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LIST OF PHIZES OFFERED FOR COMPETITION AT THE am GREAT PROVINCIAL {\ MSICULTURAL EXHIBITION, TO BE HELD AT Hi^LIF^X, ]^. S., ON liCondt'\Taesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, October 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th, TOT^L A^MOXJISTT OF PRIZES Oiri^-EREr) SOO^J.3.SI5. Helu byauthotity of the Provincial Legislature of Nova Scotia, and under direction of the Central Board of Agriculture, GEORGE LAW»OK, SecretaiT. |M li COMPETITION OPEN TO THE WHOLE PROVINCE. H \ NOVA SCOTIA PRINTING COMPANY, CORNER SMVILLE AND GRANVILLE STREET8, HALIFAX. 1874. •■-ft: ^ I 1 / ■ ) ,'t i ^^1 .r l^MMMM lilS^B xmt irobincial ^grictilteral f a£]^ibiti0n. isr-i P2tOGBAICl£S FOB TEE WEEZ. For the lonvenience of person i at a distance who may intend to bring live ftxiimala and articles requiring speedy and «aref»il transit, the following particulars are given of the intended Programme of Arrangements. Further details will be made public sometime previous to the show : — Monday, Odoher 5. — The exhibition grounds and buildings will be opened this morning, at 7 o'clock, and continue open during the day, till sunset, for the reception and arrangement of exhibition articles, and animals. Exhibitors on ar- rival will immediately report themselves to the Superintendent of the Exhibition, who will allot appropriate pens or space tor their exhibits. This day none but members of the general committee offi- cials, judges, exhibitors and necessary at- tendants will be admitted. Tuesday, 6. — Live animals, cut flowers rnd hot house plants, and perishable ar- ticles generally, will be received this morning from sunrise up to 9 o'clockj A.M., precisely ; when the jiidges in the various classes will mecit at the Secjre- tary's office, obtain entry books, and com- mence to awanl premi\iiijs. As 8oo),i as the respective coijimittees of judges haye made their awards they will personally show their books to the Secretary, *nd will then hQ lumished with the requisite prize tickets, which it will be their duty to place carefully upon the various arti- cles before giving up their books and report. This day the exhibition will b« thrown open to the public at 2 o'clock, P.M., on payment of 50 cts. each time ; children under twelve years of age 25 ct«. At three o'clock, the President and Mem- bers of the Board of Agriculture will re- ceive His Honor the Lieut. Governor, and such officiiil persons as may be in- vited to take part in the opening cere- mony. An address will be delivered. Seats on the platform will be reserved for the Presidents of all Agricultural Societies throughout the Province that have sub- scribed to the Prize Fund. Wednesday 7th. — The judges will thi« day meet as soon after 7 A.M., as possible, and will complete their awards, and wiU place all the remaining prize tickets. Admission to the public 25 cts. Children 10 cents. Thursday, 8th. — Admission this day 25 cts., and children 10 cts. Friday, 9th. — Admission this day 25 cts.. Children 10 cts. The general com- mittee will meet at twelve o'clock noon. An address will be delivered at 2 o'clock, P.M., and official announcements made, after which (three o'clock) live stock may be removed from the grounds. Haiurday, 10th.— The Treasurer will commence paying premiums at the grounds at 9 A.M. All live t )ck and articles of every description wiu be removed this day, if not during the preceding atternoon. Bands of music wUl be in atttmdanee at stated intervala <j^ GENERAL REGULATIONS. •V GEITEBAL EEaiTLATZOlTS, 1. Every intending competitor must transmit to the Secretary, not later than the dates mentioned below, an entry paper, ceufciining a correct list of the ani- niale or articles which h© inttmds to ex- hibit, together with certiricatti of pedigree in the case of thorough-bred stock, or else a reference to the registry nunibers of the Nova Scotia Stock Kegister, or English, Canadian or American Herd iJooks. Any competitior failing to trans- mit his entry certificate at the proper time will be excluded from competition. No fee is charged for the entry of animals or articles. 2. Horses, cattle, sheep, swino and poultry, must be entered on or before Saturday, 5th Sep., one month preceding the show, and the age of each animal should be stated in years, months and days. 3. Plants and Flowers, Grain, Roots, Vegetables, and other field and garden products. Agricultural Implements, and manufactures of all kinils, and articles not elsewhere enumerated, may be enter cd up to Saturday, 2Gth September, one clear week preceding the show. 4. Exhibitors of bulky articles, re- quiring extensive or unusual accomoda- tion, should communicate with the Secre- tary during the first week in September, in order tliat there may be time for the committee to make the requisite arrange- ments. 5. All articles for exhibition must be on the grounds on Monday, 5th October, after which day none will be received except live stock, fruit, flowers, hot-house plants, and othey perishable artiiih's, which will be received up to 9 A.M., on Tuesday, 6th, All necessary erections, and bulky articles requiring to \ni ])ut together on the grounds or in the buildings, must be fin- ished, and all waste material and rubbish removed, not later than 12 o'clock, on Saturday, 3rd October, as no such work can be permitted during the show week. •'■• ' 6. Exhibitors will in every case give the necessary personal attention to what- ever they exhibit. Necessary attendants upon stock and workmen actually re- quired to attend to machinery, will be furnished with admission tickets with theii- names written upon them, which tickets will be good at the Exhihiior's Gate only during the sho,v. 7. All articles for coinpetion shall be the production or manufacture of the Pro- vince, except where otherwise mentioned, field produce must be the growth of 1874 ; and all live stock musi have been owned and kept in the Province not less that three months prior to the Exhi- bition. 8. Articles from other countries, and especially from other Provinces of the Dominion, are solicited, but not for com- petition. The judges will have the power of granting a limited number of honorary prizes for such articles. 9. All expenses inciUTed in the con- veyance of articles or animals to and from Halifax, placing them in the exhibition, and maintaining them while there, shall be borne by the exhibitors, who must like- wise undertake all risk of loss or damage. Articles must in every case be delivered and unpacked free of expense to the Board. 10. Each exhibitor will receive from the Secretary an entry ticket for every article to be exhibited by him, and he is re(j[uired to affix such ticket upon the ar- ticle or animal which he exhibits, except in Class 11, Fruits, in which all articles exhibited will be taken charge of by au Arranging Conmiittee. 11. When fewer than three competi- tors appear for any jnize, and where the articles exhibited are of inferior merit, the judges shall have the discretionary power of awarding or withholding prizes or reducing their values. No article can take two prizes or be exhibited in two collections, unless the contrary is distinct- i •V GENERAL REGULATIONS. * ^^x prossofl in the prize list. In esti- .iiutiiig the merits of live stock the judges are requested to take age into considem- tion where animals of (iifferent ages are competing against each other. 12. In case of ties, the judges will award the highest prizes to animals from largest herds, and to roots and grains from largest areas, upon proof furnished Secretary hy exhibitors upon entering animals, &c., for exhibition. The, com- mittee are required to reject articles which they shall consider unworthy or unfit for exhibition. 1 3. No person shall be allowed to en- ter for Exhibition more than one speci- men (or reciuired (piantity) in any one section or class. This rule is not to ap p?y to aiiimals, but to apply to all kinds of graiii, vegetable products, plants and ii(^\. jrs, fruits, implements, home manu- '''^■.*,.;i;' oS, &c. 14. during th^^ CAhibition, all vege- table prorUicts :-nd manufactured articles shall be under the ccntiol of the Exhibi- ac/u Sup'm'nte. d^ntr, and all livestock shall be taken charge of t)y tlicir (jwners, — the Superuitendents giving all practic- able assistance in providing the necessary accommodation and food. Hay, straw, oats, and roots, will be supplied on the grounds at reasonable prices, and there will be a free Rup])ly of water. 15. All articles exposed for sale shall have the i)rices affixed, and })e sold by the owners, or by parties appointed by them for that purpose. The Board, while desirous of affording every facility for busin(>,ss, are not to be regarded as •undertaking any responsibility in connec- tion with such transactions. No Auc- tioneer will be allowed to sell animals or articles on the grounds or in the building without the written permi.ssion of the I'rosidont or Secretary of the Board of Agriculture, and the time and place of sale specified in sucli permission must l>e strictly adhered to. 16. Articles sent for competition or ex- hibition shall not be removed from the exhibition rooms or grounds, till the time appointed, under forfeiture of any prizes may or awards that have been made to the respe(;tive exhibitors. 1 7. Any person who shall attemptto in- terfere with the judges while in the dis- charge of their duties, or who shall atr tempt to influence their decisions by his presence or remarks, or who shall after^ wards, within the limits of the show grounds, use any contemptuous or abusive language, in consequence of any award made, shall forfeit his right to any prem- iums to which he might otherwise be en- titled, and be otherwise dealt with as the Board may determine. 1 8. An Exhibitor who may feel aggrieved in consequence of any accidental irregu- larity, is requested simply to draw the at^ tention of the Superintendent of the De- partment, or of some Member or Official of the Board to such, without entering into any discussion apt to cause hindrance or distraction. Should he not receive what he may consider sufficient redress on the spot, he must nevertheless abide by the decision given, and conform to the Rules as interpreted by officials ; but he may, at theclo.se of the"^ Exhibition, bring the matter before the Board by written statement, witJi a view to full enquiry. 19. No animal can be admitted within the enclosure that has not been previously entered in accordance with Regulations 1 and 2, and animals of an inferior charac- terv unworthy of a place in the exhibition, will not be admitted under any circum- stances. N. B. — Tlie above Programme and Reg^iJatiom will he caMed out as strictly as practicable ; but, as the precise position and extent of the Exhibition Buildings are not yet determined, the Board reserve to themselves the power to malce such changes in the Arrangements and Regula- tions as may become necessary for the successful carrying out of tJie Exhibit on. 6 -*'' t >» 1 PRIZE LIST. OZJLSSL SOIlSSd.* 8uni«B«. SncnoN. 1. Best thoroagh-bred stallion, 4 years old and upwards t50 00 „ 2nd do 30 00 ^. Best stallion, to breed horses for agricul- tural and draft purposes, 4 years old and upwards and do , 3rd do ». Best stallion to breed horses for trotting, carriage or road, 4 years and upwards. 2nd do 3rd do 4. Best stallion to breed horses for agricul- tural and draft purposes, 3 years and . "nder Snd do ard do ... . 5. Best stallion to breed horses for \:rotting, carriage or road, 3 years and under 2nd do 3rd do 6. Best stallion on the ground of any age or breed* * PO 00 30 00 20 00 40 00 30 OU 20 00 30 00 20 OC 15 00 30 00 20 00 10 00 50 00 * * The Hor«u to be kept for breeding purposes In the riovince. for at least one yenrafier taking the prbe. The Mimal taking this priie is n )t excluded from other prizes ror which he may be otherv ise eligible. Mares. BROOD MARE AND COLT, OK EVIDINCK THAT A COLT HAS BEEN REARED. 7. Best thorough-bred brood mare. . . . $40 00 2nd do 30 00 8. Best brood mare for breeding horses for agricultural purposes 40 00 2nd do 30 CO 3rd do 20 00 9. Best brood mare for breeding horses for trotting, road or carriage purposes.. . 40 00 2nd do 30 00 3j"d do 20 00 Saddle, Tarrlagc and Draft Homes. 10. Best saddle horse, mare or gelding, under saddle 20 00 2nd do 15 00 3rd do 10 00 Best pair matched carriage horses in car- riage 30 00 2nd do ..20 00 3rd do 15 00 Best single carriage horiie (not one cf a pair) driven in carriage 20 Oo 2nd do 15 00 ., 3rd do 10 00 13. Best pair draft horses, 40 00 2nd do 30 00 3rd do.. , 20 00 11 12 ColU. 14. Best colt, filly or gelding, 3 yean old. , $15 00 2nd ■ do 3rd do Best colt, filly or gelding, 2 years old. 2nd do.. 3rd do ... ■■....■" Best colt, filly or gelding, 1 year old... 2nd do 3rd do 17. Best sucking colt. ' 2nd do 3rd do 15 16 12 00 10 00 12 00 10 00 8 00 10 00 8 00 4 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 • In awarding the prizes for Horses, the Judges are re- quested to take Into account the oize, trainingrstyle and souiHlness, ah well as breed, and not to award any nrlio unless they consider the animal worthy of it. Colts exhibited with their dams in sections 7, 8 and 9 are eligible to compete m section 17; but no other animal will be allowed to coirpete it more thaa one Section, except when competing as best Stallioa of any age or breed. CLASS 2. CATTLE. THOROUGH BRED STOCK. Certified Pedigree. Short Horn Durhama. Section. BULLS. . Best thorough -bred Durham bull, 3 years old and upwards f 30 00 2"d do do .... 3rd do do.. Best thorough-bred Durham bull, 2 years old 2nd do do.."".... Best thorough-bred Durham bull, I year old or under .... 2nd do do '....'■' cows. 4. Best thorough-bred Durham cow 2nd do do .... " 3rd do do.. ""... 6. Best thorough-bred Durham heifer, 2 years old 2nd do do..." 6. Best thorough-bred Durham heifer' "i year old or under 2nd do do .... " Ayrshircs. 20 00 15 00 16 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 20 00 15 00 10 00 12 00 10 00 12 00 IC 00 BULLS. 7. Best thorough-hred Ayrshire bull, 3 years old or upwards 8, 2nd do 3rd do Best thorough-bred vears old 2nd do Best thorough-bred year old or under 2ud do do ... do Ayrshire bull, 2 do Ayrshire "do. Bull 1 925 00 18 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 Y: [ J' f >, PRIZE LIST. .tt5 00 12 00 . 10 00 12 00 . 10 00 8 00 . 10 00 8 00 . 400 8 00 . 6 00 4 00 .S30 00 20 00 15 00 15 06 10 UO 15 00 10 00 t oowa. 10. Best thorough -bred Ayrshire cow. ... 20 00 2nd do do 15 00 3rd do do ... . 10 00 11. Best thorough-bred Ayrshire heifer, 2 years old 12 00 2nd do do 10 00 It. Best thorough-bred Ayrshire heifer, 1 year old or under 12 00 2nd do do 10 00 D2TOBS. BULLS. 13. Best thorough-bred Devon ball, 3 years old and upwards S25 00 2nd do do 18 00 3rd do do 16 00 14. Best thorough-bred Devon bull, 2 years old 15 00 2nd do do 10 00 li. Best thorough-b/ed Devon bull, 1 year old or under 16 00 2nd do do 10 00 cows. 16. Best thorough-bred Devon cow .... 2nd do do ... . 3rd do do 17. Best thorough-bred Devon heifer, 2 years Old. ... 2nd do do 13. Best thorough-bred Devon heifer, 1 year old or under '. ioA do do Alderneys or kerseys. 20 00 15 00 10 00 12 00 10 00 12 00 10 00 19 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. bull, 3 BULLS. Best thorough-bred Alderney years old and upwards 2nd do do 3rd do do ... . Best thorough-bred Alderney bull, years old. ... 2nd do Best thorouph-bred vear old or under. 2nd do do ... . Alderney bull, do., cows. Best thorough-bred Alderney cow . 2nd do do.... 3rd do do . . Best thorough-bred Alderney heifer, years old 2nd do do ... . Best thorough-bred ^ Idemey heifer, year old or under 2nd do do ... . GRADE CATTLII. $25 00 18 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 20 00 15 00 10 00 12 00 10 00 12 00 10 00 BULLS. 26. Best Grade bull. 3 years old and up- wards $20 00 2nd do do 15 00 1 26. Best Grade bull, 2 years old .... 15 00 2nd do do 10 00 27. Best Grade bull. I year old or under. 10 00 Sad do do t • • .... 5 00 O0W8. Sectiom. ?8, Best Grade cow, 3 years old and 2rid do do .... 3rd uo do 4th do do .... 5th do do Best Grade heifer, 2 yaars old . 2nd do do • • • 3rd do do... 4th do do • • • 5th do do • < • 30. Best Grade Heifer, 1 year old 2nd do do • • • 3rd do do 4th do do • ■ • 31. Best Grade heifercalf. . . . 2nd do • • • • • • • 3rd do... ■ • • • • 4th do • • t • • • • 32. Best Fat cow of any age • ■ • 2nd do do. • • • ■ , 3rd do do • • • • npwardS15 M .... t4 0« 12 0* .... 10 0« sot 12 Of .... 10 Oi 8 0* .... TO* .... 6 Of 10 0$ .... 80* 6 0* .... 4 Of 10 0* .... 800 500 ... 40$ .... 20 00 10 0* .... 60* OXER. 33. Best nair of oxen largest and fattest 50 00 2nd " do do 40 00 3rd do do ... . 25 00 34. Best single ox or steer, largest and fattest not one of a pair .... ... 30 00 35- Best pair working oxen, 4 years old and upwards 30 00 2nd do do 25 00 3rd do do ... . 15 00 4th do do .... 12 00 36. Bast pair steers, 3 years old 25 00 2nd do do 15 ^# 3rd do do. . 10 v ; 4th do dj 8 00 37. Best pair steers, 2 years old .... 20 00 2nd do do 14 00 3rd do do 10 00 4th d:> do 8 00 38. Bast J air steere, 1 year old 15 00 2nd do do 12 00 3rd do dJ 10 0«» 4th do do 8 0» 39. Best pair steer calves 12 00 2nd do 10 00 3rd do 8 00 4th do 6 00 The following Prizes are offered for Grades obtained by crossing onr native cattle witk thorough-bred animaL *' particular breeds; but any mixture ol Shurt Horn or Durham blood will disqcahfy from competitioa for these prizes : — 40. Best Grade Devon Cow, 3 years old or upwards .... $15 00 2nd do do do ... 10 00 41. Best Grade Devon Heifer, under 3 years 10 2nd do do 42. Best Grade Ayrshire Cow, 8 years old or upwards 2nd do do ... . 43. Best Grade Ayrshire Heifer, under 3 yrs 2rid do do ... . 44. Best Grade Alderney or Jersey Cow, 3 years old or upwardd 2nd do do — 00 8 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 8 00 13 00 10 00 •m^*- tmm 10 00 8 00 50 00 S Section. 46. Best Grade Aldcrney or Jersey Heifer under tLree years ' 2nd do do . . Herds. M. Best herd thorough-bred rattle, (' bull, 3 cows and 2 heifers, all of one breed) the property of the Ex'iibitor, and owned by him for 6 months before l.xhibitii.n, unless imported bvhim . ♦7. Best 5 pair- of oxen en the ground, that shall not obtain other prizes at the Exhibition, to be divided equally among the owners JOO 00 _ Youn<r animals may compete, if the Ex- hibitor thinks fit, in an older class than that to which they properly belong ; but no animal will be allowed to compete in more than one of the foret,oing Sections, except in the Herds. MpecCal l»rlz«'s rontrlbntetl hy (icorse Fniscr KsQm Halifax. 48. For the best and fattest Ox $f»0 00 4&. For the best and fattest Milch Cow.. 25 00 These i>rizes may be competed for by animals that are likewise competing for other prizes, and are to be given only to^sucli per- aons, as may, for some time previous to the exhibition, have used the " North British Company's " Nutritious Condiment, in feed- ing the Cattle intended for Exhibition. CLASS 3. SEESF. Sbort W«ol. Thoroughbred.* Section. 1. Best South Down ram, 2 shears and over 2nd do 2. Best South Down ram, shearling 2nd do .... ;..."■ 3. Best ram lamb .... 2nd do 4. Best 2 South Down ewer, 2 shears and over 2nd do ■■■■ 3rci do 6. Best 2 South Down ewes, shearlinc 2nd do .... 3rd do "'".... 6. Best 2 Sonth Down ewe lambs. . . . 2nd do 3rd do Long n'ool. ' Thorough-bred, * PRIZE LIST. X $10 00 8 00 8 00 6 00 7 CO 5 00 9 00 7 00 5 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 7 00 5 00 3 00 Best ram, 2 shears and 2nd . do . 3rd , do Best 4im, shearling . 2nd do ... . 3rd do Best ram lamb .... 2nd do 3rd do 4th do over. . , U 00 12 00 10 00 12 00 10 00 8 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 4 UO Section. 10. Rest 2 ewes, 2nd 3rd 11. Best 2 ewes, 2nd 3rd 12. Best 2 ewes, Iambs 2nd do 3rd do 4fh do 2 shears and over dc do shearling do .... do . 14 .. • 12i00 . 10 00 12 0) . lo'oo - 8J0(> .1:6 00 *^8 00 . C 00 4 00 uilf,'.>» will be gui'led by purity of blood in tfib above prizes. long M'oolled Breeds, <ro»»e«, Ak. •The j awarding Other !3. Best ram, 2 shears and over.. . 2nd do S'-d do ... . 4tn do 5th do 14. B»at ram, shearling .. . -nd do 3rd do '»th do ■■■ , 6th do 15. Best ram lamb .... 2nd do 3rd do .... 4th do 6th do "■ 16. Best 2 ewes, 1 shears and over . . 2nd do' 3rd do ■ ■' 4th do 5th do ■■ "... 17. Bt.-Jt 2 ewes, shearlings .... 2nd do.... . 3rd do .... 4th do ■ " Sf*^- do .... ■ ,..."■ 18. Best 2 ewe laaibs 2na do 3r'l do *■* f'' do ••• 6th do 10. Best wether, not over three shears' 2nd do do '$12 00 10 00 - 8 00 5 00 . 400 10 00 . 9 00 8 00 . 6 00 5 00 . 3 ■>© 7 00 . 6200 4 00 . 8 00 12 00 , 10 0(1 8 00 6 00 4 00 $10 00 8 00 . 6 00 4 . 3 00 00 8 00 7 OO 00 5 00 4 00 10 OO 8 OO Special Prize rontrlbiited bj Ctorse Fraser, Esq., Halifax. 20. For the best and Fattest Sheep ....^10 00 This prize may be compe^od for by ani- mals that are likewise conipcting to- other prizes, and is to be given only to an Exhibi- tor who has, for some time previous to the Jixhibiticn, used the " North British Com- pany's " Nutritious Condiment for feeding the anil lal shown. All sheep shown must have had the entire fleece taken oiTnot earlier than 1st May, 1874 CLASS 4. SWINE. Rerkslitres. Thorough-bred. Section 1. Best boar, 2 years and over. . . . 2nd do.,.. 3rd do ....'.... -r. ? 1 $10 00 8 00 . 6 00 Bjf«l?».i: 'iaftBl-fflftfeMcfti^Jtei.^ i iii^ajU^'*.^.,^- T^.-Li^jiji //. . u . . i 1 • 12300 1 . 10,00 f 12.0 » 10 00 . 1t6 00 ** 8 W) 6 00 4 00 blood in •^ ■ ^ :^' $12 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 10 m 9 00 1 8 00 6 00 5 00 3 -^O 7 00 6|00 i 4 00 2 00 - 12 00 10 ()(» 8 00 6 00 4 00 $10 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 J 3 00 8 0<* / ■ 7 00 C 00 5 00 400 10 00 8 00 0. in A/i ^ f PRIZE LIST. TIOK. 'ill. IfcBt boar, 1 vear and under 2 years 2nd do 3rd do ,,"■ ?. B( st boar, under 1 year 2nd do Srd do 4. Best sow, 2 v( ars and over . . . . ' 2nd di , 3rd d. .••••....- 5. Best sow undfr 2 veais . . . 2nd do....' .... 8rd do "... M'iilte ClifNters. Thorough-bnd. 6. Best boar, o\ er 2 vears. ... end do: 7. De.si sow, over 1 vc-^.r 2nd do"... 8. Best boar, J year and under .... 2nd do 9. Best sow, 1 vear and under .... 2uu do Snfforc and Small Yorksblrrs, 10. Best boar, over 2 vears old .... 2nd do 11. Best boar, under 2 A'ears old .... 2nd do 12. Best sow, over 2 yeirs old 2nd do 13. Best sow, under 2 years old .... 2nd do". 9 00 7 00 6 00 8 00 G 00 4 00 in 00 8 00 6 or 9 00 7 00 5 iiO 10 00 8 00 10 00 8 00 8 00 6 00 8 00 6 00 7 00 7 (»0 ■ .0 s tir 7 00 7 00 5 00 Ail other BrcedH and Crosses. 14. Best boar over 2 v'ears old .... 2nd do 3rd do 15. Best boar, 1 year and under 2 years old £.id do .... 16. Best bor.r. under 1 year old .... ,, 2nd do 17. best sow, over 2 vears old .... 2nd do 18. Best sow, 1 vear and under 2 years 2nd do... .... 19. Best sow, under I year 2nd do 20. Best fat hog 2nd do ■■" 2nd do '■ ' 21. Best brecdi.if? sow & litter (not fewer than five pigs) of any breed or afe'e. ... 20 00 i'ad do do 15 00 $10 00 8 00 6 00 10 00 8 00 8 "0 « 00 12 00 10 00 10 00 8 00 8 (10 6 00 20 00 15 00 12 00 $10 00 8 00 6 00 Special Prl7.e coiilrllnitrd by (Jcorse Franer, ts«i., llalll'ax. 22. For the best and fattest Pig $15 00 This pi-ize niny be competed for by animals tiiat are likewise competing for other prizes, nnd ip to ue given only to an Exhibitor who has, for ?oiiu' time previous to the Exliibition, used the " North Briti'sh Cornpanv'a" Nutri- tious Condiment in feeding the aniiual shown, as in Class 3, -Section 13. OL^s e. foxtlthy. Skction. 1. F.esttri'v of turkeys 2nd do 3rd do 2. Be^t trio of geese 2nd do 3rd do 3. Best trio .)fhvbrid or niongr';! 4. Best trio of duck's 2nd do 3rd do 5. Beat ^rio Cochin Chinp. fowls 2nd do 3rd do 6. Best trio Brahinas (liiilit) . . . 2rd do.. .... 3rd do 7. Best trio of Brabmas (dark) 2nd do .... ... .3rd do 8. Best .rio of ga.ae. ... 2nd ,lo 3rd do 9. Best trio of Dorkings . . . 2nd do 3i'u do 10. Rest trio of black Ilamburchs. 2;.d do 3rd do 11. Bt-J^t trio of other Hainburchs 2.-.d do .... ... 3rd do.. .... 12. Best irio of Spanish 2nd do 3rd do 13. Best trio of Polish .... 2nd do 3rd do 14. Best trio of Bantams. . 2nd do 3rd do 15. Best trio of Crt've Coeur. . Do. la Fieche Do. lioudan .... Do. Algerine. Best trio cf Wiiite Leghorns geese 16. 17 18. Best half doz Spring Chickens, any breed 19. 2nd 3rd Best trio 2nd 3rd do do barn door fowl, , do do. 20. 21. 2nd do 3rd do Be.it trio of pigeons 2nd do 3rd do.. Best trio of capons . . . 2r.d do . . Best trio of Guinea fowl do do 8 Oft 5 00 3 flC 8 00 5 (Xl 3 (H> 6 00 6 00 00 00 00 3 00 2 ()0 4 3 2 4 00 00 00 00 3 00 2 30 5 00 40o 3 00 4 00 8 00 2 00 4 00 3 00 9. 00 00 (K» 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0() 00 CO 00 00 4 3 2 .5 4 3 4 3 2 4 3 2 5 5 5 CO 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 f.O 09 3 00 00 00 00 00 flO 00 * A Trio means one male and two females. The exhibitors of Fowls must aU.'ii>'. to feedlnjr, wutering r^ud cleanint;, a.i in the ca^e Of other live btc.ok. [jt<.«:K'-i: - ^....v..,;~„| ' >'V.. '..*-■" •caOiiMitoMaHMiilri lO PRIZE LIST. 0LASS6. aRAnTATD FIELD SBBSS GRAUT MAinTPAOTITRBS, &c. S«CTION. [. Best bushel winter wheat 2nd do 3rd do 4th do I. Best bushel spring wheat. 2nd do 3rd do.... 4'h do 5th do... • Best bashel white oatg " * " 2nd do. . 3rd do 4th do.... 5tli do Best bushel black oats 2nd do 3rd do.... ■•".... 4th do J'tb do... Best bushel yellow oats * " ' " 2nd do 8rd do 4th do 6th do Best bushel oats, of any new "or impTo'v- ^d sorts introduced into the Province withju the last six years.... ' Skctiow, 19. Best bushel timothy seed . 8nd 3rd 4th 6th do do do do Best bushel barley 2nd do 3rd do... „^ 4fh do ... ": *.0. Best bushti red clover seed 2iid do „ 3rd do 8 00 ^^- J*^"' 20 Ibb. Swedish turnip seed . " ' " 2nd do ^ 3rd do... 22. Best 15 lbs. Blood Beet sp'e'd ' " " ' 2nd «lo ... 3rd do Best 5 lbs. carrot seed, field 2Md do 3rd do.... 24. Best 10 lbs. mangold wurtzel seed ' . ^'"i do. . . . 3id do Best one dozen beads 'broom corn " " "411(1 do 3rd do Best half bushel flax seed * . . " " 2nd do.... ^"^ do ...."■■.. "■' 27. Best flour of Nova Scotian wheat' ^^ground in a Nova Scotia mill, 1 bbl ' 28 Best flour or meal Jf N. S. oats, IfXMbs. 29. H^est flour or meal o_f N S. corn, loo'lbs. 30- Best do buckwheat, IW lbs $6 OO 5 00 4 00 3 no 10 00 8 00 6 4 3 2 1 00 23. 26. 00 00 00 00 4 00 3 C) 2 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 1 M) 5 00 1 00 3 9. 10. 11. If. 13 14. 15. 16. 17. 2nd do.... 3rd do ... ■"■ 4th do.... 5th do ....'■•*. Best bushel rve, summer 2nd do ■• ■ 3rd do.,.. "...■'■■ • Best bushel rye, v- inter'"' 2nd do.. 3rd do Best bushel buckwheat, smooth 2nd do 3rd do Best bushel buckwheat,'' "r'oueh' 2nd do... ^ 3'"<1 do ....'■", ' Best bushel Indian corn, hulled 2nd do 3rd do ... ""....■■■■ Best 24 ears Indian corn * ' 2nd do.... 3rd do ....'"" . Best bushel (ield peas... "" 2nd do : 3rd do..., 4th do .. ■■'■ Best half bushel coloured bean? 2ncl do 3rd do.... Bisthalf bushel white 'beans " 2iid do... 3rd do ...■■" Bust half bushel pole beans" 2n(l do 3r<l do ■■■ "■* Bt'st half bushel horse beans. . ' * 31 2 00 2nd Best 2nd 32. Best 2nd do do do do do do ryp, do barley, do 100 lbs. 100 lbs. 34. 35. 3 00 33. Best assortment of pilot bread . „"" do ... Best assortment ot fancy biscuit' ' ' ' *"t do " " Best pot barley, rot less than 25 'I'b . . ^na (Jo ■ ■ ■ ^^' 2mf ^^"' ^"^'^y' "°* les's'than 25 lb. . . 37. Best honey in conlb, not'less than 10 lb ?"' do ''"l do... 38. Best clear honey in jar 2nd do...""! 3rd do 39. Be.st 5 lbs. Bees Wax 2nd ,jo .. ,„ 3rd (Jo... '..■■■■ 40. Be^t maple sugar, not less than 10 lb " o'"? do 3rd do 41. Best bundle of flax in r'awVtate" ' " " ?"i* do .... .« n*"** do.. ..■■■' 42. Best scutched flax, not less than 6 lb." " " .f"? do ^'h do... 43. Best fleece of long wool ?"? do... "■....••". •?'■? do .... 4th do 44. Best fleece of short wool 2nd do.. ■"....■••• 8 00 4 00 6 00 3 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 10 00 5 00 $10 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 1 oa 3 00 2 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 3 2 1 4 3 2 ro 6 00 3 00 2 00 G 00 4 00 8 00 2 00 5 'K) 4 CO 3 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 I '■^-•^-^s^-sj^^ma^'. $6 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 00 00 00 00 O') 00 00 00 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 to 00 00 6 00 3 I. 4 2 )8 4 2 . 4 2 4 200 10 00 5 00 $10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 00 00 3 00 2 00 1 oo 3 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 I ro 00 00 00 PRIZE LIST. DAIRT PltODXrOS. CLASS 7. Suction. 1. Best tub, firkin or crock of butter, salted, not le»8 than 20 lb 2nd ' do 3id do 4th do.... oth do. 6th do .... 2. Best fresh butter in .'oUs, prints or boxes, not less than 5 lbs do do do do 3. Best Dairy Chome made) cheese not less than 15 lb 2nd do... ^rd do ... . 4th do... 5th do 4. Best cheese, factory made, not less tian 401b.. ....' and do 3rd ao .... 4th do .. 6th do .... 6th do 7th do .... 2nd 3rd 4th 6th $12 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 5 00 4 00 3 09 2 00 1 00 12 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 15 00 12 00 11 00 10 00 9 00 8 00 7 00 do. . do twilled, un- do .... do. CLASS 3. 'W00LLS2T 3«IA1TI7FAC- TX7RBS, FLAX AlTD STRA-W GOODS, AlANUFACTXTBED ST EZBZBZTOB. Section. 1. Best 5 y'ds., all wool, dressed and fulled power Loom 2nd do 3rd do 2. Best 5 y'dji., all wool, grey undressd, power Loom. . 2nd do 3id do . . |[8. Best assorted lot T»/eeds, all wool power Loom .... .... .... .... 2n(l do do... 3rd do do .... 4. Best 5 y'ds, all wool, dressed and fu'.ied liand Loom 2nd do , do .... 3rd do do. . . . 5. Best 5 y'ds, all wool. Grey-twilled, un- dressed, hand Loom 2nd do do. . . . 3rd do do 6. Best 5 y'ds., Cotton and Wool twilled, undrossed, hand Loom 2nd do do . . 3rd do do . , . 7. Best 5 y'ds Women's wear, plain, hand f/Oom 2nd do Srd do 8. Best 5 y'ds Women's wear, tern, hand Loom 2nd do 3r(l do 9. Best 5 y'ds White power Loom 6 00 and do do. . . . 4 50 Mi clw do ... 3 00 Grey- do,... do Fancy Pat do"'"'... do.... Flannel, all wool i 8 00 6 00 4 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 15 00 12 50 10 00 8 00 6 0(> 4 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 8 00 (i (K) 4 00 6 00 50 00 00 50 00 Sectiow. 10. IL 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Best 5 v'ds. White Flannel, Cotton and Wool, power Loom 2nd do do .... 3rd dc do Best 5 y'ds White Flannel, all wool, hand Loom 2nd do do. . . 3rd do do .... Best 5 v'ds White Flannel, Cotton and Wool, hand Loom .... . . 2nd do do 3rd do do .. Best pair Blankets, all wool new 2nd do do . . . 3rd do do . . Best Carpet, all wool, new 2nd Ord Best 2nd 3rd do do Carpet, do do rag, do do., new do . do Best Hearth Rug, all wool, new. . . 2nd do do ... . 3rd do do 4th do do Best Hearth Rug, rag. new 2nd do do ... . 3rd do do 4th do do Best 3 pairs Men's woollen socks. . 3rd do do Best 3 pairs woollen stockings 2nd do do 3rd do do .... Best 3 pair woollen niits 2nd do do 3rd do do Best 3 pairs woollen gloves. . . . 2nd do do 3rd do do Best 3 lbs. woollen knittmgyarn. . 2nd do do .... 3rd do dc Best Women's shawls new. . . . 2nd do do 3rd do do .... Best Men's Plaid, new 2nd do do .... 3rd do do 4th do do Best knitted pair Guernsey Frocks 2nd do do..'. 3rd do do Best pair Men's knitted woollen under shirts 2nd do do 3rd do do. Best lot 3 sheep skin mats, not iiluckcd, dressed and coloured 2nd do do. 3rd do do Best 10 y'ds. Flax sheeting 2nd do 3rd d( ... Best 10 y'ds Flax Towelling. . 2nd ■ do 3r(l do Best 3 I^ady's straw bonnets or hats 2iid do 3rd do n $6 00 4 50 3 50 6 00 4 50 3 00 6 00 4 50 3 50 8 00 5 00 4 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 8 0** 6 0« 4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 3 50 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 00 50 00 50 00 00 60 00 00 50 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 3 63 3 00 4 00 3 50 3 00 3 50 2 00 1 60 6 00 3 60 2 00 5 00 3 60 2 00 2 60 3 00 1 60 i i Wi i m iifi i iiii;M i iiiniiwi> ' .m ii n i Wi | i « XMimwi 12 StCCTIOM. 31 Best 3 Men's or Boys' Btraw hats 32. Best sett 6 straw tahie mats'" i^ , rto .... «est lot straw Picture frames • Best roll 10 y'cla. straw plait ... 3"^ do .... PRIZE LIST. $2 50 2 00 .13 3i 50 .50 00 00 so 00 00 CLASS 9. ROOTS AlTD YEaETABLES, ."50 00 00 00 00 3 00 2 50 1 00 3 on 2 00 1 00 ^ Srction, ^■^whire""'. !'."'""' *^'''' potatoes, early 2nd ■■" do". o ?/<> clo.. "'. •••• 2. Best half bushel table potatoes," blue' " ' ' 3rd do 3. g'st half bushel table p^ia/oes, other sorts 3rd do 4. Best bushel field potatoes,' white" " ' ,''7 do ■■•' ,. « '' do.. .. 5. Best bushel field potatoes, coloured.' ' " " 5 , do . ^"^ do .... 0. Be^st bushel ileld potatoes, for ca'ttl'e'feed. o'V" do ard do each carefu Iv named, not necessarily raised by exhibitor.. - 2nd do sorts'""' ''"'^''' '"'^•'^'''' """a^y sort or 3<-d do Best four kinds of potatoes, a peck"o'f eacbsorUortabh.'andstn^kusTvari- not los tlinn three acres. Size of field t^. be <^rt,lu.,l I,v a .member of be tin Peace '^^'''"'""'"■^^ <"" » Ju.'=tice • 2nd """do.."". ■••• 3'd do .... i}^ do.. . •••• Best cone,.fior, roots, ..tbertha"n"potat"o"eV, les tbanlacre sii-.eoff.ol.Koheoerd- he by a n...n.beroftbe Board of Ag- ^^riculture or a J.^t.cc ot the Peace . . . 5 «0 8rd 3o 4 00 4th do 3 00 Best SIX he.ads^ white so'lici," Celery"".... ^ S 12. B..st six hea.ls^;ed solid 'Cdery." '•■.... J J() 13. Best .lozer Swedish turnips, gr^en'top. . .3 00 3rd do -''10 "" 1 00 or bui.ding. ^'^'"'^ '"''«" '"'0 the grounds $2 00 2 00 \ 50 1 00 2 no 1 1 3 2 1 8. 9. 00 00 It 3 00 2 00 11 Skct.'ojj. 14 Bestdoz. SweJish turnips, purple top . . Q , do ''"^ do 15. Best dozen mjmffold "wurtjlei; 'ion- "/ed. ,7 do " •^••d do.. ''■ '^ wurtzeT'" '"^"'P-'^^'^'l '»ang;id !"* """do.."'".. ■•■* •^rd do 17. Best brace of Cucumber's' ' 2nd do ■• 8. Best brace seed Cucum'b'e'rs. . ' " " ' 2nd do 19. Hest two Marrow Squash ' 2nd do... 3rd do 20. Best two Hubbard Sn'ua.sh""'" " ' 2nd do ... „, ?'•'! do ■••• -I. Largest specimen Squash, ....'■■■ ^nd do... „„ 3'd do 22. Best two Pumpkins Snd do 3rd do.. '■". 23. Largest specimen Pumpk'i'n. . ' " ' 2nd do... 3rd do 21. Hest dozen Po^au,." Onions," " " 2iid do .... 3rd do... 25. Best dozen Eschallots. 2nd do... 3rd do .. 26. Bc-st dozen S^panish red skin Onions," " " " 3rd do. 27. Bc.st dozen Spanish wi;ife'skin,"o.;ions, 3rd do... 28. Best dozen Altringham cirrot ."""' fi do •••• ...."*"' ^^'^ do.. .. 2nd do ^^' ?,"? ''"''*'" ^"^'^ ^""""Se Carrot.;' "... 3L Best dozen EaHy' Horn Carrots", ' ' ". . ^na do... 32. IJcst dozen white Befgian 'Carrots" '. . . . 33. Be.st dozen Long Blood Beet (t'rue"). . . . 34. Best dozen l\,rnip Ro"oted blood "Beet, 35 Best ilozcn other sort of Beet. 2nd do .... ' •• 36. IJest dozen. Parsnips ' '■" „ 2nd do .... 37. Hcst three heads Cauliflower' * . ' " ' * 2nd do .. 38. Best throe heads Drumhe'a'd' 'CahbML.'e' *nu do . ^ _ " * 80 Best three heads Savoy 2nd do.. ' * 40. Best three lieads Red Cabbage,'." ' ' j=nd do 41, llest three heads other sort 2iid do... 2 0'- 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 00 00 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 3 00 2 50 00 2 00 50 1 00 3 00 2 50 2 OC ?. 00 50 00 00 00 50 00 1 50 2 60 2 00 1 60 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 1 60 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 .60 2 00 1 60 2 00 1 5i> 2 60 1 flO 2 50 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 OU 1 60 2 00 1 6«) 2 6(( 2 00 2 00 1 00 ;. %s '^ ! \ ,'•' t ■'-.. ■ ' \ I i 1 i 3 (.• 'i \ 2 0^- 1 00 ""' 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 1 00 2 00 ] 50 1 00 2 00 i 1 50 1 00 3 00 2 50 2 00 2 00 1 50 I 00 3 00 2 50 2 OC ?. 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 M 1 00 2 50 2 00 1 50 } 60 . 00 50 00 \ PRIZE LIST. Sectiow. Best dozen Salsify. ... '2nd do.. fi. Best half dozen Winter Uadiahes 2nd do 44. Best collection of Tomatos not exceeding six sorts, 3 eatn* 2nd do 45. Best dozen Tomatoes 2nd do .... 3rd do 46. Best brace of Water Melons 2nd do 3rd do 47. Best brace Citrons , 2nd do .... 3rd do 48. Be it brace Musk Melons 2nd do 3rd -do 2 00 1 00 2 no 1 00 00 00 (lO 50 00 50 25 00 50 25 00 .,./ 25 00 * All Tomatoep, Squa«he» and Cucninberi' must have been jivow ii in the ojieii air, without any protection after 5he20th June. - CLASS 10. A&EZCT7LTimAL Z2AFLE- MEKTS AITD HAC5Z2TES.* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. IB. 19. 20. 4 6 4 Best iron plough. .... .... $ 8 00 2nd do 6 00 Best wooden j)lough 8 00 2nd do 6 00 Best double harrow 6 00 2nd do 4 00 Best horse cultivator 4 00 2nd do 2 00 Best seed sower, hand 6 00 2nd do 4 00 Best straw cutter 6 00 2nd do Best horse rake ... 2nd do Best ox-voke.... .... .... 2nd "do Best root cutter 2nd do Best cheese jiresa 2nd do Best band I'urn 2nd do 4 00 Best fannin.u; mill 8 00 2nd do 6 00 Best hand rrkes, not less than i dozen 2nd do do.. Best hay forks, not leas than 3 .... 2nd do do .... Best manure forks, not less than 3 2nd do do Best dyke simdes, not less than 3 ?nd ' do do Best .set draining tools fertile draining . 2nd do do Best hoes, not less than three .... DO 00 00 6 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 6 00 9nd do do Best potato forks, not less than 3. . 2nd do do .... Best potato hacks, do. .. 2nd do do .... OU 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 lO •All inii>lrinent!« a.id MnchiBPS mti»t be Jiew and manufacturi'ii by the Kxhlbitor. In BcctioMB 22, 23, U4, '25, 20, Macliiiu's iiiade in other Provinces of the Domin- ion or the United StatcB will be admitted to compeli- tion. but nniKi be exhibited by the Maker* or their au- thorized Agonta. Sec 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 20. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. or Horse Hay effec- •noN. Best roller .... 2nd do Best Mowing Machine. 2nd do Best Pitching Machine Fork . . .... .... 2nd do Best Potato Digging Machine, if tive. . .... .... 2nd do Best Revolving Harrow . . 2nd do Best Knitting Machine 2nd do Best flat waggon, four wheels . . " dray, tv^ o wheels .... " box cart, two wheels. . hay wagon, four wheels.. . carriage wheel, native wood., hand-cart .... ' .... wheel-barrow express waggon team sled Best iiarness, single sett ... do farm double sett . . do truck Best saddle and bridle '" side t 'ddle .... II n 13 8 00 6 00 30 00 20 00 10 00 5 00 20 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 10 00 5 00 12 00 10 00 10 00 12 00 5 00 5 00 2 00 10 00 6 00 10 00 in 00 6 00 10 00 10 00 CLASS 11. FBT7ITS. Special Notice,— All Prize Fruit shall become the Property of the IJoard and be sold for the bene- fit of the Exhibition Fund. Collect ioiiH. Skction. 1. Best Geneial Collection of Fruits from any Province of 'be Dominion, State of the Union, or Horticultural Society, not fewer than three specimens of each sort, named and labelled, not neces- sarily grown bv the exliibitor .... $50 00 2nd "do .... 25 00 2. Best ai."d largest collection of Apples, Pears and i'luins, grown in be Do- minion of Canada, not less than three specimens of each sort, named and labelled, and not necessarily grown by thy exhibitor .... . . . , 2nd do do.... 3. Best collection of Apples grown in the Province of Nova Scotia, by the Kxhlbitor, not more tlian thirty sorts, six of each sort, named and labelled. . 2nd do do.... 3rd do do • • • • . 4. Best collection of AutuninApTilo-!, grown bj' tlie Exhibitor, six sorts, six speci- mens of each, named and labelled, . . . 2nd do do .... 3rd do do 6. Best collection of Early Winter Apples, six sorts, six of each sort, grown by the Exhibitor and labelled .... 2nd do do ... . 3rd do do 4th do do G. Best c(dlectioii of Long Keeiiing Apples, six sorts, six of each sort, grown by tlie exhibitor, named and lal)elled... . 2nd do do.... 8rd do do .... 80 OO 20 00 15 00 12 00 9 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 10 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 8 CO 6 00 4 00 it n i nmriwiitww iii Kng mmfmfm ^ # » w aw tf ^'w^pti^^^HWBiar^ ^ 'M PRIZE LIST. 8KCTION. 7. Best and lartrest collection of Seedling Fruits, originated and grown by the Exhibitor ', <'onn(y Colleetlom. t. Best General Collection of Apples, not necessariS' grown by the exhibitor, and not more than thirty serta, six of each sort, named and labelled, from the County of Halifcx .... Best do do from King's Co Best do do from Annapolis Co. .. Me.st do do from Digby Co. Best do do from Lunenburg Co. .. Best do do from Queen's ('o Best do do from Shelburnc Co. . . Best do do from Yarmouth C«». .. Best do do from Hants Co Best do do from Colchester Co . . Best do do from Cumberland Co. . Best do do from Pictou C« Best do do from AntigonishC!o.. . B^st do do from Guysborough Co Best do do from Cape Breton Co . Best do do fi-om Richmond Co . . Best do do from Inver.iess Co. . .. Best do do from Victoria Co 8 00 9. 10. H. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 00 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 Apples, Single Varieties. GIIOWN BY THK KXHIBITOR. 96. Best dozen Gravenstein 2nd do 3rd do 4th do 6th do... 27. Best dozen Kibston Pippin 2nd do 8rd do 4th do 5th do 98. Best dozen Yellow Bellefleur 2nd do aid do 4th do 6th do... 29. Best dozen Maldwin 2nd do 8rd do 4th do 6th do 30. Best dozen Greening 2nd do 8rd do 4th do 6th do 31. Best dozen Nonpareil . 2nd do 8rd do 4th do 6th do 32. Best dozen Northern Spy 9jid do 8rd do 4th do 33. Best dozen Blenheim Pippin .... Snd do 8rd do 4th do 34. Best dozen King of Tompkin'i Couatj. 9nd do 8rd do 4th do 1 26 2 00 2 00 75 50 25 00 1 50 00 75 60 50 00 76 60 60 00 76 60 Skction. 35. Best dozen 2nd 3rd 4tli Best dozen 2nd 3rd 4th Best dczen 2nd 3rd 4th Beet dozen 2nd 3rd 4th Best dozen 2nd 3rd 4th Best dozen 2nd 3rd 4th Best dozen 2nd 3rd 4th 36. 37 38. 39. 40 41 ..l^sopus Spitzenberg do..., do do Pomme Gris .... do do do Kmperor Alexander do do do Blue Pearmain. ... do do do Snow Apple or Fameuaa. do do do Hubbardson's Nonsuch. do do do Calkin's Pippin (late) . do do do 42. Best dozen Flushing Spitzenberg or Vandevere .... .... 2nd do 3rd lio 4th do 48. Best dozen Fall Jeanettinir 2nd do V 3rd do 44. Beat dozen Gloria Mundi or Baltimore Pippin 2nd do 3rd do 46. Best dozen (^hebucto Beaut3' 2nd do 3rd do 46. Best dozen Canada Reinette .... 2nd do 3rd do 47. Best dozen Nestfield Seek -no-further . . 2nd do 3rd do 48. Best dozen Talman Sweet .... 2nd do ... 3rd do 49. Best dozen Munson Sweet 2nd do 3rd do 60. Best dozen Broadwell 2nd do 3rd do 51. Best dozen Pound Sweet, or Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet 2nd do 3rd do #2. Best dozen Chenango Strawberry. . 2nd do .... Ird do 53. B<Mit dozen Drap d'or Cnd do 3nl do 64. Boft doz«n King of the Pippins. . . . 2nd do 3rd do 1 - 1' 6 /» 50 1 60 1 00 76 50 1 50 1 00 75 50 50 00 ?• 50 60 00 75 50 1 60 1 00 76 50 1 1 1 1 50 00 75 50 1 50 1 00 75 60 1 00 78 50 1 00 75 60 1 00 75 60 1 00 rs 50 1 00 75 60 1 00 7K 50 1 00 7i 50 1 00 75 50 1 Of on GM 1 0» 71 OM 1 00 on OM 1 00 on OM ^«c IT. 58 '9 It '\ «P«Miiii*l 60 0« ?• 50 60 00 75 50 1 60 1 00 50 00 75 50 50 00 75 50 00 75 50 00 75 60 00 7i 50 00 1 0« 75 50 1 00 7i 50 00 Tl 50 00 71 M i PRIZE LIST. 4th do d„ .... 50 .1 00 1 6th do do . . . '' H >Ts"t-dozen Khrm« Pippin. • • • — - « 75 I 6tb ^^^do^ ^^^ ^^^^^ of the Judge. * 0* \\ do" •••• ^,. "■' ' 1*^1 drape*— OP«« ^*''- .A fej dozen KeB^-^.^"^'"! ..;-•.... J 75 1 „.£tdo.entlio.Ne;iownPip^n.... J| 8^^ T. t--,...;--- .-• ToS Srt^S-diabeUed ..•• J JJ 68. HeM dozen Early Bough.. •'•.... 75 2nd do Z •••• ^^ 2nd do .... •-• .. 50 3,d do J^. . . . 2 00 3,(1 do 100 i,'^ do , T u 11. .... i "" ^,. Best dozen St. Lawrence .... • • 75 Ug. tiest two bunches Isabella .... ^^ 2ud do.... •••• • ,... 50 2nd do.... •••• ,.., 50 ilrA do • • • • - " ' Mrrl do •"':,'" 1 60 ''^ Fear,. 77. St two bunches Concord. .... , oO OUOWN BV THE EXHIBXTOB. 2nd dO _ ' • ' . .. 50 Ud .«a "5f :■;••■.,..••■•... . 6 00 3ri^ „„ ,„t'.H.. Boy.; M-»^- .... 1 1 ""^ do . . - • " J no 1 2nd do . ■ • • - " ' 60 61. Sit dozen BartlettPeaV..... — -- ,^\ ^^d^ ,^, buthesBlack'^luster- •••..• • \^ 2nd -^^ • ... •■•• 150 2ni do.... ••• "■' .0 50 -s^°-""""p'°- •■•■■:■■■■ r^ .'•s"'»-r'"r-:.'.-'.- ji 2na ^^ 1 w» I 2nd do ... 60 H.|^do.»D.e.e^a'A.«— jj I .,, g^. ...^..pu....;;;;-;... u ?"? do . ■• •••• 150 2nd do ..•• _ 50 ard "° ••■ ■■■* 1 S'M 2nd do.... •••- ,... 5 00 AT Best dozen BeurreBosc .... •-• ^^ 26 3rd do .... •-•.... 3 00 «ind do 100 4th *°u" „f Vlranes Erown in _^ Za do... i 60 85. Best two bunches of Grapes g ^ ^^ M Best dozen Sheldon .... ••-• i 25 Cold Grapery .... *®'2nd do... •••• ••'• 11,0 CrabAppUi. W b1 dozen FredSch WurtemWg. ... 1 f J ,,ow« .r the .x«-«ok. ^ ^ ••2nd 5« •••• •••■.... 100 36. Best half peck Transcendent ....^^ ^ ^^ f 70.arasforunn«mepeties:.tU.edis-^^^^^^^^^^^^ do .... • ^^ I cretiou of the judges .... ^ ^^ Transparent .... g 75 aulnces. 2nd do . • ■ • l w , ♦>,. Kxhibitor ... 2 25 gg ,|;gt half peck Hyslop. ... •••'.... 75 71 Best dozen, grown by the Exhibitor ^ oo p*- 'J^d do .... „.: ' ■ (^^ . ' * " 1 60 ?'d do.. ••••....••••.... 175 89.Be?thalfpecklarge»edSibenan..^^ _ kvA do . • • 1 50 n„A do .••'., ' „,t 1 00 7t Best or largest Collection, one dw^ 0' ^q Ai«« ^^^^.^ "dozen of each sort ..•• •■•• e 00 WaaU !■ P«*»' *"*• " ^^ . and^'do S;....- 5 JO 1 Best Stand Mixed Plant, on aspace of ^ 3rd av, ^^ .... •00 i- 50 square feet -^^ 10 Of than one dozen, grown 1 7 j ^o J ^' „_ v^rietiea, in bloom ..■•• .f gi bit«t .... -•• -do.... IW and do '^^ Snd do J, .... 1 00 ^«* Jfd do ^^^JyiilLlJ^^^ili ffl'Wl S^ '^'flff^ " IWWMW I IIW""'* i6 PHIZE LIST. •X do do ilistinct, do Voliage and Variegated do do Bc«t six Green bouse rlauts, not in- oludod iu any other section, distinct, in bloom 2nd lio 3rd do Beat three Stove riant: bloom 2nd do Best six Fine riauts 2nd do 3rd <ia Best six Stove or Greenhouse Ferns m pots or baskets • 2nd do ' « 3rd 'lo ^ . '^o Best R'x Native Ferns, mpots 2nd do . '^^. ,.•••, Best six Fuchsias, distinct 2nd do .<bj ■.••■•• Best three Fuchsias, distinct 2nd do Jo Best specimen Puch^ia ll'. Best two pans Achimeues 2nd do Best six (HoXineas. Best six olUniiouse Coniferous Plants 2nd Jo Best six hardy Foreign Coniferous Plants ••••■; Best three Lantanas, distinct 2nd do Jo..., ..••■•• B-st six Zonale Geraniums, distinct. . 2nd Jo '^° Best six Gold'^n Tricolor Geraniums, distinct 2nd Jo ••••;• Best three Silver Tricolor Geraniums, distinct 2nd Jo-.- „ 19. Best three Bronze Gerani'ims 9nd J" '■■"■■ Best six Double Flowered Geraniums •2ii(i do Best three Petunias, single flowered ... Vnfl rlo ^ * Best three Petunias, doublf Howered... 2nd do ,. 'l" Best three pots Lilurns 2nd '^°. . ., Best single pot of liiluims Best two Wiud.Av Plants 2nd Jo ,.•••■.■• , Best three Verbends, distinct... 2nd Jo Best three Shrul)by Calceolarias,.. 2nd Jo Bi'st tlirce Balsiuns 2nd Jo ■••'•• 29. Best three Cockscombs... 2nd Jo . v ■ i^O. Best specimen Ivy (Hedeiti) trained as ,„_. a screen T -Cuij do Jo ■M Best six Begonias, distinct varieties. ... 2nd Jo ^ ^ J« Best six Colcus anJ Iresene 2lid Jo '\o ■•• •• Best tluec (ieraniums, ivydeaved, cUs- tinot varieties • do 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7 00 6 00 4 00 6. 8. 9. 10 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 13. 20. 21. 22. 24. 2">. 2G. 23. ,'> 00 4 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 8 00 (i 00 r, 00 3 00 2 00 00 4 00 r 00 4 00 5 00 3 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 8 00 34. Best three Geraniums, ivy-lwtved, tr- riegateJ •• Ond do - ""^ 35 Beat newlv introducea Stove Plant S: Best newly introduced Gieenhouse Plant 37. Best three Roses 2nd Jo Spectet PrUtrs contrlbiitrrt by Mr. Hwrta, # Hiillfiix NiiMcry. T^«e prizes are ottered for plants of Porjo-r CvSTre. Plants grown in a Conservatory oi Greenhouse cannot compete in sections 30, 31. 3-J and 33 of this class. 30. Six best grown Ferns Most Ornamental Hanging Basket of Feins and Lycopodiums St hanging Basket of other Plants Best grown Stand of Ferns and Lyco- 00 00 31. 32. 33. 3 00 2 00 3 00 podiunis 2ud under glass shade 5 00 34. 35. 36. 37. , 38. do Jo ••• Cnt Blooms. Best six Dahlias (show) distinct 2nii do 2 00 32. ■> 00 i 00 f) 00 .-) 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 9 00 () 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 I 2 00 7 00 4 GO 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 .2<00 .3 00 2 00 4 00 :•, 00 3 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 4 00 2 00 40. 41, 4 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 4 00 3 CO 6 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 43. 44. 45. 4 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 00 00 3 00 Best six Dahlias (fancy), distinct...... 2nd do 'V'j- i.- "T" Best six Dahlias (pompone), distinct "ik^c dx Hollybock3"(spike8), distinct, Hud Jo Best six Roses 2nd do cii""' 39. Best six Verbenas, in trusses of tbiee. ■ 2nd Jo ....••• ,, •.••-,• Best twelve Pansies, distinct 2nd Jo ■.•• ,. ,•.••••,' Best Collection of Stocks, six t%^ct colours 2nd Jo , 42. Best Collection of Hardy Annuals, ex- . elusive of Stocks 2nd Jo ,.■•••.•• , Best six Perennial Phloxes, distinct B^t twelve varieties ' "of Phlox Drum- mondii 2nd do ; , Best basket of Cut^Flowers, not exceed- ing 20 inches in diameter 2nd Jo ,••• 46. Best Epergnc or Vase of Cut Howers 2ud Jo •■ . •■;• , 47. Best Hand Bouquet made by a LaUy 2nd do Jo 3rd Jo do...^.. Best Hand Bouquet (open to all) and Jo do 3rd do do Best Bridal Bouquet 2nd do 3rd Jo Best six boabicuB 2nd do Best six Antirrhinums. 2g^ . do etiS Prizes contributed by Mewrs. Brown, Brotbcra A Co., HiiUfux. Best six Gladiolus, distinct,.. 6 00 2nd -'" *"" 48. 49. do do. 3 00 2 00 5 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 OO 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 5 00 62, ■do. for th9 same kind of plants ; lhu« «*iere l.t and 2p<J.pvi=»« are o«n,r.d^he K^tmnoUtor <|'f « two ^n...^j- th3 .ajne^k.^a^ ^^';^y oahSibit<!y ibri"»ouths proriou. to the .xUiUUion. .ut «.««.» ..... -^ .--- = - the exhibitor. y-l«(ved, TR- "do ;ove Plant..... Greenhouse ''4^ 5 3 7 7 5 4 00 Of- 00 00 Rrt by Mr. Hwrrta, •s^ry. ur plants of Parlour 1 a Conservatory oi in sectious 30, 31, 32 6 00 4 00 ms. Basket of other Plants... eins and Lyco- sliadc do ) distinct jy), distinct Done), distinct ipikes), distinct. trusses of thiee. distinct ocks, six 4^'^'^*' rdy Annuals, ex- 3 00 2 00 300 5 00 2 00 4 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 4 00 3 CO 6 00 4 00 3 OQ 2 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 , 2 00 4 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 liioxes, distinct 300 2 00 "ot'phloxDrum- 3 00 2 00 jwers, not cj.ceed- aeter 3 00 2 00 ie of Cut Flowers 6 00 2 00 made by a Lady do 3 00 2 00 do 1 00 , (open to all) do 3 00 2 CO do 100 .t .. 3 00 tlo 2 00 do ... 1 00 2 00 , 1 00 ims 2 00 . 1 00 '0 miicd l)j Messrs' Brown, Co., Hallfux. distinct,.. « 00 t and 2ucl piia*« we offliMd he ed, and the plants BlmU have. i ■\ * / r ~ \' ; t