazette with other papers, pamphlets, &c., and also tea and sugar. ■ mm.^ The following indicates the character of the timo« when the Gazette was established. It is a notice from the Gazette : "Subscribers to the Kingston Gazette, in the neighbourhood of York, will please apply at the stor^ of Q. St. George, where their papers will be delivered once a fortnight. Payments made to him in grain, &c., will be acceptable. He will also receive subscrip- tions." (Signed), Mower & Kendall. In addition to the papers already mentioned, there was the J^ngston Spectator, issued about 1830, and lasting three or fom* years. 356 UPPER CANADA NEWSPAPERS. The Patriot Avas coraraencea in 1829, by T. Dalton. Subsoquontly there was the Argus, Commercial Advertiser, and Churchman. The British Whig was started in 1832, by Dr. Barker, and is still pub- lished. The Chronicle and News began in 1830, is also still published. The British Whig was the tirst Daily published in Upper Canada. ' For many years the subscribers to the Gazette and other papers were indebted to footmen who traveled through the more thickly settled parts of the settlement, which were generally along the front. But after a time there were scattered along in the second or more remote concessions, subscribers to whom the footman could not go. These individuals would often place boxes upon the path followed by the carrier, into which could be dropped the paper, and letters as well. These boxes were attached to a tree and made water-tight, and the owner would go for his paper at his conve- nience. One of the first newspapers in Upper Canada, east of King- ston, was the Recorder. Says Adiel Sherwood, Esq., in a letter to the writer, it was '* the first and only paper of note, of early date in this district. It was first got up in 1820 by one Beach, who continued but a short time when he sold out to William Buel, Esq., and about 1848 Mr. Buel sold out to the present proprietor and editor, D. Wylie, Esq. It was got up as Reform paper, and has ever continued as suth." m;>a,4Wxr# The following is extracted from an American paper : " In 1818, D. McLeod, a retired soldier, who had fought at Badajoz, and other places in the campaign under Wellington, and at Queenston, Upper Canada, Chrysler's Farm, Lundy's Lane, and then under General Picton, at Waterloo, "purchased a farm in Augusta, a few miles back of Prescott, moved on it, and commenced the business of farming ; not succeeding well in his new avocation, he removed to Prescott and opened a classical school, at which the late Preston King received his rudimentary Greek lessons, and subsequently accepted the appointment Oi Clerk of the new court of Commissioners, for the collection of debts. He purchased a printing establishment and commenced the publication of a paper at Prescott, called the Grenville Gazette, taking a decided stand against the "Tory Compact" administration, and continued a zea- lous advocate of reform until the insurrection broke out in Decem- ber, 1837, when he was forced to leave the country, when his press, type, and the various parapharnalia of the printing office were seized by the Tories. A mob of Tories visited his house, after "reform" newspapers. 357 ho loft the place, at midnight, to the terror of his unproiocted family, soizoa, and carried off his books, letters, and other papers, and his elegant sword, as the trophies of their midnight raid. Ho was chosen by the insurgents as their major-general, and acted in that capacity during the continuance of the insurrection. At this time large rewards were offered for his arrest on each side of the line, on the Canadian side, for his rebellion against that govern- ment;" on the United States side for an alleg-^d violation of the Neutrality Laws,," in being supposed the leader of the party of men who captured and burned the Canadian Steamer, " Sir Eobort Peel," Well's Island. .j McLeod .sattled in Cleveland, Ohio, and is yet alive, being upwards of 'ighty-four years of age. The Cleveland Herald, from which we loarn the above, records the celebration of " General D. McLeod's fiftieth anniversary of his man'iage." The Prescott Telegraph, " The first number " said an exchange "published by Messrs. Merrell & Miles, (1831) is now lying before us. From the appearance of the first number, and the known ability of the proprietors, we anticipate that the Telegraph will be a valuable acquisition to the best of newspapers in this Province, and also to the principles of reform." ^ The Christian Guardian was established in the year 1829. Rev. E. Eyerson being the Editor. - ;> ; ^IT '"tr'"*. The following were so-called "Eeform" papers: The Colonial Advocate, by McKenzie, The Canadian Watchman, The Brockville Recorder, and The Hamilton Free Press, &c. 368 HALLOWELL '' FREE PRESS." iiV u;i. ,i»p/. CHAPTER XLI. Contents — First paper between Kingston and York — HallowoU Free Press — The Editor — " Recluse " — Fruitless efforts — Proprietor — Wooden press — Of Iron — Free Press, Independent — The Traveller — Press removed to Cobourg— ^li Prince Edward Gazette — Picton Gazette — Picton Sun — Picton Times — New r} Nation — Cobourg Star — Anglo-Canadian at Belleville — The Editor — Price— * ' The Phoenix — Slicer — Canadian Wesleyan — Hasting Times — The Reformer ■pt _-The Intelligencer — George Benjamin — The Victoria Chronicle — Hastings y," , Chronicle— Extract from Playter — Colonial Advocate — Upper Canada Herald '[ — Barker's Magazine— Victoria Magazine— Joseph Wilson — Mrs. Moodie— Sheriff Moodie — Pioneer in Canadian literature — Extract from Morgan— ., , f Literary Garland — " Roughing it in the bush" — Eclectic Magazine — Wilson's '. experiment — Wilson's Canada Casket— The Bee at Napanee — Emporium— f*^' The Standard — The Refonner— North America — Ledger — Weekly Express s'»' — Christian Casket — Trenton Advocate — British Ensign — The Canadian Gem — Maple Leaf — Papers in 1853 — Canadian pp.pera superior to Americans — Death nt Boston — Berczy — Canadian idioms — Accent — Good English— rMJ Superstition — Home education — Fireside stories — Traditions. , ^ J 'r " . ' " '• ' ** ■ ' ' ' ' " NEWSPAPEHS — CONTINUED. The first newspaper published between Kingston and York, was the Hallowell Free Press, of demy size, the first number of which was issued 28th December, 1830, by Joseph Wilson, Esq., now of Belle- villo ; "W. A. Welles, Esq., editor, a gentleman from Utica, New York. Attempts had been made at Cobourg, Port Hope, as well as at Hallowell, prior to this, to establish papers, prospectus having been acknowledged by the Kingston Gazette. A letter in the first number of the Fi'ee Press, signed " Recluse," says, " a number of attempts have been made to publish a journal in this county, proposals circu- lated, subscriptions obtained to a considerable amount, and the ex- pectations of the public wrought up to the highest degree, yet every attempt hitherto made, has proved abortive, except the present; repeated imposition has, no doubt, had a tendency to create in the public mind, a spirit of indifference and ajiathy respecting newspapers." Mr. Wilson had his press of wood, made by one Scripture, of Colborne. Although a very indifferent affair, it was used for a year, when Mr. Wilson procured an iron press from New York. Probably one of the first iron printing presses in the Province. The Free Press was continued for five years. Mr. Welles was editor for a short time only. This journal was evidently intended for the public weal. No one can read the first issues of the paper without being convin' 3d that the proprietor was intent upon rendering service to the public. He allied himself to no party : the contending political aspirants of the EARLY NEWSPAPERS. 359 day, had equal access to the cohimns of the Press, and could tlujreby challeuge unbiased attention. " The Traveller, or Prince Edward Gazette,'^ published every Friday, by Cecil Mortimtr, Editor and Proprietor, "John Silver, Printer," 12s. 6d., per annum, in advance. Commenced April, 1836, and continued about four years, when the printing press was removed to Cobourg. In 1840, the Prince Edward Gazette appeared, J. Dornan, Publisher. It was continued under this name by Eev. Mr. Playter. In 184*7, nnd in 1849, Mr. Thomas Donnelly became lllditor and Proprietor, changing the name to the Picton Gazette, which name it still bears. Mr. Donnelly was succeeded as editor in 1853, by Maurice Moure, and he again by S. ]\I. Conger, in 1856, who still continues to publish this old and poi)ular journal. The Picton Sun, established in 1841, by Mr. J. Douglas, who was succeeded in 1845, by J. McDonald, and he again in 1849, by Mr. Striker, who removed it to Cobourg in 1853. The following year Dr. Gillespie and R. I3oyle commenced the Picton Times, which still continues to be published by Mi-. Boyle. The North American removed from Newburgh in 186], published by McMullen Brothers. The New Nation succeeded it in 1805. The Anglo Canadian was established in Belleville in February, 1831. It was " printed and published by Alexander T. W.Williainson, Editor, and W. A. Welles. Printed at four dollars per annum, payable in advance." A copy of this paper is before up, and is very re- spectable as to size and quality, and is readable. This was the first journal published in Belleville. The Phoenix arose from the ashes of the Anglo-Canadian. It was first issued in the early part of July, 1831, "published every Tuesday by T. Slicer, Editor and Proprietor, at his office, Water Street, Belleville, U. C, 20s. per annum — if sent by mail, 22s. 6d., payable half-yearly." A few copicti before us resemble, in appearance, its predecessor, the Anglo-Canadian. lu one of the early copies is a prospectus of the Canadian Wesleyan, the subscribers to the announcement are " H. Eyan," and " J. Jackson," dated Hamilton, August, 1831. — (See first clergyman, H. Eyan). The last number of the Phoenix issued July 3, 1832, and which was "published by William A. Welles, for the Proprietors," says, " As the present number completes the year, it is intended to give the paper a new name ; which, though less classical, may be con- sidered more appropriate " The name selected was the " Hastings Times^'' No. IT, of the Times now before us, was published by RoUin C. Benedict, every Saturday. " The Reformer " of Cobourg, published every Friday, J. Ra<lclifi', Editor, was first issued, June, 1832. 660 MAOAZINES. '*Thc Intelligencer^ of Belloville," was fouiulctl by Goorjijo Bcnja- min, in Septembor, 1834, who continued its editor until 1848, when McKenzie Bowell, Esq., now M. P., snceoeded him, who remains the proprietor. JNIr. Benjamin was an Enghshraan, born 1 799, and die<l 1864. Ho was a gentleman of more than ordinary ability, u consis- tent politician, and a true friend. He held the highest mupi'-ipal offices, and was Member of Parliament from 1856 to 1863. He had talent to adorn any position. The Victoria Chronicle was founded in 1841, by S. M. "Washburn and Sutton, who had removed from Brockville. Sutton remained partner for two years. In 1849 the establishment was purcliased from Washburn by E. Miles, Esq., who, with T. R. Mason, Esq., con- tinues proprietor. The name was changed many years ago from Victoria to Hastings Chronicle. A Magazine of cheap miscellany was issued monthly, by Seth Washburn, &c., Belleville, 1847 & 8. > i ' Playter, writing of the year 1824, says, " books, periodicals, and newspapers were scantily supplied to, and not much desired by the people as yet, the country was not old enough to give much encourage- ment and suppoi-t to literature. Still, in the Methodist connection, the Magazine, (Methodist) was tolerably well circulated, no less than seventy subscribers were among the friends on the Bay of Quinte circuit at once. Newspapers were on the increase ; nineteen were now published in Canada, and six of them twice a week. Quebec printed four, (of which one was French ; Stanstead one, Brockville one, Kingston two, York two, Niagara one, Queenston one." The Colonial Advocate was issued in the latter part of 1824, by William Lyon McKenzie. We have a copy of the Uppe/r Canada Herald before us, dated June 2*7, 1832, vol. xiv. which gives us the period at which it was started. .'d Barker's Canadian Magazine, published at Kingston, by Edward John Barker, M. D., commenced May, 1848. -. u'Li x<.* • ■.. ^k-i,.; ——The Victoria Magazine, a monthly periodical, was issued first m September, 1841, by Joseph Wilson, of Belleville, formerly of the Hallowell Free Press. Like many a one subsequently commenced, the Magazine had but a brief existence. It continued just one year. The editors were Sheriff Moodie, and his accomplished wife, whose writings have gained for her a Eu 'opean reputation of no ordinary standing. Mrs. Moodie may be regarded as the pioneer of Canadian literature, and, as a long standing inhabitant of the Bay, she claims a brief notice in those pages, to give which MRS. MOODIE. 361 aff'orcln tho writer but ft moagro opportunity to express his own high estimation of, and gratitude to a personal friend, whose kind words of oncouragomont has so frequently been astinxulus to action, when his energies flagged in this undertaking.'! f-' -r ^i' ■■'trna Morgan, in his Bibliotheca Canadensis, a most useful compila- tion, says : Mrs. Moodie is " well known in Canada and,Great Britain for her works, and as an extensive contributor to the periodical literature of both countries. Born at Bungay, County of Suffolk, England, sixth December, 1803. She is a member of the talented Strickland family, of Beydon Hall, in the above County; four of her sisters, Elizabeth, Agnes, (the best known), Jane, and Mrs. Trail, have each contributed to the literature of the day. Both Mrs. Moodie and her sisters were educated by their father, who is represented to have been a gentleman of education, refined taste, and some wealth. Mrs. M. was only in her thirteenth j^ear, when her father died. As early as her fifteenth year, she began to write for the press generally, for annuals and for periodicals, con- tributing short poems and tales for children. About 1820, she produced her first work of any pretension — a juvenile tale, which was well received by the public and the press. In the following year she married Mr. Moodie, a half-pay officer from the 2l8t Fusileers, and, in 1832, emigrated with her husband, to Canada. They bought a farm near Port Hope, which, however, they onlj' held for a short time, removing to tho back woods, ten miles north of Peterborough, where they settled. There they remained for a period of eight years, experiencing all the trials, mishaps and troubles incident to early settlers, and which are so graphically nan-ated and'depicted by Mi's. M. in her " Roughing it in the Bushy In 1839, Mr. Moodie was appointed Sheriff of Hastings, (an office from which he retired a few years since, j and, with his wife, took up his residence at Belleville, where they have since lived. During the existence of the Literary Garland, (Montreal), Mrs. M. was the principal contributor of fiction to its pages. For some years she edited the Victoria Magazine, (Belleville) . Her contributions to these and other annuals, magazines, and newspapers, would fill many volumes."' tflMo.^ '(i(>t*!l;iaJlsfiid eiUM iMiii ^isaiw^lli. (tM- The work for which Mrs. Moodie became more especially famous, was " Roughing it in the Bush ;" but other volumes are exceed- ingly interesting, as ^'Flora Lindsay,*' "Mark Hurdlestone," "Geoffry Moreton" 6r the "Faithless Guardian" and "Life in the Clearings." " John Wedderburn Dunbar Moodie, formerly Lieutenant in 362 NKW8PAl'ER8. the 2l8t Ilcg. of FuBileers," Haw action in Holland, whoro ho was woiuulod ; he wuh a writer for the United Service Journal, Literary Garland, (Montreal), and author of' Ten Years in Africa," and " Scena andAdLcntures js a Soldier and Settler, during half a Century ^ The Victoria Magazine was Huccoeded by the Eclectic Magazine, Joseph Wilnon being Editor and Proprietor. This monthly was also continued only one year. Mr. Wilson now commenced a " family ])aper called Wihon's Experiment , and Hoon after, in connection with it, Wihun^s Canada Casket. ThoHo were issued alternately every two weeks, and were continued lor two years. They had a largo circulation, as Mr. Wilson avers, at the last about 6,000. The subscribers were not only in Canada, but in the Lower Provincesi The journals were discontinued, not because they did not pay; but in consequence of embarassmcnt from other causes. The Bee was the first newspaper published in Nai)anee, in 1861, by the Ilov. G. D. Greonleaf, Editor and Proprietor. It was a small shoot, and semi-political, at one dollar per year. It was printed on a press of the owner's own construction, and continued two years, when it was succeeded by the Emporium, published by tho same person, at the same office. It was somewhat larger than tho Bee, and was two dollars a year. Its existence extended but little over a year. .A. «i. ,.L^. — ti( ,,j The Standard vf HA i\\Q third journal established at Napanoe, 1853, by a joint-stock company'. It was in the interest of the Con- sei natives. Its first editor was Dr. McLean, formerly of Kingston. Subsequently, the paper camo under tho management of Alexander Camiibell, Esq., and continued for a few years. It then passed into the hands of Mr. A. Henry. It is still published by Henry and Brother. The next i)aper, after tho Standard, to bo issued was tho Reformer, by Carman and Dunham. There have subsequently been published tho North American, The Ledger, and tho Weekly Express. Besides tho above, there was published, in 1854, continuing for two years, The Christian Casket, by E. A Dunham. Trenton first possessed a newspaper in 1854. It was published and edited by Alexander Begg, and its name was the Trenton Advo- cate. Tho first number was issued Mai-ch 4, 1854. About a year, afterward, the paper changed owners, and took the name of of British Ensign. It was continued about two years longer. Wo have before us several copies of The Canadian Gem and Family Visitor, published at Cobourg ; and edited by Joseph H. CANADIAN I0IOM8. 863 Loonurd, 1848. It is vory ' >adablo, and oxhibitw no littlo ontor- prise. AIho, wo havo The Maph Lcvf\ publiHhod at Montreal by li. W. Loy, 1853. Mr. Ley died not lon^ after its iHsne. This also containH many intoroHting articles of a local and general nature, •',' ; In 1853, 158 papers are mentioned in the Canada Directory, of which, 114 are issued in Upper Canada. At the present time the number has much increased. Respecting the newspapers of Canada, Mr. Buckingham, who visited Canada in 1840, says that they are generally superior to those of the Provincial towns of the United States. i'';.-:±^h ' . ; , :;:'^i,<. vt '• r\ '.>^ti ,.v;,r".- . ji^t The following cannot fail to be of interest : ^ , ,^^;,^.. ii ,, A Boston paper says, "Died — In the early part of the year 1813, Wm. Berczy, Esq., aged G8 ; a distinguished inhabitant of the Province of Upjicr Canada, and highly respected for his literary acquirements. In the decease of this gentleman, society must sustain an 'rreparablo loss, and the republic of letters will have cause to mourn the death of a man, eminent for genius and talent." Canadian Idioms. — The loyalist settlers of Ui:)per Canada were mainly of American birth, and those speaking English, differed in no respect in their mode of speech from those who remained in the States. Even to this day there is some resemblance between native Upper Canadians and the Americans of the Midland States; though there is not, to any extent, a likeness to the Yankee of, the New England States. While the Yankee, and to some extent, the whole of the American people havo steadily diverged from the pure English, both with respect to accent and idiom, as well as in the meaning attached to certain words ; in Canada this tendency has been arrested bji- the presence of English gentlemen, often half-pay officers, and their families, by tho officers of the Army and Navy, and as well by the school teachers, high and low, which were often from the old country. The accent of Canadians, and their idioms to-day, arc to a certain extent peculiar, sui generis, which peculiarity is constantly increasing, oven as the British American is assuming in appearance a distinct characteristic. Taking all classes of Cana- dians, it may be said that for a people far removed from the source of pure English, that is the Court, they have a very correct mode of speaking, the criticisms of English travelers to the contrary, notwithstanding. As education becomes more diffused among the masses there will ensue a very decided improvement in the mode of speaking among Canadians. Listening to the children at any school, composed of the children of Englishmen, Scotchmen. Irish- 364 WANT OF MENTAL FOOD. mon, AmorlcaiiH, and ovon of GormanH, it is impoHHlblo to dotoct any mnrkcd diftbronco in their accent, or way of oxprosHing thorn- BOlVGH. SuPERHTiTroN. — Althouf(h a few of the sottlors had books to road, many hiwl none. And as thoro wore no school toachors vory many children grow up without being able to road, or at most vory little, and entirely unable to write, unless it might be their name- The writer has been struck with the difference between the composi- tion and penmanship of many of the settlors and that of their imme- diate children, the former being good, the latter bad; while the parent could write a bold signature, and express himself in writing a letter, intel''*gibly, thn offspring either could do nothing of the kind, orolso made a very poor attempt. The result of this was, that the mind, starved for want of montul food of a wholesome nature, did not become inactive, but sought other kinds of pabulum. They derived a certain amount of information fVom the legondery tales told and retold of former days of happiness and plenty. Excluded from the world of literature, and secluded in a forest of eternal silence, except the tones uttered by the voice of nature, sometimes whis- pering in the gentlo murmurs of the sighing wind, and sometimes thundering forth in the loudest voice, — shut up with nature they listened to her words, and not educated to understand her meaning, they undertook to interpret her speech, and oftentimes superstition of the deepest kind took possession of their minds. This prevailed perhaps more especially among the Dutch. Belief in ghosts, or "spooks" was a common thing, and before the bright and flicker- ing light of many a hearth fire, during the winter nights, were told "stories" which lost nothing in their relating. And along the Bay were many old houses, once the homes of the settler which it was declared, was occasionally visited by the spirit of the builder, who returned to discharge some duty which rested heavily upon him in the spirit world, or who desired to reveal the place of concealment of some hoarded gold which had been so safely buried in some cranny nook. A company of neighbours spending the evening would take their turn in telling of what they had seen or dreamed, or heard told ; and at last when the bright sparkling fire had sunk into sub- dued embers, the consciousness of having to go home through the woods, or past a grave yard, would arouse the talkers. Shudder- ing at the thought, with imagination heightened by the conversa- tion, they would set out on their path. It was at such times that TRADITIONS AND REOITALH. 366 tho Hpirit of Homo rocontly dopartod nno would bo goon hovering over tlic gruve, or floating nwuy ut i\w approach of f^otHtcpH. Strnngo voices camo from the midst of the durknesH, und iinnuturnl lightH flashed in the eyeH of the nuduight traveler. Should no sound or gight present themselves on the way, there was still a clumco to ex- perience much in dreams, when revelations of the gravest Import would be ma<le, which only had to be repeated three nights in suc- cession to obtain the stattis of absolute certainty. The traditions and recitals made known to tho children were somedmos, not alone exaggerated, but untrue. The old soldier, or loyalist in his great hatred to the rebels, would eomotimes un- duly blacken tho character of the fathers of the American Kepub- lio, for instance, tho writer has heard it several times, told as a fact, that Washington was tho illegitimuto son of King George. By some moans a belief obtained, that at a place called Devil's Hill, at the Indian Woods, was concealed in the earth, a quantity of money, and parties used to actually go and dig for it. There was a huge rock here which was supposed to cover the precious metal, and a " bee " was formed, on one occasion to overturn it, but they found nothing to reward them for their pains. ,,^^t_^ ^^^J m, j,Ai*i;iv i^^iiif^m' t&^ brAiiihifJihm'^'i k>ff^ffi>-yJ<^i Ji^W fSj'WW -nwii.t)): kiQito^^t, ■ •iB9ifi«!!l«<;"»%./i)-j'. 't^i.k»fcl ., .it!>i>>j<.i, fjua , ■jj.jdcifim ;.^i|^ip.'3'|§'>>-,0T0io %qAi;i'<:*>.-. ^}^;ii>':. <#ooit y.n({jtio acapa ,ai , ■• io^^iplb.1 'fU -^ H had • i'LUm Jd'iif id mli m-Avf • ■i i','..V' ;•• ':' 'rV? .' I ,■ • ■1M»'> '• Ml , ' , ' •■'■ ■••'■■ ' ■ "■ •'>,', ■ ■ " ' ■ . ■^' ' ' ■ . ' S' ' * ■• ■ • .V ■ {■■. 'u"^i' >' ' ■">;♦'■, THE TKIiKlTOHY OF Uri'KIl CANADA— TlIK BAY QUINTE. ""-' • ClIAPTEll XLI. :f I CoNTKNTH — The IndlnDR — Their ovigin — Pru-hiitoric Cnnodn — Iiidinn rolicH — Origiimt inliiibitmitri — Lih IrKqiioiH du iionl — Original naniiN — IVniitHiihi of "Upper Canada — (;fwiiii)ilaiii exploring;— ABCMinds tlu! Ottawa — Hin rotitu to •, Lako NipplnRiiiK — To litilco Huron — Fr«uch Iliver — Tlus country — (irorglan JJay — Luiiu biinicoe — Down tin' Trent — A Ki'ind trip — Hay liuintii, and Lako Ontario iliHcovt-rod — Wai di'mouHtnition — Wintering at tlu; Bay— A contraHt •— Huundubout way— Errunoiiu iiuL)ruiiaionH. OHAMPLAIN's DISCOVKBY op the bay QUINTE, and LAltB ONTARIO.' In this work but brief referonc© can bo mndo to tho general history of tho IndianH. PoihapH it is hardly necosNary to explain that tho term Indian, fipplied to tho aborigines of America, took its origin from tho fact, iluit when the New World was diHCoverod it was supposed to be a part of the Indias (East Indias), the riches of which had led tho intrepid navigator to seek a more direct route thereto. And consequently tho natives were called Indians. •'"'^ ' It does not lio within the scope of this work to speak of tho several theories which have been given with respect to the origin of the natives, nor to advance any particular view. It is sutficiont to remark that the character of the various tribes, their features, their traditions, and customs, all indicate most unmistakably that Asia was the original birthplace of the aborigines of America. Of course, reference is made only to those Indians whose representa- tives occupied the continent when discovered by Columbus, and not to those who had in some long past day held posssession, who have left here and there indications of their rude character, and primi- tive mode of life, and who were swept away by the more powerful and warlike invaders — the predecessors of the aborigines of whom wo now write. In our researches we have collected a good many Indian relics, of the origin of which we have no record, and can only guess, while science strives to explain. We oflFer no views of our own, but give the following upon ORiniNAL INHABITANT8. Ml PRK-lllHToRin CANADA. From tlio Mnnchi^nUsv (lunrdidn. "At iimeotin^'of thoMunoheHtor Aiithropolo^iciil Hociety, on Monday, Mr. Plant mad*) a comniuiiica- tion upon Homo curioUK rolicM which lio oxhibited, o( a rnoo ofpre- hiHtoric mon, for which ho was indohtod to Mr. J. H. Wilwon, of Perrytown, Canada Wont. Thisso objoctH wore obtainod froiu the soil of tho landH which have l)oon clearod of tho forents and hrou^ht into cultivation. It in only in tho Hprin/^, who/i tho nnow liaH diMa))j>oaro(l, that thoHO objoct.s aro found, tho winter nnow act- in;,' liko a riddlo to tho Hoil, and Itrin^ing to tho Hurfaco tho pobblos and brokon piocoH of pottery, lint, woapons, &c. Tlio most inior- csting foaturoK connected with those relics i», that tho liK-alitios whore thoy arc so IVoquently found arc situated on tho high level ground of ancient torracoH, or beach linoH, which may bo traced at about GOOfl. above the sea level, all around tho great Canadian hikoH, or, in fact, all around tho high landH of tho Kivcr St. Law- rence basin. There are throe torracoM ut doHConding levels to the proHont Hhoros of tho great laUoH. Tho highest terrace iw the most ancient, and tho evidonco.s connected with this terrace all soom to point to the conclusion that it belongs to an ago very remote, when tho area now occupied by the groat irosh-wator lakes was fiUod by an inland bay, connoctod by a wide strait with tho Atlantic, and was subject to the action of glacier ice from the land, as well m flows of icebergs from tho current flowing from tho north-oast. Tho high terraces are, therefore, of marine origin, and tlie pre-bistorio objects found in them aro indicative of a race of men whoso habits wore consistent with tho physical features of the land and sea; a race of hardy lishors, living upon tho whalo, the walrus, the shark, and marine sources of food, together with tho reindeer and Arctic animals. Since this remote time, the whole of tho land about tho lakes has risen from 600 to 1,000 foot above the sea, slowly and evenly through a great length of time, pausing twice sufficiently long to form two loww terraces ; and at present is forming a fourth on the shore lines of the 'lakes. The pre-hiutorie objects consist of great quantities of earthenware of rudo make, quartz arrow heads, black stone adzes and hatches, sharp splinters of bone worked to a point, teeth drilled and bone needles, and bowls and Btems of smoking pipes about six inches long. These last are singular and most interesting objects, and ai'e solely confined to the North American continent, proving that tho habit of smoking some 3CS ORIGINAL NAMES. narcotic plant has been indulged in by mankind from the most remote ages to which the geologist assigns the relics of pre-historic man, the age which immediately succeeded the glacial period." All around the bay, as well as in other partsof Canada, may be found here and there indications of an extinct people whose sepul- chral remains can bo traced. Along the western portion particu- larly, are faint traces of mounds or tumuU which have been found to contain not only human remains ; but objects of curiosity. For a more particular account of these the reader is referred to an inter- esting paper in the Canadian Journal tor September 1860, by T. C. Walloridge, Esq., of Belleville. ?.«( txA^- . .^\?ws ..■ : k THE ABORIGINES OP UPPER CANADA. " Dark as tlie frost- 11 ii)ped hmvos that strew the ground, The Indian hunter hero his shelter found ; • *' /'■ * Here cut his how, and shaped his arrows true, ;•»,'/. .;' Here built his wigwam and his hark canot, ,v' , Speared the quick salmon leaping up the fall, ' ' And slew the deer without tlio rifle hall ; Here hig young squaw her cradling tree would choose, if *'v u '/■ "^^"^S'^^S ^^^ chant to hush her swart pappoose ; (j,.,. .^^^^ *.H-.i'+» Here stain her quills, and string her trinkets rude, -A''H&li*.><( And weave her warrior's wampum in the wood. ^, Brainahd." For many long years, perhaps centuries, befoi'c the white man saw the pleasant shores of the Bay, the Indian war-whoop was often heard, and the war dance performed along its borders. We know but little of those primal days. We cannot estimate the cruelties of barbaric warfare, natural to the aborigines, which have been enacted. We cannot count up the number of Indian braves who have moved upon its wood-begirted waters, as conquerors, or as captives, nor the woman and children carried away from their kindred — nor yot the total of the bleeding scalps which have hung at the girdle of the returning warriors, as they pursued the devious trail. Early French travelers, generally Jesuits, have marked roughly the territory, which^ embraces in its area, the land extend- ing from the Ottawa westward to Lake Huron, and from the St. Lawrence and Lake Ontario, northward to the French Eiver, and Lake Nippissing. This was named the country of Les Iroqiiois du I^ord, and, according to a map in the Imperial French Library, the land north of Bay Quinte, was called in 1656, Tout-hatar, and the land west to Lake Huron, was named Conchradum. There were, at the same time indicated at the eastern borders, the " antient OLD FRENCH MAPS. 36g Hurons" and tho " Outtawas " at the we«t, occupying, the peninsula of Upper Canada, tho Nrntre Nation de. tmite, and at tho mouth of tho Jronch river, Musismgues. It would scorn at first, that tho in- habitants were a branch of the Iroquois, or Six Nation Indian. But It may be that they had given to them tho name Iroquoin from their peculiar mode of expression, like the Indian to the south of the lake ;-although not immediately connected. According to a map examined by the writer, in the Imperial library at PaHs, all the land between the Ottawa and Lake Huron was the Algonquins " A map by Champlain calls the land north of the Bay Quinte Z^en force cerfs. The northern Iroquois was divided into several tribes each of which had a distinct name, and lived in considerable com'- munities, heve and there. The old maps are marked with sites of ndian villages whore, no doubt, they lived a greater portion of their time; probably the families remained most of the time and also the males, exce])t when away up the rivers to the north, upon kTK? -r- """""^ '''''' '^'^^-^ ^"^^ "^''^^^^^ ™ the kentm. Their village was situated at tho east of Hay Bay accord ing to some maps ; according to others, it was placed upon the south Hhore of Prince Edward, west of West Lake. Another tribe men- tioned IS Ga^mgouts. And along the north shore of the Mohawk Bay near Napanee, is marked an Indian village called Gannaroute Upon another map the village here is called Gan^yd^es. Just above the Carrying Place, near the harbour of Presq' Isle, is another village called Ga^roske, and a second one designated Gonetoust. borne of the maps here alluded to, bear date as late aa 1703 while others are much earlier. ' The waters cf the bay and the lake adjacent, were looked upon as valuable for fishing, and the land as abunduut in game. McMuIn ;n his History of Canada, speaks thus of the bay region. ReFer „; the year 1692, he states, ''the Aborigines and French ravaged the trontiers of Massachussets, ard revenged upon its helpless borderers e i,,unes suifered by the Canadians; detachments o} troops sZ he lavonte hunting grounds of the Iroquois along the beautiful Bay ltrm\ ^t '" r^-'^^*'""^ ^''"^ ^""*'*^''^' ^^^ considerable injur; w the Mohav/ks in their own, country." ^ The peninsula of Upper Canada was called, in 1686, Saquinan-- Pans documents). The '' Neutre Nation" was exterminated by the the Iroquois prior to 1650. ^ It is an interesting fact that Champlain arrived at Lake Ontario^or " fresh wa1.r sea." as he called ft, being the fu't Eu^ 370 THE OTTAWA. poiin to gaze upon its broful blue waters, by the way of tl»o Bay ot QiiinU'. Thiis was in 1615. Prior to that ho had penetrated by way of Sorel river, and the lake which has been named after him, and explored Bomc part of the territory to the south of Ontario lake; but probably was not north of the Mohigan mountains, at least ho did not then discover Lake Ontario. His principal object at this time was to create terror of the Fi-cnch arms, on behalf of the Six Nation Indians. It was after a return from France, with a commission granting him extensive powers in the peltry traffic, that Champlain, with the view of protecting that trade, erected a fort on the site of Montreal. This done he directed his attention to the country lying unexplored to the north. Aware of Hudson's discovery in the north, of the bay now bearing his name, he was led to hope that by following the river Ottawa, of which thellurons gave him some information, to. its upper waters, he would be brought into close proximity if not actually to the bay, explored by Hudson. He accordingly get out accompanied by one or more of the four Eecollet mission- aries he had brought with him from Franco, and a considerabk force of HuroTiH, with the view of ascending the Ottawa to its source. How far he penetrated into that rugged region, or how long a time he expended, does not appear. But it would seem that failing in his attempted discovery, he i-etraced his steps down the Upper Ottawa, until he reached the mouth o f the Mattawan river, which empties into the Ottawa, and rises in the high lands to the west, approaching Lake Nippissing. / s nearly as can bo learned. Champlain was here joined by more warriors, who porsuadod him to follow them and assist in a proposed attack upon the Iroquois nation to the south of Lake Ontario. His course was up the M^Utawan river, through la petite riviere to lac du Toulon. Thence across to Trout Lake, Upper Trout Lake, and tmversing the high lands, from which the waters flow in opposite directionB; Borae into the valley of the Ottawa, and others towards the west, be descended the river La Vase into Lake Nippi«sing. Crossing this lake, he descended the French rirer into the 'reorgian Bay. In passing it may be observed that all the names, some of which are in fVench, and some in English,ha/e a special meaning, and were applied, at least some of them, by the Indians. The Ottawa is s(i called not from the fact that the territory tbrt)ugh which it nmswas the home ot the Ottawa tribe, but, because it was by its waters itiat they came to -v'isit tihe French. The OttftWa river, that is, tho river by which the Ottawas came. On the other hand the French THE FRENCH RIVER. 371 ri vol', which discharges into the G-eor«,'ian Buy, was so called by tho Indians, bocai\se it was the river by which the French came to their western domain. The length of Frencii river U about 61 miles, and is a chain of lakes, connected by short rapids. Lake Nippissing is 69 feet above Lake Huron. -^f^'-^mr^:fmmmi' ' Ii is now 253 yeai-s since this voyage of discovery was made by Champlain, guided by the Indians. The appearance then pre- sented to the intrepid navigator must have been ex<?eedingly -wild and beantiful, as he passed along the unknown way, Xow swiftly gliding in the bircli canoe upon the glassy waters of a lake, now dancing down the i'apids,among rugged rocks, and green-clad islands ; and anon, threading the devious i)ath o^ti portage, beneath the lofty arches of the wilderness, making the first European footprints npon the virgin soil. Deputy Surveyor-General Collins;" W^tin|!o fic^ iDorchester, by his command, in 1788, speaking of the French river says; "The entrance is composed of a considerable number of small islands and channels," the westernmost is the best navigable— about 250 feet wide, and has from two to three fjithoms depth of water. It is narrower a little way np, and at about half a league from the en- trance becomes exceedingly intricate, .'on account (A' Xhc small islands and channels, which ai-e here so numerous in every direction, and so much resembling each other in appearance, as to make it extremely diffionlt witlwiit a guide to find the true imvigftble channel, which, although deep in some places, is so narrow there is seart« room for two canoes to pass «ach other. The bank in these sitnations, is a steep rook, almost perpendicular, and there are very strong oun-enfe or rapids. The term Souters, sometimes given to the Miesisnuga Indians by the French, means to jump np and down, in reference To their living upon this river, and being expert in naTigatingits e^vannels. "The country adjoining to, and near this, (i-iver) is a rooky desert, nothing growing but small soinbby kwhes and pine trees not thirty feet high— the same dreary prospect continues, I am informed, all the way up to Lake Nippissing, which is recorded twenty-five leagiies." He states that the coast from the month of the river eastwwd is dangerous, for even canoes, although they may find shelter among the islands which lie along most of the coast. It is e(j»Mlly rocky and barren. Sueh was the nature of tlie wa}- l>v wfhich Champlain n^afe led. He now directed his course southward along the wil(t and iri-e- gular shore of the Georgian Bay, through the myriad irffends'that :} 372 champlain'8 route. t^ive beauty to th.it coast. Avrived at the mouth of the Severn river, he ascended that devious stream, and entered Spari'ow Lake. Thence lie crossed to Lake Cowchouching, which, at its southern extremity approaches to Lake Simcoe. ; Crossing the portage to this Lake, he ascended the Eiver Talbot, in a north-east direction, and by frequent portages reached Balsam Lake. Then, through Cameron Lake, past Fenelon Falls, and into Sturgeon Lake. So on, by Pigeon Lake Buck Hare Lake, Deer Lake, into Salmon Trout Lake. Turning south, by Clear Lake, he descended the Otanabee, or Pmrwduscoteong, l)ast the present site of Peterborough, and entered Rice Lake. Again turning east, he entered the head waters of the River Trent. Around by Heely's Falls, down by Carabellford, then, by Chisholm's Rapids, he arrived at the head of the Bay of Quinto, sometime in July, 1816. Champlain took this route from the Ottawa, which had long before been traveled by the Indians, at the request of the Indian wai-riors who accompanied him, to make an attack upon their bitter enemy the Iroquois. - ■ ' n"' ";' ^^' At the present day it would be a grand trip to make, by the way pursued by Champlain, when he visited the Bay region. But how wonderfully magnificent must it all have been to the bold, but educated French explorer of the primeval forest. Champlain crossed the Lake to a point not far from Oswego. Whether he passed through the upper, or lower gap to the opposite side of the Lake, and coasted the south shore; or whether he ascended Picton Bay and crossed the Indian Carrying-place to East Lake, ana thence into Ontario, may be questioned. But in order to make an unexpected attack upon the enemy, he had need to conceal his advance ; hence it is reasonable to suppose he would take the nearer route by Picton Bay, although it would involve the crossing of the portage, This could scarcely be regarded as a serious difficulty, as he had already passed many in the devious route by the Ottawa. Strange enough, that a European should discover Lake Ontario by entering the head waters of the Trent Eiver, and saiUng through the Bay of Quinte. Strange enough that a warlike demon- stration should be made by this route, against a foe living upon the south shore of the Lake. , Champlain, notwithstanding his caution, found his Indian foes prepared to receive him, having well entrenched themselves, and be suifered a serious defeat, being glad to secure a safe retreat in the Bay of Quint6 region, probably Prince Edwai'd, after having himself received two wounds. A CONTRAST. 373 Fftiliiig ill his efforts to obtain a guide to conduct him down the St. Lawrence, to his fort at Montreal, Champlain was compelled to spend the winter months, which were by this time approaching, in the vicinity of the Bay of Quinte. Probably six or nine months were passed by him upon tlie northern shores. Ho did not remain all the time at the Bay, as it is stated he visited the neighbouring Indian nations, especially the neutral nation which occupied the peninsula between Lakes Erie and Huron, and the head of Ontario. We can readily imagine the wide difference between a long winter thus spent in 1615-16, mid the wild scenes of aboriginal life by the ice-locked waters, and one spent in this latter part of the 19th century, with the highly cultivated land, and advanced civilization. Then, the trees of tlie forest, in one unbroken denseness, was the sole home of the savage, and wild beast, and waved in solemn mournfulness over the wintry landscape ; while few other than nature's sounds disturbed the stillness of the wilderness. Now, the dark forest has disappeared and human habitations of comfort and luxury thickly stud the land. The wild beasts, as well as the original owners of the territory, have almost disapjieared. The snow of the i(!e-covered bays and streams no longer remain unbroken by human foot. Sleigh roads thickly intersect the surface, and joyous shouts of the skater break upon the light pure air, while the gingle of sleigh bells indicate the everflow- ing stream of travelers. The strings of telegraphs sigh in the wind, instead of the tall trees' bough. The iron horse snorts along through the snow hills, instead of the beast from his lair. Towns and cities rest in peaceful security, where there were thick jungles of cedar and furs. It was by this roundabout way that the Bay of Quinte was dis- covered ; and it was fifty years later when DeCourcelles, pursuing the Iroquois from the Lower St. Lawrence ascended for the first time the river, direct from Montreal to Lake Ontario. But during this time missionaries had been at work among the Indians, upon the northern shores of the Lake — (See early Missionaries). The impressions made upon the minds of these fii'st explorers, respecting the Bay, seem to have been very erroneous ; at least they have left maps not only rude, but incorreat. Thus, we find upon an old map intended to represent Lake Ontario and the Bay, with the country north of the Lake, the Bay is made to extend northward, at right angles with the Lake, for some distance, and then, turning west- ward somewhat, its extremity is brought very near to another bay, which empties into Georgian Bay. 374 THE BAY QUINTE. CHAPTEH XLTII. ..;...,?>?.; . . Contents-— Name — Lottev, linily Nt!WH — " Oniepi" Lines — Tlic writer — Ooiijec- turcH — Five J5ft3's — Indian origin — Kuntes — V'illiigeK — Leu Coim — Modes of spelling — Canty — Tim uccupantH, 1783 — MisKissaugaH — Origin — With tho Iroqnois— The Souter — MisHiHsaugas, dark — At Kingston — Cay Quiut^— Land bought — lieserves — Claim tipon the islands — Wappooso Island— 'j Indian agent — Indians hunting — Up tho Sagonaska — Making sugar — Peace- able — To Kingston for presents. , r • . THE NAME OP BAY QUINTE — THE ABORIGINAL INHABITANTS OP UPPER i}C'. CANADA IN 1783. a' ' ■ Thei*e appeared in the " Daily News " of Kingston, October 20, 1866, the following letter and verses : f; " Sir, — I send you a few lines in connection with what I believe to be an historical fact, though not generally known, even in tho vicinity of the bay. When the French first took possession of Canada, or shortly after, they established posts at Frontenae, Niagara and Detroit. t ' , In the fall following their establishment, the men under Col. Quinte, who comr.ianded at Niagara, were driven out by the Indians, and pursued and harrassed several days, when following the l^e shore to the west of the bay, they took the south shore of the bay and got to the reach. The snow was falling and ice making on the bay, without sufficient strength to carry them ; when, nearly starved and exhausted, they started back two or three miles to what is known as Stickney's Hill, where (an extremely cold night com- ing on) they nearly all perished, including Quinte himself. Only two of the party (the ice having become strong) reached Frontenae. H^Qe t|ie name of the bay." — (Signed,) — " Omega," This note was accompanied with the following lines: quiNTE. On the Bjiy of Quint6 gliding, O'er its smooth and tranquil breast, Whilst the sun is fast declining To its waters in the west ; " And the gorgeous leaves of autumn, In their varied gold and green, Adds fresh glory to such beauty As the eye hath seldom seen. THE NAME. 37{l» v/"*"'<rv,'' •'• ' Yet tliiH JJay had once its terrors, ,,;(,,, , ,.,.,, Ero tlie red men were Hiibdued, ' ' iri !!*!>' And the sfcne tliat'H now HO lovelyj*''''-^! i'»; ^if,!.,' '" Was terrific, wikl and rude, •.'-,}. \n:''-'yM'-ff!'~»'<>f.id. . When the (calhiut (jiiintt') flyin;?- ' , i.. '' ''*^" ' ^ From the rtava,','o of the west, '* '<'^'"" •^''■'''' ' ''- i.^ .,.(/' '^'iv^.i^^-'i On the choerlcHS liills hiy dying, ,/i( .. - "- With fierce colli and hunger pressed; . /, "' And IdH hones were left imhiuied, '«""'«i444.>«-. .»f.>d(>«-y . '^ But his name won't pa88 away, ..ii> '..,., Whih) tijere'is heauty on thy iiill-side, "^■^^^^ Y r 0'" tliy waters gently play." :..it«fi:',''fjiid:m- 'liu "Stkameu Bay op guwTE." Mr. T. C. Wallbridgo, to whom wo are iiiclobted for tho fore- going, informs us that upon tho day thia was written, a learned judge (Kobinson) now dead, was a passenger ft-om Belleville to Kingston, and tho inference was that he penned the linos, which must have been based upon what he considered facts. The same tradition has been received also, from other sources, aaid many living upon the bay, regard it as true. But it becomes ovu* duty to question the matter. In the first place unfortunately, for the plausiMlity of the statement, the name of nOj Bj^cJU French officer can be found. The nearest approach to the name of Quinte, hold by any Frenchman known, was that of Prince de Conti. This person was a particular friend of Cavalier de la Salle, to whoni was ceded tho Seignory of Cataraqui. " Chevalier de Tonti, went with him, pro- posing to share his fortunes," in western explorations. Now La Salle, named one of the islands near Cataraqui, (^Amherst,) after this officer, and even yet may be found living, persons who call. that island, " Isle Tanta." Well, it might reasonably be sup- posed that La Salle would wish to do honor to his friend the Prince de Conti, and therefore named the bay after him. PVom Conti, it might gradually change to Canta, or (^uinte. Now, however probable this may seem, it cannot be regarded as the origin of the name. Again, it has been supposed to be derived from tho Latin Quintanus, or Quinta, — the fifth place, — having reference to five bays, namely, the Lower Bay, Picton Bay, llaj^ Bay, the Eeach, and Upper Bay ; or, as some aver, it refers to five Indian stations, formerly existing in the vicinity of the bay. But, however much may be advanced in support of tho plausibility of these theories, wo think a more certain origin is perfectly intelligible. The word Qninte, as at p/esent spelled and pronounced, when TUB ORIGIN. riglitly done, is uiKloublodly n French ono, being one of the fow I'omuining niomoritilw ol" Froncii posHosHion ; but its origin can bo distinctly traced to an Indian Hourco. * •• ■>/'[ • » - We luive soon olHewhoro tlmt the country lying north of Lake Ontario was called the " Country of the Northern Iroquois." To the 8outh of the lake was the IroqaoiH country i)ropor. Among the several nations which composed the Iroquois Confederation, was the Sonoques, or commonly called Seneca. Wentworth Greenhalgh in the "London Documents, " writing of a journey in May, 1677, from Albany to the Indians, westward, says "the Seneques have four towns, viz : (^unagora, Tiotohalton, Canoenar'a," (how like Canada), "and Koint-he — which contained about r:4 houses, and was well furnifihed with corn." In connection with this we find a statement made in the docunientary History of New York that some of the tribes belonging to tho Iroquois propoi, separated from them, and removed to the north of the lake. Now tho Indian term, " Keint-he," be it remembered, was written by an English exploror, and of course was spelled in accordiiuce with the pronunciations of tho Indians. Every one know;^< that the letters of the alphabet have a different sound in the French language. If therefore, a Fi'ench writer were to write tho English term Keint-he, it is not unlikely he would spell it Kanta or Kente. Examining the old French maps, made by some of the early travelers throus^h Canada, but bearing date subsequent to lfi77, we find marked with distinctness, an Indian village, sometimes in one place, sometimes another, by the name of Kente. This may be seen on quite a number of diffex'ont maps, which we have examined in various libraries in Canada, and in the Imperial Library in Paris. It is not always spelled Kente, sometimes it is Kante, and upon ono it is Kenti, and upon a map in the Imperial Library, Paris, it is Kento. This Indian village has its location upon most of the maps, at the eastern extremity of Hay Bay ; but upon a fow it is placed at the south shore of the peninsula of Pi-ince Edward ; upon one map it is put at South Bay; while in another Wappooso island, is called Isle dc Quinte. Hence it is inferred, that a branch of the Seneca tribe separated from tho main body, and removed to the north of tho lake, and settled probably first at South Bay, and afterward, or at certain seasons visited at Hay Bay, to which, in time they gave their name — that of Kento, according to the pronunciation of the French. It was an easy matter to convert Kente into Quinto. In other ANCIENT NAMBH. 877 words, wo find that A' and Qu aro UHod iiiditt'orontly amon^ early writers of Now France ; for instanco, Qnol)oc, is Hpollod by earl)' writors, Koboc. Tho origin ol' the word Quinto :;oem8 to bo in this way perfoctly clear. *■• >'■*' '*'*»'^'< • "'^* • • Tho Indian viliago of Konto was situatod at tho oaHtern ex- tremity of Hay Bay, and it sooms plain that thiw was regarded as the head of tho bay by tho French, ami the waters loading to the village, was designated the Bay Kente, or the Bay to tho Rentes. Tho waters above the entrance to Hay Bay were looked upon rather as the mouth of the Eiver Trent ; and as quite another bay, to which was given a different name. This was a water way from Lake Ontario to Lake Huron. Travelers passing along would at times receive imperfect ideas respecting tho names of the several bays and lakes. Again, the early French explorers, and the Jesuits, in their maps would frequently give tho names, derived from the Indians, in Latin, while later Fi'onoh travelers gave the names in French. The consequence was that several different names were at times bestowed upon the waters stretching between Lakes Huron and Ontario. •■ ■■' i.'>i't<>i*vi',j <^u.v;' ii*jWr <»«*i»>i>i>>i>'i/ii» i*.i L',i,A«u >» One of tho old French maps, and perhaps, it may have been pre- pared before tho Kontos had settled upon its shores, gives to the bay the name " Bayedos Couis," while several islands between the south shore of Lake Ontario, and tho north, are called " au des Couis, as if indicating a line of travel. There is one larger island, called LeS Couia.f iU,M!*tll«iM *^nt< -y.y*, ^^,»i>i. ;»jj .U l Wlllfi'^l^UiqlrJ .v»iiH*A ^4'J»iiu«. Tho waters west of the Long Reach hre, in several maps wWcK have been examined, named Lac St. Lion, and Lionel. But whether this name was limited to the uppers waters of the bay, or applied to tho Trent, with Rice Lake, is doubtftil, inasmuch as the maps represent the River Trent as being very wide and seemingly navig- able up to almost the river's source. Again, the name of Quinto and Quintio are found upon a few maps, and are applied to Rice Lake. A map in tho Imperial library, dated 1777, gives to Rice Lake, Quinto, and close by is the village of Tonnaonto ; and the Bay Quinte proper, is called Lake Tento. Another map names it Kentsio. There is also a map which gives to Simcoe Lake, the name of (Entarion Lake, instead of Lake Taronto. From these vari- eties of names, wo discover an indistinct connection between the Words Kente and Toronto. Their origin and meaning it is impossible to trace. Perhaps they were names used only for a short time. It is worthy of remark, that upon an ancient map examined in the Imperial library, we find Lake Erie called Lac. Conty. 378 BAY "OANTY." Tho word QiiintH in in oiio or Iwoplacoii HpoUod (^uiuU)u, and uIho C/uintie. Thu moNt common nuHlo ol' prouuixiuliou was thul u»od by tho loyaliHlN. Tlioy spollod it /i^unornlly (Junty, or Konty. Such thoy hoard it called by tho French and Indians wlion thoy camo horc; and, unac<|uaintcd with the J'ronch modo of Hpollinji?, thoy naturally rondcrod it according to tho Mn^liwh idea; and wo havo found it in lettors written, by tho first Hetllory, nioHtly always »|»ollo(l 'Canty," or " Canto," uud occasionally " Canla." The last ol' Ihoso approachoH tho nearost to tho correct way of pronouncing; tlio oume ; and it is a cause for rcjBjrct that some years ago there arose tho belief that it ought U) he called "Quinty." We would roquont tho inhabitants of the bay, to return to the old fashioned, and correct pronuncia- tion. Tho Hottlemont upon the bay was sometimes idontiliod with Cataraqui; being known by tho refngoos, as well as by those who stayed in the States, only by that name* Indeed, it may be said that all of Upper Canada was, tor a fow years, dosignatod by that name ; tho settlomonts at Detroit and upon the Niagara, contiguous to tho fort, being I'ogardcd as merely military stations. For muny years the name Canada, was limited to tho lower Provinces. After a few years the settlemeut along the bay came to be generally called, both by tho settlers, and those who knew them abroad an that of tho Bay " Canty." The writer has in his possession u' letter dated from one of the townships upon tho ba}'^, in which reference is mado to Canada as a place quite distant and distinct from the British settlements. Mr. Ferguson, in a letter dated at Sidney, 23j'd July, 1791, to a person at Kingston, says, "I'll send you a memorandum of what you'll want from Canada, and he further speaks about taking arii Indian to Canada. By this we learn that the new townships were regarded as quite apart i'vom Canada. Before proceeding to speak of the appearance oi' tho bay, a space must be given to speak more particularly of those Aborigines who occupied the territory of tho bay, and Upjjcr Canada gene- rally, at the time of the revolutionary war, and from whom the British Government purchased the land to bestow upon the U. E. Loyalists, namely, the Mississaugas. The meaning of the word Mississauga has reference to '' many outlets," or a place of settlement by the " fork of a sti'oam." The first noticewe have found of this name is upon a map in tho Imperial library, dated 1620. It is applied to a lake, — UMissauga, or TIIU MltMIHMAUUAH. 370 • Buade. The locution iw not fai* from the Hourco of I ho MiwjiHMlppi lilvor, und thero Ih h huiuU Htruum roproscntod as running ironi thm ' Inku to empty Into thu MlHuisHippi, tliu hike Is (io(tl)tluHH thu Uohch Luke in JVIinoHotu. The inditinH, tlxMi inhuhitin^ that ro^^ion, woh the "Eastern Sioux." There Ih no doiihtHonjo identity aw to origin und moftiiing, between MiswiMHippi and MiHwisHauga. It will bo romom- berod, we have in the north of Upper Caniula a River MiHuiHHijjpi uh well as lliver Mississaiisa. The MiHsisHaiii^a Indians first came into notice about the middle of last century, some time before the rebel- lion. They were then living oatitof tlio Georgian liuy upon the lake and the river, both of which have derived nauieH from this tribe. Capt. Andei-Hon thinkw they took the name from living by this river, which has nuini/ outlets. It may be regarded as a question whether the river gave a, name to the tribe, or the tribe a nanxe to the river. The Mississnugas have been more generally regarded as a branch of the Otchipewas. Father Charlevoix Hays, they are a branch of the Algon(iuin8. fr itw>rtrirfW'-»/'^.<»! ffm';HK VrV/^.. Miit0fki»i U Towards the end of the seventeenth century, the Iroquois had quite overrun the territory formerly designated by the French " the country of the Northern Iroquois," and now constituting Upper Canada. As the Six Nations retired to their territory upon the south of Lake Ontario, the Chippewas, or Otchwas and the Missis- saugas descended to the north shoi-e of Ontario, the St, Lawrence, , and around Bay Qn into. The exact time at which these tribes ob- i tained possession of the land around the Bay, and its Islands, and other parts of Canada, is uncertain. But, long before the settle- ment of Upper Canada, they wore the acknowledged owners of the soil, and Groat Britain purchased from them the right of owner- ship.)'' The first record we have of surrender of land, was by the Chippewas, in 1781, to Gov. St. Clair. The Mississaugas seem to have been a neutral nation, at least, they never appear to have taken any part in the wars between the French and English. But we find that " at a great assembly of chiefs and warriors, at Albany, in August 17, 1746, the chief speaker of the Six Nations, informed the English Commissioners that they had taken the Mississaugas as a seventh nation. There certainly seems to have been a very ftnondly relationship between the Iroquois and Mississaugas. The Mississaugas were divided into several tribes, or rather, were divided into several villages, which were scattered all along the St. Lawrence, from the river Gananoque to the BuyQuinte,and 380 THl "BO.irTERH." Lako Ontario. ThuH, wo find it rocordod that "Thoy wonxlisporHoti n'on^ Lftk«» Onliirio, M^mth of Frontonac." This meanH Prlnco Kxlward particularly ; hut tlioy w(»ro iw woll HOttlod In littlo villa^os at ditl'urunt pointH. Charlevoix spoukH of the MinHinHau/^art an having a village at Niagara and iipon fjako Ht. Clair; mont likoly at tho moutli of tho TIuunoH. Thoy liki'wiHo had villa^ow alon^ tho upper wntorH of tho 'l'r<*nt, and at tho Don. Thoir armorial hoariuf^, or "totom " waH tho crane, crow, munkrat, and hoavor. Tho Kont*»8 and GannoyouHOH, two trihoK of tho MiwHinHaugaH, altliou^h taking no part in tho warH aj^aiuHt tho French, had j)raotiHod upon them a ba«o act of troachory. In 1087, M. do Nonville, who was then Governor of Canada, being at Frontoiiao, invited those two tribes to tho fort to hold a conference, and while there, weizod forty or Hfty men, with eighty women and children, who were sent prisoners to France. ■<'^- *^'<" 's-.'-''.. ' ^'|' ... :■■..<•-. f/ ^ .:■.■ -f . >'i,. ;>r .:i.:"*r}.'^ The French called tho MisHisHauga, while living in tho west, tho ^oM^«r, or Jumporw, because of tho numorouH rapid« in tho rivor MisHiHsauga down which their canoes wore wont to jump. The MissiHsaugas are of a darker hue than any other tribe in tho northern part of America. The uncertainty that attaches to the MianisBaugaH as to origin, and tho fact that thoy wore not given to warfare ; but scorned to be at peace with all native tribes, causes us to think that possibly they may have sprung from tho dispersed ** Neutral Nation." At the time of tho sottlemenc of Upper Canada, the Missis- sauf^as soom to have been the principal, if not tho sole aboriginal occupants of tho land. There are a great many '* Mississauga Points" along the Bay, oven at tho present day, and there was a greater number at tho tirst, all of which indicated the site of an Indian Village. At Cataraqui, just by the old fort, and Toto du Pont, was a Mississauga point, so called from its being the site of an Indian village. For years after tho refugees entered, the Indians continued to dwell here, at least during certain periods of the year. Tho ground whereon a portion of the railway is laid, used to be the scene of many an Indian dance, to the tune of other music than the screaming of the iron horse, although no less inharmonious. Peter Grass was wont to tell of these scones, whereat fearful orgies were witnessed by the lurid glare of their rude torches. " At the time of the peace, in 1783, the Mississaugas ceded to tho Crown large tracts of land in the Johnstown, Midland and Newcastle Districts." — (Eeport). INDIAN IHLANIM. 381 Tho whole of tho Inmi conti^uoiiH Uy tlu« Way wiw purcluwod fVnm tlm " MiHuissiui^iiH of tlio May (^iiintf." Tho IiidiuiiH, in roliiKiuishin^ thoir cluiinH to tho luiut, Imd ^imnuitood to llioin curtain »tipulutcd paymontM yonvl}', in preMonln. Wo flntl itHtatod that ** Gvovy man rocoivod two hIankotM, cloth for ono coui. and one pair of trowHorH, two HhirtH, Hovonil Hniiill urtioloH, ItOHidisn u ^un, nmrnunition, kottlon, an<l other thin^H." — (Playtor), ^^ .\\f.iii> " They claim, however, to have retained the fol lowing r^servoH." ^f}ssiss(1U{/a Point, hIx milcM bek)W J}»'llcville, about l,2t () acren ; (irnssy Point — in SophiaHhur^h — ahont (iOO acren; dope Vesey, in MaryHbur^h, Hix miles oawt of Wai>i)()OHo Inland, 450 acres; Bald Ifenil, at Weller'H Hay, AmeliaHbur^h, 100 aoros. "They alHo claim the JHlandH eastward fVom I'reHqu Iwle to (Janano<|uc, Nicholsons' jHland, in Lake Ontario, 250 acrcH, near Went Lake, Wellington ; W«'ir'H or Tiibb'is Inland, McDonald'H Island , and Sugar Island, in all about 1,000 acrew. The inlandn from Trenton to KingHUm, and thence to Gananoque. AIho, (rreon'H island, Timber Island, False Ducks, with othofB in Ijake Ontario." oU JfBw«>;KtKt«i t The CommisHionerH coiiKidorod that tho Indians had claims to compensation for their lands. As for the islands, tho following extract tVom a letter from Sir John Johnson to the Military Secre- tary, dated Lachine, 9th (October, 1797, will show their right to the Islands. •* No islands were ceded to tlie Crown but Grenadier Island and tho Islands between it and Kingston; two of which were granted to mo, with the lands at Gananoque, by the Governor and Council, together with tho Island of Tontine above Kingston, at the entrance of Lake Ontario." This was Amherst Island. Tho portion of tho Mississaugas to which the land belonged, were those subsequently known as the Bay Quinto, aiid tho King- ston Indians. The same that lived for a time at Grape Island, and who now reside at Alnwick. "Tho acceptance of the surrender of the Indians in 1856, by the Government, is an acknowledgment that these islands had never been ceded by them." Wo thus learn that the Indian claims made to the islands and reserves in Prince Edward, were allowed by the Government. But the Indians claimed also that tho treaty of cession, as they under- stood it when made, did " not include, a portion of land bounded on the north bj' a line which marks where tho waters flow into the Ottawa Biver, and thence to the south, some thirty miles, to the head waters of some streams which flow towards the Lake, with a 382 INDIAN RK8ERVES. l(3n^th of Homc sixty iniles." But this claim was not conBldercd as tenable. According- to tlio tostiinori}- of the first Bcttlcrs, Wappoosfo Jslaiid, at the oponing of Smith's Bay, was the abmle of the Indian Chief; at least, lie canio here yearly to receive the rates from the settlers who had sf^uattcd upon it. The Indians wont from this to Eingston, to |i^et their presents, wliioh they obtaine(i from one Lyons, who it is said, was the first Indian agent there. He lived a quarter of a mile from the Market Place. From the several villages, placed by the water boai-d, the Mis- sissaugas were aecustoined to ascend up the rivers to the interior of the country for game. Of the different rivers, the Hagonaska, (Moim), was, perhapH, more generally selected. Stoco Lake was a favorite hunting and fishing i-ogion, so namod after a fiimouH Mis- sissauga Chief, Stougeong. They had a lot reserved at the mouth" of the river, and also lot number four, in the feecond conces- sion of Thurlow, — altogether 428 acres, which was sold in 1816, for £107. They gencrnlly ascended about the last of March, and returned the latter ptiit of December. The writer san remember to have seen their bireh canoes, well laden, ptiBsing up and down the river. Before the settlement of Belleville, they had their encamp- ment OB the plains bj- the river's mouth, but in later years they seket'ed grounds some way up the stream. At first the trading post, kept by Chisholra, east of the river on the bay, wus a point of attraction to them. Tbo Indians would make sugar in the spring, and bring it to the settiers in small basswood bags, which they would exchange for different articles. The Mississsaugfts being a race of naturally peaceful diapositioB, the settlers never had any rejison to foar them, even had the Cana- dian Government, li ', the American, foygot to recognize the rights of the natives, and o .ners-of the soil. "When under the influence of liquor thoy might assume a mock heroic character t© intimidate women and children, in order to get something; but no attempt was «ver made to disturb the settlers along the Bay. Every year tlie Indians would go to Kingston to receive their pi^esents, annually given by Government; sometimes there would fee a hnnfh'ed canoes. API'EARANOK OF BAY Ql'INTE. 883 (Jd.NTKNTS — Aj)pcarancc — Month of Bay — Length — The Peninsula of I'rliue Krtward — Width of Bay — Long lleach — Oonrse of Bii}' — The High Shore — Division of bay — liastein, contral, wcsteiJi — Takiug a trip — Through the '" lloacli — A picture — A quiet spot — Lake on tlie mountiiin — A deijcript.iou — " -JMi-l' Montreal Gazette — Beautit\il A'icw — Ilhine, Hudson- —Contrast — Ulasfiic ground — A sketeJjt— Birth place of celebrated Canadians— Hagerman — A leading spiiit— Sir J. A. McDonaUl — ReflectionK — A log house — Kelics of the past — Lesson of life — In the lower bay — lleminiscenoes — The front — Cradle of the province — Shore of Marysburgh — In the Western Bay — . ., .Cuthbertson — Up the bay — A brittle ground — Devil's Hill — Rtiekncy's Hill '" — In the depths — Prosperity — Geological supposition — Head of bay — The past. JkiT* .lA 'JJJ B«*^T QIjINTE continued — ITS ArPEARA.NCE. PorhapH there is no sheet of water in Upper Canada possessed of greater natural beauty than this arm of Lake Ontario. At the eastern extremity of Ontario, where it merges into the St. Law- rence, with its 1692 islands, on the northern shore, is found the entrance to the Bay Quinte. In the early days of the settlement the name was limited to the waters west of Indian Point, at the extremity of Pi-ince Edward Peninsula. At the present time the Bay Quinte is understood to include the sound between Amherst Island, and Wolfe Island, upon the south, and the mainland to the north. Our history is intended specially to embrace the events connected with the settlement of this region. The bay, comment, "iij^- where the St. Lawrence begins its mighty flow, extends in an irregular manner inland to a distance of some 70 miles, its western extremity approaching to within a short distance of the lake ; and thus creating a lengthy peninsula, varjnng in breadth, the greatest being about 25 miks; but M'ith a neck so naiTOw, that the peninsula is almost an island. The width of the bay varies, averaging about a mile ; but in Home places it is two miles. Kot only is the bay irregular in its direc- tion ; but there are many indentations, some several miles in length, which increase the irregularity, and add beauty and variety to the scenery. , The course of the bay from the lower gapV'is'iit first, for some 35 miles almost duo west. It then makes a turn towai'd the north, « tending a little to the east; while to the south is an indentation forming tlie Pioton Bay. This portion of the bay is called the Long Eeach, and in its length, presents some of the most gtriting 384 •rr.. ■ UPON THE BAY. , beauties of the whole bay. Extending to the Bouth of tho Eeach is a lengthy indentation five or six milew long, forming Hay Bay. At the northern extremity of the Long Eeach, is another small bay into which the Napanee River empties, called the Mohawk Bay. Here the main body of water makes another turn, and again, stretches almost directly westward, to the head of the bay. At a distance of eight miles from Mohawk Bay there is a material wid- ening of the water. This portion is called Big Bay. The Avidth does not appear so great in consequence of the existence of islands, one of which, the Big Island, stretches along the south shore even the whole length of Big Bay. At the western limits of the wide part, the bay is very narrow by reason of two opposite points, Mississauga and Ox Points, approaching to within a half mile of each other. It is the opinion of geologists, that the channel between these two points is of comparativel}^ recent formation, caused by a sinking of the land, and that the old channel was throuffh the marsh which divides Mississauga point from Iho peninsula.;. _. y ._j,>.i ..^,4"..,. ^: _..■..,#», ^./r ..;i^'. <*.>/i<il-f«.. .i<;.. :ii;Aii-.{^'!|V>:Ji.'-«S' »,,P, The High Shore, which tbrms so prominent a feature in the scenery of the bay, and the highest summit of which is at the Lake on the Mountain, is a remarkable formation. Commencing in Marysburgh, near the East Lake by the shore of Lake Ontario, it follows the course of Smith's Bay eastward, down the shore to what is called " the Eock," thence across the peninsula to the bay and so follows the course of the bay upward, around Picton Bay, and thence along the eastern front of Sophiasburgh to a point opposite Hay Bay. Here the hill leaves the bay shore and takes a westerly course, and stretches away toward the lake, to the south of the Carrying Place. The Bay of Quinte may be divided into three portions— an eastern, a western, and a central portion. The eastern and western portions, we have seen, rim east and west. The middle portion, con- necting these two together, is a reach of some twelve miles and mostly north and south, from Picton Bay to Mohawk Bay. Undoubtedly the "Long Reach" possesses the most attractive scenery, from the waters themselves, along the whole sheet, from Kingston to the Carrying Place. To obtain some idea of the scenery here presented, the reader is invited to accompany the writer, in imagination, upon the steamer from Mill point, Tyen- dinaga, or the Indian Woods, to Kingston. It is upon a bright morning in September. Leaving the wharf at Mill Point, our boat IN THE LONG REACH. 385 makes a p^raeofUI sweep and turns here prow down the bay toward the Eoach. The power of the sun is beginning to be felt, and the mist which has rested upon the waters is gradually rising. After leaving the wharf a few minutes, an angle is reached from which we can look up through the Big Bay almost to Belleville, and, at the same time down the Eeach, into Picton Bay. This morning, on glancing upwards, a lovely view presents itself. Tht* water is like glass, from which the mist, hero and there, is rising like a sheet of the purest snow. Resting in the glassy bed are several schooners, whose white sails and rigging are perfectly mirrored by the unrippled surface of the water. Turning our gaze down through the Eeach, even a more beautiftil sight is before us. From this standpoint we seem to bo looking through, as it were, a telescope, at the distant shores of Picton Bay. The sun's rays have not yet reached the deep ajid narrow channel, so that a thick covering of white mist hides the water, excepting here and there, whore its lovely blue may be seen, as it reflects the azure sky.' A vessel with snowy sails, seems to be resting against the high shore, while its hull is half enshrouded in the fog. To the right, over a point of low land, may be seen the top raa»t of another vessel, which, in an indentation of the bay, is as if left upon the dry land by a retiring flood. It has always seemed to the writer that this is the most delightful and picturesque spot upon the bay, and he has endeavored, in but an imperfect way, to draw to it the attention of tourists, who may desire to see the more enchanting scenes connected with the bay. Proceeding on our way down the Eeach, the steamer stops at Eoblin's wharf upon the right. Here, in a little dell, leading into a peaceful valley pleasantly wooded, which leads up to the high shore, is situated Mr. Roblin's buildings. For a quiet place in which to live during the summer, where one may forget the cold artificial world, it is unequalled. To the right is the bold high shore, which protects from the northern wind. Spread out before, is a beautiful landscape. There, is another view of Adolphustown, with its many points, and corresponding indentations, the home of peace and plenty. There, is the entrance to Hay Bay, and more directly opposite, the elevated shore, well crowned with trees, still clothed in green. - ■' •' ^ - ^ ■...,■,•..',1-, L.-^:.... ', L4 -i, ...l^. . js..,. .l_, .... We now continue our voyage' close to the precipitous rocks which form the shore, and presently we appi-oach the mouth of Picton Bay. Here again is obtained a varied and deligbtftil prospect, ere we leave this " Grand Bay," as it was at first called. 25 -v' ---'^ 386 THE LAKE ON THE MOUNTAIN. Issuing again from Picton Bay, our steamer glides along in the shadow of the eastem shore, and approaches the Stone Mills, at the foot of the lake on the mountain. The captain will wait until we have ascended, and viewed the lake, and the magnificent pro- spect spread out around. But the brief time allowed to accomplish the ascent affords no adequate chance to take in the exceeding loveliness, and call to mind the historic events connected with the country within view. So we shall detain the tourist for a days' inspection of the scene. The Lake of the Mountain is a curiosity of no mean oi-der. The following, taken from the Montreal Gazette, published in the summer of 1834, is worthy the place we give it : " The Lake of the Mountain is one of the most remarkable objects in the District of Prince Edward. This singular body of water is about five miles distant from Hallowell, (Picton). It is situated on the top of a lofty eminence, about one hundred and sixty feet above the level of the Bay of Quinte. The manner m which it is bounded is rather singular. In one direction it is only separated from the waters of the Bay below by a ledge of limestone rock, about eighty feet high, and by a precipitous embankment, which extends half way around it. In every other direction it is skirted by a ridge which rises to the height of 40 feet above the level ol its surface. This Lake is about five miles in circumference. Its waters are at present applied to propel only a grist mill and a fulling machine. An artificial canal has been cut, along which the water is conveyed to the edge of the embankment, from whence it is conducted by a wooden raceway to the mills, which are situated near the margin of the bay below. The original outlet of the lake is at a few paces distance from the raceway. At this place the surplus waters formerly escaped thi'ough an orifice in the precipice I formerly mentioned, and after dashing over the rocks below, ultimately found their passage into the Bay. " When I first heard of this lake, the most incredible stories were related to me concerning it. The gentleman who first directed my attention to it, absolutely told me that it was supplied by a subterraneous passage from Lake Erie, that there was no inlet in the neighborhood, capable of aftbrding it a supply, and lastly, that it was unfathomable, or that its bottom was lower than that of the adjoining part of the Bay of Quinte. Such information as this, communicated by a well-informed Barrister, did not fail to excite my curiosity, and I accordingly set ont to examine it with feelings of considerable anxiety. " What led to the absurd idea that this lake was supplied from Lake Erie, I am at a loss to understand. It contains no springs, and the banks of that part especially from which it is viewed by strangers, being all so low that no inlet is visible, it might, perhaps, ITS SUPPLY OP WATER. 887 have been thought impossible to account for its i^ourco by any other means. The absurdity of the notion is, however, so glaring that I would not spend a single moment in oxpo.sing it, had it not taken strong hold of the imagination of a great proportion of intel- ligent people residing in this part of the country. " If the Lake of the Mountain were supplied from Lake Erie its waters should experience a corresponding rise and fall with those of Lake Erie. This, however, they do not, for last year the waters of Lake Erie were higher than usual, while those of the Lake of the Mountain were very low. Again, this year, the waters of Lake Erie were lower than usual, while those of the Lake of the Mountain are very high. " Further, if the Lake of the Mountain were supplied from Lake Erie, it should be altogether uninfluenced by any state of the weather in its neighborhood. This, however, is not the case, for in wet weather it becomes high, and in dry weather it becomes low When I first visited this lake, its waters were nearly upon a level with its banks, and when I saw it some months afterwards they were seven or eight feet above them. This was after a continuance of dry weather. !,;/ \' " From all this it is evident that Lake Erie does not furnish the supply of the Lake of the Mountain, and that it must be looked for in some other quarter. Being determined to discover from whence this supply was derived, I proceeded along the east side of the lake for about a mile upon the top of the eminence which separates It from the Bay of Quinte. I then entered the woods and beffan imperceptibly to ascend, until I found, by again coming in site of the lake, that I had r«ached an elevation of about forty feet above It. Continuing to proceed for two or three miles, I descended in the same imperceptible manner, to the place from which I first' set out. In the course of this journey, I crossed no less than five differ ent water-courses, four of which were dry at the period of my first visit, but all of which I have since seen pouring out very considerahlA quantities of water. The fifth is a beautiful ftream flowW into the lake over successive ledges of limestone rock, underneath the rich foliage of the trees by which it is overarched. This stream affords ^?Wn???^^*^/^''^^^'.^°^J"^^^"S ^^^"^ t^^« appearance of Its channel, it must be sometimes upwards of a foot deep. In the spring and fall, when the greatest quantities of water are discharged by It, I have distinctly heard the noise which itmakes at a distance tL IT^ "^K^""^ on the opposite side of the lake, as itdashesover IV^^' J^^ y^°^^ °^ t^^«« "^"'«t« P^ceed from two extensive wamps. That from which the largest arises is situated to ^he outh w^es^ the jlake and is about three or four miles in circum ^„ A '^^^ i^P^ °* ^^^ ^^^^ ""^^^ claimed my attention. Having nro- cm-ed a sufficient length of line, I pushed o^t upon its wat^rsT a wf '"'"'^i:. F""' ^ considerable distance we distinctly perceive the bottom, which consists of dissolved, or rather corroded lime so loose y^ 388 THE VIEW. and light that with little or no exertion one may push the whole length of his oar into it. Continuing to look downwards upon the beautiful white bottom as we sail along, we start instinctively upon finding that we all at once loose sight of it, and that we gaze into a deep, dark, frightful abyss, which is formed by the sudden appear- ance of a precipitous ridge, running right across the lake. Nothing can exceed the amazement — terror, I had almost called it — which some people express on finding themselves surrounded by lofty, dark woods, and floating upon the surface of water as black as ink, ovw an abyss which they have been told is quite unfathomable. " After having sailed over the lake in every different direction, and taken an immense number of soundings, I found its greatest depth to be only ninety-one feet. The bay below I found to bo eighty- two feet. Now as the lake is about one hundred and sixty feet above the level of the bay, it follows that the bottom of the lake is oae hundred and fifty-one feet higher than that of the bay. " Thus, then, it appears that the Lake of the Mountain does not detive its supply from Lake Erie, that its source is to be found in its immediate neighbourhood, that it is not unfathomable, and tibat its bottom is not lower than that of the Bay of Quinte. " The Lalre of the Mountain is however, an object of sufficient interest, without adding to its wonders those of a subterraneons communication with Lake Erie, and an unfathomable depth. There is, for instance, the very singidar manner in which it is separated from the Bay of Quinte, by a wall of solid rock, and the extraordi- nary form of its basin. The fine views, too, with which the moun- tain abounds, ought to be suflicient to a1 tract the attention of all those whose minds are capable of enjoying the various forms in which beauty may be contemplated. ,^,,, " Nothing can surpass the savage gi*andeur of the scene we look upon from the summit of the limestone rock I have so often men- tioned, nor can a lovelier prospect be anywhere found than that which breaks upon the view, on first reaching the top of the mountain. To tlio north and west, we behold the Bay of Quinte, stretching far away into the land, and dividing itself into many beautiful inlets. There are too, the promising settlements and clearances all along the coast, which can never fail to raise and exhilarate the spirits of every one who wishes well to the destinies of his species. There is, however, one view at this lake, which, above all others, I have most delighted to enjoy. It is from the woods, upon the moat elevated part of the eminence which bounds the lake to the south. From this we behold the deep dark waters of the lake beneath our feet, the bay of an hundrexl arms, with its smiling coast, and fai* away we gaze upon forest rising behind forest, until we are lost in the interminable — the dreamy distance. ■ 1 " I have visited tiiis place when the surrounding woods shone in all the gorgeou«ues8 of summer sunshine. I have viewed it again by the pale moonlight, when the splendour and magnificence of the scene surpassed even what it exhibited when viewed by the broad light of CLASSIC GROUND. 3g9 day. Tlie lake below, and the distant bay, appeared like sheets of molten silver, and every object was softened down by the mellow light under which they were viewed. At first the sky was perfectly cloudless, but, in the course of tlie evening, the scene gradually under- went a change. ()n the one hand, the moon shone otlt with a degree of splendour which no one can have any idea of, save they who have beheld her chaste countenance peering above a Cana<liau forest. On the other hand the thin, fleecy-looking clouds rapidly chased each other up towards the zeinth. As the evening advanced, gleams of purple lightning at intervals streamed forth. At length one large cloud which seemed to be the nucleus of the whole, shot from around Its niargin sucoeseive flashes of pure white lightning, unaooompanied by the slightest noise of thunder. As I gazed on the brilliant spec- tacle before me, it seemed instantly to assume the shape and form of the bust of some gigantic being. The longer I looked at it, the brighter did the li<»htning blaze around it, and the more forcibly was I impressed with the resemblance. It might have seemed to a super^ sbtious or highly imaginative mind, as if the great Spirit of nature had deigned to reveal himself, amid the grandeur and sublimity of a scene so congenial to his character." ■' .- - ..v j,,x u vf.,.u,..nM .,( We would supplement this just tribute of praise, and interosting statement; and we venture to say, after having viewed many lovely spots in the old and new worlds, that we know of no lovelier panoramic view than that to be obtained from the Lake of the Mountain, not even excepting the far-famed Hudson, and the classic Rhine. Of course we except the rich relics of the old feudal days, which so picturesquely adorn the mountain tops along the swift running Ehino. But even here we are not destitute of historic reminiscences. True, we have no embattled towers, resting on rugged summits ; no castle keeps, with mysterious dungeons, upon whose walls may be traced the letters laboriously cut by long re- tained captives; no crumbling walls and half-filled moats ; no mag- nificent ruins of graceful architecture. We possess no Tintem Abbey by the quiet waters, to tell of the olden time; no gloomy cloisters where comfortable monks did dwell ; nor romantic cathe- dral whose antique windows admitted but dim religious light. Still, there is something to be said of the past, in connection with our country. From our position here we may examine the classic ground of Upper Canada, and trace the course of settlement fol- lowed by our fathers, the pioneers. . 'sv' 1- ;, At our feet is the bay, and seemingly so near, that one could toss a stone into the clear blue water ; and across, at the distance of a mile, though apparently much nearer, lies the low rich land of Adolphustown. To the ri^ht stretches, in almost a straight line, tho 390 THE FATUER8 OF CANADA. waters of the bay, along which may bo soon tho woU ftottlod shores ovon to Ernosttown, and ovor which wo got a viow of tho Upper Gap , where the waters of tho bay co-minglejwith tho more boisterous flood of Ontario. Upon this bright autumn day tho view is almost on- chanting. Tho surface of tho waters of tho several indentions, especially Hay Bay, as well as tho main channel, have imparted to them tho bright blue of tho sky, while the fields of rich groon and gold give variety to tho scene. This rich landscape spread out before us is really the classic ground of Uppor Canada. Within the compass of our view was for several years tho western limit of the settlement. Wo can see, where landed the refugee loyalists to take possession of tho land. Along that groen and golden sloping shore has slowly passed tho battoaux laden with tho settlers and their limited household effects; there also has gone tho Skcnectady boat with its ungainly soil, and toiling rowers. There, upon tho rich land of Fredoricksburgh and Adolphustown, lived and died many of tho fathers of Canada. In the old homesteads, which there gradually arose, wore born, and spent their boyhood days, a host of sons, who, moving further west up tho bay and lake, planted tho townships. From that spot sprang many of Canadas earliest public men, who passed their younger days among these natural beauties which belong to the bay. Under our eye is tho birth-placo of Judge Hagerman, Sheriff Euttan, and others, who have left a name upon tho pages of Canadian history. There, upon tho front of Adolphus- town stands the old Court House, whore wore held the first Courts of Law of Upper Canada ; there flourished the earliest lawyer of tho Province, Judge Hagerman's father, and there pleaded McLean of Kingston, in his robes and powdered wig. And, there yet stands the house where lived tho little boy, who, now a man, is the leading spirit in our enlarged Canada. Upon this hill, and up and down its slopes, often played this, the foremost man in British America, Sir John A. McDonald. Those four townships, Kingston, Brnesttown, Fredericksburgh, and Adolphustown, were tho early homes of thoso who faithfully served their country. How many thoughts are suggested as the student of history looks abroad on this the first inhabited land of Western Canada. Many of the present inhabi* tants here never heard of tho noble ones, who have struggled, and whose bones now decay in yon *'U. B. burying ground,'' just across the water. Descending the mountain, we will continue our voyage toward Kingston. The next stopping place is Adolphustown, the history REMINI8CRNCE8. 801 of which h given olsowhoro. Wo have to cross the water, and as wo approach tho landing, we may see the 8plendi<l farm where lived the loader of the original settlors, Major VanAlstine. The village of Adolphustown, onoe ono of the most important places in Upper Canada, is now a quiet but pleasant spot, especially during the summer days. Proceeding on our Avay, we may observe, just west of Coles' Point, where settled tho very first person in Adolphustown, a small log house. It is much larger than those which sparsely dotted the bay shore seventy years ago. But it reminds ono, of tho first domiciles here erected. Divided into two, one part having been first built, and the other, when a growing family made it desirable, and moans possible. This old log house close by the shore is a lingering specimen of an almost extinct feature of tho bay. See here and there those tall poplar trees, brought in by the early settlers from the Hudfeon valley, and planted in front of the dwelling; many of them are yielding to the tooth of time. These trees generally mark the spot whore the settler erected his second home after years of labor had prospered him. In many places they stand erect, but with age stricken limbs, as faithful sentinels over the ashes of the old homestead. Ashes indeed ! For the crumbling chimney alone indi- cates where was once the abode of the pioneer — of life's cares and hopes, of doubt and expectation— of all the ins and outs belonging to the home of the pioneer. We have read to us the lesson of life ; there, are the graves of the brave old veterans and pioneers, and there, the dust of their earthly dwellings. Ashe? to ashes ! Dust to dust ! In the lower bay particularly have como to pass many events of varied import, and fi*aught with thrilling interest. Here, in times anterior to the French rule in Canada, did the native tribes come to hold their councils, to make treaties, form alliances, or declare war. Here, at the mouth of tho Cataraqui ; or along the shores toward the little Cataraqui, the French first fixed their place of meeting, and trade with tho Indians who lived afar off in the west. Over these waters have Champlain, the French Kecollets, tho first dis- coverers. La Salle, Father Hennepin, Chevalier do Tonti, La Barro, Denonville, Conte do Frontenac and others, passed time after time, Ovfer the waters here floated the English under Bradstreet, upon the 25th Auo-nst. 17.^^0. who. at tho break of day were to besiege Fort Frontenac, and to capture it. The close of the war in 1783, bi'ought the disbanded soldier* and many a refugee. Along the shores passed the whole of the FIB8T EVHNT8 OF UPPBR CANADA. Mohuwk Indians on their way to thoir lundrt. Hero tho Nation Wipai'utod, tt small party undor Captain John, punwin^ up the JJay oi' Quinto, while the majority paHSod up tho Houth shore of tho laUo to tho Grand River For, yoai-H after might have been seen day aflor day, battoaux, singly, or in brigades, and at a later date Skonootady boats, freighted with families old and young, and with a few pre- cious household effects, slowly and laborously pulling thoir way to their place of dostincd settlement. In tho war of 1812, the Ameri- can fleet ventured in at the upper gap and passed along at a safe distance from tho field artillery that occupied the shoro at He^ chimer's Point. They wore essaying to capture the Royal George; but this attempt was as vain as that to over-run our province. Into those waters entered tho vessel of war, bearing the officers of Hull's army from Detroit, which they boastingly had declared would conquer Canada. From those waters issued some of the first sailing vessels of Lake Ontario. Hero was likewise built the flrrt steamboats upon the lake and bay, the Frontenac and Charlotte. ■i I Upon tho shores of these pleasant watoi-s was commenced th© Burvey of the ten townships around the bay. Here was the start- ing point of settlement. Horo, for many a year, was the central point of Upper Canado. Along from Cataraqui up to Collin's Bay was tho great front of the infant settlement. Going up the bay, even to Adolphustown, was regarded for several years as going far into the backwoods. Along tho north shore of the bay to Adolphustown, were enacted those scenes which constituted the very first events of Upper Cana- dian history. The front of Kingston townshipmay, indeed be called the birth plouo, and tho front of Adolphustown the cradle, of the pro- vince. Every farm along this shore has its history, which if writtwi in the noble spirit that animated the British American Loyalists, would command the attention of the world. These quiot old home- steads now reposing upon the gentle slopes in peace and plenty, tell not of tho hai'dships of the old soldiers and refugees, who, with ticket in hand entered to commence the earnest work of clearing. Mainly, in tho third and fourth townships, the officers settled by tho bay, while the rank and file took up lots in tho second and rear concessions. The first four townships are indeed, the classic ground of Canada. Nor is the south shore of tho bay, Marysburgh, devoid of intei-est in an historic sense. Reserving for anotlier place a full account of the first settlement by tho Hessians, we can but glanoe UPON Till; WIMTEBN BAY. 398 ttt tho iivct thftt a band of mon without any knowledge of the Eng. liHh languago, und unnrqiiuintcMj with tho lirnt principloH of pionoor life, t)Ou«titutod tho tii-Ht Hottlorw. Thoro, in McDonald'n Cove landed lio, aitor whom tho name in given ; und thoro, amid tho woods and upon the bright watorH, ho pOHWod hiH days. Wo commoncod our trip and obHorvationH at Mill Point, and proceodod down tho bay. Lot us return, and starting from tho wanio place proceed to the hoatl of the bay, the Carrying Place. Thin part oi" tho bay poHsesHeB Iosh of that pioturesque beauty than is found in the pai't over which wo have i)aHHed ; yet thoro i« much to ongago the attention of tho tourist. ,.; , .^ i ^.,;, Mill Point, although a name suggestive of enterprise and of tJie existence of mills; cannot be regarded with approbation, and it is to be hoped that some appropriate name, commemorating uomo paert evont or person, connected with the place, will be bestowed upon it. It was ibr many years known us " Culbertaon's wharf." Tho proper name, however, was Cuthbertson. It was from tho son of a Scotch fur trader who became connected with tho Mohawks. He lived at Kingston for many yeare, leaving when ho died a natural son and daughter, by a daughter of Captain John. Alter his death, she and the two children removed to the Mohawk village. It wag this son who first built the wharf here, and hence tho original name. Aii.,v-uf /ui uwnnjjv), f^jw ,a/fa'^iaiqi^>i.>A w ao ' Continuing our way up the bay, leaving to the east the pleas- ant inlet stretching up to Napanoo, tho first thing to attract our attention is tlie Parsonage and Indian Church, ombowei*ed in the beautiful forest trees. Tho Pareonage first strikes our view, where resides tho amiable and worthy clergyman Mr. Anderson. In front of it is a solitai-y poplar with the branches partially decayed. It marks tho spot upon which the tribe first landed, when they came to the place in 1784. Hero they first spread their tents. Some- what to the east of this stood the first English Church, the founda- tion of which can yet bo traced. Near by sleeps the remains of Captain John, the leader of tho ti-ibo, and likewise many other warriors. ft;j*ii4^',,:.^t^r ,i<(ii.UirA't>j ii}'jj,vt .t-y; injiiy :-^m m .U^vUtT,. A half mile to the west of the Church, is an eminence, which tradition points to as the battle ground between the ancient Missis- saugas and the Hurons. Further westward is Devil's Hill, so called because a drunken Indian declai-ed he there had seen, one night, his Satanic Majesty, and chased hi.n all night. Then comes Eagle Hill, once the abode of this Imperial bird. To the south, first lies 894 A REMARKABLR HILL. the low iHlund, known as Cnptalti John's, bought by Cutlibort^on who built the wharf, from tho MiHHiHHuu^as. Th»)n comes Iho north frontof Soph iuMburg, rich in agricultural boauty. Tho HrMtomipenco by tho Hhoro iH.Sticknoy'H Hill, onco tho buryin;^ place of Indiana, but orronoouHly Hupi)OHO(l to bo tho npot where u Col. Quint<^, with hiH army, poriHhod from hunt;er and cold. In tho dopthw of tho watorH over which our boat now glidoH, it haw been recorded, liavo been seen cannon and ammunition, and other warlike material, which Col. (^uinte vainly endeavored to take acroHH on his way to Fort Frontenac. But the truth ih, if such material have been seen, they wore tho contentH of a military sleigh which, while pa-ssing up through here in the winter of 1812-13, heavily laden, broke through the thin ice. We now enter Northport, at the eastern side of Big Ba}' ; and tho land, on every hand, tells of comfort and thrift, and quiet peace. Next, tho wider portion of the Bay, whicl-. ha^i received the name of Big Bay, iw passed over. To tho loft is Big Island, and Grape Island, where tho Eev. Mr. Case endeavoured to civilize and Gliristianizo a community of Mississaugas. Wo now pans through the Narrows, and the spires of Belleville Churches may be seen in the distance. From Big Bay to the Carrying Place, there m great uniformity in the appearance of the land on either sido, excepting upon the south shore at about seven miles from tho head of the Bay. Here, where is tho Village of llednersville, is a some- what remarkable hill, which, commencing at this point, extends up along the Bay toward the end. It is separated from tho western extremity of the High Shore by a valley, through which, at one time, tho waters of Ontario flowed; and, when this hill was an island. The rock of this hill consists of shaly limestone, similar to that which forms the bed of tho Moira. We now approach tho end of our voyage, and, as the steamer enters the port at Ti-enton, we can see the basin which forms the end of the bay, in which rests one Island known as Indian Island. Taking the Bay Quinte in its whole extent, tho events of tho past belonging to this quiet sheet of water, are of no ordinary interest. The tourist of to-day, while ho admires the beauty as he passes along, sees no trace of tho past. The placid water, no more reflects the trim and light canoe of birch, no longer the clumsy, but staunch batteau, or Durham boat, nor the Skenectady boat. No more is heard the oar of tho Canadian voya- guer. keeping time by tuneful voices. MOHAWK BAY. 395 . ClIAl'TEK XLV. • .,'■•:■ . CoHtiXTl— Tho " nig Bay "— MnHk(»to Otiy— Molinwk Hiiy — TTay Bfty — " EAStorn Hay" — Hlto of Ancient K(inton—Tlu« Niimo— old b'lunilU'M — An Aoildont, 181U — Elglituun Urowited — Kxtract from I'liiytur — Ktmrching for the Hudioa— Huryin)^ tlm iJi'iid — ricton IJiiy — y\|»|)furiinco — Tlio " Oruml Buy" — Upper (lap — Lower Oh|) — Kitif^Kton Buy— A rittiiro — ItccollcctlonN — A ContraHt— Ship Yard»~Kxtract from Cooper— Inland Lakoa. , , THE SEVERAL BAYS. , , In lookincf ftt Iho main clmnnol, wo have montionod Hcvoral indontatlonn, which have, from tlioir Bizo, roceivod iliHtiiict names. Wo will now examine those more particularly. '' '■•' ,' 'r " n- m About twenty mi leu from the Carrying Place, and eight miles oaBt of Bollovillo, in Big Bay, menning, originally the big part of the Hay. As before wtated, its size does not appear so well marked as it otherwise would, ft-om the existence of a largo island which lies in the south ])art of th<» Bay, and which is, seemingly a part of the main land. To the north is a small bay, whore tho Salmon River empties. Between Mississauga point, which forms tho western boundary of Big Bay, and Huff's Island, is another inlet from Big Bay, which is called by tho inhabitants Musketoe Bay, or 8ometimcs, erroneously, "Miscoutor" Bay. It is, mainly, but a marsh, In which the Muskrat finds a home, the wild duck a safe retreat, and whoro myriads of musketo may, in their season, bo found. This last mentioned fact explains the origin of the name. It is stated that, before the adjacent land was cleared, tho swarms of insects was so thick as to actually cloud the air. At tho junction of tho western and middle portions of the Bay is tho Mohawk Bay. This name is derived from tho residence hero of the Mohawk Indians, who came in 1784, and consequently is of no older date than the settlement of Upper Canada. Tho original name was Gane'tous. Tho Bay is about five miles in length, and a mile wide at its mouth ; it gradually lessens until it forms tho mouth of the Napanoe river. In summer the scenery along this Bay is very agreeable, and in some places really beautiful. The second flouring mill having been built in 1785, Mohawk Bay and the Napanee Eiver wore well known by early settlers, and along these shores, now well cultivated fields, there have passed many a time tho batteau laden with grain, or the canoo with a bag of grist- ing ; or along tho shore trudged tho pioneer with a bushel of corn on his back, or in winter hauled it upon a hand sleigh. 386 ORIGINAL HEAD OP BAY QUINTE. Hay Bay. — From the entrance of Mohawk Bay southward, along the reach about seven miles, is another inlet. This is Hay Bay, and, by far, the largest of the several Bays. By looking at the map,, it will be seen that this indentation is somewhat divided into two almost equal portions by a narrow channel ; and that the eastern part is considerably broader than the western. This narrow channel was originally called, according to an old map of Fredericksburg, dated 1784, the " Long Eeach," and the east end, the ** Eastern Bay." This was then regarded as the real end of the Bay Quints. The " North Channel," leading to the Mohawk settlement, was but little known, and not taken into con- sideration. It must be remembered that the names originally given to the several portions of the Bay were such as the circumstances of the settlers would be likely to suggest. The soldiers who settled on the front of the third township soon learned that in the rear was a Bay, by which they could reach the back concessions. Some crossed the peninsula, while others reached their lots by making a circuit of tho Fourth Town shore. The distance to them as they toiled in the batteaux, seemed a long stretch, and hence it was called the " Long Eeach," while the wider portion, at the end of tiie Bay was named Eastern Bay, or the most eastern bay. Here, as we have seen, dwelt the ancient Kentes. The name of Hay Bay must have been given to this sheet of water about 1786. In the absence of any certain knowledge of the origin of the name, we have concluded that it was so called, out of respect to his memory, after Lieut-Governor Hay, who died at Detroit, 29th August, 1785, "after twenty-nine years service," This was the year previous to the time of the first settlers locating here. The name was, most likely, given by the Surveyor, who, in accordance with the custom, named everything after some influential or prominent person, or friend. While advancing this theory of the origin of the name, we must not omit to mention, that when the country was opened up there was, growing in some places upon the bay shore, wild hay. This may possibly have given rise to the name ; or the name may have been taken from Chief Justice Hay. Hay Bay, although possessing no particular features of beauty, has a charm peculiarly its own, as being the original Kente Bay. It is not wanting in historic interest. Along its shores, now so fertile, for long years existed abundant game; a fact well known to all the neighboring tribes. Although ao settlor took up land here until 1786, there were among them indi- HAV BAY ACCIDENT, 89Y vldunls who took no unimportant part in the war against rebel- lion. Upon the south shore lived and died some families who acted more than ordinarily venturesome pnrts during the contest, as the Huycks, Miss Loyst, who married a Diamond, and whose two brothei-8 were with Sir John Johnson at Hungry Bay. Here settled three Embury's, David on the north shore, who was brother of Philip Embury, the first Ifethodist Preacher in America. On the south side lived Andrew, and John Embury, and the first family of the Bogarts of Canada, doscendents of the first Moravian minister, to America. Also, here lived Judge Fisher, Squire Beegle| James Knox, the first Quaker Preacher in Canada. Upon the north bank, while the colony was yet in its infant days, was com- mittcd, probably, the first act of suicide in the country. An event even yet remembered by some. And, more than all, it was upon these waters where occurred an accident, which filled the whole Bay country with horror; and awakened emotions of the keenest sympathy, which produced an impression throughout the whole Province, exceeded only by the loss of the schooner " Speedy " with all on board. ..... a . .. , r V, The accident on Hay Bay took place on a Sunday morning, 20th August, 1819. On the south shore of the bay, in the Methodist meetmg-house, was this day a Quarterly Meeting. Quarterly meet ings, in the early days of the country, were always largely attended, persons coming from a considerable distance. On this occasion there were present many from the adjacent townships. JN'ot a few came from the banks of the Napanee. Those Uviug to the north of the bay bad to cross to the place of meeting by boat. It was a bright sunny Sabbath morning, and already had many crossed and were joining in the religious services, when there put off from the north shore, a short distance from Casey's Point, a boat load, consisting of eighteen young men and women, most of whom lived along the bay. "They \\ 3re all dressed in good and modest apparel as befitted the day, and the house and worship of God. Buoyant with the cheerfulness of youth, and the emotions of piety, they »ang as they stepped into the boat, and as they made progress to the other shore. The boat being rather leaky, and so many, pressmg it too near the water's edge, tht water came in and increased fast, and they had no vessel to bail with. Unhappily, the young men did not think'of bailing with their clean hats, or did not like to do so, until it was too late. The boat filled and sank, when near the other shore, and these eighteen young men and women, crying and shrieking, went down into the deep water. 398 GREAT ORIEF. At the time of crossing, there was a prayer meeting proceeding in the chapel. One those present was now engaged in prayer, and had just uttered the petition that " it might be a day long to be remembered," when a shriek was heard, another, and another. The prayer was stopped, and some I'au up to the pulpit to look out, and saw the youths struggling in the water. All ran to the shore, and some plunged in to render assistance. Eight were taken to tlie shore. Ten bodies were yet in the water. A seine was prepared, and so the bodies of these unhappy youths, a few hours ago so blythe and cheerful were brought dripping to the land. One was not recovered till the next morning. Two young men were drowned, and eight young women. Two were of the German family, two Detlors, one Bogart, one Eoblin, one McCoy, one Clark, one Madden, and one Cole. The grief of the families, so suddenly bereaved, gathered together on the shore, gazing at the loved bodies, may be better imagined than described. The grief, too, was shared by the large congregation assembled, and by the minister. No public worship was attended to, but preparations for the solemn funeral, . v *: >-. ? t . "Monday was a day of mourning. News of the disaster soon spread far, and a great congregation was assembled. Nine coffins were lai<l in order outside the chapel. One of the corpses was buried in another grave-yard. Mr. Puffer took for the text, Job xix. 25-27, " I know that my Eedeemer liveth," &c. He stood at the door and tried to preach to those within and without, but was so affected by the catastrophe, the weeping congregation, and the coffined dead before him, that he confessed he could not do justice to the subject, or the occasion. But he offered consolation from the gospel to the stricken families mourning. Next, the coffins of the youthful dead M'^ere opened, that friends and neighbours, and young acquaintances, might take a last look and farewell. Six of the graves were in rota- tion, and the coffins were placed in the same manner. The others were near departed friends in other parts of the ground. After the reading of the burial service, the graves, one after another, received the dead, and then were closed up again, until the day when " the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible."— (Playter). -^^^ - ■ -■ - '' • ^ * • The writer has often heard his father relate the touching circum- stances here told. He was then at home, his father being a resident of the south shore, and was an eye witness of the scene. His father's steelyards were used, the hooks being attached to a pole, to grapple for the bodies. PICTON BAY. 399 PicT©N Bay. — Where the eastern portion of the Bay Quinte and the Long Reach unite, the waters are comparatively wide. This was at the first called the Grand Bay. The south side of the Grand Bay forms the mouth of Picton Bay, which stretches southward some five miles, and which has at its head the town of Picton, after which the bay has been named. The view presented upon passing up this indentation of the Bay, and as well in returning, and looking up the long reach, is one of the most attractive perhaps in all Canada. As the tourist approaches the head of the Bay he will be struck with the extraordinary beauty. To the left are two picteresque buildings, one the Ontario College. Rising up majestically at the very head of the Bay, is an almost pre- cipitous mountain, whose gray sides, and wood-crowned summit, gives a grand, though sombre appearance. Nothing seems to be wanting but the crumbling walls of an old castle to make the picture complete. When the refugees first came to the Bay, the inlet, now called Picton Bay, was regarded with some degree of aversion. The high barren-looking shores, covered with dwarf firs and cedars, offered no inducements to the settler. During the first two or three years a party of three or four ascended to the head of the Bay, but ob- serving the thick cedars and firs on either hand, and withal suffering much from the musketoes, they returned and reported that no man eould ever inhabit it, that it was fit only for the musketoe. But before many years the Congers, the Johnsons, Washbums and Steeles, had taken up their abode here. ■ -■ ■ , ^ We have seen that this Bay constituted a part of an Indian route from the west to the south shores of Ontario. To the east of " Grrand Bay," the peninsula of Adolphustown is indented by two bays. Between the extremity of Prince Edward peninsula and Amherst island, where Lake Ontario joins the Bay, at a point which formerly was regarded as the mouth of the Bay of Quinte, is a space nearly a mile. This is called the Upper Gap. Between the eastern end of Amherst and Grape Island is the Lower Gap which is something more than a mile wide. Directly to the north of the east end of Amherst Island, upon the coast of Ernesttown is an indentation where empties a small stream, this is called Gollins' 5ay, after Deputy Surveyor Collins. *^^I''9f^T3'^i-n'' T'"' The only remaining bay of which we shall specially speak, is the Kingston Bay. ,.,,^,.„. ....,;., ,. ,,, , .,,,,,,^ .., - 400 KINGSTON BAY. ^- Perhaps no piece of water can be found in Western Canada possessed of more natural beauty than the Bay of Kingston, during the sejuson of navigation by water. Whether one enters it from the Great Lake with its rough swell, or th« quiet waters of Quinte, or the bright St. Lawrence, whose waters are beautiful with a thousand isles ; or whether he gazes from the curving shore at the City's front ; or from the Cataraqui Bridge; or instead, takes his stand at the point of Frederick or Fort Henry, there is spread out the same pleasing view; one upon which the eye can long gaze with admiration. Encircled by a border of green clad islands, with the massive city upon one side, the waters of the harbour are peaceful and secure. The former beauties such aa Champlain and Frontenae looked upon, have passed away. There is less of the natural beauty entering now into the view, but art has taken the place. The bai-racks at the Tcte du Pmt, the buildings at Navy Yard, the strong fort, the warlike martello towers, and the city of solid stone, give a different, but yet a pleasing picture. Kingston Bay affords a safe place for boating in summer, and in winter, its coating of ice is the theatre of attraction for the joyous skater. Eespecting the events which have come to pass by the Bay of Kingston in the early history of the country, the reader is referred to the history of Kingston. We will only add that the ''ship-yards and marine railways at Kingston, Garden Islaaid, and Portsmouth, have launched on the inland seas the greatest in number ■ and largest of tonnage of Canadian vessels in Canada West; King- ston being second only to Quebec in the extent of its ship-building." Here in 1814 was built the three decked ship of war " Saint Lawrence;' at a cost of £500,000. The chief cause of this enormous cost was the expense of transportation of stores and equipments from Montreal. In 1853, the aggregate tonnage of the vessels built at the ship-yard in Kingston alone, apai-t from those built at Portsmouth and Garden Island, amounted to 2,500 tons; the cost of these vessels was £26,000, of which £14,000 was paid for We will here introduce an interesting notice of the several lakes lying north of the Bay in the adjacent townships, from Cooper "Through the whole ti-act of country lying north of the Township of Kingston, and in these and the neighbouring counties, are a multitude of lakes of various sizes, from that of a mere pond np to that of a lake twenty miles in extent. The water of these lakes is extremely pure and clear, and they are furnished with A PLACE FOR RETIREMKNT. 401 abundance of fish ; they are mostly connected by streams of water, and are navigable, and the streams are capable of floating canoes or small boats. Through those lakes and streams are annually floated immense quantities of lumber and timber, and in the absence of the roads now in course of construction, they have been the high- way to the city from many a fine farm on their banks. Around them, in some places, the land is much broken, rocky and waste, but between such broken and rough tracts are lands of great rich- neus and fertility, and of the first quality. The scenery throughout this tract of country, and in the neighbourhood of these lakes and rivers is extremely picturesque, and in many places even grand, varied with rock, valley, streamlets and wood. When as the country gets older, localities are sought not only with regard to their flat unvaried richness of soil, but with some consideration of their beauty of location and scenic charms; there is little doubt that many a romantic glen here will have its accompanying cot- tage, hamlet or mansion, and that many a pretty homestead will be embowered among these woods and water-falls ; even now, many a good farm is being brought under cultivation in these parts. If any surpass the rest in picturesque beauty, we should incline to give the palm to Buck Lake and its vicinity. The neighbourhood of these lakes abound in deer. ■ — - - _ - -, -,-.-.. ■^.. . ■.. . . «^ -■ ^" ■ - ' ' r:' ' --^ •■■ ' r^''.'-i. ;i **«i : ^. ti'.'i':;;": ;te---^o ::.f;'V;':- .. .•■..; ■': X" 'n.P-;;.;(^- V^ --. ^ ,.; >J: "iv.- . - . - ■ St|n'.>;;j,'ji-i_. , V;,.^ ^. .^ ,,. ;, -•^JV-V-.-*,,. ;,,.-..-.,,;.,. ^ ;. >^? *■ .;.., ■ • ;.>*;"' ,; -. V •■^''■' ■ '..... 402 THE ISLANDS. i ' CHAPTER XLV. • CoNTENTH — Ifiland8--PoH8C8sed by Indians— The " Thousand Islands" — Carlcton iHland—History of Island— During the rebellion— Wolfo Island— The name — Howe Island— Old name — County of Ontario — Garden Island— Horsoshoe Island- Sir Jeffry Amherst— The size— Indian name—" Tontine " — John- son's Island— The Island won — Present owner — First settler- The three brothers— Small Islands — Hare Island — Nut Island— Wappooso Island- Indian rendezvous — Captain John's Island— Bartering — Hunger Island— Big Island— First settlers— Huff's Island— Paul Huff— Grape Island— Hog Island— Smaller Islands— Mississauga Island— A tradition — The Carrying; Place— Its course — Original survey— History — American prisoners — Col Wilkins. THE ISLANDS OP BAY QUINTE. The reader who has kindly followed uh thus far in examining the bay, and its several coves, or indentations, is invited to accompany us once more along its course, and note the several islands which Btud its bosom. They are not numerous ; but the numerous points all along, as well as the turns in the bay recompense any lack arising from the absence of islands. When the Mississauga Indians coded the land along the bay to the British Government, thoy reserved certain points of land, and mostly all the islands between the head of the bay and Gananoque, Those excepted were Grenadier Island, and the small islands between it and Kingston, and Amherst Island. The islands of the St. Lawrence are famed almost the world over, they are called the « Thousand Islands." But Howison says, that the commissioners appointed to fix the limits between Canada and the United States, counted the islands of the St. Lawrence and found there were 1692. The islands below Gananoque belonged to the Iroquois, V i a/j/J jH Ti ;;<;... "'■■ •' /'' Carlbton Island— The first island is Carlcton Island, called by the French the island of Chevreux, Goat's Island; situated between the American shore of the St. Lawrence, and Wolf Island, It was a military and naval statiori during the American rebellion, at which government vessels were built for navigating the lake, and possessed fortifications. Its name is derived from Guy Carleton, Esq., " his Majesty's Captain-General and Governor-in-chief, and over his Majesty's province of Quebec, afterward Lord Dorchester." This military post, as we have seen, afforded a retreat for the refugee*, who fled from the Mohawk valley. Says the Rev. William Mcaulay, "Jay's treaty of peace, as it was called, in 1783, found Carleton Island occupied by the 84th Eegiment, a body of High WOLFE AND HOWE ISLANDS. 403 landers levied in the Carolinas, and HubHoquently adopted into the lino." Upon the erection of the northern lino of the United States, Carloton Island eamo within the boundary of the State of Now York. But it continued in common with other military posts, in possession of the British, until 1706. Indeed, according,' to the gentleman whoso words we have (juotod above, it remained in possession of tho British until 1812, when the Americans crossed and seized a sergeant's guard stationed there. It would seem that parties entering Canada wore required to procure a passport hero. Acof)y of one, extracted from tho history of Dundas, is as follows, directed "To whom concornod." «' Permit the boat going from this to pass to Kingston with their provisions, family, clothing, beding, household furniture, and farm- ing utensils, they having cleared out at this post, as appears by their names in tho margin. (John Loncks, two men, two women, three children)."— Signed " C. McDonell, P. O." Among the refugees hero during the war was Mr. Mcaulay. In 1776, Sergeant Major Clark, of the 8th, or King's Own Eogi- ment, was appointed clerk and naval store keeper at Carleton Island, where ho remained till 1790. This was father of the late Colonel Clark, of Dalhousie. For further particulars of Carloton Island the reader is referred to the history of Kingston. i ' WoT.PE IsLAND—This is a considerable island, 25 miles long, stretching along near the American shore, directly opposite King- ston. It contains 28,129 acres of good land. The name is found often -, spelled wolf, leading us to infer that it is derived from the presence : of that animal upon the island at some time. But it is no doubt after :. General Wolfe, who fell at Quebec. The original Indian name, a8 ; given in tho document conferring a seigniory at Cataraqui upon La . Salle, incbading this and Amherst Island, was Ganounkouesnot. The French called it tho Grande Island, and Simcoo in his procla- : mation 1792, directed it to be called "Wolfe Island. Mr. Detlor says '■ that " it would seem the greater part of Wolfe Island was granted to the heirs of Sir William Johnson, the clergy and Crown reserves excepted. We observe a notice in the Kingstm Gazette, that Wolfe Island, with Pittsburgh, was conjoined to Kingston for municipal purposes : in 1813.:fj :-'jWii>f •.witit^r t^ i}nin<ifV:r, tHifwa .aw^fi oV.f >,,iV(J|iKXf Y'^S-^H^f;" HoWe TsLANi^— Is Situated in th» St. Lawrence, somewhat below Kingston, it is a large, long island in front of tho township of Pittsburgh, and one part of it is almost conjoined to the mainland.'- 404 AMHERST ISLAND. It is a towTiBhip by itself, and contains about 8000 acres. It was called by the French, Isle Cauchois ; but was named by Simcoc, or his advisors, Howe Island. When Upper Canada was erected into a province, it was divided into nineteen counties ; the seventh of these consisted of Howe Island, Wolfe Island, Amherst Island, Gage Island, with all the other islands between the mouth of the Gananoque and the point of Marysburgh. They constituted the county of Ontario. Garden Island.— Upon the north of Wolfe Island, in Kingston Bay, is Garden Island, containing some sixty-three acres. Near the western extremity of Wolfe Island, is another small island, which received the name of Horseshoe Island, and separated from the largo island by a narrow channel, which was named Battoau Channel, is Gaye Island, after Brig. General Gage, which was also sometimes called Simcoe Island. The name given to it by the French was Isle aux Foret It contains some 2164 acres of rich ^- Amherst Island.— So called after "Sir Jeffrey Amherst, of the honourable and military oi-der of Bath, Colonel of of the Third and Sixteenth Regiments of Infantry, Lieutenant- General in the Array, and Commander-in-Chief of all His Majesty's Troops and Forces in North America." This beautiful island, stretching along opposite, and about a mile and a half from Ernest- town; being some twelve miles in length, causes an extension of the Bay Quinte to a corresponding distance. It contains about 14,015 acres of very rich land. The channel separating it from Gage and Wolfe Islands, forms the Lower Gap, and that which flows above, between it and Marysburg, is the Upper Gap. '"" In the time of LaSalle, the Indian name of this island was Kaouenesgo. It formed a part of his Seigniory, and he, some time after his arrival to build Fort Frontenac, 1678, named the island Isle de Tonti, after a brave French ofRcer, with one arm, who accompanied him. This name, modified to " Isle Tanta," clung to the island until recent years. Sir John Johnson, to whom it was granted, with other land, at the close of the war, 1783, in a letter to the Military Secretary, calls it the <' Island of Tontine." This may have been a fancy name of the owner, as we find no other reference to it. The present name was bestowed in 1792, after J Gen. Amherst, who acted so conspicuous a part in the wars. Upon some old jnaps the Island is designated " Sir John Johnson's Island." We find an indefinite statement that the island was claimed by the CAPT. John's island. 405 Mohnwks, and that they coded their rights to Col. Crnwfonl, who accompanied Sir John, and who, in turn, tranHfcrred it to Johnson. But, as ho and JJrant were on the most intimate term , thoy could, no doubt, arrange any ditt'eronco between themselves. We do not see that there can be any objection to record a statement which has been told for many long years by the inhabi- tants of the Bay, that the Island was subsequently won by an aris- tocratic gambler, Lmly B , in England, at a game of cards, who afterwards disposed of it to the present owner, Lord Mountcashel. Some of the farm lots have been, wo believe, dispo.sod of, but the island is mostly held by tenants, under lease from the Earl. The oldest settler upon the island was Lieutenant McGinnis, of Johnston's Eegimont. He lived hero in some comfort, having several slaves to do the work. Off the east end of Amhorst Island, in the Bay, are throe small islands, called the Three J5ro//ieAs, « famous for black bass fishing, and for deep rolling sea." m . Leaving the waters of the Lower Bay, and directing our course westward, we find the Bay comparatively free of Islands. Here and there, all along its coiirso, may bo seen small islands, close to the shore. These received names, as a general thing, after the person who owned the adjacent land. There are, however, a few more islands which need special notice. fr.. ♦./, i;.--,! '-,.;/<.».. ,-., Upon an old plan of Fi-edericksburgh, dated 1784, is to be seen in Hay Bay, three islands ; one near the north shore, at its eastern extremity, is called Hare Island. To the south, at the eastern shore, are the other two ; the north one is called Nut Island; the more southern one is Wappoose Island. This island, from its name, must have been the place of residence of the principal chief of some Indian tribe, probably the Kente Indians. Here, must have been a place of considerable importance to the Indian — a rendezvous, whereat they met, and whereat the chief held his simple, but dignified court. Opposite the Mohawk Church, in the Indian Village, just off Grassy Point, of Sophiasburg, is a low island, contain- ing fourteen acres. This island originally belonged to the Mississaugas, as did most of the islands in the Bay, until a compara- tively recent date. John Cuthbertson, a grandson of Capt. John, purchased the island from John Sunday, and other Mississauga chiefs. The price paid was a cow and a yoke of steers. A quit claim deed was received by Mr. Cuthbertson, which is yet to be 40C DIG ISLAND. seen. This bar/^ain led to Hoino tmublo with tho Government, who liokl that tho iMibNiHsuugaH htul ]io ri^ht to hoU tlieir land except to Government. However, Anally, tho receipt hold by Outhbortson was allowed to be. a legul document. This iHland in known as Capt. John*H iHland. . , There are three flmall iBlandw in Mohawk Bay, the Inrgost of which is called Hunger inland. It in nituatod anhort distance from tho mouth, netir the uui'.tU biiore, md coutHiiiu uL>uut ueveu acron of land. ■ ■ •■ ' ■ ■■ ■ • "1* I ■ *' ■' • 'I ' III. Along tho north Hhore of SojjhiaHburg is Jiifj Island. Ah its name implies, it iu an iuland of considerable bIko, containiof; over 3,000 acres of excellent land. The channel soparating thJH long narrow island I'rom the mainland, especially at its east ond ie very narrow, and is spanned by a short bridge, and may even be forded. Long grass abundantly grows all though tho channel, which, in summer, covers tho water, and seems to form tho island and muinland into ono. Here, is the constant abode of tho musk- rat, and at certain seasons tho resort of tho wild fowl. It is said that Samuel I'eck and Samuel Shaw were the first settlers on this island. The older inhabitants along the bay remem- bers when this island was thickly covered with wood of the most heavy description. It was for many years, at tho beginning of the present century, the scene of lumbevlug operations. Winter after winter, large (piantities were cut down, and in the spring, rafted and conveyed to Montreal. The writer has heard it stated, this island was originally, when IK) longer owned by the IntUans, bestowed on one Hall, and that early ma{»s designate it Hall's Island. •-•.^.iwi v.-.i.,iii..!.VL.v .1 , •..,., r.,iv i»',;. Hurt's island is situated to tho west of Big Island, and forms a part of Anieliasburgh, from which it is separated by a marsh, and to which, at ono point it is connected by a low neck' of land. To the north is Missisnauga Point. The island obtains its name from the first settler, Solomon Hull", who settled there in 1826. Solomon Huff was the son of Paul Huff, one of the original settlers of Adol- phustown, who came from Long Island, New York, with Van. Alstine. Tho writer has conversed with tho wife of Solomon Huff when in her 91st year, who retained a vivid recollection of the time of their settling, from tho fact, that when crossing the ice to tho island they broke through with their furniture. At the time of their settlement their nearest neighbours were on ono hand at Demorestville and on tho other at Walbridge's, on tho north shore of Mississagua Point. • INDIAN ISLAND. 407 Immediately to tho east of Huff 'h iHlnnd, is Grapo Inland. It received tho name it IwiWH I'roiii the great (luantitics of wild jjjrupes that ot one time grow HpontniicouHly upon it. This iMland, now barren and treeless, wan, at one time, tho home of domesticated Indians. Even yet, may ho Heon, the traeoH of the wooden cabins, where the MississaugaH lived under tho i>aternal care of the Uev. Mr- Case. Continuing westward from Hig Bay, there are to ho Hcen several .•imnil islands (iloae to the shore, tlic names accorded them are not beautiful, but probably have in their origin something significant. Thus, there is one called Hog Island, and opjmsito Helleville is another known as Cow Island. An island west of the mouth of tho Moira, in yet called Zwick's Island, after the person who once owned tlio adjoining lan<l. This island was, .it one time, .an Indian burying ground. We next come to the island upon which are extensive sawing mills, commonly called Bilker's Island. It was formerly called Myers' Island, after Captain Myers, who live<l adjacent thereto, lie, for several years, paid rent to the Indians for it. Telegniph Island is about four miles above iJelleville ; and '* Nigger " Island nine miles. The last island we have to notice, belonging to tho b.ay, is Indian Island, situated at the extremity of Bay Quinto, west of tho mouth of the Trent River. Upon a map, to be seen in the Crown Land's Department, this is designated Mississanga Island. It has also been called Fighting Island. There is a tradition respooting this island, to which tho existence of human bones found there, seems to give some degree of plausibility. It is oven now related, th.it at an early date, a company of Mohawks, who had crof:sed from the south side of tho lake, were encamped upon this island. A band of Mississaugas, learning the fact, approaclied the island cautiously at night, took away their bo.at8 so they could not esc.a])e, and then suddenly, with superior numbers, fell upon the Mohawks, and killed and scalped them all. But the bones found there may liavo been placed there for burial. THE CARRYING PLACE. '^ The distanco between tho head of bay Quinte, and the waters of Lake Ontario, at tho narrow part of the isthmus is about a mile and three-quarters. By this narrow neck of land tho peninsula of Prince Edward is saved from being an island. This was called in the first proclamation of Simcoe, " the isthmus of the Prosqu islo de 4M TUB OARRYIN(» PLACE. Quint6." It is from thiH houi'co tlmt tlio hart)our on tho lake west Ol'tho isthmus hiis rocoivcd tho rmmt^ Trosqii islo. Wo havo olsowhoro spokon of tho fUct that u Carryin;,' Phice had oxistcd horo fromtimo immomoriul. From tho Indian villa^on, which at timoH woro locatoil, now alont^ tho hiko shores of tho poninBuhi, and now upon tho bay, tho Indians startod forth, porhiips to uHCOud tho Trent, or tho Moira, or to pass down tho waters of tho bay, or porhaps to coast alonjij tho shore of tho hiko. woHtward to tho mouth of some river. And, whoii tho French had poHHOssion of the country they found this a well marked Indian path. Tho French had not occa.sion to cross it, as they either ascended the Ottawa, the Trent, or if desirous of ^'oing to tho head of Lake Ontario, they pa.sHod alon<,' its south shore. But in the early years of Upper Canada, tliisportago was froquoritly crossed by those pass- ing back and forth from tlio h>wor parts of Canada to tho west. This was tho case particularly after the forts of Oswego and Niagara were handed over to tho United States in 1796. •' '»•«' The original Indian Carryi.ig Place can yet bo traced. Its course is indicated by a road which loads from water to water. The street is consequently somewhat crooked, ai"' I, in some places wider than in others. When the land was originally surveyed, this path was made tho base line of a row of lots on either side. The surveyor being ill and entrusting tho matter to an assistant ; tho Indian path was faithfully followed. While this irregular dividing line between Amoliasburgh and Murray may ai)poar unseemly, it cannot bo regretted that tho old path is thus indubitably known. Upon the Murray sido of the road tho fence is comparatively straight, but upon the opposite sido it is very devious. This pretty nearly marks tho old Indian path. While used us a Carrying Place for batteaux, which woro transported upon low wheels, tho road was no dpubt, to a certain extent, sti-aightoned ; yet mainly the old route remained. The old days, when Wellor used to haul the batteaux from water to water, havo loft no memorial ; and even more recent days when the first steamboats invariably came to this place, have left but little to mark their history. Hero is tho remains of the wharf and irame store house where once was life and enterprise ; but now all is in decay, and rural solitude prevails. But there is beauty here, as well as interest. All along tho street between the head of the bay and Weller's Bay of the lake avo buildings, consisting of private residences, and churches. The tourist will find abundant A8HOCIATION8. 409 fofxl for Uifni^ht at tho Cunyinji^ Place ; vvhothor ho con(omp)nto« the lilt* rumolv pUHt (M'u tiiu littiiun wtiHtliHturhod in his luilive uhuUo ; or tho duyM whon tho Fronrh Hocollot MlaHioimrioH I'ollowod tho footHtopH of thoso whom thoy Hou^ht to convert; or tlio tiino whoa tho pionoor wurvoyor und Hottlor first trod tho path ; or whether ho relloctflupoii tho nmiiy huiimii beings who huvo come iind ^ono on their way of life, now going one way now another ; or tliought of tho trader intent on presKing his business into the very outskirtM of tho sottlcmonts ; of tho Holdiors — regulans, and militia, who pressed onward for the conflict, to drive of!" tho invading foo; or of tho thousand jjrisoners cai-riod captive through tho j)rovinco, which thoy hati boastingly camo to c.ontiuor. If tho writer wore there again, ho would ponder, in addition to all this, upon tho siul, yot natural occuronco, that, of all those who had come and gone, tho one who imparted much information to him, who camo to tho Carrying Place long years ago, is now gone tho way of all tho earth. Tho history of tho place is inseparably associated with tho life of tho lion. Col. Wilkins, whoso loss was expressed by tho proBonco of many" as ho was carried to his grave. ,, , • .' '.'1^ MflTM-? rji 'I ir.n I •• -H.I Vii ,' i',i\ » ,■ :-ti:- . /'.' i>orM''.lhi:i i » M) J'-'.if*': ''iT ,-yWf.: ('Cl.rf ■ .' >••' I 7 t -■ '|.-. -..(rl ')r;»'l -xll •\\^^'a' ;'usv. fMr.-f :*.'•,• >,\-J"r'\6\\v:Ai)\<io . "u'j -r i':,' f Mr. '-./Ji fciM ',''.■ it*)') ;:•■*''• Vjil )(Hf,i')'r .'..''T .f'iiiti '/■'>;> n-> r '\ t* ii.... ,r. 'wfifo oil'r :\.>(\,i t.U(f .dtiijvjr ' >'{ I f>v>'W)d^(t'(V ,fM'V.f/ii rn>:»j,)'-v |» (,t hj^.^h on f.iVff ^Ht(n Oil) uf..v-.,|l',»,' ■•,-Xnh JMucid'jt hoCcT n'r/o biji! , h.i'rourofn mo l'i'.i ir^r.ij .t^Iaw /i:> •in,^/;?'/ ■*ro! ovrirf'j.'j'j/jl*:); WfdJ iVr ■.)<y\'i'.» v''1).i ff.ytiT «f({a.'rr/>u>?;; jrifrorf) iTorh/v fi'si{v/ drt-f- ^ .trtf««tf>'f orit ^ir g-foi! ..xf"lHhl T'rodt >h«ra'o/ ofi.rr! iirrf '^Q^'iO^ iWi'Tqriiinb hMi fJiiT iw^ nyrty> o'lfvrf'^f <»tnf»rf oi^iJM nata'ft hftij wu»d[-terot9di it0(l v«tiBVf¥r.| oh.'ijilo*^ I^cmt b/t,H ,'^f«6ol:r'rt? rj flit' -^ iMU>j-.,rt>OF» ,^«;fl*f4>H^4 <;<m'-«r^i' iy^-'k) -Vft^ #'r«*li<»W- f>fw •^fl'-i *M* DIYISIOI!^ VIII. • THE FIEST TEN TOWNSHIPS IN THE MIDLAND DISTEICT. CHAPTER XLVI. ; ' Contents — The French — Their policy — Trading posts — Cahiaque — Variations — Name of river — Foundation of Fort Frontcnac — A change — Site of old fort — La Salle's petition — A Seigniony — Governors visiting — War Expedition — Fort destroyed — Rebuilt — Colonial wars — Taking of Fort Oswego — Fron- tcnac taken-7-End of French domination. HISTORY OP THE FRENCH OCCUPATION. It was the policy of the French, to penetrate, as far as possible, into the interior of the country, and, by all possible means, secure the peltry traffic with the Indians. The RecoUets and the Jesuits, while seeking to convert the Pagan Indian, endeavoured as well, to win him to the interest of their country. As soon as practicable, trading posts were established at convenient points, at which to buy furs of the Indians. Not sure, even at the first, of the continued friendliness of the natives, and subsequently exposed to tribes, who assumed a hostile attitude, they proceeded to fortify their trading depots against sudden attacks ; not alone to secure this, but to maintain a constant menace to those who might venture to assume such attitude. It was in carrying out these designs, that M. de Courcelles, in 1070, ascended the St. Lawrence, direct to Lake Ontario, from the mouth of the Ottawa, being the first Euro];ean to do so. Two years later, he con- vened a meeting at the head of the St. Lawrence, of Indian chiefs of the region round about, when, concealing his ulterior object, he gained permission to erect a fort ; but being immediately thereafter recalled to Franco, it was left for his successor, Conte de Frontenac, to establish the fort. The first name which is found applied to the place, where the fort was founded, is Cahiaque, or Cadaroque. It is an Indian name, and most probably signifies *' the strongest fort in the country." This ■U.-: FOUNDING PORT FRONTENAC. 411fc is inferred from the following fact: — When certain of the chiefs of the Mohawks, were in London, in 1710, desirous of doing honor to their host, where they stayed, at King Street, Covent Garden, they called him Cadaroque, meaning " the most powerful man in London." Or, possibly, in using the word, in connection with Frontenac, they may have referred to the strong expedition which accompanied him. For many years the fort was knowij by this name, or one derived from it. It must be remembered that this word, with many others spoken by the Indians, was written by the French according to the particular idea of the person hearing the pronunciation. Hence it is that we find this word changed frequently as into the following. Beside the two already mentioned are found Catarcoui, Catarcouy, or Cataraccouy, Catarakvy, Catarakouy, Catarasky, Cataracto, Catara- couy, Cadaraque, Cadarachqui, Kadaraghke, Kadaraghkie, Kodakag- kie, Cadarochque, Cadaacarochqua, Catarocoui, Cuadaraghque, Ore. deroqua, Cataraqui. While the fort, or place of the fort, was thus known mostly by the Indians, it was, according to Charlevoix, called by the French, the fort of Lake St. Louis, the name then applied to Lake Ontario. Subsequently, the fort was spoken of as the one built by Frontenac ; and ultimately, it came to be permanently designated Fort Frontenac. After the conquest, and at the time of the revolution, the place was known in the rebel colonies, as Cataraqui ; and, in speaking of going to Upper Canada, they would say to Cataraqui. The river between Ontario and Montreal, was sometimes called Cariqui, or Iroquois. The following account of the i'ouudation of the fort, is extracted from Dra])er's Brochui'e. He says " the expedition Avas a vast one for those days, 120 canoes, 2 batteaux, and 400 men." He then ijUOtes from ajournal of Frontenac's voyage, describing the entrance into the river Cataraqui; — "1 2th, broke up camp very early in the morning, and having proceeded till ten o'clock, halted three hours to rest and eat. On apju-oaching the first opening of the lake, the Count wished to proceed with more order than had been already done, and in line of battle. He accordingly arranged the whole fleet in this wise: — ■ ■■ --^-^ " Four squadrons, composing the vanguard, went in front and in one line. The two batteaux followed next. After tliese came Count de Frontenac at the head of all the cauoes, of his guards, of his staif, and of the volunteers attached to his person ; having on his right, the squadron from Three Eivers, and on his left^ those of the Hurous and Algonquins. .i4ai,s.;Mii^-;AUi__^v-4--^^ 412 THEN AND NOW. "Two Other Hquadrons formed a third 'hic, and composed tho rearguard. " This order of sailing had not been adhered to for more than half a league, when an Iroquois canoe was perceived coming with the Abbe D'Urse, who, having met the Indians above the River Katara- koui, (Cataraqui) and having notified them of the Count's arrival, they were now advancing with tUe captains of the Five Nations. " They saluted the admiral, and paid their respects to him with evidence of much joy and confidence, testifying to him the obligation they were under to him for sparing them the trouble of going further, and for i-eceiving their submissions at the River Katarakoui, which is a very suitable place to camp, as they were about signifying to him. "After Count Frontenac had replied to their civilities, they pre- ceeded him as guides, and conducted him as guides, and conducted him into a bay, about a cannon shot from the entrance, which forms one of the most beautiful and agreeable harbors in the world, capable of holding a hundred of the largest ships, with sufficient water at the mouth, and in the harbor, with mud bottom, and so sheltered from every wind, that a cable is scarcely necessary for mooring." " On the 13th of July, 1673, the fort was commenced, and on the T9th, it was finished, and De Frontenac left on the 2'7th for Montreal, having laid the foundation of the future City of Kingston." ■ " "■ ' How different was tho appearance then i*rom that presented to-day. No clearing, as yet, broke the woody shores. At this conference between Frontenac and the Iroquois chiefs, the charms of nature only were displaj'^ed. Where now stands the city of Kingston, was then a dense forest. The gently curving shore, which now forms the front of the city, with its line of piers, was undisturbed, except by the birch canoe. The quiet Bay, w^ithin the Point, then more prominent than now, stretching up with its low sand banks, and begirt with marshes, was then the safe abode of the wild fowl and muskrat. Across the inlet of the bay, and where now is the Navy Yard, the land was thickly covered with the greenest foliage ; as well as was the higher and more beautifully wooded peninsula of Point Henry. And still beyond, to the soiith, the third point, stretching out almost to the rugged little island, call- ' Cadar Island, increased the variety of the picture ; and the two inden- tations where now is Navy Bay, and the " Dead Man's" Bay, atone time called Hamilton's Cove, added thereto. Then, turning toward the south, there reposed the magnificently green, long island, now THE SITE OP THE FORT. 413 Wolfe Island, with Gage Island in itfs front; and ntill extending the view around the Bay, was to be seen the islandn, now called Simcoo and Amherst, all richly clothed with the garments of nature. One would wish to look upon a faithful picture of this primeval appear- ance of Kingston Bay, before even the Fi-ench had planted a post or cleft a tree. However beautiful Kingston of to-day may bo regarded, with its graceful architecture, as displayed in its public and privte edifices; however grand the strong fortifications, which silently utter words of warning to the passing stranger whoso nation covets our territory, while pretending to depreciate it; however striking the combination which composes the picture of Kingston and its harbor of to-day, they cannot exceed, as a whole, in attractiveness, the jwospect seen by Fronton ac, of wood and water so remarkably associated, and charmingly blended, ere the hand of man had marred it. It was immediately after thin conference, between Frontenac and the chiefs, when he concealed the true designs he entertained, that the erection of the first fort was proceeded with. Its site was upon the point of land by the entrance of the bay, near the Tete du Pont, and commanded the entrance to Cataraqui Creek. It seems, from the testimony of early settlers of Kingston, that the fort was separated from Kingston by a deep trench, so that the point was converted into an island, upon which was built the original village of Cataraqui. In later years, this ditch has been obliterated by the tilling in of material, and, in like manner, a portion of the bay, immediately north of the point has disappeared. In the following year, LaSalle, who has been particularly referred to in the introductory chapter, presented the ibllowing petition to King Louis XIV. '' '^-> ' ' vu. "The proposer, aware of the importance to the Colony of Canada, of the establishment of Fort Fi-ontenac, of which he was some time in command, and desiring to employ his moans and his life in the King's service, and for the augmentation of the country, otters to support it, at his expense, and reimburse its cost, on tho following conditions, to wit: — That His Majesty be pleased to grant in Seigniory, to the proposer, the said fort, four leagues of country along the border of Lake Frontenac, the two islands in front, named Ganounkouesnot and Kaouenesgo, and ihe iirterjacent islets, with tho same rights and privileges obtained hitherto by those who hold lands in the country in Seigniory, with the right of fishing in ^Lake Frontenac and the adjoining rivers, to facilitate the support of ttX4 LA salle'b petition. tho pooplo of said Port, toj^other with tlio command of said place and of Haid lake, under tl»c orders and authority of His Majesty's Governor, Lioutonant-General in the country ; on which condition, tho proposer will be bound: — Ist. To maintain the said Fort; to place it in a better state of defence ; to keep a garrison there, at least as numerous as that of Montreal, and as many as fifteen to twenty laborers, during the two first years, to clear and till the land ; to provide it with necessary arms, artillery and ammunition, and that so long as the proposer will command there, in His Majesty's name, and until some other persons be authorized to settle above the Long Sault of the Kiver St. Lawrence, through which people pass to the said Fort, without being charged with similar expense, or to contribute to that which the proposer will be obliged to incur for the preservation of the said Fort. " 2nd. To repay Count de Frontenac, His Majesty's Governor and Lieutenant-General in Canada, the expense he incurred for the establishment of said Fort, amounting to the sum of 12,000 to 13,000 livres, as proved by the statements thereof prepai^d. ' " 3rd. To make p-ants of land to all those willing to settle there, in the manner usual in said country; to allow them the trade (la traits) when their settlements will be in tho condition required by the Edicts and Eegulations of the Sovereign Council of said country. 4th. To grant them land for villages and tillage ; to teach them trades, and induce them to lead lives more conformable to ours, as the proposer had begun to do with success, when he commanded there. 5th. To build a Church, when there will be 100 persons; meanwhile, to entertain one or two Recollet Friars, to perform Divine service, and administer the sacraments there. 6th. His Majesty, accepting these proposals, is very humbly suppli- cated to grant to the proposer letters of noblesse, in consideration of the voyages and discoveries which he made in the country at his expense, during the seven years he continually lived there, the services he rendered in the country, and those he will continue to render; and all the other lettei's necessary to serve him as titles possessory to said Seigniory." tii »>vv^=' *'MT*irf • ?1 In the succeeding year this petition was granted, and a decree to that effect was issued by the King on the 13th May, 16T5, and a Patent of Nobility issued to La Salle ; and Fort Frontenac, with four leagues of the adjacent country, was created a Seignioi^ of Canada, and LaSalle its first Seignior. In the decree making the grant, it is specified that LaSalle QLORY OP FRONTENAC. 415 ehall " induce tho Indians to repair thithor, give them settlomonts, and form villages there in society with the French, to whom he shall give part of said land to bo cleared, all which shall be cleared and improved within the time and space of twenty years. * * His Majesty wills that appeals from tho Judges (to bo appointed by La Salle), bo to tho Lioutonant-Goneral of Quebec." But, the subsequent checquered career and early death of La Salle, probably prevented tho carrying out of these intentions. When La Salle set out on his western exploring expedition, he " left Sieur de la Forest in charge of the fort." As before stated. La Sallo had many enemies, and among them tho Governor, M. de la Barro, " who actually sequestered Fort Frontenac and took pos- session of it, protending that La Salle had abandoned it. This was in 1682." Tho history of the French occupation of Cataraqui is marked by occasional visits of the French Governor, and the presence of large and small bodies of armed forces. In 1684 M. do la Btirre, the successor of Frontenac, tarried at Cataraqui two weeks with his convoy, which was composed of 130 regulai- soldiei-s, 700 armed Canadians, 200 savages, and a mixed body of several hundred fi>om tho west. It must have been a picturesque sight, the encampment ofthisai-my. The veterans from Franco in their uniform attire, the Canadians in their various hued garments, and tho Algonquins and Ottawas in thoir wild garb of paint and feathers formed the components of a picture truly striking. A year or two later and De Nonville, another Governor, was likewise found encamped here with an army of 2000. At this time tho original fort of wood was at its greatest pitch of renown and glory. Here was kept stoi*cd within the palisaded walls, arms, amuuition, and provi- sion, beside fiu's. It was while enjoying this considerable power that Do Nouville committed the act of treachery towai-d the Ganneyouses and Kentes Indians. But this act Avas followed by an attack by the Indians, and the fort was in a state of siege for tho space of a montli; "but was not taken." Two years later, however, finding it difficult to maintain this out-post so far from Montreal, De Nonvillo ordered De Valrenne, the com- mander, to blow up the fort, which was accordingly done, and " three barks on tho lake were scattered," and ''property to the extent of 20,000 crowns," was sacrificed. The fort thus destroyed was rebuilt by the oi*ders of Frontenac and in 1695 he sent 700 workmen for tho purpose. (For the cir- 416 THE SECOND FORT. cumstances and tho opposition respecting this, see Introductory.) The fort being completed it was garrisoned with 48 soldiers. "The expense of re-victualling and re-establishing the fort, cost 12,000 livres, or between £600 and £700."— (Draper). Eespecting the situation of the fort, a manuscript published in 1838, under the direction of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, says, " it was situated a< the bottom of a bay, which a little river flowing into Lake Ontario forms, close to the junction of Lake Ontario and tho River St. Lawrence. It consisted of four stone curtains, 120 feet each, defended by four square bastioriH. The walls were defended by neither ditches nor palisades. There was no terrace to sustain it on the inside. A wooden gallery was built all round for communicating' from one bastion to another. The platforms of these bastions w( .e mounted on wooden piles, and the curtains were pierced for loopholes." Father Charlevoix, writing in 1720, says of Fort Frontenac, "ttiat it is a square with four bastions built of stone, and the ground it occupies is a quarter of a league in compass ; its situation has something very pleasant ; the sides of the river present every way a landscape well varied, and it is the same at the entrance of Lake Ontario." Fort Frontenac now fully re-established on a stronger basis, continued for many years to be an important post, with respect to trading, and likewise offensive and defensive operations against the Indians, and also tho English. Here was deposited vast stores of provision, and materials of a war-like nature for the use of other forts. In the first years of the 18th century, rivalry and jealousy between the French and English Colonists, assumed a more determined form. Already was gathering the fierce elements of Colonial war, which were to culminate in the siege of Quebec, and spend its fury upon the Plains of Abraham. "We have seen that the two powers tried zealously, and often by unscrupulous means to secure the alliance and aid of the savages, whose love of war and desire to engage in the bloody attack, with the allurements of promised presents, led them too often to scenes of blood and rapine, The regions about Cataraqui were often the place of sudden attack and cruel torture. The fort was an object of dread to the Iroquois, of jealousy to the English, and with the view of breaking the chain efforts, of which this was so important a one, the English set about erecting one at Oswego. - T'^rjt ^^-j^ ^----^ CAPTURE OF PORT OSWEGO. 417 In 1754 tho ovontful novon yearn war bcftan, and ono of the tirst events was tho nonding of a f'oroo of 4000 men and 12 /^nns by the French Governor, to utlack Fort Oswego. But wlien the force reuched Cataraqui, it was found necessary to recall a i)ortion of them to Lower Canada, and defer tho attack. Ono battalion was ordered to Niagara, while ono or two battalions were encamped under tho walls of Prontonac. The total force of Canadians and Httvages in arms west of Cataraqui at this time was 1000. The fol- lowing year, it is found stated that, on "June 2(J, 1756, English vessels were seen across tho Bay of Quinto, coming towai-d Fron- tenac. The French gave chase, and c.iptured a sloop." July 29, 1757, witnessed the arrival at tho fort of a consider- able body, and for days armed men continued to rendezvous here. The woods around tho fort were alive with soldiers. Tho attack upon Fort Oswego, contemplated three years previous, was now abont to be made. On the evening of the 4th August, tho party, of no small dimensions set out for the attack. It consisted of 80 battoaux laden with artillery luggage and provision, and canoes to carry the force of 3100 men. They started at night, when tho shades of darkness were gathering, and stealthily directed their way, ono boat after another, for the opposite shore. At tho approach of morning they came to a stop, whore tho thick woods met tho southern shore of the lake. The bushes were parted, and without noise, the batteaux were, one by one, withdrawn from the water and carefully covered with leaves, so that unless one passed directly by the way, no indications could be observed of their existence. By the dawn of day there was not a ripple upon tho waters ft-om the party, aud the woods were hushed, except by the denizens of the forest. All the day long the party lay concealed. After night had fallen, re-embarkation took place, slowly and calmly beneath the mild summer's sky. For five days and nights the same course was pursued, by which time they had reached the neighbourhood of Fort Oswego, where reposed the English garri- «on, unconscious of danger. The attack was so unexpected, and carried on with so much spirit, tha^ the garrison had to succumb before reinforcements could be obtained, and the French returned to Fort Frontenac laden with spoils/"''^' *'^)'*^''''"''"*»' *iJ'W'*3 '-^'i^my,fyr o;' r But the time was approaching wTien the glory of Fort Frou>^ tenac should depart. At this time the building itself was beginning to decay. Sixty years had told upon the walls, and a writer of 1758 says they '« were not good." However, had the fortifications ^1 418 CAPTURE OP FRONTBNAC. been novor so strong, tho course of ovents would havo all the sam« witnossod tho final fall of this strong-hold. " In this year, tho com- mandant at Fort Frontonac was a Monsieur do Noyan, King's Lieutenant for Throe Hivers. Ho was an old man, but bravo as a lion." Wo havo soon that do Levis having withdrawn, tho fort was left with but a fow men, Garneau says seventy; but Warburton, one hundred and twenty Frenchmen and forty Indians, lilvon with this number it was but an easy succoss for Bradstroet, with his three thousand men and eleven guns, to possess himself of a fort weakened by age. Having descended tho Oswego Kivor, Colonel Bradstroet crossed to tho Upper Gap and api)roached Cataraqui along tho shore, observing groat caution, and landed about a mile to tho west of the fort, August 25, in the evening. During the following night ho cautiously approached the place of attack, and upon the ground where now stands tho market buildings, he erected a battery. So silently was this done, and with such dee- patch, that before the morning of 27th August, 1758, ho had it all completed. The morning light revealed to the French how imminent was their danger. Dismayed, but not discouraged, the intrepid commander ordered every man to his post; but a few shots from tho English guns showed to him how futile was resist- ance. Having signified his intention to siUTonder, which was about seven o'clock in the morning, ho became, with his garrison, prisoner of war. Tho conquerors found in " the fort sixty pieces of cannon, sixteen mortars, an immense supply of provisions, stores and ammunitions, with all tho shipping on the lake," also, " several vessels richly laden with furs, to tho value, it is said of 70,000 louis d'ors. There was also a largo quantity of merchandise intended for the western forts, beside some of the booty which had been brought thither after the capture of Oswego. Colonel Bradstroet had no intention of holding the fort ; but to destroy, which ho accordingly did, with the vessels. ,iy, ^-^.-^r^, i ['Ui-ih There was a fee bio attempt to restore the fort in the fall, and " a small detachment of troops and Canadians, under the command of the Chevalier Benoit, was sent to Frontonac partly to protect merchandize and ammunition passing up and down, and partlj'^ to rebuild the fort ; and subsequently the Sieur de Cresse, an assistant engineer, with Captain Laforce, a sailor, were sent there to con- struct two new schooners, to endeavor to maintain the supromacy on tho lakes." But tho following year tho presence of Wolfe before Quebec, and Amherst at Carillon, rendered the restoration of Fron- king's town, 419 tonuc an impoHsibility. Tho glory of Fort FrontonHc had forovor departed. JJiit tho 8pirit of bravery again appoured, in later days, in a people of another language, (hongh, nevorthelcHs Canadians. In 1812-13 the Americans approached Kingston, but the hostile and determined attitude assumed by the militia and troops deterred them from attempting to touch the soil here, and when they did attemj)t, both above and below, great indeed was tho roi)ulse and discomlituro. '"' !■■> ■ !'i • ' ( . , •,,. I,,' ;(■;;■; ^ 1 , , II ' •■ ' ■' ■ ■ -••i' < i. ,•■■■■. 1 , , .: .•; 1 CHAPTER XLVII. CoNTKNTs— Cooper's EsHfty— Loyalists miming places -.King's Town— Queen's I owu_N.agam— Spanish names-Catanuiui from 17r,9 to 17H3-Dosolation —The rebellion— Stntioii, Carleton Island— Settling— UtlugceN at New York —Michael Grass— Prisoner at Catarmiiii— From New York to Canada- Captain Grass takes possessionof first townhhip— First landholders— A letter t.y Captain Grass- Changes— Surveying forts and harbors— Report to Lord Dorehester- Kingston, versus Carleton Island— The defens.'s— Troons— Kings township— First settlers-" Plan of township No. 1 "—First owners ot town lots— Names— Settlers upon the front-First inhabitants of Kintr"- ston— A naval and military station— The Commodore— Living of old- Kingston in lost cf/iO////- New fortifications. SETTLEMENT AT CATARAQUI BY THE LOYALISTS. It would be impossible to write of Kingston without traveling the ground already taken by writers, especially in an admirablo essay written by C. W. Cooper, Barrister-at-law, being a jH-izo essay published in 1856. We shall accept very many of the state- ments therein contained except we find trustworthy grounds for controverting them. Much, however, of the subject matter we had laboriously collected before this pamphlet was placed in our hands by oi^r friend M. Sweetnam, Esq., P. 0. Inspector. The practice of naming places, rivers, &c., after royal person- ages and those occupying prominent places in the i^ublic service, naturally arose from the intense loyalty which reigned in the bosoms of all who had forsaken their old homes to settle under the old flag in the wilderness. The pre-eminence of Kingston is indi- cated by the name, which seems to have been given it at a very early date, as surveyor Collins uses that name in 1788. This, tho 420 qubrn'h town. first township surveyed and Bottled, wiw named King's townHhip, AflorwardH the town and townHhip cume to bo called Kingston In thiw connection reference may be made to Queenstown at the hea<l ol' navigation upon the Niagara Itiver. Trade witii the west along LaUe Erie wan carried on, and boats were accustomed to pas* up and down on their way to and Irom Montreal. These boats bad to be carried around the Falls of Niagara. Already many of Butler's Kungers and persons connected with the Indian depart- ment, began tt) settle upon the Canadian side of the Niagara. There was very shortly a collection of houses at the point of land- ing, and the commencement of the portage, and nothing was more natural than this, the second village formed by the United P^mpire Loyalists, should receive the name of Queenstown, not unlikely the name was bestowed by the lion. K. Hamilton. As wo proceed, it will be observed how general was the habit to give names derived from Great Britain and Englishmen. The most notable exception to this is to be found in connection with those places that received names during the time of Sir Peregrine Maitland, who had a fancy for bestowing Spanish names. During the time which elapsed between the evacuation of Frontenac, the year after the desti-uction of the fort, in the autumn of 1759, until the commencement of the American rebellion, and until its close, ruin and desolation prevailed at Cataraqui. It is found intimated, but not on the best authority, that there continued to live at this place a certain number of French families and half- breed Indiamt. That such was the case is quite possible, though, as yet, no positive proof is to be found. But, at the most there was a few log huts around the ruins of the fort, and upon the cleared ground adjacent thereto, or perhaps upon the site of the ancient chapel of the EecoUets. No doubt the Indians frequently encamped in this vicinity, perhaps had a permanent village. The words of Captain Grass, penned twenty-seven years later, may probably be accepted as correct, that "scarse the vestige of a human habitation could be found in the whole extent of the Bay of Quinte." The rebellion led to the establishment of a military post at the Island of Chevereux, or Goat Island, subsequently named Carleton Island. This position was found more convenient than the site of old Fort of Frontenac. After the defeat of General Burgoyne, at Saratoga, in 1778, there were many refugees who sought protection at the several military posts along the northern frontier of Now York, that of Carleton, lyjUdnd^ among th.e,re§t.. Indeed, it is proba- CATAHQtTI IN 1783. Itl blc thnt to this plnco n largo mnnhor oscapod, as boin^ moro 8afo than OHwogo or Niagara. A communication was with somo rogti larity kopt uj) botwoon thit phico and Montreal, and alHO tho ForL of Niagara, liy the army boatw, rot'ugoos may have ]>aHHod to Montreal ; hut it would Hoom that a considorablo numbor remained domiciled at Carloton Island, eating the food HU])plied by govern- ment. Of courHO, able bodied men would be at once enrolled into the companies, to do military service ; yet there would remain a certain numbor of males, besides the women, who were incapaciatod for military life. During the continuation of the war, there is every reason to believe that individuals, perhaps families, would cross to the old fort at Cataracjui, to stay for a while, or even take up their abode. • It may have been, that there were hero some advantages in culti- v.iting the cleared land, which did not exist at C'arleton Island. In the absence of active duty, not unlikely the soldiers and ofHcers Avould pass over to fish or hunt, or perhaps to examine the land as to quality, .and facilities for settlement. Bongard says his father, who was with Holland, said that a small village existed at Cataraqui. But it was not until the close of the war 1783, that a .systematic settlement commenced. That settlers existed, during this year, at Cataraqui, thei'e ies no doubt. It was sometimes referred to in TiOwer Canada as Soignory, No. 1. Col. Joh)i Clark, who.se father was in the Commissariat JDe[)artment during the war, says, that he was born at Cataraqui, in 1783, and was ba[)ti/.ed by the Rov. Mr. Stuart. The family must then have been living on tlie mainland, as he speaks of another brother as being born on Carletoii Island. The probability is that at this date, there were a few families living in the vicinity of the fort. At the clo.so of the war, it was a question of considerable im- portance, what can be done to ameliorate the condition of the loyalists ? While the commissioners, who completed the terms of peace at Paris, chose to sink the interests anfl welfare of the loyalists in their unseemly haste to complete the treaty, the officers commanding in America, everywhere felt the deepest sympathy, and keenest compassion for the refugees. Among these was the officer commanding at New York. At this juncture of affairs, when they were undecided, whether to embark for Nova Scotia, or Lower Canada, it came to the ears of the General, that one Michael Grass, of New York, had been a prisoner of the French, before the con- quest at Cataraqui. He caused that person to appear before him, 412 OAPTATN ORAM. snd to roport as to tho charactor of tlio country, and the j>robal)ili- tioH of ilM hoin^ a Miiltaldo placo for rofn^oeM to Hook homoH. Mr. GrasH having rondurod u luvDrahlo roport, tho rcmilt waH thut ho WAH cominiMHioned Captain, and ])lacod at tho hiMnl of a l)and of loyal iwtM, Htayin/i^ at Now Y'ork. Thoy woro diHpatchod in Kin^'H BhipH, tmdor tl>o caro of a inan-of-wnr. Mr. Ilohort Kvorott (JrasH, of Sidnoy, tho grandnon of Captain GrasM, HayH, that the party of refugees Hot sail from Now York in a fleet of seven vomhoIh, and after a long voyage of nine weeks, during whioh thoy enoountored a severe galo, hwting eight days, and nearly wrecking thorn, thoy roaohod Sorol. This was probably in tho early jiart of 1783. The men of tho party ascended the St. Lawrence in battoaux, and landed at the'inouih of Little Cataraqui Creek, thence proceeding westward, prospecting as far as Collin's Bay. Crossing to tho west side of this littlo bay, Captain Grass attempted to drive a stake in the ground, with tho intention of fixing a tent, or commencing a survey, whereupon he found it rocky. Remai'king that he had come too i'ar to settle u])on a rock, he re- turned to the oast of tho cove, and took possession of the first township of the Bay (^uinte. There seems some reason to believe that, when Grass arrived in Canada, and explained to tho Govern- ment his mission, that Surveyor (Joncrnl ir')lland, directed Deputy Surveyor Collins to proceed with Captain Grass to Cataraqui, so that he might be guided by him. If such was tho case, tho base lino along the front of tho first township, must have boon run before Captain Grass crossed to the west of Collins Bay, and re- jected the land lying to the west ther'^of. Captain Grass, as well as the surveying [)arty, returned to Sorel for the winter, and, in the spring, they returned, accompanied by all of the families, under Captain Grass. 1( was the summer of 178t that the first township was occupied. There was some dissatisfaction at tho preference accorded to Ca])tain Grass by those who had been in Canada. His superior claim was however acknowledged. At tho same time, there a])pears to have been some compromise, from the fact, that while Captain Grass himself obtained the fir.Kt lot adjoitiing to tho reserve for the town, the second one, which was by number, lot 24 was granted to the Rev. Mr. Stuart, and tho next to Mr. Herkimer, neither of whom liad any connection with Captain Grass' company. Tho following extract of a letter written by Captain Grass, at a subsequent period, reveals to us the appearance the place pre- sented to him, at the time of his settling. The old gentleman had rOLLINS' RRPORT. 418, •omo griovaiico to muk<i kiown to the public, ro^ii)0(!ting uruud, urid ho commoiiccH Iiii4 ('otntnuiiicntion thuH:— "Sovon und twoiity yours, Mr. Printer, liavo rolUvl nway Hinco my oyort, for tho wdcond timo, lududd tlio hIiovuh of Cuturii(|iii. In thut space of time, how iniuiy chiui/i^cM have talioii ])luco in the little circle in whi(di fate Imd dcHtiiuul mo to niovo ! How many of the Hoatrt of my old aHsociutos are now vacant! How fowof theso alas I to mourn with mo the Iohh of the compiitiions of our BuflbrintfH, or to rejoice with me at the prosperous condition of this our land of rcfii;^(>! Yet will I not re[)iiie; they are ^one, \. trust, to a better land, where lie whocauseth the wilderness to smile und blossom as the rose, hath assii^ned to them a distin;j;uished j)lu(0, as a reward for their humble imitation of his labors. Yos! seven and twenty years a^o, scarce the vostigo of a human hul>itatiou could be found in the whole extent of the IJay of Quinto. Not a settler had dure 1 to ponetrute the vast forests that skirted its shores. P]ven on this spot, now covered with stately edilic<'s, were to bo soon only the bark-thutched wigwam of the Havage, or tho newly erected tout of tho hardy loj-alists. Then, when the oar heard me, it blessed me for being strong in my attachment to my sovereign, and high in the contidonce of my follow-subjecls, 1 led the loyal band, I pointed out to them the site of their future metro- polis, ami guiiu^d lor persecuted ])rinciples, u sanctuary — for mysolt and followers a home." " Kingston, 7 Dec. 1811." (Signed) " C." On the 20th May, 1788, Lord DercdjcstiM', the Governor of Canada, issued instructions to John Collins, Surveyor, to make a survey of "forts, harbours, tStc, from Carleton Island to Michil- Tuacinac." His report was found among tho "Sinicoe papers." The report, dated (Quebec, Gtb Dec, 1788, says: — My Lord — "Li obedience to your Lordshi])'s instructions, wherein is specified, that doubts being entertained whether Carle- ton Island or Kingston " (and this shows how early tho royal name had been given to the first township) " is the most eligible station for the King's ships of war to protect the navigation of Lake Ontario, and the upper part of the river St. Lawrence, I am to make this particularly an object of my attention, and report how tar it may bo necessary to occu])y either, or both, and what works I judge advisable for that purpose." "With respect to Kingston, and what is there called the harbour, and where tho town is laid out, is not the best, situation on this side for vessels, as it lies rather open to the lake, and has not very good anchorage ueiir tho 424 TILE DEFENSES. ontruncc, so that thoy arc obliged to run a good way up for Bhclter; the most eligible situation is to the east." After rofcrving to the more frequent directions of the wind, ho concludes, that to got into the lake, it is as easy from Kingston as from Charleton Island, but that the latter alfords.the best shelter. "Having brought forward all the material information and observations I have been able to make and procure, and having duly weighed the several properties, both of Kingston and Carleton Island, relative to naval purposes only," lie concludes, " that the preference rather leans on the side of Cai'leton Island. If the object was that of trade only, or regarded merely by the transport of goods to Niagara, I do not see that Carleton Island has rn}' material advantage over Kingston; but, as a station for the King's ships of Avar, I am induced to think that ■ Carleton Island is the best," as it possessed many natural advan- tages. Eespecting Kingston, a fort and out-wo^ ks could be con- structed to protect the harbour ; but an enemy might advance in the rear, and bombard the Ibrt and the navy. "In regard to the present condition of the works at this post, the whole is so far in ruins as to be altogether defenceless, and incapable of being re- paired, the ditch which is in the rock, has never been sufficiently excavated, the other works have been completed, but it strikes mo they w^ere never capable of any serious defence, as well as from the bastions, as well as the oblique manner in which their faces are seen from the other works, but the whole could only be considered as a temporary matter. The green logs with which the fort M'as built, could not be expected to last long ; the ground is favorable for a fort of greater capacity and strength, but it is probable that such a system may have been originally adopted for the works, at the place it might have been thought adequate to its importance, to the number of troops designed for its defence, and the strength it was likely an enemy w^ould be able to bring against it; and there ideas would again be brought into consideration, if this post should be established, or any new system adopted. Without, therefore, going, in this place, into a detail of particular works, I will remark, that as the ground in front widens and extends somewhat over the extremities of the work, particularly on the right, precaution should be taken to strengthen those points towards the field, to contract, in some degree, the advantage an enemy attacking might have in the extent of his flanks. The barracks, although partly dismantled, and in a very bad condition, may be still repaired." j . From the foregoing, it may be inferred that the troops had all FIBST 0RANT8. 425 beon withdrawn from tho hojul of the St. Luwrence, and that only a Commissariat Department remained at Carlton Inland. Probably, it was only when Canada was erected into a distinct Province, that regular troops again were stationed here, and then^ it having beon ascertained that Carleton Island would belong to the United States, Kinston superseded it. Although tho "King's Township" was mainly settled by the band of Loyalists who came by way of the St. Lawrence, from New York, there were several others who received grants of land here, a few of whom, ro doubt, reached Kingston at as early a date as 1783, and, as we have seen, they may have visited the place, previous to that date. Among these, was Col. Hanjost, or John Joost, or Joseph Herkimer, who had been compelled to forsake liis home at the Grcrman Flats, where his father lived. Looking at "A Plan of Township No. 1," (now Kingston), " in the District of Mccklenburgh, surveyed in 1783, with the proprietor's names on the lots," in the Crown Lands Department, the following may be observed. Just by the grounds of the Fort, tho water is called Cataraqui Harbor. Across the mouth of the Bay, and between Points Frederick and Henry, is Haldiniand Cove. Beyond Point Henry, is Hamilton Cove. Passing up the river, tho first lot has upon it the name of Joseph and Mary Brant. This lot was not numbered, however. (Capt. Brant came to the place in 1785, and remained living there for a time). Still proceeding along the west shore of the river, lot No. 1, has the name of Noil McLean ; No. 2, Henry Wales ; No. 3, James Clark ; No. 4, Capt. Crawford ; No. 5, Lieut. Brown ; No. C, Sovereign ; No. 7, at first was granted to Lawrence ; this name is superseded by the name of Braton. To the west of the road, is a block of land, of 700 acres, for " Capt. James McDonnell ;" but this name is erased, and Robert Macau lay written instead. Probabij- Macaulay became the purchaser. To the east of the road, is another block of land, for John Macaulay. The island in the mouth of the river, called " Isle Aux Pero," was granted to Noil McLean, " hy order of General llaldimand." Turning to the south of the Fort, the first lot has the naine of Capt. Gi-ass; the second fronT the Fort, Rev. Mr. Stiftirt; tho third has tho names upon it of Lawrence Ilorkimer, Sam. Hilton, Capt. Jost Hartman ; tho fourth, Francis Lozion, Rockland, James Brown, John Moshier; fifth, Lieut. El lerbeck ; sixth, John Stuart, Lieut. Gallary, Lieut. Mower, Charles Pander ; seventh, Capt. McGrarrow ; eighth, Lieutenant Atkinson ; ninth, Robert Vanalstino ; tenth, 42G PIBflT INHABITANTS. ilichard Moorman ; elovonth, R. (lidor : tliiH lot lies on tho " Potltc Cfttaraqur ;" twoUlh, Liout. Kotto, Surveyor, and aCtonvard John Htuart; tliirtoonth, ( lupt. (JraHn, alwo Capt. Kvorott ; fourlconth, (JrasH; Hftoorith, ('apt, Ilarktnun; Hixtoonth Nicholas llcirkimor. This britigH UM to (Rollins' Bay, or, as tho oi'^inal iiaino appcaris '• I'ono^o/^." Continuing wostwanl, among othorn, aro to bo hcon tho namoH of Pnrdy, (Jap^. Wm. JohnHon, Wm, FnifHoid, Sonr., Daniel Uoho, Matthias lioHe, ]^>hert Clark, .farn('H(/lark, Hon., Sorgt. John Taylor, Capt. J. W. MyorH, who has two lota; (those two last became the first settlors in .Sidney and Thurlow) ; Lieut. Jam(!S Ilohins, Sergt. Williams, Lieut. Uost, Iii(!ut. John Durenbury, and then tliore was a lot (No. 18) for tho " King't. saw mill," HuhHe(iU()ntly Jiooth's Mills. Of tho foregoing, it is uncertain how many became sottlerH. JJut tho most of thorn seem U) have obtaitKid those front lots, irres- pective of (Japtain (Jrass. Of the other early settlors, tho following are, doubtless, tho principal ones. For their niimes, I am pariially indebted to Mr. d. If. Detlor, hiniHolf th(! descendant of an Irish Palatine. " Wm. MacAulay, 'I'liomas Marklund, John Kirby, John Cumniings, VcixiV Smith, Fngland, John Ferguson, Jiyons, J'ousett, McDonnell, Jioyman, Cook, Taylor, Smyth, DoNyko, Murnoy, CuthbertKon, Alcott. The Ecv. John Stuart, Ifon. Ilichard (/urtwright, Allen McLean." These did not ])robably como tho first year, but withii) the first two or three years. It is said that John Fralick or Frccligh, who had held a com- mission in tho army, was one of tho first settlers in Kingston, and built tho fourth house erected. Other names given, as among tho first inhabitants of tho village of Kingston, are John P'oi'syth, Joseph Koi'syth, Anderson, I'unbiio, Merrill, Stoughton, (Jr.'iy, Ilix, Cassady, Ashley, Hiirlo3', Slow<;r, Donald McD(;nal<J, Janios llichardson, Patrick Smith, John Steel, I'jbene/or Wushbuni, Karly settlers on tho front of tho Township, beside those Invf'oro given, wore Holmes, Day, Ferris, several Wartmans, and firuhiiiii. liidbre proceeding with the history of Kingston, it is desiraltic to notice more partic^darly some events connected with the occu- pancy of Kingston, as a Naval and Military station. W(! have s(!Cii that Surveyor Collins gave the prererenco for ('arleton Island. But Lord Lorchester decided that Kingsfxni was the most desirable place for purposes of defense, and it is a striking fact that the viev^s held by him have been, to a certain extent, reiterated by Cfon. Michel, in 1867. JJoth so(!mod to hold Iho opinion that Canada, west ot A MILITARY HTATION. 427 Kingston, wivh untonublo agairmt an inva<lin/^ foo. When Simcoo assumed the (fovemrrKiiit of tho newly formed Upper Province, it waH the declared deHire of Lord DoreheHter, that he should Holoet Kin^Hton an the capital, and niake it a well fortified town. Already stopH had boon taken to eHtahliHh a naval nn w<ill aH a military Htution. llalditnand'H ('ov<!, hetweeu Point KredcTick and Point ilenry, had been Holocted ior tho Naval depot, and here wa^. a Dock Yard and StoroH, which wore eon tinuod for many yearw. Theflo wore commenced about 1789, and tho Hamoyoar barraekH wore built by HoldierH, upon tho ruinn of tlio old fort, which was the com- mencement of the Military Station, and tho liead -quartern of tho troopH in Upper Camwla, and the roHidencc of tho (/ommander- -in-Chief ; alHo a HtaH" of the Ordinan(!c and Kn^ineer JJepartments was kept up. Cooper, writing 18ri<i, HayH: "Of late yoarH, u f(cneral reduction haH been inn<lo, — a amall garriwon only is now kept, and tho Artillery Ih wholly withdrawn." (ThiH waw at tho time of the Crimean war). The eHtabliHhnient was, Hom<5 dozen years ago, greatly rtsdiu-od, and is now wholly abandotjed. In years past, however, the olHccrH and crow of iler MaJciHty's Hliip Niagara, wore regularly pijuid to (juarters in a handsome stone building in tho J)ock Yard, which was manned, and thcorew disciplined in com- plete man-o'-war fashion. Tri these bygone days, Kingston was tho rosidenco of the Cojnmodore in charge of the Naval Department, who lived in a styh; wliicli would have (luite outshono tliiit of some (»f our (iconomical (Jovernors. Those foniiect«!d with this and other departments, followed the worthy (yornmodore's cxampli!, and lis the population was not then gi-eat, the influence of that example rondered tho town, if not a vory prosyiorous, certairdy a very gay, and seemingly happj' one. Times have certainly changed nincc tlion, as far as th(! exjxmditnro of Imperial nujney is <'onc(!rned." After Kingston had been selected as a military station, it naturally grew more i-apidly. The presence of the scddiers and of Hoamon, and their (ixpenditiire of money, had tho aiXecX of starting into ([uickor life, tJm infant town; but when Himcoe, in ll'.)2, imsMod it by, and songht his gubernatorial residence at Newark, it received a material check in Hh growth. JJ(,'ing the largest collec- tion of houses in Upper ('anada, Kingston had (claims, irresj)ective of the existenc^e of the two arms of the service. Dui-ing the first (iecado in the histx)ry of Up])er Canada, Kingston di<l not rise above a small village,- although it was honoured, sometimes, with the appellation of "city." Rochofoucault says, ITO.*), that Kingston 428 KIN08T0N IN 1795. "oonsiHttt of about 120 or 30 Houhoh. The ground in the immcdiaty vicinity of tho city, rJHOs with a gcntio Hwell, and forms, from tiie lake onward.s, an it were, an amphitheatre of lands, cleared, but not yet cultivated. None of tho buildings are diHtinguishod by a more handsome appearance from the rest. Tlu; oidy structure, more conspicuous than tho others, and in front of which the English fla^ is hoisted, is the barracks, a stone building surrounded with pali- sades. All tho houses stand (m tiie northern bank of the bay, which sti'etches a mile further into tho country. On the southoni bank arc tho buildings belonging to tho naval force, the wharf's, and the habitations of all the persons, who belong to that depart- ment. The King's ships lie at anciior near those buildings, and consequently have a harbour and road separate irora the port ioi mei'chantinen." , "Kingston, considered as a town, is much inferior to Newark; the number of houses is nearly equal in both. Kingston may con- tain a few more buildings, but they are neither so large nor so good as at Newark. Many oJ' them are log houses, and those which conjiist of joiners' work, arc badly constructed and painted. But few now houses are built. No town-hall, no court-house, and no prison have hitherto been constructed. The houses of two or throe merchants are conveniently situattsd for loiuling and unlojuling ships; but, in point of constructuro, these are not better than the rest. " Kingston seems better fitted for a trading town than Newark, were it only for this reason, that the ships, which arive at the latter place, and arc freiglitod for Lake Ei'io, pass by the former, to sail again up the river as far as Queen's Town, where the portAgo begins." Cooper remarks that " Fort Frontenac existed for several years after the conquest, the remains of the tower in the interior being removed in 1827. Tiie present barracks wore built, the officers' quarters in 1821, the men's stone barracks in 1827, and tho frame barracks in 1837. At tho commenc«jmentof tho war in 1812, Point Henry, the site of the present extensive military works, was covered with trees; in the following year a rude fort of logs and embankment was thrown up. A year or two after its erection two large and substantial stone towers were added to me defences, they were lofty, square towers, rounded at the corners. These remained until 1826 or '28. Stone magazines, ordnance offices, and armoury were built outside the fort during the years 1816, '17 and '18. NKW DKFENHES, 429 ExtenHivo stono barrackH, roofod with tin, wore huilt betwoon 1818 and 1820 ; ono of thoHO within tho fort wtw 280 foot in length ; another huildin- A^hich Htoml whore tho jwivanced battery has since been built, woh 80 foot in length, and formed the officerH* quarters. "ThoHO barrackH Htood until 1841, when they wore pulled down and tho material sold. Two large houses in Brock Street, and ono in Barrack Street, were built from tho wtone, which, it may bo remarked in paHning, is not the ordinary blue limoHtono in general use, but a much win: sr material, apparently not ho durable. Tho erection of tho proHont fort was commenced in 18.32, Hovoral pre- vious yearH having been Hpent in the quarrying and preparing material. It was firHt occupied in 1836. On Point Frederick tho firHt works wore a breastwork of logs and earth, with traversing platforms for guns; within tho breastwork was a block hon^o. Tiiose works wore built during or just after tho war; this block house was burnt in tho year 1820. There wore also built, about tho fiamo time, a block house suroundod with a strong stockade on tho hill on Princess Street, on the lot formerly owned by tho late Mr. Jacob liittor; a small redan on Ordnance Street; a battery at Mis- sissauga Point ; a block house near tho present Marine Railway ; ono on Stuart's or Murnoy's Point ; another at Snake Island ; one which Htflod until recently, near the present new court house, with those now standing, one of them on the hill to the east of the city, and tho other at tho west end of Wellington Street. These bloc^k houses, excepting, of course, that on Snake Island, were all con- nected by a strong stake fence, or stockade ; portions of which still •:xist, and formed a chain of defences surrounding, what was then the whole city." ' Prom the first, it will be soon that tho village of Kingst^ti was to a great extent indebted to the public service for its prosperity. Inaac Wild, writing in 1796, says that from 60 to 100 men aro quartered in tho barracks. . . r 1 ' ■ »!,'>', -'i-'i, '','-' '•■] 'Jit,'''y'''' ' ■: 'V;;;''»i 1 ■;,>"'i- 430 SPECULATION. inai.i , ,,, CHAPTER XLVIU. > iiy • Contents — Tbo Bituation of Kingston — Under military influence — Moiifipolist— Early liistory of IcgiHiation — In IRK) — Oourluy'H Btateincnt — Police— Modoni Kingston— Lord Sydenham — Beat of government — P< larnbulatiug— Surrounding country— ProvlHionn — An appeal for KingHton aH capital— IJarrieficM — Pittsburgli — Huilding of umall craftw — FanioUH — Roads- Waterloo — (Jenx'try — PortHinoiith — KingHtcm Mill— Little (;at«raqiii— fJol- liiiHby Quantity of land — Early and influential inhabitantrt — Pout masti^rK—" Honorable men "— Deacon, Macaulay, Cartwright, MarkliiiKl, CummingH, HmithH, Kerby— Allen McLean, firnt lawyer— A gardener— bherilf McLean — '• L'hryK ' llagerman— CuHtouiH — yampKon, hliooting ii omnggler— llagerman, M.P.P.— Uemoves to Toronto. ' THE FIRST TOWNSHIP KVENT8 IN ITS EARLY lIlHTORy. It must bo iwlmittod, tho place did not poHsess from Uh /,'oogra- phicjil Hituation the rcqu'iHitoH for becouiing a groat city, although its situation at tiio head of the Si. Lawronco, would alvvayn «ccuro for it a certain dogroo of Importance. There are evils incident to places, depending upon the militar}^ and naval bodies, and these can be seen in connection with tho history of Kingston. Anything which drew away for a time, to any extent, either arm of the service, had a damaging ert'ect upon the prosperity, and stagnation .resulted in business. Early Kingston must be regarded as a town growing up in the back woods, with a population governed and influenced more or less by tho .society of officers and soldiers, and while the former gave dignity and tone to the higher claswes, the lower portion of society was correspondingly and for evil, affected by the pi'csonce of the soldiers, with tho numerous grogerios, and low houbcs of entertainnionlH, which particularly in former days, were found to exist in connection with military establishments. In the flrst years of Canada, speculation was common with a certain class. Land claims could bo purchased for a mere song. The holder of a " location ticket," would often part with his title for a few quarts of rum, while many other holders were glad to sell for a few pounds of ready money, or certain articles of stock. It came that in time, a certain number of monopolists, living at Kingston, held land in the rear concessions and neighboring townships. The Imperial money in Kingston was often spent without con- tributing to the improvement of the adjacent country. But the time came when tho encircling settlers compelled a more generous course of conduct. .. IN 1810. 431 But, much obHciirity roHtH upon the liiHtovy of the firnt Hovon or ton yoai-H of tht? villugo of Kingston. The ottbrt Iuik bt'on mado to gather nj> the fragmontH partainin/^ thereto, and arrange them so a.s to form a connected whole. Cooper anyn that " tlie town was laid out in 1793, heing then contincd to what is now the east(M"n portion in thi- vicinity of the Tete (lu Pont burrac^icH, and what waH llien icnown aw the (.'atai'a(iui Common, lots 25, 24, 23, on which iw Mituated the chief ])art of the city, were then farm lotH of 2()(( acres each, and uncleared." According to thcs (^onHUH I'oU in tlie office of the clerk of the peace 1794, the population of Catara([ui village wan ;J4.5, It would Hccm that the apjiearanco of the village was not ver^' plcaising. But the surroundings had a certain wild beauty. Tlio first buildingw wore of the most inferioi- kind. Kingston now so beaiitiful in its fine buildings and well appointed streets, had in its first days but the hnmlilest of log tenements, with the i-ude Indian wigwam I'or a neighbor. Instca<l of fair broad streets, and a well ordered park, there was the Indian foot path, and the thick tangled wood, with the stately pine. In 1793 an act v/as passed " to fix the times and places of hold- ing the court.'- of quarter sessions, within the several districts," according to wbich it was provided that the courts of the midland district should be held in Kingston, in April and October of each year. Tliis added somewhat to the dignity of the place. Tlien in 1801, there was created an act to cmpowei- commissioners of the peace, to establish a market at Kingston, where might be oxj)osed for sale " butchers' meat, butter, eggs, poultry, fish, and vegetables." It was furtlier enacted that all "rules an<l regulations shall be published b^- causing a copy of them to be affixed in the most public place in every township in the district, and at the doors of the church and court house of the said town of Kingston, «fec. In 1810, Kingston was yet a small place. Mr. Miles who moved thei'e at the time says there was not a sidewalk or pavement, and ho for a time boarded in one of several log houses close4)y tho market place, " where was no lack of mud in the spring and fall, and it was no uncommon thing for waggons to be pried out by fence rails just noi-th of the market place. Pino tijecs of the forest yet waved almost over the market place. A thick wood covered Point Henry, and the ground, where now is erected St. Andrew's Church and par.sonago. The limit of the town on tho north was at Store Street, now Princess, tho last house being on the north 432 IN IH1/S-'2D. uiiHt Hulo, Alfiott'H old Ht/)r«!, iitid on Llio wcHt wido wlioro Mr. Moii- dowM nf)W roHidoH, Tlio romi, for it wan tlx^n hik h onl}' uflor pftMS- ing, AIcoII'h turned to tho riji,'lit, and wont a /i/jj/.u^ coiirm) north- wai'dn, till it romdiod tho Hocond concoswion, now Wjittirloo road. Thin wfiH II dirttimco of'fivo miloH from tho f'of)t of Stoco Street." A HiHident writing to IIm! fCinf/stm (tnzcitc, Decombor 20, 1815, amori^ othor tfiin^n, Hiiyw that the town of Kingston, " poHHeHsinf^ ho rimny iidviintii/^(^H, it in time that its itdiuhitaritH should adopt H(;tno })lan of improving and emhelliwhin^ of it. The Htreets n'oquire very ^reat repairs, as in tlie rainy seaHons it scarcely possible to move about witliout heint^ in mud to the ankles; from the breadth, they will admit of very wide foot-paths on both sides, whi(;h ou/:^ht to be paved, at least in every part of the? town whore the buildings are connected. Lamps are required to li/^htthe streets in the dark of the moon. Trees shf)uld be |)lanted on each side. The stroetn sliould be kept free of lumber of every kind, and piles of wood. A fire engine, with a certJiin niimbc r of buckets, with a company of firemen should exist. Ihit fii'st the legislature must form a code of hiWH, ff.rmin/^ a complete police. To m(!et expense, ^ovcsrnment might lay a rate upon iwcivy inhabitant iuni'soholdor in pi-oportion to value of property in house." Another corresponchsnt under the signature of Citizen, ways, " January 27, 181C, that heapjjrovesof " A KeHJdontH" remarks, and in addition, he suggests that the lower (ilassos follow the example of tho liboTal sjiirit manifested among lieads of society in the pre- vious Slimmer in contributing to the turripiking of the stnjots, and l)aving the footpaths before their own doors. They ought to imitate, though faintly, that noble and gonerous example." HesidoH this, among other things, Citi/.en speaks against persons who work at their trades on Sunday, instead of going to church. " Luther," another correspondent says, there is the noises of hammers and axes from sunrise U) sunset, on Sundays. According to tho Kinr/gton Gazetfe, August 14, 1829, tho consuH taken tH!vt year shewed the population of the town to be 3528, but this did not include tho military. The number of inhabitants in 1836 was 6000. At die present time, 1867, Kingston is said to cover an area of 2930 acres, while Toronto boasts of 5885 acres, R. Gourlay says, in 1816, that Kingston "is now progressing rapidly in population and buildings, as well as in business. From 1811 to 1816 the number of dwellings increased from 130 to 300; TIIK TAIMTAI. OK IJNITKH CANADA. 433 but it in ortMnmfod (luit 100 inoro will Imvo Ijooti JTotdod Ht the cioBoof lliiH y(!Hr," Much of tliiH proMpority w«h floiibtlosH <Iuc to the wjvr, (!JiUHiiii( nn tniiny troops to Ixi Htiifiomvl IIkm'o ; at tlio Hiimo tiino huHiiioHH arid policial /growth of tlio (.'i(y nx-oivod an impctuH which tlu) cIoHO oC tJHJ war tailed oiitiroly t«i arrest. TIiIh y«iar u hill pasHod I'arliamerit " l/> rc^ulato the polico, within the Ujwn of KiiigHton." Moro ample provinion was niado in 1H24. In 1821, ft writer HayH, Kin^wton was tJH^ lar^oHt town in Tipper Canada, containing ahoul 5000 inhahilantK including the military. "The people liv(! in ^ood Htyle, hut are not viu-y hoHpitahle; they are mostly in th(3 mercantile huHinesH." The numlMsr ol' inhahitantH Im prohahly over eHtimated, an in 1824 it is Htatod on /^ood authority, that the p(||)ulation amountH to 2.'{3G. "The huihlin/^H are of Huch an inferior doHcription an Hcarc(dy to he worthy ofnrjtico." M(H)KRN KINfJHTON. The oventH chronicled in thiw work are mainly thoMO which came to pass prior to 1830, and the hint^jry of the firHt townnhip horo recorded must mairdy ho limited to thoHO early days. It will not, however, ho inap|)ropriato U) ^lanc(!, and it will l)o a more glance at the Kin;^'Hton of modern dayn. The /greatest evcuit in connectioJi with KingHton, was the welection hy Lord Hyderdiam, when the Upper and Lower ProvincoH were united in 1840, into one, for the caj)ital of United (JanjKla. Itn claim to that honor' as tho most central city cannot Ikj (piostioned. It may fairly he qucH- tioned on the other hand whothcM- it was a wise and judiciouH policy, which caused Kingston t.o he fornal<en, and (th(! i)eraml»ulatory Byntem to ho suhHtituted. Had the Heat of (Jovernment perma. nontly rested at KingHton, nnudi exponse to tho country would have been Havod, and at tho same time a great deal of heart hittorness Htirrod up hy political agitators, likewiHo prevented. Hut tho hoiMis of KingHton as the capital wore Hhortlivod, and with tho tleath of Lord Sydenham, in 1842, resulting from an accident, who had h(!en mainly tho cauH(! of KingHton becoming tho capital, tho brightoHt proHpocts of tho oldest town in Upper Canada, wore buried. In 1845 fiovornmont was removed to Montreal. Tho motives according to Cooper, which had much to do in dotormining tho removal wore not such as are supposod to actuate statesmen. After rehutting tho charge which it Hoems had hoon made, that 434 OLAIMfi OP KINORTON. thoro wa» "no Hurroundin^ country calculated to furnish market- ablo produce to a lar^o non-pro«lucinK population," and roforrinp to the undoubted I'actH that the townwhipH alon^' the Bay of Quint.' were far raore than adequate toineetall the j^awtronomiHtH wants, he concludes. "It may weem a Hmall conwideration when treating of 80 important a branch of the subject, to take into account thoHo circumstances, but there is no i^niorinj? the fact that the absenco of some of these minor luxuries had a serious effect on the mindw, and perhaps digestion of some of the officials of Her MajostyV Provincial Government, and some i)eoi.lc at a distance are per suadt^d that Kingslon is a city built on a rock, surrounded with barren and stoney wilds, out of which a bare exietenco is wrung by the occupants, and but a scanty supply afforded to the City, and in deference to those thus unenlightened, facts are dwelt on which may seem trivial to those in the least acciuaintod with the neigh- borhood. Since 1845, when the CJovernmcnt was removed to Montreal, this City 1ms greatly increased in the number of well built and commodious houses, which, with a well regulated and well supplied market, tempting the most fastidious, would prevent even the temporary inconveniences which in that year wore felt. If any families had to adopt double-bedded rooms, and to import their own celery in those days, we can now assure them 'rms avom cJianges tout ceki: In short we claim for a City central, in- deed almost in the very centre of the Province to bo governed, ' proverbially healthy, substantially built, strongly fortified, woll lighted, thoroughly drained, pleasantly situated, abundantly sup plied, easy of access, the focus of a net-work of good roads, the out- lot of the produce of several rich countries, provided with a good hai'bour, and enjoying many other tulvantages, a pre-eminence among all Canadian Cities, as the permanent Seat of the Govern, ment of the Province." ■'■-' The existence of the Seat of Government at Kingst -n, although of short duration, had a beneficial effect; many handsome buildings were erected besides those used for the several Public Depart- ments. " The Municipal Legislature of the City was encouraged to make improvements in streets, drainage, side-walks, and other- wise, and to erect the present handsome and expensive edifice, the CityHall and Market House, though not so useful as it would have been had the Government remained here. The whole building i^^ occupied, and produces a revenue exceeding in amount the interest on its cost. On the whole it may fairly be considered that tho nARRIRPTKM) — WATBRf.OO. 43fi City was im].mvM.(l by tlu. tprnpornry loc-aliori of the (JovornnuM.t liere." ,, ^ HARRrKFiKT,!..— Tho CatiimquI BrMiro, wl.icl, R,,ans the ^.reat Cutttniqui UivorcnnnoetH Kin^'Klon with tho Township of PiMnhnrirh, tiiooriginorwhich nurno is.sumciiMitlv well iiMJicfttcd. ('lose hv inUio villn^'oof Marriefiold, "named an^i- Commodore Jiari-ic. who was head of tho Naval DupHi-tmont for many years." " It forms a sortof suburh to tho city, and thou-h not a place of much Increase, has heen long Hottled. It has an elevated ^r,.o„nd, and from it tho visitor obtains a vory favorable and pleasin;,' view at' Kin<,'Hton, with i(s harbors Ibrts and lowers. At Harriolield. are built the best sni.dl crafts,' Hkifft., and ploasiire boats in use throu,srl,„iit the Province. They are sent bonce to all i)arts, and their character and build are well known to tho aquatic sport^mai , and amateur tnariner. Not oiily iti tho Province, btit abroad, tl.yse l.oats are Hought after, and in use, some of thcjn bein^ now afloat on the Lake of Geneva. The King- ston, Pittsburgh, and (ianunoque. and the Kingston and Phillips- villo Macadamized lioad8 run through this township, opening up tho township beyond, and affording to the settlor a n^ady ,u-cess to a novor-failing market. Within this township, are upwards of thirty-eight miles of thorougldy macadam i/.ed roads, bosi<les good country roads to and between the concessions. That ])art of Pitts- burgh whore Barrieficld stands, and for about two miles eastward was formerly jiart of the township of Kingston. When the site of , tho Town of Kingston was first selected, tho spot where this village ' is situated was fluggested, l)ut was overruled in favor of tho present locality of Kingston, which certainly ottered greater advanta«-eb for the site of a city." ,, ,..,,.-^. Kingston Township contains, not only the city of that name, but various villages; "one of the nearest to that city is that of Waterloo, a very pretty and neat little hamlet, about three miles from town. It contains about 300 inhabitants, and has its Town Hall, Church, Stores, Inns, &e." - ''■ " '> . ;•: .^h^nirm: ;, ,i. , "In tho neighborhood of this village, is the Cataraqul Cemetery, laid out on a rising grou.id crowned by a grove of small pine trees. Much care and skill in landscape gardening has boon displayed in rendering the ground picturesque and pleasing; a fine and extended view of tho surrounding country, and a pretty glimpse of tlie Bay w obtained from the Cemetery grounds. This spot is not excelled m beauty and appropriateness, by anything in the Province, and is compared by travelers, who view it, to (Ireenwood Cemetery, in 436 FIRST POSTMASTERS. Brooklin, N. Y. It oovors somo sixty-five acres of land, and when ornamontcd by mah numorouH and elegant monumontH, an the living have erected to mark their rowpect to the beloved dead in older places of HOj)ulturo, will bo unsurpaHsed by the oldest and most beautiful cometeriert known." <i •''«'»^' h .t,',>|.v,jj(, " )riii ,•((; hmjC// :. <' Portsmouth is another village, about equi-distant from Kingst-on with Waterloo, lying westward on the Lake shore ; it was at one time, a very bustling spot, and much enterprise was evinced in ship-buihling. It suttered, for a time, from the withdrawal of the Seat of Government, and the construction of the St. Lawrence canals, but has now recovered its former prosperity, which promises to continue. The ship-building business has revived, and is carried on with energy and success. In its neighborhood are several handsome houses and villa-residences: the surrounding country ottering very inviting spots for building. It contains about 350 inhabitants, and a large amount of rateable property, and has an exceedingly neat unique little Church, in old English style, with a belfry." Portsmouth is now united to Kingston, by the erection of buildings between them. j!jij»v.>»-iJ>^''v, i mm n^r i; -••.- in;.<. u^ Within the Township of Kingston, about five miles from the city; is the old " Kingston Mill." It is situated upon the Rideau CJanal. The traveler, as ho passes along by train, over a tubular bridge, will be struck by the beauty and grandeur of the scene. (For particulars, see "Early Years of Upper Canada."; »i(s» *\ o. Little Cataraqui is a stream of small dimensions, confined to the township. In otldition to the Little Cataraqui stream, there is run- ning across the township, the Collins Creek, so named after Sur- veyor Collins. Not far from its source, in the north east part of the township, is a small, pleasant lake, of the same name, while, at its mouth, is Collins' Bay. This is a beautiful inlet of the Bay Quinte, and forms a good harbour. The place is known as Collinsby, and is situated about tive miles west of Kingston. . . The quantity of land in the township, is about 47,906. The soil is principally clay upon a limestone foundation ; but still there is much of it capable of bearing good crops, to the carelul and Hcientl^Jc farmer, ^''i >"tij>w»4!«-7"f»fe'j'i4^*^'^**^^^''*^ Aft-ffw^H- ►r,i«)«HB6'. Thomas Beacon, father of the present Post Master, was Post Master from 1800 to 1336; when his duties in the Commissariat Department ojliged him to resign that office. The Hon. John - Macauley occupied the post from 1813 to 1836, when he resigned, ' and was succeeded by the present incumbent, Robert Deacon. CHARACTER OP THE FIRST INHABITANTS. 437 We will Bupploment tho roforonco we havo made to the lo/ulincr men of Kingston, by ^Mvlng extracts from a communication wo havo, at tho last moment received, written by one who, now well advanced in life, spent his earlier years of manhood in Kingston, when tho first inhabitants wore in the afternoon of their life. f"" The Hon. R. Cartwright, the pioneer merchant, and Judge of Mocklonburgh, seems to havo stood next in importance and influence to the Rev. Mr. Stuart. " Among the prominent merchants was Thomas Markland, John Cummings, Peter Smith, John Kirby, and John Macaulay." They were " all honorable men," and " members of the English Church," and of undeviating loyalty. Mr. Mark- land left a son. John Cummings loft no issue. lie was a man of " great energy ; a magistrate, and filled other offices under tho Government." Peter Smith was " highly respected, upright in all his dealings, and free from any moral or political reproach." •' A fine specimen of an English gentleman.'' He " carried with him evidence that he was no stranger to good dinners, and understood the qualities of gdbd wine." He died at an advanced age, 1825, leaving a son and two daughters. -,.v^if c "yi .ri i- taj^.^ " John Kirby was another fine specimen of an Englishman. He loved good wine and good dinners. Extremely aft'able, always in good humor, universally respected. His highest ambition, in tho evening of his days, seemed to be tho enjoyment of domestic tran- quility, and a quiet home, made happy to him by a wife of rare sense, intelligent, and possessed of many amiable accomplishments." The Hon. John Macaulay had a well disciplined mind, possessed great energy of character, and was decided in his political opinions no doubt, from conscientious motives. In his business transactions -•' he was scrupulously exact." " Extremely temperate in his habits. Was one of those who passed through life without exposing them- selves to the obloquy of their political opponents. Allen McLean, Esq., the first Lawyer of Kingston ; created such by an order in Council. His " abilities were moderate," and " his original educa- tion defective." " A man of considerable taste, modest, dignified in his deportment. For many years, was the only legal adviser in the place. He was a faithful representative in Parliament for many years. Wat: liberal in his political [opinions." "As proof of hia good taste, he was proprietor of one of the best gardens in the Province. It covered one acre of ground, and contained many choice fruit trees, such as apples, plums, pears, peach, &c.,--all tastefully arranged, kept in prime order, and defended from tho 438 SHOOTINQ A 8SIUUOLAR. wind by a hi^h wall. llo took nn honest piM<lo in showing his garden to liin friond.s who callod npon him, and was not Htintod in diHtributin<>- its iucious products." Mr. McLean left one daughter, who became tiie wile of John McLean, Esq., Sheriff of the Midland District. Christopher Ilagerman resided for many years in King- ston. " Was, for many years, Custom House Officer, and while so, one of his students (Mr. »Samson, afterwards of Belleville) detected a man, by the name of Lyons, in the act of carrying smuggled goods, and ordered him to stop. On his relusing to do eo, Mr. 8. discliarged his pistol, which took effect, the ball passing through the chest. Lyons rushed fx) his house, a few doors off, and fell exhausted from loss of blood. Mr. Samson, frightened al what he had done, hastened to summon two doctors, J)rs. Armstrong and Sampson. This oocurred b'^fore daylight, on the morning of the 26th June, 1H24. The life of L vo)ts was <lespairod of for manj' days ; but, eventually, he grew bettor, and gained a moderate degree of health. It is creditable to Mr. Ilagerman, that he cheei'fully paid the medical attendants. Mr. Ilagerman represented Kingston in Parliament several years. He removed to Toronto, a few years previous to the rebellion of 1836. , •- : • vji;. ■ ■ ^ ' ' * r , , ■ **hi ^0 l»tt!ft *4'> r. V v/.'hVj' ii(i . vflt WA3S5 ■'« * ^i^'- - ( •; I fWf?..>t >.•>■• |> -lif^iii i tj !f t r^^fiV' --w^^.: - ! %• ■^tx)<fi><^iiii;' - ■(mt't'^^y ^m^^i^'-i^f^ :W"^i*^x ■..'■4f''^'-]^'<i^mf^:- 'pfS?!*'-. «^:sf>.flfe;./-,(>'to.4v./arl.- '/If*?' KINU'm royal RANUER8. 439 « ,.W ' .1 ■' it .?' :' ' ■ ■' ?;','>>',' .t(< .'.1 avj^'^.o'.'. ■;s^'-;.' '-'^ CHAPTER XLIX i.ryy^-" v' HM»'i'U. 'H- 1 . (, ■. r ■ . ,,( .. . . I . , . . .. ..1 . ' . CONTBNTR TIlC K(H Olid toWn KltlCHt'H toWll Killf,' (IcCli;!' HiK ( llillllftl — Settlers of llriicsttown — DiHlHindcd soldiorn — ilolinRonn lOKiiiHnt — JInjov KoKeri*' corps — The " Jloll ' — Number — Hy whom enlisted — An old liook— Townwliip surveyed — SettiiiiK — Triiveliiijj — Living in tents — A elnm};e — Offirers — Niunes—()ecu|ianls of lots— Mill C'leek — Tliedeseondiints— (^uimtity of land — Villiige — The settlers in 1811 — The nniin road — Ineorporation of Buth — JnidiiiK — Fairfield — The lihrary — Hath by Gourla}' — Uuth of the present— Bath vei'sun Napanee — In 1812 — Ameriean Fleet — Wonderful aohiovement — .Safe distance from shore — Third township— Frederi(!ksbnrK;h — After Duke of Sussex — Survey(!d by Kotte — A promise to the disbanded soldiers— Johnson — Fredericksbur^h additional — A dispute — Quantity of land — Extract from Mrs. Moodie — Keservo for village — Second surveys. [j. <» ., ■ . . m '1 iw.ii. .1.' THE SECOND TOWNSHIP — ERNE8TT0WN — BATH. ■ U i, ^« Tho first towriHhip was named after IHh MajcHty, the King's Town, and all of the other townships, both upon tho St. Lawrence and Eay Quinte, received names after distinguished loyality, or some distinguished nohleman, or general of Great Britain, then occupying a prominent position. King George tho Third, who died in 1820, aged eighty-two, having reigned sixty years, had a family ot fifteen children, whoso names were George, Frederick, William Ilenry, Charlotte Augusta Matilda, Edward, Sophia Augusta, Elizabeth, Ernest Augustus, Augustus Frederick, Adolphus Fred- erick, Mary, Sophia, Octavius, Alfred, Amelia. These royal names Avore appropriated to the townships, towns, districts, &c. Emesttown was so named after Earnest Augustus, the eighth child of the King. v ; Tho first township, we have seen, was chiefly granted to Captain Grass and the band of loyalists who came from Xcw York under his guidance, notwithstanding some objection from Sir Jolin Johnson, and the officers of his regiment. Tho second township, however, and also the third, were allotod to the 2nd battalion of the 84th regiment, commonly called Sir John Johnson's regiment, also tho King's New York Eoyal Eangers. The regiment Avas generally designated, by the rebels, as the Royal Greens. This body of men took a conspicuous part in tho war — took a noble part, although those who feared them, and were unequal to meet them in successful combat, endeavoured to malign them. The history of this regiment is referred to elsewhere, and as well that of the distinguished founder. The writer has in his possession the "roll of the 2nd battalion of the King's Royal Rangers, New 440 BY WHOM ENLISTED. York," containin<; the naniOH of the parties by whom each of tho soldiorH \va8 (inliwtod, which will bo found in tho appendix. By I his it is learned that tho whole number of tho company was 477. That Sir John Johnson enlisted 88, Major IIosh 47, Cap- tain Loaho 17, Wuminall 38, Munrow 29, Anderson 1, Lieutenant Halboi't 1, Captain McKay 95, Morrison 30, Sinjojloton 1, Major Gray 2, Captain Crawford 2, John McDonoll 2, Lieutenant Lan- gan 30, Langhn 2, Lieutenant Wair 1, French 1, C. McAlpino 1, Ensign Thompson 1, Lieutenant McKay 2, Sergeant Howell 2, Tipple 1, Ensign Smith 3, and 69 by whom, it is not stated, they wore enlisted. This roll was afterwards a precious docu- ment, "When it became necessary to prove that one was truly a U. E. Loyalist. Tho book in which this roll is found, s^^ms to have been an account book kept by the Adjutant, Fraser, and is dated at Oswego, 28th November, 1782. Subsequently, it was used as an account book by '* Captain Crawford's company." Wo believe it was after his death that tho book came into tho possession of Mr. Sills. It is an interesting relic of tho past, and ought to find a lodgement in some musoi;im. " """' ".tcrDji^i Many of these disbanded soldiers wore from th*^ Mohawk valley and Upper Hudson. The majority were from the old Johnston district, and not a few of Dutch origin. Those honest and indus- trious settlers are represented to-day by wealthj"^ and valuable citizens, whose names unmistakably- indicate the stock from which they have descended. '•"'"■"■ ^-'m ,niyonu>..' . Ji t.?v-rr)r ,(»n«n;; v This township wassm-veyod jjrobabi}'^ in 1784. It may be that a base lino was run in the fall of 1783. By looking at the map of this township, it will be seen that tho lots are marked, like those of Kingston, from west to east, showing that tho base line waiS run along tho whole length, and then subsequently the survey com- pleted from tho west.' •*"^ "*■'*'-" ..rii'itqHU :/«nT n-.tji»i. o#' ' ^ofMih- ';^^ In the early spring of 1784, came the soldier settlors; tho 1st battalion, commonly called Jessup's Corps, settled on the St. Lawrence, in Edwardsbni'gh and Augusta, while the second, or Rogers' Coi-ps, pn^i^cd up to tho Bay of Quinte. Respecting this regiment, the following will prove appropriate, from tho pen of the historian of the County of Dundas. " At the close of the v&r, this regiment was stationed at the Isle aux Noix, a fortified frontier post at the northern extremity of Lake Champlain, which has been mentioned as an important fortress during the old French war. Here they passed a whole year, and were employed in adding to ARRIVED. 441 the already oxtonsivo flirtificatioris of that island. While thoy romainod thoro thus employed, two (Joverninent nurvoyrtrH, named Btoichmann and Towit, wore actively oi)gago<l mirveying tU® Connty of DiindaM, for their future occupation. Late in the autumn of 1783, the HoldierH wem joined by their wives and little onoK, who had wandered the weary way afoot, to Whitehall, through HwampH and forest, besot with difficulties, dangers, and privations, innumer- able. The soldiers from Isle aux Noix met them there, with boata, and conveyed thorn the rest of their journey by water, through Lako Champlain. Imagination fails us when wo attempt to form an idea of the emotions that tilled their hearts, as families, that had formerly lived happily together, surrounded with peace and plenty, and had been separated by the rude hand of war, now met in each others embrace, in circumstances of abject poverty. A boisterous passage was before them in open boats, exposed to the rigors of the season — a dreary prospect of a coming winter, to be spent in pent up barracks, and a certainty, should they be spared, of under- going a life-time of such hardship, toil, and privation, as are in- separable from the settlement of a new country. As soon as the journey was accomplished, the soldiers and their families, were embarked in boats, sent down the Eichelieu to Sorel, thence to Montreal, and on to Cornwall, by the laborious and tedious route of the St. Lawrence. The difficulty of dragging their boats up the rapids of this river was very great; to us it is really quite incon- ceivable. Arrived at Cornwall, they found there the Government Land Agent, and forthwith proceeded to draw by lottery the landa that had been granted to them. On the 20th of June, 1784, the first settlors landed in the County of Dundas.'' Not unlikely some of the 2nd battalion were stationed at Carleton Island and Oswego, up to the time that settlement took place. We learn that Captain Crawford's company at least was at the latter place in 1782. However, it seems clear that most of the battalion was in Lower Canada, and came up with the first battalion. The survey was not yet completed, and they pitched their tents along the shore, waiting until the work of draw- ing lots was accomplished. In the meantime, they passed their days as best they could; not knowing where their lot would be cast, they could not proceed with the clearing of land. The writer has been told by one who, passing up during this summer, saw tho tents 'spread along the shore, upon whose brink the primeval forest yet stood in all its native beauty. Now, had they been stationed 442 t»KTTLBRH UPON THK KIIONT. nt Cftrloton IhIjviuI or Cswo^o, it in not llkoly tlioy would havo thu« coino bi^foro thoy could outor upon their work ol'Hottlin^. The (lump tvuin in uwit by thuso diMbandoil v«'tcrnnrt \vor»« the Nuino thoy had occupied iu tiicir ('nin]>iiit;iiiii^. How <;r('iit the ohuiigu to thoin. The alarm of tho «'omiiij^ too, the ihou^ht of ftpproachiiiiif battle, tin' caniion'rt roar, tlio rntth^ of nina)! iiriii.'i, no lon^or diHtiirbod their drt-ainH, nor Hounded upon ihcir eavH. Tho battle cloud hail puMsed away, leavintf but a wreck of their worldly goodM, and there wan a j^reat calm — the calm of the desert wilderncM, unbroken even by the sound of the pioneer's axe — the calm of a oon- Hoience quieted by tho thoutijht that all liad been sacrificed in a righteous cauHO. They had met and oonipiered many a foe ; but the late of war had driven them to tho desert wild, to eni^ounter new fears, to tight the battle of the pioneer. How they Huoocodetl ; how glorious tho victory, is written, not merely by our own feeblo hand elsewhere — it is in<lellib1y inscribed upon the pages of the townships, by tho tillers of tho soil. ■• •""■ < • ' ', •• • •*.> ic. (>.«»* i... In this township as well as elsewhere, tho officers scorn to have had the choice of lots upon tho front, while the rank and file took possession of the rear lots. Among tho oflicors who settled on the front of Ernosttown and Fredericksburgh, may bo found the names of Lieut. Church, Lieut. Spencer, Capts. Crawford and Thompson, Ensign Fraser, Capt. Howard. According to John Collins Clark, son of Robert Clark, the first lots were taken up in the following order, commencing at the oastenimost lot. No. 42 : Lot 42 was first occupied by David Purdy ; Joshua Booth, Esq., married to a daughter of David Fraser, lived on Lot 40 or 41 ; Mr. Nicholas Lake, Lot 39, but soon left i1 ; Lot 38 was settled by Capt. Wm. Johnson ; William Faii-field, sen., Lot 37. He had twelve children, all of whom lived to marry. Daniel Kose commenced a settlement on Lot 30, but in a few years left, and removed to the third concession. Matthias Rose, sen., settled on Let 35, he died in his 90th year. Lot 34 and east half of 33, were settled Ijy Itobert Clark, Esq. His wife was a Ketcham, they had five sons and a daughter; he died at the ago of 80 years. His eldest son, Matthias, had twelve sons. West half of Lot 33 was occupied by John Long, weil. The east iialf of Lot 32 was first owned by John Sayer ; the west half by Simon Swarts. Lot 31 was school land, first occupied by Michael Pbipps and William Sole. East half of Lot 29, owned by u German named Gedd, west half occupied by Daniel Fraser, Esq., though not the first settler on that lot.. Sebastian Hogle, John Lake» THK LAND. 410 .tn<l .loliii Caldwi'll H(ittlt><l liOts 27 aiitl 'if*, Itiit soon I'otnoviMi \mck into llu! concL'MsioiiH. James I'aiiot, li<»«|., u luUf-pJiy oHicor, Hctlled TjoI 'id ; he afturwui'ti noUI iIiIh lot to Aduiii Stnnriiii;, troiii tlio Mohiiw'k River. TIm' next Ht'ttU-rH, continuini^ wcMtwunl, were Jtt«M)l> Miller, Fivderidk IJakor, VViixant (Lutlioian elcrf^ynian), John Muheo, JoNoph liiilV, It wa^'<j;on umkcr, A<likin I't^iit, a tailor, Ni(^holaH Amey, Simon Snidur, David Williams, j^enerally called Hor^eant Williams, a l)la('ksmitli, Joseph Losee, liieul. John I)usenl)nry. Liout. Uest soon loft, nnd Dusonbury iliotl. fiOt 10, has latterly been partially laid out into village lots, and r number of build- ings erected. Lot IS was u (lovernment mill lot. It wua leased for sonio years by Joshua Jiooth. From tlio number of milU RubNe(pieutly erected on the stream, (hat empties hero, it obtained the name of "Mill Creek." Lot 17, settled by William Cottier which was afterward owned by A. 1). Foward. There were several occupants of the next lot; and the next was settled by Brisco, and the next by Kiohurd llobins. Then came one by John Georjj;e. Lot 11, now a part of Bath, was owned by (reorgo McGinnis, aiuill'-pay otlicer, who Kohl to Fairfield. No. 10, on which is situated most of the vil- lage of Bath, was occu))ied by John Davy. No. 9 Avas owned by James Johnson, father of the celebrated *' Bill " Johnson, the traitor of 1812. The next was settled by Jeptlia JIandoy, Esq. Westward lived Matthias Hose, William Rose, Wilcox, Shildey, vhen Finklo, Brisco, lIufFman, I'ruyn, Williams, Church, &c. As a general tliing> the sons of the first settlers, settled in the rear concessions. At the present time, says Clark, there are not more than lO or 12 of the farraa on the front owned by the descendants of the original scittleis. The townah' of Ernesttown contains 68,644 acres, all of which is excellent land with J.e least exception, so that the pioneers were not the lo^er.j in having ohis township allotted to them instead of Kingston. However, at that time the distance from Carleton Island and Cataraqui seemed considerable. The land being good, and the settlers industrious, as a general thing, the time was not long, when the township became the best cultivated, and most Avealthy, not alone arou.id the Bay of Quinte but in the whole of Western Canada. The richness of the soil, and lying more immediately at the mouth of the Bay, contributed to its prosperity, and a village before many years sprung up, which for a time rivalled even Kingston itself, in respect to rapid increase of inhabitants, the establishment of trade, building of ships, and from the presence of gentlemen of refinement and edu- cation, and. in. .the foundation of a library and a seminary of higher education. ' •114 BATH. fjourliiy nnyn, in IHIl, that "the Hrtth^rH nr»> moHt of (hen prac- tical huNhaixInuMi. Tlioir fnniiH tirv well t'cncLMi, w<>ll till«><i. nnd accoinnuxlatcil with hariiN. Then; arc now ahovt* '2,^00 inhabitantH, a a greater nunilicr than arc found in any other towiiNhip in tiu- I'ro* vincc Thoy have three houHCH of public wornhip, c)nc KpiHco|)alinn< one PrcHhytcrian, and one McthodiHt. In IHI7, KrncNttown liad "one parodliial a(Nidciny in the villajifc, and thirteen common schoolH over the towuMhip." In Hoinc of the townwIiipH first Hurveyed, a [>lot waH regorvc<l at the front, an<l NiihNe(iuently hiid out into town lotH. Such waw (ho caHc in Kriujsttown, becniinpcly. At all events a villajxe Hprunj? up at an early period, on the front of the tenth lot. It was f »r a lon^ time known as tlu^ Vill)i<^e of KrneHttown ; Imt in time, after the war of 1812, itac(|uirc<l the name of Bath, probably after the* beautiful Kng- lish town of that name. The diNtance of liath from KinpjHton is about eighteen miles, and the road leading thereto was one of the first constructed in l'p[)er Caiuida, and the country there was retrardod as the very centre of civilization in the Province. For a long time the main road between Kingston and York passed by Hath, even after it was no longer solely by tho. way of Prince Edward and the Carrying Place. \ branch of the main road passed from this place to Napanee, and thence to Thurlow an<l Sidney. Bath was regarded as a city in embryo. Its progress was onward, until the war of 1812' Gourlay sayH of it in 1811, that "it ])romises to bo a place of con- siderable busineHS." But the war dealt a serious blow to the place, from which it never recovered iuUy. The Kingston Gazette, of 1816, remarks, to the eftect, that the village is emerging from its depres- flion, and that it ought to be made a jiost town, and a port of entry. In the summer of this year Samuel Purdy started a public (jonveyance between Kingston and Bath. The following year the Steamer Fron- tenac and Charlotte were commenced here. Jn 1818 a bill was intro- duced into Parliament " to constitute the town of Bath — to provide for laying out and surveying town lots and streets, and a market- place therein, and regulating the police thereof." The first person to engage in the trading business at Bath wa« Benjamin Fairfield. ^ ftH-; ' 'UM '^'*Mt<^!^d%yf'' Thus wrote Gourlay, of Bath, in 1811: "Fr6m the lake shore the ground ascends about seventy rods, and thence slopes ofl' in a gentle northern descent. The ascent is divided into regular squares by five streets, laid parallel with the shor2 ; one of them being the lovver branch of the main road, and all of them crossed at right angles UKCAY OV II ATI! . by utruetn ntnniriK norlln'rly. One of tlicm* croHn HtriM'tM «« continucil throiipch (lie ('(MiccHsion, nmi IViriiin tlmt l>rniH'li ol' the niiiiii road whit'h pUNNcH I'ouihI tli«* Hny ot (jiiitit*-. On the ciiNt NitUt of thin itrcct, til. th«< titoNt <>lL>vatf<l point, HtaiidH the chuitih, and on thctopptv lito nidii iH tho acadotny. ovcrh)okin;L; tlic vilhii;!', and (•onniinndiii^ A vnrii'fj;at('d jJi-oHpcirt of the harhoiir, the Moiind, tho ndjaccnt iNhnul, tho oiitlutH into (ht> (»p(>n hiko, and thr nhorcN Htrt'tchiii^ fantward nnd wcHtward, with a line hmdHcapo view of the <'oiniliy nil Mi'oun<i. Tho Hituation is hoalthy and d(>li^htful, not HiirpasHcd piM-hapH in nnttn'al advanta^rH \ty any in y\tnori<-u. The villnj^o i-s incrcanin*^ in huildingH, nccoinnuuhitioiiN, iidiahitantn, and IniNinohH, and nocniH cul- cuhttod to ho tho ROiitnil point of n popuh)nN and ])t-o<luotivo trnot of oonntry around it." I'l'.' w /..v , i i4» (.«;i,ii .(ii -i ic .u A Htrun^or vJHitin;^ Rnth to-<!ay, having roa<l of Itw onrly and entor])riNin/^ diiVH, will not iinlikol}' iw\ u \m\\^ of disappointmont. Wo aro Horry to say that tho placo prosontna lnnililini;-do\vn appoar- anco. A laixu brick building, built in 180'.), to aoooininodate what was thon tho lar^OMt Froo MaHon lodgo in tho provinct, Iuih a larji^o rent in it, as if an onomy's cannon t)all liad ponctratod an<i nhattorod it. Promiuonti}' situated it attracts ^roat attention, Tho quiotnoRs of tho phu'o rominds ono of Goldnnuth'H dosortod village. Witiun our own rocolloction, whip building wan carriefl on horo ; btit now nothing indicator tho plaoo of busy ontorpri^^o ; there in nothing hut tho plain unbroken beach, whoro waw conHtructod tho first steamboats built in Upper Canada. Tiio literary spirit that led to tho ostablishuiont of a libi-ary horo at an early date, we fear has departed — gone with tho spirit of those who nobly conceived tho project — g<^no as lawyers Macaulay, Fairtiold, and Hidwoll, who horo ontorod upon t)roini8ing caroors of profossionsl usefulness. The glory of Bath has not ceased to depart; year after year it has lost some olomont of importance to its existence. The rich country around for many yeai-s ponred into this charming village its ever increasing supplies. Tho merchants of ]}ath exchanged goods for the produce, and liooame rich ; but now, Nnpaneo, afford- ing a greater variety of tho necessaries and luxuries for family use, draws a large majority of tho well-to-do yeomen, who there spend thoir money. Occasionally, a grain buj'er may be able to offer a little higher price here, yet the farmer takes hia money to B])end in Napanoe. Times, indeed, have changed since tthe denizens of Bath regarded thoir village as a rival of Kingston ; *whon entorprise sought hero a larger field in which to drive busi- nttftM, and mon of tuiiirntion tuloniPd Mocioty, mid ^avo rotinoinont •nd Hiiporior udviuititt;oN to IIm iioopli*. TIkmi Nn|miii<«« whh in tho bK<'kw<M»<lH — n |»liMM« ro^anlod uh wo do now th« HOttlrmcntM upon i\w \lt%>*i'\ufr'H Itowl ; utul thoM«» wholivi'd th<»ro w«m'o n-niovod (Voni tho r»»ntr«' ot'rivili/jition. \U,\ now tlm iron hnj-Mo Hpopdn nlon^ by tho old Voi-k Uoiid ; and Hutli ot'('iiniwlu, lil{«< itH ^rcut nnni«>rtAl«> At homo, iiltliou^li Hliil bc'ui'titiil, in intoruMtin|(, tiiuinly t)eutn Ite pMt AHftociiitionH. '" Ii wus ll)o citixetiH ot'Hatli whotirNt .saw tin) Anicricaii floot in IBl.'J upproiicbin^ tbo mIjoio. Tho onrly inorninj^ nun naw thc« inliabitnnls vory nliortly aroimod to action. Tlio old votci'ariH. who lor HO many yt'iirH liad nnod tho plowatul tlioaxo, nnxioiiHl}' <'n«(niroH for tlioir old woapooH of wart'aro. Mtn. I'orry tt-llM tin that Hhe diHtinntly roninniliorn thnt tho wonl canjo tohor lUthor'n wiiilo thoy woro at, l)rpnl<<iiHt, thftt tlu* onomy wan onterin^ Hutli. Ilor father, then titty-uip;lit, iorHooi^ hiH t)r(>akfiiHt and Hoiip^ht ids ^nn. Hut boforo lio and bin nonn roa(diod tl)0 village, tiio floot Imd pasHo<l on toward Kinj^Hlon. 'liiroc of Ids hooh, hurried on to Kin^Mton. Iji liico nuuiner, »ll aion^ tho iVont, aroNo tlio nion of Hovonty-nix, with tboir HOtm; and Ihoir amiH tiiwliod in the morning Hunli^ht. Tho ononiy hmi won at Jiath a ^roat victory. They had utoion in •1 llio ouriy dawn* whon no foe waH there, and uctuaiiy lind BUC'coociod iu t«lciup and Inirnin^ tho Holjoonor Bmjamin Davy. ..ll>ll*<t'l.'i , THB THIRD TOWNSHIP — fRXniiBIOKHBURrm. i//,W,Ju<i: _, The early scttlerM Honiotinio.s called it the " Townwhip of Fred- erick." It was called aflor Au^^uhIus Fi*edcrick, the J)ukc of Sussex, ninth cliild of the king. According to the original phm of this townttbip, preservotl in the Crown Laudn' DeparUncnl, it was "nurveyed in 1784 bj JiiUM^ Pearly Lewiwlvotte, Henry Holland, and 8anmol Tutt'e," * "'^'v ,„ The liinitiii oi Uie seoond towuHliip biivUig been d^mied, the third lyaa also planned. Having fixed tho base line, whi«h formed a slight angle with that of the second town, over the width of twenty-five ^ots, it wus at tirBt, the intention to lim^t the township to tiiiH extent of frontage ; and the lots were consequentiy completed and numbered from Avost to cus.t, as had been done with the first two town»hip«. Sut it tallied out that this would not meet tlie requirements of Sir John John&o^'i^ disbanded soldiers, to whcMu the ptromise had been made that they should be located in a township by tliemselves. The rKr.r>KRU1KHItlIHi»ll AObiriONAL. Ttmuh was, thnt tho wUIu'n of ttiU i-orps* w«>r<>^iitif1(><|,Hri«1 »ln» town- Hliip wa.s«,'f»lurj<til to \\w rxt.-nt ot tliirti'rri a«li|ilioiiiil l(»(,s, whirli tlio map will hHow an« iiuml»«.'n'«l Iroiii oant to wt-M, an*! nhicli imiiratu tliat tim lotM w«ro (*oiit|>|(*toly Miirvoyud before tlu»y wtrv iiiiiiiIm hmI. 'Hiat portion of tlu' third town inrluddd in tliu porfi«>n firnt iiinnlM>r(*d, riiU'iviHl thi' nanu' of " Fn(dorickHlnir)B:li Orijjfiiial," and that Kuhmv (|uoMlly addi'tl, was (-allnl '* FrrdericltHlHn^ch A<lditional." The oriffi- mil intention of t\w miuvcyor, was to have the lMtt«'r portioti form u part of the toiirlh township, whieh would haM« oJU'»t(<l a more <><ptul •liviHioD of the land; hut the dishande I soldi«>rN diil not wish to pnHH uader tlieeoiitr<»l of other otHoorh, Niien aM held eommaiid of thesettlofH of the fourth township. IndtMMU as will he m<»re partieularly pointed out in eonneetion with that townnhip, Adolphustown had well ni^h hcen entirely *'onsMmed l>y the renewe<l arrivals of ltoj,'«'rs' men. There need Ik* no wonthtr that the old soldiers should thus <lesire to remain side by siiU" muUir a eommon c(»mman(h'r, in the wilderness field, to fi^ht the storn battle of pionetu- life, and to convert the wilder wm into homoHteads. The fact that numbers of eaeh battali()n wore unwilling to settle, except umler their own oiHeers. reveals tho spirit of the times: it tills us how mueh the settlement partook of a military eharaeter, and the feelinj,' of attachment which existed 1k». tween tho oiiicers and men, hh well as umonjf tlie rank and lilo. It wouhi not <lo that the same lots should be occupied us a part of tho fourth town under Captain VanAlstinc ; they must be sevorerl from thnt township, and united to Fredoricksbtirjjjh, under the jurisdiction of their old major. Fredciricksburgh contains 40,213 acres of the very best quality of land. T\w following is taken from Cooper's Essay, by the pen of the talenti'd Mrf, Moodie. "We approach Fredericksburfifh : this too is a pretty place, on the north si<le of the bay; ])eautiful orchards and meadows skirt the water, a'ld fine basH-wood and v.illow-treea grow beside, or bend over the \vn\on. The green smooth meadows, out of which tho black stumps rotted long ago, show noble grotips of hickory and butternut, and, sleek fat cows are reposing beneath them, or standing niidleg in the small creek, that wanders through tliem, to pour its fairy tribute into tho broad bay." In 1811, the township had " a large population, and many excellent farms, n,\ Episcopal Church (subsequently bnrnt), and a Lutheran Meeting-house." (Gourlay). ■> ■ • i ■. p There was also a " reserve" for a village in thistowtrtffffjj ftt' t^b front, Avhich, iiowevor, never grow iiitt a village. 448 AD0LPHU8T0WN. Ill 1708, an net wan pi»HHe»i, tliu object of wliich was to asoertain, aiid establish tlic boundary lines V)etween tlie townsliiplj by which irregularities might be removed. In 1820, a special act was obtained "to make provision for a survey of the first, second, and third, con- cessions of Fredericksburgh, original, and the whole of Fredericks- burgh, additional." It was enacted that the eastern boundary line of the said township, otherwise known as the line between lots number twenty-five, and the Gore, in the said second and ihird concessions, shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be, the course or courses of the respective division or side lines of lots or parcels lying in the aforesaid tract of land ; and all surveyors shall be, and are hereby, required to run all such division or side lines of any of such lots or parcels of land, which they may be called upon to survey, to corres- pond with, and be parallel to, the aforesaid eastern bQj.uidary line." , .;,\ ,i*i .-*,-. '• ', '^ .,. ■ <.,. / ; 4 ... J . I ; '■ ' . ' ■■ ■'.,.' M ' ■ I • » • M ■ • ' ' f . i ....;.'•.■;„. ■1 1 > CHAPTEE L. 't ■ ; n Contents — The Fcmrtli Townsliip — AdoIphustowD— After Duke of Cambridge- Quantity of Land — Survey — Major VanAlstinc — Refugees — From New York — Time — Voyage — Tlieir Fare — Names — Arrived — Plagerman's Point — In Tents— First Settler— Town Plot— Death— The Burial— A Relic— Com- ' missary — Dispute of Surveyors— The Settlers — All things in common — > An Aged Man— Golden Rule — Old Map— Names — Islands — The Township- Price of Land— First "Town Meeting "—Minutes— The Officers Record- Inhabitants, 1794 — Up to 1824— First Magistrates— Centre of Canada— Court Held in Barn — In Methodist Chapel — "A Den of Thieves" — Court House ; erected — Adolphustown Canadians — Members of Parliament — The Courts— ■ ' Where first held — Hagerman — Travelers tarrying at Adolphustown. • UJlfiji -i^j l! SETTLEMENT OP ADOLPHUSTOWN. The Fourth Township westward from Fort Frontenac, was, sor-e time after its survey and settlement, named Adolphustown, after Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge, the tenth son of King George III. The Township contains about 11,459 acres, and was surveyed in 1784, by Surveyor-General Holland. In the year 1783, a party of Loyalists sailed from the port o'i. New York. They were under the command of Capt. VanAlstine, with a fleet of seven sail, and protected by the Brig "Hope," of forty guns. Some of this band had served in the army, in an irregular way, more had been in New York as refugees. VanAlstine PIONEKR8 OK ADOLIMIUSTOWN. 44§ nlthouirh cominlHsionod to lead thiw company, it would sot-m, had iu»t lK>on in tho sorvico— w,is not n niililury mun, l-ut u pir)ininont LoyaliHt of the Knickorliofkois. Hiil tlione roUigovs, in wcttin^rout lor tho unknown wiIdi>iMi(s«, wero j.rovidod with camp tont.s and ])iovision, to bo continued for three years, and with such iniplo- inontM a.s wore ^nvon to tho disbanded soldiers, as well us .-. batteau toovory four familiohj, after arrivin,£,' at their place of (iestination. Tho company were mostly from tho Counties of Itockland, Oranj^o, and Ulster, on the east side (»f the JJudson, and W.-siehestor,' Duchess, and Columbia, on tho west. They Hailed from Now Y(U'k on tho 8th «opt. 1783, and arrived at Quebec, 8th Oct. Many were undecided whether to remain in the Lower riovim^es, or go on to CanjuUi. Tho events of thin voyage; this departure from old homos, to penetrate tho unknown north, are oven yot hold in remombranco by their doscoudants. Thus, it is told, that, after leaving Now York a few days, a shark was observed following the vesaol, which created no little consterna- tion. It continued to follow for many days, until a child had died •ind been consigned to tho deep, after which it was no longer seen. Tho (xovernmont rations with which thoy were sup))liod, consisted, as tho story has been told the writer, of "pork and peas for broak- fiWt i peas and pork for dinner ; and for supper, one or tho other." The j)arty proceeded ii-om Quebec thence to Sorel, where they «pont the winter. They inhabited their linen tents, which attoi-dod but little protection from the intense cold. While staying there, it was deter-iined to grant them a township on tho Bay Quint<3. The first Township had boon granted to Capt. Grass, the second and third wore to bo possessed by Johnson's Second Battalion ; so V^an- Alstiue's corps wore to liave the next township. Surveyor JloUand was engaged in completing the survey, and even then, had bis tont pitched on the shore of the fourth townshij). The party ieftSwel 21st May, 1784, in a brigade of batteaux, ami reached the fourth towaship on the 16th June. The names of some of those who composed this party, were : VanAIstine, Euttan, Iluycks, Yelloau, Maybee, Coles, Sherman, Ballis, three families of Petersons, Loyce, VanSkiver, Philip and Thomas Borland, Cornelius VanHorn' VanDuson, Hagerman, father of the late Judge Hagorman, Angel Huff, Eichard Beagle, John and Stephen lioblin, Fitzgerald, Michael Stout, Capt. Joseph Allan, Hover, Owen Ferguson, John Baker, Wm. Baker, German, Geo. Eutter, James Noxeu, John Casey, Beoj.' Clapp, Geo. Eutledge, David Barker, Owen Eoblin. 460 LANDING. It is a curious fact, fully attowtod by tho Allison'H, tlio Hover's and othorH, that a« the battoaux wlowly wendod (heir way along the whore, having pawMcd tho]niaik which indicated the boundary of the Third Town.shij), sovo;'al of the paHHongcrH, gazing upon the woods, expreHwed a winh to pOBsens certain placeH, according to the fancy of each ; and, Htrangely enough, the Cole'n, the Hover's, the Allison's, the Kuttan's, and others, did actually come respectively into possession, by lot, in accordance with their previously expressed wish. The company had reached the land whereon they were to work out their future existence. The writer has driven upon the ioe along the Bay, tollbwing, it must have boon, almost the way taken by this party, as they landed. They passed along the present Adolphustown wharf, westwai-d nearly half a mile, and rounded a point known as Ilagerman's Point. Here a small, but deep stream empties itself, having coursed along a small valley, with sloping sides, in a westerly direction. They ascended this creek for nearly a quarter of a mile ; and pi-oceeded to land ujion its south side. Between the creek and the bay is a pleasant eminence ; it was upou its slopes the settlers, under VanAlstino, pitched their tents. The boats were hauled up; and among the trees, the white tents were duly ranged. Thus housed, and thus far removed fi'om the buny haunts of men, this community continued to live for many days. Steps wex*e taken at an early day to draw lots for land. As so much of the township was washed by the waters of the bay, there was not the same anxiety among the settlers with respect to the decision of the ballot. Every one drew his number, with one exception, [and this was a notable one, as indicating the noble feeling of brotherhood which lived in the breasts of the noble band ot refugees. The exception was not in favor of the person in com- mand, or a particular friend. Mr. Cole had expressed a liking for the first lot, now known as Cole's Point, and he, having a large family and consequently more anxious to get on his land, and get settled for the winter,y'»and the land ready for the next summer, was immediately, by universal consent, put in possession of the lot ; and he even that year raised some potatoes. In addition to the 200 acres granted to each of the company there was a town plot, consisting of^SOO acres, regularly laid out into town lots of one acre each, and one of these was granted to each of the settlers. This plot thus surveyed, it was believed in time mouU become the site of a town. A RELIC. 451 While they wore yet living in their teits one uf their number aied, a child it is said by Honie. The .kvi.T was lmrie<l close by, under a tree. When others came to die, tlu^y lilso were buried here^ and thus was formed the "IT. E. Loyalist burying ground." The second person buried in this place, while it was yet a woods, was Casper Hover. Shortlived was his career as a pioneer. But a few months had passed, and he had barely taken possession of his land when, one day engaged in clearing ott' the land, he was struck by a falling limb and killed. A blow so sudden was felt not alone by his own family, but by all the settlers. Imagination cannot call up the heart-stirring scene of this burial in the woods by his com- rades. As there was yet no roads nor path, not unlikely the body was conveyed by batteau from Hover's farm to the burying ground. The coffin must have been made of rough green boards, split out of logs, or perhaps made with a whip saw. There was no minister to discharge any rights belonging to the dead, or improve the events for the spiritual welfare of the living. Casper Hover had for his wife Barbara Monk, a relative of Barbara Heck, well known for her connection with early Methodism in the new .world. There remains now in possession of Joseph Allison, of Adolphustown, whose wife was a Hover, a pewter plat- ter which belonged to Barbara Monk. It is a relic of no ordinary mterest. Barbara Monk was a descendant of the Palatines, and this platter was carried by her ancestors when they were forced to leave the Palatinate. Thoy took it with them to Ireland, thence to New York, and finally it was brought by Barbara to AdolphustQwn, with Van- Alstine's company. The writer has had the satisfaction of examin- ing this rehc of former days. It is a round dish, of solid metal, 16 inches broad, and weighing over five pounds. It bears no signs of wearing out. This article of household usefulness is, or was in the past, regarded as a township one, and was famous for its asso- ciations with innumerable pot pies. For many a year when there was a bee, or a raising, or a wedding, the pewter platter was engaged to do service. The stores of provisions for the settlers in this township, were placed under the care of VanAlstine himself ; but it would appear, from the statement"=> of some, that Philij) Dorland gave his assistance, and to some extent, was responsible, acting under the instructions of a committee, for the distribution to the families. Also, one Emery, was connected with the department It would seem that Surveyor General Holland, who surveyed the 462 TIIIN08 IN COMMON. fourth town, and Deputy Surveyor Collins, who surveyed third town, had Name trouble with roi^pcct to " FredericlcHbnrgli additional." The number of lots composing the third township at first, was not enough to supply the whole of the battalion ; having been }>romised lots in the same townsliip. When it was seen that all could not be aooommodated in the lots of third township, it wa.s determined to take a certain number from the fourth townshij). To this Surveyor JloUand consented, probably with the concurrence of Major VanAlstine. But more of Rogers' company continued to come ; ami Collins wished to absorb the whole of the fourth town, to accomodate them. In this he was, no doubt, supported by officers of the battalion ; Sir John Johnson among the rest. But llolland, in the interest of the comi)any, which had already settled in the fourth town, under VanAlstine, objected- The statement come to us that llolland and Collins had well nigh fought a duel in connection with the matter. As Collins was a deputy tinder llolland, there must have been some strong influence supporting the former, which was probably through Sir John Johnson. But Holland, having completed the survey of the side lines us he desired, started precipitately to Quebec with his report. Collins hearing of this, started after. Whatever may have been the contest at head quai'ters, Holland's report of the fourth township was received, and the third township was limited to its present size. Mr. Joseph Allison, says, respecting the settlement, that " what was one's business was everybody's business, they wei'c all dependent on each other. Each concession was considered a neighbourhood, each being about four juiles in length. After the trees were felled and the brush burnt, then came on the logging bees, and every man bad to give an account of himself, if he should be missing wlien noti- fied. Tliere were no aristocrats, from Major VanAlstine down to the humblest individual. Each had to do what he could. They wero perfectly organized in this branch of business, being divided into companies or squads of six ; and each squad had to take a regular " through " of about six or seven rods wide, piling all the timber in their respective "throughs." These logging bees were always attended with much strife, all striving to be ahead; and as they were always nsed to their rations of rum, they must, on these occasions, have all they wanted. Then, in the evening, they must have their dance. It was considered the jnivilege and duty of all the wom«n in the neighbourhood to attend and assist in cooking, as many of the •settlers were bachelors. Indeed, if there was a wedding, in one of the concessions, all had a right to attend, belonging to the neighbourhood. OKKilNAL NAMER. 458 ThoHO i)lonoovK (tf A^lolplmHtovvn wore a uondiTfiilly liiirdy set. of iiit'ii, possossed ot i^rcal jdiysical })owors, altliou^li iuuri'il to liard- shipH of n vt>ry ]>r(!ssiiig kiiul. TlK'y lived to n s^reat age; very few of them died under eighty, and two of thcni lived to bo over a hun- <lred. John Fitzg(!ral<l was the oldest man that came with \'^an- Alstino, he died in 1800, aged 101; Daniel (^ole was 100, when he died. The leading men of the settlement were VanAlstine, Captain , Peter Rattan, Michael Stout, the Dorlands, an(! Nicholas llagcrman. If any dispn .' or grievance arose, it would be left to somo one to settle, but they all, with very few exceptions, tried to do as they would wish to be done by. ". , \ •. , !i^' . ;■*■'•• '•Joseph Allison was a \vhi|)-sawyer by trade, and assisted to saw the first boards that were used in the buildings. JTe drew lot 17." Examining an old map in the Crown Lands Department, certain names are found written upon the Islands and Points of Adolphustown. The soutjiern extremity has upon it the name of Lieutenant Michael Vandervoort. The adjacent island has Lieutenant Samuel Tuffee, and P. V. Borland. Proceeding around the point to the north, the first indentation of tlie bity is named Bass Cove. The next point is for John Speors, and Humphrey Waters — called on the map "'Sj^eers and Waters lot, 150 acre.s." The next cove is calle<l Perch Cove, and the next point is for Lieutenant Sanuiel J^eane, 100 acres. Then comes Little Cove. The bay otl' tlieso points is called " Grand Bay," north- ward to where Hay Bay commences, it is called " The P\jrks," while Hay Bay is designated " East Bay," and up toward the Mohawk Bay it has the name of '• the North Channel ; " Casey's Point on the north shore of Ilav Bav is called Green Point, and the land there is allotted to Philip and Owen Roblin. Beside those mentioned, as forming a ])art of VanAlstine's com- pany, there were, among the first settlers of Adolphustown, and pro- bably of YanAlstine'.s party : Angel. William and John HnfT, Thomas Casey; and at a later period came " Billy" Monroe, John Eoblin, John ami James Cannitf, Philip Flagler, Carnah.an, liobcrt Short, Fisher, and Captain Allan." In somo respects Major VanAlstine's company were better off tban the soldier pioneers. Although they had to come a long distance by ship, and ascend the St. Lawrence in small boats, which precluded tbe possibility of bringing to the country many articles for family use ; yet they could fetch with them some things to contribute to family comfort, beside clothing. The township being almost surrounded by water, and having 454 FIRST RKOORD. many indontations of Iho buy, t>ior« whh thereby ftffordcd the moBt advantngoouH pbvce for tho sottlorH, whoso only mode of tra\ehag was by boat. Every couoession has cominuiucation with iho bay. Tho township is tho sinallost in tho Piovinco, containing but ll,t61> acres. Tho land at first, it is said, conhl be had for " one shilling^iin acre," and half of lot 15, of 100 acres, was sold for ** "half joe"— ^.00. In contrast to this, in 1817, there was «' no land in the town- ship which could bo procured for less than £4 an acre," and ievr would sell at that price. Althotigh so well provided with a water way for travel, goo<l roads were early constructed. Tho following are tho minutes of the first " Town meeting" held in Adolphustown, on the 6th of March, 1793, for which we arc in- debted to Mr. J. B. Allison. •> • "' '- "f'^-' ^' ".'11^, />iil ..t-t./s vfi/ « The following persons were chosen to officiate in their respec- tivo ofllces, the ensuing year, and also the regulations of the same." . > .* «« Ruben Bedell, Township Clerk ; Paul Huff, and Philip Borland, Overseers of the Poor; Joseph Allison, and Garit Benson, Constables; WiUet Casey, Paul Huff, and John Huyck, Pound Keepers i Abraham Maybee, and Peter Rutland, Fence Viewers." .^.. ---7/ ' « The height of fence to be 4 feet 8 inches. Water fence voted to be no fence. Hogs runnmg at large to have yokes on 18 by 24 inches. No piggs to run until three months old. No stalion to run. Any person putting fire to any bush or stuble, that does not his endeavour to hinder it from doing damage, shaU forfeit i^f sqm of forty shillings." '^ .»• -? ^^^^ .)rfijw!l ■)) (Signed) Philip Dorland, T. C. qiil It is most likely that Philip Borland was merely secretary for the meeting. Euben Bedell was successively, elected town clerk for three years, when, in 1795, Archibald Campbell was appointed, who served for four years. In 1800, Daniel Haight was appointed. In 1801, WUliam Robins filled the office, and continued to fill it for three years, when in 1804, Ruben BodeU was again elected. The foUowing year Bryan Crawford was appointed ; the next Daniel Haight, who continued four years; John Stickney then filled the office three years, and Daniel Haight was again appointed, 1813. There is in the Township Records, a Return of the inhabitant* for 1794, March, with tho names of each family, and the number of members in each. They are as follows : Ruben Bedell, 5 ; Paul Huff, 6 ; Solomon Huff, 10 ; William Griffis, 5 ; Caspar YanDusen, TIIK INIIAIIITANTH. 4I).'i 6 ; NichoIaH Potorson, 8 ; NichoUiH PotofHon, S<m). .'{ ; Ismu; Horn, I ; TliomnH Joiu'H, 4; Aloxaiidor Fishor, 10; JunioH McMnstorH, 8; JotnoH StoplioiiHon, I; EuhsoI I'itman, 7 ; JoHepIi (Jlapp, 4; Goor^o Brooks, 6; .lolin Ilulcom, H; Martin Sherman, 3 ; Josopli C'ornoll.O; Ptstor Viilleau, B; William Clark, 6; .loHoph Clark, 1; Albort Cornell, 8; Peter Del ry a, 4 ; John Ifuyck, 6; Alexander Oampboll, 6; Buryor Huyek, 2; Albert BonHon, 4; (Jilbort Bogart, 2; Abraham lio^art, 3 ; Christopher (lorman, 5; William Casey, 6; Edward Barker, 3 ; David Kelly, 4 ; Battin Harris, 8 ; John Cannitl', 13 ; Nathaniel Solmes, 10 ; Peter Wanamaker, 4 ; Garret BoiiHon, 1 ; William Mara, 4 ; John lioblin,3 ; John Klmw, 3 ; John Wood, 2; Peter Ruttan, Jun'r., 3 ; Owen Roblin, Jun'r., 2 ; Owen Boblin, Son'r., 8; Benjamin Clapp, 8; (Jeorgo Butter, 7; Jacob Bullern, 6; Cornelius Vanilorn, <>; liobert Jones, 5; Paul Trum])er, 8 ; William Hanah, 4; Michael Slate, 4; Peter Ruttan, Sen., 6; Denis Oscilago, 1 ; Joseph Carahan, 8 ; Thomas Dorland, G; Philip Dorland, 9; Willot Casey, 8; Peter VanAlstino, 3; John VanCutt, 7 ; David Brown, 3; Peter Sword, 2 ; William Brock, 5 ; Nicholas llagermaTi, 8; Cornelius Stouter, 3; Abraham May bee, 7; Henry Tice, 3; Thomas Wanamakors, 1 ; William Button, 5; Joseph Allison, 2 ; ' John Fitzgerald, 2 ; Matthew Steel, 5 ; Conrad Vandusen, 5 ; Henry ' Hover, 3; Arion Ferguson, 2; Henry Redner, 4; Andrew Huffman, 4; Daniel Cole, 11", Henry Davis, 5; James Noxon, 1. — Total 402. * The total number of inhabitants in 1800, was 524, and in 1812, 675, The returns are given, yearly, up to 1822, when the nnmber was only 571. It is observable that the number fluctuates from year to year. This was duo to the ftict that families would come to the township, from the States, remain a few years working a farm on shares, and then would move up the Bay, to another township. Major VanAlstino, as the military commander, was the chief ■ officer. But there live^ no account of dissenuions and litigations, for many a year. When the Government appointed Magistrates, pro- ' bably not until after Upper Canada was erected into a separate Province, VanAlstino was the first to receive the commission. There '''were, likewise, appointed at the same time, or soon after, several others, viz., Thomas Dorland, Nicholas Hagerman, Ruttan, Sloat, and Fisher, afterwards Judge. It is said the Magistrates did not always agree. Ruttan and Van Alstine had dissentions; and Van- Alstino claimed certain power, by virtue of his command over tho corps who peopled the township. Whereupon Ruttan, at the next meeting, donned his suit of clothes, which he had worn as an ihH Till': CKNTRK OV CANADA. (>fH"urot' ilio lle^MLlur Army, and dtidurod no oiio wm Iuh HUperior, ai;(l. it in waid, gaiiiod IiIh point. - u . .. , » ; *'" . Tho tiino camo, wb'ii AdolpluiHtown wan almost tho Contro of (,'aniuia. It is true, Kin^Hton was tho i^roat point to which tho military and naval lorccH controd, and Iho <drcumstan(ii>H of Hindi ijavo that placo a Htalnn whicdi it could not otliorwiso havo obtained. But Adolpliustown was really tlu' (MMitro of tlui Hottlomdiit.s in tho ronlral part of Canada — tho Midland District. So it camo that tho coui't was alternately held at the Fourth Town and Kin^Hton, beinjf twice a year in oaih place. Tho first court in this township, was held in the liarn t)f Paul llulf, whi(d; served the puipose very well in sninmcr. The next occasion was in winter, and some buildinfij had to bo procured. Application was nimlo for the Methodist (yhaj)el. Some objection was made, on tho ground that a " house of prayer" should not bo made a "den of thieves," referring to the. criminals, not to tlio lawyers. But tho (Jha)ol was readily granted lor iho second court held in Adolphustown. It is said that a propo- sition was made, in duo form, that if the inhabitaiits of tiie Fourth Town would buiM a Court House, tho court should bo held thoro twice a year. Tho ottbr was accepted, and a subscription sot on toot, which resulted in tho erection of a Court House. When tho court coasod to be held, in accordance with the agreomont, tho Court House reverted to tho Townsliip. The building of the Court House was followed by the growth of a village, and among its population were tlioao whoso names became household words in every Canadian home. It contiilued a place of importance for many a year ; and, even when tho court ceased to bo lield, the village, by virtue of its situation, and thor standing of tho township, continued for a long time of no little*'^ repute. . J Adolphustown contributed, during the first years of Upper" Canada, a good many worthy individuals to the welfare of the countiy, indeed Adolphustown took the lead for many years in poli- tical, as well as more general matters relating to the country. The genpral elections, at one time, resulted in the election of four natives of this township to Parliament, viz : two Hagormans, Sam'l Casey, and Paul Peterson. Says Joseph 13. Allison, of Adolphustown, ♦' Our township, though, perhaps, the smallest in the Province, (if it were consolidated, it would not be more than throe miles and a half square,) has furnished as many statesmen and judicial officers as any of the larger townships. From the humble abodes of Adol- i OHUIINAL COIIRTM. 46T phtistown, huvo < ono to tho Li'^iHlivtiNc Hulls of C'niiu<ln, TliomoH Dorliiiid, John K()l)lin, ('ItriHtoplu)!' A. lia^ri-tiDin, I'uiil I'otorson, Dr. W. Dorliuitl, VVillot CiHoy, Henry Kiittmi, Siiiuiiol CuHcy, Dun'l liu^orinuii, Diivid Hohlin John V. Kobliti, who ropivNonttMl tho Oouiity of F'rinco tor many yours. Tho Hon. John A. A! cDonald although not born hi>ro, upont his juvonilo yonrs, anil littoncltHl tho common hcIiooIs in AdolphiiHtown. Now, we (•ImllcMigo any town- ship in llu' I'njvinco, that litis not a cily or town conru'eit'd with it, to turn out olovou inenib»irfj of I'urliumont, all ol' thorn U. il. Loyal ists." « « .. • Uoblin, who srttlod in the thiitl coni'OHHion, was oloi-tod throo times to I'iirliainouf, in IHOH, 1811, and 1HI2. At first, ho sat for two yours; but, whon sent tho socond tinio, ho was oxpollod, bocauso lio was u /r>m/ Methodist J*n^uihei'. His constituents ro-oK-etod him, and a;^ain ho was expelled, to be a third time elected; but he died bofbro tho Parliumont again mot, on the liwtday of February, 1813| aged 44. ' > ' ' It was in the year 1793, in tho second Session of Parli.anieiit, that un Aet was passed " to fix the time and plaee tor holdinjj; tho Courts of General (Quarter Sessions of tho Peace." The Act |)rovided "that the Court.! of (leneral Quarter Sessions of lliu lVac(! for tho Midland district of this Province, shall commence and bo holden m Adolphustown, on tlie second Tuesday in the month of July, and on the second Tuesday in the month of January; and in Kingston, on the second Tuesd.ay in tho month of April, and on the second Tues- day in the montli of October." The other places wei-e Michilmackinac, Newark, New Johnstown, and ('ornwall. In this .second year of Upper Canada, no mention is made of Toronto, nor yet of York. Where )iow stands the splendid Osgoode Hall, with its chaste and beautiful decorations ; an<l, iudee«l, now exists the whole of Toronto, Nvith its unrivalled University building, its Colleges, its handsome Churches ami elegant mansions was then a tangled forest, and, excej)t an ludiivn path along tho Don, nmrking a portage to Lake Simcoo and Fort Toronto, tliere svas no indicition of human existence. Moreover, about this time, upon the shores of Adolphustown was born Christopher Ilagernian, who was destined to adorn the bar and grace the bench ; wlio saw arise tho Courts of Law, the organization of the Law Society, and assisted to establish them at Toronto, where he spent his latter days, and where now his ashes repose. Among those who first camo to Adolphustown are some who hud seen sei'vice in an irregular way, as well as the refugee" The 468 MAHYHItllHUII. « nninoH of noiiiu of thoin will bit ftaiiid among the loyiil combatant and loyaliHtH. For Ni*vurul y«*Hi'H, tho funiilicM thut uunio from tho KtutoH would Htop lit tlu) Fourth 'i'ownwhip, wluro limy woiild " work out," or talco a furm on NhurcH, or pcrhapH rvnt ii farm, tmtil thvy could Hud n nuit- nl)l(' placu on which to |M>rinancntly Hcttlc, iti the buck towuHhipi, HU(*h aH Hophiiuibur^h, AnicliaHbur^h, Hldticy and Thurlow. The ordinary tcrniH ior working a I'arin on HharcH waH for the ownur to furniNh tuani, nved, &o., and tuko onu-half of the product) wheo gathure<l. -i -. .1 ■ " . > \ , C'onrad VanDuHon kept the firHt tavern wcMt of KingHton, and at hiN houHc travolurti up and down tho Bay would Hto]). AIho, now conu'rM to tho Jlay would here firat tarry, until decided where to MOttlc. '")! "(h 'ft. 1>y,)tt 'I'fff?^ »i:rff I ,rM..i -i •, Im •■.-ii ivi; j q I ;•:; T iV.v,-."^ . ^'.yiT A\\^ -yiU \n >;ti ,/TtM rofioi"<irfM'^T..M (f.>i« Urir I;>''(>i:';f:/i;M((V< t\ ContiNtii— Mfti'yHbnrffli— Off jffn— Onro part of a RelKntory— Riirvoy— TToMland— Old mill) — 'I'lu! lotH— OfllcerH of 84th Rogt. — Original iHiKiowiiorH — Indinn Point — McDoiuu^irH Cove — (JroR May — " Accoinuiodfttlnpr Mtiy "— ' (lamnion •' •" Pohit " — Black Uivcr — "Look Point" — KcserveH— CoiirHe purMUcd by the ■ft Bui-voyor — Nutulior of HeSHianK — Tholr siifleringH — Dark taloH — DlHcontented — IlL'turning to Hohho — A Huitablu location — Not IL K. LoyaliHtH — Received '''''" Jand gratlH— Family land— Their hahits— Uapt MoDonnell— Squire Wright "ifi 1^. Bergt. Harrlnon— Tho Smith's — (Jrant to Major VanAlstine — Beautiful ,,^ . 8ct)uury — Umith'H bay — " The Uovk " — Over a precipiou. ■ ' "^ "•" ' ■'■' » • ■■•■•/•"' >•'• ' ■>• .-^k' ■ s-'iij i^j.n^i, ,^;:>nu^n >tij .. -trtiJ.ifj Hn Ifrr/f ,1^-g rnhnt ivrWNsmp— kAHTHBmiaH. ' )H->i^i^ur\ v|>y ,siii#'' TliJB township is ho called after Mary, DuchcsH of Gloucester, eleventh child of tho King. f,ifV„v,j, ; ,, i,'.Uhnn ... It is more than likely that tbo extremity of Prince Edward Peninsula was frequently visited during tho French occupancy of Frontenac. Indeed, it is quite probable that the Seigniory granted to La Salle included a portion of the present township of Marye- burgh. And no doubt, the beautiful bay, long time called South eBay, that is the body of water lying between Indian Point and ;,,Ijong Point, with Wappooso Island, was often visited during the ■ American rebellion. The original surveyor, Mr. Collins, having been instriicted to iilay out a fifth township on the shores of the Bay, recognized the I.OTN, IRRKOiri.AR. 450 Hoiith hIioi'o ftM n iloNirnblo [iluco upon which to hv\\\o (liHltniulcd troopH. Th«< i'orktMl pciiiriMihi, witli lh<> con on, hikI th(< lihick HivtT, Kuppliod valiiahU< fncilitioH lor the intonditi/^ pionnvr. Tho Nur voying wiiH coinnioiu'cd In nH4, und rinishod in 'HR or '8rt. Ilofor- ring to lh«» loyal comhatantH, it will ho nvon that tlu^ Poroign TiC^ion conipoNod of II«>HHianH, and a fitw Irish and Scotoh, had ofTiM-iMl, to Huch oftiioin aK denirt'd to rotnain in Canada, /^rantH of land. It wan tho Kiffh TowriHhip in which tlio (Sovornmcnt dotor- inin<>d they Hhould ho located. Having hccii Hlayin^ in Ix)Wor Canada for a tinio, thoy aHctMidcd in hattcuux in 17K5, and, wo beliovo, under tho euro of Archihald McDonnell, proceeded to occupy the townHhip ; while the Hurveyij);^ waH Htill goin;.^ on along the bay. Cireat paiiiH had boon taken to Hocure a tVonta^e upon tho water cither of the May (iiiinte, the South Hay, or Black Iliver. By referring to the oldcHt map of tho township in tho Crown LundH Department, it \h found that whilo moHt of tho land waw allotted to tho IIoHHianH, a couHiderable portion waH taken up by commiHHionod and non-commiHuioned ofticerM of the 84th Re^t. By looking at tho map of Marynburgh, it will be ween that groat irregularity exists in tho formation of the lotH^and it will bo obHorvod that groat care ImH been taken to Hecure a frontage upon tho water to aa many lots fts poHsible. This waH, as el8owh<'ro shown, to procure a water communication to tho central points of tho sottlomont; and as well facilities for fishing, to tho settlers. By maps preserved in tho Crown Land Department, it may bo soon to whom was originally granted certain parts of the township, from the names written thereupon. The names of places are, as well, very suggestive. It would soom that Collins, as well as others, engaged in laying out tho townships, did not forgot to make claim to eligible lots, here and there, for himscdf. To those ho was doubtless entitled, and acted no unjust part. ' ' ..: > i'in ;...i^ At the extremity of what is now called Indlftn Point, b?nt fbr- morly designated Point Pleasant, was a considerable tract of land which was not laid out into lots, but which has marked upon it, as the original owner. Surveyor John Collins, Subsequently, Collins conveyed it to Alexander Aitkins, a lawyer. Proceeding up tho Bay of Quinto, wo como to a small cove, known now as McDonnoIl's Cove; but maps exist upon which this is called Grog Bay. In tho absence of fact, it may not bo well to relate tho traditionary origin of this name. It is sufficient to say that it most likely arose from tho habit, then fUr more common than now, of visiting this place to 4H0 AHOIINU MOI/TII MAY. rtMh, iitwl liiitik ^ro^, Adjiuniit to thiM hiiy wm u lur^fl hl(M>l< of Innd ^i'aiil«'(| to An-liil*itl<l MrhoiiiM'll. ('|>"i> llii< noiiiIi Hliort' ol' Point I'U'iktuiil tli«> WHlor, iiow Srnilli'H Itit) , \h tiutrUod " A«;('otiiiii<i(i»tiiig Way." WIm'u wo ntineiiilM*!* llui ^rout rnM'»>4wity lor rufh ht-ttU'r to lii(\*< ui'(;uMN to the wtktor, niid thu coiiHtatil coui'ho pursued by thu iiui'voyorU)No(;uni it; wo hiivo iiodiltlculty in arriving ulllic conchi> Hioii ihiit lliiH nuru*' iu'ono IVoni i\ni inci-taHcij f'utilitioN (IiIh iiidcntiv- tion ot'tiiti lake HUppliod, in thin nt.spcct. 'I'Im> poiiii ot' land htrotcli- inv out iM'twoon " Atrotnniodutinj;; Buy " and I'rinci' I'ldwaid Hay, and Bliiok Uivor, u nunio dut< to tlio dark color of iU wutvr, which it* north t>f th(> fnrlliornioHt point of tlio ptMiiiihulu. is callud *'(tuni< fnoii Point." Thin naniit was ^iv«n, inont iiU»dy from the fancii'd rl'^«>nll)lnlM;() it h«>ro lo u ham ; tho tt>rm gammon l>«*in^ t ho word I (Miimonly uncd l»y thy old scKlors tor ham. I,o<dvin^ at IIm) hill li'<»lu tho Mouth-wi'Mt, it dotts hear miu-Ii a rcHomlilancc Tho lotH wore Hurvoycd wilh thoir front upon tho north fhoro of the lUacli Uiv(M', and, thon returning' to tho water, and conlinuin^ t(tWHrdM the I'xtromity of l*rin<'0 Kdward'H liay, the lots wore made lo irontupon Iho water, m:ilun|{ them angular with the othern. At ( ho very cuid of the \h\y, they jire changed a^ain, ho uh to have u trout .'il right ungloH with the otlierH. Tliore are lour of thone lotw. The Hurveyor Jiad now roaehed tho rock of "Long i'oint, " uh itin culled, at the proHont day. Hero we find, again, that thu lotH tVont to tho north, upon I'rime Kdwurd'M Hay. The Hurvoyor next pro- ceeded to survey the hase lino u.s far aw BlutJ' I*oint, and then return- in;.!;, formed fifteen lots, which hrought him to the rour of thoNO laid out at flie head of the liay. lie thon cronsed over to the Jmke Shore, and commenced to Hurvey woHtward. Tlio point wut* (hen nujuod " Point Traverse," from tho fact, wo fancy, that tho surveyor crowed hero to continue hia survey without laying out tho extre- mity of Long Point, which olfored no inducements for tho settlorH. UponPointTravor.se, was twt apart a hlock of land, containing 2,%500 acres, which is marked "Military Ijunds." Probably, with some idea of orocting here some military ])0st. Those wore utter- wards conveyed to " Capt. Joseph Allen." Upon tho same map, , in the Crown Lands Department, we loarn that u block of land nour Black Eivor, was originally granted to James Brock, Ksq. * To tho west of the Hftoon'lots laid out at tho nook of Point Traverse, and fronting upon tho Lake, was a reserve for tho Clergy. This sQOius to have heon tho extent of tho iirst survey in this section. ..Eteturning to tho Bay of Quints, wo tind that at this time lot4 IIKIWIAMM. 461 w<m inid out nlnri^ the nIioi-o woNiwnrd, to vritliin iilM)nt two milM of tho F<uUo on tli(* Moiiiitnin. 'Vlw luiol tli(<ii<'t< not l)<<iiit( iiitrttctivo, it wiiH iioltlitMi hiu'Vt'}(*<(. .S(tl)s«'i|iutiiily wli(tii liiiiloiit. i|it> loiNwont |ilu((Mi III a Nlif^lit un^U« will) (lioho to tint t<UMi, iit onlcr to Ibtiit ii|H>ii tlio Hiiv. Hixt«>on lotM hiiii^M un t4>ihu iiiitiiiiicoor I'UUtn hay, \^u\u u cliuiif^o \H t'oiitnl to tako pliico, ho that tlio lotM intiy tVoni upon tlio (<UMt hIioi'o of thirt liay. Hix lot^ roudi to tin* liond of till' l)iiy, which iip|i«<urH to liavu hiuMi tho ii'i'iuiiirttioii tor .i timi' Hut hiihHt'qui'iilly, iho Murvi»y wnw coiitiniiuil, hoiri^ ^li^/htly ulton'<l, thilt the huHt' litii* mi>{ht titllow the old Indian CiU'ryin^ IMa<><<. Thoro wciv nine h)t.<« in thiH row. Turning to Kant Lake and Wt^nt \a\\u\ it will he KOtn that thti IoIm wcro arran^iul to JVont on cithwr ttido, as widl uh at thoondn. Thr tinu* iit which thcN<^ lotHin«Mitionod wow Murvoyod, i.s noinowhut uncortjiin. hut prohiddy hid'oro l7H(i. It is im])()H^il)lc lo stulo the cxacl nunduM' of iloHHianN who HOttU'd in Mai'yHhnr;{h ; hut jud|{iii^ IW)in uccountn, and tho nanioM taken tVom tho (Irantoc'M lint, it in HurnuHod thorc wi'iv ahout forty. Unac(|iiaititod with Iho i'^n^liNh lan^uiHh, and uiinccustoniod to tho profound Nolitndo td' tho toroMt, and tho Ilittin^H of tho dark-Hkitiod Indian, (dton in a ntato of Hcini-nudity, it \n no reason lor wonder, if tho Hi'SHijniH feltothorwise than contented in their wildernesH homo. Although upon tho i»ordorH ot' a lovely hay, rich in vahuihle tiHh, ihoy wore ignorant of tho nitklo of catching thoni ; and, when tho Govorninent nupplioK, which wero continued tx) thoni, as to the olhor MOttlors for throe yearw, wan withdrawn ; altlxtugh this valu- able article of did wan al thoir very door, they wore exposed to tho torrovK of actual Htarvation. Kvon during tho timo that rations wore to ho given thoni, it is related they wore often in want. A dark tale of cupidity, and hoartloHsoaroloHHnoss on tho partofotticials, to whom wore ontruMtud the duty of furnishing tho )iocoHsary wtoroH, has boon told. How much of tmth there may bo in thin report, it is n(<w impoHHihlo (o say. When wo rememhor tho circuniNtin)cc8 of the tinioK; tho HOttlorH Hcattorod along hundrodH of miles of \in- cloarod land, that tho Htores had to bo transported from Monli'oal, and Lachine by hattoaux, and that, neco.sHarily, many porHons bocamo roHjionsiblo for tho transit, as well as tho distribution, we nood not be surprised if there was now and then carelessness and neglect ; and now and then roprohensible appropriation of stores, which wero intended by a paternal (iovornment for the niouths of tho hungry. Many of the ilossian settlors would gladly have escaped from all tho ten'ors which oiicompaHuod thorn; but it was now too THEIR DIFFICULTIES. late. Ah a gonoral thin^, thoy hiul not tho means of removing. But there were a few who nmna^^ed to oxtricato thomwolvoH, and who returned to tlie old country. One John Croglo wont to King- Hton, mortgaged hh lurm for £(> to Rev. Mr. Stuart, and took his departure for tho fatherlaii I ; another mortgaged his lot to Captain Allan and left, leaving his wife ; and never returned. Probably no place in the country aftbrdod a better location for theHO foreigners who wore entirely ignorant of the rugged duties of pioneer life, and hiul but an imperfect conception of agricultural , purHuitH, and moreover, wore quite unable to Bpoak the English language. It haw been said, indeed, that tho (Jovornment exercised a thoughtful regard in placing them, where a means of existence was at their very door, by tho catching of tish, beside what the soil might bring forth. But the fact that they were of a ditterent nationality — essentially a dift'oront people from tho loyalist settlors, militated against them. Many oi' Lhe latter wero Dutch, and could speak liltlo or no English ; but the former could understand Dutch no more than theyi3ould Kuglish, (rornian was their native tongue. The He&sians wero not U. K. Loyalists, and they wore often mude to feel this by not receiving for themselves and family the sarao allowance of land, and by tho behaviour manifested toward them by tho loyalists. The writer recollects the tone of disparage- ment toward tho " fifth townors," by an old inhabitant of tho fourth town. These things combined to delay prosperity to the township, as a general thing. .w.^i^.tuust ,H], They received land gratis; but subsequently when the title deed was given, a sum of £5 was demanded, being the amount of * expense incurred at the time of their enrolment into the service. i This was protested against upon the floor of tho Parliament, but V without avail. The quantity of land each should receive was to I depend upon tho number of children. Beside tho allotment to '; each, at the time of settling, ho was to receive an additional fifty acres at the time each child attained the age of twenty-one. This took the name of " Family Lands." Although prosperity did not come to tho township of Marysburgh as quickly as to the first four townships, yet the time eventually arrived when it partook of the general spirit of advancement. From several sources we have the statement that the old soldiers were for many years given to somewhat irregular habits ; and that an impor- tant instrument in effecting a reformation among them, was the Kev. Darius Dunham, the first Methodist preacher to visit them. 8QUIRE WRiaUT. 463 BoHide those of the foreign legion who settled in this township, were several officers, and non-commissioned officers of the 84th regi- ment, and a few who had been in th«! regular army. The most im- portaTit of these was Caj)tain Archibald McDonnell, who arrived at the township in 1784, and landed in the cove, which now bears his name, and there on the shore pitched his tent, until he had erected a ■ log cabin. ":'■'■ - 'r ,•'■■'•;"•:/" •," :»^v'!//'>:''^-''*'':-'-''"--»(^^>i* ,t'!'"^"">'-* '■ ' Then, there was " Squire " Wright, who was Hupreme in autho- rity in the township for many a day, even before lie was aj)pointed magistrate. Ho was the Commissary Officer, and the old soldiers were ; wont to come to him, to settle an^ differences that might arise am(mg them. , Sergeant Harrison was an early settlor, he has a son still living now in liis 88th year ; yet hale as a man of sixty-eight. He was born in St. John's, Lower Canada, and was five years old when he camo with the family to the ])lace, an elder brother having preceded and erected a hut. Ho tells us that the llossians were to have three years' provisions, but for some reason only received two j'oars. Ho remembers when blazed trees alone marked the way, from one ' house to another ; and then the bridle path, which in time was ' widened into a road. The first horse brought to the township is well remembered, it was owned by Colonel McDonnell. This one, with another, were the only ones, for many a year, in the place. Among the first settlors were William Carson, Daniel Mcintosh, and Henry Smith, a German, who had several sons : John, William, Benjamin, Charles, Barnit, and Ernest. Smith's Bay is so called after Charles. Major VanAlstine had granted to him a large block of land in this township. The original grant is now before us, and gives the information that the quantity was 437 acres, consisting of lots number five and six in the first concession. The document is dated "4th Juno, 1796," signed "J. G.,S." (John Greaves, Simcoo). "Peter Russell, Auditor General. Eogisterod, 17th Juno, William Jarvis, Registrar." This lot of land included the high hill, v/ith the lake at its summit, so well known to excursionists. The Major at once pro- ceeded to erect a mill here, which proved a great convenience to the inhabitants of the ^uwnship .The lake was for a time called VanAlstine's Lake. In 1811, Major VanAlstine having died, the land, with 30 acres cleared, and a dwelling-house, and another for the miller, and out-houses are found offered for sale by the executors. 464 THE ROCK. •- f 1-' Wo cannot leave tlic lownship of Murysbiir^h without com- monding the lioautiliil Hconerv to thoHO wlio may not liave visited it, ospocially the interior, and the sliores of South JJay. A frip \>y carriage from Picton across the rui^god hill, which seem^* to encircle in an irregular manner, the whole township, to the lilack Creek, ^I'hoso dark and narrow waters, inclosed by muddy banks, contrast so markedly with the bright blue of the bay into which it cnijjties, liaid by Gammon Point, is one that will well repa}' any one making it. The irregularity of the roads makes the drive none the less interesting. Approaching the bay, thei-e is spread out a view whose beauty wo have never seen surpassed, and rarely equalled either in the new world or the old. Having obtained a close view of Prince Edward Bay, and observed the far-stretching Point Traverse with the three prominent Bluft's ; and still further away to the south, the Bucks, and Timber Islands, the tourist should follow us closely as may bo the changing shore, that forms the head of Smith's Ba}'^, to the north side, where another delightfnl prospect will lay before him. About six miles euat of Wappooso Island, is a bold pointstanding out into the Lake, It presents a bold and precipitous frort of about 100 feet in height. It is now commonly designated the " Rock." Formerly, it was called " Cape Vesey Rock." Here was a reserve for the Mississauga Indians, of about 450 acres. This was not sur- rendered by the Indians until 1835, although some time prior, a settler b}- the T»ame of Stevenson, had been in occupation. Some years ago, there was overhanging the brow t* mass of rock, which one day fell, with a thundering crash. And the old inhabitants tell of a deer and an Indian huntsman, whose bodies were found lying at the foot of the rock both having approached the brink with such speed that, to turn aside was impossible, and both bounded over the perpendicular rock to meet a common doom. I- ■'J. -■ 80PHIASBUR0II. 405 ., : ,i .' >}. ■■ ■ • ■ :M..JiM.., H- I CIIAPTHR Lll. , , .. . CoNTENTH — Sixtli towiisliip — Niiini' — Survey — Convenient for settlement — First settlers — A remote township — What was jmifl tor lots — " Late Loyalists" — Uoing to Mill — Geological formation -Along the frontH — High shore — OraHsy Point — Its history — Marsh front — Central place — Stickney's Hill — Fost(!r'H Hill — Northi)ort — Tnule — .James Cotter — Gores — Demerestville — The name — "Sodom" — First records — Towrship meetings — The I^aws of the township — Divided into parishes — Town clerk — Ortieers — The poor — ;.i The committee — Inhahitants, 1824 — Fish Lake — Seventh township — The I _ name — Survey by Kotte — At the Carrying Place — Surveyor's assistant — No i" early records — First settlers. SIXTH TOWNSHIP—SOPHIASBURail, NORTIIPORT, DEMERESTVILLE. This township is named after Sophia, the twelfth child of King Goorgo III. In the year 1785, Deputy Surveyor G-oneral Collins, who was then at Kingston, instructed his assistant Louis Kotte, to lay out a sixth township, commencing at the southern extremity of South (Picton) Bay, and proceeding no-thwai'd along the west coast of the Bay Quinte, the lots to front* upon the bay. These were measured along the high shore to Green Point, forty-four lots. Following the bay, which at Green Point turns westwai*d, a row of lots were laid out to the head of the bay, sixtj'-four lots of which woi'o to form the northern front of the sixth township. By refer- ring to the map it will be observed that this township was also a convenient place for a new settlement, having two sides of a ti'ianglo upon the ))ay. The comparatively straight high shore; and tho equally even coast upon the north, enabled the 8ui*veyor to obtain a uniformity Avhich had been impossible in the fifth town- ship, although securing an extensive frontage for the settlers. About 1788, probably, the first settlers of this township took uj) their land at the head of Picton Bay, sometimes called Ilallowell Bay. They were two Congers, Peterson, Spencer, Henry Johnson ; and at a later date came Barker and Vandusen. Respecting this township gencrallj', Mr. Price, who has kindly exerted himself to procure facts, observes, " I find there is some difficulty in getting information. " The first settlers are all dead, with one or two exceptions, and many of tho farms on the north shore were bought from the U. E. Loyalists who never lived on them." The occupation of the township generally, may be regarded as a later settlement. This rich, and now, long settled place, was once considered as a remote settlement, as Eawdon, Huntington, 30 466 KIRHT BETTI.KnS. uiul lluiigoi-foi'il, wero thirty years lutor. All, or nearly all, who look up hind hero and hecanio the ])ioneor8, had at Hrst lived in ono of the townnhipH upon the lower j)art of the bay, most of them in AdolphuKtown. (Jullliam DonieroHt, John Pareels, and Bobliii, wore among these. Some of the settlers drew land hero; but many pnrchaHcd, and lotn, now worth the highest price, wore pro- cured for a vei-y Hniall sum, or for a horse, or cow, oi* a certain quantity of grain. Some of the Hettlors had formerly lived in the Jjowor Province, or in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Also, there was continually coming in, those who felt no longer at home under the new form of government in the States, or who were glad to esca])e persecution. These were not in time to secure land, and wore often called the "Late Loyalists." Then, again, a few years later, when the bitterness of spirit, which had led the rebels to commit such serious acts of cruelty to tlio loyalists, had subsided, and a degree of intercourse had commenced between the two, it came to ])as8 that many, who had not taken an active part on either side in the contest, and who had friends in Canada, emigrated to the shores of the bay, or, as they called Canada then, Cataraqui. For instance, the Cronks and Ways, who wore among the first settlers upon the Marsh front, as the north shore was called, were but the precursors of several others of the same name, who entered about the beginning of the present centmy. Some of these were, no doubt, influenced by the proclamation issued by Sinicoe. Nathaniel Solmos was ono of tho older settlers. Ho came from Duchess County in 1792, lived in Adolphustown two years, then settled on lot No. 10, Ist concession. M^f «! Ono of tho first settlors upon tho north front was John Parcels. He was of Captain VanAlstino's company, and settled in that township, where he continued to live until 1809, when ho removed to lot No. 24, whore Northport now stands. His wife having died in 1787, he married Mrs. Parliament, Their first-born, named Richard, was the first, or ono of the first white children born in Sophiasburgh. Mrs. Parcel's son, George Parliament, says, in a memorandum, " I recollect having to go to Napanoe Mills, in company with my brother Jacob, a dis- tance of nearly twenty miles, to got our grinding done, we had our wheat on a hand-sleigh, as the roads were not passable by any other mode of conveyance." Tho land was often purchased at a very low price ; for insi^ance, lot No. 16, in the 1st concession, was purchased for a horse, harness, ALONO THE IIIUH HIIORE. ifij unci ^ig. A t'unn bolonging to Matthew Cronk, wuh bought for a half barrel of Hulmon. The Fostor-pUvco, whore Honjuiniii Way, uMoci to live, waH sold for un old horHO. This U one of the best I'urniH in I'rince Edward, now, |)orhaps valued at Hoven or eight thousand dollars. In 171)3, Nicholas Lazier paid 825 to Tobias Ryckman, lor 200 acres. The geological formation of Sophiasburgh and Ameliasburgh, iu not without intorcHt. That the mountain about Picton, and the high shore at one time formed the shore of the bay, or perhaps, what is more likely, stood up as an island in a lake, with much broader boundaries than Tjako Ontario now has, there is but littlo doubt. It will not be possible to discuss such points to a great extent, at the same time, it will be well to make a few observations U8 we proceed. It has been soon that this township has two long fronts upon the bay. ' " " '' ' " ' These join at what is known as Grassy Point. Commencing at the head of Picton Bay, the reader is invited to follow the course of the bay, and to observe the points of interest which may bo found. No one can travel by the road on the summit of the high shore, without been deeply impressed with the beauty of the scenery. Fi'om this height, is an extended view of the bay, stretch- ing down toward Kingston, with the rugged shore of Marysburgh on the right, and the lower and more attractive lands of Adolphustown, and Fi'edericksburgh on the immediate left, while beyond the Reach, lies the placid waters of Hay Bay. About fifteen miles from Picton, the high shore recedes from the bay, and turns to the west, stretching away almost to the waters of Ontario. From this part of the coast, to Grassy Point, a distance of over nine miles, the land is low ; but the road is a pleasant one, until it turns to cross to the north shore. Continuing along the south shore, although walking in silence, and quite removed from human habitation, we are tread- ing upon ground, which, in the past, was a place of note. The following notice respecting Grassy Point supplies information. " On Wednesday, the 27th of June, at the Court House, will be sold by auction to the highest bidder, that beautiful property, con- sisting of 343 acres of excellent land, of which a large portion is cleared, situated in one of the finest parts of the Bay of Quinte, being the residue of a reserve for military purposes, and afterwards granted to Sir John Harvey, on which there is a Ferry crossing to the Six Nation Tract. In the neighborhood, there is an extensive settlement of respectable farmers. The premises and the vicinity 468 ORA88Y POINT. abound with game, niul tho bay with finh of every descnption peculiur to Lake Ontario. It is particularly suitable for grazing, and '\H within 40 miles of Kingston, which is a never failing ready money market." Sir John Harvey was afterward, for his services in the war of 1812, appointed Governor of Nova Scotia. Tho land was sold to Samuel (Muse, Civil Engineer, tho person who surveyed the Wolland and Uidoau Canals. lie died at Ottawa some years ago, and loft this j)roporty to his daughter, Anna, now Mrs. Paul Poterson, who resides upon the place. The agent who advertised tho land for Sir John, as ' excellent land,' was scarcely correct. Much of tho land is rocky, with but few inches of soil. Clumps of scraggy trees exist with patches of plain. But along the shores are pleasant nooks, in which agreeable fishing may be found. The Point is divided into two, by a small bay. Tho more eastern of the two points is known as Grassy Point, and the other Green Point. Tho intervening cove has been known as Louis Cove, from a Fi'onchman of that name who long lived hero. The land to the East of tho cross roads, between lots two and three, is useless, almost, for agri- cultural purposes. Grassy Point, from its geographical position, naturally became a place at which tho early settlers, in passing up and down tho Bay, made a rest. At that time, but few trees were gi'owing, tho Point being a green plain. Most likely, it had been the site of an Indian village. Tho first settler here, who came at an early date, was HauiK'c Trumpour. His house was well known to the pioneers ; and tho navigator, wearily toiling in the batteau, gladly welcomed the appearance of his hospitable roof. Passing around the extreme northerly point, oif which is Capt. John's Island, we are upon the north shore, or marsh front, of Sophiasburgh. Grassy Point was not only a convenient place for resting, to those passing along ; but it likewise was regarded as the most central point at which to hold township meetings. And here, the whole militia, which comprised mostly all the male population of Prince Edward, even from the extreme point of Marysburgh, were wont to meet, to have their annual trainings. At these times, John " Trumpour's house became one of no little importance. The training took place hero so late as 1802. Proceeding on our way ^estwai*d, the land becomes very much better. At the northern termination of the cross-road before men- tioned, is a ferry, which has long existed. The first settler here, HTICKNEY'8 HILL. 4(59 Who OHtnbli«l,o.l tho tWry, wuh Richnr.1 Duvonport. It ovl^Umtod from tho noccsHity of tho cottiers of tho Sixth Township, havinK to j<otoNapunoo(omilI. Manyabushol of ^M-ai.U.as boon haclced fi-omth.H township to Napanoo mills, und thu Hour carrio.l back. Mr. Taul Potoi-Hon now livos Jioro. Procooding on our eourno. Ah tho Ian<I improvon, it is no loniror lovol, but bocon.os unovon, and, on lot oi^^lw, is found a considerable ominonce, known as Stickncy's Jlill, which slan.ls closoly a^^ainst the «ay. This hill has attracted no little attention, on acco.mt of tho largo number of human bones which tho nlow has, year aftoi- year, turned to tho surface. Various stories have gained currency relative to tho origin of tho bonos ; tho most notable of which is that hero perished Col. Quintc, with a number(,f men. (RospoclinJ this, see Ilislory of J]ay). The most likely oxplanntion is, that hero, for years, tho Indians living on Grassy Point buried their (load. Upon this hill, in the burying ground of tho Solmes faniily reposes tho remainsof Dr. Stickney, after whom the jdace is named and who was the first pliysician to practice in this township Since' wo visited this spot, but a few short months ago, another pio.ioor ims found hero a resting place. A faithful Canadian, an oxemplarv citizen, llichard Solmes, having lived to see the wilderness truly blossom as tho rose, full of yoa.-s, has passed to the grave, followed by a wiiolo community of people, and mourned by a higldy oatoemed mmily. ■ _ r "^ ^= WostofStickn^'sIIilJ, the land graduidly ri.os; and u lew m. OS gradually brings us to a higher on,inonce, called now, Fostor'8 llill, which IS noticeable for many miles up and down tho Bay It was onco,no doubt, an island in tho midst of a groat lake Being covered with wood, adds, in summer, very much to tho beauty and interest of the scenery. At the summit of this prominent Jiill is a table land of rock covered with but little soil. But very soon tho soil increases in depth, and away, on every hand, stretches a fertile land. Near the foot of tho hill, and upon tho shore, where the land IS pressed out into tho ba}-, almost to form a point, is situated tho J^nends' Meeting House. No one acquainted with tho mode of worship practiced by this exceedingly conscientious denomination can help being impressed with tho truly suitable locality for deep spiritual communing. Two miles further westward, at tho coni- mencement of the channel, between tho mainland and the Big island, brings us to tho pleasant village of Mrthport, so called from ts situation, upon the north shore of the township. The situation 470 DKMRRKST VILLI. iH charming, nnd hero may bo Hoon tho very OMSonco of rural Imppi- n088. Tho village, oonHisting of nomo 200 inhabitants, has two HU)ro8, but no placo where iiitoxicatinK liciuorM are Hold. Tho trade iH confined U) tho inhabitantH of tho towuHhij), with an ooeartional customor from the MohawUn, acrosH the liay. Tho view, looking woHtward, tlirough Hig ««vy and tho Narrows, along the whore of Thurlow,toBollovillo,i«,upon ulovelyHumraor night, very pleasant to the gaze. ' ' ,^ Tho village of Norlhport wan built partly on tho property originally owned by JamcH Morden and Isaac Domill ; James Morden having built first hero in 1701. Tho first morchant to com- mence buHinoHH here was Orton Hancock, in 1810. Tho first wharf built here was in 1829; but prior to that Jacob Cronk had con- Btructed one on his farm, lot twenty-one, probably in the second year the Charlotte run. ' > . ., . !> In addition to the names already given, of the first sbttlors of gophiasburgh, we may mention the following: three families of Ostrom's, the Short's, Brown, the Cole's, Barso, Abbott, Cronkn, LaZier, Snenccr, Basker, Peck, Do Mill, Fox, Spragg, Goslin, Trippon, Mowers. James Cotter was an early settlor, became the first Justice of the Peace, and, in 1813, was elected to Parliament, and served four years. Tho township having been surveyed so that the lots might Iront upon both sides, there resulted a certain number of Gores, desig- nated respectively by the letters BCD and G. The first of these Gores settled was by Philip Roblin, who was one of the first settlers of the township. , , , „. i^n,^. ...vi f oq Demerestville.— 'this village, which is situated upon lots 38 and 39, of the marsh front, is named after tho original settlor, Guillame Domerest. The old settlers called him '• Demeray." He was a native of Duchess County, N. Y., and was a boy during the rebellion. He was often engaged in carrying provision to the British army. Ho continued to live in Duchess County, until 1790, when he came to Canada. He failed to prove his right as a U. E. Loyalist, and consequently " lost a fine grant of land." He died at Consecon. 1848, aged seventy-nine. The village sprung up from the mills, which were here erected. It was, for many a day, called Sodom. This name, it is stated, arose from tho factthat when Mr. Demerest's first wife was on her death-bed, a ball was given in the place, at which the inhabitantt; generally attended, and created some little RECORDS. 471 nolso, wlioroupod m1»o Huid thoy woro '<iw bml m tho inlml>itantM of Sodom." Tho vilhigo <»f DiMiu^rostvillo vvuh incorporated in 1828. Wo cojjy tho tbUowin^r from tho llrst rooord of (ho townHhip of SophiHHburK, hy which it will ho soon that their mo(h> of ].rocoduro Wtts iinliko that ohsorvcd hy other townHhipH. All of tho townships wcro acting by virtue of a common law, but Hoym, to Uuvo givou tho law a widely varying intoiprotat ion. '• "■ "PasHod, at Hoi>hiaHhurg, ata regular town meeting, hoUl on till' ;{ day of March, IHOO. "tor tho bettor aHcertaining astrays, and knowing and doson- biiig horHCs und noat cattle, .sheep or swine. ]5o i( understood by this town mooting, that ovory inhabitant and householder nhall, within six weeks from tho passing of this Act, have thoir mark and brands recorded, according to law by the Town Clark. " And bo it further enacted l)y the authority atbresaidj that any astrays, horses, noat cattle, shoop or swino, tliat shall ho found on any open or improved lands from tho twentieth of November to tiiotirstof April yearly, and ovory your tho owner or owners oi .such improvomont or cleared land.s shall give in thoir natural murk, or artificial marks, and des{ril)o thoir ago, as near as possible, to tho Town Clark, wlio is hereby ordered to record tlio same in a book, to be kept for that purpose ; for which such informer shall rocoivo one shilling lor each horse or neat cattle ; and sixpence for each sheop or swino. Provided always, and bo it so undc-stood, that such astrays above mentioned, is not one of his near noigiibors, which shall be left to tho Town Clark to decide; and tho Clark shall send word to the owner or owners, if he knows them, by the mark or brands ; and, if unknown to the Town Clark, he is hereby ordered to advertise them in throe diiforent places in this township ; for which ho shall bo entitled to rocoivo from the owner, or owners, as foUovvoth, viz : For sending word, or writing, or recording, or informing any way, one shilling and thi-oe-ponco ; if advertised, one shilling and six-pence, for each horse or noat cattle ; and for each •sheop or swine, six-pence per head. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that if any inhabitant or householder who shall leave any astrays, as above montiojied, on his or her cleared lauds for eight days, from tho 20th day of November to the first of April, and neglect to give notice thereof, as by the above Act men- tioned, shall loose the reward for finding, or feeding such astrays, and pay tho owner one shilling for each horse or neat cattle; arid six-poncc for each sheep or swine. And be it further enacted, by 472 THE I'AHIHIIEH. tho authority, lltiit it' no owner or owiiui'h Nhnll up|ioni' hy tho Hi'Ht Moiiday in April, to prove tlioir property, tliun, and in that oiU4o, tho Town Clark HJiall advcrtiHt^ for Halo, all Hiich astrayH, in thron townsliipN, VIA., AinoliaMhur^, HopliiaHhinx< Hnd ilallowoll, for thu Npucti of twunty days, <loHcril>in^ tho niarkH and brandH, color and 11^0, iiH near an portKiblo; and if no owner or ownorH nIuiII appearand provo thoir property, then tho Town Clark hIuiII proceed to tho hale of HiK'h aslrayH, hy appointing the day ol' Hftle, to the higho«t bidder; and, after dodiictinj^ (heexpenHOH, to ho adjud^c(l hy perHonH horcalter appointed hy each i)arish, in this town, and tho ovorpluH shall be delivered into tho handu of a TroaHurer, horoattor to bo app<»into<l. ' '• ' ' '^ •■ ' ' i ' -" ' ■•■*'' • » (. •*' < " And bo it obHorved — That all well rc^ulatod fowndhipn ih divided into ])arishoH. He it enacted, by the majority of votOH, that this town hhall bo divided into parishes, and dosbribed as follovveth, that is to say: That from lot Ni). 45, west of (jlroen Point to lot No, 19, shall bo a parish hy the name of St. John's, and by tho authority aforesaid, that including No. 19, to No. 6, in tho Crown Lands, west of tfroon Point, shall be a parish by tho nnrao of St. Matthew. Arxl be it further enacted, by tho authority aforesaid. That, including* the teiumts on the Crown Lands, and including lot No. 28, shall bo a parish by the name of Ht, (}iles; and from Nicholas Wessel'M, to llallowell, shall bo u parish by tho name of Mount Pleasant. "Whereas, all the fines and forfeitures that may incur within our limits, shall bo appropriated to charitable uses; wo, the inhabi- tants ofSophiasbui'g, in our town meetings, on tho 3d da}' of March, 1800, do think it necessary to npj)oint our Treasurer, in this town, out of the must rosj)cctable of its inhabitants, to bo Treasurer to this town, to rocoivo all forfeitures and other sums of money that is, or shall bo, ordered to bo appropriated to charitable uses ; which Treasurer is hereby ordered to Borve in that connection during good behaviour, or till ho shall wish n succossoi*. And be it enacted by the juithority aforesaid, that wo do appoint and nominate Peter Valieu, who is appointed Treasurer, who is to keep a book and receive all tho moneys coming into his hands, and enter by who rocoivod, ami for what fined ; and when a successor is appointed, ho shall give up all the monies he has belonging to said town, with tho book and receipts, to tho successor, and deliver the same on oath, if required; and that each parish shall nominate one good and respectable inhabitant, who together with tho Ovorsoor of the Poor, PROVimONit I'OH THE POUK. 473 hHuII 1)0 inHpootoi'M to in(|iiin« nml moo that all tho Oim^h nixl forfoit- uroM of thin town Ih rc/^nlarly roccuvod and <Uilivon>(l to Haul TroaHiiror. And if any pci'Hon whoconjosand provin of any antrayn that had boon within ono yuar and u day, thon tho TroaNuror and thoMO I'arlHh InHpuctorH, and tho OvorHOorM of tho I'oop, Hhallro(\ind NiH'h njonoyn an wan dojivorod to tho TroaHUivr, di'diiclin^ two Hhillin^s on tin* pound for Itn twn of naiJ Ti*oaMuror. And ho it onactod hy tho authority aforosaid, that whon thcro in any nionoy in tlio handrt of tho TronHuror, and a lUM'CHnity to lay it out on tho Humo charitahio uho — thin bo<ly corporato shall havo tho solo inana^onicnt and diNpoHin/^ of, who \h to rocoipt to tho TroaMuror for tho samo ond, havo rccordod in his book, aiul tho uhi^ thoy had njipliod tho nanio and tho Troiwuror, Ovorscorrt of I ho I*oor, aixl tho Parish Inspootor may hold niootin^s and adjourn tho satno whon and as ofton as thoy or tho major part of'thoni hIiuII chooso so to do and shall ho a l)ody corporato to huo and bo Huod on anything that limy apportain to tholr HovoralofHcos." ; : . ';' Wo find no furthor rocord until tho yoar IR20, whi<h Is a3 follows : " An Act passed at a town mooting', hold at Soj)hiusburg, 3nl January, 1820, for tho roliof of tho poor in tlio township of Sophiusbur^. '* Report of tho C'ommittoo on tho Hubjoct. ■ "^ " Wo, tho Committoo appointed, who havo tho caro of tho poor of tho said township, havo agreed to report that one half-penny on tlio [)ound, of each man's rateable i)roper(y, bo paid for tho present year, and it is seen of tho Committee that when any ])orHon is agreed with to keep any of tho poor, that (hey endeavour to got thorn to take produce in payment for defraying said poor. Signed on behalf of the Committeo, ;. JAMES NOXI'lN, Chairman, Soph iasburg, 3rd January, 1820. •!.. •'Passed at a regular town meeting, held at Sophlasburg, Ist January, 1821. "Tho report of tho Committeo to tho caro of the ])Oor for tho present year is, that one farthing on tho pound, of each man's rate- able property, will bo suttlcient for tho present year. " By order of tho Committeo. (Signed) JAMES NOXEN, Chairman:' Tho following year, a somewhat similar report is found, signed by Tobias Ryckman, Chairman. m AMCMANnrnoii. It id not until tlif yonr 1H22 thut M\y rcroid in fouiul ol the ftppointmi'tit ()t'i)(Hcon4, (hat Im, th«Town.'4hi|) C'oiwtubloK, A^uoiwori, CoUocton., Ac. . ,. . ... , ,. , , .^\^^.,i...., .^, 1.. t .^... " At n rugtilnr town moctTnjf, noul nt RopliiuHlxirg, at the houiio of John (SoNlinM, on thn Hrnt .lunnary, 1822, tho (ollowing ofllccrrt wore t;hoHon and oloctoU" : "Ttmn Chirk, John ShoriM; Iajwih Ketchuni, David Hinlutt, HylvoniiM Ihtxy, CyunHtahl«*K ; Thoniai* D, Aploby, John Shortn, AHMCHMorH; SylvoniH Day, ('olloctor," Ac. , John ShortM wan HiifcoMHivoly oloctod until 1820, when Thouuis D. Appluhy waN a|)p(iinli<d. Wo tlnd a nolo a])p(M)iU>d to the t'uporl of this yoar nn rollowM : " Our lawH at pix'Mont ho nn thi'y will. \V»' havo thoin lon^, and \io.v\* tlicui hHII." Tho tioxt yoar, 1827, ttu» town moofin/i; vvaH hild at tho inn of Jolin (JoMlin, and John Stnith waM oloctod Town Ciork. A uotoway^ "FarniorH T(»wn LawH, as horotofore — Uo^s not to run at largo in DomoroHt Vill." John Suiith wan Town (Mork until 1832. This yoar S. W. Ilandoll was oloctod. ItiiH found Ntalod that in 1824 thoru woro 1700 InhahitnntH, and In 1826, thoro woro HIKJ. In Homo rospoetM, it would ho found intoroHting to notioo tho townHJiip to a lator period; but wo havo alroady dovotod an much Boaco to tluH town an wo had intondoil, ..■ , . , ,'i». i ,, Within this townwhip 1h Fish Lako, Hituatod ft shorf uiHtflnco oast of Doinorostvillo, it was so namod fj-oni tho countloHs nuMhorn of lihh wl.idi inhahitod itH wators whon discovorod, which was in tho yoar ot tho famine, or '* ncarco yoar." Tho food thus Hupplied saved, it is said, many from sutVoring and death. ' , AiMKI.lASUUHOH. This township took its name from tho tifloonth child, and Bcvonth daughter of tho King. She died in November, 1811, aged 27 yoam. Upon tho oldest chart of this township, to bo found in tho Crown Lands Department, is tho following note: "Tho A'ontof this township is a continuation of Lieut. Kotto's survey from (ireen Point to the head of tho Bay of Quinte, whoso orders were in 1785, to havo cross roads botwoon every six lots." This note was most probabl}', made in consequence of there being an abionco of three cross roads, whon the sottlemont of tlio county lumle them neces- sary. Coming to tho Carrying Place, or portage, from the head ot Bay Quinte to WoUer's Bay, it will bo soon that a row of lots some- riRUT HIITTI.ISIUI. Hi wliHt ninulltM' in mIxo, ii foniiod cm oithcr Hide o( thu ron«l. Rut whilo tho routi HooinH lo tiuvu n Ntruifflit coui'ho u|><)ii tlio innp, by viHitiiiK the |iluct), Olio will (>l)Hi>rvo tliiit tlio cimu-no Ih not ullo^othor (iirocl. Wo tiuvo it thun ono, who, no iloiiht i<n«>w, tliat tlio Hur- voyor'H HhHiHtunt, ii mulatto \>y tho nunio ofSniitli, wiih told t«> lay uul a <loul>lu mw ot'lotH; Ixitli lo t'loiit upon tho Iinliiiii |>uth, which iuHtruutionH wuro lltornlly cuiTiod out, vvIkmhwin it whm intondod thuy hIiouM ho ntrui^ht. Tho IoIn upon thu wont Midu of tho rund oxtondod to tho unmll mniHhy rrook. ThiH row of lot«, numhoring Iwolvo, ori^iiiully forniiii^ 11 part of AnioliaNhiir^h, now holoii^ lo Murray, tho l-'arryin^ IMato lioin;^ tho (li\ idinj^ lino botvvoun tho two townships. Wo hftvo hoon unahio to lind any oarly reconl of AinoliuHhur/^h. Act'onlin^ to infoiination furnif^hod uh by Mr. Anhloy and othorH, tho fii-Ht family that hotllod in IIiIm townwhip \vu« Goorgo Atij,'ol W^ooHO, with throo hoiih, .Fohn, II«Miry and Fruni'lH, imtivoH of DikIicss County; thoy catno hon* in IIHI. Tho sooond nottlor wtt« Tlionuw DompMoy, who cunio in HHl). (Soo U. H. LoyoliMtH). Among tho othor Hottlorw wore BontorH, SngorH, BlookurH and CovcrtM. ' ^ ^: 'I'. ' ', ' '- . ' ■ 1 H ' ,' Tho names of othor curly Hottlors of Amolinsburgli arc mon- tionod clHOwhoro, and aro among tho (irnt patontoos. Amongthom was Klijrth Wallhridgi^ a nalivt* of DucIichh County. JIo camo to Canada in 1804, and ])uriliaHi'd on MinsiNHUUga l\)int, of ono Smith, 1200 acroH of land, all of which, wo boliovo, is hUII retained in the family. Two yoarH latorw his family cumo by French iroin in winter. u « William Andornon, non., who is hIIII living, aged 8R yoars, a native of Ireland, oniigrated to America with his parentH In ni>3. ilo camo to Caiuula in 1803. In 1806 ho nettled on Afissis- Bauga Point, having married Mi«sj Polly Way, a descendant of tho U. E. Loyalists. \ 47C PRINCE EDWARD. . :^ CHAPTER LIII. •"'■ *'' '^<' '<;^" CoNTKNTR — Prince Edward — Tho nnine — lUch land — Riae of peninnnla — Shape — Siiiiill liivkcH — bund hillw — Tho Ducks — UiljHon'n rock — The pawt — First Hfttlcr — Col. Voinig — ProHpectinp — Discovery of East T^akc — West Lake — Moving in — SettlerH in 1800 — Eant Lake — Capt. llichardHon — "Prince Ed- ward Division Bill" — Office Huokern — Townahip of HallowcU — Tlw . name — Formation of Township — First Records 1798 — The officers — Tho laws — MagistratcH — Picton — Its origin — Hallowell village — Dr. Austin— (Jen. Picton — His monument — Naming the villages — A contest — The Court- house — An ofTer — Enterprise — Proi)osed steamboat — Churches — Rev. Mr. Macanlay— Rev. Mr. Fraser— Rev. Mr. Lnlov. '" '.'"'^ -" ••' ,, , , ,,, , „, u: \:A-., .rn.! V PENINSULA OP PRINCE EDWARD. j ,7/ /;,! Tho name of IIuh district i.s derived from Prince "Edward, Dako of Kent, tho father of our Qtieon, wlio visited Cann(Ui at an early date (see under Early Government). Tho peninsula in a rich and beautiful tract of land stretching away from tho main land, to bo washed on the one hand by tho quiet waters of tho bay, and on tho other by the more turbulent Avaves of Ontario. It is some seventy miles in length, and varying in breadth from two to twenty miles. Tho nock of land, or isthmus which separates tho head waters of tho bay from Lake Ontario, is something leys than a milo-and-a-half across. It is known as tho Carrying place. " •^<' •''.-< ^ • ^ Prince Edward district is irregular in outline, on both tho lako and bay sides. Along the lake coast there arc numerous bays ex- tending inward, two or three being of considerable size. The larger ones are Wellor's bay, Consccon Lake, West Lako, and E^t Lake. In places, the shore is rendei-ed exceedingly picturesque, by tho presence of irregular and beautifully wd\ito sand-hills. They have been gradually formed by well washed sand Avhich tho waves have car'-iod shoreward, so Juit the wind might, in the lapse of time, deposit heap upon heaj^. Tho mariners regard this coast with jus- tifiable concern, at the extreme southerly portion, off Long Point, in tho vicinity of the Ducks, where many a vessel has come to grief. »' I ;. The geological formation of tho peninsula is of considerablo interest; and tho obsei-vant student of this interesting science, may trace many steps which indicates the geological histoiy. In a valley, upon the second concession road of Amoliasburgh, may be seen a huge mass of rock, known as Gibson's rock, whose history EAST LAKH. 477 carrios us l)ack,farintothoromotopast,whcn thecontiiiontof America wuH covered by a vawt ocean, and when massive icebergs, cast loose from their native place in the frozen north, carried with their icy scales huge rocks from the north land coast. Then, carried south- ward by wind or tide, and reaching water of a milder temperature, the ice i)Ocame melted, and the rocks wore deposited in the depths of the ocean. When the continent of America was upheaved, and the waters departed to their present limits, this huge body of stone, unlike the stone forming the geological bod of this region, was found fast fixed to the soil, over to form a part of it. In the whole of Upper Canada, there is not, perhaps, any section so full of historic interest, excepting Frontenac, as Prince Edward. Wo have seen that the forked peninsula was well known by the Aborigines, and that they were accustomed to cross from the south side of the lake to Point Traverse. It was always a favorite hunting and fishing ground, whore abundant supplies were obtained. And, not unlikely, some portion of Indian Point belonged to tho Siogniory, granted to La Salle. Moreover, the two points stretching far into tho lake, became early locations for the refugees and disbanded soldiers. In the history of Marysburgh, reference has been made to the <)ai'ly settlement of the point east of Picton Bay. which commenced in 1784. But it appears by the statement of John C. Young, that his grandfather. Colonel Henry Young, made tho first settlement in tho summer, or fall of 1783. For an account of this half-pay officer, the reader is referred to tho Eoyal combatants of tho rebellion of 1776. With a brother officer, Young left Cataraqui, or, Carle(on Island, in a canoe, and ascended what was then called (perhaps first jpsr those parties), the South Bay, now Picton Bay. They landed at the commencement of the Indian Carrying Place, subsequently, for some time known as Ilovington's Landing, after the individual who here built a convenient house. They left their canoe hero, and set out southwaz-d. We have been told that they intended to seek the bay now known as Smith's Bay; but, according to his descendant it would seem they had no particular 2)oint in view, desiring only to examine the land. Following, no doubt, the old Indian path, they came out at tho north corner of East Lake, a point afterwai-d called the Indian Landing, which name it still retains. Following the oast shore of this lake to the south corner, they wore surprised to hear the roaring of Lake Onttirio, having 478 riRST SETTLER OF PRINCE EDWARD. thought thoy woro following tho shore of an inland lake. Thoy crossed tho strip of hind covered with cedar, spruce, and balHum, and taking off their shoes, waded from the beautiful sand-bo.ich across tho outlet of the lake to the opposite point, and proceeded along tho west side to the north corner of tho lake, to whore David McDonald now lives, having entirely walked around East Lake. Thoy here constructed a hut, of cedar bushes, in which to Itay the night. Tho following morning thoy set out in a north-west direc- tion, and came to West Lake, following tho east side, thoy reached tho sand-beach. Traversing this, they arrived at the point where Wellington now stands. Here they stayed the night. The next day they continued on around the north side of West Lake through the woods, and the same evening regained their canoe. Thoy observed plenty of door and othor game, and fish, tho former of which Ensign Young's wife, subsequently assisted him to hunt. The succeeding day they returned to Carleton Island. Mr. Young, from this rich land over which he walked, selected tho west side V " East Lake for his future abode. His oldest son Daniel, who had belonged to tho Engineers, was at Carleton Island, having been with his father during his stay at Fort Oswego. His second son, Henry, was at St. John's with tho rest of the family. He sent a message for him to come up. This must have been in July or August. In September, the father and two sons, having procured a large canoe, loaded it with provisions, and other necessaries, and ascended to the Indian Carrying Place, Hovington's Landing. They carried their provisions across, and constructed another boat with which they conveyed their things to the point selected for settling, about three miles. Here they proceeded to build a log lanty. Sometime after, the father left, leaving behind bi^ two »JnB, to winter alone in this out-of-the-way place. They were the first settlers in Prince Edward County. Mr. Young descended to St. John's, where his family still remained, and stayed the winter. ^- ■' In the spring he came up the St. Lawrence with his family as far as Frcdericksburgh, where he left his daughters while he went to see how his sons fared, and had passed tho winter. He found them all well ; and remained the summer with them, during which thoy built a more commodious log house. In October, ho returned to Fredericksburgh for his daughters, who accompanied him to the wilderness home. These four daughters, Elizabeth, Mary, Catherine and Sarah, subsequently married Henry Zuveldt, Jonathan Fergu- son, William Dyre, and John Miller. They all lived to be upwards of eighty years. OTHER SETTLERS. <|^79 ' " On the first day of Jammiy 1800, the KOttlomoiit ut EnHt Lake, in the towti.shij) of llallowoll, eonsiHted of the following families, in tho following order, commencing at Silas Hills, at the head of Raat Lake, near the place now known as the Cherry Valley, and proceeding around the north nido of lake, viz:— "Colonel John Peters and family, half-pay officer ; Major Rogers and family, do; David Friar, Mr. Friar, U. E. L. ; Koswell Ferguson, do; Elisha Miller, do; Blandall Tailor; Caleh Elsworth, Lieut. lieny Young, half-pay officer; Henry Young, Jun., U.B.L.; Augustus Spencer, half-pay officer ; George Wait, U. E. L. ; Benjamin Wait, do ; William Dyre, do ; George ElHWorth." " List of settlers on the south side of the lake.— Jlanry Zuvoldt, (Zufelt) U. E. L. ; Johnathan Ferguson, Sen., U. E. L. ; Johnathan Ferguson, Jun., do; Anthony Badgley, do; John Miller, do; Farnton Ferguson, do ; William Blakely, do ; Sampson Striker, do ; Barret Dyer, do ; Daniel Baldwin, John Ogden, U. E. L. ; Richard Ogden, do; Solomon Spattbrd, Joseph McCartney, Joseph Lane, William Ensley, Col. Owen Richards, U. E. L. ; James Clapp, do ; Charles Ferguson." 'c^' !ti« At this time there were no settlors in the second concessions neither side of the lake." — (Rev. G. Miller.) ''"'»''(: k' East Lake is about five miles long and one and a half wide. It was for a time called Little Lake. West Lake is about fifteen miles in circumference. Prince Edward was one of the original nineteen counties of Upper Canada, established by the proclamation of Simcoe in 1792. By this proclamation, we learn that the Peninsula was called by the French " Prosque isle de Quinte." Originally it was divided into the three townships of Marysburgh, Sophiasburgh, and Amelias- burgh. Subsequently the townships of Hallowell and Hillior,^re formed, and in later days the township of Athol. In 1831, and act was passed to erect the county into a district, " so soon as the Governor shall bo satisfied that a good and suffi- "Cient gaol and court house has been erected therein, when a pro- Jblamation should announce the formation of the new district." The act specified that the " gaol and court house should be erected in the village of Picton, upon a certain block of land, containing two and a half acres, granted, or intended to be granted and conveyed to Asa Worden, Simeon Washburn, and James Dougal, Esquires, agreeably to a resolution adopted at a public meeting in May, 1826," .' unless a majority of Justices of the Peace of the Midland District fihould declare the site ineligible. '■■.'■r'fj^-ls^-i^-Y^'rs'.'h'--'-'''^ 480 IIALLOWELL. Wc fhul tlio following roHpoctinRtho division of Prince Edward. "Pro. Parliament," "Prince Edwartl division bill." Mr. Boblin moved the mloption of the Preamble in a few re marks, Htating its (the Peninnula) geographical position, the population l)cing 10,000, the remotonoHS of the inhabitants from the location of the District Court llouHO and Gaol, at Kingston, the earnowt desire of the people for separation. Mr. Samson moved, as an amendment, that the village should have a member when it contained 1,000 souls. The debate upon the bill, resulted in one of those fierce encounters that was then not unfrequont between William Lyon McKenzie, and the Solicitor General, afterwards Chief Justice Kobinson. If we may credit the Free Press, there were plenty of applicants for office in the newly erected district, there being no less than sixteen seeking the oilice of Sheritt'. nALLOWELL. We find in Sabine, that "Benjamin Hallowoll, of Boston, Commissioner of the Customs in 1774, while passing through Cam- bridge in his chaise, was pursued toward Boston by about one hundred and sixty men on horseback, at full gallop. In July, 1776, ho sailed for England. While at Halifax, he said, in a letter, "If I can be of the least service to either army or navy, I will stay in America until this rebellion is subdued." It appears from another letter that he frequently tendered himself to the Commander-in- Chief without success. In the autumn of 1796, Mr. Hallowell came to Boston. He was accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Elmsley, and by her husband, who had just been appointed Chief Justice of Upper Canada. He died at York, Upper Canada, in 1799, aged 80*inty-live, and was the last survivor of the Board of Commis- sioners. The British Government granted hira lands in Manchester, and two other towns in Nova Scotia, and a township in Upper Canada, which bears his name. Ho was a large proprietor of lands on the Kennebec, Maine, prior to the revolution ; but proscribed and banished in 1778, and included in the Conspiracy Act a yeai- later, his entire estate was confiscated. His country residence at Jamacia Plain, was used as a hospital by the Whig Army during the seige of Boston ; and his pleasure grounds were converted into a place of burial for the soldiers who died." '.:. We are unable to learn whether any part of the township of Hallowell was granted to Benjamin Hallowell, or not, but, it is rot at all unlikely, that at first he did hold some portion of the land. TOWN.SIIll' IlECOKI). .|gj At nil cv.ntMhorc Hcoms every roanon to l.oliovo that ll.o i.un.o was dor.vcd from him. On July 8, 1707, an act wan passcl, wl.oro- by It wan provnUnl "that a fou-nship shall 1... sfn.cl! oiF from the HOuthorn-rnoHt jmrtH of the townships of Maryshnr,.). and S.-nhias. .ur^h The reason set ft,rth was, that " the inhal.itants of the t«wnsh,p8 ex,>orienc.o many difficulties from the uncommon length of the sawl townships." The Governor was by proclamation, ''to ' doc arc the name of .uch township before the first day of Au^M.st next. Mr. ]Ia loweil's hrother-in-law, Mr. El msley, had recently boon app,„.tod Chief Justice, and doubtless the distin^uishel ros.t,on Mr. Jlallowell had held, le.l to the nannng of the new town8l)ip to commemorate liis loyalty. ' ' "»' ' ' Surveyor Gen. William S.nith, was the person employed to lay eut the new township. , . .-t,. ^^ 'a The first record <,f this township is at follows: -The annual meeting of the mhabitants of the townshi,, of Ilallowell, held on Monday, the fifth day of March, 17!»8, held by virtue of an act of the legislature of the Province of Upper Canada, before Augustivs Spencer and John Stinson, Jun., two of his Majesty's Justices of tlie leace, the following persons wore chosen town officers for the ensuing year:" Bazel Ferguson, Town Clerk; Caleb Elsworth. and Peter D^ Conger, Assessors; James Blakely, and Thomas Gedsmith, Town or Church Wardens; Benjamin Wail, John Mdl r, Owen R.chards, Henry Zufelt, Ichabod Boweman, Aaron White Cai-ey Spencer and Geoiige Baker, Overseers of Highway., and Pence Viewers; Daniel Young, and Isaac Bedal, Pound Keepers; Samson Striker, Henry Johnson, Samuel Williams, and Isaac Garret, Constables. :: At the first township meeting, « it was enacted that no fenc^' to be lawful in the township under the height of four feet eight mches high, sufficiently made." Horses, horned cattle, hogs, sheep were to be permitted to run at large with certain exceptions - It IS enacted that if any freeholder shall suffer any Canadian thistle to go to seed on his farm, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty shilhngs. A law was also passed, that if any one set fire to any rubbish or brush, whereby his neighbors property was endangered without previously making two of his neighbors acquainted, he should pay a fine of forty shillings, to be expended for the benefit ^ 0. .ue nighways. Ba^el Ferguson, who seems to have discharged his duty as Town Clerk, recording the proceedings in a neat legible Aand, was successfully elected to that office for ten yeai-s. In 1810 482 IIILLIER. JamoH 1{. Armstrong was appointed, and again tlio following your. Tho next following, Arra ForgUHon was elected, who continued in office tliree years, when Simoon WaHhburn received tho appoint- moint, and remained in office two years, when Arra FergUHon waw again selected, and continued for three years. Robert Scott waH Town Cleric two years, and Lhen again followed Arra Ferguson for eight years. William Barker then was appointed. The three Justices of tho Peace, before whom tho annual mooting continued for »nany years to bo held, were John Peters, Augustus Spencer, and John Stinson, doubtless tho first magistrates in the township. In the year 1815, wo notice as *' present " at tho annual mooting, Stephen Conger, Barret Dyer, Ebonozor Washburn, Justices of tho Peace. Tho town meeting was hold in tho year 1801, "at tho house of Richardson and Elsworth," *■' near Hallowoll Bridge ;" likewise tho following year. In 1803 the meeting was hold " at the house of Thomas Richardson." The following year 1805, it is " tho house of tlio lato Thomas Richardson." In 1806, the mooting was "at tho dwelling house of Thomas Eyre." In 1807 it is «' tho Inn of Thomas J^iyre." Here the annual mooting ^yaB successively held for many years, 'n" ;/;:•' *' :,; ...^ ■■ '.''. [ ■ '•■ \y,' '.•■^''i-' '" ^, .''■''■';'... . ' ■■ ■ • ' ; . , ' ' ■ .5 ■; . -trf't "■'■■.^.' .■ * "T- HILLIER. ■■ .■ --i^r ^' In the year 1823 there was an act passed for the division of tho township of Amcliasburgh, in consequence of tho inconvenience of the inhabitants to meet on public occasions. The dividing line was established between tho fourth and fifth concessions. The act went into force on the first of January, 1824. The Lieutenant-Governor at that time was Sir Peregrine Maitland, who had for his secretary, Major Hillier. There is no doubt tho new township was called after Major Hillier. ■j'-*' ' ' PICTON. At tho beginning of the present century the ground on which the town of Picton now stands, was covered with a dense forest of pine and hemlock, while in the low land existed a thick and tangled cedar swamp. A bridge of very inferior construction was erected across the creek about the time bf the war of 1812, it was on the road between Kingston and York, and was called for a long time Hallowoll Bridge. Thus wo find in an advertisemont, in tho Kingston Gazette, 1815, that "Richard G. Clute sold goods and groceries at Hallowell Bridge." PicTON. 483 The firHt sottlors of Picton uro wild to huvo been EI>onoaor Wiwhburn, Jloiuy Johnnon, Abrnhttm Bnvkor, Harry Ker^ubon, Jamea Dou^til, Gary Sponcor, Con^orw, Peterson, Richurd Hare, Captain Uichardson. , i mm , »k •■ ,-> Among the early settlers of Picton were T)r. AmiHtrong, else- where Hpokon of, and Dr. Andrew Austin. The latter was a native of Vermont, and a doctor of medicine of the University of New York. Ho came to Picton in 1822, having obtained his iicenso to practice in Canada. Remained ])racticing hib iirofession, very mucU respected, until his death in 1849. ,,, ■ Some time after the war of 1812, the Rev. William Macaulay, bestowed the name of Picton upon a small collection of houses situated at the south side of the stream which empties into the head of Picton Bay, in the townsliip of Marysburgh. The name was given in memory of the celebrated British General who had recently fallen upon the field of Waterloo. At a late visit to St. Paul's Cathedral, we felt no little pleasure with a Unich of sadness in gazing upon the memorial which has been erected to commemorate a nation's appreciation of military worth. We transcribe the following : — " Erected by the public expense, to Lieutenant-Uenerai Sir Thomas Picton, K.C.B., who, after distinguishing himself in the victories of Buzaco, Fuentos de Onor, Cindact Rodrigo, Badajoz, Vit toria, the Pyrenees, Orthes, and TquIouso, terminated his long and glorious military service in the ever memorable battle of Waterloo; to the splendid success of which his genius and valour eminently contributed," &c. 7 Prior to the naming of this collection of buildings, the village upon the west of the stream, upon the first lots in Sophiasburgh, was known as llallowell. The Rev. Mr. Macaulay with the enthu- siastic loyalty, characteristic of his family, desired that both places should be known as one village, under the distinguished name of Picton. The citizens of Hallowell Village, however, were opposed to any other name than llallowell, and wo find in a map published in 1836, the names of Picton and Hallowell respectively applied to the two places. But when the whole was incorporated by Act of Parliament, Mr. Macaulay had sufficient influence, wo are informed, to secure the name of Picton for the corporation ; yet we have the town of Hallowell spoken of in 1837. The growth of Picton was not particularly rapid. ** At a meeting held at Eyre's Inn, Feb. 14, 1818, over which Ebenezer Washburn, Esq., presided, it was 484 PICTON VKRHim HALLOWRM.. HtHlt'd timt thoro was in the lownMliip ol" Ilullowt'll, which inoludod Pictoii, l)Ut two l>ri(k houHos, ono cunling und fiillin^-niill, ono Mothodist chapol, now known aw th<< old chapel ut Con^orw, ono (^uakor mooting Iioumo ; and that |>ropanitionH wore hoin^ nuido to huild a churtdi, thai in for tin* K))iM('()|(alianH. OrchanlH, it was Htatod woro ho^innin^ to ho ])iantcMl. Thoro Hoonis to have ht>cn no littU* anta/^onlnni botwoon the villa<!fOH ol' IMct-on and ilallowoll. Whilo an otl'ort waw carnoHtly mndo to mako tho oaHt Hido, tho hoartot'tho cointnnnity, tho inhahi- lantH of JlaHowoll wtrovo to fix tho contnil point upon tho west side. Wluui rrinco Kdward waH erected into a district, in IR.'U, and it hocamc necoHsary to erect a Jail and court house, it became a warm question as to the site ot tho building. The Hallowell Free Prc&s bocfttne the channel of a sharj) discusKion. In the I'rcHH of June 2t,18;Jl, 1h a letter Hignod, " A farmer of Sojihiahburgh," one paragraph of which waytj, "Among all these advantages i)ointod out in the most striking colours, 1 have diK- cornod none so groat as the $200 so liberally offered by Mr. Macaulay, ■which $200 must otherwise bo paid hy tho rateable inliabitants of tho county." Tho year 1831 seems to have boon an important ono to tho inhabitants, not only of Pictor\, but the peninsula. Enterprise was tho order of the day, and improvements of a public character were in various ways proposed. The Free Press of 5th July, says, under the heading " Anotlicr Steamboat," "Wo understand that a num- ber of tho enterprising inhabitants of this village, have it in con- templation to build a steamboat to ])ly between this place and Presc(»tt, to perform their trips in a week. A number of merchants and capitalists have offered to take stock. We are of opinion that a boat built and owned by the inhabitants of this county, would be not only useful to the inhabitants of tho Peninsula, but profitable to the stockholders. We would suggest to them the ])ropriety of having the channel in tho bay at the lower end of the village cleared, so as to allow steamboats to pass up us far as the bridge." H** Tho present English Church, standing on Church Street, was the first built in Picton. It was erected by the Rev. Wm. Macaulay, aided by a partial loan in 1825. Mr. Macaulay was the first minister ; he camo to the parish after seven years of officiating at Cobourg, and has remained as Eector ever since. The Eoman Catholic chapel, now standing on Church Street, was the first erected, in 1828 or 9, the land having been given for that purpose by Mr. HIDNIY. 485 Mftcnuhiy. Tho now ntoiio churt'h was l»uilt in 1839. Rov. Mr. VrftKor vvHH HrHt ininistor, in 1828 ; Rov. Mr. Itronnun, occuHionully from 1832 to 183(1 ; tho IJcv. Mr. Lalor Ironi 183<J to tho prcsont time. ... CHAPTHK LIV. CoNTiNTB — Eiffhtli TowiiKliii) — Hidnoy — Name — Survey— Hettlenient, 1787 — Let- ter from FcrgiiHon — TradinK — Hftrtt-r — Potatoi-H — HnildiiiK — Cows — No wilt to Hpari! — FifHt Hcttlors — Myors — Uc-siirveyinK — .laiinH Knrlcy — Town (.'Icrk at tlrHt mootiiiK — Willinm KctrlicHon — (Jillx'rt'H Cove — (lomiii}; to tlie ficmt River Trent — Old names — Ferry— Bridge — Tronton — Jt8 settlement — Htjnlro liloekor. . i , ' i THK EIGHTH TOWNSHIP — SIDNEY — ITS SETTLEMENT. No Royal name being available for this township, the noblo one of Sidney was confeiTcd. Tho nanio is derived from Ivoi-d Sidney, who, at tho time of the Rovoluti(mary AVar, was His Majesty's Secretary for tho Colonial Department. A map in the Crown Lands Department, has written upon it " Sidney, in tho District of Mecklen burgh, was surveyed in 1787, by Louis Kotte." This was probably written byKotte himself It is most probable that the first lots only wei'e then laid out. While Kotte was the chief surveyor to whom was entrusted the duty, it is gathered from ditteront sources that he was not present to superin- tend tho work. Mr. William Ketcheson, of the tifth concession, who came with his father to the place, in 1800, says tliat one McDonald was the surveyor, and laid out tho land as far back as the 5th con- cession, when he died. While the townships fi'onting uj)on the two shores of the Bay were being surveyed in the western portion, not a few were on tho look out for a good location. These pai'ties consisted of all classes, but it appears most likely that the majority of those who had the first choice were individuals connected with the surveyors, and who had influence with them. The officers, naturally, enjoyed greater privileges, and some of them sought suitable spots with the view of trading with the Indians, or streams of water to sup})ly power for sawing and flouring-mills. As illustrative of those times we will make use of a letter lying before us, written at that time. 4ftf< HII)N«r TN 1780. In th« ycitiv 1789, John For^uKon and Win. Boll opened A Mtore in tho Ki/ijhtli TownHhip. It AppiMirs with tho view of tnulin^ with tho IndianH, and Huoh of tho Hettlorw us lould pay for tho ^ood* tlioy might huy. A lottor written by Ferf^UHon, in 1700, (Vom King- ston, to iiiH partner, says: " Ak to again tal<ing up goodn for Irndo, hod 1 money 1 would not thinic it worth while — notwithstanding all I Haiti and bogged of yon, you novortheioHS have lot tho whito poo{)lo have almost everything wo had. When do you think thoy will pay for lit" liy the foregoing wo may learn tho ditllcultioH attending morcantilo pursuitH, as well t\n tho procuring of tho com- r.ion nocoHHarioH of life. It was no doubt a tnattor of first impor- tanco to Ferguson to see that tho goods brought a return. Ft wiw no hard-hoartodncsH that caused him to find fault; for in the sumo lottor ho says, " Forsyth in arrived, and I know not how I'll pay him." On tho othor hand, Mr. Bell, with his little stock of goods tpon tho Bay Shore, in the distant Eighth Township, is applied to by the needy sottlers for nocoBsarios. They have no money ; it is bn article almost unknown among them, but thoy want this and that, and wlio could refuse ? Ferguson aftorwanl says, " You must oblige every one to pay you in wheat, or othorwieo 1 will want bread before winter is over — if they will not take 38. 9d. for wheat, make them pay in money immediately, or olso send me down their accounts, and I'll summon every one of them. Lot your half bushel bo examined before Squiro Gilbert. Do not spare a potatoo to any one soul. I hope to got a barrel of purk hei*e, but do not trust to that." ^^'' " ^^''^' ^^ In the same letter Mr. Ferguson says, " If convenient, I could wish you' Id got cut and brought homo, as many logs as would build a house tho width of the one wo have, and 14 feet long. Let them be small and handy — we have plenty of small pine handy — and it soon can bo put up when 1 get home. If Johnson will saw ten logs about 14 feet long, for us, into inch boards, and find himself. He shall have the loan of the saw from tho time ho finishes them ufatil the 15th day of April next." "The cows must bo sent up. I do not know how the calf will be kept. I have bought two pairs of ducks which I'll take up, and also some fowls if I can get them." " Spare no palt to any one, as none is to bo had here, but at a very dear rate." *' The Indian prints goes up, which will spoil the trade this season, as after this tho Indians cannot want clothing until the spring." " Eura I must endeavour to take up, as without that nothing can be had." '■■»y^fv.\^)z^'<' rrRAT TOWN MF.KTINO. lH Tho Into Mr. Hlookor, of H<(IU>villi), tolln um tlmt umon/; tho very Hrrtt Hottlcrs upon tho fVoiit of Sidiioy, worn Clirynlor, OHtrom and (tilhcrt. Tho intoroMtin^ hmtory wo glvo olHovvhoro, of dipt. Myorn, M u loyuliHt utui pionour, hIiowh that hu wtin onu uf tho fli-Ht inhuli- ituiitM of .Sidney. A pionoor in tho conHtriu'tion of nulls upon tho Riv(w- Moirii, ho Imd provioitHly built in 17'.)4 or '0, a Hawing mill tipon n sninll nnccrluin Htroain which omptios into tho Hay a fow miloB oast of Tronton. Wo havo won that fho sni-voy took place in 17fi7. It 1h qnos- tionablc, howovor, wliothor nioro than tho HihI concoHMion was at thiH timo laid ouK Thoro is Homo roason to holiovo that Louin Kotto did not attend very oloMoIy to his duties, hut loft tho survey- ing to an inconipotent asHistant. Probably he thought it did not nuittor whether .the Hide linoH wore (lorrcot or not, in a remote towuHhip fio far ronioved from civilization, an Sidney. At all evontn, ill later days, it wjih found necowHary to re-survey tho township, which waH done by Atkins. - Tho firHt Bottlers, most likely, came in 1787, yet it may be that one or two had previously Hciuattod by tho Hay Shore. We do not find in tho Crown Lands Dopartinont any map with the names of grantees upon tho ditVoront lots, such as o.\ist in connection with other townships. No doubt that in Sidne}', as in other })lacoH, many lota wore (Irawn, and subsequently disposed of before the patents wore issued, 80 that the original owner cannot bo traced, liy the close of last century the township was pretty w^oll settled. An early settler who has recently passed away, and who loaves highlj^ respectable descendants, was Jamos Fa "ley. He cumo in 1799. The first township mooting was held the following year at Gilbert's Cove, and James Furlo}' was chosen Town Clerk ; but Surveyor Smith was px'osent and did the writing on that occasion. Another eai'ly settlor, the first one in the back concessions was Wm. Kotchoson. Rcferonco is mtule to him olsowhoro. His son, Dow almost 90 years of ago, remembers full well tho days of their coming, and settling. Tho 400 acres of land was bought of Martin IJambly, who lived by the Napaneo Eiver, at one dollar per acre, in 1800. Gilbert's Covo was tho place of landing, which was for many years a central spot. Hero tho battoaux unloaded their con- tents, and tho provision was stored. William Kotchoson, my in- former, says, " he used to come every Saturday during tho season, 488 TURNTON. through I ho triM kloHK WDodt, nomo Movon-nniln-liuU' mllon, and carry U|K>ti his hticU provisions of pork, \>imr\ und flour, r'litMiMoitl to norv«' thrt'o of ihfin lor ii wtu'k AlN'r ii wltilo t\u'y would ('(uuo to tho Kront hy tlio wny of thu Kivor Moira. To (h) thiH Ihoy oon- Htruclc(l a Hcow which w«w k«<pt iu«iir tho pronctjl viUiigo of Htnifh- villu, In which thoy eroHHt'd tho rivor. In tho woHtorn part of tho townnhip Im Iho RIvor Tront, which oniptioH into tho Mny, Noniowhiit to tho woHt of tho hoiindury lino botwoon Sidnoy jind Murriiy. This rivor [KmsoMHOMnolittlo intoroMtiw ono of tho original roiitoH of Indian and Fronch truvulora; and im tho way by which Chainplain t^ntorod tho Hay, anddiMcovcrod Imko Ontario. Tho Indian nanio wo Hnd upon an old map won (Hanaraske, Upon many aticiont maps tho l)ay and rivor aro vory imporfoctly (liHtin;(uiHh(Ml. It is namod (^iiintio (x'canionally. Tho Trent boing a ntroani of considorublo nizo, it formod a barrior to journoyin^ up and down, from Kingston to York. A forry WOH oHtablishod horo about tho boginning of tho proHont century^ by tho Hlookors, aftor which tho main road botwoon Kingston and York gradually bocamo fixed to tho north of tho Hay, instonfi of by I'rinco Kdward. Tho courttruction of a bridge acrosH tho Trout, which took place in 1834, was a great bonetlt. It was 750 foot lung and 32 broad. It WOM for many years " tho host bridge in Upper Canada." The Hastings T(me«, of Belleville, has an advertisement for tenders by tho Comraissionorfci, &e., C. Wilkins, Keuben White, and James G. Bethune, dated River Trent, 9th March, 1H33. At tho mouth of tho Trent there naturally uprung up a village. Up to 1808 tho bite of the village was a donso cedar swamp. Two yoarH before A. II. Myors had removed from Bollevillo and erected a mill about a mile from tho mouth of the river, first a saw mill, afterward a flouring mill. Excepting tho mills, and a vory narrow road, tho place was a perfect wilderness. Tlio land upoa tho west side, where the village stand.s, originally belonged to "old Squire" Blocker. Tho j)ortion of land between the rivor and Sidnoy was held by Dr. Strachan. The first lot in Sidney was owned by Judge Smith. ,,^ Old Squire Blookor was probably tho very firat settler between the Trent and the Carrying Place. He was a trader with the Indians, and was probably Indian Agent. At all events ho was a man of coi^siderablo authority among them. raoNT or tiiualuw. 489 CIIAPTHU LV. CoiTinT*— Ninth town — Thurlnw— Nnnio— When mirvnycd — Front— ImlUn Imry- InK Kr<">»<l— ''^^ixT of Mint lotM — ('l)lNliolin — SliiKlxton— My<'r»— KcrKHMon — Iniiiwn ti'iuli'r»— To KinKxton In luittmii — Hint{l«t«in'N ili^ittli — \f'vrmim>u'» ticntli— DUtri'MN uf the riinillior. -Hritlcil, 1780— AicnndinK lh« Molrtu- TukUiK poNH) nmIou of luntl — Fifth conrcMMion — .fohn Tityhir — Fniitnli r of Ilallovllh; — Myom hiiyiiiK hmd — Hi<ttli<rM upon thu front — Miini< iji-il n <orit —Town otYli irs— 17!>H — HucriTtlinK ycim — Onnlfton, ItM fonndiT — .ScttliiiK —Tim <liu(_lliill(llnK mill— Komi- HI v<'i Molrii— OrlKl» of niinm— KnrI Molrit — Indliiii nnnx- — Intliun otTcrhiK— " Cnbojunk " — MytTM' Maw-nilll— fliMHi not Httrmtlvc— KirMt hriiiK*'— 'I'ho tloiirlnK-nilll— llolli'villo — Imllnii vIllnKv — MyiTH' (!rt>vk — Forniutlon of vIIIiiki* — FIrit Inn — I'l-rnmncnt hrltiK*< Rrlilgo HtriM't— In IHoO— Orowth — A mi( ond ndll — MrNubiiH — Hnd diiUh— ('Hntain MrfntiiNh— I'rtric— InhiihltuntN, IHOit— Dr. Spanlnun— NiimInK of Uoiiovilh' — Uollu (torn — My (loic In conniil — Futition — Kxtrm-t from Klng- Mton ()iix(!tti> — HiirvoyInK rcmirvo — Wllmut— MlMtukoH — (I muting of lotu — CondltlunM— Hoard of Police— Kxtont of llulliivlllo — Muddy MtruutM — InkHbl- tantH In 1H24— </'oiirt-hotiie — Flntt Court, Quitrtvr Huuionit — RpIIuvIIIu in 18aU. I''' '"' ' Till NINTH TOWN— THURI.OW. , r , ., hi:. i»., "i/ ., ■ ^,..,v The oUloHt map in tho Crown fjundw Department, HtatoH that this towniship whh Burvoyod in 17H7, by fiOuiH Kotto; porhupH only tho front concoMsion. iiy this map, wo Ic-n that at tho mouth of tho rivor had hoon, probably on Zvvick's Island, an Indian burying ground; and a lot isrosorvod for tho hulians, for a burying ground. Tho map informs us that lot No. 1, in both tho first and second con- ooBsions, was at first given to John Chlsholm. Lot No. 2, in first and Hocond concession, to Djivid Vandorheydeu ; No. 3, to Alexander ChlBholm; No. 4, tho rosorvo for tho "Indian burying ground;" Nos.ftand 6, to Captain John Singleton. Those are tho only names which appear upon tho map ; but it is likely that lot No. 7, was granted at first to Captain Myers. Tho lato George Hleokor, Esq.* told the writer that Captain Myers having stayed in liowor Canada throo years, came and settled upon lot 7, where ho built a hut and lived for a year, Ljforo going to Sidney. This was probably in 1787, when the surveying was proceeding. Thus it was that Captain Myers, who afterward gave a name to tho river and place, was tho first squatter. About this time, Captain Singleton, who had been a first settlor In Ernosttown, came to Thurlow with a brother officer, Lieutenant Ferguson, both having recently married and settled upon lot No. 6. Their object in coming was to carry on a fur trade with tho Indians, who regularly doscondod the River Sagonoska to barter, and subsequently to get their presents. The 490 CAPT. SINGLETON. single log house wliich wiis fiiMt built, was nhortly added to, by a HGcond comijartmont, into which was Htorod furs and goods for barter. The life ot'thene first settlors of Thurlow was a brief one, and the termination a sad one. Both had just married, and with their faithful servimt, Johnson, and his wife, they hoped for a future as bright as the wood and water which so beautifully surrounded them. It mattered not to them that no human habitation existed nearer than the Mohawk settlement, and the Napanee Eiver, Many trijjs with the battcau were neccssaiy to obtain a complete outfit for Indian trading, and ample provisions had to be laid up, with stores of rum. These articles were procured at Kingston. Single- ton had rented his farm in the second town; but reserved a room, where he might stop on his way up and down. In September, 1789, Captain Singleton, his wife, child, some eight months old, with Lieutenant Ferguson, his wife, and the servants, Johnson and wife, sot out for Kingston and Ernosttown in a batteau. The women were to vieit in Ernesttown, while the men proceeded to Kingston to purchase flour and other articles. Not long after starting. Single* ton was taken ill. They stopped at Captain John's, at the Mohawk settlement, and Indian medicines were given him ; but he continued to grow worse, and when he reached his home, in Ernesttown, he was dangerously ill. A doctor from Kingston was procured ; but Captain Singleton died nine days after, from what seems to have been a malignant fever. His faithful servant, Johnson, contracted the disease and also died. Thus, Lieutenant Ferguson was left with three women and a child, away from home, which could only be reached after much toil. Captain Singleton was spoken of as a " pleasing gentleman, and beloved by all who knew him." His infant son grew to man's estate, and became one of the first settlers of Brighton, where his widow, now far advanced in years, and descen- dants reside. ■ . .- V,-. :■■.,...:, :''>:',.••:■),'•.-;..: i! ,', ..•■■? .^.it-' Lieutenant Ferguson wont to Kingston, exchanged his load of furs for a barrel of flour, then very dear, and other ai-ticles, and re- turne(^ with his charge to Thurlow. But Ferguson's days were also numbered ; and, in three months' time, he died, and there were left in the depth of winter, alone, upon the front of Thurlow, three widowed Avomen, and an infant; with but little to eat, beside the barrel of flour ; ^\'hich, before long, was to be the only article of food, and used by cup-fulls to make spare cakes. ■ *'ir,!^v:-< nrf*- .u Lieutenant Ferguson, the associate of the first setller in the township, was at first a refugee from the Mohawk valley in New ASCENDING THE MOIRA. 491 York, and latterly servofl, probably in Johnson's regiment. Ho had lived u Hhort time at Sorel before (iojning to Thurlow His body was buried upon a pleasant elevation, between their house and the plains to tlie east of the river. The first one of the loyalists to die in Thurlow, liis body was the first to be interred in the " Taylor burying ground." In the spring of 1789, a party of about fifty, reached the bay. They wore all refugee loyalists, n.nd most of them had been since the close of the war in the States, looking up theii- families, and arrang- ing to take them " to Cataraqui." This party settled in Sidney and Thurlow. Those who settled in Thurlow, finding no land available at the front, i)repare<i to ascend the river. Among them were John Taylor, William Eeed, with four sons, John, William, Samuel, and Solomon ; Richard Smith, Cavelry, Robert Wright, John LongAvell, Sherard, Zedic Thrasher, Asa Tumor, Stephen and Laurence Badgley, Solomon Hazloton, Archibald McKeu/ie, McMichael, William Cook, and Russell Pitman. The party reached the mouth of the river late in the day, and pitched their tent among some cedar shrubs upon the east bank of the river, just by the site of the upper bridge. The following day, they followed the bank of the river, searching for indications of good land The surveyor had not yet laid out any but the front lots ; but the pioneers had been assured that any land they should choose to occujjy, would be granted them. Wlien they reached the point where now is the fifth concession, they felt that they had reached their destination, and proceeded to take possession of such land as struck their fancy. William Reed, and his fotir sons, possessed themselves of 600 acres in a block, through which the river wound its way. The land here was unmistakeably good ; and four generations have now reaped the fruit of the soil, while two genera- tions lie buried there. But the first years of pioneer life with those first settlers of the fifth concession, were years of great hardship atid want (see First years of Upper Canada). They all went to Napanee at first to mill. Sometimes took articles to exchange for flour. ., , .,, I. ,., .. ;..'., ,■ i ,,,,. ,,,,,, , John Taylor settled in the fifth dotlCiE^asioh, Where he remiaihed a year, when he came down to the mouth of the river. A sketch of this old soldier is elsewhere given. Among the settlers who came in, a few years later, weie Richard Cauniff, and Robert Thompson. In some respects, the settlers of these townships, at the western extremity of the bay, suffered in a peculiar manner. They were far removed from Kingston, and from the necessaries of life to be pro- 492 SETTLERS UPON THE FRONT. cured there. Ami they were settling after the period when Govern- ment allowed provisions. The nujne of Captain Myers nmst cv(!r stand identified with the early history of Tiiurlow. He cannot be regarded as the founder of Belleville ; yet he was the first to give a name to the village at the mouth of the river. Captain Myers saw service during the revolu- tionary war (see Royal Combatants). At the (-lose of hostilities, having tarried for a time at Lower Canada, he came to the bay, and squatted at first upon the front of Timi'low. He first became a settler upon the front of Sidney, a few miles east of the Trent River. Being a man of enterprise, and with forethought, he did not content himself with clearing a farm and cultivating its soil. He saw the wants of the settlers, that they required sawed lumber, and greater conveniences for grinding grain. Hence he is found, even before 1790, erecting a sawing mill upon a small stream on his land in Sidney. The water- power was very inetficient, and he looked about for a more suitable place. The waters of the Moira presented the inducements he sought. A bargain was effected with John Taylor for the rear half of lot No. 5, which embraced a portion of the stream, aff'jrding the desired mill* site. It was, most probably, in the year 1790, that Captain Myers came to Thurlow, and built his log hut upon the banks of the river, a few rods above the present mill-dam. Within a year, the first dam erected upon the river was finishe<3, and a log saw mill built upon the east bank. j , : ♦ The late Colonel Wilkins, of the Carrying Place, says, that when he came to the bay, in 1792, Myers had his mill built, the one farthest west, until they came to where is now Port Hope. Tho following are the names of those who settled upon the front, as supplied by tho lute G. Blocker, Esq. Commencing at lot No. 1, the first settler was John Chisholm ; No. 2, Coon Frederick; No. 3, Crawford, the lot having been drawn by A. Chisholm. Coming to^No. 7, it was settled upon by A. Thompson, who sold the right to Schofield ; No. 8, by Arch. Chisholm ; No. 9, by Samuel Sherwood, who was j an Indian trader. Then Fairman, William Johnson, Edward Carscallion, J. Carscal lion, Fairman, Biddell. There is no record of the first municipal transaction. Most likely, no record was kept. The following, however, takes us back a long way:— ^i|;,'. '^v\? -^.^v-.'^; V-*-.^ r^i-v'-*'"- .^i;^ i^'" At the annual town meeting, for the township of Thurlow, held the fifth day of March, 1798, whereat the following persons were chosen town officers, viz., John Mcintosh, Town Clerk, John CAMKTON. 493 Chisholm iind William RoicI, Af^scssors; Joseph Walker, fV.lloctor; Samnol «. (Jilborl, Join. I{oe<l, William Johnson, Palhnmsters ,' John Cook and Dan io' Lawrence, Town Wimlens; John Taylor, Pound-keeper; John Falrinan, Constahio." John Mcintosh, remembered as Oapt. Mcintosh, was Town Clerk for three years, and was Kiiececdod by Jabez Davis. The following year, the occupant was Caleb Tienedict. The year succeed- ing, Iloswell Leavens was ajipoinled, and continued "to hold the office for throe years, when John Frederick was chosen, who held the place two years, when Jolin Mcintosh was again selected ; he held it two years. Then John Thompson was a].pointed, who held it one year. The next year it was Roswell Leavens ; the next, John Frederick; the next, R. Leavens, who continued uninterrupt- edly in oflice for twelve years, up to the year ISliG. During that time very many changes are observed in the names of those holding the other r^unicipal offices in the Township. The Town Clerk, in the year 1826, was Daniel Cannill', who hehl it two years; the next was James McDonnell, who tilled the post seven years. In 1835, D. B. 8ole was appointed, who held it two years. The year ensuing. Dr. Ilaydcn was appointed. It would seem that during the year following, Dr. 11. oscai)ed as a rebel, while his wife refused to hand over the township records, ,, Canifton.— Up to the year 1806, the way from Myers' mill up the river to where stands Corby's mill, a distance (;f four lailes, was unbroken by a single clearing. There was but a poor waggon road, which had been cut by the two individuals who alone could afford the comfort of a M^aggon. But in that year another settler was added to Thurlow, and a third waggon to the community. John Canniff, having bought some 800 acres of land from one McDougall, and one Carle, in the third concession, commenced the work of clearing upon the present site of the village of Canifton. John Canniff was a U. E. Loyalist, and was born at Bedford, in the County of Westchester, in the present State of New York, in the year 1757. There is no reliable statement handed nown as to the part he took in the war against the rebellion. That he took an active part is believed by those most capable of judging. The name of Lieut. Candiff appears among the officers of a New Jersey reo-i- ment, which is thought to have been one of the family. John Canniff was a refugee at the close of the war in New Brunswick, where he remained a few years. He then came to Canada, in 1788^ and first settled in Adolphustown, where he lived until his removal 494 THE RIVER MOIRA. to Thurlow. Ho had witnossod and oxporiencod tho Hufforing of the year of tho famine. And it in known that lie actually saved one family from death hy wtarvation. Before bringing his family to Thurlow, in 1807, ho had cleared a considerable piece of land, on the east side of .the river, around tho present site of tho bridge; built a mill-dam, a sawmill, and a frame house, which stood a short distance above the site of the Methodist Church. Although this took place near the end of tho first decade of the present century, yet the Bottlemont was attended by no little hardship. Tho necee- sarios of life wore not always to be had, and it is authentically related, that for a time pea bread constituted the princii)le article of diet, while a fish, now and then caught, was a great luxury. About the year 1812, Canniff erected a flouring-mill, having for mill-stones those made on tho spot, out of hard granite ; the man who made them yet lives. These relics of tho past may yet be Been. But in two years ho procured a pair of Burr stones from the Trent. In tho year 18 — , Mr. Oanniff' removed to the front of Thurlow, and lived upon lot number t'lght, where ho continued to dwell until his death, 21st Feb., 1843. Ho was in his 87th year when he died. His remains are buried near the front of tho Episcopal Church, in Belleville. He was a great uncle to the writer. Up to tho year 1715, there was but one small house inCanifton, beside that occupied by Mr. Canniff, this was occupied by a cooper, named Ockerman. For four years after John Canniff settled upon the river, there was an unbroken wood between his place and Myers' mill, while biit a rough road existed, which followed the river's bank. In the spring of 1811, James Canniff, the writer's father, commenced to clear land, midway between Myers' mill and John Canniff 's. At this time, the road remained almost impassable, for the half-dozen waggons, owned in the township. Some years later, tho road was somewhat straightened and improved ; but although now, and for a long time, so great a thoroughfare, the road continued to be, for many years, tho most execrable. I; 1? The River Moira. — This river is named after the Eight Hon. the Earl of Moira, afterward Marquis of Bastings, and previously, when a soldier, serving in the American war, known as Lord Bawdon. Ac his death the title became extinct. His body was buried in his native town in Ireland. While in America, he formed . a, strong attachment to Brant. MYER8' CREEK. 495 Tho Moira takos its i-iso in tlio tovvrmliip of Tudor, and in its windings to the Bay Quinte, puHsos through tho townships of'Madoc, Marmora, Rawdon, Huntingdon, llungoriord, Tycndinagu, and Thurlow. It was well known, and yearly ascended by tho Indians for tho excellent hunting which it afforded. Thoy called it Sagon- asko, which nanio may bo found on tho first maps issued by tho surveyor. It was sometimes spoiled Saganashcocon. Tho Indians, when about to pass up on their hunting oxpodi- tions, leaving many of tho women and children in wigwams upon the plains near its mouth, would make an offering to their pagan god, of tobacco, which was dropped upon tho east shoi-o, near its mouth, just below tho site of the first bridge. A thank offering was repeated upon their return.— (B, Flint). When the first mill dam was erected by Capt. Myers, tho obstruction was called by them Cabojunk. When tho land was surveyed, tho Government reserved at the mouth of the river 200 acres, ostensibly, for an Indian burying ground. But tho place of burying was upon Zwick's Island, in tho Bay, near tho river's mouth. Upon the old maps, this river is called Singleton's River, after Capt. Singleton. About the year 1790, Capt. Myers settled upon tho river, and erected a dam and log saw mill. It consequently took the name of Myers' Creek, which it retained, until after tho war of 1812, and by some, to within tho writer's recollection, thirty years ago. The writer remembers to have seen the Indians, in their birch canoes ascending and descending tho river. Tho fact that the word Moira has some resembling sound to that of Myers, has led some to suppose that tho latter name became gradually changed into the former. But tho fact is as stated above. , . The appearance of the place, presented to the first adventurers in pursuit of land on which to settle, was not attractive. It was a barren plain with a cedar swamp covering the shores on either side. There wore, however, on the east side, at tho mouth, some tall and good sized oaks, indicating deep soil, while the land around was rock; this land, like the two islands upon which mills are built, was rich, and had been made from the washings of the river's sides for centuries, and carried down from tho back country. The first bridge upon the Moira, was a iloating structure, and was placed quite at the mouth of the river, with the view of escaping tho current j but it was soon carried off. The bridge was 49G 1JKM.KVIM,K. built about 1800; prior to which time thoro had been a ferry for foot pnHHi'ii^ors, when llio streiutj wuh not fonhiblo. At oertain HCMiHoiiM, crosHinyH foiild t:iko jjlnct) aliuont ariyvvhoro. Tho tirst Hprin^ froshot carriod away tlic bridgo. In tho winter of 1802, according to MrH.IlarriH, who then lived in tho place, a more sulj- stantial Htructuro waw commenced ; but again it wan carriod otV by ice l)rt>al<iiig over Myor.s' dam. Possibly, this may be th(^ first one. Tho first pt rniaiient l)ridge iniist hnvo been conijiloted in ISOOor 7. The excelhfiit water i)nwer was first oni])loyed by ('apt. Myers, and the c^econd person to use it was the Hoods, at tho place whoro is now situated Corby's mill. Tho benefit of u flouring mill to the Roods will bo understood when it is known that they had pre- viously, to carry on their back the grist to the Napaneo mills, iv distance of some forty miles, and thus occupying four days. • • BELLEVILLE. , •' ) *. ' Tho carh' voyacjeurs, passing along in thoir birch canoes, bound for the far west, by tho way of tho Eivor Trent to Lake Simcoo, were never attracted to the low, thick woods, which boi'dered the river called by tho Indians Sagonoska. It is true, there was generally an Indian village upon tlio plains situated to tho east of tho river's mouth. But tho collection of rude tents offered no special invitation. While the French, it would seem, never ascended the river; the Indians of tho Missis- sauga tribe inhabited the region, and mostly always had a village upon tho bay shore. As wo have seen, the (fovernment, at the time of surveying, reserved lot number four, which included the river and the plains, for tho Indians. About 1789 or 90, Captain Myers, having ])urchasod a part of lot number five, of John Taylor, for $100, endeavored to obtain a lease of the Indian lot for a long period of years; and he subsequently claimed the lot, averring that it had been leased him for ninet3Miine years. This claim of Capt. Myers, it has been stated, led to the name which so long obtained, Myers' Crook. But the claim was never recognized by Clovern- ment, although there is some reason to think that the Indians did actually bargain it away. The settlement upon tho river, by Captain Myers, very soon came to be known as Captain Myers', and the inhabitants up and down the bay, spoke of the settlement, as well as of the river, as Myers' "Creek. But, at the same time, Myers' mill and house were quite remote from tho first collection of houses at the mouth of the river. Apart from tho water pr* . ilegos, there FIRST 8ETTLEH8. 497 was nothing to iittruct to thopluco, und, until tho boginning of tho present contury, thuro wan not oven a hut jittho inoutli of tho riv(ir. If ])iiblic moctingH wore hold, thoy woro up tho front, or hack near tho fifth concoHfiion, iiftorwaid known as Ifaydon's Cornors. Tho villago began to form upon tho oawt bank of tho rlvor, a littlo dintanco boU)\v Dundas Htrcot, and, for many yoarH, it did not oxtond further nortli than thatHtreet. Tho first place of habitation HO far ah can bo learned, was a log houHO, built and oceupiod by AHa Wallbridge, a trader, wlio was well known by the early 80tt lers. Tlion canio John Simpson, in tho year 1708, and constructod a log hut, 20x12. This house, tho first public houso in Thurlow, was for many years known from Kingston to York, as a plaeo of public ontortainnient. AVithin its rough walls rested many an important traveler, and here, in later days, convened the men of digjiity and office, to discuss matters of great inxport concerning tho village. Horo mot, in jovial companionship, tho inhabitants of the village at night. Around this rudo public houso contorod tho crowd upon training days, or when tho race course was a point of attraction. For man}'- years, tho]^heart of tho village was at tho corner of Bundas street. At this place was tho forry, and afterwards tho first bridge. John Simpson, who was Sorgt. -Major of the Militia when first organized, died shortly after coming to Myers' Creek; but his widow, Margaret, continued the hostess for many years. Sho endeavored to keep pace with tho wants of tho growing villago, and made one improvement after another, and finally ha I built the frame structure now converted into the agreeable residence of the lion. Lewis Wallbridge. About the year 1800, a second inn was opened in tho villago, tho descendant of this is the present Eail- roadllouso. , . When it became necessary to build a bridge across the river, about 1806-7, the question of site was one of no little consideration. It soomed the most natural that it should bo erected on Dundas Street, whicb was the great mail road between Kingston and York; and those living in the heart of the village could see no reason in having it placed elsewhere. But a majority of those having a voice in the matter, looked at the question in a more practical light ; and rightly thought a bridge would cost less where tho river Avas the narrowest, while it should not bo too far for convenience. Tho result was that it was built on tho site of tho present lower bridge, and so eavo to the street the name of Bridge Street. '" -^'" 498 l>eTRIE'8 BTATEMKNT. Rotrftcinfif our Htopw to tho bo/2finning of tho present century, woprewont llu' Htatomont of Mr. Willinm FvotchoHou, who settled in Sidney, and uUo of Jumos Kurley, hot h of whom Huy that there wjw not then even a village at tho mouth of the river, there being hut two or throe Hhantios, among them Simpson's tavern, at tho rudo bar of wi)i('h tho sole drink was a homo brewed boor, which, how- ever, posHosHod intoxicating properties. Another building was an ash house, owned by Asa Wallbridge. ])uring tho first years of tho ])roHent century, tho place grow to the importance of a village, whose inhabitants, with those of tho ad jacent farmers, made up nearly a hundred ])erson8. Important additions had been made, and enterprise was at work. Two noblo and loyal Scotchmen had come to tho place several years before, and purchased lot number three, and liad built a sectond mill dam, and mills. Those were Simon and James McNabb. They subso- qucnily took an active part in everything relating to tho village. James McNabb became Collector of Customs, and tho first Post- Master and llogistrar, and both were officers in the militia. Tho melancholy death of James McNabb, is hardly yet forgotten. During the rebellion of 1836, there was an alarm in Belleville, and Capt. McNabb, while running through an unlightcd ]iall,wasl'atally wounded by a careless militiaman, who was trailing his musket with bayonet fixed. Capt. Mcintosh was an early settlor in BoUovillo, as well as a pioneer with sailing vessels. lEo built the first frame store house at Belleville, which was taken down in 1867. The house he built is still standing, a quaint edifice, at the lower extremity of front street. Within its walls rested General Brock, when on his way westward, at the commencement of the war of 1812 ; also General Gore, after tho close of the war. Capt. Mcintosh mot an untimely death by drowning while attempting to swim from his schooner, which was wind-bound ott' Ox Point, to the shore, 23rd Sept, 1815. In tho year 1809, Alexander Oliphant Potrio, came to live at Myers' Creek. He found the following persons living in Belleville at that time. Commencing at the lowest part; there first lived Capt. John Mcintosh, who kept a store ; John Johnson, a saddler; Dr. Sparohan ; John Thompson, who had been t soldier in the King's Rangers ; Peter Holmes, a carpenter, who had also been in the Eangers; Mrs. Margaret Simpson, inn-keeper; Roswell Leavens, a blacksmith ; John Simons ; one Amos, a cooper ; Hugh Cunning- ham, storo-keoper, at Mrs. Simpson's ; Simon McNabb, who lived NAMINO OF HELNKVIM-K. .jyy ftcro«H tho rivor; OcUornuin, ii cooper; Bonj. Stone. aHiiwyor; Wm. Muyboo, and Abraham StiniorM. in the noi^rhlx.rhood of thu villa^o' livod John Tayh)r; JarnoM IfarriH, a hatter, and (Japf. Myers. Tho only road wan alon^^ the river, whiU) foot paths led to the ditlerent dwollinKH. Jlespeetin^ Dr. Spareham, there in tho toHowin^' notice in the Kin^Hton CVojfrf: "Died, Friday 20th, 1813, Dr. Thonian Sparoham, atKin^rston ; a^^ed about HH. He waH one of tho first eettierH in the country." Tho McNabbs hiul a flourin^r-jnill, and there wan a Hinal! cloth fiictory on the west Hide of the river, at Myers' dam. Harris had a small Hhop on the bank of tho river; and just below tho present market, back from the river, stood a little frame Hchool house, where taujrht one John Watkin.s. About the year IHIO, Mr. Kvoritt, from Kingston, erected a tino buihiing ibr a hotel, outside of the village, near Coleman's, formerly McNabb's mills. This was near the Victoria buildings. Tho naming of Belleville took place in 1816. The circumstances attending it wore as follows : There mot one evening at Mrs. Simpson's tavorn, Captain McMichaol, tho two Mc:N^abbH, Wall- bridge, 1{. Leavens, and S.Nicholson. These gentlemen, 'at tho suggestion, it is said, of Captain McMichael, determined to invite Lieutenant-Governor Gore, to name tho newly surveyed town. The request was complied with, by calling it after his wife Bella. In reference to this, wo find in tho Kingston Gazette, Aug. 24, 1816, the following : " Tho Lieutenant-Governor, in council, has been pleased to give tho now town (formerly known by the name of "Myers' Creek " at tho Eiver Moira, tho name of " Belleville," by tho request and petition of a great number of tho inhabitants of that town and tho township of Thurlow." In the issue of 7th September, tho 6^a^e«e remarks, "Wo mentioned in our paper of the 24th ult., that the new town at the Eivor Moira, was now called Belleville," &c. Wo wore under tho impression, from the very pleasant situation of that town that its name was derived from tho French ; but we have since been informed that it has been given the name of Bellville, in honor of lady Gore at the request of the inhabitants." We have it also, on tho authority of Mr. Petrie, who could not be ignorant of tho facts, that the name is after Lady Bella Gore. It will bo observed that the name was originally spelled Bellville, instead of Belleville, as at the present time. In all letters and public documents where the town was mentioned, we find it spelled Bellville for many years. The writer will now, BOO TUB HfTRVr.YOR. quolo hiin«olf' from nnothor work. '* Th»< wimo yonr 0^1^) tJifl GoviTurruMit inHtruet<!<l mirvoyor VVilmot to luy out llio 200 aoroM of IiHliiin roHorvo, lot niiiiilnM' flmr, into town lotn ot'hftH'un aero oatih. It cannot ho roconliMl that Mr. VVMImot rlim'har^<«l hiH iluty to his crudit or tho advuntagu oftho town. In tho HrHt placo h« niado tho HiM'ioiiM tniHtako (it han hoon qiiOMtionod whothiM* It waw a inifl- tako) of placing thr lini^ ImtwoiMi Sidnoy attd Thiirlow, u])WftrdH of Hlxty foot to till' oaHt of that niai-kiMl l»y thu original Hurvoy. The conHoquonco wan, that tho lino hotwe«*n lotn nunilHM'H throo and four (at tho front) inHtoad of hoin^ mainly in tho rivor, wh«'ro It ouj^ht to Imve heon, wan OHtahlihhod whoro now Ih Front Stroot, and thiM'ohy, n valuable Htrip of land bolon^in/^ to tho HoHorvo, waH a<ldo<l to private propi^ty on tho wohUumi Hide of tho rivor; while tho owner of lot niunhor tivo, Mr. Taylor, was a loHcr to a (u>rroH- ponding extent. Another nuwtuko wan t]»o very few oross HtrootH laid out, tho inconvonionco of which \h felt daily hy many ; although somo new ones liavo boon o])onod latterly. A third error waH tho rospeot ho made to a hotel which Htood u little to the oast of where now Htandrt tho Victoria buildings. TIiIh hotel had t)eon erected on tho ground, whore tho stroot, in Hurvoying, happened to come. The roHult in tho unsooinly turn in it« courno at Pinnacle Htreet. While tho hotel gave a name to tho street, tho name commemorates tho cauRO of its uglinosHH. Tho town lots wore disposod of by Government to petitioners, tr le subjects of Jlis Majesty, on a pay- ment of a foe of thirty dollars, xw Oi.c could obtain more than a single lot. Seven plots .wei-e rosorvod : one for a hospital, one whore stands tho Catholic Church, the (irammar School, tho En^'- lisli (vhurch, ulso, tho Parsonage house, tho old Market Scjuaro, and tho Jail." Tho lots wore granted to applicants upon presenting a petition signi'd by two citizens, to Govornmont. The grantee was obligated to build, in a given time, a house, one story and a half high, and 18 X ao foot. Bollovillo is tho oldest town in Upper Canada. At tho time it was named, wliore now stands Cobourg, wore but three houses. In 1816 the Kingston Gazette t^fiys, " A Post Office is now established in the new and flourishing town of Bellville, S. McNnbb. Esq., Post Master." In the year 1834, a petition was submitted by tho inhabitants of BoUeville to Parliament, the result of which was " An act to establish a Board of Police in tho town of Bolloville, passed 6th March, 1834." - KIRMT IIOAKD OK PULIOR. ftOl It would Houm tliut tlio net. pHHHU*! did not coiiin into oporul ion, tor id IS'iHl, an ad wuh |)Umhc><1 i-«<N|it)aliti^ tli«t titrnicr uuv. TliiH lattur act wuh in many i-osptu-tH tlu* waniu, but nuiUin^ t'lii'tluM' pro- visionM. Thu Nunio yuar tho town rouord l)u>(inH. Thv iMtundaiioM woro, "corumuru'in^at tho liinitHbotwoou lotn number tlvo and bix, iti tho tirtit conitOHhion, ho hk a lino at I'i^ht an^^loH will run on the nortliorly Hido (»t' VVonnucoii'H brid^o, •''•'"*'«' noutli Hovonty-tbur (k'ju;rooM, wont to tho limitH botwoon lotn nunibciM two and tliivo, tlioncw hixtoon doji^rooH oant to tim Hay of (^uinto, thonco oantorly I'ullowin^ tho winding of llio bay totbu liinilM bolvvoon lotn niinilHU'H livo and hIx albnuaid ; tlioncu north wixtoon do^rooB, wont to tho placo of bo^inniii^, to^'otlior with tho iHland and tho luirboiir.'* Thoro woro two wards, oach of whitdi olocttul two moniborn of tho lk)ard of Polico, and tho fourth Noloctod a tilth. Tho Ixxly Ihori Holoctod ono of thomHolvos for Prosidont. ThoMo olottod tho tirMt year woro, Win. McCarty and Ahu YoonuinH, tor tlrst ward; Zontu Dafoo, and VVm. Connor for «ocond ward ; liilla Flint was oloctod tho tifth monibor, and waa also ehoson Prosidont; tJoo. JJonJainin to bo clork to tho JJoard. Up to this timo thoro had boon no sidowalkR, and at the snmo tinio thoro was no drainii^o. Tho consoquoniio was, tliat in tho rainy season tho stroots woro almost impassiblo, fjuito as bad an tlioso of Muddy York arc said to havo boon. Tho first pavement was laid in 18IJ0, tho stones of whicli woro taken fVom tho rivor. It is impossible to say definitely what was the number of inhabitants at any ono period. Those were, however, in 1818 according to Talbot, about 150 ; about 500 in 1824 ; 700 in 1829, and in 1836 more than 1,000. But MoMullon, writing in 1824, says that between Kingston and York, thoro aro two or three very small villages, tho largest of which is lioUevillo, containing about ono hundred and fifty inhabitants. After this the town increased more raj)idly in size and import, ance. Steps wore taken to have built a Court ilouso and Jail, as tho nearest place of confinement of prisoners was at Kingston ; and, in 1838, just at the close of tho rebellion, the present building \,as finished. The first court of Quarter Sessions hold at tho Court Ilouso in Bolloville, was November, 1839, Benjamin Dougall presided ; Edmund Murney, Clerk of the Peace ; J. W. D. Moodie, Sheriff. The principal business of the court was to organize, and take tho n02 BCI.I.RVII.I.R IN IH.IO. OAthn of nfllco. Tho nucond court wum iiuld in Mnrch, 1840, in tho Oonrt IIouHo; thoro woro tho Hamo uffluoni, oxcopt thut W. Ut Ponton wuN Clork oftlto I'ouco. A writer in tho Intelligenrfr, In 1R.'J6, Hayn, RoMovillo \n Hnid to OOntuin iihout 1,800 InhnhitmitH, Th<>ro in mi Kn|{liHh and Httotch Ohurch, ii Konitin Ciitliolic iind Mrthodiist Chiipol, uIko ii (<on^ro/:;a- tion of KpiHcopjil Mt'lliodistM, und ono of Anuirifun I'roMhylcrinriM ; 25 niurclinnlH' Hho))N, 2 ApothocnricHund Drii^^iHtH*, 12 huxturH* iind grocory nhopH, i) tiivornM, 3 hroworicH, .'{ hutchcrrt', 2 flouring inilln, 4 Niivv, and 2 Hillin^mnd nirditif^ niiils, 1 pail factory,? hlaclcftniithH* HhopH, .'J tannt)ri(*H, and nuM'hanlcH of alrnoHt ovcry doHcription. In Pront Stroot there are a number of HpacioUM hriek, Htont>, and framo huildiii^H; hoin^ the ntoHt central part of llio town for husinoHH. The town liaK reconlly hein^ called Kant and WcHt Jitdlovillo; separated Ity the river Moira. Tho later haw Ihmm; laid out in towi» lots l»y tho proMont owners ; and the ntreetH and linoH dtdlned. On Coleman Street there are alromly erected a handnomo hrick and other Htone and frame Ituildin^^s; a 'rrip-lluminer For j^o and Axe manJifactory carried on by Mr. l*ro(;tor, celebrated for nuikin/j; the best axoH in tho province. A saw mill in operation atid a flouring mill for four run of stone now erecting, and another for hi*" run in contemplation of being built next summer by our enterprising townsman, Mr. Flint. A cabinet-maker, blacksmith's shop, and a tavern, together with a variety of lots unsold, some of which are calculated for hydraulic purposes; and for which thoro are abun- dance of materials tor stone l)uildings. The same street leads to tho oxtoubivo wharfM and store houses belonging to Mr. Billa Flint. • ,.,,,,,,■, I , , ,''•■,' ■•■ '" -u ,-'>|l! /.»' 7.1 I >.'■- ■ ,' • ',; 'm ill ,:.!... I'.) '«•.;- uh<.\:hy\[o-' mU \<im U'.'-s I'.t'x.ii-ilt mi;. *j|iaiM»t,a./- '.huk ,1 Ki vI'Ojm n RK'IIMONU. ' • " CHAITKU LVI. CoMTiNTt— Tenth U)wii«hip— ItiihinoiKi— ()riKin->Qii«iitity of liiixi — Nhori'ii of Motmwk Itiiv — VilliiK<' <»t Noiitli nIiiiix— OriKliiiil lutid lioMirM — Kiimcii— NnpKiifli) — Tlio fnlU — Thf mill — Hnltnoii Ulvt-r — Indinii rmtiu' — Soiin" i»f Nit|itiii<'o lllvur— Its coiirHr — Coltdtrook — Hinuoit KmIIm— Nmuc — Clnrkc't MillM— Ncwbnrfih— A<'i(i|i>my — Tho imiUUti*— "(.'l«rkvill«' " — No n'<'urtlit. TiiK TKi^rrii rowNMiiir — iiiciimoni). ThiN towiiHltip Im cnlltMl ui'tvr thu Duku uf Uiuliiixuul, and oon- taiiiM uhout 50,000 .icrt^M. , , , , At mi oui'ly period, tin* HhoroH of tlu' M()liH\vk Hay wci'i« «)<u',u|»U'<l by Hi'ttlorH. At (ir«t, upon the FnMl»>ii<!ksliiiruli nitle, and sliortly aFtt'i- upon tho north rtliorc. The fucilitU'M for eircliii^ a tloiuiii^^-mill at th(^ fiiliH, upon thu rivi'r which empties into the Mohawk Huy, uttradtutl the attention of (roverinnent mo early an 1785, in wliicli yuur the fii'Ht mill was ertuited. Tho oxiHtence of thin mill cauHod Hoimv thinju; of n villai^e to Hpnnj» up on the Hoiith shore. About tho Humo time, the land upon the north shore uf the buy and river, whh takiMi up by thu loyalistrt. Wu (Min (ind nothing to indicuitu the year iti which this township was originally surveyed ; but it was most pro- bably done in tlie latt,er part of 17H5, or in the sprinj^; of 1780, after the front of Thurlow had been surveyed. Upon tho old (ihnrtof this township in tho (Jrown Lands Department, may bo seen tho names of certain otVicers, us claimants of land near the mouth of the river. The names are in tho main, now unknown, and it seein.s that the land pus.sed into other hands. The second and thii'd concessions seem to have been settled at u comparatively early date. We believe that some of the first settlers on Mohawk JJay, were, Alexander Nicholson, Wood- cock, Potorson, Campbell, Richardson, Detlors. Napance, u name given to tlio river, and to tho town u[)on its banks, is of Indian origin. Originally it was Aj)pnnee, which signifies, in the Mississauga language, Hour, or the rivor where they make flour. Tliis designation, it has been HUp})Osed, arose from the exis- tence of the flouring-mill, built Iiere ut mi early date (see first days of Upper Canada). The place was first visited by loyalists, in 1784. Tho beauty of the scenery, the waters of the river, tundjling over tho rocks, down a distance of thirty feet, and sweeping down through a muddy bed, and widening into Mohawk Bay, and the surrounding hills clothed in natures rugged Jiabiliments, M'ould naturally attract thy settler. Tlien, wlieu Government placed u mill, ut which the V ,,_._ 604 NAPANEE. settlers could ijfet their grain groiuul, a consideration of great import- ance, the land in the vicinity would be eagerly sought, u])on which to settle. And, it can readily be inferred, that the more valuable lots in tlu' townshi}> of ]{ichmond were, at an early date, appropriated and settled up()n. Eunning across the back part of this township, from east to west, and continuing across the township of Tyendinagua, is the Salmon River. It takes its rise in Crow Jjake, in the Township of Kenebec. It empties into the Bay Quinte, at the border line between this town- ship and Thurlow. Near its mouth is the Village of Shannonville. The Indian name of the Sahnon Kiver was Gosippa. The Napanee lliver, of which we have spoken, takes its rise in the townships of Hinchinbroke, Bedford, i^oughborough, Portland, which are thi(tkly strewn with beautiful lakes and streams, all con- nected so as to form" a sort of net work. The Nai)anee then crosses the front part of CamdcJi, and pursues its way along, forming the southern boundary of Richmond, to empty into the Mohawk Bay. Along the course of the stream are several villages, all possessed of more or less beauty. There is the village of Colebrook, having upward of 300 inhabitants; Simcoe Falls comes next, beautiful and picturesque, with some 250 of population. The village is named after the Falls, which are some forty feet high. The name is derived from Governor Simcoe, who at one time owned here 1000 acres of land. Four miles further down the stream is the pleasant village of Clark's Mills, after a family name of which we have elsewhere spoken, as a distinguished U. E. Loyalist. Contimiing down the river we come to Ne\\ burgh, a village picturesquely sit;;ated, and of considerable importance. Beside its grist-mills, saw-mills, factories, machine shop, foundry, and other machinery worked by tlie water ; Newburgh has a very res])ectable academy. Perhaps there is no stream in Canada which possesses the same number of mill ])rivileges as the Napanee. Tliere are numerous rapids and several falls along its course, and the banks on either side are often strikingly beautiful The original settlors along the stream were mostly the children of loyalists. Napanee. — Tlie settlement of Xapanoe is pretty fully given in the chapter upon the first flouring-mills. We there have stated that Sergeant Major Clark of the 84th regiment, was ordered to Napanee to act as superintendent of the works in connection with the building of the mill ; second iiouring-mill in Upper Can.ada. The mill was situated upon the Fredericksburgh side of the river. Upon an early map of the township, by P. V. Elmore, a village is marked here by the name of Clark villo. -, ., . Napanee was incorporatnd in the year 1854. We regret our inability to procure the township record of Rich- mond. DIYISIOK IX. THE EARLY GOVERNMJONT OF UPPER CANADA. CHAPTER LVII. Contents — Military rule — Imperial Act, 1774 — French Canada — RefugeeR — Military (iovernment in Uppor Canada — New Districts — Lunenburgh — Wucklenbingh — Nassau — Hesso — The Judges — Duncan — (Jartwright — Ham- ilton — Koliertson — Court in Mocklcnburgh — Civil Law — .Judge Duncan — Judge Cartwright — Punishment inHicted — First execution — New Constitu- tion of Quebec — 1791, Quebec Bill passed — Inhabitants of Upper Canada. UPPER CANADA FROM 1783 TO 1792 — THE GOVERNMENT, MILITARY AND CIVIL. For three years after the conquest the Province of Quebec was governed by militarj^ laws, but in 1774, the British Governnnent introduced a Bill, confcrrint;; civil rights upon the Canadian French, with a governing council of not more than 23, nor less than 17. The laws, religion and language were secured to the Province, as before the conquest, so that in most respects, excepting the pre- sence of an English Governor, Canada remained a French Colony. The timely concessions of the British Government, and the natural antipathy felt by the Canadians to the New Englanders, prevented in a most positive way, any desire or intention, on the part of the Canadians, to take sides with the revolting British Provinces. When the loyalist refugees began to pick their way into Canada they found themselves as it were in a foreign country. A colony it is true, under the government of an English Governor, but never- theless consisting of a people entirely dissimilar to themselves. While the war continued the presence of a large number of British troops made the country seem less foreign in its character ; but the close of the war, and the disbanding of many of the com- panies, and withdrawal of others, left the unhappy refugees in a society to them altogether unnatural. It was under such circum- 506 SETTLERS UNDER MARTIAL LAW. stances that stops woro taken to survey land upon the upper waters, to which the loyalists mi^ht go. The plan pursued by Govern- ment wa«, not to extend the operation of the laws belonging to Lower Canada, and therefore PVench and unnatural, lo the settle- ments in Upper Canada; but to marshal the pioneer in bands under officers, with the necessary appointments, to secure order, protect interests, and administer justice. The first settlors of Upper Canada, then came in military order, by word of command, and wore directed to the point where each should find the land allotted liim, and meet his wilderness foe. All alike were governed by military law, until 1788. Says the historian of Dundas, " It was decided by Government that the first settlors should live under Martial Law, till such times as it should be rescinded, and replaced by competent courts of justice. But by martial law was meant only, that tho English laws, having by the settlement of this part of Canada, boon introduced, should bo its laws for tho present, and that these laws, which very few knew, should bo martially executed by the Captain in command, having tho super- intendence of tho particular locality." Upon the 24th July, 1788, Lord Dorchester issued a proclama- tion, dated at the Castle of St. Louis, Quebec, forming a. certain number of new districts in the Province of Quebec. Upper Canada was formed into four districts, viz.: Lunenburgh, which extended from tho borders of Lower Canada " to the River Gananoque, now called Thames," Mecklenhurgh, which included the settlement from Gananoque to the Trent River ; Nassau, extending from the Trent to Long Poitit on Lake Erie; Hesse, which embraced the remaining part.* of Western Canada, including Detroit. The division was based upon tho number of settlers rather than the extent of territory. • To each of these districts was appointed a Judge, a Sheriff, &c. The Judge seems to have been clothed with almost absolute j)ower' He dispensed justice according to his own understanding or inter" pretation of the law, and a Slieriff or Constable stood ready to carry out the decision, which in his wisdom, ho might arrive at. Those four courts of Common Pleas constituted it seems the whole machi- nery of the law in Upper Canada, after tho people ceased to be under military jurisdiction. It may have been, however, probably was, that appeal could bo made against the Judge's decision, to the Governor and Council. There were no other magistrates, aud no lawyers in those primitive happy days. Of the four Judges appointed to the districts, positive know- THE FIR8T JUDGES. 507 ledgo can be obtained but of three ; those arc Richard Duncan, Judge of Lunenburgli, liichard Cartwright, Judge of Mecklenburgh, and Robert Hamilton, Judge of Nassau. Not unlikely, William liobertson^ of Detroit, was Judge of Hesse. This opinion is ventured from the fact that this gentleman was the most successful and prominent man in that locality ; the same as Duncan, Cartwright, and Hamilton were in theirs. Respecting the Judgeship of Mecklenburgh, the Rev. Mr. Stuart writes, 1788, that "our new settlements have been lately divided into four districts, of which this jilace (Kingston,) is the Capital of one called N&v Mecklenburgh. I had a commission sent me as first Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, which I returned to Lord Dorchester, who left a few days ago." The office thus refused was subsequently filled by Mr. Richard Cartwright. In a letter before us, written by John Ferguson, dated 29th December, 1788, it is stated that " our Courts are openod, but they have done nothing particular, but I stippose will in a few days." This was the commencement of other than martial law at the Bay of Quinto. 1788 then, is the year in which civil law began to be administered. This was considered a boon by the British Americans, who objected quite as mu<'}i to mili- tary law, when the individual might not by education, be qualified to dispense judgment and justice, as they did to the French laws of Lower Canada. ludeed the loyalists of Lower Canada complained very much that they had lost the protection of British laws. And pro- bably many were induced to ascend to Upper Canada where the British law was iu operation. At the same time Upper Canada remained a part of the Province of Quebec. Reference is made in the History of Dundas, to Judg Duncan, of Lunensburgh as follows: "As a soldier he was generous and humane." The Court sat at Mariatown, of which he was the foun- der." He " seemed to have monopolized every office. A store- keeper, .ind holding a Captain's rank, he dealt out law, dry goods and groceries alternately." The coint room was at the place of Richard Loucks, who kept a store and tavern, about a mile below the present eastern limits of the County of Dundas. The name of the Sheriff" Avas Munro, probably John Munro, who was subsequently called to the Legislative Council. With respect to Judge Cartwright, the reader is referred to individual U. E. Loyalists for a notice of his history. The fact that he was selected as the Judge after the office was refused by Mr- Stuart, shows that he was a man of influence, education and wealth* 508 CONSTITUTION FOR UPPBR CANADA. an<l pevHons arc now living wlio remembor him as a "bipf man," alont? the Bay. From nil that we can loam, it is most probable that Judge Cartwright held his court at Finklo's tavern, ErncHttown, It is stated that hn convicted the lirst man that was hanged in (Canada. The crime charge<l againnt him for which he was executed was watcli stealing. The aitiolo was foimd upon him, and although ho declared he had bought it of a pedlar, yet, as ho could not prove it, ho was adjudged guilty of the crime, and sentenced to be hanged. Dr. (yonnor, of Krnesttown, ntood up in court and appealed against the decision of the Judge, but ho was hissed down, and the law took its course. The man was hanged, and Hubseciuently the pedlar from whom the watch had been purchased came along and con'oborated the dying words of the unfortunate man. ' The most common i)unishment inflicted upon those convicted of liigh offences, was that of banishment for a certain number of years, or for life, to the United States, '* a sentence next to that of death» felt to be the most severe that could bo inliicted." " Minor offences were atoned for in the pillory. For a long lime there stood one sxich primitive instrument of punishment, at liichard Louck's Inn, the centre of law and justice for the Lunenburg District." (History of Dundas). The first person executed at Niagara was in 1801, a woman by name of Loudon, who was convicted of poisoning her husband, at Grimsby. The difference between the French and British in Canada, as to religion, language and laws, was so great that, although efforts were earnestly made to unite the two races, the divergence of views continued to increase. And tli,e result was, that a Bill was introduced into the Imperial Parliament, by the Government, which duly became law. On Friday, 4th March, 1791 "Mr. Chancellor Pitt moved, "that His Majesty's message concerning the New Constitution for Quebec might be read. It was read accordingly." " George E. — His Majesty thinks it proper to acquaint the Com- mons, that it appears to His Majesty, that it would be for the benefit of His Majesty's subjects in the Province of Quebec, that the same should be divided into separate provinces, to be called the Province of Upper Canada and the Province of Lower Canada ; and that it is accordingly his Majesty's intention so to divide the same, whenever His Majesty shall be enabled by Act of Parliament to establish the necessary regulations for the government of the said Provinces. His ORGANIZATION OF QOVERNMENT. 909 Majesty thorofore reootnmendH this object to the couHidcriition of tJiis lIouHe," &c., &c. The discuH.sion which aro8e in conneetion with the jmssago of this Bill was of unusual intereHt, and |)ro(|uce(l that hiHtoric ncenc between liurke and Fox, during which " tears trickled down the cheeks" of the latter, as "lie strove in vain to give utterance to feelings that dignified and exalted his nature." The Bill passed its third reading on the iHth May. At this time there wore distributed along the St. Lawrence, the Bay of Quinte, Niagara frontier, Ainherstburgh, with the French settlement on the Thames, and tlu? Indians at Grand liiver, about 20,000 souls, or double the number, who came at the first as refugees, and disbanded soldiers. {"or a list of the Governors of Upper Canada see Ai»j)endix. CHAPTEE LVIU. CoNTKNTS — Simcoo— His arrival in Canada — Up the St. Lawrence — An old house — "Old BrcechcH' Hivcr " — Simcoe'K attendants— Tiie old vctcranK — " Good old cause" — "Content" — Toasting — Old officers — Executive (louueil of Upper Canada— First entry — Simeoe inducted to office — Eeli,u:iou8 ceremony — " The proceedings " — Those present — Oath of office — Organization of Legis- lative Council — AfiseniLly — Issuing writs f(u- elections— Memhers of Council — Simcoe's difficulty — At Kingston — Division of I'rovince — The Governor's otiticers — Ilochfoucault upon Simcoe— Sinicoc's surroundings — His wife — Opening Parliament in 1795 — Those present — Retinue — Dress — The nine- teen counties — Himcoe's designs — Visit of the Queen's father — At Kingston — Niagara — A war dance, ORGANIZATION OP THE UPPER CANADA GOVERNMENT IJY SIMCOE, 1792. Colonel John Graves Simcoe, the pioneer Govenior of Upper Canada, and the Lieutenant-Governor under Lord Dorchester, entered upon the duties of his office. July 8, 1792. ' His arrival in Canada was signaled by much rejoicing, as he ]f)assed along in a fleet of bark canoes from Lower Canada, by the St. Lawrence. A writer, in 1846, relates some interesting facts respect- ing this passage. He speaks of one house then remaining in Johnstown, which remained in all its original proportions. "It is built in the Dutch style, with sharp-pointed roof, and curious gables. This house was framed of oak of the finest growth; and, • considering that it has been drawn from lot to lot, until it has traveled 610 THE OOVERNOB. ' almost the entire extent of the l>ay, (at Johnnton) within the h»Ht half century, it certaini) \h a roinurkublo etliflce. It is now a hostelrie, as it has always been, an<l no hI^'m of r(!])entanoe can be yet seen in its hnge sii^n-board, exliibited at the top of a lajior j»ine, on which Horao cunning diw.iple of Mi(!hael Angelo, hath depicted a tolerably sized square, and a pair of exquisitely ex^pansive compass, striding classi- cally, in imitation of tho CoUosus of Ilhodes, with the staring capitals of '* Live and let live — St, John's Hall — Peace and plenty to all man- kind " — thrown in iw a sort of relief to the conii)ass, and as a sweet inducement to the weary and du.st-begrimmed traveler to walk in, and make himself as comfortable as the little peculiarities of the lazy- eyed landlord, and Uuj singular temperament of the land-lady, will allow. " This house is Governor Simcoe's house. In it John Graves Simcoe, the first Governor of the U. E. Loyalists, himself a hearty, brave old colonel, who foi.gh in the cause of these men, held his levee, on his first arrival in Upper Canada. Time hallows all. Young Canada has lier antiquities — although she may be more prone to look forward to the future with hope, than back on the past with regret. Yet the house in which John Graves Simcoe reposed himself, and cast his martial eye over the gracelnlly curving bay, the sparkling river, and the dilapidated fortifications of the old French fort, built during the French ascendancy ; on the point and islands below, may still be an object of interest to more than those who reside in the vicinity, in a Province, which owes so nmch of its present prosperity to the good commencement made by one possessed of his historic heroism, humanity, and noble self-denial in the cause of an exiled race. The house stood on a point of land formed by the bay, and a small stream which passes from the north westward, called formerly by the French, " Riviere de la Vielle Culotte," which being translated, pro- bably means " Old Breeches' Eiver." Governor Simcoe had, but a short lialf-hour previously, taken his departure for Niagara, in one of the large bark canoes with which the passage on the St. Lawrence, and along the shore of the lakes, was then generally made. A brigade of smaller canoes and boats followed him, conveying his suite, and a few fcoldiers; and never since the year 1756, when Montcalm led his army upward to the attack of Oswego, had the swelling bosom of the wild forest river borne so glad a sight as on that sparkling morning. "The old piece of ordnance, obtained from the island fort below, had ceased to belch forth its thunders from the clay bank ; whereon, fort want of trunnions it had been deposited. The gentry of the sur- bimooe's reoeptanoe. 611 rounillng country, colleotod together for tho oociiRion, mid looking spruco, thouQ;h woiithcr-bortten, in their low-tassclled hootH, tJK'ir quc'cr old broud-Hkirtod military ooats, and looped chapeaux, with fadod feathers fluttering in the wind, had retired to the inn, an<l were toasting in parting goblotH, the "good old cuu.so for ever," previouMly to betaking thomselvert to their woodland path homeward, or embark- ing in their canoes to roach thoir (lestinations by water, above or below. "Now I am content — content, I say, and can. go home to reflect on this proud day. Our Governor — the man of all others — has come at last — mine eye hath seen it — drink to him gentlemen — he will do the rest for us," — cried Colonel Tom Fraser, his face flushed an<l flery, and his stout trame draw.i up to its full height at the head of the table. " We do — we do ! " vociferated young Kingsmill, emptying his glass, and stamping to express joy. " Bouhomme " Tom Fraser then got on his legs, and shouted a brawny young soldier's echo to the toast of liis relative. The mild, placid coimtenance of Dr. Solomon Jones, was lighted up by the occasion, and ho arose also, and responded to the toast, recounting some of the services performed by the newly appointed Lieutenant-Governor in the late war. Captain Elijah Jiottimi, a large portly person, having at his side a formidable basket-hilted claymore, then addressed theni in brief military phrase, and gave one of the old war slog.Tis. Major Jessup followed in the same strain, and proposed a sentiment which was received with vociferous cheers by the yoimger portion of the com- pany. Captfiin Dulmage, Captain Campbell, Pay-master Jones, Com- missaiy Jones, Captain Gid. Adams, Lieutenant Samuel Adams, Ephraim Webster, Captain Markle, Captain Grant, and numerous other captains and officers, managed to make themselves heard on the joyful occasion, until finally the meeting broke up, and the com- pany separated not to meet again until the next fourth day of June, in the following year.'' The first entry in the journals of the Executive Council of Upper Canada, gives an account of the induction of Colonel Simcoe into the gubernatorial oftice .at Kingston. The event was made one of solem- nity and religious observance, the proceedings taking place on a Sunday, in the old church of wood, which stood opposite the market- place. We quote an extract from the proceedings of the Executive Council. 612 TUI INDUCTION. Kingston, July fl, 1792. " II in Kxct'llcnoy John Grftvcs Simooo, KHq., Lieiiteiijuit-Ciovm'nor of tlio Proviiioo of irppor Canatla, colouol, comiimtuliiig the forces in the Haid I'l'ovmcc, kv., &c., having; appuiiited the ProtoHtant church, UH a HuitahU' phico for the rea^liiig and puhliHhing of liiw Maji'Mty's conuniHsionH, he accordingly re|)aired thither, attended by the llou. William OHgoode, Chief JuHtice ; the Hon. James Baby, the Hon. Peter HusncII, togetlu>r with the MagiHtrates jind principal iidiabi- tantH, when the said eoinnuHHion appointing his J'lxuelleucy ((Jrey) Ijord Dorchester, Captain-Cleneral and (rovernor-in-chief, &c., &c., of Upper and Lower Canada, and also the commission appointing the said Jolm Graves Simcoe, Governoi* of the IVovince of Upper Canada, wore solennily read and published." The oaths of ofluu were then administered to his Excellency. According to the Iloyal instructions to Governor Sitncoe, he was to have live individuals to form the first Executive Council. The five named were William Osgoode, William Robertson, James JJaby, Alexander Grant, and IVter Kussell, Ksqs. The next day, Monday, Osgoode, Baby, and Kussell were sworn into office, as Executive Councillors. Robertson was not then in the Province ; Grant was sworn in a few days after. Ujxm the l7tii of Jul}', a meeting of the council was held ut the Go\ eminent House, at Kingston, when the first steps were taken to organize a Legislative Council, and assembly writs were issued, sum- moning the gentlemen who were to form the first Legislative Council. These were, in addition to those forming the Executive Council, Richard Duncan, Kobert Hamilton, Richard Cartwright, Junr., John Munro, and wo l)elieve, Thomas Eraser. These constituted the Legislative Council. Two of the nine, it would seem, never took upon themselves the duties of the high place thus alloted them. One was Richard Duncan, who lived at Mariatown, County of Dundas. lie was a captain, and had, in 1788, been appointed Judge of the Jjunenburgh district. When Upper Canada became a separate province. Judge Duncan, as well as Cartwright, Judge of Mecldenburgh, were ap- pointed Legislative^ Councillors. Duncan was a man of extensive business, and highly respected ; but " some transactions in connection with uanking business, were so imprudent," that " he left the coimtry somewhat abruptly for the United States," and "never dared to return," (Croil). This unfortunate affair, whatever its nature may have been, probably occurred about the time of the above mentioned (JOVERNMKNT OFKICEHH. 513 npitointmont, as he shortly nflcr roiiu>vo(l to Sclu'iicotatly, Now York, wluTo ho coiitliiuod to livo until his doath. TIio othor was Mr. ItobortHon, a rosidoiit of Saiitlwioh, whtiro ho hud hoooiuo a HUcocaHful merchant. Ho novor took his seat in the couuoil, tlie reason of whioli does not appear. It is stated that, according to the despatolies of Siracoe to the Imperial (lovornmont, ho found no little difliculty in obtaining sjiitablo persons to fill the ofhoosof the Hxeoutive and Logishitive Council, who would absent thonisclves from homo for the piirpose. The E.vetiutive Council conti?med to hold meetings at Kingston up to the 21st July, when Sinicoe proceeded westward, and detcr- niinod to make the village at themoutli of Niagara River, his capital. Upon the same day that the (iovernor and Council issued sum- monses to the gontlomon of the Legislative Council, the lOlh July, a proclamation was likiswise issued, forming the Province into Counties, and specifying the number of lepresontatives to be elected by the people to constitute the Legislative Assembly. And these proclamations were speedily convoyed and posted in every settlement. The following wore the officers connected with th') Governor while at Newark. ''Military Sec. Major Litllohalos; Provincial Aide-de-Camp, Thomas Talbot; Solicitor General, Mr. Gray ; Clerk of Executive Council, Mr. Small; Civil Secretary, William Jarvis ; Rccoivei' (Joneral, Potor Rusell ; Surveyor General, D. W. Smith; Assistant Surveyor General, Thomas Ridout and William Chowitt." The Council Chamber wan a building near to Butler's barracks on the hill, where the Episcopal and Catholic Churches assembled occasionally, and alternately. The first nieeting of the Executive at Newark, was held on the 29th September. Ten days after this was the oj)ening of Pax'liament. Peter Clark was appointed Clerk of the Legislative Council ; John G. Law, Usher of the Black Itod. The superintendent of the Indian department, was Colonel John Butler, of Butler's Rangers of the Revolutionary war. John White, the first Attorney-General of Upper Canada, came to tho country, accompanied by Thomas Ward, in 1792. The Dukede la Eochofoucault, Linancourt, a French nobleman, traveling in America, in 1795, visited Governor Simcoe, and remarks in his writings that " Upper Canada is a now country, or rather a country yet to be formed. It was probably for this reason General Simcoe accepted the government of it. lie was fully aware of the advantages which his native land might derive from such a colony, if it attained perfection ; and imagined that means might 33 B14 TIIK WIKE or UIMCOB. ho frdifid a<l«H|UHt<' (<» fluM purpose. Thiw hopo was tho only Inclto- niont wliicli could itnp(d ii iiiiiti aC jndc^pondt'iit t'ortuno, to Umvo flio lui';^'o and Itcautiful i«stati«H lio pomhi'mhiik in Midland, and to bury liiinHoiriti a wildiMMio.sN, arnon/j; hoai'H and navaji^oH. Ainhilion, al loaMt, appoars jiot to Imvo hoi'n hiH motive; an a man, in (ien. Himcoe'M Mituation, \h fiirninhed with abundant nicann ofdiHtin/^'uiHh- in^ liimsol by uhoI'uI activity, without mnovin^ to a ^roat diHlance IVoni IiIh luvtivo country. Hul, whatever have boon bin motives, Jiin dcMi^^n has been atteiidetl with eoiiheipuMiceH hii^bly beneficial. Tho plan concoivod by (foneral Siineoe t'oi- po(»pling and improvin/;- Upper ('aiuwhi; HeeinH, as far nn he has comnjunicatod to um, oxtromoly wImo and well arran/^'ed." The name writer says, that Simeoo had H hearty hatred a/^aiiiMt the United SlateH, that he had boon a zealous promoter of tho war, in whieh he took a very active part. " In his |>rivate life (Jovernoi" Simeoo \n simple, plain, and obli^in^. lie inhabits a small miserable wooden house, Avhicii formerly was occu- pied by tho Commissaries. J[is ^uard consists of four Holdiors, who every morning come from tho fort, and return tliithor in tho evonini^. He lives in a noble and hos])itable manner, without pride. Mrs. Simcoe is a lady of thirty-six years of a^o. Sho is bashful, and speaks little, but sho is a woman of sense, handsome and amiable, and fulfils all tho duties of a mother and wife with tho most scrupulous exactness. Tho performance of tho latter sho carries so far as to act tho part of Secretary to hor husbiind. Her talents for drawing, the practice of which sho confines to maps and plans, to enable hor to be oxtromoly useful to tho Governor." Tho " The Governor is colonel of a regiment of Queen's Jlangers, sta- tioned in the Province. His servants arc privates of this regiment which is stationed elsewhere." During our residence at Navy JIall, tho Session of tho Logis- laturo of U])per Canatla was opened. (This was 1795). Tho Gover- nor had deferred it till that time, on account of tho expected arrival of a Chief Justice frotn England, and from a li0])e that ho should bo able to acquaint the members with the particulars of the treaty with the United States. But the hai'vest has now begun, which in a higher degroo than olsowhero engages, in Canada, the public attention. Two members of tho Legislative Council were present instead of seven; no Chief Justice appeared who was to act as Speaker; instead of sixteen members of tho Assembly only five attended. The law requires a greater number of members for each House, to discuss and determine upon any business, but within 8IMror.'8 MKI'TKNANTH. B16 two (liiys u yoai* will huvo t-xpirod hiiico tlio IriHt HiJ>.i"i.»n. Tho (Jovornor Ims tluTiiforo tlum^ht it ri^lit to o|k n tlio Si'snion. The wlioU' ntinuii ol'tlio (M»vM>riior I'oiiMi.Htt'd in u j^iiiud of titty iiumi of the t(anMMoii oftlio fort. Dii'smimI in bilk, \w cntt'ivd tlio Hall with hiH hat on hin iirad, ntton<h><| l>y the Adjutant and two S<m rttlariim. Tho two nuMuhiTH of till' Lt'^inlativt* Council ^uvo, l»y Ihoir Hpoakcr, notito of It to tho AHMonihly. Kivo nionibm'M of tim lattor huviiiK appoarod ut tho l)iir, tho (JoNvrnor (iolivorcd u Hpccch," Jko, When Siincoo iindoi'tooU the adniini.Htration of tlio nowly OHtuliliHhcd I*i(tvin('»s " pnudanuition was inisiuMl which divided tho Province into nineteen counties. In the ci-cation of this division, tSimcoo had a view to military orf^anixation. Koclielaiieault HayH, ** The niaxinis of /fovernnient profcsMi'd by (Jen. Sinicoo aro very liberal ami fair; ho detests all arbitrary and military ^ovorn- niont, without tho wnll« of tho fort; and desires liberty in its utmost latitufle, so far as is consistent with tho constitution und law of the laud. Ili^ is, thcrcfoj-e, by no moans ambitious of invost- in<,' all ])ower and authority in his own hands; but eoiisents to tho Ijii'ulenants, whom ho nominates for each county, the ri^ht of appointing the .Justices of the I'onco, and Oflicers of the Militia." "A Justice of tho Peace could ussifjjn, in the Kind's nanjo, 200 acres of land to every settler, whom he knew to be worthy, and the surveyor of the district was to point out to the settlor tho land allotted him." — (liogers). Simeoe desired to populate tho Province as speedily as possible, no doubt he felt anxious the United States should not get too far ahead. The schemes conceived by him for the settlement, government, and defence of the Province, have received tho approval of most men caj)able of judging. IJut ho remained not to carry out tho j)lan intended. In niXJ.shoi'tly after tho close of the first session of the second Parliament, he was instructed by the imperial authorities ton^jjair to St. J)omingo, to assume tho same duties; and the Hon. Peter Kussell, President of tho Council, was dologated to discharge the duties belonging to the office of (rovornor, and he enjoyed all the emoluments and penjui- sitos arising therefrom. During tho occupancy of Simeoe, an event came to pass which may bo here appropriately referred to. It was a visit to [Jpi)or Canada of the Duke of Kent, father of our much loved Queen. Princo Edward was stationed at Quebec with his regiment, having arrived a short time before tho division of the Province of Quebec, and consequently before Simeoe came. Desiring to sco the Ujjper 516 Tiir. qiiEEN'fi rATiicn at niaoara. Provinco, ho m«t out iti u cnUtshe, ilrawii \\y a French pony, aocoin- paniud hy hiH Hiiitu. At Montroul ho took a hattuuu, manned wilh Fronrhtnen, for Kin^Hton. At OHw»'goUhl«, "tho royiil party waM met by a pleiMure har^e Crom Kin^Hton, munnud hy Hcanieii and militar}, accomjjanied l»y IN-ter (Mark, oC tho Naval lU^part- mont at Kin/jfMhtn." Krom Ihenco (h**y wt-re npeodily rowed to KingHton, where the Kind's hchtMitier, tho 'Mohawk/ Commodoro Bouchetto, corjunander, was in waiting to receive him. The Prirjee wont on boanl, and alter a tedious paHsa^e, Hately reached Newark, wliort) he wmh ro(!oivod hy the Hrin;^ of ^utin. '• An HOon as horHCH and Ha<ldleH could be numtered, the royal party wended their way by a luirrow river road on tho hi^h baidfs of the Niogara rivor to the Kalln. The ojdy tavern, ur place of accommodation, wan a log hut for travelers t« refresli theniHelveH. There, tho party alighted, and, after partaking of Huch refrcshmontH aH tho houHO attbrdcd, followed an Itidian path through tho woods to tho Table Ilock. There was a rude Itulian ladder by which to descend to tho rocks below, Itit) feet. Tlii", consisted of a long pine tree with tho branches cut off, leaving length enough at tho trunk to place tho foot upon, and hold on by the hands, in ascending or descending. (This Indian ladder continued in use sovoral yearn later, when it was superseded by u ladder furnished from money, given by a lady from Boston to the guidej. Our illustrious traveler availed himself of this rude mode of descent. The Prince and party lunched at tho Hon. Mr. llamilton's on their way back. In tho evening, tho I*rince was amused by a war dance by tho Mohawks, hoadod by Brant himself. Tho next day, tho Prince ro-omliarkod, and procoodod to Quebec. There is a tradition in Marysburgh that ho stepped on his way down in Smith's Bay, to admire tho beauty of that place. iir.NrnAi. iirock. &17 CllAPTHU MX. OoNTlNTH — (JrniTiil iliiiiiitr — I'i'trr UntMi'!! — KmnrlM (Inro, IHOd— AI<'X. (hunt — Hrock— lfll2 — DiiltotI Htiiti'M (It-clurti wm — I'loiiipt lutioti — l'iirli»ini*iit— .I'ro- cUiiiHlioii — TIk' iHMiif — Hiii'iitul piiM'luiiiiitliiii — (ii'iicrut Hull — IIU |iriii likiiiit- tioii — HuitiliiiNt iitiil ltn|)i'rtiiii'ni'<> — '{'ho ImllittiN — I'ri>r|iitiiHti(iii uiiNW(<rt(J^ }Iiill II prlHcinnr — MIchiKitn < orwuiorifl — To NinKiirii — At «Jii<'<n»t<)ii licixhtii— •' riiMh on York Vuliiiitci rx "— .Diiitli ot llrocU— M( Doritii II— Wiir of IH12, ' tho AiiicriiniiH — F.xtmct from Mirritt— Wliiit ('liiiiuliiiiiN did— llrock'N inoiiii- nu'iit — JtciU'riil Hlu'iiftr — (loiicrul Driiininoiid — iiivadliiK tlm HUttH — What Cikiiuilit will do — I.oi'd Syduuliuiu — A tribulo by Dr. UycTNoii — IJiiiuu of thu I'rovii»t't)H. Till OOVKUNOllS OK i;ri'KR CANADA, FROM filMPOB To LOKI) HYKKNIIAM. LiiMifomuil (loncnil I'litor lliinlor, who liiul bi'oji ("olemol of the 24th Ko^itui'iit Htutionoii ul Nuwiu'U, wiiH th(« Hcrond (jovcriior for Upper Cniiiuhi; hiH ucicHsion to office wuh on iho 17th August, WMl During tho two proviouH yeiii-H, Jloti. Potor UuhhcU \uv\ hocii J'roHi- dent, lie continued to hold thi^ position uniil hiH (Utiiih, whi<dr took jiluee ni (Quebec, 2lHt August, 18(15. HiH age was nixty-nine. Tht! third (Jovernor of I'pper Canada was IHh I'lxct'liciicy Frani'is (lore, who assutued the guhernatorial lunetioiiM on the 25th Augu.st, 18()(). In the ijiterim between thiw jK'riod and the death ot'Jlunter, the Hon. Alexandor (Jnvnt having been JVesidcnt. The reign of (lore was one of euso. No contlicling parties uh yet dis- turbed the political ai'ciuiof the Province. Year after year he con- vened Pai'liaiuenl, whichenacted laws for t lie growing I'cquirements of the colony, with a degroe of harmony not subsequently present. In 1811, ho rosigned, when *SV/- Isuac Jirovk became President, uj)on tho 30th September. Although but the President, and not a Lieu- tonant-Governor, ho requires some notice. (xENEiiAL Brock. — Ir) the year 1812, in Juno, tho United States declared war against Groat Britaiti, ostensibly-, on tlio question of the right of I'iiigland to take her soanien from American vessels to which they ha<l deserted ; but, in reality, the object of the war was to acqiiire Canada, and as lOngland was etjgagcd with an Kuroj)eau war, it was doomed a favorable opportunity by President Madison, to subjugate tho people whom thoy had onco dispossessed of their inheritance. Tho declaration of war was quickly made known to General Brock, oven sooner tlian the enemy tlioiight possible, who promptly took necessary ^tepH to secure the defence of tiie Pro- vince, against tlio dastardly- intentions of the invader. On the 20th 518 "CAN NKVEll HE CONQUERKD." Juno, ho issued orders lo'Caplain RobertH, at St. Josopl), which iH8U('(l ill tlio capture of J"'ort Michilinacinac, witli seventy men, beside valuable cargoes' <)f furs. On the 28th July, ho mot the Parliament at York, which continued in session eight days, and sent Ibrth a proclamation to the people, with those concluding re- marks: '* Wo are engaged in an awful and eventful contest. By unanimity in our councils, and by vigor in our operations, we may teach the enemy this lesson, that a country defended by freeman, enthusiastically devoted to the cause of their King and constitution, can novor be conquered." Romarkablo words I How true the sentiments. And so, animated by this belief, strong in the con- sciousness of right, indignant at an unprincipled foe, ho wont on liis way showing to all an example of " vigor," and displaying tho bravery which^froomen alone know how to practice, until in tho hour of victor^', death overtook him on Quoenston Heights. Tho address of General Brock was supplomentod by one from tho Ijogis- lativo Assembly, and no excuse need bo offered for introducing it 'here in extenso. It ought to be read by evoj'y Canaciian, and the truths it contains made known to tho rising generation, that they may know the history ot the fathers of those who su])]iort Fenian- ism. Know how unscrupulous i!!(> neighbours we have u})on our southern borders, have ever been. " Already have wo the joy to remark, that the spirit of lo_\ lity has burst forth in all its ancient splendour. Tho militia in all parts of the Province have volunteered their services with accla- mation, and displayed a degree of energy worthy the British name. 'They do not Ibrget tho blessings and privileges which they enjoy under tho pi'otoction and fostering care of the British pjUijiire, whoso government is only felt in this country by acts of the purest justice and most pleasing and ofificacious benevolence. When men are called upon todofend everything they call precious, their wives and ehildi-on, their friends and professions, they ougiit to bo inspired with tlio noblest resolutions, and they will not be easily frightened by menaces, or conquered by force. And, beholding as we do, the flame of patriotism, burning from the one end of the Canadas to tho other, we cannot but entertain tho most pleasing anticipations. Our enemies have indeed said that they can subdue this country by proclamation; but it is our part to prove to thorn, that they are sadly mistaken ; that tho population is determinedly hostile, and that tho few who might be otherwise inclined, will find it their safety to be faithful. Innumerable attempts will bo made, by false- bkock'h address. 519 hood, to dctac'li you from your ulK'<>;ianco, for our onomics, in imita- tion of thoir European masttT, trust moro to trcjiohory than to force, and they will, no douitt, make use of nuiny of those lies, which unfortunatel}', for the virtuous part of those States, and the peace and happiness of the world, had too much success durin/^ the American rebellion; they will tell you that they are come to ;:ifive you fr(H;dom, yes, the base slaves of the most contejuptible fad ion that ever dis- tracted the allairs of any nation, — the minions of the very syco- phants who lick the dust from the feet of Bounaparte, will tell you that thoy are come to communicate the blessing of libertj' to this Province; lut you have only to look at your situation to put such hypocrites to confusion. Trusting moro to treachery than open hostility, our enemies have already spread their emmissaries through the country to seduce our fellow-subjects from their allegiance, by promises as false as the princi[)les on which they Are founded. A law has therefore been enacted for the speedy detection of such emmissaries, and for their condign punishment on conviction. Remember when you go forth to the combat, that you fight, not for yourselves alone, but for the whole world. You arc defeating the most formidable conspiracy against the civilization of man tiiat ever was contrived. Persevere as you have begun, in your strict obedience to the laws, and your attention to milittiry discipline ; deem no sacrifice too costly, which secures the enjoyment of our happy constitution ; follow, with your countrymen in Britain, the paths of virtue, and like then), you shall triumph over all your un- principled faes." This address was followed by a second one from Creneral Brock, on the 22nd July, 1812, in whit'h he reviewed an address which had been issued b}'" the American General, who had invited the Canadians to seek voluntarily, the protection of his govern- ment; also the threat to show no quarter if the Indians appeared in the ranks; Brock eloquently defended their right to defend their homes against an invading foe. General Brock having prorogued Parliament, pushed on to the scene of Hull's invasion, where he had issued a proclamation to the Canadians characterised by absurdity, falsehood, and Yankee brag. Indeed, it seems quite impossible for any American General to indite an address or proclamation, without exposing himself to ridicule. Having already collected an army at Detroit, General Hull, the commanding officer, crossed over to Sandwich on the (Canadian side, and issued the following modest ! address to the 520 hull's addhehs. ** Inhabitanth of Canada." — " Al'tor thirty yenrs of poaco and proHpority, tho United HtatoH liavc been driven to arms. Thu injurioH and u^rosHionH. tlio insults and Indi^nitioK of (Jreat Britain, liavc onco more loft thoin no altornativo but namely, rcsiHtan(!e or unconditional subnnssion. The army under my command has invaded your country, and tho standard of Union now waves over tho territory of Canada. To tho peaceable and unoil'onding inhabitants it brings mother danger nor diffi- culty. 1 come to lind enemies, not to make them. I come to protect, not to injure you. Separated by an immense ocean, and an extensive wilderness, fron\ Great JJritain, you have no participation in her councils, nor interest in her conduct. You have felt the tyranny, you have seen he- injustice, but I do not aslc j'ou to avenge the one or redress the other. Tho United States are sufficiently powerful to atwrd you every security consistent with their rights, and your expectations. I tender yon the invaluable blessings of civil, j)olitical, and religious liberty, and their necessary result, individual and general prosperity; that liberty which gave decision to our councils, and energy to our conduct, in our struggle for in- dependence, and which conducted us safely and triumphantly through the stormy ])oriod of the Eevolution. That liberty which has raised us to an elevated rank among nations of tlie world, and which has aft'ordcd us a grealer measure of peace and security, of wealth and iniprovcmont, than ever fell to the lot of any people. In the name of my country, and by the authority of my countiy, and by tho authority of my government, 1 promise protection to your persons, property, and rights, llemain at your homes, pursue your peacelul iind customary avocations; I'aise not j'our hands against your brethren, many of your fathei's fought for the freedom and independence we now enjoy. ]]oing children, therefore, of tho same family with us, and heirs of the same heritage, tho arrival of my army of friends must bo hailed by you with a cordial welcome. You w'U 1)0 emancipated from tyi-any and oppression, and restored to the dignitied station of free men. Jlad 1 any doubt of eventual success, I might ask your assistance, but I do not. I come prepared for every contingency, I have a force which will look down all opposition — and that force is but tho vanguard of. a much greater. If contrary to your own interests, and tho just expectation of my counti'y, you will be considered and treated as enemies, the horrors and calamities of war will stalk before you. If the barbarous and savage policy of Great Britain bo pursued, and the savages are ANSWER TO THK AnnUKSS. 621 lot looso to murdor our citi/cns, and butchor our women and chil- dren, thiH war will bo a war of oxtorniination. Tho first Htroko of the tf>mahawk, tho first attempt with tho scnlpiiijL? knif'o, will ho tho signal of ono indiscriminatt! Hcono of donolation. No whito man found fi^htit)^ hy tho sido of an Indian, will bo takon ))rirtoner ; instant destruction will bo his lot. II' the diotatoH of reason, dutj", Justice, and humanity, cannot prevent the employment of a force which renpocts no right, and knows no wrongs, it will bo prevented by a severe and rolentlesH system of retaliation. 1 doubt not your courage and firmnoss; I will not doubt your attachment to liberty. If you tender your Hcrvicos voluntarily, they will bo accepted readily. Tho United States offer you peace, liberty, and security. Your choice lies botwoon these and war, slavery, and destruction. Choose then, but choose wisely ; and may lie who knows the justice of our cause, and who hold in his hands tho fate of nations, guide you to a result the most compatible with your rights and interests, you peace and pn^spority." But it was not long till the pame (fon. Hull was a prisoner among them, aiul in his journey from Detroit to (Quebec he had abundant opportunity of seeing not only the loyalty of tho Canadians, but that they know how to treat a con([uered foe with considera- tion — that without crying it out they could grant every " protec- tion " to thoii" ancient ioo^ notwithstanding the cruel treatment thoy had sustained when made exiles. On tho 18th July, with the intrepidity characteristic of tho British officer. Brock crossed tho Detroit, advanced upon the town Avith his brave militia and handful of regular troops, and <lcmanded of Gen. Hull the surrender of the place, following up the demand with preparations to assault ; but soon the whito flag apj)cared, and (jen. Hull, ;-o brave in writing proclamations, with tho whole American army, became prisoners of war. They were conveyed to Quebec in parties, some going by vessels of war from York to Kingston, some in small boats along the shore and across tho Carrying I'lace, hy the Bay ol" Quinte. Most of them wore con- tined in hulks in the Hi. Lawrence, at Quebec, where they remained until exchanged. Gen. Brock after this brilliant conquest of Detroit, which included the whole of Michigan, lost no time in hastening to tho Niagara frontier, where another army was threat- ening to invade. • ' Upon the 12th October tho Americans ■wore preparing to cross from Lewiston to Queonston. Gen. Brock was at Fort George, '622 THE DEATH OV BROCK. Nia/^iini, and lioarin/^ Iho cnnnon'H Hound, luirriod to tlio Hold of battle. Jlo placed himHclf at the head of the troops, and trlum- plumtly led them up the heif^hts of (^iioonHton, against the enemy, who had obtained a footing there ; but with the deep river between them and nafety, the enemy rallied for a time in a wtrugglo for life, and Brock'H men, inferior in number, retired, until his reinfbreo- -monta had come, for which he would not previously wait. Then again he essayed to lead them on, but his hour had come, and whife his cheering voice was ringing out "Push on York Volun- teers," a musket ball struck him down. J3ut the s])iritof the brave Gronoral was infused into every Canadian. As soon as (ren. Sheaffo had arrived they advanced to conquer the polluters of Canadian soil. Again the whole American army became prisoners of war, and had the ])rivilege <jf marching the length of the Province to (Quebec, and Gen. Scott among the rest, who was favored with a passage down the Bay of Quinte. Gen. Brock's Aide-de-Camp, McDonnell also fell, mortally wounded. Brock was buried in a bastion of Fort George, but subsequently his remains found a resting place upon the heights where he fell, and where now rises the monument to his memory. This illustrious Chief was much beloved by tlie Canadians, and ho was held in great veneration. To him — to the energetic and Jieroic Brock is duo to a groat extent the subsequent success by which tlie eneiuy, over boasting, was kept at bay, so that when peace was sought by the United States, after three years of war, becauiio England, no longer at war at home, was about to deal heavy blows, there was not a foot of Canadian territory in the enemy's posses- sion. Of Gen. Brock the Hon. William IT. Merrit, in 1853, speaks as follows : "It will be in the recollection of many now present, that in the commencement of the war of 1812, only one regiment of British troops, the 48th, was left to defend Upper Canada, from Kingston to Michilimackinac, a distance of one thrusand miles, and dui'ing the whole campaign, only two companies of the 48th could bo spared on this frontier. Although this fact is one of the most striking events connected with that war, it has never yet been brought prominently before the jDublic ; yet it clearly proves that the defence of Canada, then rested with its inhabitants. We find that though they consisted principall}^ of the old U. E. Loyalists and their descendants, the native Indians who had been dispos- 8HEAPFE — DRUMMOND. 523 sesfiod of llioir poHHOHHionH in tlio Unitotl Stutcs, luid their dcHCon- diintH, to^othor witli residentH from \hv United Slates — emigration from the Motlier Country not lisivinj; been eonimcnee<l to any exttnt, — ft poj)ulfttion thun eompoHod, not exceeding in Uiipor Canada, at most 90,000, without troops, without munitions of war, without roHOurcos. and without the least expectation of any timely aid from the mother country, with a few troo])H, unable to contend a;^ainsta])owerful nation, numbering about 8,000,000, with munitions of war, and resources without^ limit, witliin a comi)arativo short distance from maritime cities, also numerous forces at command, of which they were not s' jw of apprising us, in the proclamations circulatetl from time to time, — it was under those circumstances that the character and ability of Sir Isaac Brock were brought to light. AVell knowing on whom he had to (le])ond for the defence of the country, ho directed his personal attention to the clothing, arms, equipment, mess, and personal comfort of the militia, and took every opportunity of gaining the good will of the Indians." The estimation in which General IJrock was held by the people of the Province, was duly evinced by Parliament in passing an act, 14th March, 1815, " to provide for the erection of a monument to the memory of the late president, Major Gonei-al Sir Isaac Brock." The value of his wisdom, his councils, his energy, his wise j)Ians, as well as his braver}', and the effects thereof, are fully sot forth in the iH'eamblo. It was resolved to grunt £1,000 for the purpose referred to, and erect the nionumont at Queenston Heights, Thomas Dickson, Thomas Clark, and liobert Niohol, Esquires, were appointed commissioners to carry out the act. In January-, 182t>, an act was passed granting £(J00 more " to complete the monument on a scale which appears to the commissioners worthy of the object." Major General Sheaffe, became President, 20th October, 1812, and continued in oiflce until January 10, 1813, when Maj . General do Rottenburgh assumed the ofKco, and remained until December 12, of the same year. At this date Lieutenant General Sir Gordon Drummond was inducted as President. It was immediately after this that the infamous Ame- rican (rcncral McClure, sot fire to Newark when unprotected, burning 150 houses, and leaving 400 women and children homeless in the middle of Decombor. This act of viliany was fully avenged by General Drummond. Having occupied Port George, a night attack was made upon Fort Niagara, with brilliant success. Then, B24 LORD HYORNIIAM. tho burning of NowavU wns remoinlM'rfld, niid Crom liowiston to Buffalo Mm front ior wuh Inid wiihIo, including tlioHo two towns. In tluM connoction, wi^ would romark, that in tlio ovontof unotlior war with tho Unitod StatoH, it would ho no douht tfio policy of CJanada to make fiT(|Uoiit disaHtroiis raidH into tho Stalos, whoi-ovor tho opportunity proHontod. Tho Aniorioarirt may iw woll undorMtand thai di!struction of pi'opcfty will not ho all on ono Mido. ThoBO l)riof Hkotchos of tho firnt Lioutonant-( iovornorH of Upper Canada, will ho fniishod by alluding to ono wlio dovisod the wohomo of uniting the two Canadas, who Hiu^cosHfully ucoompliHhod that noblo dosi^n, and bocamo tho first (SovornorofTTnitod Canada, ilo fixed tho capital at Kin;^Hton, as tho most, central )»laco Huilablofor both I'rovinooH, indeed, it is generally understood, that it was a part of tho plan when the union was made, that Kingston sliould become tho pormanont scat of government. " It virtually formed part of the contract botwoon tho respective provin(!os." But with tho <loath of Lord Sydenham, also died the opportunity of Kingston remaining the ('a]>ilal of Canada. Lord Sydenham died at Kingston, in September, IH-U, and was buried beneath St. (leorge's Church. Says Dr. Kyerson, in an affecting letter communicated to the public at that time: " Unlike tho close of the session of legislature, which was over held in either Province of Canada, tho termination of the latesessioi\ will ])rodui'e tliroughout Canada the op])Osite feelings of grateful joy, and nu-lan- choly grief. Tiio Name )»ost whi(!h conveys to tlio ])eople of (/ana<la, tho tidings (^f the harmonious and hap])y conclusion of a session unprecodenlod in tho productivenesH of comprehensive and valinihle moasures for tho general in)provement and social and intellectual elevation of tho province, convoys to them tho a])palling ainiouncc- mont that death has terminated tlie earthly career of tho nohle mind which conceived those inijirovenionts and originated those institutions which will form a gohkui era in the annals of Canadian history, by laying the foundation of Canadian i»rosperity and great- ness. While blessings are multiplied us, the agent of those bless- ings is removed from us, and our country is, at tho samo moment, thrilled with joy and consternation — and on tho samo day vocal with thanksgiving and clothed in sackcloth ; luminous with hope and involved in mourning. Thus do the strokes of Providential clniH- tisonient accompany the outboamings of Providential miiniticenco; and the brightest picture of human life is shaded with disappoint- incnt, suffering, and bereavement. It is in heaven only that death is unknown, that pain is never felt, and tears aro never shod. Ills ACTM. 52ft "Lord Sytlcnlmm liolon^H OHMontially lo Carmdii. Mis iii)l»ility was fhirly i'iumhmI in lior Horvico ; tlio ii|>OH(, fniitH ol'liiH (*x|Kuit'n(!0 iind ac(|iiin>nunitH iiro otnlxxliod in hor inHtitiitioiiH ; liin warnumt. and laUsHt MynipatliictH aro biondi-d with lutr int<'rcH(H; Iuh mortal romains n'poso, hy clioici^, amon^ liordoud ; and Ihm nanio \h indiili- bly inHcril)od in tins uflbctionttto OHtcom and gratof'id I'CcolluctionH oi'hor inlial)ituntH. " It iM not oasy to dotorniino wlddh Ih moHt worthy of admiration, tho comprohoiiHivenoHH and ^-andoiir ol' Lord Sydcnliani'M plunn, tho skill with which ho ovoi-camo tho olwlaclos that opponod thoir accomplishment, or tho quonchloss ardor and ccasoless industry with which ho ))urMUod thorn. To lay the I'oundutions of public liborty, and at tho same timo to strengthen tho prorogativo ; to pi'omote vafeit puhlic improvoments, and not increase the public burdens; to pn)nioto a comprtdiensivo system of education upon Christian ))rinci)jles, without intortoring with rcdigious scruph's ; to promote tho influence and security of the government by teaching tho j)ooplo to govern thomsolvoH ; to destroy party faction by pro- moting tho general good ; to invest u bankrupt country with both credit and rosourcoH, are concoptionH and achiovements which render Lord Hydenbam the first benefactor of Caiuula, and place him in tho first rank of statesmen. His Lordship found a country divided, ho loft it uinted ; ho found it prostrate and j)aralytic, ho left it erect and vigorous ; ho found it mantled with despair, he left it blooming with hope. Lord Sydenham has done more in two yours to strengthen and consolidate British power in Canada by his match- losH industry, and truly liberal conservative policy, than have been done during the ton previous years by tho increase of a standing army, and ti.J erection of military fortiticutions. Uis Lordship has solvod the ditticult problem, that a people may be colonists and yet bo free ; and, in tho solution of that problem, he has gained a triumph loss imposing, but not Iosb sublime and scarcely loss important, than the victory of Waterloo; ho has saved millions to England, and secured tho affections of Canada. " In the way of accomplishing those splonded results, the most formidable obstacles oppose themselves. At tho foundation of these lay the hitherto defective theory, and worse than defective system of Colonial Government; a system destitute of the safety-valve of responsibility, of the attributes of freedom, and of the essential materials of executive power ; a system which was despotic from its weakness, and arbitrary from its j)i'etonces to representation ; a system inefficient in the hands of good men, and withering in the hands of mistaken or bad men." 526 NIAOARA IN MfiH. CI!AI»TKI{ LX. TUB CAPITALH OV UPPKU CANAOA. Tho nito of llio old Fort, Kmntonao, the lirHt towriHliip to ho survoyod, luid tho pIiK'o whorooii to form thoHrHtvilliii^'o in Wo»l,orii CnniKhi, was in roality (ho firHt. capital of Uppor Cana(hi. Horo tho fii'Mt Govornor wan indiictod Holoiiiiily npon a Sabhath to his offlco; horo lio forniod his flrKt cahinot, tho Kxcoutivo Counoil; horo ho HoU'ctcd tho ^ontlonicn to form hin firHt Lo^iHlntivo ( 'Ouncil ; horo ho IhsiumI his pro( !;\niatio!iH forniinpj tho provinco into counties and urran^in;^ tho roproHontation. Althou/^h tho firHt I'ariiament did not moot horo, tho firHt acts of govornmont wore horo performed, and piihlic documontH wore dated at *'tho Government IIouho, Kingston, 1792." Wo iiuvo olsowliore spoken of Niagai-a River and tho early French Fort horo erected, and its capture l»y the FngliHh. Wo have learned that tho place was garrisoned hy troops during tho rebellion, and tliat many refugees horo found a safe retreat. Lord J )orcho8tor desired Simcoo to make Kingston tho ca])ital of the new provinco. But ho was unwilling to do so until ho had informed himself of tho advantagoH which other placcn might offer. It seems that ho became imj)rossed witli tho belief that tho seat of governmont shoidd be placed in the peninsula of Uppor Canada, and finally determined to fix it at the nxouth of the River Niagara, notwithstanding tho recommendation of Dorchester, tho wishes of Boucihotto, the Commodore of tho Navy, and the urgent requests of the Kingston merchants. Collins in his report 1788, speaks of Navy IFall, near Niagara; that tho luiildings of Navy ilall, are for tho most part in exceeding bud repair, and the wharf is in ruins. Of tho Ranger's Barracks one pile lias been so far dismantled as to be past re-establishing, one end indeed, might perhaps, with some fitting up, bo made to servo for Bomo time as a blacksmith's shop to tho Indian Department, which TUB rAltllYINd IM.ACK. 527 llH^yniiy in mmli wiuitcil ; thootJicr jiilti iscupiiliU* of hoiii/^ I'opuirod iitul tni^lit hIno iiiiHWcr t'orti tctnponiry iu*coiiiiii<Mlnlioii, (at louNt in |)aiM) this Hurno dopartiiuMit, tlioir Htorohoust^H, Ace, oti tho N^in^^ara isido as alroa'ly ohnorvod hcin^ in al)Holiit(^ niin and not n^pairahli* ; lli(^ filliii<^ up of tliin pilo of ImildiriiLfM would cost ahout .C.'I5. Tho stoi't'lioMHo at tlio lumlin;^ placo, which \h of round Ioi( vvoi-Iv. \n nto.sfly rotlon, and allo:,'ti(h(M" in oxcccdin^' had iTpair, and mIiouM in* rohuilt; lh(' dwi'llin^^ hoiiHn in nundi out of r»*paii*, 'IMm ways, wharf, cradh', and oapHtan, watit Homo ropair, which may ho <lono for ahout .£20, all thu pickuting and Htnall platforms in tho nti^loi* of Fort S(!hloHrtor, arc rotten and in a totlorin^ ntato, part of tho wharf has Ixx'ii washed away, and tini romaindor cannot last lon^. Tho harracks and sloi-o hous(»s aro not in much Ix^ltor condition, thoy hav<i hoon kopt s*andin;^ l)y tho tcin|M)rnry rtipairs which havo boon annnally porformod, mCroly to koop tho woathoi- out. " From Niaj!;ara to tho landing pluoo, holow tho Falls, i,s ahout Hovon milos and a (puirtor, thoro in a tolcrahio ^ood road, hut tho morchandiHo, Htoro, &<•-., arc carried up tho river in hattoaux or vosHols, thoro hoinii; sulficiont d(!|)th of water all tho way up, and also alongside tho wharf to unload, heyond this place tho curr^jnt l)ocomes too strong to proceed any further by water without great dilliculty, boats, indeed, but not vcshoIh, go about half a mile higher, but no advantage can bo obtained from it as the shore then becomoH impracticable, being a i)recipico of loose rock about throo times as high as where the ])i'osent landing is. From tho whai-f at the landing, goods aro drawn up tho side of tho baid<. about I'fty feet high upon ways, on easy slope by a capstan fixed at tho top ; from this place thoro is a waggon road of sovon miles to Fort SchlosBor, a milo and a Jialf above tho Falls, whore tho goods are again put into lioatw and carried up eighteen milos to Fort Ki-io, from whence they aro convoyed in vossols across Lake Erie to Detroit. *' 1 think a better situation for a landing place might bo chosen below the present one, about half a mile distant by land, and three- quarters by water. The bank of the river here is not half tho height of the other ; tho water is sufficiently deep at a short dis- tance from tho shore for vossols to utdoad ; and by raising a wharf and lowering some of tho bank for a road, tho labor and delay of hauling goods up by ways, as is tho present practice, and would be avoided ; it would also bo much more convenient and expeditious for vessels to come up to, as the worst part of the navigation would 528 NKWAKK. h(i Hvoiihxl, wliicli ill pUHHin^r i'muikI u |Miiiit I ttlvvcrii IIiIm place uikI tlin luiiiiiii^. 'I'lio It^ii^tli of I'oiwl lo l)<< riiiul«t Iroiii tiiJH |>ro|H)N()(l luiidiii^ plat'o, will Itituhoiil liull'ii milt*, Ixil il im niostly ^rood ki-hiiidI uiid will iiol i'(u|iiir«) iiincli oxpt-tiHU. TIki roul Itwi^lli of luiitl rui'- riii^o, howovor, to Kort S<;lil(>hHui-, will not Im) iiicntu^oil, or uL iii<ml riioro tliiiii 100 or IfiO yiiidM." Tlio orl^iiiul Hi'iliHli lort iit Niu^Hru xviih upon tho oiiMt nidn of iiiu nioiitii of'tiio Niu^ui'H Uivttr, upon tiio pniH(*nt Hiluoftliu Aniori* cuti i'Vti'L liy 11 li'tiiily (jiilonMl into in I7!)4, iinml Mi-iluin wuh to viu-iiU) tliiK iort, Willi otlinrH Hilniitiid lo Iho nouUi of lliu luUt'N, riuni<tly, OHW«f^(», |)<itroit, Miami, and Mi(diilnia(tinac, wliiidi wiih doni) in IV.Ui. Upon llio womI Hidn of tliu rivor, upon a poinl known UH MiHHiNMau^a I'oinl, liiul N|>riin;{ up a Hiiiall villa^o. TliiN, it In Haiil, waH tliu lar^uHt collor.lion of Iiouhoh al'lor Kin^Hton wliun (iovonior iSiiiu-.oo arrivotl, aixl ImKt Im dt-ciditd to niaUo Imh t'oni- doncc, and tint pornianonl capital of tlic now provini'o. lie lived " in a Hiiiall Cninio Iiouhc, lall a niili; troni llic villain," 'I'o IIiIh place Im: t^avi) Ihe name of Nrvark. There wan up the liver, at the end ol'navi/^aUon, and at the <;oniniencetneiit of the |ioi-la/fe around the fallH to iiake Krie, a Hiiiall villa/<e whi<'h had arihen from the courHe (d' travel upwardn to the wcHtern laUcN. The hoatH which left Kin/^Hton, on their way weHtvvar<l, wei'e here unloaded. And tliiH place had taken tlii! natne of (^iioen'H Town, a name which it rutaiiiH to the prchunt day. liochefoucaiiit Hayn, in 1705, "'J^he <lillurent l>uildin/.rH, conhtructud three yeai'H a^o, consiHt ot u tolor- ahle inn, twu or throe ^ood HtorehouHCH, Home hinall horNcn, a hlock- hoUHC of Htoru), covered with iron, and harrackH. Mr. Hamilton, an opuhmt niendiant, who \h concerned in the whole inland trade in thin i)art of Arnr^rica, poHhOHMOM in (^ncen'M Town, a vavy line houHe, huilt in the Kn^liHh Htyle; he han cIho a farm, a (liMtillery, and a tan-yard. The portage wiih (itrmeny on the other nido of the rivor; hut aH thiH, hy virtue of the treaty, falln under American Dominion, government hiiH removed it hither," The Haruo wr.lor, Hp(!akin^ of Newark HayH, " Ahouta hundred hoiiH«>M, mostly very Him Htructuros, have alrcjwly hiicn enx^ti^d, hut tlm [»ro^rcHM of Imildin^ will pro- bahly ho arrested hy the intended removal of the Hcat of ^overi- inunt. The majority ot the inhahitanlH, cHpecially tlio richest ot them, nhare in the adminiHtration ; and <;onH(u|uontly will remove to whatever place the provornmcnt may ho trannferred. Jn point of hIzo and elegance, the Iiouho of Colonel Hmith, of the 5th Regiment, in much dintin/^uiHlied from the roHt, hoing con- structed, emhelliHhed, and painted in the hent ntyle." I.ITTM? YORK. R2» YoHK — f^ov«»rnorMlrn(!<m wnn thoroughly Kn^IUh; nnlilcof}ov«r- nor Muitlntid, whoj^Hvo I'orci^'ii rininort in hiM litiM', hi* wih iiitoiit tipori rrn<'tin^ iiiiofht'i* Krij^liuid in Arnoi-icii Orm rmw l'!n>^lftinl hnil niinriHtM)! jtNpil', ami li4M|c)<>rrnitiiMi unothcrHhoiild urinoin IIh pliKto, aikI honco h<t f<av«t to hiH now (^iipital I ho niuno of York. Th<i pro- Morit Now Yorl< hu<l hvou niiinod Yorl<, nftor .limu-M l)iil<o of York, hrothftr to ()]\nv]»n lli«» M. Tim trrrn rmw lioin^ pr<tfix»«l fo dlKtln- f(iiiHh it IVotn dill York of Kn^liind. To diNtin^iiiHh tim now capilnl f)r('uimdH f'roin holh of llm odmrH ho doMi^niiltid it /jittlr York. An Hoon iiM Hiinooo loiirnod tlmt tho Nia^iirii lort wan to ho dolivoroil t(> tho IJnitod HtatoM, ho Mftw tho nocoMhity of rornovin^ tho capital, aH it would r»ov«(r d() to hiivo it nndor tim j^uriH of n tbroi/^n ^ovornmont. Tho oxtrotno diNliko with which ho Haw tho fort paHH into tho HopiiliJic^'H liandH nodonht lod to tho hnHto with which ho Hot ahoiit llm removal of the Hont of (Jovornniont. AfYcr oxnrninin^ Hov(tral poinlH upon tho up()or lakcH.^and liako Ontario, iTo Molo('tod tho proHont wito of tho (!ity of Ttjronto, \mck of which WOH a fort of tho Hamo nanio, or ratlior Taranto. Upon thiH Npot, vvlii(;h thon tiad for inhahitantH hut two faniili«N of MiHftiHHau^n ln«lianH, (Jovornor Hinicoo iinrnodiatcdy rpmrtorod ono diviNion of liJH old rof^iiMotit, tho (^ihmmi'h Uan^orH, which canio tho iMt July, [TXi. Tho Manm Hurn nor Houchotte, ol" tho Itoyal Navy, Hurvtiyod tho harhour or hay. Tho harhour of Toronto wan lirMt oxaminod, hy l)oputy Survoyor OolliriM, in I7HH, whon ho nuido a Hurvoy of all ofthowattirw of tho llp|mr Fiakow, and tho Hovoral fortH, hy in- Htruc.tionH from liord l)orch(JHtor. In Ihh report ho HayH, "Tho hroadtli at tho ontranco in ahout half a inili;, hut tho navi^ahlo channol for vohhoIm Ih only ahout BOO yardn, having from throo to four fathoniH wtitor, tho north of tho main whore tho wholo lon/;(th ol'th<! harhour, Ih a clay hank from 12 to 20 foot hi^h, and riKin^ gradually hohind, apparently good land and fit for KottloniontH, Tho wator \h rathor nliailow noar tho Hhoro. Tho HhoalnoHH of tho north Hhoro aw hotoro romarUcd, in alMO diKadvantjigoouH aH U^ oroat- irig wharfH, quayH, &c. In regard to tluH [)laco m a military poHt, I do not Hoo any Htrilcing foaturoH to recommend it in that view, but tho hoHt Hituation to (»ccupy for tho purpoHO of protecting tho Hottlomont and harhour would, I concoivo, ho on tho point A, noar tlio ontranco th«;roof." HuhrtOfjuontly however, Sinicoe rolitKiuihhod tho intention of raak- iiig York the Capital, atid determined to erect one at a central point 34 630 YONOE fiTRSET. in the peninsula lying between Lakes Ontario, Erie and Huron. He selected a site upon the river Pe la Trenche, which he named the Thames, and, to the intended Capital he gave the name of London. He also gave the name to the town of Chatham, a place intended by him, in carrying out his plan of forming a navy, for a navy yard, which he intended to have communicate with a route between Lake Huron and Lak« Ontario. In the mean time he kept troops to work, to cut a military road to the Thamosi, which he called Dundas Street after the Home Minister. At the same time he "intended York the centre of the naval force on Lake Ontario." In 1796 there had not been more than twelve houses built in York, which stood on the bay near the Don. This year the land was was surveyed into lots. "The inhabitants" says Bochefoucault do aot possess the fairest character, to whi ^h Gourlay adds, in spite, "Nor have they yet mended it." The Eiver Don was an old Indian route to the waters of Simcoe Lake and the Huron. The portage to a Lake, subsequently named after the Governo(r, was thirty miles. The barracks, where Simcoe's regiment was stationed, was 4fW0 miles from the Don, the present site of the old barracks. At that time, in a circumference of 150 miles, the Mississauga Indians were the only neighbours of York. The desire of Simcoe to fix the capital at London was over- ruled by Lord Dorchester, who, although a true friend of Canada, 9eemed to oppose Simcoe. Having decided upon Toronto as the capital, Simcoe proceeded to have constructed a military road from ' the waters of Lake Ontario to Lake Simcoe. This road is now Yonge Street. Prom 1794 the Governor resided at York, part ■of which time was in his camp tent, until his departure. Govern<» Simcoe caused to be built at York, upon the Don Biver, about three miles up, on a beautiful eminence, a somewhat large fra^ne building, which he named after his son. Castle Frank. This building was standing in 1829. By the kind favor of Mrs. Murney, relict of the late Hon. B- Muiney, of Belleville^ and her most estimable parent, Mrs Breck- enridge, sister of the late Hon. Robert Baldwin, we are able to give ^inaifi particular notice of the appearance of York at a later date. Mrs. Breokenridge's fat!>cr, with his family of three sons and four daughters, arrived from Ireland after innumerable delays and losses, dangers, and escapes by sea and land, at York in 1798. They found it composed of aboat a dosen houses, " a dreary dismal place, not »ven possessing the characteristics of a village. There THE CAPTURE OF YORK. 53l was no okurch, school-house, nor in fact any of the ordinary si^na- of civilization, being in fact a mere settlement. There was not/ even a Methodist chapel, nor does she remember more than one shop. There was no inn ; and those travelers who had no friends to go to, pitched a tent and lived in that so long as they remained. My grandfather and his family had done so during their journey. The Grovernment House and the garrison lay about a mile from York, with a thick wood between. After remaining a few days at York, the family proceeded to take possession of a farm in the township of Clarke. They traveled in an open batteau, when night eanw pitching their tent on the shore of the lake." The following year Mrs. Breckenridge, then a young girl, accompanied her father and sister to New York, whither the latter was going to be married to Mr. Morgan, grandfather of Gen. Dix, the United States Minister to France. She returned ip 1806, and found many chwiges and improvements — "where cities now stand, there war* then only woods, for instance, at Buffalo, where she passed a night, was a solitary inu with a awinging sign. But York was mostly changed, there was a church, a jail, a light-house building, and many nice houses, and the woods between the garrison and town were fast disappearing. Governor Gore wasj then there. .,/- On the 27th April, 1813, 2,7^0 Americans landed a little west of Toronto. Two companies of the 8th, or King's Own, with som« Indians, one company being the grenadiers, the other being the 3rd company, under Capt. J. H. Eustace, both being led by Capt. McNeale, were sent to oppose the landing. The portable maga- zine of the advance battery was accidentally blown up killing some twenty of the grenadiers, Capt. McNeale, was also killed. This accident led to Sir R H. Sheaffe's retreat, and the destruction of the magazines. The total loss was 97, including two officers and four non-commissioned officers. '< The force engaged, including the two companies of the 8th, consisted of one company of New- foundland Fencibles, one company of Glengai-ry Light Infantry, a detachment of Eoyal Artillery, Militia, Volunteers and Indians— in all about 600 men. Among the volunteers was the present highly esteemed Chief Justice of Upper Canada, Sir J. B. Eobinson, and Sir Allan McNab." The gallantry of these two gentlemen was most conspicious. The unequal contest continued for 4 hours. The month following the remnant of the 8th was nearly annihi- lated at the attack upon Sackett's Harbour. The above facts and eulogium upon two distinguished Canadians are derived from 532 ^ TORONTO.'- '^ Edward Hincks, who was Lieut., and who was present in charge of a two gun battery, and "Another of the surviving officers of the 8th regiment," published in London in 1860, upon the discovery of human remains near the old fort at Toronto, which proved to be Bome of the grenadiers who were killed by the explosion of their magazine. The name of York continued to belong to the capital till 1834, when it received the more appropriate name of Toronto, an Indian word we are told, which signifies "trees growing out of the water," referring to the low level shore, with the trees at the waters edge. For many years before the name was changed ; from the vast quan- tity of mud which made the streets almost unpassable, the place obtained the designation of " Muddy York." In 1820 a Parliament House was built near the site of the pre- sent County Jail, at the front of the present Parliament Street ; this building was burned down in 1824. In 1830 an addresa was carried by the House, to be presented to the Governor, " to remove the Seat of Government from York to a place of security," but no action was taken in the matter. The wisdom in the choice of selecting this situation upon which to found a capital for Upper Canada cannot be questioned. The proof is found in the handsome and richly circumstanced City of Toronto. Should not Toronto, now again the Capital of Ontario, the seat of learning, of magnificent Universities, the home of refine- ment, the abode of wealth, erect a moni^ment to the memory of its founder, the illlustrious first Governor of the Colony ? t PARLIAMENT, < fftl : i; :: chaptee lxi. Co»THNT8 — Parliament — Simcoe's Proclamation— Nineteen counties formed— Names, and boundaries —First elections — Names of members — Officers of the House — A Quaker member— Chaplain — Meeting of Parliament — The Throne, a camp stool — Address — To both houses — Closing address — Acts passed— Simcoe s confidential letters — ^A contrast — A blending — 2nd Session The Acts — Quarter Sessions — 3rd, 4th, 5th Sessions — New division of Pro- vince — 1 798 — Modes of punishment — Burning the hand— Whipping— Salaries ' of officers — Revenue first year — The members of Parliament — Education — Offering for Parliament— A " Junius " — Early administration of justice— « Heaven-born lawyers " — First magistrates. j(|*(|is|llf:v#M^r;^if.< THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. /frtlSjfc J'lJteS.-lfej'i .^ Upon the 16th July, 1792, Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe issued a proclamation in the name of the King, having for its object the organization of a Legislative Assembly composed of persons, to be elected by the people, of which there should be sixteen, and divid. ing the province into counties. It was as follows : " Know ye, that our trusty and well-beloved John Graves Simcoe, Esquire, our Lieutenant-Governor of our Province of Upper Canada, hath, and by this onr proclamation doth, divide the said Province of Upper Canada ( uto counties, and hath and doth appoint and declare the number of representatives of them, and each of them, to be as hereinafter limited, named, declared, and appointed," &c. Nineteen counties were formed, namely : " Glengary, Stormont, Dundas, Grenville, Leeds, Froutena>', Ontario, Addington, Lenox,, Prince Edward, Hastmgs, Northumberland, Durham, York, Lincoln, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Kent." For the purpose of representation in Parliament, the following arrangements were made : Glengary was divided into two ridings, each riding to send a representative to the Legislative Assembly ; Stormont, to send one member ; likewise Dundas and Grenville each to have a representative ; Leeds and Frontenac together, to send one representative ; Ontario ahd Addington to send one representative ; Prince Edward, together with the late township of Adolphus, in the County of Lenox, to send one member ; Lenox (except Adolphustown) with the Counties of Hastings and Northumberland, to elect one member; Durham and York, and the first riding of Lincoln, 1o be represented by one member ; the second riding of Lincoln to have one member; the third riding of Lincoln to have one member; the fourth riding of Lincoln, and the County of Norfolk, to have one (^ THE FIRST MEMBERS. ^ member; Suffolk and Essex to have one member; the County of Kent, which included all the west not Indian territories, to the Hudsons Bay, to have two members. The proclamation was dated Government House, Kingston, 16th July, 1792, William Jarvis, Seo- Tetary. ,.;.■>. -.,,.*. -■ ,,:-./ • ■■ .. >.;„,>.<.;,....•■ The electioitb-ttitist have followed iiird a^er tKelssuing of the proclamation, as Parliament met on the 1 7th of September following* They ptobably took pliace in August. Simcoe writing in November, to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, speaks of the elections in these words : — '* On my passage from Montreal to Kingston, I under- stood that the general spirit of the country was against the election of half-pay officers into the Assembly, and that the prejudice ran in- favour of men of a low order, who kept but one table, that is, who dined in common with their servants." The names of those first elected to Parliament were John Mc- Donnell, who was elected Speaker ; Joshua Booth ; Mr. JBaby ; Alex- ander Campbell ; Philip Borland, (but being a Quaker, he would not be sworn and did not take his seat, and Peter VanAlstine was elected in his place) ; Jeremiah French ; Ephraim Jones ; Williain Mocomb ; Hugh McDonnell; Benjamin Pavling; Nathaniel Pettit; David Wil- liam Smith ; Hazleton Spencer , Isaac Swazy ; — Young ; JoLii 'White — 16. Simcoe, in a despatch, spoke of the last mentioned :— ** It was by good fortune that the temporary residence I made at Kingston created sufficient influencie to enable us to bring the Attorney General White, into the House. The oaths to the members were administered by the Governor's Civil Secretary, William Jarvis, Esq., who was also the first registrar of the Province. McDonnell, the member for Glengary, was unani- mously elected to the speakers chair. Angus McDonnell was clerk to the Assembly; George Law, Sergeant-at-arms. In the matter of 'Pivlip Dorland, of Adolphustown, a Quaker, who refused to take the ■O&ths. A resolution was unanimously passed by the House, that he was incompetent to sit and vote in Parliament unless he took the necessary oath, and consequently a writ was issued for a new election- ***■ A chaplain, the Rev. Mr. Addison, was elected to the House of Assembly, and he, on the day of prorogation, preached a sermon to *^em before they were summoned to meet the Governor in the Legis- lative Council Chambers. Mr. Addison continued a dhaplain for thirty years, and was then granted a yearly pension of £50. This first Upper Canadian Parliament assembled at Newark, now Niagara, on the 18th September, and was prorogued 16th October aOVERNOR'S ADDRESS. 535 following. The circumstances of this infant legislation were well fitting the new-bom colony. The Governor himself was a soldier by profession. Most of the members elect had been inured to the life of the camp, though subsequently to the settling of the wilderness, and they could, with no ordinary interest, and with appropriate in- telligence, direct themselves to the work of legislation. The first Parliament of Upper Canada met in no stately hall ; the proceedings must have borne some resemblance to a court-martial. The collective wisdom of Upper Canada assembled in a camp-tent on the plains of Niagara On the 18th September, the Governor, with his Secretary, and probably adjutant, took his seat, not upon the throne, but a camp' stool, and delivered the following address: .^mMormi ^ym-Um-Ki ''i-*' HoiroRABLK Gentlemen, &c. — I have summoned you together under the authority of an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain, passed last year, which has established the British constitution, and all the forms which secure and maintain it in this distant country. " The wisdom and beneficence of our most Gracious Sovereign aria the British Parliament, have been eminently proved, not only in im- porting to us the same for government, but also in securing the benefit, by the many provisions that guard this memorable act. So that the blessing of your invaluable constitution, thus protected and amplified, we may hope will be extended to the remotest posterity. The great and momentous trusts and duties which have been com- mitted to the representatives of this Province, in a degree infinitely beyond whatever, till this period, distinguished any other colony, have originated from the British nation, upon a just consideration of the energy and hazard with which its inhabitants have so conspicuously supported and defended the British constitution. " It is from the same patriotism, now called upon to exercise with due deliberation and foresight, the offices of civil administration that your fellow-subjects, of the British Empire, expect the foundation of that mien of industry, and wealth of commerce and power, which may last through all succeeding ages. '* The natural advantages of the Province of Upper Canada are inferior to none on this side of the Atlantic , there can be no separate interest through its whole extent. The British form of government has prepared the way for its speedy colonization ; and, I trust, that your fbstering care will improve the favourable situation ; and that a numerous and agricultural people will speedily take possession of the soil and climate, which, under the British laws, and the muni- 636 ACTS OF FIRST PARLIAMENT. ficenco with which His Majesty has granted the lands of the Crown, offer such manifest and peculiar encouragement." ,^fjf>i ^y. The session was closed the 15th October. The Governor de- livered the closing speech. , " IIoNOBABLE Gkntleman, &c. — It is with very great satisfaction that I have considered the acts which you have found it expedient to frame, and to which, in consequence of the power delegated to ' me, I have this day given my assent, that they shall become laws of the Province of Upper Canada. ^"*' " As the division which His Majesty, in his wisdom, thought proper to make of the late Province of Quebec, obviated all incon- veniences, and laid the foundation for an establishment of the English laws in the Province, it is natural to presume, that you would seize the first opportunity to impart that benefit to your fellow-subjects ; and by the act to establish trials by jury, and by that which makes the English law the rule of decision, in all matters of controversy, relative to property and civil rights, you have fully justified the public expectation. Youi* other acts seem calculated to promote the general welfare and commerce of the Province, &c. " Honorable Gentlemen, and Gentlemen. — I cannot dismiss you without earnestly desiring you to promote, by precept and example, among your respective counties, the regular habits of piety and moralitj'-, the rarest foundations of all private and public felicity ; and, at this juncture, I particularly recommend to [you to explain, that this Pi-ovince is singularly blest, not with a mutilated constitution^ but with a constitution which has stood the test of experience, and is the very imnge and transcript of that of Great Britain, by which she hat, long established and secured to her subjects, as much freedom and haj^piness as is possible to be enjoyed, under the subordination necessary to civilized society." The modest and matter-of-fact Parliament passed eight Acts at this the first session. Chapter I., An Act to Repeal certain parts of an Act, passed in the fourteenth year of His Majesty's Eeign, entitled, "An Act for making more sufficient provisions lor the Government for the Province o^ Quebec, in North "America, and to introduce the English Law as the rule of decision in all matters of controversy relative to Property and Civil Rights." Chapter H., " An Act to establish Trials by Jury." Chapter HI., " An Act to establish the Winchester Measure, and a Standard for other Weights simcoe's opinion of parliambnt. 537 and Measures." Chapter IV., "An Act to Abolish ihe Summary Proceedings of the Court of Common Pleas in actions under Ten Pounds Sterling." Chapter V., " An Act to prevent Accidents by Fire," Chapter VI., " An Act for the more easy and speedy Re- covery of Small Debts." Chapter VII., " An Act to Regulate the Toll to be taken in Mills, not more than one-twelfth for Grinding and Bolting." " Chapter VIIL, "An Act for Building a Gaol and Court-house in every Discrict within the Province, and for altering the names of the said Districts.) The District of Lunenburgh to be henceforth called the Eastern District ; Mecklenburgh, the Mid- land District; Nassau, the Home District; Hesse, the Western District." Thus was the now-boro colony, whose germ had been planted in the wilderness eight years previous, ushered into life, and thus the functions thereof were commenced. Simcoo, it would seem, wrote frequent despatches to the Colo- nial Secretary ; and in one he gives his opinion of this first meeting of the representative body of Upper Canada : " At this first meet- ing they were active and zealous for particular measures, according to the promises they had made, or the instructions they had received. Many bills were accordingly framed, which required only a little time to evince their impropriety or futility. Having offices to create and salaries to bestow, they were rather too liberal of their patronage, and pledged their credit to £174 annually to different officers. The Legislative Council made no engagements, but, of course, their expenses must be equal. The sum of £348 was, therefore, the first item." " Upon the whole, I have no reason to be dissatisfied with the disposition and conduct of the Assembly, considering that it is composed of persons of not any restrictive method, and unacquainted with power. I hope that by treating them v/ith tcinper and moderation, they may become a beneficial establishment to the Province." McMuUen says, by way of contrast, that " the Upper Canadian Parliament, with its "ihomospun" mem- bers, took five weeks to do what had taken the Lower Canadian Seigniors seven months to accomplish. . J^ How great the change wrought by seventy-fiv*) years! As the log hut in the wilderness has been superseded by the elegant mansion, handsome villa, with thriving towns and cities, so has the tented capital of Newark been forgotten in surveying the mag- nificent proportions of the buildings at Ottawa; and the camp stool, and nature's carpet of green, in the elegant halls. And S^ '■■'- ACTS Of SECOND SBSSION. as the Legislature, whoBo infant days were passed within the goand of the majestic Niagara, where its waters are precipitated over a Btupendous fkll, and sweep on to fill a mighty lake, ha», after numerous mutations, and many uncertainties, found a safe home upon the rugged cliffs overlooking the Ottawa, where still may be heard the swelling sound of falling waters, as they rush down the Chaudiere ; so may the confbderated Provinces forming thd New Dominion, after many changes, and frequent political uncertainties — hope alternating with fear, not alone meet in formal union, — ^not as incompatible elements of an unwise and unequal connection, but as one people ; even as the waters of the great Ottawa, mighty in itself, meet and unite with the farther coming St. Lawrence,and, commingling, form the grand stream of the Lower Lawrence, upon whose bosom the proudest ships rest, and which is a highway of trade, unsurpassed in the world. •ti The second session of the parliament of Upper Canada, was Opfened at Newark, Slst May, 1793 ; prorogued 9th July, following. At this sessions werO passed thirteen bills, most of which were important and usefUl measures. The first was " for the better regu- lation of the Militia;" the second, respecting the appointment of ' town officers ; the third, having respect to assessments and rates, and payment of assembly-men ; the fourth, about highways ; the fifth, concerning marriage; sixth, of courts of Quarter Sessions within the several districts ; the seventh, a most important one — an everlasting one of honor, " to prevent the farther introduction of slaves," and to limit the time of servitude of those in slavery ; the eighth, respecting courts of Probate ; ninth, to establish regula- tions about duties between Upper and Lower Canada ; tenth, for paying salaries of officers of Legislative Council and Assembly ; eleventh, to encourage the destruction of wolves and bears ; twelfth, returning officers of the several counties ; thirteenth, also about officers, and taxing wine and spirituous liquors. The places fixed for the holding of Quarter Sessions were Corn- wall, New Johnson, Kingston, Adolphustown, Newark, and Miohilmacinac. For the Midland District, it was enacted that they should "commence and be holden in Adolphustown, on the second Tuesday in the month of July, and on the second Tuesday i)a the month of January ; and in Kingston on the second Tuesday in the month of April, and on the second Tuesday in the month of October." The third session of the Ist parliament met at Newark, on the NEW DIVISION Oi^ THE PROVINCE. 639 2nd June. 1794, and prorogued 9th July following. At this soBsion there was a continuation of that wholesome legislation which had characterized the two previous sessions. Twelve acts were passed. itmMt. The fourth session was at Newark, commencing 6th July, 1895, when four acts were added. It was prorogued 10th August, following. A fifth session of first parliament met at Newark, Ifith May, 1796, and was prorogued 3rd June following. Seven acts were passed. This was the last meeting of parliament under the governor ship of Simcoe. , to :4tf The second parliament opened at York, 16th May, 1797, under the presidency of the Hon. Peter Bussell. It was prorogued 3rd July, following. Eighteen measures passed. Second session under Hon. P. Russell, met at York, 5th June, 1798, prorogued 6th July. Passed eight bills. Among these bills was one " to ascertain and establish the boundary lines of the dif- ferent townships of the province." Stone or other durable monu- ments to be set up, to mark the corners of lots ; and any person wilfully defacing or removing such, to " be adjudged guilty of felony, and to suffer death without the benefit of the clergy." Another important act, which the growing province demanded, was " for the better division of the province," into townships, counties and districts. According to this, there were formed eight districts, with twenty-three counties, and one hundred and fifty- eight townships. The districts were the Eastern, Johnson, Mid- land, Newcastle, Home, Niagara, London, and Western. The Mid- land district, with which we have rioro particularly to do, " was com- posed of xonr counties, with land in their rear to the northern limits of the province." The first county vtras Frontenac. In this we have Kingston, as well as the townships Pittsburgh, Lougborough, Portland, Hinchinbroke, Bedford, and Wolfe Island. The second county, the incorporated counties of Lenox and Addington ; con- sisted of the townships of Ernesttown, Fredericksburgh, Adolphus- towii, Bichmond, Camden, Amherst Island, Sheffield. The third county, Hastings; contained Sydney, Thurlow, Mohawk land, Tyendinaga, Hungerford, Huntingdon, and Eawdon. The fourth, Prince Edward, had Marysburgh, Hallowell, Sophiasburgh, and Ameliasburgh. The third session met at Newark, 12th June, 1799, and was iprorogued 29th of the same month ; five acts having been 540 ly > MODES OP PUNISHMENT. i The fourth session mot at York, 2nd Juno, 1800, prorogued 4th July, under Lioutonant-Gonoral Hunter. Six acts were passed, the first of which was "for the ftirther introduction of the criminal law of England, and for the more effectual punishment of certain oflFendors." The third clause is as follows: "That whereas the punishment of burning in the hand, when any person is convicted of felony within the benefit of clergy, is often disregarded and inef- fectual, and sometnmes may fix a lasting mark of disgrace and infamy on offenders, who might otherwise become good subjects and profitable members of the community ; bo it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, that from, and after the passing of this act, when any person shall be lawfully convicted of any felony, within the benefit of clergy, for which he or she is liable by law to bo burned or marked in thQ,hand, it shall, and may be lawful for the court before which any person so convicted, or any court holdon for the same place with the like authority, if such court shall think fit, instead of such burning or marking, to impose upon such offender such a moderate pecuniary fine as to the court in its discretion shall seem moot; or otherwise it shall be lawful, instead of such burning or marking, in any of the cases aforesaid, except in the case of man- slaughter, to order and judge, that such offender shall be once or oftener, but not more than three times, either publicly or privately whipped ; such private whipping to be inflicted in the presence of not less than two persons, besides the offender and the officer who inflicts the same, and in case of female offenders, in the presence of females only ; and such fine or whipping so imposed or inflicted, instead of such burning or marking, shall have the like effects and consequences to the party on whom the same, or either shall be imposed or inflicted, with i-espect to the discharge from the same or other felonies, or any restitution to his or her estates, capacities, and credits, as if he or she had been burned or marked as afore- said." In 1801 the salaries of the officers of the parliament stood thus ; per annum. Clerk of Legislative Council, £146. Usher of the Black Eod, £50. Master in Chancery, attending the Legislative Council, £60, Chaplain of the Legislative Council, £50. Door-keeper of ditto £20. Speaker of the House of Assembly, £200. Clerk of ditto, £125. Sergeant-at-Arms, £50. Chaplain of the House of Assembly, £50. Doorkeeper of ditto, £20. Copying Clerks, £50. Total, £805. The first tax raised by statue in the province, was to pay the members, who received $2 per day. EDUCATION AMONG THE MEMBERS, 541 X JiO The rovonuo of the whole province the first year was £900. Elsewhere the fact has been stated that many of the settlors were devoid of a liberal education ; while the stern* duties of pioneer life precluded the possibility of any mental culture what- ever. At the same time competent school teachers for the young were not to be had. With a population made up of such material, the quetition might be asked with becoming seriousness, " Where are we to get our representative men to carry out responsible government as accorded to the young province of Upper Canada ? Many of the first Assembly men were not possessed of book learning, and all along the list of those who have been M.P.P.'s, up to the present, may be found very many who were limited in their educa- tion. Yet, the first members convened in the tent, on tlie green slopes of Niagara, discharged their duty with much decorum and despatch. 'jfl' It would be an interesting chapter to introduce some account of the first members of Parliament, and the political contests in the early days of Upper Canada. In the absence of complete infor- mation, we give such items relating thereto as have come under notice. Wo have already given the names of those elected to the first Parliament. Among the early members was James Wilson, of Prince Edward, he was first elected in 1808, or 9, and remained a member for some twenty-four years. Simeon Washburn, was also a member for a time. Allen McLean, in a notice dated Kingston, 18th May, 1812, says " To the independent electors of the County of Fi'ontenac. Having had the honor of representing you at three successive Par- . liaments, I again make you a tender of my services, and beg leave to solicit your votes and interest at the ensuing election." Amos Ansley, Esq., says, in an address, dated at Kingston, May 20, 1812 : " To the Electors of the County of Frontenac. Having had the honor to represent this County in the first founda- tion of its happy constitution, I again make you a tender of my services, and beg leave to solicit your votes and interest, &c." James Cotter, of Sophiasburg, was elected to Parliament in 1813, and served four years. **: A man of sterling integrity, and good common sense may make a useful Member, if he be not egotistical. In recording the early events of the Bay, we must not hesitate to mention an incident which, at the time, created no little comment with the public, but brought chagrin to an M. P. P. A member, 542 MAGISTRATES — LAWYERS. who shall be nameless, whose early advantages for education had been extremely limited, but with any amount of self-confidence, was, on <5ne occasion, sarcastically, but humorously, brought to task in the Kingston Herald, by an anonymous writer. The mem- ber replied, and in so doing, " copied verbatim, nearly the whole of the first part of Sir William Draper's letter to Junius, dated Jan. 26, 1769, in defence of his friend Lord Granby, over his own signar tore. Macaulay, a young lawyer of Bath, noticed the plagiarism, and exposed the M. P. P.," w;hich we believe, resulted in the politieaj demise of that individuaL t .*.'», vk *« i 'f«?r xA^j'] |«r^ TH« EARLY ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTIOE. <» For two years, Upper Canada, after becoming a distinct Province, was without any lawyers. But, in 1794, such a number of Acts were found upon the statute books, that it was necessary to create soiine ta interpret, not mystify the law. It was provided that his " Majesty should appoint not more than sixteen, whom he should deem, from their probity, education, and condition of life, best qualified to receive the licence to practice law." This appointment ot lawyers by the. Executive, gave rise to an expression of derision in after clays, ojf "heaven-bom lawyers." Th^ first lawyer* appointed in John^n Pistrict, vfm Samjuel gheryropd, who had studied law two or three years with l^wyep Wa-iker, of Montreal. Jq.cob Farand, was the first lawyer in th^ Eastern District. AHew McLean, the first lawyer for Kingston, and l^Jr. Hftgerman, the first for the Bay Quinte. — (See U. E. Loyalists) fi Ramies Clarke was appointed for Niagajca District; ulso, "V^iUiana Dickson, of Niagara, and A,ngu8 McDon,ald for CornwaU» After the formation pf Upper Ca^ad^ into a Pf pvinc^, a iwimber of ijaagistrates w«re appointed to each District, to form ft Court of Quarter Sessions. The foUiT gentlemen who hftd been the judges of ^junenburgh, Meckleabu^gh, Nassau, and, Hesse, respectively, no longer h»d so extensive ft jurisdiction. "We have no further informft- tipin pf Robertson, in this respect, and Duncan left the Province. But Cartwright and Hamilton continued to fill the same positions, ftB ojiairmen of 1,he Quarter Se^siops, in their r^eapeptive Districts. A^er the dpath of Cftr|.wi'ight, in the Midland District, Colonel TJhoimp^on was appointed to tj^e office, and his successor was Alex, ^her, of Ado^phustpTjKi^. ^ohijEi Fcapguspn was «lso Judg© of the Pi^tTf^t Clonrt- MAQISTEATES IN MIDLAND DISTRICT. NA Among the first appointments for magistrates, was Thomas Sherwood, of Leeds. Also, Dr. Solomon Jones, who was afterward Judge of the District Court. Charles Stuart, Esq., was, for many years, Sheriff of the Midland District; he died while yet young, in 1816i The first Sheriff of Niagara District, was Alex. McDonnell ; the next was Barrack- master Clark, and afterwards Thomas Merritt was appointed. Among the first, probably the first, magistrates appointed in Thurlow, were Col. Wm. Bell, Col. Hazelton, and James McNabb. Most likely Bell had the commission before the others. Bell generally held his Court of Bequests at Mrs. Simpson's Inn. On 19th April, 1822, it was held at the house of John Taylor. '%' diyisio:n^ X. THE EARLY MILITIA OF UPrER CANADA. CHAPTER LXII. Contents. — Militia Act, 1792— Simcoe — No faith in the Americans — His views — Military Roads — . vision of Districts — Military purposes — The oflBcers — Legislation — The expenses — Repeated Legislation — Aggressive spirit — The Enrolment — Hastings Battalion — "Something brewing" — List of Officers — Col. Ferguson — Col. Bell — Leeds Militia — Officers' Clothing — The Midland Distiict — Prince Edward — Training Places. THE MILITIA. Any magisterial power that the military commanders of the first settlers may have possessed was lost by the proclamation of Lord Dorchester, in 1788, forming Upper Canada into districts, and appointing to each a staff of civil oflScers. From this period until 1792, after the meeting of the second session of the First Parliament, the military organization was a dead matter, although there must have been in force some law relating to such, inasmuch as the first Act passed at this Session was " for the better regula- tion of the Militia in this Province." Governor Simcoe was a man of a military turn of mind. He had taken an active part against the American rebels, and he con- tinued to entertain strong feelings of hostility to the American cause, believing not in the integrity of their professed principles. In many respects he was a well chosen person to take charge of a people who had been under a military rule, and who shared his antipathy to the republican people. Not only did Simcoe conceive schemes of settling the forests, and improving it, but also for secur- ing the country against attack, likewise of drawing into the country many who he believed remained in the States because they could not help themselves, and to whom the Republican form of government was exceedingly distasteful. Simcoe never felt any MILITARY DIVISIONS. 545 doubt about his ability to defend the Province against the Ameri- cans, and he even had vague ideas that he might concentrate a force of sufficient strength upon Upper Canada eoil, to enable him to invade the States, with a good prospect of success. Imbued with these views, and animated by such fealings and desires, he lost no time in taking the necessary steps to organize and train the Militia, and to establish a Naval force for the Lakes. The regular soldiers under his immediate command were put at work lo cut roads, one from Lake Ontario to the Thames, which was CiJled the Dundas road, the other from Lake Ontario to the Lake Simcoe, which has received the name of Yonge Street. H~e four districts of Upper Canada were subdivided into counties. This division was, according to Rochfoucault, who visited Simcoe, and procured his information from him, "into counties is purely military, and relates merely to the enlisting, completing and assembling of the Militia. The counties are about twelve in number. The Militia of each county are assembled and commanded by a Lieutenant ; they must be divided into regiments and companies. They assemble once a year in each county, and are inspected by the Captains of the different companies, at least twice a year. Every male inhabitant is considered a militia man from the age of sixteen to fifty. He is fined four dollai's if he does not enlist at the proper time ; and officers, both commissioned and ndn-commissioned, who do not join their regiments at the time the militia is assembled, pay a fine, the former of eight dollars, and the latter of two. An officer who, in case of insurrection, or an attack, who should not repair to his assigned post, would be pun- ished with a pecuniary penalty of £50, and a petty officer with a fine of £20. A militia man who sells either the whole, or a part of his arms, amunition or accoutrements, is fined £5, and in default of payment, impris9ned for two months. The Quakers, Baptists, and Tunkers, pay, in time of peace, twenty shillings a year; and during a war of insurrectiop, five pounds sterling for their exemp- tion from military service. Out of these fines and ransoms the Adjutant-General of the Militia receives his pay, and the remainder is at the Governor's disposal. This is nearly the substance of the first act of the legislative body of Upper Canada, passed in 1793." The following year an additional Act passed, relative to the Militia, the chief I'egulations of which tended to improve and define more accurately the internal form of the regiments, battalions and companies, and to render the assembling of detachments more easy 36 9^ SIHOOS'S DESIGNS. a»d expeditious. This Act determines, that, in time of war, the obligation to carry arms in defence of the country shall not cease before the age of sixty, and that, of consequence, Quakers and others who enjoy exemption from military service, shall pay for their immu* nity up to that age. It also obliges the militia to serve on board of ships and vessels, to act as cavalry, and to extend their service be^ yond the Province, on condition, however, that the same men be not bound to serve more than six months successively. The exemptions from military service are confined to the officers of justice, and other public functionaries, whose number is very small. The whole militia is estimated at nine thousand men. All the expenses of the civil and military administration of Upper and Lower Canada are defrayed by England.'* The expense, including money and presents to the Indians, ''amounts for Upper Canada to one hundred thousand pounds.' . .\h In! all the measures introduced by Simcoe and passed into law by Parliament, can be discovered a military mind actively at work. The arrangements by which he endeavored to settle the country — to secure it against invasion — to keep alive a spirit of military ardor — to keep aglow the flame of patriotism, a love for the motJier country, were eminently judicious and commendable. There is no doubt that the military spirit of Simcoe was pleasing to the old soldier-farmers, and in them he found willing and. zealous abettors of his military schemes. Had it not been for the short-sighted policy of Lord Dorchester, who, it is averred, became envious of his Lieutenant* Governor, and tried to thwart the designs, and had he not succeeded in having him re-callod before time allowed for carrying out those designs, there can be no doubt that Upper Canada would have advanced more rapidly than she subsequently did advance, and would have far surpassed any State in the Union, In 1797, an act for still further regulation of the militia was passed ; but the nature of it does not appear in Ihe statutes. There was also passed an <' Act for the better securing the pro- vince against the King's enemies." In 1801, there was still further legislation, and again in 1808, when there was " an act to explain, amend, and reduce to one act of Parliament the several laws now in being for the raising and training of the railitia." And a suitable salary was to be allowed to the Adju- taat-Goneral. Legislation at this time was deemed nece8sary,becau8e of the aggressive spirit manifested by the United States. Tiie game of conquest was already begun by the selfish statesmen of America, THE ENROLMENT. , , 547. and even foul meann were being adopted to subvert British power on the continent. The year prior, Lower Canada had taken steps under Mr. Dunn, to protect themselves against a wily enemy. General Brock was earnestly engaged in perfecting the defences of Quebec. In 1809 an act was passed respecting billeting Her Majesty's troops, and the Provincial Militia, and furnishing th%in on the march, and impressing horses, carriages, oxen, boats, &c. Respecting theeftrolmont of the militia in accordance with the acts first and subsequently passed, comparatively little can be said by the writer. The earliost, and indeed the only account of an official nature to be obtained, refers to the organization of the Hasting's Militia. Through the kindness of Mr. Sager, of the front of Thurlow, grandson of the late Colonel William Bell, we have had ; placed in our possession, a portion of the papers left by Colonel Bell, of an official and semi-official character. In a communication ; dated at Kingston, 29th November, 1798, John Ferguson, of that place, writoB to " Mr. William B6il, of the Mohawk village as follows : ; " Haviiig beeti appointed Lieutenant of the County of Hastings, and being ordered to enrol the militia without delay, I must request yott will immediately proceed with the enclosed notices, and cause them' to toe put up as directed. This is the beginning of your duty, , as I have recommended you to be Adjutant, as well as ca^ptain of u company, and I have the satisfaction of telling you that the Presi- dent has assured me he will approve of ir^y appointments." In a = separate commuhication. Lieutenant Ferguson authorizes Captain Bell " to give notice to the inhafbitants of the county to attend a > meetirtg of Lieutenancy on Satmday, the 8th December next, at ten o'clock, at the house occupied by David Harris, on lot 34, in » the first concession of Sidney, for the purpose of enrol men t."):&i'.^h« It would seem that the second in command of the Hastings battalion, was Major A. Chisholm. Ferguson, writing 2iJnd February, 1799, says, " It appears from the President's letter, that there is something brewing to the west- ward." On the 25th February, 1799, Ferguson writes to Adjutant Bell, to require the officers commanding companies "to cause th« volun- teers and drafts in their respective companies to assemble, with such arms as the}' may have, at the house of Ferguson, on the poiht of Sidney, lot 23, to be made acquainted with the purport of a letter received from the Hon. Peter Eussell, President." Colonel Ferguson writing again on Februwy 26, t<) Captain 548 OFFICERS OP HASTINGS MILITIA. Bell, informs him that the President has been pleased to approve of the appointments made, and that he must meet him at Sidney, 5th of March, to receive his commission. On the Ist March, he ftirther writes thus, "there is some appearance of the militia being embodied next spring, and that Captain Bell is appointed to take command of the detachment should such an event take place. In a communication dated, 10th March, 1799, Colonel Ferguson refers Captain Bell to an inclosure irom President Eussell, giving directions as to teaching the volunteers and drafts, '* who are to assemble at Wallbridge's every other Saturday," for platoon exercise, &c. :• f^^ . " List of officers of the Hastings Militia, as approved of by His Honor, the President, with the dates of their commission." " John Ferguson, Lieutenant of County ; date of commission, 1798. The following officers were commissioned in December fol- fowing : — Major Alexander Chisholm, Captain Wm. Bell, Captain Samuel Sherwood, Captain George W. Myers, Captain Lieutenant Matthias Marsh, Lieutenant Gilbert Harris, Lieutenant John Stuart, Lieutenant John Chisholm, Lieutenant John Fairman, sen., Lieu- tenant L. W. Myers, Ensigns David Simmons, Jacob W. Myers, Alexander Chisholm, Eobert Fairman, Samuel B. Gilbert, Adjutant William Bell, Quarter-Master, John Mcintosh. ' .; 1> . i At the commencement of the war of 1812, John Ferguson, of Kingston, was Colonel ; William Bell, of Thurlow, Lieutenant-v Colonel, and Alexander Chisholm, Simon McNabb, S. B. Gilbert,- Jacob W. Myers, L. W. Myers, David Simmon, Gilbert Harris, John Mcintosh, were Captains of Ist Eegiment Hastings Militia. John Thompson who had been a soldier in the King's Eangers, was Major. !i4t'nf^/ •> r iv ■-• • ",.. , , ,< -< .,. z*^,.'. .- In May, 1810, a notice was posted in Hastings to "all persons of the battalion having in their possession arms and accoutrements belonging to Her Majesty, to bring them in good order on the 4th of June, and they will be furnished with powder and ball to shoot at a mark." We are informed by Mr. Adiel Sherwood, that James Break- enridge, who had been an officer in Rogers' corps, was appointed the first Lieutenant of the County of Leeds under Simcoe, with authority to organize the body and appoint the officers. Mr. Sher- wood received his first commission as Ensign, from him, to the first regiment of Leeds Militia in 1796. He was shortly after commis- sioned a Lieutenant, \yhich he remained until 1808, when he was made Captain. ;■ ;♦ MILITARY CLOTIIINQ. 549 Officers' Clothing. — No sooner had the officers received their commissions than the matter of military clothing came into con- sideration, and steps were promptly taken to obtain suitable outfits, in the way of scarlet coats, swords, and so forth. Heading the letters which have come under notice, one is struck with the fact of men putting themselves to trouble to procure costly uniform, when very many of them could scarcely collect money enough to meet their wants. At that time money was scarce and bartering was the ordinary mode of proceedings between the farmer and dealer. The merchants of Kingston did not find it necessary to koep material for officers' dress, and consequently it had to be procured at Montreal. The officers without money and unknown, in Montreal, could scarcely expect to get credit there. It was under such circumstances that Colonel Ferguson, the Lieutenant of the County of Hastings, undertook to assist the officers under him. Concerted action on their part was necessary, that all the coats might be alike, and moreover, they might expect to have them supplied at a cheaper rate. The following will now become intelli- gible : viM^JiJ^rfif^l. " "VVe, the following officers of Militia of the County of Hastinge, having agreed to have uniform clothings do empower John Ferguson, Samuel Sherwood, Matthias Marsh, and John Mcintosh, to agree with any person to furnish the materials, and w« will pay for it as agreed upon by the above persons— the uniform to be red coats with ■ blue facings ; long yellow buttons and white lining with shoulder- straps — the Light Infantry to have short coats with wings. Thur- low, 7th October, 1800." (Signed)— John Ferguson, William Bell, John Chisholm, Daniel Rose, "John Mcintosh, David Simmons, John Fairman, junr., vSamuel Sherwood, Matthias Marsh." A few days later Colonel Ferguson supplies a memorandum to Major Boll, recommending James Dawson, Kingston, as the person ■to be employed to make the coats, the material, or at least the cloth, to be bought at Mr. Cumming's. Ferguson also suggests that each person give his note of hand for the sum until paid, from which it seems evident that ho wished to be free from personal responsibility. Three months later, and no steps had been taken except by Ferguson, who, it appears, applied at Montreal for his coat. He writes, "I have received my coat pattern from Montreal," and the cost of cloth and trimmings amounted to £4 7s. 7d., and " the common price of making a regimental coat" was £1 3s. 4d., the epauletts ready-made were £3 each. In another place, Colonel f MO OFFICERS OF MIDLAND DISTRICT. Ferguson says, '• if any of those gentlemen wish to have a coat from Montreal, and will put into my hands sixteen bushels of •wheat, as a part payment, I will send for them^and they will surely find their profit in it. :'*"*>* w «?wa«4 b^^mmumoti gimr^\ioah;jC "^"•^ The following were among the first Militia officers connected ^irith the force in the Midland District. ' * -' .,.. .:;...' Thomas Borland, one of the first settlew'of Ado1j)hti8tt>\i^n, was the first captain commissioned in the township. He commanded a •company in 1812, at Kingston. His company partook of the loyal ^irit which actuated the captain. Who indignantly said of the 'Americans, " they drove us from our homes once and now come •after us." Captain Borland was much liked, as an officer, by his 'men. Captain Trumj^i^, Wiw^NJommanded ft eompan^ ^ honM, Was ^generally estimated as a commander. ' • "" ' ? " '^^'^'* Christopher Hagerman, a native of Adolphuetown, arose by '}>romotion from an Ensign, to be Aide-de-Camp. The following is from the Kingston Gazette: — *' Head Quarters, Upper Canada, Yoi^k, 15th Becember, 1813. Bistrict General order. The Lieutenant- General commanding and* President, has been pleased to appoint Christopher Hagerman, Esq., to be Provincial Aidde-Camp to his Honor, and to enter the Provincial Bank of Lieutenant Colonel on Mr. Hagerman." • j^jryj oTjrpa-AjTft Major Spencer, who had been Colonel in Major Rogers' regi- *to«nt during the Revolutionary war, died at the breaking cnt of l;.tbe war of 1812, and was buried in Fredericksburgh on his own ^ place with military honors, he was soceeeded by Captain Tkoinpson. ^<JS5«wford was Colonel of a regiment of Militia. '^ ^^^^ V'" i^.'o ixtjiiw The following were officers in Ernesttown: Lieutenant Colonel James Parrot, Captain Joshua Booth, C, Fralick, Noris Briscoe, Peter Baly, Robert Clark, Shelden Hawley. Lieutenants: Bavis Hamby, Henry Bay, John Richards, Baniel Fraser, Robert Worlet. t'Ensighs: Isaac Fraser, Bavid Lookwood, Baniel iSinimons, Abraham t'Amey, Solomon Johns, John Thorp, senr.** • ri: ': fr ' * Major Young, formerly ensign in Sir John Johnson's regimettt, j^as an officer in the Prince Edward Militia for some time. He was ,«i«t Kingston in 1812, and died while on duty. Captain MoBonndlof iY 'Marysburgh, was also on duty at Kingston at that time. Captain b^Toung, of the Carrying Place, was likewise there, as well as his ^'Ensign, W* H. Wallbridge, who became Captain in 1881, Owen 'S'^Riciiarids being the C<^«1. Lieutenant Richard Howard, of Bopbias- i burgh, di«d March 1, 1814. Dentin Conger " held a commission in the first battalion of the Prince Edward Militia during twenty-four years, fourteen of which he was Captain. William Ketcheson, of Sidney, was commissioned Ensign in 1804; Lieutenant in 1812: ■ Captaia toward the close of the war, served nine months at Kingston. <!!oleman, of Belleville, was Captain of Provincial Light Dragoons* q»^ The Militia of Adolphustown, Frederioksburgh, Erneettown, and £ probably of Kingston, were accustomed to meet on Finkle^s Place, ^ below ti:ke wind mill, before the war, 48 12. Strange as it may now , peea, the place for training of the Prince Edward Militia was, for t, many years, at G-rassy Point, in the Sixth Town. All the way, not u pn\y from the extreme point of Marysburgh, but from Amherst Island, and from the western part of Ameliasburgh, the sparse^ {..(pettled inhabitants were wont to come, by anything but ev«n roads, to this point for their stated training. They met at this plaee until <;'|he y«ar 1600, after which they ^1 met at Hallowell, Picton. Those iiitom Ameliasburgh required two days to reach the training place. ,Jkwe,y^r» later, ffl€<?oiidj»)i^, WW iJlo .. , . ^v . . , . ,ii. , -jfjia>.jii;oiJ. fiiiT ,1'Ano intoa^r) iohiblQ. .i'.t'il ,iodm3r)0(I ApM i}ttio<|<jB of b9<rrfiefq nosd e4d<*iit»braoi*I*biTU ^aibtis^mmoo IribixoD Bl.i oi ^j^ftD-ob-bfA liiiontivoi*! od oi ^psK .nijan&^eHioifqoJBiidD no ioaoioO hrAt^oiuaiJ. l:o i^irail Ifiiottivoi*! oiU loiao o) hixa ,tonoH : ;^', , _ CHAPTER LXnL ".a^miA^fiH iM ^cPf^yTVifTi.— In 1812, around Bay QainM— The deolar»ti<^ of ww-~The news -at t^ E4DgBton.>.Tke call to arms — Hastings— pEvenU of Sjng^ton — la. 181 3-* IIWO ji^ttack upon Sacket's Harbour — Oswego* — American Fleet before Eitrgston^— ilI03t! Royal George— Kingston prepared-r-Chrysler's ferm— A *' Postseripfc"— Along ' tibte St. Lawrence — Ribaldry^ — The Commissary-i-Capt. Wilkins— Quakers^- Bate of pay — ^American prisoners — The wounded — Surgeons, Dougal, Mea diam— Jonathan Philips — Miiitiaineu'B reward— Militia orders—Parliamen ^,'0:;«tW^^W?*' . ii ;;,--;-j 1 ,J .niijoct •lancoi, :iiiii{^suJ .jiryux i. H^uTie^ - .lorfDY/" .t'f'rd'o'-r /fo-^CT'f !-^! ' -*r)I. ,yr(.T v-rnoR .Ycfrnr.!:' xitjsifij The call to arms was promptly and loyally responded to by the inhabitants of the Midland District, inclttdijag the tnilttia of j/JSTorthnmbevland. The old veterans of former days, who had for. so many years been engaged in the peace^l occupation of farming, were arout^d to a high degree of indignation that their old enemies^ who had driven them away from old homes,] should now threaten ^'Ithem in their hard earned new ones. !No wonder that these old sturdy loyalists and their sons quickly ipftwyed the <jall to come in defense of their homes. To a certain eixtent the Bay region was 652 , ,; WAR. " r4W :^ : froo from iramodiato danger. Excepting at Kingston the inhabi- tants woro not alarmed by the trumpet blast . There was not here enacted such stirring events as transpired at Detroit, upon the Niagara frontier, and below upon the St. Lawrence. Nevertheless there was diligent preparation made for any contingency that might come w^ith the tide of war. The several regiments of mili- tia called out, were taken to Kingston and prepared for service whether it might be offensive or defensive. Kingston being a naval station and having a dock-yard as well as a military depot ; and at the same time situated within a short distance of the enemiee' territory, it was necessary that it should bo well garrisoned, and the surrounding country constantly watched. And here the raw militia man was drilled for service, while they were ready to defend the place. . The news of the declaration of war reached Kingston by a pri- vate letter to Mr. Forsyth, from the States, and an hour and a half afterwards, says one who was there, a letter having been conveyed to Col. Benson, the drum beat to arms, and couriers were on their way with all haste to warn out the militia along the Bay and in Northumberland. The belief was entertained that Kingston would bo a place of attack at once, and the flank companies wore ordered there immediately. Upon the 27th June, 1812, John J^'erguson, Colonel command- ing 1st regiment Hastings Militia, wrote from Kingston, to Lieut.- Colonel William Bell, of Thurlow, "to cause the volunteer^ of the battalion who already oifored their servi. os, to hold themselves in readiness for actual service, and to apply to the Quartermaster for such arms as are in his possession, to be used by the volunteers until others were got from Kingston. Capt. John Mcintosh to take command, the other Captain will be J. W. Myers. Notice to be given at once, be it night or day, to meet on the Plains — and be drilled by the Sergt.-Major." Col. Bell received the letter at sunset on the 29th, by the hands of John Weaver. A postscript to the letter says "War is declared by the United.States against Great Britain." The militia of Hastings were hurried to Kingston, but after a few weeks when it was seen that Kingston would not be immedi- ately attacked, they were ordered home. The next year the Nor- thumberland Militia was ordered to York, and soon saw service. In connection with Kingston were two events which may be alluded to, one was a hostile demonstration against Sacket's Harbour* which had for its object principally the destruction of a man-of-war? AITACK UPON SAOKET'S HARBOUR. ^||||i there building; the other wan an attempt, on the part of the Amori- cane, to destroy the BritiHh frigate, Royal George, lying at Kingston. It wab in May, 1813, that Sir George Prevost and Sir James L. Yoo, arrived at Kingston, where were Cupt. Barclay Pring and Furnis, preparing for service the few vessels stationed there; among them one lately launched, the Sir George Provost, of 30 guns, greeted them with a salute from the vessels. The American fleet was at the head of the lake, bombarding Fort George. Under these circum- stances it was resolved to make an attack upon Sackets Harbour, "About 1000 men were embarked on board the Wolfe of 24 guns, the Jloyal George of 24 guns, the Earl of Moira, of 18 guns, and four armed schooneis each carrying from 10 to 12 guns, with a number of batteaux, so that no time might be lost in the debarkation. Two gun-boats were placed in readiness as a landing escort. The boats were under the direction of Capt. Mulcaster, of the Eoyal Navy, and the landing under the immediate superintendence of Sir George Prevost and Sir James ' Yeo. The following account is from A. O. Petrie, Esq., of Belleville, who was present as a volunteer, being then clerk to Capt. Gray, Assistant Quartermaster-General. So quickly was the expedition arranged that Petrie had no knowledge of it until about to start. By permission of Capt. Gray, Mr. Petrie formed one of the party, who, although forgetting to procure a red coat, did not forget his gun. " Was in a batteau with Capt. Gray the greater part of the night, which was crowded with men. Capt. Gray told Petrie that the object of the expedition was to burn the ship there building, and told him he might have a hand in it, Petrie said he would be there as soon as any one. They landed about four o'clock in the morning, and Mr. Petrie carried Capt. Gray on his back to the shore through the water. But before they had landed the Americans fired upon them; tlu^y were soon relieved however, by the gun-boat. They then advanced and was not far from the sliip when the bugle sounded the retreat. When he regamed the boat he found that his friend Capt. Gray had been killed. There is abundant evidence tliat the retreat was unnecessary, that the enemy were fleeing ; but one of those fearful mistakes occurred by which the British and Canadian troops lost a victory which had been won. This expedition exhibited the bravery of the militia men in the fullest degree, and had the mind of Prevost re- mained unclouded, due reward would have been secured. But the precipitate retreat of the Americans was misunderstood by Prevost> *854 AT HERltiMER'a POINT. he thought it a trap set. Says a writer, " It was true that Fort Tomhins waa about to fall into British hands. Already the officers in charge of Navy Point, agreeably to orders, and supposing the fort to be Iof>t, had set on fire the naval magazine, containing all the stores captured at York. The hospital and barracks were illuminating the lake by their grand conflagration, and the frigate on the stocks had been set on lire only to be extinguished when Prevost's mind became unsettled as to the ulterior design of the enemy. In the very momotxt «'"0f fully accomplishing the purpose of the expedition, he ordered a *? retreat, and the troops reached Kingston in safety. ,,.. ^^ i. m- ' - ■--:- s But, the following year an expedition left KingttOh (Mi" thfe'4th May, which arrived at Oswego on the following day, and took the fort; but the stores had been removed. >Yf ra,( <-.-« ttoh About five miles from Kingston lies what is called Herkimer's Point. It was thought a thing not improbable that the Americtos might land upon this point and endeavor to enter Kingston. Hdre "Was a telegraph signal, and two cannon bad been planted there ; after- ward one, a very good one waa removed, lest it should fall into the ihands of the enemy. From this point a fair view of the Upper Gap ■%a8 to be had. At last, one morning, the Yankee fleet composed of ^•ome 14 sail, laii-ge and small, appeared off the Upper Gap. A shot *lt is said was fired f roid the old windmill by some militia men there, Which was replied to. A sohooner, the Simooe was chased, blit >;' escaped by running over a bar between some islands at Herkimer's ^ Point. She reijeived several shots, and subsequently sank wh6n she ^hidi reached King£it6o. The inhabitants along the coast were ordered Tinto the interior with all theii* stock. The fleet parsed along not far from the shore, and the field artillery moved along at an equal pace, i«tod a firing was kept up between them. The writer's father was ^^ present on the occasion. He was Sergt. in Capt. Dorland's Company "^yprom Adolphttstown, and was this momiiig On duty with his Oom- I'pilny at H^rrkimev's Point. He was standing a short distance from the shore. The brass artillery sent a ball through one of the erteniy's vessels, he saw her haul off from the rest. The fleet fired back, and he saw the first ball from therai as it passed ri^ar him. The Gover- "nor's horse being held by anegi'o near by, while the Goverrtibf stood a little off, squatted to the earth and the ball passed over faia back the ball then struck the top rail of the fence, near by him, and went bounding and plowing up the ground. All this he remembers dis- iHnotly. The artillery and troops marched along opposite the fleet on their way to Kington, and were there paraded in a concealed spot T eHRTSLCR's FARM. M5 twhind the jail. It wan a general expectation that the enemy would attempt to laadi and he fully anticipated going into action. Ho could see the balls flying over the buildings. u^tin iv It was a natural expectation thot the enemy would endeavonr to poHaaus themselves of Kingston with its garrison and naval depot, (^nd dock yard. Every necessary stop was taken to frustrate any designs that might be entertained by the Americans against the plffQo. Id the Gazette of Oct. 9, 1B13, is the following : btiflinauo V K'C, " By all accounts wo understand that the Americans are on the ©ve of attacking this place. It is our province to observe that their intentions have become completely anticipated, and every necessary preparation has boen made to give them a worm reception. Wo are happy to announce the arrival of Lieutenant-Colonel Drummond, o'with the first detachment of the 104th Begiment, from Burlington Heights, This regiment the 49th, and the corps of the VoltigourB, ipay be expected here in the course of to-day or to-morrow. These three gallant regiments, together with our brave mUitia, who are pouring in from all quarters, and have already assembled in consid- iC^ble numbers, will be a sufficient reinforcement, and with our 't.jpresent respectable garrison will be able to repel any force which j the enexny may bring against us. We are are glad to observe that every piece of artillery is most advantageously placed, and we must really congratulate our fellow citiasens on the formidable appeor- i^Qoe of every defensible portion in the vicinity of this town. It has been the ge^ieral rumor h>r a few days past that six or seven of lipur small vessels have been utken on their >vay from the head of i.llie lake to this plflfce and sent into Sockets ; which rumor we fear i^ too true." . . aolij toroiii ifiallihe Jbloi'l ail| buc .cnoxJ.* oiiJ laoit ^ff The woods around Kingston, and upon Point Henry, were all CffX down to prevent a surprise. The enemy, however, did not att«c]( Kingston, but landed lower down the St. Lawrence, Witb :what result the following notice will sj^o^^ '' Mngstgn Gase/itf, iSat^r4ay, November, 13, 1813. , ^i .(LDit f^^a-tcf eilT oTtoiIa oJi .ui ,j[ojid hitih j!fuFi ii. 1 ; : i ''■ ' '■;.:-■ ; )ii v/M od Maamy ,, ,,„ . ,"FOSTPWPT— HIQHLT IMPORTAI^T., . ^ ,. „. ;/;x> ;.;[! inrif T:Bon '^' ■/ r • '■ ■■ ' .^ a i paA oiu irm Oil hex \ "The following important intelligence Was reCfiived ift town 3*bi$mm-ning by.esp^ois." .-..ij inw kmuj ju: wj ;../,„. .^-^ ,;,.. ...mh .. •r J ' , "^ • u fr-* r Chryslers, nth November. .^. The enemy attacked us this morning, suppose Jfromi 3 to 4,000 men: ib nnmber, and has been completely repulsed and defeated, 566 ii TAKING CANADA. with a very considerable loss, a number of prisoners, and one General taken by us; the loss of the enemy cannot be less than 4 or 5,000. Ours has been severe. The Americans were commanded by Generals Lears and Boyd. (Signed) William Morrison, Lieutenant Colonel 89th Regiment. Kingston Gazette, Saturday, Nov. 20, 1813. We are assured on good authority, that the loss of the enemy in the late action at Williamsburgh, exceeded 1,000 in killed, wounded, prisoners and deserters ; their flight was precipitate during the remainder of the day and night after the action ; on the morning of the 12th they regained their own shore in the greatest confusion, and in momentary expectation of being attacked. Several officers of distinction were killed and wounded. Major General Covender was dangerously wounded, and is since dead ; Lieutenant-Colonel Preston, noted for his ridiculous and insulting proclamation at Fort Erie, inviting the inhabitants of Upper Canada to place themselves under his protection, was dangerously wounded. One six-pounder field piece was taken on the charge, and about 120 prisoners, 350 or 400 stand of arms were collected on and near the field of action. " The Militia of Cornwall and the neighbouring townships have come forward in the most spirited and loyal manner, and are daily joining the troops, shewing a spirit worthy of their ancestors, and a noble example to their countrymen. We sincerely hope it will be followed, and if the inhabitants of Upper Canada are true to themselves, they can have no reason to fear all the efforts of the enemy." Thus ended the attack which had been made with the usual boastful spirit. According to an American writer in the New York Herald, at that time, the American Commander-in-Chief was "a contemptible wretch," guilty of "low ribaldry," a drunkard, having to take " two drinks of hot rum to enable him to go through the operation of shaving," and finally as given to singing " I am now a going to Canada, And there I will get money — And there I'll kiss the pretty squaws They are as sweet as honey " Not alone did the Midland district supply its quota of men for the incorporated militia; but the rich soil along the borders of the QUAKERS OBJECT TO SHIN PLASTERS. 857 bay gave abundantly to the commissariat department. During the first year of the war, there was a time when the troops at Kingston had no more than a week's provision. Under these circumstances the Commandant enquired of Colonel Cartwright if he knew of any one who could be depended upon to raise the required supplies which were known to exist in the district. Cartwright in- formed him that the required person could at once be obtained in the person of Captain Eobert Wilkins. Captain Wilkins, who had raised a company in the beginning of the war, was accordingly sent for, and instructed to prepare to undertake, as chief commissary, the duty. He asked for written instructions and authority that he might not be hindered in his work — that Militia Colonels, and sub- officers should yield to his demands for men to act as batteaux men, or do any other required duty to impress conveyances, &c. He was asked if he would be ready to set out in a day or two. The reply was, I will start in half an hour. " The devil you will," said the Commandant, "so much the better," and Captain Wilkins quickly wrote his resignation as Capta,in to the company, settled his hotel bill, and was on his way up the bay toward Picton. Arrived there, he called upon Mr. Cummings, and desired him to act as agent, which request was acceded tOc He then pushed on to the head of the bay, at the Carrying Place, and established an agency there, afterwards his head-quarters. Proceeding to Myers' Creek, he procured as agent the services of Simon McNabb. In the vicinity of Picton, were a considerable number of Quakers, who, although not wanting in loyalty, would, not only, not take up arms, but conscientiously would not sell the produce of their farms and take in payment government bills, or " shin plasters," then in circulation. Of course, they could, without scruples, sell their grain to any one without asking questions, for gold or silver but to take ephemeral paper born of war, and its circulation recog- nizing a state of war, was another thing. They absolutely refused to take it. Colonel Wilkins believing in their sincerity, at once wrote to the Commandant at Kingston, for a certain sum of gold, which was promptly forwarded. Thus the granaries of the rich section of the county in Prince Edward were opened. But Wilkins had not waited for the gold ; on his own responsibility he had bought the grain promising to pay them as they required, and Mr. Cummings had been diligently carrying out his orders. Commissary Wilkins had other difl&culties to contend with. In some sections there was a disposition to hold the produce 558 PRI80NBBS. -^ ^. > until prices were better, although pork, for instance, was fetching $14 a barrel. They wished to get $20. The result of this was Bh " half martial law," by which provisions, wherever found, could be^ taken at a fair valuation. But Colonel Wilkins says that this had rarely to be done, By kind persuasion, showing the people that- their duty should lead them to be satisfied with a fair price, ho sueceeded in getting all the supplies of provision he wanted. The duties devolving upon him were numerous and onerousi . He had to supervise the batteaux carrying provisions up and down ' the bay from a distance, and often would have to give orders for ■* 3 or 400 men to be collected to propel the batteaux, or assist to transport articles across the Carrying Place, ' The rate of pay given to an officer, acting as pilot, or conductor to batteaux, was lOs, per day. Privates impressed to carry or assist' • received 2s. 6d., with rations ; but supplied themselves with blankets. They were paid immediately their work was done, by Wilkinsv ' We have before us a requisition sent by Wilkins to Colonel Bell in^ April, 1814, i'y^ 40 ]irivate9, and officer to manage the King's '' batteaux, as there waa a quantity of provisions to be conveyed to* Queenston Heights. Although the foe found no footing, and made no attempt to land along the bay, the inhabitajits had the opportunity of seeing not a^*^ few of their would be conquerors, as they passed as prisoners of war ^ on their way to Quebec. Many of the 1000 taken at Detroit had to^ march along the road the whole length of the Province. Some were taken in batteaux, and others were conveyed in vessels down the lake as far as Kingston. Many of those who walked "vent by the way of the Prince Edward Peninstila, by Wellington and Picton, crossing the bay at the Stone Miilsv others went by way of Napanee, and thence to Kingston. One way was as convenient as the other, as there was no bridge across the Kiver Trent. Persons are now living {Jong the routes who recollect the crest-fallen appearance of these prisoners ; the more so, because the people whom they had come to invade, and dispossess, shewed them acts of kindness, and gave them food to eat. One old lady, so old that she remembers the Eevolutionary War in 1788, says she told them she had given the British troops all she had to eat, as they passed up to conquer them, and she now as gladly gave food to them. Those brought in batteaux were transported across the Carrying Place into the bay. No doubt they appreciated the beauty of the scenery along the route, uid had their appetite affected for die land they coveted. THE WOUNDED. 5W On the morning of August 29, 1812, there arrived at Kingston, His Majesty's ships Royal George, Earl of Moira, and Prince Begent, with 400 prisoners, and General Hull. ' The must of the prisoners taken at the Niagara frontier were carried in batteaux, and by the bay, Colonel Scott among the rest. At a later date, arrived the American prisoners, General Chandler and Waider, captured at Stoney Creek. And again, " Arrived at this place yesterday, March Ist, 1813, on their way to Quebec, whither they will proceed to-day, Brigadier-General James Winchester, Colonel William Lewis, and Major George Madison, a,ttached to the American army, captured by General Proctor on the River Rafino." We copy the following : " Quebec, November 2nd. On Friday and Saturday were escorted by a detachment of Major Bell's Cavalry, from their quarters, at Bauport, to the new gaol, twenty-throe American officers, and on the latter day were also taken from the prison ships, and escorted by a detachment of the 103rd regiment to the same prison, a like number of non-commissioned officers, making in all forty-six conformable to the General Orders of the 27 th October." But other sights than prisoners of war were presented during the conflict. Owing to the exposed state of the Province in the west, after the taking of York, a large number of the woun<l€d were re* moved from the Niagara region to Kingston, sometimes by ships, sometimes by batteau. Many of those wounded at Lundy's Lane were taken by schoonet to York, and thence by batteau down the lake shore, across the Carrying Place, and along the bay. Among them was Sheriif Ruttan, who was left at his father's house, to th« kind care of his family. In Uiift connection it may be observed that Surgeon Dougall, of Prince Edward Militia, served nine months at Kingston, and Dr. Meacham, of Belleville, also served during the most of the war. We will here give an extract from an obituary notice taken from the Hastings Chronicle. "A Vi:teranop1812. — "Of the Provincial troops, the Glengary regiment of Infantry took perht^s the most active part. At the age of fifteen, Jonathan Phillips enlisted in this corps, then being raised throughout Canada. The urgent necessity for recruits inducing the authorities to accept youths even of that tender age. The story will best be told, as nearly as may be, in the veteran's own words :— ■" I was bora in Duchess County, State of New York, in the year 1796j ray father came from Devonshire, England, and my mother from Edinburgh, Scotland. In 1809, my parents removed to Canada and settled in Fred- 560 JONATHAN PHILLIPS' STATEMENT. ericksburgh, County of Lennox and Addington. In January, 1812, 1 was working for Mr. Chapman, in Fredericksburgh, getting out square pine, oak, and staves ; whilst thus employed, Captain Judkins, formerly of the 104th Regiment of the Line, asked me to enlitjt, and I joined the Glengary's, and in a few days after was sent to Kingston with about twenty other recruits from Fredericksburgh, Richmond, and Emesttown. AVe remained in Kingston till navigation opened, when the recruits assembled at that place, about 200 in all, descended the St. Lawrence in batteaux to Three Rivers, where we received uniforms, arms, and accoutrements, and commenced to Isarn our drill. Tlie corps now mimbered about 800. Towards autumn we were ordered to Quebec, in charge of about 1000 prisoners from General Hull's army, captured in the west. We remained at Quebec a month or six weeks. In October, 1812, we were ordered to the west, (the season is recalled from the recollection that as they marched from Quebec the farmers were busy cutting wheat on the hillsides, and the snow was falling at the time). The march was by the North Shore road to Montreal. Here we remained aU winter, expecting the Americans to attack that city. In the month of March, before the sleighing was gone, the regiment was ordered to Kingston, taking with them several pieces of cannon, which were drawn by oxen. The men marched. The cattle that d^ew the can- non and baggage, were slaughtered at Kingston for provisions. We remained a month at Kingston, and then passed up the Bay of Quinte to the Carrying Place in batteaux. The baggage and batteaux were transported across the Isthmus into Lake Ontario, and we re-embarked for York. On our arrival at York we were forwarded with all despatch to Burlington Bay. We first met the Yankees at Stoney Creek, and then pushed on towards Fort George. We halted at the village of St. Davids, and encamped at the cross-roads. The Yankees held Fort George ; when they discovered we were so near them they retreated upon Black Creek. We followed them up, and had a battle with them at Lundy's Lane, on 26th July, 1813. In this affair I was in the advance guard, or reconnoitering party. The enemy retreated upon Fort Erie, and we pursued them and had several skirmishes with them. They blew up the fort, and evacuated Canada. In the fall of the year we marched back to York ; there we em- barked in batteaux and came to the Carrying Place — thence we crossed into the Bay of Quinte, and thence to Kingston. From Kingston we marched to Adolphustown Court House, and were billeted upon the farmers in that vicinity during the ensuing winter. There were from eight to ten men in each house. Whilst here we assembled every day at the Court House, at ten a. m., for drill — we were at least 800 strong. On the 23rd March, 1814, all the three years' men were paraded at the Court House, paid off, and discharged. Each man so discharged drew lOO acres of land in Upper Canada, farming utensils, and a year's provisions. The provisions were distributed every three mouths, at Robert Charles Wilkinq' store, at the Carrying Place." ,^...,^^ REWARD. ^^i^v,,,_ 561 From the time of his discharge till his decease, Phillips resided in the County of Hastings, pursuing the usual occupation of the first settlers of this county. For many years he followed "lumbering" in winter, and farming in the summer seasons, but being trustworthy, intelligent, and of a kindly disposition, his services were frequently sought after for various purposes. Several years ago, the farm which he drew for his militai'y service, and which, for many years, afibrded him a home and a support, he sold for the sum of $1,900, thus enjoy- ing in his old age the well earned reward of the loyalty and courage of his youth. He died at his home, in the second concession, Eawdon, on the 15th February, 1868. ?. THE militiaman's REWARD. General Brock, on his way to Detroit, assembled the Legislature, and amongst other Acts, one was passed for the organization of a battalion of " Incorporated Militia," a body distinct from the Sedentary Militia. It was an inducement held out for action ; and to properly fitted persons, to raise companies and regiments for service during the war. According to Ruttan, any one enlisting five persons was entitled to an Ensigncy ; ten, a Lieutenancy ; twenty, a Captaincy ; fifty, a Major; and forty a Lieutenant-Colonel. Subsequently, in 1814 and 15, the Legislature "voted the supplies necessary to fill up the incorporated regiments to 800 men. A service of plate, and a pension of £20 per aimum for the wounded, or for the widows of the killed, as well as an address to His Majesty for an allowance of 100 acres of land for each man, whether belonging to the regiment of flank companies or the Sedentary Militia." No truly patriotic and brave man will seek, or demand a pro- mise of reward for defending, or fighting for the interests of his country. He requires no more than what comes from a conscious- ness of his duty done, and his country's honor maintained ; the land of his birth, or choice, preserved from the desecration of an invader's foot. But when the deadly conflict has incapacitated the brave one for the ordinary avocations of Hie, and be is left, perhaps, with a family, unable to secure life's comforts ; or when the torch of war — of the unchristian men, such as President Madison, and his cold-blooded servant, Colonel McClure, at Niagara, — leaves the homes of helpless women in ashes ; or with wilful wantoness destroys for the mere pleasure of gratifying a worse than heathenish dispo- sition, then the tried veteran has a right to be rewarded in a sub- stantial manner. The Government of Canada, as well as that of Great Britain, has never been found remiss in afibrding suitable rewards to those who were truly and knowingly worthy. 36 562 LANDS GRANTED. . The smoke of war in 1815 had barely cleared away, after the Americans had sought and obtained a peace, to them ignoble, ere the Canadian Government took stops to secure a just reward to all worthy men. And to this end the followine: general order appeared in the Kingston Gazette, 17th July, 1815, having reference to settlers. " Military S'^'^retary's Office, Kingston. '* Each soldier to receive 100 acres of land ; officers entitled in the first instance to 200. To receive provisions for themselves and families for one year, that is those who had last or, who might recjuire it on new land. Implements of husbafidry, and tools to be supplied in sufficient quantities, and other conifortB according to necessity to cultivate land. The land thus taken cannot bd sold tttitil after three year's cultivation. Supt. Alex. McDonnell, and Aii^B McDonnell, of G-lengftry Fencibles, to take ch^rgfe of the- settlers." The same date was issued as follows : ** Acting Militai^ Secretary, Williatn Gibson, issued A' notice at Kingsion, 29th July, 1815, proclaiming that Boards to* examine claims for losses met with during the Americjin war,' should meet during August and September, at Amherstburg'h, Fort George, York, Kingston, and Fort Wellington. "All discharged soldiers, applying for lands are to g5Ve iff their names to Edward Jones, late of the 9th Eegiment. noW resid- ing in the old Barrack Square. (Signed) — P. P. Robinson, Sticritary, July 31. i&wciinim AgAin is founds-" Lieutenant Governor's Office, YOi-k, D6c. Id', 1816. Hi^ Excellency, the liteutenant-Governor hd^ been pledsfed to a^^oint Surgeon Anthony Marshall, of Kirigstoii, to exdmihd alnd ^ant certificates of disability to Militiamen disabled ft'oM Wbnrids ife<ifeiVed on service in defence of the Province during the fate vrAV. (Sighed)— Edward McMahoist, AssiifOnt Secretdi-y. Among the Militia General Orders issued from the Adjutant General's office, appeared the following : " His Excellency, Sir Frederick P. Robinson, Major-Generat Commanding, and Provincial Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of tJpper Canada, has great satisfaction in publishing to the Militia of that Province, the following extract of a letter from Earl Bathurst, one of His Majesty's Secretaries of State ; addressed to His Excellency Sir Gordon Drummond, dated Downing-street, 13th June, 1815, OPPIOIAL REOOONITION. ** 563 54^ 1^ "I should have felt that I was acting unjustly towards you and the officers and men under your command, if I had forborne bring- ing under the notice of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, the great meritorious exertions, so long and so successfully made by them for the preservation of the Upper Province. I am com- manded to assure you, that His Royal Highness has contemplated your efforts with the highest satisfaction, not more on account of the skill and vialor uniformly displayed by His Majesty's Troops, in presence of the enemy, than of the patience with which the privations incident to the peculiar nature of the service were supported and finally overcome." ./j(^ " You will not fail to convey to the Troops under your Com- >ir** mand, the strongest expression of His Royal Highjitoss's approba- D:<* tion, and to accept for yourself and the army under your orders, :^*^ that testimony which His Royal Highness is so anxious to bear, 0^*^ to the great service which yoti have rendered to your country." " Nor is HiR Royal Highness insensible to the merits of the inhabitaniB of Upper Canada, or to the great assistance which the - ^ilitia of the Province afforded duiing the whole of the war, Hia Royal Highness trusts that you will express to them in adequate ^ivterms, the high sense which he entertains of their sei-vices, as having mainly contributed to the immediate preservatioM of the ^Province, and its future security." N. Oofpin, Adjutant General of ' MiUtia, In 1815 the Legislature granted £6,000, stg. £5,883 6s. 8d. to be applied as follows : — To the officers, non-commissioned offiieerB, and privates of the incorporated militia, six months' jmy, £4,594 158. 2d. To the officers and non-commissioned officers of the linei attached to the incorporated militia, the well piay of thetr respective tanks in the said corps, £1,000. To the officers and non-commis- sioned officers, and privates of the incorporated militia artillery, Six months' pay, £288 lis. 6d. To the speaker of the House of Assembly^ to purchase a sword to be presented to Colonel Robinson, late of the incoporated militia, 100 guineas. 564 X COVETOUSNB88. i.n CHAPTER LXIV. C'ONTKNTfi — The Six Nations in 1812 — American Animus—" Manifest Degtiny"— ()i/5, Mohawk Indiana — ^A right to defend their homes— Inconsistency — American Savagefi — Extract from Playtcr — Brock's proclamation — Indian character, conduct, eloquence — Deserters in 1812 — Few of them — Court-martials — The , .,j^i attempts at conquest by the Americans — The numbers — Result of war— « Canadians saved the country — And can do so — Fraternal kindness. THE SIX NAtiONS AS oAtJADIANS IN T 81 2. nbh Maintaining their wonted hostile attitude to the Mohawks, and continuing to charge, upon the British and Canadian Governments, an uncivilized procedure, the Americans have attempted to create a belief that we waged not a warfare according to civilized ideas. Civilization consists, in the mind8ofAmericans,in just those views, theories, beliefs, and proceedings, which belong to the Great United States, and nothing can eminate from their government that is not in strict accordance with civilization, — their civilization. It so happens that one of their beliefs is that destiny manifestly intends that they shall possess all of North America. In 1812, a pretext was formed under the question of the right to search American vessels for deserters from British service, to declare war against England. Thij was regarded by Madison and the Government sat^ Washington, a fitting opportunity to make the already cherished attempt to obtain the British Provinces. It was not in accordance with their ideas of liberty and civilization, to give the slightest heed to the wishes of the loyalists whom they had, years before, forced away, and who had already done much to convert the wilderness into a noble Province; the British subjects who had emigrated to America, and preferred the yet infant colony of Canada, to the more advanced, but distasteful, United States. And still more, the Mohawk Indians, whom they had so cruelly treated, who had found homes under a benign and fatherly government, were not only disregarded, but their very right to defend their homes was denied by the very civilized government which longed to get Canada. And hence we find attempts made to cast obloquy, upon the Canadians, in connection with the war of 1812. The people who strove, but vainly, to enlist the Mohawks in their service in 1776, with wonderful inconsistency, in 1812, issue pro- clamations that no quarter will be given to Indians, nor the Cana- » .'^^ SAVAGES. "4 '-565 dians who were found fighting side by side. Yet, in the same war- they had all the Indians they could get to assist in their invasion of a peaceful Province, who actually assisted in the hellish work of plunder in the Niagara region. The Senecas took sides with them. The Indians who had found a home in Canada, had a i-ight to defend their country, and willingly did they march to the field. They rendered important service at Detroit when the immortal Brock hurled back the braggart foe, took General Hull and his army prisoners, and conquered the territory of Michigan. They likewise did good service at Queenston Heights. A few instances occured where individual Indians did lapse into the warfare nature had implanted into their breasts. But let it be distinctly and emphatically stated that they were exceptions. " But the savage conduct of the white United States troops, was worse than the employment of savages. In civilized wars, or the wars of Christian people with each other,! (alas ! that Christians and war should be associated I) the usual rule is to harm only those who aim to harm, and to pass by the peaceable and unarmed. Con- sidering, too, that the Canadian people were not enemies, but had always friendly dispositions towards the United States, that the war was merely for remote and abstract questions, that the British Canadians never set the example, that maurading was not the rule Of the British officers and armies (as evinced before the world in the wars with Bonapartej, — the United States Government selecting the province as a battle field, should have treated the inhabitants without arms as mere spectators of the conflict. Shame on President Madison, and his cabinet of Christian " (?) " gentlemen, for ordering their General, McClure (under the name and seal of John Armstrong, Secretary of War), to burn up the Town of Niagara, and turn 400 women and children into the snow and icy streets, on a December day of a rigid Canadian winter ! Had the cruelty been accomplished by a tribe of Indians, no astonishment would have been felt ; but for Christians thus to treat Christians, and for people of the same ancestry, to show such barbarity, shows that the bad passions of the human heart are the same in the civilized as in the savage. The war might have been carried on, so that friendship might soon be resumed ; but the dreadful aggravation, left in the bosoms of the Canadian settlers, fiuch hatred as remains to the present day. The writer has even heard women say, on the banks of the St. Lawrence, that if the Americans ever invaded Canada again, they would shoulder muskets UKf^ INDIAN RIGHTS. • with their husbands. The domocracy of the United States, like the democracy of the French Eevolution, proffered liberty with the left hand, and scattered the fire-brands of savage war with the right."— (Playter.) The invading general having issut i a proclamation, declaring that Canadians found fighting beside the Indians should have no quarter. Major-General Brock, in an address, issued to the Cana- dians at Fort George, July 22nd, 1812, referring to this matter, says :— " Be not dismayed at the unjustifiable threat of the Commander of the enemy's forces to reluse quarter, should an Indian appear in the ranks. " The brave bands of the Aborigines which inhabit this colony wore like His Majesty's other subjects punished for their zeal and fidelity, by the loss of their possesions :n the late colonies, and re- warded by His Majesty with lands of superior value in the Pro- vince. The faith of the British Government has never yet been violated by the Indians, who feel that the soil they inherit is to them and their prosperity, protected from the base arts so frequently devised to over-reach their simplicity." " By what new principle are they to be prohibited from defend- ing their property ? If their warfare from being different to thftt of the white people, be more terrific than that of the enemy, let him retrace his steps, they seek him not, and cannot expect to find women and children in an invading army. " But they are men, and have equal rights with all other men to defend themselves and their property when invaded, more espe- cially when they find in the enemj^'s camp a ferocious and mortal foe, usin^ the same warfare which the American commander affeote to reprobate." " This inconsistent and unjustifiable threat of refusing quarter, for such a cause as being found in arms with a brother sufferer, in defense of invaded rights, must be exercised with the certain assurance of retaliation,' not only in the limited operations of war in this part of the King's dominion, but in every quarter of th^ globe ; for the national character of Britain is not less distinguished for hunianity than strict retributive justice, which will consider the execution of this inhuman threat as deliberate murder, for which every subject of the offending power must make expiation." — (Signed, Isaac Brock.) DESERTERS. 'V Atf ' In concluding this subjoct, we will quote the language of one W^Orose to subline eloquence in collection with another event. Seeing the on-coming moment of the extinction among the Americans — vainly resisting the inevitable fate, but still lofty and noble. Thus spoke a Seneca chief: — " Who is it causes this river to rise in the high mountains, and to empty itself in the ocean ? Who is it that causes to blow the loud winds of winter, and that calms them again in summer ? Who is it that roars up the shade of those lofty forests, and blasts them with the quick lightning at his pleasure ? The same spirit, who gave you a country on the other side of the waters, gave this land to us, and wo will defend it." We would fail in our whole task did we not refer to one more topic; that concerning Deserters. There were, during the time of war, a few instances of desertion. There is eveiy reason to believe, that the wily Americans sent emmissaries Into the country with the object of tamperipg with the Canadians. The following, while having a local reference, will»oxplain the steps taken by Govern- ment tt) meet the requirements ot the day in this i-espect : Preaiden,t'8 Office, Upper Ca,nada, Kingston, 24th March, 181|4. His Honor the President has been pleased to appoint by com- mission, bearing this date, the under-mentioned gentlemen to be commissioners, for carrying into effect the provisions of an Act passed in the last session of the Legislature of this Province, entitled *' An Act to empower His Majesty, for a limited tirade, to secure and detain such persons as His Majesty shall suspect qf treasonable adherence to the enemy, in the several dictricts of this Province respectively: — For Midland District — ^The Hon. K. Cartwright, Alexander McDonell, Alexander Fisher, Thomas Dor- land, Timothy Thompson, Thomas Markland, Peter Smith, John Cumi](iing, James McNabb, Ebenozer Washburn, Eobert (^j Wijkins, James Young, William Crawford. {; " j- In every war there will be some desertions, and during t^ war of 1812, there were found a few, and a few indeed, who were base enough to desert from the ranks of the Canadian Mililji^, The several attempts at conquest of Canada were : — Ist Invasion . . Gen. Hull at Sandwich .... with 3,000 men. .. « VanRansler » Wodwbrth . .' . ' '« 2,000 " .. « Smyth '< Port Erie . ... " 3,000 « .. '< Pike "York " 2,500 •«. .. « Dearborno " Fort George. . « 3,000 '* .. •' Winchester, for Montreal, " Chryslers Farm " 3,000 " . . " Hampden " Chateauguay B. " 8,000 " .. «< Brown .,...." Fort Erie " 5,000 " .. «' «' .■.;;'..".'.'..'. '< Ltmdy's Lane " 5,000 <« . , « Izzard " Port Erie .... " 8,000 f* . . " Wilkinson , . " Lacate Mills , . '< 2,500 " Total number of men , 45,000. 2nd (1 3rd (1 4th II Sth i( 6th II 7th u Sth II Sth II 10th II 11th II 668 UNCIVILIZED WAUKAKE. "The forogoin^ iw an aggregate of the attompt to invade Canada by the United Statow Ibrcos when tlioy «uoa for peace ; and, when hucIi was proclaimed, they did not lind thoniBolvos in poMMCSsion of one inch of Canadian Territory." — (Clark.) TluH gloriouM result was duo, in a great measure, to the loyalty and bruverv of the Canadian Militia. The first year, the Militia alone saved the Province. The close of the war left no unpleasant remembrance. Called to arms for the most noble purpose, that of defending their homes, they discharged their duty bravely, but without unnecessary violence. There were no acts of cruelty to be laid to their charge. It was only the unprincipled foe that could bo guilty of deeds of barbaric darkness. It remained for the American General Harrison to burn, contrary to the rules of civilized warfare, a peaceful village, and for General McClure to apply the torch to the building which protected the wounded men, women, and chil- dren, from the piercing cold of a December night, an outrage only equalled by their firing on a BritisJ) flag of truce, under General EosB, before the capital Washington. These acts of villany met a just retribution. The former by destroying the frontier settlements from Lewiston to Buffalo, the latter by the destruction of the Capital. Canadians — Britons can deal out Just retribution, as well as they can defend their homes. And the Americans ought to know, and remember, that no acts of cowai'dly villany toward us will for over go unpunished. They incited i-ebellion among us in 1837-8. They have encouraged Fenianism, and assisted them as a people to invade our territoiy, and kill our young men. For this will come a day of judgment. It may not be this century, but it will come. Let but one more attempt be made to secure a» footing on our soil, and the Americans will learn that Canadians can, and will, retaliate. The haixly i:f>'^ost Canadian goaded to seek justice, will play the raider also. Ours is a frontier, over which they may come and do much mischief; but their's is equally lengthj', and exposed. A sheet of flame will burst along their frontier as well as ours, the destruction will not be all on side. During the Crimean war, the Canadians took great pleasure in giving contributions for the relief of the soldiers, wives and children. But this was only returning a like kindness displayed by England at the time of the invasion and rapine in 1812. The wanton destruction of Canadian homes brought much distress. By the Kingston Gazette of 5th December, 1813, we sec "that the total sum subscribed in the City of London for the relief of the sufferers in Canada (which has come to our knowledge), amounts to £10,419 10s. Od." And the same year " The General Assembly of Nova Scotia gave to the distressed of Upper Canada £2,500." An act of fraternal kindness that Canadians have been ready to return during the last year. .*."/««wf6' ^«'^^«**/'f'M,i .'««^ DIVISIOJS^ XI. .'^ ADVANCE OF CIVILIZATION. CHAPTER LXV. Contents — Canada's first Htep in ciTillzation — Slavery in America — By whom ,^ introduced — False charge — Slavery in Canada — History — Imperial Aotg — I Legislation in Canada — The Hcvural clauKes — In Lower Canada — .Fustico Osgood — Slavery at the Rebellion — Among the U. E. Loyalists — Those who held slaves — Descendants of the slaves — " A British slave" — " For sale " — "Indian slave" — Upper Canada's Record — Compared with the States — Liberty — Why the United States abolished slavery — Honor to whom honor is due. SLAVERY. Wo dovoto a chapter to the subject of slavery, which may bo appropriately noticed under advance of civilization. There can be no greater indication of a truly civilized people than a successful attempt to emancipate those in bondage. In this respect Upper Canada was very far in advance of the United States, and even of England herself. The Americans have not unfrequently essayed to fasten the ignominy of this domestic institution {Jupon the British nation, by asserting that it was the English that first brought slaves to the American continent. Supposing this to be true, it was the most pitiable attempt at excuse for continuing ibo accursed thing, after Britain had spent millions to abolish slavery in all her broad realm, that can possibly be imagined. But it is all untrue that slaves were first brought by the English. It was the Dutch, who found sale for them in Virginia. This was in 1620. " Shortly after the New England States adopted the ' institution,' the colonists and merchants introducing and controlling the whole trade, Massa- chusetts leading the way." And with all the cry, for ever echoing in the North against the South, because of slavery; it was the Yankee owners of ships, sent out from Northern ports to engage in 670 "■ SLAVERY IN CANADA. the world-condemned crime of the slave trade, that kept alive the worst feature of American slavery, until the celebrated military necessity of Lincoln, emancipated the Southern slaves. The presentfgeneration of Canadians are almost ignorant of the fact that the "institution" of slavery once existed in Canada, both Lower and Upper. The proud and pleasing appellation, which Canada enjoyed for so*many years, of a safe asylum for slaves, who had effected their escape from the United States, is in most cases alone known to have belonged to us. But the record of our young country is so honorable upon the question of slavery, that the fact that slaves did once breathe among us, casts no stigma upon the maple leaf, no single stain upon her virgin garments. The fact is, slavery could not live in Canada ; much less grow. The leading principles which guided the settlers of the country were of too noble a nature to accept the monstrous system of human bondage as an appendage of the Colony. They felt the truthfulness of the words, not long before uttered by John Wesley, that slavery was the "sum of all villainies," and knew they would be villains of the deepest dye to encourage it. v "i>»K. ./u<. im** ,v»v«: ,**««! -i ,bt*viiJi>'v ■ The history of slavery from the time Joseph was sold by his brothers into Egypt, by which it may be inferred that persons were already held in bondage, up to the present, is of no little interest ; but it forms no part of our task to give even a sketch of it, except jn relation to its exictence in Canada. .i|>4ir^t^iij[«i(i«/ij- In the year 1732, an Act was passed in the Imperial Parlia- ment "for the more easy recovery of debts in His Majesty's plan- tations and colonies in America," by which "lands, houses, negroes, and Qther hereditaments and real estate, shall be liable to be Jtaken by 'due process of Jaw for any indebtedness." ! ■'^'i^ '^'"■ Another Imperial Act having reference to slavery in Canada, was passed so late as 1790. The Act is intituled " An Act for encouraging new settlers in lis Majesty's colonies and plantations in America." Among other aings it is provided that if any per- sons shall come to the West India Islands or the Province of Quebec, from United States, with the view of settling, it shall be lawful for such, having obtained a license from the Governor, to import among other things " any negroes " he may possess. Such was tlie law In all Canada when Upper Canada was erected into a distinct Pro- vince. The first Session of Parliament in Upper Canada was naturally and necessarily^occupied in arranging the machinery requisite fof AN ACT '£0 ABOt^SH. 57J the govei'nm,ent of the bo4y public. The second Session witnessed legislation to secure defence of the country by organizing a mili- tia body ; and also upon two most important subjects having rejfec- emi.e to moral principles, viz. : concerning marriages, ^nd .; ,i^!ili■ 4» -^ct to prevev-t tj^ further introduction of slaves, and to limit the term of contract for servitude within this Province." x« tawovi iWix " Whereas it is unjust that a people who enjoy freedom by law, should encourage the introduction of slaves, and whereas it is highly expedient to abolish slavery in this Province, so far a,8 the same may gradually be done without violating private property ; be it enacted by the King's Most Excellent ]^ajosty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly pf the Province of Upper Canada," &c. It is enacted " that from and after the passing of this Act, so much of a certain Act of the Par- liaraejit of Great Britain, entitled " An Act for encouraging new settlers," &c., as may enable the Governor or LieuteaantrGov.eruor of this Province, heretofore parcel of His Majesty's Province of Quebec, to grant a license for importing into the same, any negro or negroes, shall be, and the same is hereby repealed ; and that fl*om and after the passing of this Act) it shall not be lawful for ihfi Governor to grant a license for the importation of any negro or other person to be subjected to the condition of a slave, or to a bounden involuntary service for life, in any part of this Province, nor shitll any negro, or other person who shall come, or be brought into the Province after the passing of this Act, bo subject to the condition of a slave, or to such pewice as aforesaid, within this Province, nor shall any voluntary contract of service or indentures that may be entered into by any parties within this Province, after the passing of this Act, be binding upon them or eithe;r of them for a longer term than a term of nine years." }M»nA>. The second clause provided that the owners of slaves, at the time within the Province, should be secured in their property and contriicts already made should not be affected. But in the third clause it is declared that " In oi-der to prevent the continuation of slavery within this Province, be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that immedi- ately from and after the passing of this Act, every child that shall be born of a negro mother, or other woman subjected to such ser- vice as aforesaid, shall abide and remain with the master or mistress in whose service the mother shall be living at the time of such child's birth, (unletjs such mother and child shall, leave puoh 572 THE CONDITIONS. sorvipo, by and with the consent of such master or mistress)— and such master or mistress shall, and is hereby required to give proper nourishment and clothing to such child or children, and shall and may put such child or children to work, when he, she, or they shall be able so to do, and shall and may retain him or her in their service until every such child shall have obtained the age of 25 years, at which time shall be entitled to demand his or hcj- discharge from, and shall be discharged by such master or mistress, from any further service. And to the end that the age of such child or children may be more easily ascertained, the master or mistress of the mother thereof, shall, and is hereby required, to cause the day of the birth of every such child as shall be born of a negro or other mother, subjected to the condition of a slave, in their service, as aforesaid, to be registered within three months after its birth, by the clerk of the parish, township or place wherein such master or mistress reside, which clerk shall be authorized to demand and receive the sum of one shilling for registering the same. And in case any master or mistress shall refuse or neglect to cause such register to be made within the time aforesaid, and shall be convicted thereof, either on his or her confession, or by the oath of one or more credible witnesses before any justice of the peace, he or she shall for such offence forfeit and pay the sum of £5 to the public stock of the district. ai^trtiiiiaifeH.. v^ fre^KyrroJv-i ^'Btb'^f And be it further enacted, that in case any master or mistress shall detain any such child born in their service, after the passing of this Act, under any pretence whatever, after such servant shall have attained the age of 25 years, except by virtue of a contract of service or indentures duly and voluntarily executed, after such discharge as aforesaid, it shall be for such servant to apply for a discharge to any justice of the peace," and the party accused may be summoned to show cause Avhy the servant is not discharged. The master failing to prove the servant under age, the justice is to discharge the same, and it was " provided always that in case any issue shall be born of such children during their infant servitude or after, such issue shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of free-bom subjects." "And be it further enacted, that whenever any master or mistress shall liberate or release any person subject to the condi- tion of a slave fi*om their service, they shall at the same time give good and sufficient security to the church or town wardens of the parish or township where they live, that the person so released by them shall not become chargeable to the same, or any other parish . IN LOWER CANADA. 573 or township." This act which reflects so much glory upon the Upper Canadian Legislators, was passed July 9, 1793. We thought our readers would prefer to see the act complete than any synopsis we might prepare . >«« ^hk. tmiS ;u To Robert Gray, then Solicitor-General, is Upper Canada primarily indebted for the above act. He was an earnest friend of the African race. He was lost in the schooner Speedy, on Lake Ontario. Slavery in Lower Canada. — According to Garneau, in the year 1689, it was proposed to introduce negroes to the colony of France. But it was thought the climate would prove unsuitable. That slavery was, not long after introduced, seems certain, and that it " was legally recognized in Canada, is plain, from an oi*dinanco of intendant Hocquart, dated 1736, regulating the manner of emancipating slaves in Canada." — (Bell.) There are extant several royal declarations respecting slaves in the colony, bearing dates, 1 721, 1742, and 1745. At the Conquest there were slaves in the province ; and slavery " then increased for an instant, only to disappear forever." Slavery having continued to exist in Canada until the first decade of the present century. By a stipulation in the treaty of Montreal, the colonists were " to be allowed to retain their slaves." Says Bell in Garneau's history, "Sir L. H. Lafontaine in 1859, investigated this matter," (renpecting the existence of slaves in PYench Canada), and from the published reports of his enquiries, it appears that in 1799-1800, the citizens of Montreal presented requisitions to Parliament, tend- ing to cause the Legislature to vindicate the rights of masters over their slaves. The applicants invoked in favor of their demand, an ordinance rendered by Jacques Eoudat, 9th intendant, dated April 13, 1709, which edict was, they urged, in force when the definitive treaty of peace was signed, and by consequence formed part and parcel of the laws, usages, and customs, of Canada, recognized by the Act of Quebec. The bills, on the subject, were introduced, in 1800, 1801, and 1803 ; but none of them passed. Since that time no Local Legislation sanctioned this matter; and if the act of the Imperial Parliament of 1797, had the effect of abolishing slavery in the British plantations, these would, of course, include Canada." "But," says Bell, the act in question could have no such effect. It only enacted, that negroes could not be taken in execution as chatties, for the debts of their masters, as had previously been the case in His Majesty's American Colonies." It appears tolerably 474 IN THE STATES. ceftaln fVom tho fti'egomg, that slaves were iritrodnce<J b^" ttie Freilch into Canada, about the beginning of tbe 18th century, and that at least in 1709 it was a recognized institution, by virtue of an edict issued by the intendant. And, when th6 country was conquered by Great Britain, the colonists were " allowed to retain their slaves." In 1784, when Upper Canada was first settled, the number of slaves in Lower Canada according to census Was 364. When Upper Canada, in 1793, took the lead in the whole of Britain's vast dom'ain in legislating against slavery, Lower Canada continued to regard it without disfavour ; a*nd, even in Montreal, endeavoured to fix the chains of bondage more firmly upow the ii^gro. But what the Provincial Legislature did not, althottgh pre- sented with the example set by Upper Canada, was done in a differ- ent way by Chief Justice Osgood, who in 1803, at Montreal, declared slavery inconsistent With' the laws of the country, and gave freedom TO the persons in that condition. Arid when the British Act of Emancipation was passed, in 1833, setting free the slaves in all pafrts of the Empire, there was no slaves in Canada, Upper or Lower. Thirty years |)l^eviou9 had the evil been crushed in Lower Canada, and forty years belbro Upper Canada had declared that it wa^ " highly expedient to abolish slavery," and had enacted laws to secure its abolition. At the time 6f the rebellion of 1776—83, slavery was am limited to the Southern States. #%^mfi^^ i'ji'i There were a good many held by thie old Kriickerbtocfcer f&ffiilies, both amongst the loyalists and rebels. When the famili'es both of English and Dutch nationality, came as refugees to Canada, there accompanied them a number of slates. In many cases these slaves came of their own accoi«d, would not be separated from their masters, with whom they always lived ; upon v^hose land they had been born. Indeed, the attachment between these faithful blackd SMd their ownei^ was frequently of the most enduring nature, and, as \i^e shall see, in some cases, although made free, they wouM not leave their old places as domestics. The Rev. Mr. Stuart in his memoir, says, in speaking of his i^emoval to Canada ; " My negroes, being ;^ei*son«l property, I take with ni'e, one of which being a young man, and capable of beating a*ms, I have to give £100 security to send back a white prisone* in hte stead. Capt. Joseph Allan brought with him from New Jersey, «fUr the War had ended, to Upper Osnada, three slaves— Tom, Sam tfnd Sal. The two iaen, so'ctte years after, ran away to Lower SLAVB OWNERS. > 6 6TS Canada. Their owner pursued them to Montreal, and searched for thera for ten days ; bat failed to get them. He sold the female, Sal, with her child, to Silas Hill, This boy was afterwards sold to Abram Barker, who kept him until he became twenty-one, when he became free. Freedom did not suit him, as he became a worth- less fellow. Major VanAlstine had slaves, whom he treated with patriarchal kindness, and who lived in great comfort in the old-fash- ioned Dutch cellar kitchen, in his home, in Fourth Town. The Bogarts and John Huyck also had slaves. Oapt. Myers had slaves ; one, Black Bet, would never leave him, but continued until his death, under the care of her old master. Cartwright, Herkimer, and Bveritt, each was the owner of slaves. And Powles Glaus, of the Mohawk settlement, had two slaves. Col. Clark speaks, in his memoirs of his mother's death, in ITSO*, and of the funeral, when the negro Joe drove the favorite horses, Jolly and Bonny, before the sleigh, painted black. Again, Col. C. says : " After the Declaration of Independence, drovers used to come in with droves of horses, cattle, sheep and negroes, for the use of the' troops, forts, and settlers in Canada, and my father purchased his' four negroes, three males and one female, named Sue. In 1812, she' gladly returned to our family, haviiig become old and decrepid. She died in our house at Ffteen-mile Creek, in 1814. Sheriff Euttan says, "My uncle brought two negro servants with him, who were very faithful, hard working fellows." Daring the year of famine, they were sent from Adolphustown to Albany, "for four bushels of Indian corn; a dreadful hazardous journey through the forest, with no road, and the snow very deep. Th'ey' executed this mission, and returned in safety." ^.^ff f+, These slaves were generally faithful, good natured, and occa- sionally mischievous. It was the custom, in the first years of Canada, to place the ovens in the yard upon stakes, and they could be lifted off them. It is related that sometimes they would carry off slyly, the oven when filled with good things. Sheriff Sherwood says : " In answer to your letter of yesterday, as regards slaves, I only recollect two or three which settled in the District of Johnstown ; one in particular, named Caesar Congo',' owned by Captain Justus Sherwood, who came with his family in the same brigade of boats that my father and family did, and locaited about two miles above Prescott. They were the very frr^ actual settlers. "Well I remember Ceesar Congo, then a stout, strong young" 57iB|ii, LAST OP THE SLAVES. man, and who often took the late Justice Sherwood, of Toronto, and myself on his back to assist us along, while the boats were drawn up the rapids. Ctesar was sold to a half-pay officer named Bottom, who settled about six miles above Prescott, who, after a year's service, gave Csesar his freedom. Csesar, soon af^yr married suitably, and byhis industry obtained a snug little place in the town of Brockville, where he lived many years, and died. -im^i. Daniel Jones, father of Sir Daniel Jones, of Brockville, had a female slave, and there were a few others residing in the district of which I have no personal knowledge. • Squire Bleeker, of the Trent, had a slave called Ham^^ Abraham Cronk, of Sophiasburgh, bought a female slave from Mrs. Simpson, of Myers' Creek, for $300. After a time, she returned to Mrs. Simpson, with whom she lived till her death. This female had a daughter, who grew up to be an unusually "smart girl." Nicholas Lazier had slaves. One, named Sal, was noted for her attachment to Methodism, and would go long distances to attend meetings. As a female 8lave,3Black Betty was one of the first congregation, to which the first Methodist preacher in America preached at New York, so this woman was one of the first Method- ists at the Bay, and in Upper Canada. John Cronk and she were^ the only Methodists in the Township for a long time. f Pryne, who lived a short distance above Bath, had two slaves. Col. Thompson also had some, and Lieut. McGrinness, of Amherst Isle, likewise possessed tliem. Capt. Trumpour, of Adolphustown, had two negroes. Leavens, of Belleville, bought a female slave of Wallbridge, for $100. A son of hers was purchased by Captain Mcintosh. The Hon. Peter Eussell, when Eeceiver-General, had a man and his wife as slaves, with their son and two daughters. 44 Samuel Sherwood, writing to a person at Kingston, from Thurlow, in Oct. 1793, says, "My negro boy, and Canadian boy have absented themselves last night without leave. I send Jim and two Indians in pursuit of them. I beg, if you can give any assistance, you will do me that service. McLean's black woman is my boy's mother, he mayijcall to see her." We have before us the copy of an assignment made in 1824, by Eli Keeler, of Haldimand, Newcastle, to William Bell, of Thur- low, of a Mulatto boy, Tom, in which it is set forth, that the said boy has time unexpired to serve as the child of a female slave, "A BRITISH SLAVE." 577 namely, ten years, from the 29th Feb. 1824, according to the laws of the Province ; for the sum of 075. Probably, this was the last slave in Canada whose service closed, 1835. There are, at the present time, a good many of the descendants of the early Canadian slaves. Some of them have done badly, others again have made themselves respectable and happy. The Mink family are descended from an old slave that belonged to William Herkimer. When made free, they, in many instances, preferred to remain in connection with their old masters, and even to this day, their children manifest a predilection for the name of their fother's master. In and about Belleville, may yet be found such as spoken of Most, or all of these are descendants of " Black Bess" who, at diiferent times, was in possession of the Wall bridge's, Leaven's„ and McLellan. In the Ottawa Citizen of 1867, appeared the following? '^'^*^^ A British Slave — An old negro appeared at the Court of Assize yesterday, in a case of Morris vs. Hennerson. He is 101 years of age, and was formerly a slave in Upper Canada, before the abolition of slavery in the British possessions. He fought through the American war in 1812, on the side of the British ; was at the battles of Chippewa and Lundy's Lane, and was wounded at Sacket's Harbour. He is in full possession of all his faculties. He was born in New York State in 1766, and was the slave of a U. E. Loyalist who brought him to Canada. He was brought to this city to prove the death of a person in 1803, and another in 1804. '*' It would seem odd enough at the present day to see the following advertisements in a Canadian journal. This appeared in che Gazette, Newark : " For Sale.— a negro slave, 18 years of age, stout and healihy, has had the small pox, and is capable of service, either in house or oat door. The terras will be made easy to the purchaser ; and cash or new lands received in payment. Enquire of the Printer. "Niagara, November 28th, 1802." "Indian Slave.— All persons are forbidden harboring, employing, or concealing my Indian slave, called Sal, as I am determined to prosecute any offender, to the utmost extremity of the law; and persbns who may suffer her to remain on their premises for the space of half an hour, without my written consent, will be taken as offending, and dealt with according to law. (Signed) Charles Fields. Niagara, August 28th, 1802." 37 A CONTRAST. "For Sale — The nogroman and woman, the property of Mrs. (widow) Clement. They have boon bred to the business of a farm ; will bo sold on highly advantageous terms, for cash or lands. Apply to Mrs. Clement. Niagara, January 9th, 1802." We have seen that the record of Upper Canada with respect to the subject of human bondage is particularly bright and honor6,ble. This Province, in its very infancy, took the lead in severing the fetters which a dark and penurious age had rivetted upon the bodies • of the African. This blackest curse of the world, which the power of England assisted to create, and which her offspring, the United States, continued to perpetuate for so many years, was put aside by the young Province at the first ; while, but a few years later, a Canadian Judge, of Lower Canada, declared slavery to be inconsis- tont with the laws of Canada. These are facts of which every Canadian may well be proud. It was no " military necessity" which 'Caused the abolition of slavery in Canada. It was a question of right, which the Canadian Parliament experienced no difficulty in solving. How grand the spectacle ! How noble the conduct, setting an example to the world ! In striking contrast, behold the Uhited States. Flaunting their flag of liberty before the gaze of the world, they cried " All men are born free and equal, with the right to pursue that course which will lead to happiness ;" yet not- withstanding these principles, enunciated with so much boldness, and, year after year, proclaimed by wordy fourth of July orators ; they continued, not only to hold slaves, but made the bonds tighter until oceans of blood had been shed, and the Union Avas almost destroyed — when it could not be saved with slavery, as Lincoln had declai*ed he would wish to save it ; when it became necessary to strike a blow, which the northern legions had been unable to deal the Southern Confederacy, then, and not until then, were the slaves declared to be free. Lincoln said he would save the Union with slavery, if he could, failing this, then he would enlist the African V slave to assist in saving the Union, by giving them liberty. The i Southern blacks owe their liberty to-day, to the almost superhuman ^courage of the people with whom they lived, who held them in V bondage, not, it is true, because their masters wished to liberate therh ; but beoaiuse they were unable to suociessfully combat the perfect flood of mcii that was poured against theii* northettt borders^ and which infested their sea- board with an unbroken circle of armed vessels, shutting them out from all moans of carrying on the unequal combat. It was this heroic attitude that made it necessary for '. FREEDOM. Lincoln to issue the famous prochimation. Lottho freodman thank the exigency which made necessary the step which broke the back of the Confederacy, and thereby gave efficiency to the proclama- tion. It cannot be doubted that the great body of abolitionists were from the commencement of the war, anxious to secure the abolition of slavery ; but they were impotent, their councils to the President were unheeded, their desires disregarded. The great mass of the Northerners had no sympathy with the poor slave, they only cared for the Union ; and many of them woire oven dissatisfied that Lincoln should resort to the plan of freeing them in oi-der to save the Union. It is abundantly easy, now to declare that, from the fii*8t the Washington Government was determined to abolish slavery — that, from the first, it was a war for, and agaihst the life of that institution ; but reading the events of the war, carefully scanning each page of its history, examining each line, study* ing every word ; looking with an unbiassed eye upOn the whole gigantic drama, it is submitted there is no retlson for believing that the nation desired to free the slave at all ; btit, always excepting the Abolitionist, submitted to the necessity of setting the negro free, rather than sacrifice the Union, or, rather than be con- quered by the Soiith. lU^ -;^^.i, V,^a , tJyrtOv/ fjj^ii All honor then, to the U. E. Loyalists, iil ilKirfihlrient assembled, at the young capital of NeWark — the representatives of the devoted band of refugees, who had been made such by rebels, who pretended to fight for "liberty," who placed on record their inteq)retation of the word Freedom ; that it mieant not liberty to a certain class ; but to all, irrespective of color. All honor to the noble Judge, who had the probity and moral courage to enunciate a doctrine that at once made every supposed slave in Lower Canada conscious of being a free man. This noble beginning in the Canadas was followed by events no less interesting. They became the asylum of the slave, who were not only sought after by their Southern masters, but who were chased to the very borders by Northerners themselves. .a*^*tij9>- >i{U<*^ 'If to >> ■r'ir hfi'* &80 ADVANCEMENT. '>'y-\<\J .;'•••' i ■ '. ' ■-' - I ■ ■•■ : 7. bM^^J ,y¥m ^, CHAPTER LXVI. — -V' '.iff i\ : CoNTBNTS. — Returns to the Pioneer — Bay Region — Gnrden of Canada — Clogs— ./J False views of settlers — Result — New blood — Good example — Anecdote — ^ wftf) • '^^° " Family Compitct'' — Partiality — Origin of the Compact— Their conduct — ^ The evil they did — A proposed Canadian Aristocracy— What it would have *w led to — What may come — " Peter Funks." ■ '6'Sai''^^sMnp.' "^^^ obstacles to advancement. * ' In the section devoted to the first years of Upper Canada there has much been said having reference to the growth and prospei'ity of the Piovince, and advance of civilization, but something remains to be told which requires particular notice, and without which our sketch would not be complete. The privations endured, and hardships overcome by the pioneers, tended to make thera careful and pmdent, and no doubt led to the more permanent pi'osperity of their children. As years wore away, comforts began to reward their toil and patience. Acre after acre was brought under cultivation ; the log house received an addition, not large, but so as to supply a second room, which a growing family of boys and girls seriously demanded. Stock began to accumulate, and the future brightened up before them. In considering the rate and degree of advancement, it must be remembered that many of the first settlers were disbanded soldiers, and understood as little about agriculture as about clearing the land. " Though in most in- stances, a man of intelligence, the U. E. Loyalist introduced but a primitive system of agrir.ulture ; and the facilities of acquiring lands in the western part of the Province, has in a measure prevented that iadmixture among them of the more scientific and educated agricul- turist from the old countries j which haa helped to improve other parts of Canada. It has been only of late years, and since the general establishment of agricultural societies, that the real capacities of the Midland District has begun to be developed, and improvements intro- duced, which have resulted in making, even in the neighbourhood of Kingston, where the soil was looked upon as comparatively unpro- ductive, some of the best and handsomest farms that can be seen in the Province. "-^(Coo^er). ■ t'>'->J^f '^'yaiofrnvrn b'Anu Odii- (jijjg ypgiojj iabout the Bay because of its central position, received tli*^ n^mie of Midland District. This district embraced, and at the taeginning of the present ceiitury was regarded as the most important OBSTACLES. M^" and influential j)art of Canada. But times have changed. Upper Canada has grown to be tlie largest and wealthiest province in British America, and although improvements around the Bay have continued to increase, yet westward the bulk of the irpmigrants have found a home, so that this section no longer holds so important a position. Nevertheless, as in former years, so now, the Bay country may be regarded as the garden of Western Canada. Long since the wilder- ness has become a fruitful field, and the fertile land has returned to the toiler a full reward. To the tourist passing along the Bay the appearance of the lands is exceedingly beautiful, especially in the days of summer; in Juno when all things are clothed in the richest green, and some weeks later when the golden hues of harvest have gathered over the fields of grain. The substantial residences of the farmers tell of prosperity and advancement. The old log house around which clustered so many associations, made dear by the cir- cumstances of pioneer life, has been superseded by the more pre- tending frame building, and this again has been removed to be followed by elegant, and often stately edifices. The woi'k of improve- ment and of beautifying has gone on from year to year, and now the inhabitants of the Bay are in most cases living in aflluence. But while we mark the advancement, it must not be forgotten that it ought to have been greater. While we give all credit to the soldier farmer, for achio»rmg so much, it must be related that there were certain land -holders who were as clogs to the wheel of progress, who displayed not that enterprize, at an early day, which they ought to have done. Had the greedy few who hoarded up land, and grasped for more, and still more ; who stood ready to buy up the land of every unfortunate one compelled to sell — had such made themselves acqu •inted with the improvements in the agiiculture of the day ; had they, instead of leaving the hard workers to make roads across their lands, opened them up and provided a passible way ; had they endea- vored to make their land productive, and by example to show the struggling farmers a better way, and how to increase and advance ; then, instead of merely the prosperity which now exists, there would have been great wealth. The broad acres are old enough, the land- scape charming enough, the ground productive enough, and had the proper spirit been abroad among the class mentioned, those who aspired to be landed aristocrats then, the Bay Quinte might have presented, not alone a beauty rivaling that of the Hudson, but also the palatial mansions which adorn its shores. No more suitable spot in the wide world can be found for ornamental residences, and it is 582 TRUE OENTILITY. to be lioped tli.'it many with capital and tastu, will very shortly j)ro- cccd to set exami)k's, for the wealthy fanners in some degree, to imitate. It may bo said it wore better the farmers and their children should have humble ideas, and the fact may be adduced that not a few of the descendants of the first settlers have, by their excesses in dress, and by trying to imitate the habits of the dwellers of towns and cities, laid the foundation of their ruin, by getting into the books of the merchant, and ultimately becoming helpless in his hands, so that the fathers heritage passed away to the stranger. But it is for- gotten that such was principally the case with those who, suddenly becoming well to do, thought, if tliey desired to associate with the aristocracy, they must dress in finer clothing, and have clean hands* that their daughters must cease spinning, and the wife no longer dp housework, that it was a disgrace to be seen working. It was such feelings and views which creeping in, paved the way for the downfall of many a one, who had begun to get on in the world ; whereas, had gentlemen by birth and education, and there were such among the first settlers, given their time to actual improvement, had 'filicwn that they considered it honorable to work with their hands. Had they carried their refinement into the more rural parts and shewn that agrici'lturo and gentility may go together, and that education is as important for the agriculti^ist as for any other, both in enabling him to till the soil with success, and in providing him with thosd superior means of enjoyment which a wise Provi- dence desires us to possess, a most valuable service would hUve been rendered. It was because the farmer thought ho must dress as they did in the city, in order to associate with them, and that labof was not honorable, that ruin- came to many a household, and the names of the first owner of farms are not now there ; who laid low the forest in the infancy of the country. There is no for- getfulness that those blamed had once been wealthy and occupied high positions in the old colonies, and owned broad acres. It was perhaps natural that such persons, exiled in the wilderness, and struggling with the stern realities of their existence, should aim , to regain a position of similar power and aflluence, and were deter- • mined that, although they might not see the return of those inde- pendent days, their children shpuld ; so they continued to bend .every energy to secure it. But alas! how rarely was the dream J. realized! How; few of the limited number Avho first ruled the country — how few of the ra,mily Compact are now in the higher circle of independence. FOOYISM. / 683 Rospectin/^ tlio moro common Hottloi*, it wan to he oxpcctod that now and tliou ono vvodld lUil to lulvunco — would fall bohind in tlio onwurd march of tho country. The wondor is great that so few of tho old Holdiors mivlo shipwreck of the liberal grants be- (itowod by a motherly government. " Tho houh of some of those men who have hewn out a homo in the primitive forest, have, in Borao cases, through bad management or bad conduct, sufForod their posfOHsions to paas to the stranger: the speculating merchant luw grasped their all under a mortgage, a«ul indolence or dissipa- tion has completed tho ruin," — (Cooper). "Those evils, however, are rapidly curing themselves or producing an equivalent or greater amount of good — the idle and shiftless sells out to tho practical and industrious farmer, who introduces among his neigh- bours tho latest improvements in agricultural skill, and implements of husbandry; new systems of drainage, now stock, or improved breeds occupy tho attention and employ tho capital of tho father of a family, whilst his wife and daughters, though well able to compete with tho gayost and grandest, readily forego, when neces- sary, tho imported and costly sillcs sported by tho family of a Icsa enterprising neighbour, and sot an example of neatness, taste and appropriatoness, in attire." , Cooper, i^i his essay, relates the following : Ho saj^, " The ideas of enterprizo and modern progrews entertained by some, may bo illustrated by tho following anecdote : When a new road was proposed leading through some of tho best portions of the counties (of Frontonac, Lennox and Addington), opening up others, and affording many and great advantages, tho benefits of which in short were apparent to all, and tho only question involved was how to raise the money, a very wealthy landholder, who had amassed his thousands in tho City of Kingston, and part of whose possessions lay on tho route, replied to an application to take stock, that the effect of the road would bo to enable people to steal his timber, and ho declined to subscribe ! It is presumed that railroads and electric telegi*aphs wore not in fashion when this gentleman made his money." It was ^ feeling indulged by many similar to what this person h^d, that from tho first, assisted to retard tho judicious development of the young country. ; " ; ' '" ' '^ jjReferonce has beenmade tothe '' Ffiittiily uonipact. Ih speak- ijog of Bishop Strachan, tho statement is made that he was honest in his convictions that Church and State would best servo the interest of Canada, that in the uneducated state of the people^ i^> 584 THE FAMILY COMPACT. Government should reside altogether or principally in the hands of the Governor and Executive Council. But while the honesty of the late Bishop is thus freely admitted, it must at the same time be acknowledged that those in authoritj'^ were not disinterested dis- pensers of the good .things which always exist in connection with a Government ; and which particularly were provided for the loyalist settlers of Upper Canada by the British Government. For instance, it is averred by McMuUen, and sharply reiterated by Gourlay, that "the provisions, clothing, and farming utensils, granted by the British Government for the benefit of the poor loyalists, were in many cases handed over to favorites, in others allowed to become useless from negligence in the public stores." It was not alone provisions, clothing, and farming utensils that were enjoyed by the favorites. Lands — choice lands, were to be had by them, by the choosing. Settlements in Upper Canada com- menced at several j)oints, in each settlement were a few leading men, half-pay officers, or those who had held important positions dui'ing the Eevolutionary war, with a good sprinkling of personal friends and relatives. At the capital, those were in excess. These loading men throughout the Province wew in the most cases closely united by consanguinity and marriage ; and soon became even more closely identified in interest — forming a strong political body, which derived its life-blood from the Executive. Its members surrounded the gubernatorial throne, and had the ear of the Governor, they; formed his Councillors, and managed to become his friends ; and a« such secured abundantly of the bounties. It was notenough that large blocks of land should be held in reserve for the Crown, the Clergy, and for the Indians, which last was right; but choice bits of land were granted to members of this strong family, compacted together, to help one another, and the land was left uncultivated, unimproved,: until the energies of the pioneers ai-ound had made it more valuable. With the departure of Simcoo commenced the manipulations) of this/(a»u7y. That Governor had invited by proclamation, i)or*i sons from the United States, who might wish to become Canadians, and piomised them grants of land. But he was re-called, and hia promises were not attended to, although manj' came to the IVovince on their sti'ength. Government ignored them, and it is stated, with abundant show of plausibility, that the reason was ; that the growing family might have the more land to choose from, and to leave for their children ; and with some, that they might live in THE ORIGIN. 585 England upon the rents derived from Canada, and so '' men of capital and enterprise, who had come into the Province furnished with cattle and implements to commence the settlement of town- ships," were disappointed. Some of these persons, who desired to live under the British flag, returned to the States to become truly republicans, others remained to form an element in the party which was in time to rise in opposition to the Family Compact. Such, in brief was the origin of the Family Compact. They aspired not alone, to possess the best tracts of land ; but to fill every post of honor and emolument, to hold the reins of Government exclusively, and to constitute a select circle of nobility, to act the part of Lords over vassals ; and to this end desired to possess extensive lands upon which, and around which should grow the belongings to estated gentlemen. When eight schools were granted certain sums of money, and the teachers were nominated by the Governor, gener- ally half-pay officers. For a long time they had everything pretty much their own way. If any dissented from them, he was accused of disloyalty. Did an honest farmer question their honesty, he was pointed out as one to be suspected — as seditious, and as one of the King's enemies, against whom it was thought necessary to legislate. iSTor did the House of Assembly, in any respect, for a long time, interfere with the growth and prosperity of the Family Compact, for, generally speaking, a member of the family managed to get elected. The charge is not made that all of the members of the early Parliaments were of the Compact; but they were more or less under their influence. A history of the Family Compact, would be a history of the political life of Canada for many years, including the rebellion of 1837-8. The attempt has not been made to cast unnecessary reproach upon the old tory party of Upper Canada. As one bix)ught up a conservative, the Avritor is fVee to admit all mistakes com- mitted by the party in early times — to acknowledge that too much oxclufiivenoss existed among those, forming the leaders of the party, and occasionally a disregard of justice. And it is freely admitted, that gi'eat mistakes wore made by them, mistakes from the effects of which the country has not yet i*ecovered. But then, they were but mistakes, and who does not make them. ' ' ' ' ' It may, then, bo said, that in some' I»e8p4ets"'thc Family Compact retarded the advance of civilimtion. An aristocracyi' or nobility cannot thrive in a new country and will certainly fail, and in its eftorta to live be a drawback On improvementSt 586 AMERICAN OBSTRUCTIONISTS. In the debate in the Imperial Parliament upon the conatitutiou of Canada, Mr. Pitt expresses his desire to have established in Canada^ an hereditary nobility. While never endorsing the extreme views of Gourlay, it is thought he spake the truth when he said that " nothing could have so exposed the absurdity, as actual trial and consequent ridicule. By this day we should have witnessed many a pleasant farce. We should have seen, per- haps, the Duke of Ontario leading in a cart of hay, my Lord Erie pitching, and Sir Peter Superior, making the rick ; or perhaps, hip Grace might now have been figuring as a potty-fogging lawyer, his Lordship as a pedlar, and. Sir Knight, as a poor parsoii, starving on 5,000 acres of Clergy Reserves." . \,,.jV' !.^! ',.;''. .1,,^ '/'.'' ^ofj If we allowed ourselves to speak of the future of our country, with respect to this question, we should hesitate to say that the idea of Pitt cannot be carried out. The repulsiveness of Republic- anism is to Canadians so great that we almost entertain the belief that our Dominion may ultimately develope into a nation with a constitutional monarchy, with all its surroundings. It would certainly be infinitely preferable to the " Model Republic." ; 7.^ . " In strong contrast to the Family Compact, yet likewise obstructionists in the work of advancement, we now mention another class. We have said that not a few came to Canada from the States to trade with the Canadians, to do work, and that some took up lands, and that of all these a good many became true subjects of the realm, showing their attachment by taking up arms in 1812. But while this fact is recognized, it cannot be forgotten, that Canada was often, is even to-day, plagued with a certain class, styled often- times speculators ; but who are in reality of the Peter Funk order. The class to whom reference is made, is recognized by the honest Americans themselves. The New York Tribune, after the close of the Southern war, in speaking of the South, says thus : " We hear that many of the blacks, thoroughly distrusting their old mastei's, place all confidence in the Yankees, who have recently come among them, and will work for these on almost any terms. We regret this ; for while many of these Yankees will justify their confidence, others will grossly abuse it. New England produces many of the best specimens of the human race, and along with these, some of -the very meanest beings that ever stood on two legs^cunning, rapacious, hypocritical, ever ready to skin a flint with a borrowed knife, and make (for others) soup out of the peelings. This class AGRICULTURE. 287 soon became too well known at home — " run out," as the phrase is — when they Avandered all over the earth, snuffling and swindling, to the injury of the land that bore them and cast them out. Now let it generall}^ be presumed by the ignoi'ant blacks of the South, that a Yankee, because a Yankee, is necessarily their friend, and this unclean brood will overspread the South like locusts, starting schools and pi'ayer-mectings at every cross-road, getting hold of abandoned or confiscated plantations, and hiring laborers right and left, cutting timber here, frying out tar and turpdutine there, and growing corn, cotton, rice, and sugar, which they will have sold at the earliest day and run away with the proceeds, leaving the negroes in rags and foodless, with winter just coming on." It is unnecessary to say, that civilization was never much advanced by this class, msny specimens of which, time after time, have visited. Ce nac tiosinoM '^rm : W ; 1^^ pHAPTEE LXVII. V'^'y^lmjf&fni . ' ',_. ' ' "' ' ' 'jRiiSit^ 'xHij * , « GoNTBNTS— Agriculture— Natural Products — Rice — Ginseng-^Orchards— -Plows — Reaping — Flax — Legislation— Agricultural Society organized by Simcoe — "i* 'A Snuff Box — Fogies — Silver — AVant of help — Midland District taking the 0(i^ ilead — Societies— Legislative help — Prince Edward — Pearl Ashes — Factories . s^tt 1— Tanneries— Breweries, Carding Machines — Paper — Lumber — Firstvehicles ' .^ — Sleighs — Waggons— Home-made — Roads — First Public Conveyances — XSog^^ri«_stages — Fare — Building Greater — Sawing Mills introduced by the Dutch — rr^^jfj^itet Brick Building — Myers' House — Its past history — Furniture from 'Albany — C a ency — PAper Mp^^y—JJanks -rr First ]>Ierchaats — Barter — / .)V»*i»edlarK.-On tlx Say; Ip'-^trteD-t 'if,f ..a/joii,*/ Jml ; aidhafj' l^l^J^M^'^ltr^J^) /,*3fU^SU^TU«AL MATTERS— PRODUCTS. ;|.^. . nlo the dense forest eveiry where yet covered the earth, the shores of the Bay yielded some natural productions. The wild plum was plentiful in some places, a fruit which, although in its natural state somewhat sour, has, under cultivation, mu?h improved in size as well as quality ; and constitutes to this day a valuable luxury ; at the same time, it is exceedingly healthy. In some places also, at the proper seasons, was the delicious cranberries. These were often brought by the Indians, and exchanged for some article of the settlers. In some parts of the Bay, there gi-cw wild rice, which was much prized by the Indians, ti,n,d vrhich was pften 588 GINSENG. used by the settlers. It is spoken of as an excellent article of diet, and when boiled with meat, very tasty as well. The grain is much smaller than the imported article ; not unfi*equently, the Indians, would collect the grain and sell it to the settlers. ■Uij-h-A-tLf; In the year 1716, a Jesuit discovered in the forests of Canada, the Ginseng plant, which grew also in China, where it was in much demand because of certain supposed virtues to which, howevci', it rightly has no claim. It is of the genus Fanox. It " became a means of enriching the colony for a time, by its exportation to China. A pound weight of it worth two francs at Quebec, sold at Canton for twenty-five francs. Its price ultimately rose to eighty francs per pound. One year, there was sent thither, ginseng yielding a return of 500,000 francs. The high price it obtained set everybody at work to find it. The plant was not in proper condi- tion till August or September ; but with pui'blind avidity, the seekers gathered it in May. The fresh plants ought to have been slowly dried in the shade ; the gatherers, anxious to get returns, dried them in ovens. They then became worthless in Chinese esti- mation ; and the trade in it ceased almost as suddenly as it began." — (Garneau.) But, according to other authority, the trouble con- sisted in the actual destruction of the plant, from gathering it too early in the season, whereby the plant was killed, which seems a more likely thing. Some of the settlers of the Bay had knowledge of the value of the plant in Chinese estimation, as the following letter will show. It is addressed to Mr. Wm. Bell, of Thurlow, who was subsequently known as Col. Belt " Fredei-icksburgh, 16th July, 1799. Sir — I have taken the liberty of enclosii g to you an adver- tisement, as you will see — Eespecting Ginseng roots, having in view to get all I can — and, thinking the Indians would be likely to collect considerable of a quantity, will thank you to acquaint them of it, or any of the white people you may see ; and set up the adver- tisement in the most publick place about you. — And oblige. Your very humble servant, Eben'r Washburn." Another letter, dated Aug. 27, 1799, says '' I have to acknow- ledge the attention you have paid to mine of prior date, in respect of Ginseng. I will thank you to keep the refusal of the 500 lbs. you mention, if possible, and collect more if j'ou can." Mr. Wash- burn says that he is about to set out for Montreal ; and it was, most likely, to see what market he could make of the article in question. One of the first considerations, after the settler had attained comparative comfort, at least secured what was requisite for life, IMPLEMENTS. 589 was tho planting of fruit trees. No doubt, the thoughts often reverted back to the old orchal'ds which had been left behind, and although the pioneer, in the afternoon of life, could not expect to derive any personal return for planting orchards, he was anxious to leave them to his children. This same spirit — this regai'd for oifspring, constituted a marked feature in the U. E. Loyalists. The eai'liest reference to apple trees we find, is in a letter, dated " Sydney, 22rd July, 1791," from John Ferguson, to William Bell, Kingston, requesting the latter to bring some to Sidney. The implements of husbandry, like the utensils fbr household use, were, for a considerable time, of the rudest description. Among the articles granted by government, were but few to use in the tilling of land and the reajjing of crops. Here and there was one who had come at a later date, who had fetched with them articles more essential for farm use ; but tho great majority had not such things as hoes, plows, pitch-forks, scythes, &c. Many of these were made by the settlers, and were of the rudest order, although generally strong enough, and therefore cumbersome enough. It was many years before these home-made implements were substituted by others made abroad. Gourlay infonns us, writing, 1817, that most of the farmers made their own plows and harrows. The iron of the plow costing from nine to twelve dollars. As the thickly covered ground, with stumps, materially inter- fered with the sowing of grain ; so with gathering the products. For several years, they had only in use the sickle ; but, in time, the Yankee pedlar brought in the scythe, which ultimately took the place of the sickle. It has been observed, in connection with the " clothing" of the early settlers, that they turned their attention to tho growing of flax, and that it was made to afford comfortable and durable habili- ments for both sexes. There was, as well, early attention given to tho cultivation of hemp," " in pursuance of two several addresses of the House of Commons." In 1804, £1,000 was granted, and Com- missioners appointed, to carry into oft'ect the object thereof, cultiva- tion and exportation, The follow^pg year, £45 was granted for the purchase of hemp seed. Another Act was passed in 1808, to encourage its cultivation and exportation. Agaiii, there was legis- lation in 1810, and in 1812, when £1,000 was granted for the purchase, sale and exportation of hemp, purchase of seed, and for bounties. In 1822, it was enacted that £300 be appropriated to pur- chase machinery for dressing hemp, that the maohiaery shottUl be 590 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. imported free, the place for erection to bo selected by the Governor, £50 was to be applied annually to keep it in repair. But, notwith- standing all this legislation, and substantial encouragement, the cultivation of hemp did not succeed. The object seems to have been to supply hemp for the British market, which derived it ftom Russia. But labor being cheaper in that country than in Canada, there M'as no chance for success. Gourlay says " This absurdity we liiust not wholly rest on the shoulders of the simple Canadians* They were simple indeed, to be voting away the public money; but it was a patriotic measure, and blindness may be allowable in matters so elevated and pure. No doubt they were spurred on by our home ministers, who should have known better. The failtire produced more beneficial effects than would have waited on siiccess." Gov. Simcoe, who had the interest of the Province so much at heart, gave his patronage to, if indeed he did not inspire the organ- ization of the first Agi'icultural Society, at Newark. Col. Clark, of Dalhousie says " I have a perfect remembrance of the first Agricul- tural Society patronized by Governor Simcoe, who subscribed his ten guineas a year cheerfully. My father was a member, and th© monthly dinners were given by the members during the season, with the great silver snuff-box oi-nftmented with the horn of plenty on its lid." The Col. remarks that this snuff-box was the property of the society, arid was taken care of by the one who was next to furnish the dinner; and goes on to lament that it is lost, hoping it niay be found, " that it may remain as ail Keir-loom to tell posterity a,t what an early period the progress of Agricultui'o was followed up and which has led to its present high 8tat6 of perfection. Thus we see that in Niagara District, at the very commencement of the Government of tipper Canada, attention was given, even by the Governor, to agricultural matters. Although the settlers upOn the Niagara frontier, established agricultutal societies at an earlier date than any found in the Midland Districts, it may be presumed that it was in a gte&t measure due to the impetus given to the set- tlenient by the presence of the seat oif Government, and the influence exerted by the Governor. And,«!although Stops may not have been taken to secure their estabh'shmenl along the Bay Quinte, yet, even so early as the beginning of the last decade of the last century, indi- viduals were to be found who sought to introduce imprbveinehts in agriculture, and everything thai would advance the art. At the same time it mutsi be admitted that a vast number were content to follow in the footsteps of their fathers so long as food and enough PLODDERS. M wore yielded by the soil. The land was plentiful, and productive. The course of events was even as a steady stream. The old men satisfied with the abundance of to-daj', and drawing a contrast between the present and the past, when starvation was at the door, and in the cupboard, were quite content with the primitive system of agriculture, which his soldier father had adopted. He saw no other mode of tilling the soil, and with no reason sought not a change, so ho innovations by scientific agriculturalists disturbed the quiet repose of many of the steady going plodders. Their sons rarely wont abroad to learn the ways of others ; and often what did come to their ears was regarded with great suspicion. They wanted no new-fangled notions. Hence, the farms were r.ot fully cultivated for many a day, parts remaining in a waste state for want of drain. But the establishment of agricultm*al associations and the occasional coming of a new man upon an old farm gradually, and frequently very gradually, dispelled the old man's ideas. •iii-> The townships most contiguous to the town of Kingston, natur- ally were the first to experience prosperity, and gradually the adjacent townships also became productive, and means were created to transport the produce to the market. We are told by Mrs. P , daughter of John Sam, of Ernest- town, now upwards of seventy, that she remembers one occasion, itbout the beginning of the present century, that her father coming from Kingston, after selling produce, had a bag of silver dollars, as much as she could lift — ^900. By this we learn that his farm was productive, his labor well directed, and that hard cash was paid for his produce by the Kingston merchants. It shows, moreover, that this was over and above the cost of what was required of merchan- dize by him for his family U8ingv,> a«Uf vn^qii tft iicaritil'ioYOT) ftrfj t i One serious drawback with the farmers often was the want of mj* :i aissistants. If a farmer had not a son old enough to help, ho was in great trouble oftentimes to secure the necessary help. French- men were frequently employed, yet they could not be fully depended upon to remain during the whole season. At harvest timo, when large wages would be offered, the hired man would often, without hesitation, leave his employer to go to another who would give for a while, larger wages. In the absence of men, the wife and daughters took hold of the fork, cradle, and rake. If we may credit the statements of writers who had passed through Canada in the beginning of the present century, the Midland District took the Ica^ in agricultural and social progress. Mr. 592 . LEGISLATION. Talbot, whose opinion of the Canadians, as to thoir intelligence, education, morals, and religion, was anything but flattering, made a pedestrian tour from the west to Montreal, in 1823. He says of the inhabitants of Sidney, Thurlow, and Eichmond, that they possessed more wealth than any other people in the Province. But Mr. Talbot passed only along the Kingston Eoad by Napanee, and saw not the townships of the lower part of the bay, or he would have seen even a more advanced state of prosperity and agricultural wealth. The first formation of agricultural societies was initiated by an Act of Parliament, passed March 6, 1830. The object of this Act was to give encouragement to organize associations in the several districts, " For the purpose of importing live stock, grain, grass, seeds, useful implements, or whatever else might conduce to the imjDrovement of agriculture." It was enacted that each society, having had subscribed to it £50, should, upon petitioning the Governor, receive the sum of £100. This Act was to remain in force four years. - ' - ; ' This Act was promptly responded to by the inhabitant of the Midland District. So early as the 27th April following, a meeting of the inhabitants of the district was held at the Court House, Kingston, H. C. Thompson, Esq., Chairman, and H. Smyth, Esq., Secretary, and " A form of a constitution for an Agricultural Society was read and submitted to the meeting for approval. The following day, the adjourned meeting adopted a constitution for the Midland District Agricultural Society. The officers were to be a President, five Vice-Presidents, thirty Directors, a Treasurer, and a Secretary — One Vice-President, and six Directors to be elected from each of the five counties in the district. John McCaulay, Esq., was elected President; David J. Smith, Esq., Treasurer, and H. C. Thompson, Esq., Secretary of the Society. It was " Resolved" by the Society, "that Isaac Eraser, Esq., of Addington; Allan McPherson, Esq., of Lennox; Asa Worden, Esq., of Prince Edward; and William Boll, Esq., of Hastings, be requested to call meetings in their respective counties," and make returns as to whom had been elected for Vice- Presidents and Directors. The Vice-President for the County of Frontenac was John Marks, Esq. In the JIallowell Free Press of May 31, 1831, we find that the ** Annual Meeting of the Prince Edward Agricultural Association, was held at Striker's Inn, in Hallowell, on the 20th instant. The following officers were chosen for the following year: — Stephen Miles, PIEST BREWERY AND DISTILLERY. 593 President; James Colter, William Cunningham, ami PaulClapp, Vice- Presidents ; S. P. McPherson, Secretary ; B. Dougall, Assistant Secre- tary ; David Smith, Treasurer." The Government having offered a bounty of £100 to every society which conld raise £50 ; the Prince Edward Society raised the necessary amount. But judging from a communication, which subsequently appeared in the Press, the town- ships of Hallowell and Ilillier, raised the most of the amount, £46 ; Marj'sburgh, Sophiasburgh, and Ameliasburgh, paying only £4. ^ ,^^. [ In a Greneral Report of Midland District, 1317, it is stated ftiat "the assess roll gives about 3,600 horses above two years; 100 oxen above four years ; 6,186 milch cows; 1,664 head of young cattle above two years." t,fibw«« -sidR-w .-4 .)cv'Mrr^>^imm«')r>^. : -i-^/ The first great obstacle to agriculture in Upper Canada was the thickly standing trees, many of which were large and hard in sub- stance. For the first years, with every one, destruction of the trees was the only consideration, not even the ashes were thought of. But. after a time, their value for the manufacture of pot and pearl ashes was recognized. In July, 1801, an Act was passed to appoint In- spectors of flour, and pot and pearl ashes, in order to establish the credit of those articles in foreign markets, the fee for examining to be threepence per baiTcl of flour, and one shilling for every cask of pot ash. The following appears in the Kingston Gazette, AipYil 19, 1817, after stating that " a Pearl and Pot Barley Factory is to be established in Emesttown. It is said this is the first establishment of the kind we recollect to have heard of in Upper Canada, we have seen some of the barley, and think it equal to that imported. Such domestic manu- factories ought to be encouraged by the community." , , AGRICULTURE — FACTORIES — MERCHANTS. :t^i>im.>^' The first Brewery and Distillery established in Upper Canada, was built by John Pinkie, of Ernestto^\ai, on his own place. He also kept, for many years the only tavern between Kingston and York. Mr. Finkle also built the first Masonic Lodge of Ujjper Canada, at his own expense, upon the town plot of Fredericksburgh. It is stated in Gourlay, that in 1817, there was in Kingston township " a machine for carding wool, at the rate of nine-j»ence per pound." In Ernesttown " there wore two carding, and one fulling machines. Pno barley hulling mill, together with a blast furnace. Carding is nine-pence half-penny per pound, and fulling six-pence per yard." In Sophiasburgh there was one carding 38 ' (Sl94 FIRST VKOIOLKS. machine. In Hallowoll, there was one carding, apd one fulling machine. Thurlow had two carding machines, and two fulling i^ills. In the whole Midland Distoict, there wer^ t)vei)ty-foUji' gpi^t-n^ilj(^ and forty stiw-mills. vi John Morden, who came to the bay about 1790, " was a w*n well known in his day, being a manufacturer of general houaQhpjld goods, as chairs, spinning-wheels, flax-dresBors, weaver's apparjitue, and other things. In tlie house of mostly every descend^t of /& Quinto settler, may be four\d ^omo ot his wprk, ,^eci^lly thpfte who ^ccupy the homesteads."'}! .);. ^Tl/i h^\ As an indication of the desire of Government to encourage home manufactures, we find that Parliament, in 1826, grAn1,ed £125 as a premium to the first " who should set up a manufactqiy of p^iper," and hring it into successful operation. The valuable timber that thickly covered the ground, w^, ait the first, indiscriminately destroyed, scarcely thinking of i^avipg the ashes ; hut, in a few years, the majestic pin>e, oak, ,elm, wd other trees of the forest were sought after by the lumbqrwerchanl. For many years, lumbering was carried on in the Bay Quinte, ^pd rafted to Montreal, and was a source of no little profit. The wilderness was trackless, and of course gome time el^pped before vehicles of any kind could be used, except in winter, afbeir the bays and rivers had frozen. Bu^e aleighe, made by inferior tools, were the first made. At first hand-sleighs ; ind then hoavJ^Qr onps, to be used with oxen and horses. Buta^ the beasts of bmr4e;ri were scarce, there was but one here and there, who had oqc^qn to make a vehicle of apy kind, except what could be hauled by hand. The sleighs were often used in aununer to haul in gra\n and hay from the field. Some constructed a sort of waggon by sawing a hard-wood tree, of suitable size across, making four pieces about a foot in length. Holes having been bored through the centre pf the blocks, they constituted the wheels of the waggon. The asle-tree of hard-wood was then fashioned to suit the wheels, and in this way a rough, but serviceable vehicle was made, which proved of groat u^e, especijally in hauling grain and hay to the place pf gts^qking. The ac(?ou.*t of one is givop >vhich would carry as muQl^ ^ 150 sheaves. As years elapsed, and roads were cut and made pq,38ablp, waggons wei-e introduced. One of the first waggons brought ijuto the Province yras, it is said, by Jacob Cronk, 6f Sophiasburgh. It caipie ft-om Duchess County, JSTew York. The ,soco;d^(^ p^p yf^ HAWING tULLS. brought by Jamos Way. Possibly thi^ Lsnot truo, but at least they wore tbu firHt inti'oduced into th^t townKhip. The tirat public conveyance by land between Kingston and Montreal, was made by Dickenyon. He called on Judge Cartwright t(0 cojiHult him about opening u line of stage travel. Consequently, in 18Q8, a line was establlBhod. It ran all the year round, though not so regularly in summer as in winter. " Lumber gentlemen from Quebec traveled through by the stage." — (Fiaklc.) It was not until the war of 1812, that a line of stages was com- m^pcod between Kingston and York. By an advertisement in the Sangstm Gazette, ic ia learned that in Juno, 1817, '' A stage was commenced running from Kingston to York, leaving Kingston every Monday morning at six o'ok)ok, and York every Thm*sd&y morning, same hour." ^^ Persons wishing tor a passage will call at Mr. David Brown's Iim, Kingston, where the stage-books will be Jjwpt. From twenty to twenty-eight pounds baggage will bo allowed to e^ach passenger, over this they muBt be charged for. All bag- gage sent by the stage will be forwarded with care, and delivei,*ed with pwactuality, and all favors acknowledged by the public's hum,ble servant. (Signed), Samuel Purdy, Kingston, January 28, 1817. N.B. Stage fare, eighteen dollars." *"?'" The same year, Lieutenant Hull, traveling in Canada, wi'itea that there is a stage waggon from Montreal to Presoott, which carries the mail. From thence to Kingston the mail is caa-ried on horseback. The stage waggon, h« remarks, is the roughest con- veyance on either side of the Atlantic. The first buildings were of logs, ge^per^illy pat up in their natural rough state; now and then, as th? Govern cpent mill at ;5^in^ston, the logs were qqi^ared. There was only ope way ol procuring sawed lumber, and that was by the whip saw. But few of the settlers tliought of spending the time and l^ibor ijiecessary to Qhta,in what was not strictly neeessary. Houses, barns, saw-iiaills, flouring-n^ills, even breweries and still-houses were all alike con- st^'^cted of logs. Iijid^ed, many a one had no barn for years ; stapking his grain, and thrashing upon the ground, made smooth and h^« " When, however, sawing-mills began to spring up here and there, sawed lumber became a more common article, and after several yesfs, individuals, better off than others, began to put up framed buildiogs, both houses and barns, and so forth. Sawing-mill« were introduced originally into America by the Dutch, and it was their descendants who introduced them into Oanadflk. But it ^as eipwljr 596 FIRST BRICK HOUSE. done. It required no little capital to procure oven the small amount of machinery which was then used, and to have it brought so long a distance. Then, millwrights were not plentiful, and often in skill. Indeed there was nothing at hand by which inferior to erect sawing-mills, until after many years. In the meantime, the whip saw enabled them to construct something like a door for the house and log barn ; and rough sort of furniture was made for the house. But toward the close of the last century, saw- ing-mills became somewhat numerous. The demand for lumber was foreseen, and those who had a water privilege set about to get up a mill. Following the saw-mill came the grist-mill, which, though more needed than the former, because of its greater ex- pense, was not built until a later period. It was about the first of 1800, that frame buildings began to appear in the first, second, and thii-d townships particularly, to take the place of the log hut. Mr. George Finkle, of Ernesttown, says, his father Henry Finklo, who, during the war, had learned the use of carpenter's tools, in the Engineer Department, built, with his whip saw and cross-cut saw, the first frame house in the country. He also built the first school-house, and a dwelling house for the teacher on his own premises. Likewise, the first wharf along the bay. We have made somewhat extensive enquiries, and believe we are correct in stating that the oldest brick building in Upper Canada is situated ui)on the brow of the hill at Belleville. We also entertain the belief that it was the firi-t, certainly one of the very first brick buildings put up in the Province. It is known as Myers' House, having been budt by Captain Myers about the year 1 794. This quaint edifice, upon which the tooth of time is eating so peacefully, standing upon the brink of the hill was, when new, of most imposing appearance ; and, no doubt, stood up grandly, overlooking the winding river, and the thickly set cedars at its base. The bricks were made in Sidney at the Myers Place, five miles east of Trenton. Captain Myers was a man of great hospitality, which was shai'ed in by his estimable 8j)ouse, whose short stature and genial face is remembered by some yet living. They served visitors at the brick house always with an excellent board. Here, many a distinguished traveler between King-^ ston and York, Dr. Strachan among the number, found a welcome.? Not less so was it with the farmers round about, who came long distances to get grists ground ; all such were invited to the table and supplied with a bed until the grist was ground. The furniture for the house was procured at Albany. F1R8T BANKR. tiin In June, 1 790, an Act was passed " for tlie better Regulation of certain Coins current in the Province ; " and it was enacted that the British guinea, the Johannes of Portugal, the nioidore of Portugal, the American eagle, the British crown, the British shilling, the Spanish milled dollar, the Spanish pistoreen, the French crown, and several other French pieces; the American dollar, sliould pass as legal tender at certain specified value. The punishment for tendering " a counterfeit, knowingly," of any of the gold or silver coins of Great Britain, Portugal, the United States, Spain, or France, was to sufTer one year's imprisonment, and be set in and upon the pillory for the space of one hour, in some con- spicuous place, and upon a second conviction, he should be adjudged guilty of felony without benefit of clergy. ^ ^ The first paper money issued in America, was by the Anglo- Americans in 1689, to pay the troops nnder Sir William Phipps, when he returned from the imsuccessful seige of Quebec. The valuQ ranged from ten pounds to two shillings. ' " ' ' ' m • " > ■ < - ' * During the war of 1812, in 1813, an Act was passed "to facili- tate the circulation within the Province, df Army Bills, issued by the authority of the Lower Province." It was to continue one year unless peace was declared. The first Legislation in Upper Canada, with respect to banks, was in 1819, when the Bank of Kingston, or, as it was subsequently called Pretended Bank of Upper Canada, was incorporated ; but, this was " forfeited by non-user," although the institution was in operation, under the title of " the President, Directors, and Company of the Bank of Upper Canada." Legislation Avas made in 1823, to settle the affairs of the " pretended bank." The commissioners were George Herkimer, Markland, John Kirby, and John Macaulay. Ee- peated Acts were necepsary before the aftairs of this company were fully settled. In 1819, was also passed an Act to "form the Company of the Bank of Upper Canada." It Avas reserved for the assent of His Majesty, which was given and made known by proclamation in 1821. Among the names of those who petitioned for the Act of Incorpora- tion, are those of Allan, Baldwin, Legge, Jackson, Ridout, Boulton, Robinson, Macaulay, Cameron, and Anderson. This bank, the failure of which so recently occurred, was, in its time, of great benefit to the Province, and it deserved a better fate. A necessary attendant of civilization is 'j. sufticieut supply of such merchandize as is requisite to give comfort, and even luxuries. 898 FIRST MERCHANTS. The long distance of the first settlers of Upper Csinada fi-oni the marts of commerce, with a barrier of forest, and the swifl rftpidA of the St. Lawrence, kept out for many a da}', many comforts, and all Idxuries. But in time, peirsons engaged in the mercantile business, and articles of various kinds began to find their way into the wilderness- bound colony. The first merchants of the Province were engaged in the fur trade ; but, as time passed away, they found customers among the settlers> who bought their produce, and, in return, brought to them goods, -wrf'^r >8'iati«ap-t'ifcj!d. pj U ; .f.r.»ff>:»i-, ijiiu t^J rtm^ivr,,tim o^m'.^y^ *'> - Among the first, and the principal merchants of Upper Canada Were Duncaii, of Matilda ; Cartwright, of Kingston ; Hamilton, of Qneenstown; and Robertson, of Sandwich. These gentlemen, we have seen, occupied conspicuous positions, and amassed no little wealth ; unless we except Duncan, who removed. The Hon. Eobert Hamilton, it is said, died, leaving an estate worth £200,000. fis Colonel Clarke, of Dalhousie, speaks of his brothers Peter and James, who " turned merchants, having been supplied with an assort* ment of goods fi'om Montreal. In 1790, they went into the Indian trade at Kingston, which had a great communication with the back lakee." We also learn that Mr. Macaulay carried on business first at Carleton Island, and afterward at Kingston, with lio little profit. One of the oldest settlers in Kingston was Joseph Forsyth. He became one of the first merchants in Kingston, and for many years conducted a lucrative business with the Indians and settlers. He '' ever main- tained the character of an upright and reputable merchant." He died 20th September, 1813, aged fifty-three. A bartering trade commenced between the settlers in the town- ship of Kingston, and the nearer townships, and some persons at Carleton Island ; gi'adually the field of operation was transferred to Kingston. Many of the loyalists, who were constantly arriving, pro- cured food and a few other things at these places. In 1817, there were in the Township of Kingston "'sixty-seven stores and shops, this includes the difierent denoi.i! nations of shops kept by mechanics. In the whole of Midland District ihere were about eighty-eight merchants' shops : twenty-four store-houses. Mr. Gourlay says, at this time, that Kingston is the third place in the Canadas, Quebec and Montreal being first. When want no longer rested Upon the inhabitants, they began to look even fiar comforts and luxuries. They were supplied now and then with articles, both those essential to living, and those which may FIRST FRUIT TREBS. 599 be called comforts and luxuries, by itinerant merchants. Tliese ' pedlai-s were generally from the States, and often managed to drive bdtgains in which the settler received not a fair return for the grain or Other article he parted with. But some of the pedlars wore honest, and ultimately became settlers and good loyal subjects. One of the first, pro- bably the flri^t, to visit the western extremity of the bay, was one Asa Walbridge, an old bachelor, somewhat eccentric, and withal shrewd, he not only turned an honest penny, but contributed very much to the welfare and cohifort of the settlers. His head-quarters, when ashore, were at the mOnth of M;yers' Creek, where he was the first to erect a log hotise. It was he brought in many of the first fruit trees, which have rendeted many of the old farms more valuable. He brought in the seeds from the States, and planted numbers here and there, often from motives of kindness alone. We have been told that all the old orchards in Prince Edward came from his planting. Some of the merchants in Kingston entrusted goods to local storekeepers by whom the settlers were also supplied with articles of different kinds. Dr. Armstrong says, I ought not to omit the name of James Cummings, Esq., merchant, of the Port of Hallowell, now Picton. He was a man Of sterling integrity, npright and just in all his deal. ings. He was greatly respected and esteemed, and died in the midst of his manhood, greatly lamented, about the year 1818. He was a younger brother of the late John Cummings, of Kingston. '""'' ''' ''"''"' ':.-v,,/i .r^f^ F-.-" o[*^r .totfiriU^i.j-Klit'O'- i'l* MI mnh Had L< CHAPTER LXVm. ., CoNTBNTS — Steam vessels — Crossing the Atlantic in 1791— First Steam Vessel- Hudson — The second on the St. Lawrence — First across the Atlantic — In Upper Canada — Frontenac — Built in Ernesttown — The Builders — Pinkie's Point — Cost of Vessel — Dimensions — Launched — First Trip — Captain McKenzie — Walk-in-the-M'uter — Queen Charlotte — How Built — Upon Bay Quints — Capt. Dennis — First year— Death of Dennis — Henry Gilderslieve— What he did— Other Steamboats — Canals — First in Upper Canada — Welland Canal— Desjardin—Rideau — Its object — Col. By— A proposed Canal — Rail- roads — The iirst in the world — Proposed Railway from Kingston to Toronto, 1846— In Prince Edward District— Increase of Population — Extract from Dr. Lillie — Comparison with the United States— Favorable to Canada — False "Cries— The French— Midland District, 1818. THE FIRST STEAM VESSELS — CANALS, RAILWAYS. We have already, under "Traveling in early Times," spoken ot the first vessels that floated upon the waters of the western Qfip}, FIRST STEAMBOATS IN THE WORLD. world, and \vc design now to spoak of those which advancing civili- zation brought, to a certain extent, to supersede the original boats used by the Indians and first European colonisers. At the present day Europe is brought into close relationship with us by the swiftly running steamer, while the two continents hold daily intercouse by means of the telegraph ; yet, not a century ago, it required many months for the slow-sailing ship to traverse the breadth of the Atlantic. In 1789, mails with England was only twice a year. At the time Simcoe came to Canada, in 1791, there were only those merchant ships that made altogether eleven voyages in the year. "A Traveler," writes, that "regular packets across the Atlantic, first sailed in 176'!. The Liverpool Packet Line began running in 1818." ■ ^i;ii,iai-// .^■/:HniiVl ,^<i,^J- j^'-ixiii -i'i«>-« ^Ji^^iU^^-i^fW- The river Hudson, named after the navigator of that name, who ascended this splendid stream, called, by the native Indians, "The great Eivcr of Mountains," in 1609, has the honor of being the place whereon floated the first steamboat that existed in the world. The boat was launched in the year 1807, being named ' Clermont.' It was of 150 tons burden. The engine was procured from Birmingham. " Robert Fulton, of New York, though not the originator of steam jDOwer, was the first in America who directed it to the propelling of boats. Fulton, the pioneer in boats by steam, lived not long enough to see accomplished the gi-and end of pro- polling boats thus across the Atlantic. He died in 1815. The second steamboat built in America, was launched at Montreal, 3rd Nov., 1809, built by John Molson. It was called Accommodation, and plied between Montreal and Quebec. At the first trip it carried ten pasisengers from Montreal to Quebec, taking thirty -six hours. The w^hole city of Quebec cam(^ out to see her enter the harbor. The fare was eight dollars down, and nine up. .. -. . . w , .: It is found stated that the fir^^t steamboat from America to England, was in 1819 ; and the first steamboat built in Groat Britain was in 1812, by Henry Bell, of (llasgovv. But the following is found in the Portland Advertiser: — "Thefirst wteamship which made the voyage, under steam throughout, across the Atlantic, was the lioyal William, in 1833. This vessel was of 180 horse-power, and 1,000 tons burden, and built at a i^lace called Three Rivers, on the St. Lawrence, in Canada. The voyage was made from Picton, Nova Scotia to Cowes, Isle of Wight." The first steamboat on Lake Ontario, the Frontenac, was built upon the shores of the Bay, at Finklc's Point, Erncsttown, eighteen THE STEAMER " t^RONTENAC." 601 miles from Kingston, and within the corporation of Bath. She was commenced in October, 1815, and launched the following season. The three years of war had caused many changes in Upper Canada. On the whole, it may be said that the war materially benefitted the Province. After peace, things did not relapse into their former state. A spirit of enterprise was abroad, especially in the mercan- tile community. " The leading men of Kingston conceived the idea of forming a company to build a steamboat, to ply on Lake Ontario, and the navigable waters of the St. Lawrence. A company was consequently formed, composed of individuals belonging to Kingston, Niagara, Queenston, York, and Prescott, The share- holders of Kingston were Joseph Forsyth, Yeomans, Marsh, Lawrence Herkimer, John Kirby, Capt. Murney, William Mitchell, and, in fact, all of the principal men except the Cartwright family. Adver- tisements were issued for tenders to construct the boat. The advertisement was responded to by two parties; a Scotchman, by the name of Bruce, from Montreal, and Henrj- Teabout, from Sacket's Harbor. Bruce was several days at Kingston before the other person arrived, and he supposed he would get the contract. Mr. Finkle says Teabout came with a letter from Hooker and Crane to Johns and Finkle, informing them who Teabout was, and asking them to favor him with their influence in procuring the contract. The letter was shown to Mr. Kirby, of Kingston, who was one of the committee of tlie company. Mr. Kirby assured Finkle and Johns, that notwithstanding the prejudice which existed on account of the war, the tender of Teabout should receive every justice. No other tender being made, the committee met and decided, by a small majority, to accept Toabout's. All those who voted for Bruce " were cither Scotch or of Scottish descent."* Teabout having received the contract, at once, with Finkle, sot about to find a place to build. After two day's examination of the coast, he selected Finkle's Point, in consequence of the gravelly nature of the shore, as thereby would be obviated the delay which frequently followed rains, where soils would not quickly dry. "The uext consideration was to advance £5,000 to go to Now York and procure a ship carpenter and other necesssaries to commence opei'ations. Accordingly, we Mohns and Finkle) became security, with the understanding that 8u soon as the boat should be so far advanced as to be considered worth the security, our bond would bo returned. So satisfactoril}' did the work progress, that the bond was shortly handed to us by the Treasurer, who was William Mitchell. Here I will digress a 602 "PRONTENAO" LATJNCItED. shoi*t time. During the war of 1812, David Eckford, the Mostdf ship-builder, of New York, was sent to Sacket's Harbour, to take charge of the ship building at that place, and brought with hitnhis carpenters. Among them were three young men, Henry Teabout, James Chapmsn and William Smith. The last was born on Statin Island, the other two in New York. Teabout and Smith served their time with Eckford. Chapman was a block turner. At the close of the war, these three formed a co-partnership, and Teabout, in contracting for building the Frontmac, was acting for the com- pany. Before building the steamboat, they had built for themselves at Sacket's Harbour, the Kingston, the only craft plying between Sacket's and Kingston, and a fine schooner for the Lake, called the Woolsley. Chapman was in charge of the Kingston, and was doing a more than ordinary profitable business. Bruce's friends wished to do something for him, and had him appointed, at a guinea a day, to inspect the timber (of the Frontenac). His study was to delay the building of the boat; there was a constant contest between him and Teabout." — (Finkle). The contract price of the wood work was £7,000. When the boat was almost ready for the machinery, the contractor's funds were expended. The engine cost £7,000. Before the vessel was completed, the cost reached nearly the sum of £20,000. ' .If* •'5..^^r*•r■v?v!^ v.r'ifi' f^v* ^'■f,t'''*'?m^.''> *<;vrTf'i.i '■•'ifj.!; -_-s"fSi-v,i''i The Kingston Gazette informs us that " On Saturday, the 7th of September, 1816, the steamboat Frontenac was launched at the village of Ernesttown. A numerous concourse of people asbembled on the occasion. But, in consequence of an approaching shower, a part of the spectators withdrew before the launch actually took place. The boat moved slowly from her place, and descended with majestic sweep into her proper element. The length of her keel is 150 feet; her deck, 170 foet ; (the tonnage was about 700). Her proportions strike the eye very agreeably ; and good judges have pronoimced this to be the best piece of naval architecture of the kind yet produced in America. It reflects honor upon Messrs. Trobout and Chapman, the contractors, and their workmen; and also upon the proprietors, the greater part of whom are among the most respectable merchants and other inhabitants of the County of Frontenac, from which the name is derived. The machinery for this valuable boat was imported from England, and is said to be of an excellent structure. It is expected that she will be finished and ready for use in a few weeks. Steam navigation having succeeded to admiration in various rivers, the application of it to the waters o^ V 'f^ THE CAPTAIN. Uil' 603 the Lakes is an interesting experiment. Every friend to public improvements must wish it all the success which in due to a spirit of useful enterprise." The Gazette adda : "A steamboat was lately launched at Sacket's Harbor. The opposite side of the Lake, which not long ago vied With each other in the building of ships of waf, seiem now to be equally emulous of commercial superiority." Gourlay says the boat at Sacket's Harbor was on a smaller scale, and less expensive. "She, the Frontenac, was estimated to cost £14,000 ; before she commenced her watery walk, her cost exceeded £20,000."— (Finkle). " The deck was 170 feet long and thirty-two feet wide, dr^ws only eight feet when loaded. Two paddle-wheels, with about forty feet circumference ; answers slowly to the helm." — (Howison) . The Kingston Gazette^ of May 24, 1817, says, " Yesterday after- noon the steamboat left Mr. Kirby's wharf for the dock at Point Frederick. We are sorry to hear, that throiigh some accident, the machinery of one of the wheels has been considerably damaged, notwithstanding which, however, she moved with majestic grandeur against a strong wind. We understand she has gone to the dock, it being a more convenient place for putting in a suction pipe." The same paper, of May 31, 1817, further says, " The steamboat Frontenac, after having completed the necessary work at the Naval Yard, left this port yesterday morning, for the purpose of taking in wood at the Bay Quinte. A fresh breeze was blowing into the harbor, against which she proceeded swiftly and steadily, to the admiration of a great number of spectators. We congratulate the managers and proprietors of this elegant boat, upon the prospects she affords of facilitating the navigation of Lake Ontario, by furnish- ing an expeditious and certain mode of conveyance to its various ports." "June 7th, 1817. The Frontenac left this port on Thursday (5th,) on her first trip for the head of the Lake." She was com- manded by Capt. James McKenzie, of the Eoyal Navy, the first trip she made, who continued in command until she was no longer sea- worthy. The Purser was A. G. Petrie, of Belleville, now far advanced in years. The Frontenac made the trip up and down the Lake and River, to Prescott, once a week. Whether she went further west than York, at first, is uncertain. Capt. Jas. McKenzie " came to Canada with the first division of the Royal Navy, sent from England to serve on the Lakes during the war of 1812. At the conclusion of the war, he returned to England, and was placed on half pay ; but his active habits led him to consider and study the 604 FIRST STEAMBOAT ON BAY QUINTS. powers of the steam engine, and he soon became acquainted with its complicated machinery. In 1816, he returned to Kingston, and assisted in fitting up the Frontenac, which he commanded till she was worn out. Since, he has commanded the Alciope on this Lake, and at the time of his death, (27th August, 1832, aged 50), was engaged in the construction of two other steamboats ; one at the head of the Lake, and one at Lake Simcoe ; and was, on most occasions, consulted respecting the management of steamboats, so that he may justly be called the father of steam navigation in Upper Canada — his death may be considered a great loss to society and to the country." tiH<i>'-> v.-n j," ytfj .^ii ,V::>ri,^^xfi -v'^ .;o' 'j d^*<' -^..WiVijii The first steamboat built to ply on Lake Erie was "Walk-in- the- Water," built at Buffalo at the same time the "Frontenac" was built, and commenced her watery walk about the same time. Respecting the Kingston, built at Sa^ket's Hai'bor, we find it stated she was intended to ply between Lewiston and Ogdensburgh, but after a trial of a few months the undertaking was found to be either unprofitable or too niucli for the powers of the vessel to accomplish, and she afterwards employed ten days in making the round trip of 600 miles. She was 100 feet long and 24 feet wide, measuring 246 tons. The wheels were about 11 feet in diameter, and the capacity of the engine 21 horse power. , Almost immediately after the Frontenac was laurched a second steamboat was commenced. The material Avhich had been collected while building the Frontenac had not all been used, and went far in the construction of the " Queen Charlotte,'' which was destined to be the pioneer steamer upon the Bay Quinte and River St. Lawrence, in its upper Avaters. She was built by shares of £50 each. Johns andFinkle had nine shaves. She was built, (Gilderslieve being the principal shipwright,) launched, and commenced running in tiie early part of 1818. The engine was furnished by Brothers Wards of Montreal, being made at their foundry. She Avas not long launched before she was ready to run. She made trip« twice a week from Wilkins' wharf, at the Carrying Place, to Prescott. She was commanded a few of the first trips by an old veteran captain named Richardson, who lived then near Picton, and afterward to the close of the season, by a young man named Mosier. Of thenumber of pas- sengers on the first trip we have no knowlege, but suppose them to be few, for Belleville, then the largest place above Kingston, was a mere hamlet — Trent, Hallowell, Adolphustown and Bath were the only stopping places from the head of the Bay to Kingston. CAPTAIN DENNIS. 606 They were regulated in their course, the first summer by frequently heaving the lead, an old man-of-war's-man being on board for the purpose. (Collins reported in 1788 that vessels drawing only from eight to ten feet of water can go into the Bay Quinto). For two seasons she was commanded by Capt. Dennis ; Mr. Gilderslieve was purser the second and third seasons ; and the fourth commenced his captaincy, which lasted as long as the boat was seaworthy, a period of nearly twenty years ; he was, at the building, a master shipwright, and became a stockholder. i<^',-j,\}^ •\(\j iv^U./'^ ..«s -/H-ifl vnov -fd .fR(!t > Says Mrs. Carroll, " of the fare from place to place I have no knowledge, but from the head of the bay to Kingston, the first season it was five dollars, meals included." The good old Charlotte was a very acceptable improvement in the navigation of the Bay. A few of the owners of sailing crafts, perhaps, suffered for a time ; but the settlers regarded her as an un- mixed blessing. During the first years she was so accommodating as to stop any where to pick up a passenger from a small boat, or let one off. The old inhabitants of to-day speak of her with words of kind- ness. But the Queen Charlotte has passed away. The last remem- bered of her was her hull rotting away in the Cataraqui Bay above the bridge. ' w,^.^.".tvt^T^*!t ^>'/ " The steamer did not prove remunerative to the stock-holders until Gilderslieve became the commander. Of the second Captain, we produce the subjoined from a Toronto daily of 186 Y: Death op Mr. Dennis. — "We observe with much regret the death of Joseph Dennis, Esq., of Weston, and with it the severance of another link connecting us with the early history of this country. Mr. Dennis was born in New Brunswick in 1789, his father, the late John Dennis, having settled there after being driven out of the United States as a U. E. Loyalist. The family removed to Canada some three years later, Mr. John Dennis receiving a grant of land for his services and losses as a Loyalist. Tliis land was selected on the Humber river, and on it he then settled and lived, till having been appointed Superintendent of the dock yard, he removed to Kingston. •* *' Our recently deceased friend, Mr. Joseph Dennis, was brought up in the dock-yard to a thorough knowledge of shipbuilding, which occupj),tion, however, he soon exchanged for a more congenial one — that of sailing. Owning a vessel on the lake at the outbreak 606 HENRY OILD£B8LIEVE. of the American war of 1812, he placed himself and his vessel at the disposal of the Government, and was attached to the Provincial Marine. In one of the actions on Lake Ontario he lost his vessel, was captured, and retained a prisoner in the hands of the enemy for some fifteen months. He subsequently commanded, we believe, the first steamer on the waters of Lake Ontario, the l^incess Cfmrlotte, which plied, as regularly as could be expected from a steamer of fifty years back, between the Bay of Quinte, Kingston, and Prescott. For the last six and thirty years Mr. Dennis had retired from active pursuits, retaiping, till within the last year, remarkable vigour, vhi«h, however, he taxed but little excepting to indulge his taste in fishing, of which he was an enthusiastic disciple. A man of geiu,al ^nd happy temperaraeiit, of mibeu^ipg integrity, of simple tas.t^e^ and methodical habits, he was a type of men fast passing put o^ thi^ country." The suQ^^ssor of the "Charlotte" was built by John G. Pi^r^^r, called the " Jiing^tQi; " corapianded for a time by John Gra^^. She did not prove so serviceable as the " Charlotte." Then foUo^ve^ fh^ '•'Sir Ja^nes Kemp," which was built also at Finale's Point. M":^'^ if A history pf the first steamboats of the |)ay ??fQu|d be incpui- plete without p^j-ticxU^r reference tp p^e iodiyidual, who^e n?i,uie fs even yet associated with one of the steamboats whicli ply up a^^ dtpyfn ^he Bay. -; Hen,ry G:il4erslieve ca^e iptp Canada ^feout a month be|fl|i:e the Frontenac was launched, in August, 1816. He was the son of ^ ship-builder, who owned yards on the Connecticut river, and built vessels for the New York market. Being a skilful shipwright he assisted to finish oft' the Frontenac, and then as master ship-builderj assisted at the Charlotte. During this time Mr. Gilderslieve himself built a packet named the Minerva. In building this vessel he brought to his assistance the knowledge he had acquired in his father's yard. The result was, that when *' she was taken to Kingston to receive her fittings out, Capt. Murney examined her inside and out, and particularly her mould, which exceeded anything he had seen, . and declared her to be the best craft that ever floated in the harbour of Kingston, which afterward she proved herself to be, when plying two years as a packet between Toronto and Niagara. — (Finkle). hi- At a later date Mr. CHldorsliove superintended the building of tho *' Sir James ^emp," at Finfcle's Point. This was the last built there, after which Mr. Gilderslieve commenced building at Kingston. Here were constructed the Barry, a lake boat, with two ragines, which in itft third y^ar of runnLug ooUideU with tlif uohoaiiov King- ston, at night, and immedi^ttt^ly B^nk, the paHueug«rs only being a^yed ; t^e Prince of Wales, the New Era, and the Bay of Quinte. Thns it will be seen that Mr. Gilderslieve's fnaine is associated witli most of the steamers whicih have plowed the waters of the Bay, first 9& a skilful sliipwright, then (iommauder and shareholder, and finally as a successful proprietor of a ship-yard, and owner of veeeele. Saya ope who knew hini long : "Of Mr. Gilderslieve's busii.ess habits there are numerou*s evidences, for years it seemed that everything lie touched turned to gold, hen^e Uve wealth he left behind him, and I can say, that during the many years I knew him, I never heard u vant of honest i?)teg^ity l^id to his cha^^ge, he died in the fall of, I t^flk, 1851, of cholera, much l^ment^id and greatly missed." ) vqsfisi ,^, The ^p^o^ying wp clip from a paper of 1942 : ,&; ...uni iBv-ii- jjiit-uii •'Jn 1821 the i;iew steamboat Prince Edward, built at Garden IsJ^i^, and ifttwded for the Bay of Qjiinte route, inade her trial trip to !Path aod baek l^t wedk in three hours. $h.e is beautifully finished, but being rathpr cran,k in the w^tji^r, \\ wijl probably be ftecgss3,ry tp give hex- falsit? sides, d »»s'w rfnifi*: ''' <i«tM5i H;>nijtl iir! >* iijo!)f" T^^ '^^w steaqiboat Prince of Wales, bnilt at the marine raU- )v^y by JVfr. Shea, aiid intended for the Bay, was also tried last week, ^fld performed well. She has the engine of the Sir Jmi^s Kempt." Canals. — The mighty water way from the Atlantic to the head wMpr of the w^estern lakps i^ interrupted in ite coujrao by numerous r3,pid8 down rook-strewed chanwels, and by the Falls of Niagara. These tk^tU^'al obstftclps to n^vig^tion had to be overcome by aptificiai me(iU8, before the water road could become a highway. This has already been done for yesselp pf a certain tonnage, by construoting the St. Lawrence Canals — the Lftchino Canal, Beauharnois, and Cfii'PWftll, .which were completed in 18^7 ; and the Welland Canal, Upross the Niagara District-, to I/ako Erie. The distance from this I^j^ke to Montreal, is 367 milog. Thp total fall in this way, is 564 feet. , .nmi- ^siil kmnjamjeM <^mi0i^' J'qeK/ 'mto^ mjiMa ma 5j After the war pf 1812, peeing the importance of inland navi- fifation, beyond the easy roach of an enemy, the country was e^j^lored with the view of securing navigation between Montreal and Kingstpn. It Wf^s proposed to open a "new route up the Ottawa to tJ?t.e mouth of thp liideau, apd up that river near to its head Wiaters, thence by a short portage to Kingston Mill river, and down th^t stream to Kingston ;" but the want of moans for a time delayed the yfojck, ^though, ^t the timo mentioned, advertiaemonta 'w:ere made for estimates. 608 RIDEAU CANAL. ••';( The Wolland Canal Company was incorporated in 1824 by- Act of Parliament. The projector and the moHt earnest worker securing this important work, was tho^late William Hamilton Merritt. '•■•' The first cannl cut in Canada, was that between Burlington Bay and Lake Ontario. An Act to provide fortius was passed in March, 1813. v^.i - .. _« /-:.-;-- In 1826, the Desjardin Canal Coinpany was incorporated by Act of Parliament, in accordance with the petition of Peter Desjardin, and others, to make a canal between Burlington Bay and the village of « Coats' Paradise." '"'^'<^ •'^^'''^-^ Jiiobui bJu . *4 ' « At Kingston is the outlet of that stupendous work, the Eideau Canal, an immense military highway, connecting the Ottawa and St. Lawrence Rivers. The locks on this canal are amongst the grandest structures of the same nature in the world. The under- taking was commenced and carried out by the Imperial Govern- ment at an immense expenditure, chiefly for military purposes, as affording a safe channel for the conveyance of stores, arms, &c., when tl.o frontiers might be exposed, and partly with a commercial view of avoiding the rapids of the St. Lawrence, at that time con- sidered insurmountable, in the transit from the sea-board. This canal cost upwards of £1,000,000 sterling. It construction was expected to have great influence on the welfare of Kingston, and for some time such influence was doubtlessly beneficially felt, as it was necessary to trans-ship at that port as well the products of the west in their carriage to the seaboard, as the merchandize for Western Canada in its transportation westward, and to forward them by other crafts through the canal, or up the lake, thus creat- ing a large source of labor, outlaj^ and gain, and emplo}Tnent to numerous forwarders, agents, and Avorkmen in the transhipment. The improved navigation of the St. Lawrence, by the construction of the St. Lawrence Canals, and the discovery of other and better channels than were known, to a great extent abolished that source of life and activity on the wharfs and in the harbours of the city." " The canal was intended for the passage of barges, both down and up between Kingston and Bytown. Steamei*s, however, were soon made available in guiding barges down the rapids, which came with return cargoes up the canal. Now steam-tugs tow, through the course afforded by the St. Lawrence Canals, both schooners and barges up as well as down the stx-eam, and where schooners are used, no transhipment necessarily takes place at Kingston. Of BTATEMENT OP HOOPER. 609 late, it has been found profitable to employ barges in the naviga* tion of the St. Lawnence, or it has boon found profitable for schooners to confine their trip to the open lake, which, with the facilities for the transtiipmont of grain afiorded by an extensive Bteam elevator, has caused a renewed lite in that branch of business." '^^'-'^ •!'"" w ./'■vjnif.vn ;• •'■»,-, ,' r -7; t;^-;".' " This important work unites, as wo have stated, the waters of the St. Lawrence, with those of tho Ottawa. It commences at Kingston, and pursues a north-eastern direction through a chain of lakes, with most of which it becomes identified in its course, until it intersects Kideau River, continuing its route along the banks, and sometimes in the bed of the river ; it enters the Ottawa at Bytown, (now the City of Ottawa) in north latitude 45° 23" — Length from Kingston to Bytown, including the navigable courses, 126 miles, with 46 locks, each 33 feet wide, and 134 long. Ascent from Kingston to the Summit Pond by 15 locks, 162 feet. Decent from tho Summit Pond to the Ottawa by 32 locks, 283 foot; total lockage, 455 feet, depression of tho Ottawa below Lake Ontario, at Kingston 141 feet; general course, north, north-east. It was com- menced in 1826, when the Duke of Wellington was in office, and it is understood that that great General had a voice in tho design- ing of this mighty structure, which is not unworthy of his genius. Sir James Carmichael Smith, of tho Engineer's Department, is said to have originated the idea of its construction. It was carried out under the superintendence of Colonel By, and the town at its junc- tion with tho Ottawa, was named after him. That name has since been changed, when Bytown was made a city. It was the only testimonial to his energy and skill, which deserved from the Pro- vince some better acknowledgment. This great work, together with the extensive lands along its line of route, held by the Impe- rial Government, have lately been transferred to the Province, and there is no doubt that its resources and revenue will be made the most of for the general benefit of the country. Already tho local trade along its course is fast increasing, with the improvements and growth of the settlements in the neighborhood of the Ottawa. The transport of iron ore from tho same section of the country to King- ston, also adds largely to it. Along the courses of the stream are valuable water privileges." — (Hooper.) 1-,! .A vague story obtains, among some persons, that when the treaty of peace between the United States and England took place in 1815, the former agreed to pay £1,000,000, which tho Duke of Wellington applied to this purpose. 39 " ■ ' ' -' ■ ■■ ' ''^"' 610 MURRAY CANAL. ' Bolow is given a document, tho importance of which is unques- tioned, wliether wo consider the intorewts of thodO living along tho bay, or tho welfare of tho whole Province.* /( ,, RflPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE MURRAY CANAL. ; . "The Select Committee appointed to enquire into tho expedi- ency of consti'ucting a Canal to connect the head waters of the Bay of Quinte with Lake Ontario, usually called the "Murray Canal," and also to enquire and report whether any money or lands are applicable to that purpose, and if so, what may bo the amount or value thereof, beg leave to report : " That it appears a grant of land was made for the above purpose as early as the year 1796, and that said grant, which was then ascertained to contain some six thousand acres, was afterwards repeatedly acknowledged and confirmed ; " That a reservation of sixty-four acres has been made between Prcsqu'isle Harbour and Bay of Quinto, on which said Canal was intended to be constructed ; " That the value of tho original reservation of six thousand acres was estimated by the Crown Lands Department, in 1839, at three pounds per acre, or eighteen thousand pounds cun'oncy ; "That the construction of said Canal, in addition to tho impor- tant commercial advantages which would be bestowed on the imia- bitants of tho counties adjacent to the Bay of Quinte, and the trado and navigation of the country generally, would afford most impor- tant facilities for tho safe transport of men and munitions in time of war; "That your Committee obtained tho evidence of Colonel Mc- Dougal, Adjutant General of Militia, which is appended to this Eeport ; " That besides providing an admirable harbour of some Seventy or eighty miles in length, capable of being made almost impregnable against attack, the great natural facilities for ship-building and for obtaining supplies of timber, would enable the Bay of Quinte to be used to great advantage for the repair or construction of ships of " That on reference to tho Journals of tho Legislative Assembly of 1845, Your Committee found the record of a letter dated 7th January, 1840, signed by R. B. Sullivan, then Commissioner of Crown Lands, which was furnished as a report on the whole ques- tion of the Murray Canal, for the information of the House, in reply to an Address to His Excellency, under date; 17th Ja-nuary, 1845. rral *''iosiflibaod ox^tebno JttBI 'moY "a'di wl iiJ6%xitoM " Your Committee hftve deemed it expedient to quote ftilly fVom this Keport for the information of Your Honorable House. ,'! '; " 1st. Extract. — The suggestion of constructing the Canal by a grant of money instead of the appropriation of Crown Lands to that object, was adopted by the Legislative in an Address of the 16th IMPORTANT CUT-OFF. 611 February, 1838, to IIU Kxcolloiicy th* Lioutonnnt (Jovernor, on tho Hubjoct, with tho trust tlmt in tho ostimiition of amount to bo grantod in liou of tho roHorvation, duo rogard may bo had to flio increaaod value to which thoHo hindw may have attained. ITiM Fixcolloncy, by answer of 26th Fobruary, wa.s j)loasod to concur with tho Address. ^^Mxtract No. 2. — I wouldrospoctl'uUy I'ocommend to His Excel- lency to fix upon some sjiccitic sum which may bo char<^od uj)on tho Crown iloservo, and made ])ayablo out of its first disjiosable proceeds toward the completion of the Canal, and which, upon tho cession of tho Crown Ke venue to the Legislature, will bo considered a pay- ment for which the faith of tho (lovornmont is pledged and ))ro- vided for in any Bill winch may be passed for tho granting a civil list in return for the cession of the Eovenue. "That Your Committee examined a work, composed in the year 182fi, by Major General 8ir James CarmichaolHmyth, Baronet, entitled, Precis of the Wars in Canada from 1755 to the Treaty of Ghent in 1814, the said work having been published for tho first time in 1862, by Sir James Carmichael, Baronet, son of tho author. That this work contains the following statements, which may fairly be quoted in favor of tho construction of this Canal. " In the dedication of this work to His Grace the Duke of Wel- lington, the author makes tho following remarks: — " The events of these wars afltbrd, in my opinion, a demonstra- tion as clear as that of any proposition in Euclid, of the impossibility (under Divine Providence) of these Provinces ever being wrested from under Her Majesty's authority by the Government of the United States, provided we avail ourselves of the military precau- tions in our power to adopt, by establishing those communications and occupying those points which posterity will one day learn with, if possible, increased respect for Your Grace's great name, wore principally suggested by Your Grace." - -- v . .3 ,^^ At page 202 he writes as follows:— ' '" " " Our Harbour and Naval Establishment at Kingston ai'o very good indeed, and infinitely beyond what the Americans possess at Sacket's Harbour. There cannot be a finer basin in the w- orld than the Bay of Quinte. When Kideau Canal is completed there will be ^reat facilities for forwarding stores to Kingston." At page 203: — 'Jril'tOHl/mwoU o.d;JaS t^OiioJiiUoj^iro J^jII'V "In the event of the Americans having the temporary com- mand of the Lake (^Ontario), York (now Toronto) would be useful for the protection of small craft and coasting vessels sailing from the Bay of Quinte with supplies for the Niagara Frontier." In a Eoport published by the Board of Trade of tho City of Montreal, for the year 1865, under the heading of" Improvement of Inland Navigation," Your Committee have found the following: „ ,. " An impoktant cut-off. — " It was long ago proposed to con- " nect Lake Ontario with the Western extremity of the Bay Quints, by a short Canal. The land reqtuired for suolji a purpose is. reserved 612 MILITARY CONSIDERATIONS. by the Government. The distance to be cut through is less than two miles; some additional dredging being, of course, required in the Bay and Lake to perfect the communication. As no lockage is requisite, the expense of the work would be small, while the advan- tage would be great " When it is remembered that the stretch between Presqu'islo Harbor and Kingston is the most hazardous on Lake Ontario, tho advantages to be derived from such a cut-off will be evident, especi- ally in the fall, when stormy weather is most prevalent. Had that little Canal existed last year, a number of marine disasters might have been avoided. Any one who examines the map may see at once how important the Bay if Quinte would thus become in the event of hostilities on the Lake." " That under these circumstances Your Committee would recom- mend that a Survey be made of the neck of land lying between Lake Ontario and the Bay of Quinte, and also of the Harbours of Presqu'isle and Weller's Bay, for the purpose of ascertalaing the cost and feasibility of said Canal, and that the Survey should be commenced with the least possible delay. Eespectfully submitted, James L. Biggar, Chairman.'^ 0([ a. it Appendix. — Committee Eoom, Tuesday, 24th July, 1866. ' '^ ' Colonel Macdouoall attended, and was examined as follows : .„, By tho Hon. Mr. Holton ; " ' / -^,. - - ., ,k -^^ >^ ...:...,... ^i.^..;^ Be pleased to state to the Committee your views of the import- ance, in a military point of view, of connecting the waters of Lake Ontario and the Bay of Quinte by a Canal, navigable for vessels of the largest class in use on Lake Ontario ? — I am aware that the Defense Commission sent to Canada in 1862, to report on the general defenses of tho Province^ strongly recommend the formation of a Naval Station in the Bay of Quints. Tho natural features of that bay render it, in my opinion, admirably adapted for such purpose. In the event of the Kaval Station being formed in the Bay of Quint6, it would be of great importance to have a short and secure entrance direct from Lake Ontario to tho head waters of the bay. This is especially the case in view of the fact that the stretch between Presqu'isle Harbour and Kingston is the most dangerous and diffi- cult on the Lake. Judging by tho map, and in ignorance of local peculiarities, it appears to mo that tho best means of obtaining such a short and secure communication as is above referred to, would bo by cutting a Canal between the head waters of the Bay Quinte and Weller Bay. The mouth of tho Canal would be covered and pro- tected by the perfectly land-locked harbour of Woller Bay, the entrance to which, from Lake Ontario, is susceptible of being very easily defended against a hostile flotilla. If the case is considered of Canadian vessels running before a superior naval force of tho enemy from the general direction of Toronto, it is obvious that if tho first wore obliged to weather the peninsula of Prince Edward, in certain winds they would run serious risks of being driven ashore FIRST RAILWAYS. 613 or captured before they could make the entrance to the Bay of Quinte, whereas the same vessels, with the same wind as would expose them to destruction in the first supposed case, could enter the harbour of Weller Bay under full sail, and reach the head of Bay of Quinte without molestation. Even though it may not be in contemplation to establish a regular Naval Station in the Bay of Quinte, that bay would, in the case of war, afford an admirable har- bour of refuge, which would be made perfectly secure in a military, or rather naval sense. Again, in case of war, the proposed Canal would supply the means of far safer communication by water, with- out the sacrifice of time between Kingston and Toronto, than could bo afforded by the open Lake. In the Hallowell Free Press, of February 1, 1831, is a commu- nication from " A country lad," who says, " there are several new roads required, but the one of most essential benefit to the inhabi- tants would be that which would lead from Wellington Village, Jlillier, across the peninsula to Belleville. But, while improvements of this description are in contemplation, it must not be forgotten that the period is not far distant when the East Lake in Hallowell must be cleared out, and a canal suitable for the passage of the Lake Ontario steamboats, cut from thence to Hallowell Village. Such an improvement as this, would, in our opinion, not only lessen the di mce from Kingston to York, and make the navigation less dangerous, but would afford a safe and commodious harbour." Railways. — At the present day Canada, in addition to the unsur- passed water ways through her vast extent, has the greatest num- ber of miles of railway according to inhabitants in any part of the world. In 1832, the Liverpool and Manchester Railroad was completed, which was "the great precurser of all railroads." Fourteen years later, 1846, a movement was initiated at Kingston to build a road from "Wolfe Island, through Kingston to Toronto, -and a survey was ordered to be made. A part of the "Report of the Preliminary Survey of Wolfe Island, Kingston and Toronto JElailroad," is now before us, signed by James Cull and Thomas Gore, Civil Engineers. In addition the engineering results of the Preliminary Survey, they give in an appendix, the grounds upon which they form their opinion as to the probable cost and revenue. It would be interesting to give their statements in full did space ,«llow. ^}}:} *' Another scheme. — The Picton Sun is advocating the building ■pf a railroad, running through the County of Prince Edward, and terminating at Long Point, whence freight and passengers could be shipped to the United States." .,, m-.. >/ v(r«>,|t y^jx^^ fMij-ivo n" 614 POPULATION. THE INCREASE OP POPULATION. ; '" It is a common belief among the Americans, a belief which is shared in by the few Annexationists living in Canada, that increase of population, productiveness of the soil, and general advance of civili- zation, are very much greater in the several States of the Union than in Canatla. Nothing can be farther from the truth. Upper Canada especially, has quite outstripped, even the most prosperous of all the original States of the Union. A comparison of the statistics of the two countries shows this to be undoubtedly the case. The following paragraph, taken from a valuable little work by Dr. Lillie, afltords some idea of the relative progress of the two countries. '-"'^ He says, " The rate at which Canada West is growing, and has been for the last twenty or thirty years, equals, if it does not more th|in equal the growth of the very best of the Western States. It will be seen from the United States census, that the three States of Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois, contained in 1830, 1,126,851. In 1850, they contained 355,000, a little over 320 per cent, in twenty years. Canada West contained in 1830, 210,473, in 1749, it contained 791,- 000, which is over 376 per cent, of the same period of twenty years. So that increase in the three choice States was 55 per cent, less than that of Canada West during the same time." And with respect to the products of the two countries, there is found the same proportion in favor of Panada. So also with' regard to vessels, " in proportion to population the tonnage of Canada more than equals that of the United States." And if we look at the various internal improvements as to canals, railroads, we find that Canada stands pre-eminent in these things. Yet, in the face of these facts wo can find persons to say, and so believe that Canada is behind the States in enterjirise.'* ■""o I ""*'' i), If we regard Lower Canada, it is found that the growth of population is vastly greater than the States of Vermont and Maine, lying along her border. Taking Canada as a whole, it is seen " that as compared with the States, which in 1850 had a population as great as her own, the decimal rate of increase was greater than in any of those States, with one solitary exception. <■ ' Jr « That in nine years to their ten, she lessened by two the num- ber of States which in 1850 had a population exceeding hers. "That she maintained a decimal rate of increase greater than that of the whole United States, not including the Western States and Territories, but including California and the other States and Territories on the Pacific. "V LOWER CANADA AND ADJOINING STATES. 6)15 " That Upper Canada maintained a decimal rate of increase greater by one-half than that of the whole United States and Ter- ritories — more than double that of all the United StateH, excluding the Western States — and only falling short of the increase in the Western States and Territories by 7 per cent. 'f.r'"Thatin nine years to their ten, she passed four States of the Union, which in 1850, had a population exceeding hers, leaving at the date of the last census only five States which exceeded her in population. The population of French Canada at the time of the revolution, did not much exceed 70,000. Since that time the inci'easo of popu- lation in Lower Canada has been steady ; not from immigration, so much as from early marriages. In the year 1783, there were by enumeration 113,000. In 1831, the French had increased 400,000. As we have said this was due to their social habits. The loyalists and soldiers that settled in Western Canada in 1783-4-5, were estimated at 10,000. It has been stated that when Canada was divided into two Provinces in 1791, the inhabitants had increased to 50,000 ; but this is doubted by some. It is said that the number did not exceed 12,000. McMullen puts it at 20,000. The increase of population up to the time of the war of 1812, was by no means rapid, at that time they numbered about 70,000 ; 1822, 130,000; in 1837, 396,000. The number of inhabitants in 1863 was somewhere about 500,000. .='! .Coming to the Midland Districts, the townships around the bay, it is found that here advancement was greater than elsewhere for many year8.'ift>t aljittEO 0* ft»< aia^mfi^^nqati lain»ifti'8j»oi*T«v e<d Eobert Grourlay sought information from the several townships of the Province in 1817, in response it is stated, among other things, that " the number of inhabited houses now is about 550 ; population about 2,850, This enumei-ation includes the town of Kingston, which contains 450 houses, and 2,250 souls. Thomas Markland says, 26th November, 1818, " The reports from this district (Mid- land) being few in proportion and sevez'al of these irregular, 1 can- not give an exact estimate of the population, but the following will not be far wrong: — Kingston, Ernesttown, Adolphustown, and Thurlow, contain 7,083. Fredericksbnrgh, Marysburgh, Hallowell, Ameliasburgh, and Sidney, 5,340. Pittsburgh, with Wolfe Island, Loborough, Portland, Camden, Eichraond, and Rawdon, will not average above 300 each, a total of 1,800. In Huntington, I heard only of five settlors — say 24. Total white population 14,855; Indians 200. Total number of houses in Midland district was 900 Thomas Markland. A report before me made in October 1826, by John Portt, says the total number of white inhabitants of Tyendin- agua IS -7. „^.. ,, „,,,„. , ,..„ „.,.. .., ^ , ,..*^u«,iiu; «•.■ euijiw-iij. . ,v ,. .K jr-i-j.'.:<-h\ ,■>;;; l^j.i'A iy.<Hx iiv. 'i:A>:hl>:'ys\ <;'»:<;l;f ■:;J.,/: lf.^-;/vn .■:,<:. ,(i.. * t'.t. ,iiuij^:7n\j. ((_iu. 'ji"; .'l*,!.^. Jc'ii ■/;w4 O'xi^iju.: .■.-i.-t //vuh tiVjC T'-.i' ...,^' ^*^.-i^ U.*^; -DIVISION XII.v., = A.,J ;^?Il:./ THE UNITED EMPIRE LOYALISTS— THE FATHERS OF .4 ;,i-.. .„? , , ., ,, -., UPPER CAI^APA. , , r. • rif^nvL/ i^L.iu^ A;ji;gt-;v('.' >-■:.■; - .•;.-;■;;:■:'':, i-jj.jjyy' i^. 0(,v.ji ,%;,i';jv' ;<?U-^i'u)L«4,u»-^A;9P3. CHAPTER LXIX. ^KW«fiit.;v;)n^;diu.':tfu: CbwnMTS — Definition — A division — Their principles — Our position — Ancestry- Dutch — Puritans — Huguenots — New Rochelle — English writers — Talbot — '-""-Falsehoods — Canadian and English ancestry — Howison — Maiigner — Gour- 4':/,/. lay's reply — Palatines — Old names. . .,,,,, , ,,, .,,, > ■ » ^ ANCESTRY OP THE U. E. LOYALISTS. , . ^ '*'" Under this designation allusion is made to all who left, or were compelled to leave, the revolting colonies, and Independent States, and who sought a home in Ihe wilderness of Canada. There is, how- ever, a class which will be specially referred to, who, in subsequent years, were placed upon the " U. E. list," and who, by virtue thereof, Becured important privileges to themselves and family. The United Empire Loyalist, was one who advocated, or wished to have maintained, the unity of the British empire, who felt as much a Briton in the colony of America, as if he were in old England ; who desired to perpetuate British rule in America ; not blindly believing that no imperfections could exist in such rule, but desiring to seek reform in a conservative spirit. This class, we have seen, became, as the tide of rebellion gained strength and violence, eiceedingly obnoxious to those in rebellion against their King and country. It will.be convenient to divide them into three classes, viz., (1.) Those who were forced to leave during the contest, many of whom took part in the war; (2.) Those who were driven away after the war, because they were known or suspected to have sympathy wit!: the the loyalist party, and (3.) Those who would nbt remain in the Re- public, who voluntarily forsook the land of their birth or adoption, and removed to a country which acknowledged the sovereignty of the King of England. Many of this noble class relinquished comfort- FOURTH OP JULY ORATIONS. 617 able homes, rather than live under an alien flag ; they preferred, above all measure, to enter a wilderness and hew out a new home. They would live anywhere, endure any toil, undergo any privation, so long as they were in the King's dominion, and the good old flag waved over their head, and their families. It was oft declared that their bones should lie on the King's soil. These sentiments are taken, not from the imagination, but from the accumulated testimony of those who have supplied statements of family history. Elsewhere it has been shewn how cruel were the persecutions made against the " tories," how relentless the spirit of vengefulness. All this, it may be said by some, should be forgotten, — buried in the past, with the whigs and tories, both of whom committed errors and outrages. Under certain circumstances this would be the proper course — the course indicated by the great Ruler ; but, regarding the United States in the light derived from the statesmen, orators, and the press, it cannot for a moment be allowed. Until the descendants of those who successfully rebelled in 1776, cease to vilify our fathei's; until they can find other subject matter for their fourth of July orations, than foul abuse of our country ; until they can produce school-books which are not stained by unjust and dishonest representations; and books of a religious nature which are not marred by unchristian, not to say mitruthful, statements respecting Britain and her colonies. Until the " Great Republic" can rise above the petty course of perpetuating old feuds, we , cannot — we whose fathers suffered, cannot be required to phut our mouths, and thereby seemingly acquiesce in their uncharitable and malignant charges against the U. E. Loyalists. Washington was a rebel as much as JcfferBon Davis, and history will accord to the latter a character as honorable and distinguished as the former. "Washington succeeded against a power that put not forth the gigantic efforts which the United States did to subjugate the States over which Jefferson Davis presided. By the events of the civil war in the United States, we, the descendants of those who occupied the same relative position in the American Revoiution, f^el ,it rjl|;ht to be guided. .. '■--,:* The most of the loyalists were Americans by birth. Their feelings of attachment to the realm, preponderated over the attach- ments which bound them to thei homes of their childhood and maturer years. The great majority of those^ who^ settled Upper Canada were from the Provinces of New York, Pensylvania, and the New England States. New York, originally a Putch colony, had many loyal sonii. Indeed thi^ state was dragged into the 618 HUGUENOTS. rebellion. It follows that a goodly number of the Bottlers around the bay were of Dutch extraction, and possessed all the honesty and industry peculiar to that people. The U. B. list, and the larger list of refugees, include a large number of names unmistakably Dutch. But there came from this state as well, many a true son of England, Ireland, and Scotland, with a spi'inkling of the Hugue- nots, and the Germans, the last of whom began to emigrate to America in 1710. Many of the settlers of Upper Canada may point with pride to their Dutch forefathers. Many Canadians have an equal right also to boast of their Puritan fathers. They more especially may point to the justice-loving ones who came to America with honest William Penn, whose son was also a refugee from the State his father founded, not by taking forceable posses- sion, but by buying the land from the Indians. ±.' {i^sfhf off Jr^-ylra /) Among the devoted band of firm adherents to the British Crown were not a few of the descendants of the Huguenots, whose fathers had been oxpati*iated by the King of France, because they were Protestants, and who had found safe homes in England. So early as 1686, a number of Huguenots found their way to America. And from time to time, accessions were made to the number by emigra tion. They mostly settled in Westchester County, New York, in 1689, where a tract of land was purchased for them by Jacob Leisler, of the Admiralty, and there founded a town called New Eochelle, after Eochelle in France, noted for the stand its inhabitants took against Boman Catholicism. In 1700, New Eochelle had become quite a place, and here was found, when the rebellion had com- menced, "a vast number of Militia officers loyal to the backbone." — (Euttan). T Mm "JOffttoiT blnoTT Yf*{ft ;Jx(df rVn^tTrct ■,BhRrT*?0 'ryaqvi The ancestry of the XT. E. Loyalisls has been called in question, not by the rebels alone, but by British subjects. The few instances constitute, fortunately, but exceptions to a general rule. Travelers from Great Britain have repentedly, perhaps we may say persis- tently, displayed an astonishing amount of ignorance of the people of Canada and its society. Allowance can be made for a certain amount of egotism, but downright bias is unworthy a high- minded writer. Incapable of examining any subject, except from a stand point exclusively English, they have found no difficulty in attributing the most^unworthy and even scandalous causes to a state of society to them unusual, and seemingly abnormal. Perhaps no writer nas so disgraced himself, in writing about Canada, as Talbot. Certainly no one more ignobly essayed to injure Canadian reputa- FALSE WRITERS. 619 tion in Great Britain than he. " Mr. Talbot has stated in his book tiiat most of the Canadians are descended from private soldiers or settlers, or the illegitimate oifspring of some gentlemen, or his servant." The writer had no scruples in publishing a falsehood. Full well ho knew how noble had been the condu^,t of the U, E. Loyalists as a class; who relinguished property, homes, — every- thing for a cause dear to their heart. Private soldiers indeed 1 They thought it no disgrace to enter the ranks to help to suppress an unrighteous rebellion. And the descendants of the private soldiers feel it an honor to claim them for sires. Mr. Talbot, we are informed, came to Canada to speculate in lands; and his record does not justify him in casting a stigma upon the fathers of Canada. Could we accept a slanderous statement as true, yet the question might be raised : — Is not their origin as good as many of the great houses of Great Britain would be found, were we enabled to trace back th^ir pedigree. Probably, at the present time, and perhaps at no time, did more than a few read the pages of Mr. Talbot's production. But lest there might come a time when the false statements should be reiterated, we felt it our duty to thus advert to the subject. Ji^ffJ 'Jfi^ '>^ ybam v';.t','7/ Htioiasoo'^ii ,omiJ oJ !=)ifrt! moix Another writer, to whom it may be well to refer, is one Dr. John Howison, who wrote Sketches of Upper Canada. His know- ledge of Canada was pretty much confined to the Niagara district. Hear what the great (?) man said of the inhabitants. " They are still the untutored incorrigible beings that they probably were, when the ruffian remnant of a disbanded regiment, or the outlawed refuse of some European nation, they sought reftjge in the wilds of Upper Canada, aware that they would neither find means of sub- sistance, nor be countenanced in any civilized country. Their original depravity has been confirmed and increased by the circum- stances in which they are now placed." This is a pleasant picture that the accomplished doctor draws of our forefathers. The very flagrancy of the falsehood has rendered the above statement as harmless as the doctor's reputation is unknown. It is but too common a story for a stupid Englishman, with no other ideas than those derived from supremo egotism, to pass through our country, and after merely glancing at the outside of everything, proceed to give an account of the people of Canada. But this Howison was cither guilty of drawing his views from Yankee sources, or of giving vent to some spiteful feeling. Robert Gourlay, who was no tory, referring to the above statement, speaks in this way : — " Itis nottruo> 620 FALSE WRITERS. it is not fair, it is not discreet. The first settlors of Upper Canada, in my opinion, were wrong headed men as to politics ; but they were far from being bad-hearted men, and anytliing but "the ruffian remnant of a disbanded regiment." They were soldiers who had done their duty: who had regarded with reverence their oath of allegiance; who had risked their lives a hundred times over a support of their principles ; who had sacrificed all which the world in general holds dear, to maintain their loyalty and honor. They were anything but the "outlawed refuse of some European nation. They adhered to the laws of Britain ; and for the laws of Britain they bled. They did not "seek refuge in the wilds of Upper Canada, aware they would neither find means of subsistence, nor be countenanced in any civilized country." It is a libel on the British Government to say they sought refuge, and a libel on common sense to say that men, who resolved to earn their bread by labour, under the worst circumstances in the world, could not find means of subsistence anywhere else. The whole passage is untrue, is shameful, and Dr. Howison should apologize for it in the public prints of this country. These very farmers whom he scandalizes so cruelly, stood up for British Government most noble during the late war, (1812), many of them lost their all at that time (in Niagara District)^ and to many of them the British Government is now deeply indebted. The mass of first settlers in Upper Canada were true men, and to this day there is a peculiar cast of goodness in their natures, which distinguishes them from their neighbours in the United States. There were among them ruffians of the very worst description. His Majesty's ministers needed spies, and horse stealers, and liars, and perjured villians ; and America furnished such characters, just as England can furnish an Oliver and an Edward. Why should a whole people be slandered because of a few ? Dr. Howison wrote in Canada only to trifle, and now we see the consummation, we see a book very well written ; very readable as a romance — the talo of a weak man ; but as it affects men, worse than trifling — scandalous. To say all the ill he could of Canada, and no good of it is unfair-r- is deceitful — after all, in his parting exclamations, he " spoke about the happy shores of Canada." The refined Dtv Howison, it would seem, remembered "many civilities" from the Canadians; but because he could not appreciate the nobility of nature when crowned by the rough circumstances of pioneer life, he must needs write a libpl. No doubt his mind was influenced by Yankee tales of Butlers' Bangers, and perhaps his exquisite sensibility was wounded, PALATINES. 621 forsooth, because a Canadian would not touch his hat to him." Eobert Gourlay was a friend to Canada, a friend to humanity; ho was not always right; but ho was far more correct while in Canada than those who persecuted him. Ho was a patient and close observer, and made himself thoroughly acquainted with Canada, and his statement in reply to Howison's utterances are fully satis- fying. What was true of the settlers at Niagara, must remain true of the whole class of V. B. Loyalists. Notwithstanding the many adverse circumstances—the earnest contest for life, the daily struggle for food, their isolation from the influences of civilized life, the absence of regular ministers of the gospel, notwithstanding all,' the old soldiers constituted a band of pioneers infinitely better than those who form the outer belt of settlors, at the present day, in the Western States. ;'c t"'iM.j.i;i.; ^lu loiju/j i>n.a\^-^uvst'JtTiiCii:AXcf^'i''^-f* As intimated, not a few of the U. B. Loyalists were doscon- dants of those who had likewise been driven, by persecution, from their homes. There were not only the children of the noble old Huguenots, but a good many Gorman Irishmen, called Palatines. They originally came fVom the Palatinate of the Rhine, once the possession of the House of Palatine. The Palatines were Protestants, and during the seventeenth century, wore exposed to the most cruel barbarities. They fled in thousands to tho friendly camp of the Doke of Marlborough, when commander of tho allied armies. In 1709, Qneen Anne sent a fleet to Ilotterdam for the distressed Pala- tinea, and carried about 7,000 to England. Of those, 3,000 were sent to Now York, but finally found homos in Pennsylvania, among the Quakers. The names of some of these are before us, and it may be seen they aro familiar ones, although some of them are somewhat altered. ";.;„.: ui Frantss Lucas, Doitrioh Klein, Conrad Prodoricfc, Lnd-«^fg, Honrich Newkirk, Reiser, John Mortan, Casper Hartwig, Christo^ per Warner, Hermanus Hoffman, Rudolph Neff, Schmidt, Schu- macher, Lenhard, John Peter Zenger, Philip Muller, SchaflFer, Peter Wagner, Straule, Henrioh Man, Eberhard, Kromer, Franke Ross, Peter Becker, Christian Meyer, Godfry Fidler, Weller, George Mathias, Christo, Hagodom, Fink, John William Dill, Bernard, Conradt, Bellinger. . ^' '. _ ■ -, han^f those who remained, five hundred families romovea^'^ Ireland, and settled, principally, in tho County of Limerick."' Among th«ir names we find. Baker, Barham, Barrabier, Bcnnoser, Bethel, Bowon, Bowman, Bovinozcr, Brcthower, Cole, Coach, Cor- 622 ANCIKNT NAMES. neil, Croii.shorry, Dobo, Diilina/^o, Kmbury, Fizzic, OrunHC, (Jrior, llcck, Ilofl'mun, Jliflo, Jloavonor, Ozior, (probably Lazier of our day), Lavvronci), Lowen, llhinehcart, Koho, Itfjdonbuchor, liucklo, Switzor, Spurling*Sfnck, St. John, St. Lodgor, Stronglo, Slocpor, Shoemaker, Shior, Smoltzer, Shoultace, Shavowiso, Towby, (])robably Detlor of our day), Tottlor, UrHhelbaugh, WilliuiriH, and Young. A certain number of the I'alatineH Hottled at tlie German Flats, many of whom, being LoyaliHts, were obliged to leave ; and become pioncerH in Canada. JiikowiHe, were there many from other parts of the State, and from Pennsylvania. ... t^ ,.,_ . ... ■;; ,,, In the early history of Now Yoi-k State, may bo found many names, generally Dutch-like, closely resembling those of the first settlers of Western Canada. In a letter, dated " Albany, .30 July, 1689," wo find the names of Capt. Blcekcr and D. Myers. v. ,; At a convention at Albany, Oct. 24, 1669, was present, among others, Gert liyorse, Jan Jenso Bleekor. ^iJ-'^. irn.i^Mij/iit Jii iui ^j! '■ " Proposals made to ye people, Albany, yo 5 day of November, 1689, by 40 inhabitants," among which is Jacob Vandon Bogaert. " At a meeting, at Albany, 28th March, 1690," were present^ ,Gjert Kyersen, John Piotersen, Ilendrick Hedgeman, (Uagerman). '"■ At a mooting in Albany, after the massacre of Schenectady, February 9, 1690, to arrange for defending against the French and Indians, and to bury the dead ; there were, among 60 others present, .D. Wessols, liector, J. Bleockor, Aid. Byckman, Ens. Bonnet. In the list of those killed at Schenectady, are several of the Vroomans, Symon, Skemorhoorn. "Taken prisoners at Skinnech- tady, and carried to Canada ye 9th day of February, 162o." " John Wemp, Sonne of Myndt& 2 negroes, and 26 others.", , ,. . , , In a list of oflSlcors in the Province of N"ew York, 1693, momben lit.' of Council — are found Phillips, Brook, Lawrence, Young, Marshall, Shaw, Evotts, (probably Everit), Handcock, Dirck Wessols, Recorder at Albany; Beekman, Howell, Barker, Piatt, Whitehead, Harrison, Hageman, Strycker, Willet. Among the militia officers, N. Yorrk, 1700, we find Booth, Moore, Wheler, Hubbs, Kochum, Frederick, Daniel Wright ; Bobert Coles ; Lake, Hegemen, Evert, Bogardus, Hosbi'ooke. Rose. .' .;... List of inhabitants in County of Orange, 1702, %e'^ find— Gcritsflon, (Garrison), Reynorssen, (Bjorson), Coniflf,, Mieycr, . (Meyer,) Weller, Coejper,Merntt,^,,^^., .,(}^.3,,_;;^,^ MOHAWK VALf-KY IN OLDKN TIMKS. 1523 Freoholdorn of tlio city and (u)iinty of Albuny, 17lJ(), Williams, Van Alon, Holland, CoUinn, VunDyko, wovoral Blookor'H ; Cornelius Boarghacrt, VanduHcn, Mocbe, Wcemp, (Wcni])), Tnusax, Van Valkonbur^li, IluycU, Grardimor, ])in^nianH, VanAlHtino, Coonradt, Jlam, Luyko, Dooker, KHHolstinu, I'rittH, (iuackonhoeis,((^uackenljUHh) Van JicnHalaor. .,„..„.. -. . In tlio war of Iho Indianfl, at tlio battle of Point Pleasant, 1774, there was killed, anion^ othcirfl, KiiHi^n CandilF. The following we take from tlie Schenectadt/ Evming Star : Valley ok the Mohawk in Oldkn TfMKs. — Schoharie — The, Vroomans. — When the Schoharie sottlemontH were invmled by the BritiHh, under Colonel Jiutlor, in the year 178fi, the followini^ perHons, anion^ others, were murdered by the IndianH: Tunis Vrooman, his wife and won, and on this occasion Kphraim Vrooman and his two sons, Bartholomew, Jowias and John Vrooman, Bartho- lomew Vrooman, Jr., and his wife and son Jacob, were taken Erisoners, The wife and dauf^'hterof Ephruim Vrooman was killed y an Indian named Seth Ilondrick. Mr. K Vrooman, while on his way to Canada, whither ho was carried in captivity, was under the immediate charge of Seth Ilendrick, who treated him with much kindness. There were two or three Indians who accompanied Seth. These Ijeforo they arrived at their destination, ^row tinsd of their prisoner, and proposed tr> despatch him. Mr. Vnxjman overheard the conversation, which was conducted in a whisper, and repeated it to Hendrick. Ilendrick assured him in the moat positive manner, that " not a hair of his head should be touched," and gave bis companions a severe reprimand for their ungenerous conspiracy. After the termination of the Eevolutionary contest, Jlondriclc paid Mr. Vrooman a visit, and apologised ftn- his conduct during the war, in the strong, metapJiorical language of his nation : " The toma- hawk," said ho, "is used only in war; in time of peace it is buried; it cuts down the sturdy oak as well jis the tender vine ; but I (laying his hand on Mr. Vrooman's shoulder) saved the oak." " Eva's Kill. — The creek which runs through the village of Cranosville has, for the last ninety years, been known as Eva's Kill, or creek. It owes this name to the circumstance of a woman named Eva being murdered near its banks. In the year 1755 Mrs. Van Alstine, from Canojohario, traveled through this j)laco on her way to this city to visit her parents. She was on horseback, and had her daughter with her, a child about four years of age. A party of French and Indians had just arrived from Canada, an 1 were prowling about with murderous designs on the defenceless inhabitants of the Mohawk Valley. Espying Mrs. Van Alstine, they marked her for their prey. They pounced upon, wounded and scalped her, left her as they supposed, dead, on the margin of the creek which bears her name. Her danghter they took to Canada. After they had departed, Mrs. Van Alstine partially recovered, and mustered strength enough 624 ORIGINAL NAMES IN LONG ISLAND. to crawl to the river, on the opposite shore of which she saw some men standing, to whom she beckoned. She feared to speak lest she should be overheard by her enemies who were still in the neighbor- hood. These men came over cautiously, and conveyed her safely to her agonized patents. She lingered nine or ten days in a state of extreme suffering, when she gave up the ghost. Her daughter's life was spared, aad she, in time, was restored to her friends." v'*'^ In 1750-60, are found the names of Jordan, Dunham, Grant, Har- kamer, Spenser, Peterson, Wilson, Church, Devenport, Kemp,Gib80n. Census of New York, about 1703. Amongst others, Vanhorn Larrance, Loukes, Vandewater, White, Hams, Wes8el8,Wm. Taylor, Johnston, Vesey, Bogert, Oastrom, Waldron, Davis, Marshall, Olapp. Jib. Census of Long Island, 1673. — Jacobs, Carman, Symonds, Beedel, ' Allen, Williams, Valontyn, Ellesson, (probably Allison), Osborne, Hobbs, Soddard, Ellison, Foster, Mott, Apple be, Persell, Truax, . Hoyt. ^otf The BoU of tJum who have taken the oath of allegiance, Sep- tember, 1687: Peter Stryker, native of the Province; Comelis Pertise, (Peterson), native; Beakman, native; Gerrit Dorlant, ' native; Joseph Hagemen, (Hagerman), 37 years; Adrien Ryerse, 41 years. Living in Breucklyn (Brooklyn) : Covert, native ; Bogaert, 35 years; Jan Fredericks, 36 years; Pieter Corson native ; Caspere, (Casper) ; Jacobus Vande Water, (Vandewater), native ; Dirck Janse Waertman, (Wartman), 40 years ; Van Clief, De Witt, Loyse, Waldron, Willensen, Badgelj'^, Culver, Jessop, Eogers . Diamond, Erie, Butler, Johnes (Jones), Whiting; Arnold, Wash- bourn, Way, Harton, Booth, Bradly, Goldsmith, Giles, Baily, Osmond, Carey, Case, Miller, Garitson* , ■< . , i . ,. . .rr:(\i^^it^ (^n^fifif^fi^,'liy']¥l vfo-ftP^f W,".a<>iJuij^wi.»' CHAPTER LXX. ii>^f^-;^iu^..wm^' Contents — Character — Hospitality — At home — Fireside— Visitors-Bees— Raisings ''• ' Easter Eggs — Dancing— Hovington House — Caste — Drinks — Horse-racing— • ' Boxing— AmusemontB — La Crosse — Duels — Patriotism — Annexation — Free- dom — Egotism — The Loralists — Instances — Longevity — Climate of Canwia A quotation — Long lived— The children — The present race — A nationality Comparison—" U.B. Loyalist "—Their Privileges— Order of Council— Dissa- iisfaction. CHARACTBB, CUSTOMS, AMUSEMENTS, PATRIOTISM, AGE AND DESCEN- DANTS OF TlIK U. E. LOYALISTS. When we compare the motives which actuated all classes of those who adhered to the Crown with the rebels in their various :^V-. n' HOSPITALITY. AHi.r^ ^5 grades, we feel to exult and express sincere thankfulness that the fathers of Upper Canada were honest, devoted, loyal, truthful, law- abiding, and actuated by the higher motives which spring from religion. The habits of the loyalists were simp|jp, and comparatively free from immorality. Their love of order and adherence to law is noteworthy. No people in the world have been characterised by so firm and devoted adherence to the established laws than the U. E. Loyalists. Never deprived of that freedom which ennobles the man, they always abominated that monstrous offshoot of republican liberty which teaches a man to take the law in his own hands. In later years in Canada some strife has been witnessed between parties who have introduced their national feuds from the old country. But those who fought in the revolutionary war, and who mainly assisted to drive back the invading foe in 1812, have always been peace- loving citizens. Lynch Law, (a term derived from a man of that name living in South Carolina, who constituted himself the arbiter between any contestants, and to their satisfaction) has alw^s been held in utter detestation. ^r^n-ArniV Av»ti.nr (/ik'ijwa* i<j\ v,ti}r«A'-| oO^lj-vThe settlers wore always hospitable. The circumstances of their life, in which they so often were cast upon the care and atten- tion of others, made each experience the deep feeling of gladness to have a visitor, which belongs to a sense of kindness received. In this they differed widely from the people of the more Northern States. Strangers were never turned away, and a clergyman, no matter of what denomination, was received "right gladly." The Rev. Mr. Smart says that ho was often up the Bay in his early days of ministerial labor, and ho was over treated by the inhabitants of all classes with great hospitality. And after a few years had worn away, carrying with them the burden of many heart sorrows, there came an occasional opportunity to exchange friendly hospi- tality. Visiting indeed became a regular " institution," to borrow a Yankee pi. rase. Near neighbours would of an evening call in, uninvited, to spend the evening, and talk over the times, pi-csent, /past and coming. Sometimes visits wore made to friends a long / distance off, going by canoe or battcau, or perchance on "horseback, by a bridle-path, with saddle-bags containing oats for the horse. But the winter visits were characterised more especially by genial hospitality. On iuoh occasions the hostess brought forth things new and old. Choice v)'*nds, carefully stored away, were brought to the light. The first fruits of the soil were lavishly spread upon the unnssuming board. The famine of 1787-^, and the subsequent 40 626 FAMILY VISITING. lack of the necessaries of life, and the total absence of luxuries for many a year, had the eifect of intensifying the value that might naturally bo placiid upon plenty and luxury. To be truly enter- taining to guests, was to set before them a feast of good things. Hence it came' in the later years of the country that the table ot the well-to»do farmer always groaned with sub- stantials and delicacies. On those occasions the old soldier re- counted his deeds of warfare, and hair-breadth escapes, and his struggl'.s in the wilderness. The blazing hearth became the centre of attractive conversation, and lit up the haixiy faces of the pioneers, and the milder countenances of their wives and daughters, while in the back ground might be seen the bright eyes of tlie children, listening to the tales that were told. The younger ones had been ordered off to bed, but they lie wakeful in their bunks, which were in tlio same room, to catch the ever flowing talk. The conversa- tion at these times did not always relate to those matters above stated, it often took a mysterious turn, and ghosts became the sub- ject of their evening's talk. The above is not from imagination, but in substance from the lips of more than one, who remembers to have occupied the little bunk and listened upon many an even- ing to the conversations. Family visiting was a common mode of exchanging civilities. It was necessary because of the widely separated houses. The evenings were times of the most pleasing reunions. Every log house possessed a largo Dutch fireplace, into which was placed a back log of iparaonse size, while upon the hand irons, or, as at first, large square stones was heaped light dry wood which sent forth a cheerful blaze. By the light thus made there would be in the fall and winter carried on various household duties, each family waRit>> a, great extent dependent upon themselves for almost every thing required upon a farm, or about a farm-house. The wife would bo busy canling, or making clothes of home-made linen, or of cloth. The daughters would bo employed in mending or darn- ing. The fai^nier would be engaged in making or repairing har- ness, or boots, or " fixing " an implement of husbandry, while tho Bon would be fashioning an axo-helvo, or an ox-yoke, or whittling a whip handle. The simple meal, though of a homely fare, was satisfying, for their taato waa not pampered by unnecessary luxu- ries when alone. But when company came everything was changed. The work was put aside, and they sot themselves out to make their visitors enjoy thomsolvos. They would <#ncipci<j.tbo *.. BEES. .-: ■: 627 wido and glowing fire, and indulge in the most amiable talk. There was no spirit of envy in their midst, but a quiet content and thankfulness that the wilderness was beginning to blossom. The triumphs of the past would be duly recounted, and the future looked forward to with highest hopes. Plans would be canvassed and laid for the children, while apples, cider and nuts would receive due attention by all. At those meetings were often the young folks — marri?^geable daughters and sons who had been pre- paring to go on the other farm, or back hundx'ed acres where a log house was partially erected ; before long the company would be divided into two distinct groups, the old and the young. Sumo- times matters would be managed that the older ones would meet at one hoxise and the young at another, by which means a more pleasing state of things was created. But courting, or sparking as it wa« termed, was generally done upon Sunday evening. TRe day of rest was the only one when the love-sick swain could get away. And even the most exemplary christians regarded " going to see the girls " on a Sunday night as quite allowable. Then, this practice favored the desire, so prevalent, to koej) secret the inten- tion of any two to get married. - ■ ...jj yv*-^ >' Visits were n^ade vvithout invitations. To wait for an invita- tion was quite contrary to the primitive views of the settlers. The visit must be a voluntary action. Even to give a hint to one to make a visit by parties not related was considered as beneath proper respect. It was a species of independence. "I do'nt want one to come to my house if he do'nt want to," the phase went in that way. But there were occasions when invitations wei-e sent out, and that was when some help was required ; and to i)er!5on3 not familiar with the habits, it will seem strange that it was con- sidered a compliment to got an invitation, and a slight to be n^- lected. These invitations were to be present at beos, and help to do work. At the first these boos were common, to put up the log houses, and get a little clearing done, by a certain time. But after- wards, though less fi'equcnt, they were of a more pretentious nature. Eaising Beos wore in time, indications of prosperity. A fVame barn or house showed that the farmer was pi-ogressing, and in accoi-danco with the general expectation, treated " the hands " with the best he hivd. Then tliere were, boaido the rais-ing beos, the clearing bees, logging beos, and stone beos, and husking be©8, and in later times apple bees ; and there was the women'-j l)oo for quilting. All those nioetinga were of a more or less iiilarious order. 628 EASTER EQOS. The work was done, and done with a will ; it was a sort of duty — a matter of principle that either the work should he done, or a proper effort made to that end. For many years spirituous liquors were dealt out, or set freely hefore the men, but in time, some, seeing the evil of drinking, and sometimes fearful of aecidentu, determined to discontinue the custom. "Whether drinking was indulged in or not, all were treated to a glorious supper, generally of pot-pie and cakes, and pies of pumkin and apple. The women folks of coui'se, required assistance, and the neighbours would come to help, so that at night there would be collected a goodly number of both 8ex;e8. Husking bees and aj)ple bees took place at night, but they did not last so long that no time was allowed for amuse- ment. And then coinmenced the play and the dance. At first these unions and plays were exceedingly harmless and indulged in with the utmost artlessness. The young of both sexes were well known to each other, and it was more like a family gathering than aught else. But now fortunately these bees and kissing-plays are no longer in vogue. They were natural enough in the days of primi- tive pioneer liife ; but with increasing mhabitants and the addition of people of other countries, they became unnatural. The breakipg up of winter brought to a termination for a time, all the social festivities. In connection with sugar making was .here and there a jovial mieeting to " sugar off." ' ' ' Aside from the Sabbath th^re were bnt few holidays ; and, With many, CJinstmas was imperfectly obpei*ved. Easter was re- membered principally because of the feast of eggs on Sunday. At first, when hens were scarce, it was not every family that had eggs on that day, or had enough. So it came to pass that eggs would be preserved beforehand, pot by the natural provider however, The boys regwfied it as their prei*ogative to hide the eggs for some time be;fore, and even wh^n it tvas unnecessary, large numbers would be safely secreted by the young ones. This was generally (lope by the youngest, old enough ; and ho was to so hide them that no one could find thepi. The hopor was lost if the eggs were fdurid. The Easter morping consequently was one, of anticipation, , to, see ,how- ^^ver niany eggs had been preserved. ,; , \. . , ,, v,-,-,;(jAn pld settler oi' Ameliaeburgh|di8COurBe8 of Bees in thiswise: "Bees were great instituiions in those days, every settler was licensed to make twp or three each year, provided he furnished a good "pot pie," and plenty of gfog, and never made any objections to his guests figh^ing^ Eighting might take plaoeat any stajgjD, but P'X~'-r. AMUSEMENTS. 62d more genprally occui*red after work was done, before and after supper. ,^,,..^^^-,.,^_^.. ^^,.»,r^ 'tv,;/lv'fv---^'" ■'.*-^- •,■•■■■■ ,^,i>aneing seems to have been particularly attractive to almost jftU, Almost every neighbourhood or concession had its fiddler, the only kind of instrumental music of the tim6s. The fiddler was generally an old soldier, who had acquired some knowledge of the 4rt^pf;playing during his time of service;'^'' ""* '^V*' '!' niT)o^ljrb«, -^^f,„A, kind correspondent, (Morden), hag supplied us pleasing information, obtained from an old resident of Sophiasburgh. This person came from Adolphustown, when a girl of fifteen, in the first year of the present century. We quote : — " She tells many funny gtpries of balls and private " sprees" that they used to have over in tihe Indian woods, ^t Capt. Isaac's (Hill), an Indian chief, who had ^ lar^e house, which is still occupied, and which appears to have bcQii, the Bcene of nnmberless ** hops," &c. They could Ihavo a civil dance at Captain Isaac's, and it would not cost much. The Sixth Town youngsters seem to have delighted in patronizing his house." This young woman married and became, with her husband, a pioneer of Ameliasburgh, in 1805. It seems that these new settlers of the Seventh Town considered themselves somewhat superior to the inhabitants generally, and would not join in their "frolickings," but would occasionally visit Sophiasburgh for the purpose of having a '• spree." This feeling of caste was a marked feature in the several townships at an early date. The Hovington House, situated about sixty rods iabove the bridge at Picton, was a place of no little fkme. It was built by one Hovington who came with VanAlstine. It Was a long narrow edifice forty or fifty feet deep, and about twenty feet broad, and not very high. It was divided into two portions by a log partition, the ends of which projected without. This public house was especially for the benefit of the settlers at East Lake, in their journeyings back and foi'th across the Carrying Place. To use the language of our informant, " it was a great place to dance and frolic." At stated times the bay settlers would come even from forty miles distance Fredericksburgh on the east, and the Carrying Place and Sidney on the west. But now the foundation of the old building which so often resounded to the sounds of mirth, the fiddle, and the tripping feet, can scarcely be traced. As a general thing, the hard pinching circumstances of the new country brought all to a common level, excepting a few Govern ment officials. But in certain localities there existed a feeling of '^ HORSE ftACINQ. superciliousness, not very deep, but yet it was there. The places, and the inhabitants thereof, in time, becitme noted as being "big feeling " or stylish. For instance, the denizens of Kingston regarded the settlers uj) the baj'^ as somewhat behind them ; while the people of the Fourth Town spoke disparagingly of the Fifth Towners. By the settlers of the Sixth and Seventh Towns, the citizens of Sidney and Thurlow wore looked upon as stylish. But the wheel of fortune turned with many a one. ittioiailiira ill Joa f ud >Y'|J/Hii'00 •otii id-iiiKid: V.J ■ Amusement, and diversions of diffoirent kinds, when properly tsed, are' not only allowable, but even salutary to man's physical and mental state ; but if uncontrolled by reason ; if irrational from want of education, they may easily run into excess and immorality. To the educated man, Who is cast away from all that can supply food for his mind, there is a terrible danger of seeking unholy and even vicious sources to allay the constant longing after mental fddd." There is likewise a danger of such seeking artificial excite- toeht. To such the evil of intemperance too often comes with over- whelming Waves steadily and certainly flowing. The first settlers of Upper Cdnada, when their circumstances are taken into con- sideration, and the usages of the times, it must be said, were not particularly liddicted to the evil of intemperance. In after years, this evil did certainly increase ; but at the first, although almost every one had liquor of some kind in the house, yet the great majority were guiltless of excess. In those early days, teetotalism and temperance societies were unknown ; but it must be here men- tioned that the first tettipeSrance society organized in Canada, was in Adolphustown. The drinking usages of the day among all classes led to the erection of distilleries and breweries at an early period. There was also An extensive tralRc in rum, and it is known that many a One made himself rich by selling to buyers along the bay, and across the Carrying Place up the lake, oven as far as York. Perhaps the most common out-of-door amusement was horse- racing, after hordes became more general among the settlers. It was looked upon as dancing was by all, as amusement of the most unobjectionable character, and it is said of a certain revefond indi- vidual, that he was accustomed to rim horses on his way home after ' preaching. Probably this wa:^ true, as the sanio person became a reprobate. On the occasion of the annual training of the Militia, "which took place for iliany a year, the 4th Jnoe, (and this cOtnes within the Writer's recollection) there Was, at the different training places, more or less of horse racing. These races were CHABIVARHNO. 631 made, not by horses trained specially for the purpose, but by such animals as were in daily use by the farmers, some of which, although ungainly in looks, and in indifferent condition, could get over the ground in a remarkably short time. , ,,i -lii jm r-iuLj ;h Kingston and Newark being military fitations, weMB, from the presence of officers, who were always gentlemen by birth,^more dignified in the waj's of amusement. Not but gentlemen existed through the country, but not in sufficient numbers to regulate the modes of pleasure, and give tone to society. The officers were very fond of horse-racing, and would frequently spend field days, especi- ally the King's Birthday in testing the mettle of their steeds. At these there would generally be a gi*eat entertainment by the ladies who, says Colonel Clarke, would bo gorgeously clad in " brilliant ^d^€8se8, with threads of silver forming th,« mottQ, &od save the -e-'iaxA kind of amusement common at the close. of the last century, and the beginning of the present, in America, and to a certain extent in Canada, was that of boxing—boxing that too often amounted to brutal fighting. There were a certain number in every township who availed themselves of training days tp show their athletic qualiiications. Gourlay says, 1817, that "pugilism, which once prevailed, is now declining." And at the present da^y , happily, it is confined to those of a brutish disposition. It is ionly the lowest who find amusemetnt in, i eLgaging ,ilij,i(P¥;Wto«8SJng pugilistic ..caioounters. - i -^ ,.-'., u.;*,;,, fftw .As Upper Canada was, in a limited sense, an off-shoot of Lower Canada, so but a few of the peouUarities of Lower Canada were introduced to the Upper. One was that of Oharivarung, >vhich means a great noise with petty music. It was introduced from France. The custom is now almost obsolete among us, but tin]ie was when it was quite common. It generally was indulged, in at second mar- riages, or when an unequal match and marriage took place ; when a young girl married an old man for instance, or if either party were unpopular. The night of the wedding, instead of being passed in joyous in-door pleasures by the wedded ones, was made hideous by a crowd of masked persons, who with guns, tin-pans, pails, horns, horse-fiddles, and everything else that could bo made to produce a discordant noise, disturbed the night until silenced by a treat, or money. Sometimes those meetings resulted in serious consequences to one or more of the party, by the bridegroom resorting to loaded firearms. i u)Uf ■nrifftifv'' 632 ' .'O; I/ACR088B. lY'.L. • ♦vfSomt) Limes the nativalndians contributed to the general amuse- ment, upon days when there was a public gathering. Now and** then they engaged alone in certain sports which would be witnessed ' by the whites. Playing ball — bandy-ball, lacrosse, foot-races, and^j the war-dance, were occasionally engaged in. The present fashionrr able game of lacrosse is of Indian origin, and may well be remem- , bercd by every Canadian, and oven American. After the conquest • of Canada, when the Great Ottawa chief Pontiac had effected an;, alliance of pU the western and northern tribes, to destroy the frontier i forts of the British. There were several forts, originally French, \ along the upper liaikes; two notably, one at Deti'oit, the other at Michilmacinac. Smaller forte had been attacked and taken, in inost , cases by treachery and Indian cunning. These two forts remained^ untaken* Pontiac devised the plan of pretending to wish for peace^i With the ostensible intention of holding a council to make peace^u the Cihieft were to enter the forts ; whil6 the ItidianB,engaged in balli> playing along the ramparts, were to amuse those within the ramparts. J^ The squaws were to be present; seemingly as speotatoi-s, but ini reality to hold under their blankets^ rifles, the ends of which had" been cut off for concealment. At a given signal, the ball was tO"* be knocked over the outer 'defence, aiid the Indians were to rush in- as if to get'iti;' btit seizing' their rifles from the women who had, placed themselves c6nvciniently, they were to rush in to slaughter- the Unsuspeoting inmates. At Michilmacinac this proved successful,*^ and the wh«yle garrison 'was massacred) and Detroit barely escaped- the'sfttbie^ftltfei'^i'^' -"JJ nvyi'-i .uu\\'\ Y^-ii*:);* n io ju'/yl-n- hv: .:-\- ■li DuTBfel^A^-i^iA.* thetitne when fierce encounters took place betweoti ^ organized' forces' in America, whieh restrlt^d in the independence of the United States, aiid the settlement of Upper Canada, the practise'* of dufelKng obtained ftmorig the higher classes. Happily, this heinou& criB'i:*','ft.nciutnig6 against "humanity, is no longer tolerated where British lawfiand British principles of justice and f\'eedom have force. ' Bui^ suefr'Was ndt the' ca^e seventy years »go, The^ early history of CanifcdarWitn^ftsedtt tew personal engAgetnonts of honor. The first du6l Was 'b6twe«rl Potter Clark, Chief CLerk of the Legislative^ Ootmcjl; ttn4 CSaiptain guth^land of the 25*h wgiment* The meet-^i ing tobk place a* Kingdion, and Mr. Clark fell fetallywotrndediC This bcorrred in the 'Winter of 119B. ' u. kuv A- / ^ i '^!" OB'tbe22ttd July,' 181T, a dud was fought between &. P. Jarvis,5f - Esqv,'ftiid Mr. John BidoUt. The latter received a wound in thel chefet and died in about an houri I'-ntuabvui tstm aoimf h}i!^ii<h t^. w LOVE OP COUNTRY. *' 633 < '^DuEL. — On Friday the 11th inst, Alexander McMillan, Esqnire, and flilexandor Thorn, Esquire, met in a field on the Brockville Koad, : to decide an aftair of honor — the former attended by Mr. Radenhurst, and the latter by Mr. Gumming. After exchanging shots, the seconds interfered, and on mutual explanations being mado^ the matter ter- ' minated amicably. Doctor Thorn received a contusion on the leg."^'4^ One of the latest instances in which a duel was fought in tfpper ' Canada, occurred some forty years ago. The event resulted in the death of one of the combatants, the oth^r, who was tried for his life, has now for some years adorned the bench of ttie Province. Patriotism. — In no country upon the face of the Globe, and at no : period in the history of any country, has appeared a higher or purer' order of patriotism, than is written upon the pages of the history of. British America. British connection is to mostly every son of the land dearer even than life itself. At least it has been so in respect to those of whom we write, the U. E. Loyalists. Co-equal with the love they have to the British Crown, is the hearty aversion they bear to Re- publicanism. Neither th^ overtures of atmexation, nor the direct and indirect attempts to coerce, has produQed a momentary wavering on - the part of the descendants of the ancient stock. Americans in our midst have vainly tried to iijoculate the minds of the people with the principles of Sepubliean Government; but the Canadian mind waS; too free, the body politic too healthy, the system too strong to imbibe any lasting feeling of desire to change the ti*ied for the untried. The; few annexationists who have, from time to time, existed, were hut, the fungoid offshoot of a healthy plant. From the time Fr<mkU^and'> his coadjutors vainly essayed to dj*aw the French Cai>adiap into their rebellions cause, until the present theii'e has been a frequently mani- fested desire, on the part of . the United States, to force us into thO; union. The contemptible duplicity of Webstei*-, who concealed f rora . Ashburton the existence of a secoiiid map, whereby he tricked, Canada, Yankee like, out of a valuable portion of territory, along tl^e; Atlantic coast, with a view of cutting us off from the oceaa* The; declaration of war in 1812, and the repoate<l but unsuccessful invasions j ' of our Province. The proclamations issued to Canadians, by thflj would be conquerors, Hull, Wilkinson, and others. Tbeb* sympathy and aid to turbulent spirits in 1836-7. The attempts at bullying England when she was at war with Buasia. The oi'ganization of the. Fenian association, with the publidy avowed puri)©Be of sei;^ng some portion of our Province. The abrogation of the Eeciprooity T^'eaty, the object of which was proclaimed by Consul PoUer— all along the ^ -^m ^ OUR LIBERTY. eighty years' history of the United States, is to be seen a disreputable attempt, by all possible means, to bully a weaker neighbor. All this does not become a great and honorable nation, a nation so extensive, whose people are so loud-tongued upon the principles of liberty — Liberty ! The name with the United States is only synonomons with their government They cannot discover that a people should be free to choose tlieir own form of government, always excepting those who "^ rebelled in 1 116, Oh yes ! we have liberty to choose ; but then we must choose in accordance with Yankee ideas of liberty. Egotistic to the heart's core, they cannot understand how we entertain views dissitnilar to thdr own. How applicable the words of the immortal .;jRWM.',Tl.aiji !',u,tijU'iw hfb'^iif ■ J! cjs !vjvi)<j> u.v (jJ bo-njiin -.>d ih'ui'fr m -^i viU 'b" 11 (^ ^J^ome p^ the -^1^^^^ "^ h-iCtUf^'^di mm':' 0'todi*ftaMr,t,i6>- To see oOTsels as others see tis: ^^ '! .«l-iolO?Y «^9l»ip- ' i>aya39fi quo yrio xt^ad'frae monie 4 bltmder free a^' ^•ati'cf:riJO BA doti^ »ffw ^ , il<*^ihi,stmn ounu'uu. An- fooliBh notion." ^V''^^ iM^ii^lqiUoo. boi-mx..,. n; Without detracting" from the well-known 'IcJyaltrjr of tlie 'other sections of th^ Province, it may be safely said that the fhhabit^hts of the Bivy Quints and St. Lawrence, and , Niagara, have pi^oved 'theinselves devotedly attached to British institutions. The XJ, E. Loyalists have been as a barrier of rock, against which the waves of Eepublicanism have dashed in vain. It has been the refugee-settlers and their descendants, who prevented the Province from being engulfed in its dark waters. In 1812, in j['37, and at all times, their loyalty has never wavered. It has been - elsewhere stated, that settlers from the States came in at a later date. Those were found likwise truly loyal. Says McMullen, speaking of the war of 1812, " But comparatively few Canadians joined the American standard in the war, and throughout which none were more gallant in rolling back the tide of unprincipled -^avarice than the emigrant from New England and New York, who Q aside from the U. E. Loyalist, had settled in the country." There ^j were a few renegades who forsook the country, not so much to join .'ithe enemy as because they had no soul to fight. In this connection }?it will be desirable to refer to one notable case; that of "Bill i) Johnson." ^,^,.,') {- -i^;! The fbllowing will sufficiently shew how intense were the feel- * ings of loyalty many years ago. The writer's father was present at a meeting, which was conducted by a minister lately from the ?;United States, and who was unaccustomed to pray for the King. CANADIAN LOYALTY. "^p. 635 'The good man thoaght only of his allegiance to the King of Kings, -and omitted, in the extemporaneous prayer, to pray for the King ,of England. Whereupon Mr. T. arose and requested the preacher • either to pray for his Majesty, or leave his toiTitories. The minister 'did not again forget so manifbst a duty. In this connection, wo 'cannot forbear inserting another instance of Canadian loyalty, •■which exhibited itself not long ago in the loyal city of Toronto. 6w f'** Canadian Loyalty. — A very extraordinairy maniffestatiorl of ifeelingtook place on Thursday r^ightiast in Toronto, at the closing uneeting of the Sabbath School Conventiop. A gentleman from iN^w York delivered a parting, address, qn behalf of the American visitors who had attended the Conveution; at the conclusion of which he referred to our Queen as a "model woman," and said that from the fulness of his heart he could say, * Long live Her Majesty Queen Victoria I' When he gave expression to this sentiment there was s.ich an outburst of enthusiastic loyalty that every one seemed carried completely away. The immense audience immediately commenced such a cheering, and clapping of hands, as is seldom seen, and kept it up till there was an accidental " change of exer- cise." Under the powerful excitement of the moment, a gentleman ^aear the platform commenced singing" God Save the Queen," when fthe entire audience rose to their feet and joined in singing it through. jThfUi ;was singipg with a will ! Several persons ,were quite over- powered, and even wept freely. It was sin^ply an unpremeditated ^ expre»?sion of the warm devotion of the Canadian heart to the best "'Queen that ever sat on the Britise throrte.>v^iv/ otU donif^ Joituiv- r ''^'^ " Longevity.— The climate of Canada, even of Ontarioj is }i4 sOnie Considered very severe. The months of unpleasant weather which •\ intervene between summer and winter,.and again between winter and "^summer J and the snowy months of winter itself are not, it must be •^admitted, so agreeable as in other climatbii. And, occasionally, ;even the summer itself is comparatively cold. For instance, in 1817, snow fell at Kingston in the month of June. But, notwith- standing the occasional severity, and the general unpleasantness, f (although all do not so consider it) the climate of Canada seems con- ^ducive to longevity. Both in Upper and LoAver Canada, among the ^!Prench and English may be found a great many instances 6f won- ^derfully extended ago. There is a school of naturalists, who enter- tain the belief that the races of men arc strictly indigenous ; that if removed from the land of their birth, they will degenerate, and •^tmless intermixed with constantly flowing recruits, will ultimately ^■^die out.; They assert that the European races transplanted to '^'America are doomed to degeneration and death so soon as emigra- tiotj shall cease to maintain the vitality brought by the original 1 X 636 ^ Ld^OE^^fl't:''-, , settlers. To this view wo have ventured to give very positive dissent, and have supported this position in another place with the following language : " In Canada are to be seen quite remote descendants of the most prominent people of Europe, the British and French, and, lam prepared to assert, with no marked signs of physical degeneratioti, the French of Lower Canada, even under many adverse circumstances, have fully maintained their ancient bodily vigor, and can compare favorably with the present inhabi- tants of old France, While their number has increased." " Yet their aneestors, many of them, emigrated two hundred years ago; and, since the colony became a part 6f Brita'p; nd rejilenishment has been receivfed from the old stock, '•• ^"u;t'! In.f? r"-- 'i> ^'V "Turning to Upp^r Canada, wo find a feet no less important, and quite as antagonistic to th,e theory. In' coDKoquenoe of the American Eovol^tionairy wary soma tweJUty^^ve or thirty thousand tJnited Empire lioyalists were forced, or induced, to seek a home in the Cana^a^ wilderness. Many of .these wore descendants of those.whp had fir^t peopled l^e-yy, Holland., A Jw'ge number settled ^iQflgth^.St. Jj^wreojiet aovl the Bay of Qijinte. In the main, indeed, almost altogether, until very recently, these old settlers have inter- married. The jgreat-grandchildren of those American pioneers now live bn the bid homesteati, and are found scattered over, the whole^ Province. And although 1 have no positive data upon which to base my assertion; yet, ft*om careful observation, I have no hesi- tation in declaring that in physical developiheht, in slight mortality among the childroTl, in length 6f life, in powers of endurance, not to say in bravery and patridtistii, they cknhot be excelled by any^ class of emigrants."— (t*rinciples of Surgery). " '" "; ' ' :' "[ Since the above was written, wo have becbike m6i4 itttfrnat'ei^ acquainted with regard to the longevity, both among the French and Anglo-Canadians; and the opinion then expressed has been greatly strengthened. Bospecting the latter class, personal obser- 1. vation has aided us. In our frequent visits to different parts, r made during the last few years, we have enjoyed the opportunity of conversing with many pei'sons who had much over-ran the period , allotted to man ; and others who had exceeded their three score' years and ton. Some of them have been spectators of the veiy scenes of the settlement of the country, and retain a vivid recol- lection of the events attending that trying period. Venerable, with hairs blossoming for the grave, and chastened by the long endured fire of affliction, they are happy in their old ago. They connect the DESCENDANTS. Ql^ present with the past, and remind us how great the heritage they have secured to us from a vast, untrodden wilderness. Notwith- standing the toils, the privations in early life, ere the tender child had merged into the adult, when the food was limited, and often inferior in quality, they yet have had iron constitutions that in the earnest contingency of life served them well. Of course, the plain and regular hahits of the settlers, with plenty of out-door exercise^ assisted to promote long life, and give them a hftirdy nature. We have knowledge of a vast number who attained to a great age. Of those who lived to an old age, "A Traveler," writing in 1836 saya of Upper Canada, " I often tt\et the venerable in years." The children and grand-childrien of the early ^ttlers live, m many caaes, to as great an ajjo as their finthers^ ^T b+ rifriaf nT'' offt I)£sc]»n)ANTS. — While there were some among the first settlers of EViTC^ean birth, the majority were of American birth, atid poss©8se4 tho characteristics of the colonists of that day. But, separated fromi the people and the scenes intimate tb them in their youth, and living in the profound shades of the interminable Wilderness, they gradu- ally lost many of their characteristic featui^s and habits, and' acquired others instead. -'u^-r-n ■v_t.v [it.fu .■xoi\\-ri:;^:h. 1-->n:u WOii^' ■'■^"■". ■','• ■ ■ ■ '. ' ' '■ ''d,'' ''.''''"vV "''■'-'''i- '-'i'l^ .fion'(.i'.;<> The Oankdian immigrant, be he flngUshi Insh, or Scotch^ or even German or French, will, as time gives lines to his face, and gray hair to his head, insensibly loose many of the peculiarities of his race, and in the end sensibly approximate to the character aad appearance of the people among whom he has settled. T^hg children of. the emigrant, no matter what pains the patents, may take to preserve in their children what belongs to tlieir own native country, will grow up quite unlike the parepts. So much is this the case that any one on entering a mixed sohool, high or low, or by noticing the childrea at play, as he passes along the street, whose parents are both uativjes and foreigners, would find it quite itnpussible to point out one from the other, whether the child was of Canadian parenta^e^ or whether ita parents were of another country. The fact at which it is desired to get is that emigrants tp Canada, no matter how heterogenous,, are gradually moulded into a whole more or less hpniygenous. That this is observable somewhat in the eiuigrant himself, but decidedly so in the children. The fact being admitted that a traosformatioa is slowly but certainly efiected, it may be inquired by what ijaflueuc^ it is accomplished, It cannot be due solely, to the cUmats, nor to dress, nor diet, nor the origintU habits of ,jt^, people* 638 THE CANADIAN, although each has its influence. Must we not search for a more power- ful cause of peculiarity as a people, in some other channel. A natural one seemingly presents itself. The growth of a nation, as the growth of a tree will be modified by its own intrinsic vitality, and at the same time by external circumstances. Upper Canada was planted by British heroes of the American Revolution. It arose out of that revolution. The first settlers were U. E. Loyalists. The majority of the original settlers wore natives of America, and brought up in one or other of the provinces that rebelled. They were Americans in all respects, as much as those who took sides with the rebels, yet today the descendants of the U. E. Loyalists are as unlike the descen- dants of the rebels, as each is unlike a full blooded Englishman. The pure Yankee and the Canadian of the first water may trace their ancestors to a common j>arentage, and have the same name. As CanMians we are not afraid to institute a comparison between our- selves and tht natives of Now England or New York, or Pennsyl- vaiiidi Let the comparison refer to any question whatever, either of the body or mind, of society or of government. The external infltt-> enoes which have operated have been elsewhere indicated. The cir^ cumstances of the u. E. Loyalists as settlers in a wilderness, were widely diflTerent from those of the States after the Independence was secured. Incessant toil artd privations, without opportunities for acquiring education, on th<5 ono hand ; on the other there was all the advantages of civilization. And so it continued fOr nearly half a century. It is to bo desired that we had statistics to show the difference as to longevity, and general health. Suffice it to say that scientific men are debating the cause of gradual decline among the New Englanders, while Upper Canada overflmva with native popula- tion. Another influence of an external nature, which must not be omitted as operating upon the loyalists, is that derived from the emigrants from Great Britain and the officers from the anny and navy, and other gentlemen who became part of the first settlers. That they had a wholesome eflfect cannot be doubted, and gave a healthy tone to the j>rovincial mind. Prom these internal and external influ- ences the Upper Canadian has been developed into an individual singular in gome respects, but yet constituting a middle link between the Englishman, and the " Englishman intensified," as the American has been called. t^y^W^-^ af ^^^m4.j-^ i*ix>^i Ou-' i-; The difference in"tTie "ciiaracter* between tlio British American- and those wh6 have lived nnder RepnbHcan Government is a strik-^ ing commentary upon the effects of social and political in/^titutions.^ THE " U. E. LIST." 639 Canadians may not have excelled in making wooden nutmegs, and basswoo.- hams; but they have (?ucceeded in converting a wilder- ness into a splendid Province. And although eighty years behind in commencing the race with those who robbed them of their homes, they have even now caught up in many respects, and to-day a young State with great breadth and resources presents itself at the threshold of nations. It has for a pojwJation a stable people. Canada has no long list of cruel chai'ges against ho^' for aggression. Her escutcheon is clean as the northern snow against which she rests, from tho stains of blood— -.blood ,of ,the Iftdiftn,.ithe African* ik^. Mexican, or of a neighbor, r^r'^n 1 -H ^f nf* 'tri;^tTr;;nrf '-.viqj) ^(!r v;nf^.',; r'Ui;<tAfter all, notwithstanding this bright I'ccord of loyalty on the part of settlers and their descendants, yet the B»y of Quinte inhabi- tants wore not permitted to receive the heir to the Crown of England, to support which, their sires suffered so much. They spilled their blood, they suffered starvation ; and yet by the advice of one who held in higher consideration the Roman Catholic Church, than the grand-children of the U. E. Loyalists. The Prince of Wales passed up and down the bay without landing. They waited with burning enthusiaeim toiroceltre the Prince, but he passed and repassed without gratifying their desire. Notwith- standing this there were some who followed him to Toronto, deter- mined to pay their TO^j)ecit. to. the. Prjuojce,wnQtwitih»tanding XhQ Duke of Newcastlo.'?-> ^^ •-■» l^rrl, jir*ft,.sMr/r'^'*'^)4 i^.^^^■ri»^^•^^(^ vfYlj;; :i5>i' ?**^The U.E. List." — Ifc will be remembered that a certain number of Americans who had remained in the States, were induced to remove to Canada by a pi'oclamation issued by Simcoe ; many of these were always loyalists in heart, some had become tired of republicanism, and othei's were atti'actcd by the offer oi lands, free grants of whic]\ wex'o offered upon paying fees of office, some $30. By this means a new element was added to the Province. At the same time the first settlors wore to be placed in a position to which the newcomers, however loyal, could never attain. |y/ j, itrAymil Distinct from the general class is here meant those whose nanies were entered upon a list ordered to be prepared by C)ra^•orI^n\eut. *' To put a mark of honor," as it was expressed in tho orders of Council, " upon the families who had adjjored to tho unity of tho empire and joined tho royal standard in America, before tho treaty of separation in tho year 1783, to tho end that their posterity might be discriminated from tho thou future settlers. From the initials of two emphatic woz'ds, the unity of the empire, it was styled the 640 ORDER OP COUNCIL. ;^ " TJ. B. List," and they, whose names were entered on it, were dis- tinguished as the XJ. R Loyalists, a distinction of some consequence, for, in addition to the promise of such loyalty by themselves, it was declared that their children, t,s well Skff those born hereafter, as those already born, should, upon arriving at the age of twenty-one ( years, and females upon their marriage within that age, be entitled to grants of 200 acres each, fi^e from all expense." Upon arriving at age, the descendant petitioned the Governor, stating the facts . upon oath, and accompanied with the affidavit of one person. The 'order was issued, and land in one of the newer townships was duly f allotted and the patent issued free of costvf < k^;^ t=ffW\k*t>V'H f •^ *^i brtR The following is the order of Council referring to the grants ( of land to the TJ. E. Loyalists : wmqsAi mm < ;- ? Hr 'ro ^'fi !f » 'Jti; ^u .K^...; w -^ulnh ... u.-w q^^j^j^^^ Monday, 9th Nov. 1789." ' ... "I Present, Lord Dorchester and thirteen Councillors. f,^ii "His Lordship intimated to the Council, that it remained a question upon the regulations for the disposition of the waste lands of the Ci*own, whether the board constituted for that purpose, were ..authorized to mafce locations to the sons of loyalists, on their arriv- i ing to full age, and that it was his wish to put a mark of honor ^ upon the families who had adhered to the unity of the empire, and joined the Royal standard in America, before the treaty of separa- j, tion in the year 1783." j,i^rf^^^^;,jw;^ ^^ . -:^l''4i^<^-^^- - " The Council concurring with his Lioi'dsliip, it is accordingly J, ordered, that the several land boards take course for preserving a "^registry of the names of all persons falling under the description ^ aforementioned, to the end that their posterity may be discrimi- ' ; nated from future settlers, in the parish registers, and rolls of the • militia of their respective districts, and other public remembrances -^ of the Province, as proper objects, by their persevering in the ^ fidelity and conduct so honorable to their ancestors, for distinguished Ijbi^nefits and privileges." u,: I "And it is also ordered that the said land boards may, in every , euch case, provide not only for the eons of the loyalists, as they arrive at full age, but for their daughters also, of that age, or on theii* marriage, assigning to each a lot of 200 acres, more or less, provided, nevertheless, that they respectfully comply with the general regulations, and that it shall satisfactorily appear that there has been no default in the due cultivation and improvement of the lands already assigned to the head of the family of which they are members." AFTER WAR OF 1812. 641 • •^^' ^ In the first days of the Upper Canadian Militia, instructions^ f. ■Wferd given to the Captains in each battalion that in the toU of members, all of the U. E. Loyalists enrolled should have the capitals U. E. affixed to their names. jaii"V ^fter the war of 1812, it became necessary for the applicant to present a certificate from a Clerk of the Peace that he retained his loyalty. The following is the order of the Exeoutive Council : y '^' ^ ,,'--■''' ^^ - : - loi^. York, 27th June, 1816. "Public hbtice is here bij^ givefi 'by ordei- of His Excellency Governor in Council, that no petition from sons and daughters of TJ. E. Loyalists will be hereafter received without a certificate from the Magistopate in Quarter Sessions, signed by the chairman and Clerk of the Peace, that the parent retained his loyalty during the late war, and was under no suspicion of aiding or assisting tho enemy. And if a son then of age, that he also was loyal during the late war, and did his duty in defense of the Province. And if a daughter of an U. B. L. married, that her husband was lOyal, and did his duty in defense of the Province." (Signed) John Small, Clerk of the Executive Council. "'''''"' '''^^ i^-'.Bonw ^awouU ^>di lo '" ' ,The steps taken by Government to prevent persons not actually upcm. the U. E. List from enjoying the peculiar privileges operated sometimes against the U. E. Loyalists unpleasanty, which led ta some agitation, as the following will show : In the year 1832, a meeting was held at Batli. Refening to thiS' meeting the Kingston Eerald, of April 4, says : ^'^*^"^'^ ^'i'i " *?;".The alleged injustice of the Government wit^ regard to the sons and daughters of U. E. Loyalists has been a firuitftil source of complaint by the grievance-mongers. At the late Bath meeting* Mr. Perry offered the following amendment to a resolution, which was negatived by a large majority, '" , , " Resolved, Thai, a free grant of 200 acres of the waste lands of the Crown, by His Majesty the King, to the U. E. Loyalists and their sons and daughters, was intended as a mark of His Majesty's Royal munificence towards those who had shown a devotcdness to His Majesty's person and government during the sanguittary struggle at the late American Revolution, and that the settlement duty required of late to be performed by the above description of per- sons and others equally entitled to gratuitous grants, and also their not being allowed the privilege of locating in any, or all townships ~ surveyed and open for location, appears to this meeting to be unjust, and ought therefore to be abolished." 41 642 , BOOTH — BEOOK. V* ow# ,t-or rtT)*fot ««ifl ;fiv|r.f '' ■ " '- %n'i a ^}i:mj j'xoi'i^ iih^ CoNXKNTS-^-Notice of a Few — Booth — Brock — Burritt — Cotter— Cartwright*— Conger — Cole — Derqpaey — Detlor — Fraser — Finkle — Fisher — Faimeld— ^' GftAns — Oamblo Hagerman — Johnson's — "Bill" Johnson — Macaulay — The Captive, Christian Moore— .Parliament — Morden — Roblins— Simon — Van Alstine — Wallbridge — Chrysler — White — Wilkins — Stewart — Wilson — ''■ Metcalf — Jayne— Mcintosh — Bird — Gerow — Vankleek — Perry — Sir William -,j^ ^()hp8pn';9,Ghiidi«en. . ■., ■■..■■., .kriw ,£8 t>9?i« ('■llt^mVIDUAL NOTICES— CONCLUSIONi^'''"'^'"-^^ fTrjbfhb ^7/ The noblo band of LoyaliBts have now almost all passed away. Their bodies *.avo long since been laid in the grave ; their children also have almost all departed, and the grand-children are getting old. Their last resting places — resting from war, famine, andtoil-n- are to be found upon beautiful eminences, overlooking the bluo waters of the Bay and Eiver and Lake. All along their shores may be seen the quiet burying-places of those who cleared the land and met the terriblo realities of a pioneer life. mBdrio/a b 'ea ioxDrtW The present work cannot embrace a history of the many noble ones, deserving attention, who laid the foundation of the brightest colony of Great Britain. Yet it would be incomplete without giving the names of a few representative pei-sons. They are such as we have been able to procure, and while there are others,, not referred to, well worthy of a place in history, these are no less worthy. We have, under "The Combatants," referred to others of the first settlors, and would gladly have introduced the names of all, could they have b6en obtained. BooTH-^" Died — At Eraesttown, on Saturday, Oct. 31, 1813, very suddenly, Joshua Booth, Esq., aged 54 years. He was one <)f the oldest settlers in that place, and ever retained the character of a respectable citiswn. Left a widow and ton childron.*'i«>ii'J*>*''i '^"H; TiiE Brook Family. — William Brock was a native of Scoilabd- ; [ born in 1T15. Wafe taken by a pr6s8-gang when eighteen, and forced upon a man-of-war. Served in the navy several years, when he was taken prioonef by the French. Aftel*ward was exchanged at Boston. Being sot at liberty from the service, ho settled at FishkilJ, New York, where Tie married, and becamo the flather of a largo family, two sons, Philip and John, by the flrdt wife ; and eight ohiWron by a second, *aimed William, Ruth, Naomi, Isabel, Deborah, Catherine, Samuel, Garret, and Lucre tia. In consequence of the rebelKon, he CAETWEIGHT. 643 became a refugee, and, at the close, settled in Adolphustown ; lived for a short time near the Court House, upon his town lot, two of his neighbors gave him theirs, and he continued to live upon the three acres for some time. He drew land near the Lake on the Mountain, and in the west, to which his sons went when they grew old enough. One of them was Captain of Militia during the war 9f 1812. He received at that time a letter from Gen. Brock, who claimed relationship ; . the letter was written a few days before Gen. Brock fell. This letter still exists. The youngest of the children married Watterberry, and still lives, (1867) aged 82, with her daughter, Mrs. Morden, Ameliasburgh. Cartwrioht. — One of the most noted of the refugees who settled at Kingston, was Eichard Cartwright. Ho was a native of Albany, and was forced to leave his home because of his loyalty. He found an asylum with others at Carleton Island, dr Fort Niagara. Some time after the conclusion of the war he was in partnership with Robert, afterward Honorable Hamilton, at Niagara. But sometime about 1790, he settled in Kingston, where, as a merchant he acquired extensive property. The Government mills at Napanee came into his possession. Those who remember his business capacity, say it was very great. He was a man of " liberal education and highly esteemed. Suffered at last calmly and patiently, and died at Montreal, 27th July, 1315, aged fifty years." The estimation in which this gentleman was held is sufficiently attested by the following, which we take from the Kingston Gazette : ' • ' ' ToBK, March 13, 1816. ' ' A now township in the rear of Darlington, in the district ot Newcastle, has been surveyed, and is now open for the location of the U. E. Loyalists and military claimants. We understand that His Excellency, the Lieutenant-Governor to testify in the most public manner the high sense which he entertained of the merit and services of the late Honoi-abl© Richard Cfti*twright, hae been pleased to honor this township with the name of Cartwrioht, n name ever to be remembered in Canada with gratitude and respect. Dignified with a seat in the Legislative Council, and also with a high appointment in the militia of the Province, Mr. Cartwright discharged the duties incident to those Bituations, with skill, fidelity, t.nd attention. Animated with the purest priooiple of loyalty, and with an ardent zeal for the preservation of that noble 644 COTTEE — CONGER — COLE. constitution which wo enjoy, he dedicated, when even struggling under groat bodily infirmity, the remains of a well spent life to the servico of his country. Nor wau he less perspicuous for his exem- plary behavir^ur in private life; obliging to his equals — kind to his friends — affectionate to his family, he passed through life, eminently distinguished for virtuous and dignified propriety of conduct, uni- formly maintaining the'exalted character of a true patriot, and of a great man." He was a good type of the old school, a tall, robust man, with' a stern countenance, and a high mind. He had sustained the loss of one eye, but the remaining one was sharp aid piercing. As the; first Judge of Mecklenburgh, he discharged his duties with great firmness, amounting, it is said, often to severity. As an officer of the militia, a position he held in 1812, he was a strict disciplinarian^ and often forgot that the militiamen were respectable farmers,; Mr. Cartwright left two sons, the late John S. Oartwright, and thai Eev. Eobert Cartwright. It is unnecessary to say that the descen*^ dants of Judge Cartwright are among the moat respectable, infiuTir ential and wealthy, living in the Midland Disti-ict. j,|;fjV K.S't bittj Mr. James Cotter, was by profession, a farmer, residing itfi Sophiasburgh in good circurastancesv He was universally respected { decided, and well informed in political matters ; and as a proof of the public confidence was elected M.P.P. In Parliament ho served his constituents faithfully, and maintained a reputation for consist* tency and uprightness. In 1819, when party spirit animated the two political parties, he became a candidate for re-election, but after a close contest was defeated by James Wilson, Esq.iv' Vm \-ji"1 OoNaER— *^ At West Lake, Hallowell, on the 27th May, 1826, died Deagine Conger, in the 60th year of his age. He held a commission in the First Battalion of the Prince Edward Militia, during twenty- three years. He resided in Hallowell forty years, and lived a very, oxemplary life, and died regretted by all who knew him." ^ '-'^'OotEi^n the history of Adolphustown, reference is made tgn Daniel Cole, the very first settler in that township. The writer in the^> summer of 1866, took dinner with John Cole, of Ameliasbungh, son?) of Daniel. John was then in his 92nd year. He has since^ 18&7{]r passed away. Born in Albany before the rebellion, he, with his family during the war, found their way as loyalists to the. city of^ New York; where th^y femaihed until the leaving of TanAlstine's company. The old man< could reliieihber many of the eventaoi* that ,1(imonai hbw ,J«o bmviui n ni'-m hi J .r.-i.^-jj COLE FAMILY. 645 exciting period, being, when they came to Canadii, about ten years old. The brigade of batteaux from Sorol, was<under the supervision of Collins, he says: " Old Mother Cook kept tavern in Kingston, in a low flat hut, with two rooms. There were four or five houses altogether in the place. Landed in fourth township in June. Saw no clearings or buildings all the way up from Kingston, nor tents ; a complete wilderness. Remembers an early settler in second township, named Cornelius Sharp, from the fact that he injured his knee, and that Dr. Dougall desired to amputate ; but his father cured it. His mothers name was Sophia de Long, from Albany, She lost property. A hogshead of spirits was brought up from New York. The settlers were called together every morning and sup- plied with a little on account of the new climate. His father had been a spy and carried despatches in a thin steel box, which was placed between the soles of the boot. Before resorting to this mode he had been caught, and sentenced to be hanged immediately,^ The rope was around his nock, and the end thrown over the limb of a tree, when he suddenly gave a spring from their graap, and ran, while shot after shot was leveled at his flying figure ; but he escaped, " God Almighty would not let the balls hit him." Bemembers the Indians when first came, were frequently about, would come in and look at the dinner table ; but reftised to eat ■bread at first; afterward would, amd then brought game to them in abundance at times. Remembers landing at Adolphustown, he hauled the boat to a block oak tree, which overhung the water, his father built a wharf here afterwards. It was in the afternoon. They all went ashore. There were thi'ee tents of linen put up. His father brought a scythe with him, with which they cut marsh hay, or flags. This was used to cover the houses, and they kept out the rain well. :. j;f^|[(j/[ f^tfiwKi oom^rlodi'to msiiaw^E arjK'l t'lU n- His father's family consisted of twelve personb^ two died at Sorel. The settlers used to meet every Sunday to hear the Bible read, generally by Ferguson ; sometimes had prayer. Remembers, Quarter Sessions met at his father's, Cartwright was Judge. The Grand Jury would go to the stable to converse. Says he once saved {, Ohrys. Hagerman's life, who was bleeding at nose, after I)rs,g Dougall and Dunham had failed. His father lived to be 105, bis sister died last year, aged 101. Remembers the man that was con- victed of stealing a watch, and hanged. Has seen the gallows on Gallows Point, Captain Grass' farm. The gallows renqiained there A dozen years. The man it turned out, was innocent. 646 -^^^ DEMPSEY.T-T'^ /^^■'' Died. — "On Friday the 5th of August, at his residence in Adol- phustown, Mr. Daniel Cole, at the very advanced age of ] 05 years, 1 mouth and 12 days. He was a native of Long Island, N. Y., and the oldest settler in this township ; he was respected and beloved by all who knew him — having long performed his duty as a loyal subject, a faithful friend, a kind husband, an indulgent parent, and an obliging neighbor. Born in the fifth year of the reign of George II, he lived under four Sovereigns, and saw many changes both in the land of his birth, and this of his adoption. He has beheld the horrors of war, and has tasted of the blessings of peace ; he has seen that which Was once a wilderness, " blossom and flourish like the rose," where formerly was nothing to be seen but the dark shadow of the lofty pine, oak, and maple, here and there broken by the thin blue vapor curling above the Indian wigwam, he has seen comfortable dwellings arise ; out of the superabundance of nature man has supplied his necessity. Beneath the untiring efforts of human industry, the dark woods have disappeared and waiving fields of grain have taken their place. Where once was seen nought but the light birch bark canoe of the "son of the forest," he has beheld the stately steamboats SAveep majestically along — where formerly resounded the savage howl of the panther, the wolf and bear, he has seen towns and villages spring up, as it were by magic ; in fact the very face of the country seems changed since he first sat down upwards of 52 years ago, as a settler on thie place where he died. '•jv u -g^^^ after all he saw, he too is gone, his venerable age could not save him, for we are told " the old must die." The friends of his early days were all gone before him ; he was becoming " a stranger among men," generations had aiisen and passed away, still he re- mained like a patriarch of old, unbroken by the weight of yearb. After witnessing the fifth generation, he died universally lamented by all his acquaintances, leaving behind him 8 children, 75 grand- (^hildren, 172 great-grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren's chil- dren; in all 268 descendants." (j/;>y/i;ii «l,ii>i.>C4j> - ' "Adolphustowu, August 9, 1836. ^1 '^ ^^i J^"^ Jorf^rfj ^5 j Dbmpsey. — " Mark Dempsey Wa^ sent otit'by tHfe BritisK r4overri- ment as Secretary to General Schuyler. Married about 1 746 to Miss Carroll. Thomas, their youngest son, was bom in Ndw Jersey, 9th Ja)iuJBtry, 1762. His fatbei- died While He Was yoiing, and he was le^ in a part of the country which Was held by the rebels, when he hiEid attained to kn age to be drafted, Thomds Dempsey did not like to Aght in th6 rebel ranks, arid consequdtrtly escaped and joined DETLORS — FRASER. Q^% the loyalists. Was in the service when New York was evacuated. Married 1782 to Mary Lawson, whose father, Peter was imprisoned by the rebels, and his property all jjlundered and confiscated. Came to Canada by Oswego, 1788, accompanied by his wife and her parents. Tarried at Napanee till 1789, when they came to Ameliasburgh, and settled on lot 91, which had been purchased from John Finkle. Dempsey's worldly effects then consisted of a cow, which they brought with thcra, seven bushels of potatoes, and a French crown, and a half acre of wheat which Finkle had sewed. Tliey drew land in Cramahe. During the first years they were in great distress. A tablespoonful of flour, with milk boiled, or grain shelled by hand, formed their daily meals. Their clothing consisted of blankets obtained of the Indians for the women, and buckskin pants and shirts for the men. Dempsey was the second settler in the township, Weese having settled two years before. Margaret Dempsey, born October 24, 1790, was the third child born in the township. , ,^„,>j] vi;-**-*')-^.! Dbtlors — .The Detlors are of the Palatine stock. Says G. H. P/etlor, Esq., of the Customs Department,. Kingston: o i , My grandfather, John V. Deltor, emigrated with my grandmother from Ireland, to New York ; directly after his marriage in the City of New York, they removed to the town of Camden, where they resided with their family — and at the close of the rebellion (having joined the Royal standard) — he with two or three of his sons and sons-in-law came to Canada, and finally located on lands in the Township of Freder- icksburgh. Lot No. 21, 6th concession, where he and his sons lived and died. My father removed to the town of York (now City of Toronto), in 1802, and at the invasion of that place by the Americans, iu April, 1813, my father lost his life in defense of the place. Tliere is now but one of my grandfather's children living, an aunt of mine, Mrs. Anne Dulmage, resides in the village of Sy^>nhanj, Township 1^^ Jjoughboro', County of Frontenac. ;Ti,f . They sacrificed their lands, and suflfered great privations. The Detlors have ever been universally esteemed, not alone in the Mid- land District, but in all parts of Canada, and have been found worthy occupantB of many responsible positiops. ,,,^[ ji,,^.}/, '-.-.^yw^uUiv) ,;. / Isaac Frasbr. — •* Among the pi*ominent men who resided in Erneijttown, , near the Bay of Quinte,. was Is^ac Fraser, Esq., for jn«ny yeajrs M.P.P. for ^e Opuntiea of iJjeiinox and Addington. ^. Fraeoi- was a man ot! great dPcisioQ of .Qh^ra,ctf)r, and.during tl^e active pwt of his lif% probably wielded a great inflijenpe, apd his lopinions always commande4greatrespec,t, Injiis ppliticali opinions, 648 THE FINKLES. i ho was Identified with the Conservative or Tory party ; and when he arrived at a conclusion on any particular point, ho adhered to it with all the tenacity which a clear conviction of its justice could inspire. With him there was no wavorinLf, no vacillation. Ho was always reliable, and his friends always knew where to find him. There is no doubt, ho acted from conscientious motives, and from a clear conviction of duty ; and, so far as I know, no man overcharged him with acting corruptly. In his religious views, Mr. Frasor sym- pathized with the Presbyterians, and, if I mistake not, was a member of the church organized, and watched over by the late Eev. Eobert McDowall, of Fredericksburgh." ' FiNKLE. — ^The late Geo. Finkle, of Bmosttown, says, *-My grandfather. Dr. Geo. Finkle, left Germany when a young man ; and bought two estates, one at Great, and one at Little Nine Partners. In adhering to the British, he had all his estates, which were valua* ble at Nine Partners, Duchess Co., confiscated to the Hebel Govern- ment. My father, Henry, made' his way to Quebec shortly after the war began, being sixteen years old. Entered the Engineer's Depart- ibont, where he learned the use of carpenter's tools. In settling, this knowledge was of great use to him, and he became the builder of the first framed building in Upper Canada. His wife was a sister of Capt. John Bleeker. He settled on the front of Bmesttown, lot six." Finkle'8 Point is well known. The First court held in Upper Canada, it is said, was at Finkle's house, which being larger thatn ahy at Kingston, or elsewhere on the Bay, afforded the most convenience. Mr. Pinkie records the trial of a faegro fbr stealing a loaf of bread, who, being found guiltyj, ^ received thirty-nine lashes. The basswood tree, to which he wa* tied, is still standing; Mr. Finkle had slaves and was the first to give them freedom. One of the brothers, of which there W6r'6 three, John, George, and Henry, served isevon years in Johnson'fr regiment. ; > . i ? (.tumk &)— " . anoiaiooi) rndb^mm*^, ¥i^mmit iiti(M % Mr. Finkte wrote us, Dec. 11, 1865 ; he says, "Being in utty 74ih year, and' in impaii'ed health, I am nnable to write more." The kind man soon thereafter waS called away, iltt a good oM age, likd his father find grandfather^ . r^T) G«o. Finkle, son of Henry, had three sons, Gordort Williasi^'- Boland Hobinson^ and Honry. The Fiwkle's^ as if e have men else* "VV^heiie, tvtere ^tively engaged m thedonstraotionof thefiliMi»1»am- hmtiUhe 'Frontenae' ebcI *Chftrloftte;' Moving had artt lfl^r<^ itt the 'Charlotte,' aid Mat eld«8t som, fiapdon^ Iwnow one of the oldeM FISHER — FAIRFIELD. WW captains upon the Bay, being attached to the steamer * Bay Quinto.* The old place granted to the grandfather, still belongs to the family, Roland R. still residing there, and the youngest, Henry, is Post- master at Bath.rifi;/ oft\'^nfriyrRr>^'nivnB,w^:\-f>*fi'} isim (iuVV .cr.ijnn Fisher. — Judge Alexander Fisher, a "name well known in tho Midland District, was a native of Perthshire, Scotland, from whence his parents, with a numerous family, emigrated to New York, then a British province. At the time of tho rebellion they had accumu- lated a considerable amount of both real and personal property; but at the defeat of Burgoyne, near the place of whose defeat they lived, the Fisher family, Avho would not abandon their loyalty, left their all, and endured groat hardships in finding their way to Mon- treal. Alexander was subsequently employed in the Commissariat, under McLean, atCarleton Island ; while his twin-brother obtained the charge of the High School at Montreal, which situation he held until his death, in the year 1819. At the close of the war the family obtained their grants of land as U. E. Loyaliste.i roiitm \iA .fnom Alex. Fisher was appointed the first Disti-ict 3 udge and Ohair>« man of Quarter Sessions for the Midland District, to the last of which he was elected by his brother magistrates. He was also for many years a Captain of Militia, which post he held during the- war of 1812. The family took up their abode in Adolphustown, • upon the shores of Hay Bay. A sister of Judge Fisher was married to Mr. Hagerman, and another to Mr. Stocker, who, for a time, lived on the front of Sidney. He w»fi related, by marriage, to McDonnell, of Marysburgh. His parents lived with him at thd> farm in Adolphustown. They were buried hero in the family vanity * With a brother, and the Judge's only &on,p:idm{ mi^^iiiitiHhmi&fM 1^ Judge Fisher was short in stature, and somewhat stout, with *< prominent nose. He was, as a judge, and as a private indiriduaiy^ universally esteemed. " He was a man of great discernment, and^ moral honesty governed his decisions." — (Allison.) Ho died in thet year 1830, and was buried in the familj"^ vault. As an evidence of the high esteem in which he was held, there wa& scarcely a lawyer *' or magistrate in the whole District, from the Carrying Place to Gananoque, who did not attend his funeral, together with a great ^i conoour»9 of the settlers throughoht the counties. . oa;? FikiBFiELD. — The Kingston Gaisette tells the fallowingt ' 'ffstcjii « DiBD.^— At his house, in Ernosttown, on the 7th Feb* l«l«f^w the 4-7 th year of hifi age, W. Fairfiedd. ; His funeral was attended t^td a Biimeroils reircle of roiativea, friends and neighbors. ' He lell ai> $60 CAPTAIN GRASS. widow and seven children. The first link that was broken in a family chain of twelve brothers and three sisters, all married at years of maturity. His death was a loss to the district, as well as to his family. He was one of the commissioners for expending the public money on the roads. Formerly a member of the Provincial Pai'liament ; many years in the commission of the Peace. As a magistrate and a man, he was characterized by intelligence, impar- tiality, independence of mind and liberality of sentiments." .m a-v/i Grass. — Captain Michael Grass, the first settler of Kingston township, was a native of Germany. The period of his emigration to America is unknown. He was a saddler and harness-maker by trade, and for years plied his trade in Philadelphia. It would seem that he removed from Philadelphia to New York, for his son Peter was born in this city in 1110. According to the statement of his grandson who often heard the facts from his father, Peter Grass, soon after the commencement of the rebellion, Michael Grass was taken prisoner by the Indians, who were staying at Cataraqui. In this he is probably mistaken. We learn from another source that it was dui'ing the previous French war, which is more likely to be correct. It would seem that Grass and two other prisoners were not con fined in the fort, but held in durance by a tribe of Indians, who permitted them to hunt, fish, &c. They made an effort to escape, but were caught and brought back. Again they attempted, carrying with the«i provisions, which they had managed to collect, sufiicient to last them a week. But it was nine weeks before they reached an English settlement, one having died by the way from hunger and exposui'e. It was the knowledge which Grass had acquired of the territoiy at Cataraqui, while a prisoner, which led to his appointment to th© leadership of a band of refugees at the close of the war. — (See settle- jKUent of Kingston.) ,7 > ! It does not appear that Captain Grass occupied any office in the army during tlie war. His captaincy commenced upon his leaving New York with the seven vessels for Canada. By virtue of his captaincy, he Vas entitled to draw 3000 acres. , Beside lot twenty-five in Kingston,, he dr,ew in fourth concession of Sidney nearly 2000 acres ia one block. Captain Grass hud three sons, Peter, John, juid Daniel, and tliree daughters^ Daniel, some years after, went sailing and was never heard from. Peter and John settled in the Second Town and became the fathers respectively of families. The laad drawn by the oaptaio, and the 000 acres by each of his children, has proved n lasting source of wealth and comfort to his descendants. DR. OAMBLB. ' Captain Grass naturally took a leading part at least during the first years of the settlement at Kingston. He Avas possessed of some education, and was a man of excellent character, with a strict sense of honor. Although opportunities presented themselves to accumulate property at the expense of others, he refused to avail himself of all such. He was appointed a magistrate at an early period, and as such performed many of the first marriages in Kingston. In religion, he was an adhei'ent to the Church of England. Probably he bad been brought up a Lutheran. His old *' Dutch " Bible still is read oy an old German in Emesttown; but it seems a pity that although none of the Grass family can read its time worn pages, it should be allowed tc remain in other hands than the descendants of the old captain. Ai'*' ,*«J In connection, it may be mentioned that some time before the war, a poor German, a baker by trade, came to New York. Michael Grass assisted hira into business, and even gave him a suit of clothes. When the refugees came to Canada, this baker accompanied them. He settled in Quebec, where he auiassed eventually great AYcalth, and the P family are not unknown to the public. ';ifiui .7iJ«jdc»'iq,tai> j,^o')J Gamhle. — The subjoined somewhat lengthy notice is taken from the Toronto Colonist : — " Dr. Gamble and family were for many years residing at Kingston, and he was intimately associated with the first dayj of Upper Canada, as a Province, whiffe his oifspi'ing as will be seen, form no indifferent element of the society of the Province," we therefore insert the notice in extenso, " Isabella Elizabeth Gamble^! the third daughter of Dr. Joseph Clark and Elizabeth AUeyne, was born at Stratford, in Connecticut — then a colony of Great Britain — on the 24th October, 1 767. In the year 17 76, her father, faithful to his allegiance, repaired to the British army i i New York, to which place his family followed him. At the peace of 1 788, Dr. Clark removed with his family to New Brunswick (then known as the Province of Acadia) and took up his i-esidenco at Mangerville. There ids daughter, the subject of this memoir, then in her seventeenth year, was married on the 18th of May, 1884, to Dr. John Gamble, the eldest son of William Gamble and Leah Tyi'er, of Duross, near Enniskillon, Ireland. Mr. Gamble was bom in 1755, studied physio and surgery at Edin- burgh; emigrated to the British colony in 1779, and landed in New York in September of that year. Immediately on his arrival, he entered the King's service as Assistant-Surgeon to the General Hos- pital ; subsequently ho was attached to the '" Old Queen'H Bangorfl," and for some time did duty with that regiment as surgeon. At the peace of 1788, he, with othw Amenoau Loyalists, went to New 6&2 OAMBtrE FAMILY. Brunswick. After his marriage Dr. Gramble practised his profession at St. John's, and resided in New Brunswick until 1793, when having been appointed Assistant-Surgeon to the late I'egiment of Queen's Eangers, by General Siracoe, then Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, he joined his regiment at Niagara, where it was then quartered, having left his wife and five daughters at Mangerville. Mrs. Gamble continued to reside with her father until 1798, when her husbandj having in the meantime, been promoted toJ|the surgeoncy of his regi- ment ; she, with her five daughters, the eldest then but thirteen years of age, accompanied by her father and a sister (afterwards married to the Hon. Samuel Smith), ascended the river St. John in a bark canoe, crossed the portage by Temi conata to the Rivierie du Loup, came up the St. Lawrence, and joined Dr. Gamble then witji his regiment in garrison at York;^ ««mo« to «*'''^^ *^* "^^^•'<f '^' -'^L • 5o< "III 1802, the Queen's Rangers Were disbanded, aria^rs! tJarable aooorapaiied her husband and family to Kingston, where he practised his profession until his death, in thejfifty-sixth year of his age, on the 1 St December, 1811. She remained in Kingston till the year 1820, when with the portion of her family then at home, she removed to Toronto, and there remained surrounded by her offspring until her death on the 9th March, 1859v'*' ^'''« »*^ i^jni t^ux.;;:. i c n uf^ -u^^ ** Mrs. Gamble had thfkeen dhil&reti, nine dan*ghters and ^oiir sons ; Isabella, the eldest, married to Robert Charles Home, Esq., Assistant- Sui"^on, Glengary Light Infantry; Mary Ann, married to Colonel Sinclair, Royal Artillery ; Sarah Hannah Biyes. to James Geddes, Esq., Assistant-Surgeon, Medical Staff; Leah Tyrer, to the Hon. William Allen; Catharine, who died unmarried; Jane, married to Benjamin Whitney, Esq. ; Rachel Crookshank, toj Sir James Buchannan Macaulay ; Magdjaline, to Thomas Williani Birchall, Esq. ; and Mary Ann unmarried; John William, of Vaughan, William, of Milton, Etobicoke ; Clarks, of Toronto, and Joseph who died in infancy ; of these thirteen, six only survive, but Mrs. Gamble's descendants have already reached the largo number of 204, and some of her children's children are now upwards of thirty years of age. '\^'y.'-'-^^^'i->^-- -'i -^ "The remarkable longevity of a large number of the AiheHcah Ijoyalist emigrants who came to the British Provinces after the Ameiican Revolution, has been noticed by the Lord Bishop of New Brunswick, as a striking instance of the fulfilment of the promise con- tained in the fifth commandment, embracing, as that commandment tinqaeetiotiably does, the duty of obedience to civil rulers. Mrf.' Gamble may well be counted among that number, having, in October last, entered upon her ninety-second year." — Colonist. THE HAGERMANS. ' 653 Among the company of refugees which followed VanAlstine's lead to Canada, was Nicholas Hagerman. n.-. j -^in^^n <•»*. .-. mUv v, ., >. j., He fcettled in the village of Adolphuetown, altnost in front of the II. E. burying ground. The point of land here between the. Bay and the Creek is still known as Hagerman's Point. The whole ' of the land except the burying ground was cleared b) Hagerman. His house was situated a short distance west of the road leading from the wharf up to ihe village. It was built near the water's edge. The short period which has elapsed since that building was erected has not only consigned the builder to a grave almost unknown, and the building to the destructive tooth of time, but tlie very land on which the house stood, where he acd his family daily passed in and out, is now washed away by the ceaseless waves of the bay. qiir .')iiuc. Mr. Hagerman was a man of some education, and it is said had studied law before leaving New York. At all events he became one of the first appointed lawyers in Upper Canada, probably at the time McLean, of Kingston, was appointed. He continued to live and practice law in Adolphustown until his death. " He was the first lawyer to plead at these Courts, He was a self-made man." '^^®^'*'>a.:t •ofihrmTlfi 'mrf v<{ Uabmumm huxiifiifJOT ilaiW !>«# «Oi0'>:^o'i' The writer's parents lived at, and near the village of Adolphus- town when young; they knew th© Hagermau'a well, and for many a day and year attended , school witli Nicholas Hagerman's children. There were at least two brothers, David and Christopher, and t^o daughters, Betsy and Maria. Daniel was a sedate person, but •• Chris." was a saucy boy. They were both elected to Parliament at the same time, but Daniel died before the meeting of Parliament. Christopher studied law with his father at first, waa a pupil of Dr. Strachan's, and completed his legal studies in MoLeau's office in Kingston. The father and sou were sometimes employed by opposing clients; at one time in Kingston, the sou won the suit, much to the annoyance of the father. The father exclaimed, " have I raised a son to put out my eyes." No, replied the son, " to open them father." At the commencement of the war in 1812, Christopher went as Lieutenant with a Oonapai^ from Adolphustown to Kingston. Shortly after he was cliosen Aide-de-Camp to the Governor General Thenceforth lus way to preferment waa steady. At the clo«e of the war he was appomted Colleotor of Customs at Kingston. The (?<wie«e of 6 th September, 1816, says thatCltfistopber Alexander Hagerman, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, waa appoiuted to His Majesty's Council in and for the Province (rf Upper Canadiw* o«l Jbw \m» ni^nmo 654 JOHNSONS— AN OLD MAIL CARRIER. ' On the 26th March, 181T, he was married to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of James Macaulay, Esq., Kingston, hdjrdsfi tod OJ Lo-afto >v; , Johnsons— H^my Johnson was born at New Jersey, 1757, where .he lived till the rebeUion, when he removed to Poughkeepsie. In June, 1788, beiug a loyalist, he came with his brother Andrew to Canada, enduring many privations and hardships. He settled in HaUowell, where he lived until his death, which took place 28th May, 1829, being in his 73rd year. " He was noted for his hospitality-charitable to the poor without ostentation, a pious christian. For the last five yeare he suffered much.". t'jHjo^d ^ant-niiof; ami mi v -Ifj Andrew Johnson.— Among the combatants, we have given the name of James Johnson; here we design to give a place to some account ot his two sons, Andrew and William, or " Bill," as he was commonly called, a name yet remembered by many, j^it^jrio kkv? od Perhaps there is not now living a more interesting historic character than Andrew Johnson, I'osiding in the vicinity of Belle- ville. A native of New York State, Gainesborough, he came m with his father at the first settlement of Upper Canada. He was an eye witness of the first days of Ernesttown, and Kingston. At the beginning of the present century he was known as an unttsually rapid walker. Andrew was engaged in carrying the mail from Kingston to York. Mr. Stuart was his employer. His route was by the Bay Bhoro to Adolphustown, across the Bay, at the Stone Miils, by Picton and Wellington, to the Carrying Place ; and thence along the Lake shore, fording streams as best he could, often upon a fallen tree, or by swimming. He would spend five hours in York and then start back. These txips were generally made once a fort- night. He subsequently lived at Bath for forty years, where he kept a tavern, and strangely enough, as he avers, he never drank liquor in his life. »T4^ntrfi!(r v.*-- ^ ^ , . r^.. His father's log house was used by Rev. Mr. Stuart to preach in ior three years, before the fV-ame building was erected on the hill, which would hold thirty or forty persona. It was a story and a-half high Andrew Johnson is now upwards of a hundred. Although his memory is somewhat defective, he retains a great deal of bodily • vigor ; and eats and sleeps well. He rarely converses unless spoken to!. Ho is a man of somewhat low stature, small frame, with spare limbs Mr. Lockwood, who haa known him a long time, says, "He was remarkably quick i« his movements. During tbe war, the two started to walk from Presoott to Kingston, but liockwood Bays that Johnson could walk three miles to his one. His brother, la;. "bill" JOHNSON, i-riv^ir.i. "Bill," had a fost horae, which could outrun anything. Andrew offered to bet a hundred dollars that he could travel to York quicker than the horse. Of course there was but an imperfect path, with no bndges. His offer was not accepted. Andrew was a loyal soldier m 1812, and belonged to the same companies as his brother. The old man is yet very quick in his movements, retaining that peculiar swinging gait by which he formerly so rapidly traveled long distances. His days are passing away in a quiet dream, ten- derly cared for by his son, with his wife. • tM)'t3R3m1m!in6diHr-H>(i'r Bill Johnson.— William Johnson, brother of the foregoing' was one of six sons of James Johnson, bom in Ernesttown. His youthftil days were spent in the vicinity of what is now the village of Bath. About the time of the commencement of the war of 1812 ho was engaged in Kingston, in trading, and had a store of general merchandize. When the first draft for men was made, Johnson was one of the conscripts. For a very short time, he did service, and then procured his brother (not Andrew) as a substitute. There was not at this time any doubt of his loyalty. It was natural he should desire to attend to his business in Kingston, which at this time was lucrative And there does not appear that he employed his brother in other than good faith. But some time after his brother entered the service he deserted to the United States' shore. Even now it does not appear that the authorities of Kingston suspected his loyalty, for they desired that he should take his place in the ranks which his brother had for- saken This, however, " Bill » would not do. The result was that a hie of soldiers commanded by Sergeant Lockwood, (our principal in- formant) was sent to arrest Johnson, by order of the captain, Matthew Clark of Ernestto^vn■^*i i«-»i «i^«ft i« hBrii xtttinxrpmriij?i -..rf Jdriht Upon the approacli off the soldiers, JohnsOn shouted to Sergeant Lockwood, who had boon his life long playmate, «I know what you are after; but you won't get me yet," and immediately shut tho door and turned the key. Lockwood, without hesitation, raised his musket, and with the bntt knocked tho door open, in time to sec Bill escaping by tho back door. A close chase ensJied into a back enclosure, and Lockwood succeeded in catching him by the leg as ho was passing through a window. Johnson then submitted, and was conveyed a prisoner to the guard house within tho jail. After being confined for sometime he escaped % break- ing the jail ; probably aided by sympathizeWj for a good many thought he was badly treated. it vlkw oi bfjfrat,> r.7rt «{? » ii- Whatever may have been JohnsOta's feelings towards tho British 656 Johnson's career. Government before, he now became a most determined enemy of his native country. He vowed he should " be a thorn in Great Britain's side ;" and his goods and some property at Bath, a few town lots, being confiscated, he declared he would got back all he lost. The foregoing occurence took place sometime during the fall of 1812. It would appear that Bill Johnson set to work in a syste- matic manner to carry out his ihreats. . : _^;; ,.; , . , , , ,v^^ Being well acquainted with the country and people, and, withal, a bold, determined and fearless man, he did not hesitate to visit the Canadian shore, and was even seen at Bath in day 4ight. He built several small boats, light and trim, and he would at times unhesitatingly voyage upon the broad lake in bold undertakings. His operations consisted in privateering, in inducing American sympathizers to accompany him to the States, and in acting .a a spy. During the war there were frequently boat loads of goods, consisting of liquors and other valuable articles passing up the bay, " and across the Carrying Place, thence to York. On one occasion ' Thomas Parker, who was engaged in the business, left Kingston with a batteau laden with valuables for York. Johnson, who '° watched such events, saw Parker depart. While the latter made ' his way up the bay, Johnson proceeded in his craft around by the *' lake, and awaited Parker off Presqu'isle. In due time the batteau ' was seized by Johnson and his comrades, and taken to the other ^ Bide. Paiker being landed on Point Traverse, off Marysburgh. •; ' Another exploit was the seizure of Government despatches near ' ' Brighton. A company of Dragoons, Captain Stinson, were on duty ' to carry despatches between the Eiver Ti-ent and Smith's Creek, Port Hope. On a certain occasion when a dragoon, by the name of Gardner, was pursuing his way with despatches, he was suddenly seized by Johnson, who deliberately took him with his horse to the *' lake shore, where he shot the horse, placed.the despatch bag in his '■ boat, and then permitted the man to find his way on foot through *' the woods to report himself to his captain. > J^^ /. ^'"'' '« Bill Johnson still lives at French Creek upon tWfe American * s&e of the St. Lawrence. He was an active participant in the * events of 1837, and it is supposed had much to do in recruiting for ' the army of sympathizers. There is so much of fiction to be found ^' respecting him in connection with that time, that it is difficult to ' say what part he did take. It has been generally supposed that he ^ was one of the few who escaped from the Windmill, but while, no ' doubt, he was engaged at the time, there is nothing to rest a decided ^^^,^ MACAULAY, , 657 statement upon. "Wo suspect that " Bill," in his later days, was ' given to boasting a little, and took pleasure in catering to the taste of his Yankee friends, in relating what he and his daughter Kate oia, (in imagination,) ■ ;, ;, -. , . ., . . , !.^^ . Macaulay, "the father of the Honorable John, and the Eev. William Macaulay, settled during the Revolutionary war on Carle- ton Island, then a British station and fortification, where he sup- plied the commissariat and garrison, and carried on business. In 1794, Mr. Macaulay removed to Kingston, where he amassed con- siderable property. When he removed to Kingston, he had rafted over from Carleton Island his log dwelling house, and placed it where it now stands at the corner of Princess snd Ontario Streets. It has since been clap-boarded over and added to, and having been kept painted and in good repair is still a very habitable building." — „ , Mr. Macaulay had come to New York shortly before the com- 1 mencement of the Colonial troubles, and as a loyalist had his house pillaged and burnt, by the robels, and became a refugee at the military post at Carleton Island. About 1785, he settled at King- f.s^iOii, where he married, and remained until his death, in September, 1800, being fifty-six years old. He was at no time connected with y, the service, but engaged his time hi commercial business, and was on most intimate terms with those in authority, being a particular friend of the Duke of Albano. His sons continued his business and ,^ in time were called to occupy honorable and responsible situations under Grovernment, as Legislative Councilor, Surveyor General, jjProvincial Secretary, Inspector General, Chaplain to Legislative "^{^^ai^lwa fc^vr aa ,<i8ir^i, ca^ttve chris^an' MtodRi/^v? vTOnft^taa^la ■< ■tJxiil O'i 'v'torf in ,^;;- -,r,i.'.] ,;f ■ ,v;,>:, Hfi^^> Upon the 19th March, 1867, the writer was privileged, "through jj the kindness of the Eev. Mr. Anderson, to visit an individual who, of all others, possesses histoxic interest. About half a mile north ^^:0f the Indian Church upon the old York road, Tyendinaga, lives 5(,j Christian Moore. Beside the stove, in a low Indian chair, sat a «t, woman whose shrunken and bent appearance made her appear no jj larger than a girl of sixteen. But the face, with its parchment-like ^jskin^— the deeply wrinkled features, bespoke the burden of many winters. Yet, the eye still flashed looks of intelligence, as the faq© was upturned from her Ixands on which she almost incessantly rested her head, aa if. t^e shoulders had weariQid ,w i^Qu; long life 42 ■ ^'""^ ^'"" '"■ ^0|| . CHRISTIAN MOORE. \ < duty. Christian is about a hundred years old, during eighty of ; which «he has remained a captive with the Mohawks. Although a .. white woman, she kno V8 not a word of English. Long, long years ago, in becoming the wife of an Indian, and the mother of Indians, . she became to all purposes one of themselves. She is a living relic of the American Revolution, as well ae of the customs of the [Mohawk Indians a hundred j'-ears ago. ,f{ ^nr>ft ^trhV hv|>.-i/^'?ot niil In the first days of the rebellion, in an encounter between the J Indians and a party of rebels in the Mohawk valley, one of the i Indians, by the name of Grreen, was killed. The custom among the several tribes, or families, when one of their number had been lost in war, was to take the first captive they could, rand adopt him or her, into the tin be, to keep up the number. A party of Indians, under John Green, a chief and brother of the one killed, called in after days Captain Green, in the course of their foray, caught a little girl about ten years of age. That little girl is the old person of whom we are speaking. The old woman yet recollects the fact that her father's family, on the approach of the Indians, made haste to escape; she by accident was left alone or behind. She I'emembers to have been running along the road, when she was taken. She says there wore a good many Indians. After this there is a blank in her memory, until the period of the Indians leaving their homes to escape. This was the time wl^en they buried their Communion Plate. Christian says she was carried upon an Indian's back, as thoy fled to Lachine. She recollects that they were staying three years at Lachine, when the tribe set out to take possessipn of tjbo land which Govern- ment was to give them. It was about a year from the time they started from Lachine, until thpy, undov Brant, ^loached their desti- nation, the Grand River. Captain Green was with this party, and stay©4 with them at Grand River for six years, when, becoming dissatisfied^ he,i with his fat^iilyjCamQ to the Bay Quinte. Cl^ris- tian remembers all this. She was living with Captain Green's sister. They cajno in a battoau, d(^wn the north shore, of the; lake, and erossedi p-t thq Ctwrying Plac* at the. head of the bay. ,,(,,! ^.ij Christian in time bepame the wife ofian Indian, by the name of , Anthony Srawt, wJ»Q, she says, has bepn Aosd, now thirty-eight yeairs. They^ad, I?ut, one c]iUd, a daugjxtor, who was married to Abrfun,Mar,i<^e, Jhey had three, children, pnp being ason. Chris- tian's daughter has been dead many years, bntjthoold lady now ip surrminded by .gnandKihildaren to l^o t^iird g(?peEatio|it,,,Y.) g'tarftolt w PARLIAMENT. 659 )q "^ Some time after the close of the Rovolutioii, a person by tho name of Moore, came with his family to Canada, and settled at Napanee. By some means he learned that there was a white woman among the Mohawks, and he visited them to see if it might be his long lost daughter. Such proved to be the case. He was Christian's father. She remembers the occasion, (it was about forty-five j-^ears ago,) her father was then a very old man. Of course, there was no resemblance between the woman in Indian garb before him, and his little girl of ten y\)ars. But there was a mark upon her arm, the result of a burn by which he was enabled to recognize his own flesh and blood. The scar, upon the left fore- arm, can yet be distinctly seen. Painful, indeed, must have been the feelings of the parent, to know she was. his daughter, and yet knew not a syllable of her mother tongue. The natural channel bj' wnich parental and filial affection might have flowed was sealed. She says, she has a sister now living back of Napanee. She asked her father if she had been christened, and he informed her she had been. Upon our asking her the question, if she ever went to school, she says, "No;" that she was "always working hard." Asking her the question, if she. did not think she Lad lived a long while, she replied, " I don't think I'll live very long." The Rev. Mr. Ander- son informs us that she has ever maintained the character of a true Christian, and is always happy to partake of the Holy Communion, Christian's great-grandson, himself a fiither, acted as interpreter. a AS It ig possible that this woman, who belonged to another century, may live yet several years. There is much of vigor in her move- ments and conversation. Although shrivelled and bent almost double with age, her body seems to be well nourished, and her arms possess considerable thickness. She always enjoyed good health, and now eats and sleeps in the niost comfoi*table manner. "We are informed by a recent letter froiix ReV. Mr; Andereon, 1869, that the old wotnafl cohtinues quite well, and wwks in the garden in summei^.Ji^' ?^>*''''^ s^vir «jjrt,,,^Mij ha M(»Ummo't ntiis t^/^^'PARLiAMBNT.---!Mt*s. Mord^ti, of Sbjph'iAsbhrgh' was Born upon the banks 6f the Hudson, forty miles from its mdutti. Her biithday stretches back ninety-eight yeii*s. She came into Canada with her ftther, €r©orge Pariiiiment, who wa6 uf Oermati parentage, bom upon the feelt; andlilcd the ocean, he was through out hiis' brief life tossed np and down with iecatcely a ditty of cfalm and 6unsbin4. The family reachbd the Fourth Town, and only six Weeks Aifter het father's eyes were cldiseet in deafth. Mrs. MoMen had a dtstifiet 660 '^' DISTRESS. ■' . recollection of the rebellion. Her father was staunchly loyal, and she has heard him repeatedly declare that he would lay his bones in the King's domains. During the war he was imprisoned twice, at Goshen and Poughkeepsie. She was thirteen years old when they came to Canada, and remembers the many weary days of travel by Oneida Lake. Her father walked and drove the cattle all day, her mother would sit up till late at night over the camp-kettle preparing food for the party to use the following day, so that there would be no delay on the way. Having crossed from the States, the Skenectady boats landed at Little Catariqui. The father was down belbw on the St. Law- rence swimming the cattle across the stream. They found their flour was nearly dona, She, with a little sister, went along the shore to the village of Kingston to buy flour, she had only enough money to buy a quarter of a hundred of second flour, which she carried from McAulay's store to the hungry company at the Little Catariqui, where they were wind-bound. She remembers the appearance of the shores as they journeyed along; the rude log cabins in the small clearings. The family of eleven children settled upon the north shore of Hay Bay. The eldest boy was nineteen yeai*8 old. They now thought that tlioy, in common with other settlers, would be permitted to work out a peaceful and happy future, but the arrow of death was already in the bended bow. The mournful occasion can hardly be appreciated, the fkther of eleven children in the wilderness suddenly cut down. Each of the neigh- . bourn had quite enough to do to care for his own family. All these » terrible facts are fresh in the mind of the venerable lady. The , events of later years are faded ftom her memory, but those are too -oeeply engraven upon her mind, by the pen of sorrow, to be erased r while life lasts and mind sits enthroned. The subsequent events ^ connected with the family for a time are no less didtressingi They ' IolbA one cow, the milk of which supplied them with their principal iocn!] ^ish was occasionally caught. But they often had to seek herbs and greens. For weeks they #ete in liie greatest dilstress '^or the very necessaries of life. All of the family who were old ' enough went out to work. The followiiig spring; attd the subse- . quent ones, her mother ttiade sugar, not to ttite in the flttiiily, "oh I ^'M)V,thM was'tod j^rea^ It was all dathried and /iold fbr n<m^'. " Sfrfe. Mordeli retn^mbert it, for she bari^itid milch df the sap. She fobise^uently w'drkfed itit, Tiiitil>(fl3er'iiever&! j^eats sh^ fdun* a kinci supportJer/ Mi'*6.MdM6h,%hoto''th^ Writer eoiSur niekrl}*' four THE B0BLIN8. " 661 t years ago, (1865), waa then, although so old, yet vigorous and sprightlj-^, with a kindly face, and even a sharp eye. Of all the persons it has been our pi'ivilege to converse with, there are only a few who gave such clear and appropriate testimony, and afforded so much satisfaction. She confined her remarks strickly to the questions, and we learned much in a short hour. She spoke feel- ingly ; and with Christian nohleness said she, *' I have lived a long time and had many blessings, thanks be to God." Thus spoke the Jlps of one whoso youth had been spent in another century. t..h HoBLiNS. — The Eoblin family is extensively and favorably known in Upper Canada, especially in the bay I'egion. They, although numerous, have sprung from a common ancestry. Origi- nally of English or Welsh nativity; at the commencement of the rebellion they were found dwelling in New York, and New Jersey. As a result of the ^Revolution, four branches of the Eoblin family came into Canada, two of whom, John and Stephen, were brothers. *,>f*r John Roblin lived in New Jersey, he took no part in the contest, but his sympathies were doubtless with the loyalists. One day, he was sitting in the door-way, when a scouting party fired upon the house as they approached. Some fourteen shots were fired. This was done without any warning, the house being inhabited by a private family. John Boblin was wounded in the knee. The party entered the house and completely ransacked it, searching for valu- ables; not satisfied with what they found, they demanded where the money was ; John's brother, Stephen, was suspended by his thumbs to a tree with the view of foi'ciog him to tell where the monej- was concealed^ John, altUpngh wounded, was stripped j*Unost naked. The i-uffioins, who did all this under the name of j^l^^Liberty," destroyed what they could not carry; and flour, furni- ptjgure, everything in fact, was strewn about and broken. One of the party put his bayoneted musket to the breast of ]!^"s. Roblin, and dared her to call George her king. She fearlessly replied, he once was, why not now. The demon was pulling the trigger, when a . more human comrade knocked the weapon aside. The rebels were r.near by under Washington, and this was a regular detailed foraging party. ; John Roblin was ^terward placed in the rebel hospital, but the doctor was unnecessarily cruel, and so thaltreated him, that he became a lifia-long. cripple. The family came into the rebel camp, and Mrs. Eoblin complained to General Washington of the , oondwct of his men. He had iier look* ampug the men, and pro- . xnised to puaish any, sh^ said had been among the ^]p>t^. !Bat af course they kept out of the way. 662 ' SIMON — VANAL8TINE. A'^ Tho Eoblins bottled originally in Adolphnstown, John Roblin'' died, and his widow, with tho fiimily, removed to Sophiasburgb, J where she bought 100 acres of land for $26, and paid for it by'^> weaving. She likewise cut down trees and made her hut. if Roblin, who settled in the third concessioa of Fpuvth Town, beit» came a member of Parliament. noiaH^ia^oit iit,.«i IL ^7. sum a^io^/v-Bfo T.'P^ Simon. — John Simon was born in Massachusetts, joined the Royal Standard when the rebellion commenced. At the close of the war, he settled at nrst near Montreal. He soon removed to Cataraqui, and finally to the Township of Flamborough West, County Westmeath, where ho lived till his death. He had three sons, Titus, John, Walter. A daughter married Detlor, anothe^A James McNabb, one Dr. Meacham, one Thompson, the last three lived at Bellovillo. One of the sons, Titus, we believe, distinguished himself in 1812, at tho battle of Lundy's Lane. He had been Com*i^ missary at Kingston, and moved to Toronto. fl- Major VanAlstinb. — The life of this man we have been unable f' to trace in ftiU ; but sufficient remains known to supply tho requisites for a short sketch. Ho must have come from the vicinity of Albany",iIJ for he was decidedly Dutch, and spoke the English language very imperfectly. He was a stout, robust man, with a dark complexion,to not one of military bearing J and most likely, until the rebellion, had nothing to do with military matters. Among the first to settle in Adolphustown, he well kujw the hardships of pionoep i life. During the course of the rebellion he had suffered manjori privations. Naturally a kind-hearted man, he for many yeaMff afforded to the new comers much comfort and material aid. flisdi: house was ever opqn to the passing stranger — ^to the old soldier, Uyji poor refugees. He was known to everybody in the whole settle-oJ ment of the Bay. Ifo mattei* who came, ho 'would order up ft'onfcii hi^ I cellar kitchen — the; old Dutch style-^-his negro servants-wo slaves he had brought in with him, and set before the traveler th^^rf neoessaiy refir^hments. ! The son of 6ne who knew him well j says he was hospitable to a'' fawltj His religion was Lutheran, and the^i Grovdtnment granted hi'm;a pension fdir dastingnished serVicev ; * ^i^ TriE WALLBftiDOB 'Family—- Are of iEnglish descent} and wer&/' amoi^ the firsti s^tdbrs of -America. Th>^rd were several! families of tftie name> existio^ mlAiiieriea at, tfae bi-eaJiing «ut;of the refceWil liojiy onevdf iwlMicSk had* i)eeB rcsid«nta of Bennitagtom, oiuad' WBTffJ: knowiii issrtbi&iBeaniingtontWallbrklge'Si The e^^JMilioii- kd^:- aBrJiiic manjr:;X}thar inetfinoesv t^ al'divtiiiioni'anMioBgvthe'sond; some >8ide«lto WALLBRIDGE — WHITE. <]63 with the rebels, othorn remained loynl. Elijah "VVallbridgo took part with the loyulists. His children never heard him speaking of the part he took ; but it is learned through another source that he was one of a party who on one occasion made a gallant attack upon a military prison, and relieved the prisoners. His old musket may yet bo seen. It is in possession of the Hon. Lewis Wallbridgo. At the close of the war, he desired, like many other loyalists, to remain in the States, and indeed did for a time, but the spirit of intolerance was manifested towai*d him, so that he determined to settle in Canada. Ho consequently, at the beginning of the present century, came to the Bay and purchased .the U'act of land held in Ameliasburgh by the family.-iji^Mfsh A^ lo^ifr^^/" Hrlof. mjO'T .>"fOf> ; OM Elijah Wallbridge married the daughter of a U. E. Loyalist, t Capt. Eobert Everett, of Kingston. Mr. Wallbridge, in making),) his visits to the front of Jilrnesttown, found it convenient to cross the Bay from Mississauga Point to Ox Point, and as a canoe was not available he often disrobed himself, tied his clothes in a bundle and managed to swim across, holding the bundle of clothes abovaii the water. , yjjiibi/ ofiJfeffoiTt Oftutj y/ful Jfeura nVL .dsioilJ! itodn a w\ White. — The Coboui-g Star recorded the deat,h of Mrs. Whiteo'?: of White's Mills, aged 82 years, as follows:-, y. -t;^/ ,.,1.!. .iU.>A-i:><yc6 "Another old and respectable inhabitant has paid, the debt ofn nature, whose memory will long be cherished by survivors. In, il 1792 Mrs. White was living with her family, the Chrysler's, at thew homestead) Sidney, near Belleville, but removed after her marriagte if with, Mr. White, to Cobourg, in the neighborhood of which she ha8<«| remained over since, beloved by her family and greatly respectedr© by all the settlers around. Although she often remarked, they hadff to undergo many pi'ivations, yet they were the happiest days <^cj' her existence. She feared th^ present generatiein was: launch ing/n- out too much into the fashion of tae! world,- to ooBdace to ,solidid happiness. <:'i:^ odt OTOtod ;toe ban ^mid dim a'l id;.j/o;i{ \>i%d od 89VbIh dV^jThe Chryddra wel-e U. B. Loyalists, dtid among thd first. whatrr made Upper Canada their home after the Eevoiation. i-Sorel at>H that period 'wad a governikient station, and here in 1802, Mrs^r) Whiter them CatherineChryriler. was born. In 1784, th^ir hduse was unfartiiBately burned down, when the General made them aiit libevtil 1 gmntof. lands in Sddja«yv near BelleviUe. ' {Ehis was th^o first settlement intith^ locality, wdiich was fioonfollomred by manj*!! others^ so that a nei^borhood wisiilo<ny'foTmed as 'heliimatds to one another. A few sJcears aHerward^ M]% White, being a lumber i: merchant, located in the neighborhood ; an intimacy soon sprang up between the parties, which ended in a family union. Clergy- men were scarce in those days, but Rev. Eobert McDowell, of the reformed Dutch Church, who kept a hcrse and ti'aveled through the wilderness, tendered his services. By that worthy pioneer, Mr. and Mrs. White were happily united in country simplicity. These primeval days were often referred to as affording more solid happiness than modern finery and ostentation. May the present generation never lose sight of those good old times. She fulfilled the declaration of that discerner of the human heart, Solomon, who says : ** She looketh well to the Avays of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed ; her husband also, and he praiseth her." WiLKiNS. — Col. Charles Wil kins, although not one of the old TJ. E. Loyalists, yet having come to Canada at an early date, and taken an active part in matters pertaining to the welfare of the countiy, respecting military matters, and ei^p'eciall}'' in the history of the Bay, this work would not be complete without a special notice of this very worth}' gentleman. The writer had the privilege of visiting him at his home, the Carrying Place, in the summer of 1866, and procured many valuable facts, which were imparted with a kindly courtesy. The winters of 83 years had left their impress upon the t lil and once erect figure. But notwithstanding the wear and tear of life, with many cares, and the intractable disease which steadily advanced, his face beamed with a pleasant smile, while he recounted many events with which ho had had to do. While I'olat- ing matters of a general nature, ho was most unwilling to speak of his own services, and the diffidence and humbleness of manner, with which ho referred to himself was remarKublo. We have made reference to ^1. Wilkins elsewhere, and will hero allude to , some events in his ' I'e. '^' JIo came to Canada with his father in 1792, aged 10 years.' At an early period he took up his abode at the Carrying Place and engaged in business; waft married in I8O4 to Miss Mary,' daughter of Charles Smith, of Port Hope, who died in 1847. Else- where has been mentioned the part ho took in the war of 1812, for which ho received an official recognition. Mr. Wilkins had for several day-s, the late General Scott of the American army, when a priflonor in Canada. Mr. Wilkins' kindness to him was remem- bered in later years. In the trouble of 1836-8, the Government called upon Mr. W. to take command of the rttilittn. ITo wft« ^^ THE AGE TO WHICH THEY LIVED. 665 appointed to many posts of honor and duty, and in 1840 was called to the Legislative Council. Mr. Wilkins was always exceedingly popular, not because he sought popularity, but because of his natu- rally kind and gentlemanly deportment to all classes, and his many sterling qualities. The very high estimation in which he was held was fully evidenced on the occasion of his death in 1867, when old friends came long distances in unpleasant weather, to see his remains deposited in their last earthly resting place. ri^-,iP-..iihu,>r^ri Stewart. — "A traveler writing in 1835, says of Canada, "I often mot the venerable in years," and " on March 8, 1833, died Mrs. J. Stewart, near St. David's, Niagai'a District, aged 100 years; her husband died a few years since at the age of 96, leaving children, now living, aged 80, and grand-children at 60." " Last year a woman by the name of Metcalf, residing near the capital of Upper Cunada, bore a child when past her sixtieth year.". ^^^ . rj -j Among obituary notices we find the following: "At Itope Village, Eaet Cluilliamsbury, in 1829, much and generally regretted, John Wilson, Esq.^ a .BiM^>;pj 9^ itl^^.-vPf^ylft?!'? .. ff^a ?r^9,^.j il.^^^^7' ^S^^ 90 years, 14 days." • '??;,, ,r^ , , :-,,, . ;, ., -■,0 Death or a Pioneer of London Township. — We have to record the decease of Mr. Joseph Jayne, which took place at his residence in London Township, 7th concession, lot 32, on Wednes- day last, the 10th iust., at the advanced age of nearly 101 years. Ho was born on Long Island, N. Y., on June 13, 1764, some yoai'S before the State of New York had ceasetl to be a British Province. Deceased was revered and held in esteem by a large circle of friends, for whoso entertainment he was ever fond of recounting his adventures in the revolutionary period, and who deeply regret his loss. — London Free Pre^s. f^jv^ MoIntosh. — " On the 25th Februaiy last at Ills residonce m Marysburgh, in the 93rd year of \m ago, respected by all liis acquaintances, Mr. Donald McLatOsli, who canio to America in the 42nd Royal Highlanders, and arrived the day before the Imtfcle of Bunker's Hill, and was in that engagement. He was subsequently in the 84th, and was at Quebec, wlien Mont>;oinery made his unsuccessful attempt on that stronghold, and dui-ing last war, was a Lieu- tenant in the IstRogt. of Prince Edward Militia.'' BlBD.— '* At his residence in Marysburgh, Mr. Henry Bird, in the 90th year of liis age. Ho appeared to be in good health till a few moments before the vital spark took its flight; he was well respected; he came to, Canada in the 54th Kegt." Gerow. — " At Amoliasburgli, in the County of Prince Edward, on Wed- nesday, the 19th inst., Mary Oerow, aged 80 years.. Deceased waft One of iTie first settlei-s on the borders of the Bay of Quintc, whore the greater part of her long life has been spent." 666 AN OLD MAN. Vankleeck. — "In Madoc, on Monday, the 9th of October, Simeon Van- kleeck, Esq., in his 98th year, after a short ilbiess, almost entirely free from pain. Old age seemed to claim its rights, and the system quietly gave way. Mr. Vankleeck was one of the earliest pioneers of this part of the country, having resided in Madoc forty-one years. He was well and favourably known throughout the county, and his immediate acquaintance bear testi- mony to his energy and firmness, which mingled at the same time with a kindness and suavity that won their hearts. His old age was remarkable for genial good temper and activity of mind and body. In his 94th year, he presided at a political meeting held by the Hon. Sidney Smith, at Hazzard's Corners, to which place he walked from his son's residence, a distance of seven miles. In politics he was noted for his strong conservative feeling — the side he chose when a young man — and adhered to it through his whole life, believing it to be, as he stated in his later years, the "Loyal Side." The deceased was a descendant of a branch of the Vankleeck family, whose loyalty to the British Crown caused them to leave their ancient home in Duchess County, New York, during the American Revolution, and to settle in the wilds of Canada. He was several years connected with the British army During the Revolution. He leaves several sons, two of whom , reside in this township. — Mercury. Perry. — Died at Emesttown, the 12th of January instant, Jemima Perry, wife of Robert Perry, Senr., and sister of the late Ebenezei Washburn, Esq., ofHallowell, in the Tfilh year of her age. Her remains were interred on the 14th, with every miirlt of real but unostentatious grief and respect. *",' " In the beginning of last November, she was seized with a distressing asthmatic affectation, which finally terminated her life, and which she endured with Chi-istian patience and resignation to the will of heaven. "Mrs. Perry was born in the Province of Massachusetts, and came with her husband and family into this Province among its first settlers. ' ',' '°'!/'. -^ " She has left an aged partner, with whom she lived in conjugal union and affection fifty-eight years : seven childi-eu; a numerous train of grand- children and great-grandchildren ; aixd a large circle of friends and acquaint- ances. Her loss is extensively felt. In the various relations of life, as a wife, a mother, a sister, a neighbour, and a member of civil arcl Christian society, her exemplary conduct entitled her to the esteem of all who knew her." ■' '' " Old Man.— Old John Baker, residing at Cornwall, Ontario, was born in 1766, at Quebec. His mother was a slave, and he was brought hy his muster, Colonel Grey, at one time Solicitor-General for Upper Canada. Baker enlisted in the 104th regiment, and served at Waterloo, Lundy's Lane, Fort Erie, and Sackett's Harbow- He is a little rhenmatic, and is lame from a wound in the leg, received in action ; but his intellect is as fresh and clear as when a boy. He draws a pension of one shilling sterling a day, and seems good for some years yet," 1869. , ,Hi.,r» ^mim-,H .i.j ...t, ,iu liiDi.it In conclusion we may mention ^he descendants of Sir Wxttiam Johnson, by Mitw Molly, a sister of Joseph Brant. Slio came to Kingston at an early date, having probablj'^ been in Lower Canada during the war, whore she lived until her death in 1804 or 5. Ond, , of her daughters married Captain Farley, of the 16th Regiment, another Lieutenant L6moine, of the 24th Bogiraent; a third John Ferguson, of the Indian Department; a fourth Captain Earle, of the Provincial Nnvy, and another to Doctor Kerr, an eminent surgeon, who settled in Niagara. Af.if. iUi> H^ da} ,n.tiiiLin> fKJj '!.•-> 'It;-'' . "p "D T? "M "Ti T ^ '^'^ '>nOrti;vr :><">->.'4^iU V ..'iL " vitijjii.iO'jir j!:<ift:- !J'.*>- -a. J. Jr Jii JN JJ J. ^ «>..(») f^: oc i;»:>ii!<^'i i;iti¥Ji\! fi (iij« Mcjjjj •>n:i;Ji: sjlf Id h>jv;:v •• Hr^jaifi'i' I'!)-! virf-in^wid a ynoo^ '!Oh>!M>i;?!'u.i(!-r ,.!;7^^>•'^I. iJ.i.yii! ~~^~~" -lii >fow Ji;*!.? . !i7.it!f»i hois P.-ieMviti:.-; -: f oH V'' V ! !^ <f •! ( r-vi , j | t ; .•!;7^^>•'^I f 'fiblit OF THE 2nd battalion KING'S ROYAL REGIMENt', ';;;.■ ,i , NEW YORK, 28th FEB., 1784. , : ,. . ■ - /•- Friar, Samuel , , Magle, Gottip . in^ File, Jolin > " '« "'•"^>"'*^ Bador^ach, John. '^^ "f^^ . Franklin, Jolm'^' ' f.*'" '*-' Ross, Alexander ''i'-|^»^;^»--' Fend, Andrew >" '*'|^ '^'^ John Casscallion '•<^>i^'^^ ^'^■ GateH, Thomas ' ' ' '■ '-J- ' Cornelius Pitcher' "^ . '■^^^^" Hart, Zaehariah '<J ^^i" ■ Peter Deal «"■ ^» f {''■ ' Howell, "Warren V;*»''J'^' John Litcher ' '■' ■'^''■■ Johnson, Henry d; .uw Alexander McDougaUuri'l Bahall, John •?'< ir^i» bny Luke Carscallioa^dM >> o^t v- Loukes, Jacob • [ 'jo 'ti John Berrn o'VoliftT* ' MillroBS, Andrew . , |r,.-,T t George Sullivan ,v ^iij| i riri; McCarty, William .^,•/^ j^, James V. Alstine^fj'j ,ji 'i Matthews, Porapcy, ,.„;j ., Berron, John y : jjirrj f{3«i Middelton, Ruben ,,, , ..,,,,, Iluben, Peter ;.,. K.^rnrifY., Northrup, Eson ,j^ .^jj Barnhnvt, DaYi<4 /j f>'{I^>' Reynold, William , ... Cole, John ;;'r .,. V „,f ,, j Scot, Daniel ^ ''•^''^ ' Calden, John"" ^'''ff^ ,f '■ Shaw, William^ " '■'''"^■'^"t Coons, 'simon "f "f . Sholtes, John '""'• Coons, Peter ■"•''«>;»>«». - ^ Cronkhite.John'^''^^^^'"^ Jacob Weegar Alexander Clark Alexander Platto Jacob Cobman ' " "■'■ Jonas Simmons '"<•'' - James Ranking .x'i''« Jonas Larranarj' Richard Albery ' ^ r; Gabriel Brefsea Christopher Brefsea Bankeg, John, Jr Bankes, John, Son Brant, Franc Baxter, Lawrence Benedict, Benjamin , Coons, Jacob i*,', | Coons, David Campbell, Matthews Connrad, William Coolcraft, Christian Cook, Seth Catchcatch, Christian Drihell, Cornelius Dewitt, Garton Cornell, Patner Dyckman, Martinee . > •iBhilliner, Cliristiaii Foster, Moses ov;.[> , Wal Ian, Samuel i j ,, , i Hopkinson, JoliA , '.'' Wirst, John . Haines, Barrast^ '""" "'"Young, Daniel ""'"'\' f 1^' ' DefbtorcRt, Abraham i "■ Haines, Frederick^ Haines, John ' rA-Mi'/. Haines, David Ijni.ov Hoyle,John ,^,.(.^ j, Hoyle, Peter ',' Honse, Johri'- '"'' *^ Huffman, Jacob Henerham, Andrew Hill, Timothy Mordon, John ■ • ' i ' Morrison, JamMKL *ir Wher, John ivop f n Phillips, Michael' Phillipn, Peter Pember, PhilHp Snartfager, Frederick >^.^^.^ ^. ^^^.. _, Sipperly, Phillip ' ■'^ >' Conelius, John '■>^' -''•'>^>»i'' Smith, Stephen ''''"J*'' Curtis. John UoiU n ,.Mhvy Smith, Jacob »iJ''Jrt'»Jy"'Dych, Nicholas ii»'l .''CJ^'KX'^. " " " ' Dych, Henry ' -lO'l Deal, Adaraf^ /-r tO^ Detlpr, Val-intine ^j g,^,^, ;i)6tlor, Jacob i^.-.„^ Emcrish, Henry ' "l?!"-^^'^ French, Andrew f^'fl^J '»'^» Finkle, George'' J): JjdV'tu^ I Willoughby, William William, Albert i i^,,,^^ j, Cameron, Alexander ^f oil Fletcher, John ■ , P^earhart, Simon Lount, John ''"''f';*"i t^ Eavp^'hon, John j; . 'Michael Ronghhe#'*^ •»« Foy, John ' C" ■ "'Ipt Alexander Grant ■ 7ft d .'.'iFory, DanioJ^ tn iroih^Ufy^ iWeorge Chtiai^ hnvU OilFarlinger, JoUnnti* afrrrtrb John Bondiah tnti*^) h^'iKe, Peter . > jr,;[ *j-,j David LiabHambHp ' . Faiichild, Benjamin . ,u .^,, , ^ Poter^ehith "' ' ' ' Faish, Chtistfan ' ■-'MOa^^ PriMt, Jacob "i nfi'.)<i;i'.*NIthol*«Schyler Goohc, Frederick. •'"'««'>iT»i Redding, Francis M->y^. Atheraou, OharIeH>uJ<*ii«i Hugh,Jciha^: lAijifiyOl'} .ilUi'^^U »<.. .1. Kjvr :'rti)iv*/.'»: 668 APPENDIX. Randal, Joseph • ."T''n.f/-.- Snider, Jacob '" -'»'V' Snider, Lidwich '^,'=>JiV' Sills, John ■'^**-""i; Sills, Lawrence ..'ir.)!*' Sills, George •«»' ' .^f-'t^ Smith, Michael' ■« »'^'f•■^' Smith, Phillip-i"i^ ^;^a. Swathager, John "^ '' "'^' Vszio, Joseph • ..ytr,';'. Baltingal, Jacob 'il»P(ii' Baltingal, Samuel < ■''•^2;: Rauley, Jacob : ';i'>\.'>'*i " Plant, Peter ^" ' Rollin, Thomas Clark, Hugh .r'r: ' Chrisholm, Donald ***"-'•> ^" Sutter, feaac Mirtl' Thomson, Thomas '^'^^^^^ Thorn, William taofof ' Christie, George ''M«*"ih Beedehee, John «¥'''« '^? Samuel Ashley >mnuq James McPherson ■■W-'*(^ George Barnhart »»w;v;i' George Dagetger '(.'}h"^'H George Prest VinTaU George Fitzpatrick I'Jtl jM James Titehert »'':U!f Peter Young ' ,<.^i/:1uIoj/! Cain Young (noa^todfll Clute, John ol.Am^-> Cooper, Tliomaa- nHU4'~i Cook, Silas > t'^^f'ii Coomb, John rvri^H Coomb, Barnard ■-''•-•'k^JJ Donser, John ,^**'/^-"^"'*" Dire, John ''''' t ■'■-"^ Davis, Henery ' Dogstader, Adam Dengandro, Garrett Dogstadcr, Porapey Edgar, John Foy, Francis -^'vAr'n^Jf^iA Gilbert Luke '' * ' Thomas Graham Grant, Peter Gold, Edward Gallingher, George Heming, Henry Hawley, Jacob Helmer, Adam Hclse, Frederick Hugh, Henry Hendrick, Peter Harbinger, John TarhoBon, David Kough, Peter Kreem, John /; Bailer, William ' ,^"f'' Bell, Johnson '^ i^*'^*' Beitte Barnard ^^' ^f^^' Barnhart, Nicholas Barnhart, Jacob Barnhart John - (""*" Brown, Nicholas '- > '-^^ ' Burch, Jacob •tivoa Brown, James B .' '^^ Christian, John ■i'i'>"' Christian, Simion Cameron, William Medagh, John t >tU'> Myers, John '"^ ;"'■■ Cugh, George^*-' JJ^l^ '''M' Culman, Frederick Parsons, John Rood, Mitchell ■i"'^*' Ramsay, Adam ' ' ' Sulivan, Cornelius Shirley, John ; v Shellop, Henry '^ .MtJi^ Winter, Jacob -f k^i Winter, Henry lUSiO.' Wilson, James ,iJ.siji^'>: Kough, James "^ Connor, Christian Wilingcr, Michael Smith, Jacob Earner, Phillip ,.••''-. Hawdord, Edward %''"^1'a= Mure, John U>*i>y'i John Miller ■''' t-fM-- FoKsern, Daniel .M*^*'* Latoch, Halburt * yjni-. Elijah Sarrabe ■ii'^l«ni George Murraolf-'^'''Nw Luke Bourteal ,-)<'ihi.K< Toil Hurd -vyji^. .M^ Samuel Suekdy~ John Saver John Tcagtio Barnhart, Charles Beramy, Willianiail >"i'- Boner, Gnsper ' ' ' Boner, Adam Bender, Samuel Cox, Alexander Crander, Anthony John Crander Crander, William Cndman, William Cadman, George Coundouse, George Dow, Thomas Delong, John Evans, Tony Landras, Samuel Logest, Andrew Hamilton, Thomas ^^^"'''^ Henning, Andrew .taJijS '. House, Coonroot ^t'^'-^K^- Hedlar, Adam - ^ '' < i ■ • '» • ' Johnson, John ■^'fvnis*: Hellen, John •■=4iK>i Himmerly, Andrew J^<>M 4' Ylline, .!otJ^/i>; Law, Samuel .i.'joa:^' Heller, Henry .Wkut-UwW Noon, William -Vis'f .{v Battingal, Jacob >J5"I' French, Albert iWmf' Flamsbury, William Howard, William i *■ Harding, Richard ■-■!■^ltl Jones, Thomas ■\iiiUti'i Johnson, William V>-Hto'( Jones, John 1; JrdOiL Roughnet, Jobn'O'^i'l' ♦«ao<- Rentner, George ' '. ^i'^'ti Knight, Benjamin «>'ti4wJ Koughnet, John YQ*^-i Lonhey, George -jifwoil Lonhey, Henry u»;^fTiT Lonhes, Abraham ahini^ Savanav, Alexandeij 'ft'V^^. Sambert, David ?ii/i't'j Sawyer, William ,rUi.n.rv Loft, David ■"- .'^»«{.f McGowen, Stephen ;iitii*^<^. Murdoff, James '-rinpT Murdoff, George itmi&i Moss, Simon i-itttfiW Critohert, BiirtholomeWiiJ Rogers, John ^'-ii ^ Rambaugh, Jacob SiA^. Rambaugh , John ' " ",4} Rambaugh, Andrew -<tl' Rambaugh, William '^ Shellop, ChriHtian i'i' Smith, Daniel iP, Shuk, Cliriatiau «»*>>»; Tute, John um%>Jn^l^\ Kemdy, Robeit " ■• ■ iQif. Church, Oliver tM Hillingcr, Abraham Laryo, Matthew Erwiny, Robert -^ksi'.. Schnars, Frederick "'' John Howell Francis Hoyb Richard Cotter Matthew Farront Jothan Hart Joseph Clement Henry Davis John Windaker Brant, John. APPENDIX, 669 Borven, William, Senr Baker, Henry Borven, William, Junr. Bush, Henry Cameron, Archibald Dodger, Thomas McDonnell, John, Senr. McDonnell, John, Junr. McDonnell, Roderick McDonald, Bouald McPherson, Laughlin Matthew, Jacob , , Naramore, Esau , .-i Penn, Matthew Prentice, Daniel Prichell, John .>■ ,,^„,,< Phillips, Jacob , 'T ,r- Porker, Isaac ,, .j..i Ross, Thomas, Senr. Ross, Thomas, Junr. Ross, John .,.. .^ .: . i ,4; Roaf, John r<.i..»f!' * f--- -7^ Ryan, Dennis Rowland, Jervis Tingorac, John y ( ui Starring, Jacob 'X , ,fl Severn, Peter a ia>u Servus, Phillip r ,i,:,.i,ji^,. Smith, John ■' ^ Hart, Nathaniel Sherman, William Tunirer, William Valentine, Alexander Warmly, Jacob Cook, Robert j .ttt.) Rierman, Henry -..(jt Schilles, Henry ■Uusiil Henry Deal .i(ti«;l John Servin L4'iji)*„iii!ii^ Andrew Embury .jiii/;;j Thomas Clark rt-ija William Nicholson dMi^iH John Dogstider AuiiH Allen Chrisholm .aJiiT John Dervitt I»iiii{ Arginsinger, John rntuV} Bartley, Muherd .aiililf Bartley, Isaac >/i/ J Chrisholm, Duncan rifwi3 Cain, John r.stuhH Coon, Jacob ,woJl mini Campbell, Johnu <.«ufisr'I Cain, Barney ,jbimhm Cook, Joseph ■{ v<oi<tJi»M t.'fwnol;) f|(|-jitol. jiiiuL .Uitit'l Fading, John / i.v,h Hough, George :,,r' i;. Hight, Mathew -fi f,^jh Johnson, Princo -.■nMinxi. Peacock, John ^n:u\.f.,>. Kenton, Johttf,.) hi:;i.'nj Delorm, John • /:' 7vf-.> Donevan, Herenei;;, jj .p Evans, Bolton .livu Eglon, Leonard ■,<.;;>,/>;[ Estwood, John if^l-iy'rut Flanagan, James k'cihj Gardiner, John .diiiih.*) ; Horon, Peter 4_.,(. Vi/v Horon, Jacob »>„,y{»" f(. j Hubbert, Jubilee = cipift'i, Hegle, John . , . . Koughnet, William Koliph, Henry , ,, Toyer, David 'aUrau Toyer, Richard ,7 ir-jr Martin, Robert 'wAl-yr Murphy, Patrick ,T<jjnf' McGran, Owen ; , ;i(,jj(t / McGran, Dennis ft,,,!; McDonnell, Daniet Nellinger, Abraham Phillips, Elijah ,.,;,„. a. Rapole, George . ^iiji,,, Shaver, Adam ^ .ivau. Sample, Hugh i,ioliv/i,^ Street, Daniel if.jnHf Staly,' Tobias iMail.- Stering, George ju'j^^, Truax, Isaac . ^ti.o.t*. Turnburny, John ■ ■ , ' Woodcock, Abraham Woodcock, Peter , ^, ,, Welsh, Morris ,ii1| Ik. ' Argussiger, Phillip Wilson, James Thomas Cavan v|* hh- John Mclntyre njdyii. John Ham, vjjiot*. Abiah Christie Donald McPhereon John Tower „«r,,-n.n'. Peter Winter., /..f/^ ^'i John Lambert fihriKi Albert Edward . ,''^ d^o Ball, Samuel i»l..ij'.i Crawford, William Crumwell, Nicholas !fnritoifr,V(on nrfol ,5|linf;ill Vl':-»T ."Ul'-'.l iHUtXti'i Jiiilbili, i Santnere, Jacob ^'. :, >,- rH Witts, Henry .,,; , ,,.■'' Witts, John ,{ J , ;ii,ji^ McCardy, Jacob (,j.,; , ii:;-> Mirile, Jacob ,.>^i-j ,)(;< Minse, John „ ,,^,, ' „ ^ , v Crawford, Btymnf ^iintaa Clark, Jacob ,;/•( ,iiij,j^ Clark, Adam Clark, John Chrisholm, Hugh VuTisS: Faber, David ((if«Jr Fitzgerald, William.gf^j,}! Fnrny, Rodolph , ., .!,,jii«14 Fumy, Adam i-r ^-uiiofl Gilbert; Nathaniel '^f^y.) Graham, William /fsJ^j!*/) Grant, Peter .j.al- ..(HtiriPi Helmer, John H-ei^tt.iT Horon, Joseph v, ^jga i; Howard, Christian i^;i,,f-) Towar, Canrobert il,-,..,'T Tarranay, Isaac ,j,„,^i^ Tarranay, Abraham ^■jUMili Matthew, Nicholas .j>,'.j McKay, Stephen uV,',i) McTaggart, James f,-i,y^iQ McDonald, Duncan, (>to,>f) Mitchell, John -lOiiiHl Mclntyre, Duncan ■^|^y,'[ McLennon, John f lot,') Oxbury, John irtT, off/C''! Phillip, John n .v.xyWi Rote, George ..i;^ jJ^^q Reyers, William 'iit'><>«i Robertson, Daniel ;0i.^')^ Shaver, James ,x, ^iv^no^ Smith, William ■,fof,,^,^Kl Smith, Peter ..,11 ^i^.i] Sweeney, Danielj.,j,|.,,,^,,^ Stewart, John » fi;Vn (t Teagin, Jacob il^^fi Vandregoo, Phillip 7^-i^(,;j Abstric, Lambert , ,,,y^ Wright, John ,,, i.^Jij^ Walroda, JacoV,) ^ijuiodT Wood, James ..,'[ ^jjn.)0 Wood, William" i ' 1' ,j,i(,f) Weegar, Thomas tiJIaO West, John ,(nj-..ir Toursset, Benjamiai|„j|j| Tcaly, Adam raiuH Deprender, George ;,^(!)[i I'jJ'jl ,jlr)nbo«H fjilol. ,to}irtiidmH '' ' I ■ • ■ *■ ■%' ' 670 APPENDIX. THE GOVERNORS OF UPPER CANADA. . Subjoined is a list of the Governors, Presidents, and Administra- tors of Upper Canada, until the Union of the Provinces in 1841 : — NAMBS. TITLES. TIUB OF ACGBSSIOH. Col. John Graves Simcoe , Lieutenant-Governor July 8, 1792. .^.. Hon. Peter Russell ... /!/vV'r..... President ■,'.'; ^..'^'..■. July 21, 1796. - Lieut.-Gen. Peter Hunter Lieutenant-'(}bvernor August 17, I79d. Hon. Alexander Grant President Septr. 11, 1805. His Excellency Francis Gore Lieutenant-Governor August 25, 1806.. Maj.-Gen. Sir Isaac Brock President,, ._j. ,,, j ,:^^ ,., , ji.. . . Septr. 30, 181^^ i Maj.-Gen. Sir R. Halesheaff, Bart . President .. ^ ............ . October, 20, 1812. Maj.-Gen. F. Baron de Rottenburgh.President June 19, 1813. Lieut.-Gen. Sir Gordon T)rummond, v,^, , ,. G.C.B Provincial Lieut.-Govemor.Decr. 13, 1813. ; Lieut.-Gen. Sir George Murray, Bt.Provincial Lieut..Governor. April 25, 1815. Maj.-Gen. Sir Frederick Phipps Robinson, K.C.B .,, Provincial Lieut.-Gevernor. July 1, 1815. His Excellency Francis Gore . .... Lieuteuant-Governor Septr. 25, 1815. Hon. Samuel Smith Administrator June 11, 1817. Maj.-Gen. Sir Peregrine Maitland, K.C.B Lieutenant-Governor , . . August 13, 1818. Hon. Samuel Smith Administrator March 8, 1820. Maj.-Gen. Sir P. Maitland, K.C.B.. Lieutenant-Governor June 30, 1820. Maj.-Gen. Sir John Colbonie,K.G.B.Lieutenant-Governor Novr. 5, 1828. Maj. Sir Francis Bond Head, K.C.B.Lieutenant-Govemor Jany. 25, 1836. Maj.-Gen. Sir John Colborne, K.C.B.Administrator Feby. 27, 1838. Maj.-Gen, Sir George Arthur, K.C.B H.G.O Lieutenant-Governor March 23, 1838. Baron Sydenham and Toronto. Lower Canada . Governor General . October, 1839. Do. do. do. do. .United do. . do.. do. .Feby. 10, 1841. l«jK ejlt«i!t :hU lUihld'^ ai i«H)ff -.rfi oW/t hm- «"i.l«T;n;i{ tii not <>* *'-'>wvii.*b ^^ ' 'ir.-r-vji; , now 31«»ri/Wff^ * APPENDIX. g71 THE ABORIGINES OF NORTH AMERICA. ^dmmhkpm,mfivB''^-'^jl^ MI8SI8SAUGA. •■ ^^- -^ ^- i^^^i^^iM The following Keport, sent by Col. Boll, of Thm-low, to John Ferguson, Superintendent for Indian Affairs, Kingston, dated 3rd May, 1815, supplies a tolerably correct idea of the articles furnished by Government to the Indians :tt,.,, , <.«> ^. ., "Account of Indian goods, on the 7th March, 1815, remaining in store in the barn of Lieut.-Col. William Bell, at Thurlow, and forwarded on the lOtli lith and 20th of the said month of March to the store of Captain W. Mcintosh, at the mouth of the river Moira, viz : — ^,„. „, ., 12 Bales Cloths, ^P'^^^-^^is-t^ ^^t^oi) m .mih^js^^U .uaa ,c> ,i^^a TO.T g ^^ do., '^""f^-^- ...,,..., ..a,a» AlBL ,c!5. Ibqi'.. vi>f, 7 do. do., ''i iff .^^iijuM ^^smi) iiH .m-ii^.iisf.ij 1 do. Calicoes . .„t rr .? .j^ftjij,^-!! .ig .ff.,iu.lkM .'&',>>l i ittiiK -'.'(1 ^ "'^- scotch bheetings, a ■ . -a . , ,, ' V3^ &<^'2^p' " '^ do. Spotted Black Swanskin, .' *'-t^ '*''*'''''^''^ t .v.a. ,0. .i^.{-jrf.., 2 do. Serges, '^--a^vd votf«XIeax2r^m .*i8l ,A I anaJ, .... 2 do. Common Grey Coats, ■ ■ • - ■ iiihtt!i~hmi^-ji<^!t .BiU ,t:Uu-gMA,r. 5 Packs Deer Skins, I ^ n ti * 01gffirf-.Lt/ 11 Bales Moltons, ^< •"•-'■'-'..-; -.-.-^.^.^ ,yjk!j.,«rtow* ...... 6 Cases Saddles and Bridles '-•-. ifatwa 1 >X)£!Ui/i..aoH Mm,Oi:mu\.,.,^.. 1 do. Pistols, ' ' ' '.K /f 7i>^ .a>l>^.teM .S-S8I-,S lYoTi,,,, 25 do. Chiefs' and Common Guns, rifof /f" - .0 rsi^ .9K8i .es .'mM, . 5 Casks Tobacco, , ,, ftpar '■!'<^ J.r,.'-* ' 20 Cases Shot and BalL "*" .6«.«i ^u -xtid*.. . . 7 jj^, Tomahawks, •■■■'^^ ""-•^' - "■•'"•• -io,ii^,K,..j.4?M - 4 do. Spears, &c., ''^ '>.>! .luri,i/7.oiJ;iO)0 lirJ./wO- f^-M .8f.8 l.,se (iymM .... 3 Bags Beof Saws, r, 0*1? ' .«8eS ..:«fo..0.imo«.a2 IMes 3-feet Blankets, l.^^ao^T b- . u,«dnofHa «c.*a ,mr,Oi[.^a'i, .ab^; Z 2.£l t: '• "1^ -Ob Ob .oG t«kJ'm'?T?°x*xu^® Packages have been delivered into the Store of Captain John Mcintosh at the mouth of the river Moira, and his receipt taken for them