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Tous laa autraa axamplairas originaux aont ffilmAa an commandant par la pramiira paga qui comporta una amprainta d'imprassion ou d'illustration at ^n tarminant par la darniira paga qui comporta una talla amprainta. Un das symbolas suivanta appara?tra sur la darniAra imaga da chaqua microficha. salon la caa: la symbols -^ aigniffia "A SUIVRE". la aymbola V aigniffia "FIN". Laa cartas, planchas, tablaaux. ate. pauvant Atra ffilmis A daa taux da reduction diffffArants. Lorsqua la documant ast trop grand pour Atra raproduit 90 un saul ciichA, il ast ffilmA A partir da I'angla aupAriaur gaucha. da gaucha A droita. at da haut 9n bas. mn pranant la nombra d'imagas nAcassaira. Las diagrammaa suivanta illuatrant la mAthoda. 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 S e THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST. MWTOtfrlffWlTiijWBwrw.v**^ ■_-: i i i 30° 20° \. / / / «." / X>'. \ s^^^ 7i* 4'n«rust^ V / X j«i*»'i ^P"^ ▲ D O H •V*" ^Tp- '*»iw, **-i ;.^*^^. "^.. / '-*^ •('^^ Op s2,2 *» iiw I0Of \ 3i OT^f ^^ >t» ^Bon»kM■¥" '-^ •'*\^v J^lt^f- BAY 5ll*«t •^ LAB' ▲ DOR MaHiy»Sons,I.ith. TH] ARC! T0GE1 CLl THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST; OR, A CENTURY OF ARCTIC & ANTARCTIC OPFICERS, 1773—1873. TOGETHER WITH A LIST OF OFFICERS OF THE 1875 EXPEDITION, AND THEIR SERVICES. hi I ATTEMPTED BY CLEMENTS R. MARKHAM, C.B., F.R.S. (author of "the threshold of the unknown region.") 1875. GRIFFIN & CO., (Publishers, by Appointment, to H.R.H. the Duke oj Edinburgh,) 15, COCKSPUR STREET, PALL MALL, LONDON. And 2, THE HARD, PORTSEA, PORTSMOUTH. Price Three Shillings and Sixpence- Ef ■Hn UMH' »*«ai— MMaM 4 M 1 ^ S^ PRINTRO AT THE OFFICB OF TI4E PUBLISHERS. . PREFACE. . ft Thk Arctic Navy List is an attempt to give a complete enumeration of all Officers who have served in the Arctic or Antarctic Regions in the Century between 1773 and 1873.* There have been Three Gene- rations of Arctic Officers, First, that of Cook and Phipps. Second, that ot Ross, Pakrv, Franklin, and Back. Third, that of the Franklin searches. The fourth will commence with the Arctic Expedition of 1875. Sir George Back is the Father of Arctic Officers, and that illustrious explorer continues to take a warm interest in the labours and asi)irations of his younger fellow workers in the glorious field of Poiir research. James Ross, Edward Bird, and Horatio Austin, who all served with Parry, were also in the Franklin searches. They formed the connecting link between the second and third generations of Arctic Officers. Thus the earlier experiences were handed ilown, and to Captain Austin is due the praise of having organised those admirable arrangements for winter iiuarters which secured the boilily and r ental heallli of officers and men when the spring travelling comn .need. Sir Leopold McClintock, the disciple of Sir James Ross, far outstripped his master, and is the discoverer of naval sledge travelling. Cai-i'ain Nares will be the connecting link between the third and fourth generations, and will hand down the traditions which represent the knowledge and experience accpiired during the Franklin searches. 'ihe list gives the expedition or expeditions in which each Officer served. The most valuable (lualificalions for Arctic service are aptitude for taking part in those winter amusements which give life to i 3^110 IV. PREFACE. the expedition during the months of forced inaction ; and for sledge travelHng.* Under each officer is therefore given the part he took in the winter amusements, and the work he performed in the spring sledge travelling. Other services are given in many cases, and where any Officer is also an author, the titles of his work or works are quoted. Under the names of the different Officers, which have been commemorated on the Admiralty Charts, the Capes, Bays, Straits, Channels, or Islands, bearing those names are enumerated. t The names of Officers who wintered in the Arctic Regions are in SMALL CAPITALS, and those of Officers who only made summer cruises are in italics. The principal Civilian Arctic Navigators, such as Penny, Kennedy, Sheddon, Lamont, and Leigh Smith have been included in the list. The List of Officers is followed by a List of Vessels in which they served in the Arctic Regions, also alphabetically arranged, so that an enquirer on seeing the ship in which any Officer served, can at once turn to the list of ships and see where the particular vessel wintered, and to what expedition she belonged. The Circumpolar Chart, which is appended by permission of the Hydrographer, will be found useful for reference.^' • Tho iminpR of Staff {'ntnmaiidcr Ayleii nnd Mr Osborne, (hoatswnin.) have iinfortiniatrly hocii oiiiittuil in their i)i'<)]Kx^^23,'^x^¥H%ilkv Allison Bluff, in Lyon Inlet. Allison Bay, in Melville Bay. Alston, A. H. — Mate in the yW/// Star, (Pullen,) 1852-53. Went home in the Phanix, 1853. Since deceased. Andf.rsox, Hknrv. — Mate of the Prince Albert, (Forsyth,) 1850-51, and of the same .ship (Kennedy,) 1851-52. Anderson, W. — Surgeon of the Resolution, (Cook,) 1776-79. Anderson, R. — Ciunner of the Resolution, (Cook,) 1776-79. Andkr.son, R. — Surgeon of the Invisti\:;ator, (Bird,) 1848-49; and of tlic Enterprise, (Collinson,) 1850-55. Anderson Bay, on Victoria Land, near Cambridge Bay. Anderson, John Brett. — Midshipman in 1845-51- the Herald, (Kellett,) ARMsrRoxd, Alexander, — Surgeon of the Iu'estii^ator, (Mc'Clure,) 1850-54. 1866, Director (".eneral of the Medical Depart- ment, K.C.IJ., F.R.S., I.K.C.S., L.L.D. Author of *^ Personal Narrative of the Discovery of the North-West Passa^i^e." 1857. Armstrong Point on the west-coast of Prince Albert Land. AusriN, Horatio Thomas. — Kntercd the Navy in 1813. Served in the .Ameriran War, in the Raniillies and Creole under Sir Thomas Hardy. Lieutenant, 1822. First Lieutenant of the Fury, (Hoppner,) 1S24-25 ; anil of the Chanticleer (Foster,) 1827-30. Clonunander, 1831. (k)UHnaiuleil the first steamer in the service, S\\^ Salamander, 1832; Medea, 1834. Captain, 1838, of the Cyclops; 1839-43 in the Syrian War, THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST. " and captured Sidon. C.B. BlenJieim, 1848. Captain of H.M.S. Resolute 1850-51, and commanding the expedition. An admirable organizer of arrangements for winter quarters. Gave a grand -5^/ /l/ai"^//t' on January 12th, 1851. Captain Superintendent of Depttord Dockyard during the Crimean War. Admiral Superintendent of Malta Dockyard, 1863. K.C.B. Died 1865. Austin Channel^ between Byani Martin and Batlaurst Isles, Cape Austin on the west-coast of Cornwailis Isle. Back, George. — Born at Stockport in 1 796. Entered the Navy in 1808 in the Aret/u/sa, and served in boat actions on the north coast of Spain. Made prisoner when 14 were killed out of 18, and detained at Verdun until 18 14. Served in the Akbar :in(\ Biihcmrk. Mate in the 7)y///, (Franklin,) 18 18, in the Spitzbergen voyage. In Franklin's Land E.xpedition to the Copper-mine river and along the coast, 1819-22, surveyed and drew the charts. In Franklin's narrative we read : " Here we met Mr. Back, to whom, under Providence, we felt our lives were owing." Lieutenant, 1821. In the Sii/>t'/b in the West Indies and Lisbon, 1822-24. In Franklin's Second Land Exi)edition, 1825-27, and surveyed as fiir as Return Reef. Coniniaiuler, 1827. Led an Exi^e- dition in search of Ross, in 1833-35; and discovered the Back River, tracing it for 500 miles to its mouth. Captain, 1835, by Order in Council. King William IV. said to him, " You and I, Sir, are tlie only two Captains by order in Council in the navy." Captain of the Terror in the voyage to Frozen Strait, 1836-37. (iold Medallist and F.R.G.S., 1S35, and (iold Medal of the I'aris C.S., F.R.S., D.C.L. Knighted, 1839. Auxhox o{ '■'■ Aarroti-t'e 0/ the Arctic Lant/ Expedition to the mouth of the Great Fish Ri7'er" (1836), an J "■ iVarratiTC of an Expedition in JLM.S. Terror (1838.)" Most of the illustrations in the narratives of Franklin's Land Expeditions are from his sketches, as well as those in the narrative of the discovery of the Great Fish River. Back, or Great Fish River. Cape Back on the coast ot Arctic America. /'('//// Back, uj) Smith Sound, so named by Dr. Kane. Back Inlet on the coast of /ichy land (Austrian discoveries). Bailey IVilliani. — Observer in the Discovery, (Clarke,) 1776-80, in Cook's Expedition. Banie, Hi;nrv PKKscorr. — Burn at the C!ape, 1831, son of Captain Bance, R.N. In the Winchester, (C. Eden,) 1844-4O. B 2 THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST. Midshipman in the Assistance^ (Ommanney,) 1850-51. Lieutenant, 1852. Went to Australia 1855 ; Inspector of Post Offices at Melbourne. Retired Commander, 1867. Bauce Point in Ommanney Bay, Prince of Wales' Land. Barden J//-.— Engineer of the Isabel^ (Inglefield,) 1852, Barlow, J. C- Volunteer in the Z?A;jr^(W/, (Beechey,) 1825. Captain, 1865. Retired |i Barnard, J. J. — Third Lieutenant of the Investii^ator, (Bird,) 1848-49. Led a travelling party from Port Leo,)old to the north shore of Barrow Strait. Second Lieutenant of the Enterprise (CoUinson), 1850-51. Landed at Michaelowski, in the Russian-American territory to encjuire into a rumour, and was brutally murdered by Kayukok Indians in a surprise of the Russian post of Darabin, near Norton Sound. See Osborn's McC/iire's AL IV. Passage, 4th edition, page 134. Barrett, William. — Purser of the Trent, (Franklin,) 18 18. Bkkciiky, F, W.— Son of the artist, Sir W. Beechey. Born 1796, and entered the Navy in 1806. At the New Orleans action in the Vengiier; Lieutenant of the Jm//, (Franklin,) 181S ; First Lieutenant cf the Ilecla, (Parry,) 1819-20. In winter tjuarters at Melville Island he was Manager of the " Royal Arctic Theatre." The plays acted were : — " The Mayor of Garratt ;" " Tlie Citizen ;" " A bold stroke for a Wife r and " The iV. W. Passage, or the Voyage Finished," an original musical entertainment. JSeechey acted Miss Biddy in ''Miss in her Teens;" PhiJpot in " 7 he Citizen ;' Jerry Sneak in " The Mayor of Garratt " Lady Minnikin in ''Bon Ton-" and Simon Pure in "A bold stroke for a Wife." Commander, 1822, of 1 1. M.S. Jilossoni ; up Behring's Strait 1825-28 ; on a voyage intended to act in concert with Parry and Franklin. He extended the discovery of the American coast from Icy Cape (Cook's furthest) to Point Barrow. Captain, 1827. Retired Admiral, F.R.S. ; President, R.G.S. (and original member), 1856, in which year he died. Obituary notice, A'.G.S./., 7vl. xx-'i. p. xc7>. Autlior of " Narrative of a voyai^e to Behrin^^'s Strait to co-operate 70 it h the Polar Expeditions in JI.M.S. ' Blossom.'" (1831 ) "Bon Ton;" "The Liar:" "Miss in her Teens;" Tub lat our imprMiit Adminl Sir to UielMtg eur Archie « Beleher, of 1 •nUnd th« Volantaer, I WM preMOt on tho Afriia lldod iD 182( ■tAtion for t Surveior to BehriDg'a 8< I f«w yMfti w in Soutli Ai ' whero ho I eomnwnd 1 I tion of C I miMion u tt>« Order ( knishthood tlrod from 1 Toying Mr ! DftTftl omp ■earoli of donment ol Command* nkrrativo Mftjoity'ti Uo wai *U ffrftnd-dto) Ftllciric, 8 Captain 1 ' known in 1 THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST. 5 ''Voyage of discovery towards the North Pole, performed in H.M.S. ' Dorothea' and ' Trent,' in 1818" (1843.) " Proceedings of the Expedition, to explore the north coast of Africa from Tripoli eastward." (1828.) Bcechey Island, off the S.W. end of North Devon. Cape Bm-hey, on the north shore of Liddon's Gulf. Bcechey Point, on the American Coast near Point Barrow. Beechey, P. i?.— Midshipman in the Blossom, (Beechev,) i82«:-2o Retired Captain, 1857. ^ ^' Beeman, Robert.— Boatswain of the Erebus, (J. C. Ross,) 1839-43 in the Antarctic Expedition. 1845, Foreman of Riggers at ^\ oohvich 1845, Master Rigger at Chatham. 1851, Boats- wain of Chatham yard. 1865, Chief Boatswain. Retired, 1870. ' ^ ^."•> Tus I.ATB AomiUL Sui Edward Belcher.— In onr imprMiioa of yeiterdaj w« mentioned the death of Admiral Sir Edward Belober, whoee name was sc familiar to bhe laat generation aa one of the most enterprisiiig of our Archie «xploi«rB. The second son of the late Andrew Beleher, of Koehampton, he was born in the year 1799, and entered the Royal Navy at the age of 13 as a Firsi-clasi Volanteer, becoming a midshipman the same year. Ue was jpresent at the Battle of AIners, and served afterwardi on the African station, wheaeeoe came back home inva-v^x lided in 1820. Uaring next senred on the North American N sMtion for three years, in 1825 he was selected as Asaistaut; SuTTeyor to Captain F. W. Beechey, then about to sail iot ^ 1 Behring's Straits on his royage of disooTCiy. In the next ^ few yean we find him actively engaged in bpain, in Africa, y. in South America, on the Indian station, and iu China, "^ where he obtained the thanks of the Admiral in 1^ command for his gallantry, especially at the reduc< ^ tion of Canton. He was rewarded with a com- mission as Post Captain and the Companionship of the Order of the Bath in 1841, and received the honour of ^ knighthood in 1843. From 1842 down to 1847, when he ro- "j tired from active employ, he was mainly engaged in sur- .^ Toying service in the East Indies. His last important. <^ I naval employment was In command of an expedition in "^ search of Sir John Franklin, which ended in the abaa* '" donment of his two ships. He was nominated a Knight Commander of the Bath in 1867. Sir Edward Belcher's narrative of a Voyago Round the World, performed in Her Majesty's ship Sulphur, in the years 1636-42 is well known. Ue was also the author of a "Treatise on Nautical Sur- veying." Sir Edward married in ia30 Diana Jollitle, grand-dauAhter of Colonel Simpson; of riean-house, near Falkirk, Stirlingshire, and stepdaughter of the late gallant Captain I'eter Ueywood, R.N., whose name is so well known in connexion with the " Mutiny of the Bounty." wr.i.i.vM, jr^rT/M Kk.M',. — Lieliieiium ... die the I-egion of Honor. Served (Kennedy,) 1851-52; in the Pluvnix, •id entered the Navy in 181 2. 3lossom, (Beechey,) 1825-28. in tlie yEtna on the West ) 1834. Commander of the :he world, 1836-42. Captain, the Bogue Forts. Knighted, surveying ship Samarang, chipelago. Captain of the of the Arctic Expedition, ip and tender (Pioneer) in d the Pcsolii/c and Intrepid to 1. (original member), K.C.B. Vautical Surveying:' (1834.) >unil the World in IIMS. ^s. /.M.S. ' Samara ng.'" (1848.) (1855. 2 vols.) last of North Devon, inell Land and North Corn- I', (Hoppner,) 1804-25. French Navy. Officer of in the I'rince Albert, (Inglefield,) 1853. THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST. Midshipman in the Assistance, (Ommanney,) 1850-51. Lieutenant, 1852. Went to Australia 1855 ; Inspector of Post Offices at Melbourne. Retired Commander, 1867. Bance Point in Ommanney Bay, Prince of Wales' Land. Barden J/a-.— Engineer of the Isabel, (Inglefield,) 1852. Barlow, J. C- Volunteer in the ^/^^Jt^///, (Beechey,) 1825. Retired Captain, 1865. Barnard, J. J.— Third Lieutenant of the Investigator, (Bird,) 1848-49. Led a travelling party from Port Leopold to the north shore of Barrow Strait. Second Lieutenant of the Enterprise (CoUinson), 1850-51. Landed at Michaelowski, in the Russian-American territory to enquire into a rumour, and was brutally murdered by Kayukok Indians in a surprise of the Russian post of Darabin, near Norton Sound. See Osborn's McClure's N. W. Passage, 4th edition, page 134. Barrett, William. — Purser of the Tr- Bkkchey, F," W.— Son of the artist and entered the Navy in i8c in the Vengucr; Lieutenant of Lieutenant of the Ilecla, { Pan at Melville Island he was '. Theatre." The plays acted w " Tlie Major of Garratt ; '' The Citizen ;" " A bold stroke for a JFift and " 7l/e N. IF. Passage, or t/ musical entertainment. Beecl /// l/er Teens;" Philpot in " Tlie Mayor of Garratt ;" Lady N. Simon Pure in " A bold stroke j Commander, 1822, of H.M.^ 1825-28 ; on a voyage intended and Franklin. He extended t coast from Icy Cape (Cook's Captain, 1827. Retired Admii (and original member), i85( Obituary notice, R.G.SJ., vol. Author of " Narrative of a co-operate 7s.>it/i the Polar Expcd (1831) -- before the-^^or^SfB^T&S^^^^ ^^^ reached the other Houae 01 xaru- ^ ^^^ j. Bar, who bad b nee hecomo AW ^.^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^ took charge of it, he ^^"i°°? "" of Auguit. He and It came to an end .^'^ tf.** ^^^^^i Sare the B»me I anxious lest the Present Bill •«°">^''^"„^ia ^uu a consL l..cauBe ho could ?ot b^^/f «} ,X^ House without, to i^t>le risk if it left ♦^"^ J^^^Yt^d, had, or Indlfferei an Irish pbr^^ °"° ,Tf h ' ^er Maiosty's Governm having he^n said ff°'jJ;\,^y,5^J^^^^^^ He thought that if ^he ^^overuiu ^ ^.j^^ gee .omething for it, they ought oh«^veopPj^^ ^^^^^ reading. Ho t^'^^^^'^, ^''^^ Sty for it in the other H- "'♦ll or assume some responsiouwy »"* ,if Parliament. (Hear, tear.) -.^nnOTJ m ,h. Duke of UICHMOND and GORDON ^ra gathered from the remarks of the ^^'^ ' principle of the f " ^i^rthat^cSn -iJ^ed ^' SoWeand earned '"l^JiSBty's Government ; but . were the views of Kor ^^JJ""'* ? -ard to the posi ilxe duty of the V^"'""'^"^ the othef House as to ta. vhich t^y;b«";,f»r°„iSle lord would forgive hin charge of the l^i' • *';« "°°f ^u,t be the be»t judg .aying that t bo ^o^crnment mu,^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ a„^emi that. He could K'^® H^.,^"": ^1,^ matter, -undertaking any responsibility »" »""/" lArl GRANVILLE did not thmk that the explant >*JK.V.\L. Mtiossoni: THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST. 5 lod through that House ; Parliament in the monti shed member of the I: .ttorney-General for Irela iucceed in getting it tbroi month of Auguifc He should share the seme f that it would rnnaconsi. ships' House without, to . Jbod,bad,or Indlflferei irHer Majosty'B Govemin (vernment did not mean t. t to have opposed the sec 3uld either take charge of )iUty for it in the other H' jTO end GORDON ra of the noble lord tha mentfor not having opP' Lug. That certainly was pted if they felt that the pass, but that was not t ird's own showing, the n )l8ack spoke In favour of ir. The remarks made bj D that occasion showed v iosty's Government ; but ► tJth regard to the pw) in the other House a« to ta< jble lord would forgive hint eut must be the best ]udg assurance as to the Govomi lity in the matter. not think that the oxplanc " Voyage of discovery towards the North Pole, performed in H.M.S. ' Dorothea! and ' Trent,' in 1818." (1843.) " Proceedings of the Expedition, to explore the north coast of Africa from Tripoli eastward." (1828.) Beechey Island, oft" the S.W. end of North Devon. Cape Beechey, on the north shore of Liddon's Gulf. Beechey Point, on the American Coast near Point Barrow. Beechey, R. B. — Midshipman in the Blossom, (ij^echey,) 1825-29. Retired Captain, 1857. Beeman, Robert. — Boatswain of the Erebus, (J. C. Ross,) 1839-43, in the Antarctic Expedition. 1845, Foreman of Riggers at Woohvich. 1845, Master Rigger at Chatham. 185 1, Boats- wain of Chatham yard. 1865, Chief Boatswain. Retired, 1870. Belcher, Edward. — Born in 1799, and entered the Navy in 1812. Assistant Surveyor in the Blossom, (Beechey,) 1825-28. Commander, 1829. Surveying in the yEtna on the West Coast of Africa, from 1832 to 1834. Commander of the Sulphur m the voyage round the world, 1836-42. Captain, 1 84 1. C.B. for the taking of the Bogue Forts. Knighted, 1843. In command of the surveying ship Samarang, 1842-47, in the Eastern Archipelago. Captain of the Assistance, and in command of the Arctic Expedition, 1852-54. Abandoned his ship and tender (Pioneer) in Wellington Channel, and ordered the Resolute and Intrepid to be abandoned, 1854. F.R.G.S. (original member), K.C.B. Retired Admiral. Author of ".,4 Treatise on Nautical Surveying.'" (1834.) " Narrative of a Voyage Round the World in HALS. 'Sulphur:" (1843.) '' Narrative of the Voyage of LL. M.S. 'Samarang.'" (1848.) '' The last of the Arctic Voyages." (1855. 2 vols.) Belcher Point, on the north coast of North Devon. Belcher Channel, between Grinnell Land and North Corn- wall. rJv'.-.'l xX.c^\2. \ tbe 3d inst. at Essex, in his 83d v. Godfrey Bird, mtered tbe Navy be Ville de Paris tion at tbe battle I tbe Pobtr expe- Polar apedition lowing year. la Ds on board the iion that reached a lieutenanoy in oard theEMbos atarotio Ocean ia of conunaader in commanded the 9ir John Boss in 9. Captain Bird iral in 1869, and THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST Y itil'V' BiscoE, John. — Master, R.N. Made a voyage to the Antarctic Ocean in the brig Tula, belonging to Messrs. Endcrby, in 1830-32. In 1 83 1 he discovered land in 67° S., which was n.mied " Enderby Land" ; and other islands named " (iraham Land," Gold Medallist, R.G.S. See K.G.SJ Hi., p. 10^. Bisson, P. — Midshipman of the Alexander, (Parrj,) 1818. Cape Bisson on the coast of (Greenland. Blanky, T. — First mate of the Victory, (Ross,) 1829-33. Ice Master of the Terror, (Crozier,) 1845-48. Bligh, William. — Master of the Resolution, (Cook,) 1776-79. After- wards Captain of the Bounty. BoDiE, James. — Master of the Pagoda, (Moore,) in the Antarctic Expedition of 1845, Now a retired Staft-Captain. Borland, IV. G. — Assistant Surgeon of Dorothea, (Biichan,) 1818. BoucHiER, Thomas. — Second Master of the Plover, (Moore,) 1848-50. Master of the Rattlesnake, (Trollope,) 1853. He was after- wards Senior Assistant to Captain Cox in the Victoria Survey, and died at Melbourne in 1866. Bradford, Abraham Rose. — Surgeon of the Resolute, (Austin,) 1850-51. Led an extended sledge party to the east coast of Melville Island, away 80 days, and went over 669 miles. Now a retired Deputy Inspector of Hospitals. Bradford Point, N.E. point of Melville Island. Brands, George. — P^ngineer in the Fo\\ (McClintock,) 1857-58. He died of apople.xy, in winter (juarters, on November 6th, 1858. Bromley, John. — Carpenter of the Erebus, (J. C. Ross,) 1839-43, in the Arctic Expedition. He died in 1873. Brooman, John E. — Purser of the ^<^i-<'///'/<', (Austin,) 1850-51. In the Company of the '' Royal Arctic Theatre •" acted Mr. Wiffles in " Done on both sides ;" and King Artaxominous in " Bonibastes Eurioso." He died suddenly at Hull, in Septem- ber, 1858. Point Brooman on the east coast of McDougall Bay. Brothers, J. E. — Gunner in the Hecla, (Parry,) 1824-25. Browne, VV. H. J. — Son of the harbour master at Dublin. Origi- nally in the merchant service; joined the Sulphur, (Belcher,) at the Fiji Islands, as Master's Assistant. In the Samarang, (Belcher,) when he became a Mate. Second Lieutenant , ii'i •i'^-ii' THE ARCTIC NAIY LIST. Orowncd in Wellington Channel on his way from I'ccchey l.sland to the Assistance, on August i8th, 1853. Monument in iVonl of Circenwich Hospital. (See Obituary Notice, R. G.S.J., vol. x.xiv., p. Ixxvi.) Author of '•'• yonnial dun Voyage aux Mers Poiaires." (Paris, 1854.) Inilot Strait, separating the extreme north point of America from North Somerset. Bcllot J'oinl, on the east coast of Wellington Channel. Beverley. J. C.-c-Assistant-Surgeon in the Isabella, (J. Ross,) 1818, and in the Griper, (Liddon,) iSi(;-2o. Surgeon in the J/ecla^ (Parry.) 1827 ; and in the boat with Parry in the attempt to reach the Pole. In the winter, at Mehille Island, he was in the company of the " Royal Arctic Theatre^'' and acted the Aunt in ''Miss in her 'Teens " ; iant, in tlie " A/ayor of Garratf ; and Simon i'ure in " ./ Tohi stroke for a Wife." \\\ 1828 he L'tt the service, and went into private practice. In 1857 he applied to he reinstated, but the Admiralty refused. He died soon afterwards. Crimson Clijfs of Tcverley, near Cape York (Greenland). Iu'7'erley Inlet, on the soudi coast of Melville Island. Tei-erley Ray, on the north coast of Spit/bergen. • " ,.,.- / • ' ' /si r'M-'i-^/". A.. 'Z. Biggs, Jamks.— Piu-scr of the Enterprise, (J. C. Ross,) iS.{8-49. J'oinl y>i,^i;s, on the east toast of Prince of Wales' Land. Rillini^s, jr. J. '845-50- retired. -Assistant Surgeon He served ihruugn in the Herald, (Ivellett,) the Russian War. Now BiKD, i'.DWAKi).— luitered tlie Navy in t8ij. .\l the battle ot Algiers, 1816. Midshipman in llie lie la, (l.yon.) 1821-23; in the Finy. (H(.ppn PiNEL, and pay tin ly of the darkest agt II practice humanity \ quencos. Only a fon te of the sense of rigl kill their ohildr cysms of passion ha' they are acting v,'T( iU and oppressive are impelled to stab earest to them. The aatter is that we si THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST DECEMJBEK BiscoE, John. — Master, R.N. Made a voyage to the Antarctic Ocean in the brig Tiiia, belonging to Messrs. Knderby, in 1830-32. In 1 83 1 he discovered land in 67° S., which was named " Enderby Land" ; and other islands named " Graham Land." Gold Medallist, R.G.S. See R.G.SJ. Hi., p. 105. Bisson, P. — Midshipman of the Alexander, (Parry,) 1818. Cape Bisson on the coast of (Irecnland. Blaxky, T.— First mate of the Vietory, (Ross,) 1829-33. Ice Master of the Terror, (Crozier,) 1845-48. Bligh, William. — Master of the Resolution, (Cook,) 1776-79. After- wards Captain of the Jnuoity. BoDiE, James. — Master of the Pa^^^oda, (Moore,) in the Antarctic E.xpedilion of 1845. Now a retired Slaff-Caplain. Borland, IV. G. — Assistant Surgeon of Dorothea, (Hiichan,) 1818. BoucHiEU, 'I'hdmas. — Second Master of the Plover, (Moore,) 1848-50. NLister of the Rattlesnake, ('I'rijliope,) 1853. He was after- wards Senior Assistant to Captain Cox in the Victoria Survey, and died at Melbourne in 1866. . . r- BRAnroRn, Ahraham Rose.- -Surgeon of the Resolute, (Austin,) 1850-51. Led an extended sledge jiiirty to the east coast of Melville Island, away 80 days, and went over 669 miles. Now a retired Deputy Inspector of Hospitals. Bradford Point, N.K. jjoint of Melville Island. Brands, CiKorok.- Isngiuecr in the l'o.\, (McC lintcx k.) 1857-58. He died of apoplexy, in winter i|uarlers. on November 6ih, 1858. Bromi.kv. John. — Carpenter ol the Brehus, (|. C. Ross,) 1839-43, !iK 7» IH^l* tic l':xi)edition. He died in "1.S73. ..1*1 t. i doctors " and try to follow the legal test ofl'..-- Purser of tlie Resolute, (Auslm.) 1850-51. In itv That has, no doubt, the merits oi).iny ol the -Royal Arctic Theatre ■: ac led Mr. t It may b« arbitrary ; it is at least " /^< '//(•<'// A^/// sides',' and King Ail.i.xominous in ^''whether a man know that he was doingV.- Doioso." I le died sudden!) at Hull, in Septem- , or not Is a test which the duUeHt juryman nderataml and apply. I'ut autlu.rit>oi./oxn at Marton, in Yorkshire, on October 27th, 172S. Joined the Jui'^le as A. 15. 1775. Master of the Mercury, 1759. Surveyor in Newfoundland, 1763. He commanded the J'Jideavoiir \\\ his first voyage of disiovery as I.ieuleiiant, 1768. Observed the transit of \eiuis at Tahiti, 1769. Second voyage, 1772-75. Captain of the AV.v,'//^'/(V/, 1776-79, and connnaiHling the expedition to discover the .\.\\'. I'assage l)y way ol lieliriug Strait. Passed lleluing Strait, and ilis- overed tiie coast of Arctic America as far as Icy Cape, and Arctic Asia bitween C;i])l' North and Cape Scril/e. Murdered at Hawaii in February, 1779. F. R.S. .Author of the lirst two volumes of " // rvMv?V'' to the J'acific Ocean for niahing discc'r/zcs in the Aoithcrn Hemisphere^ (1784). Cooi'KR, 1'".. .!• 1- I'.nlered the navy in 1S27. Lieutenant in the Herald, (Kellctt.) 1845-49, and Plover, (Moore,) iy4y-Si- He died at Southampton in 1852. 12 THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST Cotter, P. P. — Master of the Terror, (Crozier,) in the Antarctic Expedition, 1839-43. Since deceased. Couch, Edward. — Mate in the Erebus, (FrankHn,) 1845-48. " A little black-haired, smooth-faced fellow, good humoured in his own way, writes, works, draws, all quietly."— ^/"/V-yVtwciJ Couch Tass, between Baillie Hamilton and Dundas Islands in Queen's Channel. Court, Stephen. — Born at Folkestone, on November 23rd, 1826. and educated at Greenwich Naval School. Served in the mail packet service between Folkestone and the Brazils. Second Master of the Enterprise, (J. C. Ross,) 1848-49 ; and master of the Iinrstii^afor, (M'Clure,) 1850-54. Accom- panied M'Clure in the sledge journey from October 21st to 31st in 1850, when the N.W. Passage was discovered, and of the greatest assistance to him throughout this trying commission. Made several sledge journeys in 1854, in connection with Sir E. Belcher's abandonment of the ships, and consequent retreat of the crews. In the Odin, (Wilcox), during the Crimean war, and at the bombardment of Kinburn. Master of the Furious, (Sherard Osburn,) in China and Japan, 1(^57-59. Harbour-Master of Shanghae, 1859-61. He died at Folkestone on April nth, 1861. Court Point, on Banks Island. CowiE, Robert. — Surgeon of the /"/vV/^v .^//w/, (Kennedy,) 1851-52. Crane, Mr. — Master of the Racehorse, (Phipps,) 1773, in the Spitz- bergen voyage. Crawford, George. — Greenland Mate in the Dorothea, (Buchan,) 1818; in tlie Ilec/a, {Vixxxy,) 1819-20; and in the Fury, (Parry,) 1821-23. Crau'ford Island, off the east point of Winter Island. Craw/ey, John. — A volunteer in the B/ossow, (Beechey,) 1825-28. Cresswki.i., Samuki, G. -Mate in the Inrcstii^ator, (Bird,) 1848-49. Second I.ieutenaiU in tlic ///7'cstij:^at(>r, (McClurc,) 1S50-54. In the sledge travelling of 1851 he left tlie ship on April i8th and returned May 20th, having been absent ^^2 days, and e.v j)l()re(l 170 miles of Ranks Island. Returned home in the J^iivnix, 1853. Since deceased, lie was a ^'ood artist, and his water-color sketches of scenes in the voyage of the In7'est/j;ator were lithographed. CuoziER, Fkancis Rawden Moira. — Born at Bowbridge in co. Down, in 1800. Entered the Navy in 1810. Midshipman t! THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST 13 1 in the Fury, (Parry,) 1821-23. In the company of the " Royal Arctic Theatre" and acted Sir Lucius OTrigger in " The Rii'ais" In the Hccla, (Parry,) 1827, in the Spitzbergen voyage. First Lieutenant of the Cove, (J. C. Ross,) 1836. Captain of the Terror in the Antarctic F^xpedition, 1839-43. Captain, 1841. Captain of the Terror, 1845-48. Landed on King WiUiams' Land in command of the retreating crews, abandoning the ships on April 22nd, 1848. Crozier Channel, between EgHngton and Prince Patrick Islands. Cape Crozier, the west point of King William Land. Cape Crozier, west entrance of the Bay of Mercy, Banks Island. Crozier River, falling into Hooi)er Inlet, near Fury and Hecla Strait. Crozier Bay, on the west coast of Prince of Wales' Land. Point Crozier, in Treurenbury Bay, Spitzbergen. Took \yy~t>JL^ ^ ch4^JI \y\o^. A Reuter telegram from Wellington, N.Z., sayi that the death is announced of Oaftain Davidson, who was a member of one of the Arctic relief expeditions sent in search of Sir John Franklin and his companions. 1839-43, Atlantic Naval \ 1870. Tables. for the irrative . The om his illics in in the _-..,..//((/, i^iiuciian,) 1818. In the //. /xxx7'/.) Fitzjames fs/aiid and Point, in Queen's Channel. Fitzjames Jsiand, on the south coast of King William's Island. Ford, G. F. — Carpenter of the Invest i^;:^atoi\ (M'Clure,) 1850-54. Forsyth, Charles C. — Commander (R.N.) of the Prince Albert, Lady Franklin's searching schooner, 1850. Went down Prince Regent's Inlet, and returned the same year. He died a CaiJtain, R.N. Foster, Hknuv. — Midshipman in the Conway, (Basil Hall,)'in South America. First Lieutenant of the Gri[>er, (Clavcring.) i■ i':^ '-. hcUi ry^f* Griffith, W. Nelson. — Entered the Navy in 181 1. Midshipman in the Griper, (Liddon,) 1819-20. In the Company of the "• Royal Arctic Tlicatrcy Acted Captain Lovcit, in " il//i.y /// her Teens f Dapper in the " Citizen ;'' Snuffle in the '•'•Mayor of Garratt;" Jessamy in '■'■Bon Ton;'' Sir Philip Modelove in '•'• Bold stroke for a Jl'/fe;" and Harry in the " M 11: Tassa^e." In the Ifeela, (Lyon,) 1821-23. Lieuten- ant in the transport Jnirretto Junior, in 1845, sent to the Whale Fish Islands to fill up Franklin's ships with provisions. Griffith Point, the south-east point of Melville Island. Grif/itli Creek, in Fury and Hecla Strait. Grovp:, James Blair. — Mate in the Assistance, (Belcher,) 1852-54. Acted Flail in the " Irish Tutor," and Arthur in the " Silent Jlon/an." Commanded an auxiliary sledge party. After- wards Connuander of the Coast Guard at I'lymouth, where he died. Hall, Mr. — Carpenter of tlie Enterprise, (J. C. Ross,) 1848-49, and of the Resolute, (Austin,) 1850-51. Hallett, J. R. — Clerk in charge of the Cove, (J. C. Ross,) 1836. Purser of the Erebus, (J. C. Ross,) 1839-43, in the Antarctic Expedition. Afterwards on the Coast of Africa, and died on liis way home. Halse, John.- Clerk in the Alexander, (Parry,) 1818 ; in' the Hecla, (Parry.) 1819-20. in the Company of the '■'• Royal Arctic Theatre.'" Acted Will in the ''• Citiu-n" ; Crispin Heeltap in the '' Mayor of Garratt" ; Aminadab in a " Hold Stroke for a Jl'/fe" ; aud an l'",s(|uiMiau\ in the "A' //'. /'assa^i;;e." In the I' u ry, (Varry,) 1S21-23; in the Fury, (Iloppner.) 1824-25; and in llie llecla, (Parry,) as Purser, 1827. Cape Halse, on the east coast of Melville Island. Halse Creek, in Richards Bay, near Fury and Hecla Strait. Hamilton, Richard Vesey. — Born at Sandwich. At the Naval School then at Camberwell. Entered the Navy in i''^43, in the /'//v?,!,'.' (Mediterranean), and continued to serve on that station until he passed for a male. Mate in the Assistance, (Ommamv).) 1850-51. Prompter and Stage Manager to the Companies of the '■'■ Royal Arctic Theatre" in 185051-5354. Led one of the auxiliary sledge parties in 185 i. Searched I-owthcr and Young Islands ; 28 days out, and went over ^ 1- l/v»/«f»- The death Habwood.v The decease promoted 1 and to Fli retired iu J the Dwarf ui and lH:bavc( logged off 1 applied to t the Arctic granted, he to 1854. M \\w services IslandH nai time of hi Hospital pe m »> Dv>i^y- n (I 111 n It ■''. ic »• (I .■r TJIE ARCTIC NA VY LIST. 21 198 miles with Osborn. Lieutenant in the Resolute, (Kellett,) 1852-54. In the autumn travelling of 1852, he was away 16 days, and went over 168 miles. In the sledge travelling of 1H53 he was 54 days absent from the ship, and went over 675 miles, at an average daily rate cf 12 miles. In the winter of 1853-54, he put up the electric telegraph between the Resolute and Intrepid. !(■ 55, First Lieutenant of the Desperate in the Baltic; 1856, commanding the gun-boat //(J-z/j,--///!' in China, at the battle of Fatshan. Commander, 1856, Captain, 1862. Commanded the Steam Reserve at Devonport, 1873- 74. Now Cai)tain Superintendent of Pembroke Dockyard. F. R.G.S. January, 1874, received a good service pension. Vesey Hamilton Island, off the north point of Sabine Peninsula. Hamilton Point, on west coast of Prince of Wales' Land. Harding, Franeis. — Lieutenant in the Griper, (Lyon,) 1824. Three ycAV^ \n \.\\Q Espoir. Captain, 1841. Now a retired Admiral. Harrison, E. N. — Clerk in charge of the Assistanee, (Ommanney,) iSCO-CT. The death is announced of Fleet Enoineer Jame.s Hakwood, which occurred at Landporb on the 15th inst. , t]-,e R(7ee/iorse, (Phipps,) 1774. The deceased entered the serTiee in April, 1847, was promoted to Chief Engineer iu February, 1867, in the Dwarf, (Lieutenant Sherard and to Fleet Engineer in February, 1886, and hehavcd so gallantly when that retired iu November, 18V 7. He was junior engiueer in j ^^^ j|^^, ^^.^^.^ ^^f ir,.i.^,i(j^ ^\^^^ the Dwarf under Lieutenant Sherard Osborne in 1848-49,^,1^.^1 ^^^^ l^j,^^ ^^^ .. ^^^^ ^^^.^^j^, and behaved so gallantly whtai the vessel wus water- ,. ■ • ., /'/„,,,.,.;- ^{^shnrn ^ logge.l off the coast of Ireland that Osborne ''"^' "1:^'^ >" ■ J '■ V i ! H applied to the Admiralty for permission for him to join Acted Mary ni the Insll Tutor. the Arctic expeditions of 1850-51, and, this being llC ^/J7<^ granted, he served as engineer in the Pioneer from 1850 |^^. ,^^^^^,^ ^^^^^^ ^j- p.^^fhurst Island. ' to 1854. Mr. llarwood reoeiTed two Arctic iiioiials for his services and had the honour of having the Hurwood |,i^.iltcnant of the Inrestii^ator, Islands named after him. The deceased officer at the ^,^^. ^,,^. ^^,^^.^.„i, ,- ^^ ,;^, ^^.,^^ ♦ iiiiH (if his death was in recemt ol the Oreeuwicn -i ^.i . ivr »i^ 1 • 1 1 tune (II nis uuhu* ««= .u ' , - lac^Z n '8th to May 20th, havmg exp ored Hosp Ul pension. 7 i/.>^\A».v<*^.«./* *'/^''r*' ^ ... , , •'. ^ .". r ^ : *^ ' *^ iiiL- wcM coast 01 I rmre of \\ ales Strait. His furthest pomt was at the entrance of a dccj) inlet in Wollaston Land, which he reached on May i4tii ; and fell in with Fsciuimaux at the southern entrance of the strait. Now a retired Captain. Has7i:i. /A 22 THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST. Helpman, J. H. — Clerk in charge of the Terror, (Crozier,) 1845-48. Hclpman Point, on the east coast of WelHngton Channel. Henderson, J.— Midshipman in the Fury, (Parry,) 1821-23. In the Company of the '■'■ Royal Arctic Theatre" Acted Bob Acres inthe "^/?w/j." Point Henderson, on Southampton Island. Hepburn, John. — An A.B. in the Trent, (Franklin). With Franklin on his land journey of 1819-23 ; " To whom, in the latter part of our journey, we owe the preservation of the lives of some ot our party." { Franklin^s Narrative, p. 88.) In Van Diemen's Land with Sir John Franklin, filling a civil appointment. Went out in the Prince Albert, (Kennedy,) 1851-52, to search for his old Commander. Afterwards re- ceived a civil appointment at the Cape of Good Hope, where he died. Herbert, F. B. — Mate in the Assistance, (Belcher,) 1852-54. In the theatricals of 1852 he acted Terry O'Rourke in the " Iris/i Tntor." Led an auxiliary party in the sledge travel- ling of 1853. In 1854 he accompanied Captain Richards on a sledge journey from the Assistance to Beechey Island, from the 22nd to the 27th of February, with a temperature of — 45 Fahr. Now a retired Commander. Herbert Point, off the north coast of Bathurst Land. /////, /. 6'.— Master of the Herald, (Kellett,) 1845-52. Master of the Cumberland, (flag of Sir George Seymour,) West India Station, and was afterwards variously and constantly employed. He died at Aspinwall in i S69. Hills, Edicard H — Second Master of the Phanix, (Inglefield,) 1853. Late StafiT-Conimandcr ot the A^incourt, (Admiral Hornby,) flag ship of the Channel Scjuadron, 1871-74, HoBSON, W. R. — Son of Captain M()l)son, the first Governor of New Zealand. Came out to Benring's Straits in the Rattlesnake, (Trollope,) 1853 ; and joined the Plover, (Maguire). After- wards in the Majestic. Lieutenant in the Fox, (McClintock,) 1857-59. In the sledge travelling he was away 74 days, from April 1st to June 14th, 1859, and suftered very severely in health. He was unal)le to stand ow his return. He first discovered the record on King William's Island telling the fate of I'ranklin. Commander of the ]'i^ilant in the East Indies, 1862. Captain, 1866. Now retired. Hockley, J.— S. volunteer in the Blossom, (Beechey,) 1825-28. % l/^ THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST 23 i Hodgson, G. H. — Entered the Navy 1832, and served in the North Star, (O. Harcourt,) in the Pacific. Served with distinguished gallantry in the China War in the Coruwallis. Lieutenant, 1842. In the Excellent, 1844. Second Lieutenant of the Terror, (Crozier,) 1845-48. Cape Hodgson, on the south coast of King William's Island. Holman, John R., AID. — Assistant-Surgeon of the Phoenix., (Ingle- fiekl,) in 1853 and 1854. Now Staff-Surgeon of the Britannia, for service on shore, 1872. Honey, Thomas. — Carpenter of the Terror, (Crozier,) 1839-43, in the Antarctic P>xpedition ; and again in the Terror, (Crozier,) in the Arctic Expedition, 1845-48. Hood, Robert. — Mate in Franklin's land journey, 1819. Murdered by the Canadian Michell. Some of the illustrations in the Narrative of Franklin's First Expedition are from his sketches ; and the appendix on the phenomena of the Aurora Borealis. Hooker, Joseph Dalton. — Assistant-Surgeon in the Erebus, (J. C. Ross,) 1839-43, in the Antarctic Expedition. Director of Kew Gardens. President of the Royal Society. C.B., M.D., F.L.S., F.R.G.S. Author of " N'otcs on the Botany of the Antarctic Voyage, conducted l/y Captain James C. Ross." (8vo. 1843.) ^^ Outlines 0/ the Distribution of Arctic Plants." (Trans: Linn : soc : xxiii. p. 251.) ^1 Hooper, W. H. — Purser of the Ileela, (Parry,) 1819-20. In the Company of the '■'■ Royal Arctic Theatre," 1819-20. Acted Tag in " Miss in her Teens " ; Maria in " The Citizen" \ Mrs. Sneak in " The Mayor of Garratt" ; Miss Tittuj^ in " Bon Ton"; Mrs. Prim in '' A bold stroke for a Jl'/fe" '> ''^"d Susan in " The N. IP'. Passage." Purser of the Bury, (Parry,) 1821-23; acted Julia in '' The Rivals" ; of the Hecla, (Parry,) 1824-25. Conducted the schools in winter quarters. Afterwards he long held the post of Secretary to Greenwich Hospital. He died on November 8th, 1833. Hooper Island, in Liddon's Gulf (Melville Island). Hooper Inlet, near Fury and Hecla Strait. Hooper, \V. H.— Mate, and afterwards Lieutenant, in the Plover, (Moore,) 1849-50. He comm;inded the /'/crvv-'j cutter in a vo}'age from icy Cape to the Mackenzie River. Passed two winters at the Hudson's Bay Company's Stations. He died n 24 THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST. in 1853, aged 27. F.R.G.S. See Obituary Notiee, R.G.S.J., vol xwiv., p. Ixxxiv. Author of '■'■Ten months among the Tents of the Tiiski:' i^2>- ■ ' ■ ^ >,»/ HoppxER, H. ,P. — Son of the eminent portrait painter. Lieutenant '*^4 1'*^^ (^ in the Alexander, (Parry,) 1818 ; in the Griper, (Liddon,) 1819-20. In the Company of the ^^ Royal Arctic Theatre." He acted ]vL^-)Qr m '■^ Miss in her Teens ;" Young Wilchng in the " Citizen ;" Jack in the " JV. IV. Passage;" and Tradelove in a " Bold stroke for a JVife." In the Jlecla, (Lyon,) 1821-23. Acted Fag in the '■^Rivals." Commander of the Fury, 1824-25. Got up masquerade balls once a month during winter quarters. Alade a land journey of 105 miles from Port Bowen, in June, 1825. He did most of the illustrations for the Narrative of Parry's third voyage. He died at Lisbon in 1833. Cape Hoppner, on the south shore of Liddon's Gulf. Hoppncr Strait, between Winter Isle and Melville Pen- insula. Hoppner Inlet, in Lyon Inlet, on the coast of Melville Peninsula. Cape Hoppner, the north point of Cressvvell Bay, North Somerset. Cape Hoppner, between Whale and Booth Sounds, on the Greenlantl coast. Hornby, F.— Mate of the Terror, (Crozier,) 1845-48. Hornby Island, off the west coast of King William's Land. Hull, Thomas A. — Master's Assistant in the Herald, (Kellett,) 1845-51. Second Master of the Plover, (Maguire,) 1852-54, especially charged with the magnetic observations, the results of which were connnunirated to the Royal Society by General Sabine. (See Philosophical Transactions, rSjy). Master of the Havannah, (Harvey,) 1855-59, when he was presented with a se.xtant by the Lords of the Admiralty, for surveying services in the Pacific. Senior Assistant-Surveyor of the Firefly, (Mansell and Wilkinson,) in the surveys of Palestine, Corfu, and Sicily, 1860-66. Naval Assistant to the Hydro- grapher, (Richards,) 1866-73, and compiled the wind and current charts, under tlie direction of Captain l-'.vans ; now Superintendent of Admiralty charts, and I'Aaminer in Nautical Surveying at the Naval College at Greenwich. Author of " Practical A'aiiticah Surveying," and " The Unsuireyed World." Lectures delivered at the Royal United Service Institution, (1872). s% \ I n n,) r." ; in r^iS" ARCTIC NA VY LIST. 26 \*f \ i Hull Point, south of Cape Garry, on the coast of North Somerset. Hull Point, near Point Barrow. Hutchinson, John. — Mate in the //(vW^, (Kellett,) 1845-51. Senior Surveyor in the Herald, (Sir H ]3enham,) in the subsequent commission. He remained in Australia, and died as Captain in charge of the South AustraUan Survey, in 1869. Ibbett, William J. — Second Engineer of the Intrepid, (McChntock,) 1852-54. In the sledge travelling he accompanied Mr. McDougall's depot party across Melville Island. Now chief Engineer of H.M.S. Alinotaur. Inglefield, E. A. — Commanded the /frt!<5^/ in 1852, and went to the entrance of Smith Sound during a cruise to Baffin's Bay in the summer. Commanded the Pha'nix, store ship, in 1853 and 1854, connnunicating with the N'orth Star at Beechey Island ; and brought home part of the Belcher Expedition in 1854. F.R.S., F.R.G.S. (and gold medal), C.B. Now Admiral-Superintendent of Malta Dockyard. An excellent artist, and author of " A Summer Search for Sir John Franklin, with a peep into the Polar Basin.^' (1853.) Inglefield Gulf, the upper part of Whale Sound, in Green- land. Inman, Lieutenant. — In the Cove, (J. C. Ross,) to relieve whalers in 1836. Irving, John.— Entered the navy in 1S28, and passed in 1834. Served in the //)', (Cai)tain IJlackwood,) surveying ship in Australia. Lieutenant in the Excellent, 1844. Third Lieu- tenant of the Terror, (Crozier,) 1845-48, Ir7'ing Island, in Queen's Channel. LTing Island, on the souUi coast of King William's Island. Irving, Dr. — Surgeon of the Racehorse, (Phipps,) in 1773. Took the meteorological and other observations. IsEMONGER, J. — Clerk in the Pagoda in the Antarctic Expedition of 1845, and assistant in the magnetic observations. He fell from aloft and was drowned at sea in 1846. Jago, Edwin. — Clerk in the Herald, (Kellett,) 1845-51. Clerk in charge of the Plover, (Maguire,) 1852-54. Now Paymaster of the troop ship Crocodile. 26 THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST Jago, C. J. — Third Lieutenant of the Enterprise, (CoHinson,) 1850-54. In the sledge travelling in the spring of 1852 he was away from the ship 49 days. Captain, 1866. Jenkins, Robert. — Commander of H.M.S. Talbot. Came out in 1854 with the PJmnix, and brought home part of Belcher's Expedi- tion. Commander of the Coniiis, in China. Captain of the ActcBon, 1857, and severely wounded during the China war. Captain of the Miranda in the New Zealand war. C.B. Jenkins, Robert. — Mate in tlie A^ort/i Star, (Pullen,) 1853-54; came out in the PImnix, 1853. Retired Commander, 1870. Jesse, J/;-. — Mate in the Cove, (J. C. Ross,) in Davies Strait to relieve whalers, 1836. Johnson, Mr. — Boatswain of the Resolute, (Kellett,) 1852-54. Kellett, Henry. — Born in November, 1806, and entered the service in 1822. He early took to surveying, and was on the Coast of Africa in the yEtiia, (Belcher,) 1832-34. In command of the Starling, schooner, surveying in the Pacific and China, 1836 to 1842. During the China war he actively co-operated with Collinson in sounding the coast and rivers, and piloting the squadron under Sir William Parker. Captain, 1842, C.B. Captain of the surveying ship Herald, 1845-50, surveying the coasts of Central America, the Gulf of California, and Vancouver's Island. In 1848 he went to Norton and Kotzebue Sounds. In July, 1849 he again went to Kotzebue Sound, and took the //<7v?A/ northwards until she was stopped by the ice in 71° 12' N. He then discovered AV/A'//" Z(?;/^, north of Siberia, and Herald Island. He left Behring Strait for the south in October. In July, 1850, he cruised oft" Cape Lisburne to meet the Enterprise and Investii^ator \ and eventually left Behring Strait, and returned to England in 185 1. In the Arctic Expedition of 1852-54, he was Captain of the Resolute, wintering at Dealy Jsle (Melville Island). On the Committee of ^lanagement of the " Royal Arctic Theatre" 1852-54. The plays acted were : — •' Charles II. ," " King Gliinipus ;" " // 'ho speaks first ;" " Taming the Shrao ;" ^^ Raising the Jl'ind;" " 7aw Bonnycastles." Ordered to abandon the Resolute Ry Sir E. Belcher, in May, 1S54, and returned home. .Afterwards Commodore in the West Indies. Admiral-Superintendent of Malta Dockyard, and Commander-in-Chief on the China Station. K.C.B,, F.R.G.S. Retired Vice- Admiral. i ' I . " . .J •) , < ;. ( f , ., _ ,;^, V . > »• ^. */ ti^^^fJU THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST. 27 Kcllctt Land, north of the Siberian Coast. Cape Kc/lctt, the S.W. point of Baring Island. Kcllctt Strait, between EgUnton and Melville Islands. Kendal, E. N. — Assistant-Surveyor with Lyon in the G^r^yi'^r, 1824 ; Lieutenant, 1825. With Franklin in his second Land Expe- dition, 1825-27. Some of the illustrations in the Narrative of Franklin's second expedition are from his sketches. Surveyed the coast between the Mackenzie and Copper-mine rivers. Since deceased. Cape Kendal, near the mouth of the Copper-mine River. Kendall,/. — Midshipman in the Blossom, (Beechey). Kennedy, William. — Commanded the /'/'mr^//;^^-/, Lady Franklin's searching vessel, 1851-52. Wintered at Batty Bay, on the west side of Prince Regent's Inlet. In the sledge travelling he left the ship on J'cbruary 25th, and was at Fury Beach from March 7th to 29th. He discovered Bellot's Strait, marched over Prince of A\'ales' Land, and round North , Somerset, being away 97 days, and covering iioo miles, with dogs and flat-bottomed Indian sledges. Author of " A Short Ahtrrativc of the Second Voyaqe of the Prince Albert:' (1853.) Kennedy, George. —Boatswain of the Investigator, (M'Clure,) 1850-54. Kerr, Mr. — Carpenter of the Assistance, (Belcher,) 1852-54. J^i"S^ James. — Second Lieutenant of the Resolution, (Cooke,) 1 776-79. In Cook's third voyage, he succeeded to the command of Captain Clarke's ship on that officer's death in August, 1776. King, Richard. — Assistant-Surgeon of the Resolute, (Austin,) 1850-5 1.1 /i^«/^ ^^,0*^*^ ' Kirby, 6^one on both sia'es^" and Triptolemus Muddlewerk in Charles XIL Led an auxiliary sledge party to Cape ^^'alker, 13 days away, and wcni over 116 miles on his first, and 18 days away traversing no miles tf. ti^..Jj 38 THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST. m his second journey. Master of the Intrepid^ (McCHntock,) in 1852-54. Acted Captain Copp in Charles II., and conductor of the conjuring and phantasmagoria! entertain- ments on board the Jiitirpid. In the sledge travehing in 1S54 he was 71 days away from the ship, and went over 863 miles. He was in the Leaiidcr at Balaclava, and in charge of the dockyard at Ascension, 1859-63. Staff-Commander, 1866. Died in 1S6S. Cape Krabbe on the north-east coast of Prince Patrick Island. Laiiioiif, James.— 0( Knockdow, in Argyleshire. A volunteer Arctic explorer. lie has made four voyages to Spitzbergen and Novaya Zemlja. Owner of the steam yacht, Diana, F.R.C.S. Author of " Reasons with the Sea Horses" (1861). Lane, Mr. — Master of the Lion, (Pickersgill,) 1776. Lane, John. — One of the warrant officers of the Terror, (Crozier,) 1845-48. Lanolev, Mr. — Boatswain in the Reso/itte, (Austin,) 1850-51. Laic, John. — Surgeon of the Discovery, (Clarke,) 1776-80, in Cook's third voyage. Lawes, William.— Clerk of the Terror. (Back,) 1836-37. Lay, Thomas. — Naturalist of the Blossom, (Beechey,) 1S25-28. Lay Point ow the American coast, near ley Cape. Leask, Joiix. — An old whahng captain. Ice Master of the North Star, (Saunders,) 1849-50, and of the Prince Albert, (Kennedy,) 1 85 1-52. Le Viscontl, Ili.NKV J. I).— Kntered the navy in 1839. In the Calliope during the China war, and in the Clio with Captain I-'it/james. Second Lieutenant of the Juebiis, (l-'ranklin,) 1845-4H. Le I'eseonte Point, on Baillie Hamilton Island, in Queen's Channel. /('//// /.e reseonte on the west coast of Ring William's Island. f.eii>is, C//f?r/«.— Volunteer in the />'/('.*• j-.'w, (lU-eihey,) 1825-28. Len'is, R. — Greenland Pilot in the Isabella, (J. Rcss,) 1818. Lewis, jAMKs.--CKTk in the Resolute, {\ns{\\\,) 1850-51 ; and in the Assistance, (Belcher,) 1852-54. Acteil Mr. '"rillwell in the A < THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST 29 )l Irish Tutor. Paymaster, 1854. Appointed in December, 1874, to assist the Arctic Committee in storing and victualling the Arctic Expedition of 1875. Lcyson, William. — Assistant-Surgeon in the Griper., (Lyon,) 1824. LiDDON, Matthew. — Entered the navy in 1804 in the Lily, in the West Indies. When in charge of a prize he was captured by a French privateer, and taken into Cumana. He escaped in the dead of night by swimming off to a schooner with ten of his men. They captured the schooner after a struggle with the crew, and got away. At the storming of Monte Video in 1S07. Lieutenant, xSii. Served in the American War. Lieutenant commanding the 6^/7/(V, 1819-20. Commander, 182 1. Did not serve afloat afterwards. Retired Captain, 1856. He died at Clifton, near Bristol, on August 3 ist, 1869. Liddoii Gulf on west coast of Melville Island. Liddoii Isle in Fury and Hecla Strait. Lilly, JosEi'ii. — Boatswain of the '//<<•/iut on north west of Bathurst Island. Lyon, CiEoroe Francis. — Lieutenant, 1S14. in the Penoiek, (?,\x \i. IVIIcw). Ill the Albion, at the b:ittle of Algiers. joined Ritchie in the expedition to 'I'ripoli and Mouzouk. Com- mander of the lleela, 1821-23. Manager of the Royal Aretic Theatre, 1821-23. I'hiys acted : — 30 THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST. " The Poor Gentleman ;" " T//e Citizen ;" " Alavor of Garratt ;'' " //4'// L//e bchm Stairs ;" •' Rowland for an Oliver;'' " The Mock Doctor ;" " Raisin,!^ the I Find;" " 2he Heir at La7c> ;" " The Sleep Walker;'' " The Rivals:' ''John Bull;" Captain Lyon acted Captain Absolute in the Rivals, and Dick Dowlas in the Heir at Law, when he went through the last act with two tingcrs frost bitten. Ca])tain of the Griper, 1824. In 1S25 he married T-ucy, daughter of Lord Kuward Fitzgerald, who died in 1826. Captain Lyon died in 18 p. i\\\(\\ox oi '^ l^he Private Journal of /f.M.S. Hecla during:; the recent voya}:;c of Discovery," ( 1 825). '^ Narrative of a -voyage to Repulse Bay in H.M.S. Griper," (1826). " Narrative of Travels in Northern Africa in iSiS-20, with Geop-aphical notices of Soudan" (1821). "• Journal of a Tour in Mexico, in 1826" 2 vols. (1828). Captain Lyon was also an artist, and drew all the sketches which illustrate the narrative of Parry's second voyage. Tyon Inlet in the south part of Melville Peninsula, near Repulse Bay. Lyons, Israel. — Lieutenant and Astronomer in the Racehorse, (Phipps,) 1774. Ma: Bean, C. A. — Second .NLister in the Terror, (Crozier,) 1845-48. McClintock, Francis Leopold. — Son of Mr. H. McClintock, of the 3rd Dragoon (luards. Born at !)un(lalk in 1819. Entered the Navy, 183 1. Mate in the (/(V^'v//, (Sir C. Hotliam,) and Lieutenant in the /uvlic brig in the I'acific, 1845-47. Second Lieutenant of the Enterprise, (J. C. Ross,) 1848-49. in the sledge travelling; he left the ship, with Sir James Ross, on M ly i5tli, and reached the furthest point on June 5th, examining the north and west shores of North Somerset. Away from the ship 40 days, and went over 500 miles, a feat unprecedented at that time. I''irst Lieutenant of the Assistiiucc, (Ouun.inney,) 1850-51. Commander of the Intrefid, 1S50-54, Captain of the Fox in Lady Franklin's expedition, i857-5(;. in (.'ai)tain .Austin's expedition ho took the le.ul in llie organi/alion ol the sledge travelling. In if<5o he made a journey from October 2nd to 9th, to lay out a depot. In 1851, he started \\m\ 15th and returned July 4th, travelling from (Iriltith Island to Melville Island ; away 80 ilays and travelled over 770 miles, at a daily rale of ioIduts\\.\\A Terror. Captain, 1834. Knighted, 1859. L.L.D. (Dublin), F.R.S., F.R.G.S., D.C.L., Gold Medal R.d.S., i860. Now Admiral-Superintendent of Ports- mouth Dockyard. Appointed in December, i'^74, (with Admirals Richards and Osborn,) to form a Committee to assist in the organization of the Arctic Fxpedition of 1875. Author of "■ Rem ill isceiues of Arctic Ice Z/v/rv/' (for the Journal of the Dublin Society, 1857). " Tlie Voyage of the Fox in the Arctic Seas. " (1859.) McClintock Channel^ between Prince Albert and Prince of Wales' Land. Cape McCli.: Cape McCli: McClintock coveries). ■ . north point of Prince Patrick Land. orth shore of North Somerset. . .''. south of Z'chy Land (Austrian dis- I M'Clure, RoiiKRT John Le Mksurier. — Was born at Wexford in 1S07. He entered the navy in 1816. Mate in the Terror^ (Hack,) 1836-37. I,ieutenant, 183S, serving on the Canada Lakes. First Lieutenant of the Pilot in the West Indies, 1839-42. Conunanded the Koiniuy, receiving ship at Ilavanna, 1842-46. First Lieutenant of the Enterprise, (J. C. Ross,) 1S48-49. Conunaniler of the ./nr(Sti}^atoi\ 1850-54. He wintered, in 1850-5 1, off the Princess Royal Isles in I'rinct. of Wales' Strait j and was away travelling to the north from October 21st to 31st, 1850. On October 26th, YiVfo, //(■ sixlited Meh'ille Island, and so discovered a North licit I'assaxe. Cn May 3olh, 1851, owing to a report from Lieutenant Ilaswell, he set out with Mr. Miertching, the interpreter, tocommunii ate with l''.s(iuimaux to the south, returning on June 41)1. In 1851, the /nvestt\i;ator passetl round Hanks' Island and wintered in the Day of Mercy. In the spring of 1852 M'Clure made a journey to \\'inter Harbour in Melville Island from April i ith to May 1 ith, and left a record which was fomtd in the autunm by Lieutenant Mecham ( whom see). In the spring of 1852 the Investigator 32 THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST was abandoned, and M'Clure, with the officers and crew, came over to the Resolute at Melville Island. M'Clure returned to England 1854, and his Captain's commission was dated October 26th, 1854, the day of his great discovery. K/iii^htcd. F.R.G.S., and Gold Medal of 1854. Parliament granted the reward of ^"10,000 to M'Clure, his officers, and crew, in consideration of their having been the first to pass from the Pacific to the Atlantic Oceans by the Arctic Sea. Captain of H.M.S. 7-fX' in China, 1S56-61. C.B. for the capture of Canton. Retired Vice-Admiral. He died October lyih, 1873, aged 66. See '■'■ The Discovery of a N^rih-U'cst PasSiV^c hy II.M.S :' ' /mrsf/j^dhir,' Captain ATCiiire, ditri/iii tlie years i%jO-S4, Edited by Captain Slierard Osl'orn, C.B., Royai Auny, from the Logs and Journals of Captain ATC/ure, (four editions). See also Olutuary Notice of Sir R. M'Clure. Ocean JJi^^lncays. December, iSjj, p. JS3- M'Clure IJay, on the north coast of North Somerset. Cape M'Clure, on the north coast of Bank's Island. M'Clure Strait, south of Prince of Wales' Strait. Mac Diarmid, G.— Surgeon of the Victory, (Ross,) 1829-33. Macdonai.d, a. — Went for a voyage up Baffin's Bay with Captain Penny in 1839. Author of " Enakooapik, or the Discovery of Penny's Gulf." Assistant-Surgeon of the Terror, (Crozier,) 184548. M'CoRMicK, RonF.RT. — Assistant-Surgcon in the ffecla, (Parry,) 1S27. Surgeon and Naturalist of the firebus, (J. C. Ross,) in the Antarctic Kxpedition, 1839-43. Went out in the ^^i'/VA/^/^y, (liclcher.) 1852, to make a boat expedition \\\) the coast of Wellington Channel. Me started from lieechey Island on August 19, and returned Sei)lenil)er 8th to the North Star. He returned home in the Pha-nix in 1853. Author of '''■ Narrative of a luuit expedition up the Wellini:;ton Channel in 1S32, in Il.M. /)'. J']>rlorn llcpe ( 1 CS54). Now a retired Deputy- Inspector of Hospitals and Fleets. Af'Corniich Bay on the east coast of Wellington Channel. Mac DoUGAi.i,, Gkorof, I*". — At Greenwich School. Master's Assistant in the Samaraui^. (I''.iclier). S-.-cond Master in the Resolute, (Austin,) 1S50-51. I'klitor of the ''Illustrated Arctic Neios," jointly with Sherard Osborn. In the company of the " /^oyal Arctic Theatre:' .Acted I'lrica in Charles A7/. In the sledge travelling he started first on April 4lh, and was away 20 days, going over 140 nnles. In a second journey he traversed 198 miles in 20 days. Master of the Resolute, THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST. 33 (Kcllett,) 1852-54. On. tlie Committee of Management of the " Royal Antic Theatre^ Acted Mary in Charles II. Instructor of a class in navigation. In the sledge travelling of 1H53 he led a depot party across Melville Island for Hamilton's extended pnrty, and was away from April 27th to May 6th, travelling over 205 miles. In the winter of 1)^53-54 he read a series of pajjers to the men on Arctic Exploration. In 1S56 he was surveying the west coast (jf Ireland. In 1S58 surveying the coast of Ceylon. St;iff-Commander, 1866. iNaval Assistant in the Ilydrogniphic Hepartment of the Admiralty. F. R.Ci.S. lie tlied suddenly in 1S70. He was an excellent artist, draughtsman, and nautical surveyor. Author of ■' The Evcntjiil ]\)ya:^e of 11. M.S. Resolute to the Arctic Rci^^io/is," (i<'^57). Mc /)(iUi;all IJay between Bathurst and Cornwallis Islands. J/c Dou^^all Point on the north west coast of Sabine IVninsula. Mac I Wis, A. -Secontl F.ngineer f'f the Victory, (Ross), 1S29-33. Mackmn, |()Si;i'II. — Cunnerof the /frcla, (!,\()n,) 1S21-23. Mac Lari'.x, A. — Assistant-Surgeon ot" the //(V/rr. (Lyon,) in 1821-23. Cape Mac f.fjen. the wc>,l cnirance to Inlet, on the coast of Melville I'eiunsula. Mac Mikiin. .Vrciiii; \i d. 'riiird Lieutenant of the Z^/wr, (Uack,) '''^.?''-.?7' ''i'"'' Lieutenant of the yivvvv, (Cro/.ier,) 1839-43, in the Antarctic ivvoedition. Invalided from the l''alkland Islands, after the second voyage south. Retired Rear- Admiral, 1S67. /('//// .Mac MiUiio otf Southampton Island. Mauuikk, Rociliiucr. Mntered the navy in 1830. Served on the coast of Syria in the \\'asp,M\<\ was severely wounded on the head, at the capture of Sidon. Lieutenant in the I'enion, (Wali)ole,) 1841-44. I'irNt LieutenaiU of the J/eraU^ (KelU'tt,) 1845-51. Commander of the J'lorer, 1852-54, during her two winter- at Point Marrow. '* The narrative of Coiniiiaihler .Mac^iiire 'K'iiiteriin;, at Point /iarrow," is printed as an Appendix to Sherard Oslx -n's, " '/7ie Discovery of a .Vorth ll'est J\is.ufxr/y Ca/>tai// .M'Cliire.'' Captain Maguire afterwards connnaiide,i>iel, /////>c/ie//se, and (ialiitea. and was Conunodori' on the .Australian Station. He was invalided antl died at llaslar in 18O7. C. H., 1"'.R.CJ.S. Ca/>t' Ma^uirf on the north west shore of Boothia. J l^ 34 THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST. Matiico, Peter S. — Entered the Navy in 1806, in the Ocean, (Lord Collingv/ood) ; and served in the war on the coast of Catalonia. First Lieutenant of the Griper, (Lyon,) 1824, but did not serve afloat afterwards. Mann, Edward. — Boatswain in the Terror, ((^rozier,) 1839-43, in the Antarctic Expedition. In the Dmiolus, (McQuay,) 1848. Died at Woohvich, 1849. Manson, Mr. — Mate in the Sophia, (Stewart,) 1850-51 ; in the Isabel, (Inglefieid,) 1852, and in the P/iceiiix, (Inglefield,) 1853 and 1854. Maiison Isle, oft" the entrance of Wolstenhohiie Sound, (Greenland). Markham, Clkments R. — Entered the Navy 1844, in the Cof/ing- 7iUk>astes Fiirioso," and Gustavus de Mervelt in " Charles XII" In the sledge travelling with McDougall's and May's cxjjloring parties, away altogether 40 days. With McDougall he was away 20 days, and UKirched over 140 miles, starting on April 4th (Temperalure — 31 Fahr.) returning April 24th. 1852 left the service. C.IJ. Commendador of the Order of Christ. Chevalier of the Order of the Rose of IJrazil. F. R.S., F. L.S., F.S.A., Sec. R.G.S. since 1863. Secretary of the HakhiyL Society since 185S. Audior of ''■ Traiihtiiis Footsteps," (1853,) " The Threshold of the Uiihmnon Region," (''*^73' 3'"'^ edition, 1875,) of articles in the Quarterly RcT'/ch', (July, 1865,) Contemporary Revie'«\ (October, 1873,) and (Jther periodicals, advocating the despatch ot an Arctic Expedition ; and of papers on the " Origin and Migrations 0/ the Greenland Rsi/nin/anx,' on " The Arctic Highlanders," and on '' ./Jisniirries luist (/ Spitct'crgen,' Ike, in the R.G.S. J. Markham Island, off the north point of Sabine Peninsula, Markham Point, on west coast of MacDougall Bay. Clements Markham Bay, scjuth of Cape (iarry in North Somerset. Markham Sound, between McClintock and Zichy Land, (Austrian discoveries). Markham, All'crt H. — Cousin of the above. lie entered the navy in 1856. Served in China 1856 to 1864, during the war. Lieutenant, 1862, for his "gallant conduct in capturing a pirate vessel." Lieutenant of the Victoria, in the THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST n5 Cruise of the Rosario^' KxpL'dition oT i''^75, C'li Mediterranean, 1864-67. First Lieutenant of the Bhntche, on the Austrahan Station, i(S68-7i. Acting Commander of the AVffi'/v,' cruising among the Santa Cru/. and New Hebrides groups, 187 1. Commander, 1872. Went for a voyage in the whaler Anfn; (Captain Adams,) uj) I'arfin's Ilay and I'rince Regent's Inlet, 1^73. F.R.C.S. Commander in 1 1. M.S. S,',',7(i//, 1873-74. .Aullior of"// ll'/ia^/ii^ Cruise in /iajji/i's /iay" (1874.) and " '/7ie (1873). Appointed to the .\rclic i)eeeml)er 8lh, 1874. Marcuaki), Chari.ks. — Mate in the Terror, (Hack '3''>-37- M(irs/i, Cieon^e. — Purser ot" the /i/ossoiii, (Beechey,) 1825-28. MAuriN, H- Second Master of the yycrvv, (Moore.) 1848-50. !n Maguire's boat expedition to Toint liarrow, 1850. Died at Southampton in 1853. M.vrmiAs, H. — Assistant-Surgeon in the Enterprise. (J. C. Ross,) 184S. Died in winter quarters at Port Leopold, on June i5lii, 1849, aged 27. ALvv, W'Ai.TKk— IVLite in tlie AVW//A', (Austin,) 1850-51. Acted Colonel Reichel in Charles XII. In the travelling led one of the depot parlies as far as Cape (lillman on Hathurst Island, 34 days away and marched 371 miles, and a short exploring parly, round (iriftith Isluul. Lieutenant of tile Assistance, nJelclier,) 1852-54. Scene painter to the " Queen's Arctic Theatre^ \\\ the travelling he was away 62 days, going over Ooo miles, at a daily rate of 10 miles. Retired Commander, 1854. lie |)ul)lished a series of sketches of scenes during the voyage of the Assislar,ce, 1855. '1 he illustrations in M'Clinl(jck's " loya'^e of the J''o.\\'' are from his drawings. Now an eminent watercolour artist. The bas- relief on the pedestal of l'"ranklin's statue, in Waterloo Place, is from his ilesign. May Inlet on the north shore of IJathurst Island. ^^eara, Eihvard S. — .\ laeuienant in the /V/r<7//.v, (Inglefield,) 1854. A retired C'aplain of ()(tol)er, 1873. Mkcham, i''Riiii.KUk (1. — Was born at the Cove of Cork in 182S. i'lnteivd the navy in 1841 on board the Anient (Caplain Russell.) hence the name of Russell Island to his discover)-. Midshipman in the Constance, in the Pacific, i84{') 48. Second Lieutenant in the ^/.»'.v/.>7'(///(V, (Ommamiey,) 1850-5 t. In the autiuiin sledge trav'.'lling he was away from October jiid to 7th, anil discovered the vinler iiuariersof Penny's brigs. In the company of the Royal Arctic Theatre^ acted Mr. Iloneybun 1) 2 L 36 THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST jA'^^ii in " Did you rcer send your Wife to Camherwell" Brown- john in " Done on both Sides," and " Charles XII" In the sledge travelling of 185 1 Mecham was away 28 days, went over 236 miles, and discovered Russell Island. First Lieutenant of the Resolute, (Kellett,) 1852-54. In the company of the ^^ Royal Arctic Theatre," of 1852-53. Acted Charles II. in the historical drama of that name In the autumn travelling of 1852 he was away 23 days, and went over i8.| miles. He discovered the record left by M'Clure at Winter Harbour. In the travelling of 1853 he was away 94 days, and went over 11 63 miles, at a daily rate of i2j^ miles. In 1854 he was away 71 days, and went over 1336 miles, at the extraordinary rate ot 16 miles a day on the outward, and 20 j4 on the homeward journey. Commander 1855. Appointed to the Vixen in the Pacific 1857, and died of bronchitis at Honolulu in February, 1858. F.R.G.S. [See Obituary Notice, R.G.S.J., vol. xxix., />. xxxiii.] Cape Mecham, south point of Prince Patrick Land. Mecham Island in the strait between Russell and Prince of Wales' Islands. MiERTCHiNG, John. — A Moravian Missionary. Eskimo Inter- preter to the Investigator, (McClure,) 1850-54. MoGG, William. — Clerk in the //ft/^?, (Lyon,) 1821-23. Acted Lucy m\.\\Q Rivals. In the ////;)', (Hoppner,) 1824-25. Conducted the schools during the winter. Mogg Bay in Hooper Inlet, near Fury and Hecla Strait. Moore. T. \L L. — Entered the navy in 1832. Mate in the Terror, (Crozier.) 1839-43, in the Antarctic Ivxpedition. Commanded the /'ifgoda in the Antarctic Expedition of 1S45, to comi)lete the magnetic observations, with Captain (now General,) Clerk, R.E. Commander of the Plover, 184S-50. Led a boat expedition to Point Barrow, 1850. Afterwards Governor of the Falkland Islands from XS55 to 1862. Rear-Admiral. F.R.S. He died in 1870. ERR A TUM. MooRK, L. I. -For "Now a retired Captain," read " Now on Half-pay."' ylAwr, y<'////.— ^L^ster's Assistant in the Plover, but returned to England in the Herald. MooRR, John. — Gunner in the Fury, (Hoppner,) 1824-25. Morrell, Arthur. — Entered the navy T801, and served in the West Indies for nine years. Lieutenant in the Dorothea, (Buchan,) 1u.l Lt-i >*^ 1^ '^T> A CORRESPONDENT, J. H. S., sends OS the following notice of Dr. £. L. Moss, who has shared the fote of the Afalanta:^^ " It seems t* have escaped the notice of the scientific world thc^ loss it has sustained in the ill-fated Atalanta. Dr. Edward L. Moss, one of the officers on board that vessel, besides being a surgeon of renown in the navy, was also, in the best sense of that phrase, a scientific man. His papers read before the British Association, and his remarks at sectional meetings over a large range of natural history subjects (I remember such par- ticularly at the last Plymouth meeting) will be fresh in the minds of many. He was one who, always observing and storing up facts, at whatever part of the world he might be, could clearly and systematically arrange them, and also employ them if re- quired with convincing force. Such opportunities for observation were many and various. His profession, and the high estimation in which he was held by the naval authorities making him a picked man for any special service. By no means his least accomplishment was the masterly way in which he wielded brush and pen. In the Arctic Expedition of 1875-76 he served on board H.M.S. Alert, and to the astonishment of every on-» brought back with him from that expedition a number of most beautiful finished water-colour paintings and sketches in black and white. These were all made on the spot in those far off regioni=, and are, I believe, the only examples in colour, painted from nature, of those dreary, cold solitudes, and consequently were the first intimation to the majority of people of the gorgeous effects of colour to be seen there. I remember him telling me about the trouble it was to keep his pigments fluid and the devices he had to resort to to effect that result. Many of these paintings and drawings (in facsimile), with a vivid and most interesting descriptive narrative, were published in his book, ' Shores of the Polar Sea.' " 3 J, ..Ln-i uciii uvcr 005 nines in ()0 broke his heart for of the Torloise at ^ superseded. Clerk in charge Antarctic Ex]jedi- at Constantinople .t Malta, 1862 to laster-in-Chief, and -Surgeon in 1827. at the wreck of the n of the C/ial/rfii^cr, he coast of Chile, geon in the Terror, P/uviiix, during the of the Ceylon and a retired Deputy t,) 1852-54. Acted 'Jharles II," and in anis, on the laws of tunin travelling of er 186 miles. In n's auxilliary party days. In 1854 he was away 55 days in extreme cold (Man h) and went over 586 miles. Lieutenant, 1854. First Lieutenant of the Jiritanuia, training ship for Naval Cadets. Conunandcr of the Salainaniler, sin-veying in Torres Strait, and inside the Barrier Reef, 1S65-66. Surveyed the coasts of Sicily ai-.d Timis, and the gulf of Suez in the Xeioporl and Sheanvater. Captain, 18O9, of the exploring ship Clialleih^er, 1872-74. F.R.Ci.S. Author of a work on Seaiiiaiislup (250 pages and 400 woodcuts), 8vo. (^t/i edition). December, 9th, 1874 appointed to command the Arctic Expedition ol 1875. Cape iVares, S.W. point of Eglinton Island. AWso//, Jloratio. — Born 1758. In the CV//ver7^'ell;" '' Cliarles XJI ;" " Done on I'otli sides ;" " ///-// life Mo:.' stairs ,-" " Tl/e lottery Ticket ;" "Zero, or Harle.jnin If^htr He acted Mrs. Crank in ^ Did yon ever send your IFi/eto Can/t'errcell," nnd \'anl)L-rg in •' Charles XI f." In the sledge travelling he explored a part (jf i'rince of Wales' i,;ind, away 60 days, and went over 480 miles. In 1854 he had the Enrydice, M\([ commanded ihe sciuadron in the White Sea; in 1855 the llaKallic. 1864, Rear-Admiral. 1874, Retired-Admiral. C.I!., I'.R.S., F.R.G.S. Ommanney Bay, in Prince of Wales' Land. .1 AdmlnJ f llDOuwediiic I BfthbrMide lir. Joseph: ilaadwubon I the Nftvy At ' board the 0< ■ He WM mldi . fint three ?< 1818 to 1823, I At the battl I mander of t] \ b 1835, and i of the forte i the Canton] ' Older of thi 1867, and Vi on the retirt Oominander - The gallant \ of Mr. John THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST. 30 ^^\Jh , OsBORN. Shfraro — Midshionuin in the Hyacuith, (Warren,) in OBTnUAKT.^r^ /o- /-,.-, Canton in 1841. Gunnery Mate -Tjy^ lo-ly^j Canton m 1841. Gunnery Mate ' I ''' ' Conhig7C'flod (Flag of Sir (Jeor^i^c ) TMT 17»4. Having I the N»T7 At the OBual «({e« he aerred m mldahipman on , he went to the furthest western board the Oomas at the liege and defence of OadiilnlSlO. Land, away from his ship 58 days, V He was midshipman and lieutenant in Boss and Parry's i first three Toyages of discovery in the Polar Regions from ij 1818 to 1823, and he served as senior lieutenant of the Asia ?| p- ^^ . lilcs. Commander, 1S52 ; of the arer of the ' Arclic JViilharnwnic . . . V iii « XT -1 X V ii --"^ x«'/r «».»«.-i ~ * « ' ^«fOw-STEEEr, yesterday, Albert Grant, ofGpf J'ort Nfi//, south of Port Bowen.^"'^"!^ «-«»'e/t. «even Dials, chandler, &o., w Prince Regcu-s Inlc. S^""V«ii!,^. -^^.^-^A • ~ , , X- ■ o ■•y.°?^."P~««5"*«io'» behalf of the Sanitary Board XiAS, Josi'.ni. — iMliered tlie Navy ui i bo 75 dwtnct, and called Inspector lloyle whodeposed A/cxanJc-r, (Parry,) 1818; in the /i^ivflf5?Tn ♦'*ha *'? "H?l° '" question, which w, m the comVan/of the ^^ Koyaf An^'^S ZX^'^^^^vil^co^ST^^T^^^ Ho nrti'd Sir Siinoii Lovi'it in " J'" aefcndapt was not there, but a youna' m, jioaoed as his assistant, in answer to witness, suppli, -0 article as " fresh butter." Th« • n..,»„f^, ♦ ». J„ .4^^ ''Mayor of Ganufi ; loinui the » •'>™pl<» purchased into threei portions, leaving one no in "y»V// ioir ■ and Periwinkle in '^i'! °* 4''° te^^'*'' *l!f 'nt'matlon that it would*^! V • 1 ) • .1 • "'y,**"- , ■*'><»*'>er portion was submitted to the analvi Accompanied Parry ni the Journey 10 found it to be Urgely composed of KgnLt'i! Lieutenant. 18 jo; in the /'}/n\ ( Pr^^ndaut said that his wife -vaa ill at the time, and be) baUL. 01 .N.v,uin,. C.„U;i,,. ' '^iSr^r'^r ?« '.r.^fTh'. Z^.^ the Chuia war. i8;iS43- <-'^m i 84? sold the " buttenne " by mistake. In answer to li Relired-.\mus.— i'.nlered the Navy in 1826. l.ieiUenanl in the yVy//(', (l\i)us.)in the West Indies, l-ieutenant in llie Coi'i\ (J. ('. Ro-,s,) 1836. in Davis Sirails, in search of missing wiialer-.. in diede|uliol winter, Connnuniler. 18 ;o ; of the / ('.v/.Tv/^i', in the Mediiermnean, 18. 114.1. t'aptain, 1846. Rendered valuaMe service in, diiriiig the ianiine. Captani of the .lssisi\vii<\ 1850-31. .M.inager of il. . .. It..../ (...(,'. VV. ..'...>• I'l,.. ..1 '..,.. 1 nor Norman, the " A'oVif/ Antic 'J'/uiiin ** Did you ever send your Wife to Civnhcnoi-ll r " Done on hoth sides ,•" " The Lollery Ticket ; The pl.iys acted were " Jiouilhtslcs J''urioso;" •' C/nu/es XJ/ ." " ///-// /iff Mow stairs .•" ^' Zero, or Hiuicjuin l/r^litT He acted Mrs. Crank in "Hid you ever Kciid your W'ijelo C/.'/i/'erhr.'/," and Winlurg in •' CItorles XI!" In liic sli'd,i;e tr.ivclling he explored .1 p.n't ol" Print e of W'aUs' Land, away Co days, and went over 4S0 miles, in 1854 he the liurydice. \\\v\ coiinnanded the S(|uadri»n in the Whit'' Sea; in 1853 die H,t:ok in th' lhlii<-. nSd.j. Rear .\diniral. 1874, Krlir.d-.\diniral. ('.!!., I'.K.S., I-'.U.C.S. Oiuniauuty Hoy, in I'lince of Wales' Land. t i THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST. 39 f1 y, Albert Grant, ofGw Dials, chandler, io., w !>e public by selling • coi e " as fresh country bnttf If of the Sanitary Board sctor lloyle, who deposed lo in question, which w h a card suspended over i ih country butter, Is, 2(1 here, but a young m, answer to witness, supplit The inspector then dividi ee portions, leaving one po imation that it would I as Kubmitted to the analys' uposed of foreign fat. XI vas ill at the time, and bei: ked a young man to mij ulerstand the business, a; listake. In answer to \\ - was nothing iujurioui inti » ' would have beon made if i Mr. Vaughan said that i t ittcd, and It was especial i- ions who fret^uented the d •cteil from imposition, f tcet theoisolves. lie fi&( C. m — IC OsBORN, Sherard. — Midshipman in the Hyiici/i///, (Warren,) in China, at the capture of Canton in 1841. (hnincry Mate and Lieutenant in the Colliii;i\uo/n, on west coast of Prince of Wales' Land. (.i//(' Slierard Os/>orn, at south entrance of Lancaster Sound. C(t/>e Slierard (h/'orn, on Crown Prince Rudolph Land, (.Austrian discoveries). OsiioKN. i\()i;i..--Came out in the ///(/v/Z^. (Inglefield.) 1853; and was a mate in the X>rtl/, 1853-54. Retired Captain, 1873. He died on January 33rd, 1S75. OsMKU. CiiAi-iis 11. inthe /M'.vvc///. ( I'.eecluy.) 1SJ5-2S, and served afit rwards on the Canadian l-akes. Purser of the £rc/t/s, (Kranklin.) 1845-48. " .Mtiiy lifailril :ih iiiiy yoiiiiH ninii, full of ijiiniiit dry snyliiRS always ROoi! limih.iirc li, .ilwiiys laiinliinn. i"^^^'' •' 'i""'-" f rUt/'iiHi:'. ' (huier Pay, on the cast coast t)f Bathurst Island. 40 THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST. Oystoit, il/r.— Mate in the Isabel, (Inglofield,) i'*^52. Pakciiham, Robert E. — Midshipman in the //(VvcA/, (Kcllett,) 1S45-51. Afterwards Ictt the ser\ ice. Painf;, J. (>. — Clerk in charge of the I>ivcsfii:;,ifor, (M"CUu-e,) 1852-54. Xow a retired ra)nuister. ./^•. VjAiA... /^.v V.,- rKt >^j- ('«- ',•-).< v<^^ /(?;i^-io. PALMiiR, Ci«^aeutenant in tlie //tr/a, (f-yrtn,) 1821-23. He had been a Mate in the Dorothea, (lUichan.) 1818. He did not serve after I S23. .i^ m *.'^- ! * » Iti Mt i f, \t .f irx-^ tfi t Pahiier Hay, on east coast of Melville Peninsula. Parkks, M. T. — Mate in the Enterprise, (Collinson,) 1S52-54. In the sledge tra\t'lling of 1852 he left the ship April i6th, and travelled up I'riiK e of ^Valcs' .Strait. He reaihed Melville Island on foot, having had to leave sledge and tent owing to the ice being too rougli to drag the sledge. Returned to the sledge after an absence of 1 1 days, some of tiie crew suffer- ing severely from frost biles, (iot back to the shi[) on June 2Sih, having been away 74 days. Now a retired Conunaniler. Parry, W. Kdwakd. -Third son of Dr. C". Parry, of Path, where ho was born in 1790. He entered the navy on board the I'illede /'c/vj, (Kicketts,) in 1803. I"'irst Lieutenant of the Xi}:;er, 1S15. Lieutenant comuianding the Alexander 1818. and the Heela, 1 S 1 9-20, in ( ommand of the expedition, Sailed through barrow Sir.iit and discovered Mebille Island. In the com- pany of the "/vV)(// Arctic I'/ieatre,'' in 1819 20. .\cled l-'ribble, in \/iss in tier 7Wns"\i)V\ I'hiljjot in the " Citizen" ; Matthew Mug in the '' Mayor of GarratI"' \ .sir [ohn 'I'rotley in "//<'// y;v/'' ; and bill, in' the '' Aort/i ll'est J'assa^er Matle a journey across .Melville Island, Iiuie isl to 15th, 1820. Commander of the /•'iny, 1S21-23, .md in command of the expedition. .\cted Sir Anthony .\bsolule in the ^^ Rivals." I )isco\ereri/ K I'roliatft h leOl.ofAdtni str»'<'t, who in 1860, in tl iiiaml ot till Adiniral Pr vr.irs, nnd I ilrico Iliiv'h (ioncral Ar Diikr.-stroct Mnjor lliiijl KllrnKolly. £M; ivnil t ann\iity nf pHtatc in tri |lf(ir tlio »uji Utrpot, whil- [of th« ii'oon waliio of 1 ' £7,719 Itis 3 K THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST. 41 '1 2gf/i, iS2g. Author of '■'■ Journal of a Voyage (o disco7ri in 1793. i'lnlered the navy, 1805. l'"irst Lieutenant of the Jdossoui, ( i!<.'echey,) 1825-28. He died from the cfl'ects ' rrohftto hn-"« ^x'''" Rrantod of f1*? will datod .Tan. 19, 1891 of Admiral UiohardHiilkoloy' earso.otSJ.llyUol'ark- 'inl860. nllu!naltiol.xp«liti<)non854-55, and iiwom- 1 • .. /■ / .in .• '1 tiian.l of tho Awrn diiriiiR (ho China War nf 18E8-60.crwards m the Constance, m the I'ai ilic, Admiral diod nn Nov. 10 Inst n«od sixty-flvo Rrsolnte, (Austin.) kSso-?!. Acted« nnd tho cxf'outors nf his Will ■^rn his hrothor, Mr. ,/ . • • , ,. 1 • 1 • /., , «•/,• KSr'-^rs'. ot 9. Hydo PaikstroPt, and Major- /' "*>'''^^*' ^"I'l. I, '•'«•''. '" tharles A //, (lonoral Arlhiir Thornton (Jratwirko I'carsc, ol' 42, part) to pltivisioll I .ietltelKint Aldlii h, Dukr.-Mrrct 'p'" ♦^"♦'^'V' ''"l"'r"c,? '," ir.'''^P''«'*; n on Palhurst Island, 24 davs awav, Maior Iliieh Wf»d<'ho\i-;» Tonrso, £50; to Uichnnl .vid ^. , . ,. ■ ' ,1 KllpnKolly.sorvaiitv£100TOrh; (orharloltoWelsford.. Severely trost-billen and eventtially tiiO; and to William rurch.'s, of roitsmoiith. a lifo. tc';'^' <•' nalluusl Islaiul. of tlio iiToiiio t-1 his hiothcrs Arthur and Charles. Tlin hocn BwonL at the Disco'oery, (Clarke,) 1776-80, in wnliio of tho personal cstalo has hocn BwonL i £7.719 l«s ^^^■ttn\ii{Ukfi^ih^:j'^ ' ^/9 *• Pl'lDi'iK, J. S.--Siiigcon ni' the 'I'error, (("m/ier,) 1845-48. Pi'NNV, W'li i.i\M. An expciienceil wh.iling Captain, pi, iced in com- maiul of two brigs, the Lady Pranhiin and Sophia, 1850-51. M i 40 THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST. Oysioii, J//-.— Mate in the fsaM, (Inglofield,) 1852. Pixkcnhain, A\'/'(7m"; Old I'hilpot in the ; '/;•■'■:■ „^.;; i,„,.u acco|.tod, amv l Matthew Mug in the - .U.u>r of C.vratr ^'''' T^t.nv^vr^^^^^ in -non To>r^.nd 11.11, in' the '' ^on^tlZS^^^^^^'^'^f^^ Made a journey across Melville Island, J t much vu.loiico uu to mj|lj^^^^^^^ ^^.^^^, 1820. of the " KiTii/s Muvlborou,h;Btrool yjlJ^terdaj^- 1,„^^ nanaoil Allou^loi- Connnander of tiie Fnn\ 1S21-23, expedition. .Acted Sir .Vnthony ^lim; — .,■ i- -encP Discovered the passage into t ivmlrovoUoa hif. ic " ^ j^g|y<,ir Houn> the "I'ury and He( la Strait," 1823, .\^"'^' \;;;; J° Vdm fa^ ,ellMdthootl«ct«o Captain o' tiie //<•,/,?, 1824 25, and comma 1 ubu> ^-'^ ;;:ni,iiv aispcll-rtthoon«^''j« tiol. .820,Act,ng Hydro^apher. .«^7, -'I ;::^^:r*A -J^' ^^^ 'E^^S^ - /Av/,. m the attempt t<. rea. h the Pole. . ;;; jIXhI, i-ou). V^^'^f^ ^ Sutherh> N. I. at. on July 21,, havmg travelled 17-Uaiii ^l'^""'"■^' ^ V (.'olonol Civro-.v, ; Ifecla. Wont over 580 miles of groimd. Hon. il- ^'^- ' vj count SouUiwol from 1827 to i82("). Connnissiolur ()f .l'it/ivlai» M'i''''''7\v,u^,i, u-nl Jiomj 1827 to 1829. Connnissiolur of .I'it/ivlau oil ^^,\tun, u.rii ii«";;; .\-ri(ultural Company of .New .South Wales, ^'♦'*'' ^'*'l' T^av AuruhUi » pl'n.llcr of Steam Machinery 1837 to i^bT.-i-' •''''■"• ^ '^"" '•'' ""' S\il erintendent of Haslar, 1840 to 1852. lie died at Mms (in I'liy 8th. iS:; ^, D.(" I , K.K.C'.S and was interred at (ireenwi(Ii. l'\R.S., ( (hii^iihi/ Member). A'ni\:,/ite(/, April A THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST. 41 ;4. ad lOt In nd He to ho "er- ne er. he ,/r er, he m- /oboe.. accepLoa ana u :,,oL yesterday ^ ^ • ^^'' "Ti n I'uik tlio Bel voir Houn> ,u,lol;ivoural.lo conditio: Soott. Colonel ^-ftr^-^',, ,;,;rvi;, count Southwell " 7'nV.Uuu. Lur^l ll«m-y 1 «' ins /■// i 29///, iS2g. Autlior of '■'■ Journal of a Voyage to diseovcr a North I Vest I^ass-.tge, iSfp-20" (1821); of '\fonriial of a second Voyage,'^ &>€. (1824) ; of '■'■ Journal of a third voyage'^ (1826); and of '■'■ Narrative of an attempt to reach the North /W6-" (1828); all 4to. \Sce Obituary Notice, R.G.SJ., vol XXVI., J), clxxxii.^^ This notice was written by Atlmiral IJeechey, the great explorer's old messmate in the Niger, and friend. See als) a Memoir of Sir Edward Parry, (1857,) by his son, the i-lev. lulward I'arry, now Suffragan Bishop of Dover. Memoirs of Rear-Admiral Sir Ed:^ard Parry, Knight, late Lieutenant-Governor of Greemoieh Hospital, l>y his son the Rev. lid-u'ard Parry, M.A., (jrd edition, Longman, iS^y). The Parry Islands consist of Prince Patrick, Melville, Jjathurst and Cornwallis Islands ; and many smaller isles. Parry Island off the north coast of Spitzbergen. C'(?/t'/(^/7;v, between Whale and Ilootli Sounds (Greenland.) Cape Parry on the .\merican coast, east of the mouth of Mackenzie. J'arsons, IV. F. — Second Master of the Herald, (Kellett,) 1846-50. Master of the Herald, (Denham,) in the subsequent com- mission. Now retired. Pcard, George. — Eldest son of Vice-Admiral Shuldham Peard. Born at ("l()^porl in lyt;^. I-'-ulered the navy, 1805. I'irst Lieutenant of Jae /)7(',W(W/, ( ileei hey,) 1825-28. He died from the effects of climate in 1837. Pi:.\Rsi', Rii iiAKi) liui.Ki.i.KV. — Entered the navy in the ll'inchester, al the Cape, 1842-45, afterwards in the Constance, in tiie Pat ific, i84()-49. Ma!e in the Resolute, {.\\\v^\.\w,) i85i)-5i. Acted Eytlia in " Pone on Poth Sides,'' and Ulrica in Charles A'//. l,ed an auxiliary sle(li;f part) to pnjvision Lieutenant .\ldrich, as far as (.'ape t'ot kburn (-n ISalhurst Island, 24 (la_\s away, and inarched 208 miles. Sewrely frost-bitten and eventually l(jst a leg. fur whi( h he leceives a pension. Now a retired Captain. I.R.d.S. Pearse Inlet, on the west coast of Uathurst Island. Pechover, William. K\\\\\\\^\ in the Piscovcry, (Clarke,) 1776-80, in Cook's expeilition. Pl'.DDll", J. S. — Surgeon of the Terror, (Cro/.ier,) 1845-48. Pl'NNV, Wii i.iA.M.- ;\n experienced whaling Cai)tain, placed in com- maiul of two brigs, the l.ady luankiin and Sophia^ 1850-51. >-^ The Times correspondent writes from Copenhagen that on | June 24 died there Mr. Carl Petersen, whose name is connected with some of the most renowned Arctic explorations. He was a I born Dane, but had lived many years in Greenland, and had * there acquired a perfect knowledge of the Esquimaux language, \ being at the same time a most skilled hunter and fisherman. At ' the age of thirty-seven he was engaged by Capt. Penny as interpreter, and accompanied his expedition in the years 1850.51. '^7' Some years later he followed Dr. Kane on his unfortunate expedition, when the vessel had to be left in the ic2 and the crew were nearly starved and frozen to death. He had not been rton Channel Now home more than a couple of weeks after returning from a two years' stay in Greenland, before he went out again as interpreter with the Fox, Capt. Sir Leopold M'Clintock, with Mr. (now Qel. Sir) Allan Young as sailing master. Of this expedition, lasting from 1857 to 1859, and leading to the discovery of the fate of .skinio Interpreter to ^Lv/i^ff-i'"'''"*' ^^- ^1 '''"'/,^P "" graphic description, supplying and to McClintock, many details wantmgm the well-known book of Sir L, M'Clintock. c r 1 , 1 •' and inscribed with the words chosen by Jane Franklin for the liglu-liouse in flag of the Fox, " Hold fast," happening to be quite as correct in naturalists Nordensl'joid and T^rell o"°heiK!t expedltTon'to ^'^^''"8^0" channel. Spitzberpn and when, in last April, the Fe^a passed Copen- ,/e,-fir/s<' ^ColHnson ) hagen, the hardy old sportsman and pailor, with his cross and ^'^^'"'' ^'-O'un^on.; Arctic medal, was one of the friendly faces greeting the discoverer of the North-East Passage. Mr. Petersen died from heart- • ,1 /> / .• disease at the age of sixty-seven. '" the Aeso/uacw, ~~' (I.00K,; iTJu-/ij. J I, .f. * Phillips, Joshua. — Greenland Master in the Isabella, (Ross,) t8i8. Phillips, Charles G. — Entered the navy in 1820. Second Lieutenant of the Terror, (Cro/.ier,) in the Antarctic Expedi- tion, 1839-42. Second to Sir John Ross in the Felix, 1850- 51. Made a land journey over Cornwallis Island. He died in 1872. Cape Phillips at the north end of Cornwallis Island. Phipps, Coiis/antiiie John. — Son of the First Lord Mulgrave. Entered the Navy. Captain of the Racehorse, 1773, in the Spit/bergen voyage, and commanding the Expedition. In 1787 he niarriod Anne, daughter of N. Cholmley, of How- sham. He suc( ceded as second Lord iMulgrave in 1774 ; and died in 1792. He was tiie Author of ''Arctic Voyage lo^oards the North Pole, J 773." (4to. 1774.) Phipps IslaiiJ, one uf the Seven Islands, off the north coast of Spit/.bcrgen. Pichersi^ill, A'ichard. l.\L-uW\r,\nt commnnding the /,/('//, brig, 1776, sent lo meet Cook by way of Uaflin's Hay. He did not get beyond Davis Strait. I'icnioKN, 'V. R. — Assistant-Surgeon in the /'io/ieer, (Osborn,) 1850-51. Now Deputy-Inspector of Hospitals. Pii Ks, Hkmrv. — Assistant Surgeon in the //nrsfixator, (M'Clure,) 1850-54. Now a ri'tired Deputy-Inspector of Hospitals. I'lM, l-DldKI) I' .. .' Horn iji 1S26, entered the navy in 1S42, and served under Captain Sluriiighani. surveying the south coast of Eng'and. Midshipman in the Herald, (Kellett.) 1845-48. in the Plover, (Moore,) 1848-49. Made a land s*- A I I THE ARCTIC uNA VY LIST. 43 S^ •V* journey from Koizebue Sound to Nori.on Sound. Lieutenant, 185 1. Went to St. Petersburg to propose a search for Franklin along the Siljerian coast, which was declined. Lieutenant in the Rcsolitii\ (Kellett.) 1852-54. Acted Edward (a page) in " Charles 11.''^ In the sledge travelling he was away 1 7 days in tlie autumn, and went over 175 miles. In the spring he was sent to communicate with the IiiTt'sf/'i^d/or on March loih and returned April i9Ui, 1853. He \\as away 41 days, and travelled 427 miles. He made another journey o!" 20 da\s going over 123 miles. Commanded the Miivpic, <;unl)oat. In the lialtic, ami the Baitl('iri\ gun boat, in China, 1S5 7-58, and severely wounded in the Canton river. Commander. 1858. Commanded H.M.S. Cor;:;oii in the West India Station, tS5,''-6o, and the Fury, on the coast of Africa, 1860-61. Obtained a concession from the King of Mos(iuito tor a railway, and has been four limes to Nicaragua on business connected with the i)r()jecr, 1863-64-65-66. Xow a retired Captain. M.P. for (;ravesen ''i<-' f'^ioy^ (Ik)p|)ner,) 1824-25, Pv.M, V. W. — Mate in the .7w/,y/(r//<', (Collinson,) he Resolution, Ross,) t8i8. [820. Second tarctic Kxpcdi- le Felix, 1850- land. He died s Island. 3rd Mulgrave. se, \']TZ^ '" the Expedition. In mley, of How- 'e in 1774 ; and Voyagi' towards off the north v/, brig, 1776, lie did not get yvv, (Osborn,) s. o)\ (M'Clure,) Hospitals. navy in i<'^42, ^'ing till.' south ■aliU (Kellett,) Made a land THE ARCTIC NAVY I.TST 43 Vi journey from Kotzebue Sound to Norton Sound. Lieutenant, 1851. Went to St. Petersburg to propose a search for Franklin along the Siberian coast, which was declined. Lieutenant in the Rcsoliiic, (Kellett,) 1852-54. Acted Edward (a page) in '■' Clmrlcs II." In the sledge travelling he was away 1 7 days in the autumn, and went over 175 miles. In the spring he was sent to comniunicate with the tnvcstigator on Marcli loth an»l returned April TQth, 1853. He was away 41 days, and travelled 427 miles. He made another journey of 20 days going over 123 miles. Commanded the Magpie, gunboat, in the IJaltic, ami the Baiiteirr, gun boat, in China, 1S57-58, and severely w ounded in the Canton river. Commander, 185S. Commanded H.M.S. Gorgon in the West India Station, 1858-60, and the /'///;]', on the coast of Africa, 1860-61. Obtained a concession from the King of Mosciuito for a railway, and has been four times to Nicaragua on business connected with the project, 1863-64-65-66. Now a retired Captain. j\I.P. for (".ravesend. J.l'. F.R.C.S. He is author of ''An f'Airiicsl Appeal to the /Iritisli PitiPieon behalf of the Missing Ardie R\pedilion,'' (1857,) and ''The Gate of the PaeificP Captain Tim was called to the Bar in 1873. He is proprietor . ot the " Navy," newspaper. PoRTKUS, A.- -Surgeon in the Felix, (J. Ross,) 1850-51. PuLLKN, \V. J. S. — In the Columbia surveying f)n the North American Station, 1844-48, with Captain Shortland. Lieutenant, 1846, of the Plover, (Moore,) 1848-50. Commanded the boat c-xpedilion between IJehring Strait and the Maf:ken/ie river. Conunander, 1850. .Vscended tJie river Mackenzie to the Great Slave Lakj, 1849-50. Commander of the North Star, at IJeechey Island, 1852-54. Cajjtain of the Cyehps in the Red Sea, sounding for the electric telegraph ; and employed in the survey of Mermuda. Now a retired Captain. Pin.i.KN, 'r. C. — Master in the North Star, (Pullen,) 1852-54. Master Attendant, 1864-72. Now a retired Staff-Captain. PuRciiASi;, TiiD.MAS R. — Second Engineer in the Intrepid, (Cator,) 1850-51, and in the Intrepid, (McClintock.) 1 85 2-54. Purehase Bay, west coast of Melville Island. PuRiiiK, CF^arpenter in the Ileela, (Lyon,) 1821-23 ; in the Fury, (Hoppner,) 1824-25. PvM, F. W. — Mate in the ^'/j-jvVA!'//(r, (P.elcher,) 1852-54. Rak, Jamks. — Assistant-Surgeon in the North Star, (Saunders,) 1849- 50. Now a retired Deputy Inspector of Hospitals. 44 THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST V'J .1. Reid, Andrew. -r-Midshipman of the Griper, (Liddon,) 1819-20. Lieutenant in the Fury, (Parry), 1821-23. Accompanied Parry in his journey across Melville Island. Reid, John. — An old whaling Captain, native of Aberdeen. Ice- master of the Erebus, (Franklin,) 1845-48. Reimnck, C. K. — Engineer of the Phanix, (Inglefield,) 1853. Reynolds, P. — Carpenter o{\\\q Discovery, (Clarke,) 1779-80, in Cook's Expedition. RiCARDS, J. R. — Assistant-Surgeon in the Assistance, (Belcher,) 1852-54. In the theatricals he acted Mr. Sandford in the " Irish Tutor:' Richard;;, George H. — Entered the navy in 1832, and early adopted the surveying of the service. He was in the Sulphur, (Belcher,) 1836-41. Lieutenant, 1842, in the Philomel, (Sulivan,) surveying on the south-east coast of South America. Made Commander in 1845 for services up the Parana. Commander in the Acheron, (Stokes,) surveying on the coast of New Zealand. Commander of the Assistance, (Belcher,) 1852- 54. Manager of the " Queen's Arctic Theatre^' in 1852-53. The plays acted were " The Irish Tutor," and " Silent Woman:'' by the officers, and ''^ Hatnlet" and the ^^Scape- grace " by the men. In the sledge travelling he was 94 days away, and travelled over 808 miles. After a march of 57 days he reached the Resolute, at Melville Island, having taken two boats with him, one left at Cape Franklin, the other on the west shore of Byam Martin Channel. Left the Resolute to return on June 8th. From February 22nd to 27th, 1854, he led a sledge party from the Assistance to Beechey Island, with the temperature at — 40° Fa hr. Captain, 1854. In the Plumper and Hecate, employed in the survey of British Columbia and determining the boundary between the dominion of Canada and the United States. On his way home he made considerable additions to the charts of the Mexican coast. Hydrographer 1863-73. Retired Rear- Admiral. C.B., F.R.S... F.R.C...S. J. /^^^ Ai)pointed in December, 1874, on a Committee (with Admirals Sir 1^. McClintock and Osborn,) to make prepara- tions for the Arctic Expedition of 1875. Cape Richards, north point of Sabine Peninsula. Richard?., Chari.ks. — Midshipman in the Fury, (Pn rr yO 1821-23. In the company of the '■^ Royal Arctic Theatre:' Acted Mrs. "1 ■Jai;,. . U-h ?''•■_. »!*• \- Malaprop in the '' Rivals P Accompanied Parry on his journey in 1822, when he discovered Fury and Hecla Strait. In the Heda, (Parry,) 1824-25. Richards Bay near the south entrance of Fury and Hecla Strait. Richards, Charles.— Clerk in the /^i-j'/VAcw^, (Ommanney,) 1850-51. Acted First Officer in Cliaiies XII. Lost in the Nerbudda. Richards Point in Ommanny Bay, Prince of Wales' Land. Richards, W. H. — Brother of the above, clerk in charge of the Resolute, (Kellett,) 1852-54. Now Paymaster in the Belleropheii, (West Indies). Richards, William 7.— Clerk in charge of the Phcenix, (Inglefield,) 1853 and 1854. Paymaster 1854, of the Audacious, (Colomb,) 1874. Richardson, John. — Was born at Dumfries in 1787. Entered the navy as an Assistant-Surgeon in 1807. Surgeon, 1809, in the Hercules, at the siege of Tarragona, and with Sir George Cockburn in the American war. In 18 19 he joined Franklin in his land expedition, and descended the Copper-mine to the sea. In the second Franklin expedidon of 1825-28, Richard- son explored 903 miles of the Arctic sea between the Mackenzie and the Copper-mine. 1840, Inspector of Haslar Hospital. C.B. Knighted, 1846. F.R.S. F.R.C.S. In tS48 he descended the Mackenzie in search of Franklin, and examined the coast thence to the Copper-mine. He assisted in the equipment of the other searching expeditions by preparing pemnican and antiscorbutics. He retired to Grassmere, where he died on June 5th. 1866, aged 77. He was the author of '^ Fauna ISorcali Aincii'-ana," (2 vols, folio, 1829 to 1836,) '' Report on North American Zoology," (Svo. 1837,) " On the Frozen soil of North America," (8vo. 1841,) the article on the Polar Regions in the Encyclopoedia Britannica ; '■'Arctic Searchino- Expedition," (2 vols., 8vo., 1851,) " The Polar Regions," (Edinburgh, 1861). Rickman, John. — Second Lieutenant of the Discovery, Clarke, i ']T(>-T(), ,. ^^ . in Cook's expedition. . ,. , , y, ^■ Robertson, W. — Surgeon in the Enterprise, {]. C. Ross,) 1848-49. Robertson, J.— Surgeon of the Terror, (Crozier,) in the Antarctic Expedition, 1839-43. Robinson, F. — Second Lieutenant of the Investigator, (Bird,) 1848- 49. Went with a travelling party from Port Leopold to Fury Beach. ■H ",er -to T//J!: ARCTIC NAVY LIST. Roche. Richard. — Midshipman in the Ileni/d, (Kellett,) 1845-51. Mate in the Resolute, (Kellett,) 1852-54. Jn the sledge travelling of 1853 he was 78 days away from the ship, on various occasions as auxiliary, and went over 798 miles. He is now commander of H.M..S. Hiheniia, at Malta. Roche Point, on the northwest coast of Sabine Peninsula. Ross, John. — Was born in 1777, at Balsaroch, in Wiglonshirc, and entered the navy in 1786: serving much under Sir James Saumarez. In three actions he was woun-Ld 13 limes. Commander, 181 2; of the hubclla, 1818, and commanding the expedition. In 1829 he again sailed in the ]'icton\ steamer, discovered IJoothia, and returned in 1833. F.R.Ci.S., and Gold Afedii/Iist, R.Ci.S., 1834, and of Paris CI. S. Created C.Ij. and Knight of the I'ole Star of Sweden. A'/i/'xl/ted, 1834. Consul at Stockholm, 183S. Rear-Admiral, 1851, In the Fellv, schooner, in the search for Franklin, 1850-51. He died in November, 1856. [See Obituary N'otiee in R.G.S./., vol. xxviii., p. cxxx.) Sir John Ross was author of " Voyage of discovery for the purpose of exploring Boffin's Bay," (1819.) '■^ N'arrative of a Second Voyage in search of a Nor til West Passage, including '"The Discovery of the N^orth Magnet ic Pole," (1835). " ^^"' ^^'^^( voya-e of Captain Sir John Ross to the Arctic Regions, ly R. Huish," (1835,) was published by one of the crcw of the Victory. Ross, Jamks Clark. — P)Orn in 1800 and entered the navy in April, 181 2, in the Briseis, commanded by his uncle, , John Ross. Midshipman in the Isabella, (J. Ross,) i8r8, m tne "^rA?, (Parry,) 1819-20. In the company of ihc'^Royal Arctic Theatre. Acted Corinna in The Citizen, Mrs. Bruin in the J// //.M.S. I/erald, and Itircc Cruises in the Aretie A'exnins in seareli oj Sir I Iranhlin.'' (2 vols., 8vo., 1853). I'.R.Ci.S. He (Ued on October lolh, 1871, at the JavaU gold mines, in Nicaragua, \See Obituary Notice R.G.SJ.. vol. xlii., /. elx-ii.] Seymour, Edward //ohort. Nei)liew of Sir Michael Seymour. .Madeavoyag lo the Spit/bergen seas in a whaler in 1868, with Captain ' ly. Cajitain, 1872. Slieddou, /■iolhit A. .\ vohuUeer searcher for Sir Joiin Franklin's exjiedition uji Behring's Strait, in the yacht, N^aney /htn'son. He was formerly .1 Mali- in tlie Navy. Went nearly to Boint Barrow in ir ,9, He died at Ma/allan in ()ctoi;er, 1849. SiiEl.l.MU.KK, W. -Master's Assistant in tiie J'.nter/^rise. (J. C ) 184S-49. Second Master in the Jutie/>id, (Calor.) 1850-51. A(ted Seconil Officer, in Charles XI /. Bed an auxiliary sleilge party to supply I.ieutenanl Md'lintock. 24 days away, and marciicvl 245 miles. In the North Star, (I'ullcn,) "852-54. Skioch, J?— Assistant-Surgeon in the Fury, (Barry,) 1821-23. Ski'och Bay, on south coast of Cockburn Island. 1 THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST. 49 Shersr, Joseph. — Son of the Rev. J. G. Slierer, Vicar of Westwell, in Kent. Born in 1798. Entered the Navy in 181 1. Mid- shipman in the Hcda, (Lyon,) 1821-23. Acted Lydia Languish in the Rivals. Lieutenant in the Ilcda, (Parry,) 1824-25. In the autumn of 1824 he killed a "payable" whale. Went on a travelling party, in July, from Port Bowen along the coast to the south. In 1828 he obtained com- mand of the Afonkcy, schooner, in the West Indies, and captured the Spanish schooner Joscp/ia, with 207 slaves ; also the Spanish brig Midas, with 420 slaves, after an action of 35 minutes. He then received command of the Nimble, schooner, and cajjturcd the GalUto, with 136 slaves. Com- mander, 1829, and made a Knight of the Guelphic Order by William IV, ("ommander of the Coastguard, 1831-37. In February, 1838, ajipcMnted to the Dec, steamer, on the North American Station. Captain, 1841. Now a retired Vice- Admiral. Mount Shcrcr, south of Port Bowen. Sillier Creek in \.\ow Inlet (Melville Peninsula). SinnALi), J. -Second Licutenanl of the lirehiis, (J. C. Ross,) in the Antarctic Expedition, 1S39-41. l'"irst Lieutenant of the Terror, (Cro/ier,) iS4.'-43. Commander, i''*'43. Afterwards Secretary to the Governor of the Ealkland Islands. Since di;ceased. Simpson, J.- -Surgeon of the Plovr. (Moore,) 1848-5 r, and 1852-54. In tiie boat exiiedition to Point Harrow, .\uthor of '* Results of I'lierinoiiietrieal Ol'srej'alions nuule at the J'lorer'i ll'iuteriui^' Tlaee, /'oitif /nirrow," {^\n., 1857); and of a valuable report on the Tuj^ki and Western E-ikimo, Invalided and returned to England in 1851, but In rejoined the IVoi'cr, with Captain Maguire, in 1852. Died at Ilaslarin 1858. Skead, F.- Second Master in the /-.uterpi ise, (Collinson.) .After- wards on the Cape of (iood Hope Survey, Now a retired Navigating Lieutenant, and Harbour Master at Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony, Skene, /, .1/,-- Midshipman in tlu' Isabella, (Ross,) 181S. SKENf, \. M. — Midshipman in the ilriper, (Liddon,) 1819-20. Skine Iniy on the south shore of Melville Island. Smiih, A. J.- .Male and Lieutenant in the Erebus, (J. C, Ross), '''^.?'J-4,?> '11 die .Antarctic E.sped'lion. Alterwards at the Magnetic ( )l)sei'vatory at 1 loli.irt 'i'own. lie died, a retired Commander, at Melbourne, 1873. 1£ f^l 50 THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST, Smith, Benjamin Leigh.— A volunteer Arctic explorer. In 187 1 he sailed with a view to attaining a high latitude, and exploring the unknown parts of Spitzbergen. He went down Hinlopen Strait in August, visited the Seven Islands in September, and discovered that North East Land had a much greater eastern prolongation than was previously supposed. He afterwards attained a latitude of 81° 24' N. In 1872 he made a second voyage to Spitzbergen in his yacht Samson, and in 1873 another in the steamer Diana. F.R.G.S. Knight of the Pole Star of Sweden. Smith, John Smith, Wri rN. — Carpenter of the Terror, (Back,) 1824-25. LLiAM. — Boatswain of the Ileehi, (Parry,) 1824- 25- Smith, Johu.--K mate in the Cove, (J. C. Ross,) 1836. Smith, John.— Clerk in charge of the Prince Albert, (Kennedy,) "1^51-52. Smyth, Wiii.iam H. — Entered the navy in 1813. Mate in the li/ossom, (Beechey,) 1825-28. Lieutenant in th., Samarang, (Paget,) in the Pacific, crossed the Andes, and made a voyage down the Amazon, 1831-35. Eirst Lieutenant of the Terror, (Back,) 1836-37. Manager of the ''Royal Arctic Theatre," 1836-37, comi)osed ihe prologue and several songs. 'Tiie plays acted u-.-re '' Afonsieiir Tonson" by the officers, and tiie '' Tirst Floor'' and the '' Jienevolent 7ar" by the men. He also superintended the evening school. The beautifi'.l illustra- tions in Back's Narrative are from his sketches. C'onimancler of the Grecian, in South America, 1838-43. He has not served since. E.R.C.S. He is author o{ '' iVarrative of a Journey from Lima to Para" (1S36). Now a retired Vice- Admiral. He is an admirable artist. Smyth Ifarl'oiir, near the entrance of Tro/en Strait, in Southampton Island. Speer, Denton. — Second Master of the Talbot, (Jenkins,) 1854. Since deceased. Sno-a>, If. Parker, — In ihc Prince Albert, (Forsyth i 1850. Author of " ]'o\a\;e of the Prince AUn-rt in search of Sir J. Franklin" (i«5')." ' l\vker Siuno Point, to the south of Cape Dudley Higgcs (dreenlanfi). St.xm.kv, Owkn. — Son of tlie Bishop of Norwich, born in 181 1, and entered tlie navy in 1824. lie adojited the surveying branch of the h.rvicc, and served in the Adventure, (King,) in THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST. 51 Magellan's Straits, and under Captain Graves in the ^lediter- ranean. Second Lieutenant of the Terror, (Back,) 1836-37. Drew the map for the Narrative of Back's Voyage, 1836-37. Captain, 1844, of the Kallh-snakL\ in Australia, surveying Torres Strait, and tlie Louisiade Archipelago. F.R.O.S. He died at Sydney on March 13th, 1850. \Sce Obituary Notice, R.G.S.J., vol. xxTi., />. /ix.] Siaitlry Harbour off Southampton Island. Stanley, S. — In the Gvv/-(.'(i'///.<' during the China War, 1840. Surgeon of the Erebus, (Franklin,) 1845-48. Stevenson, W. C— Master's Assistant of the IVover, (Moore.) 1848- 50, in the boat e\i)edition from Point Barrow, and rejoined in 1853. In the Kattlesnake, (TroUope,) 1)^54. Stewart, J. — Commander of the Sophia, brig, belonging to Penny's expedition, 1850-51. Afterwards commanded a large steam transport in liie Black Sea, during the Crimean war. Stc'ii'art Bay on the north coast of Cornwallis Island. Sutherland, Peter C— Surgeon of the Sophia, (S'ewart,) 1850-51. Author of '■'■ Journal of a l'oya>^e in luitjin's Jnjy ami Barnn.'s Straits, 7^'ith a N'anatii'c of Sledi^v Excursions," (2 vols, Svo,, 1852). Afterwards, for many years, Surveyor-General at Port Natal. Sutherland Island on the east coast of WclHngton Chaniiel. Sutherland, Kennetil — Carpenter of the Prince Albert^ (Kennedy,) 185152. Swansea, Jacoh. — Boatswain in the Hecla, (Parry,) 1819-20. Taiham, W.--Master of the Investi\:;ator, (Bird,) 1848-49. Tavlou, G.— I'hird Mate of the Victory, (Ross,) 1829-33. Taylor, J. — Boatswain of the Assistance, (Belcher,) 1852-54. Teruv, Xv )MAs. — A \\'arrant Officer of the Erebus, (l'"rankiin,) 1845-48. Thom, W.— Purser of the Isal>ella, (Ross.) i8rS ; and of the I'ictory, (Ross,) 1829-33. On his return made Pi..serof the Cano/>us, Thorn's Ju(y, in Bo(Mhia I''elix. Thomas, Roim.rt. — Mate in the '/error, (Crozier,) 1845-48. Thomas, I'mimham.- Carpenter of II. M.S. Eurydiee. N'olunteered as Carpenter of li>e /■/(■.'('/ r. ( Ross,) 1S29-33. lie died and E 2 52 THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST I I was buried at Fury Beach, in February, 1833. (See Mark- ham^s Whaling Cruise in Baffin's Bay, p. 231). Thompson, James. — A Warrant Officer of the Terror, (Crozier,) 1845-48. Tom, John. — Midshipman in the Griper, (Lyon,) 1824. Lieutenant, 1826 to 1846. Toms, F. Y. — Assistant-Surgeon in the Assistance, (Belcher,) and the North Star, (PuUen,) 1852-54. Surgeon, 1857. Now Staff- Surgeon of the Invincible, in tlie Mediterranean. Toms Point, at N.W. end of Bathurst Island. Tracey, J. — Master's-Assistant in the Investigator, (Bird,) 1848-49. Now a merchant in Bombay. Tucker, Charles T.— Master of the Erebus, (J. C. Ross,) 1839-43, in the Antarctic Expedition. Now a retired Staff-Commander. Serving under the Thames Conservancy. Trollope, H.— Lieutenant of the //right Inlet, north of ley Cape. Wallis, W.m. — Carpenter in the Hecla, (Parry,) 1819-20. Wakeham, {'vrus. — Clerk of the Dorothea, (Buchan,) 1818, and of the Griper, (Liddon,) 1819-20. Composed seveial Arctic songs ; the Opening Address and the l-'arewell Address for the Theatre. Acted Puff in " Miss in her Teens" ; Beaufort in " The Citizen" ; Bruin in " The Mayor of Garratt" ; Obediah Prim in '^ A bold stroke for a II i/'e" ; and Dick in the " N. IV. Passage." IValden, yr'////.- Midshipman of the Racehorse, (Pliipps,) 1773. Haldol Island, off the nortli coast of Spit/l)Ligin. Wai-K-KK, Davip. — A native of Belfast. Surgeon of tlie I'ox, (McClintock,) 1857-59. Author of papers '' On the forma- lu ^ folio •^ • Wall r A years ^ '^-.Calv. ^^ — Croft ^J^:i. 1: • Burvi ^ y, Athni • ^ fl Iluy, KcU . ___ Com: t > Adtii . Juku \ ,(Jii)i { THE ARCTIC NAVY LI:sT. 63 Hon of Sea Ice" and " On the Zoology of the Fox ExpeiUtlon, in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Dublin. Now in the United States Army. Ward, John. — Assistant-Surgeon of the Intrepid, (Cater,) 1850-51. Webb, H. P. — Second-Engineer of the Pioneer, (Osborn,) 1850-51. In the sledge travelling, volunteered and worked as one of the men in Osborn's sledge. Webb Point, on the west coast of Prince of Wales' Land. Webber, Mr. — Artist, Resolution, (Cook). Weddell, James. — Master R.N. Made a voyage to the Antarctic Ocean in i82 2-.^4, and reached 74° S. Author of " A Joyage toivards the South Pole'" (8vo, 1827). Weekes, John. — A Warrant Officer of the y^/v/wj, (Franklin,) 1845-48. Weller, C. C. — Midshipman of the Fury, (Hoppner,) 1824-25. Wells, John C. — Retired Commander. Went for a cruise to Spitz- bergen with Mr. Leigh Smith, 1872. Y to the Polynia. — A Voyage to losscH wero mistaiuod ; — Admiral Sir Provo 1 ' Wallis (tlio senior oilicer of the Navy, a^icJ 100 r A years), lioar-Admiral L. II. Boyle, Captain E. K. ■>Jl .^-f al'er, Cnmmandor Thomas CoIjI), Admiral Henry > — Croft, Vicu-AJiiural C3. T. (..'urnip, Vico-Admiral r In the. follow iii'- •^ "^ 3. U. II. Dunlop, Captain John Grcon (the only • Burvivor of Parry's nxjicdi'lon i<\ tho Nortti I'olo), r, ^ Admiral 0. PailHr-llamiltcm, Admiral Jainos li. L. • ^ •£! Hay, Admiral V. Osliorno Hayi's, Kuar-Admiral Edwnrd ( T' K('Uy,Adtnirali>lacl:ouzio,Vi<('-AdiiiiriilF. Jl. Prattcnt, '^ Commaiulcr J. D. I'am'.ay, Admiral .i. liashleigh Ilodd, Admiral '1'. I'ifliciiii;: 'i'iiDrjipRon, rayiiiastor-in-Chiof . .Toi jp Vi. Vyi iiHin (who niadi) throu voya^'i'.s in search of I Fraalflin), Vicc-Adtniral 1'. 11. Sh.irpi', Admiral H. p^olrovid, Vicc-Aiiiniral KiihurJ Abimioro I'owf'l, 'r**'_ Captain Kdward Frederick Dont, Commander Charlos J^Cibln C'lawioy, /'•:r.'''al Woodford John Williams, t^ V*«"l Admiral William Sy.lncy 8mitli. Fury, (Hoppner,) 1824-25. e Fury, (Hoppner,) 1824-25. service for an a|ti)oiininent as .iety. rA/, (Ivellelt,) 184551 Since retirement. in the Isabella. (Ross,) 1818. I)e> il's Thumb, Melville Bay nt of tlie Reso/ufion, (Cook,) eechey,) 1325-28. Afterwards employed lor many years on the Home Surveys. Wood, J. 1''. L. — Lieutenant in the Etebus,{]. C. Ross.) 1839-41, "and Terror, (Cro/.ier,) 1842-43, in tlie Antarclic Lxprdition. Connnaiuler, 184J. .Vfterwards SecKtary to llie Alcndicity Society. /r<;(;agocOnoo forn.ida"le ' ^t of' l^'t ^^P^e^onUd whole year the breafh / ^- ^^^*^^- ^<« . -tt^- widened than efo^sod'^^'r" " ^' ;Ieath had done nothin«t htl if"\ ^^ ^' '^fcrcnce botwn«., *i,- t: /^^ .'^e'*^ >t ; for the d Vernon, Charles E. H. — Born in 1827. I (Maguire,) 1852. Afterwards Comma jer^nce botwn«n ,,-■•:"- "-"^ « ; tor the d m Australia and the East Indies. He wider difference than can"°°' ''*'' ''*"^ ' ^ mwnoright,/.—C\Qx\i of the Blossom, ( Beech. f"''"^*^" '^t^ng ^^^^ "j^VxbnS^T'^ ^^ *' IVaim^right Inlet, north of Icy Cai ;,';;j;„^,.;;;f "--« boWeen ih. pnest.\"i'^ WALL.S, WM.-Carpenter in the Ilecla, iV^ry^^^^^jor^ V^^S^^^^ ^ m " The Citizen" ; Bruin in " The Mayor of Carratt" ; Obediah Prim in '•'■ A bold stroke for a Wife"; and Dick in the "aV. ;K Passage." Waltien, John. — Midshipman of the Racehorse, (Phijips,) 1773. WalJen hland. off the north coast of Sititzbergcn. Walker, David. — A native of Belfast. Surgeon of the Fox, (McCliiilock,) 1857-59. Author of papers '^ On the forma- THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST 53 L . i beace was evor broken, it tt '"« to heal it ; for the d faction! was realjy » f can be oompoBed by ar Mk. PABK.Ix~it w.., ., .vjoen the pnest. and ti '«orei,ce ehowod iteeJf , every moment, during i\ Jections, in the struggle f J'tetman't Journal, ^m , CeneraJ election. Bi '8 division had amo. ' -Li. n »~ l*r //(9« (?/"«S'if« /rZ'^.— 1836, (J. C. Ross). Davis Straits. Summer cruise to Spitzbergen. Hired at Hull, to relieve whalers in Discovery. — 1776-80, (Gierke and Gore). Second ship in Gook's Third Expedition. Summer cruises in Behring Strait. 300 tons. So officers and men. Dorothea. — 18 18, (Buchan). Summer cruise to Spitzbergen, Enterprise. — 1848-49, (J. G. Ross). Franklin search. Wintered at Port Leopold. 530 tons. 63 officers and men. Lost one officer (Mr. Mathias, the Assistant-Surgeon,) and three men. 1850-54, (Gollinson). Franklin search, by Behring Strait. First winter in a Sound on Prince Albert's Land, in 71^ 35' N. 185 1-52; second at Gambridge Bay, 1852-53 ; third at Gamden Bay, 1853-54. She returned May 6th, 1855. Lost three men, one in each year. ♦Erebus. — 1839-43, (J. G. Ross,) in the Antarctic Expedition. 370 tons. 64 officers and men. 1845-48, (Franklin), To discover the N.W. Passage. 65 officers and men. First winter at Beechey Island, 1845-46. Lost two men. Second and third winters in the pack, north of King William Island in 70° 5' N, 1846-47-48, Lost nine officers and twelve men (including the Terror's losses), from 1846 to April 1848. Ship a/hiiidoiied A\>n\ 22nd, 1848, when 105 souls landed on King William island. Fox, — 1857-59, (McGlintock). Franklin Search. First winter in the Baffin's Bay Pack. Lost one man in consequence of a fall. Second winter in Brentford Bay. Lost two men. Screw yacht of 177 tons. 26 officers and men, Felix, — 1850-51, (J, Ross). Franklin Search. Small schooner. Wintered in Assistance liay, Gornwallis Island. No deaths. •Fury. — 1821-23, (Parry). 377 tons. 60 officers and men. First winter at Winter Island. Lost one man from a fall from aloft. Second winter at Igloolik, Lost two petty officers (Greenland Mates). 1824-25, (Hoppner). 60 officers and men. Wintered at Port Bowen. No deaths. August, 1825, ship driven on * shore by the ice and abandoned. y jd / il THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST. 67 \ Griper.— 1819-20, (Liddon). Gun brig of 180 tons. 36 officers and men. Wintered at Melville Island. No deaths. 1823, (Clavering). Summer cruise to Spitzljergen and Greenland. No deaths. 1824, (Lyon). Summer cruise towards Repulse Bay, by Roe's Welcome. No deaths. Hecla.— 1819-20, (Parry). 375 tons. ."iS officers and men. W^intered at Melville Island." One man died. 1821-23, (Lyon). 62 officers and men. First winter at Winter Island. Lost two men in June, 1822. Second winter at Igloolik, No deaths. 1824-25, (Parry.) Winter at Port Bowen. No deaths. 1827, (Parry). Summer cruise to Syitzbergen, in the attempt to reach the Pole. No deaths. IIerahL—\2>JtS-S ^ > (K<-'llctt). 500 tons. 1 1 o officers and men. Three summer cruises up Behring Strait. One death. •Intrepid.— 1850-51, (Cator). Franklin search. Screw steamer, 430 tons, 60 H.P. 24 officers and men. Wintered off Griffith Island. No deaths. (Austin's Expedition.) 1852-54, (McClintock). Franklin search. First winter at Dealy Island (Melville Island). Lost two men. Second winter in the pack. Lost two men. Abandoned 1854. (Kellett's Expedition). •Investigator.— 1848-49, (Bird). Franklin search. 538 tons, 60 officers and men. Wintered at Port Leopold. Lost two men. 1850-53, (M'Clure). Franklin search. First winter at Princess Royal Islands. No deaths. Second and third at Bay ot Mercy. No deaths until April, 1853, when three men died. Mr. Sainsbury (Mate), died on board the licso/iifc, in November, 1853, and one man on board the North Star, 1854. Ship abandoned, 1853. A summer Isabel. Lady 1.49 tons. Lion.- —1852, (Inglefield). Screw schooner, cruise in Baffin's. Bay., ,.No deaths. _ ^ __ ^ ^^ ^,^ . i^/»v, .0 r. i, FRANK/i^'.-^-i85o-5r,^ (Penny). Franklin search. A brig. Wintered in Assistance Bay, Cornwallis Island. No deaths. -1776-77, (Pickersgill and Young). Brig sent to meet Captain Cook up Baffin's Hay. Never went beyond the Woman Islands. _^>r'i Tt- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.25 tatlA 125 1^ ^^ ■■■ ■tt 122 12.2 ui Ui Itt u 140 1.4 IJiSi 1^ p% ^:^* Hiotographic Sciences Corporation M WMT MAM STRUT WiilTIR.N.V. MSM (7U)I73^S03 58 THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST North Star. — 1849-50, (Saunders). Store ship. Franklin search. Wintered at Wolstenholme Sound. Lost four men. 1852-54 (Pullen). Store ship. FrankUn search. Wintered at Beechey Island. No deaths. Pagoda. — A barque hired at the Cape to complete some magnetic and other work after the return of Sir James Ross's Antarctic Expedition. Slie was officered and manned from H.M.S. IViiic/iesfcr, flag ship at the Cape. She left Simon's liay in January, 1N45, iind returned in June, having reached Cq"" S. where she was stopped i)y impenetrable pack ice. PJmnix. — 1853, (Inglefield). Steam transport. Summer trip to Beechey Island. No deaths. 1854, (Inglefield). Summer trip to Beechey Island. Brought home part of the Belcher Ivxpedition. *PiONEER. — 1850-51, (Osborn). Screw steamer, 430 tons, 60 horse- power. 2\ officers and men. Franklin search. Wintered ofl Griflith Island. No deaths. (Austin's Expedition). 1852-54, (Osborn). Franklin search. Wintered at Northumberland Sound. No deaths. Second winter in Wellington Channel. No deaths. ^\\\\) ahandoned, 1854. Plover. — 1848-50, (Moore). Store ship. Complement 41 men, 213 tons. Franklin search. Wintered at Kotzebue Sound, 1849- 50, and at Port Clarence, 1850-51, and 1851-52. A fresh commission 1852-54, (Maguire). Wintered at Point Barrow 1852-53, and 1853-54. In 18541116 P/ovcr ww^ condemned and sold at San Francisco.* Prince Ai.hert. — 1850, (Forsyth). Schooner. 89 tons. Smiimer cruise to Prime Regent's Inlet. Franklin search. No deaths. 1851-52, (Kennedy). Franklin search. Wintered in Batty Bay. No deaths. Paic/iorse. — 1773, (Phipp'^). 93 officers and men. Summer cruise to Spitzbergen. •Resolute. — 1850-51, (.Austin). 410 tons. 60 officers and men. Franklin seanh. Wintered off Griffith Island. One death in the spring, from frost bite. * \ vc-Mi'l from tlio Piicilic »(nmi1rnn coinniniiieati'il witli tlio Plun v ei\oh yenr, nfUr till! (lc|i!uiure of tliu Ihitdil. In IS.")! M.M.S, (<'aptniii \Vfllc«lcy,) wii.H fciit to I'ort Clarciu'e on iliis (Inly, 'i'lio Ain/ililhlff (Captain FrtMlcriik,) took np I'Motftin Miij.(niro in IS.VJ, ami went as far iih Icy Capo again in ISBil. H.M.S. UiiillrHiKih (Cajitain Trollope,) nlxo brought up KUpplies in 1853 ; on337 gt;ographii:al miles ; and the (juantity of new coast line discovered was 1,6 1 8 miles. They obtained, by shotting, 28,254 lbs. of fresh meat. The force employed was 88 officers and men, and 10 dogs. A/xi/td'/zeit May ijtii, 1854. On September roUi, 1855, she was picked tip (having drifted out of Balhn's Hay, upwards of r,ioo miles) in 67° N. I, at., by the American VVhaler Gro/^'' Henry ((.'aptain Buddington). Now laid up in the Mcdway. Resolution. — 1 776-80, (Cook and Clerke). 462 tons, men. Discovery ship up Behring Strait. 112 officers and Sophia. — 1850-5 1,( Stewart). Brig. Franklin search. Wintered in Assistance Bay, Cornwallis Island. No deaths. 7^?//'^/.— 1854, (Jenkins). Transport. Summer trip to Beechey Isliind. Brought home part of the Belcher Expediiion. No deaths. •Terror. — 1836-37, (Back). 340 tons. 60 officers and men. Wintered in the Pack. Three deaths. 1839-43, ^Crozier). Antarctic E.vpedition. 64 officers and men. 1845-48, ((Jrozier). Second ship of Franklin's Kxpediiion. Lo>l one mini in 1845-46. (See Erebus). Trent. — 1818, (Franklin). Summer cruise to Spitzbergcn. ♦Victory. — 1829-33, (J- Ross). Paddle-wheel steamer. 85 tons, 23 otHcers and men. Three winters on the coast of l>oothia. First winter, one death. Second and third winters, no deaths. Alnxudoned 1832. 1832-33, crew wintered at Furv Beach. One death, the cari)enter, in February, 1833. 60 THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST, ^xtXk €xpebiticn of 1875. OFFICERS. (Those 7cnth * 7vill be in the advance ship). *Nares, George S., F.R.G.S. — Captain, loth December, 1869. Commanding the Expedition. See page jy. Stephenson, Henry F. — Captain, January 6th, 1875. Commanded H.M. Gun-boat Heron, on the Lakes of Canada during Fenian disturbances, from March 5th, 1866, until January, 1867. Flag-Lieutenant to Sir H. Keppel in China. Pro- moted to a death vacancy, 1868. Commander of the Rattler when lost on the coast of Japan, 1869. Commander of the Royal Yacht, 1871-74. ♦Markham, Albert H., F.R.G.S. — Commander, 29th November, 1872. See page 34. "Aldrich, Pelham. — Lieutenant, nth September, 1866. In the Scout, in the Pacific. Flag-Lieutenant to Admiral Key, at Malta. First Lieutenant of the Challenger, (Nares,) 1872-74. Nephew of Captain R. Aldrich. See page i. Beaumont, Lewis A. — Entered the service in 1862. Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Yacht. Lieutenant, 23rd August, 1867. In the Blanche, (Montgomerie,) on the Australian Station, 1868- 71. He then qualified for Gunnery Lieutenant, and was appointed as Instructor in the Torpedo Experiments. September 4th, 1S74, selected as Gunnery Lieutenant of the Lord Warden, flag-ship in the Mediterranean. •Parr, Alfred A. C. — Entered the navy 1864, in the Victoria^ (Goodenough,) flag-ship of Sir Robert Smart in the Mediter- ranean, 1864 67. In the lyiadcs, in South America, 1867-70. Lieutenant, rsth June, 1870. Beaufort Testimonial, and Commission for best examination of his year. Lieutenant in the Hercules, (Sherard Osborn). Gunnery Lieutenant of the Monarch, (Hood,) lolh June, 1874. •GiFFARD, (iEORGE A. — Entered the service in 1862, in the Aurora^ (Sir L. McClintock,) 1863 to 1867 in the West Indies ; in the Hercules, (i^onl Gilford,) in tlie ("liannel s(|U;ulr(>n. 1S6S-70. Then in the Royal Yacht. Lieutenant, iHth August, 1870. in the Niohe, (Sir L. Loraine,) in the West Indies, 1871-74. William H. — Entered the navy, 1864, in the Victoria, {(\ooA- enough,) Hag-ship of Sir Robert Smart in the Mediterranean, \ 4 lad who, it m ■ledging ■Idp. B< George Ni War, ^^ thoug Uawa hardsQlpi the woun< andra, fi home, an< (decided t •May, THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST. 61 the -, at 4 1864-67. In the Z/^^, in the West Indies. Sub-Lieutenant in the Hercules, and Lieutenant 7th September, 187 1. Was studying at the College for Gunnery Lieutenant, and had a good prospect of obtaining a Fellowship, which he relin- quished from zeal for Arctic service. Archer, Robert H. — Midshipman in the Galatea, (H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh,) 1857-61. Lieutenant, 20th June, 1872, commission for the best examination of the year. Lieutenant in the Agincourt, (flag of Admiral Hornby,) in the Channel sauadrnn. tStt.t/i . A lad mishap hM happened to lieat-WyattRawion, „,^ . , ,,. , mbered. performed Mme remarkable m 1866, m the Minotaur, lezion with the DiscoTery, Arctic the Polar Expedition anderBir awion took part in the ABhantee ,ed at the battle of Amoaf all. Al- m his leg, Lient. xpodition, and the ent jPsQT to have aggravated n 1)0 myCppointed totheAlex- ip he Jun recently been invalided the Narcissus, (Codrington,) the Ashanti war he was in t,) and distinguished himself the naval brigade, when he : March, 1874. service in 1864; in H.M.S. ifrica, 1865-66. In H.M.S. -fi »M-.-, — . , > ,K X. y. rica and West Indian Stations, home,andisnowatHasiar Hospital, whew il ha* been ^^(^ Immortalitc, 1870- ,docidedtoainputatehisleg.:7M^.C,cA^/^jj^^ ^^^ Mediterranean, 1872-74. Lieutenant, 8th August, 1874. He is of the old Devonshire family of Fulford, of Fulford, one of the daughters of which. Mistress Faith Fulford, married John Davis, of Sandrudge, the fomous Arctic Navigator and Discoverer of Davis Straits. •Egerton, George Le Clerc, — Entered the service in 1866. Served in tht> Liffcy, (Johnson,) in the flying squadron, in the Ariadne, (Carpenter,) training-ship, in the Invincible, (Soady,) and in the Bclleroplwn, flag-ship, in the West Indies, 1874. Sub- Lieutenant, 15th October, 1872. Convbeare, Craweord, J. M. — Served in the Liverpool, (flag-ship of Admiral Hornby,) in the first flying squadron. Sub-Lieutenant, 29th October, 1873. •CoLAN, Thomas, M.D.— Served as Assistant-Surgeon during the Russian war in the Baltic, including service with the advanced squadron in the ice, in 1856. In i860 in the China War, at the capture of the 'I'aku Forts, and in the I'eiho river. 1873 in the Rattlesnake, (Connnerell,) during the Ashanti War, for which service he was promoted to Staflf-Surgcon, 31st March, 1874. He gained the Gilbert lilane Gold Medal for his Medical Journal kept on the west coast of Africa. 1874, in the Unicorn, (Brome,) drill ship at Dundee. Author of a " Memoir on Parasitic Vegetable Fungi and the Diseases induced by them" also of an article on the VVcst Coast of Africa. 60 THE ARCTIC NAVY LIST, (Arctic Cxpebition 0f 1875. OFFICERS. 1869. L ( Those with * unll be in the advance ship). *Nares, George S., F.R.G.S. — Captain, loth December, Commanding the Expedition. See pa^^e j/. '• Stephenson, Henry F. — Captam, January that the Act of riirliament uuder wiikh tli^summoi H.M. Gun-boat Heron, on the I Fenian disturbances, from March « 1867. Flag-Lieutenant to Sir H. moted to a death vacancy, 1868. C when lost on the coast of Japan the Royal Yacht, 1871-74. *Markham, Albert H., F.R.G.S. — Comi Ksuea was never int?tinded to and did n-it npply tcl of tins kind. The aiivertist'ineut only Uiii ^viuit morning paper* did eivo information on coining i He would be bound to s;vy that if that day's piipr examined they would bo found to contaiiJ same kind of now* The advenisemont diJ iuvite p°rgou8 to come to Mr. Cox and n)ake liof : was there one word in the whole advertisoaient! j bets or betting. AH that was done was to cxpra opinion fts to the probable resultof coniiug eventsfiu.l whieh horse would bo likely to win. The statute «i tended to meet the kind of ativertisuments whie; j published ait that time inviting persvrtjs to nuke be particular place. If this case ouded in a, conviction, 1872. See page 34. *Aldrich, Pelham. — Lieutenant, nth Sej Scout, in the Pacific. Flag-Lieutenatii' to ■ ftuiviiTtvl-xvnrf$"vie'' Malta. First Lieutenant of the Challenger, (Nares,) 1872-74. Nephew of Captain R. Aldrich. See page I. Beaumont, Lewis A. — Entered the service in 1862. Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Yacht. Lieutenant, 23rd August, 1867. In the Blanche, (Montgomerie,) on the Australian Station, 1868- 71. He then qualified for Gunnery Lieutenant, and was appointed as Instructor in the Torpedo Experiments. September 4th, 1874, selected as Gunnery Lieutenant of the Lord JFarden, llag-ship in the Mediterranean. •Parr, Alfred A. C. — Entered the navy 1864, in the Victoria, (Goodenough,) flag-shij) of Sir Robert Smart in the Mediter- ranean, 1864-67, In the lyiades, in South America, 1867-70. Lieutenant, 15th June, 1870. Beaufort Testimonial, and Commission for l)est examination of his year. Lieutenant in the Hercules, (Sherard Osborn). Gunnery Lieutenant of the Afonarch, (Hood,) lolh June, 1874. *GiFFARD, George A. — Entered the service in 1862, in the Aurora, (Sir L. McClintock,) [863 to 1867 in the West Indies ; in the Hercules, (Lord Gilford,) in the Channel sijuadron, 1S68-70. Then in the Royal Yacht. Lieutenant, i8th August, 1870. In the Niohe, (Sir L. Loraine,) in the West Indies, 1871-74. •May, William H. — Entered the navy, 1864, in the Victoria, {(\ooA- enough,) flagship of Sir Robert Smart in the Mediterranean, THE ARCTIC NA VY LIST, 61 1869. i 1. lao luCLs 01 1110 uiT'jo, iiiu ncnt uudnr wliich the sumnii ded to and did nut npply Ih yertist'iDout only Uiii what ivo iiiforuiation on comiug . say that if that day's piijj. : uhl bo found to contaii The advertisemont di. me to Mr. Cox and make bcj ill tiio whole advertiaoiuent. tliat was douo was to cxi);| ililo result of coniitig eveutsat.. likely to wiu. The Btututo « sind pf auvertisementa whiciJ inviting persutis to make be( ii< case ouded in a cunviution, ' 372-74. itenant ^ In , 1868- id was ments. of the 'ictoria, x'ditcr- 367-70. /, and lant in of the t/tfora, in the peared of greater interest than this upon the Royal A'avy.' — Times. ' As an ilhistrateii s^ift-book, independent of its historic interest, " The Royal Navy" from the truthfulness of its illustrations, cannot but recommend itself, net tnly to the Royal Service, but also to ttie public' — United Service Gazette. ' This beautiful work does credit to all concerned in its pro- duction '—Pall Mall Gazette. CAPTAIN NARES' SEAMANSHIP I vol. 8vo. 400 beautifully engraved Woodcuts, and Plates of Flags, accurately Coloured. 5th Edition, revised and corrected. Price 2 Is, ' It is the best 7vork on Seamanship we have.' — Standard. ' F.7'erv necessary particular is given so fully and completely as to leave nothing t» be desired.' — Shipping Gazette. New Edition. 7th thousand. Reviser' tnd enlarged, 3s. cloth. THE RIGGER'S ., 40 Crests on"'""" „. each. RS, ion of [ Navy, oloured ler, 35p ; 7s. 6U. t-General LON, R-"N- kelson won issional METER Illustrated. earn Engines, le manner vjldch ^ Navy Gazette. ,Y TABliES RESTS different sheets, . each. natedingoWand lbook caval and MUitary ;Ss Commissioners or War. Post 8vo, ice 4s-