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Les diagrammes suivants iilustrent la m^thode. rrata o lelure. 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 '*i % ''^M '*'i THE TRAYELLER'S AND TOURIST'S GUIDE THROUGH THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, ETC., JSZHIBITINO THE VARIOUS EOUTES OF TBAVEL, ! . • . WITH ' EXPLANATORY NOTES, AND OTHER USEFUL INFORMATjipj TOGBTHXE TTrCB ^ DESCRIPTIONS OF, AND ROUTES TO, THE PROMINENTI^LACES OF FASHIONABLE AND HEALTHFUI^ RESORT. ACGOlfPANISD BT A VALUABLB AND AUTHENTIO MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. AC' BY W. WitLIAMS. ^V i -1 1 PHILADELPHIA: LIPPINCOTT, GRAMBO & CO. 1856. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year ]I855, by W.WILLIAMS, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. BTEBE0TT]^t3> BY J. FAQAN. PBINTED BT T. K. * P. 0. COLLINS. %* For In OEZ, see latter part of the work, pages 237-46> (2) LIBRARY ' 719548 UNIVERSITY OF tORONTO TO THE PUBLIC, The Author and Publishers of the "Traveller's and Tourist's Guide" have been desirous to make the present a work both reliable and worthy of public favor j and in doing so, have spared no pains in its preparation. That this work will be appreciated wo have no doubt, judging from the flattering enco- miums bestowed upon our former editions. The present work • has been re-written, and many important changes introduced : it is, therefore, put forth as the most complete work of its kind extant. In the arrangement of Boutes, we have adopted a new plan, which will be found more convenient than any former method. The Routes are given as they diverge from the chief cities of the Union ; thus for example : " Routes from New York," " Routes from Philadelphia," "Routes from Boston," "Routes from^Chi- cago," " Routes from Cincinnati," Ac, &o. Explanatory notes are attached to many of the Routes, which the traveller should by no means overlook, as by consulting these, and comparing them with the Map, he will not only frequently be saved ex- pense, but time and inconvenience. One new feature in our book we must call attention to : instead of giving a repetition of each Route, we have used the same both for going and returning, by the introduction of an extra column of figures, with the necessary directions at the head and foot of each Route. This will be found an important feature, as it is not only more convenient, but enables the traveller to see at a glance the distance of places from each starting point; and, by saving much room, permits us to extend our informal. (iii) TO THE PUBLIC. tion very materially. The names of the more prominent places on the Houtea are put in a conspicuous type, so that the eye shall detect them without difficulty. Among the valuable features of our work are Tables, showing at a glance the Distance, Fare and Time occupied in travelling from the principal cities to the most important places in the Union. It not unfrequently happens that strangers in a large city, from which numerous railroads proceed, are at a loss to know which Route to take in order to reach a certain point. To ob- viate this difficulty, we have given, at the commencement of Routes from the chief cities, the names abd depdts of the prin- cipal railroads diverging therefrom, with the most important towns to which they lead. Immediately following we have placed the law regulating the Hacknbt Coach and Carriage Fares in the great cities, which, we hope, will serve as a safe- guard to strangers against the impositions frequently practised upon them by the drivers of those conveyances. The descriptions of the places of fashionable and healthflil resort, with the Routes leading to them, is intended especially for Tourists, and those seeking recreation during the summer months. This will assist, perhaps, in determining parties who have not previously made up their minds which Route to take. The Map of the United States, which accompanies the work, will be found replete with the most recent information; much care has been taken to display the railroad 8ystem*of the country, which may be depended on as reliable, and the whole is engraved in a manner distinct, and legible. Constant refer- ence should be made to the Map, as, without it, the best in- formed would lose much of the interest of travel. Travellers and others will confer a favor upon the Author, by transmitting, under cover, to the Publishers, any information that may be obtained from personal observation. Railroad companies, also, will receive our thanks, and benefit their re- spective Routes, by sending us the latest information relative to their several lines, which wHl be attended to in each new edition. THE TRAVELLER'S AND TOURIST'S GUIDE. . ROUTES FROM BOSTON. 7%« traveller will refer to each qf the following routes reapeetively, as may be required. EASTERN RAILROAD, Depot Causeway /Street.— Leading to Lynn, galetn, Lawrence, Lowell, Gloucenter, Newburyport, Portsmouth, Port, land, Augnsta, Waterville, Bangor, Eastport, New Bruntiwick, and Nova Scotia, Sec. &c. At Portland it connects with the Mlantie and SL Lawrence Railroad, Androscoggin and Kennebec,, and Kennebee and Port- land Railroads. See page 8. BOSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD, Depot in Haymarket S^nare.-Thia road connects with the Portsmouth, Saco, and Portland Railroad, at South Berwick, in the State of Maine, uniting here with the foregoing route : it, therefore, leads the traveller to (be same places, in that State, 88 the above. By leaving the above depot persons may also keach the following places :— Haverhill, Exeter, Dover, Great Falls, Lawrence, Manchester, Coticord, Lebanon, Montpelier, Burlington, Northern New York, Cana' das, Meredith, Plymouth, Haverhill, N. H., &c. See page 9. • L(XWELL RAiLRO AD,^«po< in Lowell Afreet.— Leading to Lowell.Nashua, Goncord, &c. From Concord, N. H. runs the Northern Railroad, con* necting with the Vermont Central, and the Connecticut and Passumpsic Rivers Railroad. Also, the Boston, Concord, and Montreal Railroad, Sec and the Concord and Portsmouth Railroad. See page 18. PITCHBURG BAILROAD, Depot in Cau^etoay SiCreet.— Northwestern and Northern Route to Fitchburg, Keene, Bellows Falls, Rutland, Burling, ton, Canadaa, Brattleboro*, N. H., Sec. See page 16. WORCESTER AND WESTERN RAJIROADS, Depot comarofBeaeh and Lincoln Streets.— To Worcester, Springfield, Pittsfield, Albany, Troy, Saratoga Springs, Utica, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago, and the N. W. and S. W. portions of the Union. From Wor- cester to Norwich and New York city. From Springfield, to Hartford, New Haven, and New York city. Also, to Greenfield, Brattleboro* Bellows'Falls, Sec. See page 24. BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE RkMOkd, Depot Pleasant Street, foot n* Boston Common,— To Providence, Stonington, and New York city. By 1* (5V k ROUTES FROM BOSTON. tho NORFOLK COUNTY RAILROAD, leaving from j;« f^'pe d|f "t. T^ nf>dlmiii, Walp«le, Ulncksioiie, &,c. By the TAUNTON AND NEW BED* FORD RAILROAD, leaving iVoin the Provideucti dtjpot. To Mausfiuld, Tauiitoii apd Mew Bedford. See page 28. FALL RIVER RAILROAD, Depot corner tf South and Kneeland Streets.^ To Fall River, Newport, and New York city. Also, to Wareham, Sand, wich, and Cape Cod. Bee page 31. OLD COLONY RAILROAD, Depot comer'of South and Kneeland Streeta.^ To Gtuincv. Abin^tou, Kineston, and Plymouih, Duxbury, dec. Also, by the SOUTH SHORE RAILROAD, frpin the Old Colony Depot to King, ham, Cohasset, &c. See page 31* STEAMERS LEAVING BOSTON. — Steamboats leave Central. Wharf, Boston, for P<»iiand, Me. I'are about $1. From Boston, to Bath, Gardiner, and HallowelL Fare to Bath $1 00. To the two latter places %l 50 each. A steamer runs from Hallowell to Waterville. From Boston to Bangor, stopping at TKomaaton, Camden, and Belfast, &c. Fare to the two former places 92 00 ; to Belfast 92 50 ; and to Bangor $3 00. Passengers by taking the cars of the Eastern Railroad or those of the Boston an^ Maine Railroad for Portlands may leave the latter place by steamboat for Bangor and intermediate landing, and from Bangor may return direct to Boston. A steamer runs fVom Eastern steamboat wharf, Boston, every Mon day, at II o'clock, for Eastport, Me., direct ; and every Thursday, at 11 o'clock, for Eastport, touclUng'at Portland, Me. From Eastport, another steamer will convey passengers to St. John, JV*. B„ and also to St. Jin- drews, JV. B., and Calais, Me. Fare from Boston to Eastport $.5. 00. From Boston to St. John $7 00. From Portland to Eastport 94 50, and from Portland to St. Jphn $6 00. These are cabin fares. Steamboats run from Boston to Mihant, and, also, to Hingham, &c. N. B. For the places of fashionable and healthful resort, see index. CARRIAGE FARES IN BOSTON The rates of fare in the City qf Boston, ta be taken by or paid to the owner or driver qf any licensed carriage, are as follows: For carrying a passenger from one place to another, within the city propor, 25 cents. For children between three and twelve years of age. if more than one, or if accompanied by an adult, half price only is charged for each child ; and for children under three years of age, when accompanied by their parents, or any adult, no charge is made. Every driver or owner of any licensed carriage, is obliged to carry with each passenger one trunk, and a valine, saddle-bag, c*irpet-bng, portmanteau, box, bundle, basket, or other article used in triivelling, if lie be required so to do, without charge or compensation therefor ; but for every such trunk or otlier such article above named more than two, he is entitled to demand and receive the sum of jive cents. me dtfbot. To NO NEW B£0. io Mansfield, j/a«rf Streets.-. areham, Sand. fland Streeta,-^ ry,&,c. Algo, )epoi to Hing. Central Wharf, lo Bnth $1 00. n UalJowell to I. and Belfast, ^ 50; and to >r those of the »"er place by 1 Bangor may ». every Mon luwday, at U tport, another Iso to St. Jin- stport $5. 00. >rt 94 30, and nngham, &c. ft. see index. " paid to the hin the city re than one, each child ; led by their r owner of one trunk, ale, basket, K without ■ otTier such »nd receive • ROUTES FROM BOSTON. A TABLE SHOWING THE DISTANCES, FARES, &o., FROM BOSTON TO MANY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PLACES IN THE UNION. The following will show, at a glance, the distanety «epen««, and Htm ocofupied, in trarelling firom Boston to the most prominent points in the Union. Allowance, howeTer, must be made in the rate of fiires when tra* Telling in steamboats, upon Lakes or Rivers, as these modes of convey- ance are su1:]|}ect to more or less competition, in which case the fares vary. Those given, however, are as accurate as can be obtained under the dr* eumstances, and will, no doubt, be found near enough to make up a gene- ral estimate of expenses. The time given is that which is actually occu- pied in passing Arom one point to another; the detentions between each route are not taken into consideration, as these the traveller must deter- mine for himself. The distances are given by the shortest routes. Sunei of PlHM. BOSTON to Albany, N.Y.,via Western B.B. (( u u u M M If « (I « « « « it H U U tt it u u u u M tt Baltimork, via New York and Philadelphia.. Buffalo, via Albany , Charlkston, S.O , CmoAao, via Canada , Chicago, via Cleveland , Cincinnati, via Columbus , Cincinnati, via Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and Crestline, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio, via Buffalo Coluhbus, Ohio, via Cleveland Detroit, via Canada Indunapoub, la., via Clevel'd and Bellefon- taino, Ohio LoinsviiXE, Ky., via Indianapolis Mobile, Ala Montreal, via Burlington, Yt MONTaOMEBT, Ala New Orleans, via Washington New Orleans, via Canada, Chicago, Illinois Central R. R., and Missifsippi River... New Orleans, via Cleveland, Indianapolis, St. Louis, and Mississippi River New York, via Springfield l^GARA Falls Scspenbion Bridge Philadelphia PErrsBCRG, Pa., via Philadelphia Richmond, Ya Rock Island, HI., via Canada and Chicago.. Savannah, 6a St. IiODi8,via Canada, Chicago, and Alton, 111. St. Louis, via Cleveland and Indianapolis..... St. Louis, via Philadelphia, Pittsburg and In dianapolis St. Paul, Minnesota, via Canada and Chicago, and Mississippi River Washington, D.C Milca. 200 420 498 1018 1010 1036 036 1032 681 816 732 962 1071 1667 330 1470 1883 2412 2434 236 603 323 676 691 1192 1143 1296 1233 1340 1620 460 Hoart 10 19 24 66 60 61 44 62 34 39 36 48 53 124 12 84 142 148 160 10 24 144 34 80 59 76 65 62 67 92 21 Fare. $5 00 10 00 11 00 24 00 22 00 22 00 22 50 22 00 15 00 10 00 17 00 20 00 23 00 55 00 6 60 47 00 60 00 42 75 60 00 6 00 11 00 7 00 16 00 17 00 27 00 29 00 29 60 28 00 37 00 34 00 11 25 BOSTON TO PORTLAND. Mllm from Pert- 105 104j 101 0(5 94 01 80 85 80 76 71 60 65 63 61 58 50 51 45 37 33 28 22 15 13 6 BOSTON TO PORT LAND. From fort- Uail. Eastern Railroad. BOSTON to E Boston (by ferry) North Chelsea..... Lynn Swamscot "•Samm fBeverly Wenharn Ipswich Rowley INCWBDRTPORT . . . fEast Salisbury... . Beabrook, (N. H.). . Hampton Falls.... Hampton North Hampton.... Greenland ......... IIPORTSMOOTH Portland, Sato, and Portsmouth R. R. Elliot. (Me.) irBerwick Junction. North Berwick .... Wells Kennebunk Biddeford Saco Scarborough to.... PORTLAND PORTLAND TO BOS TON. (Read up.) MIlM rrom place to place. Mllee rrom Boa- ton. 3| 4 5 2 11 3 14 2 16 4 20 5 25 4 20 5 34 2 36 4 40 2 42 2 44 3 47 2 49 5 54 6 8 4 5 6 7 2 7 6 Place to Place. 60 68 72 77 83 90 02 00 105 From Boa- ton. Through fare $i.50Time 5 hours. * Marblehead Branch runs to Marblehead, 4 miles from Salem. Essex Railroad runs to Lawrence, connecting with Lowell, Manches- ter, &:c. fGLOlTCESTER BRANCH RAILROAD diverges here; to Manchester, 0; Gloucester, 14 miles. Fare 45 cts. From Boston to O. 30 miles. Fare $ 1 00. This road affords a direct route to Cape J3nn. X The Newbcryport Railroad runs to Oeorgetotpn, Mass., 10 miles. Fare 25 cts. From the latter place ntages run to JV. Jlndover, Haver- hill, and Bradford, connecting with trains for Lowell, Concord, JV. H,, dec. § Salisbury Branch Railroaa runs to Sa/i.ibury Mills, 3 miles. K Portsmouth and Concord Rail' roaof diverges here. IT The Boston and Maine Railroad connects here. Prom Law- rence. 21 10 16 11 3 1 From Law- rence. SALEM TO LAW- RENCE. SALEM to South Danvers... North Danvers.... Middleton North Andover... Sutton's Milts to. ♦LAWRENCE... LAWf.ENCE TO SA- LEM. .{Read up.) Place to Place. 2 3 5 8 2 1 Place to Place. Front Sa- lem. 2 5 10 18 20 21 From Sa- lem. * Connects hero with the Lowell and Lawrence Railroad, the Boston and Maine Railroad, and the Man- Chester and Lawrence Railroad, From Low- ell. 24 10 14 8 6 2 From LoW' ell. SALEM TO LOWELL. SALEM to South Danvers.... West Danvers North Reading . . . . Wilmington Tewksbury to LOWELL LOWELL TO SALEM. (Read up.) From Sa- lem. 19 2 From Sa- lem. BOSTON TO SALEM. Place V> Place. 5 5 6 « 4 2 Place to Place. From Sa- lem. 5 10 16 18 22 ii From Sa- |pm. Boston and Maine R BOSTON ^outh Reading Tieading Branch to South Danvers to SALEM SALEM TO BOSTON. (Rea4 up.) Place to Place 10 7 2 Place to Place. From Boa- ton. 10 17 10 From Bo|». ton. BOSTON TO PORTLAND. Uncord, JV. H, ITCH RxitROAB Hit, 3 miles. Concord Rail. Maine Railroad W- • • • • • • • • to.. Place to Place, SA- 2 3 5 8 2 1 Froin 8a- lam. s 5 10 18 30 21 Place From to Ha. Place, lem. ith the Lowell id, the Boston ind the Man- Railroad. ILL. Place tfi Place. From 8a. lem. • • • • • • 5 5 • • • 5 10 1 • • 16 « 18 4 22 2 24 — • M. Place fo Place. From Sa- lem. Place! From Place. I (tin. Ri to I 10 10 7 2 17 19 Placel From to B<M. Place.' ton. *The South Reading Branch Rail- road forms a new route between Boston and Salem. It is, however, 4 miles farther than the one via the Eastern Railroad. frem rerl- 111 109 lOG 104 103 103 101 00 06 00 88 B5 83 79 78 73 70 66 61 57 B4 49 43 40 89 88 33 28 22 15 13 6 Prom Port- land. BOSTON TO PORT LAND. Boeton tjr Maine RiR. IBOSTON to Somerville *Malden Melrose Stoneh&m Greenwood South Reading.... Readins Wilminirton Ballard /nie Andove.' fLAWRbiCE JUNC. North Aidover.... Bradford Haverhill Plaistow, N. H. ... Newton East I(ingston.... Exeter ...» South Newmarket. tNewmarket Durham 6D0VER fSomersworth Salmon Falls S. Berwick Jcnc Portland, Saeo, and Portsmouth R. R. North Berwick.... Weils Kennebunk Biddeford Saco Scarboroueh to.... PORTLAND PORTLAND TO BOS- TON. {Read up.) Place to Plaea, 5 5 6 7 2 7 6 Place to Place From Boo- tOB. 2 2 3 5 2 7 1 8 1 1 10 2 12 3 15 6 21 2 23 3 36 2 28 4 32 1 33 5 38 3 41 4 45 5 50 4 54 3 57 5 62 6 68 3 71 1 72 1 73 78 83 89 96 98 105 111 From BOB- ton. Through fare $2.55 Time 5 hours. * Medford Branch Railroad ex- tends to the centre of the town of Medford, distance 5^ milea flrom Boston. Fare 15 cents. t Intersects here with the Loweh and Lawrence Railroad, and Man- chester and Lawrence Railroad.^ Persons going to central N. Hamp* shire and Vermont, or the north ern part of Massachusetts, may do so by taking the above routes See Index for these roads respec- tively. X TTie Portsmouth and Concord Railroad intersects here. ^ The Cocheco Railroad connects with the Boston and Maine Rail- road at this place. KThe Great Falls Branch Rail- road unites here with the Boston and Maine Railroad. From Farm iiig- ton. 18 10 8 4 From Farm liig- lon. DOVER TO FARM INGTON. Cocheco Railroad.* rDOVBR to Gonic Rochester Walker's to FARMINaXON FARMINGTON TO DOVER. {Read up.) Place to Place. 8 2 4 4 Place to Place. Fri:« Do- ver.' 8 10 14 18 From Do- ver. *This road is being constructed via Alton, to connect with the Bos- ton, Concord and Montreal Railroad, at Meredith. Stages leave Farmington for Mtddlcton, Wolfboro\ T^ftonboro\ Moultonboro\ Sandwich, Oilmanton Iron Works, Oilmanton Corner, Oil- ford, and Meredith, every other day from Tuesday ; for Mton Bay, Oil- ford, and Meredith, every other day from Monday. Also, from Roches- ter, for Milton, Wakefield, Ossipet, and Conway daily. t At Dover this road connects with the Boston and Maine Rail* road. 10 GREAT FAILS TO CONWAY, N. H. From Con- way. 65 59 51 49 42 37 87 22 16 7 GREAT FALLS TO CONWAY. N.H. Ot. Falls 4* Conway Railroad. GREAT FALLS to Rochester By stage to Chesnut Hill .... Milton Union Wakefield Place to Place. From Oreat FalU. Centre Osslpee West Ossipee. . Eaton to OONWAY Froo. CONWAY TO GREAT : [FALLS. {Read up.) way 6 8 2 7 5 10 5 6 9 7 Place to Place. 6 14 16 23 28 38 43 49 58 65 From Great FaUi. This road is a continuation of the Great Falls Branch Railroad, uniting with the Boston.and Maine Railroad at Soniersworth. It is open to Rochester, 6 miles from Great Falls and 9 miles from So- niersworth. It is designed to con- tinue this road throiinh Milton, Wakefield, Effingham, and Eaton, to Conway, Jf. H. From Con- cord. 47 43 39 37 30 24 18 13 7 From CoD' PORTSMOUTH TO CONCORD. Portsmouth and Con cord Railroad. PORTSMOUTH to Greenland Stratham Newmarket Epping Raymond Caiidia Rowe's Corner.... Suncook to CONCORD CONCORD TO. PORTSMOUTH. {Read up.) Place to Place. 4 4 3 7 6 6 5 6 7 Place to From Porte- m'tb. 4 8 10 17 23 29 34 40 47 From F.'ortf- m'lh. At Concord this route connects Xt'ith the Northern and the Vermont Central Railroad, forming a conti. nuous line to Montreal. At Con. cord, also, it connects with the Boston, Concord, and Montreal, and the J^ashua and Concord Bfail. roads. At Portsmouth it connects with the Eastern Railroad; and, also, the Portsmouth, Saco, and Portland Railroads. At Newmarket it intersects tho Boston and Maine Railroad, over which passengers may go to Exeter, East Kingston, Plaistow, Haverhill, Mass., Lawrence, Lowell, Boston, &,c. and to places north and east of Newmarket. From Mon- treal. 296 291 287 285 284 281 277 274 272 269 264 260 256 251 249 241 234 228 221 219 216 «?I0 206 201 195 J 88 182 170 165 158 PORTLAND TO MONTREAL. Atlantic and St. Lawrence R. R. PORTLAND to Falmouth Cumberland ..... Yarmouth ♦Yarmouth June N. Yarmouth. ... Webher's ...'...., New Gloucester . Cobb'» Bridge.... i Danville June. .. Empire Road .... ^Mechanics Falls Oxford North Oxford... South Paris... North Paris.... Bryant's Pond.. Lock's Mills.... Bethel West Bethel.... Gilead Shelburne, N. H, West Shelhurne aORHAM Berlin Falls Milan West Milan .... Northumberland Stratford N. Stratford.... Place to Place. ...... 5 4 2 1 3 4 3 2 3 5 4 4 5 2 8 7 6 7 2 3 6 4 5 6 7 6 12 5 7 From Port- laud. 5 9 n li 15 19 22 24 27 32 3e 40 45 47 55 62 68 75 77 80 66 {)0 95 101 103 114 12t) i:u 138 PORTLAND TO MONTREAL 11 connects with ad: and, aJso, 9, and Portland intersects tho Railroad, over ly go to Exeter, itov), Haverhill, ^ell, Boston, &.C. 1 and east of u. 2. 0. . • • • . 5 5 • • • 4 a • • • • 2 11 c... 1 li 1 • • • 3 15 • • • • 4 19 • • • 3 22 • • • 2 24 * • • 3 27 • • • 5 32 LLS 4 36 • • • 4 40 • • • 5 45 • • • o 47 • • • 8 55 • • • 7 62 • « ■ 6 C8 • • • 7 75 • • • 2 77 • • • 3 80 • • t 6 86 t • • 4 flO » ■ • 5 95 • • 101 t • 7 108 • • 6 114 • • 13 12ti • I 5 i:ii •• 7| V4^ 153 143 127 118 HI 107 101 98 84 74 59 51 45 32 25 19 12 2 From Mon- treal. Wenlock, Vt Island Pond Canada Line iSt. Latorenee and Atlantic R. R. Coaticoak, Can.... Compton Centft) . . Waterville Lennoxville Sherbrooke ....... Windsor Richmond '. Durliam Acton Upton St. Hyacinthe .... L. Soixante St. Hillaire Boucherville Longueil By Steamboat to MONTREAL.... MONTREAL, CAN., TO PORTLAND. ME. {Read up.) 6 9 16 144 30 153 8 169 9 178 7 185 4 189 6 195 3 198 14 212 10 222 15 237 8 245 6 251 13 264 7 371 6 277 7 284 10 294 2 296 Flare From to Port- PJaoe. land. * The Kennebec and Portland Railroad diverges here. t The Androscoggin and Kenne- bec Railroad diverges here, and runs to Waterville. X The BocKFiELD Branch Rail- road diverges here. Route — to West Minoty 4 miles ; South Hebron, 7 ; East Hebron, 9 ; Buckhbld, 13. Fare, 40 cents. Stages run A'om Buckfield to 7lHrR«r'«, Dixfield, Livermore, East JAvemutre, Jay, and also to other places in the vicinity. From Qna- beo. 319 97 85 67 54 48 36 38 PORTLAND, ME., TO ^'J^* Plaoc. QUEBEC, CAN. PORTLAND to.... I Richmond (see I previous route.. Quebec and Riehr- mond R. R. Danville, Can Nicolet Stanfield Somerset Bocftncour Bridge.. St.Flavien 322 12 18 13 6 13 8 Fkom F«rt- land. 322 234 252 265 271 283 291 From Que- bec- Black Riv. SettlemH Chaiidiere Bridge... QUEBEC QUEBEC TO PORT- LAND, ME. (Read up.) 8 12 8 Place to Place. From Do- ver. From De- ter. PORTLAND, ME., TO ♦DOVER, N. H. York and Cumber- land R. R. PORTLAND to... Morriirs Gorham.. ......... Buxton Hollis Waterborough Layman Alfred Sanford N. Berwick Berwick Salmon Falls to... Boston and Maine Railroad. DOVER DOVER TO PORT- LAND. {Read up.) Place to Place. 3 7 5 Place to Place. 209 311 319 From Port- land. Fron Port- land. 3 10 15 From Port- laud. *The York and Cumberland R.a. is now in progress of construction. From Con- way, 56 50 46 43 39 31 25 22 16 8 4 From Con- way. PORTLAND TO CON- WAY, N. H. Stage. PORTLAND to... Sacarappa Gorham West Gorham Standish East Baldwin West Baldwin Hiram Brownfield Fryebiirgh Centre Conway to. ♦OONWAY CONWAY TO PORT- LAND. {Read up.) Place to Place. 6 4 3 4 8 6 3 6 8 4 4 Place to Place. Fro* Port land. 6 10 13 17 25 31 34 40 48 53 50 From Port- Il 19 CONWAY TO LITTLETON, N. H. * For routes to the White Moun> tains, see Index. 18 10 7 1 Naples Bridgeton... North Bridgeton... South Waterford . - WATERFORD-. 8 8 3 6 1 Place to Place. 30 38 41 Prom Little- CONWAY TO LIT- TLETON, N. H. Place to Place. 3 3 12 2 4 13 5 From Con- way. 3 12 24 30 32 36 49 54 47 48 From Wa- ter- fotd. WATERFORD TO PORTLAND. {Read up.) 54 51 48 OONWAYto North Conway .... Lower Bartlett... . Bartlett.. •.•...«.«. Mt.Crawford House Willey House Notch House c Fabyan's Mount ) I Washington Ho. ) Bethlehem to LIITLETON .... From Port- land. 42 30 24 22 From Wa- ter* TiUe. PORTLAND, ME., TO WATERVILLE AND BANGOR. Plwse to Plaoe. 5 4 2 1 3 4 3 2 3 5 1 8 3 3 6 6 8 8 7 From Port- land. 18 5 82 77 73 71 70 67 63 60 58 55 50 49 41 38 35 29 23 15 7 From w*. t«r- TiUe. Androscoggin and Kennebec Railroad ' and stage, PORTLAND to. . . Falmouth 5 From LITTLETON TO CON- WAY. {Read up.) Place to Place. From Con- way. Little- ton. Cumberland 9 11 12 15 From Mere- dith Vill. CONWAY TO MERE- DITH VILLAGE, N.H. Place to PUce. 7 6 3 7 2 5 4 From Con- way. 7 13 16 23 25 30 34 Yarmouth June. .. Atlantic and St. Law- rence Railroad. N. Yarmouth Webber's 34 27 21 18 11 9 4 OONWAYto 19 New Gloucester . . . Cobb's Bridge Danville Junction. Androscoggin and Kennebec R. R. Auburn ...•...•••. 22 Tamworth 3. Tamworth Sanilivich ......... 24 27 Moultonboro* Centre Harbor .... MEREDITH VIL 32 Lrwistom ...*•.... 33 IvrpAnp 41 44 Prom MPRPniTUI/lll&GCl Place to Place. From Con- way. Leeds Mere- dith vm. TO CONWAY. {Read up.) Monmouth WiNTHROP Readfleld 47 53 59 From Meredith Village, persons may go to Concord, by the Boston, Concord, and Montreal Railroad, and ft-om thence to Lowell, Boston, and other places. Belgrade 67 West Waterville to ♦WATERVILLE . 75 82 WATERVILLE TO PORTLAND. {Read up.) Place to . PUce. From Port- land. From PORTLAND TO WA- TERFORD, OXFORD COUNTY, ME. Place to Place. 4 4 3 5 From Port- land. 6 10 14 17 22 Wa- tei* ford. Fare from Portland, %& 25. Time, 4i hours. 48 49! PORTLAND to... Sacaraona * Stages leave Waterville for Ban' gor. on the arrival of each train; passengfirs having through tickets from either Boston or Lawrence, have a check given them in the cars, which on the payment of 38 34 South Windham... Windham 31 SO North Windham... Raymond PORTLAND TO AUGUSTA, ME. W\rtr\/WN/WW>^ 8 30 8 38 !ton... 3 41 ford .. 6 47 RD-. 1 48 D TO Place From ID. to Porl- '-) Place. land. ^E.,TO Place From E AND R. to Plaoe. Port- land. n and lilroad re. } to... 5 5 4 9 3 11 (inc.. .. 1 12 St. Law- road. h 3 15 4 19 Bter . . . 3 22 'fi 2 24 iiction . 3 27 tn and R. R. 5 32 1 33 8 41 3 44 3 47 6 53 »••••••• 6 59 8 67 rville to 8 75 ^LLB . 7 82 LE TO ND. Place From to . Port- iji.) PUce. land. land, $2 25. Time, JTaterville for Ban- ral of each train; ig through tickets ton or Lawrence, van them in the the payment of fl 50 extra, entitles them to a pas- sage to Bangor in the first convey- ance from Watervi lie, thus making the through fare from Boston to Bangor $4 50. Through tickets are sold in Bos- ton at the Depots of the Eastern R. R., and the Boston and Maine ; and, also, at Lawrence, to the fol- lowing stations on the road, viz. to Monmouth, Winthrap, and Readfield, at $2 50 ; to Belgrade, at $2 75 pto Waterville, at $3 00. Passengers going to Hallowell and .Augusta, can purchase a through ticket to Winthroit (10 miles) for $2 50, and in the cars before arriving at Win- thrap, a check will be given them to carry them by stage to those towns without additional charge. At Winthrop stages lieave for JHxfield, and other planes in this vicinity, connecting with the morn- ing train. Stages leave Lewiston, for 7\tm- er's, J^orth Livermore, Peru, and DirfieUl. Leave Readfield, for M. Vernon, Vienna, Farmington, Phillips, and JVcto Portland; for the above places, stages connect with each train.— On every other day from Tuesday, stages connect at Readfield with morning train only, for Kent's Hill, Fayette, Livermore Falls, Jay, Ches- terville. East Wilton, and Wilton. Stages leave Belgrade, for Chan- dler's Mills, Rome, Jfew Sharon, Mercer, Stark, Industry, JV*«io VinO' yard, and Jfew Portland. SXagh leave Waterville, for Solon .Anson, Mtrridgewoek, and Skow- hegan. Stages run in connection with the cars from Waterville to Belfast, via Vtas<Uihoro\ and China. From An- gofta. 56 51 47 PORTLAND TO AU- GUSTA, ME. Atlantic and St.Laio- renee Railroad, PORTLAND to... Falmouth Cumberland 8 Place to Place. 5 4 Frnin Port- land. 5 9 45 44 39 34 30 21 6 2 From A.U- goata. Yarmouth Yarmouth June... Kennebec and Port- land Railroad. Preeport Merri man's Road. . ^Brunswick Topham ...., Bowdoinham Gardiner Hallowell to AUGUSTA AUGUSTA TO PORT- LAND. {Read up.) 2 1 5 5 4 1 8 15 4 2 Place to Place. 43 11 12 17 22 26 27 35 50 54 56 From Port- land. * Branch Railroad to Bath di> verges here 9 miles. Passengers for Wirithrop will put' chase a through ticket to Augusta, and can then obtain a check in the cars to convey them to Winthrop for the same as to Augusta. Fare to and flrom Boston or Lawrence to Oardiner, Hallowell, or Augusta, 82 50. From aue- be«. 2,35 226 217 213 203 201 196 188 184 179 176 171 159 153 144 125 115 95 69 61 45 33 From Que- AUGUSTA AND WA TERVILLE, ME., TO QUEBEC, CAN. AUGUSTA to.., Sidney Waterville FairP Id Bloonifield dkowhegan NORRIOGEWOCK . Madison • Anson < Bmbden Solon Bingham < Moscow .( Carritunk The Forks Jackman's Moose River .... State Line St.Charles.CCan.E.) St. Francis ....... St. Joseph St. Mary to QUEBEO Place to Place. 9 9 4 10 2 5 8 4 5 3 5 12 6 9 19 10 20 26 8 16 12 33 QUEBEC TO AUGUS- TA, ME. {Bsadup.) Place to From An- Baa»«. 9 18 22 32 34 39 47 51 56 59 64 76 82 91 110 120 140 166 174 19t) 203 235 From Aa- PlM«.lglMU. 14 AUGUSTA TO BANGOR. JVom Augusta to Portland^ see page 13. From Baa- tot. 68 57 53 47 42 34 S9 25 17 6 Fr»m Bao- gor. From B«a gor 144 139 135 133 132 127 122 118 114 109 106 98 93 88 86 78 71 65 61 59 62 AUGUSTA TO BAN GOR. Place to Place. By Stage. AUGUSTA to Vassalboro' East Vassalboro* . • China Albion Unity Troy .^..... Dixmont Newbiirg Hampden to BANGOR BANGOR TO AUGUS- TA. {Read up.) PORTLAND TO BEL- FAST AND BANGOR VIA BATH. 11 4 6 5 8 5 4 8 11 6 Place to Place. Atlantic and St.Law renee Railroad. PORTLAND to... Falmouth Cumberland ...... Yarmouth Yarmouth June.-.. Kennebec and Port land Railroad. Freeport • Merriman*s Road.. Brunswick. ....... Harding's Uath By Stage. Woolwich Wiscasset Sheepscot Branch. . Newcastle Nobleboro* Waldoboro' ....... Warreu Thom\ston East Thomaston. . . West Camden... Camden ....r. .. Lincolnvilte Place to Place. 5 4 2 1 5 5 4 4 5 3 8 5 5 2 8 7 6 4 2 7 7 From Au- guita. 11 15 21 26 34 39 43 51 62 68 From Ad- gusta. From Fort- laniL 5 9 11 12 17 22 26 30 35 38 46 51 56 58 66 73 79 83 85 92 09 40 33 2d 23 14 12 9 6 From Bel- fast aiiU Ban- gor. Northport llEIiFAST Swunville IVorih Searsport... Frankfort Mills ... Frankfort JVorih Frankfort... Hampden to BANGOR BANGOR AND BEL FAST to PORTLAND. {Read up.) From Wil- liaiiM' burg. 48 39 36 28 22 14 7 5 2 45 36 29 19 12 6 2 From Wil. liame- burg. From Green- Tille. 76 68 65 59 51 BANGOR TO WIL UAMSBURG AND BROWNSVILLE, PIS- CATAQUIS CO., ME. BANGOR to South Dutton Levant East Corinth ...... Charleston Atkinson Sebee Barnard WlIiLIAMSBURa .... Brownsville Or from Bangor to Dutton Kirkland Bradford Bnydstown Milo Brownsville to... WILUAMSB'RG WILLIAMSBURG TO BANGOR. {Read up.) BANGOR TO GREEN VILLE AND MOOSE HEAD LAKE. By Stage. BANGOR South Dutton Levant East Corinth West Charleston. . . 5 7 7 3 9 2 3 3 6 Place to Place. Plaee to Plaee. 9 3 8 6 8 7 2 9 2 9 7 10 7 6 4 2 Place to Place. Place to Place. 8 3 6 8 104 111 1J8 121 130 132 135 138 144 Frosi Port- land. From Ban- gor. 9 12 20 26 34 41 43 46 48 9 16 26 33 39 43 45 From Bun- gor. From Bau- gor. 8 11 17 as BANGOR TO GASTINE. 15 • • • • • • • • • • • • •t... 3 « • • • • • • rt... 5 7 7 3 9 3 3 3 6 104 111 118 121 130 132 135 138 144 BEL- \ND. Fltee to FroKi Fort. pure. land. WIL- ANO Flaea From PIS- to Place. Ban- gor. Mb. 9 9 3 12 8 20 6 26 8 34 7 41 2 43 \ • • • • 3" 46 2 48 • 9 9 7 16 10 26 7 33 B • • • • 6 39 :o... 4 43 'RG 2 45 5 TO Place From to Bua- Plaoe. gor. EEN- Place Prom pSE- to Place. Uau- gof. .1 » • • • • 8 8 > • • • • 3 11 6 17 n... 8 95 45 40 35 27 25 21 14 7 From Orven Tille. South Dover Dover East Sangerville . Sangerville Guilford Abbot M onaon Shirlevto ( GREENVILLE ) J AND > CMoosehead Lake ) From Caa- tine. 36 35 33 29 26 21 17 14 3 From Can- tine. From Houl- ton. 117 113 111 108 105 103 100 94 87 85 74 68 60 63 GREENVILLE TO BANGOR. (Read up.) BANGOR TO GAS- TINE. .By Stage. BSNQrOR to.... Brewer Brewer Village • . . Orrington South Orrington.. North Bucksport. Bucksport Orland North Castine... OASTINB CASTINE TO BAN GOR. {Read up.) 6 5 5 8 2 4 7 7 Place to Place Place to Place. 1 2 4 3 5 4 3 11 3 Place to Place. 31 36 41 49 51 55 62 69 76 From Ban- gor. BANGOR TO HOUL- TON, ME. Bangor and Piscata- quis Railroad. BANGOR to St'm-Mill Turnout. Half- Way Station . Upper Stillwater . . Old Town By Stage. Milford Sunkhaze ......... Greenbush Olamon Passadumkeag South Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Centre- . . North Lincoln... . Place to Place. 4 2 3 3 2 3 6 7 2 11 6 2 3 From Ban- gor. 1 3 7 10 15 19 22 33 36 From Ban- gor. From Ban- gor. 4 6 9 12 14 17 23 30 32 43 49 51 54 55 45 26 6 From Houl- ton. From li^ast- port. 138 132 126 121 118 104 98 91 85 76 68 65 61 56 49 41 35 26 18 12 Mattawamkeag ... South Moluucas. . . Haynesville Linnsus to HOULTON HOULTON TO BAN GOR. (Read up.) 8 10 19 20 6 Place to Place. BELFAST AND BAN- GOR TO EASTPORT, ME. By Stage,' ♦BELFAST to . . South Prospect . . Prospect Bucksport Orland... Ellsworth Hancock Sullivan Goldsboro' Steuben Narraguagus . . . . Harrington East Harrington. Columbia Jonesltoro' M ACHIAB East Machias.... Marion Dennysville .... Pembroke to EASTPORT.... Place to Plaoe. 6 6 5 3 14 6 7 6 9 8 3 4 5 7 8 6 9 8 6 12 62 72 91 111 117 Fron Ban- gor. From EASTPORT TO BEL- p{;« port! I FAST, ME. Ipiace. I (Read up.) \ From Bel- faat. 6 12 17 20 34 40 47 53 62 70 73 77 83 89 97 103 113 120 126 138 From Bel. fiat. *From Portland to Belfast, see page 14. Stages leave Bangor, daily, for Machias and Eastport, connecting with the foregoing route at Ells- worth, 27 miles distant from Ban> gor. From Bangor to Machias, 90 miles; and from Bangor to East, port, 131 miles. From Machias through East Machias and Lubu to Eastport, 34 miles. Stean\boats run between East* port and Boston via Portland, and, also, St. John, N. B. Fare from Eastport to Boston, 95 00. * Frcua 16 NEW BRUNSWICK AND NOVA SCOTIA. Eastport to St. John, $3 50. Pas- sengers for Calais, on arrival of the boat, take the steamer plying be- tween Eastport and Calais. Ferry-boats ply between Eastport and Pembroke, and Lubec, and the islands of Campo Bello, Deer, Slc. From Eastport to Calais.— To Perry, 8 ; Robbinaton, 9 ; Calais, 12 ; total, 29 miles. From Calais to Baring, 5 miles. ROUTES IN NEW BRUNSWICK AND ;«3VA SCOTIA. From St. John, A*. B., there is a regular line (by steamboat) to EUut- port. Me., 60 miles, and from thence to Portland and Boston. Fare from St. John to Eastport, 92 50. Fare (torn Eastport to Portland, $4 50, and Boston, $5 00. Through fare from St. John to Portland, $Q 00, and from St. John to Boston, f7 00. (Cabin.) Steamers ply regularly on the St. John River, between the city of St. John and Frederiekton, the capital of the province, 90 miles, making the Intermediate landings. Steamers of a less draught run from Frede- riekton, up the river to Woodstock, 60 miles, and occasionally as far up as Tobique and Orand Falls, the first 95, and the latter 125 miles, above Frederiekton. When the depth of water permits it, a steamer runs from above the Grand Falls, to the Madaieaska Settlement, about 40 miles distant. Stages leave Frederiekton for Magervillo, Oafretoien,Jemsing,Scc Also, for Woodstock, and Houlton, and from thence to Bangor, and other places in the State of Maine. A daily line leaves for Canada, carrying the mails, passing the Ma- daieaska Settlements. Stage lanes leave Frederiekton for Liverpool, JV*. B., and also for Miramichi, Chat- ham, Newcastle, and other places on the Miramichi River And Bay.— From these, communication is ob- tained with Prince EdwartPs Island. Stages run from Frederiekton to St. Jiudriiu, St, St^hcm$i Calais, and Eastport, Me., and also to St. John, the principal port of the province. Stages run between St. John and Halifax, JV. S., carrying the mails, round the Bend of Pettecodiac, through Dorchester, Westmoreland, and Truro. Also, from St. Jdhn to St. Andrews, St. Stephens, and Ca^ laia. Me, A steamer leaves St. John for the principal places in the Bay of Fundy, and Windsor, N. S. Steamers, also, run from St. John to Digby and Annapolis, JV. &— . Stages connect with the steamers for Windsor, and from thence to Halifax, and from the latter place to all parts of Nova Scotia. BOSTON TO MONTREAL, VIA FITCHBURQ AND THE RUTLAND RAILR6FAD. From Fitch' burg. 50 47 44 40 38 37 33 30 25 23 19 15 10 8 4 BOSTON TO FITCH BURG. > • • • c • I Fitchburg R. R. BOSTON to ♦Somerville tWest Cambridge. Waltham Stony Brook... Weston Lincoln Concord t South Acton. . West Acton... Littleton §6roton ...... Shirley Lunenburg .... Leominster to. FITOHBURG From Fitch- burg. FITCHBURG TO BOSTON. (Read up.) Place to Plar«, 3 3 4 3 1 4 3 5 2 4 4 5 2 4 4 Place to Place Fran Bos- ton. 3 6 10 12 13 17 20 25 27 31 35 40 43 46 50 From Bob- ton. Fare, $1 65. T\me, about 2 hours. * Harvard Branch R. R. diverges here. From Boston to Cambridge, 3 miles. Fare, 15 cents. t The Watertoton Branch R.R. and the Lexington and Wut Cambridge R. R. diverge firom West Gam* FITCHBURQ TO BELLOWS FALLS. 17 l80 to St. John, f the province. :n St. John and ^ing the mails, >f Pettecodiac, Westmoreland, 'om St. J<Jhn to phens, and Ca- leaves St. John ices in the Bay iBor, N. 8. 1 from St. John tpoliSt JV. S.— I the steamers 'rom thence to he latter place Scotia. WIONTREAL, S AND THE ULRtfAD. TCH- R. Ige.. 1 • c • • • • • • TO Place to Place. 3 3 4 3 1 4 3 5 2 \ 5 2 4 4 Place to Place From Bos- ton. 3 6 10 13 13 17 20 25 27 31 35 40 42 46 50 From Bos- ton. about 2 hours. R. R. diverges to Cambridge, snts. branch R.R. and Vtat Cambridge u West Cam* bridge. From Boston to Watertoten, 8 miles. Fare, 25 cents. From Bos- ton to Lexington, 11 miles. Fare, SUcentfi. I The Lancaster and Sterling Branch Railroad diverges (torn the Fitchburg Railroad, at South Ac- ton' it willconnect with the Worce- ster and Nashua Railroad at Lan- caster. Cars are now running to Feltonville, 9 miles, or 34 miles from Boston. Fare, 95 cents. § From Oroton Junction, passen- gers may proceed to JVas/tua, Man- ehestor, and Concord, JV*. H. Also, to Lowell, Lawrence, the eastern part of New Hampshire, and the State of Maine. They may, like- wise, proceed to Worcester and Springfield, Mass ; to all parts of Connecticut and Rhode Island, and also to fliie city of New York. From B«l- low* rau« 65 63 60 54 50 46 43 37 32 38 32 14 10 4 FITCHBURG TO BEL LOWS FALLS. fermont and Massa ekusetts Railroad. FITOHBURO to. . West Fitchburg.... Westminster *S. Ashburnham... Cheshire Railroad. N. Ashburnham . . . Winchendon State Line Fitzwilliam, N. H.. Troy Marlboro* Keenb B. Westmoreland.. Westmoreland. • . • . Walpole to fBBLLOWS P'LS /romBELLOWS FALLS TO Plaee to Place. 3 3 6 4 4 3 6 5 4 6 8 4 6 4 Bel' Iowa Fall*. FITCHBURG. {Read up.) Place to Place. From Fitch- burg. 3 5 11 15 19 22 28 33 37 43 51 55 61 65 From Fltoh- barg. Fare, $2.00. minutes. Tme, 3 hours 45 * The Vermont and Massachusetts Umlroad leads to Greenfield, Mass., Mti to Brattleboro\ Vt., by another 2* road, the route is continued, a^ong the west bank of the Connecticut, to Bellows Falls, uniting there with the Sullivan and the Rutland Rail* roads. fAt Bellows Falls the Sullivan Railroad unites with the Cheshire and Rutland roads, forming a con* nection with the Passumpsic, the Vermont Central, and JV*. if. Jforih- em Railroads. Stages leave Winchendon, for Rindge and Jaffrcy ; Fitzwilliam fur Richmond, Winchester, Hinsdale, and Brattleboro'; from Keene for Chester and Brattleboro'. From Bur- ling- ton. 139 114 110 103 102 97 95 92 85 77 70 67 58 50 44 39 33 26 21 15 11 6 From Bnr- ling- ton. BELLOWS FALLS TO BURLINGTON, VT. Rutland Railroad. BELLOWS F'S to Rockingham Barton ville (./iicscGr** •••■•••••• Gassett's Duttonsville Proctorsvilie Ludlow Mount Holly Cuttingsville Clarendon ^Rutland Pittsford Brandon Whiting Salisbury MlDDLEBlTRT New Haven Vergennes Ferrisburg Charlotte... Shelburne to tBURHNGTON. . BURLINGTON TO BELLOWS FALLS. -miRnad up.) Plae« to Place. 4 4 4 5 3 3 7 8 7 3 9 8 6 5 6 7 5 6 4 5 6 Place to Place From Bel— lowe FiUla. 6 10 14 18 33 35 38 35 43r 50 53 63 70 76 81 87 94 99 105 109 114 130 From Bel- low* Fall* Fare, $3* 60. Time, about 6 hours. Through fare, from Boston to Burlinffton,335miles,$6 00. Time, about 10 hours. <^The Whitehall and Butlaod mmmlm 18 BOSTON TO MONTREAL, VIA CONCORD. ^/>/VS."VIN/\/V< «.>/v>/v%> ; R. R., 25 miles, unites here. By this connection, passengers may reach Buflklo, N. v., via Saratoga Springs ami Schenectady, or New York city, via Albany. Passengers leaving Burlington about 8 in the morning, reach JV*0t0 York, via Bellows Falls, Springfield, New Haven, &c., in 30 hours; or via Fitchburg, Worcester, and Nor- wich, in about 25 hours. A steamer leaves Versennes, daily, for Weatport, JV. F. Passen- gers for any of the towns on the west side of Lake Champlain, can take this conveyance. \Prom Burlington to Mmtreal, see gage 20. BOSTON TO MONTREAL, VIA CONCORD. Fron Con- cord ■ltd Low- 76 75 73 71 68 66 61 57 55 50 48 46 43 .39 35 34 528 25 21 17 U BOSTON TO LOW- ELL, NASHUA AND CONCORD. Boston and Lowell Railroad. BOSTON to East Cambridge . . . Somerville ........ Medford South Woburn .... Woburn....* Wilmington Billerica&Tewks'y Billerica Mills... ** Lowell Lowell and Muhua Railroad. Middlesex Chelmsford Tyngsboro' Little's, N. H. ... Nashville tN-VSHtTA Jfiashuaand Concord Railroad. Thornton's Perry. . Reed's Ferry GoflTs Falls Manchester Martiu'a Ferry .... Plaee to Flaoo. 1 2 2 3 2 5 4 2 5 2 2 3 4 4 1 6 3 4 4 5 1 3 5 8 10 15 19 21 26 28 30 33 37 41 42 48 51 55 59 64 8 4 From Cuii- cord •nd T<ow eU,fte. Hookset Robinson's Perry to JOONOORD CONCORD & LOW- ELL TO BOSTON. {Road up.) 4 4 4 Place to Place. 68 72 76 Front Bo*, toa. *The Lowell and Lawrenck R. R. intersects here. Route — From Lowell to Tewksbury, 6 miles; to Lawrence^ 13 miles. Fare, 35 cts. From Lawrence, passengers may go to Haverhill, Mass., or Boston and other places on the Boston and Maine R. R., and from thence to the State of Maine. Also, by the Essex R' R.- to Middleton, Danvers, Salem, and from Salem to Marblehead, Oloueester, Lynn, Boston, &c., and by the Manchester and Lav/fence R. R., to places in that vicinity. Prom Lowell, passengers may proceed, via the Stony Brook R. R., to the intersection of the Fitch- burg R. R. at Qroton ; ft-om thence to Fitchburg, and other places on the line of that rooti, anH »:s con- necting links. Als), to Worcester, Jforwieh, and JVeto York, t Here the JJ'a»haa and Worcester R. R. intersects. Passengers may, therefore, proceed from Nashua to Worcester, MlarMch, and JV%a> York. Also, to Proviience, and to Sprinff' field, Hartford, JV!«o Haven, Oreen' field, Mass. , Jilbany, &c. For the route of thr, Worcester and Nashua R. R., see page 46 & 47. I For the routes Arom Concord, see page 23. From Qro- ton. 17 13 12 10 6 From Gro- LOWELL TO GRO- TON. Stony Brook R. R. LOWELL to Chelmsford Factory Village.... Westford '. . Forse Village to. . . GROTON GROTON TO LOW- ELL. {Read up.) Place From to Low- Plaoe. ell. 4 4 1 5 2 7 4 11 6 17 Place From to iMf BOSTON TO CONCORD. • M ^vnf ^ fwwyyv^ • •• 4 68 to 4 72 4 70 — - — - H- Place From i to Do*. Place. ton. LAWRENCg louie — From G miles; to are, 35 cts. 9songerd may or Boston e Boston and tlioiice to the by the Essex noers, Salem, JUarbUhead, ton, &c., and Latefianee R. cinity. sengers may Brook R. R., f the Fitch- fl-om thence ler places on anfl 'td con- to fVorcester, rk. md Worcester senders may, in Nashua to nd Jfew York. nd to Spring- [aven, Oreen- Sec. For the r and Nashua 7. om Concordt D- Place From to Low Plaoe. en. R. • • • • • • 4 4 • • « 1 5 • • • 2 7 • • • 4 11 • • • 6 17 .«_M» Place From to Levf PlM«. elk Cin> eon\. 69 67 64 62 61 60 59 57 54 48 46 43 41 36 31 28 23 17 12 8 4 Vrom Coif cotd. BOSTON TO CON- CORD, VIA Law- rence AND MAN- CHESTER. Boston 4* Maine R.R BOSTON to. 8omerville Maiden Melrose Stoneham Greenwood South Reading Reading Wilmington Ballardvale Andover , Lawremcb Manchester 4* Law- rence R. R. Methuen Salem. N. H. . • Windham Derry Londonderry . . Manchester Concord R. R. Martin's Ferry ... Hooksett Robinson's Ferry . ♦OONOORD ••••«. Plaoe to Place. 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 6 2 3 3 5 5 3 5 6 5 4 4 4 CONCORD TO BOS- TON. {Read up.) Place to Place. From Boa' toa. 2 5 7 8 9 10 12 15 21 23 26 28 33 38 41 46 52 57 61 65 69 From Bos- too. Fare, 92 00. Time, 3 hours. I* For routes from Concord, see page 23; 69 66 62 59 55 50 44 39 CONCORD, N. H. TO WEST LEBANON. Northern R. R. ♦OONOORD to.... West Concord Fisherville Boscawen ......... North Buscawen... tFranklin East Andover ... Potter Place 36 30 25 17 iO 6 4 From West Leba- non. West Andover.... Danbury GraAon Canaan Enfleld East Lebanon.... Lebanon ;W. LEBANON. WEST LEBANON TO CONCORD. {Read up.) 3 6 5 8 7 2 4 4 Place to Place. 33 39 44 52 59 61 65 69 Ffoiii Con* cord. Fare, 92 00. Time, 3 hours. *At Concord this road unites with the Concord and Montreal R. R., the Concord and Claremont R.R., the Concord R. R., and tlie Concord and Portsmouth R. R. ^Bristol Branch R. R. diverges here. t Connects here with the Ver* mont Central R. R., and at White River Junction on the west side of the Connecticut River, with the Passumpsic River R. R. Stages leave Andover for JVeto London, JV*. H., Wendall, Newport,' &c. ; from Lebanon, for Merideut Claremont, &,c. From Bur- ling' ton. WEST LEBANON TO MONTPELIER AND BURLINGTON, VT. Place to Place. Vermont CenVl R. R. W. LEBANON to. * White Riv. June. White Riv. Village West Hartford... Sharon South Royaltpn.. lloyalton Bethel Randolph Braintree Roxbury Northfield MONTPELIER..;- Middlesex Waterbury Bolton JRichmond 1 2 5 6 4 3 5 7 2 12 7 10 6 5 6 7 From Wcirt Lebv mn. 1 3 8 14 18 21 26 33 35 47 54 64 70 7r 81 86 BURLINGTON TO MONTREAL. 11 7 3 Vrom Bur- ling- toik WilliBton f Bssex •• < Winnoski to. {BURLINGTON. BURLINGTON TO W. LEBANON. {Read up.) 5 I 93 4 97 4 101 3 104 Place to Plaee. From Wfd Leba- non. Fare, $3 50. THme, 3} hour$. Through (Hre, from Boston to Burlington, 9i> 00. Distance, 249 miles* Time, about 10 lioura. * The Connecticut and Passumpsie Rivera R. R. diverges here. See routes from White R. June, to Derby line, page 22. t From Essex depot diverges the Vermont and Canada R. R., run- ning to St. Albans and Rouse's Pt; at the latter place connecting with the Ogdensburg R. R. t At Burlington, trains connect daily, each way, with the steamers running on Lake Champtain, to and from St. Johns and Montreal, in Canada, Whitehall, Saratoga Springs, Albany, &c. New York passengers, at Bur- lington, can reach the former city, either by the way of Whitehall and Albany, or by taking either of the great routes running through Vermont to the Connecticut River, thence through its valley to Bel- lows Falls, Brattleboro', Greenfield, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven, and thence to New York. Or, by continuing the routes in Vermont and New Hampshire.- • The northern one passes through Concord, Nashua, Worcester, Nor- wich, and thence to New York. The southern route passes from Bellows Falls through Keene. Fitch- burg, Worcester, Norwich, and thence to New York. &airM run in connection with he Vermont Central R. R. to all parts of Central, Northern, and Western Vermont, and, also, the Cfeaadaa From Moil- tri:al. 102 92 85 77 02 58 50 43 37 24 9 BURLINGTON TO MONTREAL, VIA LAKE CHAMPLAIN. By Steamboat from BUBLINGTON to Port Kent Port Jackson Plattsburg Isle La Mott Chazy Champlain La Cole Isle aux Noiz.... St. Johns Champlain and St. Lawrence R. R. La Prairie By Steamboat on the St. Lawrence. ♦MONTREAL • . From Mon- treal. MONTREAL TO BUR- LINGTON. {Read up.) Place to Place. 10 7 8 15 4 8 7 6 13 15 Place to Place. From Bui. ling- toil. 10 1? 25 40 44 52 59 65 78 93 102 From Bur- ling- ton. ♦ See routes from Montreal. From R'le'D Point. 54 51 47 43 36 32 23 17 15 11 8 5 From R'»e'« Point. BURLINGTON, VT., TO ROUSE'S POINT, N. Y. Ffrmont CenVl R. R. *BURLINGT'N to Winooski Essex Depot .... Vermont df* Canada R. R. Colchester Milton Falls Georgia St. Albjins Swanton Highgate LakeUham.(E. side) Alburg West Alburg to.... tROUSE'S POINT Place to Place. ROUSE'S POINT TO BURLINGTON, VT. {Read up.) 3 4 5 6 4 9 6 2 4 3 3 5 Place to From Bur- ling- ton. 3 7 12 18 22 31 37 39 43 46 49 54 From Buiw Place.] lint- ton. F«r«, 91 50. Time, 2 hour§». ROUSE'S POINT TO OGDENSBURG. PlMt to Plaot. 15 102 ontreal. T., PIae« to Flaee. to ida le) rTi 3 3 4 7 5 13 6 18 4 22 9 31 6 37 2 39 4 43 3 46 3 49 5 54 ro Pliiee From to Ruiw Place. line ton. *At Burlington, Vt., this route I nnitcs with the Vermont Central, and the Rutland Railroads, leading to Boston. t At Rouse's Point tjiis road Joins the Offdenaburg or Northern Rail- road, running to the St. Lawrence River at Ogdensburg, and uniting there with steauiboats running on Lalce Ontario. From Og. drill- burg. 117 113 10-2 04 89 72 Gl 55 47 41 28 25 17 From 1 Rur- 1 Hug. 1 ton. ■ — 1 From 1 Og. !! 1 dans- burg. ROUSE'S POINT TO OGDENSBURG, N.Y. Ogdcnsbnrg R. R ♦ROUSE'S POINT Chaiuplain Centreville Chazy Ellenberg Chateaugay Malome Bangor '••... Moira Lawrence Stockholm Potsdam Madrid Lisbon to tOQ-DENSBURG- . OGDENSBURG TO ROUSE'S POINT. {Read up.) Place to riuce. 4 11 8 5 17 11 6 8 6 13 3 8 8 9 Place to Place. From R'tt'a Foiut. 4 15 23 28 45 56 62 70 76 89 92 100 108 117 From K'H«'a Point. I 2haun^. Fare, $3 00. T\me, about 5^ hours. • From Rouse's Point, steamers run in connection with this, road, to Whitehall, and fVom thence by railroad to Saratoga, Troy, Albany, and New York city'. Also, to Bur- lington, Vt., connecting there with the railroad routes to Boston ; and to St. Johns, Canada, uniting with the route to Montreal. - t Passengers intending to take this route to the West, by leaving either Montreal or Burlington, in the morning, will reach O^<20nsfrMr^ in time for the steamers running to Kingston, Sackett'a Harbor, Oswego, Taronto, Rochester, Hamilton, LeaiS' ton, and Buffalo, and thence to other places in the West and North- Western States. Passengers fVom the West, leaving Ogdenaburg by the early morning train, will arrive at Rouse's Point in time for the steamers plying on Like Cham- plain, and may reach Montreal tho same day, and Burlington, in time for the evening train to Boston, and will arrive at Whitehall in season for the morning train to Saratoga Springs, Troy, Albany, and the city of JVcw York. From Derby Line. 05 88 86 81 77 67 64 55 50 43 33 27 20 15 3 BURLINGTON TO DERBY LINE, VT. Vermont Cent" I R.R. BURLINaTON to Essex Depot By Stage, Essex Jericho , Underbill Cambridge Jeffersonville • • • • Johnston Hvde Park Wolcott.. Graflsburg Albany Irasbdrq Coventry. ..v**> Derby Centre to... ♦DERBY LINE... From Derby Line. DERBY LINE TO BURLINGTON. {Read up.) Place to Place. 7 2 5 4 10 3 5 7 10 6 7 5 12 3 Place to Place. From Bur- ling* ton. 7 9 14 18 28 31 40 45 52 62 68 75 80 92 95 From Bur- ling* * Stages run ft-oni Derby Line to Stanstead, Oeorgetoww, and Lakt Memphramagog, Canada. BURLINGTON TO ST. iOHNSBURY, VT., VIA MONTPE- LIER. Place Place. Vermont Cental R. R. BURLINGTON to Winooski | 3 Essex Depot.......! 7 WUliston I 4 From Bar* ling- ton. 3 10 14 i '■«-■ 83 61 £4 48 4:1 37 31 as 22 17 7 From at, John* bury. WHITE RIVER lUNCTION TO DERBY LINE. Richmond Helton Wntcrbury MiddlosRX MONTPELIER By Stage. East Moiitpelier. .. IMainflehl Marshfitild ••. Oabot ••••••#•••••• Danville to *ST. JOHNSB'RY 5 7 6 5 6 6 3 5 10 7 10 26 32 37 43 49 52 58 63 73 80 ST. JOHNSBURY TO BURLINGTON. {Head up.) PUoe to PUm. From Bur- liUI' too. ♦ Persona can go between Bur- lington and St. Johnsbury, the whole distance by railroad, viz.: over the Vermont Central to fV/iite River Junction, thence by the Con- necticut and Passumpsic Kivers Railroad to St. Johnsbury. From D«irby laue. 114 110 104 100 97 92 8i> 78 74 66 63 56 53 52 50 46 44 39 WHITE RIVER JUNCTION TO DER- BY LINE. *Connectieut ^ Pas- sutnpsic Rivers R.B, W. RIV. JUNO, to Norwich Pompanoosuc Thetford North Thetford.... ( F'airlee, Vt. and ; JOrford,N.H.... i ( Bradford, Vt. & ) Piermont, N.H. Newbury Wells River Mclndoe's Falls . . . Stevensville Passumpsic ISt.Johnsb'ryPI. ) i Fairbanksville | Paddock's Village.. St. Johnsb*t Cent. Lyndon Corner.... Lyndon Centre... Burke Hollow Place to riacr. From White Rlvor June. 4 10 14 17 22 29 36 40 48 51 58 61 62 64 68 70 75 36 35 31 24 10 14 From Vrtby Uue. Truirs Mills Sutton Corner Sta. Sununit linrton Village W, Charleston Derby Centre to.... DERBY LINE.... 3 1 4 7 15 5 4 DERBY LINE TO W. RIVER JUNCTION. {Read up.) Fine* to Flac«. 78 79 83 no 105 no 114 From White River Juno. Open to St. Johnsbury. Stages leave the various stations on the road, for places in Vermont and New Hampshire. From Bfl- low, FallH. 39 33 29 25 17 13 7 3 From Bel- lows FalU. WHITE RIVER JUNCTION TO BEL- LOWS FALLS. Vermont CenV I R. R. W. RIV. JUNO, to N. Hartland Hartland Windsor Sullivan Railroad. Clarnniont. N. Charlestown.... Charlestown S. Charlestown... . ♦BELLOWS F'LS BELLOWS FALLS TO WHITE RIVER JUNCTION. {Read up.) PInce to Place. 6 4 4 8 4 6 4 3 Flacc to Place. From WhlM River Juno. 6 10 14 22 26 32 36 39 From White River Juno. ♦From Bellows Falls, passengers may go to Keane, JV! H., Fitrhhurg^ and Boston. Also, to Burlington, and Whitehall. JV. K., via Rutland. Likewise to Brattleboro\ Spring, field, Hartford, AVio Haven, and JVew York, ROUTES FROM CONCORD, N. H. 23 ta. 3 1 4 7 15 5 4 W, )N. PInra to Place. 78 70 83 fiO i05 IJO 114 FrniB Whit, River Juno. ibury. rlous«tatlon« s in Veruioiit EL- R . to ad. LS Place to Place. TO u 4 4 8 4 6 4 3 From IWhlM Hirer June. 6 10 14 22 26 32 36 39 , Fmm Place Whttt •o River Place. June. 3, pasgengcra r., Fitrhhurg^ Burlirtffton, i^ia Hvtland. ^ro\ Spring. Haven, and ROUTES FROM CONCORD, N. H. From Concord to ^aihua, Lowtll, and Boston, neo paije 18. From Concord to Maneheater, Lawrence, and Boston, see pasn 19. From Concord to Portsmouth, soe pnjre 10. From Concord to TVest Lebanon, and to plac-B on the Northern Rail- road, lee pas[e 19. From Riter m 91 88 8.1 80 75 71 67 62 60 56 52 4H 45 42 34 31 2« 22 14 From WellK River. CONCORD TO PLY- L MOUTH AND WELLS "^T mVER, VT. rU Boston, Concord, and Monlre.nl R. R. OONOORDto Baft Concord » iVorih Concord 3 Canterbury 5 iVorthfield 3 Sun born ton Bridge.. 5 (Jnion Bridge 4 Meredith Bridge.... 5 Lake Village 2 Weirs 4 iMfredith Village 4 Fogg's Road 4 Holderness ,. 4 Bridgewatcr 3 Plymocth 3 Rumney g W.Rninney 3 Wentworth 5 Warren 4 E. Haverhill 8 Newbiirg 5 WELLS RIVER.. 9 WELLS RIVER TO CONCORD, N, H., VIA PLYMOUTH. {Read up.) Place to Place. From Con- cord, 2 5 10 13 18 23 27 29 33 37 41 45 48 51 59 63 67 71 79 84 93 From Con- cord. Stages leave Plymouth for the White Mountains. See White MoQn< tains (Routes to). On arrival of the early train fVom Boston, stages leave the station at Meredith Village, for Centre Bar- bor, Mottltonborough.Sandwieh, 7\tm> worth, Eaton, anu Conway. At the latter place, other stage lines con- nect, running to the North-Easterii parts of New Hampshire, and the State of Maine. At Wells River Station the cars connect with those on the Cunuec* ticut and Pasaunipsic Rivers R. R., passing down the valley of the Con- necticut,' intersecting other routes in its way. From Biis> tol. 33 29 25 23 13 From Brie- tol. CONCORD TO FRANKLIN AND BRISTOL. Place te Place. 3 4 3 13 Place te Place. Frem Con- coitU ^Torthem R. R. OONOORDto West Concord Fisherville Boscawen 3 7 10 Franklin 19 Bristol Branch to BRISTOL, N.H... 32 BRISTOL TO CON- CORD, N. H. {Read up.) A Stage runs fVom Brieitol to Pljf' mouth, 13 miles, there connecting with the Boston, Concord, and Mon. treal Railroad. Also, to JV^np Hamp' ton, Jilexandria, &c. From Brad- ford. 26 23 18 15 13 8 6 3 2 From Brid- ford. CONCORD TO BRAD- FORD, N.H. Place to Place. 3 5 3 2 5 2 3 1 2 Place to Place. From Con- cord« Concord and Clare- mont R. R. OONOORDto West Concord Mast- Yard *Contoocookville . . Dimond*s Corner. .. Warner 3 8 11 13 18 Waterloo . . .* 20 Roby's Corner Melvin's Mills BRADFORD 23 24 2« BRADFORD TO CON- CORD. {Read up.) From Co»- ooN* 24 CONCORD TO HILLSBOROUGH, N. H. • The Contoocook Valley Rail- road diverges here. Stages leave Bradford for JVcw- bury, Wendall, JCewporl, Claremont, &c From Roby's Corner for JVest J{ew London, East J^ewbury, Sutton Centre, and South Village: and from Contoocookville for Ilopkinton, frnm Kills- boro' Brl'trt 25 14 11 6 5 f>oin HilU- boro* CONCORD TO HILLS- BORO', N. H. OONOORDto C.ntoocookviHe ... Contoocook Galley Railroad. W. Hopkinton Honniker West Hennikcr.... HILLSBORO' BR. HILLSBOROUGH CONCORD. (Read up.) TO Place From to Con- Place. cord. 11 11 3 14 5 19 1 20 5 25 Place Ftmh to Con- Place. cord. Stages connect at Ilillsboro' Bridge with ISllsboro' Centre, fVash- ington, Brad{ford SpringSt Clare- mont, &c. From Bnia- lord. 'M 33 29 23 25 24 21 IS 10 ftom Brad* CMd. MANCHESTER TO BRADFORD, N. H. MANOHESTER Bedford Goffstown Centre Goffstown Parker's. V Oil Mills South Ware Ware , Flenniker to BRADFORD... BRADFORD TO MANCHESTER. {Read up.) Place to Place. 1 4 3 1 1 3 3 8 10 Place to Place. From Mail- chea- ter. 1 5 8 o 10 13 16 24 34 From Man- ches- ter. FromiBOSTON TO ALBA- baiiy. NY. 200 195 193 191 187 185 183 179 176 172 168 162 156 147 143 138 136 133 131 127 117 112 108 102 100 92 84 81 74 65 62 57 54 49 46 41 38 33 28 23 19 16 8 1 From baiij. Boston &■ IVorceater R. S. ^BOSTONto Brighton Newton Corner. . . . fWest Newton *.. Grantville -,... West Needham.... JNatick §Framingii.\m Hopkinton Station. Southboro' Westboro' [(Grafton irWoRCESTER tVejUm It. R. Clappville Charlton Spencer East Brnokfleld . . . . South Brookfield... West Brookfleld . . . Warrun **Palmer North Wilbraham. Wilbraham tt SPRING-FIELD West Springfield .. Wtistfleid Russell Plaa» to Place. Chester Village.... Chester Factories. . North Becket Washington Hinsdale Dalton ttPlTTSFlSLD Shaker Village .... Richmond §SState Line Albany and West Stock- bridge R. h. Canaan. N. Y Eaat Chatham Chat'm 4 Corners. . Chatham Centre. .. Kinderhook Schodac Greenbush '... By Ferry to II ALBANY 5 2 2 4 2 2 4 3 4 4 6 6 9 4 5 2 3 2 4 10 5 4 6 2 8 8 3 7 9 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 4 3 8 7 ALBANY TO BOS- TON. {Read up.) Place to FlMC. From Boa. ton. 5 7 9 13 15 17 21 24 28 32 38 44 53 57 62 64 67 69 73 83 88 92 98 100 108 116 119 126 135 138 143 146 151 154 159 162 167 172 177 181 184 192 199 200 fnm Boo* u. ROUTES FROM WORCESTER, MASS. SS BA- »■;»• Place. R.H. tron Bo». lou. on. 5 2 2 4 3 2 4 3 4 4 I 32 6 38 6 44 5 7 9 13 15 17 21 24 28 in. CiD ;A. 9 2 3 2 4 10 5 4 6 2 8 8 3 7 9 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 4 3 8 7 53 57 62 64 67 69 73 83 88 92 98 100 108 116 119 12(i 135 138 143 146 151 154 159 162 Plaee to [Timet. 167 172 177 181 184 192 199 200 Boa* Faret from Boston to Worcester, fl 25. Time,l hour and 5Q minutes. Fare, from Boston to Springfield, f2 50. Time, 4 hours and 25 minutes. Fare, from Boston to Albany, $5. THme, about 10 hours, N. B.— The cars stop at Sprlnjr- field, 1 hour, for passengers to dine. * See Routes from Boston. — Brooklinb Branch R. R. runs to Brookline. H ntilcs. Fare, 10 cts. t Nbwton Branch R. R. runs to Kewton Lower Falls. Distance from Boston, 11 miles. Fare, 30 cents. {Saxonville Branch R. R. runs to Saxonville, 4 miles. Distance firom Boston, 21 miles. Fare, 55 cts. §MiLFORD Branch R. R. runs to Milford, 13 miles. Distance from Boston, 34 miles. Fare, 85 cents. n MiLBDRY Branch R. R. nms to Milbury,4 miles, intersecting there with the Providence and Worcester R. R. Distance fi-om Boston, 42 miles. Fare, 45 cents. IT See Routes from Worcester. ♦♦ The WiLLIMANTLC AND PaLM- CR R. R. Joins the Western R. R. nere. It leads to Willimantic, Nor- wich, New London, and, also, to Hartford, Ct. ttSee Routes from Sprinpfield. JjThe PlTTSHELD AND NORTH Adams R. R. diverges here. For the route, see Index. The Housatoiiic R. R. also con- nects here. §§The Hudson and Berkshire R. R. intersects here, and also at Chatham Four Corners, II See Routes from Albany. TAOE3 run in connection with the cars as follows : From Briphton, to Brig/Uon Centre; from Newton Corner, to Jfcwton Centre; from West Newton, to Newton Upper Falls; from Grantville to East Jfeedham; from West Needham, to South J^atick ; from Natick, to Sher- burne, and East Mcdway ; from South Framiugham, to- Framing- ham Centre; from Holliston, to Medway, from Milford, to Upton; from Southboro', to Southboro' Cen- time, and Hopkinton; from Worce- ster, staged tUD in all direction's. 3 From Charlton, to Sovthbridge ; from E. Brookfield, to JVbr^A Brook- field; from W. Brookfleld, to ^Fare, Enfield, JsTew Braintrce, and Hard wick; and, from most of the way stations, stages run to places in the vicinity. ROUTES FROM WORCE- STER, MASS. From Worcester to Boston, see pape^ 24 and 25. From Worcester to Springfield and .Albany, see pages 24 and 25. From Worcester to JVusAua.JV.H., see pages 46 and 47. From Worcester to JVorwicA, JV. London, and JVeto York, see piiges 33 and 34. From Worcester to Providence^ R, /., see page 29^ From Law- rence. 58 49 48 46 42 40 39 35 33 30 24 20 18 17 13 From Law- renof. WORCESTER TO LOWELL AND LAW- RENCE. Worcester and J\rashua R. R. WORCESTER to. West Boylston .... Oakdale..... Sterling Clintonville New Boston Lancaster Still River Harvard . .*. Groton Jdnction . Stony Brook R. R. Forge Village Westford Factory ville Chelmsford LOWELL Lowell and Lawrence Railroad. Tewksbury to... LAWRENCE... LAWRENCE TO WORCESTER. {Head up.) "Jace to I'lare. 9 ] 2 4 2 1 4 2 3 6 4 2 1 4 6 7 Place to riace Fran W'ce- •ter. 9 10 12 16 19 19 23 25 28 34 38 40 41 45 51 58 From W'oe. •tar. fVire, $1 50. T^tye, a6out 2^ Amiiw 96 WORCESTER TO FITCHBURG. »'»™ WORCESTER TO burg'' FITCHBURG. 27 18 17 15 13 6 From Fitoh- burg. Wor'rScJ^ask>R.H- WORCESTER to. West Boylston •••• Oakdale Sterling Junction Pitch. 8f WorW R. R. Sterling Leoini lister to • .. ♦FITCHBURG • FITCHBURG TO WORCESTER. (Read up.) Place From to W'ce- Place. »ter. 9 1 10 2 12 2 14 7 21 6 27 Place From to Wee- Place. Iter. * For Routes from Fitchburg, see next coluiuQ. WORCESTER TO BARRE, MASS. WORCESTER to. Holden Princetop S. Hubbardston.... Rutland to BARRE BARRE TO WORCE- STER. {Read up.) Place to Plane. 8 7 5 4 6 Place to Place. From Wce- ster. 8 15 20 24 30 From W're- •ter. From OarU- ner. WORCESTER TO ♦GARDNER, MASS . WORCESTER to Hoiden Princeton Hubbardston to... GARDNER GARDNER TO WORCESTER. {Read up.) Place to Place. 8 7 4 9 Place to Place. From W'ce- ■ter. 15 19 28 From Wce- •ter. • Gardner is on the Vermont and Massachusotts R. R., 15 miles from Fitchburg. , JJ"?! WORCESTER TO |""«« wlPETERBORO; N. H. pwe. 62 34 fVor'r ^ JSTash. R. R WORCESTER to. ♦Groton Junction. . Peterbord' and Shir- ley Railroad. Shirley Peppeiell ........ East Townsend to West Townsend. . Mason Tomple PETERBORO' .. PETERBORO' TO TO WORCESTER. {Read up.) 28 5 3 2 2 11 4 7 Place to Place. From Wee. •ter. 28 33 36 38 40 51 55 62 Frara Wee. Bter. ♦ Here the Fitchburg and Stony Brook Railroads are intersected. ROUTES FROM FiTCHBURQ. Fitchburg to Worcester^ see p. 26. Fitchburg to Keene and Bellows Falls, see page 17. Fitchburg to Boston, see page 16. From Br'le- boro*. 69 67 64 58 54 50 48 42 36 32 29 27 21 18 12 10 5 From Brat- tle* boro'. FITCHBURG TO BRATTLEBORC. f^t. and Mass. R. R. FITCHBURG to.. West Fitchburg.... Westminster Ashburnham Gardner Dadmanville Baldwinvilie Royalston Athol Orange Wendall Erving ■ Montague Nor thtield Farms... Northfield South Vernon..... Vernon to ♦BRATTLEB'RO. BRATTLEBORO' TO FITCHBURG. {Read up.) Place to Place. 2 3 6 4 4 2 6 6 4 3 2 6 3 6 2 5 5 Place to Placa. From Fitch, burg. 2 5 11 15 19 21 27 33 37 40 42 48 51 57 59 64 69 From Oi'u- lleld. FHTCHBURG TO GREENFIELD. 27 TO :r. Place I From to W'ooi Place. I Iter. rg and Stony intersected. TCHBURQ. ster, see p. 26. e and Bellowa «, see page 16. Place Front to Fitch. Ptace. burg. ro 3 59 Place to Piaca. Stages connect at Gardner with Bubbardstown, Templeton, Peter- ikam, Dana and Oreenwich. At Montague, with Greenfield, Sunder- bind, jSmherst, Hadley, Leverett, and Shelburne Falls. * For Route from Brattleboro' to Bellows Falls, see next column. From Oi'u- fleld. 56 54 51 45 41 37 35 29 23 19 Iti 14 8 From Gr'n- teld. FITCHBURG TO GREENFIELD. Vermont and Massa- chusetts Ji. R. FITOHBURG to.. W. Fitchburg Westminster Ashburnham, Gardner •% Dadmanville Baidwinville Royalston Athol Orange Wendull Erving Montague to aREENFIELD.. Place U> Place 2 3 6 4 4 2 6 6 4 3 2 6 8 GREENFIELD TO FITCHBURG. {Read up.) From Fitch- burg. 2 5 11 15 19 21 27 33 37 40 42 48 56 Place to Place. From Fitch- burg. At Greenfield, a connection is formed with the chain of railroads pervading the valley of the Con- necticut, and, also, with the rail- road (now being constructed) be- tween Greenfield and Troy, N. Y. From Troy 76 72 67 59 47 42 37 32 23 16 GREENFIELD TO TROY. By Stage to aREENFIELD to Shelburne Shelburne Falls.... Charlemont Florida North Adams Williamstown Pownall, Vt ,. Hoosick, N. Y Pittstown Place to Place. 4 5 8 12 5 5 5 9 7 From Or'n- fl«ld. 4 9 17 29 34 39 44 53 60 4 From Troy. Lansingburg to. TROY TROY TO GREEN- FIELD. (Read up.) 12 4 Place to Place ♦ The Troy and Greenfield Rail- road is now in process of con- struction between Troy, N. Y., an(i Greenfield, Mass. On its comple- tion, it will form, via Fiichbur-;, a second route between BotJton and the Hudson River. It will, un- doubtedly, prove of great import- ance to the country through wiiich it passes. ROUTES FROM SPRING- FIELD, MASS. From Spring'd to Boston, see p. 24. From Springfield to Pittsfield and Albany, see page 24. From Springfield to Hartford, JtTeiD Haven and JVeu> York, see p. 34. From Bel- Iowa Falls 83 80 77 75 71 66 62 57 55 51 47 41 33 23 17 13 5 SPRINGFIELD TO GREENFIELD AND BELLOWS FALLS. Place to Place. Conn. River R. R, SPRINGFIELD to *Cabotville Willimansett.... Holyoke Smith's Ferry Northampton Hatfield Whately South Deerfield.... Deerfield GREENFIELD... Bernardston fSouth Vernon to. . BRATTLEBORO' Brattleboro' and Bel- lows Falls R. R. Dummerston ..... Westmorernd, N.H. { Walpole i I Westminster . . i BELLOWS F'LLS From Bel- low* Fall*. BELLOWS FALLS TO SPRINGFIELD. (Read up.) 3 3 2 4 5 4 5 2 4 4 6 8 10 6 4 8 5 Place to Place. From Sp'g- firld. 6 8 12 17 21 26 28 32 36 42 50 60 66 70 7R 83 From Bprl^ field SR BOSTON TO BLACKSTONE. sruvrw^/v/v"*."" ! II >> ♦ Chicopeb Falm Branch R. R. runs from Hiis depot to Chicopeff Palls. 2 miles. t Intersects here with the Ver- mont and Massachusetts R. R. Stages leave Northampton for jjfkherst, Easthampton, Southamp- ton, and muiamsburgh, 'fromSouth Deerfield for Jlakfield, &c. From Black- •toae. 36 35 22 21 20 18 17 14 12 10 8 5 3 From Blark- •tone. BOSTON TO BLACK- STONE. JVorfolk Co. E. R. BOSTON to Dedham West Dedham South Dedham .... Durfees Plympton Walpole Campbell Pond.... N. Wrentiiam .••• City Mills Franklin VVadsworlh's Mill River to BLAOESTONE... BLACKSTONE BOSTON. {Read up.) TO Place to Place 10 3 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 Place to Place. From Boi- lou. 10 13 14 15 17 18 21 23 25 27 30 33 36 From Bos- ton. Fare,^l 00. Time, 1^ hours. Trains connect at Blackstone with those running upon the Pro- vidence and Worcester R. R. Stages leave Walpole for Foxho- rouffh, Medfieldy Wrentham Centre, and Shelby ville; from N. Wrent- ham for Msdfoay; and from Water- ford for Woonsockot. From Provi- drnce. 42 40 39 34 SB ss BOSTON TO PROVi- DENCE, R. I. Bost. and Proo. R.R. BOSTON to ROXUDRT * Jamaica Plains... Readville tCANTOK Stiaroa Place to Place. 3 1 5 6 3 From Boa- ton. 2 3 8 14 17 21 18 IG 11 10 4 From Provi- dence. Foxboro' ^Mansfield- Toboy's Attleboro'....... Dodgevillc ...... Paw'.ucket to..., FROVIDBNOE . PROVIDENCE BOSTON. {Read up.) TO 4 3 2 5 1 6 4 Place to Place. 21 24 2S 31 32 -38 42 From llOlf ton. ♦ Dedham Branch R. R. diverges here. From Boston to Dedham, 10 miles. Fare, 25 cents. fSTOuoHTON Branch R. R. di- verges here, and runo to Stoaghton, 18 miles from Boston. Fare, 5U cts. I New Bedford and Taunton, and Taunton Branch railroads di- verge here. See Route from Bos- ton to New Bedford, on page 30. ROUTES FROM PROVI- DENCE, R. I. From Providence to Boston, see previous route. From Sto- nii>g- ton. 50 46 39 36 30 23 17 14 10 5 From Sto- ning- too. PROVIDENCE TO STONINGTON. Stonington R. R. *PROVID'NOE to Junction Warwick (Apponang.). Greenwich Wickford Kingston Carolina Richmond Switch.. Charlcstown Westerly to rSTONINGTON. . STONINGTON TO PROVIDENCE. {Read up.) Place to Place. 4 7 3 6 7 3 4 5 5 Place to From Provl- iuiice. 4 11 14 20 27 33 36 40 45 50 From I'rovi- Place.lctence. Steamboats run from Providence to Fall River, (fare, 50 cents.) there connecting with Fall River R. R. Steamboats, also, run from Provi* dence to J\rcwport, 30 miles. Fare, 25 cents. From W'ce- iter. 43 39 37 36 34 32 31 28 27 23 18 17 12 h 10 |] 9 8 6 1 PROVIDENCE TO STONINGTON. • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • E... 4 3 2 5 1 6 4 Place to Place. 21 24 2(j 31 32 '38 42 TO From not), ton. I K.R. diverges to Dedham, 10 ts. Ncn R. R, dj. c to Stoughton, • Fare, 30 cts. *ND Taunton, ;h railroads di. ute from Bos- on page 30. PROVI- I. to Boston, see TO Place From to iProvl. Place. Juiice. R. to 18.). 4 7 • • < • • • o 6 • • • 7 • f • 6 i.. 3 • • • 4 • • 5 r.. 5 4 11 14 20 27 33 36 40 45 50 Place From to I'rovi- Place. ddoce. Providence cents.) there 'iverR. R. from Provi. liles. Fare, *A new route Is opened from Pro- vidence to Norwicli, liartford, Sec, jiiid other portions of Connecticut, viz. from Providence to Stouinglon, by railroad; from gtonington to A'«to London, Ct., liy steamboat; tiience by railroad to J^onoieh, fVil- limanlic, Hartford, Stafford Springs, &c Fare, between Providence and Norwich, $1 75; Willimantic, $2. Hartford, $2 50 ; Stafford Sgriugs, $2 50. t Steamboats leave Stonington for New York. See the through route from Boston to New York, p. 33. Stages leave from the various stations to places iu the vicinit^y. From VI'vv iter. 43 39 37 36 34 32 31 28 27 23 18 17 12 10 9 8 6 1 From Woe- Iter. PROVIDENCE TO WORCESTER. Pron. Sf JVor'r R. R PROVIDENOE to Pawtucknt Valley FaHs....... Lonsdale Ashton Albion Manviile.'..- Hamlet WOONSOCKET I Waterford i } BLACKSTONEo* I Millville Uxhridge Whitings. Northbridge Farnum's Grafton Sutton Millbury Grand Junction to. WORCESTER.... Vi^OROESTER TO PROVIDENCE. (Read up.) Place to Place. 4 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 5 1 5 2 1 1 2 5 1 Place to Place. From Provi- dence. 4 6 7 9 11 12 15 10 18 20 25 26 31 33 34 35 37 42 43 From Provi- dence. Fare, 91 30. Time, 2 hours. Stages leave Millville for Slaters- 9iUe; from Uxbridge for Juilford 3* and Mendon; from Whitin'g for E. Douglas and Whitinsville; from Farnum's for Orafton Centre, &c. At Blackstone, the cars connect with those running on tlie Norfolk County R. R. to Walpole, Dedham, and Boston. For Routes from Worcester, see page 25. From BriH- tol. From Bris- tol. PROVIDENCE TO VIMUIMANTIC, HARTFORD, AND BRISTOL, CT. Place to Place. Providence, Hartford and Fixhldll R. R. PROVIDENOE to. Natick River Point Quidnic Washington Sterling , Moosup Plainfield Jewett City South Windham WILLIMANTIC Andover Bolton Vernon Manchester HARTFORD Newington New Britain Plainville , BRISTOL, Ct BRISTOL TO PROVI- DENCE. (Read up.) Prom Provi- douce. Place to Place 9 2 11 2 13 1 14 14 28 4 32 3 86 7 42 13 55 3 68 9 67 6 73 5 78 8 81 9 90 5 95 4 99 5 104 4 108 From Provi- dence. The Providence, Hartford <£ Fish- tctll R. R. is in progress of con.struo- tion to Fishkill, on the IIud.son River, opposite to Newburg, N.Y. From Newburg a branch R. R. ex- tends to the N.Y. and Erie R.R., at Chester. At Willimantic, Ct., the AT. London, Willimantic d Palmar R.R. intersects; it leads in a southerly direction to Norwich and N. London, Ct., and in a northerly one to the Mim. WeiUm B.M,, at Palmer. 80 WILUMANTIC TO HARTFORD. Frcm Hart- fold. 31 25 S2 16 12 10 2 From Hart- ford. WILLIMANTin TO HARTFORD. HartfUl, Providence, and Pishkill R. R WIL'TMANTIO to South Coventry.... Andover Bolton Vernon Union Village East Hartford to.. ♦HARTFORD.... HARTFORD TO WIL- UMANTIC. {Read up.) Flae« to rivce. 3 6 4 2 8 2 Place to Flac«. From Willi* muii' tic. 6 9 15 19 21 29 31 From Willi- man- tio. * For Routes from Hartford, see page 36. From New Bed- ford. 50 46 39 38 33 31 27 24 20 14 From Kew Bed- ford. PROVIDENCE TO NEW BEDhORD. Boston ^ Prov. R.R' PROVIDENOB to Pawtucket Dodpnville Attluboro* Tobey's Mansfield ■ • • Ji. Bedfd S^'Taunt'n Sf Taunton Br. R. R. Norton Crane's Taonton Myrick's NEW BEDFORD NFW BEDFORD TO 'ROVIDENCE. {Read up.) Place Place! 4 7 1 5 2 4 3 4 6 14 Place to Place. From Provi- dence. 4 11 12 17 19 23 26 30 36 50 From Provi- dence. Fare, ^i 45. T^ime, about 2 hours. N. B.— There is another route be- tween the above places, viz. — From Providence, by steamboat, to Fall River, 25 iniles,(fare,50 cts.,) thence by the railroad to Jtf9neA's.l2 miles, (25 cts.,) and from Myrick's to JVeio Betiford, 14 miles, (50 cts.) Total distance, 51 miles. Total fare, fl 35 cents. Passengers, also, may go fVoin Providence to any of the towns on Cape Cod, by taking either of the foregoing routes to Myrick's, (the point of intersection on the Fall River R. R. of the Taunton and New Bedford R. R.) From Myrick'a to Middleboro\ thence to IVareham, Sandwiek, &c. From New Bed- ford. 55 53 52 41 38 34 31 27 24 20 14 From New Bed- ford. BOSTON TO NEW BEDFORD. Boston 8c Prov. R R. BOSTON to Roxbury Jamaica Plains.... *Canton >.•.. Sharon Foxboro* fMANSFIELD MBedfd^ Taunfn R.R. Sf Taunton Br. Norton Crane's t Tauntom Myrick's to NEW BEDFpRD NEW BEDFORD BOSTON. {Read up.) TO From Fall Blver 5d 49 45 42 38 36 Place From oo to Bog. , 30 Place. tou. 29 28 36 2 3 22 1 3 18 11 14 16 3 17 11 4 21 8 3 24 3 4 28 Fron 3 31 Fal 4 35 6 41 14 55 * rou Place From to Bog. ■MB Place. ton. v.... Fare, $1 50. Ttme^ about 2^ hours, | _- * Stoughton Branch Railroad di- verges here. t Unites here vvith the Boston and Providence Railroad. t Intersects here witli the Fall River Railroad. A train leaves New Bedford ev'3ry aflernoon, with passengers for New York, via Fall River. § A steamboat runs from New Bedford tn Nantucket, stopping at fVood's Hole and Holmes's Hcle, (the latter is situated on Martha's Vine, yard,) to land and receive passen- gers. It takes 8 or 9 hours to go through from Boston to Nantucket, the distance being about 109 mUesw BOSTON TO FALL RIVER. 31 may go from f the towns on . either of the Myrick's, (tlie on the Fall Taunton and From Myrick'g e to fVareham, n EW R R HIiice to Place. 2 1 11 3 • • • « 4 • • • • 3 tnt'n \Br. • • • • 4 • • • • 3 • • • • 4 • • • • 6 )RD 14 1 TO Place to Place. From Bos< tou. o 3 14 17 21 24 28 31 35 41 55 From Boa- tou. ibout 2^ hours, h Railroad di- h the Boston oad. ivjth the Fall Bedford evory ngera for New 8 from New t, stopping at \ea'8 Hcle.,\i\\e [artha's Vine- ceive passen- 9 hours to go to Nantucket, out 109 mitea. From Fall KT«r 5d 49 45 42 38 36 33 30 29 28 26 22 18 16 11 8 3 From Fall RiTer. BOSTON TO FALL RIVER. R Old Colony R BOSTON to Dorchester (^uincy Fall River R. R. South Braintree... Randolph East Stoughton.... North Bridge water. Plain Village Keith's Furnace... i East and West ( I Bridgewater.. \ Bridgcwater Titicut Middleboro* [loskins Myrick's Assonet Miller's to *r ALL RIVER... FALL RIVER TO BOSTON. («ead«;'.) Place to Plaie. 4 4 3 4 2 3 3 I 2 4 4 2 5 3 5 3 Place to Place. From BOB- tou. 4 8 11 15 17 20 23 24 25 27 31 35 37 42 45 50 53 From Boa- ton. 4 • Fare, $1 30. Time, 2^ hours. • For notes connected with this route, see page 33. from Ply. to'tb. 37 35 ;]• 33 32 31 29 27 26 22 19 18 16 14 12 9 7 BOSTON TO PLY- MOUTH. Old Colony R. R. BOSTON to Ciescent Avenue.. Savin Hill Harrison Square. . . ♦Neponset Squantum Road... Q,mNCY fBraintree South Braintree. . South Weymouth. North Abington... Abiiigton JSouth Abington. North Hanson.... Hanson Halifax (Plyiqpton Place to Place. 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 3 1 2 2 2 3 2 From Bos- ton. 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 15 18 19 21 23 25 28 30 From Ply- m'th. Kingston to... PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH TO. BOSTON. (iieod«i».) 3 4 Place to Place. 33 37 From Boa* ton Fare, $1 12. Time, about 1} hours, * The Dorchester and Milton Branch R. R. diverges here, and runs to Dorcliester, 8 miles from Boston. fThe Fall River R. R., and, also, the South Shore R R diverge here. XTliQ Bridgewater Branch R. R. runs from S. Abington depot to Bridgewater, 7 miles, where it intersects with the Fall River R. R. From C'haa- aeb 22 14 12 11 10 9 7 5 3 From C'haa- •et. BOSTON TO CO- HASSET. Old Colony R. R. BOSTON to Quincy South Shore R. R. Braintree. East Braintree.... Weymouth North Weymouth. . East Weymouth . . HlNfUIAM Nantasket to COHASSET COHASSET TO BOS TON. {Read up.) Place to Place. 8 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 Place to Place. From Hnnd- wli'h. 63 52 48 46 43 38 36 32 1 28 BOSTON TO WARE- HAM AND SAND- WICH. Place to Place. Fall River R. R. BOSTON to South Braintree... Randolph East Stoughton • . . . North Bridgewater. ) East and West > \ Bridgewater.. \ Bridgewater Titicut MiODLBBORO' 11 4 2 3 2 4 4 8 10 11 12 13 15 17 19 22 From Bos- ton. From Bos- ton. 11 15 17 20 25 27 31 35 BOSTON TO NEW YORK. Cape Cod Bran. RR- Rock Station South Middleboro'. West Warehain... South Warehain... Wareham Agawatn Coliasset Narrows Monument North Sandwich... West Sandwich... SANDWICH SANDWICH TO BOSTON. {Read up.) 5 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3 1 3 Place to Hliice 40 43 46 48 50 52 55 56 59 60 63 From Bos- ton. S3 20 17 15 13 11 8 7 4 3 From Sand- wich. FareT^l 45. Time, 3 hour.f. Stages leave Sandwich, on arrival of the morning trains, for the va- rious towns on C ape Cod. ROUTES FROM BOSTON TO NEW YORK. There are four principal and di- rect routes between the above cities, which we shall describe separately, riiey are the Fall River; the Provi- dence and Stonington ; the Worcester andJforwich; and the Springfield, Hartford, and JVew Haven routes. These are night lines, with the ex- ception of the one via Hartford and ^Teu) Haven, which forms an excel- lent and expeditious day line be- tween the two cities. A day route, was formerly opened between Nor- wich and the Long Island R. R.; but, at present, it is discontinued. During the summer season, those travelling for pleasure, and fond of Alpine scenery, could find none more beautiful than may be seen in traversing the rugged hills of Berk- shire, or the romantic valley of the Ilousatonic. This route is from Boston, via the Worcester and Wes- tern Railroads to Pittsfield, Mass., thence by the branch railroad from the latter place to the Housatonic Railroad, which unites with the \ew York and New Haven Rail- road at Bridgeport, Conn., thence to New York city. Persons taking this route had better rest over night at Pittsfleld, Mass., a place where they will find •zcelient accommodation at reason* able rates. Travellers preferring it, instead of stopping at Pittafield, may go through to Hudson, or to Albany, and from either place, may reach New York city, by availing themselves of one of the Hudson River steamboats. Or, by the Hud- son River R. R. From New York. 236 232 228 225 221 219 216 213 212 211 209 205 201 199 194 191 186 183 165 152 143 138 123 112 9ii 81 69 65 62 49 36 24 15 7 4 BOSTON TO NEW YORK, VIA FALL RIVER. > • • • • • • • !•••••• Old Colony R. R. BOSTON Dorchester < duincy Fall River R. R. *South Brain tree. Randolph East Stoughton.... North Bridgewater Plain Village Keith's Furnace... i East and West \ \ Bridgewater.. ( fBriJge water Titicut IMiddleboro' Haskin's §Myrick'8 Assonet Miller's to KFALL RIVER.. By Steamboat to Newport. R. I Point Judith....... Watch Hill Light.. Stonington New London Connecticut River. Faulkner's Island.. New Haven Light. Stratford Point.... Bridoeport Black Rock Norwalk Island.. s. Greenwich Point.. New Rochelle Throgg's Point Hell-Gate Blackwell's Isl'd to N. YORK OITT. . From New York. rince to Place 2 4 4 2 5 3 5 3 18 13 9 5 15 11 16 15 12 4 3 13 13 12 9 8 3 4 NEW YORK TO BOS- i''!^ TON. {Read up.) pim.. Front Bos- ton. 4 8 U 15 17 20 23 24 25 27 31 35 37 42 45 50 53 71 84 93 98 113 124 140 155 167 171 174 187 200 212 221 229 232 236 Freia Boc BOSTON TO NEW YORK. 33 For Routes from New York, see page 38. Fare, between Boston and A*«zo York, $4 00. 7>me, about 13 hours. Fare, from Jfcw York to JiTewport, tnd Fall River, $3 00. fYom JVew York to JfevD Bedford, $3 60. "'Connects here with the Old Colony R. R. t The Bridgewater Branch R. JR. runs from Brid^'ewater to the^ Old Colony R. R., at South Abington. Pausengcra fur Plymouth, Kingston, Duzbury,* See, can reach these places by this connection. X The Cape Cod Branch R. R. con- nects here. Passengers for fVareham, Sandwich, Barnstable, and other places on Cape Cod, should avail themselves of this route. §Here the JVeto Bedford and Taunton R. R. intersects. U A steamboat runs daily, in con- nection with the through line, be- tween Fall River and Providence. Fare, 50 cents. From New York. 230 5128 227 222 216 213 209 206 204 199 198 193 188 184 177 174 168 161 155 152 148 143 138 BOSTON TO NEW YORK, VIA STO- NINGTON. Bost. and Prov. R.R. BOSTON to ROXBURY Jamaica Plains... . Readville Canton Sharon Foxboro* ;.. MxNsnELo Tobey's Attleboro* Dodgeville Pawtucket to PROVID^JfOB . . . Stonington R. R. Junction Warwick Greenwich Wickford Kinj?ston Richmond Richmond Switch. . Charlestown VVosterlv STONINGTONjCt Place to Place. 2 1 5 6 3 4 3 2 5 1 6 4 4 7 3 6 7 6 3 4 5 5 From nos- ton. 2 3 8 14 17 21 24 26 31 32 38 42 46 53 56 62 69 75 78 82 87 92 123 112 96 81 69 65 62 49 36 24 15 7 4 From Mew York. By Steamboat to New London Connecticut River. Faulkner's Island. . New Haven Light Stratford Point.... Bridgeport Black Rock Norwalk Island. ... Greenwich Point. . . NewRochelle Throgg's Point Hell Gate Blac .«vcirs IsPd to N. YORK OITY NEW YORK CITY TO BOSTON. {Read up.) Fare, $4 00. Time, about 13 hours. From New York. 242 237 235 233 229 227 225 221 '>.18 ^14 210 204 ld7 196 J 93 186 182 181 178 177 176 174 171 166 163 157 154 148 139 BOSTON TO NEW YORK. VIA NOR- WICH. Bo8tonSflVorWR.R. BOSTON to Brighton Newton Corner.... West Newton Grantville West Needham.... Natick Framingham Ashland Southboro' Westboro' Graflon Worcester J^or'ch&Wor'rR.R. Grand Junction.... Auburn Oxford North Village Webster Wilson's Fisherville Mason 'i Thompson Pomfret Daysville Danielsonville Central Village.... Plaintield :. . JewettCity Greenville.."... FI«ee to Place. 5 2 2 4 3 2 4 3 4 4 6 7 1 3 7 4 1 3 1 1 2 3 5 3 6 3 6 9 From Bos- ton. 5 7 9 13 15 17 21 24 28 32 38 45 46 49 56 60 61 64 65 66 68 71 76 79 85 88 94 103 84 BOSTON TO NEW YORK. 138 131 123 112 96 81 69 65 62 49 36 34 15 7 ' 4 From New York. NORWICH Allyn'8 Point New London By Steamboat to Connecticut Kiver Faulliner'8 Island. New Haven Light Stratford Point.... Bridgeport Black Rock Norwalk Island.... Greenwich Point. .. NewRochelle Throgg'g Point Hell-Gate Blackwell's IsPd to N. YOSK^ITY.. NEW YORK TO BOS- TON. {Read up.) 1 7 8 11 16 15 13 4 3 13 13 12 9 8 3 4 I'Inoe to Plac«. 104 111 119 130 146 161 173 177 180 193 306 318 327 235 238 242 From no«- ton. Fare, $4 00. T^me, about 14 houra. From New York. BOSTON TO NEW YORK, VIA SPRING- FIELD. Boston S^fVor'rR.H. 236 BOSTON to 231 Brighton 329 Newton Corner. . .^ 227 West Newton 323 Grantville 221 WestNeedhara.... 219 Natick 215 Framinoham 312 Uopkinton Station 2U3 Southboro' 204 Westboro' 198 Grafton 192 WORCESTER • . Western R. R. 183 Clappville 179 Charlton... 174 Spencer 172 EastBrookfield... 169 South Brookfield.. 167 West Brookfield.. 163 Warren 153 Palmer 148 North Wilbraham. 144 Wilbraham 138 SPRINGFIELD.. . JV. Haven, Hartford and Springfield R.R. 130 {Tiiompsonviile .... Plaoa to Place. 5 2 2 4 2 2 4 3 4 4 6 6 9 4 5 2 3 3 4 10 5 4 6 From Bol- ton. 5 7 9 13 15 17 31 24 28 32 38 44 53 57 62 64 67 69 73 83 88 92 98 106 127 125 119 112 104 101 94 88 83 76 66 62 58 53 52 48 44 41 36 31 29 37 33 19 13 3 From New York. Warehouse Point.. Winds)or Locka. ... Windsor ♦HARTFORD... New Uritaia fBerliii Meriden Wallingford North Haven JNEW HAVEN.. Jf.Y.Sf jr. Haven R. Milford Stratford 6BRIDQEP0RT Fairfield Southport Westport Nor WALK Darien Stamford Greenwich Port Chester Rye Mamaroneck NewRochelle William's Bridge-. Thirty-sec'dst.N.Y. ||N. YORK C'y Hall NEW YORK TO BOS- TON, {Read up.) 3 3 6 7 8 3 7 6 5 7 10 . 4 4 5 1 4 4 3 5 5 3 2 4 4 6 11 3 Place to Place. 109 111 117 124 132 135 142 148 153 lUO 170 174 178 183 184 188 192 S^ 205 207 203 21*1 217 223 234 236 From Boo- ton. Fare, $4 00. Time, about 10 hours, * For Eoutes from Hartford, see page 36. t The MiDDtETOwN Branch R.R. connects here. It runs to Middle- town, 10 milea. Fare, 30 cents. I New Haven, (see routes from.) The Housatonic R. /{.joins here. jj P'or Routes from JVeio York, see page 38. ROUTES FROM NEW LON- DON, CONN. From Palm- er. 64 58 55 NEW LONDON, CT., TO WILLIMANTIC AND PALMER. JV. London, fVillim.''n- tic and Palmer R. R. ♦N.LONDON to.. Montville Mohegan Place to Place. 6 3 Froff New Lon- don. 6 9 NEW LONDON TO PROVIDENCE. 85 nt.. 3 109 i.... 3 111 • • • • G 117 • • • • 7 124 • • • • 8 132 • t • • 3 135 • • • • 7 142 • • • • 6 148 • • • • 5 153 5N.. 7 lUO inR. > • • • • 10 170 • • ■ • . 4 174 • t • « 4 178 • • • • 5 183 f • • • 1 184 • • <i • 4 188 • • • • 4 192 • • • • 3 rf5 t • • • 5 2l'0 • • • • .5 205 • • • • 2 207 • • • ■ 2 20'J ■ • • a 4 si-j • • • a 4 217 ge.. 6 2i>3 S.Y. 11 234 Hall 2 236 30S- Place to From Bflix up.) Flac«. ton. about 10 hotirs. 1 Hartford, see N Branch R.R. uns to Middle, re, 30 cents. 3 routes from.) i. it. joins here. JVeto York, see NEW • NN. LON< CT., TIC Ptuce to R. Place. m'n- R.iJ. to.. « • • • 6 . • • . 3 Frntf New Lon- don. 6 9 53 50 48 45 43 3y 3U 31 21). 27 83 21 10 4 From Palm- er. Norwich Landing. . f Norwich Yantic Franklin Lebanon South Windham... JWIL'TMANTIO . Coventry Easjleville ..*- Mnnsfleld V/illington Toibnd Stafford M onson to §PALMER PALMER TO NEW LONDON. (Head np.) 3 2 2 3 3 '3 3 5 2 2 4 2 5 12 4 Place to Place. 12 14 lU 19 22 25 28 33 35 37 41 43 48 60 64 From M«w Lon- don. Faro, $1 50. T\me, 3^ hours. N. B. — From New London to Hartford, see page 30. • ♦ From New London, steamboats run to JVew York, and to Greenport, L. I., there connecting with trains running on the Long Island R. R ; also, to Stoniiigton, J^ewport, Fall River, and Providence. t At Norwich, connects with the Jforwich and Worcester R. R. J At Willimaiilic, connects with the Hartford, Providence, and Fiah- kill R. R. 6 At Palmer, this road unites with the Mass. Western R. R. run- ning to Springfield and Albany; also, to Worcester and Boston. From New London, stages run to Lyme, and other places ; from Wil- liinantic to Danielsonville, &c. ; from Willington and Tolland to 'litlland, Rockville, Willington, &.C. ', from Palmer, Mass., to .Amherst, Belchertown, Ware, Enfield, Brim- field, Wales, and other places. From Pro»i- deuoe. 75 69 66 NEW LONDON TO PROVIDENCE. JV. London, Willim^n- tic and Palmer R. R. NEW LONDON to Montvillo Alohegan Place to Place. 6 3 From New Lon- don. 6 9 63 61 59 50 53 50 47 44 37 31 &7 24 16 10 From Provl- deuce. Norwich Landing . Norwich Yantic Franklin Lebanon South Windham... WlLLIMANTlC *Hartford, Provid'ce and Fishkill R. R. Windham Howard's Valley... Brooklyn West Killingly.... South Killingly.... South Foster North Scituate PROVIDENOB . . . PROVIDENCE TO NEW LONDON. (Read up.) 3 I- 3 3 3 3 3 7 6 4 3 8 6 10 Place to Place. 12 14 16 19 22 25 28 31 38 44 48 51 59 05 75 From New Loif dou. "■That portion of the road be- tween Willimantic and Providence is not yet opened for travel ; the route given, is, tfaereft>re, the stage route. From New Ha- ven. NEW LONDON TO NEW HAVEN. 52 50 45 36 35 33 28 25 21 16 14 6 2 1 From New Ha- tcn. Place to Place. fi.Hav^Jf.Lon.R.R. NEW LONDON to Waterford East Lyme Lyme Conn. R. Crossing.. Saybrook Westbrook Clinton. Madison Guilford Stony Creek Branford East Haven Fair Haven to NEW HAVEN... NEW HAVEN TO NEW LONDON. (Read vp.) 2 5 9 1 2 5 3 4 5 2 8 4 1 1 Place to Place. From New Lon- don. 2 7 10 17 19 24 27 31 36 38 46 50 51 52 From New Loii> doti, At New Haven this route con- nects with the road leading to New York, &.C., and at New Londou with the route to Boston, &c. M SAYBROOK TO MIDDLETOWN. Tram Mia- «llt~ lowii SAYBROOK TO MIDDLETOWN, CT. PIUM to Place. 5 4 2 7 10 Place to Place. From 8ay- liruok. 28 23 19 17 ]0 U By Stage from SAYBROOK to . . . Kssex De«.'|) River 5 9 11 Haddam ♦ MIDDLETOWN 18 28 Krom Mitl- towa. MIDDLETOWN TO SAYBROOK. {Head up.) From Bay. brcok. ♦ From Middletowii, passenffcrs may reach Hartford, or New Haven, over the branch R. R. connecting with the Hartford and New Haven R. U. at Berlin. ROUTES FRONT HARTFORD, CONN. Hartford to A*ew Haven, see p. 37- Hartford to Springfield, see p. 37. Hartford to Boston, sec p. 34. Hartford to JVcw York, see p. 34. Hartford to Providence, pp.29&;30. Hartford to FishhiU, see p. 36. From Mew Lon- don. 59 57 50 47 43 37 34 28 25 22 19 lo 14 12 HARTFORD TO WIL- LIMANTIC AND NEW LONDON. *Hartford, Provid'ce and Fishkill R. R. HARTFORD to... East Hartford Union Village Vernon Bolton Andover South Coventry ... WiLLIMANTIC. ..%.. M London, fVilliin'n- tie and Palmer R. R. South Windham... Lebanon Pranklin Yantic ♦Norwich Norwich Landing.. Place to Place. 2 7 3 4 3 6 3 3 3 3 2 2 From Ilart- ronl. 2 9 12 16 22 25 31 34 37 40 43 45 47 ''••vw>/v>,v» 6 Krom New Lon- don Moho^an Moiitville to NEW LONDON. NEW LONDON TO . HARTFORD. {Head up.) 3 3 (i PInce (o Place. 50 5:i 59 From llnrl. rord, Fare, 9'2 25. T\me, about 3 houri, * Connects here with the Nor I wich and Worcester R. R. From Pnlin- •r. 67 36 31 29 27 23 21 16 4 From Palm- er. HARTFORD TO PALMER. MASS.. VIA WILLIMANTIC. HaHfd, Providence, and Fishkill R. R. HARTFORD lo . . Willimnntic JV*. London, IViUim'n- tic and Palmer R. R. Coventry Eagieville Mansfield VVillington Tolland Stafford Monson to PALMER Place to I'luce. »••«••• PALMER TO HART- FORD. {Read up.) 31 5 2 2 4 2 5 12 4 Place to Place, Front Hurt. I fori. 31 36 38 40 44 4() 51 (5:1 07 From I HHrl> I ford. Fare, $1 50. Time, about 3^ hours, Stages leave Willi nntic, Wil- linjg[ton, and Stafford, on ai ival ot \ trains, in various directions. From Fish- kill. HARTFORD TO FISHKILL, N. Y. *Hartf'd, Provid'ce, and Fishkill R, R. HARTFORD to . . Plainville Bristol Walcott Waterbury Middlebury Woodbury .*. Roxbury New Milfurd Place to Place. 14 4 Fron Hart ! foAl. 14 18 NEWBURG TO CHESTER. 87 3 3 50 5:i . • . I . ON.. Pliive 51) 0. TO Kroifl to lliiri. ■) i'laca. ronl. about 3 hour$,\ with the Nor. I br R. R. TO ASS., iNTIC. Place to I'luce. 31 5 3 3 4 3 5 12 4 FroiB lUrl. fonl. idenco, R.R. ) to .. llim'n- rR.Ji. 31 36 38 40 44 4(i 51 ii'A G7 From HiirU ford. HART- •■}-• d up.) Pluoj. ;, about 3^ Atfuri, | ilii -nntic, Wil- •d, oii ,u ival of I lirection^. TO .Y. Place to Place. From Hart. foAL nd'ee, R.R. to .. 14 4 14 18 From Flih- klU. Bherman Pawlitiga Pcekville Stormville Gayhoad Fishkih Village... ( FISHKILL ) < LANDING- V ( AND linos'N Riv ) FISHKILL TO HART- FORD. (Read up.) Place to PUce. From Hart- ford. *This railroad, which is to con- nect Hartford with the Hudson River, and Erie R. R., via Newbur;:^, is not yet opened for travel ; on its completion, it will form a new route (rorn the interior of the States of Rhode Island and Connecticut, to tiie Lakes and the West. From ChM- t«r. NEWBURG TO CHESTER. Place to PUce. 9 3 4 3 Place to Place. From N.'W- burg. 19 10 J^ewb'g Bran. R. R. NEWBURa to... Slfllishiirv g 7 3 Washingtonville . . Craigsville ♦CHESTER 12 10 19 From Chea- ter. CHESTER TO NEW- BURG. {Read up.) From New- burg. * Connects here with the New York and Erie R. R. From Col- lina- Tille. HARTFORD TO COL- LINSVLLLE. Place to Place. 14 3 3 8 Place to Place. From Hart- ford. 28 14 *ConinnilU Bran. R.R. HARTFORD to.. Plainvilie 14 17 20 28 11 8 Farmington Unionville to COLLINSVILLE. From Col- Una- Tille. COLUNSVILLE TO HARTFORD. {Read up.) From Hart- ford. *This is a branch of the Canal R. R.; it leaves the main line at Farmington. From Ua- naau. 43 40 33 30 88 22 16 HARTFORD TO CA- NAAN, CT. By Stajfe from HARTFORD to.. West Hartford.... Avon Canton COLLINSVILLB New Hartford Winchester Norfolk to OANAAN From Ca- naan. CANAAN TH HART- FORD. (Read up.) From Sha- ron. 53 43 35 31 89 35 19 14 8 4 From Sha- ron. HARTFORD TO SHA- RON, CT. Bij Stage from HARTFORD to . . Farmington Bristol Terrysville Plymouth Northficid Litchfield Milton Cornwall Bridge... Ellsworth • SHARON SHARON TO HART- FORD. {Read up.) Plao* to Place. 3 7 3 3 6 6 10 Place to Place. Place to Place. 8 4 2 4 6 5 6 4 4 Place to Place. FiDia Harf ford 3 10 13 15 31 37 37 43 From Hart- ford. From Hart< ford. ROUTES FROM HAVEN. NEW 62 55 50 44 37 34 3(5 19 1^ 11 NEW HAVEN TO HARTFORD AND SPRINGFIELD. JV*. Haven, Hartford and Springfield R.R. NEW HAVEN to North Haven Wallingford Merioen ♦Berlin New Britain HARTFORD Windsor Windsor Locks. . . . Warehouse Poiat. . I Place to Place. 7 5 6 7 3 8 7 6 S From New Teu. 7 13 18 25 28 36 43 49 88 ROUTES FROM NEW YORK. 8 From Bii'g- lleia. Thompsonville to. SPRINGFIELD . SPRINGFIELD TO HARTFORD AND N. HAVEN. {Read up.) 3 8 Place to Piatfe. 54 62 From New Ha- ven. Fare, from New Haven to Hart- fsrd, f 1 00 ; and from Hartford to Springfield, 75 cents. * The MiDDLETowN Branch R.R. diverges here, and runs to MdUle- town, 10 miles. Fare, 30 cents. New Haven to JV. York, see p. 34. N. Haven to JV*. Dmdon, see p. 35. From V'rth- amp- ton. NEW HAVEN TO NORTHAMPTON. JV*«zo Haven and Korthampfon R. R. NEW HAVEN to Hamden Plain... Centreville ■ Mt. Carmel > Bradley's Brook's 4 2 2 2 2 Cheshire I 3 Place to Place. from New Ha- ven. 4 6 8 10 12 15 Hitchcock's Southingtou ♦Plainville t FARMINGTON. UnionTille ColIinsYille Granby , Suffleld Feeding Hills West Springfield.... NORTHAMPTON KuRTHAMPTON TO NEW HAVEN. (Read up.) 4 2 6 3 8 5 8 19 21 27 30 33 38 48 Place From to "ew I Place. Ha. I veo. The New Haven and Nbrtkamp- ton, or Canal R. R. is not yet com- pleted. At West Springfield it will unite with the Western R. £., lead- ing to Boston and Albany. * The HaHford, Providence and FishkiU B. R. intersects here. t Connects here with the Tarif- viue Branch R.R. Route — Farrn- ington to Avon, 10 miles; Sims- bury, 15 miles; TarifFTille, 19 miles; from New Haven, 49 miles. ROUTES FROM NEW YORK, The following are the principal railroad routes diverging from JiTeto York: the traveller will rtfer to each respectively, as may be required. NEW YORK AND ERIE RKiLROAD, Depot foot ofDuane Street, Mrth «i»er.— This route leads the traveller to Goshen, Port Jervis, Deposit, Binghampton, Owego, Elmira, Corning, Hornellsville, Clean, and Dun- kirk. Also, to Ithaca, Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and the West. See pages 48 and 49. HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD. Depot Hudson Square, and Chamber St.— Leads to Poughkeepsie, Hudson, Albany, Troy, Saratoqra Springs, White- hall. Lake George, Lake Champlain,' Burlington, Vt., and Montreal. Also, flrom Albany to Buffalo, and the West. See page 53. HARLEM RAILROAD, Depot aty Hall Square, Centre Street.— Leads to Albany, Troy, Montreal, and tfte West. See pugc 52. ROUTES FROM NEW YORK. 39 4 f 19 2 21 I 6 I 27 ONJ 3 30 3 33 5 38 8 I 48 owl '01 Place! From I I to I New Place. I Ha. ven. w? Nbrthamp. not yet com- ngfield it will n M. R., lead. any. ^ovidence and ts here. ih the Tan'^ ;Oute--Parm. miles; Sims- ille, 19 miles; Qiles. I JVfeio York: quired. 'treet, Mrth is, Deposit, I, and Dun* I Falls, and amber St.—. iffs, White. Montreal. -Leadi to NEW YORK AND NEW HAVEN RAILROAD, Depot Canal street, near Broadway. — Leads to Norwalk, Bridgeport, New Haven, Hartford, Springfield, Worcester, and Boston. Also, to the various places on the Uousatonic, ^avgatuck, and Canal Railroads^ See page 45. LONG ISLAND RAILROAD, Depot South Ferry, near the Battery.— Leada from Brooklyn, to Jamaica, Farniingdale, Riverhead, and Greenport. See page 47. NEW JERSEY RAILROAD, Depot foot of Liberty Street, ITorth fliuw.— Leads from 'Jersey City to JNiewark, New Brunswick, Princeton, Trenton, and Philadelphia. See page £8. RAMAPO AND PATERSON, AND PATERSON AND HUDSON, RAILROADS, Office foot of Cortlandt Street. — Leads from Jersey City to Paterson and Buffern's, and, from the latter plane, to the various stations on the New York and Erie Railroad. See p. 66. NEW JERSEY CENTRAL RAILROAD.-icaM from Pier JVb. 1 J^orth River, by steamboat, for Elizabethport ; or, by the Jfew Jersey R. R., to Elizabethtown.— Leads from thence to Plainfield, Bound Brook, Whito House, Easton, Wilkesbarre, Mauch Chugk, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Dela* ware and Lehigh Water-Gaps, Coal region, &.c. See page 91. . MORRIS AND ESSEX RAILROAD. Depot foot of Liberty Street-Leadn from the New Jersey Railroad, at Newark, to Orange, Morristown, and Dover. Also, to Schooley's Mountain, Stanhope, Newton, Hacketstown, Milford, &;c. See page 95. CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROATLlNE.-Leave, by steamboat, from Pier JVb. 1 JW«A River, for South Amboy. From thence, by R. R., to Hightstown, Bordentown, Camden, and Philadelphia. See page 88. NORWICH AND WORCESTER LInTtO B{iS'TOH,Si.o. -Steamboats leave, from the foot of Cortland Street, for New London and AIIyn*s Point, thence by railroad, to Norwich, Worcester, and Boston. Leads, also, to Nashua, Lowell, Lawrence, Concord, Willimantic. &c. See page 46. STONINGTON and PROVIDENCEIiNE to BOSTON-SfcamJoaC leaves from Pier JVb. 2 J^orth River, for Stonington, thence, by railroad, to Providence, and Boston. See page 33. NEWPORT AND FALL RIVER LInTtO B0ST0N.-/>«»«, by steamboat, from Pier JVb. 3 JVbrf A River, for Newport, and Fall River, thence bj railroad, to Boston. See page 32. HUDSON RIVER STEAMBOATS, L^ave for Albany, and Troy, and th« various towns and villages on the banks of the Hudson. STEAMBOATS I'un between New York and Norwalk, Bridgeport, New Haven, and Hartford. Also, to Staten and Long Islands, and to Keyport, Long Branch, and other places in New Jersey. N.B. The cars on the city railroads run every few minutes during ih« HACKNEY COACH FARES. HACKNEY COACH FARES IN NEW YORK. For conveying a passenger any distance not exceeding one mile, 25 cents; two passengers, 50 cents; or, 25 cents eacli; every additional passenger, 25 cents. j- , j .u- For conveying a passenger any distance exceeding a mile, and within two miles, 50 cents ; every additional passenger, 25 cents. For tlie use of a hackney coach, carriage, or cab, by the day, with one or more passengers, $5 00. ^ w *•. t. » For the use of a hackney-coach, carriage, or cab, by the hour, with one or more passengers, with the privilege of going from place to place, and of stopping as often as may be required, as follows .—first hour, $1 00; ■econd hour, 75 cents ; every succeeding hour, 50 cents. Children under two years of age, nothing; from two to fourteen, half price. Each passenger is entitled to take one trunk, valise, box, bag, or other travelling package ; and as many more as he pleases, by paying six cents for each extra one, or 12i cents if over a mile. If tlie distance be over one mile, and not oyer two miles, the charge Ibr one passenger is 50 cents, and each additional one, 25 cents. If a carriage is taken by the day or hour, it must be so specified. If a hack is detained or hindered, the driver is entitled to 75 cents for the first hour, and 37i cents per hour afterwards, in addition to mileage. Every Iiack is required to be conspicuously numbered, and to have the rates of fare posted up within it; and in default of either of tliese, the driver is not to demand or receive any pay. Cabs.— Calls to and ftom dwellings, to or ftom steamboats, or other parts of the city, with one or two persons, 50 cents. Wlien leaving the stand with one person, any distan^ not over a mile and a half, 25 cents. When with two persons, 37^ cents. When by the hour, driving in town ftom place to place, for each iiour, 50 cents. TABLE OF DISTANCES. from th* Btttory. of a mile. mile. from tlw Ksohui*. i of a mile. ♦ 1 mile. H II:::::: 9'. 2i 8*. 3 . 3i. Vfom tht City HaB. mile. I of a mile.... 1 li: 1*. S . t 3 . To (Rector street. { Trinity Chnrch. Fulton street. Warren street. Leonard street. Canal street. Spring street. Houston street. 4th street. 9th street. 14th street. 17th street. 94th street 90th street. 34th street. 38th street. TABLES OF DISTANCES. 41 g one mile, 2S ery additional wUr, with one i to pJace, and * hour, $1 00; oats, or other Fcom tb« Battery. 4 miles 4J • 4i 4* ••• 6 a «*... «l 6 ^ •• w 6* 7 7* 7} 71 8 ^ 8* 8* 9 9i 9l H From the Exchange. 3} of a mile«. 4 4^.. 4i 4* 5 5^ 4 5* 6 6i 6* 6* 7 7i 7t 71 8 8J 8i 8*1 9 9i 9l.... From the City Han. 3^ of a mile.... 3i 3* 4 4i 4i 4* 5 5k 5* 5* 6 6J 6i 6? 7 7J 7i 7* 8 8^ Si 8* 9 To 44th street. 49th stieet. 54th street. 58th street. 63d 8tre<'t 68th street. 73d street. 78th street. 83d street. 88th Htreet. 93d street. ■ 97th street. 102d street. 107th street. 112th street. 117th street. 121st street. 126th street. 131st street. I36th street. I40th street. 145th street. 150th street. 154th street. DISTANCES ACROSS THE DIFFERENT FERRIES FROM NEW YORK. 'Ferrlea. Tarda. Ferriea. Taida. South Perrv 1,066 731 735 635 Peck-sliD Perrv 2,800 950 Fulton Perrv Williamsburgh Ferry Staten Island Ferry Catharine Perrv J. 6,418 V^alnut Street Ferry A TABLE SHOWING THE DISTANCE, FARES, &o., FROM N. YORK, TO MANY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PLAQES IN THE UNION. The following table will show at a glance the dist<tnee, txpensB, and time, occupied, in travelling fl-om New York city, to the most prominent points in the Union. Allowance, however, must be made in the rate of fares, when travelling in steamboats, upon lakes or rivers, as those modes of conveyance are subject to more or less competition, in which case the fares vary. Those given, however, are as accurate as can be obtained under the circumstances, and will, no doubt, be found neai enough to make up a general estimate of expenses. The time given if that which is actually occupied in passing from one point to another; 4* 42 TABLE OF DISTANCES, FARES, &o. SJ-N/^ ^N.-'ta^/S."* the detentions between each route are not taken into consideration, as these the traveller must determine for himself. Tlie distances are gene- rally given by the shortest routes. Names of Places. it M (( u u u <l M M U u u M « « M ff « M <l NEW YORK to Albant, by B. R. (by steamboat the fare varies from 50 cents and upwards).. Baltimore Bbllows' Falls, Vt BiNGHAHTOK, via Erie B.B Boston, via Springfield Boston, via Long Island Sound Buffalo, by R.R., via Albany, and New York Central R. R Buffalo, via Erie R. R., and Buffalo and New York City R.R BuKLiNQTON, Vt., by R.R., via Troy and Rutland < Charleston, S.C, by R.R Chicago, via Erie R.R. and Cleveland... Chicago, via Albany and Canada Chicago, via Philadelphia, Pittsburg and Cleveland .., Cincinnati, via Dunkirk, Cleveland and Columbus -Cincinnati, via Philadelphia, Pittsburg and Crestline Cleveland, via ErieR.R Columbus, Q., Via Dunkirk and Clevel'd. Detroit, via Albany and Canada Detroit, via Erie R.R., Buffalo and Can Dunkirk, via Erie R.R Elmira, via Erie R.R Galena, HI., via Dunkirk, Cleveland and Chicago Hartford, via New Haven Indianapous, la., via Dunkirk, Cleve- land, and Bellefontaine Indunapous, Ia.,via Philadelphia, Pitts- burg and Bellefontaine Ithaca, via Erie R. R Lake George, via R. R. and Plank Road Louisville, Ky., via Dunkirk, Cleveland and Indianapolis Louisville, Ky., via Dunkirk, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Ohio River LouisvuLE, Ky., via Philadelphia, Pitts- burg and Indianapolis Memphis, via Chicago, St. Louis, and the Mississippi River Memphis, Tenn., via Dunkirk, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Ohio River Memphis, Tenn., via Philadelphia, Pitts burg, Cincinnati, and Ohio River Miles. 144 184 221 215 236 230 442 423 300 782 908 954 934 857 807 602 714 677 665 460 274 1128 102 888 838 270 213 946 990 947 1662 1624 1586 Hoars 6 H 9 9 10 14 20 18 12 56 30 32 39i 28 32i 24 24 22 21 18 11 43 4i 30 35i 11 10 32 40 40| 70 92 79 Fare. $3 00 6 00 4 50 4 65 5 00 4 00 8 00 8 00 7 00 19 00 19 00 19 00 23 00 17 00 20 00 11 00 14 90 13 00 13 00 9 00 6 90 24 50 2 30 17 00 20 50 6 00 6 00 19 00 18 60 21 50 36 00 29 00 29 00 TABLE OF DISTANCES, FARES, &o. 43 Kamea of riacea. U u u M u ti u it It tt u u it tt u « M M M M U NEW YORK to MiLWAUKiE, via Dunkirk, Chicago, and Lake Michigan Mobile, Ala., via seaboard Route and Georgia MONTOOMERT, Ala., vla seaboard Route and Georgia MoNTPEUEE, via Connecticut Valley R.R. MoNTftEAL, by R.R., via Troy and Bur- lington, Yt Nashville, via Dunkirk, Cleveland, In- dianapolis, Louisville, Ky., and Ohio and Cumberland Rivers . New Haven, via New Haven R. R New Orleans, via Montgomery and Mo- bile, Ala New Orleans, via Dunkirk, Cleveland, I Cincinnati, and Ohio River New Orleans, via Dunkirk, Cleveland, Chicago, St. Louis, and Mis'sippi Riv. Niagara Falls, via Albany Niaoaha Falls, via Erie R. R oodensburg, n.y Philadelphia Providence, via Long Island Sound Rochester, N.Y., via Albany Rochester, N.Y., via Erie R.R Bock Island, 111., via Dunkirk, Cleve- land and Chicago ... Saratoga Springs, by R. R. (By steam- boat to Albany, the fare is less.) Savannah, Ga., by R. R ScRANTON, Pa., via Erie R.R Springfield, via Hartford St. Johnsburt, Vt St. Louis, via Dunkirk, Cleveland and Chicago..*. St. Louis, via Dunkirk, Cleveland and Indianapolis St. Louis, via Dunkirk, Cincinnati and Ohio River St. Louis, via Philadelphia, - Pittsburg and Indianapolis St. Paul. Min., via Dunkirk, Cleveland, Chicago, and Mississippi River Washington Watertown, N.Y., via Albany and Rome - White Mountains (Littleton, foot of the Mountains.) Worcester, Mass., via Springfield Worcester, Mass., via Long Island Sound and Norwich Miiea. Hours Fare, 1047 1431 1234 323 403 1524 76 1597 2405 2765 44() 44U 473 87 188 373 372 1139 183 907 251 138 321 1242 1151 1554 1109 1463 224 350 320 192 181 55 114 74 13 14 49 3 137 153 186 20 20 16 4i 13 15 15 44 8 66 10 5 13 40 88 86 46i 76 Hi 15 n 10 55 00 37 00 20 50 42 7 10 29 1 00 00 00 00 50 00 60 46 8 7 10 3 3 7 7 00 00 80 60 00 00 50 50 23 50 4 24 6 3 7 26 25 26 30 27 7 7 7 4 00 00 10 25 20 50 00 00 00 25 25 00 50 00 3 00 44 NEW YORK TO MONTREAL, CAN. From Mon- treal. 403 395 886 882 378 876 871 360 343 328 822 312 303 287 277 259 253 249 241 239 232 230 226 223 221 219 214 209 206 200 195 176 170 159 153 144 138 130 125 123 114 109 103 96 91 84 N. YORK TO MON- TREAL, CAN. Hudson River R.R. NEW YORK to Manhattan Yonkers Hastings Irving Tarrytown Sing Sing Peekskill Fishkill FOUaHEEEFSIE. Hyde Park llkinebeck Tivoli, Hudson Stuyvesant East ALBANY TROY Troy and Boston RR. Lansingbor; Schagticoke... Pittstown Buskirk's Bridge EAGLE BRIDGE. N. Hoosick State Line Western Vermont R. Nortli Bennington... S. Shaftsbury Shaftsbury Arlington..... Sunderlnnd Manchester East Dorset Clarendon RUTLAND RuUand and Bur- lington R.R. Pittsford Brandon Salisbury Middlebury New Haven Vergennes Ferrisburg Charlotte Shelburne BURLINGTON Esse:: Depot Vermont Central RR. Colchester Milton Place to Place, 8 9 4 4 2 5 11 17 15 6 10 9 16 10 18 6 4 8 2 7 2 4 3 2 I 5 3 6 5 19 6 11 6 9 6 8 5 2 9 5 6 7 6 7 From New York. 8 17 21 25 27 32 43 60 75 81 91 100 116 126 144 150 154 162 164 171 173 177 180 182 184 189 194 197 203 208 227 233 244 250 259 265 273 278 280 289 294 300 307 312 819 80 70 61 61 49 47 24 9 Frrm Mjo- t/eal. Georgia St. Alban's.. Swanton Alburgh W. Alburgh ROUSE'S POINT.. Champlain and St. Lawrence R.R. nX. tlohn s ••• ' ja Prairie MONTREAL MONTREAL TO NEW YORK. {Read up.) 4 10 9 10 2 2 23 15 9 Plact to Place. 323 333 342 352 356 379 394 403 From New York. To reach Albany, which is an im- portant town on the route, passen- gers will have the choice of either the Hudson River R.R., or the New York and Albany R. R. (Ilarlem R, R.), or, if they prefer At, by one of the steamboats plying upon the Hudson River, either night or day. From Albany there will again be a choice of several routes : — 1st. Via Troy, or Schenectady, to Saratoga Sp'gs and L. George, meet- ing the Champlain steamboat going north, at the Ticonderoga Landing. 2nd. From Albany, via Saratoga, to Whitehall by R.R., thence by the L. Champlain steamboat to Platts- burg ; ot continue on by cars from Wiiitehall to Rutland, thence to Montreal. 3rd. From Albany, via the Albany Northern R. R., and the Rutland and Washington, and the Rutland R. R., to Burlington, Yt., thence to Montreal by R.R.via Ro'jse's Point; or from Burlington may cross Lake Champlain to PlatcsbUrg, and thence to Montreal. 4th. From Albany, or Troy, via the Western Vermont R.R. and Bur- lington, thence to Montreal. Th6 itoregoing railroad route is, perhaps, the most direct between N. York and Montreal, owing to its being one continuous line. It must be borne in mind, however, that pas- sengers have the choice of either the Hudson River R. R., or the N. York and Albany (Harlem) R.R., between the cities of New York and Albany. NEW YORK TO NEW HAVEN. NT., St. 4 10 9 10 2 2 323 333 342 352 3o4 356 EW ip.) 23 379 15 394 9 403 - Place Prom to New Place. York. hich is an im- route, passen- loice of either I', or the New I. R. (Ilarlem ifer \t, by one ing upon the night or day. will again be ites : — shenectady, to George, meet- iamboat going roga Landing, via Saratoga, thenoo by the )oat to Platts- by cars from id, thence to ^ia the Albany the Rutland [ the Rutland i^t., thence to lo'jise's Point; ay cross Lake rg, and thence or Troy, via R.R. and Bur- itreal. oad route is, ct between N. owing to its ine. It must >ver, that pas- » of either the • the N. York I.R., between and Albany. From ir.Ha- Ten. 76 74 63 56 53 49 47 45 40 35 3-2 fi) 24 22 18 14 10 From New Ha- ven. NEW YORK TO NEW HAVEN. Place to Place. NEW YORK to.., Thirty -second St.- 4' William's Bridge. NewRochelle , Mamaroneck.x.., Rye Port Chester Greenwich Stamford Darien NORWALK Westport Southport ......... Fairfield tfimnoEPORT Stratford Milford to.. :. |NEW HAVEN . NEW HAVEN TO NEW YORK. (Read up.) 2 11 7 3 4 2 2 5 5 3 3 5 2 4 4 4 10 Place to Place. From New York. 2 13 20 23 27 29 31 36 41 44 47 52 54 58 62 66 76 From New York. Fare, $1 50. 7^ me, 3 hours. * Diverges from the Uarlem R.R., near this point. t Branch B. R. to Danbury, Ct. . i The HousatonicR.R. joins here. Passengers for the Naugatuck B.R. stop here. § For Routes from New Haven, BPe page 37. From Pitta- field. 168 110 100 9^ 91 87 81 75 68 62 53 49 43 37 NEW Yu K TO PITTSFIELD, MASS. JV. r. Sc M Haven R. NEW YORK to... ^Bridgeport Housatonic R. R. Stepney Botsford. Newtown Hawleyville Brook^eld New Milford Gay lord's Bridge... Kent Cornwall Bridge... West Cornwall.... Falls Village Canaan Place From to New Place. York. 58 58 10 68 5 73 4 77 4 81 6 87 6 93 7 100 6 106 9 115 4 119 6 125 6 131 31 25 23 20 17 11 8 From Pittii- fieia. Sheffield Great BaiTington.. Van DEUseN«;i^LG. Glendale Stockbridge Lee Lenox to tPITTSriELD . . PITTSFIELD TO NEW YORK. {Read up.) 6 6 2 3 3 6 3 8 Place to Place. 45 137 143 145 148 151 157 160 168 From New York. Fare, $3 00. Time, about 8 hours. From Bridgeport to Pittajietd, $2 00. ♦ Bridgeport, see foregoing route. tPittsfield to North Adams, see following route. Stages leave, on arrival of trains, Hawleyville for Danbury, Bethel, Sec. ; Newtown for Woodbury, Beth' lehem, &c. ; New Milford for Litch' field; Canaan, for Sharon, Ooshen, JVorfolk, and fVinstcd. At Pittsfield, the HousatonicR.R. unites with the Pittsfield and North Adams R. R. ; also, with the West- ern R. R., leading to Springfield, Worcester, Boston, and .Albany. From NoMh Ad- ems. 20 .i7 14 11 9 6 From North Ad- ami. PITTSFIELD TO NORTH ADAMS. Pittsfield and JVorth Jldams R. R. ♦PITTSFIELD to. Packard's E. Lanesborough. . Cheshire Cheshire Harbor... South Adams to. .. tNORTH ADAMS NORTH ADAMS TO PITTSFIELD. (Read up.) Place to Place. 3 3 3 2 3 6 Place to Place. From Pitta- field. 3 6 9 11 14 20 •] From Pitta- field. ♦ At Pittsfield this road unitea with the Mass. Western R. R. t Stages run from North Adams to Williamstown, Mass. ; also, to Bennington, and Rutland, Vt., &;c. At the latter place they unite with the Rutland R. R., and the railroad r: .. .ig from thence to Whitehall, N.Y. 40 NEW YORK TO ALBANY. From Al- bany 194 49 41 3S 33 28 S3 19 16 8 From Al- bany. NEW YORK TO AL- BANY. Hous<itonic R. R. NEW YORK to... *VanDeusenville.. West StockbriUge. . tState Line Canasn ...•.•••..> East Chatham Chatham 4 Corners. Chatham Centre... Kinderhook - Schodac to ALBANY.. Place to Place. ALBANY TO NEW YORK. {Read up.) 145 8 3 5 5 5 4 3 8 8 From New York. 145 153 156 161 166 171 175 178 186 194 Place From to New Place. York. Fare, $4 00. lime, about 10 hours. * Van Deusenville, see page 45. At the State Line, this route in- tersects with the Hudson and Berk- Bhire R. R. Passengers may tliere- fore pass over this road to the city of Hudson, and may go thence to either New York or Albany. Tlie Housatonic route is a fa- vorite one, for reaching that cele- brated watering-place, the Lebunon Springs. Fare through, from New York, $3 50. From Win- ■ted. 62 58 57 48 46 42 35 30 27 SO 15 13 10 5 From Wtn. Med. BRIDGEPORT TO WINSTED. J^'augatuck R. R. BRIDaSFORT to Stratford Junction Derby Ansonia Humphreysville .. IVaugatuck Waterbdry ..... Waterville Plymouth , Camp's Mills Litchfield Wolcottville Burrville WINSTED WINSTED TO BRIDGEPORT. ( Read up.) Plate From to Bri'ge- Place, port. 4 1 9 2 4 7 5 3 7 5 2 3 5 5 4 5 14 10 80 27 32 35 42 47 49 52 57 62 Place From to Bri'ge- Place. I port Fare, $1 50. T^me, about 3 hours. Stages leave Humphreysville for Oxford, Woodbury, &.c. ; from Wa- terbury for IVatertown; from Litch. field Station fur Flijmoui.li^ and Litchfield, From Wee- ■ter. 233 229 236 218 210 199 188 176 173 170 158 144 129 118 112 109 104 103 95 88 85 79 76 71 69 66 61 56 50 46 45 36 35 33 NEW YORK TO WORCESTER AND liASHUA. By Steaviboat from NEW YORK to... Blackweirs Island. Hell-Gate Throgg's Point New Rochelle Greenwich Pt. (Ct.) Norwalkl 'and.... Black Rock Bridgeport. ...... Stratford Point-... New Haven Light Faulkner's Island. . Connecticut River. New London By Railroad to Montville Moliegan Norwich Jfonoich and Worce- ster R. R. Greenville Jewett City Plaitifield Central VUlage.... Danielsonville..... Daysville Pomfret Thompson Fisherville Webster Oxford Auburn". Grand Junction... . WORCESTER ... Wor.i^J\raskuaR.R. West Boylston.... Oakdale •. Sterling Place ; From to Plate. 4 3 8 8 11 11 12 3 3 12 14 15 11 6 3 5 1 8 7 3 6 3 5 2 3 5 5 6 4 1 9 1 2 New York. 4 7 15 23 34 45 57 60 63 75 89 104 115 121 124 129 130 1.T8 145 148 154 157 •163 164 167 173 177 183 187 183 197 198 200 NEW YORK TO GREENPORT. \about 3 hours. [JhreysvilJe fo, K. ; from vVa- h; from Liu,/j. r^ifinoiu/i, and 10, to I'lace Place , From •New om nd. :t.) HTi 1. 4 3 8 8 II 11 13 3 3 12 14 sr.| 15 11 "Vork. 4 7 15 2J 34 45 57 (iO 63 75 89 104 115 ;«• 6 121 3 124 5 I 129 1 8 7 3 6 3 5 2 3 5 5 6 4 1 130 138 145 148 154 157 •103 164 167 178 177 183 187 188 S9 27 S6 S2 20 17 14 b 6 From Kiuilf Ufti Olintonville New Boiiton Lancaster... Still River Harvard Groton Junction... Groton Centre Pepperell Hollis to NASHUA NASHUA TO N^ YORK. {Read up.) 4 2 1 4 2 3 3 5 3 6 204 200 207 211 213 216 219 224 227 233 Place to FUoe. From Mew York. Fare, from JVcw York to Woree- Her, 33 00. Time, Hi hours. Jfm York to Jfaahua^ $4 00. Time, 16i hours. N. B.— Pergona, if they prefer it, can go between New York and Nashua, N. H., the entire distance, by railroad, by leaving the former city, in the New Haven cars. 9 197 1 198 2 I 200 From Ore'n port IT 95 93 90 87 86 84 81 78 75 73 72 69 63 67 54 51 40 ■ 40 a5 29 31 16 12 NEW YORK TO GREENPORT. NEW YORK to.. Brooklyn {by ferry) Lang Island R, R. Bedford East New York... tJnion Course WoodvlUe Jamaica Brushville Hyde Park Hempstead Branch Carl Place Westbury Hicksville Farmingdale Deer Park Thompson Suffolk Station.... Lake Road.. Medford Yaphank St. George's Manor RiVERHEAD Jamesport Mattetuck Cutchogue ( Flaeo to Place. 1 2 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 6 6 3 3 5 6 5 6 8 5 4 3 From New York. 1 3 6 10 12 15 18 21 23 24 27 33 39 42 45 50 56 61 67 75 80 84 87 5 4 Hermitage Southold to ♦GREENPORT . . 4 1 4 Place to Place. 01 92 96 From Ore'n. port. GREENPORT TO NEW YORK. {Head up.) From New York. Fare, $2 25. lime, about 4^ hours. * A steamboat formerly ran be- tween Greenport and New London, but for the present is discontinued. Stages leave Jamaica for Roeka- way, fare, 50 cents; Hempstead Branch, for Roslyn, 37icts. ; Hicks. ville, for Cold Spring, Huntivgton, and Oyster Bay; Deer Park, for Goram, and Babylon; Thompson, for /slip, and Mcchanicsville; Medford Station, for Patchogue; Yaphank, for Millville; St. George's Manor, for Moriches; Ri verhead,for Quoque, fVesthampton, Southampton, &c. A steamboat runs between Greenport and Sag Harbor. From Weet Stock- bri'ge. 150 147 142 137 133 129 128 J26 123 117 114 108 97 01 87 85 82 76 70 66 60 54 NEW YORK TO W. STOCKBRIDGE, VIA HUDSON. Hudson River R. R. NEW YORK to... Thirty-first Street. Maiihattanviile ... Spuyten Duyvil Cr Yonkers Hastings Dobb's Ferry Dearman Tarrytown SiNQ-SiNO Croton Peekskill Cold Spring Fishkill Landing.. Carthat^e New Hamburg .... Barnegat POUGIIKEEPSIE Hyde Park Staatsburg Rhineheck Red Hook. ........ Place to Place 3 5 5 4 4 1 2 3 6 3 6 11 6 4 2 3 6 6 4 6 8 Froa New York. 3 8 13 17 21 22 24 27 33 36 42 53 59 63 65 68 74 80 84 90 . 9e 48 51 46 4'2 34 30 25 19 14 11 5 3 Prom Wot Stock, bridge NEW YORK TO DUNKIRK AND BUFFALO. Upper Red Hook..*. Clermont Livingston HUDSON Hud. 4* Berkshire R. Claveracic Melienville Ghent Chatham 4 Corners. East Chatham EdWfi..d*s State Line to....... W. STOOKBR'GE. W. STOCKBRIDGE TO HUDSON AND N. YORK. {Read up.) 3 99 5 :o4 4 108 8 110 4 130 5 125 6 131 5 136 3 139 6 145 2 147 3 150 Place From to Kew Place. York. Steamboats run between N. York and Hudson, connecting at the lat- ter place with the Hudson and Berkshire R. R. Stages leave Edward's Depot for Lebanon Springs. Fare, through, from New York, $2 50. From Pnn> kirk. 460 459 457 454 450 448 443 438 436 434 432 427 426 424 418 415 412 410 407 405 404 400 396 392 389 384 371 NEW YORK TO DUN- KIRK AND BUFFALO. N.YORK, (ferry to) Jersey City Cergen Germantown Boiling Spring Passaic Bridcre PATERSON Godwinville........ HohokuB Allendale Ramsey's SUFPERNS A*. Y. and Erie R. R. Ramapo Sloatsburg Southflelds Greenwood Turner's Monroe Oxford Junction (NewVg Br'ch) Chester aOSHEN New Hampton... Middletown Howeirs.. :. Otisvillc. PORT J5;.J5yiS, Del Place to Place. 1 2 3 4 2 5 5 2 2 1 2 6 3 3 2 3 2 1 4 4 4 3 5 13 From New York. 1 3 6 10 12 17 22 24 26 28 33 34 36 42 45 48 50 53 55 56 60 64 68 71 76 69 353 349 343 3.37 329 .324 317 300 296 283 277 272 206 260 245 236 230 223 217 213 211 204 199 193 186 176 169 167 158 153 145 137 132 128 123 119 110 102 98 94 90 86 77 70 65 61 50 39 31 22 19 12 8 Shohola Lacka waxen !Vfast Hope Narrowsburg.. Cochecton .'. ... Callicoon Hankin's Stockport Hancock Deposit Gulf Summit Cascade Bridge Siisquiffianna River. *GREAT BEND.. fBINQHAMTON.. Union Campville - tOWEGO Tioga Smithboro'.^.-M Barton Waverley'(FactoryTine) Chemung Wellsburg §ELMIRA Big Flats ^,. . lOORNING Painted Post Addison Rathbonville Cameron Adrien Canisteo ITHORNELLSV'E. Almond Alfred Andover Genessee Scio Phillipsville RelYidere Friendship Cuba Hinsdale OLEAN Allegany Great Valley Little Valley Cattaraugus Dayton Perryshurg Smith's Mills Porestville **DUNKIRK From Dun- kiirk. DUNKIRK TO NEW YORK. (Readvp.) 18 107 4 111 6 117 6 133 8 131 5 136 7 143 17 160 4 164 13 177 183 5 188 194 6 200 15 215 9 234 6 sao 7 237 6 243 4 247 2 249 7 256 5 261 6 267 7 274 10 284 7 291 2 293 9 302 5 307 8 315 8 323 5 ,328 4 332 5 337 4 341 9 350 8 358 4 362 4 3G6 4 370 4 374 9 383 7 390 5 395 4 399 i 11 410, 11. 421 8 4291 9 438 3 441 ; 7 448 4 452 8 460 Place From to New Place. York; 18 4 6 6 8 5 7 17 4 13 6 5 6 6 15 U 6 7 6 4 S 7 5 6 7 10 7 2 9 5 8 8 5 4 5 4 9 8 4 4 107 111 4 4 9 7 5 4 11 11. 8 9 3 7 4" 8 117 123 131 136 143 160 164 177 183 188 194 200 215 234 230 237 243 247 249 256 261 267 274 284 291 293 302 307 315 323 328 332 337 341 350 358 362 366 370 374 383 390 395 399 j 410, 421 429 1 438 441 ; 448 452 460 From New York: NEW YORK TO DUNKIRK AND BUFFALO. 49 Note.— The New York and Erie B. B< extends to the Hudson River at Piermont, 24 miles above New Yoric, with which it is connected by the Company's steamboats. This Eirtion of the line lying »a»t of the Bmapo and Hudson R. P. junction al Bunerns, is used now almost ex- elusiveiy for the transportation of flreight, the passenger travel going by way of Jersey City and Paterson, that rout.e being 10 miles shorter, and saving at least one hour in time. The Jfetehwft Branch R. R. con- nects with the Erie at the junction near Chester. Passengers desiring to visit the towns on the Hudson River north of Newburg, or Sara- toga, Cana<}a, Vermont, ice., will avail themselves of this connection. (By consulting the map, v)hich should be done frequently, the routes will become more intelligible. Stage lines leave the various places on the route, on arrival of trains. * The Lackaieana and Western R. R. connects here and runs to Scran- ton, 57 miles flrom Great Bend. From Scranton, stages run to Pitts- ton and Wilkesbarre, over a fine plank road. fHere the Syracuse and Ring- hamton R.R. connects with the Erie R. R. This opens a new and ad- vantageous route to Syracuse and Qsrego. The Jllbany and Susquehanna RR. will also connect with the Erie RR. at Binghamton. X The Cayuga and Susquehanna R. R, diverges here, and extends to Ithnca, 39 miles. Passengers for Ithaca will leave the Erie R.R. at Otnego. A connection by this route is also formed with the N. Y. Cen- tral R. R. running between Albany and Buffalo. § The Chemung R.R. connects at 9 Elmira and runs to Jefferson, at the head of Seneca Lake, 21 miles. Pacscngers can here take the Seneca Lake route to Geneva. Sec, or via the Canandaigua and Elmira R. R. may reach Penn Van, Canandaigua, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Fulla, &c» > > - At Elmira a new and important connection is made, diverging in a southerly direction, through Penn- sylvania, to Williamsport, Cata> wissa, and the great Schuylkill coal recion, Pottsville, Reading, and Phi- ludelphia. Also to Harrisburg, Bal* timce, and Washington, &c. II The Corning and Blossburg RR. extends from Corning to Blossburg, Pa., 40 miles. Also the Buffalo, Corning and JWto York R.R. extends through the Valley of the Conhocton to Bat'avia, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Slc. IT The Buffalo and JW» York City R.R. connects the Erie at Hornells- ville directly with Buffhio, and with the Buffalo and BrantJ'ord R. R. in Canada. ** From Dunkirk a prolongation of the Erie R. R. is formed by con- tinuous lines, under differient cor- porate names, extending thousands of miles, and penetrating the hearts of the great Western and South- western Commonwealths, and open- ing an avenue to trade and travel, perhaps, without a parallel on the globe. At Dunkirk, also, the Erie R.R. connects with the Buffalo and State Line R. R., leading to Buffalo, Nia- gara Falls, and Canada West. Magnificent steamboats connect the line at the Lake terminus with Detroit, and other places on Lake Erie. For continuation of route to Erie, Cleveland, Chicago, &c., see pagea 68 and 69. '■"■^'"■^' n NEW YORK to BUFFALO. I Ocwc- 330 115 104 »3 8(i 76 73 m 62 57 35 23 11 Troro to. N. Y. TO OSWEGO, VIA BIN6HAMT0N AND SYRACUSE. Erie R. R. NEW YORK to.... \ (see page 48) ( S\fraeuae and Sing- hamton R. R. Chenango Fork Lisle Marathon BlodgerH Mills OORTLAND Homer Preble Tully SYRACUSE Oswego 4* SpraeueeR Ral^winsville..... Fulton OSWEGO OSWEGO TO SYRA- CUSE AND N.YORK. {Read up.) PUee to Plaie. •215 11 11 7 10 4 3 7 5 22 12 12 11 Place to Place. Fram New York. 315 226 •237 ■244 2.54 258 '261 2(>8 273 295 .307 :uo 330 From Mew York. JVo/e.— Oswego and Syracuse may be reached from New York by either of the routes to Albany, thence by the Albany and Buffalo R. R. to Syracuse, &c. From Buffa- lo. 430 137 i-28 124 117 113 109 101 91 85 80 NEW YORK TO BUF- FALO AND NIAGARA FALLS via BUFFALO, CORNING S.N.Y.R'. Fia JV. r. * Erie R. NEW YORK to.... I Painted Post... ) } (see page 48.) j Bvffalo, Corning and Jfew York R. R. Campbell .> Savona. ...... ....... BATH Kennedy ville tAvoca Liberty ,. Wayland Spring Water Conesuso... FlacH to Flare. 293 9 4 7 4 4 8 10 6 5 From New York. 293 302 .306 313 317 321 329 .339 345 350 73 61 54 47 37 From Bullli- lo. Livonia Centre Oenesaee Valley Br. Avon Caledonia Le Koy * Batavia A*.r. Central R.R. to BUFFALO BUFFALO TO NEW YORK VIA BUFFALO, CORNING ft, N.Y.R. (Riad up.) 12 7 7 10 37 Place io Place. 357 369 :J7tt :m 393 430 Frnm Nf w York. * Fronfj Batavia to Niagara Pnlli via Cnnandaigua and Niagara Falli R. U. is 47 milfs. JVoffl.— By the Niagara Suspen- Sinn Bridge this route is connected with the Great Weptern R. R. of Canada, running hence to Detroit, connecting with the routes to Chi- cago, Sec. I'niisengers can take the route via Buflalo to Niagara Fulls, or from Buffalo via Buffalo and Brantford H. R. to Detroit, &c. From Buffa- lo. 423 91 67 61 31 From Buffa- lo. NEWYORK TO BUF- FALO VIA BUFFALO ANDN. Y. CITYRR. Via JV. r. S^ Erie R. NEW YORK to.... Hornellsville Bvff.SfJ^.Y. CityR. Nunda Portage Attica Batavia Br^eh R. to ♦BUFFALO BUFFALO TO NEW YORK VIA BUFFALO AND N.Y. CITY RR. Plac* to Place. 332 24 6 30 31 Place to Place. From New York. 332 356 .362 3f)-2 423 From New York * See routes from Buffalo, p. 65. P.,JN. Y. TO NIAGARA nIT™ FALLS VIA ELMIRA Faiu. & CANANDAIGUA. 448 174 Via Erie R. R. NEW YORK to.... Elmira Plaee to Place. 274 From New York. 274 NEW YORK TO 8CRANT0N. n to Niagara Pnlli >n(l Niagara Falli Niagara Suspen- >iiie is connected ^''estern R. R. of i«nce to Detroit, ie routes to Oii- ake the route via a Falls, or from and Brantrord 152 !3i 127 131 103 87 78 64 57 47 U From Kia't FaJb. C»nandaigua 4* £'* mira R, It. Jeflurson iVIilo Centre Penn Van Hellona OANANDAIGUA. JV. Y. Central R. R. W. BloomHelfi Honeoye Falls Caledonia Le Roy Batavia NIAS^ARA F'LS.. NIA'iARA FALLS TO N.Y. VIA OANAN- DAIGUA & ELMIRA. (Read, up.) 22 SI 4 6 18 16 9 14 7 10 47 Place to Place 200 317 321 327 345 361 370 :)84 391 401 448 From Npw York. JVo<«— From Canandaigua pas- sengers may reach Rochester via railroad, 39 miles. From Batavia, also, they may reach Buffalo via railroad, 37 miles. Fn.m!NEW YORK TO BUF »•>«)>- FALO VIA ITHACA & ROCHESTER, N.Y. 448 Sll 207 202 197 191 178 155 148 142 136 131 128 121 ion 90 70 51 37 NEW YORK to.... J Owego via N.Y. ) \ &, Erie R. p. 48. i Cayuga Sjf Sus. R. S. Candor Candor Wilseyville Pugley's ITHAOA Ovid Landing Aurora Union Spring...... (Jayuga JSr. r. Central R. R. Seneca Falls Waterloo Geneva Clifton^prings OANANDAIGUA. ROOHEStER Bergen Batavia BUFFALO From BUFFALO TO N. Y. """"•jVIA ROCHESTER & 'ITHACA. {Read up.) Place to Plao«, 237 4 5 5 6 13 23 7 6 6 5 3 7 12 10 29 19 14 37 Place to Place. From New York. 237 341 246 251 257 270 203 300 306 313 317 320 327 339 349 378 397 411 448 From New York. M>te.—From Rochester passen- gers may proceed to Niagara Falls via the Rochester^ Lockport and J^iagara Falls R. A.,7U miles; and tVoiu thence via the Great Western Canada R. R. to Detroit, &c. From Ro- ehea t«r. 373 98 76 53 29 From Ro- che*' ter. N. Y. TO ROCHES- TER VIA ELMIRA. NEW YORK to.... ( Elmira via New ) < York and Erie > ( R.R.seop.48. > Elmira 4* Canaudui- gua R. R. JcfTorson Penn Yan Cnnandaigiia ROOHESTER ROCHESTER TO NEW YORK VIA EL- MIRA. {Read up.) From 8c rail ton. 350 50 44 37 30 33 10 From Scran ton. From New York. 442 29S From New York. NEW YORK TO SCRANTON. Via jyr. r. * Erie R. NEW YORK to.... ( Great Bend, see ) \ page 48. ( Lackata'a S( fVesfn R New Milford Montrose Hopbottom Tunkhannock Ahington SORANTON SCRANTON TO NEW YORK. {Read up.) NEW YORK TO BUF- FALO VIA ALBANY Place to Place. 274 33 33 84 29 Place to Place Place to Place. 200 6 7 7 7 13 10 Place to Place. NEW YORK to \ Albany via Hud- i |sonR.R. Scep.&Si ) Albany to BUF- ) I PALO. Seep. 59) BUFFALO TO NEW YORK VIA ALBANY. {Read up.) Tf From New York. 374 390 319 343 373 From New York. From New York. lace to Place. 144 298 Place to Place, Alba- ny. 144 442 From Alba- ny. OWEOO TO ITHACA. ff Vrom To- ronto. 113 NEW YORK TO TO RONTO, CAN. NEW YORK to... ( BuflfhIOjSee route ) } via Buf. & N.Y. > t City R. p. 50. ) Buffalo and Magara Falls R. R. Tonawanda NIAaARA F'LLS Suspension Bridge. Canada fVest'n R. to HAMILTON, Can TORONTO Place to Place TORONTO TO NEW YORK. {Read up.) 423 H 11 3 43 45 From Mew Tork. Placp to Place 423 434 445 448 491 536 From New York. Jfote.-^Tn place of the land route to Toronto, by way of Hamilton, {tassengers, if they prefer.may cross jake Ontario by steamboat to To- ronto. From Toronto extends the Onta- rio, Simeoe and Huron R., 64 miles. By consulting the map. it will be seen that this is a very short and direct route to Lake Superior. From Cuaii- daigiM 67 46 Sd S4 20 17 12 8 From C'nan- dalgaa ELMIRA TO CANANDAI6UA. Canan.it ElmiraRR. *ELMlRAto Jefferson MJIo Centre Pbnn Yan Benton Bellona Gorham Hopewell to OANANDAiatXA CANAN0AI6UA TO ElMiRA. (Readup.) Place to Place. 21 18 4 4 3 5 4 8 tPlaie to Pluoe. From mlra. 21 39 43 47 50 55 59 67 From El. mira *At Elmira it unites with the «Erie R.R., and nt Canandnigua 'with the routes to Buflfalo and Ni- agara Paili. > From Bloiia- burg. 40 25 20 10 S From Blnaa- burg. CORNING TO BLOSS BURG. Corning &■ Blosab. R. OORNINa to.... Lawrenceville.... Tioga Mansfield • Covington to BLOSSBURa.... BL0SSBUR6 TO CORNING. (Read up.) Flaee to Place. 15 5 10 5 5 Place to Place. Froia Cor. ning. 15 20 30 35 40 Freni Cor. ninf. At Corning this road is connected with the New York and Erie R. R. ; and at Blossburg with the bitumin* ous coal and iron miuea of Tioga county, Fa. From ▲I- baaji 153 150 147 145 142 140 139 138 136 134 133 129 126 121 118 116 113 no 107 104 101 04 00 H 80 73 65 50 NEW YORK TO ALBANY, VIA HARLEM. Harlem R. R. NEW YORK to... Thirty-second-st... Yorkviile Harlem IVforrisiana*. Fordham Williams' Bridge .. ♦New Haven June. Hunt's Bridge...... Bronxville......... Tuckahoe Hart's Corners..*.. VViJiTE Plains .... b^nionville... PIftasantville Chapeque New Castle Corners Bedford Meclianicsville .... Purdy's Croton Falls Towner's Paterson Pawlings ......... South Dover Dover Plains •«<. Amenia iBoston Corner. ••., l>laca to Flaea. 3 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 S 1 4 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 4 4 7 8 15 Froat New York. 3 6 8 II 13 14 15 17 19 20 24 27 33 35 37 40 43 46 49 52 50 63 67 73 80 88 loa NEW YORK TO ALBANY AND TROY. is LOSS- rUee to Place. fab.R. • • • • • 15 5 • • t • • 10 5 5 Ftaca TO to 1 PlaM. Froq Cor. ning. 15 20 30 35 40 FroQ Cor. ning, »ad is connected and Erie R.R.; th the bituinin> Dines of Tioga TO Tlaea Froat lA to New PUea. Terk. «. to... Bt... 3 3 • • • • • 3 6 • • •• • 3 8 1 • • • • 3 11 • • • • 2 13 ije.. 1 14 unc. 1 15 3 17 ners 3 1 4 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 4 4 7 • t •• o ••••11$ 19 20 24 27 33 35 37 40 43 46 49 52 50 63 67 73 80 88 io:{ 41 34 26 23 1 Irem Al- baur Copake Hillsdale Ghent Chatham 4 Corners Albany and West Stockbridgt R. R. to Green bush By Ferry to ALBANY ALBANY TO NEW YORK, VIA HAR- LEM. {Read up.) < 8 3 33 Place to Place. 113 119 127 130 153 153 From New York. * The New Raren and New York Railroad intersects here. Stages run fromT)roton Falls to LcUce Mahopac, a delightful place of resort; and, also, from other stations to the various places in the vicinity. Note. — This route is continued north to Montreal via Rutland and Burlington, Vt., or, via Saratoga Springs, to Lake Champlain, thence to Plattsburg and Montreal. Pas- sengers can take the route from Saratoga via L. George, meeting the steamers that run on L. Champlain. At Albany and Troy this route connects with the N. York Central R. R., running westward to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, connecting at those places with the more easterly routes. Froin Alba- ay aad Troy. 151 143 142 140 134 135 129 127 124 122 118 115 110 107 )05 NEW YORK TO AL- BANY AND TROY. Place to Plaoe. By Steamboat from N. YOaEto E. 8.. Manhattanville.K.s. Fort Lee, w.s Ft. Washington, s.s YONKBRS, E.S Hastings, B.a Dobb's Feiry, b.s... Pierinont, w.s.... Tarrytown, e.s... Nyack, W.B SlNG-SlNa, B 8. . . Haversfsw, w.b... Verplanck*«Pt.,B.8. CaldwelPs, w.s PXBKSKIbL, B.S 0] 8 1 2 6 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 5 3 il From New York. 8 9 11 17 20 23 24 27 29 33 36 41 4'i 46 104 99 98 94 90 90 84 81 77 76 71 68 65 64 56 54 50 40 35 35 31 27 24 20 18 17 14 7 6 Anthony's NoBe,B.s. West Point, w.s. . Cold Spring, e.s.... Cornwall, w.s Fishkill Land*g, e.s. NEWBDRe, w.s New Hamburg, b.s. Milton, w.s POUGHKEBPSIB, B.S.. New Paltz, w.s. ... Hyde Park, b.s Staatsburg, b.s Rhinebeck Lan. b.s. Kingston Lan. w.s. Barry town, b.s Red Hook Lan., b.s Saugerties, w.s. . . . Catskill,'w^ Hudson, e.s Athens, w.s C'olumbiavtile, e.s.. Coxsackie Lan. w.s. Kinderh'k Lan., e.s. New Baltimore.w.s. Schodac, e.s Coeyman's, w.s.... Castleton, e.s Overslaugh Green bush, b.s ALBANY, w.s. . . . TROY, B.s From Alba- ny and Troy ALBANY AND TROY TO NEW YORK. {Read up.) 1 47 5 53 1 53 4 57 4 61 4 61 6 67 3 70 4 74 1 75 5 80 3 83 7 90 1 91 4 95 3 97 4 101 10 111 5 116 5 116 4 120 4 124 3 137 4 131 3 133 1 134 3 137 5 143 3 144 1 145 6 151 Place to Flac«i. From New York. The initial letters b.s., signify that thos^ towns are on the easty and those with w.s. on the wMt, »id§ of the Hudson. 145 143 137 128 123 120 118 113 109 103 94 NEW YORK TO AL- BANY. Hudson River R. R. NEW YORK to... Thirty-first Street. Manhattanville ... YONKBRS Dobb's Ferry I'Dearman Tarrytown SiMO-SiNO Groton Peekskill G«rriM>u*B Place to Place. !^ ROUTES FROM ALBANY. ^WV A rfM«i«S*i»«'iWi*i'« ' HI 85 79 71 65 <iO 55 48 44 41 Sit 29 SO 18 12 9 1 > • • t t • • ColO Spring fFishkill Landing New Hamburg . . POOOHKEEPSIB... Hyde Park....... Staatsburg...... Rhinebeck Landing Lower Red Hook.. Upper Red Hook Clermont Oakhill ••• ];Hi;dson ..< Stuyvesant Kinderhook Land'g Schodac Laniing Castleton-. §QREENBU8H to . into 41- tan/. »■•.... I •.•... . ALBANY TO NEW YORK. (liMdup.) 3 6 6 8 6 5 5 7 4 3 5 7 9 2 6 3 8 1 54 60 66 74 80 85 90 97 101 104 109 116 125 127 133 136 144 145 * Passengers for places on the New York and Erie K. R., will stop here. The Dearman ferry unites the two routes. t Connects here (by ferry) with the J^'ewburg Branch R. R. I The Hudson and Berkshire R.R. diverges here ; it leads to Lebanon Springs, and forms a connection with the Massachusetts Western, and the Hcusatouic Railroads. § At Greenhush, the Hudson Ri< ver R. R. unites with the routes diverging to Boston, Troy, Sarato- ga, Lake Chaifft)lain, and Canada ; also, to Buffalo, and the West. Plao« From eh^ I Yorl I 11 See Routes from Albany. ROUTES FROM ALBANY. Tkt following are the principal railroad routes diverging from Jtlbanff the traveUar will rtfer to each re^ectiveljf, aa may be required. ^M^^^^^^^^i^^^^i^^i^^^M^^'^^^^^^' 1 ( I I : MASSACHUSETTS WESTERN RAILROAD Diverges from Oreenbusk, opposite Albany, It leads to Lebanon Bprings, Pittaifield, Springfield, Palmer, Worcester, and Boston. At the State Line and Pittsfleld, it unites with the Housatonic R. R., and at the latter place with the Pitts- field and J/brth Adams R. R. At Springfield, it joins with the chain of railroads pervading the valley of the Connecticut; running north to Greenfield, Brattleboro*. Bellows Falls, &c. ; and south to Hartford, New Haven, ice. At Palmer depot, it connects with the AVio London, Willi- mantie and Palmer R. R. At Worcester, with the Jfanoich and Worcester^ the Providence and Worcester, and the Nashua and Worcester Raitrowis, ftc. See pages 24 and 25. HUDSON RIVER RAILflOAD-Le'ads to Hudson. Poughkeepsie. Fish. kill, Pofikskiil, Sing-Sing, Dearman, (here it is connected with the N^ew York and Erie R. R. by ferry,) Yonkers, and New York. Seepp. 53&54. Another route to New York is via the Harlem R. R. See pp. 62 A 63. TROY AND 6REENBUSH RAILRQAp — Oonnects at Troy with the northern routes ; aad also with the Troy and Boston B.R. ^IIEW, YORK OENTRAl RAILROaT— Xeads to Buffalo mA NIagwa Vails, vi» Rome, Utioa, Syracuse, Rochester, &o. Seo pages 59 aad 60. ALBANY TO SARATOGA AND MONTREAL. plaees on Um i a. R.. will Btop an ferry uuitea (by ferry) with chJi.R. I Berkshire R.B. ada to Lebanon 8 a Gonnection isetts Western, : Railroads. the Hudson Ri. vith the routes 1, Troy, Sarato* n, and Canada ; 1 the Wesu ffrom Jllbanf; I required. •om Oreenbunht ild, Springfield; nd Pittsfleld, it with the Pitta. th the chain of nning north to Hartford, New ) London, Willi' t and fVoreester, eater Jiailroadat fikeepsie. Fish* I with the New Seepp. 63&64. 3 pp. 62 & 53. rroy with thp » moA Kiagam ges 59 and 60. At Rome, eonnectfl with the route to Watertown and Cape Yincent. See pnge 56. Also, at Schenectady, with the route to Saratof;a Springs, Lake Oeorge. Lake Champlain, Burlington, Yt., Plattsburg, N.Y., and Montreal, to. See page 55. From tnal- 262 25ti 251 239 230 224 212 20() 204 197 194 IHl 170 103 47 84 9 M.on- trral. ALBANY TO MON- TREAL VIA RUT- LAND. Albany Mtrtkem R ALBANY to West Troy Waterford Pitistown EAGLE BRIDaE. Rutland ^ fVaak'u R Cambridge Salem «^ •" WeMt Rupert Rupert Pawlet Granville Castlcton RUTLAND Rutland R. R. BURLINaXON... . Vermont Central R. ROUSE'S POINT. Champlain and St. Lawrence R. R. ST. JOHN'S, Can. La Prairie MONTREAL Place to Piaco. K™ MONTREAL TO AL- BANY. {Readup^ 6 5 12 9 6 13 6 2 7 3 13 11 67 56 23 15 9 From Alba- ny. Place to Plaee. 6 11 23 32 5v. \ 56 ' 58 . 65 68 81 92 159 215 238 253 262 103 47 34 From Moil treai. BURLINGTON, Vt Vermont Central R. ROUSE'S POINT. Champlain and St. Lawrence R. R. St. John's, Canada. MONTREAL to... MONTREAL TO Al- 6ANY VIA TROY. (Read up.) From Alba- ny. JV(rf«.— At Rouse's Point a con- nection is formed with the Ogdens- burg R R.. whose western terminus is on the River St. Lawrence. Pas- sengers here may take steamboat conveyance for any port on Lake Ontario. From Mon- treal. 9.59 2S3 331 309 300 170 ALBANY TO MON- TREAL VIA TROY. ALBANY to TROY PTeitt. Vermont R. R. N. Bennington Arlington Manchester RUTLAND Jutland R.R, Place to riace. u 6 32 13 9 30 6 38 50 59 89 lALBANY TO SARA- TOGA AND MON- TREAL VIA LAKE CHAMPlAIN. 245 205 189 188 177 165 141 139 136 130 124« 122 111 99 87 77 70 62 4t 10 8 ALBANY to SARATOGA SF'S. Saratoga ^ fVaah^n R Moreaa Station Fort Edward Fort Ann WHITEHALL.... St'boat on L. Champ. Ticonderoga Land'g Shnrehani Crown Point Bridport Chimney Point... Port Henry Westport Essex BURLINGTON, Vl Port Kent Port Jackson PLATTSBURG.... PlattaVgSfMoniHR. Mooer's Junction. . Caughnawaga Lachine MONTREAL.... From MONTREAL TO AL "trZ BANY VIA L. CHAM- PLAIN. (Read up.) Stages leave Moneau Station, 16 miles (Vom Saratoga Springs, on arrival of trains, for Caldwell aad Lak^ George. m WHITEHALL TO ROUSE'S POINT. Vrom Folnt 146 135 121 119 104 93 87 80 75 69 65 60 54 5] 47 43 36 32 S3 17 11 5 Vrom Foint. WHITEHALL TO HOUSE'S POINT} BY RAILROAD. rVkiteVl&Rutl.R.R. WHITEHALL to Castleton ^Rutland w. Rvtland R. R. Pittsford Brandon Salisbury iVfiddlebury New Haven Vergennes Ferrisburg....... Charlotte Shelburne fBURLINGTON . . • . Vtrtnont Cent. R.R. Winooaki Ejssex Depot Ft. Sj- Canada R. R. Colchester Milton Falls Georgia *... St. Albans Swanton Lake Champrn, e.s. West Alburifh tROUSB'S POINT Place to Place- ROUSE'S POINT TO WHITEHALL. (Read up.) 11 14 9 8 11 6 7 5 6 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 4 9 6 6 6 5 From W'ite- haU. 11 25 34 42 53 59 66 71 77 81 86 92 95 99 104 110 114 123 129 135 141 146 Place to Place. From W'lte- haU. * From Rutland diverges the Rut- land R. R., leading to Bellows Falls, ice. tFrom Burlington diverges the Vermont Central, and Rutland Railroads. t At Rouse's Point this route unites with the Ogdensburg R. R., running to the St. Lawrence R.R. See page 21. From fcl'wa ffalli. 67 53 WHITEHALL TO BELLOWS FALLS. WHITEHALL to. Oaatleton Rutland...... Place to Place. 11 14 From wnte- bell. 11 85 50 35 28 25 23 14 6 From Bui- lowe FalU. Rutland R. R. Clarendon Mount Holly.... Ludlow Proctorsvjlle Duttonsville Chester , Rockingham to... BELLOWS F'LLS 3 15 7 3 2 9 8 6 BELLOWS FALLS TO WHITEHALL. (Read up.) Place to Place. 28 43 50 53 55 64 72 78 From W'ite. From Bellows Falls, passengers may go to Keene, Fitch burg, and Bo.ston; also, to GreenQiald, Springfield, Hart* ford, N. Haven, and N. York. Ac. From O.Vin cent. 206 97 86 84 79 74 69 66 60 65 50 45 43 38 85 25 21 17 11 From C.Vln cent. ALBANY AND TROY TOWATERTOWN& C. VINCENT, N.Y. ae } to> ALBANY & TROY !To Rome (see No. 1, Albany Buffalo, page 59), Rome <£ Watertown R Taberg ;.. McConnelsville Camden West Camden Williamstown Kasoag Albion Richland Sandy Creek Mannsville Pierrepont Manor... Adams Adams' Centre WATERTOWN.... Brownville Limerick Chaumont OAPE VINCENT CAPE VINCENT TO p,.c ALBANY AND TROY. Place to Place. 109 to {Read up.) From Alba, uyf&o 109 11 120 2 122 5 127 6 132 5 137 3 140 6 146 6 151 5 156 5 161 2 163 5 168 8 171 10 181 4 185 4 189 6 195 11 206 From Alba- Place. ny,&e N. B. Steamers run in connection with this route to all the principal towns on Lake Ontario. From To- ronto, Canada West^ the OrUariOy Simcoe and Lakt>. Huron R. R. is in open!,«ion, forming a new and short rottte to Lake Superior. ROUTES IN CANADA. 07 • A to.. ■="LLSj 3 15 7 3 3 9 8 6 43 50 53 55 64 78 78 iS TOjpiaee|F»m J |PlM!e.| liaU. «, passengers may >urg, and Boston; 3prin{ifleld, Hart. i N. York, Ac. TflOV WN& N.Y. Plac » to Place e From Alba. . iiy,4o (see 1 lyto^ b69). i loumR " 109 n 2 5 6 6 3 6 6 6 5 2 5 8 10 4 4 6 11 109 1?0 e 122 1^7 132 »•••••••• •• 137 140 *•••••«•• 146 151 158 Ifil nor.... 163 168 iNT.'.'. 171 181 185 189 195 206 T TO FROY. . Place From Alba- \ iPlaoe. n]r,&a n in connection H the principal ario. From To- b, the Ontario^ iron B. R. is in new and short ior. ROUTES FROM MONTREAL, CANADA, MONTREAL TO BOSTON, &.G. MONTREAL to Burlington, Vt. (by R. R.), via La Prairie and House's Point MONTREAL to BOSTON, 7ia Rutland, Bellows Falls, and Fitchburg MONTREAL to BOSTON, via Concord and Lowell MONTREAL to PORT- LAND, Me. (see page 11.) From Mon- treal. MONTREAL TO NEW YORK CITY VIA LAKE CHAMPLAIN AND SARATOGA. Bee route from Montreal to Albany, page 68, and from Albany to N. York, pp. &3, 64. MONTREAL to Plattsburg, via Plattsburg and Montreal R.R Plattsburg to Whithehall by Steamboat Whitehall to Albany, by R.R., via Saratoga Albany to New York via Hud- son River R.R Total. 103 338 330 296 MONTREAL TO NEW YORK CITY VIA RUTLAND AND AL- BANY. MONTREAL to Burlington, Vt.,via La Prairie and Rouse's Point BURLINGTON to Albany, via Rutland, and Rutland and Washington R.R ALBANY to NEW YORK, via Hudson River R. R., or Hudson River Total. 62 103 79 144 388 MONTREAL TO NEW YORK CITY VIA RUTLAND AND THE WESTERN VERMONT R.R. AND HARLEM R.R. MONTREAL to Rutland, via La Prairie and Burlington RUTLAND to Troy, via W. Vermont R. R TROY to NEW YORK, via . Hudson River R. R Totaf.. From Mon- treal. 103 161 144 408 170 83 150 403 N.B. Travellers on their way from Montreal via Lake Champlain may reach that celebrated watering-place, Saratoga, by leaving the boat at Ticonderoga Landing. This place iafour miles from the foot of L. George, one of the loveliest sheets of water in the world, to which place ^ages run regularly during the'season. Here u steamboat will be in waiting to con- vey the tourist or traveller through this beautiful lake, with its labyrinth of islands, to the village of Caldwell, thereby affording a fine view of its Boeuery. A sojourn at one of the hotels, situated at the head of the lake, will, no doubt, be found highly gratifying. . •• Trom 180 165 135 127 97 90 66 MONTREAL TO QUEBEC. Bi/ Steamboat. MONTREAL to.. Yarennes William Henry Lake St. Peter , St. F rancis THREE RIVERS.. St. A&ne....- • ••••••••■••••• Place to Place, 15 30 8 30 7 25 Froro Mon- treal. 15 45 53 83 90 116 45 30 20 8 From Que* bee. Richelieu Rapids Cape Sant6 Point au Trembles- Cape RoixQte to *QUEBEO QUEBEC TO MON- TREAL. (Read up.) 20 15 10 12 8 Place to Plaoo. 135 150 160 172 180 From Mon- treal. * Stage route firom Quebec to Aa> gUBta, Me. Bee page 13. #8 fiOUTES IN CANADA. Vrea To- tonto. 363 354 321} 320 317 S97 261 275 2ii» 267 260 252 244 238 229 22-2 317 208 185 1U5 153 145 140 124 115 103 93 85 78 70 63 51 46 41 32 28 22 11 MONTREAL TO TO- RONTO. By Stage. MONTREAL to, La Chi lie Cedars Coteau du Lae>>. Coteau Landing.* Lancaster Cornwall Moulinatte Dickinson's Land*g Osnabriick East Williamsburg West Williamsburg Matilda Edwardsburgh .... Prescott Maitland Brockville ........ Yonge Ganauoque Kingston Mill Creek Morven Napanee Shannonville Belleville River Trent Brii^hton Colburne.... Haldimand....... Cobourg ^ Port Hope... Clarke Newcastle. . Darlington . Oshawa. ... Whitby .... Pickering... Scarboro' . . . TOflONTO !•«•••• to PltM. ^«, TOflONTO TO MON- w^..l TREAL. (Read up.) 9 28 3 20 16 6 6 2 7 8 8 6 9 7 5 9 23 20 12 8 5 16 9 12 10 8 7 8 7 12 5 5 9 4 6 11 11 From Mod- Ifeul. Place io PlMa. 9 37 43 46 66 82 88 94 96 103 111 119 125 134 141 146 155 178 198 210 218 223 239 248 2(i0 270 278 285 293 300 312 317 322 331 335 341 3.52 363 From Mon- tml. From De- troit 236 toR6Mfo, 6Ak,Yb DETROIT VIA HA- MILTON. By Steamboat on Lake Ontario. TORONTO to HaviUton. Cai| Q. Wabtm {Oam.} B^ Pluce to Place. From Toron to. 18 181 178 168 158 161 139 134 1.30 121 111 101 91 76 47 1 From De- troit. Dundas W. Flamboro' * St. George tPARIS Princeton t WOODSTOCK Beachville IngersollTille Dorchester a LONDON Kilwortli Ekfrid Wardsville Cbatham .■ Windnor SteamhoaJt across De- troit Jfiver to DETROIT, Mich... DETROIT, MICH., TO TORONTO, CAN. (Read up.) 6 3 10 10 7 12 6 4 9 10 10 10 16 28 46 Place to Place 64 67 67 77 84 96 101 106 m 124 134 144 160 188 234 236 Front Toroa to. 48 Note.— The Ontario, Simooe and La*ke Huron R.B., of Canada, is com- pleted to the Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, via Lake Simuoe. An extensive line of railroad is in progress of construction from To- ronto, along the northern shore of Lake Ontario to Montreal and Que- bec; on its completion, it will con- nect the latter place with the great railroad route also in progress to Halifax, connecting there with the ocean line of steamers. Various other railroads are in progress to unite Toronto with the inland counties of Canada West. * Branch railroad, leading to Oalt and Guelph ; at the latter place will connect with the great line, in pro- gress, running westward from To* ronto to Port Samia, and, which is intended to connect with a new pro- posed line, running across Michigan to a point on the lake opposite to Milwaukie, Wisconsin. f At Paris this route is intersected by the Duffalo and Brantford and Qoderich line, running to Buffalo, and also to Goderich, Lake Huron. (At Woodstock another oonneo- tidn will be formed with the BufDilo fB4 3irantfoxdB..IL I A hrane I J, Lake E l^passeng \»u rewsh I otber plftc* I toad. Fft^e Kbout $5; gt Louis, I flOUTES IN CANADA. 6 3 10 10 7 12 5 4 U>e- 84 67 67 77 84 96 101 , 106 10 124 10 134 10 144 16 160 28 188 46 234 ^v-j 1 I 236 I IJ I Place From ' Place. I to, Simooe and «ada, is com- ^ Bay, Lako e. railroad is la on from To- em shore of eal and Qu©. < it will cou- th the great progress to Jre with the arious other >«s to unite counties of Mn<^ to Gait » place will ine, in pro- 1 from To- d, which is a new pro- s Michigan >PPosite to ntersected tford and Buffalo, ' Huron. r oonneo- M fiuffido { A branch railroad to Port Stan- I to, Lake Erie. I Passengers arriving at Detroit CRU reaoh Chicago, St. Louis, and other places in the West, via rail- xoaA. Fare from Toronto to Detroit, I about $5 ; to Chicago, $11 ; and to gt Louis, $19. Ttom TORONTO, CAN.. TO BARRIE AND COL LINGWOOD. 96 88 84 82 78 58 54 48 U 82 from Col- liof (Mario, Simcoe and Lake. Hurrm R.R. TORONTO to WefltonP.O York...., Thornhill Richmond Hill P.O.. Aurora New Market Holland Landing Bradford Lefroy Long Bridge. BARRIE OOLLINaWOOD. COLUNGWOOD TO TORONTO, CAN. {Read up.) Place to PUcec 8 4 2 4 12 4 4 4 11 9 2 82 Place to Place. From Toron to. "8 12 14 18 80 84 38 42 53 62 64 96 From Toron to. i\ro/e.— This railroad, which is a new one,. forms, in connection with the StuU St. Marie Canal, a new and expeditious route to L. Superior. Itom BnJb' to. 465 456 432 417 376 864 826 313 293 281 261 221 m MONTREAL TO NIA- GARA FALLS AND BUFFALO. Btf Steamboat. MONTREAL to.... La Chine Ca8C|dea... Coteau du Lac Cornwall Long Sanlt „... *OGDENSB'a,N.Y. Brockville, Can Alexand. Bay, N.Y... French Creek EIN&STON, Can... Sackett's Har., N.Y... Place to Plaoe. 9 24 15 41 12 38 13 20 12 20 40 From Mon- treal. 9 33 43 89 101 139 152 172 184 204 244 m 177 168 159 146 114 74 50 38 81 22 OSWEGO , Little Sodus Lake..< Sodus Bay , Pultneyyille Port Genesee Oak Orchard Creei.. Eighteen-mile Creek. Port Niagara LEWISTON By Railroad. NiAa'RA F'LS to t BUFFALO J„r BUFFALO TO lo. TREAL. MON- {Read up.) 32 9 9 o> 40 24 12 7 9 28 Plac« to Place. 288 297 306 319 ".51 .31 415 427 434 443 466 From Moa- treat. The usual fare hetween Montreal and Niagara Falls, meals, berths, and fine accommodation, included, is $8. * The Ogdensburg or Northern R. R. diverges from this place to Rouse's Point and Lake Champlain. t See Routes from Buffalo, p. 65. From Buffa- lo. 298 281 272 265 254 246 243 240 234 224 217 212 203 199 196 189 180 175 171 165 158 150 139 m ALBANY AND TROY TO UTICA, SYRA- CUSE, ROCHESTER, BUFFALO, &C. ViaN.T. Central R. { ALBANY or I TROY to Schenectady Hoffman's Amsterdam Fonda Spraker's Palatine Bridge Fort Plain St. Johnsville , Rockton,or Little F'ls Herkimer Frankfort. UTIOA Whiteshoro' Orickany , *ROME Verona Oneida Canastota Chittenango .Manlius t SYRACUSE Canton. ir.OfCUW »»«.MM«w««#.»^"»» Place to Place. From Atba- 17 17 9 26 7 83 11 44 8 52 3 55 3 58 6 64 10 74 7 81 6 86 9 96 4 99 3 102 7 109 9 118 5 123 4 127 6 133 7 140 8 149 11 169 X(» m 120 126 119 112 105 100 92 88 79 69 63 69 64 61 47 44 87 26 21 16 11 From Bufb' lo. ALBANY TO BUFFALO. Weedsport Port Byron Savannah Clyde Lyons Newark Palmyra ~ Macedon Fairport IROOHESTEH Cold Water Chili Churchville SJSautxiJN ••••••^•••••••' West Bergen Byron BATAVIA Pembroke Alden Town Line Lancaster gBUFFALO BUFFALO TO RO- CHESTER, SYRA- CUSE; UTICA, AL- BANY, TROY, &C. (Mead up.) 4 3 7 7 7 6 8 4 9 10 6 4 6 3 4 3 7 11 6 6 6 11 PUer to Place. 169 172 179 186 193 198 206 210 219 229 235 239 244 247 251 254 261 272 277 282 287 298 From Alba- Dy,dfco yote. — See Routes from Albany, p. 64. from Schenectady diverges the B. R. to Saratoga S'gs, Whitehall, &c. ' * From Rome diverges the Water' tmon and Rome R. R., leading to Watertown, Sackett's Harbor, and Cape Vincent, N.Y. See p. 56. From the latter place passengers may go direct to Kingston, and other towns of Canada East. t From Syracuse the Oswego and Syracuse R. R. runs to Oswego, a flourishing port on L. Ontario, from which place steamers run to Niag'ra Falls, &o. See page 64. In a southerly direction from Sy- racuse the Syracuse and Binghamton R. R. diverges, forming a connection between the N.Y, Central and N.Y. Erie R.R's. Passengers may take this route to'Philad'a, Baltimore, &c. by passing over the Erie R. R. to El- mira, thence to Williamsp't, Pa., and from theuce to places above named. X From Rochester westward runs the Lockportand Niagara Fails R.R. to Nii^a Fls, and connecting there with the &. 1Feaf»ie.i2. of Canada W. g From Buffalo the R. R. route ii continued along the shore of L.Erie to Cleveland, O., there connectiue I with all the routes of the groat West From Alba- ny. 303 155 147 145 138 134 129 118 113 IIJ 103 95 91 86 81 73 65 62 66 48 41 37 31 25 20 15 10 From Alba- ny. ALBANY AND TROY TO BUFFALO, N. Y., ViA AUBURN AND CANANDAJGUA. Via N. Y. Central R. \ ALBANY or ; j TROY to I \ Syracuse (seethe i ( preceding route.) ) Auburn <£ Cananaair gua Branch, Camillus Marcellus Junction Sennett AUBURN Cayuga Seneca Falls Waterloo GENEVA East Vienna Clifton Springs Shortaville *OANANDAIGUA Elmira, Canandaigua <£ Nia'a Falls R. E. Bloomfield W. Bloonifleld Honeoye Falls West Rush , Caledonia Le Roy , Stafford t BATAVIA £. Pembroke Alden Town Line Lancaster JBUFFALO BUFFALO TO ALBA- NY VIA CANANDAi- GUA. (Head up.) Place to Place, 148 2 7 4 6 11 5 3 7 ■ 8 4 5 5 Place to Place. From Canu 148 156 158 166 169 174 185 190 193 200 208 212 217 222 8 230 8 238 3 241 6 247 8 265 7 262 4 266 6 272 6 278 6 283 6 288 5 293 10 303 From Canaa dasg'a N.B. See the notes attached to the previous routes from Albany to Buffalo. * Canandaigua and Elmira R.R. connects here ; it leads to N. York Tia N.T. and Erie R.R.; to Philad'a and cities soutbi via Willianup't, Pa. ALBANY TO BUFFALO. the shore of L.Bri; ofthcgrcatWo. f'l D TROYI P"' ; N, Y.|M''H'''o« itral Ji. Y or (i oute.^ { ^*8 I 148 nandai] ich. 8 156 2 168 11 186 8., IGUA 5 3 7 8 4 5 5 8 190 193 200 208 212 217 222 230 8 238 3 241 6 247 8 ) 265 262 266 6 272 6 278 6 6 6 283 288 293 10 303 Place! From to Icania LBA-' IDAI-,,. ,-..., Ip.) jWaf». daig't B8 attached to rom Albany to I Elmira R.R. ds to N. York ;.; to Philad'a iIJianup% Pa. I At Batavia this route connects fith the Elmira, Oanandaiyua and Jfiagara Falls R. R. iFrom Buffalo the route is con- tinaod west via the Lake Shore K.K. Steamboats arrive at and depart UroiD Cayuga Bridge, continuing the loate through Oayuga L'ke to Ithaca, thance Tia K. R. to Owego, on the N. Land Erie R.R. From Geneva a steamboat runs to Jefferson ; at the head of Seneca L'ke. the Chemung R. R. connects it witli Elmira and the Erie R. R., and also, with the route through Penn'a, via WUliamsport and Catawissn,with the eosl region and Philadelphia — also iritb Baltimore and Washington. Stage lines leave the various sta- tions on the road, for the towns of tbe interior. ham Xlt>a rtiit. ao5 T6 69 M 46 86 n » 10 2 Nia'a falls ALBANY AND TROY TO NIAGARA FALLS. ( ALBANY or ( I TROY to......... I ! Rochester, N. Y., ) (See Route, pages > 59 and 60.) S Via Rochester, Lock- port (& N. Falls Br. Spencerport Brockport HoUey jNTurray Albion Medina Middleport LOOKPORT Pekin Suspension Bridge... NIAGARA F'LLS NIAGARA FALLS TO ALBANY AND TROY, N.Y. {Read up.) ^ Place to Place. to Place From Alba- ny,4^c ' 229 229 10 239 7 246 5 251 3 254 5 259 10 269 5 274 11 285 10 295 8 303 2 305 From Alba- ny,&o N. B. From Niagara Falls passen- gers may reach Detroit, Mich., via tbe Canada Western R.R., thence to Chicago, via Mich. Cen. R.R. From Chicago they may reach St. Louis, or tbe various towns of 111., Wisoonein, Iowa, and Minnesota, and through Iowa to Nebraska Territory. From Chicn go.dcc 811 508 498 465 469 436 417 389 369 353 325 279 278 268 260 248 241 237 232 213 202 170 137 128 87 60 60 38 20 10 From Chica gO|4cc ALBANY ft, TROY, N. Y., TO DETROIT, MICH., ft. CHICAGO, ILL., VIA CANADA. ) ALBANY and ( TROY to 'Suspension Br'e.' (See route from A. & T. to N. F. page 61.) O. Western {Can.) R. St. Catharine's, Can.. HAMILTON, Can, Dundas PARIS Woodstock LONDON Ekfrid Wardsville CHATHAM Windsor Via Steamboat to DETROIT ,.. Michigan Central R Dearborn Wayne Upsilanti Ann Arbor Delhi Dexter „ Grass Lake Jackson Marshall KALAMAZOO Paw Paw Niles New Buffalo Michigan City , Porters , Gibson's Junction CHICAGO CHICAGO TO ALBA- NY &. TROY VIA DE TROIT ft. CANADA. {^Read up.) Flare to Place 803 10 33 6 23 19 28 20 16 28 49 10 8 12 7 4 5 19 11 32 33 9 41 27 10 12 18 10 10 Place to Place. 01 From Delr't — I 303 313 346 852 375 894 422 442 458 486 532 533 543 551 563 570 574 579 598 609 641 674 683 721 751 761 773 791 801 811 From Detr't dee. Note. — Albany to New York, 144 miles ; and from Chicago to JV. Yorkf via the above route, 955 miles. Albany to Boston, 200 miles; and from Chicago to JMton,y\a theabovo route, 1011 miles. «2 4LBANY TO BINGHAMTON. From Bing- bam- ton. 135 126 123 119 114 108 103 98 93 87 80 76 68 61 £5 46 40 86 24 19 12 9 ALBANY TO BING HAMTON. Stage RouU. ALBANY to Quilderland auilderland Centre... Knowersville Knox GnllopTllle SOHOHARIE Ka8t Cobleskill Cobleskill RiohmondTille East Worcester Worcester Maryland ColllerSTille : Oneonto Otego Creehflville UNADILLA Bainbridge South Bainbridge Harpersville Coleiitrille BINGHAMTON... BINGHAMTON ALBANY. (Bead up.) TO Place to Place. 9 8 4 6 6 6 6 5 9 7 4 8 7 6 9 6 4 12 & 7 3 9 Place to Plam. From Alba- ny. 9 12 16 21 27 82 37 42 48 65 59 67 74 80 S9 95 99 111 116 123 126 135 From Alba> ny. A new R. R. route is now opened between Albany and Binghamton, as follows : from Albany to Syrac'se, via Utica, 147 miles; thence by Syra- cuse & Bingbamton R.R. to Bing* hamton, via Cortland, 80 miles — total, 22J miles. From Binghamton a .F».R. route- is opened to Phil'a and Baltim'e via Elmira and Williamsp't, Pa.; also to N.Y. via Erie R.R. From Coop- ent 1^ 85 68 60 57 63 48 42 81 ALBANY TO COOP- ERSTOWN. Alb'y <£ ScJim. R. R. ALBANY to ^. Schenectady. Utica <£ Schen. R.R. Hoffman's Cranesville Amsterdam Tribes' Hill Fonda Palatine Bri^e iV»«»*««*« Place to Place 17 8 3 4 6 6 11 From Alba- ny. 17 25 28 32 37 43 54 SO 14 From t'ooi By Stage to Canajoharie Cherry Valley OOOPERSTOWN. ^.„„. COOPERSTOWN TO »X ALBANY. (Read up.) 1 16 14 Placf to Place, 71 85 AllK. From Rat- land. TROY, N. Y., TO RUTLAND, VT. 84 bO 73 70 61 56 50 43 37 35 28 26 24 18 11 From Rut- land. From Rat- land. 82 71 59 54 50 48 43 30 36 30 22 18 9 6 From Rut- land. Rutland and fVath- ington R. R. TROY to Lariflingburg....... Schaffticoke Tomhewick Eagle Bridge Cambridge Shushan Salem West Rupert Rupert Paulet Granville Granville Centre... Poultney Castleton to RUTLAND RUTLAND TO TROY. (Read up.) TROY TO RUTLAND, VIA VERMONT. Western Ft. R. R. TROY to. Schagticoke '... Bagie Bridge Cambridge North Bennington. S. ShaAsbury Shatlsbury Arlington Sunderland Manch(*8ter North Dorset Danhy Wallingford Clarendon to RUTLAND RUTLAND TO TROY. {Read up.) Place to Place. 4 7 3 9 5 6 7 6 2 7 2 2 6 7 11 Place to Place. Froa Troy. 4 11 14 23 28 34 41 47 40 56 58 60 66 73 84 From Troy. Place to Place. 11 12 5 4 2 5 4 3 6 8 4 9 3 6 Place to riaco. From Troy. 11 23 28 ,12 34 39 43 46 52 60 64 73 76 82 From Troy TflOY TO N. BENNINGTON. M )WN. 16 14 1 56 fN TO •*,'•<=• '«■« 71 85 TO !»•'•" TIo i Place. y^ask- Troy. tre... 4 4 7 11 1 3 14 9 23 5 28 6 34 7 41 7 2 2 6 7 11 6 47 49 rRoy.l'ir riace. LAND, NT. l.R. 56 58 60 66 73 84 From Troy. (ton ■ • • • ■ ' • • ■ • > • • • • • • • . • • •• « • • • ioY. Place to Place. II 12 5 4 2 5 4 3 6 8 4 9 3 6 Place to rtan. 7rom Troy. 11 33 28 32 34 39 43 46 52 60 64 73 76 82 From Troy V.Brn (•lion 81 SO 18 ,11 6 2 From S.Bfa TROY TO BEN- NINGTON. R.li Troy (£ Boston TROY to »cbagticoke PittstQwn Buskirk's Bridge North Iloosio State Line N. BENNINGT'N. >}•••••# ••••) Plae* to Place. 11 2 7 6 8 2 N. BENNINGTON TO ^'^ TROY. (Head up.) Piace. From Troy, 11 13 20 26 20 31 From Troy. Troy to Greenfidd, see page 27. Tr(jy to Bujffulo, eee Routes from Albany to Butfalo, pp. 59 and 6U. Troy to Saratoga and Whilehall, see page 55. Frpm «n(- 79 64 67 45 42 28 21 11 From Wiig- kam- toa. SYRACUSE TO BINGHAMTON. Via Syracuse (6 Bing- hamiifm R.R. SYRACUSE to La Fayette Tully Homer OORTLAND Marathon Lisle........ Chenanf^o Forkft BINGHAMTON... BINGHAMTON TO SYRACUSE. {Ricut up.) Place to Place. 15 7 12 3 14 7 10 11 Place to Place. From >*yra- cuiie. 15 22 84 37 61 58 68 79 From Syra- cuse. Remarks. — The Syracuse k Bing- hamton R. R. completes a most im- portant link in the railroad system of Central New York. By reference to the map, it will be seen, that, at Binghnmton, it connects with the Erie Railroad; and at Great Bend, 15 miles distant, the latter road unites with the Tjaokawanna and Western R.R., leading to the coal fields of Scranton, Pa.: through this arenue coal will supplant the place of wood as fuel in this section, and particularly at the extensive Mdt works at Syracuse, and, also, fur- nish large quantities of this Taluft> ble mineral for shipment fVom the port of Oswego, to be distributed throughout the lake region. It also opens a route immediately south to Philadelphia, thereby affording a market direct for the great variety of goods manufactured in this great and growing city. From Scranton, also, in conneo- nection with the CohWs Oan R.R., it will open a route to New York, with easier grades than those on the eastern section of the Erie R. R. From Wa.T ROME TO Place to From town. WATERTOWN. ?lace. Roma. Rome <£ Wat'n R. R. 72 ROME to 9 2 Ilumuston's 9 Tabere 11 59 McConnellsville 2 13 54 Camden 6 18 49 44 41 West Camden 6 5 3 ?;^ Williamstown 9A Kasoag 3^ 35 30 18 Albion 6 5 12 37 Richland 42 Pierrepont Manor.... 54 13 10 Adams 5 3 59 Adams' Centre to 62 From WATERTOWN.... 10 Place 72 WATERTOWN TO From towu. ROME. iUtadup.) Place. Rome. At Rome this route connects with the Albany and Buffalo line, run- uing liiust and West. TheWatertown and Rome R.R. is now opened to C Vincent, 25 miles from Watertown, and 97 mile^from Roihe. At the former place it con- nects with the steamboats running between Ogdensburg and the vi^ rioui i ports on Lake Outar io. * 64 ROME TO OGDENSBURG. from Of buru. 117 109 104 100 85 70 73 (i4 58 53 41 34 2» 22 14 From Og- burg. ROME TO OGDENS- BURG. By Stage from ROME to Stakes West Branch A va WestLeyden Turin Martinsburg Lowvilie Denmark Carthage VVilna Antwerp Sonferville Oouveriieur Richville OcKali) to OaDENSBURQ-. OGDENSBURG TO ROME. {Head up.) PlM* to Plac*. 8 5 4 5 10 9 3 G 5 12 7 5 7 8 14 PItr* Place, From Bom*. 8 13 17 9<i 33 41 44 53 50 64 76 83 88 95 103 117 ROUTES FROM ROCHES- TER. From Rochester to Buffalo^ sea page (U). From Rochester to Albany, and intorincdiato places, see pp. 69 & 60. From Rochester to J^ete York, via Elmira and the New York and Erie R. R., see page 66. From Rome. Persons going direct between the Above places, should take the cars to Cape Vincent, and thence to Ogdensburg by steamboat. From Oiwe- go. 35 23 18 1 Jrom Oswe- SYRACUSE TO OS- WEGO. OiCffo Sf Syra. R. R. SYRACUSE to... Baldwinsville Lamson's Pulton to OSWEaO OSWEGO TO SYRA . CUSE. (Heud up.) Place to Ftaee. 12 5 17 1 Place to Place. From Syra. euae. 12 17 34 35 From 8]rra> cvae. Cars leave Oswego for Albany and Troy, via fJ^yracuse and Utica, on arrival of the steamers from Og- densburg and Lewiston ; and the early train from Syracuse arrives at Oswego in tiina to connect with the steamers, both up and down the Lake. From Dan*. Yilla. ROCHESTER TO DANSVIUE. Place to Place. 8 4 10 2 2 4 2 1 3 1 4 2 4 2 3 Froa Rv chea. tcr. 52 44 40 30 28 26 22 20 19 By Oen'c yat Can'l. ROOHESTER to. Tone's Basin Scottsville Sackett's Basin.... Fowlerville Barclay's Mill Spencer's Basin.... Tracy's Basin Cuvler 8 13 22 34 36 30 33 33 16 15 11 9 5 3 Genesee Dam Mount Morris.... Shaker's Settlem'nt Fitzhugh's Basin.. Sherwood's Land'g McNair's Landing. DANSVILLB.... 36 37 41 43 47 49 53 From Dana- TiUe. DANSVIUE TO RO- CHESTER. ' {Head up.) Place to Place. From Ro- chea> ter. The Genesee Valley Canal will extend to Olean, on the Alleghany River. It will unite at that place with the New York and Rrie R. R. From Cora- ing. 101 94 81 76 64 57 50 45 35 ROCHESTER. N. Y., TO CORNING. Ghnessee VaVy Br. R. KOOHESTER to... Henrietta West Rush Buffalo, Coming and N. r. R. R. * Avon Livonic Centre Conosus Spricgwater Wayland Liberty Place to Place. I 13 5 12 7 7 5 10 From Ro- chVr. 7 20 25 37 44 51 56 ROCHESTER TO CORNING. ROCHES. Buffalo^ Be« Albany, and lace pp. 69 A 60. |o JVisw York, few Jfork and 166. ro Plae* to Plae*. Fron Ro. che«i tcr. im7. to. 8 8 4 13 10 23 2 34 2 36 .... 4 30 2 33 1 • B • • 1 33 > • • • • 3 36 1.... 1 37 m'nt 4 41 sin. . 2 43 ind'g 4 47 ing. 2 49 • • • • 3 53 flO- Plae* to Place. from Re chea> ter. ley Canal will the Aile^hany 3 at that place and Brie R. R. ii r.H. to... and Place to Place. 13 5 12 7 7 6 10 Front Ro- chVr. 7 20 25 37 44 51 50 6Q 27 20 14 2 From Rn- ch'a'r. AVOCH BATH ('uui(^*bcll hilnt(Kl IHiHt fOORNINa CORNING. N.Y., TO aOCHESTER! (Head up.) 8 74 7 81 6 87 12 09 2 10 L Place From to Corn- Place. lug. * From Avon the railroad extends to Uutavia, Butfalo, and Niaguia Falls. f Corning is on the Now York and Erie It. K., and is aliso Iho Northern terminus of tlie blo.sHburg and Ooruing 11.11., extending into Pena- eylvania. From Oleaii. 99 92 87 84 79 77 71 66 63 49 41 37 31 26 21 13 6 From Olean, ROCHESTER TO OLEAN. Bi/ SUtqp. from ROOHESTER to.. Henrietta Hush West Rush Avon South Avon , aENESEO Mount Morris , Oakland , Hunt's Hollow Short Tract Allen Centre Ant^lica llobbieville Friendship Cuba Hinsdale to OLEAN..., OLEAN TO ROCHES* TER. (Head up.) Pluce to Place From Ro- ehVr. 7 6 8 5 2 6 6 12 4 8 4 6 5 6 8 7 6 Place to PInre. 7 12 15 20 22 28 34 46 50 68 62 68 73 78 86 83 99 From Ro- ch'aT. From KU'a Fall*. 76 66 69 54 51 46 ROCHESTER TO NIAGARA FALLS. Via Rochester, Loclcp't <6 Nia^a Falls R.R. ROCHESTER to.. Sponcerport Brockport Holley....: , Murray Albion G* Place to Place. 10 7 5 3 5 From Ro- chVr. 10 17 22 25 30 36 81 20 10 2 From Nia'a Falie. Medina Middleport LOOKPORT Pekln SusponBion Bridge.. NIAQARA F'LS. NIAGARA FALLS ROCHESTER. {Read up.) TO 10 40 5 45 11 56 10 66 1 8 74 2 76 Plae* From to Ho- Place. ch'a'r. Note.— From Rochester passengers can proceed via the New York Cen- tral R. R. to Albany, via Syracuse, Utica, &e. Also, to Elmira via the Canaudaigua & Elmira R.R.; thence to New York via the Erie R.R4 or to Philadelphia via Williamsport, Catar viiti^A, and the Reading R. R. From Albany to Boston via the Masciachu- setts Western R.R. -* From Niagara Falls to Detroit, Chicago, &o., via the Canada West'n R. R.; -or via Buffalo, Cleveland, &c From Cleveland to Cincinnati and Indiana, Ac ROUTES FROM BUFFALO. From Buffalo to Rocfiester, Syra- cuse, Utica, Albany and Troj/i N.Y. See Route, page 60. From Buffalo to Albany, via Ca- nandaigua. See Route, page 60. From Buffalo to New York, via Buffalo, Corning and N. York RJL See Route, page 50. From Buffalo to New York, via Buffalo and New York City R.B. See Route, page 50. From Buffalo to New York, via Rochester and Ithaca. See Route, page 51. From Buffalo to -ZVeio York, via Albany. See Route, page 51. From Buffalo to Niagara FalU, Oswego, Ogdensburg and Montreal^ via L. Ontario. See Route, p. 59. From Buffalo to Montreal, via Al- bany. See Route from Bufiialo t6 Albany, page 59. From Albany and Troy to Mom- tre<a,&e. 6oe Routes page 55. <0 BUFFALO TO NEW YORK. From jr«w York. 470 460 450 445 439 436 438 421 414 410 39tt 392 388 376 307 3ti4 361 356 353 353 34U 344 304 301 395 S88 883 »75 S70 366 S58 356 352 345 S38 233 S35 320 310 304 187 174 169 1«3 153 BUFFALO TO NEW YORK, VIA GENE- VA. JEFFERSON, AND THE ERIE R.R. janieaS(BufloR.R. BUFFALO to.... Lancaster Alden ••.. «•• Darien Attica Jiub'n Sf Rock. K. R. Alexander Batavia Byron Bergen Churchville ROCHESTBR Brighton Pittsford Victor Canandaigoa Cbapinsville Shoruville Cliflon Springs.... West Vienna... A. East Vienna Oaks Corners Obnbva By Steamboat on S9' n^a Lake to JBrrERSON Chemung JR. R. Havana Millport Horse>Head8 EUiIRA JV. r. ^ Erie R. R. Weilsburg Clieinung <> . Waverly Barton Smithboro* Tioga Centre OWEOO Camprille Union BlNviHAMPTON Windsor Ruad. ... Great Bend Susqueiianna River Deposit • . . Hancock StoclKport Equinunic PlaM 10 Place. From Bafii- lo. Hankin'a Creek 10 10 5 6 3 8 7 7 4 14 4 4 13 9 3 3 5 3 1 3 5 40 3 tt 7 5 8 5 4 8 2 4 7 7 5 8 5 10 6 17 13 5 6 10 10 30 25 31 34 43 49 56 60 74 78 82 94 103 106 109 114 117 118 121 126 166 169 175 182 187 195 300 204 212 214 213 225 232 237 245 250 260 260 283 296 301 307 317 146 140 132 125 130 115 100 87 84 77 ra 70 65 62 59 57 51 45 44 42 36 35 33 28 24 '•••••• ICallicoon . . . Cochecton . . . Narrowsburg Mast Hope Lacka waxen Barry ville Port Jbrvis Otisville Howell's Middletown New Hampton... Goshen Chester Oxford Monroe Turner's Monroe Works... Sioatsburg Ramapo Works... *Suffem'$ Mousey , Spring Valley..... Clarkstown Blauveli ville Pierniont By Steamboat to NEW YORK.... 7 6 8 7 5 5 15 *13 3 7 4 3 5 3 3 2 6 6 1 3 6 1 3 5 4 324 330 338 345 350 355 370 383 386 393 397 400 405 408 411 413 419 425 426 438 434 435 437 443 446 24 470 ♦ Freight trains only run to Pier- mont. Passengers can leave the Erie R. R. at Sufferns, and reach N. Yoi-k via Paterson. Siee route l>elow. 463 35 34 30 38 24 19 16 14 12 9 5 1 Ramapo ij^ Pater- eon R. R. BUFFALO to.». Supfbrn's' Wan maker's Ramsey's Allendale Godwinville Paterson........ Paterson R. ii. Ackerman's Passaic Bridge Boiling Poring Hackensack Depot . Bergen Jersey CiTT By Ferry to NEW TORK Pram New York. NEW YORK TO BUF- FALO. {Bead up.) 428 1 4 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 4 4 Place to Place. 428 429 433 435 439 444 447 449 451 454 •^58 463 463 Front Ottflb. k. BUFFALO TO PITTSBURG, ,. 7 334 • • 6 330 8 338 7 345 5 350 5 355 15 370 *13 383 3 386 7 393 4 397 3 400 5 405 3 408 3 411 2 413 ti 419 6 425 > • • 1 420 , f « 2 428 • • 6 434 1 435 • • • 2 437 • • • 5 442 • • • 4 448 • • • 24 470 y run to Pier- leave the Erie reach N.York ite below. Eer- •^ « • • • 428 428 • • • 1 429 • • • 4 433 • • • 2 435 • • • 4 439 • .. S 444 • • ■ 3 447 • • • 2 449 • • • 2 451 ot. 3 454 • • • 4 •^58 • • • 4 462 • • • 1 463 tlF- Plac* From ••) to Duflh> PiMe. b. rrom bnrit. 324 3(k< 302 S9« 294 284 275 21)7 255 251 243 230 226 217 207 201 195 189 ]8() 180 175 170 103 158 150 140 133 120 114 102 97 2<» 87 83 77 74 69 65 50 49 44 38 28 25 22 20 17 BUFFALO TO PITTS- BURG. Placa to Place. BnrioScStateL.RR. BUFFALO to 18 Mile Creek Gvaiis* ••• Lagrange Silver Creek Dunkirk Centreville Westfleld State 'Line Erie gf State L. R. R. North East Harhor Creek ERIE CUoerdSfErieR.H Fairview Springfield Conneaut Kingsville Ashtabula Sayhrook Geneva •>.. Madison Perry Paineville Mentor Willoughby Euclid OLEVELAND-... Cleveland and Welle- ville R. R. Newburg Bedford Hudson Ravenna Rootstown .^twater Lima Alliance. Ohio 4> Penn'a R. R. Smilhfleld Damascuii.... Salem Franklin Columbiana Palestine Enon Darllnirton New Brighton Rochester Freedom Baden Economy 10 6 2 10 9 8 12 4 8 7 10 9 10 6 6 6 3 6 5 5 7 5 8 10 8 6 12 12 5 7 From Ruf- faio. 10 22 28 30 40 49 57 69 73 81 88 98 107 117 133 129 135 138 144 149 154 101 166 174 184 192 198 210 222 227 234 12 r From Pillii- burg. )wicklev to.., ITTSBtTRG PITTSBURG TO 5 12 Plaer to BUFFALO.(«efld«;'.)p,!;°c 313 334 From Buf- raln. From Pittsburg passencers may reach Philadelphia via the Penn- sylvania R. R. From M(0. BUFFALO TO CHI- CAGO. By Steamboat. 1042 BUFFALO to.... 997Dunkitk, N. Y 952 Brie, Pa 922 Conneaut, O 907 Ashtabula 877 Grand River 848 Cleveland 802 Huron 792 Sancuskt Citt. . . . 712 DETROIT, Mich. . 640 Fort Gratiot Place to Place. 490 412 348 245 95 70 56 From Chi- «a(0. Thunder Bay Island Presque Isle Mackinaw Manltou Island •... MILWAUKIEyWi Racine, Wis Kenosha, Wis OHIO AQO, III.... CHICAGO AND DE TROIT TO BUFFALO, N.Y. (Read up.) 45 45 30 15 30 29 46 10 80 72 150 78 64 103 150 25 14 56 Place to Place. From BuHf lo. 45 90 120 135 165 194 240 250 330 402 553 630 694 797 947 972 986 1042 From Bufl'a. lo. 3 237 5 242 5 247 3 2.'!>0 5 255 4 259 6 265 10 275 5 2H0 6 286 10 296 ? 299 3 303 2 3041 3 3071 DETROIT TO CHICAGO, VIA THE MICHIGAN CENTRAL R.R. The foregoing steamboat' route to Chicago, by the way of the great Upper Lakes, forms, during the summer season, both a delightful and a cheap excursion ; but it fa only selected by tourists, and per- sons of leisure. Others wishing to go through from Detroit to Chicago, as speedily as possible, should avail themselves of the route of the Mich- igan Central Railroad, of whic^ttfe following are the stopping-plac^ ana distances. From Buffalo to Detroit, l>y R.R., via Canada, see p. 69; firom Buffldo to Ohicaj^o, via Cleveland} see p. 68L fiS DETROIT TO CHICAGO. From Chi- cago. 278 208 s<;o 248 244 S4U 234 232 221) 220 211 201 192 181 109 155 141 133 118 110 98 88 82 76 60 £0 38 20 10 From Chi- cago. DtTROIT TO CHI- CAGO. Mich. Ceviral R. R DETROIT to Dearborn Wayne Vpsilanti Geddes' Mills Ann Arbor •• Delhi Scio •••• • Dexter Chelsea •• i. • Grass Lake........ Jackson '. .- Gidley' Albion Marshall Battle Creek Galesburg Kalamazoo Paw Paw Decatur Dowagiac NiLES Buchanan Terre Coupee... ... New Buffalo Michigan City Porter's Gibson's Junction to OHIOAGO CHICAGO TO DE- TROIT. (Read up.) ! From Chi- cago. 512 490 490 484 482 472 463 443 439 431 BUFFALO AND DUN- KIRK TO CHICAGO &• INTERMEDIATE PLACES, BY R. R. Buflo^StateL.R.R. ♦BUrrALOto.... 18 Mile Creek Evans' Lagrange Silver Creek tDUNKIRK Centre vi lie ........ Westfield State Line Erie ^ State L. R. R. North East Harbor Creek Place From to Be- Flaw. trnit. (. 10 10 8 18 12 30 4 34 4 38 6 44 2 46 3 49 9 58 9 67 10 77 9 86 11 97 12 109 14 123 14 137 9 146 14 160 12 180 8 168 10 190 6 196 6 202 16 218 10 228 12 240 18 258 10 268 10 278 Place From 10 De- Place. troit. Place From to Bur- Place. folo. 16 16 6 22 6 28 2 30 10 40 49 8 57 12 69 4 73 8. 81 424 414 405 395 389 383 377 374 368 363 353 329 321 316 300 295 288 273 259 242 231 219 214 210 200 193 187 181 176 167 Ki' 150 145 138 133 121 111 102 91 87 76 60 42 36 From Chi. cago. ERIE Cleverd ^ Erie R.R. Fairview Springfield Conneaiit Kingsville Ashtabula Saybrook Geneva Madison Perry tOLEVELAND... Cleveland, J^ortealk, and Toledo R. R. Grafton Oberlin Camden NORWALK Monroeville Bellevue Fremont Elmnre TOLEDO Erie^-KaCta'zooRR Sylvania i. Blissfield Palmyra ADRIAN Mich. Southern R.R. Clayton Hudson Pittsfield Osceo IflLLSUALB Sylvanus Q,uincy Coldwater Bronson Burr Oak Sturgis' Prairie.... White Pigeon JVor(A'n Ind'na R. R. Hristol.. Elkhart Mishawakie South Bend Terre Coupee Laporte Calumet Bailey Town to.... ^OHIOAGO. CHICAGO ^0 CLEVE- LAND. ERIE, DUN- KIRKiUFFALO.ETC. {Read up.) 10 9 10 6 6 6 3 6 5 10 24 8 5 16 5 7 15 14 17 11 12 5 4 10 7 6 6 5 9 6 5 11 7 5 12 10 » 11 4 11 16 18 ^ 30 Place to Place. 88 68 107 117 J33 m .55 138 144 14S 159 183 191 196 212 •217 224 239 253 270 281 293 298 303 312 319 325 .331 336 345 351 356 %1 374 379 391 401 410 421 425 436 452 470 476 512 From Bnf. rttio. From De- B troit. TR( Buji 242 BU 239 Foi Vox 221 215 Wa 208 We 202 Da 193 Ca.i 188 Cot 182 Ca 175 On 168 Bn 158 * I Ot 151 Pr 139 W< 134 Be 180 In 121 Dt 111 L( 101 Ki 91 £1 76 W 47 01 1 w D Fi«m De- D troit. V BUFFALO TO DETROIT. 09 10 9 10 6 6 6 3 6 5 10 34 8 5 16 5 7 15 14 17 11 12 5 4 10 7 6 6 5 9 6 5 II 7 5 12 Place to riare. 88 98 107 117 m m .55 138 144 14S 159 183 191 106 S12 ■217 224 239 253 270 281 293 298 302 312 319 325 331 336 345 351 356 307 374 379 391 10 401 u 410 11 421 4 425 11 436 16 452 18 470 S 476 3G 512 * At Buffula this line connects vith the Albany and Buffalo route, and at Albany with the railroad running to Boston. See pages 00 and W>, and also page 24. f Dunkirk i» the Lake terminus of tiie New York and Krie Railroad. I^flengers for New York city will, therefore, take this route. See p. 48. X From Cleveland diverges the Cleveland and Pittsburg JR.E., and also the Oleve'and, Cdumhtts and Cincinnati R. R. Passengers for Philadelphia will, therefore, take the route to PittsBiirg, thence via the Central R. R. to rhiladelphia. See pages 110 and 94. For Ciricin- nati, and intermediate places, see page 122. And, also, from Cleveland to Wheeling, page 122. 2 See routes from Chicatjo, page 74. From Biif. falo. From D«- troit. 242 239 221 215 208 202 193 188 182 176 168 158 151 139 134 180 121 111 101 91 76 47 1 From De- troit. BUFFALO TO DE- TROITjVIA CANADA, Buffalo, Brantford dt God«rich R. R. BUFFALO to Fort Erie, Canada.... Port Colborne Wainfleet Welliind Can'! Feeder Dunville Cayuga Cook's Station Caledonia Onondaga , Brantford * Paris Qreat Western {Can.) R,R» Princeton Woodstock Beachville Ingersollville Dorchester LONDON Kllworth Ekfrid Wardsville Chatham Windsor Steamboat to DETROIT, Mich... DETROIT TO BUF'LO, YIACAN.(i2«arf«p) Place Krom to Rufiif Place. lo. 3 8 18 21 6 27 7 34 6 40 •9 49 5 54 6 60 7 67 7 74 10 84 7 91 12 108 6 108 4 112 9 121 10 131 10 141 10 151 18 167 28 195 46 241 Placr to Place 242 From Uuffa- lo. Nirie. — Passengers can go hy rail- road from Detroit, via Michigan Central R. R., to Chicago, and from thonce to Rock Island; also to St. Loui.H, and other places in the West, by railroad. See routes from De- troit, page 71. * Fpom Paris the Buffalo, Brantf d and Goderich R. R. is being con< tinned to Lake Huron at Goderich. This new route wiU reduce the dis- tance betw'n Buffalo and the North- west. From Toron to. BUFFALO TO NIAG'A FALLS & TORONTO, CANADA. Place to Place. 11 11 2 50 From lo. 74 63 62 50 Buffalo and Niagara FaVs R.R. BUFFALO to 111 22 24 74 Tonawanda NIAGARA F'LLS Suspension Bridge... ♦TORONTO, Cjvu... From Toron to. TORONTO, CANADA, TO BUFFALO, N.Y. {Head up.) Place to Place. From, Baffa- lo. * Toronto to Lake Uuron. See route page 59. 10 BUFFALO TO CINCINNATI. #rain Ciu* «in» ■ati. 4C8 423 378 348 333 3U3 S74 828 S18 BUFFALO TO CIN- CINNATI, VIA SAN DUSKY CITY. Steamb't on L. Erie. BUFFALO to.... Dunkirk Erib, Pa Conncaut, O Ashtabula Grand River Clbvkland Huron Sandusky City .... Mad Jiiver 4* JLErie R.R.to Bellevue —' Republic Tiffin *Carey Patterson Kenton Belle Centre Bbllbtontainb... West Liberty Urbana SPRINOnELD litUe Miami R.R. to yellow Springs... Xenia Spring Valley Corwin Oregon Morrow Deerfield Foster's Lnveland*8 Milford Plainville to CINCmNATI... CINCINNATI TO SANDUSKY AND BUFFALO. (ii«««'«p.) Pteee to Flace. 45 45 30 15 30 29 4ti 10 15 14 9 16 13 11 12 12 8 10 14 9 10 7 7 6 8 5 5 4 9 4 10 PhiM to PUee^ Vrom B«ffa- lo. 45 90 120 135 165 194 240 250 2G5 279 288 304 317 328 340 352 3liO 370 384 393 403 410 417 423 431 430 441 445 454 458 468 From Boflli- lo. * Branch R.R. to Findlay, 16 m. N.B. Buffalo and Sandusky are united by R.R.Tia Dunk'k and Cle'd. Passengers can take either the cars or steamboat between these places. The R.R. route is continued wostw'd to Chicago, Rock Island, St. Louis, and to other places in the West and Morth-westem States. The R.R. route to Cindnnatiinterv ■eotg the lines running westw'd thro* Ohio into la., &c.; at Patterson with the Ft. Wayne route to Chicago; at Bellefontaine with Indianapolis; at Urbana with the Columbus, Piqua, and Indiana R.R.; and at Springfield with the R. R. route to Cincinnati^ via Dayton and Hamilton, O. Flom Cin- cin- nati. BUFFALO AND DUN- KIRK TO CINCINNA- TI. VIA CLEVELAND. 447 402 357 327 312 282 253 246 241 2:« 235 231 228 224 220 217 212 206 199 193 186 174 156 141 118 104 94 83 73 65 58 51 45 37 32 27 S3 16 14 Place to Plave. I • • • t • • < B if Sl eamhont from •BUFFALO to... Dunkirk Erie, Pa Coniieaut, O Ashtabula Grand River tOLEVELAT/D.. Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati R.R. Rockport .. Berea Olmstead . • Columbia. • Eaton Grafton . . . La Grange Pittsfieid . . Wellington... Rochester ..... New London . Greenwich.... Salem ^Shelby Galion Cardington... Delaware §C0Lt7MBnS Columbus and Xenia R. R. West Jefierson .... London South Charleston . Adairville UXbnia Little Miami R. R. Sprini; Valley ..... Corwin Oregon . . . . Morrow . . . Deerfleld .. Foster's . . . Loveland's Germany . . Milford.... 45 45 30 15 30 29 7 5 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 5 6 7 6 7 12 18 15 23 14 10 ]1 10 8 7 7 6 8 5 5 4 7 3 From Buffa- lo. 45 yo I'iO 135 105 194 201 206 2U9 212 s:h 219 223 227 230 235 241 248 254 261 273 291 306 329 343 353 364 :174 382 389 306 402 410 415 420 424 431 433 ROUTES FROM DETROIT. 71 Patterson with to Chicago; at idianapoHs ; at umbus, Piqua, i at Sjn-ivgfigld to Cincinnati^ Iton, O. UN* ■"■" Place From NA- to Buff*. ^NO. Plaie. lo. rom 1* • • • • t * • 45 45 • ■ • • 45 90 • • • • 30 120 • • • • ]5 135 • • • t 30 105 D.. 39 194 mhua R.R. 7 201 5 200 3 2U9 3 212 4 2;H 3 219 4 223 4 227 3 230 5 235 6 241 7 248 6 254 7 251 13 273 18 291 15 306 33 329 kenia • • • • 14 343 10 :)53 on .. H 304 10 :m 8 383 \.'r. 7 389 7 3f)6 6 402 8 410 5 415 5 420 4 424 7 431 8 433 10 PlainvHle irOINOINNATI . . 4 10 Place to Piaca 479 489 tnm Cin- da- aati. CINCINNATI TO BUFFALO. ( Head up. ) From Baf* falo. * See Routes flroin Buffalo, p. 65. t See Routes from Cleveland, page 122. I Intersects here with the Mans- field and Sandusky R. R. § See Routes from Columbus, page 130. V Intersects here with the Little Miami R. R. IT See Routes from Cincinnati, page 115. N.B. The railroad route is con- tinued from Buffido, via Dunkirk and Erie to Cleveland. Passengers can, therefore, take either the rail- road or steamboat route between Buffalo and Cleveland. From Cleveland, Ohio, passengers may proceed to any place in the Western or North-western States. ROUTES FROM DETROIT. From Detroit to BuffalOt see page 6T. From Detroit to Chicago, and in- termediate places, see ja^e 68. I'rora Detroit to BufalOf via Car nada, see page 69. From Detroit to Lake Superior, see Route from Buffalo Co the Cop- per Regions, page 69. Detroit to Milwaukib, Wis.— The route between these places is via Chicago, the railroad passing around the head of L. Michigan. Another route in progress is from Detroit via Lansing (the capital of the State), to Grand Haven, on Lake Michigan, directly opposite to Milwaukie. It will be better understood by con- sulting the map. From Detroit to l7no&, Mich., 22 miles. From DxTRorr to HoLiAm>, Mich. —By the cars of the Michigan Cen- tral R.R. to Kalamatoo, 146 miles: thence, by stage, to Hottand, 60 m. Total distance, 196 miles. Holland is a Dutch settlement, with upwards of 5000 inhabitants, and which is rapidly increasing by fresh emigration from the mother country. It is situated upon Black Lake, aliout eighty miles due west from Lansing, on an expansion of Black River, a small stream run- ning into Lake Michigan. A char- ter has been obtained for a plank road from Kalamazoo to the settle- ment. From Tolet do. 64 47 42 38 93 29 24 19 14 3 Tram Toll!- do. DETROIT TO TO- LEDO. By Staffefrom DETROIT to.... Trenton Gibraltar Brownstown Newport Brest -^Monroe La Salle Erie Manhattan, O., to. tTOLEDO flacM to Place. TOLEDO TO DE- TROIT. (Bead up.) 17 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 11 3 Place to Place. TrSS De- troit. 17 S3 26 31 35 40 45 50 61 64 From De- troit. •Here it connects with the M- ehigan Southern R. R, A railroad is in progress of con- struction between Detroit and Cin- cinnati, via Toledo, Lima, and Syd- ney, Ohio, Also, one Arom Toledo to In- dtanapoHs. From Tole- do. 66 44 40 27 22 17 12 3 From I" Tote. do. DETROIT TO TO- LEDO. Btj Steam boat from DETROIT to Gibraltar Brownstown Brest. ..' Monroe La Salle Erie • Manhattan to TOLEDO TOLEDO TO DE- TROIT. (Read up.) Place to Place. 22 4 13 5 5 5 3 Place to Front De- troit. S3 26 39 44 49 54 63 66 From iKlt. M DETROIT TO SAGINAW. DETROIT TO SA- GINAW. Flww to VUct. DeVtSrPontiacR.R DETROIT to Royal Oak BlHMlNQaAll PONTI AO By stag* ta Waterford Austin...^ ClarkBon Springfield Qroveland Stony Run...- Grand Blane Flint...*. Genesee...* Thetford Bridgeport to SAGIWAW SAGINAW TO DE- TROIT. (Read up.) 12 7 7 5 3 3 3 7 5 4 8 4 7 13 11 Piac« to Pkuw. Ffwn De- troit. 12 19 26 31 34 37 40 47 52 56 64 68 75 88 99 From De- troit. 'iZ DETROIT to PORT Huron HURON. By Staff e from ♦DETROIT to.... Mount Clemens... New Haven (7o)uinbu8 St. Clair to FORTRtJRON. . . PORT HURON TO • DETROIT. {Read up.) Place to FlMC. 13 7 11 11 13 Place te Place. From De- treit 13 20 31 42 54 From De- tsolL *A Steamer runs in connection with the Michigan Central R. R. between Detroit and Port Huron, leaving each pJace on alternate days. From Co- ■UBna. 72 57 51 37 •3 DETROIT TO HOW- ELL AND 00- RUNNA. BuSlagefrom DETROIT to. . . Bedford F&rinington Kensington 'Genoa Place to Place. 15 6 14 14 Ftem De- tMit. 15 21 35 49 17 5 From Co- ruuna Howell Shiawassee to. CORDNNA .. CORUNNA TO DE- TROIT. {Road up.) 6 12 5 Pl:lf« to I'lice. Froin Lan- alng. 131 121 114 102 94 84 75 66 55 From Lan- elag. From Orand HaTea 106 100 93 84 79 73 66 57 43 33 26 16 From OninA Haven DETROIT TO LAN- SING. Miehig^nCenVlR.R, DETROIT to Dearborn Wayne Ypsilanti Ann Arbor Dexter Chelsea Grass Lake Jackson By Stage U LANSING LANSING TO DE- TROIT, {head up.) Place to Place. 10 7 12 8 10 9 9 11 55 Place ta Phce. LANSING TO GRAND ''l^'^ HAVEN. Bg Stage from LANSING to Delta Eagle Portland Maple Lyons Ionia Avon Ada ,.... Grand Rapids Grandville Talmadgeto GRAND HAVEN GRAND HAVEN TO LANSING. {Read up.) Place. 6 7 9 5 6 7 9 14 10 7 10 16 Place to Place. 55 07 72 Front Ue. troit Front De- troit. 10 17 29 37 47 56 65 76 131 From De* troit. From Lan* eing. 6 13 22 27 33 40 49 63 73 8Q 90 106 Kro« Lan. Grand Haven is situated on the eastern sitore of Lake Michigan, nearly opposite to Milwaukie, Wis. Steamboats connect the two (dacea, a distance of about 90 miles. from Cbi- >245 235 227 224 219 215 211 206 201 MONROE TO CHICA60. 73 • • • 6 as • • • 12 07 • • • S 72 — ^ b- Place Froia ip.) to I'Uce. troit H- I'lace to From Us. Place. trait. .R. • • • • • • 10 10 • • • 7 17 • • • 13 29 55 E- Ptac* ') 'PhPB. ^NO' '*''"* From to Lan* Place. ■ing. -^ — — i • • • • • • 6 6 • • • 7 13 • • * 9 22 • • • 5, 27 • • • (i 33 ■ • • 7 40 • • • 9 49 ... 14 63 ... 10 73 • • • 7 80 • • • 10 90 3N 16 106 TO Place Kro« to Lan* Place. ■ins. iiated on the e Michigan, traukie, Wis. two places, inilea. from Cbi' ngo- 245 3.35 227 224 219 215 211 206 201 194 188 182 177 173 168 N3 157 146 139 134 122 112 103 92 88 77 61 49 36 From Chi. eago. MONROE TO CHi- CAGOJLL. Place to Place. McX Southern RM MONROE, MI., to Ida Petersburg Oeerfleld Palmyra *Teciiin3ch June. . .Dorian Dover Clayton Hudson Pittsfield Osceo Hillsdale....... Jonesville SylvanuB duincy CoilDWATER BrouBon Burr Oak Sturgis's Prairie. .< White Pigeon .... Bristol, Indiana ..< By J^orthem Iiidi ana JR. R. Elkhart, la Mishawaukie South Bemd Terre Co pee....'. La Porti Michigan City.... Baily Town to. ... OHIOAaO, ILL. CHICAGO TO MON ROE. {Read up.) 9 11 4 11 16 12 13 36 From Mou- roe. 10 10 8 18 3 21 5 26 4 30 4 34 5 39 5 44 7 51 6 67 6 63 5 68 4 72 5 77 6 83 5 88 11 99 7 106 5 111 12 123 10 133 Place to Place. From Ailri. TOLEDO TO ADRI- AN. T^rmgh/are,^7 00. THm$,aoout 12 hours. Prom Monroe, Pleamers run to Cleveland, Erie, Dunkirk, Buffalo, and other places on Lake Erie. At Chicago this route connects with the Chicago and Galena R. R., running through the northern por- tion of Illinois; and at Galena with steamboats running on the Upper Mississippi. 33 22 18 13 10 6 KrieSfKlamaz.R.R. TOLEDO to Sylvuiiia Ottawa Lake Knight's BlissAeld Palmyra to ADRIAN From Adri. ADRIAN TO TOLE- DO. (Read up.) Plsce lo I'laoe 11 4 5 3 4 6 Place From to I To- Place. IrUo. At Adrian this route connects with the Michigan Southern R. R. See previous route. Stages connect this route with the Central R. R. at Adrian and Uills. dale. T4 ROUTES FROM CHICAGO. ROUTES FROM CHICAGO. ILLINOIS^ Chicago to Botton, via Canada. OHIOAGO to Detroit, via Michigan Central ILR Detroit to Niagara Falls, via Canada R.R Niagara Falls to Albany, via New York Central R.R. Albany to BOSTON Chicago to Boaton^ via Cleveland. OHIOAG-O to Toledo, Ohio, via Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana R.R Toledo to Cleveland, Ohio~ Cleveland to Buffalo, New Tork Buffalo to Albany, via New York Central R.R Albany to BOSTON Chicago to New York, via Dunkirk. OHIOAGrO to Cleveland, Ohio. (See previous route).... Cleveland to Dunkirk, via Erie Dunkirk to NEW YORK, via New York and Erie R. R. Chicago to New Tork, via PitUfyurg. CHICAGO to Cleveland, Ohic. (See previous route.). Cleveland to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania Pittsburg to Philadelphia Philadelphia to NEW YORK « Chicago to New York, via Niagara Falls and Albany. CHICAGO to Detroit, via Michigan Central B.R. Detroit t« Niagara, via Canada * Niagara to Albany, via New York Central R.R.. Albany to NEW YORK, via Hudson RJ^r R. R. Chimgo to HiHadelphia, Pa., via ClevOand. CHICAGO to Toledo, Ohio, via Michigan Southern R.R„ Toledo to Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania Pittsburg to Harrisburg, Pennfiylvania Harrisburg to PHILADELPHIA Chicago to Philadelphia, Pa.,via Ibrt Wayne. CHICAGO to Fort Wayne, Indiana. Fort Wayne to Lima, Ohio Lima to Crestline, Ohio , Crestline to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania., Pittsburg to Harrioburg Harrisburg to PHILADELPHIA.. IMav« to From ritM. Chicaio. 278 278 229 607 303 810 200 1010 243 113 183 298 200 356 92 460 856 139 853 87 278 229 803 144 243 113 139 249 104 160 69 72 187 249 104 350 448 908 356 495 848 935 278 607 810 954 243 356 495 744 848 160 209 281 468 717 821 •Niagara Suspension Bridge to New York, via Canandaigua, Elmira, •ad N.Y. and Erie B.R., ia 448 miles ; total from Chioago, 965 milea. CHICAGO TO DUBUQUE. T5 OIS» IMaca t riaoa. ffnJT Chicain. .. 278 278 .. 229 507 . 303 810 .. 200 1010 1 L 243 243 .. 113 356 .. 183 639 .. 298 837 .. 200 1037* . 366 356 .. 92 448 . 460 908 . 866 356 . 139 495 . 863 848 87 935 . 278 278 . 229 607 303 810 144 954 243 243 113 356 139 495 249 744 104 848 160 150 69 209 72 281 187 468 249 717 104 ' 821 ligua, Elmira, 1^5 miles. 4WWS/S/N/«^/^/V>/VAA fN/\/\/\/VA/V\/>«>.i'\.'\/VPUNAir^/\/W\/\.'\/WNA/\/< '\/\/V/\/MWiV>M^V^A/WW>\/ CJdeago to Pftiladelphia, Pa., via Cleveland and Mahoning and Norlh-Wesfem R.R.^t. {In progress.) C 'DAOrO to Cleveland, via Michigan Southern R. R Cleveland to Blairsville, Pennsylvania. (In progress.) Blairsville to Harrioburf;, Pennsylvania Harrisburg to PHILADELPHIA Chicago to Philadelphia, Pa., via Canada Western B. B., El- fair a, N.Y., and WiUiamsport, Pa. OHIOAGO to Detroit, Michigan « f. Detroit to Niagara, via Canada Niagara to Klmira, via Canandaigua, New York , Eloiira to PHILADELPHIA, via WiUiamsport, Cattawissa and Reading R.R*g Chicago to Baltimore, lid. CfHIOAG-0 to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. (See routes, page 74, from Chicago to Philadelphia.) Harrisburg to BALTIMORE, via York, Pennsylvania Chicago to Baltimore, Md., via Clevelandf and Baltimore and Ohio B. B. Ac. OHIOAGO to Cleveland, Ohio, via Mich. Southern R.R. Cleveland to Wheeling, Virginia, via Wellsville, Ohio Wheeling to BALTIMOBE, via Baltimore and Ohio R.R. ■•• ••••••• ri*r« to Pteee. 366 169 195 104 278 229 168 268 744 82 366 136 880 from Dnbn- 189 181 173 169 167 164 162 159 154 150 147 139 134 127 123 117 111 105 97 90 83 76 CHICAGO TO GALE- NA, ILL.. AND OU: BUQUE, IOWA. Via Chicago and Ga- . Una Union B. B. OHIOAGO to Oak Ridge Cottage Hill Baboock's Qrove Danby Wheaton Winfleld , * Junction t Wayne Clinton ELGIN Gilbert's Huntley's Union Marengo GflrdHu Prairie JBELVIDERE Cherry Valley EOOEFORD Winnebago Pecatonica... .«..••...... Nevada...' •••••• •••••#•• tee Place to PltM. 8 8 1 2 3 2 3 6 4 3 8 6 7 4 6 6 6 8 7 7 8 From Chi- cago. 8 16 20 22 26 27 3P 36 39 42 60 66 62 66 72 78 84 02 99 106 lU 68 60 66 48 44 26 18 10 1 From Dubn- qua. From Chicago. 356 625 720 824 278 607 675 943 744 826 366 492 872 PREBPORT Illinois Central B. B. (Galena Branch.) Eleroy Lena Nora 3 Warren „ Council Hill GALENA Menomone Dunleith Cross' ff Missi ssippi to DUBUQUE, Iowa.. DUBUOUE AND GA LENA TO CHICAGO. (Bead up.) 8 4 8 4 19 7 8 9 Flare to Place 121 * Railroad to the Mississippi, via Dixon (in progress). t Chicago, St. Charles and Missis- sippi Air Line R.R., connecting with the Galena Branch of the Illinois Central R. R., forming a second route between Chicago and Galena. It Beloit Br. R.R. diverges here. I From Warrea to Mineral Pointy Wisooiuin. T8 CHICAGO TO DUffUQUE. N. B. Passengers for St. Paul Minnesota, or any of tlie towns on tlie Upper Mississippi, will bo con- voyed byHtoHinboat, from tlio tormi nus of tlie foregoiug route, on the ftligsissippi river. From CHICAGO TO GALL' d»Hna. ill., and DU- ">•• I BUQUE, IOWA. Chicago and (Talma Union R.E. CHICAGO, 111, to... Oak Uidge Cottajse Hill liabcock's Qrove Wlieaton Winfleld Junction * Chicago, St. Charles <£ Miss. Air Line JR. St. Charles Syracuse Oregon Junction Illirims Central R. B. (Galena Branch.) Fpreston Freeport Elcroy Lena iNora Warren Council Hill GALENA Menemone Dunleith .... Cross'g Mississippi to DUBITQUE, Iowa. PlBce to Place. .From cago. 8 8 4 2 3 Fiom l>iiba quR, OUBUQU£, ID VA.& GALENA. ILL., TO „-- - CHICAGO. (iZead «!?.)"'«»• «•«»• s 16 20 25 27 30 Place to From Chi- Route in progress. From Gale- na. 457 427 ■^ CHICAGO TO GALE- NA AND DUBUQUE, VIA DIXON, ILL. Chicago and Cfalena Union R.E. CHICAGO to \ Junction. (See ) previous route.) , Chicago <£ Dixon E. Place to Place. 30 From Chi- cago. SOP I 422 413 407 4m 3D9 3S2 3«7 367 93 83 08 60 56 48 44 25 18 10 1 'icnevfln, 111 Blackberry L(Hli Cortland Dp T'lilb Dormeut Lane Franklin * DIXON Illinois Central R. It (Oalena Branch.) Palo Foreston Freeport £leroy Lena Nora Warrt n Council Hill GALENA Menemone Dunleith Cross' ff Mississippi to DUBUQUE, Iowa. 6 9 G 5 3 11 6 15 10 264 10 15 8 4 8 4 19 7 8 9 From DUBUQUE AND GA- o«i-|LENA TO CHICAGO. (Mead up.) na. 35 44 50 55 58 75 90 100 361 374 397 4U1 4(19 413 432 439 447 450 1 457 Place 10 Place. Krotn (Jhi. cago •From Dixon the Chicago and Dixon line is being continued to tlie Mississippi at Fulton, and will con- nect at Lyons, on the opposite bank, with the Iowa Central U. R. N. B. Passengers for St. Paul, Minnesota, and other places on the Upper Mississippi, will be conveyed by steamboat, from the river termi- nus of the foregoing route. From St. Faul. 515 326 318 298 288 268 f"56 264 208 199 CHICAGO TO ST. *PAUL, MIN. CHICAGO to f Dubuque. (See | ( ps^es 75 & 76.) I Steamboat on Upper Mississippi. Peru, Iowa Cassville, Wlsoonsin. Quttenburg Wisconsin River Fort Crawford, \7i8.. Prairie du Chien Upper Iowa River.... Bad Axe River Place to Place 189 8 20 10 20 2 2 56 9 197 217 227 247 249 251 807 316 CHICAGO TO ROCK ISLAND. 77 I. It. V) 6 9 G 5 3 11 6 15 10 264 10 15 8 4 8 4 35 44 50 55 58 ■/J 7.) 90 lUO 3&1 374 389 397 4U1 409 413 19 432 ni to ra GA- kGO. Place to i'lare, 439 447 450 457 Krom Chi. cage Chicaj^o and ntinued to the , and will con- opposite bank, . K. R. or St. Paul, places on the I be conveyed le river termi- )ute. T. Place to Place. From Chi. oago. • •«> e 189 189 ter lin, is.. 8 20 10 20 2 2 19T 217 227 247 249 261 66 I 807 9 1 316 179 174 85 60 From Root River Prairie la Cro6se,Wi.«' Chippewa River Luke I'epin ST. PAUL ..... ST. PAUL TO CHI- CAGO, {liec'dup.) 20 836 5 341 89 430 25 455 60 615 Pl«c» From to Chi- Place. cago. From Inck blani! 182 176 160 152 142 121 106 08 89 84 82 72 68 64 46 37 24 13 4 From Bock bland CHICAGO, ILL. TO ROCK ISLAK^D. Chicago and Hock Island a. R. CHICAGO to K. R. Junction Bremen .Mokenn * JOLIET Morris MaraeilleH OTTAWA Utlca t LA SALLE Peru Trenton Bureau Pond Creek Sheffield Aunnwan Qeneseo Goloua Moline ROOK ISLAND ROCK ISLAND TO CHICAGO. (A'md«i>.) Place to Place 6 16 8 10 21 15 8 9 5 2 10 4 14 8 9 13 11 9 4 Place to Place From Chi. ea(o. 6 22 30 *^ ol 76 84 93 98 100 110 114 128 136 145 158 169 178 182 From Chi- cago. See. Minutes from Chicago. * At Joliet the Chicago and Mis- sissippi R. R. connects with the Bock Island R.R. This rdhte leads to Alton and St. Louis, via Bloom- iugton, 111. f At La Salle the Illinois Central R.R. connects; it is also near the western terminus of the Illinois and Michigan Canal. t Here the Peoria and Bureau Valley R.R. connects, running to Peoria, 47 miles distant. g The Central Military Tract R. R. connects here. IT . B. At Peru, 111., the Illinois Riv. gteiiinboats connect, stopping at the 7* different towns upon the river, oa their route to St. Louis. Steum'roats also run upon tho Mississippi River, in connection with the cars on the Rock Island R.R., to St. Paul, Min'sota, and otlier places on tho Upper Mis-sissippi River; also St. Louis, via the Mississippi, and the various stopping placed on tho river. The route is aHao continued from Rock Island to Southern and West'n Iowa, and Nebraska Territory. From Fult'n 134 104 99 90 84 79 76 65 69 44 34 25 10 From Full'u CHICAGO TO DIXON AND FULTON, ILL. Chicago and Galena Union R.R. CHICAGO, 111 Junction Galena <£ Dixon R.R. Geneva Blackberry Lodi Cortland DeKalb Derment Lane Franklin * DIXON Sterling Uniouville t FULTON FULTON AND DIXON, ILL., TO CHICAGO. (Read up.) Place to Place. 30 5 9 6 5 3 11 6 15 10 9 15 10 Place to Place. I'rmn Chi- caco. 30 33 44 50 55 58 69 75 9U 100 109 124 134 From Chi- cago. * At Dixon this route intersects the Galena Branch of the Illinois Central R. R. f Steamboats connect with places on the Mississippi River. From Lyons, Iowa, opposite io Fulton, 111., the route will be con- tinued west by the project<'l Iowa Central R.R. I 78 CHICAGO TO IOWA CITY. i? » rwm CHICAGO city. Ull T| TO IOWA IOWA. 245 63 CO Vrom Oma- liaC'jr 495 250 4 From Oma- haC'y I Uoi;k Island, via i { Kock l8lOD(l II. > ( See page 77. l OHIOAGO to Uoi;k Island, via Kock I^lond Sue page Crott^g 3/itsistippi to Davenport, Iowa By Stage to Rockingham Montpelier Wyoming Muscatine Overmen's Wept Libert IOWA 01 PUccI From to C'lii- Plac*. ««|0. 182 8 A". IOWA CITY TO CHI CAGO. {Bead up.) CHICAGO TO OMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. OHIOAGO to j Iowa City. (See ) / previous route.) j (Council Bluif) ) City, Iowa, by f 1 land carriage,! f about ) OMAHA OITY 6 190 12 202 6 207 7 214 11 225 8 233 12 245 Place to Placa Place to Place, 245 246 4 OMAHA CITY TO CHICAGO. (iJeadajj.) Plnre to Place. 182 185 From Chi- cago. From Chi. oago. 245 491 495 From Chi- cago. ifemarJt*. — NEBRASKA TERRI- TORY AND SETTLEMENTS.— The climate of Nebraska appears to be similar to that of Iowa in the same latitude, which is mild and pleasant; and, as in other prairie countries, there is nothing to break the full forra of the wind, a cooling breeze funs the prairies even in the most sultry days of summer. There is, comparatively, little snow in win- ter — it being, much of the time, pleasant, sunny weather. Yast herds of buffalo, elk and deer range this extensive territory. The valleys on all the streams are rich and fertile, but much of the high lands away flrom the watercourses are sandy, and not arable. Minerals of various kinds have been discovered, among which are coal, iron, cholk, mnguo- sia, &o. Timber is found on nearly all the streams, and intermingled with the bluffs, and hills, and val- leys; although, as a general thin);, there is a scarcity through the tu^ ritory. Fiph, geese.swan, ducks, and other feathered game, are abundant through this whole Missouri rivor region. Amongst the fi-uits that abound in Nebraska are grnpes, Elums, cherries, strawberries, raxp- erries, blnck currants, gooseberries, haws, crab and thorn applet. The Missouri bottoms in Nebraska are, in many places, broad, and always fertile, with timber almost its whole length. Omaha City is the capital of the Territory of Nebraska ; it is situated on a bluff, on the west side of the Missouri river, about /our miles diiu tant from Ontncil Bluff City, in the State of Iowa. Its situation is re- garded as a good one for the location of a city, although a wide strip of marshy land extends from the capi> tol to the river. Already it contains a number of houses, including the Capitol, a neat and substantial build- ing, constructed of brick, with ho> tels. saw-mill, &c. The settlement of Florence is about six miles to the north of Omaha City; its situation is re- garded as being somewhat bettor than Omaha City, from the fact, that the bluff upon which it is lo- cated lies near the river. Opposite this place a rocky bottom extends across tlie river to an island, which is thought to be the only place where the foundation can be laid across the river for a railroad bridge. Florence is located on the site of the Mormon town, *' Winter Quarters," which was destroyed by that people on their resigning it, some few years since, for their new home in Utah. Bdlwiew is situated on the west bank of the Missouri river, about ten miles below Omaha City; it has, in many respects, an eligible situar tion; a ledge of rook extends along the margin of the river. CHICAGO TO tA 8ALIE. 19 capital of the it is bituated i8t dide of the fmtr miles di»- f City, in the tuation is ro- or the location wide titrip of from the capi* Eidy it contains including the stantial build- riclc, with ho- ' Florence is ;he north of iuation is re- lewhat better rom the fact, rhich it is lo- ^er. Opposite ttom extends island, which le only place I can be laid lilroad bridge, the site of the er Quarters," Y that people )me few years me in Utah, on the west river, about kCity;itha8, »1igible situar xtends along ifthraska City, twoaud-a-balf miles IwlowFort Keurn«y,i!« iltuntednear the bead of Grand Island, in the river Platt(>, about 160 miles west ttom. Omaha City, and 2U'2 miles ftoni St Joseph, Missouri. The alti- tude of Fort Kearney is about 200J foet aboTO the Oulf of Mexico. Council Bluff CUy is in the State of Iowa, four miles to the east of Omi^a City ; it is situated on Indian Creek, three miles from the east fide of Missouri river ; it is opposite to, and in full view of the meadows of Nebraska, west of the Missouri. There are other new settlements ip this Ticinity, bordering along the rirer, while others are continually fprinKinginto exintence; and there em be little doubt, before many {ears. Eastern and Southern Ne- raska will contain a considerable population. From K ■tUe. 104 96 84 81 79 74 68 61 58 66 63 42 89 83 26 16 From Li Salle. * CHICAGO TO LA SALLE.VIA AURORA, ILLINOIS. Chicago <& Aurora B. OHIOAOO to Oak Ridge Babcock's Grove Danby Wheaton Junction Batavia..: AURORA Montgomery Oswego... Bristcl Newark Somonauk Waverly Earl Mendota Ittinoii Central B.B. LA SALLE LA SALLE TO CHI- CAGO. {Bead up.) PUm to Place, 8 12 8 2 6 6 7 S 2 8 11 » '6 7 11 15 From Chi- cago. 8 20 23 25 80 86 48 46 48 51 62 65 71 78 89 104 Place From to Chi- Place. csKO. * Chics^ to La Salle, via Joliet. See Rout« from Chicago to Rock Island, page 77. Steamb<^ts run from La Salle, the Western terminus of the Illinois and Michii^aa Canal, to Peoria, Niv pies, and other towns upon the IIU. nois Kiver. See Route, page 79. La Salle is the Nortiiern terminus of the main line of the Illinois Cen- tral R. R., the Southern terminus beiuK at Ctiro, the Junction of the Mississippi and Ohio River. From Peo- ria. 413 315 298 278 266 265 247 237 225 209 199 187 184 174 171 161 151 145 141 135 119- 117 107 101 85 43. 41 23 18 From Peo- Ira. CHICAGO TO PEORIA AND, ST. LOUIS VIA THE ILLINOIS RIVER. OHIOAGO to ) La Salle. (See ; ) pp. 77 and 79.) \ Hennepin Lacon Chillioothe Rome PEORIA Pekin Lancaster Landing... Liverpool Havanna Bath Moscow Erie Beardstown La Grange Meredosia : Naples : Griggsville Landing.. Florence Montezuma Bridgeport Newport Columbiana Gilford Misaissippi Biver Oraftou Alton Missouri River ST. LOUIS ST. LOUIS TO CHI- CAGO VIA ILLINOIS RIVER. {Bead up.) Place From to Chi- Place. cago. 08 98 17 116 20 135 12 147 1 148 18 166 10 176 12 188 16 204 10 214 12 226 8 229 10 239 8 242 10 252 10 262 6 268 4 272 6 278 16 294 2 296 10 306 6 812 16 328 42 370 2 872 18 390 5 395 18 413 Place From to Chi- Place. cago. 80 From Ciiiro, 406 808 307 SOD 287 277 267 261 256 248 237 2S0 225 217 204 194 188 164 154 142 128 117 112 101 85 62 48 35 10 From Cairo, CHICAGO TO CAIRO. CHICAGO TO CAIRO, ILL. VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Chicago and Roch hUmd E.K. !=OHIOAGO to (La Salle. (Seel > Route, Chicago f S to Rock Island, ( ( page7y.) V Illinois Central JR. R. Shippinsport Tonica VVeenona .inonk Panola Kappa Hudson tBLOOMINGTON Elmwood Wapellah Clinton Maria.. J DECATUR Macon Moamequa gTemorah Oconee VANDALIA Patoka Sandova I^Centralia KockTiew Dubois De Soto Makanda Jonesboro' Villa Ridge ** CAIRO CAIRO, ILL., TO CHICAGO. (Read up.) PI«ce to Pluce. 98 1 7 13 10 10 6 6 8 11 7 5 8 13 10 6 24 10 12 16 9 5 11 16 23 14 13 25 10 Place to Place. From Ohi- ca(o. 98 99 106 119 129 139 145 1.50 158 169 176 181 189 202 212 218 242 252 264 280 289 294 305 321 344 358 371 396 406 From Ohl- oa(o. * Between Chicago and La Salle there are two routes — one via the Rock Island R.R., the other yia Aur rora and Mendota. (See Route from Chicago to La Salle, via Aurora, page 79.) The Oalena Branch of the Central Illinois R. R. diverges from La Salle, and runs, yia Dixon and Freeport, to Oalena, Illinois. fAt Bloomington the Chicago and Mississippi 11. K. intersects. Passen- gers for Springfield, Alton, aud 8t Louis, also for Jacksonville, Naples, 111., Ac, will stop here. J The Great Western Illinois R.R. connects here; it runs to Spring, field, Jacksonville, Naples, 111., &c. i Mississippi & Terre Haute R. R. intersects, running east to Terre Haute and Indianapolis, and west to Alton and St. Louis. 11 The Atlantic & Mississippi R.R. will intersect here; this road will connect the routes of Central Indiana with St. Louis. If The Chicago Branch unites here. ** The Mobile and Ohio R. R. will conned at Cairo ; also, the New Or leans and Jackson R. R., by a union with the former. These will prove most important connections for Chi- cago, as they will place her in almost immediate intercourse with the peo- ple and commerce of the Gulf. From Cairoc 385 351 342 337 331 309 292 280 277 266 256 246 236 *223 206 195 181 171 166 150 140 126 CHICAGO TO CAIRO, ILL., VIA CHICAGO BRANCH R. R. Place to Place. Via Chicago Branch of 111 Cen. R. R. OHIOAGO to Calumet Thornton Richtou '. Monee Bourbonais Ashkum Onarga «... Spring Creek Loda Pera Rantoul URBANA Pesotum Okaw Arno Neoga ( Intersection Mis- ) < sissippi A Terre > ( Haute R. R ) Effingham Edgewood Farina Tonti 14 9 5 6 22 17 12 3 11 10 10 10 13 17 11 14 10 6 16 10 U From Chi- cago, 14 23 28 84 56 73 85 109 119 129 142 169 170 184 194 199 215 225 239 120 112 101 85 62 48 35 10 Sandoi Centra lllinoii (J Rockv Dubol UeSot Makai Jonesl Villa 1 OAIR CAIRO From Vli Cairo. BR ( N.B. Th Elinois Ce Mississippi 191 miles runs acrot Haute to diana rou Loais. Pa8seng< Jndianapol east; and t hor<f, Bm Louis, wil The Gh sects, also sippi, and R. R. X) b< gress of open, in cago Brai St. Louis, Indiana. From C be contin end Mob; importan progress these are and the indissoln Gulf of Ik CHICAGO TO ST. LOUIS. 81 bicago and 8. Passen. on, aud St. le, Naples, linoiflR.R. to Sprinij. 111., &c laute R. ]{, to Terre and west to asippi R.R, road will )ral Indiana unites here, io R. R. will the New 0^ by a union 5 will prove ions for Chi- ef in almost ith the peo- b Gulf. 0, Plaoe to Place. ch • • • • •> 14 • «• 9 • ■• 5 • •• 6 • •• 22 • •• 17 • •• 12 • • • 3 • •• 11 • •• 10 • • 10 10 13 17 11 14 10 6 16 10 .. 14 Froia Chi. CBgO. 14 23 28 SI 66 73 85 109 119 129 142 159 170 181 194 199 215 225 239 120 112 101 85 62 48 35 10 From Cairo Sandoval Centrulia Illinois Central B.It. (Main line.) Rock view Dubois UeSoto Makanda Jonefiboro' Villa Ridg« OAIRO CAIRO TO CHICAGO, VIA CHICAGO ' BRANCH R.R. (Head up.) II 16 23 14 13 25 10 Place to Place. 245 253 264 280 803 317 330 355 365 From Chi- cago. N.B. The Chicago Branch of the niinois Central R. R. intersects the Mississippi and Terre Haute R.R. 194 miles from Chicago; this road runs across the State A'om Terre Ilaute to Alton, connecting the In- diana routes with Alton and St Louis. Passengers for Terre Baute and Indianapolis wiW take the cars going east; and those for S/ielbyviUe; Hills- boro?. Bunker Hill. Alton and St. LouiSf will take the carA going west. The Chicago Branch R.R. inter- sects, also, the Atlantic and JUissis- sippi, and the Ohio and Mississippi JR. R.^ti both of which are in pro- gress of oonstruction; these will open, in connection with the Chi- cago Branch R. 11., other routes to 8t. Louis, and Southern aud West'n Indiana. From Cairo this great route will be continuM south to New Orleans end Mobile, by the extensive and important enterprises now in rapid progress of construction. When these are completed, the great lakes, and the Upper Mississippi, will be indissfjlnbly connected with the Qulf of Mexico. From ht. Louir. 285 245 229 216 208 195 190 179 172 158 156 137 133 125 116 110 103 97 95 88 82 71 67 59 53 45 37 30 25 From St. Lnuii. CHICAGO TO SPRINGFIELD. AL- TON, ILL.. AND ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Chicago and Rock Inland Ji.R. OHIOAGO to Joliet. (See route j from Chicago r to Rock Island ( page 77.) ) Wilmington Gardner Dwight Wolf Grove Pontiac. feoria Junction Lexington Illinois Cen. R. June. BLOOMINGTON.. Atlanta Kickapoo Lincoln Klkhart Will iamsville Sangamon SPRINariELD... Q. Western R June. Chatham Auburn Glrard Prairie Station Carlinsville Macoupin Shipman Brighton Monteoello ALTON Steamboat to ST. LOUIS ST. lOUIS TO SPRINGFIELD, ILL., CHICAGO, VIA SPRINGFIELD, ILL. (Read up.) Place to Place. 40 16 13 8 13 5 11 7 14 2 19 4 8 9 6 r 6 2 7 6 11 4 8 6 8 8 7 5 25 Place to Plaoe From Chi- cago. 40 56 69 77 90 95 106 113 127 129 148 152 160 169 176 182 188 190 197 203 214 218 226 232 240 24S 255 260 285 From Chi- caga. N.B. Stage lines will connect at the different stations with the inte- rior country, at a distanoe from the line of the road. * At the junction near SpHngfield (the eapital of the State of Ulinois), the Qreat Western B.R. oonnecti 82 CHICAGO TO ST. LOUIS. I ; vith the Chicago St Mississippi R. P. Passentrers for JacktonviUe aud Na- ples, Jl, &c., will take this route. The Great Western R. R. will be coDtinued to the Missisi^ippi, oppo si e HaniJbal, Missouri, from which placo it will connect with the Han- nibal and St. Joseph R. R., in pro- gress of construction to the W'est'n line of Missouri From I CHICAGO TO ST. »< LOUIS VIA CHICAGO BRANCH R. R. Leuii, 807 62 64 48 40 86 80 26 23 9 1 From St. IiOU)». From Mil- w'kie. Fren Mil- Chicago Branch ofJU. Central JR. R. OHIOAGO to ) Sandoval. (See \ i pages 80 & 81.. { Ohio dMitrisnppi B. Collins Carlisle Shoal Creett Aviston Trenton Stimmerfield Lebanon CaHey ville lUinoistown Crosi'g /'tississippi to ST. LOUIS, Mo..., ST. LOUIS TO CHI- CAGO VIA CHICAGO BRANCH R. R. (Bead up.) CHICAGO. ILL., TO MIIWAUKIE, WIS. Milwauldc and Lake Sltore R. R. OHIOAGO, 111., to.. Wheeliuj^C Liberty ville Abingdon Waukegan Otsego Pleasant Prairie, Wis. Keno8ha RAOINB Oak Creek MILWAUEIE MILWAUKIE TO CHI- CAGO. iReadvp.) riace to Place. 216 8 6 8 4 6 4 S 14 8 PIbgp to Fiacs. TTace to Piao«. riuM to riaet. From Chi. cago. 245 253 259 2fi7 271 •277 281 284 298 306 307 From Cbi- Ga|o. From Chi- «a«o. 90 From Chi- cago. Remarks. — The Milwaukie and Lake Shore R.R. is in course of con- struction, and, it is stated, will be opened for travel towards the close of the year 1855. It will form a valuable line of railroad for Chi- cago, as, in connection with otbw roads, which will be built within the next few years, a direct commu- nication will be opened with the countMry bordering on Lake Winne> bago and Fox River, in the vicinity of which are many thriving towns, villages, and farms. The steamboat route firom Chicaqo to Milwaukie is as follows : Chicago to. Kenosha, Wis., 56 miles; to Ra- cine, 70 miles; and to MilvoavJcie, 95 miles. ^.B. See Routes from MUwauJcie, page 00. From Madi- CHICAGO TO JANES' VILLE AND MAni- SON, WISr From Madi- ■on. * Illinois and Wisconr sin R. R. OHIOAGO to Jefferson » Union Ridge. Des Plaines Elk Grove Deer Grove Crystal Lake MADISON, WIS., TO P'-ce CHICAGO. (*cadVo)p,i"c«. Place to Place 9 3 5 6 7 14 From Chi- cago. 9 12 17 23 30 44 From Chi- cqgo. * This new route is in process of construction, and will, probably, be opened for travel by the spring of 1850. Ftmii Otoe- «a> From Oenc' From Madi- •on. V G 140 0] 62 47 42 SO f E m B J. M from S MO. JCI CHICAGO TO GENEVA. lukie and rse of con* ed, wUl be the close ill form a d for Chi. with otbw lUt within 3ct oominu* with the ike Winne* the vicinity 'ing towns, om Chicaqo its: Chicago lea; to Ra- iltoaulcie, 93 JtUwauIcie, \- Place From > to Chi. Place. 08(0. n- •■• • •• 9 9 • •■ 3 12 • •• 5 17 • •• 6 23 • •• 7 30 • •• 14 41 rn Pluc« From »o to Chi. Ptacn. cigo. D process of probably, be le spring of riDin Otaf- CHICAGO TO GENE- VA, WIS., VIA THE FOX RIVER VAL- LEY R.R. From dene' va. Plare to Place. Via Chicago and Qa- lena Union M. B. OHIOAGO, 111., to.. Oak Ridge Cottage mil Babcock's Qrove Wbeaton's Junction Clinton .... ElKin * Fbx Riv. Valley R. Dundee Algonquin Crystal Lake , McHenry , Ringwood Richmond Genoa GENEVA, Wis... 8 16 4 5 5 9 3 GENEVA, WIS., TO '•"" CHICAGO. {Readup.%^ From Uhi- CBgO. 8 16 20 25 30 39 42 From Chi- cago. iVMe.— The Illinois and Wisconsin R. R; intersects at Crystal Lake. ♦ The Fox River Valley R .R. is in process of construction. The above route is at present incomplete. From Kadi. •on. 140 62 47 42 SO CHICAGO, ILL., TO BELOIT. JANES- VILLE, AND MADI- SON, WIS. Chicago and Galena Union R.R. OEIOAGOto ifielvidere. (See Routes from Chicago to Ga- lena, pp. 75-6.) BdoU Branch R, R. Roscoe BELOIT JANESVILLB Milwaulde and Mis- sissippi R. R. MADISON & MADISON, WIS., TO ';;• „hu Ma.' JCHIGAGO. iReaa*up.) pi1. ^ 78 SO N.B. Stages will be found at the various stations along the line of the road, to convey passengers to the interior towns. There is another route between Chicago and Madison, viz.: from Chi< cago to Milwaukie (during the open* ing of navigation) by steamboat, aad from Milwaukie to Madison by the Milwaukie and Mississippi R. U. , CHICAGO TO LA f:^,?. FAYETTE AND NEW ALBANY. lA., AND LOUISVILLE, KY. Louia ville. 345 291 283 279 270 255 247 240 232 223 217 213 206 199 190 186 281 171 161 151 136 130 124 116 106 99 91 87 74 68 66 59 54 50 48 Michigan Central R. OHIOAGO to Michigan City, la.... New Albany d Salem R. R. ( Intersection of ) \ South. Mich. R. I Westville Rozelle San Perre Madeiraville Francisville Bradford » Reynolds..- Chalmer's Brookston Battle Ground LA PAYETTE Raub's Corwin , Linden ORAWFORDSV'E Ladoga Bainbridge GREENOASTLE... Putnamville Cloverdale.. Qu'ncy Gosport EUettsville BLOOMINGTON.. Smithville Harrodsburg BEDFORD Juliet Woodville Orleans Lancaster SaltiUo., Place to Place. 54 8 4 9 15 8 7 8 9 6 4 7 7 9 4 5 10 10 10 15 6 6 8 10 7 8 4 13 6 2 7 6 4 2 From Chi- cago. 54 62 66 76 90 98 105 113 122 128 132 139 146 155 159 164 174 184 194 20» 215 221 229 239 246 254 258 271 277 279 2S& 291 296 207 84 88 33 26 22 19 13 9 3 From liOUH villf. CHICAGO TO LOUISVILLE. Campbellsbnrg SALEM Harristown Pekin Providence lienutits-ville Smith's Mill NEW ALBANY... 0/iio River to LOUISVILLE, Ky LOUISVIUE TO CHI- CAGO, VIA NEW AL- BANY AND SALEM R.R. {Head up.) 10 5 7 4 3 6 4 6 307 312 319 323 326 332 336 342 345 Remarks.— The New Albany and Salem R. R. runs through the en- tire length of the State of Indiana, and connecting the waters of Lake Michigan with the waters of the Ohio. It, therefore, intersects all the Indiana Railroads leading into Illinois. Passengers at any of these intersections will be able to take any new route that business or pleasure might demand. A constant use of the Map attached to this Work- is advisable, as it renders the nmtes most distinct and legible to the mind. From Louis ville. 321 176 167 163 159 154 149 144 139 135 132 120 121 111 92 81 CHICAGO TO IN- DIANAPOLIS, lA., & LOUISVILLE, KY. OHIOAGO to I La Fayette, Ind. { (See previous > f Route.) ) La Fayette and In- dianopdis R. R. Calver's Baker's Olarksville Midway Thoriitown Itaznlriirjj LEBANON Holmes' VVhitestown , Zionsvillo , Augusta. * INDIANAPOLIS Jeffersonville R. R. Franklin, Indiana.. JSdiaburg..4.„.. , Place to Place 146 8 4 4 6 5 5 5 4 3 6 5 10 19 From Chi- cago. 146 154 158 162 167 172 177 182 186 189 195 200 210 229 77 74 70 65 64 60 55 53 49 42 39 35 29 25 21 17 10 1 Taylorsville Irwin's COLUMBUS , Waynesville , Banuerville Jonesville Rockford , tSEYMOUH Farmingtoa Langdon's Applegate's , Anstin Vienna , Summit , Henryville , Memphis Sellersbuvg UEFFERSONV'E Crossinq Ohio Riv. to X LOUISVILLE... From Louis ville. • 11 I 240 LOUISVILLE TO IN- DIANAPOLIS AND CHICAGO. (i«'ca<iwp.) 4 3 4 5 1 4 5 2 4 7 3 4 6 4 4 4 7 9 Place to Plate. 2U 247 251 256 257 261 266 268 272 279 282 286 292 296 oOO 304 311 320 321 From Chi- cago. * See Routes from IndiariapoUa, page 148. t At Seymour, the Ohio and Mis- sissippi R.R. intersects. Passengers for Cincinnati will take this route. X See Routes from Louisville, Ky., page 164. ROUTES FROM MILWAUKIE, AND OTHER TOWNS IN WISCONSIN. JUdwaukie to Gidcago. See p. 82. From Madi- son. MILWAUKIE TO MADISON, WIS. Place to Place. 17 3 8 8 6 I 7 40 Place to PlBM. From Mil- w'kie. 102 85 Milwaukie <& Miss. R. MILWAUKIE to- Forest House 17 82 Waukesha "^0 74 Qenessee '^8 66 i^'asjle Prairie a« 60 52 Palmyra..- VVhiti'Water 42 fifl 47 Child's Station fio 40 Milton , (W MADISON. lu2 ill MADISON, WIS., TO MILWAUKIE. {Read up.) From Mil- w'kie. MADISON TO PRAIfllE DU CHIEN. 85 !•• 4 *•• 3 • •■ 4 • •• 5 • •■ 1 • •• 4 • •• 5 • •• 2 • •• 4 1 ••■ 7 • •• • 3 • ■• • 4 • ••• 6 • #■■ 4 • ••• 4 4 T1 Xl.. 7 9 \to 1 IN- JD up.) PInce to Place. 2i4 247 251 256 257 261 266 268 272 279 282 286 292 296 oOO 304 311 320 321 From Chi. cago. Jndianapolia, bhio and Mis. ;s. Passengers ke this route. Louisville, Ky., liLWAUKIE, TOWNS IN o. See p. 82. ro Place Front to Mil- 8. Place. w'kie. f.R. to... 17 17 3 20 8 28 • • • • * 8 36 6 42 8 50 6 65 7 C2 • • •« * 40 102 TO Place From to Mil- PllUM. w'kie. From ttm'e du 05 77 64 56 3^ 8 1 From PraiV du Cbien. MADISON TO PRAi RIE DU CHIEN. By Stage from MADISON to.... Blue Mound Ridgeway Dodgeville Wingville Brooklyn Fort Crawford to. . PRAIRIS D' O'N PRAIRIE DU CHIEN TO MADISON. (Read up.) Pl.ice 10 Place. From' Madi- HOII. 18 18 13 31 8 39 17 56 31 87 7 94 1 95 Place From to Madi- Place. lOU. Frim Jau'^s- Tille. 84 67 64 56 48 42 34 29 22 14 From Janeu- VlUe. Milto'ult. Sf Mss.RR. MILWAUOB to. Forest House Waukesha Genessee Ea&!le Prairie Palmyra Whitewater Child's Station Milton JANESVILLE to. BELOIT From Green Bay. 12^ 110 no 107 102 98 8.-. 80 73 67 MILWAUKIE TO JANESVILLE AND BELOIT. BELOIT TO MIL- WAUKIE. {Read up.) MILWAUKIE TO GREEN BAY, VIA SHEBOYGAN. By Staff c from, MILWAUKIE to Megrion Oedarburg Grafton Saukviile Port Washington. Cedar Grove Gibbsville ^ Shoboys,'.'in Falls-. Sheboygan ....... 8 Place to Place. 17 3 8 8 6 8 5 7 8 14 Place to Place. From Mil- w'kie. 17 20 28 36 42 50 55 62 70 84 From w'kie. Place to Place. 13 6 3 5 4 13 5 From Mil- w'kie. 13 19 22 27 31 44 49 50 63 36 From Green Bay. Man i toil woe to.. GREEN BAY. GREEN BAY TO MIL- WAUKIE. (Read up.) From Green Bay. 136 125 120 113 100 85 78 71 63 59 47 42 34 14 5 From Green Bay. From Nee- nah. 135 73 07 58 43 33 28 15 5 From Nce- uah. MILWAUKIE TO GREEN BAY, VIA FOND DU LA C. By Staff e from MILWAUKIE to Granville Meiiomonee Falls. Richfield Polk Theresa LeRoy Bvron. FOND DU LAO. Taylieda Calumet Pequot Stockbridge Bridgeport Pepere to GiiEENBAY... GREEN BAYTO MIL WAUXIE. (Read up.) MILWAUKIc TO NEENAH, WIS. Bi) Staffefrom MILWAUKIE to •♦Sheboygan Sheboygan Falls. . Plymouth Owf.scus - Fond du Lag Friendship . Oshkosh • Groveland to NEENAH NEENAH TO MIL- WAUKIE. {Read up.) 31 30 Place 10 PlaM. Place to Pipoe. 11 5 7 13 15 7 7 8 4 13 5 8 20 9 5 riace to 93 129 From Mil' w'kia. From Mil- w'kie. u 16 23 36 51 58 65 73 77 89 94 103 123 131 136 From Mil- Place. I w'kie. From Mil- w'kie. Place to Place. * Pasaeiiffcrs may reach Shoboy- gan, from Milwaukie, by steamboat. ,»» 86 NEENAH TO GREEN BAY. ^ NEE?MH TO GAEEN t:r BAY. 38 37 32 31 30 97 S6 22 17 5 1 From litevu Bay. By Stare from NEENAH to. . Menasha . . Martin.. c .> Appleton.. ...... Lawe8bur<> ...... Cedar Rai (!» Little Chute . Grand Kan-ksi) ^ Rapids du Ceroi^h . Depcre Astor to Fort Howard and GREEN BAY Plar« to PI see. From Wee' nab. GREEN BAY TO NEENAH. {Read up.) 1 5 1 1 3 1 4 5 12 4 Place tu Placa. 1 6 7 8 11 12 16 21 33 37 38 From Ne» noh. From Oreeo Ba/c From Pfrie Do Chi'B. 953 248 239 siy 811 20U MADISON TO GREEN BAY. By Stage from MADISON to.... Lowville.... Fort Winnebago. Kingston.... Grand Prairie Green Lake Rosendale. ........ FoNO Do Lao Taytioda Caliiinet Peqiiot. Stockbridse Bridgeport Oepert* to aREEN BAY.... PJace to Place. 24 18 19 4 10 12 15 4 12 5 8 20 5 1 , GREEN BAY TO MA-IT OISON. (Read up,) piar«. GREEN BAY TO PRAIRIE DU CHIEN. By 'Vag^f from GREEN BAY to, Depore Bridgeport Strwkhridge PeriuoJ; Caluinei.... Plare to Place. 5 H 20 8 From Madi- •00. 24 42 61 65 75 87 102 106 118 123 131 151 160 165 From Mwtii- •on. From Oreen Bay. 5 14 34 42 47 194 190 175 163 153 149 130 120 108 90 81 69 56 39 8 1 From Pr'rie Uu Chi'n, From Beleit. 57 35 30 26 14 7 From Beloit. Frnm Min'al Point. 47 29 16 8 Tayheda FOND DULAO.. Rosendale Green Lake Grand Prairie Kingston Fort Winnebago. Dekorah Hungary Prairie du Lac Arena Helena Dodgeville Wingville Brooklyn Fort Crawford to. . . PRAIRIE D'O'N PRAIRIE DU CKIEN TO GREEN BAY. (Read up.) 12 4 15 12 10 4 19 10 12 18 9 12 13 17 31 7 1 Plao« to Place. 59 63 78 90 100 104 133 133 145 1G3 172 184 197 214 245 252 253 From Greet Bay, MADISON TO BE- LOIT. By Stage from MADISON to... Union Osborne Warren Janesvillb Rock \h' ley o.. BELG.V BELOIT TO MADI- SON. {Read up.) MADISONTO MINE- RAL POINT. By Stngcfrom MADISON to... Blue Mound Ridgeway Dodjreville to MINERAL PT.. JfT. MINERAL POINT TO Vo?j!fikDmH.Rendup) Frnm Sale. na. 44 37 32 MINERAL POINT TO GALENA. Bv Stasrr. from MINERAL PT. to New Baltimore. .. WiUOiV Spring.. Hluce 10 Place. 18 13 8 8 Vlacv '0 t'lai-e From Haiti. •00. 18 31 39 47 From Maui, •oil. to Place. 7 5 From Miii'K Point 7 12 RACINE TO JANESVIUE. 87 13 59 4 15 12 10 4 19 10 12 18 9 12 13 17 31 7 1 Plaea to Place. Baf, 63 78 90 100 104 133 133 145 1G3 172 184 197 214 245 252 253 Proa Oreea Place to Place. 22 5 4 12 7 7 From ModU •Oil. 22 27 31 43 50 57 t . Plae« to Place. »rom MaUl. ■00. Place 10 Place. From Marti- •no. 18 18 13 31 8 39 8 47 I'lace )o From Maui* I'lace •OH. Place to Place. 7 5 From Point 7 9i 34 15 10 9 yiront 9th- From Jinct- fiDd. 71 64 5U 51 45 39 33 28 81 18 15 8 Frnm Janes «Ule. Otterburn I Picatoiiica Riv. J Crossing .... Schiitaburg White Oak Spring Buncombe to G-ALENA GALENA TO MINERAL POINT. ^Read up.) RACINE TO JANES- VILLE. Bif Sta^e from RAOINE to Fountain Caledonia .* Yorkville Rochester Burlington Spring Prairie.... Elkhorn Oelavan Oarien Fairfield Emerald Grove to. JANESVILLE . . JANESVILLE TO RA CINE. {Read up.) 6 18 3 30 1 9 29 34 35 44 Place to Place. III Place to Place. 7 8 5 6 6 6 7 5 3 3 7 8 Place to Place. From Ra- ciu*. 7 15 20 26 32 38 45 50 53 56 63 71 From Ba. eine. From flale- 83 75 70 62 50 37 20 15 10 9 Fr-im JANESVILLE TO GALENA. B>/ S^agefrom JANESVILLE to. Ilachelor's Grove Spring Valley Decatur Monroe Wiota Qratlot'p Grove Shulsburg White Oak Springs. Buncombe to aALENA Pl.ice to Place. GALENA TO JANES VILLE. {Read up.) 8 5 8 12 13 11 11 5 1 9 From Janca ville. Place to Place. 8 13 21 33 4G 57 68 73 74 83 From Beloit 67 59 54 48 42 83 23 17 14 8 From Beloit RACINE TO BE- LOIT. By Stage from RACINE to Fountain Yorkville Rochester Burlington , Oeneta Walworth Sharon Allen's Qrove Clinton to BELOIT BELOIT TO RACINE. {Read up.) Place From to Place. 8 5 6 6 9 10 6 8 6 8 Place to Placi na> uiue 8 13 19 25 34 44 50 53 59 67 From Ra< cine. From Beloit RACINE TO BELOIT, WISCONSIN. ' Racine and Beloit R. RAOINE, Wis Fox River Burlington Gravel Ridge White River Lyons Ore Creek KIkhcrn Prairie Elkhorn Delevan Allen's Grove Jefferson's Prairie.... Spring Brook Clinton Corners Turtle Creek BELOIT Frn.n BELOIT TO RACINE, Beio.tj y^ig^ {Read up.) riscc to Place riac. to Plac.' cine- »roin Ra- cine. 66 From Ra- * New route, in progress. Prom Beloit, passengers may reach Galena, III., and the Missis- sippi River via Kockford, 111.; thence by R.R,, via Freeport, 111., to Galena. From vlllj. S 'M'y yi^i.) ^8 NEW YORK TO PHILADELPHiA. rf V M W'V'N/^/^ GREAT SOUTHERN ROUTE FROM NEW YORK, TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, WA8HINQ. TON, RICHMOND, WILMINGTON, MOBILE, NEW ORLEANS, &o. Freni Fbila- 87 86 78 73 68 60 56 47 43 39 29 28 27 24 20 7 From Fblla- NEW YORK TO PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK to... I Jersey City, ) I (by ferry)... i JV^ip Jersey R, R. Newark Eliznbethtown Railway Matouchin New Brunswick.. JV. -B. StTren.R.R. Dean's Pond Kingston Princeton Trenton ».... Phil. Sr Tren. R. R. South Trenton Morrisville Tullytown Bristol Tacony .... Bif Stenmhoat to PHiLADELPH'A PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK. {Read up.) PUce to Place 1 8 5 5 8 4 9 4 4 10 From New York. 1 9 14 19 27 31 40 44 48 58 1 59 1 00 3 63 4 67 13 80 7 87 Place From to New Place. York. Mref $2 25 and $3. Time, 4^ hrs. N. B. See Routes from N. York, and also Philadelphia. When th3 navijzation of the De- laware is prevented by ice, then the «ars arrive at, and depart from, the railroad depot at Kensington, about 2i miles from the Exchange. Om- nibuses convey passengers, and their baggage, from the depot to the principal hotels in the city, for 18| cents. From Phila- da. 90 62 52 48 41 37 32 27 19 loi 13 1 Jfrom rhi:a> da. NEW YORK TO PHI- LAO€LPHIA, VIA THE CAMDEN AND' AMBOY R. R. By Steamboat from *NEWYORKto.. South Amboy Cam. Sjf Jimboy R.R. Spntswood VVest's Turn out.... HlOHTSTOWN Contreville Sandhills bordentown Burlington icverly Rancocas Camdkn Bi/ Ffrrv to §PHILADELP'IA PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK. (Read up.) I'lace (o I'lare. 28 10 4 7 4 5 3J 12 Place to Place Fran New York 28 38 42 49 53 58 63 71 741 77 89 00 From New York. Ji^ire, $2 25 and $3. 2'ijn«, 4^ hi's. * Slee Routes from New York. t A branch railro.id extends from Bordentown to Trenton, 7 miles, uniting the two routes across New Jersey. J The Mount Holly Branch di- verges here, and runs to Mount Holly, 6 miles. ^ See Routes Hrom Philadelphia. NEW YORK TO f HILADELPHIA. 89 SHINQ. lie city, for I. I'lace to I'incf. 28 Frfta New York as 10 38 4 42 7 49 4 53 5 58 5 63 8 71 3J 741 ^i 77 la 89 1 00 Place From to New Place. York. ime, 4i hrs. w York. tends from «, 7 miles, crosB New Branch di- tu Mount adelphia. fbila- ■Iti 78 73 65 61 52 43 44 34 27 19 14 13 1 From FkilK- da. NEW YORK TO PHI LADELPHIA, VIA TRENTON AND BORDENTOWN. ♦NEW YORK lo.. ( Jersey City, i \ (by ferry).... I jfev) Jersey R. R. to Newark Elizabethtown .... Hahway Malouchin New Brunswick.. JV. B. & Tren,. R. R. Dean's Pond Kinp^ston Princeton Trenton Th'en. Branch R. R. BORDENTOWN Cam. (5- Amboy R. R. BORLINOTON Beverly Rancocas Camden By Ferrij to FHILADELFH'A PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK. {Read up.) Place to Place. 1 8 5 5 •8 4 4 4 10 8 5 1 12 Place to Place. From New York. 1 9 14 19 27 31 40 44 48 58 65 73 78 79 91 92 From New York* Fare, $2 25 and $3. Time, ii hrs. * This is the route of the early morning line, leaving New York and Philadelphia. N. B. Sue Routes from New York, and also Philadi^lphia. |:,r PHILADELPHIA TO •or.. BALTIMORE. 97 94 87 83 m 78 70 m 64 S8 PkUad'a, JVilminff' ton, ^ Ball. R. H. PHILADEL. to., Gray's Ferry Lazaretto I'^ESTER Marcus Elook Naamaiis Creek- . . WiLMlNOTON Newport Stanton Newark fi^lCTON 8* Place From to Pliila- Plare. da. 3 7 4 3 2 8 4 2 6 6 3 10 44 17 19 27 :n 33 39 45 46 43 38 37 28 20 16 10 3 North-East Charlestown Cecil Depot Havre de Grace. • Perry man's Gunpowder Chase's Steinnier's Run.... Canton , BALTIMORE... From Balti- more. BALTIMORE TO PHILADELPHIA. (Read up.) 6 3 5 1 9 8 4 6 7 3 Place to Place. 51 54 59 60 69 77 81 87 94 97 Froif Plilla (la. Fare, $3 00. Time, 6 houra. N. B. See Routes from Philadel- phia, and also Baltimore. From Balti- more. 115 lot) 101 97 93 79 62 48 28 13 3 From nalti- more. PHILADELPHIA TO BALTIMORE. By Steamboat on the Delaware R. from PHILADEL. to. Fort Mifflin Lazaretto Chester Marcus Hook New Castle By the JVcw Castle ^ Frenchtown R, R. to Frenchtown • ■ • . By Steamboat on Chesapeake Bay to Turkey Point Pool's Island North Point Fort McIIonrv to. . BALTIMORE . . BALTIMORE TO PHILADELPHIA. {Read up.) Place lo Place. 9 5 4 4 14 17 14 20 15 10 3 Place to PU e. From PliilMi da. 9 14 18 22 36 53 67 87 102 112 115 From Phils da. Fare, $3 00. Time, 5 hours. N. B. See Routes from Philadel- phia, and also Baltimore. N. B. There is another railroad route between Philadelphia and Baltimore, by way of Lancaster, Columbia, and York, Pa. This route, although not so direct, will, to the toui-ist whose lime is not limited, be found to po83e.ss far greater at- i eMTIMORE TO WASHINGTON. tractionn. In t ' i- way of Ane wenery, tlian thcise previously described. The distancu is 153 miles. Fare, 95 UO. Another rrnite open to tourists, is from Philadelphia, by steambo t, down the Delaware river to Dui. ware Ciiy, 44 miles; thence through the- Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, 16 miles ; thsnce across Chesap'-ake Bay to Balrimci-e. 56 miles. Total, lia miles. The chief feature of in- terest on this route, is the formida- ble excavation on the above canal, termed the " De-'pCut," which ex- tends tiz miles, wid is. in us deep- est part, 70 feet from the t< p. A brid$;e of 235 feet span extends ovci the chasm, at an elevation of 10 feet above the canal. •BALTIMORE TO . ASHiNGTON. Place to PlMsa. 1 5 3 2 1 4 3 2 3 7 Place to Place From Balti- more. 31 30 25 22 20 19 15 12 10 7 >i-'u> Branch R. R. v.^y irMOEB to. i:<>iay House Elkridgc Landing. ■ Jessup's Cut "■Annapolis June... Savage Factory.... Laurel Factory.... White Oak Bottom Iteltsville 9 10 15 18 20 21 25 28 Paint Branch Bladenshursf to.... WASHINGTON . 30 33 40 From lii«t'a. WASHINGTON TO BALTIMORE. {Head up.) From Balti- more. Fare, $1 25. Time, 2 hours. N. B. See Routes from Balti- mocer and also Washington. * A branch road diverges hence to Annapolis. N. B. Fassengen going south from Baltimore may avoid Wush* ineton by taking the Chesapeake Bay route to Norfolk, Va., 196 niilei ; thence, by the James River ■learner, to City Point, 85 miles; thence, by railroad, to Petersburg, Va., 12 miles. Or, from Norfolk, may go to Weldon, N. C, as follows : by rail, road, to Mirwm^s Depot, 40 miles; by sta;'a, to Careysburg, 20 miles; thence by railroad, to Weldon, j miles, a whirh place the southern route is . i?s(imt.'d. A steamboat runs between Ba|. timore and Acquia Creek Landing, via the riQuth of the Potomac and Piney Point, in connection witb th(; Richmond and Fredericksburg and Richmond and Petersburg rail- roads. Through tickets by tliii line, as followb: irom Baltimore lo FrederUkuburg, $3 00; Baltimort to Rich hond, V; $5 50 ; BalLimon to Pci.tiniburg,^u 00: Baltimore Vi Charles a,:, S. C, $15 00. N. B. Medals and '>tate<rooms extra. From Rich- mond- 131 76 62 50 39 29 23 21 8 Frnm Rich- mond. WASHINGTON TO RICHMOND, VA. By Steamboat from ♦WASH'GTON to Acquia Creek Richm'd, Pred'sburg ^ Potomac R. R. to Fredbricksborq. . 6uiney*s Depot.... Milford Depot Chesterfield fJunction Taylorsville Hiineary Station to RIOHMOND..- RICHMOND TO WASHINGTON. {Read up.) Place to Place. 55 14 12 11 10 6 2 13 8 Flare to Placr. Froig W'lh l0|t>| 55 69 81 92 103 108 110 123 131 From w>«h. ingt'o. Fare from Washington to Fred- ericksburg, $2 7.5, and from Fred- ericksburg to Richmond, Va., $2 75. Total, 95 50. Time, 9^ hours. N. B. Steamboats run on Jamos River, between Richmond and N' folk, touching at City Point. Fr Norfolk, steamers run to Washi ton and Baltimore. • The route between Washing, ton and the railroad terminus, at Acquia Creek Landing, Va., is con- tinued by steamboat, on the Poto- mac, passing in view of Mt. Vernon. Irom 4on. 85 72 69 63 43 32 5 from Wel- don DlilCi. Si.C placeii .From Wil- m'lun. 162 155 144 134 125 115 108 102 95 85 75 63 55 47 38 30 23 15 10 From Wll. RICHMOND TO WELDON. 01 ""' : by rail. ■', 49 miles: 20 miles' WeldoH, j »e southern [tween Bal. fk Landing, Ptomac and jBction with Mericksbiirv trsburg rail. 't8 by tliii 'ialtimore to Baltimore I ; Baliimort Baltimore to 00. N. R [extra. to to Plane to Place. 55 to U .12 11 JO 6 2 13 8 From Win io|l>i 55 IPlare to 81 92 102 108 no 123 131 From I Place, lingl'a. >n to Fred' from Prfid. Va., ^2 75. I hours. 9 on Jamos id and N' )int. Fr ► Washi Washing, rniinus, at 7b.., iscoit. the Poto. It. Vernon. fTheVirgrinla Central Railroad, (brmerly the Louisa Railtuad, di* verges at this point. From W«l- <0D. RICHMOND TO WELDON, N. C. flace 10 riace. 13 3 6 21 20 17 5 Krom mond. 85 72 69 63 43 S2 5 Riek.& PeVab'gR.U. RIOHMOND to . Clover Hill Port Walthall PETERSBi;Ra stony Creek '^HlCKSFORO Careyxburs, N.C. to WELDON 13 16 22 43 63 80 85 rrom Wei- don WELDON TO RICH- '''"« MONO. Ulead up.) rlL>. From Rich- moatl. Fare, $4 00. Time, ^ hours. ♦ A r'>ilroad runs from Hicksford to Raleigh, N. C, via Gaston, 107 milci. Fare, $4 50. Siagea connect at Hicksford for places in the vicinity. .From WU- m'lon. 162 155 144 134 125 115 108 102 95 85 75 63 55 47 38 30 33 15 10 WELDON TO WIL- MINGTON, N.C. Wilmington 4* Wei- don R. R. WELDON to Halifax Enfield Battles Rocky Mount Joyner's Tossnot Barden's Nabanta GOLOSBORO' Dudley Faison's Warsaw Strickland Teachey'8 Washington Bengaw Rocky Point Noith-Enstto WILMINGTON . WILMINGTON TO WELDON. (/iearf up.) Place lo Plaie 7 11 10 9 10 7 6 7 10 10 12 8 8 9 8 7 8 5 10 Plac« to Place. From Wel- don. 7 18 28 37 47 54 60 67 77 87 99 107 rii5 124 132 139 147 152 162 From Wei- don. flire. |5 00. Time, about 12 hours. From Au- lutta, 286 242 223 200 185 176 140 130 124 115 109 102 91 74 64 55 46 37 29 16 10 1 From An- |u«ta. WILMINGTON,N.C.,|"r' wT TO AUGUSTA, GA.' i-uc. .1!'L Via Wdmingtim and Manchester R. /?. WILMINGTON to WhitesTlUe FairBlutf Marion, S. Mar's Bluff * Florence Siimpterville Manchester I t Wateree (Cam- \ } den Junction) i tEingsTiUe June Columbia BrrR. R. Fort Motte Lewiaville Dep Orangeville § UraiK-hville S. Carolina R. R. Midway Graham's Blackville Williston Windsor Aikeu OraniteviUe Hambnrf;..; jl AUGUSTA, Ga..... AUGUSTA. GA., TO WILMINGTON, N. C. {Read up.) 44 19 23 15 9 36 10 6 -9 6 7 11 17 10 9 9 9 8 13 6 9 1 Place to FUce 44 63 86 101 110 146 156 162 171 177 1S4 196 212 222 231 240 249 257 270 276 285 286 From Wi|. m'lon * From Florence diverges the Dar- lington and Cheraw R.R., in pro- gress to Cheraw, S. C, and in a southerly direction to Charleston. f Oamdfin Branch R. R. connects here; it runs to Camden, S. C, about 34 miles. % Cdumhia Branch R. R. connects here; it runs to Charleston, S.C., about 25 miles. g Connection with the South Caro- lina R. R., over which passengers may reach Charleston, S. C, 63 miles distant. jj From Augusta the Waynesboro* R. R. is in progresp, connecting the Georgia R. R. with the Georgia Cen- tral R.R., thereby forming a rail- road connection with Savannah, Ga. ^. •a* ▼^ .o. ^^ f IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S; / O ,> l^" 1.0 I.I 11.25 ju U2 12.2 us ^0 |20 •- I. WUi. V] yl ^>. ^^^• '» Photographic Sciences Corporation \ ^ '^ ^\ ^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. I4S80 (716) 872-4503 AUGUSTA TO ATLANTA. From Atlan- ta. 171 ItiO ISO 142 133 124 114 106 05 87 67 51 41 30 24 15 6 From Atlan- ta. AUGUSTA, GA., TO ATLANTA. Oeorgia R. R. AUGUSTA to... Bell Air Berzelia Dearing.....' Thomson.... *Caniak Ouinming Crawfordville .... tUnimi Point Greensboro' ...... Madison Social Circle Covington Conyers'. Lithonia ; Stone Mountain.. Decatur to ATLANTA ATLANTA TO Ag- GUSTA. {Readup.) Place to Place. 11 10 8 9 9 10 8 11 8 20 16 10 11 6 9 9 6 Plar« to Place. From Au- gusta. 11 21 29 38 47 57 65 76 84 104 120 130 141 147 156 165 171 From Au- RIUU. Fare, $5 00. Time, 12 hours. *The Camak branch Railroad runs to. WarrentOn, 4 miles. Stages leave the latter place for Sparta, (fare, $2 00.) and JUilledgeville, capital of6uorgia,54 miles, ($3 00,) and Macon, 84 miles. Fare. $5 50. fTbe Athens Branch Railroad unites at this point with the Geor- gia Railroad ; distance 40 miles. Fare, $1 20. From Mnnt- go'ry 175 169 157 150 1H5 122 105 88 67 00 ATLANTA, GA., TO^ MONTGOMERY, AL. Plnce to Place. Lagrange R. R. ATLANTA to.... Junction Fairburn Palmetto Newnan Cornish La Grange.. West Point. Ala. . Montgomery ^ West Point R. R. Opelica Auburn From Atlan- ta. 6 12 7 15 13 17 17 21 7 6 18 25 40 53 70 87 108 115 47 40 35 11 From Mont- lo'ry, Notasulga. .- Choctaw Franklin Tippecanoe to MONTGOMERY MONTGOMERY TO ATLANTA. (Read up.) 13 7 5 24 11 Floca to Place. 128 i:» 140 im 175 From Allan. FarOt 96 00. Time, 9 hours. From Mo- 331 319 309 300 291 277 249 233 210 193 189 179 155 135 113 106 98 89 83 44 21 "MONTGOMERY TO MOBILE. By Steamboat. MONTGOM'Y to Washington Lowndesport Vernon Miller's Ferry Benton Selma Cahawba Portland Bridgeport Canton Prairie BInff. Black Bluff Land'g. BelPs Landing Claiborne Gosport Oliver's Ferry French's Landing. . James' Landing. .. Tombigbee River. . Fort St. Philip to. . MOBILE From Mo- bile. MOBILE TO MONT- GOMERY. (Read up.) Place to Place. 12 10 9 9 14 28 16 23 17 4 10 24 20 22 7 8 9 6 39 23 21 Place to Place. Fron Mout Wry. 12 22 31' 40 54 82 98 121 138 142 152 176 196 218 225 233 242 248 287 310 331 Frnia Mont go'r). Fare, 98 00. T\me, from 40 to 48 hours. N. B. See Routes from Montgo- mery and Mobile. * There are two modes of convey- ance between . the above places, the first by a regular line of lifrht draught steamers, on the AlabHniu and Mobile rivers; the other is by a line nf daily mail coaches, with extras fur 20 passengers. We give MONTGOMERY TO MOBILE. 9ir 128 140 ]|)4 175 From Atlaa. ti. trs. aci > Fron to Mont ace • Wfjr. ^~~ 2 12 10 22. 9 31* 9 40 14 54 28 82 16 98 23 121 17 138 4 142 10 152 24 176 20 196 22 218 7 225 8 233 9 242 6 248 t9 287 53 . 3J0. '1 ; m ice From > Mont <*• go'rj. here the routes respectively, leav< ing the selectiod to the individuals concerned. from Mo- Ml*. 197 184 173 168 163 151 125 107 83 65 30 14 From ¥o* Ml*. MONTGOMERY TO MOBILE. By Stage from MONTGOM'Y to Pintlala Hickory Grove.... Sandy Ridge Kirkville Greenville Activity Buriitcnrn Claiborne Mt. Pleasant Stockton Blakely to MOBILE MOBILE TO MONT- GOMERY. {Read up.) Place to flace. From Moiit- K'm'y. Place to Place. 13 13 21 34 5 29 5 34 13 46 26 72 18 90 24 114 18 132 35 167 16 183 14 197 From Mont- g'm'y- Are, 910 00. Time, about 40 hours. From R.Or- 166 136 124 111 83 72 61 5t> 51 47 38 27 20 From X.0r> banii. MOBILE TO NEW ORLEANS. Bg Steamboat from MOBILE to Cedar Point, Ala.. Portersville Pascagoula, Miss.. Missisiiippi City... Cat Island Bast Marianne.... West Marianne.... St. Joseph's Island. Grand Island Luke Borgne Fort Coquilles Point Aux Herhes. Lakeport (on L. Pontchnrtrain By Railroad to ♦NEW ORLEANS Place to Place. 30 12 13 38 11 11 5 5 4 9 11 7 15 From Mo- bile. 30 42 5a ■83 94 105 110 115 119 128 139 146 161 166 NEW ORLEANS TO Pmc. From MOBILE. (/i«ad up.) p,»jj,!M-- Fare, $5 00. lime, 18 hours. * See Routetf ttom New Orleans. CONTINUATION OF ROUTES FROM NEW YORK. From Wilka barre< 267 266 250 234 233 231 222 i.19 217 212 211 207 203 191 178 144 103 90 67 61 54 47 40 27 17 NEW YORK TO SCRANTON AND WILKESBARRE, PA. New York <& Erie R NEW "SfORK to Jersey City, N.J Paterson Suflfems, N.Y Ramapo , Sloatsburg Greenwood Turner's Monro^ Newburg Br. June... Chester GOSHEN Middletown Otisville PT. JERVIS, (Del.) Narrowsburg Deposit GR'T BEND, Pa. Lackawanna and Western R. R. New Miiford Montrose Ilopbottom Tunkhannock Abington SORANTON , Flank Road to PITTSTON WILKESBARRE. From WILKES&ARRE AND MSCRANTON, PA.., TO N.YORK. {Reakup.) Place to Place 1 16 16 1 2 9 3 2 5 1 4 4 12 13 34 41 18 23 6 7 7 7 13 10 8 0*1 Place to Place From Scran ton. -i « o •8 O NEW YORK TO SCRANTON VIA DEI WATER GAP. Via Morris and Es- sex R.R. NEW YORK to Newark, N. J Dover Hackettstown J DEL. WATER) i »AP I Place to Placfl. 9 34 19 20 From New York, 1 IT 33 34 36 45 48 50 55 56 60 64 76 89 123 164 177 200 206 213 220 227 240 250 258 267 From Mew York. From New York. 9 43 62 NEW YORK TO MAUCH CHUNIC. from ■cran ton. From Ma'ch Oka'k 122 110 108 101 08 06 03 80 86 84 70 76 71 68 64 67 64 61 48 47 86 20 12 7 4 Vrom Ma'ch Ohn'k CM'iGapB.B. (In vrogrus.) SORANTON, Pa.... SCRANTONTONEW YORK VIA DEL. WATER GAP. {Read up.) NEW YORK TO EASTON AND MAUCH CHUNK, PA. By Steamboat f rem NEW YORK to.... Elizabethport, N. J... Tut N. J. Central B. Elisabethtown Westfield Scotch Plaind Plainfield New Market Bound Brook SOMERVILLE.... Raritan.... North Branch White House» Lebanon OLINTON ; Glarksyille N. Hempton Asbury Bethlehem m Bloomsbury Springtown * Phillipoburg EASTON, Pa. J^iigh VaUey B,B. BETHLEHEM..... ALLENTOWN..... Lehigh Gap Parrysrille Lehiirhton MAUOH CHUNK MAUCH CHUNK T0| NEW YORK. {Read up.) 46 Placr to Place. riaec to Plaoe. 12 2 7 8 2 3 4 4 1 6 4 4 8 4 2 3 2 8 8 8 1 12 6 17 6 8 4 riiiec to Place. 127 From Hew York. From New York. 12 14 21 24 26 20 88 87 88 48 47 61 64 68 60 63 66 68 71 74 76 87 03 110 116 118 122 From New York. *At Phillipsburg connects with the Belvidere Delaware R. B., lead- ing to Trenton and Philadelphia; also to Belvidere, N.J.| and I>ela- vare Water Gap. From Wil- tiame- port 236 117 00 87 62 43 27 From Wl|. liamM port. NEW YORK TO WILLIAMSP'T, PA., VIA EASTON, PA. NEW YORK to ( Lehighton, Pa. ) < (See preTious \ ( route.) S Branch BaUroad to TAMAQUA Via Catawma B.B. Summit OATAWISSA Danville „ Milton ♦ WILLIAMSP'T.. WIUiAMSP'T. PA.. TO NEW YORK, VIA EASTON. (izearfwp.) Place to ?lac« 118 18 12 86 16 27 Place to Place. York. 118 189 148 188 192 208 235 From New York. • Williamsport to Elmira, N. T., via Williamsport and Elmira KK, 76 miles. N.B. Williamsport, Pa., may be reached from New York via the Erie R.B. to Elmira, thence to WU. liamsport, and return to New York by the route above described, foni- ing a complete circuit From Son- bury. 168 66 88 82 28 20 From Son. barjr. NEW YORK TO POTTSVIUE & SUN- BURY, PA.. VIA EASTON. NEW YORK to..... Allentown, Pa. ) (See page 04.).. { Auburn dAUentn B. Auburn Beading B. B. Schuylkill Haven POTTSVILLB PhiPa. rf Sur^rjfB. Shamokin SUNBURY SUNBURY TO NEW YORK VIA POTTS- VIUE. {Read up.) Place to PUce 08 27 6 4 8 20 Fleer to Plaee. Froa Mew York. 93 120 126 130 138 158 Frem New York. WWr NEW Y( VER.N.J Wat Via Mart NEWl Jersey Ci Newark, Orange. Uillbun Summit Chatban Madison MORR Morris I DOVE] Stanhoi Waterlo Hackett Jnprt D.WA rw. Uap. DEL.V TO N The above ibortdlstano Water Gap, ^ which will j< ■Jifiitem B.B intersects th •I Great Ben Itoai frVin NEW VIM {La -•"" ViaB 850 NEW 906 Alban N.T lU unc 97 Rome Watea 60 Willi* 43 *Piei 25 WA^ OAF From C.Vin CAP •eat » •Pierre BarhoriS NEW YORK TO DELAWARE WATER GAP. 118 118 York. 118 186 12 148 85 188 9 192 16 208 27 235 — — — naee Pr«ia to Mew lac.. Yoifc FroB New Voik. lao 128 130 138 158 Fr«m New York. M. rw. Uip. NEW YORK TO DO VER.NJmANDDEL. WATER GAP. Via Morris <£ Ettex B. NEW TORE to... Jersey City (by ftrry) Newark, N.Jm Orange Millbume Snmmit Chatbam Madison MORRISTOWN... Morris Plains DOVER Stanbope Waterloo.. Hackettstown Jn profrress U> the D. WATER GAP... DEL WATER GAP TO NEW YORK. Ptarr to Fine*. 1 8 4 6 3 8 2 4 2 10 10 8 6 riaec to Place From Now York. 1 9 18 19 22 26 27 31 83 43 53 56 62 Prom Now York. Tbe above Route will connect, a Aort distance north of the Delaware Water Gap, with the Oobbfa Gap 22., which wiU join the Lackavoanna ti WuUm R.R. at Scranton ; this road faaterseots the N.Y. and Erie M.E. •k Great Bend. IIMM O.T)a 860 906 «1 97 69 43 25 cvu NEW YORK TO CAPE VINCENT. N.Y., {Late Ontario.) Via Hudaon River R. NEW YORK to Albany. (Seep.5S-4.) ir.r .OehtralR.R. unoA Rome Watertown <C Rome R Williamstown * Pierrepont Mano r.. WATERTOWN. ... OAPE VINOENT.. CAPE VINCENT TO NEW YORK. PlRce to PlMO. 144 95 14 28 26 18 25 Pteeo to PIMO Prom New York. 144 239 253 281 307 325 350 From N»w York. 'Pierrepont Manor to Sackett'a Barber, N.T., 18 milM From CVIn cent. 431 216 173 136 97 From CVIn cent NEW YORK TO CAPE VINCENT. Via Erie R. R. NEW YORK to ( Binghamton. ) } (Seepage 48.)/ Syrace <£ Bir^ton R Cortland ., SYRAOXTSB N.r.OmtralR.R. Rome, N.T Watertnum <6 Rnrne R SO. VINOENT. j X See prev's Route. ( CAPE VINCENT TO NEW YORK. From Wh'e IIU. 389 274 208 163 129 96 78 86 16 From Wh'o MU. NEW YORK TO THE WHITE MOUNT'N S. NEW YORE to. Allyn's Pt. (by st'^t) ( Worcester. Mass. | ( (by Railroad.), j Nashua, N. Q Concord * Weir's Plymouth Wells River t Littleton Bp Staae. FLUME HOUSE.. WHITE MOUNTAINS TO NEW YORK. PlMO to Plarr. 215 43 87 39 97 Place to Plan. From New York. 216 268 296 884 431 From New York. Place to Place. 116 66 45 84 33 18 42 20 16 Plkoe to Plaoe. From New York. 115 181 226 260 293 311 353 373 889 From New York. Miles* * From Weir's to Centre Har^ bor, (by steamboat) 10 Centra Harbor to Conway (stage) 30 Conway to Crawford's (stage)... 24 Crawford's to Flume House " 31 Crawford's to Profile House " 86 16 10 22 u t Littleton to Flume House Littleton to Profile House ** Littleton to Crawford's « JV. York to Orawford Hotue, /ibout 16 hours. Fare to Littleton, N.H., base of the White Mountains, $7 40. New York to White Mountains, Tift Hartford, Springfield, BeUows' Falkii, Wells River, to Littleton, byR.R.; thenoe to White Mt. Notoh by itage. M From Har- tiab'g, 179 69 41 29 26 24 8 6 From Hur- lUb'K ROUTES FROM PHriADELPHtA. NEW YORK TO HARRISBURG, PA., VIA EASTON. Place ' From to ' New Plao-. York. 1 NEW YORK to..... L Auburn, Pa. i < (See previous V ( route.) 1 Via Dauphin and Susquehanna R. R. PinA Orove.... ......«•.. 120 18 12 3 2 16 3 5 Place to FlaM. 120 138 150 153 155 171 174 179 From New York. Rniitinh Qa.n ...••.... fjold SDrins Yellow Springs nminhin * June, Penn'a R. R. t HARHISBURO... HARRISBURG. TO N.YORK VIA EAS- TON. iReadup.) * The Pennsylvania R. R. extendi to Pittsburg, 244 miles, where it con- nects with the Ohio and Pennsylvi. nia R. R. The above route between New York and Pittsburg forms the shortest route to th« west, being nearly an " air line." f At Harrisburg connects with the route to Philadelphia; also to Baltimore and Washington; algQ, hy the Cumberland Valley R. B., to Carlisle, Chambersburg, iio. ROUTES FROM PHILADELPHIA. ThefcXUnoing are the'principal railroad routes diverging from PhUadelphiai the travdkr wHl refer to each respectively, as may he required. PHIIADEIPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD, 9t.o -Leave from foot of Walntd iiilreet. — This route leads the traveller to Bristol, Trenton, Prince- ton,* New Brunswick, Newark, and New York. The Behidere Ddawan R. R. branches oJEF at Trenton, and leads to Easton, Pa., Belvidere, &e. See page 88. ____ ^CAWDEN AND AMBOY RAIlROAD.-i«aw Philadelphia, hy ferry, to Cumden.— It leads to Burlington, Bordentown, Hightstown, South Am- boy, and New York. Trenton Branch Railroad runs from Bordentown to Trenton, and the Mount Holly Branch Railroad firom Burlington to Mount Holly. See page 88. COLUMBIA AND PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILR0ADS.-2>'!;>o« El<^ venth and Market Streets.— "iXAs route leads to West Chester, Lnncaj^ter, Columbia, Harrisburg, Millerstown, Lewistown, Huntingdon, HoUiduys- burg, Johnstown, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Massillon, Wooster, Columbus, Cincinnati. &o. At Columbia it unites with the York and WrightsvUle Railroad, run* sing to Baltimore. At Harrisburg, wiUrthe'^lniAereand VaUey Railroad, leading to Carlisle, Carlisle Springs, Chambersburg, Hageratowu, Bedford $jliTiagfif Ae. See page lOL READ1N6 RAILR0A0«-"1>^ wnw Broad and Vim Strf^-'Tbi» vQud I i-iia to Read! OsDvUle, WUii PHILAOEIPF mgi lAbrary kl 4$ Grace, Bal iea, Savannali Qgyper's Ferr: MORRISTOV Hanayuuk an leave from foi NORTH PEI This route les pleted, will a lowanda, Pa. WEST CHI (eenf/i.— Leadi CHESTER ' from Norristi CAMDEN J (ien.— Rnns t WEST JEF to Cape Islai STEAMBO leaves from route, page ( STEAMBO ter, Wilmin daring the A line of i at Gape Ma; Tirry-boa HA< Faee.— ' drivers of follows, to one mile, i veying a i HACKNEY COACH FARES IN PHILADELPHIA. IR. extendi I PiereitooB. iPennsyly^ | |te between forms the ^est, " lectg with fla; also to 5ton; also, "hUadelphia', lived. 'om foot 0/ ton. Prince- 's Delawart Iridere, &t. "y ferry, to South Am- lentown to Q to Mount iMds to Reading, Pottaville, and Sunbury; also to Tamaqua, Catawlasa) SaBTiUe, Williamsport, Elmira, Buffalo, and Miagura Falls. See p. 104. PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON aIJF BALTIMORE RAILROAD.-Ctty De- r Library Utreet, back of the Custom House. — Leads to Wilmington, Havre Orace, Baltimore, Washington, Fredericksburg, Richmond, Charles- ton, Sayaunah, Montgomery, Mobile, and New Orleans. Also to Frederick, Barper's Ferry, Cumberland, and the West. See page 89. NORRISTOWN RAILROAD— i'^'*>o< Jffinth and Chrem StneU—'RvaM to Hanayunk and Noxriatown, 17 miles. GERMANTOWN RAILROAD.— Cars lesye from foregoing depot, and run to Germantown, 6 m. from Philad'a. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA ^k\iWiK^,-Depat Fnmt and Jmow StreeU.-- This route leads to Doylestown, Bethlehein, and Easton ; and, when com- pleted, will connect Philadelphia with Mauch Chunk, Wilkesbarre, and n)wanda, Pa., and Waverly, on the New York and Erie R.R. See p. 107. WEST CHESTER DIRECT RAIlR^.-2>«po« Market Strettwar Se^ttnr temtii. — Leads to (Media and West Chester, Pa. See page 109. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD.-^o« N'inth and Oreen Streets.-ILmiB firom Nurriatowu to Downingtown, Pa. See page 108. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC ^kWMMi.—f^irry from Vine Street to Oan^ dm.— Runs to the Atlantic Ocean Tia Uaddonfield and Absecom. Page 118. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD-When completed-WiU run £rom Camden to Cape Island, N.J. STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD lInE FOR BALTIMORE.-A steamboat leaves from the foot of Dock Street, every afternoon, for New Castle. See route, page 89. . _____ STEAMBOATS Iwv^ Philadelphia for Burlington, Bristol, Tmnton, Ches- ter, Wilmington,' Salem, Bridgetnn, Marcus Hook, and for Cape May, during the season. A line of steamboats run between Philadelphia and New York, touching at Gape May. Fare to New York $2, and to Gape May, $1. F'trry-boats run to Camden, Tacony, Qlouooster, Red Bank, Ac V^/VN/Nrf%/N,^VN/^^»<VS'N/\/^^^^^^^r^^^^^^^^^^V^S^^^^^^^^^^^W^^ Depot Ek- Lnnoa^^ter, Hollidays- UolumbUs, road, run- Sailroad, u, Bedford nUs sotttt HACKNEY COACH FARES IN PHILADELPHIA. AoooBDma TO an obbinanoe, APPBOYTiD Mat 10, 1855. Fare.— The prices or rates of fare to be taken by, or paid to the owners or drivers of hackney carriages, for the conveyance o( passengers, shall be as follows, to wit: — For conveying a passenger any distance, not exceeding one mile, 50 cents ; and for every additiontu passenger, 25 centa For con- veying a passenger apy distance more than a mile, and not exceeding two 75 oehts; and for every additional paasenger, 25 cents. For ooH- 98 TABLE OF DISTANdES, FARES, &o/ reying; a pantenger any distanoe OTer two miles, for nraiy luoh additional loile, or part of a mile, the sum of 2ft cents, in additionto the sum of 76 cents for the first two miles; and for every additional passenger, 28 cents. For the use of a hackney carriage by the hour, with one or more passen* gers, with the privilege of going from place to place, and stopping as oftea a» may be required, $1 per hour. In all cases, where the hiring of a hack- ney carriage is not, at the time, specified to be by the hour, it shall U deemed to be by the mile; but in case the distance shall be more than Ibur miles, the rate to be charged for each additional mile shall.be 12| cents for each passenger, as herein provided. For children between two and fourteen years of age, haUfpr^ is only to be charged; and for chit dren under two years of age, no charge is to be made. Baooaok.— Every driver or owner of a hackney carriage shall carry, transport and convey in and upon his carriage, in addition to the persons therein, one trunk, valise, saddle-bag, carpet-bag, portmanteau, or box, if requested so to do, for each passenger, without charge or compensation therefor; but for every trunk, or other such articles above named, more than one for each passenger, he shall be entitled to demand and receive the sum of 6 cents. FiN£8. — If any owner, driver, or person having charge of any such car- riage, shall ask or demand any greater sum than he may be entitled to demand, as herein set forth, he shall forfeit all claim for compensation for the services for which such greater sum shall have been demanded; and if such owner, driver, or person, as aforesaid, shall receive, upon such demand, any greater sum than he may be entitled to demand and receive, as herein set forth— or if such owner, driver, or person, shall offer for em- ployment any carriage within which the card containing the regicitered number of such carriage, the name and residence of the owner thereof, ko., is not placed, he shall forfeit and payi for each and every such offence, the sum of $5. DisTANOEft.— Chestnut Street, south to Prime Street, about one mile. Chestnut Street, north to Brown Street, about one mile. Delaware River to Twelfth Street, about one mile. ** Schuylkill River, about two miles. Camden «nd Amboy Depot, Walnut Street, to -Trenton Depot, about two miles. Camden and Amboy Depot, Walnut Street, to Baltimore Depot, Broad and Prime Streets, two miles. OMifiBUSES leave the Exchange every few minutes for the rarlous parts of the city, Fairmount, Girard College, ko. Idned undei tB make up i II actually o< tietween eac teller must tbe shortest PHILAD'i A TABLE SHOWmO THE DISTANCES. FARES, &o., FROM PHILADELPHIA TO MANY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PLACES IN THE UNION. The following, table will show, at a glance, the distance^ expense, and UvM occupied. In travelling from Philadelphia to the most prominent points in the Union. Allowance, however, must be made in the rate of ares when travelling in steamboats, upon Lakes or BiTers, as those modes of conveyance are sutject to more or less competition, in which OUM the fiures vary. Tboeo given, however, are as aoourate m can be ob* a TABLE OF DISTANCES, FARES, &o'. . ^064 under the ciroumstances, and 'will, no doubt, be found near enough make up a general eetimate of expenses. The time given is that which 11 actually occupied in pausing from one point to another; the detentions between ench route are not takea into consideration, as .these the tra- veller must determine for himself. The distancei are generally given by tbe shortest routes. Name* of Pltca*. fBJLAB'A to Albany, N.T., via Hudson River R.R., M M u a u M « M u u u tt M M u u u M « M tt I* U U ft AcausTA, Oa., via Wilmington and Man Chester R.R „ Baltimore, ^d ^...., Bbllefontains, Ohio, yia Pittsburg Boston, via New York and Sprin^eld... Bbattl^oro', Vt., via New Haven and Springfield Boffalo, N.Y.,Tia Catawiaqa andiElmira. Canandaiqca, N.Y., via " « Charleston, S.O., via R.R. route CHicAao,Ill.,via Pittsburg and Cleveland OHiOAao, 111., via Catawissa, Niagara and Canada Chioaqo, 111., via Indianapolis Cincinnati, Ohio, via Pittsburg, Crestline and Columbus Cincinnati, Ohio, via Pittsburg and Ohio River Cleveland, Ohio, via F >.^nsylvania R. R. Columbus, Ohio, via tit^^jburg Datton, Ohio, via ^ttsburgaud Crestline Detroit, via Pittsburg, Cleveland and Lake Erie Detroit, via Catawissa, Niagara and Can. £lmira, N.Y., via Catawissa, Pa Fort Wayne, la., via Pittsburg, Pa., aqd Lima, Ohio Galena, 111., via Cleveland Hartford, Ct., via New Haven Harrisburo, Pa Indianapous, Ia.,via Pittsburg and BMo- fontaine La Fayette, la., via Pittsburg and In- dianapolis Louisville, Ky.,via Pittsburg and Cin- cinnati Louisville, Ky., via Pittsburg and In- dianapolis Louisville, Ey., via Pittsburg and Ohio River Lowell, Mass., via R.R Memphis, Tenn., via Pittsburg, Cindnnati and Ohio River Memphis, Tenn., via seaboard and Georgia R.R. route MilM, 282 793 97 609 823 285 430 844 817 847 1044 061 720 830 492 600 672 602 76e 275 671 1018 199 106 751 815 853 860 7 9 349 1430 Hoan 104 47 6 24 144 13i 144 12 40 35 43 40 28 58 19 234 27 32 38 10 27 41 104 5 31 32 38 67 154 Par*. $5fiO 27 00 8 00 14 00 800 7 60 10 00 8 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 18 26 16 00 14 00 11 70 13 76 15 60 14 20 16 00 7 00 15 60 25 16 6 50 3 00 17 60 19 60 18 60 18 60 16 00 7 66 26 00 40 09 100 TABLE OF DISTANCES, FARES, fto. HnaM of PlaoM. « M 11 M PHILAD'A to MiLWAUKix, Tia Pittoburg, Cleyeland and Chicago ** MoBiLB, Ala., via Wilmington, N. 0., and Qeorgia R. Ii: MOMTaOMERT, Ala Montreal, Canada, Tia R.R , Natchez, Miss., Tia Cincinnati, and Ohio River New BEDroRD, Mass., via L. Island Sound. New Haten, Ct^ Tia Now York New Orleaub, Tjs., Tia Cincinnati, Oliio and Mississippi Rivers...*. New Orleans, La.,Tia Southern Routes.. Newport, R. I., Tia Long Island Sound... New York , Niagara Falls, Tia Catawissa PiTTSBOKO, Tia Pennsylvania R.R PoTTSviLLE, Pa.« via Reading R. R Protidenoe, R.I., via Long Island Sound RioHMONi), Ya., via Baltimore Rochester, N.Y.,Tia Catawissa and Elmira Rook Iblanb, 111., Tia CloTeland , Saratoga Springs, Tia Hudson RiTer R.. Savannah, Ga., Tia R. R. route Springfield, Mass., Tia Hartford 8t. Louis, Mo., Tia Plttshurg and In dianapolis St. Loms, Mo., Tia CleTeland and Chicago St. Louis, Tia Pittsburg, Cincinnati and Ohio RiTer Kr. Paul, Mln., Tia CleTeland, Chicago, and Mississippi River Toledo, Ohio, via Pittsburg and Clevel'd YiOKSBURG, Miss., via Cincinnati and Ohio RiTer YntGiNiA Springs, Tia Washington and Staunton Yirginia Springs, Tia Baltimore and Harper's Ferry Wasrhtoton, D.C Wheeling, Ya., Tia Pittsburg and Ohio River White Mountains, N. H. (Littleton, foot of the Mountains).. WiLLiAMSPORT, Pa., Tia Catawissa WiDONOTON, N.O., Tia Washington Worcester, Mass., Tia New HaTen «and Hartford, Ct Wooster, Ohio, via Pittsburg M tt M « M M M M M M M M « l« « M « M M a « M MilM. Hoara rut, 037 1336 1180 400 1080 321 163 2268 1&02 262 87 44S 853 03 276 267 873 1028 270 020 226 1022 1132 1417 1368 604 1873 302 412 137 447 402 107 616 270 487 42 100 60i 166 18 8i 178 127 14* 44 16 13 jJt 15 121 42 12i 50 11* 42 49* 07 70 23 148 30 67 6* 2t 18 8 27 18* 10 20 7J 49 00 39 00 13 N 80 00 781 460 8100 54 00 600 800 10 00 900 2 75 600 75 8 eo 25 00 650 25 00 625 28 00 28 00 23 00 30 00 14 75 20 00 15 25 16 25 425 9 50 10 60 6 00 18 75 6 50 11 25 PHtLADELPHIA TO PITTSBURG. 101 SS3 949 S44 840 898 833 821 816 810 807 808 800 297 292 285 276 d72 286 257 253 247 242 230 225 220 215 210 '205 208 199 187 181 176 171 166 163 160 157 151 145 142 PHIIADEIPHIA TO HARRISBURG AND PITTSBURG, VIA PENN'A. R.R. Via Columbia R.R. VmLKD'K to Hflstonville. White Hall Morgan's Comer Eagle Paoli Steamboat Oakland * Downingtown Coatsville Parksburg PenningtonviUe. Gap , Kinger'g..... Lemonplace Bird in Hand LANCASTER.... tDUlerrille Harrisburg and Lath caster R. R, CandisTille Mou-»tJoy Elizabetbto\rn«h..,. Middletown Highepire t HARRISBUHG... Pennsylvania R.R. RockTllle Cove Duncannon Aqueduct Bailey's Newport Millerstown Tbompsontown Mexico Perryville Mifflin LBWISTOWN Anderson McVeytown Manayunk \ewton Hamilton.... Mount Union^ Mapleton Mill Creek HUNTINaDON... PlMC to FISM. 'etersburg. Barre IfiB 'Spruee Creek.. 9* 7 4 6 9 FfOIR Phlla- deU phla. 4 9 13 25 29 82 88 43 46 50 63 66 61 68 70 77 81 87 96 6 xuu 106 5 111 6 116 4 120 8 128 6 128 5 133 6 138 6 148 6 148 2 160 4 164 12 166 6 172 6 177 5 182 5 187 8 190 8 193 8 196 6 202 6 208 8 211 8 214 185 182 128 126 117 112 106 108 100 95 98 90 87 81 78 70 66 61 68 68 60 46 41 89 81 29 24 22 17 12 7 6 rvom PitU- bur|. Birmingham II Tyrone Tipton's Fostoria , Altoona (HOLUDATSBCRO) Kittaning Point Galletsin , Cresson ZUly's Portage Wllmer Suuimerhill ,.. Viaduct Conemaugh ;..., JOHNSTOWN Nineveh Floren<% Lockport Bolivar Blairsville Junction.. Hillside Latrobe „ Beaty's GREENSBURO... Kadebaugh's Manor Irwin's ., Stewart's Brinton's Wilkinsburg Uberty FITTSBURa PITTSBURG TO PHI- LADELPHIA. {Read up.) 4 8 4 2 9 6 e 8 8 5 2 8 8 6 8 8 4 6 8 6 8 4 6 2 8 2 6 2 6 5 6 2 6 Flaw to Plaee. 21S 221 225 227 230 241 247 250 268 268 260 268 266 273 276 283 287 292 296 800 808 307 312 814 822 824 829 331 836 841 346 848 363 From PhiU- dew pbia. iVote.— ♦The Chester Valley RR. oonnects at Downingtown, Pa., 32 miles from Philadelphia. This road, in connection with the Philadelphia, Germantown andNorristownK.B., forms a new outlet to the city of Philadelphia,, and also unites the Columbia R. B. with that of the Reading B. R., near Norrlstown. f At DillerTiUe, two miles from Lancaster, Pa., is the Harrisburg and Lancaster B.R. junction, the Columbia R.R. being continued to the Susquehanna River, at Colum- bia, 12 miles. From Columbia the Brancb R. R., 18 miles, runs up the east bank of the Susquehanna, to -m IM f HIUDEIPHIA TO PITTSW^fl. the intenection of the Harrisburg R.R. from Columbia the R.K. is oontinued aorosa the Susquuhanna, running to York, Pa., and thence to Baltimore. JFrom Ilarriaburg dlrergef the Dauphin ami Sut^iehanna R.R., connecting with the PottaTiUe U. R. at Auburn, 69 mile* distant; from thence pawengers mav reach Phila- delphia via the Reading R.R.; or the city of New Yoric via AUentown and Easton, Pa., and the New Jersey Central R.R.; or may reach any place in the Schuylkill or the Lu- leme coal regions. Passengers coming orerthe Penn- sylvania R.R. firom the West, intend- ing to visit Baltimore or Washing- ton, will stop at Harrisburg, taking there the Baltimore and Susqehanna B.R. via York, Pa., 83 miles. The Cumberland VaUey R. R. also diverges firom Harrisburg, via Car- lisle and Chambersburg, Pa., to Ha- gerstown,Md. From the latter place stages will convey passengers to Fre- deriek, Md., firom which a connection is had with the Baltimore and Ohio B.R. i The Huntingdon and Broad Top B. R. connects with the Pennsylva- nia R. R. here. It is a road of some importance, as over it will pass large quantities of the semi-bituminous coal in which the Broad Top Moun^ tain region abounds. It will also, on its completion, fbrm, in connection with -the Penn- sylvania R.R., a most agreeable route to the celebrated Bedford Springi of Pennsylvania. I At or near l^rone other roads, already surveyed, will, in time, con- nect with the Pennsylvania R.R., viz., the PhUaddphia and Erie R. R., which will run, via Clearfield, Pa., to Ridgway, a point of some im- portance on the Sunbury and Erie R.R.; this road will unite the eastern half of the great artery of Peoiuyt ▼ania with the harbor of Erie. The proposed JPenn's VaUejf R.R^ from Tyione, via Sunbury, Potts- TiUe and Ewton, Pa., fbrms nearly an "air-line" firom the dty of Nsw York to the great West From Altoona runs the Branch R.R. to Duncansville, near Holli< daynburg, connecting with the Por^ ag«> R. R. At Ulairsville Junction, the Blair$> vHie Branch R. R. Joins the Penn* sylvania R. R.; here, also, the coo. nection is formed with the Nortb. Western asd Clevel'd and Mahoning lA. R. and Pennsylvania R.IIL The HempAdd R. R. is a prolong gation of the Pennsylvania R.R. from Oreensburg, Pa., to the Ohio River, at Wheeling; here it will connect with the Central Ohio R. IL and the Marietta and Cincinnatf R. R., and the Cleveland and Wella- viUe R.R. These roads connect with all the routes in the West, North- west and South-west. The PitUburg and SUubenvOU R.R. forms a continuation of the Pennsylvania R. R. from Pittsburg to SteubenvUle, uniting there with the Western railroads. N.B. See Routes from PitUburg, page 116. Pittsburg to Chicago. (See pan 126.) Pittsburg to Indianapolis. (S«« page 123.) Pittsburg to Cindnnati. (Se« page 126.) Pittsburg to St Louis^via Indian* apolis, 663 miles. RemarJet.—The Passenger Station of the Pennsylvania R. R. is on the S.E. comer of Eleventh and Market Streets, the entrance being on Ele- venth Street Passengers are par- ticularly requested to purchase their tickets before taking seats in the cars, otherwise an additional charge is imposed upon them. Through tickets can be. purchased fbr moat of the prominent places in the West connected by railroad. The cars runnfbg on the Pennsyl- vania R.R. are not surpassed, for comfort and convenience, by those on any other railroad in the country. This road has a doubly track, is a first clasB work) and wltl&out a superiM (0 the connti Hm most tk pen'nsylvani throughout tcoken ston teller firom % nuisance 1 ofthe railroi N.B. For pageOO* PHIU CINC HEM CM* wu. M7 m Penm FBII (Grei ( bv Hemp, 249 «WE 167 ZAN 105 CircU 77 Wash 66 Wilw OIN< M>_ mm r.INC 'J^ liAO' utt. 1 INI • Wheel River, 888 Oi«- •IB- 664 266 181 Itea Ota- •In- PHI Cll WHI MA < FH] Pp Mar MA 03 cm Hi! PHILADELPHIA TO CINCINNATI. 108 la the ooantry, being oonitniot«d in ilM niO0t tborough manner. The Pinniylvanla R. R. is ballasted tbrougbout its length with fine lioken stone, which sares the trar tiller ttom the annovanoe of dust, a naisanoe too prevalent on many of the railroads of our country. N. B. for table of fkres, A&i see I^e09. Ctai> wti. M7 126 m 105 77 66 Wwn PttlUDELPHIA TO CINCINNATI VIA HEMPFIELD R.lT. {Jl$ pragreu.) Fmrujflvania R. R. VBILKWK to SGreensburg, Pa.) (See route firomr PhU'a to Pitts- ( burg, page 101.)) Hempfidd R. R. (Jn progren.) *W:^ELINa, Ya CetdraL OhioR.R. ZANESVILLE, O.. CirclevUle Washington Wilntin|rt»n OINOmNATI CINCINNATI TO PHI- LAO'A VIA WHEEL- ING. {Read up.) PlMC ruc« 322 76 82 62 28 21 56 Vrem rbtta- dal- pkla. 822 riM* to 480 642 670 691 '647 from PbiUt- d«t. phla. • Wheeling to Cincinnati, via Ohio River, 383 miles. Oia- wtu. 664 266 181 tnm PHILADELPHIA TO CINCINNATI VIA WHEELING. VAm & MARIETTA, OHIO. {Jn progren.) PHILAD'A to Wheeling. (See previous route.) \ Marietta <£ WheePg R MARIETTA, Ohio. ( OINOINNATI, ( i viaOhillioothe. i „ CINCINNATI TO PHI- S'*: LAD'AVIAMARIET- 2s: TA It WHEELING. Pliee to Plaoe. 308 76 181 Place to PtaM. rram Phil*- (Ul- phia. 398 473 654 ProM Phlla- del- rrofn Cbl' ngo. I 848 405 866 218 PHILADELPHIA TO CHICAGO VIA CLEVELAND. PHILAD'A to j Pittsburg, Pa. 1 X tS«e P*8« 101.) i ' Cleveland. (See T ne 126.) ]■ t). (See p.) , 126.)..... i HIOAOO '^^. CHICAGO TO PHIL'A <M.. I VIA CLEVELAND. "•Hit... PJaeo. ««»|- pbla. 353 140 112 248 PtaM to Plaeo. 853 403 605 848 Prom Phlla. d«l|>'a From Cbl- 960 697 410 204 141 50 From Chi- eafo* PHILADELPHIA TO CHICAGO VIA IN- DIANAPOLIS. FHILAD'A to.. Pittsburg. (See ' page 101.).... Crestline. (See ' page 123.) J INDIANAFO- tLIS.(Seep.l23.), La Fayette, la. (See page 153.) Michigan City. (See page 130.) , OHIOAOO. (See page 189.) J CHICAGO TO PHIL'A VIA INDIANAPOLIS, I A. {Readup.) Plato to Plaeo. From Phil*. del- pbla. 353 187 206 68 01 50 Place to Plaoo. 353 5i0 746 800 000 950 From PbHa> daU phia. From Ctavo land. ' From CIcTe PHILADELPHIA TO CLEVELAND. 0.. VIA N. WESTERN R. R. Pennsylvania R. R. PHILAD'A to iBlairsville June.) (See route p. > 101.).- S Blairsville, Pa Freeport Butler New Castle Warren, Ohio CLEVELAND CLEVEPD TO PHIL'A ViAN.W. R.R. Place to Place. 300 2 33 20 30 32 53 Plaei to PlafM. From Pblla. drt- Pbia. 800 302 336 355 385 417 470 FfWi Phlt^ dalp^ 101 PHIIADCLPHIA TO ERIE. N.B. See routes from Cleveland, page 145. Vrom Krle. From Erie. PHILADELPHIA TO ERIE. PA., VIA SUNBURY&.ERIER. PHILAD'A to fWilliamBport.Pa) \ (Seepage 106.)/ Jersey Shore. Lock Haxen Farrandsville RIDGEWAT......... Warren WattsYille BRIE ERIE, PA» TO PHI- LAD'A. (Beadup.) Place to Flaoe. 197 Place to Place. From Phila- del- phia. 197 819 426 from Fhila- delp>a N.B. There are two available routes opened between Philadelphia and Erie— one via the Reading RJt., Catawiflsa, and Williamsport, Pa., and Elm^a and Dunkirk to Erie, 508 milesj the other rout^ is via Harrisburg, and the Pennsylvania R. R., to nttflburg, thenoe to Cleve- land and Erie, 587 miles. rrem Potla- viile. 93 86 {80 ,76 72 7.0 66 159 53 49 44 85 25 18 15 10 i 7 If from PHtlAOElPHIA TO POTTSVILLE. PA.. VIA READING R.R. PHILAD'A to., Manayunk Gonsbohoeken.... *Norristown Port Kennedy.... Valley Forge. Phoenixville Limerick.. , Pottetown Douglassville BJrdflbor(»' , tRBADINO. Mohrsville Hamburg J Port Clinton § Auburn Orwigsburg '. ... Ij Schuylkill Haven.» Moun* Carbon fPOTTSVILLB.... Place te Place. 7 6 4 4 2 4 7 6 4 5 9 10 7 3 5 3 3 3 1 From PliUa- det- phla. pXlPOTTSVIllETOPHI-p'U;*' ^>t»- I LAD' A. {Meadup^) jnaoe. 7 13 17 21 23 27 34 40 44 49 58 68 75 78 83 86 89 92 93 From Phila- klelp'a *ChtsttT VoUley R.R. connect! Norristown with the Columbia R.R at Downingtown. ' "* t The Lebanon VaUey R.R., which is in progress of coustruction, will unite the Reading R. R. with the Pennsylvania R. R,, via Reading and Harrisburg. t LittU Schuulkm R. R. to Tamft. qua. g The Dauphin and Susquehanna R.R. connects here; it unites with Harrisburg and the Pennsylyani« R.R.; also with Baltimore, &e., vii York, Pa. JlMine BtU R.R. diverges here, and runs to MiitrsviUe, 8 miles, and Tremont, 12 miles. f The PhUaddphia and Sunbury R. R. extends from PottsmUe to Sun- &«r2^,viaShamokin, 28 miles. From JPoUsviUe to Danmlte, I\i.t via Shir mokin, 28 miles. JRemar/kc—Pottsville is situated in Schuylkill County, the great cen- tre of the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania. The Reading R.B. and its numerous branches, in eon- nection with the Schuylkill Canal, have been the great means for the development of the riches of this re- gion. These have made Philadelphia the .great coal mart of the Union. Following the course of the Sohuyl- kill River, an easy down grade to the Delaware has been obtained, so that, if a loaded t^ain of cars were started from, the head of the road, they would find their way to the terminus in Philadelphia without the aid of motive powur. This fa ^ will show the advantage possessed by this road in conducting a heavy coal business. The coal trade, is one of great im- portance; its growth annually is so great, that the demand is only limited by the supply, notwith- standing the facilities for convey- ing it to market, such is the uni- versal want, not only for domestic, but fbr manu&cturing, and other IQirposes. The total snpply of eoal from all Bources, according to tl»e liUn«r^ jbnri»al,forl8 ^hg an 1'*® over the year The entire 1^ mined in Ofjfennsylvan to48,907,860tt kill region fur IB Schuylkill rinesare usee Wh an »Sg' 9019. Them joad in opera 130 miles ai number of oat kiil canal is dty, 200 tona the coal regk The busine ^ be vastly gicn via Cat port, now in the New Yor jpira, oonnei Tprious railr( wflBtem ooui Canada. jfrom Pott extended tc tkenae to W there with tl The Readii eoQth-easten hiuryandEri of oonstruotj qf die same Mti'a 443 S66 315 833 298 296 280 883 PHIIA WILLIA ELMlRi ViaE PHIL. Port (S. TOl Litae TAMj Calawi port Summ OATi *Ruw DAIT Mooroi connectg f.iZ., which ction, will • with the eading and '. to Tama. inltes with ansylyania re, &C., Tij 'rges here^ miles, and Sunbury <iUe to Sun- iles. From '•} via Sha- situated > great cen- 1 region of ding B.B. tea, in eon- kill Canal, ns for the of this re. liladelphia he Union, he Sohuyl. I grade to )taiiied, ro cars were the road, MJ to the i without This ta » possessed g a heavy great im- lally is so is only notwith- r convey- the unl> domestic, ad other from all Minera* PHILADELPHIA TO NIAGARA FAILS. Journal, fbr 1854, was 5,847,396 tons, lieNig an increase of 662,218 tons over the year previous. The entire amount of anthracite loal mined in the dilTerent regions ofFennsylvania, since 1820, amounts to48,907,860 tons, of which the Sch'l- kill region furnished 25,190,604 tons. In Schuylkill County 280 steam en- ginM are used for mining purposes, witb an aggregate horse-power of (919. The number of miles of rail- load in operation is 495^, of which 190 miles are underground. The number of canal-boats on the Schuyl- kill canal is 700; maximum capa- d^, 200 tons. On all the canals in the coal region there^re 4516 boats. The business of the Reading R. R. will be vastly increased by its ezten- lion via Catawissa and Williams- port, now in successful operation to the New York and Erie R.R., at El- mira, connecting there with the Tlrious railroad lines pervading the WMtem oonnties of New York and Csnada. Krom PottsTille, idso, the line is extended to Sunbury, Pa., and thenoe to Williamsport, connecting there with the road to Elmira. The Reading B. R. will also be the eoQtdli-eastern terminus of the Sun- bary and Erie R. R.; now in progress of oonstruotion to Erie, on the lake ofthesameniime. Mi 443 866 345 833 208 296 289 983 PHILADELPHIA TO WILLIAMSP'T. PA.. ELMIRA ft. NIAGARA PALLS, N.Y. Via Reading R. R. PHILAD'A to ( Port Clinton, Pa. ) <. (See previous \ ( route.) ) LitUe Schuyl. R. R. TAMAQUA Calawissa, Williams- port A Erie R. R. Summit OATAWISSA * Rupert , DANVILLE Mooresburg. Flaea to FUm. From Fhila- del- piiia. 78 20 12 35 2 7 6 78 98 110 145 147 154 160 273 266 256 246 231 224 221 207 198 194 168 146 127 123 119 117 110 99 91 83 80 73 66 59 49 13 2 Milton Uniontown Munoy WiUiamsport and El- mira R. R. WILLIAMSPORT Trout Run Lycoming.. Ralston Cant(>n Oranville... From Nia'a Fall*. Troy ELMIRA, N.Y.... Elmira, Oanandaigua aNia'aFaUsR.R. Jefferson ■. , Milo Centre PENN YAN Benton , Bellona » Qorham. OANANDAIGUA. East Bloomfield West Bloomfield Honeoye Falls y Oen.Val. R. Junction Caledonia Le Roy JBATAVIA..,; Tonawanda NIAGARA F'LLS SUS. BRIDGE- NIAGARA FALLS TO PHILAQELPHIA. {Read up.) 10 7 10 10 15 7 3 14 9 4 26 M 170 177 187 197 212 219 222 236 245 249 275 i From Phils. phla.:* * Rupert is a new town, situated on the north side of the E. Branch of the Susquehanna River. It is the point of intersection with the Lackawanna and Bloomshwrg R. iZ^ which, on its completion, will con- nect the Catawissa R.R. with the great Luzerne coal region at Wilkes* barre, Pittston, and Scranton, Pa. N.B. From Elmira, which is situ- ated on the New York and Erie R. R., any of the towns of Western New York may be reached. m PHILADELPHIA TO BUFFALO. PHILADELPHIA TO BUFFALO, N.Y., Via Williamsport, Pa. To BAT A VIA (see previous route), FALO, 36 miles. Total miles ; thence to BUF- PHILAOELPHIA TO ROCHESTER, N.Y., Via Williamsport, Pa. To OANANDAI&UA (see previous route), 844 miles; thence to ]^OOHESTER, 29 miles. Total..... PHILADELPHIA TO DETROIT, MICH., AND CHICAGO, Via Williamsport, Niagara Falls, aud Canada. To NIAO-'A SnS. BRIDGE, 443 miles (see page 104); to DE- TROIT, via Canada Western R.R., 230 mUes; OHIO AGO, yia Michigan Central R.B^ 278 miles. TotaL .^ UUm. 873 S51 Wton Wil- li am*- pert. 159 66 68 38 Trom WU. Ilmw- part. PHILADELPHIA TO WILLIAMSPORT. PA. VIA SUNBURY. Plwc to FlMS*. Reading R. R. PHILADVA to ( PottsTille. (See \ ( page 104.) ( Phdaddphia i Sutir bury R. R. * Shamokin SUNBURT WILLIAMSPORT WILLIAMSPORT TO PHILADELPHIA. ' {Read up.) 93 8 20. 38 PImc to PUoe. From riilU- del- phis. 93 101 121 169 From Phila- d(tl- phia. * ShamotOn to Danville, Pa., 15 miles. Wmtxk Wll- lirnnM- port. 198 92 88 Wnm Wil- fwt. PHILADELPHIA TO WILLIAMSPORT, PA., VIA HARRIS- BURG. Via Columbia R. R. PHILAD'A to j Harrisburt;. (See / I page 101.) { Sunourr WILLIAMSPORT WILLIAMSPORT TO PHILADELPHIA. {Readtg^} ' «» Phila- to Plue. 106 54 Plaer to PlMW del. phi*. 106 160 198 From PhiU. d«l- Phto. From Fond du 1637 1094 1040 968 953 653 519 283 263 From Fond do Lm. PHILADELPHIA TO TORONTO AND LAKE SUPERIOR. PHILAD'A to. Niagara Falls. ) (See page 105.) i (TORONTO, i < Can., Tia Lake > ( Ontario > Ontario, Simooe and Huron R, R. Barrie, Can ( Collingwood i i (Georgian Bay) j Via Lake Huron. (SAULT ST.) \ MARIE i VialMke Superior. Pictured Rocks Copper Harbor. , Eagle Harbor. , FOND DU LAO.... Place to Place. FOND DU LAC TO PHILADELPHIA. (Read up.) 443 54 67 SO 800 134 286 20 263 Place to Place. Fna Phili. del. pbii. 443 487 564 684 884 1018 1254 1274 1637 From Phil*.' del- phlt. PHILAD 8YRACJ WEG m 174 115 78 86 I PHILA I JSlml I pag' ir.Tork Binghan Via Si Binghi Gortlan< *STRi Onoegi Ctli OSW£( OSWEI <^iLAD^ N.B. Stei Onregoand Ontario. Oswego m other routes aod Erie R ttid Bingha Tia Albany, tnlB.R. • From SMkett's Ht may be re Borne, N T. rram Bar- bio. PHIL/ BUFFA GA •Via PHIL Shopni Sellerc Quake BETI CataPi r.ehiK MAU White WIL PITT Tank TOW Athei PmLAOELPHIA TO OSWEGO. lOT PHILADELPHIA TO SYRACUSE ft. OS- WEGO, N. Y. Pltrc to Plaee. Frem Pbita- del- pbiB. m 174 m n 86 1 PHILAD'A to t Elmira. (See / 1 page 106.) y.Tarkt£ErieE.R. Binghamton ; Via Syracuse and Binghamton R. B. Cortland 275 69 43 87 85 Piece to Place. 276 884 377 414 440 ♦ SYKAOUSB Oswego and Syror ctise R. R. OSWEGO tim OMM- OSWEGO TO PHI- lAO'A. (Read up.) From Phila- del. pbia. N.B. Steamboats run between Oswego and the other ports of Lake totario. Oswego may be reached by two other routes — one via the N. Tork Md Erie R.R., and the Syracuse •lid Binghamton R.B.; the other Tia Albany, and the New Tork Cen- tral R.R. *From Syracuse, Wai?rtown, Sackett's Harbor, and Cape Vincent, Bty be reached by railroad Tia Bome, N T. rnm trio. PHILADELPHIA TO BUFFALO AND NIA- GARA FALLS. ♦ Via North PUnnsyU vania R. R, PHILAD'A to. Shoemakertown, Pa. Sellersville Quakertown BETHLEHEM Catasaqua Tjehizh Qap MAUOH 0HX7NK. Wh ite Haven WILKESBARRE .. PITTSTON Tunkhannock TOWXNDA Athene ••«* Place to Place 24 7 16 6 19 5 20 18 12 17 47 16 From Phila- deip'a 7 81 88 64 60 79 84 104 122 134 161 198 213 From Bar- falo t WAVBRLET. If.Tork^ErieR.R. Elmira Corning HORNELLSV'LE Buffalo and N. York (My R.R. Portage Attica X BUFFALO BUFFALO TO PHILA- DELPHIA. (Readup.) 3 18 17 41 80 30 31 Place to Place. 216 234 261 292 322 362 383 Phiia- delp'a *Tbe North Pennsylvania R.R., open from Philadelphia to Bethle- hem, Pa., is in progress to Waverley, at which point iM^iH connect with the railroads of Western New Yo^k. t Waverley to BuffalOj N. T., via Elmira and Canandaigua, 154 miles^ Waverley to Buffalo, N. Y., via Buffalo, Corning and N. York R. R., 172 miles. Waverley to Rochester^ N. F., via Elmira and Canandaigua, 116 miles. Wb,verley to Niagara jFhOc, via Buffalo, Coming and N. Tork R.R., 180 miles. Waverley to Ostoego (L. Ontario), via Binghamton and Syracuse, 166 miles. f Buffalo to Niagara IbUf, 22 miles ;'t'* the Sutpmtion Bridge, 24 miles. Doylesu, ., l%i., will be reached by a branch road, 10 miles in length; distance from Philadelphia, about 31 miles. At Bethlehem a connection will be formed with the Lehigh Valley R.R., leading to Easton, thence to the Delaware Water Qap; also to Allen- town, Pa. Scranton, Pa., will be reached 1^ the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg R.R., 8 miles from Pittston. ! I I i I 108 PHILADELPHIA TO DOWNINGTOWN. From pown ingt'n 88 S4 83 82 at 27 26 21 20 19 15 12 8 8 From Doirn ingt'n PHILADELPHIA TO NORRISTOWN AND DOWNINGT'N, PA. PhilacPa, '- Qermanffn d Nnrristown J2. JR. PHILAD'A to. FiUls Lane.. School Lane Wissahickon Manayunk Spring Mills Conshohocken NOBBISTOWN.... Chetter Valley B. R. Bridgeport Henderson's CentreTiUe Paoli White Horse. Oakland DOWNINGTO'N.. DOWNINGTOWN TO PHILADELPHIA VIA J«QRRISTOWN. Place to Place 4 1 1 1 4 1 6 1 1 4 8 4 5 8 Place to Place. From Phlla- del. phia. 4 5 6 7 11 12 17 18 19 23 26 30 85 38 From Phila- del- phia. At Downingtown, connects with the Colunfbia R. R., leading to Har- risbure pnd Pittsburg. (See p. 100.) PHILADELPHIA TO DOWNINGT'N, Tia Columbi;:. ii.R., 32 miles. (See page 101.) PHILADELPHIA TO GERMANT^N, Tia Germantoifrn R.K., ti miles. PHILADELPHIA TO CHESNUT HILLi ▼>& Uermantovn and Chesnut Hill R.R., mUes. From Frede' ricli. CHAMBERSBURG TO FREDERICK,MD. Franklin R. R. ^OHAMB'RSB. to Marion Green Castle State Line HAGERSTOWN. By Stage to Boonesboro' to.... FREDEHIOK.... 48 42 37 32 26 16 Viom 'St\ CHAMBERSBURG. I {Read up.) FREDERICK TO Place to Place From Chnm- '■burg. 6 5 5 U 10 16 Place to PUc«. 6 11 16 22 33 48 From Cham- Mail. * From Philadelphia to Cham beraburg, see previous route. From York. 55 30 21 16 From York. CHAMBERSBURG TO YORK. By Stage from OHAMBERSB. to Gettysburg Oxford Abbotstown to.f YORK YORK TO CHAM- BERSBURG. {Read up.) Place to Place. 25 9 5 16 Place to Place. From Cbaa. 25 34 39 5S From Cham '■i>ar|. Passengers may go through from Chain bersburg to York, by rail* road, as follows : to Harrisburg, 56 miles; thence to York, 37 milea, Total, 93 miles. From M'rtb- umber land 61 53 39 33 20 16 7 3 1 From K'rih- umber laud. HARRISBURG TO SUNdURY AND N0RTI1UMB£RL>D. By Stage from *HARRISB'a to. Dauphin .•• Halifax ..• Miliersburg Liverpool Chapman >. •. Selim's Grove tJhamokiuDam.... SONBURY to. NORTHUMBER. N'RTHUMBERLAND TO HARRISBURG. ., {Read up.) Place to Place. 8 14 6 4 13 9 4 2 1 Place to Place. Frrm Ha^ ii«> bu(|. 8 22 28 32 45 54 58 (iO CI From Har. Ti>> bur|. * From Harrisburg to Philadel- phia, see page 101. PHlUDEtPHIA TO WEST CHESTER. 100 to Chan ute. Pioca to Place, 25 9 5 16 Flare to Place. Cbia. 34 39 55 Froa Cham '*<>IU|. rough from c. by rail. farrisburg, '; 37 milea. Place to Place. 8 14 6 4 13 9 4 Plare to ruca. Frra Ha^ ri» biii|. 8 22 28 32 45 54 58 (30 til Front Har. ric bur(. > Fiiiladel- lint 94 12 n 9i 17 U 9! » Si 30 16 12 9 6 awtle NORTHUMBERLAND TO CARBONDALE. B y Sta ge from NORTHUMB. to.., Danville CatawisBa Bloomsburg Berwick Beach Grove Nantiooke WILEESBARRE... Planeville Pittston Lackawanna Hyde Park SORANTON Blakely to OARBONDALE...... Place to Place. From Nortb nm'd. CARBONDALE TO NORTHUMBERLA'D. (JUeadup.) 12 10 3 12 6 14 8 5 4 4 4 1 5 6 Place to Place. 12 22 25 37 43 67 65 70 74 78 82 85 88 94 From North am'd W«t From Wtwt ■t. philadelphia to west chester, pAm via media. West Chester and Phi- ladelphia R. R. PHILAD'A to Oray's Lane, Pa. Church Lane Darby Road...' Kellyrille Clifton Spring Hill. Newton'8 Westdale Wallingford Providence Road Manchester * MEDIA {Penn's Grove t \ Rockdale ( Lenni Logtown Station Stony Bank Glen Mills Cheyney's Shops West-town Station... WEST CHESTER WEST CHESTER TO PHIL'A. (,Itwd up.) 10 Place to Place 4f * 1 u 1 1* 1* Place to Place. From Phila. del- phia. 4f 7 7* 9 10 11* 12 124 13* 14 26* From Phila. delp'i * Open to Media; in progress to West Chester. About 16 miles of the track of this road will be used as a portion of the "direct line" of the new Philadel- pluu and Baltimore railroad, now la course of coiistruction. Remarks.— 'S!hQ route of the Phi- ladelphia and West Chester R.R. is through a fine agricultural and farming country. In 1860, the re- gion drained, now occupi^ by the road, contained a population of 17,500, with 65 mills and factories— and this with nothing more than ordinary travelling facilities to stimulate its gi^wth. This road will prove highly advantageous to Philadelphia, as furnishing th^t city a larger radius for the supply of her provision market; and also open a fine country for suhprlmn residences, the growth of Philadel- phia having been so extraordinary within the past two or three years, that we shall hail with delight any new avenue or outlet which can impart recreation, health, or domes- tic comfort to its inhabitants. From Eas- ton. 56 55 46 45 43 36 32 29 27 18 14 4 From Eaa- ton. PHILADELPHIA TO EASTON, PA. Stage Route, PHILAD'A to Rising Sun Jftnkintown. Mooretown i.. Willow Qroye Newville..... DOTLBSTOWN... Danboro' Plumstead „ Ottsville Raubsville to EASTON EASTOM TO PHILA- DELPHIA. {Read up.) Place to Place. 3 7 1 2 7 4 3 2 9 4 10 4 Plare to Place. From Phila- del|>*a 3 10 11 13 20 24 271 29 38 42 62 56 From Phila- delp'a N.B. The opening of the North Pennsylvania R.R., and the Lehigh Valley R. R., will supeisede we abOTOxoutOb * ' 110 PHILADELPHIA TO NAZARETH. ;:^ PHILADELPHIA TO iSS. NAZARETH, PA. 62 55 52 49 47 41 37 88 85 19 11 4 Van* iMk. From Mt'cb Chilli, 80 37 89 82 i2 7 4 3 Mtfeh Ck'Mbi By Stare from FHILADEL'A to German town .... Chestnut Hill.... Whitemarah .... Upper Dublin.... Montgomeryville . . Line Lexington.... Bunker HiU duakertown Coopersbury Bbthlehbic Hecktown to.... NAZARETH... Place to Place. 7 3 3 2 6 4 3 6 From Phila* d'a. NAZARETH TO PHI LADELPHIA. (Read up.) PHILADELPHIA TO MAUCH CHUNK. By Statrt from FHILADEL'A to i Coopersb'g (see / i previous route) { ALI.BNTOWN North Whitehall... Lehigh Gap. ...... . Parrysviile Lehiffhton to... . . . MAUOH OHUNE MAUCH CHUNK TO PHIUDELPMA. (iUad up.) 7 10 13 15 21 25 34 37 43 8 I 51 7 58 4 .02 Plaee to Place. Place to Place. 43 8 7 10 5 3 4 I Mm* to riaci. Vrna Phila- F^roin PhUa. d'a. 43 £1 58 68 73 76 80 From MaVsh Ohiik. 113 35 15 9 PHILADELPHIA TO MAUCH CHUNK. Place to PUoc Reading R, R. PHILADELU to Port Clinton lAUleSehuyiR.R.to '("amaqua By Stage to Summit Hill.... Summit mu^ Ma' h Chunk R. R. to MAUOH OHUirE From Ma'rh Ch'ak. MAUCH CHUNK TO PHILADELPHIA. (Read up) 78 20 6 9 Place to Place. rim Phil» d'a. 78 104 113 twn d'a. From Orrat r jd. 234 111 87 70 6U 50 43 40 35 27 13 6 PHItADELPHIA TO WILKES8ARRE, SCRANTON. AND GREAT BEND. FHILAD'AXo.... Mauch Chunk, ) } (see prev. route) J White Haven Wilkesbarre Pittston SORANTON Lackatoanna and Weetem R. R. Clark's Summit.... Abington.... Factory ville Tunkhannock Montrose New Milford to.... GREAT BEND... ^ace to Place. From Oreat Bend. GREAT BEND TO PHILADELPHIA. (Read up.) 113 24 17 10 10 7 3 5 8 14 7 6 Place to Pma PhiU. d«l'i. 113 137 154 161 174 181 184 189 197 Sll 318 234 From Phih. Placa.ldel>t. At Great Bend a continuation is formed with the New Vork and Erie Railroad, over which passen*' ffci-s may go to New York city, or Dunkirk and intermediate places. MlWILKES *^ HONI 41 » By Si WILEI Pittston 8crantoi Carbond ByR HONE wii. i»? 179 85 74 08 W 5 14 4 Hmn 78 62 52 '40 HONE WILK (7t< PHILAI SUNE WILLI Reading FHILi POTTSV Fountai BearGi Shamol SX7NBX NORTUI Milton McEwe Munoy Mont ui WILL WILLIA PHIL (H WILLIA C( mUiai mi WILI Trout Ralsto Bi Blossb Com. Pblla. d'lu • 35 Covin 30 Mansf 82 Tioga 15 Lawr *00E rimm CORN Gar- Li tH- ( WILKE8BARRE TO HONESDALE. lU Pile* to PUc«. 78 20 6 9 Flace to PlMe. FhS I MfWILKESBARRE TO '•> ■fir HONESOALE. 78 104 flaee to Place. 113 Froil Philli d'a. Fran Phih. dta'i. 113 113 24 137 154 164 m 17 10 10 7 3 5 8 14 7 6 PIrm From to Phil*. PlaM.|drl'i. 181 184 189 197 311 218 234 nuation is York and ch passen- rk city, or te places. li 179 89 74 08 W s 14 4 imm m- IHM- F)M« to ■ PlM*. By Stage from WILEESBA'E to Phtston Soraoton .... ... Carbondale By Railroad to HONESDALE . HONESOALE TO WILKE8BARRE. jHtadup.) PHILADELPHIA TO 8UNBURY AND WILLIAMSPORT. nnn 0*- Urn- 78 63 is •40 35 30 82 15 Oer- Rtading R. R. from FHILADEL'A to Potts vi'e, see p. 06 Fountain Spring. Bear Gap Shamoicin SUNBURT NORTUOMBBRLAND . Milton McEwensville Munoy w Monturesville to... WILLIAMSP'RT WILLIAMSPORT TO PHILADELPHIA. (Rtdd up.) WILLIAMSPORT TO CORNING. WiUiamsport 4> El- mira R. R. WILL'MSP'T to. Trout Run Ralston By Stage to Blossburi; ......... Com. Sf Btosa. R. R. Covington Mansfield Tioga Lawrenceville to.. *ooRNnra- CORNING TO WIL- LWyMSPORT. {Road up.) From Wko- barn. 12 7 10 13 Plac* te Ptae» Ptao* to Plaea. 94 11 12 5 13 1 13 8 10 10 4 Fla to Plao*. Place t'liMe. 16 10 13 5 5 8 7 15 Plaee to Plaee. 13 19 89 41 rrom Wke- bane. Froin Phil«- 94 105 117 122 134 135 147 155 165 175 170 wTon Fhlto- d'a. From Wil- llame- port. 16 26 38 43 48 56 63 78 From ni- liam»> /ork * At Corn ng this route unites witli the New York and Erie R. R. From ra. WILLIAMSPORT TO ELn^lRA. 76 50 33 22 10 S Plaee te Plaee. miliamiport ^ El- mira R. R. WILL'MSP'T to. piston By Stago to Canton Troy South Creek Southportto ELMIRA From Elml' la. ELMIRA TO "WIL- LIAMSPORT. {Read up.) From HoUi- dayo* bnrg. 103 88 83 77 75 67 57 55 41 26 19 13 From Holli- bni|. WILLIAMSPORT TO HOLLIDAYSBURG. By Stage from WILL'MS'PT to. Jersey Shore West Branch Dunnsburg........ Lock Haven Lamar '. : MiLBSBORO* *Bbli.bfontk Hair Moon Birmin^'ham Water Street Yellow Sprinflfs to : . HOLLIDAYSB'G 18 10 13 8 S Flaea te Plaoc. From Wil. liaraa* port. 26 44 54 66 74 76 From WJI. liame. port. Plaee ta Plaee. 15 ft 6 S 8 10 2 14 15 7 6 13 HOLLIDAYSBORGTOnae. WILLIAMSPORT. i «> (R^ad up.) Plaee. From WIl- Uama. port. 15 20 26 28 36 46 48 63 77 84 90 103 From Wil. liamt port. * From BellefontA to Leusistown is 29 miles. Lewistown and Hoi lidaysburg are both upon the Penn. Central R. R., running betweea Philadelphia and Pittsburg. From Brie. 314 209 185 LEWISTOWN TO ERIE. By Siuacfroia LEWISTOWN to Reedsville Bbllefontb 183 [Milesburgc Place to Plaee. 5 24 3 From L>wto. tO'VB. 5 29 31 112 PHILADELPHIA TO NORRISTOWN. ****"'«'** I 158 144 130 126 104 01 87 83 65 61 4<J 37 S8 S5 15 from Xrle. Phillipsburgr Clearfield Grogging. Carwinaville Lutberaburg Brookvillo Strattongville Clarion Shippenville Cranberry Franklin Sugar Creek Meadville Woodcock Rockdale •'.... Waterford to ERIE ERIE TO LEWIS- TOWN. {Read up.) 35 14 5 13 22 13 4 4 18 4 13 13 9 3 10 15 Ptace to Place. 5U 70 75 88 110 123 127 131 149 153 16^ 177 186 189 199 214 From Lew- Utowa Thig route paweg through gome of the central 'and north-western countiea of Pennoylvania. From Lewigtown, papnengers may reach Harrigburg^, Philadelphia, kc^ by railroad. f!rom Broad Top. 2.31) im 18(1 Mi 92 76 64 28 From Broad Top. PHILADELPHIA TO BFiOAn TCP MOUN- T/UN COAL FIELDS. Columbia B. R. FHILAD'A to Dowuingtown, Pa.... Parkiegbiirg. Lancaster HAfiRISBURG...... Pennsylvania R.R. MiUerstown Mifflin Lewistown....^.. Huntingdon... Broad ftp and Hun- iingaon R. R. BROAD TOP. BROAD TOP TO PHI- LAD'A, {Readup.) Plaee to Plaee. 82 12 24 38 82 16 12 86 28 FYom Phlla- delp'a Plaee to Plaee. 82 44 68 106 138 154 166 202 230 From Pbila- delp<M The Broad Top and Huntingdon R.R.will be extended to the cele- brated Bedford Springs of Pennsyl- tania, forming a delightful and ex< peditioug route from Philadelphia jud Baltimore. ^rom Weat ChM- ter. 32 30 31 18 15 11 9 PHILADELPHIA TO '»•«• WESTCHESTER, ^i^. From Weal Chaa- t»r Oilumhta R.R. FHILADEL'A to Wegt Phiiadelpbitt. Whitehall Morgan*! Comer.. Eagle ; Paoli Junction to WEST OHEST'R WEST CHESTER TO PHILADELPHIA. ( Head up.) Place te Place. nuw % U 14 17 21 33 32 Frai rkUiil da. From Gaa- ton. 78 71 58 54 51 50 49 45i 43i 40 39 37 33i 30i 26 19 15 From Eaa* ton. PHILADELPHIA TO EASTON. By Steamboat from FHILAD'A to.... Tacony Phil. ^ Tren. R. R. Bristol Tiillytown Morrisville South Trenton TRENTON Beleidere Del. R. R. Asylum Erving , Washing. Croseing. Titusville Moore's Station . . . Lambcrtvllle Centre Bridge BuIPs Island Frenchtown Milford... EASTON... » EASTON TO PHILA- DELPHIA. {Read up.) Place to Place. 7 13 4 3 1 1 3i 2 34 1 2 34 3 44 7 4 15 Place to Place. rrtn Fhllf di. 7 SO 24 5W 33i 34i :« 39 41 44| 471 52 59 61 78 Fran Phi. PHILADELPHIA TO FLE- MiN(STON, N.J. To Lambertville (see previoiu route); thence by the Flemington Brancti R. R., 66 miles. Stages run from LambertviUe to Doylestown, Pa., and from Eaaton to all places ia that Tidnlty. TO '»••*• •n ' to ;R. PiM. to bift. er.. IT'R "to riicf to PlM«. TO I «•;« om .A .... ^ • • • ■ • • « ing. Place. .A- 7 13 4 3 1 1 3i 2 3i 1 2 3^ 3 4i 7 4 15 Place to Place. puS i n u 17 31 33 32 Prai PkU»| Phlli. di, 7 SO 24 37 38 33i 'Mi 39 41 441 4n 53 59 61 78 Ffon Phi. ladi; TO FLE- M.J. »e previoni Fleiiiington nbertville to Srom ISwtoii inity. PHILADELPHIA TO 00YLE8T0WN. mm- PHIlADELPKiA TQ DOYLESTOWN, PA. >•••••■ By Stage from 94 IFHILAD'A to... SI Rising Sun. 18 Braiichtown in Shoeiiiakcrtown 14 Jenkintown 13 Mooretown. 11 Willow Grove. 9 Sollidaysvilie 8 Horahamville . Jonegville 4 Newville 5 Bridge Point to DOYLESTOWN Jti. DOYLESTOWN TO PHILADELPHIA. {Read up.) PlaM to Pliwe. From I'lilla- da. 3 3 Si H 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 Place to Plaoo. 3 6 8* 10 n 13 15 16 18 20 22 24 FfOBl Pbila- Pasflengers may reach Doylei- town by 'way of Bristol, Pa. A nage ineetB the eteamboat at the latter place, passing through New- town ; distance 45 miles. Pivm ■Nnl Bour- Cam. 4> Jimhoy R. R. PHILAD'A to.., S5 Camden (by ferry) 13 RancocuB ■ . 10^ Beverly 7 Bdrlinoton ML Hoi. Br. R. R. to MOUNT HOLLY Krom Mount HOUy. From rUia- da. «1 80 76 71 PHILADELPHIA TO MOUNT HOLLY. MOUNT HOLLY TO PHILADELPHIA. {Head up.) PHILADELPHIA TO CAPE MAY. PHILADBL'A to Camden (by ferry). JBy Stage to Glouoeater, N. J... WOODBORT 10* 61 53 41 35 30 23 19 15 3 Olassboro* Malaga MillvFlle Port Elizabeth Leesburg Dennis Creek Goshen Capb May C. H... Cold Sprinir to PAFE MAY from Phi!k- da. CAPE MAY TO PHI LADELPHIA. (Read up.) From Oapa Pland. 98 00 85 80 76 63 56 4 From Cape I'land. PHILADELPHIA TO CAPE MAY. By Steamboat, from PfilLAD'Ato.... Fort Miflin Lazaretto Chester • Marcus Hook New Castle Delaware City Cape May Litrht to OAFE ISLAND CAPE ISLAND TO PHILADELPHIA. (Read vp) 10 8 IS 6 5 7 4 4 13 3 PlMt to FlMW. iia so S8 40 40 51 58 63 66 78 81 Ffwm Oapa May. Place tft Plaea. 8 5 5 4 13 7 52 4 Plaoe to Place. From Fhite- 8 13 18 S3 35 43 94 98 PHILADELPHIA TO TUCKERTON, N. J. PHILAD'A to... Camden (by ferry). By Stage to Moorestown. Milford Ats i on to TUCKERTON .. TUCKERTOJFTO PHILADELPHIA. (Read up.) Pbuse to Place. 1 From Phil*' d'a. 9 10 7 17 12 29 33 53 Place From to Phil*. Place. d>a. PHILAD'A TO AT- LANTIC CITY, N.). Place to Place. PHILAD'A to Camden (by ferry). Coanden <6Aflaniic R Baddonfield Long^-ooming 1 6 e Atsioa ........;.i 13 From l>hll». dolp'a 1 7 , 16 I 114 PHILADELPHIA TO SALEM. N. J. 38 8 From AtNin HoC'y Weymouth Abeeoum ATLANTIO OITT ATLANTIC CITY TO PHIL'A. (Bead up.) 8 15 8 Plac* to Finer, 37 62 60 rron Pbita- Myfa From ••I'm. PHILADELPHIA TO SALEM, N. J. 38 37 28 18 10 4 FHILAD'A to..., Camden (by ferry), Bjf Stage to WOODBORY Swedesboro' Sharpstown Wnodatownto SALEM PlMO to PlMO. 1 9 10 8 6 4 PlMO Fn>m SALEM TO PHILA- '^'^ Uil?H\k.iHeadup.)\n^. From Fbila- da. 10 so 28 34 38 From Phitf r^Sm PHILADELPHIA TO ^^ BRIDGETON.M.J. too. .39 35 30 S2 13 6 FHILAD'A to.. Glo*ster(bySt*boat) Bjf Stage to Woodbery ........ Mallica Hill Pitt's Grove Deertleldto BRIDaSTON... ■rtlt^ toi BRIDGETON TO PHILADELPHIA. {Read up.) Plaeo to Plaro. 4 8 8 7 6 Plaee Fteca. From FbiU- da. 4 9 17 2U 33 39 From Phlla- A steamboat runs Arom Philadel- phia to Bridgeton. Fare, f 1 00. ROUTES FROM WILMINQ- TO|^, DEL. From Wilmington to Philadel* fhia.and Baltimore, see Route from hiladelphia to Baltimore, page 82. From Wilmington to WeatChes- ter, Pa., 17 miles. FMir towa. 88 WILMINGTON TO DOVER AND GEORGETOWN. Bif Stage from wiLMnraT'N to INew Castle Plocc P^se. 5 5 65 53 41 33 28 SO 8 From O'rgo- town. From Kut- tUI*. 125 117 113 102 94 69 63 56 37 29 19 12 FKm East* Cantweirs Bridge. . Smyrna •.. DOVER Caiiterl>ury Frederica.......... Milfbnl Milton to OEOBaSTOWN. GEORGETOWN TO WILMINGTON. {Bead up.) 18 12 12 8 5 8 12 8 Flaeo to Plww. GEORGETOWN, MD.. TO EAST- VILLE, VA. From Priac. AODO. 48 30 30 15 Bif Stage from OEO'aET'WN lo Millsboro' Daysboro* St. Martin's, Md.. Berlin Newark Snow Hill. Sandy Hill Horntown, Va... Aeooman.t Accomac Onancook , Bellehaven Fran ktow n to... BASTVILLE... EASTVILLE TO GEORGETOWN. {Read up.) GEORGETOWN. DEL, TO PRINCESS ANNE. MD. By Stage from GEO'ETOWN to. Concord Laurel Salisbury. Md.,to.. FRINO'SS ANNE Flaeo to Flaw. 8 5 10 8 8 8 9 7 10 8 10 7 12 Plaoo to Plaeo. 33 35 47 55 60 68 80 88 Pros Wll. mlm. Frm Oil* tOWBi 8 13 23 31 39 47 56 63 69 88 96 106 113 125 Flaeo to FiBOO. 12 6 15 15 Fr..! PRINCESS ANNE n»^ l^Jd GE0RGETOWN.Lli^ I Jteodup.) 1 Ffois towa. Cfrco. towa. .12 18 33 48 OTb^ \ PI" mm W^ ■ati. c I 1 • B»i 477 PIT 466 Midi 4S8 A!i9. Ecoi ROUTES FROM PIHSBURfi. 116 nil. 148 1S3 ELKTON, MD., TO SNOW HILL. By StUgtfrovr ELETON to.... Warwick • Chestertown Ceatreville . . h> •••••••• naM to Plmer. 10 26 14 rnm Klic- tOA. 70 54 30 30 10 42 50 Prom ■now urn. Easton Cambridge Vienna Salisbury to SNOW HILL... SNOW HILL TO ELKTON. {Rtiidyp.) 92 10 18 10 90 PlMf lo ruc*. 78 04 119 128 148 Trvm Kin* ^^^^^^t^^^^t^^^t^^^*^^*^»^t^^0^0m^>^t^i^^t^^ ROUTES FROM PITTSBURG. from Pittsbarg to Harrisbare, Philadelphia, 1» the Pennsylvania Central R. B. (See page 1( ., and intermediate placet^ Tia the Pennsylvania Central R. E. (See page 101.) From Pittsburg to Buffalo, via Allegheny valley B.R. (See page 127.) Vrom Pittsburg to Baltimore, via Connelsville. (See page 124.) from Pittsburg to Baltimore, via Ilarrisburg and Yoric, Pa. (See p. 173.) From Pittsburg to Buffalo, via Cleveland. (See page 67.) From Pittsburg to Erie, via Cleveland. (See page 67.) From Pittsburg to Cleveland. 4|Bee page 126.) From Pittsburg to Cincinnati, via Columbus. (See page 125.) From Pittsburg to Indianapolis. (See page 128.) From Pituburg to St. Louis, via Indianapolis. (See pages 123 A 150.) . Ibr other £<mta, tee following pages. PLACES ON THE OHIO AND iVIISSISSIPPI RIVERS, WITH THEIR GENERAL AND INTERMEDIATE DISTANCES, DRAWN FROM THE MOST AUTHENTIC SOURCES. CiMV 477 466 458 452 447 433 429 425 406 399 382 384 383 PITTSBURG TO WHEELING. CIN- CINNATI, fto. By St$amboat on the Ohio River. PITTSBX7BG- to.. Middletown, Pa. . . • Economy, Pa...... Freedom, Pa Beaver, Pa Georgetown, Fa... Liverpool, O Wellsville, O. Steobbnvillc, C. Wellsburg,Va Warrenton, O Martinsville, O.... \ WBEEL'Gk V ) \ Bridgeport, 0. . S riM* to riaoa. 11 11 8 19 6 25 5 30 14 44 4 48 4 52 19 71 7 78 7 85 8 93 94 370 360 331 310 301 295 289 287 276 272 267 266 255 223 219 21a ( Eliz*bHht'wn,V ) I Big&raveC'icV { New Martin Bvi'e,V. Sisterviile, Va Newport, O \ Maribtta and i Port Harmer,'0 Vienna, Va ( Parlcersb'rg.Va. ) } Belpre, O ( *BIennerhaaiet's Is. Hockinggpnn, O... Belleville, Va Murraysville, Va... Shade River, O.... Ravenswood Letaruville, O Pomeroy iGoalpbrt,0.... > Sheffield, O.... ) 13 107 10 117 29 146 12 158 18 176 6 182 6 188 2 190 11 201 4 205 5 210 1 211 11 229 22 244 14 258 lie CINCINNATI TO lOUISVILLE. 903 178 165 157 153 140 134 13U 114 98 95 88 82 75 63 56 54 47 43 36 33 Hi) 85 90 6 From Cinoi' ( Pt. PleMant.Va ) jO.Kan'baU.,V.i Oallipolia, O JVfilleriport, O ( Guyaiidotte.Va I i Proctoraville, O | Burlington, O lBigSan(lyR.,V; I Catlettsbiirg.V. { Hanging Rock, O. . Ore»nupihHrg,Ky<< Wtieelersburg, O... i F'RTSM'H,0. I ) Scioto Eiver.O. j Roclcville, 0.> Vancebui^, Ky<>«> Rome, O •••• Concord, Ky.r Manchester, O I M AvaviLLE, Ky t I Alierdeeu, O. . . ) Charleston, Ky>..* Ripley,0 Higginsport, O.... Augusta, Ky Mechanicsburg, Ky. Neville,0 Moscow Pt. Pleasant, O. , Belmont, Ky>. , Hew Richmond..'. Little Miami R., O. I Columbia, O. . . { Jamestown, Ky i C omoiN'Ti, O ) < Newport and > ( Covington, Ky. ) CINCINNATI TO PITTSBURG, ETC. {Read up.) 12 4 34 13 8 4 13 6 8 13 16 3 7 6 7 12 7 3 7 4 7 3 4 4 5 14 1 Flae* to Floe*. 371 375 290 312 320 334 337 343 351 3U3 379 382 38» 395 403 414 421 423 430 434 441 444 448 452 457 471 472 477 From Plita- bnrg. * This island is celebrated as having formerly been the residence of a wealthy and distinguished Irish emigrant of that name, who lived here in great splendour; his house was the resort of the most literary and polished society. Un- fortunately, this gentleman was induced by the celebrated Aaron Burr to Join in a conspiracy, in which he embarked with all his Wttalth. It was, however, discb- VMrtd; they were arrested, ;tnd triad for treason. Blennerhaswt, though not convicted, was ruined; and his splendid mansion and plea. sure-groun<ls, being deserted, went to decay, and now present nothing but a mass of ruins. rrom , CINCINNATI TO ii;:'^' LOUISVILLE, KY., st-i-'-- AND ST. LOUIS, MO. 697 680 676 674 671 660 663 660 648 646 696 626 616 604 598 504 588 573 564 563 561 560 542 524 521 514 511 503 498 485 475 464 454 441 435 429 By Sttamboat on t/u Ohio S- Miaa. Riv'a. Ohio River. OINOINNATI to. North Bend, O Gt. Miami River, O Lawrenceburg, la. Petersburg, Ky.... Aurora, la Belleview, Ky Rising Sun, la ... . iBigBoneLi*kC| ) Hamilton, Ky. \ Patriot, la Warsaw. Ky Vevay, la Kemtdcky River.. MADISON, la.... Hanover Land'g, la New London, la. . . Wcstport, Kyi.... Utica, la Jeflbrsonville, Ky- . LOXnSVILLB, Ky {And from PittaVg, 610 milea.) Shippingsport, Ky. ( Portland, Ky.. > f NewAlbany,Ia ) t Salt River and | i West Point, Ky | Brandenburg, Ky.. Mockport, ia Northampton, la.. Amsterdam, la ... . Leavenworth, la . Fredonia, la Alton, la Concordia, Ky Rome, la., and ) Stevensp'rt, Ky | Cloversport, Ky.... Carmelton, la Troy.Ia LewisporttKy Ptae* to riM*. 16 4 2 3 2 6 3 12 2 10 10 10 12 6 4 6 15 9 1 2 1 18 18 3 7 3 8 5 13 11 Proa Cl» 16 26 23 25 27 33 36 48 50 60 70 80 n 98 103 108 123 133 133 135 136 154 173 175 182 185 193 198 211 10 221 233 90 70 .75 61 50 35 31 90 9 10 243 13 255 6 261 6 267 8T. LOUIS TO THE FALLS OF ST. ANTHONY. 117 nnerhaitet. VM ruined; 5n and pie«. eried, went nt notliing Plwt to 16 4 3 3 3 6 3 13 3 10 10 10 13 6 4 6 15 9 1 froB elB. MU. 16 sa 33 35 27 33 38 3 1 18 18 3 7 3 8 5 48 50 60 70 80 02 98 103 108 133 133 133 135 138 154 172 175 183 185 193 198 13 1211 10 j221 11 233 10 342 13 355 6 361 6 367 g 403 387 lei 378 m S84 119 S14 308 303 994 960 974 9S1 994 914 913 188 185 180 175 167 150 148 136 130 123 105 90 70 .75 61 50 35 31 89 9 ?S Rockport,Ia..( Owensbiirg, Ky.... Bon Harbor. Ky... Enterprise, la... IVewbiirfT, la Qreen River, Ky... Evansville, la Hendersonville.Ky. Mount Vernon, In.. (Jniontown, Ky.... \Vabaah River Raleigh, Ky Smawnbbtown, 111. Caaeyville, Ky. '^Cavb-in Rock, 111. Elizabeth, 111 Qolconda, 111 iC0MBBai.4ND 1 RivBR and > Smithfleld.... ) C Tbnnbssbb Riv. < and Paducah, ( Ky Belgrade, III. Fort Maesac. 111.. .. Caledonia, III America, 111. Trinity, III.. C Cairo, III., and ) \ MODTH or THB > Ohio Rivbr.. > and from PiUaburg 909 milts. Mi'siuiwi River. Elk Island Dog-tooth Island. . . Commerce.. Cape Girardeau.Mo. Devil's Island Bainbridge, Mo... Devil's Bake- ) oven, and \ Grand Tower. ) Lacoarse's Island. . Chester, III. Kaskaskia Riv., 111. St. Genevieve, Mo. Fort Chartres IsI'd. Selma Herculaneum, Mo.. Harrison, III... Jefl^rson B'ks, Mo. Carondalet, or Vide Pouche. Mo ji ITAU. -.1 13 879 388 3 201 3 304 15 300 315 324 13 330 30 302 15 377 5 383 6 388 5 303 403 14 416 G 422 33 445 17 463 13 474 8 483 . 3 484 25 500 3 513 5 517 5 533 8 530 8 530 11 549 13 561 6 567 8 575 17 593 15 607 14 6W1 1 623 14 636 11 647 15 602 4 666 3 663 30 683 3 690 3 Frnm Loan Via dc Cahokia, III., to... ST. LOUIS, MO.. ST. LOUISTU LOUIS- VILLE AND CINCIN- NATI. (R'idup.) I'Uot I'lae*. 604 697 From Cm rlD« Mil. * This ears is pointed out to paB> sengcrs on the Ohio as a great cu- riosity; its entrance is Just above high water-mark ; it is about 30 feet in height, and leads into a spa* cious apartment, with an arched roof elevated about 30 feet, and ex> tending back 135 feet. About the year 1800, it was the rendezvous of a noted outlaw and pirate, by the name of Mason, who. with hie band, subsisted by plundering flat* boats on their way down the river, or by waylaying the unfortunate boatmen on their return, and rob- bing and murdering them. The leader of this notorious band of outlaws was finally shot by one of his own comrades, in order to gain a reward of 9500, offered by the S governor of Mississippi for tail lead. rr.m ST. LOUIS TO THE JIT: 'rtLLS OF ST AN Ant',. THONY. 802 784 779 761 759 744 731 761 702 689 676 649 638 630 618 610 593 Sfeamb't on Misa. A ST. LOUIS to Missouri Riv., Mo. Alton, III.. Grafton, 111 Illinois River, III. Bailey's Land., Mo Gilead, III Westport, Mo Hamburg, III Clarksville, Mo.... Louisiana, Mo Hannibal, Mo Marion City, Mo... (iOINCY, III La Grange, Mo Tully.Mo SDcs Moines River, and Warsaw, 111 ,J n«ee to PUm 18 5 18 3 15 13 15 14 13 13 37 11 8 13 8 18 rnct HI. Louis. 18 23 41 43 53 71 80 100 113 ISO 153 164 172 184 193. 810 118 CINCINNATI TO NEW ORLEANS. 588 576 506 550 543 528 508 507 481 450 437 418 410 403 398 383 381 363 355 338 330 310 300 280 278 276 S20 211 191 186 97 72 13 :l Keokiick i Nauvon, III., < - and Montrose ( lo Madison, lo. Skunk River, lo.. BORLINOTON, lo.... Oquawka, III Iowa River New Boston, HI. . . . Muscatine, lo ( Davenport, lo. ( i andRocklsrd) Parkhurst, lo Albany, III (Jamanche, lo New York, lo Lyons, lo.... Charleston, lo Savannah, III Belleview, lo. Fever River.. Galena, III.,7 miles up Fever River. DOBDQOE, Jo Peru, lo CassviJIe, Wis Guthenburg, lo.... Wisconsin River.. Port Crawford.Wis. Prairie du Ch'n.Wi. Upper Iowa River. Bad Axe River.... Root River La Crosse, Wis. ... Chippewa River. .. LakePepin.and ) Maiden's Rock ) St. Padl, Min St.Peter's River ) andFortSiiell. V injf, Min., to.. > F. ST. ANTH'NY 12 10 16 7 15 20 1 26 31 13 19 8 7 5 15 2 19 7 17 8 20 10 20 2 2 56 9 20 5 89 25 60 5 7 FALLS OF ST. AN- „.,. THONY TO ST. L^. LOUIS. (ReadupM 214 236 236 252 259 274 294 295 321 352 365 384 392 399 404 419 431 440 447 404 473 402 503 523 534 536 583 501 611 616 705 730 790 795 803 From 8t. LouU. From New Or- leans. N. B. — A Steamboat now runs on the upper Missisi^ippi, from above tne Falls of St. Anthony to Sauk Jtapids, a further distance of 100 milM 1548 1533 1528 1536 1533 1531 1515 1512 1500 1590 1488 1478 1468 1456 1450 1446 1440 1435 1416 1415 1413 1412 1394 1376 1373 1366 1363 1355 1350 1337 1337 1316 1306 1393 1287 1281 1369 1360 1257 1354 1339 1333 1331 CINCINNATI TO NEW ORLEANS. SteamVt. on Ohio R. CINCINNATI to. North Bend, O G't Miami Riv.. O. Lawrenceburg, la. . Petersburg;, Ky.... Aurora, la Belleview, Ky..... Rising Sun, la.... Big Bone Liek ) Creek.and Ha* > milton, Ky... ) Patriot, la Warsaw, Ky Vevay, la.... Kentucky River... Madison, la Hanover Land., la. New London , la . . . Westport, Ky Utica, la Jeffbrsonville, Ky. . LOUISVILLE, Ky. and from Piltaburg 610 miles. Sbippingsport, Ky. Portland, Ky., ) and \ N'w Albany.Ia. ) Salt River and \ , W'st Point,Ky. J Brandenburg, Ky.. Mockport, la Northampton, la. .. Amsterdam, la.... Leavenswortb, la. . Fredonia, la-...^. Alton, la Concordia, Ky { Rome, la., and i } Steven8p'rt,Ky. s Cloversport, Ky... Carmelton, la Troy. la r^wlsport, Ky Rockport, la Owensburp, Ky.... Bon Harbor, Ky... Enterprise, la Newbnrg, la Green River, Ky... Bvansville, la Place to Pluce. 16 4 2 3 2 6 3 12 2 10 10 10 12 6 4 6 15 9 1 3 1 18 18 3 7 3 8 5 13 10 11 10 13 6 6 13 9 3 3 15 6 9 PrsB Cin. ntti. 16 20 23 25i 27 33 36 48 50 60 70 80 93 98 103 108 133 132 133 135 136 15^ 172 175 183 185 193 198 211 331 333 343 355 361 267 379 288 391 294 309 315 324 CINCINNATI TO NEW ORLEANS. 119 PI ° *•• R. to. O. 16 4 3 3 2 6 3 12 f, .. 2 .. 10 10 10 12 6 4 6 15 9 [y. 1 V r. S 16 20 23 251 27 33 36 48 50 60 70 80 92 98 102 108 123 132 133 135 136 18 154 18 172 3 175 7 182 3 185 8 193 5 198 13 211 10 221 11 232 10 13 6 243 255 201 6 267 12 279 9 288 3 3 15 (i 9 201 294 309 315 324 1S13 1186 1171 J166 1160 1155 114« 1(32 1136 1103 1086 1074 1066 1064 1039 1036 1031 10S6 1020 1006 V)07 989 947 940 013 888 885 680 668 865 860 858 848 831 601 781 771 754 723 710 700 690 Hendersonville, Ky. Mount Vernon, la. Uniontown, Ky-.. Wabash River Raleigh, Ky Sbawneetown, 111. . Casey villa, Ky-... Cavb-inRock, III.. Elizabeth, 111 GolGonda, III ! Cumberland Ri ver, and Smithrnd.Ky ( Tennessee Ri < VER, and ( Paducah, Ky Belgrade, III Fort Massac, III.'.. Caledonia, III America, III Trinity, III i Cairo, III., and 1 MoDTHOf Ohio > River ,. > Mississippi Hiver. Island No. 1 Columbus, Ky Woir8lsrd,orNo..5 Hickman, Ky New Madrid, Mo. Point Pleasant, Mo. Little Prairie, Mo. ) Needhnm*8 tsl- ) } and and Cut-off { BenrfleldLan.,Ark. Ashport, Tenn. Osceola. Ark-.. Plum Point 1st Chickasaw Bluff Fulton. Tenn i Randolph, Ten., ) and 2d Chick- \ asaw Bluff. .. ) 3d Chickasaw Bluff Greenock, Ark i Wolf R., Tenn. I MEMPHIS, T Norfolk, Miss...... Commerce, Mis«... Peyton, Miss St.FrancisR.,^ ( Sterling. Ark. . S Helena, Ark i Yazoo Pass, or 1 Bayou and Del- V ta, Miss...*.. ) 12 336 26 362 15 377 5 382 a 388 5 393 9 402 14 416 6 422 23 445 17 462 13 474 8 482 2 484 25 509 3 512 5 517 5 522 6 528 12 540 1 541 18 559 42 601 7 608 27 635 25 660 3 663 5 668 12 680 3 683 5 688 2 690 10 17 700 717 682 624 620 604 591 538 534 530 400 485 475 456 441 425 415 407 397 395 385 370 366 356 342 340 330 320 279 261 235 225 214 S04 ;:i I^prse-Shoe Bend Montgomery's Point, Ark. Victoria, Miss White Rkver, Ark. { Arkansas Riv. ) } Napoleon, Ark. | Bolivar Landing... Columbia, Ark.... Point Chicot Greenville, Miss... G'dLak3Lan.,Ark. Princeton, Miss. . . • Bunche's Bend i and Cut-off... { Lake Provid*ce, La. Tompkinsville, La. Campbellsville, La. Millikinsville, La.. ( Yazoo R., Miss. ) } and Sparta, La. i Walnut Hills, Miss. VIOESB'Ra.Miss Warrenton. Afiss. Palmyra Sett.,Mis8. Carthage Land., La Point Pleasant, La. Big Black River Grand Gulf, Miss. . ( St.Jo8eph*s,La < and f Bruinsb'^.Miss, Rodney, Miss. .. . NATCHEZ, Miss. Ellis Cliffa, Miss HomochittoR., Mis. Fort Adams 17 30 717 747 20 767 10 17 31 777 794 825 13 838 10 848 10 858 174 168 163 138 115 81 65 41 25 9Dt • 8 58 1*1 t.) 1^1 ) Red River IsPd, ) } and Cut-off. . . ) { Raccourci Cut- 1 I off and Bend., i C Bayou Sara,St. < Franci8v'lc,and f Pt. Coupee,La Waterloo, La Port Hudson, La... jB'N ROUGE, I Plaquemine. La-... ( B*you la F'rche ) < and Donaldson* > ( sonville. La... ) Jefferson Col., La. . Bonnet Quarre Ch. Red Church. La... 6 CarroUton, La. . . . 866 924 4 923 16 944 13 957 53 1010 4 1014 4 1018 40 1058 5 1063 10 1073 19 1093 15 1107 16 1123 10 1133 8 1141 10 1151 2 1153 10 1163 15 1178 4 1182 10 1193 14 1206 a 1208 10 1218 10 1228 41 1369 18 1387 26 1313 10 1323 11 1334 10 1344 30 1374 6 1380 5 1385 35 1410 23 1433 34 1467 16 1483 24 1507 16 1523 10 1542 lao ST. LOUIS TO NEW ORLEANS. 8 From Mew Or. kant. From ».Or- leana. 1301 1198 1194 1192 1172 1170 1166 1151 1140 1126 1125 nil 1096 1079 1071 1065 1053 1042 1034 1026 1020 1008 1007 989 947 940 913 888 885 880 868 865 860 858 848 831 La Fayette, La., to N. ORLEANS, La NEW ORLEANS TO CINCINNATI. {Read up) ST. LOUIS TO NEW ORLEANS. "i Mississippi River S. LOUIS, MO., to Caliokia, III.. SCarondalet, or Vide Pouche Mo Jefferson Barracks. Harrison, III Herculaneum, Mo.. Selma Fort Chartres Isl'd. St. Genevieve, Mo. Kaskaskia Riv., III. Chester, III Lacoarse's Island. JDeviTs Bake- oven, and Grand Tower Bainbridge, Mo... Devil's Island Cape Girardeau, Mo. Commerce Dog-tooth Island. . . Elk Island i Cairo, III., and ) MOUTH OF> OHIO RIV.. S Island No. 1 Columbus, Ky Woir8l8l'd,orNo.5 Hickman, Ky New Madrid, Mo. . Point Pleasant, Mo. Little Prairie, Mo. ( Needham's Isl- ) } and and Cut-off i Bearfiold Lan., Ark. Ashport, Tenn.... Osceola, Ark Plum Point l8t Chickasaw Bluff Fulton, Tenn... ! Randolph, Ten., and 2d Chick asaw Bluff. 3d Chickasaw Bluff en.,) ick-> r...S 4 3 rioee to Place 1546 1548 From Cin- cin- oati. I'lace to Place. 2 30 2 4 15 11 14 1 14 15 17 8 6 13 11 8 8 6 12 1 18 42 7 27 25 3 5 12 3 5 3 10 17 i'rftra St. Louis. 3 39 31 35 50 61 75 76 90 105 1 123 130 136 148 159 167 175 181 193 194 212 254 261 288 313 316 321 333 336 341 343 353 370 801 781 771 754 723 710 700 690 683 624 620 604 591 538 534 530 490 485 475 456 441 425 415 407 397 395 .385 370 366 356 342 340 330 320 279 261 235 225 214 204 174 I • • • )ri Greenock, Ark { Wolf R., Tenn. > I MEMPHIS... I Norfolk, Miss Commerce, Miss... Peyton, Miss I St Francis R.,dL / } Sterling. Ark., i Helena, Ark... Yazoo Pass, or Bayou and Del ta. Miss. Horse-Shoe Bend. C Montgomery's ) < Point, Ark... \ ( Victoria, Miss. ) White River, Ark., i Arkansas Riv. ) } Napoleon, Ark. \ Bolivar Landing... Columbia, Ark.... Point Chicot Greenville, Miss.. . 6'dLa|}eLan.,Ark. Princeton, Miss. .. . Bunche's Bend i and Cut-off... \ Lake Pro vid'ce. La. Tompkinsville, La. Campbcllsville, La. Millikinsville, La. . Yazoo R., Miss. ) and Spnrta,La. \ Walnut Hills, Miss. VIOKSB'RO.Miss. Warrenton, Miss. . Palmyra Sett., Miss. Carthage Land., La. Point Pleasant, La. Big Black River.... Grand Gulf, Miss. . ( St.Joseph's.La < and ( Bruinsb Rodney, Miss NATCHEZ, Miss. Ellis Cliffs, Miss... HomochittoR., Mis. Fort Adams i Red River Isl'd, ) I and Cut-off... | ( Rancourci Cut- \ ( off and Bend.. \ C Bayou Sara, St. i < Francisv'le,and > ( Pt. Coupee.Lft. ) nil, Hj.ao. . ph's.La. } nd > I'g.Miss. > 30 20 10 17 31 13 10 10 8 58 4 16 13 53 4 4 40 5 10 19 15 16 10 8 10 2 10 15 4 10 14 2 10 10 41 18 26 10 11 10 30 400 420 430 447 478 491 501 511 519 577 581 597 610 063 667 671 711 718 726 745 7t)0 776 78i) 794 804 806 816 831 835 845 859 8()l 871 881 1122 940 9(16 976 987 997 1027 NEW ORLEANS TO THE GULF OF MEXICO. 121 30 I 20 10 17 31 13 10 10 8 53 400 420 430 447 478 491 501 511 519 577 10 15 10 10 8 10 2 10 15 4 10 14 2 10 10 41 18 26 10 n 10 30 745 760 776 78<i 794 804 806 816 831 835 845 859 8iil 871 881 uii 940 9fi6 970 987 997 1027 teSlWaterloo, La. .... . 163 Port Hudson, La. . . * ( BATON I 138 j ROUGE, lia. \ ll5Piaquemine,La. Bayou laFdrche ) and Donaldson* > f ville, La ) I Jefferson Col., La Bonnet Quarre Cli. iRed Church, La.... iCarroIlton, La S La Fayette, La., to INEW ORLEANS 81 65 41 S5 ■ 4 581 16 597 13 610 1 53 663 4 667 4 671 40 711 5 716 10 72C 0^ Ma. IT 88 76 56 40 43 38 12 9 4 from ernr of Hex. NEW ORLEANS TO ST. LOUIS. {Read up.) 6 6 25 23 34 16 24 16 19 4 2 Place to Place. NEW ORLEANS TO THEGULFOFMEXi CO. to. N. ORLEANS Battle-Ground English Turn Poverty Point Wilkinson's....... Johnson's Fort Jackson, ) and Fort Phillip I S. W. Pass Pass la Outre.or ) Outre Pass.. .. ( Balize to. ( Bar at S. Pass > < and GULF OF > ^MEXICO S GULF OF MEXICO TO NEW ORLEANS. (Head up.) PlBoe to Place 6 12 20 7 7 10 .20 3 5 Place to Place. 1033 1038 1063 1086 1120 1136 IIGO 1176 1195 1199 1201 From St. Louie. From New Of leana 6 18 38 45 53 62 82 85 90 94 From New Or. leoni. n From Cin- cin- nati. 310 208 259 250 246 244 241 235 219 216 209 199 195 188 173 160 153 120 106 95 •65 58 51 45 37 82 23 17 14 9 From Cin> cii>. natl. PITTSBURG TO CIN- CINNATI VIA STEU BENVILLE. Place! From to Pitta- Place. IburK. SteubentnUe <6 Pitts burg E. R. PITTSBURG to ♦ Steubenville, Ohio. Steubenville and In- diana R. R. Smithfield Bloomfield Miller's f Junction Fairview New Market Urichsville Trenton Port Washington Oxford La Fayette OOSHOOTON Dresden Hanover t NEW ARK Central OhioR.R. § COLUMBUS Gincinnati^ JTenia <£ Columbus R. R. West JeSerson if London XBNIA Spring Valley Corwia Freeport Morrow Deerfield Loveland's Miamiville Milford Plainville CINCINNATI CINCINNATI TO PITTSBURG VIA STEUBENVILLE. 42 9 9 4 2 3 6 16 3 7 10 4 7 15 13 7 33 14 11 30 7 7 6 8 6 9 6 3 5 9 Place to Place. 42 61 60 64 66 69 76 91 94 101 111 116, 122 137 150 167 190 204 216 246 252 259 206 273 278 287 293 21)6 301 310 From Pitta- burg. * The Beaver Extension R. R., which connects Steubenville with Beaver, Pa., runs around the bond of the Ohio, uniting with the Ohio and Pennsylvania R. R. to Pitts- burg; also, at the Wellsville Junc- tion, with the Cleveland and Wells- ville R.R.; also with Wheeling via the Wheeling Extension R.K. 122 PITTSBURG TO CHICAGO. t Cadiz Branch R.R., 7 miles, to Cadiz, Ohio, joins here. it The Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark R. R. extends from Newark to Lake Erie, at Sandusky, Ohio. g At Columhus, joins the Colum- bus, Piqua and Indiana R. R., con- necting with the Indiana railroads. Also, at Columbus, with the route to Cleveland. H From London extends tbe Branch B. R. connecting with Springfield and Dayton, Ohio, thence with the route to IncUanapolis. iV. B. See BouUs from CincinnaJU. Pittsburg to Philadelphia via the Pennsylvania R. R. (See page 101.) •From Ohi- cago. PITTSBURG TO CHI CAGO VIA FORT WAYNE. From Ohio and Penmylvor nig R. R. FITTSBURa- to, S Crestline. (See ) i page 123.) j" Ohio & Indiana R. R. Leesville „ Bucyrus Nevada Upper Sandusky Kirby Forest Dunkirk Washington Johnstown La Fayette, Ohio LIMA Klida Delpbos Van Wert Dixon FORT WATNB... In progress from Fort Wayne to Chicago,via Warsaw, Ind..^.... Plymouth Yaiparaiflo OHIOAGO CHICAGO TO PITTS- BURG VIA FORT , WAYNE. (Reaaup.)\ Flaee to Place. 187 8 9 8 9 6 6 6 4 7 7 7 7 7 13 13 19 145 From Pitta- barg. 187 190 199 207 216 222 228 234 238 24a 252 259 266 273 286 299 318 463 The Fort Wayne and Chicago R. R. will be completed early in the spTlne of 1856. It is now opened from Pittsburg to Fort Wayne. Place to Place, From Pitta- bnrg. From Cln- cin- natt. 379 192 180 163 151 141 128 126 124 117 110 100 85 79 71 60 56 50 46 38 26 16 11 7 From Cin- cin- nati. PITTSBURG TO CIN- CINNATI VIA OHIO & INDIANA R.R. PITTSBURG- to.. ! Crestline. (See PittsVg to In- dianapolis, p. 123.) Ohio <£ Indiana R.R. Bucyrus Upper Sandusky Forest Mad River and Lake Erit R.R. Kenton Bell-centre Richland Huntsville BELLEFONT'NE. West Liberty Urbana Springfield.... Enon Osbom DAYTON... Carrollton Miamisburg Carlisle Middletown HAMILTON.. Glendale Carthage Spring Qrove OINOINNATI • •••••••«• ••• CINCINNATI TO PITTSBURG.j (Read up.) Place to Place 187 12 17 12 10 13 2 2 7 7 10 15 6 8 11 4 6 4 8 12 10 5 4 7 From Pitt*. bu|. 18T 199 216 228 238 251 253 255 262 269 279 294 300 308 31» S23 329 333 311 353 363 368 372 379 Plac» Frem to I'itt*. Plaoe.j bDf|. From Pitteburg to Philadelphia, via the Pennsylvania R.R., is 353 miles. (See page 101.) Gil- da- tftt. 196 16« 182 84 60 » Cia- (ia- ■Mi- PITTSBU CINN SPRINGI VERNON BUR PITTSI f Lakev 1 Seen SpringA nondfP Mount ^ Delawai Springfi( Dayton. Hamilto OINOn CINCI {R K.B. This vtre and Sj 7«t finished. PITTj INDIAK 992 375 9S 860 807 864 354 348 343 318 315 310 304 292 284 2T7 273 260 OJno at m PITTS Courtni Haysvi Sewick EeonoE Baden. Freedoi Roches New B Darlin( Enon. Palesti Colum Frank] Salem Dam as Smith *ALI Strasb Canto MAS Lawre Pairvl tOrrv PITT$BURG TO CINCINNATI. Mc«go R. R. 1 *he sprint 3necl from be ft Plan to Place 187 12 17 12 10 238 13 2 2 7 7 10 15 6 8 11 4 6 4 8 12 10 5 4 7 251 253 255 262 269 279 291 300 308 319 323 329 333 341 353 363 368 372 379 Placr to Place. From l>itt» bni|. iladolphia, .R., is 353 Cii- Mtt. Piiti. M but 196 164 187 132 84 60 199 35 21 A 228 ■ — ClB* Mli. PITTSBURG TO CIN- CINNATI VIA SPRINGFIELD, MT. VERNON & PITTS BURG R.R. FITTSBURa to (LakeTiUe, Ohio. 7 1 8eenextroute^3 SpringAdd, JUL Ver- non dPiUtowg R.R Mount Yemon. Delaware Springfield Dayton Hamilton -. OINOniNATI CINCINNATI TO PITTSBURG. {Read up.) Place From to ritta- riace. burg. 149 149 32 32 48 24 35 25 Place to Place. 181 213 261 285 320 &15 From Pitta- barg. N.B. This route, between Dela- wtre and Springfield, Ohio, is not jret finished. PITTSBURG TO INDIANAPOLIS, lA. 392 386 375 72 360 367 364 354 348 348 383 827 823 318 315 310 304 292 284 277 273 860 Ohio and Penmylva- niaR,R. PnTSBURG- to... Courtney's HaysTille Sewickley Economy Baden Freedom Rochester New Brii^hton....:.. Darlington Enon Palestine Columbiana Franklin Salem Damascus Smithfleld * ALLIANOE Strasburg Canton MASSILLON Lawrence Fairview tOrrville Place to Place. 6 4 2 5 S 3 2 8 10 6 5 10 6 4 .5 3 5 6 12 8 7 4 4 6 10 12 17 20 23 25 28 38 44 49 69 65 69 74 77 82 88 100 108 115 119 125 266 258 252 248 242 237 281 225 220 218 205 202 191 182 177 160 157 151 142 129 126 119 101 84 74 66 60 64 48 42 36 28 23 20 14 From Ind'n- apoliv Paradise WOOSTER Millbrook Clinton I Lakeville Loudonvilltf PerrysTille Lucas a MANSFIELD Spring Mill II CRESTLINE Cleveland, Columbus d Cincinnati R. R. Gallon BeUefoataine and In- diana R. R. Caledonia Marion Bryant's Mount Victory Ridgeway Ruslisylvania IfBELLEFONT'E. Quin<^ Pemberton Sidney Tersailles ** Union Indianapolit and ^eUefontaine R, R. Winchester. Farmland Selma Muncie Yorktown .t Chesterfield Anderson Pendleton Alfont Fortville Oakland Laneville INDIANAPOLIS.. INDIANAPOLIS TO PITTSBURG. {Read up.) 3 11 9 6 17 3 6 9 13 3 7 18 17 10 8 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 3 6 6 9 Place to Place. 123 126 134 140 144 150 156 161 167 172 179 187 190 201 210 215 232 235 241 250 263 266 273 291 308 818 326 832 338 844 850 356 864 369 372 378 383 392 From Pitt». barg. Note. — ^From Pittsburg to Phila< delphia and Baltimore, see pages 101 and 173. For Routes from In^ diana polls, see page 148. * At Alliance connects with the Pittsburg and Cleveland R.R.; also the demand and Wellsville R. R. t At Orville with the Cleveland I <l 124 PITTSBURG TO INDIANAPOLIS. Zanetville and Cincinnati R. B. Pofl- eengcrs from Pittsburg for Akron or MUlersburg, Ohio, will stop here. X At Lakeville, the Springfidd, Mount Vernon and Pittsburg R. R. will connect. § At Mansfield, connects with the Route to Sandusky and Newark, Ohio. II At Crestline, with the Route to Fart Wayne and Chicago; also, with the Route to CkiumJbus and Cincirir nati. 1[ At BeIlefontaine,with the JItad River and Lake Erie R. R. ** At Union, with the Greenville and Miami R. R., running to Day- ion, Ohio. FMm Ind'ii- apolit 874 832 814 803 299 280 273 263 969 252 237 224 217 184 1V2 159 149 134 109 79 65 49 87 PITTSBURG. PA., TO INDIANAPOLIS. lA., VIA STEUBENVILLE . Pittsburg and iSiei^ henville R. R. PITTSBURG to Steubenville, Ohio... i^etibenviUe and In- diana R. R. Bloomfield Cadiz Junction New Market Trenton Port JVashington Oxford La Fayette Coshocton Dresden Hanover NEWARK Central Ohio R. R. COLUMBUS Columbus, Piqita and IrMiana R. R. Bronson's UnionTille Woodstock Urbana , Piqua Union Indianapolis and Bdkfonktine R. R. Winchester, la Smithfield Muncie OheBterfield... 12 13 10 15 25 30 10 14 6 12 Place From to Piiu- Place. burg. 42 42 18 60 6 66 9 76 19 94 7 101 10 111 4 115 ■ 7 122 15 137 13 150 7 167 33 iiO 202 215 225 240 265 296 305 319 335 337 31 28 14 From Ind'ii- arolii< From Iml'n- apolia 377 335 255 220 187 132 108 68 S3 From Ind'n- apolia From Cum- berl'd From Cum- berl'd Anderson Alfont Oakland INDIANOFOLIS.. INDIANAPOLIsTo PITTSBURG. PITTSBURG TO INDIANAPOLIS VIA STEUBENVILLE AND DAYTON, OHIO. Pittsburg and ISeur benville R. R. PITTSBURG to Steubenville, Ohio... StevbenvHU and In- diana R. R. Coshocton Newark COLUMBUS Xenia Dayton <£ JTenia R. DAYTON Dayton <£ Western R. Richmond, la Indianapolis and Richmond R. R. EniKhtstown INDIANAPOLIS.. INDIANAPOLIS TO PITTSBURG. PITTSBURG TO CUMBERLAND. MD. {In progress.) Via CrmnellsviUe R. PITTSBURG to Turtle Creek Youghiogeny River.. West Newton.... Peoryopolis East Liberty OONNELLSV'LE. Myera' Mills CUMBERL'D, Md. CUMBERLAND TO PITTSBURG. 6 8 14 14 Place to Plaet to Place. 42 80 35 S3 65 24 40 35 33 Place to Place 343 346 360 374 From Fitto. hog. From Pitti. I>ur|. 42 129 167 190 246 309 344 377 From Pitti- buri. Place to Place. Place to Place. From PitU- bui|i From Fittc burs. Cumberland to Baltimore, via the BaUimore atvd Ohio R. JR., 178 miles. Cumberland to Wheeling, 202 m. PITTSB WHEI 56 PITTSB1 46 iHerriotts 38 'Cannoiist 31 iWashing SI 14 10 CiaysviU* West Al« Triadelpt ♦WHEE •■•"1 ^Jlll! wii*- PITTI *Froin Wl ittdCiiioinnai MM- MT. PITTSI MERGE SI 18 14 9 By St^ PITTSI Zealiant Harmon Portersv Harlins Leaslnii MERO: Met. MERGE «r- 1 BURG. from CkTe. ■tod. 139 127 122 119 116 114 111 101 95 90 8U 74 70 «s PITT CLI Ohio Sf PITTI SewicI Econo Baden Freed Roche N.Br Darli Erion Pales Coiui Fran £*A.LE Stanl 6 843 8 346 14 360 14 374 — _ Place From to Pitti. nince. Jm. Place to iPlaca. 42 80 35 S3 65 24 40 From Pltti. bur|. 42 123 167 190 245 260 309 • • 35 844 •• 33 377 < ■■ Place FroiB to Pitti. Place bni|. Place to Place. From Pittf burg. Place tn Place. From Pitti. bur;;. re, via the 178 miles. g, 202 m. PITTSBURG TO MERCER. 36 46 38 31 SI 14 10 PITTSBURG TO WHEELING. Place to Place. From Pitta- burg. PITTSBURG- to.. Herriottsville Cannoiisburg Washington ninvfivillR ......... 10 8 7 10 7 4 10 10 18 25 35 West Alexander... Triadelphia.Va., to ♦WHEELING-... 42 46 56 tm Iftw Ml- WHEELING TO PITTSBURG. (Read up.) Place to Plaee. From PittH. burg. *Froin Wheeling to Columbus mdCiiioinnaii, see page 127. IWiu Mm- MT. SI 18 14 9 Km- PITTSBURG TO MERCER, PA. Place to Place. By Sta/re from PITTSBURG to.. Zoalianople Harmony... Porteraville Harlinsburg Leashurgto MERCER MERCER TO PITTS- BURG. {Read up.) fnm Ckve- Hod. 139 127 122 119 116 114 111 101 05 00 SU 74 70 «5 PITTSBURG TO CLEVELAND. OMo 4- Pcnn'a R. R PITTSBURG to . . Sewickly Economy......... Baden -.-•. . . Freedom Rochester N. Brighton Darlington ...... Eiion Palestine Columbiana Franklin £)a.lbh Stanley 23 2 13 4 5 Place to Place. From Pitta, burg. 23 25 38 42 47 56 From Pitu- buig. Place From to Pitta- Place. burg. 12 12 5 17 3 20 3 23 2 25 3 28 10 38 6 44 5 40 10 59 6 65 4 69 5 74 57 52 49 38 32 2(j 20 14 8 From Oleve Alliance Cleveland ^ Wells- ville R. R. Lima Atwater Ravenna Earlville Hudson Macedonia Hedford Newbiiri^ to CLEVELAND.... CLEVELAND TO PITTSBURG. (Read up.) 5 3 11 6 6 6 6 6 8 Place to Place. ^ 63 At Pittsburg a connection is formed between the Ohio and Penn- sylvania Railroad and the Pennsyl* v'ania Central Railroad, leading to Philadelphia, BaKimore, &c. Steamboats will be found at Cleve- land to carry passengers to Detroit and Monroe. Mich., and to Dunkirk, Buffalo, and other places on the Lake. . . For the railroad route from Cleve* land to Chicago, &:..i from Cleve. land to Dunkirk and Buffalo, see pages 68 and 69. From Cleveland to Cincinnati, see page 145. From Cin- cin- nati- 356 344 339 331 328 312 307 297 291 287 282 274 268 256 248 S41 233 PITTSBURGTO CIN- CINNATI, VIA CO- LUMBUS. Ohio gr Penna. R.R. PITTSBURG to... Sewickley Economy Rochester N.Brighton Enon Palestine Columbiana Franklin Salem ,.... Damascus Alliance Strasburg Canton Massillon Lawrence UrrviUe Place to Place. 12 5 8 3 16 5 10 6 4 5 8 6 12 8 7 8 From Pitta, burg. 12 17 25 28 44 49 59 65 69 74 82 88 100 108 lis 123 it ;i 126 230 332 216 213 200 1U5 182 170 167 156 151 136 133 114 99 89 78 67 59 53 45 40 33 28 23 17 15 10 PITTSBURG TO CHICAGO. Paradise WOOBTER Millbrook Middietown Loudon ville Perry ville ■ Mansfield Crestline CteveCnd, Columbus, and Cincinnati It..R. Gallon Gilead Cardington Delaware Worthington OOLU^US CoCbusSrXenia RR. W. Jefferson London S. Charleston Cedarville Xemia ; Little Miami R- R. Spring Valley Corwin Freeport Morrow Deerfield Loveland's Mianiiville MiiCord Plainville to OINOINNATI.... CINCINNATI TO PITTSBURG, VIA Wtom Uin- ^'.1 COLUMBUS, 0. I {Read up.) From PitUf biu(. "S;?! PITTSBURG TO OHO. CHICAGO. 481 469 464 456 453 443 437 433 433 416 413 Ohio jj* P«nn'a R. R. PITTSBURG to... Sewiclcley Economy ........ Rochester N. Brighton DarlingtOB Eaon Palestine Columbiana Franklin Salem 889 (Alliance {Cleveland and fVelb- I viUeR-R, Lima | Atwater Ravenna < Hudson Bedford Nnwburg < CLEVELAND.. Cleveland, J^orvalk, and Toledo R. R. Grafton Oberlin Camden Wakeman NORWALK Monroeville Bellevue Fremont TOLEDO Erie SfKaCm'ioo RR. Sylvania Blissfleld Palmyra ADRIAN Mich. Southern R.R. Clayton Pittsfield (^uincy Coldwaier Burr Oak Sturgis' Prairie.... White Pigeon JVortVn Ind'na R. R. Bristol Elkhart Mishawakie South Bend Terre Coupee Laporte Calumet to §0HI0AG-O 5 67 3 CHICAGO TO PITTS- BURG. (Rend up.) |*Ui. 11 13 13 6 8 25 8 5 5 11 5 8 15 29 11 13 5 4 10 13 15 5 18 5 13 10 9 11 4 11 16 18 43 Place lo Plitri.. 101 113 125 131 139 164 172 177 m 193 198 20f) 221 250 261 273 278 282 293 305 320 335 343 348 360 370 379 394 405 421 439 481 From Pilti. han; PITTSBU FALO & ' Via AH PITTOT Lawrenc Sbarpsbt Plumb C Loiran's FREEF Ki'^'-imli Giiutoa . Crooked UTTA Mabonii Red Ban MilWiUe BROOK Clarion ] Mill Ore RIDGT^ Smethpt Olean, f Attica... BXJFPi NIAOi IHm Hia't NIAGAR 1 t-B ForBout< FromWhi FromWli Cin- I nil dn'tl. w" I Via C 266 *WB 252 Bell i 243 Oleno 225 Baru( 209 Camii 200 OAM 194 CoDO 180 iNom ROUTES FROM WHEELING VA. 12T Fiwn 111'* fdli. PITTSBURG TO BUF- FALO a. NIAGARA FALLS. PImb to PIlM. From Pitu. burg. • Via Atteghany VcUr ley R.R. PITTSBURG to Lawrenceville, Pa.... SbarDsburE Plumb Creek FREEPORT Ki^'-iminitas River.. Ciiuton Crooked Creek KITTANNINa Mahoning Greek Red Bank Creok...... Millville BROOEVILLE Clarion River. Mill Creek Mills RIDaWAT. Smethport Attica BUFFALO NIAGARA F'LLS Ml*. NIAGARA FALLS TO PITTSBURG. {JUadup.) . Plaen to Flace. From Pitta- biug. * This Route, when completed, will connect at Freeport with the North- western R. R.; at Ridgway, with the Sunbury and £rie R.R., also with the Venango R. R.; at Olean, with the New York and Erie R. R.; at At- tica, with the Buffalo and N. York City R. R., and the road to Batavia, Ac; at Buffalo, with the Niagara Falls and Buffalo R. R., the Buffalo and Brantford R.R., in Canada, and the New York Central R.B. \ i ^^^^^^v^r^#'v^^^«^«^<^>^s^^^s#^r^# ROUTES FROM WHEELING. VA. For Routes by the Ohio River, see page 115. From Wheeling to Baltimore, see page 171. From Wheeling to Philadelphia, by railroad, see page 103. Itom CiD- da'ti. 252 243 225 209 200 194 189 WHEELING. VA.. TO CINCINNATI. Via Central Ohio R. *WHEEL'G,Va.to Bell Aire, Ohio.... Glencoe Baruesville Campbell's OAMBRIDGE.. Concord.. Norwidbi «.. Place From 174 to Place. Wh'l. in(. 170 165 158 148 4 4 137 13 133 18 81 123 16 47 115 9 66 6 62 5 67 90 ZANES7ILLE.. Dillon's Falls Pleasant Yalley.... Rockdale NEWARK Kirkeravilie Pataskalia Taylor's , OOLUMBUS dncinnaJti^ JTenia OotUmbus R. R. London 15 4 6 9 8 11 4 10 8 25 82 86 91 100 108 119 123 133 la 166 128 WHEELING TO CINCINflATI. 60 40 27 •18 e From Cln- ctn* natl. XENIA Frwport •. Deerfleld Ix>Telan(l'8 Mllforil OINOINNATI. CINCINNATI TO WHEELING, VA. (Jtead up.) SO 20 13 9 9 9 PUce to riBco 190 2lfl 22n 238 247 260 From Whl- Ing. * Wheeling to Philadelphia, via Ilempfield K.R. (in progress), 398 miles. Wheeling to Baltimore, via Balti- more and Ohio U. U., 380 miles. From m. Louia. 1074 992 980 898 881 844 7U3 7411 679 687 646 543 873 176 From Ht. Lou in. WHEELING TO CIN- ruee CINNATI.LOUISVr u, AND ST. LOUIS. Via the Ohio River. WHEELINato Marietta, Ohio f Parker8biirj?,Va. j X Belpre, Ohio... \ Pomeroy, Ohio Gallipolis Guayendotte , PORTSMOUTH ... MATSVILLE, Ky CINCINNATI, 0.. Madison, la LOUISVILLE, Ky New Albany, la Evansville, la CAIRO, 111 Via Miisissippi River ST. LOUIS From ClCTC Innil. 142 117 101 96 76 70 ST. LOUIS TO WHEELING. {Read up.) WHEELING TO CLEVELAND. Wheeling ExUnsrn R. ♦WHEELING to... Steubenville, Ohio... Pittsburg and Cleve- land R. R. Wellsville Junction. Hammondsville f Hanover ^. ttochester „ Plrce, 82 12 82 17 37 51 61 63 92 41 3 170 198 176 ^lace to Place. From Wh'l- ing. 82 94 176 193 230 281 3.32 395 487 628 631 701 899 1074 From Wh'l- ing« Place to Place. 26 16 6 20 5 From Wh'l- ing. 26 41 47 67 72 69 66 67 62 38 20 14 From <;)cve, Uitil. t Havard > Moultrie a Alliance Ama (uvenna Hudson Utilford CLEVELAND. CLEVELAND TO WHEELING. (^Read up.) 1 8 6 14 12 12 14 Place to Place. 73 78 85 90 104 116 128 142 From Wh'l. Iii|. * Whool'g to Baltimore, see p. 171. Wheeling to Philadelphia, via the Ilempfield R.R. (in progress), 898 miles. t Hanover Branch R. R., 1^ milei, connects here. X The Tuscarawas Extension R.R. connects here; it runs to Mew Phi- ladelphia, 32 miles. g Connection with the Ohio and Pennsylvania R. R. II Cleveland, Zanesville and Cin- cinnati II. R. connects here; it runs via Akron, Ohio, to Millcrtiburg, and thence to Zanesville, wherp It will connect with the Route to Cin- cinnati. From Ind'n- apolis 386 194 176 171 161 146 121 99 84 74 64 86 From Ind'u- •foIia WHEELING TO INDIANAPOLIS, lA. WHEELING- to.... ♦ Columbus, O. (See Route, Wheeling to Cin'ti, p. 127.) Columbus, Piqua and Indiana R. R. Pleasant Valley Union ville Woodstock t Urbana iPIQUA Oreenville g Union Indianapolis and Bellefontaine R. R. Winchester, la Muncie Anderson INDIANAPOLIS... INDIANAPOLIS. lA., TO WHEELING. Pluce to Place. 141 18 6 10 15 25 22 15 10 20 18 36 Place to Flace. Fran Wh'l- int. 141 159 164 174 189 214 236 251 261 281 299 336 Fron lag. ROUTES FROM CINCINNATI. • 1 73 • 8 76 U 86 6 90 14 104 12 110 12 128 14 142 — . riiK'G From lo Wh'i. PlBC«. IBI. 3 flee p. 171. fbia, via the egress), S98 R.,UinUej, ension R.R. to New Pht e Ohio and e and Cin- ore; it rung Hillcrsburg, e, wliero It oute to Cin- d Plure lo Place. 141 18 5 10 15 25 22 15 10 20 18 36 Place to 'Flace. Prom Wh>|. in*. 141 159 164 174 189 214 236 251 261 2S1 299 335 From Wbli ill. • Connnotit with the CI«T»laad, Oolaiubua and Cincinnati II. K. t At Urbana, with the Mad Ulver md Lake Krio R. 11. I At IMqua, with the Dayton and I Mtcbiga" K. K., in progreM. {At Union, with the Indianapollii ipd Bollefbntiiine li. K. N.B. Ste Moutea from Indianapo- CI*- do* Mil. 168 183 150 96 T2 89 ■U. WHEELING TO CIN- CINNATI VIA MA- RIETTA. Marietta di WlieeVg R. {I n progress.) WHEELINa- to.... Marietta, Ohio AthenH Ohillicothe Oreenflold Bianchester IjOveland'H OINOINNATI "CINCINNATI TO WHEELING. {litad up.) Place tfl Pluce. 76 33 64 24 33 16 23 Place to Place. From Wh'l- lu(. 76 108 162 186 219 235 258 From Wh'l- iD|. Lpx'i tea. WHEELING TO LEXINGTON, KY. (Rnute inprogreu.) WHEELING to.... Marietta, Ohio Athena , Jackson Portsmouth MATSVILLE, Ky LEXINGTON LEXINGTON. KY.. WHEELING. {Head up.) Place to Plaor. 76 33 86 40 61 67 Plaee to Plane. i» front Whl. 76 108 143 183 234 801 Proa Wh'l. inc. V»/VNAA/WWN/\/V\/V\/>/\/\/W\A/>y\/\/W\/W\^./W\/ ROUTES FROM CINCINNATI. A TABLE SHOWING THE DISTANCES. FARES, &o., FROM CINCINNATI TO MANY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PLACES IN THE UNION. ' The following table will show, at a glance, the digtaneef ^qxnse, and Ume occupied, in travelling firom Cincinn:::; to the most prominent points in the Union. Allowance, however, must be made in the rate of ores when travelling in steamttoats, upon Lakes or Rivers, as those modes of conveyance are sul^ject to more or less competition, in which case the fares vary. Those given, however, are as accurate as can be ob> 'tained under the circumstances, and will, no doubt, be found near enough to make up a general estimate of expenses. The time given is that which is actually occupied in passing from one point to another; the detentions between each route are not taken into consideration, as these the tra- veller moat determine for hims«l£ The diftanoM are generally given by the shortest routes. I ^ I 180 TABLE OF DISTANCES, FARES, &o. Namtf of PUcM. u u M M « M M M M M « M M M M M « M M M M M U MllM. Hounj ra„. 629 OINOINNATI to Baltimore, via Zanesville and Wheeling; Baltimorr, via Ohio River, and Balti- more and Ohio K.R Baltimore, via Pittsburif and Harris- burg B08TOX, via Cleveland, Buffalo and Albany Boston, via Crestline, Pittsburg and Philadelphia CnARLESTON, S.O., via Nashville, Tenn.. Chicago, via Sandusky, Lake Erie and Detroit Crioaoo, via Sandusky and Toledo, 0., and Michigan Southern R.R CuiOAGO, via Indianapolis, la Clevkland, via Columbus. C0LDMBU8, Ohio, via Xenia, Ohio Datton, Ohio .. Detroit, Mich., via Sandusky and Lake Erie Frankfort, Ky., via Covington, Ky Frankfort, Ky., via Ohio and Ken- tucky Rivers Qalena, 111., via Indianapolis and Chi- cago Hamilton, Ohio Indianapolis via Qreensburg, la Indianapolis, via Ohio and Miss. R. R., and Madison and Indianapolis R.R Indianafous, via Ohio River, and Madi- son, la Indianafous, via Richmond, la La Fayette, la., via Qreensburg and Indianapolis....! , Lexington, Ky., via Covington, Ky.. Louisville, Ky., via Ohio River Louisville, Ky.,via Lexington INT EM PHIS, Tenn., via Ohio and Missis- sippi Rivers. ....« Milwauku, Wi8.,via Indianapolis, Chi cago, and Lake Michigan 404 Mobile, Ala., via Nashville, Tenn 1350 Montgomery, Ala., via Nashville, Tenn. 1153 Montreal, via Buffalo and L. Ontario.. 954 Montreal, by K.R., via Buffalo and Albany 994 Nashville, T«nn., via Ohio and Cum berland Rivers 675 New Orleans, La., via Ohio and Mis- sissippi Rivers 1548 New York, via Cleveland, Buffalo, Al- bany, and Hudson River R.R 881 NewTork, via Columbus, Crestline and . Pittsburg 807 768 697 936 1032 1254 661 676 814 255 120 60 283 128 140 485 26 110 135 179 138 174 94 133 191 767 25 50 27 44 62 137 28i 25 16 12i 6 2i 18i 6 14 24 U 5 14 00 HOC 16 00 22 60 23 00 30 00 UfiO 11 SO 900 600 325 180 700 400 350 12 75 75 350 3T6 12 7 8 6 13 10 76 21 174 135 70 43 80 150 41 321 00 75 5 50 300 2 50 6 00 10 00 13 00 45 00 85 00 18 00 24 50 10 00 15 00 17 00 17 00 TABLE OP DISTANCES, FARES, fto. 181 Mamai of PIscm. M U U « M M M M « OINOINNATI to Nkw York, via Glevuland and Krie R.ll ** Nkw York, via Ohio Kiver to Pittsburg and Pennflylvania K. K ** ■ NiAOARA Falls, via Cleveland and Buf- falo ** Philadelphia, via Columbun, Crestline and Pittsburg ** Philadklphia, via Ohio River and Pitts- burg PitTspuRO, Pa., via CrestHne PiTTSDURO, via Ohio River Rook Island, 111., via Indianapolis and Chicago Sanduskt, via Mad River and Lake Erie R.R's Saratoga Springs, via Cleveland, 0... Savannah, Qa, via Nashville, Tenn... St. Louis, via Ohio and Mississippi R.R. (In progress.) St. Louis, via Indianapolis and Alton St. Louis, via Ohio and Miss. Rivers... St. Paul, Min. Ter., via Chicago, Galena and Mississippi River St. Paul, Min. Ter., via Ohio and Mis- sissippi Rivers Terre IIaute, la., via Oreensburg and Indianapolis , TiOKSBURG, Miss., via Ohio and Missis- sippi Rivers Washington, D.C, via Zanesville and . Wheeling ...: Wheeung, via Ohio River Wheeung, via Ciroleville and Zanes- vUle, Ohio ZANE8VILU5. Ohio, via Wilmington, Ohio Mlln 868 917 480 720 830 474 496 213 776 1236 379 697 823 1482 183 1163 661 383 249 167 llouri 28 62i 22 28 68 40 24 n 37 136 18 68 92 166 110 26il6 38 12 8 Fare. 17 00 14 00 12 60 16 00 11 00 600 14 00 6 00 18 60 30 00 12 00 10 00 18 00 18 00 5 60 16 00 25 6 00 7 50 6 00 ROUTES FROM CINCINNATI TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Cincinnati to Boston, Mass. OINOINNATI Xenia,X>hio , Columbus Crestline Cleveland Erie, JPa Dunkirk, N.Y... Buffalo. to. Albany, via New York Central R.B. (See page 60.)., BOSTON, Tia Western B. B. (See page 24.) .»••••••• ••• Place to Place. Miloa. 66 66 66 120 60 180 75 266 95 860 47 897 41 438 298 786 200 98$ 132 ROUTES FROM CINCINNATI. (Xndnnati to Boston, via Philadelphia and N. York. CINCINNATI to : Pittsburg, via Columbus. (See page 126.) Philadelphia, via PennsylTania B. R. (See page 101.)....; New York. (See pages 88, 89.) BOSTON. (See page 42.) Cincinnati to New York, via Dunkirk. CINCINNATI to Columbua. (Soepa^l34.) GleTelancU (See page 134.) Erie : Dunkirk, N.Y. (See page 48.) NEW YORK, Tia Erie R. R. (See page 48.) Cfincinnati to New York, via Buffalo and Albany. CINCINNATI to CleTelaUd. (See page 134.) Buffalo. (See page 68.) Albany. (See page 60.) NEVy YORK. (See page 53.) Cincinnati to New York, via Sandutky, Ohio. CINCINNATI to Sandusky, via Mad River and Lake Erie R. R. (See p. 135.).. Cleveland, Ohio Dunkirk, via Lake Erie Steamboat,149 miles; via Cleveland by Railroad NEW YORK, via Erie R. R. (See page 48.) dticinnaii to New York, via OnMine, Pittsburg and Phila- delphia. CINCINNATI to : Pittsburg, via Columbus. (See page 126.) Philadelphia. (See page 101.) KEW YORK. (See pages 88, 89.) Cincinnati to N. York, via SteubenviU^, Painsylvania JS. J?., and Boston, Pa. CINCINNATI to Pittsburg, Pa., via Steubenville. (See page 121.) Ilarrisburg, via Pennsylvania R. R. (See page 101.) Auburn, Pa., via Dauphin and Susquehanna R.R EaRton, via Allentown Branch R.R........ NEW YORK, via N.J. Central R.R Cincinnati to PhUaddphia, via CreMine and Pittsburg. OmOINNATIto PittsbuTfC, via Columhas. (See page 126.) PHILADELFHIA. (S«e page 101.)......., Place to Place. 255 159 298 144 213 60 142 460 367 853 87 866 363 HUea. 356 709 796 1032 120 255 850 397 857 255 m 712 856 213 273 415 875 367 720 807 310 657 616 661 738 856 709 ROUTES FROM CINCINNATI. ace to 'lare, HUe.. 356 356 353 709 87 796 236 1032 120 120 135 255 95 85G 47 397 460 857 255 255 159 m 298 712 144 856 213 213 60 273 142 415 460 876 367 367 353 720 87 807 310 657 616 661 736 866 709 133 Cincinnati to Philadelphia, via BeUefontainef and Ohio and Indiana R. R. OINOINNATI to « Pittsburg, via Dayton, Bellefontaiue, and Ohio and Indiana R.R. (Seepage 122.) PHILADELPHIA, via PennsylTania R. R. (See p. 101.)- tHneinnati to Philadelphia, via Springfidd, Mt. Vernon and Pittsburg R. R. OINOINMATI to Pittsburg, Tia Springfield, Mt. Vernon, and Pittsburg R. R.. (See page 128.) _ ^k|- — ■— ■ ■ ^ PHILADELPHIA. (See page 101.). Oincinnaii to Philadelphia, via Hempfidd R.R. {In progress.) Flaoeto) Flaca. OINOINNATI to Wheeling, Ya., yia Columbus and Central Ohio R.R. i(See page 128.) Oreensbur^;, Pa, via Hempfield R.R PHILADELPHIA, via Pennsylvania R.R. (See p. 101.). (Hncinnati to Fhiladelphia,via Marietta, 0.,and Wheeling, Va. OINOINNATI to Marietta, Ohio Wheeling PHILADELPHIA, via Hempfield and Pennsylvania R.R. (See page 103.) : Oincinnaii to Philadelphia, via Ohio River and Pittsburg. OINOINNATI to Pittsburg, via Ohio River. (See page 116.) , PHILADELPHIA, vis Pennsylvania R. R. (See p. 101.).. (Xneinnaii to Philadelphia, via WUmington and ZanesvUle, Ohio, and the H&npfidd and Pennsylvania R. R^s. {In progress.) OINOINNATI to "Wilmington, Ohio, via Cincinnati, Wilmington and Zanes- villeKR Washington ^ Circleville Zanesville Wheeling, via Central Ohio R.R ;. Greensburg, via Hempfield R. R PHILADELPHIA, via Pennsylvania R.R (Xndnnatt to Baltimore, via OrestHne and Pennsylvania R.R. OINOINNATI to Crestline Pittsburg, Pa. (See page 126.) Harrisbnrg, via Pennsylvania R.R. BALTIMORE, via York, Pa 12 879 853 345 353 256 76 822 18 75 S 477 853 MUea. 66 21 28 62 82 76 322 180 187 83 879 732 845 698 266 332 654 181 256 654 477 830 I 56 77 105 167 249 825 647 180 887 614 697 1S4 CINCINNATI TO CtEVEtAND. Cincinnati to Baltimore^ via Wheeling. 0INC3INNATI to Kanesville, via Wilmington, Ohio Wheeling via Central Ohio R.R BALTIMORE, via Baltimore and Ohio R.R. Cincinnati to Baltimore, via Hirkersburg, OINOINNATI to Parkersburg, Va., via Hillsboro', Ohio Tygart'a Three Forko (Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Junction.). BALTIMORE, via Baltimore and Ohio R.R... Cincinnaii to BaUimore, via Ohio Biver and Wfieeling. OINOINNATI to Wheeling, via Ohio River. (See page 127.) BALTIMORE, via Baltimore and Ohio R. R. (See page 171) Place to FUce. 167 82 380 176 104 286 383 380 Mllca. ^76 280 566 383 763 255 246 241 238 232 228 223 219 214 210 204 197 190 182 176 171 160 149 135 119 115 112 97 92 82 76 CINCINNATI TO CLEVELAND, 0. LHUe Miami R. R. OINOINNATI to.. Plainville, Ohio Milford MiamiTille * Loveland's Foster's Deerfield Morrow Fort Ancient Freeport Corwin Spring Valley... JXENIA Columbus dRJTenia R. Cedarville Selma South Charleston London West JeflFerson gOOLUMBUS Cleveland^ Columbus <£ Cincinnati R. R. Orange Berlin DELAWARE Cardington Gilead 1[ Gallon •♦ Crestline tt Shelby Place From to Cin- Place. cin'ti. 9 9 5 14 3 17 6 23 4 27 5 32 4 36 5 41 4 45 6 51 7 68 7 65 8 73 6 79 5 84 11 95 11 106 14 120 16 136 4 140 3 143 15 158 5 Ift'J 10 173 7 180 8 188 61 54 48 43 86 32 25 19 14 7 From Cleve laiid. Salem Greenwich New London Rochester Wellington , La Grange r.... tt Grafton Olmstead Berea Rockport , OLE VELAND . CLEVELAND TO CINCINNATI. (Read up.) Place to Place. 194 201 207 212 219 223 230 236 241 248 255 From Cio. cln* natl. * HiUsbori/ and Cincinnati R. R. connects here. This road is in pro- gress, to join the Marietta Route; also, the Route to Baltimore, via Parkersburg. t (Xncinnati, Wilmington A Zan^ mUe R.R, unites here; it leads to Whaling, Ta., via Zanesville, Ohio, and will, at the latter place, connect with the Route in progress to Cleve- land, via the Cleveland and Zanea- viUeR.R. % At Xenia, connects . with the Route to Dayton, Ohio, and Indian- apolis, la., via Richmond, la; also, the Route to Springfield, Ohio, where it connects with the Mad River and Lake Erie B. B. CINCINNATI TO SANDUSKY. SO I 763 6 7 6 6 7 4 7 6 I 236 5 7 7 Place to Place. From Cio. uin- nati. ati S.S. is in pro- a Route; nore, via d Edna- leads to lie, Ohio, S connect to Cleve- d Zane3- rith the I Indian- [a.; also, io,where liver and { From Columbus, Ohio, diverges Qie Central Ohio M. R., via Newark and Zanesville, Ohio, to Wheeling, Vs.; also, the Columhus, Piqua and Indiana R.R., connei nng with the Bonte to Indianapolis HAt Delavrar . iat«rsects the gpringMdf Mount Vernon and Fiits- lurg R» R' f At Gallon, connects with the Jtoute to Indianapolis, la., via Belle- ibntaine and Union. ** At Crestline, connects with the Ohio and Pennsylvania JS.£., leading to Pittsburg and Philadelphia; and westward to Lima, Ohio, and Fort Wayne, la.; and with the Chicago and Fart Wayne R. R., in progress of construction. / ft At Shelby, Intersects the San- iwxy and Mansfield R. R., running Borth to Lake Erie, at Sandusky, «Dd south to Newark, Ohio; at the litter place, connects with the Seu- ImvUU and Indiana R. R., and also the Central Ohio R. R. ^Vtom Grafton, diverges the southern division of the Cleveland and Toledo R. R., connecting with the Route to Chicago via Toledo Mid the Michigan Southern R. R, N. B. From Cleveland, Ohio, pas- sengers may reach New York, and tbe Eastern States, by the L. Shore R.R., via Erie, Pa., and Dunkirk and BuflTalo, N.Y.; and westward by the Route via Toledo, Ohio, to Chi- cago, Rock Island, HI., Mllwaukle, Wis., St. Paul, Mln. Ter., and all towns In the North-western Stntes. By the Cleveland <£ Pittsburg R. R., and the Pennsylvania R. R., passen- :ers may reach PhUadelphia, New "ork, Ac. Vram Ban- duakjr 213 ao5 9D3 CINCINNATI TO SANDUSKY, OHIO. Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton R.R. OINOlVrlrATI to.. CummlnsvUle Ludlow Carthage » Place to Place From Cin- cin'tl. 5 8 10 198 188 176 169 164 153 129 115 113 103 91 73 33 23 From San- dusky Glendale ♦HAMILTON.... Middletown Carlisle....... Miamisburg t DAYTON Mafi River and Lake Erie R.R. I SPRINGFIELD.. I Urbana , West Liberty IIBEL'FONTAINE HuntevlUe , Kenton f Patterson , •* Carey „ Tiffin , Clyde tt SANDUSKY.... SANDUSKY TO CINCINNATI. {Read up.) 5 10 12 7 5 11 24 14 2 10 12 18 10 24 6 10 23 ISS 15 25 37 44 49 60 84 98 100 110 122 140 160 174 180 190 213 Place to Plaee. From Cin- cin- nati.. * Hamilton and Richmond R.R, connects here, leading to Indian* apolis, la. t Coniiects with the Route to In- dianapolis, via Richmond, la; also with Xenia, and the Dayton and Greenville, and Dayton and Michigan R. R s, t Connects with the Route to Day- ton and Indianapolis, via Richmond, la.; also to Columbus, Ohio, via London, and the Springfiddy Mount Vernon and Pittsburg R. R. g At Urbana, with the Oolumbtu, Piqua and Indiana R. R. R At Bellefontalne, Ohio, with the Indianapolis and BeJ^fonUnne R.R.; also with the Ohio and Pennsylvania R. R, % At Patterson, with the Route to Fort Wayne, and the Route to Pittsburg. ♦♦Branch R.R. to Findley, 16 milos. ft At Sandusky, connects with the Routes leading east to Cleve- land, Dunkirk, Buffalo, &c, and west to Toledo, Chicago, &o. IM CINCINNATI TO TOLEDO. To- Mo. 240 235 232 230 228 826 221 215 207 203 196 191 188 180 173 170 166 160 152 135 126 116 102 66 87 48 40 82 26 16 9 From To. kdo. CINCINNATI TO TO LEOO, Q., VIA DAY TON AND PIQUA, 0. OincinntUi, HamiUon and Dayton R. R. OINOINNATI to Cummingsyille, Ohio Ludlow Carthage Lookland , Glondalo — Jones' HAMILTON Trenton Middletown Carlisle Miamlsburg CarroUton DAYTON Dayton and Mi(M- ganB.R. Johnson's National Road Tippecanoe TROY PIQUA Miamilietenrion Cbmal. Newport Minster St. Mary's Deep Cut Junction jj"" Wabash and Mrie Qinal. Defiance » Florida Napoleon Damascus Providence WaterviUe » Maumee TOLEDO, Ohio riser to Place. 17 11 13 36 9 9 8 8 6 11 6 9 TOLEDO, 0., TO ruce cinciAnati. t' {Read up.) |'"»«« From Cin- cin- nati. 6 8 10 12 16 19 25 83 87 44 49 62 60 67 70 74 80 88 105 114 126 138 174 183 192 200 208 214 225 231 210 Krom CIn. cin- natl. From Cincinnati to Dayton, Ohio, the Short Line R. li. is in progress of oonstructlon. It will be about 63 miles In length, 7 mileB less than by the way of Hamilton. Tb» Dayton and JUichiganR. R. ia in course of construction. Its route will be nearly parallel with the Mad River and Lake Erie R.E., and will connect Cincinnati with Toledo, and finally with Detroit Michigan. From De- troit. 327 114 64 61 60 45 40 85 31 26 22 17 From De- troit. CINCINNATI TO TOLEDO. 0., AND DETROIT, MICH. Via Mad River and Lake Erie R. R. OINOINNATI to.... C* Sandusky. (Seel < Route, page > i 136.) S TOLEDO Stage Route. Manhattan, Ohio...... Erie, Mich La Salle MONROE , Best Newport Brownstown Gibraltar. Trenton DETROIT Place to Place. DETROIT TO CINCINNATK (Read up.) 213 50 3 11 6 6 6 4 5 4 6 17 From Clu- ciu- natl.- 213 263 266 277 282 287 292 296 301 305 810 327 Place ta Place Fran Cia- ein- uati. * From Sandusky to Detroit, by steamboat across Lake Erie, 75 m. From Toledo, passengers may proceed to Chicago, via the Mic/ii- gan. Southern R.R.; ^so to Rock Island, 111., via Chicago and Rode Island R.R.; also to Qalena, St Paul, and intermediate places. From Fort W'ne. 240 180 156 CINCINNATI TO FORT WAYNE, lA. Cincinnati, HamiUon and Dayton R. R. OINOINNATI to... 1 Dayton, Ohio. ) < (See previous > 60 f Route.) > Mad River and lah Ene R.R, Springfield » | 24 Plare to Place. From Cin- ciu'ti. 60 06 84 54 42 86 ?S 23 20 14 bil'n- •pvUa CINCINNATI TO INDIANAPOLIS. isr m 130 100 90 (9 45 82 fort W'ne, Urbana Bellefontaine Kenton Patterson Ohio & Indiana B.R. Lima Delpbos Van Wert PORT WAYNE, la FORT WAYNE TO CINCINNATI. 14 12 30 10 31 14 IS 32 riice to Flnce. 110 140 160 181 196 208 240 From Cin- cin'ti. N.B. The OincinwUi and Fort Wayne R. M. is in progress of oon- rtruction. On its oompletion it will Ibrm a direct Route between Cindn- nati and Fort Wayne. This road will be, eventually, continued thro* Michigan, via Lansing, to the Straits of Mackinaw. The foregoing Route intersects with the various railroads crossing (he State of Ohio from East to West. Passengers, therefore, will be able to change their Route at any of the in- tersections. It would be well to oonsult the map, better to enable one to mark out the Route needed. lyon lad'n- tpoUi 191 181 96 84 74 00 64 42 86 28 23 20 14 ftam bil'n- CINCINNATI TO INDIANAPOLIS VIA UNION. OINOINNATI to... ) Dayton, Ohio. 1 } (See page 136.) j* OrtenviUe d Miami B Greenville , UNION, la , Indianapolis <£ JSe2Ze- fombaine R,R. Winchester, la. Smithfield Muncie Chesterfield Anderson , Pendleton , Alfont Fortville Oakland , INDIANAPOLIS... INDIANAPOLIS TO CINCINNATI. (JBeoc) up.) 12* Place to Flaoo 60 86 12 10 14 6 12 6 8 . 6 8 6 14 riaee to Place. From Ciu- oin- nati. 60 96 107 117 131 137 149 166 168 168 171 177 191 Prom CIn- ein- iiati. At Dayton, connects with the Route running eastward to Colum- bus, Ohio, thence to Cleveland ; also to Zanesville and 'Wheeling, Va., Steubenville, Ohio, Ac: westward with the Route to Indianapolis, la., via Richmond. See Routes from IndianapoiUSf page 148. Prom Ind'n- •polia 137 112 102 99 93 85 77 76 68 62 64 62 44 33 28 20 Prom Ind'a- apolii CINCINNATI TO INDIANAPOLIS VIA EATON. OINOINNATI to... Hamilton Chicago and (Hncin- nati R. R. Oollinsville Summerville Camden EATON Florence Richmond, la. Indiana Central R.R. Centreville German town Cambridge Tlity Lewisville Knightstown CharlottsvUle Greenfield INDIANAPOLIS... INDIANAPOLIS TO CINCINNATI.) {Read up.) Plaee to Plaaa. 26 10 8 6 8 8 2 7 6 8 2 8 11 ( 8 20 Place to Place. From Cln. ciif aati. 25 86 38 44 62 60 62 69 75 83 85 93 104 109 117 137 From Citt- cia- natl. See Routes from IndianapciiSf page 148. Prom Ohi- cago. 377 361 355 307 297 285 CINCINNATI TO CHICAGO VIA MADISON, lA. Via the Ohio River. OINOINNATI to... North Bend Lawrenceburg, la.... Kentucky River MADISON, la Madison and Indian- apoHs S.M, Place Prom to Cin. Flac«. cin'U. 16 16 6 22 48 70 10 80 13 9SI 138 CINCINNATI TO CHICAGO. 283 271 260 283 261 257 254 247 240 233 229 224 219 209 205 198 170 160 155 134 127 110 86 fiO Vrom North Madison Dupont Butler's Vernon North Vernon Queensvilie Soipio , Elizabethtown Columbus TaylorsTille Edinburg Amity Franklin Greenwood Southport INDIANAPOLIS... La Fayette and In- dianapciU R.B. Lebanon, la Thorntown Midway .^^^»...... LA FAYETTE New Albany and So- IgM R.R, Battle Ground Reynolds < Madeiraville f North'n Indiana } 1 R. R. Junction ( 0HI0A60 CHICAGO TO CINCINNATI. {Mvuiup.) 2 12 5 3 2 4 3 7 7 7 4 6 6 10 4 7 28 10 5 21 7 17 24 36 50 PItce to Flac«. 94 106 111 114 116 120 123 130 137 144 148 153 158 168 172 179 207 217 222 243 250 267 291 327 377 From Gin- Oill' nati. N.B. See Route* from Jndianapo- Us, la. Alto, Routes from Chicago. From Chi- ca(o. 836 811 800 297 291 283 276 CINCINNATI TO CHICAGO, ILU VIA RICHMOND AND STEUBENVILLE, lA. Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton R. R. OINOINNATI to. Hamilton, Ohio Eaton <£ Hamilton R. ColIinsTilie , Summerrille Camden BATON „ Slorence.........» Place to Piaoe. 25 11 8 6 8 8 From Oin- oin- naU. 25 86 39 45 63 61 266 260 252 250 248 242 236 231 224 218 208 198 170 100 165 134 127 110 86 60 From Chi- cago. Richmond, la. Central Indiana R.R. CentreTille German town Cambridge City Dublin Lewisville Ogden Knightstown Cleveland Greenfield Cumberland INDIANAPOLIS... La Fayette and In- dianapolis B. R. Lebanon, la Thointown Midway LA FAYETTE New Albany and Sa' Um R. R. Battle Ground Reynolds Madeiraville ) North'n Indiana ) I R. R. Junction ) CHIOAaO 9 70 CHICAGO TO CINCINNATI. (Read up.) 6 t/ 2 2 6 6 5 7 6 10 10 28 10 5 21 7 17 24 36 50 Place to Plaee. 76 84 94 100 105 112 118 128 138 166 178 181 202 209 226 250 286 336 From Ciu. cin< natU Michigan City, on Lake Michigan, the northern terminus of the New Albany and Salem R. B., is 92 miles from La Fayette. N. B. See Routes from Indianapo- lis, la. Also, Routes from Chicago, lU. From CINCINNATI TO Place From Chi- INDIANAPOLIS, lA., to Cin- cago. a. CHICAGO,. ILL. naU. Ohio <6 Mississippi R. 308 OINOINNATI to... 294 North Bend, Ohio.... 14 14 288 Lawrenceburg, la Indianapolis t£ Cin- cinnati R. R. 6 20 243 Greensburg, la 45 65 231 Middletown 12 8 77 228 ShelbyTille «... 86 210 Farmery ille 18 98 198 INDIANAF0LI8... 12 110 170 100 134 127 110 86 60 From Cbi- C*|0. La Fa dian Lebnno Thornt LAF- New A h Battle Reyno] Madeii Nori R. OHIO "ci CI . ( N.B. See Utfla. Also, Ron fWtk Clli- ago. 437 345 304 295 285 2T7 268 257 255 253 248 244 243 238 234 231 227 217 198 CINCI DIAN CA6Q &_1EI Via\ OIN< Madi jef; M Sellei Hem Vien Appl Fam Seyn Roch Jone Bam Way Colu Irwi Tayl Edin Frat INI Chi- cag*. I C( Dli CINCINNATI TO CHICAGO. 189^ 88 94 100 105 112 118 128 138 166 176 181 202 209 226 250 286 336 From Ciu. cin- From nia- cln> niU. 14 20 65 77 85 98 110 170 liiO 134 127 110 86 50 From MfO. La Fayette and In- dianapolis R, R. Lebanon, la Thorntown LA FAYETTE New Albany and Sa- lem R. R. Battle Qrouad Reynolds Madeiraville \ North'n Indiana \ ) R. R. Junction j OHIOAGO CHICAGO TO CINCINNATI. {Read up.) 28 10 26 7 17 24 86 60 Place to Place. 138 148 174 181 198 222 258 From Cin- cin. nati. N. B. See Routes from Indianapo- lis, la. Also, Routes from Chicago, HI. Clli- MfO. 437 345 304 295 285 217 268 267 255 253 248 244 243 238 234 231 227 217 198 CINCINNATI TO IN- DIANAPOLIS & CHI CAGO VIA OHIO RIV. & )EFFERSONVILLE. Via Vie Ohio River. OINOINNATI to.. Madison, la JEFFERSONV'E.. JeffersonviUe R. R. Selfersburg, la Henry viUe Vienna Applegate's Farmington Seymour Rockford Jonesville Bannerville Waynesville Columbus Irwin's Taylorsville Edinburg Franklin INDIANAPOLIS... lOHIOAGO. ) ^ (See previous ( Route.) Place to Place. From Cin- cin- nati. From Chi- CHICAGO TO IN- DIANAPOLIS AND CINCINNATI. {Read up.) 92 41 9 10 8 9 11 2 2 6 4 1 6 4 3 4 10 19 198 Plaee to Plwa. 92 133 142 152 160 169 180 182 184 189 193 194 199 203 206 210 220 239 437 From Gin- oin- N. B. See Routes from Indianapo- lis, la. Also, Routes from Chicago, lU. From Chi- eago. 464 448 442 4.37 394 384 372 332 331 328 318 309 306 293 283 277 272 263 257 250 242 226 211 200 190 170 160 155 161 142 136 118 94 62 68 60 38 20 10 From Chi- a«(o. CINCINNATI TO CHI CAGO VIA NEW AL BANY & SALEM R. Via the Ohio River. CINCINNATI to... North Bend, Ohio.... Lawrenoeburg, la.... Aurora Vevay, la Kentucky River Madison, la JeffersonviUe, la LOUISVILLF, Ky NEWALBANY,Ia New Albany and Sa- lem R. R. Bennettsville, la Providence Pekin Salem Campbellsburg Lancaster Orleans Juliet BEDFORD Smithville Bloomington GOSFORT Cloverdaie GREEN CASTLE Bainbridge ORAWFORDSV'E Linden ,.. Corwin Raub's... LA FAYETTE Battle Ground Reynold's Madeirarille Westville I North'n Indiana ) f R. R. Junction S MIOHIG'N CITY. Michigan Central R. Porter's Gibson's Junction CHICAGO , CHICAGO TO CINCINNATI. 8 12 18 10 10 Place to Place. rrnra Cin- cin- nati. 16 16 6 22 6 27 43 70 10 80 12 92 40 132 1 133 8 136 10 146 9 155 4 159 12 171 10 181 6 187 6 192 9 201 6 207 7 214 8 222 17 239 14 263 11 264 10 274 20 294 10 304 6 309 4 313 9 322 7 829 17 345 24 370 32 402 406 414 420 444 464 464 Place to naee. From, Cia. otntl. 140 CINCINNATI TO INDIANAPOLIS. N.B. See BouUa from Chicago, JU. y From St. Louii. 381 271 262 257 254 250 246 244 242 238 232 227 223 214 210 208 198 194 179 170 165 161 152 141 115 102 93 72 62 63 43 25 I From Bt Iioaia, CINCINNATI TO ST. LOUIS VIA LAW- RENCEBURG AND INDIANAPOLIS. 'I OINOINNATI to... {Indianapolis, via Oreeneburg, Ta, (See page 138.) Ttrrt Haute d Rich- mond R. R. Bridgeport, la.. Plainfield Cartersburg Claysville Morrisville Crittenden CoatSTille Fillmore Green Castle HameTick's Reel's Mill Brazil Highland Cloverdale .^ TERRE HAUTE.. Terre Haute and Alton R. R, St. Mary's, 111 Paris Grandview Midway Ashmore's Charleston ( Chicago Branch / R. R. Junction Shelbyville j Illinois Oentral I } R. R. Junction i Audubon Hillsboro' Litchfield Gillespie BUNKER HILL.. ALTON Steamboat via Missia- sippi Rtver. ST. LOUIS ST. LOUIS TO CINCINNATI. {Read up.) Place to Place. 40 9 6 3 4 4 2 2 4 6 5 4 9 4 2 10 4 15 9 6 4 9 11 26 13 9 21 10 9 10 18 25 Place to Place From Cin- ciii- uati. no 119 124 127 131 135 137 139 143 149 154 158 167 171 173 183 187 202 211 216 220 229 240 266 279 288 309 319 328 338 356 381 N.B. Passengers, on arriving at the intersection of the Chicago Br. R. R., 130 miles west from Indian- apolis, may pass on to the Ohio and Mississippi R.R. via the Chicago Branch, thence to St. Louis via the Ohio and Mississippi R. R. A divergence can also be made Arom the Route, on arriving at the intersection of the Illinois Central R.R. (main lin?)) 279 miles from Cincinnati, and passing over that line via Yandalisi, IlL, to its junc- tion 'with the Ohio and Mississippi R. R.; thence to St. Louis. From St. Iiouia. From Cin- eln'tl. I -_ 81 .0 68 62 69 CINCINNATI TO ST' LOUIS VIA OHIO &. MISSISSIPPI R.R. Place to Place. * Ohio and Missii- ' sippi R. K. OINOINNATI to... Sylvania Anderson's... Delhi North Bend LAWRENOEB'a.. I Junct'n Indiana > \ andCin. R.K..J Aurora Dillsboro' Milan Pierceville Delaware Osgood Holton' Butlerville Yernon „ Hardenberi SEYMO Brownstown Wood's Ferry...., Orleans Columbiaville Mount Pleasant. Washington , Yincennes Lawrenceville, 111.... Richland Maysville Cato SALEM ( Chicago Branch i t R.R. Junctions Sandoyal From Cia. cInU 2 5 9 14 20 21 24 32 41 44 46 51 67 66 72 78 87 From Naih- TiUe. 641 583 671 631 580 62T 465 421 884 827 281 870 CINCINNATI TO NASHVILLE.' 141 hiving at ^tcago Br. |m Indian. Ohio and te Chicago lis via the nacr to Place. Fran Cln. ciau 2 5 9 14 20 21 6 8 45 tl Vf 29 26 22 8 1 froffl St Carlyle BreeRe Aviston Trenton Summerflold , Lebanon CaseyTille Illinoifltown ST. LOUIS ST. LOUIS TO CINCINNATI. (Read up.) 14 8 4 4 4 3 14 7 1 Plecf to Place. FroTi Cin- cia'tl. . 8 24 I . 8 32 1 9 41 1 8 44 1 2 46 1 5 51 1 6 57 1 8 66 1 7 72 1 6 78 I 9 87 1 *This important Boute la uow progressing rapidly towards comple- Hon; it is opiened, as will be ob- wrred by the fore<;oing Route, from Ciacinnati west, about 87 miles, and from St. Louis east, about 68 miles. New links will be opened for travel from time to time, until the whole work shall he completed, at which time it ifiU connect two of the most important and growing cities of the West on nearly an "air line." It will also be the means of populating the yet unoccupied portions of those districts of Indiana and Illinois thro' which its route lies, the soil of which is generally of a good description. From 6t. Louia westw'd, the Missouri Unk of the Pacific R. JR. is in pro- gress of construction to the western line of the State. It is already opened a portion of the distance. fnm Kuh- TiUe. 663 641 683 671 631 627 465 421 884 827 281 870 CINCINNATI TO NASHVILLE. TENN., VIA OHIO ft. CUM- BERLAND RIVERS. Via Ohio River. OINOINNATI to.. Lawrenceville, la.... Kentucky River Madison, la JefFersonville. Louisville, Ky New Albany, la. Fredonia Clbversport, Ky Rockport, la Hendersonville, Ky. Wabash River ShawneetowHt UL.... Place to Place, 22 58 12 40 1 8 62 44 37 57 46 11 From Cio* cin> D«ti. 22 80 92 132 133 136 198 242 279 336 382 803 201 161 131 100 70 65 From Mash- vllle. I Mouth of Gum- ) \ bvrland River, j Cfumbtrland River. Eddyville, Ky Canton Dover Palmyra Clarksville, Tenn NASHVILLE TO CINCINNATI. {Read up.) 69 60 20 31 30 16 Pluct to Place. 462 512 532 563 593 608 Fiom Cin- cin. iiati. From Nafihville, Tenn., diverges a line of railroad, extending to Charles- ton, S. C, 601 miles; and also to Sa- vannah, Ga., 585 miles from Nash- ville : both of these places are situ- ated on the Atlantic coast. From Atlanta, Ga., 293 miles trom Nashville, a place on the above Route, diverges a railroad to Mont- gomery, Ala., via West Point. This road forms a link in the southern route of travel between the North and South, extending to N. Orleans. From Lonia TiUe. 1 118 114 66 51 49 42 39 35 29 25 21 17 10 1 From Louis viU«. CINCINNATI TO LOUISVILLE, KY.. VIA SEYMOUR, lA. Place to Place Ohio and Mississip- pi R. R. OINOfilNATI to... North Bend Lawrenceburg, la.... Aurora Vernon SEYMOUR JeffersonviUe R. R. Farmington Langdon's.... Applegate's Austin .■ Vienna Summit Henryville Memphis a Sellersburg JBPPERSONV'E.. Crassing Ohio Rtv. to LOUISVILLE. Ky. LOUISVILLE TO CINCINNATI. (JBeadt^-) 14 6 4 48 15 2 7 3 4 6 4 4 4 7 9 Place to n>oe From Oiu- Cill- nnU. 14 20 24 72 87 89 96 99 103 109 113 117 121 128 187 138 From Cin- ela- 142 CINCINNATI TO LOUISVILLE. From Oinelnnatl. I I CINCINNATI TO LOUISVILLE, KY., via Ohio River. (See page 116.) CINCINNATI TO -ST. LOUIS, and intermediate places, via Ohio and Mississippi Kivers. (See page 116.) CINCINNATI TO PITTSBURG, and intermediate places, via the Ohio Kiver. (See page 116.) CINCINNATI TO NEW ORLEANS, ^ia Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. (See page 118.) , 477 1648 From Loui* villc. 192 191 178 174 167 164 154 142 126 111 97 83 68 63 45 41 36 19 From Louii YiUe. CINCINNATI TO LOUISVILLE, KY., VIA LEXINGTON. Crossing Ohio Eiver from OINOINNATI to... Covington, Ky Covington and Lex- ington B, R. Canton. Benton Demossville Butler Falmouth Boyd's Cyuthiana Pgrlg LEXINGTON*".'.!*.*. LouisviUe and Lex- ington X.E. Midway rRANKFORT LouisviUe and Frank- fort R. R. Milam's Pleasureville ...: Emiuenoe Smitbfield La Orange Baird's LOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE TO CINCINNATI. {Read up.) Ptaee Fine*. 13 4 7 3 10 12 16 15 14 14 15 6 10 8 4 5 17 19 Place to Place. From Cln- do- iiatl. 14 •18 25 28 88 60 66 81 95 f09 124 129 139 147 151 156 173 192 From Gin- cId- natl. At Paris, the Maysville and Lex- ington R. R. will intersect. The Lexington <£ Big Sandy R. R. will connect at Lexin^n ; also the Lexington and DanvUh R.R., and the ivcwAvtiUe and Lexington M.R.,l and also the projected road to Knox< ville, Tenn. Fttnn Hlllc boro'. 70 47 31 27 20 4 From HiUc boro*. CINCINNATI TO HILLSBORO', OHIO. HiUsboro* and Cin- cinnati R. R. OINOINNATI to... Loveland's, Ohio Blanchester Westboro* . Lynchburg Hoagland'fl HILLSBORO' ••••• •«•••••• HILLSBORO' TO CINCINNATI. (Read up.) Placr to Placv. 23 16 4 7 16 4 P)ar4> to Place From Ciit • olnU 2.3 39 43 50 60 70 From Ciu- CiQ. nati. The Cincinnati, HiUsboro^and Bel- pre R, R. is in progress of oonstruo tion eastward from Hillsboro', Ohio, to Jaok8on,where it will connect with the Route to Belpre, Ohio, and Mar rietta. At Parkereburg, Va., on tho opposite bank of the Ohio River from Belpre, the Virginia North-western R.R. (now building) will unite. This road joins the BaUiinion-e and Ohio R. R. at Tygart's Valley River, forming, in connection with that road, the direct route to Baltimore, Maryland. At Marietta, Ohio, the Marietta d Wheeling R.R. will connect. This read will run nearly parallel with the west bank of the Ohio River to Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling, from which place extends the Hempjidd R. R., uniting with the Pennsylva- nia R. R. at Greensburg) Pa., lead* ing to Philadelphia. From Co lee Route f Prom Coi but, See, p Prom Co prom Co OiiTER, 38 CO S dvfky •115 92 77 59 47 36 33 27 16 Cleve and ( COL Dela Card 6ali< Shell Man « Peril New Cent Mon SAl From Haa- SAN LUM Orfton Central C by the <S ark R.2 miles. ROUTES FROM COLUMBUS, 0. 143 ROUTES FROM COLUMBUS, OHIO, f and Bel- ' construe- aro', Ohio, meet with > and Map a-> OD tha liver from th-westem ill unite. more and ley River, ith that altimore, Tarietta d ct. This llel with River to ng, from Tempjield innsylvor 'a., lead* From CoLUAfBCs to Cinchtnati, also to Zanesvillb, and WhbbumO( lee Route from Wheeling to Columtms and Cincinnati, page 134. From Columbus to Clbvelamd, see Route from Cleveland to Colum bui, &c., page 184. From Columbus to Pittsbdro, see pa^es 125 & 126. From Columbus to Gallipolis, 110 miles. From Coloxbos to Lam- OAfTER, 38 miles. , VrOBI Itaa- •I15 92 77 59 47 36 33 27 16 tnm 4Mky COLUMBUS TO SANDUSKY. Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati R.R. OOLUMBUS to. . . Delaware Cardington Gallon .« Shelby Mansfield and San' dusky R. R. Paris New Haven CentrevJIle Monroeville to...... SANDUSKY SANDUSKY TO CO LUMBUS.(/i«arf«P) Place to Plac«. 23 15 18 12 11 3 6 11 16 Plae* to PlMW. Fron Co- lum- bna. 23 38 56 68 79 82 88 99 115 From Co- bw. Or flrom Columbus to Newark, via Central Ohio R.R^ 88 miles; thence by the &mdmky, Mansfield <£ NeW' ark R.E.f 116 miles. Total, 149 XDiles. From Porta- mo'th. 90 73 64 44 28 34 11 From Pnrta- mo'th. From Maya- TiUa. 121 75 57 41 18 COLUMBUS TO PORTSMOUTH. By Stag's from COLUMBUS to. S. Bloomtteld Circleville Chillicotbb ..... Waverly Piketon Lucasville to PORTSMOUTH PORTSMOUTH TO COLUMBUS. (Read up.) Plac* From to Col'm* Place, baa. 20 16 4 13 H 17 36 46 62 66< 79 90 Flao«! F-om to |Ojl'm* Place, oua. COLUMBUS TO MAYSVILLE, KY. Fpom Mayi- Tille. By Stage from OOLUMBUS to. Chilli'the (as above) Bainbridge Sinking Spring. ... West Union to.... MAYSVILLE..-.. MAYSVILLE TO CO LUMBUS.(/iM'/«P) Place 10. Place. 46 18 10 23 18 Place to Place. Another Route from Columbus to Cincinnati is by railroad, via London and Xenia, Ohio, to Cincinnati, and thence to Maysville. Ey., via ihe Ohio River. 14t C0LUVIBU8 TO INDIANAPOLIS. From Intl'n- •polii 186 176 174 168 163 158 153 188 135 120 114 84 74 66 60 64 48 42 86 28 23 20 14 9 6 From Iid'n- ■poli* COLUMBUS TO INDIANAPOLIS VIA PIQUA^ Oolumbusj J\qua and Indiana li. R. OOLDiyiBUS to Hiliiard'8, Ohio BroDSon's Pleasant Valley UnlonTille Mllford Woodstock URBANA Westville Fletcher PIQUA Union Jndianapolis d BeUe- fontaine R. R. Winchester, la Farmland Smithland Mancie Torktown -. Chesterfield Anderson Pendleton Alfont FortTille , Oakland Laneville Delzell's INDIANAPOLIS... INDIANAPOLIS TO COLUMBUS. {Read wp.) ritcc to Piter. 10 2 6 6 5 5 15 3 15 6 30 10 8 6 6 6 6 6. 8 6 8 6 5 4 5 From Col'm biM. Flaoe to Plaea. 10 12 18 23 28 88 48 51 66 72 102 112 120 126 132 138 144 150 158 163 166 172 177 181 186 From Col'm bus. At Urbana, connects with the Mad River and Lake Erie R.R,, leading northward to Bellefontaine and Sandusky, Ohio, and southward to Cincinnati, Tia Springfield and Xenia, Ohio. At Piqua, connects with the Route to Dayton, Ohio, and Cincinnati, and also with the Dayton and Michigan M. B^ in progress. Union is title ppint of intersection with the Indianapolis and BellefoA taine R.R, This road unites wit^l the Ohio and Ftnntylvania R.r\ extending to Pittsburg and l>hiit|| delphla. See Rouieafrom Indianapolia. From Ind'n- apolif 176 161 16') 182 108 68 62 33 COLUMBUS TO INDIANAPOLIS VIA DAYTON. Place to Plaea, From Ind'n- apolis JTenia and Oolumr htu R.R. COLUMBUS to W. Jefferson, Ohio... London Springfield and Co- lumbut R, R. Springfield Mad River and Lake Erie R» 22. Dayton Richmond, la Cambridge City Knightstown INDIANAPOLIS... INDIANAPOLIS TO COLUMBUS. {Read up.) 14 11 18 24 40 16 19 83 d'al l\ Place to Place. lorl la 10 in FN I Cefil iKKl From Mari- etta. 126 116 110 105 101 94 86 77 76 71 68 41 21 From Marl, etta. COLUMBUS TO ZANESVULE AND MARIETTA. Central Ohio R.R, OOLUMBUS to Black Lick Petaskalia Summit » Union NEWARK Rockdale. Claypoole Pleasant Yalley Dillon's Falls ZANESVILLS...... By Stage to MoConnellsTille. Waterford MARIETTA MARIETTA TO COLUMBUS. {Read up.) Flaee to Place. 10 6 5 6 7 7 g 2 4 4 26 20 21 Place to Place. ni«l Mil iwr ID U n 40 49 61 65 ' 85 105 p fon I andBeiUfJ Id unites with! tylvania ij.jjl Irg and l>hiia!| iianapolia. VIA Place to Placa. urn- hio!!! iCb- 14 11 • • ••• f«» 18 LIS... 8 TO S. .) 24 40 16 19 Col'* I iMi,r Place lo Place, 61 lor i« 83 IK csril TO o Ptaee to Place. 10 6 5 7 7 2 4 4 26 20 21 ntal C«l>i| H m II 21 »\ 83 40 4i 61 £5 85 105 126 Place I Ffon to |Col>a Place.l Im, ROUTES FROM CLEVELAND, 0. 145 ROUTES FROM CLEVELAND, OHIO. from Cleveland to Pitttburf, see page 125. Fmni OiRVcland to Buffulo, and Detroit, via Lake Erie, lee Route I ftoip Biitfhlo to Detroit and Chicago, jiage 67,08 and 69. From Cleveland to Krie and Buflfalo, and also to Toledo, by R. R. I MS Route nroin Buffalo to Chicago, page 68. Ar tthtr routes^ $etfoU<neiHg pages. from Cla- Mtl. 3S3 MS Ml 935 231 ^ 234 820 SI7 S12 906 199 183 186 174 156 141 118 104 M 83 73 65 58 51 45 37 38 CLEVELAND TO CO LUMBUS AND CIN- CINNATI. CleneVud, Columbus end Cincinnati H.R. CLEVELAND to. Ruckport Berea Olinstead Columbia Eaton Grafton Ln Grange Pittsfleld Wellington Rochester.....' New London Greenwich Salem Shelby Galion Cardington Delaware OOLUMBUS OolumbuM and Xenia R. R. West Jefferson .... London South Charleston . . Adairville ■ Xenia Little Miami R, R. Spring Valley Corwin Oregon Morrow , DeerAeld \ 13 Place to Plac«. 7 5 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 5 6 7 6 7 12 18 15 23 14 10 11 10 8 7 7 6 8 5 Frem Oleva. 7 12 15 18 22 25 29 33 36 41 47 54 60 67 79 97 112 135 149 159 170 180 168 195 202 208 216 221 27 23 Foster's . . . Loveland*s 16 iGeriiiany 14 10 Milford Plainvillc to CINOINNATI... Cln> «la- Mtt. CINCINNATI TC CO- LUMBUS AND CLEVELAND. (Read up.) ,•5 4 7 2 4 10 Flaee 10 Place 226 230 237 939 243 253 ClfT* At Shnlby.tho Cleveland. Colum- bus and Ciiicinr.ati R. R. intersects with the Mansfield and Sandusky. Passengers stopping here, may take the railroad to Newark, and thetica obtain conveyance to the south and south-western parts of Ohio ; or, they may proceed north to San- dusky, and thence to Western Ohio, Indiana, and the North-West. SeS Routes f^oai Cincinuti, p. 131. From Whe*. liuf. 141 133 127 121 115 109 103 93 CLEVELAND, OHICiri- te TO WHEELING, VA. r^ Clevetand and Pitts- burg R. R. CLEVELAND to. Newburg Bedfbrd Macedonia Hudson Earlviile Ravenna Atwater K Froa CI«T*> land. 8 8 6 14 6 20 6 20 6 32 6 38 10 48 m 88 83 78 75 72 71 66 55 44 42 83 16 9 1 CLEVELAND TO WHEELING. From Vnie». Unf. Lima.. Alliance Winchester Moultrie Baynrd Kncliester Hatiover Salineville Yellow Creek WELLSVILLE . . Sfmhoat on Ohio R. STEUBENVILLE Wellsburg, Va Warrenton, O Martinsville, O- •- > WHEELING, Va. WI1EELIN6 TO CLEVELAND- (Read up.) S 5 5 3 3 I 5 11 11 2 19 7 7 8 1 riaee Place. 53 58 63 66 69 70 75 86 97 99 118 125 132 140 141 From Chive- Steamhoata and railroad cars leave Cleveland in every direction. At Alliance a junction is formed with the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, over ^'hich passengers may go to Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, See. From'Wheeling, steambrrats run to Marietta. Portsmouth, Cincin- nati, Louisville. St. Louis, Mem- phis, New Orleans, and all other places on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. From Wheeling, also, passengers may go to places on the Baltimore and Ohio R.R., and Central Ohio K. R., and from Steuben ville to Pittsburg, Pa., and Columbus, Ohio. From Sao* dukkf. 112 105 100 97 94 90 87 83 79 CLEVELAND TO SANDUSKY. Cincinnati, Clevel'd, &■ Columbu.t R. R. OLEVELAND to. Rockport Berea Olmstead Columbia Eaton Grafton La Grange Pittsfield Place From to PlacD. 7 5 3 3 4 3 4 4 Cleve- tond. 7 12 15 18 22 25 29 33 76 71 65 58 52 45 dv'' 33 27 16 From San- duaky. Wellington Rochester New London ■ Greenwich Salem Shelby Maug/.^Sand'yR.R. Paris New Haven '. Centreville Monroeville to. ... SANDUSKY CIT. SANDUSKY TO CLEVELAND. (Read up.) 3 5 6 7 6 7 9 3 6 11 16 Place to Place. 36 41 47 54 GO 67 76 79 85 96 112 From Cler» From Ckve. land. 324 298 292 288 272 263 249 241 234 223 216 211 206 204 198 193 187 178 172 163 157 151 149 145 135 .132 122 118 112 108 103 09 PORTSMOUTH TO CLEVELAND. to ^■•••^•*** ine- ) um- > r. .. ) By Ohio Canal. PORTMOUTH Jasper Waverly Sharonvilln Chillicothb ... Deer Creek Circleville Bloomfield Columbus iLockb'rn (June tion of Colum bus Feeder ( Columbus and < Lancaster road f crossing Waterloo Carroll Havensport Baltimore Millersport (d'ep c't) Hebron Newark Licking Nasport Frazeesburg Dresden Webbsport Stillwell's Locks. . Roscoe i . . Newport Evansburg New-Comers Town Salesbury . Babelana . . Trenton . . . New Caitle Place to Place. 26 6 4 16 9 14 8 7 11 5 5 2 6 5 6 6 9 6 6 2 4 10 3 10 4 6 4 5 4 Frogf Poita monU 26 33 36 52 CI 75 83 90 101 108 113 118 120 126 131 137 146 152 161 167 173 175 179 189 192 202 206 213 216 221 97 93 91 83 80 71 6h 66 62 44 88 85 82 24 21 13 9 Troni bwl- Fiom ZtBU 141 133 127 122 116 101 05 88 82 T7 69 63 59 64 81 Froml Ziueal Title. ♦ Fi Terge CLEVELAND TO ZANESVILLE. f4r *A/>^' • • 3 36 • • • 5 41 • • • 6 47 • « > 7 54 • • • 6 60 7 67 .R • • » 9 76 • • ■ 3 79 • • • 6 85 11 96 IT. 10 112 Place Fnua to UleTDi ' l>lacn. but. TO l-lacT to Port* I PUc«. monA /. ■ : to • • • « S6 26 • • • • 6 33 • • • > 4 36 10 52 9 Gl .••'«» 14 75 8 83 7 90 tic- 1 m- > 11 101 id ) ''I • • • • • • • • • • • • pc't) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • 5 5 2 6 5 6 9 6 9 6 6 2 4 10 3 10 4 6 4 5 4 108 113 118 120 126 131 137 146 152 161 167 173 175 179 189 192 202 206 213 216 23i 83S 97 93 91 83 80 71 65 (2 44 88 85 32 24 2t 13 9 From Olere bwl- New Philadelphia.. Dover JenniDg's Bridge.... Zoar Bolivar. Bethleh(?m MASSILLON Fulton Clinton New Portage AKRON Newberry Old Portage Peninsula Boston Tinker's Creek Mill Greek Aoqued'ct CLEVELAND CLEVELAND TO PORTSMOUTH. (Head up.) mm From ban 141 133 127 122 116 1A7 101 06 88 82 T7 69 63 69 64 81 SO 16 Prom Ziuw villo. CLEVELAND TO ZANESVILLE. 2 4 2 8 3 9 6 I- 9 4 8 6 3 3 8 3 8 4 9 Place to Place, Place to Place. Clevdand and PiUg- hurff R. R. CLEVELAND to... Newburg, Ohio......... Bedford Macedonia...... * Hudson Clewdand, Zanesmlle k Cincinnati R.R. Gnyflhosrn Falls t AKRON New Portage Clinton Bristol X OrrTille Edinburg Fredericksbu^ La Fayette MlLLERSBURa. 9 Coshocton Iloscoe Dresden ZANESVILLE ZANESVILLE TO CLEVELAND. {Read up.) 8 6 6 7 6 6 8 6 4 6 23 1 15 15 227 231 233 241 244 253 259 268 272 280 286 289 292 300 303 311 315 234 From Portn- m'utb From C!«ve land. Place to Place 8 14 19 26 34 40 46 53 59 64 72 78 82 87 110 111 126 141 From Cleve land. *From Hudson, the Route di> Tergea to Wellsville, Ohio, Steubon- ville and Wheeling, via Clevdand tS WelLsville R.R. It will also inter- sect the Clinton Line R. JR., and the Clinton Line Extension R.R., both of which are in progress of con* struction. t At Akron, Ohio, the lYanklin and Warren R.R. will intersect. This new road is being constructed ; it is designed to connect, at Dayton, with the Route to Cincinnati, via Ashland, Mansfield, Gallon and Ur- bana, Ohio. :(At OiTville, connects with the Ohio and Pennsylvania R. R. § At Coshocton, connects with the SteubenviUe and Indiana R. R. N.B. The Cleveland, ZaneswiUe <6 Cincinnati R.R. will connect, at Zanesville, with the Cincinnati, Wil- mington and ZanesvUle R.R., lead- ing to Cincinnati, and with the Omtral Ohio R.R., to Wheeling, Virginia. From Ports- m'uUi 225 90 73 64 44 29 24 11 Frotii PorU- m'uth CLEVELAND TO PORTSMOUTH. Clevdand, Columbus di Cincinnati R.R. [CLEVELAND to... ( Columbus. (See ^ / page 146.) > Stage Route. S. Bloomfield Cirdeville Chillicothe Waverley Piketon Lucasville PORTSMOUTH... PORTSMOUTH TO CLEVELAND. (Read up.) FUcr to Place. 135 17 9 2C 15 5 13 11 Place to Place. 135 152; 161 181 196 201 214 225 From (!l«vc laud. 148 ROUTES FROM INDIANAPOLIS. ROUTES FROM INDIANAPOLIS, lA. Rkmakks.— Indianapolis, the capital of the State of Indiana, is sitnated in the midst of a very fertile region of country, and within a few miles of the geographical centre of the State. The position is a fc': innate one, being directly on the great highway between the States lying east, and thooe (titnated immediately west. Her population which, in the last few years, has risen from 4,000 to 17,000, is still rapidly on the increase. For her pr» «ent prosperity shd is mainly indebted to the numerous lines of railways, with which she is now so amply proTided. Previous to the con-ttr i. <tiou of these lines, her position was one completely inland, and cut r-l'' ;, measuie, from other portions of the country, the old modes of oonr „■■■ being very expensive, as well as slow and tedipus. Theintroduc n railways, however, has marked a new era in the growth and futuift j prosperity of Indianapolis, and the West generally, and through its means it is rising rapidly in the ccale of advancement. At the commence- ment of the year 1855, eigM railroads, equal to a thousand miles, had been completed, connecting the capital of Indiana witb distant parts; (iz| others, comprising 700 miles, were under contract, And approaching com- pletion; and two roads, of 700 miles in length, had been surveyed, and| companies formed to construct them. On the north-west Indianapolis is united with Lake Michigan and Chi* cago, and through these with all the railroads of the States of Michigan,! Illinois, and Wisconsin; and will be with \he States and Territories monl distant, as soon as railroads shall be constructed in them. Lines also ex-[ tend to the Mississippi River, at Alton and St. Louis, and from the latter! platib will ultimately reach the Pacific. The Ohio River, which forms the I southern boundary of Indiana, is connected with the interior by Beverall linos, ready there to unite with other lines in the State of Kentucky,! which will give her access to all the Southern States, and the Gulf of Mexico, I Several lines connect with Cincinnati, the metropolis of the West, and! on the east with Wheeling, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Nevj York, and on the north-east with Cleveland, Buffalo, Albany and Boston. From Indianapolli. INDIANAPOLIS TO PITTSBURG, via Crestline. (f?ce page 128)., INDIANAPOLIS TO PITTSBURG, Tia Columbus and SteubenviUe. (See page l24.) INDIANAPOLIS TO PITTSBURG, via Dayton and SteubenvUle. (See page 1-24.) INDIANAPOLIS TO WHEELING, via Piqua and Columbus. (See page 128.) 374 j 377 335 INDIANAPOLIS TO CINCINNATI, via Union. (See page 137.) .^ M INDIANAPOLIS TO CINCINNATI, via Eaton. (See page 187.).. J 137 INDIANAPOLIS TO CINCINNATI. 1#9 chigian and Ghi< tea of Michigan, I Territories mon| . Lined also ex-, 1 from the latter! vhich forms the I terior by several I ie of Kentucky,! ) Oulf of Mexico.1 r the West, and I limore and New I ay and JBoston. Mile*. 392 374 377 835 191 137 128). wuTille. lie. (See 8. (See J7.) ./«>•••••• itom Ciu- tin- Btti. m 172 VIS 158 153 148 144 187 130 123 120 116 114 111 106 94 92 From Ciu- Mli. INDIANAPOIIS TO CINCINNATI VIA OHIO & MADISON RIVERS. Madison and In- dianapolis R.R. IND'NAFOLIS to. Southport Greenwood Franklin Amity * Edinburg Taylorsville f Columbus Elizabethtown Scipio QueensTille f'North Vernon^ Yemon Butler's Dupont North Madison MADISON Ohio River to omonnrATi CINCINNATI TO INDIANAPOLIS. (Head up.) Ptaoe to Place. From lud'n- apolis 7 4 10 6 6 4 7 7 '7 8 4 2 8 5 12 2 92 Place to Place. 7 11 21 26 31 35 42 49 66 69 63 66 68 73 85 87 179 From Ind'n- aUoIia *From this point diverges the ShdbyvUU Lateral Branch R.R., running to ShelbyviUe, 16 miles, at which place it connects with the RushviUe Lateral Branch R.R., run- ning to Rushvillc, a distance of 20 miles. At Shelbyville, also, the Knightttmon and ShelbyvUle R. R. unites with the preceding ones: it runs to Knightstown, 27 miles. The Martinsville R.R. connects with the Madison and Indianapolis R.R. about throe miles north of Edinburg, and runs thence to Mar- tinsville, a distance of 29 miles. t Columbus is the place of inter- section for the JeffersnnvUle and Co- lumbus R.R., extending from Jef- fertiotiv'le, on the Ohio, to Columbus. The (Humbus, Nashville and Bhomington R.R. is also designed to connect with the Madison and Indianapolis R. R., at Columbus; it extends westward team the latter 18* place, through Nashville, to Bloom- ington, a distance of about 40 miles. (Steamboats leave Madison for Louis- ville, Ky., and Cincinnati, daily. X The Ohio and Mississippi R. R. intersects here. Passengers can take this Kouto to Cincinnati, Ohio, and on the completion of the itouto, westward to St. Louis. See Routes from Cincinnati, p. 131, and following pages. From Gin- oin- nati. 110 98 85 77 65 20 14 From Cin- ein'ti INDIANAPOLIS TO CINCINNATI VIA GREENSBURG, lA. Indianapolis <£ Cin- cinnati R. R. IND'NAFOLIS to., Farmersville, la. Shelbyville Middletown Greensburg Lawrenceburg Ohio (& Mis^sippi RR. North Bend, Ohio.... OmOIMSlATI CINCINNATI TO INDIANAPOLIS. Flare to Place 12 13 8 12 45 6 14 Place to Place From Cin- cin- nali. 145 116 111 104 98 89 87 72 68 61 44 83 25 21 14 From Ciii- cln'ti. INDIANAPOLIS TO CINCINNATI VIA SEYMOUR, lA. Jeifersomnlle R. R. IND'NAFOLIS to. Bdinburg, la Taylorsville Columbus Bannerville Ro<:kford Seymour Ohio dMi^sippiR.R. Vernon llolton Osgood Pierceville .... imisboro' Aurora Lawrenceburg North Bcr.d CINCINNATI CINCINNATI TO INDIANAPOLIS. Place to Place. 30 4 7 6 9 2 15 14 7 7 11 8 4 7 14 Ti; lacr lo Place. From Ind'n- apolia 12 25 33 45 90 96 119 From Ind'a- apolia From iBd'n- apolls 30 34 41 47 66 68 73 87 04 101 112 120 124 \n 145 From Ind'n- apollB 150 From Cin- cin- nati. 239 220 210 206 203 199 194 193 189 184 182 180 169 leo 152 142 153 INDIANAPOLIS TO CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS TO CINCINNATI VIA JEFFEflS ONVILLE. Jcffergonville R.R. IND'NAPOLXS to Franklin, la Edinburg Taylorsville Irwin's Columbus VYaynesville Bannenrille JonesTille Rockford * Seymour Farmington Applegate's Vienna Henryville Sellersburg JEPFERSONV'B. Ohio River to Madison OINOINNATI CINCINNATI TO INDIANAPOLIS. Place to Place. 19 10 4 3 4 5 1 4 6 2 2 11 9 8 10 9 41 92 riacf to Place From Intl'n- apolis 2 19 29 33 86 40 45 46 50 55 57 59 70 79 87 97 106 147 239 From Intl'n- apolia * The Ohio and Mississippi R. R. intersects here, leading eastward to Cincinnati) and westward to St. Louis. From 8t. Louis. lUinoiRtown., ST. LOUIS.. ST. LOUIS TO INDIANAPOLIS. From St. Lonia, INDIANAPOLIS TO ST. LOUIS. (Route in proaress.) IND'NAPOLIS to.. I Terre Haute. "^ < (See following > ( Route.) 3 * Mississippi tEAUan- tic R.R. Marshall, 111 Martinfiville , Qreenup , Woodbury , Ewingtou , Freemantown Howards Cumborland VANDALIA OreenviUe Hickory Grove Troy Place to rinr«. 73 From Ind'n- apoli* 73 Place ( From to jlndV VXavK. I apolii * The Mississippi and Atlantic R.R. is in process of construction; it will run to St. Louis via Vandalia, forming an " air line." From 8t Louis. 271 262 257 254 252 250 246 244 242 2.38 232 227 223 214 210 208 198 194 179 170 165 162 141 116 102 P3 72 62 43 25 INDIANAPOLIS TO ST. LOUIS VIA TERRE HAUTE AND ALTON. Place to Plaoe, From Kt. Louiii. Terre Haute rf Rich- mond R. R. IND'NAPOLIS to. Bridgeport Plainfield Cartersburg North Belleville Claysville Morrisville Crittenden , Coatsville, Fillmore * Green Castle Hamerick's Reel's Mills Braaiil Highland Cloverdale t TERRE HAUTE Terre Haute and Al- ton R.R. St. Mary's Paris Grandview Midway Charleston I {Chicago Branch ) ( R. R. Junction ) Shelbyville. I i Illinois Central I I 11. R. Junction ( Audubon , IIill8boro' Litchfield Riink«r Hill ALTON Mississippi River. ST. LOUIS 9 5 3 2 2 4 2 2 4 6 6 4 9 4 2 10 From Ind'o. apoUi 9 14 17 19 21 25 27 29 44 48 67 61 63 73 ST. LOUIS TO INDIANAPOLIS. 4 15 9 5 13 11 26 13 9 21 10 19 18 25 Place to ritice., 77 02 101 106 119 130 156 169 178 199 209 228 246 271 Fma (mPa. Vmn Bt Unis. INI T if IN 121 ( 116 100 90 70 Ev 63 60 47 38 SO 26 23 9 1 from ft. J^nis. «^/^/^ArfWWV% • Place I From to Ind'a- Place.l apolii rid Atlantic instruction; ia Yandalia, I PI«ce to to. JTB iAU ioa tral{ Aon \ liver. TO US. From Ind'iH BpoUl 9 5 3 2 2 4 2 2 4 6 5 4 9 4 2 10 9 14 17 19 21 25 27 29 33 39 44 4S 67 61 63 73 13 9 21 10 19 18 25 IMDIMIAP0U8 TO STJJWMS;^ 5 La Fayette, P««^«^* FtWayne, 1 ViMCl to iPtace. m tnd'n< apoll* 113 110 \ ).. 168 168 156 169 178 199 209 228 246 271 Plncel From to Unil'B ^ and Toledo, OWO. ., . x^^ Jm here. Passengers can TOJwn tbrougU the entire »taw branches north and 8°^**^^,^^ and Ga- ~°"'^\^"'^inTei?ecS SiS all th( &.ru-Srfrome 5rllND'NAPOLlSto..| From and Miss. R-R (See previous Bo«*?) M 8 I 171 Salem, IJlvVW'p Jttinoi* Centr<a M. «. ^^^ i jg^ 100 JBichview g igd 95 iDuhois ^2 I 198 83 Tamaroa g 207 74 iDuquoin 1 ^g 220 eilDeSoto.... I 6 226 55 ICarhondale g 234 47 IMakanda.. ^2 1 246 35 Joneshoro 25 271 10 Villa Ridge ^q \ 231, OAIBO the! From Cairo, CMRO APOUS TO INQIAN-J'lrliX Fwm 1 Bt I«ai»-i J inuir»i- j„ inn-u- {Read up- )'riace.'apo»« N B Trom Cairo to places on the Mit>8ls8ipplRWer: .^^g. Ckiiro 4 77 1 15 02 ■ 9 101 ■ 5 106 ■ 13 119 ■ 11 130 1 121 115 100 90 70 63 116 131 141 161 1681 171 184 193 201 205 208 222 'J30 1 231 From I Evansl ville. / Chicago Branch 1 ■ « . \ lUl.Junction.t jiio I 110| Catr { (See previous I ( Route.) •••" ' Chicago Br. oflU" CeniralR'^- \ g Evlngton, 111- - ! jg Edgewood jQ Farina 1 20 ('junisti'on of Ohio 1 7 1 and Miss. R.R. 3 Sandoval 1 ^3 Carlyle 9 Breese ' 1 g Trenton....-" I 4 Summerfiela I g Lebanon I ^^ Caeeyvillo g lUlnoistown-........"-! Crnss'g Mtsstsstppt to ST. LOUIS Oiiro to Natchez, ifm., <*• " Cairo to iv. Oruans, ^»"i I Plawl From U> lltid'n- IVlace-laP""" ST. 10U»8 TO inoUnapous, Place From iVi li«l"n Ipiace.'apol'* 183 174 169 160 164 162 158 156 154 150 144 139 185 126 122 120 110 INDIANAPOLIS TO EVANSVIUE. Terre Haute <£Rich-\ mond R-^' , IND'WAPOLlSto. Bridgeport, la , Plainfield « Carter8burg.... „ North BellevUle • ^ Claysville... Morrisville. Crittenden.. Coatsville- Fillmore.... ^ Green Castle g Hamerick's . BeeVs Mills J Brazil-— • 4 Highland ^ CloveTdale^.-.-"U^" ^^^ 4 2 2 4 6 9 14 17 19 21 25 2T 29 33 89 44 48 a €3 73 INDIANAPOLIS TO EVANSVIUE. Terre Haute <i Evans viOe S.R. Salliyan , Carlisle VINOENNES Princeton La Oranfte EVANSVILLE..;... EVANSVIUE TO INDIANAPOLIS. (Eeadup.) 25 10 21 25 8 21 PIOM to PUe*. 98 108 129 154 1«2 183 From lod'n- •poUa N.B. EvimRTille, la, is situated on the Mississippi Riyer. Steam- boats running between Cincinnati and St. Louis and New Orleans, stop bere to reoeiye passengers. From Evaiu TlUe. 179 106 81 71 60 61 87 27 20 From Kvaiu ViUe. INDIANAPOLIS TO VINCENNES AND EVANSVILLE VIA TERRE HAUTE. { Terre HatUe <£ Etch- motiu Ji, Jc. IND'NAPOLIS to.. Terre Haute. ) (See previous > Route.) j MvansvUU and Oravo- fordsvUle R.R. Sullivan, la Carlisle Emerson's VINOENNES Robb's Princeton LaGranire EVANSVILLE... EVANSVILLE TO (INDIANAPOLIS. {Read up.) riare to Placfl. 73 From Ind'n- apolii 73 25 98 10 108 11 119 128 14 142 10 152 7 159 20 179 Pl<ite From to IiMl'n- PUW!«. apoUi ' N.B. Steamboats stop at Evans* ▼ille, which is situated on the Ohfo River. Passengers, therefore, can reach anv of the towns on the Ohio or MissWippi Rivers team th|8 place. From To- lado. 199 177 169 165 164 151 145 139 135 12€w 111 105 91 75 66 67 48 40 32 26 9 Prom To- ledo. INDIANAPOLIS TO FORT WAYNE, lA., AND TOLEDO, 0., VIA PERU. Indianapolii UTid Pe,ru R. R. IND'NAPOLIS to.. NoblesviUe, la Arcadia Buena Tista Sharpsville Fairfield ^ Kokomo Cassville Miamitown •PERU Wab(uh dSErie Canal Manhattan Lagroville Huntingdon FORT WATNE.. I Miami Canal ( ( Junction S Defiance Florida Napoleon Damascus Proridence Maumee City ■ t TOLEDO TOLEDO TO INDIAN APOLIS. (Read up.) Pteee to Place. 22 8 4 11 3 6 6 4 9 15 6 14 16 9 9 9 8 8 6 17 9 Pho- to Place. FfOIQ IndV ■poll* 84 45 48 54 60 64 94 108 124 133 142 161 159 167 173 190 199 From Ind'n. ■polii * Peru is situated on the Wabash and Erie Canal. Passengers here can reach Logansport, 18 miles, via canal. The Indianapolis and Peru R. R. will be extended northward, connecting with the SotUhem Michi- gan R.R. via Ooshen, and by the Chicago Short Line R. R, with Chi- cago, 111. f At Toledo, connects with the Routes to Cleveland and the Eastern cities, and westward with the Route to Chicago, and with Detroit, Mich., by steaiQbo^t yia Lake Erie. rmm IF u .Li Mm. X( 1 64 IN 64 Av 48 Zi< 42 W 40 H< 36 L 31 H 26 Tl 21 M INDIANAPOLIS TO LA FAYETTE. 168 i2 Place to nace. 22 8 4 11 3 6 6 4 9 fnn rmt u Ind'a. nj- *i>oU« *M 92 84 22 82 80 80 84 T8 15 6 14 16 9 9 8 8 6 17 9 45 48 fi4 60 64 78 Plan- to Place. 94 108 124 133 142 161 159 167 173 190 199 Fran Ind'a. apolii be Wabash igerfl here ' miles, via and Peru or th ward, em Michi' ad by the with Chi- wlth the le Eastern the Route oit, Mich., le. 88 18 48 88 28 18 IS 9 mm u itte. INDIAr'APO' " LA (••■ ITlc ^ CRAV»,RDSV. .. Ttrre Haute d Rich- mond R.R. IND'NAFOLIS to. Wood's MUls, la Cloverland Highlaad Brazil... Reel's Mill Hamerick's * Qreen Castle N. Albany d Salem B. Balnbridge Ladoga ORAWfURDSV'E Linden Corwia.... ...., Raub'p, la t LA rAYETTE... Place to Plarec LA FAYETTE TO INDIANAPOLIS. {Read up.) 8 2 2 4 9 4 5 10 10 10 10 5 4 9 Place to Place. From lnd'n> apoUa 8 10 12 16 25 29 34 44 M 64 74 79 83 92 From Ind'n- apolia * Railroad Route continued to Torre Haute, la., and via the Mis- listippi and Terra Haute R.R. to Alton, 111. fFrom La Fayette the Route is continued to Michigan City, con- necting with the Route to Chicago, also with the Michigan /Southern aud Michigan Central R. R's. Connects, tlso, at La Tayette, with the Wabasfi and Urie Canat. Ftom U Pay 64 64 48 42 40 86 81 26 21 16 INDIANAPOLIS TO .LA FAYETTE VIA LEBANON. La Fayette, and In- dianapnliit R. R. IND'NAFOLIS to Augusta, la Zionsville Whitestown Holmes .' LEBANON Hazelrigg Thorntdwn Midway ClarksTlUe Place to Place. 10 6 6 2 4 5 5 6 5 Prom lad'ii- apolia 10 16 22 24 28 33 38 43 48 12 8 From La Fay- ette. Baker's Culver's .' . ""AYETTB, LA FAYETTE TO* INDIANAPOLIS. (Read, up.) 4 4 8 52 66 64 Place From to Ind'n- Place. apoUa N.B. The Railroad Route is con- tinued from La Fayette to Chicago, and Lake Michigan, and by the Michigan Southern and Michigan Central R. R's., with Detroit, Cleve- land, and the Eastern Routes. From Bpr'i- tteM. 318 72 67 60 45 38 30 26 15 9 2 From 8|ir'«- field. INDIANAPOLIS TO SPRINGFIELD, ILL., VIA ALTON. Terre Haute <£ Rich mnnd R.R. IND'NAFOLIS to. ^ Alton, in. (See 1 Route, Ind'polis 1 to St. Louis via ( Alton, p. 150.).. Chicago and Missis- sippi R. R. Monticello, 111 Brighton Macoupin Carliaville Prairie Station Girard Auburn Chatham \ Gt. Western R. R. \ \ Junction J SFEINaFIELD.... SPRINGFIELD TO INDIANAPOLIS. Place to Place. 246 6 7 15 7 8 4 11 6 7 Place to Place. From Ind'n. apolia 246 251 258 273 280 288 292 303 309 316 318 From Ind'n- apolia N. B. l^ge lines connect at the va* rious stations betw'n Ind'napolis and Alton. At Hillsboro*, on the Mis- sissippi d Terre Haute R. JB., a line connects with the Chicago <£ Missis- sippi R.R., at Carlinsvillo. The Chicago and Mississippi R. R. is continued from Sprin}rficld to Chicago, intersecting, at Blooming- ton, 111., the Illinois Central R.R.^ extending through the State from north to south, and connecting with all the railroads of Illinois. 164 ROUTES FROM LOUISVILLE. Vrom field. 216 208 202 187 .169 159 152 140 123 101 90 76 63 INDIANAPOLIS TO SPRINGFIELD, ILL., VIA COVINGTON, lA. Stage R(nUe. IND'NAPOLIS to.. Clermont, la. Brownsburg Jamestown CrawfordsTille.... Waynetown Hillsboro' COVINGTON... Danville, 111 Homer Urbana North Bend Monticello FIRM From to Illd'O- Plwe ■polii 8 8 6 14 15 29 18 47 10 57 7 64 12 76 17 93 22 116 11 126 14 140 13 153 89 27 17 14 11 7 Frnm 8pr'g> flaU. Decatur Great Western R. B. Long Point Zanesville , Mechanicsburg Dawson's JameRtown SFRINariELD.... SPRINGFIELD TO INDIANAPOLIS. {Bead up.) 24 12 10 8 8 4 7 Place to riao«, 177 1S9 199 202 205 209 216 Fmn Ind'if apollt From Springfield, the Ot. Weitem B. B. is continued to Naples, 111., via Jacksonvillo. This road is in pro< gresa to the Mississippi River. LOUISVi: • Ciucinnat Wheeling. BALTIMi ROUTES FROM LOUISVILLE. KY. From LoiiisTille. LOUISVILLE TO CINCINNATI, OHIO, via Ohio River ^ LOUISVILLE TO WHEELINiS, V A., Tia Ohio River LOUISVILLE TO PITTSBURG, PA., via Ohio River ; LOUISVILLE TO ST. LOUIS, MO., via Ohio River LO UISVILLE TO MEMPHIS, TENN., via Ohio River LOUISVILLE TO NEW ORLEANS, via Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. LOUISVILLE TO BALTIMORE, via Ohio River, Wheeling, and the Baltimore and Ohio R. U LOUISVILLE TO CHICAGO, via New Albany and Salem R.R. (See Pat,'e84.) LOUISVILLE TO CHICAGO, via Indianapolis. (See page 84.) LOUISVILLfTO MADISON, lA., via Ohio River Mllei. 133 516 610 663 634 1415 896 345 321 ROUTES FROM LOUISVILLE. ' 165 24 177 12 189 10 199 8 202 3 205 4 209 7 216 — — Place From to Ind'n. Place. apollt Louisville to lialtimorey hy Railroad. Ot. Western es, Ill.,T4a ia in pro* iver. Mile*. !•••• 133 >•••• 516 • ••• 610 — .... 563 • ••• 634 irs. 1415 896 ice • •• 345 • •• 321 • •• 41 LOUISVILLE to *Ciucinnati, via JefTerROUTillo and Seymour, la.... Wheeling. Va., via Circleville and Zanesville, Ohio. BALTIMORE, via Baltimore and Oliio R. U - — . ■ LouisviUe to Baltimore, via Ohio and Pennsylvania i?. M. LODISVILLB to dodnnati, via J«ffersonvilIe and Seymour, la. Columbus, Ohio Mttsburg, via Crestline, Ohio IlarriNburp:, Pa, via PennsylTania B.R BALTIMORE, via Yorlt, Pa LouisviUe to PhUaddphia, via Ohio River. LOUISVILLE to PittHburj?, via Ohio River PHILADELPHIA, via Pennsylvania R. R. LoiusvUie to PhUaddphiay hy Railroad. LOUISVILLE to Cincinnaf via Jeffersonville and Seymour, la. PittAburfT, via Columbus and Crestline, Ohio...., PHILADELPHIA, via Pennsylvanila R.R.... LouisviUe to New York, via Philadelphia. LOUISVILLE to Philadelphia, by Railroad. (See preceding Route.). NEW YORK Louisville to New York, via Cleveland and Dunkirk. LOUISVILLE to Cincinnati, via Jeffersonville and Seymour^ la.. Cleveland, Ohio, via Columbus Dunkirk, N.Y., via Erie, Pa NEW YORK, via N. Y .and Erie R. R LouisviUe to New York, via Buffalo and Albany. LOUISVILLE to Dunkirk. (See preceding Route.}. Buflfalo, N.Y Albany, NY NEW YORK rinrn to Place. 109 249 380 109 185 182 247 83 Milca. 510 353 109 367 353 829 87 109 255 142 460 506 41 298 145 109 358 738 109 204 476 723 806 610 963 109 476 829 829 916 109 304 506 966 506 547 845 090 • Or, from Louisville to Cincinnati via Lexington and Covington, Ky., 191 miles. 166 LOUISVILLE TO LEXINGTON. LouUviUe to BotUm, via Buffalo and Albany, LOUISVILLE to Albany. (See preceding Route.). BOSTON, via Western R. R iMuisviUe to Boston, via Philaddphia and New York. LOUISVILLE to Philadelphia. (See preceding Routes, page 166.). New York BOSTON, via New Hayen, Hartford, &e LouisvilU to Boston, via Indiana, Michigan and Canada. LQXnSVILLB to Michigan City, via Indianapolis and La Fayette, la Detroit, via Michigan Central R. R Niagara Suspension Bridge, via Canada Western R. R. Albany, via N.Y. Central R.R BOSTON, via Western R.R LouisvOle to Harrodtburg Springs, Ky. LOUISVILLE to Frankfort, via Louisville and Frankfort R.R. HARRODSBURG SFRINQS, by stage Plarato riaca. 0^ 845 200 829 87 236 267 228 230 805 200 68 80 Miln. 916 1162 267 496 726 1030 1230 68 98 Vrom Cov iDKt'n 191 174 a61 153 148 144 136 128 123 108 94 81 67 61 66 61 39 LOUISVILLE TO LEXINGTON & COV- INGTON, KY. LouisviUe and Lest- ingtnn R. R. LOUISVILLE to.. Baird's La Orange Smithfield Eminence Pleasureville Bagdad Milhm's FRANKFORT Midway ♦LEXINGTON, Ky OomngUm and LtX' ington R.R. Paris Cyntbiana Garrett's Robinson's Boyd's Falmouth Place From to Louis Place. vllle 17 17 13 30 8 38 6 43 4 47 8 55 8 63 6 68 15 83 14 97 13 110 14 124 6 130 5 135 5 140 12 152 29 23 19 16 13 6 From Cov- ing t'n Butler. Clarkson Benton Canton New Philadelphia.... De CburRey OOVING*rON. COVINGTON TO LOUISVILLE. {Read up.) 10 6 4 3 8 7 6 Place to Place. 162 168 172 176 178 186 191 From Lnuii viUe: N. B. Covington is situated on the Ohio River, directly opposite to Cia- cinnati, Ohio. * Lexington and Danville R.R. connects here. A route has been commenced between Lexington and Nashville, Tenn. Also, one in pro- gress to Maysville^ Ky., and another to Catletsburg. The latter will form a link in the great Route connect- ing w}th Richmond and Norfolk, Virginia. 70 Pal 65 Cla NJ From Huh- TiUe. LOUISVILLE TO NASHVILLE. 167 llarato Tlaca. MilN. 8 178 From Lnuii Place. Tillt lated on the ssite to CiD- ivUle R.R. B has been ington and Jne in pro- nd another •r will form te connect- li Norfolk, <ttk. m Du- fUh. LOUISVILLE TO DANVILLE, KY. LOUISVILLE to.. ( Lexington. (See ) f preced'g Route.) j Lex'gton & Danville It DANVILLE, Ky.... DANVILLE TO LOUISVILLE. {Head up.) to Plan 97 25 Place to Place. Tllir. 627 401 470 465 421 896 884 848 827 281 270 247 841 218 201 161 131 100 70 65 LOUISVILLE, KYm TO NASHVILLE, TENN., VIA OHIO ft CUM- BERLAND RIVERS. Via Ohio River. LOUISVILLE to... New Albany, la Brandenburg, Ky Leavenworth, la Fredonia, la CloTersport, Ky Lewisport, Ky RQokport,Ia Qreen Riyer, Ky BTanflTllle, la. Hendersonville, Ky.. Wabash River, la Shawnedtown, 111 Oavo-in Rock, 111 Elizabeth, 111 Qoloonda,,- la..* I Mouth of Cumber- \ f land River j" Eddyvllle, Ky Canton... Dover...... Palmyrar Clarksville, Tenn..;, NASHVILLE From Sub- Tille. NASHVILLE TO LOUISVILLE. {Read up.) Place to Fiaca. 8 86 21 5 44 25 12 36 9 12 46 11 23 6 23 17 60 20 31 SO 16 65 Place to Place From Leula Till*. 97 122 From From Louie villa. 8 89 60 65 109 184 146 182 191 203 249 260 283 312 329 379 399 480 460 476 530 From Louie ?ille. From Nashville, Tenn., extends a line of Railroads, connecting with Charleston, 8.C., and Savannah, Oa.; from e»eh of these places steamships connect the Routes with New 'rork foid Philadelphia. 14 A Railroad ia now in progreM to unite Louisville, Ky., with Nastk* vilie, Tenn. From Maah- ▼lU.'. 172 161 151 129 108 100 85 77 G3 43 29 20 7 LOOISVILLE TO NASHVILLE, TENN. From Naah- ville. From Co- Inra- bua. 161 147 133 117 97 77 70 60 48 28 8 From Co- lorn- bua. By St'gefrom LOUISVILLE to. Saliiia West Point Elizabethtown . . . . Leesville Muinfordsville Prewett's Knob.... Three Porks Bowling Green... Franklin Muliey's, Tenn.... Tyree Springs Pleasant Hill to... NASHVILLE.... NASHVILLE TO LOUISVILLE. {Read up.) Place to Fluce. From Lout*, vilie. BOWLING GREEN TO COLUMBUS, KY. Bij Staarefrom «B'L'G GREEN to South Union .... Russell viile BIkton HOPKIKSVILLB... Cadiz Canton Aurora.. Wadesboro' Mayfield Milbiirn to OOLUMBUS... COLUMBUS TO BOWLING GREEN. {Read up.) Place to Place. From Bowl> ing Greea 14 14 16 20 20 7 10 12 20 20 8 Place to Place. 14 28 44 64 84 01 101 113 133 153 161 From Bowl ing * From Bowling Green to Louis, ville, see previous route. 168 ROUTES FROM LEXINGTON, KY. ROUTES FROM LEXING- TON, KY. From LxxiNOTON to Cincinnati and LouisviLLB, page 142. From Lexing- ton to Klchiuond, 25 miles. From May* 61 53 4U 38 S4 12 4 From M»)r»' From Maah* ville. soo 1U4 17(5 1(J6 148 130 113 lOU 96 83 71 57 26 16 7 From Maah- Tillo. LEXINGTON TO MAYSVILLE, KY. LEXINGTON to. Moreland Paris Millersburg Lower Blue Lick.. May's Lick Washinirtnn to.... MAYSVILLE.... MAYSVILLE TO LEXINGTON. (Head up.) PUc« to Pl>c«. 8 7 8 14 12 8 4 PlaM to PiBca. From Ux- ln|- tou. 8 15 23 37 49 57 61 From Lex- inc ton. LEXINGTON TO NASHVilLE, TENN. By Sfa/re from LEXINGTON to. Pekin Harrodsbdro Perry ville Lebanon ^. . Campbellsville Greensbtirg Monroe Blue Springs Glasgow Cedar Spring. Scottsville Gallatin Hendersnnville . . . . I'ieasant Hill to. ... NASHVILLE.... NASHVILLE TO LEX- INGTON. (Read up.) PlBca to Place. 12 18 10 18 18 12 12 10 13 12 14 31 10 9 7 Place to Place. From Ing. ton. 12 30 40 58 76 88 100 110 123 135 149 180 190 199 206 From Lex> Inn- ton. From Knox- Tille. 304 192 LEXINGTON TO KNOXVILLE, TENN. Bv Slagr.from LEXINGTON to, NicholasTille Place to Place. 12 From Ux- ing- ton. 12 187 Bryantsville 177 Danville 107 Stamrord 145 |Mt. Vernon 12ii London 113 Lynn Camp 101 fiurboursville 85 Ciiinborland Ford. 70 Cumberland Gap. 58 Tazewell, Tenn.. 53 Sycamore 43 Bean's Station ... . 33 Rutledge 19 Blair's Cross Roads 10 Acadeinia to...., KNOXVILLE.., From KnoX' TillO. KNOXVILLE TO LEX- INGTON. (Read up.) 5 10 10 28 19 13 12 16 15 12 5 10 10 14 9 10 Place to Place. From C'iii- oln'tl. 94 81 67 66 39 29 23 14 1 From Cm- eiu'ti. LEXINGTON TO CINCINNATI. (hv'gton & Lfx^gton li LEXINGTON I'Hria Cynthiana Robinson's Falmouth Butler Clarkson New Philadelphia.... tlovinpton CINCINNATI CINCINNATI TO LEXINGTON. Pilot to Place. 13 14 11 17 10 6 9 13 1 Place to Place. 17 27 37 59 78 91 103 119 m 14(i 151 1()1 171 185 194 204 Froii Ux. loa. Kroti Lrxf. too. ROUTES FROM FRANK- FORT, KY. From Frankfort to Cincinnati, yia Covington and Lexington Jt.R. (See page 142.) From Frankfort to Louisvnii and LEXiNaxoN. (See Route from Louisville to Cincinnati, page 156.) From Frankfort to Harrossbcbo, 80 miles. From Frankfort to Nashviux, via Louisville. To Louisville, 68 miles. LouisYille to Nashville, see page 157. From Frankfort to Soirr8it, Kj*, Tia Harrodsborg, is 92 mUos. Otn- 138 »4 81 07 89 1 rnm Cla- da- wtl. frwi FF Mall- •N. N g^M^ 1 iM) FR- 41 Chrj V New 17 Can] n Bed 1 Mil 80 93 94 mm Madl- From Lex'i. tna. by] ROUTES FROM SPRINGFIELD, III. IM LfiROCSBURO, VIM Obf •hill. 138 SI 07 turn Cli> da- Mil. FRANKFORT, KY., TO CINCINNATI. Lexiriffton <£ Frank' flirt K. R. FRANKFORT to.. Lexlnt;ton> Ky Covington and Lex- ington R. R. Paris Cyntbiana Falmouth CoTinfrton OINOINNATI CINCINNATI TO FRANKFORT. (Read up.) Fi«m Madl- 56 41 S7 17 11 1 FhHn MmU- FRANKFORT TO MADISON, lA. By Stage from FRANKFORT to Chrlfitlausburg New Castle Gam pbvllsburg Bedford Milton MADISON, la MADISON TO FRANKFORT. {Read up.) Place to riae*. 29 18 14 28 88 1 Place to Pine*. Place to Plao^. 15 14 10 6 10 From Fr'nk- fort. 20 42 66 84 122 123 Prom Fr'iik- fort. From Fr'nk fort. 15 29 39 45 Place to Prom Fr'nk- fort. Or flrom Frankfort to Louisville, lijr Railroad, 68 miles ; thence by the Ohio River to Madison, 41 miles; total, 109 miles. ROUTES FROM SPRING- FIELD, ILL. From Sprinopield to Indunapo- U8, via Covington, 216 miles. (See page 154.) From SPMNQPnxD to Indianapo- lis, via Alton and Terre Haute, 318, miles. (See page 153.) From Springfield to Chicago, via Bloomington, 188 miles. (See Houte fh>m Chicago to Springfinldi Alton •Qd St LoiUfl, page 81.) .' 'om .luln- cy. 103 94 87 78 70 58 49 89 29 15 From Unin* oy. From Van- dalia. 102 95 91 88 85 79 75 63 From Van- dalia. From Alton, 72 63 57 42 84 27 SPRINGFIE'O TO QUINCY, ILL. Oreat Western R. R. SPRIN(3-Fi£LD to Schu'^r Berlin Franklin ., Jacksonvill c Mor :?vn Na),is JBtj Stage to tiriggsville Beverly Liberty QUINOT QUINCY TO SPRINGFIELD. {Read up.) nut to Plnuc. 9 I 9 8 1:5 10 10 14 15 Plate to Ilaee Frrtm Sp'ui- field. 9 16 25 33 45 U 64 74 88 103 From Bp'nf Held. SPRINGFIELD TO VANDALIA. Great Western R. R. SPRINGFIELD to Jamcsto'wn, 111 Dawson's Mechanic&burg Lanesville Illiopolis Loni; Point DEOATUR Illinois Central R. R. VANDALIA VANDALIA TO SPRINGFIELD. (Read up.) Pkce to Place. 7 4 3 8 6 4 12 63 Place to Place. From Splili- floM. 7 n 14 17 23 27 89 102 From Sp'ng- lleld. SPRINGFIELD TO ALTON, ILL. Chicago and Missis- sippi R. R. SPRINGFIELD to Chatham Auburn Prairie Station Carlinsville Mccoupia i Place to Place. 9 6 15 8 7 From Sp'ni- fleld. 9 15 30 38 leo SPRINGFIELD TO FORT MADISON. «/SA.-SArfS4^ 12 5 From Alton. Brighton .... Monticello to *ALTON... ALTON TO SPRING FIELD, {headup^ 15 7 5 riace to Place. 60 67 72 From Sp'ng- * From Alton to St. Louis, Mo., by steamboat on Mississippi River, is 23 miles. From Fort SPRINGFIELD TO *J,1'-F0RTWADIS0N,IA. 161 128 106 93 89 81 67 61 56 53 48 30 12 11 FroiD Fort Madi- From Bur- I'gton. 64 58 51 39 24 Vram Bar- By Railroad from SPAINariELD to Jacksonvillb... By Stage to Virginia Beardstown Frederickville ... ROSHVILLB ( Camden Huntsville Pulaski Augusta Plymouth Carthage Naovoo Montrose, lo., to. FORT MADISON FORT MADISON TO SPRINGFIELD. (Read up.) Place to Place 33 22 13 4 8 14 6 5 3 5 18 18 1 11 PlM« to Place. SPRINGFIELD TO BURLINGTON, 10. SFRINaF'ELD to Rushviiie (see ) previous route) | Littleton Doddsville Macomb Bedford , . . . ShokaJ^an to BURUNaXON . . Place to Place. 80 6 7 12 15 15 9 BURLINGTON TO SPRINGFIELD. (Read up.) 18 Place to PlaM-. From Si,rl'g. tteia. 33 55 68 72 80 94 100 105 108 113 131 149 150 161 From Spri'g- field. From •prit Held. 80 86 93 105 120 135 144 From •priVj- fleM. SPRINGFIELD TC PEORIA, ILL. SFRINaF'ELD to Middletown ....<.. Oelavan Tremont Groveland to PEORIA Vr PEORIA TO SPRING' FIELD. (Read up.) ria. Place to Place. 20 25 12 5 9 Place 10 Place .'•^ Aeic leU. 20 4S 57 62 71 fnni flfki; From Oqua'- ka. PEORIA TO OQUAWKA, ILL. 78 57 43 37 32 18 By Staff e from FEORIA to Ciiarleston Trenton Knoxvillb Galesburg Monmouth to.... ♦OQUAWKA... j;['a"f.OQUAWKATOPEO- *•• I RIA. i^iead up.) Place to Place. 21 14 6 5 14 18 From Pea. rli. 21 3i 41 4« 60 78 Place to Ptace. Fron I P«o. ria. * Stages leave Oquawka for Bur> lington. la, 15 miles; connecting there with lines running to Keo- kuk, and other parts of Iowa. From Chi- eago. 161 114 100 98 84 61 40 From Chi- 08(0 PEORIA, ILL. TO CHICAGO. ILL. Peoria dBur'u Val.R PEORIA to ( June, of Chict^ 1 \ & Rock Isl'd R. i ChPgo diRock MdR. Peru.... La Salle Ottawa Morris Jollet OHIOAGO CHICAGO TO PEO- RIA. (Read up.) flnce to Place. 47 From Peo- ria. 47 14 61 2 6.3 14 77 28 100 21 121 40 161 Pla<!0 From to l>eo> Place. ria. From Peru passengers may reach | Chirago via Aurora. Another Ecute from Peoria is via I the lUiuois Hiver aud CanaL ROUTES FROM IOWA CITY. »/»^><w^^ Tr iDto I « • • • t • • • • » • • • Place to Place. 20 25 12 5 9 vp.) P|^« 20 45 57 62 71 Prnn arw: LL. tm Place to Place. PEO- ip.) 21 14 6 S 14 18 Place to Place. FroB Vto. rii. SI 35 41 48 60 78 Fron I Peo- ria. uawkafor Bur. les; connecting nning to Keo-| B of Iowa. (en may reach n Peoria is Tia I ICwxaL 't' PEORIA TO QUIN- CYJIL. 137 130 113 102 87 70 54 45 38 87 15 fnn ttnia* V- ria(« to Place. By Stage /ram PEORIA to Tivoli Farmington Canton Lewistown Astoria ROSHVILLB Ripley Aft. Sterling Clayton Columbus to QUINOY QUINCY TO PEO- RIA. (Read up.) 17 7 11 15 17 16 7 11 12 15 Froni Peo- ria. 17 24 35 50 67 83 02 9U 110 122 137 Ftaoe to ruce. From P«o- rta. TO LL. flace to Place. Kroia Peo. ria. igO' R. f ?dE. 47 14 2 14 28 21 40 47 61 63 77 100 121 161 EO- P.) Plaia to Plar«. From Peo. lia. from Knox- fllle. 106 02 82 79 65 53 37 19 9 Fr«m QUINCY TO KNOX* VILLE, ILL By Stage from QUINOY to M eiidon Woodville Chili Carthage. i Fountain Green... Macomb.... Woodstock Hartford to. KN0Z7ILLE . . . . K.O.. KNOXYILLE TO Tiue. QUINCY. (Read up.) Place to Place. 14 10 3 14 12 16 18 10 9 Pteee to Place. From 4aiu- •jr. 14 24 27 41 53 69 87 97 106 From cy. From Q,uinc3r to Keokuk, lo., 35 miles. Btages run fronii Keokuk to Burlington, lo. ; and from Bur- lington to Oquawka, Northern Illi- nois, and Iowa. Brom Daoa- tar. 94 84 72 NAPLES, ILL., TO DECATUR. Oreat Western R.B. (Illinoit.) NAPLES, 111 Mortran JAOKSONYILLS.. 14* ' Place to Place. From Na- ples. 10 12 10 22 64 55 39 25 22 12 From Deca- tnr. Franklin Berlin SPRINGFIELD.. MechanioBburg Lanesville Long Point DEOATUR DECATUR TO NAPLES. {Read up.) 8 9 16 14 8 10 12 Place to Place 161 30 39 65 69 72 82 94 From Na- idea. ROUTES FROIM IOWA CITY. From Bap. ling- ton. 88 76 56 43 32 25 20 From Bar^ ling- ton. IOWA CITY TO BURLINGTON. By Stage from lOWAOITYto... West Liberty.... Muscatine Grand View....*.. Wapello Florence Yellow Springs to. . BURLINGTON . . BURLINGTON TO IOWA CITY. (Read up.) Place to Place. 12 20 13 11 7 5 20 Place to Plaoe. From Rock bl'nd. 74 62 43 32 25 20 8 3 From Berk bl'ad. IOWA CITY TO DA- VENPORT AND ROCK ISLAND. By Sta ge fr om lOWAOlTYto... West Liberty Overman's Ferry.. Muscatine Wyoming MontpeSier. Rockingham Davenport to ROOK ISL'Dj (by ferry) j ROCK ISLAND TO IOWA CITY, (Read up.) Place to Place. 12 19 11 7 5 12 5 Ftoce to Ptac*. From Iowa City. 12 33 45 56 63 68 88 From lows Clt^. From lowm atr. 13 31 43 49 54 6S 71 74 Ftmb OHf. 162 ROUTES FROM BURLINGTON, 10/ From K«o- kuk. IOWA CITY TO KEOKUK. Fl>c« to Place. From Iowa Oity. 128 96 71 47 37 30 By Stage from lOWAOITYto... Washington Fairfield Kcosauque Bentonsport Fartninffton to.... KTiOTCTTK 32 25 24 10 7- 30 32 57 81 91 98 128 "From Keo- kuk. KeOKUK TO IOWA CITY. (Rtadup.) Place lo Place. From Iowa City. From M'sca- tine. IOWA CITY TO MUSCATINE. Place to Place. From Iowa Citr. 34 20 11 Bif Stage from lOWAOlTKto... West Liberty Overman's Perry to ♦MUSCATINE... 14 9 11 Place to Place. 14 23 34 From M'aco- Uiio. MUSCATINE TO IOWA CITY. (Read up.) From Iowa City. * From Muscatine, on the Missis- sippi, passengers may reach St. Louis, S2l miles, or any of the glaoAs situated on the Mississippi Ivor, either up or down that vtream, by gteamhocU. From Una- to City. 326 323 318 304 299 281 262 260 From Oma- ha 0*y ROCK ISLAND. ILL.. TO OMAHA CITY, NEBR/.SKA TER. i^gf. Route. ROOE ISLAND to Davenport, Iowa.... Rockin(t;ham Montpelier Wyoming.. -Muscatine. Overman's Perry.... West Liberty Iowa City OMAHA OITT... OMAHA CITY TO ROCK ISLAND. riiicc to Place. 8 6 14 6 7 11 19 12 260 Flace to Place. From Bock Ul'od. 4 3 8 22 27 34 46 64 76 326 From Rock lallMl. ROUTES FROM BURLING- TON, iO From Burlington to [owa City, 60 miles. From D'ven. port. 82 67 58 51 42 28 From D'ven> port. BURLINGTON TO DAVENPORT, 10. Bjf Stage from BURLINGTON to Yellow Springs.... Florence Wapello Grandview Muscatine to DAVENPORT ... DAVENPORT TO BURLINGTON; (Read up.) From Do- bui|ue. 75 53 33 20 12 From Du- boque DAVEiPORT TO DUBUQUE. 10. By Stage from ♦DAVENPORT to De Witt Maquokety Andrew La Mntt to DUBUQUE..... DUBUQUE TO DA- VENPORT. Place to Place. 15 9 7 9 14 28 Place to Place. Place to Place. 22 20 7 14 12 Place to Place. From Bur. line* tou. 15 24 31 40 54 82 Froia Bar* line tou. From port. 22 42 49 63 75 From D'ven. pork * From Davenport, passengers may reach Dubuque, by steavtboat, on the Mississippi River, distance 102 miles. From Keo- kuk. 45 35 24 12 From Kee- k«k. BURLINGTON TO KEOKUK, 10. By i^tage from BURLmaTON to Augusta Fort Madison... Montrose to e:^oeue KEOKUK TO BUR l\HQJQH,{Readup.) Place to Plaee. 10 11 13 12 Plaee to PIMM. From Bni« ling* ton. 9 10 21 33 45 From Bur- Uuif ST. LOU ST. LOl Alb ST. LOL Alb ST. LOl del ST. 101 ST. LOl lad ST LO bu ST . LO Pe ROUTES FROM ST. LOUIS, MO. 163 lURLINQ. Iowa City, FUct to Fron Bur. ' Plane line* tou. to • • 15 15 • • 24 • • 7 3i t • 9 40 • • 14 54 • • 28 82 Place to FroB Bar. Place. tou. PlDRe From to U'vei Place. port. to , ^ 22 22 , , 20 42 • • 7 49 • • 14 63 • • 12 75 ^- Place From to D'ven. Place. porL paesengen y steamboat^ fer, distance to Place to PUe«. 10 11 13 12 From Bot< ling* toa. 10 21 33 45 fttm (Ma- 106 88 78 70 55 32 16 Tttm •l-:Jt- BURLINGTON TO |pi»h> to OSKALOOSAJO. puc By Stage from BURLINaXON to Hartford Mt. Pleasant Rome Fairfield Otumwa Eddysville to OSEALOOSA.... OSKALOOSA TO BURLINGTON. {Read up.) 18 10 8 15 23 16 16 Place to Place From Bur. ling- toa. 18 38 36 51 74 90 106 From Bor. ling. ton. From Pro- ria. 93 78 60 46 41 35 31 From Peo- rU. BURLINGTON, IO.,|pi.c TO PEORIA, ILL. pi!^. By ^tajfe from BXTRLnfaTON to Oquawica Monmouth Galesburg Knoxvillb Trenton Charleston to.... FEORIA PEORIA TO BUR- LINGTON. {HeaU up.) 15 18 14 5 6 14 21 Place to Fluce. Froiu rvr- ling* ton. 15 33 47 52 58 72 93 From Baiw linn. i«a* ROUTES FROM ST. LDUIS MO. From St Lotiifl. - - ......... ST. LOUIS TO BOSTON, MASS.| ▼!& Chirac, Detroit and Canada. ST. LOUIS TO BOSTON, Tia Chicago, Cleyelatid, Buffalo and Albany ST. LDUIS TO BOSTON, via Cincinnati, Cleveland, Buffalo and Albany ST. LOUIS TO BOSTON, via Indianapolis, Pittsburg and Phila- delphia ST. LOUIS TO NEW YORK, via Chicago, Cleveland and Dunkirk.. ST. LOUIS TO NEW YORK, via Indianapolis, Pittsburg and Phi- ladelphia ST. LOUIS TO PHILADELPHIA, via Chicago, Cleveland and Pitts- burg ST. LOUIS TO PHILADELPHIA, via Indianapolis, Pittsburg, and Pennsylvania K.K ST. LO0IS TO BALTIMORE, via Missinsippi and Ohio Rivers, WheeUng, and Battimora and Ohio R.R 1320 1266 1306 1242 1005 1132 lOOS 164 ROUTES FROM ST. LOUIS, MO. ST. LOUIS TO BALTIMORE, (R. R. Routa in progrewi), via Cincin- nati, Parkersburg, Virginia North- Western R.R., and Balti- more and Ohio R.R ST. LOUIS TO FALLS- OF ST. ANTHONY, and intermediate places, via Mississippi River. (See page 117.).. ST. LOUIS TO NEW ORLEANS, «nd intermediate places, via Mis- sissippi River. (See page 120.) ST. LOUIS TO LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATI, and intermediate places, via Ohio River. (See page 117.) ■, ST. LOUIS TO WHEELING AND PITTSBURG, via Ohio River. (See ?reviouS Route to (Mncinnai, and Route from Cincinnati^ ittsburg, page 116.) ST LOUIS TO SPRINGFIELD AND CHICAGO, ILL., via Blooming- ton. (See page 81.) ST. LOUIS TO PEORIA AND CHICAGO, Wa Illinois River. (See page 79.) ST. LOUIS TO CHICAGO, via Ohio and Mississippi R.R., and Chi- cago Branch R.R. (S6e page 82.) „ ., ST. LOUIS TO INUIANAPOLiSi via Ohio and Mississippi R.R., Chi- cago Branch R. R., and Mississippi and Terre Haute R.R. (See page 151.) ST. LOUIS TO IMDIANAPOLIS, via Alton and Terre Haute. (See p^feieo.) : ST. LOUIS TO INDIANAPOLIS, via Mississippi and Atlantie R.R. {In progrets.) ST. LOUIS TO CINCINNATI, via Terre Haute and Indianapolis. (See page 140.) .' ST. LOUIS TO CINCINNATI, via Ohio and Mississippi R.R. (in progress.) (See pi^ 141.). N. B. For other Routes from St. Louis, see following pi^s. 896 1201 1174 285 413 307 231 271 381 Prom JeTn City. 1»" 120 108 94 82 72 48 ST. LOUIS TO lEF- FERSON CITY, MO. 8T. LOUIS to., Roek Hill Manchester Fot Creek Fort WUliam Union «... Adamsbarg Place to Place. 8 12 14 12 10 24 Prain St. tionia. 20 34 46 66 80 84 18 10 From JelPn City. Mt. Sterling. Lynn... , Lisle JBPP'SON CITY- JEFFERSON CITY TO ST. LOUIS. 14 16 8 10 Place to Place. 94 no 118 128 Fron St. Loul*. The Pacific R. R. is in process of oonstruotiim ftom St Louis to JefFei^ «oa (2ity| from th«noe to the yrm^n lioiindary o nad will, a one of the li the Atlantic Ittm UM*. ]63 148 143 134 117 107 95 39 fn 12 fnm lade- pen- JEFFE TO DEM jJEFF Marioi Manit( Midwi Boone' La Mi Arrow Marsh Mouni Lexini Wellir Porto ITTDE INDEP JEFFE (" From Jelfer- •OB OKy. 132 Hi 81 7.4 47 82 11 1 ST. U FERSC iL By ST. I ST,Cli Hicko Warn Danvi FOLT< New] Hiber JEFI Fnm JEFF **"• TO aea I •" City- I ( Jtfef- ST. U City. LEA 3S3 SIS ST. ] )Ful \ Yi JEFFERSON CITY TO INDEPENDENCE. 166 icin- alti- 896 ices, 802 Mia- 1201 Uate ^eer Udlo im ling- 285 (See 413 Chi- 307 ill 231 (See 271 R.R. joUb. (In 381 • •• 14 U • •• 16 110 • •• 8 118 r.. 10 128 •ft Pi»t* From " to St. Plaee. Lonit. process of lis to JefTei^ the irt/tHenx boandary of Mimonri. This Bail- nad will, at n-} distant day, form on« of the links which are to unite the AUantio and Padflc coasts. 163 148 J43 134 117 107 85 81 57 39 13 tnrn bda- fiin- By Stage from JEFF'SON 0. to. Marion Maniteau Midway Booneville La Mine Arrow Hock Marshall Mount Hope Lexington Weljinj^ton Fort Osage to-.^^. mDEFEND'NOE From Jelfer- 132 Hi 81 74 47 82 11 1 Vran Mkr- ■on Citr JEFFERSON CITY TO INDEPEN- DENCE, MO. riM« to Flac«. INDEPENDENCE TO JEFFERSON CITY. {^Read up.) ST, lOUIS TO JEF- FERSON CITY, VIA ST. CHARLES. By Stagefrom ST, LOXTIS to.... St, Charles....... Hickory Grove War ronton Danville FOLTON NewBloomfield.... Hibernia to JBPP'SON CITY JEFFERSON CITY TO ST. lOUIS. {Read up.) Mb^ ST. LOUIS TO FORT Citf. 323 S13 LEAVENWORTH. By Stagefrom 8T. LOinS to.... Fulton (see prt- ) viouB mute). . \ 12 ♦ 15 5 9 17 10 12 14 24 18 12 15 12 Plaea to Plac«. Plus* to Place. 21 30 7 27 25 11 10 1 PlM* to riacd Plao« to Flaoe. From Jttkv •oa City. 15 20 29 46 56 .68 82 106 124 136 151 163 From Jettet' ■on c«r. From St. Louia. 21 SI 58 85 110 121 131 132 Fre« St. Louia. From at. Lonia. 110 110 I" 201 189 176 162 150 133 122 loa 72 42 17 8 Millersburg Columbia Rocheport Fayette Glasgow Keytesville Brunswick Carrollton Richmond Liberty Platte City Weston to.......i (FORT LEA-) t VEirWORTH I Fort L'ren- w'rth. From Fort Lea- v«n- w'ftb. 690 687 680 676 673 651 605 598 576 566 545 536 520 510 406 486 471 429 379 361 348 330 315 303 265 256 196 183 FORT LEAVEN- WORTH TO ST. LOUIS. (Read up.) ST. LOUIS, MO., TO FORT LEAVEN- WORTH AND COUNCIL BLUFF. By Steamboat from ST. LOUIS to. . . . Cabris Island Chouteau's Lsland. Mouth of Wood R. Missouri River... St. Charles Newport Pinckney... Mouth of Gas- conade River.. Portland Mouth of Osage R Jefferson Citt.* Marion Nashville.. Rocheport Booneville Arrow Rock 455|g Chariton Mouth of Grand R. Lexington Blayton Fort Osage Liberty Mouth of Kansas R M'th of Little Platte FoBT Lbavenw'th Weston St. Joseph. Nodaway R 12 |12d 12 134 13 14 12 17 11 23 28 30 25 9 8 Place . to Place. 147 161 173 190 201 223 251 281 306 315 323 From St. Louia. Place to Plaea. 3 7 5 3 33 46 7 21 10 21 9 10 10 14 10 15 16 26 50 18 13 18 15 13 38 9 00 14 From St. Louifc 3 10 15 18 40 86 93 114 124 145 154 170 180 194 204 219 235 361 311 329 343 360 375 387 435 434 494 50ft I6ff ST. LOUIS TO CALEDONIA. From Gala- doaia. 78 T.i 69 64 56 49 36 30 26 17 11 Ftom Calif doaUu Vram Little Book 365 287 265 250 245 287 210 188 173 158 136 190 Wolf River 6t. Neinahaw R... Nishnabatona R... Weeping Water R. Fair Sun island.... Lower Oven Island Upper Oven Island. Five-Barrel Island. Platte River \ Believue Trad- ) i inff-house to. . { OOUNOIL BL'F. 16 18 25 12 16 12 4 12 15 13 40 524 542 5t>7 579 595 607 611 623 ^38 650 690 COUNCIL BLUFF TO • ST. LOUIS. (Read up.) Place to Place. From Bt Loola. ST. LOUIS TO CA LEODNIA, MO. By Stage from ST. LOUIS to.... Carondelet Jefferson Barracks. Oakville Sulphur Springs.... Clifton Hillsboro* Linnville •••• Glenfinlas Old Mines POTOSl to CALEDONIA . . . . CALEDONIA TO ST. LOUIS. (Read up.) Place to Place 5 4 5 8 7 13 6 4 9 6 11 Place to Place. From St. Loaia. 14 22 29 42 48 52 61 67 78 From St Louie. ST. LOUIS TO LIT- TLE ROCK, ARK. By Staff e from ST. LOUIS to.... { Caledonia (see | I previous route) | Farmington La Motte L'd Mines Fredericktown .... Cedar Creek Grdenville ^ Cane Creek Marti nsburg Hicks* Ferry,. Ark.. Poeationtat. Jackson. Plaoe to Place 78 32 15 5 18 17 32 16 14 33 10 From St. Lout*. ma 100 115 I'JO 138 155 177 193 307 329 239 111 101 91 55 30 ' Front Little Rook. Smithville.... Sulphur Spring.... Batesville Searcy Oakland Grove to. . *LITTLB ROOK. LITTLE ROCK TQ ST. LOUIS. (Read up.) 15 10 10 36 25 30 Place to Place. 354 264 274 310 335 Fron at. Loutib * The preceding route is given for the benefit of those whose busj. ness or pleasure would take them to any of the intermediate towns, The most available and cheapest route between St. Louis and Little Rock, is by steamboat from the for. mer place to the mouth of the Ar« kansas, and thence, up that stream, to Little Rock. ^pT ST. LOUIS TO PAL myra MYRA, MO. 131 no 86 75 65 56 43 30 22 12 From Pal- myra. By Stage from ST. LOUIS to.... St. Charles Flint mil Troy Auburn Prairieville. Bowling Green.... Frankford New London Hannibal to. PALMYRA PALMYRA TO ST. LOUIS. (Read up.) From Bur- I'gton. Ill 93 79 68 43 31 20 From Bnr- I'Ctoa. PALMYRA TO BUR- LINGTON, 10. By Stage from PALMYRA to... La Grange Monticello Winchester. ...... St. Franclsville... Montrose, lo Ft. Madison to... BURLINaTON . lURLINQTON TO PALMYRA. {Read up.) Pl-^ce to Place. 21 24 II 10 9 13 13 8 10 12 Place to Place. Plaee to Plaee 18 14 11 25 12 11 20 PiKe to Place. FroB St. Lonii, 21 45 5G m 75 88 101 109 119 131 Froia Bt. Lonia Fron Pal* rayrL 18 32 43 (58 80 91 111 From Pak. mm I fIWi s •aw- SH •»• liwn* J. 1 ■ 150 ST. 149 II 1 ( 135 Bell 110 Plef 90 Nas 79 Mt. 49 Fra 38 Gal 14 Eqii 7 Cyp SH. mm •kaw- SH ■M* 1 KWtt. rmm LI Vipo- Iroa N/ ■ 824 LI* 134 Pin 114 Ric lUO No* 65 Arl 38 W< *N 1 From NA Mapo- Iwu. I t • • • • • t t » • • • • ■ • • t to.. |>0E. TO 15 10 10 36 25 30 Placfl to Place. 854 264 274 310 33S 3()5 Fron St. route is given >se whose busi- uld take them iiediate towns, and cheapest ouis and Little It from the for. outh of the Ar* up that stream, PAL- Pl-^ce to Plaee. 21 24 11 10 it 13 8 10 12 Place to Place. From St. tm 9. ... n.... 21 45 50 m 75 88 101 109 119 131 ST. up.) Froa Lonia. BUR- Plaee to PUee 18 14 11 25 12 11 30 From Pal* myn. 3« • • • J... N .. 18 32 43 (58 80 91 111 TO « Plaee to From Pak. »7tk ST. LOUIS TO SHAWNEETOWN. IflT new- WW. 150 149 135 110 99 79 49 » 14 7 BtaW' HWu. ST. LOUIS TO SHAWNEETOWN, ILL. ST. LOUIS to ... . ) Illinoistown, ) \ (by ferry).... J By Stage to Belleville Pleasant Grove.... Nashville Mt. Hawkins Frankfort Gallatin Equality Cy press vi lie to...-. SHA'NEETOWN SHAWNEETOWN TO ST. LOUIS. (Read up.) Plaee to Place. 1 14 25 11 20 .30 17 18 7 7 FlBce to Plaee. Vrom St. Louia. 1 15 40 51 71 101 118 130 143 150 From St. liouia. Passenjfers may go between St. Louis and Shawneetown.by ateam- ioat, via the Ohio and Mississippi Bivers. ROUTES FROM LITTLE ROCK, ARK. Ffnin Vafo. kOB m 134 114 lUO 65 » ffrom Kapo- kou. LITTLE ROCK TO NAPOLEON, ARK. Bff Slflffe from LITTLE ROOK to Pine Bluff. Richland Nccatoo •*. Arkansas Post . . Wellington to... '^NAPOLEON.... NAPOLEON TO LIT TLE ROCK. (Read up.) Place to Place. 90 20 14 35 33 32 Place to Plaea. From Little Bock. 00 iiO 124 159 192 224 From Little Bock. do BO, as ateambuatt pass up and down that river several times daily. Fr-rni Hel«- 01 06 53 43 15 From Hele- na. LITTLE ROCK TO HELENA, ARK. By Stage from LITTLE ROOK to Big Prairie Rock Roe Lawrenceville... Lick Creek to... ^HELENA... . HELENA TO LITTLE ROCK. (Read up.) Place to Place. 25 13 10 28 15 Place to Place. From LitUa Bock. * Helena, Ark., is one of the stopping- places for the steamboatfl which run up and down the Missis* sippi. From Hot Sp'nga 53 38 29 20 12 'From Hot Sp'uga LITTLE ROCK TO HOT SPRINGS, ARK. Place to Plare. By Stage from LIT'LE ROCK to Collegeville Caldwellton Owensville Whittington to. ■.. HOT SPRINQS. . HOT SPRINGS TO LITTLE ROCK. (Read up.) From Fulion * Napoleon is situated at the &outh of the Arkansas River ; pas- iengers wishing to go thence to lAaCM on the Mississippi Kiver, can 133 118 109 8t 69 62 50 38 14 From Filton LITTLE ROCK TO FULTON, ARK. By Stage from LIT'LE ROOK to Collegeville Benton... Rockport Bayou du Roche. Raymond Greenville Antoine. Washington to.. FULTON FULTON TO LITTLE ROCK. (Read up.) 15 9 9 8 12 Place to Place. From LitUe Bock. Place to Place. From Little Bock. 15 24 46 64 71 83 95 no 133 From LilUa 16t ROUTES FROM BALTIMORE, MD. pert. 966 147 131 115 08 90 VniD fort. LITTLE ROCK TO 8HREVEP0RT, LA. PlM* rram to Iliui* ruM.. nock. By Stag* from LITTLE ROOK to Washington, (Me previous route) pring Hill Lewisville Conway Walnut Rill to.... SHBEVEFOBT . . I SHREVEPORT TO UTTLE ROCK. {Rend up.) fron Mem- 155 130 90 40 10 1 frrai Mem. LnrTLE ROCK TO MEMPHIS, TENN. By Stage from LIT%B ROOK to Big Prairie Clarendon St. FVanciP Marion Mississippi Riv'r to MESlEPHIS MEMPHIS TO LIT- TLE ROCK. {R$ad up) 119 16 16 17 8 90 PtaMM to PUm. to Ploc*. S5 40 50 30 9 1 Place lo PUkce. 119 135 151 168 176 266 Fiom Little Book. Vrom Little Hook. 25 65 115 145 154 155 From Little Keck. Pasaengera inay go between Lit. tie Rock and MempTiis byst§ambwii^ as follows : down the .Arkansas to its mouth, about 300 miles. thenc« up the Misaisaippi to Memphis, 177 miles. Total, 477 miles. From Fort Oib> 230 185 179 153 147 131 121 109 95 82 72 67 40 From Fort Qib- LITTLE ROCK TO FORT GIBSON, IND. TER. By Stage from LIT^LE ROOK to Lewisbuig Ft. Remove ...;... Dwiffht Scotia Clarksville Horsebead Ozark Pleasant Hill Cotocton Van Buren Fort Smith Kidron to FORT GIBSON. . FORT GIBSON TO LITTLE ROCK. {Read up.) PUre te Piece. 45 6 26 6 16 10 12 14 13 10 5 27 40 Piece to Pleee. Froa Utik 45 51 77 83 99 109 121 135 148 158 163 190 230 From Little Bock. During seasons of high water in the Arkansas, a ateamboai runt from Little Rock to Fort Gibwm. ^A^M^>ArfV»^^i^/S/%^^iA^Ai^/VV^^*»^^rf^^»^^J»^W^%*»<^^^^^ -rf^^y ROUTES FROM BALTIMORE. MOi Tks feiUMring are reutee diverging from Baltimere; the trm»»U$r wtfl r^if^r to eiuh reitptcttve/y as may be required. ^^M^»»^^^*^'^^S^^^^M^^^^^/»/S»^^/^i^.^Ki^^*^ PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE RAaROAD.-/>«po< in treeident St. This route leads to Havjo de Grace, Wilmington, and Piuladelphia. See page 89. BALTIMORE AND OHIO nkMai^-Ikp(a Ctmden SUOion. This route leads to Frederick, Md., Uarper's Fernr, Cumberland, Pittsburg, Wheeling, and the West, From Harper's Ferry lo Winchester, ya.> aod uie Ylrgbiia Springs. See pagea ITl and 172. HACKNEY-COACH FARES. IMf :o b«;tween Lit. iiu by ataambtiaL tie Jirkanaaa to )0 iiiilea, tiienca o Memphis, 177 niles. TO on E to Plare rroa •• UtUi )JSt.. SK. I 45 6 36 6 16 10 J9 14 13 10 5 27 40 Ptaire to PkM. 4S 51 77 83 99 109 121 13S 148 158 163 190 230 Trom LlttU Bock. rhigh water in ttambotti rum Fort Gibaon. trmvtOtt miO mington, and m. This route i ttu) Virginia I WASHINGTON BRANCH RAILROAD.-^'epof Ctimden Utalim. This loata MMf to Washington, Fredericksburir. Richmond, and the South. Also I lb the Virginia Sprinijs, via Gordonsville. Ttna Jinnapotia Bruneh H. R, runs to Annapolis, the capital of Maryland. See page 00, and f^Upwing pages. .^ I BALTIMORE AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD-i:>«po< corner ,f Calvert ^^ ■ tMd Franklin Streets. This route leads to York, Pa., Harrisburg, Pittr iHirg, and to places on the Pennsylvania R. R. Also from York to Co- liiqibia, Lancaster and Philadelphia. See page 172. STEAMBOATS run A-om Baltimore to Pinny Point, and up the Poto- mac to Acquia Creek Landing, connecting tiiere with the railroad route to the South. Also, from Baltimore to Norfolk, Va., and up James River to Rich- mond, connecting there with the railroad route running north to Fre- dericksburg, and eoutk to Petersburg, Weldon, Ace. Also, from Richmond to the Virginia Springs, Natural Bridge, &e. HACKNEY COACH FARES IN THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. 1. Steamboat and Railroad DepcOM.— -From any steamboat lacding or niiroad depot, to any hotel or private residence within the limits of the city, for a single passenger, 50 cents. If two or more, each, 37^ bents. Aad for each trunk, box, or bag, of sufficient size to be strapped on, ISI cents. No charge for small parcels put in the carriage. 3. Th any Steamboat or Railroad Depot.— The same fyre and charge for Inggage, with an addition of 50 cents for the carriage wlien only sent fw from the stable. 3. City.— Within the fbllowing limits, assuming Calvert street as the cisntre of the city, and extending east totDanal street, west to Green street, south to Great Montgomery street, and north to Biddie street, for a single passenger, 37| cents. If two or more, each, 35 cents. If beyond these limits, hnd anywhere within the city boundary, 12^ cents addi- tional for each passenger. 4. 71ts«.— For the use of a hackney-coach by the hour, $1 00, and at the same rate for all fractions of an hour, but no oherge for any time less than a quarter of an hour. 5. Evening and J^ght—For hacks taken from the stand to any part of the city, as follows: from Ist May to 30th September inclusive, after 8 o'clock, p. M., 75 cents for a single passenger; if more than one, 50 cents each : a like sum for returning. From 1st October to 30th April, inclusive, after 7 o'clock, p. m., the same. JVb charge for baggage. 6. Exchange and FelCa Point.— From South Gay street to any part of Pell's Point, not fhrther east than Washington street, 25 cents, and 25 cents back for each passenger. General Rules.— 1. An additional allowance of 35 cents for the car- riafieonly, when sent for flt>m the stand. 3. Children over ten years, half-price ; no charge under that age. 3. Stopping 15 mi nutes, or leaving the carriage, to make a new charge. 4. All cases not provided fixr in these rvles, left to agreement of the parties. 16 170 TABLE or DISTANCES, FARES, &o. ! A TABLE SHOWING THE DISTANCES, FARES, fco., FROM BALTIMORE TO MANY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PLACES IN THE UNION. The following table will show, at a glance, the distance, expense, nni time occupied, iu travelling from Baltimore to the most promineut points in the Union. Allowance, however, must be made in the rate of fares when travelling in steamboats, upon Lakes or Kivers, as those modes of conveyance are subject to more or less competition, in which case the fares vary. Those given, however, are as accurate as can beob> tained under the circumstances, and will, no d(>ubt, be found near enough to make up a general estimate of expenses. The time given is that which is actually occupied in parsing from one point to another; the detentions between each route are not taken into consideration, as these the tra* Teller must determine for himself. The distances are generally given by the shortest routes. Names of Dacei. BALTIMORE to ANxVApoms, Md. u u u u M M M « M U u it M it « « U U « U « M Boston, via New Haven Buffalo, via Williamsport and Elmira. Cbarlestox, S. C, via Wilmington and Manchester B.K Chicvoo, via Pittsburg and Cleveland... Chicaqo, via Wheeling and Cleveland... Chicago, via Wheel'g and Indianapolis Chicago, via Wheeling, Ohio River, and Madison and Indianapolis, la Cincinnati, via Wheel'g and Zanesville Cincinnati, via Wheeling and Ohio Riv Cincinnati, via Pittsburg and Crestline Cleveland, Ohio, via Pittsburg Cleveland, Ohio, via Wheeling Columbus, Ohio, via WheelingjYa., and Zanesville, Ohio Columbus, Ohio, via Harrisburg, Pitts- burc and Crestline Elmira, N.Y,, via Harrisburg, Pa , Frederick, Md Harper's Fesrt, Va , Harrisburo, Pa Indianapous, via Pittsburg and Belle- fontaine Indianapolis, via Wheel'g and Zani\sv'e Indianapolis, via Wheeling, Ohio River, and Madison and Indianapolis R. R., Louisville, via Wheeling and Ohio Riv Memphis, via Wheeling and Ohio Kiver Mobile, Ala., via Wilmington, N.C Montgomery, Ala, via Wilmington, N.C Newark, 0., via Wheel'g and Zanesv'e New Orleans., via Wilmington, N.C.. New Orleans, via Wheeling, and Ohio and Mississippi Rivers Nsw York, via Philadelphia Mllea. 420 402 602 824 878 941 1061 629 763 697 469 523 521 577 2Vl 62 82 83 738 785 942 896 1630 1239 1042 413 1405 Houn 2311 176 184 1 19i 20 35 39 42 46 65 25 50 27 23 26 26 27 12 3 4 4 35 35 64 58 111 104 64i 17 122 9* Fire. $ 60 11 (IU 12 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 22 75 2125 14 00 1100 16 00 11 00 12 00 12 50 13 00 7 50 2 50 3 25 300 17 60 16 50 17 60 12 00 23 50 46 00 36 00 9 50 51 00 28 60 6 00 BALTlMOi « (• « (( « u <( M « <( «l U u u u u u M <{ U U U From Bal' From Bal A?., see the i RAH From Whe'- DUMB uw 1 W Bait. 380 BALI 371 ♦Wasli 365 Bllicoi 359 Eiysvi 356 Putne , 348 Sykes 342 Wood m Mnui> 330 Monn 3-26 [jams 321 tFREI 310 P(jjnt SOS 279 Marti 276 Hedgi 258 Hang S46 Doe 828 iPaw TABLE OF DISTANCES, FARES, fto. 171 IfamM of PlacM. BALTIMORE to Niagara Falls, via Williamport and Elmira " Norfolk, via Chesapeake Bay , *• Norfolk, via Kichm'd and Weldon, N.O. " p£TER8D(JR0, Va., Via Richmond , " Philadelphia " Pittsburg, via Harrisburg, Pa , u Pittsburg, via Wheeling and Ohio Riv. " PoTTsviLLK, via Dauphin and Sub. R.R " Richmond, Va., via Washington ** RocHEiiiER, via Williamsp't and Elmira '* 8t. Louis, via Pittsb'g and Indianapolis " Bt. Louis, via Wheeling, and Ohio and Mississippi Rivers ** St. Louis, via Virginia N.Westem R. B. and Cincinnati. (In progress.) " Virginia Springs, via Harper's Ferry.. « Virginia Springs, via Alexandria and Staunton, by R.R. and stage ** IWashington, D.C , « Weldon, N.C, via Richmond , « Wheeuno, via Harrisb'g and Pittsburg ** W^HEEUNG,Va.,via Baltim'e and Ohio R. " WiLUAMSPORT, Pa., via Uarrisburg " WiNOHRSTER, Va =, « York, Pa ** ZANESvn.T.K, Ohio, via Wheeling, Va.... MIlM. Hoara Far*. 416 20i 12 00 196 17 6 00 837 20 12 26 108 9i 6 25 97 6 $3 00 330 12 00 474 40 10 00 162 7* 4 60 171 8 6 25 346 17 10 00 099 41 27 UO 1450 Oft 24 60 806 ••«••• 316 52 13 25 295 25 12 25 •Lf) 2 1 26 287 12* 25 424 2o 50 380 15 8 60 169 8 6 00 124 6i 5 80 67 8 1 60 430 18 10 25 From Baltimore to Philadelphia, see page 80. From Baltimore to Washington, Richmond, Charleston, New Orleans^ Ifi., see the several Routes from page 90 to C3 inclusive. From Whe'. m BALTIMORE TO CUMBERLAND AND WHEELING. Bait. Sjr Ohio R. R. 380 BALTIMORE to. 371 * Washington Juno .. 365 Ellicott'8 Mills.... 359 Elysville 356 Putney's Bridge... 348 Sykesvilte 342 Woodbine.. 336 Mount Airy 330 Monrovia... 3*26 Ijamsville 321 fFREDBRIC JUNC 310 P(iint of Rocks... oflo (^hArfer's ^^ I FERRY, VA. 279 IVIartinsburg:.... 276 Hedgeville Depot 258 H ANCocK, Md .... 246 Doe Gulley Tunnel 828 iPaw Pa wr Tunnel.. Place to Place 9 6 6 3 8 6 6 6 4 5 11 12 19 3 18 18 12 From BaJti- more. 9 15 21 24 32 38 44 50 54 59 70 82 101 104 122 140 I 152 202 189 179 174 172 157 148 126 118 112 106 98 76 68 52 42 .35 39 27 10 CUMBERLAND . Rawlins' Station.. New Creek Piedmont Bloomington Altamont < Oakland Knwiesbiirg.... ... Tiinnelton Simpson's Thornton Fetterman Fairmount Farmington (Tlovers Gap Littleton Bellton Welling Tunnel... Cameron > Moundsville to.... WHEELING From Whe'. ling WHEELING TO BAL TIMORE. {Headup.) 26 13 10 5 2 15 9 22 8 6 6 8 22 8 16 10 7 6 2 17 10 Pl<ica to Place. 178 191 201 20G 208 223 232 254 262 208 274 282 304 312 328 '3.38 345 351 353 370 380 From Baltt. mora 172 BALTIMORE TO HARRI8BURG. * PMMngen for Waiihington can ■top at Washiogton Juno., and take tbe cara thence direct to that city. f Paascngera for Frederick, Md-, atop here and take the hranch road running to that place, 3 miles. I PabsengerH for Winchester, Va., and the Virginia Springs, stop here. The tVinehttter R, R. diverges from this point. See route from Oalti. more to Winchester and the Vir. ginia Springs, page 173. See Routes flroin Wheeling, page Rbmarks.— This great work, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, is at last completed, and now taps the Ohio River at Wheeling, Va. At the latter place will be found steamers equal to any on ttie western waters, ready to continue tlie line to Cincinnati and Louisville. At Louigviije this line again connecta with the Mall Lines of steamers to St. Louia, Memphis, New Orleans, and, in fact, with all the important places on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. A very important connection with tbe Baltimore and Ohio R. R. ii ■bout to be made by the conatruction of the Virginia Jforth' Western R. R. This branch will leave the main road at a point near Clarkaburg, Va., and extend nearly in a straight line to theOhioat Parkersbiirg, From Belpre, O., on the opposite side of the river, another road will he constructed, so as to form a direct route to Cincinnati, and thence by another road, in progress, to St. Louis, via Vinoennes. When these seve- rul lines are completed, there will be nt<)arly an <* air line" route betwe«Q Baltimore and St. Louis, thus forming the shortest and most direct route from tidewater to the AUasissippL From JIar. f »• b«r|. 83 80 77 70 67 65 60 56 S4 49 47 45 41 36 BALTIMORE TO YORK AND HARRIS- BURG. BaUim.Sf Sunq. R. R. BALTIMORE to. Woodbury Washington Foc'ry Texas Ashland Westerman's Mnnktoti Mills...* Whitehall Parkton Freeland'8> Summit Ybrk (f> Md. R.R. Strasburg Heathcote'g Brnyser's riaM to Place. rrom BalU> mora. 3 3 3 6 7 13 3 10 2 18 5 23 4 27 2 29 5 34 2 30 38 42 47 C s^ ^* ^A^£^. ^^ 26 From Har- ria- baif. ♦YORK York StCamVd R.R, HABRISBURO . . HARRISBUR6 TO BALTIMORE. {Rtad up.) 10 26 Place to Place. 57 83 From Haiti, morfc * Route flrom York to Columbia, Lancaster and Philadelphia, sea page 93. P'om Harrisbnrg to Pittsburg, via Penn. Central R. R., see Route from Baltimore to Pittsburg, p. 173. From Harrisburg to Chambers, burg, Pa., by railroad^ 56 miles. 342 m 2S3 2S0 325 320 310 905 IW 187 176 161 182 117 78 06 61 68 63 41 81 Pllta- tari. From 01 Anna- pelli. 39 30 BALTIMORE TO PITTSBURG. m injfi, Mop here, .diverge! from te from Bniti. •and the Vir. 173. Vheeling, page Railroad, ig at 5. Va. At the e«tern waters, At Louisville I to St. Louj,^ tant places on Ohio R. R. ii Nbrth' tVesttrn ar ClarkabvTff, I Paritersbiirij. !r road will be ind thence by len these 8av9- route between It direct route e • • • i.R. a.. 10 96 57 83 TO 1 Pteoe to Place. From Boiru raott. to Columbia, adelphia, see to Pittsburg, R., see Route >burg, p. 173. o Cbatnbers. >4 SO milei. bwi- So" 847 342 217 283 230 225 220 ^5 m m 190 187 176 161 182 117 78 66 61 68 (3 41 81 BALTIMORE TO PITTSBURG, VIA PENN'A R.R. BALTIMORE to... r ilarrisburg. Pa.] < (See previous > I Route.) ) Penruj/lvania R. R. Rockville, Pa Cove Duneannon Aqueduct Belly's-. Newport Millerstown Thompsontown Mexico MiflBin. LBWISTOWN McVeytown * HUNTINGDON. Tyrone Altoona Johnstown Florence Lockport.. Bolivar f Blairsville June Latrobe t Greensburg PITTSBURG Pilte- >B|. Plaee to riac*. FreiB more. PITTSBURG TO BALTIMORE. {^Read up.) 83 6 6 4 8 6 5 6 6 6 6 12 11 25 19 16 89 12 5 8 6 lii 10 81 Place to Place 83 88 03 97 100 106 110 116 120 126 131 143 164 179 198 213 262 264 272 277 289 299 830 From Balti- more. * The Huntingdon and Broad Top B. R. connects here. fThe North-western, wad CleveUmd md Mahoning R. R^s. will connect here. X The Hemjifidd R. R. will unite the JPanmylvania R.R. with the Ohio River, at Wheeling, Pa. TH.B. See Routes from Pittsburg, page 116, and following pages. , From Anna- inllt. 39 30 BALTIMORE TO AN- NAPOLIS, MD. Baltim. ^ Ohio R.R. BALTIMORE to. Relay House 16 • Place to Place. 9 From Balti- more. 9 39 34 31 17 11 From 4nna- polia. From White .Bui. phur, .315 333 333 311 196 191 178 173 163 157 149 142 134 123 115 109 98 85 70 61 55 41 36 tVtuhingt.Br.R.R. Elkridge Landing.. Jessup'sCut Annapolis Junction Annapolis Br, R.R Patuxent Forge.... Miilersville to ANNAPOLIS . . . ■ ANNAPOLISTOBAL TIMORE. {R«ad up.) 1 5 3 4 6 11 Place to Place. 10 15 18 39 28 SO From Biatl- more. BALTIMORE TO WINCHESTER, VA., AND VIRGINIA SPRINGS. Baltim.^ Ohio R.R. BALTIMORE to. J Harper'r F*RT, ( ) (see page 171.) S Wine. g( Potom.RR. Charlestown Wade's Depot Stuphenson'a D'p.to WINCHESTER. . By Stage to Middletown Strasburg Woodstock Edinburg Mount Jackson.... New Market Spartapolis Harrisonburg Mt. Crawford Mt. Sidney Staunton Jenning'sGap Deerfield Cloverdale Green Valley Warm Springs-... Hot Springs to.. . ( WHITE SUL- \ PHUR SPR'S { From VIRGINIA SPRINGS "^Tl TO BALTIMORE. pJ>ur. {Read up.) Place to Platte. 83 10 12 15 5 13 5 11 5 8 7 8 11 8 6 11 13 15 9 6 14 5 36 Place to Plaee. From Balti- moi*. 83 93 104 119 124 137 142 153 158 166 173 181 193 200 20ft 217 230 245 254 260 274 279 315 From Haiti, mora See Virginia Springs, (descrip* tion of.) 174 BALTIMORE TO VIRGINIA SPRINGS. From Vir- gini> Bpr'gii 295 277 275 274 270 267 265 262 255 218 234 231 229 221 207 197 186 169 160 153 143 189 132 129 109 85 70 61 55 41 86 From Vir- Spr'itt BALTIMORE TO VIRGINIA SPRINGS, VIA ORANGE O.H. ••«••«••••«••• WashtTUjion Branch. BALTIMORE to.. Annapolis Junction Savage Factory Laurel Factory , White Oak Bottom... Beltsville . Point Branch Bladensbur^. WASH'GTON, D.C Alexandria, Ya Orange and Jlexani^ dria B, R. Burke's Fairfax Sangster's Manassas Warrenton Junction Rappahannock Culpepper's C. H ORANGE 0. H , Oordonsville , Virginia Control R. Cobham Sh^well... , OHARLOTTSV'E. Woodville Mechnms River Waynesboro' STAUNTON By Stage. Jenning's Gap Deerfield Cloverdale Green Valley Warm Springs Hot Springs f WHITE SUL-1 1 PHUR SP'GS ]■ .Flaw to Plao*. VIRGINIA SPRINGS TO BALTIMORE. (Read up.) 18 2 1 4 3 2 8 14 3 2 8 14 10 11 17 9 ' 7 10 .4r 7 3 20 11 18 15 9 6 14 5 36 From Balti- mors- 18 20 21 25 28 SO 33 40 47 61. 64 .66. 74 88 98 109 126 135 142 152 156 168 166 186 197 210 225 1 234 I ^240 254 259 295 Place to Place. From Wh'l. From Balti- more. 522 142 117 101 95 75 70 69 60 67 52 38 26 14 From Wh'l- lug. BALTIMORE TO CLEVELAND, VIA WHEELING, VA. Via Baltimore and Ohio R. R. BALTIMORE to... J Wheeling, Va. { ) (See page 171.) | Wlieding Uxtens'n R. Steubenviile, Ohio... Wellsville Junction.. Cleveland and FUtt- burg R. R. . Hammondsville *Hanover. Rochester t Bayard Moultrie I Alliance .'.... Lima Ravenna .- § Hudson Bedford CLEVELAND CLEVELAND TO BALTIMORE., {Read up.) Place to Place. 380 25 16 6 20 5 1 3 9 5 14 12 12 14 Pluce to Place Pro« liaM. more. 380 405 421 427 447 452 453 456 465 470 484 496 508 522 Frou Balli. matt. * Hanover Branc/i R. R. connects here. t The Tuscarawas Extension R.R. connects here. It runs to New Phi- ladelphia, 32 miles. X Ohio and Pennsylvania R. R. in- tersects here. g Connects here with the devt' land, ZanesviUe d Cincinnati R. R. From Cleve Uud. 469 139 123 111 101 90 80 70, 67 1 BALTIMORE TO CLEVELAND, VIA PITTSBURG. Pennsylvania R.R. BALTIMORE to.. Pittsburg Ohio <& Penn'a R. R. Economy N.Brighton Darlingtou Palestine Columbiana Salem Alliance Place to Place 830 16 12 10 11 10 10 18 Fron Bait), mon. 330 346 358 368 379 389 399 412 In* dew Gkl- BAl oi*. m BAL^ (Cle\ 3a ) th f V] Clevel 281 Pandu 231 TOLl Erie <i 190 Adriai MicJni 156 Cold> m Sturgl m White North 111 Bristc 102 Eikhii 87 Soutb 60 LaPc OHIC « tim 01 CM. em B ir.B. pige 74. rr«m Oil- Nie. 1241 861 779 692 641 478 886 S46 812 -' BALTIMORE TO CHICAGO. 176 lA ind to... •.)! o... on.. Place to Place 380 25 16 6 20 6 1 3 9 5 14 12 12 14 Pluce to Proa lialtf. more. 380 405 421 427 4*7 452 453 456 465 470 484 496 508 522 From Balli. Place more. M. a. connecU Extention B.R, as to New Phi- nnia H. S. in- ith the Cleof einnati R. S. ro Plaet FroM lA to Haiti. Place more. '.R. to... • •••• 330 m I.R. • •••• 16 346 12 358 • •••• 10 368 11 379 10 389 • •••f 10 399 13 412 t2 S8 den devel'd d PUts'Jg B. Liipa Ravenna ~ Hudson CLEVELAND CLEVELAND TO BALTIMORE. 5 14 12 26 Place to Place. 417 431 443 469 From Balti- more. CM- oie. 3a 281 231 IDS 156 133 m 111 102 87 fWA Cki* 2E. BALTIMORE TO CHICAGO. BALTIMORE to... ! Cleveland, short- \ est Route. (See r the two pre- f vious Routes.) J ClevePd (£ Toledo R. Fandusky TOLEDO. Ohio Erie d Kalamazoo R. Adrian... Michigan SotttVn R. Cold Water SturgiR'g Prairie White Pigeon Northern Indiana R. Bristol Elkhart South Bend La Pori« 4......'. OHIOAGO CHICAGO TO BALTIMORE. Place to Place 469 60 50 32 43 23 12 10 9 15 60 Place to Place From Balti- more. 469 529 579 611 654 67T 699 708 723 750 810 From Balti- more N.B. See RoiUet 'from diicago, page 74. (•{0. 1241 779 692 Ml 478 886 345 812 BALTIMORE TO CHICAGO. VIA WHEELING, OHIO RIVER, AND N. AL- BANY & SALEM R.R. Baltimore <£ Oh-k> R, BALTIMORE to... Wheeling, Va. / (See page 171.) j Via Ohio River. Marietta, Ohio Portsmouth Maysville. Ky OINGINNATI, 0... Madison. la LOUISVILLE, Ky. New AHmny, la Place to Place, 380 82 187 51 63 92 41 3 From Balti- more. 880 462 649 700 763 855 896 899 807 271 246 204 174 146 51 From Chi- cago. ■N. AWy <e Salem, R. Salem, la. Bedford Bloomington... Green Castle... Crawfordsville La Fayette Michigan City OHIOAGO.... CHICAGO TO BALTIMORE. 85 36 25 42 30 28 92 54 Place to Place. 934 970 995 1037 1067 1095 1187 1241 From Balti- more. N.B. See Routes from page 74. Chicago, From Ciu- cin- BSU. BALTIMORE TO CINCINNATI, VIA VIRG'A N.W. R.R. {In progress.) Place to Place. 9 6 17 12 38 19 21 66 28 26 30 20 104 176 Place to Place. From Balti- more. Baltimore d Ohio R. BALTIMORE to... Washington June... Ellicott's Mills 9 15 • Sykesville Mount Airy Harper's Ferry Martinsburg, Ya Hancock 32 44 82 101 12?, S) Cumberland 178 s. Piedmont 206 Pi Oakland ?a,?, ^ Kingwood Tunnel.... Fetterman Virginia N. Westi R.R. {In progress Parkersburg, Va Cincinnati, HiUsborro' dFarkersVg R.R. OINOIF'TATI 262 282 386 562 From Cin- ein'ti. CINCINNATI TO BALTIMORE. From Balti- more Remarks. — The above Route be- t^.een Baltimore and Cincinnati, connecting the two cities by a direct line, is now in a state of progression. On its completion, it will afford the shortest route to an Atlantic city. Westward from Cincinnati, the Ohio and Mississippi R.R. extends to St. Louis, carrying the line on- wards to the Mississippi River. By examining the map. tlie direct- ness of the linetvtil becomt ajoparent. tT6 ROUTES FROM WASHINGTON. I Vrsm Cham. bera- bun- BALTIMORE TO GHAMBERSBURG, PA. Place to Place. 83 12 10 12 11 11 From' Balti- more. 139 56 44 34 S-2 1] Bg Railroad from l^ALTIMORE to. Harrisboro, i (see page 172) Mechaiiicsburt; .... Carlisle Newville Shi ppen burp to OHfAMBBRSB'a 83 95 105 117 128 131) B8i<m CHAMBERSBURG TO BALTIMORE. {Read up.) Place to Place. Trrom Balti- more. ROUTES FROM WASHING- TON. Prom Washinoton to Balti- more, see page 90. For continuation of the route ft'om Baltimorb to Philadelphia, and from the latter city to New York, see pages 88 to 90. From Washington to Norfolk, Va., by steamboat, down the Poto- .mac and Chesapeake Bay, about 200 miles. From Washington to Lbesburo, > Va., by atago, 36 miles. Prom Washington to Winches- ter, Va., via Leesburg, 78 miles. From Washington to Richmond, Va., see p. 90. For the continua- tion of the route south to Charles- ton, New Orleans, &c.., see pages 91 to 98. From Washington to Harris- . BDRo, Pa.: to Baltimore, 40 miles, Baltimore to Harrisburg, see p. 172. From Washington to Pitts- BORO, via Harrisl^urg, see route from Baltimore to Pittsburg, p.l73. Prom Washington to Fredbr> tcK, Md., Harper's Ferry, Cum- berland, and Wheeling, Va., see route from Baltimore to those places, page 171. N. B.—Se9 Routes from Baltimore, page iC8. From Anna- polis. 43 36 33 31 28 24 23 21 17 11 Prom Anna- polis. WASHINGTON TO ANNAPOLIS, MO. Wash' ton Br. R.R. WASHINGT'N to Bladensburg Paint Branch Beitsville White Oak Bottom Laurel Factory.... Savage Factory .... Annapolis Junction Annapolis Br. R.R. Patuxeut Forge.... Millersville to ANNAPOLIS . . . . ANNAPOLIS TO WASHINGTON. {Read up.) Place to Place. 7 3 2 3 4 1 2 4 6 11 Place to Place. 7 10 13 IS 19 20 23 32 43 Froii I W'lli, f la{toi| p„„i WASHINGTON TO 8.a"-STAUNT'N,VA.,VIA *»"• WARRENTON, VA. 157 150 142 133 131 127 123 112 109 99 88 69 61 54 40 37 33 26 23 18 11 WASHINGTON to ( Alexandria, ) ) Va., (by ferry) | Orangeand Alexan- dria R. R. to Springfield Fairfax Sangster's Union Mills Manasses Weaversville IVorrenton June. . . . Rappahannock. ..^ . Culpepper Orange Gordonsvillb Virginia Central R. R. to Cobhnm Depot Kiswick Shad well Depot.... Charlottesville. . Woodville Mechum's River . . . Hrookville Waynesboro' STAUNTON From Bta'n- ton. STAUNTON TO WASHINGTON. {Read up.) Place to Place. 9 9 2 4 4 11 3 10 11 19 8 7 m 14 ID 3 ]» 4 m 7 131 3 13( 5 139 7 Ui 11 157 Place Fran to WW Place. inUN ma W'ik.1 TO Place HID. to Place. iuiitwl l.R. Nto 7 7 • • • • • 3 10 • • • • 2 12 ttom 3 15 r.... 4 19 r.... 1 20 ction 2 22 R.R. e.... 4 36 6 38 ' « • • • 11 43 TO Place rroq IN. to Will. ) Place. lodn <T0 Place tm ..VIA to W'rt. ,VA. Place. ioilM »Nto » y) 7 7 lexan- 9 U k • • • • • 9 H 2 % 4 31 4 34 11 4S nc. . . . 3 4( E • < •-• • 10 5,1 11 fit 19 88 t 8 9i ntral t 7 1(0 14 111 ot. •• . 3 1» [LLSt.. 4 IM 7 131 er ... 3 13t 5 13i 7 m 11 157 JO Place Frra ON. to WW ) PlBC«. infM WASHINGTON TO STAUNTON. nm liii' 89 62 53 47 41 37 28 S4 SI 14 G um- ALEXANDRIA, VA., TO STRASBUR6,VA. Orange avd ^letan dria R. R. ALEXANDRIA to IVlHiiassas June.' • JUanassas Oap R. R. Gainesville Tlioroughrare The Plains Salem Piedmont • Markham '. . Manassas Gap ... Front Royal Station Portsmouth STB ASBTTRGr . . Place to Place. 27 9 6 6 4 9 4 3 7 8 6 STRASBURG TO pi.ce ALEXANDRIA, VA. «« {Read up) '"^ WASHINGTON TO !«?• ST\UNTON.VA.,»«fl ST' FREDERICKSBURG. From Alex- andria 27 36 42 48 52 61 65 68 75 S3 89 From Alex- andrfat S13 SOS 106 157 143 131 120 no 184 91 60 68 63 54 47 40 37 33 96 i3 18 11 bti'ii. »•••••• By Steamboat, from WASHINGT'N to Alexandria Mount Vernon. .. . Acquia Creek Lan Richm'd, Fred'rr'kab. and P»t»mac R. R. to PredeRIcksbiro (iruiney's Depot . . Mi Iford Depot Chesterlield .function. .. Virgia Cent, R.R.to Reaver Dam Pepot Frederick Hall Dep Louisa Co''rt-House Trevilian's GtoRDONSVILIiB Cobham Depot Kiiwick Shad well Depot.... Charlottesville. . Woodville Mechums' River . . . Brookeville Waynesboro* 8TAUNTON STAUNTON TO WASHINGTON. {Read up.) Place to Place. 7 9 39 14 12 11 10 6 13 II 12 5 9 7 7 3 4 7 3 5 7 11 PUce to Place. From W'sh- ingtoo V 16 55 61 92 102 108 131 132 144 •149 158 165 172 175 179 186 189 104 301 S13 59 53 39 34 From Sp'ugs Cloverdale Green Valley W^arm Springs. .. . Hot Sprinos to.. . ) WHITE SUL- I } FHUR SFR'S i VIRGINIA SPRINGS TO WASHINGTON. (Read up.) itr 9 1255 6 14 5 34 Place to Place. 261 275 280 314 From W'«h- iugtoM * Washington ta Staunton, via Fredericksburg. Froi Far kera- bnrg. ,nnWINCHESTER, VA., ' TO PARKERSBURG, VA. From Wan- iniltoB 226 136 176 165 151 i::5 1!'! 9t 86 m 6o iU 33 By Stage from ♦WINOHES'R to. Eoniney Burlington Clay vitle Hoysburg ......... German Settlement iF'Vansville ,i- untytown ^rid{?£m>rt Plane I ^""^ ^\l°* Will. Plane. Cl ARKSBORO New Salem Lewirport Pcnne.'.on' to .... tPARKERSBXTRa From Par- kera- burg. PARKERSBURfJ TO WINCHESTER. (Read up.) 40 10 11 14 16 2i 15 10 14 16 13 38 Place Ptace. chea* ter. 40 50 61 75 91 115 130 140 140 160 176 188 226 Froa Wis. chat- ter. ♦ Prom Winchester, Virginia, to Washington City, via Leesbui^, i« 78 miles. t Parkersbing is situated on the Ohio River; i: ii one of the landing, places for th? steamboats which pass up and down that stream. Passengers arriving at Parkers* burg may reach the interior ,;f Ohio, by going up the river to Marfetta, and taking «to^« conveyance thenoa to Zanesville, Columbus, &c. I 178 ROUTES FROM RICHMOND, VA. ROUTES FROM RICHMOND, VA. From Richmond to Wabhino- VON, see pago 90 ; thence to Balti- MORS, Philaoblphia, and N.York. see the same and two preceding pages. From RiciiMOHD to Weldoiv, N. C, see pa^ie 91 ; thence to Cuari.es- TON, MoNTOOMERy, MOBILE, NkW Orleans, and intermdiate places, see the same and two following pages. From RicHMoifD to NoRrobX, by Bttamboat, 12ti miles. * 833 2-24 S18 81.') 813 soa 801 197 193 187 188 176 176 1U5 156 151 149 146 148 139 135 115 108 103 96 83 68 59 53 38 RICHMOND TO STAUNTON AND VIRGINIA SPRINGS. Cent'lVirffiniaR.R ^RICHMOND to. Atley's Peak's Hanover C, H Wickham*s Junction Noel's Hewlett's Beaver Dam Depot Bumposs's Frederick Hall Dep. Tolersville Louisa C. H Trevilian's GORDONSVILLR . . . • Lindsay's Cobhani Campbeirs Keswick Shadwell Mills... Charlottesville . Brook ville •• Waynesboro' Fiahersville Staunton Jennings' Gap Deerfleld Cioverdale Green Valley ••• .. Waim Springs. . . . 9 6 3 8 7 5 4 4 6 5 6 6 5 9 5 4 3 4 80 7 6 6 13 15 9 6 14 Trom ILch- Moad. 9 15 18 20 27 32 36 40 46 51 57 63 68 77 83 84 87 91 94 98 118 125 131 137 150 165 174 180 194 34 From Sp'K* Hot Springs to.. W. SUL. SP'NaS WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS TO RICH- MOND, {head up.) 5 34 Place to Place. 199 233 Prom Riclt. UOMl. The Virginia Central E.Jt., ex. tending from Richmond, Vs., to Covington, Kj., the larger portion of which is already open for travel, is being prosecuted to completion under the management of Charles EUet, Jr., Esq. At its western ter< minus it will join with the Coving. ton and Ohio R. JR., continuing the lino to the Ohio River, near the mouth of the Great Kanawha liiver, and also to Catlettsburg, Ky., where it will connect with the Lanngtm and Big Sandy R. R. From KboX' villi. 434 433 422 413 408 399 392 382 374 366 866 337 826 813 309 304 291 283 260 267 244 RICHMOND TO LYNCHBURG AND KNGXVILLE, TENN. Ridimond and Dan- ville R. R. RIOHMOND to Manchester Coalfield Powhattan Mattox Amelia G.H Wyanoke Uaytokah South SdeR.B. Rice's FarmvlUe Prospect Appomattox Concord LYNOHBUEO Virginia and Ten- nessee R.R. Haleey's Forest Liberty Lisbon , Bonsack's Salem Place to Flace, 1 11 9 5 9 7 10 8 8 10 10 11 13 4 5 13 8 14 12 Big Spring i 18 Rick, mondi 1 12 21 42 62 60 68 78 97 lOS 121 125 130 133 151 165 177 190 »2 Chri m Cent 212 NET 184 Wyt m l>lea. m Marl 138 Qlad 128 Abii 116 Briat 106 B •I Kinf 12 New ff4 Rog« 47 Rod 43 Deal 83 Rut] 19 Blai 10 Ac;u KN( ^. rrem K Um- ftUe. fi.n er*!!*- kero*. DA GR '« — R 196 RI 196 Mi 184 Co 376 Po 170 Mi 161 Ai 164 W 144 Hi 126 K 107 R< 103 CI 06 Bi 88 B< RICHMOND TO GREENBORO'. m t ■ • 5 as 34 JR ;h- Place to P-) PlMe. 199 233 Fren R(ch> uiwi. al E.It., ex. ond, Va., to arger portion en for travel, x> oompIetioQ at of Charles western ter- the Coving- ontinuing the rer, near the mawhalMver, rg, Ky., where the Lexington NO B. !n- Plicc to FiBce. 1 11 9 5 9 7 10 8 8 10 19 11 18 4 6 IS 8 14 12 I 177 i 18 I 190 Fitm Klch. moni 1 12 21 26 85 42 62 60 68 78 97 108 121 125 130 133 151 165 232 w. 212 184 16ft 188 128 ;L10 106 01 82 84 47 43 83 19 10 KaaS' Christiansburg Central Depot NEWBERN By Stage. Wytheville Pleasant Hill Marion Glade Spring Abingdon Bristol ^BLOUNTS-; I VILLE, Teun. 1 Kingsport New Canton RogersTille Rocky Spring Bean's Station Rutledge Blair's Cross Roads... Aciidemia KNOXVILLB KNOXVILLE TO RICHMOND. (Head up.) 12 11 9 28 16 12 18 JO 12 10 15 9 18 17 4 10 14 9 10 PiBce to Place. 202] 213 222 250 266 278 2U6 306 318 328 343 352 370 387 391 401 415 424 434 From Rich- moud ■ The Virginia and Tennessee B. B. is in progress to the Tennessee Biver, where it will join the Knox- ville and East Tennessee B. B., now Imilding. This, in connection with other Railroad lines, will extend the Route to Memphis, Tenn.; also to Montgomery and Mobile, Ala., Ind to New Orleans. Sr'n*. ten'. 196 396 184 375 170 161 164 144 125 107 103 95 88 RIOHMOND TO DANVILLE, VA., AND GREENSBORO, N.C. Bicbmcnd and Daw vnUe. B.R, RICHMOND to Manchester, Ya Coalfield's Powhattan.. Mattox Amelia 0. H Wyanoke Ilaytokah KeysTille Roanoke Clover „ Banister Boston PItce From to Rich. Flare. moud. 1 . 1 11 12 9 21 5 26 y 35 7 42 10 52 19 71 18 89 4 93 8 101 7 108 53 36 27 In progress to DANVILLE By Stage to HawlinsviUe, N.C. Reidsville 35 tm ■Li 9 14 13 Place to FUce 143 160 lo9 13 llillsaale iHa GREENSBORO'... 198 From Or'nu- tioto: GREENSBORO' TO RICHMOND. {^Bead up.) From Rich- mond. The Bichmond and DanviUe B.B. will soon be completed to Danville. It will be continued by another road to Qreensboro', N.C, where it will connect with the North Carolina Central B.B., From Ra- leiRh. i 171 158 155 149 128 108 98 87 78 67 63 58 45 27 16 9 From Ra- Uiigb. RICHMOND TO RALEIGH, N.C. Bichmond and P(S- tersburg R.B. RICHMOND to.... Clover Hill Port Walthall PETERSBURG.... Stony Creek Hioksford Oreenv'e d^Boandke B Ryland's , Gaston Oaston d Baleigh B. Littleton Macon , Warrenton Ridgeway Henderson Franklinton Forestville Huntsville * RALEIGH RALEIGH TO RICHMOND. {Bead vp.) Place . to Pluce. 13 3 6 21 20 10 11 9 11 4 5 13 18 11 7 9 Place to Place. From mcaui. 13 16 22 43 63 73 84 93 104 108 113 126 144 155 162 171 Frooi Rich- mowt. * See Routes from Baleigh, N.O^ page 181. 180 RICHMOND TO NORFOLK. I I I. Vroni Hor- folk. 161 156 153 150 148 145 139 118 98 81 54 49 37 18 1 l^roni Kor- folk. RICHMOND TO NORFOLK, VA. Riehmcndand Pe>- tersbnrg R. R. RIOHMOND to Temple's Rice's Tm'Doat Half-way Station Closer Hill Port Walthall PETERSBURG Stonoy Greeic Hickf«ford Careyaburg, N.O Seaboard and Ro- anoke R. R. Margarettsville, Jf.C, Boykins, Va.. Newsom's Frftnklin Saffolk PortRmouth NORFOLK RICHMOND TO NORFOLK. (Read up.) Place to Place. 6 3 3 2 3 6 21 20 17 18 9 5 12 19 17 1 Place to Place. From Rioh- mond- 5 8 11 13 16 22 43 63 80 98 107 112 124 143 160 161 From Kich- mood. From Peter* burg. 123 i:o . m m 61 52 43 31 10 From Pelem burg. LYNCH8URG TO PETERSBURG. S-mth Side R. R. LTNOHBURG to. C '^flord Appomattox Pamplin's..... Prospect FarmviUe Rice's Burkeville Nottoway C. H Wellsvilhs Sutharland's PETERSBURG-.... PETERSBURG TO LYNCHBURG. (Read up.) Plac "Ti to xj/iifh Place, burg. 13 11 12 8 11 7 9 9 12 21 10 Place to Place, 18 24 86 44 55 62 71 80 92 113 123 From Lynch burg. From Petersburg, Va., extends a Railroad to City Poiut, 12 miles, from which place steamboats run down James River to Norfolk, and from tbe latter place to Washing- 1 too, Baltimore, Ao. i From Guy- ac- dotte. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS TO 6UY- ANDOTTE, VA. Bp Stage from WHITE S. SF'GS Lewisburg BLUE S. SP'GS.... Sewell's Mt Locust Lane Mountain Cove Gauley's Bridge Paint Creek Kanawha Saline...... Charleston Mount Salem.u Barboursville GUAYANDOTTE. GUYANDOTTE TO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. (Read up.) Flaee to Place. 12 16 10 9 15 14 16 8 20 18 7 Place to Place. Prom Wh'. ^ulpf Spt'p 21 37 47 66 71 85 101 109 129 1*. 164 From Wh'« Sulp'i bpr'ji N.B. White Sulphur Springs to Richmond, Va., see page 178; auu White Sulphur Springs to Baltic more, see page 173. From WhV Salp'r Spr'ga 104 63 44 84 21 16 From Wh'e Sulp'i Bpr'ga LYNCHBURG TO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, VIA NA TURAL BRIDGE. By Stage from ^LTNOHBURG to. Natural Bridge Dibrell's Spring Clifton Forge Covington Callagban's WHITE S. SF'GS WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS TO LYNCHBURG. {Read up.) Place to Place. 41 19 10 13 5 16 Place to Place, Prom Lynch bur*. 41 60 70 83 88 101 From Lynch buig. * From Lynchburg to Richmond, see page 178. NORFOLK TO WELDON. in 9 12 16 10 9 16 14 16 8 20 18 7 Place to Place, i 37 47 66 71 85 101 109 129 1*1 164 From Sulp'f Spr'gi prings to 178; auu to JBalU- Place From to Lyacb Place. bu;». J 41 41 1 19 60 1 10 70 1 13 83 1 6 88 1 16 104 1 ■"■■" - 1 Placel From to I Lynch lane. buj^. shuond, T «Ue. STAUNTON, VA., TO NATURAL BRIDGE AND FIN- CASXLE. Place to Place. 12 13 11 14 10 13 Plate to Place. From Stann ton. 12 26 36 60 60 73 From Stang ton. 44 32 11 From Eden- ton. New Lebanon..... Elizabeth City.N.C. Hertford to EDENTON 17 13 31 11 35 47 68 79 g By Stage from STAUNTON to Greenville EDENTON TO NOR- FOLK. {Readup':) Place to Place. From Nor- folk. 48 87 Fairflflld Lexinirton ROUTES FROM RALEIGH, N. C. From Raleigh to RioBMONn. 23 18 (NATURAL) i BRIDGE Pattonbunr riNOASTLB and intermediate places, see page 179 ; and from Richmond to Wash- ington, see page 90. From Raleigh to Fatettevillb, N. C, and Camden, S. C. see page 187. rram Fin- MrtI*. FINCASTLE TO STAUNTON. {Eead up.) 1 From BttUa* bury. 116 96 89 83 70 44 27 From Salie- borj. RALEIGH TO SALIS- BURY, N, C. Place to Plaee. 20 7 7 13 36 17 37 Pioee to Plaoe. Froa Ra- NORFOLK, VAm TO WELDON, N. C. Place to Plaoe. 1 17 14 5 12 5 9 13 5 Place to Plaee. From Nor- folk. 1 18 32 37 49 54 63 76 81 From Nor- folk. leigb. Itam Wei- tea. By Stafefrom RALEIGH to.... Grove - Portsmouth and Ao- anoke R. R. NORFOLK to.... Portsmouth SiiflRillr 20 27 'ii Hacknpv'a. ........ Pittsboro' i 81 80 63 49 44 St. Lawrence ASHBORO' 46 73 rDRrrsville ......... Spencer to SALISBXJRT 89 Franklin 106 32 27 18 5 Newsom's Depot. . Boykin's Depot Margaretsvilie.N.C. Careysbiirg to WELDON SALISBURY TO RALEIGH, N. 0. {Read up.) From Ra- leish. From Wrm 8p>(*. 176 161 146 121 95 60 48 36 From Wvm Sp'ga. SALISBURY TO WARM SPRINGS, N. C, VIA MOR- GANTOWN. Fteee to Plaee. from Wei- ten. WELDON TO NOR- FOLK. (Read up.) From Salie- bury. From Weldon, passengers may reach Petersburg, Richmond, Fr^- ericksburg, &,c., by railroad; or Wilmington, N. C., and other l^aees, by the same conveyance. Prom Norfolk to Baltimore, by iteamboaUia 196 miles. By Staff'! from SALISBURY to.. Cowansville Statesville Ravpsville 15 15 25 26 35 12 12 36 Place to Place. 15 30 55 M0RO.VNTOWN Old Fort 81 116 Swannanoa Gap... ARheville to WARM SP'NGS. 138 From EuKU- toB, NORFOLK, VA., TO EDENTON, N. C. Singe, from Nc 2;?OLK to.... Lake Drummond. ■ Place to Place. 18 From Nor- folk. 18 140 176 79 WARM SPRINGS TO SALISBURY. {Read up.) Fram Ball*. 16 182 SALISBURY TO WARM SPRINGS. Wrm 172 148 140 13tt 123 109 101 77 48 36 From W'rm Bp'ua. By Stage from SALISBURY to.. Mt. Moifrne. .i.... Beanie's Ford Catawba Springs.. LiNCOLNTON Wilsonville Rockwell Riitherfordton Fairview ASHSVILLB to WARM SF'NaS. From NeW' bwa. 135 98 74 73 46 18 From born. SALISBURY, N. C, TO WARM SP'NGS, VIA LINCOLNTON. WARM SPRINGS TO ASHEVILLE. {Read up.) PUm to PUca. 34 8 4 14 13 8 S4 29 13 30 flare to Place. RALEIGH TO NEW- BERN, N. C. By Stage from RALEiaH to.. Stnithfield Waynesboro' . . . . Ooldsboro' Kingiiston Trenton to NBWBBRN.... Flare to Place. 27 24 1 27 28 18 NEWBERN TO RA- ^""" to LEIGH. {Reaiup.)\vur,>. From Balia- bury. 24 33 30 fiO 63 71 95 124 136 172 From Bullif bury. From Ra- leigh. 27 51 52 79 107 125 From Ra- leigh. f™™ RALEIGH TO lONES- BORO', TENN. innea' boro*. 276 2.56 247 235 191 163 145 127 115 102 By Stage from RALEIGH to... Morinii^iiiville Chapel Hill Hillsboro' GREENSBORO' Salem Huntsvirte Hamptonville .... New Castle VViixesboro' VUce to Place. 20 9 12 44 28 18 18 VI 13 From Ra. leigb. 20 » 41 85 113 i:u 149 '161 174 89 72 48 18 Reddy'i Hirer Jefferson Taylorsville, Tenn. Elizabethtowo, to. . JONESBORO'.... From Jonea' boro'. From Char- lotte. 92 81 57 39 19 7 From Char- lotte. JONESBORO' TO RALEIGH. {Read up.) 13 17 24 30 18 GREENSBORO' TO CHARLOTTE, N. C. By Stage from GREENSBORO' to Jamestown Lexington Salisbury Concord Harrisburg to. .. . OHARLOTTE . CHARLOTTE TO GREENSBORO'. {Head up.) ;j«™ RALEIGH TO CHAR 10.?^: LOTTE, N. C. By Stage from 155 RALEIGH to.... 135 Grove 128 Hackneys 121 Pittsboro' 109 St. Lawrence 83 ASHBORO' 66 Spencer 39 Salisbury 19 Concord 7 Harrisburar to *CHARLdTTB.. Frotn Cb«r- CHARLOTTE TO RALEIGH. {Read up.) Place (o Pluco 187 204 2i8 2.58 276 From Ra. luilh. Plaoe to Place. 11 24 18 20 12 7 Place to Place. Place to Place. 20 7 7 12 20 17 27 20 13 7 Place to Place. From Or'na. boro*. 11 35 53 73 85 92 From Or'na. boro'. From Ra- leigh. * From Charlottb to Columbia, S. C, see page 18li. From Charlotte to Camdbn, 3. C, see page 187. ROU From Charli itUNTA to MON US pages 92 anc From Charlii isd intermedia Wilmington, ▼! Weldon, and W ^, and Wash] page 89; Philac A TABLE SI CHARLES TANT PL Tiie followii t\m, occupied points in the of fares, wiier modes of con^ case the fares obtained und enough to ma that which is the detention these the tran rally given b: From OHAI ft • ROUTES FROM CHARLESTON. 18S 17 18 187 204 3^ 258 27(i From Ra- ROUTES FROM CHARLESTON. S. 0. 73 85 92 From ar'oi. From Ra- leigh. 30 27 34 46 72 89 116 136 148 155 ^^S^S,0S^O^S^'>^t^>^^S^^*^S^^S^^k^^ >0« From Or'na. Ilea. boro'. ~~~ • 1 11 4 35 8 53 From Crarustoit to Augusta, see page 184. Vuovsta to Atlanta, Atunta to Montgomery, Momtgom brt to Mobile, Mobile to New Orleans, IM pages 92 and 93. From Charleston to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, nd intermediate places. Cbarleston to BranohTille, 63 miles ; tbenoe to Wilmington, via Manchester, 212 miles; total, 276 miles. Wilmington to Weldon, and Weldon to Richmond, see page 91 ; Richmond to Washing- Vm, and Washington to Baltimore, page 90; Baltimore to PhUadelphia. page 89; Philadelphia to Mew York, page 88. I A TABLE SHOWINQ THE DISTANCE, FARES, «io., FROM CHARLESTON, S. C,. TO MANY OF THE MOST IMPOR- TANT PLACES IN THE UNION. The following table will show, at a glance, the dhtanee, expenae, and time, occupied in travelling Trom Charleston to the mngt prominent pointji in the Union. Allowance, however, must be made in the rate of fares, when travelling in steamboats, upon lakes or rivers, as those modes of conveyance are subject to more or less competition, in which case the fares vary. Those given, however, are as accurate as can be obtained under the circumstances, and will, no doubt, be found near enough to make up a general estimate of expenses. The time given ia that which is actually, occupied in passing from one point to another; the detentions between each route are not taken into consideration, as these tho traveller must determine for himself. The diatanees are gene- rally given by the shortest routes. Nnmea of Flaoaa. Milea. Hours Fares. From OHARLP-RTnW tn M rtntarnmerv .47 36 920 00 30 00 • • t • Mobile 714 76 • • « • New Orleans 880 94 35 00 . . .• St. Augustine, Fl 285 32 15 00 . . • . Savannah, 6a 125 10 5 00 • • . • Nashville, Tenn 589 30 20 00 • • •• St. Louis, via Nashv'le 1034 66 30 00 • • «• Memphis, T., via > Railroad &: Sta<?e. 752 79 30 00 • • •• Chicago, via Nash- ) ville &. St. Louis. \ I Indianapolis, via ) 1441 126 40 00 • • •• <Na8hville,OhioR., S C and Madison..... ) ( Cincinnati, via ) 1246 80 30 00 •« •• < Nashville Sc Ohio > (River ) 1254 84 30 00 • • • • Richmond. Va 427 40 12 50 « • « . Washington... 558 50 18 00 Ui CHARLESTON TO SAVANNAH. & ITamn of Place*. From OHAHLESTON to Baltimore Philadelphia .. New York • • Boston .• Saratoga Springs... .. ( Niagara Falls, via ) .. < New York City Sc > (ErieR R ) { Montreal, via L. ) \ Champlain } Passengers can purchase through tickets at Charleston, S. C for any o." the following places: To NABHVitLE,Tenn.,fbr $20 00 ; Ml KRBEsBOKouaH.Tenn., $19 00 ; Memphis, Tenn., §30 00; Holly Bprinos. Misti., o?8 00 ; Columbus, Miss., $28 00; Toscumbia, Alah'a, $22 50 ; Decatur, Ala., $22 00 ; UuNTSviLLE, Ala., $-22 00; Clin- ton, Ala., $31 50; Eotaw, Ala., $31 50 ; Gainbsvillb, Ala., $31 F'J ; Marion, Ala., $31 50; Jacksjn, Miss., $35 00; Vicksburo, Miss., $36 00. Steamboats run f>om Chattanoo- ga, Tenn., to Kno.xville, Tenn., and to HuNTsviLLB, and Decatur, Ala. Fare to euch place, $4 00. From ■•van- ■ab. CHARLESTON TO SAVANNAH, GEO. Place to Place. From Cba'a- ton. 113 80 62 48 33 18 By 8tag»from OHARLESTONto Jacksonville Blue House Pocatoligo Grahamsville Perrvsburg to SAVANNAH 32 Id 14 15 15 18 .32 50 64 79 94 112 From BWan- nab, SAVANNAH TO CHARLESTON. {Read up.) Place to Place. Cha'a- ton. From Maah. TiUe. Steamboata run bet 'harles- Toif and Savannah, a distance of 125 miles. Fare, $4 00. Meals in- chyled. 601 588 583 579 570 564 553 538 529 520 511 502 494 486 481 473 465 464 453 443 435 42B 4.'7 407 399 388 380 360 344 334 323 317 299 293 285 273 ^7 Mllra. Houra. 598 695 782 1018 065 52 58 63 73 71 1253 86 1185 86 Far**, 19 00 20 00 20 00 24 00 23 00 34 00 28 00 CHARLESTON TO fiac NASHVILLE, TENN.pi!^«. 8. Carolina R.R. CHARLESTON to Sineath's Ladson's Summerville Inabet's...^ Ross's George's ^Branchvillr .... Midway Graham's Blackville Williston Windsor Johnson's * . Aiken Marsh's Hamburg tAUOUSTA.... Oeorgia R, R. to Bell Air Berzelia Dearing Thomson tCamak Gumming Crawrordville ..... SUnion Point Greensboro' Madison Social Circle Covington Conyer'8 Litbonia Decatur ATLANTA WeaVn^AtVticR.R. Boltonville MRrietta I«f ooiiday ..,,..,.,, 13 5 4 9 6 11 15 g 9 9 9 8 8 5 8 8 1 11 10 8 9 9 10 8 11 8 20 16 10 11 6 18 8 12 6 Fronv Cha'a. too. 13 18 22 31 ^I 48 63 72 81 90 09 107 115 120 128 136 137 148 l.'fS 166 175 184 194 202 213 221 241 257 267 278 284 302 308 316 328 1334 m m M 97 01 m sii m 183 m i« Kl 115 84 70 » 55 45 41 32 Acworth Allatoon Cartersvi Cassville |KlKOST< Adairsvi Calhoun Resaca . ITDaltoi Tunnel Ringgoh Chickan 1 ••OH } NO< Kath. 8f Stevens) Decherd Tullaho Nnrniar Wartra( Fosterv Christie Murfret NASH Viem Raih- TUt(> NASI CHAI • ColumhU liere. t A railro raita to W« II to be con' jqnction wi R. R., lead) con, &c. XCamak mrrenton here. (Amts here. Passi bama, Mi^ Tenn., sto the route < route from page 155. VThe B with the ton : it wi • • Pron bo4ts ran tn Kturtvi Dec«tur. CHARLESTON TO KNOXVtLLE. 185 19 00 20 00 SO 00 24 00 23 00 34 00 28 00 Place to Plune. 9 99 8 107 8 115 5 120 8 128 8 1 13tt 137 11 10 8 9 9 10 8 11 8 20 16 10 11 6 18 6 8 12 i 148 l.'^S 166 175 184 194 202 213 221 241 257 267 278 284 302 308 316 328 m M3 m m m m m m 183 175 1« Ml 115 84 70 03 55 45 41 32 Rub- «U1» Acworlh Allstoona Cartersville Casaville UKlirOBTON Adairavillo CulhouD Resaca ITOaIiTon Tunnel Hill Rinpgold Chickamanf^a, Ten. ••OHATTA- ) NOOGA . . . . i Stevenson Uecherd • . . . Tullahoma Nnrniandy Wartrace Fosterville Christiana IVIiurfre«'flboro'. NASHVILLE t • • • NASHVILLE TO CHARLESTON. (Read up.) 9 5 10 6 6 10 10 5 15 8 8 343 348 3.58 364 :r7o 380 390 395 410 418 426 13 439 11 450 36 31 14 7 8 10 4' 9 32 PlM« to Place. 486 517 531 538 546 556 560 569 601 From Cha'e- toa. * Columbia Branch R.R. diverges liere. t A railroad diverges from Au- raita to Waynesbono', Geo., which M to be continued, so as to form a jqnction with the Georgia Central R. R., leading to Savannah, Ma. con, &c. t Camak Branch R. R. runs to Warrenton, 4 miles. ^Jithtna Branch R. R, diverges here. iRomt Branch R. R. diverges here. Passengers for Northern Ala- bama, Mississippi, and Memphis, Teun., stop at Kingston, and take the route diverging westward. See rotite from Charleston to Memphis, page 155. iTThe East Tennessee R.R. unites with the Charleston route at Dai- ton : it will extend to Knoxville. **From Chattanooga, steam- boats ran up the Tennessee River tn KnMvitte, and down the river to Decatur. £ From Kiiox- ville. 519 100 83 69 62 54 44 28 CKARLESTON TO KNOXVILLE, TENN. From Knox- vlUe. CHARLESTON to I Dal to II (see pre- ) I vioijs route... ( East Tennessee and Georgia R jR, Cleveland Charleston Rice's Athens ,,. Sweet Water London to ENOXVILLE .... KNOXVILLE TO CHARLESTON. (Read up.) titer to Place. 410 27 13 7 8 10 16 28 Place to Place. From Cha'*. ton. 410 437 450 457 465 475 491 519 From I -ha'*. loa. ■=*| From Mftm- phii. 752 382 364 334 312 284 CHARLESTON TO MEMPHIS. CHARLESTON to j KiNGSToif, (see ) f previous route) ) Rome Brunch R. R. Rome, Geo.. .< By Stage to Galesville, Ala.... Van Buren GUNTER'S LaNOINO Place to PlacA 370 18 30 22 38 Cba'e. loa. 370 388 413 440 468 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I l^|2£ |2.5 2.0 140 l'-2^ll'M'-* < 6" >■ .V Photographic Sciences (Jorporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MSSO (7I6)E72-4S03 •^ \ .^\^ o ^ 4^ ^ ^ \ ^ i. ^ tn^ S34 181 139 123 114 89 79 61 42 From M«m- phi*. CHARLESTON TO COLUMBIA.^ Si" boat on Tenn.R.to Dbcatur By Railroad to TOSCUMBIA By Stage to Cartersville, Miss.. Jacinto r. Rienza Ripley D&i6in ••••••••••••• Holly Springs.... N. Mt. Pleasant to. MEMPHIS MEMPHIS TO CHARLESTON. {Head up.) 60 43 42 17 8 25 10 18 19 42 Place to Plaee 528 571 613 030 638 663 673 691 710 753 From Cha'o- loo. N.B. The Memphis and Oharlegton B.R. is in rapid proipress of oon- Btruotibn. On its completion, it will form a great through line from the Atlantic Ocean to the Missis- sippi River. From Corw bia. 131 109 68 50 38 30 S3 18 11 5 From CoI'm' bia CHARLESTON TO COLUMBIA. South Carolina R. R. CHARLESTON to Summerville Branch ville Columbia Br. R. R Orangeburg Lewisville < Fort MoU '"Camoen Jonrtion Gadsden Hopkins Wundlnnds to... COLUMBIA .... COLUMBIA TO CHARLESTON. (Read up.) Plaee to Place. 22 41 18 12 8 7 5 7 6 5 Place to Place. From Cha'a- ton. 22 63 81 03 101 108 113 120 136 131 From CliaV ton. * The Camden Itranch R. R. run- ning lo Camden, S. C, unites here. From Wrm Sp'go. 203 190 177 163 154 147 135 124 99 89 81 76 64 57 52 47 37 From Wrm sp*** COLUMBIA TO GREENVILLE AND WARM SPRINGS. Bv Stage from COLUMBIA to... Oakville Pomaria Newberry Pagesville Huntsville Laurensville Greenwood GREENVILLE . . Traveller's Rest... Orleans Merritsville ....... Flat Rock, N. C... Hendersonville .... Mud Creek Liimestone. ASHENVILLB tO. ... WRM SPRINGS WARM SPRINGS TO COLUMBIA. {Read up.) Place Vmm to Coi'm. Place, bia. 13 13 14 9 7 12 11 25 10 8 5 12 7 5 5 10 37 Place to Place. 13 26 40 49 56 68 79 104 114 123 127 139 146 151 156 166 203 From CoI'm. bia. The Oreenvilleand Columbia R.R is now in course of constructioa between Columbia and Greenville, S. C; at the former place it will unite with the Columbia Brand) R. R. running to Charleston. From Char- lotte. 119 99 00 85 78 78 62 50 45 38 28 20 From Char- lotli^ COLUMBIA TO CHARLOTTE, N. C. Bij Stage from COLUMBIA to... Cookhani Winnsboro* Albion Youguesville Blackstock*8 Chestervillb .... Brattonsville Guthriesville YORKVILLB Iron Works Price's Ferry to ... . OH'RLO'TE.N.C CHARLOTTE TO COLUMBIA. {Read vp.) Place to Plaee. 20 9 5 7 6 10 12 5 7 10 8 20 Place to Ploie. From CoI'm. bia. 20 29 34 41 47 57 69 74 81 91 99 119 From CoI'm. bik Kit- 84 78 54 18 19 I COLUMBI GUS1 By Sti OOLUM Lexingtt LeesvilU Aiken.. 8. Caroli Granites Hainbur AUGUS i«>«-Ilumbia At Augufli with the G< alio, with til vannah. Cam- CHARI CAMI S. Cat 118 OHAE *" } (sec 10 Claren 6 IBoykii cam: From Pun- tea. CA CH ( From CAMI Yerk- villv. Bh 101 OAA 81 RUSM 73 Liliei 61 Rock 55 Iteck 43 Catn :i5 Lam 14 Gboi YOI rr«m Tork. VlUn Y CA« COLUMBIA TO AUGUSTA. ^•w^N.'V*. Place iPlace, 13 13 14 7 13 11 25 10 8 5 12 7 5 S 10 37 Kroia Col'in. bia. Place to (Place. 13 26 40 40 56 iiS 70 104 114 m 127 130 146 151 156 11)6 203 From Col"!!. bia. tmbia J!i.R. •nstructioa Sreenville, »ce it will ia Brancli iton. Place to Place. so 5 7 6 10 12 5 7 10 8 SO Krora Col'ffl. bia. 20 20 34 41 47 57 (SO 74 81 91 m no Place From to ji:el'n> 'iai'e.j bih it*- 84 n 54 18 19 1 mm COLUMBIA TO AU- GUSTA, 6A« By Stage from COLUMBIA to... Lexington ........ Leesvillti Aiken 8. Carolina R. R. to Graiiiteville Hamburg; to AUGUSTA AUGUSTA TO CO imSlkAReadup.) Place From to Col'm- Place, bia. 12 18 30 G 11 1 Place to nac«. 12 30 &i 72 83 84 From CoI'm- bia. - At Augusta, this route unites with the Georgia Kailruail, and, also, with the route leading to )Sa- vaiinah. nam Cam- CHARLESTON TO CAMDEN, S. C. Place 10 Place. 108 SO 14 U nil 118 40 80 6 S. Carolina R. R. CHARLESTON to Camden June, i (sec page 186) Claremont Depot-. Hoykin's Turnout to CAMDEN........ 108 128 142 148 nem tea. CAMDEN TO CHARLESTON. {head up.) Pliice 10 Place From (.haV toil. ''•" CAMDEN TO YORK- 'X" YILLE. 101 81 73 01 55 43 :» 14 Fr*m fork. B^ Staff e from CAMDEN to....*. Rusticll Place Lilierty Hill Rocky Mount Keckhainsville .... Catawhn Landsfurd Elx>nezorville to... TORKVILLE.... YORKVILLE TO Place to Place. 20 8 12 U 12 8 21 14 . From Cam* den. SO S8 40 40 58 m 87 101 Place to »iu» CM^lilH,{^eadup.)v\a.,. From Cnm- From li.-igb. 101 KiG 131 11!) 10! 03 87 75 Gl 30 12 From Ra- leigb. CAMDEN TO FAY- ETTEVILLE AND RA- LEIGH, N. C. By Stage from CAMDEN to... Tiller's Ferry.... ClIERAW Brightsville Laurel Hill, N. C Montpelier Randallsville Davis's Springs to. FAYETTE VIL'E Averysboro' Middle Creek to... RALEIGH RALEIGH TO CAM DEN. (Read up.) Pla'c 10 Place 25 35 12 18 8 12 14 25 24 12,191 Place to Piace^ ►'r CAMDEN, S. C, TO \oZ CHARLOTTE, N. C. 78 GO 48 38 20 From Char- lotte. By Stage from CAMDEN to... Flat Rock Pleasant Hill.... Lancaster Kolair to ♦CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE TO CAMDEN. {head up.) M, Place to Place. 18 12 10 18 SO Place to Place. 18t Froia Cam- don. 25 CO 73 00 08 104 no 130 155 170 Froi Caia den. From Cam- den. 18 30 40 58 78 From ('am- den. * Charlotte to Raleigh, N. C, see page 182. From Charlotte to Salisbury, and Greensboro', see page 182. ROUTES FROM SAVANNAH, GEO. From Savannah to Charlbston, by etcamboat, 140 miles. Fare. 94. From Savannah to Charleston, by stage, see route, page 184. From Savannah to Kno.tvili.b, Tenn. To ClKittanoon.i, bv rail- road, see p. 188; theifte by bteani< boat on Tennessee River to Knox- ville. From Chntfaiiooira, steam- boats also run to Gunter's Land H§ SAVANNAH TO MACON^ ing and Decatur, both of which are Qu the Tennessee River. From Savamnah to Miludob* ▼fLLB, 6a. To Gordon, on the Oeorgia Central R. R., (see follow- ing route,) 170 miles; and thence to MUUdffsville, 18 miles. Total, 188 miles'. Tickets can be purchased In Sa- vannak, to any of the following places:— To Macon, Ga., forts 75; Columbus, Ga., 815 00 ; Montgo- mery, Ala.,SiO 00; MoBiLE,828 00; New Orleans, $33 00; Aooosta, Ga., $0 50 ; Atlanta, Ga., $9 50 ; MoRrRBESBORoooH,Tenn., §25 00 ; Nashville, Tenn., $35 00; Colom- bia, Tenn., $35 00; HonTsville, Ala.,$22 00; Decatur, Ala.,$32 00; TusouMBiA, Ala., $33 50 ; Holly Springs, $38 00 ; Memphis. Tenn., $30 00; Tuscaloosa, Ala.,$28 00'; Columbus, Miss., $38 00 ; Abbr- DEBN,Mis8.,$38 00; Jacksonville, Ala., $30 00. Suamf/oats run from Savannah to St. Augustine, Flo., ItiO miles distant, and to other places on the coast. Vrom Ma- con. SAVANNAH TO MA- CON, GEO. Georgia Cent'lR.R. SAVANNAH to. . Station No. 1 Eden Reform Station No. 4...... Armenia Haley ondale Station No. 6 Scarboro*. . . : Brinsonville MidviUe Holcomb Davisboro* •. . . Tennville Oconee Bmmett •... Gordon €o MAOON MACON TO SAVAN NAH. {Read up.) riBM to Piac*. 9 12 9 10 U 4 11 9 10 10 10 23 14 11 5 18 21 Place to Pla««. From 8'van- nab. 9 21 30 40 46 50 61 70 80 90 100 123 136 147 152 170 191 The Soutk-we$tem R. R. divergM at Macon, and runs to Ogtethfirp$, (a new town,) 51 milei, situated on Flint Ri^ it, Ga. This road will be continued to Fort Gaines, on the Chattahoochie River. From S'van- aah. Fi'im Maah- viUe. 585 394 388 381 370 354 347 336 329 315 293 285 273 267 258 253 243 237 231 221 211 206 191 183 176 162 151 115 84 70 63 45 82 From Naah- SAVANNAH. GA., TO NASHVILLE, TENN. ' SAVANNAH ta.... Macon. (See pre- ) ceding Route.) ) Maoon dWutem B. Howard's , Crawford's Forsyth , Barnesrille Milner's Qriffln , Fayette , JonesboTO' ATLANTA.. Western dAUantic B. Bolton Marietta. , Noonday Acworth Allatoona Cartersville Cassville Kingston AdairsTille. , Calhoun Resaca Dalton Tunnel HUl Ringgold , Chickamsnga, Tenn.. OHATTANOOaA NashvtUeand ChaOa- noogaR.R. Stevenson Dedherd Tullahoma , Normandy Fosterville , ^urfreesboro'. NASHVILLE NASHVILLE TO SAVANNAH. {lUai up.) Piaee to riac*. 191 6 7 11 16 7 11 7 14 22 8 12 6 9 5 10 6 6 10 10 5 15 8 8 13 11 86 81 14 7 18 13 32 Plaee to I Place Sana 191 197 204 215 231 238 249 256 270 292 300 312 318 327 832 342 348 864 364 874 879 394 402 410 423 434- 470 501 515 522 640 553 685 From 8avw SAVANNAH TO MONTGOMERY. 189 A diverffM *■• situated >is road will ines, on the i. s. PlM« to 101 6 7 11 16 y 11 7 14 22 8 12 6 9 5 10 FroB Sana m 197 204 215 231 238 249 256 270 292 300 312 318 327 332 342 348 D I 854 10 I 364 10 6 15 8 8 IS 11 374 87» 394 402 410 423 434- 470 501 515 522 8tf I 31 14 7 18 I 540 13 553 82 585 Piaae| From to iSavaa PUea jnah. m 888 m 189 147 187 127 128 120 107 ,W 91 60 48 10 83 SAVANNAH, 6A.. TO MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA. MMt- SAVANNAH to.... i Macon. (See i. \ 188.) I Muscogee B. JL Fort Valley Butler Howard Oeneva Juniper Bellefonte Schatulfta OOLUMBUS (Mumb^M d Opdica B Opelica Montgomery <£ Wat j^in/nt B, B, Auburn Notasulga... Gbebaw Franklin. MONTGOMERY.. MONTGOMERY TO SAVANNAH. {Bead up.) Place to Place. 191 28 22 10 10 4 3 13 10 30 7 12 8 7 83 From Bavan 191 219 241 251 261 265 268 281 291 821 828 840 348 355 388 Place to Place. From BaTan feom Montgomery to Mobile, see figefl 92 and 93. From Mobile to Hav Orleans, see page 93. 787 383 365 934 313 384 834 181 139 183 114 89 SAVANNAH TO MEMPHIS, TENN. SAVANNAH to \ Kingston, (see I page 188.) Rome Br'eh R. R. to Home By Stage to Gaylesville, Ala... Van Buren Gontbr's Landing. SfboatonTenn.R.to Decatur By Railroad to TOBCOMBIA By Stage to Cartersville, Mist. Jacinto Rienzi Eipley Place to Place. 354 18 31 23 28 60 43 43 17 8 25 From Sav'n- 354 372 403 425 453 513 556 598 615 623 648 79 61 42 From Mem- phia. Salem Holly Sprinob.. Nt'h Mt.Pleasant to MEMPHIS.... MEMPHIS TO SA- VANNAH. (Read up.) ^ SAVANNAH TO AU («-f 6USTA, GA. 137 128 116 107 97 91 87 76 67 57 47 22 From Aa- gnata. Georgia Cent. B. B. SAVANNAH to. . Station No. 1..... Eden Reform Station No. 4 Armenia Halcyondale. Station No. 6 Scarboro* Brinsonville Midville By Stage to Waynesboro' By Bailroad to AUGM7STA AUGUSTA TO SA- VANNAH. (Read up.) 658 676 695 737 Place to Place. Place to Place. From Bav'if nab. Passengers may reach Augusta fVom Savannah, by steamboat. Via the Savannah River. ^Z SAVANNAH TO CO b.»? LUMBUS. GA. 290 09 87 78 71 64 68 49 From Ool'm } SAVANNAH to.... ( Maoon. (See } page 188.).... Sirutfi^WetUmB,B, Ecbeoonnee Mule Creek...... Fort Valley Everett's Reynold's Butler OOLUMBUS.. COLUMBUS TO SAVANNAH. Place to Plaee. From Ba«aa aah. 191 191 12 203 9 212 7 219 7 226 6 232 9 241 49 290 Ptace From la Bavan Plaee. uik. 190 SALISBURY TO ST. AUGUSTINE. SAVANNAH, GEO., TO ST. AUGUS- TINE, FLO. By St age from SAVANNAH to. . Riceboro' S. Newport Daribn Bethel •••••• Waynesville Langflbury Jeffersonton St. Mary's Kirkland, Flo Jacksonville to... ST. AUGUSTINE Pl«ee ' From to Bav'n. Plana. ii«h. ST. AUGUSTINE TO SAVANNAH. (Read up.) tnta T*ni|« Bay. 183 173 157 137 110 95 76 41 SO From T'mpa Bar ST. AUGUSTINE TO TAMPA BAY, FLO. I t • • • • • • By Stage from ST.A'G'STINEto Buena Vista . . Pelatka Orange Springs Fort Kino. Long Swamp Oakabumkee Fort Dade Fort Foster to Fort Brooke ic \ TAlkSF A BAY \ TAMPA BAY TO ST. AUGUSTINE. {Read up.) 34 14 J5 23 9 11 14 23 16 26 38 Place to Place. Place to Place. 10 16 20 27 15 19 35 21 20 Place to Place. 34 48 63 85 94 105 119 142 158 184 222 From Sar>n- From StAn> ■'■tine 10 26 •46 73 88 107 142 163 183 Froni 8t.AB. ■'■tine 'From Bain- bri'ge. 293 259 ?45 i(30 212 203 153 108 SAVANNAH TO DA- RIEN AND BAIN- BRIDGE, GEO. By Stage from SAVANNAH to. . Riceboro' South Newport. . . . DARIEN Bethel Waynesville Waresboro* Allapaha 86 .TroiipsviUe. ' *•••••••• Mace to Place. 34 14 15 18 9 50 45 22 From SWan- 34 48 63 81 00 140 185 207 61 39 15 Okapilico Thoniasville Cairn to. BAINBRIDaE . From Bain- brl'te. BAINBRIDGE TO SA- VANNAH. {Read tip.) 25 22 24 15 PIac« to Place. 333 393 a'tiir From MILLEDGEVILLE TO AUGUSTA. GEO. An- ■u«ta. 06 73 61 51 47 38 29 21 II From Au- guata. By Stage from MILLEDaEV. to Sparta Mayfield Warrenton Camak Br. R. R. to Cainak Georgia R. R. to Thomson ••• Deariiig Berzelia Beliair to AUGUST A rnm Co- lam- bufc AUGUSTA TO MIL- LEDGEVILLE. {Read up.) Place, Ml^ to Place. 23 12 10 9 9 8 10 1! Place to Place. Tillk 23 3S 43 49 56 67 7i 85 ttat villi 123 110 94 83 69 63 56 44 32 16 From Co- lum- boa. MILLEDGEVILLE TO COLUMBUS, GEO. By Stage from MILLEDGEV. to Wallace Macon Warrior Knozville Francisville Union Davison Tallbottom Ellerslie to OOLUMBUS .... COLUMBUS TOIAIL- LEDGEVILLE. {Read up.) Place to Place. 13 16 11 14 6 7 12 12 16 16 Place to PiMe. ma Mil- TiUn I 13 89 40 54 60 «7 79 91 107 123 Fna Mil- Mm TiUa ROUTES FROM AUGUSTA, 6A. TO 0. to » • • I to • • to 2331 "roal • • • • 25 ■ • • • 32 • • • 24 • • • 15 SA- Place to 1 I'Uce. II- 23 J3 10 9 9 8 10 11 33 33 4a 49 38 67 71 85 Mil. TO :0. to PUcr to Place IL- 13 16 11 14 6 7 12 12 16 16 ftn\ Mil.f Tiikr • 13 S9 40 54 60 67 79 91 107 133 Placo ^»"l to ,»•* ' *llk hOUTES FROM AUGUSTA, QA. from AooosTA to WiumraTON, IT, C. see page 91. From AooDsTA to Colombia, S. G*i *oe paffe 187. 'rFrom Augusta to Atlanta, Ga., IM page 85. From AoousTA to Savannah, see pige 189. Oah- 188 m 97 87 70 «0 98 .82 10 . Item AUGUSTA TO OAH- lOi^EGA, GA. Oeorffia R. R. from AUGUSTA to.... I Union Point, ) ( (see page 92). . ) Jithens Br. R. R. to Woodville Mozey's Lexington Depot.. Athens By Stage to Jefferson Gainesville Luclcsville New Bridge to DAHLONEGA... DAHL0NE6AT0AU GUSTA, (Read up.) Vram an'*. tUle. .1- AUGUSTA TO GREENVILLE, S. C. 135 134 113 103 80 71 40 44 89 13 From Wre'B- By Stofft from AUGUSTA to.... Hamburg, 8. C Edgefield Duntonsville Frazierville Abbe^lb Varennes Anderson Pendleton Pickensville to ... . GRBENVILLB . . GREENVILLE TO AU GUSTA. (i2M<f np') Ptaiw. r^ Place to Place. 70 5 8 10 17 20 22 6 12 10 Place to Place. Place to Place. 1 32 U 23 22 5 15 16 13 Place to From guata. 76 81 89 99 110 136 158 164 176 186 From' Aq- guata. From An- goaU' Q 1 23 32 55 64 86 91 106 123 135 From Au- From Jack- aouv. 100 94 89 82 72 61 49 34 20 11 MACON TO JACK- SONVILLE, GEO. By Stage from MAOON to Uutlaiid Websterville Busbayville Perry Ilaynesville Hawkiiisville Graham . Copeland Temperance to.... JACKSONVILLE Place '%« JACKSONVILLE TO . i.'.%': MACON. (headup.)vi^. 191 Place From to Ma- PInre con. 6 5 7 10 11 13 15 14 9 11 11 18 38 39 ;! 66 80 89 100 From Ma« roih From Da- rien. 130 111 96 86 80 70 53 From Ua- lien. JACKSONVILLE TO DARIEN, GEO. By Stage from JACKSONVIL' to Ashley's Lumber City Iloxville Colquit Ferry's Mills Currency to DARIEN DARIEN TO JACK- SONVILLE. (Read up.) Place to Place. 9 15 10 6 10 17 53 Place to Place. From Talla- h'naee. 223 316 311 305 193 185 174 158 155 140 118 110 105 85 MACON TO TALLA- HASSEE, FLO. By Stage from MACON to Rutland VVubstcrvillo Ilusbayvilitt ....... Perry Minerva Marshallvillc Travellers Rest... Oglethorpe Americua Starkville Palmyra Albany Newtou Place to Place. 6 5 <i 13 8 11 16 3 15 23 8 5 SO From Jack* ■oae. 9 84 34 40 50 67 ISO From Jack* 109 TALLAHASSEE TO ST. AUGUSTINE. ^^^«^^^v^^^^^^%^^w\^\^rKr\/\rv/\/\Arwi 46 23 13 Vrom VIroin St. A'gtw- tine. 834 309 804 180 168 151 136 108 91 86 16 vn>iB ut. A'cm- tilM. Bainbridge duincy, Tlo Salubrity to TALLAHASSEE 39 24 9 13 TALLAHASSEE TO MACON. (Read up.) TALLAHASSEE TO ST. AUGUSTINE, FL. By Stage from TAL'AELAS'E to. Lipona Marion...* Madison Columbus Mineral Spring.... Lancaster Bllisville Newnansville Pelatka Buena Vista ST. AUGUSTINE ST. AUGUSTINE TO TALLAHASSEE. (Bead up.) Place to Pkw*. Plaee to PlM*. From Tall» 25 5 24 12 17 25 18 17 65 10 16 PlM* to Place. 176 200 209 222 Frem Ma> eoa. 25 30 54 66 83 108 126 143 208 218 234 From Talla. VmM. From Tallahassbb to Fort Lboh, by railroad, 26 miles. tort Cue*. MACON TO FORT GAINES, GEO. ^Soutk- Wufrn R.R MAOON to Echeconee Fort Valley Marshall vilie Winchester Marihasville Montezuma OOLBTHORFB Plaee to Plaee. ^rom eoB. 12 13 15 27 7 34 4 38 4 42 6 48 2 50 *The South-Western Railroad I will extend from Macon, Ga., d Fort Gaines, on the Cbattahoociiji River. This work is now belni KroseciHed with all dispatch. At lacon, it unites with the line it railroads running between Savan nahand the Tennessee River. From Col'm- one. 94 83 69 63 56 44 32 16 From Col'm' MACON TO COLUM- BUS, GEO. By Stag* from MAOON to Warrior Knozville Francisville Union Davison Tallbottom Ellerslie to OOLUMBUS... COLUMBUS T0( MACOM.<A««f«<p.) Place to Place, 11 14 6 7 12 12 16 16 Place to Place. rna Ml. 11 3$ 31 38 50 78 U4 Froa Mf coi, Fi'om Mont, iofry 103 103 91 67 60 48 40 33 Ffom Moat- fo'ry. COLUMBUS, GEO., TO MONTGOMERY, ALA. By Stage from OOLUMBUS to. . . Girard, Ala... Crawford.......... Opelica Montgomery and W. Point R. R. Auburn Notasulga.... Chehaw Franklin to.. *MONTaOM'lY MONTGOMERY TO COLUMBUS. {tUad up.) Plaee to Place. 1 11 24 7 12 8 7 33 Place to Plaea. Frea CoPw boi, I 13 30 43 55 63 70 103 Fraa Col'» *Prom Montgomery to Mobile, •ee pages 92 and 98; and flrom Mo. I hilM to Mliio Orktuut uo9 pafi 08. ROUTES FROM NASHVILLE. 103 ^^N^/^^^v^i jn Railroai Icon, Ga., n nattahoocliji now be|„J ^Apatch. A, the line oif feen Savao River. 33 103 nMalFram inaoa.! bM. 98. Owt' M7 U7 93 79 » 3d 17 Ctal- Ufeoo- COLUMBUS TO CHATTAHOOCHEE, FLO. By Stage from OOLUMBUS to. . . Lumpkin Siimmerflold Cutlibert Fort Gainbs Biakely Crawford Olive Grove to OHATTA- ; HOOOHEB . . i CHATTAHOOCHEE TO COLUMBUS. {Read up.) PlaM to Place. 40 8 16 18 20 25 13 17 PlM« to Place. Wnm Co* lam. bna> 40 48 64 82 102 127 140 157 From Co- lum> bua. Steamboat* run on the Apalachi- cola River, between Columbus and Apalacbicola, Flo., a distance of m miles. ROUTES FROM NASH- VILLE, TENN. From NA8HVII.I.B to Cbarlbb* TON, S. C, see page 184. • From Nashvillb to Savannah, 6a., see page 188. From Nashvillb to St. Louis. From Nashville to the mouth of the Cumberland River, by steam' boat, 207 miles; thence, via the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, to St. Louis, 234 miles. Total distance, 435 miles. From Nashvillb to Memphis, fenn.. New Orleans, and inter- liiediate places, by steamboat. From Nashville to the mouth of the Oum> oerland River; thnnce, via the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, to Mempliis, 50(3 miles, and to New Orleans, 1287. From Nashville to Louisvillb, Ry., by stage, see page 157. From Nashvillb to Lexington, Ky., see page 158. From CInvl'- 663 608 593 563 532 512 462 393 382 336 279 242 198 172 136 133 132 92 80 22 NASHVILLE TO LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATI. Steamboat on Cum- berland River. NASHVILLE to. Clarksville, Tenn.. Palmyra Dover Canton, Ky Eddyville MoothofCux- ) BERLAND River { Steamboat on Ohio R. Shawneetown, 111. Wabash River Hendersonville, Ky Rockport,Ia Cloversport, Ky... Fredonia Brandenburg New Albany, la-. LOUISVILLE, Ky Jeffersonville Madison, la Kentucky River.. Lawrenceb'f;,Ia., to OINOINNATI.. From Cinci*- naU. From Fr^k. fort. 206 199 190 180 149 135 133 lio 100 88 76 58 40 30 CINCINNATI* TO NASHVILLE. (Head up.) Plaea lu Place. 55 15 30 31 20 50 69 11 46 57 37 44 26 36 3 1 40 12 58 22 Place to Pbuw. Wnm vtite. 55 70 100 131 151 201 270 281 327 384 427 405 401 527 5:iO 531 571 583 641 663 From NmIh villa. NASHVILLE TO FRANKFORT. KY. By Stage from NASHVILLE to. Pleasant Hill Hendersonville . . . . Gallatin Scottsville Cedar Spring Glasgow Blue Springs Monroe..... Greensbuig Campbellsville LebiMion Perryville Harrodsboro to.. FRANKFORT ... From Fr'nk- fort. FRANKFORT TO NASHVILLE. (Read up.) N Plar« to PU>«. 7 9 10 31 14 12 13 10 12 12 18 18 10 30 Place to PI.T»». From N!Udi< viUe. 7 16 26 57 71 83 96 106 118 130 148 166 176 200 From Na»b> villa. IM Vrom Mam- NASHVILLE TO MEMPHIS. 835 833 317 804 193 183 150 135 117 100 68 56 45 35 10 From Mem- fhia. NASHVILLE TO MEMPHIS, TENN., VIA COLUMBIA. Stj Stare from NASHVILLE to.. Good Spring Franklin Spring Hill Columbia Mt. Pleasant.... Asbland Carrollsville Savannah Purdy ( Bolivar Newcastle......' Somerville .< Oakland Ralei|;h to > MEMPHIS MEMPHIS TO NASHVILLE. {Read up.) PIlIM to Placet 13 6 13 11 11 33 15 18 17 33 13 11 10 25 10 Prom MMh- Till*. 13 18 31 43 53 85 100 118 135 1G7 179 190 200 325 335 FlMt to PUca. Vrom Holly ■P'K* 813 46 84 14 8 From Hoiljr NASHVILLE TO HOLLY SUtlNGS, MISS. Bi/ S>as»from NASHVILLE to.. Bolivar (see ) previous route) ( *La Granob Lamar, Miss Hudsnnvilleto HOLLY SPRI'aS HOLLY SPRINGS TO NASHVILLE. {Read up.) Plaee to PiMe. 167 23 10 6 8 Place to Plwsa. From IfaHh- vUte. From NMh- Title. 167 189 199 205 213 From Nadi- Tilla. * From La Grange the Railroad is open to Memphis, and from the former place the line will be con- tinued so as to form a connection with thie Routs from Chattanooga to Charleston. From Meiii' pbU. I NASHVILLE TO MEMPHIS, VIA REYN0LDSBUR6. 233 315 193 171 162 153 133 116 96 68 56 45 35 10 From Mem- pliU. By Stage from NASHVILLB to. Chestnut Grove.... Charlotte Waverly Rbynoldsboro... Camden Huntingdon South Carroll Jackson , Bolivar Newcastle Somerville < Oakland Raleigh to ^MEMPHIS MEMPHIS TO NASHVILLE. {Read up.) Plnea to Place. 18 22 22 9 10 20 16 20 28 12 11 10 25 10 Place U) Plaoa. Prem Nuk Till*. 18 40 03 71 81 101 117 137 185 177 188 198 223 233 From Na.lt. TiUe. * From Memphis to Little Rock, Ark., see page 168. From La Gr'ge, 56 88 26 18 11 From La Or^e. MEMPHIS TO LA GRANGE, TENN. * Memphis d CkatJu- tm R. R. MEMPHIS to Qermantown CoUiersrille La Fayette ». Moscow LA GRANGE LA GRANGE TO MEMPHIS. {Read up.) Placr Frua to Mem. Place. Phil. •0 18 18 12 30 8 38 7 45 11 56 riaee From lo Mem. Ploca. pbia. *'The Memphis and Charleston R.R. !s now being constructed. When finished, Memphis will be hroBght in contiguity with Charles- ton and Savannah, both of which have fine harbors. NASHVILLE TO COLUMBUS. Plaei lo Place. fnm Nuk TiUt. 18 22 23 JO 2U 16 20 28 12 11 10 25 lU Place to Place. 18 40 «3 71 61 101 117 137 18S 177 188 198 223 233 Freia Nail)< TiUt. little Aock, 18 12 8 7 11 66 Pkee l» •0 18 30 38 45 From MrtD. |Pl0C«. phlfc Charleston Dstruoted. s will be b Charles- of which Otra NASHVILLE TO COLUMBUS, KY. 161 71 Si) fS 8» 83 IS Col'n Bij Staff « from NASHVILLE to., i Rbynoldhbdro I \ (see prov. route) ( dandy Hill Paris .' Barren Hill Boydsville Feliciana Clinton to COLUMBUS COLUMBUS TO NASHVILLE. (Read up.) riM« to Plure. 71 10 12 7 13 16 11 13 Place to FUee. From Ma«lf ville. 71 00 102 100 123 138 149 161 From Nasb- tUI*. From Hen- I'N'B. 135 100 89 77 63 31 SO Dram Hen- ifu'u NASHVILLE TO HENDERSON, KY. ' to Place. By Stage from NASHVILLE to.. Fredonia Clurksville Oak Grove...' HoPKIN8\f LLB MariiBonville Carlow to. HENDERSdtr . . . HENDERSON TO NASHVILLE. {Read up.) rromJHOPKINSVILLETO "^ COLUMBUS, KY. 97 77 70 CO 48 S8 From Ool'm- bua. By Slaffefrom HOPE'SVILLE to Cadiz Canton Aurora Wadesboro* Mavfii^ld to COLUMBUS... COLUMBUS TO HOPKINSVILLE. {Read up.) Place '. From 35 11 12 14 32 11 20 Place to Place. Place lo Place. 20 7 10 12 20 28 Place to Place. :?Cash. Tillt. 35 46 58 72 104 115 135 From Tiile. From Hop- kinsv. 20 27 37 49 69 97 From Hop- kilMT From Kno(. Tillf. 187 174 157 130 132 123 100 72 52 40 15 NASHVILLE TO |1«- KNOXVILLE, TENN.'ptec. From Knox- vUle. By Stage from NASHVILLE to. . 6r(>en Hill Lebanon Alexandria Liberty... Sinithville Sparta CrosBviile Belleville.. Kingston Campboll's Stat'n to ♦KNOXVILLB . . . KNOXVILLE TO NASHVILLE. {Read up.) 13 17 18 7 10 22 38 20 12 25 15 Place to riM*. ttl ttftm Naah vlIM 13 30 48 55 65 87 115 135 147 172 187 From Maah. vilfo. From Knoxville to Richmond, Va., via Blountsville, Tenn., sec pasre 179. From Knoxville to the Warm Seringa, N. C, 74 miles ; and to Jiehewillt, 110 miles. From Mo- Miu'v. 75 03 55 41 21 11 -- ^ - rom NA^HV: Mount View Stewardsboro' MORFREBSBORO* ... Woodbury Clermont to ...... . MoMINNVILLB From Mo- Mln'v. From Wia- obHer. 91 79 71 57 45 32 NASHVILLE TO MoMINNVILLE, T. By Stage fro riLLEto. . McMINNVILLE TO NASHVILLE. (Read up.) Place to Place 12 8 14 SO 10 11 Place to Place. NASHVILLE TO WINCHESTER, T. By Stage from NASHVILLE to.. Mount View Stewardsboro* MURFR'SBORO' Fostervilie Shelbyvillb 17 'Davisonvillo Place to Place. 13 8 14 12 13 15 From Ifaah* ville. 12 20 34 54 64 75 From nwh> TUIa. From Naa^ 13 20 34 46 50 74 106 NASHVILLE TO HUNT8VILLE. 4 WinchflsterSp'^s to WINOHBSTER.. 13 4 87 91 From Naah. viUe. From Wiu- ch'tor. WINCHESTER TO NASHVILLE. {Read vp.) Plaeo le Flaoa. From H'nu- villa. NASHVILLE TO HUNTSVILLE, ALA. Plaea to Flare. From Naah- vlllo. 59 04 79 94 110 125 From Naah- «1U«. 125 66 61 46 31 15 By Stage from NASHVILLB to. . SlIBLBYVlLLB / (see prev. route) i Rich Valley Lynchburg « Fayette vi lie HHzel Green, Al., to HUNTSVILLE . . a 50 5 15 15 10 15 From H'nU- viUa. HUNTSVILLE TO NASHVILLE. {Read up.) Place From Tiu'a- looito. HUNTSVILLE, ALA., TO TUSCALOOSA. Place to Place. 10 4 5 U 35 28 8 7 7 13 12 32 From U'uta. Vlllfb 10 14 19 25 50 78 80 93 100 113 125 157 Frmn H'nis. Till*. 157 147 143 138 IS-"! Bij Stage from HUNTSVILLE to Whitesburg Lacey's Springs. ... Mount Hill. Oleander 107 79 71 64 Blountsville Village Springs-... Mount Piuson Oresron ..•••..•.... 57 Elyton •.... 44 33 Jonesboro* McMath'sto TUSCALOOSA... From Tns'a- looM TUSCALOOSA TO HUNTSVILLE. {Read up.) Place to Place. Front Tua- c«rab. NASHVILLE TO TUSCUMBIA, ALA. Place to Place. 13 5 From Maah- vilie. 13 18 109 W 91 By Staff e from NASHVILLE to.. Good Spring Frauklta 78 66 55 33 5 From Too- Climb. Spring Hill Columbia Mt. Pleasant Lawreiiceburg. ... Florkncb, Ala., to TUSOUMBIA... TUSCUMBIA TO NASHVILLE. {Read up.) 13 12 11 22 28 5 Place to Place. From Coi'm- bua. 117 99 79 60 54 35 17 From OeI'm bua> TUSCUMBIA TO COLUMBUS, MISS. By Stage to TUSCUMBIA to.. Riissellville Big Bear Creek.... Toll-Gate Fikeville Moscow Border Sprint; to... COLUMBUS .... COLUMBUS TO TUSCUMBIA. (Read up) Place to Place. 31 43 54 76 104 109 From Vmk. *iUa. Pioa Tue. cumb. 18 20 13 12 19 18 17 117 18 38 51 03 83 100 Placo From to Tue- Place, cumb. From Mont- gom'y 373 80 66 62 40 33 27 3 From Mont- |om'» NASHVILLE, TENN., TO MONTGOMERY, ALA BAMA. NASHVILLE to... ( Atlanta. (See pp.> t 84 & 86.) { Montgomery <£ Wed Point K.R. Opelioa Auburn Notasulga Chehaw Pranklin Tippecanoe MONTGOMERT.. MONTGOMERY TO NASHVILLE. {Read up.) Flore to Piatw. 203 24 4 12 7 6 24 Place to Flaoe From Miuh- Tiile. 293 317 321 333 340 346 370 373 From Nnah- ville. From Montgomery to Mobile, see SageA 92 and 93; andfh>m Mobile to few Orleans^ see page 98. From Col'm- bua. M( COI — — "~~ 166 150 146 133 M( W( Ve Ml 47 44 37 28 25 15 From I Gofm*| bui. From I Vidufl iMm. 832 3381 b/V/\/V/V*<N 13 31 I 12 43 1 11 54 1 22 76 1 28 104 I 5 109 H — — 1 Pl»c« From 1 to NMh. ■ Place. «iU«. ■ f '" 1 17 117 Plac« From to Tuf TUat. cumb. Florr to 293 24 4 12 7 6 24 3 From Miuih- 293 317 321 333 340 346 370 373 Place to Plaoe, From Miwh- villo. 1 Mobile, see m Mobile to 3. ROUTES FROW MOMTtiOMERY. VN.-*-' .■XTNTV-V 222 Macon... g 118 214 I)ein"l>o»« 2 1120 213 BUiffport * j3g 155 DaleviUe ^ Ujq 121 U nio" • • V '. * 26 230 95 HiUsboro' g 371 — 'Br*ndo«... ••••••• ** I rieksburg. Jacks'^' ROUTES FROM MONTOO „ -.-Viamtut to AtiastAjI \aj,d Brandon H.lt.\ __ ^'*>'?.^'7I2;fS) AvacsTA, Ga.. 46 JAOKSON •• ^J E riaee rion ' to Tu». Place. cumb. 18 18 20 38 13 51 12 03 19 1R 82 100 27 BoUon'a g 3,3 18 Edwani's. ^ Uj^ 12 Big Black ^ Lg^ 'SteBURa::::.liol33i Place ftnm to Mont* Place.' lo'ry. 8»-.»"'* 00^ rnd from Awosta tol gy Clinton 'J 304 UAN8, "»«• P?»? y^ERT to WEST POWT, peepageW5:____----^ Fro.„ COLUMBUS. MISS^^^ ".UnillMRUS. NHSS.lpiac..l«oTy.| IHWum 1 I By stage from \ 171 COLUMBUS to... 1G5 Wavcrly .••• « & COLUMBUS, MlSS.piac^U^Ll. m 150 146 133 Bv Stage from ^ 1 - 1 ^ MONTGOM'Yto Ol Washington I *^ 1 „q Vernon ... 33 Mulberry Jg 51 115 Sblma. ••• jQ 69 97 Hamburg *° 7^ 90 Marion •.«•• ,g 94 73 Greensboro ^o 1 59 Erie ••; jg ng 47 P"^'*'^A 'iV 3 122 44 Sprincnem l ^ Ugg 37 Clinton •• g 133 f. Nashville, Miss., to 10 lai COLUMBUS Pi-t— 6 12 18 30 43 58 Place! From to I Moct> Place. 1 V»ij- I Bv Stage from 332 MONTaOM'Yto, «, - TGREknsboro' J 94 94 338 J (see prev. route) ) I 't^ 17* ISO Colbert 1 " 153 Hamilton « HI Aberdeen...;. 12 ioa Prairie Mount 13 113 P**"T.°tteek.V.*.'. 20 1 7i 93 Cypress CreeK... ^ ^^ 77 Milton-.. *" joi 1 ^ " r#» 1 Place I From ,5-" MEMPHIS JO CO- U »^^;r ly.: iuMB US.(^<'«*^"yT l7on.lM0NTG0MERY TOi.,«»U« •K."- TUSCALOOSA, ALA. Place. Uo-ry. I looaa. 1 l'^""'!*'"^* . By stage from 125 MONTGOM'Y to ^0 110 Wetumpka ^ 80 Kingston... ••U4 62 Maplesvijle ••• ^^ 52 RandoVpU. .- 38 Icentreville -••' * 196 30 Vrom iMia. ROUTES FROM MOBILE. S<;nttsville to ^ ♦TUSCALOOSA. TUSCALOOSA TO MONTGOMERY. {Read up.) 8 30 Place to Place. 95 125 From Mont- go'ry. * From TosoALOosA to Colvm- Bua, Mis8., is.77 miles. From Tuscaloosa to Huntsville, Ala., see page 196. Fmn Jock' •on. 137 119 89 41 S3 11 From Jock' ■00. From Vicks- burg. 205 S33 S23 211 199 193 155 121 95 UO 46 36 27 18 12 10 From Vlcka- huf. COLUMBUS TO JACKSON, MISS. By Stage from COLUMBUS to... Shoco *, Louisville Springfield Canton Richland to.. JACKSON........ JACKSON TO CO- f'j^« LUMBUS. (Read up.) Place. Place to Place. 18 30 48 18 12 11 From Col'm- boa. 18 48 96 114 126 137 From Col'm. bus. TUSCALOOSA, ALA., TO VICKSBURG, MISS. Bif Stage from TUSCALOOSA to Springfield Clinton Gainesville Sumpterville Livingston Daleville Union riillsboro* Urandon Viekabarg, Jackson, and Brandon R. R. JACKSON Clinton Bolton's Edward's Bi? Black. Bovinn to VIOKSBURS VICKSBUR6 TO TUSCALOOSA. {Read up.) Place to Place. 32 10 12 12 6 33 34 2t> 35 14 10 9 9 6 2 10 rUce to riace From Tus'a- lOOM. 32 42 54 66 72 110 144 170 205 219 229 238 247 253 255 2C5 From Tus'a |i)0M. f JV^.'WV* From Hel- ma. 83 66 58 43 25 18 3 From 8el. ma. TUSCALOOSA TO SELMA, ALA. By Stage from TUSCALOOSA to Carthage Havanna Greensboro* Marion* ....'..*,.... Hamburg Valley Creek to.... SELMA SELMA TO TUSCA- LOOSA. (Acad wp.) Place to Placp. 17 8 15 18 7 15 3 Place to Place. ProiB Tu»'». lonta. 17 25 40 58 65 80 83 From Tus'a. looia. ROUTES FROM MOBILE. ALA. ' From Mobile to MonraoMKiiT, see Routes on pages 92 and 93 ; also see Routes from Montgomery, page For Routes from Mobilb to WiuiroaTON, RiOHMONi), Virginia, WASHINaiON, BaLTIMORK, PHlLADEIr PHiA, New York, Ac, see from paee 88 to 93, inclusive. ^ From Mobile to New Orleaits, see page 93. From Cairo. MOBILE, ALA., TO ,„ CAIRO, ILL. {Route in progress.) MOBILE to ToulmlnviUe, Ala... Turnerville Paine's Road Kushula Mauvila Oak Grove Chunchula Sidney Citronelle Deer Park Escatawpa State Line Bucu:atunna Winchester, Miss Hough's Ferry Red Bluff Paulding jQuitman , Place to Place. From Mo- bile. 3 3 2 6 4 9 2 11 2 13 1 14 4 18 13 31 2 33 10 43 7 50 12 62 8 70 6 76 6 82 10 92 12 104 6 109 """el From •^laci'. I loo,». MOBILE TO TALLAHASSEE. 100 17 8 17 35 15 I 40 18 58 7 I 65 15 80 3 I 83 I Place ( From j to JTus-,. [OBILE, ,>NTGojnaiT id 83; also, "••ery, page OBIXB to Virginia, PflOADEIr from page U£ii78,see Place From to Mo. Place • bile. •—- 3 3 2 5 4 9 2 11 2 13 1 14 * 18 13 31 ^ S3 ^21 43 7 60 2 62 8 70 « 76 " 82 M 92 J 104 • 1 109 Ftom Clin. ••••••••••••«••• Marion . Daleville De Kalb Pleasant Springs.. Macon Shooo Hickory Grove..... Aberdeen. Cotton Gin. Van Buren Jacinto Purely, Tenn.... Jackson Trenton Yorkville Columbus, Ky. OAIRO, 111.... CAIRO TO MOBILE. (Read up.) Place to Place. Vrom Mo- bile. Remarkt. — ^The MobUe and Ohio B.R., 'which is now in progress of construction, will form one of the most important routes for trade and travel in the United States. It will probably be opened through- out its entire length by the year 1858. This Route -will extend from Mo- bile Bay, on the Gulf of Mexico, to the junction of the Ohio and Missis- fiippi Rivers, at a point opposite to Cairo, 111. The latter place is the southern terminus of the great lUir nois Centr.1 £.iZ.,with its two arms or branches, one extending to Chi- CR(;o, on Lake Michigan, and the other to Galena, IIl.,and the Missis- sippi River. By consulting and comparing our map attached to this Woik, it will be observed that the course of these two great Railroads is similar, and runs nearly parallel with the Mis- sissippi River, meeting it, however, at its junction with the Ohio. It will occupy about twelve degrees of latitude; consequently, ft will em- brace a great variety of climates and productions. It will, however, have a decided advantage over that here- tofore immense thoroughfare, the Mississippi River, inasmuch as no Impediments will arise to obotruct the navigation of the rail, such aa are hourly met with on the "Father of Waters." Travel wiU attain a greater speed, with less cost, and more regular intercourse, and with less liability to the fearful and heart-rending scenes which the tur- bid waters of the Mississippi have dosed over, but which may happen again and again, until nearly every family in our country have to re- cord the loss of *<one loved one," at least, by either fire, explosion, <' snags," or utter recklessness of human life on the part of those whose business and care it should be, to regard the lives and property of those entrusted to their care with the greatest sacredness. The opening of this great thort)*- fare, then, should be hailed with joy and satisfaction ; men, and wo- men too, will be able to traverse it without those feelings of danger which are so frequently expe- rienced on going on board one of the " up-river steamboats," at New Orleans, or other places on the Mis- sissippi River. THE MOBILE AND GIRARD R. R. is now being constructed, a portion of which it alreadif opened. It will extend from Mobile, Alabama, to Qirard, opposite to Columbus, Ga., at which place it will connect with the Mtucogee R.R., running from Columbus, Ga.. and at the latter place with the Savannah and Jfacon R. R., and ultimately will form one of the links in the direct route of travel between New Orleans and New Yorkj &c. MOBILE TO PENSA- COLA AND TALLA- HASSEE, FLO. 259 245 By Stage from MOBILE to Blakely Place to Place. u From Mo- bUe. 14 mo 195 130 105 88 64 40 22 13 From TalU- k'wee. ROUTES FROM lACKSON, MISS. "/VW-AJV.^ FENSAOOLA, Flo By Steamboat to S La Grange (on ) Choctawhat- > diie Bay) ) By Stage to HoImeB* Valley.... Oakey Hill Marianna Chattalioochee Quincy Salubrity to TALLAHASSEE From Col'm- bui. 366 345 328 322 309 21)8 27U 266 946 225 ,216 196 161 147 145 105 f 49 31 19 From Col'm- btt*. TALLAHASSEE TO MOBILE. {Read up.) 50 64 65 25 17 24 24 18 9 13 ]29 154 171 1U5 219 237 246 259 Place to Flare. MOBILE TO 00- LUMBUS, MISS. By Steamboat on Mo- bile & Tombiffbee Ra. MOBILE to Fort St. Philip Fort Stoddard Alabama River.... Mcintosh Bluff.... Crawford's Landing Jackson St. Stephen's Coffeeville Wood's Bluff. Cadey's Landing. . Manafalia BluffC.. Moscow ( Demopolis i I Bluffpnrt I Black Warrior Riv. Jones' Bluff. Gainesville.. Jamestown Vienna Fairfield Fickensville Nashville to *OOLUMBUS .... COLUMBUS TO MO BILE. {R*>ad up.) Place to PlaeiN 21 17 6 13 11 22 10 20 21 9 20 35 14 2 40 18 12 11 15 18 13 19 Pl«ce to Place. From Mo- bile. From Mo- bile. 21 38 44 57 68 90 100 120 141 150 170 205 219 221 261 279 291 302 317 335 347 366 From Mo- bile. * From Columbus to Holly Sp'gs, Miss., and Memphis, Tenn., fee page 197. From Columbus to Tuscumbia, Ala., sec page 196. From Tu»'a- looiia. 212 11*2 179 159 144 131 109 97 90 81 72 65 56 40 25 17 From Tua'a loota. MOBILE TO TUSCA- LOOSA, ALA. By Staff from MOBILE to...... Fort St. Philip Mount Vernon.... New Wakefield.... St. Stephen's COFFEEVILLB Pineville Manafalia Montpelier Li nden Spring Hill Demopolis iVIacon .^. Greensboro' Havanna Carthage to TUSCALOOSA... TUSCALOOSA TO MOBILE. (^«arf«p) Flare to Flare. 20 13 20 15 13 22 12 7 9 9 7 9 16 15 8 17 Place to Flare. FroBt Mo. I>i|« 20 33 53 «8 81 103 113 122 131 140 147 156 172 187 195 212 Frnia Mo- bile. From Bvl. ma. 165 ftl 136 121 100 83 62 44 37 32 24 10 From Bel- MOBILE TO SELMA, ALA. Pkire to riace. By Stage from MOBILE to.... Blakely Stockton Tensnw Mt. Pleasant . . . . Claiborne Bell's Landing... Barhoursville.... Canton Prairie Bluff..... Cambridge Cahawba to...... SELMA-. SELMA TO MOBILE. {Read up.) Frnm Mo- bilts. 14 15 15 21 17 21 18 7 5 8 14 10 Plioe to Place. ROUTES FROM JACKSON, MISS. Froin ^Acifsow to JSew OnpRKnn. To Vicksburg, by railroad, 46 Q^ilea; thrice by «««» 395 miles. 1 From Jack U. ToVicI nlles, thence louge, 257 m piom Jacj ftad, 46 milei toSt. Pranci tal, 267 milet prom Jack ToVicksbun thence by at 386 miles. From Ja( Beamdon, ai lee route ' Vicksburg, From Jack lee page 19« JACKS! By\ 194 JAOKI 182 Rich! a 170 Cantoi 150 Montf 139 Frank 131 Lexin 116 Black 101 Carro 80 Ornna Oaka( Coffet From ROLL Holly From )AC1 hat- p chet. I b JACKSON TO HOLLY SPRINGS. a' >.^ «^'«« Sv'^/N^ 1^ «tf ^« «rf ^ tlieac« by atenmboat to New Orleans, 3!)5 miles. Total, 441. From Jackson to Baton Roooe, La. To Vicksburg, by railroad, 4(1 miles, thence by steamboat, to Baton Souge, 257 miles. Total, 303 miles. Fiom Jackson to St. Francib- TiLtB, La. To Vicksburg, by rait- ftt4y 46 miles ; thence by steamboat, to St. Francisville, 221 miles. To- tal, 267 miles. From Jackson toMEKPHis.Tenn. To Vicksburg, by railroad, 46 miles; thence by steamboat, to Memphis, aatt miles. Total, 432 miles. From Jackson to Vicksboro, Brandon, and Montgomery, Ala., ■ee route from Montgomery to Vicksburg, page 197. From Jackson to Cold mbus, Miss. we page 198. From HoUy 194 182 170 150 139 131 116 101 80 67 63 33 19 9 MCKSON TO HOLLY SPRINGS. By Slaffcfrom JAOESON to.... Richland Canton Montgomery ..... Franklin Lexington. Black Hawk Carrollton >.. Grenada -..< Oakachickama . . . Coffeeville Oxford ' Wyatt Water ford -to ... HOLLY SPRI'GS jTrom HOLLY SPRINGS TO Plaoe to Place. 12 12 20 11 8 15 15 21 13 4 30 14 10 9 Hoiir Bp'K*. From Nat- ehei. 103 93 63 48 S6 JACKSON. {Read up.) Place to Place. From Jack- Mo. 12 24 44 55 63 78 93 114 127 131 IRI 175 185 194 From Juek. •on. JACKSON TO NAT- CHEZ, MISS. Bv Sfasrefrom JACKSON to... Newtown Gnllatin Hargrove Malronib ..,,... . Ptace to Plaoe. 10 30 15 22 From Jaek- ■on. 10 40 55 77 TJamburg Washington to. NATCHEZ.... NATCHEZ TO JACK- SON. {Read up.) 10 10 6 Place to Place. 201 87 97 103 From Jack* There is another route between Jackson and Natchez, as follows ; to Vicksburg, by railroad, 46 milesj thence by steamboat, down the Mis. sissippi to Natchez, 279 miles. Total, 325 miles. From Mo- bile. 386 372 337 311 277 239 219 205 170 150 141 120 100 90 68 44 38 21 From Mo- bile. JACKSON TO MO- BILE, ALA. By Railroad from JACKSON to Brandon By Stage to Hiilsboro' (Jninn Daleville Livingston Bluflport By Steamboat down Tombighee River to Moscow MaiiafaliaBluff.... Cadey's Landing... Wood's Bluff. (^ffeeville t. Stephens Jackson Crawford's Landing Alabama River.... Fort Stoddard Fort St. Philip to. . MOBILE MOBILE TO JACK- SON. {Read up.) Place From to Jack- Place. ■Oll. 14 14 35 49 26 75 34 10'.) 38 147 20 107 14 181 35 210 20 230 9 215 21 260 20 286 10 ■2W) 22 318 24 342. 6 348 17 305 21 386 Place From to Ja.k- Place. ■011. There is anotbv^r route between jACKsoNand Mobile, by which sta^-* ing is entirely avoided; it is as fol- lows: firom Jackson to Vicksburg, by railroad, 46 uiilos ; thence by steam- boat, down the Mississippi to New Orleans, 395 miles; thence by rait' road to Lake Poiichartrain, 5 miles ; and thence by steamboat to Mobile, 161 miles. Total distance, (i07 miles. 202 ROUTES FROM NEW ORLEANS. ROUTES FROM NEW ORLEANS, From Xew Obleans to Batoit Rouge, Natchez, Tioksburo, Memphis, And St. Loms, &o., see pa^^es 120 and 121; and from St. Louis to the Falls or St. Anthont, see pages 117 and 118. From New Okieans to Louisyillb, Cincinnati, fte.,see pages 118, 119 and 120; and fivm Cincinnati to Pittsbubo, see page 116. From New Obxeans to Mobile, see page 93. The following table will show, at a glance, the gteamboat distances from New Obleans, to the princi- pal places on the Mississippi Rivers, with the probable fare to be paid to reach either. These, however, are liable to change, owing more or less to competition, and the low stages of the water, which it will be neccssarv' for the traveller to bear in mind. MllM. Farei. HEW ORLEANS to Baton Rouge 138 $5 00 to Natchez 279 8 00 to Vickshurg . . . 395 10 00 to Memphis .... 781 12 00 to Cairo ^ . 1026 12 00 to St. Louis.... 1201 14 00 to Dubuque ..:. 1665 20 00 f. { Falls St. '° 1 Anthony 2003 23 GO to Louisville . . . 1415 13 00 to Cincinnati . . 1548 15 00 to Maysville ... 1610 17 00 to Wheeling.... 1931 20 00 to Pittsburg.... 2025 21 00 to Nashv'le,Ten. 1287 20 00 to Florence, Ala 1357 22 00 RATES OF PASSAGE FROM N.ORLEANS TO THE PRIN- CIPAL AMERICAN AND FO- REIGN PORTS, BY SEA. NEW ORLEANS to Mobile to Pcnsacola to Tampa Bay to Galveston to Savannah to Charleston to Baltimore to Philadelphia C New York City, ) to< (if by steamship, > C ^75.) S to Boston to Havana to Vera Cruz to Liverpool, Eng to London. to Havre Fam. 95 00 800 15 OO 10 00 25 00 30 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 65 00 25 00 35 00 120 00 125 00 ISOOO DISTANCES FROM NEW ORLEANS TO CHARLESTON, SAVANNAH, WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL- PHIA, N. YORK, BOSTON, AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES, Tht traveller toitt refer to each sf the following Routes retpoetwely. Namet of rUcM. Jfew Orleans to Mobile, by steamboat • Mobile to Montgomery, by steamboat, 331 miles, by stage .*. , Montgomery to West Point, by railroad Milet 1G6 197 97 FROM NEVI EMPHIB, And the Falls or 118, 119 and IGE FROM HE PRIN- AND FO- IT SEA. i'ty.V lip, > . .. ) Fam. 95 00 800 15 GO lOflO 25 00 30 00 50 00 60 00 CO 00 65 00 25 00 35 00 120 00 125 00 ISO 00 iLESTON, HILADEL- : PLACES, peetiMly. Milet 1G6 197 97 NEW ORLEANS TO PHILADELPHIA, ETC. Name! of f lacos, West Point to Atlanta, Ga., by railroad Atlanta to Augusta, Ga Augusta toWUmington, N. C.,yi& Manchester. Wilmington to Richmond, Va Uebmond to Washington, D. C. Washington to Baltimore lUtimore to Philadelphia Philadelphia to New York New 7ork to Boston , Total distance H.B. See pages 81 to 86, inclusive. ao3 Mile*. 1813 From Atlanta, Oa., travellers may proceed to Savannah, Ga., via Macon, 292 miles; or to Charleston, S.C., via Augusta, 308 miles. From either of these places they may reach New Tork by steamship, as these now sail tetween each port at regular intervals. From Charleston, Philadelphia mj also be reached by a similar conveyance. Namsa of Place*. FROM NEW ORLEANS TO PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, VIA PITTSBURG. New Orleans to Cincinnati, by steamboat Cfaicinnati to PiUsburg, by railroad, via Columbus and Crestline, Ohio : Pittsburg to •PAt/a<2eJ|p/(ta, via Pennsylvania B.R Pldladelphia to New York, by railroad Total Namea of Flacea. FROM NEW ORLEANS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON, VIA CINCINNA-n, CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO. New Orleans to Cincinnati, by steamboat Cinciniviti to Cleveland, via Columbus, Ohio, by railroad 'Cleveland to DunJcirk, by steamboat Donkirk to New York, via N. Y. and Erie il.B Total *From New Orleans to Cleveland, (as above) Cleveland to Buffalo, by steamboat Buffalo to Albany, by railroad Albany to Boston, by railroad Total Mile*. 1648 367 353 87 2355 Mi lea. 1548 189 142 460 2339 Milea. 1737 194 298 200 2429 204 NEW ORLEANS TO NEW YORK, ETC. Namw of Flaoea. FROM NEW ORLEANS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON, VIA ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO. New Orleans to !^. Louis, by steamboat St. Louis to Chicago, via Springfield and Bloomington, 111 Chicago to Clevdand, via Michigan Southern R.R * Cleveland to Dunkirk^ Tia Lake Erie Dunkirk to New Torkt Tia N. Y. and £rie B.B Total * From New Orleans to Cliicago, (aa above).... Chicago to Detroity via Michigan Central B.R Detroit to Niagara Suspension Bridge Niagara to Albany ', Albany to JSlMton Total MilN. MilM. m 229 303 200 THE NEW ORLEANS. JACKSON, AND GREAT NORTHERN RAILROAD is now under construction. It will form a most important line, connect- ing New Orleans with the prominent points in the Northern and Eastern States. The following are the given distances from New Orleans to im- portant places, via the above Route. Naroea of Placea. NEW ORLEANS to Jackson, Miss " Tennesske River , " MSMPHis, Tenn ** Nashville, Tenn , ** Louisville, Ky " Cincinnati, Ohio «* Chioaoo, 111 .:.... ** Pittsburg ** Baltimore ** Philadelphu, via Wheeling. ** New York " Boston Miln, 410 420 540 716 800 920 1082 1390 1430 1617 1753 Froio GAL\ ABf AUi By St S55 QALT 173 Housi B 119 San I 77 Ruteri 72 La G 42 Ml. F .32 Bastr 15 Webli AUS^ Fiom AUS Aua. G ROUTES FROM GALVESTON, TEX. 2M 12103 Mita. 1486 278 229 303 200 2496 IN RAILROAD line, connect I 1 and Eastera >rleans to im. MilM 183 410 420 540 716 800 920 1082 1369 1430 1617 1753 IfBW Orle\nb to Nashville, Tenn. By steamboat to the moutli of I CuiutMsrlaiid River, lOdU niiie8,(8ee pages 107 and lUd;) tiibJice lo Nabh- HLLK, ^1 miles. Total, 1287 miles. Nkw Orleans to Florsnce, Ala. By steamboat to the mouth of the Tennessee River, 1074 miles, (see pages 107 and 108 ;) thence to Flo« ! uxcE, 283 miles. Total, 1357 miles. New Orleans to Shrbvbport, La. By steamboat to the mouth of llOdRiver, 214 miles; thence to Alexandria, 105; Natchitoches, 74; { ttlBVEPORT, 82. Total, 475 miles. New Orleans to Fort Gibson, In. Tbr. By steamboat to Arkansas Biver, 604 miles, (see pages 107 and 108 ;) thence to New Gascony, 133 ; Pine Blufis, 25; Little Rock, 150; Lewisburg, (iO; Van fiureu, 150; I foRT Smith, 8; Fort Gibson, 04. Total, 1230 miles. New Orleans to Galveston, Tex. By steamhoat, 444 miles. New Orleans to Proctorsvillb. By railroad, 27 miles. ROUTES FROM GALVES- TON, TEXAS. From Galveston to New Or- HAMS. By steamboat to the Mouth oftheMississippi,350 miles; thence tqi New Orleaas, 94. Total, 444 uiles. From Galveston to Houston. By steamboat through Galveston Bay, and the Buffalo Bayou to Houston, 82 miles. From Galveston to Port La- fAOOA, by steamboatt 190 miles. From Galveston to Washino- ton, Texas, via Houston, 147 miles. Aw- S55 173 119 77 72 42 32 15 From Aw- GALVESTON TO AUSTIN, TEX. By Steamboat fram aALVESTON to. Houston By Stage to San Felipe ».. Rutersville La Grange Mt. Pleasant Bastrop Webborsvilleto.... AUSTIN OITY... AUSTIN CITY TO GALVESTON. (Read up.) 18 Plaoa 10 Place. 82 54 42 5 30 10 17 15 PlAM to Place. from Oal- re*, ton. 82 136 178 183 213 223 240 255 From Oal- yea- ton. From Mata- gorda. Ill 75 50 41 31 22 From Mata- gorda. From Mata- gorda. 89 62 51 35 From Mata- gorda. GALVESTON TO MATAGORDA, VIA BRAZORIA. aALVESTON to Liverpool Columbia Brazoria •. Cedar Lake Caney to MATAGORDA.. MATAGORDA TO GALVESTON. {Read up.) GALVESTON TO MATAGORDA, VIA VELASCO. GALVESTON to. San Luis Velasco Cedar Grove to.... MATAGORDA . MATAGORDA TO GALVESTON. (Read up.) Place 10 riaee. 36 25 J 10 Place to Place. Place to Place. 27 11 26 25 Place to Place. From C'rpua Ch'Rti. 245 156 112 86 GALVESTON TO CORPUS CHRISTI. GALVESTON to. ( Mataoorda, ) ) (see prev. route) \ Texana Victoria Place to Place. 89 44 20 From Oal« Tea- ton. 27 38 64 From Gal- Tea- ton. aoe ROUTES FROM AUSTIN CITY, TEX. 61 From VtpttB OoHnd to CORP. OHRISTI CORPUS CHRISTI TO GALVESTON. (Read up.) 35 51 PUm to Placa. 194 245 From Onl- too. From lait'ii. 170 129 120 100 85 50 30 23 12 From Wiih- MATAGORDA TO WASHINGTON, TEXAS. By Stage from MATAGORDA to Brazoria . . Columbia . Big Creek. Richmond . San Felipe Belleville Travis' Chapel Hill to WASHINGTON . ■•••••••• WASHINGTON TO MATAGORDA. (Read up.) I Placa ' From to < Muta* PlM«. gonla. 41 9 20 15 35 30 7 11 12 170 41 50 70 85 15)0 140 147 158 Pl«e« From to I Mau- Place, gorda. Steamboats run on the river Bra- E08 from Washington to its mouth; a distance, by the course of the river, of 350 miles. From Aus- tin. 173 153 134 124 112 97 82 47 42 32 15 From ▲na- MATAGORDA TO AUSTIN CITY. 'By Stage from MATAGORDA to Caney Preston Wharton... *. Egypt Eagle Lake Columbus La Grange Mt. Pleasant Bastrop Webber-"il le to ... AUSTIN OITT... AUSTIN CITY TO MATAGORDA. {Read up.) Place to Place 20 21 8 12 15 15 35 5 10 17 15 Flaot to riara. From Mat>- gord'.. 20 41 49 61 76 91 126 131 141 158 173 From Mata- 'goida. ROUTES FROM AUSTIN CITY, TEXAS. Austin to Matagorda, see p;e. viuus Route. From Boa. tOD. 416 374 306 261 229" 221 191 155 91 43 31 14 From Bos- ton. I AUSTIN TO BOS- TON, TEXAS. By Stage from AUSTIN to Georgetown Falls of Brazos .... Springfield Richland Crossing. Corsicana Buffalo Kaufman Tarrant. Clarksville Savannah De Kalb to BOSTON BOSTON TO AUS- TiJi. {Head up.) Place to Placa. 42 68 45 32 8 30 36 64 48 12 17 14 Place to Place. Fron AMi tlo. 42 110 155 187 195 225 2G1 325 373 385 402 41« Froq Aui. tia. I From Boston, Texas, to Littu :ftocK, Ark. To Fulton, Ark., 50 miles; and fVom Fulton to Littlt Rock, (see page 167,) 133 miles. Total distance, 183 miles. From W'8h. Ingl'n. 130 115 98 58 53 33 15 From Wah- isgt'n. AUSTIN TO WASH- INGTON, TEXAS. By Stage from AUSTIN to Webbcrsville Bastrup La Grange Rutersville Montville Independence to... WASHINGTON . WASHINGTON TO AUSTIN. (Read up.) Place to PIa<-j. 15 17 40 5 20 18 15 Place to Place From Au*. tin. 15 33 73 77 97 115 130 From Au» tia. Prom- Vwna- Tilla. Al • BR( 343 320 303 S73 SIO 178 130 By AUS: Cedai Lock; Gonz Golia Refuf *San tBR( From B'WDI- vllle. BRO AUSTIN S. )A, see pr^ - riaee Pro* to AUk Place. tin. •• •• 42 42 .. 68 110 •• 45 155 • 32 J87 •• 8 195 .• 30 225 •• 36 201 •• 64 325 •• 48 373 •• 12 365 •• 17 402 .. 14 410 . - Place Froa to Ant. Place. I tio. I( to LiTTLI ft, Ark., 50 on to Lim 133 miles, ilea. Place to Plar... 15 17 40 5 30 18 15 From Am. tin. I' Place to Place 15 32 72 77 97 115 130 From All* tia. WASHINGTON TO MILAM, TEX. fl9 190 JB7 153 133 98 63 48 38 18 KiUm WASHINGTON TO MILAM, TEX. Bij St aire from WASHINdT'N to Anderson Huntsviile Cincinnati Crockett VVilliaiu'8 Ferry... Douglass Nacoqdoches Melrose San AoGDSTlNB to. "■MILAM MILAM TO WASH- INGTON. {Read up.) Place I From to |W'ih> Place, iingt'u. 20 33 14 30 35 35 15 10 30 18 Place to Place. 20 53 66 06 131 156 171 181 301 319 From WMh- inft'n. *Froni Milam to Fort Jessop, La., is 43 miles; and to Natchi- TociiBS, La., 69 miles. From the latter place passengers may reach New Orleans, by steamboat, via the Red and Mississippi Rivers, a distance of 415 miles. From- Wwne- Title. 343 320 303 373 210 178 130 From B'wni' *ille. AUSTIN TO BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS. By Stage from AUSTIN to Cedar Creek Lockport Gonzales Goliad Refugio *San Patricoto.. tBROWNSVI'LB. BROWNSVILLE TQ AUSTIN. {Read up.) Place to Place. 23 17 30 63 32 48 130 Place to PImce. From Aaa> tio. 23 40 70 133 165 213 343 From Aoe- tin. ♦Corpus Christi is about .32 miles distant from San Patrico. t Brownsville is situated on the Rio Grande, and opposite to Ma- TAtfORAS, Mexico. „„„! AUSTIN TO PRESI- Rio Gr'ude DiODEf.RIO GRANDE. 276 AUSTIN to.... 231 San Marcos.... 303 New Urauinfels. 168 San Aiitunia... 153 jCastroville 130 Vaiidenburg.... 60 River Nueces to RIO GRANDE... From Ri0 Or'ude RIO GRANDE TO AUSTIN. {Read up.) Place to Pllli:e 45 33 40 15 33 70 60 Place to Place. 207 Froa Aiw Un. 45 68 108 133 14ii 316 376 Froia Aua. tin. From Mal- atlan. 956 786 750 735 705 668 638 617 608 578 558 543 519 486 463 433 401 377 359 349 313 389 3(38 253 a35 310 177 155 131 110 85 61 SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. TO MA- ZATLAN, MEXICO. Place to Place. SAN ANTONIO to Eagle Pass San Fernando Arroyo Seca San JuandeSabinas El Aura .., La Hacienda de ) Hermanos. . . . | LaEstania Monclova Los Tres Rios Bi Berrando La Sauseada La Pastora Sienega Grande.., Hacienda de Abajo La Peria Alamo de Parras. . El Cogete La Noria.. Rio Buenava duencame Corral de Fiedras.. Tortugas Las Saiises Porfins El Charo CiTV OF DaRANGO. Arroyo de Piedras El Navillo Echevarria Rio Baluarte Santa Lucia....... 170 36 25 20 37 SO 21 9 30 30 15 34 33 34 40 21 24 18 10 36 34 31 15 18 35 33 32 34 31 35 34 From S. An. tOfliO. 170 306 331 351 388 318 339 348 378 398 413 437 470 494 534 555 579 597 607 643 667 688 703 731 746 779 801 835 846 871 895 208 ROUTES TO OREGON, ETC. 49 34 13 Copnio Sail Subautian Village; of Mnzairn FT. MAZATLAN 12 15 21 13 907 922 143 950 From Max- •lian. MAZATLAN TO SAN ANTONIO. (Read up.) Place to Place. From 8. An- touio. Fmm El Paao. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, TO EL PASO DEL NORTE. Place to PiMe. 65 30 30 40 20 59 30 7 From 8. An- tonio. 605 540 510 480 440 430 3U1 331 334 SAN ANTONIO to Fredericksburo.. Llano River San Saba Brady's Creek Kickapoo Creek...- Blue River, or ( Main Concho. . S I Up Main Con- ) < cho to its head S f spring ) MustangWater Holes •65 95 125 165 185 244 274 281 318 294 282 271 160 145 111 105 97 82 58 48 24 4 From El Paao. Flat Rock Ponds... ) Wild China i } Water Hulos. | Gap Water I'ecos River Mouth of Salina R. Bavin Creek ( Up Savin Creek ) < to Walnut } ( Sprinirs . ... ) Ojode S.Martin... Ojos de Guadalupe. OJo del Chorpo J Banks of the ) SierredelosCar- \ n'dos del Alamo ) OJo del Alamo ( Tanks of Sierre i f Hueco I Rio Grande to I EL PASO ( I DEL NORTE I EL PASO TO SAN ANTONIO. {Read up.) 24 12 11 111 15 34 6 8 15 24 10 24 20 4 Place to Plaie, 887 311 333 334 445 m 404 500 m 5i!3 547 557 581 601 605 From biulo. ROUTES TO OREGON, CALIFORNIA. NEW MEXICO, AND UTAH. oT ST. LOUIS, MO., TO •on. OREGON CITY. Caravan Route, 2^146 ST. LOUIS to ... S155, Independence, Mo Kansas R. crossing J Fort Kearny i } and PIntte Riv. \ Forks of R. Platte 2068 1848 1673 1600 ( Ash Hollow, or / f North Fork... { 1468 Chimney Rock 1448 Scott's jBluff. 1388 Fort Laramie. .. 1233 Red Biittes ! 173 Sweet Water River 1172 Rock Independence 1062 Fremont's S. Pass 1003 Green River 953,Fui-t Bridger Place to Place. 291 87 220 175 73 132 20 60 155 60 1 110 59 50 From St. Louie. 291 378 598 773 846 978 998 1058 1213 1273 J274 1384 1443 1493 918 812 762 740 615 575 445 375 .307 217 192 122 102 82 30 From On-- gou. Bear River Bear Springs Fort Hall American Falls.... Fiohing Falls Lewis R. Crossing. Fort Boisse Burnt River Grande Ronde Fort Walla Walla. Umatillah River... John Day's River. . Falls River The Dalles Fort Vancouver to. OREGON CITY. . OREGON CITY TO ST. LOUIS. {Read up.) 35 106 50 22 125 40 130 70 68 90 25 70 20 20 52 30 Place to Place. 1634 1GH4 1700 1831 1871 2001 2071 2139 2229 2-.>54 2324 2344 23ii4 2416 2440 From St. Louiit ROUTES TO OREGON, ETC. 200 «^W%/W\/\A^\/S/«a 34 12 ]] 111 15 34 6 8 15 34 10 24 287 311 333 334 445 m 404 soo 508 5S3 547 557 581 20 (iOi 1)05 to Krnu toulo, NEW . 35 .|106 50 22 125 40 130 .| 70 G8 90 25 70 20 20 52 30 Place to PIOM. um Hi'M im 1708 1831 1871 2001 .'071 2139 2229 2.J54 2324 2344 23(i4 2416 244e From St. Loula A. Joseph ia another prominent utarting-place on the Missouri flron* • liar ; it is situated on the Missouri River, and may be reached, by steam' ^oat, from St. Louis, a distance of 450 miles. The emisrant trail crosses the river, and reaches the edge of the great Western plains, seven miles iliitant. It is marked out with the distinctness of an ordinary road. Thirty miles farther is the Indian MisHion established by Government, which consists of a fine farm, a few log houses, store, and a school for Indian children. One hundred and ten miles from the Missouri the Blue Earth River is reached, a clear and handsome stream of pure water, 30 feet wide. On crossing the stream, the road passes over high ridges of table-lands, fur 70 miles, to Little Blue Earth River, along the beautiflil valley of which it runs for about 80 miles, on leaving wnich, the trail itrikes across a hifih ranne of table-lands for 20 miles, in a northern direction, reaching the Nebraska or Platte River Valley, 15 miles below Fort K<>arny. This fort is situated at the head of Grand Island, ia Ibe River Platte, 2*-)2 miles from St. Joseph, and has an altitude of 2,000 feet above the Gulf of Mexico. Ill passing aioii^r the North Fork of the Platte, between Ash Hollow and Fort Laramie, a sinf^ular formation of rock and sand may be seen, called the "Court-House;*' it stands alone, and at a distance bears a close reaembla.ico to a court-house or church. It is 200 feet square, 800 feet high, and has on its top what would be taken for a large dome or cupola. The next object or attraction is "Chimney Rock," which is seen at n distance of 30 miles, standing out in bold relief. Its base is about 300 feet in diameter, which tapers off to within 100 feet of the top and then becomes square, Iieing about 50 feet in diameter; a solid shaft of rock then ascends at least 100 feet into the air, making a nrain hci^'ht of 400 feet from the base. Twenty miles farther on are "Scott's Bluffs," a beautiful rocky formation, extending three miles along the river, having an elevation of between 300 and 400 feet. "Castle BlufM" are also an attractive formation of rocky bluff, many parts of which are very fantastic and grotesque, resembling ancient castles, palaces, forts, &c. Fort Laramie, 625 miles fVom St. Joseph, Mo., is situated at the eastern terminus of Laramie Valley, about H miles from the Platte. It is government property, and consists of a building 200 feet square, with a yard in the centre. Its altitude is 4,090 feet above the ocean. "Laramie Peak," 100 miles from Fort Laramie, can be seen at a dis* tance of 150 miles; its altitude is about 11,000 feet.* A few miles distant from the Sweet Water are a number of salaratus lakes, some of which are half a mile square. '* Independence Rock" is situated on the north side of the Sweet Water, 216 miles from Fort Laramie; it is composed of solid granite, covering an area of about five acres, and arising in conical form, about 400 feet above the level of the surround- ing country ; it is seen at a great distance, and hence serves as a land* mark of the emigrant. This extraordinary rock was named by a party of Americans, who chanced to pass that way one Fourth of July, whence they proceeded to celebrate the great events of that period, liy a succession of revellings, festivities, and hilarities, which having been concluded, they all inscribed their names, together with the word " In- dependence," upon the most conspicuous portion of the rock: hence its name and notoriety, which are ns flnnly established, by the act, us that rock of .ages itself. Upwards of 5000 names are inscribed upon it. On approaching the *' South Pass," the ascent is so gradual, that it in difficult for tlie trayeller to find the precise summit ; yet the poiat of 18* H 210 ST. LOUIS TO SACRAMENTO CITY. culmination in between two hilld, about 60 fuet IiIkIi. It ia nineteen miles wide, and without any sorge-lilce appearance. Its altitude i§ 7,48a feet. From Bucrn- iiit-nio VUj. S492 004 004 891) 85U 544 270 140 35 From Harra- meiito Ulty. ST. LOUIS TO SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, AND SACRAMENTO CITY, CAL. ST. LOUIS to.. ( Dear River (see I previous route) Weber River, Utah Brownsville, Utah SALT LAKE O'Y Humboldt's or > Mary's River. . ) Sink of Mary's Riv. Truckeo Lake Johnson's, Cal., to. SAORAM'NTOO. SACRAMENTO C'Y TO ST. LOUIS. {Read up.) From kanU Fe. 1153 862 850 827 796 713 711 696 681 669 644 627 607 591 583 564 558 489 463 427 362 328 298 278 ST. LOUIS. MO., TO SANTA FE, N. M. ST. LOUIiS to Independence Caravan Route to Westport Round Grove Narrows Big John Spring... Council,Grove Diamond Spring. .. Lost Spring Cottonwood Creek. Turkey Creek Little Arkansas... Cow Creek Arkansas River... . Walnut Creek Ash Creek Pawnee Fork Caches Fort Arkansas.... Arkansas Crossing Cimmaron River. Middle Spring.... Willow Bar Cold Spring PiM* to Place. 1538 60 5 40 315 274 124 HI 35 Place to Piaca. From Ht. Loula. 1528 1588 1593 1633 1948 2222 2340 2J57 2492 From St. Loula. Place to Place. 291 12 23 31 83 2 15 15 12 25 17 20 16 8 19 6 69 26 36 65 34 30 20 From St. Louia. 291 303 326 357 440 442 457 472 484 509 526 546 562 570 589 595 664 690 726 791 825 855 875 188 168 162 127 09 79 59 50 28 From Hanta Fe. Point of Rocks .... Canadian River... Ocate River Santa Clara Spring Rio Mora )Rio6allinas { / and Vcf^as ( OJo de Vernal Pecos R.&S. Miguel Pecos Village to.... SANTA FB 90 m 20 m 6 991 35 1020 28 1U54 20 eo 9 22 28 SANTA FE TO ST.' To" LOUIS. (Read up.) |«"«*- From Biicrii- meuto Vlty. I83'i 1807 1772 1722 1668 1593 1528, 1028| 1012, 1002 902 837 822: 792 752 C52 552 212 197 112 lOO 00 From Baora- mm to City. SANTA FE TO SAN DIEGO AND SACRA- MENTO CITY, CAL. Oila Route. SANTA FE to.... I San Felipe, on ) } Rio Del Norte. | Albuquerque Socorro Consul Bend Copper Mines Rio Giln Pimos Village Mouth of Rio Gila. Colorado Crossing. Jornado, or Desert . First Rancho in Cal Santa Isabella \ SAN DIEGO ) } (Pacific Shore), j San Luis Rey ( PUEOLA. DE LOS < Angelos (or, ( City of Angel Santa Barbara.... Monterey Rio Salines San Joaquin RioTualumno Stanislas to SAORAM'NTO O. LOS ) els) 5 SACRAMENTO C'Y TO SANTA FE. {R£ad up.) Place to Place. 30 35 50 54 75 ()5 500 16 10 100 65 15 30 40 100 100 340 15 85 12 10 90 Place to Place. 1074 1094 1103 11-25 1153 Frnin Ht. Louli. From Uunta 30 65 115 ltJ9 244 :!0!) 80!) 825 835 93.1 1000 1015 1045 1085 1185 1985 1625 1640 17','5 1737 1747 1837 From Santa F«. FORT SMITH TO SANTA FE. 211 " nineteen ttltitude if 20 88", 35 'J020 28 1051 20 J074 kil ^^ M0»4 P" » 110.7 22 ll.;5 _28^1153 '" I Bt, P'oce From "> Saiiu 0| 30 30 •| 35 65 • 50 Us • 54 1(j9 • 75 244 • <>5 L'O'J 500 80!) Ifi 825 10 835 100 ms 65 1000 15 1015 30 1045 40 jl085 100 1185 100 198.5 NO 1625 15 1640 es 17-,'5 12 17.?7 10 1747 OO 1837 lace I From 'o 8«nt« »«•■«• I Fe. In the year 1840, Mnjor Emory wrote to the Governriient an ac- count of a remarkable river ipring which broke out in the sunumtr of that year, in that portion of the country between the mouth of the Gila River and the mountains, usually called the *' Desert," some- 'times the *' Jornada.** A river, 40 fuut wide, and more than waist* deep, has appeared in the middle of this desert, affording delicious wa- ter to drink, and niaki ng an oasis at the most convenient spot for the traveller. The overland emigrants who took that route previous to the 2Uth of June, suffered dread- fully fl-om thirst. Those who came after the flrat of July, found plenty of water. In connection with it, a fine fresh-water lake was formed a few miles distant. It ia represented upon our Map qf California, Oregon, tc, and may be found on the " Qila Haute" west qf the Hio Colorado. IIZ FORT SMITH TO »• SANTA FE, N. M. 800 785 701 734 710 682 670 655 615 553 435 413 390 369 336 329 179 151 101 87 67 52 30 From BanU Fe. PORT SMITH to Choctaw Agency. . Sdn-bois Creek.... Oaines' Creek Cedar Mount Delaware Mount. . Cedar Creek Cane Creek Choteau's Red Hills Antelope Hills.... Rush Lake Dry River Spring Creek Bluff Creek Springs Cerro Tucucarri... Laguna Colorado. . Gallinas Creek.... Anton Chico Canon Blanco Laguna Colorado.. Galisteo to SANTA FB SANTA FE TO FORT ^^ 'f™? SMITH {Rcadup ) riace. sm'ti. to Place. 15 24 27 24 28 12 15 40 62 118 22 14 30 33 7 150 28 50 14* 20 15 22 30 From Fort Bm'h. 15 39 66 90 118 130 145 185 247 365 387 401 431 464 471 621 649 699 713 733 748 770 800 Fort Smith is situated on the Ar« kansas River, about four miles from Van lluren. It is the KnrriHon on the eastern line of the Choctaw nation, and has grown into a town of upwards of one thousand inha- bitants. There are several stores here, and a go^d trade is carried on with the Indians. V/in Buren, on the left bank of the same river, lower down, has about the same number of inhabitants, but is quite different in feature, the street! being entirely free from grotesque* ly-dresscd Indians. It is a shipping point for wheat and other prtMiucc, received from the more northern settlements. From Dona Aua, 940 925 914 901 874 827 789 767 755 748 608 576 463 450 427 400 362 329 304 246 220 162 135 106 94 72 36 FORT SMITH TO DONA ANA, N. M. FORT SMITH to Choctaw Agency.. Gap in Mountains. San-bois Creek... Gaines' Creek. •• • ^^oggy Creek Fort Washita... Preston ,. Big Mineral Creek McCarty's Brazos River dua-qua-ho-no R. Red Fork of Cd'ado Laguna Big Spring... Salt Pond Mustang Pond.... Sand Hills Rio Pbcob Salinas Creek Delaware Creek... Peak of Guadalupe Ojo del Cuerbo Spr. Cornudas Mountain Sierra del Alemo. . . "■Sierra Waco Paso de S. Au- i gustin to t DONA ANA Pliee to Place. From Doua DONA ANA TO FORT SMITH. {Read up.) 15 11 13 27 47 38 22 12 7 140 32 113 13 23 27 38 33 25 58 26 ^o 27 29 12 32 46 26 Plaoe to Place. From Fort Sm'k 15 26 39 66 113 151 173 185 192 332 364 477 490 513 540 578 611 636 694 720 778 805 834 846 868 914 P40 Fwm Fort Smti. 212 SAN FRANCISCO TO SAN DIEGO. ♦ Prom Sierra Waco to El Paso del Jforte, the distance is about 35 luiles. Dona Ana is situated on the east bank. of the Rio Grande del Norte, about 50 miles north from El Paso. From Dona Ana to the Pacific the "Gila Route" is taken. See Route from Santa Fe to San Diego and Sacramehto City, page 210. Captain Marcy says, in his Re* port, that the best season for emi* grants to leave the United States for California, upon the southern route, is about the first of June. Tiiere would then be good grass and water to the Rio Grande, and they would reach there about the last of July, and would have time to stop two or three weeks, to graze and recruit their animals, and lay in additional supplies, should they require any, for the remainder of the journey. There is abundance of wood and frass at all places upon the road, 'rom Fort Smith to the Big Spring, 513 miles, there is water at short distances along the whole route. From the Spring to the Rio Graride water is not so abundant, and cer. tain points have to be made, from day to day, to get it. On the Santa Pe road, fVom Fort Smith, there are but few places where wood and water cannot be found, at conve* nieut distances. DISTANCES FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, Jiccording to the exact admeasurement by Lieut. Warner, of the U. S. Topographical Engineers. From San Diego. SAN FRANCISCO TO SAN DIEGO, CAL. 612i S. FRANOISOO to (309iMission Dolores. . . 596 Sanchez's Ranch... 592 San Mateo 5641- San ta Clara 56H|San Jost 542i|Murphy'b Ranch. .. 518f San Juan Beautista 499 487 446i 406 375 3571 3m 336i 313i S91| Blanco's Crossing MONTEREY..... Mission Soledad... Ojilos Mission San Miguel Pasde Robles Santa Marguerita.. San Luis Obispo... Danas Ranch { Los Alamos No- i I riaga's j Place to Place. d 2 13| 4 27i 3i 19 23S 191 12 40f 40 31 m 11 23 22 From San Fran- cisco. 2i 16i 20i- 471 51 70 93} 113i 125i 166 206i 237A 2541 265i 276i 299A 321i 272} 200i 254 2431 225J 214} 210} 197i 191 138 127i 108^ 98 78 70} 50 39} Mission Santa Inez La Gaviota Pass. . Arroya Hondo.... Los Pueblos Santa Barbara. ... La Carpentario .. Rincon San Bonnventura. Crossing S'nta Clare ( Conego(Thomp- i / son's) \ Los Angeles Los Coyotes Santa Anna Juan Avilas S. JuanCapistrana. Los Flures San Luis Rey to... SAN DIEGO From SAN DIEGO TO SAN r^Z. FRANCISCO. I (Read up.) \ 18i 1 9 12 «i 10} 17 11 4 131 53 lOi 19 m 20 7i 20} 10* 39i Place to rUce. 33'J| 352} 358} 309i 381)} 397} 401} 415 4211 4741 485 504 5I4| 5341 541} 5G21 573 6121 From San Fran ciaco J have time Iks. topraze pis. and Jay Photild they hiainder of THE TOUKIST'S GUIDE • TO PLACES OF FASHIONABLE AND HEALTHFUL RESORT. 10^485 19 504 10^514^ 20 534i 20|5(i2i 10i573 39^6124 Place I Froin to San 'l»ce. Fran J Cisco THE WHITE MOUNTAINS ODiTew Hampshire are situated in the county if Coos, and extend from S. W. to N. E., about 20 miles. Mount Wash' ington, the most elevated peak, is 6,243 feet above the level of the sea. (Tijis was formerly considered the highest elevation in the United States, east of the Rocky Mountains, but it has been found to be surpassed in height by •• MitcheM's P«ak," in N. Carolina, the aldtude of which was determined a few years ago by the gentleman from whom its name is de< rived.) The other peaks are Mount Adams, 5,767 feci; Jefferson, 5,665; Madison, 5,384 ; Monroe, 5,298 ; Franklin, 4,854 ; and La Fayette, 4,723. The ascent to the summit of Mount Washington has now become not only fashionable, but a pleasing and healthful recreation to those who are strong enough to bear the fatigue consequent on such an undertaking. There is no danger whatever to be apprehended; careful and expe* rienced.^ruides always accompanying visitors. The JiTotch of the White Mountains is a very narrow defile, extending fbr two miles between huge cliffs, apparently rent asunder by some great convulsion of nature. Its entrance, on the east side, is formed by two rocks standing perpendicularly, about 20 feet from each other. The scenery here is exceedingly grand. After proceeding a short distance, a beautiful cascade may be seen, issuing from a mountain on the right, and passing over a series of almost perpendicular rocks, with a course so little broken as to preserve the appearance of a uniform current. This lovely stream falls over a stupendous precipice, foiling the Silver Cascade, About a mile distant from the entrance Is a brook, called the Flume, a stream of water falling over three precipices, from a height of 250 feet. Over the first two it falls in a single stream, and over the last, in three; these again unite at the bottom in a natural basin formed in the rocks. The IVilley House stands in the White Mountain Notch, a short dis- tance from a bluff, which rises to the height of about 2,000 feet. It is noted as having been the residence of the Wiliey family, who perished on the 28th of August, 1826, by an avalanche or slide fVom the mountain. From the road leading through the Franconia JVotth, may be seen, on the mountain opposite to La Fayette, the Profile Mountain ; or, as it is called, the " Old Man of the Mountain j"^ and in the same notch, a short distance south, the Basin and Flume, objects of the greatest interest to the lovers of the sublime and curious. The Profile Mountain rises to the height of 1,000 feet. The bare rock on wliich the profile is deline* ated, is granite ; from its long exposure to the atmusphtsre, it is of a 218 ll 214 THE WHITE MOUNTAINS. dark reddish-brown. A side-view of this projecting rock, near the peak of the mountain, looking from the north, exhibits a profile of the hu« man face, in which every line and feature are distinctly marked; but after passing the mountain to the south, the likeness is lust. Routes to the White Modntaihs.— The route by way of Portland may be considered one of the most eligible, and for beautiful scenery cannot be surpassed. This city, the commercial metropolis of the State of Maine, is situated 105 miles from Boston, from which it may be reached « by railroad, either via the Eastern or the Boston and Maine R. R. From Portland passengers are now conveyed in the cars of the Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad to Gorham, ninety-five miles distant, and five miles from the oase of Mt. Washington. In order to accommodate the travel by this route, a hotel has been erected, and a road laid out to the summit, on the north side of the mountain. There is another route from Portland open to the traveller, which is also very delightful. From Portlatid, by stage^ to Standish, at the foot of Scbago Pond ; thence, by steamer, over the romantic lake, through Crooked River, and over Long Fond to Bridgeton Centre; thence, by stage, to Conway, via Fryeburg. On the^Kad between Bridgeton and Fryeburg is Pleasant ML, an isolated peaR; some 2000 feet high, on the summit of which is an hotel, recently erected, which is now a stoppings K"ace for many travellers, the view from it being very fine. At Conway, . H., passengers stop for the night at Hill's Pequatoket House, where they meet with every attention and comfort; and the next morning -proceed, by stage, through Bartleft to the Notch, passing successively Old Craw- ford's, near which is Crawford Mountain, the Willey House, (Tom Craw- ford's, who has recently erected an extensive house,) and arrive early in the afternoon at Fabyan's White Mt. House. To reach the " Franconia Notch," visiters should hire an extra at Fabyan^s, for Bethlehem, and thence to Oibbs' Lafayette House, 16 miles. At the latter place a conveyance may be hired to TafCs Flume House, five miles, passing the Old Man ef the Mountain, the Basin, and the Flume. Returning to '* Gibbs'," passengers may take the stage to Lit- tleton, 13 miles; thence to fVells River, 20 miles; thence by the Con> nccticut and Passumpsic River R. R., &c., to Bellows Falls ; and thence there is a railroad communication to Boston, New York, Albany, &c From " Gibbs'," persons may also reach Concord, Boston, ic, by taking the stage, passing through the Franconia Notch to Plymouth, (on the Boston, Concord, and Montreal R. R.,) thence, by railroad, to those places. Another rou#fVom Boston is by railroad, to Concord, 76 miles, thence to Plymouth, 51 miles. The cafs reach the latter place about one o'clock. Passengers dine at the Pemigewasset House; after dinner proceed, by stage, up the romantic valley of the Pemigewasset, to the Flume House, 24 miles, situated near those curious natural attractions, the Flume and the Pool; and thence through the "Frajjconia Notch," passing the "Basin," and the "Old Man of the Mountain," to Oibbs' Lafayette House, distant from Plymouth 29 miles, from Boston 1.53 miles. Travel- lers may proceed the game evening, or the next morning, from the •'Flume House," or "Gibbs'," to "Fabyan's," Tom Crawford's, the Willey House, or Old Crawford's. From the latter place they may pro. cced to Conway, via the White Mountain Notch, and thence to Portland. Passengers taking the Lake Route, leave the Boston, Concord, and Montreal R. R., at Weir's Station, on Lake Winnepisseogce, go im« mediately on board tlie steamer, cross the lake to Centre Harbour, 10 miles, and arrive at Coe'a Hotel at 1 p. m.; making the trip from Boston ia ji hours, ai uavelleris Sandwich, t next morn I through tht lie will fim the beautit many resw It would routes to t hnve the wild, picti Fasseng ton; or mi Brattlebor Passumps byan's W NIAGARA FALLS. 216 which is the foot P through hence, by eton and *, on the stopping. Conway, here they r proceed, )W CraW' 'otn Craw- ive earjy extra at 16 miles. »e House, and the e to Lit. he Con- i thence ^ny. Sec K taking (on the o those thence o'clock, eeii. by House, me and ifif the fayette f ravel- m the '8, the ly pro. tland. 1, and o im. ur, JO on in j| hours, and from New York in 19 hours. Prom Centre Harbour the traveller is conveyed, by stage, to Conway, 30 miles, passing Red mil. Sandwich, Ossipee, and Chocoruo Mt., arriving there before dark. The next morning leave for Old Crawford's, 24 miles; the Witley House, G; through the Notch of the White Mountains to Tom Crawford's, 2, and fabuan's, 4. From Boston, 182 miles. Should the traveller be disposed to tarry awhile at Centre Harbour, be will find opportunities for trout fishing, and making excursions upon the beautiful Lake Winnipisseogee, with its 365 islands, resembling, in many respects, the lovely Lake George. It would be advisable for the traveller to take either one of these roatea to the Mountains, and return by the other; by doing so he will liiive the best opportunity for enjoying all the varied scenery of this wild, picturesque, and healthful region. Passengers leaving New York can take either of the routes, via Bos* ton; or may proceed by railroad, via New Haven, Hartford, Springfield, Brattleboro', Bellows Falls, to Wells River, on the Connecticut and Passumpsic Rivers R. R. ; thence by stage to Littleton, N. H., and Fa- byan's White Mt. House. NIAGARA FALLS are situated on the Niagara River, 14 miles above Lake Ontario, and 23 below Lake Erie, on the New York side. The river forms the outlet of the great lakes, which are estimated to contain nearly one-half of the fresh water on the surface of the globe. Three- iburths of a mile above the Falls the river begins a rapid descent, which at that place forms a powerful current ; it then turns at a right angle to the N. E., when it is suddenly contracted in width from three miles to three-quarters of a mile. Below the Falls the river is only half a mile wide, but its depth exceeds three hundred feet. The cataract is divided into two parts by Goat or Iris Island, containing about 75 acres ; but the principal channel is on the Western or Canadian side, and forms the Great Horse-shoe Fall, over which aboi^t seven-eighths of the whole body of water is thrown. The eastern channel between Goat Island and the State of New York is again divided by a small island, named Prospect, forming a beautiful cascade. The fall on the American side is 164 feet, and on the Canadian 158 feet. The amount of water passing over the Falls has been computed at 670,000 tons per minute. The best view of the Cataract is that from Table Rock on the Canada side-; of the Rapids, from Goat Island ; and of the American Fall, from the ferry. The best view of the Horse-shoe Fall, is from the Canada side. A bridge connects Bath and Goat Islands wUh the main land ; on the former is a toll-house, where visitors inscribe their names, and pay a fee of 25 cents, which entitles them to visit all the islands, during their visit, without additional charge. Guide-boards will be found on Goat Island, directing visitors to the most interesting places and objects around the island. Terrapin Bridge projects out about '300 feet from the west part of Goat Island, at the end of which is Prospect Tower, a stone building erected in 1833, 45 feet high, with stairs leading to an open gallery on the top, surrounded by an iron balustrade, from which the view is very grand. The visitor, from this height, can look down into the boiling cauldron of waters. On Goat Island is the " Biddle Stairs," which lead to the bottom of the Falls, affording an opportunity of descending below the bank, and passing some distance behind the two main sheets of water. A common flight of steps leads down 40 feet, running to the head of the staircase, which is about 80 feet, having 90 steps ; from this down to the river tip ml I M ! :3i*,J I 216 SARATOGA SPRINGS. descent is 80 feet more ; making the entire distance from the top, 195 feet. From the foot there are three paths leading to the most important points of observation ; one of which runs to the river below, distant about 80 feet; and where visitors will find an excellent finMng-piaet. The path at the left of the staircase leads to the Crescent, or Horseshoe Fall, where, when the wind blows \ip the river, a safe passage ia opened behind the sheet of water. The path to the right leads to the Cave of the Winds. It is 120 feet across, 50 wide, and 100 hijsrh, and is situated directly behind the Centre Fall, or Cascade. A short distance below the Falls, on the American side, is another staircase leading to the Ferry, from which a charming view of the entire Falls may be had. The ferry is crossed without danger, in about ten minutes. The visitor on bein|^ landed on the Canada side, proceeds up the bank, at the top of which stands the Clifton House, where refreshments may be obtained; and afterwards proceeds toward TYible Roek, where will be found a spiral staircase, Otom the foot of which persons may pass 153 feet behind the sheet of water. The person in charge of it will fUrnish a guide and suitable dress. The Museum stands a shon distance from Table Rock. The Whirlpool is situated three miles below the Falls, and the " Devil'fl Hole" a mile lower down; the latter embracing about two acres, cut out laterally and perpendicularly in the rock by the side of the river : it is 150 feet deep. The Suspension Bridge spans the narrow gorge, between the Cataract and the Whirlpool, in view of both, by an arch 800 feet long, 40 wide, and 230 aboVe the water. The Burning Spring, a curiosity, is on the Canada side, half a mile above the Falls, and within a short distance of the rapids in the Niagara River. The villages of Chippewa and Lun- dy^s Lane are on the same side of the river, and are noted as having been battle-grounds of the English and Americans, during the war of 1812. SARATOGA SPRINGSi— This is the most popular watering-place in the United States, and one of the most celebrated in the world. It ia situated in the State of New Vork, 39 miles north ftom Albany, 32 from Troy, and 184 from the city of New York. It is visited by persons from all parts of the United States, and also from foreign countries. During the season, particularly July and August, the hotels, and other pincea of accommodation, are much crowded. The constant stream of visitors arriving and departing at this juncture, imparts to the place a scene of gaiety and bustle that is known at no other time. The principal hotels are closed at the end of the season ; hut some of the smaller ones, and also private boarding-houses, remain open, for the accommodation of invalids, during the year. The price of board varies with the accommo- dations received : $2 per day, for each person, however, is what is usually charged at the first-class houses ; although at private boarding-houses, and second-class hotels, it may be obtained at ftom $4 to $8 per week. The Saratoga waters are useful in many diseases, and have an almost magic effect upon the system, when relaxed or exhausted by disease or sedentary habits. After drinking the waters for a short time, the appetite improves, and the entire system feels their invigorating effects. Per- sons using the water as a cathartic should rise early, drink from one to two pints of the sparkling beverage, dipped fresh from <he spring, and then take a short walk around the beautiful grounds in the vicinity, whence they can return and again drink at the spring. No charge is made for the water, except what visitors voluntarily give those who wait upon them at the spring. It is recommended tliat persons afflicted '^h any serious disease should first consult their physician as to iba SARATOGA SPRINGS. 217 \^P top, 185 n important :low. distant Mtng.piae,, r Horse-shoe ?e is opened 'the Cave of i IS situated :e below the ' the Perrv Thefernl ^or on bein» 'P of Wllicg I'ained; and hd a spiral hehind the r ffui»le and able Rock, he " Oevii'i » acres, cut Q« river: it be Cataract >g. 40 wide, , is on the ft distance a and Lurt- iaving been rof J812. ig-place in orW. It is >y, 32 from rsons from 8. During her places of visitors a scene of ipal hotels ones, and >dation of accomnio. is usually ig-houses, r week. >n almost lisease or i appetite ts. Per. ■rom one B spring, vicinity, harge is ose who afflicted 18 to the liropriety of using these waters, otherwise they may be more injurious tban beneficial. The United States Hotel is regarded as the most fashionable house In Saratoga. It is centrally situated, and is in the vicinity of the raiN road depot, and the principal mineral springs. It can accommodate from 400 to 450 persons. The two next best and most extensive houses, ■re Union Hall and Congreaa Hall, both of which are situated in the loutb part of the village, and near the Congress Spring. There are leveral other houses here which alford excellent accommodations, and where, perhaps, the retired visitor can find a home more congenial to bis feelings, then among the devotees of fashion. In the vicinity of tbe Springs are several public bathing-houses, where baths, hot, cold, or dK>virer, can be obtained at all times. Congress Spring, Empire Spring, Washington Spring, Columhian Spring, Hamilton Spring, Pavilion Spring, Putnam Spring, Iodine Spring, and the Flat Roek and JRgh Rock Springs, are among the most valaable for their medicinal properties. The "Ten Springs" are situ* ated a short distance east of the village. Saratoga Lake, a most lovely spot, lies six miles south from Saratoga, and the same distance from Ballston Spa. It is nine miles long, and three wide, and is much resorted to by company from the neighbouring watering-places, for fishing, fowling and boating. The shore of this lake is accessible in a few places onlv, on account of the marshes which border it. The country around the lake rises gradually into elevated ridges, forming a vast amphitheatre of picturesque landscape, embel- litihed by cultivation. On the eastern shore, three miles from the south ehd. Snake Hill projects into the basin. Long Lake, five miles south from Ballston Spa, is another beautiful iheet of water, situated in the midst of very agreeable scenery; it is five miles long by one wide, and uuuands with fish. Game is abundant in the surrounding country. By mean's of railroads diverging from Saratoga, speedy communica* tion is opened with Troy and Albany, and thence to New York ; also, to Springfield, Boston, Hartford, &c. Persons going direct from the Springs to Niagara, will take the railroad to Schenectady, thence by the Albany and Buliklo route, passing through the beautiful towns of (Jtica, Syra« cuse. Auburn, Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, &c. From Saratoga, a rail, rond runs to Whitehall, connecting with steamboats running on Lake Ghamplain. Persons going to Lake George, leave by the Saratoga and Washington R. R., stopping at Moreau Station, 16 miles fi-om Saratoga, thence by stage, over a fine plank road, to Caldwell, 14 miles. This will be found a most delightful route, abounding in lovely scenery and historical reminiscences. The driver, (if requested,) will stop at Glen's Falls, (five milei\) to give persons an opportunity of viewing the wild and eicciting scene from the bridge. The waters flow in one slieet over the brink of a precipice, 900 feet wide, and, in freshets, rush in one mass down the cataract; but in ordinary seasons they are divided, by rocks, into three channels, with an angular descent of several hundred feet. Seven miles from Glen's Falls, and two from Caldwell, may be seen Bloody Pond, a small sheet of water, known since the French war by thut name, from the fact that, after a battle fought near it, 1,000 French, English, and American dead were thrown into it. It is on the right- hand side of the i-oad, going towards Caldwell ; the mile-atone is at its head. Unless it is pointed out, it may be passed unnoticed, as it lies below the road, and is surrounded by foliage. A mile distant is the rocsk .218 CATSKILl MOUNTAINS. on which M«jor Williams was slain by the Indians, about the same time. Caldwell, a village bordered by a range of hills, (one of which attains an elevation of 1,900 feet.) situated at the head of Lake George, is one of the most lovely places imaginable, to spend a few days during the summer season. At Sherrill'a Lake House, an excellent hotel, visitors may meet with the best accommodation. At the south end of the lake are the almost imperceptible ruins of forts George and William Henry, rendered interesting, from their historical reminiscences. From Caldwell, persons can make a tour of this charming lake, by taking the steamboat, (which leaves every morning and runs to the foot of the lake,) 36 miles; thence by stage, 4 miles, to the ruins of Fort Ticonderoga, on Lake Champlain. There isan hotel liere, where dinner may be had; parties, if they please, may return in the afternoon to the lake, and reach Caldwell the same evening. Those bound for Canada, or places on Lake Champlain, will meet the boat from Whitehall, at the landing soon after dinner; and those for Whitehall, will meet the boat on its way from Canada at an earlier hour, and may return, by railroad, to Saratoga and other places. CATSKILL MOUNTAINS— This fashionable and healthful resort lies in the State of New York, on the west side of the Hudson River, and may be reached from the city of New York, by steamboat, landing at the vil- lage of Catskill, situated 111 miles up the river, and 34 from Albany. Coaches, jo arranged as to be at the steamboat landing on the arrival and departure of the boats, run regularly to and from the mountain, for the conveyance of passengers, and also to enable those who are so inclined, to visit the different falls in the vicinity. The time required for ascending to the Mountain House, a distance of 13 miles, is usually four hours, and the fare $1 25 ;— half that time being sufficient to return. The Catskill Mountain House, better known as Pine Orchard, is situated upon the summit of one of the principal mountains, known as *' Table Rock," at an elevation of 2,500 feet above the Hudson. This rock terminates a few feet in front of the house, in a fearful precipice, from the brow of which the inexperienced beholder starts back in uncon* trollable alarm. " In the rear, peaks upon peaks arise in every direc* tion, and far away in the distance, all covered with luxuriant foliage. No description can do justice to the almost illimitable prospect in front. Standing upon the piazza or rock, you seem to have left the earth, and to be gazing from some ethereal height down upon the world and it? concerns. You see nothing aliove or around you— all is below— even the clouds wheel and roll in fleecy grandeur at your feet. Forests, mea- dows, harvest-fields, plains, mountains, rivers, lakes, cottages, villages and cities, are seen in every direction. A deep repose seems to have ettled upon the world. No sound reaches you, except, perhaps, the rattle of the thunder from some distant hill, or the sweet pong of the mountain-bird upon the tree beneath you." The South and J\''orth Mountains are peaks a short distance from the house, affording different, and, if possible, still more magnificent views. Good foot-paths lead to these points; and, aside from the prospect, the cool, bracing air renders these, and many other walks about the moun* tain, invigorating and delightful. The •* Catskill, or Kaaterskill Falls," to which carriages run for the accommodation of visitors, are aboiit 2^ miles west of the hotel. The body of water is small, and comes from two lakes on the summit of the mountain. It precipitates itself over a rock at the outlet of one of the LEBANON SPRINGS. 219 Itbe same p attains ?♦•. is one iring tjia . visitors the lake Henry, \^*^f>f like*, to the depth of 180 feet, then runs about 100 feet, and springs over another rock to the depth of 80 feet more. The descent to the bottom, by a flight of steps, is rendered perfectly safe and easy. Passing bsbind the water you enter a cavernous amphitheatre, whose rocky raoit extends far in front, and the falling spray seems a curtain of mist let down at the entrance. Looking beyond, the moss-covered rock teems to be rising to the very heavens above, and you may readily ima- fine yourself in some dilapidated cathedral of nature, the roof of which I has long aince disappeared. LEBANON SPRINGS, a delightful watering-place, is situated in the I State of New York, a short distance from the western boundary-line of Massachusetts. This place has become a great resort for visitors f^orn all directions ; some to enjoy the romantic scenery of this region, and others the beneficial influence of its waters. The spring is 1^ miles from the village ; the temperature is 720 Fahrenheit, which being nearly- niiomer heat, renders it delightful for batbini^. The water is tasteless, pnre as crystal, and is deemed beneficial in internal obstructions, salt rbeuin, and cutaneous affections generally. These Springs may be reached from New York by the New York and New Haven and Housatonic railroads, to Pittsfield, Mass., and thence bjAs^e. seven miles. Time through, about nine hours. Distance, 183 miles. Fare, $2 50. Another route is by the Hudson river, or railroad, to Hudson, 116 miles ; thence by the Hudson and Berkshire R. B. to Edwards' Depot, I S3 miles; and thence, by stage, to the Springs, 8 miles. Time through, about 10 hours. Fare, $2 50. From Albany and the West, they may be reached by taking the Albany and West Stockbridge R. R., to Canaan Corners, 33 miles; and thence proceed by stage to the Springs, 7 miles. Fare, $1 2'. From Boston and ttie East, visitors should take the Western Railroad to Pittsfield, and thence proceed by stage to the Springs. TRENTON FALLS are situated in the State of New York, on West Canada Creek, J5 miles in a N. E. direction from Utica. They can be reached by conveyances from Rockton, (formerly Little Falls,) Heiki- mer, and Utica; they are, however, nearer to the latter place, and by leaving early in the morning, the visitor, if he intends devoting but one day to them, will have an opportunity of returning in the evening. The journey from (Jtica is over a fine plank road. These falls, six in number, extend a distance of two miles, having an aggregate fall of 312 feet. Their appearance varies with the state of the water. The scene, which at all times possesses great interest, is, in seasons of ti'eshet, extremely wild and exciting. From the hotel which is near the falls, the visitor shouid d(!scend a pathway leading to a long staircase, down the steep bank of the West Canada Creek, which has worn a frightful chasm through a rocky range, in some places 150 feet deep; thence proceed up the stream, and follow the winding footway to Sherman's Fall, which has a descent of 35 feet, with its greatest fall towards the west; from ibe foot of which the stream pours along with less rapidity, descending to Conrad's Falls, which have a pitch of about 20 feet. The High Falls have a perpendicular pitch of 109 feet, and are divided l^ rifts in the rock, into three different and splendid cascades, forming; 220 GENESEE FALLS. with the chasm, the high banks covered with foliage, and the rockv cliffs, a scene of tlie wildest grandeur. The Mill-Dam Fall, from the regularity and smoothness of the rock, has a uniform pitch of about IG feet, with a width of 175 feet. Tho waters of the Upper Falls, which have an abrupt descent of about 20 feet, are received into a capacious basin, and pass off through a wild ravine along the rocky bed of the river, for about a mile, towards tlie Otucadest which have a fall of about 18 foe t. THE GENESEE FALLS are situated in the vicinity of Rochester, N. Y., and on tiie Genesee iiiver. They have three perpendicular pitches, and t7to rapids ; the first gfeat cataract plunges perpendicularly 96 feet. The ledge here recedes up the river {torn the centre to the sides, breaking the water into three distinct sheets. It was from Table Rock, in the centre of these falls, that the renowned Sam Patch made his last and fatal leap, The river below the first cataract is broad and deep, with occasional rapids to the second fall, where it again descends perpendicularly 20 feet. It then pursues a rapid course to the third and last fall, over which it pours its flood down a perpendicular descent of 105 feet. The beautiful and picturesque cemetery of ML Hope is situated in the vicinity. THE AVON SPRINGS are situated in the State of New York, and^ the Genesee Valley, 19 miles froth Rochester. The waters have obtaima celebrity fVom their efiicacy in curing various disorders; this, added to the rural attractions of the spot, induces thousands to visit them. Stages leave Rochester daily, during the season ; the packet-boats wliich run on the Genesee Valley Canal, also land passengers within two miles of the Springs, from which point carriages convey them to their destination. THE BRANOYWINE SPRINGS, a celebrated watering-place, are situ, ated in the State of Delaware, a few miles from Wilmington, from which place they are readily reached by stage. SCHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN, N. J., 18 miles fVom Morristown, and 16 miles from fVhite House, is a celebrated summer resort, owing to its cle< vntod situation, its pure and bracing air, and its mineral springs, the waters of which are used with -great advantage for chronic diseases and general debility. This place is reached from New York, either via the Morris and Essex R. R. to Morristown, thei^^e by stage ; or, via the New Jersey Central R. R. to White House, thence by stage, to the mountain. Passengers from Philadelphia, leave the cars at New Brunswick, and thence proceed by stage, G} miles, to Bound Brook, connecting tliere with the New Jersey Central R. R. for White House, thence by stage to tlie mountain. THE DELAWARE WATER-GAP is about 8 miles north from Belvidere, N. J. The scenery is of the most magnificent description. The Dela- ware appears, seen from a short distance, to be arrested in its course by the mountain on either side, between which it flows in a contracted channel, presenting a smooth and lake-like appearance. THE LEHIGH WATER-GAP is S3 miles fVom Easton, Pa., and 6 S. E. from Mauch Chunk, Pa. Here, also, the scenery is of tlie liighest order. Both this and th( of the tourist. HAHANT is a < ton, by water, ai liarbour, is very lieautiful islands PHILLIP'S BEA kant, is a noted CHELSEABE/ tad is another i CAPE ANN- treuiity of Mass The town is on iiarbours on tli Gloucester is a tea-breeze of t By some person of the two bein Thischarmir and Oloucester taace is 30 mil NEWPORT'is lituated on ar five miles froiirt rising from tl Bouth-easterly cooling ocean ite resort duri Newport is ton, and 165 I either place. Providence and returning The usual far LONG BRAI on the eaate reached from and the Sout town, and th( ROCKAWA on Long Isl visitors take to the beach CAPE MA ladelphians, Jersey side, beach is un run there, a NAHANT. 221 Both this and tbo preceding are natural curiosities worthy the attention of the tourist. NAHANT is a delifrhtfiil watering-place, situated 12 miles from Bns< ton, by water, and 14 by land. The jaunt, by steamboat, through the liarbour, is very delightful, enabling the visitor to see some of tbo many beautiful islands with which it is studded. PHILLIP'S BEACH, in the town of Lynn, a short distance N. E. of Na« luuit, is a noted resort, particularly for the Bostonians. CHELSEA BEACH, 5 miles from Boston, is about 3 miles in length, and is another Hue place of resort in war' weather. CAPE MiH.—Oloueester is situated on Cape Ann, the eastern ex- tremity of Massachusetts, and on the north shore of MassachtiscttH Buy, The town is on the southern side of the Cape, and has one of tlie finest Harbours on the whole Atlantic coast. During the summer ncuson Gloucester is a great resort for those who are desirous of enjoying the . wa-breeze of the Atlantic, and of bathing in its transparent waters. By some persons this place is thought Co equal Newport, the situation of the two being somewhat similar. This charming resort is readily reached from Boston by the Eastern and Oloucestor Branch railroads, in about one hour and a half; the dis- tance is 30 miles, and the fare less than a dollar. NEWPORT'is (t celebrated watering-place in the State of Rhode Jsland, tituatpd on an island of the same name, in Narragansett Bay, about Ave miles from the ocean. The town is located on ground gradually riding from the water, with a beautiful site facing the harbour, in a ■outh-easterly direction. It is noted for the salubrity of its climate, its cooling ocean breezes, and its fine views, which have made it a favour- ite resort during the summer season. Newport is about 30 miles south-east from Providence, 71 from Bos- ton, and 1G5 from New Vork city. It may be conveniently reached from either place, at a reasonal.^ rate. During the season steambcats leave Providence early in tlie morning, making the excursion to Newport, and returning in the evening, thereby affording ample time for bathing. The usual fare is 50 cents. LONG BRANCH, a popular resort for sea-shore recreation, is situated on the eastern shore of New Jersey, 32 miles fronj New York. It is reached from the latter place by steamboat. Visitors from Philadelphia and the South, take the cars of the Camden and Amboy U. R. to HightS' town, and thence proceed to the sea-shore by stage. ROCKAWAY BEACH is a celebrated and fashionable watering-place, on Long Island, fronting on the Atlantic Ocean. From New York, visitors take the cars to Jamaica, 12 miles, and thence proceed by stags to the beach, 8 miles. CAPE MAY, an attractive watering-place, much frequented by Phi- ladetphians, is situated at the mouth of Delaware Bay, on the New Jersey side. The accommodations here are of the first order, and the beach is unsurpassed as a bathing-place. During th6 season steambbats run there, both from Philadelpliia and New York. Capt Henloptn is 19* ! i •i ^1 f n I •• 222 BEDFORD SPRINGS. V nituatod opposite Cape May, and may bo reaohod from Philadelphia, Balti- more, Wilmington, uud other plaoos, by steamboat. BROWN'S NIIILS> formerly a place of some resort for company from I Philadelphia,- is situated in New Jersey, on a branch of Rancocas Rjvei, 12 miles cast from Mount Holly. It is readily readied from Pliiladcl. phia, by either railroad or steamboat, to Burlington, thence by cars to Mount Holly, and tlience to the '' Mills" by stage. BEDFORD SPRINGSi— This celebrated watering-place is situated in Bedford county, State of Pennsylvania. It lies in a narrow and roman- tic valley, having Constitution Hill on the east, and Federal Hill on the west. The principal sprin;; issues from a limestone rock, the water of which is clear and sparkling. Its flavour is peculiar, somewhat rpsem- bling a weak solution of Epsom salts, impregnated with carbonic acid, and is inodorous. A little farther south is another spring, of the same general qualities, issuing from the same rock. On the west side of the creek is a sulphur spring, the water of which has a pxiiliarly unplea< Bant hepatic taste, and exhales a strong odour of sulphu < ;ted hy<Iroj,'cii. One mile and a half north-east from Bedford isa chalyboate spring, sur rounded with bog-iron ore. These springs are situated about midway between Hollidaijaburg,Vi., on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, and Cumberland, Md., on tb« Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. From either of these places the Springs are readily reached by stage conveyance of about 30 milen. By consult* ing the Map, its location will be better understood. , CARLISLE SPRINGS.— 1*11686 sulphur springs are situated in Cumber* land county, Pennsylvania, about four miles north of Carlisle, on a branch of the Conodoguinet Creek, in a retired and healthy spot, sur- rounded by the tine scenery of the Blue Mountains. The grounds around the Springs are ornamented in good taste, whilst the accommo- dations for visitors are ample. The water bubbles up from the slate formation, from which it derives its strong impregnation of sulphur. About one mile and a half from the town of Carlisle is a reniari^able limestone cave, the entrance to which is on the banks of the Conodo- guinet Creek, in the form of a semicircular archway, about seven feet in height. It contains a number of curious passages and antecham- bers, and several pools of water, supposed by some to be springs. The Springs may be reached by stage from Carlisle, that place being situated ,on the Cumberland Valley R. R., 22 miles from Ilarrisbiirg, Pa., and 129 miles from Pluladelphia. Its location will become familiar by consulting the map. VIRGINIA SPRINGSi— I'bese Springs rank among the most celebrated watering-places of America, and are visited every season by vast num- bers, either in search of recreation and amusement, or to enjoy the benefit of their waters ; in fact, they are to the South what the renowned Saratoga is to the North. These waters have been found very beneficial in the cure of dyspepsia, jaundice, rheumatism, liver complaint, gout, diseases of the skin, and many other complaints. They contain sulphate of soda, carbonate of magnesia, chloride of sodium, per-oxide of iron, organic matter, iodinei, sulphate of magnesia, phosphate of lime and precipitated sulphur. Tift gaseous contents are, carbonic acid, sulphuretted hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. VIRGINIA SPRINGS. S23 iia,Balu. [any from | las Rivet ll'liiladcl. fy cars to tiiated in [|<I roinap. iUonthe water of |at fesem- anic acid, tlie Haiiie ide of the ly unplea. hydrogen, pring.sur iburfr, Pa., on tl)( le Springs y consult' n Cumber, lisle, on a f spot, sur- le grounds accommo. I the slate ulphur. emarkable le Conodo- seven feet antecham* ips. lace being [arrisbnrg, e familiar celebrated i^ast nurn> enjoy the renowned lyspepsia, Bkin, and lonate of r, iodines, sulphnr. 1, oxygen. These Springs are oitunted in an elevated and licautifiiHy pictiireBqiie vallBy* hcinuied in by mountains on every side. They are in tho midst of the celebrated spring region, having tho Hot and Warm Springa on the north, the turiner 35, and the latter 40 miles distant; the Sweet, 17 miles to tho cast; the Salt and Red on the Bouth-weat', the former 34, the latter 41 miles distant; and the Blue Sulphur, 2i miles to the west. Amongst the most celebrated of these are the fVhite Sulphur Sprinff$, which are situated on a branch of the Greenbrier lliver, in tho county of Greenbrier, and in the valley of Howard's Creek. Tho fVarm Springs, m the county of Bath, are among the oldest of the watering-places. The water, which has a temperature of 98o Fah« renheit, is very transparent. The accommodations for bathing are excellent. , The Hot Spring[8 are situated in a valley deeply embosome^ among mountain peaks, in the county of Bath, Ave miles south from the Warm Springs. Bathing houses have been erected, and every accommodation Erovided for both male and female patients. Tho baths are six in num< er, each being supplied with water from a separate spring. Tliey range in temperature from 98° to 106o. The Sweet Springs are situated in a wide and beautif\il valley, in the eastern extremity of Monroe county, and are justly celebrated for the tonic powers of their waters, used either internally or eacternally. Their temperature is 73^ Fahrenheit. Tlie Salt Sulphur Springs, situated in the county of Monroe, are en* circled by mountains on every side. These springs enjoy a high repu- tation, not only for the virtues of their waters, but also for tiie excellent accommodations with which they are furnished. They arc, in conse* quence, much visited by invalids. Their temperature varies from 499 to 560. The Red Sulphur Springs are in the southern part of Monroe county, 17 miles from the Salt, and 33 fVom the Sweet Springs. The water is clear and cool, its temperature being 54<3. The Blue Sulphur Spring is situated in a narrow, but beautiAiIly piC' turesque valley, on Muddy Creek, a small tributary of Greenhriar river. It has comfortable accommodations for about 300 persons. The medici- nal virtues of its waters draw thither, during tlie season, a large number of visitors. Routes to the Virqtnia Sprinos. — From Baltimore, they may be reached by several routes. One of the mont pleasant and expeditious is by railroad, to Harper's Ferry and Winchester, Va. ; thence by stage to Staunton. From this place we may proceed directly across the Nortii and Warm Spring Mountains, to the fVarm and Hot Springs; or may proceed to the Jfatural Bridge, via Lexington, and thence to the fVAit* Sulphur, via Dibrell's Springs. See Route, page 145. Prom Baltimore, also, we may go by way of Washington, Fredericks* burg, and the Virginia Central R. R., to Gordonsville ; thence by stage, via Staunton, to the Springs. For routes from Washington to the Springs, see page 147. Instead of going via Gordonsville, we may proceed to Richmond, Va., or starting from Baltimore, may reach the latter place by steamboat ; thence by canal to Lynchburg, and thence by stage, either by the road leading past the Natural Bridge, or by the way of Libt^rty, Fincastle, and the Sweet Springs, arriving at the White Sulphur. See Route from Richmond to the Springs, page 148. To teach the Springs from the West and South-west, passengers n 224 NATURAL BRIDGE. ii phoiilt] leave the tteamboat at Ouyandotte, on the Ohio River; thence liy Btajre. to the SpringH. For Uoute fl-oin Guyandutte to the Whits Biilphur 3priiigd, 8t>o pngo 14*.). TravellerH from the HoiUh will ronch Rie^mond, Va., by railrond, from Wilminfftoii, N. C, at which place they will take convuyauco vm before describeu. THE NATURAL BRIDGE of Virginia is one of the greatest natural cii. riositicB ill ihu country, if not in the world. It conststa of a stupcndoui arch of limestone rock, over an unimportant and small stream, callcij Cedar Creek. The view fVom the top is awiblly grand; yet one should go to the brow of the precipice that descends to the level of the creek, where the view, equally sublime, will be found far more intcrcHting, 1)cing divested, in a great measure, of the awe which is sensibly felt on lookiruc from the bridge down into the dreadful gulf. The height from the stRain to the top of the bridge is 215 feet, its average width, 80 feet, and its extreme length at the top, 95 feet. The chasm over which it passes is 5U feet wide at bottom, and 00 feet at top. The bridge ig covered with earth to the depth of about five feet, which is made flrm by trees and shrubbery, whilst its sides are protected by rucks, formiii; a natural wall. It is 15li miles west from Richmond, 2 miles north of James River, 41 from Lynchburg, and U3 miles aoutli-eost from the VViiiie Sulphur Springp. MOUNT VERNON and tho Tomb qf Waahington are situated in Vir- ginia, on the west bank of tho Potomac, 15 miles south from the city of Washington, and 8 miles from Alexandria. Conveyances may he ob- tained, ot Washington, at the rate of $(i 00 for the trip, with the privi. lege of remaining at Mount Vernon for an hour. The best plan, how- ever, is to take the ferry-boat from Washington to Alexandria, which "nrill cost 12i cents, and occupy about half-an-hour. At the latter place a conveyance may be hired for the trip, which will cost from $3 to $4, This is the least expensive route, and besides adc^ variety to the travel, Occasionally during the summer season steamboats ply between Alex- andria and Washington and Mount Vernon— fare, $1 00. This route is certainly preferable to all others. Visitors, although permitted to walk over the grounds, are not admitted ;? the mansion, unless they buve letters to the proprietor. At Alexandria may be seen BraddoclCa hou " built in thv> year 1752. The interior, with the exception of '• Braddock's lioom," has been re- modelled : the old wainscoting, in the room refi-rred to, ia preserved with religious care, and is very curious. THE WARM SPRINGS. N. C, are situated on the east bank of the French Kroad River, 282 miles west from Raleigji, the capital of the State. These Springs, together with the road leading down the above river, arc worthy the attention and admiration of the tourist. It is a fine macadamized road, and follows the course of the river along ill bank; and as the river is shut in on both sides by mountains, in many places rounding high, bluff points, the road has its foundation on tho river, resembling piers. It is a noble monument of the conquest of art over the obstacles of nature. The scenery is very wild, rugged, and picturesque. The Warm Springs afford a very delightful watering- place, and are much resorted to by invalids, and others from this and the neighbouring States. A few miles below the Warm Springs are the flunous Pniat Rocks and Chimneys. The climate of this section ia om of the most exercise am^ who pay it MAMM01 nuiidson CO Louisville a 220 avenuce of which p< cave is serv ■oine cases are furnish* The cave tnd gloom ; rofunda, wli 30 feet higl flrom a ledg( from the nn * is reached t succession I jtiHmetVa L deepest par two miles f A hole a appearance ■hurt distal is termed 1 named froi bling grapt {laases thr Cabinet, S| most beai of lime, re After le Jlouniaink the top ol some iOOl stand onF solemn a( appropri: arrive atl Serena^s \ ROUTi cinnati.j from N^ found, dl and fari ascend I In the from tl 4listanc| THE some 2,097, only al Who pay it a visit. ^j^^^^^a In Ed- MAMMOTH CAVE Kl!-^l51r^rsto^r^"'^Yt^',^ii^^^^^^ J»o.» ««"",^y'.^i-;;ne and near Green River- }t ij »ajj j^ .^^g LouisviUe a"'iN?»^vi»'^irouB rivers, 8 catar»P»%^Jfogph?re of the 826 avenues, 47 J"'"**'" degree of grandeur. The JJ"^ ,Jintg, and in ;lv:?l^ier^rme\«-^^^^^^^^^ SJ^ caBC. has Pr^fide'-and every necessary direction given. Se furnished with K^*'"'.*" ending several steps; a • ""^^"Jch the The cave is entered J»y «S"anf following our «"'«« ^yfe„ than and gioo'" 5 * "'^"l I' ;?out half a» ««'« "^ ^'"""h^S derWes Us name ?oraSe^5^-ofr|-^^^^^^^^^^ rrrC^3^^ C^rirpfeatarfui ioCing place. t«e«n M"^^^^^ , ,,e -i^e of the cav. -rj-^^^^^^^^^^^ aptea^^eWete ^^^ irc^ f- ^-M ^^^^^Z^^ Zrt distance beyond crosses the ^^^^^^ 'T??'??!;! formaCn resem- U termed the JV^»««.''«* -„vered with a beautiful !»•"« J""" The visitor ti„nati, O.. Loaimlle. ^^^"X Boulh. The »3"J™" either place, from NashTille. Tenn-. i" J"; ,„ be very P"™ "° ", uijh waler, only about 17 leei, yt,* ^ « 226 THE DRENNON SPRINGS. although not so terrific or sublime. The rapids above and below the falls add much to the beauty of the scene, and give to the spot a charm of no ordinary character. THE DRENNON SPRINGS are situated In Henry county, Ky., U miles from the Kentucky Uiver, and 20 miles from its mouth. At these Springs may be found every variety of sulphur water and chalybeate. They are reachr' '>om Cincinnati, O., Frankfort, and Louisville, Ky., by steamboats, w t'ch run to and from the Springs daily, during the season. JHE HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS, ^situated a few miles north of the Washita River, and 53 miles from Little Rock, the capital of the State. They derive importance from the ^reat virtue of the medicinal waters in the vicinity, and are now becoming every season more popular. The waters have been found efficacious in chronic diseases, such as scrofula, rheumatism, &c Stages run between Little Rock and the Springs. Fare, $5 00. « DOUBLING GAP WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS.-These springs are situ, ated in a gorge, or small valley in the North Mountains, in Cumberland county, Pa., about 18 miles N. W. from Carlisle. The place is accessi. ble by railroad from Philadelphia and Baltimore to JSTeioville, 02 miles from Harrislmrg, and thence, by stage, to the Springs. Passengers leaving either city in the morning, arrive early the same evening. The salubrity of the situation, the splendid mountain scenery, and the highly medicinal quality of the springs, are unsurpassed. Visitors, whether in health or otherwise, will find these springs a most delightful place for repose and enjoyment. THE YELLOW SPRINGS are situated in Chester county. Pa., about 30 miles from Philadelphia, from which they are readily reached by the Reading K. R. The scenery in the vicinity of these springs is very de- lightful, and the medicinal virtues of its waters have obtained some celebrity. Baths of every description can he obtained both from pure and chalybeate springs. The amusements here are those usual at places of this description : such as fishing, driving, music, dancing, promcnad* ing, &c. THE WARM SPRINGS, PA., are situated in Perry county, and in one of the healthiest regions of the State. The waters possess medicinal qualities, which are efficacious in the cure of various chronic diseases. These spriii^^s may be reached from Philadelphia by the Columbia and Pennsylvania railroads, leaving the latter at Duncannon, 122 miles distant; or, from Baltimore they may be reached by railroad via York and flarrisburg and the Pennsylvania Central R. R., stopping at Dun< cannon, 98 miles distant ; from the latter place visitors proceed by stagt 14 miles to the springs. SHANNONDALE SPRINGS, VA.— These springs are situated on the east bank of the Shenandoah, in J(^tF>rson county, in a region of great natu* ral beauty. The waters are of well-known reputation, and are service- able in the cure of various di^enses. A Sulphur Spring, possessing va- luable qualities, is in the immediate vicinity. Visitors from Baltimore and Washington take the Baltimore and Ohio R R. to Harper's Ferry, thence by tne Winchester and Potomac R. R. to Charlestown, Ya., (see loute on page 145,) thence by stag^, 5 miles, to the springs. slow the I a charm U miles At these I'ybeate. I'Jle, Ky., irjng the |th of the [he State, ^'aiers in Far. The scrofula, Springs. are situ, jmberland (s accessi. 22 miiea rs leaving ery, and Visitors, delightful about 30 eU by the ' very de. ned some pure and places of ruiiiciiad* id in one ledicinal diseases. iibia and 52 miles 'ia York at Dun< by atag$ the east It natu- scrvire- fing va- Itiitiore I Ferry, a., (see GENERAL INFORMATION. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES. There are denominations frequently met with in reporta of markets, but their Enf,'li3h value is nut always readily recollected. The following will be found, it is believed, correct: •fjkm, in Rotterdam, nearly .^..........m. ••-.... ...... 40 gallon* .tf/fflude, in Portugal, contains 4.37 .. Jllmude, in Madeira .- 4.68 Mqviere^ Madeira, nearly 2 pecks Alquiere, in Bahia ........^... 1 bushel Alqftiere/in Maranham ■ 1^ .. Alquiere, Rio Janeiro, Pernambuco. 1 to 1^ . . .if nna, of rice, in Ceylon .-..«»..........-. 260 2-5 lbs. Arroba, in Portugal 33 . . Arrohatin Spain 2 .. Arroba, in Spain (large) 4.246 gallons ./^rrofra, in Spain (small) 3.337 •• .4rro&a, in Malaga, of wine, about. «. ■ 4} •• ^a/0 of cinnamon, in Ceylon, net. ......•••••.^••..•.-... 104 5-8 Ibg. Bariliy in Naples, equals about 11 gallons Ctntar, the Levant, contains 44 okes 118.8 lbs. Cantar, in Leghorn, of oil............ 88 .. Cantar, in Malta ■*■ 174| .. Cantor, in Naples.... - 106 to 196| .. Cantor, in Sicily 175 to 193| .. Carro, in Naples, is equal to about ...'.. 50 bushels Carro, in Naples, of wine 264 gallons Catto, of tea, in China, is about ll lbs. Cayan^, in Batavia 3581 .. Cketwtrt, in Russia, nearly 6 bushels Emine,\n Genoa....... ..•.......«« 3 34<100 .. Engliak Quarttr • 8 •• English Imperial Bushel 14-100 .. Fanejfa,in Spain....... 1.599 .. Hectolitres, in France 2.84 Killogramme, France and Netherlands 2.21 lbs. Last, in Amsterdam, of ^^rain .........*. 85^ busbela i:.a«t, in Bremen, of grain, over .^ 80| .. taat, in Cadiz, of salt 75 4-5 .. Zast. in Dantzic, of grain, nearly ......^ 93 .. Last, in Flushing, of grain 92^ .. £a«t, in Hamburg, of grain 89.6 .• LosMn Lubec, of grain 91 X««e, in Portugal, of salt 70 •• Za«t, in Rotterdam, of grain... 85.136 Zatt.in Sweden 75 •< £a«(, in Utrecht, of grain, over ■ .. 5& (227) 22» GENERAL INFORMATION. Lispound, in Hamburg 16 lbs. 5 oz. Lispoundf in Holland • 18 lbs. 4oz. Mark, in Holland 9 oz. Maud, in Calcutta ^.. 75 to 84 lbs. Mina, in Genoa, of grain... b 3.43 bushels Moy, in Lisbon -.. 24 JIfoy, in Oporto 30 .. .Voyo, of Portugal, contains over »■ 23 .. Ofte, in Smyrna ■. 2.83 lbs. Orna, in Trieste, of wine. 14.94 gallons Oma.ofoil 17 .. Peeul, inBatavia and Madras.... 133ilb8. P«cu/, in China and Japan 133^ .. Pipe, in Spain, of wine 160 to 164 gallons PotMf, in Russia, is equal to nearly... 86 1ba. 2oz. Quintal, in Portugal 89.05 lbs. Quintal, in Smyrna 129.48 .. QuinttU,in Spain ..■ 96 .. Quintal, in Turkey 167 lbs. 3oe, J{o»oZt. in Portugal 12 .. 4.. i2o{<o/0, in Genoa............. 24 .. iZoUo/o, in Leghorn 3 .. Sack, in Leghorn .■ 2 bushel! Salma.in Sicily, from 7.85 to 9.77 .. Scheffel, Germany, varies fVom 1^ to nearly 3 . . Ship-pound, Hamburg and Denmark. 331 lbs. Skip-pound, in Holland 368 lbs. 4 oz. Stmro, in Trieste 2 3-8 bushels Tale, in China 1^ oz. Tlhetwert, in Odessa.. 66-100 bushels 71eActio«rt, in St. Petersburg I,.... 549-100 .. FOREIGN MEASURES OF LENGTH REDUCED TO ENGLISH DENOMINATIONS. Jlfeertf of France 3381 feet. T^i^eofFrance 2-13155 yards. Oeographieal League of France 4868-6 y&/ds, or 2-76 miles. Jfautical League of France ^ 6085-8 yards, or 3*467 Spanish £«ajru« 7421 yards, or 4-216 Oerman Oeographieal Mle 8114 yardis, or 4-61 Russian IVerat 1162 yards. Swedish Mile 11-703 yards, or 4-67 miles. Danish JIfi/s ^ 8224 yards, or 4-67 .. DutchJIft/s 6406 yards, or 3-638 .. French Oeographieal square League 7*65 square miles. German Oeographieal square League 21*25 .«9r«A«eii of Russia 28 inches. Palmo, in Naples, is a little over 10 inches. Fara of Rio Janeiro ] i yards nearly. Fara of Spain...- 100 are equal to 990 yards. GENERAL INFORMATION. 229 , Sbushelt .77 . . y3 .. 331 lbs. 8 Ibe. 4 oz. ^9 busheli '• • H oz. 100 bushels iOO .. II feet. »5 yards. (i miiea. 7 .. 6 .. 1 .. GOLD AND SILVER COINS OF DIFFERENT NATIONS, WITH THEIR VALUE IN AMERICAN DOLLARS AND CENTS. GOLD COINS. Pooble Eagle, American $20 00 Eagle, do ^,: 10 00 HaifEagle, do 5 00 HalfEagle, doi. 1798 and 1833 5 25 Quarter Eagle, do 2 50 One Dollar coins, do 1 00 Doubloon, Spanish $15 60 to 16 65 Half Doubloons, do , .... 7 80 to 8 37 Quarter Doubloon do 3 90 to 4 12 Eighth Doubloon do :... 190 Doubloon, Columbian, Mexican, New-Granadian and > ik nn*^ -ik tK Ecuador i " ^"*° " ^^ HalfDouhloon, Central American .......* 7 75 Quarter Doubloon, Peruvian 3 87 Half Joe, Portugal (by weight) 7 9010 8 50 Moidore, do. do 4 70 to 6 40 Sovereign, English, 1844 - 4 84 Dragon Sovereign, do. 1834 4 80 Guinea, do ~. 5 00 HalfGuinea, do 2 50 One-third Guinea, 'do 1 66 One Mohur, East Indies 6 75 Double Louis D'Or, France ^ 9 00 Louis D'Or, do 4 50 Forty Francs, do 7 66 Huhdred Livre, Sardinia 19 15 Twenty Livre, Sardinia and Italy 3 83 Ten Scudi.-Rome 10 00 Quadruple Ducat, Austria 8 80 Sovereign, do. 6 50 Five Roubles. Russia 3 90 Double Frederick D'Or.Prussia 7 80 Double Christian D'Or, Denmark 7 80 TenThaiers, Hanover 7 80 FiveThalers, do. 3 90 TwoandahalfThalerSfdo .^»« 1 95 Ten Thnlers, Saxony 7 80 Ten Guilders, Netherlands 4 00 Five Guilders, do. ..^. ...... 2 00 Ducat, ,do. -. 3 00 SILVER COINS. American, Spanish, Mexican, Peruvian, and Brazilian Dollara. . 1 00 Four Reals of La Plata 35 Head Pistareen 18 Cross Pistareen 16 English Crown « ... 1 15 Bank Token. 3 Shillings English SO Rupee, East Indies 40 British Colonial Quarter Dollar 23 English Shilling S3 Tenpenco Irish 13 French Crown 4..«, » 07 ao 230 GENERAL IKFORMATION. French Half Crown SO Five Francs, French 93 OneFranc, do 17 Five Li vre, Sardinia • • • > 93 One Livre, do .■ 17 Florin, Westphalia 40 Florin, Tuscany 20 Florin, Hanover........ 53 Florin, Brunswick and Lunenburg 4g Double Thaler, Baden and Prussia »*-» *** 1 32 imperial Thaler of Austria 97 Rouble, Bussia - 65 Crown Dollar of Bavaria 1 04 Double Guilder of Bavaria 73 German Crown 1'04 Crown Thaler, Hesse • 1 04 Guilder of Nassau 36 Third of a Thaler 20 Quarter Florin, Netherlands 8 Thirty-six Grotes, Bremen 30 Six Grotes, Hanse Towns ^,,^^, 4 Specie Dollar. Norway ] 04 Specie Dollar, Sweden 1 04 Specie Bix Dollar, Denmark ■../ 1 04 STERLING MONEY REDUCED INTO DOLLARS AND CENTS. The following table of sterling money reduced into dollars and cents, the pound $4 84, the legal value, will be found valuable. 1 t i 1 1 i 1 S £ 1 1 £ 1 i £ 1 i 1 1 & 1 16 10 t i 1 1 40 1 S4 3 87 48 40 25 121 00 193 60 s 48 1/7 4 11 11 53 24 26 125 84 41 198 44 3 73 18 4 36 12 58 08 27 130 68 42 203 28 4 97 19 4 60 13 62 92 28 135 52 43 208 12 5 1 21 £ • c 14 67 76 29 140 36 44 212 96 6 1 45 15 72 60 30 145 20 45 217 80 7 1 69 1 4 84 16 77 44 31 150 04 46 232 64 8 1 94 2 9 68 17 82 28 32 154 88 47 227 48 9 2 18 3 14 52 18 87 12 33 159 72 48 233 32 10 2 42 4 19 36 19 91 96 34 164 56 49 237 16 11 2 66 5 24 20 20 96 80 35 1«9 40 50 242 00 12 ^ 90 6 29 04 21 101 64 36 174 24 13 3 15 7 33 88 22 106 48 37 179 08 14 3 39 8 38 72 23 111 32 38 183 02 15 3 63 9 43 56 1 24 116 16 39 188 76 The par value of a pound sterling jn the United States* currency is 4 dollars 44 cents 4 mills, (a mill is one 10th of a cent,) but as sterling money, both metallic and bills of exchange, bears a premium, usually from 8 to 10 per cent., this premium, reckoning per cent., is included in the above table. o<» |W1 m mm its- '* STATISTICS. 231 ENTS. id cents, S?2g- 9^r fin • o ^• i Si &3 Raft "a • . .3. .►*•- — 05^ M«9 — §fi:*>HOS9?"" " Sooi^ — 2.o<ooco!»cn t^^ cc u< 4. lo w w cs d> ^ -4 > x* J1 ;t0c IS? *-oootot IS^ — ■-'-'o'cp w'tO m'o Vo'q W*®"!. » O C3 50 ~J*— 69 to X X ^ -- 1* SCOm ■-• sow -• — >lg o »)' o ai ^ S S >a o 111 G9 ^(0 A M >> CD 19 1^ (p '"lb lb (9 te ce"— 09 (o CO ^^ JO JO JO jU - MC»a>cx!SA _ u— So — doc - S^S^S — »^K.SoSg§ib5;Sl JOj»k —^JO W J- Sen i^tj — in'co CD to 'otoisjboio"'— "co"— "—'ifcoT-a" taooO(atag»-tnwiOtooaog>MB-J-< — — onto .cDul^ewMi «„»4 a>«ctnogtoOga»igtotatoBS-<oa-^ — an — 31 »irt tort k^ ta4 krt K) M* k.^ ta^ i-iA ki^ ■■ *i^ ta« ^^ k^ kirt M eaa*ig=8g588sssssss?88gd J* 5" "J^ ?> •* •* ~ J"*? OB — a< SS CO — ^ _ ■-■ qo io S S tn tsj S 3 A c3 ^ 3 ^ on to-aco oi CR si^o — 00 w^wjS S^— y — ".s^Pi" — p «o-> w "fe'io'S 2 1" 5S>"*J <5'<» 60"©'' ' V' O — O QC •^ 25 N) 90 "j;^ ^> u Ol^.OO^<.^U^«-J'COOOOCJOO0^alSgl0^a^— CuS «C9to-'W» W..OU — (3>4CQ4k(iignGn~ia _ jwtojJ)u«^— <»no *» p i^ it Jio^'^ o>j-jU 00 j«j»^ ic Jfl OOO^^tpS'Oi SP Q<SSfe"*— S '<' — ro •j'-fc'o)"'*. qp'r) srs PI i 282 STATISTICS. i: h t^ Asm x) <35 ^S3 - g ^.7f 5 * 55 " K^' 55 ji. >oc-'*(N lo — es lo — "** t»"" n >«>wei »••« veTei M 35 0|.S T? « ■* w 6 <^«»i o e — JO « *^ eo sii^ o>ooQ«coonaou9e4^ngD<oa>c90 — ejgoto^ e9 — « O 0> U) ffi A g fO X) O ^ A >') g ri £3 9 ^ g Ul -«■# — rf«'— wf -^ >l~'QQ«0< -; OOA Mto OOAOCO « of rf ■n N «S r- •* r- ■v — 1« n t» «» cb el <6 si ■^ »i "'S'^^gSS 8':^? 'assy's «* (BCfV of S9 I ■* <ae« — "• «fi »» el J^c4,ou t^ K s||§l lis*? S Si •'3 a u< I o - 5" S I-i I I STATISTICS. 238 m '»o ?8'i id ^ 1^ ••• ..a IS- J»- *•• m s 1 'i'ii 1 ^ I 888Sfei8g88a8=S8888 SI Capjtal Inveated. 8 jor- lOCfl _— § §§M §§§ I ou»e <o Tons of Fig Metal. Tom of Blooms uied. Tom of Ore uied. s^§^a § si lis i'S" flS-l.?l-l II ^s^l.^l."^ VSl Toni of Mineral Coal, Buibels of Coke and Cluircoal. S w Sgg§8SS£S8§858fe=8s8g Value of Riw MatO' rial, Fuel, &c. Bsas^gggs^sil^^Ssilg ft!RSi88sSS88S?8gS?gg55SS? No. Handi Empl'd. Average Wages per Month. M 00 (6 to 4^09 ^i>^9 W9> ' — ^ ■' »^* --J (o ^S 85S8Soa5>3ir.oSSogo»< _8 1 i Tuns Wrought Irop made. Value of other Fro< ducts. =8 .p§|Sg%5-"^/i^. Value of entire Fro- duett. i::- 284 GENERAL INFORMATION. POPULATION OF CITIES AND TOWNS. Population of the principal cities and towns of the United States, accd^ding to the census of 1850; showing also, by way of compariaon, the population of the same places in 1840, with their increase iu in years. CitiM and Towns. Albany* •••••••>••••••••••••••••• Alexandria Allentown Annapolis Auburn ••••••••••••••••••!•••••• Augusta BALTIMORE Bangor Batavia •...•••.#•..•.• .i^. .■....-• • Bath Beaver > ■» Belfast Bever jy Binghampton Bordentown BOSTON, including Gharlestown ) (in 1865, estimated at 225,000)... { Bridgeport Bristol Brooklyn (in 1866, 175,000) Buffalo (in 1858, 75,000) Burlington , Camden Carlisle Chambersburg Charleston Gharlestown, now included in Bosf n Mass Chicago (in 1865, 70,000). Chillicothe OINOmNATI (in 1854, 165,000)... Cleveland (in 1855, 55,000) Columbia Columbus.... Cyoncord •....•..'.........*....... Covington Danbury Danvers ....*... Dayton Detroit JJO VCi • •> •• •••••••••• •••••••• •••• Jiditnirft •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Erie Fall River Frankford IVederick StatM. N. Y.... Va.... Pa.... Md. .. N. Y.... Me.... Md.... Me.... N.Y.... Me Pa Me Mass. . . . N. Y.... N.J Mass ..... Ct. ..... R.I ■^ ' • X • • • • N. Y.... N.J N.J Pa Pa S. C Ill O Vi/ • • • • • • • o Pa O N. li. ... Ky Conn. .. Mass.... Micb. . . . N. If. ... N. Y.... Pa N. H.... Mass. . . . N. C. . . Pa Md. ... 1840. 1850. 33,721 8,459 2.493 2,792 5,626 5.316 102,313 8,627 4,171 5,141 734 4,186 4.689 1.800 03,383 3,294 3,490 36,283 18,213 3,434 3,371 4.351 3,239 29,261 11,484 4,470 3,977 46,338 6,071 2,719 6,048 4.897 2,026 4,504 5,020 4,268 9,102 6,458 4.791 3.412 2.925 6,738 4.285 • • • • t • • • 1 56,026 9.967 3.780 4,198 9.548 8,231 169.125 14,441 4,464 8,002 2,050 6,000 5,300 5,022 2,769 138,788 7,558 4.616 96,000 49.863 5,399 9,619 4,579 3,327 32,132 35,000 28,269 7,098 116,108 17,600 4.340 17,656 8,740 9.687 5,962 7,000 10,976 21.057 8.186 6,000 5,850 3.329 . 11.805 6,000 5,346 . 6.037 Increaw. 2235* 1,508 1.287 1.406 3,922 2,915 66,812 5.814 293 2.861 1.316 1.814 611 '** 969 45,405 4.264 1,126 59.717 31.650 1,965 6,247 228 88 2,871 23,516 23,799 3,121 69,770 11,529 1,621 11,608 2,843 7,661 1,458 1,980 6,708 11,955 1.728 1,209 2,438 404 5,067 1,715 CI Fredericksbi Galena .... Germantow Harrisburg. Hartford... Haverhill . . Indianapoli Ithaca Jersey City Kenosha... Lancaster . Lockport . . Lowell •...« Louisville . Lynn Madison... Manayunk Manchestei Macon .... Marbleheaii Marietta.. Mansfield. Maysville. Milwatikie Mobile. ••. Montgomei Nantucket Nashua an Nashville . Nashville . New Albai Newark .. New Bedfo New Brum Newburg . Newburyp New Have New Lond N. ORLE Newport... NEWTC Norfolk .... Norristowi Norwich... Oswegatch Oswego Paternon.., fhilad: 564,000, Pittsburg and Bin Plyinouth Portland.. Pottsville . Poughkee] # 969 45,405 4.264 1,136 59.717 31,650 1,965 6,247 228 88 2,871 23,516 23,799 3,121 69,770 11,529 1,621 11,608 3,843 7,661 1,458 1,980 6,708 11,955 1.728 1,209 2,438 404 5,067 1,715 G€NERAL INFORMATION. CItiM and Townfc BUtM. !••»•••••••••« Fredericksburg Galena Germantown Harriaburg Hartford Haverhill > •••• Indianapolis (in 1865, 17,000) jtnaca •••••••••••••••••••••#••••• Jersey Oity •••••••••••••••••••••• Kenosha <. Lancaster Lockport Lowell •••. Louisville Lynn Madison Manayunk Manchester • . . . Macon Marblehead.... Marietta Mansfield Maysville Milvtratikie «... Mobile Montgomery... Nantucket Nashua and i Nashville ... | Nashville.. New Albany... Newark New Bedford. New Brunswick • Newburg .... Newbury port New Haven . . New London N. ORLEANS (in 1853, 145,449).. Newport NEW TORE (in 1855, 650,000168 Norfolk 7... Norristown » Norwich Oswegatchie Oswego Paterron PHILADELPHIA (in 1856, 664,000, estimated.) Pittsburg nnclnding Allegheny ) and Birmiugham ».m ) Plyinouth ......^ Portland Pottsville Poughkeepsie Va Ill Pa Pa Conn.... Mass.... lfl«« • • • • fl N. Y.... N* «!•••• • Wis Pa N. Y.... Mass.... Ky Mass. . • • la* •••••• Pa iV. H • . . . 6a...... Mass.... O O ^••••••••••s •••••••••I » • • • • t • »•••••••< *: Ky.... Wis... Ala... Ala... Mass.. . . N. H .... Tenn. . . la N » J.. .. . Mass.... N. J.. N. Y.... Mass.... Conn. .. Conn. . . La....... R.L... N.Y... Va Pa..... Conn..< N.Y... N.Y..., N. J..., Pa.. Pa.. Mass .... Me Pa N.Y 1840. 3,974 1,843 5,930 9,468 4.336 2.U92 5,650 3,073 8,417 9,125 20,796 21,210 9.369 3,798 3,235 3,927 5,575 875 2.755 1,700 12,672 8,179 9,012 6,154 6,929 4,226 17,290 12,087 6,500 4,833 7,112 12.960 5.519 102,000 8,333 312,710 10,920 2,937 4,200 6,719 4,665 7,596 258,000 32,768 5,281 15,218 4,337 10,006 1850. 4^500 6.000 6,204 8,173 17,851 6.000 8,034 6,780 16,000 3,466 12,382 12,312 32,964 42.000 17,000 8,037 6.139 13,933 5,952 8,000 3.133 3,557 4.255 20,026 20,513 6.000 10,000 9,043 16,000 9,785 38,885 16,464 7,893 7,623 9,534 18,000 9,006 119,461 9,348 517,000 14,000 6,030 "'7^8*96 12,199 11,229 411,000 96,276 8,000 20,849 7,498 11,080 235 Ibckm*. 526 4,157 2,243 8,383 1,664 5,343 1,130 12,028 3,965 3,187 12,168 20,790 7,631 4,339 10,698 2,025 2,425 3,258 1.500 18,326 7,841 3,821 988 3,898 9.071 5,550 21,595 4,377 1,393 2,790 2,422 5.040 3,487 17,461 1,015 204,290 4,080 3,093 ""2,177 7,534 8,733 153,000 63,618 2,719 6,631 8,159 1,074 I i I •■ ! i '■i \2 I : li *l 286 GENERAL INFORMATION. CltlM and Towni. Providence • Racine Reading Richmond Rochester Roxbury Sacramento City Balem St. Louis (in 1854, g8,819> San Francisco Savannah Springfield...* Schenectady .•..••....••••• Springfield Steubenville c^y rACUBO •••• ••••••••••••••••••••• Tamaqua X renton .•••.•..•...••...•.*•••.. X roy ••• ••••.•••...•.•••••••* t.i u tica ..•...•.•••••.....•..•*•*... Washington Wheeling Williamsburg Wilmington Worcester . . york.. Zanesville.. £••• ••••••••• •••••••• ■tetM. R.I Wis Pa Va N. Y.... Mass.... Cal Mass. . • . Mo Cal 6a Mass. . . . N.Y.... O O N.Y.... Pa N. J.... N.Y.... IV • E • • « • D« \j • • • • Va N.Y.... Del Mass.... Pa O 1840. 1850. 23,171 334 8,4 lU 20,153 20.191 0,080 15,082 1U.4G9 11,214 10,985 6,784 443 5,203 5,500 464 4.035 19.334 12,782 23,364 7.885 5,094 8,367 7.497 4,779 4.766 43,000 5.111 15,821 30,280 36.000 18.537 6,000 21,500 81,000 23.000 20,000 21.000 8,922 5,108 6,140 22.235 3.979 10,776 22,000 17,240 43.266 14,500 30,786 13,931 17,500 7,709 10,355 InorraM. 19,829 4,777 7,411 10,127 15,809 9,448 6,418 64,531 8.786 10,015 2,138 4,665 937 16,735 3,515 6.741 3.666 4.458 19.902 6.615 24.692 •4,564 10,003 2,U30 5,789 Area in Square Miles, and Population, according to the Census of 1850, of the various States and Territories comprising the United States ojN. America. StatM and TerritoriM. Area m;. m. Pop'n in leso. Alabama Arkansas California (Mumhia, Dist'ct Connecticut Delaware riorida Georgia Illinois Indiana Indian Territory Iowa f.. Kansas Terrify. Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts.;. Michigan Minnesota Ter'y. Mississippi 60,722 52,198 155,980 60 4,674 2,120 59,268 58,000 55,405 83,809 71,127 50,914 114,798 37,680 41,255 31,766 11,124 7,800 56,243 166,025 47,1561 771,623 209,897 92,597 51,687 370,792 91,532 87,445 906,185 851,470 988,416 192,214 982,405 517,762 583,169 683,034 994,514 397,654 6,077 606,326 Statea and Territoriea. Area aq. ro Missouri Nebraska Ter'y.. New Hampshire New Jersey N. Mexico {Ter.) New York North Carolina.. Ohio Oregon Territory Pennsylvania ... Rhode Island.... South Carolina.. Tennessee Texas Utah Territory... Vermont Virginia...... WashingUm Ter. Wisconsin 67,380 335,882 9,280 8,320 207,007 47,000 50,704 39,964 185,030 46,000 1,306 29,385 45,600 237,504 269,170 10,212 61,852 123,022 53,924 Total.. 2,936,166 23,191,876 Pop'n in 1860. 682,044 "3i7,'976 489,555 61,647 3,097,894 869,039 1,980,329 13,294 2,311,786 147,545 668,507 1,002,717 212,592 11,380 314,120 1,421,661 "365,891 Abseeum. N. Adri.n, Micli Akron, ()., to Aliron, O., to Akron, O.. to Albany, N.Y. Albany, N.Y. Albany, N.Y. Albany, N.Y Albany, N.Y Albany, N.Y Albany, N.Y Albany, N.Y Albany, N.Y Albany, N.Y Albany, N Y Albany, N.Y Albany, N.J Albany, N.ll Albaoy, N.J Albiny, N.^ Albanv, N.I Albany, N.^ Albany, N.1 Albany. N.I Alexandria, Alton, 111., AnnafMlis, Annapolis, Atlanta, Gi Atlanta, O^ Atlanta, 6: Atlanta, O Atlanta, G Atlantic CI Au^osta, ( Au;U!>ta, C Augusta, ( Aug-»'^ * Augusta, t Aurcusta, < AuKUsta. I Augusta,'! Augusta, ] Augusta, ] Austin,! Austin, 1 Austin, 1 Aus'in, 1 Austin, 1 Austin, 1 In Januanr, 1855, the total population of the United States was sup> posed to he about 26,500,000. INDEX A. Abiiecum, N. J, to Philadelphia, • •114 Ailri .n, Mich., to Toledo, O. • • 73 Akron, (>., lo Cleveland, U. . - • 147 Akron, ()., to Mil lersbur;. O. . • 147 Akron, O., to Zanesville, 0. . . - 147 Albany, N.Y., lo Auburn, N.Y. - - 60 Albany, N.Y., to Binghainton, N.y.' . 62 Albany, N.Y., to Boston, Mass. • • 84 Albany, N.Y., to Buffalo, N.Y. • 69, 60 Albany, N.Y., to Bui linicton, Vt. - • 65 Albany, N.Y., to Canandaigua, N.Y. . 60 Albany, N.Y., to Chicago, III. . • 61 Albany, N.Y., to Cooperstown, N.Y. • 62 Albany, N.Y., to Detroit, Mich. . • 61 Albany, N.Y., to Montreal, Can. • - 65 Albany, N Y., lo New York City, • 63, 64 Albany, N.Y., to Niagara Falls, • - 61 Albany, N.Y., to Pittsfield, Mass. - 24 Albany, N.Y., to Rochester, N.Y. • •60 Albaoy, N.Y., to Rome, N.Y. • • 69 Albiny, N.Y., to Saratoga Springs, N.Y. - 66 Albanv, N.Y., toSpriugiield, Mass. • 24 Albany, N.Y., to Syracuse. N.Y. - - 69 Albany, N.Y., to l/iica, N.Y. - - 69 Albany. N.Y., to W rcesfer, Mass. • - 24 Alexandria, Va., to Strasburg.Va. • •177 Alton, III., to Springfield, III. . • 160 Annapolis, Md., to Baltimore, Md. • • 173 Annapolis, Md., to Washington, D.C. • 176 Atlanta, Ga., to Augus'a, Ga. • . • 92 Atlanta, Oa., to Chattanooga, Tenn. - 188 Atlanta, Ga., to Montgomery, Ala. • -92 Atlanta, Ga., to Nashville, Tenn. • 188 Atlanta, Ga., to Savannah, Ga. . • -188 Atlantic City, N.J., lo Philadelphia, Pa. 114 Augusta, Ga., to Atlanta, Ga. • - 92 AugU!ita, Ga., to Columbia, S.C. - ■ 187 Augusta, Ga., to Dahlunega, Ga. • - 191 Aug-ista, Ga., to Greenville, S.C. • • 191 Augusta, Ga., to Milledgevilte, Ga. • * 190 Augusta, Ga., to Savannah. Ga. - • 189 Augusta, Ga., to Wilmington, N.C. • 91 Augusta,.Me., to Bangor, Me. • - • 14 Augusta, Me., to Portland. Me. - • 13 Augusta, Me., to Quebec, Can. . • . 13 Austin, Texas, to Boston, Texas, • • 206 Austin, Texas, 'o Brownsville, Texas, • 207 Anstin, Tex's, to Galveston, Texas, • 805 Aus'in, Texas, to Malagordo, T>'xas, • 206 Austin, Texas, to Rio Grande, Texas, • 207 Austin, Texas, to Washington, Texas, • 206 B. Faite Bainbridgo, Ga,, to Savannah, Ga. • • 190 Biltimnre, Md., to Annapolis, Md. • 173 Bal'iniore, Md., lo Chambersburx, Pa. • 176 Baltimore, Md., to Charlotteville, Va. - 174 Baltimore, Md., to Chicago, III, . . 17S Baltimore, Md., to Cincinnati, O. • 134, 174 Baltimore, Md., to Cleveland, O. - • 174 Baltimore, Md., to Cumberland, Md. - 171 Baltimore, Md., to i..arrisburg. Pa. • 172 Baltimore, Md., to Harper's Ferry, Va, • 171 Baltimore, Md., to Huntingdon, Fa. ■ 173 Baltimore, Md., to Orange C. M., Va. ' • 174 Baltimore, Md., to Philadelphia, Fa. • 89 Baltimore, Md., to Pittsburg, Pa. • • 173 Baltimore, Md,, to Staunton, Va. • • 174 Baltimore, Md., to Toledo, O. • • • 175 Baltimore, Md., to Washington, D.C. • 90 Baltimore, Md., to Wheeling, Va. • • 171 Baltimore, Md., to W. Sul. Sp*n,Va. 173, 174 Baltimore, Md., to Winchester, Va. • *■" Baltimore, Md., to York, Fa. Bangor, Me,, to Augusta^ Me. • Bangor, Me., to Castine, Me. Bangor, Me., to Greenville, Me. Bangor, Me., to Houlton, Me. Bangor, Me., to Williamsburg, Me. > Barre, Mass., to Worcester, Mass. Batavia, N.Y., to Philadelphia, Fa. • Bellefontaine, O., to Cincinnati, O. Bel lefonta ine. O., to Sandusky, O. Belfast, Me., to Easlport, Me. Beloit, Wis., to Madison, Wit. • Beloit, Wis., to Racine, Wis. Bellows Falls, Vt., to Fitchburg, Maw. Bellows Falls, Vt., to Springfield, Mass, Bellows Falls, Vt., to Whitehall, N.Y. Bellows Falls, Vt., to While R. June. • Bethlehem, Fa., to Philadelphia, Pa. Binehamton, N.Y., to Albany, N.Y. BinghamtoD, N.Y., to Syracuse, N.Y. Blackstone, Mass., to Bosftin, Mass. Blairsville, Pa., to Philadelphia, Pa. Blountsville, Tenn., to Knoxville, Tenn Blue Sul. Sp'gs, Va., to Guvandotle, Va. Boston, Mass., lo Albany, N.Y. • Boston, Mass., to Blackstone, Mass. • Boston, Mass., to Cincinnati, O. ' • Boston, Mass., to Cohasset, Man. • Boston, Mass., to Concord, Mass. • Bnston, Mass., to Concord, N.H. Boston, Mass., (Distances and Fare from), (237) 173 172 14 15 14 15 14 26 105 135 135 13 86 87 17 27 56 22 107 62 63 28 10 1 179 180 24 28 132 31 16 18,19 7 :i 238 INDEX. BMtnn, Mms., io Fall River, Mnw. • Boston, Mau., to Fratiiliiehan), Mm*. Boiinn, Mmi., to Grntnn, Mast. Boston, Mini., to Hartford, Ct. Boston, Mass., to Hinghsni, Mass. • Boston, Mass., to Lawrence, Mass. Boston, Mass., to Lowell, Mass. Boston, Mau. , to Manchester, Mais, Boston, Mass., to Montreal, Can. • Boston, Mass., to Nasiiu^i, N.H. Boston, Mass., to New Bedford, Masa. • Boston, Mau., Io New Haven, Ct. ,. Boston, Mass., to New York, via Fall Biv. Boston, Mau., to New York, via Norwich, Bos'oD, Mass., to N. York, •.'- ""ringtield, Boston, Mau.Y to N. York, via Sloniugton, Boston, Mau., to Pit sfield. Mass. Boston, Mau., .to Plymouth, Mau. Boston, Mau., to Portland, Me. Boston, Mam., to Portland, Me. Boston, M«?s., to Providence, R.L • • Boston, Mail., to Quincy, Man. ■ B'ntnn, Mau., to Salem, Mas. - Boston, Mau., to Sandwich, Mast. Boston, Mass, to Sprinitfleld, Mass. • Boston, Mass., to Waltham, Mast. Boston, Mau., to Wareham, Mau. • Boston, Mau., to Worcester, Mass. Bradford, N.H., to Concord, N.H. • Bradford, N.H., to Manchester, N.H. • Brattleboro', Vt., to Fitehburr, Mau. Bridceport, Ct., to Winsted, Ct. • Bridf^eton, N.J., to Philadelphia, Pa. Bristol, N.H., to Concord, N.H. • Buffalo. N.Y., to AltMny, N.Y. Buffalo, N.Y., to Chicago, Hi, Buffalo, N.Y., to Cincinnati, O. • • Buffalo, N.Y., to Clevel .nd, O. • Buffalo, N.Y., to Cleveland, O. • Buffalo, N.Y., to Columbus, O. Buffalo, N.Y., to Detroit, Mich. - Buffalo, N.Y., to Detroit, via Canada, Buffalo, N.Y., to Erie, Pa. - Buffalo, N.Y., to Milwaukie, Wis. • BuS'alo, N.Y., to Montreal, Canada, Buffalo, N.Y., to New York, • Buffalo, N.Y., to Niagara Falls, N.Y., and Toronto, Canada, . . . . d» Buffalo, N.Y., to Philadelphia, Fa. • 107 Buffalo, N.Y., to Pittsburg, Pa. - - 67 Buffalo, N.Y., to Rochester & Albany, N.Y. 60 Buffalo, N.Y., to Toledo, 0. ... 68 Burlington, Iowa, to Davenport, Iowa, • 162 Burlington, Iowa, to Iowa City, Iowa, • 16] Burlington, Iowa, to Keokuk, Iowa, . 162 Burlini(ton, Iowa, to Uskaloosa, Iowa, • 163 Burlington, Iowa, to Palmyra, Mo. • • 166 Burlington, Iowa, to Peoria, III. • - 163 Burlington, Iowa, to Springfield, III. . IGO Burlington, Vt., to Bellowj Falls, Vt. • 17 Burlington, Vt., fo Derby Line, Vt. • . 21 Burlington, Vt., to Montreal, Canada, . 20 Burlington, Vt., to Rouse's Point, N.Y. - 20 Burlington, Vt., to St. Johnsbury, Vt. • 21 Burliogtoo,.Vt., to West Lebanon, N.H. - 20 Cairo, III., to Chicago, IIS. ... 81 Cairo, II!., to Indianapolis, la. • > 151 Cairo, III , to Mobile, Ala. . . • 199 . 31 24 . 16 34 ■ 31 19 • 18 18,19 16,18 18 30 34 32 33 34 33 24 31 ■ 8 9 . 28 31 . 8 31 • 24 16 . 31 24 . 23 24 . 26 46 . 114 23 . 60 67 . 70 67 68,70 - 70 67 69 66 67 69 66 \. Caledonia. Mo., to St. Louis, Mo. Canxien, S.C., to Charleston, S.C. • Camden, S.C, to Charlotte, N.C. • Canulen, S.C, to Fnyvtleville, N.C. • Camden, S.C, to Raleigh, N C. • Csniden, S.C, to Yorkville, S.C Canandaigua, N.Y., Io Albany, N.Y. • Canandalgua N.Y., to Elmira, N.Y. Canandaigua, N.Y., to Nia^aia Falls. N.Y. Canandaigua, N.Y., to Philadelphia, Pa. • Cape Vincent, N.Y., to Albany, N.Y. • Ca|)e Vincent, N.Y., to New York City, . Castine, Me., to Bangor, Me. • . Catawlsta, Pa., to Elmira, N.Y, . Catawisu, PA., to Philadelphia, Pa. • Catawissa. Pa., to Willianisport, Pa. Chambersburg, Pa., to nallimore, Md. ■ Charleston, 8.C., to Atlanta, Ga. Charleston, S.C., to Augusta, Ga. • Charleston, S.C., to Camden, S.C. • Charleston, S.C, to Clialtanooga, Tenn. Charleston, S.C., to Columbia, S.C Charleston, S.C, to Memphis, Term. Charleston, S.C, to Nashville, Tenn, Charleston, S.C, to Nashville, Tenn. Charleston, S.C, to Savannah, Ga. Charlotte, N.C, to Camden, S.C • Charlotte, N.C, to C.umbia, S.C. Charlotte, N .C, to Raleigh, N.C • Charlottes vi lie, Va., to Baltimore, Md. • Charlottesville, Va., to Staunton, Va. Charlottesville, Va., to W. Sul. Sp'gs,Va. Chattanooga, Tenn., to Atlanta, Ga. Chattanooga, Tenn., to Nashville, Tenn. Chattahoochie, Florida, to Columbus, Ca. Chicago, 111., to Aurora, III. Chicago, III., to Baltimore, Md. * Chicago, III., to Beloit, III. • Chicago, 111., to Belvidere,Ill. • Chicago, III., to Bloomineton, III. • Chicago, III., to Boston, Mau. • Chicago, III., to Cairo, III. • Chicago, III., to Cincinnati, O. • Chicago, III., to Cleveland, 0. Cbicago, III., to Cleveland, Erie, Dun kirk and Buffalo, .... 68 Chicago, III., to Cravvt'ordsville, la. • • 139 Chicago, III., to Decatur, III. . • SO Chicago, 111., to Detroit, Mich. . . .68 Cbicago, III., to Detroit and Buffalo, via steamboat, 67 Chicago, III., to Dubuque, Iowa, . . 76 Chicago, III., to Dixon, HI. . . 76,77 Chicago, III., to Fort Wayne, la. . . iU Chicago, III., to Freeport, III. . . -75 Chicago, III., to Galena, III. . . 76, 76, 83 Chicago, III., to Genoa, Wis. ... 83 Chicago, III., to Green Castle, la. • . 139 Cbicago, III,, to Indianapolis, la. 84, 138, 139 Chicago, III., to Iowa City, Iowa, . .78 Chicago, III., to Janesville, Wis. . • 83 Chicago, III., to La Fayette, la. ' . . 139 Chicago, III., to Louisville, Ky. . 83,84 Chicago, 111., to La Salle, III. ... 79 Chicago, III., to Madison, Wis. • 83 Chicago, III., to Milwaukie. Wit. . • 82 Chicago, III., to Monroe, Mich. . • 73 Chicago, III., to New Albany, la. 84, 139 Chicago, III., to New York, • . . 74 Chicago, 111., to Omaha City, Neb. Ter. • 78 rn(S 164 187 Ib7 ■ lt*7 IHT \h1 63 ft2 105 105 66 95 IS 105 lOS 105 176 184 184 187 185 180 I'.'S 184 185 184 187 186 182 174 174 174 188 188 103 79 173 83 . 75 .80,81 . 74 80 138, 139 126 76, c»ii»p>i ^n.,4D Chicago, III., to Chica«o, III ., to Chicago, III., to Cbicag I III., to Chicago, 111., to Chicago, III., I< Chicago, 111., to Chicago, 111., to Chicago, III., ici Chicago, III., tc Chicago, III., t( Chica;<o, HI., to Cincinnati, O., Cincinnati, U., Cincinnati, O., Cincinnati, O., Cincinnati, O., Cincinnati, O., Cincinnati, O., Cincinnati, O., Cincinnati, O., Cincinnati, O . Cincinnati, ()., Cincinnati, U., Cincinnati, O , Cincinnati, (>., Cincinnati, 0. Cincinnati, O., Ciurinuati, 0., Cincinnati, O., Cincinnati, U., Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati, 0., Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati, O., Cincinnati, O., Cincinnati, O. Cincintiati, U., Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati, O., Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati, U. Ciucinuati^ O, Cincinnati, O Uhio Riv Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati, O, Cincinnati, U Cincinnati, Cincinnati, O Cincinnati, O Cincinna'i, U and Sleul Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Clnciiinati, C Cincinnati, Cincinnati, G Cincinnati, C Cincinnati, C Cincinaati, C Cincinnati, C Cincinnati. C Cincinnati, ( Cincinnati, ( Cincinnati, ( Cincinnati, ( Cincinnati, i Cincinnati, ( r> INDEX. 230 • TO, *8o| I. . 74, 7S Chicago, II1.,4d Penrin, 1)1. Chicngo, 111., to FhlUdelphln, Fa Chlcazn, III ., to Phi'a., via Cleveland, 103 Cliiiago, III., to Pnla., via Indiauapolii, 103 ChicaK , III., to Pittsbu g, Pa. ■ . 126 Chicago, III., to Pittsburg, via Fort Wayne, 122 Chiciigo, III., to Rock Iiland, III. ■ • 77 Chicago, III., to Springfield, III. . • 81 Chicago, III., to St. Lnuii, Mo. . •79, 81, 82 Chicago, III., lo St. Paul, Mio. Ter. • 76 Chica«o, III., to Toledo, O. • ■ - 126 Chicago, HI., to Urbana, O. • - • SO Chicago, III., to Van lalia, III. - . . 80 Cincinnati, O., to Alton, III. • . . 140 Ciiiciunxti, 0., to Raliimore, Md. 133, 134, 175 Cincinnati, O., to Rellefontaine, U. - 136 Cincinnati, 0., to Bi'iton, Man. • • 133 Cincinnati, U., to BulTalo, N.Y. • • 71 Cincinnati, O., to Bunker Hill, III. • ■ 140 Cincinnati, O., to Ctiicago, III. • 138, 130 Cincinnati, ()., to Cleveland, O. • • 134 Cincinnati, 0., tn Columbui, O. 121, 126, 134 Cincinnati, O ., to Creitline, O. • • 126' Cincinnati, ()., to Daylon, U - • • I3a Cincinnati, O., to Detroit, Mich. • - 136 Cincinnati, , (Distancet and fares from,) 130 Cincinnati, ()., to Raton, O., - - • 137 Cincinnati, 0., to Fort Wayne, la. • 136 Cincinnati, O., to Frankfort, Ky. ■ 142, 169 Cinrinuati, O., to Hamilton, O. • • 136 Cincinnati, 0., to Hillibnro, O. • - 142 Cincinnati, O., to IndianapolU, la. 137, 138,149, Cincinnati, O., to JeHeraonville, la. • 139 Cincinnati, O., to La Fayette, la. • 137, 138 Cincinnati, O., to Lawrenceburg, la. • 140 Cincinnati, O., to Lexington, Ky. • 142, 168 Cincinnati, O., to Louisville, Ky. 141, 142 Cincinnati, O., to Louisville, via Ohio R. 142 Cincinnati, U., to Madison, Wii. • • 137 Cincinnati, O., to Madiaou, la., via Ohio R. 1 16 Cincinnati, O., to Memphis, via Ohio R. 1 18, 1 19 Cincinnati, O., to Nashville, Tenn. 141, 193 Cincinnati, U., to Newark, O. • - 121 Cincinnati^ O., to Natchez, Misa. • 118,119 Cincinnati, O., to New Orleans, La., via , Ohio River 118, 119 Cincinnati, O., to New Orleans, La. • • 142 Cincinnati, O., to New York, • . 132 Cincinnati, O., to Philadelphia, Pa. 132, 133 Cincinnati, O., to Phila., via Wheeling, 103 Cincinnati, O., to Phila., via Marietta, O. 103 Cincinnati, O., to Pitbburg, Pa. 123, 126, 142 Cincinnati, O., to Pittsburg, via Columbus and Sleubenville, • • • - 121 Cincinnati, O., to Pittsburg, via Ohio River, 116 Cincinnati, O., to Pittsburg, via Dayton, 122 Cincinnati, O., to Portsmouth, O. - 116 Cincinnati, O., to Piqua,0. - • -136 Cincinnati, O., to Sandusky, O. • • 135 Cincinnati, O., to Springfield, O. • • 135 Cincinnati, O., to St. Louis, Mo. 140, 141, 142 Cincinnati, O., to Seymour, la. • . • 140 Cincinnati, O., to St. Louis, via OhioR. 116,117 Cincinnati. O., to Terre Haute, la. ■ • 140 Cincinnati, O., to Toledo, O. • . 136 Cincinnati, O., to Troy, O. - • • 136 Cincinnati, O., to Union, la. • • 137 Cincinnati, O., to Vicksburg, Miss. - 1 18, 1 19 Cincinnati, O., to Wheeling, Va. . 103, 129 Cincinnati, O., to Wheeling, via Ohio R. 1 lo,! 16 Page 121, 13( 103 . 147 174, 175 . 68 68 • 145 134, 145 147 Cincinnati, 0., to Xenia, O. - Cincinnati, O., to Zaneiville, O. • Cleveland, O., to Akron, O. Cleveland, O., to Bait more, Md. • Clevelmd, O., to RutTalo, N.Y. . Cleveland, ()., lo ChiciKO, 111. Cleveland, O., to Cincinnati, O. Cleveland, O., to Columbui, O. • Cleveland, U., to Milleraburg, O. Cleveland, O., to Phila., via New Castle, 103 Cleveland, O., to Phila., via Pittsburg, 103 Cleveland, O., to Piitiburg, Fa. • • 125 Cleveland, ()., to Portsmouth, 0. • • 147 Cleveland, (>., to SanduskjT, O. . • • 146 Cleveland, O., to Steubenville, 0. 146, 146 Cleveland, O., to Wellsville, O. . 116. 140 Cleveland, 0.,t» Wheeling, Va. . 128,145 Cleveland, U., to Zanesville, O.- . ■ 147 Collingwood, Can., to Toronto, Can. - Columous, Ky., tn Rowling Giceu, Kv. ■ Columbia, 8.C., to Charleston, S.C. ' . Columbia, S.C, to Charlotte, N.C. Columbia, S.C, to Greenville, S.C. • Columbia, S.C, to Warren Siirings, N.C. Columbia, S.C, to Auguata, Oa. > Columbus, Ga., to Chattahoochie, Fla. Columbus, Miu., to Holl^ Springs, Miss. Columbus, Ky., to Hop&insville, Ky. Columbus, O., to Indianapoli', la. I, Miss., to Jackson, Mit iss. Forlsmouth, 0. • It CollUllbUS, I.IIHI., >u u«t.nz,u.., J Columbus, O., to Marietta, 0. Columbus, Ky., to Maysville, Ky. • Cf)lumbus, Miss., lo Memphis. Tenn. Columljus, Miss., to Mobile, Ala. • Columbus, Ga., to Macon, Ga. • Columbus, Ga., tr Miliedgeville, Ga. Columbus, Ga., Hi Mnntgomery, Ala. Columbus, Miss., tn Moiitgnmery, Ala Columbus, Ky., to Nashville, Tenn. Columbus, O., to Fiqua, O. Columbus, O., to Forismout Colunibus, O., to Sandusky, ( Columbus, Ga., tn Savannah. Ga. Columbus, Miss., to Tuscumbia, Ala. Columbus, ()., to Urbana, O. Columbus, O.. to Zanesville, 0. Concord, N.H., to Boston, Mass. Concord, N.H., to Bradford, N.H. Concord, N.H., to Briltol.N.H. - Concord, N.H., to Lowell, Mass. Concord, N H., to Meiediih, N.H. Concord, N.H., to Plymouth, N.H. . Concord, N.H., to Pnrtsmoulii, N.H. • Concord, N.H., to Wells River, Vt. Concord, N.H., to West Lebanon, N.H. Connellsville, Fa., to Pit'sburg, Pa. • Conway, N.H., to Great lalb, N.H. - Conway, N.H. , to Littleton, N.H. - Conway, N.H., to Meredith, N.H. Conway, N.H., to Portland, Me. Corning, Pa., to Blossburg, Pa. • Corning, Pa., to Rochester, N.Y. Corpus Chrisii,TAc.. to Galveston, Tex, t Corunna, Mich., to Detroit, Mich. • \ Council BluffUA St. Louis, Mo. • ) Covington, kPK to Frankfort, Ky. • ; Covington, Ky., to Indianapolis.^a. • ' Covington, Ky., to Lexington, Ky. - Covington, Ky., to Louisville, Ky. Cumberiaud,Md., tofitUburg, Fa. . 59 157 lb6 m 186 187 . Iil3 197 . 195 144 . 118 144^ . 143* 197 • 200 102 . 190 189 - 197 195 . 144 143 . 143 189 . 196 144 . m 18,19 .'23 23 . 18 23 . 23 10 19 124 10 12 12 11 52 65 206 • 72 166 156 154 156 156 124 TH .pmv.vK'rvr'^'^ 240 INDEX. Crawfordiville, la., ta Indiwapolis, la. D. Dahlonega, Ga., to Augusta, Ga. • Danville, Va., to Greentboro, N.C. Danville, Va., to Richmond, Va. Danville, Ky., to L< uisville, Ky. • DarieD, Ga., to Jacksonville, Fla. - Davenport, Iowa, to Burlington, Iowa, Davenport, Iowa, to Dubuque, Iowa, Dayton, O., to Cincinnati, O. Dayton, 0., to Sandu»ky, O. • • Day.on, 0., to Toledo, O. • - • Decatur, 111., to Jjcksonvillo, III. • Decatur, 111., to Naples III. • Decatur, 111., to Springfield, 111. - Delaware Water-Gap to New York, - Delaware Waler-Gap to Philadelphia, Derby Line, Vt., to While R. June. • Deiioit, Mich., to Chicago, III. JJetrtiit, Mich., to Cincinnati, O. Detroit, Mich., to Corunna, Mich., - Detroit, Mich., to Lansing, Mich. - Detroit, Mich., to Port Huron, Mich. Detroi'., Mich., to Saginaw, Mich. Detoit, Mich., to Toledo, O. - Dixon, III., to Chicago, 111. - . ■ Dona Ana, N.M., to Fort Smith, Ark. Dover, N.H., to Fannington,N.H. - Dover, N.H., to Portland, Me. Doylestown, Pa., to Philadelphia, Pa. Dover, Del., to Wilmington. Del. - Dubuque, O., to Chicago, HI, Dunkirk, N .¥., to JSew York, E. Eaa'on, P«., to Philadelphia- - 109,112 Ea»tim, Pa., to Trenton, N.J. - -112 Eas pnrt. Me., to Belfast, Me. Eaton, 0., to Cincinnati, O. • - Eaton, O., to Indianapolis, la. Edeiiton, N.C., to Norf. Ik, Va. Elktoii, Md., to Snow Hill, Elniira, N.Y., to New York, • Eimira, N.Y., to Philadelphia, • E mira, N.Y., to Niagara Falls, • El Paso del Norte to San Antonio, Tex. Erie, Fa., to Lewistown, Pa. - Erie, Pa., to Philadelphia, Erie, Pa., to Ridgeway, Pa. - - - Evansvilie, In., to Indianapolis, la. Evansville, lo., to Viucennes, la. • • F. Fall River, Ma(s.j to Boston, Mats. • Falls of St. Anthony, N.T., to St. Louis, Farmington, N.H., to Dover, N.H. • Fayetteville, N.C., to Camden, S.C. Fayelteville, N.C., to Raleigh, N.C. • Fishkill,Ct., to Hartford, Cl. • Fitchburg, Mass., to Bellows Falls, Vt. Fi!rhburg, Mass., to Boston. Mass., • Fitchburg, Mass., to BralDebom, Vt. . Fitchburg, Mass., to Greenfield, Mass. Fitchburg, Mass., to Worcester, Mass. Frankfort, Ky., to Ciucinnadt). Frankfort, Ky., lo Lexington, ~Ky. Frankfort, Ky., to Louisville, Ky. • Frankfort, Ky. , to Nashville, Tenn. . Fulton, Ark., to Little Rock, Ark. . . 191 179 . 179 167 • 191 162 . 162 136 . 136 136 . 109 161 • 169 95 22 . 68 . 136 . 72 72 - 72 72 . 71 77 .211 9 . U 113 . 114 76,76 . 48 16 137 137 181 116 48 106 ■ 106 208 . 112 104 ■ 104 152 ■ 162 31 118 9 187 187 37 17 16 26 27 26 169 142 142 193 167 Galena, HI., to Chicago, III. Galena, III., to Janesville, Wis. Galena, 111., to Mineral Point, Wis. - Galvesinn, Tex., to Austin, Tex. Galveston, Tex., lo Corpus Christi, Tex. Galveston, Tex., to Matagorda, Tex. Galveston, Tex., to New Orleans, La. Gardnea, Mass., lo Worcester, Mass. Georgetown, Del., to Eastville, Va. • Georgetown, Del., lo Princess Ann, Md. Georgetown, Del., to Wilmington, Gloucester Branch R.R. . . • Grand Haven, Mich., to Lansing, Mich. Greenville. Me. , to Bangor, Me. Greenville, S C, to Columbia, S.C. • Greenville, S.C, to Warm Sprinn, N.C. Greenfield, Mass., to Fi.cbburg, Mats. Greenfield, Mass., to Troy, N.Y. Greensburg, Pa., to Philadelphia, Greensboro. N.C., to Charlotte, N.C. Greensboro, N.C, lo Jonesboro, Tenn. Greensboro, N.C, to Raleigh, N.C. . Green Bay, Wis., to Milwaukie, Wis. • Grotnii. Mass., to Lowell, M:>as. Gt. Falls, N.U., to Conway, N.H. H. Hamilton, O., to Cincinnati, 0. Hamilton, U., to Sandusky, O. Uagerstown, Md., to Chambersburg, Pa. - Hagerstown, Md., lo Frederick, Md. • Harrisburg, Pa., lo Baltimore, Md. - Harrisburg, Pa., to New York, via Easton, Harrisburg, Pa., to Northumberland, Pa. Harrisburg, Pa., lo Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Pa., to York, Pa. - Hartford, Ct., to Collinsville, Ct. Hartford, Ct., lo Canaan, Ct. . Hartford, Ct., to Fishkill, N.Y. • Hartfonl, Ct., to New London, Ct. • Hartford, Ct., to Sharon, Ct, Harilbrd, Ct., to Willimantic, Ct. • Harper's Ferry, Va., to Baltimore, Md. .Harper's Ferry, Va., to W heeling, Va. • Helena, Ark., to Little Rock, Ark. Henderson, Ky., to Nashville, Tenn. Hillsboro Br., N.H., to Concord, N.H. Holly Springs, Miss., lo Jackson. Miss. . Holly Springs, Miss., to Nashville, Tenn. Honesdale, Pa., to Wilkesbarre, Pa. Hopkinsville, Ky., to Columbus, Ky. • H6t Sprinn, Ark., to Little Rock, Ark. Houlton, Me.; to Bangor, Me. PS{« 76 ■ 87 87 ■ iiOJ 203 •iiUJ SOd 28 at -lU lU • 8 % • 15 m . m 27 • 27 101 - 182 Ibl - \U\ bj • 18 U 136 133 1 108 108 17M 95 ml 101 171 37 37| 301 171 [ 171 in I I9S| 21 20l| I9< ' ml IKS I ■ 167 Independence, Mo., Indianapolis, la., to Indianapolis, la., to Indianapolis, la., to Indianapolis, la., to Indianapolis, la., to Indianapolis, la., to Indianapolis, la., lo India;iapblis, I*., to Indianapolis, la., to Indianapolis, la., to Indianapolis, la., to |ndiana|iolis, la,, to Indianapolis, la,, to I. - <• to Jeffenmn City, Mo Bellefontaine, O. • 129 Cairo, III. ■ • 161 Chicago, III. • . YJi Cincinnati, O. 137,138,139 ■"'- ' ' " 1491 144 1 154 1 l»| 12)1 Cincinnati, O. Columbus, O. • Covington, la. CrawibrdsviUe, la. Crestline, O., r Dayton, O. Eaton, O. • Evansville, la. • Fort Wayne, la. . 137 151 1 m Jackson, Miss, Jackson, Miss Jackson, Miss Jackson, Miss, Jackson, Miss Jackson, Miss Jack-on ville, Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Janesville, W Janesville, W Jefferson City Jett'ersou City Jeffursonville, JeifersouviUe, Wis. 76 • 87 87 iristi, Tex. 203 I, Tex. • m mi, La. 205 MaM. 2« e,Va. - m 1 Ado, Md. •114 Rton, - 114 • « • 8 \Bt, Mich. 72 4e. • IS i,S.C. irinn, N.C. re, Mats. bia. te, N.C. TO, Tenn. N.C. . Lie, Wii. • N.U. 0. lii« 21 27 101 182 M ■ m to li 10 •13( • 133 enbuTK, Fa. • 108 ck, Mil. - 108 , Md. - - 171 k, via EattOD, 95 lerlaud, fa. Hia, Ct. y.' - D, Ct. u 101 171 37 31 87 31 • 30 171 • 171 m • 195 , Ct. - more, Md. eliotr, Va. Ark. I, Tenn. urd, N.H. [lOD, MiM. - Mil liville, Teiin. 194 re, Fa. . HI bus, Ky. • 1!IS lock, Ark. ■ 167 aoi ion City, Mo. taine, O. - 129 1 I. • • 15l[ , III. • • Ml kti,0. 137,138,1311 iti,0. 18, O. • )D, la. dsville, la. B, O., , O. I. . lie, la. • >ytie, li. . 1491 144 1 154 1 153 1 l!S| ml 13; I 1511 16i| INDEX. 241 Page Indianapolis, la., to La Fayette, la. 138, 153 Indianapolis, la., to Lebanon, la. • 163 Indianapolis, la., to Newark, O. • • 124 Indianapolis, la., to Feru, la. • • 152 Indianapolis, la., to Philadelphia, • -103 Indianapolis, la., to Piqua, U. • • • 144 ludiannpolis, la., to Pittsburg, Fa. • 123, 124 Indianapolis, la., to Springfield, III. 153, 154 ludiaaapolis, la., to Steubeovtlle, O. • 124 Indianapolis, la., to St. Louis, Mo. . • 151 Indianapolis, la., to Terre Haute, la. • 161 Indianapolis, la., to Toledo, O. • - 152 Indianapolis, la., to Union, la. • • 137 Indianapolis, la., to Urbana, O. • •144 Indianapolis, la., to Vincennes, la. 161, 152 Indianapolis, la., to Wheeline, Va. • •128 Iowa City, lo., to Chicago, III. . • 78 Iowa City, lo., to Muscatine, lo. • • 162 J. Jackson, Miss., to Columbus, Miss. Jackson, Miss,, to Holly Springs, Mia?, Jackson, Miss., to Montgomery, Ala. Jackson, Miss., to Natchez, Miss. Jackson, Miss., to Tuscaloosa, Ala. Jackson, Miss., to Vicksburg, Miss. Jack-onville, 111., to Decatur, III. Jacksonville, III., to Naples, III. Jacksonville, III., to Springneld, lU. Janesville, Wis., to Galena, III. • Janesville, Wis., to Racine, Wis. Jefferson City, Mo., to Independence, Jett'erson City, Mo., to St. Lxtuis, Mo. Jefferson ville, la., to Cincinnati, O. • Jeffersonville, la., to Indianapolis, la. ■ E. Keokuk, lo., to Burlington, lo. • Keokuk. lo., to Iowa City, lo. • Knoxville, Tenn., to Charleston, S.C. Knnxville, Tenn., to Lexington, Ky. • Knoxville, Tenn., to Nashville, Teno. Knoxville, 111., to Quiucy, ill. • • 198 , • 201 197 • 201 198 197, 198 161 • 161 161 • 87 87 Mo. 165 164,165 - 141 • 160 162 162 186 158 195 161 L. -its*.. La Fayette, la., to Chicago, III.' • • 139 La Fayette, la., to Cincinnati, O. • 138, 142 La Fayette, la., to Indianapolis, la. • 153 La Grange, Tenn., to Memphis, Tenn. 194 Lancaster, Pa., to Philadelphia, Fa. • lOl Lansing, Mich., to Detroit, Mich. • 72 Lawrence, Mass, to Salem, Mass. • • 8 Lebanon, la,, to Indianapolis, la. • 163 Lebanon, la., to La Fayette, la. • • 153 Lewiatown, Fa., to Erie, Pa. • - 111 Lexington, Ky., to Cincinnati, O. • • 158 Lexington, Ky., to Knoxville, Tenn. • 168 Lexington, Ky., to Nashville, Tenn. • 158 Lexingiou, Ky., to Maysville, Ky. • 158 Lexington, Ky,, (Routes from.) • • 158 Lexington, Ky., to Wheeling, Va. • 129 Littleton, N.H., to Conway, N.H. • ■ 12 Little Rock, Ark., to Fort Gibson, In. T«r. 168 Mttle Rock, Ark., lo Fulton, Ark. • 167 Little'Rock, Ark., to Helena, Aik. ■ . 167 Little Rock, Ark., to Hot SpringM, Ark. 167 Little Rock, Ark., to Memphis, Tenn. . 168 Little Rock, Ark., to Naimleon, Ark. • 167 Little Rock, Ark., to Shreveport, La. . 168 Little Rock, Ark. , to St. Jiouis, Mo. 166 Little Rock, Ark., to Van Buren, Ark. - 168 Louisville, Ky., to Baltimore, Md. • 165 Louisville, Ky., to Boston, Msss. - • 156 Louisville, Ky., to Chicago, III. 83, 84, 139 Louisville, Ky., to Cincinnati, O. • 139 Louisville, Ky., to Cincinnati, via Ohio R. 118 Louisville, Ky., to Covington, Ky. • • 166 Louisville, Ky., to Danville, Ky. • 157 Louisville, Ky., to Frankfort, Ky. • • 14S Louisville, Ky.,to Harrodsburg Spr'gs, Ky. 166 Louisville, Ky., to Indianapolis, fa. • 84 Louisville, Ky., to La Fayette, la. • 83, 84 Louisville, Ky., to Lexington, Ky. • 142 Louisville, Ky., to Nashville, Tenn. • 167 Louisville, Ky., to New York, • • 165 Louisville, Ky., to Philadelphia, • • 166 Louisville, Ky., (Routes from,) • • 164 Louisville, Ky., to Seymour, la. • •84 Lowell, Mass., to Groton, Mass. • 18 Lowell, Mass., to Salem, Mass. • • 8 Lynchburg, Va., to Richmond, Va. • 178 Lynchburg, Va., to White Springs, Va. • 180 M. Macon, 6a., to Columbua, Ga. • Macon, Ga., to Savannah, Ga. • Macon, Ga., to Ta11ahas8e,Fla. • Madison, Wis., to Reloit, Wis. • Madison, Wis., to Chicago, III. • Madison, la., to Frankfort, Ky, Madison, Wis., to Green Bay, Wis. • Madison, la,, to Indianapolis, la. Madison, Wis., to Milwaukie, Wis, • Madison, Wis., to Mineral Point, Wis. ■ Madison, Wis., to Prairie du Chien, Wis. Manchester, N. H . , to Bradford, N.H. Marblehead Br. R.R. . • . Marietta, O,, to Cincinnati, O. Marietta, O,, to Columbus, O. • • Marietta, ()., to Philadelphia, Pa. • Marietta, O., to Pittsburg. Fa. • Massillon, O., to Akron, O. • • Massillon, 0,, to Cleveland, 0. • • Ma'agorda, Tex,, to Austin City, Tex. Matagorda, Tex,, to Galveston, Tex. • Matagorda, Tex^ to Washington, Tex. Mauch Chunk, Fa., to New York, Mauch Chunk, Pa., to Philadelphia, Maysville, Ky,, to Columbus, O. Maysville, Ky., to Lexington, Ky. • 158 Mazatlan, Mex,, to San Antonio, Tex, • 208 Media, Pa., lo Philadelphia, . • 1C9 Memphis, Tenn., lo Charleston, S.C. • 1S6 Memphis, Tenn., to Columbus, Miss. • 197 Memphis, Tenn., lo La Grange, Tenu. • 194 Memphis, Tenn,, lo Little Rock, Ark. 168 Memphis Tenn,, to Nashville, Tenn. - 194 Mercer, Pa., to Pittsburg, Pa. . • 125 Meredith, N.H,, to Conway, N,H. • Vi Michigan City, la., to Chicago, HI. • 139 Michiean City, la,, to Cincinnati, O. • 139 Milledgeville, Ga., to Augusta, tia. • 190 Milam, Tex., to Washington, Tex. • 207 Milledgeville, Ga., to Cofunibut, Ga. • 190 Millersburg, 0., to Akron, O. • - -147 Millersburg, O., to Cleveland, 0. • 147 Millersburg, 0.,loZanesville,0. . .147 Mineral Point, Wis., to Galena, 111. . 86 Milwaukie, Wis., lo Chicago, III. . • ^2 I Milwaukie, Wis., to Fond du Lac, • 86 192 188 191 85 83 159 86 149 £4 86 85 24 8t 103, 11« 144 • 103 115 • 147 147 • 206 . 205 • 206 94 107, 110 • 143 (. \h i '<! ! i 242 INDEX. 85 85 85 . 198 200 • 199 201 92,93 93 . 199 200 . 199 200 - 73 92 . 92 189, 192 .197 197 Montgomery, Ala.j to Nashville, Tenn. • 196 Montgomery, Ala., to Siivannah, Ga. • 189 Montgomery, Ala., to TuRcaloosa, Ala. 197,198 Milvraukie, Wis., to Green Bay, Wis, Milwaukie, Wis., to Janesville and Bsloit, Milwaukie, Wis^ to Neeiiah, Wis. Mobile, Ala., to Cairo, III. Mobile, Ala., to Columbus, Miss. Mobile and Girard R.R. - - - • Mobile, Ala., to Jackson, Miss. • Mobile, Ala., to Montgomery, Ala. - Mobile, Ala., to New Orleans, La. Mobile, Ala., to Pensacola, Fla. Mobile, Ala., to Selma, Ala. Mobile, Ala., to Tallahasse, Fia. Mobile, Ala., to Tuscaloosa, Ala. Monroe, Mich., to Chicago, III. Moiitgomer}', Ala., to Atlanta, Ga. Montgomery, Ala., to Mobile, Ala. - Montgomery, Ala., to Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala., to Columbus, Miss Montgomery, Ala., to Jackson, Miss. Montgomery,' Ala. j to Vicksbarg, Miss. 197 Kloutreal, Can., to Albany, N.T. . -65 Montreal, Can., to Burlington, Vt. - 20,53 Montreal, Can., to Kingston, Can. • -69 MontrenI, Can., to New York, . • 44, 57 Montreal, Can., to Niagara Falls, • -59 Montreal, Can., to Ogdensburg, N.Y. • 59 Montreal, Can., to Portland. Me. • • II Montreal, Can., to Quebec, Can. • . 67 Montreal, Can., to Rutland, Vt. • • 55 Montreal, Can., to Toronto. Can. • 58 Muscatine, lo., to Iowa City, lo. • • 162 N. Naples, 111., to Decatur, UK - . .161 Knpolcon, Ark., to Little Rock, Ark. > 167 Nashua, N.H., to New York, ... 47 Nashville, Tenn., to Atlanta, Ga. . 188 Nashvilte, Tenn., to Charleston, S.C. . 185 Nashville, Tenn., to Chattanoo^, Tenn. 185 Nashville, Tenn., to Cincinnati, O. - .. 193 Nashville, Tenn., to Columbus, Ky. 185 Nashville, Tend., to Frankfort, Ky. • . 193 Nashville, Tenn., to Henderson, Ky. . 193 Nashville, Tenn., to Holly Springs, Miss. 104 Nashville, Tenn., to Huntsville, Ala. • 196 Nashville, Tenn., to Knoxville, Tenn. . 193 Nashville, Tenn., to Lexington, Ky. - 158 Nashville, Tenn., to Louisville, Ky. 157, 193 Nashville, Tenn., to McMinnville, Tenn. 195 Nashville, Tenn., to Memphis, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn., to Montgomery, Ala. Na«hville, Tenn., to Murfeesboro', Tenn. Nashville, Tenn., to Savannah, Ga. - Na'^hvllle, Tenn., to Tuscumbia, Ala. . Nashville, Tenn., to Winchester, Tenn. Natchez, Miss., to Jackson, Miss. Natural Bridge, Va., to Fincastle, Va. - Natural Bridge, Va., *o Staunton, Va. Nazareth, Pa., to Philadelphia, . Newark, O., to Cincinnati, O- • . Newark, O., to Pittsburg, Pa. . Neenah, Wig., to Green Bar, Wis. New Bedford, Mass., to Boston, M.iss. New Bedford, Mass., to Providence, R.I. New Haven, Ct, to Hartford, Ct. . New Haven, Ct , to New London, Ct. - New Haveo, Ct., to Norihamptou, Mau, Pase New Haven, Ct., to Springfield, Mass. . 37 New Haven, Ct., lo New York, • .45 New l/ondon, Ct., to Hartford, Ct. . 36 New London, Ct., to Palmer, Mass. • •. 34 New London, Ct., to Providence, R.I. ■ 35 New London, Ct., to Willimantic, Ct. . 34 New Orleans, La., to Boston, Mas*. • 203 New Orleans, La., to Cincinnati, 0. 1 19, 120 New Orleans, La., to Gulf of Mexico, • 121 New Orleans, Jackson, & G'l Northern RR. 204 New Orleans, La., to New York • • 203 New Orleans, La., lo Philad., Pittsburg, &c. 203 New Orleans, La., to St. Louis, • 120, 121 New Orleans, La. (routes from), • . 20t New Orleans, La., lo Vicksburg, Natcnez, Memphis, &c., via Miss. Riv. 119,120 New York to Albany, N.Y. . - 44, 46 New York to Albany, via Harlem RR., 62, 53 New York to Allentown, Pa. . . 94 New York to Bellilehem, Pa. . . . 94 New York to Binghamton, N.Y. • • 48 New York to Boston, via Fall River, . 32 New York to Boston, via New Haven, - 34 New York to Boston, via Norwich . - 34 New York to Boston, via Stonington . 33 New York to Buffalo, N.Y. • 60,61,66 New York to Burlington, Vt. . . . 44 New York to Canandaigua, N.Y. . . 51 New York to Cajie Vincent, N.Y. ■ - 95 New York to Calfskin, N.Y. . . 53 New York to Cincinnati, O. • . . 132 New York to Corning, Pa. . - . 43 New York to Cortland, NY.. - .50 New York to Delaware Water Gap, . 95 New York to Dover, N.J. . . . 95 New York to Dunkirk, N.Y. - . 43 New York to Easlon, Pa 94 New York lo Elinira, N.Y. - - • 48 New York lo Fall River, Mass. - .32 New York to Goshen, N.Y. . - . 48 New York to Greenport, L.I. • - .47 New York to Harrisburg', Pa., via Eastcn, 95 New York to Hornellsville, N.Y. - -48 New York to Ithaca, N.Y. ... 51 New York to Mauch Chunk, Pa. . .94 New York to Morristown, N.J. . . 95 New York to Montreal, Can. . . . 44 New York to Nashua, N.H. . . 46 New York to New Haven. Ct. • . . w New York to Niagara Falls, . -60, .^2 New York to Oswego, N.Y. • . 48, SO New York to Philadelphia, - . . 88, 89 New York to Pittsiield, Masx. ... 45 New York to Pottsville and Sunbury, Pa. 94 New York to Poughkeepsie, N.Y. . .44 New York lo Rochester, N.Y. ■ . 61 New York to Rutland, Vt. ... 44 New York to Scranton, Fa. . . . 93 New York to Stonington, Ct. . . .33 New York to Syracuse, N.Y. • . fiO New York to Toronto, Can, . . . 52 New York to Utics, N.Y. • • . 96 New York to Watertown, N.Y. . . 95 New York to West Stockbridge, Masj. 47 New York to White Mountains, N.H. ' . 95 New York to Wilkfsbarre, Pa, . . 93 New York lo Willianisport, Pa. . - 94 New York to Worcester, Xtass. • - 46 35 I Niagara Falls to New York, . . .51 38 1 Niagara Falls to Philadelphia, • . lOS 194 196 195 188 196 195 201 181 181 110 121 121 96 32 30 37 Niagara Falls to 1 Niagara Falls to 1 NorTolk, Va., to I Norfolk, Va., to P Norfolk, Va., to ^ Norristown, Pa., Noiristown, Pa., North Adams, M Northumberland, Northumberland, Northumberland, Ogdensburg, N.Y Ohio and Mississi Omaha City, Nel Omaha City, Nel Oquawka, 111., ti Oskaloosa, lo., to Oswego, N.Y., ti Oswego, N.Y., t( Palmer, Mass.,! Palmyra, Mo., I Palmyra, Mo^ t Parkersburg, Va Pensacola, Fla., Pensacola, Fla., Peoria, 111., to I Peoria, III., to ( Peoria, 111., to C Peoria, 111., to 1 Peoria, 111., to ! Peru, la., to Fc Peru, la., to Im Peru, la., to Tf Peterboro, N.I Petersburg, Va. Petersburg, Va Petersburg, Va Petersburg, Vs sec . to Abi Fhila Philadelphia t( Philadelphia ' Philadelphia Philadelphia I Philadelphia I Philadelphia ' Philadelphia Philadelphia ' Philadelf'iia I Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Phi!:idelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Pliiladelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphii Philadelphi: Philadelphii Philadelphi Philadelphi INDEX. 243 Page 37 • 45 36 v 34 35 • 34 203 119, 120 121 RR. 204 203 e,&c.203 120, 121 • a« cnez, 119, 120 44,46 62, S3 94 • 94 48 - 32 34 • 34 33 60, 5I,6<5 - 44 51 - 96 - 53 • 132 48 • 60 95 - 95 48 • 94 48 ■ 32 48 - 47 0. 95 - 48 51 - 94 95 • 44 46 • ii 60,52 48,50 88,89 • 45 1. 94 . 44 61 . 44 93 • 33 fiO • 52 96 • 95 47 • 95 93 • 94 46 • 51 105 rage Niagara Falli to Pitlsbu^ Pa. • - • 127 Niagara FaXa to Itochester, N.Y. • -66 Norfolk, Vs., to Edeiiton, N.C. - 181 Norfoljt, Va., to Richmoud, Va. • - 180 Norfolk, Va., to Weldoii, N.C. - - 181 Norristowii, Pa., to Uowiiingtown, Pa. - 108 Noirislown, Pa., to Phihdelphia, . 108 North Adams, Mass., to Pittsiield, Mass. 45 Northumberland, Pa., to Hairlsburg, Pa. 108 Northuiriberland, Pa., to Scraiiton, Pa. • 109 Nortliumberland, Pa., to Wilkesbarre, Pa, 109 O. Ogdensbur?. N.Y., to Rome, N.Y. - - 64 Ohio and Mississippi Rivers (distances) 116 Omaha City, Neb. Ter., to Chicago, III. 78 Omaha City, Neb. Ter., to Rock Island, III. 162 Oquawka, III., to Peona, Hi. . .160 Oskaloosa, lo., to Burlingtc. , lo - • 163 Oswego, N.Y., to New Yofk - . 60 Oswego, N.Y., to Syracuse, - 60 P. ■*»■' Palmer, Mass., to Hartford, Ct. Palmyra, Mo., to Burlington, lo, Palmyra, Mo^ to St. Louis, Mo. ParkersburK, va., to Winchester, Va. Pensacola, f la., to Mobile, Ala. Pensacola, Fla., to Tallahasse, Fla. Peoria, III., to Hurlinglon. lo. • Peoria, III., to Chicago, III. • Peoria, 111., to Oquawka, 111. • Peoria, I!!., to Quincy, 111. • Peoria, III., to Springfield, III. Peru, la., to Fort Wayne, la. Peru, la., to Indianapolis, la. • Peru, la., to Toledo, O. - - Pelerboro, N.H., to Worcester, Mass, Petersburg, Va., lo Lynchburg, Va. Petersburg, Va., to Norfolk, Va. Petersburg, Va., to Raleigh, N.C. Petersburg, Va., lo Richmond, Va. Phila. to Absecum and Atlantic City, Philadelphia to Allentown, Pa. • Philadelphia to Baltimore, Md. - Philadelphia to Bethlehem, Pa, Philadelphia to Blairsville, Pa. Philadelphia to Bridgeton, N.J. Philadelphia lo Broad Top, Pa, Philadelphia to Buffalo, N.Y. Philadelphia to Burlington, N.J. Philadelphia to Canaiidaigua, N.Y. Philadelphia, to Cape May, N.J, Philadelphia to Catawissa, Pa. Philadelphia to Chesnut Hill, Pa. Philadelphia '.o Chicago, III. Philadelphia to Cincinnati, O. Phihidelphia to Cleveland, O. • Philadelphia to Danville, Pa. Philadelphia to Detroit and Chicago, Philadelphia to Downington, Pa, Philadelphia to Diiyleslown,-Pa. Philadelphia to Easton, Pa. Philadelphia to Elniira, N.Y. • Philadelphia to Erie, Pa. Philadelphia to Fleniington, N.J, Philadelphia to Germaniovv-n, Fa. Philadelphia to Greecsburg, Pa. Philadelphia to Gt. Bend, Pa. Philadelphia to Harrisburg, Pa, N . 36 166 . 166 177 ■ 199 200 . 163 160 . 160 161 • 160 152 . 152 152 . 26 ISO • 180 179 179, 180 .J. 113 . 110 89 . 107 101 • 114 112 106, 107 113 • 105 113 . 105 108 . 103 103 . 103 105 • 106 108 109, ii:< 109, 112 - 105 104 . 112 108 • 101 no • 101 Page Philadelphia to Ilollidaysburg, Pa. . loi Philadelphia to Huntington, I'i, . . lot Philadelphia to Indian^poli-, la. - • 103 Philadelphia to Johnstown, Pa. ■ . I01 Philadelphia to Lake Superior, . • ]o6 Philadelphia to Lancaster, Pa, - . lo; Philadelphia to Lewistown, Pa. - . lot Philadelphia to Marietti, O. - . - 103 Philadelphia to Maucb Chunk, Pa. 107, 1 10 Philadelphia lo Media, Pa. - • . 109 Philadelphia to Mt. Holly, N.J. - •• 113 Philadelphia to Nazareth, Pa. • . • IIO Philadelphia to New York, . . 88, 69 Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, • • 105 Philadelphia to Norristown, Pa. • 108 Philadelphia to Oswego, N.Y. - - - 107 Philadelphia to Pittsburg, Pa. . - 101 Philadelphia to potlsvillc. Pa. ■ • • 104 Philadelphia to Reading, Pa. . • 104 Philadelphia to Ridgeway, Pa. . • • 104 Philadelphia to Rochester, N.Y. . • 106 Philadelphia to Salem, N.J. • • • 114 Philadelphia to Sault St. Marie, Mich. 106 Philadelphia to Scrauton, Pa. . . . 1 10 Philadelphia to Sunbury, Pa. - . 106 Philadelphia to Syiacuse, NY. • - 107 Philadelphia lo Tamauqua. Pa. • • lOS Philadelphia to Toronto, Can. • • • 106 Philadelphia lo Towanda, Pa. • . 107 Philadelphia to Trenton, N.J. - - 112 Philadelphia to Tuckerton, N.J. - • 113 Philadelphia to West Chester, Pa. 109, 112 Philadelphia to Wheeling, Va. • • 103 Philadelphia to Williamsporl, Pa. • 105.106 Philadelphia to Wilkesbarre, Pa. • 107, 1 10 Philadelphia to Zanesville, O. • • 103 Piqua, O., to Columbus, O. • • • 144 Piqua, O., to Indianapolis, la. • • 144 Pittsburg, Pa., to Baltimore, Md. - . 173 Pittsburg, Pa., lo Bellefontaine, U. 122, 123, 124 Pittsbiirg, Pa., lo Buflalo, N.Y. . - 67 Piitsburg, Pa., lo Buflalo and Niag. Falls, 127 Pittsburg, Pa., lo Chicago, 111. . 122, 126 Pittsburg, Pa., to Cincinnati, by R.R. 121-126 Pittsburg, Pa., lo Cincinnati, via Ohio R. 1 16 Pittsburg, Pa., to Cleveland, O, . - 125 Pittsburg, Pa., to Culumbus, 0. • 121, 126 Pittsburg, Pa., to Connelsville, Pa. • - 124 Pittsburg, Pa, lo Crestline, O. - 123, 125 Pittsburg, Pa., to Cumberland, Md. - - 124 Pittsburg, Pa., to Dayton, O. - 122, 124 Pittsburg, Pa., to FoitWayce, la. - -122 Pittsburg, Pa., lo Indiana(iolis, la. - 123 Pittsburg, Pa., to Lima, O. ... 122 Pitlsbure, Pa., to Mansfield, O. . 123, 126 Pittsburg, Pa., to Massillon, O. . 123, 125 Pittsburg, Pa., to Mercer, Pa. - - 126 Pittsburg, Pa., to Newark, O. - 121, 124 Pittsburg, Pa., to Philadelphia, • • 101 Pittsburg. Pa., to pteubenvillc, 0. . -121 Pittsburg, Pa., to Toledo, 0. • • 128 Pittsburg, Pa., lo Wheeling, Va. 115, 125 Pittsburg, Pa., lo Woosler, O. . '^ . 123 Pittubure, Pa., lo Xenia, O. - . 126, 126 Piilsfield, Mats., to North Adamt, Mass. 45 Pittslon, Pa., to Philadelphia, . . 107 Plymouth, Mass., lo Boston, Mass. • - 31 Portland, Me., to Augus'a, Me. . . 13 Portland, Me., lo Bangor, Me. ... 12 Portland, Me., to Bangor, Me., via Bath, 14 V ,:Al I i iiir' iiiimaOHilf 344 INDEX. Page . 14 14 . 8,9 11 • II 10 . II 14 . 12 12 146, 147 143 10 94 104 104 PoHUnd, Me., to Rath, Me. Portland, Me., to Belfait, Me. Portland, Me., t* Roston, Mam*. Portland, Me., to Conwav. N.H. ■ Portland, Me., to Dover, N.H. Portland, Me., to Montreal, Can. • Portland, Me., to Quebec, Can, Portland, Me., to Thomaston, Me. Portland, Me., to Waterford, Me. • Portland, Me., to Watcrville, Me. Fortsmouth, 0., to Cleveland, O. Portsmouth, O., to Columbus, O. - Portimoulh, N.H., to Concord, N.H. Pottsville, Pa., to New York, Potltville, Pa., to Philadelphia, PotiRvilte, Pa., to Reading, Pa. • Prairie du Chlen, Wi»., to Green Bay, Wis. S6 Providence, R.I., to Boston, Mas*. "" Providence, R.I., to Bristol, Ct. Providence, R.i., to Hartford, Ct. Providence, R.I., to New Bedford, Mass Providence, R.I., to New London, Ct. Providence, R.I., to Slonington, Ct. • Providence, R.I., to Willlmantic, Ct. Providence, R.I., to Worcester, Mass. Q. Qaebec, Can., to Augusta, Me. • Quebec, Can., to Montreal, Can. • (Quebec, Can., to Portland, Me. Quiney, III., to Peoria, 111. • QuiDcy, HI., to Spriu^eld, III. B. Raleigh, N.C., to Camden, S.C. • Raleigh, N.C., to Charlotte, N.C. - Raleigh, N.C, to Fayetteville, N.C. Raleigh, N.C, to Greensboro. N.C. Raleigh, N.C, to Jonesboro, N.C Raleigh, N.C, (o Newbem, N.C. • Raleigh, N.C, lo Richmond, Va. Raleigh, N.C, to Salisbury, N.C . Reading, Fa., to Philadelphia, Pa. Reading, Fa., to Po<.svill2, Pa. Richmond, Va., to Danville, Va. • Richmond, Va., to Oreenstioro, N.C. Richmond, Va., to Kiioxville, Tt nn. Richmond, Va., to Lynchbure,Va. • Richmond, Va., to Norfolk, Va. • Richmond, Va., to Petersburg, Va. • Richmond, Va., to Raleigh, N.C • Richmond, Va., to Staunton, Va. Richmond, Va., to Washington, D.C. Richmond, Va., to Weidon, N.C • - „. Richmond, Va., to White Sulphur Spr'gs, 178 Ridgeway, Pa., to Erie, Pa. • . 104 Ridgeway, Pa., to Philadelphia, • •104 Rio Grande, Tex., to Austin, Tex. • 207 Rochester, N.Y., lo Corning, N.Y. - -64 Rochester, N.Y., to Danville, N.Y. . 64 Rochester, N.Y., to New York, . - 61 Rochester, N.Y., to Niagara Falls, . 65 Rochester, N.Y., to Ole^n, N.Y. • - 63 Rock Island, M, to Chicago, III. • • 77 Rock Island, III., lo Iowa City, lo. . . 161 Rome, N.Y., lo Ogdeubburg, 'N.Y. • 64 Rome. N.Y., to Watertown, N.Y. - - 63 Rouse^s Point, N.Y., to Burlington, Vt. 20 Rouse's Point, N.Y., to Oedensburg. N.Y. 21 House's Point, N.Y., to Wliitelia 1, N.Y. - 66 28 29 29 30 35 28 29 29 13 67 II 161 159 187 182 1^7 182 182 182 179 181 104 104 179 179 178 178 ISO 179 179 178 90 91 k Pace Routes from Albany, N.Y. • • • 64 Routes from Au^^usta, Ga. • • .191 Routes from Austin, Tex. ... (jog Routes from Baltimore, Md. . . .168 Routes from Boston, Mass. ... 5 Routes from Bufi'alo, N.Y. . • .65 Routes from Charleston, S.C. . . 183 Routes from Chicago, III. . . . .74 Routes from Cincinnati, O. • . . igi Routes from Cleveland, O. ... 145 Route* from Concord, N. H. . . . 23 Routes from Detroit, Mich. • . .71 Routes from Frankfort, Ky. • . 168 Routes from Fitchburg, Mass. . . • 26 Route*'from Galveston, Tex. • * • 205 Routnts torn Hartford, Ct. . . . 36 Routes from Indianapolis, la. > • . 148 Routes from Iowa City, lo. . . .161 Routes from Jackson, Miss. . . .200 Routes from Lexington, Ky. . . .158 Routes from Little Rock, Ark. . . 167 Routes from Louisville, Ky. . . .154 Routes from Mobile, Ala. * . .193 Routes from Montgomery, Ala. . . 197 Routes from Montreal, Can. ... 57 Routes from Nashville, Tenn. • . 193 Routes in New Brunsw'-k, . . . |6 Routes from New Haven, Ct. . • 37 Routes from New London, Ct. . . .34 Routes from New Orleans, La. « . 202 Routes from New York, .... 32 Routes in Nova Scotia, .... 16 Routes to Oregon, California, New Mexico, and Utah, 208 Routes from Philadelphia, Pa. . . 95 Routes from Pittsburg, Pa. . . .115 Routes from Providence, R.I. . . 28 Routes from Raleigh, N. C. . . . 181 Routes from Richmond, Va. . . . 178 Routes from Rochetter, N.Y. ... 64 Routes from Savannah, Ga. ... 187 Routes from Springfield, 111. . . .159 Routes from Springfield, Mass. . . 27 Routes from St. Louis, Mo. . . . Mi3 Rutland. Vt., to Troy, N.Y. ... 62 Routes from W?shington, D.C. . . 176 Routes from Wheeling, Va. . . 127 Routes from Wilmington, Del. • . .114 Routes from Worcester, Mass. • . 25 s. - t Saginaw, Mich., to Detroit, Mich. . Saiem, Mass., to Boston, Mass. . Salem, Mass., to lAwrence, Mass. . Salem, Mass., to Lowell, Mass. . Salem, N.J., to Philadelphia, . Salisbury, N.C, to Raleigh, N.C. Salisbury, N.C, to Warm Sprines, N.C. San Antonio, Tex , to El Paso del Norte, San Antonio, Tex., to Ma7atlan, Mex. Sandusky, O., to Cleveland, O. - Sandusky, O., to Columbus, O. • San Die^o, Cal., to San Fraacisco, Cat. San Fntncisco, Cal., lo San Diego, Cal. Santa F^, N.M., to Fort Smith, Ark. . Santa Fe, N.M., to Sacramento City, Cal. Santa F^, N.M., lo San Dieeo, Cal. . Santa ¥6, N.M., to St. Louis, Mo. . Sault St. Maiie, Mich., to Philadelphia, Savannah, Ga., to Atlanta, Ga. • - 72 8 • 8 8 . 114 181 • 181 208 .207 146 . 143 212 . 212 211 210 210 210 ion Ibd Savannah, Oa.,t Savannah, Ga., t Savannah, Ga., I Savannah, Ga., Savannah, Ga., ti Savannah, Ga., ti Savannah, Ga., t Paybrook, Ct., to Scranton, Pa., to Scranton, Pa., to Scranton, Pa., to Scranton, Pa., to Selma, Ala., to '. Seymour, la., to Seymour, la., tc Seymour, la., to Sharon, Ct., to 1 Shawneetown, I Shreeveport, La Snow Hill, Md. Springfield, III. Springfield, Ma Springfield, Mai Springfield, 111., Springfield, O., Springfield, III. Springfield, III. Springfield, Ma Springfield, Mi Haven, Ct. Springfield, 111. Springfield, III Springfield, III Springfield, III Springfield, 0. Springfield, III Springfield, III St. Augustine, St. Augustine, Staunton,' Va., Steubenville, St. Johnsburg St. Johnsburg St., Louis, Mo St. Louis, Mo St. Louis,Mo St. Louis, Ml St. Louis, M( St. Louis, M( St. Louis, M St. Louis, M St. Louis, M St. Louis, M St. Louis, M St. Louis, ft! St. Louis, ft St. Louis, M St. Louis, ft St. Louis, ft St. Louis, ft St. Louis, A St. Louis, I St. Louis, ] St. Louis, '. St. Louis, 1 St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Paul, ft Stonington Strasburg, 2 «»:j#' INDEX. 24ft |k Page 64 • 191 206 • 168 5 • 65 183 • 74 ISI • MS 23 • 71 158 . 26 205 36 • 148 161 - 200 138 • 167 154 • 163 197 - 67 193 . 16 37 • 34 202 - 32 16 . 115 28 181 178 64 187 159 27 163 62 176 127 114 25 - 72 8 • 8 8 • 114 ISI C. . 181 le, 208 . - 207 146 . 143 213 . • 212 211 ;al. 210 ■ 210 - 210 , tOK • 188 Savannah, Oa. , to Bainbridge, Ga. Savannah, Ga., to Charleston, S.C. • Savannah, Ga., to C'>luinbui:, lia. Savannah, Ga., to Macon, Ga. . Savannah, Ga., to Montgomery, Ala. Savannah, Ga., to Nashville, I'enn. • Savannah, Ga., to St. Auf^ustine, Fla. Say brook, Ct., to Middlelown, Ct. . Scranton, Pa., to Great Bend, Pa. Scranton, Pa., to New York, Pnie 190 . 181 189 . 188 189 . 188 190 . 36 110 61 110 200 140 141 141 37 167 Scranton, Pa., to NewYork, via Del. W. Gap, 94 Scranton, Pa., to Philadelphia, • Selma, Ala.,toMobili^ Ala. • • Seymour, la., to Cincinnati, O. • Seymour, la., to Jelt'ersonville, Ii. * Seymour, la., to Louisville, Ky. • Sharon, Ct., to Hartford Ct. • > Shawneetown, III., to St, Louis, Mo. Sbreeveport, La., to Little Rock, Ark. 168 Snow Hill, Md., to £lkton,Md. . .115 Springfield, III., to Alton, III. • . 169 Springfield, Mass., to Bellows Falls, Vt. • 27 Springfield, Mass., to Brattleboro, Vt. . 27 Springfield, III., to Burlington, lo. • •160 Springfield, O., to Cincinnati, O. • • 135 Springfield, III., to Covington, la. • . 154 Springfield, III., to Decatur, III. . . 159 Springfield, Mass., to Greenfield, Mass. • 27 Springfield, Mass., to Hartford and New Haven, Ct. • . - • ■ 38 Springfield, 111., to Indianapolis, la. 153, 154 Springfield, III., to Madison, la. • .160 Springfield, III., to Peoria, III. . • 160 Springfield, III., to Quincy, III. • . 139 Springfield, 0., to Sandusky, O. . . 135 Springfield, III., to St. Louis, Mo. • 'SI Springfield, III., to Vandalia, III. . . 169 St. Augustine, Flo., to Savannah, Ga. • 190 St. Augustine, Flo., to Tampa Bay, Flo. 190 Staunton, Va., to Washington, D.C. 176, 177 Steubenville, O., to Wheeling, Va. • 146 St. Johnsburg, Vt., to Burlington, Vt. - 22 St. Jobnsburg'Centre, Vt., to W. Riv. June. 22 St.^Louis, Mo., to Caledonia, Mo. • •166 St Louis, Mo., to Chicago, III., via Alton, 81 St. Louis,Mo.,toChiuago,III.,viaChl.B.RR. 82 St. Louis, Mo., to Chicago, III., via Peoria, 79 St. Louis, Mo., to Cincinnati, O. 140, 141 St. Louis, Mo., to Cincinnati, 0.,viaO.Riv. 117 St. Louis, Mo., to Council Bluff. lo. . - 165 St. Louis.Mo., to Falls of St. Anthony, Min. 117 St. Louis, Mo., to Fort Leavenworth, Kan. 165 St. Louis, Mo., to Indianapolis, la. • - 161 St. Louis, Mn., to Jefferson City, Mo., 164, 165 St. Louis, Mo., to Little Rock, Ark. - - 166 St. Louis, Mo., to Louisville, Ky.,viaO R. 117 St. Louis, Mo., to Memphis, Vicksburg, &c. 120 St. Louis, Mo., to New Orleans, La. - - 120 St. Louis, Mo., to Oregon, ... 208 St. Louis, Mo., to Palmyra, Mo. . • 166 St. Louis, Mo., (routes from) . . 163 St. Louis, Mo., to Sacramento City, Cal. . 210 St. Louis, Mo., to Salt Lake, Utah, . 210 St. Louis, Mo., to Santa F6, N.M. - .210 St. Louis, Mo., to Shawneetown, HI. . 167 St. Louis, Mo., to Springfield, III. . .81 St. Louis, Mo., to Terre Haute, la. • 140 St. Paul, Min.. to Chicago, III. . . . 77 Stonington,Ct., to Providence, R.I. . 28 Stnsburg, Va., to Alexandria, Va. - • 177 21* Sunbury, Pa., to New York, ... 94 Sunbury, Pa., to Philadelphia, . . 106,111 Sunbury, Pa., to Williamsport, Pa. . Ill Syracuse, N.Y., to Binghamton, N.Y. . 63 Syracuse, N.Y., to Philadelphia, . . 107 T. TalLahasaee, Fla., to Macon, Ga. Tallahassee, Fla., to Mobile, Ala. Tallahassee, Fla., to Pensacola, Fla. . Tallahassee, Fla., to St. Augustine, Fla, Tampa Bay, Fla., to St. Augustine, Fla. Tamaqua, Pa., to Philadelphia, • . Terre Haute, la., to Cincinnati, 0. . Terre Haute, la., to Evansville, la. Terre Haute, la., to Indianapolis, la. Terre Haute, la., to St. Louis, Mo. Toledo, 0., to Adrian, Mich. . Toldeo, 0., to Cincinnati, O. Toledo, O., to Dayton, O. . . . Toledo, O., to Detroit, Mich. Toledo, O., to Fort Wavne, la. - Toledo, 0. to Indianapolis, la. . Toronto, Can., to Buffalo, N.Y. Toronto, Can., to Barrie, Can. Toronto, Can., toCollingwood, Can. Toronto, Can., to Detroit, Mich. • Toronto, Can., to Londun, Can. • Toronto, Can., to Montreal, Can. Toronto, Can., to Niagara Falls, Toronto, Can., to Philadelphia, • Toronto, Can., to Paris, Can. > Toronto, Can., to Woodstock, Cao. Towanda, Fa., to Philadelphia, > Trenton, N.J., to Easton, Pa. Trenton, N.J., lo Philadelphia, Troy, N.Y., to Bennington, Vt. . Troy, N.Y., to Rutland, Vt. Tuscaloosa, Ala,, to Mobile, Ala. Tuscaloosa, Ala., to Selma, Ala. • Tuscaloosa, Ala., to Vicksburg, Miis. u. Union, la., to Cincinnati, O. Union, la., to Indianapolis, la. . Urbana, ()., to Columbus, 0. • Urbana, 0., to I&dianannlis, la. . V. Vandalia, HI., to Decatur, HI. . Vandalia, III., to Indianapolis, la * Vandalia, HI., to St. Louis, Mo. Vandalia, III., to Springfield, III. . Vicksburg, Miss., to Jackson, Miss. 192 200 200 192 190 105 140 161, 152 . 161 140 • 73 136 . 136 71 • 162 162 . 69 69 . 59 68 . 58 68 . 69 100 . 68 68 - 107 112 . 112 63 . 62 200 . 198 . _ 198 . 137 137 . 144 144 • IS9 150 - 150 169 • 197 Vicksburg, Miss , (to places on Miss. River) 119 Vicksburg, Miss., to Montgomery, Ala. 197 .Vicksburg, Miss., to Tuscaloosa Ala. 198 Vincennes, la., to Evansville, la. . . IM Vincennes, la., to Indianapolis, la. . 1.52 Virginia Springs to Baltimore, Md. 173, 174 Virginia Springs to Washington, D.C. 177 w. j Warm Springs, N.C., to Columbia, S.C. 186 • Warm Springs, N.C., to Greenville, S.C. 186 { Warm Springs, N.C., toSalisbury,N.C. 181,182 Washington, D.C., to Annapolis, Md. . 176 Waiihington, Ter., to Austin, Tex. • 206 Washington, D C, to Baltimore, Md. • 90 Washington, D.C, to Ricluuond, Va. ■ 90 ! . i 246 INDEX. P»Ke Wa«hing«0D, D.C., to Staunton, Va. 176, 177 Wastiinnlon, D.C., toVVh.Sulph.Spr'gs.Va. 174 ...... 1. _ .. . I. ^ j2 66 . 63 12 • 181 91 . 91 109, 112 19 Watcriord, Me., to Portland, Ale, Wateriown, N.Y., to Albany, NT. Waierlown, N.Y., to Rome, N.Y. • Waterville, Me., to Ponland, Me. Weldon, N.C., to Norfolk, Va. . Wcldon, N.C., to Richmond, Va. Weldon, N.C., to Wilmingion N.C. West Chester, Pa., to Philadelphia, West Lebanon, N.H., to BurlJii)(ton, Vt. West Lebanon, N.H., to Concord, N.H. 19 West Lebanon, N.H., to Monipeher, Vt. 19 Wheeling, Va., to Baltimore, Md. • •171 Wheeling, Va., to Cambridge, O. • • 127 Wheeling, Va., to Cincinnati. 0. 103,127,128,129 Wheeling, Va., toCincinnati,0., viaO.Riv. 128 Wheeling, Va., to Cleveland, O. - • 128 Wheeling, Va., to Colunnbus, 0. • • 127 Wheeling, Va., to Indianapolis, la. • 128 Wheeling, Va., to Lexington, Ky. • -129 Wheeling, Va., to Louisville, Ky. . • 128 Wheeling, Va., to Newark, O. . . 127 Wheeling, Va., to Philadelphia, • • 103 Wheeling, Va., to Pittsburg, Fa. • • 125 Wheeling, Va., to Fiqua, O. . . . 128 Wheeling, Vs., to St. Louis, via Ohio Riv. 128 Wheeling, Va., to ZanesTille,0., - •127 Whitehall, N.T., to Rellowt Falls, Vt. 56 Whitehall, N.Y., to Rout -s Point, N.Y. 66 Wh. Sulphur Sp'gSjVa., to Guayandotte,V«. 180 Wh. Sulphur Sp'ngs, Va., to Lynchburg, Va. 180 Wh. Sulphur Sp'ngs,Va., to Richmond, Va. 178 Williamsburg, Me., to Bangor, Me. • 14 Williamaport, Fa., to Corning, N.Y. • •111 Williamsport, Pa., to New York, • 94 Williamsport, Pa., to Philadelphia, • lOS, 106 Willinutntic, Ct., to Hartford, Ct., • SO Willimaniic, Ct., to Providence, R.L Wilkesbarre, I'a., to New York, • Wilkesbarre, Pa^ to Philadelphia, . Wilmington, N.C., to Augusta, Ga. - a, Wilmington, Del., to Dover ft Georgetown, lu 173 196 I'nue 29 03 107 91 Wilmington, N.C, to Weldon, N.C', Winchester, Va., to Baltimore, Md. • Winchester, Tenn., to Nashville, Tenn. Winchester, Va., to Wh. Sulphur Sp»gs,Va. 173 " ■ " . ^. ^g Winsted, Ct., to Bridgeport, Ct. Worcester, Mass., to Barre Mass. Worcester, Mass., to Fitchburg, Mass. • 26 Worcester, Mass., to Gardner, Mass. • 26 Worcester, Mass., to Lawrence, Mass. . 25 Worcester, Mass., to Lowell, Mass. • 2S Worcester, Mass., to Pelerboro', N.H. . 26 Worcester, Mass., to Providence, R.L . 29 X. Xenla, 0., to Cincinnati, O. . . . 134 Xenia,0., to Cleveland, O. . . . 134 Xeuia, 0., to Columbus, O. . • .134 Y. York, Pa., to Baltimore, Md. - . 172 York, Pa., to Chambersburg, Pa. • •108 York, Pa., to Harriaburg, Pa. > • 172 z. Zanesville, O., to Akron, O. . . . 147 Zanesville, O., to Cincinnati, O. • • 103 Zanesville, 0., to Cleveland, O. • • 147 Zanesville, O., to Columbus, O. • - 144 Zanesville, 0., to Marietta, 6. . . .144 Zanesville, (>., to Millersburg,0. . 147 Zanesville, O., to Newark, O. • • .144 Zanesville, O., to Philadelphia, • . IU3 Zanesville, 0., to Wheeling, \tu • • 103 INDEX TO TOURIST'S GUIDE. A von Springs, N.Y. . • . • Hedford Springs, Pa. .... Brandywine Sprines, Del. Brown's Mills, N.J Caldwell and Lake George, N.T. • C^pe Ann, Mass. . . . • C;«pe May, N.J. .... Carlisle Springs, Fa. . . . . Catskill Falls, N.Y. .... Caiskii Mountains, N.Y. . . . Chelsea Beach, Mais. . . - D< laware Water Gap, . • . Doubling Gap White Sulphur Springs, Drennon Sprinc^, Ky. . . . . Falls of St. Antl): ny, Min. Ten Genesee Falls. N.Y. . . . . Glen's Falls, N.Y. .... Hot Springs, Ark. . . . . Lebanon Springs, N.Y. ... Lehieh Water Gap, Pa. . . . Long Branch, N.J. .... GENERAL Coins of diflTerent nations, with their value in Amrrican money, • . . . Foreign measures of length reduced into Rti^lislrdpnomiiiations, • • . Population of Ci ies and Towns. - Arva and Population of United States, 220 222 220 222 218 221 221 222 218 218 221 Sv!0 226 226 225 220 217 226 219 220 221 INFORMATION, Cotton Manuiat turcs of United Slaves, . 232 Iron Manufactures of United Slates, • • 233 Woollen Manufactures of United States, 231 S eriiiig Money leduced into Dnils. and Cfs. 230 Weiifhts and Measures of rirei^^n countries, rcdated to Eiigl sh tleuiimii-al ons, . 227 Mammoth Cave, Ky. Mammo h Cave, (Routes to) Mount Vernon, Va. ... Nahant, Mass. ... Natural Bridge, Va. ... Newport, R.I. . . . , Niagara Falls .... Phillip's Beach, Mass. . Rockaway Beach, N.Y. • Saratoga Lake, N.Y. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. . Schooley's Mountain, N.J. • Shannondale Springs, Va. • Trenton Falls, N.Y. - Virginia Springs ... Virginia Springs, (Routes to) Warm Springs, Perry Coun y, Ta.. Warm Springs, N. C. - White Moun ains, N. H. - White Mountains (Routes to) • Yellow Springs, ... > 22,<i 225 •224 221 - 224 221 • 215 221 221 217 • 216 220 ■ 226 219 • 222 2a . 226 224 . 213 214 22s 234 212 '■M ■^i .J u -^3 u o-'i H u rH ::) a ,0., t.J -' ^-' 17 ii: \4a UlSSflM/ HlVTll/ k: , '^^ Vile*'' K % Ml "4*II.A- ■^'••I'nir^. i „.u") Sow fjtUnctn a K-i Cl To""*"/ ^ frijA ff- \ ^"''" A) 1 ) "•••^^ A. */ r. Otur t ■ f" ^^f *"♦' /*>J^ O ^-^f^-f^ V'^'-nni* ,f^«.„,,, %Ai^ /KA ,A^/ T'll^Kr l^tA w Lo, 'Mf>\ N S C^i .<»? \fiT,. •i.'J .Vfi :<7 .'^/v//' ^'^i .»■««.«»• ''■'■''' fof: TiYtti"'' |t» f K^4^^ ■""^ /'-^//; [""*■>. /An ifout. 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